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� Council File No �C3lF+ e "PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT _ t J '' `� a :And__-•- :r AK PiREL),1�aNK Obi 3ER -- ' fhe uadersigned hereby -'proposes the making ct?y'a4ik fallowing public improvement by'tii8 City of St. Paul, viz.:............................................ _ ii Creating and constructing a municipal harbor with surrounding levee within and in the vicinity of Lamprey Lake in the'City of St. Paul, and gondemning and taking the land and improvements thereon necessary for, the creating of-, said harbor with 7e vee, "as• shown onh'the'attacFied plan colored"redland-described below under the respective headings - "Land for Harbor" and "Land for Levee" and also Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for"- slopes and fills, which slopes are shown on attg.c$ed„ '„plan made a part hereof crosshatched and marked by the words'"Siopes.',' 'Und,for Harbor All kn'ehat land,lying within the boundaries 1 of the following described Yis; Iie9 inning at a point on the 1!1 present. Mississippi Rifler leYee line at the intersec;tion of said levee line with the oenter line of Minerva Street, thence in a northwesterly direction in a straight line through a point on.the center line of Delos Street, lying.lU0 feet west of the monument at the"-intef”sel�t3on-b$=eafd`Q"enter•Ine.of'`i3elos Stx�eetwith E�i�" fts'sje#pp ;aRi ar.'7ine:`+ b]iel2eB pont'imuing n''t3ie sAmet=diteotion a dataTiea,fof-]i500 feel to a point near Morrison Street, thence at a 3iangle,,to the left''of 464 degree$ ini a ='westerly dii�ecYt3on a giatance -:bf 1300 feet`.,Iheiicerat:u t$e!lleftln a 'sa�ztherly; direr-tion�a;,distance of J11S0'feet th6nd'e .at an4''ngle right ,andaparallel to .the fixst desoribed Iiu td an t tatiwdti.on �I with the_Mississippi R+iver.LB¢:e6 -1il;e r"eax'Be7rtr3ciere,=:Street., a dept;::; ' that .land shown on the attached map iiiyellow and marked Park Land "for Levee - A 200 f4eet wide stri i of i8jfd I$riTtg ontsidetof and adjacent, .to.,the;a'hover:rdeacrihcd�land°°<fcr�Yi�rbor � - -- _ _ .. T-9IIQ-'C�ceY�""3."�[�b �$�4iFVIIii� vLII9II�68�iSt.,.�.•...—.... k.:_. ::a--� nort-`�eeterlydirectionan a stra9gbt 1i>oe.:through`s point,an'the center 7 ire of ,nelos 3trsst, ;;] i ],75 feet wept 0. the �o�a>it at`"tl�e ii,e+Qect,on of said oenter.#neAe1os°Street vVith"the l letg�9Sp Or' Bl der line "".txeuab t#oAtIA10 i1 in, the ` same direetIOA a.diotanas of, i600 feet`to a poi neer YQrrieon •Street, thence at''a]K`a57g7§' to the left of 64' deg'tses, in'a. *ssterly direction a 41gtance of 1804 feet, thence at right esnglee to the left in a BOO W- 4direction a distance Of U50 teet,...thgnos at an angle to. VI 3eft P� 68 degrees• - thirtyy minutes in.a southeas erly dirctiS�n a d tante of 2366.3 feet, thenoe,at an angleo the r li #nd,;pare5s;el to the ffret described[ line to an intersection wi h re`'Mia# pPi River Lev, lino near,Bely�dere Street; except ;that", :6nd shown;pn. tho attach ed map in yel3,ow and marked' hand .4r �kttees A 200 rest wide ship of land lying on'�eide cf eR ndjasaent i s the: above, deser0ed-163%d for harbor Tsges, S As 1.T;F RFs cs;are_ T SUS CT jr_Tnecr:r ?�xss�' �:acute Tu s bzsaeuPj7Yz2raa7bT:T _T -LCT Tst,c# TTA6 a Cne Tu�szasc �TcaJ oT euTg' b Fe. oTTer�TuL: gsactTpsq TTAOe' pG&-T]JrJT3'. Up �+2rJq' oz HOLPO : VIT .PpuP Tmg 7�7A • :,tT€jjTu .Fs potrAgersea �TaA ivErgs s bsz.� j7szso_jt,czoaars{:eFsq :ruq UJOI-Msq Pk fFe rnozg2 ,:2gone _ a7oT'sa Eruq T.T'1T'a' :.;>1TcF _arobsa Erns aFonu ou s�s'cFe9 GougsrrA7.Ati 8Aq rsjzrzr� UA OvsGASAP T%J rFs 7�uq usccaaez2� :C -oz z�.abscpTes Fseq?u�a -. „I xTg oz. Erzpotu Erlics „T� zoz recess,, g iso oA ,FFe e� ecFsq lieu coTOLOCf Y.eq euq gsacx Tpcq Pe.Tor� urrgcz 1 Fs uscs 2Er .� r,oz pFs cT�a.�T; o T asrT• q Fszfioz r_1TPF 7c AOQ , a.aFortl? a s,,,�eAgssauT;il ozrq FeKTu Dls ] Uq srJq rmhzoas,1G.ura �j7szsou ,., ,.., O9' b- T-EraT' ar 3 ( i x f rT T �TenssT jTPFTTu :rT_Tq Tu FF6. n7OTIjTP48p�x•,,VWWbxb2. 7 yj.s T_ _tjJc- cC nT'CTP MITT Cf TT'^r (+TfTC �TST2 r f3�7 nTTT`.1:.7�.;TS�Z)�F.-1347e�1T P_7-aflT..a.f f'A47 J?: -.... ._....._...-...__.-_...._.------__...._— _�_... ____.-.._._ _.._... -_._ _q - --...._.... © . Datedthis ........... Z _---.._.day of..._ ............._......._ 7 Rhe._-............._�..................... 0 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �Greeting and constructing a munici pa]. harbor with surrounding levee within and in the vicinity of Lamprey Lake in the City of at. Paulo and Ogndemning and taking the.land and improvements thereon necesearon th@ yytached; plan colo ed.. red and described ]e vee � an shown reie�ebt vefor hbedingg ea�and for .90ting of said boorboein ed. below under the a � '"hand for Levee^ and also 06ndemnning and taking an easement in the land aeceSsar for elopes! .,.and rill.. which e3c4Bee, are aho?an or, r at �4g . d: plan made a part hereo,aroselaah!@ and marked b� the word "3lope0." -far, Harbor 1111 t -land lying within the+<boundariae Of the fo7lovtt8 deaoribad linea;, b.@8 at a point on the Present, 3iieaiaepPi &aver levee lice at the interseotion of Said levee lifts: witih`tiYb iter 1i oiw i ni "xit8 St eeir, thence in a .. nor --t' eetarly direction.in a etraig�t line through a flint on'the f :?,X t ax►a m ant beater 1#?ls oiR .Deice 3txset 7 felt ws .,.- �" at`t a inteaecticn of Said center 1ne,ci Delce Street wie 1a$ gei}ipi River tins, theacb contilet[t do thg''same direction a c�ietanab of ,3500 feed to a point near orrt"son street thence at `'B21 `at#gfe tti the left of 64 f�eg�r-e9e, in a westerly direction a d1atance of MO feet, thence at right angles to the left in a southerly di�egtictn a dieVanoe of 13.50 feet "L theme at an ;angle tR,th8 left p 68 degrees thirty, minutes in -g eontheaaerly Bir �ttion ax7 tease 0.2360*3 feet, ihentse,at an anggle o the rig is d.;per�l to, the flirt, desori* line to an intersection axes t wiiih tyre li iijit-4 �ippi River Levee lice neer Belvi dere street,] P that hand shown. on .the atta6hed map in ye] low, and marked 'Park °., . Land;for ko ee: A 200 feet wide ,strip of land lying cu."4' blLe of e aalseeiit `to the above, described land for'"hbor r Sv'J c Xi$� a` 3 8r OAS trQUG Tpaq vmcj.: fax F�xocY �•.>j - _rtirssya,G�� o�Y .SOJA s rqc ryrs s3 o ]'^uq f� T or sgao c r a'>n v �F2�`]r�xrq poral+T u 2Fo avb 'ru 0TTora +'uq ccr ttf,�zu•u jvTa:�T��-3"PT yshe7 7eA08 T? �asz 1-k e.�cch� �t :N s`rg ft<a TS '7 Ge �FGaSS! C' �zr a cs rl �Graac�rrou ; cis yx�ti Tp lr ; die 40. s e .r `oy •Qg c p ze'r rr. sQxrrxr Q Thr 2 aoo �p�y �czT7s V. wort*"inz s .�i�zoo ro 'q-TFUY.'M- XG 0n j 1 � 6so �' 2 a.rcc s s� rni�.xe •LGO.' Tc� o�,zwo rIr r:;ra�z, gTxucrTcU a gr Oaxaca o Wo Z- 0 :r beTrr�.1: ^or: o ' eCEsn' {iTGuco TTc'�t'I ai4 T� '•�`.. Acx d Tit$ .['F Gilt.0 'p}: $TF3t#T�� G •WG gTzoc,�;0r n SSE TTXi spa c nTg73 a ; esrq 6,9UP » T{ITs ;; DrTo R fT ;`c r Gt. eFF vy' GGzrex TTaTc �rEroa �CrO©r' i:� T^4 TQmor>e�r[ bcgxT� Ou 4."P'H �GA.OG TTAE 'Rggvp #±Fo CaITt'GT, TTyru t}7 17. ,x'*ft $T&iGr' Pf3GrxOG TA frT axceG�� ;Tal?Taa�vST �;aAGz TsAee> f:ITo � g?*H° 4-UPGL3mPTC•A 0_T' auTq c Svc �eTT om:raT gczoT;Tj TTxTG� '.. peZ,:b ?u'w eg s' l:o Tr�� Orf rFH x^:EOL� tpoz:; S3T., 1—cl 7`�?up- a'T'P'H-'rs .g?re pocrlrgszTce r�T� r:rr�gG e• bez,� j�es.so.� cz,taanps'.ecaae;�oAq it?Fr,.t�.sq p`<L AFH .ttaxga „c?Tohee• �: e:oBEa qMXXNXXX snq ?T73' c,tvrcF uy0bon sza aFaLM ov u4:Fcgayro Oo golunTuc� trAq .P ]-9UCj IF,GGGI 302M!1 ?oz 37 GER OOPTAG FG8'Cf7' &P •- U:PO;TG :a0:i. jjR'S.p 4S. ,, vjjrr „ jffi TxT T03.,: TG.6GD„ ZUj tgso ors rF© ep ��cFGy 3�TsT17 cod 4zoq zGc; euc� gt�acT T J)09 pGTora IMCIGT VYG Iiocoaaa'. T,o.-.. epG TLGETrT&- O:y aersq Ft'rzpos, ntrFF Is IGH' sa aFCLX rC3JCj4'IL2T7'Tf�. £rAIT q;:SjL7Lf ?70 Tq'ZC1 ajjgeTtAbL0A.G0GU.PG 4,jTGS.GOI7 . c 4a�• &azt', sv TGAee tATrjfTsr arrq Tu PITS ATGT?Tel- 0:& !'W.Ubze2 'Fs'TCG rm ,"Y' pTF1 p;.as FTi71i SWq couai xrTc �Tuw mssIITcTb �T Fss.paz rnT F� etre c cnzr JTu '. ...................._........................................................._........................_ ................... -..... ................................. ......... _..... _................. .... ....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................. ......._......_. __-....-._...T_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed I'. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated -cost 'of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;:......._ .................. _........ -....... ............._......_............_._......................................_......................................... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore Ting mutters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.._.-:_:-.-__.._=__1�2i DEC —6 ' .:.—... _............ .-...191------ Yeas: Nays: DEC_ - 1921 Approved..... --..__.._ .... .... _............_............191 -- ......... ............. ...... ..... ... ................. ........ .... Mayor. _ —i Dated this .............. lat...__day ....... Councilman. .. via: ?,• ..._.. _. - ".'.?�e ELIMINARY ORDER. ♦A 4` ' tiRf rl WHEREAS, A I"ten.proposal for the making of the following-impraw. ment, viz.: ---------- - -, ----- --- - Open widen and extend Ruth Avenue---____-- ----------------- _-------. ,._..__-----------_._ta-a wdth_of 60 ft,_from'C_onwa�St_.--- -T-_.------..------- ;, to_tho; xudson Road,---- -- ---- -- — — ---------..._ having been presented to the Council of :the City of St. Paul by Councilman .............. _................. _.--------.-. _......_......__ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �. � 4. "k"o iurntsn me ouoww � ower uae+. a..0 ,,,. ,...-•.-�—r---_,_... 4 ... ....... _............... +....... ............. .... _................. .- ....... ......................... _... __........................ _..... ..—..............-. ...... IT—tat- e whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _� 1921 .............191.. .._ -- .........._... -7- Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth HC -`2 1921 rGoss Approved ......._.......`................................. ..... 191....._-• Hyland Keller McColl /� Wunderlich ...._✓...!. ............ . ��z� Mayor Irvin Mayor. ; ronw c e -a PUBLISHCD OTABUSHM t690 L. HN REAL ES"fJAOTEAND MORTGAGH LOANS. ' INSURANCE 104 M. FOURTH STREET, - ST. PAUL. U MINN.. S 'AA. `' - � � Nov. 29th, 1921. , TO,T11F HONORABLE CITY COUIJCIL:. City. Gentlemen: ',,We hereby ask for a permit to erect a,gasoline filling station on lots six (6) seven (7) and eight (8), block thirty - live (35) St. Anthony Park Addition. This property is located on the Southwest corneriof Como and Raymond Ave., and has a frontage of 150 feet on Como and 174 feet on Raymond Ave. The capacity will not exceed 2000 gal. all of the storage andappurtenances thereto inside property line. Respectfully submitted, STANDARD OIL COMPO/Gr By a Agent. ,WILLIAM BARRON CHIJF INSPECTOR CITY OF ,SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY A, 6. SMITHS , COMMISSIONER t BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION a DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION November 29th 1921. Hon. A.E Smith - Commissioner of Public Safety, c+ P-1 Minn Dear Sir-:' In regadd, to the application Standard 011 Company, submit ted by John L.Barnes Agent,for permission to install and maintain a gasoline filling Station on private property located at South- _ west corner of Como Ave,west and Raymond Ave. I submit the follow- ing report. I have investigated -the above case and report that there would be no increase in fire hazard to surrounding property caused by.this installation, and I therefore recommend that permit be granted. Yours Respectfully. �--a—? Chief Inspector FIB/HS. C'" OF ST." PAUL eouNcla. 37. 06. `. �y tae NO.....,... OFFIC - OF TH ,CITY CLERK COUNCIL .RESOLUTION -, GENERAL FORM BY PRES ISSIO ER ... ..... DATE ......................... j.`2�,...,�... 21......_........... COM(dISS10NER............... .... ......._ � ......... .. RESOLVED $ - - �` Theft ther_applicatio:n of the Standard Oil Co. for a li'eense to _ ingtall and maintain s. gasoline filling station on private property located at the Southwest corner of.St. Pete'.St. and Iglehart Ave., be, and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to issue such permit upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. e 7tif: J: Dd, Clan Y, I�P Tia, 37.16 BY llcntlon o1 the Resolved hnt thloeFPPRP lic ns :tb Sn-- t'%Iord oUnintain A gasollo t tains ;altamrlvat0 Property Peter Bt•. Catton on P he-floutliwest oritor be and the - he je �nd.261mia�ntoj; nnd'. the Ctty erm{L rebY :a tb ieeue uch. P ---- 4ereroy-authorized, ; trees-. b, pont the cug ocnnacYtfeehn a} 9 1921., rpdof oPted by tho.Coun it Dec. :2 . .. APProved Me,., .'S1 1T (Dec. 19 Yes (J) Counc' an ('J) Nays ncy. Adopted by the Council.....- � �.--._,�_�9.�T.....19Z ... e uson )vlcDonald In favor Approved.....----i---.C----� 1921 ........192 / Matson /1FJ�h /................._................. Zr.zel - .. ..............A8H1Ilat MAYOR /MPresident •onw teoo to -sl. .. _ . _ _.:_ 1.o- ... , '�—�•-.,,,...::'- , ,.w �--' k wa ..., :, d .. .� ^ OTABUSHED-1890 JOHN L. BARNES, REAL ESTATE AND. MORTGAGE LOANS, r x Q4SURANCE 194 E. FOURTH STREET. ST. PAUL. MINN.. U. S. A. , TO THE HONORABLE"CITY COUNCIL: CITY. ° Gentlemen: �v^ Nov. 25th, 1921. We hereby ask for a permit to erect a gasoline filling station on the South half of lot eight (8) and lots nine (9) and ten (10) Block one.(l)_Ramsey's Addition. This property is located on the Southwest corner of St. Peter Stzeet°and Iglehart Ave. and has a frontage of 118 feet on St. Peter Street. The capacity will not exceed 2000 gal. all of the storage and appurtenances thereto inside property line. Respectfully submitted, STAN IL COC/ lr , GLryl�U Agent. WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF INSPECTOR h CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT QF PUBLIC SAFETY A.6. SMITH 411INIMPPOMEWRL,COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE Pf20TECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION i NoverAber, ZBtli 1921.' Hon.A.E.Smith Commissioner of Public Safety, " St.Paul Minn. Dear Sir-: In regard to the application of the Standard 011 Company, submitted by John L.Barnes Agent for permission to install and maintain a gasoline filling station on private.. -property located at Southwest corner of St.Peter Street and Iglehart Street. I submit the following report. I have investigated the above case and report that there would be no increase in fire hazard to surrounding property caused by this installation, and I therefore recommend that permit be granted. pectfu - Iy1 Chief Inspector. CITY OF -ST. PAUL eounaLNo ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r I RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .-PREs D BY jjecemver us J-1):4 J�z, ..... .............. DATE .................. . ......... ... COM SlQt4ER ...... ...... ...... ....... ........ RESOLVED That with the con�eent of the Comptroller, the sum of $1200. be, and -is hereby transferred from the Other Expense Item to the Salart'6s Item of the Civil Service Division of, the Comptroller's Pund. thereby relieving an unavoidable deficiency in the later item. Yes Co cilmen (V) Nays CI y e 'aso. rguson c n ;Do, ald — ------ In favor atson ._......_.......Agar *.n.el /Mr. President FORM 3M 0.30 DEC -2 1921 Adopted by the Council-- 9EC -2 1921 19— CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL r.13 NO............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL R SOLUTIONr--GENE AL FORM PRESENA'ED BY .COMMISSIONER..ZCO .... :.. ... .... ......._ DATE.................................................................... RESOLVED Tha the proper c y. officers are hereby authorized to draw a 4i+ III nt in favor of E. F. Cody, 57 West Tenth Street for the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) on account of,Dog.Licen'se Nos. 1751 and 1752 being issued to the above party by mistake. Payable out of the Refunds and Repayments item of the General Fund. 4 Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson '•NIM -01 ald Wenzel Mr. President ..10RM JM 0.30 Adopted by the Council_.—..�L�..—� �92�__19........ )-� In favor Approved__. __. • •- a—��.2-•.. I .-.----19..___ ...... _...... Against .�MAYOR f. `- OFICE �;21 ;` AUDITED Cl IITw �BY-- ------ ---- � A..� - l PER .... olved that warrants be drawnnpon the City Treasury,,to the aggregate amount of.---- Res• 1383 Page #2 15277 :Russell-Neeman,Supply Company, 13b.93'' St, C, & R.. 15278 ' StPaui 1lhite Lead Company, 58•C�.` Sprinkling 15279 Standard Stone Company, S,S66,r79 Construct, relay, and repay sidewalks during' year 1921 15280 Stearns Priming Company, 29.50` omptroiler 1.00 Schools "14.00 ° 14.50 15281, -'Sterling Printing Company, 17y35-' r Schools 4.35 ,• Park -Adm. 13.00" 15282 -Victory Printing:Company, 204.50` Sprinkling. :; li'e75 Sdhonls 26.50 11.50 Library 120.00, 20e00;, n X4.75 .. j _.a c s;xo sTals-sY n n Smth CduuoIi: ..r 3iesolJed Thaf? the follotKing allyll FILE NO .. t cntiona for a 11eBnse to opey'ate Hotel , or Restaurant at the addrgase IndfJ ' crated,: `pe nnd-the seine ^'nre/herebY K N i CO grnnt¢� and the-OltYxaerlt le h¢r R?'.S ! a author Zed Yo Isgu¢ aLLch It erase uybn fr FORM the PaYfnen£nt110 the c1tY a,reasurY of y the ¢uet mnrY ea 7 R08t � pRESENTEDr�Y +� O 9omerfleld 140. F `+f ]-'8 021 _ � L CrOF1M19SION�R ..-;. f•>� .�.iw....t5��` rame., bLrY DATE exn; tit ...•...- It I,� .... ... Resta iFent Resotveo That the of z.a,,'pPlications for°a license to operate- . Hotel: or Resta �cYit at the addresses indicated, be, and; tY�s . same 'are'hereby..granted, and the City Clerk is hereby author izad` o issue such±.licerise upon the.>,payment,"into the city treasury of the customary fee. T 0.:6omerfield, 140 E 4th. St., Restaurant 142 ''Nabasha St. g Anna M. Larson, t n A. Bruni, rvWeinzetl, 7 W:' College Ave. Albert Unise, - .-'414 'ckson St. Hotel Yager & Smolik, 1596 University Ave. Restaurant Thos. A. Goodnow 561 St• Peter St. Hotel Chas:. W. Hoschette, 1214 Snelling Ave. Restaurant Nick geresztes, 640 Capitol Blvd. �i Albert Otto, 1602 E: 7th- 'St- Hotel Peter Colas, 23 w'. 9th. St. Restaurant 11 Axel Cardelli, 301 E. 7th.:st „ a E. 5. Giannos, ��jjth. St., n Theo. Nikes, 33 W. 6th. St.,, it 560 Universy`Ave. Wm. Schultz, Annie Hunter, 291 Robert St. . Seymour & Seymour, 312 Robert Hote St., l Gormanos & Ormas, 03 Wabasba St. Restaurant Stockwell,&-Courtney, 12 Jackson St. n Eat .Shop :Trust, 6th. & rabasha Sts. Mrs: M. S-itis, 4g W. Exchange St. Hotel F. C. Ullrich, 430 Wabasha-St.,- e P. G. Taylor, 451 St. Peter St: Restaurant F. B. Mabros, 1 61 Selby Ave., n._ T. H. Barrett, Jr.6562 Nn Snelling Ave. n F. E. Goff, 7 n Thaemert & Johnson, 624 University Ave., a Mrs. E J. Bailey, 1411 Raymond Ave., Andres; MaYarshuck, 1672 E. 3rd. St., n University Ave. Hanson & McColl, 2144 a N: G. Bambros, 479 Rice St., Mrs. Irene Franson, 50 W. 5th: St., Hotel, Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays f92I, i�- Clansy - Adopted by the Council.. -..r -- ►��ergugon DEC —3 1921 y�In favor Approved --------------------------- -------- -ice ---- �eDonald - atson S I kit Against _...e.(!� .... ..... ...... t MAY enzel PURLTSFTF,Tf t ': ; , rofw tsoo to•st :.::., ,,,:. .. ;.. _,.. .. . ,�:_.: • r dli>r; ,FORM NO. 2 cl ,. r,•;„, rn„ r „„„n�tr nr rm,- City of St -Paul r, I,unl,.. L...v r��nnr,,•a v, w, +, I efl, I.. .� nra:,t„�„ ";u, a�,�tw„ 53°moi UNCIL RESOLUTION ut„ ci„"`�n:,�,�r, u.,. - GENERAL FOMA Sub et ,� erg.• � cmcl, r ton ,m V1r�Y,l„nt of i•ertiiir, etnnlu"ea �f' hi, li n:,rt,,,ri,L 1'nr tour [It:,, Ight nears `ger day. —id emnl.ln—it being, f COUNCIL --al hoar. b it i FILE NO. i y ---- -1 t'n'n�l tri 1 1 u I to , cn nl r. in th a_ 1 r t nl t 11'a, rn, ti, time n2%sI ' nor sit ti ' Date Presented 1921' Resolved, WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employments being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title, Hours' Rate of Overtime Alfred Falk Carpenter 2 hrs. 1.20 lj ts.reg.rate n n n if 11 :* OF 1.60 2 11 11 W. J. Hemi ng „ 1 91 11 1.60 2 1.20 lg ” Benedict geyers 2 n n 11 u 11 2121g it1.60 2 u E. A. SkiTiner it 1 if 1.60 2 Gust Anderson Laborer 21� " 55¢ reg.rate W. C. Benton ” 1/4 ” 55,- 11 It Ed. P. -Campbell " 1/4 " 55¢ it it Paul Cetinyon " 3/4 550 John Corey If 1 " 55/ fl It Frank Fleming " 550 J. Geisthardt " 14 " 5 5j :11 " A. S. aadby ° 11 n 55¢ L. W. Guye a 22 55¢ 11 If Chas.. Hanson " n 24 n n 55�! H Geo. Hartman " 1/4 " 55¢ " " Leo Hoffman " 13 " 553e Edward Kernan " 2a " 55 61It� Leo F. Konehal " 2 55¢ II Fred L. Kubly " 2a " 5b� Otto H. Kuehn 1/4 " " „ / A. E. McFarlane 55 ¢ Alberto Masso " " 550 " John Murphy 11 22 " 55¢ Peter A. Peterson '1 1/4 " 553Z E. R. Prenzlow ° 2� 11 55X n u Alfred Schauer " 1/4 " 55R' " Raymond Schnell " 2-i" 55¢ Samuel E. .�impson " 21 1' 55¢ J. H. Steinbrenner " 2--1 11 55$e " llt�0ounci3men Nays Adopted by theYergua::.,ar—, C1anr,Y_f ,. List son in favor Listson Approve .;r'��� d 1921 Smith against _ 1•ro,.,. 2 City z sat Paul COUNCIL, GC NERAL FORM Subtle COUNCIL FILE NO.' (L.I 9�_ Date Presented _ Re ve WHEREAS, The Commi s s i �,� � �' public Utilities has re i�"�~_o�the R 393 il, in accordance : coon 5.3 of the Qit r er the exister�"5I>*o ,an eraer e'x ndered ne ry the employment o certain eraplo .3_—^gent f e than Laid employment beim roc ours of employment; therefore, be - sved, That t- o olper cit 5 o ar ' �— e� s e hereby auhor3`2.d to pay the fol nv named e-mp1oS-� T e rate otherwise fixed e oyment for the ext 27--erei-nafter set forth: Name Tit -1 Hours Rate of Overtime P. Anderson U ilit ZT—=— � 2 hts. 622¢ reg, rate Roy Yunson, " " 2 " 2 6031 " 622¢ T. Thorson -- Tony Cutrone Laborer 2 5531 " Mat Roberto " 2 " 5531 " '! N. Nicolio " 2 " 55X Frank Vanrlerhoff " 4 " 55X " H. A. Iaennell Utility— 72 " 67ty' " Leo Nonnemacher of42 " 622/ P. Dei. Fiaceo Laborer 1 If 55¢ " Owen GeraF;hty '• 1 " 55/ " Joe Grappalie is 1 " 55X " Frank ISunson Utia.j--t 5 " 65¢ " H. J. Conrad L ibo r er 3 " 55te Leonard Fiorito " 2 " 5531 Robert Barett " 1 " 5531 " Fabian Decareau " 1 " 55/ Gearj%e Dupre " 1 " 55g " Wilfred Dupre " 1 " 5531 Antoine Leroux " 1 it 55y. If Thos. Peltier " 1 " 550 `'J.O.Peterson Ut i1 it yT - 22 " 60X " Otto `.Vinklesky S. S.EnF, r — 2 " 1.35 1-'-ts. reg.rate C. Rice Hoist _ — 2 " 1.20 1-1 ts. reg.rate it It ° 1/4 ° 1.60 2 u u u C.O.Peterson 2 " 1.20 la of to 1/4 ° 1.60 2 If If it Fred Fennern Cement F s 1/4 " 1.60 2 " " ilea ncilmen Nays Adopted by Ferguson -Apb4orved 1921 Matson s ra McDonald -. = "---- --� Smith - ag=-= -- FORM NO. 2.` City of St.Paul COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FOP11 Sub'ect' COUNCIL 11 FILE NO. Date Presented 1921 'Pr, -•s& yed, WHEREAS, Ttel-ID unissioner of Public Utilitie has s nci1, in accordari'e'e,witl}-. Section 53 of t4e,,04 y Charter, he exist-enc.e. of an emergency whi6W-.,rez� ecessary the employment of certain e"�'p�UW s of his de axtrmri`� for iibre--than.eiFbt hours per qday, said Qg�ployment "bean to<�'e' a their usual hours of e'tlo2 y;A,gnt; therefore, be iit,�„ -' " Resolved, That M proper cit officer tl�,x,�L� authorized to pay the fol nfinp; named emplo es at the rate otheri'ea fixed for extra cloyment for the extra time hereinafter set forth"" Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime HugaiF. Thomas Laborer Mike Tynan of E. 11. Evans It Yeas Councilmen a a Fergusson erg Mat son L/ -I k1cDonald Smith Wenzel in favor 2q'— hrs. 55X reg.rate 6- " 5 5;e It It 2j " 55/ n u Adopted by the Approved _.z,_.- 1921 against I,- v, :t-. n —ray .i- u.FOJtLi NO. 2 ` ,;. „,i-, ity of St.Paul 01-1,11. °i,,b rn:, �'e��i` 6OLUTION - GE:'ERU FOR111i i Subject:,�Y`' COUNCIL 7 r� FILE NO. 3741 Date Presented 1921 Resolved, VMRLAS, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has renorted to the CoAncil, in accordance with Section 53 of tre City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of on Sunday certain employes of his department fer�t�ee-ke-e4Fk-kex�e-g�2-�aj+r said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper cite o-fficers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime V. Cocco Laborer 3 hrs. 55¢ re€;.rate M. Masciotto " 3 " 55¢ D, Mayer " 3 �� 550 3 55¢ N. Nicolio " J. J. Haggerty " g If 622¢ n n " Mat. Johnson " 3 If55¢ " Jos. Germscheid " 8 If55¢ " if It Paul G. Manzke " 16 " X35¢ n Antoine Leroux " 2 " 55¢ If" Thos. Peltier " 2 " 55¢ John Corey " 16 " 55¢ J. Geisthardt " 8 " 55¢ Leo Hoffman " 16 " 55¢ C. P.Oakins " 16 " 55¢ r, Harry Thomas " 16 " 5If 0¢ Louis Zwirner " a " 55¢ Y as Coe Clancy Clancy ( Fergus Matson in favor 1.1cDo nal d Smith against Wenzel Mr. Adopted by the _ - i_'''-1921 Approved yl1921 PI7BLiSHGD r�� � � / - .�&. tar o31ion tac'riea •nai . 'neooived, cereware,'fi� warrant'in (( ett to e LundbO) P Ad pted; APPt OVO� Yes ( J) Councilmen ('V) Nays Clnncy Ferguson McDonald ............ In favor Matson Smith 0 ."............ AZ,ainst Wenzel —4&-PrV§iftnt 'ron. low to -s+ Adopted by the. Council!: � '.......................... ------- Approve&..........:�t� � w�ro (®fficc of Qyifg Q�lark JOHN 1.'FARICY s December let, 1921. Mr. A. E. Nelson, Corporation Counsel. Dear -Sir:- Attached please find letter from J. W. Boerner,.Municipal Judge recommending that Frederick C. Pratt be refunded the sum of $20.00 which he forfeited as bail, as the case was discontinued. The Council referred the same.to.you for the,proper form of resolution. ��ur� aE ;�CinrY�ai:c ¢hur,�rg �tt�n�iri�txl Q:,astrk 3ludgc ?incrncr ,.T,tttt. Pa ul St.Paul, Minn., Nov. 30th, 1931. To the Honorable City Council, St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: The applicant, Mr.Frederick C.Pratt, was charged with failing to clean a vault, and the case against him was Continued to give him an opportunity to clean it. He now informs me that he hired a sanitation company to do the work, and that *the representatives of this company agreed to come into court on the date the case was continued to and make an appearance for him, and that the representatives failed to make this appearance, and the bail of $30.00 was forfeited. The repre- sentative of the sanitation company also informs me that he over- looked coming.'to court. On June 10th the case was stricken at the request of the Health Department, it having appeared that the work was done. Under the circumstances, if the council see fit to return Mr.Pratt's bail money to him, I have no objection to make. ' Very r pectfully, 1 Municipal Judge. - AT-ORNEYAT LAW ." . s645ECU.1Ty 8ANk BUILWNO ' h11NNEAPCI}I'S, MINN. If t 41I41` —ax3e 3, 1921.. 0 e Tothe Honorable City Council, at.. Paul, Minnesota. On the 23rd day o.f May, 1921, the under grzed was arrested in the City of" $t. Paul for violating =�—�—� Health Ordnance in that particular charge of failure -� c> c 3� a .n a toilet within four days: after notification; that 10=L��_ .4E�_i_Ciant deposited y$ID.00 ;bail' - and''the case was con c _ = �- it "May 26th. In the meantime, the undersigned ham"--�.rlgedto have said work completed and the party do irte�__ _ vie -work was to report the ro x ss rl� t e and agreed to um"tYtaY the appear in Court/agat i�$ _ .progress he was making in doing the required ,ror Mhis,he failed to:do' and ;by his agreeing to do so_ t33 B �s3e =signed did not appear, whereupon the Court ordered forfeited and it is now in the hands of the Gita _-�e asurer of the City of St. Paul, " flhat the undersigned acted in gooc nd it was not through any fault of his that said ba_ was forfeited, That said Order of the Court and sza icZ c��a3z has been in all, things complied with and in 'eclu -t_y— bail forfeited -should'-be refunded. Wherefore the undersigned -6 ions your honorable body to order said moneyre--.ff That hereto attached narked "BShibit the bail receipt received for said money. - The above t e facts pearl o t _-_r:derstgne be true anAe y I he y ap e and e — he d Co oil of : th ty of St, aul . Minn., re fund a�� �xoney as above requested,. udW . A4 COUNCIL.FILE NO ............................. By kraxile':.F[.... Y+taia.on._............................ FINAL ORDER ]h the Matter of....0.oilstrsxc.t1.ng..a...sani.tares..s.eizer....on--Roharts.on--St.---Brom ...:• Plat.Q::f1P6....t.Q a...ao at._39...ft.....34ut.Ytex11-.-Qf.._#�IaQ----s_outherly.--line...o%=:Ch3nago .:li,4e s s................-...... r ----- ----- .......... C R i `iio 84419 9', LMatrk �' R 't . .._----- t soli .................... : �nt� Fp$weT nn �Robertson��t K V ato r bf a ofnC 99 i •' i............ w ........ .............. ............................................gahte ". - hg-etltarty 1tA4`,o ..................- a sYa vnde t`Frglt�rilPar`5 (fry a. .jF+d h868�.•••5 ', a9.9rir ,',Z� 3 2 18Zt� y . --. -- u� 'aproved...A3.. �2.under Preminary Order_....._3F�21 5"1-; Intermediary Qrder .... --•--- .. .................................. approved ....... ... ..... ...... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the'Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fullg<:consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind- of improvement to be made by the said City is..o.ons t uc.t...A...SAnitary....aexer.._an---Rgb.ertagn k-..xroin.--Plato•-Ave••-_to•_a-•point• 30 -_feet,. southerly•;of tha!_southerly 13xie of Chioaga-Ave.. ............. .... ........... ..: ................................................................ J' -- :.... ....... ............-..._....... -and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed ' ' - and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Co un-, cta for: approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... .. t ... 1 y� I ............... 191 City "Cle ; Approved.--..................:9L�.........., 191 .-.. .. - - ...................... _... . Mayor. Councilman > Clanoy EUBLISHFD Councilman >&Sit= = Ferguson Councilman ;>iiia>9ngc McDonald Cotmcilman RED= Matson Council;nan'ffiii6�lk Smith Co an'NhwduAck Wenzel Mayor 'Hodgson Form B: S. A. 8-7 ` -- -- _ -- CITY OF ST. AUL DEPARTMENT FINANCE K O REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 50 I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A 1 do it 600 "-":In. the Matterof .Gorxstru°tina sanitaiy_seTTer_cjn..Robext.zon_.St..__fsor�.1'1.3t°_.S_t...t.o�_.: 10, s p�3nt u0 feet SoutheiI of the Soutnerly._hne of, CYuca o _Aye'._ ............... __... , ---------_...___ � s i 600 i _ under Preliminary Order approved .......... _................... _.......... _._.__..... ...... _...................... _................. ...... 19+ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 50 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 20_ ......... I 9) 19 The estimated cost perAf� 000 for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $__.:.._ J. 5 .ft of S S' of est of The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or do parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: `;;est - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 19i ASSESSED VALUATION Form B. B, 10 1 l I Ilarshall' s Addition to I, _ ', f �� L, 650 9 18 est tet. 1?uul.GOp 1 S 1S _ do � 215 -- -- _ O 50 I G 1 do it 600 5 10, _. do � s i 600 _ test 50, feet _o _ _ 71?�.. 19+ 50 ! 500 test ft.of South 20 ft of I 9) 19 do J. 5 .ft of S S' of est of 9 19 do `;;est ��) ! o0q Horth' of of 91 19i do Form B. B, 10 TOTAL, I, _ ', f �� L, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT(OF FINANCE _ d, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - DESCRIPTION --- - — LOT- LoeM7 ADDITION ASSESSED I� VALUATION { j 8 19 Addition o Irarsh 11' t I -5 II i 1 0 I I I 5 19 ...'est St. Paul. 1250 1 j t 119 do 1900 South 25 feet of 1 19 G_ d9 950__ north 25 feet of ; 1. I 19 i do O'M _ 1 Ir I I � � otal 140',7! !- �— The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referent taid matter the Commissioner of rPuborks. --- — - --- - --- -- ----1�--- - / Commissioner of Finance. 3`420 } COUNCIL FILE NO .... . ..............- {' By.-.xrank..X....Idatson---- .............. .............. FINAL, ORDER •, In the Matter of....c.onstruating-a...aew.er....on--Hartthorne---Str-eet-- From---Gess--- Street to a point 65 feet gest of Earl--.Street.x................................ ............................ ................... . .... renal; ...... Cy�'�" No S742dt onytyucttn`yer i iawLhor lrtti B6 1e�e Ls cLp1 �'c �' iter R[ellmin 192E 4..,�� ............................................ ............. I!7 4..._ under Preliminary Order... 3.64.09 ................... approved....,Sept....20r--1921. ............................ Intermediary Order .----....-------- .approved. - A piililic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard 'all "persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully`consid- eyed the same; therefore, be it RESOLD, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....CQRstx!yCtr...4._591 er..:ori Hawthorn@... f om`G ess.._Street.._to- a...point.-.65 feet hest. of Earl Street, ..........................:................:........... ......... ---------------------------------------------------------- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby, instructed and directe.d,to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- val, the proper city officials are hereby authorized'and directed cil for approval; that upon said appro to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance'therewp #. ^ 'SLI �Y JIi ...• ,... F... ^ rAdopted by the Council ------ ----- - ----------------- ........ 191.... n ... ..�...-.- city: ci Approved - - .... t..........., 191.... ..................... -- ... Councilman Clancy Councilman 0= Ferguson PUBLISHED /a — /D T _ Councilman XXX39= McDonald Councilman SSC Matson Councilman 3DW= smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor rHodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 l Seutember 20, 1921. under Preliminary Order approved .... ............... _.............._......__..........._.........._.................._,............_._- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvlemex last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: � LOT LOCK A D D I T I N VALUATION DESCRIPTION � 1G_ 6 i_ J. l 11 j i 175 .lidd j 117- G i ; tion to St i\?aul, i3aDSPY �: �1�0� -_. 1 19 6 do �I _ .- 3001_ �I _ I .., 20 6 do 1150 __.�..._ 21 6 do 00 '...._I' 22 6 I de 123 6 I _ do 150 'I 24 I 6 d o ... _ .. ._. 150. �I r 25 G . d o i 150 ! I TOTAL, iI I 1 I CITY OF ST. P UL, 0 1 DEPARTMENT OF N� ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED Ii DESCRIPTION.' LOT MLOCKADDITION VALUATION - i I _ { 26 I _6 i J. A. a F,. id.. -uteas I _ 27 I C, i 'ddition to St. Paul, 150 ,i South 80 feet of 28, 2J 2-. 30 6 Rfanaey County, 1:_.nn. 325 1 7 do 175 �� la 7 I do 150, 13 1 7 do 150 ; 12 7.1 do 150 1� 11 7 'i do 15 o 10 1 7 do 1J00 0 7 do 150 i j i . I� 8 7 do 150 I 7 !. d o 15.0 (i 6 I 7 �� do 150 ' I �i 5 7 d o 150 4 i 7 do 150 !! 3 % 7 d o 150 i'I A !I 71 do 2 , 250 ' - I Ll ,1 I 1i II it -- II j Total 7675 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council,together with the report made to him in referent t aid matter by_the Commissioner ofPub ' �rk. - Dated-- — - !/ ► - —1 j --- - --- -- - - ...- ------ . ---- -- .... Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. B•B C _ _ - /`/ 'I �l yl� yV. E I I � I �i s � � I i � _. � ! I FiPOPO SEO S'EWEr. -- 6s� --- - I I� I i � �1 � �Q IW �� I i -Sts . Paul, Minn.,... _2 Z To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . . . ....... ".- ................................................ .................................... ............. St., ........................................ ................ . ..................................................................................................... Ave. from...._...( iAW. to V --------- - -------- ------ �/ ................... St. VIA ----------- I ........................... OeD.22 (Lit of St. 13uul Uepartmeta,st public Warks ' O9ewR CLAU99CN. CNIv ex.wean HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER J. a CARROLL. A C.1-1 AND MI991ONCR - ainUCTIDNANDnerwiNa IRVING C. PEARCE. OEP COM G. H HERROLD, 0T AND CITT P4NNIN0 gEW48 E.G.— M.S. GRTTBAK. BKI 9-- A. .. SHARP. 5UP NDINeanA.B.SHARP.AUP 19Tn— SAN—' September 30., 1921.. ' H. W. GOET INGNER 5- ar -NN - LD -Mr. H. 0. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for.the construction of a sewer on Hawthorne Street from Cypress Street to a point 65 feet West of Earl Street, under C. F. 36409, approved September 20, 1921: Approximate estimate of cost 011464.3001.4 Cost per front foot - - -' 100.00 Excess inspection - - - 1040 ft. Frontage - - - - - - - - Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for .transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner o Public Works. 3'742: f COUNCIL FILE NO............................. $Y 4. a.111i Ika--Liataoyl ........................ FINAL, ORDER In the Matter ofre.e.ans.tructina.....a0l i n�;...a11-_delsctive...sirle- rr2llcs.._rat,.Lhe..follotain-loc.atio7ss.._... ......... ... ..... ................ .5...... Qf..(.eAtxAl....r.e....._ace.fr'gin ::t. Pete_._ ....te_.Ge.tl4ra� (3y................. .'.......... . ................... �............ Q T ....St_..-..k. . `inn?-ner ,,v o. be innjw,. at Park '.vo. thence east .560_ft.._- a S• ,of Suimnit xve. , Ler_inni nm 304 ft - est of St. Peter ::t. r thence --. ... .. ............ ;':est 125 feet. under Preliminary Order....._?6.'��....... ........ approved.......Sept 23.1..1 21.----------------- .............. Intermediary Order-- ....- ......................u' Pr[o'a7aa> ns Frankfw niat A public hearing having been had Yu tpe m&ta`ro°r�&uis enn° sactiy�; due notice, and the Council d. having heard all ersons, objections aif 7aawa tsar atsna>fouo�c�n� tosatto s sto, and having full consid- g P r IN, s of canfxnt TerrneettTosn g Y ered the same; therefore, be it ro` J. t� �ece"rts�Yiro��trar ,g of St 'Y. RESOLVED, By the Council of th vis secE �uaFs� AYB nnsC;nse nature, extent and kind of S at P)}rIt 1.. improvement to be made by the said Ci ao-4�u,. i at ..L10 -'— °Elaj _cZ11Ll L e-pair...a1l diefeative �woaapt� i _ s4-dezaaj.ks...ai...the .f-Qllou n ti ons:.. no kT 5-.- of.Central Terrace �'�m St. Peter St to Central twe -_-.- ... , P... .trete, .`�t,..Sfou Qel?t a.j T.e.?x.A.Q.o to "ilt.on..at... _ ..............- - "--.-5. 5_-. of 'i::�c� eve. be ;__nninE_.at .Parr_- ,ve.-,--_thenco.,_east--360 ft-, S,_-_5., of Summit ve. t be ronin .-ce 304 ft. ,est of St...-_teter.__St. .._then.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. .:feat 125 feet. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 192i Adopted Vol Adopted by the Council. .... ..... City de Approved USC - 9Z! - ........ ..., 191_ - ..... ..........- ---. •....... Mayor. Councilman *WWWOM Clancy Councilman fix. ` Fergus on �IIBISSHED^`1 Councilman >tJumlqC; 1acDonald Councilman Z2910m, 1+1a t s o Councilman 2REnR `' Sral 11 Councilman Xftxdenlich';denzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST PAUL N DEPARTMENT OF � -. - REPORT OF COMMISSI�WkR OF FINANCE t A ON PRELIMINARY ORDER'- In the Matter of Reronstructin rola fin u_te�i� Tall. defect ve_sl l_�.r ?l s. a __.,-_-- ._..:.:.......---...._........................ ....... .......... ...... _...... __..... ...... _..... ...................... _.._..._._......_... ---- North, side__of.. Central.._l_err ce ..from..... ....... P..e._i ex_._J.1;_• . �..9.._S.S Xi.t.rg.1.__; Ye... ...... BRA! .:side ...._of..._S,-,..._rpznis..a...'!'i.1tQn....S.C,.....--- S.outh...s.i_d�..:of h n i :..Pe�_l1ve.. b� :..a� z .111 ..._a�.....1'�.�_]� Ye....... t.i�enc.fl._? as_t__.�.CiQ....fi . .:.. _.........._ Sou_th.. side of..._aunix1[ ._30E ... ff.... I s..t.....nf B.1_ ....... r ..............................._.....__the.� c_e.._:.,e_s..t..... 2�.._:f_e_ot................... _........... ........ ........................ under Preliminary Order approved....._Sepi;embe;.' 23 19'1. z ................. ..................... -................................ -._....... _..... _..................... ........... __............ ............ -- _... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $........................... .._......__.._..._...__--- The estimated cast plitoroi for the above improvement is$.._._._12---------------- _- ------ -_--_. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: , ESCRIPTION JLOT �1...ADDITION ASSESSED D (� VALUATION _ ,I 5 .1 _13� L�ai._n, Z. -GI -lute's Addition C,;....15 d° 1900- 7 ! 13i do ) J , 1 15 i Sim son's kdd tion 14 do 13 do - In 5 Levis lddit9.on JI ----- 131 5 F d o I 1.775 121 5' do 5; ,I TOTAL. FOtID B H 30 _ - - - 1 - CITY OEpST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF CE REPORT OP COMMISSIbNER OF FINANCE - - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i (C) ASSESSED !{ DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCK ADDITION VALUATION " 11 F I 'r,I Lovis_ Z ddit-lon11— __. i! 10 ; 5 I do 350 5 do _ 1050 �I a { 5 i do 7 5 do 1150 !i ro J do 2050 . 1" j 1..'L'1L 1�—^.(.(. dd'.tf O'1 9J 15 do 7950 . ortjlwesterly 70 feet of , 16 do 12450 I! 17 i do — r i N i o r II - Total 117350 The Commissioner Of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of P ' rks. DatedC// Commissioner of Finance. FOAM 9.9.A. 8.5 c , 3'7422 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................ By ......... EP.ank--AQ -Matson.-.......................... FINAL ORD R In the Matter of....x e�.Qz��.tx'7x�.tix ,--re.laying..ani-.X..epairing...the --- cement...tileL '' -sidewalk-_at...the fo�loflil?g..l.ocst.Q.w .................... .- ..................................... ......----------................ e�Q.Llth...4.� a ...S2 ...i'a easal?t...iiF..e•-beg7.IlZik.--�i6s5 �.e� .SFdS G...O ...I ASYf QI1..Bt.......... t}l-@TllQ.e..-090-t 2.J....1.e6tG,.................... ........- ..... - .....----•---••--•---.....................------•..................• so i.: ', TnI7e'eiYrlUex`gM. hsaasQl;d.0{ yiOE R0Y1S?e� 6spae1a.ar•Av 61) m $.........,............................ ..... IoYksY 1321. under Preliminary Order4.....ne :, ............................ 2u 3 Intermediary Order-- ... - - ......................... ut I ac F - -- A public hearing having been had upon the above nnprovement upon due notice, and the Council, , having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative hereto, and having fully consid- =- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is---ne-Cons-ow-uat-r:.Mlag--and•--repa3x'--tlie••-EameYtt tile..side�ta� t. thQ -f c119Y.Ung .l0�atiQn:. a... -------------••----- -------- - ......... Soutb._aide...of._P1ea ar�t...AV.9k .:bQZi,z ;LX@ ng---265-:at.:aaai.: aY.:7�alttan._.. ; St.; thence--east..21...feet....... ' - ------...................................................... . ............................................ .................................... ......--•-...............................- - .,., .................................... ..................•-------...•-----............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to'pre pare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement. in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. DLC ..-.1-�7+...___.__,_-_.... 1 xt r City Cl Approved.................. ................ I- ............ 191- ..... ... -------- .... ..... `Mayor. Councilman 4WWAMI6 Clancy Councilman Eff ax Ferguson PUBLISHED — O Councilman .0MUC McDonald --� Councilman i ab= 'Ma is on Councilman Ma4.° & Smith Councilman %ftX3bMtbdE lYenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY 'OF aT, PAUL DEPART' FINANCE ! - REPORT OF COM MISSYONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Reconstructing, re ayinE re pairing the cement tile siderfalk -_ at the following location: South side of Pleasant Ave. bogimaing 265 ft. East of Larfton Street, thence Bast 21 feet. September 23, 1921. under Preliminary Order approved To the'Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S square .30 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is — ° - S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits`ior such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -:. — . — f A LOCK ADDITION VA LUATION DESCRIPTION SLOT B 1�hortherls ' of 8 9 ! `Terrace Park Adclition. I ry Iwortheasterl 30 feet of L._ J —_ I I _ . L_._� - r - TOTAL i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 411 Dated/`% c5 19;? Commissioner of Finance. 37423 COUNCIL FILE NO .................... --- ByFrank . _ ----------------------------- FINAL ----- ---- ----------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, Xel.a-y-ing.-and.. repair-Ing•-all---de€act vs ---aide= W.slks at... the ...fAllnwing...locati.onas..... ........... .............. ...... .....- - g.._.S�-__off.tYabasha..St,,._beg nning..at_Indiana_.Ave.-,-,tkle fl— _to::the.Great Western Right of t'ay................................................... •---------- g of.rlest.._3rd .treat, beginning at._Franklin-_St,--,-_t1�QoQ...Ilest...12Q. ft. a- - _...... ....... t ti n _ u xo a74aa—xr`Lreanif W aY�£ ... . aBoa—ug��re iin�l aeYeatapt.....2&.,...192.1............................... under Preliminary Order yN2 -- Btdety ,^t Yla4 Yg11oWing^OC$ bAd ' D h 0, $t. 'Dkgldnln8' at. ..... Intermedia Order.......................... ,. IY_ e soucn,ieo tt t A public hearing having been had upon the`t�Rhi to wsr o ent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and re mm t t relative#hereto, and having fully wnsid- ered the same; therefore, be it. `RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature,_ extent and hind of improvement to be made by the said City is.re.G.Oxle_tr_Uct.,_..relay--- and ..re.pair...all ..defeative ----siaertal�e.._at.._t�?e...f.4.laow�,ng..loCatioxt9'..z ............................................ E,....5....o .'�Ja�ask ►...St....s...be..g nn�ng at 1-Y .a Ave t}�e11G.8.-a.outh 150 ft. to the Great Vtestern Right of 'day. ^Nest•. 3rd_ Street,.-.. eginning. at•__F..... n St,., --_thence prest-. 120 ft. ... .... ............... :.................................................... ......... .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and speciii9ons for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil'for approval; that upon said approval the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith. 9221 Adopted by the Council........... UEC —5 192i 191........ Approved....................... ._.................._... Councilman 7l MWAM-1h Clancy Councilman Qmax Ferguson Councilman (fix McDonald Councilman I£l� Mats on Councilman McC alta Smith Councilman Vienzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 "East side of lfabasha St. ber.rinnint at Indiana Ave.thence South 150 feet to the Great riestern Right of lav Borth side of :`lest 3rd Street, beginning at Franklin Street, thence dost 120 feet. under Preliminary Order approved September 28, 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount 6f the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated. cost peeer 000 for the above improvement is $ - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or .11 parcel as last reported.by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 6LOCK i ADDITION VALUATION _0 feet) 5 i7 (Except Easterly d _ 9 Robertsonls Addition to � 57b0+ ` 6' 179 iYest 5t.' Paul. _ 7i 179 do ! 18$.01 i r art S'ly of alley of 9 16 Rice £c Irvine's Addition. 2d3 0 !.. I I{ t II t l 37 ft. of part St N of 116 5� il. alle 16 do ' esterlyf 23 ft or }_ that .dart 8; outherly of alley of 81 16 do I 9375 asterly 20 ft. of that part Southerly -of alley of 71 _.161 do 9 ; _ E 641 '� -- i I TOTAL I J61150 The Commissioner of Finance, further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby . submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. L��C.m.�hsi..e, of Finance. Dated Farm B. 5.13 In the Matter of..rer..ons.tr.uo.ting.,...r.ele.ying.. .-e--.qtjyp gide lqcations: ............... ....... _1 ................... ................ ............. ................... ................ . A.... .......... ......v..e... ....................................... etf erson ..Av.e ...... .................................... ................................ Oneida St. from Jefferson Ave. to West 7th St. 3—As ........................... ............................... Ave.. _ ................. ....................... gt qnq!� St. to West 7th St. pf� Itgferson Ave. from Oneida S •S t. ...................................................... Order....------ -------------- approved ............................... under Preliminary Intermediary Order-------------------------------.............434 B$ Frank .................. ................................... ; A public hearing having been had upon,due notice, and the Council _x having heard all persons, objections and reco'. nvwJ,7tb'VscRr P.,TWeto, and having fully consid-l' are ered the same; therefore, be it W City ; RESOLVED, By the Council of the OF nature, extent and kindf 0 improvement to be made by the said City is.r6QQ11*.tr!!9!.* 9!@14Z .. ... .... defe sidewalks _ at the .. f . ci_i.ow.ing 1.o.c.atio.n.s..: ........................................... .................................... 7th.. S t ...sr_QP1..Dn laxnn..31 ....................... ................K...q......... .. .....---- --- ................ of 1 A ..to..'Nest.7th St................... .. ida St. to West 7th St. ....................... .... . ......................................•........ . ............. • and. the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said . improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper, city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvemenf in accordance therewith. :Adopted by the Council ....... .................................. 191 ..................... City Cl, 3 Approved-...--- ---.- ........................... 191 ............ ......... ....... ......... .. . .. ............ Councilman FMS9WAM Clancy Councilman &M= Ferguson, McDonald FUBL1Sfflj6_Z Councilman OhNOYM Councilman US*= Matson Councilman bId41C Smith Councilman W=WAMWenzel "'Mayor Hodgson orm B. S. A. 8-7 October ;11, _192 Oomnuisioner of Pbiauceof the City,of St.! Paul: A. COUNCIL FILE NO---------- ------------- By Frank-JI-Alatson ................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.r.o.c.omtr.uo.ting.,...r.elaying...and ne.pairi-ng. the defe-c-ti-3re side- walks at_.the fjolloi.aing laca.tions .. ................... .................... ........................................ ....... . ................. 9th St. to Sth St. Jackson_St. from 9 ................................ .......... ................................................... ..................... ........... ..................... .......... ft ...... Q.f 4qysoA ................. .................................. under Preliminary Order 3632 a p.t 15.....1921 . ....................... 49 61, ..... ....... ............................................. Intermediary Order...:....-----• ---------------ace - e notice, and the Council A public hearing having been h sant =jn*:k'!'�pon du having s heard all persons, ok,'jccfioli r e T'* q ereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it ,at.' -!�cise nature, extent and kind of RESOLVED, By the Council` of the of, i%,��!rv..'-, jrome- is s A.,.ne2ay &nd rapair the defb.Ct�- improvement to be made by the said Ci i. -4A—dii- .+. +hA fn1inwiTm, locations: . ..................... .......................................... ........... z ................ ------------------ Ak- �6+ T fr I Q.m at) ........................... m ............ I ................ W. S. of Jackson St. beginning at Arch St., thence south 360 ft. .........................•--------.. ............ .................................................................. St. from Miss i sippA..A�....�Rj,'Orien B. .;�j! Alq;�Y ..................................... 9 ................. ql�t ........................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with.the making of said improveffientliln accordance therewith. Adopted by the t Council ..................... ....... 91 Approved...................... ................................ 191 Glanov Councilman Councilman ftxx X04 erg us on Councilman falx McDonald Codlma. x"atson Councilman MdCZ= Smith Councilman wm"Ilenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,"UBLIS-9ED /Z- p CITY OPS AUL DEPARTMENI� FLINANCE +►{j REPORT OF COMMIS? TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAj4Y ORDER A, In the Matter of . Reconstructing, _.rela�zn� E� epal.rl n.............. ........thee ect�ve sicle-.ralks at the f.ollorJan locations: .... n...: _._................_.._._-........_.. . ......__ .....:. ..__.._._ ol�th. side of . Bth _Street_..,be. iris n�.__at_,:Jac on. St.._ thence )gat 100__ft,' ................. -- -.._East'si_de._ of_.Jacks_oiz..._Stree_t .T.ro.;l_.9th._.. t......_...g._z3th,-St_•._....... ....... ...... - lest._._side of .Jac ............. be >__nnin a.t Il ch S� .:. _thence., S.outh._360 ft. ............ ...... ' Ioih si.dea._of I.it.,. /.irk.._SL..._frorq_I„_ssio..euL....Sj.._to.....':_�Orient St. v........... ........... ................. _........................................................................... _......... _.__....... ..............--. —_ under Preliminary Order approved __S2pte77717eP 115, 1921. .........._......_. —............... ___.............. ____._..___ To the Council of the City- of St. Paul: The Comm issinner 'of Rhance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $... .... _--- -- -------- .................. .. sC1t7�re • The estimated cost per Toot for the above Improvement I9 © - - - - - $ ...............-- -- — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or, - parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION '.;alshl _ V. D. s--- oarra_nGorne�zt _ - 8500( - 1 _ . do _ ! I i _ _ ! 00 do 21609 1 _. _ 12500 Nl orth of 2 d o ,, E __... 1 40000 a South of ao , 1 do { I 65000 ! Except:Soutb,12ft _ of ,East-` I Addition ferly 100 feet) {pp/ { _._o f . 16 I to ,,:; do 16G7 (!I 00 f t. 5,outh 12 It of 1 . 1 _ ___ 15 13 do I, 4: { TOTAL, CITY OF;ST. PAUL �J DEPARTMEIT gFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMIMIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION, I ldi 13� Azliton t: 51erhurne's- - Ea-st 100 feet of 13 15 Addition I 12j 131 do 2250 131 do '. 2500 i S' ly 81.83 ft. of 10-11-12 i ,_ 13 2' 1 Schurmeier's i-dclit.ion 13000 14; 2 do 1950 (Except llortli 120 ft) 15, 16 E 17, 21 do 2275 S;orth 50 feet of 10-11 and 12i 31 do 4500 131 31 do 2600 14 31 do 1950 151 3! do 2200, 16' 3- do 2600. it 17, 3' do 2725 i i j Total J 6 -00 n C The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter the Commissioner of Pu orks. G�% Dated— — - 1 -- - _ __ _.... -- ---- ---... - - - - - - ----------------- Commissioner of Finance. IOFM D.9.A. 9-9 C east:-:�ine_of-:Yandslis...atrest.,...inc-luding--•sew.er.,---lastar-•assct•--gas•--E ecs�iona, from-.at re.et...mains---.to...prAgartg--.lislas....complat e., ._whera._ nat...a1r-esdg_made, aIso ...3noltad3ng...curbing...and..paging.-alley...and...drivaway._a.P-prDaGhes., ts{aeare under Preliminary Order..--.• --36276..... - approved ... Sept.,: ,13,,-• 1.:._. Intermediary Order ...... approved,.: - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consxd erect' the same; therefore, be it. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, eiFnt and kind of improvemenk to be made by the said City is...AY§! ._Pillsbury.• AV@„-;.fr.Qln.- V raity.. AVe: i ..T�rri t crial.._RAad ,--.and...Territ,.ari a1_.Road:::f roan.--the---lr as n.:lina_.of .. Pi1 lshury" Ave..---to....th8...aas.i:..J infl._.of..:Vandalia_B.tra-et., ,.inclssding,_:sav�er,-;.mater-.:and g&s- connections from; street._mains. to. property;.:lines• complete,.wl ere.•,}�ot' alroad made, also includin curbixip,- and paging alley •and. driveway •.• x .... ..... . aPPr?aches , where necessary ..... and' the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is her instructed' and directed to; prepare>plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to.the,.Coun cil; forapproval; that upon said 'approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed toproceed with tile�makin9 of said improve menl:in accordance therewith. 191 Adopted, by the Council .:. ..._ .::... r. s .. St. Paul, Minn.,:. .Qp.tg*qX .A 92;6 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: _blocks....._......._......._............... .............................................................................................. TerritoritLl..ROad ........................... ......... . ............................... .............. I .......................................................................................................... f rom,,-;U11-8bVL%7 Ave. to FAst MAP 01 Vandalia ............. ........ ................... St. ............. .... ............. NAME LOT I YLOCK ADDITION JA 15V1 -3 St. Paul, Minn ........ septemper...f6A921. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to .cause the following improvement to be made: Paving,._with._ore os of e.._bl ook........._......__....._...........................................:................................................................... PillBburY........................._............................................................................................................ ......................................... M Ave. froTma _U]tog7cei.T1e.i._tRYoa.._.d..................................... ..._.............................-4"t-04- ...................................... w ....... .............fi+Tt.a .................. ................ ,z2 CUP of M. Vaul Department Of Publfr Works, -OSCARICLAUS- HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMB91ONER J. E. CARROLL. Ass C No ENa .� .I. ... .CAN. ..o IRVINO.C. PEARCe. DEPUTY COMAt1991ONER - f O. H NERROLO..OFFICE AN. CITY PUNNIMO , \ .48. _ ORYTEA.. RNO.E CN•NeYR - 1 - A.'R.bXAflP.S9Pi 5- ANO 9ANITATIOH October 4i 1921. H. -W. OOETLIN6NEfl SUPT. or V/OnxHOUfe Edr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of paving Pillsbury Ave. from University Ave. to 'Territorial Road, and Territorial Road, from the west line of. Pillsbury Ave. to the east line of Vandalic St., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alleyy and driveway approaches, where necessary: P• 0• C. F. X36276, approved Sept. 13, 1921. creosoted Brick Asphalt block Brick laid flat Asphalt Conorete Concrete 08 O 12 foot strip abutting ro art / 9,463.63 9 ,463.63S7J790.691 of1b,431.46�12,884.52�11,860.'lb V_ Front Vit. 8.2511 6.88 6.34 5.06 5.06 Cost of 8 foot strip wheelage area g 323.08 7 661.75 6,113.27 6,113.27 5,032.56` Total 9,968.34 s l±,ron _t Ft,_ 5.33 4.45 4.09 3.27 3.27 2.69 Cost of inter - Sections otal 4,591.74 3,833.88 3.b29.25 .2,815.97 2y815.97 2,318.16 Front Ft. 2.45 1 2.05 1.89 1.51 %% 1.51 1.24 Grand 23,051.75+ 18 392.81 48,392.87 5,141.364 Total 29,991.54 2b,041.48 Front t. 16.03 13.38_ 12.32 9.83 9.83 8.09> Length .1000 ft. Width Street 60 ft. Frontage 1872 ft. Rdway 40 k ............. ............... ) [g RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of ..c.ondexning._and_.tairing--mn_e a s ement... J r the—land ... naaazzary . for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 1, ............................................... ..............--------------......................---- _Douglas Addition -_between .Earl and Cypress.Streetsj __......... ; l;ey in 31 -Mk 1 "D 4V ...................... ...-... .. �e Eai•14,andi Cypress ........ ..- ................................................,�IOr PrenminarY -Order -%: f1i t: $•Ti .... _......._............................................ ......... ............................ _.................... _....--........ _................................................... under Preliminary Order ............. approved...Qct•.•. 6-x1920- Intermediary Order.....32141 approved..Den.....2.2.,-...7.0211... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and eondemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said'taidng and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. $eZt€uriher 8esolved that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in Quff umued ,therein. r Adopted by the Council----------- -- 1 ------------------------------ ---, 191 �I (ILI moi Approved...................... ............. I............ 191........ Mayor. Councilman 4&yAWe-rvh Clancy Councilman ]GLI9x Ferguson PUBLISBED t4 /b "Z✓ Councilman 8 McDonald ---- ""� Councihnan Kxlb= Matson Councilman =94ilk Smith Councilman ARg3&z= 1'lenze1 Mayox Hodgs on In the matter of--condemning,._and ..-ta king.--an---etas-ement....3si--t-he-..land .. neaas38 ry Bg.f-Qx eats -aha-fills.-in g'ad .i?P,-_a J-a--3.-.7x7--J31R k. -7.a i?G1 7 5___ hPtween Earl and CYAre9s Streets,__ ------------------ 2B ah At �ondpmWns and tak..... _............................. -................... ................................. ........ .. ...... .................. .............. t asement ip the lnnd' n6Cea a elopes •Por�culs &nd�ftlls Jn tdt alley An BYoek i .Ddaglag-----------------------------------_...< <. .............. ................ . ................. ,' t tw Darl and lgreas r ..---.._._. under Preliminary, Order -4.3-1.7-5 ................ approved -DGS...} Fa intermediary approved;- L1®C...22.-..1920.•.---.. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement beand the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: condemn.._ end...t-aka...ax�-l-easama�at...in.. fixe...laxld_.nocassary..or.:.s.lopes-...or.._��a k�s..�a ils < in -_grading -.alley -_in Bloch-1•,-_Douglas-_Addition•,-.be_�ween Earl••_and-_-_--••�� �rass..Gtr-eats.,.......... ...._..._....... .._._..... __•_......... -... - -..-. ............................................ _........ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose; of making the said improvements, viz: --.._the-.-Iarid..ablltting upon the alle in Block 1, Dou las Addition, between the P.oin1`s_afore-' ............._-..-....---..............-....-....... ....... said.,::.t.a.:the.--extant...spawn-.upnn._ttis..,s�tch..attached-... t4 the ..r-epor-t...of the u.Qmmis:siomr---of-.Publla..-N.or-ks-- in-- the ... matter~,....datad_Bab..- 21-.1921.1 .....:......._ ..........-...--...... _ ....._.-...............-................. ..-..........-..... ••-------•-------------•-•---...._. ............................. ..f (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed Adopted by the Council --- !Q ..................... _...... , 191........ Ci Clerk. Approved C ;.- ..................... 191 .-.... . . .............. ........_. Mayor. Councilman EBAh Clancy un'iman GFX Ferguson PUBLISHED J C' Gilman Hp&U McDonald uncilman IMM Matson councilman IN= Smith ,Councilman VYWAU Menzel Mayor E32QI44CR Hodgson AV 37429 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of widening -,.and _exte d�7lg... iobext...Sire.et.-.North---to•••a••midthi of 75 feet from the southeasterly line of Central Ave. East to Aurora••_. 11 nue-.and...connecting._Robert.-St>?e-e#..1[nxth..N.3th..unis:ersity... Avenue-:•ltost curved liner-_also-_the--_opening,x-,fir cl� jng.-_and:..ex:ttiending...nf-.-Ilni�ersity Avenue l'Jest to a rlidth..of--_84._feet--from„_Robert---Stxee-t...1�Lorih..a-••a£nresaid _ ._• to Parr Auenue,, etc,f.�-----------------------_..._. ray -•-- -- er of wfdeaing nrid extexcY- r Nor!{. toyd.t1d}h bL i M' }he ponthese}ertr,lfna„ Order..-.---f�...5-�+••..._, under Preliminary Order.34114..... approved-_�r ave beYt Eset to auras ave .SC eCt NbrsYr �: approved.:..?Y.........m........ a.-. r. A pubic hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits theraor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, Resolved, signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages identified by the Th ao the owners of such lands respectively for said-taldug and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved farther, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for.confirmation. $e it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it, is hereby determined to be payable in ..equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein c� S ................. 7 Ad” d by the Council._ ........ ....... ..� . City Cler r • gpproved._r::�"......��.--... Mayor. PUBLISHED 2 —/ o_ /� Councilman Clancy CouneilmanXRM Ferguson Councilinan McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman=dCU Smith Councilman Vimledirk Vienzel Mayors Hodgson a L/ 7Y3 .......... 3ko u-s e s �� 4 IA TAE ts]ATT3.2 OF THE QBEigt14G. AND 171DINISG pF - ; SE?t�"1!X &ODEET 9TRi�i�P FROL-� FFL??RE ,�SS�T 10 "" _ THTs CEIaAf`A.._ CrRI3AT TEH$'RAI'i+rk� Q 03 i3e of" Ja9ab Le th03ti for Bs1e4013 grin ug Out Of , tlsn coadtiori of a porion oP.Dot arae (9)xlpak e.r.#xt. (.�-1, ,Dazxl �,xt3. Robor$a A$d�ti,on to "feat StPavl. TO THE CdUt 3L OF WM :CITY" OF uT.k?AUL: . Yov rcilT�XeaatWo,ftotIda that t,.a vnd*f;- Deutha$,, 6bjffata to tips ewsrdtdEdalaapa r..sdo on ar Gut the xd dny aS'tpril, #925, .bJ thg Ooamisaiona of F3stattaE AP tho G$k;� oP ut,l'a�2 f8i+ the taYiag aria aauaeniatitm 3?3T tnE Bity ?f `t.Fni%1 of a v4rt on oP Loi nino ";('J1. Eloa of t (9}. i it zap Roberts L8 ditian tp. -?sad St i.l, terid'.for *age' to tha PCrtion b acid lot " tiattnezoa� fur 5thp".itideai?3� and olloni -09 501$11 R�b6rt: sir et,"fT9ia ili3naa a �vanue to .thy ChidaZm, Crat't.eet�n Tta47 as t Cwup&& 11ride 6*,,Of ;4d 10 dening and opeubg ot pdixthluwitstrea, &'a'z'k -4 'PA izi , AND WIMIRING OF 9Am*B4.AVsITq TO �Isita 0£ ob- 4oujh` 0 i'd for ems ar tue- votl46h6 uwot el 04 (oj -'Ba24-,a A9 ii�*nTtTridopit dn'OF 1h; 'You 'glu lklewswtwc& za 'e-Olit; ho S= rd. 111"i imed e #a i . 33'jb6ut W16 ofiraaos o the o!' 6*,,Of ;4d 10 dening and opeubg ot pdixthluwitstrea, &'a'z'k REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.-..Q-p-c-nix?g,.-..widening et.---•--• from Fillmore Ave. to the C.G.W. bridge by taking and condemning a strip of.::l-an-d.- 0 f.t-..-.wide-.. lying ---e.ashex-ly...af-.- and -.-asdjaco t....to--.$11C.. ea,slexl.X_1Snir of said street in Lots 6,7,8,9 and 10 in Block 6, in Lots 6 7 8 and 10 in IA--B�.Q-Q- .._l.6-,.-,:and..in-..LQ%.a.�.-;.?�,.5,...and-.7, in Block 17, Bazil & Robert's Addition to West St. Paul. Also a strip of e.ast-er X._Q-f...ansa---a�dj-ac-e-nt-._ta---the---.e-a:alarl-y...]�ne...Af So. Robert Street, in Lots 3,4,5,6 and 7, Block 24, Lot 3, in Block 25, Bazil &..Ro-beit!.a-..Addition..- to_ _West....St -...Raul...... in-AeQ-t.s...i,.2-, -,4--.and-.-5.,:-..In..... Block 3, Lots 6,7 and 8 in Block 8 and Lots 5 and 6 in Block 7, Eaton & Mor-r1son1s.--Addition-..to Weat--Saint-. Paul.................... ....... _.. under. Preliminary Order........ 57113------ approved.I)eC.23,19214-- Intermediary Order 5753Q approved ".:JIM .... ?Q-,---19�5!t_ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof t, respectively, and. the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the, amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and. that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's fording on said matters. 'Ts demnatioa proceodinE>s. 'Tt wao sug�rosBod by you ani mooed upon by the Council 'to hold informal hearings in this matter on Friday and Saturday. May,Sth and 9th, and at such other times as the Council may designate and that. the womero of real property who have wards of dawnges, be notified by your Department. It was also suggested that the,CIW Architect be requested to co-oporata with.tho Department. of Finance in determining j the awards. The matter was laid over until May 20th for the final 'hearing before the Council at its regular meeting on that date. N We encloso herewith Council Bile iJos. 59352 and 59353 and all other paporn in the above matter. Respectfully ,yours, City Clark. their fig�ires for,reprodnction were lower ,than Mr.'`Seamer'a allowance. -Mr 'Saul'., Supt.: .of Construction, stated their figures were-based on material available"on the market 1 Mr Dapis,` df Fhirfield and.9o..Robert Sts. admitted valve. of land is fair value atf$1,800 00.;' Mr. Beamer sEated.the bnilding figures were for• reproduction $i641200` ` figured at 70 deprsciation,oa present building; $47i275'cost of .putting-.in new. front;` $11,200 for' rearranging interior to conform with new front and on account,, Of-the con- , , damnation against it'total is $22,375 which does not included re-arranging interior. Coma'r,Wenzel.read the condemnation order filed which showed Mr. Dil avis.wan fling to wreok the building at a.given time, but had no funds at present: Comer Wenzel suggested referring the matter to the Corporation Counsel as to _whether, the City ie''liable for the 16-called: damage and for allowing an amount for re- arranging the interior ontwo floors. Mr. President Nelson Ghat in his opinion, the-City was liable for she difference between the out allowance end the amountt-allowed for'rearranging the interior and the i Council referred the matter %'to the: City Arheitect and Coms'r of"Finance .for. inveetigation and a:fnrther hearing'to'b_e:hold. Mr. Burne asked if,loas of business and loss' 'of rent. during Course of rse 6 t=64tion ,should not be considered., Mr. 9eamer:answered:rio.•. ' Mr. Burns stated he would like to refer his figures to the Cit, Architect and Comer of.Finance _to confer on ther,subject. Mr. President;,so referred the matter. Mr. J. Burns representing the Gauthe property spoke at length on the matter., M Mr."Seamer. stated his figures totaling $24,472.25, less $1,300 for areaway, which •`` is. illegal and for which an ordinance has been introduced revoking permit for said areaway on this property. `. Mr.,Briggs, representing the Chicago Great Western appeared. Mr. $earner explained that after private condmenation and agreement, Council File- No, 59415 is. the result.: Moms';r Clancy brought up the question whether this agreement would allow the Railway Company to load and unload and use all for that purpose. Mr. 4&AJ O'Neill stated that agreement'provides "that the Railroad could use this land for loading ,and unloading and that -the team track would be taken up. Mr. Briggs statedthatthe only purpose of_ the Railroad Company was to keep the utility of their Freight House. Mr. President Referred the matter to the City•Attoiney and Coms'r of Public Safety and laid the matter ;over until May 9th•for report,' ; Mr. Hunt representing the property on 3onth Robert and Indiana 'called•attention to the fact bleat this improvement was being asked' for by the parties .involved•,`: but was ap parently wanted by 'the, publican, and .that 3n viewof this' a liberal award should' be mad® Mr. .Seamer.stated �m his figures in theaitei• giving the total award as $19,704..00 Mr.,Hunt submitted"figures on the Shnchon gst. building giving total damage as. $24,114 plus los's of*t-- renfor four ,<moaths at•$1100 permonth and called' attention to the fact that it would be necessary to=rsplace the 20'feet, at the rear so that the"BuilQing" would be-adequate for thepurpose for which it was formerly need. Mr. Seamer explained`-that :all these buildings were of old architect4re and with the? new..front would materially increase in.value. Mr. Presidsnt referred the papers to the City Architect and Com'r of Finance for/re port: y 74 w��v /y4�3 FINAL PROCEEDINGS. 37:30 In the matter of.-.ttidani_n _and._extanding--Rnhert...Stre.et...North... to-••a._w� dt8 of : 8et... xom...th�.:. Iautlaea ter�Y " �'ne...afAurara Avenue _and _..c_onnecting..Robert-_Street North__with.University Aveeye._West_ iffy ....ao.p.pn ing.,.-5iide ing-.and...extendin&._of....Uniuersity " Avenue...itiest..to a..w�_dth._o_$4.feet•-.rom..�iObQxt._Stxaet...Ntlrth..as-..aforesaid. , to, Park Avenue,,. et.a=---..................... ......................................................................................... --................... - under Preliminary Order ........*411A4_......., approved---.MRIyIntermediary. Order ...ZA5.24--------- _. approved ...MaY-.27.0--.1 Resolved: l(1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz. -Widen-and extend :Robert__Street-_North•,to-a__xidth•__oi 7�••-�e;$t•:#'x�4m...t]ae..��S2utkte.A.S�S.r7.Y`_line of Centel Ave East to Aurora Avenue and connecting Robert .Street North with University Avenue Hest by a curved line; also the eni... ,widening .. . �... ____........................P .. n land extending of University Avenue West to a.width of 84 feet from Robert Street..N•ortn. as.-.sfuresaid tcs fii'ark Avenue, eta:, T — .........-- ......... _ (2)' That the following land, lands or easements therein be apd the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:..•--•--•-•---•--• ....... Veadeuaedy4aa� ;pr'treeh or. " . ..; _....... .................. .. - aCA'LaGaa�"gorthlvat.r`t -. ......................... ..... ceaLmt��xeaua H9aLraiu� 3 r as n.. .-...-..... ..................................... ,t r ........................................... 1 (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the'`: above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council S. --- --------- .�i. r ��`�` f City Clerk L Mayor. Councilman XMMKZM Clancy;; a 'PUBLISHED Councilman ffmaxi Ferguson Councilman Ix McDonald Councilman ibdbvfx Matson Councilman =godk Smith Councilman IPM&NE&N Wenzel . Mayor IMAXX Hodgson p.b Council File I ........ ......... 3743 1 e By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits costs and expenses for Y9 . r paving Dayton Ave. from Avon Street to Victoria St.including g sers water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches where necessary _ -- -j;.."37431 Hr' & Sc;. Mate n-= f. matte.op the naseeaPtent eeflte ooeke and 1 000 l ion° 9Neet '� Dayt nom': N ne3udtnBa°wor,.2v�-� 30285 1 ictoria nnecftons fr comPle[o under Preliminary Order..._..... _ ......._-._-_._, Intermed hd FAY arw 1+nea °lua final Order -.1j274---.—. 27?___._, >�iF+` �nZiiwa. kY tTQ1e a�p�; apprgved Jan .......... A�_» 'A'pubfic hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be,it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby 'in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District -Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in._.._.---- _IO. ..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Coin il' � . .. Council .... _....._ _.._.................. City Clerk. -tea 921 Approved _.._...__ ------..........._..191....._ Mayor Form 13. B. 13 __.. PUBLI3IiED / 2 16 �► �" l �c� (.+w• CITY OF ST. PAUL eouMea NO....... 3.7433 OFFICE„OF THE CITY CLERK of L RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED 13Decembar 5, ,1921 . ri , . COMMISSIONER......::.......... .:...:... .. .. `.......................................:.... DATE................... ::................................... .. ... RESOLED That with th e consent of the Uomptroll er the sum Of be, and the same Is hereby transferred from the municipal MUPloyment Bureau r to the VTorkments Compensation Item of the General Fund, thereby relieving an`.unavoidable deficiency in th_e. latter item. U, F No. =274828r%'k W M&6' Resolve Thnr with tho consent oY'. the iComytroller the.yeum of .x¢866"_bo; I and the ':eamo t � fierebY`� trnne[erredl - from the%MunlotDal:.flmPldyment j36U,, eau to, the Workmen a, Compere anon: Item C ttie'(lonernl.' und, 'thereby llevt g"' an unavoldnble deHMeacy In tha lattelt' item A�� Adopted by the �Counclt Doc �7 1921: ��'" • I( ADPr4ved Dae 7,` .7823 - •- _ (Dec 17 1821) `'jam , i J Yes (J) Councilmen 60 Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council___LL....-_7 192i __19....... on nald .-_In favor Approv OEC —7 .9�._-19_— Matson � � w Smith _._.......Against Wenzel Me. President FORM ]M 6•[O " ,.: in743 j /j CITY OF ST. PAUL coar.ci� 3 i ` 34 NO ........................... ..... ^••1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C RESOLUTION ---GENERAL. FORM ' PRESENTED r - December COMMISSIONER...............!......1. . ... ... ........ . ................................... DATE...:. .... ......................... AESOIVED That with the c(xleent of the Comptroller the sum of $500 be, and the same is hereby transferred from the Other Expense item to the Salaries item of the Court House and City Hall bund, thereby relieving an unavoidable deficiency in the later item. IC F No. 37434-13y F. . Matson= Resolved., Thai wlthi the consent of the Comptroller the -anmi of -4500., be :and the "samefs hereby .transferred,. from thefOther Expense Item*,tQ7 the :Calories. Mein of,.the Court House and CAty gall Fund thereby reileving an unavo.fdable;' dedoleecy. la the .later Item,:. Adopted. fiy the Oeurull Dec -6, 19x1: 11 Apprte'd I Dea li 18x1 1 �t Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council_____` _�_ ... _ _'J I Ferguson McDonald ..... In favor Approv UEC -5 1921 19..--- Matso[ Smith ii�� -._...Against __—....----- -.-------- --------- --..�— ---- -YOa Wenzel Mr. President ionto sw e•ao - aui UJLLy Ul": �L.' r?AU.L, UUU11UUU u11U UV.3(:.1.1UOW UU' a "restricted resid'ence'district,'to_Wit:' om'Kent Street to St. :Albans Street. Resolved,, That pursuant toL Lsaid petition and. 1915, all the :land and real._estate_with n,the cribed distriet, is hereby, designated as -a.. rict, within ;the limits whereof no building be erected, altered or repaired, for. any 'of the°. lu k4ote s,_restaurants, eating-houses, mercan os+ ea-, ek�e�tsee --pr nt ng~ es tab3i-shments-, . CITY OF ST. PAUL eou.:�.sc:� . No........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �o PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CVHEREAS, The Comrissioner of EduC:;tion•has reported to the Council in accordance .ith Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for mora than their usual hours of employment; therefore,be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the folloving'n;;med employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth* NAME TITLE TME RATE TOTAL. Corcoran P. J, Laborer 3 hrs. .55 1.65 Johnson Ewald " 8 " .55 4.40 Aitken Charles Plumber 10 " 1.00 10.00 .OlNeil Thos. J. It 10 " 1.00 10.00 Manuel Wm. H. Steamfitter 10 " 87t 8.75 Bauer Joseph E. " 22 " .872 19.25 Langenberger Jos. Laborer 16 " .55 8.80 Mayer George " 24 " .55 13.20 Meis Frank " 16 " .55 9.90 Eonieeki Frank I __ 25. " .55 13.75 whe o. 37939 g 16 in hereby authdrizePe1 cltyeair , the le,'.' nmd or. , ., [o pay th thefixd Por. xf a at there e rate Forxt a time hbrelnafte a a, art oel. t POroy x4n 1. fi6J Corcoran P, $940 ald Jokneon, t• 3 hours,.$.55 Chane Laborer, 8 hours, :55 $1000 itken, Pluiinber, 10. house, $Iw$IO OO�Nell, Plumber, 10 lioura, , �houre pg71. $8 45nuel, Steatn"tter, Jose ,hour , n 1i SI9.213 6 ,., Stea=ngtter, 22 Jos. 5G 88 Nnbe ger, }rtboroi•, 15 hours, Yea (J) Councilmen (J) Nays 5I"arig OMa el er, Laborer, 29 hours, ;y Id9,90, Laborer, 18 hou s t% Frank Bonlackl, .55, Clancy SA%Dtea by Eho�¢ror. 25 hours ted by the Council_._.... ------- 19 II AbProo 'Council '1 Jf� "- Z •921 Ferguson y ea (Dec. lO 19 Doc 5 1021. y I McDonald-.In'tevor -- Approve r '_'Y �...'�7.1_. 19 ...... Matson Smith ....Against Wenzel Mr. President •ORM aM a•!O i • 6422'--I G � - �C F N 34x41—Ardtna a 11 _ -'l f t1 B tha u`mt r.. ' !di ane d I llnr ($90000) Nt 8 nd A the puryoae oL d t sYi B th eu t' �. �/y makingkePIcat dlulR4Y tag 3•01 th CIaY,1,0i• ThlT i an T6'r .tuu 'dered oc s rY_:o• ,.r ' of the guhllc The Qouncij,'-` ,+ /r /y 7 r,�j,,✓ // i^ #ordinance appropriating the sum of Nine Hundred Dollar)a/' (0900.00) for the purpose of defraying the cost of -making repairs and' improvements at the City Market during the year 1922. This is'an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the' - public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL.DOES'ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) is hereby appropriated and set aside from the Salaries item of the 45-61ty Market Fund, and the sum of Seven -Hundred Dollars (0700.00) from the Expense item of the City Market Fund, to the Expense item of that; Fund for the year 1922 for the purpose of defraying the coet'Lof making repairs and improvements at the City Market. F Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to.be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas . / Nays M� Clancy 6 --Ferguson MoDonald o�- Matson i Wenzel lir. President (Hodgson) APP edi t Mayor Attest PUBLISHED%— ✓ City Clerk. f% a,' f �, � -::>�:.,kmu,.ar;exw.mcr..-kuvrroex�r �;.7re,.-as1,`>,�YSee-x; 3:.v.irw3v::c�rar�gi4='1,*Jioui�wr�^� :.___ . �.�� ��� � x", ,. _ _, __I_,. � .. � � � I `s` � r, ,1�.ij -�`• COUNe1L PITY OF ST.,PAUL .�e NO.---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - •� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM "PRESENTED BY &.'`C. 47enzel Dec.: 6, 1921. ..cowmidio?4 R..:7 .......: :. .... ... ..... ...... : :..... :. ._.. :..:i..:...... DATE_:............... ... :. ". ....:... :.. ....._... .'. :' R�SOLV,ED That' the' Cbmmisaioner `of Public Works be and ha is hereby authorized .and directed to charge , as ,a coat of;paving with Asphalt, Fairmount Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Snelling Ave., the sum of ten cents per square. yard,: to aid in the maintenance. . an up-keep„of the City Asphalt Plant and as an off- set to:idepre61ation and wear and tear on said plant.” <. Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller be r' and he is hereby authorized and directed to set' aside from the paving accounts of above named street the.said sum of ten cents per square yard and place ' to the credit of the Paving Depreciation Fund. 1 P No,37443—Ry H, C Wen ei- Re of d, That the Comm) stoner of — be ad ho Ized�ands directed to Icherg byo yua' a�§ s o t oY 'paving with. Aephatt, Fal unt Ave. Prom Hnmifn0 Ave.:. to It, - nelling Ave:, the sum -I cente';'pBr nunre yard; to at in the'tgaintenanca city Aspbalt Planta Hd ups an of r ehe e t to depreciation., And: nraand tear on said'plcut. - Further .Re glued, -Tho.t the .'CIYy mptroller'ba a d he'fs hereby"au-- - horized and'dtrected toactaside.from he peving accounts o above nn.med ' Ereet the said sum oP,.tch eents..per' quare yard -and place to the credit of -- he Paving Depreciation Fund. - -Adoptod by the Council Dec: 6,1921. - _Apprgvod Dec. 6,:1921,- (Dec. 30-1921) • Yea (✓), Cuuncilmen ( V Nays Glancy Adopted by the Council.___gLL_ 19-- Fetgason ` McDonald Matson In favor Approved Smith -----.-Against " .Wenzel MAYOR ' Mr. Prestdenr,. C Vonr'aw -so , CCU3'7444 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac NO.....:_ ................_..._..__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER ............... .._........................ DATE ................................ ............................. . RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to A. Diponty, a City employe, injured May 12th, 1921, in the course. of his employment, the sum of Forty-two bollars (642.00) out Of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to December 7th, 1921. 1'_.No::37444r: seoree fieebyt auththe o izedr toitpy y to 1.r aCity employe, injured. Dlponty, fay 12th,' 1921, In: tho course of his I recommend the above ,mploymeht, the -sum f Forty-two )ollars .($42.00) out•of.the NYorkmen'I resolution for passage, ['unaensin partial counts of of0h ee neral galnst the City for .the period up [o Adb the Council Dec. 6, 1921. c. opted 7th,ed, D61 Approvale 8, 1921. x (Dec. to -1921) -� p _ — Commer of Public Works. Yes (✓) Councilmen ('✓) Nay: Clancy Ferguson. McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1300 io-:i C .._..-192- Adopted by the Council......-.- - -V- --' APProve Vii. F• ........... In favor "--------...1.- -----U..; �24�--192-- Against ............. '...'."...M:.o CITY OE'' ST. PAUL cu CITY NO .......... 3.7445- A.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PF4ESENTED BY �.�1 .........�mn.aro _ ........ DATE .............. ....--- .------ ....--- ............. ................... REsoLvED That the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to Tony Masao, an employe of said Board, injured July 2nd, 1921, In the course of his employment, the sum of Thirty—six Dollars (036.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against said Board for the period up to December 3rd, 1921. I recommend the above resolution for passage. l' �',of�Publ Utilities. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nuys -6 92i I U Clancy Adopted by the Council... ..�-..... ............. 192...-... Ferguson , McDonald In favor Approv - -i.� Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President ronn ieoo 1o21 �/ COUNCIL 37446 ' //N ,gl.¢- CITY OF $T. PAUL V 111 No.......... .. ®L�.f '. {t 11. " OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK ' t o. i�/1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I -n MsMISS ONER .................................... DATE .............................. ................ .-.-...-....--.-..... WHEREAS, One Harry Anderson, an employe of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. paul was injured on October 3rd, 1921, in the course of his employment; and WHEREAS, By reason of said injuries, said employe has re- ceived a permanent partial disability of twenty per cent. total lose of the index finger by reason of which he is entitled to seven weeks compensation at the rate of $18.00 per week, or a total of One Hundred Twenty-six Dollars; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners and the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to the said Harry Anderson the sum of 0126.00 out of the Water Board Fund in final -settlement of his claim against said Water Board and thea. City of St. Paul. 37446-8Y J A McDonald an I ClF'-?� one Harry Anderson. Whereas the. Board of Water Com- }emPl°Y° °t rt °t n`'t% I recommend the above resolution �missicnera of thg a�ygB1•, E inured on foymant; and d iplunee, fOr passage. of. . ee BY teaecelved 4D8Tmnn" saidemPloYe'he.e coot twenty Pdr cont j partial dleotl?:*`e index flnger'bY [e8S°n ls.ntnl l .•� . Cot �whtch he te' ntltl¢d Ye ee ,of V516.60°P T comp n..J.-gat the ry 'lweel. or a -total of OneoHe nbe ; rrM.en- Doliaiha soa d of wo lr Comm'r of Publlo:IItillties. of SC - Bald. - � 1921. -.y [ St. Paul. the l;o 921. Dec. 6„ Yes ✓' ADP oVod DD 610 9' Yes y Clancy Adopted by the Council. J l -to :Z I - -192------- Ferguson �/ A ro d-... ; ; (._—P � ................ 192 --- McDonald In favor PP Matson Smith Against ......... ..... ----...... .. ............ ......_.. NAYOH t Wenzel Mr. President �OPM 1800 lo-zl CITY OF ST. PAUL Foe"`"' NO...... i� 9' �7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT14 a,7 COMMISSION.,...✓` ,.m.. DATE....................................................iL_ y RESOLV That the proper City Officers ar hereby authorized to pay to Dr. N. G. Mortensen, out of t?ne Water Board Fund, the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) in full settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners for pro- fessional services (including an X-ray) rendered to Harry Anderson, an employe of said Board, injured October 3rd, 1921, in the course of his employment. 7% b o.. 37447-13y J. B .II Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FORM 3M 5-20 I recommend the above reso- "tion for passage. +d 9ct" 3rd y1921, in 't=.nre(s emntoyneat. COMMtR OF UBLIC -UTILITIES- his the Council Dec. 6, 1921..{ 1 Dec, 6, 1921: pF - (Dec. 10-19R) +. Adopted by the Council_._ _�.....-.°`p.. _____..._..._ 19........ _.In Favor APP-...._...!,L=�. 9�.!-.....-..._._19........ ....... ..... ...... Against . .............— —...— CITY OF ST. PAUL POgNCR No.......3.l.L3. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY SSION.......:.................................................DATE.................................................COMMI..................... RESOLV That the proper City officers are ereby authorized to pay to the City and County Hospital, the sum of Twenty -Five and 15/100 Dollars ($25.15) out of the Water Department Fund, in full settlement of its claim against the Board of Water Commissioners for services rendered tv N. Nicolio, an employe of said Board, injured on. Sept. 15, 1921, in the course of his employment. a F .No. 37448—By J. H. 11cDoneld— I recommend the passage of - Resolved, That the proper city oni- the above resolution. I ora aro hereby authorized• to pay to {lye City and byCounty— Hospital, the sum of Twenty fleand 16/100 Dollars ($26.15) out ofthe Water. Department Fund. In full settlement of Its claim against theBoard of Water Commis- r Won— for services. rendered 'to N. Commissioner of Publie Utlixt es Nicolio, an employe of aid, Board. In- Jured on: 8epk i6, 1921, in the course of ,.his omployment. ' Adopted by the Council Dec.. 6, 1921. Approved Dec. 6, 1921. (Doc. 10-1921) __I,. Yes 60 Councilmen (vt) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ......In favor Matson Smith ....... .... .Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council._...__:�_��....: `vA2L____ 19.. __.. Approve ............_�;.f-:>...�97.1...._............_19._...._ Nwvos PRESENTED43Y, COMMISSIONER. CITY OF ST. PAUL V Mc" F �. No.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM That the proper City officers a�e hereby authorized to pay to the City and County Hospital the sum oY-_- Thirty and 55/100 Dollars ($30.55), in full settlement of its claim against the Board of Water Commissioners for services rendered to John OrToole, an employe of said Board, injured on Sept. 7th, 1921, in the course of his employment. C.-F..No, 374Th¢tB the P oPerpCttYd fit - ft olved.. c r re herVy authorized to Pay to the City ad. CountY 8ospitnl the sum C Thirty and 66/100 Dollnrs=($3o 66),' in f ll..settlement oP its clnim ng.in t the Board of Wnter C mmissioners for Iservices rendered to John O'Toole,_ µn omploYe oC. saki Board. Iuluredon Sept. I� 7th.1 921. In the course of We —PI- Adopted by the Council Det 6, 1921. ' ADProved Dec. 6, 1921. i (Dec. 10-1921) I Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy ` Ferguson McDonald Matson 1 Smith Wenzel Mr. President FO.M 3M 6.10 I recommend the passage of the 'ove resolution. ssioner o —q Adopted :921 Adopted by the Council-....___ ... .......... ..-____.._ 19........ .....In favor Approved JE C._.-fi_;5 2i .......... _ 19..... Against--.............._........... .............—�-y- �- ......—� CITY OF ST. PAUL L eouwc9- rae NO ................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /\) CO�UNCIIL,. RESOLUTION—�JGENERAL FORM ` PRESEN7�D BY 'T\r\�51` /✓1'�-''� V ' �'.. 7' l"'"'CR..--fiC. ........,ae:....�e _ __.. ................ ........................... DATE..._......._._._........................-.............---...... REsoLvED , That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Henry Walters, an employe of the Board of Water Commissioners, injured November llth.1921, in the course of his employment, the sum of Thirty -Six ($36.00)dollars, out of the Water Board or Department Fumd, in finial payment of his claim against said Board for a period up to ###### December 2nd.1921. Yes (d) Councilmen ('J) Nays USC -6 X921 Clancy Adopted by the Council ......__.---- ............ ........_.-192------ Fer uson r' ..... !�- McDonald In favor APPr e -------UC-�-------�`-�-_.192---- R' Matson/// Smith ...Against - - .........MAYOR .. Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 1011 C: P, No. M50—By J. H. WDonald— I: recommend the above resolution 6 8 Resolved, That, the proper cityen1- cera are hereby for passage authorized to pay to Henry ZValters: an employe of the Board of Water Commissioners, i.Jured Nova.. 11th, 1921; In the -of course ie empl ovment, the sum of Thirty-six ($3¢.00) dollars, out f the Water Board r. Department Pund, In, final' payment 'of his 1nim against said)I Board Por a period u.p to Deu. 2nd, 1921. 1 Adopted -by the council Dec. 6, 1921. — Commissioner of Public Util$tl®s. Approved .Dec. 6, 1921': (Dec. 10-1921) Yes (d) Councilmen ('J) Nays USC -6 X921 Clancy Adopted by the Council ......__.---- ............ ........_.-192------ Fer uson r' ..... !�- McDonald In favor APPr e -------UC-�-------�`-�-_.192---- R' Matson/// Smith ...Against - - .........MAYOR .. Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 1011 CITY OF ST. PAUL couwca° C 74.5.1 cou NO.............................:........ (OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY��°' a COMMISSIONER....{.........................:.��,......"`...."'..................ii%........................... ............... ......... ...... DATE ..................... ................................ .._.._..._ RESOLVED That the Board of Water CommissinersIis hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with S. E. Coffee, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of said Board on November 8th, 19$1; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, said Board is hereby authorized to pay to the said S. E. Coffee, out of the Water Board Fund, the sum of Eighty-seven Dollars ($87.00) in final settlement of his claim, for the period up to December 12, 1921.J No: 37461_ 7 Resoled, Tha[By S. H• ALeDonaid—. ff FS Co 6, to onere 1s hereb card oP Wato,! H- 6, into an ¢t;reement uthorized to 111111 Cotte Providing P r the A-Ite S• D I recommend the above resolution furl f compensation to him Payment.; of for passage. _d eabed b h ttmeollareaslha .is.L 11 De1r�we k, by, him while gtnn oP Inlurlea e'tot ll Board on Novemlbor 'bh l be 1t"80'td �6Further, �Reaolved,. nhereplth Thu, re In accord- v authoori ea toent' seta Hoard Fu .6 itis sum of �I tttya aiorhEoardl Commtr of Public Utilities. ($87 00 ettle seven Dollar. Por the Pernod IaP. to Dec.t of 1111."claim,( 1!9{ APPpnvt.dadb De he Council Dee. 6211921.,1 Deo. 6, 1951, - (Dec. 30-19211 Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President ,ORM 1.00 lo -n JLC --f 921 Adopted by the Council. ........... 192 App: -----------192---- MwYOR OUwOBU�LIGT[ OSTS OS BS. PAOL- m 921 6T cnxirraoia .; AUDITED .. ... ... ............. PEW--...... ... ..... .. .. ........ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to th aggregate amount of $ 4p-8fi8 A4...._ covering checks numbered,....�.r? � Q.. ..._ ... ....__. ___ ........ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council ..............—.....................................5 192 ------- Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Approved - -- ULC ---b ----.......--- Matson, Smith, .... ..........Against Werpel. r. President, Hodgson r i�Cd F No: 7 9'55 !� R upon BOthhe Jte Ity T6 waury, rrant4 be-, diawn: OLnBto the aggro-: ,sate amount _ "chyvk fluinhered 36510;1 clv tva �r1nS, � orticgt or. th, ,MYi oheohs on Hie ia? rya-. CIty'ComD[roIler,. _ Adopted by the"Council pea 8'-iB21: ApproaodDec 6,1951 30-1951) CITY "`"" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �a= No 3 X52 AUDITED CLAIX S —RESOLUTION FORM n:n Form A A 46, 1M 7-21 _ j eY PTHOL - _--_ DEC.. b 192 _.- ..._.... .. COM AV AUDITED_ . _ ... 4.........192... PER............................................................ .._.. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 4, 853.136 -._ ............. covering checks numbered_.. 16310.. ]FB.......... _ _.. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( q ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Adopted by the Co ......... LL. -=6_12-1.. .........192 Clancy,0521 Ferguson, _ In favor ULC -� J L 1 McDonald, Ap ed---------- - 192 Matson, Smith, Against - ... ..........-_...----- ...-...-... Mevoa Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson 15310 F. W- Matson, Cools of Finance 4,853.36 Sohools s WAD[U�LIrJ�T[ TO CITY Ctf!II[ � CI1T OP et. PMOL 00O80IL P>:E No....37453.. AU0ITEDC...��..... 17/� ................192.......... - PER....................................................................... p y gg1'eg � r 11 ..........., Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Cit Treasury, to the ate amount of $.-. p 600. covering checks numbered _ MW __ _.- to.__..15 4' 4$.._..._ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yens Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council..... ........... ...... ............. - ................192 ...: Ferguson, McDonald,c In favor Approved ....... ......... �..._ L%.�.. -�. �J�.L............ :...192.......... Matson, Smith, Against Wenzel, M President, Hodgson - C .F No..'37463— ,-� i '. Resolve3 that "t%zrante be :drawn Upon the+:Oty.Treasury to'the ..'aggre-', gate amoupt of '1110.601, covering ' obecks numbered.152981.11p 16309,incluy,; sive, aaper reglster i0i clty,cheeks on file' in th'e oBiee of 'the, 'City Comp-. troller. Adoptedi by the bouneil Dec. 6,• 1921. Approved Dec 6;_192L, 101921) —_ - 0 Res• 1387 Page;; #2 ' 1$307.`":Northern coal -&- Dook Companyy' 1;912.51 $ohools . 15308", N. W. Hleotrio Eq, _" nt Compaap, 1779:65' 131.19` SaP,pty'Sips ;.. 26.28: Fire 3.45. .., Schools 52.81 " - n - - 858.00 6 98.76 e: a53r d469.86 -. P.. Bldgs 2.24 58.21 Lighting .- `56.95 Water 1,779.:56 2 X281.65;; . 15309 'C. Reiss Coal Company, & .R. 49.48 Schools 2.223.57 Lighting 89 '85 i 'i 2' z r_ Council File N......:�7454 The undersigned hereby St. Paul, viz.: ................................... public -improvement by the City of GRADING - Huron Ave. from Lake Como and Phalen Ave. to Larpenteur Ave. Chelsea Ave. from Como Park to Idaho Avenue. Merrill Ave. from Hoyt Ave. to--Idaho---Avenue. Fernwood Ave. from. Hoyt Ave, to Laxpenteur Ave. Idaho Ave. from Ha*line Ave. to Fernwood Avenue. Hoyt Ave. from Hemline ,Ave. to Dun]ap Street. Nebraska Ave. from`Hamline,Ave. to Chelsea Ave. Lake Como & Phalen Ave. and a service driveway along the northerly boundary of Como Park from Hemline Ave. to the east line produced of Lot 41, Block 9, . Chelsea Heights Addition. ALSO, constructing a storm,water;aewer on;.Hoyt Ave. from Merrill Ave. to Chelsea Ave. and on Chelsea Ave. from Idaho Ave. to Como Park andrn..Como..,P;ark frpm;,.,Chelsea°Ave..-in, a southeesterly direction, 340 ft. more or less,. to, the terminus ,of the existing oonorete'-channel•draining int'O the, lake, the said ' storm water •eeWeer tieing necessarg for''the drainage of street roo%jJosed .to b ailed. Qi�o-vv�L��d'LUY� / �(�r✓•-19 ;E -6.i-N ��N`J ��-...�/ f'Lt%1v2'C�... (.sa�i� Nebraska Ave. from Hemslivi Ave, to Chelsea Ave. Lake: Como P.Au : e,:,seri ioe driveway along the noxthex3y'bouilWYs xis' ouio" k frog Hemline Ave. to the east line produced of Lot 41, Blook 9, t... 'Ohel`aoa- Heights;.•�+dciiaio�. _ ,. ; AL50, o netruoting a storm, water aewbr' bYr �tkiyt"A°Oea -from Merrill 9ve.` b`CYi 388a'`Ave `bi +ori'Che3:oea' AVsw i'rom <Idaha Ave:�� to Como. Park gid l.L`omo Park from Chejeea Ave, in a southeasterly dirsotian, 7.oE. �G+ ,utpre -- or, le,.: to rthe terminus of the existing oona»eta obs' nae' ds airing inEii ;the"'7age'." Che said storm water sewer being necessary for the drainage of street ropoead to be . graded. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved..----....�i.r...-F.i 191......._. Hyland �2..................... Keller McColl Wunderlich M yor Irvin Mayor. 'FORM C .. PUBLISHED / / --I a4_i :111 . gTL8o7-To3j, 1,27LIZ 0aJ9 TIJ 001LIC, T,£ !_LT -,'VAG* PC C,rIG12GO VAG* cT: PPO' G0TJaPLffG.PT!J9 a 2,0: C71GI-t-G9 HG.T'. .PC PFG Gsr�p .PPG 2UoT.,P-jqGTj: rVj,'G �JOPX-UGICU 'VAG! 11791jo, VAG* :71 T�fGLJJM00q -�TAG- 7T!GT-,,TTI. TAG* J-f-1J,11Jx1 JJJ.PQ P31G 29Trf 332' LO )TO PGTZ TUSTe 0- PTIG !GT0Gk-,,AG- TU S. nCffppGErnPCL_T� _-,rAG* ;TL073 IqSr-,JC VAG* po CCIIo -RO; VA'" 4J-07,_`iGTL:TTT rMTTIJG�.t-r- ' A. G gL:TAru;1V2x aj-oyja --AG' _sh, 7MrGG.P- 11?4,1191 - Dated this.-.-- - — --------- day of .................. % .GazurT7r� cGucrs,re;cps:; gTLG6-407J'. `pq, o rr•'-vio ESLIC 'mg Tu Co!ao !;sT . c VAG• r0 CuG3-VG3 FaG• .r�. I. 1 PC)' OO'JU2LffGrT7Jn. 0- 0,0 CFG]--GS .r,c Ppo eflzr .FFG rJor.rAE7', in y1cpzssalccr VaG T(m=n -.Ar_• r 7T3?p:.?aTrn "j e `7a' , , rgG. �G7IYfTUf7`d OT -UG pov VAG- Tz7;a S4frrpGa0r4zr^t �7sa -'PAG- , roUT Iq-.7jG VAG• rG -,01:30 Q.,Gf1GT.!;�,Oi7 YAC -P, `AC-• TTC ?;iGS 7.Tjj >'S;."p'.. 51-011l Js31U j 7;JG Sar • :?'.0 O {j7 SAGbAGrW UT O V' ?'C'PGT2e0 ;-,G• rT�Ti g�z.Gcr• 1 0 ,tr t.7.rq g TS a r 4S�"T C:s �tJ'C tJ P'�.C761.43 i�ilfl'[i0T � T�}s - ;Pr t r r JJ�:G �C •-. Z+a C?J' "VQ r"�, (' > 0T lU:: +, ren T{ -r 1 I1 f'C7ffC: 0c 1`i!0. ' c 7 4 90f!'ry0:, ' r3's T iJ rnvr r 7] p 7,L0.. {,,TJO ('s c t .i% 7 i_ y r�• r0 ; tirF'G 1.:.hA :Rs: f`1r r;rG1 �1 -,..,r}• OG_ts;.:'.Ift',1.;.�-.. ,> ,pf)-C .J ,..(`,E; ,?U,i1C?T. Ck7 -10. C �1?F,• 1�LC,U7 i± <•fTJ.i o r3T' G�'l Tlzf jJ..6(piGtig.QT, 6 T gxrl Zimp TU rG ,: 37r, �A 1.T+c1a 4, f rC cnb_ A• ....... ........... .............. ......... .................... ................................. ___..... ... ............... ....... .... ..................................... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............... ..................... _........ _ .._......._.------_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; _.......__...... _...... __............... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ....... _...... . f ............. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goes APProved,. ............191......_. Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich.......... ............. .............. ............ Mi yor Irvin Mayor. ...... IORM C B O PUBLISIiLD%Z_ Council File No.........CB.e�5 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St.Paul, viz.: ........... ...................................... . ................................................................ ...... _.............. .......... —...... .._. ...... — ...... .................... . Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary; for slopes, for cuts and Tills "iii the grading of Huron Ave. from Lake Como and Phalen Ave. to Larpentsur Ave. Chelsea Ave, from Como Park to Idaho Ave. Merrill Ave. from Hoyt.Ave. to Idaho Ave. Fernwood Ave. from Hoyt Ave. to Lar penteur Ave. Idaho Ave. from Hamlin Ave: to,F'einwood Ave. Hoyt Ave. from Hamlin Ave. to Dqn ap St. Nebraska Ave.. from Hamline`11ve.-.9iaj.Chelseii Ave. Lake .Como and Phalen .Ave...end .a ,service driveway along the northerly boundary of Como Park from Hamline'- Ave. to the...eas# line produced of Lot 41, Block 9, Chelsea Heights,Addition _ _ _ ¢edemning a>id taking: -an easemelat . the 3iaan.,zaea®ssar:^� for 0161je8, for outs and fill+a in ,the godiaig;'o r. Huron -A", from, lake- Come -.and. Phalen Atei. to Larpenteur Ave. 0helsea Ave. from Oomo Park to i.daho `eve•.• Merrill Ave:: i�om 8b� to . idihO 'Ave:. Fernwood Ave. from:'R07t Ave. to`Lar pent eur Ave. Idaho Ave. froau Haml' Ave, to pernwood Ave. gpyt' Ave!f1: ?0WH9aYa4m `.Ava.;p to al4w at. ebraaka Ave. from. Hamlin Ave. to,flhel8ea Ave. fake Elomp and EbaleA Ave. gad a service driveway along w ' ` sth+ `riort}iaarlid'laai�r'.p' Qoizto Ptak from" °Hamlin Ave vi ttl. dile east J,Ans iia^oduced !9 I:ot 41,- Ba ook 9, -� ......u- :., �wiug .,�L�..a aau yrtorrnaiva reiatrve w sattl �mprovement�..---- .._................ ......................... _...... ................... __............. ......................._........................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ...............191..._� Yeas: Nays: __... Councilman Farnsworth Goes Approved....... _ -JE C - '921 ..._..._......191...._ ...................... Hyland Keller McColl lichWunder....._......... _......_..._................... M yor Irvin Mayor. roew c e-e P MLIS D 13UGTGG t T.ET' prq 99TfTC'V - r.c° l:o FiG, GUe2 '3. T;J.ogncog OZ rod` d7' 3TQG,3, rgQ UOL�USLIX porfuq�L2 ,a Z Gopc) L my- Zr o�; gau f"rzzs "fs-j.G GfWO UU9,: LTTVT637 `JA "iir � 2.CLhTG6 CJS.�S 116 ti�2 CiTOA - Iispz�2l s arQ• . �&OW JIM TUG, VAG o GpGTao� ' A E • gO?:r VAC eir- rEiuT"JO AG rQ -furuTGI) G,r- IgL1 OAo ,-,zbfE2� 7ue VA (e," T,sLUrlOecl -,r1 s• ;!y0LS71U0q..;AC• TLOW T�Q�� 'c,TAG• ¢O j1&377,bGE7P'8_rjT. VA6 rTSLLrTT NAs• Ti GO HG2kp hrT• .Po Icfgvo t,*ns• s Dated this_•._ day of .............. - apT4p oBB.l to! the . - pwlu6imvrovemenk ' _ __-- 44Y14!� Inir i'tl WRsaint lei4 ,,,,::: - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS; A written.proposal forthe:makmg of the following improvement, viz.: Y; #e%demning and •taking- an•"$asemen-t! in the land alopes'8 for slopes; for outs and Pilin" in ;the gx! c _ 9' 'of Huron -Ave-, from Lake Como��and,Th en to Larpenteur Ave. Chelsea Ave. from (Omo" lurk to XAGho''Ave'." .S4ekrill Aire, from �� Ave:' to xdaha'Ave Eerawooa Ave. xom, goy$ ILV6, to' larPentenr_Ave. <.%Hoyte Avei'r�rrem� 118a1��,ne ;sus..": •uix ;snxrfua ,�v. Sebraska Ave, from Samline to_ C elsea Ave. :, Lake Camp and-Rhsle€t $ve. and Ave., servioe driveway along far#- Av`ew"-_toi till east line Irr+odue9s� off. zot 4L,. $look 9, :v„vMlag utuo,-duia.-n:.0 :nt+,tumiion-:reta179C'Lo"9alu improvement ............... ..... —............... ....... ...... __........ _............... _._.... --............................................................. ............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. f. Adopted by the council ....... .......... ................ 191....._.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth ��� Goes Approved......-. 191....__ Hyland Keller McColl ........... ....... .... . ... ........... _.................. Mayor. PMLIS D rr 7qT TCZT• CF6T's� FeT Fi" TTrs bogftesq 0z ro__�FT' 3Tp0;' 3' T.t C . 'ep- r G AOT..riTGJ.T� poffS7.qo Z. ,.OY. COInO.. b�.J,. TT.Oal; 1+8IUTTTTG TsFpoLuo 0xrq TaTeA "SAs• i1q 4 PGLATcs V9LTACt4-:k Zij TP, J.s yisnzsyal a Vao� s.c333 EginTTTTs .VAO' ro, 017GTassT ;1 �• go?r ;rns• �z0u3`,ritpT?us aae• o T�tnjsb g�• IgffFO flga'• kzOM grXIT90 ,'ar• rc k;GMIT!,100Cf ,iA(.• '!�.eS SIL100(j „as�.zen; go2.r „'ao� .Po 3:+�ss.FTszrsfs7 4;ns• Iqe%zTfT 02'r Vis• fo Ig')VO Vans• uJToTaea JJsT?gr crcrs�Tczr• Hao• 0 t,fi: ©P.'6r.� T'i Q 3)10C .(COg O y OS STT Y%TOCTt 111re 130z.rYaT.T-2. -o., owo yaw* it"' e ^ owo J'ACT , ,.,r T {r' f. v v oItS ji LqU TA0 ,� d r%�z%.; tfAO•, Fa iiQ '"t, 3.e.1+TC. (3 LTL-TAG'AV21 r.T02'. Tipp �a�.� Vnf,� �zrr; xT�3'rrr� �tiAe' fin -G;�'eTrac�r r.�E;• L? -M. Igo7To V� �Ta.tn Tr^IrSax3Q AG, roxsrtoot a «- T•,ee l q0 �,a .cT+Oifl j'10'i,g�r i ao nL1 ^-3 �!617.T OSi'S: ,T�,r'ag, r�T �'3'�` ,'� s e i olff �o rr� �, -` ; o �`}�cr 8� s •� having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............... ..................... ......_._ .._....___...___ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the. necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ................. _..... _................ .... -- ................. . b. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...... _........ �i921......:....._.191....._. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth —. 4 Goes Approved ....... _...'t � ... � ....................191.....__ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich _.._. _.. __........_................... M yor irvin Mayor. .onw a e.e MUS D_ 111 a' P etition Council File No.......... `-�`7456 • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Grade Oliver Street from Dale Street to 5f: Paul, viz ........ ---....._........... ..........._ Mackubin Street. December, 1921. ............................ 191 ...... .... . Dated this ....... _. 6th... -•day of .......................................... ..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Oliver Street from Dale Street —to_ — _^ ,,` �__.._.—.---ld�ekubin Street.-------._.—.�_-----------•------------•---------- _..--_....__ Abstract. s A written Droyyosa} for the _ r Lh0 foneWin¢ [piDxOventen4 ........_.___ . _._.._—... ..- ...__._..... ...... ... .ic c(.�llver=atf tc0,�n Dale !. to ) .p} haWtnB bean PieaenY t having been presented to the Council of the �atbi , 'r,nr th ctte 4dt st Pnur • ----------- therefore, be it n. Da)• a ;loner'Ot, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be ande >s hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost ofsaid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_ ....._......... _.._.— ........... .. .................... I tSt' f three or more owners. on 5. To state whether or not said improvement isasked for on t e pe io 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.......__�....^. X51 i ................. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth '''" C u Goes Approved ......... . .............2 .............191......._ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich .................................. ...... ........ Mayor Irvin Mayor. �OPY'.0 0-D Y PUBLISHi 7 Council File No 374,57 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r! and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Condemning and taking an easement in the land St. Paul, viz ................... ....................... ..... .................. ---........... -...... - ............................ . __,necessary for slopee, -for cuts and Pills in the grading of�_� -`_ Oliver Street-fromDale _ Street-_to_Mackubin Street. Dated this..__.._6th day of..............December, 1921. ....... 191........ i Abstract (iO11nC11IDan. ease A WrltLen proppoval for thd' F7$` 4! Lhe follOWlp�-tmprev0lne�W ,�- -. soca t w r tr SER. — - WHEREAS, A written proposal+for the `making of'the following improvement; viz.: Condemning and taking ari easement in the land of---------- Oliver Street from Dale Street to Maekubin Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.............. _..................... _........... .......... ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and-he is hereby ordered and, directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other `data and information relative to said improvement;_.................. _....... ................. .....................I........ _....... ....:_..... _....... _............ ................... ..........................................................._............_......__......-......._----....._.......-- ...-- b. To.state whether or not said improvement is askedfor on the petition of three or more owners. 6. ' To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .............. 9 ............... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GossApproved .......... _�E...:....... r.........................191.......... Hyland / Keller _'7 MCColl Wunderlich (.J� ....................................._. Mayor Ifvin Mayor. - ronu a o-s P IRI i1 D/ 2—/per a J 37461 jla COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .... Fxauk.7,. fAt,e,Rn...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.PSOiUlAtrtlOt�lrig, .F.OaY.��Pb'.??d,epa1Ti11g, the cement the sidewalks at the following locations: ...................................................................................................... B.S. Albemarle St., between Atwater and Milford Ste., N•; S•. Milford. •St. y •between••Albemarle ••St•,• and •RiGO- •St..,.......................... E.S. Marion St., between Sherburne Ave. and Charles St.,, W;S':'D0SOta*St•....bztween'•L•afayette-Ave; and Mtv•1da.-Rt&....................... E, S. Otsego St., beginning 370= north of Collins St., thence X. to Mt. Ida,—' '� : S': iit seg8' St': ; "bdg- Fit tiiitg' at'MC: "Ida' St•:;' •thre>roa south 44fi ft: ; P�S.,Edgerton St.,,bet�veen Beaumont St. and Minnehaha St., under Preliminary Order ..... 36995, , , , , , , , , , , , , , approved NOy . 3, 1931. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon, the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. r•®eonstxuat.,.r.el.ay and repair the cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: ...................................................................................................... B.S. Albemarle St, between Atwater and Milford Ste N.S. I�iStorci Sti:, �ie ween ATbemar]e'St':'and'RioB"St.............................; St...1?A•tw@eR. Sherburne ,Ave. and Charles St., X6.5. DeSota St.,,. between Lafayette Ave.' and Mi•: •IBa:'St:� ' k�S..•4tasgo. St.,. beginning.370.t.nOxib.AY..CQ� nee X. to Mt. Ida St., W.S. OtsegoeSt., beginning at it. Ida St., thence south 440 t.,- W; S: •Edgerton• St•,, • between • Seauswat..St..•. and. Minnshaha.St.,................:. with no altematives` and that the estimated cost thereof is $.JA..Per, AC,j,. , ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 4th........day of ammy • • .......1 192..x.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the -time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....: r.. 9. �2 �........, 192 ... A Z r irk Approved....... J21.....192...... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson rm B. S. A. 8-6 z 37462 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... ...................... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter c)f..QP.qA P. Allqly, - AwAOY- 9PAt Wilkin and Raywar I a o a ru .............. .... A ....Ou... ......... East line of Biefield's Subdivision, ................................................................................................. . ............ I ............................... I ........ . . ............................ 02 . ............. I ............................... ........................... Lo, ............................................. ......... 'ol -In under Preliminary Order ..... M0.0 ......... .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the=,_Ribe Commissioner of Financeupon the above improvement, and having considered said report, resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .... open. an..ansy ... runtln;; Xas-t -trom. -Gaul-tier- -St., - -to. -the. -East. - 14n -e- of- -Bi-efieldl- s- -Subd-iV-1 &ion, ........... a ........................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ............................... ............. I ....... ; ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..100,.00....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 4th, ......... day of Jam- kexv .............. 192. Z.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M;, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... 4921 ........ 192.. ITT —C,, ...... . ....... Approved .........................192...... ........k. .. ... ..... ........... .. . ......... ly �6 I I Mayor. Councilman Clancy PUBLISHED /a Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald C.uncilmam Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson .rm B. S. A. 8-6 .00s�� 37463 COUNCIL FILE NO. ............. Frank„m,, . Mat.QPA..................... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..AOA4RmAlAg..&itd.t4k A8..eA.e&9 ?.ent„in,the,land•neoessary pqx Appe.Ei,,,Pr, cut Q, and, fille,in, the•,grading of Magnolia Street from Frank Street to the east line of Buraquist Avenue, „. ... C F Na 34483—t3Y N;' Mateov- ¢a tha Alatter oY aondetnnlnF and Ptak ing att gaaement fn :2ha land, neee9 ., , ........................................, sarY 466 'etapea for;:CRta and 8nada tha B'rq.dlifc of MagKotla Qtreet-fmw Frank” 5t: ue ,the: east line, oi'Burn ,• Quiet Avettue vea,ls ren�inarY: OXi .................... • • � dar 38306<ayproved $ebt. 14 16ffi: � – - ... f The Cannan oz thd�, _ tY ae at.,�au>; 14 1Q21.. under Preliminary Order.... AMP - - haVing recelvod Ehe report of the eom � + : - , , , , • { P ry �feelopQr:of FinancQ�uDotr thq'above; haying cona�d'ered. The Council of the City of St. Paul having rec r8y3,y svoTYatVe and 211e Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said pzgved and eaopted: s: 's;ovomont !s 4ereb�; 1 ). That the said report lirand the same is hereby,' a e f�jy. vi pted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.gOndemA, and,take, an SALA A%Lt.10..the.1W..AQQA0 4?Y...fpr.'�loPee,..fgr,,oute,and„fil1e is the grading •of,�agnolia•Street.lrom Frank `Street .to the east line of Burnquist. ............................................ Auenue, in accordance with the glue print hereto attached and made a part .......................... hereof, the hatched �ortioae showing the cuts. and the shaded portions showingthe fill.er.............................._............................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimate&cost thereof is $.....•80.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 4.0 ......... day of 192...0., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ' said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... 1tG7 ,J21......, 192.... .... .. . s ... ! .k =: �r. Approved...... . �U..—� .Ia2l.....192...... City erk. .. ..................... ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy PUBLISHED �'� � a Councilman Ferguson -- —_ Councilman McDonald fCouncilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Fo B. S. A. 8-6 ----------------- COUNCIL FILE NO._._...__— 3'7454 By ( ii CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Cottage Street, between Arcade St. and Forest St., under Preliminary Order ._....32543 33285 Intermediary Order .._.._............._.. 8 ..._...... _............ —.._... Final Order..........33757 approved ...................._._...._....., approved...._E'..pril_._2.1.z._192.1............_.._... ,xl _ — The assessment of......J.enef.i.t.s...,.....c..as.ts_.and..._axpells..es........... _... _..... _...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ......___AtI.1— —day of January, 1922—_....,fix __..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner Ado ted bythe directed. the Council —6 '9Z1 py _._ ............. _..................... .._..191 _ Im ..._... 1 IL __ City Clerk. Approved _.___. DEC -6 '921 __.___...._191_..... i _... .... _..... ... _.._.__.___..._........... ......... _..._ _�_�� Mayor. Councilman t022f C Clancy LD,2—/0 )CV&K Ferguson RUBLISH- zrAmx McDonald We N &x Matson tx Smith xmwamvu Fdenzel Mayor yy4fix Hodgson Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and expenses for JdM planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Cottage Street, betvieen Arcade St. and Forest St., under Preliminary Order.......a_2554.'.1__.....__.........._...__.__., Intermediary Order ...._33285.--------- _..... ......... ........ .... _....__.., Final Order ......__33757................................................. approved ._.......Lpril._2.1,....192-1.......... ':Mx._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $......--2.-$_0.._ 3.._............ Cost of publishing notice $--------3•-29----"' Cost of postal cards $_... ........... l.s.Al........_.... (Force-t.ccourtt) Inspection fees $ 0.00 ....0 .................. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.......... _..__%.� 05............. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $,_.....292.!_48 .............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed' and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_............ ..._2 P9 TM__ .. . ................. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for su action th� s may be considered proper. 4 ......._�..._..� s�................. _....... ......... . corm B. B. tz Commissioner of Finance. 0 COUNCIL FILE NO._._.- 37465 465 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Dayton !ve, between Cretin i>ve. and lalarlboro Ave., under Preliminary Order ................................. Intermediary Order .... _......... 3.083 Final Order......_._._.._33503....__..........:._..__._......., approved ..._".'..pY'1.1..._4..z...1 21.._................_......XM&.— The assessment of ...... bene f t9-1 C os t 9... _and eX Dens es _ _.. _._.._.._for and in connection with ......_.... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ _! :___.__day of January.., ._1922.. __.__. X}X at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council Approved ..__..D C -6 +921______ Councilman $qty Ferguson max McDonald ifa" Mat s on 1&6'tslt Smith Menzel yor 1M5t[x liodgs on Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 3heX planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Dayton Ave. between Cretin Ave. and Marlboro t;ve. , under Preliminary Order ........... 32545 ...... __................... _._.-, Intermediary Order _......... 3;5.083......_....._ ... ..................... _..., Final Order ........................ 3.55.03_................................... approved ._.......AP_ri1....4..,.....1.921........_..., To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction$._........._69.._QJ....... _.... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - -$........... ......._.....98............. Cost of postal cards- $ ........... ........ ... ._42 ..._.._._. Inspection fees - I:Qrce E;.ccount) _ - - $..._.............0 J QO.........._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ . -...? -1Q.......... Total expenditures $............. 72._59 ............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..._._........7�.--59................ ............... _.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for s h action th on as may be considered proper. i ..... ..._..... _........... ctn........... _..... _............... ...... . Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO._ By ___ Fr_ank A ._ Matson T_ CITY -OF ST. , P U la, L `Iss"eisment. " 66 Resolution of Council Approving In the matter of*the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Portland Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Hemline Ave., under Preliminary Order ...... _.... 3.3546 .......................................... Intermediary Order __........ 33168 .... _....... ............ Final Order .. ............... _33606 .... ...... _.......... _............ approved ......ApT11.....11.x.....1931 .......... .... .......... ,Am_ The assessment of._benePi_tej._._co_et_6.__and..__expen9e9.._......... _.......... _______for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said %ssessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same ishereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... .ti1L....._day of January, 19x3. X__..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by tfie Charter, stating in said notice the ttM& and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ....._:iL.......-6 '9Z..........._. Approved _______._ _Lit r — Councilman f9fi "I cr" Ferguson xfArau McDonald %XM Matson NUIo1Cnx Smith wig Menzel Mayor 3d MM Hodgson Form B. B. 16 erk. For. PUSLISIILD�r---�'"� COUNCIL FILE NO.__..._..._ By _.Fk W Matson �o�y (* _ — — / i97 CITYWOAUL ' Resolution of Council Approving Assessthen, In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Orange St, from Weide St, to a point 20 feet east of east line of Greenbrier Ave., this sewer to be used for sanitary purposes only and storm water excluded therefrom, 33432 under Preliminary Order ....... ...... .......................................... Intermediary Order34154 ............... ....... __...... _..... _..... ......... _... _—.._� Final Order _ ...... 3AB 3... ... _......... .......... ...................... approved ......._.._J149..._15.a...._1M...... ......_........, Jl d -' The assessment of..._._bene.fit..s,..._c.Q.Edti.e3.LD.__0.xA.en_A.P...__.._..__._.......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it a RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...... .... 4th ___ day of _.IHriva.Ty,1922 _M ....... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ....__..._.......: !.i-.....- 6._:921..___..._......_�91.. f)__.. Approved ..___._ _ —6 192_..._._._..._._191_._._ Councilman Pir/EifeiGl AK Clancy x3&Xx Ferguson xptq&yc McDonald 1 Mjcx Matson c Smith =coram Wenzel Mayor7di6tli X Hodgson Form H1B.9 City Clerk. PUBiisHED / 2 _/ D — � / C OFFICE OF THE NCE a.3 REPORT OF COMPL NOF ASSESSMENT' In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for XM constructing a sewer on Orange St. from Weide St. to a point 20 feet east of east line of Greenbrier Ave., this sewer to be used for sanitary purposes only and storm water excluded therefrom, under Preliminary Order ...._33432. ......... __.......... _......... __.., Intermediary Order . ..... _........... ........... ........._......_........ Final Order ......_34833 ......................... _........... ............ ., approved....;uW9_._1>........ .1...................... i76il1CX_.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $---�+->�•-Q.�._.... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-- . ......... Cost of postal cards $- ............... _....1_.08_..._ Inspection fees - - - - - $...._.... ......... 40_._92........ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.................... 5-r-40 - Total expenditures - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo ch action th r on as may be considered proper. Form B. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ................. a..................................................................................... 37468 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....aon3einF._an3.taking..an-.easement.__in_.the•..land-_neeeesasy for ..alo ee=.-_for.-cuts-_-and fille...in grading_.Helen St..._between White Bear Ave. and Ruth Ave. _AE�NT. v Fuov..: ...................................•---..........t................. ............. - Nenxn xrxnn,. under Preliminary Order....... 58-8.7 ........... approvedAug-15.,1921........., Intermediary Order... 36.49'a......, approved The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land orras ements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it AA , Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .......... !gtrh.......................day of .... J9S�118Ty.s--_�_9aa...-..194 ..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council................'.I.E. Ot( —(S jli Approvea....... ..... 191........ Cound an 11UIM&Wx Clancy Coune' an GMX Ferguson Couneihu Dpta m McDonald Councilor gMW3, Matson Councilm NO Mtx Smith Councilman 'WKdVj 1dtG1C Wenzel Mayor IMt= Hodgson City / Mayor. PUBLISHED :Z "/ b — -9/ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of t.along..an...pmgment---in---ths..-land-_neoessary for slopesfor cuts and fills in grading Helen St. between White Bear .....................-......................................... -- ........ ................................................................. Ave. and Ruth Ave., ...................----...........-•---............. ........ _....-- .................................. ----------------------------------------------------------- ......__........... under Preliminary Order .........35881 app�ved...Aug.15,1921 Intermediary Order..... 36493 Sept. 27 1921. approved.....`.... r .................. ................. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively,axyd the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. i ,�ll ...... .......................-- , ............. Commissioner of Finance. t 3'7469 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.....cQa;iamn1n7.,.... tAkin-g._an�i._appropriating_.for.._eohool_.purposes Lot...4,___Bleck-..48.,__Edward_.Seli!a.-Subdivi_eicn_of West _St, _Paul_P...9. _ g., under Preliminary Order ........... approved Sep ..31.1931-.-. Intermediary Order .._36973--,... approved.......NOp..... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of daHnages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finange, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the... .......... ltl....................day of..._!7enua-X,...192a--..--3xX--., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. ;,,.-C --3 92, Adopted by the Council --------------------------------- ApproveQ 9:;-..-- ............. 191.._.... Councilman Hetix Clancy Councilman (36NelC7C Ferguson Councilman Hgzmdx McDonald Councilman I"NK Matson Councilman Jf2ZWX Smith Councilman WInd atick Wenzel Mayor R*= Hodgson PUBLISHED / 2--10 — L-) / REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....con3Amning,...taking_ ani appropriating for school purposes Lot 4. 48, Edward Self' a Subdivision of West St. Paul Proper, under Preliminary Order...... 3.6.4Z-4 .......... approved...S.Qpt-,-2LlM Intermediary Order fMA..--- approved.......N4.Y.....-1.+ -1-931........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. . ..................................... ......:............... . Commissioner of Finance. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...re.C9nstxll.Ct� ng.,...x�laji3 ng---Etnd...repaising...3 he ---a ec Tte------ sidewalks-_at,_the. follovrim...locations.......................... .................................. ................ --= B. S. of lJorton St. from Bellows St. to Bidwell St. -- ��— 5of Balser St lreinning �JO ft es �t of,$ellows St , thence east ... ............ ............................................................. X_.,S__of...Baker....S.t...... fro -m Bellows.-- t..._t.a...Bi mall...St.-_.....-----.........--•----------•. ...... .....5... 4f.._l alier,.St,,_from_CJaseca-_St,._to-_Belloyrs...Ste.......................... ............... ........... under Preliminary Order .................. _363.28 ........... approved.....-.....Se.gt..-..15-,:--1921. -------.. Intermediary Order.... .....Tkr Mataon------------------------------------------ public ............. ........ _........... t5 '[atter of regcons ucttns' t�las ',kon due notice, and the Council A public hearing having been had upon' ' therllul.- ge:io stlousae having heard all persons, objections and rk;t:. Morton 9t Lrom $euo7, ;reto, and having fully COnsid ered the same; therefore, be it ° q..Vajwas�t6etheaa east it!.. RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cir Lrma,sai sfylse nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.r�QQll r>�Q.t:...x87 y.._and...repair...the:-.......- defeatise..:sidewalks...at...the...f nlI owing:-1.onations-...................................................... --- B. S. of PHorton St. f�.om Bellows St to Bidwell ,St - -- ••---- st..._from,Bellotivs„_St.,.to-;Bidwell St -<................................ H. --.S.. aker...St....fram lVa eea. St• io:..Ballews 21 .......................... - ........ and the Council hereby orders said -improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- . cil-tor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city ,officials are hereby authorized and directed. to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. MY 24 ;922 Adopted by the Council.... ..... ...--. ..... � CityCl Approved ........... - ..... M Y...2A.:522 ........... 191........ �� ....................... ----.. Mayor. Councilman ZWftffi*WM Clancy Councilma 8633= �"� `� Councilman it McDonald _ Councilman Slily Matson Councilman ffiagrdic Smith Councilman V0X0ftMttcit Wenzel Mayor, Hodgson Form B. -S. A. 8-7 clTiY. DEPARTMENMF-N T t'fF FINANCE � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORD€R Rebonstructing, relaying E: repairing the Aefective sidewalks at the In the Matter of .:�-.._.._ ....._.... ..................... _... _._...._ following locations: ..... ..._........._..............._.........._....._._...__... Both .....s.. =! de_s_._Qf....lriort_on_..St_t...._from.._F3611.._rs...._St.s...._t_o..._Bidwe_ll..._St_,...._._......._...... __............... _. 190 ft r st of Bellows St. South..._sl_de..__4f..._liaLei^.._St....._Ue.g nmi..._.............................. .............. �......._.._.....�- ._...-.. thence..._Eas_t_._t_4..._Eidrrell..._St..............._.....................__........_.................._.._......_......._..._....._........_...............__........ ................... _........_._........_...........------ .r is orth.._side ..._of..._Bsa::erSt....... f._......1 I3e_l l ocr s....-St.�....._t 4_._B.1 d}°re 11..._St.,_..........................._.. - he . _rrs. ..... .. oth...s...Ades...._ f.._iial.'--ar..._51....:_r_oq ':Ia.sec_a_._ t.......... o......' llo....._.................... .... ...__........... ......................................._.............._......................................................._....._........................._............................................_...................................._......-.............. __.... ....... under Preliminary Order approved .._Septelpher..._��.x.__1321............ ........_........................ -................ __..................................................................... - .... -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$............................................. _....... __ sq ure The estimated cost pez Me for the above improvement is $.._,....._12 . ....... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: \ns� iItD@SC R1,PTION LOT LoeKI AD Dt710N yA.M.A.TION Rudolnht s Rear. of Blocl '! 1750 1 113 _I 12 13, :clson, Stevents ,: 2275 It 11 I ; (10167 I= L 10 j I do it 122.5 I _ ., I _. 9 I do_ _ 1375 j g ' do _ 277 5 .,-.. I 53 ) 11(Exc.ept _East. �a_ feet 13 to i PTr'ters ; � � - 17 I I II B1onlrt S8 G7 .. East. 53 feet of 13 to ' 2300 17 Lelson, Stevensg •- 18 Additiona� 30,0 1� 19 I TOTAL. II '7 4w CITY OF ST, PAUL j DEPARTMENT ENT 4PF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Flatter of --T;�YlnZ P q 01�1. ..... ............ sevier, ^iater. anCi Cas connecti on s fromstr et, i,,,ai,n.s to . . .................... . . . .... ..... ................. lines com-010te, Wlle-'c '."0-' already iiacle, ::-Iso ichul curbn!r and t=2*�-,r-, .. .. ....... ..... . ........ .. ........ alloy and d-f-iveway ppi-oacl-lcs, v:noi7c 2c;cessar— ... ........ . .. -- —1 - .. .1.1 1, ! under Preliminary Order approved Jul -1- 21,. 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 7. #00 a 7040 SRI '4LW� 44 '0 0 f"'s i(E,c.part taken - or Le, r.ve,) 17 Le— do 19 _ r 20 7200 21. i _. 22, St. Paul. 0850 ,i. l_ I ji 1050 24 'L. u 1050 25 '. do 1050 is 3&50 2.. do 4250, r - 3850 _ TOTAL, k 28 � a ' s: J } sne�asii3l.'viaFmiLGatE7'. e."•-=3�`T'....^�,m�'—'�'-^.x—x,..y. cr, —...� �,"^K�yz-.. `��'�"ne .:.c parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED is " VALUATION i(E,c.part taken - or Le, r.ve,) 17 Le— Varney; _. do 19 I, 20 7200 21. i _. 22, St. Paul. 0850 ,i. l_ 23 ji 1050 24 'L. u 1050 25 '. do 1050 is 3&50 2.. do 4250, do 3850 _ TOTAL, -. 28 Varney; _. L:ci-:and.!als l i 1000.: doarran ient of _;lock 1,,L ) 7200 e.,_n!.e .. ., ; is o r Is ,_dd- ) _. _i.tion -,,o St. Paul. 0850 ,i. l_ do 1050 do 1050 do 1050 do 3&50 do 4250, do 3850 _ TOTAL, -. ' CITY OR ST' F FIf�PAyO�!L /+ Y DEPARTMENT OF ,. REPORT OF CdMWSSIONER OF FINANCE )'ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) IF DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .VALUATION 28 `,'arney ',cL�ani^;all r 'Zo- 3850. 29 arranre;ient of Bloc', 1, =850 30 E>>>n_e 3. :Lq:.JSOy' S-clditi_on 4000 31 to 31,. Paul. 950 32 do 6250 33 d0 9875 pa „t of Le:.in:�ton Flr.ry) 1 8 Enna :a�.ise 's s,cidi_tion ) 2025 2 3 to the City of 3t. 3 8 c10 1100 4 8 do 1000 5 8 do 1000 8 do 1000 7 3 d0 3650 3 do 2500 9 8 d 0 1000 10 8 do 3100 11 8 do 3300 12 d0 1000 13 3 do 3700 I ._ ti do 6075 1 7 cl0 5200 2 7 do - -1100 3 7 d0 4550 4. 7 do ) 7400 5 7 do 6 7 do 5000 7 7 do TOTAL 5600 alrr of sr. rA4//L , yy DEPARTMENT OF FKN NCE p REPORT OF CCIMMIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 8 7 Enna "'.. l;amse;,rlsCidi.tion. 3700 East 1 ft. of Lot 10 z all of 9 7 to tiie Ci.t,,, of St. Paul. 3225. (Except last 1 foot.) 10 7 do 4675 11 7 do 6050 12 7 do 3900 13 7 d0 1025 50 f(Ii-',t.) 1`1 a0 4300 Smith 50 1'ect of JA 7 c10 3850 1 G d0 6800 2 G do 2075 3 6 do 24:75 3675 5 6 d0 3675 G 6 do 600 7 6 do 600 8r, d o 600 9 G cio C'(7,75. 10 5 do 1000 ll G d0 �L025 12 G d o 3875 . 15 6 do 2975 lr1 C. do 5600 1 5 do 5375 2 5 do 3900 3 5 d0 0800, u do 0700 5 5 d o TOTAL X5400. .a g ' 1 DESCRIPTION CITY OF 8T. PAU DEPARTMENT OF F�ANCA'. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER,OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 6 5 '-,nl-ia _,. ..i a71180?I: Lddlt1011 7 5 to t.lhc; li_a,,r of `it. Paul. 8 5 do 9 5 d0 10 5 do 11 5 d o 12 5 c10 13 5 d0 1L 5 CIO 28 2 do 27 2 «O til 2 d0 25 2 do 24 2 do 23 2 do 22 2 do 21 2 cio 0 2 cio 19 2 do 1;i 2 CIO 17 2 do 16 2 do 15 2 do 28 3 do .:7 3 do 26 3 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 4000 4200 3700 3 700 3600 1000 3300 A000 4600 12 225 3925 54.J 0 5150 7150 -150 4900 950 1^-50 5350 6000 4000 1150 b^_50 1 21775. 6125 S. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTOF FIN Acrz, j REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION 25 J An11a .�. ..�. i; L;C,. I i (!d -'1 t' o.1 ) 4Goo _ mast, 10feet of 24. 3 _ to tile j4A,y of St. Paul. -- est 30 f, -,et of do ) 4400 23 3 ost of 23 3 CIO4 ) 200 (iy;cept, "Ost. 10 foot) 22 3 (lo ) T est 10 foot, of 22 3 do ) 21. 3 do ) 4800 30 S do ) _ 19 3 do ) 4750 lr 3 d o 4.1.25 17 0 d0 ) Last 10 feet of 16 3 do ) 5500 10 _'cet) lG 3 C10 ) 15 3 do ) 7273 (;.:.oept .:out 10 feet) '8. Jolul .o:a oU _tear!,aa;te- 4775 of lock <1 of" Ulna ..est 10 foot of 20. soy 3 t_ oil to tile Ji t;T ) 27 Oi :)t. Paul. ) 12325 26 ci o 4650 25. do 3850 i 24 d o 975 23 (10 975 22 CIO 3350 - 21. CIO x.05 0 20 �0 3800 19 0 1050 18 do 3650 j 17 3850 16 do 1000 15 do 1350 . Total The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referencetp said matter by the Commissioner of Prblorks. Dated ronin e.sa, a -s O - Commissioner of Finance. t � 2 f� or �fiJ yI rME � �_ #eet 60 �V #on age 4690 ft- ,Pngt�h 26, 03 ft. 32 :Et*- § ";so, :J4, aq ards Worseations'I':2041age Fron -tag* PATIt, Total 1120 085 6264 94,69 qpopspted, Briok laid :Aopb)alt or. blooke ±16t J6pjjjjt 'O'baor. ()6nor ate Total Sq# Td. 6 78 .4,49 q;,pe9tion Whe0la 9 905#70 - go M980 0 6,48 4;35 5, 608,k 5- 28,7064D0 26,391*88, 1944494194 16'823.26. T: I o t' a ''. 1 x,950. 25 $39491608 X29;417.49 X25,444.71 4).:. F,rbnt.Pt* 6955 Cila 301 691 �,Added in above estimate.: Pr ains go $ For qpment, durb where not in per lineal, toot. 6"J aswer oonnedtione ea0h X65.00c 3/ water 40 25, e� lk' t To ue mmormbie ocowsil, city or st.pasi. Gentlemen: wdeselpad props ,*ffners, 10 be assessed ror the as proeose4 utter couaoil $iie� tppsora .21 Lineal rots$ WAIM FlR9Il3EHcl� L4T MlO(M ADDITION yroa$age. 4Arl a,;4� q v , 4 j� may. ry County of Ramsey ss. State of Minnesots being first duly sworn under oath, depo es and says, that he is one of the signers on the foregoing shoot, that have signed against the proposed improvement and do hereby certify that the foregoing list of names is a trio and S correct petition to the best of my knowledge and belief. a. State of Minnesota ss. County of Ramsey On this Lday of l8 before as personally appeared - to me` personally known to be the r a named in and who executed the for ing instrament and. acknowledged the two to be Arse act and deed. H r say oun y, nnesota:. My commission expires t'►:?vrc � snr6 � T . PETITION OF RASNAIRANCE To the 'Honorable Council, City of ift. Paul. • Gentlomen: Ile, the undersigned property owners, to be assessed for the Paving of Dayton Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Hamlin Avenue, protest most strenuously to the Council against the improvement, as proposed under Council File 35 79, a proved July 21, 1921. LIIIE'AL FOOT XAIE >A' ffl14.?I LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONTAGE 40 L �Le—IZ X4 a - er),Z �14�Ws 01 tt . e;, v COUNTZ OF RAMBEY ss. STATE 0 LUNAESOTA ) being first duly sworn under oath, deposes and says, that lie iY one of the signers on the foregoing sheet', that have signed against the proposed improvement and does hereby certify that the foregoing list of names is a true and correct petition to the best of his knowledge and belief. maw STATE OF Ivllhid':SOTA J ss. COUNTY OF RAi,:SEY ) On this day of 1 �� before me persona ly appeare o me person- ally known to be the pe),?Von named in and wifo exec the foregoing instrupigt and ackmowledged th same to be ree act and deed. 6 Notary u lic a sey County, Minn. R. W. LINa�lic, Ramsey Count„ t.Iirn. Notary NI yammiesion expires Oct. 26, '1920. My commission expires 37472 P COUNCIL FILE N`1 ............................. –� By......Frank ...17.—.11ats.nn................................ ' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..l r&d] ng...and._paving..alle�r...in..Hloclr--9---Suranib Pa -r -k --A d -bion, ....................._.'---........._..-------.........-........_...................---------_.._....._ ___ac--............-......_.............._................................. . .... _.. _ F w: a ._... ....... ...... .... ........... ...... .....j. ing an tee aofn--Brad In Cho Ma 131oc1<-9."Summl QP; a21e1 under, Prelti921 rY. ...... ... ....... ..... .... ....... .... .. _. lune 13,..hnV1n6' be' �!;te.��nroved, entin6� ...hlic h � yyrove ...,,; ... �,...-... i.: ,. S1.L•........................._........_...._......_...............-........ . ............................................................................................................... :. ..........--................... under Preliminary Order ......34784............................. approved....._Jtlnee.................................. IntermediaryOrder ................ ................ ........................... . approved -------------------- ------------------ ----------------------- ..------- .---- ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommmdations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that t pis......gra..d.e7-.and...pave.,,alleg... in ---Block.-- Summit y i Par . sid.iti-Qn, 4-� a_ _ u --<-.;- ........... . - - ...... .. ... T " r �j / :.... .. ---......---..................................._......_----............--------...._.-.....__.... and the Council hereby orders said im ovem t to be made. RESOLVED F I at t Co issioner Public orks b ad is her y mstru and directed�to�p�r'/arq ecif tions for d impro ent, submits a to the oun- cil for apprppr al, the pr cr city o cia]s a hereby a onzed a directto proceedmf s improvem ntin a ordanc herewith. Adopted by the Council..._ __ ._ ................ _.....– ...., 191.._.... --------------------------------------------------------- City Clerk. Approved .......... ............. _ r.., 191........ ...... _ . _ ... .. ............. . ............. Mayor. Councilman 14 Clancy PUBL IS Councilman (� 9-p9-4-6 D z Councilman,'U Councilman INS�xx .Mats on Councilman Wraith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson t Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF S�. PAULC DEPARTMENT 6F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . .......... .......... .. ................. under jPreliminary Order approved .. . ....... . ... ... ... .. . ......... . ....... .... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Creosoted Brick Asphalt Block Brick laid flat Asphalt Concrete Goncrete' 256.00 Total Iml�8: Estimate �,,325.80 1,1;6,969.20 �A,423.90 ",.5,133.80 '?5 133.80 �4, Cost per 6.92 5.79 5.34 4.27 4.27 3.54 Front Ft. do 6 0 f. "ast 20 feet of 6. 9, do lest 20 feet of 5. 9. do East 30 feet of 6; 9- do ;est IC foot of G 9, do 'C'St �0 feet of 7 9 CIO TOTAL, "T CITY OF ST. PAUII- DEPARTMENT 6W FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In thg Matter of ................... ................ --_9�rqde a navcr al ey in.B1 Pa 1, .................. . ... .. ............... . ... . ........ ............ ......... . ..... ................ . . 1 parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i.:_t 1 oil to 1125 East, of 2 9 St'. ?a-'! :est of 3 9, n"10 S Ota. 6775 3 9 do 9 d o 9525 ,as t 20 feet of 6 9, do Jost 20 feet of 5 9. do 6900 ; L , East 30 feet of i 6 9, do 0 s 1, IC fool, of C, 9 do 6850 mast 50 fcet of 7 9 o TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL •>�"'S� DEPARTMENT Z F KINANCE REPORT OF COMMISbIONER OF FINANCE • ii ON PRELIMINARY ORDER +` (C) - -- -- J ASSESSED I - DESCRIPTION LOT "!BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION e 7 cst 10 feet of 7 9 au;n.lit far: ac on to 7375 B 9 Si.. Pau] In tramp'-' 9 0 !�Innesota, j 0600 10 g do ) 11 9 do ) 7050 12 9 do ) 13 9 dr 7-n50 li 9 CIO 17025 15 9 do 12.50 16 n do 1 2625 cst of 17 do `S t, of 17 0 do 6125 1�; 0 do ) 19 �i d0 0625 e:;t a: 20 9 do )) East, of. 9 d ) 21 9 ('10 ) 2:s 9 c.0 ) 11500 A, asl _ foot) 23 _ 9 do ) ?as 1 2, o o foot O:� '', 1 Oi' 2_i 9 io >.'U75 cdo 2275 27 ' 9 d0 B025 26 9 d0 16375 5'otal 170300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference aid matter by. the Commissioner of Pu Works. t Dated -- Commissioner of Finance. FOAM S.A. — C ,w • 2...........192.j. St. Paul, Minn.,....67— To The Honorable, The Council, City of•St.�Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, _ hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade and Pave Alley. in Block 9, Summit Park Addition -$-----......_......................___..-.........................._.............__.-------- -- - _....... ....St. Ave. . 22 • •ADDITION M4 M :r . 22 Qlit� ut $t.�Baul ;gE�uamem public Mucks OSCAR Cui]SSCN C ! [C11 - p u n[N HERMAN C.IWENZEIR COMMISSIONER. J. K C"ROLL Am C �! x[cn Axn UH CANBi U N Non[ b IRWNO C. PEAR= DE"COMMISUIONCR .{ O. H lNOMo . 0—, a Y Pu Nlx. M. S. ORT SAX. 0piO0[Cxelpup _ �/'Nh A. B. SHARP, SU,, OF 5i11[cT[Ax IA -0. M: W. GOCRINONlK 3UPT. 01 W- -OU - REPORT - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the . grading o3 Alley in Block 9, summit Park Addition, under Preliminary Order C. F. #34785, approved June 13, 1921, and Intermediary Order C. F. #37066, approved November 7.,'1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public ,lorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite. such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Om2�--�mj�ssonnerorks. Dec. 7, 1921. _._ _............... __.._._._ .......... ....... __ .. under Preliminary Order approved -..._June_._..:._._1.i'1.a.................... ......_......... ................. ..._..... .. __._...._ _.._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ p0 -$.......2.�`......`........................— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.............._.......... ............. ...... ........ ...... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D IS SC RI PTI ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUAT ON I I i I 1 9 Sinl it Par!: l,dditi.on to ) _125 as ;_ of 2 0 St. Paul in ',aiasc r Jountgi ) .lest of 2 9 li*Innesota, ) j ) 6775 i 3 !, 9 do ) � eL 19, do ') 1 9525 !I Last 20 feel of 5 •; 9 do ) - _ I „_est, 20 feet of 5 ! 9 do hi ) 8900 it East 30 feet of 6 9 do ) Jest 10 feet of 6 9 do �! q q ) 6850 I I� TOTAL. i REPORT O OF FINANCE { DER DESCRIPTION LOT Bl.oeK: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Clest 10 feet of 7 9 Suix dt Pa -,k Addition to �, ) 7375' 8 9 St. Paul in Rainsey_ County:..).- 9 9 . Uinnesota. 10 9 do ) 9800: 11 9 do. 12 9 do ) 7050. 13 9 do 1950. ,._-_--- 14 9 . do - .17025 15 9 do _ 12450- .16 9 do ) 8625 - _ ',lest F .of 17 9 do East, - of - - .. . 17 .. 9 do -._ - ) 8125 18 9 do ) . .19 9 do 9625 iestti of 20 9 do ) East' of 2p 9 do ) - 3425. .21 9 - d o .22 9 do -- 11300 - (Except -East l foot) .23 9 do East 1 foot of 23 & all of24 9 do 8425: 25 9. do 22.75- 26 9 do 2275' 27_ 9 . __ do 8025:-.. i - 28 9 do 16375. j� r TOTAL 17 03 00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference o said matter the Commissioner 7Porks. Dated=`— -----1 ---- Commissioner of Finance. FOAM B.S.A. !•8 C 37474. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By....-.:Frank_A..-Ipatann ............................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._cur!bing-_both-_sides---of--Bay-_St,.--_from•_Randolph--St.--..- 't@Pf----------------------- ----- _--------------------------- -------------------------------------- -----_........ - .-.-...... .---....'...................... .. ................................ son. - ..--....--..-..---......... _. C N3intteA Bad 1P $tn+g eprder IIRR�°,3t iNma:: prellsa d �............................................ r grin&�havfn8.4"�°Tt"he, .............................................. ... -' tai aim n ` under Preliminary Order .....:............. app roved....... ........................... ........................................... Intermediary Order .....:...................................... approved pproved .......: A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid having heard all persons, objections erect the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is-..aArb-.bOth..-91-AdQg--..0f:-may.--fit..---�3'-Qnl--•ItdndOlph e _St .-t0...:Stewart Avenue r ................................................... - .................-............- .-.....:----.-........ .........._ ----- ------ - .....--'---... ----...-.....-.... .. .. ............... .....---..... ....... ............ . ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed to and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same 'a the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed: with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..: � "� � Z i............................ 191...... S' - ... - r: City Clerk. Approved-....-.. U1 C .. ..�ZL .............1 191.-.-.... ....... ... ..... .-----..... - ............... ...... - Mayor. Councilman 1� C1aMt;y Councilman PLfii7�I3Ejj�' Councilman Councilman Xzg= `''V�is on Councilmantis"' th Councilman Vlenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ', Zit FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER- In the Matter of _.Q.ur.bJ; g._b.9trk1:...9i-_d9,9--9f._BlayY _,5_t. @_@.t_..fSi97tl ._.......... Stev7art.... AA enue ......... =- ....._.._..........._.._.. .-. ...__ ..__... .... ............... _....... ...... _...................... _ ... ..._.... _..... _.... _... .................. ............. ......_{::...............__..--_:......_._. _ .._.... _............ . - .............._........ _.._... ...._....... _......._._.._.......- ._.. ...__ ...._ ..-------- under -Preliminary Order approved _.......... ALAgma. 9_,._.1321.•... ....... ..... _.................. _....._....-._....._........_........._......_....._..._...._......._...__......_ under Preliminary To the ICottncil of the City of St. Pauh• The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $... ..... ....... _...:... ' front The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $- -- -- 83 --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION I ASSESSED II VALUATION �I (I- ! East � of 1 and. 2 1 !. Scheffel'. Addition to i �; 1771 21t t I� I tj Ij I 3 ;i .i_St_• Paul. I j 130.0 i 1 - _ .- 1200 5 do ... ? ! -_. `01 Ji 120 " g i 1 do li_. 19Q0 - �r i dO ' 7510 i- ! I� � Of ! f3 1 do .._. South z of _.. _�" 8 �. 1 do __ _ _ '! 10510PTorth !.... �Id o g_ 197,5 _.__.. 10 1 do 2810 I TOTAL. I� Form B. B. 10 _ —-- _ _ CITY ST. IPAUL DEPARTMkN{T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION �'. LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 1 Scheffer s Addition to ',_ � 151,00 • 12 1 St. Paul. 000 is 1. do 14 1 do 1300 15 1 do - 8 2 do 850 (Exceptfast 66 feet) _ 9_ 2 dd 10 2 do 11 2 do. ! 3300 12 2 do 13;75 13 2 do 2225 _ 14 2 do 13.75 _._ 19 2 do 525 18 2 do 3250 17 2 do J 9,50 16 2 do ) 100:00 15 2 do !n, 1 4 Finehls Addition to St. 5500. 2 4 Paul 15:00 3 4 do 5 _ dg_ 1. -9._ - _ _ _do. _ _ _ 525 ....___ North 40 feet of 5 and 6. 9, do 1575, North 40 ft., of So. 84 of 5&. 6, 9 do 122,5 South 44 feet of 5 and 6 9 do 3225, _ 15 5 do TOTAL . CITYyMF 6T.`PAUL PFPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOCK,I ADDITION ASSESSED -. VALUATION 1...:5$01..! `i 15 8 Paul.. -.. - 28 0 -80- do _ 1 3 Asyliun Addition No. 1 to I 19954 2 3, the City of St. Paul, Minn. 1.556 3 3 do 10001 - - 4 3 do 2450, .._....._._ 11 5_. 3 ._ _._ _ _ do- :4801 do 1900 9 3 do 1650 _( xcept_Logan Street). 8 3 do 50 9 3 do 95 - 10 3 do - 1425, 11. 3 do 17!751 _,... (xcept..Street)_ 12 3 do 425 (xcept Street) 13 _ 3. do -- _51 la 3 do 15 3 do _. - 2125, - 16 3 do 300 _ .Bay triangle _. _ 2 2 da 300 Bay _triangl-e- _ ,_ .3 . 2, -- do.._ _ 300 .._'_... ;- ---_Bay_.,_triangle_ _ _ 4 - _ _._ _ do - 12 5 to i-do - 40Q do 12a 12--- I _ ___ do -----_ - do _ _ TOTAL 500 Ct) .UP of St. _Paul OSCAR CLAUAEEN. CNi¢r ENDINE¢R Department .of Pubur Marks . HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER J. GyC'ARROLL�.AAS CH EN(N.— AND 1 Pi. OI CON¢TRU= ON AND 11-15 IRVING C,' PEARCE, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER G. H. HERROLO. OTe¢ wNO C11 Pi.rNNINO S.D.— 48 S. G.—AK. ERIOOE END—. A A. B. SHARP. SUPT S - H. W. GOETZINCNCR. SUP+.01 WORNNOUSS - - + September 12, 1921. Mr. H. C. Wenzel, commissioner -of Public Works. Dear Sir: I trgnsmit herewith preliminary estimate o3 cost for curbing both sides of Bay Street from Randolph Street to Stewart Avenue, under Preliminary Order No. 35793, approved August 9, 1921: Approximate estimate of cost - - - $2472.53 Cost per front foot - - - - - - .83 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - - 2980 ft. Yours .:.,Ai"tily, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finanola „ q Commissioner of 2n is Works. .1r�g; zit.<� '374'75 COUN,IL FILE NO. - ..................... BY krank..1Y.....Mats.ori................................ FINAL ORDER - In the Matter of..._e_onstructing,_a- .jx_fg4t,cemeTlt....>iil.e. s.idewalk...on..the......_ s-guts„side_-.qf-_�{es-t-_centra --Ave ue.:_from-.D-uC17aP---StxD.e_t t.A..Lexington............. AY.anus.,...except...rtheme gond...and..-snfSiaient.si.dawalks...now .-.exist . .........I......................................................... .......:.............................................. "-� E7.47B B9, F�•4w Mat&on �eiz,:. tatter, of I kdowalkig a aettL Lila , eldemalk ons the . .............. ............... ........... ,Ide`oL 19eat -Central Avenu onn7aP sa to ;I;eatneton ,AvD l2 1.921 ry sx ez epgalkahnow.eztet undor Preset .. .. under Preliminary Order.........3fi7.21. + ��- -r-- e e y: Order E67E1_ aPProved':Oct.; Intermediary Order.. ............. . ........ ir., :fir spl r b non hA............................ ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above imjiia cent on due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and, having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it -RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...C.0natr.uct...a...six..fnat...aement...tile–side.— walk-on ...the...s ouch-.side---af...Ctest::.Centr-al_Avenue-.fr- om-. Dunlap---Stxae-t-.. to------- Lexington.-Kvenue.,...except.. where...gaod...and...suff icient...s.idewalka.--now...ami.st , .------ . ---- ............. ...----- ...---- _-.................................. . --- .._..... ............................... ......................... ....._........----..... ............ .......... :...........................................---------- ..-------.......................- - - - --.................... .............. ............................................................................................................. ...................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans abd specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed :: to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council... 5�..-`x..:921.,_. .... 91. Q Ci Clerk. Il ( --7 192 ... 191.......- Approved......... .. .. .. .. - ........ Mayor. Councilman Rask Clancy C uncilman n Councilman I'UBLISBED # _agf Councilman I alkx Matson Councilman 1 Smith Councilman W&MR&M Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 V/ St. Papl, Minn.,- 1921-1 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn., Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following iniprovement to be made: 1 .............. a-t-.ru z Y �zr—A . ............ Ave. from. ................................ * - -------- St. ................... ..... ........... St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION uN" Ir �' BY l _ CQ PER Resolved that warrants be drawii'npon the City Treasury, to the a$$rn$ate amount of $t r�R ...... _._.... ,....... Y-49,O0,`04V npsnY, H iRM ,,'upon." ,tile I11'ing" Vi:{, buc, uv♦ w+.. �.. r—� "- the oustoMary, 4 Rbaolved That th a0p,lcatlbri o& 1L%NrfaiBerger"i' r' a l�eanae fq carpy j aq a:'8econfland Hu ,nsasat b62 RSce: B4„Re end+t�a >3am fa�hpr,'eby grunted;": " and 'the Of#Y 'C1arA� fa hexgpy aUthoY-i 1y0 fl t@uph ISepttaA upon thq, "6fthe 6,'bb bbnd and thetyayment tri - fllin$p o " , ttr t),e ciiy tr@h;9dFy of CifO., vatomnty Adppt d bY' the Cod C31 Dec. �! 19EI i " _ , A proved Dop. I921 t„ t' FORM _.!. ................. 77-7 license to carry an the. and the :'same arehereby' OFFICE Qv' TtIB COUNGL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM A E .Smith GATE same°:is"hereby grLhted, andthe M y-:Clerk'-is here you o the oit,y,treas- ed `to issue such lioense•upon'the,!payfnent, nto ury o:f 'ishe custoririary,fee. " s Nv, 37�86��,An �9t�trnnf'W '1LeeolVed Thet t2ae app14@atf6 nt fayme.¢: -E7YYn for';a lfcenae fS opor'• aEe a Ho.Gt Arink $axlat at 43y s. 4• baaba flt.; h@ 'And tide same IIs-;he�eroyr . granted,�4agd Ch@ fifty' LRatk 1a _hexaby ant�orlead to lame �@q b ,Iteana8 yPdn � �, Lhe"p�Y @n4adty tits onX tt�easpry-ot tha-adatolVary te@ by Cha �ovnotl D o 4s'i�Y,��21 ' .2,dont@d APP�vhd Daa 7 YQ31 Yes'07) Conneihnen ('J) Nays DIL C —7 1921 ClRricy .. Adopted by the Couneil...:....,. 192 .• C. (�z�......192 -•' : [�pphove E� M`a nil �`Snuth`7-1. _In favor Against MA YOR oW Wenmd ` Mr. President (Office of (4itg (&ttrk anon of Insurinda "Policy Nei Yo h ��'ggsolved.7T alk guto L �2� ` mithr '� t§ he e'l7X cdd "9ssushd tDD.nd 'r Che .sable; � tD �cance}lD.t19n D4 ZhDUT v � ' ' ,St qe{]ad cl Dec 7 Y92Y' 'gnde poY1cY• Y_21 � YDea 7�uP %' APBYaYed t ti tDeR 17 182Yj_ _ 0o Reye AQ 2 �p Yp �1 �y. B w i Yes. (J}"Councilmen: (J) "Nays . Clancy- Adopted 'by"the Council. �r i . Z..�.��.':, 192 •.••- ' u "� 192 j In 192 bTCH61t!!13PPTo - favor A ,Matson „ Smith "'• '.. A$einst. ..... . '. �'inrr <Wenz,"el 1 Mr President � roew iaoo�io•sf _ .. . , _ , .. ssioner of Public Works. i" lD) CITY OF 5T. PAUL-, 'C F`NB'874$4 Otdtnari�+e Nd� - mer •i -:c ByxL b7 9mikh r �( Y 1n ordinanno re�.irlatfag chattal� AP/"rr ,. Sage loan comp�Cates � alp/' �p�y �� The '4opncR oL ,thekCftY oP $S- 1 y 4 AS A ��K, A49 d es ardafn } N` �i• pq'q� CJ7 S' No corpatatloa sd errt< ' lea omPanY a � 4h .0-t.d6 3• ". .. f v An ordinance regulating chattel mortgage loan companies. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No corporation shall hereafter carry on the business of a chattel mortgage loan company within the City of St. Paulwithout having first obtained a license so to do pursuant to the_provisione'of Section 5812, Compiled Laws of 1913, and pursuant to the provisions hereof. Section S. Before any corporation shall be licensed as aforesaid, it shall file with the City Comptroller a bond approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, with a surety approved by the Mayor, in the.eum of at least Two Thousand Dollars ($8;000.00), conditioned that it will observe the ordinances of said Oityin relation-to the business for which it has applied for a' license;" and coaduot its said business in oonformity therewith, and' that it will account for and deliver to any person legally entitled thereto 'any goods, wares or merchandise, article or thing which may have come into its bands •through its business as such chattel "wort gaga'loan-company, or in lieu thereof, pay in money to such person or persons the reasonable value thereof. Section 3. Officers of. the,•police force of the City of St: Paul and the ;License Inspector of said City shall at all times during the term of such license, enjoy the right and privilege of free and. unobstructed ingress and agrees to and from the premises in or upon " which such business is conducted or carried on, for the purpose of locating and discovering goods, wares and merchandise suspected of e been, stolen or otherwise improperly, having been, or alleged to hav disposed of. Section 4. Every corporation licensed under the terms hereof shall keep a book in which shall be legibly written at the time of each loan, an accurate account or description, in the English language, of ,the goods, articles or things mortgaged, sold or pledged, the amount of"money.: loaned thereon, the time of the receipt of the same, ;the name Nis UJINNEAU V-A and residence and a reasonably accurate description of the person mortgaging, selling or pledging theme; if,the article be a watch or other goods of gold or silver manufacture, the number or numbers appearitg thereon, together with the name of the manufacturer of the same if it appears thereon, and such entry, as above described, shall be regularly numbered and shall at all...reasonable times be open to the inspection of the License Inspector or any member of the police force of the City of St. Paul. Section 5. Each corporation licensed under the terms hereof shall make out and deliver to the Chief of Police every day before -,,.- the hour of twelve noon, a legible, correct and complete copy from the book hereinbefore required, and a true and correct account of all personal property or other valuables received or deposited or mortgaged during the preceding day, and said report or description shall be signed by the person giving it to the Chief of Police. Section 6. Whenever the Chief of Police or the License Inspector of the City of St. Paul shall notify any of the corpor- ations licensed hereunder, not to sell or permit to be redeemed any goods or article held by such corporation as security for a loan, such goods or article shall not be redeemed nor shall the same be sold until such time as may be determined by the Chief of Police, provided that such time shall in no case exceed a period of six months from the date of ouch notification. Section 7. Any corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars nor more than One Hundred:1`1 Dollars, and upon such conviction, its license shall be revoked. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Rays M;4 -'Clancy ,,-Pargueon McDonald Matson Wenzel F'esi en Uf;dgson Approved zZ oft Mayor Attest PUBLISRED City Cle 37495 Q F SIo.� 37496--Ordtnance No 6726-� 84;7. 8. M Donald— . " ordlnancew aPDroPriating`the 'um T "$vndred Dollars • � A of F`ovrt°on Levee' ' ' (;1400.66) Yrom the Expense Stam oL ' the -Dock' Whar es ,and An .Fund.ao the r T m °ir aGfiii the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars ;4or. the ge y. w Yor p ($140 OQ) tdif!�le Expense item of the Docks, Wharves and Levees Fund,lto the same item of said Fund for the year 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars (01400.00'),:: is':,hereby appropriated and set aside from the other Expense item of the Docks, Wharves and Levees Fund, of the Department of PublicUtili.ties, to the same item of the same fund for the year 1922 for the purpose of painting and repairing city cranes..... Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to_.be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force - immedi at elY upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council DEC 23 1921 Yeas / Nays Mr.Vlancy / w vV�F' gusnn XcDonal4 ataon qmith enzel Mr.PJPresident (Hodgson) Approved C 23192i oed Mayor Attest PUBLISHED City Cler 37495 O p'No. 37496—�rdlnanae Nc.b720 . - - gy An ordinance , appropriating Fourteen._`?ivndt enee+Dtemaof -. (x-•:0:00) from the Esp Levees Docks Wharveem of eaf3 F.vnd. +e + iuC3tf the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars ($140.9.00) from the Expense item of the Docks, Wharves and Levees Fund;`to the same item of said Fund for the year 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF.THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars 01400.00.) , is':.hereby appropriated and set aside from the other Expense item of the Docks, Wharves and Levees Fund, of the Department of Public -Utilities, to the same item of the same fund for the year 1922 for the purpose of painting and repairing city cranes.., - Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. j Passed by the Council DEC 23 i92i Yeas Nays L - Mr. ancy " guson F;nald son mith Wenzel Mr.1-A-resident (Hodgson) Approved C 23 1921 Mayor Attest PUBLISHED f° — 3 City Cler olTy OF 8i. Rea. 1392 Page 15355 Manhat,tan_611 Products Company, 80.35 1,621.17 Police - 71.24 Garage 551'61 Sewer C. & R• 4.80. , IS 78.03. S. & S. Cing. Bridge, B. & R. 90,52, 13.51 . _.. Sprinkling 101.71 413.02; Water a 190.27 '321,53 . 15356 Melao Paper Company, 4.53 Health 1.75 Schools 180.00. 14.75 a n 120.50 3%3"3 584°,49x. 15357 St.Paul Builders Material Company, - Schools 1127885 uurbing Batea, Hastings - to Mounds, Boulevard 49 _ 440.26 15558 ,. St.Paul Gas Light Compeayeau Munib a Rip. Bureau 3.06 Police 161.82- Fire x.20 295,63 15359 St.Paul Gas Li&t Compax►y, Pol. & F. Alarm 23.08 Health 11.01 7.83 a 490 n 2.60 n , `• 5.08 `i Std � & R,: C ..; 40.00 n Sewer C. & $. 42,30. 2.2b. S. & S. Cing 112.37 Workhouse - Sprinkling 19 15360 Gas Light Company, 60882 _St.Paul Ubrar7 Auditorium 20 84 ArtMMuseum: 15.00 . 15,00 Bureau of Parke 32.18. :• Park Refectoriem 12w45 1SU - � 226.,70 15361 St.Paul,aas Light Company., Playgrounds 38*�. " 38E Test. Labe. 50, 2.61 Markets' 173.97 Water ids - 576 1T' 15362 St:paul Gas Light Company,- Schools . 76223 ; 15363 StPaul Gas Light Company, Schools Res. 1392 Pais,- #3 .4 15384 The St. Paul Institute, 100.00 . Auditorium 15365 St.Paul Welding &,Mfg. Company]; 45.10 Fire 11.75 S. &,S.. Cing. 500 Lighting Water 9.00" 15366 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph `Company, 193.93 ,r Palioe 137.01 Fire :: 56.92 ;. ... 1$3:93 - 15367 Tri-State Telephone &Telegraph"Company, 161.55', Manic *p. Bureau 5.10 City Planning; -Com. 6.80 , Pol. &`'F. Alarm 4000 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm., 23.85, $t. C. & R. 5.20. Workhouse 2.20 Library 35.97 Playgrounds 6.00 Water `72.43. I'bT:55 yt' i.L[III{ m os Na OS2Y O8 82. P�IIL OFFICE, OF THE .COMPTROLLER '�i'hetgab pn Mpniglpg.I Mloat2� Cor-, �%' v! C_ . DoSatlon)t afi, Tka test 'm gtln� cogeldor- , ed ',4 e88Iilon th 46rpbrt dC; whlbh ��- was tt,dp aTd l,prpbfiatfon 6houId- thp �'8d'ejr 'Mtad l C pion ,to ,dq• � I . lay agttohYn fie`�mtter atvarding,, Dbrmlt Po Abe utilizntibt, of the:' r.•1 to Govokhmgnt Pam;.:Nd ly abt-'.� rppoluttpn provA(1 d c 19 nt N� s 37499 �vIttt' augh rf° 1Don ady ac thfs,ttr Minn@er .r , Unlvr VJFiEh,_'the Municipal Electric Corporation, at its last meet- ing a resolution, the purport.of which was that said Corporatlop 'should aslc the Federal Power Commission to de- lay action 3n the matter ;of awarding a permit for the utiliza- tion of'the "pofver in Government Dam No.1, and which resolution provided the_ n case :the' >Federal Power Commission complied with such request and refused to act upon any of the pending appli- cations.<at thin time ;the Cities of St.Paul and 'Jinneapolis to- gether with the Stato_University should join in seeking legis- lation.from the state `to, `empower said Corporation'to apply for said high Dam power; and -if such pourer was granted by the. leg - , then the Afunicipal Electric Corporation should make application to the Federal Power Commission, and the Cities of St,Paul and Minneapolis should withdrawtheir individual applications, and support the application of the Municipal Electric Corporation.'_ VAiEREAS,.theI ,-i/or 6f:St.Paul, as a member of the idunicipai Electric Corporation;'announced his intention of voting against ,.' such resol'uti'on,'which negative vote would in effect kill the resolution, and thereupon no vote was taken, but in lieu there- of the payor 'of Minneapolis and the President of the Board of Regents requested that action be postponed UU such resolu- tion could-be,considered, by the City Council of Dfinneapelis, and the 'City Council of St.Paul, and VMREAS, such resolution has been given earnest and careful consideration by the City Council of St.Paul; its provisions. weighed and discussed, and its purpose and likely result hav- ing been thoroughly 'studied in view of all known facts, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of St.Paul adheres to its former decision, publicly promulgated on November 23rd, 1921, that it is dangerous and unwise from the standpoint of public interest to make any change in its plans at this time; that an application for the power by the Municipal Electric Corporation or an application favoring; a delay in the decision would serve only to confuse the issue, strengthen the case of the Northern States Power CompRny,and would be in effect a surrender of the rights the cities now have under their individual applications. ''UEC —S �92i Adapted by the Council.. VX reaslj It is alleged that the°Federal Power Commission will refuse to gena either to Minneapolis or St. Paul a temporary,aermit or license to develop the water Power at the hi"- dam, since to do so would be a discrimination against the neighboring city, and Whereas, It. ie alleged that the Federal Power commission may be disposed to grant a license or temporary permit to the Northern Stites Power Company in order not to discriminate against either city, and Wirereae, The members of this corporation are agreed that the power rigjltfullyy belongs to Ehe two cities and the state of Minnesota and should be shared equitahh by them, and Whereas, It would be an injustice to the two cities ani the at.te of MI=1e80ta to g ant a permit or license to the Northern States Power Company, since the corporation would then virtually have a monopoly of water power rlShts in this Section of the north— west, and Whereas, The members of this corpomtion have heretofore always worked in harmony In their efforts to secure said water rights and caused to be presented at the last session of the Minn. Legislature a bill to enable said corporation to properly finance Such project, which failed of passage, due, among other reasons, to the late hour at which mid bill was presented, and Whereas, Separate applications were made only to Safeguard the interebts of Said cities and to prevent the aogdaition of said power by private interests, and, WbBreae. By an sot of the legislature meeting the Mmioipal Electire Corp. it is assumed that the people of the two cities and the citizens generally in this state are in ibvor of develbpment of the water rights by and in the interests of the public and are opposed to a grant to any prifate corporate interest, Whereas, There IS no conflict of interest between the aembers of this corpora tion, NOW TH:'REFOFC, It is resoled that the Federal Power commission by urgently requested to delay decision upon the applications heretofore filed and now pending before mid oommission until the nest session of the Minnesota Legislature to enable the M. E. 0. to sooure the necessary authority ibr fimncing said enterprise. And it is %rther resoled, if the Federal Power Oammission shall delay its decision for the purpose of enabling the M. E. c. to make, application for a permit or license, then the members of this corporation pledge themsel¢es to cooperate in securing much perms mit or license to develop the power and to secure the withdrawal of the individual apo14— eatione of said citiea. CITY OF ST. PAUL COU CILNo 37���1; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY + A. F. '-f,UTH 12-5-21. ER................................................................................. .............................. DATE...- .... ............ ...................... .------.._-------------- 1 t RESOLVED That the following applications for a license regulating the selling and handling of foodstuffs at tha addresses indicated be, and the sane are her�foy granted, and the. City Clark is here- by authorizes to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee, $10.00 F. ,"l. Lebude, 7 6 Stewart Ave., Grocery A. itaeker, 2 4 E. Fairfield it C. F. \o. Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson J Smith .... Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 rant 37500 By A. E. Smith— Resolved [hat the following appll- I, s8111ng nd hantllinge eeiooaai�reatsr l theaddresses indicated be, and the . -me re herthy granted, d the City lerk is hereby authorized to Issue li- enSea upon the payment Int. the 6ty re usury f the customary rAE10.00: P. n'. Lebuda�.,7,36-Stewart ve., Gro- e.� Otaeker, 244�Falrfield Ave. Adopted by the touncll•Dec. 8, 1921. Approved Dec. 8'-1921,- , (Dec. '17,-1921) �. Adopted by the Council 77 '!_'. %-1 _...192 __ ^, - - ..._192- - Approv .- .................:... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Flee aa_ NO......_.. 375041','_.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY ' A. F. '-�',gTH 12-9-21. DATE..... ------------------ RESOLVED That the following applications for a license regulating. the selling and handling of foodstuffs at the addressee indicated be, anS the ae,n.e are hereby ?ranted, and tn-- City Clark is her- by authorized to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee,. F. 111. Lebude,, 7f-16 Stewart Ave.- Grocery A. 6tacker, 2�4 E. Fairfield 11 Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nay: Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson mith S Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 10-21 C. F. \Smlth o. 37500—By A. E. — Resolved that the tollowing app11-I', sell Fns tions for a d handling tePoodstuRs atin thi the addresses Indicated be, and the e herdmn by uited, and the City `leek is hereby thorized to Issue II- nses upon the payment Into the city of the astomary r , $10.00: F.sW. Lebude, :;U(l Stewart Ace.. Gro- �eA. Otacker, 244Falrfleld Ave. Adopted by the". n ilec ,D. 8. 1921. Approved Dec. 8;1921: (Dec.. 17.1021) Adopted by the Council..:.;'.1.--_..` ..J�'____ 192----- ... _..192- - _.....In favor APProv-'�-'/.�_l./.,'...�..../....,-�/-` ABeinst - """" .. ... 7 w CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL - Fae NO.–" -_A7502__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ER A. SMITH 12--9^21. ...:COMMISSIONER......_ _.....:......_............. ....... .. .. ........_.......__. ............... ......................... DATE ........................... RESOLVED That the application of Himes Restaurant for a license to conduct -a Dance Hall at 449 St Peter St., be, and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson ® McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President No. 375H Byth F'� Srol¢Lion of Resolved, 'Himea Restaurant for llcense to cSt., f duct a Dance Hnis hereby gtrnnted� nd be, n1 the s me a thorlaed to I the City Clerk Is her eby the P¢yrnert �I `issue ee llcense Po of the tom- Inta the ity treneury �n y fee- the Council Dec. 8, 1921. Adopted by APPI'oved D21 (Dec87,791921) ( Adopted by the Council-_ __.l i92.` ._........... _.._------- -...._In favor Approv __..----_KC — ----------- Against _ �]rp e 0 7 r ry CITY OF ST. PAUL .��n "`" IVO Ca{�q� ,O—F�FICE OF THE CITY CLERIC IYCIL' RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/ �OMMISSIONER.....l. /�_._....... �': .. • DATE ....................... RES%VED , That upon re mn.endation of the Commissioner of Fducaticn, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and -directed to draw a warrant in the sum of Eleven Hundred and ninety-nine Dcllars and twelve rents (°f1199.12�) in favor Cf Gecrge H. Prince, Treasurer cf Crgan Committee, tc meet s.n un -avoidable deficiency in the fund subscribed by the citizens cf gt.Paul for the purchase and installaticn of the Munlcipe.l UrRan. Fame to be Ch-rReq tc the A.uditoriurc Fund. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald !1 Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President ;C. F. No. 37503—at By L. R. 5. Ferguson—I' ofRthe (Commissions,- oP Iduca[longtthe proper city officers are hereby author tied and directed t8 d1 -W warrant to thnesumD Itrtrevenand nd twelve ntnents 1 F3199,12) in favor P George H. Prince, Treasurer f Organ Comml ttee, to ee[ an oldable deficiency In the foot Por the, purchasehnnd tlinetullntion'of thel \lunictpal Organ. game to be charged to the Audi-' torlum Fund. Adopted by the Council Dec, 8, 1921. Approved Dec. 8. 1921. (Dec. 17-1921) 7i Adopted by the Council...._._........'.._ _ ..... .......... __.._................ _ 19_.._.. __._._In favor Approve _. _ .......__.___ .__..........._ ..._._ ___ 19...._. ._ ......Against PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER R I E gC of ns F No. 37604-iBy r ...... CITN�eT,S re ah Ave zin accord NO. -....—'------37504 � 01 F , 0 OFFICE OF THI�:__"771g�-"� COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM k Dec.81921 . .............. ...... C. Wenzel DATE ....... ..............._.....,...... ............... . .... ............. ................ . .............................. .... . .................... Whereas, In,the matter of paving West Seventh 43t. from Seven Corners to Tuscarora Ave., in accordance with the requirements of C. F. Y�31029, approved January 12, 1921, <it was provided in the plans and specifications for the doing of certain work for additional paving of driveways and the building of necessary catchbasins and other drainage at a scale of prices therein fixed, and in accordance with said plans and specifications: And Whereas, it was deemed advisable and necessary by the Commissioner of Public Works for the contractors, Filding and Shepley, to perform said work, more particularly described as follows: 95.7 sq.yds. Asphalt paving in drive:,Iays at $1.7b $167.47 154 It If Asphalt paving 1.43 220.22 Labor and drainage work 679.25 Material on It 438.80 TotalFor.—IT And Whereas, said work and material has been done and furnished as provided for in the paving of said street: Now Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hereby allow for all of the work and material as hereinbefore stated the sum of One thousand five hundred and five and seventy four hundredths dollars Q1505.74) as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1328 for the making, of the aforesaid improvement. Yes Vr) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council -.- 92+-._._._-_-19_-- Ferguson UIEC -81921 McDonald favor Approved___ --------- -- Matson Smith ....Agamst Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST, PAUL r e`" NO.—_------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER............�s_._r.+..e....6i�.LLQe.............. ........ ....._................ .... . ........ .... DATE 1• ........ ............. ....... RESOLVED That with the consent of the Comptroller the sum of $2,133.34 be and is hereby transferred from the Salaries and Wages Account of the Workhouse Fund to the Other Expense Account of the same Fund, as thereby an unavoidable deficiency in the item of the Salaries and ,`(ages Account may be met without hampering the work provided for in the money in the item of the Salaries an.d.V1agea.A6count. C. F. No. 37506-33Y H. C. Wenzel Reaolved, That ith the coneunt oY the comptroller the SUM of $2,133.34 be nd le hereby transferred from the Salaries and Otho t of the Workhouse FundodWages1.the Other Expense', Account f the Same Fund, se thereby, unavoidable d.QeI.ncy intheItem ' a without ham nay n the of the Salaries and Wa-. Account, !- may be Met ork [or to tha Itemof the Salaries and Wages Ac - provided 1 count. Adopted liy the C39E7 I1 Dec. 3, 1921.fl � Approved D". & (Dec. 17-1921) Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy , Ferguson McDonald f .t ........... ..... ... In favor Matson v ' Smith -_- ----------- Against Wenzel Mt. President IOPM 9M a•IIO Adopted by the Council'..____21'-1 -5_Ig21_....._._..-19____ 07, Approve19..._._. ��--...--...-.-f - ------------ NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL vas d�— -....... Ci�i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY Dec. 8 1921. .COMMISSIONER ................. ......._�[..... 0, -4145 el ...... ............... :........ .... ..._................ DATE...................................... �.............._............ ...... RESOLVED That with the consent of the Comptroller the sum of ?615,000.00 be and is hereby transferred from the Other Expense Account of the Street and Sewer Cleaning Fund to the Salaries and "-[ages of the same fund, as thereby an unavoidable deficiency in the item of the Salaries end l7ages kccount may be met without hampering the work provided for in the money in the item of the Other Expense Account. IIS IC. F. No. 37506—Hy 1Z C. Wenzel -a' Resolved, That tvitI [ho t P the Comptroller the".sum oP consent 0.00 yD,� ''Otherd)ix hereby trnnsPerred Prom the penee Account f the Street rel n d Ben Clea nlug. Fund to the Sal - r es d rWaco, t' [he fupd :h.s th r . an ids ri rleflclenca e. the Item of the Salanea and Wages InAceg theI. may r met H-Ithn t hnper ing the work provided Por In the mo in the item of the Other EXponee Ac- count. Adopted by the C cil Dec. 8, 1921. Appro Ved 11—g, 1921. (Dec, 17-1921) Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _....._--_In favor Matson ) Smith J ----..........-Against Wenzel Mr. President -+aonu .a. a•ao Adopted by the Council ..... n_` �_—....___ _.._.._...-_-19 DEC -8 1921 MwYOw CITY OF' ST. PAUL sue NO.- – OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY $.�t0. [Menzel � Dec. 8, 1921 COMMISSIONER.._ .............._................ ............................... .._.......................... . DATE .......................... .... .. ........ RESOLVED ,t That with the consent of .the Comptroller the sum $1,500.00 be and is hereby transferred from the Other Expense Account of the Sewer Construction and Repair Fund to the Salaries and ';!ages Account of the same fund, as thereby an unavoidable deficiency in the item of the Salaries and tiages may be met without hampering the work provided for in the money in the item of the Other Expense Account. 37607-13Y H' Lh'c Wonsertt of C. F. be u o. 'that wlgh oY b1,600.00 the Res Ived, m from the ComPtrolleT [he Y. t d Se thu ie he trnns4erreod nd EzPen ant ecount Fun oC, the Other AoP pccounn able Conetructl nd µ,n$es ' �' d $0.10.r1es ay thereby an oho S0.lar1e9 j, same 4vnd•1 maY It of hnmP- ' CIA. i deflctenc e t without j and w- sworK b➢r°'ot they Othor I ri.9 the the item' S. 1931 i�•'�+ n pee. t d by the Council. Dec. nd Account.1. I. �.. APProved Dec. 171921) E Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council_ __ 192_.---.___. Ngmon �R.9�.! -- McDoo Id _...._...._......►n favor Approve _. — ..ill: _ `- 19_....._ Matson Smith ---------_..Against Wenzel Mr. President �onw aw e-zo _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY H. 04 Wehzel COMMISSIONER. .............-............._......... ......................... .............................. ......................... nATE RESOLVED couNCIL .' e vue NO.- •- 5 C -Y.--- - ':Ddc.8 1921 ............ ................t ....... ........ ....... ...... -. That with the consent of the Comptroller the sum of x}500.00 be and is hereby transferred from the Other Expense Account of the Bridge Building and Repair Fund to the Salaries and Mages Account of the same Fund, as thereby an unavoidaole deficiency in the item of the Salaries and Wages Account may be met without :.tampering the work provided for in the money in the item of the Other Eguense Account. be Reeolved37Th8at I'll the. consent f the d C1em horeby trans[erre(7 tr0o0�00 the other Lxpense Aal unrtu nd to of etl , Sa1- B 111f n d Brldg- RePa r of the same A d Wages Account pond, thereby an he Salaries de - I ft I Y in the Item- of the Salanie [haul Nagvs Account may be mot hampering the µ'ark poro the for In the money In the item f the Other IOx- e d account. p nse Adopted by the Council Dec. 8. )021. i Approved Dec. 8. 1021. (Dec. 17-1021) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald— - In favor Matson Smith --------------- Against Weitzel Mr. President ronr aN s•ao DEC -8 '921 Adopted by the Council ...--_.`__._...._-..__...._.._.._.19__.._ Appro......_—OLLI �.=8-q2-- t---------- �O-19--- ., ,,,,.$IiYF OST. PAUL couHca v - Y� 9 1, rac NO...__...: _..... .............. 6FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ES NTED BY ISSIONER......................:....................................................................................... DATE........-.-.... ................ .....-...... RESOLVED That with the approval of the Mayor and the Comptroller, the sum of Seventeen Hundred Fifty Dollars (,,i1,75O), be, and the same hereby is transferred from the Expense Item of the Parks Refectories Fund No. 53 t-- the Expense Item of the Parks Fund Plo. 52, as by so doing an unavoidatle deficiency in the last rflentijned account will be met without ha::lp,lring the mone;,s in the first mentioned account. C. F. No. 37609 -BY J. bY.the OlnncY— Reaolved. That with PP1the sum and the Comptr the MO. Or oller, t S@ventoen Hundred FIYtY Dolla `y :(51,750). 'be, and the hereby Of [rRnate rred from thend Noteb t0 the Pnrl<s Refectori to the Parks d y e the ExPRhse. ItOm voic by so 3o1n6 a entloned a - i deflwIII In the last m unt l bo 'met arat omen laonedring the to [he ac t. 021. Ado cour.-d Dthe ee. C1921ci1 Dec• e, approve 4 (Dec. 17-1921) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J}Nays Clancy Ferguson _) McDonald In favor Matson 0 / Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President ro.M 1100 10-s1 Adopted by the Council. ___-L'_r _79 'J2!_-191--.-..- Approve - ----- -I----' ...::..........192---- _..._............. _.. ... .. MnYOa CITY OF ST. PAUL 1aeMal. NO......... l➢,� _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY A. E. SMITH 12--6-21. COMMISSIONER..^........._......................................... _..._........'._...___........_............___. DATE............_......_____._...._._. _..................._..7 RESOLVED That with the approval of the Mayor and the consent of th Qomptroller, the following sums be, and are hereby transferred. Debit Credit From Pol. 8: Fire Alarm -Salaries Fund, d150.00 " 11 " 11 11 Other Expenditures Fund, #650.00 " Administration Other Expenditures Fund, x300.00 To Police Salaries Fund, $1100.00 Thereby relieving an unavoidable deficiency in the Police Salaries Fund. C. F. No. 37510 Ey A. E. Smith— ot -Resolved, That with the aPProfalthe the Mayor and the eonsent Comptroller the following sums 'be, and are hereby transferred: Debit Credit From P"'' "'de FAA—ro- 71arf.s Plod $ 160.00 romAlarm Other Expen- } dlturee Fund........ 060.00 _ From Ada, nistration Other Expenditures 300.00 Fund .. .. To Pot. Salaries Fund E1100.00 Thereby relieving an Unavoidable de- �fteleney fn the Pollee Oahu, s Fund921. . Adopted by the Connell or. 3. 1 on ! Approved Dec.."17-1921) 1921. (Dec. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nay-, Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson +� /I Smith Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 10-21 Adopted by the Council._.. _ __..... .__....._. _ 192------ 3 - -- .,:.'.....192---- _.....-In favor APPr --_......._.__... Against �.... ..... .... .. _.. ! L 1/ ����------� MwYOa CITY OF ST. PAUL COONC1 NO.......'1.��� P s ... a ., OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ® COUNCIL RESOUTION---GENERAL F M G� PRESEJ{TED BY - December 6, ].92m. t.... . ............................. DATE................................................................ COMMISSIONER .................. ...... RESOLVED That with the consent of the Comptrollertthe sum of $150.00 be, and the some is hereby transferred from the Salaries Item to the Other Expense item of the Municipal Court Fund, thereby relievingan unavoidable deficiency in the latter item. it C. F, No. 37511— mlthv of tthe of $160.00 be. lI g C..Pd, 11 Other sum transferred Itho ComPtTeoller, la hereb to the and th me Court `front the lC aof athe �unlc1P.1 oldablo EXP en is hereby relle" au un v 1921. Fund, in t the Cour It ncil i ec. 3, idopdopR. ted by 3. 1921. o Approved llea 17_1921): (Dea i' Yea (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ---..In favor Matson j 1 Smith � / -........_...... _Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 3M -0 kD yl __ i Adapted by the Council_...._.':..._ _9_i._.....__..._-19...__. —• ,9i Approved_..._..___ _..---......._._._ _._..__....._19_...... ._...—..9__ ... "ire. ,j b .y t^ -f -• a CITY OF ST. PAUL COU CIL rac NO......_CD _�.��-_._. 1.Of FICE OF THE CITY CLERK ............. .. UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .D ....v .............................. DATE.......-...;-....... --- 3OLVED That with the approval of ti,.e lkiapor and the Comptroller, the sum of Five Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars O}5,250) be, any the same hereby is transferred from tb= Salaries Item of the rarks Fefectories Fund No. 53 t., tt)e .salary Iter oftthe r'arks Aind lio. 52, as by so doing an unavoidable def-ciency in the last mentioned account will be met without i)a,aperino tele moneys in the first mentioned account. C. F. No. 37512—By J.Itb Vf. Cnancyaval[of ho — Resolved, That v [he PPrI' the IDinyor and the Comptroller. f Flve Th 250) d 'r hen ame dre Fifty Dollars ($5, an s. hereby 1s traasterred from thet S lades s. Item f the Parke Reefs tol[ho P rkls No. 53 to the Salary,. so dolnt; a no - Fund No. 52, s in the las`nmen- dable deficlencY etItment tinned account 111 he _ hampering the monsYs In Che it rst 1so- A921. dopted by he 'C1921e11 Dec. 3. Approved Dea B, (Dsc. 17-1921) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Councilrl,,r--_q q91 -- 192 Fer$ uson APPT--------._192 1, McDonald In favor ...................`._..._ Matson Smith A$einst ..................................... MAYOR Wenzel ' x Mr. President 1500 —21 tq COUNCIL FILE NO ............... �/ r By F. 1.ats..on.. .................................. INTERMED A.RY ORDER In the Matter ofJ'iilVin9,,�t2t.4.. i".�f.t. �T.�111.03L'dS7@.EiV� 11�..tR.iiob.�l't.St'.eB.t and Robert Street froi.i Korth re of Gates treot to ';l,e South cit;,; .......Stye .................... liml.ts, includin- sewer, mater and -as connections from street rains to ...................................................................................................... property h -nes o: plete, ere not alreaciyr nide; also J.ncludin- clarb nc. :............................ ........... ....................I........... 4?:4i?Qs............................................... „C. IT- No. 37513—BY F. W. Mates .................... """"""""""""" "" In the Natter of Paving 9[ate;.Street from Oakdale Ave:. tq-Robert Street under Preliminary Order.....365`10 and Robert street from North line of .................... Gates Street to the South' city limits; - - t .................. fncluding'sewer, :eater aad..gae '. The Council of the City of St. Paul having rest nections from - street mai. tr inssioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said - „ay meas: ai +esoives; P6ving. f 1. That the said report be and the same is herebya.hs%i,'td and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. nolp 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Srorl.0al;da,]c„! venue.,to„jQbert,, t yet„allci. lobe}°t„ tree-t„Erol:;, :...... fine of,CatEl t,j. )j rli.t:';ch:3i}�t;..serrer,..aater and ��aS..Go3�ri@4.t1.05..Jrol..�lJ'Q�t.re..... not,.al};Qady„iaa e;,,alsc,inclu in ,cull?in;, 2';a„pavi;, alley nd drjvetira,_ aproacaes........................................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..5.1,14 z.2i0... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 9th........day of ......SanUarV ......... 1922..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adonted by the Council ............ ...:-....... , 192...... Approved.......:`.................192..... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson �+^ Z Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson ! Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Cle . ............ .. r .... Mayor. tt r COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By........................... 375-14 Const.ructi.n� a se ler oLacison Street, f ror. 11'arrf.nCton In the Matter ` of ...................'....... .... yer,:ue„to a„oo;.nt„115 feet„'; s „o .arr. nl;,on,..venue. Cson— ............................... ... .. .. ...... ....the Matter of son tructJagt sewer....•....•••.....•••••• n Lawson St. from Farragon Ave- :.e to a Dolnt 116 feet westl.f Far- ................ ... ... ...... ................... 3tonaAve:-under Preliminary, Or-. ...................... 36826.. approved Oct. 21,. 1923. r Council of the Cityof sl:- Paul it received the report of the C ......................................... net of Finance'Upon the shove ...................... "emeut, and having e0lu; .. it. hereby resolves: ' r. rail r,pr.l r............................. ................................ ... .. ........ .... .. .. ...A.t SG828 tiller 21, 1921. under Preliminary Order...........................approved ..................... ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be -and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Q Rrlst' mgj1 . A. se ver on Lamson Street from 1'arrirl ton ivenue to a uoint 115 feet '::est of .............................................. Farrington .nvenue. ....................... ............................................................................. .................................................. ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.`.1.08,.00 , , , , , , , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 9t11 ........ day of Januar .. , ..... , , ., 192.2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.........''..... 192...... Approved.......':' '.::....:.192...... ...Cit�_ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald /C j Councilman Matson""'` Councilman Smith ,✓ Councilman Wenzel b,d• _ Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 Ca: cc C. F. No.�5 7 Ordinance No. An administrative ordinance authorizing the appointment and employment of officers and employes for service in the Department of Education and providing for the payment of compensation to such officers and employes. 1C. F No. 37616—Ordinance No. 6727—� I ny L. R. S. Ferguson— An -administrative ordinance authr COUNCIL OF TRE CITY OF SAINT -'AUL DOTS ORD:IIN: (zing the appointment and ent of officers and P . SECT IOT4 1. That the Commissioner of -ducation be and he is hereby authorized to appoint and employ such number of officers and employes as may be necessary to properly carry on the work in the Department of Education, such officers and employes to be those designated by title in the classification in Sections 7 and 8 of this ordinance. SECTION 2. The compensation payable to such officers and employes except as otherwise limited by charter, shall be the compensation prescribed in Sections 7 and 8 hereof as defined, limited, and adjusted by virtue of Sections 3, 4 and 5 of this ordinance. SECTION 3 . STANDARDIZATION OF SALARIES Appointments.- Except as otherwise 1:rovided in Section 1 of Rule�o£�h ivil Service rules and Section 8 of this ordinance, appointment to any position in Section 7 shall be made at the basic entrance salary provided for the grade in which such position is placed, phis the adjusting percentage addition prescribed in Section 6 hereof, provided, however, that when a different salary rate is .shown immediately following any individual title of a position or emp7;oyment , such different salary rate, plus the said adjusting percentage addition, shall for the purpose of this section be the compdnsation payable. SECTION 4. Whole Salary Rate.- The compensation payable in any position graded -"in ec on ereof shall be determined by adding the several amounts .payable under Sections 3,5, and 6, hereof. SECTION 5. Advancement.- Advancement in salary shall be made as follows:. (a) For each six months of service in a position the employe in .such position may at the discretion of appointing officer receive an! -Increase in salary not to exceed the equivalent of five per._cent of the .basic entrance salary prescribed for the grade in which said position is placed; (b) Incr6ases as provided in subdivision (a) of this section may be allowed only up to and including two years of service,and not to exceed a total maximum for such two yearst service of more than 20% of the basic entrance rate, provided that any amount abdive the entrance rate which may be granted to an appointee by virtue of Section 1 of Rule X shall be counted as a part of this 20%. vi. Paae--2--- (c) For each full five years of service in a grade or in any individual position the employee in such position may receive an additional increase in salary not to exceed the equivalent of five per cent of the said basic entrance salary prescribed for the grade in which said position is placed, provided however, that not more than three such five -year increases may be allowed in any position; (d)^ _ Increases provided for by subdivision (c) of this section shall not be applicable to any employe whose position or service in the city will entitle him, after the required seniority of service, to the benefits of any pension fund or law, nor shall they apply to any service rendered prior to the taking* effect of the civil service law and the present charter, namely, June 1,1914; (e) If the five per cent increase provided for in sub- divisions (a) and (c) amount to less than $5, then the increase in such case may be at the rate of $5.00 per month in lieu of the five per cent. (f) Where maximum salary rates, however, are prescribed or fixed for any position, no advancement in salary shall be made in such position in excess of such maximum rate. g) Whenever the appointing officer agrees that an in- crease may be granted, said increase may become effective from and after the following regular pay -roll period. SECTION 6 (a) Salaries Adjustable to Cost of Living Basis. - The salary limits as defined n ec on 7 hereo , s all eemea adequate salary rates for living conditions such as prevailed in the .year 1916. For the purpose of this ordinance with respect to salary f adjustment, the year 1916 shall be used as a base, and the cost of living in 1921 shall be deemed to have increased fifty per cent over the 1916 cost. (See Section 6, Paragraph "B"). To meet this increase in the cost of living, there shall be added to the standard .basic rates to the graded service, the amounts as determined -by the ~-adjusting percentage prescribed below, to -wit: ADJUSTING PERCENTAGES For all positions in grades 0 to 5 inc., an addition of fifty per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in mrade 6 , an addition of forty- six per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in grade 7, an addition of forty- two per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in grade 8, an addition of thirty- eight per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in grade 9, an addition of thirty- three per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in grade 10, an addition of twenty- nine per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade. Paae--3-- For all positions in grade 11, an addition of twenty-five per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade For all positions in grade 12, an addition of twenty-one per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade. F r all positions in grade 13, an addition of seventeen per ce rr*1 the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in grade 149 an addition of eight per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in grade 15, an addition of four per cent of the basic entrance rate for the grade. (b) The adjusted salary rates provided for in subdivision (a) of this section shall remain in force until changed by the Council in accordance with this section. On December 1, 1922, and on December li of each year thereafter, there shall be a re- vision of the adjusting percentages prescribed in this section, and such revision shall be determined as provided in the next following paragraph. For the purpose of ascertaining the cost of living, reference shall be made on November 15th. of each .year to the latest RESEARCH REPORT on the CHANGES IN THE COST OF LIVING pre- pared and published by the National Industrial Conference Board. The rise or fall in the cost of living shall be determined by taking the difference between the index number showing the in- crease in the cost of living for 1916 and the latest index number for the current year, and then computing the percentage that this difference is greater or less than the 1916 index number. The actual percentage of increase or decrease so determined each year shall always constitute the adjusting per- centage applicable to positions in Grades 1 to 5 inclusive, and when the adjusting percentage for these grades is either increased or decreased through such subsequent revision, the adjusting per- centage- for all the higher grades of service shall be increased or decreased in the same proportion; i.e., the revised adjusting percentages in the higher grades shall bear the same proportion to their respective current adjusting percentages in those grades as the revised adjusting percentage for Grades I to 5 bears to the current adjusting percentage for these grades. In revising the adjusting percentages, fractions of one-half or more shall be counted as one, and fractions of less than one-half shall be dis- regarded. (c) Salary increased on the basis of seniority, as provided for by Section 5 of this ordinance, shall be computed on the basic entrance rate prescribed for the grade and shall be allowed in addition to the adjusting percentage allowance pro- vided for in subdivision (a) hereof. Page--4--- SECTION 7 GRADES OF SERVICE Grade 0. Basic entrance salary: 630 a month This grade includes the following positionss Library Page. Grade 1. Basic entrance salary: $40 a month This grade includes the following positions; Clerical Services Book Repairer, Messenger, Telephone Operator. Library Service: Junior Library Assistant (Entrance 4p45.) Miscellaneous Service: Cleaner Grade 2. Basic entrance salary: 'j50 a month This grade includes the following positions: Clerical Service: Junior Clerk, Junior Clerk -Typist. Miscellaneous Service: Elevator Operator, Cook (Schools) Attendant. Grade 3. Basic entrance salry : $60 a month This grade includes the following positions: Clerical Service: Junior Clerk -Stenographer Accounting Machine Onerator. Library Service: Senior Library Assistant Miscellaneous Service: Janitor Janitress 'llat chman. Grade 4. Basic entrance salary: q'M a month T1,is grade includes the following positions: General Chauffeur, General Repairman. Library Service: General Library Assistant. Miscellaneous Service: Staty. Fireman, Janitor -Engineer, Head Janitor. Page--5--- Grade 5. Basic entrance salary: $75 a month. This grade includes the fbllowing positions: Clerical Service: Senior Clerk, Senior Clerk -Typist Timekeeper. Grade 6. Basic entrance salary: $80 a month. This grade includes the following positions: Library Service: Cataloguer, Children's Librarian Reference Librarian Junior Branch Librarian. Clerical Service: Senior Bookkeeper, Senior Clerk -Stenographer Diedical Service: School Nurse Miscellaneous Service: School Engineer (See Note below) Note: School engineers holding a chief' engineer's license who are in charge of steam boilers or steam machinery of more than 300 H.P., shall be paid yj5.00 per month additional to the amount otherwise payable under this grade. For the purpose of transfer however, all school enZineers shall be deemed to be holding positions of equal class ^nd grade. Grade 7. Basic entrance salary: $90 a month. This grade includes the follco ing positions: Clerical Service: General Bookkeeper, Principal Clerk, Principal Stenographer. Grade 8. Basic entrance salary: $100 a month Tbis grade includes the following positions: Clerical Service: Secretary-Stenograoher Library Service: Principal Assistant, °enior Branch Librarian Medical Service: Chief Nurse. Dentist - part time Medical Insnector. part time 'age-- _x Miscellaneous Service: Truant Officer Custodian -Auditorium enters f//0,00) Storekeeper -School Supplies Grade 9. Basic entrance salary: -';;125 a month This grade includes the following positions: Library Service: ® S)ciology Librarian Technology Librarian Fine Arts Librarian Ivtiscell.neous Service. Asst. Supt. of School Bldgs., Sunt. of Library Buildings, Supt. of Heating. Plants. Grade 10. Basic entrance salary: $150 a month This grade includes the following positions: NN �� Chiof of Nvonilo D�v�s�on Chief of school Division Chief of Circulation Division Chief of Periodical Division Chief of Reference Division Chief of Catalog and Order Division. Grade 11. Basic entrance salary: $175`a month. This grade includes the fbllowing positions: Library Service: Assistant Librarian Clerical: Accountant -Departmental. Grade 12. Basic entrance salary: X200 a month This grade includes the following positions: Superintendent of School Buildin3s. Grade 13. Basic entrance salary: $250 a month This grade includes the following positions: Director of School Hygiene. SECTION 8. SPECIAL SERVICE.- Appointments to any of the following enumerated employments may be made at not to exceed the maximum compensation prescribed below for such employment: Usher w .65� a performance '' 1.25 Maid, .....................• 2.00 n n Carriage•Caller,........•••••••• Doorkeeper ...................... 1.75 u Head Usher ...................... 2.50 Ticket Seller ................ .. 5.00 " Stage Electrician, .............. lectrician............... 8.33 per day Asst. Stage Electrician,........ 5.83 " Page--7--- G Propertyman................... y' 8.33 per day Assistant Propertyman......... 5.83 it Stage Carpenter, .... 50.00 per week Head Flyman................... 3.50 a performance Grips ......................... 3.00 �I n u Light Operators (Front)....... 3.50 �I Light Operators (Stage)....... 3.00 ';'!hen, -,ver it is necessary to employ any of the following during hours for which a prevailing and agreed-upon overtime rate is to be paid, the compensation payable for such overtime shall not exceed the following specified rates: Grips .................. .......$ .75 per hour LightOperators ............... .75 Property Clearers ............. .75 The rates of compensation provided for in this section shall not remain in force longer than for the term for which this scale of rates has been agreed upon, and in any event not longer than the date on which a different prevailing scale is adopted by private employers in this cit;; as the prevailin6 scale for similar employments; neither shall the rates provided for in this section be construed as standardized rates of pay within the intent and meaning of standardization as applied to the Grades ofe in Section 7 of this ordinance. SECTION 9 All salaries and wages of the officers and employes appointed and provided for in accordance with this ordinance shall be paid out of the funds appropriated for the various bureaus in said department. SECTION 10 All ordinances or parts of ordinances, or resolutions, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 11 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. yPgs Councilmen Nays Ferguson v -'McDonald V-rdatson u V"'Mr. Pres. (Hodgson).,. PUBLISIII;D 1.9 3 "�Alcy f%AW'14A Adopted by the Council iJtl 4 ;921 1921 Anproved 1921 Y A AAA-. a� 4), zle C -C fO x ......... F. No, 37616—prdinnnce No. 6 n ordinan a nppropriating the of Five Thousand Dollars ( the or [h purpose of paying check,T _ street railway traffic during 1922 Thi- rmergen r''/J 3'516 P10 . 5- 7 a, An ordinance appropriating the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000,00) for the purpose of paying checkers of street railway traffic during the year 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary %r the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: .Section 1. That the sum of Five Thousand Dollars is hereby appropriated and set aside from the Fifteen Thousand Dollars appropri- ated for the investigation of the St. Paul Gas Light Company and the .St. Paul City Railway Company (Department of Education 41.2) to the Investigation of Public Utilitiee fund (Department of Public Utilities, 66) for the purpose of paying checkers of street railway traffic during ,.the year 1922. / Section 2. This -ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered.. necessary. for -the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Teas Nays Mr.ancy 46'rguson`,c�� mucDonald Mat eon Smith BrSmith ' Wenzei Mr.FPresident (Hodgson) Approved ,its jZ1 Mayor Att a st City Clerk / �C113LISI 19 3l >, 17 N 6739— B �`y r� 3 F. No. 37617—Ordinance o. C F. No . a , ordinance aper p lDOI thn unrdinance NO • �f Ten Thousand r Dollars. ($lf ;100.00) for the pnurpose of purchf ng additional ear equipment S� eptacing bsolete d1e4uipe in ,.rblic Schools during the Yen*: D a is,nn emergency ordln^ r; An ordinance appropriating the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, 1(7$10,000.00) for the purpose of purchasing additional new equip- ment and replacing obsolete equipment in the Public Schools during the year 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (7$10,000.00) is hereby (g�?ropriated and set aside from the Fifteen Thousand Dollars (�p15,000.00) appropriated for the investigation of the St.Paul Gas Light Company and the St.Paul City Railway Company; Item 41-2 0£ the Department of Education funds to the equipment item of the Department of Education funds 41 , for the purpose of purchasing additional new equipment and replacing obsolete equipment in the Public Schools during the year 1922. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson t McDonald Matson ,`Smith I Wenzel /Mr. Pres. (Hodgson) Adopted by the Council AC 24 :911 1921. Approved 'LL 921 1921. Arrrsr, City clerk. ol— I N No. 37616—Ordinance No. 673 � ordt¢ance authorizin6 the aP /vlatton of the Yurther eum of O .�!Dollars 00) for 9 ��j77 l J ruction of tho Ta�d,nance ren Ordinance N0. i� F. NO. nnemersency 1, ,cessary for the preaerv¢[t' public peace, health and 01 nr c. An ordinance authorizing the appropriation of the further sum of Five Hundred Dollars (¢500.00) for the construction of the Tatum Annex. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECT ION 1. That the further sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to complete the Tatum Annex , is hereby appropriated out of the School Bond Fund #4000. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage,approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays l�Clancy /Ferguson VMcDonald Adopted by the Council ,//Matson UEl �-14 J& 1921. (Smith rVlenzel MA,. Pres. (Hodgson) Approved 1921. PvFdCY 1t� 41'3'k, t+` I � ID 3 A i r y L BY co MPT OLLEn. 1 AUDITED... ".� L... 9//... .192.......... / . ` 1 • Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 17_'34888 covering checks numbered _ 1638Q. to 15387 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council. ____.................... ...191...._-_. Ferguson, In favor McDonald Approved... _ ....... _ ._.... _.... ......192 - Matson, Smith, Against Wenzel. r. President, Hodgson C. No..27620— Resolved that warrar�ta .be drawn Byte tamount dteBsAt 342.26thcoverKlns cheeks ,nuerb... ee of o tY66heeks lon n ive In t e .oKlto ele of thele City Come' troller. 1921- Ado9 pted by the92u ti . Dec:'9, APPrbved Dec. 9; 1921: _ (Dec. 17,-1921)— ORIGINAL C 0-1 OF R2, Pd UL CITY CIERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER C—CIL 3'7 20 Form A A 46. IM 7-2I AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F=LE NO .... ........................._ 1396 BY/. _..._. COM ROLLHH..- { AUDITED ....... ............... .. i92....._... � .. / 1 PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $...17,342:.,26..... covering checks numbered.- 15380. _..__to.. 15387 _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( I, ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council....__..:.`:f ..... ...92 .................. In.......... Ferguson, In favor McDonald, APprov-�.... is.21...... ...... ..192.....---- .___.....-.._.. -.... Matson, Smith, ._-Against / rte ......................... Wenzel. MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson .......... ........._........._ 15380 Blekre Tire & Rubber Company, 331.99 Garage 15381 ntral Soap Company, 39.30 Water 15382 Herman R. 8bert, 27.00 Schools 15383 E. L. Finney, City Forester 1.20 Forestry Revl. 15384 F. W. Matson, Comer. of Finance 24.00 - Municipal Court 15385 F. W. Matson, Comir. of Finance 10,053.31 St. C. & R. 2,254.93 Sewer C. & R. 342.75 S. & S. Cing. 3,591.40 Bridge B. & R. 351.50 • Sprinkling 1,276.18 Docks, wharves, eta. 52,00 Paving Ddpreciation 782.00 Engineering & Insp. 1,063.30 L 1220 45.20 L 1300 294.05 Res. 1396 Page #2 15386 St.Paul Electric ComPnY, Schools 15387 Apron Skorish, L 1096 c: 9-> • 11 146.71 6,718,75 Council File Na PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of I'RFLIMINARY ORDERS. .... .. Rt.Pauh viz.: _ __.... _..... ____. C. P. NO. 57521— Abstract. Change the grades)R p ;he--. 'e 0.tentns p osal for from the Southeasterly line of Central Ave. west to a F 74111 saber[ resent north line of Univerd ty Ave. west and of University lore. C., Got from a.y- " 120' Qz.t of the east line of Robert street Itorth to Capitol Bonlavard and of 11"ra owe. from Cedar street to Robert Street Rath in accordance with the red lines on the profile® hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown thereon by blue linos, also grade Robert Street, University Ave. and Aurora !late. between the aforesaid limits and the curved`comtaction between Hobert Street and Unite varsity Ave., in accordance with the said red lines when establiehod; also the building of retaining malls and protective railings where necessary along and on the sides of the aforesaid streets as opened and widened and the rebuilding or under- pinning nderpinning of walls an intersecting and adjacent streets wAare the changing of grades or connection with other wells makes it nocaseary; also the relocation, relaying and recoufftraatien or the vataroalAo, sewara, gutters, curbs, oatahbasins, manholes, sidewalks and other etrustures on the aforesaid streets to conform to the necessities of the said Zrados when oats>>1t:;hotS, lilao building Ha^•rern on Univarait� Ave. from Capitol Boulavard to Jackson Street-, and drains behind bridge sbutmeAb and retaining wallal the building at a roinfiiraed aanareto nreh bridge reith abtct:Ments including the paving of hridga and ipproachss at the intersection of Oniveraity Ars. nest and caLlar' Street; the uildina of a sidewalk on 4 of the atarth �rsll of University ,We. betseeal *it4l Blvd. and Cedar Street sed the buildiq of-sidWsteps on top of thu sarth mall of University JW*, botnVon Cads Street mad a point 125' vat of the west lino of Robert etre ; also inolviing the protection, underpJaning and ehWea of build9np ethers neersoeary, and %ftra required to rehnild 16trane0 U Beta; ataao pariatg or repavin& boulgvardiaag, planting mod pratastia S shads user iutblling ormmsaj lute, sodding or seeding stapes end b41141AS eldhmalits On Robert %rest FAWth from the southeaotarly line of Chantal Are. 1hot to the MW Northline of Unbrersity ivm. Wet, UniVersity Aro. 1,7e9t, from the gees line of Robert street %rtb to the Fact Hae of PW* oafs. and the intersection St Robert -9t- and Univareity Are -i as opened and. widogod inaludbF curbing ad paviliff all a` 2q saki drivewey approaehec where doomed noesssary end making Sever, mater and ,gas *DWIso- tions from ttlo otroct mains to the propaxty line aemy►lette; also renlasing maoadom and surfacing on streets not paved, the adjustment of all sdjaesnt improvements on tho ar*oroseld uaroots or an sireots intersecting eeAS and the r 00111traetien of private sidevralks or steps to the extant nosessary to maks proper eonnsatift with the iVnvamwts herein coatemplatod, and awry other vork idsidental td cavi U4 out the abavr improvements. v` ter,. 'ang ornareasal lights, sodiing or soedint, elotpee erA hiildit,% sidevalke on Robert direst Nertk from the southoestarly line of Oelstral Are. seat to the new North line of University neo. cJest, Univerei.;r jwt+. ;eat, free t':c Yes[ line of Robert etrest ]worth to the Aast line of Park Ave. and the intersection of Robert It. and University Ave. an opened and widainac inal'Idinq ol&4l ig and prTirp„ all alloy, and driverW, appreachee where dnamasd necessary end making setter, water and gas eonnec- tions from the street mains to the property lint eomple'W; also rsPllt:.Xer, macadam and gurfacing on etreete rot prred, the adjustment of all adjacent improvements � jibe atoripsaid stt�eate lei; +bh riy#0#± .in4etYfes$3� tie ��id %?10 t#�rl��+r►>;e'io� . . of p a s�tdrxt?alitai Or Oil""io oile�e� aatNwoaary �q mralta prI►plar tsnas�ilM# ?nth the `!7'4rM instalscn$esplu#axl, end ztiyy .ear Rftx?c sncizlauGt�i? 'to rafa'S alit the ;aYdsys i."tprovtr:{llte. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written Droposal for the makine of the following improvement, viz.: Change the grades of Robert Street North from the Southeasterly line of Central Ave. &at to a point 270' north of the present north line of Usiverd ty Ave. feat and of University Ave. (lest from a point 120' Plat of the east line Of Robert Street north to Capitol Boulevard and of Aurora Ave. from Cedar Street to Robert Street North in accordance with the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown thereon by blue lines, also grade Robert Street, University Are. and Aurora Ave. between the aforesaid limits and the curved eonnem'cion between 7.obert Street and Uni- versity Ave., in accordance with the said red lines when established; also -the buildingid retaining walls and protective railings where necessary along and on the aides of the aforesaid streets as opened and widened and the rebuilding or under pinning of wb1le on 2•rtta"*ot:ing and adjacent streets where the aging of grades or connection with other walls m0mas it necessary; also thu ralooation, relaying and reconetnacaion of tht ww.oraaln3, 3avara. Zgsaserrt, Barba, aatchb*sa=no, manholes, sidewalks and othor strualuras on the aforeoaid streets to conform to the necessities of the said grados who= established, iso builiin3 uower:j ata U-tivar31ty Ave. from Capitol Joulavc rd to •Tankson Areet, arra drains behind bridge abu mo=ts and retaining wails; the building of u raiafarasa wu; e a e}°vil hr:.w,;:> :t'': obi annus including the A' t of bridge and approaches at the intersection of University i-,%). Nest and Cedar Arcot; the 6uilaia6 of s 3idava•Uz on to,, of -,he :.o: ih ;n11 Of University Are. between Capitol 3lvd. crud Cedar Street and Vie tnsilding of sidewalk end steps on top of the north -call of University lad. be i• Nvam, Cnd v Ctrm'yt and a point 1251 west of the crest line of Aober't stroet; aiso including the protatrtion, underpinning and ohaugaa of auildiags where necessary, and irhouo re:quirad •te rebuild entrances to same; miso paying or repaving, boulerarding, planting and protecting shade trees installing ornmaecntal lights, sodding or seeding elopes and bidding aidewalks on Robert f3reet North from the southeasterly line of Central Ave. East to the new North line of Univeroity Ave. deaf:, University Ave. ;:Dot, I mm the :lest line Of Robert itrost North to the Xast line of Park Ave. and the intersection of Robert St. and University Ave. as opened and widened inn :9 ni; otarr4 g and pr,,rir, all alley and driver approaches where doomed neeesoary and making saver, water and gas connoo- tions from the street rosins to the property lane eeallv2 ; also ropina.xr macadam and ourfaeing an streste not paved, the adjustment of all adjacent iagerovements aDn3 tAe ,tforNsaid at oetaf dR rtxWf#� into vodting,sarab 04; tho z4mAtts4��qua 1�f,rat+A ai3aniYxti :fr Atm f� *44 44A oat pessary to ® , seiano u1.h the igsrel►smsnts horei9 nrtes�piutato .and axy suns;. work melds ai to cwlr in til. isva' inprOv�xadatw. Sr:w, ..r. Y" � _ J'•,. 1.... it ,, Dated this /trlay of "ecember _ 19121 a. ff Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written Droposal for the makine of the following improvement, viz.: Change the grades of Robert Street North from the Southeasterly line of Central Ave. &at to a point 270' north of the present north line of Usiverd ty Ave. feat and of University Ave. (lest from a point 120' Plat of the east line Of Robert Street north to Capitol Boulevard and of Aurora Ave. from Cedar Street to Robert Street North in accordance with the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown thereon by blue lines, also grade Robert Street, University Are. and Aurora Ave. between the aforesaid limits and the curved eonnem'cion between 7.obert Street and Uni- versity Ave., in accordance with the said red lines when established; also -the buildingid retaining walls and protective railings where necessary along and on the aides of the aforesaid streets as opened and widened and the rebuilding or under pinning of wb1le on 2•rtta"*ot:ing and adjacent streets where the aging of grades or connection with other walls m0mas it necessary; also thu ralooation, relaying and reconetnacaion of tht ww.oraaln3, 3avara. Zgsaserrt, Barba, aatchb*sa=no, manholes, sidewalks and othor strualuras on the aforeoaid streets to conform to the necessities of the said grados who= established, iso builiin3 uower:j ata U-tivar31ty Ave. from Capitol Joulavc rd to •Tankson Areet, arra drains behind bridge abu mo=ts and retaining wails; the building of u raiafarasa wu; e a e}°vil hr:.w,;:> :t'': obi annus including the A' t of bridge and approaches at the intersection of University i-,%). Nest and Cedar Arcot; the 6uilaia6 of s 3idava•Uz on to,, of -,he :.o: ih ;n11 Of University Are. between Capitol 3lvd. crud Cedar Street and Vie tnsilding of sidewalk end steps on top of the north -call of University lad. be i• Nvam, Cnd v Ctrm'yt and a point 1251 west of the crest line of Aober't stroet; aiso including the protatrtion, underpinning and ohaugaa of auildiags where necessary, and irhouo re:quirad •te rebuild entrances to same; miso paying or repaving, boulerarding, planting and protecting shade trees installing ornmaecntal lights, sodding or seeding elopes and bidding aidewalks on Robert f3reet North from the southeasterly line of Central Ave. East to the new North line of Univeroity Ave. deaf:, University Ave. ;:Dot, I mm the :lest line Of Robert itrost North to the Xast line of Park Ave. and the intersection of Robert St. and University Ave. as opened and widened inn :9 ni; otarr4 g and pr,,rir, all alley and driver approaches where doomed neeesoary and making saver, water and gas connoo- tions from the street rosins to the property lane eeallv2 ; also ropina.xr macadam and ourfaeing an streste not paved, the adjustment of all adjacent iagerovements aDn3 tAe ,tforNsaid at oetaf dR rtxWf#� into vodting,sarab 04; tho z4mAtts4��qua 1�f,rat+A ai3aniYxti :fr Atm f� *44 44A oat pessary to ® , seiano u1.h the igsrel►smsnts horei9 nrtes�piutato .and axy suns;. work melds ai to cwlr in til. isva' inprOv�xadatw. f •..Y r ; .. £r !. K - !. uJ !L .. r. _ V•... :t is 5",-.7 .I.I;2:•�), :.v, 1. !1 r i Y"••. ': i;i rrh+ .. , , ^r, t _ .. _,. •; ,y { ;iigJ . i ,",'� .':l` .���k"�`lt ��'�F'�.?'r�%',$.yF°4+%'tSt-� .kr.,=:S»s,. �,. .rr ..: �:. �m'''�,*���':;_ sr.'�F•�. �`'1°•�'�7SuLY�', I�. a ,h'"!,.r'sf� aw.. _ate �.,...-.t'.._,,. _, q...c'-�F..o_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orderer) and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the follow ng other_ aba and iaLeraratiarr'relaYft2 Cd fi fYYimprorement: _ .__ �,�;o'state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _ _ 7. :.191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved 191 _....... Hyland Keller McColl i Wunder) h �r✓%� `// )mayor Irvin May r. .oaM c e 5/ T +i 11 I` f •..Y r ; .. £r !. K - !. uJ !L .. r. _ V•... :t is 5",-.7 .I.I;2:•�), :.v, 1. !1 r i Y"••. ': i;i rrh+ .. , , ^r, t _ .. _,. •; ,y { ;iigJ . i ,",'� .':l` .���k"�`lt ��'�F'�.?'r�%',$.yF°4+%'tSt-� .kr.,=:S»s,. �,. .rr ..: �:. �m'''�,*���':;_ sr.'�F•�. �`'1°•�'�7SuLY�', I�. a ,h'"!,.r'sf� aw.. _ate �.,...-.t'.._,,. _, q...c'-�F..o_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orderer) and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the follow ng other_ aba and iaLeraratiarr'relaYft2 Cd fi fYYimprorement: _ .__ �,�;o'state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _ _ 7. :.191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved 191 _....... Hyland Keller McColl i Wunder) h �r✓%� `// )mayor Irvin May r. .oaM c e 5/ T Sccount of raving 3 d 6.22 Council File No ................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Sewer on Keough Ave. from a -point 20 ft. west of St. Paul, viz.: ...........:....._......._....................._.-- - .............. - ........................... - ...._. tiThite Bear Ave._ and on 47hite Bear -Lve. from --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9th a.., s December, ....1921.' .................... 191........-.. ... WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Sewer on Keough Ave. from a point 20 ft. west of Van - ---------- Dyke Ave. -to 71hite Bear Ave. and on "rlhite Bear Ave. from of--- --- --- ...- ....... ......... Ke.augh.: Sve.,..................................................... ............... ----- ----------- _... .... .....-................ having been presented to the Council of theCityof St. Paul by Councilman ...................................... ........ _. _........._....._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 'i6fartm'h 4b f 1_ 1 �' �etlacr d ♦ d informati n rel ty + ^^:�:,,'n•,'•,••.•••ent.__------------------- --___......._..... .........-.........................:--....................... .......... ...... _............................. ............................... .......................... _....... I.. ............... .— .................. .. .state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .........................................���..............._...191....:.._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth i)i( _9 9 1)1 GossApproved.............. ... ...... ................................. 191.....__. Hyland Wulndertic j McColl % / Mayor Irvin Mayor' pI,1BLISl-I19 S Council File No, ............ �. e...CP-2-3 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT W and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:...........Plant and protect shade trees on both sides of ..............................................................................--......–............................ I St-.-_Clair.-.Street from Cretin-- 4venue to the y ississ--- diver_ . Boulev ar d..... .... ..... -------- ------ --- -- — -- ---- Dated this .......... 9t1?... day of ... . DeeemLer ...1.9..21. .... 191. .... - C. P No 2752$ [.betract. osAl 1Vhere4f�the Lo loNlns 1mPT`' Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Plant and protect shade trees on both sides -.0f St. _Clair Street -_from Cretin Avenue to the lliississippi River ............_......._...........__....__ ............................... ..._...._.........--- ...................--...._.._........._.....__..............--.._.......-I... .... .......... __._....._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..................................... _........ _. .._...._..-...._.__ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. e o owin T3R9C.WA=t Y,e,;tA-Ap.4?mprovement;........ -........ _........ ................ state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. J. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �. Adopted by the council ........ _.: '.=. —.......•Q �.I�21.. ....................191......_. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ........ ..... I9Z...... Hyland ......Keller MuC0e ............. _..... ........ ...........-...... 191.......... ......... ......... Mayor Irvin Mayor. ROItM C e-6 / 51 'C-5 .=1vq 57624=0rdtnan6e 'No. 67a r By H 4 WBazel An ordina ho approDrlatlund the num of Flva Thousand Six Hundred Fifty7tzt for tnewng,Sof Dating the coatenglnearJngw19onforthYear.1822This `ie as emBrgancy, or - dins.. render d aeGe eery for the preservation f: th public peace, alth ..d safety, th J v of St. Paul Ln VA An ordinance appropriating the sum of Five Thousand, Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($5,650.00) for the purpose of paying the cost of engineering services on various projects for the year 1982. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserve - tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Five Thousand, Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($5,650.00) is hereby appropriated and set aside from the City Planning Commission item of the General Fuad, to the Salary item, Bureau of Engineers, Department of Public Works for the year 1922, for the purpose of paying the cost of engineer Ing services on various projects for that year. Section 2. This ordlnanoCW hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council UES gt Teas Nays Bir : °Cls,aoy = erguson VgcDoaald 'Alat eon ;'Smith Wenzel �•:w President--(Hodgecrr>;`)"'"` Approved v; q ✓TEST / a r � ; � ` .Ma clip Q PF7TiLTSF1i17 3 —ro An v ` No 37626 OY4inanee -0, 6723,7 '�c,.5 w H C Wenzat f' �5 '. ordtaance,.-npyroprta0.a the r' ` Two Thousand Dollars (;202f, so muchthereoE ae. rematne r nded at -tfie end oY ;the Year„, he purpose oYPUTCha9ln -^• Yo1922s 4 e r An ordinance appropriating the sum of Two Thousand Dollar# ($2,000.00) or so much thereof as remains unexpended at the end of the year 1921, for the purpose of purchasing now equipment for the Fire Department for the year -1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) or so much thereof as may be unexpended'at the end of the year 1981, is hereby appropriated and set aside from the Other Expense item of the Street and Sewer Cleaning Fund (35) to the Other Expense item of the Bureau of Fire Fund (23) for the purpose of purchasing new equipment for the Fire Department for the year 1922. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council DEC 7 ;92i Yeas ur Y©lanoy //Ferguson inald 2ats r�ateon t'Smith =9Penzel Nays Approved DEC 27 A21 J eS; r C.' F. No../OrdinanceNo. I `; By J M Clancy CL',F. No: 376ECrdlnance N 6734 PY J M.Clancy t1n' ..... .. p i ting tha o One T _r., d 151 000.00) S or th purpo of Purchnal ' � An ordinance appropriat�:Tr„aPn nt for noB:oral. Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars for the purpose ; i`etheocpnbuo peace. he 4P equipment for the Bureau of Fire. This ia;e?oty. ,rdinance rendered neceas- ary ,for the preservation {'Council of th�,Ji,o peace, health and safety. ordain: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDIIN: SECTION 1. That the sum of Five Hundred ($5500.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the Salaries Item, General Administration Fund, and the sum of Five Hundred (4500.00) Dollars out of the Other Expenditures Item, General Adminis= tration Fund, Department of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings, to the New Equipment Item, Fire Fund No. 23 for the purchase of new equipment in 1922. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be anemergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council DEC 27 `921 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy /Ferguson ;- Matson Smith ,Wenzel �X- �i3adgaon ) Approved Attest: oy4141 Mayor � 77 i' F No 57627—Ordlno,nce No x673, ry BY n ordlnanc grantln6 io the 9t. Rau! V°`-ef�" Baeaball..Corporatlon: perinlssion to . r_ 11 'a driveway from. i,esin8 '✓ n avenue to ita ProPertY.at Uni- F{� c 3�yt9Fd el4y and Ledfnton avenues. �'-�`[ �66// •he C1LY o[ St;. P, i4 .0 f An ordi nce granting to the St. Paul Baseball Corporation permission'to construct a driveway from Lexington avenue to its "property at University and Lexington avenues. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the St. Paul Baseball Corporation to construct and maintain an eleven-foot driveway from Lexington avenue, across the boulevard, to the property of said St. Paul Baseball Corporation, loc-ted at the southwest corner of University and Lexington avenues, as shown upon the blue-print hereto attached. Section 2. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said St. Paul Baseball Corporation for the construction of said driveway, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said driveway shall be constructed under the super vision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall -, pay the cost of inspection, if any.. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said driveway. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said driveway shall be removed and the boulevard restor- ed to its original condition whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. rye :i v Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council )�c 27 !921 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald r Matson Smith Wenzel Approved kt X7:921 MaY6 JQ A+ t ,t 4114- Q, .11, G'City C_ -rk An ordinanoe granting to the St. Paul Baseball Corporation Permission to construct a driveway from Lexington avenue to its. property'at University and Lexington avenues. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the St. Paul Baseball Corporation to construct and maintain an eleven -feat driveway from Lexington avenue, across the boulevard, to the property of said St. Paul Baseball Corporation, located at the sou0w6st corner of University and Lexington avenues, as shpwn upon the; ,blue -print hereto attached. 8eotion 3. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds anA.l,ublio Buildin&'is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said St. Patin Baseball Corporation for the construction of said driveway, upoX# said lidehsee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said driveway shall be constructed under the vision Wnd direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the'obst of inspection, if any. '(2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of.;St. Paul in"the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), oonditiorid[a to saveItbe City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liabilitg, judgme#A', damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construct°ion, maintenance, ueB, presenoe or.removal of said driveway. The said bond shall be in such form ae" y be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall haus- uch surety ao 'may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filedmith the Oity,"Comptroller. (3) Said driveway shall be removed and the boulevaid,"stor- r ed to its original condition whenever the Council shall so order. "`(4) Said lioensee shall, within ten days after the pass.age of this` ":ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof vvith the City Clerk, An such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. seotion 3. This ordinance shall take effeot and be in•.`, foroe thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Counoil Yeas ' Mays Attest Mr. Clanoy 'Ferguson MoDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved _ City Clerk JOHN L F 71CY Mr. A. E. Nelson, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Offire of (Qif' (Perk JAS.J. MINER CtIl of Dain# Paul ... , �.... �V;> December 2nd, 1921. Atthe Council meeting held this morn- ing the attached communications from the St. Paul Baseball Corp. requesting a permit to co gxnetruct an eleven foot driveway from Lngtor ,;:Avenue to the property with its center 71'3" from the -building Line of University Avenue, et al, were referred to lyou for -GYe proper form of ordinance. Yours truly, 3 enc. ( CITY CLERK. ��� JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER - - _ J. E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of darks, Plaugrounbs • aub public suilaings OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER . 219 COURT HOUSE December 1, 1921 Mr. F. A. Nussbaumer, Supt. of Parks,. Office. Dear Sir: In reporting on construction on Parkway at S.w. corner of -Lexington Ave. and University Ave. as requested in attached letter allow me to recommend as follows: First, That the 12 ft. driveway on Lexington Ave. side be allowed n.4 Second That the moving of one tree (at their expense) be done by us. (see plan) Third, That sewer connection at the location noted on plan be allowed on condition that the surface of the parkway be put back in condition as follows: After sewer is put in the soil shall be settled thoroughly with water to sub -grade of the dawn and that suitable black loam to a depth of nine inches be replaced over that portio o h ar disturbed incident to the sewer constructtInn'n tb-l" ..,disturbed area be sodded or seeded with sod or seed proved by and subject to supervision of this department and that the sod or seed after being put in be properly cared for and maintained for one year under supervision of this department, by the applicant for the permit. Fourth That the application for permission for areaways noted be denied. Fifth, That the application for service walk on the parkway be denied, for the reason that the entrance to the drug store at the n.e.corner of the building is deemed sufficient for deliveries and therefore not sufficient reason or demand exists for another walk across the parkway to the rear door of the store. Yours very truly, `�City For ester` 1 �:. e �,. tom° - CITY OF ST. PAUL– OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL. FORM PRESENTED BY C V� eY2i 3 Deo --2-- -P 1921. COMMISSIONER...._ ...... ..........,. __ _______ __. __.____._. _ __._....._..__.x.___.._.... - _____. PATE.______.__. RESOLVED. Zn tri matter of constru.ctirsg' a sewew 0 r J Belvidere Street from South Robert 6tre`e-, to l' 80 Wit. west of Bivingstom Avenue, under Preliminary } Order 0- _ 7-7,-33872 , approved April 26, 3-921-, and Final Order C. F. 7#L36786, approved October 19,. 2921. pZescZved, That -the plans, specifications and estimated c_uantities as submitted for the above vaned improvement be and the s,i=Lo 2,re iereby .y, approved and the Commissioner o: Public worl:s -be a•nd he is hereby directed to do the Ivor% by Force Account and f,Ia the Purchasing Agent secure and advertise for bids for the necessa2?y material. 1 Iter ofBc nst c. nV eazel— Q � 1 ter of try ti � sewer 1 In th¢ t et Yrom South Rob i •[j%��J�y y. on $elvi.de re Str t of TVI_pc 1 ^f . - ert Street to 80 Yeet ton Avenue, under Preliminary der C. F. No. 33872. approved April 6„ - H Y921, and Final Order 36�j"T�:'��0 ti pproved Oct. 19. 1921. Resolved. -'hat theplans. spas lsub- `- tloz�s d estimated cava e rri.ittad Yor the abov 3 tt h r¢,bvoaP- -anent be d the sa Te e proved a the Comma i r. oY t -a z •rte �. a o directed to Works b¢ and he f hereby - - - do- t ,s work id Force Account an LLL Lha Purchasing Agent se Cu - erose for bide for the ne a sary a. c tertal.1s21 ' Adopted by the Council Dec Y'O,- Arove ppd Dec. 10, 1921. - (Dec. 17-11921921 ) •£` -` '. Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays ' ncy Adopted by the 19— erguson C) r- C 0 19 2 i McDonald ha favor Approv...... -___— Matson Smit6� Agaunsi-----_-"� ----- _ Yi row / Wenzel Mr. President ►ORY 9Y II�10 - CITY OF NT. PAUL CUACINFLICATI TO CITY CLgAs COUNCIL j�T� FILE No................. �� (((��9 By G 31PTSOLLSIi, AUDITED le: ( PER I ..... 1.`..... 1 L r. ...� . v 1 � p hh 8 �p � �� caverin !3 Resoled that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the a88re8ate amount of $.....t..........�......................... checks numb ered.1838.E to. _16397 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, yeas Councilmen Nays. USC LU 921 Clancy, Adopted by the Council. ............................................192......... McDonal In favor Approved ..............._..... ..... ._.......L........�!. Matson, Smith, Wenzel, ........ Against Mr, Tresident, Hodson II ,.e "'dre�wnl • d CITY OP B2. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 37529 , Furor 6 A ac, IM 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P=L� NO._.. ...... _......._....._ DEC 1 0(� 192!}1,io. AUDITED V lab6. 1 PERZIflP42-9 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amoun...________..., covering checks numbered 153188 _ to.. .. 15397_ _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council .-.--...... 192 ---•- Ferguson, In favor L.DMcDonald, Matson, PP ov�/_%.....................192.......... Smith, ._....._...Against r _..._.. ..........._................................. Wenzel. . 21AYOR Mr. ,resident, Hodgson 15388 ......................................... Chicago Flag & Decorating Company, _................... _............ 5.29 Schools 15389 Cochran -Sargent Company, 478.51 P. Bldgs. 15390 Deegan Supply Company, 49.09 Johnson H.S. Library 15391 Denver 91re Clay Company, 323.40 Schools 15392 Fielding & Shepley, 2,407.44 Repaving W. Seventh St. from Tuscarora to Seven Corners 15393 Sterling Printing Company, 47.55 Police 14.25 Schools 8.00 R 25.30 15394 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, 43.70 Mayor's Office 4.90 Police 1.56 Schools 37.24 15395 Superior Refining Company, 115.99 Sc$ ools Res. 1397 Page #2 15396 Twin City Hardwood ooCompany, 15397 Victory Printing ComPanY, rrtd. forms and blks. 18.50 New Charter Expense 12.00 15.50 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 82.00 Pol. & F. Alarm 17,00 So$nols 34.50 n 22.00 p 34.25 p 22.00 Wator 14e75 1_ 940 n 413.42 231.90 C CITY OF ST. PAUL FELEOUNCIL : * NO............... ....L0 .......' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. _.._Ci....... ................... .... �.......�J....... DATE....... RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Lich/ COAieany is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by e,ectin Poles and st,i,ginz wires thereon for the transmission of elec- tricity on end in the fallowin¢ allege and mreets of said city: Deco 3, 1921 Install One pole on the south Bide of the alley north of Ridgewood Street, in .the rear of #953 Ridgewood Street, with necessary guys and anchors Commercial lighting. All each extensions, Poles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and su Pervislon of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thin- subject to the vFovisions of Ordinance No. 2121, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All Poles should be set in such locution in said alleys aad streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall desl¢nate, and shall be of such height andhac arter be shall designate and approve, and any and all such poles shall be taken down and removed, and such wires Placed under¢round whenever the Council shall deem that the Public interest so requires, end wban it shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council .,.........�..._.......... 192,........ Ferguson - McDonaldr i► 921 _..,lo favor Adopted . ._. ___......_._....192.......... Matson Smith Against Wenzel MCYOR Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE,rolt. No...............t,.)..�r..�. . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY I COMMISSIONEA........................ ............... ................. _ IJATE.........._........__......._................ .................. _............ RESOLVED - That the St. Pnul Go, Licht Comvavy ie hereby ordered and directed to a,t,,d Its electrical lines by erectiv¢ poles and stdr ain¢ wires thereon for the transmission of elec- tricity ov and in the Lollowiu¢ alley, nad streets of said city: .� 37631—Hy hH.e 6t C. We -. ed, "'t the . Pa" ul dt. . mpany Is hereby ordered a•, Dec. 7, 1921 to extend Its steetrlcal lir: i ng Palesthet and stri aelunling, In,the followl,n Install d tiler: Three poles on the south side of the alley north of Fauquier Street,one west and two east of Clarence Street. Twouipoles on the north side of Acker Street, west of Buffalo Street, with necessary guys and anchors. eet. One pole north side of alley north of Osceola Avenue, fourth west of Lexington Avenue. Commercial lighting. Three poles, one pole at the foot of Plum Street, at path below hill, one on Commercial Street north of Plum Street, and one on the south east corner of Commercial and Plum Streets, with necessary guys and anchors. Municipal Lighting. All such eatensiona, poles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and ,no... W.n of the Commissioner of Public Utilltic, and in all thine, subject to the provision, of Ordivavice No. P/E,, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Pont. All poles nho,ld be set in each location in said alleys and streets ae the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall deal¢nate, and shall be of such height and character a, he shall designate and approve, end any nad all such pules shall be taken dowv and removed, cad such canes placed underground wbenever the Council ,hall deem that the public jvtere,t an requires, and when it shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council 192, Ferguson I, McDonald In favor Adopted, J`J2! 192 Matson Smith Against Wenzel x,31;.1, 9 al Mr. President -'��= council. ..._. .! CITY OF ST. PAUL F'�E No ----3 "'-4.-e_(,'y/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B\'4'DATE COMMISSIONER .... ............ ._.._.......-' RESOLVED: .. by ereeuna vnlea and sviv¢in¢ wires thereon for the lransmisgiav eI elec- That the St. Paul Gee LIIht Cornea is hereby ordered and directed to exte.d id — , tricity on and iv the following . kya and streets of said chr: .Thnty h'e C.BWeniel i I tY le hereby orderer .end Jr. electrical Dec. 2, 19'21 etringinc Install Two poles on the south side %f the alley south of Woodward Avenue, west of Bradley Street. reet, west of Buffalo Street. Two poles on the north side of Acker St One pole. on the south side of Elizabeth Street, second east of Winslow Avenue. Two poles on the east side of the alley west of Cretin Avenue, south of palace Street. - Commercial lighting. Fourpoles on the north side of St.Anthony Avenue, one west and three east of Finn- Avenue. Three poles on the west side of Saratoga Avenue, one north and two south of P_pc,e'ola Avenue. Municipal 1 i-ght ing. With necessary guys and anchors. R• All such erte.sio... Doles and wires shall be erected and constructed .oder the direction and sunervision or the Commissioner of Public Utilitiea and in all things subject to the vrovislona of Ordinenee No. 2141, and be all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of SL Paul. All .olw should ba set in such location in said alleys and street. as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall desi¢nato, and shall be of such height and haraeter a he shall de`eresr, an res and when it shell sand o -der. es shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed underground whenever the Co.ncil .bell deem that the vublic Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council..........!1 r.... «.... ... 192..,...... Clancy Q� �21... _....... Ferguson 8} I39i McDonald Adopted... 192.......... _.._......_..,In favor _.._..._. Matson �� SmithAgainst.... .......1............_.............. Wenzel Mr. President 37533 t` y A f couNclt .3 7533 CITYOF ST. PAUL rl�E NO ............................................ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM K PRESENTED SY / e COMMISSIONER........................... 'R"Ls/�--.-�. DATE............._...........___................................................ RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Light Com Davy is hereby ordered and directed .to extend its electrical lines by erecting poles and strinaine wires thereon for the transmission of all on aad in the f.111—leg alleys and streets of Bald city: All such extensions, poles and wires Bbell be --adand constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and is all thin¢. subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2429, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of SL Paul. All poles should be set in such location in said alleys and streets as the Commissioner or Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such height and haracter a he shall designate and approveIt shall eo. ,Pat-- shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed underground whenever the Council sball deem that the public d whon Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council......__:J'_:�_..f 9.)...:c 2.1............. -192_,,..... Ferguson McDonald In favor Adopted _._ _._... _..._192......._. b Matson Smith Against _............... __ ..... ...__....._ MAYOR Wenzel I5iI3 Mr. President Dec, 6, 1921 Install Two poles on the west side of the alley east of Affeade Street, north of Cottage Street , and two on the south side of the alley north of Cottage Street, east of Arcade Street. Commercial Lighting. Two poles on the south side of Wheelock Parkway, first east and first west of Kent Street. Run i c ip al lighting. With necessary guys and C. F. No. 3""—By 7: M. Clancy— Resolved, T'hn.t the Commissie— of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Build- - Ings be and he Is hereby directed to have the City Archi[oc[ -proceed atl by force a unt, with the re-' pairs to be ode at the hfunlclpal Em -i ployme nt office, the cost of such repairs _ .ng esllmattd at the. sum of 'Four, Hundred Fifty Dollars ($900.00), said amount, or so much thereof as y be, s ry, to be paid from tho Muni-� cipal Erupt oyment Bureau item of the: Put General Fnd (112). - Adopted by the Council Dec. 10, 1921. Approved Dec. 10, 1921. (Dec.. 17-1921) t All such extensions, poles and wires Bbell be --adand constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and is all thin¢. subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2429, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of SL Paul. All poles should be set in such location in said alleys and streets as the Commissioner or Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such height and haracter a he shall designate and approveIt shall eo. ,Pat-- shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed underground whenever the Council sball deem that the public d whon Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council......__:J'_:�_..f 9.)...:c 2.1............. -192_,,..... Ferguson McDonald In favor Adopted _._ _._... _..._192......._. b Matson Smith Against _............... __ ..... ...__....._ MAYOR Wenzel I5iI3 Mr. President j4 G4 OF ST. PAUL COU CIL NO. OF OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE�Y r .............................................................................:................... DATE.................................._.- .................. .-_------- RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby directed to have the City Archi- tect proceed at once, by force account, with the repairs to be made at the Municipal Employment office, the cost of such repairs being estimated at the sum of Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450.00), said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid from the Municipal Employment Bureau item of the General Fund (113). Yes U) Councilmen ('J) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson l Smith } Wenzel Mr. President 1..N leoo 1-1 C. F. No. 3'L'hat use s Comm ssionor f Resolvod, Parks. Playgroundnd Puhlic Iiuild- Ings be n d he oto itecty proceed Lt have the for o e- by Yorce account, with tho paI,. too udeiat the ➢funlclp nl nits p loyment office. -the cost dY such Se four .ng tlmuttd at the mj Hundrdifty [Donl herofs nOmaY abs 1 ji cf Bs 1, oro ut it to bot Yre m thse illunl- �'pul Employment 73urenu item of the General u,d (112). Adopted by the Council Dec. 16, 1921. Approved Doc. 10, 1921. Q `� 'I IDo.. J-, -1921) ) _ _ Adopted by the Council. :'.:: _ .... ^........._..._._ In favor APPT ------ ----- -- :) _` 1.1...192 ---- _...._._.....Against �.._.......�' JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J. E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST. PAUL Repartmrnt of Parks, Plaggrounks Auk Public builain$s OFFICEOF COMMISSIONER 219 COURT HOUSE St Paul Minh D@ceTaber 5th 1921 Mr.J.M.Clancy Commissioner of Parks Playgrounds & Public Buildings. Dear Sir, - According to your instructions I have today visited the Municipal Employment office for the purpose of estimating the cost of rep- airs that are to be made there,- According to Mr.Morgen who is in charge 11 the following work is to be done, - Wash and Paint Ceiling,(this is a metal Ceiling) Kalsomine walls down to dado. (Wash down first) Patch & PAAnt Dado down to base. Varnish all woodwork Bronze all Radiators Put on new Radiator Valves where required Put on new Air Valves where required Put in new Switch in Cabinet for Ceiling light Install Ekhaust Fan over Transom on Street front I estimate the amont of this work at $ 4S0.00. (This amount is for a first class Jo -b in all respects.) Re s pe c t fu�llyAYourC�s� Supt of Construction A. 4 PRESENT I. �yy COMMISSIONER.-.., ....: '."."'. :............. CITE' OF. ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIQN—GENERAL FORM DATE._,.. Da,c emb er... 7,.--1921-_-_--: I.L. NO.__........._ 5 35 That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing to the Water Department 5000 cu.yds. gravel, at '.2.50 per cu.yd. and 2500' cu.yds. silica sand at $1.40 per cu.yd. to J. L. Shiely Company, tjey being the lowest responsible bidder, total amount of con - £,act $16,000.00, in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of dater, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporiktion Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.H. No. 4221. Ancil Dec. 10. 1921 j ADDroved Dec. I0, (Dec. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ..... J`r- F �-.9�1. -192------ Ferguson McDonald In favor Approve - --`--`--r - j1---9.2!-.._-'- 1,922-- ... Matson C� Smith _Against - --- ......... ........................ . MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President IORM ieoo �o-ai CITY OF ST. PAUL M.�alL No... ..37536 - :E OF THE CITY CLERK IESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l .9 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...... .. / j;C/.................................................................. DATE..DflCB7Ilbe1....,....s�.�,ea.-------------- RESOLVED That the Purchasi Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purcha�`, with the consent of the Comptroller, 48 complete sets of American History daps, from Denoyer-Geppert Company, at a total price not to exceed $2330.40, without asking for competitive bids, as these maps are copyrighted and no advantage could be gained.thereby. Charge School Outlay 41.7k nithout aslcin9. for cop- s ps aro cop - the" mae dvantaSscould be by, ,Changs School 0ut- 3ece Council 1921. Dec. 10, 1921. ruse. 17-1921) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council..... -� '- -- 192.------. Ferguson McDonald In favor APpr ---- ........ ........._.....1 92. Matson Smith..._......_...Against - ......................... .................. Wenzel 1 Mr. President roam 1500 10 -21 CITY OF ST. PAUL spa c NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r . PRESEN /n//J_ "CDUN �{','ftE LUTION---GENERAL FORM TEDD /. �/. ✓.............�Z I ,..,,, / . COMMISSION ..-.. :_. ... .... [%LluvV......... DATE December 1.0,.19 21 .............. RESOLVED That the PurchasiXig Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to issue a purchase order, with the consent of the Comptrolbr To the Acme White Lead & Color Works in the sum of $300.00, for making eight sketches for decorating the Auditorium. Charge Auditorium -B. C. F. No. 27637—By L R. S. Ferguson— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent he, and he is hereby authorized to is. purchase order,, with the White consent Lead oPathe Comptroller to the Acme &Calor Worl<a ithe sum f $300.00, for malting eightn sketches for decorating the Auditolum. Charge Auditorium -B. Adopted by the Council Dec. 10, 1921. Approved De C. 30, 1921. (Dec. 17-1921) Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ..........-J ...._t..11..: �._-.._._.__..._ 19........ Ferguson 19 _.InEavor Approved ...._ _ -- .. 1t LQ)...L°,Yl_........_.._......._ McDonald Matson Smith ...._ .............._.Against Wenzel MwYOe Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL i-UNCILNO.---S�f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM '-. PRESENTED BY H. C. Menzel - Dec. 9, 1921.. , COMMISSIONER........ ........ .......... ........ ......... ......... ................................. .................... DATE ......................... ........... RESOLVED lti In the matter of construction a sewer on Randolph Street from Edgecumbe Road to Victoria St., with lateral connections to the north line of Street at -the intersections of Randolph St, with Edgecumbe.:Road and Chatsworth St., and also sewer on Victoria St, from James St. to Randolph. St. Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Rynstructin6e ase z wer jIn them °° Randolph Street from Fth late ., on Road to victorla Street, Ith lateral street �y ;, connections to the north Ilne oY etion Rand°bats- It1hint ♦ Ith f;dg mbo Road ea n Victoria 3 Worth St fl d Igo St. from Jame St. to Randolph St. That all orders, In the Resolved above matt e b and the s ar°eehers- nude re laded y cancelled. annulled In such matter $Is- l all proceedings eo Co Dec. 10, 1921. Adopted by the Adopted 19E7 - Approved Dec. 10. (Dec. 17-1021) ii Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( v1) Nays_ Clancy Ferguson McDonald _._—_._........ In favor Matson Smith —.---_.__.....Against Wenzel Mr. President_ Adopted by the Council--it—f- to X921 Approv �EC._.1.�!1----19-- Mwrga =UNCtL 3'753` CITY OF ST. PALL sac NO.— -_ -- — -•— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .� A. E. SMITH DATE ........._12.-?�9..-.21 w..... COMMISSIONER ........ ......... ................... ............. ...... ....... --.................... ........... RESOLVED That the application of Julius Nikell for a lioense to operate a Restaurant at 256 w. 7th. St., be, and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Police Department. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Gancy Ferguson McDonald —. -------...In favor Matson Smith —__.......Against Wenzel No. 37539—BY A-. E. Si�otl r n That o'PP ato a• Resolved. 4oT licen lh LSt.. hreeein- Sultus Nlxell t ebY d Tied open y921. gostaunTent her llco DePa tm I m Adn t ed .n a 17 9 21)Dec. 10. MPPrte tDOo• Adopted by the Council ;JLC t`u 921 -- - 19-- Approv MwYOR �DeNCiI CITY OF ST. PAUL tE NO... YYY i. i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY A. E. SMITH- 12-10"21. COMMISSIONER......_ ............. .:.. .. .. .................. .. .................... DATE................................................................ ..... RESOLVED. That the following applications for a license to operate Hotel or Restaurants at the addresses indicated be, and the same(lare hereby granted and the City Clerk is hereby author- th t i ' to the cit ized to issue such license upon e paylli— -n y treas(xry of the customary fee, Theodore Mour&tis, 2113 Rest. John Erwin, E. 7th. St, Miss Florence Finn, 113 117. 19th. St. " C. E. Cotter, Ft. of Indian Mounds Hotel .John Tony, 154 Concord St. Rest. Louis K. Liggetts, 364 wabasha St. " C.S.Pawling & Chas.Arten, 230 F. 7th. St. " Tony Tork, 976 Arcade St. " Mrs. Wm. Viall, 60 w. 4th. St. " Edward Morran, 769 Raymond Ave. IT C. K. Blandin, 68 E. 4th. St. " Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ---------- In favor Matson Smith _ _.--.Against Wenzel Mr. President I6RM �MC2G i3.. C. F.No. 37640—By A. E. Smith— Resolved, That the folio Wing VP11- catiotlS for a license to operate Hotel r Restaurants at the addressee Indi- cated be, and the same hereby granted, -and the City C1erRris hereby authorized tp Issue such license 'upon the payment Into the city treasury of the customary fee: Theodore Mouratls, 313 E. 7th St., Restaurant. John Erwin, 241 E. 7th St., Restau r- ant. Miss Florence Finn, 113 W. 10th St., Restaurant. CW B. -Cotter, Ft. of Indian Mounds 110t.1. John. Tony, 164 Concord ,St., Restau- rant. Louts X. Llggetts, 364 Wabaeha St., Restaurant. - C. S. Pawing .& Chas. Arten, 230 E. 7th.St., Restaurant. - Tony Toric, 976 Arcade St., Restau- rant. - Mrs. wm. Viall, 60 W. 4th St:.'Res- taurant. Edward Morran. 760 Raymond Ave., Restaurant. 'C K. Blandin, 68 E. 4th St., Rest=- rant. Adopted by the Council Dec. 10, 1921. Approved Dec. 10, 1921. (Dec. 17-1921) r 1" f Adopted by the Council_.,__D�� DEC fu 1921 Approv-----------,—....------19-_.._, CITY OF ST. PAUL counc� 3 s QFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK CIOU-irICIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM l; PRESENTF�D By...... 12_-1.Q-2.1 �.---- :..,COMMISSIONER._...... ...: ________ rRi_—_-_. �____5, -BITS i.H................. .- .._.__ :_... ....... ...... RESOLVAD That the of Eddie Reddy for a license to operate a Soft 13ri3::.3&-- parlor at 7th. it Vlabasha Sts , be, and the same is hereby —r�-�ta3„ and the City Cleric is hereby authorized to issue such 1icznseupon the payment ir_to the fifty treasury of. the custoTq-=y fez. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( J) N ays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President 't'►ORM tM R -SO - 37 41�g the Eddte olved That E- Smfth� . �( I ed rt DRnkdP heor s.t 7 henpof Walate ar Sts., b ned ' PdYmen [o fossae suchr�s �sa h b gy bran to _ r' c Ado arY Pee.th CI[Y Tr asuruPoryy the b y or, he uncfi the 'APproved DeC.elOo 1921. Deo_ 10. Z92 17-192 1' Z) Adopted by the Council -__. U E C i0 19 Z I 19— favor APProved_---- ____------__arn5t MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL c6uN cNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOi_7NClL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ..........{r -.-------' �____�-_:__ __E:"`' -..SKIM ............. ..... ... MATE ........... l.r�..`�.r21 t RESOLVED That Soil morin% License No. 2123, issued to. Frank Keller at 344 Cedar g _ be . and the same is hereby revokgd for the reason that �1aoe has been improperly -and unlawfully con- dudted and practices have been carried on therein. C nv cte �a r Dec be th, ^1 21r3G1� al w100 OQ fi 37543 Smi"rho CeK a2c d_ That C. F N 37415, f _ d. be -ae d d 'by sulking our.. _h _ - pollovc g dy 'Hotel 481 St. Peter S Ct. A� pied ,_�S' the ou 10, 1 3 10, 1922 . llec. 1 1921 _ CD c: 17-1921) xA ZJ s r �{ l �� .t/ Y Yes U) Councilmen (✓) Nays ClancyAdopted 6y the Council_...._ i 1 Ferguson LCi f McDonald ___ ____Ia favor Approv D � 19Z1 —19_ Matson / Smith _ Against Wenzel wwroa Mr. President c�oww aw e•so CITY OFr ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL F2ES.OLUTIOIV --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTEp BY _.A-.--.E--t_, -.5- ITFi-.-_-_ COMMISSIONER.... ..........::_....._-___ - — — �__ ______..__ ._. . _._.... ..._._- DATE..12.-.1,Q.rr2.1..�........... ....... ._............ ...._ RESOLVED That C. � NO. 37415, of December 3rd, be amended by striking out the fry— os7ing words, nHotel Taylor, (P. "G. Taylor) 481 St. Peter St. gesolved. Thai 'C- F. :Zo- by 3by triktt-g t ' camber 3rd. i e amended �s '- uthe £ollow-in8 'Words.' '•XOt01 or. 481 St_ P-`— 1921. _ AdoPte{7-�Y the C' 1921 -Dec. 10. . 'APPro4�d Dec?17-1921) Yes(./) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald -- _._In favor Matson Smith --------Against Wenzel Y'11ai5leadawt Adopted by the Council.._---J------19— OEC 10 M.i c ... CIL w'O ....____ CITY OF ST. PAUL F1•e l� - C)FFICE, OF THE CITY GLEF2K _C>UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL IF�RM PRESENTED BY _.......1`L..`ZQ. `Gll ..... ... ................ DATE - COMMISSIONER -�` �` ������������������-�--�-- RESOLVED That the 8,plication of P. G. Taylor :C<>= license to operate the Hot a ylor at 481 St . Pe tar S _ a and the same is hereby —�� Pd upon recommendation of polioe Department. l 146 -ri Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) i s SS's Clancy Ferguson McDonald /f Matson Smith ! Wenzel N1r::Preside:at 1 C P. No. 37544—BY A.- E Smtth Resolved. That th application oP P_ £_. G TaYior for a license to operate the I and. theay c is� o herebydenied. 81 St. Peter St J o z recommendation of the Police Depa�.-t— men r Adopted by the Connell Dec., 1 10. 192_ Aps Pr oved Dee. 10. 1921. j �_ - - (Dec. 17-1921) _ - Adopted by -the Council----- — - ___---In favor M.VCR --_-_-.-.Against U I CQ,UNCII, FILE NO ............................. 1-I C ,�')7E1j�i,..u.,..,,iila .�.O11... 37545 In the Matter of......gxadIR9...4110.y2.}..A'rJi Sgt.M..211S.!...Addiil.on...... 1'�ve-.._to- ii.eide_.. it.�., t' SINAL. ORDERS, C, F. No, 37511-13 F. N, ivtatson- In,the M ttoe of grading f allei.................................................... Alook�+8t -Arlington 4101's.. Add' from Walsh Ave. to r, [do Strut Pre't '^rtry Order, 166 appy . ............................................................... !!. _............�....... .... under Preliminary Order .... _..... 5.5.&.G.`6 ......................... approved ....... ...... tiUg....U.a...192.1........................... . IntermediaryOrder ........... ........... .........1............................. approved................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- creelfile same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of file City of St. Paul that rile pre(,ise ngure, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....,S't�S�.�...a�J....� 1���"� Ealillg�.oTl..li].118 t E,dditi_on...from...��alsh..t,Y.e. to..lleide...st.�..................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and ,directed to proceed with the makinh of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.19L}---- Approved...... _................. Councilman iiz A14/�e'rgus anoy' Councilman K;Axx on Councilman 9MROXX 0 d Councilman K tson Counc.1 D4 R_�X Coual ll n 5�y�d�ienzel Mayor odgson Form B. S. A. 8_7 ._ )Cit ................ � , ,City Clerk. s ^ ` j Mayor. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �N�O�,,-� I' DEPARTMENT OF FIMfIPCL' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter ofr�rading alley in Block 2, Arlington Hills Addition From .... ...... .._.. _......... ...... ......_ Vialsh ,. _ . ......... _....... . Avenue'to Weide Street. ........... .......-.. _ __ ._.. ..... ........ ...... . . ...... _... __. .......................... t _ __..._.... __....... ___ - ......... under Preliminary Order approved August 23, 1921. .._............ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ - _ $ 1057.22 The estimated co&' perloot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $...... 1'.3.I___...._..... ......... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION yALUASED TION 10 2 Arlington Hills Addition 475 9. 2 to St. Paul. 2225 8 2 do 2825 7 2 do 400. 6 2 do 400 5 2 do 400 4'' 2 do 425 3 2 d o 1075 2 2 do 1325 ----- - --- 1 2 d2- -- - — - --- - 1625- --- TOTAL CITY OFST. PAUL .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED. 'DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11, 2 Arlington Hills 1,ddition 325 12 2 to St. Paul. 1700 west z of 13 2 do ,ast z of 13 2 do 150 14 2 do 325 15 2 do 1300 16 2 do 1325 17 2 do 1125 18 2 do 1250 19 2 do 1300 20 2 do 1550 PJ Total 21525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referent aid matter by the Commissioner of Publ' orks. Dated ----- - �---_..---- - Commissioner of Finance. FoRm B.S.A. 0-3 c _ ,yr St. Paul, Minn.,....I..:............../j..............192...1 To The Honora-ff==w- 3e, The Council, City— of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We a the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable B to cause tlra following improvement to be made: h'a'm --- ---- - - ^ -... ------------------ ------ '..........:.............................................................. -- - ..................... ,...._- ...--- _ -'------------------------------- St. Ave. - ----------- from.......... ------ ------------------------------------- St. Ave.to-----._......................_...._ -- — -- - -----------------St. Ave. 22 624 ,, l NAME LOT BLOCS ADDITION / O 22 624 ,, l 1 t � Z �7 E s %� � s CUM of Jst. Paul t3epurtmerrt of Puhlir B3vrks - OSCAR CLAUSSLN. C.— erao,HEe:rt HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER J. E. CARR.I Ass•i. CH sr CNCINEEri . oPFoN.TnucTioN wra0 gEPs` IRVINO C. PEARCE. .LPUTY COMMISSIONER O. H. NEgROLO. OFnce wno CITY P�fa►.a ><sao 48 ENJ�Heen M. 9. GRTTOAtt. On�ooe CwGINLCq A. O: SHARP. SUPf. oT ST—ST. ANo SS�� z rlon+ H. W. GOEnINGNER. SUIT. .1 Would— September 14, 1921. Mr. H. C � �ertzel, 4C- s T _ s s loner of Public Works. De ax - ar T transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost "'or -t-,3:::L4a grading of .Alley in Block 2, Arlington Hi11s Aac1-1tion from Iiialsh Avenue to .welde Street, under � re 1 ifninaxy order 0. F. 358 65 , approved Augur 13 > 1921: _ ppro�imate estimate' of cost 1051.32 os 5 per front foot - - - ��r opt ag e - - - - - - - - - Boo ft. sce ss inspection $26.08 Yours truly . a?- chie :ff p;rng ineer. gppr s=>vecl for transmission t <Z�,- t 30Le Commissi�ooneerr of Finance- a]! inance.o3! Pub is ffbrks . •3 - Off ,.l`.C; E IV 13 of the -Commissioner cA _ Public Worlds Report to Commissioner of Finance z oY 4 VCT 3' 1921-i October 3, 1921. ............... - 1.91.- ..... To the Commissioner ozf�7 Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioraer -off Public Works, having had lander consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Coun.c---aiapproved....__...Aum-__---`---�----192.].1x1........., relative to .............._....... ... ^the -grading----4c:> -- AZ1ey in Block 2 Arlingtox� H311`s. Addition, .from _.... ........................_................ ... ........ WalshAven�� He eStreet- -------------------------------......................_..................---...._. ................ ..._.................... ....._.. ................. -- --- --- -_........................_........_...._..........._._....... ...... ----- ------------------------ -- and having investi at ac3 the matters and things referred to therei—, hereby reports: 1. Said is........................necessary and (or) desirable_ Via --Z2 per front foot. 1057.-22...--------- and 2. The el.-xxatec_ cost thereof is $........._.._......._._.._._., and the total cost thereof is $- .........--- . Fronte3� a 800 ft. Excess inspectJLoa 426.08 the nature and est en of said improvement is as follows: ------------------------- --------- __......_--............. ......._...__..__........... .---------- ------ ............---................--------....------------------------------------- 3. A plan, 1?,rof3i e or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------- -------- ......._......_._....------- ...--- .......- .......... b. Said is._................ ...............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------------- ---------------------- Commissio ler of Public Works. 3"7546 c6uNcu ' GlTY POF': ST_- PAiJIL_ nye F' - OFFICE OF _V EE 'CITE=- COU.(VCIC RESOL! 1TlOtV--Gi�i�RAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y .H Q. Wenze3. - __ _____________ DATE... Y .Dec• 12 •1921 :COMMISSIONER:...,._. .... :.......... .... ...--------..__.__.__._____- ----------------------_______ _ _ _ ... .._. ` RESOLV ED y* , In the muter o£ cos�ci@ram - g Gia taking an easement in the land necess and fax- mor slopes, for cute i11s in A-rading the a13-e� -oek 2, Arlington Hills Addition_, under- �rel3 I rias Zr Gr der C. F. 35866, approved &uguat 13, 1.921, —3o-d-l� u G����diary Order O. F. 371£37, approved Flovenlbes- 16 3921. The Corimissioner o� 1? -LL -:L `. G� S having submitted his report and sketch in 'tla. aesove T=i atter, be it Resolved, That the C 3-'ty- o :ff _-:3 t a-: aul fixes and determines the amount o:C 1 -a— a i. e> _k7rB 'taken for the above named irriprovemOjat, ss a— ecz-_ 7��ent:for slopes, f'or cats and f111s in and upon _e land abutting uponHills Addition, the a13ey into to the extent shovzn uprs the see attached to the report of the Co:rmissioner of �—�1-mac iorka in the matter, dated December 12, 1923 s3zch sketch aria report are herby referred to =L aue a part. hereof. - � - ZLESOLUTZONS� a� "�v In the maLt¢r oP Y �- C- WeaZe3--•' - sa.g an re co ndeta.aiag aac3 ts-K_ aSealCnt to Lh� 1aad�Z�a�9 } Y Po IOPes._ Por cu Ls and - grading the 12eY a B1ocK 2; a Lon 1Fi12s AddtLton, ua@er pr - 2iag_ arY O-rder s(;- - F_ - 35866, e2imia._ he ¢Commissioner oP a -PP oved havtn snbxn cited his re public Works ia the .above matter. be Dart 3'a d lie Lcla ' C Resolved, Ti aL - Lhe Cii Rees and de Y oT SL_ PaaZ I land to teratines Lhe a..zaio_uaL Y - ;n,, ba talc an For th a above aaa�ed C Prov¢aaent s a 8� emeat•. r Lando sbu2tia a -ad H11s a aad uP a -�� •. g ssPon tete _ � Block 2, At13 gton Atlls Add tyaa za the extent shows u tach©d Lo the pod Lhe s:.l�e LC$ atm Iatted 6.ci P Pu bl-cePorL oPl" tlZe s,.% doe dD¢ceatber 12P 1 21,_a Llae ��z�ter. and r¢Port-ar hereb wYti cls. s1•ce telt .made 'a 'part hereof: Y referred ro aad Adopted. by t'14.e Council .Dec_ 2.4� X923_ Approved Dec_ .14. 1922_ 1 CDec_ 24-292'1 - ' Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clare _- Ae3opced by the Council---- ru r t r �2.;--. _.19- Y, Ferguson USC 4 1921 -� McDonald ----I favor Approve �r Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President tea, REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 2, Arlin ton Hills Addition, under Preliminary Order C.F. 35866, approved August 13, 1921, and Intermediary Order C.F. 37187, approved November 16, 3.921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a past of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private pro�erty, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded end hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Wdrks. Dated Dec. 12, 1921. _ CI F ST. PAUL ' OEPAF T OF FINANCE CA') t 4i r r4i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of_._C_oridemnn_and..._taling_._an._easement...._n..-_the......Jand,._..nec-essayy.._f.or............. - ...... _.._—.. cuts_.Pnd._f_ills, in...Zrading the._._Alley._i..n B o.cic..2., _Arlin gton......... _... ]3.i_l._ls _pd.di_ti_on _from , dal..sh .venue.. t.o.–Vleide_._.1ien.u...e,.. _.._ _...... .... . ..................... ..................._ __......_ ...... ............. under Preliminary Order approved .... AUgus t .13, 1921.... _ _ _ .._.....__. . _ ............................... .__. .......................................... .. ............................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement is $ ..2 10 2 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $..--_...... __....._._..........._............. .. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 2 Arlington Hills Addition 475 . 9 2 to St. Paul. 2225 8 2 do 2825 7 2 do 400 6 2. do 400 5 2 do 400 4 2 do 425 _ 3, 2. do 1075 2, 2 do .1325 1 2 do 1625 TOTAL. 14 2 do Ct OF ST. PALE` OEP T —NT OIr FIV ANCE .. � ?�• " 2 do REPORT OIC COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 2 do 1325 17 -- ON PRELtMtNARY ORDER d o 1125 18 2 d o 1250 19 • DESCRIPTION LOT' BLOCK .., At:�OI TI ON ASSESSED VALUATION 2 0 2 d -_ 1 Z 2- ��r-fit on trills Addition 325 12 2 t a i Paul. )) 1700 West of 13 2 do ) East. 1- of 13 2 do 150 14 2 do 325 3-5 2 do 1300 16 2 do 1325 17 2 d o 1125 18 2 d o 1250 19 2 do 1300 2 0 2 d -_ 1550 Total 21525 The Commissioner of Fiaaace further reports that I -Le has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, ` and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference An said matter 'by t7E.e Commissioner of Pa Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. •ORM o.9.A. 8-9 C Getober 3, 1921. ............... .. . ............................................ To the Commissioner of Fin9wLz3--- of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Pubs Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- known as Council File V 1921-191........., relative to .......... ................. ............. cil,3-3 cil, ----------------approved.............................t............---.._......August condemning and . . .......... . . . ............................. . . . ........ . ........ =zmLjS an easement in the land necessary for ...... . ................... . . .......... . ... . ................. ........... ................ . ... . . . . . ............... .............................................. slopes, for ontsc�5L ....... . ................................................ .... . . . . . . . - :Ei-T3.s In the grading of the alley in Block 21 . . . ......... . ....... ............... ..................... ....................... . .... . ..................................... . ................. .. . ....... . ............ . ............................ ... Arlington Hill I Ea ...... .................. . ................. . ..... . — — Prom Walsh Ave. to Weide Ave. — — — ---- - ------- - ------- -- - ------ ------------------------------------------- ................................. . . . ....... . ....................... . ................................................... . . and having investigated the fitters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ ---.__.._.necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The e%timated cost LLkm =z7-.ecd is $-3-c=. ....... .......... and the total cost thereof is $......._ ........................ and the nature and extent of s.'eL!Lo--W- 5—provement is as follows: --------- - ----------------------------- . ........................................................................ .............. .... . .................. . ....................................... . 3. A plan, profile or sl-e . . . .............. . . .. . . . ................. ............... ............................................... - ----------------- ............................ . ..................... . .......... . .......... of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ......... .... . . ............. . .... ------ . . ......................................... - .. . .................................. .................... ......... . . ..... ............. ....... ... ... 5. Said improvement ijEa — — - — --- ------------ -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said impr-<>-;-.— i..ent. ... . ........................ .......... CommisaYoner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO... 37547' MAI Byil-U.ola... .... ..... ..... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._grading..alley--,i.n_.Flock...l.,._Siayt.ones...liddi.tinn.,...B1.onk._1., .Ridalvoo.�1..B.axlc...r':dda,t...and....Cal.pe-ut.e.r'-.s.... lie .axraxageme.nt..,...fxom..Lexingl on Avenue... to B.enhill B.oad., .... _ _ .. 1 n � e 3f 37647 BY P ly .. .................................................................. . 1, slflYton s of gr&ding allg etsot�....................................................... wood Park Aaaltloh, BlockYI�n T Refp101he11 tl4 Ari �&rn(II t0 011 I Ali �, t►' ,,1 I „. ............ ill1 1'I(I�1(�l�l n�nnuwuuu�uwninunnuinnunmirgnunnuuuummdlllllull llllllluuw❑IpulpuiudllUulli �IUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIl111111�t�111��IIII�tilllllllllllllp,lllplll�l under Preliminary Order 3.6422 .............................. approved .....se.pt.....21.r...1.92.1.................................. IntermediaryOrder .................... .............. ........ .... ......... ...... approved........................:...................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City 1i...3layt.on'.a..._._------ Add�.:tion,--..&.J, from..Lexi.ngton Avenue to Benhi.11-- Road, --._..-----.................._-.-..------.....-----------------... .............................................. .___............___............................... ._._........................... ........--.............................................. .................._.__.....__...._...,.-..........................—...... .............. ................ ......................................... .................................................. I....... ..... ................... ................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, BES ND 1♦'UHER, T11'M 111c C0111111isslollel' of Public Works be alld is hereby illsll'lleled 8110 (litiod d to pl'epfll'c phim turd Spccl�c,4011s 1`01' Kir 1111promild, 1Ild rl1b1111t 981i1c 10 d1C COUII� ell for approval; Ilial upon said approval, llle proper city officials are hereby a11ih01'ized and dirccied to proceed with (lie making of said improvement in accordance therewith, Adopted h the Council.... ...."'.... I Y ......................... City Clerk. Approved .......... 191........ ......... ........... i ......... Mayor. Councilman F&'9WZ +tri Clancy / Councilman GUAXX Ferguson _ / -I% e Councilman lRbRmgc McDonald, Councilman Kwkesx Matson CouncilmanxD EUI Smith Councilman *tt�&4li6K Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 5T. PAUL F} - C>EPARTMR*_K OPINANCE .s T z '.. REI?�RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OROEFt r (A) In the Matter of Grades z�� 3c _2 1310C1c 1, �l Tton T.S ---- 1_oel _.l ._....... tz� c--------- vrood Par]- :>ddi ti o _'-=== C a Oc_�ter' ; vicar an ,c: e �E--�----��'_o? __5 s i .tori._. _v.onna_-------- ----- - --_....._...._.._----------------------- -- -------------------------................... - to Lae 11 P.oad_ _ ...._.. _... ..... - - - - -------------- ------------ ---........ .._........... ......... ........ _............ --------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- - - -- -- -- ------- .......... _..... _. ....... . -- ------------------------ - -- - ----------- ------------------------------ - ---- -... ------------ ---------- -- ---------- .------ -------- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---......................._._.---------------------------- - ----------------------- -------------- ........................... .-_.._... ----------- ------ - under Preliminary Order approvecl-------S o P_ 1 -c: il,bo. '...._ 1..a.._ 1 : -� .. ----------- ----------------- ---------------------------- ---------------- ------------------ ------------ To the Council of the City o£ St_ Pauly The Commissioner of ]F-!Lz� a hereby reports as follows: The total estimated of the assessment for the above improvement is- - - _-___-___-- ------- —_ The estimated cost p a� o f for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $ - -- ------------ Z1_1 The lots or parcels of Iaxze3 Llzat may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot Or parcel as last reported by tliz en, lessor, are as follows: {{ t' DI- S C R t P T t O Xt & I LOT BLOCK A D O t T t O N 3, ASSESSED j VALUATION :i forth = of a 5 oc= tr=p ---- ---_ — --- ji 1�_9 pT V - .�' .• `i '.=;Z =. Z 1 1. _tel 'Ji. O'_1 S _R C1 L.11_ t O1-1 -l.O 'est -.bO fC: )i. OS "t.. , } ._O'i -O:.' h :-.. Oi .� t Y' _ =� Z-_ Ci l OTi -L o� ood 2 1' Pari— or tho .est no 5;75 °-- 1 O 4ar75 ,- .,' 1; Cao 5250 q 7 C1 750 1 d o 650 ' Form B. B. 10 CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPA MENjT OF FINANCE SPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ,._.. DESC FtIPTIOrF LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 1 Ka-ton's Lddition to 650' . ' 10 1 Iddt-orr00d Park 650 11 1 do ) 1075 _(E.xcept 7ast 25 fee J? 12 1 do ) East 25 feet of 12 1 (Io 525 est 5 feet o vuc ;[:�L <Z�: c3 St _ ad j. 13 1 d0 0150 on ) esto� ?, l- to tl:e Cit-,T o.' at. Paul j S) 6175. East 9.50 ft. of t«ort.tz ;_= amsey Count, ,di.nn. of a strip _?or;.'n c1 end ad,j. B11C. 1 d0 ) East — o-' 2 1 do ) 1550 s 1 '10 ) 1 do n000. e s t 5 1 CIO =JO ;as z = O= 5 1 d0 `7p 6 1 Ci o 3650 7 1 CIo NO 6 1 do 900 9 1 CIO X00, 10 1 do soo 11 1 do 500 12' 1 do 1225 17 1 doq.pp iL 1 d J150 19 1 d o 5200, ,i . - 2p 1 do •. TOTAL ` 200 I j `,'ota.l. ;5875 The Commissioner o£ F --;F— aaee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the forego g as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matte = the Commissioner of Publi :-ks' Dated -- - - - —1 ----- ........__...------ •�. Commissioner of Finance. �onrn o.q.w.a•a c _. - CITY OF ST. PAUL - , CEPARTM{&NT f?F FINANCE j ` I REPO � ---731W— OF COMMMS10NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORMER DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ... A O O I T I O N ASSESSED VALUATION 21 1 _i_dr;etrood Yai-'1_ _-6d1tion - i G00 22- 1 to .._u t- of 31;. P".ul, 2%00 24 1 ci o G00 25 1 do 600 mouth de 3025 01 c.djo ilf Lot, cio ) fit. 00 - r i.:. ;300 O G00 0 1 `,'ota.l. ;5875 The Commissioner o£ F --;F— aaee further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the forego g as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matte = the Commissioner of Publi :-ks' Dated -- - - - —1 ----- ........__...------ •�. Commissioner of Finance. �onrn o.q.w.a•a c _. - bA Of ---vc--,e-- oE the Commissioner of Public, Woiks� ,€e� ; D deport to Commissioner of Finance r' $ �' •••. w a e , �.. - (go s R U S MEEK October 1'3 1921, -191_..... To the Commissioua:m:� of Fina of the City of St. Paul: The Connuissio:zz� er of Pzz 3c -VPorks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 36422___._-____approved......September 21' ..19 cil``, known as CiouZ2. z3 File rT © — ----__ ........, relative to.....__._ ............... Ae grading ��1—. in B1oci� 1, Slayton's Addition, Block 1, R �3�c— tt, from Lexington .d _-.._ . _n Avenue to B� s s : z33- ........... -- ........................---------------- - ---- ---- - - ------ - -- -- - -........................ -------- .................. _ and having sud things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said and (or) desirable. pa meront fOOt 688.97 'l. The -V--- —AF—ereof is $__------------------ ............ and the total coat thereof is $ .............................. and X691 ft - - the nature and em;-- emxt of s ac3 zmprc vemeut is as follows: ........... ..._.....__.......................... ................-...._.....__._........__....................._..- ........._......_......................... --- ----- - - --------- -.............................................................. .......................................................... .......... ........ .... 3. A plan, or s v ala of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. #.------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ._.................................... ............................ ............ _.._-------------------------- ............ ........ ....... ....... 5. Said _-_-_______-_______________________asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for s-� sd impx-©vement_ _ .._...... ..��- Commissi� r of PuUhe Works. (gitg of St..JBaul . oepartment- af-public 333ocks OlCAR OLAUsl CN, Cnicr CN.Ixecn COMMISSIONER HERMAN C. WENZE% J. C. CARROLI., Asf T. CHler CNCINcc. All IRVING C. PEARCE. H .m., OITICc DEPUTY COMMI!lIONER G, H. A1xo C r01 Alv PuxNyxc 48 CNolx[cR M. !. GRYTBAH. Brtiooc "....... ' A. B. SHARP. lu PT. or IT -1 Al SANITATION H. W. GOC NGNER. SUPT. or Wosnnouac October 11, 1921. Ljr, H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith prey urinary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 1, Slayton's Additionk Block 1, Ridgewood Park Addition and Carpenter's Rearrangement, from Lexington Ave. to Benhill Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. 36422, approved September 21, 1921. X Approximate estimate of cost - - "�686.97 .41 Cost per front foot - --------- _ 1691 ft. Frontage - - - - - - - Yours truly, fn • - uL Chief khgineer. Approved for transmi.saion to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of ublic Works. Please rush this -matter - 0 St. pE.ul, Minn.. ......March 28........19]x.. 'o the Honorable, The Council, C:ty of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition', your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: brads the allay ..... .. ...........................................,......s+• from ......... Lazington Ayq., , to ... BQ?il�.'?oad...... ...... between St. Qlair St. and Lombard Ave. Illlllllil�iir���� " ILII i I � )Dl •,.,;.,._._,_....�_a t! � T SOCK �I011 .......... ........ . ..... .............. ....� ..... ... �. �. ......................... ..... .. :. ... ........ .................. ......... ........... ............... t....� ..,.. .. MERE a TO THE HOMR01! CITY COUNCIL of the CITY Or, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. Your petitioners respectfully petition and request that yot orior th ugh 0501i�il al mho that utin alley situate in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, lying and being in that certain block bounded on the North by Saint Clair Street, on the East by Benhill Road, on the South by Lmbard Avenue, and on the West by Lexington Avenue; said alley extending through the center of said block from,3enhill Road on the East to Lexington Avenue on the West Your petitioners are the Owners in fee Of property adjoining said alley. Subscribed and *701;;tto before me this day of April, 1921. 04 Notary Public, R Co.,Minnesota. My commission expires July Beth, 1923. M MERE a TO THE HOMR01! CITY COUNCIL of the CITY Or, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. Your petitioners respectfully petition and request that yot orior th ugh 0501i�il al mho that utin alley situate in the City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, and State of Minnesota, lying and being in that certain block bounded on the North by Saint Clair Street, on the East by Benhill Road, on the South by Lmbard Avenue, and on the West by Lexington Avenue; said alley extending through the center of said block from,3enhill Road on the East to Lexington Avenue on the West Your petitioners are the Owners in fee Of property adjoining said alley. Subscribed and *701;;tto before me this day of April, 1921. 04 Notary Public, R Co.,Minnesota. My commission expires July Beth, 1923. CITY 'OF ST. PAUL ......` NO —L 8 a OFFICE OF THE diTY CLERK . < COUNCIL RESOLUTION-T-01=NEE2AL FORM PRESENTEDBY' :... _iC 9[en261 COMMISSIONER.. ...... ........ ' _. ......... RESOLVED,. , In the matter; of condemning. arrci taking an , easeirlent. in the land necessary mor slopes, for cuts and fills in:the grading of A11ey in Block 1, SlaytonJs Addition and Block `1, Ridgewood_ Park Addition and Carpenter' s Be axrq eraent , . from Lexington Ave. to .Benhill Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. 'i36423, approved September 21, 1921, and Intermediary Order >.C. F. #37186, approved November 16 , 3-923— The Commissioner of Publi-c : orlcs having submitted his report .and sketch in the above matter,,,,,be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and doternii ea the amount of land to be tal�en for the above named improvement as a 2 easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the 1233c1 abutting upon the Alley in Block 1, Slayton•-s Addition and Block 1, Ridgewood Park Addition ao nd Carpenter's Rearrangement, from Lexington Ave . to Benhill Road, to the extent shown upon the sketeh attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public 71orks in the matter, dated December 12 ,- 1921 , which. sketch and report are hereby referred to as d made a part hereof, C..F. No. 37F�18-BY 8. C. Wenzel- I nea-neem I..the land nnecesearY Yar slopes, for. cora and fills in bhe grading - o[ AIIeY In Bock 1, eodyPark AddiAddition and Block L from ' -- --- ---- - -- =-and Ca.rpenter'.s'['angement, :Lexington Ave. to 'Benh111To �toSfl; un er Prove tnftrY a Order 1. ]821, and nter - 9,ediarY order C. F-_.1'10- 27188. aPPr'oved t -November 18. 1821, I t�ublic 'Works'{The Commissioner Q ,.having submitted his report and sketch _ �Imthe above matter, be. It e.'the City Or St. Resolved. That'.Paul Re ..and determinesthe - amount Of .land to b'm nt as an eaeemehtvforn lopes.- Yor cute and fills In' end upon the land. abut- Yea (✓) Councilmen (J) Neya ting upon the A11cY In Block 1, S1sYton's Addition. and Block l}. Ridgewood. Part Addition and Carpenter's R.ea rangem t,. from Lexington Ave. roti 8e sx¢t h ate Clancy to tho extent shown opo ET-L iJL_L__„_, Inched to, the report of the Commission- by t�]C ii0UnC11 ---- —L Fr J L II Ferguson er of: Public Work which eshetch and s'ea pDoecember 12, 1921, a, { GEC McDonald ',__' rt are hereby referrefl to and ,wade U l F ..... I part .hereof A rov .—_..lam 1! �_7.1-----19 19...-.- 'd b'D--'12 the Council'Dec. 12. -1921- PP Matson App ved Dec12, 1 '.(Dec 17-1921) y- Smith - - q -- -- Mnrow Wenzel Mr. President FORM ar a•co -. CITY, 1- TAUL DEPARTMI�111:'. iJF FINANCE -cam -� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANG ON PRELIMINARY ORDIER n c c � s: _ .:--..-- n In the Matter of I:OriCi E:7i127�_ri,^-=..._tal'1rii:.:_._`:1. ..._easC1__R3211:--.1_�1•..{__-1"1E�----,---'--�1-��----'---------'----------_�i'Zr _..: .�.._...��. Ta.�S..}...._... .,for cuts nd - 1.1s n the radia oi' A11e T in I = �c 7 1 51 ;tont ^ _...... - _.__...._ -- .. ...__� I! tj. on _. ._...._ ... .. ............................ -- r - . , Dion -1 -ort ` ." : oil V v ^. t. t O :hi. 1.1 .......... ...."': ...-.---\'-.-.....--..-"..:. .........._:..._ - ...... .....-...-.....--------- .._...------------- -------- -_---' ---- _ ...-....----. ............._ ...... .......... .-.-_......_--... -.- ..._....... ........... .... ............. .._.. .... �............---..-- ------- ---- __----- - ----- --- -----..-. -- ......... _...... -.- -. _..... ............. ........._.._.. .._........ .. ..-............ ...._ -... .-.......... ---------------------------__---- -- ------'-. -- .....-... .-.--.._..._-_._.-.-.-............................... ...--..-.-..--.... -.- _. .-..._. .............. --...-..._. - .-................................ ..............._... ..._ _..-...._.....------..-....-..-..-....... . .....:....... __.....-..... -._. .... ......-.-... -.... -----.--- ...------ -------------- --.--.-..._.-.... ._..................._. ....-...-...- ...-....---.-.............. "'-- ...._.._.- ...... .._.-._.-.-_....... ..-.... ...-..-.... _.. ....-. .--__-.- ----- _---------------------- -------- .-------------- under Preliminary Order approved -. ................................ - ...-..._ .............................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above im rov-etmarr<t is � The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $ ................._--------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, acid the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: t. D E S C R I P T I O N LOT 9LOCK A D O I T I O N ESS D VALUATION a ;.� �0,Oi. O C C 1, ii 0. ._ :est _.50 _ems:. o; ,�_si; "cet 1 ci . 0-r,. O-" i.1 Ori S - _'__ q ad .. .._ u Lot 1, Llcr; 1, _ __ c.rco::l P:`.'1, 11;.0 On th., .:est 1 c70 _ 1_ xo Z- 75 5. l ci o 5250 G 1 c1 0 012a 7. 1 c7 (D '750 0 & 1 o ';5O G1TY OF 8T. PAUL K:3'E - - - - --- 2TET OF FINANCE 11 REPORT OF C --4E%/2MISSIONER OF FINANCE C>" ' 2>ELIMlNARY ORDER (B) .. - DESCRIPTION LOT B—® ` I ADDITION VALUATION 10 = :roo 650 . 11 - d 0 ) 1075 ft.) 3.5 st 35 ft. of 1 2 to :. 5 ft. 0' va.c. Wit. Ac.j 1Z5 - do 3151)0' il 5p e 9. 50 ft. of the of a 617,5 strip north of anfl do 1X50 L 0, all of 4000 d o i+ 50 S do. o 1 Of . a do 450 L . of — 900 d o 9no g do 900 9 3 do 900 1 �"� 1 do - 000 i d o 1225 � 2 do 3dn7 3150 - o 320 � � Z 0 3200 Fn� '10 ?400 ,. d 0 - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL I•� DEPARTj fNTI OF FINANCE i r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , .. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCIt • PDDITION VALUATION ?3 1 Rid„eviood -'srk Add.. C, g 1 do 5 0 `' n` 1 do F „F 1 do ` 30.^5 14 ft. '7 1 d. e ' -)P and ^dJ• 1 0 1 1 Carner.ter's -e. 0 1 "ark 5800 3 1 do 050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all c,f the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference said matter by the Commissioner of jP!ubbb Works. �¢ /�p / /�/ //__ ___ __ _______ ./rte �- / Dated-/--\6v----e--1-- ------1-- - -------- ------ -\..:------_... L. / Commissioner of Finance. t �+ Office of the Commissioner of Public Work' Report to Commissioner of Finance r a ut October 17, 1921. ...•-.........................................................1$1.._... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 36423 Sept. 21, 1921 oil, known as Council File No.....................................approved.................................................. ............................... ---_-----f91.......... relative to..................... _..... _ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ........ ............. -........................ ............ ..._........... _............. _.............................................. ............. ............. _........... .............. ........... I............ -...._...........................................__................-_. for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Slayton's ................... ......... _.......... ............. .._.... ........ ........... ................. I............._......................................_....._........._................................................ . ....- Addition and Block 1, Ridgewood Park Addition and Carpenter'a................................. Rearrangement, from Lexington Ave. to Benhill Road. .._.............._........................................................................................................................... ............................ ....._......................................................................... ......................................._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................ necessary and (or) desirable. `L. ' The estimated cost thereof is$....2=............................ and the total cost thereof is $............._......_....._.. xxx ._........... , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....._......................................................_..................._.._......-.._..._........................._. 3. A plan, profile-or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached a-rid made a part hereof 4.................................. _.............................. _................................. ......_........... ._... .................... _----------------------------------------------- ............................................. o. Said improvement ie_............. _.................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... ................................... ..-....................... . . Commissioner of Public Works. A mo mix; C0C Cll. - : In the !:.atter of condemninE :-_nd taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the gradin., of Alley in Blcck 1, 6la.,Iton's Addition and Block. 1, Ridgewood Park Addition and Carl:enter's Rearre.ngement from Lexington Ave. to Benhill _,,oa.d, under 1'reliminar., Order C. P. ;,36423, a,,rjrcved Sept. 21, 1921, and Intern.eidary Order C. Z. 37186, approved Iiovember 16, 1921. :o ti -ie Council ei the City of St. i'aul: The Co:.3;,issioner of Public ,Ior:_s i_ereby submits and :hakes a kart of th9.6, his report, a flan o--` the above improvement sho�,rin:ll by the shaded portion of said Llan_ the fi',_ls to be ,:.ade on Priv-te Lroperty, and by the :otched rorticn the cuts to be Ladc+ on rrriv to prcperty and the est nt of the easoi.,ent to be te.ken i7,- the fi-ures opposite such shaded and hatched Tarts of suci. y_Lan. Cc --:c icner Of 1Uubli<c;. i;ec. 1", 1S)Ll. �x mo mix; C0C Cll. - : In the !:.atter of condemninE :-_nd taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the gradin., of Alley in Blcck 1, 6la.,Iton's Addition and Block. 1, Ridgewood Park Addition and Carl:enter's Rearre.ngement from Lexington Ave. to Benhill _,,oa.d, under 1'reliminar., Order C. P. ;,36423, a,,rjrcved Sept. 21, 1921, and Intern.eidary Order C. Z. 37186, approved Iiovember 16, 1921. :o ti -ie Council ei the City of St. i'aul: The Co:.3;,issioner of Public ,Ior:_s i_ereby submits and :hakes a kart of th9.6, his report, a flan o--` the above improvement sho�,rin:ll by the shaded portion of said Llan_ the fi',_ls to be ,:.ade on Priv-te Lroperty, and by the :otched rorticn the cuts to be Ladc+ on rrriv to prcperty and the est nt of the easoi.,ent to be te.ken i7,- the fi-ures opposite such shaded and hatched Tarts of suci. y_Lan. Cc --:c icner Of 1Uubli<c;. i;ec. 1", 1S)Ll. �x r 711.9 COANCIL FILE \0 ... ...... ...:................ W. Matson ...... ............... By........F......rank .... k.........................,... FINAL ORDER In the matter of....9r$d! .9..the...alley... ruml%..Eaet1.}......... Midway__Park,...Block_:_l,'. wardte. Subdivision and Block 2, ..Den E. _ Lanes ..................... . Homeeitee Plat No. '3 from Albe—' °+ +^ Pascal Ave. '-' "' C. F N . 37549—By F. w Matson 1 -the Matter of grading ih alley run ping East and west in Block -'1; Mid' .......- -._-.. .. ........................................................ ................-- way Park. Block 1. ward'. subdi- vision and Block.2. Den E. Lane' H.... tea Plat :.o. 2,. from Albert s. .................................. to Pascal Ave.. under 29th, laal..------...-.------- .......___................_......_......-....... order 36606 approved: July 29th. 19'' -h' hearing having been b . ... 1r e.,ivement. upon 0 ..................................................... ..........................................................................................................�.`.•-,ung h'. _.._.Jul_y°29t_h,._1°21..............._.......... under Preliminary Order..... -...._ wok- .....o5 ..... ................... approved aPP roved................................_...._.............................._.._.... IntermediaryOrder......................................................._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- Crc(l the SP1ig Ilicrof orc, bC li of 1 l(1 of he Cily of Sl, (111111)(1 lk 1)ruk T1111PC, cXld 1111(11(il �CSUI,VCU, �}the Cfollil�ll hs111 improvemelif lo be made by fhe Said Clfy Is-grd.9... ,......,•.,.."8Y'" E.,._.Lant3!. _Aomeeit_ee...Plat..lQo..:...-2..,....from . ..lbert...St.....t9..Psscal..Ave..,.................... _..................... _..................... . ,...........- ........................... ._.............. .-.............. -- I_......................_.__......_................._....................................................................... ............................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .- `` City Cl e k. Approved.....-.._..........._....__ .._.....-.._ ....., 191...._1 !off . Mayor. Councilman PNXA*5AKx Clancy �7 /, / Councilman f ffaxx Ferguson L Councilman >S"i*x McDonald Councilman Kid 3aCxXithMatson Councilman 77,40111 ' Councilman VAROMKOMbE Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY IF ST. PAU dj= 1� DEPARTMENT I ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMRJARY.ORDER In the Matter of Gradin t e...all.ey mmAi nE ;��t p t aqd A'�est in Block 1 hlidway Park, ....... ... 9 ....... ....................... ... .. ..... .. ........ Block 1 . . .... 3,14ard's Subdi...v.....i....s....io.n....and___Block 2. , Den .....E.... .La.n....e..'.s H.... o...me...sites Plat ................ ................ No. 2.,__ from. AlbertStreet.to Pa sea 1 Avenue, . ....... . .... ..... .... . .. ... ... ....... ............... ................................ ............................ ........... ........... .. under Preliminary Order approved .......July 1921. .............. ....... - ........... ............................... ....................... - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 7521.4�51 front The estimated cost pmfoot for the above improvement is $__....__.....,_,.,_..........._._....._.__..__...._._ .63 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 1 I!Iidv;ay Park, St. Paul 7125 3 1 blinnesota. 4550 2 1 do 1000 1 1 do 5600 5 1 do 5925 6 1 do 3100 7 1 do 2300 I do 800 3 1 Ward's Subdivision of Lot,j 900 --2-- 1 Reserve Gardon--L-ota-,-.Ra1ft3-0_y-- County, lilinn, TAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT,OF,FjINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER nwcr RIPT10N LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 1 %jard's Subdivision of Lot 4 1 4, Reserve Garden Lots, 5 1 Ramsey County, Minnesota. 6 1 do ASSESSED VALUATION Soo 900 850 800 7 2 Den F. Lane's liomosites 475 6 2 Plat 2. 475 hest of 5 2 do 235 :ast 2 of 5 2 do ) ) 715 4 2 do ) 3 2 do 475 2 2 do 475 1 2 do 800 8 2 do 425 9 2 do 425 10 2 do 425 11 2 do 425 12 2 do 425 13 2 do 425 14 2 do 675 Total 42375 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to - him in referencematter by the Commissioner / of Pub ' WorksL/ O �� Dated---------"--=-�----'-----�----/----------]�f IORM B.S.A. B-7 C �GL:.aM....-------....---_."....--.._"..._............. Commissioner of Finance. g Office o tie Commissioner of Public Wow avEi) -3 3=2eport to Commissioner of Finance s(„6; Ott 1921 october 11, 1921._191_ _... .......... ........... . To the Commissioner of o£ the City of St. -Paul: The Commissioner of Pub23o Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File 35605 JUly 29 1921 191........., relative to .............. .._.... ...... .. 3tTo-------- - . ---...... approved ............ -the grading a � ��- r,�nr,-ice--_-east and west in Block.l......M dwaq ..................... ... ...._. Park, Block 1 YI ;�a-�45L = a Subdivision and Block 2, Den L. Lane's ................_......---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. ..................--..... ....... ............................................ Homesites Plat 1tiTc> 2 from Albert 5t, to Pascal Ave. ..........................................--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..-------------------- .._...................... ....._.......................................... and having investigated the utters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is--- ------------------- :necessary and (or) desirable. 639� -3C>4�r :CX -022t i00t 7b2.4b 2. The estimated cost 4-k--Ireof is $-------------------------------> and the total cost thereof is $... ---..... ----_ - - and Fr 011-b gA� 3399.2 ft. the nature and extent of s .cL improvement is as follows: ----- ---- ---- --------- V .-.... - 8. A plan, profile or s3=-eteh of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - _......._.----------------- .... ....... ......._---- ......_....................._ ....._ . b. Said improvement �ic---- _------------------ -.... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ... 1. ... .._... GD Commissioner of Public Works. Ol CAP CLAU!leN, Cvie� eNoiveen J. E. CARROLL, Asa r. Cx ¢� evoivecn wvD G. H. HEPPDLD,oOlTDe !.'vD C ii Puvxvo exoixeeR M. 9. GRYTEAK BRIDGE Evoiweee A. B. SrARP. lour. DR 9rREEr! wxD lwvirwr�Dv H. W..0-1 ONER, 9UPr, o1 WonnvousE (Utp of -St. Paul iarpartmrnt bt Pffhlir Warks HERMAN C. WENZE" COMMISSIONER I—NG C. P-09. DEPUTY C... 48 c. mr. H. C., Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. September 30,,1921. Dear Sir'. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of alley rzinning East and West in Block 1, Midway Park, Block 1, Ward's Subdivision and Block 2, Den E. bane's Homesites Plat No. 2, from Albert St. to 2a5eal Ave., under C. F. 35605, approved duly 29, 1921. Approximate estimate of cost $752.45 Cost per front foot 1199.639'1t. Frontage Yours tr[u ly, Le - Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Public Works . 1 - � " � � TME HOUSE OF.Q UA LITY BROWN & -3IGE LOW emem�rance /7c�ver�zsi _SAINT PAUL �/ 7-25-21 IN YOUR REPLY REFER TO HEK-1,8 Tc, the Honorable, The City Council., City of Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Enclosed you will find a petition covering grading of the alley, as herein described whioh we would like to have you give your early consideration. All the property ownkrs who have signed hereto are anxious to have this grade put through immediately, and we would appreciate its being taken up as early as possible. �. Yours very truly, f. a;;; To The' 000rable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 5t. Paul,. Minn.,_.f/......:192._ We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable B�ad�y to.fca se' the following impprrrov�enent to bee made: L /J 'mac!`--- "dib L .... .... ................................................_.................................................................................................................... . ............... .............................................................------................................St. Ave. 3� % sir/.� n s-v`�ya`-• 4 from.... _.....---------------------------------------------------------- I ... -----------------..._..._._-'.... .................._....St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION 01 v ,,m�.-,��0�22 2 i i COUNCIL��� CITY' O i , . ' FST: PAUL - ' sn.a NO - _.._.— ,_.__ •. OFFICE OF .THS CITY CLERK COUNCIL:'RESOLUTIOW- GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONERS..: a._H C VJenZe1 .......... _.................. .................... DATE.::........ ..* x.2.,..._7921.......... .__ RESOLVED IA the matter of condemning and taging.an >' easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley running East and West in Block 1, Midway Park, and Block IL, Wardle Subdivision; and Block ;2, Den E. Lane's ?Homesites Plat No..2,p from Albert St. to Pascal Ave., under Preliminary Order.C. F.`#35606, approved July 29, 1921, and Intermediary Order 0. F. #37185, approved November 16, 1921. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount laid to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes,. for cuts and fills in and upon the-land butting uponthe alley runnilltg East- and West in Block. 1, Midway Park, and Block 1, Ward's Subdivision, and Block 2, Den E. Lane's Homesites Plat No. 2, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached'to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated Dec-12, 1921;, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C P No: 375560—By H. C. Wenzel— In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement In: the ]and necessary for slopes, for. cuts and: fills In the grading of 'Alley- running East and West In Block '1, Midway Park, and Block 1. Ward's Subdivision, and Block 2, nen _ ); Lane a H m site Plat No. 2 from Albert 8t to Pa real Ave.,under Pre. - liminary Orde C. lr ..... o 36000 ap- proved July 29 te 1921, and I rmed order C: i+' No-2n`5 approved-Novem- _ IN 10, 192E rhe.Commisshmer` of Public Works having-'h.bmltted his report and sketch lathe above matter, be It I Resolved, That: the City ot"-8t, Paull fixes and determines AhV. of atlandi - to be taken for the above named.lm- provereent ns an easement Yor -slopes, for cute and fills In and upon the land rebut- ting upon the alley' runningEast sad Yes ( -1)) Councilmen ( Ir'n Ys Na west to Block 1,-ailawny Park, an Block' 1. Ward's Subdivision, and Block 2 nen P7:. Lane's Homesftes Plat No. 2J DEC��, IJL+ between the pointe nfareeald, to'-ihA ex - C ly Clancy, tent shown upon the-sketch attached ted by the Council-- t ouncil _—_____19— tbel report o[ the Commfseloner of Pu Il Worke 1n the mutter dated'-Dec. y Ferguson 11921 whlcch sketch and roport-fire hereb ( LZ-� refer ed to a d made a part hereof. 1,r i`� ,4 1�'J McDonald Adopts ; by the Counb7l Dec. 12 1921 Approve _______.— Approved Dec. 12'192[ - Matson (pec Pry* } Smith __.-Against Wenzel: Nwroa Mt: President �IIOpM yY 0 30 - o hw -U:ORT TO THE CGUNCIL - • In the matter of condemning and takinC• an easement in the land neces-�,ry for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley running East and West in Block 1, IUd^tay Park, and Block 1,'ilard's Subdivision, and Block 2, Den E. Lane's Homesites Plat No. 2, from Albert ;3t. to Pascal Ave., under Preliminary Order C. P. 35606, of:proved July 29, 1921, and Intermediary Order C. F. 37165, approved Uovember 16, 1921. TO TH_; COUlCIL OF TEE CITY Ci 6T. PAUL: The Co.,_Missioner of Public ':iorks hereby submits and n:kes a.z:art of this, his report, a plan of the above im- provement shoeing by the shaded portion of s::id ,lan the fills to be made on private r.roperty- end by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on ;,rivate yrope'rty and the extent of the ease- ment to be to,:.en by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. qq ��n2 Co, -mi i,oner Ll 1:U0 7 -2c ,ion Dec. 12, 1921 1�` CITY tI' 1UL DEPARTMENTF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS5I014ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Condemning and taking an eas'ernent_.in....t.he.._land,.._necessar5*_..for... _........ ................ In. the Matter of .... ................._.._. _s..l.Opp s„..._for .cuts_ and.._fills..in..grading_the alley running Fast and ..Jest ............................._ in Bloc]t_..1,_NLi_dway Park, and.Bl.ock_1,,17ard's_ Subdivi_sion,.__and Block 2, .............. s_...,.. omesi.tes Plat luo.. _2 from__Albert._ 5t ._..to., Pascal hve...... ._. under Preliminary Order approved July '9,._19?1 ....................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $-.z.Q-�-�--------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $-------------------. ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VSSESSED ALUATION 4: 1. Midway Park, St. Paul, 7125 3. 1 Minnesota. 4550 2. 1. do 1000 1. 1 do 5600 5 1 do 5925 6. 1. do 3100 7. 1 do 2300 g. 1. do 800 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMEi.NT Ok' FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ` P 3 1 j,'iard'a Subdivision of Lot 900 2 1 4, Reserve Garden Lots, 850 i i 1 1 Ramsey County, 171innesota. 800 4 1 do 900 5 1 do 850 6 1 do 800 7 2 Den E. Lane's tlomesites 475 6 2 Plat 2 475 i West 12 of 5 2 do 235 East z of 5 & all of 4 2 do 715 3 2 do 475 2 2 do 475 1 2 do 800 8 2 do 425 9 2 do 425 10 2 do 425 11 2 do 425 12 2 do 425 13 2 do 425 do Total_ 42375 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referen— d m%a�tter by the Commissioner of Pub jNorks. ........= C ---------- ----- ...... . ---.-- - i Date l Commissioner of Finance. IONM B.9.A. a-9 G 1 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 35.606 July 29 , 1921. _...191 ......... , relative to ....................... cil, known as Council File No.. ...................................approved.......................................................... ... condemning and taking an easement in theland necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the alley running east and west in .Block 1, Midway Park, and Block 1 '!lard's Subdivision, .........._._..................................................................._..........................._.._...._......._......................................................................._............_.................................... . and Block 2, Den E. bane's Homesites Plat #2, from Albert to and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: Pascal Ave. 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_........... ......... ..... and the total coat thereof is $............_..........._...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ ..... ........... .................. ................. _...................... ............................... ........... 3. - A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and-madea part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is._..... ...... ....................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --..... ....................... li..il.S! ......._......................_.................. Commies oner o c Works. o t • TOLTZ, KING AND DAY,INc. • ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS 1-0 PIONEER BUILDING xTOLTZ, M.AR.so c. M. E. zen ST. PAUL,MINNFrSOTA .E. KING, M.AN. GOe.00E IN wV cR W wG eRDwv, WA -1 TRA........ August 219t, 1 9 2 0. f 4 1r,r. J. E. Carroll, City Engineers Office, St. Paul, idir.r.esota. Lear Sir: - In connection -.lith the grading and installation of side-salks on the Yount Curve Boulevard, ?'a.pl.e-;rood Addition, will advise that you may consider this as release of my property at the corner of Liount Curve and SarL7ent from any responsibility on the City's part in connection with the slopes necessary to the proper installation of t.ic .4 de,,alks. 11er;/ truly yours, BPdD L 0"(�7 z V, ti ' COUNCIL FILE NO --------- ....... .._ Frank W. Matson By................_I-- .................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Pavi g-_Stryker-:.Ave-,....from..winlfred Au eta St., and Augusta St from east line of Stryker Ave. to westerly ... .....-. .....-- Dodd.oad,...and..:Dodd-.Road-_from_.Augu_Ata..:St- -to.-.south--_City--Limits, lnoluding..-sewer-,-_water..-and gas... conneotions--from---.street--mains.-to-.---.... -.--property lines oomplete-, .where not -already .made, ourbing.."d:..Paying- a11eY... a..driveway-approaohee............... --------------------------- under Preliminary'Order........... 3f 3.32---_ ._- aonrnvrA ... ., t... 1.....] 921......... - ... ........... .. C �+ Nu,' 37661 - i n Diate°n= -- ---- - - --.. . dvinsLrYker^Ave ... ....... ..- ... ... Intermediary Order.... In cne.Mainiirea sf. nta line °c A public hearing having been h;,' avg°aia'st ana a see i Wea ec pon due notice, and the Council enst.line.of Stryker i� gcad, having heard all persons, objections nne;°f aoaa g°aa nna v°a,-' Hereto, and having fully consid-_ fr6m .lu6nsta SC to i Sr°vater ay Lt,r i� s Including sewer S' ered t'he same; therefore, be it aFonneeuons Erom sCreet ",<' RESOLVED, By the Council of " °pea y'n eEe aleopinLB{� the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said air Vir n Cityis....F.ave--.3tryker...Ave._..from-.nnifred..St.....to south... line ..o.Y..-.Amgus-ta.....St-.-,----old.._Au.gust&._S.t..... .r.41n...OA01.--1 n.9.-_of...e3ryk.er _.-Avg.--. tp.- xest erly.-line---oP.. Dodd..Road.,-_-.snd._Dodd.. Road -.-from-. AugueU-_M.-.to south-. City -.Limine,_. inoluding_eewer.,..:water. and .gas. connections- from... and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; thk upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted b the Cotmeil._......_Jj{, a• "191 i P Y t +. r•;............ City'Clerk. JAV Oe .92i Approved ........_...... - ..._._..........__....., 191 -.... Mayor. YGonneilf t�axna'� G] anOy C mH8ilm -F Son ; �� 2 Councilman CMYL McDonald }( Councilman iC7¢RS% Matson Councilman "Mika Smith Councilman WLi XI jq*A W#nzel Mayor Hodgson a wW F r Form B. S. A. 8-7 - ? COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By Frank W. Matson FINAL ORDER In the Matter of--.Paring--.stryker-:Ave -..from-.winifred--_5t-. Augusta St, and Augusta St from east line of Stryker Ave. to westerly -. . ling-•of..-Dodd-otoad,.-.and Dodd--Road--from-.-AuguAta---St-.---to---south---City--Limits, including---eewer-,--_water-__and gas---connections---from---etreet:_maine---to------------ property--_linee___cotnplete-,---where--.not--already--made,.- a1-eO--including-........... curbing..Snd:..P-eying--alley...and-- dri.vewaX.-_aPproache e, ..................................................... under Preliminary Order ........... 3..6542 - annrosed-_ _Q _t. .... 1.}..-1921. ............................. ..-- �e: F. No.' $7661 BY F• �; tfatefnA Intermediary Order'--. _- In the Matter of pdvinS [rykerno ------ -.---- - f om Wtnlfr d St' o uth line- oY ...-...-.... .... A public hearing having been hi ' � s in ,tit sc Y&V ' C6 �teae�'Y upon due notice, and, the Council having heard all persons, objections iine,ol Dgaa noxa,-kna Dodd x°naI ereto, and having fully consid from Augusta 8t to Doth C1tYLim •, ittnudg so sr Bred the same; therefore, be it s elin onnecttons fr m a�reet ro RESOLVED, By the Council of al°P°a YmaaeS -Iso improvement d of the precise nature, extent and kind of -o improvement to be made by the said City is--..Pave--.Stryker... Ave..--from--Winifred_ St -.---to _...-.QouGkt-..line .-oY.-..Au eta .fit...4.-_9 dAugusta-_at...--f-T.-4>n.--es Qt-lin@.-.o#...St Yk.er _-----Ave- --.tP.. eQterly---line-.-of--Dodd--Road,----and-.Dodd-_Road---Yrom-- Augusta} ---nom to south--. Ci tp--Limi t s, --_i neludi ng--sewer.,-.-water..-and-_.gas---connect 1 on e -_Prom street mains -to property lines complete, where not already made; also - ---...-. ------ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of f�iblie Work be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._+I� `191_2; / City 'clerk. 04, ,92Lfi Approved .............:.. _................-.-, 191.--... .............-- ...................................... Mayor. Eeune}}nra;rl��Yrffi�4--61anoy�.,. - CounciltzrMr=Jx oll, j icLxti ri, ' �� � 2 Councilman CJE McDonald Councilman 3{0= Matson Councilman Mh�t Smith y Ff� 1 Councilman )AIAOXNA W8nZe1 Mayor Hodgson 411 Form B. S. A. 8-7 S T>. DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL I Olt FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �, ON PRELIMINARY ORi,*R VP In the Matter of..Paving Stryker Avenue from Wiliir.d Street t.....South 1�.n, .... e Stryker ............... . ........................ . ............. . . .. .............................................. . . ....... ........ . ........... ...... .... . ..... Augusta Street and Augusta Street from East line of Stry%pr_.AyqnqP t..p._.jV ............ .... - - .. .. .. ... . ........ ---- ................... --- .................. ........... ..... 1. .... ... ... erly line of Dodd Road and Dodd Road from Augusta Street to South Q t Li ............... .......... ........ .. ...... ..... .................... y . ......... M including sewer, water and gas connections.,_ from street mains property..._ ................. ........ ... ........ ........... .......... ..... 9 ................. lines complete, where not. already made; also in.c.lUdi-n.g.curbing apA paving........._,__.._ alley and driveway approaches. ...... . ... .................. ........ ............. . .......... - --- - ........ ....... - ...... ................ - ............ ............ rder Preliminary Order approved .___.Oct Ober 1 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: SU7�= AV'0* altil AUgUata .3t* jMVP18 40 n.:710 oUrb laid a F 0,tate xl:� T lob 0 arm i IJ6 2W4 7. % 20#210420 6 45- xl:� 4-A arm IJ6 2W4 7. % CITY OF ST. PAUL - I 1 DEPARTMENT Or FINANCE ~ REPORT OF .COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CV - In the Matter of . Paving Stryker Avenue from Wi'hi.fred Street .__to. so...u..th.0nQ._..p�__......_.............. _... .. ..... ....... .. ......._. ....... Augusta Street and Augusta Street from East line of Stryker Avenue ....to We -$_t- ........ erly line of Dodd Road and Dodd Road from Augusta Street to_Sout_h..-_City_hi7nits..,_.. including sewer, water and gas connections from_street., mains,. to.,..propert.y._.................... lines complete, where not already made; also including curbing anc__pavi_ng... .. ....... alley and driveway approaches. -._ _ pder Preliminary Order approved October l,.1921. ........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: (41) - Stl7ksr ave. and Atigufatga at. paving 4© oto With oUrb. Brick .P.upb alt or ,hzlt o ounssrate C+�ncare re Uost to property 'S'+vi$¢! 3.`3,f323.r�^.4i ,�;ib,>;3{3ari�+ lit,t3txf3.t1U +rnn 3wa1i 4t.5i3 ✓ 4.29 Coot of interseo- Micas 10,490,46 71907,* - 71907, -ao ti a t3 $��i7ir6f3 24,04-0,66 20ym.20 -d i ($) - add lZoa$'yloving 24 ftw Wi'tiaUut curb Good headers) Cost .tQ + V• I. ':Tota ' qq [' Coax y6yt,� tions I T1J'6LT� 11+Ycti'f;, gt. " 2062 2*10 10% 1116ta3 coat 38,1168628 ].5;,7:584{79 3.2;15' .L7 u ci f 0,08 7*Zb 6, 08 4 f � Ccat of brick Jaid flat ��8v469aA6 Grand Totia� ) " of Asphalt or Asphaltio 59,046*97 canr�r©ta �4?�,°�fi'•43 Drainage e`587.51, stroot 60-66-60 P13etibC3th to Robib'Favi% '61wre seater snd •, ,tcr-connoctions s e not In a4A to cost for each lata 1803 Gtr. 690a00 For 6" botwo tirsin connection (66 (60 M 70*00 For 5f4" w6t€+r conneotiona (Sol Are 40425 (Got a 40000 i- .�-_._...... .�.�.+.- p�—���� y sesae�bett��efitfor—such Improvement, an`d"Ehe aseesse3`Taiva6on oP'd wdh—lotor -The lots or arce e o land that ma be as B parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 i;lerrill's Subdivision of 650 the West z of Bloc], 79, 3 Best St. Paul Proper. 4450 2 do 2075 x 1 do 2100 5 do 1650 6 do 2400 7 do 2550 8 do 2625 9 do 2700 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL C A I DEPARTMENT OF.PINANOK' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK + ADDITION East 110 feet of 10 80 "lest 40 ft. of 4, 9 & 10 80 East 110 feet of 9 80 East 110 feet 'of 8 80 (Except ',V ly 50 ft.) 6 & 7 80 Westerly 50 feet of 6 & 7 80 3 99 10 83 4 99 9 83 5 ..99 8 83 East 35 ft. of 6 & 7 83 ♦lest 40 ft. of East 75 ft. of 6&7 83 East 25 ft.of "Jest 75 ft.of 6 & 7 83 ':Jest 50 feet of 6 & 7 83 1 84 2 84 North 2 of 3 84 ';lest 50 ft. of South 2 of 3 84 East 40 ft.of .,est 90 ft. of South of Lot 3 and :last 40 ft, of ',,Vest 90 ft. of 4 and lest 1/3rd of 4 & East 60 ft. of South 2 of East 60 feet of 4 & Xest 100 feet of 1 & East 50 feet of 1 & �Y "lest St. Paul Proper, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do t ASSESSED VALUATION 2825 2175 1825 2075 4600 3675 1300 3600 575 2550 1750 2225 2650 650 500 200 2950 5 84 do 10600 5 84 do 850 3 84 do ) `6375 5 84 do ) 2 99 do 4000 2 99 do 1350 3 99 do 3500 4 99 do 2375 5 ..99 do TOTAL 4600 CITY OF BT. PAUL � 1 DEPARTMENT OF Ii1NAN Q•.T. 44 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT•BLOCK ` ADDITION _ ASBES�;ED VALUATION East 100 feet of 10 100 West St. Paul Proper ) 1400 worth 18 ft. of East 100 ft. 9 100 do ) South 32 ft.of Last 100 ft.of 9 100 do 1000 West 1/3rd of 9 & 10 100 do ) 1100 North z of West 1/3rd of 8 100 do ) East 100 ft. of north a of 8 100 do 1350 South z of 8 100 do ) 1500 North z of 7 100 do ) South s of 7 100 do ) -} 8050 6 100 do ) 10 103 do 1475 9 103 do ) 3400 8 103 do ) 7 103 do 2150 6 103 d0 4100 1 104 do 2925 2 104 do 300 3 104 do 250 4 104 CIO 250 5 104 do 275 1 116 do ) 975 2 116 do ) West 1/3rd of 3, 4 -and 5 116 do 200 West z of East 2/3 of 3, 4 & 5 116 do 175 East 1/3rd of 3, 4 and 5 116 do 1125 East 100 feet of 10 117 do 300 (Except East 100 ft) 9 and 10 117 do TOTAL 2050 { { CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PINANC'Z REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER w DESCRIPTION • LOT.BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION . East 100 feet of 9 117 I'dest St. Paul Proper 2550 8 117 do 325 7 117 do 250 6 117 do 325 East of S. P.labasha St. 9 & 10 120 do 425 It ° it " - 8 120 do 200 It f1 " " 7 120 do 200 it it " " 6 120 do 950 Nest of S. Viabasha St. 7,8,9 10 120 do 225 it " " " 6 120 do 75 1 1.21 do ) 1250 2 121 do ) 3 121 do 250 4 121 do 1600 5 121 do 450 (Except S. 'vabasha St.) The East 85 ft. of the North 37 feet of Lot 1 133 do 1100 North 41.50 feet of 'lest 65 feet of Lot 1 133 do 1400 (Except S. Wabasha St.) The East 85 feet of South 13 ft. of Lot 1 and East 85 feet of North 2 of Lot 2 133 do 107.5 South 8.50 feet of 'nest 65 ft. of Lot 1 & 'Test 65 fMet of North 2 of Lot 2 133 do 950 (Except part taken for open- ing of S. 19abasha St.) The South 2 of Lot 2 133 do TOTAL 1100 . CITY OF ST. PAUL .I I DEPARTMENT OF VINANOE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK * ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION aJ All that part lying Northwest Wiest St. Paul Proper of South .mbasha Street) 3 133 250 All that part lying S.E'ly of S. 4abasha Street of 3 133 do 75 All that part lying N.CJ'ly of S. l'iabasha Street of 4 133 do 75 All that part lying S.E'ly of S. i7abasha Street 4 133 do 250 (Except part taken for open- 3300 ing of '-outh Wabasha Street) 5 133 do 6 133 do 900 7 133 do 450 (Except part taken for open- 8 133 do 450 ing of South Wabasha Street) (Except part taken for open- ing of S. .,+abasha Street) 9 133 do (Except part taken for open- 6575 ing of South ',Jabasha Street) 10 133 do i:ast 2/3rds of 9 & 10 134 do 6125 +est 1/3 of 9 & 10 134 do 2075 8 134 do 2125 7 134 do 1925 6 134 do 3050 5 134 do 450 4 134 do 2550 All that part of Block A & of Lots 1 and 2 135 do lying Southeasterly of South :!abasha Street. 2925 All that part of Block A & of Lot 1, 135 lying I4.orthwesterly of South 400 data sha St. do TOTAL • CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OFkINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY^ORDER (B) DESQRIPTION " LOT .BLOCK ADDITION y7 J (Extent part taken for open- 1 D Jackson & Bidwell's Add- ing South Vlabasha Street) ition to West St. Paul. All that part lying South- easterly of S. 4abasha St) 2 D do All that part lying k1orth- westerly of S. 'flabasha St.) 2 D do (Except part taken for open- ing South Uabasha Street) 3 D do (Except part taken for open- ing of South ',`iabasha Street) 4 D do 1 2 3 4 5 (Except Page Street) 13 ill that part lying Worth of Page S�reet B Smith & Martin's rearrange- ment of Block 136, hest ) St. Paul Proper ) do ) do do hest St. Paul Proper 1 1 Jackson & Bidwell's Add - 2 1 ition to West St. Paul. 3 1 do (ExceptWabasha Street) 10 1 do (Except ',iabaslia Street) 9 1 do 8 1 do 7 1 do 6 1 d o. ASSESSED VALUATION 3250 100 100 300 400 3500 2050 325 2400 200 825 3550 1000 250 1500 25Q„ 1125 875 4 Tyrer's Rearrangement of 1725 Block 18 of 1delson, 5 Stevens & King's Addition 325 to ,lest St. Paul. _ 6 do 325 7 do 2925 8 do 650. . TOTAL if 'Poi al 206825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referenneaid matter by the Commissioner of Pub ' orks. Dated�- 1 _.... ......_.__...__.._......... -- C,. Commissioner of Finance. FORM -.A. 9-5 C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) __ A DESCARIPTION LOT OLOCK , ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Except South ,dabasha Street) 1 19 Nelson, Stevens Ec King's ) (Exceot South ';labasha Street) 2 10 Addition to 'West St. Paul. ) 50 (Except South ilabasha Street) 3 19 do 75 4 19 do 100 5 19 do 100 North 50 f eet of 6 and 7 19 do 125 South 50 feet of i4orth 100 ft. of 6 & 7 19 do 900 South 50 feet of 6 and 7 19 do 100 I 8 19 do 350 (Except Dakota P.venue) 9 19 do 200 (Except Dakota Avenue) 10 19 do ) 250 (Except Dakota Avenue) 11 19 do ) QExcept Dakota Avenue) 12 19 do 75 (Except Dakota Avenue) 13 19 do 100 14 19, do 200 1 24 do 125 2 24 do 100 3 24 do 100 4 24 do 100 (_xcept Dakota Avenue) 5 24 do 100 Except part, taken for opening of South ..abasha Street and except north 89 feet) 6 and 7 24 do 25 (Except part taken for opening of South 'labasha Street) North 89 feet of 6 and 7 24 do 325 'Poi al 206825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referenneaid matter by the Commissioner of Pub ' orks. Dated�- 1 _.... ......_.__...__.._......... -- C,. Commissioner of Finance. FORM -.A. 9-5 C Glenn eLAu!leN, ex�e. exmxeen J. E. CARROLL A99 T. O..E...c.xeen wxo ..... 11 O� ee = C TT Puxxeixo ex.�xeen H. 9. ORYTBAH, BRioce ENoixeen A. B. 9H Afl P. Su rT. or 9iReeTS axo lAxitwiiox N. W. GOE—NONER. Sur*. or W -- — (Up (Up of St. Paul , DrVartrnrnt of public Works HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IPVINO C. PEARCE. DEWTY COMMISSION.. .z Mr. H. C. 'Menzel, Commissioner of Public 'iiorl:s. October 21, 1921. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate Of cost for the paving of Stryker Ave. from +"linifred St. to south line of Agusta St., and Augusta St. from east line of Stryker Ave. to westerly line of Dodd Road, and Dodd Road from Augusta St. to , south City Limits, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, under Preliminary Order C. F. 36539, approved October 1, 1921: (p) - Stryker Ave. and Augusta St, paving 40 £t. with curb. Brick Asphalt or laid flat Asphaltic concrete Concrete Cos to property fronta,-e15 500.1Q / 13,068.00 / Total 619,021.20 / �' ✓ 4.20 Frit, 6.11 J 4.98 Cost of intersec- tions g 548.54 7,207.20 Total 10,490.48 + 2.75 2•J1 / Front ft. 8.37 Z Total cost 29,511.68 24,048 .64 20,275.20 Fron 9.48 7.73 6.51 (B) - Dodd Road paving 24 ft. without curb (wood headers) Cost to property / frontes e a/ 8 939.85 o a 13,479.40 / 10,777.95 Fret. 6.45✓/ 5.16 4.28 Cost of intersec- tions 4 38U.84 3,633.72 Tota�� 5,478.68 2.10 1.74 front ft. 2.62 / / Total cost 18,958.28 ✓/ 15,158.79` 12,573.57 Cost 9.08 7.25 6.02 rfy� -2- GCost of brick laid flat Grand Total 0 " of Asphalt or Asphaltic a concrete q Concrete - - - - $48,469.96 39,207.43 32,848.77 v Drainage ti587.51. Street II0-66-60 Length 3,451 ft. ;iidth Rway 40-24-40 Frontage 5,201 ft. Elizabeth to Robie 6.10 Where sewer and water connections are not in add to cost for each lot: e (80' Str. °'90.00 For 6" house dra-n cormection (66' " 75.00 (60' IT 70.00 (80' atr. 45.00 For 3/4" water connections (66' Str. 40.25 (60' " 39.00 Yours truly, -P. I.r- a" �--�-'-- Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Com:.:issioner of Finance. C ner of P is S+orks. fifis r �� i Y �__ 4_ £ C &• r �� 4�_ x c I _ y a St. Paul, Minn .....................................................192..... To.The Honorable, The ouncil, City of St. Paul, inn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property. owners, hereby petition your Honorable. Body to cause the following improvement Iwjde:9,6y74-,Z, l -cc ............................ _----.............. --......................................................... -............................................................................ ..........._.....:.......................................................... ............................................ ......_..................St. Ave. /�f............... from.y!. St. Ave. to ` .. ...... ......... .:...... .... ... ..........._. t. NAME LOT BLOCK A46ITI6N t ST Q poi / 2 % o. Q ,. �(J / L t o.. O L C }} Q� a �O ►SQ=; .s- & - l _' r F' C: 1 S i =. - COUNCIL FILE NO .................... 3'552 By......F.rank: ii ..1.4ats.on................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......eurbing...b.oth..s.ides....of.-Brimhall...Avenue...frnxa..5t.....Dlair-.... Stre. .et -.to.. Jeffersonbtte P u «� ------------------ ------* - ......................... ......... ............................................................. etir.,vgs=,. Aafions ,,,r� ........................................................................... ............................... under Preliminary Order......... 36458-----_.---.-_------.-- approved.........Sart....2.6.,...192] .................----...... IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved------------ ------------------- -------------------------------- - --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..Curb--both._sides---of_BrimkM.11_E1veSt e....:----... fxom._St�...Clair..Street...t--o Jefferson,.wenue.a................. ........ _........................................ -----------------------I .. ..........._.....-- ..............--........_..._.......... ............ .........._... ... .................... -------------------------- .... .............. ------ ------ .......... ... --------------- i..- - --- ....-.._..............-- _........_............ .......... . - .............. ............... ......... _..... — .... ............ :_......_....__...... .... -- ---............----------------------------------- ...._............. - ------ ................... .... ............ -- ..- .._....... ...............--- ........... ---- -- . and the Council° hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for)aid improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the pro Der t8ty officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvemept iniaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. � t l ty Clerk. Approved..:.......::' ._...A. ..... ........ ._._...... , / .._- ------------------------------ .......... ....-......... ........... Mayor. Councilman mpzuwwurw Clancy Councilman ;somx Councilman =1W Ferguson.., Councilman i4A4*•x Matson Councilman SII Smith Councilman XhmdodidbxWenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8_7 Dear Sir: November 8, 1921. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the following proposed improvement - Curbing both sides of Brimhall Ave, from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 36458, approved Sept. 26, 1921. Approximate estimate of cost $1633.30 Cost per front foot - - - - •69 Frontae -- - - - - - - - 2386 ft. Yours truly, Approved Approved for transmission `2 " to the commissioner of Finance. Chief Engineer. • Commissioner of Public ''Ioyks. 1 situ of bt. Paul Department of Vubtir Marks 09CAR C"U99EN. = EN.IH6M. HERMAN C. WENZEI. COMMISSIONER J. E. CARROLL A — CH c. ENOlxeen A" --GN AND -PAIISHIVING C. PEARCE DEPUTY C ... 11.1ONER G. M. HE'ROLD, OIInu o CITY Pu�Hxixo 48 END H n M. 9. ORYTEAK ERIEOE END—. A. e. 9NAflP, gun. 11911I 8ANo 9AHITATION M. W. OO—M.NER. 9u.T. o. WORxxOU9. Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public '1lorks. Dear Sir: November 8, 1921. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the following proposed improvement - Curbing both sides of Brimhall Ave, from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 36458, approved Sept. 26, 1921. Approximate estimate of cost $1633.30 Cost per front foot - - - - •69 Frontae -- - - - - - - - 2386 ft. Yours truly, Approved Approved for transmission `2 " to the commissioner of Finance. Chief Engineer. • Commissioner of Public ''Ioyks. St. Paul, Minn.,... II?' ........1922 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to.be made: .............................................. V .......................... ................................................................................................... from....- ...............---- ......................St. to.— Ave. .._._. i s CITY PF BT. AUL DEPART 'HENT ANCE REPORT OF COMMISS. NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �'®1 (A) Pyr In the matter of curbing both sides of Brimhall Avenue from St. Clair Street to Jefferson Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 260 192i. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 1.633.30 I ront .69 The estimated cost per kot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Sylvan Park Add, to the 450 City of St. Paul. 1. a. Vernon's Rear. of the E.i 400 _. a: a. of Blk. 4,: Lots 4,5,6,7,8, _ _350._;_ 3.. 3_ 9,10,11,12 of Blk. 3, E.i _ 350 4. 2 of Blk. 5 and w.J of Blk._ 6. 400 1- 5, 2. of Sylvan Park Add. to the. _ ..400 't- 6. a: City of St. Paul 400 7. 2 do 400 8 10 a. do TOTAL. 400_" OITY OF B .PAUL DEPARTAE IN ANCE IER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM51.11 ON ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESRIPTION - LOT BLOCK C _ ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 a Vernonte Rear. of the E. 400 10 2. of Blk. 4, Lots 4,5,6,7,8, 400: 11. a. 9,10,11,12 of Blk. 3, Ej of 400 1 3 Blk. 5 and W. -,k of Blk. 6, of _ ',400 2 3 _-Sylvan park Add. to the City 3,700 3 3 of St. Paul 2,600 4 3 do 1 400 5 3 do 2,400 6 3 do 3,050 7 3 do 400 8 3 do 400 9 3 do 350 10 3 do 350 . 11 3 do .300 12 3 do 300 13 3 do 20375 14 3 do 3,000 15 3 do 375 3 1 do 4 1 do 350 5 1 do 350 6 1 do 31.600 - a 7 1 do 3,100 8 1 do 1,700,: 9 1 do 3,000 } 10 1 do a, 400'; 11 1 do 750 TOTAL CITY OF 0T PAUL DEPARTM *F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 1 Vernons Rear. of the E.* 2,150 13 1 of Blk. 4, Lots 4,5,6,7,6, 400 14 1 9,10,11,13 of Blk. 3, E. -,k 3,550 " 1 4 of Blk. 5, and W.J of Blk. 6 3,400 2 •4 of Sylvan Park Addition to 3,100 ,. 3 4 the City, of St. Paul. 3,650 4 4 do 900 5 4 do 2,300 6 4 do 400 7 4 do 4,400 S 4 do 400 9 4 do 400 10 4 do 400 11 4 do 400 12 4 do 400 13 4 do 400 14 4 do 400 15 4 do 400 67,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-i��r�/�-- l�— / Commissioner of Finance. Form B. D. 12 COUNCIL FILE NO gy.-Frank PI. IEateon FINAL ORDER In the Matterof ng-_a--.storm-.Water relief.-_sewer__on-_Plato...Avenue from Custer St. to So. Robert St. and lateral connection at Livingston --_-_ ................-- --................................--...... - ..... - --.._.................... -- ------....--- ...... .............................................. Ave..-..froltl..the pftye-.-Qewer.-to,-.the.-.south._line.-_oP_-Plato...Avenue.,_.................................. .............................................................. ...................................-------- ......................... -- .......................... ... ..... .......t — -------- fG F No ''STb6S—By 8' W 11Rgteoa r IIa the Matta of 00."tr etlag a �etorm � ... ............................ _.. .. __ ......... ............... J1water rettet,z sdwafsalatP .+Neave ... ... ..............._....._... - rom easter St. YD.^BD ob under Preliminary Order............ 35601 ............. approLtagat 9i 1921. _....................... Yh Intermediary Order........ - .......................... -- -- .......-.... approved ... ------:,-^H.....- ---....................-....................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to bq made by the said City is_.C.oII8tr11.C.t...a...atoSn mrater.. zeliaf....sew-er ..... on.-.P.7.&to-..AYe.>7tle.._xom:.-tester-_St...._to-_So.---Robert--- St,--_and:--lateral--connection at.-l,i.vingstcn....A9.c......from-..the.. above.__ sewer-_t0--_the.--south-_-line-_of Plato.._ Avenue, .._.............-- ...... --- ......... .... - . .... ..........._.._..... - - .......... - .................... ... - ............... ---- - .................. ................ . .............................................................................................. ............................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improveme t in accordance therewith. moo•.--�- Adonted by the Couneil..� 1.`_4� f Approved ...... r e ,`% ,'7 i Councilman F.IMMM Clancy Councilman GMM Ferguson Councilman dffimMx McDonald Councilman ZMMX Mat sonn"?- Councilman ➢pl=X Smith / Councilman IMIKOM Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ..; .. I Ci Clerk. A i Mayor. -7-7`6�i r�.?a CITY OF $T. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF -FI ANCE S I r 1 REPORT OF COMMIStIONER OF FINANCE 1 (A), o ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lCOnstruct1. a stOr"d Water relief sepler onPlato ........ Avenue from ..___.__._�. Cus.t a.r .StrQet t.a.:.:.S..o..utkz.:H.ob.e.r.t S.t�:.e_e.t.....A.nd.la.te.ra1:....n.oxine.cti.on-aL....Livi.nj*.s.t.an_ . ......:. Avenue from the.._apove._._se*rer i o. the South line o£ Plato »venue. ..under Preliminary Order approved .._July„. 29.}_._._1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_380800_........_._.-_-. . , - The improve estimated costtpperifoot for the above ent is $ front ft.iA o ' Q17 aoa........._.._.._. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1i DESCRIPTION ILOT iLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 -, 6 19 Bazil Rabert's Addition 2360' ! , t 5 19 to ';lest St. Paul, County 23.00 6 1S of Dakota; Serritory of 2300 Ii _ - - 1 5 le i�Iilnnesotac c it 3000 ,. I' Lilts 4 5 ;_ Custer Street Addition to and the va�ated:alle north o� ,- �' � St. Paul.. Y said Lot 5; also, that part of 6 and of Custer St+: vacated & of blk. 170 VieSit' St: Paul Proper lying Northerly ;of a line 36 ft. Northerly from & parallel to the center line of the North bound main' track of the C. G. ';i_Rf.Co ! __ P ' Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �• 1 REPORT OF COMMIISSFONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) / DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Custer Street i.ddition to 18Q0 St. Paul. (Except ', asterly 40 feet) 9 & 10. 23 TDazil L Robert's Lddition > 4300 3asterly 40 feet of 9 and 10 23 to 'hest St. Paul. ) 'Ilesterly 15 feet of 1 and 2 23 do 625 ('.'ccept .;esterly 15 feet) 1 23 do 15.675 4 19 do 2000 3 19 do 2000 ._ .. 2 19 do 2000 7 18 do 2000 8 18 do 000_9 2000- 918 do 2000 8 23 do 1800 . :ortheasterl' 15 feet of 7 23 do 275 (kept llortheasterly 15 feet) 7 23 do (included with Lot 1"1, i%ud. Sub. ti39) (kept •:esterly 15 �: e::cept S'ly 20 ft. of B'ly 79 ft.) 2 23 do (included with Lot 1) SIly 20 ft: of Easterly 79 ft. 2 23 do .625 -Yorthviesterly 13 1/3 feet of 3 23 do 650 Southeasterly 36 2/3 feet of 3 23 do 1650. 4 23 do 2300 5 23 do _ 1750 )) A triangular piece of land ad- ) ,_ joining: F South of Lot 5 do _ roar a. s. n 2 22. do TOTAL 375 ,.. 16 (accept I?ortheasterly 15 feet _ 17 taken for Lot 7, Block 23, Bazi.l & Robert's Lddition) 16 19 20 21 22 23 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 kuditor's Subdi,r si.on #39, 300 St. Paul, i:linn. 12d0 do 1.200 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1500 do 1500 . do DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE d o 1600 d0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE do 10000 . do ON PRELIMINARY ORDER do ). 6800 do 1700 do `. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ;Lest of LivinP;ston ivenue l 1 Laton & Morrison's Add- 500 .,:'lest vi,ston I.vonue of Liug 2 _ 1 ition to ',lest St. Paul. -'{est of Livingston Avenue 3 1 do (included with Lot 6) 4 1 do 135.0 ';;est of Livingston i'_venue 5 1 do 250 .;est of Livingston ::venue 6 1 do 82.5 16 (accept I?ortheasterly 15 feet _ 17 taken for Lot 7, Block 23, Bazi.l & Robert's Lddition) 16 19 20 21 22 23 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 kuditor's Subdi,r si.on #39, 300 St. Paul, i:linn. 12d0 do 1.200 do 1500 do 1500 . do 150,0 d o 1600 d0 2500 do do 10000 . do } do ). 6800 do 1700 do 160.0. _. do 1.500 -- do 5100 do 1200 do iodo do TOTAL 500 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM4SS?ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION n11 Auditor's Subdivision 12 5500 13 :ao. 39, St. Paul, i:inn. 14 do ) 15 do 600 (Except port, ta)�en or opening 3 0' ^^.11s ld- 600 Eaton ',venue) That part lyinm East Of S. :tobert St. sat o_1 ition to ,+est St. Paul. 2 25 3azi1 L 3obert's !:ddi.tion ) 600 3 25 to ,?est St. Paul 3 24 do ) r 2,1. do ) :i 24 d0 ) 13350 6 24 do ) 7 24 do ) f Total 185850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon,to the Council, tope her with the report made to him in reference to said matter by t mmissioner of Public Works. i Dated _ ZI / t / Commissioner of Finance. Form B. a.12 (utp of sP. 3aul Department of public works OSCAR CLAU49C.."tc. rlxolNPL1 - HERMAN C. WENZEL. COAMISS10" J. l.CAPROLL Alan. Cx c�lxolx!!l wxo ' IpVIND C. PGRCC DCPUTY CO-MI-310"R • G. H. HlRROLDOOmu wxo Crtv Pl.wxxBxa sLs 48 M. S. SHARMGRYTPAK. B oO! lNo1NQp A. B. SOMIWGN or Ern 01 All lwxRwilox September 23, 1921• H. W. DOlTZINCNER. 9u PT. or WoxxxOUae _ ::r. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public ViOrks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a storm water relief sewer on Plato (venue from Custer St, to South Robert St. and lateral connection at Livingston Ave. from the above sewer to the south line of Plato Avenue, underPreliminary Order C. F. 35601, approved July 29, 1921: Estimate cost - - - - - _ - - - - 53808.00 Area of district not including _ 236,000 ft. streets or alleys - - - - The existing sewer on So. Robert St. between Plato and the re_.ilroad is to be diverted from its present outlet,which is insufficient, and drained through the proposed new sewer. The existing sewer on Plato Avenue will be inadequate for the drainage reaching it from ad- joining areas. The proposed sewer is therefore assumed to benefit the entire area in the drainage district shown on the accompanying map. This sewer should be put in this fall. yours truly, Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of i,inance. r— Commissioner of Public orks. 1 Trr ►mmissioner- of PllWbhc o14- 3'7554 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By----......F.rank. vi,....lMats.on......----......------... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....C.onQ.t,rust.in9-..aurhing...on..b.oth.sides...of-York ...Str-eet from Arcade.__ St-----------eet_to__Forest. Street_,________________ .. - ............. ...... ... . -- ........._...... ............... -- -- .......... .........................--- -- ............-- ................................... .......................................................... .. w Matwi---*......................... .. "C. E No. tter AO BY:.k. cup•.-..- �In the;Matt r ot, conetructtng, "ArcadehStia o`Foree[ St S undo;'' ..... _.... _..... ....... ...... .._.................................................................... 'um{nary-Order 3660U aPDrove;j: 19th. thavtubllhe&nBblun'y .... ........-----------------------------------..... . ................. ............ -- .......... "thlsbove under Preliminary Order ...........35600......................... aPFroved."Ju1y...2�th.,.-.1921--------------------------- --- IntermediaryOrder .............................................................. approved............ ............. - ..__.. -- ...---....------ -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.._.c.ons.trust._aunbing--.on-b.oth...s.ides...of-_York Straet__frOm Axcade..-Stre-et t°...Foxest.:.Street.a...............................- ........-........----------------- ----------------------------------- -------...._... ------------................... ._..... .................................---- ......---- -..............----- ......----- ......--------------------- .--------- .----- *......-- -------------- ---------------- - ...... .......- ............ ...........__... --.............. - .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvemei t m accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1 .. Approved - -...i........:.`-�..... 2........._... _...., 191 Councilman F.XXSWZM Clancy Councilman 692txx Ferguson Councilman 001Nyc McDonald 7Councilman Kix Matson O Councilman XV6 dk Smith Councilman Bch Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 �d Clerk. Mayor. ftwiz. �1-11��---';� / .jI ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OAZINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of oonstructing curbing on both sides of York Street from Arcade _ Street to rarest Street under Preliminary Order approved July 89th, 1981 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 1,645.50 front .70 The estimated cost per 96ot for the above improvement is Thedgts or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION So. 40 ft. of 13-- 14. 4 Nelson's Addition 750 16 1 Williams Rear. of Blk. 7, 3,000 17 1 and part of Blk.'4, Nel-, Eta. 18. 1_ sone Addition to the 1,150 19 1. City of St. paul. 1,750 20 1 do 11900 21 1 do 1,250 - 23 1 do 950 23 1 do 1,350 F., B. B. to T OTAL• _ _J_ OST(, OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIIJANCE REPORT OF- COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 1 Williams Rear. of Blk. 7 1,100 and part of Blk. 4, Nel- con's Addition to the City of St. Paul. West 43 ft. of 21 4 Nelsons Addition 1,400 _East_7 ft. of 21 & W. 33 1/3' 22 4 do 2,125 E.16 2/31 of 22 & W. 16 2/31 23 4_ do 1,850 ` East 33 1/3 ft Of 23 4 do 1,600 =; 24 4 do 2,050 j W.16 2/31 of 14 & all of 13 5 do 735 - E. 33 1/31 of 14 5 do 1,025. 15 5 do 1,250 16 5 do 1,300 17 5 do 18 5 do 1,500 19 5 do 1,700 . 30 5 do 2,500 ._. 21 5 do 2,400 !. 22 5 do 4,000 23 5 do 1,350 ; 24 5 do 2,600 18. 2 Williams Rear. of Blk. 7 1,050 -. 17 a "& part of Blk. 4, Nelsone 1,600 16. 2 Add. to the City of St. 1,750 15 2 Paul 2,350 14 '.2 do 2,200 13 a m do 350 13 2 do TOTAL .1,750 Ty OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIAANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIAINARY OR6ER (B) a LOT BLOCK ~�- ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 3 . Williams Rear. of Blk. _ 74 1.,550 10 3 _ part of Blk. 4, Nelson's _ 1,$50 9 3 Add. to the City of St. Paul 3,050 -- 8 3 do 1,550 7 3 do . 1_, 600 6 3 do 350 5 3 do 1,100 4 3 do 1,350 3 3 do 1.1850 _3 3 do 1,950 1 3 do 3, 600 30 Charles Weide'a Rear. of 3,3,75 19 Blk. 6,of Nelson's Add. to 1,100 18 the City of St. Paul 1,100. 1 17 do 1., 635 i 18 do 1,135 15 do 5.75 14 do 1,300 13 do 1,150 13 do 1,050 11 do 1,100 10 do 3.00 _ 9 do 1,500 8 do 1,750 - .. 7 do 1,650 6 do 300 5 do TOTAL 1,.000 OF 9T. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF ANANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT' BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION i'. 4 Charles Weides Rear. cf Blk. 1,150. 3 6 of Nelson's Add. to the 950 (Except South 16.5 ft.) 2 City of St. Paul 1,000 North 1/2 of 1 do 1,625 97,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the rep rt made to him in reference to said matter by t ommissioLnneer of Public Works. Date Commissioner / "/ C Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 We, the undersigned, respectfully petitlop your Honorable body for an order ordering the curbing and boulevarding of York Street from Arcade to Forest Streets. I -�P �-j U G 4 199.11, L/v 50 r o j ` Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor g Report to Commissioner of Finance C $ ; �► ' s� OCT October...._25......._1921...:........ 191.._._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preiiminary order of the Coun- 35600 July 29, 1921 cil, known as Council File No..................................... approved. ................................ ......... ..... ............................ 191.......... relative to...._................_...... curbing of both sides of York Street from Arcade Street to Forest Street. ................. ....... ........... -.................. .............. _........................ ....... _...._._........... _................... _.............. ......_................ ...................... .............. _....... ................................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...._ _....._. _necessary and (or) desirable. 70¢ per front foot and the total cost thereof is $....1645.50 and . ' 2. The estimated coat thereof is $._.............. _.._......_., .................................... Frontage 2361 ft. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................................................................................................................... ...................... ........................................ ._.._........... ........... .................... ....._.._................ .._....................... ............................ .... _............................. _.._.............. ......... ... ........ _.......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #................ ......... _.......... ................ ...................................................... _.......... ....._. ................ 5. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............................._.._......._. Q Commissioner of Public Works. ? 4 (fitu of 21. Paul deportment of Public idtochs OSCAR .— 0'.. C.—lNom¢ES NoiNeen. HF.AMAMC. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER - J. C. CARgOLL. AvT. CN— lNameeR ANo IRVINO C. PlARCE. DCPUTY COMMISSIONER G H HE lEO" ooPnoe — .111 PLAN—. PF 48 M. S. GRYTBAK, Bmooe CNOINEER A. B. SHARP. SUPT. o1STNe¢TS•NoI—TAT— October 24, 1921. M. W. 00—IN...., $VPT. oP WonNNOUfe ier. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Bear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of sost for the curbing of both sides of York Street from Arbade Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 35600, approved July 29, 1921: Approximate estimate o= cost $,1645:500 Cost per front foot---- - 2381 ft. Frontage - - - - - Yours tr y i Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the commissioner %of Finance. o' Commissioner of Public Works. 0 37555 COUNCIL 10�E NO ......................... By Franlc..W. ... :Mat -s -on. ... .. ---- --- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of changLng the grade of Van 1�uren St.--.-fr.om Griggs St..--.to- Lexingtqn.i' e. and Dunlap from om the alley south of Van Buren S.t to .......... ........................ .......... ....... ... ........... ......................... .... -the alley north of Van Burian St . . .... to c.onf..Qrm to t he r.ed lines on the . ...... _gro.file, a a_ --part.. �PX! nt o5t0li. ed to attach dand ma.qe_ . ..... . ......... gra.d.Q.0 be.iXI .g___s_hQK2!J?Y jqlqe S..t to -Lexington . Ave t o t h e said _red li.P. el w h_9 n e s t a b lis- hed. under Preliminary Order....__..36161 ..... approved. Sept. .31 __1921•......_____ ............._..... Intermediary Order. -------------- ------------------- ................... been . .. .... A public hearing having In ti��7 jj�tter,oV changing Enent upon due notice, and the Council Or Varg,Burdii sCfroin Griks having heard all.persons, objectio� Anth — O'IyBl'�Irj9�".ative thereto, and having fully consid- ered Buie. cred the same; therefore, be it orth-pf . Rn " "' ho -d li.e. City – -d nd ��,j j tij RESOLVED, By the Council of the, Ci of St. Vati..'kiia the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is-Chs,14,10 t he gr-a.dje of Yan..Buren ..Griggs St......t.hq..jaLjjpy _p.puth of Van Buren St. to the alley north of Van Buren St. to conform to the red lines ................. .. .................. ............. .................. . ..................................... ...................................................... on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof. the present estab- ----------------- profiles .......... .................... _ ................................. .. ................. ......................................................................... ... ..li-shed grades --- bolng-s-h-own by i).juq �ne 1 Jae reon A I s..Q gr-ading a.a1d.Van Buren St. from Griggs St. to Lexington Ave. to the said red line when est-ablished:------- -- ------------------------------------------- -------------------------- ................................................... .......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 191 .............. .. ........................ .................................. City Clerk. Approved .............. . .. ..... .. 191__ ...... ........... ............................. .............. Mayor. Councilman Yx=xxMk Clancy Councilman Vai&Kx Ferguson Councilman EIMX9c Councilman Kzlkmx McDonald Matson Councilman MX6= Smith Councilman MXM%1M1= lVenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 AUL i 1 DEPAR 11W i6F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN®RY ORDER yf (A) 00 Inthematterof changing the grade of Van Buren St. from Griggs St. to Lexington Ave. and Dunlap St. from the alley south of Van Buren St. to the alley north of Van Buren St. to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the .preaRnt established grades being shown by blue lines thereon- alae grading said Van Buren St. from Griggs St. to Lexington Ave. to the eaid_.r lines -when established. under Preliminary Order approved Reptember 3rd., 1981. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S gront The estimated cost pet foot for the above improvement is 1.72 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 18 2 Ruth Livingston Second 17 2 do 18 2 do 19 2 do 20 a do 21 2 do 22 2 do 23 2 do 24 2 do 25 2 do TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 300 325 285 225 225 225 225 225 235 225 DEP Wr. AUL wr-;'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 26 a Ruth Livingston 8eoond 27. a do 28 a do 29 a do 30 2 do 17 1 do 18 1 do 19 1 do 20 1 do 21 1 do a2 1 do 23 1 do 24 1 do 25 1 do a6 1 do 1 1 do 15 3 do 14 3 do 13 -3 do 12 3 do 11 3 do 10 3 do 9 3 do 8 3 do 7 3 do 6 3 do 5 3 do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 225 225 225 250 350 225 225 225 225 235 225 225 225 225 800 275 225 325 285 225 225 235', 225 2,25. 225 225, BT. PAUIK � ^ DE ....lM�NT OF FINANCE .. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLoctc VALUATION 4 3 Ruth Livingston Second 220 3 3 do 835 3 3 do 825 1 3 do 250 16 4 do 350 . 15 4 do 225 14 4 do 225 13 4 do 225 12 4 do 225 11 4 do 325 10 4 do 225 9 4 do 225 8 4 do 225 7 4 do 225 6 4 do 800 13,375., The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the �mJi�ssjioner of Public Works. i Dated—l//J�'`-_.�/%/ �t91 F.— U. B. 12 C Commissioner of Finance. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.....36161 approved_ .. September 3, 1921........., relative to .................... the_. changing °i_.grade of... Buren from ....Griggs.....St......to Lexington ......._AQe..r....._and.._Dun]aP....at..._from.ahe....elle.Y._.south....°f..Van..Burean St. to the... Alley north of Van Buren St., also grading said van Buren St. from ..........._...................................................... . Griggs St. to Lexington Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..............necessary and (or) desirable. $1.72 per front foot 3897.42 Z. The estimated cost thereof is $__..............._........._, and the total cost thereof is $........................................ and Frontage 2268 ft. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... .................. ............................ ....... ................................. .......... ............... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................ ............... ..... .......... ............... ........... .................. .....__............. .............. ..... _....... __... 5. Said improvement is_..... .... _................ .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . ............... Commission of Public Works. - UNn ED STA1-FS' b1ST$ICT COURT - TII@D DIVISION DISTRICT OF PANNESOTA GIDEM S. IVES RRF"RE IN DAKIMI[FYCT 916.919 C.mmerae DIF. SL F.nl, Minn. Aug. 3I. I98I., . Os4car Clausen, Chief Engineer, Et. Paul, Minnesota. Dear sir: In accordance with our convesation this A.M. I herewith send you application for the grading of Van Buren street betweent Lexington & Griggs. If anything further is wanted pleasg? Inform me. We greatly desire to get this matter under consideration at the enriest.possible moment, We have? been paying taxes on this property for many years, and the burden is getting so great that we ara obliged to sell I think if the property is graded we shall be able to sell and that the assessments will be paid in a comparitively short time, as the parties who buy will wish to build and in that case the assessments will be paid at once. I shall appreciate very much anything that .d`u-can do to expedite this matter. Truly yours. ,� E k 4 ` St. Paul, Minn.,.'' {..._5�...._�.....J92.._f' To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bod,Vqo cause the'follow;4 g improve t to be made: Ave. from.4�4� ......................St. Ave. to_.__.._.... ' G St. Ave. qV:!-22 ADDITION,) Mawr i WPNEW_.- qV:!-22 Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Van Buren St, from Griggs St. to Lexington Ave. and Dunlap St. from the alley south of Van Buren St. to the alley north of Van Buren St., also grading said Van Buren St. from Griggs St. to Lexington Avenue, under Preliminary Order #36161, approved September 3, 1921: Approximate estimde of cost 03897.42 Cost per front foot 1.72 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 2268 ft. Yours truly, lit-- -w_ Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Publicforks. (jug of St. Paul • %padment of fublft Warks - 05CAR CLAU9lEN, C.—PN.— - HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER J. !..ARRO01 LL. ROfRRc IR NO C. PEARCE. DEPUTY C ... 1.910N.R Ano 0- PLA'.— 48 O N ENR N¢Ln M. E. ORYTEAN, Enlo.c ENoiNe[n A. B. SHARP. E '. On Ein[[i. wuR SANITATION -—I SUrt. Or WOnnnoUS[ M. W. September 8, 1921. Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Van Buren St, from Griggs St. to Lexington Ave. and Dunlap St. from the alley south of Van Buren St. to the alley north of Van Buren St., also grading said Van Buren St. from Griggs St. to Lexington Avenue, under Preliminary Order #36161, approved September 3, 1921: Approximate estimde of cost 03897.42 Cost per front foot 1.72 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 2268 ft. Yours truly, lit-- -w_ Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of Publicforks. REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Van Buren St, from Griggs St, to Lexington Avenue, under Preliminary Order C.F. 36162, approved Sept. 3, 1921, and Intermediary Order Ci F. 37188, approved Nov. 16, 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above im provement, shoving* by the shaded portion of sia plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cute to be made on private property, and. the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commi eioner of Public 'orks. Dated Dec. 12, 1921. CITYO AUL DEPARTMO FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) I� In the matter of condemning and taking an eaegment in the land necessary for alopee. for ,..,tie nnA 411'in 4n eraA.ino Van Rn}an Rf._frnm nrigg9 SL to ieRlnazon under Preliminary Order approved C•Aoternbsy 3rd 1981. -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: \ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: \\1 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S c u^O The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 8 Ruth Livingston Second 300 14 a do 225 18 a do 225 18 a _ do 225 .80 8 . do .aa5_ .al a do 225 as a . do 335 a3 a do 325 34 a do 225 .a5 a do 235. Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. - - CIT T. PAUL DEPAF�T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ? DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 28 a Rutb Livingston S000nd 225 27 a do 225 !. as a. do aa5 29 a do 238 30 a do 250 17 1 do 380: .. 18 1 do 225 19 1 do 225 20 1 do 225_ 21 1 do 225 as 1 do 225 23 1 do 235 24 1 do 225 a5 1 do 225. 225. as 1 do 1 1 do Boo 15 3 do 275 225 14 3 do 13 3 do 225 la 3 do 225, 11 3 do 225. 325 10 3 do 9 3 do 225 B S do 325, 7 3 do 225 8 3 do 205. 5 3 do 2.05 TOTAL (C) DESCRIPTION Ci 9T. PAUL DEPAIY OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 3 Ruth Livingston S000nd 3 3 do 3 3 do 1 3 do 16 4 do 15 4 do 14 4 do 13 4 do 13 4 do 11 4 do 10 4 do g 4 do 8 4 do 9 4 do S 4 do ASSESSED VALUATION 335 336 425 360 360 336 336 225 336 336 336 336 336 ass Soo i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by th Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ �4t- ( Commissioner of Finance. F.— B. B. 12 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..................................................................................... ........... ........... ....... ... ..................... .......... 5. Said improvement is__.............................. _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................ ...... Commissioner of Public Works. Res. 1398 Page #2 15405 IAmerican ,Supply Company, ll+b4 -Pater 15406F. N. Amundsen, 37.b0 sohools 16467 Arohiteotae Small-House Service Bureau, ' 7.60 Library, 15408 Architectural. Record Company, Parks 15409 Architectural Service Corporation, 3b,80; 9ooational Schools Engine Company, •59 15410 Ball Water 15411' ;Barrett Battery Company, 21.61 Garage 3.26 15412 Bayne & AhIl, _. Water 15413 'Waiter Benz Tire Company, 80.00 .. Fire 15414 P. Blakistonts Son & Company, -69.85,; - School 15415 Boeringer & Son,' 2.00;` _. Water `15416 H. C. Boyeson.& Company,- Finance 3,60 30.70 Comb. of - > Health 9.60 Schools 17,5.0 38"M 15417 R. R. Bowker Compsny, 9.00 Library 15418 S. Brand "Coal Company, 'Expense 10.00 45,50 NeW Charter Sohn ols 25'000 10.50 '*TiET _15419 Brandtjen Motor Car":Company, Garage 15420 Brentano a, 8.49 Library 15421: Brings 49 Company.- 25,75 77,06 Workhouse Parks 18,00 Water33.30 -rroz' 15422' The Broderick Company, 152.86' Schools ' 15423: Brown's Photo'Studios, 18,00.: ..Water 154241,, Bruce Publishing'Company, 1,31 b Schools I 2Y Res. 1398 Page,#3 - Schools 15425 Bureau of Educational Research Coohran-Sargent Company, _ 21400 Sohdols Fire, 1.60_ 18426 Fitzhugh & Hobert A. Burns, p 2,63 - Water..; Garage. .30 15427 Burroughs Addin Machin Company, Sprinkling 19' 0" Com.r. of Finance Schools 131.68 15428 Capital City Lumber Company, Library 2.84, Schools 156.75 3.95 Homeoroft Sohl.(Bond) 33.40 2.52 Fire 44,05 ® 1§429 ,Capital Envelope Company, Water 166,90 Corp..Counsel 16.70 747,00 Library 150,00 I'bT:'fa 356,46 15430 Capital Ioe & Fuel Company," 20e00 . Schools 7.00 6:14 Special Day Schools 13.00 1543 S. A. Courtis, 15431 Carburetor Specialty Company, Sohools ;50, Garage Carol Cox Book Comparjq, 15432 Carnegie -Library of Pittsburgh, Library 4,60 I Library 15433, iCentral Gpragg, Garage 15434 Central Scientific Company,' 55.86 _ Water 15435 Chicago, Burlington &;�iinay Railway, 31.52: Schools 30:50 Humboldt H.S.Library 1.02 - Schools 15437 Coohran-Sargent Company, Fire, 1.60_ p 5.15 Garage. .30 Sprinkling 16.18 Schools 131.68 Library 2.84, P.'Bidga, Revl, 3.95 n 2.52 Fire 44,05 Water •77 a 747,00 356,46 15438 Co -Operative Laundry Company, 6:14 Police 1543 S. A. Courtis, 255*34 Sohools 15440 Carol Cox Book Comparjq, 10.79', Library I.+ Ras. 1398 Page;.,'#4 15441 'iCrane:& Ordway. , Company 119.17 J Health" 14.61 St. C. & R. 4- 00 Schools 7.50 208 ,r n 35.14 Water 4199 n 2,75- ,75"10.20 10.20 15442 Daily News Publishing:Company, 14145 Mayors Office 5.20 Official Pub. 5.50 $1,000,000)j0ond Issue) 323'5." 15443 Day's-Prest-O-Sernioe Company,- 20.78 Garage - 15444 Dearborn Chemical Company, 22Ob! Schools .-'.. 15445 Adam Decker Hardware Company, Bb•76 Pol. &-F. Alarm 1.97; Sewer C. & R. .70' Schools 3.30 - 1.15 ' u 15,34 n 24.00 Library 3.60 Auditorium 5.94 n <. 4.50 P• Bldgs. Renl. -5 26 15446 Diebold Safe & Look Company, 1.50'-, Hater 15447 Dispatch Publishing Company, $1,000,000-Bond Issue-(Bond) 15448 Louis F. Dodi Company, 64.571: Mayoras Office 2010 1.20 n' 3.00 Qity Clerk .52 Corporation Counsel 6.00 n .24' n 2.10 52 Com' rn- of `Finance 25,00 3.25 " 2.64_ n 1$j00 'S4:5T 15449- Louis.F. Dow Company, 3708 Comptroller .72 n .80 Purchasing Department 1,OB 4.0@ Polios 3.96 n 2.00 n 4.80 n 7.78'._ Fire 3.60 Health 2.40 1,44 - n , 5;x00 3'1:55- Res,. 1398 `Yage''5. 15450 Louia F'Dox.Company, 4409 Bureau, of Engineers 1.10' Schools 3.75 n 8.64 n 4,40 & 5,50 ' it 4.00` X40- n 6.00 n 5.•20 Library 4.50 1.40 15451 F. Doe Company, 62.4b iLouis Library 9.60. n 10.45 P. Bldgs.' 4.32_. C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 1.62 Water 2."60 _ n 11.71; n 16.39 n 5.40 ,36 15452. W. J. Dyer '& Brother, 895643` Schools 18,60 n $00,00 n 300.00 �i 40'50 b it 200.00 Library 8.55' n 1.35 . n 5.53 it 15*90 Bur6au of Parks 5.00 895 1§453 lEast Side. Grocery Comparw., 23,36:. Schools 15454 Electric Blue Print Company, 185•]44 City. Planning Com., 25.85 C.P .W. -Gen. ` Adm. 21..60 n - 4.75; c Schools 20p00 n 5,40" n 55.600 Johnson H.S. Library 6,00 P. Bldgs* 29.99 i n 16.55 IBFi':.14 15455 I` Elk Linen SuPPl9;,Compan7, 57.33 Police 24.81` Park Refectories Test Labs. 25.15 1.50 Water 5,87 —57:33 15456. A. D. EllaRorth, 31.36 Schools: 15457 -Eivgren Paint Supply Company, 20.93 d Fire �. i; Res 1398'Page #6` 15458 ;The Sm 6.25 Q Schools ' 15459 )Ogineerjng News-Reoord, 00- P. Bldgs• 11460 ';Farm Equipment Company, 6.33- c.i St. C. &R. 15461 ;Farwell, ozmun, Birk & Company, 502.05' Pol. & F. Alarm: 21.60 � ' .93 u 7.20 5t. C: & R, 155$ Wprkhouse 1.27 Schools 50.55 - 331.20 n' 5.73 n 124901`.. ° 1.69 , n 58.40 ° 15462 Farwell, Oz, Birk & Company, 1333s37. Library 12,50 Auditorium 71.10 Water 1,027.34 " 9..18 " 37.90 " 19.20 ri 420 n 68.30`` n 20.16 " 34.23 Paving Depreciation 21,33 T, 333•�'3'T 1546x'- Field, So#11ok & Company, 56;0 Schools 16.45 n 39.16 P. Bldgs. 590.06 3;25 15464 Finoh, Van Slyok & McConville, 98.89: n orkhouse 54;19 Schools 2.99 Playgrounds 28.68 7.25 Plater I, b98'7885 15465 H. H. Pletcher, 33.75 Parks 15466 1 Charles Friend & Son, 9.67 - J Fire 15467 Gill Piston Ring Sales Company, 8.00 Garage 15468 Gleason Piano Company, 3000 Schools 15469 J. W. Goddman'& Sons, 9.08 Schools 15470 ,"Goodyear Rubber Company, 14085 Schools Res• 1398 Pa96?#7 15471 Alice`Greeneood,; 20.25 Library 15472 Griggs, Cooper,&_CompEkny, 71.69 - police= 12sd0 Wdrkliouse 7060 _ n. 33+�; Water 16.50 " 2.00 15473 Joseph Haag.Roofing & Cornice Company, 91'72 Schools .15,474 W. J. Haas Manufacturing Company, 27.60 Garage 5.00 Water 22.60, Z7:"6a 15475 :jHackett# Gates & Hurty, 276.55 New Charter Expense 8428 Fire 4.75 Pol. & F. Alarm 2.00 Schools 4.98' n 8.38 " 4.61 �i 189.00 _ �Handlan� 54••55 E78:'S5 ]5476 & Company,� 62.84 Workhouse 15477 'Hanlon & Okes, 2430`." St. C. & R. 15478 The=M. A. Hanna Coal & Doak Company, 51779 Fire 396.99 Schools 120.80 15479 Haynes Photo Studio, 1.00 Library 15480 J. H. Held,; 4.00 New Charter Expense 15481 j omPa�Ys Theo. Q. He1Flire 12.50 ,15482 Hiokory Ges Mantle Company, 2,50; Schools 15483 Highland Spring Company, 48.25 'Mayor'e Office 2.25 Corp, -Counsel 2,25 Purchasing Department 2,25 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 2.25 Health 3.25 u . 4.25 C.P.W.-gen. Adm. 5.25 S. Bn S. Cing. 3.25 Sohool8. 5.25 li Park -Adm. 3000 Lighting :7 50 • R7,50 i Res► 1398'page #8 15484 The Holt Mfg. Company, 78.15 St:. Q. & R. 1'$485 Howard-Farrell & Company, 321:05 Schools 7.20 . n 310.00 a 2.50 Library 3l1":Q� 15486 IR. w. Hruby, 19.62 Schools 15487 Hydraulic Hoist Mfg. Company, 94;,68 Garage St. C. & R. 6.57. 35.49 21.42 n i 31020 15488 ' Illinols Steel Bridge Company,, 4200.-; Water 15469 Illuminating Engineering Society, 746'50: Lighting 15490 ;the Industrial Press, Vocational School 15491 Inter City Paper Company, 194;10: Schools i . 4,92 P. W. Jackson Company, 1.75' Wheels ge Tax 15493 IJobsting & Schilling, 19.50 Schools 15494 Johnson High School Priht Shop, 18+00 ` Schools 15495;(( Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 22 00 Garage 15496 Wm. B. Joyce & Company, 44,10 Water 15497 ; Kansas 'State Normal School, 2.99` Special Claases 15498 l j Kaplan Paper Box Company, 23;.88 Health 15499 ! .,Sea Loa Mfg. CoTpany, 18,66 Com r. of`Finanos 13,33 C.P;W.-Gen. Adm., 5,33 "I8'•'S6 ® ` 15500 .i Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company, 599016 ' Fire 300 n Ir955 n •90 Test. Labs. 7146 4.00 n 4,00 Water 380,00` - Paving Depreciation 108.00 r L 1300 j I. 72.25 S9�"i8 #9e Ree. 1398 Page 15501 L. B. Knott Apparatus Company, 19:25 Johnson,Ff.S. Library 15502 !Andrew Kaehnen, 12.00 `. Workhouse 15503 Lee & Hoff Manufacturing Company, 79.50, Library 15504 Lemoke & BueOhner, 3.15. Library 15505 Library Bureau, 121•39 Johnaon H.S. Library 23.94 Library 12,75 \ • 84.70 i°91M 15506 Library of Congress, 1011i11 Library 95,09 . Humboldt H.S. Library, 602 15507 Lindeke, Warner & Sons, 224b55. Health 15508 McClain & Redman, 27500' %! Q.P.S.-Gen. Adm. .75 Health 2,80. 660 Schools 82.50 a 72.47 n 54.00 n 23.98 Parks 9,50 u 6100 P. Bldgs. 2600 L Water 20.40 II!- 2 15509 A._ C. McClurg & Compazws 529;48 Library 56.81 99.92 - " 88.99 n 85.28 a 55*38 Meoh. A.H.S.Library 143.10 —5Z9e�S 15510 1 McGraw Hill Book Company, 11.90' Vocational School 15511 The MaoMillan Company, 66.60 Schools 15512 Mahle Wagon Company, 8.90 Garage Sprinkling 5.40 3- SJII 15513 E. C. Martin, 3,04 Police 15514 Merriam Park Cash Grocery, 220 Schools J Res. I398 Page: #10 15513 * Merrill, Greer & bhap an, 564i0" , Pol.:&''F. Alarm 3.00 Schools 244501` 28.80 " 1$516 i Michaud Brothers, ` 46.6"• i Schools 15517i� G. R. Mickeleen, 5.19 Schools ~" 15518 Midway Varnish Compal, 24:30 " ® 15519 Schools !Midwest Auto Company, 1.21 'I Garage 15520: C. Be Miller, Schools 115,521 Miller & Holmes, 32,j 7 Workhouse 10.50 9.68 Water 12.09 15522 Millerburg Electric Company, 11,52 Fire 4.27 garage 5.21 2,04 15523 Minneapolis Mfg. Company, Fire �. 15524 15524 Minnesota Belt,& Rubber; Company, St. -C. `& R. 15525 Minnesota,MM Company," 6000 " Schools 15526 Minnesota News Company, 50960 Library 15527 Minnetonka Fruit package Company, 19.00:' Schools 15528 Mitsch & Heck Wagon & Auto Company,, 51.93" Flare : 4,00 6,650 n ' 5440 ° 3.50 Water 32,53 �$g 15529_ E..A. Moeller Company, 89,60 { Library 15530 H. Mueller Mfg. Company, 275,30 Water 15531 H. K. Mulford Company, 40,00.' _. Health 15532 Nassau Paper Company, Mayor s Office 15533 National Gas Governor Company, 975 Workhouse fees. •139$ Page #11 i5634, �` New York Tea ComPany,• 44,85 - _Workhouse 35.10 -Water. 9.75 15535 Nioola, Dean & Gregg, 101 74 Fire 69.75 Schools 8.07 q 5.18 u 4,20 a 4,86 Water •37 Paving Depreciation - 7:56 lal:7� 15536 Nolan Irons Company, 44.40 Garage 15537 Northern Battery -Company, 1,50' Garage 15538 Northern Pacific Railway Uompany, 86,70" Schools 15539 Northern States Power Company, 10226.31 Fire 9.27 Schools 77.52 Library 1,068.41 Water 70.91 1IM26;T1 15540 N. W. Broom Company, Health 15541 N. W. Copper & Brass Works, 3`.90 Schools 2. 15542 N. W. Fuel Company, 26.70 Fire 15543, N. W. Stamp iiorks, 13.80 Purchasing Department 2.25 i, Municipal Court 1.10 Health 6100 Library ,70 1.50 " Nater 2.25 ISM- ' !15544;" N. W. Tire Company, 19.00 Garage 155451 W. S. Knott Company, 2.68 Fire '.15546 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 151,66 Mayorga Office .25 Police 27.93 Fire -69.16 Pol. & F. Alarm 40.32 H161th 1.08 5000 n .15 ' n •51 n 3.00 *76 i d 4,50 �8 Res,1398 rage #12 15547 Noyes Brothers,& Cutler, 276.68' Health 14.45 3500 n 38.34 Garage 1.00 Workhouse; 3.99. Schools - 2;25 n 18.25 ' n 137.38 n 26iii2 '279".'88 i 15548 Noyes Brothers &,Cutler, - 62s94 $choole..' l5.00 Humboldt H.S. Library 12.02 ® Meoh..A.H.S. Playgrounds 2.75' Test. Labs.•.78 Water _ 3.27.,. 3s05 ' " 1.75 23*44 Paving Depreciation •35 15549', J. B. Olen &Fiompany, 93.28. 4.63 Cerage 55.60 n 2480' . n 4.30- $5:28 15550 Orientalls, 2•]2 Library 15551, Oriental Laundry Company, 39.32 Health I�15552, Oxford University Press, 13,68' Library 15553 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company, 12,00 Com r, of Finance 9.00 Water 3,00 T2:UU 15554', Julius Peter Company, 1.00 Water 115555; Pioneer Blectric.0ompany, 165026 Sohools 154950' Humboldt H.S. Library 1%76 T95M6 15556] Pittsburgh plate Glass Company, 123.89 dire 2.21 76*16- 'Schools 14�29,- l4iN Water 3.32 n 4:04 n *87 i 23'�OO 1'ZLi Pol. & F. Alarm Res. 1398 Page ##13 156571 Pittsburgh Testing,Labor story, 25.82; °Engineering,& 1Inspection ' 1155581 Playground& Recreation Assooiation:of Amerioa, s 2.0 0' Playgrounds .. . 15559'i Polish Book Importing Company, 1.3b Library e�o 155601 R. L. Polk& Company, 36 00 U.ivil Service 12000 C,P.W.-Gen. Adm. 24:00 3'5:6 1155611 The Prang Company, 279.62 Schools :15562; W. W. Price, 83.75 Bureau of Parks'- 15563, Rafferty Flour & Fuel Company, 1340 Water. ,15564 Raymer Hardware C'ompany,, - 14.05 Health .25 !► .25 St.'C. & R. 045 Schools 4.65 Library 1.57. Art Museum 4400 lir 1556511 Reed Motor Supply Company, 354'66 Fire 1556611 Reliance Iron works, 116,50' Schools 80.00 I Randolph Ata. Sohl.(gond) 36.50 4 liS�5a J55671 Remington Typewriter company, 16*00, Schools 15568!, C. V. Ritter, 3:75 Library f15560 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 90„92 St.= C. & R. 6000 Schools 9.40 37.52 °. 38.00 X15570 Rookey & Williamson Candy Company, 2y70; Park Refectories 15571 John Rogers, Jr':,. Water 15572 Otto W. RoheiidCompany, 25.73 Schools 15573 E. L. Rucker Company, 10485 Fire 15574 St.Marie Cigar & News Uompany,' 3800 Pol. & F. Alarm Res :11398 Page #14 115575 St,Psul Auto Radiator Mfg,:. Company, 2*50. Fire i15576, St,Psul Automobile Spring Company, 10.00" Fire 15577 St.Paul Auto Top'Compeny, Fire 15578 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 1,69402 Mayors Office 3.46 Schools 29.65 a >� .1,420.00 n 18,72 " d 2.00 34.20 " 10,00 " 56,55 " ,85 n 30.00 n 4,00 2.88 " 1.26 d 29."00 a -44,80 15579 St.Psu1 Book &Stationery Company, 644,84" Library 15580 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 735;89 Library 99.54 99.68 n 99.66 a 95.74 n 76.37 a 31.11 ri 67,59 Humboldt H.S. Library 1475 Special Day Schools 2.10 Water 4,00 Randolph Hts.(Bond) 158.40 �T35:89 15581 St,Paul Engraving Company,, 10.37` 11 Police 15582 St.raul Foundry Company, 133.75: Water91.60 n 10,35 Paving Depreoia tion 31080 T33:75 15583 " St.Paul (+1ssa.Company, 24.38. Police 7.23 Bldgs. Revl. 16.20 _P. Water 95. 24':3M 15564 any Letter Company, P , 3 80 Mayor's Office 15585 St.Paul Machine Works, 361.01 Safety Signs 2.00 Schools 356.51 III Water 2.50 361.01 15586 St.Paul Produce company, 24.50 Water 1 Bea. 1398 Page; 2.15 15587: Cing. St.Yaui StamA -Works 2.55 ys 37.50 Y.ark=A. 60 %00 Yater i 15588: StPaul Stationery ;'& Mfg.Company-, 15.44" Schools 15589 St -.Paul Steam Laundry:, Schools . �1559 it St.Yaul White Company, ,, 13.91` Garage 15591 Soheffer & RFoiruem, 15.58 Garage 3.60 &.25 o 6090 .: ZS33- 1569E L Taoob Sohmidt Company, 8.60.. rark Refectories 15593 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company; '` 75.45 Health 2.06 13{88 R 4.83 . ° 1.84 Schools 21.28 - I� 31,56 155914 Carl W. �Sohu7.$,. 1 19.45; ':Schools 1559;5 Scott, Foreeman & Company, 135.00• Sohools 15596 Chas. Scribaerrs Sons, 5:00 'rark•Adm. 155917 The Seagrave,Company.. 34%45: Fire 15598` D. B. Shotwell Company, 24.07- Fire 15599 Singer Suring Machine Uompany, 2:80 `Health '. .25 Schools 1.65 Special Day Schools .90 15600 A. P. Svlth Mfg. Company, 140.60 Water 15601 C.,J. Smith Company, 7..33 Garag n er, 2.15 1.15 Cing. 19.00� ys 37.50 rter_Expense 24.00 %00 7; 50 Rea. i 1398 Page ,#16 15604 South Park Foundry Company, 51,00' Water._ _... 15600 A. G• `Spalding. & Brothers, 126003' " ;Sahocle -.47.52 _ Library , .36:' -Special Classes nark Refectories20.90 n 47:25 low. 15666 Strickland-Poolittle Company, 184.63, -Park Refectories 15607 Sweeney=s Clothes Gleaners, 13a50. Water . 15608 Swift & Company, 183e00` Schools 7%50" 16'25' . 54.25 ; if 32;50 Water 3.b0:_: 183.00 15609 Don W. Taylor, Police 15610 Arthur H. Thomas, 96.01_ Health 15611 Tierney & Company, 32465' Heaalth 1.50 10 65. Water 20.50 3'1.85 15612 Transo Envelope oompa, 27070 2artic. Certse o 15613 Transit Supply Company, 780,00 " Police 360,00 Special Day Schools 120.00 120,00 Inv. Public Utilities .60,00• Water 120.00 7S6;i5tf ". 15614 Truscon .Steel- Company, \ .'9072 L 1354 43.68 L 1368 47,04 —9a 2 15615 Twin City Iron & Wire Company, 675 S. & S. Cing,.. i 15616 Twin City $leen Type Distributors, 2:70 Sohools 090 Library 1•'Z pec 15617 Twin City Motor Car Company, 4.71 Fire 15618 Twin City Varnish Company, 5e75 Schools 15619 Underwood Typewriter Company, 12.60 Schools Rea. 1398 Page i17 15620 xglley Iron Works,,. $ohoons 63.70;: 19.80 :> [ate_ 42.00 Randolph Eta* (Bond) 15621 J C. Vander Bie, 11.b0 Park Refectories 15622 G. Broea Van':'Dort, ;. 7.50 ,ibrary 15623 Van Paper Company, 25735 Workhouse Schools 11.75 E39.00 Park Refectories 6.60 15624 Vans, Inc., 11,64 Park Refectories 15625 Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 81.75' Sovools. 18,00 27,00. °Randolph Hts.(Bond) 36.75 15626 Waldorf Bindery Company, 98,90' Library 15627 Wallace & Tiernan Company, 15.16' Water 15628 A. J. Wampler, 47.00 Police 12.00 Fire 35.00 15629 Ward Manufacturing Company, 8.83` New Charter?Fxpense 15630 Washington Foundry Company, 2E9.70 Fire< 42,30 20.70 Pol. & F. Alarm 142.70 P. Bldge. Revl.,, 24:00 �70 15631 W. L. Weber, 5.50 5 Library 15632 H. E. Wedelstaedt Company, 25.50 C.P.W.-Adm. Bureau of hngra. 6.00 Schools 2:00 " Library 10.00 Mach. A.H.SLibrary.5p 15633 :Weed, Parker & Company, 37120 Forestry ReVl., 15634 W. M. Welch Mfg. Company;, 570.05 Johnson,H.S. Library -Rea. 1398'1 age, 18 156351 Western Machine MPg. Company", S. Cing.' 15636 West Publishing•Company, 10.50 a �orp.:Counael 6.00 Library4.50 'T6;5o 15637 E.-Weyne, Library 15638' H. W. Wilson Cowpanq, 3.25 Library • 15639: Wolpert Davis & Company, Workhouse 15646 Women's Educational & Industrial Union, 2150 ' Schools 15641 George W. Wooley, 1.60: Health 15642- A. R. Womrath Library 15643 Wm. J. Work, 31.38 Schools 15644 ZiMerman Brothers, 16,.96 Police f. 3 l� o.& R Jokinaon, 856";Edmund;St Grocer Y Jhnson D S. Raney, 379 :M-% is w ve " 63's- WabashaSt: +�,& .,Agnes.,.Perxy, Ed -B ,B z55.;�•��:th St Corii. t �. � abilth aPPl{Ca• A foU°fin y0 eo111 - 'DY 7.10 2 Tbat t xesnl§zrtg at db p ate � Cg olveda ltceas ;ooastu ;boss aTyc 1s to d `esnmdicRtoaad�abn _ o {88na c�� tseasnrY. �e ¢bY , abtbort en btRo �p pp. � Edmuna.:. �oTobY�c Va rr, 2 Sobns°n r5; a4oT"° casro & R v tlta (}cor° aha 8 Wa�4 Con4 �tD.t 8T PeccY, 1921.; " 96p°� d`s'L°n755 VJ Q nc11,Do° �' _ D?�9e° 141921) rAPPTO�� 3 l� to favor v.4gaiost favor:-,' APPeo ,ge�ost •; - 4 - CITY! OF ST-.:?AVL ane �O :.-•• R, d.11Fnt k COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL.FORM fii tr'-•'PRESENTED BY- s', 'commisSIONER... ...... f..: ...... .-�. ........ DATE ......................•._... ......: ... RESOLVED: - - Tha[ tba St P utGau LIQht. any is h by orde l $trd yl�ected [ �pmend its electrical Huai by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for thetranemiasr' n t elec trtcity;mt p it t,e toll Howls alleys-and treat. Y. lty t Dec. 8,.._1921. 71`oux 'pale on the west aide of Chatworth;Street, between Seminary and µEagitol ;,;Avenues. '; - Three'-poles on the weo..t side"o` 16aria Avenues one north and two south Conway Street, to replace "lfhel prudent poles,, Municipal Lighting. 'One pole.,ori<t;the northwest corner of Vance and Jefferson Streets. Municipal l tight ing. One -pole oil' the north side of the alley Bouth of. Goodrich Avenues east of he Chicago, Milwaukee and 5t., Paul Ra Tway Company' s "tracks. Commercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchorsi, v°� C F.: No 37662--By li C -w ht_ _. - ?• Res9lved-,That'the rrd;Ml and dire gee. .. - `Cornpauyk.ialhei,ni 0 ' to extend-tts'eleCtrlc�ales[',thmeou for t e,i yolea: and atrlri ring poles. it Jun of,electric eels of said otY: trantoll.W1.9rnll. . and•.$do,of 'Install Sour--pole. °betweeme88om1narY, Chntewovth St ¢eves.: " - - . ti and"•'CaD1to1 Av, Y yihtla, - T1iYce belor :north andttROg .prelient; n e h Avanp -.. to reel e t � . Street': � ; '.on iPat ,lfghtin� • pe`pole, on-the northwest corner o4 Vdnee'- and deffereon S[reeta .. -+]iuntclpal ;llghtinB Ongpole'en' tljc n venue.' eaethoY the: mouth' if (loodttah A CliluaRomDa*tY 9utraclre d tt Pnul Rail-... waYc , ,erciat-'lightinBa and anchors'' _ {t Asue eBUY SI ,ot¢�euph r5teneSon polee anA - wkrea aa11 he erected and constructed h r tM9 it. atrmA1971 and-pupervtaton is at 'lft�� L J mi'e.ioner of rRt !01 till theComovSa. and 1,,ajVtb rgrs avbleey4 4 and.ot; a,1; plona ot, Ordinance Wo; other 7awfe, ordinancee aid reeolu-, poles should 'bele tin anch loctti- - - - - tion to �aSd_alleyn an4.: air eta ae itTpf ' ;C,ommfeelott¢r 4f publlQ.'Uttlittea elrat _. _ _ _. _ deal$nate _apd .hall f:61,all bau see 0--, iairtd •chnracter as he sh e and 'aPPid�s and anY :and 1 sands rob Ail.neb to - ¢ted d eructed under t,a di u poles eha�l be tatcen "da%n a and in U Chiu¢ 'a bieet to Couttoll� ah U the i t s [Ordi an N 2124and of all. other1 t I rdla c and. es I ti t ,at un41-anwh neYOF the Dla ea un ?e __ _ _? - All voles should be set in h location i id alley d Mreets,m the C Is 1 [ psem the! -alta pvbllC „dntereet e0, tY eight-and h ter be shalt des to and approve, and any and all sun, pole. sbdl ba nhert down and re d avt 0a and-!tgfipn 1t eh all .o order- ensu shall deem that 1,a Dubuc Interest so reanires, and when it shall so order. n Adopted by the Col�pncil Dec 12 192L Almroved, Damson 1q 7iJ2t) Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays KC 2 i'92i................:19z........ Clancy, Adopted by the Council............. Fetgl+apil� ��2� Mcl�d ............In favor Adopted................ 192 ..... Matson 11111 Smith Against :-./-../.` MAYO. Wenzel Mr. President r CITY OF ST. PAUL FiEMca COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PoiseNTED BY RESOLVED: 41k,That the St. Paul Gee LlahuCompany is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical linea by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the tranamlaelan of eI.e- tricily.n.adinthetollo it"Itye.and treets ofs Id city: { y G, Deo. 9, 1921 Install. 5„ One pole on the east side of Oakdale Avenue, in front of #600 Oakdale "Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. Commerdial lighting. All such ...... lo... pole, and wires shall be eroded and constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thin¢s subject to the Provisions -of ordletes.. No..24S1 d f all other lawful-dinsa..s and ceeoluriona of rhe City f St Pan _ _ All poles should be set in such location in said alley, and streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities bell do.1g..w, and hall be of such height and Ph ter as be ,hall . Interest so and acs e,venand d when iand all t shell ao order les shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed underground whenever the Council shell deem that the Public j Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays tr � 1921 Clancy Adopted by the Council .............. Q.�� x........................192 Ferguson = k ' 192........ McDonald ............lo Favor Adopted.. , ;..7t.,�..lg2l .................... Matson Smith Against �!J.... MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President .n I G. F. No. 37564 564 By F. 'R. Matson. V Ws 7HUREAS The Councilsby a resolution known as Council File No. 34536, approved May 28th, 1921, set aside as a restricted residence district that property described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 16, Block 51, Desnoyer Park, thence Easterly along the alley of said Block 51 to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 30, said Block, thence Southerly along the dividing line of Lots 29 and 30, of said Bleak to Dayton Avenue, thence Easterly to Cleveland Avenue thence Northerly to alley of eabd Block, thence Easterly along the alleys In Block 5 and 6 of Merriam Park Se4*nd Addition to Moore Avenue, thence Souther- ly along the 6esterly line of, Moore Avenue to the alley In Block 8, Merriam Park Second Addition, thence Westerly along the alleys in Blocks 7 and 8, Merriam Park Second Addition to Cleveland Avenue, thence eiesterly along the dividing line between Lots 4 and 5, Block 52, Deenoyer Park to the North and South alley in said Block, thence along the East and West alley in said Block to Finn Avenue, thence Northerly to point of beginning, AND ,''HMEAS, it has been made tso appear that the rear fifty (50) -- fed of Lot 6 in Block 6 of Merriam Park 2nd eddition to St. Paul should not be included within said restricted residence district, NOW, TH12EIOHE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said resolution known as Council File No. 34536 be amended so -that said restricted residence district shall be bounded anis described as follows, to -wits Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 16, Block 51, Desnoyer Park, thence Easterly along the alley of said Block 51 to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 30 of said block, thence Southerly along the dividing line of Lot 29 and 30 of said block to Dayton Avenue, thence Easterly to Cleveland Avenue, thence Northerly to the alley of said block, thence Easterly to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 8 in Block 6 of Merriam Park 2nd Addition to St. Paul, thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 8 a distance of Fifty (50) feet, thence Easterly parallel to the rear line of said Lot 8 to the Easterly line of said Lot 8, thence Northerly to the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 8, thence Easterly along the alleys of Block 5 and 6 of Merriam Park gni Addition to Moore Avenue, thence Southerly along the 'westerly line of Moore Avenue to the alley In Block 8, Merriam Park Second Addition, thence Westerly along the alloys in Block 7 and 8, Merriam Park Second Addition to Cleveland Avenue, thence 'westerly along the dividing line between lots 4 and 51, Block -52, Desnoyer Park to the North and South alley In said Block, thence along the East and Wiest alley in said Block to Film Avemie, thence Northerly to point of beginning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That pursuant to the petition in said Council File No. 34536 referred to, and to Chapter 128, Laws of 1915, said original resolution and this resolution, all the land and real estate within the last foregoing bounded and described district be and hereby is designated as a restricted residence district, within the limits whereof no building or other structure shall be erected, altered or repaired for any of the following purposes, to -wit: Hotels, restaurants, eating -hooses, mercantile houses, stores, factories, warehouses, printing establishments, tailor shops, coal yards, icehouses, blacksmith shops, repair shops, paint shops, bakeries, dyeing, cleaning and lanndering establishments, bill -boards and other ad- vertising devices, public garages, public stables, apartment houses, tenement houses, flat builuings or any other building or structure for purposes similar to the foregoing. AS BE IT rURTHL•R RESOLVED, That the Oommissioner of Finance shall report to the Council the names of five disinterested qualified voters of the City, nonce of whom shall be residents of the ward or wards in which any Part of the district so designated is situated, to act as appraisers to view -l- the premises and appraise the damages•whiah may be occasioned by the eetab- lishment of each restricted resideme district and by the exercise h9 the Oity of the powers in this matter granted by said Chapter 128, haws of 1915. Adopted by the Council: Approved: _2_ 7�w C.F. No. 37565 Ordinance No. ��� � � �•\ ,By A. R. S. Ferguson - An administrative ordinance fixing, and authorizing, the payment of compensation for certain employees in the unclassified service connected with the public schools of the city. This is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St.Paul does ordain: r the Hi=h S,houl,. For the e V per m 1 at a salary not to exceed 1 For l 'he e The following snumdrb:tea employees in the unclass- ified service connected with the public schools of the City may be paid for service rendered to the City of St. Paul, salaries in accordance with the compensation rates and limits fixed in the following schedules, to be effective January 1, 1922. For Educational Administration: 1 Director of Educational Research, at a salary not to exceed $3,800 per annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Assistant Director of Research, at a salary not to exceed $2,550 per annum, payable in 10 monthly installments. 1 Assistant Superintendent of Schools at a salary not to exceed $3,300 per annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Assistant Superintendent of Schools at a salary not to exceed $2,600 per annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Director of Attendance, Census and Special Activities at a salary not to exceed $3,400 per annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Director of manual train' and vocational guidance at a salary not to exceed 3,850 per annum, payable in 11 monthly installments. 1 Acting Supervisor in charge of high schools at a salary not to exceed $3,200 per annum, payable in 10 monthly installments. 1 General Supervisor of primary grades and kindergartens at a salary not to exceed $2,850, payable in 10 monthly installments. 6 Supervisors at a salary not to exceed $2,700 each, payable in 10 monthly installments. 2 Supeztvisors at a salary not to exceed $2,350 pe annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Director of Salesmanship Training at a salary not to exceed $2,650 p gable in 10 monthly installments. 1 Research Assistant at a salary not to exceed $2,350 per annum, payable in 10 monthly installments. c�FNo, �75°G V 0. F. No. 37565 565 Ordinance No. By:- . R. S. Ferguson - .t, • An administrative ordinance fixing, and authorizing, the payment of compensation for certain employees in the unclassified service connected with the public schools of the city. This is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St.Paul does ordain, r the "Jah Schoolr, For the se'.' _$185 per mon 7 at. a salar,Y not to" exceed FordMo.A iYn . .�. The followiYsg-6ft9d9Y"e.ea employees in the unclass- ified -service connected with the public schools of the City may be paid for service rendered to the City of St. Paul, salaries in accordance with the compensation rates and limits fixed in the.following schedules, to be effective January 1, 1922. _.-"- For Educational Administrations 1 Director of Educational Research, at a_salary not to exceed $3,800 per annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Assistant Director of Research, at a salary not to exceed $2,550 per annum, payable ,in 10 monthly installments. 1 Assistant-`8uperiritenddnt of Schools at a salary not to exceed $3,300 per annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Assistant Superintendent of Schools at a salary riot to exceed $2,600 per annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Director of Attendance, Census and Special Activities at a salary not to exceed $3,400 per annum, payable in, 12 monthly, installments. 1 Director of manual trainin and vocational guidance at a salary not to exceed 3,850 per annum, payable in 11 monthly installments. 1 Acting Supervisor in charge of high schools at a salary not to exceed $3,200 per annum, payable in 10 monthly installments. 1 General Supervisor of primary grades and kindergartens at a salary not to exceed $29850, payable in 10 monthly installments. 6 Supervisors at a salary not to exceed $2,700 each, payable in 10 monthly installments. 2 Supervisors at a salary not to exceed $2,350 pe annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Director of Salesmanship Training at a salary not to exceed $2,650,p Mable in 10 monthly installments. 1 Research Assistant at a salary not to exceed $2,350 perannum, payable in 10 monthly installments. L_ i i No. 2. 8 Apsistant Supervisors at a salary not to exceed $2,000 per annum, payable in 10 monthly install—to. 2 Assistants to Supervisors at a salary not to exceed $1,800 per annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 1 Teacher Clerk at a salary not to exceed $2,000 per annum, payable in 12 monthly installments. 2 Special Teachers of Music at a salary not to exceed $1,800 per annum, payable in 10 monthly installments. 2 Special Teachers of Art at a salary not to exceed $1,700 per annum, payable in 10 monthly installments. For the High Schools; 1 Principal at a salary not to exceed $4,050 per annum. 1 Principal at a salary not to exceed $3,200 per annum. 1 Principal at a salary not to exceed $3,400 per ahma:m. 1 Principal at a salary not to exceed $3,580, per annum. 1' -Assistant Principal at a salary not to exceed $2,850 per annum. 1 ,Aee4eitan# Principal for Vocational School at a salary not to exceed $3,,400 per annum payable in 12 monthly installments. 