9717-10261_03-29-1916_05-02-19161 , r � I e e AN; 14 r' 5 , START a 0 ' iPER14ANENT RETENTION Serial No, pi Roll /,p Department e-,_=�y nA Office _ I ROLL IDE14TIFIC SLIP LIMITED RETENTION ' Date to be destroyed (If limited) Date Vicrofilm C614TENTS G o wnr �o r Number or name of first document of regular contents' . m By Operator Operator �• .. ;'. 'OF ST. PAULCITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM.. - Subject: COUNCIL W;0 TILE 141ar.27, 191.6 Date Presented ` y ?E$OLUTION . v Y FIYI\(, TH'r' P1 Ot'NT nxLPT:D. 'FF,EXT"I.T F SFi'F'.'T TO �F_ TPKFTT I" CONDEh:NATION PPOCFFPINC1S A In the mat-.er of conden.ning and tLkine- an ea'eewent e it the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the gradin:: of Elizabeth Street from Bi'&vell Stree- to Ctryker Avenue,under prelircinary order #,7424, approved Oct. P, 1915, and InterLediary order #92C6, approved February 23, 1916. The Coi..ri.issioner of Public '[Forks having aubu:itted ,is report and sketch in the above natter, be it FESOLVED, (1) That t':".e City of St. Paul fixCe and o deter.n.ines the a.t,.curt cf land to be t.rken for tr.e m=ove named in.rroverent is an eFeen.ent for s'14r..ee, for cuts and fills ir. and upon the land a uttir.; upon Elii,,tet`. Stre',-, between the poir:t, aforesaid, to the extert stcr,n uror- '?-e sketch 1 attac ed to the report of the Comn.iseiorer of P-ablic Trorka -in the natter, doted '',,,arch 27, l lo, whlcr- sketc` arrerortj re ^ereb,, referred tv and :.aye a cart hereof. (2) T, at =r. e:'.ee;:.er.t i.a t: kcn in said '_and to t`_e exter.` necessary for slopes, for c,.ts and fi-.Is in the cr&- ,:f sFid street to the e8tac.lis1r:ed -rade. ,•. r. so. 9.17—uy s1. F. coca— . In t[ler of rondem::Ing d r l,ks Inh an asement In cue land i cos- r nary for stupes, fur cut, 1 fills in ,bc tired ng of Elizabeth Street from 1-4-ll sl teem to tilt)- Avenue. n,oder rr.al.�fl[nary order No. laza. pproc;d pct. 8, 1916, and lnterme- alIry order 30. Ms. approved Feb. _ 22. 1916. The Commissioner o[ rubllc Works - r, having submitted fila report. andsketch - _ In the nbove matter. be 1[ l'l-1, (I) That the City f St. « Paul ❑xes stn 1 determines .he,p}h pat of land to bs talten for the• nbove _ named Improvement to n nsement for ` - lopes. for cuts and nils In and upon - - the btttd , attmg noon F.Iizubelh 54. between the points aforesaid. to t the extent shown upon the stt etch at- " tached to the report of the Commis. 'lance, at Poiblic Works In the matter. dated March 27. 1916, which sketch and Yeas (t') Co oilmen (t') Nays report are hereby referred to and. made ku i. J 191 a .pram hereof. Eby the Council 'n id land t an easement 'lee n y in Far sworth said efo to the . tent nen•ssary for l In faV o oyes. for cute and fills In the grading rade. 'A Ci0 f F Id p(ree[ to the estnhltahed grade. �6�� /__ A'._,d by the Council It,, 26, 1116. I to d ` 1 Kel r .ypmncea Viten. 21. 1916. M oil Again tXJ (,lm'❑ 1-191c) N h Y rg /� Mr. Preside t, Powers d \ MAYOR FORM C.a-2 ' 1 " i, CITY OF,SAWT PAUL mOEPA RTM ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 41- M N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T GOURLEY, D -TI f.uui zoxlx a ; OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-, Emciv . - J. E.. CARROLL. S.— Coxs*-1— ALFRF.O JACKSON, SUP*. S -1111— G, R_ MERROLD. 01-1 Encixrn 9 M. W ,OFTZ- 1GER. 5.. N.;n..., ... - -REPORT TO .TkE COUtdCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Elizabeth street, from Bidwell St., to Styyker avenue, under Preliminary Order f7424, approved Octp8th, 1915, and Intermediary Order, #9206, approved February 23rd, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, m his report,a plan of the above improvement,showing by the shaded portion of said plan,the fills to be rade on private, property, and by the hatched por- tion, the cuts to be made on private 'property, and the extent of the ease-_, ment to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan, P x Commissioner of Public Works Dated_r�__ i' uI4=J' i'.Ml - i _..... .; rte... ............ ._... .` y.i,'!'3 nGOr F i". ,.i, ,t c✓,' ,: •' ,�:/ - � i � � JJ ;i�. f;7 t i' uI4=J' i'.Ml - i CQiJNCI FIL�LYO._�---- B ✓G� 9206 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter d ne•°_eeasa� for elopes, for 'cuts and fills in.Grading Elizabeth St., from Bidwell d t eenue, the plan d and ' made a part h.e.reof, ' the hatched porion showing the cuts and the ah d'e3-poYTro under Preliaiinaryorder. 7424 —.__._..._..__��._—.._.approved_October 8th +, 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report'of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resorves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.' at the a e the ' r vement w ch th u t m 2 Tt, s, C ndemn tage ari °ea mens i'rn °klhe '�' n� necessary Pi i `�` o °fit; "l a aid ia-3ir . GrpkgWng._�;l j�g�e�th_,St•,•,_ f om�gv elf Qteg_St�ryker avenue, according to the plan hereto attached and madp a part hereof, the hatched. portion -ahoawl-ng—the-art Gs- neo: the -shad ed- f c>$ -•the f -i l} ay _-- __ _w__ _ �_ ; 4 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $100: 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__._.:_Kt_4 .—._.._day of at the -hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, rem Nle of the Court House tnd City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance gl a notice of said meeting to the persons""d in the manner .provided by the Charter, stating the -timeV. hearing, the improvement, and the tote P, rd place of the nature of st e s estimated.Xc Adopted by the Cotincil _� _ ' ': r� _, 191 Y C• Clerk. Approved-____ :. . y... apprrqq'a 4 ad tea Mayor. • IthproYeMei{t leii,Thai ttheGkt5itCouncilmanorth° .weaonds.feeas¢mentjfn the'Yot Yraveto aftaghlus, e,that tted Cgst they of Is jNa nheei•In be g had:; on eatd, Improvement n ,the 38th day f March 1918 atMa or the hour of SDi q "lock it ;.M In the'' Y Counctl L•hambera in the Cobr, / Form a S. A 8-6 House and $ttY 13a11 Bgilding in3 the",.Clty i5[ e{.?Paul That, the „`oat•; 'mleetonar OL .Flbance glve'. nootic., f A. -- - �mabner.etrovtdgdjby,C , y he�Cps'u'tdl Ing,the . anaiDoe;oL-hearlag the la ; - nature ioL th6'1..illtDtovempti4 - - tot81. cost there03� as egtimated, f - .'�' 31kPPtoved Fteb �'3ou 916 Faq+'x1 1918 ' � -' , CITY OF ST. PAUL V DEPARTMENT OF FINAN.CE� REPORT OF 0OB(I#4ISSI-0NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARYORDER Ia a Matter o la— under Preliminary Order approved..— ?i--- ---------( To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 100 00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $---- -- --------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - _ $----------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: r ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'yALU.T ON /1411 ,o ti TOTAL, ryryh CITY OF ST. PAUL -� DEPARTMENT CSF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI�aSSIONER OF FINANCE -V ON PRELIMIN,&.RY� ORD "_`- -- 'ASSESSED - - - LOT BLOCK ADDITION - DESCRIPTION- VALUATION - /G 4b - The Commissioner of Finance further reports'that'he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, The and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -_ - ---�' - - - - --- --- - - --------- ..l ----- - ----------191.L.... _L'f�/ .---" Dated------.`---- commissioner of Finance. To the Commissioner, of Finauee of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- OotobeT_._8.x..............191.._r�., relative to...... ...... _........ ...... _ cil, known as Council File No._...._7a4............appreved.._............................ ........