05-1139Council Fffe # � S l J� Green Sheet # ,3Q�Q,� �( � RESOLUTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Presented �ITY OF , � � ,. NESOTA i v WAE the CiYy of Saint Paul has approved the following items as a part of its 2006 L,e�slative Ab�U4� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul lists its 2006 L,e�slative Agenda as follows: Policv Items • Establish reasonable policy on eminent domain • Full funding of Local Government Aid • Dedicated transit and transportation funding • Support current moratorium on limited market value phase-out • Remove punitive damages cap • Fake ID statute change to enhance penalties • Close currency exchange business loopholes • Municipal tow lot changes • Placement and monitoring of registered sex offenders • Car racing penalty increase • Loud caz stereo consequences Su»port Items • Central Corridor • Union Depot — Ramsey County Request • Support for Highland Park Ford Motor Plant • Support for Rock-Tenn Company • Red Rock and Rush Line Corridors • Motor Vehicie Sales Tax (MVST) constitutional amendment • Oppose levy limits and other restrictions on local government financing authority • Statewide smoking ordinance • Minnesota Department of Health interconnector capital project • Public education fixnding • Re-establish youth after school enrichment programs for K-12 • Pensions reform • Support legislation that would allow Mayor Randy Kelly to transfer his coniribution from a defined contribution plan to a defined benefit plan, in order to allow him to coordinate his contributions to the MN State Retirement System and the Public Employee Retirement Associations. �. OS- l C 3� 36 • Funding to the Deparhnent of Employment and Economic Development for Redevelopment 37 and Bioscience Grants 38 • Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Supportive Housing Initiatives 39 • Miuuesota Gang Strike Force 40 • Technical changes to Local Government Aid formula 41 • State Builders Code reco�ized as strict liability 42 • Clean Water Legacy Act 43 • Metro Pazks capital projects 44 • Mivnesota Library Association capital project 45 • Metro State capital project 46 • Saint Paul College capital project 47 • 25 mile-per-hour speed limit on urban residential streets 48 • Enact historic preservation taY credit 49 • Support for Robert Street/Highway 52 transit study 50 • League of Minnesota Cities legislative agenda 51 • Association of Metropolitan Municipalities legislative agenda 52 • Ramsey County legislative agenda Requested by Department of: IUI.C�f�IdY'`S G�►`G2 —� Br� � L ,IM � Form Approved by City Yftorney BY� Adopted by Council: Date ecc �rid� i��dOa Adoption Certif�d by Council Secretary Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Commcil � Date � � Page 1 of 2 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � MO �yots otHce Contact Person & Phone: Nancy Haas Must Be on Council Agenda ContractType: RE-RESOLU'fION �E� I Green Shee# NO: p�j-U3°t 3028988 .' DeoarhneM SentToPerson 0 a or• ce ASSign 1 a oY Office De artln ntDi r Number 2 ' Atmm For Routirtg 3 a oY Office a r/ istmt Order 4 uocil 5 e k ' Cier T # o P ( All Locat f or Sig nature) , Action Requested: Approval of the Resolution recognizing the Ciry of Saint Paul's 2006 Legislative Policy Support Stand. xfatio�: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R} Planning Commission CIB Committee Gidl Serrice Commission Contracts Must Mswer the 1. Has this pefsoNfirm e�,er worked under a contracY for ihis depertment? Yes No 2. Has this pe�soNfimn eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personifircn possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach M green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantaqes If Approved: May move forwazd in organizing efforts for successful legislarive outcomes in 2006. Disadvantages NApproved: Disadvanta5tes If NotApproved: Totai Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Informalion: �(Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activitv Number: December 5, 2005 2:03 PM Page 1 Q� ��/ �' City of Saint Paul 2006 Legislative Agenda Policy and Budget Items l. Establish Reasonable Policy on Eminent Domain 2. N�ill Funding of Local Government Aid 3. Dedicated Transit and Transportation Funding Sources 4. Support Current Moratorium on Limited Market Value Phase-Out 5. Remove Punitive Damages Cap 6. Fake IA Statute Change to Enhance Penalties 7. Close Currency Exchange Business Loopholes 8. Municipal Tow Lot Changes 9. Level III Sex Offenders Monitoring and Concentration 10. Car Racing Penalty Increase 11. Loud Car Stereo Consequences December 14, 2005 o�-» � City of Saint Paul 2006 Legislative Agenda - Policy Proposal: Protect City's rights of eminent domain Department: Planning & Economic Development City Attorney's Office Staff Contact & Phone: Wendy Underwood, PED (651) 266-6545 Pete McCall, HRA Attorney (651) 266-8710 John Keliy, HRA Attorney (651) 266-8710 Eric Larson, City Attorney (651) 266-8710 1. Explain this proposal. The recent United States Supreme Court decision Kelo v. City of New London, Connecticut has raised concerns regarding the rights of property owners in certain local development projects. To address the legitimate concerns raised by Kelo, the City of Saint Paul and its Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) encourage local governments and the State Legislature to conduct thorough reviews of eminent domain use and thoughtful debate on how eminent domain could be better structured. The City opposes action by the Minnesota State Legislature that would signi�cantly increase the cost of redevelopment and would go beyond any new or e�sting restrictions the City chooses to place upon on itself. 