4 Teacher Clerks at a salar not to exceed ?0 Ur month, ayable in 10 monthly ins al. men, , ,or ppro r p$r balend ± month if-ifi'any case service shal-1'bb required for mor: tha%10 m nths. Teac er Librarians at a salary not to exceed $2,250 per annum. The foregoing salaries for high school shall be payable in 10 monthly installments unless otherwise specified. Te*chers in the high schools now in the employ of the Department of Education may receive salaries of not less than $1,500 per annum and not more than $2,250 per an10 monthly installments. ".num, payable in (see Page 2-A) For the Teachers' Training School: 2 Critic Teachers at a salary not to exceed $195.00 per month. Principals and Principal Teachers in graded schools: The Principal -Teacher in a one -room building may receive a salary not to exceed $1,725. The Principal -Teacher in a two -room building may receive a salary not to exceed $1,750. The Principal -Teacher in a three-room building may receive a salary not to exceed $1,775. No. 2-A. Teachers in the grade schools who may be promoted to the high schools on probationary appointment shall during It the term of probation receive a salary not to exceed $300 above their regular rate of salary in the grade ;schools, pro- vided this amount shall not exceed the regular high school schedule. On completion of the probationary term the salary may be adjusted to the regular Itigh school schedule with full credit for previous experience. No. 3. 44 Tte Principal -Teacher in a four -room building may receive a salary not to exceed $1,800. Principals or Principal -Teachers of buildings having from 5 to 7 rooms may )receive a salary not to exceed $1,950 per annum. Principals of buildings having 8 to 11 rooms may receive a salary not to exceed $2,250 per annum. Principals of buildings having 12 to 15 rooms may receive a salary not to exceed $2,450 per annum. Principals of buildings having 16 to 19 rooms may receive a salary not to exceed $2,750 per annum. Principals of buildings having 20 rooms or over may, receive a salary not to exceed $2,850 per annum. Principals having more than one building on separate grounds may receive in addition to the fore- going salaries for buildings of m t more than 4 rooms, not to exceed $25.00 per month; for buildings having more than 4 rooms not to exceed $35.00 per month. In buildings of 4 or more rooms not having full time principals the superintendent of schools may assign a teacher who may be named assistant principal and may receive not to exceed $12.50 per month in addition to the regular salary allowed under the grade teachers' schedule. Teachers in the elementary schools,.othew principals and assistant principals no_* n7 s of the Department of Education may receive the following salaries: Grade School Teachers, not less than $110 per month; maximum $165 per month. Grade Manual Training Teachers, minimum $130 per month; maximum $175 per month. Grade Domestic Science Teachers not less than $120 per month; maximum $175 per month. Grade Physical Training Teachers, minimum $110 per month; maximum $165 per month. Directing Physical Training Teachers, minimum $130 per month; maximum $175 per month. Kindergarten Directors, minimum $110 per month; maximum $165 per month. Kindergarten assistants, not less than $110 per month; nuximum $140 per month. Kindergarten assistants assigned as art -time directors may receive not to exceed 10 per month in addition to the regular salary. Supply Teachers, minimum $110 per month; maximum $145 per month. 0 No. 4. The foregoing salaries for grade schools shall be payable in 10 monthly installments. C;^tft teachers in continuation classes, all -day vo- cational cl+i5ses, or rehabilitation classes, now conducted in the Madison School,and Annexes and to be denominated the St. Paul Vocational School, may be employed and paid for the regular school year on the basis of 10 monthly payments. Craft teachers in any of these classes which may require continuous work throughout the calendar year with the exception of two weeks' vacation, may be employed on the basis of 12 monthly payments. The minimum salary shall be $1500 per annum for the regular school year; the maximum shall not exceed $3000 per annum for calendar year of 18 months. Elementary academic teachers without trade training, if employed for these classes, and manual training or academic teachers in ungraded classes, may receive not to exceed $200 per annum above the respective grade schedules, provided the maximum payment shall not exceed $1)650 for school year of 10 months. Academic teachers of such subjects as may require high school qualifications may be paid upon the high school schedule. Substitute teachers wholmay be employed from time to time may receive: In the high school and for grade manual training and home economics, not less than $5.00 per day and not more than $7.50 per day. For the grade schools not less than $4.50 per day and not more than $6.00 per day. Teachers in the Day Schools for special children may receive salaries as follows, payable in 10 monthly in- stallments: 1 Supervisor at not to exceed $2,400 per annum. Not to exceed 40 teachers at salaries not to exceed $1,900. Not to exceed 6 temporary cadets for part-time at salaries not to exceed $600 per annum. a Section 11. "For all such supervisors, assistant supervisors, and teachers who shall be originally appointed subsequent to January 1st, 1921, the schedules shall be applied and salaries paid as hereinafter provided, as basic salaries only for entrance of new appointees and after the expiration of one year, all'such appointees shall be entitled to salary in- creases by the regular rate of increase up to maximum for thsir grade or division as set forth in Section 1 of this ordinance." Supervisors, not to exceed $270 per month. Assistant Supervisors, not to exceed $200 per month. Assistants to Supervisors, not to exceed $150 per month. Teacher -clerks in the high school, not to exceed $2,000 per annum, payable in 10 monthly installments. Teacher -librarians in the high schools, not to exceed $200 per month. Teachers in the high schools shall receive salaries of not less than $150 per month and not more than $215 per -- month according to the following schedule: For the third year of experience $150 per month. For the fourth year df experience $160 per month. For the fifth year of experience $170 per month. For the sixth year of experience $180 per month. For the seventh year of experience $185 per month. For the eighth year and thereafter, by a differential of $5.00 per month to a maximum of $215 per month, provided that no teacher shall be appointed at a higher rate than is paid under this ordinance to any high school teacher of the same number of years of experience now on the roll. Principals and Principal Teachers for graded buildings, if appointed, may receive a salary not to exceed the maximum salaries assigned in Section 1, for principals and principal - teachers in the various groups. The minimum salary for principalspromoted from one group of buildings to the next shall be $100 more than the salary previously received in the lower building group. Teachers of the elementary schools, other than principals or assistants, may receive the following salaries: No. 2. A Grade School Teachers, minimum $110 per month; max- imum $1 X55 per month. rFor'the second year of experience $110 per month. For the third year of experience $120 per month. For the fourth year of experience $125 per month. For the fifth year of experience $1-30 per month. For the sixth year of experience $135 per month. and so on by a differential of $50 per year on each year of teaching experience to a maximum of $155 per month. Grade Manual Training Teachers, minimum $130 per month; maximum $165 per month. Grade Domestic Science Teachers, minimum $120 per month; maximum $165 per month. Grade Physical Training Teachers, minimum $110 per month; maximum $155 per month. Directing Physical Training Teachers, minimum $130 per month; maximum $165 per month. Kindergarten Directors, minimum $120 per month; maximum $165 per month. Kindergarten assistants, minimum $100 per month for appointees without teaching experience. For the second year of teaching experience $110 per month. For the third year of experience $120 per month Then according to the schedule for grade teachers to a maximum of $140 per month. �pp Supply Teachers, minimum $110 per month; maximum $saheaule �ot a.maximumsofy 145thereafter per month.--, to teaching The salary schedule as herein stated for teachers in the elementary schools shall be subject to the proviso that no teachers shall be appointed for a higher salary than is paid to the teachers in the same classification of the same grade and teaching experience under the provisions of Section 1. Teachers in the Day Schools for Special Children may receive salaries of not less than $120 per month, and not more than $180 per month. _- All of the foregoing salaries shall be payable in 10 monthly installments. Substitute Teachers who may be employed from time to time shall receive: No . 3. For the high schools and grade manual training and home economics departments, not to exceed $7.50 per day. For the Grade Schools, not to exceed $6.00 per day. Section 111. When not otherwise indicated in this ordinance, all salaries herein provided shall be payable in 12 monthly in- stallments. Section 1V. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in so far as they shall be inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Section V. This is an emergency ordinance and shall take effect and be in force January 1, 1922, after its passage, approval and publication. 1)[l 33:9Zi Adopted by the Council, j f Yeas --Councilmen Clancy, Ferguson, McDonald, Matson, Sm3tI tn�eh, : 1p Nays-- Approve MAI 0 I X3'7566 An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5465, entitled "An administrative ordinance authorizing the appointment and employment 1 of officers and employee for service i,h the office of the Corporation Counsel, and providing for the payment of compensation to such officers and employes," approved December 8th, 1920. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 5485, approved December 8th, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out all of Section 6 thereof, and inserting the following: "Section 6. (a) Salaries Adjustable to Cost of Living Basis. The salary limits as defined in Section 7 hereof shall be deemed adequate standard salary rates for living conditions such as prevailed in the year 1916. For the purpose of this ordinance, with respect to salary adjustments; the year 1916 shall be used as a base, and the cost oflliving in 19.21 shall be deemed to have increas- ed fifty per cent. over the 1916 cost. To meet this in- crease in the cost of living there shall be added to the standard basic salary rates in the grafted service the amounts as determined by the adjusting percentages pre- scribed below, to -wit: ADJUSTING PERCENTAGES. For all positions in Grades 1 to 5 inclusive an addition of 50% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 6 an addition of 46% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 7 an;addition of 43% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 8 an addition of 38% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 9 an addition of 330 of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 10 an addition of 29% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 11 an addition of 25% of the basic entrance rate for thce grade. For all positions in Grade 12 an addition of 210 of the basic entrance rate for thed,grade. For all positions in Grade 13 an addition of 17% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 14 an addition of 8% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 15 an addition of 4% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. (b) The adjusted salary rates provided for in subdivision "a" of this section shall remain in force until changed by the Council in accordance with this section. On December 1, 1922, and on December let of each year there- after, there shall be a revision of the adjusting percentages prescribed in this section, and such revision shall be determined as provided in the nest following paragraph. For the purpose of ascertaining the cost of living, reference shall be made on November 15th of eaoh year to,the latest RESEArCH REPORT on the CHANGES IN THE COST OF LIVING prepared and published by the National Industrial Conference Board. The rise or fall in the cost of living shall be determined by taking the difference between the index number showing the increase in the cost of living for 1916 and the latest index number for the current year, and then computing the percentage that this difference is greater or less than the 1916 index number. The aotual percentage of increase or decrease so determin- ed each'year shall always constitute the adjusting percent- age applicable to positions In Grades 1 to 5 inclusive, and when the adjusting percentage for these grades is either increased or decreased through such subsequent re- vision, the adjusting percentages for all the higher grades of service shall be increased or decreased in the same pro- portion; i. e., the revised adjusting percentages in the higher grades shall bear the same proportion to their respective current adjusting percentages in those grades as the revised adjusting percentages for Grades 1 to 5 bears to the current adjusting percentage for these grades. In revising the adjusting percentages, fractions of one-half or more shall be counted as one, and fractions of less than one-half shall be disregarded. (o) Salary increases on the basis of senior- ity, as provided for by Section 5 of this ordinance, shall be computed on the basic entrance rate prescribed for the 'grade'and shall be allowed in addition to the ad- justing percentage allowance provided for in subdivision "a" hereof. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effeot and be in force from and after January let, 1922. Yeas Passed by the Council I jic =33zi Naps Mr., Clanoy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel #fir_ r g dent iHodaeotLL Approved )Fl :9Li Attest "v 4 —Mayor Ci Clerk 0- OP BT. PAII TO OITT O s Brz No AUDITED .C.�... ......... ..........182... .. j ....... ._ ..... .._ �...... 1 PER _..... .. .. .... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount ¢,3..._ covermg' checks numbered 16661 to-. _ _71 _...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City i Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council..___._il��. .. �Z ................... 192 Ferguson, In favor '....0 eJt '�ZI McDonald, Approved........ L �.. .. ..............192 . Matson, Smith, _.... Against 'Wenzel. Mr, President, Hodgson s C F. No. 3T67 Reserved, Thnt wPrranta ba drawn uP- on the. City TreneurY to ffie a�gregatg meant b SB 657 92; ggveagv " _', bared: 16681 to 1667f `in�luaLVe,; _',ver re- gieter:.oY: clty checliw on'/716 in:tbf office- df, the :City Comptroller. , Adapted by the,.Coun Dec. 73 1921 Approved Dec 13,.'192111 w.� • OP BT. r - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 375 FAA46,IM7.21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOMNO.. ......... .... .67 :7 1402 QEC D AUDITED .......... L Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.......,557„ 82 .................. covering checks numbered 15661 .......... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the C il ..... . -_.........192. Ferguson In favor McDonald, Appr ed - -------- -- ---- U E -C M -1-9-2-J --------------_ 192 ---------- Matson, Smith, Against ............ .. .. .. ......... ........ ---------- . ............................................... Wenzel. MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson 15663. ............ Brooks Brothers, . ......... . Playgrounds 92.61 Randolph Hts. Schl.(Bond)150.00 15662 Burns Lumber Company, Schools 60.00 Bureau of Parks 49.38 Playgrounds 5.35 P. Bldgs. Revl. 20.58 39.70 17F.= 15663 Drewry & Sona, Refectories 15664 Feyen Construction Company, Sewer on Minnehaha from Atlantic to a pt. 15665 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, Schools 11*30 4.75 72.00 14.00 Paving Wqlter i St. 214.20 316.25 242.61 175,01 534.92 2,550.00 316e25 Res. 1402 Page##2 15666 Minnesota crushed Stone Company, 1,891,96 St. C. & R. 1,404.10 Paving Jefferson Ave. 687.86 15667 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 116.13 Garage 1.10 Bureau of Engrs. 1.50 It 4.35 St. C. & R. 14.31 n 1.47 Sewer C. & R. 5.39 Schools 4.14 It 47.88 Park-Adm. 4.59 Bureau of Parks 3.31 Playgrounds 25.87 P. Bldgs. 2.22 1T8'.ZS 15668 Russell Grader Mfg. Company, 21.03 St. C. & R. 15669 Trap Rook Company, 426.77 Paving Jefferson Ave. 6 15670 University of Chicago Press, 99.88 Schools 15671 H. 0. Wenzel, Oom'r. of Public Worts 2,183,36 Police 10.95 If 13.50 Schools 160.75 Water 47.71 n 10.00 3.00 L 1206 42.10 L 1207 313.88 L 1220 55.00 L 1227 52.00 L 1251 2.00 L 1282 10.97 L 1300 227.98 L 1327 14.90 L 1340 54.97 L 1354 84.44 L 1368 50.89 L.1372 1S OTTY or [T. PAQL NoOOIISOIL AUDITED DEC ..I ,...�iCl 192.......... 6r .. ... ._HOLES@.: ^L/....... I Resolved that warrants be drawn Cit upon the ggreg �.. _............... covering p y Treasury, to the ate amount of $.....-��.BP/, checks numbered ._lr3672 __ - ... to.... 15674 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( ) Nays. ' Clancy, Adopted by the Councilg -------------- ---192 Ferguson, ....._... In favor _` McDonald, __,...i71 Approved ............... .............._192......-._ ..- ... Matson, - Smith, Against Wenzel. President, Hodgson up. rom CR . Qa3 Tat nam o theae66rn m0. CttY `n .coy rinB °ham peY re-. mouni6672� �� kano�nalo Sn the office. gig citff�Rhe Council l oCkyVo ed9 •ii OSTY OF PT. FJIIL CITT —K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER oaII=a2L �56�3 Form AA46, IM 741 AIIDITED CLAIMS —IjESOLUTION FORM F:L. NO-- 14031 O.....1403 ;, � BY O PTHOLLBR... 1928 _ { _ ... . AUDITED.... � 192.... � - I PER ..- -.... - ... .. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of$.......... :6f37.7--............... covering checks numbered._._.. 15672,_ to _ 15674___ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Counc' - G��--t-�.....................92---....... Ferguson, In favor UcC� I�[I McDonald, Approve 19'2 - - , Smith, Smith, atsonAgainst Wenzel. MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson 15672 W. D. Bugge, Supt., ___.._._........................_................._......_............ 525.48 Auditorium 15673 Dr. John B. Darling, 20.00 Corp. Counsel _ 15674 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 5,142.27 Schools CITY OF ST. PAUL FILM COUNCIL NO_ .........t3rA..,5>` 9. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER................................................................................................................ DATE .................................... ................. .-...... RESOLVED Viet the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to 4Y, Michael Sperr, a City employe, inured October 12, 1920, in the course of his employment, the sum of Thirty Dollars (330.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of hie olaim against the City for the period up to December 13th, 1921. I recommend the above resolution for passage. q�� _/__ !/U � 73� Comm'r of Public Works. C. F. No. 37669 -By H.,C. Wenzel— period up to December 13tb, ML Adopted by the Counhil Dec. 13, 1621. Approved Dec. 13, 1921. - (Dec. 17-1921) Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ............... In Favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1300 io-zi Adopted by the Council_......:' r....f... Z _...--192.-.-... 13 i921 APPr-- ------ ------------------------.1912 _.-._..... — .... ---' MAYOR ,3� . .. - COUNCIL I��f��,��ff f(�70f CITY' OF $T. PAUL -3; 5 , OFFICE OF,THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTED BY,C. Wenzel � Dec 13, 1921 :,..COMMISSIONER..... .... �a .......... ...... .._..:.................. ..... .............. ............... DATE........ ....................... 77 RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to charge, as a cost of paving with asphalt, Jefferson Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, the sum of Ten (10) Cents per square yard, to aid in the mainte- nance and up -keep of the City Asphalt Plant and as an offset to depreciation and wear and tear on said plant. Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside from the paving accounts of above named street the said sum of Ten x,10) Cents per square yard and place to the credit of the Paving Depreciation Fund. 670-13Y H. C. W nzel— .-4 C. F 37 . No. That �tl,o Commis.Sonar geaolved, a, 't oat - Pyalfarectedtttoh cna gerebY ve- h Paving with nsPhalt, JeKereoderl.W tto) bents Per nue venue, negtlo idvI Ui to ir,t.1mot � ye Yard,' so Pl Qua [ et City aStade Platttl u d 2vk P to aePr ta[fon and and . n' offset wenr and tear onid Ttiatpthe lentbity Comp - t ollerhbeFaudivho SaherebY authorized and. directed to s t aside from the Pav� o o 21 punts f above. namrd.atree4unre 11g aref ;r (o) cents Pe Bald sum 1 ingd an Setl to ithnd relit of tho 192Y I Adopted' by th Council Dec: 13, Approved DQ(Dec3 1781921) i Yes ( J) Councilmen ( t1) Nays 4, Clancy Adopted by the Council Ferguson McDonald ....._ln favor Approv UEC _ .AEC Matson Smith — ....Against MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President TORY aM a•RO .. - b �, CITY OF ST. PAUL GOe"`".dsl'1.�.___ IVO. --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY $ C Wenzel D 13 2 RESOLVED so. 19 l- .....:..............,........................................-................................ ...,..... ...... DATE..... ........................... ........ 4.:.. 777-7 That the Commissioner of Public Works 1�e and he is hereby authorized and directed to,charge, as a cost of paving with asphalt, Eaton Avenue, from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue, the sum of Ten (10) Cents per square yard, to aid in the maintenance and up -keep of the City Asphalt Plant and asan offset to depreciation and wear >v and tear on said plant. Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside from the paving accounts of above named street the said sum oi�'T'en (10) Cents per square yard and place to the credit of the Paving Depreciation Fu�c.'F: xn. sysn- BY 11C. We nzei-- Resolved, That the Com I slo er of Public Works be and. he is hereby,auth-.I� orized and directed to charge as a cost P paving with asphalt, not n Avenao, from Falydleld A e 'm e T .._ Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( f) Nays Clancy Ferguson Adopted by the Council. L`� 1921; McDona........ _.....)n favor Approv 'If.0 -L3 1921 Matson Smith Wenzel .row Mr. President That the Commissioner of Public works be.4snd he is hereby authorized and directed to charge, as a cost of paving with asphalt, Franklin Street from Eagle St. to Chestnut St, the sum of ten cents per square yard, to aid in the maintenance and up- keep of the City Asphalt Plant and as an offset to depreciation and wear and tear on said plant. Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside from the paving accounts of above named street the said sum of ten cents per square yard and place to the credit of the `'--ing Depreciation Bund. C• F: No- 37672-33y ol— F blip "Vo . be the' Commis hmcr of orizednndrdlr cted dphe is hereby n¢uth- P Paving with asphalt, charge, as coat Prom Engle 9t. -To Chestnp .klin street [ ten c nis per a, " St the. sum the m¢Intennnoe and u yard' to ¢Id to A.Dhalt PI t and as Pknep oP the Cl In preolation offset to de- ty Plant.. nd .wear n I ..tear on .said Further Re Resolved That The City Conip- and directed to et ns hereby nuthdriyed accounts. of centsbove nameedrstreet hthea�ed um oP ten pe square said - I ng place to the credit of the Fnvin ¢ d and Ad. Fmal. g Depre- APPPtcdre"db3, Il Dec. 13 1921. ..__ Dec.c. (Dec.1921 _.._ -— c. 17-1921) -_-- Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald 0 .-.----.-.—----- In favor Matson Smith ---.__......-Against Wenzel Mr. President Ion. aY;-so Adopted by the Council0 L C L3192 --.------19-- Appr 19 ----------- -..._ M oR 4 a ;. CITY OF ST. PAUL oognnt V573' NO....__._._.. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY H. 0. i'lenzel Dec,. 13, 1921 =.COMMISSIONER '........ ... .................... .... .. ... ................. ................. ........... DATE................... ....1....................-......... RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and --he is hereby authorized and directed to charge, as a cost of paving with asphalt, East Fillmore kVenue from Eva Street to State Street, the sum. of Ten cents (10s!) per square yard, to aid in the maintenance and up-keep of the City Asphtit Plant and as an offset to depreciation and wear and tear on said plant. i Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside from the paving accounts of above named street the said sum of Ten cents (10V) per square yard and place to the credit of the Paving Depreciation Fund. ... N 3.r;•B—SY H C t'ygenzal- - That td hamissloner of C Re lv o. hereby Co. Putin W rk be a n coat arized. nd directed to chnjEn t Fillmore . with asphalt, of pawl S Street to State Street. AvenuoTrof Ten (f9) -cents Per square too to �d in th mnlntennnco and uP- I yhttl f the C1tY ASPhnlIt Plnnt' ardand i .keep ecixtlon and we on ot[ a ayd plant. Thnt the City COmP- •" tear o Further Rennl he•is hetebY authorV'ed Rrnoller be and t xsldo t m the s d dlrectedto se treet the said accounts f nbove named qua or 'I 0 sum of oTee to (Ithec ecedo t lt� t filo Paxing dation lrnnd.-921 DAdoPled liY th Co nett Dec_. 13; -1921' 1. -��- A�proved'D a, 37-1921) ! Yes(v) Councilmen (v)Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council DEC 13 1921 19_ Ferguson McDonald ._. [u favor •Appro Matson Smith ----._....-_Against R / Wenzel o.ron Mr. President F H C y{renzel— `( 3. -rahthe A.7 s In them tt r of paJing ,( 4 Ave f om Da I Bt to. Point "IT - t Bond and Point D ,=Unen. F�� •� uglas Road fl� : �tlnss Ave. - to South, City RoadI,% - ' ane "No. ---r - d nee with the ranulroments of: OFFI(,- "tom• a8praved• Me, h 23 192 - - ided In the plans and pecidca R e doing'.. oecertain„work In AL FORM .COUNCIL p ncreta �relnf reinforcement, over j teet t ver 1 e na'vuxtrn a - Dec. 12 1921 et PRESENTED BY H. C. Wenzel ',9—were Instill d u e .. at DATE .... ................... ......__..._ .ice therein=fixed. and ir_, Zd'@]nns and eraDeelo heus,. It was. essnry by the Cr . 9Vorks for the Co: Okesp to nerfr !' - • T1Y derv+ Whereas in the matter of paving Hastings Ave. from Earl St. to Point Douglas Road, and Point Douglas Road from Hastings Ave. to south City Limits in accordance with the requirements of C. P. 33321, approved March 23, 1921, it is pro- vided in the plans and specifications for the doing of certain work in steel and concrete rein- forcement over -sewer and hater trenches and extra concreteand steel over soft and treacherous ground - were -installed, at a scale of prices therein fixed, and in accordance with said plans and specifications: And Whereas, it was deemed advisable and necessary by the Commissioner of Public florks for the Contractors, HeVlon and tikes, to perform said work, more particularly described as follows: 29463.04 Reinforcing steel rods at .08 $2357.04 796 Lin ft. pine headers .20 159.20 48.5 Sq. yds. brick paving 4.25 206.13 9.47 Cu. yds. concrete ” 8.00 75.75 9,47 excavation " .70 6.63 Total T,,2804.76 And Whereas, said work and material has been done and furnished as provided for in the paving of said street: Plow Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hereby allow for all of the work and material as hereinbefore stated the sum of Two thousand eight hundred and four and seventy-six hundredths dollars (02804.76) as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contracts L-1300 and L-1338, for the mating of the aforesaid improvement. Yee (✓) Cuun%Imeu (t) Nays �C ,noy ,h5d,n80n Alebonald --- -.In favor 1A d. 'XEuzel IVVIt. President Adopted by the r-ounailDEC 3 1921.._ .._ _.._19—_ Approve __------DEC _.? 91I)LISHED / l • ,: __ moi."- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C. 'lvenzel- COMMISSIONER.................................................................................. ..... DATE RESOLVED F-19 C -CIL FacNO .............._x.............-. Dec. 13, 1921. 4,. , _iesolved, '-'hat the time specified for the performance of a certain contrast dated :ay 2, 1921, between The ''e,en Construction Conipany and the City of bt. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Clifton �,t. from Jaynes St. to Palace 6t-, be and- the same is hereby extended to the 12th day of Decerlber, 1921, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not t_av<: any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in ,^ritin� with the City Cor.�,ptroller . Yes U) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald A .. -- In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 10-11 Adopted by the Council.. - -1 ;,C 192-..---. r - :.?-1.,12---- Appy a ......- -` .. .----...9 . ''- , MAYOR St. Paul, Minn._ /-,Z- = -Via"- - - - 19 z l- . TO THE HOYORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would rsapectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the/ lS/� N� Y9>±✓ -j¢-tact _Ld J/ fOC - - - - - - - - ` to be extended to (- - - -- - - - -/�' - -- - 19z/_� Owing to it was not possible for —to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to esk that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. �.1 You:s very trul;, v: There is nc objection to having the tine extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. 9 G�/�L APPROVED ) )/ ptAi'Cco�jnstruction & 00 Repa �� UU P✓Y�- lam. -li[ Wvi��e+-a dommissioner oil'`lublic =k.. Chief Engineer. CITY OF. ST. PAUL vee NO......... -- 3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- GENERAL FORM 4?RES$NTED BY F a.....SUI TH....... DATE:........ 1.2 13-21.♦ .._ COMMISSIONER -- ""A' `"' RESOLVED That the following applications for a license to operate Soft Drink Parlors at the addressee indicated be, and",( same are hexeb_granted, and the City Clerk. is he authorized to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. Andrew Tdakarahuk, 1872 E. 3rd. St. 154 Concord St. John'Tony, 9th. St. Louis Stanek, 7 PI. 41 Canada St. Tabolick & Petruchek, 449 w. 7th. St. Marry Nord, 4 Ida Tatkin, 197 E. Indiana Ave. Emmett E. Roe, 378 Jackson St. 11C. F. No. 37577-13y A. E. Smith— I _ Resolved, That the followingppilca- tionsfor a license t .operate Soft Drink P rldi'b at the addresses indicated be. and the -meae N pHy.. grouted, and the City Clerk is hereby,:. authorized. to Issue such license upon the.: payment Into • the .city trelauryof the custo4h ty fee. - - Andrew Mak-187% A. 3rd 8t. John Tony, 154 Concord St. Louis Stanek. 7 W..9th. SA.'. TobMlek "& Petruchek. 641 Canada St. Ham ;Nord, 449 W. 7th'St, Ida Tatkln; 197. E. Indiana Ave. Emmett E.' Roe, 376 Jackson St. - Adopted by the Cmmcll Dec. 13, 1921.., Approved Dec. 13, 1921. (Dec. 17-192U i yes '(✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Ut M '921 Adopted by the Council . anay Ferguson i Approved.—ci'192"� dDuIiald . ...--_..._In I(/ yV favor M n Inlih ____..._.__. _ —. Against MwYOR ode President RoUNC �,o. _ 3`7578 CITY OF ST. PAUL "e — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Sy — ...2�.w COMMISSIONER A .E .SM1T i ...<.... DATE .......... .. .' RESOLVED ,That Council File No. 37542 of December 10th, revoking License No 2123 -Frank Keller, 344 Ced r( St./ 2222e recalled because of/j eriDor, as said Frank Keller �we� Al. John was arrested t said place for having intoxicating liquor in his possession. That C. -di, I- No: 370+42 -- // C, F`SQo. STfi78-Bv A: E., Smith— ff .Resolved,' revoktnB-.License No. of December SOtfi, s44 Cedar, Bp, be re - •2123. ;Frank Keltef I enlled -because t -e�D' llcatfond. o flte Kelier aid nothave app vor haes ul B at the time. Al. 7ohnson sseeelon. lntozlc tin Re llccor tnlhl 11D SZ 1021• -Adopted by the Copnr . APPrdved De a 1170. CITY OF ST. PAUL r e" c" 375a__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FS - ;. 1`Z_],.�21 ...:.-. 'COMMISSIONER..._ .._pl..:.. ....:. Mz.T.R.. ...... ....... ........ DATE.....:. ..... ....... RESOLvEo, that Soft Drink License No. 1585 issued to All?-e-st Mercure at 11�6'S. 11abasha St., be, and the same is hereby revoked for the reason that said place has been improperly and unlawfully conducted and unlawful practices have been carried on therein. Above party was convicted on October 5th and paid $100.00 fine. V. No. 31679—BY A•"PSmith— C. RV. Nod, That SoYt Dru& License No. �]b35 issued to: Albeit. mow. :the at 146 S•.I 1 WabaehaSt.-be, and the same is he lace' evoked far ;the reason that said P 'I.has been Improperly and unlawfully con- 7?ducted and unlawful pracuces have. been 'carded on. therein. - Above party was convicted on GcEStier l bth and ,paid 5109.99 floc. I Adopted by the Council. Dec. 13, 192L. 'I Approved Dec 13, 1921. (Dec. 171921) Adopted by the Council_._ Approved__.DEC L3.192i__ --- ------------- —.._....-- .MwvOn.. els' 3'580 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By . FASMA . W, . Mkt gq>Z........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. oonatructing, s, six, foot„cement„tile . sidewalk. �t..the following locations: ...................................................................................................... B.S.,of„Charlton,St. ,,from,George,St. to Sidney St. ............................ N.S. ,of ,Morton, St., _ from, Waseca. St. to Ohio St. ................................... B.S.,,pf„E,]i,�abeth, St,..from„St;yker, Ave;„to..B.idwell,.St.,..................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... 3.7193...............approved ..NOV. 10,.,1921. ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. OOnatTtilCt a six following, loo ations:....................... B.S. of Charlton St. from GeorEe St. to Sidneq St. N.S. of MortonSt.fromWasecaSt. to Ohio St. ,,„,,,„„. ..... ............................ Ave.,,to,Bidwell„St........................ except where good and sufficient aidewalke now exist .......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 1.20„Per, f pont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... 11th ........,day of ......Januar•. • • • • • • • •. 192.2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........:....:........... 19 .... Approved.........................192...... City CletE�C. . ... ........................ ......May Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith 6 Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson 1 Form B. S. A. 8-6 c3 6 e��A w F SVa� COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By Frank. A!. Matson ......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of., reaonetructing,, relaying_ and repairing the cement block .......... driveway on the south side of Randolph Street beginning at ..the .east ..aide ................................................................................... of Clifton Street, extended, thence east 18 feet, ........................................................................................ ....................................................................................................... under Preliminary Orde....... j7Q1?..............approved ...NOV, j, 1921. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.T2COnstTliCt, Telay and ............... . repair the cement block driveway on the south side of Randolph Street beginning ......................................................................................... at the east side of Clifton Street, extended, thence east 16 feet, ........................... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...-30.Rer..sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 11111......... day of J,4.nua3Cy....... • • • • • • . 192. 2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....' ,-1.. 5. .:` ? i ......, 192.... r Approved...........:.............192...... City Cler ... ..�.......... .. .... .: .. .... 1.. Mayo Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NOBy ............... Frank W. Matson INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.01.�giF1B•.the UAU.of. Juno..St,, from,Lexington, Ave, to. Pleasant Ave. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached ............:...............................................................................I.......... and, made a„part„hereof, the present established grade being shown by a .................. blue,line,thereon,,also.,grading said„Juno St. from Lexington Ave, to a ........... polp,t, 200,fte4st, of..the..east„line, of„Lexington Ave. to the said red line,when, established,,.................... ................................................... under Preliminary Order ....... 3 417.............approved MaT .q,.,1j2 1......,.,..,....,,...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemept is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 04.49,q. the , grade , of Juno. Street,f rom._Lexington,Avenue to„Pleasant Ave. to oonform to the red ................................. line, on the„profile. hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established �>gade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said ............................................................ Juno St. from Lexington Ave. point 200 . of the east line of .......................................... to .... a ................. ft ........ east ............................... Lexington Ave, to the said red line when established, ............................. ...................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 69?�-.?i...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 11th .......day of January . . . . ........... 192.2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted b the Council..Y.` .. l 'n� � Approved.........::'........'.:'::..192...... City ere.k. .. ........... .......... yor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson onncilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ........ 1. .. — .. I........... ......... (3 '), �, 'c'/ � I -,- t � ,,, � -37,583 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... ByFrank VJ. Matson .................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...gza iAg.�ll.1BY.. in, Block. 1,,,Donnelly,'....Addition and Walker .. and. Gondine! a .A.ddition, ..f rom .Milt.on . S.tr.4PA. t,q „C�at,sworth, Street, ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....... 36.84,1 ............. approved . , OC t,.. , 22 , , .1 21... , , , . , , , , , , , , . , , , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. 9;*Alley in .Block.1,,,Donnelly,!s Addition and Walker and Goodine's Addition, from ................................................................. MOA. Sr@e$„to„Chatsworth Street,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...... . ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ..1.m .........day of January ...... 192.?..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 11'�n � Pl nil. ?�✓� Il I M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ���IIII 1 � I i 1 Approved.. ; .. , . . , .: „ '..192..... . Councilman Clancy - Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 t � 0 til r� � COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .,, Frank W, Matson,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, INTERMEDIARY In the Matter of.. grading..D-OMY..St..f Avenue..to., GraeabrUx. Av0911e, ......... ........................ I ...... I......... ,,......,,.....,........,..,.,,..,.,,.....,..., under Preliminary Order. , .3513.5 ................. approved . , 41y . x,. ,19?; I . , , . , , . , , . , , , , , . , , . , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..00, Denny, St, from Payne Avenue to„Greenbrier„Avenue,,,,,, I ....... ................ I...... ��...�..�.....................4............i....... ........ �...........�......... .... ��......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. �i��.�3.�.•... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 11th. , ......day of tT,aYlua . , , ........,192.2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota l cost thereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council. , .. , , .. , r . , . , ...,192, ..\4 Approved.... , , , '... �. , ,192.. , , .. ; City erk. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson 1 Councilman Smith �f Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ZLrErrr>=1 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ...Frank, W., Matron ...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 3A8 In the Matter of1,, Stierle,,,McConville„and„Seeger's Mi wAy. A.44i.tii.m,and,Bloo0WAM.1xQG4,E. ! .M - to Charles St. and from Fry St, to alley between Edmund St, and Charles St,,.....................................................................................„.......... ................................ under Preliminary Order,,.,,,. 35,3P,,,,,,,,,,,,,approved .,,,,July„16�„1921,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. $T.a4B . A11.ey.4. AXI... Blook..1,..S.tiarle,..MoQPnviIle..and. .SAeger.! oAkldway. AdditAQ.4,..4A(i. Bloc);. 2, R. B. Thompson!s,Addit,ion,from,Edmund, St,.,, to Charles. St...and.from Fry. St., ..to..allay..betwsen . Zdmund. St... and. Aharles..St................................... . ............................................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 6.8.6r3k..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... . , , , , , , ,day of .......Janus -e...... 192...2, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....,....::;.;?.... ..r Approved..................7L.......192..... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 .. 192.. G77 ...... . . . .................. i // city cl k. Ma COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By...................... ORDER 37586 In the Matter of.. P -4A4? -=1 g. A - t4A P9, an. -PAk1fkTP)4t, the necessary .St...from.Lexington ..................... Ave. to a point 200 ft st of .. t . he .. e.as.t.. line .. of .. Lexington 1. Ave., ................................ .......................................... ................................ i7s66—ily, F, W. Matson - he Matter o1 atsonJie,Mattier-o; condemning and MR. .......................... �mel-rnentfol. llm� i..d ec, ....................- f J.Pe mti.—d fill !",grnj,,1,1n of.Jrm t� rf,,T n . .I.t 20D ...................................... line of Leslngt ................. ...................... under Preliminary Order ....... ��258 blay 13, 1921 ................. approve .......................................... The Council of'the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. i 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..condemr...........and take an .............. ...................... d fills in the grading, of„Juno,St.,,from Eexington Ave. to a point 200 ft. east .of..the .east. l.in.e..of..L.e.x.i.ngto.n..Av!e.,-.. in.!accordance ..with ..the ..blue ..print hereto . ... ctit.8 and the shaded portions showingthe fills, .................................................................................................. with no alterpatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. .. 2 0.00 .... I .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... ;ltA ....... day of T41jiga;U .......... 192.9 .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the: manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... r:: 192..... . ;- ...... .. . ... .. ............................... L , Approved ....... ................. 192 ...... City ClVk. .. ... ....... . ............... .... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Cotmcilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 .. 37587 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .. k Talk .W.•.. Met $0.2} ....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. o?ndemning• and, taking, an„easement .in the„land, necessary „Qr„gpgp,,,p•,cl}t,$•and•f1.7,j•�.in•.the,grading•of„Alley,in Block It Donnelly's Addition and Walker and Goodinels Addition, from Milton ::.............................................. St ..Street, ....Chatsworth..... 11. F. xo 37 s7—By F w Mat on ................. Inn., of —d tuning; and talo'. ing :an as ment in the .lo.xid n sary:•-.for snopea for cuts and di17 the gradl1,19 Ally to Mock nelly's Addison and we .. Goodine'aAddition, f:rom., ...................................... ... to Chatsworth. s”, under 7,..................................... der 36852, approved Oct 3L�'1r2 Counc(1 pf the under Preliminary Order... R 'C . I” recelvad. the report JQt,., 22, 1921.• ,, , , , ,,, , , , , , , , • _ t of, Finance up'. , The Council of the City of St. Paul havingrc>`NSweo=�: �..�port of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of.the improvement which the Council recommends is COTldemn and take an ............... eaAeIIl�At..�>�..the..7aAd..segs$eaFy•fQ ,s�opes,••for,cute,and,fills, i.. the ..gTs�di.Llg.o�.A1.1$S.1?7. $14gk.�,...�7P•A>A@1•�Y•t•e• Addition„and• Walker„and Goodine's Addition, from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, in accordance with the ...................................................................................................... „blue, pFint•hereto• attached• and, made„a„part„hereof, the hatched portion ............... ahowin� the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...2.0..04........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... llth.........day of Jmu4ry............ 192. r?.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hail Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... ....... ........ . .............................. Approved...................:..::1192...... CityClerk. .. ......... .. ........... ...... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson J Councilman Smith t,/ 3 % Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO �............. By ,Frank.w.,.Matson ......................... ORDER '71588 In the Matter of...RPAUMAing- a. .eking, an,easement„in the land necessary .... .... ...... for„sorest for cuts and fi sin the grading of Denny Street from Pay.q.Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, No. 47666—By R, W. Matso .......................................,e Matterof-cortdemninsani...................................... an' -eaeemeat'.in' tH 111.,i for slopes, : far'.:cits and :rndin6..:of.'. Dennl”.s,-:......................................... ..........................................: Avenue la G aatbrl�r, •,'�eliminnry Ott' •.. , 3516 July 1, 1921. under PreliminaryOrder.... ap. , v"ed.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the -said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. O�Ond81nI1, and take, an easement in the land necessary for sloes, for cute and filly in the .......... ....................................................... grading of Denny Street ,f rom Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, in .............. a400rslanca.�eitb..the.blue..print.hezeo..at.tacbad..and. made..a..Paxt..hexePt, t.be..hatrhed. pox t.1 ons. .showing. .tha. aut.6..and..tha. Absdad. Ro.xt1 oAs..sh4wA ag ..00 -fills ....................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... ?Qr QQ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 13,th....... day of !7a?1ueTy............ 192.2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. -, Adopted by the Council...... ....:' :: 2 j......, 192...... S- ......... ...... ......... ..................... Approved ............... ........192...... City .... ...... ............... . / Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson . Form B. S. A. 8-6 _ 37589 COUNCIL FILE,NO............... By .. Frank. w.. ;Mat eon ...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. Aondemning. and. taking. an..easAment..19- the , lagd.,necesgary- for sjppee,- for: cuts -.and; fills, in..the.,grading of alleys in Block 1, Stlerle, McConville andee Sger's Midway Addition, and Block 2, R. B. Thompson�..s .... Additipn,-,from.Edmund.St..,t.c. ChaSt rles....and..from Fry St, to allebetween ..........y........ Edmund and Charles Sts.; ................. ............ ..., ,89—BY-�F. W.'Ma(s......... ... ... ... .. .. ...... ....... ' rtondemninxrn',' ............ r n,'. ............................... . under Preliminary,ordei•...35354..............`-.:.n' .,ved .. -:41Y...16x..1921................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having. considered said report, herRby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby -approved and adopted, and the said—improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. COT1deID11 8tld take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in -the grading ...................................................................................................... of alleysinBlock-1,. Stierle., McConville andSeeger's Midway Addition, and .......................... Blogj�,2,,-R,,-B,,,Tk}omp�q-i�!s,Addition,--from,Edwund-3t. to .St- .and from Fry. St,A.Q..3l.le ...betwe,9>1. E0kp=A.W..Ch1,91e4;, Sts,,-in„accordance with the'blue print -}> Fgto,attached,and,made a -part hereof the hatched portions showin 'thi cuts an � the shaded portions &ow ng'.th'e'fiTis. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..50..00 ........ Resolved Fu`�CT, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .....11th ....... day of yT-$p-y�'ry... ;.y ...., 192. g.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...... 1..}.'ciY.)......... 192...... APProved.':,..... .. ....192...... City Clerk. ' .... .. . . .. ........... . ......... ...... Mayor. COunC1lrRafl„IC ancy - Councilman Ferguson Councilmatr -McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith v 'j/ Councilman Wenzel Y Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 r. -----�--------------R Vx x'75 A Frank WMat son By._..._ .............._W., ......... _......__------_..._._..._._- CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Wellesley Ave. from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue, _. "TIFYING AssEssHENTs. N. 34690—BY F. W- Matson a Dlatier of the sssese , recta costs and Pxpenee- tor'; ^.tInB-e' wr n Wellesley= "•Mount Curr '.outevard t� nr;� +'lllninarY.e c Irder YO�un er Preliminary Order _...... �.SiZ.ai.4...___., Intermediary Order ............. _._..__6........._., Final Order.._35558___..._.:._. , ap proved Jul,l_Y . ......................1870%._.._..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said amess- mleInt having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it th1.r'efrrre - RESOLVEi$. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the ie is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR!T ER�RE,S,O-LVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ._.._.__,_�L.,...._....1_.......equalinstallments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..__.........a:.._...`_ 191....._.._.. ....................._......... U ............. City Clerk. proved...... ......... __.......... ..... _..... ................. 191 ._ .• . .. ................... ....... ayor. - a r, B. B. 18 -.- L t01'PI �jr rncil No............... _................ By'._..'.......__.Frank Mat ......................... j CITY OF ST. PAUL. j Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 375.91 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for nstructing a sewer on Wells Street from Mendota St. to Forest St., 3.4887_ .................. Final Order. . 354.8_5._._..._. under Preliminary Order.. .. Intermediary Order...... .._ . . approved._......._JulY.._2.Q.....1.92.1_........._XRK......_ No. -.37691—By F. W. matso!. �e matter oY the assesam3: A public hearing having been had upon t1Q8te, costa and gxpene1. Yorove improvement, and said assess- uctte, a• se an on Wells o P 'ndota St. to Jgrest St.. unde', ment having been furtter considered by the Ct•nary Order 34466, lntermiconsidered finally satisfactory, be it r 34887, F9nal Order 364. July 20. 1921. therefore he" T having I" the 14 RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the sartle is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of•Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FLIRT ER "RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable t\J in_,.4..._..___.._j.............:.._.._._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ---- 1 \ �v4 ifv Clerk. Approved ....__...._...._..;1:..-- 'Y;:_t;.;..;................. ......191._...._ r— B, B. r8 Mayor. ------------------ ---------- WNW "T Councjt File No .............................._.........._._. By Fr.alk.._W.,...._Mat.Ron........._. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for constructing a sewer on Stanford Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Ave., iylm�n.i 1::�IT SAI' �$Q___._, Intermediary Order ........._35095..._........, Final Order....._��5560 _ . _. under Preliminary Order ....................... "' approved .....__JI113'....2.2......19x7.1... ............ .R4CX.._._. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and .said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RF OLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.... ............. . ...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ....:C. .,. .:-....._.................. ....... .__.......191............. __..._`..._....._........ _......_... ::..... �......G:.^ ity Clerk. Approved......_......._._....._.._`.. _. _..:_ .:..........._.....................191._...... ................... _...... __..... _..... _....... _..... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 i( ---------------------per------�- Council File No ................_.........................._.._ By..._....Fiank....9".......1dat.snn..._........... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment oDenefits, costs and expenses for oonstructing a sewer on Searle Street from Ivy Street to a point 20 feet north of the south line of Lot 1, Block 1, Searle's Addition, `. No. 37693—By F. W. Met— 'h e matter of the assessment neflts, etista and expenses for r' "'ting" e ea n Srle St+ m 'Ivy Streetto on point 20" Orth' of the south line of Lot 1, b. Searle"s _,Addition, under 1?r— 'ry Order $4625, lntermedtn.•..11 36t0Final, order Sf6e1t r n 192• under Preliminary Order_..._M 5.__.._ Intermediary Order .35143_ ................ Final Order........._MN.......... • approved .........gtlg......_1.a....192i .............. ... I=...._._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT ER ROLVED, That the said assessment be and it is`h F�Fyereby determined to be payable in- .................. _..___�....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ; Adopted by the Council .......J.1;..!_..__:_:.._ Approved ....... _......... __ r..._:._,':....a�.r............................191......_. Form B. B. 19 191......... _.. l-- ......................:�ti `-_'.::: ...._...... City Clerk. J _......__...__....._....._...._ Mayor. ppwm ------ � f -'e' ja'�- I Council File No ............................................_.... C3rE elj By ......._Frank..._w......_Mateon.._......_._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Mercer Street from Otto Ave. to Scheffer St., -4o. 37594—BY- R .W Mateon— r matter of the assessment of '-its, coat. and ..Pena-- forcan- Oi-jotto Ave. sewer, &heeGore Sty un •elf O der 6436x, Flnal Orden + roved Aub 17, 1921. , under Preliminary Order.........._..., Intermediary Order3.54.3.52............. ........ ...... Final .......... approved.17a..__1Qd1.............1iR........... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by'the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore, RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable Li F, \ ✓ i�_ in...._........._..►% .....................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..........:_ ............... 191 ) ^-......11......`.........'...� .... City Clerk. I Approved ..._......_._...._. ) % GJ _-.._ ................_......._..................191..._.... 1 l� �/�y •_....._......................... ..... ...�D��.v.._ 1./ Niayor. Form B. B. 13 Fij�LCHT+II � .3 •�/ Council F ...... ........ ......... .............._... 0 9 By....:k'.7ca_nk..._....... * son ...... ... ........ _.. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Berkeley Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Ave., - F. No. a375s5—By F. W. Dtataon— the matter of the ��sseeasment of ;eneflts, costs and exp@ossa for: con- ructing a sewer. on Berkeley Ave. m Mount Curve Boulevard to Cre- ' Ave.; oder Preliminary Orde- �- Ite,J 11ary OrArr •85004. F ) A• i _..Ic51. .,fA 7tt /- under Preliminary Order ........... .34715 ...._., Intermediary Order ....._35094 ................. Final Order......_; 5561 approved _July.._a_7.a...... 19a1......___.._AAxX__.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore . RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ' �\ .1 �'/ in ................_..... __....... _...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved_...... ............... _.... _...... ...... Form B. B. 18 Clerk. Mayor. �f(/ P ! Council File No.... .. .. `._1_.._..._._ 37596 By agg CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Belmont St. from a point 60 feet east of Manomin Ave. to a point 60 feet west of Ohio St. and on Seminole Ave. from Belmont St. to Sydney St., a F. -No. 37696-13y F. W Met— in the matter of the assessment r .benefits, costs and expenses for oor structing,a-Sewer.., n 13 .'benefits, Stre Prom -a: point 60 Peet east of Manon Ave. to apoint,60.-feet west of St.: r aqd -on 'Seminole Ave. Pe, W re t St.. to Sydney St" ur-'i F' 34937 under Preliminary Order....._...._..3. 6Ba._..:,'�minar 43ordeFrinal6o r °'34-31 .................. Final Order_..............__...__.... -.--- approved ....._JgAe...._30....... 1921. ........... _._29CR....._.._. A eublic hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHEIj RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable \f �/ in__..._......_......_.....__._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described [herein. Adopted by the Council . ...... ........................_.......___..._..._........4\91......... ...... Clerk. Approved .......... ---...._........ ....... ........ _......__..._..... Mayor. Form B. B. IS iA-1,4,vt CouncilTile No . ....... .................... .............. ....... By - Frank..._l -:? Mat. son....._._.....__ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading BYeon Ave. from Midway Parkway to Frankson Ave. and from Frankson Ave. to Midway Pal'� --- C. F. No. 37697-8y F. W Dfatson� In the matter of the naeseame. beno"' costs and espenees for r' Ing; Bl%- Ave. from SBdwgo 7' Frank oto n Ale eto Midw'ayand Par':� tormedlarellmfnary Order x4806 Y'Ordar 3n". under Preliminary Order.._....__ °s..3430_, Intermediary Order -.-3205 ..34906 Final Order.__..._ 34906 approved......_June.._20.th.,.....19i31.—__1907 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _;: S ..,_ ...............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ......: ........ .'...._ ......... ..................... .....191._.......... Q ..._ ..................-........ ..... .... City Clerk. Approved - ........ ... .--._. _ ..._ _... ..... . ...................._:_............191......._ 6vl� _.._-..... Mayor. ......... .... Form B. B. 13 PUBLISHED ,� � 5/ ----------------- i_-_-___... Council File No.� c By .....Fr.ank....1q..-Mat.soll---- _------ _.- CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 3, John J. Kenna's Rearrangement and approaches thereto on Kenneth St., eine n ....BY s'aymant. 1.z. inert of a$lo Xx 2ena d �_gdia g ege0.rr{o goin nKe 188 W ep el OrdeD 19 7L F1Q e' under Preliminary Order .......... Intermediary Order _.._19469.. . ............. Final Order....._19816.____. approved .._Dec..!...._17th........................ ........ ...... 191.._._.. 9 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE 1TTq FURTHER R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..._._....._.._�7... ^-�.i eeq`aal-inssttallments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ........................ 191 ............. --....... ..... _. City Clerk. Approved .. ......._._..._......_....__..._.._......_._..._._.......................... —�_..'. Mayor. ....._.--_....._ Form S, B. 18 PUBLISHRll �� � �� No 6739 A! ,s�. tK nn nt Bums oQ AQnitly ... ��9q Ordinance No By� I An ordinance appropriating the sum of Two Thousand ($6,'00040) Dollars or so much thereof as remains unspent in -the Other Ex- penditures:Ztem, Bureau of Health Fund, for.,the'purphase of new equipment in the Bureau of. Fire for 1822. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: _. ECT70N 1. That there: is hereby appropriated the sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollats or as' much thereof as remains unspent in the Other Expenditures Itetp,,Bureau of Health Fund, for the purfhase of nevi' equipmeglt`` n; the Bure,)"u of Fire for 1922. SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordr inanee rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION_ ... This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediate-" ' ly upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council DEC -9 15�1 Yeas Nays oma' 916rguson v- VAdDonald 47,Matson -,'/Smith `'`,SPenze1 Approved DEC '9I� s Mayor. ..i ✓CN F �9 -- ell O F, No 37ff00rOrdinanca.:=No 5740 �" // /7�y E3y R L S For6ueon a (�,¢ // U ' 'ordinance appropriating the au -. , ,p `{' j( Thre Thousa d Doljara (E9 i; °{�,np aYg°' Tl c tn. t nurposa f defra9�nd� �, `� 'c ' ' `he. presarvanoa - - health, and s§faty An ordinance a `the city ;of pa�h8 sum of Three Thousand Dollars CTION I.. ($3,000.00) l/yr the pm h f ,f iefrayIng- the c6st of preparing plans and specifications by the City Architect during the year 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COtMCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the School Operating Fund, Department of Education, to the same fund for the year 1922, for the purpose of defraying the cost of preparing plane and speci- fications for school buildings. Section S. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JFC�'92i Yeas Nays erguson i'McDonald y1Mat eon vsmith "Wenzel 'Mr "�r��Y�e�tt (8od�'srenx) Vtc �a �._ Approved F►$JC6''STe � - 1 C...� r Ela r JOHN 1. F`Ry claTIL PUBLISHED :�5',x:.� t a,.ewpe:: Y ,+X,_.s. .S cLh ext 'Y 5. .n..na -r.�--.2e,,,` '•'?�a,t.. ;_.. S .,.'Mir I t - +� , !dam e•{ .,l« 3 .a^�,�,.��,.rru,n+::r�Tsau++ma+�?�•�'^�"��`*iw�'�i:mniyss➢r<a+u�ySSvv.«.R«SF�.S x,:,..:��:Mi�, C F No 378b1 r, 1k., No 57r ancy-.- An ordtnun'ce to`$mend AdmIn': tivo OrdfuanNo. '. 6b26 app: . Tanuary1,'1921 entitled 'Ar infatiatiy o'inane u . E Poolntme td.:empl 3tr( iemPp -y 1 An"'urd ina•t _ e t'n" .uenr," Adminks trat ive Urd inance No. 5526, appr� ed "An administrative ordinance January 1, 1921, entitled, authorizing the appointment and employment of certain employes in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bu4ldings and fixing the compensation therefor." r T;E COUNCIL OF Tia' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance 5526, approved January.l, 1921, be and the same hereby is amended by striking at in Section 1 of said ordinance the following words and figure8: "One,ior Clerk to the Electrical Inspector, at an annual salary of from tl,260.UO to 01,560.00." one Senior Clerk at an annual salary of from $1,260.U0 _. to $1,560.00." Section 2. This, ordinance shall take effect and be in force imme- distely upon its passage, approval and publication. YEAS Councilmen NAYS i - Adopted b7 -the Councilr"' Ferguson ` T _ IFC A 192L Matson Approved: � ) UE J y9 !ki vp! ;.^"Wenzel r` Mayor Com. C�9iQp Ing. =1110 fey `_- r.m�..:tsask—.��..u"'°"ysm.�a:Y,�«says;,ires:amvoe.,y�bua,_R CITY OF ST. PAUL couwci� 3.760/ NO........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESEATED BY Dec. 14, 192141 COMMISSIONER.................................................................................................................... DATE............................................................................ RESOLVED That five hundred copies of the 1922 budget appropriations be printed as p%r apecifictions submitted by the Comptrollerpy and cherge the cost to Official Publications. i n Yea (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ......In Favor Matson Smith .......................Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 3M 3-30 C.r: x aysoa- 'Ree lv d Thnt flue hundred optae or the 1922 bµdg t approprla. a ed print d p r BDoclflcn{1baS eu, . th a y th C ptrotter, n'nd.:chnr6e the coat to Ofticlnl Publications li Adoptod by tho'CnunC11 ➢ 14, 1821. .N App v d Dec 14. 1921.. 24-1921) Reao1utj,r) 7 f* mrd Adopted 6y the Council .... _...... Zcr ... __._�� _.__.._._19.._.._. T .. P Approve ........ ---........ ..�....._.�... j._�.,...�__�19......._ - ................. ......... '......_....... _..... ......... --- MevoR I 1 t zY 'I i( F. } 'A CITY;.OF SAINT 'PAUL B U D GIB T A P P R O P R I A T 1-0 N S a. FOR r YEAR 1922: CoizPAR_ED.wim 1921_ gyp: a w3 C. F. No ed. 37602— five hundrVred P e t - ResolvThat ia si be - budge[ PPt ob.itt d { he 1922 specificx[lon a the , printed Per d harge y the Comp[ro1C 6llca.tio ns. 1921. os[ to ot[icixi Fu e ,adopted by the C -u1921. Dec, 14, y ) - Approved D(Dec. i -q,�,..; CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINN.. r ncviic+:AF' Tt-IF [2L'f7utPTROLLE14 i v December 101th• 1921. To the Honarablo Mayor and City Council, of; the: City_ of. Saint Paul., TLnnesota. tientlomdr3 %e budget gpproprintions for 1922 rare herewith submitted, sinowing the gdgereaaental organi8;atton units o1resified under six standard group$# euah approprintiovs beim; designated by a code numbory Me 1921, budget hn es been arranged in a comparative manner with the P, 1922 budget. A s3tunwiry of the 1922 budget snowing the method of arriving at the tea levy is sta:eed* together with W-1 tax rate and tans: levy oosnpnrison with previous yours. This Is the first budget propared and the first tars; levy made %hick m dnges nto effect under Us and levying oftax2RGie Mlained in order ash Drials plan. An utoiMake ne fit clearrtoibudget thtax prayer that U xe>;s paid during 1922 are aaued for 1922 city eacnenditures. The budget i+z the basis upon which taxes are levied however# The budget does not indiente the actual coot of o�sbre.l�iing a dopRrtnent or bureau annually as frequently ended bali-aoes frbltl the previous year in c� rrlod over and spent in addi(`1on 6 the budget appropriation, rasa departmentol revenues .r-e received a spent in addition to the budget. 2`rsia� will cause the expenditure analyais at The close of the year to be in exceou of the original budgets therefor• it is miol-ending .to corpnre budgets no a basis of governmental costs with other cities. Ci'e Comptroller+n Annual Report seta forth the analysis of expaand- iturese for ea& fine .l year Vilab Maould be used in Calculating coat of operating and minteu�nce. Respectfully submittced# CITY GniWTHOT.I'M OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �:sTYIlia == on July list. the Comptroller sends out budget estimate4 foraas to - deportmeAto and bureaus vh1ab allows the previous year gfoonditur4s and present ye,?r!s Wda t. Me dep<xtaent he�.dm m.Ilde trp tixeir ea�$ftor_tea as proscribed by the t+%xptroller and return to the Comptroller My 316% ie Comptroller ha.s t s.e aaut}sority to out t!leae eatis:s-etea to keo$ within 13he $30 per oaaaitn limitation, or loser If it Ge -eves Per the best ;,nteroot of tris: city. tnvootidationes are mn)do in the dapartments to necextaf.0 the asoessury facts upon vhieh Ole cuts rel -.y be merle. the Crivaptrollor then prepares a TeI71044 budveis torrether with estjmTk ted rovenuou and submits it to the Council Auguat 15th. Me council may reduce •- rly itm or the angragnte of t: -Il item as rum. as It m, �, dery consistent with ,public isitereatop but oamot increase t%e total more than 3 , or ally one : and more than 10/. Ui=on the receipt of the aoMtrollOr+o revised budget estias=tes the council sisall c. use t21u a«sae ti+ be VuUlah►ed since ill Uiv off xoi€al. Mar of the city. Ten days %Ttar such publication said council s:iaall, hold public: hoaxirsae from eL:y to ai r for not less than twenty days at such times and in o°sch manner as the council way proscribe, at uhialt tall residents ox the city of 3t. Paul may I)e heard In reTerence to aasrr of said ostimaateo or' any item thereof. !sfter the public heaxinge Itave been oompleted the council is required by law to adopt the lsudrjet not 1.'zter Vwn October late oadb yeasp after wbiesii the tex lett' resolution is prepared and adopted not latter than October 10th. A cony of the tax levy resolution shrill be transmitted by the City CIOX-k to tlss County Auditor of RnTasey County, entered srpon the tax rolle ar;ci delivered to the County Trwourer the rollossingr January. `11bia cor:+pletes the story of t1to 1922 budaet €4d tsars levjing of taxes tinder the ci�ssb basis plain. !M1e t�cosz lava ed in tkte f =i1 of 3921. pasya'ble disri.ngg 1922, Rre br seed on the 1922 budgret re geairomasnto. tinder. the Old pisan the bsid!ret vr,,e m -,de in V'le f :1l of the years spelt tho f011osr9M ye . -.r nreci faxes collected the year rafte the, sxnonditaares were zsade; this made it necessary to boraces for current expenditures and placing A martg age an the tax collections tine folloaing ;Dear. During t'^e yes r 1922 the tr;x collections crud Ziorellnnsotto receipts ars free Pad unencumbered to meet the 1922 burl -rapt expenditures without Lite necessity for 'borrowing. OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL s �Pt �3Yi,a3ti�i 2qQ.,�#�,�.�■. City -Purposes General Revenue i 1407 9 43 city 3&0 019 js$eso-t& atrjking Funds 44 ND .6V County PurP95309 15 42 1542 County RO.Vexmte Got my one will Tam., at. to Purp*13013 2 ?5 at;a.8e ?terve nue at::£4 30�Qo1 Purpaoms I 449, Totts] =F;xt klate VIA;w-le in 1922 67 :Dt3 4q Tei L' OF S'.; __ Rx= & Tax Rate Per 01.000 City Tax LOX 22121, qpmu City Tai al$v..Y 1900 2 63 4 75 15 80 19 32 22 40 26 90 1 35X 900 00, : 1 696 25gg 00. 1902 2 53 2 73 5 72 4 54 22 25 21 83 31 00 29 10 2 ASA 908 W 2 046 435 00:. i Q4 2 73 527 71 571 19 AA 2% X16 27 aD 30 60 1 806 685 00 ? 095 510 00' 1905 3 0 5 21 45 � 60 20 50 2 191 916 00' 2 1Ag 15 Aty' 3,96 190 3 48 3 3 5 0 6 20 20 22 22 4? 1^ 00 2 341 070 00;, 2 620 0 0 00': 2 .A 6 BO 23 10 32 70 1909 , a�B 5 4A 10 P1 o 6 20 32 '9 ?_0 2e3 10 2 61.5 OA 2 535 4112 00: i9ufs 1912 3 5n 5 50 11.9 &2 2, ?D 2 493 795 00; 8 00 5 03 A 75 47 7 84 20 X30 2V 4: 32 30 41 AO -2 393 3 227 49 !' 1914 $9x5 4 10 20 � 5A 33 30 30 45 46 60 42 60 3 810 13 20 3 744 002 01, 1}15 1817 5 03 a 52 3 0 43 6 50 b 4 0388 1189 39. 4 6 1818 1919 05 7 12 62 15 10 41 t33 � J3 71 tin s t3 : 'p 819 003 50' 192 4 10 16 42 46 40 67 00. 7 035 450 00' OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL tt i G • OF 19P2 MDOWT A"POPRTATS: r.Y ■ _ Dept. $O. 1 Sundry °,.. Dert.mo. 6 _ Q pt. X0.2 ep 3i • . 5 Dept. N0.3 �ax�e��°i� .. f ood 9f�# Qe c Pt 10 Rublio ip_ 110.4 870,114" __ 7At 1 Aar agety Works s. et--I-ti ea - ® SI7D,- . ._ $iukf#tg:. uid 3g2 024 00 29150@' 60 lOfl 524 00 gadWPUezi 4x 8ondo 379 000 00 81783.50o 379 000 00 680 000 00 137 815 00 3.litaresft _. +'Tines on city property g]. Doo 00 91 040 00 OPERATiE T. IIt"t s 's1xC 333, 327.00 1 603 73a 00 556 604 oA 8 456 65 9 a05 ©�a,00 60500 872 19 120 213 tao 30E 233 00 408 456 00 0ther .�peutu cue es 1 451, 95`8 0 394 342 43 152 215 00 104 266 P$NSIORS di O ATi[ITII 3 141 185 00 135 185 00 6 000 00 y, b cAL S ® p 188 984 59 188 984 59 120 Q0! a`ti2tZCIi'A% 54t1TLA1' _ 18R,. ,2 00 2"2 40 4 -- TOTAL BUDG:i!T APPROPRzt,T O 8g�81 8�0 7a a 47631% -Oa a 75r ttio 6 46,9-00 906 0 6 2� 2 00 i q56 148 00 �._ D=UCT Szu OUSTAINXI STNS AND MPAMWMIMVMMD 0MR THAN TAUS ArM 14030MJ.MMUS R? MPO. hoz 301ppt3.aiS �+eutif a to b n0 5 056 00 00 5 0r6 do 7 00o 00 Raalth fund.Caun$y Yievensie Health 'rmd. W%*XX ended Nalan" �` 000 28 000 00 22 oOti 00 Street & i3mtaer Cleani vun8, trae 1-2-,000 00 12 fa00 t58 236 000 00 �o abhools, tato toxtioa►ent. eft. _ Auditors V440, 23 oSiO, OQ 3,5 837 70 35 837 70 76 T feria Ra #oz#.es brie skiads"s Porrito eta. 76 A05 00. 58 8000- 1085''00 0 0f? 7 000 00 4 - - (Ark to-At±vet�kWl : 'fix ne ar ° 000 0t? 1 440 ,85� 00 1 azo 852 00 _,... , A Itbeeut� . ctec r0v iAenea dieLr3e8a�11 2500 Qt1 000 00 20 do 13 000 00 _.: 1 946 430 70 20, 556 06 29 000 00 12 000 00 837 70 -45 TuS, 1 477 652 Oo �oIr 4 O 0o r 4 : Q2 a 6 f�0 40 00 2 4 g 8 1 ii 0t; 8 2 600 --- _.,. '�IsCYA�ID0i7S..A�t1S'aai?�s R+�gtigt# To* (1/2 '` 10 Oo0 U0 _^ loney» A credits(1/2� , bt!"409 O©. 1t�; -00 d 40 �er�olti,es - fixass a7rx ink Tri 20 Ofl0 00 .__. - 73uminmi .%,i0onaea 75; 000, 00 50 000 00 +deo tg Interest Oxt.lt�0, J3al ax�cses 000,00 q .>>. i�iu!$0�pa1 :Cour$ 000 00 B�:nadxy.._li@Y�rXltis4 � from „<,.- IJn6AAi�i�et� �iL3 EtY)�:58 i cf3 !1 1921'AP 25"-i30© p0 �(iRl' OfkQ.. 00 .,_. .,law.wt .PM Q{� Q „ten yOMD AS Ihtere t:3 ax 500 000. Q0 .. s ' 200 000 06 SCHOOL to Tn OL ci "ar: (1/2) 60` 004 Off Ei0 000 00 00unty . Daa rain tam � 3�, 000 00. 1�f! 0oa 00 1 si0 N; ,a ortga a' re istsy a (1/2) 0-00 -90, a�0i_ 000 00, - goo 000 00 700 000 00 200 000 00 a �CAx FOR CIfiY PiiRPtiS�S 7 0 4) 00 1 78 02 1 26 tLo 6.4 44)9_00 2: .4 8 .3; 1-901, 0 0 .� 0i OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��iRTL�dT 2dy 0,�.� Ok�EFjiSTI iQ Charter puna 1922 1921 M. Cade Ludgelt Budget y; 0ity Officers salcries 3z 000 00 31 Tf 00 3FA Ari es 37 000 Of) 2 102 my;orte Office82" 00 -3700 00 €2 00, 5 000-W 31`nr14f4 other +, tpendi tures 825 00 �?5 00, 4 303-1 City Clerk's Office 11 46Q� 1 0 ; salF.xies Other nx ,e'nditures 1 100 00 17 205_94 0 W 1 300 00{ 4 103-2 gioeinge DID Rxraenoe 00 00 4 5.00 00 ++ SFl:ries Ot}.or Exnanditures 3 000 00 -+ 3 104 Corporation Cotui:elsu Office 2r 00000 00 24 2 O anlaries Other Bwpen(Xituress u2 000 0 3 500 00 2 755 00''", 6 105+1 Cur.�aiaei.oner of Fin_;liae 6 39`�_.__o T 0 00' � Cc;.l�:as'ies Other I3vvditures 2 000 00 6 105-2 pnrticip,.t%nt3 Certificates 5 o56 00 0 2 DO Oy'0 Salaries Other Expenditures j -- 1 000 00!; 30 106-1 Comotroller'e Office6 2.60 OO 1 30 004 Thy 500 0 o0 3:a1' ries Other Expenditures 2 675 00 ; 1 500 O0 30 106-2 Ci`ril 13er0ice 16 4o0 00 13 575 00 IT -03T 00 salr.ries Other Expends tzar as 2 347 00 2 655 00 31 107 Purvhasinp regent 221.46 00 a 46 O ' rw 3u,1^ries other rxnenditur�=a 1 000 00 1 000 00, 31 108 2';ixnicipnl Court 3f"10'�f00' 660 00 S,-.1 .ries Other .3xT�@tldi#d1reH 1 Vo 00 1 204 00'' 25 109 City find &a Court House 00 39COO og 41 65690, 0 Salt:ries other =-pendi tures 20 000 00 ' - 2.3 000 M0'' 24 110 Bo:,.rd of Control 228 810 O424 6 O ' Z'"'� b4 00' 5:clarit6 Other Sxgsenditures 702 163 500 OO 178 967 00 31 111 nrmary 12 OO i4 6 40 �I alaries other :lendi tui es 555 0 00 4 &33 00 TR.xes (Fixed C uardes) 1 31 11.2 municipal Bmployment BureUU.5 000 00 000 00 `5 other Exnendititres Ooo WQOO 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �. _� _ OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL a 1' Y U t ss Kt'GU13 Dal cntinued "2� I k opm"�TJLG r n1r; z7;a1G Charter i 1922 1921 Fund Moat Bud e Eb Code 31 113 Accounting VOWS and FinQncisl Stationery 4 000 00 3 000 00 31 114 Official Publication 15 000 00 8 000 00 31 115 City plaming Comi esicn 10 000 00 31 llfi Fire Hydrant Rental 55 A.406 00 54 950 09 31 117 nobt Service 7MIM190 500 00 -- 31 118 r)"nicipal mrsory 10 000 00 ^'• 31 119 Yunicipal Garage 2 214 43 31 120 City Office s AtUnding Conventions 1 600 00 1 500 00 31 121 }_ Alec tion . �. ones ' 72 000 00 -- 31 122 Public -M, Izlex ;tate.+,, 1 000 00 �• 29 1�3 Tudgment & Gmprorelss 10 000 a0 5 000 00 31 124 lie otriotedheoidenoe Diotrict 13 000 00 . 31 125 3311:'uellc,.ne0ue & UnPcaaeen 3 000 00 5 000 00 31 126 Iievv Charter `, ;pvase 31 127 Refunds & RGPaymm is TOTAL QV %Tnfd & U:nVTW NCB 7u 64� ��asa©aa0 � �?iATU1TI �� 31 140 Fir omen" s 3te11 of 15 115 00 15 357 00 31 141 Police Pensions 50 383 00 30 714 00 31 142 Tmkohere Penoions 37 787 00 15 357 00 31 143 1,41dovm & Baas Pensions 2 500 00 2 500 00 31 144 Iienith Wployes Relief -- 7 678 00 31 145 workmen's Compensation 10 000 00 6 000 00 31 146 Humane Society I{A_.._1 - 31 147 OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL a 1' Y U t ss Kt'GU13 Dal cntinued "2� I k opm"�TJLG r n1r; z7;a1G Charter i 1922 1921 Fund Moat Bud e Eb Code 31 113 Accounting VOWS and FinQncisl Stationery 4 000 00 3 000 00 31 114 Official Publication 15 000 00 8 000 00 31 115 City plaming Comi esicn 10 000 00 31 llfi Fire Hydrant Rental 55 A.406 00 54 950 09 31 117 nobt Service 7MIM190 500 00 -- 31 118 r)"nicipal mrsory 10 000 00 ^'• 31 119 Yunicipal Garage 2 214 43 31 120 City Office s AtUnding Conventions 1 600 00 1 500 00 31 121 }_ Alec tion . �. ones ' 72 000 00 -- 31 122 Public -M, Izlex ;tate.+,, 1 000 00 �• 29 1�3 Tudgment & Gmprorelss 10 000 a0 5 000 00 31 124 lie otriotedheoidenoe Diotrict 13 000 00 . 31 125 3311:'uellc,.ne0ue & UnPcaaeen 3 000 00 5 000 00 31 126 Iievv Charter `, ;pvase 31 127 Refunds & RGPaymm is TOTAL QV %Tnfd & U:nVTW NCB 7u 64� ��asa©aa0 � �?iATU1TI �� 31 140 Fir omen" s 3te11 of 15 115 00 15 357 00 31 141 Police Pensions 50 383 00 30 714 00 31 142 Tmkohere Penoions 37 787 00 15 357 00 31 143 1,41dovm & Baas Pensions 2 500 00 2 500 00 31 144 Iienith Wployes Relief -- 7 678 00 31 145 workmen's Compensation 10 000 00 6 000 00 31 146 Humane Society 2 400 00 2 4010 00 ` 31 147 water for wilder Rathe 2 000 00 2 000 00 31 148 Ramsjey County boor Reeorde 5 000 00 �- 5 14.9 Contingent Fund 10 000 00 10 000 00 �v} rAr. .0310k S &A +OVIR TIES lj q 185 00 92 00b 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL I k I� i Zj= UARGNS 27 180 minkiug Psnd 28 1£31 Redmamption of Bonds 26 182 Intel -got 31 183 Taxan on City Property TOTj1I. nmm) TOTAL gTKDRY 0EXTn`3 &_AOUftSTti�3 291 500 00. I.4K10 000 00 379 000 00 75 000 W 68o 000 00 772 861 00' 90 000 00 45 000 00! a 476 2- 2 657 009 _W" OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL S 1 I t f jgo�a, MC23 jj APGOUN 3 _3. Ps.ARWJAy; _T 0. Car.Liaued L A IFT�iiO .W1 CHAY"M Pund 1922 1921 *._tp- code algaet 31 16o Local 'Improvement ABne8IMIentO go 000 00 5 Boo 00 ?1 i61 Defialemy A000unt 25 000 00 25 000 00: 31 162 Redemption Old Certific%A-08 Of orale 27 984 59 15 810 00 31 163 141gincering & InBpeotiOn 30 000 00 -- 31 ` 164 7son - AaGeusa,:bla D"prcvem::ritz 1 000 00 �* 31 167; yu jF'Verjtg Denied an ;,ae t! J mprovrvnte 15 000 00 -- 31 166 Street InterGeC%Aonm -- 20 000 00 31 16'; �hgelmge Toxea " TOTAL 180 984_„59 iii 610 00 ; Zj= UARGNS 27 180 minkiug Psnd 28 1£31 Redmamption of Bonds 26 182 Intel -got 31 183 Taxan on City Property TOTj1I. nmm) TOTAL gTKDRY 0EXTn`3 &_AOUftSTti�3 291 500 00. I.4K10 000 00 379 000 00 75 000 W 68o 000 00 772 861 00' 90 000 00 45 000 00! a 476 2- 2 657 009 _W" OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL wa?h%RiT 9F P11:.3 -IG s}I MA; 'L' X,TktJ . 2 Charter 19a Bgdget Fund 11 020 40 To 590 40 10 500a lu 000.00 leo- Code 669 Ok 24 7-6-9 21 Gen,ral Adr!inistrntion P07 5400-0 9160_ 59 Yt7, 3�,laries _ 241 61 33: 60 000 00 Other Rxpnnditures 7 82 Bureau of Police 9 000 00 2 94300 enl*, ri es 31 765 00 32 3393 34 other Zxinn4iture4 R 23 Burpna of Fire 7-8 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 10 Q^1 rise Other BRhendi to rise 24 Buro7,u of police & Shire Alirm ant riso Other expenditures �5 Llareau of He Ith ; naari as other kx:5enditures ^ai�u. i 1PAsiiiT�c:Y� OF PUBLIC OAF= -4- 1922 DSP t�t1' iS?say 19a Bgdget Hu-. gtset 11 020 40 To 590 40 10 500a lu 000.00 500 00 5D0 00 669 Ok 24 .1593 57 -67 61 524 00 3 000 00 50 ?33 33 P07 5400-0 9160_ 59 Yt7, X`67 _ 241 61 33: 60 000 00 other e3pendituree 4 00 00 4'L' 000 00 - 0 7 000 00 9 000 00 2 94300 �0-3 00 0&9 b 31 765 00 32 3393 34 00 1 a 061 O4. 31 38 Bureau of Gro sitwolkSl0 5I'anries 000 0_700-0 Other nXpenditures 5 000 00 5 000 00 31 39 Sprinkling Yvmd TOTAL D7n.E' Ati IMIT O1+ V `' 1.1c V1.1) '.13 661 409 00 91 909 08 OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL OF I'UBLIC�, RI 3 31 Ceneral Administrationi 000 00 0 14000-20- 000 44 salaries 13-000 1 000 00 1 000 00 other e3pendituree 32-1 Bureau of grigineern 1, 000 Ofl 58 000-00 D 0 t3Ealariee i 000 0 3 000 00 3 000 OQ other P=01diturOG 32• ]3ure a of Cityi nnint 1£b 2910 00 l 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 700 0 3 b ries Qther ?r%irpcnditures 33 Bureau of jtreet CanAruction &. RON 110 NO 00 la - 44M 340 0 nri 50 000 00 5497 000 OA Other �aendituras 0+1j S�;s 34 Buretku of :3gwer Conntr. & Repair 40 -5-B-110A 2 0 24,5--AO- 4 00ani•riee 2+ 520 0 ani- riao Other EXPanditures: 14 065 00 10 725 00 35 Burmiu of Street & :3ewer Claming 261 58A O9oo u `` ` thri crs Other S2spenditu:ee 12 780 00 12 7 30 00 36 Bureau of Bridt°.e Buildirig ROPair 220.00 2 00 9.22 salixi es Other 1�1-,,onditures 1 ,"u 10 000 00 13 000 Us 100ok 37 Surc�nu of workhouse aY O�i0 �.00�0.00 -�l WO 00 z ral-ries other E.Venditures 8 960 Oo 8 960 04 ADOO 000fl0 31 38 Bureau of Gro sitwolkSl0 5I'anries 000 0_700-0 Other nXpenditures 5 000 00 5 000 00 31 39 Sprinkling Yvmd TOTAL D7n.E' Ati IMIT O1+ V `' 1.1c V1.1) '.13 661 409 00 91 909 08 OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL j2jtpA} 4CEDT OF 2DUCATION Charter Bureau of Library 2und salaries W Code Other F-TpenditureG 15 41 Bure-,7.0 of Schools (34pne rnl Aid"..njvtr-tion ;alaries 77 272 00 Other Expenditures 31 44 Gnpital OutlV 16 42 Bureau of Library i)muizmli'T 00 F.�nxB. I'LAYGAVIRE salaries 2 574 "A Other F-TpenditureG 17 43 Burei-ox of Auditorium (34pne rnl Aid"..njvtr-tion ;alaries 77 272 00 other r3Mendltvres 31 44 Art !'Useum Other EvmWituree Grtufty WIT AL _ L e.4)JCATION m&P iT:UIT O— � -5- 1922 1921 i)muizmli'T 00 F.�nxB. I'LAYGAVIRE Bu�eet 2 574 "A & 18 51 (34pne rnl Aid"..njvtr-tion 225 341 00 77 272 00 salaries 42 g99 0& 190 200 -0% Other EvmWituree 18 52 Bureau of Pnrkm � 5--W 247�T 11 302 20 20 a 039 65 aalari as 91 Other Expenditures 18 53 Bureau of -pallk Refectories sp-1 ari an Other zx-nenditures 19 154 Durepla =f I'laygrounde sn.larles Otb or Tbtrmditureg 20 55 Btire,,ut of Public BuildiAge Salaries Other Ex-endltiiroz 31 56 publio Buildings -Revolving Fund 31 57 Fore try RevolvinS Fund TUTAL V;L4"11LA'yG'WAW l-�= BUILDINGS & I -" &.:� -5- 1922 1921 BudgIt Bu�eet 2 574 "A 221Z ja 0021q - P I 94b WD 00 9 99-qq 225 341 00 77 272 00 45 500 00 42 g99 0& 190 200 -0% 152 520 UQ 37 68o oo 1-5-9-520 00 37 68o oo 8 .-"-R3z-zo- 9 1 41 41 8 -20--Y30 � 5--W 247�T 11 302 20 20 a 039 65 6 wo oo 91 g So6 Zgj 6El 454 546 112 000 00 10 000 00 9 Goo 00 q 000 00 1 000 00 1 000 00 1.27 �ja 00 13Z 4r2 --3 00 --Bu 593 00 qu 593 go 39 000 00 39 000 00 401 76 -W 00 37 07 00 -17,10 0 39 Igo 00 39 199 06 37 500--0-1 -0 400 00 ?-.j 400 -00 tt 14 100 00 14 100 041 IM Oft 02� 4 48 00 060 39 . _w, - 11 920 00 3 925 00' 15 000 00 — 32!i f oo 3o6. 878. ma . ........ I ... OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 7 r s j , 1 p12.,ka �, T a AMLIC uTaLiTZLs -6- Charter Fund 1922 1921 lIk Cade Budget Bti�d o 2!. 61 General Adminiptrabion 00 00 010', Salaries Othor racpenditures 0000 00 500 00 5 00 500 00 ' 21 62 Bureau of Testing Laboratories 14 20 galenas Other nxuenditurea 1 500 00 000 2 000 00 21 63 Bure-:u of City Xn...rketa 7 000 00 0 0 4 00 0020 �3 500 00 Salarioa Otter r nenditurea 2 020 00 1 000 00 21 64 )iure u o Deeks °:harves wv Levees 1 QO 00 00 S:Iiaries Other Expenditures 2 500 0 J 1 500 00 21 65 B ure«u of inve€itigations 6 776 00 —U-75-71500- U000 Salaries Other Lrpenditur ce 200 00 1 000 93 00 22 66 Burt-,..0 of Lu ting 130 000 00 291 660 00 se,l:a ries—Sr-4-54-0021 0Ver Fendi bxree 3::8 546 00 270 000 00 23 67 :Bureau of water 14Z0_ 84 00 1 30 804 00 2�1 SaTari es Other 13xpenditures 243- 70 00 85 690 00290 110 00 625 oo outlay Fixed Charges (interest Sinking go 120 00 231 339 00 635 000 00 204 069 00 Funds) TOTAL 3l PA T?u PTT � ' mr C f-Q1LrT1T's 1 856 W 00 1 708 557 OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � 7 r s j COUNCIL 7603 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILKN NO........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREPSFNTED By ....... ................. DATF.-.-De-c-em'aer cq�IMISSIONER ........ ........................................... . ........................... RESOLVED' at the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing to the Water Department 7500 barrels of Portland Cement, to the Gopher Lime at & Cement Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, a price of $2.26 per barrel, delivered F.O.B. McCarron Pumping Station Siding, Soo Line Railway, sacks to be charged for extra .5e: 4TED By 4�XSSIONeR RESOLVED' a at branded price and a like credit to be given when they are returned in good condition, total amount of contract $16,950.00, in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #4222. Yes (V) Councibnen (V) Nays V"Opney g son .. 7Snid . ........ .. In favor .00na ... ........... ... AjOinst ,ye-zel _Xr' President FO Ooo I"I J.-el—I v.11 Pars.-ro 1ji eonii,zction with kii;ove Resolutiol)"_ t 4 9? i Adopted by the Council.... _... 191 Approved ... ...... U-192 . .. ......... ........192----• CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 1�11L.{ /e No..............3 Cv 604 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ELATED BY\\.. �1.....................................�..... DATE.Deo-e :...lr}../.....}g IMSIONER.................................................................. ... Dec -o ,. .J :)Lv That. the Purchasing Agent be,and he is hereby authorized to. purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Dodge Touring car at a cost not to exceed $1090.00, without asking for competitive bide, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Lighting Fund. Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays i �tl Ci ftncy V ,�+e�rguson ,Al cDonald ... .In favor Matson J, Smith ............ A$aiust enzel Mr. President fORM 1500 1021 Adopted by the Council._14 92,----192------ Approved.----- ................. ..192---- MAYOR q4 r 6 OOYNOIL 3�G"6C%.5.. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.......- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK %o OUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY. 1` ..... DATE ....... .................. - - !!ll . COMMISSIONER.. ... -- •-- ----- -" RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby.authorized to pay to. N. M. Zengerle, a City employe, injured March 5, 1920, in the course of his employment, the sum of Twenty-six and 14/100 Dollars 026.14) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to December 17th, 1981. I for ic.-F, No 276,That$ he D PeTaattYnoSt- Reaolved cera are hereby �authorizedZBOH ria a'thet canree�oi hie uema: Marah'6 1920 {n . plovmenL the pum L Tw Doti app , khe. 14/100:: Dollars (526.14) Workmana Compensation Account of �oLehOlecl mFagetnatpt a CltYtfor, mthe- peitod up to Doc;: 17th,: 1921: 1921: Adopted bY'the:Council-Dec. 14, f Approved Deco 14 1821. CDec. 24 1821) •' Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald................ in favor Matson . Smith .... ...Against Wenzel Mr. President 710M.. Ism 10-.l - above resolution Armory Commission. Adopted by the Council .--- -i1i:_C...as...L.......192----• DEC t.4 :921 Approv--------------------------------------------- 192 r� COUuNO............._. NCIL lr �.l.l.� CITY OF ST. PAUL r ......... COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY – .......... ..... COMMISSIONER.......................... .................. .......1,....... .... .r ............. ............................ DATE .. ....... ................................................. RESdLVED: lrThat he St. Paul end in 6e folllewin¢ alley'md streets oold cold cityd directed to emend Its electrical Tinea by erecting Doles end ,trin¢iv¢ wires thereon for the erenemiaslon of etao- Nov. 25, 1921 Install two poleB on the west side of the alley east of Arundel Street, nort of_,-Qepitol Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. 0 All such ext at ns, voles a.d wires shallb. erected and constrveted under the direction and .uvecvietov of the Commissioner of Public Utilities ..din oil things subject to the vroyistoon of Ordinance No. E1Y1, and of all other lawful ordmevices and resolutions Of the City of St. Paul. All voles should beset in each location iv said alleys and,treat, as the CommlasloneI of Public Utilities shall deal¢vate, and shall be of each hai¢ht and character he shall deet¢nale and avvcove, avd nny end all eue6 voles shall ba tnheo down and removed, avd such wire, vlaced under¢round whenever the Council shall deem that the oobltc Interest so requires, and whas shall so order. Yee (✓) Couhcilmen (t/) Nays 10 ancy Adopted by the Council........, ULC .i 192...,_,_ �;.z-:1d In favor ,�f also a tSmit6� ................. _Against Adopted................�1LC...:L4..{.�.�].t............... Y ................_............_............. 0 _.._......_..... 192.......... __.... MAYOR i ,enzel President - i COUNCIL_ _7__ CITY OF ST. PAUL Z. NO.--- ���eee//i����1 _�•' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK d. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY + A E, SMITH - ...... DATE 12-14-21. COMMISSIONER .. .. �.... . _.....................................................................:.................................................................................. RESOLVED M'dEREAS, By the terms of Council File No. ---- approved June 3r 'S 1-921, permission and authority were given to C. H. Windsor an Nathan_ Kloizner to operate a certain automobile as a bus in L& the City of St. Paul, pursuant toOrdinanceNo. 4026, and License No. 197 a and WHEREAS, Liability Policy No. 177124 was filed in compliance with said Ordinance No. 4026 covering said automobile bus C. H. Windsor & Nathan Kloizner appearing as principal, and the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. as surety; and whereas, said principal has discontinued the use of said auto as a;bus', there- fore, be it RESOLVED, that said liability Policy No. 177124 and the said License No. 197 be cancelled, and the principal and surety on said policy be released, provided, that said cancellation shall not effect said surety'ss liability for any accident which may have occurred prior to the date of cancellation. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays �10ancy Ferguson %:Donald .....In favor y Matson s ,,-Smith . ........ ..... ....Agaiost i/'�Venzel President FORM DM 5•20 Rneeiso(j' all I>Qparo fri Qorz2cti.o' w. i. ab0;0 Resc]uti n. Adopted by the Council - _.._._ �J C:`a...Z �.__._..19___ [i'U tP '921 Approved..--._....—19.._.... M•roR cuo..u� S- MO _ • CITY OF ST. PAUL F��c NO.------- t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEQ BY ' - ........._.......... DATE .......12.-1?.E.-2.1...................................... COM MISSION ER .... ................... .....__A......E.......2.MLTH............................. . RESOLVED whereas, By the terms of Council File No. approved June 3rd, 1921, permission and authority were given to Frank C. Kendig to operate a certain automobile as a taxi in the City of St. Paul, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5241, and License No. 96 was issued thereon; and Whereas, Liability Policy No. A-112993 was filed in compliance with said Ordinance No. 5241 covering said automobile, Frank C. Kendig appearing as principal, and the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company as surety; and whereas, said principal has dis- continued the use of said auto as a taxi; therefore, be it Resolved, that said liability policy No. A-112993 and the said License No. 06 be cancelled, and the princi_r,al and surety on said policy be released, provided, that said cancellation shall not affect said surety's liability for any accident which may have occurred rrior to the date of cancellation. Yes U) Councilmen (✓) Nays L—Clancy Ferguson v,McDonald Matson / Smith / ✓Wenzel 111 ,.,-Mr, President /ORM 1M E•10 Adopted by the Council ....._..'i`r---4 A-24 19_..__ Approve f % ,a') I 19_._._ Infavor _.___......- .._..._..------- -- --- Against r �,�% r'. ....oa — enDsn�n No... 3 9..6®9.. UEC, i 1921 nuorreo _...-._ „z... I PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ...y621 . . .,86 covering ........ checks numbered 1Wq tgc _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( 7 ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, McDonald, Matson, Matson, Smith, Wenzel. t. President, Hodgson • J: i�....r,_fi..;-.'.......__......192__....... Adopted by the Council In favor Approved - ... 192.......... Against C. F. No. 37609— Reaolved that warrants ba drawn upon the City Treasury to the aggte- Reck numbered 16689 inoluat q6slve,oasrper register oP clty check' on ale In .the oRiee of the Clty Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Dec. 14, 1921. APproved Dec. 14, 1921. (Dee. 24-1921) Form A A 46. IM 7-21 C_" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 0 AIIDITED CLaIDIb—RESOLUTION FORM000solr NO 376. _ __ — i6jtfA2�aEi/ui-t! 1405 uEC ' p(HOLLHH..- V..`. �....._ ... AUDITED 192.. 1 I.E. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of 6j_621-,85,_.___..._., covering checks numbered 15689 tX inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( ) Neys. Clancy, Adopted by the Council..._ J' l _j. ...' 1.i._ .............. ......192--------- .....�' ` erguson, In favor - ( r Z ^ J i cDonal � APProved_. ... ..:._._....__........:. - _......_....-----....192..--...... Matson,' Smith, Against j� Wenzel. MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson 15689 Hanlon &Oakes, 5,621.85 Paving Hastings Ave. and Pt. Douglas Road 0 �rza No. ..... c�l.��:.... - AUDITED 421 (any 192 � BY PTROLLHH... 4_ / Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of __1g.._._._..., covering checks numbered_ 15675 to. 1568.4 _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council . __... _......._ .....................192........... Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Approved..._. r.........._...----1�--....... Matson, Smith, Against Wenzel. ' Mr. P ident, Hodgson C. F. No. 37630— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggre- gate amount of $18,872.61, ovaring cbooks-numbered 16676 to 16688 lnclu- elve,ae per register of city checks on file In the office of the City Comp- troller. Adopted by the Council Dec: 14 ,1921. Approved Dec. 14, 1921. (Dec. 24-1921) F.—A A46. 161;:1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER cocacu. AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM NO. ... (B��y6",q �Jp s _......... -.............. 2.00 1404 Health DS[[" ni I ���'� 15676 Central Warehouse Lumber Company, 38.04 _!. ....192.. AUDITED l PER - �.... --. -... St. C. & R. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ...8,1... covering Cormonwealth Electric Company, checks numbered 15675 to. 15688 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council >> 192 --- 15678 FergusInIn favor MCDon.1 a�. Approved-..... w 1 ............. ..192 - Matson, Smith, _Against Wenzel. _ �/L\.._ atAvoa 15679 Mr. President, Hodgson 1,021.02 15675 _ ...._......... ____... Beebe Laboratories, 2.00 Health 15676 Central Warehouse Lumber Company, 38.04 St. C. & R. 15677 Cormonwealth Electric Company, 15,931.55 Ornamental lighting on Summit Ave. from Wabasha sto Miss. River Blvd. 15678 Feyen Construction Company, 400.35 Sewer on Clifton St. from James to Palace 15679 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 1,021.02 Water 15680 Lyle Culvert & Road Equipment Company, 203.93 Paving Hastings & Pt. Douglas Road 15681 Millerburg Auto Electric Company, 36.87 Garage 15682 Minnesota Coal ComparW, 339.83 St. C. & R. 15683 Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, 601.11 Bng. & Insp. 386.61 L 1220 214.50 86%ZI' Res. 1404 Page #2 6.90 15684 C. Reiss Coal COMPeany, Garag 101.30 15685 Albert RehbeVin, ater 16800 15686 Siems, AelmePavingoComo Ave. W. 3.78 15687 C. J. Smith Gcompany, arage 15688 The Whitaker Paper Company, 17.93 Water n =---------------------------- • y - C9FHtC �..........-......._......._. By ._... nnlr...._. ,{_c.n._............... ........ ._... q CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bui-lo "zi.s , CCSt.S il" c:::pCME` 0S for uav>nF 3ne11'nc V0 -1e, i'1'02` the 3outil l�.ne of itaudol;l'.i :-trent to the South 1 -Inc, of Grand . vcnuc, lnclud°,_,1,•. sewer,. rrat,(r -tald .., connec!s �.onS fro!:. U;.r et i:iains to pr000rtr 1inus co:;>>1oto, w`in_,c .,o+, also lcludJn,- under , under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ..... __..�- 1..._........_._.. ........., Final Order P5;525 approved _. J .lo _�.C) , __ _ 191...... The assessment of _. �].::. lt,f 1_�,;;., �.CS..t, ;� ,, �: 11.M_;; ..........................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ...._I21th._--- _........day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _... _ 191 ,.:...... City Clerk. er Approved.._........... ........... ...................... ....... ............._.........:..191......... _.............._:........__........_._.._.. _. _....._....:......... ........... ... _...... Mayor. Councilman'HifrY�YdiYtf: J1ta?icy toad, oil " 14"ti&c cDoi,ald :Mc O rt1 t i Mayor .YiNi x 110 "S CII Fm B.. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERJWF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of beue-'it^ r, p:;' e _ d e:: ue n:;os for ;th@: of rl'o;ll St1. ;::a: T.., t0 J. O':c, :''. 1L_.� C-�`. )lUtC, ,,tJ -.,(; .10+.-1'-'(,�''.-`:C, _Go under Preliminary Order QG Intermediary Order Final Order . _'215 __ _., approved_.__. Jt -'n.; _30 __... 191.._%_... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $-1.UJ,�6.:1.._6 �.. atcr :cr...,., or. (.'orcc a/c) - - - 1,306.00 Cost of publishing notice - - -� - - - - $---------1 G` 13 Shu^hlil - - ��. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - $ -- 3vc�.:El--s-.."c0�oI 1,_0 - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ - - 2 ,3 00._91. Dr9v0iIU,y,3- ',P,` ql: - - - - - - - - - - �. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ "' Total expenditures - - - - - - - $ iess tho su'n of - - - - - - - - - - __2:_L 0'c:. 5'-'12, . ).)*•oved 10/13/20 `i0'_Y.L- -,'10%1,217.09 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.1.08 x.:1'7...99_ __ _......__ .upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo`action there ly)bconsidered proper. roan B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Office of Cfg (Perk JOHN I. FARICY JAS.J. MINER January 23rd, 1922. Hon, F. W. Matson, Coms'r of Finance. Dear Sir: Attached please find Council File No.37942, Resolution Ratifying Assessment, for paving Snelling Avenue from the south line of Randolph St. to the south line of Grand Avenue. This matter was laid over to January 25th, in order that your de- partment might refigure the assessment so as to add $7500.00 to the sum already appropriated for said paving. Yours truly, enc. CITY CLERK. eitp of ibaint Vaut Pepa tment of �Yinancc FRANK W. MATSON. cowwiv�owa JOHN T. HAGLUND, -- LEONARD eoww�u�owen LEONARD C. SEAMER, C-1 C—Keunuoor wnm.wewn January 23rd, 1922• r To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - In re -submitting the assessment for the paving of Snelling I.venue from the south line of Randolph Street to the south line of Grand Avenue, after deducting therefrom the appropriations made by the Council, amounting to hi25,818.00, thorn still remains a question of fact upon which reasonable men may reasonably differ as to whether the assessment, as levied, does not exceed the actual benefits conferred upon the property. I am of the opinion that an additional appropriation of :;;,7,500.00 will eliminate the argument of confiscation and give the city* a margin of safety in the event of litigation. ectfully s bmitted, CClmiis'sY/ ear of 11ix]a/:` C a_ - COUNCIL FILE NO.........._ ............._. _ .____` By.._'11.- ................ ........_.......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. i.. ;o>t a' „C, (IS for In the matter of the assessment of be i'i _ r.ot.tlev: under Preliminary Order _..... _..��.L:CS.&' -.- - ---- Intermediary Order . .............. Final Order ..;,"�:�,00___._. approved _..-.-„).,_1 w The assessment of .1"� � ':» + CO;;,-„ a -lam.' .� __ .........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. __.._.1:.'..thi ............-clay of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the ryature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191......_. Councilman:F111M 0ffh: �la_.CJ :H a4id: CLo:_Q11 .. :VG4t;i�tlC(.h .ian:;cl Mayor tffzhn. Form B. B. 16 4 ;3 n _...__...:_....'.:....'. „.__,�:.........._.t:...'`._:....:...`.xc:::........... City Clerk. .. / Mayor. ��:..... ........... ,tom-. CITY OF ST. VAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT for t ,: In the matter of the assessment of be::Ofi'.^ � cost. .. d �e.��.11 X0;1 hculcv�.rdi;r � _ic -- �. vc. to ..o�,. '1 , under Preliminary Order __ f Intermediary Order .... ------- -- Final Order _.._�`,'i`��(] __ ..__.. __... approved._....._ Ji._l.._`i. r._..1�D 21 ._ __....... ARJ'_ ....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- tures necessarily ment, viz: Cost of construction - Cost of publishing notice - - - - $------'-" Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $� ��Lz._......_.. -- ��" "�����-" Inspection fees - (,.-:, ;., __c; a t) $_ _ 0. 00__ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_-------r�.'.tz.:.____ Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ �.'' �'' upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fore action the "5onas/m yy be considered proper. Fors: B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO--------- By O...........By z. ..... --L, ._........................._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. , In the matter of the assessment of bunUf r C 0:` t:3 _.':xl C"' `1'. e:; for curb:-- n:z ,;oi.'n iu o l e .-t.:.; a 'ro, j .-.:lhy ..vem;e to ':ur..,it. ..venue under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ._ �c Final Order UUJe'.. approved _ ,:,, .h 2> > .;1. T�94,;.;... f'; for and in connection with The assessment of ._..1.'. I -. -- - --- -- ----- the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the— .__1�..-Lh..--....--....day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .._... _-.:...:.. .._., __.191.... ..._:,........ .............. City Clerk. Approved ... ._... 191._... /j / l ��� a -.. �� Mayor. CouncilmarGr:.r: Ut"''"rthx, %-.a nc,j a •• }- _ 7i l7SOn titgfarid cDonald -WIaColl: Mayor:4=bx ,io m^^ Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment, of for)tr6c t 1 on 1-o!'11 C" o; - iu »- 1 "._o ,c l•. ,cntt under Preliminary Order l r�' Intermediary Order i. - - - - - - — - - Final Order ;;�.in ,J approved...... _.._ _.. _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ ems, Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - --- -- Cost of postal cards - - - - - "'-- Inspection fees - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - 0 -- Total expenditures - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_1.,.: 56. 1,<>_ _ -- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council f`% x action t / eo/p asI I y be considered proper. . ....._.... Form B. B. 17 �__ Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING AS. TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATJ( 17 t� t 1 376.14 ►SMENT AND FIXING PROCEEDINGS. In the matter OY....A.R7141G.(IUAJ.AI(.3-..?'dFAS?.1�f.F.tta.tA4;.:..ti=A:...x.w.v.�u:.::ea..............................,................._...___.. f.ox..-sldges,...%nr...cuts ...and.. fills ... n.-grading—P.acific... St...Xnom..yi under Preliminary Order .._33573 ............... approved Al?rt -,1521. Intermediary Order.....3ggga approv'ed:...NgKit.-_1_x__lX21-.,•• The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.............32.t11................. day of--.T.4P1 Axy,-.-1922----- C-._.-., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council. ......................... �ti91... IV K City Clerk. Approves---.......:'. :....`.4s .. 1 ............... 191........ Councilman BUMMKK Clancy ouncilman Qoaatx Ferguson ounemmm Magi= ideDonal ouncilmanxMdl [ Isla t s on Councilman NKMX Smith Councilman WiY1=xjw Vienzel Mayerhxh= Hodgson Mayor. �t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS` In the matter of...G.4SlC�e11117: tL .:a 1a....t a.i TlE--.TI_easei7eX1....7 X1...4-t1K...J£171�... l�.QeSS.AIj1 for._slepes,-_forcuts and fills in gradin{; alley in Block 1..__i+cadem;r_.._.. Heirhts :.ddition,-__ from Cleveland rve. to Kenneth .ve.., ............. ...-.........._.. ... ..�........ ............._ ----- ------ .....................--__-_ --............---• ................--•--- .. -.............. ... under Preliminary Order -...._36 26-------.- approved Se �t..<.15..,.z.92�., Intermediary Order...U-0.fz.7........._, approved--1'1ov.:...1.�.._121....... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - l� l,.: .... .....: - ------------------ Commissioner of Finance. RESOLU'WN OF COUNCIL � TIME OF H RING IN u . 615 ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of-C.0110,Qri7[77.11g---WA....ta�{�.I�..a11._e.a.BPPI.f fox-_s1a.R s. f.ox...cuL.s...Awl fll..Ls....iT.1.-SrAIF._a.1.].e3...iX1..B1RQIS.'... L.Q. ad.0�....... v�.......................................... _._.... under Preliminary Order.._ 3.0.26 ............... approved Intermediary Order Z-6267 approved...I�ov... 1-:--.1921..-•• ' The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......... 12th.....................day of ...January,-._1922---..A8kx...., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .............. i',.;_...4 -Z,- : j i - A rove. .. PP....................v............., 191........ Councilman FWxxwxt Clancy 70yoritm an GAKX Ferguson an mcllonald anx Irlatson an 2XWO KSmith 0an VROA&aa Wenzel 49 Hodgson V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of-..._a.ondemni.ng--- and---tajdag an._o.aa.ement..-in._the...land_neaassary ...... ls..- i-rl--t.Tza... St a....tS1 Baxolay...S.t--s. ........................... ...------- .--------------- ._---- ..----------------- .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....._- :............. ....................... -- ...... ..-- ... _.... -- .... -- ..................... - under Preliminary Order.... Zi.3573... ......... I approve&'iVn..7,.1_927........, Intermediary Order...,359.5.$ ............ approved........ RQV....... 1,.--1921........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Adopted by the Council. _jlf { ..;{ _,9y .. - .192.__.. - ,q 's V^7ry � c*; Clancy Ferguson In favor r McDonald_.. - Matson Smith /j Against Wenzel FORM 1500 10-01 Mr, President Adopted by the Council. _jlf { ..;{ _,9y .. - .192.__.. - ,q 's V^7ry � c*; p i 1"" n-37617) An ordinance appropriating all sums which may remain un- >> to expended at the end of the year 1921, in all departments of the City of St. Paul, except such sums as have been or will be re- appropriated by special ordinances, to the Sire Fund (23), Depart- ment of Public Safety, for the purchase of new ecjuipment for the Fire"Department{ This .is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That all sums which remain unexpended at the end of the year 1921, in all departments of the City, except such sums as have been or will be Fe- pr pri ted by special nances. n /iu ail✓ a n..r k,-r are hereby appro riated and tranefe ed to e Fire d (23),e partment of Public Safety, for the year 1922, for the purpose of purchasing new equipment for the Fire Department during that year.,:i' � `may Atz Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. �y Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fords immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council .Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith a Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved Attest City Clerk Mayor IT Iwo 37618 . ( Ord NO c1 winY the ;City 9":S" F. By- Comm'r lacfi)Cl 9"" ,? An ordinVice to amend Ordinance No. 5486, entitled "An ad- ministrative ordinance authorizing the appointment and employment of officers and employes for service in the Department of Public Utilities and in the Bureau of Water of the City of St. Paul, and providing for the payment of compensation to such'off'icers and employee," approved December 10, 1920. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAU1 DOES=ORDAIN: Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 5486, approved December 101,1920, be and the same is.hereby amended by striking out all Of ti Section 6 thereof and inserting the following: "Section 6. (a) Salaries Adjustable to Dost of Living Basis. - The salary limits as defined in Section 7 hereof shall be deemed ade- quate standard salary rates for living conditions such as provided in the year 1916. For the purpose of this ordinance, with respect to salary adjust- ments, the year 1916 shall be used asa base, and the cost of living in 1921 shall be deemed to have increased fifty per cent. over the 1916 cost. To meet this increase in the cost of living there shall ' be added to the standard basic salary rates in the graded service the amounts as determined by the adjusting percentages prescribed below, to -wit: ADJUSTING PERCENTAGES. For all positions in Grades'l to adds inclusiveon of of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 6 an addition of 46% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 7 an addition of 42% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 8 an addition of 38% of the basic entrance rate for the.grade. For all positions in Grade 9 an addition of 33% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 10 an addition of 390 of the basic entrance rate for the grade.. For all positions in Grade 11 an addition of 350 of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 12 an addition of 21fj of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 13 an addition of 17% of the basic entrance rate for the grade. For all positions in Grade 14 an addition of 8% of the basic entrance rite for the grade. For all positions in Grade 15 an addition of 4% of the basic ads. entrance rate for the gr (b) The adjusted salary rates provided for in subdivision "a" of this section shall remain in force until changed by the Council in accordance with this section. 0ru December 1, 1922, and on December let of each year th@reafter, there shall be a revision of the adjusting percentages prescribed inLthis section, and such revision shall be determined as provided in the next following paragraph. For the purpose of ascertaining the cost of living, reference shall be made on November 15th of each year to the latest RESEARCH REPORT on the CHANGES IN THE COST OF LIVING prepared and published by the National Industrial Conference Board. The rise or fall in the cost of living shall be determined by tak- Ing the difference between the index number showing the increase in the cost of living for 1916 and the latest index number for the current year, and then computing the percentage that this difference is greater or less than the 1916 index number. The actual percentage of increase or decrease so determined each year shall always constitute the adjusting percentage applicable to positions in Grades 1 to 5 inclusive, and when the adjusting percentage for these grades is either in- creased or decreased through such subsequent revision, the adjusting percentages for all the higher grades of service shall be increased or decreased in the same proportion, I. e., the revised adjusting percentages in the higher grades shall bear the same proportion io'their respective current adjusting percentages in those grades as the revised adjusting percentage for Grades 1 to 5 bears to the current adjusting percent- age for these grades. In revising the adjusting per- centages, fractions of one-half or more shall be counted as one, and fractions of less than one-half shall be disregarded. (c) Salary increases on the basis of seniority, as provided for by Section 5 of this.ordinance, shall be computed on the basic entrance rate prescribed for the grade and shall be allowed in addition to the ad justing percentage allowance provided for in subdivi- sion "a" hereof." Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 5486 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 5 thereof, all of Subdivision "c" and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(c) For each full five years of service in a grade or in any individual position the em- ploye in such position may receive an additional increase in salary not to exceed the equivalent of five per cent. of the said basic entrance salary prescribed for the grade in which said position is placed; provided, however, that not more thhn three such five-year increases shall be allowed in any position." CfwtbSection �. This ordinance shall take effect and be in er 3. That the said Ordinance No. 5486 be and the same is by adding to Grade 12 of Section 7 the following words: Utilities Accountant (enters at $225) (b) The adjusted salary rates provided for in subdivision "a" of this section shall remain in'force until changed by the Council in accordance with this section. 0r� December 1, 1922, and on December lst of each year thereafter, there shall be a revision of the adjusting percentages prescribed in Lthis section, and such revision shall be determined as provided in the next following paragraph. For the purpose of ascertaining the cost of living, reference shall be made on November 15th of each year to the latest RESEARCH REPORT on the CHANGES IN THE COST OF LIVING prepared and published by the National Industrial Conference Board. The rise or fall in the cost of living shall be determined by tak- ing the difference between the index number showing the increase in the cost of living for 1916 and the latest index number for the current year, and then computing the percentage that this difference is greater or less than the 1916 index number. The actual percentage of increase or decrease so determined each year shall always constitute the adjusting percentage applicable to positions in Grades 1 to 5 inclusive, and when the adjusting percentage for these grades is either in- creased or decreased through such subsequent revision, the adjusting percentages for all the higher grades o£ service shall be increased or decreased in the same proportion, i. e., the revised adjusting percentages in the higher grades shall bear the same proportion to their respective current adjusting percentages in those grades as the revised adjusting percentage for Grades 1 to 5 bears to the current adjusting percent- age for these grades. In revising the adjusting per- centages, fractions of one-half or more shall be counted as one, and fractions of less than one-half shall be disregarded. (o) Salary increases on the basis of seniority, as provided for by Section 5 of this.ordinanee, shall be computed on the basic entrance rate prescribed for the grade and shall be allowed in addition to the ad- justing percentage allowance provided for in subdivi- sion "a" hereof." Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 5486 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 5 thereof, all of Subdivision "c" and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(o) For each full five years of service in a grade or in any individual position the em- ploye in such position may receive an additional increase in salary not to exceed the equivalent of five per cent. of the said basic entrance salary prescribed for the grade in which said position is such five-year eryeareincreasesrshalltbenot allowedtinnanyree position.""}- M Section Ji. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after January let, 1922. Passed by'th i ^ouncil J!i1, -r 99; Yeas Nays Attes Mr. Clancy j1 e� Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved JAI- -5 +9L Mayor 3�- i' $10Vp fi 000 i 4 ..Y 4 +�� 7 z�io»....c.,:m•�,e�.s.�. `"+�*'�Pkhhar�r °�vw.orty� T V4,vk A4 "p : �° � j ""' � 1 •b• � F�i,r�?x E"�Fi.« t �"{>r.� 1.... Y, Fr � + - 4",.""�m'�� � �i*1 -!'�.:.�°�''� , � .., COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By Frank W. Hateon ......................... Y ORDER In the Matter Avenue Matterof..g740.?19.Ke BAvenue to Haze1... .......................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary . 4.6 Order ..... 3.�11...2 ..............approved ..July..7.�..�9..1.•..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. 9744A.g@P.ugh,Av2nue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue, ...................................................................................................... ....... ......................... ................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 5 731.63, , , , , . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 6 h........day of .January ............. 1922..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. . Adopted by the JCouncil .......: -.. ,..` .:'j < , ...., 192...... x/ ��/'� Approved.........................192...... City it ClerR. y Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald (,� E manatson kouncilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Ma n Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ..?rant..:....i,;ason............ f.......... Y ORDER In the Matter of.. ..gn:Iior, teatarly..side..o£.alaarry.St- rmn-jua. ia. o.......... ................................................................ ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... JBU..............approved .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends pn.,jogthgfJ gterly side, of;,Cherry„St,, from,i,[aria, ve,.,t,q.,$ates,.{iqe,,,................................ ................................................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...116.49• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...l.6th......... day of iti'm ut ry........... 192.. 2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........ 192...... `Ij 7 .......... .. I ....�A Approved...... ......192...... City e k. Councilman Clancy V Councilman Ferguson CpC yusilmanYMs aonald Ccilman Matson S. Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel ” -NsydY1HVrdson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .. Frank . i:'... ida.ts.an.......V INTERMEDIARY ORDER 3 621 In the Matterof.c,onstzn2gtih}g,a,J�trar,,on,Bur esus,,Stet,,from,IrlaclnzUin,,,,_ Street, to„a„point 20„feet east of„the„northeasterly.line of Como 1'..ve. ......................................................:............................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....................approved .... 19,21.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to'be proceeded with. . 2. That the nature of the improvement which the. Council recommends is.C.017StYUC.t..4. SEydQX on ug@ss_ee#,fr;ori,ldackutiin,Street to,a point 20 ieet east of the north– line„ of, tomo„ EiVe..)....................................... ....:.................. ......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..933..OA....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 16 . , , , , , , , , , day of ganu&ry , , , , , . , , , . „ 192..2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mtLnner provided by the Charter, staling the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement' and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......: w .. ,a . v1:7 j..... „ 192..... . .. IFApproved............ '9;11192...... City Clet /.. ay Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Counciln uncilmaii Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel 1—myo"""r`Todgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .. rAn]:.::...l.iat s.on ........ Y ORDER In the Matter of...CQn$.trL1 tore obtained on the lin f Sargent ve. ?roduced t!lrouh loch 7, ;:o$eda,le„�arL,frorp,'yhe,ter nus, of„the e;:ist� se?er a_)roxin�tely* 250 ft...QAt5.t..Px.k:iXln..4�E...t.4.a. d4 Y?t..2.Q.ft,..Cres,t,af....;.yenue.x............... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.... UQTQ ............... approved . 1VSa.. 27,..1921., , . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.GR�?S.tY.uQt,2, enter, on Saze �,.! renue„a}�d„Q}�,a}z, ease.leiit, to,,he,ohtai;ned,on„the,,Lne,.o'.Sargent.... vQnu�. �XRdu4Qd.t.l1x411w1�. lock, 7,,,;igyedale,�?a}l;,fro?p„thc„ter;.......„o.....l.. noint 20....... ft. ,......................................................................... . ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 0.)0.Q0...YQ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 1. th....... day of January ............. 192.2.., at the hour -of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tota 1 cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..........192...... 1 City Approved .............. .........192...... Clerk. �F�/ c.t .. .. or. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald nnci man Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel �J M�_n,r Redgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .�'rant:.:e...t::at.s.on........�....... ....... Y ORDER In the Matter of...RIPJI .-.zl,-A?:§l•c;P•Gect ,r,.E;.t.e_@s.,gnl„s�zruUs„on.? oth, sides o#..Ioppa d,;'yenue,f ,om_i.;ilton,Street.t0.,1,c.,x ,,(ton '.venue, ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 1 under Preliminary Order... 349x6• • . , . • • • .. , . , , , ,approved ....June 2.. .. , • .92 1 • ....... • , , . • • • .. , • • • • The Council of the City of St. Paul having received, the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isalant—and..pr.oi:.e0.t. t�:Cs..arid..SYL UkS..Ori.b.4th.-Ges„o,�opib r3,;;venue,fro?7,;;_ilton„Street to Lexington• kvenue................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.•.`�2........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...lN! • • • • • , , , , day of JPAL1aPy.............. 192..2 ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...................../. ..192;:... Approved ......... :i.r.::.,n,,...192...... City Cler . r4. t Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ssnci man c»Octald^— Councilman Matson ` Councilman Smith U Councilman�enzel r odgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.... .......... By LrazZk.;i..?dS.tsQn............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Co31S.tY?1CtiAl . AQ?i- fQot„Qeme�}t„tr,le ,si�ec?alk. on, the, north „ side..af.aly.Qn�>?g.S.�eet,xom„Qajf�laje , jAyenuo, to„$� oprn, Avenue., ............... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.... 36837, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , approved . , Oct. 21 .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..C.QW.tr.VP.t. A. SIX„ font..cement..ti.le..s.ids+�ll�.o, tl�e,XQxt,sipe, of,'Jyomin, Street from Qgkdple„t;,venue,t.sufficient o Brown Fvenue� e:cceyt unere food asid suicient side— .............. V al Z.! ...nnr exist ................................... ............................ ............ 1'...................................................................................................... '_................................. ................... .................................................... i with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-1.2Q.per-front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... 1611' ........day of January, . , , , , , , ., 192...2x., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.. Adopted by the Council ........ ':...ir}. ...., 192...... 1 .. . Approved.....:._l.. x..:1:........192...... Cit Cler Y 1111 . n ayor` Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson �.� Councilman Matson l ` Councilman Smith L/ 1 Councilman Wenzel , or odgson ^' Form B. S. A. 8-6 .37625 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By..F!'ank—i...i1c`lta0n....................... INTERMEDIY ORDER In the Matter of..SeCRx}S.tTu.t �} [a,Z; a ;i„1 ,;j;zc�„^ sideliaJks.at..tae. o�]o, n�.J.Q ons .................................................. B.S.,,of...... tron......nue from ? ctoria Street ,to Vi... Street, of,Jfers,v on enue from Viea St, thence east 160 ft. bf 6 ft. ..... e£ S... of Juliet St. beainxr_n? at :, lbert r thence west 40 feet, .........._...................................... at• ..................................... under Preliminary Order....5.G5.12................ approved ... , . , , .. , , , , . , , , , , , , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. re.GPS1S.L ?1Ct,,, x e,�ay ar d„reylai� ,all„defect,;ve. side i.a1' s..ut, til . ..... . rind .tlocations: B.S. of '.rmstronl; 4venue from, Victoria Street to View Street, ............................................................. S..S.of„Jefferson_Evenue frorp Vietir,.at. thence east 160 ft. by 6 ft. of„J.jiet.,St., be,E,inn np, at .lbert,. ,hence :rest 40 feet, isk„St..................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....... 32..pex.Sq. it. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 16th. .... day of jgl1wx;y,........... 192..2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetipersons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the natu of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the ouncil...........::...::.. 192...... .Yy . Approved.........................192...... Ci Cler ... �. .. r... ..... .. ....... J� C— � j or. Councilman Clancy fV Councilman Ferguson -Gou pciiman McDonald �,.�uncihnan Matson l Councilman Smith �f Councilman Wenzel 14-9fdrIEWOon Form B. S. A. 8-6 �. COUNCII. FILE NO ............... By...P.n...................... ORDER e In the Matter of... e c,q s trut,ti n :;,, re•l a rangy • ;} xl • i;e ua , ;t} •?... ....gent, t• le s: de%7al?cs at t' -Ie folio ;.n;- locations ...................................................................................................... S. of Atlantic St. be i?znin at oss St., thence north 120 ft. b`orbes•t.•v�.••bet;ac�en•F�eventh•S•t.••and••lie�eh•St•:.......................... E.S. of Smith 1_ve. between Ec:3oal St. and Goodrich ; ve. :i :S:"o'f ' Jartes� � 8-h: • •he'.treen• �nke•'3t': • and • ?3r�:e"St': • "' ............................... .. of Sibley St. beginning 2 ft. south of south line of ?fifth St. ....................................................................................................... 57021 Idov. 5, 1921. under Preliminary Order ...... ..7021 .............approved .......... ......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.2:eA0riS SLlGt.,.ze:ay and repair the ce»ent tile s*de-aal!cs at the following locations: ...................................................................................................... E.S. of Atlantic St. beginning at Goss St., thence north 120 ft. S,:S:••of'Forbes, -2,re:••betrreen 2eventti•St:••and—Leeah..3t.r.. ....................... E.S. of Smith .ve. bet'aeen 1;.c3oal St. and Goodrich 1,ve. E.S. of Sibley St. lei inning 2 feet south of south 14 -no of :ifth St. thence•north to southerly curb line on Fifth St. ........................ .......................... ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..,.12..Rer..S.n. ft, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 10111...... day of .... 3anua vy • • • • • • • • •. 192..2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ................:........ 192...... Approved .... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson -�Otif[CliiHa4['S01L'Sonald- �/ Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel o gson Form B. S. A. 8-6 '71 City Cle ::'...... 37627 1 ?low- -/ COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .. r.ranl.. 1.:at.a oXl...................... Y ORDER In the Matter of.. reaonsixuc iAg,. cei:.ent,. tile. sidevialics at the f ollo —J - locations : ........ S.S. of Edmund Wit. }ict,.veen Cliats:iorth ,St. and Ox1Ord QQ-9i A1u XC - M --QMtstro th, St.•.,..ti;e}ice,rrest 122 ft. E.S. of Grotto St. hetrieen bnnversi ty �_ve. and , urora i:ve. 13.5.••of••Randolph. St. ••beSa.:ni.4-at. P..tlie nce.:uasL.225..ft..... 1;. S. of Randolph St. beteleen Lexington ;:ve. and L'd curnbe Road, ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... 3. QIQ..............approved .......Iiov.,.v,, 1921., ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the -nature of the im rovemen whi li the CCou it re o ends is r .Goal 1 T'11Ct,-x91ay and repair the cement tele sic ewa�l.s at f,e o' �`ow nl; �oca '2. ons v ..........................:..:........................................................................ S. S. of Edmund St. betlreen Uhatsnorth St. and Oxford St. P�.S.•.of•k'•arshaly.I�vc...ae„inninf;.at.l;hats==rnrt.h.:�t„.,..thence..tir.es.t. � 22.ft.. �.S. of Grotto St. between University ime. and ;.urora ,.ve. 1d:9:• -of - hand olph•et:- }> ,nalin .at..pleasant. .,.v&,--t!1enoe---a&st..225..£t,..... N.S. of Randolph St. betnreen LexinCton t.ve. and =dgeumbe Road. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ft - Resolved t.Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 16th ....... day of ..... January........., 192.2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in .the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...... ::................ . 192...... Approved........:..........,:1....192...... City Clerkf Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson oilman•...McllA44d , Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel ll yo�r'io g son Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.. ............ . By Frank.,W.. Matson .......................... IntbeMatterof..C.ondemning.and/.ta ng.an..easement..in.the..land.nec.essazy . J.�s.:in.the..gz'�i1z7g..v�.Keo.ugh.Qvemue.fro�a... ..white Beal Avenue to Haz l �enue, .......................................................................... ..................................... In th -. — ......._.,... _.................................. Ing -an:easement in Ahe land•• " aary'for elopes, for , a and ,.., .,. the grading oY Keough Avem , ......................... ... .. White r80ar Ave. tofHaz 1--;:............. .... ..... ...... ......... under Prolim{nary ..Order 3� prd 7u1 6 1r under Preliminary Order3J.16� .... I z oveS ouheti 1' t 6, or o .iTul}.. 5, . 1921. .... . ............. . . h The Council of the City of St. Paul having receives" report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. COndi l*A, And _ take_ an.easement,in..the. land..necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in K�,Gugh,.Qo2kl>}e,,x414,�h1tQ.Bg�;,Avenue.,to,Maze1, Avenue, in. accordanoe,with,the .blue,print hereto attached and. made a y!aFt . hexe,Gf.,. Up. .hQ-AQhed.P.QrA1.o0,S.. PWi.�€ .�h�..G>}ts..ar}d..th,e, ahaded..portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... ?Jr' ,PQ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... ].6n ......... day of ...January.. , , , , ...... 192.?..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... i ::................. 192::.... Approved.........................192...... at C1 r . y Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson ,011ro%ncilman Matson i VDLISHED;'� 7 ,2/ Councilman Smith P } /) Councilman Wenzel '✓ Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By . Frank. iva.t$.Qn.............1.... . In the Matter of...�.�ag�}�g„t, int,e o4t,tp, of.,Iyy, Steet,,,uluth,Ayenue and . Oxariga . StT:R l✓.t,..aX1Sl..t'1 �,a�3}. AlL7,ut$. JrY.@l'Iue, ,a t , j,'�,s, , j_,nt ers e et,�;on ,with, , , , , , Orange. Btreat., .by..cond�annil. and. ap�rcapriatinf..a..pRrx.zon..oP..Lot..l,........ B1.Wk. �4d4ition.n................................................ ....................................... ............................... C F N .21626—By.Frgin Matson ......................................'In tha ,M¢tt9 df enlar6in the i section oY-I r Street, Du uth A' .......... ......... .... ...... .... ... ,and Orange Street and w,d r. Avenue at ite niters ctlon under Preliminary Order... 3492] ,,, orange st eet by conaeNni une 20a 19,21. 18nroprlating.a pert1 n f ........ ......................... Block 6” Phalen 33eightsPa•, The Council of the City of St. Paul = Pon under Prenn,inary o of the Commissioner of Finance upon n the above improvement, and having consl!�:,r'<::="a_'T_"rapes. 21. dy resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Ez argO..ihe......... intersection of Ivy Street, Duluth Avenue and Orange Street, and widen ...................................................................................................... Duluth.FXepu�..at..�.tp.7,nt,epseciiq�},I?nth„Qran,�,e, Street.,, by_.conder�nin� and apgropx7at7ng..P.4rt1.4..R#..L.Rt..l...�loc,6,,,�?halen, Heights.ar1t F,cidition, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..29h. QO....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... l6th........ day of January .............. 192.. 2., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hea�ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. �.� Adopted by the Council ....;i:4 ................. 192...... Approved...........`. : L .'...192.... . Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman. p .90 ouncilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel (� or dgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ........... .. . '...,. ........... ity Clerk. Mayor. d F Council File No............376.3, 0 fABY�{O&DIDHB: PR OPO i ROVEMENT d1 e a Urea. � a4 Dro op�1 „ PRF.�,i71AB,�S'Y ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz. ......................... A ................. .. .......... ................ ....................... .................................................... . ..----....._............................... 'Furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system, consisting of lamp -posts, laMPS, globes, wires, appliances, underground conduits and other equipment for conveying electSic current thereon, on - Portland Ave. from Summit Ave, to :ilwaukee Short Line tracks. Holly Ave. from Wrestern Ave. to Victoria it. Ashland Ave. from ':[astern Ave. to I:4il:aaukee Short Line tracks Laurel Ave. from Hina Ave. IT ,t r, n it Hague Ave. from Dale it. to Hamline Ave. Dayton Ave. from Summit Ave. to Hamline !..ve. Nelson Ave. from Summit Ave, to Western Ave. Iuarshall Ave. from[estern-ve.,,to Hamline Ave. I4arshall Ave. from Louis• `St.' to" Virginia Ave. Iglehart Ave. from Louis St. to Lexington Ave. Dina Ave. from'Sumnit Ave. to'8e1by Ave. Farrington Ave, from Carroll _'_ve. tc Summit '-ve. Virginia Ave. it it it it IT Western Ave. from Selby Avenue to Summit Ave. Arundel St. from Carroll Ave. to Summit Ave. Mackubin St. " ❑ If n ,t Kent St. " " " " 11 Dale St. from Selby Ave. to Summit Ave. St. Albana,St. from Carroll Ave. to Summit Ave. Grotto St, n ,t if „ n Avon St., " it It " " Fisk St. IT it IT, IT laurel Ave. Victoria St. ° " " " Suttunit Ave. Milton St. n it it if ,t Chatsworth St. " " " If IT Oxford St. If IF n ,t IT Dunlap St. from Marshall.Ave. to Summit .'.ve. Griggs St. 11^ ft It Syndicate Ave, from Marshall Ave, to Ashland Sve. — . ArU31 Qel .7L.-- '%iacku`bin 6t'. " Kent St. tr it IT if IT IJ e St, from Selby Ave. to Summit Ave. St. Albans St. from Carroll Ave'. to Swm;:it Ave. Grotto ;4t. , O [l R if Avon St,; If „ .. tl ,t - Fisk St, " IT " Laurel Ave. Victoria St. ° " IT Summit Ave. Milton �t,p..; ri n it n Chatswori-4. n „ ,r' Oxford. St,, „ r v d Dunlap St. from Marshall Ave. to Summit Ave: Griggs St. Syndicate Ave. from Liarshall Ave. to Ashland Ave. A L 2- 72'G Ti Tj C' 71- C'U' .1. + ! I- , . - T �.c C' 'T ? 13 0 i T T' A(-; Ga;] 3j r (.G3. e a Top(--" r s — ----- ------ — — ------ - -------- --- Dated this_....1 .........-.day of g;ZA.',ee. 21 J ...... ... ... ........... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system, I consisting of lamp -posts, iadis, globes, wires, appliances, underground conduits and other equipment for conveying electric current thereon, on - Portland Ave. from Summit Ave. to Lilviaukee Short Line tracks Holly Ave. from Western Ave. to Victoria. St. AshlandAve. �.to j,!jlwaukee 6h(,rt Line tracks _ I Laurel Ave. tr6from.ldestexn Ave .to m Irina Ave. 'Hague Ave. from Dale St. to Hamline Ave. Daytonlv,e- from oummjt_Avs...to,,,Hamline Ave. Nelson, Ave. from. Swnm.it Ave. to Western Ave- laarshall Ave.Vfrom I IT6 " s tern"'Av'e-. to Ha'rAine Ave. Aflarshall'Ave. from louiS St. to Virginia Ave - Iglehart «ve. from Louis St- to Lexington Ave. 11ina, Ave. from Summit Ave. to 6elby Ave.. Farrington Ave. from Carroll AVe.:'to Summit eve. Virginia Ave. 11 11 11 11 Western Ave. from Selby Avenue to Swimiit Ave. Arundel St. from Carroll Ave. to Summit Aye. � � 11 ., Mackubin Bt". Kent St. IT Dale St. from Selby Ave. to Summit Ave. St. Albans St. from Carroll Ave. to Suialf! i t Ave. Grotto Y4t. , il it 11 Avon St., if 11 . 1 11 IT I? Fisk St, it 11 " Laurel Ave. Victoria, St. 11 IT it Summit Ave. Milton it Chatsworth oxford 6t,, Dunlap 'St. from Idarshall Ave. to SuraMit Ave; Griggs St. 17 1� "l_ I If I I I t Syndicate Ave. from Idarshall Ave. to Ashland Ave. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.................................... _------.__. .._....-------- ___ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9 data And r t on r latiy to k:=.or cu ._.._......_.._----- ---- ..._.......... o uimsh the-folloma ethae ........ .. ......... ........................._................................................---........__....................._........ ................ .........._.....-- �atate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6� To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..... -....1{::..:.r 191 — all Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth -:'' j '9Z i GoesApproved .................. .::' �....................................191.......... Hyland Keller McColl LIOOF Wunderlic.... --... ��. `....................._......._........................... Mayor Irvin yor. l r c r s, 1 !YiT r u .t CI7r t _ "Tc JT Ct'pr• .'C. " CT:; t,?G'. n�. .., �.• rt a u 1t n u _ . _ At .! it li 1'f�i.:,-• • ... r .qr^ II r •_ u cj: � ? rJ . 1.c • ; c u Ic I 7 �.. .,. f7 7.r� pr• r � _ -0x1 .. ... — having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.................................... _------.__. .._....-------- ___ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9 data And r t on r latiy to k:=.or cu ._.._......_.._----- ---- ..._.......... o uimsh the-folloma ethae ........ .. ......... ........................._................................................---........__....................._........ ................ .........._.....-- �atate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6� To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..... -....1{::..:.r 191 — all Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth -:'' j '9Z i GoesApproved .................. .::' �....................................191.......... Hyland Keller McColl LIOOF Wunderlic.... --... ��. `....................._......._........................... Mayor Irvin yor. CITY OF ST. PAUL coo3.76 OFFICE No.........6 ' Fue OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM F PRESE�ED 6Y lied`15, 1921.. OOMMISSIONER.. . ... ... . . DATE. ....._... ............. RESOLVED That .with the consent of the Comptroller, the stmt rof e_ 'A . $200 be, and the same is hereby transferred from the Sala, -ries Item to the Other Expense Item of the 1\ti11 Comptroller's Fund, thereby relievin5�n unavoidable deficiency in the latter item. O o 34081 $Y F W Matson' Resolved hat With thb<wnse t of the Comptroller,: -the sum of 4200'=be'. and the+Soma je hereby-;CransteYred from'; the ,'Salartes Stem toahe :•Other Expense . item of the CoinptrolleY'e able d'dcl III 1npY.he�latierR it m void• Adopted ,by [he Conucll Dec 16 1821:. App oved Deci.16 3921 {Dec 24 1821)' '. �Y Yea (J) Councilmen 61) Nays lelancy Ferguson _..In favor faith t Wenzel Adopted by the Council nrr...J..i92i _-19..._... Approved__._.__1t�C_:t 5 t rl Jd�cussl .. G b �vgob{sq P, Tim, Conuorl ..... '- ��� p.? ronuclJucu (t,) )..loia COY S i rIO o r ........ . ... ..... ........ .... ... .......... ..... ... DY.Lr ...... -.... 5 t rl e G COY S i rIO o r ........ . ... ..... ........ .... ... .......... ..... ... DY.Lr ...... -.... GCSE?f'c�\F� 6.l' V CCU t"t ma r 15c-:aOI`f12ic:'✓i---eEIsIEFi 4':" Bial C. LLICE OFw IHE CLO. `:..rEuK §' ` COUNCIL • ' ` NO....... CITY OF ST. PAUL 'ILC .. OFFICE OF, THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION..-GENERAL FORM - �` Dec. 14, 1921. ., PRESENTED BY H C Wenzel ..... .... ... DATE............................... ...... --•-- ---- COMMISSIONER ...................... RESOLVED MIn the matter of grading alley in Block 1, q Douglas Addition, between Earl and Cypress Street, under Preliminary Order 0. i+. X31174, approved October 6, 1920, ,and Final Order C. F. 32716, approved September 23, 192E Resolved, That the plans , specifications A the. and estimated quantities submitted by Commissioner of public ':'corks for the above named same are hereby approved. improvement be and the - Qonazobi. RggEOlU�l - aywpnY�tlewi� - ' TO CRY CI.C,n cy c� oaa No ....�6 _ .. I DEC 1921 AUDITED .. ....... ........ ... ...... 1�'1' eY c4m.... ar ... .... ..... _ 182.... .. PER... ........ ....: .... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the s$gregate amount of $-- ..�¢,1�..0.0- % eodenn8 checlAulabered..._..15690. .. .. to...,.,inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of..the Cs Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( d) Nays. d Adopted by the Council- ...110 i921 392 Clancy, Fer$nson; LS favor DEC 25 921 1 s Itreumald, Approved----------------- ----- .192 M n. .. Against 'Wenzel. g I eno gsoii r 1 1t ti' - s ac warry to - l k, No 376k3� nre� 6 ,,co erptn . t4 oA t Yo pni °t G9'8dtl grieci?n apse brTgtsteot t� 16 side:{4 {�y8 p8lce' Deb n is hd ptod 7iY ecg#3"' 82U F AP,P=oYes1 PDOo 2�` - - _ i Rea. 1406 Page..#2 1569.3 F. W. Matson, Com'r.`of Finanoe 7,937.36 S -6601e 1,305.17 ;Library 5,97T•86 Auditorium 654.33 15694 F. W. Matson, Comer. of Finano'e r Park=Adm. 384.00 Bureau of Parke 279.16 Playgrounds 29662 P. Bldgs. 3,726.94 Forestry Revl. 100.00 Sabools 41.4a 904`.59 3,TSI�3'I AM Labe. 350.00 ts" 195.50 publio Util, 421.50 ins 193013 r -�, wJ c� No �-O.s��n, fi Resbived That � lt2;' L issued qb H Sgjhif Bloc 8th St;>be and�,theeamE - voked.<for the reason-t' has`beeri iilmPniaWEv P�'ec airy -or eri'n C S, No 37883-`8'Y 8 C, Weazal "-. Resolved That;';the grade tit Holton' Ave.Zrom Como 'Ave. Weat;to Wynno Bt !n';aocordanoe:: with'Cha.Ftd grade - 11¢e. on- th@ aocoMpenylnB profile and as ecommende4 by tho C xMni9efoaar taeof Publlofi Y, dbb �d as the oatabllehed Aomoardabn the Council Dee:. 18.' 1981 .. � - etition PROPOSAL FOR IMS'ROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File N . .. .... 3.7640 T, undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Grade Alley in Block 1, J. N. '3ogerts Fourth St. Paul, viz.: ........... ....................................... . .............................. ................. ................._...._.................................. --................................ Addition, from Lennard Street to Flandseu Street. ------ ------------- Dated thisday of......... ----- 16th De.ceirbe.r 1921. 191........... ..... _..... .._ .,c.� Councilman. etrn%2 "'a WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mnktng-!� ter: rtte tety`ot,��ii;;Arovement, viz.: Gr -de Aller; in Block 1, J:"d'.'BogerIs Fourth Addition. from Lennard Street to 'landrau Street. -- .... ............................_...................._........................ .................... --- ............... ................................. _........ ........ ... _...... ---------..................-.............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............. -------- -- __...------------- _- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost threof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. _.., ..�......,.-- 4 To furnish the foilnwinn . ther-d Orme ton reiattve to satd tmprovement;_......_.....___............._.__...... .......—...___._........................................... ...----......._.-_.....................-. __ ..................._....................__ -.........__-..-............................__.._ To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. i77llli o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............ lja.-..14a--921 ............ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goes Hyland Keller McColl U . t..3....._ ..............._.....191....._... Approved ............................... /v' /�iI,/S Wunderlic �/J�__ i ;Mayor Irvin Mayor. roar e ""^'�;/ . Council File No ...... ...... 3 641 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned Hereby proposes the makingof the following public improvement by the City of g In the matter Of conderming and taking an ............................................................................................................................................. - ......._. 5t. Paul, viz.: .......................... .. easement in the Lund necessary for slopes, for cuts aiid _...--.__--_-._-........._.--...-_.-.-----._...._._-.__._.._....................__-..............._.-....._-.... s f._------ - ?=-' --�'---------------- - fills in the gradin -_off _Hlle ink ecl_ 1 ----- -- -----------------..................... --- tr.e_e...._1.4.._z..�ndx..s.l�-__t.x et..------------- ------; 16th 9u1. 191 _. -.. Dated this.............................. d ,��'� AbsttaoC December, '.•�.-ll-L1--�Z�'�- ------ 011 1 9 o the in lowing alDroyenlon "- •�>d' Whereas, A writt0n yroyoeal Sor 1 Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: in the matter of conderuaing and taking ar_ _--------_---_ ---------------------------------..... -- ---------...---... -.................. ------- - an.d easerrent-.-_in--_the-_land._necessar;Lror-_slor:e_�,,---_or,-_c:u fi_is in the gr,- air - of : ley in 51oc 1 d . i • - c-er' s _ -- ---- --- --- --- i'�ui:ard..._?tr..eE_t......o `1 ndr...--- J------ .........-...._........ ................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .............................._.....-... ------------------ - - - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of'said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. followin metion-re}atitl@'to satd"impro._. vement, 4._......._......._---- ............... ._...............__........................................_......_._....................-.--...._.._......................_.._.. ---............ 5, ,TTO state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 'Oro report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 3 )EC 'tom 91, Adopted by the council.........._....:..................._.......................191.....-..-. Nays: Yens: Councilman Farnsworth )�„� Lv ?' 191 ...._.... Goes Approved. ......... ......... .. Hyland (�✓ Keller McColl Wunde........................ Mayor Irvin Mayor. FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ..6 OFFICE OF OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ;, H. Q. Wenzel - Dec. 1 COMMISSION4.......................................... .._. _.....:.......................; ..... DATE........................... RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Dale St. from a point 220 feet north of the center linetof 11aryland St. to Viheelock Parkway, under Preliminary Order C. r'. 35784, al;proved August 9, 1921, and Final order C. F. 37149, c approved November 14, 1921. Resolved, That the plans, specificiations and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public clorks EDT the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Smith ................Against Wenzel 7 Mr. President .o"M 1800 10-21 4F, pnca.ta ct9.o l elI )Rez'y i 1921. ' Adopted b the Council.-....................r-� I - 192_ " P Y Z1...........192 -----Appro - -� ..... _....tr-........ coutaa� CITY OF ST. PAUL sae NO ............... ....... Pa"CIL RES — M PRESENTEDBY ATE ....... .... ..... ......................... ......._........ ....... ............. COMMISSIONER ............ .......... RESOLVED: That he on'a io l mimwlnc oa yanma a sees ni dais e11yd directed to ..tend it- electrical lines by erectiee poll. and stringing wIran thereon for the transmission of else - Dec. 14, 1921 Insall Onepoleor. ^' :the southwest corner of Lafond and Chatsworth Streets. Two, poles', the north side of Annapolis Street, one east 91A one one?west of;.Delaware Avenue . Mori is ipal' lighting. ighting. 'One po1'e on the west side of Loreto Street, third south of Elm Street. Commercial Lighting. With necessary guysand anchors. direction ... __..::..f of the Commi.siover of Public Utilities and i¢ .11 thin.a ..his., to All auc6 aate¢eiov.� Doles and wires shell be erected and conslrve/ed under the and aupervisiov the proviaiovs of ordinance No,2424. and of III other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Pevl. d shall be of such height and character he shall the Commissioned of Public Utllities shell designate, an deem that the public All poles should be se[ iv such location in said alloy. and .treat, as and any nd .11 such P le. shall 6e taken dow¢ and remove, and Ipa[eeulre.� delereat such wire. placed underground whenever the Council shell al end when it ll Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council......._t_�..._.�...i�l.l.._.................192......... Clancy Ferguson Adopted t U 19 Z L.......__... 192.......... McDonald In favor Matson r� ................................................ _ V............................_.. Smith .-N581n5I - ._-__................................ MPYOH'a Wenzel Mr. President 6 V �I 1 1644 -BY Ii tl. ;Wenzel . n aE tbd 9t. PR COUNCIL v. ., f.�bcT tE hOrebY or c�,� FILE No.... -.376.4 �..,.._. �.,��y,,.� �ind 1ts•. 10ci,�vV:vA—� = 0 and ga�zlr Jam': trana>rllseL - COUNCILf4E50i;c. the LatiL,�NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONi?......................................... ....... r ........ ..,.................... ._�.....:.....��:�........ DATE ..................................................... 8..8 ..... 8......... 8....... RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical it... by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the transmission of elec- tricity do and in the following alleys and streets of said city: December 12, 1921 I Install Three poles on the west side of Chatsworth Street, twoonorth and one south of Minn.ehaha Street. One pole,on the south side of Algonquin Street at Bens, Street. Five pole B, one on the southeast corner o(f Fauquier Street and Ruth Avenue, three on the east Bide of Ruth Avenue, between Fauquier and Reaney Streets, and one on the southeast corner of Reaney Street and Ruth Avenue. Two poles, one on the southwest corner of Nortonia Street and Pederson Street and one on the west side of Pederson Street north of Nortonia Street. Three poles, one on the northwest corner of Nortonia and Escanaba Streets, and two on the south side of Escanaba Street south of Nortonia Street. Nine poles on the east side of Fry Street between Thomas Street and Sherburne Avenue. Three poles on the north side of Charles Street, east of Fry Street. One pole on the northwest corner of Sherburne Avenue and Aldine Street. Two poise on the north aide of.Shields Street, west of Aldine Street. One pole on the southwest corner of St.Anthony Avenue and Aldine Street. Two poles on the west side of Aldine Street, south of Roblyn Avenue. One pole, on. the southwest,corn-er--of --Carroll Avenue and Aldine Street. -- Murdc ipal lighting One pole on the north side of the alley south of Rose Street, east of Park Avenue. Two poles on the east side of the alley east of Agate Street, south of Magnolia Street. One ole on the south side of the alley south of Armstrong Avenue, in the rear of #935 Watson Avenue. One pole on the east Bide of the alley west of White Bear Avenue, in the rear B A .nue of #1019 White ear vIt One pole on the west side of the alley west of Nugent Street, in the rear of #265 Nugent Street. Comn&cial lighting. j With necessary guys and anchors. All eachaxteasi oleo d w' .ball be created and constructed under the direction and ¢npar��mission Commissioner and in all things subject to the vrovieiona of Ordinance No. YILI, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St Paul. All pole, should be set in 8111, location in said alleys and streets as the Commis,l—er of Public Utilities shall deslaoate, and shall be of such heiaht and h .... I.r..a. be ¢bell mm° si`a and vpe;o when it and .1 ou. Dole. shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed underground whenever the Council shall deem that the public ll Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald..................In favor Matso Smith ..............Against Wenzel Mr. President DEC le, 1921 ..............192......... Adopted by the Council _ . ...................... Adopted /._..................... D.E,C.A..G 1921..._......192.......... ---`-ted _ MAYOR bniolNALTo. - ..CIiY OPsS.�P�9L ,�. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Fom A A 46, IM 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PRINO ...37.6.4. 1411 DEC 17 19211 eY mk LL8H.- AUDITED._,......_... __. ..._...... ....792.......... � L PER ....... .... ...... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $-.,...x,.7.82.88.: covering checks numbered._. 15726 to 15727 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City e Comptroller. Yeas ( it ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council .-......DtC..,�.e._I9. )....: .:._.1192 ...-- Fergnson, In favor 'MrBMIsid, /1 � Ap Matson, U Smith,. —Wenzel. enzel, Mavoa Mr: resident, Hodgson 15726 Cochran-Sargent Company, 1111173.78 Water 15727 J. L. Shiely Company, 32609.10 St. C. & R. 195.00 Water 3,4-14.10 3;563�.Ta CIiT CL6„k OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 37646' aDDDAwas,tm7-u AUDITED CLAIMS—R)@SOLUTION F011M - Pm>: NO .... ...... - 1409 DECE17 1,/�761ry, BY..... . ......... ........ CO - AUDITED........................... .. ...192.... : l PER .......................................................................... .: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o£...... . ..... covering , checks numbered --...15709..... .. .. to.._.1572A._. - ....... inclusive, as per register. of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. DEC L7 i921 Clancy, Adopted by the Council ... ..... ............ ............ ......:..192 Ferguson, In favorw P ved DEC d 62i - --in Smith, Against -. Wenzel.- uavoa Mr. President, Hodgson 15709 Blekre Tire & Rubber Company, 28.30 Fire 15710 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 237,54' Water 15711 Cochran -Sargent Company, 487.91 P. Bldgs. 59.1 15712 Elvgren Paint Supply Company, 270,37 Sprinkling 59.14 n 210.00 Water w48 75 �7 15713 G. A. Kees.. 11.80 P. Bldgs. 59,1 15714 Lyle Culvert & Road Equipment Company, 55.55 St. C. & R. 15715 Pioneer Company, 494.10 Library 15716 The C. Reiss Coal Company,- 799.88 Workhouse 15717 St.Paul Crushed Stone Company, 39700 St. C. & R, i Res. 1409 Page 0 15718 Sterling Printin h 380.00 HealC.P.U.-Gen. 5.40Company, Adm. 9.10 Water 11.50 12,00 15719 United States Rubber Company, A.75 Water 15720 University of Chicago Bookstores 7.13 Schools 15721 Waldorf Bindery Company, 497.00 Librarg onimxw� ro - axrs oa er, a�xrn OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Foram A A 46. IM 7-21 AUDITEDCLAIbIS—RESOLUTION FORM r. °II NO..... .7647 1410 • I BY COM-OLLBB:: _�E(x.'.._l.. ... 11 --. _......... � "AUDITED. 7flYa4...... .192....... . L/ l PER ....... ........ ........ ... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ -.- 68.144-4 4 .... covering r checks numbered 15722 to....... 15725 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the cil---.. _OCC. �� .9�1.....- ................... -•--- ' erguson,, In favor DEC L7 1921 Aped- ------------- -------------•------ •--------192 ....' - Matso Smith, Against ... Wenzel. MAYOR Mr, President, Hodgson 15722 F. W. Matson; Com`r. of --Finance ............................................... 25 379.71 Police 15723 F. W. Matson, Comtr. of Finance 36,736.07 Fire 15724 F. W. Matson, Comtr. of Finance 1,253.50 Pol. & F. Alarm 15725 F. W. Matson, Comtr. of Finance 4,947.16 Health -Adm. 7T,50 Vital Statistics 317.50 Food Reg. & Inspection 605.00• Quarantine Inspeotion 1,342,50 Tuberculosis Div.' 685.00 Dale Street Infirmary 102.50 Workhouse Hospital 205.00 Laboratory 209,16 P. Bathe 160.00 P. Comfort Station 167,50. Enf. of Dog Lic. 45.50. Garage 1,030.00 4 COUMCIL 3`764.8.. CITY O_ F ST. PAUL "It NO........... OEFICE 'OF THE CITY CLERK - :�-- RESOL N—G RAL FORMPRESENADBY ........ ..� .... DATE.December....1.7..,1921.----------. COMMISSIONER .............. .........:........... ... .. -.. RESOLVED That the Put chasirie Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, all material necessary to repair Engine House No.%Cwhioh was patially destroyed by fire, on informal competitive bids without advertisement, as an emergency exists Where failure to act promptly would work an injury to the best interests of the city. Charge Fire Dept-Mtce. N. L/ nl Ga Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President M t7 !9/ _..._:._192------ Adopted by the Council.... . L ` 192---- ... . ...................MP�YOfl f CITY OF :---_3 � ST PAUL vas NO1-6. .((.x7 QFFICE,OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f COMMISSIONER M.:. ......A.:.. - 1- [.e .? STH..... ........:...... .:. ......... - DATE....:. .l? _1:.7 21..... .. RESOLVED,'That the Commissioner of Parks', aygrounds &Public Blabs. is:,hereby authorized and. directed to proceed. by city'Ioroe a cunt 21 to make the necessary repairs to Fire Engine House. ' No. -O at spelling.,& Ashland Avec.', .the cost and expense of labor and material negessary,the"re6ore, to be, paid out of No. 23. Other Expenditures Fund. .. 14.1 4'nit6 vaa Tha g3' A'j, °aer: ake oc dr ,_nd kotHz'eP blle of 8p 9qh�irind 8e N� tq rea Bccoucted tobor �.ana fr+ni the eos atBppneLtO 1+'iKe - dA H 23 O[ae p t d a�s'uit,e Guo - `(be'e:�29 ig��Dec. f7 192L`, Yea, (4 Councilmen Nays �lency Adopted'.by the Council -nor ? �_l� i19 _ ' DE 1 f92f --- In favor. Approv - 19..-- ,(MeDenrdd /1gai30n, `G--._.Ag8ln8t -- yb�mith /Wenzel. MAYO 1( President .oar a. e•:c _ _ . i C. IX. tPo S7eSo- 'P Z'E: Hm[£h - - Resolved as / ommlealoner of Publir, 8ofetY be authorized to adS- yyoae of the Id described property which be, iHBen alMrafeed by to Bt: l..i �a I•(1 Paul Senl Ea+1�,0 and that the PurcHaeln6 �{6enC he lnatrueted to dls- eouuna. NO.-_s/,~■i'hi r� pose got. eatd . LLhis nation to deemed necee9arY in'the bast Intetests vo.s of providtn4 1. ADrotoctfon tor, the. cltisena of St. Paul z%iiuNor1.Two ewed® BuH: of ,ERK i 000 .60 RAL FORM VQRESEIVT�DtM1 ' A. E. SMITH i COMER � - ' ....... ...... ._ - .. _.._ .................... DATE .......1.21 Fj...2.................: .......:. RESbLVED That -the Commissioner of Public Safety be authorized to dib- ..,,,pose of the following described property which has been apprais 'ed by the St. Paul Real Estate Board, and that the Purchasing Agent be.instructed to dispose of said property. This action -is 'deemed necessary in the.best interests of providing proper fire protection for the ,citizens of St. Paul. Northl63 ft. of Lots One (I), Two ((2) and Three (3) Chas. F;eidel`s Sub. of Block Thirty -Five (35)Arlington Hills Addn. to St. Paul. Value of the land, - - - - $$10,000.00 " Improvements,- - - - 2,900.00 Total, - - - - - $12,900.00 Lot ;Three (31 Block Fourteen (14) Whitney & Smith's Addition Value of Land, - - - - - - - - - -$15,000.00 Improvements, -- - - 12,000.00 Total, - - - - $301000.00 Lot. One (1) Block Twenty (20) Summit Park Addn. to St. Paul, Value of improvements, - - - - - - $2,400.00 2,400.00. Lot One (1) Block Twenty (20) Summit Park Addn. Value of Land, - - - - - - - - - -$2,250.00 2,250.00^ n , South Ninety (90) feet of lot Four (4) Block Tr (2) Hgytts Addition 16,500.00 Value of Land--- - - - - - - - -$816,500.00 n nA. TOTAL, - - - - - - - - - - - 64,050.90 a \ /y .qj w,_A t oz 2`t/ t7— ��Nays'� ancy Adopted by the Council,__DS`C 17 i92i—.-- ---19- g./fL4erguson - OEC 17 l92i ------19-- ./IVIcDonald _------ ....... In favor APpr — I' /Matson V Smith __...__..Against _._.. .— — --- --- 16Wenzel _ w.rba VMr. President ,� rprp C F I No.-' Rescntds tdrlved Y eti � ster a Re gated he a sraated, al ' t.authorized PRESENTED Bi .COMMISSIONEF -RESOLVED rouowins aull-Ij PAUL to operate Hot.1. " e headdr..... Irndi. eT bITY CLERK nme nro 7 clerk Is here'�___GENERAL FORM h I'—.... �,�7£]t St. Drug C.,Restaoarnt,, 1: f 3'7651 COUNCIL ..........1.2tr.1.7.-21•.... ,............. Th -it the following,applications for a license to operate Hotels or Restaurants at the addresses indicated, be, and the same a.re hereby granted, and the City Clerk is hereby authoriz— ed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the cigy treas— ury of the., customary fee. - Owl Drug Co., Restaurant, 120 E. 7th. St. M. D. Moran & F. Stadlmon, Restaurant,- 418 Alabasha St. C. B. St. John, Restaurant, 368 Robert St. Anderson & Purdy, Restaurant,300 University Ave. Hanser & Rogers, Restaurant, 1}03 8t. Peter St. Capitol Drug Co., Restaurant, 481 Rice St. Geo. C. Kugler, Restaurat, 97 E. 4th. St. Midway Candy,Co. Restaurant, 1579 UnivereietyAve. Geo. Bardosian, Restaurant, 511 St. Peter St. Emmett E. Roe, Restaurmt,378 Jackson St. J. 0. Young & F:Desch,Restlaurant, 18 Western Ave. G. A. Nord, Hotel,Wabasha St. Schuneman & Evans, Restaurant, 6th. & Wabasha Sts. Mike Drevas, Restaurant, 481 St. Peter St. Federal System of Bak.Restaurant, 380 k.4ixxxxk1kxx9k. Wabasha St. Ange1axAxxRxm1±, W. T. Bennett, kalaix Restaurant, 349 Main Ave. Jos. Jung, Restaurant, 947 W. 7th. St. M. J. Finn, Restaurant, 24 W. 9th. St. J. W. Bridges, Hotel, 379 Carroll Ave. J. J. Dervichowski, Restaurant, j87 E. 7th. St. Clarence Brogel, Hotel, 481 Wabasha St. May Mills, Restaurant, 124 Bremer Arcade, J. S. Moy, Restaurant', 7 E. 6th. St. Yen ( ✓) Councilmen 00 Nays Clancy Ferguson MatsoAM1�as{d"—" Smith Wenzel Mr. President •osu a e•ao Adopted 6y the Council.___LU� 7 1921 19 An EavorAppro _._ DEC J'7- q. __ .__.___19._...._ v- - - Against (V _.Vvv — wrnn -:37652 3ecc.::.^.endaicr, of i7".ney Council File No.. ......._ __ ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r_ and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Plant end r.rctect shade trees °n beth sides Of ._........_....____........ viz.:.__....__......._.........._..._....._......_.-......._... _......... St.Pau, C 2_i n.._ r oti---fror.:._rS.l::T..tn..tre©t...tc i,i�s�`�ret tree--- --------- 77th'_)ece °er, l• 191.._.._. Dated this ....... - ---day o ..... ._ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pl.l.rctect iaue trees ca: bctL---.-1-- ...-� ------ ------..__...- - ---.........._.. >c - - n ..i..LS'e-t-------- ----------------._....-------- true FFNo. 37G52— . ......_ Abstract. ____.........._----- .._.......__....._. --.__ ---- +,,whereas, A written proDoeal for the r--------- f king of the following mDtovemen --_..._._.............. On "'-'"----_•�� ,otz an est tome Fot16- h Stre -- of the CI�Councilman......_._........_.......__...----..._.....---......._--------._ having been presented to the Council of the City of ` �: _.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. • data and information relative to said improvement;.__ ._..... ry_--Te•fttr�itsh the feHewtng o ..-..,...._... .._._......o-. ._........ _...._... _.........._.__._..... ................................. .._........ ................. _...._...._....__......._........_....._._........_.. Tn state. -whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5 To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ......_ .:_:.... .... •-- ...-- - - .......... Nays: Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth + Z Goes pp A roved....._'..'' �..`....:........_........._.........191......._. ....._.. Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor. Mayor Irvin .oar o e e i�L1SL1:_il /�% Council File No........_t� etiticn PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Unen................... . _ Poet r, rdel tr et 'rc:,:-id'r:len` °nue............ -_:----------- . ' .. . ue9................................. .:.. - ......... ...----- 1'7th y ece:::oe'r, 1`' i. 191......... Dated this._ ........................_da of -.._........'.........C.............._ ............_........... . . i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Chen, V;iden >.:id extend I _ id n �_._.. i ........................................ _................-----._.....-------------._----.............. '[feet.. _ru!p L::11ce r.;i i_:.aci%...:.:_:eilue..------------------ ._...-------- ....- --_--. "� Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, " the Council hereby allow for all of G work and material as herelnb ..._-..--...._...------ - ----- - ...._.- _ee1Go :,._....-r1_'::'':- .r_....., stated the sum of Two thousan•'_"" " ............................................. _. hundred and eighty-eight and , one hundredths dollars ($2688.6]. . .............. ............:gn extra under the contract kno. ................ .............. .... .... ..... .,n [roller's contract L-1266 t, ............ pp ,tthg of the aforesaid imp— having been presented to the Council of the ' i pt ._ .- "'-"'-' d by the Council Dec. l pan._. Dee_19, 1921. ;Dec. 24-1621) therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and'he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. • taaadl14�.9�IpgttRp.[elatixe.tosatd improvement;........_._....... ...... _..... To�sttate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. A ted by the council.......... :I:.:.:_..:". 191.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goes Approved__... .:......................191.......... Hyland Keller McColl—�� Wunderlich .._..... ....._._ ......... Mayor Irvin Mayor. COUNCIL J�4_._.. v R hexa 37sss�gy H ^ ST. PAUL r.a -NO ------ +y �9 lreme ten_o if a OM a Avenuetas HE CITY CLERK Or eNay lt� 1220 f' Q" F 29201 a svluT —GENERAL FORM ,RESENTED B�{ �eoU. nPorteda�mnn� over etrencr$�dta°ncr�i................ Dec • 1.9 1921 f ......... .DATE ....:............. . _ ..... .... ...... OMMISSIONER..... •Inq.. or sewer hea !n whl .- additional and water and fat a acalea�af Drlol' RESOLVED IT aneclflcaiiana encs . �� Mhereas, In the matter of paving yaryland Street from Payne Avenue to Duluth Avenue in accordance with rekuirements of C. F. 29201, approved Idiay 11, 1920, it was provided in the plans and specifications for the doing of certain work in steel and concrete re- inforcements over trenches in which house drain or sewer and water connections, additional paving and curbing, were installed, at a scale of prices therein fixed, and in accordance with said plans and specifications. And Whereas, it was deemed advisable and necessary by the Commissioner of Public ',forks for the Contractors, TIae Feyen Construction Company, to perform said work, particularly described as follows: 24175.8 lbs. reinforcing steel at .08;; x1934.07 68.02 Cu.yds, concrete "8.00 544.16 67.02 IT IT .90c; 60.32 171.79 Lin.ft. radius cement curb .75y 128.84 60 IT straight curb reset .20. 12.00 60.8 it Pine headers .15 9.12 Total X2688.51 And "i"sereas, said work and material has been done and furnihed as provided for in the paving of said Now Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the Council hereby allow for all of the Work and material as hereinbefore stated the sum of Two thousand six hundred and eighty-eight and fifty-one hundredths dollars (`'2688.51), as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's contract L-1265 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. Yes (✓)Cocllmen (✓) Nays yfancy Adopted by the Council . -UEC (�_I�Z I -- - VI Ferguson 7 cDonald -------.-------In favor Appro also. a mith—......... Against — .......... Wenzel .von C�LSLISH)M d �� I,(Mr. President � �-__�_-.- `- .� ^ , � ~ ` .. . ~r ' .�l . | ° | ~ - Yeas Councilmen \Vh cos The eom i ione,� ;q C. t,. nn. 37665_ia 11 Ut11i"ex hna r �o t V [n th l.tnce - t•Ith Se tion ASl . Cit) Chorter. �In e>• Ferguson Matsonin whleh ren�e t t GtNERAL FORM ao t SmDonald Smith 71o'.ii t Sub j ec i Ivn I COUNCIL• Bir.`: President Hodgson FILE NO. Date Presented _,1921 Resolved,,WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported to the Council,. in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency -which rendered necessary the employment of oertain employes of his department a€ee-s�eee-�kse-a#gkr-keuz�-lea-da3*.on Sunda said employment being more than their usual hours of employment;" therefore, be it Resolved. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employetat the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime Joe Bruno Laborer 4 hrs. 55je reg. rate T. Dvorak " 4 " 55¢ n 4 n 56¢ n u L. Gangi nn 55je M. Masciotto nn 55je„ n John F. Rizzo n 4, a 5Ba Anzivino aa 55$e n n P. Del Fiacco n 4 n 55� H. Diesslin ” 4 n 5611 Joe. Lafabian n 4 n 65je Sam Ranelli " ,y a 55X P. Tartero n n n " 18 Paul G. Manzke Otto Wlnklesky Steam Shov.Engr. 8 " 9Og n n E. J. Brown . Oe a n a 18 n 9fC 16 " Bbd John Core Laborer IN 16 J.. Geisthardt a n 66� n a Leo Hoffman a ig n 55je C. F. Oakins a 16 " 503e" n Harty Thomas Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson Matsonin favor a-against SmDonald Smith -. Wenzel Bir.`: President Hodgson t n�� Adopted by the `s '9Yi 1921 Approved - 1921 Mayor r C. F. No. 37666— No..2 NVherens, The Commissloner [ Pub- uc°o a n oa iLh `s�ation` 63�of pin_ f St Paul Ch atter, the +atenee of nn a GENERAL FORM ncyn a•h lch ren�ere �l no esanry the eat a eertn+n mpierea f nroUT ION it for more than IF ht hours m a ployment boing mo 1 hours of omplo 1'ment;i, Subjec �--� COUNCIL R, FILE NO. Date Presented 1921 Resolved, WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has apported,tlo the Council. in accordance with Sec ion 5S of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it ereby orized to pay Resolved. -That the namedeemployee atr city cthe rate ers are hotherwise hfixed -for extrahe employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Roy Munson P. Scott T..Tho.rson "Walter Anderson H.. A Mennell Frank Munson H. J. Conrad Jas.Hawkins, Jr. Gust Peterson W.O.Peterson Fred Fennern Chas.Fransen Alfred Falk Benedict Meyers Paul Cetinyon Frank Fleming J. Geisthardt A. S. Godbff Leo Hoffman E. H. Meyers John Murphy E. R. Prenzlow Sam E. Simpson Title Hours Rate of Overtime Utilityman a 2 hrs. 60.01 6P reg. rate ^ 2 x 62tie n " Laborer 1 55$e,p 67*je n n n n U,ti„ityman 21 „ 65je n u Cabaret 1� a 550 n TO ^ n ” 2 a 55¢ u n Utilityman22 "- " " Me 1.60 2 ts. reg.rate Cement Finisher 9-2/3 hrs. 1.20 1* a " 1} hre. 1.60 2 to. 9«2/3 " 1.20 1* " Carpenter hre. 1.60 2 tus. reug..rnte a " 1.60 2 Laborer 7 " 55¢ reg.rate n 14} " 55$e a 13 " 55je n u n 7 ^ 55je " n It 13 " 55jC n a It 14* " 550 a n a 7 " 55se a It n 7 IS 55.d a n If 7 " 55sf u a Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson Matsonn favor McDonald� Smith against Wenzel Mr. President Hodgson Adopted by the 1921 Approved _r ' ..', 1921 or CITY OF ST. PAUL (� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ............ Ii�...Ry...+�^-�...FF.RGI).SQN...................... ..... ..... .........�......... DATE..............Z1®86I[I}JB.1"....Z.,9,. RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Corimissioner of Education has raported to the Council in accordance .pith Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an er,,er;ency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore,be it, RESOVIED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorizes: to pay the follo-Wing named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for ex-cra erplcyment for the extra employment for extra time here=.naftex set forth: NAME TITLE Boniecki Frank Laborer Favillo Henry " Mayer George " TIME RATE TOTAIL . 22 hours 55¢ $12.10 46 " 550 25.30 6 " 55¢ 3.30 Yea (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ......In favor Matson ith Against enzel Mr. President FORM ]M -0 ri Adopted by the Council__.._ L._._Ll� _------- _ 19.._:.... Approved,„%—T_...._._------- .. _._.._.._._ 19...__. CITY OF ST. PAUL aeNC1L NO ............ ..S37f` /l -? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,rJ DATE Derembar---y5. ----1-321-------- COMMISSIONER.. ........................................................................ .... ... r RESOLV That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Model D Remington Typewriter No. 11, at a price not to exceed $128.25, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. Yea (J) Coy4iCilmen ('J) Nays Clancy / jYer$uson l/ ld In favor �0'.ts �Against t Wenzel m}r. President .OPM 1100 10-11 Adopted by the _....... _.......... _192--..... 192 ....................... In the matter of constructing a sevier on ';lyoming Street from Stryker Avenue to Gorman Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 835992, approved August 22, 1921, and Final Order 0. i. #36676, approved October 26, 1921. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Conunissioner of Public ,forks for the above named inirrovement be and the same are hereby approved. F.., No. 37660—BY-H- 'C- Wenzel -- n Wyoming St constructing cStrykere Avo o OorceAve.. under Eovedtu )rderC F. No. 36993,'ry X, 12, 1921 and, Flnal Cr er C: F. No. 16676:" cved, Oct. 26, 1921.. Reeolved That the Dlase, 'aDectBca- �ne .and eetlmated juanttttes- sub- Iorkafor the COMM' ..tenoued imDrovlef r ent be and the same arehereby: an, oved' Adopted by the Council -Dec. 19,. 3921. Approved:Dec. 19, 1921. (Dec. 24-1921) Yes(-/) Councilmen (1) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald—.._...._._...In favor Matson 0 Smith Wenzel Mt. President Received Q. parers In aonnact w' h &bovs Res lut�on on. a Adopted by the`Council._—_1!c 1,9 92LAp ..___19___ 1921-19AYOR P>JI3LI°IIl I�'� A. E . 5 M 1i -r H. COMMISSIONER POLICE OFFICE OF Poyic.E� ".. .E. Q - 0FSA'NS Saint Paui,Minn. H.J.CREPEAU December 13, 1921 V Hon. A. y. Smith, Comnissiener of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sl/r. L Find enclosed a`fidavit by one Viola O :arrett on the Jennings Hotel,. 473 Wabasha St., hick is self-explanatory. I would recommend ` that immediate steps be taken for the revoca- r ioniof the said hotel license. Also affidavits of Cathrine Andermen n1 Anna Andermen on the Lenox Hotel,'467:? 2Bell abasha St., and. I recommend that this license 2am also enclosins affidavit of Margaret , w' ose true name is Vera Hittleman and ffidavit of David IA. Fiterman on the Dalton otel, 64 W. 10th. I would recormnend immediate (OP revocation of this license. ` Yours very truly, Chief of Police HJC,IV ,jj Oat ern -I "UOri-d to tee by by h reaeurYpof the puetomarYnfee *215,O. .l0t0 - Jahn E Edward 894 Rica l;t. E. Gydeaen 101 S419wS �hR'aievelead Iifaeln6er, Ave. Adopted by the Co19Q11 Dec. 19, 1921- 4 _ Approved (Dec. 24-1921) s Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council ��L Clancy Ferguson McDonald _-_.In favor APP -- EC.'�_ --- Mats Smith—.....-..Azainst t MAYOR Wenzel Me President C��. ^ �, CITY OF ST. PAUL Fl" NO --- j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION...GENERALFORM PRESENTED Sy A. E. SMITH 12-17-21- ..COMMISSIONER::.-........:....:................................. .. ......... DATE... .. ......, ......_ REsoweo That the following applications for a license to operate' Soft Drink Parlor at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee. Nick Solgetinski, S2 Mississippi St. Nic. Chiakis, 3E�+ Robert St., 2nd. Floor �C r. No-. 37663—$y A. E. Smith ReeolYed Tht�t the follow tn8 aDDl1 cntlons for a lice... to operate Soft Drink Parlor at the addte9Sea Indicated ,.. be, .. the same a.re, hereby grantedi tg �._da% City Clerk i. authorised to 1ef. , ue auchliconse .upon the payment in-` to the City treasury of the oustoronry !'Nick Schetinski, 623 MiSslasitMi S6 Nle. Calokle, 364 Robert St., 2nd "',ted •-9,192L Adoove Eby the Co192ill:Dec. 19, ADvroved bee. 19, Yes(,/) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Counci _..._ 3 t921 _ _ _-19— Ferguson McDonald —. -._-_-..—In favor Apti _.._ L.C_.:��Lt921__—.19 ._. . Mara � Smith -- .......Against MI,YOR Wenze Mr. President Pobn 9 _ FORN a COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL - rae. NO. ------ 374- W OFFICE OF .THE CITY CLERK { COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED CCIMMISS10 rt e...... 's-- DATE ..... .. ........... ...... ....... .-,.... .�,. RESocveo That the following application for license regulating the self ing and handling foodstuffs at the addresses indicated, be, and the .same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is hereby authoriz- ed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the customary fee, $10.00. H. Weiss, 1230_Edo-erton St. G*0r"PrI[ ---aid-l?fsc u �er, E. 13th. St. " Henry Bulinski; 257 Edmund St. " Mitchell & Fritzinger, 1939 St. Anthony Ave. " Corey & Moran, 472 Selby Ave., Confectionery , F. Schwabel, 378 Wabasha St., " J. C. Breidal, 625 Selby Ave., Grocery Mrs. E. I. Charpantier, 224 No. Western Ave. " A. A. Behnke, 180 Concord St., n Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel 7 l Mr. President FORM aM —0 C. F. 'No, 37004—By A. E. Smith— neeolved, Thnt he Pollowing appli- ntlon for license regulating. the ..It - In g and handling foodetuHs at the ad - dr ease Indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, Ind It City Clerk fa hereby authorized to Issue such 11- icensesupon the payment Into the City .treasury or the customary Pee, $10.00: H. Weise, .1230 Edgerton St„ Gro. ccry::. David- Altschuler, 209 7b. 13th St., G Henryri ' He,'Bulinskl, 207:,.Edmund St., .Grocery; -- Mitch & P,ritzinger,. 1939 St. An- 2hog Ave.; Grocery. !' Corey '.&. Moran, 472'.Selby Ave., Con- fectlonery. - F...SchWabel'; 379:: Wabash. 9t., Co.. Pectionery.l J: C. Bre dal, 820: Selby Ave:, Grocery. ern�AvB Cir eery antler, 224 No. West. A. A. Behnke, 180 Concord St., Gr- Adopted ro- Approved Dec.Council D.C. 19, 1921: Approved OC. 19, 921. (Dec.. 24-192121 )-.' DEC. to i921 Adopted by the Council..._._ _........ _..... ...In favor Ap 19__._ _..........Against -... - ---—'.._-_ MAYOR Yes (V) Councilmen (V) Nays VClancy McDonald In favor ,5 I/Mallon Smith /,y\ Against Vwen-I V�Vlr. President _kV Adopted by the Council A pro75� do 192, - 7 jo�pi*;, �-AMGY- city (;Ierlc. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No 37666 . ...... -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �--)u C15AKSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -'SEW PRE. 6 BY COMMISSIONE DATE -Decem-ber 16i 1-9-2-1 ----- ------ R .............. RESOLVED That the Coummcil hereby approves tho action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing all labor and material and erecting complete, less mechanical equipment, the Vocational School, to the Gauger-Korsino- Construct ion Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $169,832.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor F. E. #4223. Architect's !,;stirrate $194,200.00. II Yes (V) Councilmen ('J) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FoRm Isoo 1-1 A4') ca F -V - Adopted by the Council..ijF-� -192 ............. In favor Approved -- ------- - ----------- ... - --------- Aksinst 6,(C ............................................. l � `�i�' `-' � L 2 L 1 �� COUMCIL ..3.' 6`? CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac NO........ OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK OU 1 ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IE SE TED BY - .. .._........._........_.... DATE.De.c.embe%...16y.....1g'�..].___.. V roves the action of the Contract RESOLVED That the Cm.tncil hereb app Committee in awarding the contract for the installation of plumbing in the Vocational School Building, to C. J. Conroy, ng the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of he beiin accordance with plans and specifications on file h11,45ng t Agent, and his bid and award in the office of the Purchasing of contract hereto attached, and the Corpoation Co' -inset is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.'!�. #4223. Architect's �jNtir.>ate 0181500.00. I r a in Connection �it'r. i ::uti 9 ResOlut' — Yes (d) Councilmen ('J) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonald.. Matson (/V/l Smith Wenzel Mr. President FOPM moo �o-a� Adopted by the Council...-' -_ ,;i.-�� - ---192 -'.: U --- .� ............ZI------------192'---- In favor Approved- ._............ Against CITY OF ST. PAUL C—CIL NO� r14c ............. .... .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NC LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��/v`l'.....'...'.'.'.......7. L!VI- COMMISSIONER ......... ............. ....... RESOLVED that the Council hereby proves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the installation of Keating a.ndlVentilating in the Vocational School Building to the Hankee Heating Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $47,697.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby �inst.ructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #4223. Architect's Estimate $"51,430.0.0. Yes (✓) Councilmen (V) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonelt) Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1n00 10-21 Rae®1,ed all pa,*rs id eonnectio-a with athov9 leescluti.on. s .c Adopted by the Council_....' In favor Approved ------ ----- =; , 192 - — .. •_�t) j._...... ._ ....._. Against CITY OF ST. PAUL Faca��� NO-- 37669 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r -R'7' 1'SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTQD BY .p it 1A (%�L DATEDer-eA1�J..PiX:...a. fi.s....�.g7x,�......_.... COMMISSI NEB........... _........ ....... f .. RESOLVED That the Council her, y approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the installation of Electrical Material in the Vocational School Building, to F. L. Kolar, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $10,683.00, in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, his bid and award of contract hereto attacked, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form Of contract therefor. F.B. #4223. Architect's istimate $15,870.00. Yes (✓) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald -------In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President roar+ moo —.1 t n -jr 3i�1 ❑t].O Adopted by the Council......1`( "t'. f.- 192----- �lFl Approved------- ------------------------..10A Council File No......._V6 .0 L PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned, hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ............ a Bawer on Louisa Street from State .. ........ ............ ....----- ................._............. ............... Street toe oint 12b Peet east oP Synth aober-- ---S---t----r---e----e---t----.----------------------- ............................ ... - - - .... -P — — -- - - - ... - - --t ----------- .............-- -- --......._----....._.._...---------_......------------....._........._.... 20thDecember. 1921. Datedthis ...................... day of_................._..._...._......_...........__._............. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 191...... _. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer on Louisa Street from State to a point 126 feet -"_east .._ofSouth_Robert--_S I------------- .............- ._...._-------- _..._.._....._..--------._...-------.._...._--------i C., F. No. 37670— ----------._...._.--------- - Abstract. ,harass, A written pro osal �'. .--_..._........_.... .... ...........-.............. ....... ................"....,ng of the following mprov^.........._....... 'truot n sewer on Louisa having been presented to the Council of tLc?R Bert Stpreet, ha i' Councilman......, _ ................_..._........__ he therefore, be it tCouncil a the •he be it m, J RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public War'mk.:-,,a.ciand he is hereby ordered and directed* 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. p { h the_intl wane other data and information relative to said improvement;_._ _..._ . ................ .. ............................................ _._......._........ _.............__....._...._._ .__................ fi. To gtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council... ....._........._191.....--- Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth , Goes APProved__......_....... :..: .7).'' .............191.......... Hyland 1 Kelle McColl Wunderlich...........�..... ayor Irvin Mayor. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No._....(47.671 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:...._.... Grade....and...page-..R.Oberteon._street....Yxom....ar3e.51_...__................__ .......-......... d4.9nIIe....to....Ind18n8-.AYe11Ae...._including-.sewer water._do--.gas.--connections--_----__-_-._..... _from._mains-_to---p roperEy.._1ino.- copplete--_wherenot-_blready-_made.,_sleo.---------- .--------------- --_ --............ including ...curbing --.and..paving...alley-and...driseway-. Appraschee where._ aaaeoaetry...-.._.. Dated this ... ...... 20th. ----.day of_ ............. __Dec ember.......19.21.. _ .__ .......... _ .. 191.__..... ---------- --------------------------- ---------�L,.1:. _- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and pave Robertson Street from Fairfield dY�11176 tQ .Indi Xl9 A__An lding.-_sewater_&..&ns connections_..__.___... f rom_et.F. nt....ma no._to._.pxvparty...linao_.c.omple-ta...wher-a-..nat _already—ma......alao-....-- lnc.1.udi.ng_.curbinfL.-.._-F.ay.in$--slley..&...d.rive..way.sppgobches,---where_nIs -- ry _........ having been presented to the Council of the Cit; Councilman ___._..... ........... therefore, be it .37671— Abetrnct. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pt?pt,t a touowtnsiinvroveem,ereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desire, and pa"e to b.r n+ `said improvement. ald nd 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimalid cosi Fa^ , provement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemedEf, a TDf__ ish-the-foltmrin64atheLAAtA-and..3uformationselative.to said,improvement,..._...............-.._.------- - _ .... ...............>..... ..............._.........----.........--__..................................._..........I... ............... .................... . p -T -state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ... ....... _... ...- ..........---------- 191.......... Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goes Approved. ...............'.�...._..........-�.-.................._.191.......... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich...................................../ .d1......... Mayor Irvin Mayor. Council File No. _..., 672 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Condemning and taking an easement 1n the land necessary St. Paul, viz.: ... ....... ............................ . ---......- ............................... . for elopes, afor cute --and fills _in--_the---grading--_and paying o3 ---- --------- _------------- _Robertepn-4-trAe1.._fro»1 t.9 I,ndia.0—A A4_ex>ue.-'----------------------- ----- Dated this ......_20th......_day of.......................December.,.. 1921.................. 191...... _ . -------------- ---- -. F. No. 37872— Whereas, A wlttenot king of the following Itnproveme., Councilman. ..ndem -g and tak+-, i eae.m PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIiER1AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning.-_and.__taking--_anesaement"__in-.. the -_land _ne ce.s Bary__.__-.--___-_ for slopes. for--_cuts_._and fills in the grading and paving._of ._ -------._.......... --- -----------_ srb�:r.ts.Qn_.Stree.t..."from.Eaixfi�ld---A"U e.—t.Q in-aana_ATOAna-..... -.................... _ ............ _.................._.................. __ ........_.. _.....__ ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauT'by Councilman_ .. ....... ..............._...._..._ ---- ....._-------- -_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. - e T f ,O l gilovipg,otheerdata;andinformatiou relativgto "said"improvement;._.......... _.__........................._..._..........._......_....... ........_.. �W.' To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _........ _T;.::.c-:�:%.._,.�..� 191._....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss(PD-� Approved.......... ........ __........_.........................191.......... Hyla ndll Keller McColl Wunrled un ich............ ............................ ...... .....,..: Mayor Irvin Mayor. ftLLLu"." ? �� on account of paving. 46 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 3.7673 Council File No......... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:. Conetruet a storm water relief sewer on.Rober_... ___.. Street from the Misais.eippi River to Indiana Avenue. ........ Dated this ...._20th -day of_......._ ..... ......_December, .19.2.1 191....._. Councilman. No. 37678 Petr L areas, A wrltten proposal for the q of the following 1lmprovement.,� PRELi. :,let a storm -water lief son street [— relief T+" �!.� o Indiana �•:: ••• WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makin6 1r fri„t.a,sl4m�rntnp7ovement, viz.: Construct a storm water relief sewer on Robertson ----..................------------------_------.._...--- _ ------------------River--_to._._Indiane-_Avenue..-.-_--_..---_--.-------._.-. ............. ........._._........._....._................................................_...... = .................. ........................ -............... _ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_.__ .......... ..-.._._....._.........__. ._ ................_- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed• 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. r r ish 4he�olln o othrr d �nformatiolrye ttvb-tS-miftrimprovement ............................. ........ ........ ....................................-.__......_ ......................... - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5-'T. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............ ..................191._.---- Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved __.......... ..... . .._...._ , )....r'.l...............191.......... Hyland Keller (, McColl Wunderlich .......................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. Council File No. .............. 6`14 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT y' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .......................Grade East Seventh Street from White Bear Avenue .-...............................-....._..............._......... .........._._........... .--........... - ..... -............ ._............ ... ...... ykeAenue.---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---.-------------------.------------------------- --- --- --- --------------------------------------------------------- v Dated this ......20th......._ day of Councilman. C. p`. No. 37679 Abstract. Whereas;: A written proposal fo+, malting of the following improve i hits 1 fast So,' -,0 Street -<• White Benr Avenu•';o Van Dry;' fins the"' wing WHEREAS, A written proposal fur cnc rtfut 4fg'of the"' wing improvement, viz.: - ------_.-Grade.._East.-.Seventh.-_Street-._Prom---Vlhite.._Bear--Avenue_------_-_--- toVan...Dyke._6venne.......---............---...-----------.-----------------------..----- -------- --------------- . —........................... ........ ......................... - ._._........._....... ................ - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .... _____......_........................ ------ _---- .....------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. gn'd-9yftwin"atift-Ittative-to-said improvement;....___..._ ................. _. . 5.. ........... __......._..........._.._.........__....................................... .-.............. ._ ................... ........__.......... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J Z t Adopted by the council...-.........-_... .. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Gob f Hyland ! Ij Keller 1 McCo Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Council File No...:......`75 ...... � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................_aondemning...and....taking...an eaaement..in. the._.land......_... .:........._........ . .._ne a e a sary.._3or..._sl ops s.., -._Por -_._out s.._and._Yills_-__in--_the--.grading-------------_._....._...__-___ o(EastSeventhStreetfrom.WhiteBe..�n-.-_to-_Yeu---.--.-.._._---.----------------- ....__ ._..-_,_.-_-..... _. . ......... _Avenue 4 - -_-..........._------------------------------- ..... ---------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- 20th December, 1921. 191....-..... Dated this ....._.................._.. day of _............ ............... .......... .......................... ._ ............-_........_. --------- -------------- 1 Councilman. C. F. No. 37676Abetraet- Wherea�, Awritten prePoeal ter the'' maklnR of the tollowtng lraprereIDeat. Jou ca.n.l'l- 948 yinPn,�l WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land -------------------------------------------------------- - --- ... ------------------------------ ...... ------ -------- ------- -- necessary --- ---- necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading ......................................................... __ .of._East-_Seventh.-_Street-__from---White--_Bear--_Avenue----to.__V_an---Dyke _------------- ............._.QVef Ue....._.._._....... ............ ........._........................................_..__.._........................._....._......_.___..._._.... ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman- .......... _.......... ........_.....__....... _.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. m f l t- • ., .z �e'.or data sad ircforvurtioa trlativE tii'a1d"improvement;_ ,4_......_ ................... .................. ._..._..... _._ ...................... To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. jl9 Adopted by the council Yeas: Nays: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth r Goes Approved ................. _..:.r.........',......x............ 191.......... 1 Hyland �) s Keller McColl / Wunderlich.............. r �/ syor Irvin Mayo . renr e ..s PUBLISHED a�.�,Gn ain UP a:. PAUL caV4CIL 0-3 -7��. • . iILa......... .... DEC(� 1°21 BY COMrx80 BH.._ AUDITED. -1 .... . .. . ............. ...... 182 .. ........ ............... 1 PER . ............ - .-............. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 3b195 r92 covering checks numbered _ _ .151/58--- - . to.........15788 _ _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( d ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council.-". .. . .......... ..--.-.--.192.1-•- --. i" Ferguson, `) McDonald, In favor �_. - �_w U Approved ... ...... _ ...._.. V. _....192 . Metson, Smith, Wenzel. Against Mr. President, Hodgson pa es N Qa 7676. - ' 'lata the C that -- the ksa2ontnt, Treasulr'•rants .h r �ge 7 t Ado ' ha otlle8ter753 to. tI458 �� App�ove D ch �� u n tha OltyeC Dn' _ �Dpr�2411yZI�Dea' z6. 1921, �. � ® AJ CITY CSR OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ' doss'=z 376-7. aonoseas,IM7-zi AIIDITED CLAIbI$-RESOLUTION FORK f=z>s NO•....._._..��-•��--� 1415 1921 BY COMPT LHR. AUDITED....... ................... .192.......... _ ILPER.................................................................. ..... . Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.. 35,.195-,+22.......... covering checks numbered.. 157.53 _ ..... to. 15758 _ . inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council..._........._::..._............................_.192........... Ferguson, 1. __- In favor NEC .li iS21 McDon, dil Approved ----- ----- -_------......... ---------.......192------ Metson, Smith, Wenzel.Against _.. .............................._......._..mnvon ... President, Hodgson 15753 W. H. Furman, Com'r. of Finance 15754 Mrs. J. T. Jennings, Library 15755 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance Schools 15756 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance Bureau of rarks Park Refectories Playgrounds P. Bldgs. Revl. Forestry Revl. P. Bldgs. 59.1 New Charter Expense Portable Schools Auditorluin Randolph gts.(Bond) 2,532.65 304.70 871.15 188.80 694.35 52.10 539.20 448.10 308.00 35.00 15757 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance V, Plater 15758 Miss Minnie Neuman]}, Teachers Training School 11.00 100.00 5,063.67 5,974.05 24,034.31 12.19 n C eo eerz ar ...._.... a ....aor.Lax.. i . AUDITED -.``v(. [` .%f 192.. ..... UAV PER ......... ................. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.2-�rjL�.�$$................... covering checks numbered.__.lr?`i3B., ___.,. to-_ .15752 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Matson, Smith, Against gainst Mr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the Council ....---...'Ji_F..:._J-.:2Z.1.... ._............ 192-----_.. Jtl ai :017i Approved...---- .--------- .---- .._............................................. 19'......... C. F. No. 37677— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City eaeury,-to the d., wn Bute amount of 11,711M. covering hecka numbered 16736. to 15752.;lnclu stye;- as per 7egiater of city checks on ate fa the office --of [he C(ty'Comp- troller. Adopted lly the Couneil Dec. 20,,19212 Approved Dec. 20, 1921.. (Dea24-1921) 0111— TO m.. —1 Form A A 46, IM )-tl OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 376 / 17 000:o=r. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM :_:= NO...... ......... -... -... .... - 1414 By DE'G 2 0. 1921.. j _..... AUDITED. ........192......... i cold OLL Wa PER.. .... ......................... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $. `d.,,705.a68................... covering checks numbered.,.. 15736 to 15752 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council..-. .I ...-- - - - -y... .----192 erguson, 1n favor clonal APProved............_.....__ .................. - - 192......>.: arson, Smith, Against .......... .._..... -- __............ Wenzel. MAYOR Mr. resident, Hodgson 15736 Blekre Tire & Rubber Company, 26.37 Fire 15737 T. L. Blood & Company, 43.22 Schools 15738 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 430.72 Police 8.00 Fire 360.00 Schools 62.72 15739 Capital City Lumber Company, 152.65 Schools 15740 Rentral Warehouse Lumber Company, 93.76 Auditorium 15741 Martin F. Falk Paper Company, 59'78 Schools 15742 H. K. Mulford Company, 230.30 i Health Res. 1414 Page #2 15743 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 510,65 Police 4.18 " 9.58 " 267.11 Pol. & F. Alarm 21.60 n 99.50 16.51 Heald 5.69 Schools 9.75 Library 63.06 Auditorium 2,40 "later 5.54 " 2.83 " 1.32 52'6T� 15744 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company,. 17,63 Schools 2.48 P. Bldgs. 9.80 Water 5,35 17.63 15745 C. Reiss Coal Company, 129.37 Fire 15746 St.Paul Blue Print Company, 128.08 Schools 15747 St.Paul Hebrew Institute, 525.00 Schools 15748 St.Paul Suburban Sanitation Companym 29.50 Schools 15749 G. Sommers & Company, 39.00 Fire 15750 TrigState Telephone & Telegraph Company, 94,10 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. .65 Pol. & F. Alarm 14,25 " 4,00 Health 4.00 " 3.58 " 4.00 G@rage , 3.05 Library 36.49 Bureau of Parks 8.38 Playgrounds 6.00 " 2,70 Lighting 5.00 Markets 2,00 9�.TQ 15751 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, 168.51 Police . 15752 F. D. Williams Coal Company, 107.04 Schools Ok 37678 By ......Frank W._ -Mat eon...._........_........_._._. CITY OF ST PAUL' Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for grading Alley in Block 6, Sanborn's Midway Addition. from Griggs St. to Dunlap Street, '—T --r APPAO V INO .,A89HSSMi' C. ti 37648—By_ In �tbe -matter be ease I benefits, costs and. pense:. Mg a1teY to Biocti 6. 9artt''^ way-�Addltlon from 11S, Dunlap..Street unT Order 33878 Ij� . 36887. F1na1 r.,edia Order __.._.__35.297.. -. under Preliminary Order ._........_..._.... 8.7... Aug. 8; 182' ,.- . rY .........................._.. ._. ,The- e Viand e15^ ,� 35756 Aug. 8, 1 21 FinalOrder....._....._......_.........................._............_........_., w lrived._......_._.................... �X — 7` The assessment of,_....C.oatH...aAC1..._eXp T)..e.e_t�.:: __............. _for and in connection with benei.i_tB. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............_18th — day of January, 1922x....,_ .................._.........., 7FDjy[.... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ................. ..::..:..._............................... Approved....... ... _.__--------------- -------- --------- ...------- 191......... Councilman MMMAK Clanoy Ggx Ferguson ffep;icx Matson r Smith i� WAX Wenzel May.,3rvticx Hodgson Form B. B. 16 ` O ________________________ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Dec. 21, 1921 l;xx In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tix grading Alley in Block 6, Sanborn's Midway Addition from Griggs St. to Dunlap Street, 33876 under Preliminary Order......_......................................._.....................-.., Intermediary Order............................... 35297 ......................... ........................................... Final Order .__-_35756.__..... __._...._....__.....__.._.... approved.._.__._Au.g.._._8:...._1921 fix._...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - $ 2.10 ` Cost of publishing notice - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - 9 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$......_.......6....�.Q......_.... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $---- ----� - Total expenditures $......_J13._._60 .............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........._313.60 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for sf( action they a ay be considered proper. Zl�.z- __.. . Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. By ......_Frank w...__Ma..._son............. _...... ry CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Otto Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Edgcumbe Road, IQ. F. No. 37679—By F. W. hfateon- In the matter. of the -assessment, benefits, coats and. expenses for gn ing. Otto Ave; Irem Hamline Abe. Ndgeeumbe noad under Prelimin Order 33623. Intermediary Ora 34879. 'Final Order 36396, app: Tuly 18, 1921. ` The a99e.sm.nt f benefit,- 34879 r. under Preliminary Order .....33.F33 ithe..-.- ----f --- 41n,,.Aediary Order ...3... ._............. .......... eye. ' Final Order. ._.._.._35396..........__........_ .............. approved.._...Ju.1..X_._1B.�_.._1931............ 29CDF7G...... The assessment of .....b.enaf.i-t-a e.ast.a.... and _..exp.ease.s_........_..._..._._..._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on theday of January,_ -_-_1922 , Z911K .. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council191_. Approved..._........__._.. r .....................191......... Councilman) AFi&Fr "AK Cla.noy xx Ferguson x---McBeRaid- "' WXMKX Matson ,,i ? nq�m-#th (�" VPik&"Mx Wenzel MayorXKvZKX Hodgson Form B. B. 16 M A CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION. OF ASSESSMENT _-men._.._21,.....1°21...., In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for XIYO`C grading Otto Ave. from Hemline Ave. tc Fdgcumbe Road, P under Preliminary Order ..._.......... ..... 3.362..3. ............. ............. _..... . Intermediary Order...........318.1.9........................................................ Final Order ...__353.26.........._..__ .... ....... _.._..._...___.., approved ...__.......JU1Y._._I?..,.. XSXX_...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: _ $......_G6_� 3.._00..._._ Cost of construction _ $ .52 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - ............._......._2 ..— Cost of postal cards $._ ............ .... ....... �..,........ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $._......__ ___ .._5.3.x_66..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ........................_5-._40..... Total expenditures $..._..._2__,.745-•_6...._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied. the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....._2'..x_74.15.-.. 6.6 . upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for su rion thereona/fhay be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. a$t* By 3'680 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and espenses for C/ grading Ross ut, between White Bear Ave, and Van Dyke Ave., 376go-BY F. W. ➢7atec the matter of the nssessme.. ��sne 3oss St. betwoenusK'hit.' •cnd Van Dykeunder.. Or 34;17 nter6 L . rY . v66 3614r nab 35140 34412 Aur under Preliminary Order .__........._--- .____...._..._.___.._........... ..........: intermediary Order ............ Final Order .......... °a_1?637..._......_......._..._._... _ .., approved....... Au.g._.._1i._._19.z31..._._......._._._.......,X119AX........ The assessment of ....._b_en.e.f it...fi.,_-...G_Q.9-�..d-..3 3._...e- 1�.en_6..e-@ ............................ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........._l8t h day of Januar.y.,...._19;Ur.....................X%4?C........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council Approved ............ Councilman F7attMWI Gk"x Ferguson 15dWax Matson AtdMa-,.,""Sff1 tb' AV&MtUbc Wenzel Mayor bxJ=x Hodgson Form B. B. 16 Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION 'OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and exp en see for t8xx grading Roes St. between White Bear Ave. and van Dyke Ave., under Preliminary Order ........3.4412 .............................................. Intermediary Order ........... -351..4C.... ... -....... _... ............................... .. Final Order ......35632......_.._...._.__..._.._...._....__...., approved._.__...AUg.......1,.._.1.9.2..1......__......X1c9cM..._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice $--------- " Cost of postal cards $ ........... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $...._.. .......2$.,.5$.._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ - -............ •-SQ-- Total expenditures - - - - - - - Said Commissioner Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $... .......... It 317-69 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council foi su/ ction thereon y /be considered proper. i vG,w11........C3r..� ..._.......... corm B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. eei�llw! By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expensse for grading Scheffer Street from Hamline Ave. to South Griggs Street, C. In tbF. e- matNo. 37681ter—orBytheF: w. MntejA' . aeaeserr._. 'benoflts, costs and ea'penses r-- 1ng�ScheHer =St. from Herr to South .Grtgga� .. r 11minary :Order 9.1.1 1 i poprd,r 31 S? V, - T] thy' under Preliminary Order.......__�+9...31z..............'............................. Intermediary Order............5 ..31.....85..._..............._................................_....._...., Final Order ...._32036...._....._........_.._.._...__, approved ..__pU....._17z..._1Qa1.................. ......_...Kh@s�X..._... The assessment of ...-.bane.f.y-t Gr- eaSt3-and.eXpensa.s....... __..............Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........._lf3.tl!....... _...... day of tJimUary� 19B.3._.._..._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots. of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 1 91 Approved ................ 0. :} _... '..�._......-�., ..._........... City Clerk. f 191......._ _ ...... .......�.1.— --- . Mayor. Councilman VARClancy Qk"x Ferguson _�xY10Y 2v,,,�i •)✓onald. �� 31M8rx Matson �'• yDfiaQbi93c�^-�•�rr�i�th AWcdkifllbji181i Wenzel Mayor *dkYa Hodgson Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAWL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONED OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ae.c.........2.1..,12M.- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, COetO and expenses for'"X grading Scheffer Street from Hamline Ave. to South Griggs Street, 29312 underPreliminary Order........................................................................... Intermediary Order..........._vJ..............._..................................................... 1585 Final Order ...._..._3.4.Q.36__......____......_ ......... _........, approved ... ......... Allg_.....12..,...._196.1.._.__.._. It4X...._• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $�-,..31q....QQ..._..."_ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $" --` .4-2. " Cost of postal cards $._ _._......_i. -•-K ............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$....._._...4.f....3fi._._....... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $--------'C - - Total expenditures $2.., 38Q_..38.._..,_..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........ -2.7.380-38.........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for su / action thereo s may be considered proper. ........... . Form B. ts. 17 L: Commissioner of Finance. 37682 By _FrAP ! �R.n ...--_....__... CITY OF ST. F,AUL l Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In tate matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Mississippi River Boulevard from a point 110 ft. north of the center of Randolph St, to Jefferson Ave., 37682 By F., W: Matson- atte f the `assessment - `cod 7 !,,o nses -fotw wer.'.'.�onMoult ., from u-:yoint- anter of Rangy , under Preliminary OrderS.............. Intermediary Order ....._275.10 Mar 10 1920 X FinalOrder ..........27835.._...__...._._..__........._......._, approved...._.........__....r_._....._....t_....................................._...._._. amended by C.F. 29122, approved May 6, 1930. The assessment of...b..eI1.P.fAt.s,......C..Q.fl.t..4...._ d___e:{p.en e_E s...............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and - found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... 12..11A ............ . ..... day of Janu4ry.,...._1932..................... XPW at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .............................. v' Approved. ..... ...................... 191......._ Councilman Flues 001lK Clancy gX"X Ferguson WA&XX Matson l M026��� v VA&iqj;MlK 'Wenzel Mayor IMMXX Hodgson Form B. B. 16 x...19 L.:_.... . % 1 -......_.. i .e- ..:•:::.........:.;......:f_L��.:�i1.:u.4`t... City Clerk. ,.._±._ .... �........�...5...i�op Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _....D ea _.....21.,.....1921.., xM x.._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tl%xx constructing a sewer on Mississippi River Boulevard from a point 110 feet north of the center of Randolph St. to Jefferson Ave., under Preliminary Order..__..._ao_(i..._...................................... Intermediary Order.........., 27835..._........_..._...__.......__....., PProved.........._M.aT.e..._1La...._1gZ.Q........... I8X.MX_. Final Order .................................. a amended by C.F. 29122, approved May 6, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction - - - - - - - $.........._3,.363.....0.. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ - ---- - _1_'. W Cost of postal cards$.___._....__.........__......6.0.. Inspection fees $..._..._.......__._6.7._...as_ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ ..........................._3,_Q0._. Total expenditures - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...._... ._3 1435_.2-5 .............._.......upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for s action Cher as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 �. Commissioner of Finance. ........... :7683 By CITY OF S. PAULt Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. 'costs and expenses for In the matter of the assessment of benefits, paving Randolph Street, from West Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue, sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property including connemade,ctions f including curbing and paving lines complete, "•4here not already alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, F. No. 37683—BY ' Maty T- -the m Coate .d expenses `4expenses 11 -neflts, trent, from Randolph S., .th Stteet toi Snelling„ ...._.._. _, F,...._ng rawer. watemalne 1' ..._... . from street, Whet 25111 ... _ ........................... complete.'.. ._. 24627 .1, also lurlUdtn ediary Order ......_.. under Preliminary Order _.................... r„ a ........._.... ...._. _. approved. ........__.__JUY12.?0.a_....___..._...._.._....._., 191.._9._ ................ . Final Order .............. . The assessment of _..._b.enefi.t.E.,... G-pate'"'"a'i'd exp-ert.e.P0 "" --for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same an found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be itroved. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects app RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......._.18-t.h....... _..... day of J.anuary,...._.1..9az.............-.., at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of id notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in so of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ^) ......................... 191 Approved __._.__.._. Councilman FSia67cT7&thx Clancy .xx Ferguson Mxx Matson ,WA=x Wenzel Mayor J;XWx Hodgeon Form B. B. 16 I9L.._ _ 1 . C " .... City Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THP_ COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefit£, costs and expenses for t6w(x paving Randolph Street, from Feet Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order ....._........._24627._ .............. ._............... Intermediary Order............_2+t_51-1.1............. _.............................. ..... Final Order .. x5524- .................._.._-.........., approved.._.__._..._J31.e....2e.Q.,..........._... ........... 191....9.._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $--..1.41.,.5.3.Ek...34 Curbing - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 29,68 4i5 Cost of publishing notice - - - $_. .............1,445.30 Driveways (Creosote Block) - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $. ................._......._12....15 Driveways (Brick) - - - - - - - - 352.52 Inspection fees - - - -$..._._...li..,.g3.8.....g Sewer Connections-- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $. .............6.Q._.?5 Water Connections - - - - - - - - 6,621.75 Total expenditures $........195..,.05.8.....42 Less the sum of - - - - - - - - 15,000.00 Appropriated C.F. 31134, Approved 10/18/20. NrT ASSESMIENT- -$180,058.42 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit; the sum of$......1.8.0_058....42........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attacfled, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fors action there may be considered proper. q ....7...-......._ ..............__......... _..... . Form B. B. 17 �.,' Commissioner of Finance. eirp of #paint Vaul +�e tmeztt of �Yinanre FRANK W. MATSON. February let, 1922. JOHN T. HAGLUND, oo�rr cowris+io.cn y LEONARD C. SEAMER, C.— Cl— ..... o• wnanaro�n R. y .. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - In re -submitting the assessment for the paving of Randolph Street from West Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue, after deducting therefrom the appropriations made by the Council, amounting to $29,590.00, there still remains a question of fact upon which reasonable men may reasonably differ as to whether the assessment, as levied, does not exceed the actual benefits conferred upon the property. I am of the opinion that an additional appropriation of *200000.00 will eliminate the argument of confiscation and give the city a margin of safety in the event of litigation. Res tfully ubmitted, L i er of in You are herbby requested to place before the Council of the City of St. Paul, at its next meeting, to-wit:,the 18th day of January, 1922, this notice to- gether with the hereto attached petition. STATE OF MINNESOTA) as COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) To the Hon. L. C. Hodgson, as Mayor of the City of St. Paul, and to the City of St. Paul, and its Council e,nd Governing Body: In the matter of the Assessment of Benefits arising from paving Randolph Street from Pest Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue. Your petitioners, hereinafter named aver; that they are the owners of the real estate affected in the above a entitled matter hereinafter described, to-wit: Owner Lots Block (8-9-19and 12 4 Lexington Park Add. Dr. E. H. Bohland ) (1-2-4 and 5 Sternberg's Add. Peter Vogelgesang 9 3 Lexington Park Add. S. J. Culver 4 and 5 3 Dawson Re-arrangements Louis Dressly 31 and 32 13 Michael & Robertson's Add C. Risslinger 16 and 17 12 Frank B. Leitner 20-21-22-23- 12 4 24 and 25 a n a 30 and 29 13 E. A. Danneoker 13 and 14 1 Rothschild's Sub-division,, Joseph McAfee 5 Karst's Sub-division John G. Wardell N.135 2 Lexington Park Add. n n n •j Howard. Greene Add. Your petitioners further aver; that oertain of the lots hereinbefore described were assessed according to the records of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, each at its true value in-the sum of Three Hundred and Twenty-fine ($325) Dollars. That the true assessed value according to said County Auditor's Office concerning all of the lots herein- before described varies from the sum of Three Hundred and Twenty-five ($325) Dollars per lot to about the sum of Four Hundred and Twenty-five ($425) Dollars per lot. That Randobph.Street from west Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue, is not very densely settled, and there are but very few business buildings now situated along the line of improvement. That most of the lots here- inbefore described are vacant, and are worth not more than the reasonable market value of about between Three Hundred and Twenty-five ($325) Dollars, and Three Hundred Seventy- five ($375) Dollars per lot. Your petitioners further aver; that an assessment of benefits arising from the paving of said Randolph Street from West Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue, has been made in the sum of about One Hundred Sixty-five Thousand Four Hundred Sixty-eight and Forty-two/400 ($165,468.42) Dollars. That if no further appropriation is made for the reduction of said assessment, the assess- ment -for the paving and improvement of said Randolph Street will remain confiscatory, because many of the lots along the line of said improvement are assessed more than One Hundred ($100) Dollars above their present assessed, true full value. That if no further appropriation is made-tc diminish the burden of the tax -payers along the hone of said improvement, and their property is subjected to the assessment as now made, the assessment on many of the lots will not be paid, and in all probability, no other persons will be inolined to buy said lots at tax sales. That said lots cannot be enhanced in value to the extent of the present assessment made. Your petitioners further aver; that said Randolph Street has not.been paved between the Street Car tracks, and that in all probability, it may be years before the same is paved between said tracks. That if the St. Paul City Railway Company fails to pay for said paving between #2• v said tracks, an additional. ouraen wI.L.L UW -.uN.. — tax payers on property along said line of improvement,,so that the said property will be subjected to further.assess- . menta in addition to those now imposed on same, so that the assessment which is now confiscatory, will in fact become more oppressive by reason of the failure of said Street Car Company to pay for such paving. That by reason thereof many of the property owners along the line of said improvement and especially some of those mentioned in this petition, will not pay the assessment, and in event no other persons buy saidro erty for non-payment of the taxes, said City will P P be obliged to retain said property to its substantial damage. Your petitioners further aver; that the assess- ment as now made is considerably in excess of the original estimated cost of the paving. That by reason of the ab- normal cost of material and labor during the period of time at which said improvement was made, the cost of such im- provement has become, and now is unreasonably high and oppressive. That said petitioners and other property owners improvement believed at the time the a18ng the line of said original estimated cost of said improvement was made,that the actual cost of the improvement would not:exoeed the original estimated cost thereof, and that the assessment would be spread. That the said Randolph Street is an arterial Street, and the property owners owning property in the vicinity thereof are to a great extent benefited by said improvement. That if the assessment could have been spread, it would not have been unjust to other property owners owning property in said vicinity. That it within the power of the ,Council to make an,additional appropriation to reduce the assess- ment now made and the Council ought to make a substantial approprigtion to reduce the,said assessment. W H E R E F O R E your petitioners pray that the said Council approp}iate such reasonable and substantial amount of money for said improvement, so that the petitioners and other property owners along said line of improvement may retain said property and pay the assessment, and thereby avoid the necessity of the City retaining said property for non-payment of said assessment. Attorneys fortitioners, 229 Hamm Building, St. Paul,_ Minnesota. Res. 1416 Page .#2 15767 Johnson, High School Print Shop, 69s0AT Schools 15768 Linde Air Products Company, .Fire 45.50 15769 Peoples Coal , & Ice Company Schools 15770 The Prest-0^Lite Company, Ino., 5.57 15,38 Fire 3.29 Garage n 3.17 rr-: 3.29 Compasry, T5" 32 1',091s6b 15771 Review Publishing official Publications, 300 69 n 754.08 rr 24.40: 1,OV1*65' 90.53` 15772 Royal Typewriter Company, Library 397.15 15773 J. L. Shiely Company, & R. 17.85 15774 C. J. Smith & Company, Garage 35.00 15775 United Charigealth 24.94 15776 Western Electric Company, Poi: & F. Alarm, 500,06 15777 DeGraff Wolff Company.. f No '8708ji SY J, M Cl hcY— 37686 686 ved'tlhat tha Pr Pet city oftl-� CounCf[ = ,r, = X aro aleroby �autho 1 ed Xo ake .-. .. w t.ollowing tQ.'OXra from it L .ae NO ..:..... . qi .tf L within' the Park Fund the Parv1 Dries" Fund the Plnygrolr) CLERK:. , ` auir• bltc nuU,{i urR> CO[tNfilts.ENERAL FORM - PRESENTED .13Y - DATE ............ ........................... COMM,i951 ............................. ................................................. Reset o That the proper city officials are,-'hereby authorize'd;'to' make the following ttiansfers from item to item within thenPark 4' Fund, the Parks Refectories Fund; the Playground Fund i the Public Building Fund and from the Parks General Administration Rand to the Parks Fund, said transfers being necessary to prevent s in the transferstarewise madeuandonotble hampering theework provided to for which for by-the money in the item from which the transfer is made: Four Hundred Dollars from the Parks General Administration Fund (51) Salaries Item to the Narks Fund (52) Expense Item. Jix Hundred Dollars from the (Parks General Administration Fund l5l) Expense item to the rarks Fund (52) operating and Maintenance Item.' Three hundr@,d Dollars from the rark Fund (52) operating and,. Maintenance Item to the rarks Fund (52) Salaries item. one Hundred Dollars from the Parks Refectories Mand (53) Expense Item to the Parks Refectories Rand (53) Salaries Item. une Thousand Dollars from the rlayground Fuxd(54)item. Salaries Item to the rlayground Fund (54) p e une Lollar and r'ifty-eight cents from the rlayground Fund r t l54) Hamline rlayground Grading 'item to the Playground r'und (54) Expense Item. Nine Hundred Dollars from the Public Buildings Fund (55) Expense Item to the Public Buildings Fund (55) Salaries item. Ar Yes (d) Councilmen ('J) Nays Adopted by the Council....-- -- -- ......... - •..........192------- Clancy Ferguson N Y 21 McDona .... ......._In favor APPr d -........._........................./� Matson t i" S�..��^mith Against moron J\ Wenzel Mr. President loam 1500 10-x1- cou C. L CITY T. PAUL NO OFF E THE PITY CLERK COUNCILI JWSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FN1;ED.-1y DATE OWEDThat the Purchasing" Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to' '' purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Elliott Ion-0-1fieter with wooden carrying case, from the Mill Corporation, at a price not to exceed $223.00, without 'asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Health- Laboratory. Yes (7) C 'Imen (V) Nay c7ul cy rguson -7- 7 tson 707 0 V�W�e.el President room 1300 1631 ................In favor .............. A$sinst Adopted by the Council -..:'-`_......._.._._ ...............192----- 192! Appred-------- ---------------------------------192----- , .... .... ...... .. MAYOR --------------------------------- 192 ------ iiAiziR P!JBLk MD-- c'F --n M'* An kp yotdTRehc@�aPP oprlln'�Tde`,' •.�Y,'. tg asld $2 4G2 33-ir m }edS4h�e3 nSQ Tas Fund .to the P z`pfnneiipV t �W provam@nt Re46lvnd- 37688 PilrPose qq£``gaY�ng,ya t t oY flio +Poat���4"`�^ 110 "yy oY pnvl�}g•3,1a}ttna gv@mto YFom.A on eat � �#sxoYla etcae� Thla�eu 1 1 � i nergea¢y-on orfl3A'artea Y¢ndecl{ e(1 , tiry 4,'4r the P ealsrvatfyt. tq - .F iC p@nee health and saYQty �.� h.C11 of tL•, C[b oY 9 ! y'. <vt An ordinance appropriating and setting aside 02,463.33 from the Wheelage Tax;Fund,to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, for the purpose of paying part of the cost of paving Dayton avenue from Avon street to Victoria street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered nepessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated.and set aside from the Wheelago Tax Fund, and transferred to the Permanent Improve: ment Revolving Fund, the sum of Two Thousand, Four Hundred Sixty-three and 33/100 Dollars ($2,463.33) for the purpose of paying apart of the cost of paving Dayton avenue from Avon street to Victoria street;,, said appropriation, -being made pursuant to. the terms of Section 235 of the Charter of said City.' Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for zhe preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas ; , Nays Mr lancy Ferguson tson tgenzel sr../r�....Aa;...a...ia..a...n...wl- - - k :( i:� �. arreue,c otrr o (��V(,JV co—a No... �m Y eT COM.. . ...... z 1921 i __ _ _.. .. AUDITED ......................... .._.......192...... ' ---�'.' l PER ......... .. .... ..... , $ 5,406,09 epgermg Resolved that warrants be drawnu�o�n�th�e City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o£ ......... ......... file the office of the City x`5%83 2...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on in checks numbd..... to-... _._... Comptroller. '_,meas ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. •CEC Adopted by the Council- - � ..i92------ "'-- '-'1� Clancy, :. Ferguson, McDonald, Matson, In favor 192 Approved..- Smith, Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson 37889 ;' ye t dtBWnl RffiYed that � Wat�aa� - th eo:the CStY q!reseUrY'�to UPon aovgeilh8, gate- ;mount ; or16�$38?$818,inCluei oheeks riu, , ` ehAclta on� rigi ci Be'�fna the` oHLcetootoflle�Ctty COIDP� tFDne�a Sszi { ,-Aaonted by Me Co 921 11921 1>eD.=22 t � ADDroYed .rte P ^ : 10 Rea. 1418 page ##2 15790 Clymer & Huelbter,< Health 15791 Cochran -Sargent :.CompanY, 3:18 Firm. 2.85 n ,24 Garage 228 St. C. & R. 3:55 6.48 Bridge B. & R. 2:50 Schools 15:00 .. 2,75 Auditorium 80:95 Playgrounds 7;60 p. Bldgs. 4.72 n 9.50 1�:6a 15,792 Crane & Ordway-Companq, 30:90 Schools 0.00,, Library Auditorium 65:36 Water 8.35 3-:88 1i5:�9 15793 Davis & Lagerman, Schools 15794 Doubleday, Page & Company*, Schools Johnson H.S. Library 15795 Louis F. Dow CoinpanY, Health Schools n n- LibrarP P. Bldgs. Watbr 157Blue 96 Electric Print intomEngMe e Bureau of Schools Engines Bureau of Parks P. Bldgs. Water 15,797 Farwel „ Ozmun, Kirk & ComPa Police n Fire Pol. & F. Alarm Hea7:th Garage n 13.00 81:75 13.50 4195 5.52 3:60 1;90 101.50 7.00 ;54 ;80 :60 13*l:si rs 40;00 1810 11.80 21;75 196.60 1,63 15,25 ;50 235.63 nY, 2.00 2.00 30',80 2;25 7.20 -4;00 12:71 33;28 2,40 v.T 295.63 69464 Ii Res. 1418 Page #3 15798 Fares,ell, Ozmun; Kirk & Company, St C. & R. Workhoush - Schools �r R n n n n n n 15799 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Schools n n n n n n n Special Day Schools 15800 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Bureau of Parks" Playgrounds ' p, Bldgs: Revl. P Bldgs. 59 Lighting n Water n' n n 15801 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Compeny, Sohools n n n Water n 15802 Frank 0. Huebener., Schools 15803 J. W. Hulme & Company, Schools 15804 Johnson Furniture& Carpet Company, Schools 15805 H. W. Johns -Me Company, anvill 15806 The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Health 15807 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, Garage 529.83- 1.08 4,90 70.'40 1800 11;98 17'35 -3;52 162000 180;00 58:30 2.30 773.06 21,09 1 :3B ,58 40;04 82:44 12:45 4:40 577:50 32.10 1.10 773'tfg 244.10 21:50 8;25 1•:65 13:18 1:28 5.;30 23.91 18;98 .143.27 4:95 S%7TO 277.53 50 14:23 3;07 4j88 233:45 21;40. i77.53 `31,50 59..00 278,.38 149.00 5.00 112.72 Rea. 1418 Page #4,_ 57.00 15808 Paul J. Salman Company, Sprinkling 15809 Seller Pneumatio'Tool Company, 6.20 plater 15810 Library Bureau,-- Library •: 69.14 15811 0. Be Lyon &Firs hera� Truok Ooryorationp ' 198•?7. 15812 Mask interMtIdbil.Motor Garage S, - . ou�enunGur� - oirr or ex. r�oL xo Clrn eL�16: 00040IL 37690— ................ � rua No....a.17690... ,,gy�pp ((��[[ )) )) 7('�ljq BY ..._COMFY ,LL88., ..... DDEC...N. 4.. . 1927 .... ......... 792..... ' ........ .. ...... iPCR .. .... .......... ...:..... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $................ covering checks numbered:..,:.1587 .,.... to:...157iEi....... ._.._inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Ask Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen Nays. • PA voqu OFFICE OF, HE COMPTROILER aovsam No.....37690 Fo— A A 46. IM 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS —P�ESOLUTION FORM ............. 1420 By com AUDITED.. D - K. 1921 ... . ........ ..... .. ..... . ..... ...... ........ PER................... ..... ..... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ 5-,779-4.0 ............ Coverirlb, checks numbered.......:.15817_ to 15ala inclusive, as per register of city checks on Me in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen Nays. DEC 221921 Clancy, Adopted by the Council.. . ....... . . ...- ------_------ 192 .......-- Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Ap ed------ ..... DEC 22.]NI ................... in ---------- Matson, Smith, ................ .... Wenzel. _.........Against....------ ---- ....... ............................. ... .. ............ ...................... DfAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson ................... ..................... ................................. 1,731.00 15817 Barbarossa & Lamettil!! Sewer oil Sheldon from Capitol to Viesley Ave. 2,048.PO 15818 D. W- Moore, 'd Changing grqde on Otto etc. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ...27.,.045.3.6 ------------- covering checks numberedto. __ 18Qlfi-.-...- . inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( P ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council _.......... flEC-.22.1921----------------1. 92 -..-----. Ferguson,. _In favor ' McDonald, /i`l _. Approved ------------------ ...OEC .... 22 ... 1.921.................- - Matson, Smith, Wenzel. Against W. President, Hodgson OITY OP Bi. PA9L ONIOINAL M OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �o�aa No 3`7691. Form AA46. tAf t-zt AIIDITED CLAIbIS'—RESOLUTION FORM L>s BY COM.60....... ......... AUDRED.DEC ...2 .? 192-f.............. 182... ..... PER ..... .. .. ....... ........ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ -.27, 035-R36 -- - .---- .-, covering -' checks numbered....... 158U _.. to.....15816 ___..._. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. z Clancy, Adopted by the Council --AEC-22.1921---------------in Ferguson, .'._ ... _._.In favor-----.....DEC 2� 1921 McDonald) A ved...... 192 ....... Matson, (� Smith, .....- Against Wenzel. MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson -.i ........... .. ....... .... .- -------- -- 1 5813 --- ---- 15813 L. W. Baumeister & Son, 2,707.00 Schools 15814 D. W. Moore, 2,040.00 Grading L-Como-Phalen, Rice, Western etc. _ - - 15815 Patterson Street Lighting ig ting Company, 5,003.86 Ligh ing 17,284.50 15816 St.Paul Gas Lig ting Pang, CITY OF / ST. PAUL CONO1L . (69' r .�. NO........... 3 w1 �e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 CbUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY (�yq COMM1,SSIONER....,...... .ate•-- ..................................... DATE.........._..........................................._..........,........::'; : v RESOLVED typ c:; — .- C P. No 37692—By FI.' a. enzel— - 1Vhe a e, The .Commissioner Y,r: Work hoe'. reported to.th Co._ ,inaccordance -with Section. 63 Y „ City;Charter, the xletence+'of aa..j _ _ - ergency which.•rendered:;. necessary'., DTpu�Lment for.ment. or, �morenth np 'dhy, said: emple eiT,." thanr--theifi r .uo.lh ,' Thereforo,<, it y - S, The Commissioner of Public Vlorks has reported to the Council, in accordance with Sect$on 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the em- ployment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employ- ment being more than their usual hours of employment; Therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council__- ....._._ I Z. Ig21.._.... -- Ferguson McDonald In Favor Approv DEC 192 -. 19_.__ M on solith............... ...... Against MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President NORM 3M 5.20 ' / / COUNCIL 3.7693- ... CITY OF ST. PAUL Fa.e NO.......... _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (1^// pCOUNCIL RESOLUTION --G NERAL FORM CL! BY /// 1���!/:.�L....U-������--......._. DATE ...... ..:... ......... ..... .... .... -.... RESOLVED That the proper city O:ft,,cere are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with A. Plumbo for the payment to him of the sum of $16.00 per week, during such time as he may be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him on the 2nd day of November, 1921, while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to said A. Plumbo, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Forty Dollars (040.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City,! arising by reason of said injuries, for the period up- to f November 28th, 1921. yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In, favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr, President FOR. 1500 1" I recommend theabove resolution for passage.1. 0?O/ 0 Commissioner of Public WOTke. SEC 22 f921......._i9z .... Adopted by the Council. ............................ Approve .-...-------�k�...?i2.192-�---192; CITY OF ST. P/�UL '- OFF.ICE'OF THE .CITY CLERK' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .... _. .... ..... "." DAT :>:::..... .., ..... .......... , .. .:. -.: 2Esoweo . That, the application of C. Bernett, fora license "to operate is hereby granted a Poo1.Table.at 9'E. 7th. St be and the 'same Clerk -;is hereby authorized. to issue such" license upon ant5/��he City, tlie�pagment.nto the city treasury of theCustomary fee: RENEWAL The above Poolroom is more than-:7�,000'ft. from angt,eohool bldg: ` 1Yo. 37694-13Y ASE..'Smith— 'Resolved That the appllcattto °IY, of Birnett Yor. a"licenea to open and,,the Tnble. ak 449 ,7 and the CItY tn.ted. eamo' 1s hereby„authorized to Issue Clerk- ie hereby the. paStncnt Into trio` Ripon such ltL nss city treaeurYof; the cuatotmary Adopted 1”tho CO192L nac. 22, 1921: " APprov.d Dec. 22, ' I (Dec: 313921) Yea (1) Councilmen (� Nays Clancy Adopted by the Co . i .Ferguson McDonald _:_—.:__[u favor Approve Matson r� .___ Wenie� Mr. President __....Against vc COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL No .......... r 37695. vlkl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �'. f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec. 21 1921. PRE9 TED BY .!.........!6............ DATE ...... ................ ....... t............ ..............._...._..- COMM'•��SIONER .......:...........H�.._Ci• Wenzel . RESOLVED That the time speoified for the performance of a certain contract dated July 16, 19219, between Barbaroesa and Lametti, Contractors, and the City of at. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Sheldon Avenue from Capitol Avenue to Wesley Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 19th day of December, 1921, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, ho this this resolution shall not have any effect unless the Sureties on the oontraetorte bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDOnal Matso Smith v Wenzel Mr. President ,oPM 1500 1321 C. i'. ffbtile time Reni' nceot a..:.cert it-- .. ..., ._ thereto .eUh filet LCC ll D c„ 22 1921. i.g _" d b9 the Covn troller. APDropea Dea.231 1921) (Des DEC 221921..-192.------- Adopted by the Council... ........ APpro................. 192 In favor 1� MIYOfl .Against ... ---... - -... - .. St. Paul, Minn. , - -�- - Z9, - - 19;?-/- . TO THE HOD?ORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen, would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body Cause the time of completing contract for the��'��- s'ljelaGvitF/_✓,7iolu Com iYoZ 42ve Av /_yB s��y9�✓c - - - - - - - - - - tobe-extended to----�2 Owing to --------------------------------- it was not possible forcz.s to finish this contract within the time specified, hence We desire to 5sk that the tirLe for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerns . APPROVED / S of Conrsttruction & Repairs i� • 'lam a-�.-�-a-�--t Commission Publi ti o ks. Chief Engineer. COUNCIL..,/_�1. �. CITY OF ST. PAUL nLe NO----.. a �a�9t� . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dec.22, 1921• _ PRE SEA(1 TED BY �H• (ti. Wenzel COMMISSIONER.. 1 RESOLVED. That the grade of E. Seventh Street from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C F. -No. 37696-13y H. C. C. Wezel Resolved, :That the ;rade of E- Sev-: oath -St. from W41te Bear Ave to Van Dylce; Ave., in ac.1, ace with the red ; Inda.aSi reCOmmzen'aea bvathent�.ommise stones of Pub11c. Works,'. be and the y eamo ie heTeUY u.dopted u9 the estab lished grado" Adopt 'd by -the. Council Dec 22, 1921. t AP eve Dcc. 22, 1921. 4 (Dec. 31-1921) i Yes (J) Councilmen 0I) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ..............In favor Matson SmithID Against Wenzel Mr. President ,on. +coo Adoptp y ed b the Council. ....,1� .....1.....1...._...._..._192 ------ .......-..._UEC Z� Approv j _ o. 37697—IfY F �V Matson . ,natter o[ [he •ssaessment of By _ Fr_ n t gon.. costs .,na expenses con .... ...... relal'inR :tna re Vnlr:n6 ce ���� �' Cstlmate No. 9, un CpYY OF ST. f sae '`at`" Benson nt rano. ,[coat No. ara7. Resolution of0/11ncil Appr6ving A9s'ess.nent. 'oenePite, ccets and expanses far ent of In thr mattrr of the assrssm Constructing, relaying and repairing cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 9, Under Contract No. 3147, season of 1920- --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 30963 East Sixth St-, south aids, beginning 100 feet east Of Wabasha St., thence east 100 f - z 10 ft' F.O. 87478 sMiorthsofaS®venth,east Street,ith6ce northde 9t ft. 188�feet, and from 46 fontthe west side of the Ptreet, from Seventh Street, thence north 195 feet by 10 feet. F.O. 30580 Minnesota St., crest side, beginning at Ninth Street, thence south 68 feet. F.O. x7478 Minnesota Street, west side, 6 feet wide, from Ninth Street, thence th Minnesota north 12 Streefeet; Nince weatt200tf.eetrth side, from F.O. 27889 west yontabStre Streetth aide, from Cedar Street, thence asha F.O. 27,988 NinthStreet, south side, from Minnesota St- to Robert St., 10 feet wide. F.O. 39667 East Ninth Street, north side, beginning at Jackson Street, thence west 196 feet ,plus 8 feet. F.O. 28288 Rotosbel Street, west side, from Seventh Street to Eighth Street,, 10 feet wide. 12 feet wast of F.O. 28151 West,Fourth Street'j aide beginning Washington west 130 feet Street, thence by 9 fest. F.O. 28368. Carroll Avenue, north side, from Rice Street: to RavouX 3�reet F.O. 28960 Rondo�Stre8t, both sides, from Milton Street to Lexington Ave ue. F.O. 30583 Pierce Street, both sides, from Iglehart Ave. to Marshall Avq,) ' F.O. 31357 Fairview Ave., west side, from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. ,R F.O. 31106 Cretin Ave., east side, from St. Clair St. to Summit Ave. F.O. 31197 Fairview Ave., east side, beginning at Grand. Ave., thence south, to alley. F.O. 38928 Saratoga St., etast estside, ede,from fromLincoln LinaolnAve. Ave.tto GciriehAve. Ave. F.O. 88987 Pascal Avenue , a F.O. 27831 Sargent Avenue, north side, from Albert Street to Pascal Ave, e.:� F.O. 39238 Stanford Ave., both sides, from Alb. -rt Ave. to Pascal'.'t`? F.O. 10874 May dAvenueleton ,fVboth �sides, both sfrom �P�estmSeventh otreet to Alaska iota AStreet• --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 30583 Pierce Street, both aides, from Iglehart Ave. to Marshall Avenue- F.O. 31257 Fairview Ave., west side., from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. F.O. 31106 Oretin Ave., east side, from St. Clair St. to summit Ave. F.O. 20828 BaratoB3 4t., .aet side, from Lincoln AVe. to Ccciri0h Ave. F.O. 28927 Pascal Avenue, west a1deA frcrre ,n�yv=nth��treAtctcrAlagkan treat. i,c+•y, ei:i:.^., rCm ._— The assessment of bene its, Co3tB_3za ex0enses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the i8 th._...... day of January, ?_9132 NQXY, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council-- 191_ ` City Cleric. Approved __.._ lL ...._L _�lt.. __........_....191..._... ._............. Mayor. Councilman FS§IrWKIKM "lanCy G&A 7X Ferguson McDonald •Hull � 9 y /� n4at Son 1 ) '• Ks�pxvcx I N4a Stith xVitttret�el;rr]c wenzal Mayor Imdo-ttx 004.35011 Farm B. B. 16 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ._�fol .-'9 for "X In the matter of the assessment of'CLS t9, CG 96 'I Constructing, relaying and repairing cement oidpw alkn, 79timate No. 9, Under Contract No. 3147, Season of 1920. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 30963 Fast ^lsth St., south side, beginning 100 feet east of Wabasha St., thence east 100 Y . x 10 ft. F.O. 27478 Minnesota Street, east side, 9t ft. wide, from 46 feet north of Seventh Street, thence north 88 feet, and on the west aide of the ntreet, from Seventh Street, thence north 195 feet by 10 feet. F.b. 30580 Minnesota St., west side, beginning at Ninth Street, thence south 68 feet. F..O. 27478 Minnesota Street, meat aide, 6 feet wide, from Ninth Street; thence north 12 feet; Ninth Street, north side, from Minnesota Street, thence west 200 feet. F.O. 27889 East Ninth Street, south side, from Cedar Street, thence west to Webasha Street. F.O. 27988 Ninth Rtreet, south side, from Minnesota St. to Robert St., 10 feet wide. F.O. 29667 East Ninth Street, north aide, beginning at Jackson Street, thence west 196 feet ,plus 8 feet. F.O. 28388 Rosabel Street, west side, from Seventh Street to Eighth Street, 10 feet wide. F.O. 28151 Rest Fourth Street, south side, beginning 12 feet west of Washington Street, thence west 120 feet by 9 feet. F.O. 38368 Csrroll Avenue, north side, from Rioe Street to Ravoux Street. F.O. 28960 Rondo Street, both sides, from Milton Street to Lexington Avenue. F.O. 30583 Pierce Street, both sides, from Igl©hart Ave. to Marshall Ave. F.O. 31257 Fairview Ave., west side, from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. F.O. 31106 Cretin Ave., east side, from St. Clair St. to Summit Ave. F.O. 31197 Fairview Ave., east side, beginning at Grand Ave., thence south to alley. F.O. 38936 Saratoga St., east gide, from Lincoln Ave, to Goodrich Ave. F.O. 28937 Pascal Avenue, west side, from Lincoln Ave. to Goodrich Ave. F.O. 27831 Sargent Avenue, north side, from Albert Street to Pascal Avenue. F.O. 39329 Stanford Ave., both sides, from Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave. F.O. 27566 Middleton Avenue, both sides, from Rogers Street to Vista Avenue. F.O. 10874 May Avenue, both sides, from West Seventh Street to Alaska Street. --Nan-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 30583 Pierce ^treet, both side?, frorr, Iglehart Ave.to Marshall Avenue. F.O. 31257 Fairview Ave., neat eide., from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. F.O. 31106 Cretin Ave., east aide, from St, Clair St. to Summit Ave. F.O. 28926 Saratoga St., east aide, from Lincoln Ave. to Goodrich Ave. F.O. 28927 Pascal Avenue, west side, from Lincoln Ave. to Goodrich Ave. F.O. 10874 May Avenue, both sides, from West Seventh Street to Alaska Street. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 5, 221 , Q9 Cost of publishing notice - - - - _ - _ $ 8 31 Cost of postal cards $ 3.69 Inspection fees - - - - - - - _ _ _ $ 11:4. -42_ Amount of court costs for confirmation $__ 18 , 45 ............ _................ _.. Total expenditures �A6�C3aa51a; _ $ 5, 355,_0 Non-Asee9sable - - - - - - _ _ _ 843.00"2 TTA - - - - - - - - - - - - "S o0°.88 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $__ _ _ 5 , S° 3 _$$ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for lu)�action there as y be considered proper. Forn, B. B. tr Commissioner of Finance. L V COUNCIL FILE NO.__ 37698 By -.._. _ Flank &t �'V CITY OF ST. PAUL Re -solution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and penee9 for grading alleys in Block 7, Phalen Heights Park Addition, from Hawthorne St. to Orange St, and from North and South alley to Frank Street, under Preliminary Order ..... . ..............._.._331�rJ.. .... , Intermediary Order ............._34631 Final Order..._3.6.Ifl3........__.................. ............ ._......., approved.........._ July_...6..,.....1.95.1........._._....... ...., MX -.— The assessment of ...._l PAPl i t_8.,,,,,_QO_St._8.._ 8533...._9XP.PA9G 6..............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submittc1 d.o r !.F—il-and-the Council having considered same and T; aAtere 73 the' 'asseasme found. the said assessment satisfactory, there fffns alloys' ces fn slock�?nee,: -hte 'Fark- Additlon. Irom RESOLVED, That the said assessment beue st- to' orange st. •anc p pp h and south' aney to tr+,Y in all respects approved. � Frali irary462.7. 331rr g y-._ ass3z. -saic 181h RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hea`nng'be naa:+:fn said assessment on the .............___.__.___.....day of January, 1933_ aC]WCpc% ..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council......._d_�_1....._s e"�....19.�.L___.........................191.......... .._.... .. ___ City Clerk. Approved _..—.._ �E�_22 X921 .._--._.._.........191_._ _ ....... _....... -........ ..... ...... ._._., Mayor. Councilman Bkab ak Clancy 99" Ferguson DfgXg&x McDonald )s reTX Matson MSMICx Smith Vg&pWAx Wenzel Mayo,x",xx Hodgson Form'11 B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _Deo_......22�.$i�....- In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for t:byrX grading alleys in Block 7, Phalen Heights Park Addition, from Hawthorne St. to Orange St. and from North and South alley to Frank Street, under Preliminary Order .....................33185 ........................_.., Intermediary Order ............ 3.462".7 ...... ...... .... ......... ..._... _...... _........ Final Order35183..................................................... approved........_...._Jv 1.X...._6.,. ..... 1921 ............ .,XIX.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $_445.00 ..................... Cost of publishing notice - - - - $ --2-' 1.7 -"'---- Cost of postal cards - - - - $................ i4a ............ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $......._.8..,..96.__.....__....... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-- -A -5.5 . . Total, expenditures $.401,x...... ...... 4 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 461...65 ......................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council foaction the n ay be considered proper. U/ ::_...................... ................................................ - Form B. B. 17 � Commissioner of Finance. -- GOWNC By _... Frank _" e..._Mat son CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Coate and expenses for grading Arundel St. from Lawson St, to apo 630 feet south of south line of Maryland St,, ;C. F. -No. 37699—B9 R, W Matson �In�the matter of ,the assesmsent t 'benedte, 'coats ,and-.�espenseax; I ';gmding Acund.1 t.'from LawEon .`to.a polat'-830"feet'eouth of' so 'line of Maryland 6L,:under-Prelta sry:'Orderr3n Sntermedf r-•:: 0, a., 33621 .,-._..- Intermedia 3503 under Preliminary Order ......................_................_. Intermediary Order......................_...9..._................_............... --._..__... Final Order ............. _35553......._....._........... .... _....... approved ...... .... !�u..g.�...._�.a....._1921.......... - ................ , The assessment of ._benefits Costs and eX enses ............................for and in connection with .... -............_...x........._._._.._..__..._ _._.........._..._�......... --" the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ IB—th-..... _..... day of January. 1922 I _....... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ...:........._1�EC ;22.-1921 Approved ...... _... _.QEC_..`.�,`fr._192.1___ .................... 191_....... Councilman:FARaaf00k Clancy xyux Ferguson g-pya h-dx McDonald KRgrxx Matson hm0wx Smith Wenzel Mayor twim HodgAon Form B. B. 1C 191...._{.._.�, . a _._4_ l:_tk^b .. ..__. i e ......_ City Clerk. 1 _......td Mayor. i3LLa,ui.11L-��- ;X, � / CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ......... tax_... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for t5KX grading Arundel St. from Lawson St. to a point 630 feet south of south line of Maryland St., under 'Preliminary Order ........_.._336. 1....- ----------- ... ............ _ ... . Intermediary Order ...._...3.S.Q;313--__._..........._........._.._........._...... Final Order__..._......._3.5..55.3............._.._......__...... approved ..._...-._Aug.._._.3.,......1931........_...... . mix._.._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $......a.,.z.86.._40....... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $........_..._......._3_._15 Cost of postal cards - - - . - - - - - $_............___..1_...35....._ Inspection fees - $___.._.__ .... ...... 45.73 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ -......... 6....7-5 Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ........... .a.r.3.43...38.........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council foraction there�p�a�y b� considered proper. Form B. B. 17 _ (_;'. Commissioner of Finance. Frank �. at son CITY OF tT. PAUL cx�;, resolution of Council Approving Assessment. CC In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and eXp ses for•' grading the service road on the north side of Mido Parkway from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Ave., 37700-8Y F W.'.MaWe- In the- matter of th0 aesesemdnt of -.beaedte; coats.' and. •;eapenees. `fo• grading 'the"service: road on `-:th north •side oLMldway •Parkway .fro. ,milne Ave. to SneningAvo; uud +411mf nary -Order • 847Th,-.Inteimo 4a y Order, 36229.' `rOrder 36`" •ed Aug.'s - gr,•semi'= iRfl .. .. Tn d414 under Preliminary Order ...................._3. 7.��.4................................. Intermediary Order...:.._35229 ....... ..... ................. e Final Order ........... .........................__, approved 6..r......1921.. ...... ....... ., lgepcxx The assessment of ....banef.i..t.e,-....aoat.s-and...-eman9e.8....._-.-.---...._.._for and in connection with the above, improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......_.1$th..--_:_.day of Januar7.,._.-1922...... _.... I tkkx_..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular, owner to whom the notice is directed. r Adopted by the Council.........DE.C....2.�e_I..._................... ...................191........__. ... ..I,...+.e __........ City Clerk. Approved 2_�.._....._ .................. 191 _............... ..... ........._._...... ..� Mayor. Councilman Fjgg Clancy aaaxx Ferguson AA&�.% McDonald ,xx Mat so 70 7 NklaAx Smith )ymm*HI9F1c Wenzel Mayor jw *xx Hodgson Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Imx_.._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses forxth grading the service road on the north side of Midway Parkway from Hamline Avenue to Snelling Ave., under Preliminary Order .......... ......_347_34._.,_..... .................. __, Intermediary Order_..._.3rJi.39..__...._......._................._.......__....., Final Order'... 15 7. 4.3 .................................... approved ..........._Aug_'.__6......._1921._._............, I=. ....... .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $...._.._4.,8.,iB._..OQ.... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ -- ---- -... 3-'50. Cost of postal cards $ ................. 1-:,50.... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ......................9B.,.7.6.... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $------------7-•-S.Q. Total expenditures $_._._..�#_,..�.!7..,.26.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $__ 4.2.47-2.6 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for action them¢das,rya�� a considered proper. Form B. B. 17 C, Commissioner of Finance c�AQW 37701 . By ...._F7C?l._.?i,._._Mat_�on• _ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL, Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. , . In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and .expenses for ' constructing a sever on Aldine St. from H tt Ave. to a point 20 feet South of the Great Northern Right of , this sewer to be used for sanitary drainage only and storm wa er excluded therefrom, �` No. 377x1 'BY F'<.1V e4soo. fhe matte of ihe':•assssmen.'� neflte .coats, and expense for:- Fructing a sewer on "On'. ldne st..-, 35663 ewltt Ave .to a point 20 feet E" under Preliminary Order.....35273 b the Great Northern Right ",Order ......................__.... _._..........-.._..._..._ .._.___.., ""' ""'--"' "'..........•�� sewor. to_be .used. for d se anduetorPWe rel. Final Order0........................ ....... _......... approved VAX., .9 .a....192,Z9[DL...._.. The assessment of ....._hene.fit-9,._...QQ.Bt„@_ 3nC1,,,_BxpeIlQeH. _.. .............for and in connection with; u the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and (° found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........ ... .latla..__.day of January, _1932.._ ..... 'F09Lat the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of. said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 2 i921 Adopted by the Council .......... oa ........ ..... _ ..191 < City Clerk. DEC 22 1921 ..,191__._ Approved ._.....-_......_.. ....... _... .......... _._.... _......... .......... .... __...._. .___ Mayor. Councilman pjyjs 4ja Clancy auaxxx Ferguson l�xx McDonald CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost8 and expenses for tb7tX constructing a sewer on Aldine St. from Hewitt Ave. to a point 20 feet South of the Great Northern Right of way, this sewer to be used for sanitary drainage only and storm water excluded therefrom, 35663 under Preliminary Order ......................_352.3.3......_...._ ............ . Intermediary Order...................................._.................... ................ ............ . Final Order ._..........._$6079._...._....._.__..._...._......_., approved.......... Aug. .....29,__.122.1.._......_.., VXXX_..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - " Cost of publishing notice $ '"""'""� `l�' ......... Cost of postal cards $._..._._........... ..... U......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..._.....__...2.9.,_74......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $-- 2'•'85"` Total expenditures - - - - - - - $- .1.1518.. 95 Said 1. r518..95Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.......1.,.5.lfi...fl.5...............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for action ther a y be considered proper. ' ................. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 U, 7 76 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of._.opening,...wid.ening._......3,--ext-en3i... omo- C„Ave.,. at-__Rice„St.- b.y..taking---and---con3emnin.g.-all---that-part.._of..Lo t. _5, Blook 1, Magoffin__,__... -.Breckenridge!-.s-.M! tign--not--_a:ready...t_ak-en..-for--.Como--_Ayz.------------------•,•••----.••...... - - ...........a ....................•-...........----............ RE90LCT[ON OF�COIINCS•APPROV ING A99E98SENT AND '. FIAING TIME OS SEARING IN COND. .................................................... ------------------------ NATION PROCEEDINGS ...... ............................. C F Fm.3t702— y. - -: ............................... in the matte ot, opening �.Wltteniq.- and eatending Como Avo at Rice Hart 'o[ Lot: 6: - coed m tng oP,der_3C4........., and r PreliminaryOrder 35-19-6 Bau termediary Or aproved :.._QC t-.--_10,--_1921,. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .............. lath .................day of _._._-__.. J�nuary,.---19221gxx--, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing 'as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the CouncilS�f:2-�� `a -” W ----.1 19� 1-I•®o 1Ity Clerk. Approves,....... 191V � . ........................ ..................................................................... Mayor. Councilman FW►3aYvX" Clandy C nncilmanAmiax Ferguson Co cilman7x McDonald IC ncilmen il&9K Matson e / C oilman lgx Smith C oilman WigWxxgxWenzel yor R-Yiilix Hodgson CITY NP .T. PAUL '0111CIIUL TC OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AooTOIL '.parm lleas,im -n AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �L= is [7 1421 UEC 1921I BY ............. ..... ........._......_ ._OMPT60L.... AUDITED... .... .. .. ... ..... ....192.......... iPER .. ...... 4 982° 20covering Resolved that warrants be drawn -upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o $ .....x .... .. .................... 158to 19 15860 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered.--.-. . Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Adopted by the Council..._ -.DEC --:23-W ....... .........192 .......... Clancy, DEC 23 192 .;. . Ferguson, ----- -- In favor ........................192 ........ cI)onald, A ved...... atson, , Smith, .............Against MAyoa ........ .... ..... .... .. .......... . . Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson 156.16 15819 Abrens-Fox Fire >: Engine Compa�p, .44 15820 American Eoonomia Association, Library 63.01, 15821 American insurance Agency, 21.62 Sevres C: & R. 4:24 Lighting 3.65 21.00 15822 Baldwin ServiioS Cmpany, _._ Garage 4.50 15823 Baldwin Transfer Company, Sohools 5:15 15824 C. C. BirobaSmPany, ohools 4.94 15825 Boosey & Company; Schools 19.87 15826 Brandtjen Moth Car Company, 2.45 Fire 11.00 It- 2.70 Garage .45 n 2.27 tt .85 '15 A.M • 77 Rea. 1421 Page #2 44.95 15827 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 33.25 Comptroller Purohasing DePartment 5:20 Bureau of Engineers 6� 6.75 15828 Citizens Ise & Fuel Company, Water 316.20 15829 'corning -Donahue Brick Company, Sewer C. & R. 5.00 15830 Engineering News-Recorddp Engineers of g Bureau 230"85 15831 Farm Equipment"Company; 8t. C•"& -R•' 29.93 S. & S. Cing- 0 200.92 3.40. 15832 J. Fisher & mother. schools - 6.30 15833 The Fleisohmann Company, Workhouse 305..70- 15834 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Garage 175 15835 Gregg Publishing Company, Schools 878.90 15836 M. A. Hanna Coal & Dock Company, 689:20 Fire 51:60 Health 51:60 Playgrounds 34.60 Markets 51:90 Lighting 879. 34.29 15837 P. R. L. Hardenbergh Company, 4.41 Garage 3.00 v 3.00 8.97 2.64 n 3.50 n 415 n 3.00 a Sewer C. & R. 1. 62 75.00 15838 George J. Hook, Sprinkling 80.15 15839 Highland Spring Company, Cory. Counsel25;50 2;25 Com r. of Finance 21.25 Comptroller _ 6;25 Civil Service �rtment 2.25 Purchasing'Dep C.P.S.-Gen. Adm- 2;25 4.25 Health 2.40 41 3.25 S. & S. Cing. . -5.25 Schools 5.25 Park -Adm. —8a 15 Rea 1421 Page #3_` 15840 R. W. Araby, 10,,36 Schools 15841 Irvin & Beard Company, .85 Pol. & F. Alarm 15842 L. W. Jordan Company, 54.84 Fere 41 .32 .32 n .;25 Garage 4:89 n 068 70,58 i 15843 Andrew Roehnen, a7Y .0Y 5.00 - Workhouse 15844 Library of Congress# 73.79 Library45;79 Meth. A.A.S.Library 28.00 'T3:'1g 15845 Manhattan 011 Products Comps3iy, 1,776.15 Police 7:50 n 6#00 n 6;00 n 15:27 n 6;00 Garage 6241!47 v 617:60 n 3956 St. C. & R. 20;80 290.39 Sewer C. & R. 7528 S. & S. Clog. 45:76 Sprinkling 21 52 1—TTii .i'S 15846 Manhattan 011 Products Company, 33.28 153.55 Schools n 10.05 n 10.05 n 17'46 n 15:10 n 8.55 n 12.25 Library 4;90 Mech. A.H.S.Library .36 Auditorium Lighting 21:25 16 Water 12 X57 12X57 15847 Millerburg Auto Electric Company, 3.31 18.83 Fire n 12:50 n 1'45 Garage 1057 15848 The National Gas Governor Company, .75 Workhouse 15849 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 9.95 44.50 Police 19.30 Fire 2.40 Garage Workhouse 12.85 44.50 r Reis. 1421 Page ft 15850 Theo. PresserSCoMPanYy hools 15851 Public School Publishing Company, schools 1g852 Quartermaster Corpng U. S. A., Lighti 15853 W. D. Reeves. Schools 15854 The Rockefelleealthstitute# • 15855 St.Paul Eleotric Lamp Company; Garage 15856 Et. W. Slack, Schools 15857 Speedometer Serve ce & Accessories Compan3 08 3:38 Garage n 15.00 n 9.00 �hS 15858 Transit Supply Company, 1200'00 Police 120:00 n - 120.00 Rola& F. Alarm 12:00 12.00 Test. Labs. 15859 Judson T. Webbs,Scools 15860 Zimmerman Brothers.. 12.74 police 2.00 0 a 8:39 Bureau.of Engrs. 2.72 -.75 Water 6.6 • e 3.38 6.17 6.06 6.71 5.00 8.89 14,50 30.46 384,0 87.50 26,60 os wrua ro cirr evaK ', .-F or T. - _ oovsom ��ryy�q!n1 • i 192. BY ..... ...... C ...... IIOLLSE., ; -, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ...6$NO.................... covering ' checks numbered to. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council................---..........192....:---- Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Approved.. --------- ..... C..23..12.1 .. ..................._192 . Matson, ® Smith, Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson w 'C.'F No 3700— � •- Resolved that 4warrnntd be <iPawa Guyon the CILy_ Treasury Lo 2he,nggre- gate amount oP EO606S Jcuv rin""" ,c •. . P ks.number ,. ;dive as per. �zegieter oP-cttp6Che�ks to ;'u iII the pglce of th(i., City Comp-^; trolYor �- _d Ad pt byS;hd Couacll)Dec 23 19E;� 1pprtoved Dec 28 1921:` (bac 311921), t: 7u' OIIT OF 82. FAO 1RY raa. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER � oe� 70� Morroenas,tmzz, AIIDITED CLATMB-RE.4'OLUTION FORM NO � 1422 AUDITED.. 3..1921 By 5of 16.6-0:4.63 It PCR _..-.-.Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amoun.................:. covering checks numbered...__. 15861. _.-.... to....._15665....,___ _. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( 1 ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council ._.._..UEC _ e3-- 921 .................... 192 -------- Ferguson, In favor McDonald, _ APProved----"----------Q --23--I921--------------'-'------192-:_ Matson: Against . Wenzel. ...............aznvoa .. � Mr. President, Hodgson 15861 15862 15863 John Eckhoff, Playgrounds Symdns Clamp Company, Water Tri=State Telephone &Telegraph Company,: Corp, Counsel 3.00 Comptroller 71:00 Purchasing Department 26.40 Fire 62.30 T62•".'Td Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company,' Pol. & F. Alarm 37.44 n 28:14 St. C.& R. 8.20 tt .. 6:20 Biiireati of Engre. 36.25 Workhouse 2.50 Park -Adm. 10;90 Water 70:30 T9��3 victory Printing Company, Civil Service 37:65 Prtd. forme and blanks 35;00 n 28:50 Health 26:25 a 13:60 n 10,75 LihtrKry _ 40.00 Inv. Public Utilities 13:75 2ar.►"a I -- OGERUPYGT[ Oi2Y 08 Bi. P�IIL ro'eirr cuaR... - nnII:nrr. 3.7. Q� FILB: NO. f( 11 %EC/� 7�1ry-y .I IJGI I BY : MPTBOLLES _ i ................. '192........ AUDITED ' .... .... .-.......... �. �.... ..:. .. .. ... Resolved that warrants .PER .. __..4.1L be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ..._ 401490/3 ..-..-„covering checks numbered .15866- _ —to............ j5870 inclusive, as per register of city checks on ,file in the office of'the City o Comptioller. Yeas Councilmen ( J) Nays. Clancy,Adopted by the Council--.-E� Z� i9Z l 192 Ferguson, ” _In favor DEC 19Zi McDonald, f 1 ,2;3 192 Approved.. .-----.. ."""-. Matson, /�// Smith, ...............Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson C F: No 31706- ts� roe drs< wn; Resolvedthht a r'an ti the. aggre-. coverin g :ng [e s pyRLy1 Zt�s12234203A. VN numhored YS366'to;:163g0 induc. of c14Y chea7ta oP cw sive es-PeF re reBiater 'ale". in the of the,_ City ,Comp-. 23 1921.! _ ltroller. , Councfl-Dec ado?pted bYne�a 23 1921. APLiorY Form A A 46, 1M 7.21' OFFICE OF THE (iUMY'1'KVLL�x - aoosbxr D5 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORFORM 1423 er ou"rreotJ.ss,-- AUDITED DEC 21 1921 IPER .. Y..\ .. - . Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o $.