_. oondemning and taking an._eaeement in_the land neoeseary...for a odes _for .out e.°and...,fills,,.in,_gra.dng_ Elizabeth! Street. from. Bidwell Street__.,_ StrykerAvenue. e - 9 ..........._._...y.............................................................. ............ ... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ................. _..... necessary and (or) desirable. a Rx........., and the total coat thereof is $....._....._xXXxR_.____... and S. The estimate, cost thereof is $__.._............._.. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _. CITY OF SI .PAUL i 1 GE ERAL F RM, ..ry COUNCIL - ...—.._ ._, .. ... Sitb�ect:_.:_.N6— OUNCIL SOLO ON _.... - FILE Date Presented. -- idar,_- 2 �..,.. .1916..... r _. / RESOLUTION FIXItG THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEbP%ff TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the gr-ading of Waseca Street from Sydney Street to George Street, under preliminary order #7423, approved October 8, 1915, and Intermediary Order J9202, approved February 23, 19],6. The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and sketchin the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of .St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be take forthe above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Waseca Street, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated March 27th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and n;ade•a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. 11 •1 q pyhrt, Yeas(�Ccflrnen (✓) Nays pua),;orth �ss7 In fu D°r Iter Coll ( Against ash C-Toerg .4 President, Powers FONY c _ _ d _ 1 ' ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL,. .DEPARTMENT OF. PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DcK* �auu�ssonax a ' OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 Ewan - - f J. E. CARROLL, Sun. C.xerxa . @ 9Evr.ixc - ALFRED JACKSON, San. S.xrtAnox G, H. HERROLD. Ortm[ Eimxe[x , H. W. GOETLINGER, San. Wanxwoa.t —REPORT TO THF. COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an Usement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Waseca street,from Sydney street to George street, under Preliminary Order #7423, approved OeC.Sth, 1915, and Intermediary Order #9202, approved. February 23rd, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion o2 said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the .cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Date�� . / / 1- U u° 0� ft 14: i Fi9urra vGo✓e :/ne show �u1 nr t ,% ,�� ', - �YGNEY � T C.r B©.Y CrE _ST— ���rl\ \.�dJ tZ. _ - _ h'; /.�fi e:/c�r_s cr�`r-n(/ Gr ✓c�•c/Nit;Gw fy /u; c' : - .Z\2\-�\ -rnO 5 O All , T 7 V Z- N' D D17-10 IV./VEL i y O/ ✓ zff t IL f � l Z7 Z- IV.9N � 40 L/f�) 1- U u° 0� ft 14: i 4+ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL I A • — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA6NCE� ]. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �.O v In the Matter of ................. ................._........_..........._............._.........._...................._..... .. f'-.-__-__- ___ L-111 �._._..__._.__ - _...-__--- ------ .-._-._. --- _--- -_....._------------------------- - under Preliminary Order approved --LZ...._..�L�.3 .............._._........:__.-_-.-----__-._--..._- ------- ----------------- --_ -. _. _-To Tothe Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above imprgvement is - - $ 100'9- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - •� - - - $-_—.--.__—_._-_..-__--.___ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION //3" Az j TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. % Dated _""..1 �/- ----------- Commissioner of .... ner of Finance. roeM e.e.�. ee c GITY OR ST. PAUL, - ( - DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE . REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE \ , _N PRELIMINARY ORDER .... _, ' - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCI, ADDITION ASSESSIkD - VALUATION / tf7a yi �Trl%rrro �Q /��Ju' A7 /3' �Lzce�l•%��.,. /u /iia% �l � �-� ` vrcb /s eil. C ell �U U - - 0 1C 4 > O The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. % Dated _""..1 �/- ----------- Commissioner of .... ner of Finance. roeM e.e.�. ee c Office of the . m ioner of Public Woxks Report to Commissioner of Finance November 30 5 T .191_ .,_ ...................................... e.............. ° To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: �k The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ............................ ...:_...approved. ........... ................................ ...:................. _....... 191........., relative to...._cOn-... _ demning and taking an eapement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts antr Pi119""In--g'rUdIMLr Be'r2'oers fit. from Sydney- --St.;to-Robie Sty, C:F 2481;, Page St. from Charlton §t. to Stryker Ave., C.F. 7420; Morton St. from Ohio St. to Waseca St., C.F. 7422; tfiaseca St: from George -St- to Baker St.,C.F. 7423. The --above orders were approved on October S, 1915. .... _......... _..._....................._.........__........_......_._................................_.._..........._._.........._......._............................._................................._............................---.........._....................._._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I 1. Said improvement is .......... _............ necessary and (or) desirable. XXXgy, XXXXX and the total cost thereof is$.............................IX............... and 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_._..._...........__ ` the nature and extent of said improvement is as fllows: ° ............_......._.__..._.................._..........._........................._._........ _ ...........L.. ......... _................ ........._.........._.._................._.... 3. IA plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. •4. ...... ...... ..._................ ._......._.._..... ........... ... ............. ............_.........._....._....................................._............................................................ ....._....._.......... _..... _......_ ...._ r 5. Said improvement is.............. ...... ......__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / s�......... .... ..................... _....... _... ......_ ( 4j�jti�6Aunissioner of Public Works. � a n COUNCIL FILE S. A- F/t NSWORTH, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. R IA the, Matter of_C_Q.netrugt n9,•.a•,•.Fe14@P_t__1110 sia� feet on the._ east_._ side..__of._)fanle street from East Seventh street to t - Maw --street __ _-__----------------------- under Preliminary order. -2631_ ._..___ _..._. _approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered.to be proceeded with. ' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._R!n" lot, a oement e tris aides[alk--.te--awe.idth_o£-aiu-Yee.L•aa_.the__east-slda_.,of:jLaple_.atraetr from East Seventh street to Maury street _....__r_ ......... __....... ._..__._..._..._-- . ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis $ 01.58. per_ lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement onhe__. 25th__ _ _._day of. ...... 1916........ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, i of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, a` the total cost thereoestimated. fs Adopted by the Council...." a :. ;`�._— _�. 191 ty Clerk. Approved._ 1 Mayor. ment, ana Councilm�Farnsworth j said report, hereby r eoldee. 