05-114Retur copy.to: (bn) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Council File # " t� Green Sheet # 3025078 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul (City), as part of its public improvement project to construct 2 Phalen Boulevard, is in need of street and construction easements from proper[y owners affected by said 3 project and; 4 5 WHEREAS, Kong Xiong & Ying Xiong, a property owner affected by the above mentioned project, 6 has agreed to convey the necessary easement rights to the City for the completion of said Phalen Boulevazd; 7 so, 9 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed 10 to accept the easement rights conveyance from Kong Xiong & Ying Xiong, to the City; and, 11 12 FURTHER RESOLVED, that far the easement rights conveyed, compensation in the amount of 13 One Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Two Doilazs ($1,932) will be paid to Kong Xiong & Ying Xiong this 14 being a fair and reasonable value, Said sum to charged to Activity Code: CPL C04-2S 146-0789 15 16 17 � 'liw 19 20 2/ 22 23 24 25 Q 16�7��78 �19�20 27 t � 1 N 282922atW87 R0.USEY COUNiY SCLID WASff 2 , I s li 16 IS 74 13 7 1 10 9 � Zc 27 � 6 282922420039 KONC %IONC 5 _ �8292242C�38 KONG %ION 3 Y 3G 37j 32 33 34 Z Z Q / — / �� 98 Y 11 � 282 224a00 „ z� i3 3 � A 5 46 14 6 ' IG�� 7 282922420080 ' 9 g BUOCEi TOMNG INC OF 57. PqUL LOi 5, BlH 2 TRILLIU� ADD. pg-�l� S 4 M S 2s �za �zs �ze �z� �zs 1 282922410089 CWNY OF RA2ASEY SOL�O WASiE 282922426090 3 �AINNES07A PUBLIC RAOIO �r7 r 2ffi922420091 uiNUESarn aueuc Raoio LCT 4, EU( 2 TRILLIUM ADD. 46 2829224i0080 Bl10CEi i01NYG INC OF ST. PAUL LOT 5, Bti( 2 �� % �� 1 �� � �� � 70 pacapqeo eY STR.EET ENGINEERING DIYISION rac TM[ an or sr. aa�4 oeau+na�+* av weuc x�zcs PRQ£CT HUM PHALEN BLVD. — R.O.W. ACQUISITION ���AµNG NAAIE KONG XIONG PROPERTY _ o.�: s o LEGEND z PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY L1NE � FEE ll'ILE � ROADWAY EASEMENT � BR'DGE EASEMENT � TEPAPORARY SLOPE/ CC�STRUCTION EASEMENT C1,766 S.FJ � PEP.UANENT RETAINING WALL EASEMENT � PROPOSED FEE TIiLE ACQUISTION FOP, R.C.R.R.A. CORRIDOR � EX:Si1NG EASEMENT TO BE ACQUIRED 24 20 , 2� 78 29 JO 3! 32 33 34 0 2 25 � I 7 6 5 I 4 3 2� I 164-288—OS /PHALENftOW3.DWG SHEET 6 OF 11 SHEETS