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1 r iimos3n xd000emw SOl1VONVIS d0 f1V3i1ne 1VN011VN 9•illll fi•TIIIII �Z•IIIIII g.illlli o�z����� E,y; .X 1•i VIII sZlllll B ZIIIII �,i.11lll I 5d START Serial No. of Roll S.S Department. Office ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP a PER14ANENT RETENTION LI14ITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed (If limited) Date I;icrofilm CONTENTS 4—? -1 e Number or name of first document of regular contents By o2 Operator Operator By �e cX� Supervisor COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By---.......jx - Clanc.Y............................ .- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Curbing-Holton-__Avenue--fros.__Capitol Avenue to NAsthern..RailsAay...Bight-.o.f.- ayx...._..._.------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order.................39599 pp IJ:ay g, 1922. _......_.... approved ............................................,. ......------ ..----------- ...... Intermedia Order........ C. F. No. 41819 Br J. al Clancy,—................................----- ry I. - In Che Matter of curbing Aolton Ave' A public hearing haying been had �ftrailweYpRfght oe-way ��nNorthern _ion due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections `c 9, 15 Ilml2. nr Order 59599 approv � lu reto, and having fully consid- A puolle hearing having been hadpro ered the same; therefore, be it neon the eboye Imvement upon dn. -notice,. and th@@. Council having_ tyeatn RESOLVED, B the Council of tl all persons, on acting and-recommen ise nature, extent and kind of By dgtions relative thereto, $nd having f lly considered the same; thorefor , improvement to be made by the said t be It solved, By the Council of: the City 'a "-'� 'al -..................... ^-n1 that the precise ee:. .......... Ayenue...t9.. Great...=?9.T. her grafi .f --Ray........... -- ------------------_..._. _._...............__.... -...................................._.......... ..........--_.............. -'... _............ - ----- . .._.....................__.. ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. r Adopted by the Council ��--`J� City Clerk. Approved ...................... 191....- h,cting Mayor. Councilman ZXMr_ M1 _ Councilman =NK`� ero son R7RTT4fil�p Councilman SSC CDonald Councilman Xn&rx CouncilmanC8ffilkP ter to Councilman 'enzel Mayor AMgm �Ie�sesl Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST.;"✓ �- �► DEPARTMENTC, CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMMARY ORDER (A) .' In the matter of , C••rh u„T tm Railway R1 f under Preliminary Order approved lda4 9th, 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 243A 12 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 0. 93r, r front ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Johnston Court, 5700 St. Paul, Minn. 4 ( j 4 Harnline 2575 2 4 do ( 1 t} do TOTAL. Form B. 8.10 CITY OF ST. PAUL n DEPARTM E,kLT.3Fp 44ANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ( 6 1 Hamline 6100 t 5 1 do f ( 4 1 do 3 1 do ( 2 1 do ( 1 1 do (Wesley Avenue vacated between Pascal & Holton Avenues) W South 50 feet of East 56.36 feet of North 112.5 feet cf West u of 2 Mo Intires Re-ar 1 do 1 10 college Place, East Division. 1 10 3c 10 Brown's Subdivision of Lots One and Four, Block Three, College Place Eaet Division. 6 do 5 do 4 do 3 do 2 do 1 do 3 15 College Place East Division. TOTAL 525 42r, 2350 600 425 225 1775 1775 2 LF5 225 . 225 3550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -r q q Dated._. _ _._- ---19K/ "� mml.+sioncr of Pin -- F-U. U. 12 " OIrY OF ST. PAUL m ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT- OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - 6 Emery 5. Hill' e Sub. 375 do 375 4 do 375 3 do 425 3 ]fib College Place,, 2575 East Division. 2 14 do 2800 ( Except North 46 ft) West do 3U25 35-75 ft- Of 3 11 North 40 ft. of IV. 107.5 ft. 3 11 do 2750 2 11 do 2050 3 1v,S. Monroes Subdivision 275 of. Lot 3, Blk 2, College Place, moist Division. 2 do 950 1 do 1400 Scuth 36.35 feet. of 2 2 College place, 225 East Division. North 36,35 ft -of S,72.70ft.of 2. 2 do ��5 N. 36.35 ft. of S, 109.05ft.of 2 2 do 225 (Except South 109.50 feet) 2 2 do 450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -r q q Dated._. _ _._- ---19K/ "� mml.+sioncr of Pin -- F-U. U. 12 VThe 4St. Paul, Minn.,: .�tl..........norable, The Council; City of St. Paul, Minn. \� " Qentlemen: We, the undersigned property "owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _ I :.................._................................................. St. Ave. from. ...........................................-................._...............................St. Ave. to._.._..._..._....._..__...------........_............................... ...._.......... _....--- ........................ Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION P ' Vic, 22 Office of. the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance r JU'1.7 ._] 3'...._192.2 ............ .... ]91_ .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conunissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the CiOml- 39699 May 9, 1922 191........., relative to.._._ ...................... cil, known as Council File No......................._._........approved ...... ......._. __................ . onrbing Holton Avenue from Capitol Avenue to (}xeat norther ............... ...................................................... _..... _............................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby'reports: 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. 83V per front foot 2436.12 2. The estimated cost thereof is $----- .. ... . .... -,, and the total cost thereof is $.._ ....... ............. ......... ...... .., and Inspeotion $47.77 Frontage 2944 ft. .........._................................_...... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._........ .......__... _ .....................---.................._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. ........ ...................................................................... ...................... .......................... ........ ..... ...................... ..................... ..... ..... ................ .... .. ........... .......................... . .. a. Said improvement is............................ ...._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. j . .. ......................:..._.........s%..............._.. omnissioner of Public Worke. v'S S y QNtV of -$t. Pout DDCAR CLAUl SEN, Cnrtr C...... t<trpariurrttt of Pubiff ]Moths WILLIAM J. Pe R. J. E. CARROLL. ASI-1. C-11 E....... ♦ OMMIss1ONEH a r N0 OlTO-E. (,ONSTANs, G.H. HERROLDOOrr c[i�xO CiiixPLAxxixO �CPIITY COMMIlIIONER exc�He[x w, a. ORTieAH.'ex ®96 B. !HARP. ! r[!ix[[neA i niiox N. W. 00[TZINO.R. lura. or W......1. July 12, 1922. Mr. VIM. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Worh-s. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminrx y estimate of cost for the curbing of Holton Avenue from Capitol Avenue to Great Northern Railway Right-of-way, under Preliminary Order C. F. (39699, approved Liay 9, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - --2436.12 Per front foot - - - - - - - - .83 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - 47.77 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 2944 ft. Yours truly, �(J Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner,-O� Public forks - COUNCIL 418.14 CITY OF ST. UL rue NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY RK COU IL_RESOLUTION - GENER L FORM PRESENTED F¢Y1 Sept• 13, 19`ly�• . T�`�Z/-.......... DATE............................................................. .. commisSIoK _... .:..........:.... _..::..._ ...................... RESOLVED WHEREAS, IInforseen obsta016e >s t provided for in the making of the improvement un er Final Order c. F. #56875, approved October 26, 1 21, described as the curbing of Randolph Street from Prior Avenue to Fairview'Avenue, have arisen in putting in the following extra work;in connection with curbing: Additional Moving catch basins nortbNbst oorn of Randolph St. and Fairview Ave. and_no theast corner of Randolph St.. and Prior A _ C. -'S 'No 43834'-8y {q T.Peter— v£hereafo to theepn Obetf-tit not ,.��, Provided fount the ml OY �Ot :nyom it. - Material - - - - - - vp4.Ol prnv;,k Pv under, Final OrB2ar c F No.; a88 the cDr.ysdbinj; Oct. Rnd6lph dee°ribs Labor — — — — — — — 6.50 P the urbing of Ran¢O1Dh 'scum' Amount due con- Prior- AY4 t4;'.,Falrvtewr: Ave,„. havp; - pr`• � ` b le y � R . th0fo110wing: tractor in excess 06 z tion -w,th °urpr: of -contract price .$10.51 NOW TEBREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; That .the Oo�, hereby orders the extra work in connecti,n with the-, curbing to be done., The work to be 'done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner. of, Public Worke and in accordance with the specifioatione therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of Ten Dollars and Fifty-one Cents (010.51) and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1470 for the making.of the aforesaid improvement. Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays -efff ry r N erguson &- McDonald ..__.._.ln favor iY4elsenp ,�� . ; Smith V S/Cp� —._ }_ ..... Against Wenzel fa '�• 22 Adopted by the Council-- UP _._.._._-........__ SEP -14 1922 Approved— _ __.._- 19._..._ /,rOR -- - - - - - - y Council File No. _ _ _....__.......... i By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs andSe r expenses s ^timate No. 3, ConstructinE:, relayin and rera.irin Contract 3294 C, O. F. No. 4[936-sy In the matter of tn.. heneflte, caste and e --Assessable-- strutting, rela9lnR Cement Sl8ewa3ke � ,.�; - C..t.ract 3293 c. "i �.zt .from,, Ii;rx:line Ave. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 311J�35 Fairmount F.O. 26 Bayard Al "'" ' . ">,u_ Uiltan St. to Ch: is orth St. 3205 James St. 9ta' oem"Rami°° : r, �; ihI Ltsvorth St. to pleasant Ave., F.O. "lest 33 James St, "F. O. 36726 Bal.ia`at2� ^11�f at Milton St. [bents 42 feet, frau Mtttmn St. to ➢, rx';':1•t11eT 1±oat, thence '..fest to F. O. 36208 JamePl, . 1 - t th.St. to Chats;•rort� Ver F.O. 36077 Goodrioh AV,,. , South ;4s.�ae bol-innin; at Richmonc'. St., thence to D 3kc St. , i'hzb,o St. , East ai:'.e beginning at B�nfil St. , thence to Goodrich ave. F.O. 32791 ihaka St. East aide beginning at Michigan St.thenoe South 200 ft. F.O. 32733 Jefferson Ave., both sides froth B -1Y St. to V-nce St. F.O. 36777 Jefferso Avee. i7orth si,ia from -astern Ave. to_Aarrioon Ave. F.O. 36077 Goodrich m St., North side from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave. F.O. 3 g013 Randolph 11 North side from Cleveland Ave. to I.enneth St. F, p, 36077 Goodrich Ave., South side be'-innin_- .It Riolwnond St., thenoe to Duke St., Richmond St., est aide beginning, at Goodrich Ave.thence to Banfil St., Banfil St., both sides beginning at Richmond St., thenco to Duko St. F.O. 3626o West 7th St-, North side beginning at Vier St., thence East 436 feet. VF -0- 35211 Brimhall AV,,,) Frost aide fro!---Palaoe St. to Rand.olto Jefferson Ave. St. ✓F.O. 32675 Sar=toga.Ave., both sides Cram, Stanford Ave. F.O. 35209 Pascal Ave., C,est side from Goodrich Ave. to Fairmount Ave. F.O. 35725 Grand AVe., North aide beginnin>r 260 fact ":est of Dunlap St., thence Tu r o0 - 6078 Charles St , North fram m Prior Ave. to Fry St. F.O. 356'43 St. Clair St. , North side from Prior Ave. to Bonn t "t. ^-n.i St. Clair St., South slde from, Cleve].c�na Ave. to F.O. 34526 Bunt St., both aides frog Cron,.woil Ave. to Ibmt Place. F.O. 32723 Keston St., both sides from Pierce St. to Chilcombe Ave• F.O. j05S5 Scudder St., East side frorr. Atty St. to Como Ave. Fest. F.O. 35909 Sargent St.,South side from Finn Ave. to Cretin Ave. F. Q. 3 595 J= tn'�a St. , ldrth 31cia fro; "prior Ave. to Sue: St. F.O. jµ531 Albert Ave., ^aE3t side between aherl)urna Ave.& Charles St. F.O. 34904 Arena Ave. frorr. Como -Phalen Ave. to ,ids�ay Parkway. --Non-Assesaabla-- F.O. 35209 Saratofr Ave. East side beginrinF at worth side of allay batween Goodrich Ave. and Fairmount Ave., thence South to Fairmount Ave. F.O. 35209 Pascal Ave., rest side frorr Gooiirieh Ave. to Fairmount Ave. F.O. 366075 Charles St., North side from Snollinf Ave. to Fry St. F.O. 32723 Keston St., both sites from PlercutSt otC me Avg. Wast. F.O. 30555 Scudder St., East gide from Attry F.O. 34531 Albert Ave., East side between Sherburne Ave. anti ant Ave St. F.O. 3520.: Jtmets St., both sides front Chatsworth St. to Pleasant Ave. F.O. 32723 Keston St., both aides from Piorc•a St. to Chi'icombe Ave. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in___.__.:..::..........................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ....._' 191 .. 1 _...... ._._. ...._; 4....__.. _..... "ty l.lerk. Approved ___... _ __ ..._...191 yL �� yyrr _S_�_:...._...._....__.................../ .� iGl Mayor. Berm B. B. is P[JI3LISidF.b % a� Y 7 ''� � ,. s. a a ., a. rr � t � n F7 ,. & f ■ ® � � .. F F _ r i C I t Council File No. n � By J Clancy CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, C06t8 and expenses Estimate No. 3, Corstructin�, relaying and re,ndring S Cement i_- Contract 32S4 C, C. F. No. 41838—BY _ N the matter of tb� benefit-, g..-ta and --AHHHss ablC—" tructtn, retaytnR Cement Sidewalks.; c.ntract 3284 C..:.L fro;. Ih�raine Avo. to Syndicate Ave. F.O. 34435 Fairmoun Ab. F.O. 35726 Bayard M F O. 34426 Fa:: '' 1.:ilton St. to Chatsworth St. F.0• 35208 Jamas St4 std- from Hamnne ry,(ti i fhAtsvorth St. to Pleasant Avo., AVe Idilton St,., thence Test JQm"c H St. F. O. 36726 Ba)- i.t e!� 'Al'^ilcf `.`. fro -.� ton s 35208 t. t. ,.,,,,,,,N � f-ither 'gest, thence est to 42 fact, -, Ft Nvorth. St. too" Chats;vort� �.: F.0• 36077 Goodrich Ave. , South ;v%°.:e bo;:;innin,- at 'Richmond St., thence to Dul;e St., %nal e St., Eo -3 t ai-?e beginning at 11-Mfil St. , thence to Goodrich Ave - side St•, East side beginnin,- at Michigan St.tharce South 200 ft - F -0- 32791 Dt F.O. 32733 Jefferson Ave., both sues from: Bay St. to Vance Wit. F.O. 36077 Goodrich Ave., north si:ie from ,Ostern Ave. to Iizrriaon Ave. F.O. 36077 Garaer3 St., Horth side from Clevalan,; Ave. to Finn Ave. F.O. j 013 Randolph St., North aide from Cleveland Ave. to KcnnetheSt. F.O. 3077 Goodrich Avnce e., South side berinnin- at Rictu,ond St., to Dutra St., Riahrroncl St., Pest aisle beginning° t Goodrich Ave. thence to Banfil St., B-,.nfil St., both side. beginnin, �t Richmond St. thence to Duke St. F.O. 36260 ',Vast 7th St., North side be,_,inninC� at Viet, St., thence East 436 feet. ✓F. O. 35211 Brimhall Ave. , L,est side fro.. P;�lace St. to Randolph St. ✓r^.0. 32679 Saratoga,Avc., both silos from Stt4.nford Ave. to J. ferson Ave. F.O. 35209 Pr,Hca1 Ave. 'Nest side from Goodrich Ave. to Fairmount Ave. F•O. 35728 Grand Av& ,North side baginninr 260 foot Test of Dunlap St., thence Jett 140 feet. Ave. to Fry St. F. 0.-36078 Charles St•, North ciclo from Snelling F.O. 356163 St. Clair St., I±oath ai(iH from Prior Ave; . to Kenncth ^t. ^n_i St. Clair St., South side frog. Cloveland Ave. to .,.iivi.:'•t vO- F.O. 34520, Bunt St, both sides frog,; Crornv;ell Ave. to IIunL Plcae. F.O. 32723 Keston St., both sides from Pierce St. to Chilcombe Ave. F.O. 3t�55 Scudder St., Ezst side from Atty St. to Como Ave. Yfeat. F.O. 359092 S.r,;ont St., South side fro. Finn Ave. to Cretin Ava. F.Q. 3 59; Jrsnes St., North side frOM Prior Ave. to Sus ^t. F.O. 34;31 Albert Ave. , "wet silo between Sher )erne Ave. Cha St. F, p, 316804 Arena Ave. fror Como–Phalen Ave. to Zidivzy y• --Non–Assessable-- F.O. 35209 Saratog`" Ave. –,,,.at eid:: beginninf> at ':'orth side of alley between Goodrich Avo. and Fairmount Ave., thence: South to Fairmount Ave. F.O. 35209 Pascal Ave.. Teat aide from-: Goodrich Ave. to F,irmaunt Ave. F.O. 36076 Charles St., North aide from Snellin,r Ave. to Fry St. Keston St., both sides from Pierce St. to Chilcombe Ave. F.O. 32723 F.O. 30585 Scudder St. , :oat aide fro,. Atty St. to Como Ave. Test. F.O. 34531 Albert Ave., E^st side between Sherburne Ave. and Charles St. r.0. 35205 Junes St., both sides from Chatnv+orth St. to PlombeantAve. F.O. 32723 Keaton St. , both aides from Pierce 5t. 'to Chilcombe Ave.A A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _ __ _'...:._... ...... ......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _... __...___............191. _._..... �, ___.. - ... � ....__._... _..... City erk. 2AApproved ._ _.__ _ ..._ _.__.. .....191_._._. > n Council File No. .....................................:......_ w ' k i td,...:...C.1,aTIC.Y.................................. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assess[l`k"_ matte oBYJ ,r; Ctanor end expenses for stiuc j4 Costs:apol the. a��essment'ot.-.nt Sidewalks Estimate No. 3, Constructing, isle cement°sa 1RgnWE nd88riyatilr°g - ',Contrast 8884D. Beseo Af Ta1e Contract 3284 D, I. U 81818 (age --Aatsacae+abla-- trz[nbtatr acre B,.tade sit b2uth . a,0 1.1., , 3 Foo. 311,P13 Ctxao Qt., South r iias ming nt,Aroado St. thonoo 'boat Southet�7 rotdo St., haat alae ginning at 6"o >t., thence r.o. 34532 Aroade int., Csoot side beginning at Valla St., thence South 310 foot. F,O. 32791 Lisbon St., south [:aide from Douglaa St. to Plamnnnt Ave. P'.p. 3"179 Lisbon St. , north etde from 0=f1eld Ave. to 'Plot want Avco. P'.0. 3 220 nates Ave. 7403t Bide. bogirmAng at 7th St., thenoe North 75 foot, 7th 6t. , Worth [vide from,. nates Ave. to North 5t. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.. ........... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council l9 _...... ...-��_-/ <"'V ............. City Clerk. Approved _.._...... ......... .._... r.:.__..C..... '........ ::............ ........191......._ l % O ..x a-.. Mayor. Form i3. B. 18 /.......__L?-:�-•�.K.c...l-.. y TST'si?D _ A t (7 Council File No. 4r By............... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment C. F'.'_$4 expenses for in the",:4181-7 J.' V� CU' o*-. pmtsr nf ..!the,aes.eam¢no a1 Constructing, relaying bbn.flt.,.`co.?, and e.pses:.1--6on iftewalks Estimate No. 1, strUctingi ' r laying � "Fkrapwtiak, Cement sidewalk. .2stlift.W. no. 3, Contract 3294 D, Seaso. Ce.tract, 31WP. liliallon of l"j; -Nidll, A F. 0. 32099 Topping St., South aldd frob %i64n Ave. to Farrington Ave. P-0- 32115 rarrington Ave., East side beginning, tat Edmund St., thence South to alley, Edmund St., South side beginning at riarring- ton Ave., thence East 50 faat- F-0- 35181 Jackson St., Went side beginning at 8th St., thence South 100 foot by 9 foot. .F.O. 32732 Exchange St., East side beginning 99 feet Worth of 6th St., thence North 112 foot by 1�_ feet. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. .... ...... 3 ........... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ............. A9 I J City Z_1.r_k. Approved 191 %. (/"................. ................... 14...................._.. Mayor. 11.- B. B. IS PUBLIk, D 3 Council File No ..... ..............__.................... a r By...�T......_�i.....__Q-1%nSrY.................................. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks Estimate No. 2, Contract 3284 D, Season of 1921. --Assessable-- :or con- eODairfnB l t uU:a EetlmaL$_N..ih: '"x' I - .84.D. 904-na Of'15. F.C. 34396 Sops St., "Test», uNun6la %1z at East 7th SL., thence North to allay. T,53 Hope�3t , j th04.iT!. •+ F.O. 35210 Harvester Aoe., rt tibaginhin� 209 feat F.,aat of Phalan Ave., Jest x *� feet - F.0 33347 Hawthorne St:'i'e a .deet g ass ern. st Duluth Ave. to East boun,Aegary o"rktof Phalan HOAj ;,,pakAddlt• ",slAn. F -O. 35426 Jenks $t., 9r:i' t klJenks St.; Nrth i ssiesiDDt St,othen, Ing at M18810e3Ppi St., tharpe East 121 fee too. 35635 CUPitol Sai n tik _ �vtl, s3 C '69ginn�z 150 feet North of Arch St.,, thenoe Tt6rth; ta: Bridge over Great Northern Railway .Rt. of p.0. 36255 Como Ave.,. 4ottth- aide Agit nin2g 110 feat East of Capitol Blvd., thence East 42 foot. FOO.35015 Como Ave., North side baginaint at Capitol, Blvd-, tho.noc East 235 foot- F.O. 35161 Viola St., South side beginning 40 fMet East of Rioe.st., thence E&,st 112 foot', Viola St., North side beginning 40 feet East of Rice. St., thence East to Park Ave. Foo.. 32732 Winnipeg St., North side beginning ado feet Waot of Park Ave.., thence 'West 140 feet - Poo. 34911 Waytata St., both sides from Rice St. to Park Ave. F.O. 32101 waiyzata St., South aside[ from Rice St. to Albemarle St. F -O. 32*y07 Geranium St., South aide beginnini at Park Ave,, thence �. West 24.7 feet. F -O. 35557 Albemarle St., West aide beginning at Front St., thence South 94 feet. Poo. 35912 W16n Stj, East side beginning at ]front St., thenen South 175 foot, FrFront St,, South aide beginning ai Basion St., thencets F.O. 38086 hand Ave., West side beginning et Cook St., thence South 170 feet- F.O. 35555 Milford St., North side between Woodbtidge & Marion Sats.,. Woodbridge St., West side beginning at Milford St., thence North 140 feet. E.Q. 3 635 Woodbridge St., 'lest aide between Atwu-ter St. & Milford St. F.O. 34472 Thomas St., North aids between Elfelt St.,& Gaultiar'St. F.C. 3430# Grove St., South olds beginning at Pine St, thenoa Eaaet to as point 140 feet Toot. of center line of Locust St. F.O.-3,4.430 Grove St., :south aide and on the lost side of Locust St., as folioaat Beginning at a point 140 feet FWeat of center line of Locust Stis thence East 70 feet to a point of curve, thence around curve to a point on the Neat line of Locust St.* 49 feet North of loth 3t., thence South to 16th St. F.o. 32056 Aabashm St., East side from Twelfth St. to Summit Avenue, Tabasha St., East aide from Tenth 8t. to Collage Avenus., F#Oi 34530 West loth St., North side beginning 152 foot mi at of College Ave., thanes Bast 12 feet. F.O. .35635 Sumalt,Ave.,, South side baglaning at St. Peter St., thence West 364 feet- F.O. 35912 Fuller St., North aide beginning at Fiavoux St., thence West 92 fact. F.O. 32©86 St. Anthony Ave., North allo g,aa beginnint Rico St., thence Ylgsft 95 recti; beginnfn�3 y0 feat-f=ther Blast, thence West 40 094i Q-4 6'a N.C. j21U11 U" -is Av , '7!ot Side loo feet North of 6th St., thenra North I7+0 feet. F.O. 34613 Ohostnut St., Northerly side from Smith Ave. to Beet 7th St. F.O. 32525 west 7th St., North Ohre front 4th St- to ShermaA St- F.O. 35160 Smith Ave., ;last aide beginning at Sherman St., thence South 240 fact. --Non-Asaer�omble-- 1-0- 351k26 Janke St., Horth aide beginning at lliaaissiPPi St-, thence Ea.Ht 121 feet F.O. 32066 St. Anthony Ave., North aide beginning at Rice St., thence 'fest 95 feet] beginning 90 foot Yarther West, th6noe West to a point 200 feet 'Past of Cathedral Place. F.o$ 34811 W601% St., both sides from Rica 6t. to Park Ave. F:O- 3481.3 Chestnut St., Northerly side from faith Ave. to dost 7th St F.O. 344g) Grave at., South aids and on the West aide of Locust St., ap followat 8091nning, et a point 140 foot Wast of center lino of Locust St., thence FAst 70 foot to a point of curve thence around curves to 0, point on the W'oot line of Locust St- 46 .ifeat North of 10th St., thence South to loth St. F-Qr art €s fiff,tx has Ot-, Uat aide fres Twolftb St. to Sutrs><ait Avenue. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i to ........ ..... ......... _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ' r.n Adopted by the Council Approved............... ... ....... .............. .. ................ ........ _.......... 191......... Form B. B. 18 ------------------------ Council File No. ............. ..........__.......... ....... BI- i7. m .ulancy _ _ ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL. r Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading the alleys in Block 3, Phalen Heights°Park Addition, from Orange Street to Hyacinth Street and from north and south alley to Frank Street under Preliminary Order. 31.7S .................. Intermediary Order .._327.7.1--...-.-_ Final Order.. .332W . . _........ approved......',.d3T_:_...27.,......1922_. "I �• C. F:No. '41819—BY S. HL Coni ..: ,,. In the matter of[he as :8+� � A public hearing having been had upon the asses - tiononta, caste and .)vement, and said assess- grading the. alloy. In •• ment having been further considered by the Council, 0 Hel t. Parl Ad ll satisfacto be it Orange St. w HYn Inch i j1i flP,1 3' ry• therefore.under north and south 'a11.y BreuminarY ora"• .1-•=^-�- termedlarY Order 1 2771 der'3 204 approved Mar. A Dab11 hearing h RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and th upon thea easment f r - Qac' vrovetu�[herconel8e ast R�Y cts ;ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District .,outt been conalder <41 •" �" of tin ft th elector, amsey for, confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and,it is;::,',,', ;ffir,;determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council :1I .. _..__ ...._..._.:_ .._.._.._.._ ._.._ ....................191 Darn, B. B. 18 191 ............ . City Clerk. f I t Mayor. Council File No. ...._.___ __._.._.._.._.__.__..... if By .........J......Clancy.._-_.._..._...._. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading the alley in Block ifs, St. Anthony Park Addition, from Langford Avenue to Knapp Street under Preliminary Order __-3-423.6 , Intermediary Order _ 36376 - _, Final Older. .,x_57.21....._......._.... approved ......._;13T.t_._ 15s..__l.r,L22......._...... D= A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the at C. P: No. 41820—Ry T. hf. Ciancy— In the matter of the e.e.—at ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been 1.. the. c lley Ind Rlock o's,r Stg� thong Park Addition,- from Langl [herefore ,„. Ave. to K zaPP Std, undea Prelln n.,�e. a «.._..... ,.._.. _ uDan the1lae assessment Toroth b�97i'bflfe RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereb vrovement, and said assess., been further considered by t, '1'C P same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Co. and having been-conelder%d 55c . lefactory, be It therotore , Resolved, That the eats e BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is'n:"nd the same le,, r,s: r.nayable ;;°ra1. in__ ............. ..i...._.._._.._.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land des 'e therein. Adopted by the Council City Approved__.. .I 91 _...... ti L `/'ctaC1✓ __.._..._.............:/.-................................. ............ ._..._� ....... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 vi-musTTED i .Council File No. ...._..___..._............_................ V By ..__ __J' _ Q1an9Y ........................... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. r In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading the alley in Block 38, St. Anthony Park Addition, from Langford Avenue to Knapp Street under Preliminary Order. __.-3...4..23.6....._._..., Intermediary Order ...3.$.3.7.5.._........_._._, Final Order..,3.87.21........._......... approved......._3T..e..__lr].i...._1%.22__._.........➢B�.b......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the at cm ; No. atte 41820--13Y ihe M. iasment of ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been ing°the oallley ain Bloek 3Btorgr�a- thony Park �Addi tloa,, from 'Langford ' Ave. to. Knepp St., �ond.r Prelimin-. [herefore ary Order 34236, Intermediary Order, '.'6376,-Final"Order 387E1 approved March 16, be1323. A Dubltc aring baying RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereb upon me aeeeeament 3or the o`#IrE DYolement, andsaid aeaesa.ren ;: same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Cou ana having �been conelde A fl fefactory,. be lttheeebre -Resolved That the_sal ` C BE IT 11THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and a1i la 0. me a the !e r nava le. in. .................... .............._.......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land descrifiecf therein. Adopted by the Council_._......._._aC..._.h.?...:l.:::......_......__.... 194........... ........... City Clerk. Approved......... ..... ... _`...:__.... _. ..... _....._.._......._..._.........191......_. O' L Mayor. ��t �c�c,a t�L✓ ................................ . .... i ........ . _......................................... Form B. B. 18 4UBLiSIit:D —� "� 4 1 �� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 f - ,21 Council File No. By ....._J...... M...... Clans.y.............................. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. s In The matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Grading alley in Block 1, Slayton's Addition, Block 1, Ridgewood Park Addition and Carpenter's Rearrangement from Lexington Avenue to Benhill Road. under Preliminary Order . __3.6422 ............. Intermediary Order ....._.3.7176._.._....__, Final Order.. .37-54.7 approved_pe.ca.....12.,_..1921_.._........__.....12j=... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for o, F. No. -418E1— " _A assess - In the matter orf the seessment,-poi, be it ment having been further considered by the Council, and Navin ,9e:elite coats and , ezneneea - ror 8raalag 'elley in Block I Hlagtnn:e Addttlon, � look 1, Rid6ewood therefore Add 'm at Leztu84onerp Rearrn a, hilt Road . and r P1•eandnaer se42E. I termedlaV Order RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same II - IglEni l order aY64 apVeW i ed, and the l same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of 'i al':: .,';"?�jr�r;:n -a_i confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....._........___ ...................... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved... ....... ..__......-...._'=;,.,_ ..................191 'Form B. B. 18 4 .......... ............ Gty Cler . ... ... .. Mayor. PUBLISHED Council File No. By ........... ...J........M....-Qlanay_......... _........ _.. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley.in Block 1, Fairbank's Addition, and Block 3, Stone and Rogers Addition, from Milton Street to Victoria Street, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said alley to the said red line when established under, Preliminary Order...._ 39049 ........... ... Intermediary Order 32770 ....................., Final Order........_33202---_----- - approved .............ial... ....14 J ......_ .x9m......_.. C. F. No. 41822—BY 7. 1d• -i-sn't" oY . the assessment ea coats and esVensu id asseas- Apublic hearing having been had upon the assessment I*tiledamagbe grade of 'Al eY 'In for han6lnB ment having been further considered by the Council, and ha Etosk 1;'Fatrbaak'sBog �sttAddttton.lpry, be it Btock 3, Stone and Roger therefore unto m gilo the red ine 4 conform8�tached an��.., ,,.t: horeto ase t .'hereof, tb. a n, ' being shown. by t f RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same i Led ttgrs=Nnaesi �pecte' ratified, and the InarY.. order ,_j same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the C.In ate??•zFtt viiaey foY kj firmation. � ..n .. � `iia �•. t., . n. ,v� BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the.said assessment be and it is.iliereb, deterjrl1ii 1„ iea to be payable in .................- k._.._...._........equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ;�L Adopted by the Council ........._.... t: ...._.._'._...._.........._......_...._......191 .._....... 9lerk. Approved ._..._..__.:.......:'._: _._:..:.�7 L ........................ 191 O_/_Lt _ ..._� ..................... C ('^ --------- Mayor. Form B. B. 1S Council File No. By1� Ar 91aTc ........................... .... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses- for grading the alley in Block 1, DonnellyvsAddition and Walker and Goodinets. Addition, from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Orcler...-..36841 ............... Intermediary Order ............ Final Order approved U., i929 -------- -- -..m ... . . ..... C. F. No. 41823-.3y In the matter of 8, ';Wt of ,benefit' '.11e,' jnndgja�pja,n,' 7G—Wsaid assess - it Addition public hearing having been had upon the assessment i ing the —, D;"� . Addition and Walker and ment having been further considered by the Council, and hai: Addition, from Mnto,% St. ed !,,4tisfactor�, be it 38841, 1. =d1rry'0rdm.rr I', - therefore nal Order 37911, approvt,�e, I ILblic: A D 'Ji.arl.g ' having 1upon the assessment for the rprovement, and said ass s , I :r'Amd""" Iked, and the Inl� I'll In a n Id t,.Y, I RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same cm heel ..p df I r a I , ey. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court orfhee-' G`ms"U2,rn firmati.n. , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ......... .. . . installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council i).L? A; ... ...... .................._.._............19 Approved...... ............._......................191......_. r7, Mayor. Z,/Y....._...... ...... . ................... . . ..... . ........... .. .......... Form B. B. 18 CouncilFile No . ....... .... ............................ ......... By ............ J.r_..._.r...._lanc.Y............. _.......... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading Kent Street from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage Street for under Preliminary Order...._37251.._.._..... Intermediary Order ..._38378.............. .._., Final Order ......:._.33.0-18 ............ . approved....._Max.G..kl....l.5.s-...1�?2�..............4* ....' asseas• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment fo e. F. e a matter of a, Al, clancy— In the mutter- of the assessment oY be it ment having been further considered b the Council, and havi 'benefits, coats aad exaensea for grad:.�ry Y -Ing Kent..SC>. from Wheelock_Pnrk- way to ;Cottage -9t. under Yrelfmin therefore qaY order 37251, tntermedlary n ae. r --- • �„r. rae above tat, arta the RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same D. ovameat, and said daseeement hav-' oeen further coneldered by the Co same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court ofiane.havl'.-��« Ory, n tieent'thernsiaerad no tore au_ lirmation. be 1a - t iv d that the alp BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and iltle e 1. he "pita g4,to be payable in_._........_.__._�±._..—..._._...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ....._.__...._._.`._...._.........._......_.........._ __...191........_. -� -r �it Approved......._ ......... .... _._._=..._ _.._ ..._................. __..... ..... 191......... . ._.._...... Mayor. corm B. B. 18 4 Council File No. By........_J.•...._M.:...._Qu%qX............................. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing a sewer on Sargent Avenue and on an easement to be ob- tained on the line of Sargent Avenue produced through Block 7, Rose- dale -Park from the terminus of the existing sewer approximately 250 feet East of Finn Avenue toga point 20 feet West of Prior Avenue. under Preliminary Order......3.60.7-0 ............... Intermediary Order .__ 37.022._..........._, Final Order ..........38025........._ . approved....January .....16.,.....1922........JWXX C F. No. 41S2s__b:7 ..11L Ciavoy—dnd Bald a93eS9A public hearing having been had upon the assessn In the$ matter of the assessment neve a costs andeynesorcoment having been further considered by the Council, a and eon an eases ntoatisfactory, be it on the line of Sargent AvenLLefro therefore duced through Bic ck 7, Rosedale' Pa k from the terminus of the ..let' t g. sewer. a"rolcl aat.ly_ 260 fee, East of'F nn avenue to a'eoint _ feet {gest o[ Prior Avenue, 4` RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the '..� areuminary r Ordes607o lnter,'m' ratified, and the Order 3 Final Ode same is herebyordered to be submitted to the District Courf ; d 1�ou1 1s, 1922., ,1k for confirmation. qa BE IT URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...._ ___ ........... . ............... _,equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ...._.i_Z..._-._ ....:i_=.r...._._.._........I I_........... —p� _.._ ..__.._..�.J......" Clty, Clerk. ^ ................._ ........ Approved ............ ... 191. ......_,.` ^ ... _i.. .Ic" a_....._....... Mayor. Dorm B. B. 18 Council Elt No .............................................. By__J . . ..... ................................ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. I In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Grading Underwood Avenue from Jefferson Avenue to Randolph Street. under Preliminary Order..._..3.63.00 Intermediary Order 31327 , Final Order.. ........... . approved.....I WQb 13, 194?? XKXXx. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment fc-"L- -L--,- i—a— nt, and said assess. men[ having been further considered by the Council, and havi�94F- NO- 41826—By J- -3L ClAm,3' ory, be it ltvllthe &tter of the—es".Went of bsnef therefore I.g Underv;ood ,Ave.. from Je[tersoaAve. to-Bandolph 8t„.under Prelim Intermediary Or - 'der 3832T. Final Order 38695 approved -1, Ma13 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same JF kpubilo�hl'.T%q bav,m,.been bad and the Yt the assessment for, th Be 6 above IW-' same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the and . assessment having Cation. Mr_o?tiNmd by the Councit, I doted naallyf eat-, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby slid se3es—o be payable nrar in..............................................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ....... .. . - 19 Adopted by the Council ma.......... ...... . ... City Clerk. Approved.......... ....... ... .............___._............_191....._.. c_ ...... . ............ ... ... 6 ... . . ................ Mayor. .... ... .. .. .... .... .. .. ........ Form B. 13. 18 " COUNCIL 41821 CITY OF ST. "PAUL vILE NO......... ....... ...... COU�1L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .PRESENTED By Ar.:. ...-,_... �/ ....:.......... DATE.. ........ ...................... ...........- MISSION�............................................COM . ............. RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby orded and directed in extend its electrical lines by erecting poles and suin¢in¢ wires thereon for the tranemhmiov of elec- tricity on and in the following elleya and streets of saidrecity: Sept. 12, 1922. Install e-Two.poles on the south side of the alley north of Pan Buren Street, be- A tween Aldine and Fry Streets. ✓Dne pole on the north side of the alley south of Nebraska Street, west of Greenbrier Avenue. ✓ Two poles on the south side of the alley', south of Capitol Avenue,weet of Aldine street. ,-One pole on the west side of Pascal Avenue, between Selby and Hague AvenueBP Three poles on the west side of Alton, ;one north and one south of Youngman,--' ✓and one between Stewart and:°Rockwood Avenues* rOne on the south side of the ,alley north of Sargent Street, west of Albert ✓ Street. ✓One on the north side of the•alley'north of Atwater Street, west of Gaul- ✓ tier Street. q. "'Five poles on the east side, of.Kennard Street, between Maryland and Orange✓ Streets. / Two poles on the south side of Loreto Street, west of Andora Street. -' Cine pole on the -north side of Fairmount Avenue, let west of Albert Street. ✓One on the west slide of the alley east of Payne Avenue, south of Lake Como -- Phalen Avenue. Commercial Lighting. With necessary guys and anchors x 6_1 Ali P All"such ..tensions. poles and wires shall be erected and constructed under ol.kirectiov And m4c, the Commissi.... of Public Utilities and in all tbi.e. aubject to the provisions o[Ordivance No. 2141, and of all other lawful ordinances and 111 SSAluiions of the C'ty of"'SSSt. Paul, d shall be of such height and haracter he -bell aesienaie wa aoocevet,l nd any and all suchipolealley, a shall be taken L wnGana mieaioaedr It Pdublich tlliress PI hall lsdesignate. ,Pod whenever the Couvcll shell deem that the Public interest so requires, and,hon it shall eo order. remov v sue w no Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Y Adopted by the Council .._.........$E.PJ,P..162Z...__...._.192......... tea." Ferguson 7 ^, JEP.. ,,*515 onald 1 In favor Adopted,....1............... A4eeec � / t/�t1i C�tt Against �g�. C i�r �� L. fes...-�............. . `................. i MIS 3L' D MI,YOR I/Vt�enzel aTn>• V<tr ala aacCITY OF ST. PAUL c c NO.........._. ... ... .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTS COMMIS ER.::.:. ....:... .... .. . .. ......... ......... DATE......SSZ:t8V,,b4=,...... :...... ... RESOLVWED That the award of the.00utraot for the paving of Grand Avenue from Oakland Avenue to west line of Milton Street and from Milton Street to Cretin Avenue, with ereoeoted blooks, be and the same be -� deferred antll sometime in January or February of the 1923. in actaordanoe with petition of the Grand Avenue property ovuersI Paving Association. said petition being hereto attached. _ lC F No 418x$—Sy {V=i 7.Poter- 11Resolved That tAp sward of tcon- — .f 1 1n Daviq&' R4 C3rand Ahe Yes(,/) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays `Glassy -�f '�^'�erguson j- IVICDOnald-_....In Favor `M9[S8L a{ —16,e4.+ 1, —__`')._....Against ✓Wenzel mn44esident •oww aw w•ao - SEP �.A 1922 Adopted by the Council._..._ — SEP 1A 1922 Approved-,— ---_ --19_� �IZZ47MAYOw OSCAR CLAu99EN. Cvie� E civicew J. E. CARRt L. Ass,, Cv1e1 Evciu[[n w .� o ins G. H. HCRROLDO Orr ccTAvo ClirwPuuu�vc e w wecw nio a Evciveen . B. 9HAgP` 9 0 9nvirnriou H. W. GOETLINGER, SUPT. ar WOnK-1. (Eito of 51. Patti Drpartatrat of Publir Works WILLIAM J. PETER. COMMISSIONER OTfO E. CONSTANESP•uTr COMM19 sIONeR 46 The Honorable - Mayor and Members of City Council. Gentlemen: September 14, 1922. On July 17, 1922, petitions were received for the paving of Grand Avenue from Oakland Avenue to west line of Idilton St, and from I,Iilton St. to Cretin Ave., and soon thereafter the property owners on Grand Avenue interested this matter appeared before your Honorable Body asking that the award of the contract be delayed for sixty days. On September 6, 1922, the Grand Avenue property owners' Paving Association presented a petition asking that the award of the contract ,be not made at this time and be deferred until sometime in January or February of the year 1923 - inasmuch as the work could not be done this season, if awarded, the season being too far advanced. I have presented a resolution covering this matter. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Ydorks. w J p/mh dt. P aul, Minn., ieptember 6, 1922. Hon. ;Ym. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public ':iorks. The undersigned duly appointed members of the Grand Avenue F Property Owners' Paving .Association, respectfully request you to take the following action in the matter of the paving of Grand ::venue, now pending before the City Council: 1. That you hold all bids, both for material with which to pave by force account and for doing said work by contract, until such time in January and 11ebruary, 1923, as you will be in position to determine whether you can proceed with the work of paving said street. 2. Should market conditions at that time warrant the calling for new bids with a prospect of securing lower prices, we would request the rejection of all bids now in your hands and the issuance of a II call for new bids. This committee is fully aware of the fact that you cannot hold either the material men or the contractors should they desire to withdraw the bids now in your hands, and we are fully advised of the fact that we are taking chances in the matter of higher bids on the part of both material men and contractors by reason of the unavoidable delay in paving said street. In either event we pledge the active sup, ort of our association to you should you comply with our requests. iespectfully submitted, I James H. Burnn Chairman of the Association T. �. 1'. fiayes betre ary o*� e J.ssociption 7+illiam 13. richer Henry Jcchette 3ucka Bros. G. A. heobald r Ir No. �.� BPTROLLRR. AUDITED 192 i [[ I PY R�\ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 41,678.63 covering checks numbered 6979 to 6988 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( � ) Councilmen ) Nays. "nt9 t.i Adopted by the Council Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Approved 192 Masae+r, -6Tr1irh—, — Peter .,,'Wenzel. Against M Ys on C. F. No. 41829— Resolved that —,ants be drawn upon the Clty Treasury, to the agBre- 'in gate amount of $41,678.63. ,rg check, n mbered 6979 to 6988 `Inclu- sive, ne per regi,[,, of city checks o file In the office of the City Comp- troller. Adopted by the Council Sept. 14, 1922. Approved Sept. 14, 1922. (Sept23-1922) OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER A Am. �M 7.:l .AUDITED CLA11)I5-RESOLUTION FOR:t ,a.. "1\TO.... BY ct1Df OLLEE. AUDITED 192 `c. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to t e aggregate amount of $ 41,678*63 covering checks numbered 6979 to 6988 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ` ) Councilmen ) Nays. .; Adopted by the Council -------192 -----^ 5erguson, In favor -McDonald, Approved — 192 mvtren, nkr Peter Against Wenzel. hm ✓tom s.aroa Ma Preside ._Zelson 6979 J. m. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 24,568.50 Interest 15,648.50 Red. Tax Levy Certs. of Ind. -June 15, 1920 Issue 500.00 Viater Deptt, Fund - Int. Acct. 3,470.00 P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. 44 950.00 6980 Electro Bleaching Gas Company, 381.16 Viater 6981 Hersey manufacturing Company, 1,200.00 Viater 6982 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. Co., 549.98 ✓ ➢later 6983 St .Paul Builders Material Company, 6,623.81 Schools 35.73 Viater 6,588.08 i b�3: 8T 6984 James Shiely, 783.46 Vlater 6985 J. L. Shiely Company, 6,543.10 Viater Res. 521 Page #2 6986 So4th Park Foundry Company, Plater 6987 Standard Oil COMIX017, Plater 6988 Valley Iron Works I P, ater 11 498.61 19.01 511.00 J L Res. 521 Page #2 6986 So4th Park Foundry Company, Plater 6987 Standard Oil COMIX017, Plater 6988 Valley Iron Works I P, ater 11 498.61 19.01 511.00 J I i i 1 I tx I 1 1 f �'^ 4 ;J— J-OFFICE OFFICEOF 7'1.1E COMPTROLLER Farn, An 41. l It,- -'I AUDITED CL:1_IMS—RESOLUTION FOR3I Naa No. 522, i i� BY COM OLLER. AUDITED 192 ; _ l PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 4,,324*50 covering inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the officfe of the City checks numbered 6989 xM Comptroller. Yeas ) Councilmen ( Nays. Adopted by the Council 192 -- -"Ferguson, In favor - ' McDonald, Approyed _ 192 _ Mau�t Peter _ v Smitfi Against .Wenzel. C. F. NO. 41830— Resolved that ants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggre- gate '-"n'Of $4,324. 0, _ ov ring check n tiered 1189, as -per cI, gieter P city checks ,On file in the office of the City Comptroller. Adapted by the Council Sept. 14, 1922. Approved Sept. 14, 1922. (Sept. 23-1922) 6989 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 4,324.50 i I I Water I I I I No. AUDITED 192 S COM P7'RO R. PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 4.,32400 , coverin8 checks numbered 8889 7Gz inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ) Councilmen ) Nays. Adopted ? �i� I --Ferguson, Ped by the Council 192 McDonald, In favor —itiLSon, Approved.. l�3i>'tirk,— Peter - _ 192..___. . Wenzel. Against _ y Mr. Presiderrr; son N el s on .�..`•�-z V - i 11 naysn�j OFFICE OF TIIE COMPTROLLER 7 AUDITED CLAIMS—RNO. FOR31 F 1\O. 6990 Victory Printing Uompany, Health 27.50 Schools 450.00 11 115.00 r!a ter 73.55 666.0 666.05 523 AUDITED BY^` C/lN OLLER. V 192 1 1 PER IIResolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 666005 covering checks numbered 6990 to inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yens ) Councilmen `' ) Nays. Clay -- Adopted by the Council 192 Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Approved 1 192 Matson, ,$�eith, Peter _.— J A tinst g` Wenzel. vason e 6990 Victory Printing Uompany, Health 27.50 Schools 450.00 11 115.00 r!a ter 73.55 666.0 666.05 • 0 f � .I sl t • 0 i f � .I i a i , I a E No. 6Y COMPT LER. AUDITED 192 eEq Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, t the it amount of $ 666. *05__ cover ng checks numbered 6990 to inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( 7 ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Claltey Adopted by the Council - Ferguson, In favor y --McDonald, Approved memmt, $tnek, Peter Against n Wenzel. _; I – w Mr.- Presidem;*Mtrm–N-I9m C. F. No. 41831— Ileeolyed that w rrante'fhe drawn upon the City Treasury, tohe a ggre- of check n-tcumbered 0990SasSper register oFf city checks on flle in the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Sept. 14, 1922. Ap pror'ed Sept. 14, 1922. (Sept E3-1922) C. P. No. 51832—Ordinance No. 6883— ByrW. J. Peter— An dlnanco granting to the Pyramid oilCompany, n corpora[�on, perm(,- ion to install and maintain n galne eo- aiVenue11IN feet [north oon f OnlFa Ve etitY ` avenue. The Council of the City of 9t. Paul _ doe, ordain: �/� ✓ SECTION I. That permlealoq a d authority e .ha' granted to the Pyramid Oil', a i', a Corporation. to ina'e, �� i ' an a S_011_ dlii ng i, eb•- la^ "'Ar.-.,o,r�iinancc granting to the Pyramid Oil Company, a corpor- ation,"IreTmiesion-to install and maintain a gasoline filling station on Farrington avenue, 100 feet north of University avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Pyramid Oil Company, a corporation, to install and maintain a gasoline filling station on Farrington avenue, 100 feet north of University avenue. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the installa- tion of said filling station, upon said licensee's cgmpliance with the following conditions: (1) The said filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost.of inspection, if any. (2) The said filling station shall be removed by said li- censee whenever the Council shall so order. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of the construction, maintenahoe, oper- ation, presence or removal of said filling station. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the,City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council __— Yeas Nays ,Ferguson Unnerte, d Matson p P e+es 11 , II --Wenzel Mr, -President (Nelson) Apg-rloved Mayor PLTTA1 HT:D 1 Attest 1 �y (' City Clerk iA C. P. No. 51832—Ordinance No. 6883— ByrW. J. Peter— An dlnanco granting to the Pyramid oilCompany, n corpora[�on, perm(,- ion to install and maintain n galne eo- aiVenue11IN feet [north oon f OnlFa Ve etitY ` avenue. The Council of the City of 9t. Paul _ doe, ordain: �/� ✓ SECTION I. That permlealoq a d authority e .ha' granted to the Pyramid Oil', a i', a Corporation. to ina'e, �� i ' an a S_011_ dlii ng i, eb•- la^ "'Ar.-.,o,r�iinancc granting to the Pyramid Oil Company, a corpor- ation,"IreTmiesion-to install and maintain a gasoline filling station on Farrington avenue, 100 feet north of University avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Pyramid Oil Company, a corporation, to install and maintain a gasoline filling station on Farrington avenue, 100 feet north of University avenue. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the installa- tion of said filling station, upon said licensee's cgmpliance with the following conditions: (1) The said filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost.of inspection, if any. (2) The said filling station shall be removed by said li- censee whenever the Council shall so order. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of the construction, maintenahoe, oper- ation, presence or removal of said filling station. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the,City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council __— Yeas Nays ,Ferguson Unnerte, d Matson p P e+es 11 , II --Wenzel Mr, -President (Nelson) Apg-rloved Mayor PLTTA1 HT:D 1 Attest 1 �y (' City Clerk I Offire of (C4fk (Clerk HENRY 06SON JAS. J. MINER Ctp of Saint flaul ~ September 14th, 1922. Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Please find herewith application of the Pyramid Oil Company for permit to install a curb pump gasoline filling station on Farrington Avenue at University Avenue, which the Council referred to you for the proper form of ordinance today. Yours truly, i enc. CITY C F.RK. N .'. IV �.I CARROLL, A N ifilu of St. Vaul Drpartnteid 'of Publif Iilorks WILLIAMW COMMISSIONER OTTO�ePuxr COM MI951oN EP Y•is September 12, 1922. r. im. J. Peter, Commis. ioner of Public ''forks. Dear air: ,,ith reference to application of the Pyramid Oil Company to install a curb pump gasoline filling station on Parrington Ave, at University _.venue, be;; to advise that from an engineering viewpoint there is no objection, however, personally I am opposed to issuing permit or any and all curb filling stations. oci'mh YI✓Ur8 truly, Co Chief Engineer. 1 r Alproved: .C.�'vt U << o Corrunissioner'�i i'ublic dorl:s. --- r/�! Office of TUtig (Clerk HENRY OLSON JAS. J. MINER .,��.�. Vtg of -Saint Haul September 7th, 1922. Hon. Wm. J. Peter, Coms'r of Public Works. Dear Sir: Please find herewith papers in connection with application of the Pyramid Oil Company to install a curb pump gasoline filling station on Farrington Ave. at University Ave. Will you kindly check over and make a report on same, and also transmit the above to the Building Department for their approval! You t y, enc. r" f sl. Hwy �. r(, 1) �i j„ y/� CI CLERK. lav FRANK W. MATSON. COMMISSIONER • HARRY A. JOHNSON, Uer G MMJSSIONM cztgPaul girprunritt d' Rfrtg August 28, 1922. Mr. William J. Peter Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Peter: Herewith application of the Pyramid oil Company for the installation of a curb pump gasoline filling station on Farrington Ave. at University Ave. It has been approved by the Department of Public Safety as to fire hazard and traffic and is referred to you for ordinance. RAJ-amk Yours �ruly, 5� 01 Commissioner of Public Safety 1 POLIC$ 4 -•=a OFFICE OF ��lyg��� �r f Mf 11' _- rUii [MBE 0.B[.0 SaintPaul,Minn. D °" FR NKW.sommE August. 28, 1922 CNIEP � Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Referring to your letter of August 24th relative to an application of the Pyramid Oil Company for the installation of a curb pump gasoline filling station on Farrington Ave. at University Ave., you are advised that this matter has been investigated by this Department and we find that a filling station at this location will not interfereith the traffic. Your very trul , Frank W. Sommer, Chief of Police S/W WILLIAM BARRON. CHIEF NSPECTOR ' CITY O -F SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT -OF PUBLIC SAFETY FRANK W. MATSON. COMMIS 1-1 BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION August 23,1922. Hon.F.W.Matson Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to Vile application of the Pyramid 011 Company to install a curb pump gasoline filling station on Farrington Ave. at University Avenue. I have investigated same and report that a curb station at the foregoing location would not cause a serious fire hazard to neighborhood, I therefore recommend that permit be granted. RC/ H Yours Respectfully _ i Chief Inspector. rr pYRAMID'I"I MP MinnedpOhS, Minn. August 2Znd, 1922. To the City Clerk of Saint Paul, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: We hereby apply to the honorable Board of Council -men for a permit to install a five gallon visable curb pump with underground storage tank of 500 gallon capacity on Farrington street Yumbers: We trust to receive favorable action from the Board and will comply with all the rules and regulations governing the installation and conduct a curb pump. Yours very truly, PYRAdID OIL COMPAP'Y TMJ/L Pres dent. .l � s .o✓ 1 �... �t Vis—: ri ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL CITY CLERK FILE NO... ....T_.,...._�..�. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESEAD BY (J�^� /(y�j ,� September 14, 1922• COMMISSIONER ..._!--F -I .w-:!S(L............................. ........................ DATE..__ ............... ... ------- _.__--- ..----- ....._._ I I RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER is WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. • CODE 3b -OE Street and Sewer Cleaning Street and Sewer Cleaning TRINSFERED FROM TRANSFERED TO — 05,000.00 YES ( 17) COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS ,,-FERGUSON ,.-M6DONALD ................IN FAVOR t P --- ..AGAINST 0-1 WENZEL �FA"ENT Fa+N On (m en) ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ . _...__. _.................. 19.......... i 1 APPROVED. _....._.. �.._�.... .__�------------ ------- 1 J._. _..._ M AYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY............................................................ CITY COMPTROLLER C, F. No. 41833-8y. W. J: Peter -- Re r%d. Thnt thhe following trgna- fere be made on the bookh of the Carryy byea: doing an mm— trollerwhen 'b" dedotenoy {n one Item'may be met by said:- transfer: without hampering -for, the work provided y the .money tn-the`item-fron, which the transfer to made: $35.808.110 transferred Sewe from Code 15 Btreet, and Sewer CteClem ng.Llle to and Sewer 2;lean- Code 36-5&W;. Btreet, C.,o (ng. Adopted by the Council Sept. 16, 1922. Approved Sept. 16. 1922. (Sept 23-1922) YES ( 17) COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS ,,-FERGUSON ,.-M6DONALD ................IN FAVOR t P --- ..AGAINST 0-1 WENZEL �FA"ENT Fa+N On (m en) ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ . _...__. _.................. 19.......... i 1 APPROVED. _....._.. �.._�.... .__�------------ ------- 1 J._. _..._ M AYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY............................................................ CITY COMPTROLLER AdP- 'F 1 ( ) c,) 1 ORIGINAL To COUNCIL �` r, M`�1-u- QCITY OF ST. PAUL TY CLERK FILE NO.-_--- ------------ APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 209' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER---�./ ------------- DATE......September 14, 1922. /....-�...�L..--------------------------- �� RLSOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER 40 WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION IT - 35 -OE TE M35 -OE Street Construction and Repairs 33-8&4 Street Constructiun and Repairs ' I s i�� C. P.' No. 41834—BY W. S. r Resolved .:.That the follow Yers be TOR,,�e on the. books of - 810,00 Street transferred .from Code 88 -OE, Streek Coaetruct/on and Repair.. UO . to Code-:"_S&W Street . Construction, and Repatva. Adopted by the Cell Sept; 15, 1922.. Approved• Sept. 16, 022. {(SeDk:28-1922) YES ( IT) COUNCILMEN ( J) NAYS •p/FERGUSON y+'MCDONALD IN FAVOR JIAwTSCN ,/PETER ----...--:J ---- AGAINST W ENZEL W-' FORN Du (fN f�uJ TRANSFERED FROM TRANSFERED TO X10,000.00 y10,000.00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL . - _------- ----- --------------- 19... ------- i APPROVED.--..-...--"-- vV---i---.'-'.::.: ..............18"-"""-.. y ;;:oR COUNTERSIGNEDBy ----------------------------------------------------- ------ CITY COMPTROLLER 85 • i3 CITY OIeON ` ST. PAUL CO1NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - -_-- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 7 - PRESENTED PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONtH................................. .. ............ ..--------------- .. .............................. _- RESOLVED ThA ,the Council hereby ap-proves the action of the Purcha.Sing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing; to the Water Department 3000 barrels of -Portland Cement, to The Speakes Company, they beim-, the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of 43.2b per b• rrel, inclauing sacks, delivered by truck to UcCarron Pumping Gtation, sz:ck:� i:etu-"na.ble ir, good conuition c:.t 10¢ each, total amount of cont act :;j9, 750.00, in accordance Frith specifica- tions of the Bureau of WzLter, their bid anu award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper forl:i oi' contract therefor. Y.B. #4476. Charge S9ater Department !+unci. Yea (✓) Councilmen 00 Nays /"M_ 1 Ferguson ✓McDonald __--...-.In favor V101 — / ------ _.Against L*enzel 1140p� --t C. F. No. 42836 -BY T H. pl Dona)d= ' Resolved, That the Coune3l he7atiy, athe. .a. �.. . -pproves the action f the a otmtrag --Coiafur a In awn ding the c epart- the Water tpr tur00 {A :bag 19 went -3tl00 akeft ' of Portland Cemeii[, 0t - 1A The-6pea8en "COIDD8nY, that f "o being reaponatble b(dder, at the Io4cf *3. .price of ;E.$6 Per barrel 1nd4¢)pg ssc7cs- n deLvered by truck. to McCarron'; Ptrannizts ,Atat3On sacks 2. .returnable .in. good. ooadition at 30� a ch total amount:, Or contraot =s8,760 00 la ac- �'cordaacr- with aDedBcatlon of the f3u -I- of W r QCT .. ter (heir bld and award +..of contract hereto attach d and thenl Corporation Coun el is he instruct- od�to draw up tfte proper form. goon- tract therefoz_ F B. No: 4476. barge Wafer Department PYtnd. Adopted Dy the- ,ouncil Sept 36, 1928 Approv d 53ept. 36 3922. ,_tSe1, 22-2922) SEP 15,'1722 SEP 15 722 Adopted by the Council..... -..._..._-._-..__......_..___19__.._ SEP 1.1 !K2 Approved. ..... --- ------ .._:........... ....__ wvow Lina � CITY OF ST. PAUL raeNO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y2PRESENTED BY .eteleer 14 19% COMXISSIONER DATE .........................._. RESOLVED That the Council he:•eby concurs in the recolmaendation oi;_the COntr_.ct Connnittee anct oWards the col-tra-ct for curbing, both J sides of Bradley 5t. frof' ;..a, rloli�. "t. to Jessaain ut. , in "Ccoru,Aice ,.,i th pl.xns .,nct specifications hereto attached, to :3tar:durd btone Compc;ny, they beim; the lolvest recy>or_siol• uiduer, ,or' tl:c sua of 1,374.00, tai,u the i;OriJOration Councel is nereby in.,,tructed to uravi up ti,e pr0p�r fo ra of contract tharef0r. _.nein-erls _.;timate x462.00. r'.i p,4439. `C. F. No. 41836—BY,W..'J. Peter up the is. hereby instructed ntr to draw ,up the proper form i contract theca. tor. EngiaeeYs'-Eatlme.te 1402.00. F. B. N. 4489.. h Adopted by the 16 192l Sep t,:�16, 192$ •� Approved Sept, 16, 199E - (Sept. 23-1999) t / I A!," Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays _ Adopted Ji 'e d by the Council -L'er�uSOn a 1 ll -MIn favor Approved _--..�.... . ......... ........_.._..--192---- .Peter Againstj��/ "l .4M AIOR @, Fenzel (/ 2.�S.Brwii�wE 10e,n1100 m:, cour+ciu NO.. CITY OF ST. PAUL nye --- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �" t DATE_.. GOMMISSIONEFFI/--- '.. RESOLVED That the count. -1 he--eby concurs in thu recor:nuenaation of .tl:e Contr:,ct vU:::!:ilttee "t.Ci a47ar( F t;i'�� Ol;-Lin accoTdance`v,itll pl:.nstz+nd From South Pascal hve. To GriG,_;s 1n_ y s_)aciFicuLions hereto attached, 'Lo LtLLndu- L suis ofyY2597.00e b-infol- th,E the lowest responsible bid ars, and the mor.) —tiol, �oul.sel is hereby instructed to i-rc:.ci uP t.0 j `,11 0 , jerefor. in eTts ,otim to ; 661.00. propar i'orla o con r''r' .:u. ,4488. South Pascal Ave. to,Orlggs paae- oraance with plans and Pectflcatloas hereto attached,'. to Standard Stone Company, they being the. lowest re-. e,on,lbl, bidders, for tho sum of +{8697.00 and the, CorporpLtlon Counsel Is ,h'ere6y Instructed tq,, draw up . the. propel form mf, contract -therefor. En- gineer's Estimate .33661.00. F..13.. No. (l r 4488. F Adopted by the Council Sept. 16, 1922. Ayproyed Sept. 16 1922; (Sept. 23x1922) 7 - Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays - Adopted by the Council_ __.__.. ..'-'.� :0.192.------- �Y vFer$uson tz y�? Approved -._------------------92----- cDonald In favor �srun -�- Patur Against Wenzel roan isoo lo -z+ cou CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac NO..-_.. . _.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN* BY�/"/, �S ...... DATE...-..Je.ptejfbe.r.-.l.�a---.�-�-i �,...... COMMISSIONER /// 1 , RESOLVED That the-jouncil heieby concurs RESOLVED reconiiiendutiui: of t;ne Contract Connnittee and awards the contract for curbinC both sides of urines al lave. f roi: 'Ut. to J ofi'crson .:ve. , in acco ,dance V,"th pl.ns ,,nd specific.xtions he'_:to attc.ciieu, to L;ta.dard 'utor.e co:apztny, they t)ei)ig the 1oW—'E3t resnonsiole bi der, for th su)n of x;1237.00, allu tiic jornoration Counsel is l.e:z:by instructed to drag up ;.h ro;,er form of contract therefor. nCjnuerls _;stiMate y7761,00. •L• „14487. aiu Adopted+by fhe'CounclC SepG�16, 19E2. ! t1DProVed' aep4 16,. 18EE. .... I Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays -Fe�rgus9on viNcDonald L__ In favor -3 4eieon V,5&Td* Peter Against ,:Wenzel mw4hv FORM 1500 -21 Adopted by the Council_ . _. ,.[ F _ :i .:rr .192_.....- JCY ApprovedMAYOR -...___..... 1. _ ' ui...i.... CITY OF ST. PAUL iae"`" NO.._ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESfj D BY / � 1 DATE._.:.epteraber 141 .1922___ COMM13.5 ONER 6 F c.'Fi, --....... - ... ....-... -.. RESOLVED Ti -ILA 1:he (:out.cil hereby coneu_'s in the recoimmendc.tion Of the Contract Comiuittee and awards the contr..,ct :ocurbin,. on each side of ar�:;ic]c ..,re. to ..andol_h ot., in acco,�dai-1ce ti:ith plc -ns ;nu s,�cc--fiQUtiOlis hereto att%ched, to ai;e beim the to r st -s m_ iol bidders, utc�i:dz:rd Gton� Cuii,�.ny, J or tl.e :_ :.1 of ;,2694.00, znd the Cor,lor:Aiou Ccur.sel is hereby instructed to drag up the proper i'orm oi' contr<rct tidy i'or. le�r,�ir,eer's Jetimate :;r-686..6. e Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Na Y.�le�ee9' ,--Irer$uson -McDonald Matean v+ ,g Peter 1,:, Wenzel .Mr�Pres+denw IORM ,eoo ,o-:, Ys Adopted by the Council_ 192 - -- _. _.. In favor Approved-.... _ -S.-- ------- - 2..: .... .....192---- _� . n Against CITY OF ST. PAUL No., -4 Iff -84 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COLINCIL.RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /• emb r 1 JONER . ._ _1_192-2— . ........ ..... . . .. . .. ..... DATE.......... ..I? !� 4 .. -. . COMMISSIONER.... ATE E; e RESOLVECF That the Council he-;-eby concurs in the recommendation of~ he Contract doi-mittee and awards the contract or grading, and im- provement" of Sherwood Ave. from 'bite h -ear Ave. to Curve Ave. and -2urness lve. to Auth Ave., also hake Como and --halon Ave. from '',bite Bear Ave. to hazel .ve., 1vevada -,ve. from White Bear —ve. to Hazel —ve. , Center St. frons White hear Ave. to hazel Ave. Hazel .1-ve. from iutur-qn St. to Lake Como and Phalen Ave. and Curve i,.vc. from Autuian St. to Sherwood Ave., in accordance .'lith plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest re-sponsiole bidder, for the sum of $13,337.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hei.-eby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Encineeris :estimate 419,928:00. F.B.�'4485. Yes(,/) Councilmen (0 Nays ,Te,-.uson In favor . Peter -Against ,)JVenzel mr—ptoowsaw C.,E.JNO��41840-By W -J. Peter`-- ntract for grading and Improvement Sherwood -Ave-ftonl- White Bear re. e to Curve Ave. a,0' Furn.00,Avc.'! kUth AV.. al.. -L.Re Como -and" ,at- Ave. from hi = Ave.:it.. Met Ave" N.Q�AVe�. h te mr Ave. to H..61 V. Center �.,St. r A,� . o Base, :T.lWAve. 2'.f'o' Auto.. St. A. Lake m )me and Ph.l,n Ave. and Carlo Ave. .m Autumn St, to Sherwood ll�j wl fic,:. cOrd—a thrV"" d 'paotl dd.r, for- ..d. ta�n 00: and )no hereto atta Christ John- n„-he-..being..the 1-ti�1,pon.ibl. the of 518;887 Cc tina Counsel 1e;hereby r rucf`brT-t`ri- draw up the proper ol-A 'ant,"t iS ""ref, or. eT. W. -to 11'..2 .00. 449,6. ' Adopted by the Council Be pt, 15, 1922. Approved Sept. 15 1922 (Sept 211-192i) Adopted by the Council -..19-....- SEP V-1 ,522 Approved,... 19- Acting MAYOR COUNCIL q NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL RLa .. _.._..._�.....,.._S.L,<R......_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - ._,gpteu�ber...14.,.._1972....-. COMMISSIONER ✓ d'"� ��� DATE RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contrt,.ct Conunittee and awurds the contract for the construction of l a sewer on Hazzard St. from Lawson St. to Cook St., Lawson St. from Hazz ,_rd St. to h1ackubin St. and on iackubin St. from Lawson St. to Hatch St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to E. T. 77ebster, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the stun o' 43396.35, and the Corporation Counsel is ` hereby instructed to draw up the proper for,,' 01' contract therefor. EnCineer's Estimate :,x;4378.00. F. B. V4484. Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays 'F...n v 41cDonald - Ia favor 'MgBan fxjtb, Peter --- ...._Against Wenzel Mr+kee ide9t ". Adopted by the Council..:....JCP __—.._—_ i.? ---. L -- . ._.__.._.__19_.._.. SEP 1:1) 1722 Approved... �a.rl}ng .,row CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK =IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL IFORM PRESENTED 134 �4' 8A< ) NO. _.... _..._.._ 1.9.22 ...... COMMISSIdNER �.-�•��� �� ���� .f'. i'.c:;-rs.._.....__ .............................. ..... _ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the, f Contract Committee and award the contract for paving of alley in Block 19, Lt. Paul Proper, in accordance with plans and speci- fications hereto attached, to reyen Construction Company, they being; the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of y�2483.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to araw up the pro.ar form of contract therefor. Engineer's _Jstimate 1(,2850.00. F.B. Tp4490. Yes (✓) Councilmen (t) Nays Bohm' r ,OoKrguson ,�c-Donald _.__..__._.In favor MAL& n y ylic Peter -_.-_-- u -..-Against Fenzel SEP 171 ,722 Adopted by the Council ......__........._— ------------ ------- 19_._.-. .... ,„. Approved._....:._._._..._`...._. - ---- ----- 19......... - Acting COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rac No........_r.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By ... ... fiber 14, 1922 DATE .. ........... COMMIS TONER ^1 �F recor.'unennatiun of RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in „he ne Contract Conl:ritt-e aIu awP� _ the contract for pavinc and Lrading of alley in Block 31, u.nrait arlc daition, in accordance Con - with plans and specifications hereto attc,ched, to i'eye:; struction CornpZLny, they beinc the locrer:t rus_�ousible binder, .'or the suz_i of � 3396.00 , :- nci the Corpor,atlon 0ou,:sel is hereby instructed to drab u.0 the pz•o_oer i'or: of cor:tract th _efor. neer's stiinate ,3392.00. r •n- /: 1�y1 0 Yes (✓) Councilmen ('J) Nays y„,Fer$uson ,,,McDonald 1'`%;Yw" Peter ,_Wenzel FI4.'R'P�Sidptit rO.M +aoo +o -z+ C:,F.'No. 41848—By R'. J..Peter- -Resolved That the Couacl3'hereby condors in the -recommendation. of the Contract Committee and award. the contract for paving. and grading' of'al-- j ley in Block 31, Summit Park Addition, in accordance With plans and speclfl- Cations 'hereto '..attached. to Play- -Construction Company.: they Delug the lowest-.reeponsible bidder, for the Bum of {3390.00. and. the Corporation Coun- set WherebY Instructed to draw Up the 'proper form of contract. therefor. En- Winger's Estimate 13392 00, B. B. No. 4491. Adopted -by the Council Sept. 15,.1922. ApproWed 9 pt. 15, 1922. (Sept. 23-1922) 7 Adopted by the Council .._ _ _ . _ 192---.... Se P 1.1 622 In Favor Approved...-, .. _ v .............. .._ . �Ctfn r. _ _ Against CITY OF ST. PAUL couaca 'sae � No.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COtJNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT BY �-�w�{�J�✓'.. 1�G_ DATE...... ire_ -Q te77ber 14.,....1922.... COMMIS TONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recoil---,nd•ktion of the Contract Jor:Laittee and aw,rds the contract for gradir:E; c nd im�rovc;,:ent of clleys in i31ock 1, ', tierle, ._cCci.ville L. 'Fon's j--d-ition See�;ur's �=icitiroy aiciitiun, unci BlockBlock -l. tihomp from u_.tui.d "t. to Jharl�s (_t. a.nu_ i'rola _ry :-t. to alley betceen gid:^und St. ana �h ,.rl s Ut. in accor-ance •..itil ul�'ns --nd Ei7eCifl- cations hereto «ttached, to Christ Johnson, he U,;ii--c the loiiest ras )onciblc bidder, :Lor the sura oi' ;;:494.::.0 , :.nu sue Cor_ orrtion Cou'.sel is hereby instructed co UrUW uh the proy)cr f0r::i of contract yn insert s stirn tc ti421..U, t"nerefor. -� Yes (✓) Councilmen ('✓) Nays `66%o+— .fvrguson .,46Donald In favor 14er"N .j%g& i'eter Against ,Wenzel s1 en .oars reoo ro-xr .Nn-.41944—B—W. J. Peter— _ nd rom'FrY-St-to ailey bet—n'Ed- rund St ..& and.: Che:rlea.St. i�7a accordance a , Ith pl. and pecifleatione hereto ttached, to Christ Johnson. he _being 1e lowest responsible bidder, for the r} nm .of .5494.20aad the Corporation unanl ltao :her, by instructed,'.to craw p the ro pper form of—ntract.yhere- or. Engineer'a Estimate 4421.00. F. t: No.. 4473. Adopted 'by'the Council Sept. 15, 1922. Approved Sept. 15.8 1922. �(SePt 2-1922) r ,r rr _ Adopted by the Council-. -I- - 192.......' SAF •..�. Approved - - _.192- - _ % 1 MAYOa r>ctlnn L CO'CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESFAT4V DATE ^y r_0mmjSS1WER RESOLVEDThat the Cou,..cil ho-,eby concurs in the reco7,2.qcnctati0n 01 the Contract GriIIll tt ee andrejects b) -(, LF, received for gracLin(. and improvement 01 alleys in block P, Lane's Phalen Grove iddition, from Denny St. to Lake COMO :--nc, Phalen -ve. , ,nLt J:rQ'-" 'cOrtll and ;oath .11cy to 1._ejjcjotc , t. , ;,Is bids -eceivud vicre in excc�3s 01. , �jj.;inerls Estimate. �,. . i,4478- _,,,-eli;ninary Order 7,38618 the Yes (V) Councilmen ('J) Nuys �erguson --McDonald 14""1 --f—LA A v -Wenzel �14rPi4qVIdent FORM 1500 -21 Is Adopted by the Council 192- Approved._...._............._....._......._.._..192._._,. --------- - 192 ---- In favor Against COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nLe NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /� CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY T, .'( i1� - DATE. ..."ei te;iber.14, e -r1 __._ly4<..-.... misSIONER ...... ... s ................ .-...-.. That ti.a Council hel,eby concurs in the recoiwicndation of ti:e Contract Coilaaittee and reject:; bio.;_; received t'or bra irr; ai:d iiaproveiaent of alleys in ;clock 4, 1,overinC's ::duition to union Park, from _ ,:_,rviera to neacon s.ve. , <,n Troia ,Melds t:ve. to E:.st and "est !alley, as bide received ln;re in excess of the ,r i in er's stimate. 4,,74. _ i eliiair.ary oruer 7132394. C. F. No. 41946-$y W. T. Peter— Re'olved. That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation f the Contract Committee and feta t' Bids ceived for grading 'and improvereen [ alley' In-Bloelt 1. 1.overing's: Addy tion -to Union Paek. ffrom Fairview to Beacon Ave.: and from Shields .Ave. Ave. to East and West Ailey. as bids re- ceived were In excess of the Engl- neer's Estimate. F. B. No. 4474. Pre Iiminary Order No. 32394. Adopted by.the Council .Sept. 15. 1922.. Approved Sept. 15. 1922. - (SepL 23-1922).. Yes (J)" uncilmen ('J) Nays --@hfltc9° v,4 er$usot) 4r' wl'' cDonald In favor on , $nlifhc Peter Against Wenzel 14ridLRft f roan lsee last :1 Adopted by the Council_......... -------.192---- d Approved------- ----- -----._..--- _...192 0 _r .._..atop nroa CO -CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILK No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 14, 1922 PRESENTED By DATE ..... ..... COMMISSIONER ...... the T 7 hat h Council hereby concurs L11 unc recoi.uaendat_ion of Contr,;ct ,,onL,.iittee L_n(j rejects bids E;ceived ior UrauinG and iiaprove>-,ent of alleys in Block 1, Lexii.,Ltbn Perk Plat 1:10- 7, fro„: J;,MeS Ct. to PaIL-Ce Lt. and Fro=” '_sterly Jorth anu. -outh vll'y to ,sterly Korth and' :,outh alley, as bids received were in exce:,s of Lhe EnL,,inuer's -stinalt" j. -b. 44 3. . el il.linury Order 7,36510 Yes (v7) Councilmen (V) Nuys -GIft__r wofe'rPxson —McDonald 44""M wi5bitk Peter —Wenzel WIr4hMoridw I NO 41847_By w'j Peter— Resolved, t t e,Co' oncfa uncit: bereb: r c t a r c nonendation of th, recalvedl for end rejects bid r Committee and Improve -.n Plat 11. 0. . r, I c I Lexington Part from c. stiit. t I P.1.6, Southire t e8 e�,JV, Orth ant 01site easterly' North and excess 0 recelved�were In I e _W eor's atimate. 3661Q . lininary Order No. Adopted by the Conn.,, t. Is. 1922 AppF-d Sept.192V p 23-19?i) In favor Against Adopted by the Council 192 ----- SEP 1.5 �522 Approved..._..._...._..._.:192 ----- c CITY OF ST. PAUL FouMca NO.,... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - �,�+� n! qDATE - PRESENTED 6Y G .... . . COMMISSIONER i ''d........._.._..._ ... RESOLVE That the Council he-eby.concurs in the reconLaendation of the Contract Connnittee ane rujccts Voids received for CradinL a-'ci improvement of alley in -block 1, J . i:.. _10Ceri s _ ourth : du'tio'fI, froia iienrna d ` t. to !�,,..-i.drau _t., as blu' received :ere in excess of tY.e _,nCinuert s i1sti . ate. p; 4451. P eliminl, -y Order 1137640 Yes (✓) Councilmen ('✓) Nays ,--Ferguson McDonald �� . - In favor mak[ Peter-- Against Wenzel lOPM 1000 1021 qP Adopted by the Council_ . _.. . ... y.. _. 192.-.._.. Approved...._ .....�-�F:�....-^---..-?.'..._..192--- l lRititimolial)a Brm Anna M. 6rt nnan. I...... Tower 6336 �ttCrt (-IOr. ZIli D ... ...... I It. T.- 6336 19-- j 170,3 ru,�- st caul ^--inn DTovember 8 17thip22 Ile t,ie unt'ersi;ne,(9 redden to in bloclt 1 ,T N Rogerfl 4th (3:'�'ition -=10,16: lley Ajit= i',i i ;, fro; Fl;.nclre 'u t,o Fennard •o h-reb-r protest P.winet the sccept�ncf, o" tli- lowp,!t bid for tlii;� wore: it i. -in over 60kbovP th,, esti la.te•' co ;t .- Anrl sk that such i—clProveTnent be de.l' •gad until e,uch suture ti ,e he -mr:: cs n be '.one more ehea )l f nd nea.rer to the ori:]in, l estirt, to W'.Ii_cl. in our opinionrras wary libero l J� Wi COUNCIL ' S CITY OF ST. PAUL nLc NO.__... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY\¢�f COMMISSION .P.......i ...e .. !V' ..... ............... .............. ............ DATE-ber....],L�.t....l.��.�..... RESOLVED 'Chet the Council hereby coflcurs in the reco:anendatiol, o the OOn �r,..Ct Joi:mlittue a1.0 rejects oiac received for the tuner ruction of a sewer to arain tl.e ailey in `lock b, ;,. U. Hamuyls ._ddition, Block 13, Schroederts :Aditiona, and lyinE north 01' `alnut Grove rearrangc,aent, saki seWur to ue built from Ashland i.ve. to the :_bovc described alley in an easement to be obtained, ti.e center line of wnicn is to lay two feet Brest of anu parallel to the wrest line of Herschel five. as dedicated in '6chroederts 1-.adition and vacated in 1J12, us bids received were in excess of the 11gilheebt s Estimate. L. r; 44bO. reli)ninL'-ry Uruer -,39600. C. R No. 41849 By W. J. Peter— CResolved'That the "Couhcli horeby oncurs In e recommendation of the Cth ontract Committee and relecte- bide res Ived. for theoconetruc ton of a sew- er �o dra111 'he"lay11 lock; 6, E. O. a ra nedltAddition;ilying �o;Vrc schvrroe_ Adopted by the,Courell'Sept, 15, 1922. ApproVed Sept. 19� 1922; _(Sept: 28-1928) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays -Ferguson -Mbonald In favor ,Z- Xkbr Peter Against -Wenzel Xx-&wnd— Adopted by the Council_._ ..--------- ---- Approved.. P �,:1 .'i2._-192 _:--._---��a-...- "------ �/ MwrOR �actlnq �- ,fit.,... !� ,,�.. a w::.. 5 '4�s4''i �' a'+✓ 1 - , • p.�. tis ems' November 14, 1922• The Council of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Gentlemen: - Your notice of a hearing at ten (10) A. M., November 18, 1922, on awarding the contract for construction of sewer in alley, in Block 2, E. G. Handy's Addition, and Block 13, Schroeder's Addition, at hand. Being unable to ties,1dandibrieflynacquaint yourGentlemen with uest, will thewer facts,lrreo garding this sewer controversy. Some eight or ten years ago, there was, on above described land, a low swamp with a natural spring run- ning through the same. Some individuals came along and bought two or three lots in above described swamp at a very small consideration ,.for the purpose of utilizing said spring -water for their homes, to the envy of their neighbors. Those same Individuals, at that time, did not know enough about 4bme con- struction to put in a sewer large enough to take the water from their spring -brook basements. Now, after themselves, they yearsfinalofhaveoy ing their spring -water, all by come to the conclusion that they can't swallow it all, and r so have enlisted the aid of a few friendly neighbors, ll sympathetic City Council, to pull them out of the swamp. If g you) tolemen# would envestigate theethe matterrbefore your which we are paying you) you would passed a measure of this kind through the Council, y probably count a few more votes to your credit the next time you seek political favors. The case, as stated above, can be verified by any old resident of said district, or any real estate dealer familiar with the lay of the land at that time. I conclusion - I am opposed to the sewer at an rice! t party, or parties, benefitted pay for it if they want i� U at.Paul,hiinnesota. November 16,1922. The honorable, The Council of the City of �t.Paul, ot. Paul,:,linn. Gentleaen: The undersigned owners of property abutting on block 2, B.G.aandy's addition, and clock 13, ochroeder's AJdition, lying north of 'Wainut Grove rte-arr^-ngeaent, be.ng the property involved in a pro- pursed sewer to be built from Ashland averme to the above described alley, respectfully protest to the awarding of the contract for the construction of said sewer, as the same is excessive, considering the benefit to abut- ting property excepting to four (4) parcels of property which is below grade. Your petitioners further state th_:t no objection was nade to your zonor3ble Uounoi'l to the order authorizing said improvement be - Ing led to believe that the preliminary estimate by the city ngineer's <' office was correct, and that said improvement would not cost to exceed thirty-four to thirty-five cents per front foot, whereas the lowest bid is sixty-one per cent in excess thereof, and of no benefit excepting as to the parcels of property actually drained thereby. For the foregoing reasons we respectfully request that the j said contract be not awarded. Name Address. FARWE LL. 0 ZM I TN, KIRK & C ) Wholesale Hal .11111.1 T." FO-KAO- R.Rl WL, 5.%�. Y" 10 CLINTON B. COX SECURITY BUILDING MiNNF-AYOLIS.MIRF. NORTHWESTERN SALES AGWW A SAC 00. November 12th, 1922. Mr. J.M. Clancy, Commissioner Of Finance, City Of St.Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - I am in receipt of your postal card notice dated the 8th Inst., to the effect that the Council of the City of St.Paul will meet in the Council Chamber on the 18th day of November at 10 o'clock A.M. for the purpose of consider- ing the advisability of awarding contract for the construc- tion of a sewer to drain the alley in Block 2 E.G.Handy's Addn. Block 13 Schroederls Addn. lying N. of Walnut Grove Re. said sewer to be built from Ashland Ave., to above described alley etc. As it will be impossible for me to attend the above meeting on the date designated, I take this occasion of" expressing my most strongest sentiments against the awarding of the contract, as well as the construction of the proposed sewer, it being absolutely unnecessary to construct such a sewer in this alley, and would be of no special benefit to the majority of the property holders. Thanking you very kindly, I beg to remain, Respectfully o , 1805 Marshall Ave., St.Paul, Minn. OBJECTING TO THE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR SEWER TO Di-iAII' THE ALLEY IN BLOCK ? E. G. HANDY's ADDITION. November 13, 1922. Mr. Isaac A. Hausen, 1-805 lTaxah4ll Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Hausen: Your communication of the 11th instant objecting $o the award of the contract fpr Co z ct3;ng a saver to 0 . Addit3.6n etc, reoe v'ed ata I will fie pleased to prd'sent sane to the Council on November 18th, the date thiel. _ matter comes up for consideratiop.. Yours very truly, COwISSIom OF FIP1AMr,, . ?: Petition Council File No .................:....:.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Alley in Block 1, Front Street Second Addition, .............. ----------- ..........—---__------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ _... ------- --- ----------------------- ............... ---------------------- __.._.r'rOnt Stt rismmi[YawxY oanens. �k 1.,. -Courtland 6dditlon,----- 1 C. F:No. 4186PA <� _.)tof Front Street from Farrington Al Abstract .................---- ... -------------------' Whereed, A written Droyyoeal for : -' making of the to]lowing..ImProvea, Second Addition. �a _ --- ------ -- - - -- -------- -------- --- -- Grade alley_1 Hlock 1-,. R out St': - =o Addition Stock 1;. Front St 15th t'd[fon and Blo k 1 conrti.14 A - Dated this........... ,day of o from Farrington Ave to the -- of Front:-Street Second Add eL D n g been yy eeated-to tha Q,(/Z( u -'��/ Clayy, di: St Paul teerefor --- ---- ---- -'---"'- ,�qea. That the Commlete Councilman. )- ,Aorke., be and he,da her _� InVeetigateYthe nece�" PRELIIL ._-ARY.t:.;; .bER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Block---1-,--.-front---Street._Se-cond_---- — i,on.,_.- llock_-1-�.Frgnt atree.t Addition end-Block_l., .Courtland Addition-,-__- frow----_ arrington--Avenue to the west line of rron't Street Seoond Addition.----------------_....... --------------- -............. -...-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ._.__....... ............. ----------- .---------------- .._'-_-------- .-_.....--.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 15 572 Adopted by the Council-------------------- ........------------------------------_---- YEAS NAYS SEP '1722 n -1.,, QqA •CY �FERGDsopN Approved------------ ------------------------ --- ...................-- G— -V"ETER -WENZEL . MR Do...MMWT AClln9 Ma Or. Form C A 13 (3M e-22) Council File No ....... - M PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemningandtaking an 'easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts an " �' 1f loci Alley in B , - --- ... ..... __. C F. No.. 11861— -- wont street. . Second Abstract. t Street Addition end Whereas. A written yroy pial for the makln¢.aL the Iollowtng 1m4rovemeat.` -- - - �n Avenue to the west block 1, Court�.and vl:.: - - - Condemntng and taking an- eabement 13na of iront..Stree orate ani dne innecessary ,the graalppg rat Allay to B1ocK.1. Front Street Second Addt- Dated this- .day of Uon F31 k 1 Front street AadlUon - 192 -, 15t]s-.-. and BI ck 1 C utod..A,5ldltton irom _ n Farrington Ave to-, the ^-�nt':Street Second Add1U0] - ... —-------- - -- .'i" Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ng--and.--taking--an-_e-asenlent-_in---- ....an .d-...... _ ary--- for.,_ slopes, for cuts and fills in the grsding of laley in 31cck 1, --------------------------------- ------------------------ - ------ -------- --------- - - - ---- ------------ -- --- Frcnt Strect Second Addition, Block 1, front Street Addition n - - - - - - - .. - - ---------- ----- ------------i ----------- . - g Blocl: 1, Courtland Addition, from arrin ten Avenue to the wea -----------line 0-f 1'r-e-1-t..treat Saeo-nd Add . tion-- ---------------- ---------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. -__-..--------------- ._----------------------------- ----... ---- ---- -- -... -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP j Adopted by the Council --------- --._------ -----------... .._ L.-. ---- -- ---- YEAS NAYS _ JE71 -122 S FERGUSON Approved. - - - - ------ PSIMAON oF``McDONALD —PETER WENZEL Foran C A 13 (3M 6-22) ....-- OO f__ G/( Mayor. PvsLrsrWD�7'_ �_a � Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and -_n-- an,-easementn-- -- --- _--- --- _ ------- ---- for ---- slopea,--- or_gq-tA-and fills is -_the -grading.-oP--- _ aT� --------------------------------------- ------------ ... .. .. AbatracG - . �4VJtereSe A w itten nroPosal for -.he. ..---- .- - -... - _...-....... ..---------.--------------------------------- -m sang of the following imyi•Ovement.' viz..- Dated this .--.Zlt}.1- da Condemning arid' taking an ease ent Y in the Land necessary for".10 a fv'i' r�� ^ cats and. title to .the grading.:o /( ley Ave.: from Syndicate Ave, t _ - - ...--- - St., having b en ➢resented to.tr '- " 'nu of th clt4 Payt. t Councilman. -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ---- --- -------- ----- Condemning--and.--taking--- an. -easement --- in..tha..land-.neoeseax-y .--- -..- - -------- ------------- for ---- inges.,xor .-cuts --- and --fills --- in --- the --.grading-..of...Herkelay- Avenue _ from_ Syndicate Ane. -to_-Griggs_-Sty.. _--- ----------------- --- --. _.-_.. ---------------- ------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - .... --- ------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ._---- .-------- .. _..__--- -------- ---------- therefore, :...... - .._.. -- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foreg?#g?i,9jLtt to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council------------ -------- SEP --- �.J. `-:1z .--------_--------- --- ----- YEAS NAYS SEP ] , 1722 ---..FERGUSON Approved --------- -------�------------- ---- N �.-10rcDONALD �- /' -PETER A— t>WENT.EL LC _ .... ^-... .. - AcUnWsyor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) 3 - �f � PUBLISI�D �--J\ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER--- RESOLVED _F COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.-....---....._-__...:_...._: .�c OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK CIL_ ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM i � e September 16, 1922 \ Y� DATE.. .......... ........... .. .....:.:. ........... ...... That subject to the terms of Ordinance No- 3817, approved January 2, 1917, and Ordinance No. 3818, approved January 2, 1917, the itoute and plans for the construction of underground work be approved, said plans and route being hereto attached, and the Commissioner of Public ''forks is hereby directed to ./ ompany tosue a installrmit to the etern Union the followingsunderground Twork,,ato ph wit' Cables and conduits on the north side of Fourth Street from the manhole at the corner of Yinnesota and Fourth Streets to a point approximately 236 feet Vest - as indicated in red on the attached print Cl - 650 - A-2 Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays _McDonald C}_ -..-..In favor Win �:XAIII -...__....._.Against � ��pVenzel �ent roar a SEP 15 1922 Adopted by the Council _....___...—..___._----------- -__ 19_...._ Approved. MAYOR Sattnq ONIOINAL TO CITY CLERK F.na A A 46,1 M 7-21 • • CITY on RT. PAUL o OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CoosalL�j o p^ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FO M F=LS NO..^.L1_/Nq'..... - 524 1l2°eY cOMPTRoL AUDITED192. 1 PER -..... .................... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to he aggregate amount of .............. covering checks numbered 6991 to 6997 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( :) Councilmen ( ' ) Nays. SEP 15 '122 Adopted by the Council.._._ er EP 15 15 '722 In fa tu'_ W'McDonald, - Approve --- 192 ...... ,P19V,ith,- Peterw�W Against enzel. MAYOR Mx- Nelson Acting 6991 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance, 7,628.85 Mayor's Office 215.83 City Clerk 365.00 Wheelage Tax 115.00 Election Expense 104.00 CororationCounsel 820.21 Com r. of Finance 757.55 It 763.00 Partic. Certs. 226.68 Comptroller 1,256.96 j 6 Civil Service 540.37 Puroh. Dept. 684.50 C. H. & C. H. 1,520.25 Armory 257.50 �S.$T 6992 J. M. Clancy, Com'r.. of Finance 394.38 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 6993 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 3,825.16 Health -Adm. 77.50 Vital Statistics' 310.00 Food Reg. & Insp. 610.00 Quarantine Inspection 1,170.00 Tuberculosis Div. 697.50 Dale St. Infirmary 72.50 workhouse Hospital 293.50 Laboratory 214.16 P. Baths 160,00 It 50600 P. Comfort Station 170900001 Res. 524 Page #2 6994 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 15,123.32 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 492.00 Bureau of Engineers 3,045.83 " " City Plan. 402.50 St. C. & R. 165.00 n 185.75 Sewer C. & R. 199.90 S. & S. Cing. 4,593.33 Bridge B. & R. 262.50 Workhouse 595.84 Crosswalks 75.00 Sprinkling 4,893.67 L 1494 80,75 Engineering & Insp. 131.25 6995 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance• 8,082.01 Schools 1,234.32 Library 6,195,36 - Auditorium 652.33 6,082,01 6996 J. M. 6996 Clancy, Com'r- of Finance 3,515.44 Park -Adm. 362.98 Bureau of Parks 166.66 Playgrounds 297.87 P. Bldgs. 2,203.93 Forestry Revl. 80.00 vocational Schl.(Bond) 75.00 Linwood " " 75.00 Lafayette " " 104.00 Jefferson " " 75.00 Arcade if "" 75.00 3;5I3.4Z 6997 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 2,643.78 C.P.U.-Gen. Acct. 271.00 " -Test. Labs. 421.03 " -Markets 241.90 " -Inv. P. Util. 460.55 " @Lighting 1,249.30 ;;b'g3;18 r °°m=ern No. '...x... AUDITED. � � 192. .... -- l PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to a aggregate amount of $._.4j"P'j2iW94......_ .., covering checks numbered Ba91— to 6997 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. SEP 15 922 .-� Adopted by the Council... _ .... 192.......... guson, In favor McDonald, Approved.. ......_.._......._......__.._..._ _....._...._..._192.......-.- lol"Mr -'§tititlr,- P9ter QAgainst Wenzel f 2residetihrl�ed�bs�n �. , cvZi't1i C. Reeolved ghat warrants bs drare wn upon the City Treasury. to th coverin6 gate amount of 41,2IY.9 699Ck 7 fnclu- cheeka numbered 991 to sive, as Per re6leter Othe tCItYe Come - file !n the oftice or 15 1$22. troller. ,Adopted by the 15'1922 Sept. �PProved Sep (Sept• 23.1822)- 0 11 CIYY CP T. -1 ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P==* No. ..S "..: a."-.. 525 - - 1 I9 LL aY -_„_, COMPTROL AUDITED .... .......192....... . I LPER ........... ... ...-....... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 1,$54.06- . - covering checks -numbered 6998 to. 7018 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( �. ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. ..Glwrer't °�-- �.Perguson, In favor .McDonald, Net fit},; Peter Against -Wenzel. MrW�R son ri SEP l-1.722 Adopted by the Council__.._.__..._ _......___ _.__.....192 A _....--- SEP f 5 : 22 ��� �. 192 ...... ve c (/ ctiicr� ,/>,CtipCMAYOa 6998 .... .... .. ..... . J. H. Allen & Company, 53.11 Health 1.05 Library 3.00 Park Refectories 49.06 6999 0. G. Amlee, 144.60 Art Museum 7000 Paul L. Chapel, 2.56 Plater 7001 Drewery & Sons, 1,131.50 Park Refectories 7002 Joe Fiorito, 10.00 Pater 7003 Jos. Kuba, 25.00 Plater • 7004 Mrs. M. C. LaVay, 6.02 Plater 7005 Lewis Park Grocery, 40.49 Park Refectories 7006 T. J. McDermott, 8.00 Plater Res. 525 Page #2 7007 Andrew Nelson, 8.03 Plater 7008 Northwestern Blaugas Uompany, 22.05 park Refectories 7009 Northwestern Tire Company, 151.91 Garage 7010 M. J. O'Neil, 90.00 Homecroft Sohool(Bond) 7011 Louis H. Peter, 12.32 Plater 7012 Peterson & Devinney, 14.14 Wate; 7013 quality Candy Company, 11.03 Park Refectories 7014 St.Psul Electric Lamp Company, 16.00 Garage 7015 Bruce 5andborn, 10.30 "nater 7016 A. G. Spalding & Brgothers, 48.00 Park Refectories 7017 Sterling Printing Company, 23.00 Health 7018 Jacob Tatkin, 25.00 hinter I 0 • • mE e�z No.. ? I., COl1PTHOLL AUDITED. ;.�2") .192... .... .... -.... ___.__.... ... .. ..s. 1 PER ..... ♦ .... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Ci Treasury, to e a r ate amount of $ covering P City rr, 88 8 1i854,U6....__..__...., checks numbered 6998 to. 7018 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. ✓'Pe In favor ,McDonald, �) ti° toiikt. Peter 4L.ABainst L Wenzel. Mr. -Pi'Oderl ,j4;q;X'RTMn Adopted by the Council_ __. _.___....._......__....._....192.......-. SEI" 1 •! -.Lt Approved192_ .... 0 �. C. P. No. 41866— Resolved that warrants be. -drawn upon'. the City Treasury. to the aggre- gate amount f 51,86 4.06, overing check. numbered 6998 to 7018 inclu- lve. 8s per r,gl:t,r of Ity checks o dle In the office of the Ctw Comp- troller. Adopted by the Council Sept. 15, 1922. Approved Sept. 16, 192E. (Sept. 23-1922) e ,4. t J An ordinance granting to the Angus Motor Car Company, Inc. permission to install and maintain a gasoline tank underneath the sidewalk at No. 400 Selby avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Angus Motor Car Company, Inc. to install and maintain a gasoline tank under the sidewalk at No. 400>°12 -?by avenue. pee N , + `inch` 1 Public works is hereby author ,as 2. The Comm,,tieelA;,as Wain y ized to issue a permit toa,etl�q 'q�e atthe et,nsee for the installation of ",u ince with the following con - said tank, upon said li' uncl!.Of the City of St.. di'tions: f e erdal"` SECTION I. (1) Said tan, ha, permission and aathl s under the supervision and Y granted to the Anr; is Work direction of said COL ;r Company, Inc., to >t Works, and the said licensee intaln a gasoline ta, . . shall pay the cost o deAalk at No. :oo ,. Any. SE[" (2) The said ��s^r, i•.1•,r'kl�,,dfiuronieh a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum ofo C&k1 .t�1t ."D611'ars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St.''P,xgas from any and all liability, judgments, costs, damages ed,;e snae that may accrue to persons or property on account of or sa' "6om the construction, maintenance, operation, presence or remov.�., 041911d tank. The said bond shall be in such form as'may be approveA'by the Corporation Counsel, have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said tank shall be removed by said licensee whenever the. Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage //annnd publication. Passed by the Council W vC I-61� �. (q Z a - Yeas Nays Mr �lancy erguson McDonald Vdatson Q ✓peter MVPr ent (Nelson) Approved Attest Mayor ISIiE _/ — ':2 City erk. ., , � ' �I _ �: 1 a'� y • rf Office of (Mg Clerk HENRY OLSON JAS. J. MINER Vtu of -Saint Paul September 14th, .1922._, Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Attached please find application of the Angus Motor Company for permit to install tanks under- neath sidewalk on city property and pump on private property at 400 Selby Avenue, which the Council today referred to you for the proper ordinance. Yours truly, enc. C r V CLERK. I1 Litu of St. Paid O9CAq �LA�S�EN, EN��Ef n t -t. rpartnrrnt of pu4Ij.r Works u WILLIAM J- PETERr. COMMISSIONER E. CAIRO— A E C9cv E o OTTO E. CANSTANS. ' r P° au rr n n n >,ns �EPUTY COMMIS s10N ER ' O. ROLOOOrriee nNo Cor PLi+r,e ti,re 4S R w GOErIINGER, 9unr RorTwonn.. o-scrpr ou 6eptember 3-2. `.:m. J. Peter, Co:runissioner of Public 'lIorks. Dear sir: lith reference to application of the Angus i,iotor company for permissicn to ins ta31 ta.Y1l:s underneath sidewalk on city property and pump on private property at 400 6elby Avenue, beg to advise that there is no objection to this from 2n eIIgirneerin„ viewpoint. w� CTS'• �' -�, C) C ;mh Yours truly, Chief Engineer . Approved: t.. C: orur.a5sioner of Public ','-orks' s V VAI -11 v, (Situ of _t't. Paul os�AR CLAUSSEN. e. E een Drparhurnt of public Marks WILLIAM J. PETER. OMMISSIONER RROLL, a . Cnie. E OTTO E. CONS ANS ori a v�iNs MEPUTT COMMIS ]TONER G. RROLOO Oeriec wNo Cii� PLAN v�ve 46 R aAn, 1 a eucir. cn . SHARP, 9 Tne r w �Nirnriow h w GOETZINGER, Soar ce wonvyouse September 9, 192. Conunissioner F. Vl. 1datson, Commissioner of public safety. Dear Sir; In the matter of the applicr:tion o_' the Anus L.otor Company for permission to install a 500 gallon gasoline tank underneath sidewalk on city property and gasoline pump on private property at 400 aelby ._venue. Your letters as Well as the application have been referred to this department by Lx. Henry Olson, City Clerk. However, since receiving same I have been informed by the Angus 1;10160r Company that they desire to install two gasoline tanks instead of one at the (,lace above mentioned. tilill you kindly have this checked again and advise if satisfactory @x' far as your office is concerned, returning pp.pers to us. Yours very truly, Gl/L -� Commissioner of Public Vicrks. wJp/mh O f[re v( UtV Verk tI�NRY OLSON, JAS. J. MINER (fitil Of Saild JIM September 11th, 1922. Hon. Wm. J. Peter, Comer of Public Works. Dear Sir: Please note copy of report of the Commissioner of Public Safety covering application of the Angus Motor Company for permission to install a 500 gallon gasoline tank underneath the sidewalk on city property and gasolins tank on private property at 400 Selby Ave. This application has been O.K.'d by the Public Safety Department as to fire hazard and to traffic. Will you therefore, kindly check the same up in your depart- ment and report! one. CITY CLERK_ FRANK W. MATSON. GOMM�SS�ONER HARRY A. JOHNSON, oErvrr COMMISSIONER citg 1tt Paul' gIZsurtUtr t of'Vuhlir AAf)e#g September 11, 1922. Hon. William J. Peter, Commissioner of Public works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Thr. Peter: Herewith application and all papers in regard to the Angus motor Company for permission to install two 500 -gallon gasoline storage tanks underneath the sidewalk on city property at 400 Selby Avenue. The report from the Buraau of Fire Protection Indicates that tile installation of two 50Q -gallon gasoline tanks ;rill not increase the fire hazard, and has been aplroved by that Bureau. HAJ-amk Yours vely, Commissioner of Public Safety WILLIAM BARRON ' CHIEF INSPECTOR • � a CITY OF SAINTP-AC_1L DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY FRANK W. MATSON. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION September 11th, 1 8 2 2. Hon. F. W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. J Dear Sir: - In regard to re-application of the Angus Mottr Company, asking for permission to install two five hundred gallor*.gasoline storage tanks under sidewalk on city property, gasoline pumps to be located inside of building on private property at #400 Selby Avenue. We have made reinspection of the above premises and find that the installation of an additional 50C gallon storage tank will not increase the fire hazard as ap)licant proposes to install approved tanks and pumps and to comply with city ordinances, we recommend that permit be issued. Respectfully yours, � J CHIEF INSPE;;A. E.W.A./B. FRANK W. MATSQN. CAMMI3910NFR gz#g �af �Uiu# Paul HARRY A. JOHNSON, D-- CO-1-1- September 6, 1922. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, B U I L D I N G. Dear Mr. Olson: Herewith application of the Angus Motor Company for permission to install a 500 gallon gasoline tank underneath the sidewalk on city property and gasoline pump on private property at 400 Selby Ave. This has been checked as to fire hazard and traffic and approved by this department. Yours ver iy, HAJ-amk Commissioner of Public Safety Ov,GE D��T��y A O J 0�3AI'Ht FRANK W. sommeR CHIEF PO Lt C$ C), Fri cE OF' -�-ti,�-� - O --- z A �WN Sainte PauZ�1"Iinria w Sept ember 6, 1922 Frank - Nast s on s Couunissioxigr of Public Sa'ety� St. P au1 iaiZ1Si . Dear S ix - M have your letter of September 6th relative to an appy i cation of the Angus iV-C tct Company for per- mission -t--o iristall a SOO gal3ora gasoline tank under- neath t%e s-clewal]-c on city property and a gasoline pump ori private property at 400 Selby Ave., etc. have had this matter investigated by C apt airs Gebl3arclt and he st at e s that inasmuch as this is ors privateproperty arsQ does not materially affect the tra 'i c at that location -tjxst it will be satis- factory -t--o proceed with the installation of the tank and p1.Zrm-r> as above mentiorzec3_ Your very truly, Franl,- W . S omme r, Chic i of Police S/vd WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF INSpEC.TOR - w GI T Y'O F S A I N'T P A U L DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY FRANK W. MAT-. COMrwtss�oNER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION • DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION September 5, 1922. Hon. F. W. Mat s on Commisslox.BT of Publlo Safety, St. Paul, Mi. x1= _ Dear Sir: Srs regard to the applios.tioa of the Angus Motor Company, Por pe=m:Lasiozz to insUa.11 a 500 gallon. gasoline tank underneath the sidewa3-3t on otty property, and gasoline pump on private property at 400 Selbsr Avenue. I Lave investigated the Foregoing and report that such a tank and ]p-im ,would not ]be a serious increase in fire hazard to the surroundix3 property, I therefore recommend that permit be granted. H. Yon.r�sjR/e%spectfull , C�.ief Inspeotor.�� FRANK W MATSON, C MmlS aN HARRY A. JOHNSON, Der COMMISSIONv �Zrilmf Paul � �$�'I2I�iTi$lt� II� �12.LTITt �R��f�2 September 2, 1922 Mr. William Barron, Chief Inspector, Division of Fire Prevention, St. Paul, MI-nn- Dear inn_Dear Mr. Barron: Herewith mppl icat ion of the Angus Motor Company, Inc. to install a 500 gallon gasoline tank under- neath the siciewa.lic on city property, and gasoline pump on private property at 400 Selby Ave . k:Lndltigate as to fire hazard and .return at your earlie�t_nvenience. YOu.r6 Pe ly, FWM-amk Commissioner of Public Safety st . Paul, Minn., Aug. 26, 1922. Hon. Frank W. Matson , COM Missioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn _ Dear Sir: I hereby make application to install a 500 gallon gasoline tank -undernea.th the sidewalk on oity property anti gasoline pump on private,�6p�rty at 400 Selby Avenue. U Yours -very truly, Angus -Sot orr Carr CO-, Inc - Act; -Dant error in platting Hudson Road Gardens. 4 Council File No. _ ' 6POSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ta,�e,ai ser,sin'3 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r by _t81[1nS su=c-vu4�..W - pt. -0_1 of :grouse -o �_ `� makine of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: tII aL 'llae a-__Abea gs-. Z01_ •- ^, .nnlag S't .--a polai oa-. tII0 -.: . f1the Hudson Road to a width of 66 ft. from tiY i mat oa the souYls iina of Wast = Raih Ava.+- al - Ruth Ave. T,=o=s i :�.a `- .115 ft. ':Jest Of Hazel Avenue, by taking and condemning a t? j �r11ar piece of ground off of lot 7 block 8 south Of 15_ra8 described as follows : Beginning at a point on the West side o FZutYi I,venue 8 ft. from the southeast corner, thence on a atraig?zt 13ae to s point on the south line of said lot 165 ft. West of Ruth avenue s a-lso all those parts of lots 4 and 5 block 7, lot 4 block E5 1y3 -ng south of the following described line: Beginning at a point o tine south line of said lot 4 block 7 that is 107 ft. Wast of E:�,outhaast corner of same, thence on a curve to right viith a radius of 1601 ft. at a central angle of 80 40 ft., thence on a tangent _ 8 f t m thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 392 ft. at a central angle of 450, thence on a tangent #o a point on the sou: i -i line of said lot 4 block 6,115 ft. b9Pst of the southeast corner of said 3_c> -t__ P.11 Ila Hudson Road Gardens. Dated this j -.6t11 day of September, 1922 C ounc i ltpam . 10 �+ Y vivo r� � —,� ---� Beginning at, a point on the south line of said lot 4 block 7 that is 107 ft-- rest of the =Southeast corner of sane, thence on ---a curve to �itth a radius of 1601 ft. at a central angle of 80 40 ft. LhPnce on a tangent 8 ft., thence on a curve to the left witrs a radius of 392 ft. at a central angle of 450, thence on a tarngers-t. to a point on the south line of said lot 4 block 6 115 ft. t -=est of tLze southeast corner of said lot. All in ??udson Road Gardez-is . IFP Adopted by the Council______--_____ YEAS NAYS --�FERCz IISON �iViCDONALD e -STEN T_IF- L MD pv TT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved-.----. �? 1 722 .r ----- -- _ .. -. /Acting Mayor. pLTPtI.T9f�D_ rcr*rcTtirar...L Tr,.. L +) l,? U- i T3 ]- r �i J;7T.: ,` .Ti CJJ_\rJ Jc. = 1 F)rJ7 :• L a grr'2 0 JG0 ' .F ro17a. -�b'.9:� }^ C O- - �. - - i 7� a -.; f a box.T} ou r;rs 2olrr iI _ T ,<- c a ?o d r,a;.q �rJ� ti iTL,ST.r TOP � aTocr= v T1TI ' ao rFp o , f pF .o J TotAT i 'est G� lora d ;u:, pI u r;,Gap UZ E',n.i.7 u�czrre' area s T.j 1oac, ra 7';Jr O}. 8:77c� j'O� Te, j•� C77 v aTz,� { •i j.r �-' T { uEi ¢'O B i.:0i ;J.F C, pth G v!'S_pj7 j 2CrriJUJ?j7 OI. iJOI:' +U�7JC E+ _ T :. O?S; CFJ'G Gag 2TgG oz r 1, J � nsiTrre g T, -P t or 7r cu (,Te _ 2UfC G 7 II- 4Ei3C'" �S?C t7".O u _'�.. .-..� ---'- _ _ Dated this- ---------------day of. ---. -- -- ----- ---- -----1 - -(.. 1�. — z \ CY e Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. open, widen'and extend the Hudson goad to a Width of E6 ft. from Ruth Ave. to a point 115 ft. C1est of Hazel Av,�nue, by taking and condemning a triangular piece of ground off of lot 7 block 8 south of line described as follows Beginning at a point on the Viest side Of ruth 21 -venue 8 ft. from the southeast corner, thence on a straiht line to a point on the south line of said lot 165 ft. 19est of Ruth !_venue, also all those pasts of lots 4 and 5 block 70 lot 4 block 6 lying south of the following described line : Beginning at a point on the south line of said lot 4 block 7 that is 107 ft. Piest of the Southeast corner of same, thence on a curve to right with a radius of 1601 ft. at a central angle of 80 40 ft-., thence on a tangent 8 ft., thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 392 ft. at a central angle of 450, thence on a tangent to a point on the south line of said lot 4 block 6 115 ft. viest of the southeast corner of said 'lot. All in Fludson Road ,,ardens. o. -to report upon an o1 Lne roregoing 11—L ;er-5 w u„u SEP i i -)! Adoptedby the Council----------- ---------------------- ------------------------- -- --------- YEAS NAYS --FERGUSON `I�f�resN --McDONALD �7 --PETER Cod r WENZEL ME Pv "T Form C A 13 OM 6-22) S F P Ig, 52c Approved-------------- _ - — - --- ._ ..-- ----------- ----- --- --- / /� ! ^ •-rte ` .�` '-- -- ........ - ° %Acting Mayor. petition� �- Council File No._ --_-_-`-_x_ .-_.`__-- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Pand PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade and pave A11cy irn I-ock. 12, `rloodland Park - -------------------- - --------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------- -- - - - ---- ------ Addition� from '�lestern .revenue to Arundel atreet. .._--__ C_ No_ .4185 -. .. 'Whereas., A wri ttan yr poea.i lot. the: maAing:oi--flag:-Zoiiowiag. imDrovwmant Grade aad---paves Ailey in imo is 12 woodland Park' 13dditlon, lrorra Wor� Dated this. �;5tr1.._._._day of _ ern .�.re_ to __A a Iex st, iza i 2__ - preaented: to. tlae -Covacil of th Cf St. -Paul- t t- -r 1. re, -be R solved -Thai -th.e Commi:aios• _------- --- -------------- Public Worics ba aad ha laher-- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mal,-irig of the following improvement, viz.: wade and pave A11e�r in _t.�1ocs- 12, Vioodl:a.nd Bark - -- - - -- --- ----------------------- ----- ---------- - - --------------- --- - -- .- - .. ..-- - - Addition,....from estern rivernue to Arundel tree -t-•-_..-......--------___--------------------- ----- -------- ---------------------- ----- ------------ ------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St_ Paul__ ----- __--- _--- ___-__-___------------------- ------- _..-________ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pul->lic Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement., and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or snore owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters t.o the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -- - ----------------------- --------- --`-------------- --- --------- YEAS NAYS CO L., PERGUSON y,/1 cDONAED L' PETER _,-WENZEL Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) z' Approved------------------- -- --- --- - ---- ------------ ✓------ --------------- -- - - /-� fin¢ Mayor. C -1 M 4 A,`5 49 Council File No ----- ------ . ............ r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ------- 7777T-7- - Conde ease.,nent in the land ------------------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------ - --------- ----------------------- ---- --- - ----- ----------- A X-�L.1_1j� i)q__ the &r_4ali-ng -- ---- -- ---- - ---------------- X1 vizi-- `- andtaxtnB • --------- � essary for.. ----_--.-.-.---� --------- * --I--.------.------d---- --l------a----n------d------ --k----a--r---k- --A--l---d--i----t--i---on----, - ...... cssts ll -1- 12. "o A - 31.. ................ ---Street - - ----- --- - --- - - - - ----- - --------- - be it .192- - Dated this-_---- 13:�h ----- -I t xeso Tact ----------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: n the land necesiavx'Y C)Onde� j-_rl d- tak:Ln.--___a-n easement in -------- --- - - .... ... .. - ----- -- - ------- ------------------------------- --------- __ea ... ----- - fjqT� e grading -and paving ------ 9:�;t-- qLjjd :Cia-3-s in th p, ............... --------------- ---------- ------ ------- ------- --- I - - � . .... . ..... . having .-alley-1 2 . -;JoodL1-eLmd !?ark Additions from 'llestern in BI -00-L - -------------- - - - ----------- ----- -- � --- -1 --------- ----------------- Lvenue.-.-tz --- ------ - -- - -------- ----------- - - --------------- -- -------- -------------- ------- --- --- --- having having been presented to the Council of the City of St.. Paul.........__...._ --- - --------------- ---------- -- -------- -- -- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said irnprovernent. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3., To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or niore owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. - I I r4 :12" Adopted by the Council- -------- ------------------------------------------------- ----- YEAS NAYS I f %,.-FERGUSON Approved ------ cFP - ---- - - - ----- -McDOXAI,11- W PETER -WENZY-E --- ...... - - ------------------------ - ------- ----- --- --- ------- Mayor. MR. PnF•c■rte F— C A 73 (3M 6-22) PU-BLlSHr--D- Form A A 46, IM 7-2I • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIbIS—RESOLUTION FORM' Orr No............:..a........ n 528 BYfsin,�,rq�,ate COMPTftO 8R. AUDITED.... = ;. l; 1�1 l 192 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to t amount of $ _.. 6.3242...73......-.... covering checks numbered_ _7050 to 7053 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the Citly Comptroller. Yeas ( v. ) Councilmen ( 4' ) Nays. Clancy, ' — 4 -Ferguson, In favor C..vlcDonald, —5mit1r, Peter Against Wenzel. Adopted by the Council �L ...� a..: iZ............192......._ Aprpve......__....... ........_--------------- 4 v192.......... q ✓ t cioZ C/v _ . __.... MAYOR .3ct:nr;5 7050 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Police 7051 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Fire 7052 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Pob. & F. Alarm 7053 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance Water 26,085.24 30,816.16 1,162.50 5,178.83 9 • AUDITED 192. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the a$$re$ate amount of $_... B.i° SE E-e�i}3____...._, coverm$ checks numbered . 7050.___ _...._ to., _ 705.3 inclusive, as per mister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. In favor ,,)fcDonald, 4fetee- �,.Sneith,t E'eter WAgainst enzel. I AiT:sidem;'IidCl$3�PT'"Non Adopted by the Council._ _ ..............._ ---..._._...._......._...._192--..._... SF 1.0, J22 Approved_...__...-_...._..._ ........ ..... ....._.....-192 -f� Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Clty Treasury to Kate amount oPi63242.73,the'aggre. chec as ne, ered 7050 to 7068 Inclug slue, IDs in the- glater of city checks oa troller. 0Rioe of the City Coup_ Adopted by the Council Sept; -16, 1922. -'1Pproved Sept. -16, 1922, - (Septa 22-1922) ._ 1 CITY OF RT. PAUL ORIGINAL TO 7054 Barbaroeea & Lametti., _ .. 3,740oOO CITY CLERK T OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 7055 Brooke Brothers, A �" UDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION COUSUIL FORDI FILE No,......._�... .. roro,AA16,IMNI 11 213.64 —315.56 7777 529 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 1,162,10 It ': _,l BYOMPTR RR. _.... AUDITED .__ 192 ._ ... 10.00 I ( PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to a aggregate amount of $__:14,318..81_._......, covering checks numbered 7.054 . to. - 7063 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas (1'.) Councilmen ( 1') Nays. 7059 Minn to Road Equipment Company, 2,825.42 JLI" 1'A 'JCL Sprinkling �--+ Adopted by the Council .... __ __ ___ _ _....__..._......._......192----.-._ W. R. Ulmer, 105.84 6_ --Ferguson, In favor ;j� Sewer C. & R. 1-YeDonnald, Ap7p ed_.._... .*..__..._........_......_........._... / 2.......-.. 10091.20 peter l ,,. L 1486 �en1ZeL 6J Against +�, ....... -�/=MAYOR Frank 0. Wicker, 340.00 F^ heIttnc, he L 1508 L 1487 7054 Barbaroeea & Lametti., _ .. 3,740oOO Sewer on Grand Ave. L 1506 7055 Brooke Brothers, 315.56 L 1498 101.92 11 213.64 —315.56 7056 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 1,162,10 Garage 7057 Fenton Ross Company, 10.00 Comptroller 7058 J. F. Kain, Cashier Water Department 138.09 Water 7059 Minn to Road Equipment Company, 2,825.42 Sprinkling 7060 W. R. Ulmer, 105.84 Sewer C. & R. 7061 Walsh Tie Company, 10091.20 L 1486 7062 Frank 0. Wicker, 340.00 L 1508 7063 The white Construction uompany, 4,590.00 L 1487 CUA09UPLICATI TC CITY CLIaa • • CITY OF 6T. PAUL 1:10001L FILE 1\Ut....l:.../"�.�'...., I(F.. v/v � BYCOMPT LLE . AUDITED 192. _. P...........Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, tof $ _ .14 "' 1B 1 covering checks numbered 7054 to. 7063 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller Yens Councilmen Nays. Sri lie �:i22 �» Adopted by the Council.... _.v......._.._ .............192-........ ,.Ferguson, In favor SEP 1- ''1 LC McDonald, Approved ... _...._.__ ..............__..._.............192_........ 3�4exgotr, SmitlT; Peter V. Against Wenzel. Nelson P a c No. 41861—��- C. F. Resolved that 'warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury. to the aggre- gate amount of 514,318;21, covering checks numbered 7054 to 7063 Inclu- - sive,. as per register of city checks. on ale in the office of the City Comp. - troller. - Adopted by the Council Sept: 16, .1923. Approved Sept. 18, 1922. (Sept. 23-1922) - P ONIOINAL TO CITY CLLaN Nona A A 46, IM 7.21 • 527 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAMS—RESOLUTIONFORDI 1,) BY AUDITED... ,.. •. !� 192___ - i COU\CIL / k A FILE No...... ....... ........ PEt . Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to he agreBate amount of $, 2,.25.7. o.9.1 ................... coverm� checks numbered 7020 _ __ to. 7049 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( .) Councilmen ( ) Nays. _ 6"eT" 6 --Ferguson, In favor L.�1cl)onald, zauon, m&taidr,- Peter__.._AAainst QWenzel. Mr, Pre�eutvHm*wfl "Idelmm r Adopted by the Council. __sr- ___. _..__ ...............................192- SE, Approve...... ...�. .._- - .................192........ ......... MAYOR ;actlu9 7020 American Supply Company, .......................... Schools 70.50 Pater 2.40 II .83 Hayden Hts.Sohl.(Bond) 410.00 X83.'13 7021 Annheuser-Buach, 60.00 Park Refectories 7022 Oscar Arneson, 25.00 Bureau of City planning 7023 W. J. Bazille, 2.75. G.F.-Mico. & Unforseen 7024 Blekre Tire & Rubber Compare, 48.99 Garage 7025 A. B. Brand, 12.00 Water Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, 88.96 7026 Mayor's Office .60 City Clerk 1.80 Civil Service 1.80 Police 1.50 C.P.P;.-Gen. Adm. 2.60 11 if it 15,00 Bureau of Engra, 6.35 it if it 35.20 Library 2.50 10.80 P. Bldgs. 7.00 it 2,00 Water 1.81 8'ET'.?9'Pi • No 527 P096112 7027 ChicAgo, Stopattl, Mplso & Omaha Railwey Coe, �Jatar 7028 J. M. Glancy, Com'r. of Finance Municipal Court 7029 J. B. Clow & Sons, Schools 7030 Coca Cola Bottling Company, Park Refectories 7031 C. P. Gibson, Park -Adm. 7032 Great Lakes Coal & Dook Company, 6t. C. & R. 7033 Hafner's Meat Market, Park Refectories 7034 A. Hanvill, Water 7035 Tho Nu8blal No) Schools 7036 M611ane Cast Iron Pipe Company, 7047 0. Swoboda, Watem 12382 48.00 268.68 116.00 1.50 2N50 67.15 19.35 IN 260*90 27.60 17.85 23.00 21.37 114j44 99000 86,00 4.00 34.62 92.70 1200 Water 7037 The Macmillan Company, Central High School Library 7038 Miller & Holmes, Workhouse 7039 Multiplex Display Fixture Company, Schools 7040 Picard Laboratories, Water 7041 Quaylo & Kelley, Water 7042 T. A. Rafftery, Workhouse 7043 Republio Creosoting Company, St. Cf & R, 7044 Albert Rohmel, Water 7045 E. J. Snyker, Mater 7046 Superior Printing Company, City Clerk 340 St. C. & R. 18.50 Library 27.00 Water 16.50 it 27.50 9.0 7047 0. Swoboda, Watem 12382 48.00 268.68 116.00 1.50 2N50 67.15 19.35 IN 260*90 27.60 17.85 23.00 21.37 114j44 99000 86,00 4.00 34.62 92.70 1200 Res. 527 Page #3 7048 W. J. TOPlep, Civil Serv,iae 7049 United Charities,' Health • 0 5,00 35,00 9 eo�etr. � BY COMPr60 SR. AUDITED JL;: ( U .:<�` 192 - I 1 PSE ..... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_$,2$7..8j........_..._..., covering checks numbered_ 7020 to. _ .7049 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller.. Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. !-'Ferguson, _ In favor w -McDonald, -mats", ✓'F nitlar Peter __. _ Against enzel.�,_" ..Mr,:P.nesitlerit;'f%`��otr 10'81son C. F. No. 4?862— P i 722 Adopted by the Council _ .........................192...-..... 2L Approved._ ............. ..... ........192-......... Reso11ed that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggre- gate amount of $2,267.91, overing checks numbered 7020 to 7049 Inclu- sive, as per register of city checks on file In the office of the City Comp- troller. Adopted by the Council Sept, 16, 1922. Approved 9opt. 16, 1922. (Sept. 23-1922) CITY OF RT. PAW, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLfiPN - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER { d„ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTI.QN FORM Forosatt NOi,�P� Form A A 1M 7.21 , e i �' C ��� BY COMPTRFR. 7 j AUDITED _..._._.. 102... I l PER .... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to t e aggregate amount of $ 31'56 $ coverin checks numbered 7019 to. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V. Councilmen (J) Nays. ancy, Adopted by the Council ..._............_:._.....;._......_...._........_192---... t,wTerguson, In favor - ' 192.....-.... ,,McDonald, Approved_..�......1%-_...�.:....,%:::�---......_ ..ter Peter Mrs /L ,Wenzel. 4)Against LQMAYOR Pjsident;i'o'R .. ....... son Nelson s on a�1 7019 Millerburg Electric Company $31.56 Fire 8.80 IT 13.58 Garage 1.95 -- " 6.00 Dater 1.23 31X QUADRUPLICATE CITY OF BT, PAUL TO CITY CLERK - I1 F/,s COUNCIL C..��(... 1 FILE NO,.. ........... ................ Is -, v BY COM LLSH. , - AUDITED .._. 192 SS I PE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, t the a$ regate amount of n0l fig ... .. ..................... covering checks numbered to., inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City 7019 Comptroller, Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. SEP 2, r4 VAdopted by the Council_ .._..... _........._.........192-......... ,,cPer$uson, In favor ,-McDonald, Approvedowed 192Masam, ....._... Peter E E„Wenzel. Against Mr, President Iio4sm Nelson 1 C. F. No. 41863— Re.olved that warrant. tie drawn upon the City Treasury,. to the aggre-I amount ,,".,6,covering check numbered 7619, as per reglefer of Clty checks on file In the o"Ce of the Clty Comptroller. lf( Adopted by the Council Sept. 16, 1922, 1 Approved Sept. 16, 1922. (Sept 23-1922) Is COUNCILQ - CITY OF ST, PA'UL NO.----- '_-6;. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTED BY L - COMMISSIONER.. cY..-.. FY9�IlY-.W.....YatSon.................................. .................... DATE...._SB�t.emLie T. _l v. t....1922 ... ...... RESOLVED That the application for license of Bernard Sierakowski for the handling and selling of foodstuffs at 916 Aroadd St._ be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police for the reason that license was denied under Commissioner Smith. � C, F. No. 41664—By L, .R• S. Ferguson—i han -;AesolVed.: That the nDPllcatlon for'. �, license of Bernard Sler fftodl for. the'. 016, Arc and ., im,g and the sage at 918+ Arcade' 9t, be and the same Thereby denied ppon recommepdation 'o- he Bureau of Police for the resegn'. .that-: llcene&Uvae denied uddeil:com t atm loner 8mlth " Adopted by the Council gept. 16,-1922; Approved 9opt 16, 3922 (gi t..23-1922) Yes(,/) Councilmen (tI) Nays �slarse�r 1/Fergusou &IIIIIGIcDonald ..In favor �fi�weer' w6LM Peter _...........__..Against tflWenzel SEP 18 1,922 Adopted by the Council._ _-_.._...___.__......._ _.._............19___.. y SEP 7E� y22 i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AppLI�ATION APPL. No. BUREAU OF LICENSES ` NEW. �. FOR RXAWIVAED `clr+(C/ s ! $ a C,..i _.— __ LICENSE NO.. _ in the Ci of St. Paul, to be effective from _ _ 192—'to - - 192:5 Name ��f LA"Cd'7 Business Address -- Residence Address If corporation, give name of person in authority- _--- Have You ever been arrested for violation of license laws? STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, es. Swom, subscribed before me and the a icati/on approved by me a,,da y of... =L192 Fong Np 1-5M-2-22 LSceme Inspector—Notary Pu615e Signature of Applicant: 1 ie ° p f714' CITY OF ST. PAUL No ------ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK SI. Paul, Minn.,-------- -------------------- Received of-- ---- -- - -------- ='--=-=—Dollars, $10.00 Ten and BeinP, unlount of deposit on application for license to sell Food Stuff. -n'___St, Paul. Minn. HENRY.,OLSON P---- -------------- $10.00 Ceew11L p ( t CITY OF ST. PAUL _ r��e No. --=.A=-".'e5..-.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� -� /COONCIL RESOLUTION N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B " I~ ,µL. -tri COMMISSIONER -... y...Frank W& 34atson Sept. 16, 1922 .. ... Ila .... _............................ ._.. ........... ....... DATE..........._....._ ........ ...... ....................... _.... RESOLVED " That the application for license of Frank Bifulk for conducting a Restaurant at 391 E. 7th St., be and the same is hereby denied for the reason that Frank Bifulk was arrested by Federal agents June 22, 1922 for possession and sale of intox-ioating liquor and denial ,has been recommended f by the Bureau of Police. C. F. Yoi 41865—.By L. R. S, Ferguson- - Resolved That the application for 11cenBe of Frank Blfulk for conducting a Restaurant, at 391 E. 7th St" be and the same In hereby denied for tharas - on that Frank Blfulk wad arrested by, o,- -Federal agents. June 22,, 1922 for yos- i eeeslon'�and sale f'Intoxlcating HIP,.. � - and denial has been recommended.. by the -Bureau of Police. _ - ({ "Adopted by the Council Sept, 16, 1922. 1" -Approved Sept 16, 1922. (Sept 23-1922) f Yes U) Councilmen (✓) Nays uson ',MEDonald ....In favor 0 Peter -._...__..Against ¢ Wenzel M2.P�aielent� ,iK Adopted by the Council __ _.._._....___......._..._ ..__.....__.19—.._ Approve.:.19___. I ' � e>�t11tS. swvow L ti CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY APPLICATION APPL. No. BUREAU'OF XICENsg's_ FOR LICENSE No. in the City of St. Paul, tobe effective fr m_--e� 192 C/_ 192 V Name Tel. Business Address Residence Address—., Tel. If corporation, give name of person in authority----- Have you ever been arrested for violation of license laws? --- ..— A, STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, Sworn, subscribed before me and th Ii --tion approved Signature ofAppIicaatL,_.__._ by -e this — OG....day of 192 License — W.. 1-5M-2-22 IpN� PuPublicF. A eenn.. CITY OF ST. PAUL eta No. -.__...---- " _ -------- OFFICE :OF THE CITY CLERK ', � RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM NTD'16.1922 PRESEDATE$. rudM S510NER.Frank..../... ....... .... RESOLVED That the applioatlonB for licenses for o8nduoting Restaurants of the following persons be and at the addresses indicated the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed license upon the payment into the city treasury to issue such of the customary fee: John F. Mullen, Restaurant, Restaurant, 545 Wabasha St., 527 St. Peter St., Thomas McCarthy, Restaurant, 313 E. 7th St., Nioolos Marchese Restaurant, 1916 University Ave., Rol E. Markey, Restaurant, 224 Chestnut St., Dan B. Scott, L. Eckhardt,.Restaurant, 102 E- 4th St— t—Geo. C. Restaurant, 493 Wab Geo.Wong, Restaurant, No.asha 4 Dale St., lme J. Hos, lmes, Restaurant, 471 Wabasha St., Sam p. Ungaretti, Restaurant, 129.E. Fifth St., St., Restaurant, 8th & Robert Michaud Bros., Restaurant, 110 So. Wabasha St., H. J. Conlin, Restaurant, 891 #E 7th St., J. Hutchinson, Restaurant, 100 E. 5th St., H. R. Trooke, Stahl, Restaurant, 457 Robert St., Oscar Bernard Sierkowski, Restaurant, 91b Arcade St. SC. 11 F. No..418�hatB the a. plica�tloL for � Resolved, yA I thenaddressesldfcat conducting of 0M-follewt be and the same areliereby 1nS• persons granted and the City: Clerk is Ibetruct- license upon .the payment to issue such into the City treasury of the custom-. ,ry tee: Joh Moil.., Restaurant. 646 Wo-` b S . Tbomas EfcCarthy, Restaurant, 627 St. Peter St..- Nlcoloe. Marchese. -Restaurant, 813; E. 7th St. 1918 Roy E. Markey. Restaurant. - UnivenrsltY Ave• .224. ri•.; Dan t Scott Restaurant,- out St C. L. Eckhardt, 11"tau1aat, 1' r . St. •U' Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Counci__ ......... 19_...... t.�rguson favor l Approved_.. -_-.2.......___.19__ _. L,P&Donald-....In %i LJ` -- g, Peter moa t/'Wenzel � pUliL1S[iED�- [est eat - roar am a-ao CITY OF ST. PAUL No._- --- ,--- d J ` PEKE c3F THE CITY CLERK � lL RESO�N --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Z — �r�u.nr�arr�Ncw.-._..a✓UY._... F'r8211[...W------ --- tsom---....------------ ........... ...... GATE........SeP.t.!...lb.a...-1.9Z.�..................... RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of Foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City C3,erk is ilnstructed to issue such license upon the payment the City Treasury of the customary fee: John F. Wh.zZ len, 545 Wabasha St Charles E _ Smith, 18E. 3rd St_ , Arent Cheche]cos , 464 Weibasha St., Barry Abr ianoos , 583 Wabasha St . , Nels Halacievidt, T= - 571 Mendota St. , Sigurd R_ _?ohnson, 1049 Payne Ave-, J.. J. NeVWg3_3.., 257 E. Fairfield St., Martin Ga.33ger, 603 W. 7th St-, R. A, Ce1Cno7Lous , 451 Mendota St. Louis Berg - 959 Gaultier St. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays .elamej f/F' erguson , K -McDonald _.u.:.n ,,,,mah Peter Wenzel Reso7v licenses fa r R a to issue -such license t Into the Cty.Treaa_ nary Pear - 546 }Vabasha St. h, 183 E: 3rd St - �a, .464;¢ Wabasha St. �a 583 Wabasha St_ Jr., 571 Mendota St.. son, 1049 Payne A- -7 E. V7th St SL .603 03 W.. 7th St_ Mendota: -St_ u - a l , St. - Councounetl.Sept, 16. 1922.'' 16, 1922: 23-1922) Adopted by the Counc7l-._....UU_ ?�=_z_ `_--�--.........-.- 19- Approved ^ "- -'- '-- - 19..._.... �—�t d' couNci� a CITY OF ST. PAUL F- No. ..._----- OFFICE OF THE CITY GLEF2K -_-` RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTFO--�-�-' T �[atBOII_ _____ __ Sept. 16, 1922 __ �� /L ank W . COMMISSIONE...... ........ ._-__--__-_-_. __. .-_._-....... __.......-�f-- ....---------- - - OATE.......................... ....--- --..----- ------- .------ - .... RESOLVED That the application for license of J- J. Newell for the conduct iag of a Pool room at 257 3E- Fairfield $t. be and the same is Yiereby granted and the City G1erk is instructed to issue such license upon the paymezat into the city treasury Of the customary fee - 2 POOZ tables - Over 1000 feet distaxace from the nearest school. e- a °r F. No: 47868-13Y I~- A_ S_ F¢i Sason—. Resolved, That the a pplica tin for Ilcense of J. J. r-- ductin ea -el a for Lh on_ S Pool - om L 257 E_' .. Ave., be nd the: gg nye 11 Here Dy Sranted and the city Clerk is iruct- d to iseae vch lrcease- -ur {jp ry Lha DaY- IlTl;natrY oitY Lr¢88ury fee.De of Li,e cus- 2 Pool tables, over 1t)00 feet distant Prom the Barest choo2_ Adopted by the Cou Hell Sept_ --16. 2922.: APProved SeDt..161922. - - (Sept. 23-2922] - Yea(✓) Cuuncilrnen (JJ Nays by the Council......_5)_E _3 r/_2 .�r-- ---..----- -- 19-_--_-- favor Approved_.._�i--- --- 19 - McDonald - .�{_--_._....In t P e -t e r ,°•g �'�VVenzel roaw aw a-zo c """ > . CITY OF ST. PAUL P��NO......_-------..:_..._-- OFFICE /_- dF THE CITY CLERK �� '`"7C0'�lAFCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r: PRESENTED BY Sept. 16, 1922. ..... COMMISSIONER Frank W. tson DATE .... ...... RESOLVED That the application for license of the German American Club House for conducting a Bowling Alley at 444 Rice Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the eustomaryfee. S Bowling Alleys - Over 1000 feet distance from the nearest school. Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays -61e -e1 �rguson _---In favor �cDonald �Siu1pC Peter ..___..Against -Wenzel C. F. 1— 41869—By L. R. S.. Ferguson -:-e. ee Ie,olat, t c That the man application lmericanfor Club'. House for conducting a Bawnttg Alley at 444 Rice Street be and. thesame is hereby 'granted and the city clerk Is .:Instructed to Issue such license upon the payment Into the city treasury of 'thoustomary fee. 8 Bowling Alleys, over 1000 feet dis- tant fr. I the nearest school. Adopted by the Council Sept, 16, 1922. Approved Sept 16, 1922.. (Sept. 23-1922) Adopted by the Council _.._ 2.2._ _.__.__.....19_._._ C Approved._-_ ___.- 19.. _ ... --rte/�—" f 1 L�.^G. ..`...L 4 �� . ._ . uuuw„voa ceeac�� cpg� (�•.. CITY OF ST. PAUL 'Ito NO.....,......_�1-�.—...�.-... 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY _CLERK ! NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -lnk se t- 16,.1 22 PRESENTED BY �� Frank�lY. Matson.....�................_...... .. ._....____..._ DATE -Sept-- .......... COMMISSIONER .._............ .. ......_ ....-_..._................. .. R SIVRAM WHEREAS, L. is Anderson, 394 Ashland Ave. has made application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St- Paul one (1) Dodge Sedan, 1921 Model, motor No, 695544, Serial No. A.L. 147837, a.nd owned by saidnt and L. J. ty Company Anderson, and No. has filed EcopyLofJinsurancenin policycwi hnce thewith City ofinance No St. Paul 4026 and said policy has been appro#ed as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said L. J. Anderson to operator upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, said auto car, Bubjeot to the provisions of said oridnanoe. i C. F. No. 41879—By r.. R. S. Fergueon= -Whereas 4 J. Anderson 394 Ashland, Ave, has made appllostlon for -a, it - :cense to operate upon the .etreeta; of Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Npys k0frea�e rguson i coMlcDonald — ...An favor 5,Ed1,s Peter .._..___.__...A alnst -Wenzel idem .ear aw s :o 4 ordinance. - 'Adopted by the Councll Segt, 19, 1922. ''Approved Sept. 16, 1922, r eSept 28-1922>. Adopted by the Council _`._.:........._ _-------- -_._ __ _.._..._..19_...... Approved....... _---- _ 19.._. 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �/'-q%UNCIL RESOLUTION, --GENERAL FORM 7'4 PRESENTER BY September 16, 1922 Fr.an.k,y. MatsonDATE............ ....... ........ .. COMMISSIONER ....... ..... RESOLVED That Columbia Casulty Company Liability Policies Nos. Cuc- 40449'and Cue -39672 issued to R. C. Smith a -lid Joseph I'lells doing business as the Gr,en Transportation Company be and the sa..:e are hereby cancelled to tal-e effect September 9, 1922. C F No. 4f871—BV `-- S,- C .... It R.. That C11 -M' 1. DabilitY 1'01'c',%8d to"ucR i bu. ... Smith `a,%d Joe. S" 'ph Welly ortati-- canpant Is the Gretn re"OP hereby be and the b ar.. take effect Sept. to C .pcjj g�pt. 16, 1922. �,dopted bv the 0 9?,2. �kpproved Sept- 16, 1 (Sept. 23-1922) .y.3 Councilmen (V) Nays .�Afcbonald favor J4614 - w464 Peter Against --Wenzel HP 16-1 622 Adopted by the Council --- - ------ Approved 19 DUPLICATE OF 1416. CANCELLATION NOTICE COLUMBIA CASUALTY COMPANY Home Office, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. City o3 St.Paul, Office of Corporation Counsel, N � _ ...............fit .E�u 1,Minn'- - ....- ._...._..... t�3 (is ed b.a.GHEEN TFANSPPORTATIOF 00.1 , Please take notice that Policy No._...SIS.-2.52.x__._..__._...._..... by 1 COLU.MBI.4 C✓iSUd1LTY CO.MP✓1.NY, is hereby cancelled, pursuant to the terms and provisions in said policy contained, such cancellation to take effect on the ....._...ninth. -..._- day of __-September 1922, at noon, Standard Time, at the place where said policy was countersigned. St. Paul, Minnesota Countersignedat .......... ......__................................_._...._ ................._(lay of........A.lbg4p.t............. 1)....22. Prendent.O by �t .......... _ �Audiorized Agent. Form U 9 a S • DITI'LICATE OF 1415. CANCELLATION NOTICE II COLUMBIA CASUALTY COMPANY Home Office, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. (CIIC-40449 issue Citi of St.Paul,Office of Corporation Counsel, to c� .. 1418 St. Paul, Minn. R.C.Smith & Joseph W.Wells, d.b.a. GREEN TPAN52JETATION COMPANY. Please take notice that Policy No._111.C- 40AA9._......._....-_.....-- ti by C0LU.AIB1.4 C✓ISU.FILTY C0✓11PFI.NY, is hereby cancelled, pursuant to the terms and provisions in said policy contained, such cancellation to take effect on the .... - ......... 7p119fk1... day of..... ...........ep19.......,2at noon, Standard Time, at the place where said policy was countersigned. Countersigned at St. Paul, Minnesota ...............- ........................... ....-..............................., 30th August 22. P�endew. o this...._......_.._......................_...dav of .................................... ........19.__.... by................ .._... �.{.... 1....................r...................._.......... ........- f`✓ - ~- - Aryjhonized Agent. F.— 7.541:1. Ml couHnt 1 4._tr....._.... CITY, OF ST. PAUL F��a NO. ----- C) 'gOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM —;amu fes_ u z --� ev � Frank W. Mahn Sept. 16, X922 ..... DATE .......... ............. ..... ...... ........ ............... ...... RESOLVED - That Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Liability Policy No. A.L. 14754.0 issued to Listoe & Wold expiring September 13, 1923 and covering Cadillac Sedan No. F-815, 1917 Model, be and the same is hereby submitted to take the place of policy already expired and covering said car. C. F, No. 41872—BY L. R. S. Ferguson— Resolved, That Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company Ltd' Accident . .cy No. A. L. 147,$40 ispued to Ltstee &..Wold eapiring Sept. -12, 1928 and covering Cadl{lac Sedan No. F -Bili, 1917 11otle1, be and the same in hereby sub- reladydoiplred take coveringgr said cyar. 1 Ado ptedby'the Council Sept. 18, 1922- Approvpd &.t. 16, 1922. ASept 22-1922) Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays 'ye'v` Ferguson .- e s{McDonald _...__...In favor wsSnigITix Peter .._...._...Against Menzel -Er -P I�,�;2:� Adopted by the Council....'_'._...._..—......._.__ _ ____....19_...._ Approved ]J t._.. _ _....._19___.. Aw, L' COU\CIL FILE NO. .... ............... By.......J.,...'1. C1W.acY........... __ ......__......_ .... 11FINAL ORDER In the Matter eegpT on Gri_ngs_--Str.e_e.t.. Pro>v..?.ortland......... Avenue to._a..point..2j, feet South of the South line of Portland___._.__ ._ __ - _ ._.... _......._ .. Avenue., ........... ............... ..................................... _ .. ....._............._....._..._......................._ . ............._ _ . _ ._ _.._..,............. _........ .................. ........... ................... ....._.... IntermediaryOrder ........... ......... ................ flPproi ed................................................................... A public hearing having bee '1u a pule. the above imptrovement upon due notice, and the Council south line of , having heard all persons, object. Prellminnry u �?,ndnlions relative thereto, and having folly consid- July 27, 1922, creel the same; therefore, be itA pubile hearing upon the above trup-1 - RESOLVED, By the Council aouce, nna the count' 111at the necise-nature, extent and kind of alt persons, ob]ect'nn, 1 datlona relatl �" -' .. fully s �• - LJ, , improvement to be made by the .�= �' --oris ��.'ag �..3_ 'B eCJeT__0A—Gr ggsStreet_ from Portland Avenue_to_a._point. 255_ feet South of._the, South.lin..e_.Q..f Portland .... Avenue.,. __ _ ... _ _ _ _.._..... _............. ...._.... ._._............_..........................._..... .......... ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1 City Clerk. —21 --iii Approved.._ _ :..L) .....: ..........-., 191 (� _Mayor. Councilman XkKv-v10pft Clancy PTTRT.TSTTM — ✓Councilman f kmj:X I McDonald ,/Councilman Jtxttxx Matson /Councilman 3ty[klidi Peter .e' Councilman meta lllll�Ll �= %Mayor tkigsmo � 1C�Illlllltlly Form B. S. A. 8-7 �1l�Cl . ..,. . � � IntermediaryOrder ........... ......... ................ flPproi ed................................................................... A public hearing having bee '1u a pule. the above imptrovement upon due notice, and the Council south line of , having heard all persons, object. Prellminnry u �?,ndnlions relative thereto, and having folly consid- July 27, 1922, creel the same; therefore, be itA pubile hearing upon the above trup-1 - RESOLVED, By the Council aouce, nna the count' 111at the necise-nature, extent and kind of alt persons, ob]ect'nn, 1 datlona relatl �" -' .. fully s �• - LJ, , improvement to be made by the .�= �' --oris ��.'ag �..3_ 'B eCJeT__0A—Gr ggsStreet_ from Portland Avenue_to_a._point. 255_ feet South of._the, South.lin..e_.Q..f Portland .... Avenue.,. __ _ ... _ _ _ _.._..... _............. ...._.... ._._............_..........................._..... .......... ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1 City Clerk. —21 --iii Approved.._ _ :..L) .....: ..........-., 191 (� _Mayor. Councilman XkKv-v10pft Clancy PTTRT.TSTTM — ✓Councilman f kmj:X I McDonald ,/Councilman Jtxttxx Matson /Councilman 3ty[klidi Peter .e' Councilman meta Tvenzel �= %Mayor tkigsmo Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of_ .Construct in�a sewer on Griggs Street from Portland Avenue to a point 235 feet South of the South line of Portland Avenue. n, "m>b C.a Li under Preliminary Order approved July 27 1922,To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is 3 X97 •OO The estimated cost pef of Por the above improvement is g 2-35 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION North 60 ft. of 1 29 Ramsey's, Anna E. Addition ) (Except North 60 feet) 1 29 Enlargement of, to St. ; 1350 8 �9 Paul, Minn. do 1775 14 1 Wright's Rearrangement of 9150 (Exc. So. 50 ft. for Summit) 15 1 Blks. 22' 23, 24' 25 of 4100 Anna E. Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul. TOTAL 163751 'rbc U-11-1—Loner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid mutter:, and h-Vby .uivnit, the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with Lhe report made to hila in-forcnce to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work,. B. B. 13 . fr St. Paul, Minn., . ... - ... - 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. ,r= -----�-- --- -- ------ � 240 t - . 4 ti A, -I a z9. i W i � q �9FJa � � '• O` r O wRisHrs RE. � N Office of the Commissioner of Public Works����L Report to Commissioner of Finance �s August 4, 1922. 191..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had wider consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 4098b_...._approved July 97., 191 _._.....relative to ...._...._. the construction of a sewer on Griggs Street from Portland _.. ...... _.. ........._.... Avenue to a point 235 ft. south of the south line of Portland Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___.__.___..necessary and (or) desirable. $MM per front foot L. The estimated cost thereof is $ ___.__..... ..... _., and the total cost thereof is 607.00 and Frontage 260 ft. Inspection $12.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto idtadWd nud made a part hereof. 3. o. Said improvement is. .... _..... for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvemL( �) �� AUG BUREAU ©F Lv¢at: Iie.°i l,'�ninassioner of Public Works. C, ilLi of 41. JbIll 111arl"s WILLIAM J PETER ��ClMISSION 114 August 3, 1922. hir. 111m. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Griggs St- from Portland Aven to a point 236 feet south of the south line of Portland Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0- F. #40985, approved July 27, 1922. ,Estimated Cost - - - - - - - $607.00 Per front foot - - - - - - - 2.35 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 260 ft. Inspection - - - - - - - - - -N?12.00 Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of-Publio Works. Forth A[A,46, 1 NJ I -"1 0 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER n � 1 cocscm AUDITXD C;LADIS—RESOLUTION' FORDI F.z No... `i ' d - I /A. SLLL"1'1 I BY COMPTROLL AUDITED ' 9 ��EQ � 11192 _.._.� PER C pp I Resolved Mat warrants be drawn llimi the city 'I f0 e @Ve�afe RM01111f 0 checks numbered 7116 to 7116 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( i) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, / Adopted by the Council- ✓�p� �o In favor / _.......192 _ .... d Approvett ).,— � _ C..Y_. Matson, ✓ietrth- Petor Q P�v, v /Z'L/✓a �1 ABantst (Menzel. _ _ _.... nlAYoe ' Mr—President, Ho4tsvnNe1son 7115 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance School 7116 J. L. Shiely Company, L-149& $12,439.65 3,043.65 QUAD. '� `K °°IIS°IL Nom. 4.1,87'x.... i SEP 4 9 t921 BY AUDITED.... 192 . . 533 1 PER ..... ......... ........................ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to a aggregate amount of $.15,.463..r3Q................. covering checks numbered _ _ R115 _..._. _ to- 7116 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( I' ) Nays. t,�ancy, Adopted by the Counctl----------_--------- 192 ......... In favor " --McDonald, pp �--- Q' '` r' 192 Approved -`..• ........� .....-...... ,,,Matson, fttridr Peter ,enzel. Against i / G 7 Mr. sident, Hodgson Nelson Y,17 Ilk•f C C. F. No. S18TS— - totheaBBre-' $ Resolved. That warrants be drawn T x=16 463.39. c,verinS lff _ upon thmo Sate ato checks on hregie . 91ve, per ert s city ComPtrol- file in the office of fhe City ler. - ed by theCouneil Sept. 19. 1922. Sept: `29. 1922.:- Approved 4PPT° (Sep 23-1922) i Form A A 46, IM 7.21 •' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ....... 418 iYa FORM r=zE NO...._. _....... CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOR Ed Jacobs 3.00 SEP 1 9 1922, AUDITED .............. .. ... - eY__ .. .._ COMPTHOLLEH. 192....... � 1 PER .... ............... 7107 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to a a$$re$ate amount of $ 14�247�63..___.__._._,, covering 7,558.89 checks numbered_ _. 7106- to.. 711.4 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Wa ter Comptroller. Yeas ( :) Councilmen ( ) Nays. J- ^ Clancy, Adopted by the Council._ __..._ ...._..�......_..._..........._192------ r --.In favor / McDonald, Appr......_._......- .................192.......... ,oved/ - r - �Ylatson, Peter (�..... Against nzel. , ` c �1 _ �...... li ._.. ...MAYOR , 28.47 Mr. Pr 'ant, Hodtwh Nelson 7106 Ed Jacobs 3.00 Sewer C. & B. 7107 Sermedy Valve Mfg. Co., 7,558.89 Wa ter 7108 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 634.90 School 28.47 R 328.83 n 89.48 n 21.75 Water 14 9.60 .29 n 12.95 tt 3.53 634.90 7109 St. Paul Foundry Co., 1,300.00 Water 7110 Standard Electric,Stove Co., 12.00 School 7111 rTierney & Co" 46.15 Water 7112 Tri-State Telephone & Teleg. Co., 42.76 Water 7113 U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co., 4,642.91 Water 7114 Webster Wheelock, Litrarian 7.02 Library • OOIISOIL '� PILE No._.:�..�.c.a_t�_.... SEP 19 IM eY com'$o1.L>�. AUDITED ......... 792......... i ..-........ PE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_..i4,covering ,T. $$ ....... checks numbered to. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yens v Councilmen Nays. ✓Clancy, Adopted by the Council _J[.P xi ,-,"; .192........_ 1' In favor ✓]`IcDonald, SEP 2IZJ.'.:=`............._..192-........ Approved .................__._....... -Matson, .-I-Tifh-1 Peter �e�n L----b�--Against 7 Mr. PaesSdeut, Httdgsatr Nelson 77 C. F. No. 41875— Resolved, That warrants be .drawn upon the City Treasury, toy the aggro- checks numbered 710624to6 7114 inclu Five; a9 per register of city checks on file in the otflce.of the City Comptrol- leAdopted by the Council Sept. ept Ill. 1922. Approved Sept e t. 228 1922. 1922) 0 c,T. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PormA A46,1M 7-2I AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM _ F==>`O1L N j BY COMPTROLLHR. AUDITED 192.. _. . I 531 1 Ze Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, toggregate amount of $..5.,0&3..09 ................... covering checks numbered _7091 _to- 7097 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. JCI" i;t 2 Clancy, Adopted by the Council-........__..__..._......._ ..... ......... .........192_.....--. �erl, In favor j 1 4 LC � �McDonald, Approved .................. '_...................................... 192-.-..___ '� Matson, i��'- �� iStttirh-- Peter / (( 72— & � �—` ,,Wenzel. U_. Against _.._...__..._ .``....1.._ ........ .......... .........._...._..._.....................__. 1IAYOF Mr. P�dent,Hodgnfr Nelson .......... ..................... $297,50 7091 Peter Dickson L-1497 7092 Robert A. Hill & Adelaide L, Hill 3800 Non-Asaessable Impro 7093 W. J. Hoy Company 1,103.27 Water 7094 Jacobs Equipment Op., 79.97 Water 7095 St. Paul Structural Steel Cos 3,525.42 Water. 7096 Shanley Pager Co., 13.83 Water 7097 Walter F. Tarnquist & Anna V. Turnquist 25.00 Non -Assessable Impr• �eoge=z No.. -41876 CO MPTHULLs _ AUDITED -. ...-.... 192....... 3 IPE ............ ...... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, t "the aggregate amount of $.8,.0 •_ ......".._, covering checks numbered..7091_ _ to -709.7.- inclusive, as per register of city checks on e m t e office of the City Comptroller. Yens ( d ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. -t:lancy, Pm%son, In favor -19cDonald, „Matson, ;-- Peter -Wenzel. Q...... Against Mr. P>�sldent, Haft olt- Nelson ..rp j-, ;t.2 Adopted by the Council ..... �.....'....................... .......192--........ Approved..__ JL 2b c -------------------- ---- 192......_. IC.F No 11875—-' Seeolved,:_That `warraata be. drswn upon the, City TreaO$'743:09,: to the aggre- checov ng cks mount ,red "'I to 097 lacla- '. sive, -as per regtster of'city.checks on. file In the ofilce-ot-the City 'Comptrol- ler. Adopted by the Council Sept. 19, 1922. Approved ,Rept. 20, 1922. (Sept. 22-1922) is o,1,OIxnL TO OI2Y OF T. Fa CL CITT OL.111c - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER w - ILCEOIL p Cy FonuAA46, IM 7•21 AIIDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FORM� FILE 530, 1, n A'�3' COMPTROLLER. 2' j AUDITED... _ _..... 192... .. . Resolvedthat warrents be drawn upon the City Treasury, tamount o£ $__7.,.51&�19...._..........., coveringchecks numbered.7064 _ to..7090 inclusive,f city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Ysas ( ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. iU —'Clancy, Adopted by the Council__._ _.__ _....__ .............._.............192----...... � In favor "McDonald, Ap ovety-..._ ./f._(l/J....._.._.--..............._.....-----192....,.._-- 'Matson, � 1S16drh- Peter f 17 v Q. Against 't L_ ,Wenzel. _ xAvoa Mr. President, fiotigsort Nelson A 7064 American Public Health Association, .......... 1.25. Vi at er 7065 Badger Meter Company, 27.50 Mater 7066 Biebighauser Electric Company, 1.25 Vater 7067 Guy T. Bisbee Company, 52.00 Library 7068 Booth Fisheries, 2.00 V orkh ouse 7069 Burns Lumber company, 368.60 Bureau on EnPneers 180.00 if 180.00 L 1445 8.60 76970 7070 Corning -Donohue Brick Company, 445.30 Sewer C. & R. 7071 Economy Pumping Machine Company, 18.40 Schools 7072 Geo. J. Grant Construction Company, 269.75 Sewer C. & R. 7073 G. Haag & Manke, 2.25 Schools A Res. 530 Page #2 7074 Hackett, Gates, Hurty-Company, 378.52 Bridge B. & R. 20.09 Schools 345.13 Water 11.05 " 2.25 7075 Handlon & Company, 64.66 Workhouse 7076 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 19.06 Garage 7077 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company, 198.23 Schools 48.45 it 16.50 " 129.58 Plater 3.70 L�3 7078 Metalium Refining Company, 149.06 Water 7079 Mines & Orlemann, 14.25 Sohools 7080 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 106.72 Fire 5.10 Garage 8.62 .53 " 6.63 S. & S. Cing. 36.26 Schools .1980 11 11.37 Park Refeotories 21.82 Wator " .95 2.90 " 1,34 .46 Tau 7081 Northern States Power Company, 2,586.21 Fire 4.95 Sevier C. & R. 31.88 Library 382.73 Water 2,166.65 7082 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 40.17 Health 2.96 It 3.42 " 3.00 it 1.50 " .57 1.32 Workhouse 7.54 Schools 18.00 Water 1.86 7083 The Pioneer Company, 1,818.80 Library 7084 James Rasmussen, 55.00 Library Res. 530 Pcge #3 7085 Raymer HRrdware Company, Health n Garage n Bureau of Engineers St. C. & R• Sewer C. & R. n n Auditorium Playgrounds It P. Bldgs. Revl. Mater if n r 7086 St.Paul Cement Works, St. C. & R. 7087 St..'aul Foundry Company, St. C. & R. Sewer C. & R. Schools 7088 The Speakes Company, Sewer C. & R. Schools n Water L 1443 7089 Edw. J. Thompson Company, Garage 7090 Waterous Fire Engine Company, Sewer C. & R. • .25 4.70 .46 .50 .38 .60 12.00 .65 22.75 .65 3.05 .25 .50 2.95 5.06 6.25 -u3M0 79.50 141.25 5.00 2'2=. 233.60 14.06 9.60 1.00 3.60 261; 8�i 61.00 325.60 226.75 261.86 7.05 15.75 A • `r11 u OOUSOIL i?��'1 aLE No..A'9'�. 1...G.... BY COMPTROLL ' AUDITED. .. :.:.......... 192... ... 1 PE .. ................. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to he aggregate amount of $ 756.29.covering ..._........._, checks numbered 9064 to. __...r709©_ ___inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( d ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. /Clancy, y _..................... 191Ado ed by the Council2-......-.. u In favor McDonald,^CJ... x,_.._......_....._192.....__. n Approved_ .................. ...J�,. .�.:,::: _ ,,-Matson, vS'mitlr,- Peter nci7 ,,Wenzel. VAgainst ._- Mr. President, Hedgeotn Nelson C. 1. No. 41877— Resolved, That warrants be drawn -grate on the amount olaa$7,51619, covegre- rring checks numbered 7065 to 7990 Inclu- sive, as per register of city checks on file In the, office of the City Comptrol- ler. Adopted by the Council Sept. 19, 1922. Approved 19 ((Sept2223-1922, I____.__._— CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUeNGL NO. -_---._--`_-'------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Ed Chappel, an employe of the Department of Public Utilities of the City of St. Paul, injured in the course of his employment, the sum of Fourteen Dollars and Ninety-five Cents ($14.95) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, to reimburse him for amount paid out by him for medical attendance. V Councilmen .as -fancy Fes$nsen McDonald —Matson .teeter --Wenzel ,,Mr. President I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Public Utilities. Nays ,,., Adopted by the Council- :1 �„��..-..- ---192.---.- Approved..... -.-..--In favor --�-� - �)-- — -----192----- r /�-rRt.tc.iSd OENGIL NO..__..._....:'....... CITY OF ST. PAUL F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED ti ', the proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. C. A. Olson, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Sixteen Dollars (;16.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul for professional services rendered to Ed Chappel, an employe of the Department of Public Utilities, injured in the course of his employment. I recommend the above resolution for passage. GComm'r of Public Utilities. pproyen dept. 20, 1922. (Sept 23-1922) Councilmen Yeas Nays g�ancy ,,McDonald 7.....In favor Matson —Peter ..... Against --Wenzel ,/Kfr.President Adopted by the Council ------------ ------- ..._...------ ---- -.192._.. -� ................... .--L APProved-J.t. 7-- ---.192 �� �1....(/. _... ..YOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :IL RESOLUSIGN—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER COUNCIL N Al X11 (qc� FILE. NO.__41t}: (. )(-�iAt l---.- RESOLVED1 Thai0the proper city officers are he•aby authorized to pay to Dr. F. W. Whitmore, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the -SUM of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in full settle- ment of his claim against the City of St. Paul for examination of N. M. Zengerle, an employe of said City, injured March 5, 1920, in the course of his employment. I recommend the above resolution for p sage. Chairman, Armory Commission. Councilmen Yeas Nays.. "lancy Adopted by the Council._....-- _.-._...-..------_..-.--192-. —McDonald - ---_-.-In favor APproved-...�------ ----- -- -------------192.--- ,_�Metson .`/C% ... . - mwroR ✓Peter ----- Against . Wenzel — Mr. President C . No. 41880—By Arthur _E.'Neleon-.- 1 / �,/' \ � i ors Resolved. That the 'propet'clty oM- are hereby authorized to pay.. to: Dr: F. AV' Whilm re, out of the ork- i meas Compenaatlon 'Account of the General Fund. the eumLof Ten Dollars. L31000) -In full settlement'of his clet- against the City of St. Paul for e. Inatippa of N. 7N. Zengerle, an employe: ormeld City, l nlured March 5; 1920, is the -course of his erepioymoat. Adopted bySept. Cound 1922.Sept. 19, 1942.. +tpproved (Be 20, 1922: (Be t. 23-1922) Councilmen Yeas Nays.. "lancy Adopted by the Council._....-- _.-._...-..------_..-.--192-. —McDonald - ---_-.-In favor APproved-...�------ ----- -- -------------192.--- ,_�Metson .`/C% ... . - mwroR ✓Peter ----- Against . Wenzel — Mr. President CITY OF' ST. PAUL FF�eci` No --- .'---._7_-__--_--- OFFICE C>E= THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY �/__.; �� COMMISSIONER... ... �F{�q�,l�._..________________—____—____ Z n. RESOLVED That the proper city of ice rs ase hereby authorized and directed to pay to Dr. W. W. Chriet:Laa, ou-t < f the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the mlyn of Orae Hundred Eleven Dollars ($111.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul for pro— fesslonal services renderecl to em-r>ioyes of the Department of Public Works in the course of their employment, viz: Walter Kowalski, injured April 17, 1922 ($51.00) John Smith, injured April 22, 1922, ($29.00) Irvin Ross, injured July, 7th, 1922 ($31.00). -• h.t t-Paier— arRoare h, That [ho proper ity o2Li_- `o re pay tLO Trbj5..author[zed .• W. W. Ck[iYSLiaa, ouL i [ khe.sWorkmeii'e tift- Compea�n,�1.y�A uat or the C,aeneraL Fuad.. tlaw. tom' Adoyted Approved Councilmen Yens wAhtkt injured 1Jp111 17. C. Injured .4pri1 22, 19,22 -tn]ured SuIY ?Lh.. 1922 the. Couucll -SePY. 29,. 2922_. Ipt: 20 .1922 ' Pt: E3 -1922)F --Clancy .F,ev$usen "McDonald —Matson —Peter —Wenzel _Mf- President Nays f ------ 6 ------Against I recommend the above resolution Per passage. Commissioner of Public Works. Adopted by the Council.-: _ 1_;>---_._192____ Approved==-- --- ' - ----------------192------ / -.Ldr--+ CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L. NO.-- --- ----- --- -"----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER__.... ......... .. .. .......... . - : .... ................ . ............................. ....-............... DATE .......... ...... .... ..... ..........._............... ............. RESOL.VED Th4t the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. J. S. Abbott, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Seventy-five Dollars (75.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul for pro- fessional services rendered to William Willson, an employe of the Department of Public Works, injured May 3, 1922, in the course of his employment. I recommend the above resolution -rfor passage. C. F. No. 41882— - Resolved, "That the -:,rope CSYy, offi- CeYB re hereby' authorlaed to Day to'�IL Dr.'s J: S. Abbott, oqt of the�.w"s -trPublic Works. men's Compenaatien"^Account Of the -' Do lata (;7b 00)h 1n full ana ettlement-of h19. claim ageLnat .the City of SL Paul for 'liam Will. l aeFvicea rendered r d William Will. an employe of the Department of Pnbllc' Works, Injured % ..laY 8 1922,-1n thei course of his em- V' ploymeaL Adopted by .the Council Sept 19, 1928.-I Ap➢roved Sept 20 1922. (Sept 23-1922) Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays S.lancy Adopted by the CouncilSEP 19 522 19----- ...._..._..._-._—.-..-_....._........_. Ferguson A roved...�/.-SEP 7-0,'22' 19._...._ _McDonald _._..-_---- Favor pp � ---------'----- , MatsonSL.. Against�---k.wy tifEl wwron._... ✓Wenzel —Wi. President -. roes as n-ao COU CITY OF ST. PAUL F,CE NO.._.. :7.'.iL:��„.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �! COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M ISSIONER......._.... RESOLVED That the proper city officers are authorized to pay to Dr. G. D. Brand, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Eleven Dollars ($11.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City for professional services rendered to David Bell, an employe of the Department of Public Works of said City, injured April 20th, 1922, in the course of his employment. 01� Z recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm�r of Public Works. Councilmen Yeas Nuys ---Clancy n McDonald -----------In favor -"Matson ,-Teter__ .._.....Against -'Wenzel _14'r. President Adopted by the Council ------ Approved,:- -.:_,; .-_..192-----Approved::'-..:q---- _. 192-.... - MAYOR Ln 9QU' CITY OF ST. PAUL vae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. E. H. Whitcomb, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Four Dollars ($4.00) for professional services rendered to Walter Einck, an employe of the Department. of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, injured August 22, 1922, in the course of his employment. Councilmen Yeas .'Clancy Ferbuson --McDonald --Matson ✓ Peter /Wenzel .Nfr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Co 'r of Public Works. Nays Adopted by the Council..__ -192..... 10 Approv--------------- --------- ---- In favor r� ;.;, taeroa CITY OF ST. PAUL COONO1L FILE No- —4-1- r-5-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - 4ii COMMISSIONER........ _........ a:._.... ... ............_................................................................ DATE ........................... ........... ............... ..... .--------- _..-- RESOLVED That the proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. C. Curry Bell, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fiend, the sum of Eighteen Dollars ($15.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul for professional services rendered to Thomas Keyes, an employe of the Department of Public Works of said City, injured May 6th, 1922, in the course of his employment. I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm' Public Works. Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Xla�nncy L,s:umn L,McDonald --Matson _-Wenzel __bb. President ►OPM eM a 20 -.-...C__._._In favor _ _...Against Adopted by the CounciL..._�EP—Ji7q-^. .......... SEF 10,52', Approved.......,.--_.. _. ... 19......... ?7 �� !>�....._.... CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ILE i� '-- !-1--, - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the Charles T. Miller Hospital, Inc., out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Eighty-seven and 50/100 Dollars ($97.50) in full settlement of its claim against the City of St. Paul for professional services rendered=to 'Tota Thompson, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, injured August 7th, 1922, in the course of his employment. I recommen the above resolution for passage. 4 Comm'r of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council''. _.._.'..........`.`_-.-_-.---.192..... Approved...-.. . �iG..-- -aL- I� ---------192----- ------- ---- •--------------------- C . /�A------. 1 MAYOR Adopted bY the:C Approved Sept. 2 Councilmen Yeas Nays ,,,Clancy E— 4w- --McDonald --- favor —Matson —?eter .._..Against '`Wenzel _-Mr. President Adopted by the Council''. _.._.'..........`.`_-.-_-.---.192..... Approved...-.. . �iG..-- -aL- I� ---------192----- ------- ---- •--------------------- C . /�A------. 1 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couNc' No....--------�-(i< FILE ----------- OFFICE ' " "OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE ' COMMISSIONER....__....._ ' ....__.>-.:.._...1r-:__......_._..._................___...... ........._. ....__......_........._._.._.._...___..._.._.._..._......__.._..._. RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby_. authorized to pay to Dr. A. A. Molander, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Forty-five Dollars ($45.00) in full settle- ment of his claim against the City of St. Paul for professional ser- vices rendered to Mike Kowalski, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, injured July 3rd, 1922, in the course of his employment. Yeas --elancy --McDonald _,-Matson Peter v Wenzel --Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings. Nays .. 1 . q , - Adopted Adopted by the Council... i.'....:..:_' ... ' 4..___._.192._... -- - -In favor Approved----.— -J- - ----------------- 192----- ----.. -D- --- Against CITY OF ST. PAUL- COUNCILFILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / /COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ON PRESENTED BY cnra ru�emnvwo III �L V J��i ____ RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Jos. M. Sprafka, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Six Dollars ($6.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul for professional services rendered to Daniel Tarara, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, injured June 26, 1922, in the course of his employment. Councilmen Yeas Neys -'Clancy / -'McDonald ---- /..-..._...In favor --Matson /Peter _._.Against ,,Wenzel Ar. President I recommend the'above resolu- tion for passage. Comm'r of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings. Adopted by the Council -------------------------------------- ..192 Approvedd/. � ` r ------------------_----- 192 ... MAYOR c sa CITY OF ST. PAUL r1L.No.-...__.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BYJ/'//�/�/// 60MMISSIONER.......i...! ... ......._................................ ............. .._........ DATE.......................................................................... - Ums =fl WHEREAS, One Mike Sperr, a City employe, was injured on Oct- ober 12, 1920, in the course of his employment, and by reason of said injury the City of St. Paul has paid him the sum of $1440.00 on the basis of a temporary total disability; and WHEREAS, By reason of said injury, the said employe has sustained a 90% total disability of his left arm, and a 10% total disability of his left leg, -by reason of which he is entitled to two hundred weeks compensation at. the rate of $15.00 per week, or a total of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00); and whereas, he has already, received the sum of $1440.00, therefore be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay to the said Mike Sperr the sum of Fifteen Hundred Sixty (01560.00) Dollars out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Rind, in final settlement of his claim against the City, said sum to be paid at the rate of $15.00 per week, payable every two weeks un be uouraiur n os 1�reasOti or,aaid .Inid �;,p d'hl m [lire sumtar 30.11 b t �aa' . h tem y f I dlsab�lttY and Dorsa t - ItAWharese gY reason o1 safd 'iniu y e eafd�empp]oye•hes euetolned`a D total g1sa611ttY ar..hls left or ta;'aq logy sots[ disability of hfe lett ask \\\It\V reason t, whfah Its, Is entitled t ,t hundrad:.waeka' comyeneatfon . 1 rate of i16Ao Dor week or a Y.. Three Thoueanfl Dollars (::�• and whereas he has si14 jl#o.o.re 't rtL A. Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Hays JAI --bancy Adopted by the Council.._._._--.- Fee8— eP-.�Q .522 --McDonald ... ... ..... __.In favor Approved_...._.._... y?_. �. - - -- ---------19........ ✓M5� r Against v$miih\ ✓Wenzel t;ltuyM•roa PUBLISHED='3_3! - -- _Mr. President aces aw a-ao CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ILK J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,. COUNCIL RES/(OJLjUTION---GENERAL FORM '. PRESENTED BY: ` O lX�"�+--,�\... ... DATE ....... ........ ...... .... ......... ...... ... .... ...... COMMISSIONER ........ ......•r `........ ... "'"" r WHEREAS, One N. M. Zengerle, a City employe, was injured on March 5th, 1920, in the course of his employment, and by reason of said injury, the City of St. Paul has paid him the sum, of $1517.06 on the basis of a temporary total disability; and WHEREAS, By reason of said injury, the said employe has sustained a total disability which entitles him to 400 weeks com- pensation at the rate of $13.07 per week, and'150 weeks compensa- tion at 'the rate of $6/50 per week; and whereas, he has already received the sum of $1517.06; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper. city officers are hereby author ized to pay to the said N. M. Zengerle, the sum of Four Thousand, Three Hundred Eighty-five and 94/100 Dollars (64055.94), out of the workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, said sum to be payable every two weeks. tue Baud a eTphlo rear i "c the ntd employe b . 'C which lon we k COII1pen Llon - '�(� � E130T per,:weeh aad '1 i yen`1 tl on at er .;,U. L $1817. w a d whereas. he h ecelved the aum o. ~) be its That the'.P of V Cors are. hereby autho Ix; ' the said ZengeTh,rle y' Fonr Thousand, 6 tyy .Eighflue and 94/1?, -.. Yes ( VF) Councilmen ( I) Nays -c54 ass 94>, out of the wo epi '.pensation:Acc un",1 the ,la R %I eettt mane ot: hl d SEP : ll_'.76.L_ 19_. th r d sum to be Adopted by the Council...._ _ _ - - - --- tlancy r. , ,. Wofirgtmon Apprnyed._... _SEP 20 ----� 722._.._---19..... ,-16cDonald _____..--..In favor ®� atson •.• (' ---.Against C�' .,.roR �-Wenzel CITY OF ^3T. PAUL _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CnI.IhIpIL_ .RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 'BY.a` :....._. ....... DATE................. ................. �_. - COMMISSIONER -•- • -.' RESOLVED. That. permission and authority are hereby given to Prank J. Cummings to install and maintain s gasoline tank and pump at Ito. 65 E. Eighth street, to consist of a 550-gallon tank, to be. two feet underground; said tank and pump to be installed in a000rdance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( Vr) Nays C _ s � Adopted by the Council -..___JLP=_2Z- t -Glancy -=------19-- Peegmon _ E %(4 529 .. 19:....:.- .—McDonald _ -----_---1n favor Approveo; - - -- - Matson �Y _+G.✓L!r`._---- • �..--Against �►, — ."-- ---- _ _ rwrow _Wenzel —Mr. President (rjjLj of Wit. Paul T-IC4xztx-IILTtrnt ' of public Warks osOAROLqu9seN, cn�esciNEeR WILLIAM .7. PETER. �OmMISSIONER E, CARROLL. A55". ones EPUTY COMMISSION CR ....... 4S AGpA BAtt. -T C0. ....R. -11 - - - - - - 6ertember 12, 1922. � [orks. C- j sooner of Publicic _ 21 Dear —% � =. Sri regard to the applic,,tion of F= (_,173= __j:Lja.Sa to install a gasoline tank and pP � 5 � L-i_Sjjtjj Street, wish to advise no o-bjection to this from an 4a vvp 0 1 lit CI 01, Yours truly, ,;hief En�'ineer- cfl- L) C C-- --za3 loner Q,/Public - HARRY A. �mmissioxv FRANK W. MATSON, COM— -= rim ✓� C�Cz#fix atzxt# Paul August 7th, .1922. Hoaorab ---v H_ C. Wenzel, Comm. E -_ <z>rzer of Parks Playgrounds & Public Bui13:5- T� St _ Pam Minn. Dear I'AL= — -W(aZel: Herewith application of Frank <T _ IZ:;- — fLrIgs for 1:->.E-- s s ion to ins tall a gas pump and tank oY2 p ; z vat e proper at 65 E. 8th St. This location has bye a�groved by tYie impartment of Public Safety as to fire and traf :ff 3 a zlci is referred to you for building a. --pip ro va 3 - Yours ve truly HAa --aa --'--m is on r o zs— 3 i c Safety 4 DEpq�r a = v QT Op SW, _ FRANK W- `�M MER CHIEF POk OpFICE OF Saint Paul ,Minn. August 4, 1922 = nl� W. Wiatson, o— ni ssioner of Public Safety, E- au1 , Minn. ��ar Sir: I have ,your letter of August 2nd in vegaYrcl she application of Frank T. Cummings to instal was pump and tank on the vacant property at 65 ash 8th Street. I have had this matter investigated by arta in Gebhardt and he advises that to instal ar.c __ int zin a gasoline filling station at the above which is vacant property, i^rillnot rter- gr v✓ith the traffic. Yours very t 1. t Frank V1. Sommer, Chief of Police /Vv WILLIAM BARRON CHEEP INSPECTOR G E T Y O F SA1NT PAUL f fl 1= PARTM ENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY • , - CRANK W. MAT SO N. COM Mks SiOR [w g C� I=>� CAU OF F►RE PROTECTION I 1 V ISION OF FIRE PREVENTION Ron. F. W. Mat son Commissiozisr of St .Paul, Mina Dear Sir �:.zbZic Safety, July 31,1922. Ia regar3 to the application of Frank J.Cumminge to install a gaso? irM-e p'urup and tank on the vaoant property at 65 East 8t S -t_- rg e t - = have 3as.f3 +sam8" investigated and retort that if pump and to xk are pra er3y instaproperty, 1 tl not eserious hereforereoommendthat fire hazard to siaTrcuzicli-� plioant to install. ThiB offioe will permission be gra ted to app make reinspecticz-3 to Sscertainproper installation. Yours Respectfully, William C.Barron Chief`Ine ctor. per. Saint Paul, Minn„ July 25, 1922. The Fiozs or�b� a Council, -'Olau1 , Minnesota. Gent 1 e= ers 2, the undersigned, hereby make app13ca.-t, a ar3 o install a 550 -gallon tank and pump for ga6s o—armee ori private property, described as follows 34orth side of East Eighth Street between No . 8 Vire Station and Aresd.ia Dancing Hall (in Hollow) This t;c> -be tvo feet underground, COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL a NO.---��L1+-- OFFICE THE CITY CLERK 4=C).Ur4<--IL- F;zasOL-uiriCoN --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY aFra323C W. 3LM-b1W10a_".._.__.. COMMISSIONER-- ---------- -- -------- ----- i ------- ---------------- - ----------------... . ........... ........ DATE ......... ...... RESOLVED That. the v,,pp3.:1ca-t:1c>-- For licenses of the following persons for the lamncL.3.13ag and selling of FoodstUffe at the addresses jnc1:LcevtecL IDe and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk :is instructed to issue such lioense upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: George J. Sc1bLrLe:LcLe=, 1648 Rice St., Ferdinand Sz.-Llmy, 404 Front St., Wm. EckharcIttp. 1422 W- 7th St. f*22 W. 7th SL Adopted 1:>YL the. S.Pt.-20. I922. (Sept_ 23-1922) Yes (,/) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ___-__In favor Me.. -Z"& Peter "Wenzel .,Mr. President 10.. 1M E-10 Adopted by the Council..... -SES '--H L. 19 - Approved�-.—- 19 ........ . CITY OF ST. PAUL- OFFICE AULOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM '..-PRESENTtD BY_ .------ SATE --------- t.. .-_l .{....11...Z. .,Z .. ............. COMMISSIONER ------------ - - � —mss �� Matson RESOLve' . -t_-2ie application for license o% 7W2xL- F' - Mord for eon3u� J =a -the Butcher Business at 1$S west Ssv6nth Street be a,r3c� �'4 s same is hereby granted and t22L C- '4--'C-3L Clerk is instr_-�= '4--'2 tO issue such. license upon t't<c` ga.yment into the City T =3—-#.A.=y of the customary fee. C. F. No 41895-By'Fra.sali Heaol ed, Thai the aDYttca.Laoa .YOr 23; cen.. t Wm. .E'. 'i3utYa r- coucl�cictaag 1\ the Butcher J3uaLaosa at1$8# iiSiresiSav eath direct fie'a.nd the .Rama iaa hereby granted. and the-C'Ity Qlj e*U is- 3�-asCras.c= - 1 �-ed, to-ieeue, aU.h Lcansa' npoa ttae- paS— t mens'into the City Tre—WW C L3Z0-:-�a8 1 ",sluoDted ql. xhe.Council Stye 29- .: -392.4_ " AEoVed Sept 26.'1922 - (anpt 23-1`lLL� Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓i — s t,Clancy � Adopted by ti3.e 4Couacil-----' ---------------- ® 122 -----In favor Approvod-—�l 19_------ ,MAIL p4B —t -P — = �----Against `"` �` �/-L�-------- � �--------- AGS,L21�, rnrcn ,�Wcnzel ,Mr. Presideai � ���'V DY a•IIO 41894 CITY OF ST. PAUL -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FC>Mm PRESENTED BY SBpt:6ffiber � _l p,22 COMMISSIONER ____________________-__ Z1 W. _15SStBOn DATE____-__-__ _____ _ _._._... _..__.... l RESOLYt 1 -bha applioation for license of tYie-, � -t; Paul Saan1tat:L<>mc � Ce3a►pa.ay for conducting the sanitatic3XX- bus mesa at 207. COurt B�c2s: IDe and the same is hereby graatec _ a.zac3 the city clerk is x -+g -t--ruated to issue such license upQxx -t--a3e payment into the city of the customary fee. Yee (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Iv a=s�s `C aney -Ferg— McDonald - ------In favor _-Matson ---Wenzel -Mr. President i" rowY JY J -JO Adopted by the C--.— -aI ----- c i 2{ --------------19--- Approve.-_ 19------ Ywrow CITY -OF ST. PAUL 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4ft iL-A "-r—n- RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .......... DATE: ---------- .................... C4:>MMISSIaNE:R RESOLVED That It- b6 4B,=se ;of the oil that . should the St. ]PELLx2 Gas Light COCompany,L -t,'Jaie gas rate ordinance, approved as 4,o -Cc�X—M� -X= September 16, 1922 c3-4-L-r-:Lng the period said ordinance is In t—a-f'-C-0:4--t. -es-vn In excess o:C rate of return, that fact shall -b6 ts�e=i into oonsideratl9rx z-iew rate is fixed for the next sub zec�ucaxw yes(./) Co itmen (V) N 3 Z-'ncy .Donald .atson ✓V Wenzel' Mr. President 1922. p j L Adopted by the Council favor Approved_--- 'A'gainst wroa PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER cocscxx_ CITY OF -ST. PAUL �::_� ��------------------------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCCIIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ K ............... MATE-.---.-- RESOLVED That tYls aspository bond of the Midway State BELx3-7-- of St _ Paul, as principal a—a t.1 -14B New Amsterdam Casualty Company' o =E'14evr York, as surety, given to tl3e City of St. Paul, dated June 30 -t -3=L � 2922, in the sum of $10, 000 _ J and the depository bond of said M z c5bwar ay S b ata Bank, as principals r3 the Fidelity & Casualty Company of 1iT4e!-ww as surety, givers t v said City, dated June 30th, 1922, is -t-- he s3AAM of ($10,000.00) -InL bonds being approved as to form a—cam agecution by the Corporation Cosizisel, and approved as to amount b3r -InLe .Sinking Fund Commit -b 4E a and they are hereby approved. Yeas ha.:::a6vosz-toad -.-.boar Ol`--1ITecv- .� bro-.ad oi.. uxYr9at�_++-�g�3a�_rovcQ ouaci3-Sept_ �-"t:9�_,2925.; V 3;922 - E'3-38583 Councilrxxerx %_-Clancy pev$,ateas>< --McDonald L"Matsorx --Peter r/Wenzel ��Yfr. PresidezZt $ys - Adopted by the Cou iAL_ - --- -------------------------------192----- --- favor - �- � %-'7 --- ----- In --- MAYOR 2 r, CITY OF ST. PAUL ---------------------- _----. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES�OryLy�UTTIO/N—GENERAL FORM ______ COMMISSI ONER i RESOLVED That 3'1B depository bond given to the City of SA-- _ Paul by the Midway St a Bask of St. Paul, dated June 30th, 1922 = I -a the sum of Twenty Dollars, be and the same is hereby c arc e13ed, and the prin.c — a3 and surety thereon are hereby released from further 11abi11t S mer said bond. RESOLUTIONS. % C. F. No. 41897—By . A. E. 'Nelson— I Resolved .'That thedeposltory-bond the Midway State itven to theCBanh 1Ior 9k Paul, Paul by June.301h 1922, In the sum or Twenty.. Thousand Dollars, be attd thea m la hereby a celled, d the prineipal d', surety thereon are hereby released Yrom furtherliability u der said bond.. AdOyted by the 'Cou it Sept 20 1922. Approved Sept. '20 1922. - (Sept. 30-1922) ISI SEP 20 ; S ---- Coun cilr Yeas Nays �-Clancy - 1GicDoz>E� -In/ favor _Peter __ .--- Against —Wt-- X �f.. Pra = dezzt Adopted by the Cou :x_ 3E _ _ _ - _' _ _ _ _ _ _ `_'' �.� ` -. _--_.-192_.__ Approved- - - - - - -- -- - - --- - --- ---------------192----. MAYOR No. - -4 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE - ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A {� COUNCIL RE�;OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE4 BV I RESOLVED That the depository bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Midway State Bank of St. Paul, dated June 30th, 1922, in the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, be and the same is hereby cancelled, and the principal and surety thereon are hereby released from further liability under said bond. McDonald n _.-.In favor Approved ---- ----- ----- 192 - ,Matson Against � - ( 'Cl - -- - ------- —Peter --Wenzel -- - mwvon iMr. President f r ccuNa� t Ci i SSa— CITY OF ST. PAUL / �a NO. ---- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J. M. Clancy -September 18, 19'22. COMMISSIONER......._ ..... ... ... ........ ...... ............. .................. .... ........ DATE .......... ................. ... ........ _.............. ...... :........ ...... RESOLVED That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw a warrant in the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125.00)- in favor of the St. Paul Real Estate Board for services rendered in appraising the following, described property: Lot 10, Borup' s Addition $25.00 Widening Raymond Avenue 100.00 $125.00 Charge to Miscellaneous and Unforseen Account of the General Hand. Yes (✓) C�uu(ucilmen ( ✓) Nays - / ClanCy _ ✓Mcg D Inald _._ �..---In favor Matson --6L-...-Against ZWenzel --Mr. President ./OI.M-iM 6 -SO Adopted by the Council -SEP 19 622 19_ Approved_-- SEP°201922 _-19_..... St. Paul. Minn..— kmanist 9th 192 . To St_ Paul Real Estate Board, n=- 408 Capital Bank Building all Chee,ka payable to "St. Paul Real Estate Board" DUPLICATE BILL To services ira appraising Lot Ten Borupts Addition 025.00 Sl. Paul. Minn , JU1.3E P.RtL 1922. 01 of St Paul To St. Paul Real Estate Board, Dr. 408 Capital Bank Building Make all Checks pagable to "St. Paul Real Estate Board' OUPLICASE BILL. To services in appraising the dansges to the 1mAq abutting on Raymond Avenne by reason of widening same 0100.00 N 0, �`�1 Council�`� 1 File No. �... 4j C I T Y O F S- T. P A U L OFFICE Or THE CITY CLERK COU.NCIZ REGOMUT MOK --- GENERAL FORM Presented by CommissionerDate Dhon¢ dt .Z`alBgraph ar ;. rb_:KB - nea_aam �y 'ezcavatton� Iai.YunH¢r6r and � aon@vit wish_ ilia.-:aecaBsarY �anfioles� RESOLVEDt nd lateral pin¢8 cosaaactiag ftae 3ater-!� a¢ciing .atter tssad-a1F¢gs. oa the low.ne.ns.mea.'s treat= -... - ADDrop¢dS¢Dt_ 20: 2922_- ' That permieaion be aucl is hereby granted to the Tri- State Telephone & Telegraph Co- to make the necessary excavation, lay underground conduit with the necessary manholes and lateral pipes coxanactin.g the intersecting streets and alleys on the fo l l owing mane cl street: South aide of St. Clair St . from East side of Cleveland Ave. to Cretin St. Work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the "Commissioner of Public Worke" , the Telephone Company to pay the cost of inspection, eagineering-and publication. Yost ( ) Councilmen ( ) Ways Taney Adopted by the CouncilCP , .o �19 0 Mks 23z fs.vOr —• -atson APPROVED SEP120 62^ 19 . ,✓Veter Against - 4enael n ,Mr. President . Ak ts 0 ...- _ OF' ST_ PAUL �e No ------ - �. OFW�ICITY CLERK' NCiL- l�-2 ���a LJTIOi-i---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - - - - COMMISSIONER....._..__aV. _fe_L�---_---__ _..-:_ DATH.........59 t...._l3th ...-19:22._ __________ ____ RESOLVED, WHEREAS, on August 24t1mL_ t-3k�-® re was iseued to Frank Bifulk, through an error, a license to conduct s us taursht at 391 E. Seventh Street, before the same had been properly asSEW gac-t6d szld as the application for said license has now been denied S8so2vac2 __that the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) paid for said Restaurant La ce —mt� s No - 291, be and the same is hereby re- funded to Frank Bifulk . 3_ m out off the Refunds and Repayments Item of the General Fund. " V[t�®a-eas.. Da Av.gvet 24th, th re Ws? Sssue 3- to--�`raak B folk LhroaBh an er=,l - _ ra � a I3aeasg Lo --conduct e.;80etaurant ai-.-; -331_- F_- Seventh 8tree4 before the . sahas '3Q�d _ beeaDroPerlY.InePected, and -as --i��Q appllCation ,for eatd-Ifcenne )aas Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays 'Clancy /Mcg Donald -l -r—.- --In favor •,-Matson, .O �ilebzel _. - �t' soar ar e•ao ' 72 Adopted by the Council --- SEP jjo---------19— Approved -SEP 10 1,92Z i 9_--_--- -- --- C 9TY OF SAINT PAUL APP"c" ONO------ , _ LICENSE N4: 291 RRANT �li0 TRAl.[SFERABLE OM P TO PLACE OR PERSON TO PERSON) oe ----------____ ____ -_ ---------- ___- ___- St. Paul, havirzg paa zrzfo the City Trea y the license fee required by law, is hereby aathi-pied to eorzdue Q REST URANT atNo�'_��!___ _ _ _ _ _ — --_- ------------^------..... In the City of St- Paul for one, year erzdir:g- - - l- _-192_----... -x Datedah' tinder- --. sZjl o-� dz u - `% 3 and ,01'531- mvzas L - ' -� a, --- ��- .-�-" O/D WITHOUT CITY SEAL ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO._____1 _'_ --y- CITY CLERK APPROPRIATIOiV TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' PRESENTED BY AER- ep��DS_._l9�.a_.`_-yQ �__________.._.GOMTSSIOr RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOW i "G TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPEFZtNG THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFEFZ IS MADE. CODE A P PR O P R I A T ION I T E M 160I Looel Zmprovetrben-t Assessment 125 Mlscellane®zzs & unforseen i C F No. .41801—By'ArLhlir..E, Ngie:oa— 1 Q Resolved. ,That tk¢' fotlowiaf; ;renes 1 b Lara ,44 -made an the boolcs oz 't>zes CohfpDtrollar.wthyen bso da oing, a..irn / Voidable %da)tclen.-yis oaa- item may g "'• i feet by tWd trpastes withonL.Trem c yerlaff the error tkrovided :Yor by'-tLe money An : the Lem fromwhfcD ties - tranetec ie made Code 180 --Laval Improveme:at1►aq 1 1- eetremanC $600o0 tranaforr¢d z0 V—T 12S7lifeceltaneova IInZord¢¢a- '< seob.op. Adopted by the Counc(t Sept_ 19, 1922_ Approved 13apt. -.20. 1922. YES V) COUNCILMEN ( %7) NAYS L-CLANCY /FEROtt$OlQ— ✓ MCDONALD -------- IN FAVOR V/MATSON --PETER ____ ________AGAINST ,,,WE ZEL ,,MR. PRESIDENT - ronin oa (rn e.u) g ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_.SLP__.19__!�eLx------ 19__ -_--._.- SEP 40 22 APPROVED________ _____________ --------- ___----------------- 19____.___ ���� ''fie•--"AYOR COUNTERSIGNEDBY ............. _------- _______________________________________ CITY COMPTROLLER PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Q._ .................._.`.....:.._(._____.. DATE_ � 4 _ couNcl� No ._ FILE _____________________________ RESOLVED Thea the: �i - - ycs and Corporation Counsel are hereby authorized - and directec2 t © proceed to Washington and appear before the 2nterior Department is -v — erection with the application for a permit Yor the water power ra - on the St. Croix River, application for whic2z i3a3 recently been 3acl by the City, at a hearing to be held in iiPashiagtoa on September 1922, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized3�rected to draw and deliver to each of said o�i3cers a warrant is _ siam of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for the purpose of pay — - Q- their expenses on said trip, said warrants to be payable out Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Expense Account of the Genera:L andsaid Mayor and Corporation Counsel sha12� upon their retii=xx, - —e with the City Comptroller an itemized statement of their s and return to the city treasury any balance of such moneys not expended by them for the purpose of Raid trip. uson \/ McDonald � Matson JY,er Wenzel "Mr. President Adopted by the Council ___________192_–___ �zaa.rea APProve---- c Against MAYORb Councilmen – e Yeas c�rt3, sa iaz� - _ - Clancy nzp-3>ro. - uson \/ McDonald � Matson JY,er Wenzel "Mr. President Adopted by the Council ___________192_–___ favor APProve---- ____ -_--------- Against MAYORb Of a ee3:'t--L:L— c yrs c t; dated MELY 12,. 1922, between John !3eLX1d-cr'Z2- -9i — (—_4o3nLt3:,aator, and the City Of -A. S t . 11 aul. Z o of"Ran&Olph Street from , prior Avela'u-a Avenue, be and the day of September, same is her43-tlzp- -�-t_-<Bi—aecL to the 13th 1922, b-0 a3ai;L 6tit. &ay -9 r cit y and the proper -1 officers- are -_--lathorIzed to execute an e herewith, amendment to <-_<>3nLt=&ct In accordance this shall not have provided, any force amcL 4L-- t_lazit resolution fact unless the sureties on the o ontr ac t 02c t E3 _k:3r c c<>3aaent thereto and file such consent 13a vw-=- with the City Comptroller. Yes (V) Councilmen (V) Nays --'Clancy Fergustrir --McDonald -<'Matson --S-6e � Wenzel Mr. President FOR' 3M -0 W— J. 1,.t.—, That the time ."cifi.dzt., 192 o2, f a.cortat. trgdt be,-... J.h. 1. Z2ES=__ r-etor, and the City of 31 -M eurbing,of Randolph ' F Avenue to. Xairview the annus Is hereby ex- Att— -—M X;),kx. 13th day of SePtember. Droller _ -City ofricere are xxZIx0rLxeqL to, execute -cM=x-& X0 08.1,l contract -in accord - provided, h.Y11, that shall : not have an -W' —-51 - —IM—t --Lee. the sureties K ZZ-_ -bond consent thereto 82e such cao.t I. -rltl.g with 'L9' 192'. jt;��t.t.20 1.22,!i"'t 21f-'1922) Adopted by the Council .._----SEP 19 'U2 --------- - j 9_ - - --- - ------- Approved.,.._j ^EP.!X0_; �' -19------- - Si. Paul., Minn. , - 9 - -i' - - 19z'z- ' TO THE HOYORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body r� cause the time of corr.,pleting contract for the to be extended to /- - - - 9_ _ - - - i3 - - - - - 192 -2 -- Owing to - - - --= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask th.t the time for corupleting same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly , i Contractor. There is no objection to having the ti.:.e extended as requested, as far as the re iret:.en_ts of this off_ce is - APPROVED Supt, of Construction. & Repairs Commissioner of Public Torks. Chief Engineer. n {- Petition Council File No ------- 4 19-04 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT s' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade _Allo-y_e___in__ Block."7. Lane -'a -_Phalen__ Grove-Adaition, ----- ---- - - _ ..-... o.4... IY7 --- atrolro - toCles;- bst act .. 4:'. "- ^'n_ Orth_ and -"South" A11e - .......... A WSlttea )Si'ODOta1`for they 0 the fo}Idsing Imvrovemeat, tfl@ .. r - in..l�endota - - -" Grade AIIeYS ia'Bfeck 7 I.atie a p'6t r St. -.Addl rom-from Ivn S � to Clear SL. Mend from- hav North ' --and" $Orth --------------------------------------------------------- AlIeY In Mendota. $t. having been y e .._- - ... _.. - .---- - - - __---.- ---.- -- ^ d to the Connell or the C)ty of St. la th - 'ret e. be it •- . Dated this--.. _ ... ... day of__ ad. That the Comrnlmoner --- - ----T 1 Y'l rKa De and he le hbrah• J z �trected; - J 7�( Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __- _ - Grade Alleye_ n. iBlock 7e Lane's Phalen Grove AdAltion, --- - - ------------ -------------------- from _Ivy Street to Clear Street and- from North and South Alley - _.. ----- ----- - -- --- ----------------------- --- - in--Mendo_ta Street- - ......... ....._.. . - ---_ -- ----- ------------------ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. __.__............ __........ ------------- ------ - _._------------------__---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That 'the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ---- .----------- `_E?ILq 12" YEAS NAYS Councilman-CLANCY I /MATae osNew (• _—McDONALDO `J XETER WENZEL MR. PRI!iSIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved --- ---- ----------- ��-- �.- 2= --- - - - --- ---Mayor Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning end talon$ en easement in the land necessary -_---____ - ------ --- - — iQTQ�e�+Q� C. F. No ♦reos= grading -of -Allege.--in Blook -7, -- ___ ••" III WAerebe ,A dbetHcA ... arittaa.vro�o�� a.=te gtreot to Clear Street and _. - tonowla6 fmp=oYamso4 ..-. .. ..... - ...... Lane's Phalen G .i in6 or ma Ut Dated this........ 19'tb_... di PRELIMINARY ORDER. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ---------------------- ondamu►ing--a-AO--teking._an--easement.-in__the_..1an4_neoe-ee ry.---..... -- ... elopes_,_. -for opts an& fills in the grading oY Allege in Block - Lane's Phalen Grove Addition,.. from Ivry Street to Clear Street and ----------------------------------- - - ..._..- -- - - ---- from North and South Alley in Mendota Street. - - --- -------------------------- --- --------- - ------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul___... ------- ._-_.._..--- ----------------------- ----- --- .-------- -------- --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoin matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .JLi Adopted by the Council------------ - — -- ...... -- YEAS NAYS Councilrn wYlr' LANCY . F�xaeesiC ——MATSON U_—A'iCDONALDO _XETER c�WENZEL MR. J?Rlti HENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved ..y.--------- -- PP --- "c�..- __ f ^'Mayor. Petition 6 Council File No.........4..41....101 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -- - ....bradHelve ter avenue fr.ogG Traop Streot to - .- .. KennardStreet. c F xa use 6l atraoti -]. th refo e,ba it - ---------------....... ...... ........... 19 th Resolved; That the Commiseloner of Dated this _. .. tadsday O£ __-�bllo Worke'ba aad he la hereby or 11J2 d and dlr� , - 7 T eeaUy for In'LstigL.tihehmalslaS-oyer �� _ / ��` .'Y Councilmen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Harveeter Avenue from Traoy Street to ---------------- ------------------------------- ----- -......................--.._..................--------------------------- ---- --- -- - ......... Kennard_ Stree.t.......__......- - ------- - .....--..... .......--- --- ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------- ------------ - -- --- I--- ------ ------------------- - - ------------ - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------.... _... -- -- -- ............... ----------------------------------------. ----- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._ ............. ..---------------------------------------- _--_... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP7Z! Adopted by the Council-.. - ... - -t - .---------------------- ----- YEAS NAYS y� CouncllMOR- 'LANCY FcaeaaeN Approved- --------------------------------------------------- -- -IATSON ,'ICDONALD PETER 1 MR. P.PL91DExT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) ( ,-, Council File No..---.- A.�_.: (0.+ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ` PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemn Uar-c s'''L <- -tAanasement---------------------andneo ------------------ —_i----e----eaeery------------..- fOI 810 BB = =O __3p_ s10e7.grad�1g, Ot H6TVe6teT......... _---. p - (B �3�eraats„ sPritten Dro sal for thB --- - .--- A tf:e foiiowing �mporvement tree t - — - c- - ----- Ca�c3ematag and tahin(� an easement, - .i`a r E 2aad-- uecoasary. for slopes: fo't ------------------------------------------ - -- - _ _ -.aad--H23s-fn Llae Sradln8 o[Iar-------------------- 4A'�CSe2 AVG ZroZII oy.$t t R;enne d. Dated this.. 19'titi f �_�� �c i c iy .P=g. s I^°.`vl [he a X22 • -- -- _ Tra._.._ - - C 1 r'-�- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning a -x-- 4M t60C:L an easement in the land necessary -------------- --- ------------------ nS ------.-bor.-elope-s_- mor c��'b- _and fills--in_the---gradin. oY-_Harvester------- _.. . --------- Avenne-romTraQ�- Sree_t-_to--- ennax'd_.S.tree-t.. - -- - - ------------- ---- ------------------------_---------------------------------- -- . having been presented to the Cozx -x:xcil of the City of St. Paul _____------ --- ------- ------------- _- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature _ extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, proule or slketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not _ ail improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the 3 oregoiQng matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council------------ -- /----------------------- - ------------------- YEAS-/ ------------------------------ YEAS NAYS Council mea'C`,LANCY F V44EF _-MATSON --Mc1 DONALD ,PETER ,.IVENz Er - MR. PDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved--------- e[P ----------------------------------- --- -------------------------- Mayor. Petition lE*IR_4Z)-F40SAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and _---",'A -V -7 The undersigned hereby px-,c>m=c==—�� - - ------------ ------ Ld:Lt 1b. -------------- Council File No -------- 41-908 by the City of St. Paul, viz.: from ilorest from ----- .... --------------- --------- --------------------- - --- -- -- --------- --------------- - - --- --- Dated this---- --------- e t - em , b - e.r-, 1922. 92 ----------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written y>r<>M=._ for the making of the following improvement, viz.: GXa-de A-1- __L 4ad_e ------- - --- --- - -Atre-et ----- to ---- Cy-_V>X-_4E-- ------- - --- -------- 4 ---------------------- -- ---- -- -------------- - ----------- - -- -------------- ------------ --- -- --------------- -- -------------------------------- ---- --- ----- - -- - ------- ----------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the ji of the City of St. PauL. --------_--- _ -------- ---------------------- -------- --- ---- --- - --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the 3aE-cf�L for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the xxt and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plaza, proms or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or nom ^ icl ixicky>rovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of matters to the Commissioner of Finance. --------- --------------- Adopted by the Z�:_ _&iQ YEAS INT CouncilmaiT-C_x,A_-L,zc-_-5r Fiw�-__ Approved ------------ ----------- SELF -2b; -------------------- ------- A <:> M -T c ]E> (:> i -,T A �_ . ... ......... ........ ------ --- - -------------------- - MR. Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 0-22) Council File No ------- 41-909 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned herebyprop IN improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 41.909— 7 Ab the land necesqA�7,y_ Condemning an whir -tract - the. ---- - -------------- ------ Makin written Iwo the followinc [,-- mvr� , 's and. tA Qf .. Ajlez ill. ------ ------ - --- --- in, _ng and re...84ry :.lo and ,. 1. In' thse I 'or I, .,6j,dj�,gra,41 nff 16, 1 _t b.trae-t ---- tia 0_y.pre_s_s___3_tr_e_e_t. dd I, eat Forest St- o 0232 ia .. ock resented to th.'Cbncon. It. T the -I t ereto It ty of ............. . ......... .......... .......... ojv a. .............. 6 Res ------------ ------- b,, d. � .1 t - Uo MIA.Ioner oa% he I xered U, I, Dated this 18 . --th ----------- da , I ite : hereby �J. __ al'Pa" IV- the Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: in'g'_ art -d t ak Ing ---- an e-a-s-e-ment -in- the - Iaxldnec-e2sary- for slopes, for cuts and fills in the ... grading_ of_ Al -191y14 - ----- ----- ............ ---- ----- --------- ....... ..... -------- .... .. ... . . ..... - ------ -----Block -- -2-orestdale Addition, --- from- __-E---o--r---e---st-----_Street ._ t9Cypress6t-- , --- ----------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --- ----- ----------------- -------------------------------------------- ----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-__..._-.._.__.__.___ --------------------_ -- - --- --- ---- - ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ^CP ------ ---------- ----- --------- Adopted by the Council------_---- --- I ----------------- YEAS NAYS CouneilinOrCLANCY F%Daes" Approved--------- ------- --------------- ------ 11ATSON --McDONALD —PETER —WENZEL ---- . ..... ................... ------ --- --------- --------_- --- -- --- MR. PUL161DENT _L;:�eplayor. F.— C A 13 (3M 6-22) Petition Council File No -A-19 .1-0 Fqp_4::>]p,4Cj,-S,NjL- FOR IMPROVEMENT and jF,X;tEj[-jj%er1[T-4,NR,Y ORDER. Paul, viz-: The enders Sunimit Park Addition lile following public improvement by the City of St in Block 26, --------------------------- -------- _je� y - ----------- I --------------------------------- - ----------- -------- --------------------- U Wi. M to conform to the red line on f rom Mi -A 6t. - ------- the --- pro -a- --part ---- her&o-ff--� --- t -he-- preaent - - ------- Sn�jwt'rrk AdlxtA �� w -a establi�j't' by a blue line. also... �� ;�r 'j�6 N%' '&� 'i ---- a a -Ji-d: - 1 3'.-Im"It a ------------------ Z'W --- 6 t b:e e n grading 9 ------------- ------- -- ------- ----------- --- ---------- ----- ------ --- .... and Da41ng 1922. Dated this-- 01 ----- -------- - Councilman. PRE]L-XI%I[XINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the of the following improvement, viz.: Addition Changing the 9WEL<a-4a CD,:E a-3-,ey in Block 26, Summit Park AcLc ------- ---------- I ---- ------ --------- �e ----- ----------- --------------- -t-o --- c -on -form to he red ine n - from ILilton 0 to 0-13 -b 2::L S t - , --- -----t-he- -pro-file--- heT1,- t 01 Utz, �2a-4-- C -L --- m8;de --- a- -p-a-r-t here -of-, --the ---- p-rereerit - ----- -- --------- e.s-t.qb.1AAh-e.A ... ---- the re -on ... )?.y-.--ablRe- _1_i-ne_,___al-S0- gra�dins and paving the alley -t>-,E� -bw�eEa-r-1 the aforesaid i -d --- 1- i -m -i -8 --- ------ -------------- --- ------------ ---- --- ------------------------------------------ --------------- - - - - - - - - - -- -- ----- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - having been presented to the Council <>f the City of St- Paul___._._.__...._-..._-------------------------------.------------- ----- ---- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Conarnis-si-cD,3oLeir of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity fc>x-, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, etxtoc--nI- arxcl estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or slkze-t<-.lx of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..-- -------- 3E7 -------- --------- YEAS NAYS Councilmao-eLANcysEP210 ��22 lt Fa"emaN Approved ------------------- ----------- �' --- - - ----- ------------- - --MATSON -'McDONALD -PETER _4-7 _ ----------------- ------------ _WENZEL MR. P3DBIDENT 6-1'ftn- Mayor. F.— C A 13 (3M 8-22) Council File No.. ._..�-� �`' 1 =�f•-8- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' and ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and a-ri easement in the land necessary ---------------------- ---- - --------- - ------------ --------------------------------------------------------- --- ------------- ..... for �?^�,s,;..,sor_ cuter 2nd �i11.s in the grading and paving of --- -- - - ---------------------- r- 1No., disix, __ _�____ ______ _ Allwiser abs axles__ A d S�t� on, from Liilton street eaa. A Mrrl ttea---Droaoas2. =a>` Lha' -- a2UOB o!'tbe,'fo22o+sciag 3�Drova�asaa�_. t0_ 1n CtHo laninB and ts2ciag as-..--_- --.----- -...... .............. ------------ .. ..... . e� ae .... _. ...- ... cute a.afl IItu. I 0 ry tor- s3op���ior iib er , 1922. Dated this ittB Of Allay,ln-S2ocK z gu��X 3a$ ------------- worth ---- -- - /`���---.. worth oa AIF Naxtoa - SL to z- (K - worth SC o2ng beca — - Council a>r_ P esea tec2 .=CIIaYa _ - --_... - She Clty ar St Pa>Fa .._ -_.. -_ _...._.- x�s>r�e r Councilman. 21e�olveQ, TLax the Coaaaa3.aaivn,ar - l 2'abl#c � Worhs . baawd =ttsase tae PR FLIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemni-ng__,and___t easementin the land neces ary - -------------........ .. --- -------- for ------ -- _---.-.--,__for_-slopes-,__forcu� -rid z'zlls in the grading and paving of ------ ------i31oc1 --�E'- ---- ��r, n -t-- Y_srk- t_ddi_tion.,.-.-from i,lilton street to Chatsworth 6trea t _ having been presented to the Council of tie City of 8t. Paul._- -.___--____ _-.....___._-_.....___.-.-. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent a.ad estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketcl-i of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoirag matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -------------------- rip__ ^ YEAS NAYS Ciouncilmaifl,'�LANCY r � pp , r� A T'S _ TOS e ______________ __ �i MATSON _-McDONALD lJ ,PETER •WE;NTEL `/- , LL.............. MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 0.22) COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.o ane.truo t ing. A ..serzer.. nn. Eaat..s ide.. of . Lexington .Ave........ . .,,�'ro�n,Char�,es„St..•to a "-=,-- :; �� � the,�}Qri;�},�,ine,of,,,,,,,,• cy, yy�� INTERMEDIARY ORDERS. ................................. ......................... .... -.:proved AuB. 38. 3822. The Council oftheCity of St: P ......................................✓un g received. the rrport Of. the ... ner. nf. Fluanno Poon the ab,,.' ..................................... conele. under Preliminary Order ....... 4.x.45.? ............. approved .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..GPl$�X'LiCt„$„$eWeX' on, East••side•of. Isxington [ve, from„Charlea,St...t.o, a•point..110..ft... a north of the north line of Sherburne Ave. ................................................... .....,............................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...`�2 MQ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ 2Q: 4....day of ...... Qatober......... 192..2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... ... ................ 192... ✓.. Approved... . ,. 'Q .j_'.......... 192...... / City Clerk. ....... o -r. . Mayor. Councilman Clancy -,Councilman McDonald (� /Councilman Matson councilman 91tYi>93cx Peter ,Councilman Wenzel M-9yor Hcdp x Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 a 41r)j= ,t0�fP,� COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .....James. �1,. 14AgY.................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ..Y'aCgnS.trA4.ting.r . T.al ftY�nL, . az�d . r.Q PB 3X 3n�,., .�+11eS e..i}6.p�.$ 8.$x'jr, ..the.X.Ql QT;APg.aidel?al.ks............ -- _ cas cy. °;teen 60ee^,iBlk. 4 1Yar.r.e.n..d.a..l.e...!dd.Southside of,Van,SlkeFe f ., y . ...... -_ora axr ... ire s.t . AVP... NQrtk� .Siae.. T41AQ NX—Aye hence„south, to.,alle.y. f,.Dunlap .St,..thence unser .• F�a9.t. 44,.ft..................., r �4aPDroYea BeDt itv of'st 1 ofutereP rt of the under Preliminary Order..... 41602...............appfuV6 r°A cheL..,,� The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..regonstx1Act.,.S'61$y and,repair,,crnere necessary, the follo�ring sidewalks: ....................... „,SQut,�,��1Q, q „afar}„Slyke,�ve,t, in„> ron�„of ,j ot.,19,. B11c, 4 x Yrarrendale Add. ...1Y@�.t..S�.d�..�;�mJ.�A9.Ayef„begiruli,ng,at„Grand,��ne., thence,.south, to„alley. North side .Lincoln.Ave...beginning 298 ft. East of Dunlap St. thence ...... Eut. 44.. r.t I.............................................................................. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 2.0th....... day of O.C,tgbSr........... 192...2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........................1 192.... . Approved....:.f Q ......".:..........192...... j City Clerk. /.................. . ... rsf :c Mayor. ,Rouncilman Clancy C .,Councilman McDonald Q „ C6uncilman Matson councilman ZAM Peter, councilman Wenzel ) yor XXXgam Nelson' Form B. S. A. 8-6 -4 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .... James.b,...Glancy...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .... P41V1A9-1h@..#'9a1PVyjI g.e:tre6t$:..................................... &erke.leY.AQe..,from..Fas.aFxe..elsta—Bvaamea�cla;ar=�e.,•to,Fairvieer /eve. Stanford Ave. 11 11 la the matter of Davin" the folloWingll it it it streets: II II ,•Bofkoty.Ave. from East,line`.ot11,,,,,, I!,,,,,,, ��,, ,,,,,, ��,,,•,,, • • • {i{e �,leSlBy. .AV•e.• • • . • • . • • • • • Frederieka_ Ave. to Fairview. Ave. Jefferson Ave. IT It Stanford Ave. from East line ofI It It It ' Fredericka Ave, tw IT.11vlew Ave ' 312Cluding• •8ew ery •water' Fredericka lesle Avee. f ro Fairview it'Ave.at;iere • •116t • a1316a4Cjy .MaGj8 �• also curbin and avin def[erson Ave: rrom Eaet.11ne o, where necessary. g +� _ Fredericka Ave. to Fairview Ave- ................................... .r':;'":,'.eewer, water and. gav ....................... I............ where n t algaa,. "Ing, orr....; ............................................. :......................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... 4QQ8& .............. approved .. JvAe. , fi,, , .7,9,22.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... pAVQ.t,40..:',Q1).QAIng S...................................................................................... . ftrke.ley. AVQ...fr0M.EA9t . J ine..of..Freder.�cka..Axe... t.o. zxv.3 :ew..yve....... Stanford Ave. it n rr n it n u n it ......I It Ir....11......... !I......... !!......i! ....... !!....... !.......... Jefferson Ave. it it II tl it it it It It "' including -sewer"; 'water- -and"gas' connect'f ons- -where nct • al'ready. -made Y also curbing and paving driveway approaches, where necessary. ............................_ .................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 47,?.11.3.6.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 20th........ day of ...... Qct.ober........ 1 192..2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota I cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... ."................. 192.... . Approved.:".'.. ....................192...... r City Clerk. Mayor. V<ouncilman Clancy (� ,Councilman McDonald veouncilman Matson -ecluneilman 9td1ft Peter .C6uncilman Wenzel Mayor Hui" a Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .... James..,..Clangy..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...oPO.4iAg..•111nshema sn,slley„to a tiri..... . ' NC JF Nd].'411916—By James M. Ciancy— tt$r.ofopening, widening and e=tell4lp� an alley to a width of Ssrunnin from S dicate • • • tt .lit :8 qek 6, Hersey & Woolsey ' ' ' ' . ' • • ...... ' ............ • • • Ad"ditiou.:' runnl¢g from syndicate A,.ve to arigr, 86, -.:by taking and ft.,, of, Lots, 1 Ave... to..Griggs..St..} .b.y.. condemning the, rear 8 ft. o1 -Lots 1... } .... �- 30, inclusive, under' Preliminary "r,,,ler 40926, -approved July- 24, 1922., ... to. 30. inalU5ilre................. Council of the city of st. Paul f received the rtat c report ofthe Com:r...... .......................... of .went, and having ctnsiderv(- ............................................ !-by resolves: ........................................ rbe_ snld report.' `y ntnrno ' ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... , 40925 • , • , , • . • , , .. , approved .....July • 2 1922. ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ..Op@A f. N;UPn. A4A ext�Ac�, an„alley. to,•a„ lidth, of..1.6 ft.,,in,Block,5r Hersey & foolsey ... AdAUIPne..xunAIP5-from„$y.,ndicate lgo, to,Gri�gs St.Z by takirl and .. GQndemning. the . rear. 8. ft... of.1o.ts..1. Ajo .5.01..inclvaiv.e0 ...................... ................................ :.............. ....................................................... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. �.QN 00, . , , , , , • Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 20th...... day of ..... Oat aber........... 192.. 2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota t cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council::.?.s..:ir............ J92_4 Approved...... 192 ...... i City Clerk. ... ... ... /..... . air* . Mayor. °'Councilman Clancy n .,Councilman McDonald I -Councilman Matson `> „Councilman _qwpbx Peter ,-Councilman Wenzel _Wa'yor kbaatg= Ne is on Form B. S. A. 8-6 9 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ..Jamas..Ll...Clancy........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....B�°1i1S..ti�.1 ear. in, Bl,oek, 11,x, Surlmit Park liddition, from .................... Ap,q,Stxeet„to• Grotto Stre ` — --- ,C, F. No. 41418—BY:Jamee M. Clancy- ................ ... ...... ... ...... .. ....I In Lha .mater .ortoo ire t,under Block .... ... ... .. ...... ...... ... 11, Summit Pa'k Addltlon,�from Avon ; $treat• y Qrott4 -Street, roved Pre ]lmfhary Order 406EE, approved, June 28-1922. Th 66 Coundl of 'tba Clty of •3t. PauI-y••••••••••• 'havingrecalved th'e; report:of 4he'Coth-, i mleelouer of Finance upon :the above . r•nprovement, and::,havin% conaldered '........................... 1 roport, hereby r 00ea:' w._;. That: tha Bald repo1vrt he and the :y -ehy approved. and adopted, . ...... ... ......... ......... ... 1•,nrovement-lehereby. ............. ...... .. .... ... under Preliminary Order..... 4 Q523 , • , • , , , , , , , , , , approved .... ' > ,w t..19.22 .. ..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Block.1.1,..Swnmit..Park. Addition,..#Y 0V1.4iv,oA,}eet, t. Grotto, itr©. ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost th ereof is $.. 7 , 014.28 • , , , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 19t1?. ...... day of .....00.toher........... 1922..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. .� :j7 Adopted by the Council.... .... '.:'............. 192/.� >-.. -1 Approved ........ ...............192...... (� City Clerk. Mayor. ,C'ouncilman Clancy so % Councilman McDonald (, Councilman Matson -Councilman UANX Peter Councilman Wenzel l ,-Mayor XxWo 1 Nels on Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ...James..Ni.�.. Glancy ...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER (C. F No41917—BY JameB M. Clancy. In the Matter of..PAY? .? .Aljlna, a n ddlty nln onl &S al A e Addition from Pascal ............... I n ary order 40511, approved June 28 Avenue. • t.o Albert A, enu 1szz.. ........ ....., The Council o[ the City .'t st. Fat. having received thehreDori bf theCoru-""""""""""""""""" missioner-o[ Finance. upon. the above cOnefdere ..................................... pve and) haviag-= no0rt,t, hereby redo rt ., _r ................... ...... ...... ... ,t the -by, O.V roved and snd ` r... BOp ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order......` 5..1� .............. approved ... •June . 28•, ..1.92.2 .. ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .paF.8..k111fl.y..3X1..... ... Black. 6., . ;Yann.l.s. Addit 1.Q 1..#.4rr1. Pas cad , Age,r�ue . t o, l�lbert• •Avenue. ) .... , , .. . ................t..................................................................................... ............................. ..................... ....................... I........................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...'!.).054.32, . , . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 19th? ..........day of ... Dctohen........... 192...2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. i'r.'.. .'....?.. � , Approved.....:;;. �Q..............192...... ............City Clerk. Z. .: �?x, ouncilman Clancy Qwie' guso ,Councilman McDonald U /Councilman Matson �Councilman7MiW Peter ,Councilman Wenzel Mayor j gkk= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.. • • • ......... . By..Jame.s..I�...Glancy....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..P.aying, lley„ipt, j Hoek„2,,, AQP.0AI!e. Orr ......................... 4191$—BY. James M. C1ancY— .••...•.••....•..•. •,... •.•,,,, ,.•,,, In the matter of pav1AB ane- 11 Block 2, Rosedale ParRR, ander Prellmi 2 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.• Ordor 99844•.ayproved MaY 2<. The Couucll of the City of 9t. Paul ..................................... having received. the report of the Com- mproovement,l an .nconsidered •..•• .•..•'.•... •.'••. •.'•••••' .. • , • . , aid report.. hereby 'esolre —•-... . ......... ....... ... ... ... ... .. .That thgv,..a -.................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... ............... approved .. Idaly..24...1,9M2...................... The Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is, have A11ey in Koaed. A,Dra —i ...... ...............................•••....................... ..............................................................................................I....... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... jA.*MgK Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. • 19th.. , • • , , , ,day of .... 00toher............ 192.2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1IQ Adopted by the Council ........................ 19 ./.... Approved.........................192....... n City Clerk. Mayor. VCouncilman Clancy (/ —'Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman SdWE>1{x Peter PUBLi=rY 9, ? --Councilman Wenzel .Mayor FiadgX= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 A COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By JaMeS. .74VI.. IWIQ%.Y......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...grading.Hyacinth,Street. from V11iite Bear. Avenue to RI.LtK .Av,enue............ 19.1 . 41918--SY James M. Clancy ....................................... "i. That -the said report be and the .............................. eamele hereby approved and adopted,..,..................................... - and the Bald. llmprovement le hereby ordered to�.be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improve- .. .................................... Mme nrhleh the Council recommends ; 'w_- r;ia:, F- Plr-et frnr T. r under Preliminary Order .... 3�N ... , ....... ; p r,Ved ..1'..... h 22 , 192.`. .................. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is, .gr.gd.Q.AyaC]..Dtl1., treat .from.KUte. Bear.. ............................................. .....................................................................11 ........................... ........................................................................ .......................... .............................. 4.................... ........ ......,.,............... I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.6,795..,89..,., Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 19th....... day of QC,tgbex............ 192..2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .• � a / 2.. . Approved...,,�.��. ........192...... `......- ::........City Clerk... CMayor. ao/uncilman Clancy &A"aman4ergusen -Councilman McDonald �1 Councilman Matson V -Councilman R% Peter --Councilman Wenzel ,-Mayor Iblipa Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO . . ... . .. . . .... . By . , JamN JJ., , CWU ....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..C.QS�dDA�J SL$ . 11..th@. arid..idlj.G4.S8RY'$ C: F. Nq {1920=B� Jaal®s.Ili CIattcy Inthe matter of dondemning�and tak }^ y� Q1/�pes r CUt9 ing en easement io the 'land noses ;fir ,Of ,a1Ya,Qjt�, at'88t, from .. }.Q4..Y..Y1'....7. .Q......... -barY for.elopas; for,.cute and,Ne:In the grading of Ayncinth Street from I .white BearAveque to Ruth Avenue, under Pnilintnar tVh.ti@..$e@r..�rVCflue 0. 1 r Order 38806, ap nrnvari Mn>•nfi 9 7 1a9a !ng received the reporb of the Com .nor of Fin¢nce upon.the above ................................... nsvement, and , having -considered: 1.report, hereby resolves; That the. skid reyort'be and the .......... ........................... 1e hereby approved and adopted, he said Improvement to hereby' Phai the natoro'of tha 11111111111111111111, 11,11,III„111�11'1i,hloh thalCuti Cllr comm prol.�,III,,,, I111111111,III,, ,,, 1111111111 I'' 0 011, �nll W� 11 o �elr1ont11 JJ nno, N, � �i�idcil l rclii»ii��ily Oil�lcil 1111 1 1 IIII III IIII11111 � 101rl 1 1 1 1 I I r 111111111111111111 1. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isCondBmri &rid take an easement,in„the,�end, necessary„rm. s.19.P s,,,for. PPA, pd, fills,in. the pQo.ordance..wAtn..t'aft.blue..prznt. horet.o. at.tao.iaod. and. mado"i.a..partJ=P.Qf, t.4e..bRtaiaad..P0XU0nS..6h0sinj .the..c.iitn. Riad .Mae..ahaded.por.ti.ons.at=Lng ... the..?ilISe.............. ....................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... a� r K , , , , , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 19th......... day of ... Octob.er............ 192..2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ..�. A Bryn Adopted by the Council ...: :................... 11 .. � � �1 ............ .... . , Approved.......:.. ...:' 192... /' City Clerk. � Mayor. -Councilman Clancy VjjitBcillR�n "ouncilman McDonald Xouncilman Matson /Councilman 5x t>xx Peter /Councilman Wenzel _,Mayor734Y& Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �y F F,F4J COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. UPLAi4C-., ITP) e,F. xo: 41921=Br Iamea M: clepcy— g, Block 1 Little In the matter of grading site ]n ....l ........ ....I....... ... Block 2, George -.Bros., Block 1; Lit - t tie- k 8oyt'e, Klnney's Outlote, Block &.Hot s Kinnep s Outlots ,,}r,,,,, ),•, ,,,,,, y,,,,,,„•,.•, •, 1,. Peal Martln:a Gi'OVe Addit{oa, ands Grove Addition, Block,. 2, Midway-Plaisance, under ' • • • ' PreliminaryOrder 40116, approved &rid.$lgek,3,,,Tdiidtvay• Plains -dune 1, n22. 'The Council ot, the City of St. Paul ..................... .. ..... havingcrecalved the report o[ the Com- mleaioner dt Finance upon -the above ............. ...... ...... ... ...... .. .. ... ImDrovcment,-:and-h :�ieBo canaldered ............................ .:. the Council recomme; ...................... ...... ... ..... ...... .... ...:. In Block 2, George ............................ ..... „ k' H'.oyt's. Kinn^,- - ,._..,tln•s under Preliminary Order ...... 4Q116 .............. approve, "....17U??e..7.x.�922.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ZN4P. Alley, in.... Block..2,..Ge orge.. Bros .., . Bleak .1,, . M riXIQY. ' s.. Out lots,n , B1ocli.l,_.Pau1 1,%rtints Grove Addition, and Block 5, lLidway Plaisance, .................................................... ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...265.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....19th, ... , , , ,day of ... O.ctnbar............ 192.. P. ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...::':'.. . �:.............1 191,/../ Approved....192.... `Councilman Clancy n --Councilman McDonald O councilman Matson -Councilman gMkkX Peter /Councilman Wenzel Mayor MmIggom Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. ......... .. / Mayor. r COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By....SWWA.. ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER C. F. No. 41924—By Jamee M. Clancy- � In the matto� of condemning aad tak-�e,,land,,neeessary In the Matter of.. C,QndeI7J) Ulg - and, .t -ins an, easement in the land -neces- eery "' eloped, for cute and'fllis tn1 the grad(ng of alley in Block 2, George Bros.+. ;Block I, latae & I e 2 01, George ,fill Hoyte; xlnneys;-ON&i.I., Block I,r Paul Maitin•a-Grove Addition,: and n n T1 1. i 4 Btock 2;...Midway Plalsanca;: uneerlOts Block, �;,,,. PrelfmInary Order 40117. approved .. • .... ).. • • . . June'7 1924, _ The Council of the Cltt o[ hs 2'aul misat per co[ Financeeupon thae b.vv. Lals...... l n Imp o ement, aad having considered said report; hereby resoiv s: .............................................::.lob t1e "or eb id report be an^. ::. ...... .. .. ...... .. ..... y approved and -� h -t ,?e eald, Improvement to be Drom=a-f under Preliminary Order..... 40117 ,,,,,,, , , , , , , , approved ..... June.7., ..1922. .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..GRncleuM. aTlf�. t4XQ, an easement in,the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the „gradin�,of Alley in Block 2� George Bros., Block 1, Little Pc Hoyt s, .......... .-1. �... unney'.s..Out IQt.sa..5 J.,..Pain..I44rtIn' P..arp,vP,.kcldit�.Qna.and,Rloc1C.�, 5� e int he eto attached ....rd9,decay..PJ.ai,sa�c.ea..ip.acaoxdl s�....x................. and made a part hereof, the c d;; ortions showing the c4 9 and the ........... ..: ........................ shaded portions showing the fi ts; with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.20-00......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....:; t)?......day of ... Aetober • • • • • • • • • 192.2 . ,, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... ...:'.:..:..`...... :_.,�1/,'' Approved . .........192...... ��jr! City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy T sheen Councilman McDonald gg ebuncilman Matson i „eouncilmanhx Peter „Councilman Wenzel _Mayor Whdgmm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL, ILE NO ........... .............. _.__� By .....JAMS ......1;1. ..... �I lass.Y.................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Pacific Street from Etna Street to Barclay Street, under Preliminary Order ._ _..._33572 __,__ , Intermediary Order 3696 1. 2 Final Order 37330....... approved Nov. 2B 1921 ........ The assessment of ......b.enefit.S.,. c..QS.t.S....P-nd_._Qxpt3TlSes for and in connection with I the above improvement having been submitted APPROVING es@>ssSMEN" wing considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefor C. F. No. 4ts23—By J.. Di. Claacy- In the matter or the ,assessment- of benefits;` coats andexpenses for RESOLVED, That the said assessment be grading Pacific st. from Etna St to is approved. Barclay 9t., under Preliminary brder .! 33672, Intermediary Order 36362,.FI- RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public he nal Order 37330, approved 'Nov. 28, the...18tH day of assessmentof benefits, ion wlijes for -and In dif rovement having h& e Coun- 4Ct9b.6.X..a....�. Hall Building, in theaCd hour Pateretomconsid red saeat� an oftFinanChamber sive notice 92. .... xd to House and City g, y 8 e of `'.a. That the said assessment, c..._ -.•e` hereby. in said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notici ',;,. td place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council '. = y9I.____ Approved.... ......... _.__................. ......._.__._.._..:.............. .......191......... CouncilmanZXAA*X&T-x Clancy ,.Avlalffdx h1cDonaldl/ 2XX&X I4a is on,/ AID06iS Peter v AVxu&.AkkWenzel' Mayor I010tx iielson Ir Form B. B. 16 _ /........ ....._............................. ..... �................._��Sity Clerk. Zmy' ___._............_....._...------ Mayor. PUBLISHED CITY OF'ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Sept. 16.,.....1922...........'XjgX...... In the matter of the assessment oibenefits, costa and expenses for tUI X grading Pacific Street from Etna Street to Barclay Street, under Preliminary Order____3..M.r1.2..._...._...._....................._.., Intermediary Order .... ...__.�_696.2..................... I—............. ..... ....._ Final Order .....37330 approved ....ROV.....28,....1921 . _-........... xm0d-...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $._ s5..,.Qsr?.Q....pO.._.... Cost of publishing notice $---------1'..Q Cost of postal cards $ __..__..._._...._._.2.4...._. Inspection fees $.....__ _101._00..__ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $......_ ............._l.x_r�0 Total expenditures $._ .5.,_1.33..._(1..4...._... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..__ _..5315131._64... ---....-...._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ........ - ... ._.......... -_..............._........_.._.._._.... F.— B. S. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ------------------------------------------------..._ ---------------------------------------------------------------- COUN FILE NO ......... .......... ._ By.........._James..._M.r....._Clancy ............................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Earl St. from tlagnolia St. to a point 55 feet north of Cook Street, under Preliminary Order 388. Intermediary Order ...__.3943.L1......_ _ ._ Final Order .___ 39572..._.__._ approved ....May_Sth,_1922..........___....-_.RY9dx........ -.8AQf1.tS...,_._C_4.5...$.....aSld_ el riS.OH.___ for and in connection with The assessment of b . � - - -- the above improvement having been submit -1-m the Council. and the Council having considered same and 0' 1" 'No, 41924—By S. 1 .sClancy— found the said assessment satisfactory, there InntheNmatte iof ndneapensea for con I etructtng a`sewer on Earl St. from t,agao ,a St. to a Doint 86' feet north RESOLVED, That the said assessment of cook street, under F-iiminary spects approved. Order 38818, Intermedlary, Orders 39030, Final Order 39572; approved] RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public May tn, lsas. . on the_ -...... lath- ..._......day of o„ ...n.. Oct_gber,.._1.9.22. ....., at th `aubmltted t the council, .same <ene ounce Chamber o the Court Council having considered same and qa-d asaessmonr..-- House and City Hall Building, in the City m' w a s er of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, atating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council :_ �...: .5 .::.._ .... 91* . ............... iF . E. -City Clerk. Approved ............ _ ........ _............::_..._.._ �..._..f.:_............. 191......... atm Mayor. Councilman 9tahYclAWa& Clancy t, OXXX 3'gt]9ei3 MON& Mcllonald �' MR-LISIIED�/���� KAXIEx Ida taont� CdWadk Peter XMx&rcXA Wenzel/ MayorxbEC= Nelson ✓ Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST, PAUL, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT BePt.........16.z...-1922...., Tom...... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tbxx constructing a server on ,,arl St. from Magnolia St. to a point 55 feet north of Cook Street, under Preliminary Order................ -38818. .................................. . Intermediary Order .................39030.............................................. , Final Order..... ...... _395_`1.2.._._. _............. _. _...., approved._tt'1&.Y-.8_th�... 19.2...2. ...... __.......XPIA4......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $-- 4-7..•-O.Q-------- Cost of publishing notice $-------1".�Q.- - Cost of postal cards ' 24 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $__..........-1129.....-,.,..... Total expenditures $__ 486.,_12_ ............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........_..486..12._ .............. _. _.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. corm R. B. 17Commissioner of Finance. .................... COUNCIL FILE NO . .......... ................... _,._.. _. By ...I ..... ........ Jame.§....&....C1PU....................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sevter in Mound St. from a point 20 ft. Northerly of the Southerly line of Lot 1, Knocke & Aichele's Subdivision, Block 25, Suburban ifillts .0dition, to Clermont St., under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order .......... approved....,.. ............... l... ..... .... W,,,,,.,,, The assessment of ........._hell0f t.. •--4A.S alad....8.,xp 098 for and in connection with C- F.hNo. matte9r , the6ia sessment oP g the above improvement having been su benetlta, costs and oxDenseA for ep}- ncil Navin considered same and structinga seµer In Mound Stl from q� o Dont 26 rt. Northerly of the 9outh- found the said assessment satisfactory, ti eriy line of Lot 1 , Kthe Se & Aichele's Subdivision. Blocq 26, gu., r�.T..c bt. -Hills Addi'tlon, to 'CIer' RESOLVED, That the said assessor at., undei Preltmtnary Order 36067, 1 respects approved.. IntermedlarY Order 39366 Final- Or+ p : der ssselk' aDpr...I May E6, 192P:; The assessment or beneflts, cosYe'Atld' ent on the ._._.._.._ 18.111. d RESOLVED FURTHER, That a -expenses for and inaccordanee. with--- ay of _the:. above improvement` -'having..: been it,ed.. to the icou 1, -sed .the October, ,._1922 vvxxa[z hawing cons era same =A".ti the Council Chamber of the Court ..._......_., T7r-.7._..., at the hOifdtaeseesment satieract0 Tha. the h said si�east misaioner of Finance House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Yap, give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in .said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .................... tY.....3 ....;%1.5,..__...... W x191. . Approved "' Councilman F&HOWM .. �,1bn67c no= McDonald � #NI#x Matson 1>asadl Peter V W&;c & Wenzel Mayor bm= Nelson / Form B. B. 16 y Clerk. Mayor. 1 CITY' OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Sept ........1.6.:...._192.2_........... x_44r_.X.._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for.19kpC constructing a server in 14ound St. from a point 20 £t. Northerly of the Southerly line of Lot 1, Knocke & Aichele's Subdivision, Block 25, Suburban Hill's Addition, to Clermont St., under Preliminary Order...__......_.._..v1.9Q.5.�...._......_.............. Intermediary Order................3.9.'J_0................ Final Order ...._39875...._.__ approved ..:..._..MaY_25.., 1922..._..........,T9gr_.X..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.___..5.1^5.•-0.0....-".- Cost of publishing notice $__.._.___...l.a_OO..,,,.„... Cost of postal cards $ -_._._........._..1.5. ... ........ Inspection fees - - - - _ - - - _ $.... __._1Q..3.Q.....__. Amount of court costs for confirmation $-----------•.7.5....__.-- Total expenditures $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $__...... 527 20_,.,...,.., _._...... __... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. corm B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. €'yHw `_a COUNCIL, FILE NO .. ....... ...... _ By......Tim.Q.s....K......._.QIAM-Y...... _.......... ...... ..._...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on St. Anthony Ave. from oxford St. to iuunlap St., under Preliminary Order .... 3.8.998_ _ , Intermediary Order ..___ 398.95._.... . Final Order .......4Q535 .... approved __ Joe 29,..1.9.2`2 ... ........... 70im....... The assessment of ..._here it.s..,.._.C.QS.t.s.....and _.expenses. _ __ __ _. _.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and P, No, 41M—Eli, J, 3L Cla4ey- found the said assessment satisfactory, there i,the matter of the assessment of +ndts, Costa and expenses for con. ,tietlpg a sex•er on St. Anthony RESOLVED, That the said assessment be, ,from oxford St, to buivap St,, respects approved. c Preliminary order 3s99s, in. d.ary Orde 39896, BRnalOrder RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public near`,tse smena_ of benedts9costs and on the........l�.th.......... .... ..day of —11.9 Deem to Council, and the Coun ll.ct.ob.er..,..._1922 ......... X'P=......., at the hour v othenaiaerea same and found a Council Chamber of the Court sment satisfactory, there. House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paut_ 1s he>aidyain air` i*�ioner of Finance give notice of said meeting,as required b the Charter, stating in said't: That a q y g a.apo�,..�,.me and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount aesdssed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .. ' .'� 91 - �..... ........ _� � .................... City Clerk. Approved................. .:.::...1.o....:: ................................. 191......... tin., _.. '. .i ...... Mayor. Councilman fimummiK Clancy li/ 7 thull Mcllonald I >QIJBLISIIED ,q " XXR= Matson ISsM Peter Glx Wenzel Mayor%ximc 1lelson Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT S9.p1922......._;Cvxic _.... In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and expenses for d1KX constructing a sewer on St. Anthony Ave, front Orford St. to Dunlap St., under Preliminary Order _.... 8998.....__.._...._........................ . Intermediary Order ..__.....3.9895_ .............._....._..........._._..._.._ Final Order_..4...0..535 approved......... _.__.. .0 ..-2.9_}_..192`hbdg........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.. -4. a527...Q.Q Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $---- Cost of postal cards $ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $.. -_......9Q....54...... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ - 3.3.7........ Total expenditures $ 4,625.7.9.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_...._4362.$.x_79......._ _..........__...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. l 41 \ u COUNCIL FILE NO ........ ....... __._._ ' By..._Jame.S--J ... ..0;1 .................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs & expenses for changing the grade of Breda St. from Winston St. to Snelling Ave., also grading Breda St. from Winston St. to Snelling Ave., and 7iinston St. from Breda St. to Uomo Ave. West, under Preliminary Order ..__.... 38620. Intermediary Order ._.._.._38967 Final Order 39519..... _.. approved _ _ _ May 5 z... _1922_._. The assessment of benefj tg_,.-_dama.ge3., costs .& expenses._. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submi red r +6e—_ 'l having considered same and C. ;F: NO 0427—BY J. SL C1ancY-- found the said assessment satisfactory, ther 1; thefltaan?aoes �costesand eaves est -for chnnS.ngihe srnao of 8;eda S[. -drom Winston- St to Sneilin(C Ave.,. RESOLVED, That the said assessment 1 nlso sraam8 Bcean st:,e;om tVlnston, p ects approved. S[. to Snenhig a na Wtn ton .irom RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publicBr ) nder FreliminaY ora r ass2o 18th medla Y Ode 6967, Ftnni b ht on the ............. ........... day of terc 29519 nyDroved htaY 5 19,22 Tlie' a enr 4 ben Rts;c [ at thear np T6e 40 ° Iment nncYNor „ ,,'the Council Chamber of the Court b ittea t I [h �' it mnfl ' House and City Hall Building, in the City - ° .. ;iat the l.ommissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council . ......... Approved 191......... Councilman F.ME b76Y& Clancy kWaxat McDonald ✓ ,� KXthxx Matson ✓ [/'/ kkRzdc Peter i koulftR&c Wenzel Mayor bcygx Ne 1 s ori Form B. B. 16 .� -; f.... _..__.....................................`__:........_`�::.'t�.:_�'.::: City Clerk. l -=—...... Ma� i CITY OF -ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Sept....._16.,.....7 922_......71=... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs & expenses for titer changing the grade of Breda St. from Winston St. to Snelling Ave., also grading Breda St. from Winston St. to Snelling Ave., and Winston St. from Breda St. to Como Ave. West, under Preliminary Order ... ____.._...38620...._.. ......... ._.._._....., Intermediary Order _3.89.63 ............................ .............. .... ......- , Final Order .....39519...... .. .._._, approved......___..IYIa.g...5.,- 1922..._...___...._,79AX7L...._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: • Cost of construction - - - - - - $_ 1..,890.,_QQ.......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - ..._..........._.... - $... 3,.7..5....__.... Cost of postal cards $-_- .....__.........7..57....._... Inspection fees - - 37.80 $._... _.7.._..._.. ... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - -$.............._..._v..x..7�J.......... Total expenditures $..1,936.05,_.,_..__. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.__.____1.9.3.6..-05._-............ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ........s.._,r_......._._i. ........... :._...:......:....:.....__....._..._....._..._._..__..._......_...._....... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. -P, ow - -------------------- =-I----- --------------- ------------------ COUNCIL FILE NO........................_�� By.......JAMs...._M....._.Q-140C.Y...._............................ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Stinson Street from Kent St. to Mackubin St., also grading Stinson St. between the aforesaid limits, under Preliminary Order__.._3$.149.___ Intermediary Order �3_a2 __.._._ 88 Final Order .. . 39374 .......... approved April 27, ,1922__.._.._.._...__IXPW._.._ The assessment of OCIltlllbtl.I ualu boo, C. F. No.. 4192 the above improvement having been sul: In the mattei benef t@, dar tor.changin found the said assessment satisfactory, tl from>Rent. .grading St. -r aforesaid tf Order 38f4 RESOLVED, That the said assessm 38$82, Final ApriP 27; .192 The assessm RESOLVED FURTHER, That apr� thPeak for Sts & exPeri"8 for and in connection with J. assessment y- nl. ncil having considered same and thCl ncof ln[ermediary order der approved j respects approved. 39374, of benedta, costa and' lf3th In connection with`. ent on the......._....... .. ..-day of -oetoher, 1.922 _...__-7t9;6c._...__, at th satfl atsaesament satiefaetory, t17ib the Council Chamber of the Court • dlhe 'aid assesr' House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; Ill_ by in ommissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ____;.... s_.j._,;; 'r ......_..._._.... € /191._.__ . < C_................................. .......... o-� ........`:.�.. ✓.�..... City Clerk. Approved............................................... ......................_..191......... Mayor. lA _°�..C_.....__........_.......................�..._............._�._.._._._._.... Councilman-Ff047K Clancy✓ McDonald,/ l KSK&xx Matson /✓�, Mc70WLx Peter r/ aWSRacbc &_k Wenzel ✓ Mayor ±N= Nelson Form B. B. 16 PLLTBLI_111) �3 --------------------------------------------- -_1W---------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT SoP...t_s...._1�?.,.....1.8.22...., xaxx.. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for tkaC changing the grade of Stinson Street from Kent St, to 14ackubin St., also grading Stinson St, between the aforesaid ;imits, under Preliminary Order ._... __...._3.8.x4 - .............. Intermediary Order .....�3.%`_................ ......... ..... ........_..... ....._.... Final Order .. _...-...3.9.3:14...._ approved........AW.11_2.7.r_-.192.2.__ __,x=X........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - $..._.1.x740.._00...._. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - --.4.5.0 $. _ _.. .............._... Cost of postal cards $---- -- ---- Inspection fees - - _ _ _ _ - - _ $._.,_,__, 34.80 _.__....................... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $......_._..__._....4_..5Q_._.. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $__....1.,784_,.70_,..„ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......._.1,784.70_ _ ...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .......... ... _._..::_.._.._...._............._............_.................... _........_........ Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of ..... c.and9l[1TIin�-..&.Ila._.tea{.17f*a..&n..eA.SeLDeFlt....j}l..t�16 .ar.-.s.lopes..,-.-for...cuts...and...f,ills_--in..gradi.ng-_Alle J.•-in-_iloclt•-4-,---Undoxnvood' s First Additions from Fairview Ave. to Sue St., .. - -........................_......... ---_..--.-..........-.... ................... - ......-.............. under Preliminary Order 3934_5 -._______ approved APre.6.n...1922..., Intermediary Order..__41069--- approved--.....Al?F!e 2'-1922. .:JTYON OF COIINCIL'ApPROV. ABSE9SDIENT AND-:F[Xff :lE OF'-.HHARING I➢i CONDElIf(e-: - The Commissioner of Finance h&JN PROCEEDII G9. he above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of thF`Yo BHb 9 wssMT IN CONDEMN ropriated for the above improvement m, matter of , condemning and tak- ;far. slopes tYa cute. anlanA 4 err and to whom payable; and also having a slope n ?lo^k ti of benefit to property from the making of j. said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.............16th----------------- day of..Qc.tQb.er.,_.1922_.......mx-....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ..................... I = 191.-.. - City Clerk. 191--...-.- ......... �... ........ ------------ /€d Biayor. Ciouncilman=IlMM Clancy,/? Councilman UtWx P9 !}eft Councilman 1c McDonald" / Councilman t Matson 21 s3 ��P— Councilmanx peter �-2 Councilman WXTdOA*X Wenzel v Mayork&Nelson r/ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...Gond.em?:ai.rtg..and tAlkizit_.an...e.4.s.Mment...in....the...land...necaasary for ...slo.pes.,..f.or...auts.._and ...fills...inin__111.oak..4,.--Under=.God's First Addition, from Fairview ave. to sue St., ....._.............. ........ ---......_.-------._......._................._....._..._...._....._...................................................------------......--- under Preliminary Order. __.393.45..__.., approvedA.pr...26.,.1922._, Intermediary Order.........'k7 approved -.A? 9..?....2r 1922............. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ....._..._....._-------------------------------- ----------..... Commissioner of Finance. a � i1,�bfR RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..c.and.einning..and... taking ...an...eaa=ent...a,n-.Ahe...land -..ne.cssaax.N .oZ...alope .,... .Qr.... ui s._@.n�...f.3.1Js....�n__V44 n ..�,J]e �....i1...13 0.���...�.... n-�skex _Park.,._............................_......_......_........................................._....................---........................_........._........------ under Preliminary Order A.019;3 ............I approved .June,,, -X0,1922__, Intermediary Order....._4a approved.Aug� 2.,_19.2.2 ........ The Commissions C.;F. No, 91930— eport in the above matter as to the amount of In thematter of condemning and `tak Ing an easement in, the land necee- damages awarded for t sading Aner'In°`stock aidclesiei herein appropriated for the above improvement Park, under Preliminary Order 90193,: 'approved June 10, 1922, Intermediary Order 47064, approved Aug..2, 1922 and to uvhmn payable; The Commissioner of Finance having ssment of benefit to property from the making of submitted his report in the above mat - teras ,to the• amount of damage, . said improvement, tbere awded a r ents for ere ih a the ting of -the land o pprap listed for the ^ove Improvement and to wham pt and also having aubmitted hls Resolved, That the said, nt of benefit to property from the same is hereby approved in eking oP said Improvement, kis Resolved further, That a ublfe heat a Bala assessment Resolved the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion �,:, P P tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......-._ 18:01....................day of......QC b.Q7eX'.a..-19.2..2...X2M....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .................. 'r..'_..:r..:---.::.r........; l...., 191....---- a si..�...... . �— �©City Clerk. J �.V Approveo.....--_.................... .......... 191........ J..1 Get_ �.i . Mayor. Councilman FxAgAidaz Clancy ( Councilman Jft21$ S — McDonald'/ -/- c?iiL1S;;�D i/�3 g Councilman d McDononaldld ° Councilman ATA= Matson ✓ Councilman YkAodkx Peter Councilman XambdWx Wenzel Mayor hmixx Nelson Ix REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__.cozld. 11 l3.lf..az1Cd_taking_a17..eaS.emXlt...in...the _.1snd.-neAmssary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alloy in.Block 1,-._(jhester Park, ..... ..._... .. .... _.._... . .........................................................._...-..._...._.._................_..__........ ---------------- under Preliminary Order....... 40193........., approved June 101_1922Intermediary Order.. approved ......A.l?$• .2..s.J3_22........... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ..................................................... Commissioner of Finance. y n Al RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter ofopening_,__yriden ng...and ...eYtend in&7idth._-of--sixth.- -fix. t.....fxot7..a3az�dol,, jt�.....t.o..Btiy�r.�..1.va...,........ ............... ..........................._................................._................._............................_............ - under Preliminary Order........ 366OB.......... approved ..O.at.. 5.,...121.., Intermediary Order......_41aZI., approved... June ...19..,...1.922... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report iu the above matter as to the amount of C. F', vo. 41931— damages awarded for the taking of th"a the matter of ,pen;d g. w'dc.,gt and riated for the above improvement 4 extending to a .width of-sixty-eix (66) feet. Chatsworth St. from•.Ran- 'dolph St. to Bayard Ave., under .Pre- fit to property from the making of and to whom payable; and also havin liminary Order 36868, approved Oct. P P Y g 26, 1921, Intermediary Order 40362,. ,Ppr.v.d June 19, 1922. 1ne c,?d issloner-of Finance having' - said improvement, therefore be it submitted is report is the above imatter as to the .mount of damages. warded, for the- taking of the and or Resolved, That the said assessnienf%m nts therein h re ny argon whom oah-;'reby approved. and also having an mitted his. '.ent of. benedt-to property from Resolved further, That a public hearing Ikibngi� of said Improvement pon said report and for a confirms - .;n It. rbe said assesame% same e tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissione'r:..,m'lnance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........18th...................... day of...DGteher.,-19-22...... X=-- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council_ ................. .......... ............... .:.... 191........ Approve(,......... -- ................... _...... 191....... Councilman IQW� Clancy :-/ Councilman 90ax -Pew, sin-_.- Councilman ElslW ldcDonaldz Councilman3jjft blatsonv' Councilman XWOolk Peter Councilman zwm8drild4 Vienzel MayorAxix% Nelson ........... :.................:...........................................-:-..... City Clerk. It . .�.._'- i bout, Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..openng.,.,rriiening_. and _-extending_.to.„..?.idtjz__of..si ty_-s.ix �.6.F.�...feet...... ChatsVi.ort}l_ t.._.fr..om..Band.olzh..a1.....t.0...Bayard..iMa................................ ... ...._........... .............._... .........._................ .-....__.....- _ ------ ------------------ ----- under ---under Preliminary Order ..... 36$6$.........., approved. -Oct. 2.5-119-21-, Intermediary Order. 00-5.2 ............. approved.-...JUne...19. j...19.2 ......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That be has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _... _......................... _...................................................... Commissioner of Finance. �,.. ��.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER q Form A A 46. IM 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No - AUDITED ...........-......... ..192......... I er co rreoL _11L. 111 ... . 536 I I l I_- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 31,524.41.9_..._-__.-.., covering checks numbered _ 7120 _ to. 7126 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( 1'.) Councilmen ( d ) Nays. -`.,il ✓ llancy, Adopted by the Council-- 52L .......192-...-..._. -- ---- - - ✓'terguson, In favor i 2[ 92. APPO �. � 1Donald, .. ,Miitson, 9tttitlr Peter Against Wenzel. %` .. v �"� ....._.. .. MAYOR Mr.presidentr-I'ItftftK_N-3—cn Aeux,9 .} C. F. No.. 41932= - drawn Resolved that warrants the upon the* City Treasury to th covering gate 'amount by $31,611419, check.- numbered 7120 tot 71 heck- ton o ive,. as. per register oY e Comp - ale to the -office oY the City troller.' 1922. Adoyted by the Cou 19 YSep[. 20, Sept. 20, t-; Approved (Sept, 30.1922) 7120 G. P. Bowlin, Com'r. P. works 13.70 Workhouse 7121 Jas. M. Clancy, Corn'r. Finance 5,199.60 Park 1,143.20 " Ref 1,068.96 Playgrounds 392.00 " 16.00 P. Bldg. Rev. 306.40 ,- Foresty Rev. 61E.04 Man. Nursery 231.60 Bur. Health 4.0 — Election 40.00 Hayden Heights 1 385.40 7122 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance 25,318.03 Water r? 7123 P. J. Casey Man. Empl. Bureau 280.00 7124 J. Ravenscroft 97.80 Bur. Engineers 12.24 Street C. & R. 14.52 Sewer " 30.12 S. & S. Cing. 9.00 Crosswalks 5.40 Sprinkling 1.56 Eng. & Insp. 24.96 7�— 7125 St. Paul Sanitation Co., 235.96 School 71g 6 -' 'Phos. F. Shea Company Mill School 379.10 )s11rq,.te AUDITED 192.1 P. ..53BResolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to amount of $ $1,O624 0 covering checks numbered 7120 to. _ 7126 26 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas 1 ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. SEP ^U 1722 y/dancy, Adopted by the Council ..__._................................ ...._....192..._..-- N,Ferguson, In favor �P ty2" .192 ,,McDonald, Approved ..`................. ._...__ Matson, Stt[it$ Peter Wenzel. MSP u-ta>R= Nelson it � CORM N0�2 City of St.Paul COUNCIL RESOLUTI011 - GENERAL FORM 41 Sub j e ct C OUNA, 7/_ FILE N0. °, •` Date Presented 1922 $Baal , vJHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of on Sunday certain employes lee re-tkaia- eight C. F. No. -he tare-ger-deyr , , 41933—By J. H. McDonald— �Vherens. The Commissioner of Pub - u. U Iiges has re Dor ed to the Coun- ual hours pf employment; said employment , in e..rdanee w+1h Seetion 53 of the City Charter, th. is,ce ofa e' er therefore. it em f snt*y which rendered a essarythe toin a eplo be o Yes f his depurtmont on Ployment of e• Sunday. id employ-' eat beim than (heir unI Resolved, That the hours C employment; therefore, be ft propeY Reure'ed, Thnt cite proper elty .fri-Oby authorized to pay the Hereby nntnorl zed to paY the f.11—in, empluytmsatherwiae following fixes°fomextra fixed for extra named 6"". the extra time hereinafter set employment Y Munson, "tiiitymsn, 10 hours, sular rate. er set forth: for the cT'h rat'. uuutymnn. 10 hour,, sot ter Anderson, Laborer, 10 hours, Rate of Overtime rate Hours Name Tit `alar Robert., Laborer, 10 hour 5 Roy Munson Utilitymaa.t.,b:, ,: 10 hrs. 60¢ reg.rate of to T.Thoraon " 10 of60¢ Walter Anderson Laborer 10 " 50¢ Mat. Roberto To 10 " 50¢ M.Masciotto 00 3 " 0¢ 50;e50 Vito Cocco " 3 " " 60¢ 67¢ " It H.A.Mennell Utilityman 16 " to L. Christenson Laborer 8 " 60¢ " Paul G. Manzke " 28 " 35 ¢ If D. Todoro 118 " 50¢ to It Fred Bruner 61 8 It 50 of ofJ. Saporito " 6 ° 5 " to "�� John Corey " 6 " 50¢ Joe Turner " 16 " 60¢ M. J. Corboy " 18 �� qg¢ n f, 91 Robert Gibson " 8 " 50¢ " Geo. Rowles " 8 " 50¢ to j FORM NO. 2 City of St.Paul COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM Sub j e et : "';-� Y_wG'��, . COUNCIL FILE NO. Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime D. Todoro Laborer 1 hr. 50je reg.rate Fred Bruner it 1 " 5031 " of Oscar Stenholm If 1 " 5031 " To Chas. Carlson If 5 hrs. 50¢ it " T. Carpenter if 2 " 500 J. Cocco " 2 " 5031 M. Frotto " 2 " 50¢ n A. Hausen If 2 of 50¢ it " Jas. .Laughlin of 1 It 5031 " " F. Rizzo "" 5 O$e T. Dvorak n u Wm. Hannah 6031 " " R. Schaffhausen of 2 " 503d It to Casper Stemig If 2 Is 509 It of Ed. Oliver Alfan of 3 it 50¢ Martin Ginley It 3 is 509 Anthony Eggerman " 2* It 5031 Walter Kowalski " 1 of 50¢ S. F. Petrasek of 3 if 50¢ W. O. Peterson Utilityman 25 of 60¢ L. Brengold Cement Finisher 11* if 80¢ of of James F. Eggerling to " 3 of $0g " Fred Fennern to " 12 " 80¢ Chas. Pransen If of 11k " 809 Frank Johnson if " 7 " 80je John Johnson If of 1 of 80¢ John Corey Laborer 8 of 50¢ of of Ralph E. Dodge " 1 of 50,& Albert A. Nelson " 1 " 50¢ $K9XX74XX 1YX= XGXXXX Thos. G. Corcoran Laborer 1 " 509 Reidar Nordquist Mixer Engr.Steam 3 " 8031 Walter Chapin Utilityman 1 " 5031 Melvin Hoiberg Hoisting; Engr. 3 to 80¢ " of Arthur Ingeldew Cement Finisher 27 to 809 David Samuelson " " 27 " 8031 Geo. Anderson Carpenters 10 " 80¢ Thomas Donlin of 10 if 80X Amel Schagan S.I.Worker 4 " 8 0je of of Edw. J. Murphy Laborer 2 " 5031 " of Emmet Newton It 2 " 500 "11 to2 " 503L n " Patrick O'Rourke " 2 " 500 vim. Olsen it 1 n 5 Oje n rr Geo. E. Peterson is 2 " 500 Geo. Rowles of 1 " 5031 Milton Setterholm of 9f " 50g Joseph Shields If 1 " 5031 Archie Sullitv.an of 1 n 5 0R n n Frank Schwartz if 1 " 5031 C. Treon to��j•%nC�l;�,r,,.� 1 of 50j " 410. FORM NU . � '01ty oP St.1Pa7-X3 COUPaCI1. R1'S01,11TI014- GENERAL FORM Sub j e Olt*, COUNCIL FILE PTO . !%are Tit1e Hours Rate of Overtime Peter Bastian Laborer 1 hr. 50X reg.rate Ernest Benson ^ 1 " 50fd " " Geo. Blondo ^ 2 " 50fie of " J. C. Cape ^ 1 It 50X of " Arthur Carlson • 2 " 501e " Paul Cetinyon '• 2 " 50je 01 " Geo. Diegnau ^ 2 " 500 H. C. Dixon ^ 2 " 50;e L6uls Rischer ^ 1 " 503e " Geo. Galway •• 2 " 50¢ n n Geo. Gerofotis ^ 2 " 50R' Robert Gibson '• 2 " 50¢ A. S. Godby ^ 1 " 50je Wm. Gosirk ^ 1 " 50X John T. Qrady " 1 " 50¢ Mark Gray ^ 1 " 5 0,& Andrew Haider ^ 2 " 50;e Morris Hansen •' 11 " 50IC C. F. Hughes ^ 2 of 500 " to Geo. Ingeldew ^ 1 " 50X If " Emery Johnstone ^ 1 " " 50X to " Joseph Kane ^ 1 " 50¢ Pa u.0 R -a,, i 58 ., 3 5 X n r. Yeas __qounoilmen Nays Clanoy ,--lerguson ✓'Matson in Payor ."'McDonald, v'''et Ate ag ai n st .4enzel ort Adopted by thew 1922 Approved 1922 ��.yy�?.as�uay� ayor :FORM NO.2 City of St.Paul C t3�3ZC =� --1-P- SOZ,UT ION - GENERAL FORM. COUNCIL FILE, NO. a -rr� 5�- Date Presented 1922 R col d, WHEREAS, T a 4C--4C=bm3==L3 *38iorn.er of Public Utilities has reported to the Council, irm c o r 4=2y- arnce viritlz Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence ate- INE31+-m a;=ergezlcy which rendered necessary the employinhb of certain 10_ �Zssg_$ s- f3- arononalam�nt for more than eight hours per day, Pi " c�i rr s_t of their usual hours of employment; 9a em �_�� of Pub- P J"• C: tea- epo rtea to Atha oun- therefor(-1. z sa a Resolved, That t h i hs� �e�a�zmE`n t = to n mPio;esari are hereby authorized to pay the a `Lhs.i,:nt followini:0� f` p� n zs�ei is pmt l�„rrent e.•,n� rate otherwise fixed for extra em to me:Renr _� erefo re_ �5e":t =rte em Pio 1 h o oP Y" ereinafter set forth: P Y Fse 3 a -ea_ Tisa t Lna vroner oity ores_ follow a �� e2��, ut7aori zed to _L eT_tra -,Po-3- �theName ethee t Hours Rate of Overtime P..h _ zlme hereinafter sec 3 Anderson - = so=—�ility-n,an. a no rs, cos hrs. 60.& reg.rate Roy Munson r o n 3 0160X of It - �—Lilit�-man. 3 hours P . Scott _ - T. Thorson -- = 3 . Walter Anderson is Kat Roberto is Tony Avoles ss G. Di Carlo n F. B. Leach to Sam Narducci to P. O'Brien of Joe Vignali •' P. Tritten n Stanley Svoboda w H. J. Conrad 'C3 it yman Thos. Fahey n Leo Nonnemacher •� P. Del Fiasco is 3�jQ 2•ET Plat. Johnson n Sam Ranelli to Amie Peltier n Mike Fritz 3TC 3 �tym�rl John E. Hawkins if Pat Roberto i.a�o r er Joe Raili +a Paul Rulli " Yeas Councilmen Nay Clancy e gtison t Bon CDonald 61,et er Mr.Prasitpya -Zled n "ss 3 3 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 19 4 22 2 3 2 7 2 3' 2 2 n of 0 If n 0 a 0 If of li to of is n of it 0 of n Adopted by 60 r. " to 601E " " 5014 " is 5 O " is 50X " is 509 to " 5011 of If 501E of n 5010 If of 5Oje It of. 5014 it it 5011 it is 56*1C go of 56 n If 62. je it n 500 " " 50je of n 500 " to 50X it " 5r,& of to 601E " if 5010 if it 50;e " it 501E it " the 1922 Approved 1922 i r te' avo X- -' ai ri st !kvaPlayor CITY OF ST. PAUL PICC ppVNC1L NO,,......`i,.S...u'.::.r %..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER L R S F ERGL SON ------- -. --- ------ -- DATE._.SEPLE(v1B.ER....1$SH.,..1.92 RESOLVED WHEREAS, Thin COL-ii:.issioner of Eduottion h,:,s reported to the Council in accordance :;ith Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency v�rhich rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for mora than their usual hours of employment; therefore,be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the follo-Ving namea employes, at the rate Otherwise fixedfor extra employment for the extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE T 111 RATE TOTAL, HARRY FAVILLO LABORER NO. 1075 11 HRS. •55 a6 05 EWALD JOHNSON LABORER NO. 1878 8 HRS. •55 �4 40 Cr No hereas. The BComissioner of o WmB 'cation has reported to/the Council In rclance with Section 53. of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the mOloy- rant of certain employes f his De- partment for mmentththoretore, be e. their it hours f emP oY city oPfi- geaolv�d. Thatath u [hors ed to paY the e here by Zollowin� med 'n e.tr. at the Rent otherwise d,,ed-forloymeht fort' try for the extra eMp the time hereinafter t.,for Harry rMvIllo, 1Laibb er j o. 1075. 11 hours t 650 per Ewald Johnson.h1,ab.84 40. 1876, 8 ho urs at 660 per Adopted by the Council 9eDt. 20, 1-022• 1 Approved Sept. 20, 1922. (Sept. 20-1922) i Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy _ G —Ferguson C.—McDonald In favor d, ---Matson L -X- ill �GQ. �..-.--Against Wenzel Mr. President Adp C ^%;; o ted by the Counetl.._......_i_r..._..:.,._....--:;_�:_..._...__.._19_._... Approved > /C7 EUBLISl um, .p ,r� e1ane1L 1 Q>e�3 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO— ._.__....----__----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK { COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDED BY'- COMMISSIONER.. . .................:J!�V......... DATE.........._............_........................... ............... ...... WHEREAS, That certain bond executed by Walter J. Miller, as principal, and the Lion Bonding & Surety Company, of Omaha, Nebraska, ds surety, dated August 25th, 1919, covering the maintenance of certain blackboards at the Sibley Sohool, expired on the 25th day of August, 1921; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said bond be and the same is hereby can— oelled, and the principal and surety thereon are hereby released from any further liability thereunder. C. F. No. 41936—By 1L R. S. Ferguson— Whereas, That certain bond executed by Walter J. Miller, s principal, and the- Lion Bonding & Surety Company, ++ f Omaha, Nebraska, as a tY, dated �4 Aug. 26th, 1919, c ring the -state - an e of certain blackboards at the Sibley School, expired on the 26th day of August, 1921; now therefore, be It Resolved. That tha said bond bb and j the a is hereby can'. celled, and the principal and surety thereon are here- by releused from any further liated by the Council Sept. 20 .bility thereunder. Adop1922. Approved Sept. 20. 1922. (Sept. 30-1922) Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays v<lancy --re rguson i 11cDonald _. _In favor Matson L- i �l _..._ _Against wwenzel 'lrkpR"mi"b6_ ° ""?I)_ 1.52'2 Adopted by the Council._ .._ . -:E ..._!-...- ._._.....___..19_...... SFP 2122 Approved .. It t 'J19. -. ..... .. "- ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM v/ PRESENTED BY r.-.uu�aa�nnl r:w_.6'.�•._.'.-.�.k�/.._�.�._C-.��f.:.L-ti�=�.�,(�?-�1..._..._....._ DATE... �oa..,L 2 _ � �.37 .. _.... WHEREAS, That certain bond executed by Walter J. Miller, as principal, and the Lion Bonding & Surety Company, of Omaha, Nebraska, as surety, dated November 22nd, 1919, in the sum of $358.00, covering the maintenance of certain blackboards in the Irving School, expired No%,ember 22nd, 1921; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said bond be and the same is hereby cancelled, and the print 1pal and surety thereon released from fur- ther liability thereunder. C. F'. No. 41937—$Y L R. S J . son— j That ertiiler,Wn bond ecut-� ed by Walter . Ms Drireip-1,' and the LLot1 Bonding & Surety Com- pany, r Omaha. Nebr ka,.na suretoy. dated Nov. 22. the' inin ens once oY $368.00, e a certain blaoXboards In the Irving SchooYore, be It l, expired Nov .22nd, 1921 ! ; now', th ere Rel;r" , That the said bond be and. .K the same 1a h¢reby ca eelled, andat,e principal and ety thereon ret from further liabillLY thereuhder.'1022. Adopted d Sthe pt. 20.11922 Sopt. 20, Approve e(Sept. 30-1922) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ,-Clancy _'Ferguson -,-McDonald -in Favor ,,,,.Matson f \ p`-- _ _Against 'Wenzel pn. Pre�id.�t _ Adopted by the Council.. _.... _; FP_' ?.. i5ko'2.....--.-_..._ 19-.-.-- —P 241 ,.7 [ 19........ Approved �tingb ,;".oa cep c(� °� CITY OF ST. PAUL r��E NO.-..__ _4-..131.', ....__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM S � i PRESENTED BY =/; � - Zi ........... DATE ..... . ... ... .......... WHEREAS, That certain bond executed by Walter J. Miller, ae principal, and the Lion Bonding & Surety Company, of Omaha, Nebraska, as surety, dated December 310t, 1919, in the sum of $220.00, covering the maintenance of certain blackboards in the Scheffer School, expired on December 31st, 1921; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said bond be and the same is hereby can- celled, and the principal and surety thereon released from further liability thereunder. C- F- No. 41938—By L. R. S. Ferguson— Whereae, That certain bond executed by Walter T- Miller, s principal,. and the Lion Bonding & Surety Company, f Omaha. Nebra.4ka, as a rets, dated'. Decem her 31st, 1919. in the of $220.00, covering the nnolole.nn e f Seh. n blackboards in the Scheller' School, Aired Dec. 31st, 1921; there Pore, be e Resolved, That the Bald bond he and the same- ie bn._ ........... .. ._ _ , .I from further llabifity thereunder._...I .1dn[ed by the C unc17 APProved SePt. 20, 1922.9ePt. 20, 1922.E (Sept. 30 -1922) - Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays .,0ancy Adopted by the Council_____ ,/Ferguson - C 1,90 i i 2*1 f Approved McDonald- -In favor�`�� °Matson o _.. .........Against ..Wenzel _.Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL :oENC1LN0. \t ----44-!:fF' �)---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y CO/UUNCU,_RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYj�r —"- ,/ C✓.. �./............... '.. �.__�-..... DATE..... ............... ..... COMMISSIONER ._-... ..._.................... .. WHEREAS, That certain bond executed by Walter J. Miller as principal, and the Lion Bonding 8 Surety Company,of Omaha, Nebraska, as surety, dated January 20th, 1920, covering the maintenance of certain blackboards in the Whittier School, expired on the 20th day of January, +1922; now therefore, be it • RESOLVED, That the said bond be and the same is hereby can- celled, and said principal and surety released from further liability thereon. C. F. No,-41939—By L. R. S. Ferguson Whereas, That certain bond executed by Walter J. Miller as principal, and the Lion Bending & Surety Company, P Omaha, Nebraska, 1, surety. dated Jan. 20th, 1020, covering the ainte- nce of, certain blackboards in the I Whltt:er School, expired on the. 20th', -day ot. January, 1922; now therefore, be. it Reaolvod. That the said bond be and 1 the same la hereby ancelled, and eald y. r1nclD'al and: surety- released from further d bitlty thereon. - - Adopted by the Council -Sept. 70, 198E.: Approved Sept 20, 1922. (B.Pt. 30-1982) I Ye, U) Cuuurn��cilmen (%/) Nays ,Ghincy Ferguson _-McDonald--..._In favor ✓lVfat,on LJ ...Against -Wenzel t. test e _ -2? HP,PII ;;c Adopted by the Council— Approved. ouncil . _._.._. __ ..._.—._......_._ _.....__..19_...... Approved �.r Ui !A 11q �.voa CITY OF ST. PAUL a`E"`"No. --- 4.9.`-x.0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B��� COMMISSIONER .... ... /— —...f_ ~....... DATE... ... .... .. ....._... I WHEREAS, That certain bond executed by Walter J. Miller, as principal, and the Lion Bonding & Surety Company as surety, dated February 25th, 1920, covering the maintenance of blackboards in the Harrison School, expired on February 25th, 1922; now there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the said bond be and the same is hereby cancelled and the principal and surety thereon released from fur- ther viability thereunder. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays v Clancy --1r erguson t McDonald C,Matsonn t,,.Smithi t�C.,ft,{ ,Wenzel I111r.-4ar"ideg C. F. No. 41940—By L. R. S. Ferguson— Whereas, That. certain bond-execut- 'ed by. Walter J. Miller,. as principal, and .the Lion Bonding & Surety .Com- p8vering sthetyinaintenaned ceoL�Dlack boards . the Harrison. School, expired o -Feb. 26th, 1922; now therefore, be Resolved, That the said bond be. and the same ie hereby cancelled and the principal anda rety thereon released from further liability thereunder. Adopted by the Council Sept. 20, 1922. - Approved Sept. 20,.1922. (Sept. 30-1922) SEP . , Adopted by the Council !;!_ .In favor Approved - 6� _..._. Against PRESENTED BY rr1MMIG�.1ANFR ....... RESOLVED IeeNC,L CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO.--._......__...._......_............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ��4-aLf'2.7............... DATE.....__9eptember..19......1922...... ......................... Whereas, by Council File #37074, approved November 8, 1921, the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company was orders. nstd directed to remove their poles and wireev y said company on Arcade Street from Maryland Street to East Seventh Street and immediately place the wires in underground conduits, and Whereas, this Company has not, to the beet of the knowledge and belief of the Commissioner of Polio Works, taken any action in this matter; therefore, be it Resolve&; that the Corporation Attorney be and he is hereby ordered and directed to take such steps as may insure the carrying out of the order of the City council* irected a and he,Re CorIs herebyDorderoa and 1Eotb60 t ed b,,a outaoeppa aem dei ot,i Ado Cou t.the Approved a to 20 ancll BODI. 20, 1822, _ (BeDt. S, 1922. .. 3922) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays vElancy --Ferguson !K/ ,McDonald _...In favor _Matson !!\\ _ErnitlrP� ....O.—Against ,,;Wenzel MrP4esidEnt f�' Adopted by the Council__.19__.._ Approved. rp (r;..... ___ _..19........ ............... .... -- z1gu'YoR ... 4 121 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.=__:_......... .......... .........__.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY S8 t. 19 1922, L/1 DATE ............ p..................f..... COMMISSIONER � -�- -����� RESOLVED That the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company be and it is hereby ordered and directed to Immediately renew and put in proper condition, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. the planking of various railway tracks, crossing Prior Avenue between University Avenue and Minnehaha Street. Further Resolved, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company. oi.ti anR Adopted by the Coone�• 2 1922. Railway compit sept. Approved Septt?3U 1922) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays L—Clancy Adopted by the Council__..__..19_..... ✓Fcrgusoa C.p --KcDonald In favor ... -J Approved /.... 19__... t/Mabon TOS a- _ Against ye*enzel cEin p 4Aft4?+awdent - COUNCIL CITY GF" ST_ PAUL rae NO.. o)� iGE OF THE CITY CLERK _ GOA s C I z WZe_=SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ok PRESENT BY DATE JCypUC'7 -bor 7.9. 19�2 COMMISSIONER ,/L G -"S- .... ... ............ ..... ........ ...... RESOLVED ThLt the m usc-; — — _� _ - - - _ __`_ _ z b � :anci he is 1_ereby ,utnu-•ized to the Juc,trollel•, ;zltor. ;: oriel machine, ata cost not to e;:ceed titiae o. a.- ti:il i- a pateated�x_taL,e could be �aineci treruuy. rcu='ubl'L c - - -- — — r_�l-nr- �,'una_ �)9 0. P¢ter-- _ PurchaetnK ry A.g� tea_ ar;d h= Ta hereby --,authorized to -+�ir� � �avz L7n cher us¢nt of the cm— '� �altoa Modal 190-102. Ad et ��>clatiag Maw thoat ahin6 Yor �o a -Ceea $ as tYais fa co ld' ar;Live .bids. aad ao ad�antaS'e �bnc be ga3ri ea ih¢reb_ Charge R� 3`r3 �.-��rizii 1ivg .Fuad -39 O. E. 3L�y =�.¢ Cou Moil Se Pt. 20, 1922. I ��� flzr eat ge p-� 20. 1922_ E Sept-- 30-19221 Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays 6„ -Clancy ,—,Ferguson ,McDonald Matson "Smit , r'et�r ,,,,Wenzel 4�eegiftltt roRN +Moo io-21 Adopted by the Council 192-- -- Approved._. - ..---.. _..........._.---------.192---- c= � .._. —10R A � a !• '' 4 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nLe NO..__._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U ICIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTT�J BY �1 (/J :,en teinbJ r 14 1922 COMMISSIJNER.......... ... ...lG ..G'(........-....... ...... .....-.. .. DATE.........1.-. ...`."...-.---.-...-....... --.-.. RESOLVED That tine council he,.eby concurs in she reco;.cuenuation of the Contract Coi.L,littee r;_nd a. z:rds the contract _or cu bin(; both ,-ide of ;hZLt3c1o'rt_1 ;tet. iro,a :;t. (;lc:ir Ct. to ::w:3:iit _-,ve., in ceoraance.!I to plens ;nu s)eci ications hereto attached, to ,,tar.dc,_ d t;tone Cos -many, they b: int; tae lowest responsible bidders, io, tirS,� `us,; oi' tn, Uor��ort.tiol: Goul.cei is r_ereby • i)tstructed to re.vi u.� tni: 1 roper or;.I of col.tract tnureior. _�;ngin,:erl s �stimLIte 'C. F. No. 41944—By W.T. Pet, Resolved, That the.,CounC11 concurs In the recommendation Yes (✓) IC,ouuncilmen (J) Nays l.lancy -Ter$uson McDonald 61 Matson Slzltde P e t e r w Wenzel Mr rPlesident IOpM ISOs 10-21 918I8 OlOderB;'Tar to. and the -Corporation l' v Instructed, to draw •m of e'antract there- �.�,..„�- + ; (� ,. i rl Estimate $1969.00. 1 U �; Council Sept. 20. 1922. 20, 19 2. 30-1922) / -• I: Adopted by the Council 192.- In 92 -In favor Appro�vvey^......-... �----.........192 --- � � _ Against _....._..........._ _ --....._.. �'�' __. etSna Narop ., -�Y� counts ��g�g CITY OF ST. PAUL .�La NO.-- ���� -t -�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM _ X \ /Y r-_ 20. 1922. ... .. DATE _..... .......... Sept.t........................._-. ..................... RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block 13, Oakville Park, from Weide Street to Arcade Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen 00 Nays ..Clancy -serguson ,McDonald In favor -. Matson e"$tttitb} _..____.__Against Menzel —Mr+nt .onv sv aao C. a No. 41945—.13y �, J, p¢ter— Ree %d, That tho .grade of er—Allein Block 13, Oakville Parh, from Walde St. to Arcade St. in accordant¢ Weld. red grade line n the eco once with Commlaeloner ofreco�mehdad by the: the same is hereb ublie Works be and eCon tablished grade. y adopted ae the ¢e -i ADDroved 3eDt 230 1.21 SeDL 20, 1922.1 (Sept, 301922. 1922) Adopted by the Council _.__..St? --2-1. 1...1.2.f ...__.____ 19__._ SFP 20 �2 Approved -. - - nQ �.rpw -a ( ,a � . �� CITY OF ST. PAUL `oia�`" NO.--- -_._r .4.�"__ +*' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �J COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,OV?,t T -/ �J DATE September 20, 1922 ...... 1 .... ... ... ... .... .. ..... .. .... ... ...... RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block 7, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Ivy St. to Clear St. and from Borth and South Alley to Mendota Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 1. leek 1v d, T6--g[yh7jJ Peter_ Resolve hat -tion, f, 7.v'ane's. PhgJao are,of Alley In rt and South Alleyto Clear St. and troltn cordance wI `to Me.dot from r the mmenaed b'"?ringo'Drog Brade line by adoptedlWork- be and Conlmis3lon d o .� the es the Sarno 1. her Adopted by the Coutabll3hedsrad.. AD➢roved S.PL 20 ncll Sept. 20, 3922.' (Sept. 30 191922 22) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays L�_Claucy ,,_�erguson ,1Mcl)onald In Favor -`iGiatson _.Against �V✓enzel Adopted by the Council_JFK._`=(1 .-_c-__ _. ....... _-19_-_--- ! I C Approv�FP �/e�� A�' �nt%tnQ ..wro. PAt1t10II Council File No._.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT S and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Alley in Blook 18, Oakville Park, from --------------------------------------------------------- - ----------- ----------- -------_._.._.._....... ..-------- __... - -- .._....... --._._.. --- Weide Street to Aroado Street. ----- --- --------------------...------------- - ... ._...-- - -...._...._.._.._...__.._...__......_ - -- ----------------------------- - - ---------- ------- .... _...... ......... - ------ - - --...._......_.-- -- - ....._...__._ - --------------------------- ...... -.... - - _ _ - ..... Dated this. ---,2,9A4 -- day of.. _ 38p.tiember= 192E. _ -- 2 1/yrs �i A Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade in Blook 13 Oakville Park from -- .... .....__ . 13, Oakville - ..... - -- Walde Street to Aroade Street. --- --- ---- -------- - - -- ---------------- - .____...._..._.... ......... __........ .._.......... . PRb1LIMINARY OHDICRB. ................. C. F. No. 41947—Aties .....-........................_----- ..............-....--. Whereae. A wriri tten pr oyt or the �.. having been presented to the Council of thi m.kln6 of the following lmprovereenl viz.: thCFCIOPC, be It Grade All. in Block 13, Oakville `ark• from Weide 6t to Arcade St Ing. been preeented to the C.", RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of the alts o[ sl., u cheretorr eby ordered and directed: •�eoivad Forl ' 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desi,a .,pyo`f, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...__......... YEAS NAYS CoUneilmaU.CLANCY .., „ r —FERGUSON Approved-_--..._ ..'t Y .............. ,I, 'IJATSON McDON ' MCDONALD A�r- 'PETER vWEN7.EL-1�.. �r.� ........................... L.- ..—-..-.-.. Nllf"PSSL�'RfflLRT � ?ietln , Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 0.22) x /y 11 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. " t�,,, 4 ri Council File No.---- -4 41-11-:1!, The undersigned hereby proposes the walking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........--.----_---...---_.Condemning--and___�'_.aac121 --six--ea✓Qement---in.-the._land.-neoeseary-___._.. for elopes, for cute azaa ii118 in the grading of Alley in -------------------------- -------- ---------------------------------- - --- --- --- - - from_)iYeide--_Street_ to. _Aroade--- Street. _ ........................................ - -- - Datedthis, 18th. --day of September, 1928. 1 2. ---------- --- -:� ( Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and tagiag an. easement in the land neoeaaary -- --------------------------------- -- ------ -------------------- -- - -- - _._.. _...-----.._ for slopes, for sots eLzZd �3.11s in the grading of Alley in - - ---------... - .....---------------- -- ----------- -- -Ern Weide.-.Street _t.o... Aroa.de._atreet..- C_ F_ -Wo. .41948 ....................----- .------ ..................................----------'--------- - Abstract.. - W1ier¢aa, A written proposal for the - having been presented to the Council of the City zxt og of the following improvement Coady mning and taking an easement therefore, be It Ln the land necessary for slope., for, cuts and fills ;n the grading of Alley in RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pu sc�to arcade st..11h—i.9 prfrom esentel and directed: d t the Council f the City of St. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirables:-_theealoTeaiaeae f omml..la vement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent. and estimated cosi,�u1d improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvelncrnt is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- - ------------------------------------------ - ---- - YEAS NAYS - C011ne 1111401/ CLANCY - RGUSON �pprOYed............ .........`( . _. .. - - 1VIATSON __� �_� / / 'J1/2 ✓MCDONALD � -T. PETER - VENy.EL 4�i ✓ ........... .... .... ..... _.._....._. .._....------------------------------ �T Mayor. /Acids Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) RUMMCY�� COUNCIL GIITY 4Cno F r�'lr PAUL No. 4 --- , 49, OFFICE OF THE GITY CLERKr, C I OUNCIL- FORM PRESENTED By --------- I ---------- DATE Sept . gg, ;�9_2...............2...... COMMISSIONER......_ Frank W. _... va tA. 1�6 . . . ........ RESOLVED That the application :for 3_:Lc__03ag3e of Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co. to 01=o4m=a6-te 4L Curb GeAollne Pump at 735 Front Street be and the 96aft-6 to jjeraby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to 11B3E&-x36 such 2_:L043xj08 upon the payment into the, city treasury of the OUa_tOMa6X`Y fee Locationinspectecl gab_-xxcj eppro-%riscL by Department of Public Safety and Public 9Mc>='1c'3- HEL93 1>eon Iri operation since March 15th, 1922, supplying gs OX:Lne for own convenience. I oe. I C V No 43.94 Resolved, TYaaL" the aDP =1co! to Pump at 73S be and Lh¢ sa3n¢ X. Cityis hereby graa£¢d and tnatrUCted Co x—C, such It cense upon the . P.Y—.—L 1—"t— t.., ct'sr treasury oL'. the cu.t.-- Location iaspecLed---d aDDraonv¢dby D.P—tca.-It. _r lic WorKs_ Has been la. operation -'since Marcs Esta,.. 1922, supDlYinB S?�,s- nr_1922_ Adopted pt- 24. APPr"2bI922- 1� C�_ s_o-1922) Yes (V) Councilmen (V) Nays W'Clancy i i 011-rguson eMcDonald ... ... .... -....In favor AvIatson ..Asainust td*A Peter .-Wenzel J&*44tyMent ,H:,P 20 �M .Adopted by the Council_ -.__._.._—_._._..-._.___..___..19_.__. S E P 21 ;2i AL prov -_ __.__..-_...._---I9.._ BLISE 7 An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) par value of the negotiable certificates of indebtedness of the City of St. Paul for the purpose of paying such portion of local public improve- ments in said City as wil]—et systsin a special assessment, to–wit: oY SL ' cnl esu. g en a i.. -,IdV°esu' a "in trunk or storm sewer; (1) laying, relaying s� a, svela, ment.° wit: Vit) Iay1nS. laorna a e=a., Wing a y al *trunk tm a (2) paving, repaving )z, P- or orantY street, lane, a118q OT Z any s fntersectlon: (3) constr I CtI ng of �' s[ructing, 18CI s and P reconstructing, laying and street intersection; ,curb; (4) constructing or strue Ing any Butter or gutter pe Council of the City of St -,r reconstructing any gutter placing of any curb, does ordalW SECTION r. , I101�i �IvP1,�101 I hay the laK orINIIII)llu 1lh11 �0 to and they are hereby putho THE COUNCIL (pell'ered and directed to execute DOES ORDAIN: manner provided by the City t^ and Chapter 299 of the Laws ,t9 for the year 1921, a o All Seotion 1. Til, r to;hefo►nknngha fFarljl y offjOere) 11�11ely) the k0r) t tincates of it Paul t i d Comptroller and City Clerx,'.o') ftp;. _ they are hereby author H , em powered and direoted to execute 'in the manner provided by the City Charter and Chapter 299 of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1921, and to issue and deliver to the Sinking Fund Committee provided for in the Charter, the negotiable certificates of indebtedness of the City of St. Paul to the amount of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars 0150,000.00) par value Section 2. Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) par value of said certificates of indebtedness shall be made due and payable three years from the date thereof; Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.CO) par value of said certificates of indebtedness shall be made due and payable four years from the date thereof; and Fifty Thousand Dollars • ($50,000.00) par value of said certificates of indebtedness shall be made due and payable five years from the date thereof; and said certificates of indebtedness shall be in the form hereinafter pre- scribed, which form has been approved by the Sinking Fund Committee with the advice! of the Corporation Counsel, and shall be in denomina- tions of either ive Hundred or One Thousand Dollars, as the purchaser or purchasers may desire, shall bear date 4,-1 /'� 1922, and bear interest at the rate of 9- per cent. per 1 (2) annum, payable semi-annually at the office of the Financial Agency of the Cim,ty of St. Paul in New York City, New York. The full faith and credit of the City of St. Paul is hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of said negotiable certificates of in- debtedness and the payment of current interest thereon. Section 3. Said negotiable certificates of indebtedness shall be issued for and the proceeds employed only for the purpose of paying such portion of local public improvements in the City of St. Paul as will not sustain a special assessment, to -wit: (1) laying, relaying or extending any main trunk or storm water sewer; (2) paving, repaving or macadamizing any street, lane, alley or street intersection; (3) con- structing, reconstructing, laying and placing of any curb; (4) con- structing or reconstructing any gutter or gutters; as provided for and authorized in and by Chapter 299 of the Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1921. Section 4. Said negotiable certificates of indebtedness when so issued shall be negotiated and sold by the Sinking Fund Committee. The coupons attached to said certificates of indebtedness may be authenticated by the engraved signatures of the Mayor, Comptroller and City Clerk. The proceeds of said negotiable certificates of indebted- ness shall be placed in the city treasury and shall constitute a special fund and shall be kept separate and distinct from other funds of the City, and shall be used only for the purpose above named, the same to be used and employed in the manner provided by law; provided, however, that none of said negotiable certificates of indebtedness shall be sold for less than par and accrued interest. Section 5. The said negotiable certificates of indebtedness shall be in the following form, to -wit: "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, CITY OF ST. PAUL. No. ............. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowledges itself to owe, and for value received hereby promises to pay bearer, the sum of on the .......... day of .................. 19... together witinterest thereon from the date hereof until paid, at the rate of 6!