1. That the said report same is hereby approved and edd ' MOSS and -tha e81d 1mDrovement Is ordered [o beproceeded with. •, 21 That: t11e nature of the Impr— - Keller in whlcfr the Council recommenda'la " McColl construct a celflent-t11e sidewalk to ' .width of six feet on the east ids of \Ingle atreet'1rOm :East Seventh street Nash to usury tregt, .. no lternatives d that the'eeitm ted:`coBt thereof fs ; so 52 per lineal: foot " YOErg h arfnB le had on, esit or.id aI provement it ton he 25th dak sof April, 1918, at Mayor Powers the hour of 30.o.lock A. M. aIn thr Councl (Chamber 211 13unof the noun Form B. S. A. 8-6 House and CRy-8ding in the .. II ,.,._. .: mbar the Commis• total co Y thereof -as estlonated, Adopt d b} the Cc ou tl uch. 28, 191& > APP dyed (AP�11�111919) COUNCIL FILE NO. .... _ ___._— 912_ IS. A.TONSWORTH, -INTERMEDIARY ORDER. f / In the Mattersidewalk _to_.a width of six= fps.t__on-.xhe..__acuttL._s.ida._�f Lafand stsAe-t-between Albert street and_Patear _ under Preliminary order. 8699_._.____,_ _,___•___approved__JaAtlary llth1916_ - _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby- approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereb'Y ordered to be proceeded with. -f2. That -the nature of the, improvement which the Council recommends is... CgnBtTug_i a.•,Cement Ube aldeg��_�p1dth—gg_ALx�etLpn_.the south.• -side of Lafond street >zeiasen...A]txe�t_e�xaat...A114-?.AAD&L_...... _ with no alternatives, and that the estialated cost thereof is $ 0.53_pBT_1ineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__6.5_tth_-_day of 1916.`..... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner df Finance''_ give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time p and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the 191> City Clerk. Approved—_..:.!—_ _ _ 91 mprovu. d havingMayor. said report, 1'teaeDf::.resolvee ' 1. That the ! r:o'dVr ;b:. a. - Councilman Far*.rt and le hereby pita -6 tend and the said 1 sppro edh !s her ordered to be proceeded=with. ` Goss 2. That thb•net 6r the Improv - meht which the,Counctl.recommenfl to f +^`• Keller c etrue t eemeM`tlle a/dewallc a "- width Qf eiz tee2*on [he oath side of Lnfond street between Albert street McColl ad Paseat avenu.e,,�'�with nd alterna- . lives. faledt2 pei{'H1t'Cal [boGied coat Nash neao]ved:i06MSurMe> That .a public " Yoerg Ihearing be had on"sald lmlrrovem et on the 26th day f April. 1916 at Mayor Powers to hour f 19 o•eio x A. M., m the 6 C ncllChamber of the Court H e an.r�,tp Hall IIuildIng In the Form B. S. b 8-6 City of St. Paul. That the a,ommla- - - stoner of Finance give notice of said meettng to th ppersons and in th to provided by th", b. ter stat .Ing the time and place o1 head g the taro of th 1 provement. and the - tbtalcoet thereof as earl ted. ' It. by th'e Coo nr.l EIcm 28 1916 - Approved \Irh. _9, 3916. ; n (April 3-19 c COUNCIL FILE NO....___.___....— S. A. FARTdSWORTHr 9721 By--_...—__�...___ _..._. _..._�_.._.:__.__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Inthe•Matterof¢431ktZ11.G.ttill8.._width of of six_ fee._O? _at11 ,street between $t. Clair street andsiny od_ &ca. -And on the wee't side of__ a�tew�rth street between QgpgO�,gyentte_.and the all -v.jn__Block 20 Samuel B, Pierce'e ment_ to Sp=Lt Park, - ------ — under Preliminary order._ 9110,._•._.___ _,__.-approved__Februa� 15thj_1916.� _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.- That the said report'be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_D.o 01x.u.C.t_A....0.8Gie.0 dile._.s.ideaalk_tti_s_aidt21_n�el��ee.t._.on..�.hE_._t�.at._.�.ida__Q� Sr_kld�>�� #?6_..st rest n4gn_the west side of ChhWtQW„Qx_th. xtrattt.Q.tWAQR.Dqg_UIA_4enue•_ nd ,the 911eY in _Block 3, of • Samuel..B..._Ei.drert.'..s._Enlarg.emeat....hQ..�lunwi.�Eark,..�-��_._.�.._..___..� u with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 0. 54t_kM lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-. 25th—day of April •••_ _,•__.__.,•____.__, 1916at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 1- * of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council— �j r,. `�Ey� ?_1S —_ 19 </ ..j .� �,.... City erk. Approved._- _. _— Y�, 191 Mayor. 1. That th v ` same le he @roed - and the Bald IT., roveme t- le Councilman Farnsworth ordered to be pr0eeeded with, 2` 2. That the ndture of the " (jQS$ went which the Council recommence 1. construct a cement ills sidewalk to o idth of six feet on the west side of i ' Keller Chatsworthbeet 'between 6t. Clair - l street and Linwood Place and on the ' " McColl ,eatside of Chatsworth street be- -' tween Osceola avenua.e and the Alley In " Nash Block mens to Summiof t Park, with with onlalter- - natives, and that the estimated oat " Yoerg thereof Is 70.52 cent, per lineal toot. Resolved Further, That a Dnbltc hearing be had on said improvement - - Mayor Powers on the 26th day of April, 1916, t the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M„ In the 1 Form B. S. A. 8-6 Council Chamber of the Court House and City - Hall 13uildfng.. In the City of St. P¢ul.. That the Com- - in, of Finance give notice of said .meeting to the per,on, and 11' the manner provided by the Charter, - - stating the time and place of hearing, I he nature of, the Improvement and *a the total coat thereof as estimated.1`[1 Adopted by the Council mfch. 29 1916. 6i,' r Approved \leh. 19.111^16. ii COUNCIL FILE NO..._—__....._� � 9722 ByS. �.-VA NSWORTH, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matterof_CeRi1�tT11.QSiAI�._fA.._Ct9mex1_t�_ttl]�Q1d.kQ_a._width_ of _eta_ feeb@s�he_�.�iQ.� Shields avenue betwetin HezeChel avenue and Wheeler avenue, ____._.....__ — 8 .. .................. _....... I under Preliminary order. approved _ 9vember 5th _1915.__�_� The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_CouetrtlC t a Cement til8 eitiesa7k. t0.asiII s aL�iz Laet_CM_tha_auuth._Aldo oi_8hiQ,ldt3 aty_QAle between Herschel avenue_and •_Whe_eler avenue,__• with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis S 0.5apeT lineal foot., Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the--ZMh...._—_ _.._day of 1911 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.,, in the Council Chamber, 1 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting tQ ttr _rsons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of4he improvement, and th otal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by -the Council__.. City....1 k +` Approved_—_''__ x;tov mber ed an deport ;• _ lance uD �•• �.nt, ¢nphdha Ing nr t ayor. Fit ` That the anld".reDora be or, Councilman Farnsworth eamn le hereby apprbved and adl, o and the sold improvement to h- ordered to be proceeded'wftb. Goss 2. That the nature of the lniprove- ment whlch the Council recommends la Keller construct a cement the sidewalk to i width of .1. feet en the south aide of 1 Shields avenue between Herschel a " MCCOII nue and Wheeler avenue, with no\aI- ternatives. and that: the gatimnted coat -- " Nash thereof is $0,52 per tinsel toot. Resolved Further;. That a public hearing -be had on field Improvement Voerg n the 25th day pf April, 1010, n[ the hour o[ ]0 o'clock A Sr., in the Mayor Powers eoanon Chamber or me Coact �r •House and City Hall Building in Form B. S. A. 8-6 Lite C1ty o[ St. Pnul. That the Commie- meeti of of give notice of said seting to the pperaone 11dIn the manner provided by [h a Chart ,stat - Ing the time and place f heart g, the ?? t e,p[ the improvement. d the total cost thereof tlmnted \d„purl by the ..... t11 ?b.h. 2R, I916. A llprored 111.1'. 2Y, COUNCIL FILE NO. _....._....... _— S. A, FARNSWORTh, jJ7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER.��; Constructin a cement tile sidewalk to a width Of si Inthe Matter of__._—__.... -..-.-_...$ ._.......