05-1138caun�u Fue # CY�-113� Green Sheet # 3C29002 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA q Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies that attached 2 Memoraudum of Agreements between the City of Saint Paul and the International Association of 3 Firefighters, Loca121 to establish promotion rights for the Fire Training Assistant classification to the Fire 4 Captain classificarion for employees of the Saint Paul Fire Department and to amend Article 34 of the 5 Collective Bargaining Agreement for employees who are part of the Joint Apprenticeship Program 6 regarding payment of required coursework. � Green $heet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PepardneatloiRee/council: Daffi Midafed: —�+ `��� H� -�,�� �� Green Sheet NO: 3029002 Con}aet Person & Phone: Jason Scltnid[ Must Be on Couneil Agend Contrad Type: RE�2ESOLU77ON Tofal # of SignaW re Pages �� Assign Numbsr Fw Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Signature) i �. � - i.y,_ ��i �u u ��' � — _ � ' y w�y�_.� Resolution approving the attached Memorandums of Agreement between [he CiTy of Saint Paul and the Intemational Association of Firefighters, Loca121. Wations: Appio�e (A) or F PlanniRq Commission CIB Committee Ci�ii Seiwce Commission Personal5ervice Contracts MustAnswerthe Po1lowMg QuBStions: 'I. Has this persoNBrtn e�er tiwrked urMer a contract for ihis department? Yes No 2. Has this peisoNfirtri e�er been a cdy emqoyee? Yes No 3. Does ihis persoNtrcm possess a skiN not nortnalry possessed by arry curreM city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separaM sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Ameud Article 34 of the Collective Bazgaining Agreement regazding payment of coursework for employees who aze part of the Joit Apprenticeship Progam and establish an agreement regazding promotion rights for employees in the Fire Training Asst classification to promote to Fire Captain class�carion. Advanqges Kqpproved: Resolves issues regazding ihe payment of required cou[sework for the Apprenticeship Progtaw and resolves promotion issues between the Fire Training Assistant classification to the Fire Captain classification. Disadvanpges HApproved: None Disadvanfages N Not Approved: Issues regarding the payment of required coursework for the Apprenticestdp Program aud continued conflict regarding the issue of promorion of Fire Training Assistant classificaUOns to Fire Captain classificafions. Total Amount of �Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Informatlon: (ExpWin) CosNRevenue Budgeted: Activily Number. R�s€?arch G�r?er �EC 0 '� ��4� December 6, 2005 4:40 PM Page 1 t`f�-tt3� MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND FIRE FIGATERS IAFF LOCAL 21 This Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter "MOA"), is entered into by the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City") and Fire Fighters IAFF Loca121 (hereinafter "Union"), for the purpose of amending Article 34 of the collective bargaining agreement. The parties agree that: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Article 34 of tl�e collecfive bargaining agreement shall be superseded by the terms of this MOA. Employees who are in the Joint Apprenticeship Program will no longer be required to pay for, and then be reimbursed for classes related to the program. The City will contract directly with a college offering the apprenticeship classes. The City will directly reimburse the College far the total cost of hxition for classes taken by City apprentices. Employees in the apprenticeship program will be required to provide written documentation of their participation in classes. The City will not pay for any class twice. As a one time offer, the Department wiil pay for the conversion of the following Hennepin Technical College courses which were taken as non- credit to be converted to credit courses: Fire Fighter I, Fire Fighter II, Hazmat Operational, and Hazmat Technical. To be eligible, employees must present documentation of successful course completion to the Department. This MOA sha11 be effective for three years from date of signing by a11 parties. If the Human Body Systems Course is required as a pre-requisite for paramedic training, the City shall pay the full cost of tuition for the course. This MOA sets no precedent. FOR THE CITY: s ason Sc idt Labor Relations Manager Date: /a�/ FOR THE UNION: W . Qrn.� C"�, Patrick Planagan President, IAFF Loca121 Date: / o� � ' � � MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SAlNT PAUL AND IAFF LOCAL 21 The City of Saint Paul (hereinafter "City") and IAFF Local 21 (hereinafter "Union") enter into this Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter "MOA") to establish promotion rights for Fire Training Assistant to Fire Captain for employees of the Saint Paul Fire Aepartment. 1) The City agrees to suspend its interpretation (as defined below) of the promotion rule based on m�imuxn amount of pay and Civil Service Rule 2 to allow employees in the classification of Fire Training Assistant to claim and apply promotion rights to Fire Captain as long as said employee meets the promotion criteria in Civil Service Rule 14 (two years of current certified service and 2080 hours of service). Citv's Intemretation When a certified City employee who meets the promotion criteria in Civil Service Rule 14 applies for an exam, the maximum (longevity) rate of pay for the employee's title must be compared with the maximum (longevity) rate of pay for the exam title. If the maximum rate of pay for the title the employee holds is higher than the tnaximum rate of pay for the exam title, the employee change to the new title does not meet the definition of a promotion (Civil Service Rule 2). 2} This MOA sets no pxecedent. FOR THE CITY: ason Schm Labor Relations Manager FOR THE UNION: w �✓J . G� Patrick Flanagan President, IAFF Local 21 ot � o� Date 1a- � - 05 Date G�\ShazedU.RCOMMOIV�CONTAACT�FIRE�2004 -2005N10A prom rts training.doc