-pe/Ir� cent. per annurp, payable semi-annually, on the first days of .. . .U:'. -i :...... and V ."' ....... in each year, as evidenced by and upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this certificate of indebtedness are payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the office of the Financial Agency of said City of St. Paul in the City of New York, State of New York, and for the prompt payment of this certificate, both principal and interest, at maturity, the full faith, credit and re- sources of said City are hereby irrevocably pledged. This certificate of indebtedness is one of a series of like date and tenor, amountingg in the aggregate to the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00), issued by the City of St. Paul for the purpose of paying such portion of local public improvements in the Cit of St. Paul as -will not sustain a special assessment, to_'i"it; laying, relaying or extending any main trunk or storm 88W8x� �) paY1Cw�, Bp�V1 o noadamiziq any street) lane, alley 0 end placla04 m curb; getter or gutters. Thio certificate of indebtedness is issued pursuant to an ordinance passed by the Council of said City and duly signed, attest- ed, approved and published in the manner required by the Charter of said City, and under authority of and in all respects in full com- pliance with Section 217 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul and such other sections thereof as may be applicable thereto, and also under the authority of Chapter 299 of the Laws of the State of Minne- sota for the year 1921, being an act entitled "An act to authorize and empower the city council or common council of cities of this state of over fifty thousand inhabitants to issue and sell municipal negoti- able certificates of indebtedness and to use the proceeds thereof for defraying the cost of laying main trunk sewers, storm sewers, making certain local improvements in intersections of streets and in front of property exempt by law from special assessments." It is hereby certified and recited that all things, acts and conditions required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to happen and be done and per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this certificate of in- debtedness have happened and been done and performed in regular and due form and time as required by law, and that the total indebtedness of said City, including this certificate of indebtedness, does not exceed any constitutional or charter limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said City of St. Paul, by its Council, has caused this certificate of indebtedness to be sealed with its corporate seal, to be signed by its Mayor, attested by its City Clerk, and countersigned by its Comptroller, and each of the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the lithographed fac-simile signature of said officers, this ....... day of ....;...,.. 1922, Mayor Countersigned: Atte t_ Comptroller. C y Clerk, V 1 /A (4) COUPON. No. ........... $.......... On the first day of ............. 19..., the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, promises to pay bearer ... ... ..... ........ Dollars, at its Financial Agency in the City of New York, State of New York, for interest due that day on its negotiable certificate of indebtedness dated 1922• Mayor Attest Countersigned: City Clerk Comptroller." Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council - Yeas Nays Mr`'-�lancy i ,,-Ferguson *eBeasld_ o C�r--gateon ,-Peter we HiOL Mr -.—President (Nelson) Approved �Yt�✓6�% s` u n Mayor Attes�\ City Clerk. .X*3' cou— 4 No.. _ -... CITY OF ST. PAUL rae----------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 31L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED liw•�N / j A^ DATE..... RESOLVED- -j1 n ' o i* C. F. No.olv d, That t F. City Clerk be Resolved, That the City Clark t and he Is our senior to employ ypi 18 fore sed four senior clerk tyt s pert od p not more .than two months f r'the. DPTDoee o[ enforcin" the eollecLio- ion of s said wenior$elerk ty , t mot tote:- . teed E3.50 per Bay, to be .paid out of the wheel."¢ tax fund. APP orad by ept21,t 1922. nelt apt. 21, 1922. (; ept. 23-1922) Councilmen Yeas Nays 1 --Clancy Adopted by the Council_ _ ,.::._:- _192_._- McDonald \__.-In favor Approved... --_ .192__.-. Matson Peter Against Mwvon Wenzel {_b11jL]SS�LL CITY OF ST. PAULcour+c�� NC3 g - - z nye -------- _' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ...... DATE. ... - -__- --------- _------ RESOLVED That groper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. W. EF-- _ F`>r_s33erton, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the Gene 7=3r -a1 �izad, the sum of Ten Dollars ($G10.00) in full settle— ment of �- is claim againdt the City of St. Paul for professional services raT3ered to Walter Einck, an employe of the Department of Public injured August 22nd, 1922, in the course of hie em— ployment: Yeas _-Clancy Fels MCDona a Matson Peter Wenzel Mr.•4 Nays I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Public Wo=ks. C. F. No. 41953—By W. J. Peter— Resolved, That the proper cltY otCl- e hereby authorized to pay to Dr.sWr S. Fullerton, out f the Work- on'e Compensation Account f the General 0.00) in full full the of s his claim against the CttY of St. Paul for protes- ional services rendered to Walter Minek, an mploye of the Department of Public Works, Injured Aug• 22nd, 1922. in the co rse of hie em.21, 1922. Adopted ncl Approved Sept 23the u 1922Sept. 21, (Sept. 30-1922) In favor T �%.....-Mainst Adopted by the Council.--- - -- ---- Approved I'l.!Sl_d�L!iil 4195_ n e�e No. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL P's -- -- "------ --- CiFFIC:E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY T2f.2i]t...W------Matson.._...----------... Se_ptember._.2..- ..522...... ...... DATE ...._.... RESOLVER? That the application for license of J. C.YcDermott for coasiucting m Male Employment Agency at 315 Sibley Street be an.ci the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is ins tract eci to issue such license upon the payment into the ait-y treasury of the customary tee. C_ F- No- 41964 1l3y e , W. Matson— •- Rea.o.lved, Thai application for l tceas¢ f J. C. McDermott for c • - }nS a Male Employment A ondu.t- S}bley " be d the same le hereby granst 315 ted a d thenCf t �gve such tY Clerk is instruct - Cd to tce nse. upon toe pay- - c uen C- i to Lhe ';ty treasury f the atomary tee- - Adopted by the Councll Sept. 21, 1922, ADprO ved Sept. 21, 1922. (Sept- 30-1922) Yea (✓) Counciltne:n i ✓i lei ays —Mancy ' McDonald - -- - -In favor .Matson r aux PBt 6r l--____ ..Against y -Wenzel t .oaw nw fl zo -ED - a ,.,.. Adopted by the Council....-_...,.:___..—_--." C.!.__ _...__....__ 19_... -- Approved -19- ... a ny M vpa PVBLL D COUNCtL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.-. --_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Frank W. MatsoII DATE . .Sept. 21, 1922 ........ ..................................................................... COM M ISSWN ER RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for the hgndling and selling of Foodstuffs at the audresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: King & Christianson, Max Alpert, p r ws.en�� Sam Copilovich, Frank Zvanovec, Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays 369 Earl Street, 11}}51Forest Street, -' _ "`-rpt' 203 W. Thifd St., 236 W. 7th St. xl C. F. No. 41965—Hy F. ' Matson— Resolved. That the Dpiications for licenses of the following parsons for the -handling and selling of Foodstuff. at the addresses indicated be and the eame are hereby' granted and the City Clerk Is instructed to issue ..eh li- cense uponthe payment into the City treasury of the customary fee: fling 8 Christianson. 369 Earl St. x MaAlpert, 451 Forest St. Sam Copilovleh, 203 W. Third St. Frank Zvanovec. 236 W. 7th St. Adopted by the Council Sept. 21, 1922. Approved Sept. 21, -1922. (Sept. 30-1922) "Clancy Adopted by the Council ✓McDonald 1._ _In favor Approved....__._.) 19.._... ,.,-[Matson Peter Against.110R ACi1nq �- Wenzel t COUNCIL NO._ g - GiTY OF ST_ PAUL - - OFFICE Old THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLL7TIOlV-GENERAL FORM s I,ep telubc.r 20) 1922 PRESENTI BY .1-1- -.--....... SATE....-. ...-.....-.. .. _. _.... commiss10. 6R............. .-'---. __.----'---- - -'--- RESOLVED Phot the Oouncil 1� — c-may c c> n cu in tiiC recGhs..endation of ti.e 0ontiact olmrli%tC e a r ca- a ;E:LDc ti= t 1u coy-tract for tit:: conctructi:.n Of of 'ar in tnc. �.Z ... sec. c� v L'loc•lc 7, ..:do _ Z� _z roL Jr�tin ._ve. t.o t'r.0 st lines of i::_nt to ue obtained) on tl:u est lir_ of aiu o -L 1 0 v v c cle5ei ibeu addil un Lo �"u rurt" of us: _ i i i }ice,-ice in ti_e no Lh bot..lava: d of tr,uiit boulevard = - ,ve. to t'rc be- l,evard, ti:cn-OuLh�;='ly to col_r-ect ,.^-ti: �tic __ ori 1 -utii Nide o: 'Lul, - i.venu in cif iccltion:. i_cruto attached, to ci_ccordance o..-_ble r,idde__ fol, th..: o 68c O _ Oma- in Accor'-c.nc bio :,nd ;munto z etc:-ci�eu , .ri i the Jor .o_ Laiun ;ounsel Cl_ Gi u-'11- j- contract 1 cherufor. .;i.�;in�_ar s _. �,� �irnatc :;ia'=;12.00. _ -. „°'_`•'4. 1 C_ F_ moo_ 41956--BY T. Peter— " RG3aco3ved� That -thea Council herebyi ; stcizrs is the recommendation oithe CoatracL Committee and ward/. the coaLracc -for ilf o atKingst of a ubdi. of E_ J. Kingaton111. Park oi' BlocX 7: -Shadow 1•at Park from GYeLizi Ave. to the west line of =moo t. ZO Lleace South (on an aemeat to 'be obL893zBd) on the wset line of said Lot 20 of above deecrlbed addition to a ✓�.. Lbe orth boulevard of Summit Ave. L2><eaae is k th boulevard of Sure- be. u- i L Ave_ to River boumG 2evar@� Ll ¢ nouther[3' to connect mei L-� i>he sewer on the south aide o[ S azrrtS t Ave sue. , accordance with p 3sra 3sd s] acifleattone hereto ttach- d, to O� ZE" 8itrPlerest biddeon, theyrs, being the oweat 3spoasfor the S SSSOO_QO. -in accordance with theirsum, Did Sad--s>tspglemeniary -.letter hereto a sLi. cue d, sad _the Corporation Counsel, Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ('✓) Nays >P aereD3 SaasLructea t[o theredraw up -Et tn.he, r Sorin- of cantracf6t f 1� SEaeer'a EssrA a te" $4212.00. 3r7. 33N . b Council 1--ci 4454- _ _ Clancy Approved pt 21 u19Y28ePt 23, 1918. rte•` - - - (t3¢pt_ 23-1922) 1:.'. In favor APProved ..__ . iti2 McDonald Matson Sid' C rf""" A$azast _ lit :; �• Wenzel rosM 1300 10-21 ti I CITY OF ST_ PAUL coueco. `> t A .!�E No... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - _ -- /]-r[//- COMMISSIONER........... DATE..... .�e 20, 1922 RESOLVED Tli_:.t i, _= council i_er(_by cone -ss in the recoan:!c:ndat_ul. of the �ontr�c �o___._ittce r:a �� _ d_. the cor:truct for p:_vini; :.nu re- _ Win ,__ohc rt trc,,_ _, ort'r_ 1 ro _, Sc_.thuc st rly lit.0 of • Ccnt_ Z_ _ -- ia� ri�i :.o -rise -ort._ llnc of Dniveruity i.veriu�, Uni Zr --VU t : =�,:. �t line of _.obcrt L)Crect _.o_th to _ __� -� ter__. Of Purjc ve".n ti_e intersectio:. ub,rt ruet IIn �J in �_ecorc•_�:nce .;ith l�l:xx; nu _-cific�.t.-olio ,zez e--tc `� cireu, to i�ld_n-_ .,12ut;ley, Inc., th y b in Lhe lout -,orisibl,- bic3,a or tl e stun 68,951.00, incluuinC �:rez --- — �_ vr�ter connec ticn reel reiniorce.._ei.t Laid e..trc, con - c_ cie �_�r _i til Torpor _.yon �%o ;nUe1 is 2.e euy instructed to urLw U : `-`=—`__ -- o,<:r io__. of �onor«ct ti_alufoi. •i_t_;incerls _-sti_aate .70 4:310. C. 1. No. 41967—By - W. S_. Pat,,— Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs it. the recornraoadation of the T`.r(" j t�^,7 Coatraot Committee and award, iha� contract for pavinS and repavlltg of rrrlirct,ir,- _ Robert St. North r -off lino of Central AvcaaC Ssai t.o• th naw North line f U ven. si t7'- alt t s a Uni- ty Ave V✓eat from t= Tina f v¢ra. o Robert St_ North to - Fast Lina of park Ave_ and the Interaction of Robert---------------- --"-'--'---^------------ and UniversitY Ave_ in accordanea - wl[h plans and aPeOlfcationm, Loreto at-- tached, to, Pl eld1, Shepla Zac., - they bexpg the lowest reapoasiule bld-- - 'a ra. for the a— o1 $65,951.06- lnolud- 1-g newer and wet,- connactioas, steel r inforcement and extra concrete, and the Corporation CDn k.. for— LO draw up the Dro Das' form of. ontract-theerfor. Engineer's H- '1-- rrtat¢ 170:700.00. F- 33- No. 4510. Adopted by the Council S¢pt_ 21. 1922. Yes ( J) Councilmen �% j �7gyt} .approved (sept. 2a0-1922) Adopted by the Council - 192 -- L�lancy ` ,McDonald -_.__ In Favor Approved---.... . _r" --- ----- ------.._.192----_ ,Matson } -Sw�iris*f _ Against M.row .-Wenzel Petition Council File No.-_._ .... _t..e...F' 9 ,i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: bo t 3a i de s of at. Albans Street from--------- ------------.,-- . _... ....... Curbirl - ----- ----- _.-------------- - - - - - - - -------------------- Central A4eZ1uB t © ---t- Anthony Avenue. ---------------------------------- - -- -... - - -- - - Dated this- -21st- ---- day of September.. 1922 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curbing ---bo -t_- 1z amides ---of- St. Albans _atreet__fr0M__ __...-Can tral..AYars 4E3i- - - - o _ _ _ S_t . Anthony_ • .-.. .. C. F. No. 43968— ........... ... Abstract " Wheraea , A written proposal r— the -.. making of tite following imProvarnCa i...- ......................... Curbing both Aveto t. St. Albans St having been presented to the Council of the City of St rrom Central e. to St. Anthony a. a_.. -..- having been presented to the C•�•�, of the City of St. Paul therefore, • e C therefore, be It Plved. That the Com M' . - works RESOLVED, That the Conzr=iissioner of Public Works i.ev. e nereby &dered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity, f -or, or desirability of, the snaking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, c! ie t and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of t.ho f oragoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance_ Adopted by the Council-------- - _ ------ 4-- F- f 1 t- --- - ...... ....... YEAS NAYS ^--- Councilmavi,Ae .ANCY CF p -vaav�c _ Approved ---- -- ----- • --- --- ---... w- McDgNALn �'- � PETER �'i 11Su«..Bx�e T 1 "cin% Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) r COUNCIL FILE NO ........... . .. . B,v ... Jame.S. J,..9.� a??QY.......... . ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...pave. lg.t-.be..f.ollow.ill. qtr.eats.:..................................... Lincoln Avenue from Iriilton Street to bridge over Short line, Go•odrioh• •Avenue• •f r+om • rli It on - Stree•t • •t o•-Lexi.ng•t an • i,venue ..................... . Fairmount Avenue from Iriilton Street to Lexington (venue, Islilton Sireet frfrm 5unvnit avenue to Oeeeola Avenue; •.•.....•••••........••• Chatsworth Street from Summit Avenue to Osceola bvenuo, " 0XfUM...Strei't" fr'afir"SiMMit"'Avenue't'o"'Os'ce"olli"Avenu'e;""""""""•"••••• including sewer, water and gas connections frori street mains to P nes coilipte, l�tio'ro ��ot ��roEi f iliae; aao jriclu�,i,„Curb. „ alld paving alley.p,�drivewa a roacllog when necessar , under Preliminary Order, , , , .. 0672, , , , , , . , , . approved „14Y, 4 .1.94 o , , , , , , , , , , , , , The Council of the City of SI '"'ARMEUTARY OROER9, of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havi resolves; 1. That the -said report be the Matter94,paLBy ving'theafoliowiti and adopted, and the said improvement is herebyfdered to be proceede etreietteoln Ave, from Milton St. bridge over Short line, Z, That the nature of the it Lcx ndrichA c. Ave. from Milton St. recommends is. PAVP . tt}o. , f.0l- Q*i''ling gtonstreets:+ntrmount Ave. from Milton st. `”"•:`.,� hgton Ave. Li•noeln• Avenue. •fnox!N,•il tten St. from summit Ave.f E• •OU•eYt • jh4T`t• •1 •ne,............ Goodrich Avenue from 1JtiliV6,11 St" .em8umm, jexington i,venue, ... Fairmount - Avenue --from isifiltoir•Str�.,•_. uo'.;laxington-Avenuey ........ Milton Street from Summit Avenue to Osceola Avenue, "'Cti2t'�iitsrth"SCrie'8t"ft'bM' SUt1i 5i C' C�veflUe"tb' "O'SCLoS&"(',Ven. ..................... oxford Street from Summit Avenue to Osceola Avenue, . including sewer, water and gas connectsfins' from 't3t're'et"rlairis"to """' ,.,p�'4Rei',ty..��,>;lei„Gonipl,pts,�,yrhere„not,.alread�.made,,,.also, includin�.curb- ing and paving alley and drivevlaapproaches, lvhere necessary. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $,.20f�,�, .-A, , Rcsolvcd Further, Thal (i publid hearing be had oil said illlpoycliCilf Oil 1iC„,26,th,.. ,,,,,,day of Qui hw. , , , , , , , , , ,,192,x, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ :::.: ......, 192.../.. ��' �J, Approved............:....ir:.....192...... sty Clerk. ................... .... .. .. A.cung Mayor. C-orif-h-cilman Clancy C4t184jP1kJJ aes ttson E7 ti Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Ssmkkx Peter 'Councilman Wenzel Ma*ar-dx1g=- iNe l s on Form B. S. A. 8-6 ORIGINAL TO ('ITS 01'. T. PAUL , y CITY CLERK OFFICE Or THE CU)IPTROLLER Form A A 46, 1617-21 AN)ITED C'I,A1)IS—Ri,,soj C v0N FOR.II • T 11 COUNCIL ``S FILE 1\ 0( / �/v v SEP 21 191 BY _ COMA _;BR... AUDITED 192...-. ,t I b4O I PER __ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to a a�,$reBwe amount of $__ 1.7� 00.1..0.0...._..... , covering checks numbered 7158 to 7158 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( � ) Nays. r p a, ! "K Adopted by the Council 192. --- �� J In favor -"McDonald, Approved_.._.._ ............. Matson, 4' Sttutir Peter Against �-"VJenzel. _ hattnq vrvoR Mr. Presi,dgiA,I'fa18saR-"XB1zon C. F. No, 41960— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggre• gate amount of 119,238,00, , coverlog ckd o 11011bor0d 91G8 to 11H Ilidli. awe, ao par reglstor of cll}' chocks op fila ill the 011co of lk NY 0011p. troller, Adopted by thf Council Sept. 41922, ,lpproved Sept, 21 1922, (sept, 38.1922) 7158 Robinson, Cary & Sands Water �0 117,238.00 OOAONVFLICATC TO CITY CL[I1a • sf • No. viv v SEP 2 1 1952 6Y COMPTROL R. AUDITED 192 I 840 PE 1C Resolved tbdi warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 17i..2384,00....... -..., covering checks numbered 7188 to 7158 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( ) Nays. t.. -Clancy, Adopted by the Council 192-. - ' In favor ,,,McDonald, In _ ........192-.. __. rW itiir PPt ar Against Approved. Smith,' Mx..,Pmsidentl; Hod$StStT'"i'1Pi'3Dri . r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Form A A 46, IM 7-.1 • 0 CITY Or KT. PAUL OFFICE OF THIi CODIPTROLLER ( COUNCIL. T AUDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FORM MILK No.. -- _—. SEP 21 100 AUDITED 192 � 539 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 2. 657..'10 covering checks numbered 7165 to. 7167 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( I'. ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. ,Clancy, ( Adopted by the Council192---- ° In favor McDonald, Approved._ .. 192 ...__ Matson, Sn-i4r— Peter A �' ams enzel. MAYOR M .: PrWesident, Huth e- Nelson Acting 7155 Belvidere Cast atone Co., 2,040.00 Pay. Alley Blk. 29 7156 Merchants National Bank 256.05 Library 7157 Tierney & Co., 561.05 Fire C. F. No. 41961— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to Eho aggro 60,10 amouII� of 1z,8RO, ovcrlog 01oto i�uuii d 9166 f0 9169111di. slve; as per register of city checks on file In the office of the City Comp. troller. Adopted by the Council Sept. 21, 1922, Approved Sept. 21, 1922, (Sept. 30.1922) QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK i CITY OF KT, PACI, Y COUNCIL k PILE No - AUDITED SEP 21 194! 9T �""rre°,.. 192. � PER _. - ... ' 639 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to he AnB*ate amount of $ _ �.`.g�.q.,.lp......._....., covering to. inclusive, as per rgister of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered 7155 7167 Comptroller, Yeas (4) Councilmen ( 4') Nays, Adopted by the Council ,,..Clancy,....:.::.:.................192........ laeE�nee++t In favor McDonald, Approved ' ..' _ ......:.................192....... . ............................ Matson, �S�rit�t- Peter V/ Against �,�1Jenzel. Mr. President,iiojpmr Neleon —V 1. G 11.. ✓ 17 s OFFICE OF 'ilfl` CONIPTROLLER 7 �,,F�• AVj3ITED C'LAI'NIS—I?F.SOI,UTION FORM eruAA46.1M7-:1 —_—_ _-71 SEP 21 1M gy COMPTROL AUDITED. 192 ill 538 i PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate3 amount of $ .2 . 46*84 _ ._-. covering file in the office of the City 7139 to. 7154 inclusive, as per register of city checks on checks numbered Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( �' ) Nays. r• Adopted by the Council t Clancy, } 'Fe>$ Te (_ In favor " Approved 92 1 . McDonald, Matson, r8tnhh; Peter C O/ \JAYOa ..Against ,3i�enzel. Mr. President,.ffedgsd+r Nelson C, g, "I. 11992— warrante be drawn - Resolved th Treasury, to the aggre-• upon the city 3,y19.84 °O fnclu gate amount oft S hecke on heck per eg ster13 f cityc1h he on sive, the Icty office of flictr. in the 1922. troller. ncil Sept• 2t, the Adopted db Zlu 1922. Approve ........................................ (Sept. 30-192 18.00 7139 Atlantic Refining Company, ;+dun. Test. Lab. 7140 Chicago, Ivlilwaukt- Paul Ry. 4.66Lighti 201.50 7141 Corning—Donohue Pay. agae Hck Ave., 10.00 7142 Frank P. DaFresnCorp. Counsel 13.19 7143 Elk Laundr;1 Co., Library .26 2.50 n 2.01 Mun. Test. Lab. 2.25 Water 6.17 13.19 2,579.55 7144 Fe yen Construction Co., 1,525.55 Sewer " Sar;,3ent 1 054.00 2. 7i. 3.00 7145 Gleason Piano Co., School 7146 M. A. Hanna Coal & Dock Co., 179.74 Fire 0- • 7147 Harrison Electric Company, Garage 7148 C. B. Lyon & Bro. Fire 7149 H. Peltz & Son, Com'r. Finance 40.00 Polios 29.50 School �5 � 7150 Public Utilities Reports, Inc., 8 Corp. Counsel 7151 Self Winding Clock Co., Markets 7152 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co., Water 7153 Twin City Motor Car Co., Fire 7154 Universal Carloading & Distributing Co., Mun. Test. Lab 4.85 33.00 73.25 8.50 93.79 7.50 14.23 2.08 QUADRUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK 0 CITY Or KT, PAUL , COUNCIL No FILE/�. .. .......... ...... • � i� � �� �,•` '+ i,lJSi1 FICOMPTROLLEE AUDITED.Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amounto$ 3,"246#84_ _..__....._, covering checks numbered 9139- --- to 7154 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( 1 ) Nays. W -Clancy, In favor —McDonald, 'Xatson, -Srt�},- reter enzel, Against Mr,.President; mpor Nelson t' Adopted by the Council `,r_ .. .___.....___.......192.._.._ Approved . __ 192....... i ti r'�j +i An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5837, approved June 30, 1922, entitled "An ordinance granting to the Manhattan Oil & Lin- seed Company, a corporation, permission to install and maintain a gasoline filling station at Lexington and West University ave- nues." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 4T, PAUL 00E0 Section 1, That said Ordinance No, 5837, approved June 30, LL'•7. u"' -veil J -•.c."•.. 1922, be and the same is ilnhatt n OII& Linsee } 81y , 1.riking out of said r poration, perm:sslon to tnst.r,. ,.nd ordinance the following 4oxlngon na West University Ave- rues:' The Council of the City of St. Paul "(2) The sai does ordain: sh a bond to the City of St. SECTION f. n Thousand Dollars ($10,000,OV, That said ordinance No. 5887, Lve the City of St, Paul harmless eTeby amended2by striking oube and the ftliability, judgments, suits, COL'ordinance the following Pkpense that may accrue to persona). ohehAlc y of St.sPalulfuiccount of or arising from the cons tr',etjk,jhesan1 d to x;nance, oper- ation, use, presence or remo-4,a,,,%,, °,,said filling station. The said bond shall be -In such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and public tion. Passed by the Council Yeas v Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel - Mr. president (Nelson) Nays Approved L, Z LP Attest F�-. Mayor City C erk. �,� _/_ • t®f lire of 49itg Verk HENRY OLSON JAS. J. MINER (ZCf m Elf -Saint JIM September 21st, 1922. Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Returned herewith please find Ordinance No. 5847 granting the Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company permission to install and maintain m gasoline filling station at Lexington and West University Ave. The Council today made a motion to direct you to prepare an ordinance amending said Ordinance No. 5837 so as to eliminate that prart requiring a $10,000.00 bond. Yours truly, U((�, o—Y� a one. CITY CLERK. ' Imo-• Department of TZAW CITY OF ST. PAUL CIRETON F. MCNALLY ARTHUR A. ST RAI EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECE J. MCGEE LEWIS L. ANDERSON September 19th, 1922. Cdr. Henry Olson, City Clerk. Dear Sir: - I am returning herewith Ordinance No. 5537, together with the plans accompanying same. The bond provided for is in the sum of $10,000, and we have no authority, unless instruct- ed by the Council, to reduce the amount of the bond. Yours very truly, ¢. Corporation Counsel,: C:-F.jib_, 41964—Ordinance No. 6886— " By F. W. Matson— An ordinnnce regulating persons, firms cand hattel corpora tons loan business tin An ordinal 1h city Of St- rant, pd rep eaing firms and corporations " antes No. 6726 and 6808 of said This le an omergency ordia- f i ne s e in the City Of St. engaged in the chat'.e'„ naerea ne�eaaary„tnpBBte Paul, and repealing Ordinance,,No-0-51'25 and 5803 of said City. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COU21CIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in the chattel mortgage loan business within the City of St. Paul shall file with the City Comptroller a bond, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, with a surety arproved by the Mayor, in the sum of at least One Thousand Dollars (91,000.00), conditioned that said licensee will observe the ordinances of said City in relation to said business, that said business will be conducted in conformity therewith, and that said licensee will account for and de- liver to any person legally entitled thereto, any goods, wares or merchandise, article or thing which may have come into said licensee's hands through such chattel mortgage loan business, or in lieu thereof pay in money to such person or persons the reasonable value thereof. Section 2. The License Inspector or any police officer of the City of St. Paul shall at all times during the term of such license, have the right and privilege of free and unobstructed ingress and egress to and from the premises in or upon which such business is conducted or carried on, for the purpose of locating and discovering goods, wares and merchandise suspected of having been, or alleged to have been, stolen or otherwise improperly disposed of. Section 3. Every such person, firm or corporation shall keep a book in which shall be legibly written at the time of each loan, an accurate account or description, in the English language, of any jewel- ry or watch mortgaged, sold or pledged, the amount of money loaned thereon, the time of the receipt of same, the name, residence and a reasonably accurate description of the person mortgaging, selling or pledging such jewelry or watch, also the number or numbers appearing _Vh (2) hereon, together with the name of the manufacturer of the same if it appears thereon, and such entry as above described shall be regularly numbered, and shall at all reasonable times be open to the inspection of the License Inspector, or any member of the Police Department of the City of St. Paul. Section 4. Every such person, firm or corporation shall make out and deliver to the Chief of Police, every day before the hour of twelve o'clock M., a legible, correct and complete copy from the book hereinbefore required, and a true and correct account of all,jewelry and watches received or deposited or mortgaged the preceding day, and said report or description shall be signed by the person giving it to the Chief of Police. Section 5. Whenever the Chief of Police or the License In- spector of the City of St. Paul shall notify any such person, firm or corporation not to sell or permit to be removed any goods or article held by such licenser as security for a loan, such goods or article shall not be removed, nor shall the same be sold until such time as may be determined by the Chief of Police; provided that such time shall in no case exceed a period of sixty days from the date of such notification. Section 6. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than Twenty-five Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars, and upon such conviction the license shall be revoked. Section 7. Orditnances No. 5725 and 5503 of the City of St. Paul are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. I Passed by the 'Council Yeas Nays Ferguson j McDonald i Matson /Peter Wenzel Mr,,President (Nelson) App r1oved ' Attest 7 City Clerk Mayor. COUNCIL NO..._-...% ' CITY OF ST. PAUL, r��e -----..-_.....-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f� y PRESENTED BY �I' '• _____ • .�,.�. f G'c"/ _-......... DATE ........-.-_........ _... ._..... ......... RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. E. H. Whitcomb, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Four Dollars ($4.00) in full settle- ment of his claim against the City of St. Paul for professional services rendered to Walter Einok, an employe of said City, injured August 22nd, 1922, in the course of his employment. I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Public Works. C. F. No. 41966—RY - 1. Peter— Resolved,. That the proper elty --I cern re hereby authprlsed to paY, to Dr. E. H. Whitcomb, out of the Work Is - enaralCFund, theon AccfuFourfth Dol- lara ($4.00) in fulls settlement of his 'claim against the City of St Paul for professional a rvicea rendered to Wal- ter Black, n e ploys [ id City, in- ured Aug. 22nd, 1922. In the course of his AdoptedYby the Council Sept. 22, 1922. Ap Droved Sept. 22, 1922. —ISeDt. 20-1922) Councilmen Yeas Nays yltlancy (/Ferguson ! N65PA" w _ 6/'. _In favor y�Metson r, 1/Peter_Against lk"V24. Nh Adopted by the Council ----:':-_792_. Approved.. - -� _.192 �o SIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDDATE., - --- --- RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to Pay to Dr. Edward Schons, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account Of 1,.e the Genral Fund, the sum Of Seven Dollars (47.00), and to Dr. A. H. Ahrens, out of the same fund, the sum of Twenty-three Dollars ($23.00), both in full settlement of their claims against the City of St. Paul for professional services rendered to Albert Kirchoff, an employe of the Department of Public Works of said City, injured May 9th, 1922, in the course of his employment. I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of public Works. 11 � Councilmen -1 I Yeas NuysAdopted by the Council. 192 ,,Zlancy '__Fer$uson Approved... 192_ In favor ._1r: -YOR ,,-Peter Against CITY- OF ST. PAUL No. 41 1 �1 f OFFICE pF THE CITY CLERK -----E�Z'O_�JN._�l� RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY W - �P—er - - September 22nd, 1922 COMMISSIONER....... ______________ ___ _______ . . ................. ...... .................... DATE ..............._.......... ........... ... ........ ............... .... RESOLVED Ttistt the ConowLsoloner of Public Works be and is Lzeraby auttiarazed and directed to charge as a cos -2--- oP pa�rirsF, witri Asphalt, Hague Avenue from I09xington Aven:�e to tlza west lixia of Syndicate, the sum of tent cents 4 O ) per square yard to aid in the maintenance and upliae 37_-� of the City Asphalt Plant and as an off -set to de gra dation and wear and tear on said plant. F'zxrttier Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and authorized and directed to set aside from the accounts+ o£ above named street the said Bum of ten ¢P 22ts par square yard and place to the credit of the Pavira2 SDapreciation F�xxrc . Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays w0ge(a`ncy SoFerguson OoNcDonald $010latson ,,-Wenzel � F_ Zio_ .rhae� they COTe h�eTbYrant C_ iVed .and bo 1 c yub�ic WorXa -be ¢ct¢d to pgltE ga6ne i t2To r3,s¢d VaLei ngton Ave- t1 [eu cents l A a from of SY Hdicate Y rd ntu std t the CtY �1 o1 D¢r qn and DK¢e9 of set to de ia!¢nanc¢ pye�iaEionl rLt S dawBar and arthoe It 3P gvrCUe Reaoly d or >11,r aothor- CorT�Dtr >11,r be aside tro acre t d ! et d ware and ce. to -of 8bow¢.namr ba yavilxaL aceoun of 'ten cents It of the ctTe said au lace io Che re 8Y.1922. and n r¢claiioa-Ftsnd' t, pavin8 t �y th¢ Covi922sep llj1 ADP owed Sept- tg¢pt_ SO �r ___--_ An favor ---- U - - - - - Against SEP 2;c Adopted by the Council ..... EP 2 Approved... a ..Toa cn c CITY OF ST. PAUL NO..__...... _....___._..__..`. CO LJ NCIL 0,11UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By / --� COMMISSIONER_........ �� DATE 1 - RESOLVED: T1— the St. Panl Gas Licht C. --v xs 1"aereby ordered r. -rid directed to eztend its electrical lines by erecmi¢ poles and st rin¢i- wires thereon for the transmission of elec tricity— and in the followin¢alloys sad s L r e e t x or —112 s i t y - C ORRECTED COPY. Sept. 13, 1922. Install One pole on the vrr@st si de of the alley east of Snelling Avenue, south of v Grand Avenue. v- One pole on t he east si cl a of Van Dyke Avenue, between Reaney and Minnehaha Streets. Three poles on t r e north si de o£ the alley south of Seventh Street, east of Vista Street— One treetOne pole on the vQest sicca of the alley east of Como Avenue, south of Com- monwealth Avenue Commercial Li ght z z2F; . ,,Three poles on t.2 -ie west side of Virginia Avenue, two north and one south of St.Anthony -Avenu e Five poles on ti a west s? de of Hemline Avenue, between Wynne and McKenty Streets. Two poles on the rl ortY-L 1B i c3 a of 1w. J. Peter— [,west of Earl Street. Nine les tbxoee @ On t 2-+e r or4'' the st Paul on" Street, .one east aed one west { p9les, ea here: by ordered and of Gaultier Stre at thus a �teaa its electrical it... of Oliver Street, one east and a _ �g Volae and atringiag wire and tyro west of �aultie-- ��r tlse traaamtaaton or and the south side of Maryland ore saQ la the rollowin r al''" v Street, one east and tvc '��e*a or aald olty: ^r Street. Municipal Li ght:t ng. ale oa the, West aide er th. -=t or Snelltag Ave., sout) With necessary grays and _mole the east aide of betwoen Reaney and sa� po2ea' o the ortlt sr• ' All suche o roles a es d w rsb al l be ---a X eo uc ted and the di—ti.,..d .o —ision of he Commissioner of Public Utilities and in Al thin.. subject to the P—isi ns oaf Ordinance N.. 242.. sand of —Ilo they law Zss lord in an ees and resolutions.1 the City of St. Paul. All voles sh dd be . ch to at on - - id llc ys asd _ e tlse G'o of P blic Urilit' shall des and shall be of s ch I wht a d haracter a he shall des ands andrany ands 13 eh oles shall be taken down andreemoved, and such wnt,s placed undeai l,t and whenever the Council shallcdeem chat the rublic d—lieu. reanitres�sand when it shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays L-�ancy 1�-Klguson ,>,cDonald `,Mat -soon _ ..6ntit16� `s Wenzel , {.31 Ems - In favor Adopted by the Council ;a.:ii: 192,,...... Adopted 192 ...._.. ,:......- _l�c�! L/Lr ` CITY OF ST. PAUL F1�a NO.---�----�---Q- __ s � .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _-...-......__...Prank II. ate -on .......................... ----------- ------- DATE .............S' ep.t.�.......'2..2.1.....1.9L22 RESOLVED That the application for license of P J. Keenan for ,p onduoting a Poolroom at 501 Blair Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk_ is inetruoted to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the oustorr .ry fee. New Applicant, old location. Over 1-000 feet distance from any - school 3 Pool tables C. F. No.. 41989—BY F. W. Ma.t9 Resolved. That the apPileatioa cesse of P. J, icoenan Lor and il— s Poolroom.at 601 BntedSandQthe Ctty� 'fa herebY .-gra �t cTt 11- .,rk is instructed to upon the pad"m^nt tnf�e tTre C72Y'� tin sury of the ens tamso att.'n7. ool.Ves'� New aPPlicant. 1000 feet dtatant from 9.rtY Poul Tables. y the- 1l gept_ 22. 1922.' Adoted Approved S Pt. 22V ta'-9 i(Sept- SO -1922) _ Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Taney Ferguson "wDonald In favor Matson YAb3k*x Peter Against yr*enzel AdK-9r'C&jjkitt _ Adopee,d by the Council__.___.._':r�-�L._',7.22_ --_-_ _ Approved. 77�" 7a7a r�r.a r1 A0..1 �y `tp e / r a fL 19T .. coMPT LBH.. AUDITED 192,..... SSi I PE Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, to he aggregate amount o£ $ 93,-62.9.2$__ ,covering checks numbeped 7169 to 7171 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. :-'Haney, Adopted by the Council =! -!"-2.4 i21 192..-..- y Ferguson, In favor .,,McDonald, Approved PP - ..__192----- ,Matson, Sttritil. Peter Wenzel. -Against C. F. No. 11970— nnts be drawn Resolved that w upon the City Treasn•y, t� the aRR*e� cgate amount of hecks numbered 715952t lu 7171 IncR sive as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comp- troller. bv the AdoPled d Sept. 22U 1922$ept. 22. 192 . Approve(Sept. 30.1922) • 1 1 -►-SAY , �,.. «... OFFICE OF THE CoAPTROLLER Form A A46, IM idl AUDITED CLAIMS-1ZESOLUTION FORM M,,.. NO..... comPTIRCI R. y AUDITED... PER.................... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate. amount of $ 93, b29. __ _ 3' covering checks numbered 7159 to. 7171 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. ""-Clancy, Adopted by the Council J _..........._.....___..._...192 ........ w.'Ferguson,`! _. In favor JFK' ti".2 McDonald, Matson, W-_mrhh- Peter /. .� a¢ '11' Wenzel Against /y/fir/ MAYOR 7159 John D. Anderson 114.7b Parke Bur. of Eng. L '/ 0 N 22.40 7160Arlington hohine Works, Clark-$ef 7161 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance 1, 047.22 School 7162 Collector of Internal Revenue 3.87 Park -Ref. 7163 VY. S. Conrad Co., 20.37 Park -Re P. 7164 Flour State Baking Co., 3.84 Park -Ref. 7165 Hafners Market 40.03 Park -Ref. 7166 Lamprey Products Co., 17.64 Health 7167 E. B. McGill 2,000 .00 Bur. of Eng. L '/ 0 N 7168 Merhonats National Bank 80,014.03 _)Debt Service 47.78 Interest 38,320.00 Water-Interest Scot• 159570.00 Red. of Bonde 1922 8+000,00 P+ Is R+-Interest 18107646 7169 Peter Memm er Park Ref. 7170 A. G. Spaulding & Bros. 0 Park -Ref. 7171 Mrs. Minnie B. Wollan Park u 6E+44 164.64 18.00 An ordinance settling the claim of R. W. Salie against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the ,to. 41971 --ordinance NO. 5889—>rs are hereby author -8. Ferguson— dinahee settling the claim of R. ized to pay, out of the J1alle against the city' of St. Paul rise Fund, to R. W. Counell of the City of St. Paul Salic, the sum of Three -,data: rive Cents (A3.25) 9FCTIO-N I. a[ the proper Cal' officers are City, arising from in full settlement of hi by authorized to pay, out of the ;ment and Comprom,se Fund, to R. he sum of Three Dollars an( i 0"' 'damages to his automobil ent ofohis o claim agalinst the1C T2' ng from damages to his auto Section 2. Said ,n July 14th, 1922. '� the said claimant sus _. upon his execution and delivery of a.. crease in full to the City, in a form to be arproved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty dsys after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. �lancy erguson cDonald kc) Matson -Peter- enzel Dor. President (Nelson) Arrrove�d- Mayor Attest City Clerk. tt.v 4 CCITY OF OT, Plrl 1 0 rovValt FILE V /V V f i � 131111 182 Ell COMIMOLLB, AUDITED � �.. .. � �WiWIAd � l+rdd'°' P1 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aA�reBate amount of $ 419514.2 .................. covering checks numbered 7172' to. 7189 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( y ) Nays, Clancy, er8uson, tDonald, tson, tom; Peter Xenzel, 16-a Adopted by the Council �,,. ;'.B ...�a.....................192......... In favor Approved _ ..............................192.......... Against C. F. No. 11972— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggre. gate amount of $1,195.22, covering checks numbered 7172 to 7189 tnclu- s,ve, as pm• register -of city checks on file In the 0f9j of the City Comp- troller. Adopted by the Council Sept. 23, 1922.. Approved Scpt. 23, 1922. (Sept. 30-1922) Flt A A 46. IN 7-31 V G • 't OFFICE OF THE, Com PTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM s NO. $EF i B1 COMP1'HO, H. AUDITED 542 PE - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 19195.22 covering checks numbered 7172 to 7189 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( d ) Councilmen ( ' ) Nays ✓ Clancy, ,Ferguson, AlcDonald, ✓ Matson, '�9ttritir, Peter I% • • 7181 Ed, A. Haakineon Park -Ref. 7182 George R. T. Hart Water 7183 Linde Air Produots Co., Fire 7184 Peoples Coal & Ice Company Health Park -Ref. 7185 The Prest 0 Lite Company Fire 7186 Sterling Printing Co., Health 7187 Victory Printing Co., Primed Forms Street C. & R. Sewer " Library Comptroller City Clerk 7188 B. M. & H. F. Ware School 7189 Williamson Candy Company Park -Ref. 13.50 41.75 9624 65.58 50.70 14.88 6T.-98- 3.08 12.25 76.75 38.75 16.75 3.50 5.00 5.25 7.50 76.7 247.50 48.00 OUACIN1lICATI CITY Of NT, P/UI, To CITY CYAN F COUNCIL M E No. t B7)tf O AUDITED 192 ....L 543 PER u Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 1 covering checks,vmbered n90 to._ 4198 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptrdller. Yeas Councilmen ( ) Nays. (1cfancy, Adopted by the Council. _, G.._1, cr..- :.:.......................192......... 4Fy�r'guson, In favor a'KI)onald, Matson, Approved ._........ M 1 .. ................192:........ �$rttirh- Peter .Wenzel, Against Mi�.R�aaidertC�if1�'D1f'I'�=n I I J C. Resolve41973-- 9 t1, t warrants De drawn) upon the CItY' reaeurY. to the aggre- gate amount of 53865.81, overing checks nVumbeglste Iat ��tY 1 hecke lon ave, as he off of the 'I ty Comp -I ale In t troller. 1922. I Adopted by thet. Council Sept 23, Approved gaept2 3011982) r 0 00101NA110 ' CITY OP NT, 1'1111, CITY CLEAN OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLPR 1RESOLUTkON FORM 1-01 "L N0. fA y IbnnAA16, ISf 7-21aIIllITFD CLAIMS— rrr.e 1 AUDITED_ � � 192.._.... BY COMPTR ER, - 543 It PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the a88regate amount of $ 1,865.81 covering checks numbered 7190 to. 7193 inclusive, as per re8ister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. -Clancy,Adopted by the Council -- 192 - - ,,Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Appro`' = 192 .... Matson, -Smnit; Peter !�- Against .Wenzel. U \fAl'OR M" — 1„ ;. say . tniu 7190 Christ Johnson 385.00 Grading Alley Blk. 5 7191 Aloysius D. Kennedy 198.81 Non -Assessable Irnpr. 7192 Herman A. Meyers 1,190.00 L-1457 7193 Charles J. Peterson 92.00 Non -Assessable Impr. 0 I.1 0 CITY OF ST PAUL F mer`" NO.--- --= =--= 4--'--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYSEi COMMISSIONER 7 V./ ✓ "� -`+�. ...... ...................... ---- ............. DATE....... September. 23.. RESOLVED That the Coifa3.ssioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings . is hereby authorized and directed to proceed, by force account, with the wrecking of the old pavilion at Phalen Park and the construction of a new pavilion at the same park, and the grading, as called for by the sketches prepared by the City Architect; the cost of such wrecking, construction and grading, including labor and material, not to exceed $35,000.00, of which $26, 000.00 to be payable out of the Park Bond Fund, and 010,000.00 payable out of the .1923 Park Fund No. 52. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays w-dancy �el$naOn -McDonald P-Matsop Peter 6^enzel A1wi�aa.ii.at roar 31 -0 I 41974—g 1aye Tont hen d mmi�n one' of uad Publle g l � of b- f o a ad r�ccouand dnt th `ta i bYc� the fo br"`�k or d the". e uc6 the CI[Y Anal teat t.h. le. to 1-d Ir labor andotlo. coo. M. and 0 Fund "IleDSYable O or Of the 1923 and 710.000.00 Park Fund No.; �Y the Counel1$ept 23, 1.23 Rapt, Y3, 1922. (3ept. 30_1922) fj 1 Adopted by the Council _. .... In favor Approved.._. t ` ' c19— . Against eting r.voa e o CITY OF ST. PAUL counc,L NO . r a r FILE-_....--.�.. y..... -._V.. t_a. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C�UNCIL RE_- 4tJLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY* COMMISSIONER. ...._.._....__._!-- - fir.._ .� --.._. .................. DATE.......- .-...--._.---..--.._..-.---_. - ..._........... RESOLVED That the bond given t_ the City of St. Paul by Sylvester Brand, as principal, and the American Surety Company, as surety, ,dated June 6th, 1911, in the sum of $5,000.00 to indemnify said City on account of the construction and maintenance of a spur track on Claghorn street between Blocks 2 and 3 of Lafond's Addi- tion, and over and across Van Buren street, between Blocks 2 and 15 of Lafond's Addition, be and the sarne is hereby cancelled, and the principal and surety thereon released from further liabil- ity thereunder; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability accruing prior to the cancellation of said bond. L. F- No_ 4197b—BY L.`72. S. Ferguson—I _ _ _ _ _ s ..o.. to the . L911. i the su—of $5.000.00 Lt in .-' iify said City on a count of the con traction and intenance of a spur LracK on Claghorn Street' between; nld over a d across vera BurendStree[. be tweon Blocher 2 and 15 of Lafond's Addition- be and the same is hereby ncelled, and the principal and suretyl thereon released from further liability that thereunder; provided: however, - oothing herein contained stiAll be con- strued releasing aid auretY from any prior to the cancellation ofsaid bond. j: Adopted by the Council Sept. 23, 11122. i Approved Sept. 23. 1922. (Sept 30-1922) Yees Nays ,/Clancy Adopted by the Council____ -c. ✓Ferguson / .,-McDonald _.._`1.�. In favor Approved---�c> .. L..1---- ....__.192------ "Matsonu-Q-��- Peter " Against - Wenzel MAroa . heeideee� :� i' HENRY OLSOIV (Office of Cifg )Clerk JAS_ J_ MIfYER - �<m c�eww ..a3 -r c.rr Ctv of Saild flaul September 22nd, 19 22 Mr. 4-- 43-11y, Gorr ` i� Counsel. Dear �3 r - Please noteenclosed clipping of an ordi— nanc a g r-� �-t i ng permission May 31 at, 1911 to Sylvester Brand to ta�rs a spur, track in Lafond's Addition; also a clipp3,_+:2_ of C=am zaricai Fila No. 41579, vacating to Mr. Brand property cove tti a spur track ordinance. Inorder to release the bond in the spur trac o rc3 i n a'sc e, i 11 you kindly prepare the necess .ry reso — 1uts -a? Yours trul CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL `FaeN`" NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -_.-.... DATE. ....._.... .. ..... .. ...................... CoKIMISSIONER.-.... ...__._ -. - _.__ ___ _ ________ ____ ._.. _._-_-_-. -..- ......... `/That the proper city officers axe hereby authorized to pay to Dr. A. H. Hilger , out of the Wo=kmen' s Compensation Account of the Geberal Fund, the sum of Five Dolla.rB ($5.00) for a medical examin- ation of Edward Clzappel, injured in the course of his employment by the Department of Public Utilities of the City of St. Paul. I I recommend the above resolution G F. No. 47976—Ry J. 1;, IVicDonald— Resolved, That the proper city orrl fOr passage . Dto are here y authorized to pay to r. A. N. HI ger, out or 'the W—] - on's Compensation Acco t of the General Fund, the tam or Five Dol3ars (1,00) for: a medical --i—ti— of Ed nrd Chappel, Injured in the- parse or his employment by the Department r uPlntile oculuea or ti- city of st Comm'r of PublicUtilities. Adopted by the Council Sept. 23. 1922. Approved Sept. 23, 1922. _ (SeOt. 30-"22 ) Councilmen Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson tr'McDonald ____ F'._.._I- favor -'Matson `'Peter �'V✓enzel ent Adopted by the Council__.-_. Approved.- -.,./:.,.__- — -..192._.-. - - YOR 4197 Q _ C —'�Y OF ST. PAUL O>r )FIGS O1F THE CITY CLERK. GOUN�-■L R7E�OLLlTjO1V --- GENERAL FORM _ Se ...p..tember.._23.,...922..... PRESENTED BYWim___ $Z: _S OI3______________ ___ ...--.........._... DATE._....... .. COMMISSIONER --------- ------ --_-_T'r8LZ1$ That the s-_r>pZ 3- ��-� i ons for licenses of the following pe rsone RESOLVED for the conavcting o�3otels or Restaurants be and the same are hereby grantee ani tYae city Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the pay�ea� into the city treasnwy of the Customary fee: John J. McInerney $ote1, 456 St. Peter St., 7th & Wabasha Sts • , F. E. $o.t61 tel g3o, 5th & Cedar Sts . , o ck W. A. Poc� _ �- Res taurant , 16S 10th , Louis Fagnarn Barris ChyZik Restaurant, ., 3Robert Stt - 31111 R Wabasha St. , W. J. U`t18y Restaurant, Restaurant, 1160 E. 7th St., g. W. Polaxic3 Res taurant , 2040 Marshall Ave-, l8. Olk, J. J • Dervichows lei Res taurant, 4032 E. 7th St. , 70 Endicott Arcade, Catherine Mu3laae Sizia-vs�y ReS te,,�8,nt , Restaurant, 58 Broadway St. , St-, Markian Vt. 0. yk111 Tarns - I ie s taurant , 04-406 Jackson 719 Raymond Ave. , Elof 01s on, Res taurant , F•2 es taurant, 410 Jackson St. -Philip Miller _ Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays c,lCl"ancy �. Ferguson 11_ifllcDonald Matson _%tuaitj Pete:r "Wenzel , ent �osr C_ 3t+ _ !-o_ 43 9.77Sy. F_ W. Matson— �tesolvec3_ - __I &—'r -- � L It a" appllcatlons for 3ice aces o.i �Ite - iol2ow}ng. persons for t Yee za c3 zacLz ram oY Hotels Restau- gaLs L1 a same are hereby rested arse L1Ze City Cleric is -In- - structe<3-- 't— 'cze uch Iicensea upon LYie payment ssYo Lie Ycity treasury of theu_sLozxi-a•>=-3 e= JOYan _T_ 3sc is erraey, 13ote1, 466 St. Paler SL F`_ E_ Tszrgeoa_ Hotel, 7th and Waba- s3aa Sis_ Hotel, nth and Cedar Sts_ 3L--- 1 _168 E. 1 O Lia SL Harris S C3 yXIlc_ - Restaurant, 324 '-lobe r_ VGi _ J_ LT L3�y:_-. ResT urant. 311 Waba-. staa SL_ - S_ --W_ 2160 E. 7th: SL Olin: :IF-- taia rant. 2040 Marshall Ave_ J ? _ J_ Derma. -z cgi ow Sl�i. Restaurant, 4033¢ E_ Lia St= _ Cat3-xe r=ae _M M— Restaurant, 70! EadYCO LL Arc-= a e_ �arl�iaa S4 za. vs2cy,. Restaurant, 658: Sroaa�va9 s� Ja Xson �t-A2ZTLa��+a - R.cstau rant, 404-406:, _ 1 E2oY Oasoa_�sratirant. 719. Raymond I adopted by the Council-- PY.112p- aaFi 22er, Resta2}rant, 410 ja k - s sL_ - oAdo�tec7 Sze -Cou ac}I Sept. 23, 1922. ` Approve 3 �� •� pL_ 23. 1922. Approved- -� +-_, j 30-1922). !� /Liz✓ -�- ce�- CITY OF ST. PAUL .�LellnclL NO.��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY M�/,. 4. �] r��] COMMISSIONER":.....T&A1C... W.�....ID4,.te OA .............................. ..... .................... DATE.......Septemb eT _G3.{...1922• RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting of Poolrooms or Bowling Alleys at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. H. P. Conrad, 77 W. 7th St., 6 Pool tables M. R. Welsh & T. J. Duffy, 384 Prior Ave. - Bowling Alley Both locations over 1000 feet distance from the nearest school. C tson— Resolved 41978—By 1 That Bthe applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting of Poolrooms or Bowling Alleys at the addressee Indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerkis Instructed to issue thsuch licenses upon the payment Into e city treasury of the c tomary fee: H. P. Conrad, 77 W. 7th St., 6 Pool Table,. hL R. Welsh & T. J. Duffy, 394 Prior Ave.. Bowling. Alley. Both locations over 1000 feet distant from the nearest school. Adopted by the Council Sept. 23, 1922. Approved SepL 23.1922. (Sept. 30-1922) 1'es ( ✓) Cpuneilmen ( ✓) Nays T ,Cf.ucy llterguson �CDonald f'�__ In Favor �atson Peter Against �nzel flflt_P-resident -2 .,:. Adopted by the Council,>E_,.._ _r„'_.1 19_...... Approved _ -rv.' _._..19... . �i1C1:iilq w"'oa CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.ILK. 9-= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Frank W. Matson September 23, 1922. COMMISSIONER_.........._.....__..._.__ .. ............. ............_... ._..............._.......... __. ...........:........ DATE........... .............................................................. RESOLVED sThat the applioationsfor licensee of the persons for conducting the Butcher Business as the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrucged to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee Purity Sausage &Meat Company, 40 So. Wabash. St., Smith & Spangenberg, 690 Snelling Avenue. p,. F. No. 41979—By F- W M%tao"__ Resolved, That the applicatlona for 1{cesaes f the persona for conducting the Butcher Business at the addrease- Indicated be ad the same are hereby rk is instruct- d granted Issue toh nee sehe City e upon ethe pay- ment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Purity Sausage &. Meat Company, 407. So. Wabash. St. Smith & SpangenberB. 690 Snell{n6. Ave. d Aopted by the Council Sept. 23, 1928. Approved SepL 23, 1922. (Sept. 30-1922) Yes(,/) Councilmen (VI) Nays XAncy ' �usoo Mcbonald In favor ,tson 1 3ifla Peter Against _Weli�el W -L .11" ',•) ,1 '' L c Adopted by the Council __..._ `.:_' 19 . Approved...... a, ,Lt_. _... 19.__ - Y ./ ding r..ea CITY OF ST. PAUL FieNO.--'-----_ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT151P BY r+'ras xllc W. ma tB on September 23, 1922 • COMMISSIONER__- ._..... .......... ..._____ _.__._._..... _______.__. _____ _....._....___.___...._.__ .. DATE.......... ........ _._.. ........... RESOLVED _ "- Ttsat the applications for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of Foodstuffs at the addresses ixadi_at-ecl be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is :Lxiatrueted to issue such license upon the payment into the city tre$sury of the customary fee: Jack Taxi2r_%-_-rioii 329 E. 7th St., Philip illi 3 Ser 10 Jackson St. C. F. No_ 42950 Sy F_ W_ .Matson— Reaolvcd. the 8PP3lcatio na for licepses T t7ze Sollowing persoa9 for the hang llama aza d. - elag lif Foodstu as the dd ressos-_ indic_ial3 be .and the came are Dereby gr-aated and t1- City Cleric Is ias=ructed to isassa avch 3I- censsupon into the city treasury. of the toaaary fee= - Jack Taa3-taz�p329 E_ Tth Si_ Philip 3Zi 21er� 410 Jackson St_ A3opted by Laze Council Sept 23, 1922_ Approved Sc-pL -a2922_ <Sept_ 30-1922) Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) N ays �6lancy �F erguson Donald W tson AXWK Peter �nzel A9r.-Rrecid�tt ronM aM 5-20 1 -------- -- - --- -- Agal nsi Adopted by the Council . _ _i)k.._��_-_ .._..__.__._..19_...... Approved....... r i' F�.b �'` 19... _. �/Z.� Ac w,roa 9 counci. /� A, Qp E CITY OF ST. PAUL F��F No. _`3._y....:kL-5.,,9.._--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C_Oumc_- L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER -on, f3.tn-nn - - ....... DATE...-.....B.Hpti......Z.3.L.....19.Z Z.. ......... ...... RESOLVED That the application for license of Con Althen for conducting a Dance Hall at 1955 St. Anthony Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to is.ue such lioenae upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee • - r - - No. 41981—gy F. IV. Irlataon— Cense oli eCon Altat hen he forlieonducting�a Daane Hall at 1955 St. Anthony Avenue t c, cl tyn clerk Bias. na[ructeda to aesad ,ue It, tvc,mssu:y pofnthe Paymecustomnt Into the - Adoyty fee ea by the Council Sept. 23, 1922. i �pyroved Sept. -23,.1922. (Se➢t. 30-1922) Yes (✓) Couuccilmen (J) Nays lzf.ncy �+ r •R'1'cDonald - _-- - - --In favor -Matson _Against .Avenel �A____- Prcyident Adopted by the Council _... ...��': '"% 19_...._ Approved ---7_�l e_ �- 4,D � OF ST- PAUL ``vaseOLNO..-__._.......�((.��......:.._...:_. OFFIGE OF' THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLL)TIOIV --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B4 - ///�//9'�/�/� \%/� ¢1 ScP......�'..'..".�.. ... ..-X.... ���..../// —S DATE. ... .......... . ................ RESOLVED a' - / 17HM11E.^ - 'X! 22-cBt Coranissioner of r�blic Sio; ks has re_:)ortecl o Council, in accordance with section 55 0-_E t,3�Le C;j cy %jj,-_rter, the existence of an emergency necessary the employment of 0e37%aZ21 ,E:���1.oyas of his Derartment for more than eig33.t?eou�cs iaer a, --y, said employ- ment being more t:1.r--31 usual hours of employment: TFITI i?I;FORi C Wh¢F Noreas. 41982-85 W_ 3_ P¢ter— - The CD��t:eagto th¢ Counol .' '�ro-•er city officers ari It ivonxs has wpor P in', accordarcce tiie t�xls=sacs ofs ari em ✓!��� the fO110P11n named emp10 CrCyawhicL reaaered n ¢asar3' the rise fixed for et.:tra em'�loyment emDioYm¢nt of certair, _emp3oY¢a of hts '. De�aar empioy-msVt being moil ,inaf ter set forth: �4han th¢ir mal Lours oY rriPioatnene Name Therefore S 1t ge;solved. Th t the rb. Rate of WQi►-�Y-C- Droner city ogicerso arW �¢reIIb ethor- overtime. —ized to PaY eLs Y llo i- g ¢for�- s-t h site oLb`erWise¢ ftz d �v time --- 24 -Z,�r ✓�a�,r-sem- --�r- -- �, .. - Yes U) Councilmen (✓) Nays VUancy ;,-Werguson R e'Donald - - - An favor Matson Wenzel �, tesidevb Adopted by the Council., _' _ '_ e SCP 2:1 Approved 19.._... -- - rcitnp ,roe iSxra_��a q?S) CITY OF ST_ PAUL FILE ORIGINAL TO COUNC NO - __f CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFEIRSRESOLUTION FORM 'CHARTER SECTION 208' s PRESENTED BY. CON'MISSIONEF"/1�L1........_Iy{I�_____ _____________ DATE___!.!@.Y......�..--922 e__....___... RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MAGE ON THE BOOKS OFTHE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING.THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY ,THE MONEY IN THE ITEM „p FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE A P P R O P R I A TION I T E M I'-ANSFERED FROM TRAISFERED 2-23&W City Planning $300.00 1 OE I Gdneral Adminietvatlon $300.00 I 2-28&W City Planning 400.00 2-1 OE Engineers - 400.00 C. F. :lo. 41983-13y W_ J_ Peter Rosolved, Thai the foliowing trans- fers be mad¢ oa th@ I—R. of the Comptroller when by so doing — - --avoidable deficle—w in one item may be met by said transfer without hamper- 1.gtthe he in the It, rca vi �= m forby the tranaP¢r is —"a' - *"0.00 transferred from Cod¢ 32- 2 S.W. City Planning to 31 OE, G¢n er 1 Administ rat�nQ $400.00 transf¢ d from Co1¢32- 2 S&,V, City Planning to Code 32-1. OE, • En do;-ra. f r•t by the Council Sept. 23, 1922. a Approved Sept- 23-1922-1 l ---,- (Sept_ 30-19922) iYES CQUNCILM EN ( J) NAYS W. �i/.QLA NGY / FERGUSON MCDONALO ................IN FAVOR - MATSON &10ETER _. _... AGA 1 NST .-.VYENZEL W R: PRESrI5t NT Twrr+ oD 0." ) AclOPTEO BY THE COUNCIL.....-... -__- -------------- 19------- APPROVED________ ------- 19 ---- ---- _ --------------------- :,C _______1.1t• MAYOR COUNTERSIGNE13 BY____________________________ ____ -------------------------- CITY COMPTROLLER CO—CIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C OUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ehbc 'r 21 -- ---1�)22 --- --- PRESENTED By DATE COMMISSIONER 2� ill the n of the ourIcil Hereby cullcu- RESOLVED ThLA act - Co-�Ljt e z_, r bis,-6jucL:, biureceived for the co n - tluction jon 6:� � 1, Terrace frol'l 'strykerto LL point f - se%ju2 on Prospect e of Lot b, BlOcl: ,re�3t It. i)a'J.1 f e- ot east of the -west lirl , v:ere in excel L of the 1;1!,-,ijleer1S Estil"I"c" Prol)c!', as bids received C. F. No 41984 --BY `v' J. P111 -r;-, Rcjv�d, That the Council hereby concurs In therec—ruccul.ti—f the Contract Committee and rejectsbide received for the carunl.cti— of e, on Terrace my or Ave .toProspect o a point 8 feet eastfrot of heStr-set line of Lot 5, Block 11, West SL Paul Proper, as bid,eceived were In ex...s of the Engineer's F. B. No. 4506. Adopted by the,CaUnctl B -Pt- 23, 1922. Approved Sept. 23 1922 (Sept. go -1921i) c. Yes %7) Councilmen ('J) Nays 11 - — : - - Itcy Adopted by the Council 192- uson --192 ---- Approvec, ZcDonald in' favor MAYOR ,�Fra A$Qinst "Wenzel Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays ✓(;fancy /F r$uson McDonald In favor M/ 1Oblatson ,el - _ Against Wenzel Mr.T-resideli t FORM 1500 -21 Adopted by the Council - -; = - 192--- Approved192 --_. C��_J .. __ .` V nroa 9 ^ CITY OF ST. cou NcU. PAUL rice No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM " PRESENTED BY , , �J^ d !t '•. DATE. G •i ti;11U.=i 21, 1922 COMMISSIONER- '.�.. ''R. r ..i ..2 ........ ................ ...- a:at the council hereby concurs :iond:.tion of the in tili3 rcco,.a:. RESOLVED Uontrrct (;o: mittee l,nd c</:..rds LYIe contract 'or tha gradin€; ,.i d iia",o��arerlt of e11 y� inylocic plover c __d.d� ,,_,il �t. t0 _.uG� ., �. at,d it"ul.. ..uitil 1r1.�:. "'uti- LC St., 1n CCOiUL.nce 6dl tri _-1'.-7-~; :..nLt CCii 1Cia lvi.S fiercto utt:;ched, to fetor _)ickoo)'1, liC UC 1111; i,L,u loc+act r'�sy,Oi.elUle Lai- filo oi:,ti n olli:c;el l uldder, 1uz e: ebb i.-uti,tcted t� d, u,, � c �it��, _ iOi..1 ui contract - 7f4o09. C.nF..�l.. 41985-13Y W. T. Peter—. curavin the recom Council Contract Committee mandation Of the contract for the grad ng the Ind Addl-orlof tloa frome.'11gr Bleck 2, Cloverdale d from North and d St.to Rose gt, 'Frank SG. In [with l@Y to accordance and epecidcations hereto attached 'Peter 1)lekeon, he bolo ed. to spons(ble 8 the „ "� I P bidder, fp lowest re- 5350.00, ad the Corpora eCoUnsel aum C n 1' rl n r 1 - ri or for Instructed [lop jg draar up tha � ; 1; • ' V _atto neer eru timate $31(tt thereprop.I,C Adopted b g'No. 4609. Y the Council Sept: 23; 2922. Approved S. 23, 7922 (Sept. 30-1922) i �. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays ✓(;fancy /F r$uson McDonald In favor M/ 1Oblatson ,el - _ Against Wenzel Mr.T-resideli t FORM 1500 -21 Adopted by the Council - -; = - 192--- Approved192 --_. C��_J .. __ .` V nroa COUNCIL , CITY OF ST. PAUL FILM No. OFFICE: OF THE CITY CLERK co ,UN IL RF-SOLUTION— GENERAL FORM P1, � 1022 ..................... PRESENTED By DATE COMMISSIONER.....................'..&..... 1 hci,�by CUI-Cu'-s jr, th-, reCQ""1:,:1U11dLJiun -f RESOLVED the �;ounc� the culitrUct f-, the L,radin,, and JunI,r-ct --!�ttue Ltl;d a-,jL1r,1L in jlny)I,ove"iunt of ilc to -ve., cc 0 ru al I C,- .: I th rd _-cc,,lt-jns 1,11 :t idder, for tc tj,', Jur ;u --ji Jjun,-�el �S 1— cDy i E;t,-ucted to drL,,:: u -- the _,i _,)ur for-, Of cu"Lract That1n he re, the CoRni Resolved. commendat .,aa,t ad c..tr.et r.d ani -ntr—t W the g, mom eet of Case St-wIt' Frank loth Ave.. in accordance SPec �cations here ett-'he' 1 �, ko, he being the low 0.1-b'l e Tidd'-r for he aum ounse ad the tion C I to draw up the I "'U'dr-tea, "therefor. n of r atra t F g, .at,? E2114.00. No., Sr h he Cun.1.1.. Ad.pted y Pt. 23 pproved Se jo-1922) Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nuys F��R�uson ZZNI)om,ld In favor on Against Lwlenzel FoRm 15DO I- 23, 1922. n Adopted by the Council 192 Approved 1912 ---- • ON COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nee NO... ...__`-a : tt 'Id OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fjrl� PRESENTED i3Y 0` 14�QD DATE 1. is �?.L l;.... 2�..>•... 2-9.22 ... ...--.... /. COMMISSIONER.-....�I i .. ................ -..... s RESOLVED That tl�e Ccu:.cil hereby concurs in the reco_.._endatiun of ti_e Contract of�z,littee rnd a-�:L,.rd:,. the contract for the Lrading and iraprcve..ient of Kent St, f_ol.; hecloc!- Pt;rlcr-iy to arbor! :;t., iri acco,da).ce :itl. pl .rls ac,ci s_,ecific: ti(inL3 l.ereto : ttc.ehed, to J.ri t Joi,f.:,ori, h_ beil.; th lower.t re::no;.cible binder, for ti. 'uhu oorl,o, utijr: ;ounk el is hereby ir,str.:.ct :d to rr.,: u;. tY,s ui o) for..: of contr�:ct s stil,lat:. ;,257 .. -".1j. 714;107. �I C Reaolved,l ThatBthe V Council a hereby curs in the recommendation [ the contract Committee d ds the ontrnct for the grading and Improve- ment of Kent St. from WherSuncO ck n lilt pinnto Carp c St., in ac o a Ifl endo.. hereto attnthe t0 Christ Johnson, being lowest responsible bi dorr, r the sum Of $1943and nd the Corporadon Coun- set is hereby Instru[`eadttthorefc dr— UP En e proper form. 01 co pineer s Estimate n$ 2376.00. F. 'B. No. 4607. Adopted by the Coubeli Sep[. 23..102 . I APPreved 9oPt. 23, 1922. (Soft. 30-1922) Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays ✓ C;lancy i �erguson McDonald I - In favor �atson Against ,W. enwl 1AM–PWsident ronN 1500 lo -a, .... Adopted by the Council.. - 192. Approved j, veroa -. T CITY OF ST. PAUL COU CIL .' No... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE ept.ei�,�bc�v 21, 1922 r Comm] O.ER S S" S ... ........ RESOLVED '2haL tyle Gounc,l Hereby coi',CUIL in the rco;.enuz_tiQn of bhu Contract Co jj;Ijittue anu aw.rds thu cont act for La, construction of a on Jur-;.inL;t-n —ve. fr.,:.. �,_ feet ;_uth o.' J'ront _t, to a pu i nt -,u f, e t s uu th u tine - n , t. n z cc u _ LLa,, c (2 -" i th plL ns herato .tt- ched, to h2 bein, the lowest rus�)uiu;ibl_ bidder, Zoi, J, of �80u.0U, and the lo-_, arat 1,11 -b Lereby instrucv..d ,o draw up the 1)rj_L)er for,,,. o ' coj-j-,rLct tjierufor. _nC.Ln,:erls _:`stj_,iLtLt 4310-LIO. 4b06. C. F. No 41988L—By Resolved, That theIV;OOJ* Peter— concurs In the e,,!nCouncil herely C—t-ct Committee ...d.tI..'.f the and sward. the -t vy ont— for the o, a 8ewsr on Farrington Ave. fra. 30 feet south of F St. to a 'a n t 31 feet ci south of Sti=, a 't .. In accordance with Plans and spe,lfl�a tsch.d, to R T. Webt.t.nr.' ha"being ,to ,—st re.po..Iblc blddr, tC"....a`l of $800.00, and the Corporation Is hereby Instructed to draw up the Props t' sf �Igeer�aorrntjg contract therefor. En. 4606. E' ant- $810.00. F, B. No. Adopted by the Coo.al 2 Sept. 23, 1922. Approved Sept. 23, 1921 . A— (Sept. 30-1 922) 7_ k U Yes V) Councilmen (V) Nuys 1-1.1, Adopted by the Council•192- -1�e OR Xr DU.'n.ld In favor Approved -192 ---- Ma'tson Against ,XVenzel FoRm Isoo 10-21 1' - CITY OF ST. PAUL -- - - - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (/y`, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENtCD BYl / / ; � ....-. ....... DATE a eIi 1!lbe r....til , ..l `� x:12-...... COMMISSIONER ..-.... ... / ----' RESOLVED fn" .ne Cov,11cll hereby concur:: in the reco;a..ei.datiun of tide C untrt;ct and awards tl-.0 contract for file constructiun of a suw_-r on .�arLlu1:t s-ve. be wrecai : ul- Wit. t nd Prior :-ve. , in accorci,..l.ce Wit"_ .nc specificatiorts h,ruto att-ched, to otldeil £c Preston, they beirw- the lovrest resoor.sible bidders, for the suli of �.1447.U0, Gu- the vor;;ot :.'i iv1: Uour.s-I is hereby insLruct.:d to dra'dJ up tj.e uropur lona of contract ttlurefor. r:F.inaer' ;, stilaatc y1440. 00. _. 4504. C. F. No. 41989—By W. J.-Peter— Resolved• That the Council hereby oncurs-in the recommendation of they Contract Committee and awards the contract for the co truction of a n Sargent Ave. ebetween Sue St.1 andPriorAve.. in accordance with ed, to O'Nel and &Preston, they fications r the ngtathe lowest ponelble bidders, [or the sum *1 $1447.00 and the orporation Coun-I set is herebC y Instructed to draw up the proper for [ contract there[or. En- gine is Estimate .$1440.00. F. B. No. I. 4504 Adopted by the Council SeyL.23, 1922. Approved Sopt. 23j01922. ' (S PL 1922) Yes (J) Coun ci- lmen (•J) Nuys 4cy F MZsold- In favor M n r �A tx-u- _�... Beinst W9itzel rest t FORM 1300 10-21 in - - 24------ , ----- Adopted by the Council 192.._._. Approved .. .) - j.��:..:-_.....192--- L/ ` �- CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENOIL N0....._ /[l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREgEhYiD BY •ter*,T .w' .__...... JJJ-........ DATEuepL (l1LGl...J COMMISSIONER .,....1.CtG•_ 2.... RESOLVED That the Cuuncil hereby cor.cu_ s in tt;e recoiiunendation of the ConL_,"ct Joi. aittee and aviar(zs ti:e cos:tr„-ct for the construction of a sewer on KuouCh -.vu. frum '.•Trite hear i_ve. to Varl i)yke I_ve., in u.ccordal:ce ,'iith ula:s z,nd u_: cification:_ hereto attached, to T. '1:ebster, ha beinj; the lovrest res;,or.siblc biduer, fo. Ti swa of y1500.00, 4.:.0 tno Cor.oratio,, ;uun:el is hereby itis,,�uct,_d to ur:..v.,•;., r _'orl:.i - cuntract Liierefor. iii;c;er's :, L,timL,i,e ~;1479.10. „460 C, F, No. 41990—By W -T• Peter— Resolved. That. the' .Council hereby urs In the rocom anddatwoan de the Cohe ntract Committee ase he o,traot-for the Const oom'OW hate Bear,. c n K ough A¢e• r In cordance Wve.to an D ek AV°•• ith plana qpd Peclflcatfonsaheroto at- Cached, to risible' b dder, forhe t if a pO end the Corporatl0n Co Lhe' of §1600.00. eel Is hereby W ructed to draw uD proper form of. ontr ct therefor. En glneor'e Estimate §1479.00. F. 4603. 1922.1 Adopted by the Council Heft• 23, Approved SI, tyt280-1922ii�) Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ('✓) Nays CYnc Fe ason MCDbnald In favor Ma.'.'n .. $rvarj-�„ ,�,,� Against Wetyyel 44r. President FORM 1500 10-11 Adopted by the Council-- - - 192- - Approved _ -.._ f.._ 192 ----- f�� C--tLd-r-•✓ .. M,roN R CITY OF ST. PAUL C•Sn""rac NO...__..q- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1✓. PRESENTED `..j' f� y°S T; ,. _ GATE "t'P Ge1.LbE:r 41, 1y22 COMMISSIONER �.1 1 .� ............ ......... ... .... - -- RESOLVEDTh...t the Council he::eby concis:^_ in the rucolmaendation of the contract ;;o aaittce ai,(t -,wards the contract for ttla constructi.:n of te..n,0r :ry s -anitz'ry ":,,er on '.;neeler ..ve. , frau '1'a:ylor ve. Lo Hewitt ..ve. , r in aecotisa.ce c;ith u1:rLs : nu eci ec.tiun: h r 'tis to y'eyun OunstructiuiL juLa,any, thuy b(�in[. tilu 10'::est rusponsibl0 bidder, fur tlla sura of 7 0.00, ani the Cor;---orat1en Cu ,.Heel is i:e eby in.tr'.ctud to dr .w uo thu _nup,r "o - _ of coi tract — n ineer'stiL.atc *7M .00. _ ._. yi460u. theref_. C. F. No, 4I991—Bco Y.W. , I esolved,, Th nt the J' peter•_. Contracts Cont rvctimm nd tion of [he contract [or AT ttee and awards the ! Porary annitare construction of s terve Ave., from y sewer' n Wheeler in ncca�ne Taylor Avy, to, Hem,.. hereby, Inst ucted topdrati n Cou oel In 6r �o rrn of Eeatlmatetract thereforh¢Engj_ < 4502. _ 1798.00. ldepted by the Connell S¢pt. 23, 1922. Approved Sopt. 230 1922. - - (Sept. 30-1922) Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Cl�ncy Fergus McDonald �;� In favor M�n _ St 1.) Against Wea&el 1 14r_Tr-gsidept pm 15oo -21 Adopted by the Council 192.--.- Approved.. .._ (/'1--- ....192--- CITY OF ST. PAUL name"`" NO.._._...' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .. \�!/ J � DATE etACl:!bcr 21, 1922 COMMISSIONER _..... __........._ _ _ ....- RESOLVED Tlht the Council lie-reby concu, s in the recol....endation of the a Conduct Cc.�!��ittee and acrurcis the eotlLruct for thu construction of a se•.ler on '.'heeler i.ve. frorii 110 feet north of to Van Burct. St., in aceordane:: with 1,.ns and :peCifiCUti-nL i!cleto attached, to Jhrist.Johnson, he being; the locrest res_;onsible bidder, for the suhn of X420.70, and the Cor_)or,tion Joun,--el is hereby in- - .,tructed to cir:.e u_ he _ r arm of contract ti_erefor. ri ii.eerts �stimatC X418.00. ,j4bL1. C. F. No. 41992—By W. J. Peter— ' Resolved, ' That the - Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and - awards- the contract for thecnstructio yf a sew-' n Wheeler Ave.. from 110 feet ortho[ Hlnir to Vtut Buren St., in gL ordanc0 with plane and epeciflca- t ons hereto attached, to Christ John- ' he being the 'lowest responsible bidder, for the sum f,$420.70. and the Corporaton Counsel is hereby in- structed to.draw up -the proper form of i ontrnet therefor. Dngineer'e Est -- mate $418.00. F. H. No 4601. adopted by the &unZ1 Sept. 23, 1922. Approved Sept. 23, 1922. (Sept. 30-1922) Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ('✓) NayS • 192___.. Adopted by the Council - C1Rixy . Ferk� o McDdh ]d In favor McDd6l A roved---)-- -- �- 192 pp � MateEn ..��G $Q l_ Against v �s �llL✓ �roR Wgpzel MY.. Tren&-nt roam ,soo ,o -n COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rae No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RE_NTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE.....',e Aei,iber 21., 1922. RESOLVED thf- jouncil 1lupeby concurs- f1,'C1)_.�nC1;,GiUl1 Ui t"e c tr t Ur 617 (2 con 11C -Lnu i E, u 11 C 0 j, j* 1 _t. , in , �)rj �_vc:. tr, race t1a'L: ('Le'L' to 3: u J L)j_(AuerS, in z,CC,y v_, uY U") til:2eio' ,nuiri,e-'Ic C. F. No. 41993-13Y W. T. P,ter Resolved, That the C ... ell hereby enneur, in the recommendation of th Cc t awards h the ructlon . ew- er on Vance St. from t I . Ave. to Grace St.,n accordance with plane ,,,, and pec catiOns, hereto attached, to I '; 01N.i8Preston, they being the low- E2679.OU, In accordance I.,rhlhn w he It! supplementary "P"-'ntr' letter hereto a Wchrd, and the IsrPoratlon Counsel I. hereby i-.tr..tcd to draw up the Proper. form of contract therefor, .' i En- gineer s Estimate $2679.00. F. 13. No. 4500. Adopted by the Crmucll Sept, 23, 1922. i ApprovedSopt. 23. 1922. . (Sept. 30-1922) Yes ( 7) Councilmen (',7) Nays Cbt.ey' Fer$ son ILI" McDo�gld In favor Matson it"" Sinio V I Against Wezkzel Adopted by the Council 192 - Approved MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couMcia. --'• OFFICE OF THE CITY*—LERK COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _...s.. d.. ,p' ...._.._.. .......... ........... _...... DATE. .,J.eIJtC' tbe.r._21, 1922-_-._-. RESOLVED Th;..t the Council hereby concurs in the r�conunendation of the Contraet Co_.n:litt::e anu aa:!ar(is the coi-tract for th:, cul.struction of a sewer on '1on_,in;'A. fr„rl Co?io t_vu. to Kent -t., in -ccordance t ylith pl: rls : nd 5.,ccifications her(, to att�.ched, to T. ' ebstcr, h�� buin, tho lo,::rest res,,on:_i'ole binder, IV. the sul.t of 5;1768.00, I,i1ct the Coreoration Cuunsel is nerc:by instructed to drz.:: 1-1) tLe col.t_act tl:crcfor. C'F. No. 4]894 -Hy 1V• T. Peter, Resolved, That the Council o III the recommendat,on of the u ntract it .and awards the ntrncen foor the construction P to Kent SL, Inl n $t. ( m Como Aye, nd apeciflent,ona hereto oncea[tWith hePlan' L. T. Welt' ter, ho being the lowest r SBponalble bidder, eor the sum oP I. 768,00 ann the Corgoratlon Counsel I herebp _1 atructed to. draw up the form o[ ontract therefor. En- gineer'e Estimate $1837.00. F. H. No. 5499. Adopted by the Council Sept. 23, 1922. Approved Sept. 23, 1922. (Sept. 30-1922) Yes (✓) Councilmen ('✓) Nays Cl a cy Adopted by the Council _ ,:..i. _.f .' 192....... Fer$u/son McDonald In favor Approved ---- -- ----- -192 ---- Met96 X, <t/L Cti SmiEl Agninst 6p M one V✓el I Mr 41reeiaen-t FORM 1300 10-21 CITY OF ST. PAUL cou"11L 11L. No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C:OM41ISSIO + DATEQpt.,,;LrAbCr 1� J�R — - 11 RESOLVEDTh.:u the Couric_i hereby cuncu2s in Lh�, ' .end z-tiO t \ittue � rid u%ra cis rh_e co- trz�ct _uz tl,c c0r1s'6r" ;Ct'o_' [3- sF-WCr .;,.Ijn' � cur to —Ve., .10 11Y�_;t. fro,!, yo f,,et jcrust of L;ta�y, in accoi,dailc�, wiLli ulLa"L e11- to to m t bidders, tjiu su.i of X680.00, Lu,LL thu 01'tiull Counsel is lereby in- struct�d to dro.c., u!) tile fur" u" coll_"'"t thupfor. x607.00. __ 7,44', . W. J. arm stof,' "W"' "F� 3 I Lteal- $607--0- B. b�.thte COu�.C.121 Sept. 23, 1922. p _23' (Sept. 30-1922) Yes ( 7) Councilmen ('J) Nays C19, c�y Ferg/son M,Do,Vdd In favor Mehl Against WeVA Mr. President FORM 1300 -21 � rt e, P I r , -1 ^11 Adopted by the Council 192 App rove -2 ft - • COUNCIL "� 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fos NO. .._'.._ _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _.COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE NTED BY DATE ,_ie,)teiaber �l� 1y�2 t 1 _... X COSSIONER F - • ""'� "` "'- - - -Lhe rt RESOLVED That the Cour cil hereby concurs in t,l)e r.,coi,...nu�itiiuil �� Co;,n.:ittue .,_i:d arils the contrac't u� ti_e cunstructi(r: oi' a scti'jer on Orwl.( Wit- .[ror:: Cypress St.to purl St., in accord(_i:ce frith 1_rlc unci ._l)+=cifications hereto (.ttz�_el.ed, to 1 ebstcr, he baint the loviest rub,onsibl:i bidder, 1-- th su:-1 ui 1500.ii0, d tyre reb instructed to ur(_c; ul) the pri; oer r orm Corr,cr<.t_on Cuur.scl is 1.� y 497- Of contract tilerezor. ,n iri er(s .,stim�.te „1445. 0v. 'I'.i•. 114 C, F. No. -41996—BY W. S Peter— Resolved, That the Councl. horeby concurs In the commendatloa of the Contract Committee and awards the —tract for the onstructlon of aewer Orange St, from Cypress St. to Earl nSt.. .In accordance with plane I and aDeciflcstlons hereto attached, to E T. Webster, he being the lowest re- sponsible bidder, for .the -aum of $1500.00, and the -Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper. form of contract therefor. En- gineer's Estimate $1446.00. F. B.' 4497. Adopted by the Councit Sept. 23, 1922. Approved Bspt. 23, 1922. 1 (Sept. .30-1922) Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Ferguson McDont1d In favor Mnt�n Against Wesfzel 14,. -President FORM 1500 10-21 �grPivr° 1T 11 �rl?�r� :aGl vier a in t1 Adopted by the Council 192- -- Approved---- j i Petition Council File No.__..-q.R Q °4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT t and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St.. Paul, viz.: s Cone-trno t__ e. --six t -_.Dement___ tile.__ �idewalk_.on.. bo t - -__... _ s1 - ...__...- of Sims Street from Forest Street to Earl Street, except ---------------------------- - - ................... ---I......... ---........... _...._ _..... where food and sufficient sidewalks now exist. _ __._._- Dated this ---22nd..__day of . - .... - September, .1,922 - 1 - .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construot a six foot cement the sidewalk on both sides - -- .... ------ __ - ... _ .. of Sima.-Etre.e.t...from..Forest_Street to..Eatl..Stre®t.,._except- . xcept_ re- -.. ---goodan_ dsu3Picsient__sidewalke._now-_e$iet. _----........ - __............. - — ......_..... _..._._......_-- ----- _....._..____...... ----_---------------------------- - __......__ C. F. No. 41997Abstract. Whereas, A written DroDoeal for the having been presented to the Counci: making of the tollowlnl5 tmprovemunt vis: - t11C7CfOTC, UC ]t Conetruct.a Six foot cement St. side; on both aides of Sime St. from FONeet Sc to Earl 5t., xcept where . RESOLVED, That the Commis good na �ng Ubeen p—enteakio th-eby ordered and directed: 1 of the City ofiia St. Paul th, Of said lnl IOVCIttCnt. 1. To investigate the necessity for, of , That the COmmtesl?" g p 2. To investigate the nature, extent anivOAt� cieand he tuf said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To. furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said lmproveinent. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council----..-- r_ �.'.S_: ................ YEAS NAYS Councilman CLAMMY- FERG so Approved_.._..._._-..----i;f. :..'.ie5_:._:-_.__........__----.....--- MATs�// � 7 (5'McDq:tll.n /) PET _ Mtt Pn c: ,difayor. roan C A 13 (3M 6-22) PRESENTED BY , RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ------A "(181 CpYrCn Sept. 23# 1922. That the grade of Alley in Block 15, Merriam Park Third Addition, from Prior Avenue to Moore Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 41998—By IV J. Doter— That In Block¢I15,dld-rlam ePark Third e Of lAddi- Addi- tion. from Prior Ave, to Moore Ave„ In ordance with the red SrIIde Itn- on: the accompanying profile d A. rec- ommended by the Commissioner of Public Norke, be and the ams ie: hereby adopted as the eet¢...a 1 grade. I . Adopted by the Council Sept. 23, 1922. Approved Sept. 23, 1922. (Sept. 30-1922) I Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays CIwy- Fergwli McD.&Ad In favor MM iso ..Against Wy�� -Mr. Pfesiaent roar sr 5-20 Adopted 6y the Council ___-_.._ I` ^''�_.'_ 2. ____...19_..-.. Approved......19_.. cul,�wYp. 1'�ouncil File No. J. 14.. ClancY_ By. ._...._...... CITY OT\ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Side;ralks, Estimate f3, Contract 3284 B, Season of 1921. --Assessable-- F.O. 36659 East 5th St., both sides from Gotzian St. to Atlantic St. F.O. 3j350 East 4th St., both sides from Johnson Parkway to Clarence St F.0.,34ffi3i East Bdinnehaha St., both sides from Hazelwood Ave. to White Bear Ave. F.O. 34532 Beech , NorWesthaiside de beinninggattEuclid th tSt.,hthenchence e�Southst 0 ft Ff0. 362555 St.13ft. --Non-Assessable-- F.O. 36659 East 5th St., both sides from Gotzian St. to Atlantic St. A public hearing having been RATIFYING AssEesMENTS. I,boveimprovement, and said assess- ment having been further considere I`' considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore C. F. No. 41999—BY J. M, ClancY— In the matter sofn theRpe^ses fortcoof benefits, costs and and rePalrin6 Ce- [ructing. Con- ment SldeWalks Estimate NI. 3, RESOLVED, That the said as ae 3284 B, Season o[ lsal. by in all respects ratified, and the Assessable. same is hereby ordered to be submit F. O. 3,159' East 5th St., both sidesunty of Ramsey for confirmation. from Gote$n E t� 4 h stile both BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, ,Fat the s,m,aak,sy to Clare and it is hereby determined to be payable 1 ' —ehaha S' inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. mon Adopted by the Council _�f1/9/I........... <......_..'.y City Clerk. Approved .__ _ _.. 191 rl I� orm B, B. 18 I l J � r PUBLIStIF��/�� Council File No. _.'_._....__._.... ........._........ By J. M. -Clancy - CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on the east side of Lexington Avenue from Thomas Street to a point 76 feet south of Lafond Street under Preliminary Order .35957_._....---, Intermediary Order 3.7990 --- ----• Final Order 38393 ------ approved Feb. 155., 1922 - _._ ..191._ _._. A public hearing having E the above improvement, and said assess - C. F. a 42000—By 7. M C:ancYe— ment having been further consi 1n the mattts nt die= assess for tot been considered finally satisfactory, be it btructi , . an p , .". trvcting aasnwer en the nat of tr of therefore ToxinPoint 78 teetmp.th mf fond 9t.aunder Prel'.1nary Order 36967 . Intermediary Order 17"90. Flne.f• - Order 33393. approved F, b. 16. 1922:' RESOLVED, That the sai< a punt- 'tnc b, - hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submiiied to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE 1TjFURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council --- Approved 191. __. 191 .. _. rr p City Clerk:" i Mayor. l Council File No. ............_. By J. H.__C1anc.Y..... ._ .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a seer on the east side of Lexington Avenue from Thomas Street to a point 78 feet south of Lafond Street under Preliminary Order__ 369557.___.__., Intermediary Order ___, Final Order_3g.vJ� ...._.... approved F.eb, .l.rj., _ 1922 _ 191._ _.-- A public hearing having b the above improvement, and said assess - C. F. No. 42000—Ry T. M Clpncy— ment having been further consi Inbthefitnnt — of the prnseseior tone been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore structing a sower on%the enst s de of Lexington Ave. from Thoma' Street to a point 78 feet south t Lafond St, under Pre]rn,nary O^der 36967 Interm"'T Order 3'^90. Fina{� Order .18393, approved F b. lo. 1922: RESOLVED, That the sait A publf^ n 'In¢ b�.. hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be subm{tied to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE 13jFURTHER RESOLVEb, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 1` in....._...__!............._.___._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .... /��/191.... _.._ I City C1er1C." _ Approved h .191..__ � �j.....�._l % c/ �tnMayor. /- 'J Council File No. By _ _. ...... J Qlanc.y......... .... ........_ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Lane Place on both sides of Lane Park from Jessamine Street to Maryland Street, and Jessamine Street from Duluth Street to Burnquist Avenue under Preliminary Order........365.74 .......... Intermediary Order ..__3 .u56...__.........,Final Order_.....3.90 6..__.._..._. 1. F. No 42011—Rv -J X. Men --L A T 11 10 1 j22 R rnhe,ent9 co -t an t Yeo . es i rent or PP ..._... tn� r.on^`P,i.e oo rrad- - approved ......_.....�?......_.__....._.......t........_ ... .................. 1'�. nn roots s,.11a of r.nne Park from de.vo mine St. t, M -3-1—d St., And de�sa m'.nr St, from Duluth St. to Bu rnOut st Ay-�nnr under. Pre - A public hearing having been had upon Bm nary order as6;4. rntermnd nry �ovement, and said assess - Order 386nfi, Meet Order 390..'. ment having been further considered by the o.. -^ - ^as. nR bse "red finally satisfactory, be it therefore ahon, ' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. __........._.....G ..... ...._............. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..... `i,."... 1 _____-191 ....__. .. e City Cler)< _ Approved.........._._...._....._...__....._...................._...... ........ 191......... ` /...... ok it...1.....�..._��...._...- .............:J..:�.�.�/Y Mayor. Form B. B. 15 • RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..con.demning.-.and ._takinb_an. easement-..in...the._.land n.e1gejj.,5.:ry for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading East Seventh' Street from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue A. ow ........._.._....-...._........._..__._........._.__.__.._.. ..........._...__........_ .__....._..........................._...._._..._................ . tinder Preliminary Order_3..7 I75 ................ approved Deg_.___-ZQ,1.921. Intermediary Order _.4o-5bs............ _. approved...JuT1e_..29.i..,-1922. 4aooz— d tak- Iningea aensement the he landnpecee- sary for slopes, for cute and 11118 In gradtng East Seventh St. from whits_ A public hearing having be, near, Ave. to van Dyke ,_'-:" notation of the lands or easements therein, preDec11m Dar 19 1. Inter.— for_the above improvement, and t 40689, approved June E9: 1' �T� and also upon the assessment of benefits A public heating havtn . therefor, and the Council having i,apon the taking ^ d eon-•.now,therefore be it ys capon, Bovet Resolved, That the taking and Cot.. �,.,,�tion of the lwnds described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor aud'City Cleric, and made it part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e it then Reso d.\that . the4 assessmynfyUe and it i5 hereby determined to be payable in ]lig f f ri ...._...........ec al installme , as to each *reel of land�le\crlbed t1 oi4 \. Adoptedby the Council..__._ :.:.. ...................._ .._._._.............._........1 191........ Approved....._........... ................... ....... ............. 191 ..... �CouncilmaniXXd ti'< Clancy CouncilmanX3f= Ferguson Councilman Alyt=d McDonald Councilman2ttbm Matson ;.Councilman Peter J90uncilman7L'S XQ Wenzel 7 f� City Clerk. r r ( Mayor. PT"7.TqTTM 9_�� t FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter ofcondemning and taking-_an--easement.-.in---the--_land...-.Zxe.�.eaaaTy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading-__Eaet___Seventh_..-Str-ee-t,...rpgf__-._._-.,__ ...... .... . White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue _... - _ _ - ........................................................................ .... ........ ................... ------ ................ under Preliminary Order..... 37.6...5 .............. approvedDQ.Q.....2.Q.,...19.2; Intermediary Order ._4-0569............ approved..June 29 ..... 1-9.22............ Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viiconc3emn•-__ and take an easement.._in-_-t.?ie.-..Jnz1a...ne.c-eagar.y...f-ar....slopes ,.... f.or... cuts -and.------ ......_.... .......-- .. fills inradin East Seve et-r�At �r�m �r+ra ear Avenue Va g g....-......._ .. ....._. t4 - -..?1............. ......................................42003— In the matter of condemning and ink Ing Avenue Ing an easement in the land neces--------------------------------•--------------------- ------•— ......................................................... ears' tar slopes, for cuts and fills lni grading East Seventh street from white Bear Ave. [o Van Dyke Ave.............................................................. under Preilminary Order 37675, ......................................................................... Proved Dec. 20. 1921, Infe..,,.4--jar`-, Order 40669, aPproved Ju Resolved: (2) That the following land, 1aI (1) That the folio,•- ' 'ye' and the same are hereby taken, appro ^t be and the same ,:'..ty:OVemente, viz: an -_easement for.-_----- priated and condemned for the purpose. be m ................ slopes, for cuts and fills in anci''zpon East Seventh Street between — ........................................................ the eo int -s... of or e s a13.,._. t 4.. -the --_e xtgnt...g iRY+T> ..11P4ai...ti7 August 2, 1922 ----_.... ..--........_.... ..... ................. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council i 4.r � City Clerk. Approved . _. _, 191........ - - — -- - ..._.... ...GN�.1.............._ ......... ----- ..,r ;Mayor. Councilman UQ= Clancy ¢ CoungylmanJ= Ferguson Cougdman lbkd= McDonald Counolman$Kxft Matson CourpUrpan ZR= Peter CoutWmaD fjoindriiA Menzel V t RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter aa-s.ement....im. the---12zid-ne.c.essar-y for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 6, Lane's _...._ _............................... ......-------------------------- , ----------- ..................-- ............ --- ...... -- -............. Manor Addition, from PalaceStreet to James Street and from Pascal ........... .........._......._.._....._........................._.......-..-....... ..._...----..... _.........._._........... ............ Avenue to Albert Street _..........................._......-- - .......... ........ - .._....................----------........... under Preliminary- Order..- A§�17---...._------- approvedL+Intermediary Order ......1i:Q.5.61.-- approved ._JUlle..2_-- C. F. No. 42001— land -I - In the matter of condemnina and -I- of public hearing having ung an easement m the sarY for sloDea� far Cuts and ie.ne a mnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and sraatns auey �iromtapale6ce street Manor Aaaumn, Ind also upon the assessment of benefits to Jamee St. and trom Pascal _`�cP.. therefor, and the Council having to Albert street u a MarhA' j1herefore be it Order 38817. a ��der 4°661, Intermediary. Resolved, That the taking .?».�e,.29 iheg .- --,.-e!!6 lauds described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor ano,- ftq'Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it forth esolved, that�the aai asesament a- and it ereb Aetdrmined to be payable in l ................................equ i s meats as to each parcel of land described therein. ?7 _" Ado by the Council......_; .%...- 191........ Approved.. -- ..........------------- - Counciltdan bhM W9GWdd1 Clancy Councij4(lan (bzK Ferguson Counc4i4 an bWxxk McDonald CouncikanXiCx Matson Counci &an X= Peter Counctan Wenzel -- ------------------------------------------------- _.. ., 191.. ... ir 17 -IN City Clerk. =�..c.tu,.•' Mayor. v a ' v FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. in the matter of.condemning-.and--.taking-..an--easement..-.in--..the_-..l.4nd...ne.c.eesary for slopes, for cuts... and fills...in ..... Manor Addition, froLl---Palace_..Street...t_o..James...Street.--and..froIl]...FaQc$�---_---_ Avenue to Albert Street _.._........-.._........._...__......................._._............................... ....................... -- ....... . -----...................._ under Preliminary Order ._3 417 ............... approved.Mar....... Intermediary Order.4 o.rj.61..._......_. June 2 19 22 approved.....................a.-: - .........._. C. F. No. 42005— . In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing an easement In the land neces- eary for slopes, for cute and fills in Resolved: manor Addition, froor In Palaock ce Street to Tames Street and from Pascal Ave. orae 38817be 5tapprreet ander reh 2in 3,lnary ordered to be made, viz:QPAa19 iX— (1) That the following imps Intermediary Order a40561, appr-,— .June 29, 1922. 'and take an easement in Reaplyed:_Qr.-.-g]Ape.a.,...OT....Gutz...an� sills (1) That the following Im; -"7 meat be and the same Is he, �� in grading alley in Blcaec n;enn mad. ,.neeeaa�;, Palace Street to James StreetiL.. y3_.fr�om___Pr�ecal_-Avenue.,.to-._Albert...-$ �e-e-t_ .............. ...... ......... (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: the... land . abutting upon the alley in_Block._6,-__Lane-!s---Mano3..-A.ddb-t�A.II,.._be.t een...the...painte...-.- aforesaid, to the extent .__sho n.._upon..tbe.._gl etchat_t�.c}Desi---t.c....thje r.eper.t ......... .......... of the Commissioner of c..-Forks.;'...in...the ...mat_t.er...dated-.Aug......1,... 1.X922--- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ............. ...............:......._......... r _ Approved ..... 191...... City Clerk. 4 / . :....... C- � w—. t'-------.%�: �,� .-k�ag Mayor. Couisilman Clancy >oC7!�•^Rcr� �_ L �� Couneman sC Ferguson Cougdman7C McDonald Couq$iimanc Matson r Cou (manXZXXKx Peter Coinlmanx D=Xi0k Wenzel RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of cQademninF...k A d...4akl.Slb--.aTl---e..4&.eiGellti----111.._t.h.e----1..4 d.. up-Q&6P.amy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Brand Street from Hazelwood _....._................_......__.._...................... - ........--- .......-...._----------......................... ........................................ Avenue to Flandrau S-.reet _...._......_....._....._..__.._..__......................_._.............. -.......... ............................ ....................... ----........-- tinder Preliminary Order... 35IN................ approved.APr.r..._lla.._1322Intermediary Order ...4.5.?3............ approved.. " C. F. No. .10—f d - Initgeanmatter easement inet nary for slopes, for c^ A public hearing having been had u grading nrana a. ..',demnation of the lands or easements therein, p g Ave. to Flandra 5nary Order 3D1'1, for the above improvement, and the star lizit, intermediary : " and.also upon the assessment of benefits p�oltherefor, and the Council having dutycon A puee,thlie hearty w therefore be it upon the taking the lands Resolved, That the taking and condemnii5lvi.v;khf,'fapds described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it f le Resolve , at the said eaemept be and�ii\is hereby,•determined to be ayable in / x ............. :..................equ installments ayt each parcel6f }apd deaeribherein. ' ' Adopted by the Council..- -......_... C--? .:.7Lr-__-------------------------, 191........ le!J City Clerk. F vZe[t z otiv -Mayor. Approved... . ........ ............... Councilmal}�OOWX Clancy Councilman=AIX Ferguson councuman,"ifttmi McDonald 11 CouncilmTZXM Yatson Councilmq,n;S Peter Councilmr;• a&k Fenzel 191...... FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.condemning__and__.taking..ane-eement--.in_._the land necessary for.__ slope.s,t_f ill s.in._diaStretromHazelwood: ....................................... g __ _ Avenue._to...Flancirau..Str-ee-t............................................................. ...............................................................— finder Preliminary- Order.... -3-913.2._.........., approved..AP.;i .1,1.j--_1324ntermediary Order..40.373----------- approved. J e...29-.,...1922............ Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: conciemA__ and take an easement-__in-.the...land-_necessary--_for.-_slopes_,_- for--_cuts.._and_____ _f i-1 l s... i n...gre ding -_Br wnd.._St r e e t... a�rezlue.._t.Q... F1aLl.e u .................. C, F. No. 42007— In the matter of condemn- �, Ing an eae. for t� Street .... s¢rY for sloplop es. for c . ................................................................— grading Brand St. f,,.Ave. to Flandrau Str . llminary Order 39132. c ................... ....................................... .....-...._ ................ ........._............................................................ 11. 1922. Intermed, . approved Tune 29, 19...� , nesamha: -find-;the same are hereby take a o- (2) That the following land, lands or ea (1) a at the sane -.,e y n pix �.m ^��, he ane ,the same ' priated and condemned for the purpose of malLl meas, via: %.Vfss,,viz:t-he....l.aaul...ahut.t,1n&..._ in the _!,Its a pG.A.--- -the.Wince.afo$ - .h .:=-tn:the-,.,to .Srandatraat._betuaen_-...- upon .the sketch._attached ... to___the._report...oP..-the--_Coigsiseioner-_of--Public_.--- orks...in._the-.mat-ter.-dated..A.0€3 Qj$ft 3.x...19.22 .................-'-............ ....--...........-----................ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ............. ,'.., __.... - -`_-- - -- ....._., 191...... rte' it Clerk. .. y Approved._.. _...._. .... ...... ...._. _......, 191......._ ... v G L�2-tN� ;act:j Dlayor. CounciWanXlEMN40M Clancy _ Councilman rX Ferguson WT DLISBED___�f ft Councgwan)MX*dK McDonald CouncilmanXMMK Matson Counci'1nanlp}tpl{9pjdx Peter CouncilinanXKxtfd?q## TPnZel lo c— AUDITED 182........._ 1 ...... �-q.\/) ... COMPrtt .... �LHS........... PER _.. J 1'�.... _._.... :. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 35 39 covering checks numbered_ 7194 to. 7211 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yeas ( e ) Councilmen ( 11 ) Nays. 1'en, Mcpdfiji6nald, � } In favor S15W,. Peter '5 enzel. Against __� TSe 1 ann C. F. No. 42008— Resolved that warrant. bee.drawnl upon the Clty Treasury; to the aggre aa hecicsnumberedf 73943to 97211 tering Iva; a. per register of it, check. ale in the office of the City Compon_ troller. Adopted by the,Councii Sept. 25, 1922. I -Approved Sept. 23. 1922. (Sep[.- 30-1922) _ 0 .- Adopted by the Council_ :;C,�. - '72------ -.-..192.......:. Approved........... 25:;Zt ----------192......... ........... _...... ........... J 1. Farm A A 46, 1M 7-21 • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOR31 BY! OLLML AUDITED ......... 192. ... 544 PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.3 ...._.x.39 coverin8 checks numbered 7194 to. 7211 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V. ) Councilmen ( 1 ) Nays. iOrancy, Fyson, O lJ\✓, M�'onald, Ma on, STe:h f. peter W e4e®n _In favor Against 7194 Crane & Ordway Co., School n n n n Pub. Bldg. Rev. Wa ter 7195 Delkoski Auto Radiator Co., Garage 7196 Farwell, Ozmun Kirk. & Co., Art Museum' Fire Bur. of Eng. Street C.& R. n Workhouse Sprinkling School n n T1 Library it Lighting n Adopted by the Council 192....... Approve..._.)_.......;...SL`P�1 / '=i2.2 .................192......_.. l f xAYOR 45.00 3.42 19.44 84.22 76.42 36.98 1.89 26 4.60 2.13 8.50 2.10 .27 2.42 13.72 3.50 21.07 5.66 15.18 4.03 1.63 1.95 .75 87.51 267.37 12.80 87.51 7197 Fire Appliance & Inspoetion Co., 168.00 School - 7198 F. S. Gouldthrite 1.50 Workhouse 7199 Graham Paper Company 3.49 Health 7200 Irvin & Beard Company 15.73 School 7201 L. W. Jordan Co., 44.46 ® Fire 37.84 Garage 75 Street C.& R. 5.87 7202 W/ B. Joyce & Co., 10.00 C. Pub. Safety -Adm. 7203 Kenny Boiler & Mnfg Co., 250.70 School 118.76 " 16.94 Parke 115.00 2T(T-7 0 7204 A. C. McClurg & Co., 392.91 Library 7205 McCullough Mfg. Cop, 6.00 Street C. & R. 7206 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., 1,695.63 Fire 623.57 Street C. & R.327.67 S. & S.Uing. 659.44 Sewer C.& R. 81.00 School 1.00 Park -Ref 2.95 1-,6-99-.63 7207 N. W. Copper & Brass Co., 35.33 Fire 13.95 ^ 4.8308 6:58 Garage . " 1.26 S. & S. Cing. 1.80 Water 6.64 5.33 7208 Stanley Meat Company 27.54 Health 7209 R. B. Whitacre & Co., 64.41 School 7210 World Book Company 66.86 School 7211 Waldorf Bindery Co. 386.15 S, chool 261.15 Library 125.00 3.15 e,rr or er. —o' TI CITI C-1 r,na No.......... _ ..._ .. BY l COM HOLLER._ AUDITED ..-.. I. ii 846 PER A, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $11',88 , covering -__ checks numbered _7222 to .... 7216 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. W ClaPev, Adopted by the Council 3E� siD —192 .......... Fergyeefi, In favor Mclapeald' Approved SEF � li,52'_.192......... M � r Stifft V on, Peter ___....__..Against C• R.. No. 12oo9—. gaResolved they wnrran[a be -drawn ee the C1tyTreasary, to the e T hechea�oant ff6, 3.29, covert e numbered 7272 to .7216 Incla- Sleal�ther regisfer of city shacks n troller. the city Comp_ I. AppAd-rotved Sed Council Sept. 26, 1922, (8922. ept 23011922) • 7212 Belvidere Cast Stone Co., 422.74 Pay. Alley Bjk. 6 Terrace Pk. 7213 OFFICE OF THE 'COMPTROLLER Form A A 46, IM 7.21 AUDITED CLAIHS —RESOLUTION FORM No. Park -Ref. 2 5 7214 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance SEP 1922 AUDITED . . . eY C011611PT LLSH... 192 J. 545 I PERE. ') /"� Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ .......... covering checks numbered 7212 W 7216 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City S. & S. Clng. Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen Nays. c6nty, Adopted by the Council. S[p 1-rj. ;:'42.7....-..._._..._...192_._.._. '42 ?-- FerBaSon, FerBef6n, In favor tMvWC.Id, Appr ep ............... ------ 595 05 Sprinkling 1,619.77 Welog. Against .. .. .... . .. . .... MAYOR em; 7212 Belvidere Cast Stone Co., 422.74 Pay. Alley Bjk. 6 Terrace Pk. 7213 Casey Dairy Company 135.22 Park -Ref. 7214 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance 16,003.33 StreetC. & R. 3,056.70 Sewer " 1,249,77 S. & S. Clng. 4,390.00 Bridge Bldg. 7.10 Crosswalks 595 05 Sprinkling 1,619.77 237.10 Docks, Wharves & Levees 45.50 Eng. & Insp. 2,266.21 L 1486 8.00 L:1494 1 061.63 L-1498 1,357.70 L-1505 108.80 1 -6 -,TO -3.33 7215 Crescent Creamery Co. Park Ref. 819000 7216 St. Paul Bottling Co., Park -Ref. 301,00 • • ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCIL NO........ CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FOR 'CHARTER SECTION 206' PR NTED BY p 1; ��:..__._r DATE.._Sept. 25, 1722 M MISSIONER__...... . ..... ....... ............. ....... RESOLVED, lj�1AT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE s� APPROPRIATION ITEM r_dnR� I TRANSFEREn FROM TRANSFERED To ._..----- ...IN FAVOR MATS/O`N PLER W EL 60 [Loaal Improvement Assessment 500.00 164 Non=AsBessable Improvements 500.00 C F.: No. 42010—By F. W. Matson— ,v Ree lved, That the following trans-. f ra be made on the' books of .the Comptrollbr wyen by so doing an un-; avoidable deficiency in one item mny be met by said transfer without ham-, "work by paring the provided for •the money Inthe^ item from ',Which the - transfer Is made: $600.00 transferred ' from Code X160, s 0 iLooa1 Improvement A ... aament,. to. ^ v Cod. 164 :Non -Assessable Improve- menta } :. Adopted by the ti Coune82 Bept. 26; 1022. 103 i Approved Sept. 25, 0 (9epL 60-102$) l YES ( J) COUNCILMEN ( 1,) NAYS BCANCY FE GUSf�jJ6 MCDDONN'ALD ._..----- ...IN FAVOR MATS/O`N PLER W EL ...-...... .AGAINST F.Ru on ADOPTED BY THE COUN5(FP -�'r ��-?-'� ... - I9. .. J I) s C n n APPROVED_ .... ........:�!..,YZL_....._-_---18.......- MAYOR w'r COUNCIL FILE NO.............. . By ..James..14...914ncY........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter llf... grading. Albemarle. Stree.t . irnm..CarborL .S.traet.. to. South... St1?0.et.1........................................................................................ . ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ..... 4Q823 ............... approved ... JUIY .15,1922.. ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. . grade. .Eabeutarle.. �tXe.Qt..YO17.�.Axl?9.27.tf.e.e.t. tR..Qllt4..?tzfl.Qt........................................ .............................. C. F. No. 52011—By J. M. C1ancY_ ............... . ...... .. .. .... .. ....... In the Matter of grading Albemarle St. from Carbon St. to South St., un- •,-•••••••• ................... der Preliminary order 40823 aDDrov....... ..... ed July. 16, 1922. ............................ The Council of the City f St. Paul 0 haasio received the report of the Com- Improvement, mpro ner of Finance upon V `e+tc:• ••••••••• ... .. .. .... .. ....... and said reemen ho hereby esolvc said reporthat, re . ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 1:,. is herebyhe saidupPtr`._..:_............................. ..... .... .. .. ....... Im'• with no alternatives, and that the estimatet;.,�Di;Tthereof is $203.9£...7.7...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 2.1S.t.......... day of ......Qotoher........ 1 192..`2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the CounciltChamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to–Me sons and i the manner provided by0e Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature I the improve tient and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. ........., 192..... Approved....::........:::........192...... / City Clerk. Mayor. Couaef1man Clancy �1 PT1RTTt 9 �J Councilman Ferguson Councniman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman 2MjT x Peter Counrrylman Wenzel Ma7e1-xx2NN=1T6'2§V? Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ...:Tame�..iv ... C.1anG.Y...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER rS^� In the Matter ...... right„pg. Ar Ly. of.,the, h?inne.apolis..and•,St. Paul Suburban Railway, Van ••,•py7re•hy,eriue.,frq>7,Qrar�e,tree,'�..�o„l,iai;rt,horne,Street,and,hazel avenue %r om••Orange.•Street- to. H"ylthorne Street,,,,,..,,,, ... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... 4a,' 9.Q ............. approved ... I}UjyT., . 19., • 1922.. _ ......... , , ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and eh, same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded we F Co. 42013—By the Matter oty I' M. Clancy—., f 2. That the nature of the impr trom white aearave°g oth.. , mends is. GrMP. QX@JP q. Street ofu 'y of the Mlnneap ]ie tsadrt Stt .Ave. fromurban Raltway; _Van D fr.o:n..;hi.te..Be.ar..i¢cnt st. and xn°i°n$e sc te-as-..t Af..thq.id:Xllieap?QJis..a}?a... to Hawthorne-6tVeunr.. t+ der Order 41399a P rovd Au `�BIlUe from Oran ,e Street to t Y u burba Ra: The Counclt o the ............. .............. •.... .....5..:...41.. -..Su. ...?�...., hnvin Cl t:g ... m:^sig re, of 'F nae repot_: `: '� oner-e,t •Finan'h', ur,,: !;�,•., riRPlt.1701'Ile. 1tTee.t..13Y1Cl.ta��vement. and • p1,t thorehv ree• �J the e• ,m. ......5:1.1'E.et., ............................... ....... ...................... ...... ..... .... .. .. .. ..... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....5.,470.39... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 21S.t........ day of ..... October ......... 1 192..2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....` =' . : k ..':.`......... 192. .. Approved..........t.. ''..........192...... / City Clerk. ............. ........... Mayor. Coungriffan Clancy U _ Councill<n Ferguson 4ilTlfiCTT4 if �— �� Counci+Kan McDonald Counci44nan Matson CounciRt an SC1dDtx Peter Counc*Vian Wenzel r COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By..J4?4eS..14-91APPY........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... 40013 . , , approved ....7 e 2 1922. ................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. grede..and..pAve..... Alley. in..Blo(,'k.).,.3QblyrX.Pa................................................ =,............................ F.1Vo. 42016—By J. M. Clahcy— .,...,. •.,..... •...... ..... .. .. In -the .Matter of grading and"pading Alley In B1ock 3, Bohlyn Palk Addl- tion, under Prellminary Order 60013 .1 approved June 2, 1922. 'The Courell of the Cf ty of SL Paul �""""""""•••"'•"•" having received the reportof the Core. "^'gelone- V �—,-nce up9n tk z; _1n ............................................ i•:«- -�.:.. ,aving r.''.�' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is... T,335.,$9•, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... `ZIAt......... day of Octoher ...........1 192.2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.......' ` . �2 ..........., 192. .... y a =i 21 Approved .....l .......192..... CounKman Clancy Councjhfian Ferguson / Councilman McDonald unoinlan Matson ount;nlan *1zftbr. Peter Councilman Wenzel taye Akmjga=x,...Ne 3a enr Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. PLTRT.ic� •�` r'n Mayor. �i , COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By..cT?rp8.S.2,4....7a1?QY........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..CAnatrue.ting. s..6. ft... aidevalk..oil-Ahe..snuth. aide..of..Jill1 et S.tf..be.tl�e�.�xiggg..St.•..aid.SYAc7ic4te..,�Ke......................................... ...................................................................................................... r ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 4162.1 .............approved ..Sept...2,..1922.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Cons truCt• •&• •6• ft. . • . sidecra�.� • on, the • s• outs •side . of, •�uliet• .St, • •1�etvreen • Gri•ggs • St•.• •and • .. • • • , Syndicate•,yvef•,•oxcept.Ahere•good•and,miff cient.s.id•evialks.•now exist, C. F. No. 42016—BYJ. M. Clancy— •••••••••••• " " " " " " " " " (rn the Matter of epnst-ta.g a 6 foot .................................... slds—lk on the south side of Junet St beM". Griggs St. and syndicate Ave., under,PreliminarY order 41621 approved Sept. 2, 1922. The -Council. of the C1ty of 9t. Papp; having received the report r:=O of the Com-' ............................_." ruissloner of Finance nPon the above...................................... improvement, and haviive=:ng with no alternatives, and that t co.reidered id report, here",-,7 sa1. That the . .7 1l','.iJ..p.@r..frOnt foot. =apme`: is herr' Resolved Further, That a pubnc I-_anng be had on said improvement on the .... ?1*1t ........day of .... a ct.ober........... 192..?.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...... :I=?. <J.'.722...... 192 ... . l. ......... —��— Approved.... :".i.:i� :........192...... �,r i City Clerk. Mayor. i'CiBLI34ED f 3 Councijgrdn Clancy l Counciyd'an Ferguson Councijwan McDonald Councilman Matson i-, ounci�tr(an Siiii#E9C Peter Councilmgfi Wenzel ay 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL ccou-1t, is NO.__._--1-i-.rJ..9... ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Q COMMISSIONER....._........_..........I.I.ra�.._W•...._MtBOA........_.........._..............._------...._._........ DATE ......_S_ejite17lb6 T.., 26.!_1.422 •.. WHEREAS, The Department of Public Safety of the City of Philadelphia have kindly extended the courtesy of the Philadelphia Police Training School to the City of St..Paul, and WHEREAS, Sergeant Gustave H. Barfuss and Patrolman George L. Pepin of the St. Paul Police Force who took the course in the Philadelphia School report the courtesy and consideration shown and the opportunities given them to observe the methods of instTuotion of the Philadelphia School; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul extend to the Public Safety Department of the City of Philadelphia and to James T. Cortelyou, Director, and Lieutenant John Stuckert, Instructor, its sincere thanks and appreciation, and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be sent to the - above named officials as an expression of our gratitude. Councilmen Yeas C1 Fer on Mcr�nald C. F. 7 WI llo Sat have 3 the School Whs fuss 8 of the the a report shown ttID80LUT10Ae. Nays Adopted by the Council...... F....'� i..'`.:-....---192. _.... _.._In favor Y ti L-_J_ An ordinance granting to� the Manhattan Oil & Linseed Com- pany, a corporation, perm,'-, air stands C. r. No. 43018—Ordinance No. 5890— By W. J. Peter- at the corner of West SeviAn ordinance granting to the Man- h.ttan, Oil & Linseed Company, . Conj I corporatpermission Ito install corner of Concord and _,and maintain air stand-at'the cor-) .or of West Seventh and Randolph Streets. and at the corner. of Concord THE COUNCIL OF THE and Congress Streets. ORDAIN. The ' Council of the City of St. lL does ordain: Paul Section 1. That p( SECTION 1. , ,q are hereby granted 'That I "'�atlon, to p.r.l...i.n and authority I ,1jr.ated to the Manhattan 0; .0 maintain to the Manhattan & L Company, o. an,, , a- Corporation, -n two .1, stands, at its. lvl-w its filling L'th. corner, of nl.,IRSel two air stands at )ph Streets, on an, io rner of West Seventh Sother on NWeat S stands at it. , 1 a ib and Randolph streets, one on Randolpa-.-'f"" and the other on West ','I ids Seventh street, and two air stands at iteiii1ing station at the corner'of Concord and South Robert streets, one an Concord street and the other on Congress street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to i6sue a permit for said air stands upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (l), The said air stands @hall be installed under the direction and supervision of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) th* said licensee shall furnish a bond for each of said air stands, in the am of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), condi- tioned to sane the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all IM11- ity, Judgments, suits, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property an account of the maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said air stands. Lqaid bonds shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said air stands shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council Shall 80 order. The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any,ordinance or law of ,the City.of, Stpawl, :Q it, eLs"40i, 3 This ordinance shall take eff`eQt-'.-"b d'L� Toro thirty days after its passage abd publioation. Passed by the Counoil r'' ; ` '12' Yeas N&Ys Mrd nay rgueon oDonald�� - tson eter Mr. resident (Nelson)' Approved UI I Mayor Attest a��K�f �0���1. EMLfsHEn/1�i. City Clerk. FRANK W. MATSON, COMMIWIONER HARRY A. JOHNSON, D -v COMMISSIONER (�itg of 04aint Paul gI;CVnrtItt£ttf IIf 'VuhfiL gafAg September 20, 1922 - Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Room 221, Court House. St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Olson: Returned herewith is application of the Manhattan 011 & Linseed Company for permission to install an air stand in connection with gasoline filling station at the corner of Concord and Congress Streets, which location is approved by this department as to traffic. Yours truly, HAJ-amk C ss on r lio Safety offiee of atg Veek H9NRY OLSON JAS. J. MINER (9itu of Saint Paul September 13th, 1922. Hon. F. W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Man- hattan Oil and Linseed Company for permit to use the boule- vards on Concord and Congress Streets for air stands at their filling station, is referred to you herewith for report as to traffic. Yours truly, ` enc. C y CLERK. Q.11ll of 4t. Paul n itrVartutr tt of pUklIC Works e1Hen1 or c iv IAM J. u, CTRROLL. A nE C'iNr E w OrTOOHER sp r 1i UT COMMI-1 G. H. SH RROLOO Orr icE wuo Corn Puwuwivc vio o� ecn 45 B. SHARP, —T. .1 ST-- H n HW. OOETZINGER. 9111, or wcnvvou.c September 12, 1922. im. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public ',forks. Dear 6ir: In the matter of the application of the Llanhattan Oil and Linseed Company for permit to use the boulevards on Concord and Congress Streete, for air stands at their filling station, beg to state that there is no objection to this from an engineering viewpoint. Ycurs truly, Chief Engineer. oc/mh Approved; r ` C z: Conm�issionex' f Fublic icr'ks`.� -HENRY OLSON Ron. Wm. J. Peter, Comer of Public Works. Dear Sir: office af'(kitk (fleck situ of gaint f aul September 9th, 1922. Please note the attached application of the Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company for permit to use the boule- varde on Concord and Congress Streets, for the use of air stands at their filling station at the intersection on Concord and So. Robert Streets. The Council today referred the above to your Department for investigation and report. _Yours truly, /v'g� enc. CITY CLERK. JAS. J. MINER Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company DISTRIBUTORS OF MANHATTAN PRODUCTS "°n°' Manitou Gasoline Trop-Artic Auto Oils A—J.,:„ of PocvUi" 606 Vandalia Street - Near University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota VL' R,4 Honorable Council, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; . We hereby submit our application PBS covering the permission of using the boulevards on Concord and Congress Streets for the use of air stands at our filling station at the intersection on Concord and South Robert Streets. We regret very much that we overlooked the fact to secure this permission some time ago, as it was called to our attention by the Engineering Department. With your kind permission we will arrange to furnish Five Thousand Dollar bonds for each one of these stands, namely; one on Concord and the other on Congress. Yours very truly, 7WIHATTlvT OIL 3. LINSin,a g0Kb 'ATTY 1 �✓ PG -.AOS Supt. of Filling Stations FRANK W. MATSON, GoMMiss;oNm HARRY A. JOHNSON, DEPUTY C MMiSSiONM a . , 64 of -'4auut Paul �s�sttxtznrnt of �ulslic �tt��etg September 21, 1922. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, BUILDING. Dear Mr. Olson: Returned herewith is application of the Manhattan Oil and Linseed Company for permission to install an air stand in connection with gasoline filling station at the corner of West Seventh and Randolph Streets, which location is approved by this department as to traffic. Yours truly, HAJ-amk C ss o If Pubafety C O P Y September 20, 1922 Frank N. M°+tson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your oommunication of the 14th inst. enclosing applications for permission to install air stands in connection with gasoline fillin:: stations as follows: 11%nhattan 011 & Linseed Co. at the corner of Concord & Congress Ste. and W. 7th and an Sts., and the Cities Sdrvioe Oil CU—., on Lta— a eases—side of Arcade St. betweem Ivy and Lake Como-Pbalen Ave. I have instructed Captain Nightingale to investigate these applications and he advises that air stands installed at the above locations would not interfere with the traffic. Yours very truly, Frank W. Sommer, SSW Chief of Police . a .11�ffcre of �iif� (�Icrk HENRY OLSON JAS. J. MINER September 13th, 1922. Hon. F. W. Matson, Coms'r of Public Safety. -Dear Sir: Please note herewith application of the Manhattan Oil and Linseed Company for permit to use boulevards on West Seventh St. and Randolph St., for use of air stands at their filling station, which is referred to your department for report as to traffic. Yours trul , enc. CIT CLERK. Mn o9CIR CLAtI SEN, C n 1. CARROLL. =' C --- G. --G. RROLDO 011—TAnO Cir♦ P--. nio ciN n A. B. -A— ` no n irnr�on Lito of -it. `Paid Tepartmrld of ptiblir Works WILLIAM ®COMMISSIONER PUTT COMMI9510NER -`2� 46 hdr. i1m. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Siorks. Dear Sir: September 12, 1922. With reference to application of I:lanhattan Cil and Linseed Company for permit to use boulevards on 'hest ieventh 6t. and zzandclph 5t. for use of air stands at their filling station, beg to advise that from an engineering vievapoint there is no objection to same. Yours truly, Chief -Engineer. o c; mh rpproved: Commissiongr" of Public Tori .st , �i 1 F ♦ Ofht¢ of atQ Qge'k HENRY•OLSON JAS. J. MINER Gtv of Saint J9au1 September 9th, 1922. Ron. Wm. J. Peter, Come'r of Public Works. Dear Sir. Attached please find application of the Manhattan Oil b' Linseed Company for permit to use the boulevards on West 7th and Randolph Streets for the use of air stands at their filling station at the intersection on Randolph and West 7th Streets. The Council today referred the same to your department for investigation and report. Yolk= jrruly, - enc. ky CLERK. `Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company DISTRIBUTORS OF MANHATTAN PRODUCTS • , JFMBER ,• . Nation,; 4--ol— Manitou Gasoline Trop-Artic Auto Oils . Mark-,— • "FARTNERS OF PONVEF" Association. 606 Vandalia Street - Near University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Sept. 8, 1922 Honorable Council, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We hereby submit our ap lication covering the permission of using the boulevards on West 7th and Randolrh streets for the use of air stands at our filling station at the intersection on Randolrh and West 7th Streets. We regret very much that we ove looked t',e fact to secure this permission s^me time ago, as it was called to our attention by the Engineering Department. With your k'_nd permission we will arrange to furnish Five Thousand Dollar bonds for each one of these st=ands, namely: one on Randolph and the other on West 7th Street. PG:J k%' Jd , Yours very trul MANHATTAN OIL LINSEED COMPANY Supt. of Filling stations y a ... a;�9 ,. 'COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.. -...--`%"'"-_.1 B raa ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R A PRESENTED BY That the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized_. to enter into an agreement with Edwin Lundgren, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Eighteen Dollars a ($18.00) per week during such time as he shall bdrtotally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the said Board of Water Commissioners, on the 30th day of August, 1922; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to the said Edwin Lundgren, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Seventy-two Dollars ($72.00) in partial settlement of his claim against said Board for the period up to September 28th, 1922. C F. No 42019' 13 J. If it DonaId Reaol ed Thnt the Board' t Water C mta I Hera is -he IIby authorized to i c t r Into an a reoment , with EdWJ. Councilmen Yeas Nays Clalpy Fer$>xion Z I McDoeald --.In favor Mats6n \ Pyr \ ........A$oinst Wetzel Mtefrresident I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Public Utilities. Adopted by the Council. -::.:!.....z------------ ------------ 192._--- _.� 192-.- NO._..._.''i<�r�"'",, CITY OF ST. PAUL ripe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED �'(XThat the Board of Water Commissioners is 3iereby authorized to '4' pay to Theodore Leschinski, out of the Water D*artment Fund, the sum of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) in final settlement of his claim against said Board for injuries received by him on May 20, 1922, in the course of his employment. H tha Rate Deppartment Fund, tha an of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) In final set• dement of his claim ag alnst sak Board [o i j rles iec Iv d; bhim or - May .20,..1022, In the courea 6T his em. ploymoht. Adopted by the t;.uac'l slit. 28;'1922 dpproved. Sept: 26', .1922. - (Sept. 30-3322) Councilmen Yeas Nays Cla� Fer$peon 7... McD941d -in favor Mats6n Pet4 !l V---_...A�ainst Wekel Mr. P1(sid.nt I recommend the above resolution four passage. Commlr of Public Utilities. Adopted by the Council-.-�>.6-� Approved...... -192-'- V CITY OF ST. PAUL Fc°E"c' NO......-� �:. E.`.:...G.._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA Esm at the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Charles 0. Gill, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $15.00 per"week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Board of water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, on June 30th, 1922; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is authorized to pay to the said Charles 0. Gill, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Thirty-six Dollars ($36.00) in final settlement of his claim against said Board for the period up to July 21st, 1922. Councilmen Yeas Nays Clay FeVson McDenald ....... ...In favor M�St do Pew �......A$einst W VIel Mr, Pfesident I recommend the passage of the ab resolution. Comm,r of public Utilities. Adopted by the Council. `:.-.'--.. ------------------------- 192.-.-. APProv <._, .192_... y L MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.._ *.r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED•BY _�'./��/, ,_may RESOLVED -'That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Joseph Foley, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, on June 5th, 1922; be 1t FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the Board of water Commissioners is authorized to pay to the said Joseph Foley, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Thirty- twq Dollars ($32.00) in final settlement of his claim against said Board for the period u to June 26th, 1922. C' F. N0. 42022—By J. H. MODonald—, I 36th. 1929— Adopted by the Council Sept"26, 1822. ADprOYed. Sept. 26, •1922.'. _.(Bept.30-1882) Councilmen Yens Nays Clay Ferbuslon McTZo'nald 7....._...In favor Mgtaon Peter u.._.....Against Weds el Mr. �ident I recommend the passage of the above olution. Aommissioner of Public Utilities. Adopted by the Council..__ _- ------ PP =-.-` - --------...192....-- roved.----- --' �.......: MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL'„TCILNO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - COMMISSMIM.'r-_.._.._.._ _..._ ........... DATE ................_.__........_.................. ......... .... REsoLv,06 That the Board of Water Commissioners be it is hereby 't authorized to pay to William Classen, an employe of said Board, in- jured June 6th, 1922, in the course of his employment, the sum of Thirty-nine Dollars ($39.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in final settlement of his claim against said Board, for the period up to June 30th, 1922. Councilmen Yeas Cl..(." Fern MCIeGald Mae,.. Poor wefi�el MzAlresident I recommend the above resolution f passage. Commtr of Public Utilities. Nays Adopted by the Council......._ ,?-^...-....192 In favorproved.-.-.--. ; _ = 92..--- --------------------------- .-._................... ...._--P P...__...-..-.-_....... _.t2..._...Agamst rwwron CITY OF ST. PAUL Fou"cIL NO.._..�'l'�" - FILE """"'""""' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.. ...... ......................_.__...._...._..__._...._. DATE....._.._....._.._.._....._......_.__..................__...._.._........... ILve17That the Board of Water Commissioners is herat' authorized to pay to Dr. W. W. Christian, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of One Hundred Fifty-eight Dollars ($158.00) for professional services rendered to employes of the Water Department, injured in the course of their employment, viz: Ed Nesson, injured Nov. 29, 1921, ($139.00) J. H. Pease, injured May 16, 1922 ($19.00). Ed--NeS.0h. t ured Nov. 29, 1923; (5139.00): J. H0) injured May 19, 1922; (;10.00): . . Adopted by tha$oupcll Sept, 2a, 1922! ADDroved Sept.,.28. 1922. (Sept, 30-1922) I recommend the above resolution ,passage. Commtr of Public Utilities. Councilmen Yeas Nays Clae6' Adopted by the Council..... _,". 1.._:`;_c -_,:;-i.^.--.-.._-192.__. Fertwon � � Mcl).41d favor Approved ......_ _ ' ..-.....-.- .. -------- -------- 192---- _...An �e,, Mass�n I pew %......Against rnwroa weuzel Mr. Pi4esident CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EOMMISS101 oG�^wE�'That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Anthony Sullivan providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of the injuries re- ceived by him while in the employ of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, on the 26th day of August, 1922; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in a000rdanoe with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to the said Anthony Sullivan, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Forty-eight Dollars ($48.00) in partial settlement of his claim against said Board for the period up to September 16th, 1922. I a„ F. No, 12026—By J. 11 McDonald— Repolved, That the Proper city oar-, I recommend the passage of the cera are... hereby authorized to Doter; into anagmement w1th•.Anthony 'Sul- above resolution. llvau-provldln6 tar the Payment of compensationota hlmat ..blo, the rate -;Of if $10.00 pper week' during such time Be ' he the l'be totally dieablod by reason' t, the 1nturlee received by h,mwhtla In the emptoy of the Board of Water i Commisat Hera of the pity of SL PauL on -the 26th day of August, 1922: be•it Furth§er. Resolved, That In accord `ana. ,;th''safd agreement, the Board Comm Of PI1b110 Utilities. ;oY'}YaterCommiss.oaera'le herebyau-' :the "91' 'to out of �th. Water Il ;e ,",nl 'Fund the sum of Rortyeel- Dollure . ti48.d0) 1n.partl 1 settlement of his claim aBaln04 aid Board for the period uD; to Sent. 16 hit 'Adopted by th Coancfl Sept. 28, 1988. 1 Approved SO t. 28 1922: _ (Sept 20-1922) Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clspby� Adopted by the Councii.SEY...:' 0!22.-.....-._.._..._._-19_.._ ergdson F McDWnald ploved .........---'-�G+_' ia12Z------._..---19_....... � _.......In favor Mahon S94h Against Morrow Wdfizel . Mr.dresident !aa , ab e•10 Fie No. --...._412.._._ couNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL radI NOA202,G___ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT -ED BY ;.D .......... ............ ... T ..................... ............... COMMISSIONER... .......... .. ........... . .. ............. . RESOLV That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John Johnson for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of'St- Paul, on the 18th day of August, 1922; be . it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water -Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to the said John Johnson, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Fifty-four Dollars (054.00) in partial settlement of his claim against said Board for the period up to September 8th, 1922. Out of the -',Water' Do' "rt " ' Fund, th-Your settlement ofhis cl.l- against a_- 1 ' -..rd Por the r.d u- to_th Adopted bI aun" 1922. 21, pr.v... .4.112. I. Yes(-/) Councilmen ( V) Nays C1.4y Ferg�.'. McDow6d ...In favor M.(.n S41t _Against W4. I, �16 Mr. Zesident Adopted by the Council 19_---._ Zproved..._....__.__ I recommend the above resolution for assage. C. F.No. 42026-11Y JH. McDonald— Resolved,That Chaprober city if, are. hereby t. .atcri to anfat,a...I Job. Johnson for -the f compensation tO,, p.ynt , *1 11 It Eighteen ;Do are dclong time as CommIr of Public Utilities. (h$1Mj8Q&Qt) pthee wre"elc such b, '�hall be totally disa led treason of Injuries- received bY'hlm while In 'the Of the Board of Water 'employ t, ... ra . a I . f City of ,� Pau .2.. belt 1 OnAhe I ay of August: -:1922 rthcrr�td ca.1-0. That jp aeoad. Out of the -',Water' Do' "rt " ' Fund, th-Your settlement ofhis cl.l- against a_- 1 ' -..rd Por the r.d u- to_th Adopted bI aun" 1922. 21, pr.v... .4.112. I. Yes(-/) Councilmen ( V) Nays C1.4y Ferg�.'. McDow6d ...In favor M.(.n S41t _Against W4. I, �16 Mr. Zesident Adopted by the Council 19_---._ Zproved..._....__.__ F ""' NO. `t CITY OF ST. PAUL " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - r �NCIL E _ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER... �^-.' —O RESOL That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to R. A. Cook, an employe of the Board of Water Commissionersof the City of St. Paul, injured June 21st,. 1922, -"in the course of his employment, the sum of.Fifty-four Dollars ($54:00) out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Boaad for the period up to September 19th, 1922. I recommend the above resolution passage. Commlr of Public Utilities. Board tor'. tee;DOrlee up.'co 1922. ... Adopted by the Council8ept. 28, 1822. Approved Sept. 28, 1922. (Sept. 90=1922) h Yes( J) Councilmen ( d) Nays Clancy Fergv,6.' McDade d..... In favor MS®teK� Wem�7 C" M. I' ,6id.nt Adopted by the Council _.._...1F `_3.._'.5.22..._......___ 19__ Appved_ ��� CITY of ST. PAUL .._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Reeoty-- -T6at tie �' 9MCDonald _ cerarare hereba Dr Der city etti_;d authorized to pay. to RESOLVE hat the proper x- lSthor(zedao pay to P P Dr: itj jp MOMetteen out_of -oho Water' 1 D. pit is ($5 60) the sum o[ _ Flve- Donate tisoo>71. fuu':settlement or'. 'lent Fund, the Bum of Dr. N. G. Mortensen, hlepFlaim ago not the".Boar of water vomWa- Onere for-profe.rd'1 ah aer-" . Lcee reodered fo Ray .Burch, an em Fine Dopers ($5. Dtoye o[ Bald -Board, injured qug. 6th, s claim against the DO be ft.,n tho caurea of hlg-emDtoymonh; F Further Repolved; -Tbe 'the props.;. Board of Water Comm, f&ty office s a e -hereby. author.eed to services rendered to y to said Dr -N G. MoFtenean, out- -CA--, ater Davartme Ray Burch, an employe of saisidi3ed'August 5th, 1922, in the course of his employment; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Dr. N. G. Mortensen, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Eleven Dollars ($11.00) for professional services rendered to G. A. Roden, an employe of said Board, injured May 23, 1922, in the course of his employment; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Dr. N. G. Mortensen, out of the Water Department... Fund, the sum. of Six Dollars ($6.00) in full settlement of his claim ag ainst the Board of Water Commissioners for professional services rendered to Thomas J. Frain, an employe of said Board, injured September 8,"1922, in the Course of his employment. I recommend the above resolution for passage. \ -t/ Comm'r of Public IItilities. Yes 00 Councilmen' ( ✓) Nays ClMar- Adopted 6q the Council.... --- S !.—?_s'2.2 _.......... Fergtsca- CF_ _P `>z <, n 192-2 In favor Ap oved-_..__.__..................__._..__._.__.........__ 19..... M,O/ ..Against W,li- YOa �Ge rti�el Mt!President 6 \ e,UMe NO.-_......� �,. CITY OF ST. PAUL r��a SOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p /- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By DATE COMMISSIONER __........ ::._.... _..... _............ _officers are hereby RESOLVE at the proper city authorized to pay to the Water Department Fund, the sum of Dr. J. S. Abbott, out of Seventy—five Dollaas ($75.00) in full settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners for professional ser8loes rendered to William Trowbridge, an employe of said Board, injured April 24th, 1922, in the course of his employment. P-- NO. 92029—BY J. H. MCDOnald— 'bora hl "by authtir�zed t;*' pay -ton Dr; J S: lbbl,"by out Qf 'Pt Water De- 1 recommend the above resolution pa.rtment Fund, [he'sum 'r' Seventy five^Dollars-..-,1E76.00) fn full a.ttiementl f passage. ot6la cialm.aguinet the Board or: Wa-. ter - Commiaeionere for pro[eealoasll aervie,, Tendered to W.id B0 ,Trow-, tirldge, an employe 2 sand Bonrd; re (lured ADrh 24th, 1822;1a the courea.'. jox' h.9 'emP'*Yment. ' - Adopted by the Council Sept. 20-..1922. ,Approved. Sept. 26 .1822. (Sept. 36-1922) CommIr of Public Utilities. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays C ancy Fe uson Mc nand -_- .....In favor Maa,!6 --.__.....__...Against nzel Mil-oresident Adopted by the Council...... �_ _;: ?.` .......-._._.19-.--- \r Appved_..._.._._._......._...._ _...._..�-- .----_........__ 19_ _.... No.- �gaHCn. _..._...._...;.��S.e�..� CITY OF ST. PAUL rye OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-�GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J, .. ........ DATE ......... ..................._.........._......... ............... ...... COMMISSIONER .. .. ......................................._... _. ........ RESOLVE at the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. C. Curry Bell, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Forty-three Dollars 043.00) in full settlement of his claim against said Board of Water Commissioners for professional services rendered to employee of said Board, viz: Frank Freshwater, injured June 23rd, 19226.00) Joseph Ft*ey, injured June 5th, 1922115.00) S. Zimmerman, injured August 1 00 Charles Stewart, injured February 20, 1922,($5.00). C. F. No. 42929—By J. IL McDonald— Resolved That, the DroDer city frl I'I core are horeby::authorized -to paY t6_4 Dr. C: -Curry 'Sell; ut of the Water Deparim ll Fund, tha in •F rte three' ---Dollars (i4S.ag i,n tali settle of of hlp claim;aSainat Bald Board .1 Water ice—re derera for protea lotiol, pe Ices -rendered t0 gmDloyea • f, enld Board Vli: - Frank F eehwatei•, [glared Juno 123rd, 1922 (;800).,- Joeeyh Foley, Irrfured Surta-bth. 7922. (i S.��Zlmmerman, 1n)urod A4Buet 11„' 1922-($17;092. I recommend, the above resolution -. Cpar ea tewart, Injured. February', ill 192�a (ib.0o), fo passage. .Adopted by the,Councll Sopt. 26, 1922y Approved Sept. 26, 1922. (Sept: -.39-1922) Comm'r of Public Utilities. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clde.'y Fe on MCDaft'.Id . .....In favor Main /.0 • ..._.......____Against W ``el Mr. -1 resident Adopted by the Council Ap loved- . . ... .... 19 6 =..6%......... MwYOa CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOUNCIL ILE NO._-------- L.'..'._ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to Dr. A. H. Ahrens, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Thirteen Dollars ($13.00) in full settlement of his claim against said Board for professional services rendered to C. 0. Gill, an employe of the Water Department, injured June 30th, 1922, in the course of his employment. Councilmen Yeas Ciw/ Ferg>�un McD/eld Matin P� w zel Mr esident Nays ?....-..-In favor --- --------- I recommend the passage of the resolution. Comm'r of Public Utilities. Adopted by the Council.. ------------192------ �n _:-��� 2_... ............ .. OR kr CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO..-.._..`3.:,1..Yikrd - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / ) COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED >LYIW That the Board of. Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Edward I. Brown, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Thirty-six Dollars ($36.00) in full settlement of his claim against said Board for professional services rendered to employee of said Board, injured in the course of their employment, viz: R. A. Cook, injured April 14th, 1922 ($25.00) Herbert Kuhn, injured June 24, 1922 ($11.00). Councilmen Yeas l Ca/y ty McDf�uld Mson Por W zel Md resident I recommend the above resolution fassage. a Comm'r of Public Utilities. Nuys Adopted by the Council192._... proved-..--- -----.192--- �.._....--.In favor •ten ,,, •, - -- --- - -- ............ -...._..ABainst moron CITY OF ST. PAUL coUNCIL No _4 �' 3 FILE ----------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _-1 vEZ�"Thab the Board of water Commissioners is hereby authorized to `x pay to Dr. A. H. Pedersen, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Forty-three Dollars ($43.00) in full settlement of his claim against said Board for professional services rendered to Peter Wyland, an employe of said Board, injured July 8th, 1922, in the course of his employment. Councilmen Yens � CR(ncy Nays Fer spry McDona __...._In favor Pet .... ... Against w�l __e Mr. P sident I recommend the above resolution r passage. Comm'r of Public Utilities. Adopted by the Council.__ ..o -s.:;.., . a ---- _.--- 192...._. PProved......... ............... ........... -----.192._... -2----- J - CITY OF ST. PAUL _..-"'g--r'---- council NO.FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ,8Y AAlg�rT,hat the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to pay to the Diagnostio X -Ray Laboratory, 435 Lowry Building, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) out of the Water Department find, for servioes rendered to Peter Wyland, an employe of said Board, injured July S, 1922, in the oourse of his employment. Nays Adopted by the Council` -.1__`':._ _� ..__. ........ In favor 1 ..... ----....--Against MAYOR I reoommend the above resolution C F.No.;42094=8y-it:r1 MoDopBld sl, for passage. Fleaolved That tti6 Board of Vater Commidsfonera be. and It_1¢-8ereby au.=l thoriud'4 to' th ' Uiagnoetiu.. Councilmen pay„ R Bpy laboratory, 49 Lowry. Buitd- Ing' the; sum -of Ton `Dollars 010:00) out' of,the'Water Dadeparttnent-Fu.-.' �� CIM ey t r services rendered oto" Peter R'y,and, an-'emDloY6 of said:: Board, -3n)ureil July Q, 1822 In'the course .oP hiu`em-" Gomm t T of Publ io Utilities . ,Xy meat.' Adopted'by the 'CU» IcIl Bopt 26, 1922.! Mc nald Approved Sept 26, 1922 t8ept SO -1922) l tsson P.r Nays Adopted by the Council` -.1__`':._ _� ..__. ........ In favor 1 ..... ----....--Against MAYOR \\V U \ Councilmen Yeas �� CIM ey Fergus u Mc nald tsson P.r Wel Mr. P esident Nays Adopted by the Council` -.1__`':._ _� ..__. ........ In favor 1 ..... ----....--Against MAYOR COUNCIL '. • I I..E< �' CITY OF ST. PAUL vltE NO.........'.-"" .-------.._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER......_................................._..___.:............. ....._.._....... ...__.._..._.._._.................._....._._._._... DATE...._...._..._.__.......__....... LYW That the Board of Water. Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to Dr. F. J. Mitohell, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Twenty—four Dollars 024.00) in full settlement of his claim against said Board for professional services rendered to William Classen, an employe of the Water Department, injured June 6th, 1922, in the course of his employment. I recommend the above resolution fo assage. Com'r of ltrPublic Utilities. -cJ Councilmen yeas Nays CI Adopted by the meiln192 y M Fer ---- M.D'41d In favor roved. .... ... ;-. ' 1912----- Mat�af A$fllnSt ✓/--------- - --- - ---MAY--OR - ------ w%l Mr. P ewdent 1-�Fyla CITY OF ST. PAUL vcou aceu' No......_..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FRESENTED�BY .vThat the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to P&I to Dr. W. S. Fullerton, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in full settlement of his claim against said Board for professional services rendered to James Friel, an employe of said Board, injured March 24, 1921, in the course -of his employment. I,reeommend the above resolution fo gs,ssage. nt tw of P111h1in Utilities. Councilmen Yeas Cimey, Fer McD�e t�nld Ma� Pet Zael P sident Nays n Adopted by the Council -S -'_P. e - -�i}t't...-------192..._. In favor A roved- 192- �...- Against r '-'-?C,a CITY OF ST. PAUL couecR. rae NO.--..- - ----- . -....-...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV - ' CoO,•1•F6...._........._....---..-..-......................................................._._...__._.._..._..._.._..........-_.._. DATE......_.. _._......._---------:.__.... D That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. G. D. Brand, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) in full settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners for professional services rendered to employes of the Water Department, injured in the course of their employment, viz: Otto Winklesky, injured March 24, 1922 5.00) J. W. Stockton, t' March 27, 1922 15.00) M. J. Darst, " August 11, 1922 5.00) A. Mollenkamp, 11August 9, 1922 5.00). Councilmen YeasNays Cl� Ferk6`on McD ald __.....In favor Matsei 111111 Pet il ....Against wql / Mr. �j e.iaent I recommend the above resolution qr passage. Commtr of Public Utilities. SIP Adopted by the Council .............. ------- ----------.