-_-..n....._,......... . ............ ...___...... .._._......... ------------ Yee#--ori--the--west--aide.....of_ ryndicAt.e._-atr.es_t. frnm C-oodrich avenue to_fit. under Preliminary order. = 7674 - approved The 1925.,-.,__�_•____-_„__ The Coimcil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Financeupon" the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ° 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement- is mprovementis hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._ConstTUC t 8 Celt,ent mix—>yeet—gn_the_west side of S,!ndicate stseEt— �rom.Coodricii.asrenua..--to-3-t—...Glair _.axret t,......._ ._.......---.._-•_-----.__-----____-- with no alternatives, And that the estimated cost thereofis $ 0.52.Per_lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on -_day of .. ....... .._......_. 1916....._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 9 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council--- , P 2P_i0 �_._.__ 1 O N Clerk. Approved _..... L_....._..- -- , 19 1 Councilman Farnsworth - seeolvee[ : 'rant the said report be na the adopted, hereby aDDrovatent same le i nthe eald 1m9roved I . hereby "dowith. " DOSS ordered to be proceeded 2. e C the n tura of the Improve- la - •' Keller _ men tru tich the GOC the r ldew¢ik ae the aide of coidth f al feetn on deet ro ii�ea % McColl Ith .-o sue So di c nlr street thereof to Nash nd that the eat mated cost t0.s2 per ltneai C ot• a Dublla Yoer g That Reaolyed Further, ald lmDro°emedt hearing be had on 1 ""I t dey f Apr,' on, the 26th hour of 10 o'clock A. HL. In the Court Mayor POWCC$ y the I Council Chamber of the Hall Bui.lha' lu-th6 Form a S. A. 8-6 Rouen and City city of SLPaul. 'rhat_tI Coot 'aid a 10 `rr COUNCIL FILE NO.-.—_ ....... .- B4 :i: 1 liN :.V�+'t'iRT". =.— ------ rte„; INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Reoonatrgctingrelainp and repairing with cement tle to a width of six feet the present cement tile sidewalk on the west sideeoof Simon et beginning 40 feet north of Edmund street, thence north to Thomas'strest, under Preliminary order. 7700-.._.._ __..__ _-..--- approved _.OQtobtr 28tht.1915.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved, and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement. which the Council recommends is_._RBCOnetruCt•. Telay and mrepair with _cement tile to a width of six feet the present cement tj1q,-•_eis�!!R[ailk opt„g_p•�t_•gidQf Simpson --._street beginni 40 feet R7ctblt_firAl�Ad__4.te+�.t.—th�nee: nQrth__to Thomae• etreeta___�._.._....__.._.��._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $053 per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...--.9914--'—day of 191.6..---., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,. a* of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof stimated. (t ; -a ` Adopted by the Council—..... 5Q 7P 15 91 fl Clerk. Approved -- -.--...- Mayor. Mayor. - - rt, hereby Sesolve• I. That the Bald report Councilman Farnsworth same is hereby .➢Droved a and the eafd lmvrovement ' Goss :ordered 'to &be proceeded- wit.: 2,. That the nature of the , ,. ment which the Council recot' ' Keller 'reconstruct, relay and repair', ment the to a width of six: McColl present cement the aldewa' j went side of Simpson btr--i-p ” Nash �40 feet -north of Edmund etre, - nort%Ito .Thomas street,. with dist. tivy . and that ,the eetimatedt'- " Yoerg thereof le 10.52 per llneal foot Resolved Further, That a pAl, Mayor Powers hearinithet be had on said Apt!mprovemen 77 y - .the hour 26th0of 10 Velock A. M.. In the 7 Form B. S. A. 8-6 :the Chamber of the Courfl: COUNCIL FILE NO....___....— 9725 By S.A. FARMWORTH, INTERMEDIARY aDE. In the Matterof_$4CQA�.tx1lQt�i.S$��919}tib$.._I�LId_llj1A1�.I1$._F�..tebdml ?� to a"width__of,._ :k feat_tha spent cement tile sidewalk on the west side of R8VOUX street between Fuller street and Weet Central avenue.__,_ under Preliminary order. _.--_._.---approved November 20th�_1915. -y. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of "the Commissiow of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the. Council recommends is_...RgAQ.A1.P-VZ99 ta,,,Telay, i and.._rto A nt t:emnnL..._' t7._.1}�S�P+PL97k GII thA�4dt�ldln3_88Y111iZ9tT@._12s}.�1TllStli�illl�i�$See�_ and West _gentxal with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 7E9r _lineal foot. _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ g th _ —_day of 1.__ _._..........__ _..._, 1916........ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, to of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, an t e total st'thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---444 i Clerk. Approved—___ [e h ,r`eti -.Z77 pp;, _ , Mayor. Y 'aPDro0e,. ;and the Bald lmprevemem.. - - 'ordered to be proceeded wttl. Councilman Farnsworth & That the nature of the imp". meetwhich the Council reeomm ,. Goss reconstruct, relay and reDalr wit. - mout tile to a wldtb at Keller '�} eiz feel present cement [tie sidewalk on west �ppL Ravoua street b t�� ' Fuller gilt and West Central ,f MCCO�I ven�� d with nb. ¢tternativee, and that theca -1, ti .� • tinsel foot*" tl;ereof le 62 cents •per ent l ,1 Nash „ _ Yoerg Resolved Further, That a public be.had on Bald improvement }� Mayor Powers ;.hearing [he 26th day of ,1prII. 1916, at ins hour of 10 o'clock A, M., to the t' Form B. S. b 8-6 Council Chamber of the Court House and Ctty Hnll Budding In - the City of St. Paul. Thou the Commle- stoner of Finance glue notice of said - meeting to the persona and in the ' ., mannerprovided .by the Charter, smt- Ing toe Lima and place of hearing, the Q� nnture of [he Improvement, find the �, - total coat (hereof-ae eetimated iii - ,Adopted by [he Concil Slch. H. 1010. e. ADproved xeh. 2u 9, 1916, (April 1-1616)` COUNCIL FILE NO. --_— S' A. FARilSWriR'1'11, INTERMEDIARY ORD In the Matter. of—ft eonstru tiyng.,__z flay.-in.g....anl-r.epai.sinB... i/.14b. Q_0m@.A.#t_#ti & to a width of eighteen fe8t the present sidewalk on the north side of West Third street beginning at- Franklin street thence East 380 feet _ under Preliminary order. 7389 _approved—._ October 6th _1915 ,— — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fin cc upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said imp ovement . is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Councilrecommends is._ReO9n6tTtltJt,` relay ad_.zstgairinZ_ai+b relnent_*i la An a..aldth_of_si8btean..Ysst ths-&r��4n sidewalk on .the nortt�_eida rf West Th1rd etreet..baginning at Franklin street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof:is $�,�SG—RBS lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 36th —__ _day of _..—pzil..•_...__._�, 191 _fit_., atthe hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, WOW Wf the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, an the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councilt .-1294 — 9 JA Z/� - Clerk: Approved --� '. taerea aid re�rasolveb� 1 T d report be and the earn. ie7t approved and adopted, Councilman Farnswortlioraerede to -be Lmprovement'1. hereby d - " �.)Oss 8. Thaf Zhe ed with nature or the Improve'b meat which: -the CounclI reeommende Is •,nstruct relay andreDalring with _ Keller cement tits to a width of eighteen feet the pre- t sidewalk an the north side ° " McColl of Nes[ Third street beginning nt ' Franklin street. thepce e... 280 feet, with no alternatives, and that the ed Nash tlmntcost thereof Is $1.66 per lineal foot " 1/Oerg Resolved Further, That a puDllc - hearing be had on .said Improvement on the 26th do of April, 1916, at Mayor Powers the hour of 10 ;O'clock A. M, to the Council Chamber of the' Court _ Form B. S. A. 8-6 CltuBe faat:.CP City Buat ilding 1.Contthe .loner of Finance give notice of bald meeting to the persons and to the manner provlded by the Chart6r, btat-- Inng the time and place of hearing, the n tura of the improvement, and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Bich. 28, - Approved Tlch. 29; 1916. - - fAprll 1-1918) �.