--._`�23-,420,31,-:"--- covering checks numbered,...._ U000 ----to 15P.7.0 _ _ _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council .-.-.---------- DEG...23-1921..-._.-.-:--192;..---..._ Ferguson, _ ..In favor DEC 23 192E 192 McDonald. Approved .--- -------------------- ----- ---- Matson, ° mith, ............... Against------------------------._..... MAvox enzel, Mr. P ident, Hodgson 15866_ F. W. Matson StCoC•r& oof Finance 2,989:88 11,261.56 Sever C. & R: 332.35 S: & S. Cing. 4;183:60 Sgrinkliiig 00 1,289.88 Docks; wharves", etc.. 52: Pa6ing Depreciation 743.60 Engineering Insp. 841.75 L 1381 790;30 L 1382 38.:20 15867 F. W. Matson, Com'"r. of Finance 184,314.22 Schools 15868 F. W. Matson,-Comtr. of Finance 4,020.25 Special Classes 15869 Merchants National Bank, 23,822.20 Interest 23,709.70 P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. .11 15870 D. Simon, 2.08 M at er cou"cu NO.................377.06 CITY OF ST. PAUL - rias ... ......... • COUNCI ESOLUTION—G .iE AL FORM PRESFy.�T,€D BY COMMIIONER............. ............. t ......... ......... DATE................................................................................ RESOLVED: That he S. Paul Giailawbtc mi vans 1 hereby eres ardela d.a d dirented to extend its electrical lines by erectin¢ votes and strin¢In¢ wires that... for the transmission of elea- December 19, 1921 Install One pole on the east side of Finn Avenue, at the alley between Welles- ley and Jefferson Adenue. Commercial Lighting. Three poles on the west side of, Bellows Street, two north of Morton and one on the southwest corner of Bellows and Morton Streets] Municipal lighting, Two poles on the west side of the alley east of Marion Street, south of Como -Phalen Avenue West. Commercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. i 'S—By H. c. Wenzel— ' Sat the, St. Paul, Gea '.i y is'hereby ,orderei .:tend, its electrical lines .,:lead and stringingwlres ,�. transmiselon of eleq- a rF�-following ulie•, ,t • / I Ail such axta..ions, voles and wires shall be erected and Constructed ander the dire.thm and supervision of the Commieeio.er of Public Utilities and in all thing, subject to the provisieve of Ordinance No. 2181, and of all other I,wful ordinances and resolutions of the City or St. Paul. All vole, should be set in each loeathm In said alleys and streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall designate, aad sbell be of eh Wight aad b .... I., he shall imrealteoeeevu�ree�vand when It sire l eo -der.as shall be aken down and removed, and such wires placed under¢round whenever the Council shall deem that the vublie Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ........_IAEC...2.3 192.x.....__._......_192......... Ferguson UEC 23 1921 192........ M fouald In favor Adopted............_..................._........................... Matson Smith 0 .......... .....Against ......................... MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President <O�RCIL 3`%'7Q'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL Ftta NO._ ............... 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED a ............. DATE............................................................................... COMMIaj1ONP..................................................................................... RESOLVED: reetine Pale- and slrluain¢ wires thereon for the transmission of stet- That eiiy on auPaul ie iti io'iowina ali ysnma hereby of said oeira directed `° esteod its electrical linea by , December 202 1921 Install lTwo poles on the east side of the alley west of Hazel Avenue, one nor th and one south of Nevada Street. west of Butternut Street, second One pole on the east side of the alley south of Bay Street. Commercial lighting and anchors. With necessary g y 7_ J ri : St., Paul Gas Nye""ordered and. 'electrlcai It.... • All e..h tensioe- Poles an w sball be a . d d strutted under the direction and--tvision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thin.. subject to the Provieicos of Ordinance No. P1Y1, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution- of the City of St. Paul. and All Poles should be art In such location to said Poles shall bs`take. dthe — and missioea of PublicUtilitiestilitioa shall a ssi d a¢rouodt" andshhenever the Council shall denre se he, the Public designate and soot.,., o any o euc a remov such woes P sae r w' interest so require,, an when it ,ball eo order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council..........OE�....�d..'�....1921.....:..............192......... Clancy Ferguson Add 192,,........ .................. Adopted McDonald In favor i3EG,� I�7 f . Matson Smith Against _ ........................................ ............................... MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President PRESENTED RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM H. c. wenzel b__................................................................_........._.......... DATE.. COUNCIL 3770.8 CM.OU No .............. Dec. 22, 1921. Than the specified for the performance of a certain contract dated October 5, 1921, between O'Neil and Preston. Contractors, and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Berkeley Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 21st day of December, 1921, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in acoordanoe hdtbwith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file , such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C. F. No.. M.Qs8 13y H, C. Wenzol— Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President �oRM taco +o -s+ he Ofty .Comptroller: . the Councll;.Lec: 23; 1Q21. . -28, 1921. Sec, 's1-1921) �� p` 1921.._.... Adopted by the Council.......i-,1...:.:t�......... 192-- ICC 23 1921 Approve .............-- - ----- ------......192 . MAYOR St. Paul, Minn., - L� - 1 _ _ - 19 zi- TO THE HOD?ORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Hoizorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the on- - - - - _a�/rs/eyFj e�amtCur��B/vd.�3C�einFlvc_ - - - - - - - - - to be extended to - - - - - 1�- owing to - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours Contractor. There is no objection to' having the tir:e extended as requested, as far as the requirements of thi:p office is concerns F APPROVED pt. of Connstr of epairs, commissioner Public Chief Engineer. COUNCIL NO._ .377_09 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRES -V ED By DATE-...Dec_emb_e_T 13,-.19M COI IONER ........ ............... RESoLvE That the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Contract Committee and hereby approves award of contract to the Saint Paul Gas Light Company for furnishing gas, posts and connections of posts to gas mains to the City of St. Paul, for lighting certain of the streets, alleys 'And public grounds for the year L-1 1922, in accordance with specifications and their Formal Bid No. 4186, at a price of $10.50 per lamp per year, without use of pilot light. Total amount of contract approximately $26,250.00. F.B. #4186. Yes (,I) Councilmen (V) Nays vffoliancy erguson �M;Donala In favor tson Smith 0 ..............mains, `Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council 2.3 W! 192 ------- UEC 23 APT---------- .................. r COUNCIL ajjam�//y0. .9....... CITY OF ST. PAUL re NO.._-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - _ PRESRNTEO BY ..................._. DAT ....Qe.G.P.all!b.Qi.Z....�..��7.t..--1...9.21-_.-.--.- COMM TONER... .......... RESOLv That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding contract to the Patterson Street Lighting Company for furnishing, installing, equipping, maintaining, lighting, extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in repair of incandescent gas lamps and connections to gas mains for certain �pf the streets, alleys and public places within the City Of St. Paul, for the year ending December 31, 1922, in accordance with specifications attached, their bid and supplementary letter of December 9, 1921, reducing their prices 25X per lamp, provided the number in service is not les -a than 3699 Prices are as follows: $15.00 per lamp per year for over 3800; $15.25 per lamp per year for from 3700 to 3799 lamps; $15.75 per lamp per year for from 36:00 to 3699 lamps; $16.00 per lamp per year for from 3500 to 3599 lamps, and $16.25 per lamp per year fgr:.from 3400 to 3499 lamps, total amount of contract approximately $57,000.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby Binstructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. i® Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays UEC 23 1921 1r'\7 Adopted by the Council .... ..... ................ ........... .._..192 Clancy V "-Ferguson McDonald -.....--In favor Approve - -EC-.i_192f-.._....aw - Matson Smith ............. Against .-......--- MAYOR Wenze Mr. President rORM 1300 1" �a O ". � axrr. or Rr. revs 37711 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER o�oasoa AUDITED CLAIDIS—RESOLUTION FORM sarmAA4e, edt-xl 1426 DEC 2 a 1921(a, CoxiPT ..L�.- AUDI7eD.. ........... ....... ......192.... .. .....------ Resolved thatwarrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....2.,9.4..2.89................ covering checks numbered_ 15914to..15915 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the_City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( v ) Nays. • Adopted by the Council ...._._..... ............. ............................. 192.......... pmr-TI Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Approved -- ---------- - ------------------------- .......... 192......... Matson, ...............Against MAYOR WiYtieL President, Hodgson 15914 N. W. Electrio Equipment Company, 2,825.22 Lighting 117.67 15915 Val J. Rothschild Complo sent Bureau Munic. Emp 7m i OliY OP 9i. P�QL UnCI,Y��14T[- aT,K 37712 nz�es No n 74 • i BY [ (fi2.1n i ...... _ ....._ ......_.._ AUO1TL'q;L-V...+s i'..19.. _. .... ..192..... � � PER .. ...... . Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $................. coverm$ checks numbered......- 3687 --to'-" 7+59 ....- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( a ) Nays. JEL 24 iRl Adopted by the Council ....._......... ............. ...............-........192.......... 7f6biLh. In favor DEL 24 &1 d, _ APProved... ..__ ..: ....--------------------------.....�• 192 _........Against VJwwL Y Mr. President, Hodgson ;,�:�F VN ved� that warrnua hcov g1n>s Re9tlie.CltY, .y.Len9urY �u ' upon nmgpnt,.,af 51,927 9� igape numbered 16871 to 16 chect<s.,on `, '',c5eck9 : eg�et8at th ilYCltY ('oYnP �; _ 'slue ae�Per..o¢Ica .-dle in : tha 1921 '� etc .`t1DProv d Doc a 31?,1921 pec 84 r .OINAt TO -, OI2Y OY .2. P�IIL {{� /yp/� rcx clinic - - - 3 7 .12 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER xorm e e 46, IM 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS RFy IpLUTION FORM YxL> NO•.-- ............ - 1424 [[((� 1 19`11. J er comrre rBe,- ` AUDITED.... DEC 1 .. .... .. .. ................. `�r .182...... . - l PER ....:............................................... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.:..1.,97.r8�.............:... covering checks numbered .. -.__15871_......... to.... 15901._.___..._inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas (' J ) Councilmen ( a ) Nays. lane Adopted by the Council- - - - -- -- - ---.- ................... 192 ....... Ferguson, 1 In favor McDonald, V� Approve...---------------------------------------------------------- ---191 --- Matson, i ........... Against""'-" MAYOR....... Mr. President, Hodgson to 15871 Automatic Vehicle Tag TCompany, Wheel_. 7.50 15872 Bazille & ParPttridge, Company, 155140 15873 Borreaon Mfg 4ty Clerk 50.40 Wheelage Tax 105;00 15b.40 11.00 15874 Camera Art Company, Corp. Counsel 51.45 15875 Finah, Van Slybk & McConville, Lighting 3.50 15876 Garland Luggage Shop; Park -Adm. 15877 Chester W. Gaskell, 6.25 ® Playgrounds 15878 Johnson Service CompaTW, 39.48 Schools 28.95 15879 McClain & Hedman Company,- 600 Civil Service Health -Adm. 3.00 tr- 7;35 Garage 2.40 Schools ;90 n .. 2,80 Park -Adm. 0� 18.09 1.00 .75 65„24 51.39 23.75 6.64 232.21 r. 89.60 8.68 47.37 Res. 1424 Page #2_ 15880 Mich. Maurus, St. C. & R. Auditorium; .99 ;90 P. Bldgs Revl. 2.10 Water _. 8:.00 Randolph Rts. (Bond4 10 16g 15881 Maxotire, Garage 15882 Meigs Publishing Company, Library 15883 Merrill, Greer & Chapman, Schools 15884 The Metalium Refining Company, Water 15885 Minnesota Battery & Electric Company, Fire 1 ;50 Garage 22.25 13:75' 15886 Multipost Company, Purchasing Department 15887 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 26;40 Fire n ;84 n 6.18 n 2.75 Garage 14,85 n 19;60 n 81;36 n 16;80 n 12.43 St. C. & R. 10,50 S. & S. Cing. 33.30 Bridge B. & R. 2;66 Sprinkling 2;52 Schools 2;01 —ri3'�—•'Zl 15888 Northern Battery Service Company, Fire 26:70 3;90 n 12 ;85 Garage 3;90 n 1;00 n 630 n 3:15 n 10.20 n 21;60 ET9'.'6'0 15889 4{. S. Nott Company, Wire 15890 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 1;40 Police Pol. & F. Alarm 10;08 Health 31!00 Garage 1;00 n 1.15 u 1;00 n '20 n 1.00 18.09 1.00 .75 65„24 51.39 23.75 6.64 232.21 r. 89.60 8.68 47.37 105.93 4,00 577.36 8,75 90,11 34.11 105.30 12,00 Res. 1424 Page #3 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Cont'd. Schools :60 2.25 n 6:08 n 10:36 n 9:25 47:37 15891 Reed Motor Supply Company, Fire 5:63 17,85 n 3:50 Garage 2.25 n 72.50 u 4,20 10'33-' 15892 Roe -James Glass Company, 8.00 Police 4;27 Garage 4.33 n 7.97 n 2,80 n 4;86 u 4:33 St. C. & R. 3:75 Schools 3:70 n 4,95 n 12.20 n 38;00 n 13.40 Groveland Pk. Sohl(Bond) 6.71 15893 St.Paul Auto Top Works, Fire 15894 St.Paul Book&vae Company, 3:60 CilServio Schools 11:85 n 59:28 n 21:20 n 52;36 - n 4.86 Library 89,66 n 99:97 n 99:35 n 99:63 Meoh. A.H.S.Library 35,60 J 6 15895 St.Paul Carriage & Auto Works, Garage 15896 Company, St., Paul ElectriPolcpan , & arm 15897 St.Paul Steam Laundry Company, Schools 15898 A. P. Smith Mfg. Company, Plater 15899 Stearns Printing Company, 2,00 Police Health 2;00 Park-Adm.5:00 Plater 3:00 12,00 105.93 4,00 577.36 8,75 90,11 34.11 105.30 12,00 Res. 1424 Page #4....._ _ 10000 15900 Edward Thompson Company, Corp. counsel ` Com an 5.00 15901 Pleat PubllehCorp, Counsel • • DWD,It1�LiGT[ 0[IT Ox 9x. r�DL .D Drtx DL[DR 3771 DD�D� No 19,21 AUDITED .............. ..... -.... ......192... � .. PER .-..... . Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ covering checks numbered.... 16902... to-,-. 15.913 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ' Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( ) Nays. Adopted by the Council -......___...-[J {:-;a4--1jj-l-----------192-------- Ferguson, In favor 192 McDonald, Approved ---------------------------Ott ...... Matson, U ' Against ' �llRkl: Mr. President, Hodgson Reaolvedthat 'warra is b draw upo¢= the !City Trsaeury to the. ii$gr g t amoudt C Ei,497 41cov rluS h oke numb red 46802 t 168184¢ lu-, Iel a spar Tegl t r of ftp hhekB on - 81 1 ',Lhe otti o[y'.th City _Comp-,: - ' Adopted-bP ehe Counalt Dec 24.1921.,'', Approved Dec 24.:1921 '+X' OISY oP BS. PeUL P�q,p OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER J 1 1 LJ PII.>s No,-. AIIDITED CLAIbIS—RESQLUTION FORM r� 1425 BY .DEC. -2 x...1921..... . :....... nuorreo. - 1 PER ..-' .... . .. re ate amount of .$... ]„4eTA!.-" ---, covering t the agg 8 15913 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file In the office of the City . Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, o checks numbered.15902 to-_...... ._..___._ ..... -- - Comptroller. Yens Councilmen ( d ) Nays. ........................... 192 .-• Adopted by the Council- "' �' ' ' wGl�cyr.+ In favor 1. .... -....- Ferguon, APPove-1 M,Donald; .... ......... .. 36tson, MAYOR Against Mr. president, Hodgson pom,A A 46, IM 7-21 ................. 14.86 15902 J. P. Adamson Company, water 31.31 15903 J. H• Beaumoiiater 12.23 15904 E. E•. Day' water 300.00 15905 Rose M. Henness 76 9.20 15906 John E. Holt Company, Plater 17.59 15907 J. C. MoDer Water 811.25 15908 + Preston, from Mt- Curve Blvd. O'Neil & Sewer on Berkely 2,42' 15909 Prendergast Brothers, Nater 7.15 15910 Geo. H•twater 56.25 15911 15912 Sterling Printing Company, 47950 Health 8 75 Lighting C. S. Stewart, Supt., Health 230.00 5915 15913 Thompson Yards Company. Schools -� PRESENTEL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fuesca. NO.. ......377 1.4... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' BY j DATE..:.D.ec.emb.er....2rk.r.--.1921----..... That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purcha.se,.;aith the consent of the Comptroller, two L.. C. Smith typewriters, at a total cost not to exceed $185.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Finance Commissioner- Maintenance. I Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays UEC 24-92.-192 Adopted by the Council ... ---- Fergusbn favor ^J<L 4-;92 Ap ov-'--- ............................ •192. McDonald _............In V'Ma 1\ SwmP'�i _._........_Against / I .................---- ..... ,............--.'.--'MwvoR .... 1/ Mr. President roan fnoo ,o -a, WHEREAS, By Council File No. 36703, Ordinance No.- 5689, the at. Paul City Railway Company was authorized to install and maintain on Robert street between Fifth and Seventh streets, certain safety isles, and it appears that said isles have been installed pursuant to said ordinance; and WHEREAS, It appears to the Council after an investigation made by it that said safety isles, as now constructed, are unsatis- factory, in that they are too long, thereby impeding ingress and egress to and from the business houses along Robert street, c; and WHEREAS, It appears to the Council that it is for the best interests of the City that said safety isles be reduced in size; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That The St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby ordered and directed,. at its own expense, to forthwith out off approxi- mately one-fourth of the present safety isle on Robert street between Fifth and Sixth streets, and one-third of the safety isle on Robert street between Sixth and Seventh streets, as shown by the attached blue -print, and restore the street to its former condition. in stz now - R solvedr -That Thei3t. Pau ReflwaY Com at ttei ownrexpcn.0. sbY `t - and directed., forthwith cut' off approxiecatelY one- fourth of the' prosenE�jfth end enfetY isle on streets, and street betweed ef' he enfetY lido ty Robert' street 'between Sixth -and at - Seventh streets as'shy n estoree the tached blue;print Yes ✓) CO Cllmen V% AlflyB ^ street toy its forener,conUnOl tion Approved Dec. eft 1921 Dec E7, 1931. '(Dec 31-1921) y the CouncilClancy ... .. -192------- eriwon T T l McDonald ';o................... In favor j Approved .Jf*f 27-JaN------------ 1% — Smith ... V ..Against te Wenzel �[ C Mr.'Prasident i ronM taco roar ff re of (gifg 44-h 10HN 1 FARICY � JAS. J. MI SER . �...R � (,1 of '��xint aul December 20th, 1921. j I\UUU••• � ryry�^yr� A. S. Nelson, 9 • . y i 3 / A .15 Corporation Counee a Dear Sir: The attached report from the Committee appointed to investigate the matter of Safety Isles located on Robert Street, •ae read at the Council meeting today. The same was approved and referred to you for the proper form of ordinance or resolution. OSCAR CLAUS3EN, CHre e.aween J. e. CARROLL. ASST. ' cONSTRUCTiON wN. REPw�n3 G. H. HEgROLO. OrFlCe w.O CRT PLwNNINO e..l.em1 6RY RAK R ......ween A. B. SHARP. 3U". Or STRem w.. SwNITATIOM . W. GOST INONER, SUPT. Or WOnn..Use ,situ a@:st-Tau, Depariuteu!. of J9611t iHarks HERMAN C.'WE44ZEL. COMMISSIONER IRVING C. P.ARCE. DCPU- COMMISSION.R , 48 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the 01ty Counoil: DeOember 20, 1921• Gentlemen; Your oommittee apointed some time ago to investigate the matter of Safety Isles looated on Robert Street, wish to report as follows: After oareful oonsideration we reoommend that the Safety Isle between Fifth and Sixth Streets be out down one-fourth of its present length - so it will serve three street ears instead of four as at presento and the Safety Isle between Sixth end Seventh Streets be out down one-third of its present length - so 1t will serve two oars instead of three as at present. THE WATER DEPARTMENT of THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) December 20, 1921. Ballots For Against General Public 12/16/21 453 62 Votes secured in front of Mannheimers 12/16/21 75 5 Votes secured from passengers riding Interurban and Como oars. 12/19/31 (11:00 A.M.-7:00P.II.) 1241 574 Votes secured from passengers riding Suburban lines 855 142 Totals . . . . . . . . . .2624 . . . . .783 - 3407 Some passengers recommend the shortening of Isles Some passengers recommend routing cars via 7 Corners Ir Office of (gifg (�Ierk ` JOHN I. FARICY JAS.J. MINER • a� cn. cu.. �.... Ctv of in'# Paul .. . December 13th, 1921. V Hon. J. H. McDonald, Coms'r of Public Utilities. Dear Sir: At the Council meeting held this date, ,the attached petition requesting the immediate removal of two-thirds of the present platform now situated on Robert St. between Sixth and Seventh Streets, was referred to the Com- mittee in charge of this matter, consisting of yourself, and Commisdoners Smith and Wenzel. Yours truly, enc. CITY CLERK. a A' v r � ,fit \V VIP WIWI To The Honorable Mayor and Common Council of St. Paul: Gentlemen: t� We the undersigned respectfully request the Honorable Mayor and Common Council to order the immediate removal of two-thirds of the present platform now situated on Robert Street between Sixth and Seventh. The portion nearer Seventh Street is a serious handiaap to business, as it is blocking the traffic to our entrances. We -feel by allowing one-third of the present platform to remain, which is equivalent to the length of the longest car, it will permit of the loading and discharging of passengers from and to the platform. The shorter platform will equally well restrict automobiles crossing Sixth Street otherwise than singly, so that the new traffic signals, which aie now being installed, will not be interfered with. L V� 414AAAI� er, .�w a Representing one hundred perycent of the abutting property on both sides of Robert Street between Sixth and Seventh. F 0 M-411 f To the Honorable Mayor and Commissioners of the City of St. Paul* Gentlemen: We the undersigned and business men located on Robert Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets petition your honorable body with the belief that the safety aisle on the street in this block is a benefit to the convenience and safety of -46 public. . We also believe that it will benefit b so and protest against its removal. - - - - - - - - - - _7 - 3zv— 5 I G I � ii 5 St. Paul, Minnesota, December 15,1921. To the Honorable, The Mayor ,and the Common Counoil of the City of St. Paul: Gentlemen:- , T::e unders1'27ned, o:anersor_tenants of real property located on Robert Street between Fifth and ; Streets in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, do respectfully ,)retest against the obstruction now existing on said Robert Street, placed there- in by the St. Paul City Railway Company, beim the "Safety Plat- forms" (so called) a.djoinirg the rails of the said street rail- �vay in sai,! streets. We earnestly pray that yo,zr Honorable Body will take nroceedlns without delay to cause the St. Paul City Railway Company to remove the said platforms, as the same seriously im- p31r the use of the street and constitute 9.n obstruction thereof, thereby driving trade from our -tores 3rd places of business, and especially that :which -7e reeure fr-r,. ne -sons in c'.:arge of autos and other vehicles w:o are unable to nark their autos _.. the street, to our treat ';amarne and injury. Respectfully s:it;:ritted, hopina for your early and favorable consideration. Names J Address J/ r 1 IIAVt :ZIS2 -1 ry Adoo 3'7'720 COUNCIL FILE NO............... By rani atson .................P........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER' In the Matter of....�ltrUJ t .t:uY 4x'.�.::v.eiule. ir.oin.Vactoria.5treet. to..�ale.-Street, -'..................................... ...xf�musnr�ax onn>ctts . .. . C F, No. 37720 BY- 'i�iatsoa ......................: ....... ?nfephm" oria i.- Da10 St uA.v al ..................................... ih'Hllmtn&rY Order 36643 app ...............................oY._5t........................... ...... ......... ...................................................U:................................................... under Preliminary Order.... 3.55a3................approved .... Ji-lly..26,:.1921.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement' is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..QjiXb..< Ur.4r .F.7ES1Ue - from iictori... Street, to,llg,le,Sti;<.............................................. ........................................................................ ............................ ............................... ........................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 147 91. , , , , , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 2.5I'd ......... day of Janna ry , , , , , , , ,1 192.2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... i) .1.. c2'7- t92 i ....... 192..... . OF t 7 192 i ....... ....... .........�.'.`.� Approved.......:.................192...... City, 6rk. A -- Mayor. Councilman Clancy l� Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel v Form B. S. A. 8-6 37721 COUNCIL FILFRO............... r' • INTERMEDIARY ORDER L � In the Matter of..Piar'7t?�:.z�?d.R�'oteeet?,�1g,t.7;e.@S..pT3.�2P�.i}..s7-aQS..4f..ah4>^bl�Srie Snelling d.venue.to 1_ldine St. u_d d;aund St. from Snellin. ::venue to .......................................................... ..... .........................G............. ........................ 146 37721 Bs. ES W aiafnon; '....................... . le,Matter oY Plantfhg oad protect trees„on,bath aidos.of Sheiburne �. rrom♦Stielliur Ave,to AId(nee St;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .......................................... .... ... :aHBa Bt;. from,Sn'efnng Ave. to A' - ne SG'and Edmund',St. from S=^ Ave; So Aldine St: und, - F ................................................. rp Order 37236 IIPPr �.. ...... .. .... .... .. .. ... Cr»icn r under Preliminary Order ...... 47.23.Q ............ approves 1 py , . 18,x . �-. 21 r ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement' is he{eby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..!)!,Qnt. u:.d.Or-Q00 trees on i,ot'n s'_.dos ,ef, aheillurne„ _,v,�nue,�: om, Snell;_i�E:;� enue„t�, ;1.I__le ........... St rEet,,, Ciiw les,tre�t, ^o;i.:S@��j-?7 ^..vPue..t.Q.�;lcli, e..St.�. anti.;; ilnund St from Snell?.n�.s,V?xit>e,, o, s1�r??�..S4Geet........ ............................ ....................................................................................................... abith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... J1)PA7..O.Q.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... X; rcl......... day of Jarnary, , .. , , .. , 192.. A., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......QC1. �..'9”......., 192...... Approved..... �a ... ...........192...... City Cl k. ayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson rCouncilman McDonald Councilman Matson / Councilman Smith u. Councilman Wenzel p�JBI.ISIiGD �� �� ayor o gson Form B. S. A. 8-6 .......... --- ------ COUNCIL FILE NO.__ 37722 � By ✓ 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbencfits , c;at;u:f;es, costs and expenses for chan i.n11 the _,rade of l:dams St. and Service Drive alone the easterly boundary of voino Parl•_ _rom a point 207 feet north of Lalrevie,=i i.ve. to Lal -e L'orto �. Phalen _ve., to conform to the red 1'-ne Ofi the profile hereto a' .tacked s:rd ::,-!e a part .tereof, the present established tirade be'n,, shown by a Llue 111:e thereon, �AFFROvrNfi S98E99h1RN 56092 86295 _.._..._ under Preliminary Order ............ der ....._...... ._... _ ... _ . "' """ G'F. S! 37722-�BrF W.�fats In Rhe mltter,:'of the asses - ...... , a n�eftta damflSes costa. h : s r r ,eFan r e tlye X21 Final Order...._J.G.7.�_�......... _..._._... ......... PPrei The assessment of bene its..,..,_nalnaF�es.�._c_o$' ...._G..._xne?1ses.__.__for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......221 d..._...._.._.day of _January,__._1922 x _ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of S,, Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as ,required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ................... r =.,�.1...__v..._1 ....__L::..._.._......_ City Clerk. Y Approved -- ?7 iA7i-- -........191._..._ f7..... ......... 0�..... Mayor. Councilman $airidvltorZh: { er,,uson C ±bftud KcLonald . 1 1_ J} x >„atson HCl x Smith. •• A�ttF:,'0Ka'tik"bG '.;enzel Form B. B. Is CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ILS 1 ..... ...... YJAAx _ In the matter of the assessment of fore: Chanpin,, the ;,rade of a;:is St. and 3errice uriva a1or.: the c.,asterly boundary of Como Park from a point 207 feet north of LakeviC„ ,.ve. to Lake Como L. Phalen „ve., to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached unci i.;acle a Hart !.ereof, the present estL,hiished ,rads be=_n,,7 siiorin by - i,lue line tiiereon, under Preliminary Order ... _...... _.._........... , Intermediary Order -6.6-225. Final Order ....._JC%715............... _................_......_......, approved ... ....... _...Gat ........2.7_,_... 1.9.2]........;.�I�. [._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: - Cost of construction $ ... .................... _........ ......... _.... Cost of publishing notice$....................................SD.. Cost of postal cards$._.............._.._.............._l- Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $.. _........ ........................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $----- ----- 'Q Total expenditures$...................._.......1_.f3G.. _ r (dharge to und) Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.. !.J58 .............................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council) for h action th on as may be considered proper. 1 ...................... ........ .......................... _.........__........ . Form B. R. 17 �' Commissioner of Finance. 37723 COUNCIL FILE NO ._.. By.al1k...: CITY OF ST. PAUL ReWution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits , da"a" es cos ,s a,.nd ex--oenses for chanr-i.ng tiie grade of Cleora ,,ve. from llsbury t,ve. to Vandalia St. to conform to the red 1_ne on the or f9.le !zereto attached and rade a oa::°t Lereof, -,.he present estrtbli.shed -.rade heSng, s'avan by a blue line thereon, IF: No., 37723 -`=By F rIV, Efateon the -matter:; of the assessment 'oP �ene$ts, damtifie costs,ana eayense r . chamtlm �' the 5r.e a of ,Cleo- ' fie. Yrom Pillsbury �qe to Vandrt �B10on o, ,,�;� the rid -L to oa i under Preliminary Order .... ?.71.2. 'ifermecu x tom. ' 3 a152„.__.._ ........._ ..__—... 34835 Final Order.........._..approved..-_June...._�._v.i...._1927..._......._..........._...xFiFt.— ......_........... .. ....................................... . The assessment of __)QX Q..f] 1t,9...,...-Cl.£.lta 6.5...}_..G_QS_t<.5.._�i_._�. �S 12.Se.S....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council,,and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ......_._23rd day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _................... 1_...2-7-19.2.j .....................191............ ...y— City Clerk. OEC 217 ;921 Approved. — --- ....._—._..._.....-- -....._......._.191......... Councilman,'ai%fiiiar3sbli ClanCy (cxx Ferguson ” HNtaux l.,cDonald U iix Snaith " T*_AWJ&AU AVhntD Akk ,ienzel 1 nil rc nl, Form B. B. 16 )iUBLIS1lZD ._ Mayor. C�7) 00 C� 37723 COUNCIL FILE NO.___ .. By" 11r..a nk-46 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resdution of Council Approving Assessment. t In the matter of the assessment of benefits , dIf cos',.:; and e:cpenses for cizangin � the 7 -rade of cleora ,.ve. frbury i_vc. to `Jandali.a St. to conform to the i°ed Lne on the _)ireto attached and trade a hart hereof, -�.he oz•esent establ"-shed ;-rade be"n saown by a blue line thereon, ,F. No.,3772"i F \I*.;;1ltateon= . the xaatteri.o£ the, assessment -of ienedts„dampges, coats and ezpense Or changing.: the grade --of,:, Cleo- 4,t,0 0P ,Cleo -,t0 Re from Plltabury Ave.andsi- - .'.to eonf0-1' the red: It ievon: . _.fm he .-. under Preliminary Ordea .... -.3x_152.......... _....._ ...- -- r ..._..J.2.�1�,• ...... r iEermew� <<•vs� Final Order._.........._v_n8.75.........._................_............, approved...._Ju11g..._1-J.�.....1921..._........... .............. The assessment of _. e1�5.f ] _115......._C1.aS 3`6.5._}.._G..RS.1.S_._8:__az_ te. 15. _S._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ 7r�.._..._._.day of i Januar°:.r..-1y22...........,xM7X'...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ................ ..__ DEC _.2'1..•9.2..j.. _._ ......__^191.__....._. UEC 27 921 Approved ......._.._ ..__..._._._..._.___ Councilman,7F4 i&4aWi' la*?cY ©MKX; ercuson •• k45el�tcdx l.;cllonald Kenx : z.,a i. s on A&- Ob Smith �yrRPll_ idt�k s:.:rxX 1 nil .ienzel i-�. n�, to roan B. B. 16 y Clerk. Mayor. pUBLISIILD /3 3J / r"W'7'_ 37723 23- - -- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMIS$IQNER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits , dams 'es, costs & elpens es for Amc c1iang' ng the r;rade of Cleora I've. from ei.11sbury jive. to Vandalia St. to conform to the 'ed line on the profile !iereto attached and rade a part hereof, the present established grade being; shorn by a blue line thereon, under Preliminary Order ....._327] 2.._.._.._.__ .................. _........ . Intermediary Order ........ -.3415a ...... _...... _... .................... ...., Final Order ......34833.......... .......... approved__June.............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - -$..................... _._............ .......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ ............ Cost of postal cards $..... ......... e_6 ...................... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - „ii- $ ............................................. Amount of court costs for confirmation ...... ............. - Total expenditures - - - - - - - $........_`� �_`�_0................... _. (Charge to General fund) Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$_...._J..._5...................................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Cpmmissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for action therxj a be cfonsidered proper. / �G�/���L/�r...................... `-Form B. B. 17 Commissioner. of Finance. mesoitumon ttaurpng tissessment. Inr':'t&e matter of the assessment of benefits, ' costs, and expenses for planting�and protecting shade trees on the following streets: St. -.Clair St. from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave., Berkeley Ave., from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave., Stanford "Av,e., from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave., Wellesley.Ave., from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave., Jefferson Ave. from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave., Macalester Ave., from St. Clair St, to Jefferson Ave., Qnderwood Ave., from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., ` Frederick', Ave`., from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., 38481 88816 { under Preliminary Order 87316_.__, Intermedia' ;Order ___. .. Final Order_..._____.__.__—. ,,, : RATIFYr1�O A88E98MID�Tg approvedA p 193Q.__ xt�9X._.... E 37T24–BY FraPK a�sse�sa'met- i A public hearing having been had upon the the m�ttc stare �Jbett�eaah�l? fiprovement, and said assess neRte `: dmertt-hazing been further considered by the Councir an mne a ?;nn sidered finally satisfactory, be it' e,- ,i s ;therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is. -hereby, in all respects ratified, and the same is Hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE•IT FURTHE LVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable. try_....__._.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC Adopted by the Council .._...........__..._ ...... . ......_....__...._.........._......191 __ ._.._.:.. SEC ?Q 1921 Approved__....._._.__. _.:_. .................._.._..__.191 __._. Council . File No . ........ -- ......... ...... ............ _........ .. 37725 'By Matson .. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying AssessmMit. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Baldwin StIP between St. Clair St, and Princeton Avenue, I under Preliminary Order......._d..l..F�..1..P!....._......, Intermediary Order.._.a..�`L.09.�a.._....._..__....., Final Order.........%e.4.2_ ... _...... .. approved...._June..._9 ...._1920.......................?4A7�x.....::. A public hearing having been had 1 T the above improvement, and said assess- ' C ,F. Nb 37226—By Frank ,merit having been further considered by lnbeneatms$cosis°sneezy n e been considered finally satisfactory, be it ing and protoeting shade therefore both- sldea oi:^,Baldwin:-'i? c Y rr urnin ry Order 1 r:r in y Order 2900$ RESOLVED, That the said assessment be anis' the-sdnld is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ............... _,1._ .......... -..._......- equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. ,Ci 231921t91._......._. Adopted by the Council _.__ ............ .... .... ...._....._.......__----_. ..._\_.`f..... City Clerk. Approved- ................... .................191.... Dorm B. B. 16 t Council File No. _.._.._... _.._.. .. _ _ RATIFYING ASSESS31ENTS. � , .,.. ... I 1: 37 2G— ss 2t of the a.,evsm r of BF'TBnI' �, Matson "fig t� ,�„a a-lo"Ir s for nav- y . _......_.. suets n— arem arae"tester .-we Ave. e Ave. from Archers', o n, CITY„ , A,,.. fl - Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, and expenees for cos*.s Paving the following streets: Lincoln Avenue from Macalester Avenue to Fairview Avenue, Lincoln Avenue from Amherst A:Te#ua fits Fairview: Avem:te, P emte from tdaoaleater Avenue to Fairview. Avenue, 1 air Street from Snelling`Avenlja to Fairview Avenue, l� eleeter Avenue from-phved rosdway � i Sulmmit Avenue to st. Glair Strut, .:C b -as a AAvenu from pave&,roa4Wef in:Summi4 Avenue to Princeton Avenue, 4wia Avenue from-pave4:rb way is $nmmit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, 1"4irin Ave ie from.,;jdjigo1n Avenue to at. Glair Street. - �miieret 'Avenge *ropl Uncoxii4venlie to, St. Glair Stleet, `F'ai#vew ;A9eaue from Rave4 �oadtva�r; li►, Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street, Sargent`, Avenue. from BaI'lll ftn Avenue to Fairview Aveau®, v'aznon'_Street-from,Prin 'ion, Avenue to.8t• fromretre®ttmaiae to inciu!ding .a0wer, water • app gas oonneotl ot�e.. also na to prop®vy..11nss ooplete; where net dlrea4y matte,. curb nk and paving alley ani driveway approachess where necessary 27232 , Final Order. .___27565 ......._, .. 25!'51 Intermediary Order .__ . under Preliminary Order........ - n e C . approved 10 ._._�-.._.—.—...".-.-._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in j =`----- equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 727' y 191 Adopted by the Council -- - �.'- , Clerk. ity Jltl —4 , .� = 191. Approved .._ ._ ..__. Mayor. Dorm 13 / Ej}BI1SIll.11 / �� F c „i/ . -� ,�_ �� "� ,, -� _ z,c � y... i.T � ... _...� � g - . iF _ . _ .... . � f.3 i 1 '" t.. _ ... of h t ., > i � .: t r i �a: J S S:ti S J �� .. _ ..,. . �' T . . E � i .. t , �.} I � � j ;; � t ? a � 'I � � �. � � � � i � � � ! -- In the matter of the assessment of 'benefit 9, costs and expenses for Constructing relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 8, under Contract No. 3147, Season of 1920. Aeeeesable R0111-- Street; north side' P.O. 27479 Selby Avenue, n a from 160 feet West of Kent theiace west '64 feet., 27891Effgae.,Avenue; veI south aide beginning 56,feet east of Grotto ' street, east 100 feet, aide, 44 f6et,farther thbnoe je I ast tSt. Albans - Street. F. 0' 29230 'Rondo St., north side, beginning at Dale St. and extending e st 'approkimately 32 feet. F.O. 27479��olAvenue north aide, 6 feet wide,. from 32 feet east., l ., 0 1 of'Kent Street, thenoe.east 50. feet,and from. 76',feet _t'and on the South -aide of —farther east, thence.east. 15 t6e. street from 84 feet east of Kent Street, thence east 130 � :feet . by 6 feet - Car Le,. 6 feet Wide., `from 1197 feet east F,6. , 6. r6il Avenue, north aid e,.6 thenoe''east 48 feet. F.O.97470 -Arundel Street, west sidei,6 feet wid6,, fr0m'116 Peet north of "itil Avenue;' theh'oe.z.qrtt` 16 feet.- Mar 6h f .' 1.0. 31269; Albert St east side,.`rom CPrior Ave.ht�rlee,pt.-'.to Fairview Minnehaha rvi'ew F.O.9*8925 Stanford Ave,., both - F.O. 31199 Hilles St.*;* north side,. from from Prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave. f F�o 3 . 0566 Juliet Street,,- -north side; from ClevelandAve. to Fihi Ave. 9§878 Cleveland Avenuep east side, from Ave. to Randolph. St enu4� '..6'. 288 -09- la ed4o", -from Snelling, Ave;. to Sarat,�ga,,!,ir 69 oeo Ave., north p' to 'Saratoga Ave: F.O. '29980 Osceola Ave., sout1j,'. aide; from asedl a "Nonr.Asses $able. Roll— F0, 3,1269 Albert -St., east side, from Charles St. to Minnehalls St F.O. 30566 Juliet Street, north side, from Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. P.O. 29876 Cleveland Avenue, east side, from Goodrich Ave. to Randolph St. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, a—' liaving been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FY8.1 ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council JILL . ...... "i City Clerk. !Q . . . ... ... ..................... 191 Approved ... ... ... ... _Y rorn, B. B. 18 r ----------- ...... . ..... Council File No. By Frank W, Matson ...... . .... .......... .. in tno it nen ,s, adXo. 5.Seuson CITY OF sT.TXLJL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of 'benefit 9, costs and expenses for Constructing relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 8, under Contract No. 3147, Season of 1920. Aeeeesable R0111-- Street; north side' P.O. 27479 Selby Avenue, n a from 160 feet West of Kent theiace west '64 feet., 27891Effgae.,Avenue; veI south aide beginning 56,feet east of Grotto ' street, east 100 feet, aide, 44 f6et,farther thbnoe je I ast tSt. Albans - Street. F. 0' 29230 'Rondo St., north side, beginning at Dale St. and extending e st 'approkimately 32 feet. F.O. 27479��olAvenue north aide, 6 feet wide,. from 32 feet east., l ., 0 1 of'Kent Street, thenoe.east 50. feet,and from. 76',feet _t'and on the South -aide of —farther east, thence.east. 15 t6e. street from 84 feet east of Kent Street, thence east 130 � :feet . by 6 feet - Car Le,. 6 feet Wide., `from 1197 feet east F,6. , 6. r6il Avenue, north aid e,.6 thenoe''east 48 feet. F.O.97470 -Arundel Street, west sidei,6 feet wid6,, fr0m'116 Peet north of "itil Avenue;' theh'oe.z.qrtt` 16 feet.- Mar 6h f .' 1.0. 31269; Albert St east side,.`rom CPrior Ave.ht�rlee,pt.-'.to Fairview Minnehaha rvi'ew F.O.9*8925 Stanford Ave,., both - F.O. 31199 Hilles St.*;* north side,. from from Prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave. f F�o 3 . 0566 Juliet Street,,- -north side; from ClevelandAve. to Fihi Ave. 9§878 Cleveland Avenuep east side, from Ave. to Randolph. St enu4� '..6'. 288 -09- la ed4o", -from Snelling, Ave;. to Sarat,�ga,,!,ir 69 oeo Ave., north p' to 'Saratoga Ave: F.O. '29980 Osceola Ave., sout1j,'. aide; from asedl a "Nonr.Asses $able. Roll— F0, 3,1269 Albert -St., east side, from Charles St. to Minnehalls St F.O. 30566 Juliet Street, north side, from Cleveland Ave. to Finn St. P.O. 29876 Cleveland Avenue, east side, from Goodrich Ave. to Randolph St. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, a—' liaving been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FY8.1 ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council JILL . ...... "i City Clerk. !Q . . . ... ... ..................... 191 Approved ... ... ... ... _Y rorn, B. B. 18 r .i'i ,) � 41— RESOLUTION ,e - W,. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of... opening, widening and extending an alley 16 feet in ......_..._.._...-................................... .... ........................... - ,7idth from Cook to Oliver Pt.in Block 19 Auerbach & Fand's Addition, the center line of said alley being the center line of the block, __, ...._....._.. __...._.._................_......................... _.............................................................................. ......... .. --- RE90LUTION RATIFYING AND CON- --.._--------.._ .................... ..........------ ...... ......... FIRJ[ING CONDEMNATIONAND AWARDS OF RAND A9- ..... 9E99JIENT THEREFOR.EREFOR.EFOR. ... ... ... ._.......... F. No.3i i28— . n the matter of opening, n'idening al............................................................. ..................................................... extencVng an all,Y 16 f— in ,,,,! - 'o 35091 JuL.0 '29, 192 36119 . under Preliminary Order ................................. approved.......---------------------------, termedlary Order---.....---.........---- , approved..G.PPt A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved,.that-the,esid assessment he_andi8.kreby,determined to be payable in exeh--par therein. Adopted by the Council ......... .....__.._........... ..- .......................... 191........ ................. - City Clerk. elpproced............-................_:....:..:....._-....., 191..._._ j (� Mayor. Councilman IOfiM§XXBM Clancy Councilman GXMXX Ferguson Councilman 1) AX McDonald Councilman Akgffi% Matson Councilman 1NtdMNX Smith _ Councilman lrir1$ x Fenzel MaY NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter to open, widen and extend an alley 16 feet in width from Cook Street to Oliver Street in Block 19, Auerbach & Hands Addition, the center line of said alley being the center of the block. Now comes the undersigned as owner of the 43 feet on Western Avenue and 132 feet on Cook Street in Block 19, Auer- bach & Hands Addition, in the above entitled proceedings and respectfully protests to the Council of the City of St. Paul, for the taking of an alley from Cook Street to Oliver Street through the center of the block. The undersigned respectfully represents that said alley, if it goes through regardless of protest will damage his prop- erty to the amount of Two Hundred seventy four ($274.00) and no/100 Dollars, as follows, to wit: Value of 8 feet of lot facing Cook Street at $15.00 per front foot $120.00 ,.roving Garage and contents 40.00 Concrete foundation and concrete floor under garage, 8 cubic yards 64.00 at $6.00 per cubic yard Loss of Tenant 50.00 Total $274.00 Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota this twenty-seventh day of December, A. D. 1921. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of. -._0.p.ening.,--wi.deni.ng...and ...e.1St.e.nd lag...n....all_.e.y 16...feet__in...._ W1dt.h...from-CA.a.k...to...0.1-Imer....S_....in . Block.._12.....Aurbach&H-and-1d...Addition - - _ the ,--.. center line of said alley being the center line -of the block, _............- __ _......._....___............._.......... ....... ........ ..... ............... ... -- --- ....... ----........ . _ ................._............_.._........................................ ander Preliminary Order ...35Q91 .......... ._.., approved JUn.e.. 2°,1P21. Intermediary Order.. 36119--_------ Sept. 1, 1921. approved......._ ...._......-- --------- --- ---........ FINAL ORDERS IN CONDEIINATION PROCEEDINGS. Resolved: C. F. 377'29— (1) That the following impr(In'the matterofalpeyl l l'r`Ndd'o. nu,ail ordered to be made, viz: Ohen,-_•.-•••- irom Cook to Oliver St. In nl• tuernaen Hand's Addlt] :.,TOIIt COOk to Oliver St. in W iden and exterd._gn a11e.......:.,ter une of swirl alley- - - - .._..-- _.. .................. r ,inn o� rhe 'lo", Bl.e.ok...19,....Auembath.the...center._line... o.f....said... all.eY............ being...the c'n.t-er...li-ne....Of... tha...blank........ .........-._......................------------------------........_..--------------------- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: .-....A..etri-p...or.._ 1-d _ 16fv{idt.................................. from ........................... __. -- -...._.-.. Hand-1..a.... Addition-,-A-he- centp_-r o-f...sai-& alley-..bE-ing...t-he---aente-r...Of... the... bleak.., (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein. have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council........__......_...__::.:.....__....................1 191.----- City Clerk. Approved ... _ ......._..... ._.:...:. _ ... , 191_...... / Councilman Fad4115$ik$Ek Clancy A Councilman (XJI;Xx Ferguson <j - Councilman II)PYANx McDonald 6Councilman 1311taX Matson Councilman IG9i>�Xllt Smith � �,,.TT'T�[1 %•_/ �// Councilman 1'OG7MY4 l�CXK 7enzel r c� 37730 RESOLUTION Rt'IFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of......kiga._. condemning__and__apropratin._Yor__Publia School Upper...Levee.._Addition.,.......------------------------..._•-- 3669?•---- under Preliminary Order .............. approved4WZr.._1.��.aIgU--, Intermediary Order-------••-------' Det• 19z •1931• i v F "t 14 "'S0-- appToved••--"""" "'-"" 11n the mBeter of taking, oondemc, ' f And approprlating.Sor Pnbtic, $r;,, �oun$OLLrooRetimtnaiq OrdeB =' A public hearing having been had upo vs 897° varove l i"' gYsnstion of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of i ''kp t r 'fotsand also upon the assessment of benefits u�on.e�no:� nn therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages'` to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed: Resolved further, that the said, assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e it further Resolved, that the said -' - a - - determined to be payable in ........... ............equal installments as to each parcel of land described ther&in Ado ted by the Council- --..-. - 3.+ 191........ Approved ............ <<�.-•:'`: _? T - ........ ..... 19 - Councilman 50(K Clancy Couneilman== Ferguson Councilman IRYJM* McDonald 3/ Councilman lag= Matson D -/-P -gl Councilman 713o=N Smith Councilman \Sdt4=jgXX Wenzel Ma 37731 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..._tAk1119.--.CAnd@-MA1AZ 991__appropriating__Yor..Publ12._Soho01 pnrpoeaa..Lot--3.4,...Upper....Le.vea...Addition............................................................................... __... ... - .............._............. ....._....---...... ........._...-_..-----.........................------- - under Preliminary Order ............. approved -.Aug j1 -1921... Intermediary Order......... 36697 F approved.0.0t......10'---198.1............ — Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:.......} _ eA3> au4?1_. d...0,pPr.QP;d'At ..f4x... b1 P...S.oho41..PurP9Q6 ._Lot,.24,--.Upper._Levee,_ Adak ti.Qn............................ __._................................ _.......................................................................................... _.......... _ (2) That the following land, lands or Th.uatthe sau0.a. to z and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of makm tie aafjhj provements, ViZ: JA 0& 4.4.1—Upp..0.37........_ Addition, as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report _ .................. -.................... _....... _............ _.............. ___... _.._.................................. of..the -_Commissioner-_of._Public-.worke..in-., the -_matter.. dated Nov. ....1...2..., ....1...9...2...1... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ... .......................----, City er . Approved .................... 191---...... ........... .. .................. ........ . Councilman p%W&'AMX Clancy Councilman M=x Ferguson Councilman U191M C MoDonald Councilman TfmDMX Matson Councilman 11flx Smith Councilman Wnap= Wenzel Mayor 7 i�i®its' ly��vl 3'732 s RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of......=IdB)ItilIAZ- &A.d.._t-15LU.Sg.._4X1e.ra@.fi'tl?.BA:k....1.?71...te13R._l.�a._I►d9��Q�FY for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alleys in Block 6, Summit View ........................................ _.............. -----........----. -----............. ------....... ---............... - .............. 1 Addition, from Goodrich Ave. to Lincoln Ave. and from Saratoga Ave. to -- ..........I -------------- ------------- -- -- -- -- ---- -- ...... •------ - North fmL ..South ..-A11ey-►•---......... •............... .... _... ........................ ............... under Preliminary- Order.. --.35788------ approved. ARPi----�'----19a1 Intermediary Order36494-----'-------> approved ....-$eP.t.a.._27..--- 1921. c F No azz3z In the matter o� condgmning ,dnd tak y Ing ha Basement -in the land necea - nary 2peraloDes for cute nn@ 9}ln 1n grading alleys in Slack 8 +4rn[mit^ _. -. , .�-qr Adr1`iln trtim aooltrlc», eiuu of the lands or easements therein A public hearing having been had upoli•�uen 1,£ror un t for the above improvement, and the awards of damages tfie•efor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnationof the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof; and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for eonfirmation. Be it ur er be payable in Adopted by the CO—Cil ... . r,l.... °2 1- ----- ----------------., 191. City Clerk." Approved .............. t. � �. ............ 191-------- % Councilman4VJA;*l9 ancy Councilmania Tguson a Councilman UVAM ,on Councilman7{NeiMK �teo Councilman 113r0XX y tlith � 3 Councilman WKNICIfick enzel � Ma f2��Zt 3t � V1, 37732 s- RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of......Qfaild9A]A1A9 4Ad...t.gkj.nPo.-_4.0 eFk4.fiG1.BiAt.....n..- k4 ._l na._n8a��� Y for slopes, for cute and fills in grading alleys in Block 6, Summit View ...................... .....................................-......-•---.................... ------.............. ......... Addition, from Goodrich Ave. to Lincoln Ave. and from Saratoga Ave. to Nor.tb amd O.Quta...A1.l-Mi........................ ........................ -........................ -.................... ............. -.......................... _ under Preliminary Order .............. approved.. AuPa�--.-9�----19x1 Intermediary OrderNAP_-__-_---_ approved-..•-Sel?t NO, t nnae /ne una tak ins, an �senL."fn the 7a 'a e eery YOL: 41DD Su t a $11 1 '.'�' a�4a'lilg' 411 ya In Bl k 8 4 .nit:' _ -� as ti r o.n ao a tan. clou of the lands or easements therein, • A public hearing having been had upoli.itie�t for the above improvement, and the awards of damages tlerefor,`•'iind also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it ur er be payable in ............................... eq Adopted by the Council- -----.......X,1 ' 9 191A.. ------------------ . .::... �" City Clerk. 1 Approved ................ :' -= ......................... 191-•-- •..... ... . ..... a u�....4..w........... .._............ •--- - Councilman�I icy -Mayor. d Councilman% rgt1II Councilman Hyl Councilman% �t eo Councilman il3rJo.** nze Councilman �➢9p[}Ctl�lCk BIIZBl 3/ M R jA 37733 s' FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_ootid,Qmnng.-and-_taking-_en...eaeement--_;kA ---the-,_land,.nec@day f.Q.x:...e1onea.--.forAlley8...in---�.1Qaic---6•----Sumalit..31.e� Addit aa,...from...G0j0dXiah---Axe._.._tn...L.i.naaln...Ave......ald..-from..Sasato-ga...Ave.....tQ- North--and__SouthAlley............................---........---......---------.----------------------------------------....................... __ _ .................................................... ........ .. under,Preliminary Order....... �� .�............ approved ..AU$. -..9.}.-.194 Intermediary Order....... approves...eSt.�.._a7�...1931.+..._ McDonald ouneibnan X]dx C onncilman NAgm C. .F No 87493— _ In the matteF .oY co domdng .f. 6! Resolved: !ng n easement in ti • sary Ior e]o,Y. for cute ¢nr. - sradlp€. ¢Reye !n Elocic tiered to be made, viz:...09.0,0MIL That the following improvement bt ' oSeiti Ya a 3rom (1) rol tit Ave ., %-o ill...gxad,ing...allege--.in..Bio-ok.-.E,_.Summit.__VieW--.9dclition,...isom---Gondriah_Ame -_ to-_Llncoi-„-._=d...tR.am...axatQga AY.e...._to...Naxt21...and.. Sauth---AlleXd._..._........� (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: _t}ifl---l=1---tlt?1I-t-fie-� uP.f2A....tkl e_alle-y a--in...Hlo ck...fi,.._Summit..-yiax._Add.i do n,.._.bet2taen--.the---PD int -s...:.._ aforesaid, to-.the---ext9nt-•_ehoxn-_upon-,the,-,eketoh--_attached-_to,-_the-.report-_. ....................... of the Commieeiones- of- Publio•._W0rk..8, n•.the-.matter-_dated-.Ootober-_26,,- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. ; 191AdoPted by the Council........---- .----- ......_ - ..._? 1...: S�................... 191 Approved Councilman s msw Clancy Councilman 9"X Ferguson Councilman xpzz McDonald ouneibnan X]dx C onncilman NAgm Matson ) Smith v Councilman $A68SiFM Wenzel 0 37734 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND, AWARDS DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...condemning,____taking._.and.._appropriating-_an-__easemgnt__for a sewer 16 ft. in width across, under and through Lots 1, 2, 31 and 32.__ Block 3, H. F. Schwabe�s Addition. the center line of which is .......... -- ,y. as follows: Commencing at a point in the North line of Lot 2, Block 3, .............. ........... ................ �: -..... .......... - ----------------------------- 9 feet east of the Northwest corner of said lot,•thence in a straight ................................................................. .....---......------ - - -----......... ... ----------................. line:to a point in the south line of Lot 32, 12.5 feet west of the Sa>xt.heaet:..00rner of na,id...1ot.;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _--- un - der ..under Preliminary Order ............. approved lFoL 111M9 ! Intermediary Order ........... approved ._S aP t. lt.._1Qa.._1g a l . A public hearing having been had upon for the above improvement, and the awards 01 therefor, and the Council having duly consider lands or,Agements therein, the assesyiuent of benefits u f:i '4t}+': Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands deseribed�I the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fua e sai assessment a an i is e e payable in (}....------equal�easlr�pat�ep6f:las� dE�ePiNd therein. Adopted by the ............ Council..._..___.J ,9 .................................................. 191----••-- ........ ...... .. ........... ......... .C"e k Approved-.............. ::........ ....-9=-. - ........, 191......._ - < - ..._ ............ .-7•• sy Councilman FkWMOM Clancy Councilman G=X iFerguson Councilman IWVAW9 McDonald Conclman21XRM Mateon CocilmnCXX Smith Councilman VCEi'MUM Wenzel � Ma or icy FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS: in -the matter of..._condemning,-..taking..and--_apPropri-sting -an-easement .for a aewe r.l6.-_ft..-_in-_vrldth._acrese,-_under-_and _through Cote --_l,- 8� 31 and 33,E Blonk---3,...I?�...F....SAh gabei.a.. F,dditi.Qzl ,...tb.e...c ant er...line----Qi.-Alai,oh_.1a--sle inr thed. as ... fallosesj---.Commencing ...at...a-P.0imt.-.i.n...tkle._XQ.rt)._ 11 e.-9f.._LQt...a�...Block---3,_ 8 feet east of the Northwest corner of said lot, the.n.ce in a straight - ... - ...................... ... - ....--------------------....... - - -.............................. ...............-..... - line- to a point in the south line of Lot 32, 12.5 feet west of the Sotrflltseet-oarrier...of eai8...lot...................... ..- ---------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ......_ MAO..........., approved_Au.g}--_13,1931 intermediary Order.36363_•_.__..�,� ........_SePt...._19,__1921. „g Nos77ss— approved J II the matter m of condening taking; rid a'pPr*011W'ii .aneasement,;for 'ew'er-t16 ft in•wldth aoroee,: undo: rtd through, Lots 1 3 31 and - ak 3, H F 6chwabe's de d Resolved: �s^enter line ot.whlch to -:de? (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:. 5 QAffV 1J4 take. and .eopropri- t -e !kA easevent _-for --a _se�ser-16-_ft. in width aerose, .under and through Late , 8, 31 and ,dock 3, FI. �'. SailivabeTe "U truty oen.tex---- Line •-•of-.-Wbioh-..ia--deaar.lbed-ae..fallawss.. Cammenaing...at...a--paint...ia_� the North line of Lot 2, Block 3, 8 feet east of the Northwest corner of sai-d int-; thenaa-tn a...atraight-l-tnw-to a --point in the-- ecuth line...cf Let- 33,--.13.5-•.feet.._weet-•_of..the--_Southeast_corner-_of- said lots . ........................................ ... -_ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: A,•.BtTip-_Of .land 16,- feet in width across, under and through Late 1, 2, 31 and 38, BYoo'3, tha_jmCommencing atfa point iinrthe North enh hll line of Lot 2, Block a3,a feet aeast lofs� the-2dcrrt lwest- cc+rtze ef- Be,14 let,..•thenee-4-n a.--etr_ fight...1i-ne-._to...a--point... in the south line of Lot 32, 12.5 feet west of the Southeast corner of said lot,; as' ^g apftica3ly"'etl�stsa"upoa tare s3retclr attach -ed to•-th-w-rerport of ths------------ __ Commissioner of Public Works in- the/matter, dated Oct. 19, 1921, abmre .,. _.............. (3j That the assessments of benefits and award of -damages -for. the -taking and appropriating the - above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. 191.. Adopted by the Council ----';t.-- 1 .................................. ; - - - City Clerk. Approved............. ----------------- ... ...........:.1 191.. - Councilman FSS WM Clancy % Councilman 4d6Sxx Ferguson Councilman j$yGRM7 McDonald IN U Councilman X4=x 9mitbMatson SIiT.t, a yl% ouncilman AMI Smith Councilman lMff&ZM Wenzel 'na T x °t1�44n • '^^ t�C. F. No. 37736..—Ordinance No. 074. 13Y H C. Wenzel r 36 o�� /' / dinance .appropriating the 4 L l9 'T venty-three thousand flue ' nd etxtY-six and ninety t ort s 3 666.60i fE2 nse - An ordinance appropriating the sum of Twenty-three thousand five hundred and sixty-six and nigety one hundredths ($23,566.90) Dollars to meet the expense Of paving the street and alley intersections of the Macaleater Park Paving-fob (Lincoln Ave. and other streets). This"`ie an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserve- tion of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. There is hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Street Intersection Account and the Wheelage Tag Account of the General Fund, in addition to the sum of Fourteen thousand. (14,000,00)Dollars heretofore set aside and appropriated, the sum of Twenty-three thousand five hundred and sixty-six and ninety one hundredths A 23,566.90) Dollars to cover the expense of paving the street and alley intersections of the Maealester Park Paving Job (Lincoln Ave. and other streets), as called for by Final Order 0. F. #27565, app . 9. Section 2. This-ordinance is hereby declared.to be an emergency , ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the pubiio peace, health and. safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted By the Council 2% 1920. Yeas Nays Councilman Clancy Fetguson McDonald in favor Matson (�,,/ Smith ---against Wenzel ' hT�r PY'E$i tierrh _ Approved JPa ''?% 1920. - .k MayOT. j•. 1 i �.p �Yn'" �7:. • t+ �� yrs• rr� ✓ •���. �y,�,.refSSXC"`�''"NY.>A .`�"•'+M:/tlMv'itrYY`.It4ti1VF:l1`•:]n'9^AJ?R'1'i:IF'+Y'N7��•✓F� X�'7'�•Jx����Y�•or✓'°�•pyro+• � gy _ 1 t �I�{. ( �"�, ]`n -•...p- fpr ._y ` � .i 1 ��� .. �� ! '�/J ^-F .ixvaxor.m. '. d•W25rLS3%,i1w.� .. [�. �uv...o. - .�� dFNe!rinor..ryrq".N�..�. § ��s�,,,..-•^'"'arJ.�-�; .}x � /// - � ..mss. -..a _ . 8� T��' t(J 2(t .�Iy • I' m,IN„a�L14Ti - �IIL ..AUDIT r1tp ...._.rez........ Br .... ..... com 0 _. _.. .; Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o ........... coverin8 s checks numbered..... €i93`i.. _ .._ to....j�¢$..'.... _..... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( ) Nays. OEC 28 1921 Clancy, Adopted by the Council ..... ............ Ferguson, McDonald, Matson, ... ........ In favorOEC Approved --------------------- - — 28 j921------- ................... Smith, _..... .. Against o Wenzel. Mr Presi C F}No 37797+" R solved That' Wffrrapttew[b dra; n �,upQn:�ihe `�1LA 2.reaeur5 "Che•is,86te-+. 6aYe : amou t GL 486, } COVe;lag j 3y _ f hebk umbaieed 16937 i�u8i6 iaolu�i 7- t 09 sive :as pe glat o[ tty. ha ka n � - ale' 1n the o�G -aL� the City, C pUo} S�Adopted by 1921, the.Cp',yitGllr Dec 28 I AaPr ved Da „; 2S 19$1 :� .� i, UI7-4 08 -Bi. P1OL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ges.1429 Page #2 15924 Board of Water Commissioners, 539.26 Schools_ 404;92 Library 65;22 n' 6!9.06 53U.20 15925 Board of Water comiesioners, 398.34 P Parks 1:44 Bureau o It 1:55 Perk Refectories 2 00 50.00 ,00 playgrounds 3918 -. 15928 John H. McDonald, Cbm'r, of Public 71.97 p; Bldp;s. 59.1 15,40 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 25;00 a 25;00 C.P.U.--nest. Labs. 100.00 45;12 45.12 100;00 C.P.u.-Marko s 9;36 L 1206 (P.L�.F.) 7.44 ., 1,765.2 7 15926 J. M: Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Playground00 Armory Nevi Charter Exp- P. Bldgs. 150:00 m Police 26;72 n 11:80 Fire 442.95 n 302:50 Health 27:41 u 32;00 n 4;72 Garage 25.00 20:00 Workhouse a 164;80 n 80:00 Schools n 2'23 10;00 n 37.50 m 22.50 Library 95;90 16;46 a It 53.35 Auditorium 56.30 1.57 park Refectories 10;00 playgrounds 25.32 p.'Bldgs. Forestry -Ravi; 15:77 Docks, wharve, ets. 101;35 9.00 Water Drew Sahool(Bgnd) 18.12 15927 L.R.S. Ferguson, Com'r. of Eduoation 50.00 Bureau of Parks -. 15928 John H. McDonald, Cbm'r, of Public Utilities 50.00 Lighting 598.03 15929 F. W. Matson, G.P.R.F., 45;12 45.12 Comptroller Civil Service Purchasing Department 200;60 Municipal Court' 10.03 C;P.S:-Gen. Adm. 2.0'0 police 2.3;30 64;64 Health 2;50 Garage 100;00 Library 112:86 Park -Adm. C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 15:00 598.03 i' :9 Page #3 A. E. Smith,_Com'r: of Public Safety Schools A. E. ,Smith, Corr0r, of Public Safety Health A. E. Smith, Comrr. of Public Safety 681,26 2,125.99 3,892.09 Comrr*of Finance 28.12 Comptroller 22;28 " 46:20 " 20:86 Cit Planning Com. 18;86 51:27 Police 879:26 " 90 ® 15933 A. E. Smith, Comrr. of Public Safety Fire24:02 Pol. & F. Alarm 185;74 " 176:28 Health 351029 St. C. & R. 62:14 " 522.32 " '423;77 15934 A. E. Smith, Com'r.'of Public Safety Sewer C. & R. 73.05 " 96:19 _ S & S. Cing. 54;89 Workhouse .75 �r 5.'12 Sprinkling 26:78 Schools 104;35 Library 64:51 Bureau of Parka :75 " 51;58 " 85:80 n. ;35 Park Refectories 31;88 Playgrounds 85;26 8S].,"d6 15935 A. E. Smith, Comer: of Public Safety P. Bldga. 30:23 rr 35.94 49.62 Forestry'Revl. 45;07 P.`Bldgs. 59.1 3:00 Lighting 332:23 450.18 hater 429:72 - Unclaimed Auto(Trust) 750;00 15936 H. C. Wenzel, Coa'r. oboVublio Works,, Health 299:16 St. C...-& R. 1,781,70 Library 2;50 Water .10.50 It .18.41 " 256.92 681,26 2,125.99 3,892.09 6-0 `�. CITY OF ST. PAUL ae"oa NO rf > FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ... ..................:...:.. ........ ..... ..............:.:....... ........ ....... DATE....................... -......._ RESOLVED That the following depository bonds, approved by the Corpor ation Counsel as to form and execution, and as to amount by the Sinking Fund Committee, viz: 100,000.00 dated Deo. 88, 1981 Commercial State Bank First National Bank 800,000.00 ° Dec. 31, 1981 Fi'ret National Bank, 1,300,.000.00 ° Dec. 18, 1981. First National Bank, 500,000.00 ° Deo. 30, 1921 be and the game are hereby approved by the Council. alis all ps cti Tf with L utiod. Yes 00 Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald 0 . --- ..In Favor Matson Smith - ..... .Against Wenzel nt ��- rop" moo. �b•ai Adopted by the Council ..._9�.C...:l9Z�.......... 192----- Approved--DEC--28--1921----------------192---- ........ - i CITY OF ST. PAUL F'e `NO. -- CI 37740_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU(CIL'RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f$• i1i`♦ Wenzel - - S10NER.:... -........................................ .......... . DATE ...:..De6.... 2, .. 9:!'!....... ... L-...... :. RESOLVED !-e j�. i That the easement for public use as an alley in Garden Homes, being a subdivision of lots numbered , 12,13,14 and 15 of Rice Street Garden Lots to St. Paul, Minn,., excepting those parts of said lots taken for the opening of Mary- land Street, Marlon Street end.Gaultier Street, according to the '. plat thereof on file and of record in the 0liice of the Re- gister of Deeds within and for the County of Ramsey, the grantor being Rose M. Hennessy, be and the same is hereby accepted and approved. I C F No. 37740 By H C Wenz I— Resol ed Th t the e a m nt Yor p R. use s n alley 1n C rden Hom being a aubdlvi ton or lots n br ed 1z 13 19, a 16 of Rice;. Readl7od &11. papbr9 1p • I Street Ggrden'Lgt,s *,o st. Paul,: AYinn., 00r4noctiQ21 with Irl re :.excepting those .pnrta of aald lots" `taken .for. the oilotjing oY nlarymppd ReIIG t10 Str eq' Marin Street and" Gault or Street, gcco dlpg t the Dlot t}ieeroY " Resi tho er I Deedf es within -and for the{ Aoyc tM.oHennessY.�tioaundrtho�eame le; _ h or, by ,qe,, tod and approved: Adopted by the Council Dec. 28, 1923`, ADproved D o. 28,'1921. (Dee 31-1921) - - Yes.(✓) Councilmen (O Nays Clalicy Adopted by the Council—_._ DEC 281921 Ferguson McDonald _._._..In favor Approved � �.-7— Matson V Smith V ------- .._Against (;-..� --- pj� M>Y Wenzel 4 119r'Plzraidest t _ couwca 3'771 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. ---- s . ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK d COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY B'.. C W811281. ....:... Dec. 28..1....1921...... . ,::..COMMISSIONER-!.;. .:..:............. ..... ... ......... DATE.,................-...... ...... RESOLVED' IP _ That with the consent of the Comptroller the sum of Two hundred (200.00) Dollars be and is hereby transferred from the Other expense account of the Workhouse Fund to the Salaries and Wages Account of the Administration Fund, as thereby an unavoidable deficienoy in the item of the Salaries and Wages Account may be met without hampering the work provided for in the money in the item of the other Expense Account. C: F. No. 37741—nyH. C. Wenzel— _ Resolved, jc`h" Isu the cut., Che Comptroller thewsum of Two Hun-- by transferred (Dollars 'be and Ss here- A count terom tl�c WorlchoutseerFund nse to the Salaries and Wages Ac ount f.the W y AdministrationFund a there'bY an it tt vold ble deftclency in the item of the: Salad s d Wag r Account Indy rk provided fomet r in the moneygin� the Item o[ the Other ]ixpenee Aceoant. Adopted by the Council Dec. 28, 1921. Approved Dec. 28, 1921. (Dec. 31-1921) Yes(%f) Councilmen (V)Nays .p DEC 2.8 1921 Clancy Adopted by the Coumcil _,_.— — — p-- -- I9--- Ferguson DEC 28 1921 McDonaldO ..In favor Approved—.-------- -----------19--.- 'Matson / Smith — ..... Wenzel _ DI�P+sidetlr f '.owwar .-ao \ A F, No. -3`7742 CITY OF ST, PAUL, OFFICE OF, THE .CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY' p e .COMMISSIONER :................. Ham.._...:. .WeiSZel ..... .................. DATE..........:D00,. .N.�-._�..ir rj.+. ......... RESOLVED That with the consent of the Comptroller the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty (250.00) Dollars be and is hereby transferred from the Other Expense Account of the Workhouse Fund to the Other Expense of the Engineers Funds as thereby and unavoidable deficiency in the item of the Other Expense of. the Engineers Fund may be met without hempering the work provided for in the money in the item of the Other Expense Account of the Workhouse Fund. C. F. No. 37742—Ry H. C. Wenzel—/ Rosolved. That with the consent of the Comptroller:. the sum of Tvco Hun- --- - dred and Fifty ($25o.00) Dollars be and Is hereby transferred from the Other w Expense Account oP tha ..Workhouse Fund to the Otner.Expense f the En- - able dell .1 In therlt .1 oY the Other y. � Expo ee of th E gineer's Fund may be met without h mpering the woik- provided for in the money. in the Item E ✓ /' / I Of the Other xp nse Account of the Workhouse Fund r Adopted by the Council Dec. 28, 1921. Approved Dm ec 28, 3921. n9ii Yes U) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald / l .–.--.----.lu favor Matson (v, Smith — ---......Against Wenzel �t sono as .•ao Adopted by the 19__ DEC 28 1921 Approved._ �F No.M43—Bv'A E Sm 1 e Ived, That with tho aDl' pLuneu.N Mayor and the convent �' a �i ♦ s edtroller there. fe heb !.q CLERK n Adminietra- r . ENERAL FORM ' o Salar �r013 Y Fu Ad.' PRESENTED BY A E egDl(1TH 12 27 Zl .:.COMMISSIONER,.... ......... ........ � ........::. _ ....:. ....... DATE...... :........ .::;........... i. RESOLVED That the with approval of the Mayor and the consent of the Comptroller,.there is hereby transferred. Dr. Cr. From -Administration Salary Fund,- - - - - 4.99 To- Police Salary Fund, - - - - - 4.99 From -Administration Other Exp. Fund, - - - 90.00 To- Pol. & Fire Alm. Sal. Fund,- - - - 9.85 Other Exp. Fund, 35.15 " ,,Police Salaries Fund, - - - - - - - 5.00 •Fr;om-'Police, Other Exp. Fund, - - - - 8,600.00 To -Police, Salaries Fund, - - - - 8,600.00 From- Fire, Other Exp. Fund, - - - - 3,855.00 To-- Fire -Salaries Fund,.- - - - 3,855.00 From -Health, Other Exp. Fund, - - - - - - -1,517.75 To-Health,Salaries Fund, — — — — — — 1,517.75 YesU) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald , 1 _.___ ..._.In favor Matson V Smith — ......._Against Wenzel Adopted by the Council _._. _ SEC 28' 192 19— Approved DEC g—Approved—DEC :28 1921-19-.--- 37744 f{// OF ST PA 1CLE ecuHa� A P, a No......... ... r OFFICE OF TH ITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLyJ F N ---GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY Dec. Zgth 1921• COMMISSIONER.........................................................................................:....................... DATE ........................................ .............................. RESOLVED That with the consent of the Comptroller the sum of $500 be, and the same is hereby transferred from the Purchasing Dep•'=tment Salaries Item to Printed Forms and Blanks Item of the General Pund, thereby relieving an unavoidable deficiency in the lr.tter item. 37744 BY J. M.. C' Once n of Resolved, _ Thnt with the of $500 be. the L`amptr011er the s4m and [he ams is hereby. transferred from the Purchasing Do rtment Sal- lBlinnksltltem to f Pthe rinta Genorui eb`und, 'thereby relieving an unnvoidalile deft- �cloncy in the 'latter Item. Adopted by the. Council Dor• 28. 1921. Approved Dec.- 28• 1921. (Dec. 31-1921) Yee (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ......In Favor Matson Smith o Against Wenzel 9 Y Adopted by the Council__.._._J08 '92x.._.._._.._19......... DEC 28 Ni Approved _........... --..........._.._......--....__ 19-_... A tvb"� 7. - —� C F Seo 37748 BY F. W.M.W. nmcly 1 That. Council P le Na a7438 .' apprdved ;December. sth aqv COUNCIL - 3'7'4`- , boing'n resolution relative to the re- ,1La -.. Pio ..1 .... 5trlctlon'o1 certain bundinge n Dnp; - '' on' avenuafbetween hent gnd ROLkRK 715 streets be and tho s i Yrs epa0A4 br etre:mg �--.GENERAL FORM Afor J%j� r. - CgMWSTED BY p DATE_ ............... . .--- •PRESES9EiNER?..-.... ......... ,. RESOLVED` That j�ouncil File No.' 37438, approved December `5th, 1921, being s resM; icn relative to the restriction of certain buildings on 'Dayton avenue between gent and 8t- Albans streets, be and the bame is hereby amended by striking therefrom the following Words: "Therefore, be it Resolved, That pursuant to said peti- tion and said Chapter 128, Laws 01,1915, all the landand real-estate within the foregoing bounded and described district, is hereby designated as a restricted residence diIotriot, within the limits whereof no building or other structure shall be, erected, altered or repaired for any of the following purposes, to -wit: Hotels, restaurants, eating -houses, mercantile houses, stores, factories, ware- houses, printing establishments, tailor shops, repair Shope, paint shops, bakeries, dyeing, cleaning and laundering establishments, bill -boards and other advertising devices, public garages, public stables, apartment houses, tenement .houses, flat buildings or any other building or.struoture for purposes similar to the foregoing." And by insering in lieu thereof, the following words: "Thereforebe it Resolved, That pursuant to said petition and said Chapter 128, Laws of 1915, all the, land and, real estate within the foregoing bounded and desor bed district, is hereby designated as a restricted 'residence district, within the limits whereof no building or other;. structure shall, for a period of twenty-five years;" be erected, altered or repaired for any3of the follogingtpuiposes, to -wit: Mercantile business, stores, factories; -warehouses, printing establishments, tailor shops, coal yards, ice -houses, blacksmith shops, repair shops, paint shops, bakeries, dyeing, cleaning and laun- dering establishments, bill-boarde and other advertising devices, public garages, public stables or oil and gaso- line stations."' Yes;(J) Councilmen (V);Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council_.-...flE(--8 )ai}....:192 ---- - Ferguson �EGi.i92� 192 v McDonald . •In favor Approved------ ... Matson .l.. -. t - .SIRlth .•. .Against ..'•. �... .. MAYOR Wenzel FORM 1500 10.21 PUBLISHED 3 �'� Y, To the City Councils 6' Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sire: - Your attention is hereby called to the fact that the resolution passed by the council and which is now being published relative to the restriction of buildings on Dayton Avenue between Kent Street and St. Albans St. is not in conformity with the petition. signed by the respective petitioners. Mr. Nelson, the corporation attorney, informs me that this was passed in its present form through an error, and on behalf of the petitioners I respectfully request that the resolution be recalled and a resolution in accordance with the petition be passed. If any gyLestion is made on the present resolution, in my opinion it cannot be upheld. If the.resolution is corrected and passed in accordance with the petition we can have it determined as to whether or not the council can restrict a district for certain purposes without involving the full re- strictions under the law of 1915. This should be a question of interest to the council at this time. December 19, 1921. p�,Q Attorney for inners To the City Clerk, Kindly present the above communication to the Council at its next meeting. Ad/ V D �Tt�t�IIf �Y. �9aul -73 f 09CAA CLAU99EN, Cx( , Np.— Department of public marks '7 J. E. CARROIy Amer. C14111 EN0111M AND HERMAN C. WpNZEI.� COMMISSIONER IR VINO C, PEARCE. PEP—COMMISSIONER O. N. HE END—OaODmce A1xp C— Pv,x N�iNo ' Ex.iNc.D .98 6R -.A.. BnionE END,.... A . 0. DXaflP. Duan. pC 9TDe.in wNo 9AxrtwiioN X. W. GOETZI...... ft—.1 W—K... 1. November 30th, 1921. Commissioner H. 0. Wenzel, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir on November 22nd the Zoning Committee reported to the Council adversely on a petition for restricting Dayton Avenue from Kent Street to St. Albans. As several have made inquiry in regard to this report, I am writing you to make the report perfectly clear. The petition asked that the street be restricted under the laws of 1915, which law permits duplexes but does not permit apartments. The fact that the petitioners asked that business be restricted but not apartments does not alter the law. If these two blocks were restricted under the 1915 law apartment houses could not be built there. In our zonin§ ordinance we have placed these two blocks in the Class C° district, that is, apartments may be erected there. This is exactly in accordance with the wishes of the petitioners. In other words the petitioners have asked for something under the 1915 law which they cannot get under that law. The zoning ordinance as it now stands 'will permit the erection of single family homes, duplexes double houses, apartment houses but not business on Dayton Avenue between Kent and St. Albans Streets. Yours very truly, City Planning In GH-RH OSCAR CLAU—N. CHi lNoiHRtn J. L CARROLL.f99 CHi- lHoi— wno A. G. H...,R.—.O .. A.. Crt+ PUNNeHo eR GR -.AH, emooe lNOMeen A. B. SHARP. SUPT. or Srne wnG SwNUwiioH H. W. GO INGNER. SUP*. o. WonnHousc e. (situ of At. Paul %puctmeut of public ?ducks HERMAN C. WENZEL. CAM MISSIONER IRVING C. PEAF(CM PE UT COMMISSIONMR .QEB�s 48 November 30th, 1921. Commissioner H. C. Wenzel, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir :- In the matter of zoning Dale Street and referring to the suggestion that it is a semi -business street, I wish to say that as lots do not fface upon eet that the Dale Street but lay the long way along Dale corner lots will have to take whatever zone the East and. West streets are placed in. Grand Avenue, Selby Avenue, Rondo Street, University Avenue, Thomas Street, Mi.nnehaha Street, Como Avenue and Maryland Street will be zonedst asesbusiness where they cross Dale Street. Other will be zoned as residence streets. This is a logical and practical way to view this problem and has been decided upon after consultation with Messrs. Bennett & Parsons. Yours very truly, r� City P7—ing Engr. �/ GH-RH - • ` 1 EXEOOriVE OOMMfrrEE -L. C. HODGSON. MAYOR THE CITY PLANNING BOARD L. C..HODGSON r GSi AIRMAN Loins eETZ OF ST, PAUL. MINNESOTA LOUIS DLI VICE GNAIRMICN H. J. REAGA H 705 COMMERCE SUrLDIN6 P. M. REAGAN GEORGE H. HERWOLD J. A. SEEGER MAI4AGING DIRECTOR o.tA P. E. STEVENS November 22nd, 1921. To the Honorable, The City Council. Mr. J. I. Faricy., City Clerk. Gentlemen :- Returning herewith the petition and report of Commissioner Iratson on the proposed restricted residence district on Dayton Avenue from Kent Street to St. Albans, I wish to advise this matter was today presented to the Zoning Committee of the they beg to report that the petition be City Planning Board, and not granted. Yours very truly, IV Cit;P18�inin�r� GH-RH v �f We the undersiined owners of property designated opposite our respective sign4turea, petition the Council of the City of St. paul, Minnesota, that the necessary on taken by said proceeding underchapter12$ Ofthe laws einrhiaOi aidCouncil, the St"" of Mi�s�ai enaot d in th � qear 1915, that Dayton Avenue from to &JjU=Strest in said City be made a restricted residence district and that no buildings or other structure shall hereafter,and for a period of at least twenty—five years, be erected, altered or repaired for any oonMeroial enterprise, inaluding merdantile business, stores, factories, warehouses, printing establishments, Tailor shops, coal yards, ice houses, blacksmith shops, repair sshmps, paint shops, bakeries, dyeing, cleaning and laundering establishments, bill boards and other advertising devices, public garages, public stables <,,ot oil and gasoline stations. y ja� G!1l � (9d3�i4��t+w• �r✓_ tfo6} iV3„bb�fi,k;��fa�4Qdd, ak, 3 t�. c .A ?-JU `' / f ; : °"' r ;,j>, •,fT u(� N°t o � Y�� r i La..cC P, -k 'eV �7w••-1a :i 1r.. ��-n•:.-o — .�i o �, fir-'+. �o�fi, 7r��tdfn (iucv ��P� z3 � lY �Jkz 7vUrdFak�c r�.�:c . r 0 we the undersihnod owners of property designated opposite our roBpoutive .signutelreap tjetition the Council of the City of St. Paul, Uinnesota, that the neod-lWary, pr0000dings be instituted and the required Taction taken by said Council, under chapter 128 of the lass of the State of Minn000ta enacted in th ear 1915, that Dayton Avenue from 1j($�}st ��jpaQi to g�gSBtrsei in said City be made a restricted residence district and that no buildings or other structure shall hereafterpand for ax period of at least twenty—five yoara, be erected, altered or repaired for any cownoroial onterpriee, including wardantile buoinees, atoress, factories, warehououa, printing establishments, T"ilor ahopo, coal yards, ice houses, blacksmith shops, repair sh6pa, paint shops, b:�keries, uyging, cleaning and laundering establiabmants# 'bill boards and other advertising devices, public &are gem, public stables ::or oil and gaeioline stations. V�.D..... rull. CITY OF ST. PAUL " "`" NO.............. 4..d.-... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r .Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By D TE .......................... :. COMMISSIONER.--.. 9 RESOLVE t� :� 147,I Y � C F To. 37747—BY Sohn H. M.Don- i a"— That [he ¢etion of the 1 12esolved, Co 1¢9l , of Publlc Milli — and r lb—tP-1-tlon Counsel In institutigg ..it ag¢Inat the 9t. Pnul City Rail,vay Company In the District Cour Dec of ether, T a y Cqunty, dTinneeota, on 'L 8, 7921, to o pel once w't. h{ ordinance of the C axing a fare to be Charged for service witrat'hin the City be and tho same Is •hereby in 11 things approvod.° M M1 AdoTtedd Dee, 28, 19 Dec. 28, 1921. ove(Dec. 31-1921) Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council- ......_._...:._..._....._._._—.._....._.._...._19__..... Ferguson OU 28 1921 McDonald . .....In favor Approved_. ...... ............... _ 19..... -- Matson " Smith -. O- _....._......... Against _'M.yo Wenzel SS„ FORM IM 3-2G CITY OF ST. PAUL "OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILH NO - R COMMISSIONER:...:... _........ ........ .. .... lN......ki.a... AtAl:1:k1............... .................... DATE-.....I.CnG.(..:Zl - ..:..:.::- .......... RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety tiansferred by Council Resolution, C.F. No. 36427, on September 218t, 1921, Five�Thousand ($5,000-p0) Dollars to the No. 2 Engine Hou0e Construction Fund, No. 59-1, for the cost of com pletion of 'No. 2 7ngine House, located at Wacouta St. between 6th. & 7th. Streets, and, WHEREAS, Sixteen Hundred ($1,600.00) Dollars of the above stated amount is in,excess of the cost of completion of said No. 2. Engine House, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that with the consentof the Comptroller, the sum of Sixteen Hundred ($1,600.00) Dollars is hereby transferred from the No. 2 Engine House Construction Fund, No. 59-1, to the Fire, Other Expenditures Fund, No. 23, to avoid a deficiency in the last named item caused by the cost of necessary repairs of No. 20 Engine House, located at 85 No. Snelling Ave., damaged by fire on December 14th, 1921. Yes (J) Councilmen (I) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson r Smith v Wenzel .DAF � .ideal Adopted by the Council DEC 28 1921__—._19—_ favor Approved.._._—_��C_`.�92.1--__19......_ _—._ ...._..Against C. �R No. 87748—Ry A. E. Smith— Witzca.. the Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety trans- ferred by Council Resolution, C. F. No. I 3G427, o September 21st, 1921, Five Thousand ($6.000.00) Dollars to the No. 2 EngineHouse Construction Fund, No. 59-1, for the cost of com. f N 2 Engine House, located ';y`✓ pletion at _ ta.a St between 0th and 4th St setae Where Sixteen Hundred ($1,- 600 00) Dollars of the above stated +3a^ ' . M 'i`d jtJ a„ �a%��, m 1 i in excess of the cost of c PI -tion of aid No. 2 Engine House, J' .ie {j th refo re, be it Resolved. That with the consent of _ o iVl"1 the Comptroller, the s m of Sixteen Hundred ($1.000.00) Dollars Is hereby - transferred from the No. 2 Engine House Fund, No: "9-I. to the Fire, 'Other Expenditures Fund, No. 23, to pvold a deficiency 1n the last named tem caused by the cost of necessary pal ra f No. 20 Engine House, locat- No �d at 85 No. Snelling Ave.. damaged by 'I ren 14th, 1921. by the Council Dec. 28, 1921. Approved Dee. 28, 1921. (Dec: 31-1921) Yes (J) Councilmen (I) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson r Smith v Wenzel .DAF � .ideal Adopted by the Council DEC 28 1921__—._19—_ favor Approved.._._—_��C_`.�92.1--__19......_ _—._ ...._..Against owenu�uur� _ a�xx oe ex, e�vi - m em e�an ao�a.z No. c..9 P......:. BY COMPT LL86. AUDI,..,. . D.E.C...;3.9..-19'2..._.. taz......_. ........ .. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ _._6.x.888.88..._......., coveting checks numbered _ 16948 _ _ to. _- ..1.6960 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yens ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. ®_.. Ut.C._49.192i Clancy, Adopted by the Council..... ` -- -192 DEC .9 .92i - -- Ferguson, In favor 1 McDonald. iaa_.......- Approved.. .._.....__.....--- Matson, V Smith, V Against 'Wenzel. `7`4—dent, Hodgson 1774. `tUe �rryca°ter -10 coags -4 P-, of eabD the r 1heP�1 Y 9.4 ehecf el Z�'o1Dc11-De Co� troJ �. 31.2 '2 „x•:.29, 1921. 0 uT. �... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 37749 Porm AA46, l�1 7-21 AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM (� mco:vs.�om AT......................... 1431 DCC ti J 1921 BY .._...__..commm. Awt. AUDITED192 ........ ................... ........... ..... -......... 1 PER ..............................................................:........... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon theCityTreasury, to the aggregate amount of .09? ............ covering checks numbered.. 15946 _ to. 15960 _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller, Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( 7 ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council ......_�E.l...OU9-2...-__.......... ..... .192 Ferguson, In favor Matson, G./ Ap roved - .------------------ DEC--:2R-19Z1----------------192 Matson, .......... Smith, Wenzel. Against L! r ... Mr. President IWAson �y� HAvoa MP ......................._......_......._.................... 15946 Acme White Lead & Color Works, Auditorium 15947 Central Warehouse Lumber Company, St. C. & R. 15948 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, St. C. & R. 442.00 Sprinkling 14377 L 1381 183:60 15949 Leslie-Donahower Company, Misol. Stationery 20.00 Library 70.80 Playgrounds 6.80 40.00 15950 H. K. Mulford Company, Health 15951 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Schools 15952 Northern States Power Company, Sewer 0. & R. 21;00 Library 1,612455 Bureau of Parks 881;25 Vater 489.73 3;604�53- 300.00 44.42 769.37 137.60 328.3 0 34.55 3,004.53 Res. 1431 Page #2 15953 The St.Paul Y.M.C.A., 80.00 Schools 15954 St.Paul welding & Mfg. ComPany, 116.45 Lighting 27.75 If 19.65 It 29.50 R 24;80 Water 9.00 It 1.25 It 4.50 1 rIi :75— 15955 J. L. Shiely Company, 791,95 Water 45.60 ® L 1327 467,50 �r 278.85 79T;H*' 15956 Stearns Printing Company, 15.00 Schools 15957 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, 7.37 Health 4.45 If 1 1;75 Workhouse 1.17 7.77- 15958 Thoele Printing Company, 77.75 Corp. Counsel4,00 Printed forms and blt's X9:00 Wheelage Tax 5,00 Health 13.00 Park -Adm. 10;75 Water 36.00 77.77 15959 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company,' 116.63 Mayor s Office 19.65. Armory 1005 City Planning Com. 6:60 Munic. Emp. Bureau 5.00 Pol. & F. Alarm 25;00 Health 5:80 Schools 39.83 Auditorium 4;70 116.65 15960 E. M. & H. F. Ware, Schools 0 45.00 No...._ v. (...l. Qty_ I ,,[[PP 1921 (��7 er COMPT LL% AUDITED-HIC...4. 51... 1971..... 192-........ - ............. ... ...... I 1 PER .................................. -...... 1 x:32 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ Age ...._... covering checks numbered _ to. p,g inclusive, as per register of city checks oR e�Age office of the City Comptroller, Yeas (�r)?6&uncilmen')�-J Nays. ® JEC 791921 Glancy, Adopted by the Council... _..._._..................................- -192- --------- Ferguson, -In favor DEC 29 X92! McDonald, Approved_...... _--------------- -------------------------- ..192.._...... Matson, Smith, Against Wenzel. Sh—Pr—estdeur-H8son 9 0 . C. F. No. 37760 W., t. be araWP. Resolved. T Trea95rY. to the nggre- gate,.thmp tnt of" 696i 1.716966: taclu- 1 check9nnunlbes'ed 16961 to . C ICDA ou sive R9 par regtetor or city checPt .1- giftle in the ofllce of :the 'City ter. the.Council Dec. d 39: 1921 Adopted b APProve. Pee29'1921 G I ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �+y 754 conscu. ecrm e e as, lm 7-21. - AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORDI F«E NO......... 3 / -1... B7 COlfPTH L88.._ nuoiran).CC-2-i - ' lg��..... ........192-.. .... - 1432 1 PER ..... _ _ . _ _ _.. _ _ ._.. ...........:.................. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ .I,46,.7.4- covering checks numbered ........1.596$ .._... to 1596.5_ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council...... 0EC.2.9-.921 ................... 192:......... Ferguson, In favor DEC 29 192' —.11dDou4,10 roved_..._........ ---- - --- -------------- ---------------- 192......... Matson, 0 Smith, `l,y� _ Wenzel. Against _...... _.....l�J� oa ...._ 15961 Abbott Miller Company, City Planning Board 15962 American Railway Express Co., Library 15963 Minnesota Crushed Stone Company Street C. & R. 15964 St. Paul Cement Works, Street C. & R. L►1220 15965 Williams Box Lunch Co., Police 339.90 47.00 386.90 125.00 7.71 628.93 386.90 314.20 MS COUNCIL FILE NO......... 1331..kl?k._'+v•..Niataon....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 37751 In the Matter qf............................................. .................... 4- rt Street North from the Southeasterly line of Changing the grades of Robe Central Aver East to a point 270 north of the present north line of University Ave. West from a point 120' east University Ave. West and of of the.east line of Robert Street North to Capitol Boulevard and of Aurora Ave. from Cedar Street to Robert Street North in accordance with the�redlines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the 'established established grades being shown thereon by blue lines,also grading Robert Street, University Ave. and Aurora Ave. between the of oresaid limits in and the 'curved connection between Robert Street and University Ave., accordance with the said red lines when established; also the building, of --retaining galls and protective railings where necessary along and on the sides, of the aforesaid streets as opened and widened and the -rebuild- ing or underpinning of walls on intersecting and adjacent streets where the changing of grades or connection with other walls makes it necessary; ao the relocation,relaying and reconstruction of the watermains, sewers, gutters, curbs, catchbasins, manholes, sidewalks and other structures on the aforesaid streets to conform to the necessities of the said grades when established, also building sewers on University Ave. from Capitol Boulevard to Jackson Street, and drains behind bridge abutments and retaining walls; the building of a reinforced concrete arch bridge with abutments including the paving of bridge and approaches at the intersection of University Ave. west And Cedar Street; the building of a sidewalk on top of`the north wall of University Ave. between Capitol Blvd. and Cedar Street and the building of siddwalk and steps on top of the north wall of University Ave. between Cedar Street and a point 1251 west of the west line of Robert Street; also including -the protection, underpinning and Changes of buildings where necessary, and where required to rebuild entrances to same; also paving or repaving, boulevarding, planting and protecting shade trees installing ornamental ,lights, sodding or'seeding slopes and building sidewalks on Robert Street North from the south- easterly line of Central Ave. East to the new North line of University Ave.` -West, University Ave. West, from the West line of Robert Street North -'to the East line of Park Ave. and the intersection of Robert St. and University Ave. as opened and widened including curbing and paving all alley and -driveway approaches where deemed necessary and making sewer, water and gas connections from the street mains to the property line complete; also replacing macadam and surfacing on streets not paved, the adjustment of all adjacent improvements on the aforesaid streets or on streets intersecting same and the reconstruction of private sidewalks or steps"to the extent necessary to,make proper connection with the improvements herein eontemplated, andanyother work incidental to carry- ing'out the above improvements. g protecting snauu u j -H - slopes and building sidewalks on Robert Stre"et North from the sou - easterly line of Central Ave. East.. -to the new North line of University Ave. West, University Ave. West, from the West line of Robert Street North to the East line of Park Ave. and the intersection of Robert 6t. and University Ave. as opened and widened including curbing g all alley and driveway approaches where deemed necessary and making sew�r,:,_water;.and gee eonneetyons;;.ft,om.,,the street.ma ne-to-the property .:::sewer, imnlet6: al's'o' ren]:acinR.macadam �and surfacing on streetsa,not paved, �;. Uxi - 't �2 ::;.� ii 4 jr�:,' r)7• v SFi iJ6uP2' ' {':0 1! +•v ..-:'.YilI Oi)I�) COJJTSf C�'?Gt%7 �'i�' a{3 .l na .,^8 CTrq.TGff"dTr- a ;-... Ox, � TI`�Jo Coln') O r';a aO :.c bT&C]7JE'. u�cffg :7'Jq JJx,r cf :, uh. OA �-T,C%^a TJO{.' Ura Gt! T ;rc , clE b�obti ^ Jq 1 L'a CCL:.J='C.^ 'r.i2 =S, Oi.I .�C76 -1 6 : 7Uti UGC2`37'� E 14 fns of 6req Jr I. geuGq cT U-. Fs eNueci O' J ' .,r P T.i TJf O liBLj�. •-116• 9Vq fUC I •, J. r O'L C. t, 4 -i AO 3 tJf G., 'T.a B :)a �" . 7! '^ f G `'O�, �67tL . T rnO• .-.831 -FO u' i (' 7 TI ..r T rC, Ti3O:`lig a.roG, pnTjq; ijt ai qe oTJ LT., o; G=;' 7J,. za{si_Y,q. .(.'vQEa IJJ:iE:i TI�._.,OL]�,1+.J II 1. F T J ` » 1' bf J,F r U'E c, ffT20 D7S _Ijt nL S Sn i}F i)Ofi AS�q J �1�lrltr'e-FFcsS.s pocas �p Jay T Q7? ,cclrss�3 F4 scarq b r o'f J 7l. SSg `7i 6LD7,JT7T'L"�'. fiTICj �. ..J Ot, 'C2{ IT ,=•.0 f,Aor yfl(Zr 1) i��`�F SIGa� OT. rtr 0 7 Ot, j-.6 SIG {`II F r_, { u on aT7J€> o;. a yolta7 P ,J 2ij )T {•Of pTn 7 � Jq Ea£f ' _ j'07 0}•, fjJ6 ,.TO 7'j., .YJ7 Gt, j�7J] 1 lnE'•,j' per-, off a. 1 t'j. OU rz,T�FLE` ltT*uEr R''s Tr<� rboT,avcfTs,; a; cf,f; �,.,ie„aet,,•relJ s} { IG a acslTq TIl` r}Je brn4r?�jJ - 3 - a' JS Tn_T CITU 0� 5 7 .,ti 07 rGq COUC',O Cb f7 i T j r7i . l- l T..�,_V0lJiq g,.9Jzra jJ6U7'S7[f p>`.gwe epn^ta;;a a tl :al 2OT ,c D; -6=4' ac fYJru u ael,ex,a ou �JTAa-a)-:.0 sJcl.;n PG s;. G-,, ; ;I �a c ^a ; o +, r um so !a z ec s2ali TGo GI, } P . } fes„ o c�claffTKa sf,:y 0 f W("L :. fl s2 oU u) a Jz Ttro a :rle' ' LFj "_ U4 8 rviJ2t•;,Ilrf•I om O: I1C -ff G J T J�IF. 7 I, i�ECV vjauJ, .Jka' G:, cL� r-: OL CO .r OSJ ::STf`-r O.j{JC IUjr � tt,rAl`Yu.rJ,U.,tB ...}IC -4,.,., ;U6 G J IILOr y 1.. O .:• -- c,,J fliyCLaGGf U 7i..J .,d NAS G L8i)A Tq� . O. .. e T O.,,Sd j Cl'' S G ; e ff-'2. Of)8 U8(7 3TIq 1� gGTJGg 7 �}% t aeceat:+:Yr1 ffTOIA- ffJr, ou Oq •,y - + 1 .. 3 n�aq J O,� ti J ^ :; L9� 7TAC.2 SI,S_x, <JC.,O„gaJJ -• ..1.,�•� Ft,6 a '1 LFt )•?T:E? isrJGTJ aek`n{:T7ajJ6g'- RT3U rj,G'F;r;laa;iJe� 7 7,Or3 &rO i'17J]'dGT.2:.(�"- G!Jq 1•(J6 Cf7J:,n Sq COTriJ,: +; �u uSa'�'A r; `;::T �{Oj Et,'' r.� -� +^o OA ' a ffa. O�,623:'g f11JT�•a. cGpe�F rx,6.,;' �xTTn c, Ae• sJq inz.ox• .:n,• }x{: +s sTao TT:i61 Vj,ffgazC %L828T7.j G n f 3-a;uog L5.J6N }.,C .i`c ?t.TO. p:v j)ff76 C;';r,};>y acr oqe s a�Lp {asLoo' rf;6 ,.WG LOg T7TJGa OA �'1JG b;.,or'TF,z tl.'LU O u. _^Cy' O...ff� 17 fro„ONg uCd :l;r{.'1J nLO_Or 17As• ',o r..qe :, r e �o ar ,LC orr GG.rLq & 7g G> r vr�J h 7 O� Er7C' oiz l j,. � - rp ,,'. J 1. tJ I1 ",, 7 - ,3..�.^... ,�-.e-,i' .�- �. _« s�'nra•+ss5,.'�csd7 .ra i ` - - ........ .............................................................. .................................... .......................... .....a roved...1?ec.. .................... .9,..�9`�at under Preliminary Otder....'a7521......... pp The Council of tele City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......................... Change the grades of Robert Street North from the.Southeasterly line of Central Ave. Eat to a point 2701 north of the present north line of University Ave. West and of University Ave. West from a point 120' east East of the east line of Robert Street North to Capitol Boulevard and of Aurora Ave. from Cedar Street to Robert Street North in accordance with the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof:, the present established grades being shown thereon by blue lines, also grade Robert Street, University Ave. and Aurora Ave. between the aforesaid limits and the curved connection between Robert Street and University Ave., in accordance with the said red lines when established; also the building of retaining walls and protective railings where necessary along and on the sides of the aforesaid streets as opened and widened and the rebuild- ing or_ underpinning of wall ',on intersecting and adjacent streets where the changing of grades or connection with other walls makes it necessary; also the relocation, relaying and reconstruction of the watermains, sewers, gutters, curbs,'catchbasins, manholes, sidewalks and other structures on tll'e aforesaid streets to conform to the necessities of the said grades when established, also building sewers on University Ave. from Capitol Boulevard to Jackson Street, and drains behind bridge abutments and retaining walls; the building of a reinforced concrete arch bridge with abutments including the paving of bridge and approaches at the intersection of University Ave. West and Cedar Street; the building of a sidewali='%n top of the north wall of University Ave. between Capitol Blvd. and Cedar Stre.et:and the building of sidewalk.,and steps on top of the north wall of University -Ave, between Cedar Street and a point 1251 west of the west line of Robert Street; also including the protection, underpinning and changes of buildings where necessary, and where required to rebuild entrances to.same; also paving or repaving, boulevarding, planting and protecting shade trees, installing ornamental lights, sod ing or seeding slopes and building sidewalks on Robert Street North from the south- easterly line of Central Ave. East to the new North line of University Ave. West, University Ave. West, from the West line of Robert Street North to the East line of Park Ave. and the intersection of Robert St. and University Ave. as opened and widened including curbing and paving all alley and driveway approaches where deemed necessary and making _ _____ --A — r,,,,,nactions from .the:.street,maina:,to, the.,property,. ,p apo - d 1.,. 0_t LJE—T4;P �?g?,A; JJ JOiTI^-1ll.bTEq r, j`B 2 .4?f) +fJ OJJ 07; HJT,-nFi ;.'9 t*6tS�j JC" }:'II8 £TO�r[$nl;io^Ii.f 0;;, '7_j rye)&'GGAr 3JJ098?1(7J1'2 [):J�,.rE'!�'pONO2s:rc• T:;IJE cu7u33-ors: sTao T,c1)ricr ;E' t'vczcaz. sxj 2nL:TUG}zi6`o_U 2J, a rJF)snsg' _Ii7b 0>\F - i•" , C'$'jfE?, eA,JL 7,I-IQ7 .J rF.T r•0 c7 SrGA ,— u oFJ6 St, .,OA G3dFII-Fa S r C,]-; r, C• �.,LC`Cr70A ]GGL I,'2 oT, 2reb2 ro 1 r e r c .tea +G t ,v GI s) TAiJ�6 r'i..:t, sxiy �'� tG. 2p ESET2 OJ, Oil 2,T,C.Gp2 TI, aT,zPC ,,-" r iC JT, O; B Or );:-ACFj� fir )J } r'- OSJ PTF^f ^Ur ugan2�luci} sT. .;T vy.JCF;u T TTIJO cc7,41I��5' "[ 20 v6S)TJCT-Jti' r of v c o Je J j J ) } G G n I [. �, G , T � } r O] ('C ?• J !-,CJJE �.. :; T` `J +jJ TT CC d.. - + OC }; O IIF �obG2 B,LJF1 r'r-}�-711 '. �.• cv:o t7T -'{' j''Sj': r).iJ,st,6,Jx£r7^i. Ill Ci�,jTF' •= ;T ; `T30 .A -.F :,T ',r-Tn77Jt rJ :Ir _ ar cam'- G c G ;zo(7 sur ,d F, _O iiNG E02ST-, S`.I F .". -OIJa 1S7 :� F`SJ G, y'p Jc C ?i +' c < :c —C� J 6oi 01. T rJ;.ilr ,., 0 ro OX.t t: fTj .f a + Oi, i11JTr �- 7.rto 0 CI F`.,tT(j OilCf 8Lc," c, CIT) �'� �T,rt {Qt -L 'T -1 p T7a., T 6 'ne ` O " x i ;:;7 O PjJO Loi-pj.J MUTT [). P. , ".�1 F,` .Jn J q OU r, � Tj�. � , c � L4e:,t2 zcTnEi[J aTc *c .q c .r Tt E'-j'•�iT a,Il v ; i1T:Jc. di UT 1 C 'I C1t .. !,� f u;` - 0 _J -I,. 01'[' -{ ^c0 ?JEt'N JT '.17 �.. J if f ?}? Nf'.[' T C 1 5,.,6 }71v C•r�irE:T [, O?. L.T+":c,.�OS, O TFP- —C" 6 T,b?'Ja.-At. Ot fJTT +16 i.,rj.fr:TC� _Ju- SOF fT, O fli: OT, IJO 03.7 } U ,{ C162 Oi 1" r TI, otec 0 T r u 7:'1 r s J t ` p. sr,l vTJ }, i.f 'A Cc: uE: OT,udf['c? T.i S"Tr^u T YC,6 Opr j I r 1: -If, ;�.., ` Co;] l7 r. r -15 71 ` ;O r o a y oI r w....................... .. r ten` .......................................................................................... ................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...295,800.,00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. .3Qth.......... day of January..........., 192 2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....... �kl..y�.'9�:.... 192...... � . � a :N Approved ........ Jll.."}F1i.:yL....192...... r.,.. F ............... Cit Clerk. t. t{ ........... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel �/ •; � odgsen Form B. S. A. 8-6 A V. CITY OF ST. PAUL ince CIL No ...........:...({� _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE.._D.e.O.amb.£S-2.1-`----- COMMISSIONER.............. .... .... ....... ...... .. ....................... _. _. RESOLVED That with the consent of the Comptroller the sum of 6500.00 be and the same is hereby transferred from the salary item cf the GcnIsra.1 Fund, Purchasing Department -'_1o. 107, to the same fund, tither Expenditures Item, thereby relieving an unavoidable de- ficiency in the latter item. 37762et F. t Matson— Reuolvod, he with of the sent he Comptroller the su oP $600.00 be. r' d the seine is hereby trunefcr[ed om Cha snlery Ito Deof Dn1-ttmenten 1 ' end , Pureshnsi ng 0. 07o the 0me fund. Other ExPendl- �Cur, tu Item. thereby rOlevIn6 en un- �yAd pted by the Counc/l Deo ter It 29, 1921. g toyed Dec. 29. 1921. (Dec. 31-1921) Yes (J) Copcl *Innen ('J) Nays Ian f Fe uson ~ cDonald In favor 1 utson meth J Against l+ Wenzel - idrrPresidet t` FORM 1000 10-21 Adopted by the Council ...._.:'1.k."%..29.J9Z.1..- 192------- Approved.- ---1)i;,L/.. y ..1L91.1--------- ---192 --- Ll MAY L 3775 CITY. OF ST. PAUL vae NO.- _._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Ei� A. E. .LS MITx 60MMISSIIDNER........ .................. _........... .................. ............ . , .................... DATE........:. .:.... ...... .... ............... .,....: ...... , RESOLVED That with the consent of the Comptroller, the sum of Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars is hereby transferred from the Bureau of Fire, Other Expenditures Fund to the Police and Fire Alarm, Other Expenditures Fund, so as to avoid un— avoidable deficiency in the last named fund. No. 37763--13y A. E. Smith— . the eComptro ler• the h atm oon f a Three 111 dyed ,00) Dollnra. is hereby _ traneterrod from the Huret. of FIre, ' Other Expenditures Fdnd to the Po- t.r.. .Fire Alnrm, Other Ex,endi- - [urea Fund, so as to avoid nn—i !ble dof] cy 'ln the ]net n d fund. a Adopted by the Council llec. 29, 1921. Approved Doc. 29, 1921. (Dec. 31-1921) W r a ;L 1� Yes ( ✓) CuunciYmen ( V) Nays DEC 29 aV - �aney Adopted by the Council—_._______. _ .. ..__19—. -. ergusoa i DEC 29 12 )?cDonald __.__In favor Approved _—. --_ --___ 19.._. / fY2etson —7 /Wen .....Against -_— � -- Wenzel COUNCIL 37754 CITY OF ST. PAUL lyes OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �. PRESENTED BY ..._.. DATE._.............................._._......_.....__.._.._...._. GOM M I SSION ER................................................................................. RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Michael Sperr, a City employe, injured October 12, 1920, in the course of his employment, the sum of Thirty Dollars (30.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Aocount of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to December 27th, 1921. C. F. No. 37754—' hat' the Proper otll- RB nlvod. 'cers a ier by Clth0"" ye. Pjured 'Michael SPorr,. m ploOctober 12, 1920. In the nurse I his mP]oYment, the sum of Thirty (530.00) Doll¢re out of the � f rk the n General en to Account nd..to ion it get tPorlod cP lto galnat theCity the u Docen[bor27th. 1931• Adopted 'by the Council Dec. 29, 1921. Approved Deo. 29, 1921. (Dec. 31-1921) i Yes (✓) Councilmen (V) Nays I- Mo 1—I I recommend the above resolution for passage. 0 Q Commissioner of public Works. Adopted by the CouncilL(_- 192 191----- 2 In Favor Approved.._.+)El -Z9..1 Zi --------------192- _..Agamsc "" "- 5�� MAYO _....T/t\ r; Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith V Wenzel -I&—Paoaident I- Mo 1—I I recommend the above resolution for passage. 0 Q Commissioner of public Works. Adopted by the CouncilL(_- 192 191----- 2 In Favor Approved.._.+)El -Z9..1 Zi --------------192- _..Agamsc "" "- 5�� MAYO _....T/t\ r; COUNCIL./.�/.e!qa t__ .t CITY OF ST. PAUL sae NO............III.JJJ 9 9- FW OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN-I!ED BY COMMISSIONER ........................................... DATE. RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to A. Dlponty, a City employe, injured May 12th, 1921, in the course of his employment, the sum of ftrty-two Dollars ($42.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Aoeotult of the General Fund, in partial settle- ment of his claim against the City for the period up to December 28th, 1921. No. 3775s— Resolved, That the proper city oa)- IA.1SDare hereby author zed to M¢y -12th. 1921, tiny tho course Myr.or s mploymont: the sum ( Forty-two Co. ) Dollar. out of.the Worlcmen'e ComPenss. on und,in partial Account' oY the .itlsment General F.:s against the ;City for the pooY aim hriod uis clto December 28th, 1921: Adopted by the Council Dec. 29, 1921.; Approved Dec. 29, 1921. _ (Dee- 31-1921) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel XF RessiagaL ,on. M. io-z1 .. _ ..........In Favor Against I recommend the above resolution for passage. ������ G' CommisBioner of Public Works. Adopted by the Council..... DEC...29-192.1.........192----- Approved[29 1921.....--.192. - - 9 _ .(�....- --- - ---- A ..61 11 ec-Le --Mar -- -- r V OITY OF RT. POI. py�ORV�t1U.i[ UTT CILRR "'�'- ryr� a=z No. 3..,56 p+ �� 4 BY ........... CO PT8OLLSH_ > DDC 1921.._ az . .... AUDITED .. ...... ..... i - ` PER _ Resolved tha,, rants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $...g.7-,930�7.i ..."-- . covering . •...._. to _16O1$ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered. 1610 Comptroller. Yens ( ) Councilmen ( v ) Nays. Adopted by the Council ...._..�El:_• i)_19�.1................. 192.......... Clancy, Ferguson, —In favor )EE 3-0.1921. ......................192.;..... McDo nald. Approved ..... --- . . 2it,Against enzel. Mr. dent, Hodgson C Rceotpe`ad2756- wnrrunte 've dMap ;.upon :the CltY TredsurY. t° th cove81n5 ,i'g�t0. gIIlOOIIt': Ot 'SS7.910.71 C11CCha OII. criec8a'a et raBtater of eitY0018 Comp. Rtvs IIS' he<oElce, ot. tho CItY :ala HII t. !; troAllde yted-bY tfie"Colinefl Dec S6 Approved; Dec, Z0: x921 (Jnn. 7-1922) _ .I OP - -1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER oa�o.z7��6 someeas,,M•z-n AIIDITED CLAIbIS—RESOLUTION FORMfz= NO. -.-- • . 1435 .q�%�%'v/U///`� AUDITEDO )92}__.. 9Y MPTHOLLBE... ..... .... ie2-.... � LPER ..... ..... .... ... ..... �. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_._37,910..71............. covering checks numbered.... _ 160. 1O .__ to__ 16018 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. . Clancy. Adopted by the Council.__.._.. _ ._ ................_. DEC 0 is.z...t....._......192----..._. Ferguson, In favor McDonald, App ea................._.... 192 .......... DEQ �34 ig2 i.... -- Matson, 1 Smith, v Againstj�� Wenzel. MAYOR Mr: President, Hodgson 16010 .........._...._... Chicago, St.Paul, MPle. & Omaha Railwa76.51 136.51 St. C. &.R• 60.00 Sprinkling 13�5i 16011 (;curt House &C tg Hall Commission, 5400 Gara 9.00 16012 Dispatch Printing Unclaimed PAutos (Trust) 2,256.00 16013 Feyen Construction Company, 619.00 Hand Ave. Sewer on Sewer on Minnehaha Ave.37.00 2'63 16014 J. F. Min, er Water Department 108.98 Water 32nance,281e?5 16015 F. W. Matson ked. Tax Levy iCarts. April 1, 1920 Issue 100.00 ® Red. Tax Levy Certs. ?,000.00 June 15, 1920 Issue Red. Tax Levy Certs. 0.00 pat& 1, 1920 Issue 19,800.75 Interest Spec. assess. Bond & Int. Fund -Spec. Assess. 15.00 Bond Int. Acet. P.I.R.F.-Int. Aact. 33,91 Res. 1435 Page #2 I 16016 Minnesota Coal Company, 1,516*64. Water 16017 Reed Motor Supply Company, 2.90 Comptroller 16018 C. Reiss Coal Company, 1,594.83 Water • CI OP ST. PAOL M11U�4CwT[ , TO CRY CL[[[ C s -L No...... 3`wy �75T AUDITED.. DEC. ,)...U.. 7Ja;.1.... ..... .. ...... _.........192.........- . � � � PER ..... .......... ..... Resolved that �ri'ants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ _ ... aaB�i2 _., wvering checks numbered _1819 _ to 1.6920 .....inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( 1 ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Adopted by the Council ......_.�EC..-,�ru:.1921-------------------- 192 Clancy,......... Ferguson, In favor DEC 30j ' McDonald,' -'%Approved ........................ ....................... .........192........... Matson, Smith, Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson C .1". `NO. 37767—,1 r sReeolVed Chat ':warrnnta "Itisdrawn ud.pon 7tha Ctty Treasury to the aESre 'ohecke.anmum',bered 160199Bo 16020 fnclu stye,'aa par reglefer oL clty 'cheaks on. file' in' the oEice; of the City ,Comp troller; -- Adopted by, thO Cou OH'Dacl 30,194 Approved Dec. 30 1921 • Farm A A 46. IM 7-21 e O1Ty OF eT. PSOL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aao:a:z NO - 7.757— O AUDITED CLAIMS—RESLUTION FORK FrLE (` 1436 C M.YPROLLEB._- AUDITED......D-EC...riJl.-. 1921........1a2.......... t -- ............ PER ....... �e.�.................. COVering Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount Of $ _ _... Qc98ta* 1.00F20 - 11- inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered.....16019_._- to_ � Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. DEC 30 1921 ................... in - .. Adopted by the Council -- Clancy, DEC X30 1921 In favor................192.........- Ferguson, APP ed- - --- .-......._.....-- -- ..._ .......... McDonald, Matson, -- --------- ................. .. . MAYOR ....................... Smith, Against Wenzel. Mr. resident, Hodgson 449.62 16019 Burns LumberRny„ Water 48.50 16020 Chicago Great Western Railroad Water e=r: ee�e=z c3, �m - �No......... -. 1'1:% + l PER .. .. ....... .. ........ Resolved that -ants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....��-�$fr----------------- cove;^ing checks numbered.. -__15968-......-. to-...--- 16001 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. 3.0 i92 i........................ Clancy, Adopted by the Council UE( ;-------- ----192- ' Ferguson, In favor DEC :�Qi 1921 McDonald, /l Approved ................1� 5 V PP ..--..-_... Matson, Smith, _._.......... Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson C_•F No..37766_ a �� lttmolved.^ that,- warrants, bo d;aR'n u1ibL!the City.TroseurY:`to the•aggre- 'gate , amount. ,'Of .53,363.86, , eo¢ering cheeks nhmtiered*16866.do 36003,.-:fnelu- 'fjla as per regleter of e". hoC mp- - i+ file In _the office . the. , _ , , Comp- I troIfer... .t11 , Ppted Lys the3Cavneil,Aec 30, 1921. :Approved' Dec n. 7-1 22) (Sart. 7-1922) OIPS oP BS. PAQL 0,1101NAL TO OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COOROiL �'775� Form A A 46. IM 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORbI No.....377.58 1433 (�[ (� BY .__., __._ pfPTHOLLEH _. AUDITCWEC-10...1,721.. . - .... .. .........192.... ... I ��' ... ...... ...__. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ..3.,383-.25 ..... ... ...... covering __..16001 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City checks numbered- 15966 Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( 17 )Nays. Adopted by the Council.. DEC ...3u..1921 ....................192........... Clancy, Ferguson, _ ....In favor ..................... 192--....._ McDonalc!l APPr -- - -- --... - Matson, v Smith,.... ..._............... _... Against Wenzel. Mf. President, Hodgson ................... ....... ...._..... ............... ........._... 67.92. 15966 Board of Water CHom&icsiooriers, 140.05 15967 Brown, Blodgett H& Sperry)- C.H: 341.25 15968 Business Furniture companyy C. J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Parks, Playgrounds & P. Bldgs. 10.45 15969 C. H. & C. H- 9.60 15970 CommonwealthCElHectric CoompanYt 19.42 15971 Daily Hardware CComppaC ,H. 81.10 15972 Louis F. Dow Company, C. H. & C. H. 78.50 ® 15973 H. Eichorn & Son., C. H. & C. H. 8.70 15974 Elk Laundry Company, C. H. & C. H. 690.78 15975 Elliott Fisheer CH. ompany, 31.80 15976 Farwelj „ Oso, Kirk & Company, H. C. H. & C. 3.50 3.40 8.00 113.95 7.75 11.90 44.00 897.67 12.81 37.50 5.66 27.95 2.90 292.94 77.35 25.40 1,45 15.30 11.50 39.00 11.00 1.57 164.10 Res. 1433 Page #2 15977 Field, Schlick & Company, 0. H. & C. H. 15978 Edward E. Ford, Sales Agent C. H. & C. H. 15979 Haskins Brothers Company, C. H. & C. H. 15980 J. W. Hulme Company, C. H. & C. H. 15981 A. F. Katke, H. 15982 Lambert & Simpson company, C. H. & C. H. 15983 Lamprey Products, Ino., C. H. & C. H. 15984 McClain & Hedman, C. H. & C. H. 15985 Maendler Brothers, C. H. & C. H. 15986 The Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Company, C. H. & C. H. 15987 Midway Varnish Company, C. H. & C. H. 15988 Nassau Paper Company, C. H. & C. H. 15989 N. Y. Tea Company, C. H. & C. H. 15990 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, C, H. & C. H. 15991 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, �. H. & C. H. 15992 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, C. H. & C. H. 15993 J. F. Ptacek & Son, C. H. & C. H. 994 Puritan Paper Company, C. H. & C. H. 15995 St.Paul Glass Company, C. H. & C. H. ® 15996 Shanley Paper Company, H. & C. H. C. 15997 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, C. H. & C. H. 15998 The Tablet & Ticket Company, C. H. & C. H. 15999 Tri-6tate Telephone & Telegraph Company, C. H. & C. H. 3.50 3.40 8.00 113.95 7.75 11.90 44.00 897.67 12.81 37.50 5.66 27.95 2.90 292.94 77.35 25.40 1,45 15.30 11.50 39.00 11.00 1.57 164.10 Res. 1433 Page #3 16006 Villaume Box & Liunber Company, 81.80 C. H. & C. H 16001 R. W. Whita ore & Bompany, 5.28 C. H. & C. H. AOI1etUCwrt OrTF OF ST. PA— - i On-, No...... 3-7-7-5-9, IF BY COM -,gOLLBR.-- nuolreo. DEC-3-0 U ..i9 ._ _ . ,9z.. _.... I ^ l PER .. ............. ..........., ..-...... Resolved that vllarrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $. .....}BY�g ....-., covering checks numbered160og _ to... _g.-__.._.inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. ® Clancy, Adopted by the Council.._ _..._..DEC19i?...........192------- Ferguson, In favor OEC :30 1921 McDonald, \ Approved ...._._._........ .._------ --------- ----------19--- .... Matson, Smith, Against U Wenzel. r. President, Hodgson C. -F 3q70 377 9— . ultOhath6' C- it TarasurYa o tfie aeB ea. - - SatO afnollnt•�"of $,48,821:99 eovering; checks numbered 1fi000y� In 10009 inolu- sire, a per..regleter of city checka,'on ale fn tho office of "tlae Clty Comp- - troller. - - I,' :Adopted IV ea 30, 1921: Approved Deb 30,,.1921: Form A A 46, 1M 7-21 0 L_J — OF — -1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 66��rryyry AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F zog .Iz NO..........U. l...I..c � 1434 • � 1�6! BY ��� COMPT6 AUDITED DEC .......... I 1 PER .. ............... ------- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $._......4*j,621^99._. covering checks numbered,,. _16002 . to.._. 16009 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Co t ......_...D.Ef.. 0..i92-i.._.............1a2........._ Ferguson, McDonald, ..In favor A ro _.... PP 92.1------------------ DEC.-:�u - .... 192 .......... Matson, Smith, �\ fvl ._............_...... .. - ............................. Wenzel. .._Against MAYOR MI•. President, Hodgson 16002 __...... _...................... Board of Control, _. ......................., 5,372.08 Board of Control 16003 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 3,083.48 13,745,22 City Officers City Clerk 622.50 New Charter Expense 56.00 Cor. Counsel 850.83 Com r. of Finance 652.50 n 764.59 Partio..Certs. 302.00` Wheelage Tax 75.00 Comptroller 1,208.51 n 40oOO civil service 460,6:3 Purchasing Department 1,123.12 Municipal Court 21534-498 rmory ity Planning Com. 257.50 120.00 C. H. & C. E. 1 593,58 9 Nff 16004 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 468.12 C.P.S.-CTen. Adm. 16005 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance ° 619.13 4,464.80 Realth-Adm. vital Statistics 317050 Food Reg. & Insp. 615.00 Quarantine Inspection 1,342.50 Tuberculosis Division 6B5e00 Dale St. Infirmary 102.50 Workhouse Hospital 207.50 4. Laboratory 209.17 p. Baths 160.00 P. ComfDrt Station 167.50 Enf. Dog Lie. 49.00 4,80 Res. 1434 Page #2 16006 F. W. Matson Com'r. of Finance 9,432.75 orkh ouse 777.50 U.P,W.-Gen, Adm. 643.75 Bureau of Engineers 2,166jV46 " 272,50 St. C. & R. 1,536.88 Sewer C. & R. 392.50 S. & S. Cing. 3,181#60 Sprinkling 315.00 Paving Depreciation 146.55 -'9;432; 1b 16007 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 10,104,55 Schools 3,301,92 Library Auditorium 5,858.05 944.58 la, i6�•3Ti 16008 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 3,736485 Park -Adm. 384.00 Bureau of Parke 279.17 P]a ygrounds 296.63 P. Bldge. 1,718,03 Forestry Revolving 100,00 Schools 846,52 " 112,50 3;136-.85 16009 F. W. Matson Com'r. of Finance 6.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 137.50 2,297,62 " -Test. Labe. 350,00 " -Markets 195.50 " -Inv. Public Util, 421.50 " -Lighting 11 193_12 t' ' Ao S7?CI—BY F na ',Mat On -i eou.ca P 9 ��/ / p1�! 1 rens, A-Detltton eIR ee by.r 7 Ft eatatefn tho distrtctht CITY OF ST. PAUL - nuc MO... - acribp�,;hasbeen preq .•: �� ull, patittonint;.-tha OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK x..126 Lnwa or. 10•. a -"-" 1 SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE~ D BY .._:. DATE ...---------_ .--. ... ... .. .. ........ RESOLVED WHEREAS, A petition signed by more than fifty per cent. of the riot ereiafterowners of the real estate in the disththatnpur .been presented to the CpetitioningsuantstoibedChapterB ouncil, 125, Laws Of 1915, a portion of the City Of 9t. Paul, described as follows, be set aside as a restricted residence district, to -wit: Commencing on Portland avenue 95 feet west of Moore avenue on the dividing line between Lots 10 and 11, Block 11, Merriam Park thence northerly along said line to the south line of Third Addition, the alley 1n Block 11, Merriam Park Third Addition, thence west along the south line of said alley to Wilder avenue, thence southerly along the east line of Wilder avenue to the alley in Block 14, Merriam Park Third Addition, thence easterly along the north line Of said alley to Moore avenue, thence north along the west line of Moore avenue to north line of Portland avenue, thence west along the north line of Portland avenue to place of beginning, tion Therefore, be it Resolved,1915,lTthe Aland and realant to aid estateiwithin d said Chapter 125, Laws of 1915, d described d the foregoing bounded anistrict, is hereby desigereof ated no as a restricted residence district, within the limits whereof no <erad repaired for building or other structure shako-wit:l be Hotels, restaurants, eating anq.of the following1purposes, warehouses, printing houses, mercantile houses, stores, factories, establishments, tailor shops, coal yards, ice -houses, gains and shops, repair shops, paint shops, bakeries, dyeing, laundering establishments, bill -boards, or other advertising devices, public garages, public stables, apartment houses, tenement houses or flat buildings or any other building or structure for purposes similar to the foregoing. Resolved further, that the Commissioner of Finance shall report to the Council the names of five disinterested qualified voters of the City, none of whom shall be residents of the ward or wards in which any part of the district so designated is situated, to act as apps to view the premises and appraise the damages which may be occasioned by the establishment of such restricted residence district and by the exercise by the City of the powers in this matter granted by said Chapter 125, Laws of 1915. Yes (V) Councilmen (•J) Nays /Clancy .f iFe*uson I "McDonald In favor Matson Smith 0 ABainst Wenzel Mr. President ,on. 1100 10-21 Adopted by the Council.-�)El- ' --'--192`-'"'" Approv l t.l........192 — ................ (�itg xf Aaint Pant Deportment of 3jinonce FRANK W. MATSON........,.... JOHN T. HAGLUND. D uu�e LEONARD C. SEAMER. C11-ct.1. 811..1 .1 ---- December 28, 1921. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: In compliance with your instructions I have checked over the petition annexed hereto, filed in the matter of establishing a restricted residence district by proceedings to be had and taken under the terms and provisions of Chapter 128 of the General Lavas of Minnesota for 1915, as amended, in the following described part of the City of St. Paul, to -wit: Commencing on Portland Avenue 95 feet West of Moore Avenue on the dividing line between Lots 10 & 11, Block 11, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, thence Northerly along said line to the South line of the alley in Block 11, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, thence West along the South line of said alley to Wilder Avenue, thence Souhherly along the East line of Wilder Avenue to"the alley in Block 14, Merriam Park 3rd Addition, thence Easterly along the North line of said alley to Idoore Avenue, thence North along the West line of Moore Avenue to North line of Portland Avenue, thence West along the North line of Portland Avenue to place of beginning, and find that it contains the signatures of more than fifty per cent of the property owners effected by the establishment of said restricted district. Respe�YXSO submitted, C R OF FINANCE. COPY TO J. 14. CLANCY, COIT2,aSSIONER OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. TO THF' COUNCIL OF THF' CITY CF ST. PAUL, 2!IHt?E;S0TA- IWe, the undersigned, being core than 50% of the owners of real estate in that portion of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota described and bounded as follows, to -Wit: Commencing on Portland Ave. 95 ft. West of Moore Ave. on thence the dividing line erly between Lots 10 and 11, Block 11, Merriam Park in BAddition,ram Park Add. ' along said line to the South line of the A110Y 1, Merthence southerly O thence west along the south line of said Alley to Wilder. along the East Line of Wilder Ave. to the Alley in to Block 14,re Merriam ark ce North along thence Wterlg along the North Line of said Alley the West Line of Moore Ave. to North Line of Portland Ave., thence West along the North ��TT••i�n��s of Porti d Ave. to Place of ednuin of St. Paul to desig- or • �Ca�f'ft�►y Mian the CoueTiFrUf )dings under Chapter 1$8, Laws nate and Art TTS , Y P. of 1915,' as amended, a r?s!.4ActPd. residence district within the limits hereinbefore described," such regtricki& to Pre scxlbe that no building ar structure shall hereafter be ereoted or altered for any of the following purposas,sitores �f otoriets; wares ouse$, eating houses, mercantile hrnise,' printing establishments, tailor ahops coal yards, ice houses, blaokemith shops, repair shops, paint shops, b7keri8s, dyeing, cleaning and laundering establishments, bill boards, or other advertising devices, public garages, public stables, apartment oruatructuremfor rnorposesr.imala utodthesforegoing.her building Address Lot Adder n ------- Name of Owner ---� r 2.- CITY- OF ST. PAUL rua No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - r�'t COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - .- ..... DATE ....12.::.25.-`Z�............... .. .... A.....E ..SMI.TH................ "COM MISS IONER,•L. •...... - ResoweD No. A.L.-1162 Hartford That'*Automobile Liability PolicP 97, , Accident &Indemnity 00.,covering the following auto _ cars, - owned and operated by The Twin Q.ity Auto Livery, located,at 156 E. 6th. St., be substituted to take,the place of policy expired. One. (1) Packard Limousine, Fadtory No. 42700, 1912 1,Aodel n n n 133 7 , n (] n 11 Pi" erce Arrow " " " 2 �� �a fl r F' rsr �1r P. No, 37762 BY A.. E Smtth— •Q, �>(,�., Reaolved -That Automoblot Linblltty (` �� Po)ley'N A UTI 16297,-8artord Accl dent & Indent , C :,: ovcr{h6-. the GCS dj• y follovAnB oto Cei9 caned nd oper -" j ated by the Twla City to Livery 'o-i. eatod at 168 E 6th.•8t„ bo soba!, ede to take the-placo got ,po11Fy �FTet PY} One (1) Packard, L{moo Ino, s. j No 2700. 191211ode1 r ® One (1) P ekard Lim ueino ,F`aetorY! N 13827, 1912 Modol Pt rce Arr w Llm9ualne,� Fnetory'No. 23883 1912 M lcl - Adopted by tho C Heil De 30„ 1921. i Approved Deb. 80, 1921. _ (Jnn:.;,7-1922) I ~ Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays DEC 30 I92j _ 19 ,,JClaney Adopte by the r�ergson prov �favorMcDonald 'atson ..__—_._--�— •. MAYOR ✓,6mith ___ -_.---Against Wenzel 44r. President 5 The Ame f an Whorens, llpation CO.. has made aPCho. etree� to oy erste P n yjaC1 oR sRory No.. 3Y4-36. 40, Ii 181 156. sBn byU's No. 3 paseonBere, n oe sOd, Auto Transi sojd Americo el�C xe 1n accodrldona cdDS NO 40Eana enffi,PoltcY;f liolfoYd as, to, form bY`. ' grove 1 thororor0 ibe i CORes4lvedthat-lleehs� � .said Amortca[t Auto Tcc c1tY.BnfdG. Patil yso�,tg of .s gatd ordtn n� 14s31dop Ot tho Cavn ted bYDec, E0. 7.11 1 APDroved... Yeq(✓) C juncilmen ( J) Nays I/ ancy , Ferguson %1�1cDonald __.--- -__.,la favor `�Matson ►jSmith ----......... _Against %Wenzel Mr. President CCUMCa 3 C 64 CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO.._....... -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREITED BY A. E. SmithDec. 30th, .1931 COMMISSIONER..... �........_........ ..... _.._.... DATE.. ... RESOLVED' That the applications for licensee of the following persons for the handling and selling of foodstuffs at the adddesses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the oustomary fee: R. D. Mason, 165 Concord St., Harry Yaeshe, 1817 Ashland Ave., E. Strandlof, 485 Selby Ave., William Snyder, 569 Stryker Ave., Yes (J) Councilmen (1) Nays 9 Adopted by the Council 192 Clancy Ferguson Zl .., A Tr ..... McDonald In favor .................... Matson/ / ��� Sm /�/) .....K-. Smith ............_..Against .. ........................_.. Wenzel Mr. President I.RM 1000 10.21 • COUNCIL `/ CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae No.._......._....V... U. LLLbA- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY. A. E. Smith 3 December 30th, 1921. _.............. _......_..... DATE......................................... GOMMISSi.ONER.......................................................:......................... ..................-.--. RESOLVED That the application for license of Nick Thill for the handling and selling of soft drinks at 104 West Seventh St., be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, C. S+ No. 37766—By A. )✓. Smith—, ))) Iteeolved7 T4 nt the application for 11- I Thill for the handling +i j and. bouing Of soft drinks at 104 West se`.enc., .>c be and the same Is heretiy granted ad the City Clerk. to lnetruct ed Wissue such license upon the pay. moat Into the City Treasury Of thol custornnry tem Adopted by the Council Dec. 30, 1921. .ApprovedDec. 30, 1921. I (Jan. 7-1922) Yes ( ✓) Connncilmen ('✓) Nays �lancy i Ferguson \ /14cDonald ............ -In favor 'Matson Smith 10Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1000 10-31 ' Adopted by the Council.. -. DEC. ..',i.i)_1.9�J._192------ Approv _-----------------C�-4(-)-49.2 -19'2----- --- -- - -- - ................. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 67766 NO............................. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s i PRESENTED BY I COMMISSIONER ...................... gs...E......6mifish.......................... ........................... .... DATE................nBQ.--3Qt�i.y...---- RESOLVED ' That the applications for licenses to conduct the Butcher 13usinfsa of the following persons at the addressee indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to Issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the customary fee: Fred Nollet, 286 E. 6th 3t., Ernest Carlson, 1323 White Bear Ave., C. M. Faraldson, 1670 Selby Ave. Yes (d) Councilmen ('J) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith ( J Wenzel/ Mr. President ,OHM 1.00 10-x1 1 C. F.• No. 37766—By A. E. Smith— Resolved, That the 'applications : for llcaneos to `conduct the Butcher Busi- nepa ot. the following persona at the. add, ..a.- indicate d be, and the same d— h2ee'hy granted and the city. clerk Is instructed to lean. an ch license upon tho payment into the city treasury of the 1—atomary fee: .. Nonat.296 6th St E. ]Ernest 'Carlson, 1323 Whlte -Beat ..C..M. Fetaldaon, 1670 Selby Av ., Adopted by the Cotlncil-Dec. 30, 71921. ; Approved Dec. 30, 1921. (Jan. 7-1922) Adopted by the Council DEC .-au_&9 _..........192.--...- D F C.. ?..!.9 2.i.... 19z_----- .....-...__.. In favor Approve - --- -- ------C Against MAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ................... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CI1L%RESOLUTION—GENERAL ,FORM ........... .... DATE COUNCIL -7 67 M. NO ......___...._.__...._..___. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the convent of the Comptroller, one Purroughs Adding Lachine Dem #6501, at a price not to exceed $720.00, without asking for comnPtitive bide, as this is a per.+Anted article end no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Conm:issionel.of Finance- Participating Certificates Fd. t 38264—gY F W. Mnte n Purclinelag - 'R at 4e.'and he 18 hatobY aruthorlio ASOgt er.h , .with the cone t Adding `F Compt tier, n Bnrrou6h ricenot Macht Dem N 0601 at P to ezeeod '720,06, without i �tCn ed ampetitlVe bid a Chi is acould b AA article d n. advantaKe Sf in Fina— ereb ait clPnting C rtlflc t Fund. 1021. i A"Pted by the R`onnolt Pec. 30,. ' Approved Dec. 30. 1921. (Jan. 7-192'Ll Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays t;lancy 4 C-Irgusou ',McDonald ..In Favor Matson ith `�1ti' _ Against Wenzel Mr. Pres0ent IORM 1e00 lo -n Adopted by the Council .-...ui1...34i..132.l _._-192.----.-- APPro --- ")FC30j1921.---.192- MAYOR COUNCIL '3�r tTr-OP"'S9.-PAUL- FILe No ........ ..J N.. .. �`r ,,,..�••"`- FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Hhl( DATE ................. ..__..................------------- ----------. COMMISSIONER............................................................................................................... RESOLVED That with the approval of the Mayor and the uomptroll.er, the sum of rive Hundred Sixty Eight vollars and fifty-five cents 03568.55) be and the same hereby is transferred from the salaries Item of the Bureau of elaygrounds Account (54) to the expense item of the same account, as by so doing an unavoidable deficiency in the last mentioned account will be met without hampering the moneys in the first mentioned account. ".4.1".., . r. xo. 3vvca-r la Ileo lved, 'P ncy_ the yor andt thathCohe 'PProval of I.- f Plve Hundred SixtVtroller,. the nd the e-fjhve flherecente ($�08 bojhe of the Playfiround�sley item of the n11 Burleau eaPense Item of Ace°Ant thA. b the ame(a4ecount, a m etthe aast8. an .I fdabolo deWclency without hen [I e,I n Ill be the amuerunt "'ted bntlono, t. moneys In Ado y the Co.-... TPI—.d Dec. 30, 39211 Dee. 30, 7921. (Dec•. 31-1921) n\ Y, Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy ) Ferguson "McDonald In favor 2% Matson , 'Smith - - Against ;`Wenzel Mr. President UEC 30 192i Adopted by the Council _........._......_..... _ _..... _.192----- i)EE 301921 192--__, App ---------------------------------------------% 192 / ........ ._i�0.�v ............................... MAYOR 11L. L /r�69 - CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae NO ............... ..._ _ .......... �.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY A. Smith Deo. 30th, 1921 COMMISSIONER............................................................................................................. DATE ................................ ............... ...__.. ---....__.. RESOLVED That with the approval of the Mayor and the oonsent of the Comptroller, there is hereby transferred from the Police Salary Fund Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to the Police Other Expenditure Fund. f C. F. No. 37709—By A. E. Saiith— Resolved. That Ith _ the. approvni f the Mayor and the consent .f the Comptroller, there Is hereby trans- ferred from the ,Police Salary Fund Five Hundred Dollars ($600.00) to the Police Other Expenditure Fund. Adopted by the Council Doc, 30, 1921. i Approved Dec. 30, 1921. i - (Dec. 31-1921) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nuys Clancy Ferguson tr McDonald In Favor d Matson "Smith ---Against �wenzel Mr. President roaM 1300 10-11 (its 3019Z' Adopted by the Council.....192. ApproC-_144 t9-�'----.....192---- f MAYop CITY OF ST. PAYL ria IVO — OFFICE OF THE CITY• CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERALFORM- PRESEN'[ED BY _ �• Wenzel, 7%e0:- 3�, 1921• :. -.. .. ..... - DATE .....::........> ....... .. ..... COMMISSIONER ......:..... . -........ ..... ..::. ... ...... RESOLVED Whereas, By the terms Of C, F. Ordinance #5663, approved September-Mj, 1$216 the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Pahl Railway Company was authorized and directed to do certain work of repairs to the most northerly span of the °High Bridget' grossing the right of way of said Railway Company. and 19hereas, the said Railway Company has not 'complied,wth the terms of said ordlnance,- Therefore Be It Resolved, That .the O.ommispioner of Public Works be and he is hereby direoted to do aaid work by ForOe Account, keeping an eeourate cost account and that the expense of completion said work, upon of same, be collected from the Chicago, Milwaukee and at. Paul Railway company. _ r C. G. No. 37770—By H. C• f1 1 Whereas. BY. the terms , C F ed i. 36206, .Ordinance No. 6663, apD*o Sept. 28, 1021, the Chicago. Diilwnukoo and St. Paul Rdl�ected to don br nin authorized and, work of -re el's to the moat northerly span of,the High ..Bridge" crossing , the right o[waYoP safd RailwaYCom- . parry ,LLa Whore., the said Railway Company 'h a s-. not' complied with the. terms of said ordinance. .:Thorel re, Bo -It Resolved; That. Oho Commissioner f Public. Works be -and he is•horobY directed,,,to do said work , �bY. rates Accovnt, keeping an accurate cost .count an thaF'the expenao of �Id work' poen completion of sumo, be coil ct d fr m the Chjgng0 M11wau- he e and'9t,Paul R tell Company2 LPPpised Dt a Oo 1921.Dec. 30, 1021. i. � 7 3022) Yes(,/) Councilmen (1) Nays oEcu i92t � Clancy Adopted by the Council___—.'—__—_------------ 19-- �4erguson OEC 30 1921.. 19_ ..- k'McDonald---....._In favor Appfo ----- ---- —...._.._...A eiost th T. P jVl oz t President CITY OF ST. PAUL3 CppNp1L �d 6 71 FrLa No....... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESE STED BY L.` R.' ' COMMISIONER..............................................FERGUSON. ................._ DATE............................................................................ RESOLVED , Whereas in pursuance of. the usual procedure the use of the St.Paul Auditorium was contracted for by the St.Paul Labor Temple Association for a carnival from December 5 to 10th. inc. at the regular rental fee of 4250.00 per day, or $1500.00 for the entire showing, and, Whereas it is now reported by this organization that they suffered a heavy loss in the failure of the production and further that they did not have access to the entire building during this period for the reason it was jointly) occupied during the aforesaid period for municipal concert purposes, therefore be it resolved, That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of $300.00 in favor of the said St.Paul Labor Temple Association, being a refund at the rate of $50.00 per day for the six (6) days of their contract to equalize more fairly the actual use of the building which under the circumstances they had. Same to be charged to the Auditorium Fund, #43• C. WhNO 37/n PuBre.anco of thouusu.11 I.,. —d.re [ho use oY the. 6t. Pn`1 Anni .tees. this P. la now .reported hY this' .,... F„rrered . onYlt �rosolvea.: -'the" recomemndntlon etnnee they had. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Na tcrmm Tuna No as Approved vee 30, o isat. JELL 1921 ticy Aaohtea hYC7a°nc7 19 ttno°!las i Adopted by the Council _....... 19 /rguson :- ZMcDonald ..... In favor Approv d_ .....___ 19..._... Matson :. rt"(T 91; - Smith Against __.......__._ .................... ................ Wenzel M.+oR Mr. President FORM ]M .•.O St. Pau], Minn.,192i- TO THE HOFORABLE CITY 00UNCIL �. C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of comp leting contract for the - - - - - 11�,�/SFt /�w-�<- �'��or✓ _USG �ccy� U E oS7, fa /5 �/Y¢a_! a� �,u g Sf- - - - - to be extended to - - - - -- Owing to it was not possible for&4� to finiah this contract within the time specified, hencei�e desire to bsk that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very ttrui ,v' hidactor. There is no objection to having the tine extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. APPROVED 6tiCpedof Construoti & Repairs Commiseionet of Pubic Po;ks. Chief Engineer. a 3` 773 cnpec CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO. -_— •• OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK COUNCIL RESOLD LION'rPENERAL FORM PRESENTE� BY f H C. Wen2el ,.D80 29, 1.97+1• COMMIS SI NER.f_.... ......... ... ......... ` ......... ........ ...... ....._ DATE ....:...... .... ... .. ... .'. RESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated August the -9th, 1921, between The Feyen Construction Compsny and the city of St. Saul for the construction of a sewer on Hand.0enAs' from 20 -feet south of yawson St. to. Hatch street be and the same is hereby extended to the 28th day of December, 1921, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said oontract iu accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall. not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing° with the City Comptroller. II[ C P No. 37773—Ey H. C. 1Yenz 1 R.......Th" lv d Th" the time apealded' Por th ner¢orm nce P rtain coal act dated. Aug. the 9th. 1921, between .Th. 1 Foyers Construction Company and the city.0. St.- Paul 'for the construction- or • a ege� n Hand A en4e:from. zo fort. s0a'th 'P Lalvso11-8t "to Hatch Street„ be and the same Is 1 m eby extended to, the 28th day of December, 1921, and - -'-' the props city office s. are hereby au- th lsed, t xecute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, h ver, that this resoiutlon hall not hav ny. force andottect un-� lees the oracles on the contractor'"s 111 bond consent thereto and file each 0on.1 sent In writing with theCity Comp- troller. Adopted by the Council Doe 30. 1921.1 Approved Dec, 30, 1921 111 i (Jan. 7 1922) Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓).Nays DEC 30 l92� Clancy Adopted by the Council--.--.------ _-__ Ferguson, McDonald ----_.._In favor Approv —� C-341�a-----19..-- Matson Smith —._..__....Against ...— -- ..... __.. MAYDP Wenzel Mr. President St. Paul, Minn., - �`2= -. - - 19-Z/ - TO THE HOYORABLE CITY COUNCIL. C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the _✓YP.(�� mac. -rte,✓ .2a" Ys • ' ,a.e,✓ .f tc Sf - - - - - - - - - - tobeextend`edto--------192'4-�0 Owing to - - it was not possible for �— to finish this contract within the time specified, henceweq desire to ssk that the titiz for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very ruly, 'Contractor. APPROVED Commissio9n1`roP ub�7orks. There is no objection to having the tiL.e ax'.ended as requested, as far as the requirerients of this office is ccncar Supt, of Construction & Repairs lu ."."L- bv. •��- Chief Engineer. z q ,N COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nuc NO.V774 ....._.. ..._.._..._..... r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK < .== �? L-T RESOLUTION'—GENERAL FORM PRESCOM�NiBY /,, ......................... DATE......................... RESI;LvED That the deposit by the Liberty State Bank of 8t, Paul, of - Twelve Thousand, fiive Hundred Dollars of United States Liberty Bonds, 4th issue, and numbered as follows: No. E00702535,, - D00704534q'' C. r. xe 37774—BYiintsen- 00070453y LlbcrtYyStnta hBnniche i the 80070453 of St. Paul, Twelve TM1ousand, Five Huadred Dol - A00704531 lura ot. United Stntes Liberty Bonds, 4th Issue, and nu-be,,od ne toilows: %00704530 ` No. '> 00702635 J007j04529 D00704634i q C0070463sBon H00 rt 04528 704532 'A00704631 000704527 K00704530 700704620 F00704526 H11704111 G00704527G00704527 D007045U P00704526 "100704624 B00704512 -800704612 A00704511000704613 A00T04611 000704513 .000704614. 800704616 D00704514 P0070461C 000704617 j E00704515 H00704518 i iiasotoo F00704516 B00704522C0070 - G00704517 423 E007044626 H00704518 J00704519 S8ecurity for deposits in said Bank 'the City of St. Paul In an "amount 800704520 of .to xceed Ten Thousand Do""' $10.00nsame le hereby'; t'y B00704522 PP—.ed by Counoil 000704523 the Dec. 30 ,1021.. Approved DPS 30. 1"11. E00704525 YTnn. T-1982) — - A00704521 as security for deposits in said Bank by the 01ty of St. Paul in an amount not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) be and the same is hereby approved. Yes ( V) Councilmen ('J) Nays ,, r�.o........ i'McDonald 0 ..............In favor i Matson Smith Against 9 Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council........) r.C- n4; �s� i 192" " — Approve - ..��CC... r.�9Zi 1912----- ------ ., ieceRcu- NO.._........d.�7tl..... CITY OF S,7S��#:.�.PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /�O SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY //1/ DATE._Ii.�.C.�217b9.r....3.0. 30.,.1921 COMMISSIONER ......G.�,<.l4ee ..........�/ .._....................... ... r RESOLVED That, Whereas a co ract has been awarded to the Hankee Heating Company for installing the heating and ventilating in the Vocational School Building for the sum of $47,697.00, including two 78"x18' tubular boilers as called for in the general specificationB,'and, Whereas, it is now deemed advisable to install two #323 Kewanee portable smokeless firebox boilers as called for in the general specifications as an alternate at alreduction of $616.00, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the amount payable under the said contract conforming to the above changes be and is hereby decreased to a total amount of $47,081.00. Charge Bond Fund -Vocational School-F.B.4228 q , Yes (J) Councilmen ('V) Nays �,d''Clancy Ferguson ,McDonald --- - In favor 'v -"Matson j' §rnith ABainst s'°'Wenzel President FORM 1.00 10.31 vocan e sum Of S tuba _7� �y 1 thett6 , general 1,,,: led .ble t- maned manedDo 1 ra s as a .atlona as an $BS6.00,.riow, t�, Dunt payable rt onforming. to nd21s hereby amount of Fund—Voce- 1921. �r Dec. 31, Adopted by the Council_ Q.E_C 3.1J92l- —192 DEC i92i-------i9z---- A owed------- ......... ..._ �....-...... MAYOR pyeO11YYL1Urt - �+O SY OP qS. P�IIL ' ..TO:CttY. CLOIR OOOSOIL 37776. -., pry 7 )EC 3 1 1921 er ...._...AUDITED.; 192 con.. s t I ' i PER _......... R Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ TA,0)AAq_ __ _.. covering checks numbered _..._18021... _-. to__ 16.028 . inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council...........DEC_� �9.z1- - - 192 Ferguson, In favor JEC 31 1921 M.Don ld, Approved. .........192 MAW, Smith, Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgson v`• F No X27778— rraata bo ,drawn. teat wa .:to trigggre- gosolve�l Trenenr� coverinB' upon the C1tY. of .ig6r 12,60,s �yeclr9 numbeted'�602 t clt96 checks �Onj - atve. ae per pgfeb sof the City. Comp - rtlb 1n the i 81 1921.. trop pted by the Cpuitolt Dec :�pproved Deo 81 1921. tJ&n r7 1922) 01- To CITY OF RT. F. ertr aeon OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER r. 377176 • oovsox Fotm AA46,1M 7-21 AIIDITED CLAID-tS—RESOLUTION FORDI =___ NO. ..................--..........- 1437 DEC 1 AUDITED.... 'J.I..t1...:3..1....1921....... 192. ........ ..... .. ...... . . I .- 1 PER ......... .. .............................. ....................... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $;.,76,$n.wA0.............. coverin8 checks numbered..__ .16021.._....-. to..._ _.. a 6Q2.8 _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. I Clancy, Adopted by the C cil........._Q�� - 1-19.2 �-- ......a% ....... Ferguson, .... _....... In favor DEC 31 Ni McDonald,/D Appry-----------......................................- Matson, v Smith, .. Against ......... _....... Wenzel. MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson 16021 F. W. ........._................................ _ Matson, Comb. of Fluence 5,573.0 Red. Tax Levy Certs. Oat. 1, 1920 Issue 100.00 Interest 5,386.00 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Fund -Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Aaat. 45.00 42.00 P.I.R.F.-Int. Aoct. 4� 16022 F. W. Matson, (;om'r. of Finance 4,125*00 New Charter Expense 16023 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 27,237.43 Polios 16024 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 37,355.98 Fire 16025 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 1,222.50 Pol. & F. Alarm ® 16026 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 948,65 Garage 16027 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 150.04 ' Wheelage Tax 38.3 16028 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 200.00 Humane Society eTi'r oe BS. P�tIT. rro........37777 �< it AUDIT -OK CC((`` )) .3 . 1... IJL�............... 182.... .. ...... ..... .... i 1 PER .............................._ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $"_7,1067154--. ----- covering checksnumberLa—....16.0441..__ __ to.._....I644.a! inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, In favor McDonald,/` Matson, (,/ Smith, ___....._..Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the Council .......)u...3.._..i............... .........192 -- Approved -_._..._.......... 1.4.42.j..... ---r----192-.......- 7777 3 777 C Roelilve`d7 thnt warrants 7+e drawn uD14 Lhe rCtty lfreasm( to tlle'aggT'e'; .gate � amunt of 'i6 3to 1 043 to u checkeaeanuembere,6t r,ot city. 6hecka•on "sive. .; '7_. ice:ot the Cf[y: Comb-, flle In , Itroler.: tj ` dOPti" D & ti, -19211 "�" E3 Y821.. (Tan. 7-1922) _ 0 XIOIXw� M 0 OP Bi. Pw.1 CITY CL[XX OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 377177 Form A A46, IM 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM >?_:.>: NO. ................................ 1439 - AUDTED.192.........9Y COM_P..T..H._.. L.S..H..... DFr 11 1921 PER................................... - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $...148771*84.............. covering checks numbered. 16041 to. 16043 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. • Clancy, Adopted by the n ' OEf...31-1tl....------------- lcnPerpuso....:..... n' McDoonald, In favor 1921 _192..--... App ed....—.--...... .E.C--=3:.---------.__....... Smith, WQnZEI. Wenzel. ... - - Against_....................... .----------- MAYO0. Mr. President, Hodgson 16041 Corrugated Bar Oompany, 2,248.70 Water 16042 F. W. Matson, Comer. of Finance 9,294.84 Schools 16043 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, 328.30 Schools t I • WNG[Y�LiuT[ OITT OP 9T. PIPL ?4 No- ....3'777-8 AUDITED. .. .l/.El.. .. 7_.. 1971 .__.190 BY....._.._...... .......... .._........._COMPl'@O L8@... .... ........ 1 PER ........ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_..... D7 ! ............ covering checks numbered 16029 _ to _16040.........__ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( o ) Nays. ;I�� :ri i92i Clancy, Adopted by the Council_..__.....:............ ._........ ..-........... ....192......._ Ferguson, In favor i C 31 !921 �. McDonald,/ Approved...............-----------------------------------------192 _ 1 Matson, </ Smith, Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson . F 1V4d 4'13 Rea6lVgd 'thnt "w9rrante bc.. drawn:' Iponthe L'ity 17eHeviY [o the:�aBgra= Sate ,amount ,ot'-54,7b6,43,cove Ing. hecka .numbered 16028 to ;16040` IhCl slue; aepen reBiater oY ctty checks on , file-Inthe ot[Ice ot the C1[Y.;Comp- tr911e;. � Adopted by the Covncil Dec.. 31 192i�: Approi• d Deo 31', 192I ^;; I (Jan. 7-}988) OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aooso:n o�seas,3mt-u AUDITED CLAIbIS`—RESOLUTION FORM ==z= NO•.--.... 3 ."7'78 v ------------------- ��i�%Q�Q�i�C� _ 1438 11 y B AUDITED?1 �....1 Y ... ...... ...........0 ----- . j ................ .1 OMFY -- ................. 182.......... -. PER ......�.- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..-.....- 4,i05,gs.........., covering checks numbered..... 16028__.____to. __16040__ ...... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. - r .....-.---..... 192-.-.. .. Clancy, Adopted by the Council .............+��G �� In favor McDonald, Appro� .. �EG 1��� ....... 192.......... Matson, � ✓/' Smith, Against✓✓/ ........................................................ Wenzel. _-....- SfAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson _................ _......................................... 16029 Central Warehouse Lumber Company, 91.11 Water 44a20 16030 P. Glibson, Water 6.00 16031 W. T. Goddard Eleotion 238.00 16032 F. W. Matson civil 160.00 Bureau of Engrs. 10.00 Workhouse 5.00 Schools 63.00 138.0 86.75 16033 Mines & Orlema ysClerk 4.25 Prtd. forms and blks. 67,00 6.75 Schools 6.75 ® Water 86.7b 16034 Mpla. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway,, 32.32 ��1327 16035 Northern States ewer Company, 1,274.57 Fir10.70 Health 88.62 Sewer C. & R. 21.00 Library 16.05 Lighting 6,30 Water 1,131.90 Res. 1438 Pelle ;4#2 160$6 N. C. Robinson, Clerk of Dist. Ct., Oburt Costs 160.37 Roxana Petroleum Company, L 1327 16038 Superior Baking Company, Park Refectories 16039 Victory Printing CoMuniciplanY, urt Prtd. forms and blka. Schools 16040 Western unionTelegraph DepartmenBurt Bureau of Engra. Schools C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 0 11 15.00 99.00 50.00 THOU 3.45 .48 2.32 .72 6*0,7r 160.95 2,328.80 271.81 164'000 6.97 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM IS biec ......_.... .. ................ ......... .................................._..................................... /j1 /y/ COU.- 3 e v 79 ,4.4 Pae NO ............................... ...._................................. ......:.. x Date Presented...........December 31+ 2:1 ......17I' ' Resolved, That, in accordance with the last paragraph of Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3883 and its amendments, the same being an ordinance ,granting special war leaves of absence, the time limit for the expiration of said Ordinance No. 3883, as amended, is hereby extended to April 1, 1922. �C. F No. 37779-13Y F..: W Tfatson— vvlth ResolveQ, That t cordance the last paragraph of Sect(n i'pf Or- dinanee No.. 3883 and'Its agiendmante, the same being an ordtnaneo granting special n'ar leavesof pbsenco.tlie time limit for the oxplratlon of said--Ordtn- an N 2883, m mended, is hereby. extend d t 'Ap ii 3, 1922. Ad pled bythe Connell-b�oc. 3t, 192 t:1 App oY d Dee. 31, 1921. (Jail 7-1922) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ^ Adopted by the Coun ' ...�.(....��... �92.�......_.....191...... Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..:-:'.......In .., Approve .... ......... �E�...�..1921-... ......191.... favor - Keller McColl v .............. Against.._....%....,..,........................_cV .. Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COt}NCIL RESOLUT N—GENERAL FORM V/ 2 COURCIL 37780 nyeNO......_.._.........._.._._...._. PRESENTEWBY COMMISSIONER ................................... ....DATE_AECeri1Er- RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract ConmAttee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Fred St. ?nd the alley between Lots 6 and 15, Irvine's Outlots, from a point 145 ft, east of the east line of urr St, to Bedford St., in accordance with plans and specifica- nlions hereto attached, to Hagen a.nv' Goldstein, they being the lovres+ reer.oneille bidders, for the sun; of 540.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to dram un the proper form of co tract therefor. Engineer's Estimate "720.00. F.B, #4228. Yes (J)Cou oilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Olt" M1 In favor ith Against f Wenzel /At. President FORM 1500 —21 Adopted by the Council D...r� �- ' . 1 i -- -- 192..----- APPT�.--19-Zt'---------...192---� ..... ............- --o. CITY OF ST. PAUL eouncal%i Fac NO ........... ..C. .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �p / //C'/�OUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/ /J 1•,.�� DaTE.Dec ember...27.,..._1921 COMMISSIONER 1 �` 4– ................................ ....... ...-........ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in, the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and im- provement of Harvard St. from Annapolis St, to Wyoming St., `1n accordance with pl;-ns and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $168.84, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate $329.00. F.B. #4225. C. I•' N 37181—By H. C. ttenzclle Resolv d That the Cou cil hereby concurs 1n the recommendation . 0t- the C Centr ct Commtt o .and ¢w rds tho r ,1� �O-' contract 'or ,;radinb and -Improv me t of .Harvard St from AnnaP0lis St Lo t„C �. Nyoming St, 1n cc rd ace with P an E£ anS` epectd Mona hereto attacrod' to Christ Johnson. h being. the lowest - ..ponslbl bldd for 'the sum of ^;108.84, and the C rporatl0n Counsel'la' {hereby Instructed to;;drAw up the prop - Lr.; -form of contract therefor. Er91 �reer:s estimnt0 $329.00. S. l;:. No. 26. i Adopted by the Councli' Dec: 31, 3923: '1 Approved Dec. ..7 1921. , (J¢n:.7-1922)' Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ('✓) Nays Clancy er uson '^ hf2�8H�h1 ................In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1300 10-11 Adopted by the CouncilOFC ...:- 131. Ni ....................._....192.----- APPr ----- --.DEC ...3.1-- 92.3 . ---......... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COU Mca 3 Gg2 n1.c No.._._.. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ............... .... ...:.................................................... DATE .....Dec .emb-ar....aQ------ 1-9.`d}---.-.. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Robie St, from Concord St. to Greenwood Ave., in ac,orAnce with plans a.nd specifications hereto attached, to Barbaro SBa & Lametti, they being the log: -lest responsible bidders, for the sum �' $552.90, and the Corporation Counsel is herAh.v instructed to draw un the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's Estimate X610.00. F.B. #4227, Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nuys Clancy gnald .............. In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 10.21 Adopted by the Council...)Ll �.� '9b.._....._192------ Approve----�-�1<1...;---t9 ........................................ ..... A ... --- M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUMca. FILL: No .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ItY A. E. Smith Dec. 31st 1921 ER................................................................................................................ DATE ............................... RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of foodstuffs at the addresses indicated, be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the pAyemnt into the City Treasury of the customary fee: A Herrman Sone Hall Assnrr Inc. L. G. Hoffman, X. E. Wehr, Regolo Brothers, L. Dahmer, Walter Havlish, 436--50 Rice St., 1460 Grand Av., 1489 Grand Ave., 107 W. 10th St., 91 W. Sycamore St., 1553 University Av. C. F. No. 37783-13Y A. E. Smith— . Resolved, That the applications fol, licensee of the following persons for . the handling and selling of foodstuffs at the hddr..... indicated, :be and the snme.are hereby granted and the City Clerkly instructed to ies(( a ch. H- tenses upon the -payment into the City Treasury of. the customary fee: Herrman Sons Hdll Assn. Inc., 438- 50 Rice St. L. G. Hoffman, 1480 Grand Ave. N. I7. tVehr, 1429 Grnnd Ave. Regblo Bros., 107 W. 10th" 0th St. L. Dehmer, 91 1V.'Syc...to St Naiter Hnvlieh, 1663 University Ave. Adopted by the is Dec. 31, 1921. Approved Dec. 31, 1 92 1. +' S .. (Jan.'7-1922) 1 Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays I -Clancy _ra� le"McDonald ................In favor y",,Matson $!Smith Against i Wenzel -. 4r. President FORM 1300 lo-zi el Adopted by the Council192......-- Approv .......l.�' -1-g2-I--------19---- MAY ' r I A aii, CITY OF ST. PAUL mRMoa NO........_..� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..................... A..... F......Smi th........................................................ DATE.........._.__._....D.eQ...31s.t.,-...1.927 RESOLVED That the applications few licenses of the following persons to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the addresses indicated be, and•the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: Angelo A. Bruni, Hotel Palmer 442 West 4th St., A. J048, Restaurant, 508 Mississippi St., Dominick Fania, " 462 Broadway St., W. K. McDowell, " 388 Bent St., Charles Landis, " 144 E. 6th St., Midway Y.M.C.A. " 1963 University Av., Strdnglis & SiOris, " 466 Wabasha St., W alterShelley " 98 So. Robert St., L. K. Liggetts, " 7th & Wabasha St., Julius Nickel, " 256 W. 7th St., Frank Buellers, a 612-,14 Selby Ave., M. Carter, 963 Rice St., James P. Zeiler, 749 Mississippi St. John Weloh, 69 W. 7th St.,, Theo Ales, ° 618 Selby Av., Mike Wood, " 1019 Arcade St., Herrman Sons Hall Assn, Inc. " 438-50 Rice St. d. P. No. 37786-13Y A. II. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy I A aii, FerAuson �St He taurl McDonald In Ad Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 /0-21 .Hotel paimer, 44'1.4. Landls, Itestaurunt, 144 E y y, h{, �. A., Restaurant, 198: ty.Ave, He &.. Sioris, Restaurant, 481 x St: r 9hellcy. Restaurant, 96 S0 3t. L186ette,' Restaurant. 7th' 6 u -- St. -. Nicltel,. Restaurant, 268 Wes Suellers, Restaurant .612-1 ia R- r ur �ter,.Resta.uranRico St. - �-.-P. Zeller, Rsutaurnnt,' 7491 1)01 St.., Welch, Restaurant,"69 W. 7th{ rr }} n Alex, Rentaum t 618 Solby UE I. .11 �9Z1 192------ Wood, Restauia�, 1019 Arced I Y the Council... .. ..... nan Sona HallAssn Inc., Rae- te4dgbY hel Council Dce.'31, 1921 owed ace. a1, 1921 A ved.---iiE C —.�.. �2�1/..1n' ...'.� MAYOR COU"CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nye 0..... _.._........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMENTA - _........_........................ _.._................. DATE.J)a00m";r ...f3..1.a.19:_l.._-.------ PRESISSIo BY - .. ............ COMMISSION ........................ .. , and he is hereby authorized RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be to purchase, with the consent -,of the Comptroller, one Bodge Broe.truck chassis with special equipment at a price not to exceed ,1675.00, without advertisement or competitive no advantage could bids, as this is a patented article and be gained thereby. Charge Parka -Expense 52. Yes (✓) Councilmen ('J) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FOPM moo lo-zi to aopted 'Dy the Councl) Dee. 21, 1921. Approved D%31. 1921. !(Jan. 4-1922) T'. Adopted by the Council. .- �192'"'"""" i � 191.._.....: DE :3�1 192i Appro ..In favor favor ._ Against CITY OF ST. PAUL COUMCR. /' �. nye ...Y.�..O...��..._ . /�6 / OFFICE OF -THE CITY CLERK NO._. . U COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. .............._........_................... ............._..............: DATE ...-............... ........... .................. -fteeee+aee WHEREAS, On the 10th day of August, 1921, upon petition of Harold J. Slawik, the Council authorized the issuance to said Slawik of a permit for the construction of a garage on the following des- cribed property, to -wit: Lot 6, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addi- tion; and WHEREAS, On the 23rd day of December, 1921, the requisite numberf the owners of real estate in the following described distriA, to�-wit: The southerly half of Block 29, Merriam's Re -arrangement of Blocls 24 to 29 inclusive, of Merriam Park, and the northerly half of Block 6, except Lot 7 thereof, in Merriam Park Second Addition; petitioned the Council for the restriction of said district pursuant to Chapter 128, Laws of Minnesota for the year 1915, as amended; and WHEREAS, On the 30th day of December, 1921, the Council duly adopted a resolution restricting said district; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the permission heretofore granted to said Slawik for the construction and operation of a garage on Lot 6, Block 6, Merriam Park Second Addition, be and the same is hereby in all things revoked. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( V) Nays i,..- McDonald ',:McDonald �. In fa d Matson Smith Aga. Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 10-21 COUNCIL_.!. rY.... _. CITY OF ST. PAUL n+.c NO......-.. G `tel j OFFICE OF THE, CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B ....._...__........._...... ......_._ DATE .._. Deremb.er–.33.0,--1-921-....-... COMMISSIONER................................_.........................._..... RESOLVED hat the Purchasing Agent be, 'and he is hereby authorized to to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, Smith patent sleeves and gate valves, from the A. P. Smith Irfg. Company, at a total price not to exceed $596.50, without asking for com_ peti+ive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. Yes (J) Cou Amen ('J) Nays ,! Clancy k,LZer6u6o1U-- :,'McDonald In favor "Matson Pr,Smith Against enzel `r. President ♦owN +eoo +o -a+ Adopted by the Council..lJN_.'.921.. -- _ _ 192..---. Ap ed`921-------------192, ��........._........--. M - ..... AYOfl 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE �01UTION GENERAL FORM JR.Fa-l"SENTED BY OM M SSIONER .................. ................... ..................................... I ......................... DATE.... --- ..................................... RESOLVER that a warrant be drawn in favor of Peter Kantrowich, 214 State Street, for. the aum of bix Dollars ($6.00) on account of license No. 58 Foot Peddler being issued in error. Same to be paid out of the General Fund, Refunds and Repayments Account. I C F N'0 37789 DY A• P•... 8"Ith— R ... jved, th.F� —r�.t Do dr —n In favor. of Petor- Xaqr-vicj�. 21'4.i, tat. Pt., f.r-th. earn of i. Dollar. ($6.00)-', ,onnecount off 11-nne No. 68 o"t c to b ,idl- Wag I ... ed In rr paid out of the G neral Fdnd, Aefood. nd P'Y"rt' 1921. Adopted by.thb IC..n I "-"o" Ap'r—ea 1)... 31, 49 -.19 '0&-7o19 ZY W Yes 60 Councilmen (V) Nays /Clancy Ferguson Mfonald . ......In favor ,. � .0 ;t Smith Against zel Ar. President Adopted by the Council -....M ;.'j 19 Approvi . ...... ......... 19 ,, .ro X57791'Ordl anCa N° 6 46a. 3'�r7 BY.KC nie1-- the Pure it /1 An'ordinance granting td tr 1. ,at Com P,nY'D°rnytat , to cn static 6t ! ✓// � � ��,. mafntatn an� ,ir filling i and Arcaa - Wheetoch ParhwaY 'The C uncll n • v does o dai .. ' U _ t✓ 'r An ordinance granting to the Pure 011 Company permission to construct and maintain an air -filling station at Wheelock Parkway and Arcade street. THE IVUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Pure 011 Company, a corporation, to install and maintain an air -filling station on Wheelock Parkway and Arcade street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the said air - filling station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said air -filling station shall be installed under, the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), condition- ed to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, costs or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the installation, maintenance, oper- ation, use, presence or removal of said air station. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have a surety satisfactory to.the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said air station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. ,G� DEPgRr� .AL�f4L LJ{`s „�•° l+L 11�W �µ.�.f-.i•�x lel A. E. SMITH.GOMMts-o-R ✓ pOLiCE OFFICE OF 0F SAIN� Saint Paul ,Minn . H.J.CRE?EAU C.-F December 19, 1921 �IT VIL V Hon. A. E. Smith, Commissioner of Public Safety, �y St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 17th inst., asking me to investigate application of the Pure Oil Co. to -operate z-nd_ s.aintain an air filling station on Wheelock Parkway and Arcade St. received., and in reply will state that I have today investigated and find that this air filling station was erected at this location last August. However, I do not believe it has or will interfere with the traffic. Your r t ly, Captain of Police TdG/V7 `:d -JOHN I. FARICY _ Wiffice of (4itg (Qlerk JAS. J. MINER <� nssr. circ aeaa (fits of 'saint Paul November 12th, 1921. Aon. A. P. Smith, Com'r. of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Attached please find an application of the Pure Oil Company for permit to erect and maintain a free air station at the southeast corner of Arcade Street and Wheelock Parkway, and also an application of the Northwestern Oil Company for permit to install a 550 gallon tank and curb pump at 818-822 Como Avenue. These applications were referred to your department for investigation as to firghazard, by the Council this date. fours truly 2 one. CITY l!�L' St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 4, 1921. r To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota.' . (Y\ r IV Gentlemen: We hereby petition your honorable body for permit -5—m eovf to erect and maintain a free air station at the Acorner of Arcade Street and Wheelock Parkway. Respectfully submitted, THE PURE CIL COMPANY By JH -RS �ViePresident. THE PURE OIL COMPANY St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 10, 1921. 1 Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, Court House, Saint Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I have your letter of the 9th with reference to air filling station at Arcade Street and Wheelock Parkway. I am herewith enclosing you a pencil sketch, as per your request, showing we 1aftrcderStnote reet and 125 ft. on Wheelock that have90. on Aad Parkway. Hoping this will comply with your request, I am Yours very truly, JH -RS �Vicedent. to r,(.Od e To the Council. Gentlemen:- Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claims of George Beyer and Catherine Beyer against the City of 3t. Paul for the sum of $150.00. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours very truly, / 1 ssietant Corporation Counsel. per. {4-r- peaartment of Naw CITY CF $T. PAUL 'ARTHUR E. NELSON CORPORATION COUNepL AppI.;ANT ATTOR.- CARLTON F. MCNALLY EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECEJ.MCGEE LEWIS L ANDERSON December 30th, 1921. To the Council- Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Helene D. Robertson against the City of St. Paul for the sum of Ten Dollars. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours very truly, l Assistant Corporation Counsel. EMO -M COUNCIL .Y..94 PITY OF, ST. PAUL vee NO..__..... .COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - r PRESENTED. BY COMMISSIONER................ ......... ...................... ... DATE ._......... ................................................................... RESOLVED: That the SL Paul Gan Licht Company is hera%ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by erecting Doles and stringing wires thereon for the transmission of also. , hfclty on and (n tha following alleys and streets of said city: December 30, 1921 Install One pole on the east side of Willius Street, between Eighth and Ninth Streets. Three poles on the west side of the alley east of Smith Avenue, between George and Stevens Streets. Two poles on the north .side of the alley south of Geranium Street, west of Mendota Street. One polen the east side of the alley east of South Robert Street, north of Felvidere Street. One pole on the south side of the -alley north of Grove Street rear of 205 Grove Street: With neoessary guys d anchors. Commercial Lighting. oRe' m ea?Tna told ._ By A Paul Gm Ligh. SC ... d toe extgnd eftay ered end mr,e6 C. p les glad A rI a] di, hereyno yor the„Oranaralr[n linea .byfid ` Cin wires Iriatall, t° Pdealdt ityYollolWlagPa�jeYe� ito”. f,eeon ighth and NooR Willlua` _-_ _ ✓� .. /¢yl�fay:. enpa=lee in. the weed eldegoe'- 1'.. 6 §nd' a ..Smith ' Ave._ of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thins, subject to caul. tail deaignam, and sbell be of such height and character as Is shell .aced underground wherever the. Council shall deem that the public I by the,ouncil..............Aar.._1 `r�+...192i. ....... f92......... Adopted.....-... JAN 12 1922 192 MAYOR tulIvidaostahRberGBG; nor B e$ t t rear G'WI[osth °L Grove g th -fit. YI th h rte eeagr aad ariehoi °LIr ezt� eucb el elrectlon�and nd aoneiru� e,ona orall thingg° 6'4G'' Pub11Gr el I UtAI ° . ,424 andl flamer' of he°ln ordlna,t° and luldop a'A71.Doete sh rasa ea paU PablI. iltiiltiea the'; t la said all Commiselouet,.. - p ahaU ba dP shall `'110 halt it Allhall ilia presidentt. sllOrdlnlmaca No.ElP/e andl be of all oteandlel chs°tao' a aVtaV p°le9and approve and ai 'tlor nd, and'such ll'be taken`.dpy, All should b at in such location 1 id dl ,deem "that 'whenever lhe.TBB plaoed nt desiPnat and Dp va d aoy and all h Dale 'quire Pteda.the nn tjlstt¢ljt Teat oleos re interest reaulras, -it who. it shag rde . .! Ado whe - ' * ,;'Adopted Janthe Couri'cll Jrt orders - n Ia,,rn"az Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓)Nays tJan'iiisza> ....:.--chineY— -Adz i Donald In Favor Matson O Smith Against We Mr. President of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thins, subject to caul. tail deaignam, and sbell be of such height and character as Is shell .aced underground wherever the. Council shall deem that the public I by the,ouncil..............Aar.._1 `r�+...192i. ....... f92......... Adopted.....-... JAN 12 1922 192 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Fou¢Ra"NO ..........Ci.L.79..5....._ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.. ........_.-tem :.—a= ........................ DATE......................................................................... RESOLVED: I The' tt on andPn the to lowing alleysanis d a mate of sold ordered directed to a:land Its electrical lines by areetin¢ nolea and stringing wlras thereon for We transmission at elao- December 28, 1921 Install three poles, two on the west side of Albert Street, between Good- rich and Fairmount AVenueB, and one on the southwest corner of Fairmount Avenue and Albert Street, with necessary guys and anchors. Municipal lighting. S All sneh ezttraiova, pole. sad wires shall ba areetad and .... I...led under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thing. subject to the nrovlslava at Ordluavice No. 212f, and at dl other lawful ordln-..a and resolutions of the City of St. Pani. All poles should be set in such location in said alleys and streets a. the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall de.l¢nate, andshallbe of such height and deem character he shall deeigvatn avd approve, and any and an sue6 poles shall be taken down and removed, and such wire. placed underground whenever the Council shall deem that the public _ ivtere.t so reanires, end when it shall co order. _ Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council .............. 12 1922 .......192......... n Adopted...... . 1 .,.192 ...........__ ..192........ McDonald ..............In favor ../.../............ .... atson 0 `- Smith ................... 81aSt __....................................................................MAYOR. Wenzel Mr. President ` .u•. .. 5 - COUNCIL '36. 77 CITY OF ST. PAUL File NO ......................................._.. COUNCIL SOLUTI —GENERAL FORM 3 PRESENTED BY " ,COMMISSIONER ..._.... ..................... DATE..: .I'_""""" DATE.:....................._.................................................. RESOLVED: - That end iu the f,LLio¢wln¢ ompanlloys md surety of said cljyd directed to extend Its electrical lives by erecting poles and etriv¢tn¢ wires thereon for the tranemisalon of elee- December 24, 1921 In stall Two poles on the south Bide of the alley south of Breda Street, east of Winston Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. Two poles on the east side of the alley east of Montrose Street, and north of Laurel Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. p I jj C: F' No•,'37798—Bv FL r tV ne:,l_ I`•:I Light �Companyvle'Deceby o de ald' ndl I directed 'to extend.•'1[e' electrical; linea[,_. by era ting. poles,and stringing:wtras thereon Por the.' transmission, of else 1 C' trI' Y, on and in t - following :alleys and street. of said,6lty . C1 In tall WO • all y soPoles on rn th of BadaSt. east of Wjrjh i;B -stop Av ,=;with necessary guys nnd�tj To Dales on,the'. �eaet side of theh���,' atl i, earatr., tY Montrsa Street,_ on .to ihten 'ot .the Commfanloner oY Public Utilitfoe: /JC ;and ns allthings eubj et- 42 the pro- , 'visions r.;I fnance,�N .247,4, nn& of; 11 oFher. InwEul ordi'na ccs �,nndreao-�; 1 luttone f,tha Cit of St. Paul: ,1 All poles shlie vb'e sat in aucli"loea 'tlon'ia-asld-nllrye .and atroeth as tho, CDmmi1alone of Public Utilltl -,shall; designate„and aha11 be of ue height and character ¢s he': shall dealgnato -and npPr. a and anY and all ouch poi a ahaIv taken down and'remoy- 'ed, and such wtree, placed underground. --iwhonovez.:th"e Council; sball,doem :that the Pu lieirate eat .. reyutres; rand `when 1tahnll o ordor. Ad6pterl1by the Ccurtail Jan 42; 1622.i ADPt'oved Jan 12,,922 (Jan, '�1-1922) 3 All such a:teaeione, poles and..wirea shell be erected and constructed under the direction and .uper,Won pf the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thing. subject to the provisions of O,d,. -ae No. 2424, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Pool. deliPales lam°md should poonve ianvsuch avy location uchivotele shall 6 `i.kenndownCena me°mtuVned or Public sc `wriicieesa ofIlea uvdar¢rou dswbe ahall veof r ihahCen(ncll shalcharacter deem that the public interest eo requires, 'ad who. It shall eo order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays —6FertCy� Adopted by the Council...............s)Ati..:,l:.2..�g`�.F......... ...192._.,.... McDonald ...................In favor Adopted ... _Ah... 192. Matson J �1 Smlt6 ................---------- ............................ _... ....... ...... ....""��i Wenzel Mr. President CITY OF ST.. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OOYNC�L 37' �{' / / 9_7 meNO ..... ....... ... g .. SgwEq Whereas it is impraotioahle to operate the park activities without ' IJ a contingent cash fund to be used for change, and to pay immediate necessary expenses as they arise, be it therefore, �rR RF.60LM, That a warrant be drawn u the Department of !+inane for the sum of Afteen Hundred liollars (W1,5U0.00) in favor of the 0ommiaeioner of Parke, Playgrounds and rublic Buildings, payable out of the narks Refectories Mand (53) to be used for the following purposes only: Arst, payment of temporary employes hired for holidays, Sundays and during rush hours. oeoond, freight and express Third, Postage due and telegrams. lroarth, oar fare for employes on city business. Receipts shell be taken for all disbursements, and said receipts shall be turned into the 0omptroller with itemized expense voucher whenever reimbursement of said fund is sought, and of such form as the 0ompt#oller may require. The fund to be reimbursed by warrant and kept Intact in this manner, and at the end of the season -deposited with the Lepartment of Finance to the credit of the Parks Refectories Fund(53). Yes (J) Con ilmen ('J) Nays Clancy onald .. In favor Me on ith ............Against /Mr.p Mr. President '0"M'500'" ONM16001617 r � �{t 0�' - eoueea ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL Fisc NO ....:........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. COUNCIL RESOLUTION FORM PRF}& ED.BY ............... DATE ..:,..... ......:.: CdMMIONER................... RESOLVED %-fhat the proper city officers are hereby authorized to psyto H? M. e, injured March 5, 1930, in the Zengerle, a City employcourse Of his employment, the sum of Twenty-six and 14/100 Dollars 036.14) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to December 318t, 1931. I.recommendthe passage of the abov 0s0lution. izmsaa,/� ry Commission. Yes (J) Cou%`ilmen CJ) Nays ✓Cl ttcy McDonald d........ do favor ntson 75mith .........Against rnZd .President Adopted lay the Council......�k�l .. - _l i l.......192 - App ed-------.JAf1_ - 2 192 .............. MAYOR FORM 130o lOal' _ . rz } f� t; A -Ail_ - . COUNCIL 37799 4 99_..._ CI ST. PAUL Foe NO.- -- OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI%N--- GENERAL FORM atv (Z �y PRESENTED BY Q--=- --iDATE..........eT.F nI�.�T.....3..,....�...9.2,�..... ...... COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Whereas, The Commissioner of public Works has at various times served proper notice on the at. Paul City Railway. Comp to pave between their tracks and for a distance of two {� feet outside of each outer rail, as required by the terms of the franchise under which they were operating and which was in existence, at the time the pavement was ordered by the City Council, and Whereas, The St. Paul City Railway Company has to date not complied with the notices as served on them, with the exception of one (1) mile of paving on Snelling Ave. between Grand Ave. and Randolph at., and Whereas, a resolution, C. F. No. 33962, was passed by the City Council on April 28,'1921, directing the St. Paul City Railway Company to proceed to do such paving in the following order during the Season of 1921: ,- 1. Snelling Ave. from Grand Ave. to Randolph St. 2. Randolph St. from W. Seventh St. toa�slling Ave. 3. Como Ave. West from Raymond Ave. to West City Limits. 4. at. Clair St. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview'Ave. 5. Prior Ave. from University Avenue to Minnehaha St. 6. Maryland St. from Payne Ave. to, Duluth Ave. 7. Earl St. from Hastings Ave./to Indian Mounds Park. { 8. Concord St. from Ada St. to Annapolis St. 9. Como Ave. from Rice St. to Great Northern Railway. 10. Como Ave. West from Snelling Ave. to Raymond Ave., and Whereas, As the St. Paul City Railway Company has not complied with this order, —1 Therefore Be It Resolved, That the St. Pain City Council direct the Corporation Counsel to take the necessary legal action at once to compel the St. Paul City Railway Company to comply with the order of the City Council; -also to compel them pq.yeve between their tracks and the distance of two (2) feet outside of each outer rail on all the streets that have been ordered paved outside of the streets above enumerated being the following: Como Avenue from Snelling Ave. to Hamlin Ave. `ecru Grand Ave. from Oakland Avenue to Cleveland Ave. -�P Minnehaha St. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave. Yes ( v1) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays ' Adopted by the Council Clancy Ferguson Approved McDonald ..... _..... ........ ._In favor Matson - .....-- Smith ...Against MAYOR z' Wenzel Mr. President FORM sm 5-30 trry7� ry j '. CITY OF ST. PAUL ARTHUR E. NELSON - CORPORATION COUN-L " A.9 -ANT ATTORN... CARLTON F. MCNALLY EUGENEM. O'NEILL R LEEC%J. EMWCO1E` ANO%RBON January 9th, 1922. To the Council. Gentlemen: - Under date of January 3rd, a resolution was presented to your Honorable Body, which by its terms instructed the Corporation Counsel to institute legal action to compel the St. Paul City Rail- way Company to put in paving between its tracks on certain streets of the city which have been ordered paved. The resolution covers only those streets for which orders for paving were adopted prior..to April 29, 1921, at which time the City Railway Company filed its acceptance of the terms of Chapter 278, Laws of Minnesota for the year 1921, and thereby claims to have been vested with an indeterminate permit in place of its franchise with the city. I feel that certain information should be given to the Council in connection with the present.status of the litigation with the Street Car Company before action is taken on the resolution above mentioned. I therefore beg to submit to you the following facts: (1) im June, 1921, The St. Paul City Railway Company filed with the Railroad and Warehouse Commission a petition for the valuation of its property and for the establishment of a permanent rate of fare based thereon. Incorporated in said petition was an application for a temporary rate of faxe..upon which hearings were held and an appeal taken as hereinafter stated. The question of the permanent valuation and establishing of a permanent rate of fare is pending before the Commission, and hearings should be commenced thereon at a very early date. (2) There is pending in the District Court of Ramsey Coupty an appeal from the order of the Railroad and Warehouse Com- mission granting the application. of the Street Railway Company for a seven -cent fare with four rides, to be evidenced by tokens, for twenty-five cents. Judge Catlin in this action has filed a de olsion reversing the order of the Commission, and judgment thereon will be entered tomorrow. The Company may appeal from the order of Judge Catlin to the Supreme Court on any day up to and including February 3rd. i (3) There is an action pendia before the same court commenced on the 28th day of December, 1921, immediately after the filing of the decision by Judge Catlin, in which action the City Pt:PnrtMtnt of f aw CITY OF ST. PAUL ARTHUR E. NELSON C_PORATION OOUNBHL AWITANT ATTORNETB CARLTGN F. MCNALLY EUGENE M.O'N EILL REECE J. M,s —2— LHW18 L. ANDEReON prays for a_mandatory injunction to compel the Company to. live up to. the terms of the ordinance fixing the fare at six cents, which was. adopted on February 6th, 1920. In this same action, the City asks for a temporary injunction pending the.application for relief in the main action, and has already obtained therein a temporary restraining order pending the application for the temporary in- junotion... Hearing on the application for the temporary injunction has been set for next Saturday. (4) There is pending in the United States District Court an action in equity, in which the Street Railway Company asks for an injunction both temporary and permanent, restraining the City _ from interfering with the collection of a fare in St._Paul_in excess of six -cents per passenger_on the ground that the present in fare is confiscatory. This Court, on aocount of the pendency of the first action above mentioned in the. District Court of Ramsey County, has stayed its hand, but is in a position to act on the filing by the mattersp al -b ill Of thecfilingnof thetoriforth original complaint therein. (5) There is pending in the District Court of Ramsey County another action recently.00mmenoed by.certain Midway in- dustries, in which the Court is asked to issue an injunction -re- straining the Street Railway Company from discontinuing the so- called "neutral.zone." Hearing on the application of the plain- tiffs has been set for next Saturday. In this action, the City will undoubtedly be required,to intervene in order to protect the interests o gall the citizens in thFederal Courts, other aotions now pending in It is the contention of the City, as outlined to your Honorable Body on numerous occasions, that ththe paving et g which Was ordered in prior to April 29, 1921, when any claims to have come under the terms of the Brooke -Coleman Act, of aarate �ofhfare atould tthe presentntime. Inneother words, iration in the t is contended that the cost of the paving, -as ordered in prior'to April 29th, constitutes an,indebtedness on the part of the eom- pany to the City, -which must be paid by the Company out of its profits. The question as to the manner in which this paving shall be -paid for is now pending before the Railroad and Warehouse Com- mission on the application of the Company for the fixing of a valuation. and of a permanent rate of rebasedttherhe eon oIfthe the Company is required to put in the paving_ laisan itemwhich can vmentioned, sbeschargedyto theocostsOfeoperine tthat paving ptPurtment of gaw CITY OF ST. PAUL ARTHUR E. NELSON COR101ATION COUN.— ASS—ANT AT RNET9 CARLTON FTo MCNALLY EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECE J. MCGEE LEWIS L ANDERSON - —3— ation, and that Chapter 278, Laws of 1921, has relieved the Com- pany from the obligation to do the paving as above outlined, as a privilegetax, and that the cost thereof must be added to oper- ating expense, then the rate of_faxe would be increased at least one ent for lookc cfor such adetermination, lbut tare anticipating all We, of rpossibnot period of at le results. If the, Commission and, subsequently, the .courts deter- mine that the cost of the paving above mentioned is a capital Stem, ydis used,useful obe nand reasonably necessary sidered, as a part of,the in the operation y of the Company, operation of its lines, and, therefore, an element of value for rate -making purposes, the rate or f fA ewod�d be increased a fraction of a cent, possibly yO It is estimated that the cost of the paving which is provided for in the resolution above mentioned amounts to approxi- mstely $800,000. It ip, of course, conceded that when new paving tis laid, ies, thethe railsmandyis tiasreunderdto lay the Act,new and to be paidvier for asias and capital item and added to the value of the property for rate -making ac purposes. The cohtasonosstookawhieh ittccan, sell, would havehtont of tefbet that the Company met fully bond alleditouSectiont7, oat fo� attention is whicheot- provides as follows: "Sao. 7. Companies may issue bonds, stocks, etc., on permit from Commission. - Any street railway autmayhissueae ooks,bbonds, notesrthe laws of this and other evidencesstate to do of indebtedness payable at periods of more than twelve months after the dates thereof, whenever necessary for the acquisition of property, the Sion or improving of facilities or for the discharge or lawful refunding of obligations; provided, however, that except as herein otherwise_ provided before the street railway shall issue any such stooks, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness as aforesaid, it shall secure from the Commission after a full hear- ing and investigation before and by such Commission an order authorizing such issue and fixing t e much hearing. of. The city shall be a neosasount there- asy party besatisfiedthat the funds sderived from suchissue shall PePoxtment of aw CITY OF ST. PAUL ARTHUR E. NELSON COP RATION COUNSEL CARLTON R•RNEYS ..ALL, TO EUGENE M. O'NEILL REECE J. MCGEE _J+_ LEWIS L. ANDERSON essential for carrying out such purposes, and that it is proper and reasonable under all.,the circumstances to make such. issue; provided that it. shall be the duty - of the Commission to authorize an issuance of_.such bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness as may be required for the..construction of any new line or lines, or the extension or change of any existing line or lines, or any construction or improvement in facil- ities, any of which shall have been ordered, required or approved by the council as provided by this act, subject, however, to the right of appeal to the district court of the county wherein such city is located _from any such order or requirement_upon the same terms and conditions as provided by this apt in case of other appeals. Any order of the Commission.made hereunder_ shall contain a finding by the Commission that.the use of the capital or property to be secured by.issue of suoh.stooks, bonds, notes or other evidences of indebt- edness is reasonably required Por the purposes of such street railway and that such issue is reasonable and proper under all the circumstances. Provided further, however, that any street railway may issue notes for lawful purposes payable at periods of.not more than twelve months without authority from said Commission, and no -such notes or any..part thereof shall be refund- ed by any issue of stocks, or bonds or any evidences of indebtedness..running for more than twelve months without the consent of the Commission. The Commis- sion shall not permit the issue of, and the street railway shall not issue, any notes, bonds or other evidence of indebtedness when the aggregate par value thereof, together with all other like evidences of indebtedness that shall then be outstanding, shall exceed Wo of the fair reasonable value of the property of the street railway." It will be noted that the Company cannot borrow additional funds to issue bonds therefor without the consent of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission.in a proceeding in which the City is a party. The Commission is prohibited from authorizing the issuance of bonds by the Company, and the Company is prohibited from issuing such bonds in excess of 95% of the value of its property for rate- making purposes. It is apparent that until such time as a valuation has been made, the Commission cannot grant authority to the Company to borrow any funds, and the Company would not, therefore, be in position to purchase the necessary supplies from its capital account pepartment Of Vara CITY OF ST. PAUL w ARTHUR E. NELSON CO A-1 CARLTON F•MCNALLY EUGENEM. O'NEILL REECE J. MCG EH ...G- LHWI9 L. ANOBR90N to comply with the order of the -Council. This fact would be taken into consideration by the courts in any action which might be in- stituted, and if demonstrated would probably constitute a defense. It would complicate matters considerably for the City if the Company, by reason of the commencement of the action mention- ed in the first paragraph hereof, induced the Federal Court to take active jurisdiction of the rate of fareat least before the result of the reduction in salaries and wages instituted by the Company on January let, and the abolition of the neutral zone on January 7th, is determined. It would be impossible to show to the Federal Court in the event a hearing were held therein by reason of such action and the filing of a supplemental bill, just what the earnings of the Company would be in setting up a defense for the City. I think it is conceded that paving cannot be commenced within the city at least for a period of -two months. Anticipating the necessity of commencing action against the Company at some time to force the paving which has been delayed for a period of more than five years, we have prepared and have ready a complaint in a mandamusaction against the Company covering all of the.paving set forth in the resolution in question. Within three weeks after the filing of such action, a final order_of the District Court can be obtained, either ordering or refusing to order the doing of such work. The foregoing facts are submitted to your Honorable Body for consideration without recommendation. The writer will be pleased -to comply with any order which your Honorable Body may deem necessary and advisable to enter. 7tllz ly, � , jqz.'� Corporation Counsel. _W---------- __= [1 37800 By G1TY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council App inland Assessment. " benef t costs expenses for In the matter of the assessment of + constructing a temporary two plank sidewalk on the south side of Water Street from Belle Str—t–to the -int - e - sec , It-iSin of Joy Ave., Aj pjtovINfi.}� AssESS3akNT9 i r E. No ,37800=By. P 1O. Mafeoa ' ���. .n .ne+matter oY, the nsse68laent qY. neilts' coats snd� exysases�for Cs�: �' dao �ucttng a t mparavys twu� k�� `" 3119631374 underPreliminary Order ............. ......._..._..._.................. _....__._........... Intermediary Order ..- ............. ...- ................ _..... -................ � Final Order ............. 31753_...._........_........_........... pr Dec. 1......_1930 xl�I1X.. C. F. 34819, approved June Y g 1• The assessment of _1c.fine.fit.H.,......Q49.t.8_.-and....expene.e.H..........__..................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ...._!.at„_,,,,.,.,,,,.___,_.day of February, 1922 0895 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the CounSil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed Adopted by the Council .......... ............._.__191, r _ - J 1 I Approved _....__._ �G--_..................... 191 / Councilman FAt=oLdK Clancy 2 _ ....................1 a dL C Hgm McDonald K*M ' Matson �1 V I*Mlit Smith XVjLj&UV Renzel Mayor hzbnx Hodgeon Form B. B. 16 PMLISHED City Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Jan. 1922 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for tbXX constructing a temporary two plank sidewalk on the south side of Water Street from Belle Street to the intersection. of Joy Ave., under Preliminary Order .......... _3,1_l9_6......._ ................................. Intermediary Order ..................... _..3137.4 ............................ .......... .. Final Order_._.. ......... - ... ....._........... ....... approved ....._........D.e.a....._1.,..... 1920 .............x19dx.......... C.F. 34819, approved June 14, 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $l F.666._02.....__._ Cost of publishing notice $.-------.-5.i 46 --"'- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $_ .......... Inspection fees (Forca Account) - - - - $ ...................._0_.-00,....._._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ................_11.,._70.......... 1,685.52 Total expenditures $... ........ ........... .._.......__._...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......_l.i_685..._52...............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for action then be considered proper. ._ ............... ............................. .. . Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Jan.......3.:..__1922............. X�Ftl In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for d+ax paving Maryland Street from Payne Ave. to Duluth Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including concrete curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order......_z.��9%.?�........... ......... .... ................_., Intermediary Order ............... 2.a2.6.9...._....-_.... ...... ........ _... ..._......... Final Order __ ...................... approved ........... XXXX........... C. F. 33298, approved ?'.larch 19, 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ ..............6.?.., -.4.0.1.,..&5 Sewer Connections - - - - - - - - - 30477.5 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - Fater connections - - - - - - $-------------1.6 - - - ....... . 4,361.75 Cost of postal cards$ ................... ............... 7.4 Curbing - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- $-- 5,498.25 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -.1.,.5.33.-.31 287.80 Driveways - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - $ ....... ..............38.-.7.0 Total expenditures - - - - - - $__.._--82_,.624.-.96 Less the sum of - - - - - - - - - - - 10,000.00 Appropriated by Ramsey CountytOTAL $72,624.96 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...72_62.4_96__ ... ............. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith sub4ted to the Council fo action t d o ay be considered proper. ......... .......................... .........._-rQ..f_c:��........-._.................... Forts H. B. 17 / Commissioner of Finance. In the Matter of..opening,•,widening•end•Axtending•,eaeterly,•and xesterly • an••alley••acro•se•,the, northerly,•twenty••(20)••ft,• of •Cote, 3, and•8•x•Block• 2r VPhitney &Smith?e Addition,••frow•Sibley•Street to• V9acouta Street, IYTF7RAIEOIdRY ORDRR9 „5 .......................... ....................................... �-_. .. ItFo'No 3780E—Bq F w. Mateoa ..................... ••••••••••'••••..••..•"•••..••...•.•.• .he'iltattee of opening widenlnSg and• tending tnainr nd.w ,xterly an.-- .......................................... a . ntw,., .......................... • a � e ........ ...approved ....Set?t: 7, 1921........... under Preliminary Order.......3.......6207 . ••••••• The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: =1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. QPA11,..'.Rt�@A.�d... extend easterly and westerly an alley aoross the northerly twenty (20) ........ ..................... tht.9...A44At w". from••Sibley Street to Tacouta Street, ................................... ............................ ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... I13A ........day of February.. • • . • . • , •, 192..$.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council........��'�... ..., 192 ..... ... Approved...iFIS: ' ............192...... Cit leek. ••• .... MayO.r. Councilman Clancy AWLISHEDj Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith t v Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ... 1',rank..91,..Mat.eon.................... 37803 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.,opening, wideni,ng,ana„gxtendin,g, an„alley, in„Blook„Two„(2), SI?1t'.e..Suhdlvielon,.�lY..taking.and.o.ondetxning.the..P.eaterly.T?ie]ve..C�?.) Feet of,Lot„Twelp,@,•(12),.•Blq•�k,.'�wv.,(2.).,..�1d..a..tzl,mogul.ar..pi.ene.me.aaur�d..Yi,ve (5)' feet,on,the, north, line, of„the••exieting_alley„and,five„(5),PeEt„on.the_ east. line. of. -the•• ede ro oe••.1:le 17` p Y'•” F. No: 3780E—IIy F..w. Dfnteon ' • , ... • .. • ......... . the Drafter of ,; a opening; We Tw. Id.exte ding ary alley 1n H1oClf 'fwo .................................... .. ...... .. .. E).:9w1ft'e 8uidiv l by ..taking.................... nd cindemnmg the + ,westeNy .a '2) Feetof Lot Twolye (SE) j under Preliminary Order.... 4!fW6............. ..a.yrr.eo (a`eve(s)a a ion iie1t......"........ � ' xlntin e.t, on"t • _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the repc+= .'t nne �,;iiioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolvc6:.-- 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... open, ..wlden.n. d—. (2), and a triangular piece measured five (5) feet on the north line of .......................................................... ...... I..................... the existing alley•and••ive••(5)••set•,Qn,the•east, line,,of,the„proposed. alley, ......... n with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .00 a. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on te....l.et..........day of F•Q1?=Ary ......... 192..$.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the. Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... �(A.: :52c:....., 19 � ,t 7tufi :. .......�. s Approved...... )n�1.J:.ti:.....192...... rk. ...... . ....... ... ayor. Councilman Clancy �ID / Councilman McDonald s�- Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 37804 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION CEEDINGS. In the matter of....G9AdeR1IAi.IIP... a_.t. k111g...aS1...ease.meSlt...1T]...t ie...land..Sie.CEAAa.Ty or...cut-a--ana---.f1.Ila ...1.4 gra,d.i ng..t.taa...alIey-...running.-Maat---and... we-at....1.a...DIA ck...l.-..M] slay-..Park---and...Black...l.,.---1&ard�..e...Subdisiaion,---and..Rlook 2, Den E. Lane.!.@-..Hom_e.sitee-_Plat--_No..__8...... from.._ Albert._St..__._to-_Pascal-.Ave..., :R$IN9IOGN A110N OFCTOUINNACCIODNADPb$PIRZRNONAVG-.:- .......................... --... -^" ............................................................... ...... TIRE OF HEARING 'PROC$$DINGa. under Preliminary Order...........3.58Q6 ..., a :diary Order...._..aziB.5_, PP�iG.,p, Is;th matter-ot eondamningtak.- N09. 16 1531. ,Ing fill n easement 7n the'ladn eres- approved -...... .......... �.............._ sapv for etr�,]es for tuts and a]]ey; running r, Ri.�r -a� •lw :. I�:Itldwv- .. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public bearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the........... let......................day ofat ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ----_Ji: i Approves-------- --- - ... .. ............ 191-. __.. Councilman FSM ClanOy Councilor Councilman nkilix McDonald Councilman KINaM Matson ouncilman Mt9=x Smith ouncilman WNW&= Wenzel Mayor DW11M Hodgson Pun lslma / _ / `C f oG REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNA'T'ION OF LANDS In the matter of._...aendemni.ag..and..t.akin;._aa... easemen.t...in...the...land ...ae.eesaary tox...alope.s.....iar....=e...and...f.1.1.7s...i.n...grads.ng...tbje alley.:. runnixig..Ea-at....ans1...West in Block 1, Midway Park and Block 1, Ward's Subdivision, and Block 2, ..-------- ----- Den.,E.-._Lane! e..Homeeite.Q-.Plat. NO..._2.,_„fr�m...Albeit....St.......V? _Pa-aCa1...A..m.,.,.......... ...................................................... ....... ....................... ........................... ..... ...------------- - under Preliminary Order ....356C6approved July 29,1921 Intermediary Order..... 37185 approved........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. _.. . ........ --- --- . Commissioner of Finance. 37805 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATI PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....acnde=Ang..-=d....t.akiag...azl...eae.em.ext....In...tt.e...1A. d...;aaeaaaaxY for --.slope s, -._.for-._ cuts-. and -_-f i ll-s.__in ..gr_ading_-_All ey...in._Bloak.-_1,--_Sl-ayton! e- - addi.t.iai?....andcAmenter..:-e.......................... Rearrangement, from Lexington Avenue to Benhill Road, ............................ ....................-............................-...--- - - s avaoc ..................................................... uar,• 9netd atter o cOndemn(ng�nnd'tak- . w °emeat la the ]and necee•.-------------- p°' tope&. foc cata,ana to In -.- .- ..-......................leY ia'. 81 ek I,;.Bfayton's .n°t dttton'e.a 33 k I" Ridge-; ' 'o° Addttton na arpeater'O - under Preliminary Order ......�6,!}1.3..........., approVedr e1 , ,Y.t_..,n A, ...,�.rmediary Order.....t�7.1. - _...., approved.. t1A.v4-..161...-d.J�.R. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages 4 arded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the -s d assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved furter, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .............. .et ........ ...... ..... day - of ...Feb.niaxY.,.--1912--- P9 &..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council---------------' ...........: t...... _a .ro; Approvea..... ............ ..:: ` ........., 191........ .Zl�. Councilman FjVfi9 W4 x Clancy -0ouneilmw,.4------_-.Ferg,1Tgon Councilman HPMSX McDonald... Councilman iauncx Mat son 'l Councilman WBtYllt Smith '•`"''�Councihnan 3ORM&lalax Wenzel Mayor DMX Hodgson cityKrh�,Z Mayor. PMLISHI D r� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_ _condemning_ and-taking_an easement.. in„aha_.-land..nece.�sary for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Alley in Hlock-1,-:--Slayton!_s-. .. .._.... ........_.._.....--- .......__....... -- .... ........ Addition and Block 1, Ridgewood Park Addition and Carpenter'_s......................... -- ..... - ... .... ...._..._....._...- - _..----- ...._........--------- -----------_------------ - Rearrangement, from Lexington Avenue to...Benhill-__Road,................................................. -------------------------------------------- ..._........_._._..... — - - under -Preliminary Order._..3G4.$.3..._......, approved.1ntermediary Order_ ....3718fi..._.., approved Nov.._16,...°21_...... - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. bt - ----------- - lftl - /--f ` Commissioner of Finance. 317806 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSE,eSBMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMN4iSN PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_ ..co_ndemning-..and..-talon.g..an.__e_asement.-.in-.the...lglld._neceseary for elopes,--..for_-_cute"-and_-.fill.s...in-..grading--VanBuren.-Wit.,-,--from-- Gri_ggs-,$t. to Laxington..Ay.e..,.........C. ---........._............... the ._.......... .... o y the mattterter of co ing �nnd' - " n theng an easement ori the' land 'rtece.co6--_--------_-._.... rv;:Por �eloPos, for' and 011efn-"-"""'"""................... ing Van '.Buren aL fromGriggs �gton Ave., under.JProlim- ' ' 16162.' approved.Sept- ? .............................................L:aiL ::.....:,r. �. u.._......................-.... .... , aer37188._ --- _._...-._..__._...-_. ander Preliminary Order.....36163 approvedsept.-3,-1921--...--- Intermediary Order.... approved.. NoV.,...-i6 ___i921_t._ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........... 1,Rt.......................day of..F.ob;'llaxy.,---15ss..,..=x_..-. at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .......... .... .t I. � 1,. _ 1 . Approved ...........:..... - .. ::..:............ 191........ Councilman FXAX*VM Clancy C9otimeilman'T3�DGxx-n-rgaaon Councilman 44%xitx McDonald.— Councilman cDonaldCouncilman 2%Retx Mat son 4 Councilman >t2wmx $with Councilman W-enzel Mayor X-ftx Hodgson PCIBLI8HL`Pt � � 7_- � p� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter ,...condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary o.... -_ ......-- .... for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Van Buren St. from Griggs St. .............................._..........................--....................... .. toLe.xingtan...AY.e-.,............. _..... - ... ........._..... _..-........... .. ...... ............. --... ....................... ............... ......................._....--....._._..._...._--...._..._............ .......................... ...................................... .......................... --------------------------------------- ..................... ......... ..................... under Preliminary Order.. 3.61.62.-._.......-, approvedSept- 3.,.1921._.., Intermediary Order..._..3718.6...__, approved....N.o.V .....16-,-..1921.,.----.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissiouer of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.........c� OFFICE Ohs' THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 37907 PRESENTED F -i I RESOLVED // q TOP Yee (J) Councilmen cilmen (J) Nays I'll' lancy ",,"McDonald ''Macon ;- Smith O We el IIMr.-P-resident C. F. No, 37807— Resolved, That Lewis. F. Soukup Is hereby, electod ,7ustice of'tho Peace at Iargo to all the unexpired term of Daniel- F.11SCAvoy; reel6ned. - Adopted by 'thc Council Jan, 3 ,1922. AUl__1, Jun. 3, 1022. l (Jan. 7-1922). - .....In favor .... ...... _.......... Against .0 Adopted by the °2t ...._.._19.....- N.SPZeA-22522teotmtl[ca 9RIIdtvC Law Offices of L. F. SoUkUP SAINT PAUL, MINN., 12-31-21 To the Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentleman: I herewith submit my application for the position of Justiee.of the Peace for the City of St. Paul, and for which position exists an'atpointment. I attanded the University of Minnesota Law School and kava a Honorable Testimonial therefrom. I practiced law in,the City of St.'Paul since year 1911 after passing a successful State Examination. During the World war I served as Chief Clark for Division #11, St. Paul, Minnesota, and later I was appointed successor to HuGo V. Koch, who resigned, and then I was acting as Secretary of said Board. I will take the Office during January as Auditor for the St. Paul MusiciansAssociation to which office tit was duly elected by the members of the Musicians' organization last November.. I am thirty-four years of age, and have resided in the City of St. Paul for the past fifteen years. I am a tax-payer of Ramsey County. At the last election in this City I was a candidate for the office of Justice of the Peace and was defeated by about five- hundrad votes for the Nomination. Should I receive the appointment I plod,-;a myself to endeavor to dischart,e the duties of the.office faithfully and honorably. N. W. Ceder 1952 — 821-S 2 C.--.— 9.1141.0 Low Office. of ` L. F. SOUKUP ADO- SAINT PAUL. MINN.. Thanking you for the conaidaratiPbn which you will eivs my application, I'remain Your ruly, / b e " L wis F. SoukVID 706 Rondo St., St. Paul, Minnesota. do §ionei.6uPublic ,.Works. MERMAN Q WENZEL; IRVING C. PEARCC.'.mm COUNCIL, FILE NO ............................. 4 By. .. ... ... .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reO.Ons.txu-cting,--_relayillg aDd r.epaixing the c2mmt tile - sidewalks at the following locations: Bjj-B..... Albemar-je-qt between Atwater . and Mj-1-f ord..-St-8 -r ..................................................... PI, S, Milford,S............................ .t., between Albemarle St. and Rice St., r eg Marion St lyetvre-en---Sh-e-rbuTne A" -W and .............. I and Mt. Ida St., r.S. DeSota St:: between Lafayette Ave-nce N: Mt-;-- Ida q Ot .............. St 66ginni [g-3701 north 0`f'-tW11*tna43t to F.I. sego VT qt:' beginning at Mt, Ida St., thence south 440 ft., ...S. Otsego between ..... - --aii3---- - -m�--st ... ....................................... b .......... t r etween ciit S * ............................. .............................................................. .................................................................. I .......................... 1921 under Preliminary Order ............................ approved .................................... 'r, r. No. 37818,f BY F. W. , MateonT' .. ........ ......... .. ........ ...................... .. a Intermediary Order.-...... --------- 3� the re.11mat.-ell-M a t,& " . d enqn h ng local 1! � A public hearing having been %'�d'�walke at the f.a.wi at upon due notice, and the Council i 3 s. Albemarle St." between At - having heard all persons, objectionsL�', ..d�Mllf d St.. ve thereto, and having fully consid- la MilfordnrSt. between, Albe- ered the same; therefore, be it St. and.Rice st-b S.� Marion, St.:, etweenSher- RESOLVED, By the Council of thV. "' and Ch,�.r eb. sen en . a precise nature, extent and kind of m .�ota St.,Td, a,. St. 'I - improvement to bp made by the said City is*: , F�; " thbegirat . . .... relay ----d an - tile sidewalks at the following locations: t 6' at ions . ............................................................................. ------------ .......................................................................................... .................. B.S. Albemarle St., between Atwatl�r and Milford Ste„ . ....................................... , ------ --and F.S. Marion qt. between Sherburne Ave. and 1."S.T T t S*t.1b, n Lafayette Ave-.- ftdMt-'.'Tda St ------------------ - ------------------ - - F 3709 north of Collins, thence N. to Mt. Ida St., ------------- .......... .... ... ........... 5t., beEzi?IA. ............ a --- ----------------- .... ..... south 440 ff., ------ .......... ---- -- -------------- w.S, Otsego St., beginning at Mt. Ida St., thence Basumant-2t . . .... =.d Minuehaha St . . . . .......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. " Adopted by the Council. 2.' ...... .... Citv Clerk. Approved -----.-------="1-..4. . U ........ (-j ............................... ........................... .. . ..... Mayor. Councilman PAXB==ttK ClanOy — '2 CeRmoilman lktl� - F.erguo n Councilman XM*'fx McDonarly Councilman iftll= Val' son Councilman AkftRx Smith_ Councilman W-== Mayor Hodgson CITY OF ST. P DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Recons true ting� relaying_ and repai°n�_..._thg_._._cemeizt _tle._si_det�ralks-_--.-_.. at the following locations: Both.-si.des.....ofAlb.email.e.-Str..eeIt__betvt.een....Atw.ataiA_..anc; Ial.ford...- ts.,.................. North side of 1.Iilford Street between Albemarle and Rice Streets. l;;ast...side __of...i.iarion Street ...Sherburne_.. Avenue .. and._.. Charles .....%treet... ............. West side side off DeSota Street between Lafayette Avenue and !.It. Ida St. _.. _EAy�t s3 e Fl - etse o Str^et be7*i gnin �7�J feet I Orth of gollins... .. . ree , ionce ortlL to i:t. Id S reet. __llest...side_of.. Otseko. -:treet bei i.nning..._at. hit...._.]_da at....,.._the.nce._..5.......440...ft. 'nest side of Edgerton St-eet between Beaumont Street and i:'linnehaha _.. _..._. _.. ..`mit Pe -et. ... ........._ __.......... .._......_ . ..__. _. .. _....._. _.. _._......_..... _.__..._... ... ......__.. ........--. --- ---- . ......._..._ ._ .......__. ...... ........._ _.__...._.. .--_.._-... ......... under Preliminary Order approved Llovember 2 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $_._.............. ........... -..................... square The estimated cost per foot for the above Improvement Is - - - - - - $-....12.._......._ ............. -._.....__.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: .DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADD -I T! O N ASSESSED VALUATION 30 3 1,IcKontyts Outlets ) 29 3 do ) 5600 1500 250 250 28 3 do ) South 15 ft. of 26 £c all of 27 3 do 1150 Southz of Borth 11 feet of 26 3 do 1600 iINorthz of north 11 feet of 26 3 do 1575 25 3 do 750 1500 250 250 24 3 do 23 3 j) do ) 22 3 do 21 3 do ,. 1 TOTAL, 1500 250 250 :*est 1/3 of 1 and South z of ,lest 1/3 of Lot 3 '.;est 1/3 of 4 and & North '„ of '.;est 1/3 cf Lot 3 2 19 Robertson & Van Etten Addi ti on 5 19 do do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 375 375 1125 '. 425 1450 1200 1150 1250 1500 , 1,100 1650 1100 1450 1375 1000 1425 200 325 300 1075 ;500 6125 CITY OF 6T. LL DEPARTMENT FiA.... r. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY,. ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION South z of 19 & all of 20 3. McKenty's Outlots North z of 19 ec all of 18 3 do ','lest 33 f6et of 17 and 16 3 do Nast 45 feet of 1, 2 & 3 2 do East 90 feet of 4 2 do East 90 feet of 5 2 do East 90 feet of 6 2 do Esast 90 feet of 7 2 do. last 90 feet of 8 2 do East 90 feet of 9 2 do Nast 90 feet of 10 2 do East 90 feet of 11 2 do ast 90 feet of 12 2 do East 90 feet of 13 2 do East 90 feet of 14 2 do ast 90 feet of 15 2 do ',','est 32.75 feet of 30 and 29 1 do :':est 33 feet of L. 66 ft. 30 &29 1 do East 33 feet of 3) and 29 1 do 1 1 do :*est 1/3 of 1 and South z of ,lest 1/3 of Lot 3 '.;est 1/3 of 4 and & North '„ of '.;est 1/3 cf Lot 3 2 19 Robertson & Van Etten Addi ti on 5 19 do do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 375 375 1125 '. 425 1450 1200 1150 1250 1500 , 1,100 1650 1100 1450 1375 1000 1425 200 325 300 1075 ;500 6125 _ CITY OF Sr�./e� UL. DEPARTMENT Ci� FIAANCE ! I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER q(B) .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION 1 10 %larren &-'Anslovils Add- 2000 2 10 iti on. 5500 ..South 38 feet of 3 10 do 2250 N. 12 ft. of 3 & S. 26 2/31 of 4 10 do 3175 N.23 1/3 ft. of 4 & S. 15 ft -of 5 10 do 2525 North 35 feet of 5 & South 5 do 3150 feet of mast L of 6 10 _(Except South 5 feet) 'East z of 6 10 do 1700 .(Except North 23.8 ft. k exc. do 1025 Viest 62 feet) 7 10 '(Except lest 62 feet) North 23.8 feet of 7 10 do 875 South -1 of 8 10 do 500 North of 8 10 do 500 9 10 do 2475 10 10 do 3800 11 10 do 4700 12 10 do 1700 13 10 do 4600 ,lest z of 6 10 do 3400 West 62 feet of 7 10 do 2900 South 1 of 8 10 do 500 North t of 8 10 do 500 9 10 do 2475 10 10 do 3800 .11 10 do 4700 12 10 do 1700 13 10 do TOTAL 4600 South 1/3 of 13 S:(:xcept South 33 1/3 feet) South 33 1/3 feet of 12 9 do 150 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL do 1125 DEPARTMENT OFdOINANCE IIS .. p i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ,OF FINANCE 10 9 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 200 1C) 2 Ph 1. li P's ,ddi ti. on DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION d o 18 9 iiarren Yc liinslovi's t�dd- 2500 2 17 9 ition. 1450 North -0 feet of 16 9 do 2200 South 10 feet of 16 F� all of 15 9 do 5300 do 14 9 d o 1800 'Borth 2/3ds of 13 9 do 925 South 1/3 of 13 S:(:xcept South 33 1/3 feet) South 33 1/3 feet of 12 9 do 150 12 9 do 1125 11 9 do 200 10 9 do 200 23 2 Ph 1. li P's ,ddi ti. on 2000 18 2 d o 250 17 2 do 250 16 2 do 250 1 2 do 600 `rota 1 127400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to. said matter by the Commissioner of Pu/bl' prks. %�� - DatedA- --------------1 / L / mit y .- - - - --- ------------ --- - - - C Commissioner of Finance. FORM B -A. - O Office of the Commissionler of Public Wqxk ..�. Report to Commissioner of Finance N ov emb er...._14 +......1921..191_...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil,36995 November 2 , 19271 91...,._.., ............. known as Council File No.....................................approved........_..............._............relative to ................. ....... . reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement the side=calks at the following -locations: .........._....... _.... _.. JB;S.._Albemarle St,...bet�ween ativat�er bt`: and i;;il=ord. t..:.... ... JN.S. Hilford St. between i:lbemarle St. and Rios St. 1�.,.5.,.....1;,ar..Qn......S.t.......between..-bh62?buxne....:L v.e.......and....Charles....B t . . ...................................................................... JW.S. DeSoto St. between Lafayette Ave. and Idt. Ida. St. ,E.S. Otsego St. beg. 370' north of Collins St., thence Borth to 1+t. Ida. Otsego a� beg. at I t:7da 5t.............,hee sout5i 440 'ft':"' .... J17.S. Edgerton St. between Beaumont at. and ldi.nnehaha bt. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...................necessary and (or) desirable. 12S per square foot 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $...... ..............._. ........... and the total cost thereof is $ ..... ....... ............. ........... ._....... .., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................... ...................... ............ ............... _.......... .......................................... ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................................................... 5. Said improvement is .................................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . ................ ...... _... _._................ Commioner of Pu ie Works. Cl'78 9' COUNCIL FILE NO -------------- ---------- ----- By FraAk P, --------------- FINAL----------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....Qhailgin.g..tI.1je grAde._.of--Mag Q.1.�....sit...._fr4IP.. FXaalc-&t.......t.Q...... Burntiui-et--.Ave.-,_. and Duluth Avenue from Cook Qt, to Jessamine St._, to conform - ..... . to the._red.. line- on the_.orofile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the pr=sent.--eetabli-shed...grsde-.-bei ng...ehowa_.by a blue _line thereon,._.alao---------------------- --',--ding said._Magnoli� Ct --Prom Frank- Gt -.-to the...east-line..oY Burnquist-_ Ave... to ---. said..rsd...line-..when ..entabli.shed------------------------------- -------- -- ------- 3 1 4 _.... a roved..... Sept. _...14,.__1921. - - - under Preliminary Order ........................ PP tvab's By k w;;Nied................................................................ Intermediary Order..... — st.°i om FrAittsirovement upon due notice, and the Council A public hearing having been had t 5 Ve{oIIa c n� neh SA ,s relative thereto, and having fully consid- having heard all persons, objections at t "t o6ead lj a o Bred the same; therefore, be it I then= Ye§tb t3 RESOLVED, By the Council of the ,kt z thea abet . ul that the precise nature, extent and kind of t sald reds improvement to be made by the said Cit, e; der P'11'0 the-- Frank--St-....to--Burnqui et--AvP,-,_..-and xuiuth_._Avenue.._from._Cook. St..-..to.__Jeseam.ine St-�-to ..c.onf.axm to the_.red... i.ne fxn...the ...pro.fil.l.e...hereta...e.tt%Qtfld-and..MPAC.. a naxt....hex.eaf.,....t.he...Pzsaent.._e.etohl-1.9he_d...lade---bei.ng.._Qhown-_by-.a._blue__line.. thereon,--- a1 ea,-..-{�xadi rom..Frank...St...... to t.he...east.-.line of..Burtigt.J.st---- Aye .,.._to....ea d-_red.-line-_when...estsblishe3.................. ----.................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same'to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 01.... 1 4 f,/f w City Clerk. tp Approved......................_......................_..., 19 ...... ----------------------- y .... Ma or. - . Councilman )M%g Clancy� Councilman --423[x-- Fergtreen ^ RMLISIEH -- o� Councilman 6ftKMXX McDonald % Councilman (tgMatson Councilman MEZWk f�ibc Smith Councilman Y&MtM7ldXlX renzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL t" DEPARTMEN''0 OF ANANCE I � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM1NARY ORDER In the Matter of Ch.a...ng........_. ging the grade of l:.;agnolia Street from Frank Street to ...................................._..-..-..._............................ - -- - ...................... ........... ...._.... ........... _.... ........ _................. _................. _....................... _.._._... _.. B.urnglii.S_'t....Avfl ua...,...from .._C..00k_...:S.troa t...._t.o._..Ses.saml-ne.....S:tree.t-,......_......._......._.... to.. o_onf.orin....t.o.__.the....r.e.d...line....:.on..._the .....pr..ofd-le_, _the .....preaent.-as.tablis.had .....grade ._........ ........ ._............ ba.ing.....s.kaown....by.._a....b.liae... line....Cher.e.on.;..._.als.o ..gr..adi.ng_..sai.d....i lagnolia....�.traa t_.£r..ora...................... _.. Fr..ank..._S.tre.e.t 1-o the Fa.s t....lina..... of-B.urnqui st. _ilvenue._ t.o.....said....red. ...line. _ri hen _............... established. ...... ........ ... __. _ --. ... ............ ._._._..... _.... _._ - _ ..........._ ........ ... ............. ... .... ......__. under Preliminary Order approved $eptember....14...... 1921 _............ ......... ...................... ................... _ .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $..._-63_79....7.4 ..........:......_... front The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement Is - - - - - - - $...._____....2.._3.4 ......................_. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: � -_ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION �j 16 8 Cloverdale, St. Paul, 175 17 8 Minnesota. 175 18 8 do 175 _I 19 8 do 150 20 8 do 2b0. P � 21 8 do 150, -'_ 22 8 do 150 l 23 8 do 150 24 8 do 150 TOTAL -.�-�.-_- Cl7Y OF ST. PAULL+ �- DEPAR*ENT bF FINANCES ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR�E+UMINARY ORDER (B) -- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 25 8 Cloverdale, St. Paul, ) 26 8 ) 27 8 Minnesota. ) - 28 8 do ) 800 ° 29 8 do ) - 30 8 do ) 6 3 Lane-Hospes Addition. 100 7 3 do 75 8 3 do 75 9 3 do 75 10 3 do 75 11 3 do 75 12 3 do 75 13 3 do 75 14 3 do 50 15 3 do 50 16 3 do 50 17 3 do 50 18 3 do 50 19 3 do 50 15 3 Hillsdale, St. Paul, !.,inn. 150 14 3 do 150 13 3 do 150 12 3 do 150 11 3 do 150 10 3 do 150 9 3 do 150 8 3 do 150 7 3 do TOTAL 125. DESCRIPTION CITY OF BT. PAUL 1 DEPAR11MENTIOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK 6 3 5 3_ 4 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 15 2 14 2 13 2 12 2 11 2 10 2 9 2 6 2 7 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 16 2i ADDITION Hillsdale, St. Paul, ]Minnesota. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 125 125 125 150 150 150 100 75 75 75 . 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 575 75 75 75 75 100 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL � 1 DEPARTMENT 00 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 2 Hillsdale, St. Paul, 100 30 3 Itiinnesota. 175 1 3 do 150 6 3 Lane-liospes Addition 100 5 3 do 100 4 3 do 100 3 3 do 100 2 3 do 100 1 3 do 100 30 8 Cloverdale, St. Paul, ]:;inn. 125 1 8 do 50 Total 8775 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference said matter by the Commissioner of Pu orks. Date---- - - - ---------------18X.-..._ - - ------ _ -... -.._...n- -- --------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. B-E C OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CNIer ENOINeen 1U U or J. M. CARROLL. ALI T. C." ENOINeSR A" SU_ G. H. HERROLD, 0MCS AND C 1 PtANv'vo evolNEHn M. S. GRTTSAH, SRI— evolveen A. B. SHARP. Su". 01 STREETS wvo HANITATION H. W. GOST INGNER. SUPT. O1 Wonnv..I. "I. " F ' , eitg at St. Paul Begattment a 'public lmacks HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER IRVING C. PEARCM DEPUTY COMMIHHIONER 48 Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: October 11, 1921. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the changing grade of Magnolia St. from Frank at. to Burnquist.Ave. and Duluth Ave. From ia St k St. to Jessamine St., also grading said from Frank St. to the east line of Burnquist Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 36304, approved September 14, 1921. Approximate estimate of cost - - - X6379.74 Cost per front foot - - - - - ---- Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 27311 fftt. Please rush this matter. Yours truly, n Q Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. <fl �— commissioner of Public works. CITY OF ST. PAUL nOeMoa NO........ V20 . OFFICE OF.4ZJTY. CLERK COUNCIL 'RESQLUTIONy-. GENERAL FORM 11. C. AnzelJanuary 4, 1999. ......:.....................................................................:............ DATE................. ......... ................ .---------- -- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of Magnolia Street from Frank Street to the east line of Buraqui.st,Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #36305, approved September 14, 1921, and Intermediary Order C. F. #37463, approved December 6, 1921. The Commissioner of Public arks having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, Resolved, That the city of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts axkd.fills in and upon the land abutting upon Magnolia Street from Frank Street to the East line of Burnquist Avenue, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated January 4, 1922, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson /� McDonald ( / ................In favor Matson v / Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1.00 1121 Adopted by the Council .....���)... "t§.���......._192------- Appr - J h..-.: ' iCLt 1�'- .. .... .................. .................- - MAYOR I In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of Magnolia Street from Frank Street to the east line of Burnquist Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #36305, approved September 14, 1921, and Intermediary Order C. F. #37463, approved December 6, 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the eaetment to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 4, 1921. tQitk of St. Paul M Brpartm¢at of public �arhs OSCAR CV1U9lCN. CNiew E-1-1 HERMAN C. WENZEL: COMM19910NE�i ' �. G. Cc ARROL A— CHIEF CNOINeeR ANO ACRS 1—NO C. PEARCM DIPU?Y COMMISSIONER a� NeflROLD,01-11 All G TY PLANN NO ew.WEen 0@ n 4O V M. S. GR—AK. 9RIOOE ENOiNE.. A.e. SHARP. Su—OI SYwEeIS ANo SANITATION X. W. OOeT21N... R. Su— OP WOwwwOufE - REPORT TO THE COUNCII. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading of Magnolia Street from Frank Street to the east line of Burnquist Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #36305, approved September 14, 1921, and Intermediary Order C. F. #37463, approved December 6, 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the eaetment to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 4, 1921. ........._ ..t..........._..........__--___......... _......._...__...__......... _..._.....-.._._............-_....._..........._ .................... ........... _._ ............................ ........._.-..................._.............._......_..._............._ under Preliminary Order approved ........_Se.pte_ b..r..141 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ o0 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $................................... ._..... .............. _.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; ADDITION �I ED ,i VALUATION j Y II 16: 8 Cloverdale, St. Paul, II x75- 17, 8. _Mi.nn.. 175 .- 8' do - 175. ! _ I i do _ 150. I__... 20! 81_ do- ___ 250-'-. i -_. 21�� _ 8. do.- o_22 22- -81 do .. _.., _ 150. 25! 8. _ do- __ _ _. 150 _ 241-... 8. do _ _ __. -. 150-:_ I�. 'I TOTAL. ! I' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ( REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � 1 _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER :.: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' .ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 25 8 Cloverdale, St. Paul, 26 8 Minn. ) 27 8 do 26 8 do ) 800 29 8 do 30 8 do ) 6 3 Lane-hospes Addition. 100 '. 7 3 do 75'. 8 3 do 75. - 9 3 do 75 10 3 do 75 11 3 do 75 12 3 do 75 13 3 do 75 14 3 do 50 15 3 do 50 16 3 do 50 . 17 3 do 50 18 3 do 50 19 3 do 50 Hillsdale, St. Paul, 15 3 111innesota. 150 14 3 do 15Q 13 3 do 150 12 3 do 150 11 3 do 150 10 3 do TOTAL 150 1 CITY OF W. PAW.',. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �.. ! REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELItAiNARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 3 Hillsdale, St. Paul, 150 B 3 Minnesota. 150 , 7 3 do 125 ; 6 3 do 125 5 3 do 125 4 3 do 125 3 3 do 150 2 3 do 15Q 1 3 do 150 15 2 do 100 14 2 do 75 13 2 do .75 12 22 do 75 11 2 do 75 10 2 do 75 9 a do 75 8 2 do 75 7 2 do 75 6 2 do 78 5 2 do 75 4 2 do 75 3 2 do 75 2 2 do 175 1 2 do 75 5 1 do 575 4 1 do 75 . 3 1 do TOTAL .75 Total 7325 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pu ' Works. -- ---1 /. - .- --- ......----------------- Dat -- - — ---- -- - - ..... ----.......- Commissioner of Finance. FORM .-A. 8.5 C a � . Office�of the Commissioner of Public WAS viFcF-i v izD . 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance B%11111 474/ e.�'..._1Q......._19 21.e ..............1.91.. _ ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 36305 Sept. 14, 1921- .....................................approved................................_.........................................191........., relative to cid, known as Council File No.............................. condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ........................... _.......................... ...__.._....................................................................................... ...... ..... for sl-Des.for cuts and fills in the grading of Magnolia (' ........... ............._...._........_....._............ ................................................................................................ . ...._...................... ................................................. - ... .... ._......_............... Street from Frank...._ Street to the east line of Burnquia Live. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .................................. and the total cost thereof is $.......................... ......... ........ + and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:._......._............................__.....__....................._.._................... ....... .... ........._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .... 5. Said improvement is .................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -:5Jqo VI-- Commissi0er of Public Works. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..-... RESOLVED COUNCILcF.6..c.7/ .,'. CITY OF ST. PAUL I— NO........_ .-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM H. C. Wenzel........................................................ DATE January 4, 1921. In the matter of opening widening and extending an Alley twenty (20) feet wide through Lot 15, Wilkin and Hayward's Outiots, running West from Gaultier Street to the East line of Bie3ield's Subdivision, under Preliminary Order, C. F. #36069, approved August 27, 1921, and Inter- mediary Order C. F. #57462, approved December 6, 1921. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land twenty (20) feet wide through Lot 15, Wilkin and Hayward's Outlots, running West from Gaultier Street to the East line of Biefield's Subdivision. C. In Yes U) Councilmen ('d) Nays 1 -Clancy cDonald In favor U' Matson V Ith ABeinst 'Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1.DD I0-21 ;Nenzol— ru Wilkln West:, 1r. rnn111p[,' ne Rof ,Bfe j he Eaet l(no Rt ,BfD'1J Cpuncil Jan 4 1922. lsaz. Adopted by the Council.... --- : 19/2 APPTo-- ..............._....-.....-.192---- .......... ...... MAYOR 6VC:AR CLAU—N. CNIer ENoiNcM uu or ¢NOINccn. C.RRoL A¢1'i. CnI¢r ENOIN¢¢R wwo O. H. H-0—. — /.INo C", Pv,N . eNoiN¢eR M. 9. ORYTBAN. Bn�oo¢ ENaiN¢en A. 0. SNARP. —1. Or STR¢¢T¢ A.. ewNITATIOM H. Y/. OOE4ZIN...R. ft—Or Woannoua¢ (Mig of 51. Paul io¢ua[tmeat of )301fc Marks HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVINO C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMIE¢IONER 48 - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening, widening and extending an Alley twenty (20) feet wide through Lot lb, Wilkin and Hayward's Outlots, running West from Gaultier Street to the East line of Biefield's Subdivision, under Preliminary Order C. F. #36069, approved August 27, 1921, and Intermediary Order C. F. $37462, approved December 6, 1921. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land twenty (hD) feet wide through Lot 16, Wilkin and Hayward's Outlots, running West from Gaultier Street to the East line of Biefield's Subdivision. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated January 4, 1921. GTY OF ST. PAU�0. DEPARTMENT OF FI�IkNdrE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A Oven an alley twenty (' "') feet nide throilftl Lot 15, ':h.lkin 8. In the Matter of......_..._,.._.._.......-............_....._�........_........__...._....... '.:.. ...............................................::............................................................................. . ...._._..._... i'eyva1dt......0utlots, -'unpin st, :' �o;t It ci t. ;o t,iio ;as l n .. o -.i.`..e1dI Sul divi.si oil. _. _..._.. _.._.. _.._.__ ........_ _.. .............. ..__. __._. _ ..._........ ...._._...... .. ......_.. .._ ._........... - ..._...... ....._. under Preliminary Order approved t Li tsl 971 10.1. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $_.IOQ� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ................................... .......................... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D LS CRI PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 0! '301-: ,h of 15 i-1;:1;. .- .ie; -.a'd's Ontlot,s, 10 o S". 2t.ul. i Coruacncin,-; 32.765fe-�t ::orth of iSout!rac st, corner of-.ortFi of 4South of Lot 15, tlience '3ast 98.40 Vionce South 32.29 feet to^South line of said north of 15 do South , thence ..:est to ;est -- line of Lot tho 15, ence ]:..rish :32.765 ft. to 1550 1 2 iei_fcld's 3uhdi..vi.sion of ) Lots 1". , 13 1'1 -11 -i -'n ) 1200 .. mast 2/3res of 2 2 0 -.ta QI s �1.'r,l_ot:.. ) TOTAL CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIN0I�CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON_PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION est 1/3rci of 2 2 eld's 3' rc7 �9 s o _ of ) ,as c. 1/3rd of 3 2 Lois 12, 1'S 1« , llrin ) 450 !_C-..�itaPci' ❑ Otltlots. - -ost 2/31ds of 3 2 700 4 2 d o 575 3astorlu 13.2 feel. of 5 2 do 900 .osterl- 2G 2/3 ft, of 5 2 do 675 of 6 2 cio 875 !0st 1/3rd of G 2 d0 ) 1175 East 1/3rd of 7 `3 do ) ost. : /5_°ds of 7 `', do 875 G 2 d o 250 9 2 do 3750 10 2 do 1550 11 2 cio 1100 12 2 do 1550 13 2 . do 2350 14 2 do 2550 est, 26.6 fo t of 15 2, cio 550 _.ast 1.3.4 feet of 1:J 2 d0 ) est. 13.-t. _ chs 16 2 do ) 700 3ast 26.6 foot of 16 2. Uo 1450 117 2 cic 3:10 16 do 350 19 2 :10 1150 s:i 2 do 1050 G 2 nt 3P.i,t.-`rf o; on of Lot, 1.1, _25 !o -lard' Qu ,:lot„ to 1'aill, pia1 291 ;10 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referAcetaid matter by the Commissioner of Publ' orks. ./ Dated - - G/%%%��/!JG?L ..1 ......... ._._._._ ...... --. FORM B.S.A. B -S C a Commissioner of Finance. r of Finance. E V St. Paul', Minn . ........ A ........................................... 1921. To The-116norable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ............................ Opan im aley twan# faet—wIde. through. -LQ -t 15--W-ilkin- &.-- -RaTaarAal .............. a A�. to the FAst line of Biefi ..........................eld ............................................................... a. Sub from. .................................................................................................. St. Ave. ton. . . . . . . . ............................... . . ........................... . 1( 4C t MINN LIM, RFAK 1( 4C t 1..-Council File No-- ...... . Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Construot a sidewalk on both sides of Berkeley Avenue St. Pauli viz.: ..........................._.........................._.........._..............._.._..........__..._.........._._........._................_ ..........._................ from Fairviraw Avenue to Josephine Street. --_-_--------------_---- --- ----------- -- 4thJanuary, 1922. 191......._. Datedthis ....................... .- .... day of- ............... .......... _........... - ------------ PRELIMINARYORDEFM Councilman. A written pr o ^ hO yhe.folowing J!nDrgve..,.- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making 'bT`the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sidewalk on both sides of Berkeley Avenue._-_-_-_- — from.._Fairview-Avenue.._to._J4.@kph..i Ae......Btre-01-s---------------------------------------------------------- .... ........... ......._........ .... ._..._.......... ..................... - ...............-.......................-_.._............._.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........ - - - ---------- ---- -------- .....---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. • tl>'gf`dafa a"' n`�'in%rm n r'e7stive to sal��mprovement:............._------ .------- ....... _.._. .........,9" .... ......... • �yaka.te whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.........."')?e .......... ........... 191....._... Yeas: Nays: .,.. Councilman Farnsworth Goes PP J ..........r# ...............191.......... Approved.. ................... Hyland Keller C— ' McColljy Wunderlich......... .................... ............... .::...."............................................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. - PUBLISHED —1– % – -Q Council File No.........3 0823 Petition ',PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Construct a sewer on Cleora Avenue from Vandalia Street St. Paul. viz.:. ................ .. ..... . ....... ............. . to P illeburYAvenue.---------------- ............... ----------------- -------------------------------------------- January. 1922- _._........__ 191.........f Dated this......_3r...............day of........................_...-... ............. ------------ - ^`—� { Councilman. V i 5i No 3782 Abatract•roDDos iovameat, A wrl :� atng ImD na �talie n up gt 5',' �' WHEREAS, A written proposal for a!"' ALfollowing improvement, viz.: Conatruot-_s sewer =on Cleora Avenue from Vandalia Street ------ ------ - --------------- ----------- --------------- ---- -..............-...._......._......_._.................................. ................... ..... ............... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..... ......... ---- - -- -- ---- -- ---- - - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed, 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. , 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. t.._ ................ ............ .. ...... ............ .........._...__................................................................. ..... r... - To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of tree or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. —4 !92c Adopted by the council.........-..-�Itl ...—........_......_.....191.........- Yens: Nays: Councilman FarnsworthJIiP' .2?. 191......._. Goes Approved ................. ..............._. land Kee ' Bellerr McColl Wunderlich................... ......................................... Mayor Irvin 'Mayor, �onr c a a PZJBIyISI3Fii± 1 ` '% _ -9- 11Y�YCATt OILY OI At. PMOL ._CRT CL�1F - Yoma:r No .......r'6'E� ,r-. 2aa B7 „COM... .i..... _ ....... . .... .._. . . Auurreo ]J AN. _... _.1522. _. . _. _. 192...1... , ............ 1111 Pen covering Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $....14,172476 . ...- r checks numbered........1$.... to. 2.0_ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the CIty' Comptroller: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( ) Nays. ..............in Clancy, Adopted by the Council In favor McDonald, Approved------------------ ...............192 f Matson, Smith, Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson 37824— ResY178d that WWarrants ba draV7sl l'. upett tha City TreaevrY to the aggce gate �smeunt Yf ;.514 1T2 76; -Goverin6i', ch ec)c9numbered'16rtY 20 inclusive, as :. the': oRg e�oEth CI Y e�mPtrtler Adopted.by the 1 22ct1 Approved Jan 4,:;, 7-1822) �.K OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER oo�ou ivo.. 3'7$24_ 'r.� e e as. int: 7-21AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �_ 2 r Q) I er coMrrao' Lsa_- J� N�JLL ......... " I T iPER ... ..... ............. ................... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.....14.,172-��..- covering checks numbered_._... a......... _....._. to.... _.2.Q _ _ __.. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( I ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. ®Jul'; —4 !92c Cl anc Adopted by't unctl_,..........-_........- ...........................192 erguson, _In favor McDonald ved... .. .... --- . l(tli.1gZ2 - -- -1 - ' Matson, T Smith, _ Against+--- -- ......---- ........................... mevoa ... Wenzel. - Mr. President, Hodgson .......................................... . _...... 22 0.01 `. 15 Brooks Broth$rsseR Lumber . mpany, 16 Herbert P. Buetow, 63.46 Bureau of Engrs. 21.22 St. C. & R. 7.80 Sewer C. & R. 25.70 S. & S. Cing. 8.74- . -3".6 261.41 17 Minnesota Belt & Rubber Company, Playgrounds 17.88 a 18 Sanitary Food Refectories Fund Investment Committee,11,875.00 lg Sink'i�ng.-, Interest 1,735s,00 20 Water Department Sinking Fund, Interest J1 / - - COUNCIL `1 9' 826..... //�p� CITY OF ST. PAUL -rlLe NO..._.._t d OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE...................; " "--- COMMISSIONER.'i.............................................................................................................. ublia RESOLVED Whereas, TheAVommissioner of rarks, rlain acro and rwith Council, in accordance with Buildings has reported to the the City Charter, the existence of an emergency bectior 53 of the employment of certain employes which rendered necessary of his department for more than eight hours per day, said of employment; employment being more than their usual hours therefore be it, RESuIXED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized otherwise to pav the following named employes, at the rate for the extra time hereinafter fixed for extra employment set forth: C F No.,-_37826Clnlicy— agl '11 rea5 Th .0 mmiesioher %nrle, P1nYB1oq da?and Publto Bu11d-' Title in ac- Rate o f uvertime. Name loge has reported to the Council, with Section 53 of , th City cordnnee;. Lha ter,',th0 ekistence of a mergencY Carpenter LYhieh read°red aeceesnry the,'employ- Harry Anderson p mens of cortain employes - "vor Time and one-half Double Time �pap,mortt fo� at..icrthem eight ts. mor° Y' �°...ot ebel , 4c1" Time and one-half Theo. Hanson Carpenter , Double Time Carpenter r'oreman 2 Time and one-half G. A. Kopp 4 Double Time 2 Time and one-half g, rt. Kuhn Carpenter 4 Double Time 1 Time and one-half B. x. Meyers, Carpenter 4 Double Time 2 Time and one-half Carpenter rred nasmussen p 4 Double Time Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy -+e*— McDonald .........,In favor Matson „l Smith /0 ........ Against Wenzel L Mr. President ,ORM 1500 10-11 Adopted by the Council .....--dpfj-•.-4-t9&-' 192 APpr ------JIaI-i..------- -----1 ---- ................ MAYOR LISHED J OZ 0 COUNOII (�C�j V^n,/ql/(�/. CITY OF ST, PAUL 111. NO............ ��1�G�� . *: OFFICE .OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM- .. RESENTEM13Y DATE:. ....................................... ......................... COMMISSIONIER............... .... ........ .:.; ...................:... _....... •. RESOLVED That the application of A. L. Overton for permission to construct two garages on Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 47, Desnoyer Park, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor; provided, however, that said garages shall be divided into stalls for one car only, and no public repairing of automobiles shall be done therein,, and no oil, gasoline, etc. shall be stored therein for sale or sold. Yes (J) Coun ' en ('J) Nays Clancy McDonald % In favor *atson �mith ...Mainst Wenzel IMT. President ronN mao Iasi Q.. ' ati a tn- �pereYor: garages tga • .ope ear-. �o�ytnd Lao �e 4, ;1822 5 Z [........192•- - Adopted by the Council JGfi — 192t Ap ed.G�..............;�92—i 1 JOHN 1. FARICY Mr. A. E. Nelson, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: (Office vf ( ifg (Qlerk C to A#'*hitt# Vaal January 3rd, 1922 JAS.J. MINER At the Council meeting held this morning, the attached application of A. L. Overton for permit to erect oaf_ two garages on Lotus 5,6,7 and 8, Block 47, Deenoyer Park, was granted and the same was referred to you for the proper reso- lution. The resolution shall specify that said garage will be divided into stalls, and that no oil, gasoline, etc. will be sold, therein. Yours truly, enc. CITY CLERK. NOTICE OF APPLICATIUN FUR PERMIT TU u'REOT PUBLIC GARACP,'- Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Seo. 6740 Urdinanoe No. 5580, of the City of St. Paul, Minn., application will be made on DQa�ateat;z�[paaa zR;x$988zknxkioa z� x� gti; Tuesday, January 3, 1922, to the City Council of the City of Stt6'ul, Minn., },y A. L. Overton, for permission to erect at- publio garageSon the following described real estate situate in Ramsey County, Minn. to -At: Lots 5,6,7 and 8 Block 47, Desnoyer Park to St. Paul. Dated at St. Paul, Dec. 19, 1921 Form 43-4-18-4 tl Successive insertions --St. Paul Daily News STATE OF MINNESOTA,1 County of Ramsey f a" Subscribed and Sworn to before file this ... 3letdayof :I�er.A. N ry Pub c, Ramsey County, 11innmota. Minn. Cnuniv, I Affidavit of Publication Graoe A. Garlsen bang only ........................................ .worn, deposes and says: that alae now ie, and during all the time herein mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the news- paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS." and during all said time was, and now 1s, principal clerk of the printer of the acid newspaper; that the said newspaper, "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all the said time, and still 1s, a dally newspaper printed and published in the City of St. Paul, In the County of, Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each and every day of the week, eveept,-S—dapr that the annexed printed notice of....... Application.. for., a„Pe.rmit..tq„Erect. Publio Garaee ................................................................ ................................................................................ hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published In said newspaper for ...... thEee....... consecutive day6. �K-„Mme-hf-escIT- eek—that the said notice was first printed and published in said newspaper on.. Mg1R(*y the ....... 19 t.I?.......... day ef. December....... A. D. 19.2}and was thereafter printed and published in said newspaper on each and every suc- ceeding....... day ............... until and Includin d• •?aedn8 aGjU • • • • the ....... a16 t.. day of..... DORAIQI e. r'..... A. D. 19,3X; that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, and still Is, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of gen- eral and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and published In the English languagedaily t pt—Suud.W,at an established office, and known place of business in said city, to -wit: No. 92 East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof, In said city; that the avid newspaper was, during all the said time, and still Is, dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths Inches long; that during all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS” has printed, published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of sold news- paper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time, has never been, and i. not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore, and prior to March 31st, 1901, the publisher of said newspaper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavlt, and that each and all thereto are true. Fee, $ ..................Received Payment. THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. .................19... Per...................... STATE OF MINNESOTA, US County of Ramsey. ) ............... ,Q-.,�L,,,p--lf✓•.being duly sworn, dell the and says that.Ohe is clerk Yor the Dispatc Printing Co. watch now ie and during all the times. hereinafter mentioned has been the publisher of the Se -1 av>-`�n4tQh' St. Paul Pioneer Press, a daily newspaper, printed and published is the city of S t. Nolffe of kpplicatlan torr Permit to Paul, in said Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. Erect Puhllc Geragea - � ThatAe has knowledge of the facts and knows personally that the printed. Nod i heren9 el to t -D reu [ M� e e &e: au QMIRP.-- N alae of the Clty t •,• ,. 6t.. Paul MFq�. e➢nllot1 n will p the J 3, tat" t th .City u➢CIi " ' " ' t�try Clb t Ht. Pei MI by A 6 Over[m fp M IWmt b ret iaoe ➢ bn e A tu't to ma 1 k d rinCd 1 t 4 ..✓"�„�[, . , .. situ t In ut. a 6�te a s mpca: ♦r. n, mprar hereto attached, cut from the columns of said newspaper, was in d, printed and Ppk t HL D ted t Ht ]m➢1 D Iath`: 1223 _ i iG6�L� IPlpneee Ptea0. Dee 20. 21. 227 - published in said newspaper eaoa-iay.anoL-•Waek for.t,•""1'ZC"'�reehH, and that all of said publications were made in the English language. That said notice was first Inserted, printed and published a. ..... • • • • • • -r thec4A ZWday Of. .� 1x2 /.. and wen printed and' b- lfehed in said newspaper thereafter on.. ' until and including .................the.......... day of...................... 192.... a That -during all the times aforesaid, said newspaper was qualified as a medium of official and legal publications as required by sections 3 and 4 of chapter 484, Session Laws of aMlegal newspaper as1921, dthat defl defined inasaidmplied with sections 3 andl4.ttrequirements that can. to -wit: that fomore than one year last past from the date of the first publication of said.... ...................................................said newspaper has been (1) Printed from the place from which it purports to be issued in the English language, and in column and sheet form equivalent In space to at least eight pages, with eight columns to the page, each twenty-one and one-quarter inches long. (2) Issued daily from a known office, established In such place for publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and print• ing the same. (3) Made up to contain general and local news, comment and miscellany, not wholly duplicating any other D,j{blication, and not entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements, or any or either of them. (4) Circulated in and near its place of publication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered ttt000 paying jsubscribers, and that prior to the date of the first publication of said .......... LX20-. . """" ................. ..the publisher or printer in charge of said newspaper having knowledge of the facts, filed in the office of the county auditor of said county of Ramsey, state OUMI an affidavit showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper as required and set forth in section 3 of chapter 484, Session Laws Minnesota, 1921. That the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 2 both inclu^ire. of the size and kind of type used in the composition, printing and publication of said legal advertisement hereunto attached, viz: nneaet¢nUk�QlSYtI� Further affiant safth not save that this affidavit is made pursuant to section 4 fof chter 484. or the publication inton Laws said newspapereof the/l921 and affoo/esa dilegalended t, pang the bill ad ertisement. %...... . Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. ".101.2 da�yp,/t� o(flu�Q/.� /yp • t • • • •192.1 ................ �...`•'•/'�•`:^M�.. ............ -,.. Notary Public, Ram By County, Minnesota. Qp • CORM 141 3M 6.28.21 Pae My Commission expires........ry N �)• •I• . (y•\ S, TWEED Notary. Public Ramsey County, Mlnn MY Commission expires Sept 22r.As73• r > u i •t: I BT I.A. // COMP!'HOLL AUDITED— JAN ....... ... 192 i ........./Ft .. j11j/. ......... .. ...•.. lPER .....-..... ...--.. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ .............249978:49 covering checks numbered..- .__.2,d._ . ; _... to......__`26 ._ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( V ) Cbeticilmen ( J ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council.....-...�Al..---...r7..:�2G.............x.....192.......... Ferguson, _. In favor Jur. —e5 192L MatsApproved ..... ...._-----------------------------------------------......192.... :.... Smith, Wenzel. Against Mi. President, Hodgson . �e a` � It,ESOLIITIOftB. C. F. No. 3?828— draw - Reeolved that �varrnnYo trie nBgre upon,:.tke City oP 8$24 979;49. -:covering: 1 gate -amount file aSli checks numbered? ytrohecke °phaive; per re6ieter oY City Comptroller19Z2:, the office oP the . AdoPoe ed Jan bC1922c11 PPr Y iJnn,.. 14 1822) '• y ;- :� ti Form A A 46. IM ]-]1 V is orxr or er. rw>.� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER oorrro:n AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMI mrE No. ...... 3'7828.. 4 I( � nunrreoJA1 .., .. ]x.22 ._. . 19:._... i ..... .. - � IL Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the sMmgate amount of $_....... .... �L..4.t.�J.--l.9-g.'-�9._., covering checks numbered..... . `d2 -.__._ .-.__.. to- `L6 - _.._... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council ............_ JAI .1- 5.:.42.1.-.. ......... 92------- Ferguson, In favor -5 1.926- a McDonal...- JA(- ..In ..._. A rove arson, Smith, _.._.....___Against 'Wenzel.'Wenzel._MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson 22 .... _ .......... . ...... .......... Hermina Behr, ... .................. 770.00 Judgment & Compromise 23 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 6,35746-89 Parks. 2,769.51 Park Refectories 703.78 1 Playgrounds 781.54 P. Bldgs. Revl. 129.00 Forestry Revl. 665.89 Fire 23.2 274.77 P. Bldgs. 59.1 18.40 Election 586,40 Auditorium 340.10 Schools 41..3 61.30 Randolph Hts. (Bond) 27.20 24 F. W. Matson, Comtrj of Finance 17,482,79 Water 25 The C. Reiss Coal Company, 333••81 Fire 35.00 26 Walter Salinger, City Clerk �opN�l� 3" 829 CITY OF ST. PAUL nye NO.......................�!........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........_............................................. _...................... .......... ..._._........ _.. DATE.... RESOLVED That P. A. Knutson is hereby elected Justice of the Peace at Large to fill the unexpired term of Lewis F. Soukup , resigned. II c' P. No: X37829 Knsstso as JLsolved, That E: A hereby... .1 -;ted Justle0 of the Peace t Large to fill the unexpired term of Lewis I`, 5 uknp, resigned Adopted b l the Connell Jp.n., 6, 1922. Approved, Jan. 61•1922. (Jan, Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy VFer$uson ,X..71�„=1,7, ..........In favor Matson Against Y//rnzel r. President _ roRM 1500 10-11 Adopted by the Coune_ ................ 192-.----- iQf' -5 �9K Annd.---------------------`--------192----- JOS. H. BARRETT, PRESIDENT ROST. C. DUDLEY. SECRETARY A. L. SNYDER. AUDITOR 349 WABASHA SIR.- RALPH HAMILTON. TREASURER �,ts' ac0 Affiliated With the Amrriran 3frbention of Eahor k TY x Saint Paul Musicians' Association Enral No. 311 29 Amrrirun 30rarration of Mustdano d;} OFFICE AND HEADQUARTERS �. 349 Waba8ha Street CewR 3824 SAINT PAUL, MINN., Janu,ry 4th, 19ati. To ts:o honorably City Council of :it" of fist. Pe.ul, St, Pv.ul, G c nt .Le i:lo n: I wioh to tii nk your honora. Ie body for tno Arj.oint:.nt to t. -,c offi.,o of Jutitice of tics Paaca, At t. -is ticna which time may seam inorrortunC, I an, col,,pailad beoauae of t)uoino: ria:son, which hove; davaloLad, to ir_fori:: , ou thc.tl. `or tc tahu ovrir this cffice, I .� ., -cr. ra, _ot ti_is ::.ction, and tc c :_.cu you t is trouble, t•ut ':os .,jo-id ... ,n F. financial t,usineos loss. I have contui ;.lata zm to anter ;.riv: tc huvinas � for s •�_er.iod of u.ora then the l,_t _iG r.:cr.ti s a -n L thU :..c i:: now dcvulol.oci. Tili _ ou j icw•.e concia_-r t:.io raci'na.tion, I TWLain with re rot �'O.Su tri..ly, r -" c f�ut-dam yd 706 Rondo St., l }, i � COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL coo NO......:37830 .....- OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK - CO .IZALOTION—GENERAL FORM PRE9ENT6 BY / /_ i�. I�.1/��//�_ COMMISSIONER ..................................... .. ....{-... f.. f... J�/!/(GT( ... DATE-................................................---...... RESOLVED That the following depository bonds, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to amount by the Sinking Fund Co�dittee, to -wit: American National Bank 100,000.00 dated Dec. 31, 1921 Merchants National Bank 2;'000,000.00 " Dec. 31, 1921 Wabash National Bank 25,000.00 " Jan. 1, 1922 Capital National Bank 200,000.00 " Dec. 29, 1921 be and the same are hereby approved by the Council. C F No. 37830—By Resolved, "" the fsa to for. -'tory bonds; aPP[Oved as to Corm; and ,I I'execution .'bY the Corporntton Counsel, U "nnd ae [o nmount by tho SlnkinS Fund I 'Committee, to -wit: American National ;Bank $100,000.00 ` dotedDec.: 31, 1021. Merchants National Bank $2,000,- 000.0D dated De . 31, 1921, 5 Wabash.National Bank, $26.000.00 1� dated Jan' 1. 1922. Capital.-..Nutional -Bank $201,000.00 "I d'to t d Dec. 29 1121, be duke same are;h reby ¢ppr—d I by the Council 22. dy Adopted the Council Jan., 6,, 10 �PProved Jon 6, 1922 (Jan. 34-1922) 1111 Yes (J) Co cllmen ('J) Nays r ancy Ferguson :..............In favor atson Against Wenzel r Ir. President FORM 1400 10.11 Adopted by the Council ........ . . . .. . 192..--- - Approve -------s6;(CA- pef . ............ 1�1�' MAYOR eoONcIL - 3`� 131 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ED BY V_f/, '/ s RESOL WHEREAS, one'Tony Masao, an employe of the Board of Water Commissioners was inj�id July 2nd, 1921 in the course of his employment. and by reason of said injuries the Board of Water Commissioners has paid him the sum of $378.00 on the basis of total disability: WHEREAS, by reason of said injuries the said employe has sustained a twelve and one-half per cent. (12J%) permanent partial disability by reason of which he is entitled to twenty-five weeks compensation at the rate of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) per week or a total of Four hundred and fifty Dollars (,$'460.00); and WHEREAS, he has already received the sum of Three hundred and seventy- eight Dollars ($378.00); therefore be it RESOLVED, that the -proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to the said Tony Masao the sum of Seventy-two Dollars ($72.00) out of the Water Department Fund, in settlement of his claim against said Board of Water Commissioners. 1--. -- __. -11" Yee (J) ( ctalsancy 7COunilmen Dollars (b7200)in�settle ntY-two Nat Yater D pnrtmbht Fund. of ,his claim•a6itFnst said Board 6 1922• e neon , ter -'C art �re y th�.C19 2.l Jap pdoPty d Jan. 6 ��i0 2). '--- n'_.... _...... Against Mr. President I recommend the passage of the above resolution Commissioner of Public Utilities Adopted by the Liar — s2- CITY OF ST.- PAUL nci.c ca NO.32.......3. (, .. 4:. s.d...... /jOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ( ' T'COUN RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED _R �0 DATE.................................... COMMISSIONER...................... ._........................................ ......... ......................... .......- RESOLVED That the bond executed by the Cherokee Auto Company, as, principal, and the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, to the Cj!V?of St. Paul, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, dated July 25th, 1919, covering curb air service at No. 506 Smith avenue, be and the same is hereby cancelled, and the principal and surety thereon are released from all liability under said bond; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of !:c F xo, m— eass>�x -c z0i von said bond. „I—A —t th -bo d executed by'. Yes (J)Cricilmen (V) Nays Of Ferguson !r onald .... .........In favor 4�—' tsonj�id, 0 ................A�ainst !!--enzel Ar. President ,OMM teoo to -at _19a-.-- —5 i92i -. Adopted by the Council_..._'....._iGf' ....._....-.. APPr --�5----1�---- MATOa OSCwp CLAUSSCN. CHIEF exo�xern �. e. CARROL Ass'•. CHIEF lxO1NHHR Axo cONSiRVCTIOx Axo RHPAIRS O. H. HLRROLD, OIFlCc ANO CRT —"I" ex. xaR M. S. ORTTBAK BRioOcA. CxOiNeeR B. SHARP. SUM. OF—— H. 9AMITATIOx H. W...