---.192...... 192. ----------- PProved----" ---------------- - - -.. ...---- MAYOR C UNcILC CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ COMMISSIONER... ... ...._. ............ .. ...: ......._ .DA E.........-.................................. ............... .-.... RESOL4 Sha the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Peter Wyland, an employe of the Board of Water Commission shin ured July 8th, 1922, in the course of his employment, the sum of Z rty'- 'CVr7" '32 t btu elight Dollars 04*:90) out of the Water Department Fund, -in partial settlement of his claim against said Board for the period up to September 16th, 1922. 2 recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Public Utilities. Yes( ✓) Counei n ( V) Neys Clancy Fet/L n Adopted by the - —y McDd / ...._In favor Appr ed..._ Maw _V Against _ -,_— Weit pf r.ron Mr. PPteesident `' roar aM 5 -so OeiOeUL TO CITY OP eS. PDL aT ogee OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER DDD=Drr. 4���c�y zo>mAA46,1M7-71 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P=m NO._......... ...... SEP 2 61922 6Y yp Res. 547 lP - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, t the aggregate amount of $., 850.64g - ----.....------ . . covenn checks numbered. _ 7224 to. _ 7230 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yeas ( d ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Dy, Adopted by the Council SEP � � ............... 192 Fe4 on, In favor MSmciDt O , d,! P� r/ov�e/ d 7 �7 '_�_ i�o i� ...'_. .�... .. 192P Matso Peter O...Against.46✓ ..We z .._..-.-...� ... ntAYoa Mr. Presi nt, Hedg m Nelson lResolved that warrants be - drawai upon the',Clt>, '.Creasury to th, da 4'pri gate i86t0.64, covering checks aumbaredf 7224. to:7220 facia_' sive, asper register, of city checks .on file In the otrice D2 the Clty Comp- troller. Appro by the Copacii Sept. 26; 197x,. Approved Sept: 26, 1922. :.(October 7-1922); 7224 Callaghan & Co., 188.00 Corp. Counsel 7225 Peter Dickson 242.60 L-1497 7226 Lewis Park Grocery Co., 23.48 Park-Ref. 7227 Minnesota Polish Investment Co., 26.00 Non-Assessable Impr. 7228 The Speakes Company 184.80 Wat or 7229 A. L. Tru&eau, Jr. 7.96 Park-Ref. 7230 The Zimmer Furniture Company 178.80 School 0 r- 420139 No. ........................... my 11. 311 IV". I.'. AUDI,.._ -SEP 2 6 19.22 ............. ........ 192 P Res. 547 �/:z -V Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount F $ 860..64 ..................... . covering checks numbered...._...! 22,4..to,_...__7230 inclusive, as per (register of city checks on Me in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen V ) Nays. ci.4�" Adopted by the Council SIF ........... Fer;;ZVn, In favor - .... ...... 1% McD. Approved S . E P 2 . P) . 922 Ma ,M Peter W el. v. -Against Mr. Preside .HbdB%nr Nelson --- iC. 42639--, - I Reablved that w.,jinY Is be drawn'; I ; vn 'upon the Cit , Ioun Treajury t ofell to the aggro Kate &P - ecks -U.b�d j224;jj, too' 4 ' -vering lnel I SiVO, 89 Per refieter of e - 723 30 Ity cheekl a -file Jn the off cl, of the Crty Comp; stroller. Addited by the Council Sept. 26, 1922. 14 Approved, Sept, 26, 4922. ASOPt. -0-1922) COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL PILO NO...... _._�$.,J•�.;.'."y. V. _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .~'.—�...._....._........_ ................_...._......... ............._......_-.........._._ DATE.-... _.._.._............. ............,-....--......... h�1at tie Purchc_sinG il;ertt be, and he is hereby authorized to pu_-chL_se, with thehc consent of the Collr_.JtP011er, repair parts for b'enturi i._eter Tube, at r. total cost not to c,:ceed ,.ithout L-slAnc fo_ comy,otitive bids, :.s tl,eoe ..re p,; -tented articlas and no adVar.taL;e co,.,le_ be gained thereby. ChLr,�;e 7later Departr.:ent 2ur:u. ff Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clakey B Fer on /1 McD ald -- In favor M �_.A�ainst We,I Mr. l*sident F011M 1500 10.21 Adopted by the CounciL.;>F:- Approved--...-:'%.�.. 2.`}>_�:2------_.---192---' COUNCIL Cr T � 'CITY OF ST. PAUL rac No...-_.._......it..��'iT... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE Y B PRESENTED fid COMMISTED By _ .. ................... .... Spp :I tggb2T...- 91i RESOLVED That the Council hereby co±.curs in the recoi:z,:iendatio., of the Cont -,:act Coi:nnittee c_nd rejects bids received for gradinU :;nd improve...e±,t of Oyforci St. from Lafond St. to University five., • ::.s bids received ✓ere in excess of the �±.Gineer's Estimate. r'. -„4513. rrelii-ainc:ry Greer 7, 6736. 42a41=BY W J Deter-- Reeolvod, Thetz the Council hereby. concurs In the recommendation . Contract CommltteQ sena"itn)rovemeitf� recefved'ra' gredtn6= pp 'ot:0afor8 6t. nig blda�recmleat mere u"j ve gre,ItY-,.Ave., g cBsNot 4fi38 PrellmnarY-'Order�Noa 46136:".. ' ,Adopted by the--Counetl SoDf 88 -1922: ADDroved B(SeeDt.;29 1982. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Fern M n�ald In favor MaEt�on .......Against Mr , esident IO.M -o 10- I t Adopted by the Council...... _JL4.. s.°?..::a6 ... 192---- -- _Jl:-�.'. 192- pproved-. - -- - - MAYOR PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONEN...... .... RESOLVED Y conNCIL 2042 CITY OF ST. PAUL raa NO.----- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO�IIVCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Sept. 26, 1822. � p ....:....... ....:... .DATE.......... -........... ....................:.............. In the matter of oonstruoting a sewer on Griggs Street from Portland Avenue to a point 285 feet south of the south line of Portland Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40985, approved July 27, 1922, and Final Order C. F.441878, approved September 20, 1922. Resolved, That the plans, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F No: 49042—Bg W: J Peter— - 1. ;the mattor I of Co etructag a 'v:-er n ¢rlgus, BL from Portland.Avenue,1. to a Doint 286 feet eoutli. or iho;south' Itne or Portland Ave., under,Prellm-1 lhh Order C F No.69986 aDtlro, '.ed July 97« 18 p and F1na1 Order, C.I ,1 ��,wpa F. Nb 41979;_a proved BaDt. 20 '1998 d2eaolved.�Tha[ a Dlan0.::'.sDeoldeatlone and estimated puaa(lfles as, eubmlttedltiy •. �,b' the, mmtsaloner of Public Works the ;above -.i improvement. be'and� �'•. the aema a;e hereby. a17D. ved 1�} 6? A$otlledby',tbo CounBoRt 28 •1989 C,-\ )rDtlrPFedfiapi ,:26'1898: t,�P: p O` (E3aDt. ab 1922> � ��0 Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clggey Mc now A In favor M feel S" W el Mr. P. sident Adopted by the Council ._..___.. Approved .._ _.._.. MAYO. CITY OF ST. PAUL `n`�NO__4? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COU L RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM `PRESENTED BY j/_:'- ..... ............ DATE ...._Sept....26.a...1922. - COMMISSIONER...... "cam../... :.......��..✓ ....... RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Greenwood Avenue from Winifred Street to 60 feet North of Robie Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. $40522, approved dune 28, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #41666, approved September 7, 1922. Resolved, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ' Yea (✓) Councilmen U) Nays Cla� Fergtt� McD d _.._.�_In favor Mq(�n el Mr.�aideot I Adopted by the Council SEP 26 1922 ____- SEP T3 Approved-_..__ .. • rwro+ CITY OF ST. PAULn° a No.-.. (' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM fl PRESENTED BY (/ nA �� ,} se t 26 .1925. COMMISSIONER...... .......moi J •• .. `i`...S .... ........... _ DATE.... p ......... �. .._... • . ''RESOLVED - In the matter of oonstruoting a sanitary sewer on Seheffer Street from Hamlin Avenue to a point 25 feet West of Syndioata Avenue and from a point 25 feet East of Syndioate Avenue to Griggs Street, and temporary sewer on Hemline Ave. from Sohefier at. to Bayard Ave. and'on Griggs Street from Soheffer at. to Bayard Ave., all storm water to be esoluded from these sewers under Praliminary Order C. F. #40451, approved June E6, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #41662, approved September 7, 1922. Resolved, That the plane, speoifioations and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio works for the above named improvement-, be and the same are hereby approved__., {S w c>` q 'C" �✓' r 6 _� Gq ted by"' the comm tttt Wnrhe-tor the' atwve nathed„Imoroveu j went t•e and lha salad ase heraDY ap 1 prove 4 Adoptgd b3'the Council 6eDt• 88 3988 Approved Sept 3988 Yes( if)) Councilmen 00 Nays ($eat. aQQ x@s>? _ - -----^ Clea y Adopted by the Council SEP `Z(i Feeg�usa�n ' MofMald SEP 26 1922 _....._In favor Approved_.._.- _---.........._.Against Aron W el M resident Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT +� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. y Council File No...............i 2 rs.......... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a Setter on Charles Street from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue -------------------------------------------------------------- ------ - _...-------------------------.._.....------ - ....... ' ....._.... _-------- Dated this -------- 6th ----day of_ .._ -.-.-_..-Septembers 1922 Y+t ---------- - -- - -- - ---- ------ - - ----- -- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer on Charles Street from Fairview Avenue ----------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -- ------------- ----- ----------------------------------------- ------------- -to 1?rior-Avenua. - c s xo. caoa6 — • . ---- - - - -- ------------------------------------------------- - :< Abstract "" Wbsteas, A mtit[ea. ProPPbal tbt Y}/a- -- -- ---------- - --- -- -- --------------- having - - --- having been presented to the Council of tl Of -the le� or tRbe Com,nisel� be +t,;_.:..-.. --- --- _ . Yubltc' Works be' and " f,_C' - T therefore, be it ,gereaT RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works ue and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ---------------_.-..--------....... YEAS NAYS Councilman CLA4 FER77.11 Me MCIP16ALD PEvrt WE�L MR. PRESII S ' Form C A 13 (3M 622) Approved - ------ ----- --- -�-- :.._............ .... ------- ------ ......................................... .. .................................Y .--....--- Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 42046 Council File No ... ----- ....:....:..... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _.................... Conitruot.-_a---eis-_foot_.oement-.-t le---MidQWQ-X--QA---the....X-Or.th-------------- --- side of Breda Street from Arona Avenue to Pasoal_-Avenue,-except-----.- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- -------- - where---good---and--sufficient---Sidewalks--now.-exi8t...---------------------------.--- _-------- - - ------------ - ------------------------ ---_ -__----- ---------------- ------------------------- - ...--- -- ------ P�th---da September, 1922_------- l9 Dated this..... - Y of -.....- - p..... J r / Councilman. r, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construot a six foot oement__tile_--sidewalk.-on--the_-:North-----_..._.-.._ --------------------------------------------------------------- Ride of Breda Street from Arona Avenue to Pasoal Avenue. except _ - ----------------------------------...............-------------------------------- .....------------------------- ---- ----- -- �He�e —a send anffioient Ba anvgljro nnm,.oTjyt-. ;.`�.1------------ - having been presented to the Council of the City'%jaewalku oo the 811c 'rent nta i e -tile, � St. rrom Arona Avo.- to PnncaI .Ave., L'. therefore, be it axoent whara good attd sutti°lebt ptde-, wnntn now sextet havlas' beea'. ems; and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pulp`," fe r -Un glt p; the cltr ust. cement. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirit� ae c°l+ le fking ire, o„ 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ `—P_2==--•1rU..................... ---------------------- YEAS -------- - ....-..YEAS NAYS Councilman CL cY S A roved n of, 1y"i ' EP t,�' MA�dir ,T /1 McDo�Ln � ��,/'/ PE gEr '�... MPan-I � �j i\ Mayor. ,TM TRTTM V J C/ Fon° C A 13 OM 6-2 ) Petition Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ---------------------- I ............ 0.0nalmat—a six -fo.o.t aemat td.3.6 aidewa,11C-on- -the------...-------------- --------------------- we -at ... 8:1. de --of-OxforA-5-treje-t from Orohard- Stree-t- to ... Mor-thern --- --- ---------------- ---- 2.1ka1fin Right of Way - ------------------ -- ------------------------- - -- -- ------------- -- --- --------------- -- - Dated this 96111 day of .............. 081PUMIOX 922 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --------------------------------- ao=-trao.t a ---ax-fov-t ovatent ---- ti2o --- aiuwalX on-- VUe --we-at ... side of Oxford Street from Orchard Street to Northern ---------------------- ------------ ---------- .............................. ... . .......... ............ ....... ... ..................... ........... --------------------- --------- FAcifio Right of Wlayo -------------------------------------------------- - ------------------ C. F. N.: 412647 Abetrnct----------------------- --------------- ------------------------------ j . Wten4s. A, Written V"o on for -the ----- --- --- --- -- --- ----- --- -- -------- ----- - making of the following Improvement having been presented to the Council ol'i construct ti Six foot cement tile Side. -- -------- * ------ --- -- Walk oft the went Side of',Qxford Strodf therefore, be it from ,orchard ,6L to,-Northem�ft.lfl. Right of�Nvay. havtng be.. pr..t.tea RESOLVED, That the Commissid tt& the,CeqncilI, of the lcktx'olStv"p- .;by ordered and directed: herefor, i Rear`. ' 'I�et" the Comr 1. To investigate the necessity for, air ind',hW--,iialbg of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------------------_...0 P..� tD..; C YEAS ouncil----------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CL� CY, FE soN XlApd� 0 Mcb-,-Ll) PETgjt, WEN gpc MR. PRESIDEN Form C A 12 (3M 622) Approved---- SEP 2'�, �,U -------------------- --- i A ---- --------- vll-� a,_� ................ ................... .r .............................. ................ KWLTSHED Mayor. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No4' �4 ....................... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the North and -------.................... ---------...-------------------- - ---------------- ------- Sauth..sides_-0i--Sigel---BtrBH t.r..-bs.twaen..Atlantia.-S.tres-t---and...the..wes-t------ line of Johnson Parkway, also on the north side of E. Third Street --- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------- ------ - - - - .............. - -- -------- from Atlantic S.tree.t--.east--_to._Clarence---Street. -- ---------------- - ----- - ------- Dated this ....26th day of September, 192E n . ------------------- - 4 I a S. No. t$Oa8 Councilman. west Iin'e'-8f Johnson" Park Way. �itDER. on the ortth side of E. Thlra :froth Atlaptic 8t east' to Cla" . 4°Bp p-sented sof the following improvement, viz.: WHEREAS, A written �i:2�1138 Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the North and ----------------- south south. --sides of Sigel Street. between Atlantic Street and the west -------------------------- -------------- ------------ ------------------------ .------------- an -- --------- _ n-. - Ride. --of B*-- Third...Stre.9.t. -x4mstl..lint.iv..txeQt-®ast__tQ-.-C]ena.�...�treet.,.- --- ----------------------------------------- ... - havine been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_ .................. .--- _------------------------------------- .---------- ----- ----...- t_herefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 24 Adoptedby the Council ------------------------------------ .__...-- ---------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLANCY FEx Approved -------.y22 MC o/I.7 MC)YO LD U wL/ -------------------- -..... -------- ..........................-................ M . PRESIP-I T PUBLISHM, / & d -,=V Mayor. Form C A 12 (3M 2) �'��� Petition Council File No...-_.......: PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT .'qe and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a temporary sewer on Fry St. from a point 170 -- -------- ---- - - ....................................------- - -- ... eQ.t...x�cxth_A�..�aearghall Axa.•. tQ a..poiu 6... e._tmore __-.Southerly_line--_oP...the ... Chioago,---1 Ddfkukee.-and_-St-._.Paul_Ry..-R-,-.-.o3--W.-. thenos westerly and parallel to said right of way line to the ---------- -termintig 6f --the- existing (fewer an -Iglehart ave:.. Dated this....- gA. .... day of C F. N 42@43— ----- -------- - - -------- Ab.tmet - 1 Councilman. Whergge A wr1Et n Droyoeal ror ;the�l,' - sago 'Mttwauke ;dud gt P�ui R _ IMINARY ORDER. rughCo[. way ,thence weeterl the ter InoPa)A zl�ht of Qa-l�lmakin of the following improvement, viz.: WHERE 4� , z propos3 g g P ,,.. Construc"at a temporary sewer on Fry 9t. from a point 170 ............feet north 0 rzsmlx.Ave: to a paing 5 feet, more or -less-, of the ----------- jBoutherly..lin1e.-.0-2 the----Cbic.agQ....A6ilael ukaa...and_St.--.Paul Railway Right of Way, thenoe westerly and aprallel to said right of way line to the -----------terminnevf-bba---existing surer--on-Igi-ehar t-ATe: --- ----------- . ... - having been presented -to the Council of the City of St. Paul ....... _---- _.___ --------- .--------------------- _.-....__.-------- ..------ ..-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council - - aF .. C?..!:'iL--------_----------_----- YEAS NA Councilman CL//////��C��Cyyyyyy SON M N AI �NALDO PE¢�ER WV6EL MR. RESID�IT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) 2�S!722 Approved..----- - .... --- - -..-. - ---- -- - -.... lqao� Mayor. PIIItI.rSxI� ��� i Council File No. 420'r 0 By........... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. ,In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Vandalia Street between Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway tracks and University Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including paving of alley and driveway approaches. afid constructing curbing where necessary. under Preliminary Order.._.3.32.9..0................. Intermediary Order .. /5109 __...... n ..........................� Final Order.3559$.. ............. approved July 2.91..._19.41 JL$X eATVMNG AssEseli"Ts. A public hearing having been had uP 1 F:`xo. 42o6,Q-Hy 7. 7yL Clancy— 'improvement, and said assess - •In the matter . o[ the ageeeemegt of ment having been further considered by tf benefits, coeteiand expenA, for pav-clered finally satisfactory, be it ing. vandallatrSt. between Chicago,! Mtlgaukee and, 8t. Paul TKIway' therefore tmek. and...IiNYerettY - AV— i,., ay meas, a�eo-anclgding•-r. to all ren ects ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assessmen o['alley and : drtveway'•,appr• P and' constructing curbing w?c same is herebyordered to be submitted to ary under; Preliminn-"ounty of Ramsey for confirmation. ''39a90 Int rz,-?dlary Orr,, Wlnal Or -" 4 .. ppro" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That ti ssesstnt e .,nf and it is hereby determined to be payable s. l__C.)_).._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ...... 19 c U` h - ��� ...._. L.. ............._..... .._....._..__." _ C,"ty�Cfez�c. Approved ............ 191 2 .,... ...�t t..- 'Mayor. / Form B. D. 18 PUBLIS=/ - l �� AA 20 )" `�;Qi '1.97 Council File No. - - ................. By ... 11.°_..._.r....._91anc.Y..._........_............... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits, costs and expenses for grading the alley in Block 7, Egbert G. Handy's Addition and miscellaneous tract lying East thereof and West of Wheeler Avenue, said alley extending from Fairview Avenue to Wheeler Avenue C ]3'.;Np 48061-8y 7 M. Clancy— In the matter of -the aeeeeemenf =ot benefits costs and asDDenees Lor 'gradlag goats, fn ]3locic 4 P7gbert U. H end,y8r under Preliminary Order...._ 21090 ........... � I Final Order.....23.21............_.._ . said arise* t�treby, In approved -Pet! 17,...._1419........ 74A ........... •36 ams . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been consider6d finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE I ,,URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .......... ............... _... J.... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEIP 2! Adopted by the Council _ _.......... y.—/19 __. ... .. .... _._. City Clerk. Approved....... _....... .._..._._....._. ...............................191......... � ._.._......._................. ..1 .................. _.... ......... ........... .__..... ...__..~.Mayor. Form B. B. IS 4N-2 -2 Council File No . ....... - ........... .......... By J,.M. Clanc................................... .... ... .................. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for �onstructing*a sewer on Benhill Road from a point E5 feet nor -ch of 4rescent Court to the terminus of the existing sewer on Ridgewood Avenue, opposite the west line of Lot 38 Block 7, Ridgewood Park Addition under Preliminary Order 3.554 Intermediary Order . ........ Final Order approved ............... --7-7 C No. 42052-13YJ. M C1..0 A public hearing having been had upon the a 1; F. matter at ths,aeeeaaMent b f, s,and. �nt and said assess ,pni` o, ment having been further considered by the Counc 1 ii . . .on BefihJW Rest, ally satisfactory, be it from.& point 84 feet north of Cre!J cent Court to theterminus at ti-, therefore on, Rid 4Lnooa'Aver RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and ratified, and the so, & WIM-61- same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District C0U,.',,t,'..nd 8.14 "*p08M1JJ4rqAey for confirmation. BE FURTHER RESOLVED, TIfte said assessment be aifti Qt o heyAy determined to be payable in._............_......-r,'!��..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..............._......._._.191 Clerk. ............... C ...................... - -27 Approved....... . .. ........ ..... ........... ........... 19 1- 0 ............ - . ...... . ........................... Form B. B. 13 Council File No. .................................... `S .y i, By.._J.......A?_j�..__C1anc.y_..... ..__......_....... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing relaying and repairing Cement sidewalks Estimate No. 4 under Cc:�6raat. 326+ C', Season of 1921 C. 39: No. 62063 -BY T. M C1ancY= --Assessable-- In the matter'ot the-aie1ancY t 6tr�aCfttje9eta a-""Ponsea for, Cement g'- relalk. and rOPalring. aldewalka =Hstimate- No {; F. 0. 34565 Chatsworth St., west sine, from ,,, r Cont, t a23a c Bea,aa art' F. 0. 32321 Syndicate Ave., east side, begun Blair St. thence south to Thomas St. a1 Aa.e.-■bte, aide, beginning 320.5 ft . east of Syhcd iiem Aurlova9Avetw Fritter sCest side• to g O 3381. S .Idlcato' Ave east sldo, Griggs St. heato mc.,So th, Beat south 07 Blair St;: F. 0. 35593 Capitol Ave., south side, from L�Bmi ic° °uch�eldeasagtSE and o3 F. 0. 33366 Lexington Ave., east side, from t ce Grlg askto-% Avenuo thegce Ave. F. 0. 36656 Como Ave. West, north side, begiftOr t D o;a BL°Ldtooi Ave g�uth thence " east 200 ft • 1r 0. 33360 bexingion Ave eas Itom Seminary St t' Hewitt A F. 0- 34300 Atlantis St., both sides, from £a e o.�6s6s Como Atonjvebleat ',,al Ave. F. 0;. j 160 Taylor south side be inns g,200-1 at g. "' ghenoe east J5 y Ave., a g �hF 082 300 Atiantla -Bt - b6t," pp 165 ft. ti oat Bnettlag"Ave. to Pascal 3 SJS F• O 36130 Taylor Ave., s . F. 0- 4 Holton Ave., east side, from Ca]heglnning;at.Asbury Ave, t, ft' Ave. F. 0. 35911 Holton Ave., both sides, from G'IBFtii°34V1 �a p tracks to Capitol Ave. F• 0. 35556 Pascal Ave:, east side, beginning 26 ft. north of Minn.ehaha St. thence north 24 ft. F. 0. 34393JHerschel Ave., both sides, from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave.43 F. 0. 25056 Herschel Ave., both sides, from Marshall Ave. to Selby Ave.(4 ft F-7733755 Snelling Ave., west side beginning 106 ft. south of St. Clair St. thence south 6 ft.i 4pelling Ave., west side, beginning at Stanford Ave. thence north 30 ft-, Snelling Ave., west side, beginning at Stanford Ave. thence south 40 ft., Snelling Ave., west side, beginning at Wellesley Ave.)�t��hence north 20 ft. F. 0. 34263 Wellesley Ave.t north side, beginning r3_60_4 -ft. east of Macalester Ave. thence to Snelling Ave., Wellesley Ave., south side, beginning 90.40 ft. east of Macalester Ave. thence to Snelling Ave. F. 0. 34263 Wellesley Ave., south side, beginning 93 ft. west of Macalester Ave. thence west to alley F. 0. 34262 Stanford Ave., north side, beginning 254.4 ft. east of Macalester Ave. thence east 100 ft., Stanford Ave., north side, beginning 114.6 ft. east of Fredericka Ave. thence east 6 ft., Stanford Ave., south side, beginning 29.5 ft- west of Snelling Ave. thence west 13.10 ft. beginning 393.5 ft- farther west thence west 10 ft., Stanford Ave., south side, beginning 195.10 ft. east of Fredericka Ave. thence east 16 ft., Stanford Ave., south side, beginning 56 ft. east of Underwood Ave. thence east 31 ft-, Macalester Ave., east side, beginning at Jefferson Ave. thence north 70 ft., Macalester Ave., west, side, beginning at Wellesley Ave. thence, south to Jefferson Ave. F- 0. 35643 St. Clair St., south side from Cleveland Ave. to Fairview Ave. F. 0. 35556 Wellesley Ave., both sides, from Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth Ave. -- Non Assessable-- xK F- 0. 34565 Chatsworth St., west side, from Aurora Ade. to Fuller St. F. 0. 32321 Syndicate Ave., east side, beginning 124 ft. south of Blair St. thence south to Thomas St. F-,0. 36656 Como Ave. West, north side, beginning at Snelling Ave. thence east 200 ft. F. 0. 34300 Atlantis St., both sides, from Snelling Ave. to Pascal Ave. F. 0. 359111 Holton Ave., both sides, from Gt. 'Tor. Ry. tracks to Capitol Ave F. 0. 34393 -Herschel Ave., both sides, from 1da.rehall Ave. to IZlehart Ave. F. 0. 25066 Herschel Ave., both sides, from Marshall Ave. to Selby Ave{ F. 0. 3 643 St. Clair St., south side, from Cleveland Ave. to Fairview Ave. F. 0. 3263 Wellesley Ave., south side, beginning 90.4 ft. east of Macalester Ave. thence east to Snelling Ave. under Preliminary Order. ......... ........................ Intermediary Order .._. _ _.....__................ . _, Final Order_._._ ..... .......................... ._. approved.....- _ __. _.:-z= ....._.....191 ............. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in......L3 t, .(_.3....1.._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ,.r. Adopted by the Council .........:......:`............'._....._....... m j Approved ...._.... 191......... t k germ B. B. to 19 ... .... ..___.. .......... -. �.-..__....L �.-........_ Ci�ty �ieik.._ ,r.. r, 1....._. : ' .... .... Mayor. 5 -a s C. F. Ordinance An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840 entitled `'" An Ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open and establ districts for said purposes, spaces 42064—Ordi......No. 6891— approved Julywenzel— An ordlnan 9 amending ordinance No. 6640.entitled Aa ordinance. for th.' Paul does ordain The Co purpoee of promoting the publlc hoalth,' safety, ;order, _convenience, . prosperityfor. and g'beeneral welfare by plationnand. reetriclpm of tthe�lora- tion t tradoeand IndueQrles and of buildiage used Soy human. habitation That Sec haigbtraadebulk of buildingad Alterations in District after erected or altered; and-rer bines of said ordi mag mad determining`th. ml _t>ved July 7th, 1922 be and alae of, lot line co We ands ' li the same is hereby -..._:,Cee yno-..dTbll.mng,• ing out the words Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds &1i�n.,r''1ab_,f%,e::.,Lldings " in said section and inserting in place thereof the words " Corvnissioner of Finance." Section II. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yes( ) ;--i.�ouncilmen ( ) Nays vFe�� gus n -McDonald ✓'Matson �in favor —Peter 11.�Il RQ -S N E L S 0 against Adopted by the Council OCT 1_2 522 1922 A ppr d OCT 12 1522 1922 or. r E � � ��n, � � �.� l ���� • 0 No.:...._ ....... ,p 1g r5... . r5 i ooaxotL .1 0 �rrm f' r AUDITED.... SEP 2 7 1924 .......... .......... ... Rae. No"AM Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 4,.960 a40 ......:........ coverin checks numbered -__. to... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City +1p.41 7248.._ Comptroller. Yeas ( � ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. 61anc9, l� Adopted by the Council.......__...SE9...2'..!,i2�.............. m.......... —Ferguson, _.In favor SEP 7'y 1922 % arson, Approved -----------------------------..192....... Matson, Smith--�8�8r -'Wenzel. -- Against 9 Mr. QrwMent, Hodgson- No 1 son' C. Resolved that warrants, be drawn uponthe City Treaeun. to the: a66re agate :amount -1 54,060.40,' covering, checks ..numbered :7251 to XiW inclu- sive, asDer re Teter u1 city checks oa 'ale is uric onjce 01., the City Comp-. trWler. Adopted by..ihe Ceuncll Sept[ 27, 1925: LApproved Sept 1 27, 022. (October 1922. 4'l4' i avmN�= ra � - ax:r oe sx. e�ax. 11TY —1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER • • - oovsaxz ,g S eom,AA46,iati-2x AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORDI ==zz No . .� YS .. 2 7 1922 BY AUDITED... ............ ........ 192........ Res. No54� i PER .. ....... ... Resolv�d that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 4, 950.40 , covering checks numbired._1241 ._ ___ ...... to. _. _ 7246 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. SEP 2lartcy Adopted by the Council........................................................192........... Ferguson, --..._.....___... ^T •7CIn favor A McBeaald, vE-------- 192 . Matson, 5L:.-....AgainstWenzel. J Mr. Rf;gsident, N'nfl Mr Nelson MAYOR 7241 American Railway Express Co., _.................. .. 1b.35 Police 2.19 Health .71 Library 1.54 " 1.03 ^ .84 " .44 " 4.25 " 2.27 Playgrounds 2.08 1 .�5 7242 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Ry. 71.69 Street C. & R• 7243 J. M. Clancy, Com&r. Finance 3,866.25 Interest 2,696.25 Red. Bonds 600.00 P. I. R. -Int. 570.00 ® 3,866.25 7244 Murphy 'Transfer Co., 22.60 Health 2.60 Pant -Ref. 5.00 ^ 10.00 ^ 5.00 '2.60 7245 John A. Sandggist L-1470 7246 Frank 0. Wicker L-1520 I* 684.51 290.00 • I] rr�n 42056 No................... ............. SEP 2 ; 199-9 6T comrr- eo ...... ... AUDITED, ......... ....c.... .. .192 .... . Res.No. F)4I4 1 LPE ........................................................................... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $1, ib$a-6.6.................... covering checks numbered... -71901.- _ _. _ .. to. 724p inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays. SEP 27 1922 ancy, `T/ Adopted by the Council -- ----------------------......-----192.:... ��... / In favor JEP 27 X922 - dyleBet+ald, Approved................_._....... -- ....-7------------------------..192-......... Matson, W� Wenzel. _-....Against _ Mr. -resident, idedgem7- Nelson • C.'F. No. 42066— Re.olyed. that warrapt.. be .. drawn uDoh the. City.-Tteaeur,i to the aggre- gate.e�nount- of 57,665.66, -covering cheek.•numbered.:7231-t6'%240'inclu. s1ve,ae Der regiaer Of city check. oil file ln: the oftice Of the Clty;:ComD-. troller. - - - Adopted -by the Council Sept. 27, 1922• Approved Sept. 27, 1922. (Ootober7-1922) CISY -08 82. Y.9L CITY -RK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ' ooQsolL A ��1�9' Form A A 46, IM) -21 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM Y,L= No... .............. SEP 6T COMPTHOLL AUDITED.. <l..l ��:. -......192... ......... ..........-..--.. Res. No. 548 t PeR ......_ ... _ _. _ ... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.7.�65bja46.................... covering checks numbered- _7231 ., ..... to.... 7.240 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. SEP2. 132[------------------192..-........ �jy�,, Adopted by the Council.......... - ✓Ferguson,.. _ In favor old, SEP 2 ,92? -----------192...... --Matson, A 1 - fie# er Wenzel. _..Against _......._ .._.-..:.._.._.... ........__ ....................__...............MAYOR ........ Mr„@resident, Hodgson- Nelson 7232 Board of dater Commissioners Armory 6.76 Water for Baths 363.60 ^ 346.86 Health 2.00 ^ 17.64 ^ 20.28 Street C. & R. 12.06 Sewer " 1.05 " .60 S. & S. Cing. 20.00 Workhouse 11.16 n 864.10 7231 R. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent 235.46 Mayor's Office 1.55 City Clerk 6.77 Corp. Counsel 2.47 Comptroller 5.20 Civil Service 5.90 Purchasing Agent 7.96 Mun. Court 2.44 Pub. Safety -Adm. 3.80 n n n 3.40 Police 9.45 Fire .48 Bur. of Eng. 12.10 11 n n 27.02 School 1.62 " 7.56 IN 116.93 LkbA4y 6.75 Park -Adm. C. P. U. -Adm. 11.04 3.02 2 b.46 7232 Board of dater Commissioners Armory 6.76 Water for Baths 363.60 ^ 346.86 Health 2.00 ^ 17.64 ^ 20.28 Street C. & R. 12.06 Sewer " 1.05 " .60 S. & S. Cing. 20.00 Workhouse 11.16 n 864.10 Workhouse 9.36 Sprinkling 2.00 " 6.33 Schools 2.00 Library 34.38 Auditorium-, 8.00 Hayden Heights 8 46.I1� 7233 Board of Water Commissioners 305.67 Bur. of Parks 6.00 " 8.10 " 1.55 " 6.64 Park -Ref. 2.00 38.66 50.76 Playgrounds 44.0E " 1.10 C. P. U. -Adm. 25.00 Bur. Test. Lab. 100.00 Hayden Heights 60.50. 256.20 30.67 7234 J M. Clancy, C. P. R. F, 418.44 Mayor's Office 2.00 Comptroller 22.64 " 50.12 Armory 8.00 Police 5.00 " 32.64 Health 10.00 " 21.76 School 65.28 " 1.00 Officials Pub. 200.00 401.83 8.44 7235 F. W. Matson, Com'r. Pub. Safety 1,532.41 Com'r. Finance 38.66 is 35.79 Comptroller 126.97 " 30.27 Police 831.35 Pol. & Fire A. 107.32 Health 256.20 Bur.. of Eng. 37.60 City Planning 24.04 Sewer C. & R 44.21 1, 32. 7236 F. W. Matson, Com'r. Public Safety 1,283.78 Workhouse 1,56 " 10.89 Library 50.78 Park -Ref. 40.32 Playgrounds 160.47 Bur. of P. Bldg. 178.13 Norestry Rev.. 139.80 Lighting 401.83 Unclaimed Auto Trust 300.00 1,283.78 7237 F. W. Matson, Com'r. Public Safety 79.74 School 1.00 Park -Ref. 78.74 79.74 7238 F. W. Matson, Com'r. Public Safety 389.39 Police 113.68 School 250.00 Water 25.71 89.39 7239 Wm. J. Peter Com'r. Pub._Worke 1.498.05 Police 5.90 ^ 24.07 Health 241.86 Street C.& R. 3.25 ^ - 32.50 _ Sewer C. & R, 28 21 ^ 2.29 ^ 12.37 Sprinkling 5.60 ^ 9.51 ¢ 82.52 6.50 ^ 45.58 Schools 380 02 Water 44.59 ^ 122.02 ^ 34.34 ^ 303.60 Market 81000 L-•1421 4.60 L-1417 16.22 L-1468 1.30 L-1445 10.20 1,498.05 7240 H. C. Wenzel, Com'r. ink Parks, Playgrounds 948.62 and Public Buildings Fire 163.05 TM 25.30 Health 10.00 TM 226.65 n 4068 ^ 50.46 Garage 39,76 ^ 8.00 Workhouse 60.00 Sprinkling 1.17 ^ 34.62 Auditorium 2.50 Playgrounds .78 Pub. Bldg. 12.12 Forestry Rev 20.75 City Market 286.52 Vocational Soh. .12 Linwood Soh.. 2.04 948.52 9 L COUNCI) CITY OF ST. PAUL v„� NO._ ----- _ C.,��ke..Zl.,/.-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE FORM PRESENTED BYE/\/ - COMMISSIONER.__...------------- .--. .�_. ...... ....._... ._.. ... ...._ ..............._:_.__. ...._.._.___.. DATE.__.._._......�_.._.........__.._.._._.._.._.._.._._.._ RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Mike Kowalski, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, injured July 3rd, 1922, in the course of his employment, the sum of Eighty-six and 40/100 Dollars (#86.40) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in par�ai settlement of his claim against said City for the period up to � 1922. Councilmen Yeas Nays G6—Y .—Ferguson MaDunuld-...--In favor r Matson -peter U—_ -Against Wenzel Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of P -arks, Playgrou and Public Buildings. i sept. at, 1e29.;4 izl 1 AFP 27 1522 Adopted by the Council -..`----------------------------------- In--.. SFP 27 1522 Ap cued ...---------------- ---192--- l -...------- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL cousd�'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION" -GENERAL FORM � I PRESENTED BY 1.COMMISSIONER..... _!i... 1-.1 .. .... ........ ... .... ...:........._. DATE'....wYttller...ZTth `...1. Z2F.._,..... RESOLVED, That 'the ama of Two Hundred and fifty ($250.00) Dollars, or as mach thereof ae.will be necessary, be paid out of the other expenditure Stem Health Fond (itemizd& statement and unexpended balance to be turned into the Comptroller) for the purpose of an inspection tour of Doctor H. F. Simon, Health Officer, to Cleveland, Akron, Ohio, and other cities, especially with reference to proper meat inspection ani regulations. IC. F: No. 42088. -•BY F. W:�Mateon Resolved. That the Bem of Tw BUAr Bredand fifty .($280.00) flollare or as much thereof,as will be neceaearY.. be DDold cut 1 the ther,�_�ez "adtture Item -Health Fund (f�z temed Lata - ..;and vnezDended balaacat�r Ete, meat in.pecnon Adopted by the Councl�.&apt 27, 1822. Approved Sept 27 1922. (October 7-1822) - - Yes( d) Councilmen ( t7 Nays Adopted by the CounciL____SEP ^,' 722 --19-- '--- --'Ferguson SEP 27 1922 ono...... .. �_...._In favor APpro-----1------19_ ..... y —Matson AVOR r' Wenzel - Mr. Presfdeat COUNCIL FILE�NO ............................. C By an Y ......................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_trX!1ah1A9--A-&! iArtqLIA.t i_Qjj Q.f 1:1,gh-Ungn-... r Of 14n. an.d . . .... wimar....ancLundangnound aan-._ duits for current theret all otafar Xle.ceaasxy.. current--. ................. 9 ........................................ 4pp;U�A9.e@! --- gn Ayenueto And..o _Teq _. tern Ave -.e �4v toEarshall Avenue..... .. .......... ...... .. .......... .................... ............... ................ ..............................I C- 1' 'N- June IQ 1Q22 under Preliminary Order ... ........... Clancy_ ...... - ------ ............................ In the - slaud .i.liatj , , For.1.1 Ing and in., an of system emujs�tjh. OroamentAl lighting I Intermediary Order----.... tamps kires _ g , -lamp posts. and 1 . ........ .... . .. . .. ....... -------- ---------- --------- dults j In p.dergroung t!oj, or eonv.y A public hearing having be -and 411 Jnf-electrio� ati4ent sit upon due notice, and the Council 11 0. other,necessary,,Mll� suced and quip.snt - _tem 04i8elby "Or 144 01 ive thereto, and having fully consid- having heard all persons, objec . L M'frmn a from Ave f, - and on Ave: rom Lau -i �Ave, 'to -lered the same; therefore, be it Ave., under Pre :na,, or"j., approved June--_ .11 r *se nature, extent and kind of A 2.� RESOLVED, By the Councl. public <- 1._ the precise improvement to be made by the said City f,±rfYTj11V_Lnd install an 0.?Zajental� -0 .... &n_d unaez:n and fpr 9,onv� 'ing eliectr ;,current ther to, a.n.d a.l. I other ........... Y ................ ............................... n.eqe8FA4Y ApPli.ances.. ..an.d... ....8a d..syst...e.r.1...on .S...e... by--Ave-n--u-e ------ --- from Summit Avenue to Lexin—ton Avenue and on Testern Avenue from Laurel ..........................................------------------------------------------------------------- ....... ............... Avenue to Marshall Avenue, ............................................................................................................... .......................................... ................... .................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructdd and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, -And submit., same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 11 T —fl. q?, Adopted by the Council...... ..... ......... ... ............ Approved. .......... . ..... 191 City Clerk. 4 ............. ..... -------iA --- Mayor. Councilman 76tMVMXK 1/1, ancy Councilman Oinyx ✓ 'erguson Councilman 7t ,oDonald f Councilman A§Edkm Councilman 3SX3= ft Peter Councilman xWmzdMRo1X lq;=91 Mayor X0AW.=X I/Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. 4 ............. ..... -------iA --- Mayor. V (situ of St. Paul OSCAR CLAU99EN, Curt! lxo.N[¢n Drpartmrnt of Public ]Barks WILLIAM .[. PETER. COMMISSIONER J. E. CAPROLL, An[Te CNier Exoixa¢n wuo wxonEnwns ��EPUTY COMM19110NCR G. H. HEPROLD,o OFF— Ciir 1— 1- 49 ervoixeeP M. 9. GPYTBAH, Snoo[ lxotxEEn � 46 A. B. SHARP. SU T. o1 ST¢a[i[ wuo 9wui wilory H. W. GOCTZINOlR. SUri, o[ WOnnuoufai August 1, 1922• y; Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system on Selby Avenue from Summit Avenue to Lexington Avenue and on Western Avenue from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue, under kreliminary Order C. E. #40343, approved June 19, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $38,205.90 Per front foot - - - - - 1.96 Fours truly, �%� Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission U a e �e i rim to the Co issioner of- Finance. (� �,,,�+�' dna_ � .= Coioner oflPtiblio W rke.,_ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,- !; . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE W 'ON PRELIM I*IRY ORDER In the Matter of —Furnishing and _installation_ of t,r_ ornr�:r.�nt_ l li 1�lting system _ . consisting of lamp posts and lamps, w rss and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary applianoes and equipment Yor said, systoln on _Avenue from Summit Avenue to Lexington Avenue and on lvestern Avenue from Laurel Avenue to Harshall venue. • C -..-------_ under Preliminary order approved —d -------------------------------------- --- ------ .......-..-- ----------------------------------- To thi�Council of the City of St. Paul: 1V ` The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-� SUS--Q�-------- 'f The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ -Oi, Per front -- ft. The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 Selby Block St.Paul 1624225 also that part of Suinmit Ave. Hinn.being Auditors vacated and adjoining same. Subdivision No -5 (Except W.10 ft.to City) 4 do 10625 (EX -N- 35 ft.) 5 do 3775 South J of 7 do 5000 South 103 feet of S do 5375 East 27.65 ft. of 10 do 6650 West 22.35 ft. of 10 do 2325 TOTAL, FORM ..S.A. B -e w ... - ....- TOTAL. CITY'OF ®T.)-wuL - . • '• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM MARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11 Selby Block, St.paul 13625 Ninn.being Auditors 12_ Subdivision NO-5- 90375 Sough mf 13 do 13425 16 do °3550 _ 17 do 24o8 19 do 2400 19 do 2150 South of 20 do 3950 21 do 4325 24, do 6275 30 Auditors Subdivision No. 14000 52 St-Paul, Uinn. 1 do 2000 2 do 2475 3 do 3275 4 do 3900 5 do 2650. 6 do 25500 East 33 feet of 7 do 2450 (Except E. 33 ft) 7 do 3450 9 do 2750 9 do 3600 (Ex. W. 50 feet) 1 77 Dayton and Irvines Add. 6000 to St.Paul West 50 feet Of 1 77 do 3275 12 77 do 9025 1 76 do 7375 12 76 do 7600 TOTAL. CITY OP 8T. PAUL :� '• � p DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM*JARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 75 Dayton and Irvines 9300 Addition to St.Paul. 12 75 do 5s400. • �, 9 79 do 4775 (Except West 4 feet) 7 79 do 7000 (w. 4 ft -of 7 & all of 6 79 do 9050 South 100 ft. of 5 79 do 12150 8 78 do 5650 7 78 do 4750 6 79 do 10425. 5 78 do 160:75 South 100 ft. of 30- 29 2 Kerns Addition to 24175 St.Paul. South 100 ft. of 28 2 do 41550. 27 2 do 26 2 do 3000 25 2 do 4750 24 2 do 3200 23. 2 do 3800 22 2 do 2400 21 2 do 3900 20 2 do 4100 19 2 do 2200 is 2 do 3350 (Exoept West 6 inches) 17 2 do 42(5 W. 6 In -of 17 & all of 16 2 do 8175 1 Cochran's Subdiviaion 166975 of and Add.to Blk 11 Woodland Park Addition. TOTAL CITr OP ST. PAUL 7 • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM i*ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 20 Coohran's Subdividon of and Addition to Blk 11 19 Woodland Park Addition 18 do 17 do 16 do 15 do (Ex.S. 62 ft.of W.10 ft) (14 do (Exoept South 62 feet) (13 do 30 2 Selby McClung and Vanmeter's Add.to St.Paul. 29 2 do 2S 2 do 27 2 do 26 2 do (25 2 do East 10 feat of (24 2 do West 30 feet of 24 2 do 23 2 do 22 2 do 21 2 do 20 2 do 19 2 do 19 2 do 17 2 do 16 2 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION .2750 . 2750 5500 17000 5350 6450 11050 4300 3700 3650 . 4100 4200 5950 17650 1400 1400 3100 1400 2400 22050 io. " TOTAL Olrr OP ST. PAUL • • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM*ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 4 Woodland Park Addition 44000. to the City of St.Paul. 17 4 do 1 750 16 4 do 1750 15 4 do 3.400 14 4 do 7450. 13 4 do 5600 12 4 do 3375 11 4 do 41350 S to 4 do 22 3 do 34200 21 3 do 5450 20 3 do 5950 19 3 do 9200 19 3 do 5500 17 3 do 2650 16 3 do 3450 15 3 do 6050 ( 14 3 do 16150 East 10 feet of (� 13 3 do West 40 ft. of 13 3 do 3000. 12 3 do 7100 North 72.50 ft. of 1 10 do 1675 2 10 do 61350. 3 10 do 9700 East j of 4 10 do 2525 io. " TOTAL 1. CITY OF BT. PAUL y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMJj4ARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ( 5 10 Woodland Park Addition ( 6 10 o the City of St.Paul. 7 10 do ( 8 10 do 9 10 do 10 10 do 11 10 do 12 10 do ( 1 5 do (Ex -W-10 ft.of N.75 ft) ( 2 5 do W.10 ft.of N, 75 ft.of 2 5 do North 75 feet of 3 5 do 4 5 do 5 5 do 6 5 do 7 5 do 8 5 do North 92.50 ft. of ( 9 5 do N. 92.50 ft.of E.i of (10 5 do NI 92.50 ft.of W.i of (S 10 5 do N. 92.50 feet of ! 11 5 do North 92.50 ft. of 1 6 do 2 6 do 3 6 do 4 6 do 5 6 do 6 6 do 7 6 do (EXeWe 31.39 ft/.of 8 6 do ronw e. a. ii N. 42.60 ft. 9 6 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 19000 3.000 2250 3000 11750 36700 7500. 800 4350 10500 10000 4000 2000 6550 5300 15025 6500 Woo 5000 4750 3650 4150 10250 9900 . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION W. 31.39 ft.of N. 42.65 ft. 9 6 Woodland Park Add.to 9800 �10 the Oity of St.Paul. E. 28.66 ft.of N.42.60 ft 6 do N. 99,74 ft -of W. 21.39 ft -(l0 6 do 16700 North 99.74 feet of 11 6 do East 10 ft. of 17 & all of 18 4 Holcombes Add.to 8550 St.Paul. West 30 feet cff 17 4, do 8200' 16 4 do 5250........_.. ., 15 4 do 1340o 14 4 do 2200 13 4 do 1800 12 4 do 2000 11 4 do 700 East 30 feet of 10 4 do 1600 also E, 30 ft.of Blk 20 Moss Outlots. W. 30 ft. of E.6o ft,o:P io 4 do 1650 also W- 30 ft.of E.60 ft.of Block 20 Moss Outlots. E. 40 ft. of tiv.90 ft.of 10 4 do 4450 also East 40 ft.of W.240 ft of Blk 20 Moss Out lots. West 50 ft. of 10-E.40 ft. 9 4 do 4050 also E. 90 ft.of W. 200 ft of Blk 20 Moss Out Lots. East 30 feet of W. 110 ft. 9 4 do 7050 also E. 30 ft -of W-110 ft. of Blk 20 Mose Out Lots. West 80 ft. of 9 4 do 3500 also W. 80 ft.of Blk 20 Moss Out Lots. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM1.1IARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION East 30 feet of West 10 feet of North 40 feet of 1 - also N. 40 ft.of E. lOmft. of 3 West 30 feet Of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 30 3 Holoombee Add.to St.Paul. .13300 29 3 do 1725 29 3 do 375 28 3 do 5500 27 3 do 1200 26 3 do 6275. 25 3 do 645o 24 3 do 1350 23 3 do 1000 22 3 do 1000 21- 3 do 4600 20 3 do 7700 19 3 do 1200 18 3 do 4050 17 3 do 6100 16 3 do 1500 2 5 do 11700 3 5 do 2200 4 5 do 6500 5 5 do 5550 6 5 do 7000 7 5 do 2925 s 5 do 3650 9 5 do 6000 TOTAL CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI*ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION E. 36 ft. of w.4 ft.of 10 & all of LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 5 Holoombes Addition to St.Paul. 11 5 do 12 5 do ( 13 5 do (� i4 5 do �5 5 do 1 6 do 2 6 do 3 6 do 4 6 do 5 6 do 6 6 do 7 6 do ( 8 6 do do (�lo 6 do 11 6 do S 12 6 do F 13 6_ do 14 6 do �5 6 do 1 7 Nininger and Donnellys Add. to Holcombe's 2 7 Add. to St.Paul. 3 7 do 4 7 do 5 7 do 6 7 do 7 7 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 6400 1400 2200 6300 6300 8800 14300 1400 5600 .4000 6500 4000 40075 14325 10000 1300 2525 12150 5325 2675 2375 1175 4675 2525 CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMII�ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION (Exoept S. 43 ft.) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 7 Nininger,and Donnellys 5475 Add. to Holoombes 9 7 Add.to St. Paul. 1175 10 7 do 3600 . 1 8 do 3850 2 8 do 1150 3 8 do 4550 4 8 do 4750 5 8 do 4550 6 8 do 4500 7 8 do 2750 8 8 do 2850 9 8 do 1500 1 9 do 4000 2 9 do 4550 3 9 do 4300 4 9 do 1100 5 9 do 4300 6 9 do 3700 7 9 do 1200 8 9 do 8500 9 9 do 9100 20 6 do 8300 19 6 do 5075 18 6 do 3575 17 6 do 4475, 16 6 do 3275 �5 6 do TOTAL 2575 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI$,ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 6 Nininger and Donnellys 4275 . Addition to Holcombes 6 13 Add, to St. Paul. 5075 12 6 do 1175 11 6 do .4800 . 18 5 do 5500 17 5 do 1150 16 5 do 5550 _. 15 5 do 1150 . 14 5 do 4650 East of 13 5 do 575 West of 13 5 do 575 12 5 do 1150 11 5 do 1150 10 5 do 1500 18 4 do 3650 17 4 do 4900 16 4 do 4200 15 4 do 3750 14 4 do 3700 13 4 do 7100 12 4 do 4900 11 4 do 3600 South 80 feet of 10 4 do 29,00 6 2 Hallers Addition to 2450 St.oat.il. 5 2 do 2900 4 2 do TOTAL 2900 TOTAL Cin OF 9T. PAUL • + DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI*ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except alley) 1 3 Hallers Addition to 14725 do 2 3 st'PaulCIO 1250 do 3 3 do 4450 do 1 3 Sanborns Add.to St.Paul. 10650 do 2 3 do 1000 do 3 3 do 1000 do 4 3, do 3400 do 8 2 do 3750 do 7.. 2 do 2000 do 6 2 do 1000 do 5 2 do 3000 14 2 Browns First Addition 2750 to the City o3 St -Paul 13 2 Ramsey Co.Hinn. 3400 12 2 do 3900 11 2 do 4000 10 2 do 3700 2 do 1250 8 2 do 1 3 do 2750 2 3 do 2950 3 3 do 2600 4 3 do 2600 5 3 do 3000 6 3 do 2800 7 3 do 11900 TOTAL (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI*ARY ORDER East Of West # Of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ( 1 3 Smith and Taylors Add. txo the City of St.paul (L 2 3 3 3 do 4 3 do 5 3 do 6 3 do R 7 3 do 8 3 do 9 3 do 10 3 do 11 3 do 22 2 do ( 21 2 do ft 20 2 do ( 20 2 do ( 19 2 do 18 2 do 17 2 do 16 2 do 15 2 do 14 2 do 13 2 do 12 2 do 6 2 Forapaughs Division A 5 2 do 4 2 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 24800 4500 3550 3850. 3759 3650 2750 3700 4400 2650 11400 4450 3500 2900 2800 2750 3500 3100 .3100 . 3000 2900 goo 5750 CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF .FINANCE ON PRELIMHi ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Forepaughs Division A. 3900 2 3 do 36o0 3 3 do .9575 (Ex. S. 50 ft.) 1 5 Rogers Addition to 2950 (((2 5 St. Pauh 1350 East + of k 5 do West Of (3 5 do 1350 (4 5 do 5 5 do 3550 6 5 do 3600 7 5 do 3350 s 5 do 107550 9 5 do 10 5 d6 11 5 do 5 do (1132 do `14 5 1 6 do, 4400 2 6 do 5100 3 6 do 3600 4 6 do 3250 5 6 do 2900 6 6 do 4050 7 6 do 3500 s 6 do 4000 9 6 do 5300 10 6 do 4150 1i 6 do TOTAL 3400 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONASSESSED EVALUATION N. 85 ft.of 12-13 14 6 Rogers Addition to 6200 (Ex.part taken for St.paul Lexington Ave) 28 4 do 1650 27 4 do 8000 26 4 do 3400 25 4 do goo 24 4 do 900 23 4 do 3800 22 4 do 3500 21 4 do 3700 20 4 do 900 19 4 do goo 18 4 do goo 17 4 do 9oo 16 4 do 1050 15 4 do 3300 28 3 do 9200 27 3 do goo 26 3 do goo 25 3 do 3200 24 3 do 3250. 23 3 do 11150 22 3 do 800, 21 3 do 800 20 3 do 800 19 3 do TOTAL 3450 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 18 3 Rogers Addition to 2950 17 3 St. paul.do goo, (Ex.Lexington Ave)16— 15 3 do 2400 4 Cochrane Subdivision of 75300 and Addition to Blk 11 3 Woodland Park Addition. 7050 2 do 52800 1 do 166575 S. 100 ft. of 29— ( 30 2 Berns Addition to 24175 St. Paul. N. 16 ft. of 29— ( 30 2 1 2 do 1600 ( 27 1 do 101650 ( 26 1 do 1 1 do 3725 West 77 feet of East 110 feet of South 45 feet of North 3025 165 feet of the North west t of Seo. 1 Toti+n.26 Range 23 - west 77 feet of East 110 fiat of South 44 feet of North 4200 120 feet of the Northwest 4 of Sec. 1. Town 25 Range 23. (Except North 33 feet for Marshall Ave) -west 77 feet of 4675 East 110 feet of N. 76 feet of N.W. a of Sec.l Town 28 Range 23. �7 75 Dayton and Irvines 115,650 c Addition to St. Paul t5 75 do (Ex. North 10 feet) (9 75 do TOTAL CIT7 OF 8A PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMS IARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION North 10 ft. of 9 and -South of North of west 62 feet of (Ex. N. 88 feet) S. 46 ft. of N. 88 ft. North 40 feet of LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 -75 Dayton -and Irvines 10 75 Add. to St.Paul k11 75 do 12 ' 75 do 5 78 do 4 78 do 5 80 do 4 80 do 4 80 do 4 80 do 4 85 do ASSESSED VALUATION 12450 58400 16075 17775 3875 goo 3925 4000 12600 ��ra3.75, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 6�- Commissioner of Finanee. Fm B. B. 12 i_; Office of the Commissidner of Public Works'��,�� Report to Commissioner of Finance -31 August ..._2. +....1922.:.._.....191. ... To the Cmlllni59ioner of Finance of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No . 40343 June _... _....._...._...approved. _..__...___. 9 1922 relative to ............79] ................. ... . furnishing and in an ornamental lighting system on Selby ... .. ......... _... ...... ... Avenue from Summit Ave. to Lexington Ave. and on Western Ave. from .............. . _ ...... ._..................... ....... _.. .. .....__........ . Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.96 per front foot 38,205.90 __... •� The estimated cost thereof is $.......... _..__................. . and the total cost thereof is $mul the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ ........... .......... ......__ _. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is....... .... ........ __........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 'onuuissioner of Public Workc. 7\ b °b i MARCH 15, 1922. To the Honorable, the City Council of the City of St. Pauls We, the undersigned, being owners of property immediately abutting on Selby Avenue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue, and also, from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue on Western Avenue, (and being the owners of the property subject to assessment for the improvement herein petitioned for) and who own the frontage (immediately abutting on Selby and western Avenue) set opposite our respective names subscribed to this petition, do hereby res- pectfulljr petition your honorable body for the installation on Selby Avenue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue, and also, from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue on Western Avenue, of ornamental lights (of such standard, design and candle-power as -shall hereafter be deter- mined upon) and for the making of all necessary orders and the doing of all necessary things to effectuate such purpose. N _TITE ADDRESS FRONTAGE BETE" EEN WHAT STREETS & AVE. '��� ON U( / � Q ��' SELBY AVE. / V l/' �..s,r :r '..,e��' ,�.�,�a. as :"t. /.-/,! r'�,,(,�„ �/U 1 t C��f ! �. �/ �'� !-^,r_�� Lr�'-•;`�t.�.., Lr Y L I NAME ADDRESS FRONTAGE BETWEEN WHAT STREETS & AVENUES. on SELBY AVE 7,9 YO 1(�4- �� � Dov �`-( d4- '5-0 x1v"r L 4 March 15, 1922. To the Honorable, the City Council of the City of St. Paul: We, the t:ndersigned, being owners of property immediately abutting on Selby Avenue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue and also, from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue on Western Avenue, (being the owners of the property subject to assessment for the improvement herein petitioned for) and who own the frontage (immediately abutting on Selby and Western Avenue,) set opposite our respotive names subscribed to this petition, do hereby res- pectfully petition your honorable body for the installation on Selby Avenue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue and also, from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue on Western Avenue, of ornamental lights (of such standard, design and candle-power as shall hereafter be determined upon) and for the making of all necessary orders and the doing of all necessary things to effectuate such purpose. NAME ADDRESS FRONTAGE BET7EEN "!HAT STREETS & AVE. on _ - SELBY AVE. c 6 jug. "'I°n , �°Pt4_ .M Barth 15, 1922. To the Honorable, the City Council of the City of St. Paul: Te, the undersigned, being owners of property immediately abutting on Selby Avenue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue and also, from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue on Western Avenue, `( and being the owners of the property subject to assessment for 'the improvement herein petitioned for ) and who own the frontage (immediately abutting on Selby and ^astern Avenue,) set opposite our respective names subscribed to this petition, do hereby res- pectfully petition your honorable body For the installation on Selby Avenue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue and also, from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue on Testern Avenue, of ornamental lights (of such standard, design and candle-power as shall hereafter be deter- mined upon) and for the making of all necessary orders and the doing of all necessary things to effectuate such purpose. NAI.IE ADDRESS FRCNVe GE BET`•'BEN rU'.T STREETS & AVL. 99�on A SLLBY V.r.. ot =i f G�A� ll V*+ March 15, 1922. To the Honorable, the City Council of the City of St. Paul: ,now We, the undersigned, being owners of property immediately abutting on Selby Avenue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue and :also, from Laurel Avenue to 'd^rshall Avenue on Western Avenue, ,( and being the owners of the property subject to assessment for the improvement herein petitioned for ) and who own the frontage (immediately abutting on Selby and Western Avenue,) set opposite our respective names subscribed to this petition, do hereby res- pectfully petition your honorable body for the installation on Selby Avenue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue and also, from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue on Western Avenue, of ornamental lights (of such standard, design and candle-power as shall hereafter be deter- mined upon) and for the making of all necessary orders and the doing of all necessary things to effectuate such purpose. NAM; ADDRESS FRONTAGE BET"'EEN WIiAT STREETS & AVE. on SELBY r.Vb'. i 00, 00 w e } MARCH 15, 1922. To the Honorable, the City Council of the City of St. Paul: ' We, the undersigned, being owners of property immediately abutting on Selby Avenue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue, and also, from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue on Western Avenue, (and being the owners of the property subject to assessment for the improvement herein petitioned for) and who own the frcntage (immediately abutting on Selby and Western Avenue) set opposite our respective names subscribed to this petition; do hereby resk pectfull�: petition your honorable body for the installation on Selby i'venue, between the westerly line of Summit Avenue and the easterly line of Lexington Avenue, and also, from Laurel Avenue to Marshall Avenue on Western Avenue, of ornamental lights (of such standard, design and candle-power as shall hereafter be deter- mined upon) and for the making of all necessary orders and the doing of all necessary things to effectuate such purpose. NAITE' ADDRESS FRONTAGE BETTEEN ?THAT STREETS & AVS. ON SELBY AVE. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: We, the undersigned, property owners on Selby -Avenue between Victoria and Lexington Avenue, are opposed to having ornamental lights installed on Selby Avenue between Victoria Street and Lexington Avenue, and respectfully petition your Honorable Body to have this section of the order cancelled. NAME ADDRESS -�� 9 ; eka, 71Z ��ik mw s St. Paul, Minnesota, September 21st, 1922. We, the undersigned, hereby protest against the installing and furnishing of ornamental lights on Selby Avenue from Summit to Lexington, ete,,, 4 under preliminary order 40343, approved June 19, 1922, the estimated Cost of which is $38,205.90, or $1.96 per front foot, on which there will be a public hearing on September 29th, 1922. NAME. LOT and BLOCK and ADDITION A6 F1 k j i COUNCIL FILE NO.. By-..J•....ii•....Clanc.Y,........._.................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_Constructin� a sewer en._^a �tix...Ave e --_f; p.Q.m the....texr:ix_us.. Q.f_.exi.st.ing...sel.e.r...alz,-.res.inanely.--1.Q..0f. aet..' os.th...of...iirnehaha--S.ts.aa-t—tom.. Chel.t— n...$tr.eet.,............... ........................................................ ....... ...... ........................... ............................. --------------------------------------------------------- - .- ........... ._....._._... ..................... -............................................................................ under Preliminary Order 4C ';2_ ............. _... approved. 2 , 1c 2. ,_----....-----_...-----....... IntermediaryOrder. ................ ------------------ ............_....._.. approved. ..........._.....-.._.----------------- ....---- --------------- -------- A publ' 1 ^^^ -' - ---' the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having hem In 16 Ratter o ao str"ucilna a eeWer ommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- on Tatum Ave. - from 'the terminus creel the sa of esistinB sewer ap p-ifmately'100 feet North of-minnehaha.sL to Chel RESOL ton St. under Pre llminarY order of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of 40962 approved July 26.1922. A public hearinx bay au been b - inl roveme upon the. above improvement upon d' corstrtlo t a sewer on Tatim Avenue frorl'. p notice,. and the. Counoll having he.S......_..•___.__.__..._._...__.._.........................._...._..........I 'all persons. objections ad recomm dations relative .:thereto, and, be the....t.ertni fully eanefdered the same; the:...aPrx.nxivat.e.ly...191..i.e.et...:aos.th._of.. i27Zle be 't' '.,ad, B9 the Council of � Naha Street to J that the preciee n ..........---------- _.......------._..:nd of Smprovow _...____.. ___ .._..... .. ..... ...__.. ..__.._ ......... said City 10 'OV _ - 1 ..._.._..........................._..._..... -ewer ..........._..............._.__.... --------------------------------------------- ........... - ----------- ................ _....................... _ _..._...................................... _.. _... _...................... ......................_.__........................................................._..._....... _........_........_ _....... ............_._.............. -. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. _.................... Approved ............. _........., 191...... Councilman bhmnxorty_ 'Clancy Councilman Gnvxx Yerpuson l Councilman C &Mxx Lia?bnald f i Councilman &&Mc I`atsont, Ij Councilman lYAe 1X Petery Nk �. Mayor B UWZ : e sone Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FiN NCE e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) p - Inthematterof ConFlng a sewer on TatL_Avemip frnm the terminus' of existing sewer approximately 100 feet North of Minnehil Street to Chelton Street.- ..rte under Preliminary Order approved July 25, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g_700.00 frost The estimated cost per Foot for the above improvement is g 2.62 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (ESO. South 3 ft. Minn. St.) 23 16 Midway Heights j aolb 22 16 do 525 21 16 do 50p' 20 16 do 500 j 19 16 do 1375 Lots 1 & 2 17 do 790p 26 17 do 1275 TOTAL. 14.751 . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to iaid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. . Dated 13 5 Commissioner of b Finence. - I. �� � t" { { t � � J �� , vim, ✓f _ �a - I I �1 I i Citu of 6t. Viat, t7rpurtoreitt of Puklif Works OSGAr? a c�ncen WILLIAM J. PETER. ' COMMISSIONER �' � cri rcra�ns ���EPUrY GOM MI9910N ER G H. H0Ovvic[ allo Ciry P�nNN�llc ENe�NecR .a>' 46 H. w. GGEIZ LAGER. s P,. August 3, 1922. 141r. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Tatum Avenue from the terminus of existing sewer approximately 100 feet north of re innehaha Street t helton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. , approved July 26, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - $700.00 per front foot - - - - - 2.62 - - 14.00 Inspection - - - - - - - 260.ft. Frontage - - - - - Note: This estimate is based on building a sewer on Tatum Avenue of Minnehaha SStreettofcheltonrom a oStreeint t1 feet north If approved the final order should be made accordingly. Yours truly, Approved for transmission lX to the Commissioner of Finance* ommiss oner;o u is 14 or -S;.\. I/ I/ ................................. 192 St. Paul, Minn., To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable B d to cause the following improvement to be made: .... ........ ................................................. ........................................ ............................... . ................ ,e . . . ........ .......... ........... ............ ... . . ..... . 7 . ........ ........ . ............ . Sr. Ave. to . #rem-, ........................... .... ........ ................. .:::...St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK� ADDITION -4� J U L I' - C U R. E A U 0 F L" .fZij. 22 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo3' Report to Commissioner of Finance qU, 1'9�2 August 4, 1822. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil,40852 ......n roved.....___July 25, 182E 191........., relative to _.............._._.-. known as Council File No..._._._..._..._..._.... pp • _............. the construction of a sewer on Tatum Avenue from the terminus ........................ ........................ ............... ................................................................................ ......................... ............. ................. .............. _................ ............. .............. ......................... of existing sewer approximately 100 feet north of Minnehaha ................. ._....................................................................................... ....... .... ............. ...... ...... ............... Street to Chelton Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ......................necessary and (or) desirable. $2.62 per front foot2. 00 The estimated cost thereof is $._..._ .............. .......__.., and the total cost thereof is TG700 O.-. ...-__.._...., and ]frontage 260 ft. Inspection $14.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............__....__._... __.............__......... ........ .____..__...__............. _._._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_... .............. .................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co, nissioner of Public Works. lf4 C10� L V •,, wo" - COUNCIL FILE NO.._ ......................... By...........J 'F• Clanc.Y.......................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of&—ons.trusting..a... six ...fo.at...nement....tile ...aide -walk ...=:. h. e........_. S.outh...side.....of._ t nkex...St.x.e.e.t.,...be. i.nrl.n�__.at...s..t.at.e....S.ta.a° 4.,....t aena.e._�ast.._.... arrrgxittatzly._.112 feet .to -_connect v;i.th the r:resent vialk, exce'et.._r^here__ - .......-._. ..... ........ ..... - .... .. good and sufficient sidewalks no,a exist, ........ . C. F. No. 42661—By. J. M. Clang., ........- ----........... ..............._...... ...._... ....... .........---------------- ..._............ .._... In the. Matter of constructing. toot cement tfle�, eldawalk ....................... oa„� South, e(de o[. Hunker 9t., begf "}"...... '----'---”"'-'-'""""""""" .. .......................................................... .................. at State St., thence East apL� mately y332 feet to -connect wit �I�i�(� G x preeent11 lk, except. where good . T`.i `F7. ....-....._.... approved... July.. 25.s 1 ,22, ---..._. -- ....... suftfclent. eldewalka; now eziat, a� Preliminary Order 40947 appr.. July 25, 1922. - .. approved .......----------- -A ...._ .A public hearing having. been ... ....._... .. ........ .. . .._.. ....... ..- upon the above improvement upon 'een had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council and .the no,, bav�ng he�J P P P hawn ansa obJe,'lona -and recomme nb-1ti,' - -:. and hay!,^Lions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ,ua� there' ered,the same; there r RESOLVED, By tbC, <<•„'Heil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Construct a six foot cement-+ile__... improvement to be made by the said City is__..._ _.__......_........._......x ...._.. walk on -Bunker Street be=7innin7 at State Street,_ __.... --- _... thenceEast approximately 112 feet to cnnectTith the rrese..................alk,_ __ _.__.._. wh,ex..e...good ...and ._.suf.f.i.tient._s.ide-,.alks._nog•r... exist ,----------- -........... ..._._----.......... jbr& • _ ..................by th "A-aC-------- ......... ..22._......_..........._._..._..__......._-".----- _.-...... ....................................... ..... _...................._- Oct a' and the ( rrd lid improvement to�be made. RESP—:arvninan, tnat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._ "_. -7tJJ� / _ ._..._...... ...... �.............. i..ity --.Clerk. ..... . - _- _......_� Cit Approved......... T....... -.... --”-y t� ' Mayor. Councilman Ra=x omttt Clancy t' � PI7SLI Councilman GMx Ferguson' Councilman ehnayx Yoronald✓' CouncilmanxRellexx Lfatson/ Councilman bfitGnik Paten/ Mayor IdpAgorE 1Telson, Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF e DEPARTMENT OF "6 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the South side QY Bunker St., beginning at State Street, thence East approximately 112 feet to connect with the present walk, i� under Preliminary Order approved July 25, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost pefr o0or the above improvement is S 1-10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I 1 Bryant & Yinea's Rearrange �56 2 ment of Block 13, Wood- '200 3 bury & Case's Addition. 250 li 4 do 1450 roTaL. 2150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby su6nuts the foregoing as his reportthereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Couimis.i—er of Public Works. i• Dated CI ? 19i y Commissioner of Finance. J. Office of the Commissioner of Public.-Wokc[n�� e`; Report to Commissioner of Finance 8 '3 SER of AUG I 3922 July 31, 1922. .....................191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 409.47..........approved....__......._Juhy..2_b..e.....1922..191._......, relative to..........._ ................ Coun- cil, known as Council File No......_ ................._ . the construction of a six foot cement the sidewalk on the eoith.............._...... ............................_...................................._......................................................_ ..... .... ........ . side of Bunker Street, beginning at State Street, thence eaet .............................................................................................................................................._.....................-......_...........................-.......................... approximately 112 feet to connect with the present walk. ............................. __............................................. ....................... ........................... ....................... ...................... ..._..................... ............................. .......... ................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ ......__.necessary and (or) desirable. $1.10 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___.............. _....._....., and the total cost thereof is $ .......... ......_...................._......., azul the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - . -- — 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ............. ............ ..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. miesioner of Public Works. 7 1n 2 u P. E. HYDE goted Letter (Cutter anb Ongraber 154 MW BUNgER STREET 7 J,� S>~ JUL 14 1922 Maui, jinn. 192— ze COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.... .............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.-.Cons.tructi.ng_-a .server on Arch Street ...from..Linden Street - ..._to Marren Street under Preliminary Order.............49E44.............. ....... approved ---------- lq!Y._1£5,....19.22 IntermediaryOrder .............................................................. approved ------------------------------------- _- ----.----------------------- -.--- --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommcndations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is._.Q_ona.truc_t..A_.s_eAer...Qn.. Age-b.,-S-t-rre-at_..fx-om - ............. u17d—m-S.tree.t.-.tR-t;arren_Stre.e.t.,....__............ ................................................... -------- I s sxs> oaumes• _------------------------------------------ ......... . C. Jr. No: 42062—BY'�.'� ClancY - Ia- theMatter of . conetrueting,a se on Ardh Bt.'fr.0, oden' St,!.to Wnl - ren. under Prrl,minery O ,.7 __..... ..e...:_.,.,.�„sea. ,r 9;y nt./.t923.. i........ ___ .......----- ------------------------------------------- and ---- --- ._.-.------. -- and the Council hereby order,nr Hire aboverlm'vrovementatiade• Hotter. and ,, objeuneff iu O Pub RESOLVED FURTHER, an ne*eona rbfrettone >rof Pudic Works be and is hereby instructed mendationr reta�t � tbh and directed to prepare plans ane sftA coos d improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval- _:&propel city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._.._...__....... 191_x.. Q .............(- - -- ---- ------------ � .......... - ..._.- ..... City Clerk. Approved .. 191 / f %r .... v^ ✓ .: ---yam Mayor. ma �y Councilman i3onc Ferguson PUBLISI-IED coulleilman-t3twY " f Councilman dWJac l/atson IJ Councilman A9Ltidda3QYcxix Tenzel Mayor>1snw� nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 AUL D@ ,MEN i ANCE REPORT OFa ;MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) �r ,b In the Matter of—Cg11QtTL10- 'X13$.---&_.13.�r-.fl-Il-._QIl_1indflIl.-..S.treat----to.__"',��;r-------- �S Warren Street, -------- --- - - Jul18_,.._1 22- ----------- ---------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved — ------- � S-------------------------����-�--� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $-1.73D-0-0----------------- --- }} $ The estimated cost ;�i°f�dt for the above improvement is - - - - - - 2.50 ----------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 11 Ashton & Sherburne's Add- TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 4550 1475 525 450 525 425 3775 2275 1300 725 375 ition to the City of St. Paul 29 11 Dewey, Bass & Rohrer's 28 11 Addition to the City of 27 11 St- Paul. 26 11 do (Exoept South 50') 25 11 do North 50 ft. Of So. 100 ft. 23 & 24 11 do E. 10 ft. of 25 & T. 35 ft.of 24 8 Ashton's & Sherburne's East 40 feet of 24 g Addition to St. Paul. West 65 feet of 25 8 do TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION 4550 1475 525 450 525 425 3775 2275 1300 725 375 CITY OF ST: ?AUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE1. • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT aLOcK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Commencing at the S.E. corner of Lot 18, thence West on Arch St. 12 feet, thence N. parallel with E. line of said Lot 18, 99.56 feet, thence gest 73.98 ft. to.a point on a line drawn from the N.W. corner of Lot 17 to a point on N. side of Arch St. 114 feet West from the S.E. corner of said Lot 16, thence North on said line 71 feet to the said N.W. corner of said Lot 17, thence East along the N. line of said Lots 17 & 15, Block 7, to the N.E. corner of said Lot 15 Ashton's & Sherburne's thence to beginning. Addition to St. Paul. 1175 Commencing at a point on Arch St. 12 feet West from the S.E. corner of Lot 15, thence North 99.56 feet to a point 12 feet West from the East line of said Lot 15, thence West 12.70 feet, thence South 95 feet to a point on said Arch St. 41 feet from the point of beginning, thence to beginning, being part of Lot 16 7 Ashton's & Sherburne's Addition to St. Paul. goo All that part of Lots 17 & 18, Block 7 do described as follows: Commencing at a point on Arch St. 53 feet from the Se. corner of .Lot 19, thence North 95 feet to a point 24.70 feet West from tje E. line of said Lot 18, thence West 33.33 feet, thence South to a point on said Arch St. 31 feet from the point of beginning, 750 ,thence to beginning. 'All that part of Lots 16 & 17 7 Ashton's & Sherburne's described as follows: Addition to St. Paul Arch St. 54 feet nest from the S.E. .Commencing at a point on of Lot 16, thence North to a point 59.03 feet West from corner .the East line of said Lot 15, thence West 27.95 feet, thence South 54.12 feet to a point on Arch St. 30 feet from the point 750 of beginning, thence to beginning. All that part of Lot 16 7 & Sherburne's lying West of the following Addition described line commencing at a point on the North line of Arch St. 14 feet West from the S.W. corner of Lot 17, thence N. to the N.W. corner of said 3650 Lotl7. Total 19425 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.n , 14 Dated 9 ' 1---- C :.:_Ii:( / ---- -.. _ -----1.-... _ ' Commissioner of Finance. FORM O.S.A. a -e c IJ M e Office of the Commissioner of Public W, Y� Report to Commissioner of Finance' of J��< August 7, 1922. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.... .....................40844 ...........approved _ J ..............._.....u....l....y .......... 18 - ....... ... .... ......._ 1922 ....191........., relative to... .............. the construction of a sewer on Arch Street from Linden ........................... ......... _......... ........ __.......................................................... _.............................................................. .............................................. _........................... ............................... ......... Street to Warren Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said im rovement is ........................ necessary and (or) desirable. 2.50 per front foot 1730.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__............................ _. and the total cost thereof is $.................. _ ........................ and Frontage 700 ft. Inspection $34.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......................... .........__........._............._._.._......._........ ................. 1. ............... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . .......... ..................................... ..... ..................... ............. ...................... ........ ............. ............................................... ......... _........ .................................................................. ....... ....... 5. Said improvement is ................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _......... _............. ................................ ............................_.......... ...._.... -Commissioner of Public Works. v�?3 'Ar.,-. i! itu of Vit. Paul os�A OLAU33EN. GH1�1 Ervo1rv1ER Urpartarrat of poblir Works WI 6IA COMMISSIONER RO1 c A T.C1.. 1n MeT c 35 E UTY COMMI$91GNER G OLO. 011111 — C111 PLANrvinG ry 1ry a ErvelrvclR^s.' 4S SHARPA3 n —1-1— H. W. GOETLINGER. 5—T. 01 --1- August 4, 1922. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of the construction of a sewer on Aroh Street 9tom Linden Street to Warren Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40844, approved July 18, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $1730.00 Per front foot - - - - - 2.60 Inspection - - - - - -.- - 34.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - 700.0to Yours truly. p n Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. t commissioner of Public Works,,_ i COUNCIL FILE NO.... .............. By - .J... %_..Clanc-y,_.........._....................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Const.ruQ.ting.--a..six..fo.ot...c.cement.._tile..sidez7alk..nn...both ._... si es..of...Bayard._Avenue___fr.Qm_Yfilton_Strest_..to_-Chatsi�Qrth. S.tr-e.et.,................... good.. -a nd._su f f i_c_i gn t.._ s i d e}vallc s... novv._. e x i_s t.,----------------------------------------------- ................... C. F. --No. {2083-f J. tr cting r --- - .----------* --------- """ ""' In the MatteY of conatructln6 -----' '- toot dy%nt`ttle eldewalk. on �C OY "dea of Bayard Ave. fro.,Mnto under Preliminary Order.... 5 .., Chatsworth St.. exgept'where,t.7,.. 1922.,. -- --...... yt ruGlclent: eldowaks now e Prallminary Order .40984 Intermedia Order--------.._._...._.---....... ._ .... g h Intermediary _.... _2. sine having been ........ _.......... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above i,-Tnclmhivine on due notice, and the Council . .s and COM? having heard all persons, objections and recommenI199Uhs; CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMIEIVT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER P,v Const ructi-six--_foot._cement In the Matter of -- ----------- ----- Jul. 2 , -1 22. ------------- - Preliminary Order approved ---------y-----7- ------------ - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -------------- ---------------- f ropt $-5-------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 ADDITION W. T. Barton's Addition to the City of St. Paul. do do do do do do do do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 1175 3025 1875 1375 2475 1050 350 350 350 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT,PF FINANCE .. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 20 W. T. Barton's Addition 350 19 to the City of St. Paul. 350 1s do 350 17 do 350 16 do 350 1 Nixon Addition 375 2 do 375 3 do 1325 4 do 375 5 do 1550 6 do 1350 7 do 350 S do 1700 9 do 350 10 do 450 11 do 350 12 do 350 13 do 350 14 do 350 15 do 325 Total 23250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �� `}� -----1 .___! � ,.:.� �l ;.._ . ' - -- ..... — ...-_�1 - ,fir - Co (y issioner ronM es.w. a.o c C� of Finance. _ i I '� � i J ___ '. !,w,T:� i•" �o � iu j. �lE 19 � u Iir �'/ � I ,. +s � I .Ba �,-o,-d .S � � i � I o /.f I r✓ r /rI / " I r � % 17 v 5'!� .3 1 1 r q i I I i � i i � � � �I X � 7 V � n, � I ___ i ^ `�' U L_I_�_ _.:. i__.'. � _ � __ 1: �. ,_ c; rear, r ' � / ' Office of "the Commissioner of Public Works `V )iEOFiV�A Report to Commissioner of Finance gf c3 August 14 'I lla a« ..................................191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of.the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._40984.........approve d_dul 27 1922:197........., relative to.. .._....................... ....._ ............._9....... the ,....construct_ion..,.of.___a.._six__._foo_t _cement .tile sidewalk _on ,b.oth . ............. .................... . sides of ........... ....._.......................... .......................................... ............ .._. _...................... .......................... ......................... ...._............................_......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said i provement is......._...............necessary and (or) desirable. .9a o5 per front foot L. The estimated cost thereof is $._--------- . ....................... and the total cost thereof is $ ....... .... ...... ..._._...... .... .__.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or -sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is_..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ._...... ..... ..._...................... missiouer of Public Worke. 4,_ ,yb • St. Paul, Minn.,- /Y 192."L, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..............e L- . . ....... r., -0 ft Ave. ................. . from._ ............. . ... .. ........ .. ....... ..... ---- St. �. to St. NAME BLOCK ADDITION ()AIJMyd�a Z" M COUNCIL FILE NO.... .................. ....... B J. 1.1. Clancy, y... ................. _........ ...................... .................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Reconstructinv,_._relayin€._and_.rerairing,wher_e.. necessary, the... followi.ng..eiciewalks ..........- ......................._. -.... --................ ............ South side of Fairmount Ave. from Finn Ave. to Cretin Ave. . - ..............._......._......5m . tli side df mid-Iigari. t-. -fror Test 7tl 5t: : R"icfimona ............... ............... .....----- .--- ............... ..............f ... .....i ........... ..............i ............ ..................... ._.........._.... Test side of Sylvan St. from Sycamore St. to Litchfield St. .............................................................................. under Preliminary Order..............40o2S ... _ approved....._)}tly la,_ 122," Intermediary CIC. s No 4E06i=By J. M. Clancy= ..... approved............................................................................... In -the Matter of re nstrucung, relay- A public h . ita fo%rtng eia�w here necessary; above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard a .P7 0uAve(dteo:cietm veeat Ave. from mendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- SOLLth elde of bf(Cid n SL from ered the same; West. 7th SL to _lUchmo a St. ' - .West side ;of Sylvan sL trom RESOL Syramore St to Lltchllela Sa, uppppppaer St' t Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Prehmtnary order 488E8 apprpvedt July 36, 1828.' ILL , A Dubllc,hesrtne"vinir been'.ad,00nstruct relay Pi_reDair, .There .... ..". im rovement .- - . p upon the,above h uDeu nonce and tbleCoun i having h ,� att-pereobs tiv- ons sa- and j. de'val...... 11@C6S6 full q ra ative ttyyereto' and h -- heIt 4gasla� a the same: lh D Reeoly So?1 jeer ^ of Fairmount Ave. from. Finn Ave. to .-Cretin Ave. .. .............,.pj Pd ----- ,r? - ... - ..... .. .. .. ... 2. Sout'i3 side of .iehi an St. from nest 7th St, to Richmond-- ._."................................... ................................ � _... .._.... ....... .... ..... St. ___..._._..."....._._....._...._."."fest"_side".of"_Sylvan_St-,___fro __Sycamore..St, to._Litc' field St. ............. ..... ..............._............. .......... — ... _._......_..................--------------------------------------------- .......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. t RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed' aAd- directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Councgt.P._Yi1l-i _................_...._..-, 191.._ �- ......_..._ -• Citys lerk. Approved......... .. c.... _...., 191.... ............ .................. .. ,... Mayor. y SI,IS IED Councilman gets�x Ferguson 10 `7 6euAeik:;esdRO�-- �lslr ; l d j Councilman KM1eX11atson �I{ Councilman MMAi UX Z';enzel Mayor 2bodpDRx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF "DEPART NT CE REPORT OF Ci: MMSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (AT S��b In the matter of Reoonstruot ,relay and repair where neoessary, the following 4idewalIra S S of Fairmount Avg from Finn Ave to Cretin Ave. R S ldiahigan 5%r from West 7th W S. of Sylvan Str. from Syoamore St. to Litohfi_pld_Str.____ under Preliminary Order approved J'� 15-1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot'for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION East of 122 and all West of 122 and all East of West of 124 and all of Form B. B. 10 121 Summit Wood 2975 123 do 1200 124 do 975 125 do - goo 126 do 600 127 do 600 128 do 3850 129 do 600 TOTAL. Irv' o a DEPARMEN' NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION VALUATION East of, 131 and all of 130 Summit wood goo West of 131 and all of 132 do 900 East 17 ft. of 134 and all 133 do 850 (Except E. 17 ft) 134. do 750 135 do 600 9 1 Dawson's 2nd Addition 3600 8 1 do 675 7 1 do 725 6 1 do 725 10 1 do 350 11 1 do 4o0 12 1 do 450 13 1 do 450 10 Lauers Subdivision to 3425 St.Paul. 9 2950 8 do 550 7 do 625 42 4 Lytons Additon to St.Paul. 1700 ?Linn. l 4 do 1050 5 1 1 do 150 12 4 Lookey&s Add.to the City 1375 11 4 of St. Paul. 1475 South 25 ft. of 10 4 do 900 TOTAL CITY PAUL DEPARTM E, bvI NANCE REPORT OFCOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION .28 _ 5 Lewis Addition to St.,%ul. 1425- 1 5 do 1275 28 4 do 1325 1 4 do 325 1 1 do 2025 1 4 Hergholzla Rearrangement 175 "A" 15 1 do 1950 1 3 Hergliolz Sub. of Lots 525 2, 3,4,5,6,1o,11,14 & 15 Hazille's Aare Lots to St. Paul. �16 3. o, 0 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to hien in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �AvC// Dated_.... Commissioner of Finance. ,•..o, n. u. Iz EN .N - Office of the Commissioner of Public Wois Report to Commissioner of Finance �8 -3 5 4 ,. July 31, 192'2:2 ........................................................................................191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File N4o828 .......... ....._...approved..... July __lb.a.....1922.............191........., relative to.............................. reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where neoeaaary4 the following South side of Fairmount Ave. from Finn Ave, to Cretin Ave. ..................... . South side Michigan St from West 7th st to Richmond st _... bleat aide of Sylvan St. from Syosmore St. to Litobfield St. .......................................................... ........................... -........... ....................... I .......... .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement' is -- .............necessary and (or) desirable. 14 per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereo is $__ ........................... and the total cost thereof is ................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #................... ................................. _......... --............ ................ ................... _.... --- ..................... ................................................ _._.... ._............... ......... .......... ........ ................ ....... 5. Said improvement is_ .................. ............... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ - C/ ammisnioner of Public Works. �� 36,3 Saint Paul Minnesota September 27 1922 To the Honorable City Council Cri*y of Saint Paul Minnesota. We the undersigned residents and property owners on Sylvan Street and of property abutting on Sylvan Streets do hereby petition your Honorable Body against the proposed new six-foot cement walk on Sylvan Street, for the following reasons: (1) The* foot walk is there now and is not over twelve years old. It is in first-class condition and is entirely adequate for the limited pedestrian traffic which it serves. (2) Sylvan Street is only thirty feet in width. Two vehicles could not pass each other in safety if a six -toot walk was laid and new gutters and light poles would leave us only lees than 22 feet. Name 1 t i Address 3 ^[l —Page * Name Addreee 1327 Lafond St, Sept.26th 122. Mr James M. Clancy, Commissioner of Finance, City. Dear Mr Clancy: I am opposed to a sidewalk on the uninhabited portion of Lafond St between Hemline Ave and Syndicate for the reason tha the deepest holes in the city is found in this spot. Notwithstanding that the whole neighborhood have been assiduously dumping ashes, tin-cans,cast-off clothes, empty bottles and campaign literature into this hole during the past ten years,it still presents a formidable barrier to the advance of civilization. Day after day wheelbarrows,go-carte wagons and trucks great and small race up and deposit their malodorous burden in that gigantic dimple. What chance has a sidewalk to withstand all this wear and tear? A glance over the ground will convince any sensible man that to construct a sidewalk on that particular portion of the street would be nothing lees than sheer waste of money, and therefore I beg you to pegister my vote against it. Yours very truly, COUNCIL. FILE NO............................. By ...Je. 'Le....Q:Lc 9Y..> ..................... FINAL ORDER S:=d. In the Matter of...COnS.txU_Qtin, g..:curbin ...an...S.eiieraan.. A.r:enua.-ixora-.------ ......... ---- Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue,_ .................... ......... ... ......._.... - ...._... ............... .... ' ._..... ......... - ......._..... - ....... - under Preliminary Order .......... 3°s5........ .... ._........ approved �e 2................................... IntermediaryOrder ........... ........................ ...._--__------_---- approved -- .... - .............-------------------------------.. ---' A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is... C.pns. �T�7,Q.t...Qllrb.� S g...0.n...JeffHrsoT1_�lYEnue.-". from-_Lam1.jne Av.ezu.e.._to....Xndic.ate._Avenue...............................-----------------------_------------ Q F:=No. 42966—BY J.•M. ClanoY _.------------ ... .. ........ ........ ..... '--.................................................."" IR. the Matter of conntructln8 cul -. - on:Jeffernom..Am from�.Hamlineo ...""" 'to:BYndleate'Ave., under Prellmi --------------- ----_--------------- :Order 29962;ay roved stay 24,19 "' A-- Dnb110 .bcaring havin8' baae upon, tha above lmDroveID9at upon'. notice.. and, the `dCnnnoil ,hevl.g II ---------------------------- --.-_..... .. .. ".. an -pr aoae.'ob�ect nandl+'emm. :_ datt retatfve to, .. .m anha. . qt ------ .. ................................................ ............... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to,aF°'hi'ade"0alajaet'' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner =of Pule,.,""0mr 4ks be and is hereby instructed aeru-,. and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improve:a:n. it, submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city of&cials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. ---"----' , 191_ - City ClerW. Approved ... - :..... 191........ 7 / Mayor. a y Councilman3(kmK Ferguson l wx� My *r.,n,,,,.,ia i3Li8LISIiED___`_ Councilman 'Matson fvnffeilfftazf i &8Ge&E --p: P'r Councilman AKXKdLVRdK Menzel Mayor btoalpoaxx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMWOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- In the Matter of --�ont_tru�t._9urk�A-_2.__JQferon Avenue-_Yrom.._Hamllno-_Avenuo_-.------ - ---- -.___.- nt ---- -----—t9dlcat�Avenue. ---- ----- -------------- -.... .l$A...Y- 24. 1922. ---- - -- ---...- ---- --- --------------------------------------- ---- under Preliminary Order approved -- -- �-----------------------------��-� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ------------- 406- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---�- -•- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ 0,$OQr fronft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3 Stinsons Hemline Avenue 91625 Addition to St— Paul- 13 1 Chester Park 150 12 1 do 100 11 1 do 100 10 1 do 150 9 1 do 550 S 1 do 1600 (Except S. 10 ft.of E.10 ft) 7 1 do 250 TOTAL, CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMF` %OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Cc) ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 6 1 Cheater Park 225 5 1 do 425 4 1 do 200 3 1 do 250 2 1 do 375 1 1 do 200 • 9G�ao, - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby, submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- Commisvioncr d Fin..-. Fmm R. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn .............................:.......................192...... �To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: J We, the undersigned property owne hereby petition your Honorable Body t�oice the followin improv'eawj� L, made: .............. .............................. 9 Jr Ave. toil ... _._._.........__..._.._:.._��/ Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK BADDITION r s � r —TA��1-_ . Office,of the Commissioner of Public �r 10 .1 Report to Commissioner of Finance �= , `3 SUL I4 1922 July 13, 192E . 191. .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 898b2 May 24 1822 191.......... relative to.............__.......... cil, known as Council File No.._.........._........_..........approved....... _.._......... _.... _... the ourbing on Jefferson Avenue from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate .... --- ........................................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. 80¢ per front foot 964-06 L. The estimated cost thereof is $........_.._._...__........... . and the total cost thereof is.........._...__�........._._......., mul Frontage 1208 ft. Inspection $16.90 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - ............ ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. u. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three orluore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. `.......vVw.................. __ .... C missiouer of Public Works. �� 9 atg of St. Paul —AR GLAU..EH. Gx,e. Excixeen IlepurtuTeut of .. Public works WILLIAM J. PETER, OMMISSIONER J. E. CARROLL. A Y. C.— E T 0 0 E. CONS:TANS. SUIT.G. H. HERROLOO 011— ♦vo CHanPuxvixo �EPUTY COM MI..ION ER GRI AH, BIe Exoixeen -01W46 A. B. SHARP, SUIT. o ♦ pox H. W. GOETIIHGER. SUPT. o. Y,o.x—.e July 12, 1922. Idr. 'Nm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public ,'forks. Dear sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction cf curbing on Jefferson Avenue from Hamline Avenue to 6yndio::te Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. P. -#39862, approved May 24, 3922. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - $964.06 Per front foot - - - - - - - .80 Inspection - - - - - - - - 18.90 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1208 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. AY:proved for transmission tc the Commissioner of Pinance. CZ-jlseioner'cfPublic VIorkE3 t- -1� COUNCIL FILE NO_. ..... ...... _ .......... By J. 11•... ClarCY. _.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..corstr, c_+;.n ...-__sis...fcot_.c�r:.--n------ tile ia2�ra_.Zt....On-- �.Q.th-....... ? `es Qf' Lafpna.. .ir. z.t....`m:...' rnli :e._P: .... ....�yr3icat......... ruz.>.._...__.._..... exCyL t....yher ..,._cod..anC sufficient si_d et7ai''ks___ non, exi.s o-' ..............--................................ .. ........... .......... ........ ... .. under Preliminary Order----------- 193.5_ ........... approved......_.Au-r._.1.z...1%.`.z..-.......-----............ ...... IntermediaryOrder ....................... _.....................__........... approved.. ... _......---- ........._------- ------- --- ---- A pubfic he rine having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard id "c, F. No. 42066—sY'T yL clq„ey lcndations relative thereto, and having fully consid- rn the..Matter. of.. conetructlnB. a .eli Bred fhe Same; foot rcemenP Ule'eldetvalk n both elaea of Lafond SL from Hamnneit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of RESOLVE Ave:.to syndicate Ave„ e:ceyyt where . good and- auff1.1, `. sideWalke, now 'ezlat, under Preliminary .OrdernS+TUCt w six foot.-cernent -ti-le si3 — improvement to Al pubilcpheariag uh$eIn eea d., .upon the atiove 7mDrovement'ug onTde.atpe AVe2T,:e to S` ri'�1.C2:%Z ail: and the Cougclt havin D .% wa.lkc.. = ..bo. al, Dergopa obl0ctlogs shd TeCOmnleo dattom relative theretc, and •..have Abe IY conaldared the same; thare� - - icie t sider-_lks no,:,, exist, Avenue, es , n _. _..... --�., eao Sed, 89 the Council oft ;ee , .:9t Pahl :that the Dreclee ae ..........Ity 1cvem ... ....a ru iw,.:l 'tA Clty le cr.n .-........._...... ....................................................................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public `Yorks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. :i Adopted by the Council ....._.':.:._...._.......__..___......_., 191......_ ity Clerk. J Approved......... __., 191. ._ i . Mayor. Cimricitffa-5 4ttK la_ncy CouncilmanAk➢5s: Ferwson Councilman Akfflwx Gauncil 21atson P + 2- tS Councilman WtuidtAteh: TTenzel Mayorftut _' lson n B. S. A. 8-7 1z' 2- CLTYMd``ST. PAUL DEPARiENWOF FINANCE • 'I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,(A) In the Matter of_ Construetin a_six---_foot---cement__t ile-_Sidewalk-_onboth.-_e_ides--_of----_-_----._-_. Lafond Street from Hemline Avenue to S ndicate Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved -----AL1.&11th`---ly.... 192.2– ---------------------- ------------------------- ._.---._._.__---------- ------------ ---- ---------- ----. - ------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— front The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - s1-05 — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lots 17 & 16 10 Syndicate #5 Addition 1150 19 to do 550 19 10 do 11050 Lots 21 & 20 10 do 32500 22 10 do 500 23 10 do 3975 24 to do 475 25 10 do 3250 26 10 do 550 27 10 do 1750 TOTAL. RL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART4Eh*DF FINANCE 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK- ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 28 10 Syndicate No. 5 Addition 550 29 10 do 550 15 15 do 600 14 15 do 550 13 15 do 550 12 15 do 525 11 15 do 500 10 15 do 2675 9 15 do 2400 8 15 do 2150 7 15 do 25 6 15 do 25 5 15 do 25 4 15 do 25 3 15 do 25 2 15 do 25 1 15 do 50 Total 67000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- ------ Commissioner of Finance. IOBM B.B.A. B -D C � fS, • b, �,: � �% �, L �, — 0 __ _ _� � .�; s r , T � W :.:. - � — � %� � v �. � T' � /.: / /3 f iJ J ; � _ ... __... .._, _ __.. --fJ r _ _.. � �_-_� � � �- I _ i IInnt 'J ��".a � t Office of the Commissioner of Public Works TIMReport to Commissioner of Financ ,> a �l1.. 1922 9. 19 gust 14, 1922 1...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 6 August 1. cil, known as Council File No. 4103 .........__........_..... ...... approved......_........_ ...... ................... ......_............_ 1922.....197_......., relative to... ............ the construction of a six.._foot cement tile sidewalk on___both sides ................. .. pf Lafond Street from Hamlin Avenue to Synd_icate ivenue _...... ... ......... ......__._....._.._.._............._....._._............_.............._..... _ _... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... ......._..necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is$S_ ............................... and the total cost thereof is .....___..._.__.___....__.._....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows ._..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... ......._......... ..... 4. 5. Said improvement is........................... ......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. n°e3 6.5 a St. Paul, Minn.,_7�.:................:...._.._l...y...192,,Z To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ..................... ......_...._.....sE/.t.:. /:...._..........................................................................._..........................._........ 1 ,.........._...._._.... /Lc!T�.:.t :.�............... ............................ ...... .............................. ... . __._ .....St. Av-e. from.._...._:::':` -.f Y✓..............._..._....._...__.St.Ave. to__._._._.:�. -ts DC..C_C....._._........._._..___ .........................St. Ave. NAME LOT BLACK ADDITIOCN �T U 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ................... .._..... By......J....aa...... Clanc y.. ...... W FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..Constrzetini;..a.-sib_-foot-_cement _si3es...o.f..Pescal_..?venue...from.--Cnarl.es.._Street_to...L .fond-.-.'t7z.-a-t-,.................... except_rahire...€oo3_an.4._saffici.ent-..si... 1'_cs n`.. "....�xi....t.,........ ..... ............. .................. - ........._............................_....._.........._............._..._.... - .............................................................. - under Preliminary Order ---.............. 1 x9.6527--......_.---- approved _........._July...15,....J ?2., -- ................---- Intermediary Order- approved............. ___ .................. ---------------------------------- A public hear C xo. 4sasv r 'y "ktPb4'tlle above improvement upon due notice, and the Council V.having heard allpisfoae matter., atte; �fjs':'aftd iecoiiidncndations relative thereto, and having fully consid- nidee.'ofr...: I•��� . Bred the same; ther(.;;,.to-z it�f n RESOLVED, By the Couvil of the City of, St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be MA4;,,7T"the said ...� : r �l.,Pue uY...ar_at:;...�%'at,.r..7.��._�.t.x.a.a.t.. to La -.---B.txee*, .exce_r_t._;7 azo...,roti:'•x..ouffi..clenl_.s.iAeOvalis...notY...E�is.t.,--........._... ........... ........._._........ ..................._......................- ._.... -.......... ......... ..... - - ..._............... .--------....... ...._........................_._................_........-.............._....--............._.........._._.__........ .. ---- ............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. _ _.._a:: - ": ..:..;:_ ...._., 191........ I Cit Clerk. Approved..... - -- 191 Mayor. 0PT7$LISHFf Councilman G'= Fereuson - _�mrld - Councilman TkAeX 'atson 6 Councilman Wnxdldaix Tenzel Mayor i{xdgetx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF f DEPARTMENT OF E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D)' In the matter of C t—tila laidawalks on bgth sides ei Pascal Avenue from Charles Street to Lafond'Street. under Preliminary Order approved July 15. 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 19 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 6 The Hamline Syndicate 450 Addition No, 3. 1 1 do 500 3 1 do 450 4 1 do 450 5 1 do 450 6 1 do 450 7 1 do 500 15 21 Syndicate No -5 Addition 3400 16 20 do 2250 15 20 do 3100 16 13 do 3000 15 13 do 3250 TOTAL. / P �^ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date) d Finance. Form B. 11. 1'1 LfIFGNO ST THONrF s s� Cu 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Work*,�,, Report to Commissioner of Finance 28= I 1821 July 31, 1922. ................. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.`0827............. approved ...... ..... .._J:.y_._1..�...a_..192..191.......... relative tn............. .......... .... _ oonstruoting a sig foot dement tile sidewalks on both sides of P.as.o$1....Avenne.....fr.om..Oharlae..._0.tree.t_..to.._Lafo.n..d...8.tr.e.at_........._._....._.....__.....................__ _... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... necessary and (or) desirable. 4'p1.10 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._....... _.................. . and the total cost thereof is $.............. ........_..... ........... ... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ....................._ 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. a. Said improvement is._..._............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. J J--.issioner of Public Works. � 0e 36z ^o the Honorable, The Council, C°.ty of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition yy Ho orable Body to cause the following improvement to be raadfl: .�(/ .... ..... ..... �. Ave. . fr ..om .............St. Asti-. to :... .. , .. �....... ...................St. ZI .?... u. ` . ... . dd .......... : d9:... . ...."� ........... r.(. .... . � ..................:....... " f k it Y(( ............. .......... ... ............................. ..... ....... .........:.................. Lemwt�t�........ .....s....... �......... ................. ...S�dt,,,;�............. yyyx x� ...... ........... 0... HOT . an. ) jm yFw n-M1.4m l .. 1.. s �y J U L 2 : 1922 k.t` BUREAU OF "AAt oft COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.............. — ................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of Reg-Q.,1p.' no.c. -aary the followimsiJ-e,.,;alks: 51.d.0 Q..' P.atl rani..Av�7 . . oat-we.en Qjia ts.w.Qr.t'a "I t're -e t f Ca roll Avenue bezlnalja::-.aly St reeb, when 7.'est 2--10 feet, T -0. zt- - I sa-ie—of. ... . ......... ..... -ent . .... an .......... - "ackubin Street, ----- ------ ............ --------- ............. . ............... .. . ..... ...... - -- --- ----- -------------------------------------- .......................................................... . ...................... - .................................................................... 40991 July 27, lc,22, under approved-_..... ...................... ... ........ - ............ P. No. 42068 --By T. M. th-Matter of re6onlu'll?'Zo!7-la,� approved ............. ............................. . In thg, -d..re repairing, Sere peeeaaaix' on ig. . I.,.,w lka. A North Side of Portland avenue be.pon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council two.. ch.tworth St. and Oxford having . South aid' of No Bin. recomniclidations relative thereto, 8nd having fully consid- ered th lln-6104-tt-SL AIU�rS1l"j=.'aVg',S4,Lt NorthnlAe of Edmund s V,' RE Kellt,'St and M4ekUbin 'dt7tu'n-a'� City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of rel r er .4"31 appron"July 87 1984. .:! hearinga public 'having 9)'— .'Q: impro e Vimprovement Is_ reconstruct ,re ay I ...... ....re_ . ....... an nece ,on rd L1-jjjLje...of Foxtlan,�,..Avenua b-atmeen- Chatawanth.-Stre et --- -- ----- ------- outh'�side of Carroll Avenue berinnim, at S1. Albans ................. Street, thence 47est'25 -'et, .................... .......ITQr.t of ..Fd...r..und Street betw---e---e--r------------n---'------S---t--r---e---a---t------a---n---d-- --- Wackubin Street, ----------------------- ........................................ - -------------------------- .......................................... ...................................... .......................................------------------- ................ — ............ ....................... ------------------ , ind the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. . 191, City- - ---------- Approved 191 ---- - --- ...... Mayor. Councilman Omx Ferguson PM, ISM/ �7- Councitiliall elmm� -- Hc-p� ------- Councilman &Abm Hatson Councilman )Wxndirlift Tenzel Mayor3ftoflggoax Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT dF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Reconstructing relaying and repairing where necessary the follow- ing sidewalks' North side of _Portland Ave. between Chatsworth St. and Oxford St.,� South side of Carroll Ave. beginning at St. Alban St., thence West 250 feet --- - -- - --- North side of Edmund St. between Kent St. and Mackubin St. r under Preliminary Order approved July 27 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost peRfoot foSr the above improvement is - - - - - - S-- • 10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except West 10 feet) 28 32 Summit Park Addition 9475 West 10 feet of 28 & all of 26 32 do 1169505 2fF 32 do 65oo 23 32 do 5700 22 32 do 5900 21 32 do 2 do 55700 120 9 32 x+950 17 do 5400 32 All of 16 & East 10 ft. of 15 32 do 6725 (Except East 10 feet) 15 32 do 8025 1 2 Clarke's 4th Addition to 2350 2 2 St. Paul. 2 0 Farm B. B. 10 3 2 do TOTAL. 2500 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTME14T OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION (Except South 26 feet) Except South 60 feet) North 129.75 feet of LOT BLOCK 4 2 Clarke's Addition to St. 5 2 Paul. 6. 2 do 5 Vayhinger's Addition to 7 Vayhinger's Subdivision of the West 1/3 of Smith & Lotts Outlots. 16 1 17 1 H. M. Ranney's Subdivision 15 1 of Block 11, Stinson's 19 1 Division to St. Paul. 20 1 do 21 1 do 22 1 do 2 1 do 24 1 do 2j 1 do 2 1 do 27 1 do 25 1 do 29 1 do 30 1 do ASSESSED VALUATION 2100 2500 2725 3775 66co 1925 1525 1525 1525 1925 132.5 1725 1925 172�5 1425 1275 2000 Total 143350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � Dated_ *— " — --t � � � � Imiss Com ioaer of FinA6ce. Form B. B. 12 -. Office of the Commissioner of Public' kE VEU ' Report to Commissioner of Finance Augtze t.._.a 4.,.... 92.2............191_ ._.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Colm- 0981 .. July 27, 1922 _....191........., relative to_..._...._........_... c 4 in, known as Council File No._......._..._._....._....approved.............................._..........__....._.... reconstruction, relaying and repairing where necessary, of the ........................_..............................................._........................ ............................................................... . following sidewalks: North side of Portland Ave. between Chatsworth St. and Oxford St. South- side.of-Carroll ..._five..o.....beginning....at St�.._ Albans .....S.to...".....thence .._......_.._. west 250 ft. _A_ort...._s. t.Sti..._ an de.....o..f....k�.dr�land....S.t........b.a..twosn..-Ken.....d_n4ac.kuh,in._.B.t..._ ...__..._..........__.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie...._._._...........necessary and (or) desirable. 10V per square foot S. The estimated cost thereof is $.._........_....._....._....._.. and the total cost thereof is �__.... _...._.... _... _...._.._...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is. ...... ..._........................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .......... ....:.................. .....-co211isioner of Public Works. COUNCI *ILE NO.__ ................._..... By... ............. i.t-...C_i-=.QY.................... ._....- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Grq,iin 'Chietti..Street..-frog...C.n.eelock_-?ar tt^ay...to._........._.... cottaEg Straet................ -._..............................._........................_......_.................................._................. ...... ' .........-._...................---......................_..........._.............._..-..........--....-.......----------------- ....................................... _. -......._- ............ ..--' ................ ......_............._....-....__....................._........_..._............................................................. ......................................................— ........ ...............- ................. ............ ......_..........._ ............ under Preliminary Order __....._........3°.72.7_.... _...... approved___..._'-= Y..1.g.....1,_2c,-"------------------------------ Intermediary Order..... - c. F. xo. {aosssY d. u. cls; cproved .. __.. __...... _. --_- - ----- ----- -- _.--- m the .Ma4tar or aalna scht" rovement upon due notice, and the Council having publichearing all t1ersons,l of ana o �a Mav ay o ea�n relative thereto, and having fully consid- g p � 1Don Dthe atiovo j "S having bee, Bred the same; therefore, b notice, and .the Cou`" hav(nl el] peraone, bb]eetlona ana :ecn,ar that the precise nature, extent and kind of RESOLVED, By the C ��ljiona; relative Wereto,. Y consideree the: same - �,,, be it, et ,,. eeloCd...... _. improvement to be made b Resolves,-i3Y the"goon r "f�.ci;l etti Stra.... iTQM p 'of st Paul that, the -"- "y extent and kind of lmppr P�rktiva .ottaaby thesald CJtY f-.... 6' Di'"iS h�elaon !. 20 ._...._.......-..............__........................---....--.-...-_-._._................ _.------ ......................... _...._.-.............. ................... ...... .-. ._..._..........-----....................-------.-----.---................ ........................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council r _.:. ......, 191.... r Approved. .... ....... .. Mayor. Geuneiltnan�9i�43s34�trBt— r�?ncy RMLIS ED G' ��–a Councilman fmwx Ferguson Gatlneiiaraa > 2®a3, il G n i Councilman XXltecx .'atson POt,2 v Councilman Y&xndKM10l 'Menzel Mayor tkm1g=x nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 A CITVW"TL DEPANANCE REPORTOF COMMNER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Grade Sehletti Street from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage Street. .p under Preliminary Order approved may 16, 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 1 - 194 pa* " M ont ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 Wheelock Heights 150 10 do 75 9 do 75 8 do 75 do 75 6 do 75 5 do 75 4 do 75 do 75 2 1 do 75 (West of) 15 Cottage Homes 1200 TOTAL. / The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated C—niln i—, of Finance. F.— B. B. 13 Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Schletti Street from Wheelock parkway to Cottage Street, under Perliminary order C. F. #39727, approved May 16, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - - -1343.83 Per front foot - - - - - - 1.194 Inspection - - - - - - 26.34 Frontage - - - - - - - - 1126.16 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner_of Finance - Go isaiOneV1, inance.GommisaionV of Publ orke. atg of $t. Paul Uepaetment of PubHr mocks "'AR CLAU99EN, Ox�a/ Exc�xean WILLIAM COMMISSIONER l: S. CA ROLL, Aa!'. Cxia.Ex.....n w MO E. CONSTANS.CPUTY 4NNIMMONNIMDCGMMI!lIGNCP G. H. HERROLOO 0.. w CiinPuxx�xo M. !. OPYTBAH, B . 46 A. B..!HARP. 91sT'.1 T"o H. 9w�iwT�ox July le, 1922. Mr. Nim. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Schletti Street from Wheelock parkway to Cottage Street, under Perliminary order C. F. #39727, approved May 16, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - - -1343.83 Per front foot - - - - - - 1.194 Inspection - - - - - - 26.34 Frontage - - - - - - - - 1126.16 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner_of Finance - Go isaiOneV1, inance.GommisaionV of Publ orke. Office of the Commissioner ,of Public Works- Report or sReport to Commissioner of Finance &. i92 July 26, 1922. _.._...._......_...........................................................191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. 39727 May 16, 192k cil, known as Council File No ................... ___ ...._..approved ...... ... ...... .......- ............ ... ................ ...............191 ......... , relative to... ......... _...... __..... the....gradng....of....Sohlettl._. Street from Wheelock Parkway .to Cottage Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.194 per front foot 343.83.........._.........., a,W ?,. The estimated coat thereof is $..................................., and the total cost thereof is , .._._....__._..... Inspection x$26.34 Frontage 1125.16 ft. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:......._........___.................:.._.........._._.._.._........_........__..................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. o. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 2.ia.'ioner of Public Works. St: Paul, Minn.,........._ ...... ....1921 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: G Grp l� CPtiL ✓7 /✓/z St. Ave. ................................................f.�........................................................................... . ....... from±�vKtiv" °: '' ....................St. Ave. to__uw�e ...._.__��C.......- St. Ave. 22 �t� LOT BLOCK ADDITION NAME (� I !.-Lt�V2 1'7"/ b=✓ya � C J Y7.' ..O✓ q h i too 22 �t� COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By- J ....Clans.Y,..._.............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....._Qons.. ruc.tin,_...a...six _fci t...c.Qment...t.i.Le..si d, side-s...-a.f...eT.T.y...su e.t....(rola....ks..t...fou.Txr... .t.Te.C.t...ta....Efazt... ifth...Str.e.et......... exc.e t}there good and sufficient sidewalks noir exist ...............- ....._............... ----............--...............-----............ - - .... - ...... - - .... -- ............................._.......-............................... .................. .....-- .................. ....... -- ......._.......................1. under Preliminary Order .......... 9 ------------ approved... JLUIY.--.2.7.,_..1. 22,.... ............................... Intermedia approved............................................................... - - C. F. No. 42071-8y J. �T. C1aag -- PP Fn the: satter'ot co"de`=kt ah etz A P� toot cement me etaewallc oa -mth he above improvement upon due notice, and the Council eldea of TetrY,St. Ergm:Plast Fourth having hei scato Ease Mfth,ga,'ezeept where',immendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- at,t and sufficient sidevelhs nowgood - t red the s 1 9 3 a Draved July1127,n1 y Cyder RESO x `ia FN heehinir liavtng ;hae>fr Rd of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of upon, the'bbove Improvement upon, e nottee,:land the Counon bavlag hedtd all person oh7ectlons and reoomme' r improveme aatlonb reetattve thereto, nea h&,}I s...CQng.tTUGt ' 0-ix....la.a.t. CeIl:eIlt ti1.a...Hida [Illy:. conaid9red ;the aame�; :they>So -. r, -, walk qn E«otvea, BY the t .moa at th 1T@t -fr-cr ^,S t ^.QuI'th .4t.T..et .t.o....:,aSt........ Fifth Street ex'c��ii'6r� r "�; t 's good an sufficient sidewalksexist, now,-- .._................................ ................... - ..._..... ........................ ._.......... .......................................................................... ... - -- -- ----- - ............... ........------... -- ..... -- - - ....._..._..... --_............................................ .... ............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the COtln- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..__ r_.`.......__........._..., 191....... _.....__..��...... ---- City-IM—erk. Approved......... ... __.., 191... f / Mayor. wr a y Councilman (3MX Ferguson ' Lotmeih�an t�lyl'�i 71 �+� Councilman n :' Matan CouncilmanX{i3MX&tH&i Tonzel Mayor Hatdpaaxx :`'e1son Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ��- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Constructing a six foot oement tile sidewalk on both sides of Terry Street from East Fourth Street to Fest Fifth Street, under Preliminary Order approved July 27 • 1922. — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per fool for the above improvement is S 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 A. Gotzian's Rearrange- 150 1 15 of Sigel's Addition. 225 19 16 do 200 17 16 do 725 1S 16 do 225 I 1 . TOTAL, 11515 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner of Finonce. Farm B. B. 13 "a r9J ror. r T=ip» �-:��o�-. � v� — - -- �--- _ Y� k•,. �,e_ �I _--__. _ _ � 11__ ____. _ _ 1 I ��M61�� A � 9\ �l Y � ; ��. �[,TN. N U --- J V J /� r9J ror. r T=ip» �-:��o�-. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wotks ftcelve'D Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG Z S 1922 ...............191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No .... 40983..... _ ...... approved......._Ju1,Y191........., relative to.._....... ............... .................. the._.._conetruotion..._of,,_asix ._foot.._aement t.ile sidewalk on b oth sides o3 Terry Street from East Fourth Street to last Fifth St. . ......................_.._ .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.05 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ ...... ................ ..._...._, and the total cost thereof is $..._....._...__.._._...._........_...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. u. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -...................... .._.. Commissioner of Public Works. k 363 v� $t. Paul, Minn.,_.....`.....................1,7............ 192......✓ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bodytocause the following improvement to be made: .......... _............... .........-N-............... _............................._ ................................................................................ ... _.,..............._...................._ . from................ ....................................................... -�.............�..........St. A*e. to_..... a .... tAw -00-11 411 V, ADDITION IN /,/�/f�''��i /I• u w lig _, 411 V, ...__._. -_�I r �- _ � �f !�,,7~ . COUNCIL R Fv!`� CITY OE ST. PAM, Ins NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM r yz Sept. 29.. 1922. PRE TED BY..... ......... .. DATE.................. CO TONER RESOLVED In the matter of condemn in8 and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Schlettidereet from Wheelook Parkway to Cottage Sheet, preliminary Order C. F. #43, approved July 10, 1922, and Intermed1Zr Order Q. F. #41464, approved August 28, 1822. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of at. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Schletti Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of public Works in the matter, dated September 29, 1922, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. II C. F No. 42070—BY W. J. Peter- In the matter of condemning and tak- Ing an easement fn' the land- sees- . Bary :for slopes, for cuts stud fills fn .the grading. or Schletti"8treetfrom •- Wheelock,Rarkway: to Cottage- 9t.,, under Preliminary ordar..C; F. No. .40703, appproved July 10, 1922, and lntermed:ary .order C. F. No. 41494, I .approved:Aug 28, 1922 - Th.:.Commis ioner:orVIVe W tiaving eu6mltt d hle� tOporGerke� ,ndj ADD ved (1 Yes( ✓) Councilmeq (4) Nays -136 5'°h Ferguson A9cBeoald _.... Favor Matson O --- �jt.._ _._._Against Wenzel Mr. President ed, to and made.a ouncil Sept. 29. 1822. - 9, 1928. r7-1822) Adopted by the Council...____.EP SEP_ Z_---19.... MAYOR QEitu of St. Pnu1 09cAR —AussEN, Cl— E orr,E— BrPartlltl'llt of PlIbUr Rlorks ., or.......WIuMMJ. PrMR. COMMISSIONER jE �. E. G Ro, ccA c.i Rnvooncrw�R a �,rCAfiSTAfi"'Ef�t AR 55•T. O --_ UTY C0MMI9910N ER G. H. HERROLO. Orrtcc nrvo Crir R�wvvirvo —'r m�A S. TEAK. B 46 HARP. 9 9c nice. 9e Reer9 AllnviTw+•ov H. w. -1.1 9u11. o✓ wonnrroosc R12ORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Sohletti St. from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40705, approved July 10, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. #41484, approved August 26, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. omm es one n o 0 Dated Sept. 29, 1922. CITY O *T,.PADEPARTMENANCE REPORT OF COMMISER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Condemniag And taleing an ensement In the ].and nflneeaar- for slojte�, for outs and fills in the ging of Sahletti Street from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage Street under Preliminary Order approved May 16 J 1422 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is� ® 6U The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 Wheelock Heights 150 10 do 75 9 do 75 8. do 75 7 do 75 6 do 75 5 do 75 4 do 75 3 do 75 2 do 75 1 do 75 (West of) 15 Cottage Homes 1200 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_r Commissioner of Finance. ��" Form H. B. 13 Office -of the Commissioner of Public4orKs - Report to Commissioner of Finance 27- J 'ILag 192i July 26, 1922. ......... ..... I .................................................. ..... ....... .... ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 39728 May 16, 1922 cil, known as Council File No approved.. --.- ........ .................... 191 .......... relative to.............................. condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for .................... ....................... ............... .......... ............................................................................. ........ ............ .................................................................. ................ ............................. slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Schletti Street --from' Wheelock - Pwkway-tu- Cottage 'Streeti .................. ......................................... - ... .................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. - .......... ..necessary and (or) desirable. Z. The estimated cost thereof is $ .-, and the total cost thereof is .......... ..... .. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co, missioner of Public Works. : n 4 COUNCIL FILE NO ................. By......._J....fir....Clanc. _y, .............. ...._............ FINAL ORDER In the Matterof..Cons rue.tiny.-curbir_g..on_._bot:�..ei zso.f.._...mr,1e___Court________.___ fros_Finn..Av.enue....t.a.-Csat.zn...AYenue.,............ -........_..._. -............................................. ....... ................................. .................... ..................._.............................................................. - .... ........ .................... ................. .......... ...........--------------- ................................. ............................................... ...............- .............................. . ............_... - ....... ......... ......._...-..... .............................. ........ - ..... -- under Preliminary Order ---------- 5%n.5y:...........-....._. approved......'-ay...2z.,_..1°2?.,.................... Inte e. HL. No tzdvs-Y a. np otancr— ...._...._. approved.. ---_... ---- .. .... In .tbe Matter of constructing ourping on both sldee'ot Temple ;Court from upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council FYnn Ave. to Qretin Ave., under'Prr- llminary Order asses approved Me'i and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- hav' a�, lsEaBg i1 A .pub]Id hearing bavin8: been h - ere pDon': the above imp�vemeu6 upon j-- -- aUttyeteoae' ouja, loneina recon t �.� the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, .extent and kind of datlo v Felativa thereto, and ho'13ft tu11Y aopsldared the same;.. the':. e tt intprc needutvod n.•thr CeunMl of the 19atd City is cons trac t cur:b,inf on both OL.__-.. . a4: Paul + reclse natu. E '� t ' royement P v.nu e , Avsnue.--.to...Cx.eiii-Iz __.. .._..... _-------------------------_...._. _...._....:......._... _......._...__ _._................ -._...__....-------------._........_.._....... ....... _.-._........_..........._............ ._.. ........................ .............. . _. -._...................-------.._------------------------ -- ---------.._._.------ ------------------------------............... _................._................. - ._.. - .......... .................. ..-- .....-- -- ............---............. ............... .... ......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......._,...... ........... 191........ ............ _..--- `C .._ ..... .. City Clary Approved .............. ......: 191 - - f '/✓ r Mayor. Councilman (dwsx F er � son /�- 1t,,n.--�a& d 6eu Ie�t --- Councilman KWklx Belson b Councilman 1i41igth)1m}fiGti !'.'enzel Mayor kl&dgmn Ye..lson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIhW. ,F -t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Construot Curbing on both $idea of Temple Court from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved May 24 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 654.86 Per front ft.So.Side of Str. 8� 0.80D811 - * n - - No. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is W ° = — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 5 Capitol Addition to the 550 City of St. Paul Ramsey 2 5 Co. Minn. 600 3 5 do 500 4 5 do 500 5 5 do 500 6 5 do 500 7 5 do 2000 a 5 do 1550 9 5 do 2500 10 5 do 1500 11 5 do 1950 12 5 do 500 Form B. 10 TOTAL, - CITY OF,;' %PAUL DEPARTMENTSlbklNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 5 Capitol Addition to the 11001 City of St.Paul,Ramsey 14 5 Co. Minn. 1900 . 15 5 do 1800 16 5 do 5000 29 4 do 2075 28 4 do 1300 27 4 do 1600 26 4 do 1700 25 4 do 1900 24 4 do 2200 23 4 do 1200 22 4 do 500 21 4 do 2050 20 4 do 1500 19 4 do 1300 18 4 do 1200 17 4 do 3150 16 4 do 500 (Except west 10 feet for �5 4 do 450 widening of Cretin Ave) Y?-�-%s: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.o 1 i Dated__ {------1� / _ Commissioner of Finance. Farm 11. B. 12 L.' / Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo4i pze u la_ Report to Commissioner of Finance .- __ .._July. -.13,....1.9.22. __191-- To 91... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No....x9869 _ approved..... MAy.x..1922._.191...._.., relative to__.. _......_..... a _........... ........ the construction of curbing on both sides of Temple Court from ............. _ ............ ..:..... ..................... .... ........ ........ Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue. - _._..................._............. ._......... _._ _ ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (o•) desirable. Per front ft. So. side of street 81V �y-� rrh n n n g,l 664.86 2. The estimated cost LhSreof is $._...._......_......_...... nZil`l�n� tot oat thereof is .............. _._.._ _ .. ..._...., and �outn e�d� 7q5b1l f�. Inspection $12.84 Frontage north 77b the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and urade a part hereof. 3. 5. Said improvement is. .........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. . ''. situ of Nt. Paul Urpartmrat of 13uklic ]Barks WILLIAM J. PE7rER. OMMISSIONER 0�0 —TT COMMISSIONER o 48 July 10, 1922. i.ir. '.im. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public 'Jurks. Dear air: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the constructing of curbing'on both sides of Temple Court from Vinn Avenue to Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. . ;p39859, approved S:IUy 24, 1922. L;stimated Cost - - - - - - - - Y"654.66 Cost per front foot - - - - - south side of street - - - - .61 Cost per front foot north side of street - - - - .06 D,spection - - - - - - - - - 12.84 Yr o n t,2, rre - - - - - - - - -- south side 751 ft. north side 775 " Yours truly, ( n CLief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Co:,Lmission@r of-riiiance. �r coixlisai07:er O�hublic,,orlk'.`r-„_..a St. Paul, Minn., -14 ...a.y 1.1a.t ........................192..2 To The Honorable, The'Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made; Ave. from....Finn --- --------- .......... .......... St. Alm to. rp-ti-n JLV--P-. ...................._.......__......__......_..St. Ave. NAME LOT B��CK ADDITION Al f7 V �f-=�.22 A01 COUNCIL FILE NO..._ ........... ............ Byy.,..... ........._.._-.__........... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...-:•.�....... sidewalks at the followin locations: -----..._............_ _...:'es.t...side..of....Virg.irla..AvsnuW..:avt: and St. Anthony Avenue i.e...of...S.t,._.nt:non:.... llrernik-..b- tFfeklz...}'.es.�.e.Tz:_.Averzue and Virginia Avenuel ` Sou h si-:e of Exc an.7e Stray` between ';'abasia S�l:.zzt_.a,nd _........ ...... ..._......... ................. .-- .............._._.......... ...._..--------------------------------......_.... Cedar Street, „t_, -------- Test side of Avor. _-t----- ----- at University ":venue, thenQe Snuth to allev. .................................._........ Gi--gs Street, under Preliminary Order --..._..........41 R. F. xuby Intermediary Order......__......._...._........ A public hearing having been h; having heard all persons, objections ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of S:79 eine v�......._..... _ .......... o: .ondo Bt. and,:e. BG . Antho�;`- Ide of St. Anthony A�-�`, upon due notice, and the Council F'eatern Ave. and v', e^thereto, and having fully consid- aide of. Exchange. qtr, 7abasha St and CIAr aid?yvon Ave. then,• ,Ul , kecise nature, extent and kind of aide of improvement to be made by the said I t p ae and arse,,:��„ S2.1EL_'-.ar3...rep.a r_,._rher.e...__ __ In Order necessary, -ir ".�a lks at t:.e-1-Cis -'2 �ticns .��eS.t si�a- :)f..V.iT,n ee. mi Std ..Anthony A;rmue, Se, .si a--of-cxc an Street nb?tri 'r aoaY t rn_Avanua 4- r .-ke .e �ti and Virgini tA:venua, Qf _.. ... } -......4'4 ... S+_,_ra;-t ?;nd Cedar, Street, "'-st--si3-a..__O.f...Avon Street, ---U.e�;inrir..---''.t...'JniversitY...pg-erua, tiienca South to 3:7"fey, -----__----------------South.--side of__-Edrquna St. betwe..............n Dunlap St. '- CriL, s_ -_St. .....-- -- .......... .. ..._.. _ .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. 191..... . La 1 City ierk. Approved... ::. PP `:....... - 191.. .. /- �� ------ _.. Mayor. Councilman &Haat : erEuson — :fid % Councilman KrJb rx ":atsori counailmRn afefmtt ------ Councilman > tU39" PZ -tet ',!en --el Mayor±kndgetm:c ITelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • r, C.' In the Matter of R�cQns-t.r' Vit- - -----r-laX-ing-_&--r.epa.izing, -wher-e.---nac-easar..y.,--_side-walks_.._..--_- at --the.--f c llow ing--lo cat ions:-- — -- - - - ------------------- ---- -------- ---- -- - --- - -- - - -- - rest--_side--_of Virginia-Ave,----betereen-Rondo_St.-__St-.--_Anthony Aqe_.-..---_..--_..__ South side of St. Anthony Ave. between Western Ave. & Virginia Ava South ....s.ide_..o.f...xchas. ,e.._St.._._be.tpreen---Waba.sha---fit_--&--fie iaz_ 5�---------------------- West side of Avon St. beginning at University Ave., thence South to South side of Eamund St. between bunlap St. & Griggs t. under Preliminaryapproved Iuly 11+- --1-922r---------�------� �-�� "����"�""- ��"-�� ----- --- ----- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $------------------------ g t . e The estimated cost 15er foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $tom -------------- ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 16 1 Grace's Addition to St. 1 1 Paul, Blks. 1 & 2. 10300 Lots 8 to 1 1 do 3 The following described part --of Lot 3 beginning at a point on the line between Lots 3 & 9 said lots 118.55 feet from Northerly line of 9th Street, thence Northeasterly at an angle of 86 degrees 17P to the left 4.03 feet, thence Northerly parallel to Westerli line of said lot 3 8.74 feet more o& less, thto aence point parallel to Southerly line o Exchange St., •07 on line between Lots 3 & 4 said block, thence Southalong 7line between Lots 3,4, & 9 to beginning also 4,Baz5 ,&& Guer Block in's Addition to St. Paul. 325000 TOTAL, (6 CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF AN7iNCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The following described part Bazil & Guerin's Addition of Lots 1, 2 and 3 7 to St. Paul- Be aul. Begginning at a point on present W'ly line of Cedar St. 85.85 feet N'ly from N.W. corner of Cedar and 9th Ste., thence N. along said W'ly line of Cedar St. to S.W. corner of Exchange S Cedar Ste., thence W.alou� S'lylline of said Exchange St. to W 1 line of said Lot 3,th%e ce SS y along' said W'ly line to a point 113.55 feet Pd'ly from N'ly line of 9th St., thence 86 degrees 17J' to the left 107.26 feet, thence 57 degrees 22' to the left 5 feet, thence to the place of beginning (except that part of said Lot 3 conveyed by W.D. 177500 recorded in Bk 561 of Deeds Page 192) 1 Cbute's Brothers' Divisions 9500 #16, to the City of St. Paul. 1 3 Sanborn's Midway Addition 550 2 3 to St. Paul, Lunn. 500 3 3 do 500 4 3 do 500 5 3 do 500 6 3 do 1000 7 3 do 500 8 3 do 600 9 3 do 500 10 3 do 500 11 3 do 500 12 3 do 500 �3 3 do goo Total 529850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.,,- Dated orks.; Dated--C... .--.-.._...-_....19_,... Commissioner of Finance. ` Office of the Commissioner of ,Public Works 4t, Report to Commissioner of Finance July 31, 1922. _..... __ .._ ............................ _.__.._...._..._.._191_ .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No40721..........._.approved ___:7.,y..._1.:__1.922........._11n........., relative to .... ....._........_..... reoonetructing, relaying and repairing where necessary, sidewalks at the following locations: .W...S„.....Virginia ....Ave. ......between... Rondo.....5.t and...s.t.i_... Anthony ._A,o.e.................__ ........._.._......_....... SS St. Anthony Ave. between Western Ave. and Virginia Ave. S.S. Exchange §t. between Wabasha_ St. and Cedar St. ................_._._.........._._.....__.__.. W” 5 Avon St 'beginning at Universlty Ave., thence south to Alley S.S. Edmund St. between Dunlap St. and Griggs St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ........... and (or) desirable. 10� per square foot 2 The estimated cost thereof is $........_ .................... _._, and the total cost thereof is $_....._..._.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _..... 5. Said improvement is........... ......._................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. VV t� Commissioner of Public Works. J 36z 5 i COUNCIL FILE NO..-..._ .................... By.......Jr._. C.e....C1�n9.X.,....._... FINAL ORDER In the Matter ?io+crol Street �----C. Street, _........_._..........................._...... I -----..... _........---....... ............... _........... _... _. _. .............. _----_..........------. _...................... _.......... .......... _... ... _....... ........ . _................._... _.......... _....... _. _....... _....... _.. _..........._-----................................. ...................... ..................... --.... ...... ..__..._._........... .......... _................ _.---_._.........-----.....__...._............... ......................................... ....... ....................... ...__--.......... .................... ...__-........ ..._.._................... ...................... .................................... _.. under Preliminary Order....-- -....._-..- ..-- _.- approved ....... "' Int( C. F. No. 42074—ar s. at. clancr— approved ......__.._...... _..._........__............................ _- In the Matterofourblpg on �V, d - bridge St. from Front St. to Hatch,.d upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council St. under Preliminary Ord- 39861 hav approved May 24. 1922. and recouuncndations relative thereto, and having fully consid- A- public hearing having been had ere( upon the above improvement upon dues notice, and the Council having hi-Ard all person , abeectiho ns and an coma gf. the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of de ell ..considered the as, �, impen eF: u> bn1 e said City is..... _r. 1 ^^> a tr rcrr int tn':,(srio -t...to...?a_tch._S.are-z.+.,- _ __.... _ .... _............___._... .........__- ......... - - - _... -- ....... _....... ....... ..- .. --------------..........._........ _........ ................ _._..._.... _ ....... _._ ._ ....._..._....._.._....... ... - ....... ....... -............... _........... ................... .......... ............. - ..._ _. _ ...... _..............-._....._ -- ----- ----- ............................ ..................... ....._........................ .............._.................-..-.............. -._..........._.......... ......----------- ...... - ...---------..._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city ofiieials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __...., 191...... /In City ...... Clet�c. Approved.._. _ .............. 191. Mayor. Councilman X mXWER511i U a Councilman KtsW " ertrtzson PIMLISHE, D d _ ----- Councilman K9R¢t Councilman Mhxod> ahch Ter. el Mayor 3chodpox" ::elson Form B. S. A. &7 ® CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 7i FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D)� In the matter of�urblIl�—on Woodbri�re Streat 3rotn Front Streat to Hatah Street. under Preliminary Order approved May 24, 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 5 509 19 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - 8 1.00 per front ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (East 60 ft. of 7-6- 5 2 Barney Norton and 11675 Kingsley's let Add.to 4 2 st.paul. 2575 3 2 do 1775 2 2 do 3025 1 2 do 325 All of 8 and S- 7 ft. of 9 44 Auerbach & Kands Add.to 1050 (Except South 7 feet) 9 44 44 the CitySt-Paul- 1025 10 44 do 300 1650 it 44 do South 36 ft- of 13 44 do 1300 (Except S. 6 ft.)Lots 13 all of lot 14 44 do 2050 an TOTAL. �z d e 5— The Commissioner of Finance further The reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -_- -_11 or Finance. Form H. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn. . ....... ... 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Ave. from. ... ... ---- ---- A ................ bt. NI -111-11, St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'F ZY J .q�r,.,22 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wos �. CEjVcr, Report to Commissioner of Finance c8 3 !' "A July...13_.:....1922 191...... . _._...... ....._....._.._....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 39861 approved Mey 24 . 1922 191 ......, relative to_. ourbing Woodbridge Street from Front Street to Hatch Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................. necessary and (or) desirable. $1.00 per front foot 509.19 1. The estimated cost thereof is....._.........._..........__., and the total cost thereof is b .................___..... ....... ..., and Frontage 508 ft. Inspection $9.96 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. \11��t...S............._..__._.._. (Com iissioner of Public Works. flip of $t. Patti OSCAR CLAU94EN. —.1 ¢xaxeen £Irpartutrut of public marks WILLIAM J. PETER, OMMISSIONER T E un... OF c A i T' E OE. CONSTANS, !! c...He TTO �EPUTY GOMMI!lIONCP G. M. XERROLDOO.n ce ANO ClivnP xiHO ENcwe.n M. !. ORYTBAN, e OfW 4b A. !HARP, SUPT OF 3—.ei! A— SANITATION H. W. —1—R. lVPT. or wonnn OU!¢ July 12, 1922. 1r. ;im. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public ':iorks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost fo, the curbing of 'Woodbridge Street from Yrciit Street to Hatch Street, under Preliminary order C. c'. X39861, approved Iriay 24, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - -0509.19 Per front foot - - - - - 1.00 Inspection - - - - - - - - 9.98 Frontage - - - - - - - 506 ft. Yours truly, �p Ci_ief Engineer. Aj:proved for transmission to theC mmissioner of iinnnce i 1 Commissioner of Public orks. ',( I CITY OF, ST. PAUL c21u.Nc"NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CNCIL U RESOLLL ON --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By S�C . ....... DATE. -......-...............Sept.... 291._192 2. COMMISSIONER,_....') .............. ... ....... RESOLED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Niles Atenue to a width of 60 feet from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40103, approved July 10, 1922, and Intermediary Order Co F. #41484, approved August 28, 19229 The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of at. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as.follows: South 30 feet of the N* of the M* of the S*' section 8, Town 28, Range 23, running from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue. C F. No, 42076—By and In the matter o oPer d Nilesextending 'Is- width 0 - .,f Go feet from, Cleveland Avenue . 'I I Lo under Pre im nary order, F No. 40703, approved July C. C* 1922 and intermediary, order Aug "22 No. 41484, approvedof 'The Comm'to ton iWH'� W-�k-' I �h , , submitted heirs report and sketch Inc In the above matter. be It Resolved, That' City of St' Paul fixes determine. . I -mount of land to he taken for the above named _ment to be " *f'IIo,`f.ih, l,pr'th -30 fee"tiOnt of th8- TownI BEV, Sn 28. Range I 23r"'ning from Cleveland Avenue to �C�etin plVln"lih, 4C .... 11 Sept. 29.'1922. Adopted by Approved Sept. 29, 1922i October 7-192 Yes( V) Councilmen V) Nays Cran—cy Adopted by the Council.......__&P 54,Nt Ferguson SEP 25 622 ..In favor roved Matson 0 'f Smith -Against .YOR Werizel Mr. President (Situ of -6t. Paul Brparhnrat of Puklir Oarko v iv WILLIAM J. PETER. E_ �PrPnor c n E ®COMihI5510NyR ..� nv vcrwi OTTO E CONSTANS COM MI9 STONER r_��„�Y c. vuc+w vor C�oc'Puxu�uc �EPJTT Sc R nio voir�c ¢n 4S t�1� REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of opening, widening and extending Niles Street to a width of 60 feet from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40703, approved July 10, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. #41484, approved.August 28, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, whdch land is accurately described as follows: South 80 feet o3 the N* of the BNJ of the SEJ, Section 9, Town 29, Range 23, running from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. Y, Comm se Quer o Public or1�- L- � Dated Sept. 29, 1922. CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEt.�VT OF FINANCE REPORT OF Al 'IT OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Open. widen and extend Nd1em Avenue to a width of 60 feat from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue - To the Gounclt of the city of at. rauc The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: p o The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is O O. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Except the North 75 feet of the Fast 185 feet and 8610 except Cretin and Cleveland Avenues. The South i of the North j of the Northeast u of the Southeast of Section 8, Town 28. Hinge 23 (9.43 acres) TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated X �C/ 14Y15 _�L/�f y��/� . Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works _. ;niVED + Report to Commissioner of Finance _....._July 21, 1922 ............... ......_................. ......:....191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.4Q7f?.0..._........approved .._.._X.L.Y..-10..,...1.94..........191.......... relative t2 .............. ............. opening, widening and extending Niles AVenub to a width of ....... ............. ... 60 feet from Cleveland Avenue to Cretin Avenue. _.... .................... ............. _... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..............._.__............... and the total cost thereof is �..............._..... xxYSY _.._................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................................................ ...................................... ............... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......... --- ..._......__.............................. .._............................._..._........,._.__......_._................._....._..._._..._...._................_..................._.._....,........_........_.....__............ __.. o. Said improvement is.. .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... -06mmissioner of Public Works. eoQQa.z 4 �; e �zs No. ....... . _.._............ SEP 2 g 3422 arXamount ol AUDITED 192... .......... -. ...-.. R89• il0• Q8 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the� 66Q�............._. covering checks numbered_ 72.>7r> to. 730). inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( 11 ) Nays. �e ° , In favor McBDueld, ,Matson, —Wenzel. -Against Mr. 2r€sident, Hodgsmr Nelson .I C. F: No 12076= ` Resolved that warrauta be drawn upon Che C1tY Treasury; to. the ag6re- N.amount of 51,662.61, coverSng checks numbered 7276 to 7301 inclu- ."e, as Der reglater o[ clty checks on fiI. 1n the o"Ice of tha Clty Comp-' troller. Adoptedby the -Council Sept. 29, 1922. �I APProved Sept. 29. 1922. koctober-7-1922) C- i SP 2') 1922 Adopted by the Council .......___ .........__.._............_...-...192.......... '' 2q 1722 -L Approved--- ................._... _..- -...._.192-......... Y -Y\, CITY UP ST. PAUL C,r. c".. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER poem A Aas,IM 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORDI • • ... —L r,zs IN -6-4—T04 ... ?.... / — Cpp jj�� LY . ............ COMiBOLL_ .. _. S�iP.9. 9. Jvr r . 192.... AUDITEb..... Res. No. 857E Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, It the aggregate amount of $.....4, 6689 64covenn g ........._.._., checks numbered _ 7275 to... 7301 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( 1 ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays. 7G611-51Adopted by the Council...... SEP 29 ZC -.........192..--._.-... ,/Ferguson, In favor SEP (2R - roved _. 192 M/ atson, r 5rpttr—Peter p ✓ t� . — v Wenzel. Against i g v{- r -- : 1 R MAYOa Mr1resident, Hcd&mT[— Nelson \ 7275 A-1 Stenographic Bureau 25.25 33.50 141929 185.00 72.38 40.20 63.41 Com'r. Finance 14.50 Health 8.25 So hoDl 2.50 25.25 7276 American Cider & Confectionery Co., Park -Ref. 7277 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Co., Wheelage Tax 6.00 Mun. Court .90 Pur. Dept. 2.25 School 125.20 Library 3.34 Lighting 3.60 41.29 7278 Saloulator Equipment Co., Water 7279 Kelsey S. Chase, County. Treas. Library 7280 Cleveland Wrecking Company Water 7281 Electric Blueprint Co., Bur. of Eng. 5.47 " 6.25 School 1.50 " 2.75 tt 21920 Building 26.?.4 63.41 25.25 33.50 141929 185.00 72.38 40.20 63.41 7282 Elmquist Bros. & Co., New -Library Bldg. 7283 Finch, VanSlyck & McConville Health n Workhouse n 7284 The Fleischmann Company Workhouse ® 7285 H. B. Fuller Company Bur. of Eng. Library,, n 7286 Great Lakes Coal & Ice Co., Pay. Hague Ave., 7287 Mike Holm, Sec. of State Wheelage Tax 7288 Lee Elevator Co., New "ibr-ry Bldg. 7289 The National Gas Governor Co., Workhouse 7290 New York Tea Company Workhouse n Park -Ref. 7291 Olson Boettger Electric Co., School 7292 Wm. Picha Trucking Co., Pay. Hague 7293 C. Reiss Coal Company Fire 7294 Royal Typewriter Co., Library n Parka Garage 7296 St. Paul Coal Co., Pay. Hagge 7296 St. Paul Gas Light Co., Pol. & Fire Alarm Health n n n n Street C. & R. n Sewell' n S. & S. Cing. Workhouse Sprinkling 16.23 18.83 9.83 8.85 3.10 56.92 25.60 42.80 1.00 1.00 50.16 142.42 15.99 9'3 2.-1-3- 375.00 52.00 13.36 2.70 18.50 17.44 2.00 8.10 17.66 .35 3.40 5.94 7.97 17.66 833.40 294.00 435.00 .75 55.20 30.00 23.60 1.60 4.90 773.15 88.31 7.21 .60 1.11 1.00 4.50 7.21 37.78 392,73 16.23 18.83 9.83 8.85 3.10 56.92 25.60 42.80 1.00 1.00 50.16 142.42 15.99 9'3 2.-1-3- • • 7297 St. Paul Gas Light Co., Library 50.40 Parks 53.19 n Ref. 40.90 Playgrounds 53.69 Mun. Test. Lab. 11.91 Markets 1.00 Garage 49 03 Auditorium 1.30 26�^ 7298 St. Paul Welding & Mnfg Co; S. & S. Cing. 5.00 Lighting 44.75 n 18,25 Water 29.80 n T. 6-cr- 7299 B. J. Stillwell Paper Co., Library 7300 Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co.. Armory 5.25 Polioe 153.66_ X91 7301 Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co., Fire 60.28 P'ol. & Fire. 4.10 Bur. of Eng. 5.80 Library 35.60 Water 87.33 193.11 261.42 97,60 21.38 158.91 193.11 eo merr 499,+ 1 ren No.... .. ... _...... 1722 I 1). -- Y1 ---- ..........COM LLHH.. AUDITED j .......... 192 -.........Ree• no. 869 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amnt of $.. .. _., covering checks numbered 7302 to. '303..__ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file m the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Adopted by the Council._ CFP -- `2(i Li2Z __.......-- ......._.........192_.._.... In favor s[ P :2tl �K2 .�4eBeteald, Approved 192.......... .,-Matson, s �r --Wenzel. O. _ . _.. . Against Tenzel. Mr. V. silent, llo3$s6',7 No 1 son / C. F.No. 12077- r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City; X-a-ry, to the aggre- gg te. amount o[ coverlag. dhecke numbered 713'01"s2671 03 inclu- eros. se per et t hely checks on office, of flea In the oIIlue. of the City Comp- troller Adopted by the Council Sept. 29, 1922. ' Approved Sept. 29' 1922. - -(October 7-1422) C7 ��. .OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 42-f<y"'� 000<a== �, y d d Form A A 46, 1M 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM =__= NO•...._.._-. -- -. -- s 0 E "2 19 2 9Y Com LLS . AUDITED ... .......192... ....- Res. No. 858 lIthe Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to aggregate amount of $_ 5.,_995.96___,___.._.. covering checks numbered _ 7.302 to 7303 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( �' ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. fi In favor ,—Mat%fc$ofta33d', Sawdr,—V-e-t er rWenzel. Mr.,2-rt5sident, H,cJkI6ea Nelson 7302 Board of Control Bd. of Control 7303 Spears Tevne Water SEP '2� Isz Adopted by the Council___.....__. _...._............................ .192.-......-. PProved- ................:.�. t'-� " --_...192......... 5,486.04 509.92 MAYOR owruurs cixr or ar. e.vL To CITY C— • nra °� No._.... -420.1. 2 8 1922 ev OMPT LL pp Si ... .. __ ......... ... ._. ..._... . AUDIT i I Res. No.554 Resolved that warrants n be drawupon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_........... covering checks numbered.. 7262.. . ___ _ to....._'J.Q66 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. anc .Ferguson, In favor McB umld, Matson, .'Wenzel. --- 0—Against Mr.Px ent,%bdpvff Nelson C.. F. No. 12078— ' •,.8eeolved`that warrant" ba'draWnl -upon the Clty Treasury, to the aggr.,:f Bate amount 37,s96.18; oaggrc-- hecka numbered 7262 to. 7266. inclu- .ive,-a9 `her reg later of city checks on flle !n 'oltice'. or troller. : - the' City Copp_ Adopted :hy,he Council Sept. 29, 1922. A➢proved 1eVt..29, 3922. (October 7-1922) 0 Adopted by the Council ...._...SEP_29 '72: _.-.192........... Approved. _ __------__ C�.. �. ..!7.2[------------- ....192_......_ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER o�==z 20 F.I. AA 46. lM 7-2I AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORMf=:.>< 1V0•-...5. .�. ... - SEP2 8 r� v�v �T2� 8Y _ __. .._ COM- L"" AUDITED -..-..... ...................192......... � I PER .. ...-.-..... Res. No.554 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the ,City Treasury, to t e a8gre$ate amount of $ _ 7,506.16 covering checks numbered 7262 _ to 7266 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. ,S}artcy Adopted by the Council. a..1. +..': ............ 192 Ferguson, [ In favor p 2 i 522 MaAeaa App ved..._ .. ........ .-_.. .. 192 .......... ,,Matson, Com.... -Against '��- lMAYOR Mr. President, Iioda9oer Nelson 7262 Northern Paoifio Ry. Co., 212.00 Water 7263 Patterson Street Lighting Co., 4,864.95 Water 7264 Albert Rehbein 143.45 Water 7265 Simples Valve & Meter Co., 1,589.38 Water 7266 The Speakes Company 696.38 Wa ter C] • cease:r si�j�y n L 1.92 I BY COMPTugl L AUDITED .. -- ........ 192... ... ..et„y,,.<;: Res. No. 552 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.1%i19z. $�.................covering checks numbered_ _ 7?A9 to. _.7200. - inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. Glattey vFerguson,In favor Itf¢H[ nir �4atson, S[RR3'pe—t 3+ Against ,iWenzel. Mr. Dmident, Hvdg5ov Nelson YC tNo 42079- r Resolved that s ante he drawn upon the u ty Trea urynt of.; to the ver,n! cgato lleeke numbered 72491St 8 7260 Inctug btve,.as Der I. g10ter of city -checks on 9ta in the.:oRice of the Clty. Cc ..troller. ...Adopted bythe Couiic119ept.-29, 1922. ADDroved. Sept. 29, 1922. (Oetober-71�22) - i Adopted by the Council _ ��_ �)...'.7Z-- ---------------------...192 �t P `� 7 �.72C Approved _... .... ................... ....192......... oam.�= ro c�xr or er. r.vn OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 420'79. C oovso=:. Form A A 46, 1M 7-21 AUDITED CLA131S—RESOLUTION FORbI x=zs NO.._._:..........._........... r' er COMPPHULLEH.-- AUDITED ....�'j(.P 2 •: �d-..._ 192......... Mbr" PER,)9 Res. No. 552 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $,1%.l %.a covering checks numbered _ 7249 to. _ 7260 - inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yeas ( 17 ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. —tta—ncy Adopted by the Council.......-- 'HP .-.2-r4_":.22 ...................192......... --Matson, In favor '_ �p �, A r ved -- - -- - .-_S.C...-- -.. .....'- 192.......... r.. -y..' ..... f /�Y t Lir.`C —Wenn . peter Against _ b ........_ .............._._........................ —Wenzel. Y7 � - MAvoa Mr.Pxesident, Hodgatnr Nelson r 7249 Casey Dairy Company Park -Ref. 7250 Hafners Meat Market Park -Ref. 7251 The Ham Company Park -Ref. 7252 Joy Brothers Motor Car Co., Garage 7253 guhles & Stock Co., Peak Ref. 7254 Peoples Coal & Ice Co., Park -Ref. Garage 7255 Rockey & Williamson Co., Park -Ref. 7256 St. Paul Gas Light Co., Lighting 7257 Jacob Schmidt Co., Park -Ref - 229.05 11.42 62.50 103.26 89.82 158.60 146.10 - 12.50 8.6 20.00 14,555.85 238.50 • • 7258 Standard Oil Company Election 7259 Tri-State Telephone & Teleg. Co., Mayor's Office Purchasing Dept. Health " " n Pars " " Ref. Playgrounds 7260 J. C. Vander Bie Park -Ref. 24.35 27.10 2.00 4 60 4.00 1.50 6.20 6.90 5.25 4.00 '95.90- 52.27 85.90 1,586.70 ccUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 26 19 ......... PRESENTED By & Frank W. . 2P . .... ...... ..................... .... .... . .................... DATE ..... . . ...... .. COMMISSIONER .. ................. ............................... ,RESOLVED what General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation Ltd. of Perth . Scotland, Liability Policy NO- 454593 issued to Dampier Baird Co. et al, expiring Sept. 29, 1923, covering Nash Sedan, Year 1921, Factory NO- 178252, operated upon the streets of the city of St. Paul under license dated Nov. 22, 1922, be and the same is hereby approved to take the place of expired policy covering said auto car. Yes( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays _--Fergilson M.D.Wd favor ,-Matson sur—PO"r _..........Against Against ,-Wenzel ,Ar. President C 0 rn 0"'01 V;itil -abo7a Req,ajutio.. Adopted by the Council.... --- SEP 29 1922 Apr6ved__-- 19 cou�at No.-._._� CITY OF ST. PAUL ►ac OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL, FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..:.._ ..:.:.... .......-� RESOLV qD That the applications for licenses of the following persons for conducting the Butcher business at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: M. L. Ryan, 401 Prior Ave., victor Prooido, 268 E. 7th St- P11 - t. the cus[omary .Cee y�" ` "9ury of � M. L Ry 403 P I e Ave - Victor Pr cido, 266 E 7th St. Adopted b the C uncll be Sept 23, ig22. Approved Sept, l9 ig22. - (Octor 7-1022) Yes(./) Councilmen (✓) Nays SEP 29 1922 19__-- -�y Adopted by the Council .....___-....._------.--..-- ---Ferguson SEP 29 1922 �lu favor pproved_..—.----------------------19-- - :i-Metson U -$iter Against -- -- - -----_....__.-wF--- - Venzel �r. President ►ORM eM.e•IIO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FSank W N&tBDn DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLSED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of Foodstuffs at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Jacob Rosenbaum, 500 Sherburne Ave.; John Daneoek, 1142 Farrington Ave., A. R. Elquist, 1948 Ashland Ave., ,J. L. Groeskop4, 541 University Ave. C F No. 42082 --By F. W. Mnt.on— Resolved,'.That the applications for licenses of. the following ?area.. for the hdndling and selling [.Foodstuffs .at the address.. Indicated be and the sae: are hereb my',granted and the city • 'I'g ttd'4s -instructed to Issue such It - cause on the payment Into the city troaeUry of the anetomary fee: Jacob Rosenbaum, ,boo Sherburne John-.Danecek, 1142 Farrington Ave, A. R, Elquist; 1948 Ashland Ave. J L. Gro..Gph. 641 II IV-1try Ave -Adopted by the Council Sept. 29, 1922. li ADProved- Sept 29, 1922. —(QctoberJ 7-1922) Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays -Qhmcy- '�erguson ---V ....-In favor vMabon .jjWijbt--p*ter --0 --..... Against ,Wenzel _}f. President ORM aM 5.10 SEP 21) 1R2 Adopted by the Cou SEP 29 19'i- loved - t9_....... p..-- —----- -- Mwrow 11L I ;)l v"'� CITY OF ST. PAUL cou' NO-__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED D T t e GOMMISSIONERBy E RESOLVED That the PurchusinE -gent be, and lie is hereby aut,L,21zed to r purchase, '.lith the consent of the CuPtroller, One BurfOuhs �,Iectric - Book?_oe,)inC Llachine 76503, _ N' t j. cost j�at to exceed �725.30, iti.ut asking for cu,,jpetitlive bids, as is a pLtentcd artic1c .nd no advantaCe co-,ild be Ll-ain thereby. Charge Co: -)troller- Gthea_ Expense. Cf., P. Nd: 92083—By A. B. Nelson Resolved. Thatthe chhsing Agent be, and hte, , a hhe= authorised to purchaee, ant of the Comptroller, one B.-..gh.-t'ic Bookkeeping net to a.nu obNo.. 650371at' ... Mne d ,17 6.00. without ask-: Ing".p.tjtl bids, as this Is for c' patented article and as advantage' .. Id, b. gained thereby. .. Comptroller—Other Tdpotprtoeld by the Council liapt. 29, 1922. Approved Sept. 29, 1922. (October 7-1922) Yes V) Councilmen (V) Nays eisin.y ✓Ferguson _+}t}In favor Matson __9ff4I`6_ Against Wenzel _-Mr. President Adopted by the Council - HP 2f, clrK 192 oRICINe[Yo CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO.__-. _�"�...-..----- CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM %i(l CHARTER SECTION 208' PR iTED sv --Se t.28 1922.COMMISSIONER.........///.. DATE..........P..............f..............__...._..._.. o RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE- APPROPRIATION ITEM IRANSFCRto rROm I �wnn>renc.. ... 34 S&W Sewer Construction and Repairs $6,100.00 34 03 Sewer Construction and Repairs $6,100.00 oke o[uIN,hnvote et Ki' g nn m" IN, met by hnmpering ttie . the money in the 3 irlrom Cede n de 34. I, Construction nd I lY� ncil 9eVt. 29, 1932.',y�- 1922. YES(;) COUNCILMEN (%7) NAYS `-�ERGUSON --#AeEk"W&-Q ------- ------ -IN FAVOR --MATSON 0 '}r .......... ..... AGAMST �W ENZEL ---MR. PRESIDENT SEP 2`► 722 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.. . .................... 19---------- I-- ------------ 19 ------- ................ .. .... .. ..Sc� MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED CITY COMPTROLLER council File Pio...,( o. C I T Y 0 F S T. P A U L 02 -:'ICE 02 THE CITY CLERK CO'CIL r.Ei�,,ERAL FORM Presented b., - ,— C omi- 1 Z --- I o n e r Zt) — ---------Dute -7, ----?'- - --- '17 I SSOLF6D'. I)nrp,.i-=sjon be ,,,6 it hFI-b.' En-Irted the TRI STATE 7�- _7 1-3 ' GRAPH t3 t r i n, ;sireth the nececrcar;' -r, 12 poles on ti -le east side of 3 ---field St. r-om 'Jest 7th St. to Youngman St. Poles -ard n C, to do so by the Corr—on coln,lil. Saj6 cost to be raid I,,: - Tei gplor, corj-any. '% %42986—By W. Peter— R...Ivd, That ele,on be and it 1s hereby granted the Tri State TO.- Ph... & Telegraph at ri.r-phCompany, C p --y, to set Poles and ir _lre, with thecco.- sary anchors there.. In the following -11amed street.; Lf/ 12 Poles on the east side of Spring - %field St. from West 7th St- to Youngman St. Poles and wire to be removed'I when requested to do so by the 'm me Co.. aid cost to be P.IT b; T the'"'. ' T.I.Phom, Company. Adopted by the Council Sept. 29, 1922. Approved Sept. 29, (October 7.1922) Yes ( ) counci!P.-n ( ) il,-,ys Bey %,L -In favor r Against -Wenzel _--Y2. President FORM 311 5-20. Adop'eO by the CMInCi P 25 �JL,'19 Appro 7P ME, or CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.------- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -,� // nn SB t. ES 1922 COMMISSIONER........ � Vk........................../�.. .................... DATE.............�...................f. ............... 1................. Whereas, In the matter of paving L.afond Street from Snelling Avenue to Aldine Street, in accordance with the requirements of 0. F. #39669, approved May 11, 1922, it was provided in the plans and specifications for the doing of certain additional work in steel and concrete reinforcements over trenches in which house drain or sewer and water oonnections, additional paving, ourbing, were installed, at a scale of prices therein fixed, and in - - accordance with said plans and specifications; and Whereas, it was deemed advisable and necessary by the Commissioner o: Public_wor a or the Contractors, The White Construoti9 C. F. No. 1111 —By W J. Peter said work more particularly articular) desorib1 Whereas, In the atter of paving from Street, in cosdanafie with tthe dine or C. F. No. 39669, approved May 11, 1922, it w provided in the, 33.12 Sq.yde. sheet pian, d specifications for to doing t Q, 12 X90.08 17.9 Lin.ft. etrai8 concrete eertsln dditional work in steel and Soo 8.95 oncrete r inforcements over trench¢.. 6.3 ° " radio inwhich house drain or sewer and, .75 4,72 ,r „ water connectloppa• dditional paving,; 8 wood curbing; were In'etalI d, t a scale of 015 - 1.20 prices therein axed, and In necordance. 4656 Lbs. steel rain with .aId plan. cad P. Inc atfon' d', Whereas, it wa deemod advisable 0 ana ne .cry by the Commlast oner of .08 372.48 17.22 Cu.yde. cone White c niiu ti Construction Com Contractors, The 8.00 137.76 2 racy, particularly per - 17022 [ori sold work me particularly - I 17. 2 a +d as, fplle�•F_. .90 lb.b0 II Total $630..70 Whereas, said work and material has been done and furnished as provided for_in.the paving of said street; now therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hereby allows for all work and material as hereinbefore stated, the sum of Six -hundred and thirty and seventy one -hundredths dollars (630.70) as a extra under contract known as 0omptroller'e Contract L-.1487 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. Yes 60 Cuuncilmen (tl) Nays ,,_Ferguson - lOicBomld Matson Wenzel --Mr. President .o.r .—a. Adopted by the Council_.__._a f,7C[ 19_._... JC,t P 'Z) 9 192? _.__...._In Favor prove 19 v- .._.....Against E ~" 'E 7` >+•�• CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ra.e NO..... `.:.'.•...�...__ r" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CI /{L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR lay r f — ESEN COMMISSIONER. ... ... .. .... ..... ... ....... . ...i......... ......... DATE..._ RESOLVED Thc;.t C,,uncil :ila 41938, dated .,I )te,.:ber tib, 1922, awarding contract to E. T. ..ebster in _., aunt of N800.00 for tl:e corl- struction of se- --::i: un F:_rrinGton -ve. f-.- :110 feet :_uuti; of _cont St. to a point ".;0 feet youth of Sons a 'tet., be .:_s,c. the sctir:: is hereby c:.ncelled, an_:ulled, c.nc _<:scinded. C. F. No. 42087—By F. W. Main — tot d Seppt. 23 x1922; awarding contrac[ to E. T. Webster in the amount of $ 800.00 for the nstructlon of a sewer an Farrington Ave. from 30 feet south Of Front St, to a point 30 feet south; t Stinson St., be and the same le here-'. by cancelled, annulled and 'O"re.I.'d er Adopted by the Counoil Sept. 89, 1922.'. d. Approved Sept. 29, 1922, ,E. (October 7-1922) Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays ` etancy L- erguson -mrB tnEtil In favor —Matson .Smit r _ Against VI zel ✓Mr. President IO"M lee. 1tr 1 Adopted by the Council . t>..f _u _ ':. L_ 192, -.---- App oved cou 11L J N V CITY OF ST. PAUL rac NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By AIE—�,.e�it ember 24y 1-9.2-2- COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council liereby concur -13 in the reclaf.i,;ndutiuIi of the C,rltr.,Ct and u;z-rds contract for the constructi— of se -;;el: it ',,:,rrinE:ton :-vc. rroi,j outh of .'rent ;A. to ,-, o in,, ;-0 cot ou,,11 of _jj ti,,n Wit., in ac o--,�.nce , tit plans cn, sl)ecific.Lions herutu .-ttc,clled, to the -,-yell CL)IStruction Cojjj-;any, tiiuy b:,inL; t-, jo,,_;�G rf�:.)oii:-ib1,: L)iddc-2'-, -Co" L110 Lj-Lujuj _E3 instLcuct.d 'o a2L,1. U,) 810.00. '1 15 0 (3 t C. F. No 42089—By F. W. Rceolved, That Council hereby c a ..,18.00- -t tr and .-.,d. con Committee --W.r ti -n of' tract 3,, feet on rri ton Ave. t construction t eolith d Front St. t r with Plan- an 30 f SO it attached, 0 the St., r it _p&uy. they 4f3.8; C o c lowest rBaps sible.bidders, C! (;r" clac0, nI the corporation (j 1"l, el I r u.t.d to dra�f-r! :..tr..t theie�o t B. 0. —1 r S10.00. r or 45Q6. Adoted bY the council Sept. 29, ( 1922. Approvedsept. 29, 192,2j2 C,.t.b.r 7-19 1 Yes ( V) Councilmen (V) Nays ,--Fer�uson -14 Bomitcr— In favor ✓ Matson q—;4 0, , Against Wenzel Mr. President F0— 1300 10-21 Adopted by the Council -192---- �-roved-- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL couwcl� 42f19 � r�. No.-....__.__� a ..._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY'��{/� /`(/-��"'//ySept. 29, 1922• COMMISSIONER....-._e%..�. ...... .. ... .. .. ..._.... DATE...- -- _=............... ....... ... ....... RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for drilling holes to ascertain the nature of foundations for proposed Robert Street Bridge, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. IC. a lv 12088—BY W. J. Peter— a 'Resolved. 1* Th e_,the "lane and Eyect- ficntione [or drilling hole- to ascertain ,the nature of foundation. for proposed .Robert Street Bridge, as .ubmttted by the Comml..loner of Public Worel�e, be < and the sama are hereby ap"ro fc Ado"ted by the Council Soyt. 29, 1822.', Y Approved (QCtSept. r 1922. to 7-1922) OP Yes U) Councilmen (✓) Neys -.Ga-ey Adopted by the Council ....._S E P 2 9 ' 7 2.2 19_ --- -Ferguson 1 �14eBonald-__......In favorovedj_/..�SEP ,-Matson iG r &�tlr ---._..._....._Against • Wenzel ---Mr. President ►oww aw .•ao ! ... 4. i to /// CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.----- �.: -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / %�Li �'CKi'i- ..................... DATE .._.t�.ep.i'!•...27...... 1922 ............ _....... COMMISSIONER ........ ......_. �.:.-.-...-_.... RESOLVED in the matter of grading Alley in Block S, Sanborn's Midway Addition, between Edmund Street Street and from Dunlap Street to and Charles Briggs Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #89282, approved April 22, 1922, and Final Order O. F. #40993, approved duly 21, 1922. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. I. -F. No. 42090—By W. J. Peter— In the [natter of Brading Alley In Blk. 3, Sanhorn's Midway. Addition, be- tween Edmund St. and Charles St. and from Dunlap St,to Griggs St., under Prelimlpary Order C. F. No. 39282, ap- proWed Apr11 22. 1822, and Final Order C. F. No. 40993, approved July 27. Rceci.v�fl .7. X�,X:�+r°3 in 1922: Resolved, That the plans, speclaca- COYS Y)CC i.O l.,•pO`.$ tions and estimated quantltl eub- ' rp o fitted by the Comm e.i ae Y Public I Reg-,© Works, for the above na d Improve- (^ i men', ba and the sums arehereby ap- ` 4 proved. Adopted by the'Council Sept. 29, 1922. �_M Approved Sept. 28, 3922. —� (October 7-1922) ;% Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays 2 Adopted by the Councll...._.SLp.-iy-�{__ __.._......__ 19- y r�—Ferguson .11AapcB�ld L._.._...lo favor --- 19.._ .. ` Matson _si._......_Agamst -- — —on Wenzel /Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y/' `tom ........... /// ............ .... ._......._............. DATE COMMISSIONER.. RESOLVED COUNCIL NO. -A_ i 27.......1 ti In th4 matter of changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 1, Pierce's Enlargement, under Preliminary Order O. F. #39393, approved April 27, 1922. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Oommissioner of Public Works, for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F- No. 42091—By. 3. peter— In the -.it.' of ehanging the grade and ullagi•rgement, under Prot min Block inaryr Ore derC. F. No. 39393, approved April 24, 18E% Resolved, That the plans, spaclflca- _ Clone and estimated Quantltles fu a b- - mitred by lltleh Co nalealonor of Public Worke, for .thy afibVe named lmD rove - t ment, be and; the mme ata hereby v.: proved:. Adopted -by the Councll SepL 89, 1922. (^ , C"` r , Approved Sept. 29, 1922; (October 7-1928) 1, Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays -ElaQey' _. --Fe-rguson McDaoald -—Matson Smith Wenzel ,,Mr. President woaw aw a -:o Adopted fly the Council SEP 2ti 622 -- 19- roved._..__J�P `,tri g22 19......... .._1n favor PP _....._------- -'---' Against ../_.---_.--`- ---------...----- w1YOa le COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By JAM.eQ. Ia... 0.14nqy ........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... gr.9o.izig. .Read. -to. -ljl1=Qh44A ........ StrAqjkl.............................................................................................. ....................................................................................... I .............. ...................................................................................................... ................................... ............................. ..................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.... 40443............... approved ...JL121e 26t 1922................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDERS. '"n issioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered 1. That the said report be and the same ic. F. No. 420 -?7;- and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. in t..,to frohe m Hud.01i Road to mixn.ti Street. 'od" 2. That the nature of the improvement W 40443, approved j�ne!ira,,o',Y922`��s .... gradjQ . Rv:ui. A �Mue I The council of the city. of SL y. having received the report of the of Fla.nch. p.n the i!T!Pro,Pj an d aving a.., .......................... ....................................................... iV. ....... ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ............................. .................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 271 th ........(lay of 1.0.QtJQb0x ........... 192..2x_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..,..,.. ................. 192 Approved.......-...-... 192...... Mayor. �CCouncilman Ferguson f —Councilman Matson Councilman Wenzel ___Kayor7 lie is on Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..A.Qllds]CW4KII�.RXXOd-talting,RP. easement.,in,the land necessary fox,lope,4,•,for,.cuts and fills in the �radin� of Ruth Avenue from Hudson Raad..t.4.DUMPIULY1q..St> e.6t..................................................................... ....................................................................................................... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... C. 40444 C. the Metter oT condemning and tax -e 2f) 1922. under Preliminary Order..... ing an aeement In the land ne.ea- p theYR grading of Ruth n A".... Itrom1. in, The Council of the City of St. P2 Hudson Road. to Mfnnehaha tye, the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having i under Jenemzsarly..0 er 40444, s, -solves: 1. That the said report be and 1 having o eceivea tine vepo t s t F.id adopted, and the said improvement is hereb ordered to be proceeded wi commleaioaer of F ounce upo I! Y P bave improvement, and Navin .r d:.:,•edgnidreport, herebyreav;l d and t$ke.an 2. That the nature of the improve'l; "bat the'eata report.b� ` GtOmmends is.GAXl. @1!121. ' rm,ui !improvement In;L: rf- .. easeme>�t.3n..th@. la�yd„r�egQs�ary ,4;;;°ne9ore f't.';i. . f...cuts and fills in the grading..of..Ruih. Avas2u4.,�r.4>t>. J3uda.4A.R4a� . to• PQ�.,nnehaha , Street,..in, accordance with. the. blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched p02'.ti.QrlS.Sho1V7�A6..the.cuts•.and„t he. shaded•.portions shoAing the fills, ................................................... ....................... I............................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 2Q.Q.Q....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 2Zth........ day of iiCtOb.Or........... 192..2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.':i...................... 192...... Approved ......... ._ Na:>•:: ;.y t man -Councilman Ferguson G o --Councilman Matson —Councilman Wenzel .,Mayorff5Vd9mxV. Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 192...... % Cierk. Mayor. Council File No. By J.•.... �I. CltincY....... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits, costs and expenses for construct a sevier or, r,,atson Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Pleasant Avenue C. F. No. 42094—BY J• ` ' Inbenotitea poste fndhexl•'i firm Cha a sower t. - from Chatsworth 8t. to under PrelimCTod- dery379988 Fina'. termedlary ved Feb: 18, 1922 38413, DDro been - A Dubl c hearing having upon the assessment for the above • Iprevenient, — -, and said aesessmbet' been furthebe necuneldered final., and having I Isfactory, be Ththereforetsid ase ppp Sesotvsd, n I."��56 Final Order, 3,4413 Order..3/9l and the same is hereby In .. .. under Preliminary `� 4an ratified, and tho sam .:,I,�submitted toi'.hmf .1 approved Feb. lzlz�--_...........r-n A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �_J�._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. •I; Adopted by the Council ---- — - --- 191 City Clerk. Approved ._ _._ __._ __._...-..-.191 _ i /y .I_... Mayor. Dorn, I3. B. 1S / (/ _ �7 PUFTL.ISIiF-1� By .,j.- I- C.lanoy....._..... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing; and graveling Capitol Avenue from Aldine Street To Fairview Avenue C. F. No. 42096—By J. M. Clancy-- lnbene6te costs ondte Denaes Yor curbe ing and BraveLuto Fairrview Av nuo from Aldine 54 under Pre'ordery 543. Final In- termediary Order S6i42� 191brde 16173, aP Droved ADT been k: A Dubllc bearing hsvin8 upon t eni and eu assessment as--Wn ntohayt�. 1' orov further considered by the Co 1214-7... lntet rth been considered Pn a Final Order......._.1.61.7 _........-- under Preliminary Order.... --- - ye It thcraeor- approved April 28, 191..7...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..J-,--equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _._.� -- -- -- .............. _...... _ Clerk. Approved _ _ _ _'. __i. ...___.._191.__... ✓� \ � . . ',Aayor. Dorm L', 13. 13 C) PUBLISHED Council File No. . __... __.. __.__....__._.__.... By._...._J..,.....y...........lanc.y.._.__.........._....... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. for es 5, In the matter of the assess MidwaynPlaisaneecosts andaBlockk 2l,sResemants Addition grade alleys in Block 5, from Thomas Street to Lafond Street and from Fry Streetto North and South alley .3595Q. 3.f����Q...._._.._....__, Final Order. 39.3.72......._....__.... under Preliminary Order _ . r _......, Intermediary Order . Ayr 27, l.922.. ;....._. approved C. F. No.' o. 42096—By J.M. Clancy Ia the matter of theaeseeeme,gment, and said assess - ad public hearing having been had upon the ass beneeta. coats and' enp6. e grading alleys In Bloch 6 _ Mh-nall satisfactory, be it ment having been further considered by the Council, Add' from Tti Block. s SL to Liator , y and from Fry 6t. to North.and °' therefore ` alley, under Preliminary order 'intermediary. order 31880' FtaT 89872, approved ADr 27 i File hearing having b" easement forth. airespects ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the sam.. -.d medered bymt he,•rte j i' ed to the District Court of the'' consider, camsey for con same is hereby ordered to be submittfirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and 4,79'Vereby determined to be payable ?� 4.._ _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved .__._...... __._..._......_.._..._..._.191_._. _._.............._... Form B. B. 16 er / c rrao AUDITED............ 192 861 Resolved that warrants be drawn up"ft City Treasury, to the a88re8ate amount of $_...._......_.__......_ ............... .8 covenn chocks numbered_ 7891 ..___._ _ to. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( e ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. el.T ,,,-Ferkuson, In favor McBeeald, ,--Matson, enzel. ' ...G_....ABeinst ""Wenzel. Mr._P tdenrliodgsett Nelson C. F. No. 42098— Reeoived that warrants be drawn upon the City TresaurY• to the aBBre` .heeke numbered'. 7321 it 327H36 melug :ni9e, as per reB19ter of cltY checks on 81e In the -.office of the ;CICY Comb- troller{ Adopted by the Coun191 Beet 30, 1922. APProved 9e9C. 80. 1A22. (October 7-1922) Adopted by the Council IP _. _....JCP 2 ;2Y Approved.__ ... _........__ ...............__....192.......... ayo Forty A A 46, 1M 7-21 • • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 4'100Q AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM NO..__ S E r 3 0 1922 By compT LER. AUDITED.... 192.. ... 861 l)PE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, tgate amount o£ $ 12, 31832 covering checks numbered 7321 to. 7335 _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( 1'. ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. qe!aa_nC'9"_, Ferguson, In favor MCR&Hfild, ,-Matson, 9,Mr--Fe-ter Q. Against ✓Wenzel. Mr. Eresident, Hcdgsvn— Nelson 7321 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r- Finance Pol. & Fire Alarm 7.322 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance Water 7323 John Egan Water 7324 M. A. Hanna Coal & Dock Co., Water 7325 Kolar Electric CO., Vocational School I 7326 Thos. McDonald Contracting Co., Sewer C. & R 7327 N. W. Fuel Co., Wat or 7328 Pyramid Oil Co., Water 7329 Review Publishing Co., Official Publications 7330' Sterling Printing Co., Cor,. Counsel P. Bldg. the Council _....._..S.E_t%ci :i 2 ..................192......... .................._..192_..._.. 7.00 7.50 1 MAYOR 1,162.50 5,174.48 7.55 212.37 731.54 1,019.00 2,777.22 44.98 480.39 14.50 i 7331 Tri-State Telephone �ployment� 7.50 Mun. Bur. Street C. & R, 5.10 2.00 S. & S. Cing. 6.40 Workhouse 3.90 Sprinkling 2.00 Garage 3.15 3�G5- 7332 Tri-State Telephone & Teleg. Co., 38.69 2 School 5.70 Auditorium .39 7333 Victory Printing Co., 7.00 City Clerk Bur. of Eng. 11.50 P. Bldg. 1.50 Water 91.75 11f.-IF 7334 Western Union TelegCooT� s Office Mayor's 1.98 Police 46.69 Bur. of Eng. 1.13 Markets 2.80 ML .-6-0 a �1 7335 Frank 0. Wicker Grad. Stinson 30.05 244.39 111.75 52.60 255.00 11 • ��;9 �o se.z�.9.3 No --- I er Comr'ra lm AUDITED ... 192...... iii [� @!V Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ covering checks numbered7004 to. .731 ___inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. i", ( d ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. ei... y Ferguson, M Dnsld, Matson, ._- �e'L't9'r Wenzel. Mr.President,-Iodgsatr. Nelson - In favor -.... Against I C R No. 48099 arawn 1 ed that warrants b¢ Cpt tamout t T is E923 91 th crag heck numb r d 7304 to 7313 Inclu- 1 e, ae. Der eBleter of city checks on �,, In the oNce of the City :c--p- troller. oller. Adopted by the Council Sept 30.1922. Approved Se pt• 30 1922. '(October 7-3922) Adopted by the Council SES') 722 --- -192-------- Approved .. JI-.? :..-:722.._ .................192.......--- Foam A A 46, 1M 7.21 • U OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAI3IS—RESOLUTION FOR31 P=zE NO......:`.$..C'.-- 18y / CODIMHOLL ` AUDITED .......... ...192.......... i .. I 859 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to he aggregate amount of $ 923.61 covering checks numbered_ 7304 to. 73.3 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ' ) Councilmen ( ) Nays ,G6 --,,, .Ferguson, In favor 3.4ePe"ld, .Matson, "Wenzel. U Against ... Mr. President, $adtson Nelson he Council _ AdoptedLppr.ved JC� nll _ ______ 'SL _ ----...._._....._.-_....192........... C. H. & C. H. `?.l V _..192 ......... 107.57 C. H. & C. H. � MAYOR 7304 American Linen Supply Co., 94.37 C. H. & C. H. 7305 Capital City Lumber Co., 107.57 C. H. & C. H. 7306 Cutler Hamner Mnfg. Co., 55.65 C. H. & C. H. 7307 J W. Hulme Co., 14.39 C. H. 7308 Maendler Brush Mnfg. Co., 8.71 C. H. C. H. 7309 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 9.98 C. H. & C. H. 7310 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 514.18 C. H. & C. H. 7311 The Speakes Co., 65.51 C. H. 7312 Wolterstorff Range Co., 33.25 C. H. & C. H. 7313 William Youngbauer 20.00 C. H. & C. H. — .... 1- 10 all C— err No... --42.4 COMPTIZOL H. AUDITED.. 192 PE 860 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to he aggregate amount of 50, 2-76, 94 covering checks numbered 7314 to. 7320 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yess ( v ) Councilmen Nays. T-CITUMV, '___Ferguson, In favor __Xatson, Ci Against ,-- enzel. Mr. erwident, Hzdpuff Ne 1,9 071 0 C. F. N..,42100— Adopted by the Council. ___... _....._ ......................._....192-....._.. Approved . ............. 192 Resolved that warrants he drawn uponthe ly Treasury to the — gg gat. ..gt of$50.27 .6;94. covering checks numbered 7314 to 7320 Inclu- sive; as perregists, of city chvCom ksjncn file ,. the office of the City . P_ troller. w I Adopted by the Council Sept 30, 1922. Approved Sept. 39, 1922. ,(October 7-1922)- 0 -1922) _Yn 0 F,M A A 06. I M 7-21 .7 9 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 2 .tiIIDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FORDI nr.E NO... _. BY / / ... Com*LLHH. AUDITED 192 .. 860 i P Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 50, 276.94 covering checks numbered 7314 to 7320 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. G—cy' Adopted the Council._.._._.�rr>U-.?(.i..]r'�2±..................192........... _ferguson, ly In favor ;?3I McDomrli, Approved 192 --Matson, 1! � Against .. P' Wenzel. _. _. _ _ _ .Mnvon Mr. Bresiaent, Hodgson. Nelson 7414 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance 14,328.49 City Officers 3,083 32 Mayor Office 215.83 City Clerk 365.00 Wheelage Tag 229.50 Blection 100.00 Corp. Counsel 898.41 Com'r. Finance 757.55 n 763.01 Part. Cert. 226.68 Comptroller 1,336.53 Civil Service 524.52 Pur. Dept. 1,050.85 Mun. Court 2,656.04 Armory 257.50 Art Institute 267.50 C. H. & C. H. 1,597.25 1 , 2 •4 7315 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance 394.37 Pub. 'Safety -Adm. 0 0 7316 Jas. M. Clancy, Comfr. Finance 4,409.66 Health -Adm. 619.17 Vital Stat, 310;00 Food Reg. & Insp. 610.00 Qurantine 1,170.00 Tuber. Div. 697.50 Dale St.'Infry. 72.50 Workhouse Hosp. 295.00 Lab. 214.16 Public Baths 160.00 " 51.33 Comfort Station 210.00 4,409.66 7317 Jas. M. Clancy, Comfr. Finance 15,293.32 PubWorks-Adm. 419.50 Bur. of Eng. 3,157.25 City Planning 402.50 Street C. & R. 266.50 Sewer 344.90 S. & S. Cing. 4,580..84 Bridge Bldg. 262.50 Crosswalks 75.00 Workhouse 752.50 Sprinkling 4,944.33 Eng. & Insp. 87.50 .32 7318 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance 3,114.10 Park -Adm. 297.00 Bur of Park 166.67 Playground 297.88 P. Bldg. 1,863.55 Forestry Rev. 80.00 Jefferson Soh. 75.00 Arcade 75.00 Vocational 75.00 Lafayette 104.00 Linwood 80.00 3-114. 7319 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance 10,083.73 School 3,489.87 Library 5,878.03 Auditorium 715.85 1 ,c�G83_._7U 7320 Jas. M. Clancy, Com'r. Finance 2,653.27 C. P. U. -Adm. 271.00 Man. Test. Lab. 421.02 Markets 233.90 Investigation 468.06 Lighting 1,259.30 ,6�L 653.27 1910 ORIGINAL TOCOUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE NO. CITY CLERK.. ...." -�. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM // 'CHARTER SECTION 2 PF�ENTED BY CO+M~MISSIONER...... YPAT.IZ6l.............................................. ... DATE _.._.. SGPt.29_.1922...__.. _._......_.._._. RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TFINSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM OFROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. CODE APPROPRIATION ITEM 54Playgrounds O.E. 54 Playgrounds Salaries { C. 'F. N . 42101—By H• C. Wenzel— Reaolved. That ttie foliong wing t ane-� for be made n the- books of the Com -I able deficiency In ono iao tem may be met' by,. enid tranefer Ithout hnmpering! /n L the work provided for Iby h the money., in th item from which [he trn..f. le^ made $6 000 00. IT.I, ferred from Code 11 P1$6 6OG 00 O E. to code 54, PIay-. _ g de Salart e.theSept ` y Adopted Approved Sept. 3o' Coux1921, 30, 1922. (OCtobe� YES ( J) COUNCILMEN ( 1)) NAYS 6000.00 6000.00 ADOPTED Br' Y THE COUNCIL....�.C.(._.u..I..::...........ie.......... APP ED. _...............� C._: g:1.:.::4----------- 19........ �[. MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY .............. --FERGUSON MCDONALD ................IN FAVOR --MATSON 7i....._.AGAINST 4L- _._. V WWEENZEL ./'MR. PRESIDENT POR. Ov (e» R) 6000.00 6000.00 ADOPTED Br' Y THE COUNCIL....�.C.(._.u..I..::...........ie.......... APP ED. _...............� C._: g:1.:.::4----------- 19........ �[. MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY .............. 4, "Fund for Salaries and Expenses of the City Clerk's Offioe" RESOLVED: That the various amounts of the expenditures indollars that may be made by the several departments, bureaus or activities Paul dChapterh13fofetheyear Salaries of St. of ,1einlaccordance bof egineingtJanuaryrlstt 1923with determined by means of and Other expenditures present Charter, are hereby fixed and in charter 'defined as 18 340 00 thr6ugh appropriate funds as the same are said "Contingent Fund" to be expended follows: 10 000 00 1. "The City Officers' Salary Fund" from which shall be by special Council Appropriation paid the salaries of all officers of the City of St. Paul elected by the electors of St. Paul: ,Finpj-jce Commissioner's Bund" from which 5 000 00 Mayor Ma 000 00 5 shall be paid all salaries and expenditures Comptroller A 500 00 Commissioner of Finance 500 00 of the Department. diawrea In oollara that 5CO 00 C. F. No. 42103— various amounts activities [ he CI sus or Tan- 500 00 Resolved, Th',he' b(gChartort al departmentsfbur r are may be made by of St. Paul during the fiscal Year Ci ty(government of the Chapter 13d°[hroughe hresppropriate Sunda 500 00 ccordence with I.ls[. 1923a determined by means of a 500 00 l,,d nd defined as follows: herIn said charter [he' 37 000 n3. Otticere' Salary Fund' 00 "The CItS d the alarlea of ,vhIchSt. Paul rel f the City 47 003 60 all ff elected by [he electors of St. Paul: $ 5,000.00 edb.aoo.00 It may°r . .......:::::: . 2. Comptroller 4,600.00 Finance '.� CommCommissioner of Public Safety 4 600.00 Public Works .. 4,500.00 Commissioner of Commissioner bf Education .. - 4.500 .00 DOo 00 f Parks. Play" Commlasionan grounds d Public Aulldings q,500.00 30 rJ 00 Public Utlhtlea "General Administration of '- C°mmi esl over of i 31.e00.0 ---- 5 800 00 for Salaries and Expenses of Office"— 6,000.0, Department of Public Safety" yor's ............ 8000. 3 :,- :a ......... "F' nd f' r 2 expenditures .......... Corporation of Salaries 22 000 00 Other expenditures4 000 00 26 • 0 000,00 Salaries other expenditures 4, "Fund for Salaries and Expenses of the City Clerk's Offioe" Salaries 15 240 00 3 10000 Other expenditures 18 340 00 5, "Contingent Fund" to be expended 10 000 00 by special Council Appropriation 6. ,Finpj-jce Commissioner's Bund" from which shall be paid all salaries and expenditures of the Department. 42 803 60 Salc:ries Other expenditures 200 00 47 003 60 '(-8-9 "General Administration of Each Department of Public Safety" 10 890 00 Salaries other expenditures 37c 00 11 265 00 7. ."Police Fund" to meet all expenditures. Salaries 609 332 00 4883� 00 Other expenditures 658 167 0o 8. 7-8 9z "Fire Fund" to meet all Fire Bureau expenditures. nl, Salaries 336 600 00 57 993 00 Other expenditures 50 000 00 New Equipment 944 598 00 "Police & Fire ilarm Telegraph" Salaries 51 060 00 Cher expenditures — 5 705 - 0 56 765 00 "Health Fund" to meet all Health Bureau expenditures. Salaries 113 060 00 Other expenditures 29 164 50 224 142 50 NOTE: ,,And in addition thereto all receipts from refectories at Harriet Island." 10. 'Commissioner of Public corks Fund" from which shall be paid all the Egaries and expenditures of all except persons working by thg day or hour who are employed under the control of said Commissioner,also all expenditures in connection with his office. General Administration Salaries 13 723 00 Other expenditures 272 00 14 000 00 Bureau of Engineers Salaries Other expenditures Bureau of City Planning Salaries Other expenditures Bureau of Workhouse Salaries Other expenditures 62 500 00 5 000 00 67 500 00 11 230 00 1 500 00 12 730 00 22 620 00 8 500 00 31 120 00 125 400 00 11. "Street Construction & Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for street repairs. Sal, ri es 150 000 00 Other expenditures 40 000 00 Asphalt Plant 10 000 00 200 000 00 1dOTE: And in addition thereto all receipts from corporations and private parties for outside work performed by city force. I . 0 12. '`Seaver Constractien & Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for s-awer repairs. Salaries 24 500 00 Other expendi-.ores 1" 000 00 1 "Street 6; Sever Clea, intt Fund" to meet all expenditures for street and server clew. -in . Sal::ri.es 243 509 00 Other expenditures 13 000 00 14OTE: -: d in addition thereto all receipts from corporations and private parties for outside work performed by city force. 14. "Bridge Building ". Eer--ir Fu:d" to meet all ex „ :" `. es for bride rep i rs. :i_ lir t i u.; OC cc Other exile 11,cz-es 20 :,'O 00 "OTE: And ir, ad"itior, th�:reto al -1 rccei.ots from corner&.tions F.nd private parties for outsize work performed by city force. 15. "Public School Fund" to ,r,eet all school expcnditures. Salaries Other enendi tures capital Outlay 3q 5--�o cc, z)6 505 00 40 00 2 51 650 00 272 ",90 00 106 X00 00 2 c92 940 00 1 "Public Librery Fund" to meet all public libnz — y expenditures ai-d expend- itures for art galleries c�. d museums. va: cries 154 185 .)0 Other exueditures YD 013 40 190 200 00 17• "=uditorium Fund" to meet all e.zce; d- itures in cemiection with the ==u ditoritun. Sal .,ies 21 776 00 cr ec;a.ditttres 11 002 70 32 778 70 1°. " nblic PF,rk Pind" to meet all ex- pei-ditt,.res for pari s, sryua.res, etc. 0entra1 =3sdr.i=,tration Saiaries 2jr) OC Oti_cr erpa: diti;res J 7 50 00 10 "100 OU ' s BureLu of Paras Saiari,s and wages 83 719 20 Other ex pei,diturea 45 309 40 PurchLse cf a�dditi.onal ti lard for Bat''.le Creek Park 10 000 00 13J G2°, 60 Bureau of Park =refectories Sal rl es ai:d wages 37 107 00 Other expei.dit ses 3" 198 00 76 5-5 00 2%5 333 6o 19. "Public Plagrounds Fund" to meet 1=11 expenditures for public playgrounds other than school playgrcuiids chz:r::ed to city revei_ue this charter. Salaries and wages 1'b3 60 80 Other expel:ditures b 910 41 074 40 20. "Public Building F;;nd" to meet all expenditures in connection ::,ith the office of inspection of buildings. SL. I,- ries 51 091 00 ^tli.^r ex_oeiiditures 9 200 00 60 00 291 2l "Commissioner of Public Utilities Find" to meet _11 expenditures in connection with the city business .mder the direction or the coiatrcl of sr..id commissi&ner unless provided for by more specific l=nds. Genert,l : dniiiistrEticn Salt:ries 3 300 00 Other expenditures —522-2-0 3 �-',Go 00 Testing L-borstories Salaries 13 020 00 Other expenditures 1 500 00 City Markets Salaries 4 980 00 Other expenditures 2 020 00 7 GOQ UG Docks,dharves & Levees Sal. ries 1 500 00 Investigation of Pub. Utilities Salaries 14 817 60 Other exoenditures--- 700 00 60 l5 511 42 337 60 22. "Public Lighting Fluid"to meet dl expenditures for public lighting not chargeable to more specific fund_s- Selaries rnd wages 31 31-3 0 Other expenditures 298, 116 0 330 0.;0 00 • 0 -5- 23. ":later Department Fund" to meet all expenditures of said +later Department charged to city revenue or the revenue of said department. 254 090 80 Salaries and wages 109 X40 00 Other expenditures 920 000 00 Outlay X79 j 00 Interest & Sinking Fonds 1 572 718 80 24. "Board of Contrcl Fund" to meet the City's expenditures 232 616 Ou portion of board Of control 25, "City Hall & COurt House Fund" to meet and the City's share of City Hall Court House maint.e�:ance. 19 000 00 Sal, --ries 18 000 00 Other Expenditures 37 000 OU 26, "Interest Fund" to meet x.11 current due by said city 500 00 irterest payments, 547 within the fiscal year. 27, Sinking Futo provide additions for the payment of 218 500 OU to sinking funds bonds ar maturity' 28, "A Redemption of Bonds Fund" to provide for paying the principal of any eerstfi :g• cotes of indebtedness whether general or special assessments current, to mature within the year and which are for and also paying not otherwise provided the principal of any bondstoe,ture within the year which cannot be p fund and which are not to be refund' 280 000 oU sinking ed or otherwise renewed. 29. "A Judgment and Compromise Fund" to provide a fund for the payment of any docketed and unpaid final judgments against the City and all disputed claims which are compromised 12 000 OU and settled before judgment. 30. 'in0connection rt with thetexpenditureso meet all Comptroller,soffice. Comptroller's Office 32 000 00 Sal, ries 000 00 Other expenditures 4�-- 36 000 00 Civil Service lj x59 00 Sal: ri ea Other expenditures 2 5_00 �2_ 16 j59 00 -- 52 359 00 31. "A General Fund" which shall provide for all necess_ry expenditures in connection with the government of the City of St. Paul or any of its departments, bureaus or activities, charged to city revenue and not provided for in the funds hereinbefore named. Municipal Court Salaries 31 860 00 Other expenditures 1 900 00 33 7UU 00 Purchasing Agent Salaries 20 07 00 Other expenditures 1 000 00 21 00 467 Armory Salz ries 6 180 00 Other expenditures 4 832 00 Taxes 1 000 00 12 012 00 "Firemen's Relief" fixed by law 1/10 of one mill of assessed valuations 15 209 00 "Police Pensions" fixed by law 50 699 00 2/6 of one mill of assessed valuations "Teachers Pensions" fixed by law 638 00 3/10 of one mill requested 45 "Widows and Orphans Pensions" authorized by special council resolution 1 500 00 "Norkmen's Compensation" fixed by state law, authorized by special council resolution -12 000 00 "Humane Society" contribution to HumaneSociety2 400 00 "Hater for Wilder Baths" to pay Water Depe.rtment for water furnished Wilder Baths 3 000 00 "Art Museum" special contribution to the St. Paul Art Institute 6 000 00 "Ramsey County Nar Records" contribution to the ::amsey County liar Records 1 00 association "Deficiency Account" fixed by law to apply on special assessment bonds and interest, issued prior to June 1st, 1914 -95 C00 00 "Redemption Old. Certificates of Sale" fixed by law to make up loss in sale of old local improvement certificates 5 00 00 of sale nowhheld by the city "Engineering & Inspection" to pay City's share of inspection of Local Improvements due to fact th.t the chs:rter does not allow the fall cost to be spread 20 000 00 "Fire Hydrant ?ental" to pay iiater 0-7- Department for use of city water for "N 'Lssessable Improvements" 57 070j 00 Local improvements non -assessable to be paid by the general fund fixed by the city chrtrter 2 000 00 "Judgments denied" Local improvement assessments throw" out by the 30 000 00 district court "Taxes on City Property" Old Library site placed on tax lis t by State Tax 1 000 CO Commission 55 000 00 "New Crosswalks" New crosswalY.s i 06 across street intersections pro- p00 CO vided for by the city charter 5 "yunicipal Employment Bureau" 3 p0� 00 City's share of maintenance of 5 000 00 U. S. Employment service "Accounting Forms & Financial Stationery" Includes licenses, tags, receipts, checks, vouchers and accounting forms included under Section 69 Chapter VI of City 000 00 Chart= r 4 "Official Publication" to be expended by council resolution. Includes publication of council proceedings and annual reports autiorized by the �5 0^0 00 Charter "Fire Hydrant ?ental" to pay iiater Department for use of city water for fire purposes as rer city chaster 57 070j 00 requirements "Debt Service Expense" Printing of bonds, legal opinions on bond iss„yes, 1 376 44_ bank chrrges on coupons cashed "City Officers Attending Conventions” 1 000 00 Limited to 43,000 by the City Charter "Audit by State Public :bcaminer" Annual examination by State Public 1 000 CO Examiner "City's Expense for r'ree use of i 06 Auditorium" "Miscellaneous & Unforseen" For unforseen iters not provided 3 p0� 00 for in other budget appropriations 429 860 50 GRi',DD TOTAL BUDGET APP`_i0P 1-'-i' iOiJ S FOR 1923 vvS v_�_0l -031 .70 Adopted by the Council Septe;iber Yeas - Councilmen Ute*ey, Mat -son Fe�,Fgiason iftBbn-, d, Mr. President (Felson Pe+m, lelizel, Nays - 0 Approved September 1922. Mayor �it t e st: lerk t I Published a 10 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By.Cl.ancy......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. cuT'.b)XF,.1,'Zh. 5 �4 .of. i `v:.,.. 1:.:;... .. :.........-..:3-."........ t.o . _lar s ha 11. ,f v.e mle........................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ,� - under Preliminary Order ..... 407<.i...... 9NEDiARY ORDERS . r,............................ / The Council of the City of St. Paul havii ;oa-9y Jamea x elancr— f the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considel�Lce from biaureltAvenue to esolves: io Avenue, under Prellminar 1. That the said report be and the sam 14. a—roved July 11. ?1 and adopted, and the said improvement „u ,, 7e Clty of St is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement' v ijc} ihe— Coiiei.cll recommends is ... curb. .both .sld.es.. - of. Exeter.. P1aae. from .LaWe I . AvonuO . t6v.eRue., ...................... .............................................................................. ..I.................... .......... :......... .................................... .............................................. ............................. I.................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1,634..56.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... rcl ...........day of ....... N.ovamber .... • 1 192... 2, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ., '2' Adopted by the Council................... 192...... j Approved....... ::11...192...... 1 Gty Clerk. rG_ e .. /... ........ Mayor. Councilgidn Clancy Councilardn Ferguson Councilatan McDonald Councl an -Matson Counc an 9id4kE)IF? Peter 1 w e ayor Ne is Ori 9 4b a.s,'. •�-, ... .{ . as y"i.�aA'i l4"F-: .. . A, COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ........ By. .. ... ........... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter (if ... 9:qV!q!A9- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................................................................... ............................ ..................... .......... I ........................................ ............................... ....................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order........` W5 -Q ........... approved ... �July .2.5,..lP22- ...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... gt-?both �ide9. of. jsxjjler. J?vejun . friam �Strqet ................... ............................. —% ** .... ***' '** ........ ... .. .... .. * ...... No. 42105-8 matter of , � . ......... . ........ - .... ........ ................... ...... . ... ...... ............................ ........................ .. . ...... ... . .......... . ............. .................. I .......... .................... .............................................. With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost, thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing bN,hiq on said improvement on the.. . ...........day of ... ii.ov.e.mb.er .......... 1 192.. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. .......`.6.::......... ............. 192.... ....................... Approved. City Clerk. ............. 192... f— ....... ........ ... Mayor. Councilman"61ancy Councilmaip Ferguson Councilrn� McDonald Councilma} Matson Councilman rn n rW)Hx P o tc,. r Mayor jj&36=x Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .. Same s.. i.i, ..41anc.y....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... Qo:1st.rlRQt'* I1g.l;urblXlg. P.M'. . fr.Orn.._.ar1 I. S.tr.Qet . to. Frank. Stree.t...................................................... . ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.....`. ............... approved ...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.COAstT'}-1Ct..c.ilY'k11Y3. on.hoJh..sl.des.of.iiyacintiz..Strc.at..#ro;u.:: z.l. L ee.t..to..I'x 7�{..Ytrlet....... .......................... . matt2106—BY 6 ofnconstructingCianbIng . cur n� .................. .................,th sides of Hyacinth Street ........ .... ........ .. • ....... . Barl street t Preliminary Order 40620, Street. 40620nk np- .................................1 �..uly I'1922. ............... ........... ............... nell of the City of SL Paul ed the report of the Com- �^ Finance upon the abl, ' ................................ ��,i ..nd having -0-1,d................... ... ... ..... ...... .. .. ..... ..by r—nrel' with no alternatives, and that the "tit: "p is $.... 9$-.a 7..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... v.2?a......... day of ?dove,^.IUE.r. , .. , , , ., 192.2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... ......., 19 ... . Approved.........................192...... J , City Clerk. .':.:..,...... '.............................. V CouncilmAr"Clancy Councilma}� Ferguson PUSI-ISMM J G-Councilmgtt McDonald r� Counciltripm Matson Councilm,rn tX=X Petor Mayor X16Jp&0V.x Ne 1 s on Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILL' NO ............... ianc INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter uf..cjans.tnQc.i.lri[..tl. yc>ior..Qn..do.Tel..ey..w.e...i'.ro,�. a. aoz.nt..6.Q... e..4v.er..t.o.Gr .Fgs..at....a:.t,. #r.o ....... ... ......................................I............... ...................................................................................................... under Irelnninary Order .......k1tna.Q.............appruved t....N.,.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. gp11E�tT' kqt. a,.Szrjer on ... �.@ 1'�:e..� e;,1..,`:1%e.•.. f;'Ri1 .$..:fig."-.lZt . F: Q..f �....V'':? ...4'r.. r.J nC� rtCa t C..:-V.G ... t 0 . (.", rr^S ..�t, . an .,on.Gri s St. .frori Stanford rve tc ....................... .............. ............................ No. 42107—BY .lames A1. Clancy- -•[e matter of conatruc[ing a sewer ............ ...... .. ... Berkeley AVe. from a Polo[ 60 .......................................... ,at o[ Syndicate Ave. to Gltkgga and Griggs st. from Stanford on to St. 4162 St., under Sept.Preim- .......... ..................-.,.,.y Order 41620. approved BeD2.................. ... ... ..... ...... .. .. ..... uncll of V , r',ty of St. Pa, with no alternatives, and that 0-d t6 t m of the C $. .o- 7..Q ...... F'in :n ' .,i • the nb. ,. nr conal t -, ieauemberther, .., 192. apub .;',at"ttr= Ix'h , A improvement on the.... Gth.........day of Resolved Further, That a pvhlic s tip , ".. .. , ,° l,e hour qf' o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St., Pa�i1.' That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to thepersons and'in the, manner•provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improverueflt fmd,the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... `.`.., 192.. .. Approved...... ..... ......192...... % r City Clerk. �,. Mayor. Councilnlall Clancy Councilma❑ Ferguson p[T}TI TSTTFT) M Councilrgan McDonald Councilrgan Matson Councilgydn i4FF Pete Mayor,W040fiX IQC is ori Form B. S. A. 8-6 C COUNCIL. FILE NO ............... By ...James . tri...Glancy....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...> e.G9}1S.t> L1Ct.l if e..Te��.J l .:lZl�i..�e.?a.��. ;1 �.:frhe e, neeess2ry the. iollowin�r . s.id.eJaIJ, :ss................................................................ $outh•si.de„of•Yankee .St. ,•be�.in ninr..?0 ft. fast of Seventh St. thence ...........I ....................... last 14 ft. East side of Woodbridge St. beginn_ng at l,ilford St. thence .North 40 ft. •Korth••side-•of•i,ilford St, •betvrsen i1benarja St..•and.:,ioodbridre..St..,. ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.... ..... ...............approved ...... e.Pt...1.,..1922.................. The Council of the City of - rt of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and ho � the Mattero. ofHreconetructing, retaT- ty resolves: ging ad -pairing. where necessary, 1. That the said report beaihe following eidewants: I and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceedf,,;dyfeet th East of Sevenths St., thence p p Last 14 feel 2. That the nature of the )t,.tNorth sidetne ce F attiooeieei beginning ecommends is.. rCC.ariStl .Ct.,. relay East side of Woodbridge 9t., br- ,'nning at Aniford St., thence Nort and..rerair.,.ntie re.mi feet. ._g.s.ideal.ails.:....................... th side of Milford St., 11 Yn r .. outh..side . of, Yanke a , S t4i nc,e NoM f ,syn-tt 8-Einn .ibelat, e Dale • St, thnce. East. .10.0 - ft_.. East 14 t., e Stg ing at t'-lford St. thence North 40 ft. "ldorth'SYde - b"P- -i;iiTf*arci' St:, bet-eern Albemarle - 5t: -and :; oodbri are -Std-j ............................. ..................... .............................. I.................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.J7 Q. ugr.s .,,Y't. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 4th....... day of NoJember.... 192.2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... s;,.. -;y. ....., 192 .... . Approved....... ......192...... a r / f airy Clerk. t. �. •/ ... .. .... ..... .. .... ...................... Mayor. p'rinr .nrT.T Councilman Clancy PUBLI STTM Councilman Ferguson n — ---- Councilnufn McDonald Councilown Matson Councilrfl6 ftkkx Peter M ayo r7X(7h L`T813011 Form B. S. A. 8-6 10 4k COUNCIL FILE NO .............. . By .. fames..I,i.._ Q, anQy..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. o enin ,.}?idening and extending ijanf.orth ,venue to a width of s4 ty (60) £e"t from '.:ar;,land St. to Cottage St. , ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order .... 41.46.7 ................ approved ... Aug.— 26.1.. D,922................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... 0;'leri,.l+.iden.0.nd.. e;t•to}Zd••l�anf,Qrth.l:venue..t.o.a width.of,si;•ay••(f0) ;eet. fror?.L;esyaand St, ithNo. atte°of ov Hing. widening and .................. . ........ .............. of taxty g60) feet[ e fromMargland St. [o Cottage St., under Prall m.nar.................. ........... .. ............... Order 41467, 4il-ved Aug. 86, len: The Qouncil of the Clty o[ St. P&• .... ............ ... .... .:.aving received the report of the Co ,................................ .......... .. ... .•n eeloner of Finance .yon the at • n.nrovement, and having coneld," report, hereby reaolvan: ^ .:1 the Bald report be a• ..:......................................... .... .. ... ,rebv imp approved .X- id mt h 00 with no alternatives, and that q,1, t' �ifRreof is $.... -q.60.Q. Resolved Further, That a public hearing,Ibe hndon said improvement on the .... Jtd.......... day of i4ove!:b.er.......... 1 192..2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the totalAost thereof as estimated. - r - — 3 7' Adopted by the Council..... ..... ......... 49e ... Approved ..............::. ::1..192...... � �' ' ,j� G City Clerk. ..... .. .......:Mayor. .... y PiJBLIS1IIiD40 Councilman Clancy Councilrabau Ferguson Councilrpifn McDonald Councilran Matson .? Councilman KX Peter :(i1eMayorIDR i Ie is on Form B. S. A. 8-6 10 COUNCI&FILE NO ............... By....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. ogon ng, • Yriden,,ng and extending Danforth r.venu.e to a aridth of sixty (60) £e -t from ::,ar;;land St. to Cottage St., ...................................................................................................... .......................................................................I.............................. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order... 146.4................approved.. �6�.2................... ,�1U1<•.. 2 .,. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature 6f the improvement which the Council recommends is ... ollen,.;.;iden.8,nd.. ext q}�d••panf•grth.I:v,enue..t.o,a ividth•of_�j ty••(f0).feet, fror7_It}ry_land St. to.Cnt.tage..St..,C. F. No. 42109—By J. M. Ciancy- 1 e the Danforth tAve ftoe a Width a of e,aty (60) feet from Maryland St. to Cottage St., under Frellm.na, ................. ........... .. .... .... .... ... Order 41467. approved Aug. 26,. 19.r.: The Qouncil of the City of St. Pa ....................... _:i@ ving revolved the report of the Co.;.............................................. . .'11v lsolonor of Finance upon the at .i. movemg ent, and havinconsid report, hereby resolve% , ^. .,t the said report be n• ................................... ............... . --re bV approved and , �n imp...v:. t b 1 6Q0.00 t�..h reof is �. with no alternatives, and that, �;; • , �' Fi!R ,�� �, � Resolved Further, That a public heartig�lbe h.don said improvement on the. ...JrC1.......... day of ... Nov e-.ber.......... 1 192..2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the -Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council............ 1 ........, 192.. ........... ......................... Approved ....... ...... . .. '..192...... j / " City Clerk. ...:fir ................... Mayor. P,'JBL1SIIED Councilman Clancy Councilrifan Ferguson Councilro4n McDonald Counciltpan Matson Councilpri Sll=x Peter C`ee•Aei4VM-W—zel Mayor t1'aaj-Kmx '1lelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIJ FILE NO ............... 13v .Janis—....C.laaoy........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. Fra.ding.-(;a!-la.i 1v Pi..F3fluJev.a3'.d.�S,O,,a..t h�. ��V�d.:?4t 1;=on....... of the 'Iississipgi fiver Boulevard to Desnoyer !.venue. Llso cizang- ....................................................... ............................................... ing.ihe.. .Tadd„a;;d_ �,�d ,nr,Cts,hgenu. e. fi or2„found Lane noel va.cated...to. ........... „ rj..ft,,,.;est of the ',:est line of Co;;o l.iv,r ,Bouleva.rd, ................................................... ...................................................................................................... [older Preliminary Order. ....... approved ... `aePt....,,..1P.21;11 ..................... The Council of the City of St. 1. No. 42110—BY a. M. elaney— t of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havinF>be Matter of graatng Como liver � resolves: sulevard from the paved portion of Se Mississippi River Boulevard to 1. That the said report he am anoyer Avenue. Also eha.,,.g and adopted, and the said improvement is herebyordered to be proceeded grace and gracing Oil. Avepue P m Round Lane now vacated to- 45 West of the West line of Como 2. That the nature of the int � ”' Boulevard, under .Preliminary ,covtmends is. _ (. c:�:;..�d Oi:O.. iG �.�.. P 41603 ayroved Sept. 1, 1922. ��until of the City of SC Paul ., B011 IeVEt 2'C: fi^�7'i tl'.t% 'iE:Vaui-.r nlf eFinance he upon Rhert 0a bove Com' .. 1. F1 �J1) ...Ver BO•.:.......... ..sirs .:.... ........ and having considered —by resolves: and the Zr,.C1, anpprovedr and adopted, •`°rad )`r:�dE C. i. IVarUe iprove men t Is beret +i, Cl ^deaf thh' of t; ip 'e5 1'-'ne of COT.SG•• ...T.`d. VCT' EC:'�CV F.„Cit..................................................................... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1-1 2J1i.73-... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. )-??'.a ........... day of 11 .v-2her.......1 192.2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192.... / Approved...... ..192...... / City Clerk. PUBLIS'.LD 2 1�5 ayor. Councilit<fn Clancy Counciltvnb Ferguson Councilman McDonald �., Councilmafi Matson Councilman'- Ctrtmeiix3sx-Wrttael Mayor,�J6ggoa•, Foran B. S. A. 8-6 �i COUNCIA FILE NO ............... By ..James.."sl.... C.l znpy....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the -fatter.411d„ta3tj;lg. Ary. for.sl.apes,,,for.cul-S a.id..f.i.11s. in, the. �rad!nC..of.Qom.o river. Boulevard . l.l...-.... ....................... from,the..pay2d .?ort':on of the l:lliss.issip,)i River Boulevard to Desnot1r...er .................................................................... ..Avenua....i:ls-o... sloges.. on. Otis. s>v.enue..fz ora . Round..Lzne, ,nor+..v.�q lted, .t o, .. .45.f.t...'Les.t..o...the.:,ieat..l.tJsr..pf. �OJJ9. It:,Ve.1..i3Pl?1�VP,1'�.#z.$. S);.4'np•on. ch�?1ge rpfile..for. ssid..Q+ p..i,ye,..,................................................ x1604 _ ._-.. Se ot, 1 9� under Preliminary Order - -ed ....... The Council of the C. F. No. 42111—By JJ M. Clancy— m the Matter of condemning and tak- report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, Ing an easement In the land nand inotes- hereby resolves: sartheyfor grading of Como s. for tRfver Bolulen 1. That the said re[ and from the paved portion of the roved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be ]; Mississippi River Boulevard ro n•e- noyer Ave. Also elopes on Otis Ave. 'rom Round t.ane now vacated to 46 2. That the Mature or West of the West lineon nh of OMO llcil recommends is. .cA'_7dejTm.;.,Tid. t.Ai:6. an . , ea P-^; :;t„in..tnE,fan rete, .zi 31.O.aes, for cuts and fills in the s ............. .. ............... gradin;; of Corno hiver =fou. ,vsrd f% i i the raved portion of the ::,ississippi .R.iver••loulevard- to. .Desaoye ...,vena ..••A•Aso.slopes..on..0tis. .i.uenua.frnr... Round Lane no' -'I vacated to 45 ft. '.iast oF' the '::est, line of Coro River 3oulevard as shotrn on ehan�o • of grade profile •forsa -d- OtA.S Efva..,• ..... in accordance with the blue print ifereto attached and ^lade 2. part •hereof;--tile''ha-tctFed porti-ons'srib int; t?1e, *cutn, and the shaded••port;ons showinL the. fills. , .................................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....3.rd......... day of •I1Tavo nb.er............1 192.. 2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota 1 cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....'...i. ! , 192. Clerk. ` .192.. ... City Approved........ .... .............J ....... \Mayor. PIJBLISIII•:D Councilkan Clancy Councikfian Ferguson Councipban McDonald Councikr an Matson CounccPfnan imittK Petor 6e Mayot-fU3 &Kx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 , JOunt Paving Council File No..... .: ..9.. ._'.— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Sewer on Oxford Street from Grand Avenue to a point ..__17.b..faat_.south_o3...Summit--- Ave-nue...._- - ---------.. _. - -------- _ ..... ... - ._ .-.... Dated this ......z rd_...._(lay of -.__ October.. 192. 2. 2 PRELIMINARY ORDERS. / Councilman. No. 12112— C Abstract sae. A written proposal for eg of the following improvem. no:ford St. from Grand RDER. Int 175 feet south of Suc -Ing been presented to WHEREAS, A written proposat 'tty of St. Paut t )Vowing improvement, viz.: Sewer on Oxford nSti.";, he ,m', "Grand Avenue to a poi.nb - - -..... - 175 feet __.. south -- um oP Smit r . 1 --------------------------- - -_------------------------------------ ..... _ ... --- - ....... --- - -._.- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..._._...__ __ .. _....... _... -_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _......- - YEAS NAYS Councilman C&A<cY FEAU"USON MA09`N MCDONALD i PEER 4/ MR. PRES PllN Form C A 13 (31Ni 6-22) Approved..... -U j UTI.TCFiFD jb Mayor. �S� 'x1— Account Paving Council File No. 1-3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a storm water relief sewer on Lexington Avenue .. .................... . .............................. .................................... ................ --------------- across Lexington Ave. from above sewer to the East line of ----------------------------------- - --------- Lexington - ----------------------- — ... --------------- - . ... ... ----------------- h§;c _.qppppitV ialley.in.Blook 39., it Park Add... .�.t.QX.L AVQAAq ..... .. ........ Dated this day of QQU)�Q-r- 92 Councilman. C. F. No. 42113— Abstract. Droppoeel or the eking of the viz: follDwing '.mimt' Construct a storm water relief sewer tSummit Ave. from LincolnAve. [.I, It Ave., also a lateral sewer Le xington h Ave. from above East line of Lexington g improvement, viz.: WHEREAS, A written proposVt--1Rt-`xlt. P'll., In Block 89 M having b..� Construct a siorm'. t th war on Lexington, . . Avenue e— City of from Lincoln Avenue, t also a lateral sewer ----------------------------- ------------------ aox.o-e-e-.,Lexing_t_QXL,-Av.e.. BeXar--t.o the'za.st --- line of.- Lexing-ton-AVeMUO QP.P.Qadte al" v im Bloc -k ........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -------- YEAS NAYS Councilman CLAI�'CY FER&CSON Approved. MA X[CjZALD 4 P zz'.' C) ------------ -------- --- .. .. .. .. .......... MR. PRESID — PL. BL I TED_ Mayor. Form C A 13 (3NI 6-22) A000unt Paving 7`?t Council File No......_T.:...R...y._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Sewer on_.Western.Avenue from Ca�of tol Avenue to__a point..130 feet._north--of the north_.lin Cap tol_Aven.....— ----- -- -- . ...... - _ -.... _ _ .___ .. Dated this ----- ---- clay Ootober� 1922 , . y of_ .. 92 Councilman. C. 42114— where.., A AbRtract, ------ -- rnzklog of the t Lowing ,iaee ter thn ---� — to sewer o Orovement, weaern A e. trem eapl_ ER. horifi juno . olnt 130 feet north of the . ero Capitol Avenue, having \i HEREAS, A writte O1 bras. rae) ineiepo e° tie °t of the flowing improvement, viz.: kehho . to, hommlaeloner �� Capitol Avenue to a Sewer on' �e�? Rreotea: ,. nerehr ._. ---.._P-.... _. e.t, -.._.. tr f t the neo..." th line. -Of of ene making , - __. ....-C&-p.1to�,..AVenl16--..---...--------.... poizit, _�39. feed-. AGS ,.ete the n ------------- --------------------- ---------------- ---- -. _......_._....... -- - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .... ... -..... _ _- _....-.... ____.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pldn, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .i Adopted by the Council ..._ ............................./-........ - ....... YEAS NAYS Councilman CiLAMCY FER&TTSON Approved MATQN MCDONALD v V PE ER �, /... I MR. PREBI NT Mayor. pjIBT,TSHED Form C A 13 (3M 0.22) Account PavingCouncil File No.. ................. 40 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Sewer on Chatsworth Street from Grand Avenue. ----------------------------- - - - ------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- ---- - - .... — a ko.. t...175 fe-et --ao-uth 01-311mmi-t Avenue . . .... ------------ -------------------- -------------------- -- --------- ------------ ... ....... ----- ----- - ..... ......... ............ ------------ ...... ... Dated this ....3rd.. ----day of 1922 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Sewer on Chatsworth Street from Grand Avenue . ....... -------- ------------------------------------- ---- ........... ............ - - --- ------ to a 1)oint 1`75 feet south_ of 8umTn,i,t,..AVe,nx1q. .... .. ----- - ----- - ---------- --------------------- --- -------- -- . .... ...... ........................ ------- - - ----------- C. 11. No. 42115Ab.t,act. rosai for the ------------------- -------------- -- ------------------ Where.-. A written Pro'mprovemont- having been presented to the Coune,mak.9 - f the following3t. tfrom Grand ............ -------------- . .. ..... v"swer on ChAtel-Coptt"eolith Of SUM - 81 Ave.o I P"'t 175 resented to the therefore, be it m:t'Ave.. having been Din of the Cj" of - pacd there fore, be it Coraj..t .. I , eby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Cornrnii Council it reby R d �hat the or! P"b111 ;;.;Us be and hemp 080 1. To investigate the necessity d d andin vestigate directed: the noes sedty f.d r Bald improvement. or' I ' To 2. To investigate the nature, e) or desirability of the malting of said _j ovement, and the total cost thereof. 1.?rOTVemen1 be nature, toctnt rt, stigate t rove - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or estimated cost " to to I th—ofin. or reent amine total 9 an., Pro or 4. To state whether or not saidi 3 'To furnish 'mn. m; ition of three or more owners. sketch Of said trepr or net . 1 4. 0 state whether . the etitio 5. To report upon all of the forl p . ant is asked for re. go. of Finance. ov 11 of the for. three or more owners. 't To report upon o"or. the Comm o or of Adopted by the Council -------------- ..........by the Council Oct. 1 922.1 Approved Oct. 3, 1922. YEAS NAYS (Oct. 14-0221 Councilman CbeNcy FEVeUSON Approved - -- --- DA.kTSON MJBFO4 ALD Z 4 PEKFR ..... ------ - - -- - ---------- - Mavor. MR. PRESftfENT PTTBT,!-'Tl-.D-- Form C A 13 (nj 6-22) g.. i PRESENTED RESOLVED f -a CITY OF ST. PAUL couwcaNO..._....._4r._�.._�...._.- . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNt�IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �`J�+'� DATE..........00t.... . �......1922,...................:. That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated October 8, 1921, between the Standard Stone Company, Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the curbing of Avon Street from St. Clair St. to Linwood Place, be and the same is hereby extended to the 28th day of September, 1922, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nay. CWQey Fagason Mc>nald In favor M�o � smith .-Against WF -h Mr. President Adopted 6y the Council_._...._...._W—'-�...----.-19__.. A Wpro �11- ---- 19 st. Paul, TO THE HOYYORABLE CITY COUIRCn, C I T Y Gentlemen, would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body ca e the time -of completi contrt)c-t for the to be extended to - - - - 7 - Ow i ng to it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to 5sk that the tine for completing same be made --e hereinbefore stated. Youre very tru";, Cvntrac�or.� There !:, rc o--jection tc having the t..e --,x-ended as requested, as far as the requirer.ents of this office is ccrcarned- &PPROV' 8tipt. of Construotion & Repa rs Commiseio of Public Chief Engineer. PRESENTWO EY i rd .... -- ! ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL DATE..-..Q.QtQ U.QS'....F:.,....7, 21.p-.......-------- RESOLVED 'f iat the i;uuncil hereby concurs in h.: rucol!La:nda.tiun of the Contract ormAttue : nd a';,ards tl.e contract or curbin[, both sides of L)heldon _ve. frola i+'rra.kLon --ve. to ;(),AO 1'halcn ..vc. in accordance ,;1t1_ 1)1:11: and L>,)u ;if icutiuns huruto cAtac ied, to Ldr';ard i_tttson, he beim tyre lovre,�t rusponsible bidder, fol the surd of y 810.00, c..nd the Cor ,uratiun Ouunsal is l er•.:by instructed to ura,v uy th prof: foal -r a co:.truct ti, re'or. n;irieer's y;;tilsate 1i94.00. 9,4617. Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays Clvel", Fe�on McDelCald - - (in favor M%t" nn /) SRtitrh P� (_ Agninst M- � esident ronN ,aoo ,o-:� C. F. No. 42117-13y W. J. Peter— oncHrsvin the recommendation herebyf the Contract Committee and awards the contract for curbing both efdee. of 'Sheldon Ave. from Frankeon Ave. to! Como Phalen Ave.. In accordance with'. plans and specid%tlons her to tach, d. to Edward Mattson, loweatsponsible bidder, for the sum of ;810.00. and the Corporation Coun- sel ie hereby Instructed to draw up . lthe proper form of contract the Engineer's Estimate 51194.00. P. 13. !No. 4517. Adopted by the Council Oct. 3, 1922.E Approved Oct. 3, 1922. - (October 7-1922) Adopted by the Council...___.:... _...... 192........ roved_ i;;7 CITY OF ST. PAUL nOe.at. NO.____.:'' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE .. b ...00toel'.....2. ■. _ 1922 .....---- COMMISSIONER- RESOLVED OMMISSIONER..RESOLVED That the Coy-jncil hereby concurs in the: recorvnendution of the Cont -_,'act colt-littee t37 a�. rd= the contract for cu;:binU Doth '� sinus of Juno Gt. from l zunline ,ve. uo ,d„ec1nab' oad, in actor Icific��.t_ons e eto attc:ched, to -dward _:iaLtson, he bcini; the locr:_�st responsible bi(lder, .or til, s,, : of yp1725.0U, a),u the 'Or.:oration Jounse1 is hereby in- structed to ur�_w up ti:: �� 'o �r forla of co".t-CL-c th_,refor. ,; 4513 nein: -a C. F. No. 42118—Hy W. J. Peter= Resolved, That the Council hereby„ concurs In the rse—mendatlon of the . Contract Committee and award. the ntract for curbing both side. of Tune 9t. from Harmine Ave. to Edgecumbe pans and - ec t hcations hereto tacheccordance with d, to Ed - Mattson, he being the lowe.t re- pon.ibie bidder, for the um of j 7 and the Counsel ishereby Instructodr for draw up the proper form of contract therefor. En-' Igineer'e Estimate $2431.00. F. 8. No- "T” o. 1638. Adopted by the Council Oct. 3. 1922. Approved Oct. 3, 1922. (October 7-1922) Yes (V) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clstf6y Feraused, 149p,rald In favor at n :• St3dtlt{�l Against �FersgaL Mr. resident IOPM ,soo Io-:, Adopted by the Council- . 192____ LILT App ved_._ 192 -- MnYOa CITY OF ST. PAUL .-- -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y ; t J Mfr PRESENTED BY BY r! is a✓ ;'+1 DATE....-...Oc.t Oil:=1'..--i.s---ID22---- --- COMMISSIO ER ........ (n"'''"tititi4eeeeee--.-..-J................. ........ RESOLVED That tiro J,uncil hereby concur:; in C ,e rcco n�nundatiun of the OonCract 1u..dait6ee c.nd awards the contract for c_rbin; buth sites of 'iusc','jurL' ..ve. fro).1 eh�.tsworth Wit. to `;ust Leventh ,A., in accordance elite plans c.n coati 'ic s.tiun:. i:ereto . ttact.ed, to ;,tandard 'otonu t;o.I they b'uing thu lowe_t fo U'of ,,794.001 tuid the Cor,_or.:tiun hereby instructed to cirUV,' u�o the _�o.,��r font of oontract efor. r< stiinate .917. G0. _.�. ,4519 c. r, et ce treat iRere timate $914.00. F. council Oct. 3, 1922. 1922. r 4-1922) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Claacyl� *y`C Fen Mca6aald .1 - In favor Matson (� 93nirlt�� Against Wetlzel Mr. RKsident .ORM 1100 IG2I { Adopted by the Council s,: _ c' ); _ _ 192.- -... App, e -i. 1 _ _ 7 IIu-1. NO....... _^^'�'. CITY OF ST. PAUL ----- -- - - - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / a0v NCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE...-C:O,T,_.r..,1,912..------- ._.. _-_._...__ _. _... _..._ COMMISSIONER. ........ 1'1 the Cuuncil hereby coricurc in the recoi:iacndaLio;i O the RESOLVED curb Co)itract Co ai?ittcua�and it.ras the contract 'or , a-ve. fro,, ;edar .,t. to _ obe _ t -t-, in , cco_ d. llce rritl. ;al;:nc cnd s ;ecific: ion:: he -etc uttz.,clied, to Jolirl L—ndmaist, h beinf; the lovrest r�snonsibl�3 bidder, '01' t sul I of •„595.00, and "he or.,or: tion ;Ounsul is hereby instructed to rrUW u;; ti:e :so_'er f 07�In of coatract therefor. hn�;in�er's ystilaatu ,S-�6. G0. x;4520. C. F. No. 12120—Ry W. J. Peter— he Reeolved, That the Council reby the Contract) Committee m dda and tion awards the the contract for curbing Auror'A from Cedar St. to Robert St., in ac- ordance with plana and peclflcatlone heretottached. to Sohn Sandqulst, he being the lowest responsible bidder, mien 0—neelf is60hereby e eInstructed 'bynd th p.to Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clgxcy Ferguson McDoft 'd -- I-- In favor Mapen _ st,,i,,e1 e , C Against WencaL Mr. Rpsi'dent IORM 1600 to 31 Council Oct. 3, 1922. 1922. r 7-1922) II Adopted by the Council-. -AL1--`' 1 ` —191..--- Aroved..- -- - -- ------ -------------------- .............../....-... MAYOR cou""' CITY OF ST. PAUL nLe NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYe�.,Ae,bcr i COMMISSIONER ................. .. DATE _U_ cl RESOLVED rdin; LI�o:,Gr; GG -0 sj,, �,Jj _tea —tt—, pl "111,, iLtai" Ci 1: v.1 '✓, listed _Du u z �t j r, to �rtuae 1, 'Ile Z to t:�l th_y unifi-, 10W.'t :r: t )ri . -cc 04 0 1-, 1iu u: .0 a-Lur, 11_ b Y Jl.,A,_,d 20 of t Lt t: ci U,' tilO u r )L)r�'tjoj ;,Du_ L01'." 01 contU- Yes 00 Councilmen (V) Nuys Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Smith ..Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 150D - Adopted by the Council 192-- Ap oved k, ------------- 192 PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK =IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COUNCIL ora NO. -...._`_._s.:_.._ �_._«......._ 4 Oot. a, 1922. ._.__._. .......................... ..................... In the matter of grading Brand Street from Hazelwood Avenue to Flandrau Street, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #719181, approved April 11, 1922, and Final Order 0. F. .#41071, approved August 8, 1922. Resolved, That the plans, specifioatlons and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. F. No. 42122-6yW. S. Peter— from Hazelwboil A enuerato Phan. draw Street, underPreliminary Or- der C. F. No. 39131, approved Aptdl 11, 1922, and Final Order C. F. No. 41071, approved August 3, 1922. Resolved, Thattheplane. apOeUl- >ne and estimated qquantities as b- j Itted by the Commissioner of Public orka for the above named-imDDrove- rnt-be and the same are herebyap-'. raved. Adopted by the Council Oct. 3, 1922.; Approved Oct 3, 1922, (October 7-1922) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clams Fergns6n M.D.Afd �G_......in favor Msiodn' Sp�tw, ........_(> _Against VASQW _ Mr, R.6ideat ►owr a o Adopted by the Council GT....—^}+ ��--.-....-_.._._.__...._19_...._ A7'__ d 0 C T `3 2 r � / - wwroa ST PAUL vILE � � B No . _...........—---......._. ise CITY Or - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON\/C �, ,/O/LOTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `,. YI ( ���.. Oct. 2.e....1922. ....................... ..... ........ .................. DATE............................ COMMISSIONER --��--��- RESOLVED In the matter of grading Oak Grove Place from Osceola Avenue to St. Clair Street, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #3$109, approved March 9, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #34&29, approved July 20, 1922. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 42123—By Wm. J. Peter— I In the from r g la A nue to 0 Place from Osceola Avenue to 6t. Clair Street.F.Nunder Preliminary Or- der 2 F. No. 33109, approved March 9, 1922, and. Final Order 9 . No. 34829, approved 7ufy _an 1922. Reeolved, That the Dlaae, epecifica- , tions and estimated Qunnt(tiea a ub m(tted by the Commiename of pr.—i 1. bill Works for the above named hereby ae- ment, be and the same are hereby ap- py Adopted by the Council Oct. 2, 1922.1 Approved Oct. 3,. 1922. (October 7-1922) - ... Yes (✓) Councilmen ( 0 Nays C*6-�� Ferauson MCQ,."Id . ......... favor d�- a • ---_.._..Against �IG.ozpl Mr. �sident JORM .M 5-20 OCT 722 Adopted by the Council _. -.._.._._ --3 '1.._�...___._......_._. _ I9---- OCT -3 722 19.._._. A�Ppre .ASV ;`....�,. COYNC I yq CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.----{STM--"�---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / Oct. S, 1922• ............._.. !!!!!! ...... ....__........._........... ... ............. DATE_........_......................................... ............... ...... COMMISSIONER RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 4, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition, from Sylvan Street to Park Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. $89192, approved April 18, 1922, and Final Order C. F. #40766, approved July 20, 1922. Resolved, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantites-as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved/ -- t -- IC. F o o.n4a ter_of W'a T. Peter_ i•In �ontrdm' SIva t enmenlrerelt Addl. No 391 ter Oreumtreet to Park pnd 'nal aD roved April leder C_ Aeo oee Order C. F. No. 90766,1922 Oa Nell u1Y 20, 1922. an- ti ons and iftatPlans sPeclAcn- mltted by the Commiselonitres ne ub- me to be and ethe s e nnmed Im Y t Droved nme are hat r ov.- Adopted Oct h2, 19'ncll Oc[. 3, 1822 An 'a (October 7-19'.j Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays Cl yy� Fe,X'.n McDoadd _...._....._In Favor Mal) , �tt"V •Ckl0 ....__..V_._.Agaiost 'A'- 4 Mr. rresident Adopted by the Council. _......__.:. CCr —3 �922. 19__._ Appro .__....----........._OCT : 2'.._ _19_...... --.... - ��%01 _�' r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFFFFFI����CE OF THE CITY CLERK �O ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM Oct.a PRESENTED BY �aeP ........................... ............... ...... ................-...... .................._..... DATE....................._.._. COMMISSIONER-��---�---�-- RESOLVED in the matter of grading Alley in Block 6, Lane's Manor Addition, from Palace St. to James St- and Pasoal Ave. to Albert Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. #38816, approved March 23, 1922, and Final Order C. F. $441038, approved August 2, 1922. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and eetimat4ci quantifies, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 42126—By Wm. J. Pe In the matter of grading Alley In Block 6, I.nno'n Mnnor Addition, from Palace St. to Jnmee St. and Pascal emo Al CrtFA No. 38816, rli. are O approved March 23, 1922, and Final Order C. F. No. 41038, approved Au- g..t 2. 1922. lt... lved, That the plane, apeciflca- tions and mltted by ethemCoemm/eeiona1eroLaPub lc Workment, be a d the same named e here apw Went, e ,proved. e Adopted by the Council Oct 3, 1922. Approved Oct. 3, 1922. (October 7-1822) Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Cly Fesgtlgon Mc naldV r l _...lAn gfavor .......... i_t ?OCT—9: 522 Adopted by the Council te_...._ A0r-T*--13 rowu sns .•so Mr.�fesident ._.19........ - _.._..._. _ 1 ....- PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER T RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM W Oot...._3; . 1922 42126 F— NO ............._..--..._......... In the matter of grading Fast Seventh Street from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue, under Preliminary Order 0. F. #37674, approved December 20, 1921, and Final Order 0. F. #41040, approved August 2, 1922. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, for the above named improvement, be and the same are herby approved. No. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays CIS / Fuson Mclbn§Id ....... a..._. In Favor Maw t nhe the came ere hereby -P- dbY the Co ... 11 Oct. 3, 1922. 1 Oct, 2. 1922. (October 1-1922) 1--- Y Adopted by the Council.— UC T __: .CL..._ Ap oved__.....- .i-_— .i i._. _.._..__._---19..__. !l, FILE NO-..... .. ..... ....... By ..._-Samea.....Li..._.Llano .......... ..._.._...._......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Alley in Block 29, 1lznunit Park Addition, e 22615__ Intermediary Order 30'17) _........._, und�liminary Order -- - --����-�--����-�- 30876 approved _. Jan. 10, 19`<2 ,xpg-4?; .... Final Order _.._. -- -- - -- The assessment of _..... b0110.fi..tB., _C Q.S.tS....F nCI. eX.�JariueS--...---for and in connection with _.._.._.� - !'------�. --� •t- 4ouncil having considered same and the above improvement having been Appaovr1Y44 AssosgUENTe. j found the said assessment satisfactory, C. F. No. 42127—By J. a Clancy— ta11 respects approved. RESOLVED, That the said assess In the matter of the neeesament of beneste, coat. and eapenses Yor pnv- Ing Alley in Block 29, summit Park .Addition, under Prelm.nncy Order RESOLVED FURTHER. That a 29616, Intermediary Order 30476, FI-4ment on the p10day of not order 30876, approved Jan. ,, 1922. The assessment a benefit-,u..nnect'on ' 1lovember.,,19L ..__. � and expenses o�mH'ovemenr havtns� the Council Chamber of the Court - with the above or. - ted to the council, an th0 ng coseldered same and House and City Hall Building, in the' �rti;.v..;St',t aeeeasmene satisfactory, issioner of Finance give notice of said ....atnent. '. said meeting, as required by the Charter, stafinL.,in sa,, hereby i� aB ie and place of hearing, the nature 'hay .. ,c' atc i; of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amou%1i n. �'ssed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 19 ._ ._...- .... .City C`ler�c: — Approved ........ ............... ....19 L.__.. f " _..__.... __.... _ _.. . ....._... Mayor. Councilman IZ rY4YaYdEt6K Clancy PUBLISlI1 11 xx Ferguson C// iF)7j�lt A iiicDonald KaL Ex Idea t s on Q bdcf2ax Peter •• - 1 Mayor kvdxx Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO ........... ............. _. By .J.axle._.i.,...... Qlanc.y_...___............. _._.__. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and ex?enses for . Fradin[- alley 4n Block 1, Lindeman Place, from Simpson St. to Pascal Lve., under Preliminary Order __.. 3630. _. Intermediary Order 3798£3 Final Order J 33 � _ approved _ Deb. 15, 132` FSK......... The assessment of _benefits 1 costs 1] Bi: Je.15eS ......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, F. No. 42128—By J. M. the matter of the aeClancy—sment of I. benefit., eoets and expanses for grad- cts approved RESOLVED, That the said assessment be sung suer to dock 1, Lindeman P1ade,I from gl re i St. to Psecal Avenue. ter e I rellminary Order a63o6, in- l St RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hes i8388ed8ary Order 87888, less. Order � the............ .. __...._... ay o 'he asaeeetne¢t ofeben6hts, co'ste and ezponas. for and in„ eo¢¢ec" !6ov.e.mb2P.,-.1322 _. ,xMX..... at the hour,,?ha above Improvement havingouncll Chamber of the Court -- abmttted to the Cwtnctl,'and-th; +1. having coneldgred aame-ane earn. assessment. oatldtarar of Finance give notice of House and City Hall Building, in the City of St.� i ' �, r::r�. - . 1. ., ' the said a, ," i' ^ said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in saidno, -hereby tme and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount aw,ssed�against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council . 19191 /...L............_.. ................... Clerk. Approved... ........................................ .................. 191 o _ ...... _ ..._). ..... Mayor. i Councilman FXfnxfttAY" Clancy PUB I,fSfiI;D_/ 7GrbXKX 1'er;;Us on ftlacd ;c )ona1d ;Kekor: 1:Ia t s on A# Peter Mayor lalacX 11eison Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ .... ........._._- By ..............lams. ... ....... G.14n.Q.y....................... .... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Fredericka i:ve. from Juno St. to Randolph St., under Preliminary Order _ .__ 3.7.Q36 _ Intermediary Order 38886 Final Order 39406 approved ___ April 28, 1922 a.X The assessment of ....._bene. its,, costs.. and._expen3er .........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment 0.F. No. 42129 --By J. kt Clancy aspects approved. T.n the matter .of the essesemant of benefits, Costa and'ex ensee'tor'q rad - RESOLVED FURTHER, That a ub} 1"g.Freaermka Ave, From Juno Bt.'to.t on the___._lst.__.....................day of P Randolph 3C, under. Rrellmiaary Or- der '87088. Intermediary" Order.38888, lnal Order 38408, approved Apr11'*28, Izs. Council Chamber of the Court rlovembe^, ..1922 .r{�Y• at tl t h,+e assessment of henedtb coats sau ---- -- nses for and '..in connection with vtove improvement having bean House and City Haul Building, in the City of°"t,led to the eouncli;-and-tke.ner of Finance give notice of ,led conaldered came end � ' +e eatd aseaeamant, satisfactory, said meeting, as required by the Charter, stA,*' ;': , tit tit. rat., " . ,d place of hearing, the nature n ^aes, ;, 1 .111.n of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the am:. ._ass"r'Ss9&Wgainst the lot or lots of the particular ownerto whom the notice is directed. 'Adopted by the Council . ..i. 191 .._._......... .... .amity Clerk. Approved ... .._... _............ 191......._ f ° e � _: r N :'.._.. .......... _ ..... Mayor. Councilman *'ANAW&M Clarity C%QW_x Ferguson qyi'rRx McDonald ioix&x Iola t s on D t&l Oollx Pute_ MayorXoi.xx iJelson P. rm B. B. 1G COUNCIL FILE NO . ........ ............ ......�— By ......James.....1'L...._4_l?.np.Y..._.............................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading and paving the East and '.lest alley in Block 6, Terrace Park ,�:ddition, from Dale Street on the crest to the Talley on the east, under Preliminary Order ...... 34736. Intermediary Order ___3J.Jla..... _...... . Final Order 36257......_ _ , approved ,bel)t. 12_, 1921 ___.XJOdxx..... The assessment of be7lcfjt$, QQS .S_ a.nd_ expe.nSeS for and in connection with the above improvement having been sul n "J `t- r --mcil having considered same and C. 11. No. 42130— Yn the matter of the assessment of found the said assessment satisfactory, tl benefits, coats and expenses for graaing and. paving the Eaet and Wee[ Alley in Bloek 8, Terrace Park Addition, from Dale 8t. on the we-tll respects approved. RESOLVED, That the said assesam .to the Alley on the east. under Pre- liminary order34738, Intermealary Order 36914, FlnaIOrder 39267, e RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pt orovsd sept 12, 1921: lent on the . _l.s.._.........._.._...day of The assessment of benente, costs expenses for and Inc .nnectl.. the above. improvement haying - November,..1922 .__ snbmltted to the Councllq ai, In the Council Chamber of the Court ....__._..... -- a Council'having considered' eamr. found the Bald assessment eat - "tory, therefor!, ba It House and City Hall Building, in the 1 Besoly . a :t Bala anae.;mmissioner of Finance give notice o as . said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said �iioti,'e the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 's 1 Adopted by the Council ._................:......... .......... _r...... ...-'......... <.........`.�City. Clerk. _... ...........191 .._... ! i Approved V 1 ..... ... 4...... Mayor. Councilman FA%d� AKbLx Clancy PUIST.TSilED_ _ Qolutx Ferguson buthmnk IdcDonald L¢atkrx IAatson MaiWlK Peter Mayor74x Nelson Porm B. B. 16 ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- COUNCIL FILE NO . .......... ....... _..._-_ By ........S.aures.....Ali— .._1;19n.Q7...................._........... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and e=,penses for constructing a seater on Tatum St. fro:; 'Z�:llula ,'ve. to a point 142 feet North of Tallula ;,venue, under Preliminary Order .___._ 3.9 = 4..60 _.... Intermediary Order ._......_ 0_2...`.�....._...___. Final Order40701 approved ___July ......._...... The assessment of .....tJ_e.11Q..1..t.S a GOS.t., aT1ci. e:; �e 71S2$ ...........For and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it No. 42121—BY t M. Clancy— RESOLVED, That the said assessment be the matter of the assessment, otrespec[s approved. ,neflts, costs and oneTatumo Street �.ructing s sewer RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public 1T'om Tallule, Ave. to a pomtti42 feetnt on the._...._1St .-.. __....clay of orth of Tallula Ave., umder Prelim- rerY'Order 29400, Intermediary :Oy- er 40223, Final Order -90761, approv- e 1922 at the 1 July 12, 1922: I1Qv..ehlb X.a...-. . . $TKx he assessment of heneflte, costs- Council Chamber of the Court " ex enses for and in coanec- n with the above improvement hav House and City Hall Building, in the City olheen submitted to the Council„an loner of Finance give notice of "euncll havin6 considered can ,.ad the meld "Seaement sat said meeting, as required by the Charter, st,o,% thereforehat, be litatd asseaatr• and place of hearing, the nature •h :he sam is hereby in .11 .1 prove, of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and,��:.d �u<<rs That r rainst the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ___ .. 1 `.__._. T., .�ity Clerk. Approve 191. i l/ q .......................l i• .. .. ; r._.'.' _.........._.................._.:..................._......._..................Mayor. Councilmanl7esd'aYv KXX C1anc5r Gramxxx Ferguson bjyLx&Kx mcDonald ptietl Kx Ida t s on =NMAX Peter MayorAmtbKX Nelson Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO.... ....... ........ .. By _........James......;il.,...._C_lancy ............. ......._...... ... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and expenses for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system on both sides of East Seventh St. from TEichenwald 5t, to Fauquier St., under Preliminary Order .___ 25.779 _ _ , Intermediary Order Final Order .. .....3.1161 ... approved . Nov._ 2, 1921 _.____..__, 193LX...... The assessment of _benef.i,ts,_ cos.ts_...and_Q4penses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submit C. F. No. 42132—By J. M. Clancy— it having considered same and In the matter of the assessment , of benefits, costs and a Pensee for fur - found the said assessment satisfactory, ther<. LB1h g ting Yet-- 'a an ornd�enf East -Seventh St. from Eichenwald RESOLVED. That the said assessment , st to Fau¢uler sa, under Prpara spects approved. dry Order 26779, intermedlarY Order' 30764, Final Order '31161, approved Nov. 3. 1921. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publi�e��-p,he ae'for�6and f bennne ttonts,=t on the__..... 1@t........._._....._..day of heabove tmprovement .havfag been ubmltted to ttie �Copncit,:. and the Novomber,. 1922_....._.., T-9cK at the having considered same an-, Council Chamber of the Court a eatassessment satisfer fore, be it House and City Hall Building, in the City of Si'.; l That rL said asaesemeloner of Finance give notice of ' • shy In all r• a Pu': said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in s. '. notic a xsr.+s=-nand place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount asses,',eo against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. ;r Adopted by the Council _.... 191 Approved_ ... ........... ........... ............... 191......... Councilman bHUX Clancy GKAX Ferguson hyt=k McDonald " fCdkrx Ivia t s on U WarAk Peter •• _+a,M x ijen7.nI Mayor LmWLX Nelson Porm B. B. 16 V ':..:.'City- Clerk. . ....................... Mayor. PUBLISHED_/�� COUNCII FILE NO ......................... " t By ......James.....i7.,....._C1anc.Y................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of 5 light ',amp posts and lamps,i-iires and underground conduits for con- veying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on 5vabasha St, from Central Ave. to Rice St., under Preliminary Order ..__.._ .lra.91 Intermediary Order .__18317 . ............ Final Order ...... 18871 ....._ ___ approved _ QC 4 �,__ •_. 191.._7.... The assessment of ..._benefits,, costs. and exppns.es __,__._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it C. R No. 42133—By 7. M. Clancy— RESOLVED, That the said assessn 1c; the matter of the asse--ment n all respects approved. beaoflte, coat- and expenses fol f, nt-hing and Installing an orname RESOLVED FURTHER, That a tat llghtingtay-tem edoneraps, of ssment on the P llg�tt "1amp..Voe[s and lamps, wlr .._.1.8..1 ............................day of xD497Ilhe.r_,._.1.�`�`�....._._..�1 ........., a equipment t 'M: aha .ndarrom Cei 6t.f under-1'�rellm House and City Hall Building, in the C'_. `terms!',,.. ora. raedl- y Ord, eamant i said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating ror In of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the-8rr owner to whom the notice is directed. =7 *.b'in the Council Chamber of the Court Ave. to RI Order 164. 17, Final cmissioner of Finance give notice of t. 8, 1811, enellts, co, n' connect' ,went h&vtime and place of hearing, the nature anoll. and d name .I ' - r. against the lot or lots of the particular Adopted by the Council .91 .. Qity Clerk. Approved ............. .. 19L _.. . &✓...` _f' ... ,?. '`.'.. µ ....... Mayor. CouncilmanTliiKOWx Clancy xrbx" Ferguson k19x Llcllonald 30084NX Iola is on O 1*1=x Peter _= agumbc Mayor hxb1x Nelson form B. B. 16 PUr1T.TSTTFn O �% COUNCIL FILE NO . .......... By _....dames......_._. G]anay.__............... __........... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and ex_)enses for constructing a se:aer on Tatum we. from hi lles rave. to a point 142 feet north of Tallula kve., under Preliminary Order ___ 33545 Intermediary Order Final Order 39376approved__r.Pril 27, _.19,32_, The assessment of _ bene fl.ts, cosSa. knd_.ex-anseS_ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefor I he it — RESOLVED, That the said assessment be eC. F. No. 42134—By J. AL Clancy— -is approved. i In the matter of the. sssoeemeat PP of - benefits, costs and expenses fpr con- structing-.a, sewer on Tatum Avenue RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public he from rta oille Ave. Avea-un er P2 set the 15t . .............day of inary Order 38646; Intermediary. Or- der 38884, Final Order 38376, r November, 192 x X . , a[ the he Droved'April 27, 1622. ncil Chamber of the Court �. -The aetleasment o[ benefits, -costs and expenses'for and. in connectio•• with the above improvement hevin% of Finance give notice of House and City Hall Building, in the City of nr ., eul—itted to the'Counmi, and ti' having considered same 0 �+ 'Ma assessment Bath - i said meeting, as required by the Charter, stat�ii tre o 't eatr �1'place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amotiitt ass, ' a$at?1st the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council o"Gity-Clerk. Approved_ ........................................... .......... ..191...._._ J i _-, ................ ............... _...... Mayor. Councilman Clancy xx)licx Ferguson PUBLISFD:17L0 -%aY AlptoAx idcbonald Cx� Lia t s on ;&f]aIL. Peter _1enze1 Mayor takifix nelson Form B. B. 16 MAIL FILE NO........... ................_—_— By .........dames.....ivl._....G.1...naY....._...._.......__......_ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sever on Orange St. from Payne Ave. to a point 120 feet east of Edgerton St., F. No. 42136—BY J. M. Clancy— the matter of the aeseesmeatOt •enedte, coat. and ..o.nseaae ter -con- rom ynetAve.sewer Pelntr390efeetteeat ;'Edgerton St., under Pre!tm!aari •der 38919, Intermediary O der ,lli,- F,nal Order. ;59624.. appi'o�ee ay 1Qc1923. 1e sen a sfor of ' benefits, coe' ethpeeneaebe eortmVrovement� fine 38f319,_ eubmttt d' ibe Council an' / 39 �" n c11 ha I ^..•n+.,M,red earn .. _......- ........... under Preliminary Order .._.___ - - - """"""" th .:9ment > ad z " Final Order __>9624._._ aPproVSA„rirl8y 101.abye2 The assessment of .__....bon2fits_costs &11dex ..... ens. r � •p "e.g .............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the __......_,st.._......._..._..day of November, .-.192. - ,NIR-f- __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council -"- - 91 _... ............. ......__.. Jerk. Approved 191....._. Mayor. CouncilmanClancy 7F�6iw'11SC- y Ferguson mac. l4cuonald �4�iscc 1,1atson U .WCtrix Pet's Mayor liotiC Nelson Form B. B. 16 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...c-onclei;lxl !!G.- Al Dci-..t.al I-_.�.v s. sli...9n...tne...lana..nec�ssary for slopes, for cuts and *'ills in Fradi.ntc 611ey in Bloclc 177 Syndicate .......... _. ...... .... tio. 5 Lddition, ............................ ...................._....._......_._..__--_...---.__..-----..-........._._.......................- ..... .......... ............_------..................................;............_...._.....---..... ......................----...------------------------------------- ........................... .................................... .... ..._-..._._..... --_......_..................................... _......_.............................----•--••--- under Preliminary Order ......`.0175approved June 91 �.............. Intermediary Order..... 1202•- approved ......L:UC.... ,..,....l22iS... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having S&jhitteS his asses,m:4' of benefit to property from the making of �n- said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of,beuefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the..............ls..................... day of _.... ioVe l?er.,...i. ''..NT—.x ., at ten o'clock A. At. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.... '.......:.:....._-..._...-.................. 191.... - � Y - -- --�-+�- T City Clerk. Approveu .._.: ...... .:.:........... ..... .......... 191.....-. ........ .........:........... Mayor. Councilman 3XtbXwokMx C la ncy &BLISIIM / O — Councilman ]M§x:c r ergus on Councilman $gland mc�)onaid Councilman Be3WCX'x .a t s on Councilman �ftap l: Peter 1 Mayor tnipx itiel s on �Z RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF UEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 4 . In the matter of-_.c.ondAmnir ..and._La1cnF:_an..easement...in_Aae...land-.necaasary ....Of...&.1,a.�y-..in. des].i_e1S...r.':d.t.ioh.,....f Q1:7-_4.=eti�?...::.�e......to...k'�rzn..ve......... b-etreenDayt93] ndSelb._l_venue�..-.._..............................- ................... _a.....�--. under Preliminary- Order.......... 973.Q._._., approved i1 y._16_..1022..., Intermediary Order...41fdB`a......, approved � U, 2' 1n22•;.. C. F. No.-4213f— In the matter of�c. I T missioner of Finance lag an ...omen[ .ary for .lope.,. f the changing of paving of alley l from Credo. -Ave. damages awarded for the taking of ' tween Dayton a under Freliminar Dred May. 16, and to whom payable; and also ha+i '•, 065 amfeene lo `rsut"ted his t • the . he ta! said improvement, therefore be it _%t [a} ice he above matter as to the amount of for the above improvement of benefit to property from the making of Dr: r Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits Ifl[ "tt d n ;c same is hereby approved. ,v eel Resolved further, That a public hearing be had b he ee Th' 'he Council upon said report and fora eonfirma- ,ro the. for a tion of the awards of damages made by the CommissF o nc)f Finance, and also upon the said assessment of ..Ment benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House iof r, ty" of St. Paul on the.. -91..........................day .., Come;,. of ....:uouGmher.,--..1.92: _ Xx at ten o'elock A. t±„' -.-It that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council... ---------------------191 ......_.--- ..... . ..i ._. ...- City Clerk. APprover_.._................191 ._ i- Mayor. Councilman FA=0Mrtk Clancy ;'U13LtSi i}a Councilman GCBsKx Ferguson ( Councilman 11Vt9ldx idcllonald Councilman KeJLg x Ma t s on Councilman Mif, X Peter Mayor ImkXX ide is on HENRY OLSON JAS. J. MINER �,.. ��.. CUM Of, int Paul Via November 2nd, 1922. Hon.. lcy, •� / b -/C issione of Fina a. Dear Sir: e Please find attached petition from property ors in Leslie's Addition requesting the grading of the alley in said addition. Will you kindly set a date for an in- formal hearing and notify the proper owners of same? Yours truly enc. OTTY CLERK. �lc(��an•ru ti �L�n:eix .i•rroitNUNS AT 1.AIV Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: November 15, 1922. I recently filed in your office a petition of seven- teen property owners requesting the repeal of the ordinance providing for the grading and paving of the alley in Lesliels Addition and the hearing on the same was set for today. I was present in the Council Chamber at ten o'clock but there was no meeting due to the lack of a quorum. I am leaving town this evening and probably will not be able to attend the Council meeting when this matter is next taken up. There has been more or less confusion in the handling of this proposition and at the request of the property owners in the block I have undertaken to have the matter finally dis- posed of, if possible. Originally a petition was circulated and signed by many property owners requesting the grading of the alley. when the petition was presented to the Council it had been amended so as to provide for the paving of the alley. This was done with- out the knowledge or consent of most of those who had signed the petition, and at the hearing before the City Council a motion was .passed, in effect striking out the provision for paving. How- ever the final order as passed by the Council, incorporated a provision for the paving of the alley. When this fact became known to the residents of the Addition a meeting was called at the home of one of the property owners at which seventeen out of twenty-four lots in the addition were represented. After a thorough discussion of the proposition it was unanimously voted that we petition the Council to abandon any steps at all in the direction of making changes in the pre- sent condition of the alley. A petition signed at that meeting is now before the City Council and requests the repeal of the order for the grading and paving of the alley. 2- Mr. Olson: 11-15-22: I do not believe that there will be anyone present at the Council meeting requesting that the alley be paved. In addition to the seventeen who signed the petition, others who have since been spoken to and who were not at the meeting have expressed themsevles as being opposed to making any change in the present condition of the alley. If there is no one there to be heard in favor of paving or grading the alley I would request on behalf of the signers of the petition and other residents of the block that an ordinance be passed repealing the previous ordinance or a motion be made to reconsider it and that it be killed. If on the other hand, anyone should appear in favor of the paving I ask that the matter be continued to a date to be fixed so that the signers of the petition may have an opportunity to come in and be heard. Some of those opposing the grading and paving of the alley were present in the Council Chamber this morning but I saw no one there who might be in favor of the paving. I told these people that I thought there was no necessity of their coming back tomorrow, that I would undertake to represent them before the Council, and ask for a continuance of the hearing if anyone appeared to express a desire for the paving. Since that time, however, I have been called out of town and will be unable to be present. I wish, therefore, th,t if any question si wised about the repeal of this order for the .paving, that you read t`,.is letter to the Council so that they will lm ow just what the true situation is. Yours respectfully, TJM-w A wl Z�w Jd i /''•:(fJ� Wit✓ /OLG cG-+Z.Cyi., a`j �`"r � Y • lam'✓_., F�� .��'`. /. - / i / r/� /J / /` � � h' 1, ��/ - / � � ' Cf" • /�� / (� • RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of ,.axtdemni nC,-..arid .-Li Y,in�..a_ .. ea ;.e7.sal....izi...tYic...L ai<3....eGesssta.3 or slonesof`" c 1''1—lis in ...-.-.... '.... E_....l...le' Addition 1;o. . and Bloc` 2 13oulev^sd :,adit-on- 3.,- frola__.',lhert-.-l,ye-... _....._....._....._......._...._.......t._-..r.............._..c.................... .t4...iia lrlle.._.ve.................................. ............... ..................._...... ander Preliminary Order......_3u17.S..........., approved ...5? 1....2.4.,...192Intermediary Order......4D-T 2---, approved- J.V1,--.lr>.a...J:v4.r-.• The Commissioner of Finance having` r nitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of :I ;. damages awarded for the taking of the lant3- e,aAgilCnt$,'til�gdin;appropriated for the above improvement :. a and to whom payable; and also having s7% tted, his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it � I Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits beand tfie"same s,,hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing -'efore the Coith`eil upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 1&L ........................ day of .2-_I$FS_..-., at ten o'clock A. AT. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.... ..... .... ...... ...:::................. ...... 191........ r ----...... .:.. ti r.................................- .. City Clerk. Approver ........ ............. ......... , 191....... , v Mayor. Councilman R PNWW'df*h Clancy Councilman Gosx;uc Vergizson PGi;L[:-4LLD2 —7 Councilman $yjAAd: iicll-iuld Councilman KWIzaix lda i s on 1 Councilman 1Pf43AV- P o t u r 1 Mayora3pwbxx Nelson RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, In the matter ..t..a.1dng...s^, i.-.o".i;.Laez:�...1.'..,l...th.C....l.c'�I1d..219A�S.s.a2"j or__slopes-z_-i.or_cuts end fills in gradi;i ._Filey in.-Bl_ocic...f3.,.._�tinson!s. rice...Street.e>ddi,t_ion..............._...-.._.._....._..- ............ _.................................................................. ............. .------------------------------ ------ - .._..._....... _...__................ -............................... ........................................ under Preliminary Order _...._40179 approved ....June 9, 1922 Intermediary Order.......40744 approved.. J141Y._12._,... C. F. No. 42139— In the matter o[ condemning and tai The Commissioner of Finance ing an eaeemenl n the land nece�the above matter as to the amount of eeryfor, IODes, for cute: and all. i Ricel Street ng l Add,it... In cundergtl'relon' damages awarded for the taking of iszzYm ecmedla7iy oraedsoviunespropriated for the above improvement 'proved Jul} -12, 1922. - The ted his ser of ?" and to whom payable; and also bavi- amittea hie re ssement of benefit to property from the making of t'�Ir se to the ""�' A for the l ��'i -there said improvement, therefore be it e, Resolved, That the said assessment; of 1Jent; t�..be 1'lua.tlie;l'ame is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public bearing b'e:bad'b' fob' 'tbe' Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissionerlof Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the _...._._1S.t._-------------------- day of ...IloV..1.mb2x.� 1.92P- .F9T....-, at ten o'clock A. It. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.... .............. _........... 191.----.- .,_ City Clerk. Approvea..... ....... 191....._ Mayor. % Councilman 11CMI(WOM C1anCy Councilman i0max Fergus on PUBLISTP'fS�O _% — l� Councilman Kytb & ;,Ici)onald --®G v Councilman jR4l=x 's: Ls on Councilman Peter Oe Mayor IAvG7C Nelson - j S RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter oftalc ng.aneasement .in_tne...1aiid..necessary f.or..-slones.,..,fo_r._cuts_and fills in rradinF, aoodlawn :_ve. from Randolph _................................................... __............................_................._................._.....................................-....................... _..._......._...._........... -- ...---__.... ............. ........._........._............................................... .................. . -- - under Preliminary Order .._..32.QD0---------- ., approved hea..13..,.1.924......, Intermediary Order...z2591... approved.Jan.r....29,...1921 •.... I.42140— •In the matter o[ condemninganfitak- The Commissioner of Finance I{ fag an easement m the land*>e.ee- above matter as to the amount of it eery for lopes, [or ufe aada� jd to grading Wooelawn Ave. fr a dolph SG. to SefierA Av% ot1 r damages awarded for the taking of t 'Preliminary Order 32000. ,a - p� d priated for the above improvement Dec. 13, .1920. Intermedfari�y "32691, .approved Jan. 29, 1921;{{ so,d .he CoTo"" "" of Finaace'>M and to whom payable; and also having witted: -hi. :.pore ta; t ---a:1 refit to property from the making of ae to the amount of damd--- �or-the. taking of the laac said improvement, therefore be it rerem t-. t`u wh for j p a 7 �enA. ..tiIZ to euhmttjel, - 9t i0 Dropeity Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits lty 'ta figyro`,� is hereby approved. ,t Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before+ the'Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits: at the Council Chamber, in the Court 1Iouse in the City of St. Paul on the........_.....; P1..................day of .......biois ;Yhr.,.._i922.lXKX _., at ten o'clock A. \I, and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.._ ..........:.:_ ............. 191........ City Clerk. Approve. ------------------ __. _.......-, 191...... .. Mayor. Councilman FatMM=X Clancy Councilmanx=Xx Ferguson Councilman ILYWIM McDonald U Councilman Bte' F -x Matson Councilman 3940MX Peter deretani�w4f �F"�i�-"�4 taanao� MayorldOm Nelson canne NO... -y` i CITY OF ST. PAUL ate 4 a�. �._.... t:Ct-,i C� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C�O%UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM P SENTED .-Call(.f Xiuui,F.c' DATE..._...___....__._ .........:...._............ ......._,..... ...... COMMISSIONER .............................. RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Parks. Play_g8ounda and Public Buildings and the consent of the Comptroller, the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase materials for the new Phalen Park Pavilion to be constructed by force account in the open market without advertisement for bids as it is essential that this building be constructed with all possible haste in order to lay foundation and concrete work before freezing weather and to have building complete for early spring opening. C. _ F. No. 42142—By i1. C. K cunt i Yea (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays CI cy F�n M.D.dald ..In favor 5.dl --_- Against V46=1 Mr. &&dent A directed to purchase ma- i new l the n tructed byo for a Pa e open arket without ad- tetor bide ns It Is cadent ullding be constructed with Is haste Inorder tolay and concrete work bofore Bather and to have building or early spring opening. by the Council' Oct. 2, 1922. 9 Oct. " 1922. (October 1-1922) Adopted by the Council _OL___._"t_� ._1.._._.._...._....._ 19_-.-- OCT -3 '722------ 19......... — .... -- ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `o :w �I (1 FILE No.__.-.--_.-.. --.. CITY CLERK APPF30PRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FOR 'CHARTER SECTION 208' ' PRESENTED BY - Oct. 3.__-192.2 COMMISSIONER... ... .. /. .. ---------- DATE .__.--.------. .- ....---.. 1 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING. THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. Comptroller's Salaries Comptrolle r'a Other Exp. Ta es on City Property Armory Taxes Armery Other Expenditures y-CReeN �g i� 11� ♦ ` \ feo a be t!✓- \ Cv Dv' �,y✓• be met Pcrin- oneY �yI tr $1,00( 106-1 ° 106 C Code td6.14- YES ( \T) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS CIL[Ncv FE Gusoy MCDONNAL❑ ..-.... /....-IN FAVOR MA+ON PETER .......� .....AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT roRM on (u� a -v) 1,000.00 1,000.00 45,14 141.01 180.15 12143—BY F. R'. Mayon— , That the following tren'- "de on the book' o[ the r hen by 'o dole- " on- dedc,encY In one Item Tony wiorkrVrovidedifo nby the the Item -from which the made: transferred from Code -_ _„ e. a ael'rlee to Code Council Oct 3, 1922. 1922. r 7-1922) �f C , ' I — H � 2L ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL . . .....--- .----- --------------- 19 ---------- r APPROVED ... ................... ...0 ..�... _..... ... -..19 ------- MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY ................................... ........................ CITY COMPiROLLEfl Z[ -���//J CITY OF ST. PAUL /OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL �P�QESENTED COMMISSIONERER......_.._...._.._.........__...._..._....__.._..............__...._.._.............. . ..... FORM DATE..... CouNCIL FILE WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul is about to undertake the im- provements upon the gradual condemnation plan as provided by the Charter; and whereas, the many improvements now planned will require the City to undertake condemnations on a much larger scale than heretofore; and whereas, this Council believes it for the best interests of the City that_tda °"'�O�'�A` '4.Jff4•oharge Of this work be {t ""," ' �� �' � �_�-,.in certain cities where familiar with the methodsr;'Xle.n. illertake I -n ito f " he"City 1,bds developed of acquir- 1t is claimed laws have bjj larger scale than tiers°Lora e, at a minimum of time Ing property under radUaJ whereas, this counell. beileves ng P oP Y 6 the ne.'t Iter.'.'c.' or the cltr tt and expense; now thereforbonieers In char%.' of thin worx lar with the methods and. h to cnrtaln cities whr, RESOLVED, That the Co have be.. inanae, Corporation Coun- . ' sel, and the Chief Clerk of that 1ARgessments are hereby authorized and directed to prooeedt •tt,:,.� ';:•R9Iuls, Philadelphia and Boston for the purpose of securing "ta i4 -to the laws relating to condemnation and study the methods and syat'em'ussd in those cities In the matter of gradual condemnation and assessments generally; and the proper city offioers are hereby authorized and directed to draw and deliver to each of said officers a warrant is the sum' of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00) for the purpose of defraying their expenses on said trip; two of said warrants to be payable out of the Other Expense item of the Commissioner of Finance Fund, and one to be payable out of the Other Expense item of the Corporation Counsel's Fund; and said Corporation Counsel, Commissioner of Finance and Chief Olerk of the Bureau of Assessments shall, upon their return, file with the City Comptroller an itemized statement of their expenses, and return to the city treasury any balance of said moneys so ad- vanced, not expended by them for the purpose of said trip. Councilmen Yeas Nays Clancy /FFerguson -McDonald-`_._-In favor Matson � Peter------.._..AAninst .--$12nze1- f Mr. President Adopted by the Council.._L x_-:711 Appr ed------------ ,'.............. - --� �------------------- MAl.. PTTRT,TCTTED % 1�9 " -t— 42145 CITY OF ST. PAUL cc No. OFFICE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �, October 2 1922 COMMISSIONER ..... .... ....._..."'. _.. .._. ._ ../. ......... DATE...................................... _............. ......... ._........ RESOLVED That the bond given to the.City of 3t. Paul by the Gust Johnson Tire Company, Inc. as principal, and said Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, in the sum of $6,000.00, dated April 24, 1920, covering air pump at No. 147 West Fifth street; and the bond given to said City by John Pregler as principal, and the Fidelity & Casualty Company of New York, as surety, in the sum of $19000.00, dated Mat 7, 1921, covering driveway on west aide of Ohio street between George and Robie streets,No. 42146—Hy wm. a. Peter— 9by cancelled, Resolved, That the bond given to the rlty. [- gt Paul by the Gust .11hnson and the prinoipai Tire, CoI myany,, Inc., a. principal, and ' released; Maryland, as surety, In the sum of provided, howeve' Air pump a t N . 147 I. t 1N ,,:rang air pump o d 11i Hest A.0 street; eOntained eh811 and the bond .given 1 .an City by l- Jehn Pregler ae principal, and the FI- dellty s Casualty Company of N.�w be construed as York, ae surety, in the num o[ j1,0 ! als and sureties dated March 7, 1421, overina -'��" �� west aid(! of Ohio from any liablli yds G° °94�°i<dr' `o the cancellation of said bonds. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Choy// Ferpt� On M.136r4dfavor Against ��-..._....___..... �yh-asel Mr.aRr'ssident Adopted by the Council....__. OCT _:i_. Z__.___...._.._19____ uCT Ap cued.......---.._.._......-- ----- —3 "522- f 14-1 NwYOa Dtpartmrnt of Pidilir Ularks f* WILLIAM J. PETER. E CAggOLI. a rc C9ie. E COMMISSIONER r rian . n rams 0— E. CONS ANSA r COMM -10-1 G ROLOOry cc enc Circ v�nn v�ve �E Oi n nio c�vccn �a ' 46 q w -o�rz September 27, 1922. Mr. C. N. McNally, Corporation Counsel, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: Referring to the attached letter from the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, asking for the cancellation of the bond covering air pump on the curb adjacent to 147 West Fifth Street - owned by the Gust Johnson Tire Company, under Ordinance #5281, approved April 8, 1920. Will you please draw up the required resolution to present to the City Council for the cancellation of the Gust Johnson Tire Company's bond as we have the new bond vovering these air boxes in the name of the W. F. Smith Tire and Battery Company, authorized by the City Council under Ordinance #5879, approved a few days ago. very truly yours, Commissioner 'of Public Work@ ;, mw/mh Lith Valli Drpartmcllt of 13uhlir Warks OSCAR —AussEN, cnre• E.c.�ren WILLIAM J. PrMR• ®COMMISSIONER RRpr cA T cO �1Hfnx ncr win.. Ol"f0 Spur r cOMMI9910NER c. o�gr•�Lz x x x ear"• 4S September 27th, 1922. J \� Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir : - Referring to the attached letter from Mr. Andrew Lilly, Agent of the Fidelity & Casualty Company with reference to the bond of John Pregler- Mr. Lilly is asking for the release of this bond. The bond was riven under ordinance x{3466 approved May 12th, 1916 giving him permission to construct a driveway in front of his premises on the West side of Ohio Street between George and Robie Streets. The bond was only to remain in force during the construction of work which was completed in 1921. Will you please have the required resolution drawn up for the cancellation of this bond by the City Council ? Thanking you for same, I am Yours very truly, ! 1� 4,. Commissioner,'-4JPublic Works MW-RH Encl. �viv ork ROST.J. HILLAS.P"...eHT wi+tni-sc ANDREW LILLEY, District Agent 1414 Pioneer Building /,� Phone Oerrleld 1010 eeeJJJ JL/ rtBn�b?r `1.5, q22. d. i9ters, '.a;i.rr,ir-sinner of Fublic v,orks, city sell , t. , ^ul , . =„_a?• Sir: Phi_�bov-� it bora th=t, i ue in 1 in conr'�ec- t.irc tc i,hi- .. r. !c,',ir.� .".irr to build driv-�n ,v. rie the band i n<;t for the m- in- t iner.cc ^f Lhe drivev,'l ^ni h", c?fu�cd to; for the ren v. -L. _v^u ;;]e lse h :v ^lutSon ...-gid th-L -till c: reel this bond - ,i oblige Y^urE truly, COUNCIL NO...-..�1--.d-i.:: tt.y. F.... CITY OF ST. PAUL TILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ,RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with G. Sauro, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per, week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, on the 2nd day of September, 1922; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said G. Sauro, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Forty-eight Dollars ($49.00) in partial settle- ment of his claim against said City for the period up to September 30, 1922. I recommend the above resolution. for passage. C mm'r of Public Works. Adopted by the Council OCT- .-_':_i;_ _ ..192__. A roved `1 - - - - - - - MAYOR C gCeolved42 That the VD �operPe)ty f- � ftcere are hereby autRor,X.d to enter �. or.ent with G. Sauro, p' o-; thio an of e nont sr t ➢ the roto of Twelve tionnElo him Dollnre (572.00) par week durin6 each be Lreceivadla time aeon• o1.f ln7 lrles l by him of the Dep¢rt- 1 while of the omploy ment 1 Public Work. of the City of. 2nd dey of September,. St. Pnul, on the 1922; be It Further Re solved, ro.nt the.Proper, with saideateeeby nsuthorized to, ¢nee city oAeer. ar h Sauro, out of the ` p to the std G. ?` Workmen's CompenenLon. Aceount o1 of Forty- the Generml Fund, the sum .� eight Dollars (548.00) In partial settfor. meet er hie claimth a set aid C18 for y the period up to September 30, Council Oct 3. 1922- l Aa¢Dted by the 0U Approved(Oetoberl 7-1922) Counci)men Yeas Nuys Cdwrcy I I FerPpiOon McV.rr..ld Y_ -In favor Mftodf Pec r-- .___V ._Msinst Mr.,) sident I recommend the above resolution. for passage. C mm'r of Public Works. Adopted by the Council OCT- .-_':_i;_ _ ..192__. A roved `1 - - - - - - - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By DATE n...._------ COMMISSIONER CIM MISSIONER_____. - RESOLVED 1, MiEREAS, on January 6th, 1922, application No. 183, License No. 18 for a private gasoline pump was issued to Swanson & Alexander, at 571 No. Snelling Avemle, for which the sum of $50.00 was paid, and as it now appears that said pump is a curb pump for which the license fee is $100-00; Resolved, that the City Clork is hereby authorized to change said License No. 18 to read "curb pump", upon the further payment of $50-00 into the City Treasury, by said Swanson and Alexander. C. F. No. 4214742147—By F. WMa Whereas, onJanuary W. 8th. 1922,8up plicationJeense rivals ffasol1ne PUMP Was issued t, . gw.n.'on & Alexander, at 571 No. Snell- ing Avenue, forwhich the sum Of $60.00 was paid, and .s it new p,. -.r that said PUMP Is a curb pump or Which the license fee 1. City Resolved That the "'"V,erk Is b-chy Iiu�h.rl..d to Change im d LI - Nose No is to read -curb PUMP." Into the further payment of $50- 00 to the CI ty Treasury, by said Swanson & Al—, M`- by 1922. 'i Ade pled the Council Oct. 3. APPr6yed(oc,t. 3,,1922, 0C Obs 7-1922) Councilmen Yeas Nays CI� In favor MW9'on pukd�r 0 Against vevnze} Mr. �sident Adopted by the Council....._-__' :'-:I. '?..':;.21 AZ 'Ayo, FRANK W} 07ATSON, eorfrnissior+ea HARRY A. JOHNSON, aerurr co--110-- effg . of '-" TWut Paul ?.). prya 'tutrut of'Vtt%lir gafrtg r October 2nd, 1922. Mr. Carlton E. McNally, Corporation Counsel, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. MaNalln Enclosed please find License Application No. 183, covering a private gasoline pump. It developes now that this is a curb pump, license fee for which is $50.00, and the Northern Motor Company have tender- ed the attached check No. 827. Will you kindly advise what proce- dure we should follow in correcting this mistake9 Shall we cancel the permit for the private pump and issue a new license for the curb pump, dated January 6th, 19227 Ver,W truly i M -S Coamissioner of Public Safety n,rr nr ar. r.a,. aarz No....-.421.48-- BY o...._42 ,48-_ . Pa�rek.te COMPT LLAUDITED...... .._ 192 PE PE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, t amount o£ $.57,359620.-`"...... covering .� inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered__ 7360----- to- 93915 p Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. clay �, Adopted by the Council ___.00T '7 ._.._.._...._._192........... FerkV. In favornr McDdtC ld, Approved'.":.._..._._...._192.......... Against W'Ottzel. Mr. Presidgdt, Hodgson AYo RIDSOLUTIONIL �v C.42149— 8esolved, That warrants be drawn) upon the City :Treasury, to the aggro _ chocks' rtathbered 7360 to 7376 In. v I,,.Iothe oalcon ei of the :It'.Comptrot- 4er. Adopted by the Council Oct. 3, 1922.1 Approved Oct. 3. 