�:$ S '— COUNCIL FILE NO.______— B S. A. F��t'OR1 TI1 fZT'��(// INTERMEDIARY ORDER. .In the Matterof__$I�COD!}txLtA_��Stg�_SQfb1p�-.HAd_4t&Ii.3#tt$_aith_Cemont ti l0 to a width..9 the resent cement the Sidewalk on the South side of Fuller _street _beginning at Farrington avenue thence east 304 feet, under Preliminary order. approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvemen, d having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby+ordered to be ceeded with. 2. That the nattire of the improvement which the Council recommends is_...? 9G.Q 6 ke,> IP t.,....Ze18y ag-4--zop .3t�i�ssmAA.t. ta_-w��t,_p_sz fee t_,the.,,greeent_oement.the sidexalk...nn_..tha_soyth-.Sid. of_Eliilai-ettaet..hnginni gna_at_Farringt.�sa[�nue with no alternarives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 5�.a ...PA lineal* foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-.-Mi_,,,r __diy of 191.6-.-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council .Chamber. @Wof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. Thdt the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating. the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, t e total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.�..11t�a� j�� m Approved__._.. —� ,.vrderedeG Councilman Farnsworth2. Tha. meet whl. m n.t (^7055 en[ trheut r present c, Kellet eeet mini " McCoff feet, with estimated ' lineal fool Nash Resolvei rbearing h " YOerg the the Council .Mayor Powers I. cl om Form S. A. 8-6 Cmleeft . �aeryrovement is hereby be proceeded with. tne'.natUre of the Improve- - h the Councld recommend. Is I. relay aadrepair with c to a. width of six feet the meet titssidewalk n the. f Fuller .tree[ beleg ;ton avenue thence eginn ast 204 no alternatives, and that the coat thereof Is 62 cents per 1•urther, That a public had on said ..improvement [h day f April. 1016, t f 30 o'eloc. A- M., In the '. Chamber I. the Court id -city 11"11 .undine :y of St. FaeL That the 1I Proved'Aich 29; 1916. + ,�� -(Apt i14-1916) .� Cityleri. Mayor. A COUNCIL FILE NO.--__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lathe Matter repairing with cement tile to a_eldth o six_faet the resent cement tile sidewalk on Sherburne avenuei pSha3 rne_avenue north side beginning at Rice street thence West 132 feet; Sherburne avenue zaft south side at beginning at Gaultier street thence Ras t 52 14fit,- under Preliminary order. 7.Q57_--_______--._.approved1915.____ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, herby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recon ends is..Raeanetru�t,...:relay g�_pe ��gmgt.•_leo a width of _six flest the present cement t1,�Q_�1_9gbunne� avanue� Sherburne avenue north side beginning at_Rioe street t4ence West 132 feet, .`-Sherburne avenue south side VS klagiuning_at _R..11 £_a�ra t2 etiee east 52 feet with no alternatives, and that the estimasad: cost thereof is S 52¢ pas linea•1 foot for new walk. 26 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__._... Lh — —day of A�ri17 �_�,__•_•._•_ 191$-4, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, V of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. PauL That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and, in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, end; the total cost (thereof faaass�estimated. Adopted by the C "" r.rt l,; t L 1 t% Approved_�__.,G /1�"� •edea - - _..._........Mayo; i'-'i'b`aF`tTie nature. of th �" - roan[ whl.h the Counen recommeu' reconatrue[, relny ,aad`repnlr with Pg - Councilmen Farnsworth ma t Lie tp a w(drb o[ Ix feat the C pre ant cement ills sidewallc on Sher u Goss borne avenue; Sherburne avenue, north xlde, beglnnIng at Rice' street, thence A'est 732"feet; Sherburne avenue south Keller side., begtnalag^ at' Gnuttler street. ' thence east 62 tee�jgtwith no alterna- MCCOII �ivep, and that',:Itke estimated coat �- t tent 1a 62. cent. -Per lineal toot for „ - ew walk. y Nash .Resolved Further, That a ' public - .hearing be had on aid Improvement YOErg n the 26th day o[ April, 1916, at the Cour of 10 o`clock A. M., In the Council Chamber of the Court House Mayor Powers c and Clty Hall Building in the City of SC Paul, That tb Commisstoner of Form B. S. A tib Finance give. notlee5ot mldmeetlgg to the persons andIW the manner'pro- y videa by.the Charter, stating the time and place`of hearing,. the nature of the Improve and the total cost there- - of as estimated. _ Adopted by the C Council Mch. 28, 1916. Approved Mch. 29.1916. (April 1.1916: COUNCIL FILE INTERMEDIARY ORDER. '" In the Matterlay, ng,__and__rep_airing_with_cement the k to a width of six _feet _the present cement tile sidewalk on the east side of Smith avenue beginning at Battfil street thence north to Alley, under Preliminary order. ._—approved.. November 9th,_ 1915. T The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement' is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. i 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Couneg recommends is_ Reo.Qns tFuo ic,,_ T,e 18y and:,r�galrir� a.;,t>Z_,c�me�t_5,1,1�_ftit..�r� w.i�,,th �f eix_feet the�resant Gement til®,__s Qwalk 4n t1�4 east alae of Smith apenuebe�innin� at BaAfil. street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $32¢__7?Z_ ineal foot. Resolved Further, Viet a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__3.f W_...._—day of ApT11 - _—_,_ 191.6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambeqpm*. –„ — of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of saidmeeting to the persons and in the m r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as mated. Adopted by the Council �� "''tJaLJ/-� �5� City C App—d—] _.__ �j '19 t i Mayo Councilman Farnsworth tnwbvement le herebr' . to be proceeded with. - '''rrrhatthe..natpre of the Smprove- iJt)S$ meat truct. relay and recommends h recon�ktr�ct, relay and repair with a Keller ----at tlle, to a width of .1x feet the prase t cement file sidewalk on the _ net ids of SmIlb avenue beginning at. McColl Banstreet, thence north to Alley, withffffff!!!!!! no agru.tga. and that the esti- i"_. _ Nash mat d coat thereof, la 62 cents per lin- ... " - cut foot. YOerg hResolved Further, That a public earing be had on said improvement on the 26th7day of April, 1916, t (d Mayor Powers the hour of 10:00 o'clock A M., In the Council Chamber of the Court Form B. S. A. 8-6 Housend City Hall Building _ In the City of St. Paul, .That the Com= rut of Finance give netica of said meeting to the persona and In the A manner providedby the Charter, stat-:. . r p Ing the time and place of hearing. the nature of the 'Improvement, and the total coat thereof u estimated. Adopted by the Council Mch. 28. 1911 Approved Mch. 29, 1916. (April 1-1916) -----------------F----------------- COUNCIL FILE NO.... S. A. FARN6WORTH,By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lathe. Matterof Reconatruc tiag, _rela�in_ and rephiringt1th cemept tile to a width of eight _feet the preeent cement tile sidewalk on the east side of Pleasant "avenue beginning at Third street 'thence south to u_9er Preliminary order.approved _ OO tuber 19 the 1915. — -�-1� The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon t13e above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__R_ AOA110_tX.110 ts.. -> Q lay and reyair with cement tile _to_a_width _of eight feet the present cement . tile sidewalk on the east_ slide of Pleasant avenue beginning at Third y street street thence. eo♦1th to alley, —•___—....