2. What are the advantages if this proposal is approved? The City of Saint Paul and its HRA engage in redevelopment activities to eliminate blighting conditions, to foster an increase in housing and commercial development, to increase employment opportunities, and to benefit the health, safety, and welfare of its residents. The City and its HRA have always encouraged the voluntary transfer of lands between wiling sellers and buyers as part of development projects. The City and its HRA have used eminent domain only in limited instances to facilitate an economic development project that will serve the best interests of the City. A local government should be encouraged to establish criteria and limits to its use of eminent domain; its authority should not be overruled by the State. p5--11�1 3. Identify known support for this proposal. City of Saint Paul Mayor and City Council. 4. Identi.fp knowa opposition to this groposal. None known. D� -�i 3y City of Saint Paul 2006 Legislative Agenda - Policy ProposaL• F�ll funding of Local Government Aid Department: City of Saint Paul Staff Contact & Phone: Matt Smith; 651-266-8796 1. Explaia this proposal. Continue to restore Local Government Aid (LGA) to pre-2003 levels to aid the City in the provision of essential services such as police and fire. When the program is fully funded, annual inflationary increases to LGA should be reinstated. 2. What are the advantages if this proposal is approved? The City will be able to maintain and provide critical public services to residents, businesses, and visitors. 3. Identify known support for this proposal. The City of Saint Paul 4. Identify known opposition to this proposal. None known 6�-�� 39 City of Saint Paul 2006 Legislative Agenda - Policy Proposal: Support dedicated transit and transportation funding sources Department: City of Saint Paul Staff Contact & Phoae: Wendy Underwood, PED (651) 266-6545 John Maczko, Public Works (651) 266-6137 1. Esplain this proposal. Our transit and transportation systems are failing to meet the capacity needs necessary for communities to sustain population growth and to promote economic development. Our existing Yxansit system is being continuously reduced, having significant impacts on our seniors and our disadvantaged. All potential means of dedicated revenue for transit and transportation purposes should be critically examined and thoughtfully considered for implementation, such as an increase in the state gas tas, restoration of license tab fees, an increase to the Motor Vehicle Sales TaY, and a wheelage tax. Consideration should aiso be made to regional sales t� increases to support transit development in those areas. 2. What are the advantages if this proposai is approved? A known revenue source for transit and transportation development, operations, and maintenance would allow for organiaed, long-term planning with an understanding of what is reasonable and appropriate to implement. Dedicated revenue sources for transportation and transit would also relieve the burden on the state's bonding authority, which currently is overwhelmed by much-needed transit development. 3. Identify known support for this proposal. League of Minnesota Cities, Chambers of Commerce, Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, Itasca Project, Transit for Livable Communities. D5-1�39 4. Identifp known oppositioa to this progosal. Transit funding has not received the same level of support as other transportation proposals, such as roads and bridges, in recent years. Concerns exist over increasing the gas tax and implementing new revenue sources, such as a wheelage taY or metro or state-wide sales taY, to be spent on transit. p5-���i City of Saint Paul 2006 Legisiative Agenda - Policy Proposal: Support Current Moratorium on Limited Market Value Phase-Out Department: City of Saint Paul Staff Contact & Phone: Matt Smith; 651-266-8796 1. Explain this proposal. The 2005 Legislature placed a moratorium on a phase-out of Limited Market Value (LMV) for two years. This moratorium should be supported to allow for a study of both the financial impact on homeowners created by the LMV phase-out and the current and potential resources available to homeowners to possibly ease the burden of eliminating LMV. For example, during the moratorium the State of Minnesota and local governments should be encouraged to better communicate taY refund options to homeowners, such as the "targeted tax refund," a direct property t� refund rarely used by homeowners. It is estimated that 95% of Saint Paul homeowners would qualify for this refund in 2005, but many people, unaware of the refund, will not request it. Public support of this and other resources will help prepare homeowners for a potential LMV phase-out. 2. What are the advantages if this proposal is approved? . Support for the current moratorium on the LMV phase-out provides Cities and the State Legislature with an opportunity to study initial results of ending LMV and the potential impact on homeowners and their communities. Advocacy of current financial tools for homeowners will provide