192Y. (Oct. 14-1922) 0 LL � AUDITED _. ,-f 192 )the C Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, gregate amount of $.57,359,20-.- -' covering ' to inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered _ .nrrvr�_---- _- - �iagq$ ® Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays. OCT•... '_^.2.'._.......__.._...192— ..... �� uCT � 7 Clancy Adopted by the Council.--- Fergffso�n In favor r 1 MCDdtf)1d Approved..._..... .._ _......: - "...'• 22...-- ....._192..._..._ Mate6 Against Mr. PresidVt, Hodgson tG 1'YL Y U p.EsOLUTIONS. C. F. No: 92148—urto e are , Reeolved. That —r-1. be drawn upon the Cni TYeaa69569.29th coverinB gateam�u o sive,kas pembergoleter38L clty�checka lu- _ flue In the o"ce of the Clty ComptroL ter. -922.E Adopte b Oct. e3Ct922 11 Oct'Oct3, Approved(Oct. 14-1922) 0 Funa A A 46, 1M 7-21 -- I� -- 870 • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM i 10—CIL COMP i OLLE . AUDITED .192.. IPE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aMregate amount of $ 57,35.9.29.__ ... _.., covering checks numbered 7360 to. 7375- - inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( 1' ) Nays. OCT CI ncy, Adopted by the Council. Fer on In favor ` McD d, pproved -- -192-- ..... 0. r ``' r �-_.el. Against �1`144;rMAYOR Mr. Presided, Hodgson 7360 J. M. Clancy, Comtr, of Finance Garage 7361 L. Vi. Cogin, Comptroller 11.22 C.P S. -Gen. Adm. 3.87 Police 2.00 7362 The Cracker Jack Company, Park Refectories 7366 Crane & Ordway Company, Schools 14.79 Sprinkling 7.50 P. Bldg. Revl. 15.69 Water 4.90 11 4.50 1 5.29 26.23 13.03 11 1J�5. 3- 1,126.33 17.09 313.60 91.93 Res. 870 Page 12 7364 J. T. Kennedy, 10.50 Fire 7365 N. N. Electric Tsquipment Company, 130.04 Police 65.66 Pol. & F. Alarm 2.50 if 7.00 Health .56 rater 31.66 it 22.64 130.04 7366 William Poppenberger, 53.50 G.F.-Non-assessable improvements 7367 Helena Roberts, 25.00 G.F.-Non-assessable improvements 7368 Shanley Paper Company, 30.55 Bureau of Parks 10.05 Workhouse 10.25 Water 10.25 30..55 7369 L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company, 840.00 Schools 7370 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 200.00 Humane Society 7371 Frank W. Sommer, Whief of Police 151.05 Police 7072 Olof Hansen, 144.00 C. H. & C. H. 7373 Peter Hanson, 195.00 C. H. & C. H. 7374 The White Construction Company, 1,840.70 L 1487 7375 Fielding & Shepley, 52,190.00 L 1516 46,750.00 L 1457 5 440.00 52,-190.00 • OiTY OP aT. PMOL TO GTT Curet s S� 9 OOO[LOSrd 4 F PILE No. _ ,... BY CO ffiPT60LL AUDITED ........ ..i..... 182. .. BBS PEB Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to ' e aggregate amount o£ $ 8".00 _ _... covering checks numbered 7337 to. __ _ 11831 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yea& ( r ) Councilmen ( o ) Nays. ' // Adopted by the Council OCT 73—::2-Z- ........_...--192__...... FIn favor M oneld, Approved Mfl�tsetf, "{� Smith, �tx2 Against Mr. President Hodgson C. F. No: 4-6-49 — I Resolved, Thal warrants be drawn upon the Clty, Treasury, to the aggre- AeckeB umberedf 73374007337 incl. I'slue, ae per register of city checks on filen .the office of the City Comptrol_ lee Adopted by the Councll.Oct. 3, 1922. Approved Oct. 3, 1922. fOct. 14-1922) • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Formwwae. Rt 7-21 AUDITED CLADIS—RESOLUTION FORM • e s� 000t� z No., , rp f BY COMPTROLLHR. jAUDITED 5i_ i i:, .......'92... .. .... ... ........... 863 PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to t aggregate amount of $_840.00_. ._ _ __ covering checks numbered 7337 to 7337 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( �, ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. la4 cOCT -x'52 L Adopted by the Council192 C�y�� Feoo, ...._._ In favor-' McDo d. - A roved �-�----- - ��-- -- _.--- c�.S_ .nM�1y i �Qil .__-..Against MAYOR. V�easel. Mr. PresidgtyYHodgson 7337 Remington Typewriter Co., School 840.00 TO CITY C11011 227' z .. BY 7 V—C..-�'—..:.-'i'_4��.1AUDITED_--��.'.�-,-. i.i 192/te .. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, toggregate amount of $ 70.,46a1.........-..__, coveringchecks numbered'4338 to....7347inclusive, a register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. may, ! Adopted by the Council _ �i T _ :_:_.................. Fergon�p A In favor McDd/ld Approved ^^T__.: :....L........._.........192........ — ` a...... Against Mr. Plesi4 pC Hodgson / 4 Y p 42160— Resolved, That warrants be drae,n upon the City Treasury, to the a checksa number ed $70Us.12, cavern; Iva• as per register of cit 7347 inclu- 733i I elr In the oince of the City Comptral� Adopted by the Council Oct. 3, 1922. Approvetl Oct. 3, 1922, ..(Oct. 14-.1922) C,=Y 1—K OFFICE OF THEYCOAIPTROLLER «. 1.5 �� _ Form A A46. IM -21 AUDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FORM F=2E NO...... 864 Paplil�re3M,.te COMPTROL AUDITED l.! � '! _:..... 192Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to of $_ 70,.469,12___..___., covering checks numbered . 7338 to 7347 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Clang Adopted by the Council- OCT- �` Ferguson, In favor (.T "-,1 922 McDomfld, A4proved -- - -192 Mate, Stttitl.,� W.�eI. J-- Against MAYOR Mr. Presid2M, Hodgson 7338 J. H. Allen & Company, 85.54 Workhouse 7339 Board of Control, 12,048.63 Board of Control 7340 Brooks Brothers, 242.06 St. C. & R. 183.26 Bridge B. & R. 58.80 7341 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 26,473.22 Police 7342 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 31,096.81 Fire 7343 Dearborn Chemical Company, 166.32 Schools 7344 Deegan Supply Company, 47.02 Schools 7345 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, 179.36 Water 7346 L4e1ady Paper Company, 6.35 Water 7347 tmpls. St,Paul & Sauilt Ste. Marie Railway, 123.81 Water COUNCIL FILE NO..... ........... By....._J�.:.1d.... Clano.Y,........_.......__.._.._ ..... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...C.onjstrue_t.1Si$.a...B.lx.._f.Q.pt..-c9ment.._tilt---sidewalk._.on_.the-.....-.-. West side of Simpson Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Midway Parkway .. ...... .... .except-_where._vod_. and ---sufficient.__ si_dewalke._ now.__ exiat.,..... ............................... --..._........._...................._.._......_........__......._....._....._... ..........._........ ............................. ---------------------------..... ........ ...................._......._._.......__...----------- .... ......................................... ......__.................... under Preliminary Order. .......413.26.....__ ..............._. approved.._ August_..1.5_,...1922,......_..._.----..__.... Intermedial , approve ----- ------ F. ubli•,tho °mai1e�_f a iu ttmg's of:- n the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council p °at side Si Simle pson enu °from ecommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- having hear:3nnkeon w"en a to midway Park- ,h,ered the same're;a walor. ow°Odxletd under RESOLV11nett 15. 1922. 41326, approved ty of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ,,ublic bearing having- been bad -6°above Improvement uponsdiie. improvement ti .-.-d mecouacn having.hearals.....C.oS1At.>;.11ot...a._s..R...foot._.G.eT11eXlti._.t.�.�.2._side.- p oblectlone and recowmen- """e'`b°re`°' and sr ba"lag Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Midway r. etime;therefore, be Son_.._.__.........._......_..........__..._.__..............._.._... it i i i 1, IL 11 of the City P.erl�lsay, .sxc.5t t�t%e °`.-nd_suffcient.._sidelvalks now exist-,___...___ -... _.... .. ....... _.._ _.... _..-... -- ..... ... ...... - ......._._... - _..._....... _.... - ._....._......................... _....... ........... ............................................................................. ..... ..... ..._._..................... .....-._............ ................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -......... ... ... . - ...... City Clerk. 191.. Approved .....__ .,..... ..,:. .._ �.-. - ...._.....-...........---..................... Mayor. Councilman 119M-Xxxx /Clancy PUBLISIIrD O —z Councilman Swc erguson Councilman KISS cDonald { Councilman XWkzx "Matson Councilman MXd dk ✓ Peter Cbneeibf+nmM4 1 Wenzel Mayor Z9XgZM2EX Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 6T. P knL DEPARTMEN-r OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) at a six foot oament tile s1dawalks on the west bide In the matter of Oonstru of Simpson Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Midway Parkway. under Preliminary Order approved Angie ct 15 192? -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 20 Franksons Como Park 450 Addirion. 2 20 do 325 3 20 do 325 4 20 do 325 5 20 do 325 6 20 do 3125 7 2C do 500 g ' 20 do 325 9 20 do a 325 10 2000 do ;_ 5 TOTAL. .3 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby ,n Lnrils the foregoing as his report thereon to tho Council, tther n911 th, ro111,rt ,mule to him in reference to said matlor fry the Cnmmi.=iuu,r ul' I'u hlfAA„rk.- Dated 44 C � „���,, o0 of Fi...... Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn., ..d ..............1924 'To -The Honorable, The Council, I City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable 136dy t use the following improvement to be made* ........... ............. `.; . ... . ....... ......... .............. .. ..... ........... ... . ...... ... .......... Ave. ........... f rom.,,-/ e. 'o.... Av ............$4. Ave. I I NAME LOT- BLOCK ADDITION 1.2 22 • Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 August- 24th.j...._1822.,..._.......191_ . _. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- eil, known as Council File No..__.41326....... approved._.August ....15t.h,-....1922:11.......... relative tn_.......__...._._._.... Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the _._.__.__..........._......___..___......wrest siHe_of_ Simpson venue from_Frariksori...Avenue....__.._....._...._. to Midway Parkway. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.................necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is ih.....1.05_-pars tl ttofa9"A thereof is h......._.__.__..._._. __......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3 . ... .. ............. ... ........ ........... ......................... .... .. ._.._._..._ .__.......... _._ _... 5. Said improvement is_......_.._._......_..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...._........... ........ .... ........ I__/......:GF_vG........._...._................_......__.__.... mnmissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO..._ ..............._....... BY-.....d.....M.....C.leS1Gy..,..--_................ _._.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Co.IletrUcting..a...six...1Do.t...c.elllent...'C-Ile...4..1.�B1Yd�k_9SL...the- .__.... Nor.th...side..o.._Eas.-t_.S.even,th._ street ._.fr.pm.-�Phit.e....Bear-_Avenue...tp..Van. Dyke.... Avenue, ---except... herg..-Eoo.d.. and .--sufficient _,.sideticalks-:now -exiat,.............. .................................................- .... -......_.._......__........---......-......... ...... ........................ ..._..--............------------------------ under Preliminary Order. .........413.6.9.__....... _..... approved..... A}1.gltet---17:._1.� 2� ---..-_............... IntermediaryOrder ............ .__...__._..... ................. .... ..... approved..._.__....__........_......_.. ---_._......._ .......................- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, tin F.hNo. 42152—By J. M, Clancy—ons relative thereto, and having fully consid-, ered the same; therefore, I foot cement mor cnnseructlpg a ; ot cemmeenr nt the eldewaik on . north. aide nr Eaet Seventh 8•1 that the precise nature, extent and kind of RESOLVED, B the C, north. white Bear Avenue tr By Dyke Avenue, except wh, and euiflclent .1d —1!–#t 1!– , ^ under 8reilmivare �. ,,,. t ;zc- a_six foot__ cement___ tile......_. improvement to be made b. Xrovnd Anguat `. , z — ing Public hearin - .� •t "•e above f s. detQalk_pn..the._No Pd East ennthSt....._the - .... ... earAye ohs - nue to Ven _.Dyke Avenue t' <;e'�t where good and sufficient sidewalks -- . ......... ...... ........ ._........ .... r q .......... ........... _ _..... - ......... ........._............... .._...._- _ _._ ...__._..._._.....__ .._.... _.. --------------..-------------------------------------------------- -------- ----- ----- _------_......._._.... .................................. ------------------------ .and --------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council f —z� City Clerk. Approved...__._ __...___..., 191.. . . �j r Mayor. Councilman$°76fiMLSnXtbx \/Clancy Councilman -Gomx Ferguson / (� PTTT,l9M,,D Councilman X2=yx -Idolonald Councilman 2t7Cllomc Matson Councilman 3kf"x Peter Mayor $ xm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTCVF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D) air, In the matter of ¢onstruot a six foot cement 11 e aidetivalk on the North side of Fast Seventh Street from White Hear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved A ' �gt 17, 1922 -- — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S 05 per front ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 7 Hazel Park Division 4. 275 17 7 do 375 18 7 do 175 19 7 do 175 20 7 do 625 21 7 do 375 22 7 do 175 23 7 do 425 7 25 do375 26 7 do 175 27 7 do �5 29 7 do 175 30 7 do 175 TOTAL. IF675 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby foregoing his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to submits the as said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - 00 C --,,—m— of H n.ocr. F- B. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor; Report to Commissioner of Finance (z AV 1 -."- -- � r— August. 24t4.0....1922, .._._191_ .... ']'o the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had nuclei- consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......413&.8..........approved _._ Au, gnst....17_ti.hp.....19.!Tala......, relative to- ... ___.............. . Constructing a six foot cement the sidewalk on the ............. ....__....._...._....._......north side of East Seventh Street from iVhtter Bear __._.__....._.......... Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _.._ .._._.....necessary and (or) desirable. per front foot. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is1 ............_........., d Q.,� and the total cost thereof is an .i;_._._..._.__..._.. __. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is......._ ..........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .........._..___......_.. ! // ... ............ .--........... .............._......_..__._.. Commissioner of Public Works. G`� 36L F2 r, V St. Paul, Minn.,--. .. .. ... .. - * * , 19Z To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: petition our Honorable We, the undersigned property owners, hereby pon Y Body to ca se the following improvement to be made: .�- « v-.......rl............_................ ..._............_........_..._...._..__.................. _......... ...................... ......... _..._...................................................... St. Ave. . from - -St. Ave. to .__.... . St. Ave. A COUNCIL FILE NO...._............. By 91APPYI - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..Grading..Asbur.y.-.Avienu.e..fr.om CarTall-AVenue to Marshall- ...... . ..... ----- ... .... ---- -- - ---- ............................... ......................................................................................... ............................... ...................................................................... .................. .............................................................. .......... . .......................................................................... ....................... ........................... .................................... ............. .................... .............................................. ............................................................. . ............................ ........... - ................... ...................... ..................... ............ ......... under Preliminary Order...._...._......approved _........May 2.4 ....... 1922 ...................................... IntermediaryOrder...._.._..._... .......... .... - ------- approved....._.....__..........._......._.__......._...----- _--------_- ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it44 __0 CC) tIre J-91, k,-,\ ) A\A hr of a,RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that a-Aebury. Avenue fT.0M QaU911 --------- - - pj[NAJ(. ORDHRS. Avenue o.. MA r s- h- a 1 1- Avenue.,.., .......... C. P. No. 42153—BY J. C1=rYTAVc. , A In the matter of grat 'I .......... Atirsh.1, Ave.. ,to- to 33849 sP-li un&r renma.r proved may 24, 1922 .................... ....... ........ ... ................ - hearing �av,ng been had A Pu upon the .above 1=v-w tipon us' enticethe c.Lgv1dgheard .......... as, oojection. and r.,o.--- dations. aiive th.-We and b having lu,ye, considered the.-aam therefore: be it ; . I c Ji of the cit ............... 1- ................................................ ........... ........... rLtsolved, By. the Council 0 y Drat ki that the Pina from M t and the Council Oeby orders said improvement t be ma . A.mtry A— r to C.rrou' P! Ave., be and the a -Me S j f P c io er o ub is beftby:aaucgi e . annulled land -J U and SFURTH Tha the Com c AV.. tmarshad d stinted add all proceedings U 091i 0 rap ;O� 'ti us id v pe Is 'r _0 and direct o prepare plans a specifications fo, id improv matter discontinued. iS 1922. 1- fo t s Adopted DY tile Conn 1�21,1` Oct id— .pp JS� A:pproved Oct. 18, 192, cil for prova that upon s i approval, the per (oct-2g-1922) _,e of s' ai aid improvement accordance' 'vi t g to teed Nvith the ma g of s, provement in accord, Adopted by the Council. . ..... ..... . City Approved- - .............. .......... .......................... ------------- Mayor. tlty��. Councilman Zx= Councilman fkmzX McDonald Councilman %Xtbxx Matson -- Councilman 33,22P't;;L—,.p Councilman MtmmkmJJEJ3;r*Wenzel Mayor lkodgx= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 WILLIAM N'. HUNT ATTORNRY AND OODNB@LOR Orevnvvrm HLnO. Cov. H�zxv env Mmnveoa� 9A.—PAUL. M[NNRHoxA October 18, 1x22. Tc the Comi:,on Council of tue City of St. Paul: E` As owner of lots in P.loek. 4, Snelling Park, I I object and I,rotest against the grading of Asbury Avenue from Iarsnall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue. There is i.ct now and is not likely to be at any time in the future any J,rs.otical curpose served by such an irairoven:era. Yours truly �/,,�c tel' r i CITY OF ST.PAUL O DEPARTMENT OF FINA"�CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Grade Asbury Avenue Prof. Carroll Avenue to Marshall Avenue. 01 O. oma. under Preliminary Order approved IALLy 2241h. 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ "I 2 60 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 'V, y 0 The lots or parcels of land thatmay be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Snelling; Park to 3550 3t. Paul, Minnesota. 16 3 do 2425 1 4 do ,goo 16 4 do 1 2 Adufas Addition to the 725 City of 135.Paul, lEtwsey West g of 12 2 Co. Minn. 3275 West Of 1 3 do 375 12 3 do 400 TOTAL, 14650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pahlic Works. Dated_w—L=- - --` ]- Commissioner of Finance. B. B. 13 May 17, 1922. GRADING PETITION Grade Alley in Block 3, Adam's Addition and Block 4, Macaleeter View Addition, also Asbury Avenue from Carroll Avenue to Marshall Avenue. Name Lot Block Addition Hilda Kraushaer 4 3 Adam's • .� W. C. Craft 6 3 n t Sam A. JOhaneet► 6 3 n � n n F 4 Macalester View Anna Dahn 3 3 n Wood -Craft Co. 3 lots on Marshall Ave. 3 4 Macalester 3(*0V C. J. Wettergren � Richard Doles 6 4 n Office of the Commissioner or Public Report 1-- Report to Commissioner of Finance 41.30A 23.-1922 . ...........................191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- i 24-1922 ....................191........., relative to....._......_......._..... ol, uown•ae Council File No ....approved ....................-......... QTad1g.._ASbury.._Aveste..._Prom.,.Garroll Avernaeto Meipbtsvall Avewue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..........2142-60and the total cost thereof is $..........--....--- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........ ................_........_............__.........._......................................._........._.._............__.....,.__.,_...__...._.__.....__.............__......................._..._...... __... a. Said improvement is- ..._.......... .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. D ,Ztc ' JJ ___! ....-C. .. Commissioner of Public tWogk9,., OSCAR CLAUS—. C cr Ery 1— �.--.— CARRCLL. All". Crvicr E G. H, HERROLOO 0— 1. Arvc C *Tn ZA.. . M. S. GRYT9AR. O—o A. B. SHARP. SUIT, o—TATiory H. W.• OOETZINGER. SUni. or WonnrvoUSe fLitu of -St Paul Ucpurtutcut of public Warks WILLIAM J. PETER. ®COMMISSIONER OTTO ECONSTA �EPUTY COMMIS31ONER .JEEP. 46 Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: August 16, 1922. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Asbury Avenue from Carroll Avenue to Marshall Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 39849, approved May 24, 1922. Estimated Cost $2142.60 Per front foot 2.20 Inspection 42.01 Frontage 974 ft. Yours truly, -�• Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner it ublic Worked., 41 r i V COUNCIL FILE NO ..... ----------_------------ By �J! ........_....------.By...._J•... M. Clancy, ........................................ FINAL ORDER `S the Matter of._..Grading._Robertson.-Street__.from._Fairfield..Avenue...to.............. ................ --- ----------------- ........ FINAL OADIDR!!. -- ....................................... 42154—By J. M. Clancy In th matte of grading Robertson J from . Fa 11.1d Avenue to India.. ......................................... ........................................................... Avenue, under PrellminarY Ordal' 40185, nDproved.iunel5, 19.22. pa- _ loving been had ---------------------------------------------------- --------------- ....... ...............�.;.. . �...., .1-. -11-' . vement. upon dui y.. ...-�, cn, harlr ..t..... under Preliminary Order_ ...... 4945 ---------------- .... approved..._ JuT1e 15' -1.922.2 ----------- -----_------.----- IntermediaryOrder.._-------------------------------------------------------------- approved... ........_...............------...-......_---------------------....----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...!?,Tie.-1oberteo2l.-.StTee.---fTpm:-Fpj.iglS�.... Avenue to...Indiana--Avenue,.:_...........- -- ----- -------------------- ----------------- --------------------------- -....._.... ----------- ....:..... -.......... ................................ ......................................... - .......----- ................... ...-------............. ................- _............................. - .................---.._......--...... .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...- x.41-.. ........ ........................ - .....-- ............L ......... City Cierk Approved .._.__------- f ...... ... -...__.._...1 191 ..... ,(:ouncilman �x Ferguson _ouncilman daxmapx McDonald Councilman kftxx Matson v'Councilman Naftkk Peter 0 `Mayor XxdgMm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.7 Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL ` - DEPARTPT,:NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Grade Robertson Straeb frori Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved J1 tie 15 a 192' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ �� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S 2.20 DoT" front ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 11 fdarshalls Addition to 1250 Neat Saint Paul. 6 11 do 9200 7 11 do 4750 8 11 do 1750 11 do 2050 9 10 11 do 3800 gest of 1- 2 12 do 5000 15 12 do 2050 14 12 do 2150 13 12 do 850 12 12 do 1100 TOTAL. 33954 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that ,he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 14AI .2,/-/,."a° t2k— Commissioner Finance. of Farm B. D. 13 r. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Fina cc __August _28th1.1922. _191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._AQZfl5---- approved- 'TU,,L _].!�ti1y_______19iZ2_, relative to ____Grading Robertson_ Street_ from_Fairfield Ave. to --------- Indiana Avenue. ----------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _necessary and (or) desirable. 2.20Per f oche toM cost thereof is $_3.$20-.8`.--, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___'__--__- Frontage 600 ft. Inspection $25.89 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __________________ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. J _____________� t Com missioner of Public Works. �+ i OSCAR OLAOSSEH aC-41 E mvicen RROLL, A e. HERROLOO Ov�ceTwvo CETT PuvviNe H Evc�vicen 9. GRYTBAn. B �v HARP, 51— ove 9ineeta w wvi�wriov H. w. GOETLIItOER. Sur*ov wonnvou5e ulu of mt. paul Drparlmrut of public lBorks WILLIAM J. PETER, OMMISSIONER OTTO 8���CONBTA_ EPOTY COMMISSIONER .JELMN 46 NIr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: August 19, 1922. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Robertson Street from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 40285, approved June 15, 1922. Estimated Coat - - - - $1320.86 Per front foot - - - - 2.20 Inspection - - - - - 25.89 Frontage - - - - - - 600 ft. Yours truly,,p �• l� �� 2Yz- Approved for transmission Chief Engineer. to the CCCJsaloner of F}nance. r Cormmissioner'of`Public Work@ r' . St. Paul, Minn.,.......e.�-� ...�(J ....192...E sjo The Honorable, The Council, ,4 City of St, Paul, inn. �y Gendemen: We, the undersigned roperty owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ......... ..........St. Ave. . ._.. n...........$L.Ave. to_.__©C- z,.__......n....__...._....__..........__ from ........._- owe-/�-.c.-d�- ................ Ave. ...,_ COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL !ae f i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY-..� fir... .`/�4�,.// Oct• al..t...1.7�..�11.�'.(!....... .... ....... C .. 1/ . �..:- ...... ........ DATE..... ... .COMMISSIONER RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, f. cuts and fills in the grading of Robertson Set from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue, under Preliminary Order C approved F. $40286, er #41628June ,�approved SeptemberIntermediary 1922, and 2 , 422. C. F. The Commissioner of Public Works having / submitted hie report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement the land for'slopes, for cuts and fills in and up abutting upon Robertson Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated"Qotober 11, 1822, Which sketch and report.•are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. No. 42165-13y Wm. J. Peter It the matter of condemning and'tak- Ing an easement In the land n ces, Bary for loDes, for cute and dile to Prom grading lficki oAvenueerttoso. Indiana ' Avenue, under. Prellmlaary Order C. F' Nei 49286, approved June 16, 1922, `t ad Intermediary Order C. F. No. 41828, approved. September 2, 1822. - hnving submitted his ofPublic ketch In the above matter, b, It Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines .the amount of; land to be Ilk— n fore the above —.ad' Im➢r vemenr s n easement. for slope Por cuts and' fills in and - pan fl tho land abutting upon Robertson Street, between the points aPoreaald, to the extent shown-upon-the sketch at tached to the repot.[ of 'the Commis- 'cloner-of Public Works In the matter, dated .October '31,. Y9$2c. which akotch and Hort .are hereby eferred to •and . Adopted byhtheoCouncil Oct. 11, 192E. Approved Oct. 11, 1982. (Oct. 21-1822.) Yes 01) Councilmen (✓) Nays — Adopted by the Council-C� Q erguson S - Q 19._.'-� APPr `McDonald _...__-..._..._In favor Matson U -- ------w.ro- rVeni --Mr. President TONY •aN a-x0 . 9 R CLAUS N. C °'ween �. E. CARROLL.A . SHARP, S PI. SI-11 En pN1Tw.cu H. w. GOETZI... R. sur1 o worm__ Litu of Vit. Pail Drpartnirnt 9f pliblir Rlarks WILLIAM OTTO��auTT COMMI9910NER 45 - RFd?ORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Robertson Street from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40286, approved June 15, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. #41628, approved September 2, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property, and hg thee$tent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. ( ) Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Oct. 11, 1922. CIWOF ST. PAUL v _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 2- 5 r REPORT OF COMMISSrONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER nt in the land na0essary for In the matter of — — — slopes for cuts and fills in the grading of Robertson Street from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved .Tuna 15 1922 ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is RSO o^ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 3 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 11 Idarshalls Addition to 1250 'fest Saint Paul. 9200 6 11 7 11 do 4750 6 11 do 1750 9 11 do 2050 10 11 do 3800 West 3 of 1- 2 12 do 5000 15 12 do 2050 14 12 do 2150 13 12 do 950 12 12 do 1100 TOTAL. 3950! The Commissioner of Finance furtherreportsthat he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated i y» -jar r Commissioner of Fin.— . Form B. B. 13 I _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works REQE, Report to Commissioner of Finance =s s v AUG 23 1922 _ Auguat_ R8th,_1922._-191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: •The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__ ` 8b.___approved____-June_15±h_____ 1932-_, relative to Condemning aril taking an easement in the land --------------- ------ necessary > or slopes; for cuts and-ilSa -in -ihe grading of Robertson Street from Fairfield Avenue to ------------------------ ruYtaoa-il:-neons-. --- ---------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $__-____-_-__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement ---------------------r i Commissioner.bf Public Works. J (e COUNCIL FILE NO By........ ..... FINAL ORDER lays,,.in.Bl ck In the Matter of 3, an 4, View fz.Q.m Asbury.. Ayenue._.to Pas from xpxgknu Avenue and..Pascal..A- nug_ f -.1.9 ...... ..... ........... . ....... ............. _Ig_1.eh_a.r.t _Avenue, . ..................... - ..................................................................................................... --- -- .....-------- -- - --- ---_---- --- ----- ------ ----------- ------------ -- ---- ----------_-... -------__----- - _-------_----- ------------------ - ................ I ............................................................................. ................................................................................................. under Preliminary Order ............ .............. approved Ju 1 y 1_9-1 1222-a....... ... ................ Intermediary Order--........._..... . ....... approved ---- _- --- - -.--------------- ------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is grade Alleys in Bloc It 3-, A Additign and Block 4, Macalester View, from Asbury Avenue to Pascal Avenue,_&I-80, ............................_..I.......__..................................... ............ .. ........ ................. I ....................................... -------- m-Marah ............... -------- ........ ......... ......... ............ ------------ .......... ... ..................... ... ........... ....................... .......... 1 C. F No. 42156� . —BY j.m Clan, ti�u matter of gradi.9 .... ................. _ ......... ............ .............. ..... pL.ek 3 ;Adam's AddltL(M a, ---------- .* from Axbury 4 t; 'J,,bury ....................................................................... from m.raimLl Ave. . Marshall A, L ---....- and --------------- -- ----- - -------- -- - ----------- o I -" 'T.' ' I".. and the Council hereby orders said in -t..,IlgvLrh ;A'�.-�ou, a Ju'Y - instructed oiaer 40 50 appr vo RESOLVED FURTHER, That the ' A "u"le "e1o"o `cs be and is hereby i upon. the abovO U.C, � havlagh-. and directed to prepare plans and speci nVu...,and %'u. Afid a re.- -,,and submit same to the Coun- cil ad cil for approval; that upon said approN dllllec�m.ldered t 111"Aereby authorized and directed fully be It to proceed with the making of said il �.Res6lved,- Y th�-. oun I of t -with ul,:' at ly,.else,outurg ansae W 11 1 Prove f st. Pa HT 1: 6V b�_ u .�ld ity I. gf.d. Adopted by the Council. 7 1 1.It,.. ad 11, V.—L4va6r —oIV fnP .d .y , P.—at ut �_ u,.Xd .. ----- ---- e City Clerk. L Approved......._........':'.i..__.._191 Mayor. Cdftn,�� �,&Rcy PUBLISHED— -- Councilman G=X Ferguson Councilman e=OFX McDonald Councilman tkAkxx Matson Councilman X�bV eter Councilman —9im" I x"' Wenzel Mayor lhtft= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 c1Tr a .uL ANCE DEPART�•r+ �RIS�, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 7alleys in Blook 3, Adtun's Addition and Block 4, , In the matter of Gradin Macaleatgr STiew, from Asbury Ave. to Pascal Ave. Also Asbury lehart Ave. sand Paeeal Ave. Avenue frow-Marshall Ave. �o I1,r__--__--- from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart ve• —_ --- under Preliminary Order approved_— J-111+ 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Finance hereby reports as follows: The Commissioner of o mount of the asseysment for the above provenient is The total estimated a The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is�%G:�a�-k .. t, and the assessed valuaf) ' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such iZprovemeni�n of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION t9est z of 1 3 Adums Addition to the liaTnsey 375 City Of St.paul, 2500 East � of l 3 Co. Minn. 2 3 do 950 9450 3 3 do 2450 1F 3 do 5 3 do 3250 do 2550 6 3 400 12 3 do 11 3 do 250 10 3 do TOTAL. 250 Fo.m B. B. 10 CITY OP/I�T�. PAUL DEPAR4"ENl,OF 11INANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (6) • ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 9 3 Adams Addition to the 250 City of St.Paul, 1450 g 3 Ramsey Co. Flinn. 7 3 do 250 G 4 Fdaaulester Viers Addition 75 to the City of St.Pa:al. 1025 14 4 do �5 4 do 450 16 4 do 250 17 4 do 6�5 West � of 19 4 do 625 alst ofdo to 4 do 9575 2o 4 do 275 21 4 do 300 22 4 do 3�5 23 4 do 325 24 4 do 3075 �5 4 do 325 26 4 do 500 F 4 do 75 13 4 do 2050 12 4 do 4o0 11 4 do 3200 10 4 do 400 O 4 do 400 8 4 do 3400 7 4 do 3400 6 4 do 3150 5 4 do TOTAL 1900 CIT' OF ST. PAUL DEPAR IT OF. FINANCE REPORT 'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 4 Ilacalester Vials Addition 2150 to the City of St.Paul. 4 do 1900 3 (Except E. 50 ftp 1 & all of 2 4 do 500 East 50 ft, of 1 4 do 2900 (16 4 SSt11Pauing 390C l,aldinnerk sota. 1 4 do 12 3 Adams Addition to the 400 City of St.Paul, '.Vest -'j of 1 3 Ramsey Co. Minn. 375 26 4 Macalester View Add. 500 to the City of St.Paul. East 50 feet of 1 4 do 2900 7 2 Griebie and Brewster '+25 Addition to the City 6 2 75 of St. Paul. 7�7:;LS The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated mil C . �, _ / 9?_'__LN% - Commissioner of 1+finance. F.— B. B. 12 r . Office of the Commissioner of Public Worksplo,, Report to Commissioner of Finance s a s a "'Q �g 1921 August....23.-1922.._................... ..191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.408.5.0 ............. 11]�..._1Q. 1922 ....................191........, relative to..._............ ...... ...... Grading alleys in blook 3a Adam's Addition ....................................................... ............................ amd....B100k...,i....ftaa3ester....View.,....from _Asb r- Ave..w...to.._...... Pasoal Ave. Also Asbury Avenue from Marshall A..._ to Tvlwhart Ave. and Pasoal Ave. _..f..rom._........... Marshall Ave. to IglehartAve* and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ .......... ............necessary and (or) desirable. Z. The estimated cost thereof is $............. ...................... and the total cost thereof is $ ............ antl the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....__.......____.........._............_.__............... _............. _............. .._..._........... _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_..... ..........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. r- Commissioger -Works. (ito of 6t. paul Hcpa[tnrcnt of public Warks OSCAR C=gU 99EN, Cni¢r E+c�ncm WjLLIAM�COMMISSIONER [. CARRO, o ASS Aarnu C OITO E. CANSTANS. �EPUTY COM M1991DNCR O N NOLRD, 0111.1 A.D CITrnPL-1— .1fjj?. 4S 1922, 9.cnrT-1, August 16, e. SHARP, 9 wNr w.iDN H, w. GOETZINOER. SUP?nor won nnouae Mr. ti4. J. peter, Commissioner of public Ydorks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for grading Alleys in Block 3, Adam's Addition, and Block 4, Maealester View, from Asbury Ave. to pascal Ave„ also Asbury Ave.- from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. and paasaer Ave from Marshall ` Ave. to Iglehart Ave, under preliminary approved July 18, 192: Grew Block 4inMaoaceater Views Addition Estimated Cost 642,531656 ft. Frontage 0.39 Cost per front foot Grad' Pascal Ave. from Marshall Avenue t„ Tgl� hart Avenue Estimated Coat 711,10479 ft. Frontage 1.46 Cost per front foot Gradi Asbur Ave. from Marshall Avenue o Iglehart Avenue Estimated Cost 1746,67479 ft. Frontage 3,66 Cost per front foot In order to grade thou above alley hit i stnecessary that the streets at each end be also grg are included in this report. eased However, a separate preliminary order has been p for grads Asbury Ave, from Marshall AVeang a0rep rt onrroll e this See C. F.89849, approved May 24, 1922+ ailed order is being submitted so that i�- Asbury Ave- is oray be omitted under the proceedings initiated by C. P- 9849, it may when the alley grading comes up for a hearing. Yours truly, Approved for transmission Chi Engineer. to the Commissioner of Finance Commission A�o� inanc� St. Paul, Minn.,...M4Y 17,1922.192. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement t be made- ............... l?t8lleY -.@h4.r1--AVp . ......_and... M.a.r.a.h.all A.venu-e ................... Azbur-y.- Axenue.. tQ St. Ave. fromCarro-11 Ay.anua .......... i St. A3g. to -',7 ..—Marshall Lvo. St. Ave. NAME LOT I BLOCK ADDITION Faz"SP I (2T } CITY OF nna No - OFFICE OF THE CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM t, PRESENTED BY (/y> COMMISSIONER..... ......... .—'2 .. ... -.... .. ........: DATE�.._:1©t�.._4.f 192.1 ............... RESOLVED r In the matter of condemning and taking an. easement in the land necessary for elopes, for oute and fills in the grading of Asbury Avenue ' from Oarpoll Avenue to Marshall Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. P.;#39850, approved May 24, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. #41624, approved September 2, 1922. N - 1"S% ^ The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his, report and sketch in the above matter be it ►meq OLY , t the i., of St. Sul as an eterm the em of'1 b� a for the ve d improY t as as, r open, ou and 11 d n t d a t on As Avenue eon poi s afo s the ten on t etc attao to e e o the Co o @r of Publ orka a orr , date obe&. 192 wh xt/sk o nd epo are her +y `ke err. d1t1l and ma a p herso be and the salue1heYe>1�� cancelled,,anaulled, and rc clnded and all proceedings in :dtYa�$t� £ �trLgntinu I _ .y7" � � c- � tiBsoT;uTrolae I t f� • (y C F No 48167 BY W T )?Gt.i+- the matter of condemning anfl tak- _ ith an tte", t 1n :the land necee-'� eery for alopee, for cuts and d119 1n k4 CarrollaAve �totmar hall Ave ��onde �I I Preliminary Older '-0 F Nb: -.89860, I. aD p oved .may 24, 19aa and'Tntorma- dlary Ord-,'C. F No: 41624, aDProved'. Sept 2,102 The Commis Ione[o[ Public Works having anPiltt d-- hta' report and. sketch fat above matter, be it 'Resolved: That all netters pertain-1 tag to,the acelled beana.iled ado res 'hereby, .Can '.acinded' end all ...proceedings, to 'aald — .matter he dtacontlnued ' Adoptod -by the COunel- Oct. 18, 1822. i- Yed (✓) Cuuneilmen ( to Nays APDroved °coop ze isaa) i8 1,922 Clnnc9' Adopted by the Council _-McDonald r_.....In favor Approve �T 1,9 1922 --Matson t-FmA 1p c O Against �- jVenzel ----- ---_ ... _.__ r•roa -Af.-President roar ar eao citu of 6t. Paul DrparLnrat of Publir Works OSCAR LI uc ss cuoc r Evcive an WILAM J. PETER. Lqu n c +COMMISSIONER E. CARROLL. A 0—E. CONSTANSP r COMMISSIONER i ..ins �E ur G. ERROL000 ceT— Carr Pun — N......cen u q ' 4S R S. t, N. w. ---ER. !v.* or. wonnno�fe - Report to the city Countil In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Asbury Avenue from Carroll Avenue to Marshall Avenue, under preliminary Order C. F. #39650, approved May 24, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. $41624, approved September 2, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private propererty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. — Commis er of public Works. Dated Oct. 4, 1922. CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF -FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter ofCondom Ing and taking an easement in the land necessary for ND slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Asbury Avenue from Carroll Avenue to tdarshall Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved iAa"X 24, 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: eo The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ZS The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Snelling Park to 3550 St. Paul, Minnesota 16 3 do 2425 ( 1 4 do 3900 16 4 do 1 2 Adams Addition to the 725 City of St.Paul, Ramsey Ivest of 12 2 Co. Minn. 3275 do 1 3 do 375 12 3 do 400 TOTAL, 14650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to' said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. p Dated �•-i 3'` _---'- -�--`t9T,. Form B. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works„r Report to Commissioner of Finance \\ . J(r' August .23-1-922. ...............191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 398s0Ma 24_-1922 ............._191.._....., relative to. ........... cil, known as Council File No .................................approved......_...........9......... Cenriemnt_ng....and..... taking ...an...masement....in..._ the. ....lank .....neoessarg................ for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Asbury _ ....... .................... _................................. ........................ ........_................... ............ .._...._........ ....... ._......._....... ........................................ Avenue from Carroll Avenue to Marshall Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ......................necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $_.. ..... ...._...................... and the total cost thereof is $..___...........-_.........__......_...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. ...... .. ..... .... _. _.. ... _...... .................. _..................... _........ _.......................... _....... _....................... _.......................... _.. _................. _...... _. _.............. _.. 5. Said improvement is. _................................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. y p rissioner of Public oik Yes( ✓) Councilmen Nays .-�leeey- ✓Ferguson ,-McDonald Aatson __..__......Against -Wenzel W. President ','pRM su n4o the19-- 19- ..:. -q. Adam's AddiF103'1, ana lS1i7GflS. AebnrY Ave» to Pasoal.,�vs. b aa:, • a3is �under #-40 pproved July 18, 1922, Yreimix►ary Ordex =C. g 851, a and Intermediary order_0. F.`"1626, approved September 2, 1922. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RFSOLVFD, That the City of St. Raul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named ovement ea an easement for slopes, for outs an fills in and upon the land abutting upon the Alleys in Block 80 Adam's Addition and Block 4, Maosleater View, -- -- .w - &--« ",. to the extent shown upon the sketch attsohed to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated october 4, 1922, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a,.part hereof. Yes( ✓) Councilmen Nays .-�leeey- ✓Ferguson ,-McDonald Aatson __..__......Against -Wenzel W. President ','pRM su n4o the19-- 19- ..:. -q. �99CAR OLAu99EN, C er EN eixe[n .�. E. CAR... L. A G. RROLOoO � ceTa ruo CIT♦ PIwNNIxG N ENoiN EEn . GRYTBAN. e... a CNc1X EEn SHARP. SUPT.. o 9w xiT wTiox N. W, GOETZINGER. SUPT. or WonnxcoS[ LCiw of St. Paul Drpacluuat of Public Docks WILLIAM J. PETER. OMMISSIONER OTTO®E. CMPUTY COMMISSIONER 46 - REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 3, Adam's Addition and Block 4, Maoaleeter View, from i Asbury Avenue to Pascal Avenue, also Asbury Avenue from Marshall Ave, to Iglehart Ave. and Pascal Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Igle- hart Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. #40851, approved July 18, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. #41626, approved September 2, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Commi ion of Public Works. Dated Oct. 4, 1922. CITY OF aT DEPARTMENW r REPORT OF COMMISSIOCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ^ In the master of C slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alleys in Block 3 Adam's Addition and Block 4, tdaoalester_-ieT from Aabur-Y_Ave�2-_-- Paseal Ave. Also Asbury Ave. from umrshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave__ and Pascal Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. Ccv� under Preliminaiy Order approved 1111 1$ 1922 — — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 9J The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 3 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West of 1 3 Adams Addition to the 375 fast oY 1 3 City Of St. Paul Ramsey 2500 Co. Minn. 2 3 do 950 3 3 do 9450 - 4 3 do 2450 . 5 3 do 3250 6 3 do 2550 12- 3 do 400 11 3 do 250 10 3 do 250 . Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. - . CITY OF 8 DEPARTM REPORT OF COMMISSICE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 3 Adams Addition to the 250 City of St.Paul, Minn. 1450 g 3 Ramsey Co. 7 3 do 2.50 G 4 MaoalesteT View Add. 75 to the City of St - Paul -14 4 do 1025 �5 4 do 450 16 4 do 250 17 4 do 625 r West 2 of 18 4 do 625 East of 18 4 do 9575 �9 4 do 20 4 do 275 21 4 do 300 22 4 do 325 23 4 do 325 24 4 do 3075 �5 4 do 325 26 4 do 500 F 4 do 75 13 4 do 2050 12 4 do 40o 11 4 do 3,200 10 4 do 400 9 4 do 400 g 4 do 3400 7 4 do 3400 6 4 do 3150 TOTAL 76725 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 4- Commissioner of Finance. r,,— B. B. 12 ertr OF F DEPARTM ��A�NCE 'tEPORT OF COMMISS1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION A VSSESSED ALUATION 5 4 ldaouleater View Addition 1900. to the City of St.Paul. 4 4 2150.. . 3 4 do 19G0 (Except E,50 ft) 1 & all of 2 4 do 500 East 50 feet of 1 4 do 2900 ( 16 4 Snelling Pers to 5900 (t 1 4 St. Paul, Minnesota. 12 3 Adams Addition to 400 the City of ST—Paul, 'Rest -'A Of 1 3 Ramsey Co. Minn. 575 26 4 Macaleaier Vietiv Add. 500 East 50 feet of 1 4 to the City of St -Paul. 2900 7 2 Griebie and Brawsters 425 Addition to the City 6 2 of St. Paul. 275 76725 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 4- Commissioner of Finance. r,,— B. B. 12 e Office of the Commissioner of Public Works r; Report to Commissioner of Finance -/ August ....23..-1922.. .................191..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. cil, known as Council File No... .....approved _Julyl8_X1922_............ 191.......... relative to.. ..................... .... - Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary for..,_slo,�ee, for outs aril fills in the grading of Alloys in B1ook 5; Aiieunf a Addittdn sad B160k t Maoalester Vies, from Asbury Ave. to Pasoal Ave. ........_ .............._......_......._._Also -Asbury. Ave. -from... Marshall ._Ave ..-to...Tglehart...Ave.. and Pasoal Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........_.._._.......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._ ................................ and the total cost thereof is $...._..._......__.................... ....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................... ............_._........_.......... .........__.........._......................... ........_._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...................................................... ................................................................... .... ........................... .................... ............. ....--- .............. ............................... ............ ....... ............. o. Said improvement is..........._....._...............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. r / i5ondmissioner of Publ(c ;r .... ...... .. . .... ..... ... I........ I......... ... .........Il.,......... ..... .. . COUNCIL FILE NO ....................... By..... J.e....e....Clancy.,............__................._. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Changingthe ._..... ._...f_Ba.nfil...S.treat........ be n...Duk.e...Stree.t and _"Richmond_.Street.-in.. accordance. with __.the .-.prof ile--.hereto...attaeh"ed...and. made.a."part-.hereof,_--_the-__blue__ line..show ng."the...old..ectAbl.iP.-d.gr..ede.....-.. and the red... linethe p- .............................. roposed change: ............. ---- .._....... ... ...... .......................................-------------- ............ ...................... ....._...... --....._._.............._ -- --....... ....... .........._...................... ....................... .................... under Preliminary Order .............. annroved.._..Auguat._1.2...... 1922, ---------- _---.__........ 42169—By 7. M. ClIn,,'— natter of changing the E;.ade, Intermediary Order.......... anal sweet necween nuxe ... " _ ,...__...._...__......_... -- - "' "" and Rlehmond Street in ac A public bearing having been eaeanwith naaeeavp rc hereof, ine'ement upon due notice, and the Council havingheard all persons, ob'cctir`, ugr enog Ing the ole eaten- g y P J a grass na she res nne the'latice thereto, and having full consid- :, nosed change. under Pre lim'nary ered the same; therefore, be it r41291, approved August 12, RESOLVED, By the Council ,-vl'r hC rinpgrhvMsnc uv ave the precise nature, extent and kind of —11 having heard m improvement to be made by the sa1d.CAiy is''1°;re an dna hreco- a :- grade ...Qf.. Ba fi." ". Street_....._"........... ., same; tP,, between""_Duke"._Street"".and"Richmond°.SC, nr �:°in_accordance with the_pzq.7r ... file .."hereto...atta...... _and__made.__a..p.ar% hereof,__the..blu....._line_"shoringthe. old_..eatablished grade.__and thered line the proposed change, .". . ..... ...... ...... ........ ...................._...........................--...... - -- _.... ..._--------- ----- ----------- ......... ..................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council `-. 491. .__ / City Clerk. Approved... __............ ......, 191. Mayor. CounciImanjBMCK9=ft vb=Y PUBLISHED Councilmanifim3c Ferguson o -- Councilman Xdancgx J McDonald Councilman= ✓ Matson Councilman7DfiCt7i= 'Peter C Mayorxbta ig=K ✓ Nelson . Form B. S. A. g -y CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF aiN MCE • + ; l+'i.d-� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CAI• In the matter of ----C", -aging tb e gr�ijg r)f Rn.nfil.Strgat bet v,:a:1 1;N cie. t ale l� and Hichwond Streat to conform to the red line on the profile hareto attached and made a part horaof,_tiie present grade being sho;vr. by a blue line thereon, also building the necessary catch -basins and connections for drainage. under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 12, 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 19 F.H. Hawkes Subdivision 675 to t5inslows Addition to 16 19 the Town of St. Paul, 2100 1-1 19 Minnesota. 550 18 19 do 550 West of 19 19 do 1075 Ea3t of l9 19 do 925 Wast 2 of 20 19 do 975 Fast of 20 19 do 1275 2]. 19 do 1850 22 19 do 2350 23 19 do 1150 Narm B. B. 10 24 19 do TOTAL. 3650 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 25 19 E.H. Huwkes Subdivision to 111inslows Addition to the Tom of St.paul 26 19 Minnesuta. Nest 22 5/12 ft. of 27 19 do (Except Nest 22 5/12 ft) 27 19 do (Exoept East 25 ft) 28 19 do Eust 25 feet of 28 19 do North 92 ft -of 17. 25 ft -of 14 20 do Nurth 92 ft.of Fast 15 ft -of 14 20 do also North 92 ft. of Nest 1C ft. of lot 13 North 92 ft -of T 32.50 ft. 13 20 do and that part of Lot 12 Nest of a line drar7n from a point on the :forth line 1.30 ft. from the N.W. corner to a point on the South line .54 ft. from the South West corner of said lot 12. That part of lot 12 20 do E.ef a line drawn from a point on the N.Line 1.30 ft. from the N:N.cor.to a point on the S,line .54 ft.from the S.N. corner thereof. 11 20 do all of lot 10 &(Ex.E.40 ft.) ( 9 20 do East 40 feet of ( 9 20 8 20 do West of 7 20 do Eust of 7 20 do 6 20 do 5 20 do 1} 20 do 3 ?_0 E.E. Haw:. -es Subdivision to Windows Addition to the Town of St.Paul, 2 20 Minnesota. 1 20 do ASSESSED VALUATION 2750 550 1200 1375 1475 950 1200 925 1525 2025 3050 3'275 160o 1250 525 525 1325 3075 5P5 3250 4�zg0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- ___2, Com misiooer of Finnocr. Farm B. H. 12 St. Paul, Minn .,.....Jurte....2.2...... 1922.192...... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: so as to eliminate the intense odor_ -O.f -_the-._water.,_ac,cumu ........................... . raising...of....thy. ...6.44q..-wa.l�....�n�t.....aurb._v�haxs....ne.ado3.....Qn Banfi.l......St.�i{�1� �r 22 -Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ^ Aye o,. s FO Q -J 3s, Report to Commissioner of Finance g ,_ ` J3 A Il�tFLI ilt..._2 �ttrkl_:.a 92`......191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._41291...._...approved. l?ugttst 12th -.1922.191........, relative to...._._ ............... Changing the grade of Banfil Street between Duke _ ................... ....._........_.S.t--i.....and- ...Richmond.....St_'i also ..-buiid.lmg-tba_necessary catch basins and connections for drainage. .... k and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ___ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._510.00__..., and the total cost thereof is {... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. u. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. + ! Connut stoner of Public WorXs L111. J Y flim of Vit. Paid Drparfmrttt of i3uhlir Works WILLIAM J. PETER. ®COMMISSIONER OTTOE. CONSTANS. EPUTY COMMISSIONER yM 46 August 25th, 1922. .Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir :- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Sanfil Street between Duke St. and Richmond St., also building the necessary catchbasins and connections for drainage, under Preliminary Order C. F. 41291 approved August 12th, 1922 : Estimated cost ---------- -'W'510.00 Exeasa Inspection------------ 20.00 Cost per front foot ---------- .44 Assessable frontage----------- 1170 ft. Above includes repairs to sidewalk, grading, etc. Frontage given below is on the assumption that all frontage between streets above mentioned would pay for this improvement. The purpose of this change of grade is to make the grade agree as nearly as possible with the present elevations of the roadway and sidewalks, which owing to the drying out of the peat foundation have settled below the original grade, causing the water to accumulate at a low point and over -flow the sidewalks. The catch basins are a necessary consequence of the proposed change of grade. Yours very truly, ;a Unler'Eng neer. Approved for transmission to the Cbmmm�issioner of Finance. Commissioner of Public, W4'0-ks. COUNCIL FILE NO..._ .................._.... By.......jo-M.....Clanc.Y,..._......__ ...... ......_..-. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. ..gone true ting_a_six foot _cement.__the...eidewalk..on_both....... sides Nebraska._ Avenue._ from Payne.. Avenue__to._60 feet East of brier.-_Avenue,....exoept..where___good and sufficient sidewalks now exist,-___... under Preliminary Order.. 41324 ....._............... approved_ August__15, 1922,..... IntermediaryOrder .... .................._.._... ....... .......... ___ approved.......... ......... _......._........__.......- - - ---- ..-------- _.._---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isconstruct- a_ six_-foot_-cement.-tile...si.de we7k...on-.both._-s ides._of.-,Nebraska.- Avenue_ from . Payne_ Avenue... to...60-_feet___..... East -_of Greenbrler.Avenue, except Where good and sufficient sidewalks �-....._....._._.......................---._............----... ;natter J. Df. Clan"';7-.,. .,fie matter of con.tructiaB - --::x.a the .,dewalk on both .side. of...................................................................... ................................................................. c o:. aka Avenue from Payne Ave- 60.feet east of Greenbrier except where good and .uf- ''eldewalks .now• ex:et. under ........................................ -. ........................................... - ary' Order 41324, approve and the Council hereby orders said 1922. had having been had RESOLVED FURTHER, That the " 'e Improve.-pudent aeon ane e' "�" bCouncil cii ` bans gnc� ma Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and spc�C'."f , nom^ :,er.tonFawle o -Hent, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said appr6{aj „'tJf,,;, ,.vials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said lmprn�'ement , .accordance therewith. — 9 " Adopted by the Council __ _ -,- �9.. i City Clerk. Approved........ - :............... 191 Mayor. Councilman $xaotNXD;lk Clancy / - May or Councilman J&KSX Ferguson O PURT,iSH1 D�G-/��-_'2� Councilman 9101W l MaDoriald /b Councilman Wild X Matson Councilman ffi31$= Peter - eter Mayor J=1tWHx ./ Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF BT. PA— .y Z DEPARTMENZf CVLVCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of "`°eyalks on both sides of Nebraska Avenue from Payne Avenue to 60 feet Fast of Greenbrier Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved Ailgiist 15-1922 - - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 1 .Q� ner f ron t ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 7 Harrison and liun:iy l u 300 Addition to the City 17 7 of ,_',. Paul. 225 1$ 7 do 1200 19 7 do 200 20 7 do 200 21 7 do 200 ?2 7 do 200 23 7 do 200 24 7 do a_00 �5 7 do 200 TOTAL, Morin B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT Of CNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 18 q.2S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_.-- ! 1=��-- r/ , Gnn nu..ioner of H'inancr. n. 12 26 7 Harrison and HEMdyy 200 Addition to the City 200 27 7 of St. Paul. 28 7 do 200 29 7 do 200 30 7 do 200 North 1 of 15-14- 15 12 do 500 12 12 do 4600 11 12 do 200 10 12 do 200 9 12 do 175 A 12 do 1775 7 12 do 175 6 12 do 525 5 12 do 175 4 12 do 175 12 do 450 J l�'a3y '2' of �.� 12 d0 250 East .2 of ? 12 d0 450 1 12 do 250 ISaat _2� of 4 B. Scltnitziva Add. 2200 to St.oaul, Minn. 2700 9 18 q.2S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_.-- ! 1=��-- r/ , Gnn nu..ioner of H'inancr. n. 12 V; St. Paul, Minn .,..... 0 ..................192_ Z Z To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: <......... from_.......�� ..._ -Sr. Ave. to--....... n ��...... _.. ...................... :............ 3 Ave. er- r, NAME: LOT BLOCK ADDITION _RC1 9 G �:3R2 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works • �ECEtV ED Report to Commissioner of Finance nl�t•, 28 192 ugus.3..._Uth..... 922..........191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. . approved_A et 15th 2 _.. �� � 19 .._.........2.1'91........, relative to __._.._..... Constructing _A six foot cement tile sidewalk on boti2....a#:des _ef....Nebraska....Avenue....from.._.Payne.... Avenue...... to. 60 feet east of Greenbrier Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. per f�^�nt foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $...._1..05_........, an t e total cos thm•eof is } __. _..._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and node a part hereof. 4. . ............... 5. Said improvement is........_.........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Connnissiouer of P.ublie Wot•ks. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By ._J.a......_.Slaney.,......................... ....... - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..H.econstructing,._.relapi.rig_.and...repairing,--.w),ere-. neees-nary, the ...B.1aaway,ka-at._the..f.Q21o'WSng.,joq ti0ne.--- _............_............_............ .........._. East--.aide-..of..State--.Street---from_.Page...Stre.et.--tO...Gat.e-a-..Sty , East..-side.-.ofSouth_._ Robert--. Street--beginning--at..,Indiana-.... Ali rpuq:...thence. North...5.4..feet.t................ .. ..... . ........_... ............ - .... ........... - . ............._........_....................... ..................... .................................................. 41 2 Au st 1 �...1922� -- .. under Preliminary Order....__..._.._....7._......___ ---._ approved...._........ ----_..._7 IntermediaryOrder.... _.................. ............._..... approved......._..__........ ....... -- ..... _.__._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard al ,,iendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; 1 In F he NO. matter ofY econat a ting, re- RESOLVEE i4ying and repairing• where necea earY the,eidewalka et the tonowmg�d. Paul that the precise nature, extent and lcln o 1 anonn... .r State Street = A1at improvement to 1t b1; -t , o .+ea st• onstruct,.. relay. and repair, .711A90. 1 h Robert ,street I Av nue, theme ar th 1d.'Y�7a,r_li€ "'e' mtnarytt� IllOwiri€_looatlOns __... at 6xd.e..0&,t'.-S.t.r.e.et._from.-Page_.S.tz.eet ta..Gatea_.St EasV; si:d..,',of' South _Robert Street.. --beginning. at -..Indiana .. --- - - ' ................._... ...... .................................... _......-.............._........._.........._.........-- ........................._...._.................... ................ ..._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council , 1TJl�.. V City Clerk. Approved- ...._ - 191- ... _ - Mayor. Councilman NNNSWAEtx ✓Clancy �I\ p�LIS7i1 Councilman d= D /Ferguson V . Councilman ftMX% ,, McDonald Councilman 5018X% Matson Councilman NaflUllx Peter Councilman -W, =d8 XWX en"I Mayor btadW= Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER n In the matter of Reconstruct relay and repair, where necessary, the sidelvalks;� at the following locutions. CIL East side of State Str, from Page Street to Oates Street. East aide of So. Robert Str., beginning at Indiana Ave., thence North 5 feet. under Preliminary Order approved—Ai nu4�_t 17, 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 5 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - g 0 l () per cD _ f t The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BL... ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except State Str) 7 4 Weet St.Paul Real Estate 9500 and Imurovement Syndicate Addition Ido. 1 Part S.Ely of State St.of 10- 11 4 do Part S. Ely of State St. & 50 Sly of alley of ll 4 do That part S..Ely of State St. 250 of lot ( 12 4 do do do (( 13 4 do do do 14 4 do 300 6 9 Bazil and Roberts Add. 13900 7 9 do 2750 TOTAL. 26750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. t&t Dated- --+% -" cou, ,i.,ioucr of F;a.nce. Office of the Commissioner of Public W E,vE'D Report to Commissioner of Finance g 't aUG 28 59., August, -.24th, ....1922.191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimimiry order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.41372.............approved__.All(7ya....17.?.192.2..............191........, relative to_........__........._.... Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the.....sidew.aIits..._at.....the.._fo.1.lowing.... ocat_ions..•............ ..............................._._.........._..... East side of State St. from Page St, to Gates St. ..F st...aide.....of..._S.o.....Raber..t._.S.t.,._..he.gi.xan xlg.._at....Ind a ....Aue.,_.__.._... thence north 54 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _....._._........ ..necessary and (or) desirable. The estimated cost thereof is $...10 cents MrtbR4?talgofit thereof is { ... ...._..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __...._. ..._.._. _._....__.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of salld improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. 5. Said improvement is.__._._....._................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �/ �L/ /�.........._....._....._.._.......__.... /// `oniier of Public works. . C k Vim' ��6 COUNCIL FILE NO- By - J M Clancy, FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.ltacnns.tnucting,..relaying..and-_regaining.,---where--.necessary, the__sidewalks...at...the._following_loa.ations: .___._._............................................. Both . sides.. of, Louis Street Yrom S.t.,.. Antl�o.ny.. Averzu.e-xc--- Central Avenue, at ... Xalls.on...Avenue-r-_ ..... ................. ..............._..wast'...s.isle._of_ L.o-uis_ S.t�es'.t_.begi beginning- thence North to a1leY Av.. -----.......East.._8... A...Qf..Farrington._.....enue. from St....AisthonX -°-eau. to Hiller Street, .......................... ...............__......................_......_............... ..._...... ........ 41373approved.Au ust...i7.,---19.-....,.............................. under- Prelimmar-- ��" 1...... ... __...F�- . 42162—BY J. Id. clanc9— ........-- Intermediary ane rev Irina• where necee-I.-...---- approve _ . Ord matter, or& reconetrueting, re' the elaewahe at the,followinB the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council A public heaLha a:{aea of Le,,16 street from having heard alanthonY Avenue to central Ave -,commendations relative thereto, and having fully consi - ered the same; gee Nei on Avenuesthet ca norin RESOLVEEg e'.st dr f A. -y of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ovt S. , a« sa , ;,: le,bytth�„id��City is..T2ConetTLlC improvement;„ulasand..-r.ega, C.,._14 .e ...__. he ne..cessary,..th.e_-s.idet'al} s_.at---the_follorving...locatigns;..----_ _....._... __._._._...--- �tloth__sides of Louis_Street_._from St.-- Anthony Avenue to_.._. centi&i Avenue _-- ....-- �resx.. s�. de...o.�... Laui.s... S t r.e.e.t_.b e ginning --.at-. iJ els.on..... v.enu e.,..... thenoe Forth to alley, --...........fast....s.lae...o. ..Farr ngtcn_Av.er e... ar ...S..t.,.....Azltk>onY. Ave;�ue. to Fuller Street, .....-- ...................................................... .. ..- .. provement to be made. and the Council hereby orders said iminstructed RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby o the Coun- and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and sub l authorized and directed &I for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are It to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. the Council _..-. Adopted by — _..... 7 City Clerk. ........., 191......-. Approved.. Councilman Wxv* ” Clancy ` Councilman ZZ50C-"FeTg'u8ori jr, Councilman 'McDonald Councilman Matson jPeteT Councilman 1 memx -enmTCff- 1-�- = J NelBon Mayor ftApm Form B. S. A. 8-7 _.. _. _ ...._........_ .......... Mayor. _Mayor. PUi3LlSHED ��_ �'J� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF Fk4A*tCE RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPO ON PREL1lMINARY ORDER r�^' (A) ...�� il. In the matter of Reconstruct, raja, antt Tej 1T, t711 ;H i8C 33 saTjr� rile side'°!J•ld8 at the follo�ainFlocations. Beth sides of Louis Street Central Ave. Wast side of Louis St. from St.Anthony Avenue to beginning at Nelson Ave., thence North to alley. East aide of Farrington Ave, from St.9nthony Ave. to Fuller Street. - under Preliminary Order approved Al,.Vlat To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement Is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ . n l�.e-r R -q - f t . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 2 De.reY llra:.a & Pence's 825 Ad.lition to St. Paul. 12 2 775 lj 2 do 775 14 2 do 1975 ,,Vest 30 ft. of 12- 11 1 do 1475 10 1 do 2475 9 1 do 2975 South ¢ of 8 1 CIO 3200 *forthe of 8 1 do 2400 TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITU OF UL DEPARTMEN NANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OFoCOM MISSINRY oE��RE (C) • LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION ' l W. A. 2daxwall3 Rearrange- 4850 gent of Lots 1-2-3- Blk 2 Dewey Drake & Pence's Addition to the City of St. P+3,ul, tdinn• 16 Sj Da ton & Trvines Add. 5875 That part T. of Louis St -Of that part of So- 3 ft- toy�t. Puul. also Baileys AdAition lying of North of and adjoining Same. Elfelt BernheimeT and 1500 South 40 ft.of 17.33 li3ft• 20 10 Arnolds Addition to 44 w ft S. 84w ft.of 19- 2U 10 St. Paul. 27�5 N, -of 2850 North 40 ft. of 19- 20 10 do 6100 1 10 do 2575 West 29 ft -Of S. 88 ft. of 20 9 do 1350 North 36 ft. of 20 9 do 5100 l 9 do y 9� 60. 'Phe Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- - ^% d. j1r Cum mivsi,mer of I'ineacr. N�rrm K. B. 12 _ / FILE No. G p.No. A2183—Ordinance Na. 6897— ` . BY Jame. M. Canc ly— An ordinance apDroin and ting _aide E8,998,96prla item CheWheel- .✓ age Tax Fund to [he 1'crmnnent Im- �� / n �.,•-,_ mentRevolving Fund• Lor the PRESENTED"BV ' �., o• DaYtng D_rt of the coat, James_M... CJ... a sr Lrem snenmg,nTE ....Oci.obar_..4.,....1.9.2.?................ COMMISSIONER aI1,Q: .�._ ............_.gyp'„ n a�Far • mq'- an o l.. An ordinance appropriating and setting aside N3,903.05 from the l'Jheelage 'Pax Fund to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Lafond Street from Snelling Avenue to Aldine Street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SEC T1 0 -N1. That ths hereby appropriated set aside r OT11 tile ;9heelage Tax Fund,ransferredtothePermanentImprove- ment Revolving Fund, the sum of Three Thousand, nine liundred Three and 05/100 Dollars 03,903.05) for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Lafond Street from Snelling Avenue to Aldine Street, said appropriation being of Section 235 of the Charter made pursuant to tine terms of said City. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force irwediately upon its passage and publication. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays _.19_.._.. ?? Adopted by the Counci .._..._....___ pr; 20 Ferguson r� AP ` 19. / McDonald favor Maton ...... I (/g Cr __Against $V eotzel ..... /Mr. President C �� AMf_rvt.ciF., ,f�.'rjtonn�v�S - --1 54 . . ....... .. , COUNCIL No... _._. ..------... CITY OF ST. PAUL rile OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT` .. .._ DATE . COMMISS RESOLVED That Ordinance No. entitled "an ordinance authorizing thee -issuance and sale of X5,000,000.001 par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, for the purpose of acquiring school sites and grounds, remodeling existing school buildings, constructing new school buildings, and providing permanent equipment therefor," approved October 4,4r 1922, shall be submitted to the electors of the City of St. Paul for approval at the general election to be held November 7th, 1922, and the City Clerk is directed to publish the full text of said ordinance in the St. Paul Pioneer Press, the St. Paul Dispatch, the St. Paul Daily News, and the Volkszeitung, as provided by Section 139 of the Charter, and is hereby authorized and directed to give such other notice and to do whatever else 1s necessary for the submission of said ordinance at said election in the manner prescribed by law. t, 0- F.. No. 42184—By L. B: S. Ferguson --j Councilmen Yeas Nays Clancy Ferguson ' McDonald -..... _- _.In favor 11/1 Matson Peter Against F Mr. President 192___ Adopted by the Council.......-. 142...... App ed S MAYOR COUICIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ripe NO.. O ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_. _...__.. ..._.__A-. COMMISSIONER" --- RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by the Cosmo- politan State Bank, as principal, and the Northwestern Casualty & Surety Company oT Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as surety, dated Septem- ber 29th, 1922, in the sum of $20,000.00, approved as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved. IC. F. Na, ;2166—BY 7. DL Clancy— to Rceolved. That the bond 6iVen the CItY of St Paull by the Co and➢the tan State 1, nk, u ' princl➢al aure- Northowes[ern Casualty' & Surety pan C Milwaukoe N'lecon sin 6eln tto ty, dated September 29th uVed' ns sum f $20.000.00 a➢➢Fund Commtt- imountdby the to ticmin nd eze. itd the tee, tion Counsel, be nn Hhae Corpora a ➢ Ved. t 4. ,\doptod ere Ybthe P% coU111t. N0.... CITY OF ST. PAUL rimae ---" OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Je COMMISSIONER ._.... ._._...... _..�e_' w'• ...... _ . _..... DATE.. _.._._..._._....... RESOLVED That the application of the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly for permission to hold a tag day on Saturday, October 7th, 1922, on the streets of the City of St. Paul, said application having been favorably acted upon by the License Committee, is hereby granted. C. F. No. 42166—BY W. J. Peter— Rca,lved. That the application of the 5t. Paul Trades and Labor " cra bly for pernnieslon to hold n tag day on Snturday. October 7th. 1922, n the streets f the City 01bSt.[avPaulorabld application having' Y acted upon by the License Committee, le hereby granted. Adopted by the Councll Oct. 4, 1922. Approved Oct. 4, 1822. (October 7-1922) Councilmen Yetis Nays ✓ Clancy Ferguson v McDonald Matson VPeter Mr. President Adopted by the Council. Apptoved / t � MAYOR Office of ([itg (deck HENRY OLSON JAS. J. MINER (Vtv of Saint i3aul October 3rd, 1922. Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The request of the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly for permission to hold a tag day on Saturday, October 7th, 1922, was granted by the Council today, and the matt Ar referred to you for the proper form of resolution. Please find report of the License Committee attached herewith. Yours truly, enc. CLERK. FRANK W. MATSON, �gr�rn�ssioHers HARRY A. JOHNSON, .-r eomMiSSION + Chit g3ttint Paul i�pMx#msn# V'Pulnliz 04afrtg October 2nd, 1922. Mr, Henry Olson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson, At a meeting of the Council License Committees held Monday, October 2nd, 1922, at 1:30 P. M., a majority of the L1Cense Committee voted in favor of granting Permission to the Trades and Labor Assembly, to hold a Tag Day on the streets of St. Paul, on Saturday, October 7th, 1922. Very trnly,Yo a yi. ;y e rmari M -S. FRANK W MATSON, c "M,SSiONM HARRY A. JOHNSON, DEPOT' COMMIS51—M &t� :at 4�,aiut Paul prpartutrut of Vuhltc O'a£rtg October 2nd, 1922• Mr. Henry Olson$ City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Olson: As a member of the City License Committee, I wish to make a minority report on the matterof granting per - Tag Day on mission to the Trades and Labor Assembly, to Saturday, October 7th, 1922. Reports received from the United Charities and other agencies, indicate that there is no unusual suffering in time.the City at this a� ty is e City' constituted agency for therelief oy fdistress, is h abQ about to holds it's Annual Tag Day- I believe that we should put no obstacle In the way of the complete success of the Community Chest. It is my belief that the City Council should not enter into a controversy such as is now pending between the striking ahopmen and the railroads, by authorizing a solicita- tion of relief for either party. If the strike should continue, the suffering will increase and the necessity for relief will be IImuch greaer when believetthatt it islthe first duty of this Council d weather sets in thit is ttohisupport• it's authorized agency which takes care, or attempts to take care of all the suffering and distress in the City. Verytruly a MSS C.ioner of Public gafety. Are PRESENTED BY _ COMMISSIONER - >• : RESOLVED WHEREAS, Y7i11iam E. Haveland and others have proposea to dedicate to the City of St. Yaul, for a public alley, Lot "A", military Addition; and WgEg'AS, It is deemed advisable that the City accept said lot for said purpose, and the form of Else& having been approved by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said deed be accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to place the same of record. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ::it- LOTION ---GENERAL FORM 44 �f �� l October 4 1922. �/ .................... DATE........_........-._.. C. P. No. 42167—By VVm. J. Peter— \Vhereas, William K Iiavetand and others hava proposed to dedicate to he cityMIlt St. I'uut, tot• a public alley, "'t "A," .tary U Wh.reas, 1t Is deemedAddttlon:anadvisable that the City accept said lot for that Purpose, and the form of used having Ivo - - _ approved by the Corporal. on 4<< fit% Mo e utnsc.: [pore tore, be It - Iteso •et pr said deed be nu are �.(�?' �` ed, and the propor city ol[to:,s are ��l /// or record, th.... eo in puce [ne Home �/1— Auopted by the Council Oct. 4, 1922.' I 4^ t APProved Oct. 4, 1921. C'� (Oct 14-1922) J Yes U) Councilmen (V)Nays h Adopted by the unci) .....,._.._. _:-- ..._:...__ .. Glancy ' Ferguson Ap o ed. McDonald __.-_ ...In favor Matson Smith __. Against - I—OR Mr. President roRM 3M 5-20 CITY OF ST. PAUL F��E"1O1 NO. 'X'_>J.a r.l ....... 7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ER. _.......'_.J 4'�'�./"'._f _..l""'_... W. -V. �'�-V COMMISSIONER .. .. DATE _....._... ._._._. WHEREAS, The St. Paul City Railway Company was authorized by the terms of Ordinance No. 5689, approved November 2nd, 1921, to construct and maintain safety isles on Robert street between Fifth and Sixth streets; and WHEREAS, It now appears that said safety isles are a hind- rance and an obstruction to traffic on said street; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That The St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby directed and ordered to remove said safety isles from Robert street between Fifth and Sixth streets, in the City of St. Paul, within '�4 days from the date hereof. l;. F. No. 42168—By F. t6'. tdnteon— W heress, The St Paul C't9 Ra11waY Company was author,,, by the terms of Ordinance No. 66809, aP�struct and vember 2nd. 1921, V°Robert street "'i -tel" eafetyal esixth streets; n d between Flfl an Weare thou; said Wh,reas, ° hindro su and ob safety isles are Id treat; s[ruc[ion be ltto radtc Sl Paul City [herefore. Tnat The directs ltosol ved, Is herebY uanwe t;o P' y emo said safety, I d dared to Flft isles fRobert lreeta etlnstheetCityn f St d "withilx[h n thirty days from the date Paul. 1922.1 her1eofoePtsd by the Council OCC. 4, I Approved Oct. 4, 1922. (Oct. 14-1922) Councilmen Yeas Nays Clancy V/Fer$uson ✓ McDonald _-_ _ In favor V Matson /) V Peter .._. Y__-_-A�smst V Mr. President Adopted by theunciL _. .192- /A roved ..... A f/ - 192- - M.ros i .FILE t ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL eou.+uc f.eNO.__`}–.1#.-:.i_.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE SEN__. TED BY __... _._..�.. - ..... .. .. DATE .. ..........._..._....... i WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul has heretofore entered into a'contraot with the Donovan Construction Company for the Wabasha street lighting installation, and agreed in said contract to furnish certain cable in accordance with the specifications attach- ed to said contract; and WHEREAS, It now appears that the cable furnished was not in accordance with said specifications, and whereas, it further appears that the cable furnished has been installed and used by the City of St. Paul, and that the said Donovan Construction Com- pany has offered One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) to the City in adjustment of the difference in value between the cable called for by the specifications and the cable furnished; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, that said offer fairly represents the difference in value between said cables, that the City of St. Paul accept said sum in full settlement of all claims it may have against said Donovan Construction Company by reason of its failure to furnish the cable specified. Councilmen Yeas Nays niebe ,ta Clancy AP' Ferguson McDonald .__....__-In favor Matson % Peter -__ v__._Against _WWJ"-_f` Mr. President -- C ncil. .._. .192.. --- �Approved - . 92 � a�Yow ea CITY OF ST. PAUL ruse,' e NO.....).......„..., ...;_.:.';:......... • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ...................L..B... S. RESOLVED HEREAS, The Commissioner of Eduewtion has raperte to �. the Council in wccorance : ith Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an er.ergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore,be it, RESQT,VED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorize to pay the follo'Ving named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra el:ployment for the extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: DATE.. NAME TITLE TIL?E RATE TOTAL[.. BERLIN, NIC JANITOR 16 HOURS .48 $ 7 68 WERNER, MAX FIREMAN 7 HOURS .52 $ 3 64 NEWMAN, MRS ELLEN CLEANER -3060 48 HOURS .46 $22 08 JOHANSENII MRS F CLEANER —1863 48 HOURS .46 $22 08 C. r. No. 42170-13Y L. R. S. Ferguson— - Wherena, The Commlesionsr of Ed- ueatlon he. ported to the C ... ell In orda ace with Soction 63, of the City Chariot the exle[ence of a ergency rgeay- which rendered necessary the m� [ of .......employee of his De- partment for more then their ual hours of employment; therefore_ be It following named employes, at the rate' therwl ae fl, for extra ployment ;for the xtra employment for extra) time hereinafter at forth; Bertin, Nic; title, Janitor; time , 16, hoWernerr. Max; ti tle,l, Fir68. eman; time. 7 hour.; rate. 620; total, $3.64. Newman, bits. Ellen; title. Cleaner - 3060; [Ime, 48 hours; rate. 460; total, $22.08. Johansen, At,.. F.; title, Cienner- 1863; time, 48 hours; rete, 46f; total, $22 08. Adopted A b}' the C... ell Oct M1, 1922.1 pp�oved Oct. 4, 1922. (Oct. 14-1922) Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In Favor Matson Smith ...___Against MA404 Mr. President Adopted by the Council...:.::._..__ _ i..... ,.:__...._...19..__ An,.� ,..moi �� % c FORM NO, 1. OCT. 4TH. 19212 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the bmployment of certain employes of that department f or more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: ATCHING AND CLEANING SCHOOLS This emergency arose by reason of the following frets and circumstances: WATCHING SCHOOL AT NIGHT AND CLEANING ADDITIONAL PORTABLE This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Chaster'. Baa t _ 1 ,• ,. e CITY OF ST. PAUL cine No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BVFrank W. Matson.DATE-..___Oc.tobar nd,-".1922._......_.._... COMMISSIONER--�-"-- - --- _,--- " RESOLVED , That the applications for licenses of the following persons for4N the conducting of Hotels or Restaurants be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clark is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee. C. H. Gillard, Hotel 423 Wabasha St. Gilbert Herne, Hotel 126 W. 6th St. Mrs. E. Parchment & Mrs. Viola Burch, Restaurant Guardian Life Bldg. Frank Schley, Restaurant 2156 Universty Ave. John Bies Hotel 48-50 W. 10th St- D.J. Coleman & Son, Restaurant, 144 E. 4th St. E. Soteropoulos, Restaurant, 25 W. 10th St. J. Geo. Smith, Restaurant, 108 E. 6th St. Frank Ballis, Restaurant, 203 % 7th St. Mrs. S. Sande, ReetauraA, 110 S. Wabasha St. Otto Bark, Restaurant, 2327 Charles St. N. C. Campbell, Restaurant, 317j Wabasha St. Edward Nordgren, Restauratit, 142 So. Wabasha St. C. F. No. 42171—BY Franit W. Mateon— That the ppli,suons for Resolved. licenses [ the Y[lIH tots oars,,, tna- 'heran con,ducting samenre 'hereby is eand d the theecity Clerk is in- ut rutted to issue such licenses -pot( the payment into the CIL)• Treasury o the c tomary too: 423 Wabasha C. H. Gluard. Hotel, St. . Gilbert Herne. Hotel, 126 W. 6th Viol1a nd Mrs. Airs. E. Pare=s Guardlan Life Burch, Restaurant. Bldg. 2166 Unl- Frank Schle Y. Restaurant, `e sltY Ave. I ll. J. Coleman t& So..6Restautant, 144 E. 4th St.26 W. E Soteropoulos. Restaurant, �I 10th St. J. Geo108 B. 6th . Smith, Restaurant, St•Frank Ballis, Restaurant, 203 W. 7th St.Mr, S. Sands, Restaurant, 110 S. Wa-' bashn St. Otto Bark, Charles! Restaurant, 2327 Chnrlee�;l St.N. C. Campbell, Restaurant, Wabasha SNordgren. Edward Restnunrnt, 192 So. Wabasha St. 1922.4 Adopted by the Council Oct. 4, AP Proved O 922. Councilmen (t,A1411922) Yeas Neysl Adopted by the ouncil._ - - Ado C Clancy Ferguson A�oved McDonald favor �J._._In Matson Peter _ .._Against AYOR ' Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. J ILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Frank W. Matson .. _.._ . ._..... DATE__._-O.ctobar.4i.Z.._19Z2.,-............. COMMISSIONER ------ -- -- RESOLVED THEREAS, THE Gopher Coach Line, Inc., has made application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) White Bus, Factory No. 85092, Motor No. GN 5330, State License No.B106104,.seating capacity 24 passengers, owned by said Gopher Coach ,Line, Inc., and Yeas `WHEREAS, The Gopher Coah Line, Inc. in accordance with Ordinance No. 4026 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City of St. Paul and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That license be issued to said Gopher Coach Line, Inc. to operate said auto bus upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. C. F. No. 42172-13y Frallk W. Matson— Whereas, The Gopher Coach Line, Inc., has mad, application Por a II - to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Whit, f3us. Factor, No. 86092, Motor No. GN 1330, State License No. 13 106104, t- Ing capacity 24 passengers, owned by said Gopher Coach Line, In,., ad Wh,reas, The Gopher Conch Line, Inc., Inn o,danca with Ordlnance No. 4026 has filed copy of Insurance policy., with the City of St. Paul and said pol-'. icy has been approved as to form b the Corporation Counsel; therefore, bey i' t Resolved, That license be Issued to said Gopher Coach Ilne, Inc., to Der [e id Hato bus upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the i provlsions of said ordinance. Adopted by the Council Oct. 4, 1922, A ppr, ved Oct. 4, 1922. (Oct. 14-1922) C' 1 n .ounce me Nays Adopted by the Council... _. .192-. Clancy Ferguson /'Approved ._. .. _ ....._ 192- 92_Matson McDonald ..__._.__In favor , Matson �( , / 'nAYOR Peter ._.. V_._. A�alnst -WIM11}" Mr. President COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL rae - -- -- --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY..Octobe .,-19.h2.f.._....._.... COMMISSIONER _...._. .. r.raill5.__i9..Mateon... _. _......_ .. DATE ��T 111 RESOLVED I That the applications for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of ffoodstuff at the addresses indicated, be and the same are hereby grunted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: Catharine Hendricks, M. Winer, H. Ruben, Frank Tuzinski, Clarence Laeher, Rocco SCalze, Mrs. F. A. Schirmer, James A. Brady, J. A. Chase, Salvator Nemo, Niels Nielsen, Erickson & Anderson, Giuseppe Polese, Valentine Miller, 1217 Edmund St. 145 S. Chatsworth 41 W. Seventh St. 906 Farrington Ave. 388 Jackson St. 606 Temperance St. 164 Iglehart St. 187- E. 3rd St. 738 Selby Ave. 210 !V. 7th St. 746 Tatum St. 1103 Payne ..vs. 363 E. 7th St. 203 W. 3rd St. C. F. No. 42173—By Frank W. Mataon— Resolved. That the pplicanons for licenses f the following persona for the handling and a 11{ng o[ foodstuff , at the addresses indicated, be and the 1 e hereby granted and the C.ty Clerk are Instructed to Issue each ll- supon the payment Into the City Treasury of the customary fee: Catherine Hendricks, 1211 Edmund St. M. Wl ner, 14's S. Chafe h rth. e Ruben, 41 ,, Seventh ng Clare '1'u Lush ,. 906 Farrington Ave. Rocco ce Lacher, 338 Jackson St. Rocco SealUe. 606 Temperance 3[. Mrs. F. A. Sc hl anal, 139 Iglehart St. s k Brady, 13iy, E. 3rd e[. 'u"_ u Are Chase, 733 Selby Ave. Salvntor Nemo, 210 W. 7th St. Niels Nielsen, 743 T¢tum S[. Erickson & Anderson, 1103 Payne' Ave. Giuseppe Polese, 333E. 7th S[. Valentine Miller, 203 K'. rd St. Adopted by the Council Oct. 4, 1922. 1 Approved Oct. 4, 1922. (Oct. 14-1922, I Councilmen Yeas Nays Clancy � Adopted by Ferguson McDonald _..._ -In favor L %Y Matson Peter _A$ninst -------------- MAYOR Via}• Mr. President BY �OMPTHOLLEIL, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of 2,67-9,j.77- __. _.. - covering checks numbered 7391 to 7408 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yeas 7 ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council Ferguson, In favor McDonald, :".. proved __... -'' .::..._...._......192-..._.... Matson, Smith, Against Mr. President, Hodgson C. I' - Upon . No. 42174— UponstheeCity Treasury tos the drawn gate amount of $2,879.77, co e�ng heck9 numbered 7391 to 7408 Incsl lu- filee'in the oRtceister of 0 of the City Coreptroln ler. Adopted by the Counetl Oct. 4, 1922, Appro Ved 'Oc t. 4, 1922. 14_1922) • Fora A A 46, IM 1-21 I] • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FORDI r«F NO. L?.. —872 BY COMPTROLLER. AUDIT[D - 192 PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ Z, 679.72 ..._ _ ____, covering checks numbered 7391 to 7408 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays 7391 American Building Company, 8.05 Clancy, Adopted the Council 192-- . Ferguson, In favor 10.70 McDonald, Matson, loved _: �% �.-- 4 --192 Smith, Against _ \lA\'OR Mr. President, Hodgson Schools 7391 American Building Company, 8.05 Water 7392 W. N. Cardozo, 10.70 �.Iater 7393 Chicago, St.Paul, ldpls. & Omaha Railway Company, 22.44 Schools 7394 Corrugated Bar Company, 6.80 Y7ater 7395 N. M. Frederickson, 13.55 Water 7396 M. F. Gardner Cigar Company, 71.25 Park Refectories 7397 Goodyear -Tire & Rubber Company, 189.85 Garage 7398 Hersey Manufacturing Company, 1,417.50 'J�ater 7399 Prof. N. L. Huff, 175.00 Water , 7400 Edward Jacobs, Dist. State Boiler Inspector 18.00 Fire 6.00 Garage 12.00 7401 H. K. Mulford & Company, 23.52 Health Res. 872 Page #2 7402 Northwestern Fuel Company, Fire 219.60 7405 BJ. N. Owen, 4.00 Vlater 7404 The Picard Laboratories, 69.31 'dater 7405 Quayle & Kelley, 82.45 Water 7406 Universal Carloading & Distributing Company, 15.60 School Book Fund 7407 Harvey ';leliman, 40.25 "later 7408 °Jilliams Box Lunch Company, 291.90 Police C7 • " NO. j BY je5—AVAIOLLEE. AUDITED. -... 192....... 1 PER ,• - \. / `. `��,` Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $3Ugcovering checks numbered 7409 to '7414 inclusive, as per register of city checks on Ile in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( v' ) Councilmen ( � ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council -- - ---192-. - �/ Ferguson, In fav r �t McDonald, Dproved ..._... -r r._., .._.__.__.__192........_ Matson, I E' No. 92176—; .0 1 ved, That warrants be drawn Sm3jk, A ail Upon the City Treasury, 'o [he ,mak -- -- $ Sat¢ amount of $196,902.33• covering tIve, ee I,--1V tste7409 to 4.1 Io,jon /1 Mr. President, Hodgson ale 1n the Offce of the eitr comptrol_ ler. Uj AdoPted by the Council Oet. 9. 1922 A PP roved Oct. 9, 1922. (Oct. 19-1922) "Y-Y"t- C�. �K Form A A16. IM 21 11 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 873 kUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM NO. MPTROLLER. AUDITED 192 :i � 1 S PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o£ 5, 902-33 _ _ covering checks numbered 7409 to 7414 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( � i ) Councilmen ( � ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by t e Council- — 192 -.- Ferguson, In favor ( -McDonald, p�---I p .... .._. _ ...._ Matson, Smith, Against :11.i 1'OR Mr. President, Hodgson 1 7409 J.. M. Clancy, Com r. of Finance 189,808.64 Schools 7410 J. L_. Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 5,950.89 idunic. Nursery 310.00 Election _;:pence 210.00 Bureau of Parks 1,114.56 Park Refectories 780.40 Playgrounds 465.40 " 140.64 Phalen Pavilion 525.00 Hayden Hts.Sch.fBond) 1,599.41 Forestry Revl. 628.19 P. Bldgs. Revl. 177.09 5, 50,izu 7411 J. Crabe, 19.20 C. H. & C. ii. 7412 F. Lackey, 21.60 C. H. & C. H. 7413 Stieffcl Idaterial Company, 70.00 L 1505 7434 D. Young, 32.00 C. H. c C. H. t COUNCIL FILE NO..._.__ ... ....... By .-. James ;. Clanc.y__............_.......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Lafond St. from Snelling; -ve, to tildine St., including sevier, water and rias connections from street mains to property lines complete, wiiere not already made; also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, e+nere necessary, $5672 Intermediary Order ..._36116 ............., ..........._.. ender Preliminary Order ._.__ - --- - 3655c _.__._ , approved_.. Oct. _17, 1921 Final Order ----- benafits, costs and _ex Uen9.eB ,.___._for and in connection with The assessment of ._..___ --- " the above improvement Navin APPROVING ASSESSMENT& rnd the Council having considered same and found the said assessment sati c. F. No, 42176—By J. M. Clancy— Inbenedte,after te o ndth zpen969aforn pavf' RESOLVED. That the sa In Lafond St. from Snelling Ave. to lereby in all respects approved. Aldine St., Including sewer, water and gas connections from street ` _...da of mama to prop arty tinea complete, [d assessment on the .. .._.... y RESOLVED FURTHE where not already made, also m - eluding curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necea- sarv, under Preliminary Order 36672,! A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court 1J ove7tlber_,...,.1922___._...., Intermediary order 36116, F(nal or der 36664; approved Oct. 17, 1921. The a.aessment of beaedta,. costs ana House and City Hall Buildirlire eabue.vef it an aoac nectio wit, bear• he commissioner of Finance give notice of submitted to the Council, and fhb! JOouncil h_in s coastaered name and �e the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required bl found the .aid aea.eement. aatlafac-� 211 tory, therefore, be It Resolver$, That the said assessment of the improvement, the tot be sppa the same la hereby in all re. iessed against the lot or lots of the particular Spec t8 approved. Resolved Further, That. a public owner to whom the notice is hearing be had on Bald assessmeat on the 8th day of November, 1922, t a the hour of 16 o'clo k A: M., in the Council Chamber of the Cou t House Adopted by the Counc' and Ctty Hall Buile C in Lh r of St. Paul; that the Commteel .- Finance give notice of Bald me ting, H.-. as required by the Charter,, etatl B to ` C ...- City er Ing, the nature of the Improvement. ' the total cost thereof, and the amount i assessed against the lot or lots of tie Approved— — particular owner to whom the notice to direct.d. (/f Adopted. by the Council Oct. 14, 1922. �. _,.,_.. 1�}ayOr. Approved D'ePt. 4,1111 _.. ......._..___.J_._. _. .. (Oct. 14-1922) Councilman --j �U13L1alll ll _ � � =iraxx Ferguson Waxst McDonald 41 bfp*XX I,%tson wxgwk Peter Mayor 6tms[x Ne 1 s on Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs ^rid expenses for tb�Xg paving Lafoud st. frog! Snelling live. to Aldine St. , including sevier, crater and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already nide; also including curbing and paving alley and driveviay approaches, vinere necessary, under Preliminary Order 35672 Intermediary Order ....__ _36.116 , Final Order 36554 _ _. approved_._OQ:t. 17,..1921._____._4M&Lx-._._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $--12.,.02.0-_0.5..._ 'aster cormections - - - - - - - - - 32�:�.8._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $_.... Sewer Connections - - - - - - - - - $._ 540.40 1..86...... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - _____....._. 19.79 Curbing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $242.61 Inspection fees - _ Driveway approaches - - - - - - - - 99.:30 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ -- - Total expenditures - - - - $.-13_,25.6.17_.... Less the sum of - - - - - - - - - - - 3,903.05 ';lheelaae lax Portion --Ord. Net assessment - - - - - - - - - - 4 9,353.12 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_ }3.53.12_. ..... ......... _ _.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. F.rm a. E. 17 Commissioner of Finance. �I eotieem NO.._. _.........' ..���.,.,_. f....�..... CITY OF ST. PAUL F1° w� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 1922. PRESENTED .................... PRESENTED BY DATE -" -- RESOLVED . a In the matter of opening, widening and extending the alley in Block 3, Elfelt, Bernheimer dnd Arnold's Addition across Hook 3, Chamber's ` Addition and a miscellaneous tract of land to a width of 15 feet from Farrington Ave3&e to Jay Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #39521, approved May 5, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. #41641, approved September 5, 1922. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City Of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows- A strip 15 feet in width across Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, Chamber's Addition and a miscellaneous tract lying between Jay St- and Bloak-,5, Chamber's Addition, the center line of said strip being the center line of the alley as -laid out in Block 3, Elfelt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ,-<Cncy __F-_1guson -,McDonald ✓lvlatson /Smith6n� filVlr. President .Against 1 the Council..___—!! L_...__....----19._.__. MIYOR C. F. No. 42177—By W J. Peter- 1ln chs matter a opening Idening aoA j extending the alley In Block :f, Et- j n ,•.heinla•r d Arnold's Addl- t= tion acro Bleck 3, Chamber's Ad - 1, dition and a miscellaneous tract of I— to a width of 16 feet fromFar- rington Ave. to Jay St., under Pre- lindnary Order C. F. No. 39621, ap- proved May 6, 1922, and Intermediary ,rd C. F. No. 43. 1, approved Sept. S. 1922. 'r se v raIasloner f Public Works oa having bmAted- hisDDort and !sketch In the above matter�be it Busolved, That, the Cl ty of St. Paul itand determines the amount of and to be taken for the above named Improvement to be as Yolldwa: A strip 16 feet in width across Lots 1, Istill 2, Block 3, Chambar'8 Addl- n and a miacelianeous tract lying between' Jay St. and Block 3, Cham- ber's Addition, the center line of said strip being the centernLne the tiny s laid 'atIn Arnold's 3, Elfelt, Bern- heimer and old's Addition. Adopted by the S ounci/ Oct. 6, 1922. Approved Oct 6, 1922. (OcL 14-1922) !� 1n fa .Against 1 the Council..___—!! L_...__....----19._.__. MIYOR (:itu of 61. }taut au99 P Drtuaturrnt of jtublir ittarks en WILLIAM J. PETER, e n n e w .w[ On er E ®COMMISSIONER n E�n.ns OTTO E. CONS'TANSP i COM MI9910NER G - 011— ....... .r.cc.. .. n.o r c.ry ccn IS 9U11 .1 of - REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending the alley in Block 3, Elfelt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition across Block 3, Chamber's Addition and a miscellaneous tract of land to a width of 15 feet from Farrington Avenue to Jay Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #39521, approved May 5, 1922, and Inter- mediary Order C. F. #41641, approved September 5, 1922. . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip 15 Peet in width across Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, Chamber's Addition and a miscellaneous tract lying between Jay St. and Block 3, Chamber's Addition, the center line of said strip being the center line of the alley as laid out in Block 3, Elfelt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition. Conunigaione of Pu lic Works s . Oct. 5, 1922. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT --* FINANCE . - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ( 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ! (Al)__ _ • t-118_......;�_�._�SLt�-r-------- In the Matter of Q-R-Q1lL' -}--si"51.�r.11�'�•E`--- x- B1nG1:. Burnhei.n.e' 8: %•molds ,.dd3. acrossCharlbers Add._a.r_d a r,iscellanoous_-_-. tract of land to a -. idth of fifteen feet, from Ia_r=:,ve. t,o _J -_------- -. .....--- -- ..........I..-.... ................_------------- _..--------------------- -- -------------- --- --------------- - - - - - - under Preliminary Order approved --------`--------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: for the above improvement is The total estimated amount of the assessment - - The estimated cost peq� foot for the above improvement is - - benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of _ ' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT a4OCK ADDITION VALUATION That part 1S4.nr :IOrtt1 of a l.i-ne 119 foci. Dlort,hcrl� f 1"O:', and I) -o1 t.0 �',lll^Ola venue of t'ne ..cSt. '25 feet .v 3 5 Uharlber's s:d ;.tion to the 1,600 the _.ast 33.30 faot of Cit„, of St. tau].; ;.,inn. `.What cart 1;TI-n[,-n[,r10l-th of a line 119 feet 1lorth of and parallel to ,,i.irora .-ve. of the „est 1G. G2 feet of Lot, do 1,500 2 and "ast. 8.38 feet of 3 '`hat p& --^t 1-,inr i`orth of a lire lln feet 1Qorth of and parallel to :.urora '.vc. of t. he ,est 25 feet, of ?ast J do 1,500 33.55 feat of - TOTAL. CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARLMEN,,OF FINANCE REPORT OFCOM MISSIO E OF 'FINANCE ON �6) ASSESSED LOTBLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION That part lying-, DTOrth of a line 119 <7eet _Torth of and parallel to r0u"O'ra L.vc. Of the '.:est 16.62 feet, of Lot, 2 l�piton ?linthe 1,500 1 and the East 8.36 feet of � ,vbof St. n That part lyin5 north of a line 119 feet north of and parallel to 6:urora i.ve, O do 15iu0. t'ne East 26 feet Of 1 J Comnencinr at the South`;Ost corner of university lave- and Jay Street,, thence nest alonf said Avenue 66 feet, thence South to Aurora Avenue, thence East to Jay Street, thence 11orth to beFinning: beim ^art of Southeast _ of 9e3ti or_ 36, `i'o,.in. 29,4 ?anme 23, 9.ncluding Lot 11 12 3 Elfelt, Bernheimer and 7 775 , and the Past 15.20 feet of Arnold's "idi-ti.o do 23,500 1 2 3 do 4,150 est 20 feet of `' 3 do 3 do 11,600 n feet Of ° East 3_ 113 CIO `' 10 feet Of 4 3 do 6,650 East, 40 feet of also Lot 6, Mock 3, Chamber's Addition to the City Of St. Paul, ',,Li.nn• (Except East 30 feet) 5 3 do 725 also East 21 feet of the -,vest 27.62 feet of Lot 5, Block 3, Charnberls l,ddition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 5 3 Chauioer's Addition to the 75 lest 6. G2 feet of City of St. Paul, i.inn• gest 20 feat of hast 30 I ; of 5 3 �lfelt, Bernheiner 8: Arnold's Addition to St. 1,550 alao 'hest, 20 feet of East 2.. 36 ft. of Lot 5 , Block 3 , Paul Chamber's AdditiOn to the City TOTAL of St. Paul, ro•.... n CRY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENtOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF 'FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION East 10 feet of 5 and the 6 3 E1£elt, Bernheimcr & Arnold's 1,450 West 10 f,+et Of Addition to St. Paul also Jest 17.62 feet of Lot 4 and the mast 2.38 feet of Lot 5, Block 3, �;hambdr's Addition to the city Of 5t. Paul, 1;iLnI1. The viest 20 feet of bast do 1,450 40 feet of 6 also the ':iest 20 feet of 3ast 32.38 feet of Lot, 4, Block 3, Chamber's f.ddition to the Cite of St. Paul, Yinn. East 20 feet of 6 3 do 1,550 (Except th.c east 56.36 feet) Lot 3 and the East 12.38 feet of Lot 4, Block 3, Chamber's Addition to the City of St. Paul , :;:inn. 7 3 do 1,600 also the .lest 25 feet Of East 58.38 feet of Lot 3, Block 3, Chamber's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minn. 4est 2/3 of 20 3 do 4,550. East 16 2/3 feet Of 20 3 do 2,875 ';lest 16 2/3 feet of 19 3 do East 33 1/3 feet of 19 3 do 3,175 'gest 36.50 feet Of 18 3 do 1,125 (Except 'west 36.50 feet) 18 3 do 5,725 (Except East 27 feet) 17 3 do East 27 feet of 17 3 do 2,750 16 3 do 5,700 15 3 do 3,100 Best 35 feet of 14 3 do TOTAL 2,600 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT- OK FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION Beg `_nning- .�35 feet East from Southwest corner of Lot 14, Block. 3, thence East 40 feet, thence north 119 feet, thence West 40 feet, thence South. 119, feet to beginning: being part of Lots 2 and 3, Block 3, Chamber's Addition and .lest 9 feet of Lot 13 and East.31 feet of Lot 14, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnold's t.ddition to St. Paul 3,200 Beginning 9 feet East from.Southviest corner of Lot, 13, Plock - 3, i.henceEast 3., fent, thence worth 119 feet, thence gest 35 feet, thence South 119 feet to er.-;inning: beim part of Lot 2, :Blocs; 3, Chambers bddition and East 35 feet of Best 44 feet of Lot, 13, Block 3, Elfelt, Bernheimer & irnolds Addition to dt. :Paul 5,900 Beginri_ng u4 feet I ast from Southwest corner of Lot 13, Block 3, thence East 40.8 feet, thence 21orth 119 feet, thence .Vest 40.8 feet, thence South 119 feet to beginning: being part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Chambers F-ddition and ',lest 34 feet. of Lot 12 and East E feet of Lot 13, Elfelt, Bernheimer & Arnolds i�ddition to st. Paul 4,000 112,425. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Dated---- 191. _..._... ..... -- Commies' ner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minq. ....... _.......... v To The Honorable, Th6 Council, City of�`t ii 1, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners,hereby etition your Honorable B to cause the following improvement to be made 3-...� ................�.......................................:........_. � 3 a ve. from ................................................. ............. ........................... St�t�. to.-....__.-..............._..............................._... ....................................................................... St. Ave NAME I LOT I BLOCK ADDITION .22 ✓ Vii._ tii _ � 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance n r 414 Y May 16, 1922. ........... ........._....................... .................. ..........191...... 1 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 1922 cil, known as Council File No.__6.952�..........approved._....�.�..._b'._........._........._........_.....191........., relative to........._............_..._ 4�9.R.,..... dening..._and.._egtending...._the.... alley.....in..._Blook..._3 r....._L�l�®lts..............._._........ Burnheimer_&.._Arnold's Addition across Block 3, Chambers AdB. and a miscellaneous tract of land to a width of fifteen feet from ......................................................................................................................................................................................................._............ ......................................................... arrington Ave. to Jay 3 . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._ ........... _.......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._...- and the total cost thereof is $..__$................. ...._....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... .............._..........._............ ............._......_.__..........._..................... _..._..__.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....................... ....................... ................. ................................................................................................................................................................_................................................. 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. UU.. .. ................... ................................................................................. . Commissioner of Public Works. / •+ ,7d C. F No. W78—Ordinance No. 6896- 'BY W. J. Peter / An ordinance amending Ordinance No.! 4 ' 5466, entitled An ordinance author - 1. ing end regulating the issuance of � � pperailtby the Commieies, a of � V PubWetke .'for canopies, area- Y'.! -:i, dewalks and curbs," aDDrov-I ed dfa19lfi C uneii �f thr St Paull . An ordinance amending Ordinance iial;l, k6, entitled "An ordinance authorizing and regulating the issuance of permits by the Commissioner of Public Works for canopies, areaways, sidewalks and curbs," approved May 12, 1915. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Sm. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3466, approved May 12, 1915, be and the same 1s hereby amended by inserting at the end of Section 2 thereof, the following words, to -wit: (c) All property owners having constructed and who are now maintaining areaways,i-coal-holes or trap -doors on or under any of the public streets of the City of St. Paul shall take out a permit therefor, and shall execute and deliver to the City of St. Paul a bond in the am of Five Thousand Dollars- CiitgOharmleseconditioned damages,iejudgments,save lossesthe claims, suits or liability of every kind arising out 'of the maintenance, operation, presence or removal of such coal -holes, areaways or trap -doors." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays VFerguson ✓ McDonald Mat son l Peter Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved r PUBL1:>:1;D Attest (� City Clerk A' l ` �,^/' � //((%l j \ � / .✓"'�" �.� ' $. ,/ i � .�, >� . 11 '•"19 �. couNca NO.___. _..-. CITY OF ST. PAUL FSE --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �- o—( ------- )1`- { " COM MISSIONE ....._........ _._..._...._...._........__. ..._......_._..._...._....._..._.._................ _....._.. RESOLV o at Council File No. 42026, adopted and approved September RFSOLZVD 26th, 922, wherein the Board of Water Commissioners was author- ized to pay to one John Johnson, an employe of the Water Depart- ment, the sum of $54.00 in partial settlement of his claim for injuries sustained, be and the same is hereby ordered cancelled; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the following be adopted in lieu thereof: uRESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to ants' into an agreement with John Johnson for the payment of compensationn to him at during thesucrate Of s" Eighteen Dollars ($15.00) Pt_ he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries re- ceived by him Commissioners ofithe le iCity eOfmSt- Paul, ont ploy Of the edl5th day of r of August, 1922; be it "FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners 1s hereby authorized to pay to the said John Johnson, out of the Water De-artmentaJ�-^$, the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) in fIna' e�P{ ad{+ a �II yn�l D,flfber cla6thim against' ga nst' said Board for the Fie. i o15iL, ove wherein rthe l '-;'+'t;ommiseionera was au �••t• Johnson, a. „;p, • n par ul etl`t= the es n I recommend the above resolution In partial ettlema at oY aim for Inlur,ls, eustalned, be and me Is h_1ey ordered cancelled; b ; o passage . It tlurthrr Resolved, That '. Rbe 'opted In 1'eu theroofl s I .n That proper It' �f - •d to c• ter Comm'r of Public Utilities. Councilmen YensAdo ted by the Comtctl.._ Nnys Adopted _ -'Clancy Ap roved.........'” ✓Ferguson ! ._.._ ..__.In favor ,7 •�j —McDonald - L - ..-..-_.... MAYOR -Peter __A$sinst �Je�ael PLJI3LIS --Mr. President FORM NO. 2 City of St. Paul t COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GHNERAL FORM } COUNCIL FILE NO. Date Presented 1922 1R WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public ihesCity Charter,, the has reported to he \f�d� Council, in accor n^^' °e P"b 'neoessarY the employment existence o8 an a c. r. �P. 421Ih-°ommxds'°"D` vner°ny ea tp the 6:, of more certain employ °numlltieY h°s "'with see`I°n 6e ° usual than eight hours per hours of employment; of day, said r°4 a t°r. eYl a°nnr � °rye . x emploYmsi she e nth°n"loBhC therefore. be it heerKnnl>o1'mhnth.1 re'. hly •ps,tmeutlfor loYment betn6 Of m to the Resolved. That the noure V �� nd their n° nl ,hours authorized pay proper ci p',� n,eut', rnq•nntrtho proPor c"Y ° It t° P'Yr°te rwise fined for extra following °„.°a, °nth°Axed d eID name , 1n t hnrobY n e nt we set mea e npioyrtey forth. ro. p11ow1n xtru , t employment the utherwlee luau ttme herolnuf[er ent for Ole x � hour, 60r forth utilltyman, ' Rete of Overtime Name I• \na o."qon. Title , hours. re olY rSl. 1210lity'm, u• lite. 5 hours. 6^'S. 80¢ reg.rate P Ander Bon 6bC regular, tltilltYman. Utilit' I,. N -9� 1,rT. orlon. utilitytnun. 5 hours ', 6p¢ 6 « N Roy Munson ” f°Ula r()k°yon. Laborer. 5 hou: 60il p N P. Scott a reFulur °recto. Laborer, hourr 'q ,SAS F o 606 T Thorson o`µ yl<f Laborer. 1 hou' waw re N. Fn`s ! f" / 50Y " " Q"«FARror� .°borer. + LaborejCe9;nl;. hbrlc--RA • 1 �j, Ole Okeson Mat Roberto N 50C %olnr rote. a r. g hour. }114(W ,t+lane• 2 tr° 60¢ N. Falkowski " ref ulu' Le' Laborer. gam N srl u 1, •' 60� N N Aug Kurkowsky " O'Brien: Laborer. 2 hours " 80� N a N L. Milani Lpborer. a hou'n. « L. L1-11;nell,. ',' N N 60g Sem NarduC01 I°lane snail, Lnnorer. �a « 60¢/ P. O'Brien " 1 rPu r rule W. llemP.o I°bt N Bo " N L. Vanelli SOt• re6ular borer, 2 2 a L. 60� :as Vignali ynnsl. " nr oy `e- Mnrrl, Lnb°re.., « f h, ;; p N 60 P. W. Dempsey N ebn. .Wirer. , 2 " 60� " N L. Gangil " ' " 609 N Joseph Mani « 1 " .. 60je " a D. Mayer' « 1} " ' 609 " Vito Cocoa1 « N 50je P. Tritten " 1 " 60� " a J. W. Wheeler " N .L 60¢ Frank Gertz4 " 609 Martin A. Platzer "N a 2 60.6 " N N " John R. Williams 16 " 66 g.J.Conrad Utilityman 6 66 N N Thos. Fahey " a 9 " 66 N a Owen Geraghty 1 « ' 6 H. A. Mennell a 6 p a Leo Honnemacher 3 " 60¢ P. Del Fiacca Laborer 4 « 60je 3kRil Diersa " 14 5O'd/ N N Joe Grappalie " . 60je Met. JohnsonN N , " 4 60¢ John Johnstone 6 N , BOX Jo4Y Kent " a 2 « . 509 N N Alberto Massa" Lid 1 " p a 6 09 N a Tony 116880 I �3 a• j% N `^ � 60X Sam Ranelli FORM NO=--2 City of St.Paul COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORS Subject. COUNCIL FILE N0. Sheet #2. Hours Rate of Overtim Name Title i 1 hr. ' 5011 reg.rate G. Sauro Laborer 1 a 5 0je Thos. Sarsfield1 " " Boo J. P. Schweback " N 28 " 5011 Amie Peltier 1 N 50je Harry Kreyer " 1 ° 5011 ^ « A. Norman" John E. Hawkins " Vtilityman 8 3 a 801✓ " 6011 N « w C.H.Remmington Laborer 3 N 6011 Roy ibm Kane n 1 a 4511 " « Joe Daddario 1 a , 5011 H. Diesslin w " 1 a 5011 Jose Gatto " 1 « 60g Ed. Laverty 1 a 5011 Pete Pluhars « 1 a 5011 Gust. Rundquist N 1 a 550 J. Ssporitt " 1 N b0¢ S. Perna " 2 a 5011 R. Vanderhoff a 1 n 5Oje J. Palma N ° 2 w 60je a a John Wallen 1 a 50je S. Tuminello " " 17 n 5011 N N Chas. Miller a 1 ". 5011 « a Martin Timmons N 11} a 50je T. Carpenter N 11 " 150jea « M. Protto " 1 a 6011 S. L. Fo ley 2 a 50k' a a Wm. Hannah " " a 5011 Casper Stemig N 7* a 5011 E. Oliver Alfan 1 N 50X Martin Ginley" N 7 a 5011 Walter Kowalski " 7 a 50je L. Finnigan " 8 a 5011 Ernest Spiegel 32 a ° 60� e W. O.Peterson Utilityman 1 " 8011 C.O.Peterson Hoist.Engr . 1 " � 80¢ N p Henry Yoaelin L. Brengold « N Cement Fin. 17 a N 8011 8011 James F.Eggerling a a 8 17 ° 8011 Fred Fennern a N 17 " ' 8011 Chas. Fransen ° N 1 8012 « N John Johnson a 801✓ " a S.H.Gibney Cartenter « 80¢ " " T.J.Lynch Roy Daaberg Struct.Ivon Worker " a 1 N 3 80� 80X w « C. Fishley " • 80 « N J. H. Rapp N " A 3115 wf 1.00 w N Chas.Smith 1/2 N ✓ 5011 a N P.M.Nadeau Laborer1�2 ° 6011 w e T.C.Newton G.E.Steinbrenner " 1�2 " B0g N « " pFr f, 1/2 Jo a Turner a 1/2 " ✓ 6011 A.Wat eon Subject: t FORD[ VD.2 City of St.Paul COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO.;: --Sheet Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime Joe Foley Laborer " 1/2 hr. 1/2 50je r„g.rNte 5011 Thos.W.Conroy " 1 N 50j' « N Emmet Newton J. O'Keefe " « 4a 50je « a Patrick O'Rourke b0� Wm. Olson 13 " 5011 Hilton Setterholm " 3 N ✓ 501C a M Archie Sullivan n " 50je 0. C. Treon " n 50¢ N N G.W.Hughes Chas.Nelson Utilityman " " 6011 50 a a a « Joe Tate Laborer11 u " 500 je n « Ralph Z. Dodge " 1 2 " BOX n N Wm.Benton N N 1/2 50111/2 N N August B. Hanson " N 50¢ Al. Holmstrom Peter J. Horn / " 2 a « Jake Hunt " a a 1/2 " b0� 5 Ole «n N Martin JMUWZM Kain " D 3 " BOX Ole Knutson Reidar Nordquist Mixer Engr. 3 "' 80g n a Melvin Hoiberg Hoist.Engr. 8 n 80� n « Arthur Ingeldew Cement Fin.80 18 " je a N David Samuelson A. S. Qodby 11} 80¢ C. L.Corbett Carpenter " 2 N•. 2 " 8011 8011 Roy Dellis " N 2 8011 a N E.R .House " N 9 8011 " a J.D. Jackson a 2 "84¢n N Ora J. Jackson N 9 " 8011 N a Al Lund Amel Schagan S.I.W. 41 " BOX a a N Ernest Benson Laborer " " 33 " 500 50� « i" a Geo. Blondo a 50je J.0.Cape " 1 1, 5011 n a Arthur Carlson " " 5 OlZ' Paul Cetinyon " " 50� Louis Fischer 6011 n a Geo. Galway nn N Geo. Gerofotis w N b0¢ Wm. Gasink John T. Grady a 3 " BOX je n N a M Mark Gray n 1 N 5011 50 N a Andrew Haider C.F.Hughes N " 5011 Geo. Ingeldew " 3 " 5011 6011 Edward L. Knight " 3 " 50X W.C.Swenson 650� linter a €:.'' 3 " a n John p u 1" 500 n a Murrel Bromaghim N 1 " 5011 Chas. Clydesdale " -' 2 N ,' 5011 N « H. Davis _ Yeas CourXoilmen Nays vClanoy , on �4atat son in favor o McDonald ✓Peter�_ragainat Y,r. President Nelson Adopted by the "- 1922 Approved 1922 7 ayor I�o� . 2 City of St.Paul COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM Sub,je ct : j COUNCIL -FILE NO - - Sheet Hours Rate of Overtime Name Title 4hrs. 50je reg.rate E.H.Engfer Laborer n 1 P P P � BO¢ Cheater Hart " 1 n- ✓ 50je J. Knoblock n P 50;e H. Seiger E.P.Nelson Utilityman " 8 3 P P N BO ¢ B0� W. J. Roth Laborer ✓ P B0� Perry Rose Yeas CourXoilmen Nays vClanoy , on �4atat son in favor o McDonald ✓Peter�_ragainat Y,r. President Nelson Adopted by the "- 1922 Approved 1922 7 ayor FORM NO. 2 City of St.Paul COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FOIX S ct :, COUNCIL FIDE NO. ` �f- ate eaented 192 d, WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported to the ll�!„” Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of on Sunday certain employee of his department fee-mere-tkaaA-a!6gkt-keuva-gev-day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it. Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at thf, r*s -``eL a� E',se fixed for extra rdnseeeywith section 6;" employment for the extra, Ly Charter, the existence ofet forth: p ym ark `ncy which rendered n >-employment of certain em ;ce h"'nle department Sunday, n de•� - Tii' plorment being mar than [Heir Odra Rate of Overtime Name i hour. of mploy mere; [herefore,- b, Resolved, That the proper city .hra. ✓ 50y r@g.rate Louis Quern@T Util f 11 rs are hereby a.tn'roized to pe> " " " yea am the 500 Geo. Hartman Labo, tnerwlbe nxed forextraploy., « BOFr n n [or the extra time here) naftet Roy Munson Util faro,: " 600 « « T.Thorson 11 Loula Cis ner, Utilityman. 16 C.Lindgren 0 1 I ho,,. 6 h,. " 5610 « n Mat. Roberto Laborer " 500 " " L. Gang" " 'j " 500 « « P. Tartero " " '3 " 500 n « H.A.Mennell Utilityman 16 67*0 Emil Diers Laborer 8 " 500 Amie Peltier " 8 " 500 Paul G.Manzke " 16 " 35 0 C.H.Remmington " 12 "' 500 J. Saporito " 6 " " 550 Chas.Miller " 8 " ' 500 « « Joe Turner " 16 " 500 John Corey " 16 " 500 Robt.Gibson " 16 " 500 M.J.Corboy " 16 " 43 0 Louis B.Fazendin " 8 " ° 500 Anton Mallenkamp " 8 " 500 Yeas Councilmen Nays Adopted by the ''rr 1922 Clancy ,"Ferguson Approved 1922 Matson - in favor ,"McDonald Peter b against VRetsse3 t Mr. Prpeident Nelson d.r ------ -T �y Mayor \, PUM ISTrm, /0 :fc/ r` �r CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._ .... :��....�.......'�.,-,...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER L R S DATE ......................... ...... ACT.4- THA922.- RESOLVED CPHEREA$, The Commissioner of Education has raported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore,be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized otereignamed oe, at the rate hwisefxed for extra employment for the extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: a SAM FAV ILLO, HARRY Yee (J) Councilmen (J) Nays ✓elancy Ferguson _McDonald Jr ;[fson 3entttle � -' . wefrzel �r. President TITLE TVE : LABORER -1075 20 HOURS C. F. No. 42182-13y L. R. S. Ferguson Whereas, The Commiseloner ( Edu-- cata,cioon has reported to the Councll In dance with Section 63, of the City Chane= ^he eXlatence of n emergency wench dared ne aenr)' thto t o[ employee f his De- houra a ft em ore then th¢Ir aunt Resolved, Thatm[he;p opreetore, be It. ¢ hereby authorlxetl city offl-- otheli.w otherwise arced employee, at they rate [herw lee axed forextra employment for the eX tra employ meat for ex trn time hereinafter set forth: Harry Fnvlllo, Laborer No. 1076, 20 hours t 56( p¢r hour, $11.00. Adopted by the Council Oct. 5, 1022. -'IPV roved pct. 5, 1922. (Oct. 14-1922) RATE ,.TOTAL. •55 11 00 Adopted by the Council.. L --1 ._'i_:. 19...._. __...... In (Ivor Approved ------ ..--Against ...-Against _ ............ _.. FORM NO, 1. OCT. 5TH, 19212 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the tmplcyment of certain employes of that department f or more than eight hours Ther day, in doing the following work: ING SCHOOL This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: WORK COULD NOT BE DONE DURING DAY TIME This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Chart<r . COUNCIL 1 ` ,11 V NO... .., ORIGINAL TO CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ILE CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM •CHARTER SECTION 208' p PRESENTED BY1.922. Oct. 5, �+ ,,,,,,y1� I�II.................. DATE. COMMISSIONER... C.S�P11La....t a...�. gQn*.................... .... _ �g� RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER WHEN BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN ONE ITEM MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFER WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED FOR BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEM FROM WHICH THE TRANSFER IS MADE. 162 120 Old Certificates of Sale 49.54 Oity Officers Attending Conventions 3 C. F. No. 421 That$ the followingntrana- Resol\rted, �'. fere be de on rho books of the a�oi➢_ troller when by sp doinS a u Is deficiency I ber In without mhamPering y rhe work provided for by the mo ey the Item from which the transfer 1s made: $49.54 transferred from Code 182 O Cld ertideates of Sale to Code 120 City Officer. Attend ins 'C1" on'en 1'. Ado Pled b)' the Council Oct. 6, 1922. Approved Loc1491922) YES ( J) COUNCILMEN ( �) NAYS • ✓� ANCY ` jERG.SON MCDONALD ................IN FAVOR MATSON I, -PETER ..-.--.'------ _AGAINST -WeNTEL /MR. PRESIDENT FOAM on (w '+) 49 54 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI LII I-.I—t)`- .--..-..-i B.......... lJl nT -c: , :.' ......19........ APPROV - ....O.OR __.. _.s.. ..........................:...................... MAY COUNTERSIGNED By ------------------- - CITY coMrTROLLER 12 1` � wonm� .� ..t:)•.d s . CITY OF ST. PAUL R�t.E NO...__.....--.---...._....._..._..._ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK // COUNCILESOLUTfON --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 9�✓ s /( Ja�L1.J� 1'1ATF.._......_..O©t. 4,._192 .......... RESOLVED That the time speoified for the performance R of a certain contract dated June 13, 1922, between the Belvidere Cast Stone -Company, Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the paving of Alley in Block 29, Summit Park Addition, be and the same is hereby extended to the 28th day of September, 1922, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in a000rdanoe herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such con- sent in writing with the City Comptroller. Feter— Resolved, That the time epecifled for l: �!I the performance of n er,.. *co tract -- e a Rclvi- tended o d hereby amen h oere a esol an a free I" Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays —Fiiancy _,Ferguson --McDonald _.....'.:..__....In favor —Matson _':_.....Against .—Wenzel -Mjr. President rONM 9M 6-30 29, Summit Yara nX me Its hereby e - h daY f u ept embaere 'ser no ty eltetZttca 0.n u tract in ..rd- rd - ,,, ed, ii—ea^ r,f tree tll t ureties on the consent ethereto and inn 'ting with the Council Oct. 6, 1922. 14-191922. 22) Adopted by the Co I......__�OT =i %�! OCT pprov_......__....._.----- v 19--.- 19-- - 9-.._ 19.__.. -L �- - - - 19J'� Si. Pau], "lirn., - TO THE HOYORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully usk that your Honorable Body cause the time ofompleting c�tract for the •�_ ----------- to be extended to - - - - - - - - 19 Owing to=- _=---------- it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for cer,:pleting same be made as hereincefore stated. Yours very truly, Ccrtractor./ � �� ��. ';here is _ "ciectia to baring the ended as requested, as far as the requirer..ents of this off_ce is ccr_carne ,� APPROVED Supt, of Cc-istrucO,. tion. & Pses p tY l t .a -c , , Commissioner of Public t"orks. Chief Enginear. 0 eoII�orz No. Or By CO PTROLLRR. AUDITED... - - 192 - f I /IIl l PER p y Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ covering Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Cit Treasu , g y.¢QQ�$'J.. __.._., $ checks numbered 7_416 __ __to 7428 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yeas ( e ) Councilmen ( v ) Nays. 1 -Glancy, Adopted by the Council_..._....192__...... ,Frguson, In favor McDonald, Approved _ ___...192......_.. eMtatson, U Against Wenzel. Mr. Rxesident, Hodgson C. F. No, 42146— warrant- be drawn 13eeolved thaTreaaur)'. to the a66re' upon theto unt of $19,,00.27, verdn6 heck- numbe gletery1 [ titY7 checks lun elve, as per re of the Ctty Comp- I'll omp troller. tae office cit Oct. 4 1922. Adopted by the coon Approved Oct. 4, 1922. 1 ipcy 14-1922) • TO Foran A A 36. IM i -:I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FORM F= E No. d — i' 875 ','later _ AUDITED '... _.. ..:.:. :. I( ROLLER. BY 192........ f 1 PERV—� G (M Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the a'� re$ate amount of $ 111,00..27 covering 605.63 checks numbered 7416 to. 7428 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Blaw Snox Company, Comptroller. Yeas ( .) Councilmen ( ) Nays. later Ad ted by the Council ' I c'- --.192 _Clancy, _ Company, 1,410.23 jerguson, In favor McDonald, t p roved _ -192 - - Matson, Y 7419 J. Pi. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance Smack �' .J_- `tel J _ Against - '-- / J MAV OR -Wenzel.el. Mr. President, Hodgson Crane Sc Ordway Company, 7416 .Alis -Chalmers Nlfg. Company, 5,850.00 ','later 605.63 7417 Blaw Snox Company, later 7418 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company, 1,410.23 7later 7419 J. Pi. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 8,565.lo Schools 7420 Crane Sc Ordway Company, 28.41 Schools 5.54 II 2.18 L 1494 (P.I.R.F,) 5.40 „ater 15.29 31.90 7421 Clemens Debald, G.F.-Iion-assessable improvements . 7422 &. Donaldson, 158.00 Armory Res. 875 Page 7�2 7423 Elk Laundry Company, 762.42 Police 25.74 Libr^ry .51 Park Refectories 724.34 Test. Labs. 4„50 a ater 7.33 7424 J. F. Kain, Cashier '.'eater Department 101.88 later 7425 Northern Pacific Railway Company, 81.79 ';Jorkhouse 79.79 •PJate.r 2.00 • 7426 C.A.P. Turner Company, 1,008.15 ,a ter 7427 Victory Printin� Company, 317.30 Com r. of Finance 9.50 Purchasing Deptt. 10.70 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 23.75 Police 1.50 Schools 271.85 317.30 7428 Christ Johnson, 479.40 L 1525 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ZV/7 A BY" IAV.. w$/ b JO wC�"'-'�� DATE......_.._....___.....____....___......___..._..__...._._.... U WHEREAS, on August 22nd, 1922, one Harry Valentine, while driving an automobile belonging to George 0. Valentine, damaged an ornamental lamp post located at Hemline aitd University avenues, to the amount of $105.95; and WHEREAS, The firm of Marsh & McLennan, insurers of the said oar, have offered to settle for said sum of $105.95, and have sub- mitted a release to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said offer of settlement be accepted, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign said release in settlement of said claim. Yeas C. F. No. 42186—By A. E. Nelson— Whcreae, oa Aag. 22nd, 1922, one Harry Valentine. Whlle drlving n tomo ile belonging to George O. Val- entine. damaged oe a tal lamp poet les. todthe Hmoart of $146.9and University ralnd avenues. -The flanof Marsh & o McLennan, insurers f the said c have offered to d havesettlesubut f or Bald ". of be signed release by the Mayor City Clerk; notatherefore. be It Rt be eaccepted, Ivd Th at ml d cher May ttle- and lign said release Inesetclement io[dsod clalm. A Oted by the AprOct. Oct. 6, 1922.1 povedct. 6, 1922. (Get 14-1922) Councilmen Nays elancy —Ferguson _McDonald ... In favor Matson j ter Against wetizer Mr -President Adopted by the Council Ap Ove ----192.._.. t MAYOR petition Council File No... a PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT -� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Open, widen and extend Juliet Street to a width .......................... .............................................. ..............................__ _........_ _........__..._.... of•60 feet from Prior Avg. to Fairview Ave. ................................ ..........................._..._......_.......... ...... ......... ..................................................._.............._ O ............. 22 _....--Dated this....., 4th....._.day of.. ___......._...._............... ctober ................................ I _.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .Open.,_w.iderl VZ4-exton4_.Juliet Street to a width of.40...f.eet...from. Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. .. . F. N 4r18i— ....... .......-. .....--..... ... ..... AbetreCt - Wbreae A wrltten prepeeal for the ♦kine or the following ImOrovementLilman... -- --- having been presented to the Cr. os°e"Idon endfeet rromaP,1,1 irviel therefore, be it Fawyd1dth•�*v<,_ ag heea w t -he �• the cltr ,;;and he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED. That the Cp y) , i s I. To investigate the nerub) !mbiliy,, m^," ;, making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the naO'.aextent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relativetto said improvement; ........_....................... ............ .. .7 ...... .... . ............................................................................................. .... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �; ` Adopted by the council ................... . ... r,...--...--.._........191....._. Yeas:Nays: �aMCy Facneweah 1 Councilman ✓ ^ i' r. ; —.t X72_ 191. Approved... . .... _.. Hyland'1'� "� � � � r Mayor. Mayoyftviw 11 c� PUBLISMD D Form C A 13 (6M 4-17) ..................................................................................................................... COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ...Jame.s.lu...Clancy...................... 0 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the [atter uf..GOIlS.4rR4t.�Ilb. ep�b�.,ng,o�.t�4th„��des• of.,z,ar?s.o}1.5trevt,...,.• ..fr.om.F.ores:t„;S.tree.t.t.4.a«erid.Q a.titreet,.............................................. ........................................................................I............................. ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ........ i 13W. _ , .. _ ... , , , approved ... �iug. 17,. 1922... .... , , . The Council of the i e report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, �n the M tte88otBconetrucingccurbing hereby resolves: on both aides of Lawson Street from 1. That the said re, INrtdna Yt0 to M dere41O1fl approves Pr- Proved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be 1 17, 1sz2. -•1 �'he Council of v, ”: v of 2. That the nature o ng received the 1t of FInA;,nf Council recommends is.Q,QIj$txUCt,,eurbirig pert, ere - 1 � rr.` Forest Street to Liendota Street, pp hereby t ... h ............................ on both sides of . v tree .aid •4i he ................................................. th i!I ...................................................................................................... ................................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 912.?0...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... Jth ........day of .... N.ovember......... 1 192..2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. :.......`..::............ 192...... Approved....... '' ....192......E " City Clerk. j�...................... ... ........... .. .... ......... A � /�/ _ � y1\Iayor. pUBI,ISHT D �ncilman Clancy ' feuncilman Ferguson _Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson --Councilman —'VIIdtxx Peter —Gptlm-:lai_ U� ,Mayor FT@N#Fey*X Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �' A A •......................................................................................................................... COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By..Jaaes..LL..C.�?1?9Y........................ or INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ...G Q 1S.S LlG t.l lf,..Gl>Y b1 Ylg . ori..I20ti�..S �.41e.S ..Gf..t a e.S ..Stxe et...... . „from, ji+�mline xvenue o..},Tn icateAvenue, ...................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ................ I............... ................................._..................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.... 40.61.9 ............... approved ... tT,UI.Y ,1,, . )..922 r.................... The Council C. F. No. 42188—By J. M. Clancy— ved the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above impro- in the Matter of constructing curb.ngreport, hereby resolves: n both aides of Niles St. from He. - l. That the preliminary orndic to v., undedeby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered July 1, 1922. The Councll f the City of St, Pau! aving received the report of [be 2. That the i �—nuaslonsr of Finance upon - the Council recommends is. .aonstrUQt..Glarhing 1 ,. ova improvement, aad hav n, F ..red the report, hereby reso.vr.i on.both.s.ide That the said report be �rom..i�amline.hvenue, to..Synd.icate Avenue, e is hereby approved ani the said itnr,—,—'r • .......................i be_Pr'........i..................................... ....................... ......................................................................... ............................ ............................................................................. I ....................... I ........................................................................................... :.......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ......$:. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 9t4 ........ day of IQov.embex........... 192..2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....;... Approved .......i .......... 192...... Pty Clerk. .............................. Mayor. Councils Clancy PUBLISIIIID l0 _ y—P- �P Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald �. Councilrilan Matson Councilmtm RaEkbcx Peter Ccm nz Mayor *Yd-hx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO .............. . 13y .. Ja>nes, •II... C1anc.Y....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ,)f.. aurbing.hoth. sidea . of..Lananu—Stxe.at..fr.oia.Forest . StreQ.t. t.o.Earl. .S tre.et.f.............................................................................. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ... 4.( "3aQ —1.111..1oa Ju.ly..25,..1921.................. The Council of the City of I he Matter0ofcurbing bolth saes onrt of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and h Lawson at. from Fbrcet a. eo Earlb resolves: Spt.. under d Pr 26,in2y order 40949, Y 1. That the said report b The Council of the Otey of at. Pauld and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be procef having received the report of the Com- missioner ofonanoe upon e above ve Improment, and h8ving.' cothneldered 2. That the nature of th, said report, hereby resolves: recommends is..4Urb, both. Slde3 1. That the said report be and the ,amc to hereby approved and adopted Q L&V93,QI1 Street fS .,ad the said Improvement la herelarl Street, .... rdered Io -be proceeded with. ......................................... nature th �? ar hatch tbi council recoe �m. ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... .............................a............................................................. :......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....1630..3.6... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ 9th...... day of .N.QV=her........... 1 192.`2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota 1 cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council............ 1.:........ , 192. Approved.........'.'.......::......192...... / Clerk. ..........._........ Mayor. / PUBLISi-TED JO Coun@11man Clancy - Councoafan Ferguson Councilpraln—McDonald �J Councilp'r� Matson iJ Councilrpan'2Mjtix Peter Mayor hladg�fmst Nc-inon Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 c 555 I i1 i� t `, i i1 COUNCIL FILE NO .............. . 13y .. Ja>nes, •II... C1anc.Y....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ,)f.. aurbing.hoth. sidea . of..Lananu—Stxe.at..fr.oia.Forest . StreQ.t. t.o.Earl. .S tre.et.f.............................................................................. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ... 4.( "3aQ —1.111..1oa Ju.ly..25,..1921.................. The Council of the City of I he Matter0ofcurbing bolth saes onrt of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and h Lawson at. from Fbrcet a. eo Earlb resolves: Spt.. under d Pr 26,in2y order 40949, Y 1. That the said report b The Council of the Otey of at. Pauld and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be procef having received the report of the Com- missioner ofonanoe upon e above ve Improment, and h8ving.' cothneldered 2. That the nature of th, said report, hereby resolves: recommends is..4Urb, both. Slde3 1. That the said report be and the ,amc to hereby approved and adopted Q L&V93,QI1 Street fS .,ad the said Improvement la herelarl Street, .... rdered Io -be proceeded with. ......................................... nature th �? ar hatch tbi council recoe �m. ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... .............................a............................................................. :......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....1630..3.6... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ 9th...... day of .N.QV=her........... 1 192.`2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota 1 cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council............ 1.:........ , 192. Approved.........'.'.......::......192...... / Clerk. ..........._........ Mayor. / PUBLISi-TED JO Coun@11man Clancy - Councoafan Ferguson Councilpraln—McDonald �J Councilp'r� Matson iJ Councilrpan'2Mjtix Peter Mayor hladg�fmst Nc-inon Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rac NO., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By ;4 DATE qSlONERA -'AR4", RESOLVED Zli:lu Lhe 0 1-1 " r a c; t U oia L t 0 0 and LL',, L d s ti_ C C t ij:( lid L provu.'ellt of ru od , ve to .'-iii 6- fL;t-r ve. alu d St - :_rid -ret �)t. to in Lccor(!�-�Ice (I n L`- to z ttac-i'e,' Lo 0. --c'--er, �11 bidde. , for tii,-of ;,11,863.00, r z u n Cou n :j c 1 y of cojjtr:,Ct uijcrfor. L;nCineerls 1,-4521. C. F. No. 42191—By W. J. Pet— I Resolved. That the Council hereby' concurs I. he recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards thaj contract for grading and improvement of Marga at St. from H-1woGil Ave. to White Bear Ave., and Kennard St. == Margaret SL to Minnehaha St.. In withP Plans and specificaj. tions hereto attite hed. to Frank Wicker, he bel 'g Che I owest respon. .Ible bidder, for the sumof $11,863.00, and the Corporation Counsel is b instructed to draw up the froper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Esti- mate $15,772.00. F. No. 4621 ' Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1922. Approved Oct. S. 1922. i Oct. 14-1922) Yes (V) Councilmen (V) Nays ✓Clancy Adopted by the Council ,—Ferguson A proved - ------------ 192 ,-McDonald In favor _-Matson Against Wepiliel Mr. President COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , DATE. Oqtber 3 ................. COMMISSIONER RESOLVEDTht-it Lile Council hj,_ebv c,)nc',,rS in ti. i,ec,,:Lnd.Aiunl.of the Contr.,ct oL)Ljljttec and wiLrd"3 uhc! rtract "D.c iradlrlL; :nd i:a- of Huron -ve. fruit Lwke hz_len IL-ITe' to Idt-ho ej:,Ve. fro;.. L) I-yt -ve. Uo i&:Jiu ._ve.; _ve. lr-)I,l !;L)yt ,-ve. 6o Lar,)enteur -ve.; !dL10 .ire. rfro..; "C' to r d -V C . i v;;'t ,:ve. t j j, 1 -V j y t - v C . f r by.1 <.ve. Lo -ve. ]'ebraL;=:u ve to LI,,e C,,i,.0 ri, llhaiun:_ve. aired �.lon� the northerly �ouanQ..r-y UZ Julio ZZ21-. frolrhta.-,Iirru _Vu. to t",je ez,st line )roducud of Lot 41, Block 9, 0helsea-J.eights ,,ddition, in ,ccoadwnce w,th )lzs attached hereto, to D. !:uoi,e, ric beim the, 10Wc,_t bider, for the suia of r4jjq?,—B)1W-CJ-UP-t_ bY I �,2d to n e,, . .It here icreby InstrIuct 115,36'-.03, ,-rid C* F. No'd That the datilm Of the Resolve the reCOMM"a a,n,ds the eoucturo nC.MMkttee .,d improvemen.t "'t or, erl S Bstimz�-te tX _Ar,111.1 _.eld�rrin` dr:,.w u _,i:u!)ui' o' fro, h of Ave.,AV— Ave.; Per'-' pholon AVa- to Idaho A from Hoyt Ave. 14OYt Avr�m* liarellue wood Ave. tlrdl�-ho Ave. Hoyt AV.. from tour Ave;ood Ave. Hoy Ave. to eAve to Chelsea Ave.; d er Hemline 1jerrill Ave. to 1-1 0 xv.. from ReUo .... r. N r . Como '�heh,.. Ave.; ICO Driveway Ave. to r Com Ph-, Ave and a r of Phalen .6rtherly Block 8, sit olong the ,amnne Part, from need of Lot I r.n C it.. Addition, e so.lane s beln6 the Moore'r, r tio sum ret'. with P to 0 10 scted r Proper on ere contra.0'7 - u 11" , ,6 2, for. 616. 192 t pdoPteda Oct 6, Yes (V) Councilmen (V) Nays _r _,-Mancy Adopted by e ouncil .191 ,Feirpmscm McDonald to In favor e r- 192 --Matson Svoth--Ot-.