—_..._._._____...._—__.._---.. 70 er lin f with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $�`_..� or new Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_. agtb —__ _—day, of 191..6.—., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council. Chamber, of the Court House and Cily Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the anner'ptovided by the Charter, stating the time and place of -hearing, the nature of the improvement' d the total cost there s estimated. Adopted by the Council PLR 20U• 1915 — Clerk. Approved._.__. __ ..____— '191 -orad sateMayor. 1 That thesaidreport—'.. ams Is hereby approved and Councilman Farnsworth +�d_the.eatd tmprov.ment m:'L'er'L, u Gossordered to be procee ed��Wlth-' t 2: That the nature of[he,lmprove- a� nt which the Council recommend. Keller la on.truct, relay a d r pair 1th 1 cement the to a wldth of eight feet the; McColl present cement file sidewalk n the' east ide of Pleasant avenue beglpaingl ' Nash at Third treat, thence south to kits}}' with no alternatives. and that the -ea. timated coat thereof 1s 70 cents" pEr Yoerg lineal foot for new sidewalk. Resolved Further• The, a public Powers Mayor Phearing be had on .aid Improvement y n the 26th day of April, 1916, at the hout of 30 o'clock it'7., In the Form H. S. A. 6-6 Council Chamber o[ aha_ the aloner of Finance glue notice of sold meeting to thepersons and In the, provided b, the Charter, stat -i Ingnthe time and Dlace of hearing, they tura of the improvement, and the ' nature A,Wxthereof as estimated. (f b)' it,a Council 110, 26, 1916.1 1 A11111 --d \tch. 29. 191.. 1 ------------------ .n'' COUNCIL' FILE NO...... ByS_A.Al�I�15VJQ�TH�.-_._ 9731 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. o /� Iii.theMatterofS9S1D�_L.FLIQng�—rel8y_ing--_sad reQairin� with ant _ the in a._w.id _af__.ei9bt._feet the present cement tile sidewalk thw_eaa eid�Q � s th avenue beginning at Third street thence north under Preliminary order. __—approved_ October 19 thsW1915._ __ ^ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the -Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..... Reoonstruc t. • relay( and repair -with cement tile to a width of eight feet the present cem®nt the sidewalk on the east side of Smith avenue beginning at Third street thence north ( with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0¢.._}zex lineal f Oct. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 8§th-- _day of APA ....... 191 _8 ... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambe. `A of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paid. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof gs estimated. Adopted by the Council...,__"...........� Ci lerk.� Approved --J_ , 1 6 / vemet�nt, _.Mayor. v u repos here -�fr- amI. s le herebyeeW Dl• clad tb Ci - and the said Improvement t 1 rob or, Councilman Farnsworth dered to bb proceeded wit y 2. That -the nature of the rove - (`JOSS taentcoaet;u It. re ellrove. r Ondh I - ' Kellermeat t leto a wld th of eight feet the pMeement the sidewalk on the east side�'bf Smith avenue beginning McColl nt Tfifrd''eil•eet, thence north 6{ feet, ` 1 • with no Alternatives. and that the -eetl' Nash mated coat thereof Is 70 cents• per lineal fooC: „ stenciled Further. That a public YOerg hearing be had on said Improvement n the 26th day of rpr11, 1916, at. the Mayor Powers hour of oclock L M, in the Coun- y cll Cha bar of the Court House rt pOf a S. A. M and Cit- Hall Building In the loner oC Financof St. e glvetnoticeCol said meeting to the persona and -in the manner provided by the Charter, stat- . - ! Ing the time and Place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, And the o total eoet thereof an estimated. Adupted by the Counell 1irh. ^_8, 1916. (:1 Q .\(,proved Tfch. 291 1.11 9. , COUNCIL FILE NO....____.__ Y5 A FaNSWGI A, INTERMEDIARY ORDER.- f 9'7R2 In the Matter of_R000netructingl._relaying and repairing with cement tile – o a width_Q�a.i�C._�at.._th�e present cement tile sidewalk on the west side of=lEdgerton street beginning at Whitall street thence south under Preliminary -order. 7773 ..—.__ ._.___--approved _.-JoVember 2nd, 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. g 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__RBgQA@ tn9:t t........ $glgy,..,gnd_.rgpai r, wi+h_.p.�tg_,tQ a width of. six_ feet the present c�.gl�n„le_eidewalk_on_the west side -of Edgerton street beginning at at Wh tall.. street thenoe south 116 feet,___._._..____—. with no alternatives, and -that the estimated; cost thereof is $52*_pr lineal -foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on .—day of ig"._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, `n of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof, a� estimated. Adopted by the Council—.__ _19 _ Clerk. Approved_., ' 191 t �Swent, and--b�dng con- ��Mayor. e[derea t'tW report, hereby rose, ea: Councilman FaiII$WOrth 1. .That the said report be and the same fa hereby approvedl-re and adopted. ander de to be p mceeded wltha hereby Goss 2, rrhat the nature..,( the lmD.rove_, went which the Council recommends Keller is reconstruct.:-IllY and repair with i� cement stile to a width o[ els feet the MCCOII Present ment lite sidewalk on the est o[ Edgerton street beginning at ” Nash Whitall street, thence ovth 176 feet, With no:alternatives, and that the ea- timated coat thereof 1. 62 cents per - Yoerg lineal root. Resolved Furtber, That a public Mayor Powers hearing be •had on said Improvement }` on the 26th day of April. 1916, at the )tour of 30 o'clock A, M., in the Form a A. s.�6 Council Chamber of the Court ° House and Ctty Hall Building In the_Clty ^o( a t 'the ap, canoe glvenoit.. COUNCIL FILE By S. Ai FARNSWORTH, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter to a iidth__of a jgje ...... tba present ce the le sideWa-1k-QLthe Qr-tA -A- side gf=beginning at . . . . ............... .... . ............. . ............. .. under Preliminary order. -170--- —'.._.__approved The� Council of the City of St. -Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. ;hat the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ReC On a trop is Re la �r AIX--W-W1-9AXA0n-t t110--tQJL-WAdth-of s1Z file syidewalkon the north side of St. Clair street e#! ning a with no`lalternatives, and that the'estimated cost thereof is $5_ACjqr_.jjnea11 foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing bel -had on said improvement on the-.---.--ZB±Ah— ---day of April__ I ' p-ril-j ­....­..---­ 1916.--..--'i at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber W of the Court House and Ciiy Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of;Fjance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,. - time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, "t'd - the total cost the s estimated. Adopted by the Counc0---jJM! 2 a I City Clerk! Approved---- 1191 —2--e Mayor. .Old repo- hereby reso ves� 1. That the said r'P,.drt And Councilman Farnsworth as eta b:.r;,db7I==ent I-, Ad A -ith. ordered to be proceeded t 11 Goss Of the im"-fif 2. That the natureCouncil r-r-men.'"th the ment htch thedwith repRir reconstruct, relay An Keller ile - a widthon the ­u,.At tile I'dew begs at north aide of SL Clair street, beg at street. thence hing at NV. Seventh hot It A �r. thence Nash go .feet, with no A e1r &t . An the estimated cost thereof to 52 cents per lineal foot. Yoerg esolved Furth., , That upr,­publ.', R Id !11. Me t hearing be had on "A " 1916, at Mayor Powers on the 26th 'A o'clock A. M.. In the the hour A Court Form B. S. A. 8-6 Council Chamber of the th House and City Hall Buildelo, in the T -the. CA city of at. Paul. That aid ,loner of Finance the give notice of Of the meeting in "on' A d Igo' the Charter, atat- ' manner pr time end pyl.ro Of hearing the Ing the nt And' h h r'=A 1916 n Lure stf thereof As t6d* total co 'Adopted 'I by the Council Meh. 29, App,o Ved etch. 2.9. 