transparency for existing resources and may help ease the potential burden should LMV be eliminated. �-ii3y 3. Identify known support for this proposal. City of Saint Paul. 4. Identify kaown opposition to this proposal. None known. D5 -113� City of Saint Paul 2006 Legislative Agenda - Policy Proposal: Remove Punitive Damages Cap Department: Human Rights Department Staff Contact & Phone: Director Tyrone Terrill 651-266-8964 or 651-470-0266 (Cell) Explain this proposal. Waive the current punitive damages cap of $&,500.00 under Minnesota Law. The City of Saint Paul does not have a cap on the amount of punitive damages that may be awarded in a housing discrimination case. 2. What are the advantages if this proposal is approved? A waiver from the State of Minnesota's cap on punitive damages would allow the City of Saint Paul to obtain full relief for egregious housing discrimination cases in which punitive damages would exceed $8,500.00 (the State's current cap}. This waiver would also allow the Saint Paul Department of Human Rights, Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights and the Minnesota Department of Human Rights to be reimbursed $1,875.00 towards the cost of each housing discrimination case it investigates for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Our agencies would also be eligible for free on-going investigative training by HUD. 3. Identify knowa support for this proposal. HL7D, Minnesota Department of Human Rights, City of Minneapolis Department of Civil Rights, African American Leadership Council, Community Stabilization Project and many other community- based organizations. 4. Identify known opposition to this proposal. Local housing associations representing landlords and rental properties. D - J �lI / I Citp of Saint Paul 2006 Legislative Agenda - Policy Proposal: Fake ID Statute Change to Enhance Penalties Department: St. Paul City Attorney's Office Staff Contact & Phone: Therese Skarda, CAO; 651-266-8755 1. Explain this proposal. Currently the law states that the creation and selling of fake ID's is a gross misdemeanor. This is under statute 609.652. The law makes it a felony if it's a second conviction. Given the relative ease of setting up this type of operation with readily available software and hardware, the law could be changed to allow for a felony if evidence is discovered that you made for example, over 10-20 fake ID's. 2. What are the advantages if this proposal is approved? The increased penalty will likely deter this practice from happening at the rate it currently does. 3. Identify known support for this proposal. St. Paul City Attorney's Office, St. Paul Police Department. 4. Identify known opposition to this proposal. No known opposition at this time. b�-��3� City of Saint Paul 2006 Legislative Agenda - Policy Proposai: Support for state legisiation which would close a loophole in state law allowing Industrial Loan Corporations to operate as check-cashing businesses. Department: License, Inspections and Environmental Protection Staff Contact & Phone: Christine A. Rozek; 651-266-9108 Robert L. Humphrey; 651-266-9123 1. Explain this proposal. Current law requires check-cashing businesses to be first licensed by the City of Saint Paul before opening. Industrial Loan Corporations (ILCsj are licensed and monitored by the State Department of Commerce, not local governments. ILCs may open and operate check-cashing businesses, effectively bypassing the City permit process. To get an ILC license, one needs $75,000 in capital to operate in a city of 100,000 population or more. A currency exchange license requires only a$10,000 bond. As a result, companies can avoid the local approval required for a currency exchange license by having the $75,000 in capital instead of the $10,000 bond. 2. What are the advantages if this proposal is approved? Cities will be able to impose licensing and zoning standards and regulations regarding check-cashing businesses regardless if the operation is managed by an ILC or not. 3. Identify known supporY for this proposal. Saint Paul District Counciis, St. Paul Legislators 4. Identify known opposition to this proposal. Industrial Loan Corporations 115 -ll 39 City of Saint Paul 2006 Legislative Agenda - Policy Proposal: Department: Staff Coatact 8s Phone: City Impound Lot Legislative Changes Police Department Police Chief John Harrington, 266-5588 Commander Greg Pye, 266-5999 Commander Ken Reed, 266-5557 1. Explain this proposal. A number of issues related to municipal towing lots have recently been raised. The St. Paul Police Department would iike legislation changing proof of certified mailings, authority to issue deficiency claims, and title transfer requirements. Recently the State of Minnesota began requiring all towers to provide proof of cer mailing in the case of notifications of abandoned and unauthorized vehicles sold under MN STAT 168B. The intent is to reduce fraud; this fraud, which has reportedly not occurred at municipal lots, can be addressed through e�sting notification and records requirements. The new administrative requirement is costly to municipal towers. State law governing non-public impound lot operators allows them to institute a deficiency claim against the registered owner of vehicles for reasonable costs and services provided in the towing, storage, and inspection of the vehicle. A change in Minnesota state statute would allow public impound lot operators the same authority. ; Currently the St. Paul Police Department incurs the cost of either auctioning abandoned vehicles or sending them to scrap yards without the ability to collect towing and storage fees. The proposed change in state law would give the St. Paul Police Department the ability to more effectively address abandoned vehicles. One of the greatest challenges for towers is the proof of car ownership. Transfer of titles has slowed within the State of Minnesota, with delays in transfer of title as long as eight weeks. The delay in transfer creates multiple challenges for the St. Paul Police particularly as it relates to vehicles cleared from forfeiture. Reforxn should occur to expedite the transfer of title process. �� r I l J � 'r� 3. 