__._._._Against MAYOR P*klm�e VoNfr. President FORM 1500 10-21 ----------------------------------------------- COUNCIL ----------------------- COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ _...... __. B. .......... J.8.0Q.15......1::,......_C1anc.Y_................ ........... r CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and e::penses for grading Juno 5t. from Lexington hve. to Pleasant i:ve., ender Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ..... . .........__..... ............. Final Order ..... .._3.9650..___.. approved _ lday 11, The assessment of bene -fits COStS a_]d ex Denses for and in connection with _ - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment s C. F. a atter f hJ. Al. clarityassessment the matter of the xsseseor g f RESOLVED, That the benefits, costs and expenses for gran• hereby in all respects approved. Ing Juno St. from Lexington Ave. to Pleasant Ave., under Preliminary Or - RESOLVED FURTHE Final Order 39660, 660 aapprovvedeMa� 111,1 said assessment on the -_._9_t.._........._...day of 1922. The assessment of benefit., coats end expense. for and in connection !- __....19�.`�_.._.., the shove improvement having clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court PIf)9 e�lb.flr..,.. It, t•. 'h. Council, and -Idered .a'. House and City Hall Building, in the City t, ''enc sate that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, staff dg'iii said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council U ._ _ `I c 19� City Cler �[ / ✓' �. .i ............................ 191 Approved ...- ` . _ �..�._�d. ..... ...... Mayor. � Councilmdi mmfiA:lt Clancy PUBLISFIED /Q ,cinx Ferguson " ,-NXkt[&x IficDonald " moiC&zxx i;;a t s on Peter �• Menzel May - 1aelson Form B. B. 16 c -...... `d•v-l.N . i �` CITY OF ST. PAUL .UNclI FILE NO. .. ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (PQ.RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY./ ..... ___ DATE. . _...... _.. ._....._..._. - COMMISSIONER C/i/ - .. _ ___________--------- RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized .to enter into a contract with the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, whereby said Company will agree to furnish and maintain tie lines between police alarm stations and the Police Department private exchange board at and between locations as designated by the De- partment of Public Safety on plat hereto attached, aggregating a total of approximately 343 circuit miles of telephone wires, for the period of one year from commencement of service and thereafter until notice of termination is given by the City, for which service the City of St. Paul is to pay the sum of One Hundred Sixty-six and 66/100 Dollars ($166.66) per month during the term of the contract, payments on said contract to be made out of the Police and Fire Alarm Fund (24 0. E.). C. F. No. 42194—By F. W. Matson— Resolved, That the probe city r a are hereby authorized to enter toa contract with the Tri-State T Department of Public Safety on plat 1 hereto attached, aggregating a total of appiozima[ely 393 Ircult Iles of I telephone wires, for the period of from i arthereafterm commencement f nt Inotice ofte r and m nne ( tion isgiven by tlw City, for which I service the City of St. Paul is to pay the sum of One Hundred Sixty -ell and 66/100 Dollar. (=166.66) per month dur-, Ing the term of the contract, payments l said contract to he made out of the Police and Fire Alarm Fund (24 O. E.). Adopted by the Council Oct. 6. 1922 Approved Oct. 6, 1922. (Oct 14-1922) Councilmen Yeas / Nays ✓ Clancy 4/'Ferguson V McDonald _----.---._In favor V Matson V' Peter r�- ---Against v Mr. President Adopted by the Council ---- ....--------__ _...... ---192_.... Apkd------192 J MAYOR C. F. No. {2196=p dine. - No. 13.0 By A. E. Nelson— An ordinance granting to the Cltiea Service Oil Company, s orVoration, An ordinance hemiaei nide IL Arcadetall rStree o be- Service Oil Company, •vee. Ivy Street and Lake Como aad 'hal=' Avenue, and at the corner of and Snelling Avenue., and a corporation, permisaltt- .:-ner of. Mound Street and stands on the east side of Arcade street between Ivq at i` :`;z . G` Paull Como and Phalen avenue, and at the corner of Marshall and Snelling avenues, and at the corner of Mound street and Hastings avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Cities Service 0,11 Company, a corporation, to install and main- tain air stands on the ee:t side of Arcade street between Ivy street and Lake Como and Phalen avenue, at the corner of Marshall and Snelling avenues, and at the corner of Mound street and Hastings ave- nue, in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the installation of said air stations, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said air stations shall be installed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul for each of said air stations, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harm- less from any and all liability, judgments, suits, damage and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, presence or removal of said air stands. The said bonds shall be in such form as may be approved = by the Corporation Counsel, have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) The said air stations shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. It Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed"by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Vlaffcy Fe-rguer= I ✓MoDonald Matson Peter - -� Wenzel Mr, President (Nelson) APprpVed PUBLISHED /O—aSM.ay5 Attest (,d City Clerk. HENRY OLSON Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. office of IMP (deck Vtv of Saint Paul October 5th, 1922. 'P JAS. J. MINER w �w weer. or. conn { � Dear Sir: The attached applications for permits to install air stands were referred to you for the proper form of ordinance. Manhat-tan_Qil_. _Linseed_Co..,__Concord--and Congress Ste. W. 7th ani -Randolph Sts. Cities Service Oil Co., Arcade, bet. Ivy and Lake Como -Phalen Ave. ^ Marshall and Snelling Aves. Mound and Hastings Aves. Yours trul , 5 enc. CITY ARK. CHH of St. pawl 09CAR CLAU99EN. Cn1.1 — N[[n Urparttarnt of public ]Borks ....y9 WILLIAM J. PETER. OMMISSIONER J. E. CIAPRROO— A55 1.V sw n . 0T 0 EPIIT Y COMMI9910N ER G. HERROLOOOvv�c[ n r PurTNiNo GRYiOAH, Onio �Nc 4b HARP, 90Pi. Ov69rn[[Ts • a .riaN H. W. GOETEINGER. 911T. . woven o ,[ September 27, 192&. Mr. Pym. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public viorks. Dear Sir: In the matter of the applications of the Manhattan oil and Linseed Company to install air stands at the corners of Concord and Congress and West 7th and Randolph Street, also the Cities Service 011 Company to install air stand on the east side of Arcade at. between Ivy and Lake Como -Phalen Avenue, will say that there is no objection to these air stands from an engineering viewpoint. Sketch showing approximate location hereto attached. Yours truly, Cre (� , ILA— chief i)ngineer. oo/mh Approved;_.,,.� i 4 Commissiong of Public Works. 'C A / r �� �. y `` ,' -- � • (_.. �� :; i�c! r i.r r/ !� 1, _ _ U r -l_ 111r�1 .. _. �.1-!A �.r p 1' G�' DEPgRT-�+�,�.LLCL�LIZ�— ia+ ov �FZ / 111 POLICE OFFICE OF MEM ER . V JFSAI N�4p Saint paul,Mlnn. !1 FRANK W. SO M MER September 20, 1922 CHIEF Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your communication of the 14th inst. enclosing applications for permission to install air stands in connection with gasoline filling stations as follows: Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co. at the corner of Concord & Congress Sts. and W. 7th & Randolph Sts., and the Cities S__=rvio_e 011 Co., on the east side of Arcade St. between Ivy and Lake Como -Phalen Ave. I have instructed Captain Nightingale to investigate these applications and he ad- vises that air stands installed at the above locations would not interfere with the traffic. Yo very truly Frank W. Sommer, S/W Chief of Police FRANK W. MATSON, COMMISSIONER Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, B U I L D I N G. Dear Mr. Olson: HARRY A. JOHNSON, D-- CDMMI9$IDNEN citg :at -$aiut Paul girfartxarut of'Pithlir �ufrtg September 21, 1922. Returned herewith is ap=olioation of the Cities Service 011 Company for permission to install an air stand in connection with gasoline filling station on the east side of Arcade St. between Ivy and Lake Como -Phalen Ave which location is approved by this department as to traffic. You ruly, HAJ-amk i loner PublioSafety �\�gSERV/�Fols O PRODUCERS -REFINERS -MARKETERS SUCCESSOR TO BARTLES OIL CO. AND OUR OILS �.7 gp CEDAR RAPIDS OIL CO. IN REPLY REFER TO Sf.P&u1,M1n - C.L.Butler Sept. 12, 1'22. Hon, City Council, Gity of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Our attention has been called to the fact that we have an air station on curb on the east side of Arcade Street, between Ivy and Lace Como, Phalen Avenue, without the authority of the city. 'Me therefore beL to be permitted to ;naintain this air station and will deliver to the City of St. Paul a surety bond in the amount of x5,000.00, which, we understand, is re- quired by the city. If this application is not in proper fora, kindly advise. Yours very truly, Cliii'S -7 CU, (Lite of -St. i3aol G1 AA CLAUSE— C-1 E...« f7rparharnt of pol lir nrks n WILLIAM J. PE R. COMMISSIONER A.—L. . A o` — . OL. Ovvicc rE —E s OITO E CANSTAN3. i COM MIs�lov En G Mnwo Ci,. v`^ p c �Erui w. GGE, I�GEA. s P, o, wol o s_ September 27, 1822. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: Referring to attached application and papers for permission to maintain air stands at the corners of Marshall and Snelling, and Mound and Hastings, beg to advise that there is no objection to this from an engineering viewpoint. Sketch showing approximate locations are attached herto. Yours truly,, Chief Engineer. Approved: Commissioner of Public Works: 1 r i'A 11 I HENRY QLSON fa - fCe of 4itV elerk JAS. J. MINER 111Y 1-1. Ctv of -Saint Paul September 25th, 1922. Hon. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: Attached herewith, application of the Cities Service oil Company for permission to maintain air stands at the corners of Marshall and Snelling Avenues, and Mound and Hastings Avenues, for your approval and report. Yours truly, 1 enc. ��p��.L TY CLERK. Bl'�''�-1.�.�.�c �Kn__-'�'1.'-r._w.�y 1'�La..t.y' ��f'-P"l.w✓� FRANK W. MATSON. c ....... N- HARRY A. JOHNSON, oFrury co..1-10— �z#�S ttxttt Paul - �e�tttxtmrn# u£ �ublic �tt�e#� September 23, 1922. Mr. Henry Olson, City Clerk, B U I L D I N G. Dear Mr. Olson: Returned herewith is application Cities Service 011 Company for permission to maintain air stands at the service filling stations at the corners of Marshall and Snelling Avenues, and Mound and Hastings Ayes., which locations have been approved as to traffic by this department. HAJ-amk Yours v �ly C 1 s oner offfi�r, u6-1ic"Safety it DEP��}y�{i lsi►lCI I.0 i'� .µ•4ia'+� �W� c"ya 1 1 POLICE a= OFFICE OF P - J Cp SAWS saint Paul,Minn. w ,� FRANKW.SOMMER CHIEF September 22, 1922 o.c. Frank W. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I have your letter of September 19th relative to an application of the Cities Service Oil Co. for permit to maintain air stations at their service filling stations at the corners of Marshall & Snelling and Mound & Hastings, and you are advised that this matter was investigated by this Department and that the installing and maintaining of air stations at the above places will not interfere with the traffic. r i Yours very truly .-a Frank W. Sommer, Chief of Police S/W x Office of (,Ei;p (Lirrk HENRY OLSON JAS. J. MINER tfitu of Saint Paul September 18th, 1922. Hon. F. %. Matson, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Attached herewith find application of the CitiesService Oil Company to maintain air stations at their service filling stations at the corners of Marshall and Snelling Avenues, and ?Round and Hastings Streets. Will you kindly investigate as to traffic and report! Yours t ly, ClC enc. LERK. -'Nz RV/�Fol(P PRODUCERS -REFINERS -MARKETERS SUCCESSORS TO ` BARTLES OIL CO. AND YOUR OILS CEDAR RAPIDS OIL CO. IN REPLY REFER TO SEP.RU19Minn. C.L.Butler Sept. 16, 1922. Hon. City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We desire to petition your honor- able body to grant us permits to maintain air stations at our service filling stations at the corners of Marshall & Snelling and Mound and Hastings Sts. We do not have any forms on which to properly make this application, but we are willing to fulfill any requirements that the city may desire. Yours very truly, CITIZS ^RV CE OIL CO. C. � f N I V I' (� /� L ��_ __ r ' _ \ % v � v � C. F. No. 62196—Ordinance No: 6699— By A. E. Nelsen— An ordinance gr.An ordinanr erantigguct7nd.malnt �ermission to construct Ra4lo theater. and maintain a canopy ou'th6^ Red io, ree�. at 1195 East Seventh street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to J. M. Velat to construct and maintain a canopy on the Radio Theater, at No. 1195 East Seventh street, in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said J. M. Velat for the erection of said canopy, upon said J.M. Velat's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be erected under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost--of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the erection, maintenance, presence or removal of said canopy. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of said City. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force r thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. elaaoy _ Ferguson --'Mattson Mat son —Peter .-Wenzel Mr./President (Nelson) Appr/Oed rZZ Mayor Attest (Cf --74 -- P('BLISF- M &)-0, $ - t� City Clerk 1, ��aA FrV c -k A C. F. No. 42197—Ordlnan— No. 5900—AY F. R•. "o t'on— The Coun ril of the CITY of SL Paul does ordain: I ""''��V// ( (/ SECTION I. .By. 'F'i 1v .M at s on —1of the Mlacelln neoasa R lo' oci{,t• The Coai____s f the City of `St. meeua does-irdaii- 6ECT'IOY I That the estimates of the Miscellaneous Receipts be and the same is hereby fixed upon,deteamined and confirmed as follows to -wit: SP . C IAL Ti, S / App oved — - -- , 7X/ 176—Y Yor attest :Jortgage R&gistry 1?10 coo 00 Moneys and Credits 000 00 y70 000 00 PZ;ALTIES 10 '%00 00 BOSIT%IESS AL:3, Gross Earnings 200 000 00 BUSI3 EJS.LICEi';SES 75 000 00 RENTS 1;D IIt'T7_H_-ST Rent of Prop:: rty Seventh and ,iabasha 50 000 00 Interest on Bank Deposits 20 000 00 70 000 00 :r ?ICI PAL COLT '0 0' 0 00 SUidDRY D EPAiTIJE17TAL aEVi'I;UE 2i OCO 00 SCHOOL FUND T,doneys and Credits SO 699 00 CoUty one -mill tax 130 000.00 Mortgage Registry 10 000 00 — ,o 699 oo :72o 699 oo S2CTI017 2. Th- _t from the total of the estimated miscellaneous -receipts of "720,699 in the preceding section hereof set forth and detailed, there be and is hereby apportioned: School Fund 220 599 00 Interest Fund 500 000 00 X720 699 00 And th_:t the residue thereof after the satisfa,Ai0r, of the amounts hereinbefore specifically apportioned, be and it is hereby assigned and credited to the General Fund. SrCTIOU 3 This ordinance shall tate effect and be in force immediately after its passage and publication. j 11(7 Adopted by the Council Yeas - Councilmen Cr��, i+cnal, :.?.^ason, dent (P�elson) Peters, de el, fir. Pres Nays - 0 / App oved — - -- , 7X/ 176—Y Yor attest No.—By No. 5901—BY F. k'. Matson— . _ ncll of the CitY of St. Paul does ordain: .. iYlli tSol-! v • • +� O SECTION I. j^ a be and Is he reb)' 1 •,Ied for the eu DDOrt [ the varl us d Dart- Cioi111C11 C.'' 'itY Forernment nod of the spe.'ial ac fotil. II i�lst lctocf a Id 'ilr Th P rVVer;. t.+ `Ir therefor, In the Citpnal to lheun +uslao tlto 1 nil set for[F n[ft.r dehoet.n4' , l_rt!�e4 fo tae 3l pP"rt nf ::e 1 re b . d 1 +e.-oby s� ,ve- irlel LI , 0 1. vara t S dept,—ne .s c� 1l.P Cit Cre- ,+ of-+i3 cit,;, ki.OY. !:11 tbA ii0nett. r -r tlid enrol ditri of for, il, the Jity of Jt. P..:1 for aaell charter ;r3itures er 19 7 Jr.sr, e 1. lit ep„al 'o t'�e r l,l l e tlm.-te f exp t,ol• .ach faui as 1 �1 i) rcci`.ed :l set f rtn afte �ed'lctiu there- , r.:ir. Gm_.e eipts fres:: tilt amount 7.1'i:t n t . t herei:i lc_ _ted _zn - ie �' z7 I�nG 00 ficers SaL,ry fund _ t 300, GO J ina}:r,r'u Office Fiu'd 26 000 00 1." F;vld Ccrpo �`z boll Ccuilse s 14 7,10 .0 1+ J Jlr .:' Q_ e Fur_3 1• G OL. Tl� 42 40 F11- --e FY;n3 l,% Gaxi_1e1 _., .inistrGt:on or 'F r-lit Of Pablic f ety 11 OC' :ec: " GG Police Fcnc. ' Fire i":11d OG Q police ire i,iri el e; r- ph ie!- itll Fund 1 - 400 ('0 r f blit P F-an3 i 10 Cceln;isr.i:n�_c..dor_a _ CO �c0 00 i1 et I:St"rAc t: O', ieG„ir "-n j0 00 7.. 1j ;c- �e;at_ yp DOG `13 •; 0C, 14 � B,'-11:'till; ...hd _.ap,.il rid'”- 190 =C'O CC 1_1 iibrtr'y Fulid 1' u3i::oriulr. - d C 1� orp,3 n'aiid i9 71 00 r 7) 337 60 ,. l oil - b1ic 7It.ilitios F'J:lid 30 000 00 2' Li;;ntil.6 _ann 2 :dater r and ---- . 232 616-00 ' tr 24 Board IOUIC CITY OF ST. PAUL IL NO. ^ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �} COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM w PRESENTED BY _ ( DATE M COM15510NER.. , A RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of St. pawl by the G. Leslie Company as principal, and the Fidelity & Deposit Company, as surety, dated June 8th, 1916, in the sum of $5,000.00, covering a loading platform on Wacouta street, be and the same is hereby cancelled, and the principal and surety on said bond released from further liability thereunder, said platform having been removed. 1%, It r— icce<a.�'a, That I", h��n .,r �.. ru.,t i,. u��,a t�i...'rm,nu�• s."Oott 11 .Iu 8th. 1916.. - uV� xt r.•.ci. 1. th.•, `I�1�1�...�•i �.i r�•t_`' tj,h, .• t�r{�`• �� f.i rl her li- ii+..... h..... r�.l.: ...'•".il th.•........i.. Cumui�men Yee, - Nays Adopmd by thu Oouncil ]�)2 Clancy FerQ,uso° 192.. I M,Don�.ikl t: favor APProced bintson � Peter Aj,ainst - "yo, Wenzel Mr. R'ca dent filo n[ _tet. j3aul �. LIVJI;uWICIII n( j3uhlir Works WILLIAMWILLIAM®COMMIS: October 5th, 1922. Yr. C. F. Mcpally, iorporntion Counsel, B U I L 1 I U G. Dear air .- ?ieferrinw to the attoched letter from Fitzhl.Mh S: Robert `3urns in reference to the bond of the F. G. Leslie Conran;; for a loading platform on the test side of Wacouta St. adjacent to their property*. This platform vas constructed under Ordinance 43684 approved npril 8th, 1915. Upon investigation hove found the+t the platform h<^.s been removed, and will you please draw the requirod resolution cancelling this bond. Yours very truly, Cot,u1issiorn,r of Public �iorks. ITZHUGH & 9B F- RTA.BPRNs BOND -D INSURANGEADVISORS SAINT PAUL. MINN. October 5,1922. Mr. William J. Pater, Commissioner of Public Works, City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: This Company is surety on the bond issued in the name of F. G. Leslie and Company, covering the maintenance of a loading platform on Wacouta Street, in front of the N . 1Oo ft. of Lot 1, and N. 100 ft. of E. 16 ft. of Lot 2, Block 5, Royt's Addition to St. Paul. The bond has con.irnied since June,1916. We are now informed by the Leslie-Donahower Company, successors to F. G. Leslie and Company, that this loading platform has been discontinued. We therefore request that release under the bond be granted to us, as we under- stand that the platform has been removed. Thanking you in advance, we are, Yours very truly, FITZHUGH & ROBERT A. BURNS _ BY CBC.LB K"B• COLEMAN CITY OF ST. PAULLE FioUICIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR*2NfEtJ BY V DATE C.�b . UC'_' J� Z ., ................ COMMISSIONER 'ra LU RESOLVED a..., :t:�. C. F. No. 42200-13y J. H. \1r leo I— Resolved, That the P—Anallnsinl; Agent be, and he Is hereby aath,j—d to purchase, with the c, of the ht„or nI the rn�il±r. n' In- formal c mpeci lice hist v. 10'10 nn, rely Amrrh•nn Fn rtlnnrl 6•.tnen [, wlthou[ udvertieemnnt. a nrY txls Ls, sed by shortn an of c, r whore. f:aflure aetpromp❑y w nI1d anrh n hardship to the host in tere sLv o[ [hr t'Ity. C'ho rl:e\'nter Uepnr tenon t. Adnn ted :uu by the tn H] Ort. 6, \npro.'ed OCL 4, 1022. l Oc't. 14-10221 Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by til 192 Clancy Ferguson i _ _ ...192 McDonald ` In Approved favor r Matson f �~ ra l Smith Against l Mr. President rows 1500 10-z, •�' COUNCn. .... CITY OF ST. PAUL me NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OGI -RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM. PRESENTED BY i/ Oct Q p.ex....5 1,.422 ........ ... . COMMISSIONER ...:... .. . ...................... ... ..............._, DATE ............... . RESOLVED That the Purchasin 7-t be, and he is hereby aut] tzed to purchase, with the consent of the 16ayor and the Comptroller, on ihformal competitive bids without advertisement, school desks and chairs to the value of not to_exceed.$8000.00, as an emergency exists caused by the increased enrollment of pupils in all the public schools, and any delay in securing this furniture would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Ed cation -School equigment. Y F 10 42201—By L. R S. F r@ -1 Resolved, That the Purchasing Ag t b d he la her by uth rlaed to purchase, with the c naent of [he Mayor and the Comptroller, on Int r malcompetitive bids without adver- tisement, school desks and hair. to the value of notto exceed ceeda d0000'tNo emergency by iacr—e d enrollment of apuptls In alt _ the public ach ole and any delay In se- uring Lhls..: f rn[ture would work a 4 hardf3hlp to the beat interests of the w 'F city. Charge Edu6att. n -School equip- �d' mAt pted by the C612h it Oct. 6, 1922. Approved r. 6}9I1)g ) f Yes( J) Councilmen(J)Nays(3'922 ?YZ Adopted by Clancy % — --- Ferguson / T --- 19.._.... McDonald V favor e t% D.....__..Agamst Smith - MIYOR Mr. Pres ronr�': ar e•ao i BYMPTROL'R. AUDITED 192 PER ../�1�\ {'I/✓\ Resolved that warrants be drawn .,on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o $ 7j696„'X2..__...- , covering checks numbered__ 74.9 to-, 7460 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yeas 1 1' 1 Councilmen I d ) Nays. Clancy, I/ Adopted by the Council......_.__192.__.._. Ferguson, !� In favor r f McDonald, 1 roved. = ... ...192._...... Matson, �1rSmith, ✓ Against Mr. President, Hodgson i C. Resolved 20h warrants be drawn upon the Clty Treasury. to the aeg,n6 g I amount of 87.696.72, checkase Dem reg ster42 t tl tY7 checks In,ton Ive, file In the office oYo the City Comp- troller. ncil Oct. 6, 1922. .lpprovedb Oct e6 1922. (Oct. 14.1922) 0 TO 1111 «E.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER cock,,. �/'ig•p�l' }o„n A A46, 1M 7-21 AUDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FOR11I s,s El .J ('. CO PTROLLER. 142, BY AUDITED 192 PER { Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ _ 7,596. 72covering checks numbered 7,129 to 7460 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( v ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council '- 192 — McDonald, In favor 4P.—Ved 192-....-.- Matson, ' % �''/ e_ f '� Smith, A ainst b�y k� 4 C. j ✓c uj— R� Mr. President, Hodgson 7429 Bayne & Ahl, rater 7430 G. B. Boyd, .ter 7431 3ro•,%n, Blodgett & Sperry Company, City Clerk Pol. a- F. alarm Schools 11 P. BlClgs. a t e r /(] 7432 Corning -Donohue Brick Company, 'e-..er C. & R. 7433 H. R. Galt, Nater 7434 Dr. Harry Ghent, Corporation Counsel 7435 IT. Gilbert, Armory 7436 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Garage -'-.75 2.00 2.70 .35 130. 80 1.35 T?T:9S 15.30 .95 141.95 292.80 19.55 20.00 12.00 113.25 Res. 876 Page `2 7437 Hackett, Gatcs, Hurty, Company, 187.57 ':ate- . 7438 hispanic ;ociety of America, 5.00 Library 7439 Robert '::. iIunt &- Company, 104.66 ';later 354.00 7440 Iowa Valve Company, :rater 3,060.00 7441 Christ Johnson, L 1528 ® 7 n_2 The Linde Air Products, 4.65 Garage 7443 71,.cGill--,:,arner Company, 178.13 Accounting forms, 55.13 Debt Ser-ice acct. 120.00 Schools 3.00 _? .l9 7444 :::anhattan Oil Company, 942.51 Police 6.25 1T 6.13 ,1 33.10 ^ire 379.71 St. C. & R. 51.75 it 291.97 Sev er C. & R. 3.09 Schools 1.31 Bureau of Parks 135.00 Park �ef(�ctories 11.25 11 11 11.25 ::ator 14.70 942.51 7445 ;;.onroe Calculating i,achine Company, 30.00 Sprinkling 7^46 Northern States Po,aer Company, 690.81 TSunic. -mp. Bureau 3.69 Health 20.34 Serer C. R. 21.17 Library 19.14 Bureau of _arks 387.54 Lighting 3.33 fuditorium 43.89 ;iter 191.71 7447 Northwestern _;lectric Equipment Company, 193.07 Health 2.17 Schools 30.94 159.96 70-3 -77 151.75 7,148 H. Feltz & Son, Comtr. of Finance 2.50 Municipal Court 31.00 it IT 109.75 :,cot. forms, etc. 8.50 7449 Pittsburgh Coal Company, 38.03 Fire Res. 876 Page T`3 7450 The C. Reiss Coal Company, 40.85 Schools 30.00 7151 7emington Typewriter Cornu_any, Schools 13.75 7452 L. V. Repko Company, Schools 159.60 7453 qeview Publishing ficialmNblications 7454— N. C. Robinson, Clerk of Dist. Court 16.95 358.50 G.F.-Hisc. & Unf. n 113.10 ® Court Costs (P.I.R.F.) u „ n 33.15 5.25 190.05 356 7455 St.Pau] Hecto Plating 'orks, 13.45 Fire 131.12 7456 J. L. Shiely Company, 53.62 St. C. & R. 6.00 Schools later 1.50 7 13 I . 12 d 15.25 7457 Sterling Printing Company, Schools 22.50 7458 Superior Printing Company, 0.00 20.00 Police Libr :ry 17-77 5Z� 7459 Union Brass A petal Manufacturing Company, 207.64 `;tater 39.08 7460 ;estern Union Telegraph Company, Schools • -0 0 NO- COBT l —HOLMEL AUDITED 192 LI [ PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of 748,310.17 covering checks numbered .7461 to- 7464inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( 17 ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, McDonald, V� Matson, Smith, '91Il - Mr. President, Hodgson ,'�-T 71�� Adopted the Council 192. In favor Approved ....... .... -192 ()-Against %- -V-.'42201-- .e.j"cd that "'In the Cit. be gate . -f [he sive, .. umbeeed 7461 Ihg Per ales-, — titer. t'.nct, rff'111111r f city checks Ad. co OE the City C mp- AppptOd by "ed the C. 011 Oct' 6 1922UOct- 6- 1922. (Oct '14-1,i2) ,t OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �o�•.-ori. No.. AUDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FORM 877 BY CoA PTROLLER.. AUDITED 192 .... { - l PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o 48, 3110 -.17 .___....., covering checks numbered .74bl to. 7464 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. I r -Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. irk r n Clancy, Adopted by the Council Ferguson, U In favor McDonald, v Approved 192' Matson, % " 1 �jIv� ri Smtth, J Against br MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson , 0 7,195.25 7461 EdtrlydPi. Bemis, Inv. St.Paul Street lailway 7462 J. '. Clancy. Com'r. of Finance 11,397.40 Schools 7463 j. Jr* Clancy, Com'r. of Finance 27,210.02 Water 2,507.50 7464 lvierchants National Bank, 2.50 Debt Service Exp. Interest 1,630.00 P.I.i..F.-Int. Acct.. 225.00 '.ater Dept. Fund - Int. acct. 650.00 0 Presented by Oct. 7, 1922G Commissioner Wenzel F 22,,, 1 � �.rG •� - C F. Na.',".48204--0rmnaace No.: 6961 . HY J. M. •ClaacY An ordinance grant ordinance graatine io the Crane g QOrpOTBtiQA, Company a corporation, permiaefon 'a b toetact a anop� over they- "flay toUVthe no th s da of the .halldtnB the north side F(fih Street aon nd-Miro d-y,rne re permission t0 @TBet a QaIIOj pealing Ordlnan.a No. 5661, approved nnBnat 26_1922. p Fifth street of the building located on Th. Couheu ui the, city of st. Paul ". do.. rdain and Broadway, and repealing e_iQo r`��r, ?Proved August 26, 1922. THE COUNCIL OF THE CIT% OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Crane Company, a corporation, to erect and maintain a canopy over the alley on the north"side of the building located on the northeast corner of Fifth street and Broadway, as shown upon the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Section 2. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Crane Company for the erection of said canopy, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be erected under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. .(2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000-00) to the City of St. Paul, conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, damage and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the erection, maintenance, presence or removal of said canopy. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comp- troller. (3) The said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the.City Clerk # i f �5 i ; Y in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. section 3. That Ordinance No. 5661, entitled "An ordinance granting to John G. Ordway, Samuel G. Ordway and Lucius P. Ordway, Jr., Trustees, permission to construct a canopy over the alley along the north side of the building located on the northeast corner of 5th and Broadway streets," approved August 26, 1922, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council OCT 2f Yeas Nays Mr., z1aasy- V Ferguson A V/Mat- son V, Peter '/ -ie�n ur ' Mr. President (Nelson) APPr ed OC i 24 ,7^? Mayor PUBLTE Attest —� 1111/ '_?rn City Clerk l . - CISF O Pa"OL F 9T euruuY� 42205 OOII3cI No O / 7 OLLSB. AUDITED... ...C.... 7.._{. g..'L _. _. 192 L PER _.... - ... _ _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $- -..7, .84 -------- -, covering checks numbered-:..-. ......... to.:........�{¢+g-- -. - inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yens ( V) Councilmen ( d ) Nays. il---"Z 1t1�-E- �� ^ ........192-------. -Clancy, 727 Adopted b the Counc-�1�Z-2 guson, c�T —� 1 5...._.--In favor 192:.:.....- . }a; roved- ........ .... ..................... . _._ -Watson �-.-.....Against Mr.,1`5�sident, Hodgson C F No 41896 ReeO*ved tdam warrant9 be drawai - �• ___ e , .ee..,..r. ., a oFp..` OR iRAL TO CITY 'OF 8T. PAUL- GTY OL[RR �. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER c � m aoosom 'Fo A46,tM7-21 AUDITED CLAIb18—PE SOLUTION _ FOR31 �z= No . �... ..y�---• 7465 Barbarossa & Lametti, L 1506 7466 Geo. B. Carpenter & Company, Water 7467 Central Vlarehouse Lumber Company, Hayden Heights School(Bond) 7468 Cracker Jack Company, Park Refectories 7469 Crane & Ordway Company, 12.94 Schools Hayden Hts. Schl.(Bond) 273.74 6.6 7470 Peter Dickson, L 1509 7471 Donovan Construction Company, Orn. lights on l°iabasha, Central to Rice 796.82 Orn. lights on Wabasha Tenth to Central 1,114.25 Orn, lights on Arcade, E. 7th to Maryland 1 313.91 38 1,530.00 186.20 548.80 313.60 266.68 595.00 3,224.98 AUDITED CT �i r7 OCT I ! 1922. q ......... ........ ( ........192........ ........ - _ _... . PER-.... ..) `-^ ...... .... .... . ... ... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-..-.-- ---------------- covering, checks numbered.:_...7465.-__._- to.:......7474...____.. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yens Councilmen ( ) Nays. ncy,Adopted erguson, McBar-aafd, _.......-.In favor I by the Council....-- OCT --7 922 ------------------- 192------- /' UCT —7 622 A r e ............... 192. .... pp r'Matson, ,Jm4h, V C TF 2 Mref' esident, Hodgson ..... ...... .... _----------- ----- - .........._......... ..nfevoa 7465 Barbarossa & Lametti, L 1506 7466 Geo. B. Carpenter & Company, Water 7467 Central Vlarehouse Lumber Company, Hayden Heights School(Bond) 7468 Cracker Jack Company, Park Refectories 7469 Crane & Ordway Company, 12.94 Schools Hayden Hts. Schl.(Bond) 273.74 6.6 7470 Peter Dickson, L 1509 7471 Donovan Construction Company, Orn. lights on l°iabasha, Central to Rice 796.82 Orn. lights on Wabasha Tenth to Central 1,114.25 Orn, lights on Arcade, E. 7th to Maryland 1 313.91 38 1,530.00 186.20 548.80 313.60 266.68 595.00 3,224.98 Res. 878 Page -#2 7472 St.Paul-Suburban Sanitation Company, 195.50 Schools 7473 Shotwell Mfg. Company, 156.80 Park Refectories 7474 United States Rubber Company, 72.28 Park Refectories CITY. OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL nye NO ............... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �77 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ®Y COMMI3310NER._.OV/ %_ ....... DATE....._Q.�e'..fi.Q.IJ..Pei....B.a....�...�%.�............... ;♦� RESOLVED at the Council he eby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for installing the Electrical Yaterial in the Greenwood ' chool to the Cor2.,onwealth Electric Corr any, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the suns of sr14,136.00, in accordance with plans and specificLAions on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and their bid and aiard of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, rxchitect's �stime.te 'dl5,250.00. ''.B. ;x4533. Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays �lancy Ferguson 34eDw1ele Matson .:...3n Favor ✓Smitl>. �......Ageinst Waaaelw Ar. President roqM 1300 10.31 t� C, Jr Adopted by the Council ..._....'.......�... ;.92.2._......192-.----. PProved MAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED . '' CITY -OF ST. PAUL couwcl¢ 42 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11L. No �C�I�Y. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........................ ......-................. _._.. Dnre.....October.._6.,....7 9?2 That the Council h •reby auproves the action of the Contract Committee in aviarding the contract for installing; Heating and Ventilating in the Greenwood School to Geo. iacGeary L Son, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sura of ;57,855.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the PurchasinE: Agent, and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dray up the proper form of contract therefor. i-.rchitectts hstimate;59,830.00. F.B. #14533. IN Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays '/Clancy 'Ferguson ......In favor V'Matson nm 0�/ .....Against ,//Mr. President r011M 1500 10.31 Adopted by the Council � �. . �- '..)92,2 2 __...... 192- - Aroved ....:..........----•----- ---• - - ----- MwYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL eoueea COU NO........... ....._......_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 47N RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �'}�- COMMISSIOtd.ER.................. ....•.�........ .............................. DATE ....QL'.t.G�}uY'...FJ.,..... `w�` .............. RESOLVED That the Council hereb approves the action of the Contract Committee in awardin4 the contract for the installation of Plumbing in the Greenwood School to E. J. Snyker, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of 01,429.00, in . accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Ar,,ent, and their bid and atiiard of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counselis hereby instructed to draw up the proper fora of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate X22,550.00. P -.B. f"4533. 110 Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays lancy Ferguson r i�fcHonsiB... favor '-Matson x Smith Zzl_ .......Against -Mr. President FORM 1300 10•¢1 Adopted by the Council- -.CCT...-7...'312..........192..._... OCT PProved.. — - ................---------------ley----• I ............. ........... .... e MwYOR I COUNCIL 1�,�5 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N O...........`, -di�l5.5.9 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - C UN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT�Sb BY - OCtOber 6, 1922 ._._. G /.L S /ILL N -.�^� . ...... DATE .......................................... - COMMIS51bNER ^:: ..���F.. ..> ........ ...................... RESOLVED That the Council he eby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract to the Gauger-Korsmo Con- struction Company for furnishing all labor and material and erecting, less mebhanical equipment, the Greenwood School, in- cluding Power House, Retaining "s)-l1s, Side,ralks, Driveways, Grading, etc., they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of .;',282,985.00, in accordance with plans and specifi- cations on iile in the office of the Purchasing =:Gert, and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper fOrm of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate ;;334,921.00. F.B jr4533. yes ( ✓) Councilmen (V) Nays 'Clancy 'Ferguson NZBNNW In favor f atson ............Main, A. President FORM ism 10.21 Adopted by the Council .....:--.GU----7.40...._192------ p ed. n T 7192- ------ _..... t ...... - ..... ........ MhTOR • jj` t"'n COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. Grading, )47 IAVIQ-4. AV.Qx"w. -'r•Qra- Al�gr.P-9 A -qt:PAQt -tQ ......... ...................... ............................................................. ................ '-1N'jERM3MDfAfty ORDERS ....................................................... 3L'C ....................................................... > i. of Gr9dingLw"Twsto� Street -to. ........................ .. .............................................. ............. . .............................................................. I ....................................... tinder Preliminary Order...... !+1274 ............. approved ... A-qz.u.q,. !1,J9.?? ............... The Council of the City, of St. Paul havingreceivedthe report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby 9rdered to be:F1Mw%1V&%ft4 scontinued Adopted by the Council ................ 192. �rT —Iq22 ..... ... . ...... ... ........... Approved..... ......"j ..... I ...... 192 ...... ... .... ..... ..... ... .... Mayor. Councilman Clancy V Councilman Ferguson V Councilman 1 Councilman Matson V/ Councilman SAIRX Peter ✓ e'. Councilman -156aw I Mayor WOPME Nelson\./ Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,PUBLISHED -F 1- -"fit --^7°--^t 0 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. Grading, )47 IAVIQ-4. AV.Qx"w. -'r•Qra- Al�gr.P-9 A -qt:PAQt -tQ ......... ...................... ............................................................. ................ '-1N'jERM3MDfAfty ORDERS ....................................................... 3L'C ....................................................... > i. of Gr9dingLw"Twsto� Street -to. ........................ .. .............................................. ............. . .............................................................. I ....................................... tinder Preliminary Order...... !+1274 ............. approved ... A-qz.u.q,. !1,J9.?? ............... The Council of the City, of St. Paul havingreceivedthe report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby 9rdered to be:F1Mw%1V&%ft4 scontinued Adopted by the Council ................ 192. �rT —Iq22 ..... ... . ...... ... ........... Approved..... ......"j ..... I ...... 192 ...... ... .... ..... ..... ... .... Mayor. Councilman Clancy V Councilman Ferguson V Councilman 1 Councilman Matson V/ Councilman SAIRX Peter ✓ e'. Councilman -156aw I Mayor WOPME Nelson\./ Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,PUBLISHED -F 1- onint Paul �a s . JAMES M. CLANCY, Cowuieetoxca J. E. CORCORAN, 0Co.""....."'LEONARD C. SEAMER, CHIEF CunK BUREAU or Ass.e e s October 7, 1922. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: I have investigated the possibility of finding property benefited to defray the cost of grading Livingston Avenue from Congress Street to George Street and respect- fully report the following: Total estimated cost $40,196.47 Estimated cost per front ft. 27.10 The Council will recall this matter was instituted at the time the grading of Livingston Avenue from George Street to Tyler Street was considered and adopted by the Council on the 9th day of August 1922, when the property owners subject to assess- ment on Livingston Avenue from George Street to Tyler Street stated that they would not object to the grading of Livingston Avenue between George and Tyler Streets provided Livingston Avenue was graded from George Street to Congress Street, which goes through the quarry of Mr. Bielenberg, At that time, this department advised the Council that they were of the -opinion that property could not be found benefited to defray the cost of grading Livingston Avenue from George Street to Congress Street on account of the rock formation which could only be taken out by blasting, and at the present price of dynamite, would make the cost prohibitive. This department is about to submit to the Council the award of damages and assessment of benefits arising from condemning and taking an easement necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Livingston Avenue from George Street to Tyler Street and in all probability, the property owners will again inquire what progress has been made relating to the grading of Livingston Avenue from Congress Street to George Street through the quarry. w tatty of oatut Paul JAMES M. CLANCY, Comms-to— J. E. CORCORAN. DVun COMNumoNeR LEONARD C. SEAMER. C—F CLERK HU—U or AssasS —8 2. After due consideration, I am of the opinion that property cannot be found benefited to the extent of the cost and in order to clear up the records, I have pre- pared and annexed hereto Intermediary Orders discontinuing all further proceedings in this matter. Respectfully submitted, C013TISSIONER OF FINA^TCF. CITY OF 8T. PAUL k_ DEPARTMENT OF FWANCEA. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) _ In the mJJatter of 01, 67 under Preliminary Order approved4 / 9 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount �7 t of the assessment for the above improvement is S yo, / y�• The estimated cost pk%ot for the above improvement is S i L« The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION a Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE..;. T REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance yfd 0 S -----5ept. 12, 1922----191--- { To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 22 the Council, known as Council File No.41274 ________ approved__________August __ 11, _____ 19 ____ 791___, relative to the grading of Livingston Avenue from Congress_ Street_to_george_ 1- et ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 427.10 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____4Us196.47 Inspection y788.17 Frontage 1487 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached anemade a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of . property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- issioner of Public Works. �°e �9 OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E cix[en J. E. CARR—, ASSITE C-1 E UO OPrc[C Twxo iTvn G. ERROLOPurvuirvc H E.—EEn M. 9. GRYTBAH, BRio i A. . SHARP. SUPT.. o 3wxirwriox H. W. GOETZINGER, SVPT, oe µonnnovs[ City of gt. Paul Dcpartutcnt of Public 31aorks WILLIAMWILLIAMJ. PETER, COMMISSIONER OTTO E. CCINANS. �SEPUTY COMMISSIONER 45 Commissioner James 2. Clancy, Department of Finance. Dear Sir: September 7, 1922. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Livingston Avenue from Congress Street to George Street, under Preliminary Order C. F.a{41274, approved August 11, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - x"40,196.47 Per front foot - - - - - - 27.10 Inspection - - - - - - - Frontage - - - - - - - - - Yours truly, T- Approved for transmisson to the Commissioner of Finance. Commission f Public V1 is Chief Engineer. A St. Paul, Minn..........................................1........192... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body So cause the following imp%vement to be made:_ J ......St. Am. St. *L. ADDITION i fir.. • d1'���- ' - . �•�-rz�� • ;fir COUNCIL FILE NO ............... �. By J., M., Clanc3'............................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..GRX1aeiTlI}�.1}g.ari�. aaki,>}g,ar}, eaezment.,in„the„land.,, neGzssa.ry.. SOF.P�QR�.@,..#sz�..Gt�s..ar�d..fills, in„the.,gradin,.of, ........ Livingston Avenuefrom Congress, Street to. George.Street, C. F No. 42211-33y J. ht, Clancy— ........................... In' 'the matter of condemning and tak-•................................... Ing an enaement In the Iand necee.- aar3 for slopes, fo, cuts and fills . in the gr ding of Llvlogatoo Avenue .... ............ ... Street to George ...................... r^ T'T r reilminary Order • 1 N 11 :..-1 Ydd - ............................ ......... ty. of St Paul........................................... I stip Cpm - y 4127 approved ..August 11, 1 22, tinder Preliminary Order........... 9 ,........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be pawrmededmitk. discontinued. ^.r7 .._`� ,G9^ Adopted by the Council ........................... 192.... . Approved ......................... 192...... le, k.. ........ .. .. .. . o \ Mayr. Councilman Clancy ✓ PUBLISHED o Councilman Ferguson Councilman 's,aAd J Councilman Matson ✓ Councilman SHWK Peter V' Councilman Mayor Ikadgmx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 CITY OF ST. PALL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER s ' under Preliminary Order approved Z/ /y%? To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 07e a, S 75 �o `Vo 14 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._ .............. ....._.......... _........... _._... _...... 19I............ c....._ ��....... ....... ._..._........_..._....—........... ..... ....... — Commissi er of Hance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public WI ''- Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 Sept. 12, lvc.u.--- 191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._41275---- approved ---- August 11, 19 relative to Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Livingston Avenue --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from Congress Street to George Street. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ --- 29R� ------- and the total cost thereof is $___XXX ____- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ -------------------------.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. om issioner of Public Works. 21 COUNCIL FILENO............... By .... Jame.e.N9.1499Y.................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..'$Sl�I}!3.lid]eY..�I1.P.lo.Gk..?., .Ngrtop!A.Adc t. Ol?a.. f X'q?t7........ „Q�x}�q�,$treet,to„$outh,�treet.a�d,Carbon„Street„from,Gaultier.Street Street,, , .......................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... 40M, , , , , , , , , , , , , , approved .... ,7ulY , 24 ,• ,1922,. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. 'ade. A7 e,Y.AIX... Block. 2.,. NortAIt!a. AdditiAD4..fxgln. Carbon. sxxeat..t.o.. &oath .Street..and.... darbon:$txeat from raustte� Street to. oa.S:ireet.a........................ 42'212 --By Tame. AL Clancy tn•the Matter: of grading Alley in ................ ".•” Block 2; Norton's Addition, -froml "'•"""" ”"""' . ('arbon Street:'. to .South, street and Carbon Street from- Gaultier-Street ..................•• to Marion street, under Prellminary•••................................... Grder 40926. approved July. 24, :1922. • The' Connell of the .C.ty ' f- St: Paul" havin ° . ......... ...... .... G received ta—.0 ri otthe.Com- ................... ..... ...... ......... ' 1ipro emenf Finance upon the atiove I and -.-hn' •' �+red with no alternatives, and thaEfi�"L'3°if=aleu cost tfiereoi i� w:: SJ..Q6........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be'had on said improvement on the..... 9th ........day of Novamber.......... 192..`1:.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of . hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. � Adopted by the Council...... QCT. _... ...722....., 19 .... ... ... Approved...... .....192.... • ..` Olefk. ....... Mayor. �A-Iclounilman Clancy -!q -'I- .1 � pULLSjIsD r✓ouncilman Ferguson 5�Councilman Matson J JCouncilman$]PttbX Peter eanpei�nzel ,Payor NWgcm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 4222-r, COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By JRMaS--Id..A;lancy INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ttjg..jAn d 1REtqPqA4ry for, slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in BloR k 2, .......... ....... Q� Lrp gn .... ............. ................... ....................... d=dti.,L2,cany�_ 1 1 Ing an easement, In--fho—ija , _b. an j ecea sary. for lopes,' for d in ...................... llte grading of Alley f " Block Addition, turn . C.Itm� Street Carbon Strr:.Itt fr, lo'h ' Street and .. Gaultier a under Preliminary Orde ion street, dider ved July 24 1-92.2, ................... The Council of the 1 . 40927. approved July 24, 1922.. rb, he a council of t e cay of st. Paul,! the above improvement�, l-1--s.-lcncrc:v of 'he Co.. 1 f report of the Commissioner of Finance upon l,pr*,,-e" a b, upon -the above- hereby resolves: .aid r.p.,t,'. and having considered her. I 1. That the said rd I That the- .1.1, I-o v- - I proved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be aa;�e 1. hereby .,I'd agd" -be I proved ana adopted, ted, .��nj Oe mid improvement Is hereby or- to '=Z1"%c improve. �uncil recommends An 2. That the nature of h. `�+Vpmda -,the in .............. ..... the. Zr4d.-ing. Qf. .2 N.Qr.t on, P. . Add;L tA on xrmlk QA . rlwn 5.trAet .. t.Q. j5Q:qth. �.tr.Q p.t. AXIA pAr.bQn. qtP.(?At. t'!�(gTk q4vj.t iPr P:trjqqA p? ........... t99• hatched, portions . �s qqVing the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills, ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 9-t 11 ....... day of ..... 14JDVaMher ........ 192.2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. UC T —7 2'� ..................... Approved. .T.2,..192.... .. I tr Cler i. Ma or ,�oCocfrm'an Clancy uncilman Ferguson ouncilman Matson _e6uncilman 1;MbbX Peter tt ,UnTft—an Wenzel Xayor JftA9=zE Ne is on Form B. S. A. 8-6 y 'D COUNCIL FILE NO.- O.-By Cou man MYnialWU IX Clancy By. Ferguson 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. 1, ona ld V +m.iam IVIa t s on J M13= x Peter In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for zel grading Dunlap St, from University Ave. to minnehaha St., Form B. B. 16 ender Preliminary Order .........3.62B.7 ..... ..... Intermediary Order .._.._393.1Q._ ....... _...... _.................... ___.-. Final Order ...._....._39917 ............._.._........................., approved._...._ _yay..._26:.....1922.......__.............4rfr-x _.. The assessment of _....._benefiLs_..... Costs._and :expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having be -Se Council having considered same and 42214-1, J M. ,.41i6Y found the said assessment satisfact lnheneflts,costs and ex ensea tqqt, -, inBB AanlaD st..trdm Unlverelty Ave: t �;aitnnohaha St. ands;.'prelliu}hatY RESOLVED, That the said assessmIfr 3s1s7,";'rntermediary rder in all respects approved. „3a ,.'Anea order 30017.<aDDrov,- seem . ,, .. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pubi"O,°r and °inbconnectionswlihssessment on the .............. . .-_....day of re a....s o0 i o tha. Council, .:.an2 tha 192_2 X tng rf nalderfld same anq in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; thattheCommissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Ul.! —7 '•",�L Adoptedby the Council ............ _..... ................ _............._..._.._...............I I............. -- - --...... .... ..._............. '._._._._... ........ Gty C er . Approved ......... _.—i'r..._._ 7__ -_-....._...._..191_.._._ _............. ...... ._...... .......... ..._.._.f��_ ._._.._.._. Mayor. Cou man MYnialWU IX Clancy / SWAXX Ferguson 1, ona ld V +m.iam IVIa t s on J M13= x Peter zel Max lie is on Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REF -'ORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Oc i.�_..6..,.. 92.2.--.............. ;t91XX_ In the matter of the assessment of benofits, costs and expenses for ARX grading Dunlap St. from University eve_ to lainnehaha St., under Preliminary Order __.........__ _6187_..__.____.___,_,._-....-_.., Intermediary Order _......_0'aa10.......... _..... _----- ..... .......------- ------ , Final Order __.... ....__399.1..7_.__......._._____ ............... approved -_.._L ._.?6..,_..1.822.._.__...........X . ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-------- Cost of postal cards $. -......._ ...........................9.6 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $......_... .......... ......5.2....7.6 Amount of court costs For confirmation - - - - $ ............................ 4.80 Total expenditures $-----2,rlQl.•.a2 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 2,101.3.2 .........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. rurm B. B. 17 Commissioner of Fin ce. COUNCIL FILE NO. ----- By _._j&M(;gj CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Grading Tent Street from I.,ifteelock Paricuay to Carbon St., under Preliminary Order ............ Intermediary Order ......... . ....... . . .. . .... . ............. . .... 922 Final Order approved...... ...... ....... costs and ex2enses. for and in connection with The assessment of the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, d. F,'. No. 42 ' 1n:.tbe matter of the sgoessmeat�iof benefit.,. .6sto. respects approved. t] gradink kint, St. RESOLVED, That the said assessm Parkway to carbon St, under. I've. itrainary, order, 33;97; interme4mm. p .orlsr� 33940 Finai. -order �34602;-- AP-' ent on the... of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a ed June - � �' pox"uneut -or., hone .0 ,,,..rutes ;for=-.W.o; no an , " I'll :_ above, v .t,' a e Council Chamber of the Court 2 the h* -'-'bo'!, t a 92 *`�J 'I - .... ..... at the I tZ.d �6 1 A .............. . .. RF L a . a a OOn for House and City Hall Building, in the City 0 of Finance give notice of m. said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in 'Se time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. ........ . ....... . ..... ............ 19 Adopted by the Council _5'6t� y Clerk. Approved ............ .... . . . ....... 'z.................. . .. . . ....... ayor. Coancilman ma&vA5" Clancy M"xx Ferguson FUBLISHED--Z ::L - ---------- u,"dN, - —L KM.. Matson peter enzol ,4dayo, Lnb= Nelson Form B. B. 16 B. COUNCIL FILE NO. - By ----jTames iA..._-C1aney_--- -_.-------- _...... CITY OF ST. PAUL ►„solution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a temporary sanitary sewer on 14heeler Ave, from Taylor Ave, to Hewitt Ave., ender Preliminary Order .......... .................. 3.985.1..___.._..__._ , Intermediary Order ............... 4Q472__ ............................ _._........ I Final Order ................ ............ ...--................. . approved......._ _.Jul-7--2b..r...... 192.Z...._......_......,xFW. - The assessment of ...._le.e.neii.ts..,..._aos.tz....and....eX.penae.s.............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, theref e: F.z No,. 4iiAe-Sp J '?L CIs -6Y— , In. the: matter :ot;; the assessment -'oto henedte costo and ezDensea-;for con-. - RESOLVED, That the said assessment b wit ng ' a , temporair, . sanitary acts a roved. sewer. on Wheeler Ave from Taylor pP Ave. to'Hewltt Ave under Prellmin RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public �, ii rdD`xnai$ oeto nt`tos6s 1Drove n the_._..day of '-D aeee �ror...— m wu .,--. Novemb..er,.. ] 922 ....., atypc .. at the ho a •hove Improvemda, having`oundl Chamber of the Court "' ' ed to;he counell, and .the' ng ronatdered same s• House and City Hall Building, in the City of St,'a,y sve�.`n ant eatl:,Iasioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ...._-: .............. 191.......__. ....._........__..._ ...........6 Gezk_. Approved........... --'-'--'---_..__.�.--._..........191..._.._ Counc�n F4t>smzqt*X Clancy G".x Ferguson pU13LI3IICD_ % b —'f y= 'a 1 ® ✓ Kgrax A4atson J pgpc Peter zel ayor hWifiX Nelson Form B. B. 16 Council File No. ..................... . .. . - - By ....James...._ Ai:cncY...... -... .,..._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sanitary serer on Farrington Avenue from Burgess St. to a point 30 feet south of Stinson Street, 'i under Preliminary Order ........... Intermediary Order......._'v_9r�..........._., Final Order. ..._39574 R G....... •i�Ft�n ...... .. approved ...._._ A$.... �..G . ...... .. _ �'ItATtNYitf4}.. AHHBHHidIDNTH. A public hearing having been had improvement, and said assess - c F.N. 422k—sy r aa. ciapoy- went having been further considered by`44k the'matter of-, thq• aaseaement of idered finally satisfactory, be it n cfite, costa avid expeneee: for oon- lo ..ting'$ sanitary sewer: on . Far therefore n AV, from suzga.. at. to;a P,,- . 'south of Buz lnsopp'Street, •L minago f" 9rder 5909°: =Y.• o Oraer ea nt RESOLVED. That the said assessment be;andi xr"-- •'ta+u. - : in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distri-cl- ;ourt of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR/THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....................... ............,�+............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ...............• ..... ..... I I...... ...... .......... City e ......... Approved ..._.. . ................ ............ .......... _.. _......_....... _.......... I 91� ................. _............... _ .✓? Mayor. Form B. B. 18 PUBLISHED b /y L Council File No. A 9 By....Iame_s...:M....._C.lancy_._.... ...... . i CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a server on the Northerly side of Wheelock Parkway from Dale St. to a point midway between Mackubin St, and Schletti St., Kent St. from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage St. and Schletti St. from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage St., said sewers to beLused for sanitary drainage only, storm and surface water to be excluded therefrom, under Preliminary Order...._3.9...485............. Intermediary Order ...._39%49. ............. _._. Final Order ........_40261, ........... approved ......-.June.....14.,.....1922 .................Z=.......... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by ( sen considered finally satisfactory, be it 4 42219—By J. M. Clancy therefore r' matter OC the Hca "ament of - �flts, costs and expeneea for con uctimt a sewer on the; Northerly of Wheelock Parkway from Dale _ to a'point midway between RESOLVED, That the said ass, in at. and achlettl St"Kent, stlreby in all respects ratified, and the -dr Wheelock, Parkway t 'Cottage •r'r and Schletti St. from. Wbeelock, same is hereby ordered to be submitter i way to,cottaae'st said. iwey'ounty of Ramsey for confirmation. teed for 6anitarY and surface water,to We*-, BEV FURTHER RESOLVED, 1ttNt tggh9iu'°°r ion�eTttarrtmorder] it is hereby determined to be payable tl M i- 61. ' ap¢roved. ,c.l.. .; c. +•r been: in...._..._.._e .......... ..................equal installments as t i eaa�t and .'«-- ve tel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council.....OCT ..._-4_i,y.2.{...... _...... ....... ................... 91 .... ...... _................ Clerk. OCT —9 .U` Approved..._....._........._...._....__....._......__..........-- --------- 191......_. /& _...._...... _. ....... .. Mayor. Form B. B. 1S \.! t//[1 PnLISITr-, D /__ o - %� `Z Council File No. By ...........Jame.s...1d........Glancy ..... _.... _.. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a temporary sanitary sewer on Fairview Ave, between Juno St. and Randolph St. and on Juno St. between Fairview Ave. and Fredericka Ave., storm water and surface water to be excluded therefrom, under Preliminary Order.......3.$85.7......... ...., Intermediary Order...........3.911I............... Final Order.......3.9625.._._._....._. approved _....._NiQ.y....1Q.n_._1922..._................ 3�R6_........ _ Q F!; No. .4YYYA-BY s. M. ctancy— A public hearing having been had Up i Tr'+eneatmegc oie andhee:veneee [or coal: provement, and said assess- ment Navin been further considered by thni,,'puct(ng a,temaorary sewer on Fair Bred finally satisfactory, be it g 9[snd onaJunoQ�Bt abetmee ' therefore ° -vlew Ave: and Fredelhek. 1 E n warar.atid,aurtace water to be '•� A ded therefrom, under'Prelimin de t8$$.i, Intermediary Order. o Jrder S88M approved' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be anc 1e 1. er having' peen had 11 respects ratified, and the _Above " same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District CioV r tT+ •�t having Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT �THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment os`hereby determined to be payable _............_...e in .............................. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved_..__................1_.._..._._.................... Form B. B. 18 f 0 / V U ......- '!JZ`...._..__._ .......... ........191 ...... __.. ... ........ .......... ......... ......... _ ......_..-........... Jerk. .. ..............191......... .................. ...... ....... _............. _............... ......... .... ........ ....... ._....._........_..... yor. PUIILISHED % b -� ,' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- s'- ounctl File No ........................................... ��i ti'ry� y•g By..........Ja'tt0.a.....I1t...... Clan9y._............. it CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coats and expenses for grading Sargent Ave. from Finn Ave. to Kenneth Ave., under Preliminary Order _... ....._M959........, Intermediary Order ............ 3�J109.....Final Order ....__39620,,,..,_,._,,,,,, approved ......MRJ..._1._0.1.....1922...................... IPAX........ A public hearing having been had upon tf C x xo 42221=By r nf. Clanex= = : ement, and said assess- :Itt the matter 6f iiia assessment, of- benotlts,�i1eoats and e:yensee; for finall satisfactory, ment having been further considered by the Cq grading.sorgent Ave from,Finn Ave: Y be it f to Keneeth Ave., under Freilmittary. therefore Order" $88bff, Intermedlarv' :order RESOLVED, That the said assessment be probeen vement;:8nd eald;easeasmeht iiayilg spatia ratified, and the ,Lurtlier Considered by the Council; anc"'�aving been oonsldered dnally;aat same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dls[r t,�yv. be 11 6refore sey for confirmation. red,. That the.eald aaeeestneat l ho' snm a .1s hereby In; alt re= BE IT F�JRTHER RESOLVED, That the saidass+ ?ei and It <r �[u ehegrhleroby etermined to be payable ug, in ___..... ........... ...equal installments as to each and everyparcel o1f,iand described therein. Adopted by the Council ...... ........... ................. 91.........._. _ ...................:...-amity Clerk. OCT __n 2,07 I L- Approved..._._.._......._....... ___... .......... ..._..._....... _.... . .... 191......... ..... _...... ..... _ .. Mayor. Norm B. B. 18 PUBLISHED ----------------- - - -- _----- ------------------- ----------(Sv--/------ • Y ,�ir� bM 2 Council File No ..................... - ... .................... ... By.....J'n.9.9...._1Yi..._...0.14..110-Y......_._......_.. 4, CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Reaney St. from lVhite Bear live. to Hazel :ive. , under Preliminary Order...._J 8153._ ............. Intermediary Order .....36E86____.._...._,., Final Order _5.9.4_08. approved ........... il_._8.,...._7:.°`Z..2 ....._T•W....._.... A public hearing having been h �ve improvement, and said assess- ment havingbeen further considered .Ta the matter of the assessment vt onsidered finally satisfactory, be it bene8te, xosta sap e;penae6 tori,grait ins 8eaney sc from Wlite Hear pae.,l therefore to Hasel Ave, pndeF: Prellminar Or- Dn0 nGswea laUrTf�' Dean. Pap' RESOLVED, That the said assesem seaeeameat for tea above im- in all respects ratified, and the nA and aald':aaeeasment�•hav- Sirteer oonetaerea b the same is hereby ordered to be submitted tot pa ns -h conelydered tY of Ramsey for confirmation. '" Fy b� therefore .:. the ,aeaeaemeIi BE IT�URTHER RESOLVED, That the sailme°t a e. , a s hereby determined to be payable in.........._......._ ................ _......equal' installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adoptedby the Council ...._..._......._.......... . ......................................... ........... Clerk. Approved_....._.._.....__...._ ................. ......._... ... ............. ........191......._ Form H. H. to • PUBLISHED r Council File..No. By ...... Jame+ hi....__Clancy...._............ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Holton Ave. from Como Ave. Nest to Wynne St., under Preliminary Order- ...... ...., Intermediary Order ....._., Final Order- ...._..3.8522 .............. approved.......My.....10.a.....1.9-2`�r.......................1$=.. A public hearing having been had upon ment having been further considered by the therefore and said assess - satisfactory, be it �l fl '•.a{lelactory" be ff khere[ore' `jSpe.ts ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and tht , That I. pb Inall all enir t ame I. heFeby la .all re-' same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the DistrictCourt_, erc . 'ame ve hereby;ksey for confirmation. -1 - . She: Dinh, -.. BE IT ) OTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and 5trls hereby determined to be payable in......_ .............. ._ ................ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .......... 91 ............. ......... ... Clerk. r Approved T. . ............_..........191. _. ..... V 4 _ ..._.........._........_......_i...__..___..:.. ayor. Form B. B. 18/ (i✓/tll/ PUBLISHED -12 4 ---------------- CpuncilFile No. _ ............ ....._......_............ ..... ..... V, By........JamB.s...-11...... Q. az?py.................. d CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 7, J. A. & W. M. Steesl Addition from Cypress St. to Earl St., under Preliminary Order...._38042................ Intermediary Order ......._38765 Final Order ..........E_91'X4............. . approved ._April..17.,....192.2.........R>tKx.. _ , Clanc9—.. .� A public hearing having been had upon the assesf� in the-, matter, of the auey7iog, and said asaeas- of beneffts, costs and efryenses.tor Kradl,9 alley In Bloc$ 7, J. A. -$ W: ment having been further considered by the Council, and Addition fmn1' Cypress sa. tiafactory, be it t .maz1iiutei'tnedlarY Orderaid78fiP7r therefore _ - - , f•1 Order: 8917f; a➢Rroved'Al. 37, >>bllo''hestfag' havlag been s e assessment for the above 1m- RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same 1'G ar,%sr`d aeeesement:. atified, and the hn :further coasldered ,by -the. and having been conaldered' same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court a 18etrzctory 11a'ir therefore confirmation. :r:.��a...: u..^ ,,.'.eases: -•�_, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment beandit isrhpre� y determined to be payable in. ...__................... ............ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. T Adoptedby the Council .. ........ --- ........L......_ ...... ......_........... .................... I ........................_.'cityc,Clerk. Approved...._........_..._...... _........................ ......... .......... 191._...... ` ... ayor. P•orm B, B. 19 (( / PUBLISHED RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...openi-ng,•_}videning_and___Qxte-1,epi,xlg,--SPima a.-.$tree.t fraS3hley S-t-----tit.-.Temperance...St.....t.a..a-..vtidth.-flf .- aZ---f t.-.--hy--. takIng--a;ad-•-c-onderming ............... Lot ... 1Q'-Borup's Add.............------------......--------......-----------------------------------......------......-------_...._ under Preliminary Order. -A9635 , approved .._Y�Y._l0i_ 1922 Intermediary Order........4Q.747._..., approved tlulg..12,...1922— A public hearing having been had upon the takj >r easements therein, r No 4l226— for the above improvement, and the awards of dam es t� smatter ut°ge"�IIg'4 iaonittg and: ffltng Spruce Street from 8lhlej'6easment of benefits Tentyeratica 8k in a,.wWthsofi therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same n.:uy taltlng ana °°naematna LAS{ wrap Y unse0811C-1"901 hl f. 89666 a proped Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the ,=neaiar�v �rder 40747 apF77'dged assessment roll, Y signatures y y ue 9hesr7pg Lc6ude'nnAt1 -' awards of damages identified b the ei atnres of the Mayor and Cit Clerk, ands , tsefnd aaa °onaemnattot e., Ise r eeseiaents therafn.lor thn, to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking sttd �x io°e°tand '61 myon etke in said assessment treneate therefor anfl roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and71 conrm�l p anatev to°hitflerea the, t-�. a?.:u-,�•.e�,a;. r.•;.. -i Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the sMeWffl reby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .............. .... equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Uri "F1 ILC Adopted by the Council ........... .........-------------- ......................... 191 r 2 City Clerk. Approved --------...�u.. .._ , ....1 ............................ 191-------- -----'---•---•----------------------------- ..---- May—or", Ma-.y' Councilman /Clancy Gonncihnan (iuxaCta ✓ F rguson Councilman I cDOnald` Councilman lX /�datson Counciftan NACdRX J Peter PUBLISHED /V Vuncilman XMXM *Xx Wenzel fayor Iudm Nelson L 24. ,, FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of apening,.xi-dening-and extanding Spruce Street from. -Sibley at...A.p T@YAPp-rAx1QA..At..A,9 A )Udth QXA7..1.&....hY taking and amdelming— LotAdd . . . ........................................................................................................................................ — I ..................... ............. ----------------------------------------------------- --- under Preliminary Order....._ 39635,,,_____ approve&Xa.y 1.0.s 1.9.02, Intermediary order 4.070 ........ approved July 22.....1922 . . ..... Res&lved: (1) That the following to be made, viz: .90A.9. -A -Oen (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of makingI the said improvements, viz: ...K11 Of Lat 10.1t Ao.ruR!-;a-Ad4;U;WA A. ................. --------------------- - -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - .............. I ..................................................................................... ........................................ . (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. OUT -9 �972 Adopted by the Council ................. 1- ...................................... ..... . ..... ....................... ............. ........... .... .......... 'iNcity a Approved....... ............................. ............... 191- Mayor. -*�—Gilman S Glaney PUBLIST-M-13 Vtouneilman RD= Ferguson *4buncilman ftbunk MoDorwld U e<ouncilman XXVWtk Peter Mayor bnbx Nelson �ei,°nuruu s o�rr or'.ez. .°s MY �plw w r No BY CdM EOLLBi$. AUDITED l? L ....... ...... .... ...... ... n 1 9......9:�22..._..,az... Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City ty Treas ury, to the aggregate amount of $..... ._ covering °. checks numbered .......... Y165.3............. o._....._.7W ....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( ) Nays. "'Glancy, Adopted by the Council.... --O-C-1-7-9 1922 ..................192 ----. "F*rguson, ri. In favor -McDonald, - - - Approved OCT -�..! ,�...........------ -192 �fa8sot9 - _ s,� .......Against Mr.�PZdent, Hodgson 4az9i- gegolvedit Tre,arran to ,tLe a�ri ',upon. the CJtY;TteaburY gate nip --red T668888Lo003b68 1pelu cheoks er resleter of Olty checks elve'; qs, pp "f11e 1q `the ,bIIlce of the^ City ComD�' ,; troner ^Adopted by'tlie CouneLL+Oqt. 9 1989:' +, .A➢yroved, Oct. -8 1998 ..I -, MI.MAt YC OITY OP ei. PAOY CITY Ct611N • OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ' 000sam p ry FormAA46•IMv-n a AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PaO.......`4�9-2.1.. 880 00 1 J 1922 I B.%�(}OMPTHOLLHB.. ii .Y....... .... j AUDITED..... .... ........ ........192..... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $"-.2,"2fi8,W.... ......... covering checks numbered .......... 7553..... to... .75.63..._..___ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen Nays. Adopted b the Council..r _9 o C,. 1...._ •z_..,.2_ . .............. lgz erguson,..-In favor OCT 11 i.922 eDonald, �Approve..._ ......... -1 .:..Against _ ................. ..... enzel. Ayft MrPfesident, Hodgson 1 = _..._43.42 7553 Best &Russell, Park Refectories 7554 Chicago, Burlington & quincy Railway Company, 455.28 Water 7555 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 544.96 Schools 1.42 Nater 397.06 It 146.48 544.96 7556 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 66.15 Schools 7557 Elvgren Paint Supply Company, 63.34 Hayden Heights School(Bond) 7558 Handlan & Company, 4313.46 - !Vater 7559 Theo. G. Helle Company, 158.05 Schools 7560 National Mood Renovating Company, 73.50- Schools 3.50Schools 7561 St.Paul Stationery Manufacturing Company, 115.00, Schools 7562 L. B. Schliek, 100.00 Schools 7563 :,in. J. Work, 214.84 Schools OI2T Or Bi. PMOL OtMWVrIICJRi. - l0 CIYY CLL,IR ooasam C 192. OCT 9 192 j BY ....J -.CO PTHOLL86.,: AUDITED ren ...........�55 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $, covering checks numbered..., ......'Fifa¢ ........ toy, _...:..:._ .._ . inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( �) Councilmen ( ) Nays. prT — 922 .........192...... Adopted by a ouncil.:......�.:..................... i I�, e ey, �-+ erguson, ..In favor Q�T„—� '922 l �otmonald, PProved 192 X tag;” 0.... Against - _ ... � � ^'. Mr went, Hodgson �— -- Iteeol ed that macre to be: drawn ; upon the Clty TreaauFY to Sbe"aggre I BaKe amount of Y866000, .cuVering,-, odeck anmbered 1681 ae peC regleter of cltq sheoke on file In tde office. oC the I Utq C apt olI r• Adopted by the Counoll Oci 9 198$., ADDro�ed Oci 9, 1988 foes 3�-.198Y) ' pW011Y�LICAT[ _ 1 O1Tr O aT. PMOL. - - - rp ao—IM No.. ,422Mc� `` BY OBOLLSS 1922 .... _....... ......... ..... . AUDITED .. 192 .......... LPER ... ...... ..`+-.i`� .: ..... ... ..... .. Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, to the anre$ate amount of $ � 9� ....:... ............ covermb checks numbered. -. 7.475----to- .._...AI ....... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen Nays. Pel ncy, �- Adopted by the Council.. .......00 � 922. .........192.....-... pFlrrguson, G ....In favor OCT 1922 &-mmonald, .... proved -... ... ..... ...192...... PHIttsal —3'soieln el. Mr.tdent, Hodgson Regolved- that warrants be g<drA"T 1 - -upon the .City TreBeaty to th6 agro gte amount of (4;98986, CCOoYesitYg ,c ecke-nginbes d j476 to T682;•tnclu a9.per'regiater of city cbaeka on' �Hfe In the''- oRlce of h0 C1Cy.;Comp.,. . � Adopted .by .the'Council qct, 9 ;1994 , Approved; Oct. 9 1922 Y. OITY OP 92. PLOL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ao�eu - sormse4c,tut-st AIIDITED CLAIMS—gESOLIITION FORMPms NO •:-....- 4 222 879 q(�n//�� BY :... C MPTHOLL88. AUDITED ....:Q-G.T.. J 192L....... 192 .......... ......... ..... ..... L PER .�... ... ... ._. .... "I Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the a$$regate amount of ..-.4,:369.65....- covering checks numbered.........._inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City . 747 _5 .... to ..... 7552 - Comptroller. "Yeas ( V3 Councilmen ( )" Nays. ,� OCT -9 1422 Y Adopted by the Council.. ...... ._....192 ... �er�t�tson, ..: _.......In favor OGT —O+ 922_--_ 'McDonald, _......_192 -- . . VwM45�1 prow -- -- `'Slte+t2➢' / ........Against`....^' ......... ...... el. - MAYOR Mr. "ident, Hodgson 7475 The Addressograph Company, 1.45 V-1ater 7476 Ahlberg Bearing Company, 26.09 Fire 7477 American Academy of Political & Social Science, 1.50 1 Library 7478 American Insurance Agency, 219.54 Comptroller 40.25 Armory 25.00 TJisc. & Unforseen 138.19 Park Refectories 16.10 219.54 4 7479 American.Library Association, 2.36 Library 7480 American Society for Nunicipa],Improvements, 5.OQ Library 748j. American Supply Company, 114.76 Schools 7482 Architectural Book Publishing Company, 9.00 Library 7483 The Architectural Forum, 6.00 P. Bldgs. Res. 879 Page #2 _ 7484 Arlington Machine Works, 6.25 Park Refectories 7485 Armour & Company, 8.94 Workhouse 7486 Austin Machinery Corporation, 94.03 ' Plater 7487 Automatic Vehicle Tag Company, 8.25 City Clerk 7488 Automotive Service Company, 12.58 Garage 7489 Barrett Battery Company, 34.50 Fire 6.54 Garage 8.44_ 1.32. 7.32 " 10.88 7490 Berglund Lumber Company, 43.1751- S. & S. Cing. 7491 Blekre Tire & Rubber Company,- 23.04_ Garage 7492 T. L. Blood & Company, 9.00 ;later 7493 H. C. Boyeson Company, 6.40 Mayor s Office 1.00 City Clerk 1.75 Bureau of Engineers 2.25 P. Bldgs. 7494 Brings & Company, 22.50 llorkhouse 19.00 Bureau of Parks 3.50 22.50. 7495 Fitzhugh & RobIt. A. Burns, 21.87 Misc. & Unforseen 7496 Burns Lumber Company, 518.32 Schools 230,00 „ 276.80 L 1494(P.I.R.F.) 11.52 Al 7497 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 1.00_ Schools 7498 C. N_. Casper Company, 4.62- Library - 7499 Charles W. Clark Company, 1.35 Library Res. 879 Page �3 7500 Cochran -Sargent Company; 87.09 Fire .84' ++ 1.02 St. -C. & R. 3.13 Schools 5.86 IT 45.38 ++ 1.92 Sprinkling .45 ;,later 1.82 ++ 5.64 n 21.03 87.09 7501 Commonwealth Publishing Company, .85 Library 7502 Co-operative Laundry Company, 5.20 Police 7503 Carol Cox Book Company, 11.09 Library 7504 Crescent Creamery Company, 3.60 Workhouse 7505 Crist Book Shop, 4.15 Library 7506 W. S. Darley & Company, 7.80 Water 7507 //11 Darntell Corporation, 1.00 Library 7508 Day's Prest-O-Service Company, 5.20, S. & S. Cing. 7509 Adam Decker'Hardware Company, 207.64 Police 3.75 Fire 47.40 Schools 42.55 + 85:16 .50 " -.66 3.00 Library 10.47 Park Refectories 8.40 n u 2.75 Ylda ter 3.00 7510 Albert Dicld nson Company, 27.50 Park Refectories 7511 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, 7.80 Comtr. of Finance 2.25 Workhouse 5.55 7512 The Dispatch Printing Company, 1.50 Schools 7513 Louis F. Dow Company, 192.05 Partic. Certs. 11.00 Comptroller 1.50 " 14.50 „ 3.00 Acct. forms, etc. 125.00 Health 2.30 Bureau of Engineers 13.40 ++ " 1.45 - Res. 879 Page #4 •Louis F. Dove Company, •Cont Bureau of Engin if It it Schools n Library Park -Adm. Mater n 7514 .i. J. Dyer & Brother, Schools 7Fl.G F.l vara» Pai i1f: Si,nn1.v CnTman .50 3.60 1.20 2.40 .80 5.55 .90 .20 4.95' 172.0+` 81.00 75.08 Water 1.80 +? 27.50 -5.08 7516 F. & E. Check 4lriter Company, 1.00 Comptroller 7517 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 338.67 Armory 4.24 Police 4.63 Health 4.00 St'. C. & R. 3.18 Sewer C. & R. 6,27 u n 1.80 n n 8.73 Schools 1.00 + 61.16 " 9.60 + 8.35 „ 3.50 23.20 ++ 1.55 Playgrounds 18.00 Lighting 3.4& Hayden HtsiSchl.(Bond) 165,52' u n it if 7.85 Garage 2.61 7518 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 811.61 ' Water 7519 F. 6Y. Faxon Company, 4.09, Library 7520 Fenstermacher Automobile Supply Company, 12.04 Garage 7521 The Fidelity & Casualty Co, of New York, 10.00 Maeelage Tax 7522 Field, Schlick & Company, 30.10 Schools 7523 Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, 76.95 Schools 7524 Chas. Friend & Son, 20.25 Nater Res. 879 Page_ #5 7525 Gus Goetz, 73.20 Park Refectories, 7526 A. J. Grant Sign Company," 27.00 Garage _- 7527 Griggs, Cooper & Company, 136.29 Police 7.60 Workhouse 52.55 Mater 64.14 n 4.61 7.39 136.29 7528 Grossmann Instrument Company, Engineers 1.50 38.50. Bureau of 4.50 'iUater 32.50. 7529 The Hamm Company, 55.00 Park Refectories 7530 Handlan & Company, 72.61." Workhouse 7531 0. P. Heinen, 8.25 Schools 7532 C. A. Herrick, 12.10 Park Refectories 7533 Highland Spring Company, 49.30. _ Mayorts Office 2.25 Corp. Counsel 2.25 Civil Service 2.25 n „ 2.25 Parch.. DepTt. 2.25 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 3.25 Health 4.25. n 3.25 C.P.4'/.-Gen. Adm. 7.90 S. & S. 'Cing. 2.25 Schools 6.65 +, 5.25 Park -Adm., 5,25 7534 H. R. Huntting Company, 12.90. Library 7535 Huttle Candy Company, 40.50 Park Refectories 7536 Illinois Steel Bridge Company, 28.00 °,;iter , 193.64 7537 Inter City Paper Company, City Clerk 1.30 Nheelage Tax 1.40. It " 2.00 Municipal Court 1.30 it n 1.38 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. .70' Police 2.50 11 1.60 Health 3.25 Schools 148.60 4.54 n 4.42 3.39 Library 10.00 Res. 879 Page #6 Inter City Paper Company, Cont'd. 1.30 Park -:Adm.' Water 2.16 2.80 1.00 193.64 7538 Jewish Advocate Publishing Company, .40_ Library 7539 Joesting & Schilling, 30.90 Park Refectories 7540 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 54.00 Garage 7541 Keasbey & laiattison Company, 12.59 I Library 3.62 Garage 8.97 T2. 9 7542 Kennedy Brothers Arms"Company, 7.98 Workhouse 1.13 Park Refectories 1.35 11 11 - 1.40 Water 4.10 7543 P. J. Kennedy & Sons, .44 Library 7544 Kilmarnock Books, 32.55 Library 7545 Andrew Koehnen, 7.20 Workhouse 7546 Kramer Auto Spring Company, 39.25 Garage 7547 A. J. Krank, .40 1.60 Health Bureau of Engineers 1.2. 7548 Lamprey Products Company, 23.75. 'dater ` 7549 Lewgold Imports, 20.25 Schools 7550 The Library of Congress, 47.63 Schools Library 46.38 3, 7551 Library Bureau, 93.94 117.00 Schools Library n 1.05 5:10 n 16.91 T17=. 7552 Lindeke, 'darner & Sons, 1.46 Schools wuN4�[p, sD rdt 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL ciLrna NO.-: ..:._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER....-._1PeT.gllfl!?n.._—__�..__.__::.—_ .__..�._,._..... DATE..:... RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby ordered and directed ` to issue and deliver to the Sinking fiend Committee the bonds of the City of St. Paul to the amount and par value of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000,00) for the purpose of erectingpermanent school buildings, and the said Sinking Fund Committee is author- ized and directed to negotiate and sell the said bonds for said purpose, all as authorized and in the manner provided by the Charter and by Ordinance No. 3W5., approved May 21, 1917, and ratified by the electors ofsaid City at a special election held June 19, 1917, as amended by Ordinance No. 5277, approved April 14,1920, and ratified by the electors of said City at a special :election held May, 4, 1920. 1 C ilk No 48A$8 BS"i $fit F�r'Spdon _ J Rebolved, Haat tfie groper dtty ORl Dere pre hereby orilare4 aM dkrecteds . to leave'and delttcbi^ to the81n14 k . fund t)ummttteb case bonds bt :tae C�� { of 8t xuhl W the .amount spa pat vacua- of L On8 Mllllap ,=DoilaPbrrb'.f (f1,80d,000 08) far 4'he Darpose of erect h Dermpnen At beh0olibuildtn)te, $nd tae bst¢i n8id6-il*nnd Committsg 18 7 atithor108 ani dtdeORed to-;nd8bggta `. and ae1113hq aald; bongb for acid i- pobe,.aTl:ab aritabY)sed 90, to the plea aer pjoy ed py tab Ca9rter =and t Drdlpapc )1 ,II�g6 -aD roved :Dtax Fi, 3817 an� Ya�19¢Q'yy+ tae elaOtOre nc I tia)onb aald dLY ht.a syp9ld June. 18 1817 eb nmbnded', by Ordf➢11[nco No.i 6897 approved Apritr18 ,�8f0," pd raLt-� fled yy,#he electors :df�sald It at s1 — _4pg'�1A3 e1 dtlon held! lliay 4� igl0 _j r AdoptOd by fhe�Conacll Ort, y 38`8£1 - � ApprOObd Ort -� 3858 7 F fgot. lax=1888) Councilmen Yeas Nays Jilanc Adopted by the CounciL CCT... 1,922........................192 � Y. t Fe guson l DCT 9 ia22 1 cDonald �-_.-.In favor A ved.... • -- Peter - ` - A$sinst ......•. ------ • - M YOR Ze r. President CITY OF ST. PAUL FN0. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESS - BY "" /� J� Cot. ...9.......1922. ................... COMMI51R_ ...... ......... ............. .. .. ... .....-�.....ILGa.......................... ............... _........ DATE........ ............. .... RESOLVED - That the grade of Alley in Blook 7, Sub. Lot 2, Rosedale Park, from 300 Peet Last of Finn Avenue to Finn Avenue, in acoordanoe with the red grade line on the acoompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grgde. -X2292—BY �v, 7•, Pater--. No. sde of S1Is In Reeoivethe2BrRoeedale .P --t Block 7, 'Sub. Lot - 200'Leet East of Flloco itue to - :from Finn Aa@nue, fa accord a . an to itts rgcommen ed- Y. i;red Rrade- line on;tho -,.be and', Is'alonar - yroflle'.and of-Pu>adopwdras:ahe:as- " r an ebY `-1922. toU11 tied $rade0 :Adopto by tha. 1On ell Oct. 9.. Oe4. _ Approved 14-1922) Yes ( ✓) Councilmen(� Nays �'__-----I9---_-, Clancy Adopted by the Council ----.GCT=-X922_ Wf.uson ..:..,..,, GCT _tP 1922 Donald 4.—_:._ln favor vel- 1 9A—Aao .._.... ----- MATOR &JoTPresident FORM3M 5-20 COUNCIL 422(32 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY F �7 .............. .. . . ........... DATE ... ............... ...... COMMISSIONER-- . . ................ RESOLVED AL That the grade of Alley in Block 3, Glenwood Addition, from Fredericks Avenue to Fairview Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the acoompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Vlorks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. - - ---- ---- ft--4843ha3-t �BtyW. J. Peter= Block' 3fl. Glenwood g.lddill...fro m FrWdericka Ave. ' 41rvlow ..a. nC6' I the rgrade Ave�.:.I., the a- a . an I a t ro Je and as ree- U I beand 0 ioner Of h b adopted a Adopted ..-t a Ott li:b'.d' ie here the 'CounciloOct., 9. 1922. ADproved Oat. 9. 192 t. 4-19� Yes (,/) Councilmen (,/),Nays --61.ncy 11�-rgttson Donald In favor Against ,-Srnilh,P --Vhqzel- President FORM 3M 8-20 Adopted by the Council.... -OC -T-=9 V -- - --- - - - 19-- - Ap oved-..- OCT '9 MAYOR -�N' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ............. .. RESOLVED COUNCIL 42234 CITY OF ST. PAUL vue NO.--- -- ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ........ DATE .....-POA ..._9 ...... i922. ..... ............... ...... That the grade of Alley in Block 4, Cheater Park, from Hemline Avenue to Syndioate Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C F. ATo:.42234—BY W. J. peter— Resolved. That the -grade of A13eY In 'Block 4,: cheater Park, Lrom. Hamlfae,� Ave. to Syndicates Ave. In accordance with the red grade line on the accom-{ panying -.profile and -:ae rRcommendas. i by the Commleatoner'a Pnbllc works. be. and the saxrte -la herebY adopted as • I the established grado: Adopted' by the Council Oct. 9. 1922. Ai:proved Oct. 9,1822. (pct. 1(-1922) Yes(-/) Councilmen ( tf) Nays ancy /m1 �e(guson _ 1 .Mt Donald �! In favor Mahan Wenzxl H7fr. President TORY 8Y a•20 Adopted by the Council._ ��T—� y2---- -19-- / X922 A.,- VPd_ �--19_....._ r • e COUNCIL CITY OF ST PAUL vae NO -42,=-.– — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY "a. COMMISSIONER Ames ail Gl i-ncy........................................... DATE...........Q.C_t.0h.©Y'.... 5.,,...192.;'...... ...... RESOLVED hat Council File 41036, approved August 9, 1922 .be and the same;jk9 hereby amended by striking out the words "grade Livingston Ave. from George St. to Tyler St." and inserting in lieu thereof the following "grade Livingston Ave. froia George St. to Tyler St. to a 7idth of sixty (60) feet". Yes( ✓) Cuuncilmen ( ✓) Nays /) ncy S . ✓ Ferguson ,/4NcDonald +ale=. .... _In favor " {N"O- - ..hr _.. 'l�'.....Against .teazel a/Mr. President IORM 8M a-IIO Adopted by the Council ._..-.00T -9 1522 Appr ed_ --- ICT_92C 19_.--- rAvcn COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY,n � � q � Oct. 9...._1922 ............................. COMMISSIONER........ .._.. ........... ..1./......... ...................._... DATE ........................... RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for paving the Alley in Block 8, Summit View Addition, be and they are hereby amended by eliminating the date of completition as set, to -wit: September 30, 1922, and substituting therefore, that date of completion be set to be "thirty (30) days after the countersigning of contract" by the City Comptroller. n G Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( V) Nays C., F. No..0296THy W. J. Peter—. ,< it uer. ;:- Adopted by the Council Oct 9, 1922; 'Approved ;OCL 9, 1922. - (Oct 14.1928) Adopted by the Council__T _^ 922_ 19_— Appr OCT - 1922 �ncy McDonald --._.._In favor I IYlHI9VR e� - ..._....Against -^i6'eeeel -Mr. President `►ONY aN a•so Adopted by the Council__T _^ 922_ 19_— Appr OCT - 1922 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY- DATE....00tq!?j9R._7 -. ._7 922_------------ COMMISSIONER " . t .. ........... ..._........... _....._.. .............. RESOLVED That the Jouncil hereby concurs in the recormaendation of the Co.-ei;rLLCt Com.littee and rejects bid-eceived for grading .and improvement of alley in Block 1, J. .. 1 ogerl s '_,ourth ddition, :from Kennard bt. to 21andrau It., as bid received o;.^ -,s in excess of the yngineerls estimate. _.B. ;14529• Preli)ninary Order 1 -r -37640- C. F. No: 42237—By W. J. Peter Reeolved, That the Council hereby; concur. Ia the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects '.bid, received forgradIn. and Improvement' of alley In Hlk 7, J. -N, Roga' Addltlon,. fmm or Fourth Kennard 8L -r Fiat dFau St.. as . bid receivedwas In'e;ceee f the' Hnglneer's E.tlmate. R -B-N a 4639. Preliminary Order No 819 . 40, - fA Adopted by the Council OcL 9, 192E1I Approved'Och 9 (ocL 14�39EE) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays " t eancy 1. ✓/F/erBuson l ✓McDonald In favor ................Against ✓Mr. President —A. 1.00 10-.1 n Adopted by the Council - �r - -7-' i- - 192 rT _ 1722 Approved---------------------------------- ------------------------------------- - ----- ------------ --- ------- COOMCR 42203 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl,.a . NO........._.. ................_....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' '• N IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .. ............................. DATE .....Q.C.t.Q.}iQ..i�....7.a....a..9.`�,�..`Tr............... COMMISSIONER ............. .......�.. .........._...._..._........ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Corjract Committee and rejects bid received for grading and improvement of alley in Block 2, L. C. B6wen's Addition, from Duluth Ave. to i:tlantic St., as bid received Y. -as in excess of the Engineer's 'y'stiraate. F.B. 1#4526. Preliminury Order 1.,33767 Yes (J) Councilmen ('d) Nays -61 CY erpuson yl: cDonald - -..... In favor r<�..... _..Against polar. President FORM 1800 10-21 Adopted by the Council......._ OCT �..�22_..192..._... Ap oved-- - MAYOR 4-9231) CITY OF ST. PAUL COU CIL. ...... nOe NO .... .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION_GENERAL FORM PRESENTEp BY COMMISSIONER ................ .. ........................ DATE..._O.C,.t.Q.b..P.T....rL.�....h�P,..�-.........-.___ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recowm8ndation of the Contact Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of dry 5t. from Liarshall Ave, to Iglehart Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to liartin Eberhard, he being the lovrest responsible bidder, for the sum of b260.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. ;.engineer's Estimate P255.00. F.B. 714524. l b • Yes U) Councilmen ('J) Nays e/qClnncy %� �$uson ✓McDonald --In favor vwftm --Mr.'P1!! ftnt - FORM 1300 10.21 - 3 1110 —n . Adopted by the Council.-���T- - ' �--1..� 922.� ......... 192 - Approv-------..ZGL--9_E2P------I -- ...... .................. MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Flte NO .............:... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY OCtOber 7,,....1922---___.-_-_ COMMISSIONER............. U+" .............._......................................... DATE...._........_..._............ .. 19— ouncil hereby concurs in the recoiiunendation of the RESOLVED That the C Con'C,act Committee and awards the contract for grading and iiiiprovement of alleys in Block 2, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition from Denny St. to Lake Como and Phalen.Ave. -d from north and south alley to Hendota Lt., in accordance lith plans and apeci- fi cations hereto attached, to Otto i3andehr, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the suu of X390.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate ,p265.00. ?:.8. 7"4532 Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays yc,tancy _ "Ferguson ✓5 cDonald �An favor �tftithh fi—... .......... .:.Against "r. President ro" moo io-m Adopted by the Council.....W-=1113ZZ -- 191 OCT -9192 2 Appved..--------•-----------•----------- -- 1 W? COUNCIL �,� i,-... -CITY OF ST. PAUL r1Le NO ......... A.d2.,-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - -SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .................. ......... ... e... .a.. ....... ....... ........... ..............._... DATE......QC.t.O�'}G'i:....7.,_-..3:.Q,`�.,5...._......_ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommends 11 of the Con tact .Colilmittee and ayi rds the contract for grading and improvement of z:.11ey in Block 1, Auditor's Sub. llo. 58, from Prior Ave. to Josephine St., in accordance �;:ith plans and speci- fications hereto attached, to A. 11. Thayer, he being the for^re t tespunsible bidder, for the sum of $370.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dray up the proper form of con- tract therefor. Engineer's Estimate Cp400.00. F.B. X4525 RSSOLIIT10P0. C. F. No. 42241' BY W. J. Petgr— Resolved, .That the Councll �hareby - -' - -concurs In the recommendation of -the':• awards contract for grnading and lmproemant of: alley In Block.l..: Auditor's . Sub. No. 68. from Prior Ave. to,Josephine In accordance with plane and apecl7ica-'. - tions hereto attached, to A. R. Thayer, he being the lowest responsible htdde for the "rawBum-of {370.00, -:and the Cor-� Doratlon Counsel pps hereby Instructed. t rhe EnSlneer amEBtim to tract 'or -.'or 1� 4, 11 0.J/,,% •'[/1/, );400.00. F. 8. No.- Adopted-bY the Council Oct. -9, 1922: Approved Oct. 9, ls2li (Oct. 1 "�--C l Yes ( J) Councilmen (V) Nays �__-........... // �%re;- Adopted by the Council...... . ........192------- _ ,(/�/ncy $uson \. �✓M/eDonald OCT —10 j722 _..e...._..In favor APp ved-_.--------- .............192---- 'filStaen 1 Vir, President FORM 1300 10-21 COUNCIL��.x CITY OF ST. PAUL MLI NO ...................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s+ PRESENTED BY"�^ OCtObeT 71922 COMMISSIONER ........... ................ ... DATE....... .. .................................... . RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recoraaendation of the Con Eract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of alleys in Block 2, L::ne's Phalen Grove Addition from Denny St. to Lake Como and Phalen.Ave. and from north and • south alley to IMendota St., in accordance aith plans and apeci- fications hereto attached, to Otto 11andehr, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of ;`390.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to drag, up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate F265.CO- F.L. -i4552 Yes (J) Councilmen ('d) Nays �ncy �$uson ✓J`TcDonald - In Favor r—gfRitirrL'l? ...�....A$ainst UA& President FORM 1300 1041 Adopted by the Ciouncil...--....- -922-.--...192------ OCT - 922 APPved..-------------................. ........ .................-- I ..................... MA --- YORii 4224-1 §� /j (j ��j_w •.. ".4"1'VV COUNCIL . 2 [$� R .� �•' 'CITY OF ST. PAUL nLe NO..... .-. .l r d�: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .................. _...... - DATE......L1CaA.11tGZ'... `j.,.....1�1v�-.. .....---_ .a... ........................................... r' RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recorninendattwn of the Cont,i;sct Corceittee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of Llley in Block 1, Auditor's Sub. sio. 58, from Prior Ave. to Josephine St., in accordance with plans and speci- fications hereto attached, to A. R. Thayer, he being the lotve,-t responsible bidder, for. the sum of X370.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of con- tract therefor. Engineer's Estimate IM00.00- F.B. j4525 -.^_--RESOLIITIONS. -� C, F. No. 42241 By W J. Petir Resolved, That. the- Council 9lereby :concurs in the'recommendation of the! Contract• Committee and awards'. they contract for grading and improvement of nlley.ln -Block tl, Auditor'a Sub. No. 8, from Prior. Ave. to: Josephine 9L la, .accordance with piano and syeciTlca tions hereto- attached, .to. A, R. Thayer,. he' -bei g the lowest reeponalble bidder,. for the sum sofi2M.0o, and the Cor- �poration Counsel is hereby. Instructed to.. draw ro the g see .. atlmbte 11 l L, �� a tract tharofor: � l 5400 00 F.. B. No. 4626; (. Adopted by the Cour. il-Oct..9, 1822. ApprovedOct. 9, 1822.-, (Oct.:21-1822.) Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Adopted by the Council ..Q[..... ........... 1`n------ t��n� V" ,us,n OCTi —:) 922 ./McDonald In favor APP ved ------ -- 1 yM/r. President FORM 1500 10.51. COUNCIL 42242 4/ J CITY OF ST. PAUL Me NO ................._._.............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. .............. ... ... �rZY .............._........... ........................... DATE......Q.S%.Ye0B2'.....`T..F._1.�2d...._......... RESOLVED That.. the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of. the Contract Committee and awards the contract for Grading and improvement of alleys in Block 1, Lexin ton Park Plat #7, from James St. to Palace St. ..nd from westerly north and south alley to easterly no-th and south alley, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to 1_. Thayer, he being the, lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of ;?925.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the Iroper form of contract therefor. Lngineerls ystirzate 1?1200.00. F.B. #4530. j C. F. No. A2242—By Wm. J. Peter. .Resolved, Thatv..the 'Council. h, colours 7n the recommendanod o. Contract Committee-: and awards >contract . for grading: and. -improve of alloys In Block 1, Lexington.' Plat Nor' 7. from James $t to Pi .ir 8t. and from westerly: north and a `I alley to easterly north and south s in accordance with plans and sped tions hereto attached, to A. R. Th .Adopted 4Y the Council Oct..9.1922. Approved Oct 9,'1922. (Oet. 21-1922.) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Wn", $uson .IcDon, dd _ ... . .In favor Against NM 1500 lo -at OST -9 1922......192 .-.. Adopted by the Council..- -� -� � - - '� - •- -� ��� OCT -9 1922 - ea�oa No ,a I( �/ /. - V ` � 1 0 1922 I BY //� COM. . OLLBS:,_ - { ... .. AUDITED. ............. .................192..1:... � l PER .. - .......T. . ......... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o 92,3+ 4, 0 ....... coverinb checks numbered_....r157. 3 .......... to- -75$4 i inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ays. �. lancy, Adopted by the Council-- - OCT el.I92 ................... 192 ....- er uson, 2 B � _..In favor OCTCCT -"• Q) �92� McDonald, Ap ved .. ........ .......192...... tson, tb+ Peter _...........Against , 116/'P / Kr. President,Iiodgsoa Nelson i at. heeLYtY Treaeurrants be dram upon t hecka numbered 76732t ¢959.jb°o g.99rri In ;her relater o! citr tn�vatve,I 'ADnPt tlabo ththC 10.u1nN1COmP (Ocltoafile t1822 10, 1822. t. 2-1922.). i of .vi s • p OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER '. aoo�a.z E 2 Fm AA46,1M>-zt; AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM��E NO......'.:_...��!..:� _. 883 � 4 y COMPT@OLLSR.-- - AUDITED .-........ 192.. + Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, totheeg$re$ete amount ofj .- ._.9$, 3544-.4U-.-_.__..., covering checks numbered... 7573...... .... to._ 7594 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. OCT 0 92 Vf lancy, Adopted by the Council. -. - . .. ..- ... ... 92-- --- Aerguson, _.__In favor Approved OCT () 92 kScDonald, .... 192 - .- Matson. �) ` * staith, Peter V`. Against Wenzel. MAYOR V Mr. President,#ledgsen Nelson ....................... 7573 Johh D. Anderson, 146.77 Park Refectories 7574 L. ';1. Baumeister & Son, 33,599,46 Arcade School(Bond) 12,668.63 Jefferson IT It20 930.83 33,5 J4o 7575 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Finance 13,891.34 St. C. & R. 2,178.31 Sewer C. & R. 1,269.11 S. £c S. Cing. 3,701.05 B.ridE;e B. & R. 4.75 Crosswalks 597.60 Docks, wharves, etc. 45.50 Sprinkling 1,652.77 IT 149.20 Rngineering & Insp. 2,684.05 L 1494 599.17 L 1502. 21.65 L 1522 768.18 7576 C. J. Conroy, 1,349.60 b Vocational School(Bond) 7577 Crane & Ordway Company, 737.54 Schools 729.60 ater 7.94 —737.54 7578 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 306.38 Hayden Heights School(Bondj Res. 883 Page #2 7579 Denver Fire Clay Company, 11.70 Schools 7580 Dispatch Printing Company,' 99.40 Scholl Book Fund 7581 Electro Bleaching Gas Company, 192.00 Water 7582 Gauger-Korsmo Construction,Company 10,765.00 Vocational School.(Bond� 7583 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, 13.04 Schools 7584 Hankee Heating Company, 15,200.60 Vocational School(Bond)4,194.07 Jefferson_ " " 7,067.03 Linwood It " 15!200.60 3 939.50 7585 J. E. Holt Plumbing & Heating Company, 5,144.20 Lafayette School(Bond) 831.30 Arcade " it 1,742.50 Jefferson " It 22 5770.40 7586 Hubbard Electric Company, 701.25 Jefferson School(Bond) 7587 Johnson & Carlson, 7,307.05 Arcade School(Bond) 7588 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 78.47 Pol. & F. Alarm 5.00 ?" Schools .60 it 3.99 Library 2.72 Art Museum 9.80 Hayden Hts. Schl.(Bond) 56.36 7589 Pyramid. Oil Company, 20.09 Schools 7590 Standard Stone Company, 237.00 L 1374 7591 Stone Electric Company, 1,810.70 Lafayette School(Bond) 7592 Stone-Ordean-Wells Company, 91.88 Park Refectories 7593 Van's, Inc.; 28.31 Park Refectories 7594 l'lestern Electric Company, 612.62 Wa ter - - OIii OF ei. PLIIL C } - CRY CL K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ooII:om AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F>z= NO•.....*�-• _--• •. Folm A w 46.1M 7-21 884--- // ' n AUDITED �-�.,-.�.. �..�.. �.9.�.� .. ....I92.... I BY COMPT60LLEH � j .... ....�.-...... �.. ... � `I - ./L.^�;.. - PER i ,. 3 2 098 87 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate am of $.. ................... covering checks numbered _,..75.9.5..._------ _ .--- ._ ___...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City z Comptroller. Yeas ( 1' ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. I OCT Jo 1923 V lancy, Adopted by the Council.....--------- .... .......................... 1 I er$uson, In favor dcDonald, OCT H 1923 Ap d--- .... 92 ri v ... ..................... /Matson, O V 3 Smitk—, Peter ,.,... Against -- �. .. .......... ...... ....... ..-......... ........... ......-. Wenzel. HAV00. Mr. President, Hod�jssn Nelson Council File No. CITY OF ST.PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORK Presented by T Commissioner_,- Date RESOLVED: That permission be and is hereby granted to the Tri- State Telephone & Telegraph Co. to make the necessary excavation, lay underground conduit with the necessary manholes and lateral pipes connecting the intersecting and alleys on the following named street: - East side of Exeter Place from Marshall Ave. to Mississippi River Boulevard. C. F. No. 42246—By W, 7. Peter— I the Work to be done undelaRehlved, Th{tt perm].,:.. be na' the M y Granted ,to the Trl satisfaction of the Commisai state Telephone and Telegraph iCo,j to make the ece„ary exca—tiongineering Telephone Company to pay the la e8u dergrouna Con nit with. 'the and publication. n y manholes and lateral p pi es connecting the -intersecting and / alleys o [he fol]owihG named street: - ` East aldeof Exeter Place It.., hfar- �1 .hall Ave. to Mississippi River BEule- J� f 1 w�l� Work to bed no under the direction K V r G j and to the eatlh,action of the Commte O /�� ,lslongr of Public Works, [he Telephone i Co pany to pay the .oat of inspection. G n erinG and pU bll tlon.- Ad pted by the. Connell Oct. 16 7922. Yeas f ) Councilmen ( ) Na� Approved oat. lo, 1922. roet 21.922.1 /Clancy xII ea ,rte oae--ud-dnc11 OCT i(6 19 19_ ✓ Ferguson ✓McDonald In favor ✓ -tson APPROVED v Peter (i Against We 11 //nzel _ VMr. President. `%� Mayor \ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO........._.�t�',�.`��..�x..; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissionersis hereby authorized to pay to Edwin Lundgren, the sum of Thirty-six Dollars ($36.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board for injuries received by him on "August 30, 1922, in the course of his employment, for the period up to October 12th, 1922. Councilmen Yeas era �er$ususon (/ McDonald �! � arson ,� e[er VlMr. President I recommend the above resolution fo� passage. Comm'r of Public Utilitigal C .Resolved 2 ThatBt a Board H. cof wla[er Commisalonere.le hereby authorized to' pay: to: Edwin. Lundgren, the aum 0f.; Thirty -a1. Dollar. ($36.00) .oVlt „or.'the i Water .Department Fund. In partial. settlement-. of'his . claim up.InaC said Board. for inturlee received by him on AUauet 30 1922, -'la the course of hlsl mployment fqr the period up to Octo- ber 12th 1922. Adopted by the Co _.un Oct. 10, 1922. Approved.10,1922. (OCt. 21 1922.) Nays -In favor -- ----------..-Against T Adopted by the Council.QC.... ....:. "'...1O?' ....................192.-.-- OCT it1 A roved-- ------- ...... - --_------------------ ------ ----.....------------- MAYOR Jr I 2"248 CITY OF ST. PAUL cCOaeUNCIL NO .......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER._.................. __...... _....------- __.......__.-__------- ......._-.----- .---- .--- .---- _.........._... DATE, ............. . . . - ------------- — RESOLVED That the Board of hater Commissioners is hereby authorised to pay to -Peter Ryland, an employe of said Board, injured July 8, 1922, in the course of his employment, the sum of Thirty-two Dollars ($32.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his olaimiagainst said Board, for the period up to September 30th, 1922. I recommend the passage of the above resolution. Comm'r of Public Utilities. C. F. I.o 42248, w . - Ree 1 d That thr.R.— uoara, ror the period up to September; 20th, 1922. Adopted by the Council Oct. 10 1922.! Approved Oct. 10 1922. (Oct. 21-1922.) Councilmen Yeas Nays _. ✓ ;Clancy Adopted by the CounciL..CL-1.13-!927-3-------- --192_... 1��er$uson OCT 0 4 1922 l� J+ScDonald .....---._...In favor pProved................................ .192... _ Matson N Peter _......Against MAYOR VMnezel r. President COUNCIL 4224U1. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No•----"-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the. Board of Water Commissioners is here* authorized to t pay to Anthony Sullivan, an employe of said Board, injured August 2nd,'1922, the sum of Thirty-two Dollars ($32.00) in partial settle- ment of his claim against said Board, for the period up to October 14th, 1922; said sum to be payable from the Water Department Fund. Councilmen Yeas cy uson Donald atson Peter r Mr. President I recommend the above resolution for passage. Cop1Mtlr of Public Utilities. C. Resolved. That Bthe Bard of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to Anthony SuBiva.n, an employs . of aid Board, injured August'"Snd, 1022, the sum of Thirty-two Dollars (522.00) in partial settlement of his c181m egalnsteaid Board,Lfor"the perl- od upto October 14th,1922; said: sum to be payable from the Water Depart meat Fund. - Adopted by the Council Oct. 10, 1922. Approved Ott. 10, 1922. (Oct. 21-1922.) Nuys Adopted by the Council ....-IIC.T-_y.i;--�92_a-------192...--- OCT In favor 1; 192? proved_.-....---- ................---------- --- _.---. ------� �G%/� ------------------- Y----.....A�fi1nSt MAYOR COUNCIL��-Y A CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE NO•----�,��f=aC-�Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RitSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .v63"Tha -the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorised to A. pay to Anthony Sullivan, out of the Water Department -Fund, the sum of Thirty -tyro Dollars (32.00) in partial settlement of his claim against said Board for injuries received by him on August 26th, 1922s in the course of his employment, for the period up to September 30th, 1922- I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of:.Publio Utilities. C. F. No. 42260—By Jai the . HResolv, McDoanld— II Commissioners h to here autti �Ized �a' I Pay, to to Anthony Sullivan, out of the Water Department Fund, the an of Thirty-two D611ore ($32.00) in part{a7 I� settlement o[hls: t:lafm 'against. Bald Board [or InJurias received by hlm n Augnet. 26th, 1922, in the course of on em16 Ploymeht, fon the perlod uP to.Sep- [ember 30th, 1822. Adopted by the Counel Oct. 10, 1522.. ADProved Oct,. 30, 3922. (Oct. 21-1922.). Councilmen Yeas Neys ?� Adopted by the Council. .........._-- l T t f 1a2 ancy 4paer6uson-- OCT Ea 920 I 0 cDonald .--...-....In favor PProved_ -----------------------------------192-- V7 '[son .. ............... ---- ..............--------- --'------------..._. 'ter _.�....... A$alnst MAYOR Mr. President A G�, a� ? - ou CITY OF ST. PAUL FUNCIL NO.._`. __ 2f1. ..-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .''PRESENTED B\� iEKThat the Board of Water Commissioners is heret# authorised to pay to R. -A. Cook, an employe of said Board,_injured April 14, 1922, in thi oourse of his employment, the sum of Fifty-four Dollars (0554.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his olaim against said Board for the period up to October 9th, 1922. I reoommend the above resolution for passage. Comm�rofPublio Utilities. C. F.'No. 42261—By J. 8. McDonald-+- Resolved, That the Hoard of Water Commissioners W?lereby authorized to pay to R. A. Cook, an ¢tployoosaid; Board,- lnlared,Aprll.•14; 1022;' -.if the' course of hisemployment, th¢ eum of Fifty-four poilars (=64.00). out of the W.I., Department Fund, 1. partial, settlement of his' claim against Bald Board for the pert od up to October' 9th 1022. Adopted by the Councll Oct, 10,'3022: Approved Oct. 10, 102 2. ` i I (Oct:2— 1-792EJ C�oulacilmen Yeas Nays �7 Adopted by the Council_.....T._'' i.i..la2?.-._.192..-.. Qfancy yy, '-V1$E"rguson - t c' Donald _...In favor 2�el .._...L' 1. aetsr _--ABamst on .................. ..... ......... ..... ....... ...MAYOR....... et -------- Mr. President CITY OF SP. PAUL FOENCIL NO. -..-._:fir ' -fes.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY E COMMISSIONER. RE$OLVEP That/the application of Edward J. Dun:6igan for permiGinn to oone-ruct, maintain and operate a public garage on Lots 26, 27 0 and 28, Block 22, Summit Park Addition, being the northwest corner of Grand avenue and Victoria street, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor; provided, however, that said permission is granted upon the condition that said Edward J. Dunnigan will cause the westerly wall of said building, commencing at a point 50 feet from the northerly line of the lots on which said building is to be constructed, to be built at least three feet from the said westerly line of said lots. Cou ilmen Yeas Nays tlancy r$uson V f lcDonald -. - �0._...In favor atson Pe er I i�......Apinst 'Mr. President Adopted by the Council .-...-_iJ.�..._E-r-iL?"'""'"192-"""-- '-�-� � -----192.---- --------..._..--------...._------"---------- ------------ MAYOR f�ffrce of (�itg Cetk HENRY OLSON JAS. J. MINER Irt.c"R. _ eitu If Saint Paul October 9th, 1922. Mr. C. F. McNally, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Attached find application ofg.'.4. Dunnigan for permit to erect a public garage on Lots 26,27 and 28, Summit Park Addition, being the northwest corner of Grand and Victoria. The same was referred to you for the proper form of resolution, by the Council. Yours truly, enc. Com! CLERK. 6DARDIAP LIFE BLDG. TEL. CEDAR 2379 EDW. J. DUNNIGAN , C20NTIZXCTOR �Pe` 6T. PAUL September 25th, 1922. v the Honorable Council, Paul, llinnesota. Gentlemen:- I hereby !sake application for per- mission to erect a public garage on Lots 26, 27 and 28, Block 22, Suirritt Park :Addition, being the Northwest corner of Grand and Victoria, and hearins; ~gill be advertised for October 9th, 1922. You ruly, Form 57 5-M 1-1832 W.A.K. St. Paul, Minn.,1923._ 1. InAccrountmith THE DISPATCH PRINTING O. Paul 3Biopatcb::&t. Pau[ pioneer preop All Aaoonte Payable on the FI-t of E. "Month - STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey. } .... befn8 dulY.aworn deposes LY says thatoo he is clerk for the Dispatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the 9t.•-PBaY�fopaf4h, St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota - T�haat�hhe�has.knnoowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed d....... hereto attached, cut fr the col MR o safd news per, was inserted, printed and published in said newspaper oacelamah-wash for,3.�"ad that all of said publications were made'tn the English language. /"'��-� � That said notice was first. inserted, printed and published on CJ - 1922, and .was printed. the..!n '.@:..day of....r� pub- lished in said newspaper thereafter o�n.. /. ...p.' .... /.�..�G. until and tadurin g: l%K`� alrequired day ap 192lum That during all the times resald, said newspaper w qualified sa a' mediam of official and legal publications l required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied wtth all the requirements that con- stitute a legal newspaper as defined In said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said...... ............................................... said ewspaper has beer (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to aned in the English .language, and In column and sheet form equivalent in space tot eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter fong. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in sucfor publication and equipped with skilled workman and the necessary materiaeparing and print. Ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, sot wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely .made up.of patents, plate matter and advertisements, orany or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near Its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to Jpaying subscribers, and that prior: to the date of the first publication of said... L /..4 ............ .............. ..............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, stated Min. nesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditionsconstitutingits qualifications as a legal newspaper's as required and L set forth in section 3 of chapter. 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921.: - That the following Is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both incl-ive. of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal. advertisement hereunto attached, viz: - abed¢r ail§imnopanto«r: Further affiant salth not save that this affidavit Ismade pursuant to. section 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to accompany the bill for the publication In said newspaper of the Aoorressaid legal advertleemef t. ..... L:" ,�,... Subscribed and swom to before me this.... ..................... ... Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mlnneso FORM 141 3M .9.29.21 'AD My Commission expires... .. ..... .... .. I- B. TNIEED. NotaryL Public, Ramscy, Coon,,y Mlp4. My Commlailon ekplrae Sept 2Y STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. J . being duly sworn, deposes and sayss th clerk 6thatch Printing Co. which now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher: of the SL Paul Dispatch, ----- a daily _ newspaper, printed and published In the. city of SL ti _. a °Paul,in said Ramsey- County, State of Minnesota: ThatOhe has knowledge of. the facts and knows personally that the printed...... .. � .... .... � d h to attached, cut from the columns of sa neweDBDer. wasrted, prl ed and published in said newspaper�'--.�-+•-'-""'" fors ,and that all of said publications were .made in the English language. That said notice was /first Inserted, printed and published on the ... Z..b:.day 197Z.. and. was printed and Dub• .f lashed in said newspaper. thereafter on.:/./ y'%4w'%""""'•1... tjo;h:e oT Appllpatlon for'PermlY-tol - ,. <" �Fwwwi, Puhlie raraae. - /J pp until and tncludin .the. AC.. —day of That during all the times orcsald, said newspaper qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3and 4 of chapter .484, Session Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con-stitute a legal newspaper as defined In said sections 3 and 4 to -wilt;; that for more than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said., .. ... ....r:..: ............said newspaper has bees (1) Printed from :the place from which it purports to be fsmed in the English language, and in column andsheet form equivalent in some toatleast. eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, -established in such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary_ material for preparing and print. - Ing the same. (3) Made up to: contatn.general and local news, comment and miscellany, not - wholly duplicating .any other 'publication,and not :entirely made up.of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4),. Circulated in and near its place of publication to the orient of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said.. .. s/2ZC�... ........ ............. - .......... the the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of. Ramsey,'. state of Min- nesota anaffidavit-showinftbe name and location of said newspaper: and the existence of conditions constituting is qualifications asa'legal newspaper as required and set Borth in section 3-o[ chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a:printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both '- inc7u-jvs. of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: nbtEefRbUkimnopgretuvnzyx Further -affiant safth: not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 of chapter. 484. Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and Is Intended to accompany the bill for the publication in said newspaper of thee formatd legal advertisemen Subscribed and sworn to before me this. .4`� .0..•..192A ' ...-�-u��...... Notary Public, Ramsey ounty, Miinnes/ogm�1��// FORM 141 3M 62821 Pee My Commission expires........ . /. '7.. J. !•/• [.O L. 13. TWEED. r:ct y P 7!ic rlanccy County, Minn*r My Commlc.lon ezpirnn aopt.-C2,'am purrm;mv,*4 to 00t1her Why 10A., TQy Sdannil of tun -MY Of "Inmu", -ra . UM �0, fo- -rolnnlv� to coact a 7nn a w An mlso nq MORKA well CAM, UM, ou An :,;An: "a '"W, !!, 1,TATI, t" dtj :049 V5.27-2,"I 10 the `:oncrable. C-��3 o_ City Cf St. Paul,-iinneso Gent! n: - it a,^, e riz; fro -::^ records and files in the office of City Clerk in theCourt House that ar�lic .tion has been made f:;r a =,mit cov-ring• the erection and. construction of a oa woe on Lots �-27 and 22 31cck 22 Surr:e!it nark Addition, and, it further a_rearinr ti_,.�t _;,,;tier. of said ;a to be a de- cide etrimentvto surro�andin, residence 1_roLertjr, as 1 as t, ,he comfort andhealthof its occurants. °'z! rhe ur,d.ersigr.ed therefore ob ect to the con_truct.on ofVid gar_ge nd re _ tively etiticn your 'HonorableHoa:d to rive -.is matter fair and im,r artial cons i:?-raticn~;d ..: t aid a-- rlication for said ;ermit iii in all thinbs er,ied. stica)��- �— ----- — — IT L J r 31� - �aa lA v r 7 l! CITY OIt ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L��U $pLUTION GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 225 FILE No.._...------------- --- PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.._.._..__.._.__.._...._......._.__...—.__._......_._... .—._...._..._. ... DATE ........ ....... .._........._.....__ ....._._____ RESOLVED That the application of John G. Wardell for permission to con- struct, maintain and operate a public garage on Lots 2, 3 and 4, Ewing & Chute's Subdivision of part of Blocks 1 and 2, Leech's Addition, being on the north side of West Seventh street at the corner of Leech and West Seventh streets, be and the same is here- by granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. �,. F.. No. er 42262—$Y 'arthur E. Nehson'I tor. Commisalo .,pl'catfon of �=andA ttie Commis. " - . -ted: - blit Eulid 1,0" .ka;; Playgraus•da and Pu s is hereby {mit the efoa.instruct- to.laeuea.P . tdPPted by -the Counc(1 Oct. 10. 1928. tpproved..Oct: 10. . - {Oct. 21-1922) Cou tlmen Yeas � Nays �Clency V,Ferguson cDonald ,....._..-In favor atson Peter _._......Against Mr. President Adopted by the Council .....:�C.1.. 0- ;:(:x__....192_... 99, Approved.. MAYOR NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 674, Ordinance No. 5580, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on Monday not,,b 1922, Me to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by (game for permission to erect a public garage on the following described real estate, situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lot lock Addition Swing r, Chutta St. Paul, Minnesota. (On the side of Street, between raBp St."Ave. and 1 b $ Ave. Number 6( St. Ave. -Dated at St. Paul, Minn. 27* 1922. _ 4 ��. S W, r-, J ".7 F -,x ,, ,:ice ���s ,�'" / Form 19 3-22 500 4997 STATE OF MINNESOTA,! Sz County of Ramsey Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 3.r CL day p .aio er.A. D. 19:22' Nolery Pubo; RaM11Y County, ♦ldinnceola. - Affidavit of Publication gapehine„�ougr:i.in............ being duly Sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein mentioned has been In the employ of the printer and publisher of the news- paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,” and during all said time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; that the said newspaper, "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each and every ji day of the week, that the annexed printed notice of . A .pP....ggktAp.n r,q..p�rgit,.tc..errct,.a,puoiic..G...... e .... ............................................... hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for t. r e.e........... days.. weeks; ea In-eaeh-w R—that the said notice was first printed and published in said newspaper on . Tburaclay... the ..Sgptemb.er.... day of ... 2II th......... A. D., 19$.3; and wes thereafter printed and published in said newspaper on each and every suc- ceeding• • • • cjay .. • • • • ... • • • ... • until and including.... 3 atU.7Cda y.... the ....,�Q.th.. day of ...'.BP.�e41k%.Pr.�...A. D. i9.?t?that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, and still is, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of gen- eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and published in the English language at an established office, and known place of business in said city, to -wit: No. 92 East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing printing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper was, during all the said time, and still is, dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time, has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore, and prior to March 31st, 1901, the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. Afflant knows and states that the following printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z Ie the size and kind of type used in the publication of the annexed printed notice: o b c d e f g h i l k l m a o p g r s t u v w x y'r. That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth In this affidavit, and that each and aytheretono. Fee, $..... Received Payment. NEWS PUBLISHING CO. Date................19... Per..................... STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsay. ..�r�ryr ..being duly Sworn, deposes and says thayO he is clerk for a Dispatch rinting Co. which now is and during all the times hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the 94o. , St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the city of St. Paul, in sa�ti, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota Thatt��h-s hhas�knowledge eoof the facts and knows personally that the printed...... heA.-2�^'Ti.G.��L..l�/ • • .... �f./.. . / ..tt.hed, from the columns of s. newspaper, wa neerted, nted and published in said newspaper o.+ea-l.,-eo b w6@11 for,4il?.R..Oeeeks, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was first �inserted, printed and published on. the. a.0... day of...-rl_/ .� 192.Z� and was printed and pub- o lisped in said newspaper thereafter on. -";=i�/.^~Jro{% until and including�q'�!'�%L of e. D...day oC.X�F�y^`?;192.2... _ Notice of Application fpr Permit to That during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper w qualified as a medium __ ;Erect Publio- Gir`911 . of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session �idvtia is"seieby rlvea'ttiit Laws of Minnesota, 1921, and that it has complied with all the requirements that con. I seeuva 674. ordi¢anve Nora iD�uxmaatLety stitute a legal newspaper as defined in said sections 3 and 4, to -wit: that for more than or safat Pant ,Minn seta, aDppppoa 1 be imud a Df ieotobae e.' SBaY xto � [lily Council of the. b f Setat PaW1'Mlnataota, by s ha a.t rx eLL¢a tv trvcta one year last past from the date of the publication of said.... DDatt�e garage po; tae rottoMn¢: demrtlxd teal Beta e1t¢ate 1a R msey Gb h. Ltinnn- -zn.orraW,..i ..said newspaper has bees 4' fon tae: Norte. aide of W2et'Heve¢la """' • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ..... . . '..aretweev 1.eeea Bk ova-[a¢11a dve: ; (i) Printed from the place from which It purports to be isseed In the English ed etT6t..Paut, Minn..language, and in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least eight pages, with September 27,.., rn. P:i gept zs. sh Bo re eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. -----«.:G (2) Issued daily from a known office, established in sueh place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print. Ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news,comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other publication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. 1 (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least twe hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said...' v.+�' ......... ................. ..............the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state of Min• nesota an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting Its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inc],Hve. of the size and kind of,type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: abvaerahha l mnvvaretn.,r:y= Further affiant saith not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to seetion 4 of chapter 484. Session Laws Minnesota, 1921, and is intended to lac✓:ompany the bill for the publication in said newspaper ofthaforesaid I gal adver isement. I Subscribed and sworn to before me this... ...day of.. 192.:2— I.�:.......... Notary Public, RamsrS/C 'Inty. 628213'flnnr.�ntn. FORM141 am a2evee My Commisse� ion piree.r_.,.... - L. P., T1'7rp ^c ,Z,-. -., County, Minn. MY C�,i -1- -plren sept. 4 1026 COUNCIL NO. 4 9 _ A CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ..._-. /.d ?-= gip. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONYR__._.._. Frank_W. Mate011___.._..______..__-...._------- _._...... DATE. RESOLVED, Th�t the applications for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of foodstuff at the addresses indicated, be and the same are hereby granted and the City. Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment in to the City Treasury of tha-customary fee. Louie Herman, 220 E. Fairfield Ave. E. N. Lutton, 678 University Ave. Ben Benites, 59 W. 7th St. E. Steffen, 420 So. Snelling Ave. Anton Krupa, 564 Bradley St. Anthony Kostohriz, Jr. 618 University Ave. B. Hundven, 319 W. Maryland St. Albert S. Reach, 560 University Ave. Harkins Bowling & Billiard Co. Inc. 343 Robert St. W. I. Wakefield & Son, 1386 Furness St. C. Pastornak, 981 Iglehart Ave. Grace Darling Candy Shope, 422 Wabasha St. Inc. 357 Robert St. Resolved,2 Toni the applications fort licenses of the: following persons for the at the handling ad indiclatellinedo1be and the same e are hereby granted and the C.ty.- Clerk isinstructed to issue. such ll-: canoes upon thepayment lnto'the City- ! Treasury of .thecustomary fee: Louis Herman: 220 E. Fairaeld Ave. E. B N. Lutton, 678 University Ave. -Ben enites; 59 W. 7th St, E: Steften, 420 So. Snelling Ave. Anton Kruppa, 664'BradleY St. Anthony,Kostohriz, Jr:,. 618 Univer I sity Ave. B. Hundven, 319 W, Maryland St. Albert S. Reach, .56d University Ave. Harkins Bowling. . Billiard Co; Inc., Robert obert St. - - W. I. Wakeaeld & Son, 1386 Furness S C. Pasternak, 981. Igl hart .Ave. Grace Darling Candy Shops. .Ino.,. 422. Wabatlha SC - Grace Darling: Candy Shops, Inc., 357 Robert St. Adopted by .the Council Oct. 10, 1922:' CouncilmenApproved Oct ct 10 1922 23 1922) Yeas Nays �lancy - Adopted by Me Council..-----(�C 8 ' Q,;! 192 ..... er uson ^.,y !q70 $ Approved.---. 1_ _ 192-_--- cDonald .-._...In favor _�-�-----------�-- �-- f- atson t/Pe r ._...Mainst - -- - ..... - Msvoa �nyxl ���/// Mr. President `? 4 2 2`0X CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No .................. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Fran Oct 10th 1922 COMMISSIONER..._.......__._.._a_k,_vi.__MateOn,......._._......__......._..__..................._..... DATE.._........_._._.'_.._........._4_._._...._._!_...__.— RESOLVED , That the applications for licenses of the following persons for cAducting the butcher business at the addressee indicated bd and the same are hereby granted and the City Cldrk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City. Treasury of the customary fee: E. E. & A. L. Westlund, 815 E.Maryland St. F: xo aazcsA 8Y F. N. Matson_ :8901 T Councilmen Yeas T Nays / Clancy ✓ /Ferguson ✓✓/McDonald _._ _._...In favor Matson V Peter -......__.._Against enz l Mr. President Adopted by the Council�-- ----192----- - -;iii " Approve ---- -- v...---'--192.---. -- r T I - - MAroa - ,1 42 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi°EaCIL NO.------------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN�Q BY CommIS�NER._....._.-_.-......-Erank_.$-Matoon—_.____.__._._._..._..._._..._.......___.._...... DATE ............ RESOLVED , That the applications for licenses of the following persons for the conducting of Hotels or Restaurants be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: — T. T. Finn, Restaurant, 1040 University Ave. St. Paul Musician'sClub Restaurant, 349 Wabasha St. Wm. Henry Tollett, Restaurant, 95 East 5th St. The Golden Rule, Restaurant, 95 E. 7th St. C. C. Curry, Restaurant, 694 St.Peter St. J. E. Frisby, Restaurant, 2270 Como Ave. Mrs. Elizabeth Rich, Restaurant, 168 E. 10th St. J. Gittens, Restaurant, 1916 University Ave. Childs Co. Restaurant, 388-90 Wabasha St. Mike Scioli, Restaurant, 248J W. 7th St. C. D. Pamel, Restaurant, 80 E. 7th St. 4226s -' ResOlvsd—BY.P Ilcenconductin hat the aDDllOsnona -Port hs ➢arsons :tants oE1ldWih be and ib-H1)tels or Restapr, Kd tot lasue such jhy C era k ie Inatau�bY t'nsLoIC ,It Clty Teea urytOL.Da1-- 'W. ." the nn, Resta sltyAve. urant, 3040 Univer- et Pflui 1848 ,Wabas ha S`clans Club, Restaurant,. 6th St. Henry T011ett; 1 Restauraag96 E, II 7th 8C Golden Rule, Restaurant, 96., 6t .Curry Reefaurant. 694 St. Peter AVs.,EFr bye. Restfluarnt, 2270 Como E lOt it I. eth R'Oh. Resta J• Gittens, uranp_ 168 si tyiAve Reatauranq 1936 Unlver-: ' Co., basCha y Restaurant, 388-90 Itf+ke 5cto11 ,. Wa-' Restaurant, St. 248y W, 7th Pamel, Sk .tRestaurant, 80 E.._7th A,DDteadby the Council AD rov Oct{30, Oct. 30, 1922, 1922..'' Councilmen (Oct..21- 19221. Yeas / Nays �� ___ - AdoPtedby the Council 192 -._. V/ lency LU er�uson i% S APDr ed - - --------- McDonald In favor Manon f �/ / Peter--A$einst - - / I - nuron enzel - Mr. President Petition� `., qq Council File No.........'iu.t�FJ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and . t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: --------------------------------....-- Curb -..both__ -aides -.-of Simpson_ Avenue_- rom_-Van_hur.0n --------------------------Btr-eat--to-- Blaix--'--Bt"a-t-......--------- ------------------------------ - --..._...... - - - -- Dated this JAb day of _ _-. - .00-tr-0bex / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -----------------------------------...... of...Simp son. .Avsnae ;Er.Qm VAn 31„_en--- -- - ..a YD,gyIDyflARY ODDE1lD. .........................ire_et....to...Blair...,3.tre.el---. --- ..-..._ ............ .. .. ....------------------------------ -.... ,. -------- --------------- C. F. No. 42267 ..--- --- ----- ----- pr Whereas. A written DroDosal. for the .....--_----. making: of the. following Improvement v12.: —rh both stdos- of SlmPsoil Avenue havingbeen resented to the Council of the Cit of St. Paul....___ r,,:van. nuren street ed Dlalr P y ._..... been vresented .to th0--------- ---- ------- -- �' of St.'Paa1 there. - therefore, be it ` , mlesioner o1 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered'a.1:,.:'d'wre ea[ 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of Said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. y� Adopted by the Council----------- - ----------------------------------------------------------- — YEAS ----------------_----------------------------------- YEA6 cLzcy Councdm XEIISON MATSON l� CDONALD PETER VMR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved ... --..._..... -- ...... _.........._... Mayor. Z8 Petitiond= Council File No. ....................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ .............. .............. 44as.txuc.t...a.._�ax..fc-Q..t cement-_.tile---aidaw_alk...on...the ----.--....._........ -----_..............nor.th.--side...oi_Haw.thorns...Strgat_ from. .Lar-1._Streat__to.. P-orest..__..._.. ...... -... Dated this day of..............Ootober,-..1922-.---..._-(, - ... 2...-..- 72 .................... - ... ....... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the north_..._-__ - . - -- ......._ -------- ... ------------------------ --.------------------- side .._uf--Haw.thoxne--Street---f-r-om -Earl- -Street---to---Fo-res-t---St-reet- -- Abstract ..............................................................................._............. .- ..._.......... Nhareae. A written pposal for the msk[ng of thsro ..following lmplaveMO-t- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......_......__._ Vlconatruci a siz foot cement nle arae ,wn7k_ ; ,..the north Ste t - e 0 Ira vqForestne -- --- therefore, be it tng been preaented to the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordefc ai °f 6t Paul, triere- I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoin x;I4tjters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council YEAR /NAY6 Councilm�LAxcY EROIISON 'Approved .....------------- ---------- - ---------- _ ,M ATSON �G CDONALD ,mss ETER ��i r i :...� Y__._.....,____...s............................. .... � MR. PRESIDENT ♦ ♦ / n'favor. Form C A t3 OM 122) Pi'.RI,ISHED • — � . Petition Council File No.......':':::.:.-:: PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. if The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade East and West Alley in Block 3, Glenwood ...... -.arx..Add.t-jon...and_Sobult-s...kiear..xazj8ement-,---from.. o Frederioka Avenue. - ...----------------------------------------------- - -- --- - ------------------------ ......------ - - -- - -- Dated this -----10th-.-._.day of._. --.--October.,_ 1922 ._.__.----..... 92.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade East and West Alley in Block 3 Glenwood Park ------------- --------------_------------------------- ---------------------------------- __... ...... ----- --------- ... .... _. __......._.. --------- --------------- tion.. and -.-S haltz ... �tearrengeme>�t,._Prom_xa rv�ew_Avenue........--_--- to Frederioka Avenue. ----------------------------------------------------- - - C. F. No. 4221 Abstract. --._................._-._......._...............-....-.-....._.....--.___-...-.... - .. Whereas. A written lo- prof-p-vor 1. ..._ ...- making of the following-improvemanp vis: g p y Grade East and West Alley I. Block having been resented to the Council of the Cit Of St. PanL_.. 3 Glenwood Park Addltion and Schults RearrahgemonQ from Fairview Ave - therefore, be it nue to Fredericka Avenue, having been. presented to the Council: of the City of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be sc�eFr 1, therP.fore. be a ,. - _,rectee: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------ ------------ ..li-Z---s -t.i.: q2 c ------.----*--------------- YEAS NAYS CounellmLANCY ��. RGUSON Approved .---..- ��c.._:---------------- --.........-----._.r..-------- -- ATSON CDONALD 1' li 4 MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) rA M,f SPY `T� / , r ✓� _.. _, - - Council File No ----- ....--':" r�.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T�ndersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary - ---------- ............................................ ------------------- ------------ --------- ------------------ ----------------- for-_slopes:.-_for--_cuts and tills in the gradin of the East and ------ West._Alley in Block 3. Glenwood Park Addition and Sohultz _Rearxangementt from Fairview Avenue to.Frederioka Avenue. Dated this........JQA4.-day of-----------------October1-- ---- - -------- ------------ ------------------ Councilman, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary . -- ---- -- -- - .. ... _.... __.. for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of the East and ---------------------- -• --.................. --- --- -------------------------------------.......... ----- ------------------------------ West AlleyinBlock 3. Glenwood Park Addition and Schultz ea x�ngement�--_Prom-- airpiew--Ayg4RftO, Predericka-kvannp ---------------- G -F. No.. 42260— } Aberset having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .. whereas; A wrlttea proposal for the .."'-- --. -' " maklrtg of,. the following improvemen[ therefore, be it vta: Condemning and taking art slope. for: in the land necessary for slopes, for RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works b euta and -flue I^, th ^rRding of the . East nnh-?S nk 3; Glen.. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improv:; p,yultt-Re. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the_total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. l L i , i! j[ -----------...............'----- YEAS NAYS CouncilmaLANCY b, T,{ 4 j 5 L �/ FERGUSON r Approved......._ ¢ ----------------------- - - MATSON I i� - ... _ . CDONALDI PETER,�lf���,,,,,,,([['��` MR. PRESIDENT - Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) r Qi �'L`�LIS�iED / oJ1 tl Petition422($ Council Filo..._-----------f-"::- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The#ersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Alley in Subdivision of Lot 2, Block 7, Rosedale _ ......y......... --__. -, * -------------- * . .... ...... .........._.........__...._......_......._........_..._....._.._---------............------- psxAve41Reto._._the.-Eaeterly1ine--.of.-.said---Subdivision_.___ Ve-1 at --2.- ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Datedthis ---_10th........ day of_ ---- -.., ...._Ootober, 1922. - C �- - - --- - --------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Alley in Subdivision of Lot 2, Block 7, Rosedale` --............I - - ..............-------------- -------------------------- ------------------- -------------- ------------------------------ Perk from Finn Avenue to the Easterly line of said Subdivision ----- ---..... _._.. -- - -------------------- - ----- - ------------------------------------------------------- of - - ---- Of Lot 2. _ wre._ _. : A6atragb ..------------ having -- ..__ havin been resented to the Council of the Cit of St. Paul" mina`"" " Cer'Y nae or nate Syb-.------- -- - g p Y of Lot 2, having been pp e ted therefore orthe City ot: St _( Paut, therefore, be It therefore, be It 8eaotvna.:1'hat tee.rri;-- Euplie. Works -be. -- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works 1 send and.a_—Z.and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, &e aking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council----------------- r r o r...------------------------ .. Al YEAS .PYstwAY-EB Councilma�cYi �T WERGusoN Approved U/R� ------_------- ---_------- . --y'p-------------- �_. __��_ ✓_ WIMATSON DONALD ETER...................................... ....... ._ �. MR. _ , PRESIDENT Mayor. "''Tr Form C A 13 (2M 8-22) n"^T y 422(;2 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT A" and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary- ........... # . .......... ................................ .................................................................................... ---- ........... -- ------- .......... qu-u an.L.fillia in.---the-..grading... of --Alley in_Zubdivision of Lot 2. Block 7 A. -Re, texly line ,rk,_..jrQM Finn..Av _o the Flas ,enlie t ... .......... .......... . .......... .-.R Qf---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dated this loth October, 1922. 1,92 ................ .-day of...-... ............................... ........... ----- -fA — — --------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning s��d taking an easement in the land neceseary, --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ................................................ x9rAID.P.G.S., ... far ---- Quts...and filla..in the grad-ing_ot Alley-_.in--Zubdivialon _X 874_29.00ULIQ aark-1 from...Firin...Avenam to the_hasterly.. --_ line of gaid ........................ ...................................... C.- F. No. 42262 -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul- . Whereas .1 1 Abstract. I ., improvement.------------- ----- Maki. therefore, be it "endsrn.l.g and taking'an easement: in the land necessary. RESOLVED, That the Commissionerof Public Works I -is and fills J. the or ..op..; for', la-SU1,41W.Jo. of jjrt&d,1"` of Alley Rosedale- Park, from , 13lock 7. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, th the Easterly Linn, , Flon AVenue to.: as, d _S!bqlyis!?n 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated costo said �improvement, and the f6far'cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not -said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT It !K2 Adopted by the Council-------- ----------------- ............ ............ _ ............... YEAS AYS LAI Gy CouncilmaV/Of 'T _Ao �912? RGUSONApproved----------------- ---------------------...--.............. SON CDONALD L'� /r A ETER ................. .... .......... .. . ... ..... M. . PRESIDENT Mayor. Foran C A 13 OM 6-22) PUTRTJSMD,♦�- a Petition,x( if Council File No42 .......-...--........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ... Grade Alley in Block 4, Cheater_Park Addition, -- -from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue. Dated this ----.-_10th day of.....October, 1922. --------------------- - -...fes=--------- ----. / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Alley in Block 4, Cheater nark Addition, ------------------------I——--- ------------- .-------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- ............. --------------------- __-__-_from_Hemline _Avenue to Syndicate Avenue. ------_---------_------------------- -- •- --- -------- - --------------------------------- C, F No 43E6 A ............ ...._............ .. ..........I.. ........... _............................................f ,whereas, A. written proyoeal'tor We ---- --moking of tha tbllowl ii ' V1E: ng myrOYemept._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul � Addition Altrom Haock 4, venue io i Sy -di -ate, ArvT havla been?". therefore, be it sated co tha ce,e hA i, c ee of . Paul, therefore be c RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is,_ Resolved. 2e "-. mmleatonet of 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the for�el1 g�int1te�s to the Commissioner of Finance. Z Adopted by the Council- -------------------------------------------------------------- YEAS AYS CouncilLANCY - ,,�'EROosoN ;- (;) Approved.-----------...r.....a------ v ATSON a CDONALD ZR.PREEDENT TER Mayor. Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) c)d�, Council File No................_.if' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary _fills --- in-_the---grading---o--611ey_in ....--.--- . Addition-,---from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate __-- -AvQnue-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------- - --- ---------- 10th October, 1922 Dated this . ..... ..........day of_.._..------------------------ ------- ---------------- - — - --------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning andtkigan easement int the land nee .----.----_-- ---n-____-_---__ce------_-.-- for slopes, ---for cutsandfills in the grading -of-Alley.in------------------ ------ ....... ........-------.... -- ,Block 4, Chester Park Addition, from Haml-Lue Avenue to C. F No ♦YYB9� :. . . Syndicate Avenue Where Abstract - - _ - - ------ .... .- = log �Ih r ;teen p — g low`14 V ate, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul IaCthe °lmana neced t.I I i cement gr therefore, be it C°°r a' a' H11ean ren'' fOD an ') ea nee. -ror �ading of Alley RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and ti:+vk _:Adai�toc 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost.thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 01C I is 192' Adoptedby the Council....................................-------------_-------------- ----- YEAS,✓/NAYS CouncllmaH CY RGIISON �/ /� Approved----_------ ..... 13 I92�---------.................... ATSON cDONALD / �^ PETER Mx. PR ......... ------ - J - . - - -- .... PRESIDENT �Mayor. Form CAlY (3M 8-22) PTin,T.7SI"?.D /,s� 6�o7: Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No.4 2�'0... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -------------- -.............. Pave the A11eY- in Blook ten (10) Summit Park ------..----------------------- -- - -- - ----------- .... --- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 10th October, 1922. Dated this - day of....... ----------------------... - 7-� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --------------------------Pave.-_the__Alley..in--Block--.ten (10) Summit Park----- .................... -- Addition-_-.with Concrete. 1 ------- - 1 C. F No.' 42266— , Abstract: t r -P the having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...... of Re,�nfthe c4y:ot Y . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoinf matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT .+i Adopted by the CounciL------------- ---..-------_ YEAS /NAYS CiouncilmaH ANCY RGUSON cDONALD -ON ER W-BtiREL— R. P$E6LDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) Approved.-..:...CC-T...I.Ll..1922 ...... -- ........ i ....... ......... ...............`.."- --- t s .................................. Mayor. y.�ta Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 2 -N6 Council File No....__..fdrr..l... The &dersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Grade__Reaney Street from Hazel Avenue to Nortonia Avenue ............. .....- --- --- ------ - -- and from Nortonia Avenue to the East City Limits. ----------..... ------------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ - _-------------- ----------- ------------- ---------------------------------------- --- Dated this day of.----------...OotObeT--- 1922•- --- ---------------?!.!..'.:-:..-...- .=- .. ._...1 ------ -......---...---- / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Grade-_Keenetreet�romHazelivenue to Nortoniay--- S_ --_ ......................................... __.. _Avenue and -_from Nortonia Avenue to the Last City Limits. ------ C. F. No 42288 `- ------ - _. ..... ....... ... .. - _. Abstract. I having been presented to the Council of the City of St. �iinl;.".;: r �tgni> P nue and from .---- - ------ -- Ly L1m-. _.. _. i: therefore, be be it ^tore] RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more -owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ------- -- . = - -............. ------ YEABr�G�NAY6 Councilma•!/'/t/i..% ANCY RGUSON( ATSON DONALD ETER VvrZEL R. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 6-22) LST '- Approved--- .................... .------------ --- --- ....-------- ...---- ------- ------------------- ------ - - - Mayor. PCTPLISfTE13' l b-' —� 422G ' -r Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........................ Condemn_ing-_-and taking an easement in the land neceseary ..- --.... .......... - or-_sloPea�.-_for--_cuts and fills in the grading of Reaney Street -- ----from---Raael•--AV-anue---ta--Dior-xonia .AY-enne...and_.frnm._ll.or_t9ni&...dA.sxlua.._..'-- ---------------- t=o --- the..Zaat Dity...Limit.e--------------- ----------- Dated this .10_th- day of....... ---- --------------- QQ.tQb.- .*...1922 ....- .... 192....... - -__ ...................--------------- - �� Councilman. PRELIMINARY 16 DER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ---_-------------Condemning.--and--taking""an--easement in the land necessary for --------------------------------- -.in--the grading of Reaney..Street $QM..H&2.d�....Ayq�ue."taNor-tonla..Ayenue"-"and -_from N.crtinea Avenue $• ------------------- --------------- C. F. No, 42267• Abstract _ _ ...__... for mak ng of the foLowing repo at ement,: -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul._........ -------- Condembing and taking. an easement therefore, be it in the land necessary for sloyes, for cuts and fills In the grading, of Reaney- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and.Avenue s a f oml'No tome. Avenue to ato' the. Eaet'.city-Li Its bee ng.-been,yre 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the mak ae�t�a,tnmp'lPovdmen't. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of finance. Adopted by the CounciL------------------- "-tet.._+. ._ e -- /AYS EST �2� YEAS CouneHmUS RGIISONI Approved --------------��=T--'�^��--�u2.'--------------------------------- v�fiATBON A TDRONALD V MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Fom C A 13 (3M 6-22) Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4-'r8 Council File No.........._ ............. rl The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Al q_v.. -:3...--.Ruth ZJV a�Q d Uditlon, ►_jA__Aj _ _ Inget ae n ................ .. ........... I .... . ....... --------- .................... from Griggs Street to D11123-ap Street.-------------------- ----------------..._. - - - - treet--------------------------------------------------------------- - I - -- - - --------------------------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------- --- Dated this 3-0131 day of ------------------------------ ----------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Alley in Blook .................... — .......... ------------------------------------------------------------ ---3---.--.-R-u-t-h.. ..-L.. -i.. -v.. -i..n..ge.t- .o --n--- -1- --a- Second -Addition, - -------------------------------------------------- .................... .. rge Ztxaat� ta--Dujala�i Street — -- — --- - ---- .................... ------------- ------------ -------------- ....... ----------- I- No. 42268� Abstract .............. ........................... ........................ . . .......................................... Whereae A written p'qvdaal for making of the frit In "1..: - 61 '1101F 'mvro,emem having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul Grade Alley in mock s R I Utfi• 14"; _?n:. 6,ftofid Addltj..� ir om therefore, be it Street.. having. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby 'order � and direlM' 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _t -11_f 922 Adopted by the Council ----------------------------U4... ------- ------------------- ----- YFASAYS Councilmid"fNCY L RGUsojj e I A1.011 I cDONALD ETFR AVEZUBL M.. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (3M 5-22) Approved-- --------------------- ......... ----------- - --------------------------- ...........`.�..... --- N ayor. ....... TIUMUSHED Few Council File No cam? �-..`..f ...-.-. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and I 4V PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,: __Condemning---and.-taking--_an---easement .in the .land neoe_asar,�!.-_ for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Alley in - --- - - ... - - - ------- .. -- - ------------------ . Street- - to Dunlap St-------------------------------------------- Dated eet. - - - ---------------------------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------- --------------- Dated this.... 4.$h ....nay of.._ ............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _-_.._-_.-•---_-.----,F.._-_---_Condemning_and_taking_ an ---easement-- in-_the-__land..ne ce seary-_-.- for-_slopes. for.-cute-._and---Pills--in--the grading.._of_Alley-_in-------------- ........R1Q4--3-.--Ruth-_Living @.ton' s-- Se c ond_Additon,--_Prom--Grigg@--_StFee t to Dunlap _Stra .__. _ - L. F. wo. 42269;j — -- --- . ;.. c .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul c s l. of th i nowins��m"v�oveem a4 --- ---- therefore, be itCondemning and tskfue; an easement' in the land necessity, forslepes,-r. for RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works I cuts and: fills in the grading of'Al•ey Ined: ' r Rath Llvingeton second Ad- -" Kie•`-�ro street t Dunlap 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making'saTd lmpyk �1t �: 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, an& tve'toiel cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council -------------------------- OC T19 S i -922 ------------------------------------ YEAS 1�TAYS Councilm8iH// CY ter. --USON Approved ----------uL' l _� �?1.Jj.(.''............_..... ..... �ATSON I 7 CDONALD ETER i� ....................--................-- -...- .... _ R. PREBiDENT Mayor Form C A 13 Old 6-22). Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4221 Council File No..------------_------- 1 .. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Ch=anging _the grade of alley in Subdiv_i_eion of Block_ 17 Woodland Park Addition, from Dale 5t. toconformo he Sed--y�ne-•ora---the ---profile --.herato---a-ttaohad_ n.cl-mada...a-.par-h-.heraof..--the---- present established grade being shown thereon by a blue line, ALSO --- -.-- Dated this ....... I.Qtk1. ..day of_ ------------ 9otgber.F._3,192 -- vH Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -.Ohenging--- the ---grade ...nf..-all-ey... in-.Subdivialon....of.-B] oss]c..17.,--Yfoodland...--- Park Addition. from Dale St. to Kent Ste, to conform to the - TB Vt)'""LL'ti"UiSt7uIIti--tsuu urauv a yw � ....+•, --- being shown thereon by a blue line ALSO - ---- ---------- -- - - grading and paving --said Alley to the aroresaia rea -----astabli -•-------- — - - - - ----------- - ----------------------------------------------- -- - - ,i C. F: No. 42270 ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...... Atatract' - �•hereae, A written propow for'tl therefore, be it a{+pslFtf'of the:fouowme-lmprovemel RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works bean is 9.10.- of -t lerck, 7, Woodland In sv dtvfelon. of Block 17, Woodland Pn'. ��+11,11t(on, from Dale SL to ffent..8 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of �-,LTI Y, the r api m a �a va tleetabll.had. -Sra 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvemeitv,; a t.nc m�„-.v 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- --_----------------ll,Jt = i .k. ------------ -------------- YEAS AYS Councilma LANCY "J , RGIISON � " V Approved .----------���„-----°-•i),19Zv................... -------------------- ATSON / cDONALD (/ YETER ----------------------------------- - .... MR. PRESIDENT y RL1SI"tED . D Form C A 13 (3M e-22) Council File No ------ Is/.'=. d..:. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin public im rovement by the Cit of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement �n the and necessary _................... ......... --... --------------------------------- - ... ....._....._. _. ........ --- ------.... ------------------------------------ - or elopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Alley in - -------- -- -- -- ----- --..... .. .----....- ---- - .. -- ...... -- -- ---- --- --- ----- f --- _......... Sp�d�r$ion._oY--Blook_-17.,---Woodland-_Park--Addition,--_from Dale St. -- --...-------to---bent S -tree -t-: ---------------------- --- ------- ---------- -------- ------- --.... ------------ _....._......- ----- ---- .....--- Dated this 10.tb ---day of ---------- Ot.fJ.l?.@x..-.1.�2E�- y -------------- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: eaeemen----in--the land_ -necessary.--......... fnr-slQpe-a+ n -the._grading of_.Alleyin - - - o4iland-_Park---Addition,---£romDale..St..-----------_ to SentStreet. — a2svf having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul c s. xb....Abstract > .--- -- �Vhereaa. A Wrlttea DroDoeal.-for ta. therefore, be it da kine' oLthe tonowing tmvrovemea' SiC dom Ing a as eaeeaient RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is >a d—% -ye r elopes, 1 - ti Bio x i7 gw toe aadli 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making- ) from'. rom Date st.--to xent �4 been presented' to'tbe 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said imprig F!ty of st ranost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council----- ----- .- i' -T. 10-A2-9 ----------------------------- YEA6 /1V AY8 CouncilmeiVJ- �EAxcY QCT X92 �&RTOU60N r . -ti Approved. ----- -.......... ------ . P ONALD'` PETER R. PRE81 DEN Form C A 13 (334 622) ------------------------ Mayor. f� 21-1A3 t COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By.JameB.?'...C,lancY......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... QPeXtj,rtg,,}yidening. and, extending,Stanford.Ave, to a ........... ... �ti�ith. nf..66 ft..:#'nom i.he _e�s� . J,i.ri6..4P..kia�gt.'.S. !iddi,ii�. qct• t o ,r{amline, . , • r t AV -e........... .Tn the Mat e8r fo oye 1 Bwidening anc� � �"'• eXtendlnSi 3taa[ord Ave to,swidth ••.••.•... •.. •.•••••••••••••••••••••• f,66ft,f the east tine oP-HauDt e l y Ad�lltlon to Hatnline Avo., under t'rellmiaary 'Order fQ8M a ........................ .. ...... ..... ". '. Tnc 38, 19932. pp�oved • • • • i' • . t The Council o[.the City o[ 3t. -Paul ............... . having received the -report of the Com•- • • • • • �.mlaro,-of Finance unen the. above ••,•..••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• provet^• - •.s . .......................................... ......................................... .... ... under Preliminary Order......... 4Q519 ........... approved ...... J.u1e, 28,.1922. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: `-1 a e sat report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .QpOXI,,..V;Ld.e.n. aid•, eztend,Stanford•Ave. to a width of. 66 feet from the east line of ....................... Haupt!.s.AcLditi.Q;rt..tP..the..eaSt.] I�@..4?..T�.Qt.19.,.Bloc1t.?, liaupt's......... f AddStion,................................r................ no .................... ................................... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 450. Q0, _ , , • , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... Mth....... day of ?h_ November........., 192...2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the,City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... OCT,ii 192a ............. 1 0C 1 i 3 i ; ...... 5� Approved ............. .;....192...... Mayor. /K4uncilman uncilman Clancy uncilman FergusonMcDonald -'-�°'wi Y Giman Matson cilman $JFinx Peter cilman-Veriael r Nelson � Form B. S. A. 8-6 NWm COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .—Tame.s.1d.—ClemQ7 ...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Matter ......... .................................................. ............................ ........................................ 274'�)§y'Jante.'-k, Clancy Af`atte,rumf, grading Me"yry to i n evrospeet 1, Addition, i ........................ ............. .................... from Hatch sire t K an""', under _Preliminary -:Order 14-012tre't" prove. "!'-.ity of, -1 � itv. i .................... .. ... ��- `-'i- th I 't. P..0* ......................................... i h4ving'0111 111. rj a, If th - C ...... r of�ed a on the liev; L.PrIlle,oftea d,Navin. a ........................... said, g considered .......................................... T ter Ju r6rqg hereby re. " report �e i-"- -GaaPd11rV`."d and a under Preliminary Order... and din' a- .......... I ................... do, ia!%VA.P%9Zd.d o�ltjf,! he , i The Council of the City - Z. Th=the nature' -f, ort of the Commissioner of Finance upon h �d a a the above improvement, and ir-lWhic the C ... �ij ,Te liapr.mi;. AAug-,,, .iouk�.14, "in ...... 'a b resolves: pect dd tijijjr - e in Cnm- pro$ y h street to - tin I That th - said Kent Street, e,j:g.th jupoalt r, ,thereof ed and adopted, and the said improvement . r P tr.0 I e sa ort 'that thea. in, , 1 is hereby ordered to be pro Resolved t public ug "e h4 on rove out on 2. That the nature of e 13th day of November,, recommends is. grade.. 4Ul.Qy..in .... J9 a t e, -or of 10 o ca Chanibe," T 04 it Hatch Street to Kent Street, Raft uldi .... B1.00k. h. t f` .St. `Paul..' I ivner .......... Id 1 11 a. 1- nott meeting` i _ e ersons ............................ ....................................... ................... ...................................................................................................... ................................. I .................................................................... ............................. ..................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... • ...... day of November........., 192...2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 0r, T Its 19 ?-'.� Adopted by the Council........ 199 ... .. . ........ ....... !q92 oty Approved ..................:......192...... 192 ...... C_41erk. ... .................. ... ..... ....... .... /councilman Clancy Mayor. 10 Oncilman Ferguson L�L) mrilman McDonald Fncilman Matson c..-Uncilman 5mift Peter 9 3fincilman Nftm2tt 1, ayor2DWtg= 'Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 wl� .....................I.................11. .. . . ........................................ 22 4 r_1 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ...... Jla.1119.4. M... P1P-71(?Y ................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of, condemning, A)Rd -:ltQLX!T15- AA lq-nq. nq�qqApRu .... f.or..olopes_ f or..cwts. A1.19Y. qqtijq. prpq p.q 9.t..44A iton_ ifrom. jj4Agt;. �k� ......... . ...... ... ............. 77II ............................ C. 11 N 6-43y -James M. Clancy . ................................... 1. t�c, 1;in`t.1tsr.f c -don -Ing and tak- I . Aug casement I., Ifte-Aand, ........... ...................... .XYsp or for: cute and -fills In ..................................... '"-grading of Alle_ inBlock J" 4, C.M. Prospect Addition, I St. to Kent SC; under,41rewinfl.."ry 1,0rd6r 408261 approved July 15' 1922 T "' I ' City f.SZ Pu! of 1ho, Co., Finance, up 15 19?2 under Preliminary Order.......... ml ...... r. . on tlie:libove]�11'd- ................. Improvement. and .haying �, considered. The Council of the City of St. oaid, report, hc!rebyJesVoIv,11,�. mi�,jjuf the Commissioner of Finance upon That the; aid the above improvement, and havin� saln-16"J. hereby and,Adopted�1SONCS :_ I and ,thirial4-iffiproVement Is hereby or= 1. That the said report be andoted Wbe proceeded Ith. ro 2. - That the the -nature of the frapr'w'.adopted and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded ment whkeh'tho Councif recommonds-i ' condemn, and, tsko an easement to "thee land nec ... r, for . P.., or cuts and: 2. That the nature of the iml due in the gradirg,'of Ailey in BlockXlMends is. O.ORCIOM And..UtkP.. le 14, Como, Pr 71 it Ad from St. Hatch •'t a __)� - Y' ............. .... an. eas emont. . in. tb.P. . PA ?Qr..g1qpqP fills ... :LxL.the..grAd;LDg. ,from Hatch St. to Kent St., in accordance with. the blue print hereto ...... I ................................................................................................ attached...and .m..ae a showing the ....................d..................... zuts-and-the. a ha d4ad. poa?ti on. ahow ing, Ahe. X J,11A ................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...25..00........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... ....... day of . j av enb.e r ......... 192..R.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and,in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT I it 1921 Adopted by the Council .......................... I9.4... Approved..... OCT..10- J9.22 ...... 192 ...... ....... ..... City Clerk. . .... .. ........... .... ............... P4. man Clancy ' �o F uncilman Ferguson ?ULISHWJ_�e �--Z uncilman McDonald 91uncilman Matson 7 o V_� cilman SUddLx Peter uncilman enzel. .y� ayor elson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ............................................................................................................................ ` 227 18 T" i' COUNCIL FILE NO............... By ..:. r7aTlle9..$Z.. Glancy..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... P97ing.(;omo.... A.aenue,..inclucUng.aew.er,, Yis&Qx- and. gas..C.Qnn6C.t Q11s.>r.4rn..etreet, mains, to..property..li-nez . a omple to .,. -V Wr-e..�aat..a curbing.and..PFV3.4g.Qf.A1,19y..snd.APIYPAUy L,gproaches,,,prhere,necessary, ................................. C. F: Na 42218-BY James M Clancy=................................... in the Neater of pavia 6 Western Av•e. _rom University, Ave. to` IAomo Ave-'. a... Including3sewer, water and gas. ••••••••••• .." connections Yr6m.,street mains ' to:.•••••••••••••••••••••••••• l property ,lines complete, where not under Preliminary Order...4.Q� $`� Ing and paving of Including ar`"'iv°e- UTi8 , 9,} .1922. ,way appproaches where necessary, """""""""' :under Pr4miaary Order 41182 ap The Council of the City of St ,proved June :9, 1922. r- E the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and haven ',rhe'Coancu of the cur of I Paul solves: havine,recelved, he report oY the,Com-_.i 1.' That the said report be an mtaelouor• of •Finance upoW.tha above. P dmproveldent, and' havfne•coaetderea. adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded Wit report hereby resolves .1. That. the said report;.be and the came is h,rohydapproved and. adopted, 2. That the nature of the im Acted hio tie c octo sea with horebY'or- mends is.. slave. Weatem .AQonue 2. � That the _nature of A 0 i{nprove- £rom, University, Avenu men€ which the Council reegmmends id in Sewer, w&t6r and p�pp • • • • • • • • pave; Weatern`Avenue Yrom Unlveraitr l. g......... ! .l ........R:-. Avenue to! Como,.-Avenve,,Iaclu1my sewer, water and gas con rar+• .. Connaciione. .fX'.om.atr.@ atreot ttt,l� to' gl'yp.r `L.Y..���}9r?. C47gP�@t.Qa. wk7ere, notPIet .. already—made,..alsa.ine ing—ourbing.And. gav,ing.of..a.11ey. d.dxiuB�teY approaches, where neceasar�•••••••••••••••••••••• with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..66.,812.24... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 1;'th........ day of November.........., 192.2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ��+ xnllQ a Adopted by the Council......... ......... 192...... O -113 I q2C . u11T ,1_ ................... Approved...............:.........192...... .......t Clerk. � . ...................... ............ .. Mayor. furicilman Clancy uncilman Ferguson &,16 ncilman McDonald PUBLISHED J r, ilman Matson ou llman �OOhX Peter C uncilman �JVatrcel ayor NAAm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-6 -------------------------- ---------------------- ------------------- COUNCIL FILE NO._—.__ 4 2 2— 9 f By _ James�h4._Clancy __ — CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Orange St. from Cypress St. to Earl'St., ander Preliminary Order ..... - ......... 3967.6 .......................... Intermediary Order ..................... 40266-...... ...... _...... - ........ Final Order ----------- 4Q-484.__......_..:..._._.................... approved14..,_.._1922........_.._...._-? :Fj :Pc .---- The assessment of ......berieflhS...,_...c.O.S_ 5.._& , ..._eXpens_gg................._...._..,....for and in connection with - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessmen e F xoS 99277 By7 M ,Otancy respects approved. In the matter of, -the nsiessment-of benaflt5, coats and ezpeasee tar Co., `struottng a sewers oh Orange street RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pull trom Cypress St Ito Eart St Una99rnt on the ..........14h._.____.day of Prelbrd.il r.y Order 39878 I ate 40784. ary A;aor 4OE88. rmaq Order 90799, November 1922 a proves Jmy Id, -b-n at e. assess, ot:•beneets, coste;ana a Council Chamber of the Court e„o mee;for and 9n wnnectton with n.bove imprpgement'hmins,„Dean; House and City Hall Building, in the Cityt' .*tea to the Oounbit; . ana . the;oner of Finance give notice of t t., hd-(, connldered.same and ne to -ii. z r asea4ment satisthgtory,'. said meeting, as required by the Charter, stt-Ang in fn, d aaees8qand place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amounl�assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. C Adopted by the Council ............ - ...... _�CT..._0 1921 19 .........._. —.--_----- _--....tty Clerk. Or'T t 11 !322 Approved ---•_-- - _...----._191 i -. gib_- ---/ Mayor. Councilman$kifil[ti7FAUM Clancy x Ferguson"/ PMLSMI) AMmW McDonald V 14e IWX Matson (� ” fddh allx Peter Xhimbu= Wenzel Mayor Ibdnxx lielson Form B. B. 16 4ec� '%ESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, In the matter of...c.ondelmliri,...9nd....tialdxg...anthe ...land...neP.0.9AAry for --_cuts.-.and.-.f-ills-.-in..grading.-Livingston Fvenue-.from----.,,..-- GeorFe Street to Tyler Street, under Preliminary Order .......... 3B50 Intermediary Order......40571_ approved.....J.LiIl8...2.x 1.922. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his ^^µ -` -.rty from the making of LOTIOx OF COIIFOII..�pFJXI G- .# O]p IWARENG. AAD RIZIIIBO said improvement, therefore be it v+ + p soo EDAYQW coxu>u is Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be a7 ed i + b] pemning and-_tak-: n,th@ lead .n aoepEe-: Resolved further, That a public hearing be had Ii f4�4 Coouts aad atle•ln, ort and for a confirma- ,],anaa .from Geor6e: antler Prentaln922'' Quad mar 'E9. ,1983; tion of the awards of damages made by the Com�isstone> ;k�f ditii�'ers466n apptavea, the said assessment of +e o8'Inanoe.havlab" benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court Hous6 ti the'I . _ ;"nom_. oiha°emeses 0th___ .-.--------„-_day of the lead dr November 1922 arovrlated .for -the- + W Whom . =. of ............... z..... ..... ..FT'Yx....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the anb]n9tte>+.' of Finance be and he - 16] is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the,gg.s:.;?C +' ...... Adopted by the Council....................ui,T =Yt! ;923 ISL. ........................... ---------- - --- (l ` 14 52 City Clerk. Approve( -...... -................... .................._... 191......_ .............................................�1....:5�....................................... / Mayor. Councilman FffiiSdWROW Clancy / Councilman =fix Councilman 2bkmlx Councilman JWom Fergus on {/ , McDonald t/ Matson PUBLISHED Councilman Jb�ft Peter I/ Councilman +1vwb tbdx Y'ie el Mayor box We is on ------------------- ......................... -•-...---------------------------------------Q--- COJCIL FILE NO. .......... _...� `2122 6 9 By ...... Tamez-Z--.-G.lAn!zy-... ........ — ...... _....... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on Arcade Street between Seventh St. and Maryland St., under Preliminary Order ....._31369_..._____.,_.._._......__._......_._, Intermediary Order........._33077 Final Order .......... 334.9`I-._................................... _..., approved......00t.•..._ ll..y...._1921_......_.........-........xfw— The assessment of ._heriefit9,costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submittt F. -No. 4237044y d m; b{aacy having considered same and 1--% tii6matwev of the :aa9eeament ,o( be hjng. nd J. ana exyehaes' aohaw found the said assessment satisfactory, there n:dt tng and lnatallingraing- "lamp llBhtm Wl, atem conefettng oa ndarD' ata: and � lamDa srlres.:and ugder� RESOLVED, That the said assessment be s o!'ad cbnavtts for conveyth� elect ects approved. current' ;thereto And -al, -other ra u�:t.'Y aDDnancea and;.esu'Dmenp 10th RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public lietdifP r @nth eot°and.'WirY1.ad St.n the.......__...._. _._ —_day of _. iloy_ember.,_.1922 ..,)q19Tx__.., at the hour of meat ufbeaddte"goete aqq •ouncil Chamber of the Court e -tRr and m '.ry oeanee. � ave imp r; afar ,fe.: House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Pa Lte tg en �m,tmlasronez of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT1 i��� Adopted by the Council.._..._......_..:'.T...:....:.::_.__�:`..`.........._... .._....191..._...__. 1�_._ . ........_......... --.... - ......_...._......._ .__...... ,tyZTer 01"'T 'R S' Approved .....------. -----._....__191--- Councilman ZXMC lancy X CKK Ferguson / /h) p�ryYf,tSF1Ei� b 3%dmadx McDonald Ll x Matson 1// DD 3drX=x Peter AVhxmhmUdK Wenz 1 Mayor jm= Nelson V/ Form B. B. 16 r -o .................... 11.1 ....... 11, ................ . ....... COUNCIL FILE \0 ............................. ^ By.....Jemes...R.....Olanc.y....---_.... ..... .....- ---- � FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....e.onstructing-.a--sewer _.-opt..--&uroxafrAza--.Oxford ........... S.treat...t.o...a...paint...lfi5...f.e.et...rre.s.t.... of...t:ae..'+, at....lille...of....Oxf.ord..S.tr..eet.,-.......... .................................. ------------------------ WA. 42280—BY Jamee 3f. CIanCY—. ........................................................ J71 )latter oAeonatru from, sewer Aurora,. Avenue from Oxford ----- "' • ,y �.,tto * point 166 Yeet wes[:oY[het `in of: Oxford street,-underry ................................................... ... ... ... -inary Order 40946, approved ring: having been. ttad .: rovement upon. dao I ..... ... . -_r., .'1_11 having heard .................................... commen-� having! under Preliminary Order......4t19.46................ ,Iuly...2.5.,...1022. ......-----........... - IntermediaryOrder ---------._------------------------- ----- ----- ---.... _... . approved ------------------------- .._---------- ...------------------ ---------.....--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...o.on,9truotfr= Oxford Street to a point 165 feet crest of the west line of Oxford -- ........... ---- -_- - '.' ... - ... ......... - ...----------.. . S.txeet'.- ............... ___ .................. . ......_..........__.._.-_........_._._....._.-..............-- .................................... ....................... ......_..--------------- ......... ..... .......... ........_................ . - ..............._..... ..... z --'---'----_........'-'-' ....."- ....................._........... __................ . - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._ `'. ; . (...l- Ci :.................. ..... - -- C.... Clerk k „r 2 Y Cit ui,; E ' " / Approved191.._ / ........... _..- Maajor. PUBLISHED / U 1 ,_-Eouncilman c V/Acl)onald t ) ✓ Councilman llfei & l4a t s Ori / .—Councilman ) ✓Peter 6ouncilman ihuuberKm1x Wenzel Mayor IdadVss&6Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN.T� OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Donatruot a sewer on Aurora Avenue from Oxford Street to a point 165 feet west of the West line of Oxford Street. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 535 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ _A6 ner . fmnt ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2 Lindemann's Subdivision 2325 of Lots 9 & 10 of Hyde' Para Addition to the City of St. Paul. 2 z 15001 3 2 do 500 4 2 do 4750 5 2 do 175 16 1 do 625. �5 1 do 1400. 14 1 do 500 �3 1 do 1300', 12 1 do 400 TOTAL, 13/µ 7,37 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with .the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � l � Dated 191— C—im ,m—r of Fi..n�r. 3 kv--E s I� b PiopasPd -*wed 075-0 A -A Al,E, - _-- - , 4 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 922 August ._1.8!.._1922 ........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun 40946 July 25, 1922 cil, known as Council File No ........ _ .:.....................approved ..................... 191 relative to .... ........ ......... the construction of a sewer on Aurora -Avenue from Oxford Street to a point 165 Peet west of the west line of Oxford Street, 1 and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........ ....... -necessary and (or) desirable. X1.86 per front foot 535.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ___, and the total cost thereof is $.:_.__.. .................. and Frontage 288 ft. Inspection $10.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............. ............. ............. ................ _............. __..... _........ ......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................ ......... _... ........... ............_............. ....................... _................... ...:_ 5. Said improvement is ........ _.................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary order for the construction of a sewer on Aurora Avenue from Oxford Street to a point 165 feet west of the west line'of Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40946, ayproved July 25, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - $535.00 Per front foot - - - - 1.66 Inspection - - - - - 10.00 Frontage - - - - - - 288 ft. Yours truly, �Q Chief Engineer. Approved for transmisson to thee Commissioner of Finance. Commissioir of Public l"vr Utg of St. Paul DrPa[tuirut ]Df Publi[ Darks 03CAR OLAU359N. C-1 E.—e.n o"!:— .... I • WILLIAM J. PETER. ®COMMISSIONER j. E. CARR—. A55— —111Evcmccn Avo OrFtcETA.O CIrTnPuvniNc OTTO E. CONBTANB, �EPUTT COMMIDlIONCR ' G. HERROLO,o M. J. GRYTBAN. B en �y46 A. B. SHARP. 311T. 01 IT -1. A 0 $A.ITATIO. August 17, 1922 H. W. GOETZIVER. 5—T. or wo se '� Iur. r1m. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary order for the construction of a sewer on Aurora Avenue from Oxford Street to a point 165 feet west of the west line'of Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40946, ayproved July 25, 1922. Estimated Cost - - - - - $535.00 Per front foot - - - - 1.66 Inspection - - - - - 10.00 Frontage - - - - - - 288 ft. Yours truly, �Q Chief Engineer. Approved for transmisson to thee Commissioner of Finance. Commissioir of Public l"vr St. Paul Minn.,..,G�. ..... .................192....�..' 'To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable BoAy to cause the following improve nt to be made: L.�lc t__.r �.. Ave. ........� .. _................� f f /fir from.--......._...............- _-----..........._..-- ......._ to—_.._..—�._..— o . �� tic �? • ---......._...---•-•--..._..............._ ........... .... ............ St. Ave. NAME i LOT BLOCS ADDITION � G 'I JUL15'20 422 COUNCIL F44;NO............................. ' E r •' ,. ' By James lf......Clancy ---------------------------- FINAL --- ---FINAL ORDER 1 - - In the Matter of_paving.-.P.illsbury..Ave..--.from.-I�rr-tie... ue.-._to.--Y ie4-nai=th line _of__merritorial••_Road:_end---_'erritorial-•-Fo_d---S'ror,;--Pllstury--FyE ---tq-.-thtR...:-- Easterly line of Vandalia Street, including server, crater and Las ...................... cQXt frQltt-. tx'�et--mains,..t.4...P .QPerty,..li. e8....C.ompl.et,svher-a--nai..._ .already- made-,-slso__including-_curbing _end having-_elle-y. and-.arivevray--_•--- approaches, There necessary , �-- .............. 9 - ........ .......... •• ° V • - FINAL Ouoi i under Preliminary Order...........4-Q820 f1 `a$2• E No 48481 +the matter of Dav`nB Pitlshury Ave ; Intermediary Order-----------------------------------------------------------n Myrtle Ave, to the no}th 11ge ..---. .----... .`..- ,,�sl.�load, snd 2erriturlNihCe, and the Council A public hearing having been had upon the above I : -ofr a ®� street in having heard all persons, objections and recommendations e8'mgi�xosvon having fully consid- . [..a*te, ".whdTe poh an ered the same; therefore, be it ,SW tn<laaing cut hl RESOLVED, By the Council of the �City of St Paul tholTiern_6iswraIlea! is be 11221de ig, life S"M vv�ovea I:^� n Pill,w' lawtnu be0n`.. 1''rt�8 �Y,?e.a-..t.0 is nncil navinttnrd from 113b one,and r2� mmen _the--north line ---ofTerritorial--_Road and Te1.rh��tn arcd°haytn9 Pi ur�g .He anme theretore Aat ve -_ to the easterly-_ line of Vandalia 5t he flonnc6l oL the'9tY asewer-,--_mater •- -- . t1�ey Daaias of_.Pt a t th@ and• gas-:_connections from street mains t°� °rills °aa°r�etD i-_complete,--where .......... ... . ...... rest _ { ,,ve.Dd twat not already made, also including curbil�� ne8t;h� ;;;pDe v 'ey a .- ....- .................. ............ . ........................ �-- -�• u WLere not ,already an drivewa " /OLL u. mc�LLd�ng CurbinB nr ache8 approaches •_where neeessa ^"ay aDd ° -.--..-- - -.- �i 1..... .+�I`�r oi'�.- ,*nd the �eatpe ie nm d the Co cil hereby ord s said impro e t to be mad -�1- x d��c2 f, RESOL FURTHER, at the Comml 'aver of 1'u�i7ic orks -be and is h eby instructed and ' ected to pare plans and cifications for id improvemen , nd submit same the Coun- cil fo approval; t upon said appro 1, the proper c officials are he authorized an directed I pro d with the aking of said im vemeni in aero ance therewith. t Adopted by the Council UR 21 19 �t .......... ................... .............. ................. City Clerk. Approved --........ ...laR. 21.I923..-.- :1. 191 ... G � Mayor. Councilman R c¢ i Clancy PUBLISHED 3 - 3 1 — 1P �? Councilman GU= ✓Fergus on Councilman-g9laxw V McDonald Councilman X&%IEx ✓ Matson ' Councilman tI Peter Councilman �t�hlenzel Mayor H Nelson i Form B. S. A. 1-1 AUL 42,84 DEPA � T. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I l a In the Matter of -241@ Pillsbury Ave. from Myrtle Ave. to the North line of — Territorial Road and Territorial Road from Pillsbury Ave. to the Easterly line of Vandalia Street, including sewer, water -- _and_ga3 aonneotions from �txeet aurins to proparty lines -------------- - .. _-- _ complete, where not already mads, also including curbing - - _ ___--_and agin -alley and driveway approaches, where necessary - under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: i 32" creosote Briflat ltAspha aid ltalt or Concrete7' Concrete Paving a ,block T , 4 026.17 3,039.45 2,678.24 Intersections 4,475.48 Wheelage 11,252.20 10,122.55 7,641.75 6,733.60 Property Share 16,855.44 15,163.26 11,447.10 10,086.72 Total 32,583.12 29,311.98 $22,128.30 $19,498.56 t 6.77 6.09 v114.60 4.05 Per front foo Length 1516 ft. Width of roadway 40 ft. Frontage 2490 ft. it if street 66 ft. do 21800 63 do 24.800 62 ! do 11450 ----- - - TOTAL, FOFM B.S.A. 8.8A -.. -.... .-.. ___... AUL 4Fd2 - DEPA T OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE-,,..,, ON,PRELIMINARYQOR ER:'- -' SO sem` A d to #torla7 ,Roads _ x� th8<:EBs"der] y 1Sne of .gandalii=Stzeet 3naluding 'seller, 'wader The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of ,..-each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. i ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 87 Heivitt3 outlots First 28700 and Second Division. East 50 feet Of 86'': do 28350 West 50 feet of 86: do 34350 88 do 54300 89 do 21700 64 do 28800 1 65 do 21800 63 , do 248o0 62; do 11450 TOTAL, DEP, -bF FINANCE REPORT .OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - and Second Division. 0 do 44 do 1227QO .of -Territorial-Rd. 6 2 do 9 5 5 - Vao.and adjoining _ N.,�-o£ Territorial Road _ S 1 do 2 5 g00,_..:_ Vao. and adj. and - 3 -__. inA_eaoto_Treapfer_Add. 0 p- 3 5 St. Paul, 1A inn. ' 39001- do - -l7 — 3- ._ -17 - _ - - do-- - - -- 3925 :_16__ 3-: o . _ do -.- .15 3 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r - i Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 12 "r To The Honorable,.The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn .,....... June.... 1.3t.b............. 192._2. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Paving-_-_of-_Pillsbury...Avenue.--_frog__1W.rt.le....AY.aZtufl.....t o....the...N_9xth.-Lina........... of Territorial Road and _Territorial.._Road...................................................................0 .............................................. ............... . from._Pillsbury.._Avenue........................................ . to..rant..._Iina.-of.-Yandalia....5.trs.et. St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 q+1^inrt25 to 31 vvitt's outlots ist pi �:y _iL W4 r 7-'.1`St; (Ili 44 T 470 n n n r fnu YTRU 1!Y ��: "r :. C All of 2 viinnesota Transfer 1 tel All of A obbins & Others' -Arrangement. 63 Hewitt's Outlets -let Div. V. clu of 5t. Paul Urpartmolt .of Public 3Marks OSCAR GLAU99CH, Cx�er Exeixeen WILLIAM J. E. CARROLL, A r ......en wxc pTTO E. GONSTANS. �EPUTY COM M199IONER r GO c N. HeRROLG. Grua . o c•TRPLwvvxn exaixeen y "✓�y 46 GpYTO AH. anoGe Erf6ix [en August 16., 1922* A, D. 'HARP, SUPT.. 0 9wxTw tiox n ry. W. GOETLINdeR. 9uvTTn0, wanxxav9e a7r, Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear sir: final at of cost for oP I transmit herewith nalAesti north line of Pillabuty Avenue from Myr Ayes to the from Pillsbury paving Territorial Road an d Territorial Road under Prel�ninary Order Easterly line of Ju1ytreet, 15, C. F. #40820, approved Width of roadway 40 ft. Frontage 2490 ft. Length 1516 ft* I( of street 66 3" oreosoted Brick laid Asphalt or Asphalt Concrete ?"Concrete PAVING block flat Total Sq. Yd. 6.08 4167 3.46 3e04 Intersections 4475.4 8 4026.17 3039.45 2676 *24 11262.20"" 10122.56 7641.76 6733.60 Wheelage 11447.10 10086/72 „ �Y,. Property Share 16866.44 16163.26 32683.12 29311.98 22128.30 19498.56 TOTAL 4.60 4#06 (a) front ft. 677 6109 $1832.10 for cement curb ) ) Included above 684.0011 drainage For 6" Sewer connections 80.00 (66' _ 70.00 1, (801 - 45.00 For 5/41, Water (661 - 40.25 Yours tr/qu�Cly, Approved for transmission Chief Engineer. to the Commissioner of F mance. dic Commissi� o er Pub W", (jl Office of the Commissioner of Public Works S Report to Commissioner of Finance s, /rtrt U4 � Nx - 1f� Siid� August 18, 1922 .191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 40 820 ioved......_Ju1..._1_s..x..._1922...........191........, relative to ...... :..................._ cil, known as Council File No....................... ...........app' the avin of Yillsbur Avenue Prom Myrtle Ave. to the. __.._....................... ... _......._............._..._........._...................................................._.................._ _ _........................................ _............................. north line of Territorial Road and Terrritorial Prom Yillsbury .......................__.................._.................__............................................-....................._...... Avenue to the Easterly line of Vandalia street.•.......................................................... .................. ................. ............................. .............................. _............................ . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............ _........ necessary and (or) desirable. i� and 2_ The estimated cost thereof is $_........ _, and the total cost.thereof is $.. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................... .......... __....:................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..................... . ................ _............................................... 5. Said improvement is ...... _........ _......... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1.................... _................ ommissioner of Public Works. fi'O y� _ ' M A A.S// A VE E T :s4 txR=::�"'t �?iF%s:cisz#x*:.�:r+sYl#siisrrn-„�aeis:irr:#:si•bss��r:.rxririu �ha�zu;:ur w-�i2Y�i�-�a�-{”rr•:a?1Y�'�-ra�.r.�z'k�r=r+Ki�#�s �,( II �"'"'tt�i+-'+rar=t+stu=iiikt*smtisusi�ststxt:m tiir .7.;sm2tuzra :'irs»Y // it tii'itttlxtrasuusrzY.s:;'#aGY.a+' ivtutc � -n�Q �� ^lt a5f—� t F4, O//YO fGAFOHd C RA P /HOAf17.S t -N G //VE fid �' C 7' C ,. - - w, _ wAat rl ousc %14 i. Lu LL 7 0 3oxF c�oRy Pnaea'srvcIr � S ij cSTOI{AG� 3 Ftooas ®FF/CE X111 >'YARO JRM LOADING a1,4ifonffi = - m s .0 -IIv .. ee i• u, Q .�e-i ,3 4++n.Cttf,'SS L'.'i-Tr' - +. J,i + t �., E ^-T MrRrcF AVE i "'= f' { il ,./h'n�F1arA TH'I'S, kuzl--K'u ti3" �1 #14 ?7S^ FCIS ... ... �.. .__ _. — h$ O' .::�...�.�_ .4j _--LLr -�' � I� � � � I N � � �� I � � — _ - --•ter ----- -- — - -- _.._.. _.. ,.. u/v/Vi.RS/r'Y RYI-' .Pn ✓t:J -- .. .. JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN, DErory Cowaieeio— LEONARD C. SEAMER, Crier CLERK BUREAU or AEEESSMENTS 14arch 15th, 1923. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gontlemen.- I have checked up the petition of remonstrance annexed hereto and find that it contains the signatures of sixty per cent of the property owners, representing thirty-six per cent of the property subject to assessment. je pectfully submitted, JAI-Assioner of Financ P—MITION OF REMONSTRANCE TO PAVING PILLSBURY AVENUE. To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul: We, the undersigned, hereby interpose our remonstrance to the paving of Pillsbury Avenue from University Avenue to Territorial Road and Territorial Road from the West ` Line of Pillsbury Avenue to the East Line of Vandalia Street, R pursuant to preliminary order 36276; also to paving Pillsbury Avenue from Myrtle Avenue to the North Line of Territorial Road and Territorial Road from Pillsbury Avenue to the East Line of ! Vandalia Street, pursuant to preliminary order 40820. We hereby represent and state that said applications for paving were signed and advocated only by Central Warehouse Company and Paul N. Meyers representing Waldorf Paper Products Company; that we, the undersigned constitute 72-611 percent of I the resident owners of property to be affected by assessment for i said improvement; and that we constitute the owners of over 50 percent of the lineal frontage on the line of such improvement, being all of such owners, except Central Warehouse Company. The undersigned, Raudenbush & Sons Piano Company, residing at 2196 University Avenue, Saint Paul, is the owner of Lot 88, Hewitt's Outlots, First and Second Addition, which property { has a lineal frontage of 310 feet on the line of said improvement. The undersigned, Franklin Machine Works, residing at 2208 University Avenue, is the owner of Lot 87, Hewitt's Outlots r T � F ,ty a- y First and Second Addition, which property has a lineal frontage Of 310 feet on the line of said improvement. The undersigned, International Harvester Company of at Merriam Park, is the owner of Block 3, Robbins America, residing which property has a lineal frontage of and others Rearrangement, improvement- 490 feet on the line of said imp s The undersigned, Leo Levy and Erik J. Johnson, residing at 2161 University Avenue, Saint Paul, are the owners, +Merchants Bank Building, Saint Paul,' Peoples Coal and Ice.Company, and of Lot 65, Hewittis putlota, First and Second Addition, is the tenant 310 feet on the line of said which property has a lineal frontage of ' improvement. 1933 and Zimmerman, That the undersigned, Barrett Lots 612 and 62, Hewitt�a Qatlots , _ University Avenue, is the owner of M, First and Second Addition. of the That the undersigned agent and representative Estate, Fourth and Sibley Streets Saint Paul, are the Guiterman owners of Lot 89, HewittIs Outlots, First and Second Addition. We hereby allege that we strenuously object to said paving for the following reasons: �. Said street proposed to be paved is in no sense 1. but that the sane terminates at Myrtle Street as Arterial Highwayt at the plant of said Waldorf Paper one block from University Avenue two blocks north of Products Company' and that the same terminates M1 operty of said Central Warehouse Company the pr• University Avenue at benefited by That the general public can be is no manner whatsoever '. 2 I. "WE Is�S.Z.. S } ? A � fi'i � ,a Al y ` = Said paving, said street being one used purely for the purposes of the adjacent property owners, f r 2. That the undersigned will be in no manner whatsoever benefited by said proposed paving; that the present street is a hard gravel road Hilly adequate for the use to which the same is put. 3. That if -said Central Warehouse Company or said Waldorf ; t Paper Products Company because of any special use to which they may put said road would be benefited by the paving of the same they cannot expect the burden thereof to be borne by other property owners opposed to said _ paving and who will be in no manner benefited thereby. / IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands this DAY of March, 1923. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY. T. E. Da Hoe, being duly sworn, deposes and says; that he is one of the signers of the foregoing petition; PakTL4(�.�r5���2nj; that all of the signatures to said petition were signed in his presence and he hereby 1,r ew certified that said signatures are true and correct. % c Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12l day of March, 1923. ' r n a, r M� ilio C COUNCIL FILE NO. By '&-!Q"aa07 - - ---- - ---- FINAL ORDER _Rice Stre-et. Additi-on, 1_QY _001c 6, __5.t ins.on In the Matter of-grA51-1119-Al B3 Qe raninm from ..................... ............. ------------ ,c. F. 2282—Bt `Y G3e"".' yucAe ' 'Y in 'dg --- ......... -.-.-.--.-.-.-.-.-. Initoe'iatter f gand;Stinsonsr,,Sir.tddl ------ - ----------- lt, Park A, an"n" StSunsde.r ,Sesaami-- Ot-&de, l3973L approved ed llminarY .t .................-................. bee;I"e ................:........................... "ay rin,he.g bile mprovenentn0heard.................................................. - - ---- -------- nve......................o. ... ............... ....... ...................................................................... ................................................ ............................. ........ under Preliminary Order 3.9.731..._...----..._........ approve& IdaY ]-922. ......... .... ... .. approved....................... - - --- ---- e Council intermediary order in having been had upon the above imp' upon due notice, and the cons A public hearingobjections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully 'id - having heard all persons, ered the same; therefore, be it recise nature, extent and kind of RESOLVED, By the Council Of the of St. Paul that the p City e A119,Y in Block -15-1 I improvement to be made by the said City isgr'�4 ition, froin P.a.k 1,ve. t,o Rice St . -..-and.-- je q sAming ----------- .. ...... ................ r ... .......... ......................... --------------- ............ ................ Gera ................. .... _ ..... . .............. ------------------- ......... ........................ — .. ....... ....... . .................. ............ ..... .................................. I ........................ -- ------------- .................. .......... ........... . ............. ------------------------------------------------------------- ----- and the Council hereby orders said improvement t o be made. er of Public Works be and is hereby instructed RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commission id improvemare ent, and submit same to the Conn. - ,and directed to prepare plans and aspecifications for s3 hereby authorized and directed cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials n accordance therewith. to proceed with the making of said improvement i 7 Adopted by the Council - ------ - 6ty Clerk. Approved Mayor. %,,<q'uncilman Ferguson uncilrnan GUAW jACi)0najd Councilman I§dbm 1,%tson (_-'Councilman ?*f_VkC peter Cmneitil an el ''Mayor Nadgmx 1qe1son Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DIlPAR'WENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER u� • �e In the matter of =Rding Alley in Block a Stinson 1 a Rt a Street Addi +; nn, from Park Ave. to Rice St. and Jessamine St. to Geranium St., under Preliminary Order approved May 16, 1921 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8_ 227.36 front The estimated cost pei/foot for the above improvement is g .184 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 6 Stinson's Rice Street 800 2 6 Addition to the City of 275 3 6 St. Paul, Minn. $75 4 6 do 275 5 6 do 275 6 6 do 275 7 6 do 4,075 8. 6 do 1,600 9 6 do 1,200 10 6 do 1,150 Farm B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) . ADDITION LOT ASSESSED VALUATION iBLOCK, DESCRIPTION -.:-- '=----- 11 . 6-Stinsonts Rice Street Ladd-_ 3,675 12 . 6 .ition to the City of St. 2,225 13 6 Paul, ldinn. 825 14 6 do 1,725 15 6 do 5,300 16 6 . do 9,150 17 6 do 750 18 6 . do 2,400 19 6 do 700 20 6 do 1,750 21 6. do 1,875 22 6 do 2,000 23 6 do 400 24 6 do 950 25. 6 do 2,050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. 19 I ......._... /W"...... _.__...__...__ ................................_ Commiaeioner of Finance. corm B. B. 12 � Office of the Commissioner of Public Work&8cer, a Report to Commissioner of Finance s ; ........................ ....... _... l9$... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.,.._3.9731,...,__, approved .........._...X..16......................:..............:........19$$,..., relative to.................._..._..._ _........... _......... _. 18 R1045 St,AddtAVAM .... .... .................._ from_PArk Avenue to Rice St,aJessamine St. to Geranium St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__._`Z2�/ k3s_, and the total cost thereof is $...................... ................ _..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -................................................. _........................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #....... ........... _.._........................ _..... _............................. ................. _............. .._..................... _.................................................................................................................. _... ....... o. Said improvement is_ .......... ..................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C iissioner of Pu ?tc d°� 3'' ..CAR CLAU99EN, Cvi[r Evclv[[n !. E. CARROLL, A931. Cnl[r E 11PT. 11 G. H. HCRROLD,o OrrlC[Tn Awo CiTTRUNvivc Evalvc[n _ ' 1.3' GRYTDAE, DI -Off E A. 6..9HARP, 9VPT. or 9TR[[Ta ANI SANITATION H. W. GOCTZINGCR, 9Ur1. or WonnnWa[ Chiu of St. Paul Urpachurut of Public Marks WILLIAM J. PETER. ®COMMISSIONER OT('P E. CONSTANS. �CPUTY COMMI99IONCR aa0 49 August 22nd, 1922. Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commiasioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir :- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley in Block 6 Stinsonts Rime Street Addition, from Park Ave. to Rice St. and Jessamine St, to Geranium St., in accordance with Council File #39731, approved May 16th, 1922. Approximate.estimate-------------- -0227.36 Cost per front foot---------------- .184 Assessable frontage ----------------1233.9 ft. Respectfully submitted, i� Chief ng neer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. ss .one/fbf Public Wor s: Peters l�cmtta� Qcrz�r$ee3+tmbr tsS publ'm SWAMI* ` Door Sir VO mte or king oP e3 r Z B2,00k 6�itixs�an�s ' for ti� a 3eeM streetmW t C32s tro�1 :rk 'Ave r. to RiceI to i3''w +s in aaac�'ft� I►PFrOs1 2 =d 16tty -- X86 p�grd8�6b� �iate`ge .......• Rssp%Yti71F �trgitteds r St. Paul, Minn . ......... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition youpqJonorablc Body to cause the following improvement to be rn.*--- ................................. !Pil Ave. .............. '�A St. Ave. fa, -R, - 4j-k?b-, M Ir •ADDITION M Ir 'Office of Qifg (Merit JOHN LF` RIcY JA6.J. MINER April 18th, 1922. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Coms'r of Public Yorke. Dear Sir. Attached please find petition of property owners objecting to the grading of the alley in Block 6, Stinson & Rice Street Addition, which was read at the Council meeting today. We can find no order covering this improvement in this office, and are therefore referring the same to you, as instructed by the Council this date. Yours truly, CITY CLERK. TO THE CITY COUNCIL 4 ffr' OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL - We, the undersigned, all being owners of lots in Block Six (6) Stimson & Rice Street Addition,on the North side of Jessamine Street, between Park Avenue and Rice Street, upon which lots we have erected dwellings, which we have been occupying for many years last past, do hereby object to the proposed grading of the alley backof our premises and between Jessamine Street and Geranium Street. The present grade of the alley as it now is has been the same for twenty-five or thirty years. All of the lots in said block, with the exception of Lot 33, have garages, sheds,barns and fences upon them, which are built to a000mmo- date the grade of said alley. Said alley is so constructed now that it has a hard surface and can be used b, the heaviest trucks and has been used for many years last past and the natural grade of the same is such that it has aQ-.paoellent drainage to Park Avenue and the alley east of the lots,and there has never been any demand for the change of the grade of said alley. The lots back of the petitioners' lots and facing Geranium Street are all unocoupi ad with the exception of Lots Eight and Nine (8 and 9) upon which are residenoes, which said lots 8 and 9 are owned by the owner of the other lots One to Seven (1 to 7) inclusive, -facing Geranftim Street. Most of said lots 1 to 7 are very low on 16ranium Street and require considerable filling to bring them up to the grade. Your petitioners are of the opinion that the owner of said lots 8 and 9 desire said alley graded so that he can obtain the dirt + therefrom and have the same dumped into his lots,which are below grade. The signers of this petition respectfully request the City Council to make a personal investigation of the conditions before taking action on the grading of such alley. Name of owner Lot and Block L' 83 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��ItNO - - OFFICE OF=THE CITYCLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM c PRESENTED COMMI - IONER...:: ... .:. ..... -. r...- ... ..W.L(CJ....:..... .... DATE ............ Oc-to lar..-1J�-,. -1922-., -.. RESOLVED in .the matter of condemning and taking' an easement in the land neoessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Bleak 6, Stinsonve Rios Street Addition, from Park Avenue to Rice'Streat and Jessamine Street to'Geranilim Streit, under Ereliminary',Ordsr;C. F. #89732, approved May. l6, 1922, and Intermediary Order C F.441791, approved September 12, 1922. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills inand the..land abutting upon the Alley in Block 6, Stinsonle' Rico Street Addition, between the pZiints aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached' to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated October 11, 1922, which *e,to- and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C F. No 42283 $Y� J. Peter— I Ia the matter of condemning and tak Ing-a a sem nt i the Ian d.nc es rY for 91opeLor cute and'fllls fn',� the- .. grading .'f-,AllY in Block 6 sa II Stineoa;s Rice Stre t Addition, trom t it Park Avenue to'Rl ge�au Lii street-II q anmpe Street .}o. .. under Preliminary Or 16, '1922 and �' 1 1. ..9732:..: approved-May Intermediary Order C. F. Nn 4i791'...,[ , �I The GogtrSept. ner Iof 2�ublic works - having; submitted.. his ' reDort and jI'. ....: sketch: do `the, above moffer,�bst 1 paul� (Resolved, That the CityOf fixes and � deterailnes the amount ad land to.:b be, for.the above named improvement, ae : as ea ement Loi the laml, abutting upon the od or tBAlley 1n-' between Stinson Pointatnatores.1 , dtits, 0 extent, shOWD upon [he sketch attach-. ed <to tho report of the Commissioner ` of Pablic WorNkh,ch akeY haantterd reDort Yee (J) Councilmen ( V) Nays Ont III I922, are tieroby referred to and ,made n - ^'_- Ipartdhersot Approved Oct 1101923/ Oct, 11, 3822. LLOCII—Q�.I.d.L.J�_�--I9— (Oct•'21-1922) Ferguson McDonald ---.....in Favor A dved__—:.__.00T 11 1923 19.__._ '/_ _tel ._.Against � `®"�__ YI,YOR We=el V. President ►ORM - sM s-x0 (Utu of €t. Paul b� J .—A CLA.—., C E, a 17' rpart111M1t of jiublir Works - WILLIAM J. PETER I e. CARROLL, A rE CHicr a OMMISSIDNER fs'" HePA OITO�EPUTY COMMIONER G. H. HERROLD. OrAll A,, CorgPLAHw�Ho SSI ...IH... M. 9 GRYTBAH, E4S A. R. $HARP. S11T. or STgecifewuo 9A ntioq N. W. GOETZINGER, -T. or WO 1111 fc RUORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Stinsonle Rice Street Addition, from Bark Avenue to Rice Street and Jessamine Street to @eranium Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #39732, approved May 16, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. #41791, approved September 12, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. omm ssi erX ilub-Lic Works. Dated Oct. 11, 1922. COUNCIL FILE NO ..... rl'y ............ . Clancy ... 9 ORDER INTERMEDIARY zJA791 q 'tor of noademn Is?t IA e to of lop ou j, clt- 16 olon a IR 0 e , to rillAveAV - eamine —1 ' G, oo ing• a land - neae"Oxy In the Matter of.., . Q Qnd P'lla nd •9P to nqq.-5t'-A'T'4 ...... ............................... to Geranium .5t.... ...................... ..Jessamine St. ...... ........................ ............. ........... approved Ylaff- ........... * Commissioner of Finance upon under Preliminary Order...... • Paul having received the report of the -1 of the City Of considered said r epo . rt, hereby resolves: improvement The Councl -- and adopted, and the said the above improvement, and having by approved said report be and the same is here and..t9-k0- -an 1. That the proceeded with- nd, is. acindem is.hereby ordered to be PrOce h the Council recommends of the improvement which 2. That the nature -4e QAsAry-f-Qr- . P)'J)9Qf3.'.X ox- fr . On - P - ark 0j0.qTIkqxIt .. ..Q of Alle in Block 6 StinsonRice . Street AdA' 9P in accordance Jessamine the batched .. .... hereof ........... Avenue to, Rice•S..c a part he the bluewing-t ... with shade POrti ... ......... ............... cuts and the. d ......... portions.s ogjng..the ............... . ...... — h ....... ........ .... ... estimated cost thereof is ?Q'pg� alternatives, and that the estim the ........ LIth ..... day of with no alte public hearing be had on said improvement on Chamber of the Court That a PI 10 o'clock A. IVI., in the Council Chair . f Resolved Further, ? at the hour of . "oner Of Finance give notice 0 .......... 192.- — S Paul. That the Cornriuss'stating the time and place of in the City Of t' provided by the Charter, House and City Hall Building in the manner pr cost thereof as estimated* Citgo the perso�s and ,,ent and the total said meeting f the Impro hearing, the nature ........... 192 Adopted by the Council•City C • le • rk. .. Approved ..... 192- ..... .......... .. Mayor. j � – '2 � CL Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald zo� �-- Councilman SWtKPeter 'Councilman Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-' CITY OF 8T. PAUL . DEPARNMEN-r.OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condermi ng and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Stinson's Rice Street Addition, from Park Avenue to Rice St. and Jessamine St. to fserani um St -- — under Preliminary Order approved May 16 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 20.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or a" parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 6 Stinson'a Rice Street Add- 800 2 6 ition to the City of St. 275 3 6 . Paul, Minn. 275. 4 6 do 275 5 6 do 275 6 6 do 275 7 6 do 4;075. S 6 do 1,600. . 9 6 do 1,,200 10 6 do 1,150 . Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPART34ENT,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER'S (C) ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 1.—== 11 6 ';Stinsonts Rice Street Add-. 3,675- 12 6 ition to the City of St. „ 2,225. -- 13 6 ;Paul, Idinn. 825. 14 6 do 1,725, 15 6 do 5,300, 16 6 do 9,150 17 6 do 750- 18 6 do 2,400 19 6 do 700 I 20 6 do 1,750 21 6 ; . do 1,875 22 6 do 2,000 23 6 do 400 24 6 do 950 25 6 do 2,050- - � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ...... _.........191.........: _ Dated ... ._....................... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works aecEIV,, iaRa. Report to Commissioner of Finance iS�i NER OF E���`P` SEP 1. 1922 ---Augttet-2�` ----------- 1922 -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. --39732 ---approved- J.Y_ 16 ------------ 1cA2--, relative to ----------- Condamaing-AD&-tAkirig- -'n- the --land- ne ces sar-------- for slopes, for euts and tills in the grading of alley in Blook 6, Stinson's Rage Street Addition, from Park Ave. -------------to amide -St. --and -Jessamine S :-£o->ieranitV St----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. ', 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------ 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of i property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- Comrpi aSoner of Public W9 -rz--C _ V'e a 7 - - ---------------------------------- 42,128 . COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By. .....,Jame a..�d.....Clanay...-- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.cpHstruct -.a___Six..f.nOt....C.ement...tile...aidemalk--- ion ...both ..-.-... sides of...Palace--Street.-from--Cretin_-hve ue..-t-Q._QleyelafAd..A.vemze.,._.exnapi where good and sufficient. sidewalks now...existl.................................................................. ... . - ........ ......... ......... . .... . C. F. No. 42284-13 James M. C1an-YA Matter.. ot-_constructtnB' a .s4s•• ._"' "" '"-'. ..............."" --"' .. .............. ..................... ,.t-ueAil7 Y_.5, 6 aaider d h . 16. 192Z. public hearing having been ha�l 11 n"'3- IIK . - ...-------- .-- ----. .. mpovet upon due upon the aboveIcmhaving h..rd under Preliminary Order 413nee a th 'I""'Ind . i................................. all p -one. 1, tions elan tincdh ren_ d.. -: Intermediary Order ------------------------------- ac approved.- ........... ---------- _------------------------------------- .......... Rear+•-. A public hearing having been Jana upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommmdations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..c-On-struct...a..aix.--fnat....cement...tile ...aidenalk On..bQth..s.ida a...ai... Fa A.Q&.-.S.treat.. t'roln Oxe Gin-Auenu.e...to Q-1evelancl._Avenue , eX.ceRt .Whexe good...and...softtete-Ht,-_s idewa]ks....nOw...eX� .t,.. - ...- -........ ------------_- ------------ - ......----------° .......... -..........................._................................--------------------------------------------...------------..------------------------------ ....... -- - .............................._........._........... . ................ - - ... ............ .......... ------ .............""" ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the -- �L`' .. / Clerk. ,err 1,= 1922 City Approved..__._ ............................. ......, 191....... '--......_.......... � - K°'--- --- - Mayor: Counci an tax ancy 1 --Councilman 910= Ferguson �/ lJ PUBLISHED /o VCouncilman x McDonald councilman 1�81Zttx7C Matson 'a Councilman 3tck4►kk peter Y " - i�i'lSfPL81 7:ayor *kidgsoxsx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8.7 '-CITYj`�. PAUL 4`Y'2 ' DEPAfiFM�tT FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE tri (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f C In the matter of Construct a six foot cement tile, sidewalk on both sides of Palaoe Street from Cretin Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved- Aug- 15, 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ _ f ront The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is $ 1.10 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15 5 G. G. t?nitneys Riverton 325 Place. 14 5 do 725 13 5 do3 25 12 . 5 do 325 11 5 do 325. _. 10 5 do 325 9 5 do 325.. S 5 do 325. 7 5 do 325 Pmm B. B.10 TOTAL. �- • CITY .OpP 8T. PAUL DEP*RjW,4Tw0F FINANCE FINANCE SS'ONoER of ' REPORT OF, OON RB (B) _ ,. --- -•. - _ .. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ... DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. 6 5. G. G. Whitneys Rive_rton 325, Place. do 3:25'; 5 5 leo West of do 4 5 apo Fast � of 4 and all of 3 5 do do 3�5 _. 2 5 350. 1 5 do 350 14 1 do 325, do 13 1 3.�5 - do 12 1 325 '. do .11 .1 3.25 do 10 1 175 _. West of 9 1 do .400 East z of do do 6 1 t o FO 7 1 aO 325 6 1 do 3,25 5 1 a° 1400 4 1 do 3 1 do 350 �5 4 do 350 14 4 d° 350 13 4 do 350 12 4 do 350 11.4 do 350 to 4 do 525 of S ani all of West ` do 9 4 175 East g of S and all of 7 4 do 350 do 6 4 TOTAL '` CITY OF ST. PAUL D EPA►:. ENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5_ G, G whitneye Riverton _.350.__ .-_4_ .. Flaoa. do _ _ _ _ _ ____:354__.____.__-. 3 4 do _ .350. 2 4 . CIO .350- . 1 4 do 375 15 2 do 375 14 2 do 350 �3 2 do 359. 12 2 do 350 11 2 do 350 10 2 do 350. _ 9 2 do 350 S 2 do 354 7 2 do 750 6 2 do .350 5 2 do 350 42 do 350 3 2 do 350 2 2 do 350 1 2 do 1250 .27525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. A21M11 Dated—_-__--- till____ -/-'-Commissioner of Finance. Form 0.0. 12 �i .: �� ..l__;. r...{.. . -�-- '- -i- - k � a St. Paul, Minn .......... ✓........ ..................792..:' To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �.C,�-moo aL .....................................St. eve. from... �........z..U�.:_?::..'`.................................St. Ave. to—._— - St. Ave. ............................................................. .................... i� • • •D • ��� � �u'/�'��%/ate►i la ����, � ��j L / 'l% i / . I iif� :�■ _ � � � .. .brace s 1 � 422(1?,5 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By –AMqA ....................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of laying and m.pairing.,...Whers nac-essary, the ................ .............. ..................................................................... ........................ E.S. of Western Ave. beginning at Sherburne Ave, thence South 1001 of eentra7l Are-; between Western ---Ave: and ftrund-e-1 3t -r----------------------------- S.S. t-w----------------------------- S.S. of West Fifth St. beginning 70 ft. west of Exchange St., thence west m to owrly AV6 . ... .. . .. ..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . -- under Preliminary Order .......... .................. Iritermediary Order........ ._.. IF1101, St�'. bqglnLlng.j ul'suee ................................ ........................ ,est to,Mst-n 70 fee= -west .,of Ea¢bAITO St A public hearing having been - upon due notice and the Council & slitfi St; -then-e -16utb-n"`ft.� ,6t b6`jir�11'Wg having heard all persons, objection -,W�osi !,21nz----thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isXPq.Qnqtr1xe r.qJgy_.gnd r-e-gair vi.hor.a ............ .nece,jthe following sidewalks ssary ................. I ................... — ..................... I ......:................................... - ------------------------ ................... B.S. of Western Ave. beginning.at'Slierburne Ave. tnence South 1001 of Cent-ra-1 ime-V A-runde-1 -St-. – .......... S.S. of West Fifth St–beginning'70 ft, west of Exchange St,, thence 6 -t td MkiYf'-Avu� .......... ....... ... ................ z . ........... ................ -------------- ------------------- ............... ... ff B.S. of Chestnut St. beginning h 5t. thence south 260 ft. ................................................................... . ......... Ln at West 7t ............................ ............ ....................................... ........................................... .................. ................ ..................... ................... ............................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be.andis hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. OCT 11 1923 Adopted by the Council...._..-------------.......... ............... ...... ffl ... ................................................................................ City Clerk. Approved ------------------------- aCT-11ISZ 191 Mayor. PMUSHEb o —.:2 -9 -Q L,Zouncilman Xkmxx Ferguson ,iCouncilman Xlweg McDonald L. *xR= Matson 4'ouncilman ouncflman IftZaRx Peter �yormuVgm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 PMUSHEb o —.:2 -9 -Q - - CITY OF ST. PAUL sidewalks: DEP4TMENTOV FINANCE E. S. of western Ave. beginning at Sherburne Ave. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER thenceWest to Main Ave. -...................... ----------_--------------------_------------------ .. ... �� ------L._Y.._>. In the Matter of t3C1i1:181<11Ata---Tela3l—�--T-eF8' whAra neeest.�y th�.f.411ov�in,--__ sidewalks: ------- E. S. of western Ave. beginning at Sherburne Ave. thence South 100 ---------...--•------N'-_S�-._of.. Central Ave_. between Western Ave. and Arundel Street. S. _-S.00f_West Fifth _Str, beginning 70 ft. Weat of Exchange Str. - thenceWest to Main Ave. -...................... ----------_--------------------_------------------ eginning at West 7th Str. thence South — under Preliminary Order approved --`Tall.'.--- 1�22---------------------- ----------------------- ----------------- ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isThe estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 0.10 per sq .ft. - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ILOT IB6oGK ADDITION i', ASSESSED VALUATION I, ----------------- 6 �5 , , warren &Rice's (mac, So. 4?_ feat) 2450 Addition to St. Paul. 2375 (South 42 feet) 6 25 ldackubin & Marshalls So. of 29 & So ! 7 7200 . Addition to St -Paul. 7 11650 27 7 do 2150 ii 26 7' do 2400 E. 31.01 ft -Of S.120 ft.& 25 i 7 ! do 2575 !_ N.12-, ft. E. 26 ft. of S. 120 ft. of 24 and W. 6.48 ft. of S. 120 ft -of 25; 7!! do 2200 . -'CITY OP 4T. PAUL DE�YA7MENC OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _.E._20.04 ft. _.-of_S. 120 ft.of 23 & W. 12.97 ft -of 5.120 ft. of 24 7 Muckubin & Harehalls21-0Q Addition to St. Paul. So. 120 ft, of 22 & S.120 ft. of We 18.46 -ft. of lot 23 7 do 2575 120 ft. of 21 7 do �35p South 120 ft. of 20 7 do ,23150 ECJ of S. 120 ft.Of is & S. 120 ft. of 19 7 do 21;75. '. 17 & W.j of S. 120 ft. of 15 7 do 425 { S-. 120 ft, of W4 of �7 & _ So. 120 ft. of 16 7 do 9 E._ 20 ft.of (Ex. -part for 7th). 2 14. Rice and_Irvines Add. 60200 (Ex.E,20 ft. of) F.x.part for 7 ). 2 14 to St. Paul. do 400,00 (Ex.part taken for 7th Str) 3 14 do 350:00 -. No. 55 ft. of E.40.2 ft. 4 14 do -Following described part of 4 14 do 9300 commencing at a point on the E: line of said lot 55 ft, from ! the N'ly line of W.7th St. -:-thence W. at right angles 40.64 ft more or less to a point 19.50 ft. E. from the W. line of said lot, thence N. parallel thereto, 83 ft. more or less, to the S1 line of 5th St. thence E. 40.64 ft. more or less to the N.E. corner of said lot, thence S. 85 ft. more -,-or less to place of beginning. i ..-. - .. ..TOTAL. i CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPART:ME1IT O w FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY 'ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION and Irvine s ',22275, T+ and addtion_to St, Paul-_____ . -''-Cff101tt8IIIi�Rg'tit- th-e-- N : W:'" -@02ne r,; of said lot, thenoe Sly along,- --the--Way—bine -130:30 thenoe E. parallel with 5th St. 14w80 ft; thenoe-IL -parallel with the W. line of said lot _-- 42 Yt:--thence-E. parallel with 5th Str. 5 ft. thenoe _ ftr parallel with the aforesaid - W, line of said lot 88 ft - t.ucoTa-or more orTess, to South -line of 5th St. thenoe W. 19.80 ft. to- plaoe of beginning also Ely + of N- 130.30 ft. of - -�-Dot 5r_... _ _. 6 14_ _ _ . do Wly + of- and all of 20 -1t. -of _ 11 26 do 71'25 of S W 40 ft. of N.W. 100 ft. _ �Ex. _.S.E, 12 ft - 11 P-6 do . for alley 9350 Ex. _40_ ft, of N.W.100 ft.._ _W1y _ lz. 26___.__- cio. _ _ 2$Ot} _... 13. 26 , do X700- _. 14 26_ _ _ 0 2650 _ 257075, The Commissioner of Finance further report{ s that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. >r _ Dated----- 181--- 1 -----Commissioner of Finance. Form D. D. 12 �� s COUNCIL FILE NO ----------------------------- By-----.:.TamQ13....Pd.---Qlanay.............................. FINAL ORDER in the Matter ofcting T .. -- ,.. ,.r__+T, „i' T.i ncolrl...©V.Qs-s..................... ; - ..-.. -------.... under Preliminary Order.............9 d71..... ......... approved......-.AP$s....w.,l.a-.-l�.� .R.. - .. approved ..................................... ..-:.- Order .......:.............. .------ .... .Intermediary , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- erIed the same; therefore, be it a haft a '&V�'k isd `if RE OLVED, B the Council of e City of St. Paul that tyle p GQQ noe3e- N`^ SS ...y.� -' SOYor....on-B718....e�`t�.....'7C!VIU G�'kiZtd St N!J �Tt to�be� Vid'CAV It�QA lJlt "* �j.. 41ve.,._.-�.o.:a point.-130.ft North.of..LincoYn-_Aqe.:..................... -•---"tTe'2.IId th0 S,Yt1A aYl h"�Yeb,-aDAnlled, at C<r xo .csaee—sr Jainee na ctapor— proceedings in said matter be dTscontmued:................... . In c e setae of Conetrpanng a sewer --ro. SL Srom 6rapd Avo oto a Nortrirof.LirieoTn Ave - `-••-tenmfni�rq Order 11671; ay +`hedHng-NFIAYing been had Dove imDr3vement bpon:-,dnp,'-""" ' -- hb Counoit., haYln6' 1,e d• ar aRt(]t i��6daflcil e+[oT o tmllfteusate. e�pnxltrdb�ONI&S laid�mman 9 pct VED F T Th C ssi er f P VJo s 1?�r , b a n - said ' prove t, an - mi},e and d' cted prepar fans a speci tion u d de 'ha up sai rov , e p o er ci cials r el .y cil f r a ro a , ro eni ocord ne there th. to rocee with . makin f sai P OCT I 192 Adopted by the Council.. -- - .. City Clerk. _ ur TIt.-K2 191 GY/ Approved ..................... ...........c ................../'./� .. -.... Mayor. Ferguson PUBLISHED—L.: councilman bli7SKX7C. � Councilman dbWMXY McDonald vCouncilnaan Q Mats ori Councilman M§fiak c Peter J � Dune 1 mayor V-tdgMX lie is on Form B. S. A. 8-7 �y, fit#� ' �a� � �t�� ��� m CITY OF 8T. PAUL yn-. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 426�i7 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE P� (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the mattert nnnatruCting a Sewer on Sue St. from Grand Ave to a n� int _1-30 ft. North of Lincoln Ane. under Preliminary Order approvedAURUst 31, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 1 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 'Im On front The estimated cost per f6ot for the above improvement is g Tile lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION '.LOT 6LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION (Except_ Alleg) ;'12 4 Rosedale- Park _ 550 j' .(Exeept..Alley) - 41 4_ do _ ;.975. _(Except ,South 65 feet) East 1 20 ft. of 10 4 do 4:,150, also (Ex. S.-65 ft.) 9 4 do 65 S _ 65 t t of E. 20 of. 100: 4 do 3,050 also S. of i (Except Alley) E..2,0'__of. 43 4_i d0 1,,900 i t &all of ! 44 4 ; do n (Except --Alley) n • TOTAL. r 625. L.. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datc l 191— • COm01ti i-er .1 Fi...— Form B. B. 0 (. `� _--1- - -- vc St. Paul, Minn., ........... ...............y ............:......192... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the, undersigned property, owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body, to use the following improvement to, a made: `✓ i t--(--'--`_�''JjL..'� L,,u_.—,.s.,s..............:......... cry.^r................................ ................................................................. i Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksRFeFt��� Report to Commissioner of Finance y.,,,,,, ,,,4 w Sep ----Saptembep-3a�;-----19122_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Gommissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 41571 __approved_&14M:t N-At;.____1922_, relative to ........... Cotructing_a _power _on_Sue Street from Grand Ave. --------------- to --_--_-to 130 ft. North of Uneoln Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $703.00 Exoess Inspeotion $50000 2. The estimated cost'thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $__-___-__-__, $4.14 per front foot. Assessable frontage 170 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - -------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. fr) �- i Commies onr of Public Work OSCAR CI SSSN. CHI- Z"". - .mune !. C CARROU. Aee'T.'Cxla1 Cx.ix.�n wxo Burr. or coxeT.uen.x A O. R. NCRROI.D.. O,FI= AN. CttTwP�wxxixo Z..,.— M. S. ORTTDAN. .niOOD CN.INL�n A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OrDT..[TD wxo Dwx�TwiiaN M. W. OOCTZINOSR. DUPT. e1 WOn...US. UP of St. Paul ti Beam mut of public-Metks WILLIAM J. PIrMR• COMMISSIONER � pIITT COMMIDSIOMDR ��� 4S September 2nd, 1922. Ur' Wm J'. Pe ter , Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of constructing a sewer on Sue Street from Grand Ave. to 130 ft. NO of Lincoln Ave., in accordance approved August 31st, 1922. with council File #415711 Estimated coat------- -- 703°.00 Excess Inspection--- 50A0 front foot - --- Assessable frontage --- " Coat per - - � 170 ft. Yours very truly, chiefng neer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. p as one o V a ork8-�`y' � �j 4228, An ordinance prohibiting the solicitation of money or undo and the conducting of tag days, so-called, for any cause whatever .upon the streets of the City of St. Paul. 11iftwoe oil a, f" Q' P -0-4-9-t4" f UP Du 1io hes THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That no person, firm, corporation or association, shall solicit money or funds or conduct tag days, so-called, upon the streets of the City of St.,Paul for any mouse whatever. Section 2. Any person, firm, corporation or association violating any of the.provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars .($100.00) or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety days. -to 62— dayed IjKf NTT—. Section ,3All ordinances or parts of ordinances iaconalWtent herewith are herby repealed. _ Section This ord nee shall take effect and be in force (� - Q 0.Y5 iQ- r /� omits passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Peter Wenzel Mr. President (Nelson) Approved o .4A Mayor City Clerk i COUNCIL 42 CITY OF ST. PAUL rue NO ....:........... . + COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM '.w.�.......... DATE ................ QR:�e.t....2nd ,....,192rL1....... PRESENTED BY .....0 ,,Q„`.. ..... -0OMMI$SIONER...... RESOLVED:: - rbs hemon for the trararatodon of elec- tteRE onsvddnPaul t Gas Light C-1-1, 9.md hereby of aeid ,and. directed to eatand its electrical line. by erectha Doles. and strinYinQJvd Install one pole on the We' aide of Snelling Avenue, between Hague and Lnstal none Po with necessary guys and anchors. Commercial Lighting. urel 4 C S No 'sae9--'br W— Resolved That tbq 6t Paul (}8s. t 9` t •. �4� +L LL.CpmpanY is hereby ordeal"I'Ard -I dlreaEed :tb .stand �it8 eleotTlcal Maes u iiow a r�Ahd 4 411=%ri11.1 it wkrgp thereog cSor ih8 tt8nsmfaelon o[ also trtcity fib- and in tp9 !,"ollowtnB-' atleYa _ �/ A; /�-.. )�_ n �. rOae�l 1`e .ph"the West 61da ot: Snell- '� //,` fag pvd. -' QetweeD'>e end fiend IIfY� A,vennee -,witb necpaearY Cbmmerefal Alt 7ff .ieuctt erctenelpnp poles and � - tviraa .hell b� er$oted and epnpkTn4ced �^' ander thb dlrectlpss'ana uenplervle(on •oL - i .-r �y X, /:i /il.G ,+ thr Comintaptdaek� b[1 i�bia ZiitllkUea-/}-(�/ i•'r, r 4J G . d la 'aly things...GGGassbta0t to the Dtovl Lf 8[o'ne ti[ Ordinan l'l4 a48!} and oL all e oThar .la�rttYl •br Ir.4noee age .;.sola l.h kiona pL°:;Chd Cit aT;:6t, Paul • _ t,Ail DOje dLputa"b4 net in,anoh'lopa� bion fn • a§idt aRo�r 4, rtteete� aa"' the - r�ommtedioner of"r'Pvblio Uttltttea eiralI ¢aLiknat.�'lanaabAaR ;be 44 puob� bgtBhE aqd' clthhltuStet 'qtr lie pbakt Neetflaete: _ atad #D Pave and gay' and all puolt. _ Dples �9U lye talc0g Own„'dind`•� s_e+ _ - _ moved. and puob yvleed Placed) ander . fst'ogadsG-teiTtenevpr ..ihe CoGncll p§.all nem 6r the Db6iia interepq: eo re r cut ea ggd '}Y1Iph 1C.phan. ep order kL�oDtad by ibQrCouhofl Oct ll 1P�8. ..� Approved not. lI YSFa .. _ _ la�et ai ss�ss' lt Aa such e:tenei Doles end f shall be .ted and constructed under the diraetien and suparvlSt. o[ rhe Commleeio deehaa b blit annh bai¢ht and eberaltr u bee ehna the nrovietons o[ Ordinance Na YlY1, and of ali tb r )awls.) ordinances and resoluHone of the Ciq of St. Pent• All Doles ionnld be .et in such l dna in smd aleys and streets as the Commissioner of Public UUlidea shall deal¢ re, an deai¢nnte sad approve, and my and all eoeh Doles shall he taken down and removed, and such wires placed and r¢rouvd wheneverthe Council shall deem that the nubile iaterestab requires, and when it amu eo older. Yes (J) Councilmen✓) Nays. ' 7 192:........ Adopted by the C 192 .'-" onaoll..:....GCT ' OCT 111923 ;:✓ E�etguspn ` Adopted ..... 192 ....... McDonald d. l _la favor ateoA- o �. Mr. President ou-11 v 42290 CITY c OF ST. PAUL ILK No........ .................. COUNCIL RESOLUTION--r—GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTED COMMISSIONER.. ................ ..................................................... ...................... .. ............ DATE............................ ........... ... . ...... . ............... RESOLVED: That the SL Paul G7 Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by erecting Pries and stringing wires thereon for the transmission of else. c tricity on and in. the 011owinff alloys and streets of said city: install Sept. 214.. 1922. NJ PPI pole on the north side of the alley south of Tallula Streetowdst of A-- 3?&irVi4w- Avenue. /30.1vi,ioleei two on tha�_ ovatl t Curve Avenue, north of Zo faa V f6roon Avenue, ' I 0c',�"r)9,6 d. 2200" n". Jefferson Avenue, west of Mount st,pauV G CurVeJk*anue, an bcirljby��order.d and f the alley west Of MOunt,Curve Avenue south th djrsdI6d,.tQi e,atmad'Affs: electric aVllom- �V I �byr� erecting 'poles '-and 'strIft1n9,'wtr`bv t- One pole on the-thereoW k; "eil in rite following ylifl north of Juliet St. , #3 east of Brad city.. t �GtK`uuih.4, Finn Avenue. .5 arrest. of xaunla north -64Y north of Maryland St I rest, be— .'Two poles on th "bb, of th al qjjr, ,,oath tween-Gaultier anWIrvi.W1nom, -', 6 of poles taro on hw,vre, f."it'.131iII&P pole on the n- Ent Cury�.s,'Aieau0i, north' north of Beach Street #4 west jorC,,Avnnun,, one, on the nbrtl%'.lda..o.,n Of,Aroade Street. mount W11 - _ ri � I ,6ruc;,Wn&�two�`ou. east etda of One 'Poll the 1 11 1� 1 -1 a, on the I the of Sydney Street east :,of Wasooa.streeto ,g.utb of J�naarsttzt, A�Vo , � &I., j! one, p.&.'Y_'tho mouth. aide 4 the 1, juV�,,� SL.�No; 3f cher V One pole on thid w 'Wtil:�Ti',Yi _-;;the , at of Roland Street south of South Street.- Pole 4h the a Outh eider -DI 'the alley, north. of Seventh Street,-#Seast DEL 'X �.l L Commercial Lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. ;9-z- All 9-7-- All such exte n Is. a shall the Drowfishm. of [O diem a eracted and constructed under the t.mlv. and sup lei of the C-..i..l ..e r.rP i9su.. Nra`21'4214, and f a 1 1, C. fS P all all other mist ordinances and rose or ons of the ityo t. an. _d__ -I... object to All should be set In such location in said and.treals as the Commissioner o bile Utilities deals.. ah Il be of Ahch height and character as he xhan I , all it d nosh .'-d 1 -1 some and andany %nd, all such velar h b taken and removed, UPT h wires laced mde,sround whenever the Council $hall deem that the public merest so require., and when It shad so order. Yesi (1) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council ............... OCT 1-1 1923 1 ................... ............. 1 92 / ,"Fergus.. VMCDonald favor AdoptOCT 11 1923 Matson.................................. . .......... ;�� . ........... 192 Against .. . ................ . .. ................. ................ I/Mr—.President FMLISHFD- 0 A 4 i' CITY OF SI. PAUL w 291. �Rctc NO........ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �COMMISSWNE:5N RESOLVED /That the proper city offioers are herepy authorized to pay to the Diagnostio 7t -ray Laboratory, 435 Lowry Bldi ng, the .cum. of Ten Dollars010.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the` -General Fund, in full settlement of its claim against the City of St. Paul for services rendered to Ed Chappell, an employe of the Department of Public Utilities of said City, injured in the course of his employment. J C F Nn' {8881 H M¢?onald� Aeao1V d VThat the Prover city otti date &rebereby authorized, to ,pay to the 1Diamicatto X•vaY zara bot¢ry `9811, I sage.end the, above re80111t19n -yS, Low Bulldtn6 thb z *" W 6 drk na fttr pa88age iosa'• Ci10 DO) oup;d t Como&usatton,Acaount of theAl Fund 'lp LUIV aettlemant of its aim. aS><in6t:.+:the•CitY oY, Bt PBnl�for ¢Qr% Vtae ,-.renderod tO -Ed CSnPDe�l .. anem=, ,. Dytoy¢tet the .'Dephrtment ods Eubna. Utilitled`` oL 'satd GitY in]nred In the _ agSlee n� fila ¢mDloYment • Adopted by the CouncilAot 11 1888. 00mm'r of Public Utilities. ApDruyod Oct 1t X988 - {Oct ,81 1888) � Councilmen yens Neys OCT 1 t /923 Adopted by the Coun6L..._._.. _192.._. ✓Fer$nson ` .GCT 1! 1923 t�McDonald ..... S __.In favor roved .......:. _:......._ .192_..- !/ Matson /Peter . A$ainat -----• ----- v MAYOR Mr. President .' COUNCIL 4229-4 CITY OF ST. ,PAUL FILE NO. ......... e--• OFFICE OF THECITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED L9Y� DATE.._O.r'•f.'Ober lO,, 1922 COMMISSIONER ..... ... f .. ....... RESOLVED That th -L uncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction ' of a sewer on Berkeley Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Fredericka Ave.,.- in'accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to O'Neil & Preston, they being the 1011rest responsible bidder, for the'•sum of $1524.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in– structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate 41740.00. PiiB. #4527. A• p., N9 42394—BYE W J .ifet@ hErALYI Rneolved TRO.C= lite Conn 1} 7 canopra In tho reeommendat�_ar91 tho Contr6ct Committee and a 4 , contract for the,eonattoctlolubt -VIN Ava t Fred KaAve:sSn accoriCe tv,4th.:`�lap. ands a enlacarioas . Lt?I'tb attached Yo r}y-Nofl reeWn t bnlnHr theoo =1634 OOh andntrie [Corpora=l he nvm ., 4 tic a' i�a tha?DroVor efo moot cont act!. _. tti relay EttY`.neetfn }inatB ii .: 4bi7 ilt�tlDted Uy :th'e civ,P 4 sit n� �t9Dr616d (cpp�G 31 1828] •l�{}�� - Yea (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Adopted by the Council;.: -.Q( .L. j... 192 Ferguson OCT .$ 1923 v McDonald -.. ...In favor Appr e ------ .._ 192- V Matson I/ iARTlI `W✓v '�.' Mainst' .•..•• .MAYOR V�Ir. President s ...,FORM /3oO Id. .e t COUNCIL,,FILE NO.............:.....'......... it 2. By .....:..James ...L9.-...Glancy.............................. z FINAL ORDElk In the Matter of......4.0}l$t7C!�t�??B-a._se}98r _4n-. Cecelia,_.Fla4e_•Pi:gm-,.St.,... Oaa..j..... St..ao..>...poi1t:.:62..�e.�t_.porth:.of.•the...north.lne._oP__Stanford••-�yenue-,-- ........... -............ . under Preliminary Order.......'kQ52 ......-- ---....... approved .,TUx}Q...`Z$.�..-19. 2........ .. .....:. '-.Intermedia Order ............. - --------------. approved......................'- ---------------------------------------------------- i9 - A•public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon dueLotice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered -the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the CityZof St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....4.0Xletfiuct a pmrA '--.Qn. eca� p..P.1 gCtQ S`G St.....Clair ...St.....to.--a---p int 62. 0e� t�0rt� of tie-_..north.--l3ne...gf..Stanf:Q�41 � l C: F F]o 42296—BY J M. Clancy .... .. -...-. - -- - .. ...... i Iti the AIi<tter of conal acting -a eewer " a Cece][a P1aSn; fYom a4t._Clair 8t ��-'. �...• to s;polnt fi2:teet north of, the der noC.. -•- ....................... .. . ....... _, - ._„•,,, ............ ............ fI hna o[ 9taaford Avenue unPra � _ - � lim.aary QrdeC 4062! apprvged Jvne �, .A=ydbao- hearing hav tl�, beo4 had a .... .. -...----_ .. ............................. ................... ... fl npbntq]e abova,+mprov ment upon dll°.i... - .-.'; Oi:. i91 1 9.... ............... ............. ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is herty instructedie Coun- - and directed to prepareplans and specifications for said -i pr�ovement, and submit same to tl cil for approval; that upon saidjapproval, the proper city Silicials are thereby authorized and directed to pre .eed with the 'making of said improvIenl in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......GiI:? )522.. _ IV” .......--- ' ...-- City Clerk. 0CTx12i,92 2 ,......, 191 '- Approved ............................... f . - - . ............ ... .Mayor. Councilman X%XWs tXM Councilman S }�ergue on Councilman 7CL9OW Donald ' puBLISHED - b =u Councilman Yak= Blatson Councilman 2ftcax Peter Muncilman' l ayor Nelaon Form B.. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL �9. r OEPARTMENT I1?4F FMANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE sil� `a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER sv IntheMatterof Constructing a sewer on Cecelia Place Prom St. Clair St.' to a _ point 62 feet North of the North line of Stanford Avenue, under Preliminary Order approved—_Ju'ne 28, 1922— To the Councii of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ The estimated cost ;erofRot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPT, 0N ',LOT eLOCKj L ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION- — -- — — - -jl- 6 2 Haupt'S Addition to 525` 7 2 St. Paul. 150 $2 do 150: 9 ?� do �5p 10 1 2 do 15d. I �I do 150 �+ 12 do 150` 13 1 do 1.50 J 14'i 2 do 150 _ I - do � 150- MRM B.S.A. G-3 A ITOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL \ - DEPARTMENT OF FIVANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANOE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' (C) f ASSESSED I - ADDITION LOT BLOCK VALUATION II DESCRIPTION i f, lb f 2 j Haupt's Addition to St. 15Q I �7 1 2_ Paul., _ I 650 l I 1 1 do 4! 1i i, ♦ . do do 5 1 1 15a 6 'I 1 ( do 150. 7.I l I do g ! 1 ( do 150. 9 _ do_- 1 _ _ 150- do 15 10 j l 0; 150, do u 12 1 do .150 �3 1' do .150 14 do 150 I I I ' G. � a 4675 The Commissioner of Finance further reports. that he has investigated all of the aforesaid ma e — and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ 191------ - -- - ,- -ham-:-- - ---- Dated---------- ComM>ssioner of Finance. FORM M.S.A. 6•6 C. (6itg of at. Vaul i�epuctmeut of Vublir mucks ""AR CLAu!!CN CH CIi.Ix WILLIAM J.COMMIS910NCR V ¢x calla J, L CARROLL.OAl. 'CHIN Q w OTfO�ew7Y COMMI!lIONCR - .,RVCrIOx ♦ wwlRlND —� O. N MCRROLO, OTIC[ wxO Cliv ►uxNlxo 96 M. !. I=AR. B K""— A.'e. 3-ARP-5uwT.OI!/.xlTwnox' - Jl y b, Mr. Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Publio Works. I)ear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of otion o3 a sewer on Cecelia Place from at. Dost for the oonstru Clair Ste to s point 62 feet north of the north line of Stanford Avenue, under Preliminary, order C. F. #40$24, approved June 28, 1922: Estimated Cost per front foot - - - - - - 1.35 Inspection - - - - - - - - 26.000 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1006 ft. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission Ce• to the issio of F" IF CO ssioner Publio �s CECda�,- i,v �idel COUNCIL•FUZ NO ............................. ............................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....C.0na.trUc.tjng...a...C.8ri18nt...ai39i4a1k..4ila ft. -..w -i ion ...ihe_.......... . East-91da...of..R YmQ a--4Ye.t,a..Ji0nd0n...B,ue...,...emaept.:.share.. ..... good--and--su%£ioient.-s3dsmalks...nom...exi exist-, ........................................................................................ .............. P 2fi.,...1922. ............._................. tinder Preliminary Order .........4147 . ............................ a proved ...........E►U$.. Intermediary Order ........._....._................................ ............ approved ......... ..... ............... oti-c-.....................--- ._.........in A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same,- therefore, ame, therefore, be it improve- RESOLVED,By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of sbai went to be made by'the said City is.....C9TI�t.'-1�C-. 42"�t`" R3dSi_.0I1-.t Easide Raymond. -eve. -_from -.Dudley. Ane.:_ to.. Hendon_.Ave,-�..exCQgtr._Tfbel'.6... C F'No}-�52296-a-B91J M Clancy — -•- .... ..... In the nk'4 of cpntj wlde,,OhgAhoemeut -.- eideWOf RaYxaond..,wiAve Iroia-.DudlaY. ... Ave. 'ta Hgndon .Aye ezCept.:where ............................................................. .. � e' od...and ,auRtolept a[devea,l(a now Nidt. uader Prelllgiaary order �lA7.t -- .---•................... approved Aug. -28`, 3422 - ............... ....... iry]iC.t,earla6' hd.v^mgr..Deea bad ....... .... w� a improvementy 4on due l and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be mi._ a Hammad recommen RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public -W 'rfr ana„,h 43ns instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submifihsis to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. V+' * 191...... 7 Adopted by the Council ._...E_.1:r--�y:b ...... - - ............. . .... .- 191._ 1 ............ ........... Mayor. s �noilman Ferguson �e cillµan McDonald Moran Mahon ���/�cilman Peter 0 yor $C148S IdelsOII Form B, S. A. 8-7. PUBLISHED L 6=_ 'q = Q_ CITY OF R!n.PAUG"!.2 - DEP off. OF FINANCE FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER O .� REPORT ON PRELIMINARYORDE ' cement aidevralk 41 fee aide on the East aide o��'----- In the matter of eonstrueti a Ra and Ave. from DudleyAve. to Hendon Ave. under Preliminar y Order a p p roved s To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Financehereby reports as follows: -- —_ The total estimated am2r#the assessment for the above improvement is 0Ay The estimated cost per iif'il' of for the above improvement is and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _:. - - --- -- ADDITION LOT BLOCK' " DESCRIPTION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 �, l l _.St. Anthony. Park North 625 . I 15._1. do ' 1 14 � 1do_ - 600 j 1 600.11 x,200 12 1,.._ do II _ do _ 600 .. ; - I 600 �I 650 I.. . ( do _. rorA�. p - _ -- 6,1 I:lJ64ated all of aforesaid matters and herey The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has in estiger to him in'referen eto submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, tog eth with the rehPor made said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B.13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Workso! v�o, Report to Commissioner of Finance J!`4Of 2 19 2? SePt4D1]2QF -1,922- -191---- To the Commissioner of FSnance .of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -41474----- approved-:-kugUst_21" 19122., relative to --------------- a CQment�_Sidewalk 4-1�2 Pt._ widethe eastside of Raymond Ave. from Dudley to Hendon Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is--_ per front foot. $ ].OSS_____, and the total cost thereof is $_-__-_______, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------------- ------------- Commissi r of Public Wor V�:3�07 iA. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By........Jainea-M.....Clancg............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....A.O fixLlA.tiS1$.. ...6...fl,.aideimalk...on...the...smuth-side:... of._....-------- Stewart_.Ave.___between Rankin_St..._and-_Madison-St...._exeept__w.nere... good..and_-._._ ..................----... ........ ..... wo.. ................... .................................................................... n r'elaU:cetheret0.l<aR•d 'haViu6: YJ r � rntt ti under Preliminary Order ........... 4155.7.2.....-. pp ..................a roved ........... ---- ....,... IntermediaryOrder ......... ...._... ................-----------------......approved---...............................................................-----........... A public hearing having been lead upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....CDnatrxlot...a..6...ft....sidanalk... on---the--south•-alder--of Stellgrt.._bYe,..-.ketween__Ranitin-_St,.._ APA -_Nadison..St,..,._except._w ex ...g.Q..QA aIld----- sufficient sidewalks now exists.... - ............. -- ...... ... --...-....... . ............................. ....................._......................------.............----------•---------------........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. OCT'2? '2? Adopted by the Council..................._:.'.`.°'...::L.`......_..........., 1 ... . �. City Clerk. Approved... ............ ........ ..... ............ 191........ Mayor, rs�^rY ,—Qduncilman M3= Ferguson ,PoCineilmanVAvxk cDonald Councilman XMXX Matson Councilman YACkkx peter ayorlXJU]C Nelson Form B. S. A. 8•7. CITY OP ST. PAUL ,,,ppp m DEPARTMENTAF F%NANCE �2��('� dJ'8 REPORT OF. COMMISISIONER OF FINANCE 4r; ° ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter o Ismatterons true ting a 6 ft. sidewalk on the south side of Stewart Ave beiween Rankin St and Madison St under Preliminary Order approved August 31 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost per f4ot for the above improvement is $ 1.05 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor. are as follows: - ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 'ADDITION i ASSESSED VALUATION ijj . 1 -2 Youngman &_Lamm's Addition_ I'.. 125 -:- 2 ! 2 Ramsey _4o.-ldinn._. _. _ _ _100 I -- _3 _2 -do -. _ . I lob 5 : 2. do 1 100 1 _ 6 2 do i 35 0r I 7 2 - -do .__ 10b 8 ..2 --.do do _ _ _ - __ TOTAL. Ob Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL- - DEPARTMENTIPF.FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (C) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t 4 DESCRIPTION � LOT i ADDITION I� VALUATIIO D N I i' _21.3.nne13 ota__ __----. __-�14_IIIIIII .-..2 _ -- -- u i da _ ; 125 _ I _._... _ _ . - . _I- 2 ..._3 l do._.I- �I 100 I i i i 5._-i -3 ' do- _ 1010, & Z. I - _- do _ 100.. __.__- 7 ..3 j_ _---__.do __... - ---- 1 Q f a9_ ._._ __- _---_-.__ _ ! ..__!_ _._ 100 10' 3 do 500 ----_ll- 3 _� ----- -- -_.-__do- __._-___._ _ _ ___ !I-_._ _ 1,4so -- -- i' _l,soo i 1 125 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated, all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated................. _.................... ......... _..... I 91.._......__._---.--_.__-___.: Com 'oner of Finance. Form B. B. 12" W.. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works g Report to Commissioner of Finance SFp °"er of 2 ' 19�2 __September 2nd,_ 1922191____ To the Commissioner of Mnance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No:_4157?.____approved_&Uguat_.Z].At.----- 1922_, relative to --------- ----- C5nstruatl49_A_9 Ptt__s5dewalk_on-the , 0911tk_0I.514_Qf--____- --- Stewart Ave. between Rankin St. and. Madison St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 1,05 per frp ot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $____ ______- and ?t e fOtoal cost thereof is $_______--_-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- 5. ---------------------------- --5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement Com s'o er of Public Wo V°b 368. AX. Tb the Honora'oie, The Council, - Ci zy of Paul, f inn. - Gentlemen: \ We, she unc.ersirned 1_roporty owners., hereby petition Yq�F Hon6fyble Body to cause the',following imp vement to be ;.ade: ............................ St. Ave. t ...... .... . ... .. ............ ' ....... . a v � .. - 1 S•G. Ave. Y A s LOT. LOCK'.. ADnI I OPT ✓�. ...iJ• ......... .......... a r ... .. . . ei!.&24,, .a. ran .4 44 T�%lf:`�-F=3/.�. �. ,j! ... , ... �to. (�•� .1-:.. Y .G'i'k1- "yGGr'1:�1.•.%t'� l 'vt?J�'L"Yr'� _ e ClAw- V, V. Y y .... .......... :Y.... ......:......... ...,..................:..._ .:............. ..... .. ... .. ,.. ............ ..:. AUG 311922 .BUREAU OF ENGINEERS 2 i) COUNCIL FILE NO ..................... ...... By...JamQs'..X......ClaU-�Y........................... FINAL ORDER 8 In the of..recs��as.trucking,•--ralayira�--and...xal r8-'•-wherJs neeassary, -the ....sidewalk:.&t._'�.ha:..£a119�¢�xtg...loaa #� oxls :.......... - North_side,_of Goodrich,:Ape beginning-_216.Pt. went .oP„_Garfield-_Street,, thanes, wentkaet. ... Soutb_aide....of::Selby ng at Southaide----of...JiVVIQ.. 4me..,.--b.e9izi 1n9. -at ---R 4 ee...,:...thQno_e._West...17.5..%t.:,.. a roved ...-- Aug. 17.E...1922. . ............ under Preliminary Order.... 41371 -- PP\ vol°S ESS'—`9Y s 2R ctanc� Intermediary Order ................. W4 a or ne onet nnre neca �Tr A public hearing having been Ik a�°xnc s�o toanwms iooa < ent upon due notice, and the Council having'heard all persons, oblection@�nTQis to wQe°ooi`os e a ssue t;: -ve thereto, and having fully consid- 2'4 ered the same; therefore, be it ' ,a •yea ' oe seinr wve "tesfinn��g gc thence weer �§ precise nature extent and kind of lke RESOLVED, By the Council of am.�y rs ave Where improvement to be made by the said City is...r'&aonatruGt.e..xalsy..-and..r-e.a3r-s--• necessary,_ ahe sidewalk at the following -locations .__•.. North sido: Qf..:.G4�'ich Ave, - beginning 216 -.ft. wast__of--.Garfield•-.Street, thence Ia�est fi4-_Peet..........................•------........ Soutb.,_aido-Qf...,Saj,by.-Avat-.� beginning._at Chatsworth St,-,__thence-,��est 125. -.ft., , e Ave be nni at-.-I'ierce_;St_.-�.-,thence_.Ntest__lfi5`Pt.a, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOL ICED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed oa prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil.for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncaLb—C .. X22.....:. ,`... S City Clerk. uC, ' 2 1922 Approved . 191.....:_ /� ........ �...................... Mayor. �'Councilma . x Ferguson �' ” G _ g " Councilman McDonald *f PUBLISHED l "Councilman $>� Matson Councilman Peterl VXayor Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 cITY OF 6T. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF.FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE'' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r� (A) _ In the matter of reconstructing relaying and 2111,ev__�ri ngwhere necessary he __ tjidewalk at the following locations: North side of Goodrich Ave. beginning 216 ft. w t of Garfield , Street thence west 64 ft. South side of Selby Ave., beginning at Chatsworth St., thence South side of Hague Ave., beginning at Pierce St., thence Voest ft 179 under Preliminary Order approved Aug 17 1922 I To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ i square The estimated cost pey foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1- ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ' ASSESSED VALUATION of.. Pt. .a. of I I 3 Leech's _of_Outlots 800 i .-Addition E. of_S.-.�..of_P1..4 7j of. -_s..- do. ;.. 1,100 _.. i. _ T I (Except. Ave. -.&_Except to St. South 50 feet) 1 5 Rogers Additionld. Paul 3,200 Ave-.) All.. of 2 .(Except I do- 3 5 f 4 5 do l 375 - - - - _a11'of TOTAL, Form 8.8. 10 .."- In the Matter of xv.o.onat,.m. oling rjp.JgZ .the f.allowing sAdmialks..— .................................................... ............................... .............. .......................... Nax begipg-.Rtthe.n.q.q-.Eaat 1.9.0 fl....— ....................... ....................................... ............................................................................... .................... - ................... . ..................... ... .................... ........................................................... ............................................. ................................ ............................................. ......................... .................... .................................................................. ........... .......... under Preliminary Order ..... 4.16.01 ............................. approved jaQPto-.-5 2922,----...........-------- — Intermediary Order.:...._...... ......................... B LI ---------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upg-iv�- !A where neeeeearx n due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objectifts and of ueitd veto; And having fully consid- nary- Order 41401 ap ered the same;. therefore, be it sass havin been had `. the City of St. RESOLVED, By the Council of i•e nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City........ .... and rqp8A.r.,..AhAr.9 n.e.e.es.s.a-r.y.,....the....f.o.1-l.ow.i.n.g ............... ................... ..................... ............. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. I . ....... .— .. .. .... .. .. .. North side of Euclid St.. b1� thence EaRt .... 1�9P f.t ........ .............. .................................... .............. ........................... ............................. ................ ............... ........................................ ................................. ........... ............ ..................... ...................... .............................................................. ...... . ............. .............................................. ...................... : .. ................... .................. I .......................... ............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,�That the Commissioner of Public Works be and'is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Cotm- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed ZY to proceed with the making of saidimprovement in accordance therewith. UCT 12 1922 Adopted by the Council .................. ......... ......... . ......................... ........................... iy Clerk. 01' T 12 1 q2-- Approved..................... ........ ---------------- ...... ............. .................... ----------------------------------------------- Mayor. 1-1Couneihnan GX!ffX Ferguson McDonald RNWHED '2 councilman.) Councilman.YmUm Matson to* Councilman MW'Julk Peter W ouncilni�3Cht'Jda�c--Wonzel �ayor KmWax Nelson Form B.S.A.8-7 Office of -the. Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 44 mo September 6, 1922 --------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 41601September 1, 1922 the Council, known as Council File No. _______----- approved_______ relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the following sidewalk: - North aide o3 Euolid Street beginning at Mapie S,t, thenoe East 190 feet.------------ -------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------- I----'---- -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --------- -necessary and (or) desirable. 10¢l per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ --------------- and the total cost thereof is $-__-____-___, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as, follows: --------------- 7 ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A:plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of 1 pro erty, for said improvement. subject to assessment -___ --- missioner of Public Works. r: _ .. -��� •... ' .. a _. COUNCIL TILE NO ................---• By.. James..A1.....Qlanay......_..............�.. f -- FINAL" ORDER In the Matter of...........C.onstructing...a.saw.er...on-.Bidwell---S#xest...from-•Dodd••-road to...Tale> 5.tra.et.,...................... ..................................... ----------•----....-----...-------..._.•-----••------------------------------ - --••.................................................................. ............................ .............................................................. ............... ... - ... under Preliminary Order ....40845............................... approved-.. '7.ulY-_18..... 1.922.......................... - Intermediary Order ............... approved .... - ................ ...... . ........ ........- ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council "having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be-made by the said City is.c.onstrilet.-.a....temperas-Y..sanitarY•--aewe-r--••on. Biduell.-.Street::from..Dadd..Road...t-a:. Ty1er...Streat,::.from.-which -star-m -.water--.: d i;s...t o be _excluded - FR F.;Co 48890--�Y S M�,L'lai�¢y� in the Matter of-o0neirnetin a ae-4i' ...............................r. onBldwell St• feom DUBd Road tai...... ...... ... 0§4r APr,4V¢8 YuPYe Sm�19Dt8 Order,: ... .......... ....� "Pubtl hexrin6 hay.n8':'b8b0: bnd..................... .................. ... ....................................._ .. ...... smpc0�emat ADoa due; d-S:..: and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worksbe and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said impssnr�ovetnept in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..:. ._ ........... 1 ...._��..-..�... � --- City Clerk. Approved: ...... yJ.. r2 E22............----, 191.:.. ...... .....:......:...................... ............................ Mayor. Co jo�Eouncibnanxgmx Ferguson PU L/G —2 Councilman 0111ISHED McDonald ' councilman H36= Matson IiCouneilman&c Peter 1 Mayor Mactlim Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Im, (difu of $t! foul ODCAA. (CLAuss". M—NE.w 'A,ip A[tt1ICIIt of Pulpit Marks WIWAM'J..PRTFR �ommissloNER J: E 9wipor eoN n M wG �T�n E.-CONB'I�AN9. G. H. HERNOLD; Olr119 AND CITY. P4NNIN0 �CPDTY COMMI9DIONCfl END—. M. !. GpYTBAN. flnlD.4 CNDIM¢n - - 116P. 4D A. D. DMAflP. SUIT. DI9. CT! SAN-- N. W. GOETIINGEfl DUPT. wonNHawc ._August 19, 1922 Mr. Wm- J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Bidwell Street from Dodd Road to Tyler Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40845, approved July 18, 1922; Estimated cost Per front foot - - 1.90 Frontage - - - - - 280 ft. Inspection - - - - - 10.00 The topography of the surrounding country is such as will neoeseitate the building at some future time of a large trunk a®wer� on this street in order to provide for the storm water :drainage which will reach this-poinA from a large area which lies to the southward outside the City Limits. There is, however, no present need of such a large sewer,, and the estimate submitted is based on constructing a tem- porary sanitary sewer from which storm water is to be excluded. If approved by the Council the final order should contain this provision. Yours truly, 19 0 Approved for transmission X— to the CommsFinance. Chief Engineer. Commissio a of Public V(orkso COUNCIJi FILE NO....-- .............. ..-..... By.-JAme.S...X.....Glanoy.................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...._eoxistructing-_a--. pew er-_.on_Deloexp..B�pt-a7] ............. Streetto...a...po nt...125..f.eet..we..at...0f..WYAIA14W....Ax.e..tzue.e.............................. ............................ ---------------------------------.............................. -------------------------- ....................... ............................. ---•-. ........................ under Preliminary Order.-.. ----------- 1278 ............... approved....-A1&._.11.r-...Z.92.Pr................ ............ .� IntermediaryOrder--............................................................ approved.... ....................... - ................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...:.COnp.trllet-_&--sewer-.-on Delos StX'ee.._. r-oltl Bidwall-.-Str-eet... to a point 125...fast w.eat...of:..Winslow ...Avenue., ....................................... ............... ................... .... ........... — — .. :C. F. No. 42201-13Y J. M. !In .the matter. of tonbtructing a -ewer -•--- - - ---- ------------------ --- on Delos .strset: f=q ]3idwe1I street to a Polnt-l2o` fast, of Winslow, ���Avenue, under Preliminary .order ... .................... .............. .. .... ................ ..... 41218 aroved, Aug. li,':1822, A Pu[iPP11 hearing having. been had. .............................*-------..... ----- upon the above Improvement pen .due - ....._ heti nnd: the uncil, having F- ............................. _. ....._................. ....... ............................... .a -ob ilo ,..F.:". .one. 1 :............................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to`We%made ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council J' --' �--------- -----_, 1Sj (� ............�..._..�...., ......-......... - .... City .Clerk. r SA.:722............... 191........ Councilman � Councilman a E=- erguson Councilman qdIUM Councilman N21betvt ,;/ oDonaldih g l ,/,)lots on f Coundlman g}j VFeter .Li Councilman Mayor Rafelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. .." - !' OP 8T. PAUL 42311 Dt .•LENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF 6 MMISSIONER OF FINANCE v ON PRELIMINARY ORDER fj - _(D) In the matter of cona+rueting a sewer on Delos Street from Bidwell Street to a point 125 feet west of Winslow Avenue under Preliminary Order approved August 11, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: t - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S A4?. DO fXont is S 9-14 The estimated cost per/Toot for the above improvement The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ i' DESCRIPTION ,LOT BASSESSEDLoca' ADDITION VALUATION i West 50 feet of 1 29 "Town ofLWest St. Paul 4,350 i East 100 feet of 1 29 do '975 10 '29 do 2,000 West50feet of 11 ! 28 : do 7,95 East 50 ft. of West 100 ft. 11 ; 28 do t,850 it (Ex. W. 100 feet) ; 11:28: do 850 i .West 50 feet of 10 28 do- 2,025 I r _ -...._ ., TOTAL. 24Y7YOF'•,. 1 t l The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191d222z�" — ; Commissioner of Finance. °- F,8m8813 - r'c i w P�p�oos�c/ Sc -nuc -i' J U Q I b P�p�oos�c/ Sc -nuc -i' J U Q I Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo,' Report to Commissioner of Finance A, August 28th, 1922.___191.... ------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the Preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._4_1_2'j6---- approved- _A'49U---gt-D'(e�l.__-_19??,_, relative to __________Conetrunting_ a_ sewer_on_Delos_Street_f_r_om B�.dwell_______ St. to a point 125 Pt. West of Winslow Avenue. ----------------------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------------------- ------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2.14 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------------- and the total cost thereof is $__642.f10_-, 'Assessable frontage 300 ft. and the nature an exte fiftlon X50.00 nt of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ----------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commi io e of Public Wor a IISCAR C"U!!!N, Moina[w[ !. !. CApROLi. A![•r. CnIC� lnoin[kn O. N. MCRRoM OIIIC[ Ano C1TY[Plwn Nino K...— A. ... [n A. B. SHARP, -Urr. 11 Brna[r! "1 a wiloN .. W. GOCTLIHOCR. lU". — WonnnoU.. •Mita of $t, Maul Bepactulent of Public ]Marks WILLIAM J. Pl R. OMMISSIONER ��O!lPUTY COMMIJ910NCR 46 August 26th, 1922. Mr, Wm. J. Peter, commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir :- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for construction of sewer on Delos Street from Bidwell Street to a point 125 ft. West of Winslow Avenue, in accordance with Council File #41276 approved August 11th, 1922. Estimated cost --------------$64a3 00 Excess Inspection----------- 52,14 00 Cost per front foot -------- 300 ft. Asaessable'frontage----- Respectfullyn submitted, L7 B[ly 1 _yam. Ghler Eng neer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance- / o sso CPU* Or "510 orkso -4� - St. Paul, Minn.,......._192.2- ToThe Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body tp cause the following improvement to be made: ............. �., . .......... ................................................ ...................... . ....... .... ............................................................................................................... ............... .................... ............ . ................................... . ! ........................................................... . . ................................................ St. Ave— from .................... . .................................... ...................... St.. . ....... . ..... () ....................... . ....... ........... 1 ...................................... I/ NAME r'LOT BLOCK ADDITION °4,ZMU 22 W� COUNCIL FILE NO..... ---------- ------- ._... By .. -.Names ............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter f...._9.olas.txuct�Ilg.--..aaw.er...on..ILentUC.1CY .Straat....£rnm--1`1i latonka S.txeet t.o...Gres_ter...S.txea...,................................ .. ... ....... -- ...... .... -- ................... .................. under Preliminary Order 41174 .......................... ----- approved ..Aug....Z.r .1922. .................... I............... IntermediaryOrder ----------------- .....--------- -- -------- ......---- ---. approved ------------------ ..._..........------ .- --------------------------- ------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_.construct--a__setter...9I1_KeSLtlxCky...8.trs.et...._. ............................................... ... - . ... --......_..__...................... £rom.-i+innetonka...Stre_et._... Chefter._Str©et _- n J. M. Clance eewer .............................. .. ._.... . ...... _ . C. F. No.{¢302— Y ........ ....... yllnnetonRa Y on eR ntuckYf SLnfromtn 9c: to Chester 6t;under Pr 6114ZarY. roved Au& . ......... ... ... ... ......................................................................... -... Order41174 aPP. .havm6-. beoh had ..p publ[c hoari. rovement upon:due atiove [mp heard __..upon th and "the�Council hnvinB.. .............................. ...................._.... _.....__......... votic eLa,..,. .ob]ectlone andalid �hayIri. ................... ....... .._.. full; tonstver . w ... ................................... ............. I._...._ ..............._.>. ... .,.. t bno.e4olve .RY.th• . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to . , m RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..- 1 City Clerlt. Approved..._- c2 --.-........, 191........ F/, --............................................. ' Mayor. Councilman FIENSWUdbc ' Councilman CM§tx Ferguson - Councilman Uc IdoD onald iF Councilmanx 1vlatson Councilman299fidk Peter Councilman WMR&CROh a`," Mayorxdwigsmx Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OFST. LL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) p�y In the matter of Construct a sewer on Kentucky Streat from Minnetonka Street to Chester Street. under Preliminary Order approved Augu3t 5 1922 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g746.00 front The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is . - g 1-S 0 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 'l !i 1`2 3 Dunn & Spencer's Addition 1400 ' to Brodolynd.. 11 '3 90 5 10 3 do 450'' 9 3 do 450: g '3 do 1200, 7 3 do 50° East 25 feet of 1 8 Brooklynd, Town of 05 West 25 feet of 1 '8 do 950' 2-8 do X300 -��3 do 1200 4 IS do 1450'' 5 ,8 do 450! 5' TOTAL. 1FG5O, I T I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of 'Public Works. Dated 191— - 1 Commissioner of Finance Form B. B. 13 re% —17Z CS 7oi f - - - t 1 I t .... t r ] I (. , 1 i I 1_,f O' b X D i : I 4 5 c' P - -7 d 4 S s'� I W I OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C.— S -- Z. CAO ROLL. ASl•T[ CNI[I lNOIN[[R A 51— 11 C015111-11 All G, N. R H .... L. CII... MO —TP�ANNIxo LNOINECR I M. 3. GflTTEAN..R�Ooe CxomceR A. SHARP. SUIT. OI STRE-1 — SANITATION H. W....T.1... R. SUIT. oI WORnn.Ule tditp of $t.'�3au1 Ilcpartmcut of Public Mocks WILLIAM J. PIVMR. M COMMISSIONER ��OLPUTT COMMISSIONER � 48 Augast 23rd, 1922. Mrt. Wm* J Peter, Commissioner of Publio Works, Building. Dear Sir I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Kentucky St. from Minnetonka to Chester St., in accordance with Council File 41174 -approved August 7th, 1922. Estimated cost--------- X746.00 Cost per front foot -------- 1.50 Excess Inspection------------ 80.00 Assessable frontage--------- 500 ft. Respectfully submitted, egineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Odmissioner• Of Pub,� St. Paul, Minn.,.. .......... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bod to cause the following improvelnent to be made: St. -Av Yf ................._.......... It .......................... ....e-•- ..................... from:_ ..................................... ---..._... ,^ - ...:...............St. Ave. -t$ V St. Ave. mad ✓ C y' 4r,2z � A — a 4r,2z ,COUNCIL FILE NO----------------------------- By. ....... J9MQ.a...IN. -Q� .a..rlAy.................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....-.grading_Cecelie.. Place_ -from --St-,.-- Ca,al_r-- t roet--_to...Stesifoxd :. ----------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------.....------.....------------------------------------...........------------ under Preliminary Order.........40526- ......... -..... approved -----ane 2a,_1922. .................... .......... Intermediary Order .---------------------- -................................ approved. public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is gr CeCelia_..Place___Prom-_Si,-.-_Clay---S#xeet to Stanford Avenue............................ C. F. N 42303—ByCtaney 1 In the Matter i gr di g (7-11 11. __---- ....... - f—'st Clair st to Stanford AY -------- ................... ..................: r,......_.-------__-5:_:atnir. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is liereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. „,, Adopted by the Council....ir_...__......__.i�91 ._..- /.�....-------- ...--- .. -� City Clerk. ' 2Z Approved ---------- ------------ - ------... ....... 191....---- ------------------------------------- `o'' ..........................................Mayyor. C tluncilman GM tlfCouncilman Ferguson McDonald ZVWX CCS ouncilman I Matson W- Councilman btD(N Peter �� enzel QegorYmdvm Nelson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAULj��il DEPARTM&NT.OW FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE T; ,FN (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER q r�J In the matter of�� `= (/ �o�� (� ��%di?/ ��( E8�14 • CAS �i under Preliminary Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 72 7 /02 The estimated cost p oo£for the above improvement is /o o The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - Form H. B. 10 VALUATION „2 /y. z141�a .o.... TOTAL. CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMFNT.-OPG FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMINAR* ORDER -.- . (C)- AS LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION I I /J D -t I it I. _ I I { • I Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid nd "— matters, and The Commissioner of hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ............191............ ._... - .._Fina Dated ....................... .... .................... .... � ommles>toner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 / 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works .. _ RECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance a= =3 stp `1L iU1gL1Qt_-SO# To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council He No. --40.52& --- approved ... .[une.-26th ------ 122. relative to Grading Cecelia Place from St. Clair St. to ---------------------------------------------- Stanford Ave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable, $723.62 `608 ppr front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the Jail cost thereof is $_-----_-_---, 1191 ft. Assessable Frontage. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- -------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - ------------ Com mi 61 1 r of Public W06r-Q OSCAR CIAUSSEN, CNI.I lxolxaaq ./: !. CARgOLL. AaA•T` Cxiar Ex.ixaaq w G. H. H.RROLO, OIAC[TwNo 0" 1—— CxalxaaR OR—... 81110.6 CNOIxacR A. B. SXAp�,�SUIT. or ST.— ... ... l -1— H. W. OOE INOfR, SUIT. Or ........ t s Vtu of St. Paul Department of Public Iftrits WILLIAM J. PETER, COMMISSIONER ��O� UTY COMMISSIONER 48 August 30th, 1922. Mr, Wm. J. Peter, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir :— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Cecelia Place from St. Clair Street to Stanford Avenue, in accordance with Council File #40526, approved June 28th, 1922. Estimated cost ----------------------$723,62 Cost per front foot----------------- 0.608 Assessable frontage ----------------- 1191 ft. Yo very truly, Approvod for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. ommissione f blic Work / - 1 c St. Paul, Minn .,........ . June ...2., ...............192..2. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersi n I e2r property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following impravement to be made: f 11 Ir ........................_....-Grada.._Qa li&..Place-.3-rom...Si.....G1 acesfr mtSt. Clair Street Avenue, and construct sewer � ��-�- ^� ctanfnrri .................... fO%XX&= Avenue. xxxx {'rtfrrrTt�Y,gYYXAiGX3GX.IGXX•{,-�.Y-i6XiCiL3E7tX]F3C"S[�'"/:/y+. ____....u...s.avvvvVY4Y YYYY.XX.�Xit}' cC� In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Cecelia Place from St. Clair Street to Stanford Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40527, approved June 28, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. X41782, approved September 9, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portlM the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. �l Commissi ner u lie Works. Dated Oct. 12, 1922. A (4itu of St. Paul Brpartairtit of Publir ii3ork_s �A O9CAR CLAU99E� H[ena lNo�we[n W" AM J. PETER, OMMISSIONER J. !. CAflflO4L. Avr. Evceert AvO 'n�S n�w '..oA7 UTT COMM19910NERnc7 G. H. HERROLOO, O���ue AwCiiT PLANwIN� • Ewciveen M. 4. GRYTBAK, B , 49 A. 8. SHARP. SUPT' O. 4Tn[[TS Awo H. W. GOETZINGER. SUPT. O1 Worm 9nHiTAriOw 0o REPORT TO THH,CITY COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Cecelia Place from St. Clair Street to Stanford Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #40527, approved June 28, 1922, and Intermediary Order C. F. X41782, approved September 9, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portlM the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. �l Commissi ner u lie Works. Dated Oct. 12, 1922. I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT.OF VIVANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ) In the matter of under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finapee hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED IAL AT /y ,z - TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTAF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) it i i t� i DESCRIPTION LOTieLOOR ADD6TION VALUATION— - -- u , q 722 I it ii I' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and I hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated......._...................... ....... .,_......... ........... Co/rf � eioner.................-.-..-......._...... 191 __........ of Finance. Form H. B. 12 _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Wod", AecE-,,, Report to Commissioner of Finance ,,,� v� OF ETH" August _30th _1922191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: t' The Commissioner 4 Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Couni"t File No.__40527 approved- __June 28th ------ 191---, relative to Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary --------------------------- --- ----------------------------------------------- for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Cecelia - Ple.ce from Vit: Clafr-�tree� to-S�arl�or�-Av®nue--------------------- ------------- L --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The timated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $------------- and the nature d extent of said improvement is asfol s: ------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement', ✓-�a�— Commis n of Public Wor / 4' s C E C E / .4 PLACf- J/ CICi/r -EL St. -o S!Un urd Ave. . - x h A L/ P _ T S - - - / 5 ' L fj 9 /C ! // '. ,� �I, /3 /4 /5 - - c 7 o /i 3 /n lnJ,cafes ut SLOPE PL"AN�13. c�i/ F any rs ufe OL/. o - !),ccl A/O/,7//j,7 3< T ROBERTSON ' Sco/e �., So• S-673/ � `;ports above ii ne.sh —5 Xix �; i of pio/�er`y /,n_ Falrf'/eId Ave /nd/ana Ave. _ 'gwcs ho/o.,.line s:7u s " -- - - ,;. slonce ?6 whroh slopes - Fx%end beyondprupr�ly /rye _. . /G94 1 S Al A R S N_ -A L L �q 4 3 2 s, --- - - Q V LQ li�''' 1, -50 I.. I s , 1 Ii \ -. /O r _ 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL wince` NO. - --• j t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �\ �• COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM J f PRESENTED BY ()Ct• 12 122_• commisSIANER.[... ........ ....... :.(. ... ........�., .................... DATE .......... ........ ........... f.............. . ...._.. ...... _ RESOLVED' i - , r` In the matter of opening, widening and extending a Forth and South Alley 16 feet in width in Block 3, McKenty's Outlots, from Atwater St. to Milford St, under Preliminary Order C. F. #39286, approved April 22, 1922, and Intermediary Order 0. F. #41784, approved September 12, 1922. The Commissioner of Public Works having dthbmitted his report and sketch n the above -matter, be it Resolved, Thrxes-txnd C P. *.'o. he atter of n J. Peter— . In d extending, fa oNorth� and�dSon Ve ".KNIlet feet a width in w Block3; Ken[y's Outlets. from .1[wnter E'; - �,.,,,,,q }y. a Milford St., under Prellml nr ; n'au11C-&–imps-�4zmen L...�4Ylh r.. F. No. 39286. aPpr.' ed . ' Tnter r`�•' The:�ea�_,8._..Eae• �n�i.t=--tb�-•30•-�i.Ttei-Ixsi�e;�•$�'crvk°'3', l be d tk o a' erre hereby cancelled, annuIled, and resCir a d alk ca A be diseontin^aed. i Fel cz1'_ cu r otioja ::u a:ccoatinize. Yes (J) Councilmen (t) Nays ,,--Cl ancy rguson _ _ Donald 1... �...._In favor atson y� O SlmRi�[ilPn _._......... ..Against w"W enzel _r—President roar aw .-:o DEC c) 1922 Adopted by the Council_...__-.—.--_19_-- V (EHLI of -Al. 13aal 9fa . C-1 E. ,Ween �rpartnrrnt of 13a6lir Warks —CIRCL WILLIAMacOMMISSIONER �. _ cA�sgo `I nEVAn OTiO E. CON6TANS, Ass'T�C Evc �EPl1TT E.G M MI9fIG NEq G. H. HERROLD, Orr cc eHo Cor PL.•M vivo 1 cvccn >' 46 NAgPp 19 a ore 9E ne r wo nvr �rov N w. GO EiZIN GE R. fur+ ar wonr"ouse gj'1?$T TO THE CITY COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending a Nor-th and South Alley 16 feet in width in Block 3, McKenty's Outlots, from Atwater St. to Milford St. under Preliminary Order C.'I'. 439286, approved April 22, 19,22, and Intermediary Order C. P. .41784, approved September 12, 1922. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and ' a plan of the above improvement, makes a part of this, his report, showing the'land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: The rear 8 feet of Lots 1 to 30 inclusive, Block 3, mcKenty's Outlots. Commies her,�,ol tuDlic Works. Dated Oct. 12, 1922. . �st�►xk►xYrn CSx�xuc� & (�rxiknt��r ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW [W. SwN90RN �� Wni4 cqM G.GSAV es .4 SgMVEL G.G�towwv �/i��iAM N.Nu [pones EN oicoTT BUILOINO �Sszsxt�sul„+A�In' tcua�aia October 18, 1922. 1 , City Council of the City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: If there is a proposal on hand to construct an alley in McRenty's Addition, near the corner of Milford and Rice Streets, in behalf of the owner of Lot Fourteen (14), Block Three (3), McAanty's Addition, we desire to protest against the construction of such at this time. Yours very truly, SANBORN, GRAVES AND ORDWAY BWS/EM BY tL t. C -c tr cZ� t f CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT.OF FINANC REPORT OF COMMISSIONER O IN NOE ON PRELIMINARY ORD R (A) In the Ma' Zter pf _---Q-Pan ...... 4-ao-r-111 ima ;3-0.uth (All -9-Y 16 ft - ----- in -------------------------- I width in 3look Three (3) mc,,-entyls Out lots from Atwater to - - - ------------------ i ----------------- Milford ----------------Milford Street. under Preliminary Order approved ApX11 L. —2 --192 2 ---- ------------ -- - - --- ............. . . ------ -- ----- — -- -------------- — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is '10 --7 ... ... ..... ...... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION S. 5-18, ft. of 2 (E -S. 5 1 3 MoKenty's Outlot to 750 for Atwater Str) St,Paul. (Ex. so- 5 feet) 2 3 do 825 3 3 (10 2850 4 3 do 1125 S-4 of 5 & So -21 of N.11 ft. 26 j N. -I of lot i5 e, ail of 6 N.of No. il ft. of �26 3 do 1125 7 3 do 4550 3 3 (10 2150 9 3 do 756 10 .5 do 750 FORM B.S.A. 8 B A TOTAL, CITY OF'e T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFCOMM SORDERARY SIONE OF FINANCE ON (C) LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION 11 3 1daEentyls Outlots to St. Paul. 12 3 do �3 3 do 14 3 do 15 3 do (Ex. Streat) 30 3 do 29 3 do 28 3 do So. 15 ft. of 26 &all of 27 3 do 25 3 do ?4 3 do 23 3 do 22 3 do 21 3 do ( 20 3 do ` South A of t 19 3 do do All of 18 & Forth j of 19 3 do East 32.25 ft, of 16 and 17 3 ASSESSED VALUATION 750 750 1025 1000. 5175' 5075 275 250 1150 750 1250 250 250 250 675 675 34425 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. tr Dated__ F.— n. u.12 ` L j Office of the Commissioner of Public Worlm - Report to Commissioner of Finance I _ August 14, 1922._797_ -_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. _.__ M6_6_approved____.Apr11 22 —1922 lgl-_ relative to------ opening, o____ _opening, widening and extending a north and south alley 16 ft. in width in Block Z, MaKenty's Outlots, from Atwater St. to Milford St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 8. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ffi-._-._, and the total cost thereof is —_ffi —_. —_, amt the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and wade a part hereof_ 4. a. Said improvement is— _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. mmissioner of Public Works St. Paul, Minn.4 192,.:.t To The*Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn, Gentlemen:we, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable I nora Body to cause the following improvement to be made: U LL" St. Ave. 17 A St z� from to ..... . aim / Z2 St. Ave. LOT BLOCK ADDITION NAME — — — — — — — - — — 7—/ -------------- + r JV V/ � 22 St. Paul, ?Linn., Oct. 21, 1922. To The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. entlemen: Psi Vle, the undersigned property owners in block #3, mcKenty's Outlots, St. Paul, Minn., hereby declare our unqualified disapproval � '11) of running a section of the proposed alley in said block, between lots #25 and #26 (belonging to Mrs. JAartha Tolson and V7. R. Godette respectively), thereby forming an IILII shaped alley which would be very inconvenient and unsatisfactory for everybody concerned. Name Address CC. Ay j All, 7 te""t J'7q de 8,1 /3 t,"Vj 9-77 Nvo'L,Ls- A�e 644"-4w- EiJll ICP.OP1LN CLRiI?ICnTE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: i 1. rhe roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular cougse of business by .To j nT- d,=r--V ,P e ec_���J/1� `—r ,� • /� rj r� in accordance with the standard and approvedtechniques wit!: a Recordak microfilm machine, Godel /„j V of Eastman Kodak Compa:iy. 2. The roil of microfilm was made on :j It x ST g+ /y 19 ��_ by the undersigned ooerator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is $� A 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: C"rcc v1 ei('�P oC E'�r�1�S MH"�he r41PI: T 5. .The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: 9 2--2— After this certificate has been executed Dy the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the ¢ fast document. Signed: Operator oma? Date . fe CO p �\ 0 as � 0 -___ iara� Tsai N011I11053tl Aa000a�;n SO8vmviS 30 nV38ne -IVN0IIVN 9�i �"1 �Z•illl s��lllll o�z����� �ay��° =� j•j IIII a�z���� S�Zllill az=VIII O,i VIII s Oy s� � r s I O o 0 k 14 � � \\\\\\ c� , ol JO m "lkk O /1