1916 COUNCIL FILE NO..._____..:..___ /L INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter!alk_ to.._a.._width of six-- _f"l—on.._th.e....ae.at....a1.de—of View at eat from Palace street to Jefferson _......... ----- under Preliminary order. -91.0@_ ........ __.__.___...._.approved..._ Februa_y 15th 1916s_____.__ The Council of theCityof St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvefWnt, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemenl3 is' hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct a cement 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends ls_._..__................... _ _.....................__ `hil.e.aids$alk�o_a_.said.th._aia_%eG.b:.Q tbA- street_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s0^'53,_ger„lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__$3teb.______ _._day of April..--_ ....... ........ .._...._... 191..x.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,. ' 4 of the Court House and City Half Building in the City of St.. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, a the total cost thereof a�estimitted. Adopted by the Council._._ v � �.::u i:? a — _ 19 City Clerk. Approved -- .._ 1C= /� '191 -- - --. _.._Mayor. — ;ds said rep t hereby Ives: Councilman Farnsworth 1. That the,sald report be and the same 1, h, approved and adopted' ., and Aa'`eaid'IJmprovement is hereby Clo$$ ordered@to a proeteded with. 2. That the -nature of the improve. Keller re which the Council recommends Is construct a cement. the ..sidewalk o a ., width. of six feet on the sidte of] $$$ MCCOII View street west from Palace street to ref- foraon avenue, with no site ea' ' Nash and that the estimated cost thereof is 82 cent. per lineal foot _ Yoefg aResolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said tmprovem.nt,l- the 27th day of April, 1818, at Mayor Powers the boor of 10 o'clock A. M., In the i 'Coon 11 Chamber of the Court Form S. A. t3-.6 douse and City hall Bonding In the City of at. Paul. That the Commis - stoner of Finance give notice of said I meeting to the persons and In the manner provided by the Charter, tot. .... _ __ __ _ __ ___ _ he the 1818.; COUNCIL FILE NO...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of QgAetrule..sidewalk to_a_width of six feet oil._ diew@.a _..e.l..s�e.-._Qf_B�rrett avenue from Front street .to MoRenty_ street, under Preliminary order. 7701_...__- ._ p__..—approved _ .October. 28th,_ 1915.- The _ Council of the City of St. Paul having re&ived the report of the Cd)en issioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: �L 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the natured the improverfent which the Council recommends is-COIIB,t;µFt a_.,pement tileedga►�_�.dh_..QY_�� n,•- the _west side of Barrett avenue from Frost street -to !1•gSenent ty tPee with no alternatives, and that the est2ated cost thereof is $_5Z*_p r,_•j inea1 foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__.._a.7_ih---__day of __, Til _ ._•„__,_ _ 1916...,.,_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.� in the Council Chamber, 'i of the Court House and City Hall Buildin in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to th rsons nd in the manner provided by the 'Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature t Im veme the ost e s estimated. Adopted by.the Council__ __...- ._, 191 -- ity Clerk. _ ef Approved__.—_.._ 191 _A;__ �..-._Mayor. said t J ;buy rEeolvBu'�"-=1-.w,w 1. That the oald report be and the Councilman Farnsworth same to bereby approved and aaeptea and the eald<lmprovemeptz•la hereby r u ordered to b6:,proceedea7Ttjii Goss - 2. That the nature of ;1 .`p"a ' Keller ment which the Council recomnlende fe' c natruct cement tfla eldewalk•to McColl �Idtn of kits feet on the we t etas of Barrett avenue from Froat street to Nash - �tei=ly street, with nq alternatives, and that the estimated aoat thereof Is 52 Cents per lineal -foot " YOeiQ henrin8 a hed ad hon' did almProvemen�� the 27th d. of Apr1i,: 1916, at the Mayor Powers hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. fn the Council Chamber of the Canrt Houa. Form B. S. A. 8-6 and City Hall Bultdine In he Clri of - 9t. Paul. That the Commissioner of IFinance give. nonce of Geld meetlna to the peraoaennd In the manner pro- vided,by the Charter. e[ating the time , and place of henring, the nature of the Improvement• nd the total at there- . o[ as estimated. Adopted by the CoJncll Df h. 28, 1916. \ppr... d arch. 29, 1915. t (April 1-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO.....___._........._— :.. A. FA1{NSWOPT1136 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. .� In the Matter of_49nBtJr.U.A.1!A9._a cement__tile sidewalk to a width of six fast _Qn._lbs.._H.O_r.tit._._s..i.d...e..._of._.Edmund street between f�ne111ng avenue and Fry etr,iea..._.... _.............. .. _ _...... ..... ------._.._.__._._._._...- ------ — --' - ------------ under Preliminary order. _?675........__.__.._..—_....—approved ......... OOtOber_37tha The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the•,said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the. Council recommends is_.ri.Q.ng CrUQ .t...a..._pemeAt tile sidewalk .to a width of six feet on the North side of Edmund street between_ 8nellinaavengq_ and_Fry street _ ............... ........... _............. ____—...__�._.__........___ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis $ 0.53._,per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on —..day of A. gzi.l.�_._.._ .......___...__, 1918....... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council ChamberlINEENA. f6of the Court House and Cily Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, a the otal cost the as estimated. Adopted by the Council___12 u4.. i ll 1ty'ClerF. Approved_..._ ...._�1�.:._ , 191 u r m Nuri as n'.- - MV� t d ha'vine conalderad Councilman Farnsworth said I. " MOSS same and order Keller 2. ment " McColl W co. a r I of E " Nash even i stir " Yoerg there Re Mayor Powers he t hour For)BS. A. 8-6 Char and St. Fina the vide and imp, of e Ai AI 'r t' re ort, hereby resolves: ,t the aid hereby approved and adopted sold improvement is hereby . to be proceeded with: atthe nature of the lmprove- hlch the .'Council recommends - ruct a cement the eidewnik to Of six -feet:, on the'North side and street between Snetling. and Fry thstreet, ]t the estimated cos andat 1, 52 Cents Der lineal loot. ved Further, That .a. public be had on aid Improvement) 27th day of April, 1916, nt the i 10 o'clock A. bf. in the Council r of the Court House y Hall Building In the City of iL That the Commissloner of eonse•and noticeOfmanne o the said meeting pro- . c the th Charter, statics e time. e of hearing. the nature of the ement.. and the total coat there_, etlmated.p"Council ➢lch. 28, 1916-1 COUNCIL FILE NO. ......... ........ _— By—e k-EARMWORTTI,._._._......__..._.__._._._____ INTERMEDIARY ORDER: In the Matter tile Qi_ewalk,,,_to,.-a:_width-_o_—six— feet-.-oZ..-th.e..$o.rxh..-e.ide....o.Y.=-.Iglehartsvennw from Aldine etrnet to Horan -hal avenue,...z---......... ----- ------ under Preliminary order. 