4. What aze the advantages if this proposal is approved? Removal of the proof of certified mailing requirement would ease administrative and financiai burdens. Authorizing municipal public impound lots to these vehicles. towers the use of deficiency claims will allow recoup some of the costs associated with handling Improving the transfer of titie process will increase efficiency and effectiveness for police officers and the courts in working with automobile-related cases. Identify known support for this proposal. St. Paul Police Department. Identify known opposition to this proposal. None known at this time. 1>5-Ii3� City of Saint Pau1 2006 Legislative Agenda - Policy Proposal: Request the Legislature to address placement of sex offenders and the monitoring of homeless Level III sex offenders who are no longer under released supervision. The City of Saint Paul is offering to be a test site for the use of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) for registered homeless Level III Offenders. Department: Saint Paul Police Department Staff Contact & Phone: Chief John Harrington, 651-266-5588 Officer Shannon M. Harrington, Sex Crimes Unit, 651-266-5704 1. Explain this proposal. Communities such as Saint Paul are experiencing an increase in placement of convicted sex offenders, particularly in certain neighborhoods within that community. 1`he State Department of Corrections is working to address placement of offenders and housing needs, but ongoing efforts should be taken to remedy areas of concentration of offenders in one neighborhood. There are in increasing number of Level III Sex Offenders who have reached expiration of their sentence. As a result, they are no longer on any type of supervision or probation; offenders are only required to register as a Predatory Offender. Should an Offender register as "homeless," there is no way to monitor their activities. By requiring homeless offenders to maintain a GPS monitor, the Saint Paul Police Department would be able to track them and monitor their activities. 2. What are the advantages if this proposal is approved? Advantages of both proposais are safer communities. Use of GPS would relieve an unintended burden on the Saint Paul Police Department, as the expense of monitoring homeless offenders is high and must be absorbed by the Police Department. D� - lI 35 Unwillingness to wear a GPS monitor may also help deter Offe�ders from registering as homeless at all, thus improving safety in communities and lowering costs of monitoring by the Saint Paul Police Department. 3. Identify known support for this proposal. Members of the Saint Paul Legislative Delegation, Saint Paul Police Department 4. Identify known opposition to this proposal. None known. V J r lI � / City of Saint Paul 2006 Legisla.tive Agenda - Policy Proposal: Car Racing Penalty Increase Department: St. Paul Police Chief Staff Contact & Phone: Chief John Harrington, 651-266-5588 1. Explain this proposal. Currently the consequence for car racing is a charge of reckless/careless driving. St. Paul Police would like to see this penaity increased, however the next step would be forfeiture. While forfeiture is preferred, a potential change that would be a compromise would be to charge an administrative fee for this violation. 2. What are the advantages if this proposal is approved? Reduce instances of car racing in the city. 3. Identify known support for this proposal. St. Paul Police Departrnent. 4. IdenYify known opposition to this proposal. No known opposition at this time. 05-/!39 City of Saint Paul 2006 Legislative Agenda - Policy Proposal: Loud Car Stereo Consequences Department: St. Paul Police Chief Staff Contact 8s Phone: Chief John Harrington, 651-266-5588 1. Explain this proposal. Currently the law states that the person filing a complaint regarding a loud car stereo has to be in the vicinity of the infraction during this action. This new provision would aliow persons to file a complaint and charge the owner of the car with this violation, whether or not the owner is the violator of this particular law. 2. What are the advantages if this proposal is approved? The ability for a complaint to be instituted after the person has witnessed this infraction and tie it to the driver would be easier than trying to get a complaint filed in the vicinity of the infraction with the offending party. This could potentially induce owners of cars to be more responsible with ensuring the laws are obeyed. 3. Identify known support for this proposal. St. Paul Police Department. 4. Identify known opposition to this proposal. No known opposition at this time.