—I.... R. SUM. Oi WORRNoulH (![.ftp of $t. Paul orpadutcnt of public blocks HERMAN C. WENZEL. COMMISSIONER IRVINO C. PEARCe, DZ_- COMMISSIONCR IB Jan. 3, 1921. Mr. A. E. Nelson, Corporation Counsel, Court House. Dear Sir: - some time ago the Cherokee Auto Co., located at the corner of Cherokee and South Smith asked for the release of their bond for the air filling station in front of their place of business. Will you please draw up the required resolution to present to the Council, releasing the bond of the Cherokee Auto Co., an the Pure Oil Co., the present owners of the station, have filed their bond? Attached you will find request of the Cherokee Auto Co., asking for the release of their bond. M l -D Yours truly, .0 UU.vvt� Commissioner of Public Works. STATRMENT ST..PAUIs, MINN irtt eexeK+.ieR• �"°"�xenTann Gorr -Winifred mid -Bidwell p) 7 crf,�rti 1 ,19 CITY OF ST. PAUL e... No.. F................................ OFFICE OF , THE CITY CLERK �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B� COMMISSIONER .......... L'R(i'IIS�iN.................................... :.................. DATE.....eTanu&icy....J..y..._�..9,2.j_..........:....... RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Covlr..issioner of Educ::tion ha3 reported to the Council in.accoraar.ce -,ith Section 53, of the City Charter the exiatenCe of anmergEncy which rendered necessary the employment of oerta9.n employes of his Department for more than their usual hours of employment; therefore,be it, RESOLVED; That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate othTrwlse fixed for extra erpic mint for tha extra employment for extra time here9.n77er set forth: NAME TITLE T 111 RATE TOTAIL . Farillo Harry Laborer 'x#1075 64 hours Langenberger Jos. " #2336 4 " Mayer George " ##2585 38 " C r, No.37833—BY L.•R S. Ferguson= __ ...... _-f Edu- 4 Yea (J) Councilmen (J) Nays ncy erguson pM In favor s� 'son .. 12, 'son I ... --- ...... Against '-Wenzel /Mr. President CORM aM 5-10 . No.; 1016, :r -No. 2336, fo. 2686;'38 an.. 6,.--1922, 55� $35.20 55¢ 2.20 55� 20.90 Adopted by the Council—__. -J4'_ --c}-'- 2Z L---19---- llil' -5 1921 Approved_.._.._�..._.--....... .....-....... _.._._._._ 19-....._ FORart No : + 2 Citq'of Saint;!,Paul' COUNCIL RESOLUTION GEXERAL 'POMI Subject:COUNCIL Date Presented 1922 R owed, WHEREAS, The C' p=issioner of public, Utilities has reported to the !r q with Seat ion 53 of,:the„Cite Counoil, in accor3anae wi Y Charter, the existenoe of an emergency which renderednecessary the employment of on Sunday certain employes .of his department +Fed-eteae-the+-ef§ht.-Neuss-ges-d43r� said+ employment -being ore than their usual hours of employment; m therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the,"te otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth Name. Title hours Rate of Overtime .Thos,. Fahey Laborer 8 hra. 55;e reg.rat,e Leo-,Nnnnemacher Utilitymari 8 ” 62 ! ". It It Fiasco Laborer 8' ° 55� n n Paul G.. Manzke tab oxer• 18 " 35¢ John: Corey " 16 ' " 5b1G J. Geisthardt 8 n 55je n " C. Faysaa— Leo,:Hoffman' Yherens. The commissioner f r e I. a " b5ft n n lie c,tillues not' enortea to th e 8 " 55¢ "- ,t - C . F, . OakYns „ m aeenraanee witn seen 5S f Harry Thomas h LinncYha,•ter, xlnten g q 60� hien `enderei ) the l,loyment Of tufo 11 Y�.s j f hls lep,rtn,ent Suh` O?t I l -` hell 0-0, nn —at being mora tLherefo re, bo i[ haure of _njoymen city o rte�reela That ntthorlred to PnY �.' h0. tn tr 6 Ytt,m 1 at the rote follot)I flYedfnr sTati f the an a nloymesnt then) tre. time hereinafter e[ f f rth: Laborer, 8 howls, Thos Ft, e)'. ta Ruler to . I eo 2%o ne g.l.r late. L111CYman, 8 hours. G2'Fef riRu'Laborer, 8 hears 65� P. f]el Fiasco, egular ratO I nil G \In nahc 1,abo rer, 16 hours. R re gulnr rulle. J In ;Rre)'. ,nbore. r. 1G hours 55¢ j'1'e i et hard t. Laborer. 8 hours. 56t' tiy'' PHoffm' Labo�e, 8 ho 65t 1 n .n JGr a2 Yeas C" nciivien C-,. J o ionx. 1•nbnrer• s hours. 550 Adopted by the 1922 a.l'ano,y AnfyrThom. s Ltborcr 8 ho, 600 9�e�rguson ,t'o`l;t a`,, the cOnra Jan. 5, 1922. Approved J1,C' a'9?i 1922 Uatson TPD , l., n. 6 (.la li 192°) r' Smith - against ''Wenzel Mr..; esident Hodgson playor YORKNO.'2'2 { City -ox St. Paul 4>; COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM ; Sub f eat s,� COUNCIL PM NO. \\LL Date;Presented 1922 ;1':i Resoµved,::WHEREAS�•The C issioner-ofPublic Utilities has reported to •the 111 Couh011,';in"accor ae with,Seotion 53 of the Gity Chart ex, the. extencfe.;of an em rgency which: rendered neoeseary the employment of 'ceriain.empj.oyes of his departinent"'for morethan eight hcurs per`day,- said;empoymen$'being more than%their usual hours of employment; therefore: be it Resolved, That the propel_oity officers are hereby authorized_to pay the fo;Ylowing'named employes at: the 'rate otherwise"fixed for extra - employment for the extra time hereinafter„ set fortYit', Name Titre `'Hours Rate of Overtime John E. Hawkins Utilityman I hr. 6,00, r6g,.rate. Aoy tllfuncnn n �_-_---------2-•�-r� P. Scott " Walter A44erson Laborer 56 55 ;, " " rahey „...'' n Thos ey H.' A. r+TexiUtilityman 2 ^ 67 fG Leo Nonnemacher " 1' " 6 W. O..Petexson " 181 n 60je n n J. Geiathardt __L, Lbnrer`.. :_ 4 " 559 n n Leo Hoffman'6 " 56¢ n n C r sn. ais26— nmmissiener of r b- i \\'hcr�as. The [ed to the C l Itc 1't 11 ltfe n llas nnee t+orth tiection 53 of thy l't+t��Chnrter the ex+stenecte{ n which 't I't Il all Y tohe r e Plo)'ment rt LI f his d Pnrtme`y <ott tab I - , h-1 oto Per 1 i +tlynrl Plhouts r than th ( re b' it fr l- t' pIn>tne nl' 11Th t the Prover city the ]tesoly rherchy n+thorl�.cd to at tb+ rate 'f Il i s .+m e,i cm a>tra, mnPlo>nt 9ne oth tt+ her. rl Cm• time heron'rter `_. .. . , r ' f th 1. Tl arrklnu, 1'ttl ttl man. 1 hour. 'I roei. mr rate hoe i'{IASL R y 1iT++son 1 till t)n•tn 1 hour. regular teUtilftyman, 2 hours, eguIarotn'to. Halter Anderson. Laborer, 1 hour, qq 65¢ regular rate. Laborer, 1 hour, 554 y _ Thos. Fahey, regular rhlennell, Utilityman, 2 hours, 6i `f_C regular rate. Utility -on, 1 - Leo Nonnemacher. hon r, 621�_f r gulnr rUttlitytn n 18+n \P 0 R{ st,e6tll g.1 rate. J 4 hours. 56C .. borer. n '- g'Inr t Laborer, G boars. 654 ; JN� ,92e. Len xoffn, a 1922 Yeas unci men egnlar rate. Adopted by thew +1 .Tan. 6. 1922. \ tont d t nh e5 C1922 ancy 1PPt'o Jan. 14-19,22) rguoon - APproved Julr ���}�L' 1922 at son- in favor fc�ocnaldT/7T t Snjith against enzel ' Mrs. esident Hodgson Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL aoUMCU. fJ / 836 - �s No ........................ rr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM vED That'the proper city officials are hereby`suthorized to enter into an agreement with J. R, Kittleson, providing for the payment of compensation to him//at the rate of 018.00 per week during such time as he shall be totk7.1y disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Board of Water Commissioners, on the 3rd day of November, 191; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, said city officials are hereby authorized to pay to the said J. R. Kittleson, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) in final settlement of his claim for the period up to November 14th, 1921. i.0 F No: 37836—RY S. H McDonald q'hat th9.n Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald gl In favor Matson ¢ Smith - ..... _-_...... Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 8M 0•IIO I recommend the passage of the above resolution Commissioner of Public Utilities . Adopted by the Council— 19......:.. Approv CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED cc��ry RIL[ That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to ent er'` into an agreement with Omer Gadbois, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) per week during such A. as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Board of water ffi Commissioners, on the 6th day of December, 1921; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, said city officials 'are hereby authorized to pay to the said Omer Gadbois, out of the 'Vater Department Fund, the sum of Seventy-two ($72.00) Dollars in final settlement of his claim for the period up to January) �,� _BDonaVdottt'-I Yea (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ......In favor Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FORM 9M O•IIO - I recommend the passage of the above resolution Commissioner of Public Utilities Adopted by the Council_ Jfl` ...._•x-_'922 ----19....--- - Approve5l_7_ ------.. 5 ....._- '92� ._ ----19.._---- .� N�YOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN 1 No. .... ._ IJ . OFFICE" OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BI COMMISSIONED Viii That the' o.per.-oity officials are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Ed Nesson, providing for the payment of compensation tp-Ihim at the rate of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) per week during-sutime as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injurie's received by him while in the employ of the Board of Water Commissioners on the 29th day of November, 1921, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, said city officials are hereby authorized to pay the the said Ed Nesson, slut of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Seventy-two Dollars ($72.00) in partial settlement of his claim for the period up to December 27th, 1921. _- Yea (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald/ ......In favor Matson �( -1 Smith ......... _. ...... Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM aM O•IIO ". I recommend the passage of the above resolution Commissioner of Public Utilities Adopted by the MAYOR PRESE COMM CITY. OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ee�xei� 3 . �. NO. .... ......._... ...._ T SY11 IONDER......................................... ....................................... :............................... ATE.................:.........................................:................ That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. G. D. Brand, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Five' Dollars ($5.00) in 1i t1 payment of all claims held or asserted by him against said Board by reason of professional services rendered to W. M. Gardner, an employe of said Board, injured December lb, 1921, in the course of his,employment. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Smith –.-.--.......Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM fM G•,O -- I recommend the passage of the above resolution omm ss oner 07 Public Utilitiee.. 6 Adopted by the Council— �- Council--- _,�- ,2T Approv JUI' —5 192C CITY OF ST. PAUL CO°""` NO....... 3"4 •aIE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTQ By .,I ...................................................................... . . ............. ATE.................................................................... . commissio RES ED That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. Guiseppe Vercellini, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum o& Seve®)y-five Dollars (075.00) in full payment of all claims held or asserted by him against the Board'of,•Water Commissioners by reason of professional services rendered to Tony Masso, an employe of said Board, injured July 2nd, 1921, in the course of his employment. Yes U) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __..In favor IV(ation f''� t.6 __..._---....Against `+ lS!eoz.1 Mr. President -rORM ,M 0•!O I recommend the passage of the above resolution ommissioner of Public Utilities —C Adopted by the Council_... I_..... r9 92 �1 7.5 -2 -FEL Approved_... ...._..._._._ Y'`!t COUNCIL 37841 CITYOF ST. PAUL ,as NO ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM sv ` . .................. .................. ATE....................:....................................................... TONER........... ..................................................................... That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Dr. N. G. Mojtenson, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Thirty-sixw`ollars (036.00) in full payment of all claims held or asserted by him against the Board of Water Commissioners by reason of professional services rendered to Tony Masso, an employe, of said Board, injured July 2nd, 1921, in the course of his employment. 4 Yea (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy r' Fergulon McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel -7 Mr. President •oa„ .. a•ao I recommend the passage of the above resolution Commissioner of Public Utilities Adopted by the Council_ J -l'' _10_1' — 19 JGI' - _..In favor Approved ........_—.. �2L_. — -.._...._19..._._ CITY OF ST. PAUL couwciCI%�f� No...... :.{yl✓...... OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .4 SENTED BY A. E. Smith Jan. Sth, 1932 MMISSIONER............... .:.:. ...:...................................... .......... - -DATE ....a ...._........._............. RESOLVED That applioations'for licenses of the following persons for the handling and selling of foodstuffs at the addresses indicated. be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: H. F. Hasenaahl 1076 E, Maryland St., �s1ei4-ais#a, . , Joseph Fine, 441 Rondo St. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald................In Favor Matson Smith 0-.-...-.....ABeinst Wenzel Mr. President Ah 19L Adopted by"the Council ........... ..... ..................._._192------ Approv '57JGI`'192 MA COUNCIL NO._�. 1.1 .. CITY OF Sl'. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL -RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM 3� _5.�. 9aa PRESENTED.sy .! Pi.�i..8mith......................................... .. DATE .. ................� COMMISSI ER......... _ . 5068 for Butcher license and application REsotr That application No Ro: b061 for Grocery license ofI H. L. Roberts to conduct business at 719 Pelham St., be and the�ama are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau Of Health. Notes This is an old shack of a dwelling house turned 0int o atheore flo with cheese cloth tacked uAa the walla to make it app and the are like an ocean wave, up and down; one room used as a butcher shop and the rest of the stairsrwithrooms noused acoommodations; plasrooery and teecabdo coiling people living up , falling down Ic F. No• �"`--- Yes (J) Co nilmen ('J) Nays C1.4v ✓Ferguson McDonald - - - ..In favor r i Matson i"R rmith -.........Against Wenzel Ur. President c Adopted by the Conncil......��i-.- .�7 1 t� - --192-`-'-' Appro —.15-7r72L.........192 — --. MAYOR �}t�tltCiitIIlt t,�e„ed AL a No Pf 5061 in the City oQ$t a o ec ` e froth- ` - �-� —i924—to Name t'' If coeporation give name of person in authority Aga - you on. American citizen7 I£tiot have you the first papers? How long have you lived: Iri t ni es7 yrs. In' St. Raul : Business Address . 111 Tel. Residence Address 40 Tel-, State your occupations for the past 3 years Have you ever been arrested for violation of license laws? If yes, state when, why and whew STATE OF MINNESOTA. County of Ramsey, ee.� Sworn, subscribed before me and the hemion approved Signature of p li nt: by me"this y of 192 - ly \_.•e' f Lice Insaec r oma Iic . s 3'343 if' CITY OF ST. PAUL No.---- � 11_a --- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK, St. P 1, Minn. ��%--�s./_�- r- `------------------------------------------ Received oETen and loo---------------------------------------- ----------------------------Dollars, $10.00 Bein$amount of depot on pp�cat' for license to sell Food Stuff. G ( N At No. ---�� --- St• Paul. Minn. $10.00 I. ICY, City Clerk Pe - -1 '----- AppfkaYioir for n a in the.City of St. Pau}, tq)De efigc�j 5062 No If corporation give name of person in authority Me Are you an American citizen? If not have you the first papers? How lont have you lived: In&Yn' q'd States? yrs. In St, aul? Yrs. Business Address Tel. Residence Address 9 f�1 t -Tel. State your occupations for the past 3 years Have you ever been arrested for violation of license laws? If yes, slate when, why and whe STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, ss. Sworn, subscribed before me and the a ication approved by me this / day of 192-L Luenae Inacec�ar,—No 61ic Signature of Applicant—",' z pplicant— z lam' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUwaL Flt.e NO.........._37844..- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED A. �G Smith Dec. 31x`,1921 COMMISSIONR........._............_..........................................._.........__.............. _............. DATE .......... ........... .............__............................. RESOLVED That the applications for licensee of the the following persons for the conducting of Poolrooms at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instruct' ss)to issue such license upon the payment into the City Tredtury of the customary fee: R. D. Mason, 165 Concord St., 4 Tables, New Applicant -Old Locat. J. W. Bridges, 379 Carroll St., 4 " Rgnewal " Walter Havlish, 1553 University Av. 6 " New Applicant All of the 'above addressee are 1000 feet from any school C. P. No. 37844—By A. E. Smith— Resoiv d, That the applications for licenses' f the following persons for theees conducting of Poolrooms at the are herebYi granted and the Clty C1erlc is l{79erpaYment into etha Cltyeense TreasurY- o[ the ct to . r y fee: - 4 } R. D Mason, 165 Concord St., ' ITabies, New APPltcant, k7 locution. 4 , J, ,1V, Bridges. 379 Carroll St.. Tables, Renewal, Applicant, ld lots - tion. 1fi53 Univ`fy Halter 11—lish. ol'.I o-` A��e.. 6 Tables, Now APPltcant, ,. tion. 1,000 A11%om e b. c addre see, are feet Adopted thConn APProVctl Jan. 5, by 1922. ed Son.e 5, 192.. (,Tun. 14-1932) ! -- t 1 1 i Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays _r n L Clancy Adopted by the Council_ . - .- -. -[ ---- 192....... Ferguson _- a it 1-----------_Vn `McDonald _....__--In favor APPro ..- -- ov ?1.tson 'Smith .:..............Against ............ .....,........-H�;oii..... `Wenzel ?fir. President FORM 1500 10-31 CITY OF ST. PAUL COU CIL nt.e NO..._..... ....... t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1• COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED)BY A. E. Smith Jan. 5th, 1923 cOMMISSIONER•..._.......... _............ _................................._.............___._..........._.._....... DATE ................................. RESOLVED That license No. 3514 for the handling and selling of soft drinks At 896 Mississippi Street, issued to Michael Mitzink, be and the l same is hereby revved upon recommendation of the Bureau of.Poliee. Note: Citizens alai m they have seen drunken people come from here. This placeT113 located near St. .Patrick's jahurch and school. General tAnding with people in this vicinity is not good. Complainte made about drunken Russians in this vicinity. That 11 a. . smash— Resolved.. That.,llcense f g'oftjrinka I� the handling 2514 -1 and elnng k.. ad - to at 896 Mlsslsalppt Street, Michnel Mitzink, be and tho gam fe hereby evoked up n roetuaru dation r of the Bureau of Pollee they have Note: Citizens a from he[e. seen drunken people —In This place la ""tod ear S I P,,,dlU church and school. Gener¢t ¢Landing ith people in thla vicinity is not good. Compinlnta ads ¢bout drunken Rus- nlana In this '.inity' 1923. appro ¢d th Jane 6C 19281 (J¢n. 14-1922) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays K,ou Adopted by the Council_....,!i�:...".... �..._._..192 ('McDonald In favor Appro---J14 ---------192---- Matson Smith o Against __. _.._............. MAYON �f;Wenul t "Mr. President DORM lsoo 10 1 ywy CITY OF ST. PAUL NO......._S..i..b_._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM A. E. SmithJan DATE......... . 5th ., .... 1 933 ------------- ... .__......... RESOLVED That application No, 5141 for the conducting of a Restaurant at $96 Mississippi Street of Michael Mitzink, be and the same is hereby denied upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Police. Note: Citizens claim they have seen dtrunken people come from here. This place is looattgd near St. Patrick's Church and School. General standing with people in vicinity is not good. Complaints made about drunken Russians in this vicinity. Yes (J) Councilmen (•J) Nay Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1300 10-21 C. F, No. 37846—BY It )tion INo. 6141, Resoived. That APf n Restaurant at 'for the conducting 896 RlississiPPi St. f etch del ed UP a be and the sa o is herb Bureau O1 th 11 eeommend.tion 0f have o Fo cl0.lm they Thla Note: Citiaens drunken people eomeeaTro 6t heTpentriclfs pinco is located standing hurch ands einoa lclnliY e`snl not, good. With Peop madev about drunken Rtie- Complaint. 6 1922. Inns in this, vtheP Council Jan. Adopted hY 19s2. APProved (Jan 6'14-1922) Adopted by the Council - -;�----{----- 192-.---- ............._.In favor Approved _.......:..------.._---- ..... ....._ ams .................... ....................... .......... ". MAYO6 R �1�t�i1tC� iIIlt' �r new v (/ia� l//J�/!1 a L' tse No51 in the Cify _ t Pg Name / If corporation give name of person i uthoriry Age - Are you an American citizen] If not have you the first papers? How long have you lived: th iJnited States? yrs. In St. Paul? yrs. Business Address Residence Address State your occupations for the past'3 ears Have you ever been arrested for violation of license laws? If yes, state when, why and where STATE OF MINNESOTA, C ngty of Ramsey, m Sworn, subsnribed b f and tk- kation approved by me this da 192 U-nse 1-p—r,—N vbar Signature off Applicant: 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL nOeMoa NO.........`.�°...`.'. " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY A. E. SmithJan.5,_..1922.1--1 ER .......................... .............. ..._....... ........................................,................... DATE............................................:.............. RESOLVED ThatVLioense No. 2197 for the handling and selling of Foodstuffs at 1056 E. 7th St., issued to A. 0. Olson, be and the same is hereby revoked for the reason that said place has been improperly conducted and improper sand unlawful practices have been carried on therein. Note: Pleaded guilty in Municipal Court Dec. 19th,1921 to having liquor in his possession for sale and fined $100. C. p'. No: 37847—BY A" E• Smfth— Tlin� License f°Foodstuffs I Resolved, a 111n8pl- 'the he -111-5 revoked at 1066 E. 7th 54, issued tO hae.R.d tho same is hereby b and n thnt said Glace 1mPT°Per I on. ben �1 improPnlaq,fulndpract ndbees practice-, and rein. g,",' to In Tl-1c1pal J� carried on the havnn llnuor �, Note: Plendod 6 lined I Court Dee.SeBSlon 9fo • t sale I n hts P°9 1922• $10 0* by the C7928 i1 Jan. 5• proved J --- AP 6. (Jnn. 141922) Yes (J) Councilmen (•J) Nays Clancy F "Buson 9` McDonald - --- In favor "/ tson 4 Smith Aj�einst Wenzel JMr, President .ORM moo tosl Adopted by the Council.....1..1......192_.-.--. Appro-----j Pit .----_'__22 -C--.........192 --- ........ .... ....::. _---.................. _.........._........... MOTOR CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL n�." No........... r�''" � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FRESEf..............DATE 5.,1P ---------- COMFt ED BY IONER �...................- RESOLVED That .the application for licensee of Lillian Kelly to conduct a Dance Hall known as the Arcadia at 37 East Eighth Street, be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee. Yes (J) Coun ilinen ('J) Nay Clancy I � "-eiiiuson dI ,McDonald Matso $mit Wen 1 Mr. President FORM 1500 10.21 C. P. No: 37848_13yTmith— hath Resolved, e pPs c¢tton Yor licenses of Lillian Kelly to conduct a Dc l known as the A,cadl. at 337n E¢st Filghth Street. be and the same( le hereby granted and the City Clerk', 1s Instructed to Issue such license Up - of the customaryInto feethe City Adopted by the Council Jan. 5, 1922.. Approved an. 5' 4 1922)' Adopted by the Council.- 192.... - . .........In favor APPTo - ... Against ........---. MAYOR • CITY OF ST. PAUL C.UFlL[NCIL NO._....._.S�`.r11.(8.e .��.. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY A. E. Smith .) Jan.J, 1933 COMMISSIONER............. ___..._.._.._......___..........._..'............._..._........._._._.....__. DATE ................ ...._.............................. ....... .-.-..-. RESOLVED That the applications for licenses for conducting the Butcher Business at the addresses indicated of the fdllowing persons, be and the same are he3ceby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the Mayment into the city treasury of the customary fee. 0. A. Bartlett, 203 W. Central Ave., P. Andler, 383 wabaea St.,. H. F. Hasenaahl, 1076 E. -Maryland St. Yes U) Councilmen ('J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Smith ... _......__Against Wenzel Mr. President �onM moo last C. F. No. ,37849—By p,' D. ica9mlth- 1� eneesv Your That ondu tingppthe tlButeher. Business at the addresses indlaated of the following persona, be ad the same Clerk are ta instructed granted darm l sue the aueh CI,- cense upon the epnyment into !ho city [rens. ry f the ustomary fee: C. A. Bartlett, 202 rp, Central Ave. l p. Andier, 382 Nnbaeha 8t. H. F. Hnaenzahl, 197s Ir, Efaryland St. Adopted by the Council Jan, 5, 19 U. Approved Jan. 5, 1922. (Jan. 14-1922) I Adopted by the Council...JGf1 —'; w') 1 Approv ...---/--/--... �... Z C............192----- MAYOa S. t 'v /`/'►r `�^ /� VVV�^�,{�. }Vj, ill Ci.' Fr NO. -- _ C. I•`. No. 376b0-0rdlnnnce No. 57401 BY L R S. Fo Sue n— 1n rdinanc authar6 the npP Ssys tion o[ th further eum of eoven Thouannd Rollare (57.000.00) t r the conetritcflort t the Rnnd 1PhI is ..� emerge School l3uildVnK•nderldIlly sssarY to!'. .,.I i 0 0 / l� Ordinance No. . - public p; �Lllw-rs An ordinancedoesf'.,nrizing the, ap ropriation of, the further sum of Seven Thousand (p7,000.00� for the construction of the Randolph Heights School Building. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITT OF ST;PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That a further sum of Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to construct the Randolph Heights School Building, is hereby appropriated out of the School Bond Fund #4000. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. Section; 3h This ordinance shall take effect and be in force imya mediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel a'�r Dry �:_�.Ac>v;ggDy�•y yvei b. s w'e'y' Adopted by the Council --6A —' 44 44 1922. Approved 1922• l i J, F N 37851—Grdlnnnc N 6760— C `�..Fergiteon= Ah.ordinnnce .nuth ruing the pPropri- utl nf trim Purtheum;.^ of Three Th uas d Se aq Hund d 7)ollnrs ($3700.00l. for th n tructton of, fie Grorelnnd Pe} , 601 Builds F� FF No. t` Q This is on ... M Ordinance No. 4 . dered ......a enfetae , Pu h'• The C9ur. does An ordinance a t.zi'ng the appropriation of the further sum of Three Thousand even Hundred Dollars (3,700.00) for the construction of the Groveland Park School Building. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the -preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COIJXCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That a further sum of Three Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars (43,700.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to construct the Groveland Park School ByU lding, is hereby appropriated out of the School Bond Fund #4000 > Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- 179 mediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Adopted by the Council Matson, qi! ;1>> 1922 Smith wenzel n on Approved J17i ::i -s '�'% 1922. v Aj y el GN, l C F. No. 37852—Ordinance No. 6761— , i �L/ " / �A of ii uthorf fn e; the so"W F� p forth am of Seven ---� / .. r Hundred Dollars `'3785 y� p• he tractlnn a/ v`/yd l Bpfldf°, Ordinance No. Ci Fi No. n' —X r An ordinance authorizing the appro riation of the further sum of Seven Thousand One Hundred Dollars (7,100.00) for the con- struction of the Homecroft School Building. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health @.nd safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES,ORDAINS Section 1. That a further sum of Seven Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($7,100.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to construct the Homecroft School Building, is hereby appropriated out of the School Bond Fund #4000. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately upon its passage and publication. Year. Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ` Matson / ) Smith YJenzel Adopted by the Council j!"V w s ',92% 1922 ;l.i 2r Approved ` 1922. c HED . ,---- �, �, �" ` `",,- 7 { r . � f.; F :_. � f 1 t G' 9 " � / � � V N ...". ...,.. ...._ it V ✓ ..� .- 1 �� r �.. �,�,..�.. p.,....:: �- � ��� ��� �" .. o. . ' 37 5 A F No. once aut ori2i.co N 6762 Ry 1,, R. S. rergueon— An iati ordinance authorizing the noPro-,�. 'p latlon of the further Sr of Tj+: ,� / .�♦ Hundred Dolar ($300.00) for. S) t ,/Qy�/ .( ' n action of the D ew 317853 Ina i l s ...,L „S Ordinance No. C. F. No.�_ An ordinance authorizingg the pfo rtheion of constrthe fu thethe sum of Three Hundred Dollars (�03 Drew School £or ildinecehe preservationThis iofathe publicypeace,ahealthnanded saf ety'.- THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That a further sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to construct the Drew School Building, is hereby appropriated out of the School Bond Fund f,4000. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergencalth and ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, safety. Section 3• This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Adopted by the Council Matson, JtT 114192c 1922 Smith 'Wenzel Approved___2_,- ` cl'cic 1922. oc � � x An ordinance granting to the Northwestern 011 Company per- mission•to'install and maintain a gasoline filling-station in front of 618-622 Como avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Northwestern Oil Company, a corporation, to install and maintain a gasoline filling-station in front of 618-622 Como avenue. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works -is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the installation of said pump, upon said licensee's compliance with the following condi- tions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said filling-station and location, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said filling-station shall be constructed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee I ! shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. I (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of j conditioned St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (10,000.00), to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs and expense that may accrue to persolse or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said filling-station. The said, bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Coun- sel, have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said filling-station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. \ Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after., its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy,---,,�r " FergusoniF' TJ n D r-PL MaMatson _ ....®- Wenzel +g' Mr. PresiderO-lHodgson) Attest Approved City Clerk Mayor WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF IN S PECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL s DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY A.E. SMITR OMMMdomwomi, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF 'FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION November 29t:: 1921. Icon. A.E.Smith Commissioner of Public Safety, "t.Paul,ainn. rear Sir: In regard to t'�e application of the :;ort -western 011 Com- pany to install a curb I.urr, gasoline filling station on curb in front of 818 -822 -Como Ave. I have had same investigated and report that there .could be no a:Lditonal fire hazard tc t::e vicinity due to sue:: a station, I therefore raco... wend that ariaication receive favora'ole action_. Yours ,esrectfu�y, —�- tz �1 Chief Inspector. i. ,'y To the Siraf- we capacity tants and Wyne pump on the Curb in front of the store belonging to 11 r. F. M. Cadwell, at 818- 822 Como Ave. in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, to be used and operated as a Curb Filling Station in connection with their Store. The outfit to be installed to be of the very best equipment, and to be constructed in every way in conformity with the City's requirements. It is our opinion that this location is out of the restricted residence district, and their is no street car line on this street to interfer with. I understand that the Pure Oil Co. who are tyring to get all these permission in the Twin Cities have already put in an application to your Honorable Body for a permit to to install a tank in the sane location, but with out the consent of Mr. Cadwell, We have Mr. Cadwell's contract for installing the complete out)fit and supplying him with Gasoline and oils, and it is his wish that we get this permit through your Honorable Body. As eraly an action in the matter as may be convenient by your Honorable body will be greatly appreciat- ed Respectfully r January 25 1922 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner,` uffice. Dear Sir: r Regarding location of proposed Pasoline filling station a, 819 and �'22 Como Boulevard. I would recommend that permission for the same rye not granted anywhere on this boulevard. Yours very truly,, oupt. of rarks zs eu No. ...... .37855 ey COEfPrHO.L 1922 AUDITED 192.. PER ...-..... ..... ..... _. ', Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_'.s6,B99.6grj.- covering checks numbered. 108. ,, -to-- -120 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council ....._............... .................... .._...... 'In ..------. Ferguson,In favor JGP —6 '92c �6°0ermid Approved .... ......... ....._........_.........__.......-.......---------19---------- Matson, Smith, Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson C F. No. 37866— . Resolved that Warrants' be draw¢ upon theCity Treasury; to the%aggre .at amount of $6;899.37... cove V, checks numbered 108'1 to 120 inclusive, s per' register oL city- checks on'<51, In 'the' office of the..City Compttoller.. Adoptcd by the CmIpcil Jan. 6,!1922.1 Approve Jan.- 6, 1922. - (Jan. 14-1922) 011111AL TO osrr oa .:. x.oz u.111 . ��. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROIII ER f eormAAas,lnt7-zl AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM»Trz NO....3...`78.. .5 AUDITED _JAN y1922 182I 6T .COM OLE.B..... . I LI.E. .................................................... .....i............... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ _...6.,.89837................ covering checks numbered._ 108 ___ .to.. _124_ . _ _......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( d ) Neys. • Clancy, Adopted by the cil.............._._.......jV —6i92< .f._.._............._..-,192------... , Ferguson, In favo --- SaDonald- { ' L/ h App —6 i2t 19z.......... Matson, h Smith, _ __._.Agains Wenzel. t _... ...... ......................... ........ _..... ... ..._.._..................... MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson 108 ... _..............._.................................. Commonwealth Electric Company, 50.00 Drew School(Bond) 109 Geo. M. Kenyon Company, 27.60 Water 110 E. D. Klingel, 15.00 Pol. & F. Alarm 111 Lamprey Products Company, 44.10 Health 112 Gust Lindblad, 204.00 Curbing Hawthorne from Earl to Duluth Avenue 113 Geo. F. McDonald, 6.20 . Corp. Counsel 114 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 35.91 Mayor's Office } 115 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 82.50 Purchasing Department 116 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 5,136.69 Schools Rea. 8 Page #2 117 Melady Paper Company, 18.38 Water 118 F. D. Williams Coal Company, 886.67 Schools 119 Woven Steel Rose & Rubber Company, 33.59 Water 120 H. J. Crepeau, Chief of Police 358.73 Police s • vovsoir. 37856 NO. ......... _.._................. �}•• � BY C AUDITED,.. .. �.� .... 192.L .. t ...- .. ..... n!!y'.�'_... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ._4400.4 .........._....., covering checks numbered _ _ P1 .. ...to 125 , inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yens ( 17 ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Jill" _�; '.�ZC............._......192—........ Clancy, Adopted by the Council. --- - - Ferguson, _In favor "1�2R764Ca9� Approved.......__ ..............._._.................. ......_........192....::._. Matson, Smith, Wenzel. Against Mr. President, Hodgson a Ci, .-'F No 37388, ,Re olved th'�t warrat•te Ne drawn ,; I the City'' 'rrt a $1 4 Otd th c .99rl g gate , 7n%*m% checKs number d 121, 06.00, inclusive, - thepofficeIj.t the Cittr 11'c y C mptroner�e .in h'—ffted`'Uy the CouncUAd.PTan 8,'1822' Ayproyed-Jon. 8, 1922: :...(Jan. 141922) .. 411" N.W0111 OISY OP ei. Pe IIL CITY cL611M OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COIISIIIL 3'7856 Fon, A A 46, 1M 7.21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PIL= NO...... ......................... BY COWT LSE.. AUDITED.. -. ...... I I t PER.................................. �...-..........-.... Via^.`.'_—_. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $ ._a ......... covering checks numbered 12.1 .....to... 125 _ _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council -----.._.....JGf?._-.. .2 C._.......192--..-..... Ferguson, In favor __MeDvttw ' '- Approved) _ / .....���' —� ----------------------------------- ZC 192.......... Matson, Smith, . Against.......................... _... Wenzel. ��-�� � � nlAvox Mr. President, Hodgson 121 Mrs. Jennie Hirsohorn, 3,000,000 Bond Issue (Bond) 4000 385.71 122 Mrs. Jennie Hiraahorn, 542,50 #320002000 Bond Issue (Bond) 4000 123 Mrs. Jennie Hirsohorn, 386.43 3,000,000 Bond Issue (Bond) 4000 124 Mrs. Jennie Hirsohorn, 39103 $3,000,000 Bond Issue (Bond) 4000 125 Mrs. Jennie Hirsohorn, 46.33, $3,0002000 Bond Issue (Bond) 4000 E • eo mau No.....37857 AU .iAN. f. 1922 PER.... � ............................_.. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_ X44&199 ........................ , covering checks numbered _ 26 to-... _ 108___ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ; ) Councilmen ( a ) Nays. Clancy, Ferguson, ,M Smith, Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the Council ._..JAL ....:.Fa -;"-"-'2C...._ ............._.192-......... In favor JAI': _6 io2( Approved .... .... -- ....--- 192 ------ ._ Against C. F. N-- `37857— . Resolved - th�r aeurY. to t e aB6re7 neon the-. CItY 534 2g, .covering gate amount of $ ;nclusive,. heckanumbered 28 to 108, as' Perreb'�ster of city. checks'.on ale in th thud-friopt d'by the Council Jan '1'r -' ,+approved Jan. 6. 1922. t (Jan y RK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 3 A >s:o�� r ooa J f 8or,oe Aas,IM 7-21 - AUDITED CLAIbIS-RESOLUTION FORbI 6 .. 1 BY 922 AUDITE[�� .............. .... ...192........._ PER ...... ...... 4.29 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $. X53......_-- ..,...,covering checks numbered 29 -. .. to__ __ 106 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City ® Comptroller. Yeas P ) Councilmen J ) Nays. Adopted by the ncil..__..��fl'.-..-6..:526........._.........192...-....... Clancy, Ferguson, ..In favor 192 _ -...- .--...... Matson, Smith, ....... __....._....Against _....--- -'--_...----- .............................MAYOR Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson 5.00 28 H. R. Beoke Water 5.00 29 A. W. Berg, water 5.00 30 Matilda Berg,, Water ¢ 10.00 31 Ida A. Biebiwgh"Ber, 13.15: 32 Mrs. Julia B, Water 5.00 33 ,wm. Bredy, water 5.00 ® 34 Geo. H. Brodt, water b•00 35 John Burns, water 5.00 36 Mrs. G. M. B7ater � 5.00 39 Maggie Cartwright* Water r1 L_J Res. 6 Page #2 38 Martin J. Casey, Water 39 Ellen Cedarholm, Water 40 G. W. Coverdale, Water 41 A. B. Dahl, Water 42 Geo. H. Dahl, Water 43 Arthur Forbes, Water 44 Mrs. I. E. Forest, Water 45 E.M. Ganley company, Water 46 J. M. Garrick, Water 47 Gust Goetz, Water 48 gam Grodin, Water 49 Wm. H. Rackell, W at er 50 F. S. Harmon, Water 51 B.F. Hartman, Water 52 James Hastings, Hater 53 Edw. F. Heine, Water 54 Gustaf Hermanson, Water 55 A. E. Hitzenman, Water 56 John E. Holt, Water 57 E. J. Horejs, Water 58 H. Hoschette, Water 59 A. J. Hughes, Water 60 J. D. Hyland, Water 5.00 5,00 5.00 10.00 5,00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 14.15 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 26.75 18.65 5.00° 5.00 6.27 14.02 5.00 5.00 5.00 Res. 6 Paae #3 61 Margaret C. Ihfe, 5.00 Water 5.00 62 Morton Jensen, Water 5.00 63 P. C. Justus, Water 10.00 64 Elmer R. Justus, Water 5.00 65 A. Kirsohbaum, Water 5.00 • 66 B. G. Konocioski, Water 23.02 67 Lake Park Clust er 5.00 68 R. J. Leonard, ater 5.00 69 L. Linder, Water 5,00 70 John E. LoPgr ns Water 5.00 71 A. J. Lorch,Water 5.00 72 W. T. McKay, Water 5.00` 73 J. P. Manning, Water _ 5,00 ?4 J. F. Mandrasater 5,00 75 Lillian B. Martin, ater 5,00 76 W. J. miles, Water 5.00 77 John Meak, Water 20.00 78 Oven Morriss Water 5,00 79 John C. Nelson, ter 5.00 ® 80 Mabel E. NorWgBts�, 5.00 81 C. A. Nyquist, Water 2.51, 82 M. J. O'Neil, �ater 5000 83 Ole Okeson, Water 5,00 84 Harry W. Olson, Water G 18.65 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.02' 5.00 I 5.00 5.00 8.75 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 19.35 5.00 Res. 6 Page #4 85 Gust Peterson, Plater 86 N. P. Rasmussen, Water 87 K. M. Rolland, Water Be Mrs. John Roy, Water 89 St.Paul Builders Material Company, Water ® 90 Edward R. Schafer, Water 91 Jacob Schmidt, Water ` 92 B. Schmuckler, r Water 93 Winfield Scott, Water 94 C.W.F. Smith, Water 95 Edw. Sparrow, Water 96 Wm. A. Steindorf, Water 97 J. D. Stern, Water 98 Nels Sylvander, Water 99 E. E. Thompson, Water 100 T. C. Hide & Fur ComPanY, Prater 101 J. M. Wakeland, Water 102 J. M. Whalen, Prater 103 Gu7 Whittaker, Water 104 F. 13. Wigington, • Water 105 Wilson -King Company, Water 106 Albert Worch plater G 18.65 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.02' 5.00 I 5.00 5.00 8.75 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 19.35 5.00 Treasurer in the amount of $33.00, payable from the Street construction and Repair Fund, in favor of Christ Kvam, residing at 1929 Fairmount Avenue, St. Paul, Minn, to reimburse him for work performed in connection. with a private sewer connection at 1756 viellesley Avenue, said amount of $55.00 having been collected by the City from Fielding and Shepley in payment for work performed by said Ghfst Kvam, and said amount having been placed to the credit of the street Construction and Repair Fund. era t Rn t ed, Th t o warrant ti drown t �- of $ the Clty bl easorer In the. amountl i of $33.00 pnyabie from the St t C n- --_ 1 structlo and .Repair Fund, in favor of .I { .Christ K a �r siding at 1929 Pair- „7 I mount" Avenue, St: Paul, Minn., to re- I fmburse. film' for work. performed in t connection With a .private sewer con mectlon at 1736 Wellesley Avenue, said amount of $33.00 having been collected- - by the City from: Fielding and Shepley - In payment for work performed: by - said ,Christ Kvam, and said mount having been:plabed to the credltbf the . Street 'Cdnstroc[loa and RepairFund. Adopted .by .the Councli Jan. O, Approved Jan.'6, 1922. (Jan. 14-1922) Yes (✓) Co�uncilmen ( ✓) Nays V C1 bay Adopted by the Council.. =66 4 . 922 -... _.._ 19___ - -rguson a .._—...._lo favor APPr ✓Smith __..._._..Against ..-....- --------- MwYOR (Wenzel �Mr. President '►osR ar s -no ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL t� Fac NO......._ ._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTED COMMISSIONERER...._ ............ .... ........... ..................... ._._....... .... .......___ DATE. ..........__...................... ....... ........ Al 'WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul has duly canvassed the returns of the votes cast at the special election held in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, on the 29th day of December, 1921, upon the ratification or rejection of an amendment to the Charter, submitted to the electors of said City for ratification or rejection; and WHEREAS, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that thirty-seven thousand, four hundred sixty-four (37,464) electors lawfully voted at said election, and that twenty-one thousand, three hundred forty-four (21,344) voted against the ratification of said amendment, and sixteen thousand, one hundred twenty (16,120) voted in favor of the ratification of said amendment, and that three-fifths of those lawfully voting at said election did not declare in favor of said amendment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said proposed amendment to the Charter is hereby declared not to have been ratified and adopted by the electors of said City, as required by the Charter of the City of St. Paul and by the laws of the State of Minneanta.- C. F. No. 37$59—'y L. C. Iiodgson fl . Whereas, T)je''0 01lVae ed City St. Paul has duly co clnll. to oY rials 1.to. east n the City at St. pPnul, election n the 29th day Y Decam- DYinnesota, ° n the rattflention or re bar, 1921, upo I faction f an amendment to the Char- ter, sf emi nUdcatlon tod to oarlec�ection; an�I. City T nra- from -aid;I Whereas. It appears to and the canvass thereof .that Yes (J) Councilmen � 7) Nays) thirty seven thousand four hundred sixty four. (37,464)' °lotdr that twen �� r_ voter} at said election, 1 1Lr Clanc ty-one thousand, three hundred YortY- d0 ted b the Council.- 192 yfour (21,344) ,votedagainstie.tt- Fer uSOn d atio f? said amendment. and stt P Y l; t.._ thovot Q 'I- favRr f h handled rat ficnY png}(}"" tlGn 20)t said amen lm nt and that •' 6 ,!� thr a fifths of those In favor voti favor (i ed...--... ... � ��-��.��-192------ y said olecti did t declare M f r P uu0 s of said nmendrt let therefore nm nd- Resolved Th t said Prop.,. nd pt d Matson Smith not to have Charter a"a ratlRedr and decl d by the etoctors o• safd City. u"-- -- - - -- a MAYOR Wenzel p ul dad by t oglaws oYhthe It, Sty Mr. President nunnesOt pdeptod by -the Council Jan. G, 1922. Approved Jan. G, 1922. (San. 14-1922) FORM 1300 10- 1 `' _- COU }}( ((D9( " CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL.NCIL No., .1 4.1..6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • ///g CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY411C��J�¢a�� COMMISSIONER ,�1,•/ DATE .J.. Januar 6l1922 ................................ RESOLVED That the Puro"&s ng Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase; with the consent of the Comptroller, 2000 Webster's Elementary school dictionaries at a cost not to exceed $1800.00, without advertisement, as these books are copyrighted and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge School -41.4x1921 Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nay Clancy I Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1300 10-21 ary echo i t10 2t. aei , s and no c thereby. AdoOte iApp-, In favor _.. _... Against 373G0—By L. R. S. ht the ,dandThe 1s fie eb; Adopted by the Coun ' ...-.= - ''- 192 -11-4L' 11.4 `'----192 - _.3.7.062. ' IAN r_•- By __ COM OLL88.. AU01 TN.— Resolved that warrents be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $__.. ,847:*#18._...._......, covering checks numbered _ 129 to. _...M— __ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Adopted by the Council...__ ......._..__,... -...__......_..-...-....192------.... 4 orguso., In favor McDonald.Approved ..._.............. '. _.__........_................-.._...192......-.- ' -on, $ uh, Against n Mr. sident' Hodgson c C. F -u` 37262= Rejojved that warTante th aggro upon the CItY Treasury, to the .r gate : amount f....§1 84762.' coverina checks reg �t r of city checks 'on181e 1n.. as Pe 1022. I, LAfloPtted, of-t"11-CounctmJnn.7.r, I APProved Jan. 7, 190 (]an. 14 15221 - i! — of 9:. P.oL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 000so:n 37 aor,nenas,iM7-si AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIONFORM mz>s No ....8.62-. 12 BY - pTHOLLHH. AUDITED..:N.Qn.n .___..... .. _... ._...._.........__.. .. .........._.........-..... ........... 192......... 1 IPER .. .......... .............. .. ................... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon,the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $.._1_s.847.._09,.............. covering checks numbered.._ ]2.9._.___.._.to 139___. inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. • Jar =7 i5z� Y, Adopted by the Council.. ...._.._..-_........__....-...-.192...... er$uson, In favor' JAPE -7 "L McDonaldApproved ------ ------- ------- --- ------------------ ------------------- -192-.-..----- 11_ o .tson, Smith, .,. Against _..........................................L enzel. MAYOR r resident, .....--" Hodgson .. ............... ................ _.......... 129 Doris Alice Boyd, 20.00 G.F.-Miso. & Unforseen 130 Cam Distributing Company# 61.32 Park Refectories in commonwealth Electric Company, 300.00 Lighting 132 Brille M. Hintermister, 47.00 G.F.-Miso. &Unforseen 133 Elsie L. Johnson, 97.50 G.F.-Miso. & Unforseen 134 L. W. Jordan Company, 1,090.00 Lighting 135 Joseph Marien, 47.00 G.F.-Miso. & Unforseen • 136 Alfred M. Page, 30.00 G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen 137 bertha J. Parker, 35.00 G.F.-Miso. & Unforseen 138 Katarina Pieoynski, 20.00 G.F.-Mise„ & Unforseen 139 Laurence Piskworth, 100.00 G.F.-Miso, & Unforseen f c—e,z No . ......... 7863 -- a, co OLLS@. JAN.. I 1JL� fat_._..... � - o ......... AUDITED..t7/'lI V. ........ C .. ^.. C LPER .�. J ........... .. . .... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $...A.Q, covering checks numbered... 126 __ . _..td _ . __ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City • Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. �} ( ..... ancy, Adopted by the Council --,�� ...............- 192 rl' Fer uson, In favor °d'o( on Approved__ .. _ __...Jlil......% ..-4...........__.....192......... atson, � Smith, . eth........... ....Against resident, Hodgson Resolved t upon the hat wa=rapta be, drat/ . illy Treaeary, ,to theagnre= nate amtivat of SI0:00, cover.nf;=checl: num 1Y lheak lnclualve;..as Der rentste� oP clty cheeks do ale In the o,i 'of the Ctty'Cby ""ller: r Ady o_.(t y the council Tan. 7, Is22. Ap toved;Tan..7, 1922:: 14-1922) I* OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ao sa FotmAA46,IM 7-21 AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIONFORM >z�E NO•........ 3'7863 0 q� I )922 BY, CO OLLS@.._ AUDITED i�QN .. 192.....-... { .- ....... .. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $...a 0...QO_._.............. _...., covering checks numbered._ _ . 128, _ __... tom... ___ _ _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( il ) Councilmen ( 0 ) Nays. • - In favor Adopted by the Council .__.___.Jli)'_.-7..42.4....... ......... 192.......... ApprovedZ-----.........192...._.... ................. ...:.._........................... __.................... ..............I............. MAYOR 128 John M o, G.F.-Misc. & UnPorseen 10.00 guson,Donald, rM ith, V enzel. resident, Hodgson • - In favor Adopted by the Council .__.___.Jli)'_.-7..42.4....... ......... 192.......... ApprovedZ-----.........192...._.... ................. ...:.._........................... __.................... ..............I............. MAYOR 128 John M o, G.F.-Misc. & UnPorseen 10.00 v r C P D: _ 34869 nRy, Hi.a nn PRESEN. COMMISS CITY OF ST. PA L "I No . ...... . Q F �R . �OF THE CITY CLERK SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM an em- i nry- tho DATE ................... therefore, Resolved, hereby the proper city 0'1'h'- es s are hereby authorized to the the following named employes, at the rate It horwise Sxcd'Por extra' Employment for the extra time hereinafter pet forth: W. T. Elnek, A. T. Driver, 4 hours $5.00 per day. Herman Harry, Pipo Layer, 3 hours._ © $0.00 per day.. Chae. Hngen, Laborer. 3- e4 nr. perday. 1. Mu11ar1eeY. Pipe. t x.00 per d" WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public viorks has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the em- ployment of certain employes of his D,,partment for more than eight hours per day, said employ- ment being more than their usual hours of e>rpleyment ; Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council -.._:11t1.....-.1_ _5-Z ----- ..._..........._ 19_.-... erguson In favor Approv _ ...g —.._.L!..............._i9Matson .—vim;— _............_.Agamat.......................-"-----_._...._.._ Wenzel M roR Mr. President P(1 SII�b / FORM aM 5.20 _ CITY" Or. ST. PAUL COUNCIL 37865 .oL. NO ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONavG19NERAL FORM BY , RESOLVED That the Council of the City of St. Paul be, and hereby is requested to authorize the laying of Water mains in the following streets: W. Louisa St., Winslow Ave. to Bidwell St., Autumn St., Curve Ave. to Ruth Ave., Lake Como -Phalen Ave., Payne Ave. to Greenbrier Ave., Simpson Ave., from Lake Como -Phalen Ave. to Nebraska Ave.; and on Arona Ave. from Lake Como -Phalen Avenue. to Nebraska Ave., Cretin Ave. from Randolph St. to Jefferson Ave., East side of Lexington Ave. from Minnehaha St. to Seminary St.; York St., from Earl St. to a point 250 ft. W. of Earl St., Eva St. from Indiana Ave. to Plato Ave., Folsom St. from Carbon St. to South St., Roland St. from Wheelock Parkway to South St. Yes (J) C/oy/n/cilmen (J) Nays �/ ,L''Iancy Ferguson Big In favor d ' Matson ............ _. Against yr."' Wenzel +Mr. President . FORM 9M .•RO CZ' Adopted by the Council-__� {�..:......_.. —...._ .... .......... .........._... — 9 IIiTY Tm-U- _Mg eParh:nzea,hw�'� �'`b'1°rcUh" li lvv cja BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Q^u reeu of I1V f (aheo JOHN H. MCDONALD. PRESIDENT F. W. MATSON _ H. C. WENZEL - T R'OHN W. KELSEY. OENL. SUPE. Jan. 5, 1922. To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINN. Gentlemen: The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meeting held Jan. 3, 1922, adopted the following resolution: "Resolved,. That the Council of the City of Saint Paul be and hereby is requested to authorize the laying of water mains in, the follow- ing streets: W. Louisa St., Winslow Ave. to Bidwell St., Autumn St., Curve Ave. to Ruth Ave., Lake Como -Phalen Ave., Payne Ave. to Greenbrier Ave., Simpson Ave. from Lake Como -Phalen Ave. to Nebraska Ave., and on Arona Ave., from Lake Como Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Ave., Cretin Ave. from Randolph St. to Jefferson Ave., Bast side of Lexington Ave. from Minnehaha St. to Seminary St., York St. from Earl St. to a point 250 ft. W. of Earl St., va St., from Indiana Ave. to Plato Ave., Folsom St. from Carbon St. to South St., Roland St. from Wheelock Parkway to South St., Yours truly, Enc lo. Secretary. /lSl� ITY OFTHST. PAUL eouNCIL �+`i (.�66._ D f F CE OF E CITY CLERK COU L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , COMMISSIONER........._ ..................................... DATE RESOLVED Rifat the sum of One Hundred `Dollars ($100.uO) or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the City Ufficers Attending Conventions Rind of the General Fund, to Forrest D. Varnam, Chief Flectrical Inspector, to defray the cost and expense of attending convention of the !hiestern Association of Electrical Inspectors at Chicago, Ill. January 17 to 20, 1922. 6 ;C; F No'37860 Y J..� C1ancY • Resolvod; That the uo� Osnoe much 1 'dred Dollars ($10U.00) G or. t,ed ne inaY b neceesarCiiYa hereby approlrle:t ConventioneheFund of 'the Attending Forrest D -to d YraY Gen ral Fund t I Chief, Eloctrlcal IBeePof att ndlnb con I,t and xP Ill., �vention oY W the ster�t �hlcagoon o ` Electrical InsPe tors I 1921. It an. 17 to 20, 1922 Adopted by the Council Jan. 7. _,lpproad Jan i 1922. (Ian.1h-1922) Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays Rncy Ferguson NIrUon.IdIn favor !/Matson 1 ........ £mieh- ..__.......... Against �� Wenzel vl' r. President room 1500 w•¢1 µ'�, .,, .. MM Adopted by the Council192----... Approv ----------._�-•---.192---- ............................._..._- ------ .........--. MAYOR T C OuI - CIL FILE NO.. By.F. '....J��atso .. ............... 37867 In the Matter of _jig t.o. P �avinr, State S roo fro, 0ak6 19 Av..g.ji .............. _1 ....... ........... ............ a of Gatez Stre-e t t.0 the......_._......... South...P'.Lt.y..'l onnectio ........... mains. to property lines .........corplete. .ihorc .not already ........... ...................................... ... also including curbing and paving - � alley and cirivevray approaches. .............................................. ...................................... .............................. ......................................................................... .................................................. ............................................................................................... . under Preliminary Order _ro ved.____O_Ctobor 1, _ 1921. . ..................................... ........... Intermediary Order.... --------------------- C. F No �47867-w ., F. �W- I M-tsoa;" In tii—matte-ofpal-ing,State Street! ............... --------- - ------- — ----- --------- --- ----- •from 0-Rdal6AVo! ,to Robert St. and . ,no A public hearing having been h- 'Robert. St-fr%-,� .North'ft11of G-tesupon due notice� and the Council I to theJ90ut"c Y having heard all persons, objections `St to � water - ad.,., Wmlte',fft�-_11-�---- th ... to, and having fully consid- I from street -I "o property lines cred the same; therefore, be it ..niplet.-wher t al,cady made; el �, ine 1.9 J ond paving a'l so, luil d I Y and drW r aches, under) Pro * or r 60540,:.pproved2cise nature, RESOLVED, By the Council of.� ' *iq 1� Y _- t e, extent and kind of 0 ct 1981. to from Oakdale Avenue Z_,Street r r.q .... ........... ------------------- ..... -------------------- ...................... improvement to be made by the said u, aero 0a to et and Street t obe RrSeRobert Street from ilorth line of Gates Street ----------- ................... ....... I ............................................ ................................................. _ _._ ... . .......................... ............ to ti -le SoUth city lipj�tS, including sevier, :later and gas connections ----------------------- ...... ............ ...... .. ................. ............................................. ................................... --------- V : s-roln street mains to propert - lilies ooi,ioiete, where not already made; - - ---------------------- - ......................... . ............... ... ............................................... . ...... . .......... Y lines IJq1T1 rr al I P,T and dri v evia -, ali-oroaches .... ................ ... .... .... TandEthe �Cou�neihereby orders said i-4-vement to Se made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to prq ,ed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. D if , [ . — 9 Ad pled by the Council- .. .......S"( ' .... ........... .......... 191 ................ ------------ City Clerk. ifi, Approved. ................l.—9.............9...2e,......... ........ 191 Mayor. ........... --------- ----- -- --------- Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Keller PUBLISHED on - C cilman Mcc 0 Councilman WundQ, q..-- Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CO. 1 51% AQ-) L CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of Rpvi nr' State ree Stt ............ _..frpir, '10 ................... Hobert 'Street fro:.:l line of Cates �tr,,ot to t."ie Sou � citv 11rilts, incliidinr, sevie-_,, grate: and -as co:,,nectlons Stre:,. i,,aiiS ..... ......... io p.,operty l nes co. 7)-'cte, lil,ere not nJrea,'Iy madel; ai,_c inclildfnr-, cupbinf a,", !X!Vilf' 'I.110-.- (L1*,',�i,,,- ........... .............. .............. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Brick AspWat Brick lid flat Asphalt Concrete concrete cosi for I Property froixtaae of 036,369.05 729.88 7,485.9 7.W.99 2677- 4*62 29 57 9 5.68V 4.62% cost of intorsec- tions 14,774.75 13,702.60 11,166,05 11.166-06 9 1440 if) Total as 1:59 47.432.48. Total 8-61 7.98 6e50 5' 50 6,083 lin. ft. straight Curb to construct 'at 6OV' 3.649.80 78 5138.98 691 radius y Drainage 525.1 (Average length 111) 572 lin.ft- at -26 715,00 Where sewer W11 water cohnections are not in add to cost fed each lot. (80, Btr. 090.00 Por 6" house drain�connecticns (60' 70.00 n z/4,, water connection (Got str. 45 00, (60, 39:00, — -_ Ot or assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each I ,u�e lots or parcels of land that may be parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION jo ,o 325 110 Jo �,300 d o 110 0 35() do 5 110 d o lio 6do 250 East 50 feet of lets 8, 7 an(I 275 East '90, of 'nest 100, of 8,7 6 110 Cl o 350 J V,ost 50 feet, of Lots 8 6 IN '10 Z500 v -,e ert io 300 io TOTAL, 10 J p J� 1 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COkAMI�;SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK .. ADISITION 9 v;'n,"e's Reare'anFerient 1G do 1:5 d o 1,3 d e P. tri.anrular :r.',.ece of land G�Z feet on the .;Sstorl-; iQe t 303 feet on t.;io de and 33 feet o:: the of '.'nc; SOutit- easterl., qua. ,,ar i of the follosinl- descrihed line: al, c point on the (pi rirter sect: on lino runniilr ;ast . nt:1 .;c21, tnrorrl y>eci, on �, lOSC ^ect. est from the conte: of ..aiu sect" on, t.1ionce ::ori.h ;ibout 21. dec�_ roos-.st, 093 f(,ol, t.o i;.io 5ou',1i lest. ccrnei^ of Oeorhe ell's ori�iaol clal;,. l::in^ .est of a lint., poi . on t.!u quart ; o:I LJ I1 0 o s'r o. inter of sai 1 sccti o::, :^.ince, ..o; at 10.5 rl(i' �'uut to 1,;�c s Out;liIest c0'_'nce ,(:(:01,1--] ;.L1( i;0--' rail C1^ :sect =o_(1 .),-o'i,,,�1'J 1) t_. 110 feet of 1 110.00dinn-d- o_: i.e >t. 1!^1111 South 50 ft. of --J rt.h 1C ' 1 11 o ?orth 50' of "�out.h 2001 of 1 110 do ,:est of :.0-th feet of South 150 fc,,t of 1 110 :ort'ncrl • :;1.59 fret of ;ov'i.'a ('rl,t 101.5:, feet. of 1 11 ) (;accept the ..est of "mouth 25 feet) she South :i") feet of Lot 1; also -or(.h 1 foot of South 51 feet of -.[.s1 &--.50 feet of 1 1-10 :est of South 25 feet of 1 111) I W* 60 do a Y;ils! a.u' carre:n; or;cnt, of Lot ', ;;loc' 1�, •oodiniry ) Case's do TOTAL I* 'r ASSESSED VALUATION :1100 1;i0 200 200 1-00 500 100 l; n 125 1375 1-111315 1800 100 2650 235 ) CITY of sT. PAUL �n�P 1� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CokiMI$.SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ._.. ii DESCRIPTION � .LOT BLOCK �� ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION r r g 9 Lan els Rearrangement � 3d 0 0 16 _ do iso_ • 15 do. 200 14 do �Lo,0 13 do` 200 - A triangular_ piece of land 693 -'feet on the Westerly side and'683-feet on the Easterly side and 33' £eet on the Southerly side. Being all that part of the South- easterly quarter of the Northwest quarter, lying masterly of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the quarter - section line running East and hest through Section 8, 1056 feet West from the center of said section, thence north about 21.5 ^degrees East, 693 feet to the 4outhwest corner of George 1. H. Bell's original claim and lying Fest of a line, commencing at a poing on the quarter Section line 1023 feet West from'the center of said section, thence North at 10.5 degrees, 683 feet to the 7 Southwest corner of George `i, il. !Tell's original claim line in Section 8, Township 28, Range 22.. 500 North 110 feet of 1 110 11oodbury and Case's Add- ition to St. Paul, 71inn. 100 South 50 ft. of i;orth 160 1 1 110 do 150 North 501 of South 2001 of 1 110 do 125 Wiest ' of North 48.50 feet of 1 _South 150 feet of 1 ,110 do 175 E'asterly 84.50 feet) ",_.(Except Northerly 51.59 feet of South !erly_101.59 feet of 1 .110 do 1 , u(Except the 'Nest ' of South I 25 feet) The South 50 feet 1:"of Lot 1; also North 1 foot - of South 51 feet of East 84.50 18bd feet. of _ 1 110 do _West. -of South 25 feet of 1 110 do Iiilshaw's Rearrangement of 5 Lot 2, Block 10, 'Woodbury. ), 265Q 6 & Case's Addition. ) 7 05011 8 _.._do - ty TOTAL ( 1 CITY or ST. PAUL VX DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER '� DESCRIPTION f LOT BLOCK' ADBITION VALUATION (Except West 5(J feet) 9 and 10 12660Q West St. Paul Proper V�.e_st..50_feet_o_9._and 10126. _ _. dg 11125 __East. --I land .2_, 126_ do 875 _(Except widening S. Robert St) 1, 11. Woodbury & Case's Addition 1400 , (Txc, widening S. Robert St) to St. Paul,blinnesota. j North 47 1/3 feet of 2 11§ do 57$ I Robert St) do 806 feet of2 South 68x1/3nf 11 2 The Piest St. Paul Real _ Syn- •. 12 ' Estate & lmproveygent 42 dicate Addition No. 1 150 5 . 2 do 2206 2. 1 do 100 _'. 3 1 do 100 . 6 1 do 2475 7 1 do 2176 10 1 do 75 - 11 1 do 7 -_r _.._ 14 . 1 do • 75 15 1 do 75 >. 18 1 do 100 AI7 that part 1 inf South- 1 3 do 25 - easterly of State Street of All that part lying North- -1- of State St, of 1 &. 2. 3 do 100 I , ,_.(Except part taken for opening of State Street) Also the East ._G-.of,vacated alley adjoining ii on the ,'Jest and North 2 of ;__.vacated alley.adjoining on the 125 South of 3 3 do (Except part taken for widen- ing So. Robert. Street and opening State Street and West 2of vacated alley adjoining-) 10. 3 . do 325, _. i (Extent State Street) also East z of vacated alley ad- --joining on West and South 2 of ____ do .25 vac, alley ladjoining on North 11, ro. 3 TOTAL I CITY OF 8T. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COIIIIMI$SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �DESCRIPTION LOT 13LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ -- -- :::(.Except part_ taken for open-The Priest 5t. Paul _Real ing State Street). 12 3 ;Estate & Improvement Syn- 350 _.dicate .Addition -.No._ 1_ _(Exce.pt_part taken for open- , of State Street) 13 3 do ) (Except State Street) 1 Bryant & 1.1ineals Rearrange- 250 - ment of Block 13 of Wood11 200 _._.__ 2bury & Case's Addition to. „- - 3 do 250 4 do 1450 5 do 1850 6 do 1100 19 do 1275 18 d° 775 17 do 1025 16 do 625 .--Lots_4, 5, 6 & 7 (Except that - :part of Lot 7 taken for open- -3ng-of ,tate Street) and that part of Lot 10 & 11, lying uoutheast-of State Street and North of South line or East & West - - alley in Block 4, extended West; also vacated alley lying between aforesaid lot 9 and the above described parts of Lots 4,5,6, 7, - 10 and 11, Block 4, The west St. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syn dicate Addition No. 1. 9500 . All that part lying Northwest of State Street (Except that part taken for widening of South 1 Robert of Lots 8,9, 10 and 11 4 do 300 i ll that part of Lot 11 4 do I lying Southeasterly of State Street. and South of the South line of the East and West alley in Block 4, extended West also the described said 50 Qst. a of vacated alley adjoining the above part of , lot in Block 4 4- TOTAL p i CITY OF ST. PAUL r 4 i� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER jl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Slflst...a_-oz""_.vacated-..a11ey_ ad j of n-... The . West _St. Paul -�2ea1 .ingand part shsttly ntSynq S3an2 t - t 4;ccate AddiionNol 7�� 5�, _ of__va-0.ated,. alley ad- _. ,joining and k 15 4 do 1 OOj 16 4 do 751 ! _ 17 4 do 1. Paul. P;,artin's Rearrangement _t 2 of Block 144, hest Saint 3150; Paul Proper. 3 do 4 do ) 2550 i _. North _20 feet of 6 do 1800 -_.-- __(I�xcept North 20 feet) 6 do - 7 do 1875 8. do 225; _ . 9 do 2251 10 do 2,75; 10 151 West St. Paul Proper 3200 9 151 do 425 _ 6 151 do 425' _That part of Lot 13, Bidwell's 7 151 do _ Addition to Plast St.. Paul lying ) ior.th of South line of Lot 7, , Block 151, extended East to ), South Robert -Street--- That part of -Lot 13, Bidwell's 6 151 do ) Addition to West St. Paul lying 2375 ---between North and South lines _. !bf Lot 6, Block 151 extended East to South Robert Street. I 1 153 do 1425 _ . i!(Except West 150 feet) 2 153 do 50 3 153 do 1175 ;.:(Except Belvidere Street) 4 153 do TOTAL 125 '. �... .. .. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. 49 I . - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER W DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADLITION VALUATION i _ 11--that-.part-which_ lies bet -,Paul of West St. Paul ween the north & South lines of -hot- 1, Block 153, --extended to South Robert Street of Lot 13; Bidwell's Addition.- 1650 `Ell that part lying between North & South lines of Lot 2, .:,Block 153, Town of 1'dest St. ;Paul extended to S. Robert St. Iof- 13 Bidwell's Addition to hest 2450 ,._ _ _ St. Paul, Dakota County, in said State mf Idi nn. AA 1 &tSbu h oftLotn3, -lsorth lTne 1!Block 153, Town of West St. Paul extended to South Robert - - „Street of 13 do 2750 _i�All_tIla t part which lies South North line of Lot 4, Block ,.of 153- _ Town of 11lest St. Paul extended to S. Robert Street ':.land North of Belvidere St, of 13 do 2400 The West 5t. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syn - .,'(Except Robert Street) 8 9 .dicate Addition No. 1 400 do 9 9 do 1550 do 10 9 do 1809 do 11 9 do 165 _ do 12. 9 do- 3350. do 13 9 do 2450 do 14 9 do 7 9 do 6 g do .715 75 15 9 do 2000 16 9 do 309 J,, -(Except Robert Street) 8 10 do 300 - do 9 10 do 275 do 10 10 do X75 ' do- 11 10 do 275 . do 12 IID do 162$ (Exe.St) West 70 feet of 13 & 14 10 do 475 'East 50 feet of 13 and 14 10 do 2525 7 to do .5b 6 10 do 50 15 10 do :1600 _ 16 10 do _ ._.....-.TOTAL _•.'.__. 2200 , _.. �. CITY OR sT. PAUL - rA "� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMICSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ''— DESCRIPTION � ' LOT BLOCK + AD�7ITION ASSESSED VALUATION 36 Audit_oris_ Subdivision of 225 - - I Lot 6, Bidwell s Addition i , _35to_VestSt._Pul,_ g 225do _ 34 ao .25i 225.' 33 do 2�w5 .',(Except LucyStreet)31 32 do 50, 6 1 Subdivision of 10 .liornsby's 5; 1 Lot 7, Bidwell's Addition 1540 8 1 to GJest--St, Paul and that %5 800 7 l part of BlockG, Test St. 5 2 Paul Proper, South of North 75 6 2 line of Belvidere Street ', 75 8 2 do '75. :i ._ 7 2 do 75 2900 - - (Except Lucy Street) 30 Auditor's Subdivision of 29.. Lot 6, Bidwell's Addition 28 do 1375 2�5, __. 27. do 26 do 225! _. 25 do .. 225 _._ .. 23 _ d o 225 225!, 22d o 21 do 35, 20. 275, .:...._. -7-do ___ . 19 do 350' 6 3 riornsby's Subdivision of 75 5 3 Lot 7, Bidwell's Addition- 75 - $ 3 to 'idest St. Paul and that 125 7- 3 part of Block g, West St. 125 Paul Proper South of North line of Belvidere Street.' I 1 Auditors Subdivision of 275' _ .. 2 Lot 6, Bidwell's Addition 2250, 3 to Flest St. Paul. 250. 4 do 5 do )• (Except East. Lucy Street) 6 do ): 2200 6 1 Sauer's Addition to St. 5 1 Paul. 150 r 4 1 do 600; 7 1 do 75, 8 1 do 75. - 9 1 do 75 6 2 do- m75 _- ::. 5 2 do 751 _:_._.. 4. 2 do 75 TOTAL CITYOF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTIOW 1: LOT �LOCI ADDIT61ON K ASSESSED VALUATION 7 2 SauPr's Addition to St. .75. 8 2 Paul. 75 9 2 do 75 _(Except,Lucy Street) 8' ;Auditor's Subdivision of 3,00 9 Lot 6, Bidwell's Addition- 300 10 ;to West St. Paul. 2500 11 do 2650 12. do 400 14 do 250 .(Except South 19 feet) 15: i do 1650 South 19 feet of is do 1525 .North 25.50 feet of 16, do (Except North 25.50 feet) 16' do North 22 feet of 17' do 275 West 441 of South 27feet of 17� do lVest -44 feet of 18, do .1500 (Except West 44') South 271 of 17 do. (Except West 44 feet) 18, do .1375 6 3 Sauer's Addition to St. 100 5 t 3 Paul. 2300 41 3 do 100 71 3 do 1275 8; 3 do 225 9- 3 do 2.25 Total 144350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Works. P no' bl' W '7 s' Date Commissioner of Finance. ,OR. Office of the Commifsioner of Pubhc Wor t� Reportjo Commissioner of Finance ti 'iso , 6 OCT 21,21. q_�tober 2_.+....._1921.191.._... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 36540October 1, 1921 cil, known as Council File No ......................approved.......................................... ..........191........, relative to....................... paving of StateSt. from Oakdale Ave. to Robert St. and $gbert St. ........_................................................._.._ from _the north line of Gates Street to the South City Limits. ..............................................................................._............_. ......... .................. _................... ............ .............. ................... ............. _..... ............................................................... ............ ........................... ._............ ...._....................... ............................................... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...........necessary and (or) desirable. Z. The estimated cost thereof is $_._ ................ and the total cost thereof is $...........�c...... ........... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.......... .................. .............. .......... ..... ... ................................................ ................................................................................._.._............._.............._....._...._............_....._........................_......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ......._............._....................._......................_._..............._...................._.........._.................._.... 5. Said improvement is _.......... ... ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..,.........�12L1/ ..._ ....._..... ......... C.olami Moner of Pu is Works. V °b. ., (Utg o�$t., aul Orpaftment of Pitblif 3MOrks o3cwR cuy39eN, corer ex.�xeeR /' ' HERMAN C. WENZEL,4;OMMI5510NER J. e. Cw1+�OLl, A31•r. CM cr Ex.iNeu Axo {{ IRVINO C. PCARC3, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER 4 O. H. MERROLD, OrnC A' .111 48 ExaixeeR . A. M. 9. GRYTBAN. SHARP, SurY..o1r S1R.—nHeT. B9 October 21, 1921- B. wxo SANITATION ' N. W... -I .... R. -1. Or WonnxoU[[ Ire He C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public 7lorks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of State Street from Oakdale Avenue to Robert Street, and Robert Ste from the north line of Gates Street to the South City Limits, i:icluding sewer, water and gas connec- tions from street mains to prol:erty lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches, under Preliminary Order C. P. 36540, approved October 1, 1921: Brick Asphalt Brick laid flat As halt Concrete Concrete Cost for property frontage Total X36,369.05 _33,729.88 27,484.62 27,484.62 23'233.81 Front ft. 6.12 cost of intersec- tions To -'"l— 14,773.7455 13,702.60 Froft. Total 51.143.80 47.4348 2.98 i+'ron ft_ 8.61 11,166,05 11,166.05 9,440.15 1:86 1.88 1.59 38,652.04 38,652.04 32,677.72 6.50 6.50 5.50 '3 649.80 6,083 lin. ft. straight curb to construct at 78 �� '538.98 691 11 f1 radius if 11 it Drainage 525.1 pAverage length 113) 572 lin.ft. at x;1.25 715.00 There sewer arid water connections are not in add ` 90.00 to cost for each lot: (80' str. 70.00 For 611 house drain connections (60' " H 3411 water connection (600, str. 35.00 9.00 Yours truly, Approved for transmission Chi Engineer. to the Co iissioner of Finan Commissioner of Pub c 'lorks. 0 37868 COUNCIL FILE NO.--- ........................ By......F. __L i.1atson ............................ I..........._........................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..._Constructing_a.._s_er{er_-on_-.La}ys-on._utreet.-_frolr._Parr=nE .!venue fro, a point 115 feet .:est of 1,'arri.nFton kvenue. - .......................................................................... ............ ........ ..............._..---- ............. .........-'-..... ............. _.... -- -"---- - . ..__.............. %."ji 1f t o ewer .......... .................... -.... .. ..--------------------------------------- ........... ......... ....... ..... s P No 37868 nv ay. I the 5t son Stf from LRS ri St n. to n P Int it f et we t of FarrinS. ........................................... .................................................................................. A, under Prelims ary Order an t 6828 public' heat SLitavAnS2vleon. dve I� ...................... .......................... . ...... ............... ....: ....... ........ ... .. the0— ImProVement uP, h C LU h¢vtnS heard- -` btecLons nd recommen under Preliminary Order .. 56828 Tr -eta and' ha n6 e , 21, 121. ... - .......: ' thereto IntermediaryOrder--- - ............................._.... ............... approved... ---"-.............._.........---------------------------- ..:..---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having,heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_c.ogstruct-_a...s_e ter.,.b11.„Z,u;t_so...... i. eet-.----_....-. from_Pai.rington-..,y.ona esio auiton_vole. _- ....................................... .-.. _........................... .- _-_ue .. pozE .. - ..................... ..... ..................... .-... - ............-....._........ -'-............ .... ' ' ...................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith. r. —1 7- Adopted by the Council._.... ........... ........... � i' Approved .................. �... -... ...... , 191...... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Bell Councilman McColler Councilman WundeQic Mayor Hodgson - Form B. S. A. 8.7 PUBLISHED - / y _ d o-. UL W INANCE REPNER OF FINANCEr ORDER " Constructing a sevier on Lawson Stveew from Farrington Avenue In the matter of to a point 115 feet 'Test of Farrington iivenue. I 1 _ TOTAL. n I � ` �--- — The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated/j&—,- / - Commissioner of F1'n.nce. F— B. B. 13 October 21, 1921. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of- the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 408.00 Front S 2.32 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessetd valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION East a of,8 and 9 33 Auerbach £c Hand Is Addition !122 Pest i oft'E'ast € of 8 and 9 33 to the City of t. Paul J5 I __ Eastz of .lest of 8 and 9 33 do i1d04_ westa of 8 and 9 33 do 5 1 36 do ; ;1G2 I 1 _ TOTAL. n I � ` �--- — The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated/j&—,- / - Commissioner of F1'n.nce. F— B. B. 13 �O�oSE.�=�ElYE2 =T ---- -- — I ' s Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksREC 1v =a Report to Commissioner of Finance$= r OCT Ltig5}� October ..28...:... ._1921. ................191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminaiy order of the Coun- 36828 October 21, 1921 cil, known as Council File No... - ........................approved ................... ............ ...................... .................... 191 ......... , relative to.. .................... the construction of a sewer on Lawson Street from Farrington _ .... _....... ._._._.......... _....................................................................._................................................................................................................._.............................................................I............... ..... .......... Auenue._..tn....a....Point ....115.....%e.e.t..... Y.e.. t..._o.f.._Farr int on.._LsPenue.a.................................................... and having investigated the matters and-thiugs referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...necessary and (or) desirable. $2.3 per front foot 408.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .................... _..... :._.., and the total cost thereof is $ ............................ _...... ...... _.., and Frontage 176 feet. Excess inspection tXO.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................... ....................__......_....... .................... -...................................... ....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. } #.................................................................................................................................................:........................................................... ... ............................................._ _.._ 5. Said improvement is .................................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................. ..� V.. . . Commi89ioner of Public Works. W OSCAR CJ AMSSEN. CNIL9 ENO'-Ce- CARROLL, AS! T. Cn eY lnOlveeO wvO 6. H. I HERROLD, OMCE All CITY PLANN'MO lNOtiNeen M. 9. OgYTBAR. BEIDOC Evclvee0 A. B. SHARP. SUPT. OY STREETS AID SAIIA110v H. W. OOETZINONER. SUPT. O. WOv Us Qiitg of $t. Paul Department of Publir Mucks HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER IRVINO C. PEARCM DEPUTY COLAMI3516MER •48 October 27, 1921. I,ir. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public ',forks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Lawson Street from Farrington :venue to a point 115 feet west of Parrington -venue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 36828, approved October 21, 1921. Approximate estimate of cost Y�408.00 Cost per front foot 2.32 Excess inspection 40.00 Assessable frontage 176 ft. Yours truly, 7Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Coi, ;iissioner of i'inemce. Commissioner of Public 'dorks. a`1 P CITY OFST. PAUL `11L. NCIL NO 3786 . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUN�CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ...._... DAT..... .... ... ..END B ........... -- 4IS..... .......................... pLV�D That the bond of Pilling A. Knutson as Justice of the Peace at Large, in tho sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00)' dated January 5th, 1922, with the Indemnity Insurance Company of North America, as surety, be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. Yes ( ✓) Co ncilmen ('✓) Nays ncy erguson CD onald --- In favor is mit ..............ABainst Wenzel Mr. President �o M t500 10.21 22. I C. P. No. 37889-13y L. R. S. Peri R so1VedThat .the bond o[ Elling j A Knutson ae Justico of the Peace -at Large,: in theum of One: Thousand i Dollars ($1000.00)dated Jun' 6th, 1922' ith the Indemnity I u ance. Com - pa ny of North' Ameri s surety, tie. :wn ad the eam is hereby approved and .1 accepted - cepted. B' Adopted by the Council Jnn. 9, 1922: In Approved (Jan. 9' I'22,2) 9 Ire, 5i )\41a : I ,.; a Adopted by the Council........._. _.......192.....-. Approve - JA r --9 -G 2-C .......192---- s� .......... ... ...... MAYOa CITY OF ST. PAUL °eMcl� No.:..._.....37.87.0.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTER BY -�- COMMI3SIONER..........'.r:..................._...............L .. DATE......._.........................._..............-...........-... RESOLVED That the bond of the National Northwest Motor Car Company, with the Southern Surety Company, as surety, dated January 15th, 1920, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, given to the City of St. Paul, and covering the gasoline filling station and tank in front of No. 346 Main avenue, be and the same is hereby can- celled, and the principal and surety thereon released from all liability under said bond; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as releasing said principal and surety from any liability which may have accrued prior to the cancellation of said bond. f Yes (J) C�cilmen ('J) Nays //Clancy 'Ferkuson McDonald - - -In favor Matson Smith ............ Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 10.31 Adopted by the Council....JI}�` AZ,Pr -------------- ............... 192 ---- hYOfl as-' ` OSCAR CI AVSSeN. CnrcP evow[en J. --ROLL, AS.•T. CN eT EwOiv¢¢rt A" O. N. NERROLO.oOTncE wvo TT Puvv' Cva EName¢n M. 9. GRYTBAH, Ertlooe el/olveea A. 11. SHARP, SUPT. oP Sin¢ei4 wvo EAMITATION N. W OOSTZIN... R. -1. oP Won Ue (Qitp of -St. Paul turpartatrut of public Warks HERMAN C. OVENZEL. COMMISSIONER - IRVINO C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMM1991... R 48 Jan. 5, 1921. c3� Mr. A. Z. Nelson, Corporation Council, Court Rouse. Deer Sir: - Referring to the attached letter to the Ramsey County State Bank Agency, from Cobb -Strecker Agency Ino.s in reference to the gasoline filling station at 346 Main Ave., operated by the Northwest National Motor Car & Vehicle Co. This gasoline filling station has been removed and the sidewalk put in satisfactory condition to this Dspartment. Will you please have the required resolution drawn up releasing this bond. Thanking you for same, I remain, Yours truly, MF -D Commiesioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL CpNC1 No. ......... �.......��` . �a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK *' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY T. --D' A- T'irPr_TTR(1TT_ DATE .............................._............. ......... RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of Education upon his recommendation be authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the State Bank of Fairfax, Fairfax, Minnesota , for the leasing of part of Lot 11 and all of Lots 12 and 13, Auditor,r;s Subdivision No. 4, according to the plat there- of on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey COTmty, Minnesota, for the use of said property as playgrounds for the Baker Schools at the rentfromatheflst£tday ofars DecemberC1921otothe thee30the periodday Of June 19223 total fee to be payable in advance. Same to be charged to the School Fund Item, 41.5f Yes (J)��;en ( J) Nuys fonald ith Wenzel Mr. President FORM 3M 6.10 Adopted by the Council ..... ........ ju�t..._ .....In favor Against _......_..i�/ 'P CITY OF ST. PAUL eOe"e" NO...,....t36.87 "Is OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J`` COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .............. ILA ---Ah...-Sa....I�.ER.G�TrSALT ......................................... DATE..:......................................................................... RESOLVED , That whereas it is necessary to immediately construct by force account one, one -room temporary building at the Seheffer School to relieve congestion caused by large enrollment in the district, and M EREAS, an emergency exists where failure to act promptly will work an injury to the City, the Purchasing Agent with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchase without advertisement and competitive bide, such materials and supplies requisition- ed by the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bldgs., with the approvpel of the Commissioner of Education, as may be necessary in order to construct and complete said temporary building at a cost not to exceed Three Thousand Dollars Ma000.00) for the complete building, - to be paid out of the item re -appropriated from the,1920 school budget for portable school buildings. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald 7 Matzo Smith Wenze Mr. President FORM 3M 5-30 Adopted by the Council ._..._..':.....::....-_.... .......... 19.._.... r1f, —9 '21 _...._In -- favor Approve _.....-__. _....._..... ._ 19._..--- -- ... Against-...._. _...._......._...... ---- ..__..-._.._ ITY OF ST. PAUL eFlu.ounn' NO A i OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY LIL �.5•-FERGUSOrI ...:..-... ..2 ........ ......................................... DATE .......................................................... COMMISSIONER . RESOLVED , That whereas it is necessary to immediately construct by force account one (1), double portable at the Mechanic Arts High School to relievecongestion caused by large enrollment in the district, and W3EREAS, an emergency exists where failure toacha ppromptly will work an injury to the City, sing Agent with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchase without advertisement and competitive bids, such materials and suppliesre uublioon- ed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Buildings with the approval of the Commissioner of Education, as may be necessary in order to construct and complete said temporary building , at a cost not to exceed Six Thousand Dollars (6,000.00) for the complete building,-- to be paid out of the item re -appropriated from the 1920 school budget for portable school buildings. Yea (J) Councilmen (J) Nays IV ouJclancy V - rgusoo A96gD ".0 51, Or ith j W enZel Mr. Preside{it Fo. ar e•ao Adopted by the Council._.. - —.._.._.__......._ 19.. _.... ..... favor Approved_ ......... 1GL. ;L..a :.._....._...._19.._..-- Against .................. \Request of ivb?- Wenzel.. Council File No .......... 37876 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Grading, regrading and. paving Hudson Road from Point St. Paul, viz.:.... -Douglas. -Read t -o' -the Easterly Oily Limitev- '-naluding -Be-wer,..- i gas connections from street mains to property lines waterand ...... .................... ............................. . . ...... . . ...... ........ .....- complete, -------- - - - ------- ---- com. - p . le - t( . 3 w . here not already made. also including curbing and ---------- ---------------- --- - - __ ................. .... ................................................................ . ... . . ......... .. — -------- ...---- 9 411AY . ......... ------ - -------------------------- - --- - ------ ---- - -------------------------------- - Dated this......._ ...... 9-th .day of.............. .......... 191 ----------- -- -- --- PRELIMINARY 0ft'i)ER9,1' Councilman. C. P. No. Abst A t— mroposal,f6i . r iTR7--' PRELIMINARY ORDER-' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grading, regrading and paving Hudson Road from Point -Douglas --------- .......... ...... ....... ... — ---------- ------ - ------- - Road . t . o the - Easterly .. . _ - . - __City Limits, including sewer, water and -------- ----- ---------------- -- - ----------- ---- ---- ----- - ------------ - ---- - -------- ------- — ----------- - ------ gas ----gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, ...... — - ------- --------- - --- - --- ----- - ------ ------------------- -- --------- -- - ---- - --------- - . .......... . .............. . .... 1-- -- - ----- ------- where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley ... ....... approaches. s. ........ . . ............... .......... .. .................. . ........ ...... ------- ----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........ .................. . ............. ------------ - - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. improvement;_----------------- --------- 4. To furnish the follQV1�DL&1h9LAfita-aud .. . . ...... ....... ...... . .......... . . ...... --- ................ %;4---- - --------------- --- - - - - ---------- 5rftate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. T Tol o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JV —9 191 .......... Adopted by the council...._ ...... w* -- --- - - ---- ------- Nays: ays: Councilman Farnsworth101 Goes Approved-.........._.... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich............ ....... ....... ....... .............. Mayor Irvin Mayor. roaw C 8.5 PUBLISHED--Z-;-/.,/-L0- a� IC. Z No. d17877—By W veMataon— (� -Resold, Thkt Cou ell File No. ro �V2770, ldingPorbeing hp c rsltruction:Prkewaod- e tnieway n. Rlyoli 8t. Prom. top oP. BlulP ¢t oath nd. P Rivoll St. to Beeker St�be eh the .-o l. heroby t noelledknd 'led ' 1 Adopted by the Council '.i¢n.,9, 1922: Approved Jan."9, 1922. L C......' CITY OF ST. PAUL vas NO. -- OFFICE OF TETE CITY- CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ? a . ; .. . - Jan. 9. .1922• '7PRESENTED BY O. Wenzel . .. ............... COMMI5810NER:................................................ :._ DATE ..:......... ... .—.. '.. RESOLVED In the matter of paving Syndicate Avenue from the south line of Bohn Street to and of present paving approximately "0 feet south of University Avenue, under Final Order -0. F. #36656, approved October 10, 1921. Resolved, That .the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connection to be made on Syndicate Avenue, between the points and theresaid, be and the same are hereby approved commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said dans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. C F No. 37880:ApY iI C tV tizel II . In the matt Of,Pavlttg Bob. Sl—t to t f mn the south:.'iin off o—ee to end [ preaertt P ing ppr mately 490 feet ouch f. TJniversity mately under F l Order C F. 'No.38658 pproved tict,'10,-1821. Resolved, That: the annexed plans _ and, peclltcatlons,. Showing the. gas oonnsefion to 'be - made on SYndiQ, 1. Aveaue;' between the boints aforesaid. be and the seen tre hereb_ approved iand the s Hereby ord.r.dk. n and�Pdirectedil or to _ j serve-,aopy of this order tagothor n aid .plans, npon the St., Paul Gas Light' Company, Adopted UY theCounell Tan. 9, 1922. - APPLPVed Si (7 a14-1922) �,p� r BCS,.}°l Off. �� RESOLVED CITY OF ST, PAULCOUHCM 37882 ,;. nye NO..._.....__. ....._._. ._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM H. C.'Wenael Jan. 9, 1921. ....................:...:.._................................................................_.. DATE.................................................. In the matter of Paving Hudson Road from Point Douglas Road to the Easterly City Limits, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approsiies, under Preliminary Order C. F. #36705, approved'October 11, 1921. Resplved, That all orders in the above matter -id and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Yes (J) V cilmen (V) Nay ncy ,erguson °{,McDonald t Matson Smith -Wenzel Mr. PresideAt.'' rO Mi .' •.' Adopted by the Council192.------- JEiI:...-S...S2�---......._192- .........In favor APP � Against ..........-- IOIN�L TO - OITY OP 9T. P�TIL cm ew. - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER so-IAA46,>att-zt AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P,L; TL No...... 13 • JAN ` 1922 BY CO ROLLRR. AUDIT D ..............-........ 192.... ... � PER .. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $20M81.02 ................. covering,. checks numbered._... ,140 .,-.. to..._ 145.__.... inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas (J ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Clancy, Adopted by the Council... -- -- °-2r- ................ Ferguson, In favor cDonald, APpr-------- JA[... -9....'.52x,...- ......_192.....:,:x; atson, mith, r Wenzel. Against mevoe = Mr. President, Hodgson I ........... .....-...._..... 16.00 140 N. Gilbert, Armory 141 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 7.40 215.85 Armory 37.82 Police 2.35 n 105,89 Fire 13.63 Pol. & F. Alarm 15.37 n _3.09 rt 30.30 142 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 6.48 258.27 Eq 2.78 Schools 1.15 n n 129.91 Park -Adm. 1.40 1.27 Playgrounds 58.21 Lighting .72 Water n .67 n 55.68 2bB.'S7 687,49 143 Paulin RebbLi1383 Res. 13 Page #2 144 victory Printing Company, 89,00 Health 38.10 Cj.W.-Oen: Adm. 12.50 7900 145 Whitaker paper Company, Misol. stationery 0 1 1 0 CITU OP ex. F- No._.....W c eoLLss... i ... - AUDITED 1111 1111... -.1...192......... ///, �` l PER l Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $_.Y fB.��4......_..-. covering checks numbered.... 168__...._ _..]Cm._. inclusive, as per register of city checks�$n file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ? Councilmen ( V ) Nays. Adopted by the Council- �Qr..0 2! ............... Q ej�n+ In favor Approved ..:... ._ eDonald, D -- — JAS'=�'(� "9-�C - atson, mith, Against enzel. Mr. President, Hodgson C F No 3706 arionstl6--t TL Warrants be'1 drawn 1 gate amoontp reasi v t° the{array _ check' pumbe edr1961 t6S 44 °oveiUng rwala.ew-_ lnclunive e OIIIO.ML M -T OP 9T. PAuL CITY c -SK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �oIIsa.z s.rmenas.Imvsl AIIDITED CLAIbIS—RESOLUTION FORM �T=== NO ..•3.-�`7-8-85. � 18 ..................... ...... ............ .. AU DITED......jA.II .. I1 (�!�^ �..."-..�:7�L !'........ I82.......... PER_...... ... ..... ...... .. ... ... .. ...... .. ..... . Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount $....11168.44.._...._..., coverinb checks numbered ... l6& .___. _ _XM-._. _ _._..___ .......inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( %, )Councilmen ( P ) Nuys. chmm --- Adopted by the Council _ J� - �� 92r _.. ...............192 .._ Fer uson, In favor i r to !9ZL V Matson, Smith, A Wenzel. gainst mevoa ....... Mr. President, Hodgson 166 F. W. Matson, Comtr. of Finance 11,168.44 St. C. & R. 757.81 Sewer C. & R. 56.33 S. & S. Cing. 6,150,85 Sprinkling 1,893.60 tt 25.30 Docks, wharves, etc. 56.00 Paving Depreciation 811.50 Engineering Inspection 582.30 L 1381 135,20 L 1382 699.55 "�L�i'.�i✓)/�/_ -� Angrdinaiee. to`amshd AdmtniBt �-, � � � �� A.-g Na 4781 entitled :. minlstra,Ude brdlnance svi i the appointment sndample _ * ' otticer and employe>c tor; 'VI C. F. No 37884 ( Ordinance No. S . 7_ r An Ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5727 entitled "An Administrative Ordinance authorizing.the appoint- ment and employment of officers and employes for service in the Department of Education and providing for the payment of com- pensation to such officers and employes". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINS Section 1. That the said Ordinance No- 5727 entitled "An Administrative Ordinance authorizing the appointment and employment of officers and employes for service in the Department of Education and provid- ing for the payment of compensation to such officers and employes", be amended by adding to GRADE 6, of SECTION 7,1n the Miscellaneous Service in4ediately above the title "School Engineer", the following words and figures; Staty.Engineer (Enters at $85.00 per month) and that the said SECTION 7 be further amended by striking out of GRADE 1 the following words; Miscellaneoug Service: Cleaner and inserting in lieu thereof it GRADE 0 the following words; Miscellaneous Servioel Cleaner. Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Ferguson S 7Matson 1b_7 Wenzel Mr. Pres.(Hodgson) -Adopted,by the Council , �Ik.i �: 1927 192 . APpro AL 25 i9') 192 . H aso f�. t �G ao Pa=z No ......3.7886 ' s p� IIf .),. 19ZZ S BY C HOLLER. .. AUGITaJAN 192. :...!) ........ ... ... ... t PEI Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $..._... 41.jaara—Efl-------- - werulB checks nmubered. ].b6 ... _. ..._. to 165 inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. Jt f 0) 192119a ..... �.� Adopted by the,A)ouncil- --- ........................... F _ In favor cDonald, : e� Approved.... _. Jr:...L.W.9-2!------------------------ 192 Matson, Smith, Against Wenzel. Mr. President, Hodgson II • OSTY OY 82. PJOL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ��oor� QQ Form A A 46, 1M 7-21 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM SIa2L No .s�..6. G3� ' BY C AUDIT-t4AN1922........... ...-... /.. .. . .....192-.. / / I PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the a88re8ate amount of $ ......4..,. 0`L �........... coverin$ checks numbered_ 156 ,,.to 1.6.5 inclusive, as per re8ister of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. ® 192 Adopted by the Council - APj' j'T97! '" ..' In favor McDonald, A ve ------- ---------Pr...10.... 22...............192 .... Matson, Smith, ........ Against ...... Wenzel. s MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson a ........... _............. ........... __........... -- - 137.75 156 S. Brand, Plater 136.14 Company, 157 Deegan Supply Central H.S. Library 23.01 158 H. W. Goetzinger,uset... Workbo 10.00 159 `George L. Grenville, P. Bldge. 108.90 160 1;. W. Honsa'Printing Company, 67*50 Munic. Emp. Bureau 41.40 ,Prtd. forms and blke. 1� ewriter Company, 129.85 161 Remington 2'yP 1.60 Sohools Pl.25 Water 128 1'28.25 & Sands Company, 614..36" 162 Robinson, Cary Snhools 88.2320,25 n 7.15 V 14.39. Plater .36 n 2.75 n 2.38 i� 450.00 n 3,60 n 25.25 is Res. 17 Page #2 163 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 32089.-08 C. H. & 0. H. 164 %Berney & Company, 543.19 Fire 398.35 Health 9.00 Sprinkling 1.10 Water 36.12 n 98.61 10;00 165 W. J. Topleys P. Bldgs• 1922 6Y C BOLLse._ .. _ ... � _ _. AUDITUO-: JAN . , l PER V ..:... _ ` 'l ... ... ......_. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o ......... covering checks numbered_ 187 to._..171...._ _.......__ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas Councilmen Nays. Adopted by the Council .— ....... 192 In favor JGI, 10 92/ McDonald, Approved .... .......192 ... Matson, _. . Smith, Against gainst Mr. President, Hodgson C, F." 3b 318[net� Qarrants � Ue drawn 1 nP }t9the .l.�tY -',,is i an§'3,3Y1.4btn, coVegcln6. gate- •am .nt -.17L incinstve .; ,ecka numueraa 16P thucks on nie Sn ae Per reb'teter of (,i[Y (.cmptroi0 x1922: the 'oflicb bl tke oun i; Jan ` „SLLapted Y ci,e14 19L1921)- 2 ` ,l ,*pproved• (J Bn 14 • 11 ' OiSY OF eS. PMOL � ' CrtY Ct[1•R ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER aoosoii.�� D FoimAA4fi,1M 7.21 AIIDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORDI FILE NO. ........ ..- • 19 ...JAN _1 N(�I.....,..... _922.....192... t AUDIT. PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount o6 ::. 31391,44. covering checks numbered.... -169 ..to. 171 _ inclusive, as per register of city checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays. 'Adopted by the nci -. AN iu 1922' 192 son, __..-......In favor McDonald, AP - .- .- .- .----- - 192 ... Matson, Smith, Against Wenzel. MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson V 167 Central WarGhouSRLUMb8rrCompany, Park168 Denoyer-Goppert Company, Schools 169 R. J. Hahn Auditorium 170 James H. Rhodes & Company, Sprinkling 171 Marie Ryan, Comtr. of Finance 170.60 2,250.86 296.76 663.27 9.96 COUNCIL Q lJlJ. NO........ CITY OF ST. PAUL E OF THE CITY CLERK OFFIC COUNCIL RESOLUTION'—GENERAL FORM r., PRESENTED BY DATE ......................_.....:............ ....... COMMISSIONER............................................................................................. RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to A. Diponty, a City employe, injured May 12th, 1921, in the course of his employment, the sum of Twenty-eight Dollars 025.00) Out Of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to January 11th, 1922. Yes (J) Councilmen (V) Nays F uson McDonald 0 In favor S Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President 10"M 1.00 I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Public Works. C Ne. ' 3888— 7 h 90[v[jlr, hat the P=d PItY yRto o r9tllhereoY uthomipL dl t pay [ed �, U+Po Y u f' n ithe':.ou a of hle 1faY l to, 9L7, t •t[V RCY-e1Ctit eRlPtoY ht[ne B m ttMeII S Uu,+a a t;Ls.uu� ut of the the W ti.oiRP 6t Ctl ap tt e[nent of h eea afm N`uI' In Pa e[ od'. UP to `LLa+nst tno [�+1NL6 r the P 1822: Ru Y ttthounetl Jan610, AuoP[ed J' th 2.2) Adopted by the Council ..-JA.r_-_0..'926.. ---192.----- ,,-2- ;G[' bt� �92i , v - COUNCIL (�r�.... CITY OF ST. PAUL nl.c NO.........._....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ ..._..... _..._....._... DATE ....... ...............:.._....__----------------------- COMMISSIONER -----------_------- COMMISSIONER................................................................................. . RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Michael gperr, a City employe, injured Ootober. 12, 1920, in the course of hiis employment, the sum of 'Thirty Dollars ($30.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to j'anuary 10th, 1922. Yes (J) Councilmen F�Snn ,_McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 10.21 I recommend the above resolution for passage. Comm'r of Public Works. r, xe "rases h So1Y n shut th p oD alty o@t jVS' re h eu ss n.ut12 ri ed t p Y' t l: tY 6mp oY In]u d t¢1L ivzo rein th ou of hie e. ttYY y t Ins- aaln 02 1111 rty 1g2U O.Oo t ol. Worlcme a v an the of In.Gene 1 Fund n p¢rt 1 nettle on Oi hl Clalltl 7'" ¢glhat iho City t the pi'lod Up to s ¢n ¢rY 10th 1922' ' tuopt d y tne. o cil Inn 10 1922.1 ApP1'oY dJ¢n:3U-1052. (Jun. 14 19.52) � R JEiJ_', L4) 92x:._ 192... Adopted by the Council ......._`..._..._ .... . Al' In 92i In favor Ap o .._. - ... .2 ............. - ................... ......... ................ MAYOR A$fllnSt CITY OF ST. PAUL I MLCNCIL No..........t�..tl.��y��. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—OEMERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER................................ ............................. ............._ .... ............ _........... ..... DATE.............................................................._.. RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Genevieve Hopkins, for the payment to her of the sum of Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) per week during such period as she may be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by her on the 17th day of November, 1921, while in the employ of the Department of Education of the City of St. Paul; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said Genevieve Hopkins the sum of One Hundred Twenty-six Dollars ($126.00) in full settlement of her claim against the City, arising by reason of said injuries, for the period up to January 5th, 1922, r NO s28Do a s veU;l•a ¢t the`.prope lty'ottl- r a e hereoy authorizetl t n[er In - 1S cement with GenevleveHop- Ina'to the r o Paymentto Iteto the Imml ot. E snteen Dotlare ($18.00) .per M%a'e I du Ig ieli P rtoa ¢e-ahe may I j,'eCf7 e_ resolution 6 tot y we ¢ dtl y r[. on of lnjur- u re Iv d by he on ¢h 17th day et for a 'ItY oP SL Paul; and bent employ Net" t Ke olt U, That the Proper Ilty o[t cer0. ¢ a her e�[y huthorizertoper lYopklne tthe numftI oCe -8a1n GHuntlie¢."� i['wen[Y-elx Dollars, (§328.00) jn putt 1Jet[ meu[ of her elnim agulna1 he ty rls/ng. by r neon aiP ald Injurlee, u th• peyotl un to Jan ntn, 1822. Commissioner Education. Ad p[e1 by th Cwncll Jnn. 3D, 1822. :f SPP owed J¢ SD, 10'12 (J 14-1Y82) Yes (W) Councilmen ('W) Nays ---- Adopted by the Council .-.....- JW_ .. ,0..t92e'..-192-..---- Fe n JCI' --� q?; ` McDonald In favor App - - ._........192 Matson Smith Against _... ............. ._......... - ............ .._.._... MwrOR 'Wenzel Mr. President •ORM [apo 10'¢1 �l CITY OF ST. PAUL eOUNCILnuc NO......._..�`p.,..-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER............................ ..._........... ......._.......... .............. ... _......... _..__............. DATE_ .................................. ............:,..._._......-_ RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to X. M. Zengerle, a City employe, injured March 5th, 1920, in the i course of his employment, the sum of Twenty-six Dollars and Fourteen Cents ($26.1+) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to January 14th, 1922. I reoommend the above resolution for passage. Chairman, Armory Commission. R sol ed7 Thnt the proper city oRl-�I 're n hereby authorized to pny to N. DI Z 6erII a City employe, InJutoo nploymt nt 19 the laume f Twenty-ei21 oLLnra .and Fourteen Cents .($ 6.14) rt. oP the Wo 1 men's C mpens Pat- �W;�Gount f the General Fun In par- Nc�"at ettlement of his claim galnet Ih CI1022or the period ,up to Januar loth Adopted by the Council Jan.,30, 1022. I� } Approved J 10.1022. -.(Jan 14-i022) - Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays •len Adopt Fe aDonald 0 .... .- In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President ,on. Iso. to-. CITY 6F ST. PAUL COUNCIL 37892= rae No ............... . __.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALy FORM PRESENTEDBY..COMMISSIONER DATE .......................................... .................. .._... ., REso—E;f That the mayor and Corporation Counsel are hereby authorized and directed to proceed to Washington and represent the City of St. Paul before the Federal Power Commission relative to power rights at Twin City Look and Dam No. 1; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw and deliver to them a city warrant in the eum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) for the purpose of paying the expenses of their trip to Washington on January 14th, 1922, said warrant to be payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Ex- pense Account of the General Fund; and the Mayor and Corporation Counsel shall, upon their return, file with the City Comptroller an itemized statement of their expenses, and return to the city treasury any balance of said moneys advanced but not expended by them for the purpose of said trip. Yes (J) Councilmen ('J) Nays �,Ens ' y................I. favor G Matson (� ;'with ............Against �5 Wenzel Mr. President ,On. 1.00 10 ., Adopted by the Council..- 192-..-..- ,ifah ..�1� Approved---------------=-1fil...eQj_in�_ 192 C - MAYOP CITY OF ST. PAUL _eNC14 NO ............ S.B.A..8.9.tP.. ''? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SNTED BY , IISSIONER....:......... ......................................................................................... DATE...:..................................... LVED That the Commissioner of/Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to conetruct,�repair '-Ad equip, and thereafter maintain, by city force account, without i letting a contract therefor, the polling booths at the locations in the several election districts hereafter to be designated by the Council for the primaries and general and special elections for the year 1922, d for such purpose, said Commissioner is hereby authorized to en age the necessary labor and skill, and purchase the necessary too a and materials, the cost and expense thereof to b paid out of t e Election Expense item of the General Fund. 1 c' r x . axass—By R olved. Thfft fhe Comml donor t i Parlc PIAYRr unda And Public B6ild- 71nes is herebyffuthoriz d omDowereh, Yes (V) Councilmen (V) Nays rl. McDonald In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. Presideht �OPM 1DO0 lo-zl Adopted by the Council.- .lar 10 192_1: --.1922----- Approve JI;I-.Q-'.-S------.192 -- MAYOM CITY OF ST. PAUL COU CIL NO:_. 378,94. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J CL PRESENTED- y COMMISSIONER...._ ... ...... .. ..... ...... DATE.J:.4-n-1A4r.Y 9.1 19R;a ---------------- RESOLVED That the,, Purchasing Adent bei; I and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 42 Webster's New International Dictionaries, from G. & C. MerriL= Company, ats'Nl price not to exceed X672.00, without asking for ota coipe it "e bids, as these are copyrighted, and no advantage I could be ained thereby. Charge School 41.4X- Instruction. 1-921 Acco it. Tat. 31894— y r u7 C. F* '.d That tlteb-obYr t Re.. nod be 1. o to Agent be, Ith thd "PT . ter - to j?ureh45"' 42 NVobatrrt Comptroller,to, C. not national total Pr ht� Company, at a a n1t1n6 for "tthout a �'tt area ..Py, x,..d e672.00 a th... bids aa . - 6.1 41 Yes (V) Councilmen (V) Nays i/YcDonald 0 .......... . In favor ( Matson A�sinst /Smith .......... V�6enzel / Mr. President -Am 1.00 1— !@' 1922. Adopted by the Council -,jp-, r H) 192 I tiW '92i Approved, ------------------------------------192---- Petition ! Council File No............`� ° `"' PROPOSAL F IMPROVEMENT and PRELIM ARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making o the following *public improvement by the City of Construct a 4-1/2 foot a dewalk on the east side of St. Paul, viz.:._.............1............................................._..........................._................................................ ....... _-._........... _...... --- ................ ........ . Benhill_ Road,_from_-_St..._ Clair_.._Str_at—to Lombard Avenue.. Dated this...--- 10thy of .... anuary, 1922. 191 .. .. n 3789s— AbatracL ' �qh rens, A, written propoao1 tor ovement, Councilman. .;moktng oY the. foilow.jng SmDr vi z foot std.w-Ik on tho - Gonstivet-n 4 from St( et side f Bcn tialyd?t�venr 6avin6 Ci¢Irstc�`Y:�1G�i�;ti�R�.^-��JiZu);-•x�.. Veen ; cuv WHEREAS, A written propo a the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a4-1/2 foot sidewalk on the east side of .._.-................ - _.........._._....... _._Benhill--.Roed__ §t. lair to Lombard Avenue. ____ .............. _..__... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. ................................... . .. ..-........_....___ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. r— �,f the owing o er nfoemation•relat vetu'safd-huPravemrat--......................................_.-- ...._.................................._........_.... . __............._........._--------------......................... .............................. tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. P LU '`. lc .._.._......_..191. -- Adopted by the council -...................... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goes Approved........_.. _J_ ....... .....:.?.................191......._. Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich_...... ............................................................................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. ronr .-a YUBLISHCD' % I- r( J'1 Council File No.......... 37897 6 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pauli viz.: ........... Construct sidewalk ewalk on Batt side of Osceola Avenue .....................................................-......_......__............_. .............-_ _........_.............._..... .......... .._ ......... from Hemline Avenue to Albert Street. ............ --- ------ ----- ------ -..... .'37897-Z C.'R. No. Ittract.<- itten ".n'horasA wFF,,prbpoeal for tti _-------- _.... _...._—....._...-....._...._--------- _.._-_.-_ malctng`eoY.g improvomen---- ------------ ............_---------------- _ --- -------- vt/. 10th Constrilct sidownllc, on both s'v de Dated this ........ _....... ..-.day of..., osceoln Avg u, fromxamttne Ave u� to l rt Street Y the City of resentnu ....... 191. re, U it St. P t Alb t Str t bav ng e¢n -tl r fo�ved.Tbr�i ommiseioner t`r--1--•�.�..�.a g/�[7/.. .. ._..._.._. y Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following i rovement, viz.: from to Albert Street. venue .............. ............ .....- _..........NCA ..._..._........_..__.... .... ... ...._.......__..__._.._._._._.... - _._........... having been presented to the -ouncil of tSt. Paul by Councilman_... ........................ --- ..._.-------._ therefore, be it ``✓ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public g_be �d"'he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4- . To furnishAhe-folio_, wing other data_ andinformation•relative•to�,improvement;.__...._..._................ ... . _ _... `?o state whether or no said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoi�g matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council......._JG3r'-...d... i 2[._ ....................191.......... Yeas: Nays: Co4acilman Farnsworth Goes _ Approved......-- ......r .. .�....9.21................ 101 Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL nye No ......... ef OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' PRESENTED B A. E • 8A11th DATE........... COMMISSIONERS ....................._, ....................... .. ...._..._. RESOLVED That tF;e? applications for liewnses of the'ifollowing ,..� persons -for the handling and selling of soft drinks at the addresses indicated bd, and theleame are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue sTo-h licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: aA John Welch, 69 W..7th St., William Pentelovitch, 153 #E. Third St., Tony Hostohriz, 1005 W; 7th St., ,Geo. F.Sohneider, 870 Rice St., 'Gus Finsta4 239 Carroll Ave., u W• E.,,_Coffaa, 172 E. Third St., Sam Luke, 558 Broadway St. E. S. Pearce, 1600 University Ave. I Yes ( J) Councilmen ('J) Nays 11_� n McDonald V In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President rom moo io-al 98—RY-A. E. Smith'— , 1 be, and Woa w. 7th st. St llllam Pentelovlteh, 153 E. Third) ToilY Kostohriz,1005- W:.7[h $t. Cieo. F. Schneider, 870 Ri- St. Ws Frosted; 239 Carroll..Ave, �.P SatfE Luke, 5587 Broadway: 8t. �E. S. Pearce, 1000 "17nivereity Ave: -I Adopted by the Copncil Jan.. 10, 1922. Approved Jan. 10,. 1922. . (Tan. 14-1922)_ 1 Adopted by the Council6.192------ Approv -----14ri ..:t_0_1422-----........192---- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL =UNC:L r ��.!� IMM NOI......3...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR TED BY COM BBIONER........................A..F+.....Smifih......................... ........................... .... DATE......:JcLn.....l.Q.�.la9.�,t.�i.....:...... RESOLVED That the applications for licenses of the following persons for the conducting of Poolrooms at the addresses indicated, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the custlomary fee: Sam Luke, 558 Broadway St. 1 table Old location, new applicant P. A. Lawler, 1007 Payne Av. 8 a Renewal John A. Lane, 743 Mississippi St. 3 tables Renewal. All of the.above applications are lccated 1000 feet frord any school, Itl G $eeo ved,l'1'hht8t1. application A.1 hs fore licensee of the following Pe lona -for �( �,._ �:......i...,i.,.. �f r—I Rooms ai the 1 J • n .... u n thepayment into the city treasury thq customary fee e, 668 Broadway'St., 1 table, Idlocation, new applicant. _ A, Lawleq .1004 Payne Ave., 8 6bles, n wal, Job A. Lee 743 Mleslaeippi Stre7t, tables, re newa1. P h,.— .aoollcations are Yes (d) Councilmen ('J) Nays ___ekMr_r 6 --gerbMson.. McDonald ................In favor ) Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President ,on. teoo rant Adopted by the Council ......SU. .:W.19`27,..___.lg2..._.. Approv....----.. ZJAS`-.'vt}-`.�Z.Y.-__._lam '___. -- ... ����M„YOa���-� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 379- �.��.,. - Fl�� No._......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'PRESENTr BY A E. Smith - Jan. 10th, 1983 COxMMISS NER................. .... ...... ............................. ........ ................. DATE........................................:.......................... AERNT3wx WHEREAS,John L. Dillon has made application for a license to operate upon the Streets of the city of St. Paul, One (1) Stearns -Knight Touring Car, Factory No. L..6785, State License No. B-160-353, seating capacity 7 passengers, owned by said John L. Dillon, and WHEREAS, said John L. Dillon in accordance with Ordinance No. 4026 has filed a copy of insurance policy, and said insurance policy ,*has been approved by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that license be issued to said John L. Dillon to operate said Touring Car upon the streets of the city of St. Paul, - subject to the provisions of said Ordinance. T C. F o 37 00l 33L. DtlDlon has mode_ appl(ca[lon Lor u lleena to operate uP- n the [testa. 04 ths. C(tY oY St. pCar:-, One (1) Stearns 1cnlEtae TLicense No. I Factory No. eLting6s PncltY 7 Pnasen-I ako u-160-263' qq;d John L. Dillon, zea gore W efl by Dlil 44 lh he- p[ n h r n& said John 1•eNo 4n26 and o d4 W, rvSth Ordl ti n o P lICY. sIs d rPY?8°� i nPPr° Bald los an P ratl ,f t u ] that fo bYUehlt Core of d, thdt license operate tsaid id John L. III I the°st eta of the' Touring. lkir on abject to the prof cls of St:ul 1922J di ante. 1 v Ad pied Uy the Council San. 10, li p cued Jan 10 1922. (Jan iV; 1922) . ..... _` Y"'..--......ems-.....t.,�,,,� Yes (J) Councilmen 01) Nays Adopted by the Council_ --197, -- F �r McDonald _....In favor Approved-........Jii�i-i4} ig�'I -192---- 1..... Matson Smith. Against-.....-- '... .................. Moron ............... Wenzel Mr. President g. �onr+ aanp to -al :• `` CITY OF ST. PAUL. nicaaL No ........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .- PRESENTED SY - At., E. Smith Jan. 10th, 1922 COMMISSIONF_R .:.:::....................1. ............ ..... DATE ..._.................. ............................... RESOLVED That the applications for '-licenses of the following personas for the conducting of the Butchelr Business at the addresses ind'icated be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk Is instructed to issue such license upon the pa}ment into the City Treasury of the customary fee: Albert J. Esta, 1912 University Ave., S. 0., Eichen, 1162 University Ave., 4{ Yes (J) Councilmen ('d) Nays n° Fer uson " .:.. McDonald In favor Matson r Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President •o"M 1.00 10-11 Adopted by the Council Approved-....(ji1>1-tj��-- ....-.192---- ..... __• _,'.. MAYOR COUMCIL � �® M. NO .....:............................... COU Treaauryo$ tho cu tomaFy tea nJeJ City, ORM Ge rgoPoulo PRESENTED BY E S & (3eo,SParaelcevae, Reatnul nnt, 440 Jnclteon t, 163 1i11tiam Pentelovltch, Reetaurunt, uth st.: DATE..... COMMISSIONER......... .A,. -- •- ' ;St. Pnul Drug Co.,Reataurant, -4th a u Juekeon Sta nSt ..Jin....._10th,-..:1322..----. RESOLVED That the ap ,Paul DrugCo., Restaurant, - :6th. °:ne g`• sta. - f the st Paul Drug Co., Reatnuraat, following lwsons ,I tr l;"nbneha Ste. -7th 6c N' SVagne Restaurant, 449 Weat 7th sc �ts for the eonduoti 7th 9k OOaOia Reataurnnt, 241 at E. i the addressee 1rrneat John, Raetnurant187 ' E. 7th St indicated, be an Vhilialnehnnl e, Mn:anted a It Ali ant, 1967 and the City Clerk y_U" is instructea to issue 8uon1 �i'it?9rch Reatnu- 1 ,_„ •, the payment into the City.Treasury of the customary fee: u Georgopoulos & Geo. Paraskevas, Restaurant, 449 Jackson St., William Pentelovitch, " 153 E. 5th St., St. Paul Drug Co. " 4th & Jackson St., St. Pau. Drug Co. " 5th & St..Peter Sts., St. Paul Drug Co. " 7th & Wabasha Sts., F. J. Wagner, " 449 W. 7th St., Chas, Gedoian, It 2411 E. .7th St., Ernest E.St.John, " 187 E. 7th St., William Shanks, " 1957 University Ave., Campbell, Drefuse & Deioh, " 349 Robert St., John Tuttee, " 327 E. 7th St., Bernick Bros. " 515 Wabasha St., W. K. Record, " 852 E. 7th St., R. H. Nyman, " 834 Raymond Av., Glavas & Octipie, " 190 E. 7th St., Vincent Yost, " 780 Wabaeha St., John Hoffman, " 637 E. Minnehaha St., Frank Thurston, Hotel(St. Regie) " 261 W. 4th St., C. A. Johnson, Hotel (Euclid) " 405 No. Washington St. Louis Lucchesi, Hotel (Seville) " 77 E. Third St. - Yes ( ✓) Councilmen C0 Nays er u McDonald ---.--...In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM 1500 10.31 Adopted by the Council_..Ar...M..1?.=...__._192---.--- Appro d--v4t%`--ili�.:.�('----------192---- .., MATOR PUBLISHED- 0 i FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_changi,ng., the„- grade-' of--- Juno -_S t .--- f-rp>n---L..ex Pleasant Ave. to to„-the„red--line--_on--the„-profi-le---he,ret-o-.at-tsched he rsof,----the---pre sent_-_sst abs, i s1194-.grads--.heIng..-ehown..by...a --grading-.saiCi-.Juno--_St-..-.f.rola..Laxingt�tn...Aze......to...a point 200 ft.- east- of the east line_-,of---Lexington-,Ave.,-_to--_the ... said -,_red.. linewhen-.-establi,shed,.......................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order --------------3170--------------------- approved -AU -..91..._1 21z ........................................ Intermediary Order..---------- -. e F N 3,903 ss F.=� Mataon—--------------------- . ........-- --•- I the Mattg of ch ngtng the grade of A public hearin havin been hi Juno: st from I.ext11 erg.' to )on due notice, and the Council p g g Pleasant ,A a to eenform to th ed ., ine on• -the Dr'fl li oto- attached - having heard all persons, objections'-aI nd mom: �,, the Dreaent4ereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it ; , ,. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th, esal change.-_the---grade--.of,--Juno--St-rest.-.frog.....-. Lexingt.on.-Irenue....to....Pleasant-.-Aye.......to...c.onfor-m...to... the ...sed-.line-..on.-the-.- prof_i-le--.hereto---attached--and_ made---a,-part---here-Qf,----tl�e.--p-re.eellt...-e-stakzli.ahed grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading-_said_Juno-_St. ---„ f.rara-..LexixggtAn Ave .to a P.01nt.....as ..the- east line --.of Lexingt Ave-..--.tq-_Vag --_said regi ---kine- w}�en--estabj fished. _- .CL1Y°s'!G-.�' I�f l�Pal%�� and the Council hereby orders s d imp ovement t be madq. RESOLVED FURTHER, at thCommissi ner of lic ork/be d iy6rebj insVficted and directed to prepare pla and s cification or said pro ement/and ubmit`fisame to th Cop cil for approval; that up said proval, proper ty o cials are heby authorised and diroCted to proceed with the eking of said impr&vement i accordance therekith. Adopted by the Councii.._...f.F.:,--_4,-a i i-..---- L...G FE—.13 � '��r �.n.. Approved....._ctr.....,,,�€.....,._�................'-- � 191........ 1Clanoy �-- Councilman FgMpl Councilman CA= Ferguson Coun an ISD©•�lf�y ' Matson Councilman TAx Councilman MS(AdiK Smith Councilman RIt20LUla We nzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 .._.... _............... C /�/°.......... Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAU DEPARTMENT OF FIANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Chan. n the lade of Juno._.._Stre_e.t....f.rorn...L, .J..n„t..an...iwenue......to ._........_---... x. Inthe Matter of ............._....L' �..._.ia_..._'---...._...-�._'............_.................____ Pleasant_l0yenuLf-to conforli _t_o... the.... red... ]ix-le.on...t.lw...:pr...ef1l.e.._.hereto.....a1tac.horl .....- Y; and __.made a part_hereof.x the_.,�res_eit. esta..l?1.7.she.d_.i,ra.de...h.eing_shoxi.n._..by...a._blue ' line. there.on..,_.also, E;radan ,..s_aid_ Tuno Street roaa 1e. i.nt.;.toa. to �.uenutl...a ..:.._. point 20.0feet East .of_ the ast line _ofL.e �r.ton e.u_vnue..,_ ,he__ asl....re.t1...._I ns ,when established. _.. �.._. under Preliminary Order approved _-L a L.._`� z 1921. - "' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improv ent is - - - $--B.D.Z.29 - -- - frgnt $...__._ 1 75.1... .......... The estimated cost per toot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such i rovement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or,.-: parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK �-- DDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION -- -, 10 1 uovia. d Greone Second 200 i - 11 1 t.ddi:tion 1425 1 12 1. do }I. 1075 (.., 15, 1 do 175 - 14 1, do 150 15 1 do I ; 125 --1 11 161 do 1251 17. 1. do 125 12 1 do 1001 TOTAL --'- Total 7325 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the eeCommissiioner of Public / Works. Dated- CLQ. Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. It. 12 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT O% FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION 40T BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 2 Howard Greene Second 700 8 2 Addi ti on. 1575 7 2 do 975 ?; 6 2 do 350 5 2 do 125 4 2 do 100 3 2 do 100 2 2 do 100 1 2 do 1100 Total 7325 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the eeCommissiioner of Public / Works. Dated- CLQ. Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. It. 12 ' .OSCAR CLAUSSCN. CNie1 ENOiveen IUIIAU OF I. J. E. CARROLL,'A T. CN .1 K..'...n wxo 11TIUCTION O. H. HERROLD, Ol A.. C iY Pv.NxOivo" ENOlveen M. 9. ORYTBAN. Bn1osE Cvoiveen A, B. SHARP, SUPT. 01 STneeT. wvo SANITATION H. W. GOETZINONHp. SUIT. O1 WOSvnOUec (Ent! of St. Paul j3epurtmeut of Public Marks HERMAN C. WENZEL., COMMISSIONER IRVINO C. PEARCE. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER i 48 November 4, 1921. yr. H. C. Menzel, Commissioner of Public '80rks. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade if Juno St. from Lexington Ave. to Pleasant Ave., also grading said Juno St. from Lexington Ave. to a point 200 ft. east of the east line of Lexington Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 34170, approved Iday 9, 1921. Approximate estimate of cost - -692.29 1.731 Cost per front foot 400 731 Frontage - - - - - - - - Note: This order is the outcome of a hearing on a proposition to grade Juno St. from been determined dethatt on to Pleasant. It having;a through grade between Lexington and. Pleasamtinvolvecl a greater expense than could be assessed, certain of the property owners requested consideration of a proposition to grade that portion of the street adjacent to Lexington live. on an upper level, making virtually a dead end in the street at the top of the steep bluff 200 ft. east of Lexington Ave. Yours truly, Chief Engineer Approved for tranamission to the Commissioner of Finance. Conuni O er o , . ublic '+forks. 37904 �" CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 COUNCIL No..... - - ",�,' OFFICE OF THE, CITY., CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - c PRESENTED BY $. C. Wenzel Jan. 11, 1922• COMMISSIONEK...........::.................................. DATE.... ........................,......:.... ......... e, - IRE S ,IRE$ In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Juno Street from Lexington Avenue to Pleasant Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #30749, approved September 1, 1920, and Intermediary Order C. F. #32117, approved December 21, 1920. The Commissioner of Public -Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter be it`, ,✓GtiZe-c2� CvY�r L(_e.�� U __ Resolved, That, t3hT"°t°�� � � Bete a he amount of land to be taken mer the ab n er imp ement as an ear slopes, Evan a. 'n and he butting u rest, e ow. he ointa aforesaid, t e xEent sho tip tr e s etch attached to th sport o e Commissio = o -f ubli —'Work in e m er, dated Jan ll 9 2;Y_ahi4h b ort are hereby referred made a hereof. 37014- 13 1i C. In the mntt0 . ot-rorVdemnin and tak- t {nG'. a easoment In thelnnd necea- ,3ary Par elopes; for eute:and dlls::lii the t, radinK of Juno 8t set troin Loxl 1Kton A%o.'to PI 3 Q74 Pr roved y Order C.F 3Q749 approved Beet and In' i ,term d1u1J Onio1 6-1920;, F No $2137.. Ppro1 d Dmc 21 1920 i The C ml stoner of Puplic \Voll � l hnving euhmltted hla en c[ he ketch In the-,ebo nutter, be St RoBpty 1 That n11 matters pet In - u InK 10 same ho nn ulted and d,b n:�. (/,a Hued.,. All / ep at ldopt d by the Council r b- 1,1 1022. APPr v d Feb. 13 3922. �ylea Yes (J) Counnei en ('J) Nays 6/Clancy Adopted by the Council �� 1.............. 192----yi.. • ��uson . McBtlYCaTd '..e'.4.........._In favor App To - — -1-1----- .192 ; v ...................... ................Age3nst MAYOn 'Ly R7enzel' t/ r. President 108M 1300 I0-.1 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Juno Street from Lexington Avenue to Pleasant Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #30749, approved September 1, 1920, and Intermediary Order C. F. #32117, approved December` 21, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and mhkes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made. on private property, and by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. P Commissioner of rublic Works. Dated Jan. 11, 1922. VIM of $t. Paul i'�etractment , OSCAR CLAU99 N C E Nee. p uo a of Puklfr Wacko , � 1. Z. CARRO.... C HERMAN C. WENZEL, COMMISSIONER ..... ...l/ IR VINO C. PEARCC, DEPUTY COMMI91IONCR O. H HERROLD O NO COT P-111a...—n M. 9. ORTTRAK BSIOOe CMOINFE� 48 ip A. B. SHARP. .-T. .1 N. W. OOETEINp..M SUPT. 09 WOnxxoUea o - REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Juno Street from Lexington Avenue to Pleasant Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. #30749, approved September 1, 1920, and Intermediary Order C. F. #32117, approved December` 21, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and mhkes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made. on private property, and by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. P Commissioner of rublic Works. Dated Jan. 11, 1922. REPORT OF ,COMMISSIONER OF FINAM;ft ON PRELIMINARY- ORDER 1.th'ematterof 6ondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for. _63D as for enta and fills in the grading of Juno Street from`Lexin ton hirnni,R t:n a point 200 feet --East of the East itne of Lexington Avenue. Eider Preliminary'Order approved" Maar 1921, o the Council of theliCity. of St. Paul: The Commissionerof Finance hereby reports as follows: ,. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is av 8 ZD The estimated cost per foot for the. above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each'lot of arcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED 'DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOca; ADDITION _ VALUATION 10 11 Howard Greene. Second_ __- I` 2, 0 Addition 5 .' 12'1 dg -------do i{ 3015. 1 51 # - do �� 1115 a o a o 8 2I do __ 7 2.1 do 9 5 1 6 2 ._. do 2 i 5 do ' 21 do 5 _.. ._... d 0 `. =- -f-- -- - ;n TOTAL �j 6 7 j The Commissioner;of Finance further reports that he•has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to,..' said matterby the Commissioner of Public works. Date Commissioper of'Finsnce: ` L-3 iS31 NOun,o— A—.b S08VONVIS j0 OV38ne 1VN011VN t ^••+ • O1053tl Ad000a�in S0eVONV1S jo nvaane 1VNOIIVN s 9.1 8•IIIII �®� 0111111 I•'I (IIII • Z•ZII s��c hl� a� S�ZIIIII eZ�lll p,i (IIII IN �l r .•` � te° ea ^a r y oc ^ A ��� �lb". At . - , •�lu xoumas3x vmoounn - . 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The last document ohotographed on said roll or microrilm is: 4790 fZ FQ %t After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Operator Dated A�� o usTfr 156