73 .__-______ ._.__.-. M approved _�0 ¢�gber 19th_-_1915.—___— The Council of the City of St. Paul having receiSt?d the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report,be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature'of the improvement which the Council recommendsis.....QgAet>goemeDt ti7,9_Ai-de-lsalk__to.-,�8[_S1d-th....Gf­-li .-fd -t_-GII---the north pfd.G..9.�_I6.aQh Itt..ElY2 13e f r4i9 _�1.5�.1>ZSf_(�.t?c9Str_ tD.-.HA.ipA�ll1,__YAJQ}LO,_ _,___..--•-•--.-........_.._._...__.-__ �_— ...: _ _._..__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is SQ,54„2er-,1ineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._--___ a%Ah -_-_day of ApT it„ , 191 6..---. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,. <of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and t�e total cost thereof as estimated. , 28 Adopted by the Council 51,R 191 -��; you/��L2� CIeY•k. Approved --_yl . _--. _.'.(� ..-- _ _--, 101 th0 : I ch i 1 e _ Finance upon the above- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth ” Goss Keller a " McColl " Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers_ FormB. . A. 8-6 'port, hereby resolves: 'that the said report be and the) e le hereby approved and adopted.. and the said Improvement 1. herby or- dered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of fhe lmprove- ent which the Council recommend. 1e nstruct a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet onthe north aide of Iglehart avenue from Aldine street to - Herschell avenue, with no alt�rnativea. and that, the estimated cost thereof Is 52 Cents per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said Improvement on the 27th doy of April, 1916, at the hour of Is o'clock A: M.• In the Council Chamber of the Court House and City, Hall Building In the City of. at Paul.. That the Commis - the time ana ptaca of nr, g, - lure of the Improvement, and the total t thereof a eatimat. ............ he by tCouncli ][eh. 28 1916..1 App red Dlah. 29� 1918.` COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... _.___...___ s, R. FONS6Va!; K G' / By�3� By__ _ _r_.—_._...._....._._ _......_.........._..._.. _ ,18 INTERMEDIARY DER. 1'n the MatternfCon__..._st�......____$___...6ament tile sidewalk to a width of six feet, ructin a _ ........ ............ ........__.._.___. bo_th.....aides._oY._..itea.ing_to�GGntLe from Blair street to Thomas street, under Preliminary order. ._.....—approved November, 5th1_ 1915. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Construct t a cement ........ __ .............. ....... tilesdpw114_t�a width of eix feet.on both sides of Lexington avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 0.53 ,per_ lineai foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on _._day of 1916........ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,. -' of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the er provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improveme an the total cost there as estimated. Adopted by the Council--.—LLL1.2UJI1 1 _ , City Clerk. Approved 9 V Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PDroved and adopted,' improvema't is hereby ao bh prodeeded with. ' " GOSS That the.nature of the improve-) tit 1h1 h Chhe Coon 11 gmmends In ., _gonstruct tpent the ...% elk to Keller rp•fdth of eix feet on both Ides of Lex- ' Ington avenue frb. nlalr street toI " McColl Thomasstreet, •ith no mternntivea. ,d that the stimated coat thereof la „ 52 cents Per lineal foot. Nash eaolvea Further, That a Dubuc: - ohea[hg2b[Hhdaad g �[ aid 1PrII,p1916ment " Yoerg the hour of 1o;o'clocl< A. M., In thei t'ouricll Chamber or [he Court' Mayor Powers . Houae and City Hall Building In the City of at. Paul. That [he Commla- Form B. S. A. a-6 sloner of Finance glue notice t said seting to theDeraone apd In the manner provided by the Charter, e[at- i Ing the time and place of hearing, the ' nature of the Impargyement, and the total coat thereof e e timated. Adopted bl' the C Il Mch. 26. 1916: Appro— (Tch. 29, 1916. t:kPell 1-1916) ) COUNCIL FILE NO ...... -----_....... __ By c;. A. FARNswORTN, INTERMEDIARY ORDER.� Inthe Matter -of Cc4Ile..L�illAt.1T18--�gs'tmStlt tilst-e•idsxaliL.to_.a_�11ith.-_0Y six feet_onthe._"At.._elle-of Fairview avenue fr�St• thonv ygtg{�� south to Right oY.,_AAy_of the C.M. & St. P_ .,—and_from the Rt. of WAy_ Roblvn_$Y_Qlule-,--- under Preliminaryorder.--._.-__—approved.....NODPRtAr The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon . the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and. the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_CQne1rtl11;..t_8,_C WIt E f=am.-It,-- AnthoZy-.srasue_aouth--..to—xha Rig4....of-Ma3t_.of.-_tha_C.Sd..._dl< a4t_InA.._tb,4....Bta__.of_x Y.._of—tklsl—C,A, ?e_.$ .__�a._ !.w_l�utath 0 &qh. n._ayenue,�. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis $_0.52,_per_1inea1 foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_-- a? th __ __day of .a _.-_ A.P_rJJ..-..-._._.__..._...__, 191 ..6_... , at the hour of 110 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber 4W of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating -the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, X11,=iR 28 the total cost thereo estimated. {:' i Adopted by the Council____._._._.._.._.__--_ 19 -- - — City Clerk. - Approved--'--/ ..._..._.—, 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth the nature of fie Improve -j ment which the Council reonmmends - GO33 ! is c nstruct n cement Lila sidewalk to width of six feet on the west side of Falrvlew avenue from St. Anthony are, ue uth.to the Right of way of Keller the C. Al. & St. P. Ry., and fromthe RL " McColl of Reay of the C. AL & SL P. Ry., south to Roblyn avenue, with no. alternatives. - and that the estimated coat thereof to " Nash 52 Cent per lineal foot. That " Yoerg Rasolved Further, a public hearing be bad on said Improvement n the 27th day of April, 1916, at - the hour of 10 o'clock A- M., In the Mayor Powers- Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of SL Paul. That the Controls. For B. S. A. 6-6 -loner of Finance give notice f -aid r meeting to the• Dereon, and In the manner provided by the Charter,etat- - tng the time and placeof hearing, the nature of the Impredemant. and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Meh. 28, 1916. Approved,Mch. 29, 1916. - (April 1-1916) j COUNCIL FILE NO....-_, a EARRSWORTH, By_.___ �_._._...__..__.__. INTERMEDIARY 9740 non In the Matter of -.9-04-8t rMR1k.R&.A_ 0emnt till sidewalk to a width of six - .... ...........__._.—...--.......... _........... feet on the north side of Goodrich avenue between Hattiline avenue and -- -- Albert avenin__ .............. _—._.—....._.._....__...__...._—__.._......__..._........_......_._......._.._._ . under Preliminary order.._8459..__—_._.„__.__approved-DeCBAiber-16thy�1815. WN__ The Council of the City of St. Paul havtng received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby 6idered to be proceeded with. Conatruot a cement 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends ts_......__.........._._...... _._ ...._...:........._. te....s.idewalk xa_a a[idth��_.Eli�f�.s?.t._!an Tlhe north_,eide_of Goodrich_ avenue between Hamline avenue and Albert avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis S.Q&5_2t_P..0 lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__._a:L?tbL___ „.__day of _...1ptiL...... ...... ... _._.._, 191 ...L3..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambe of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, 64 the total cost ther s estimated. Adopted by the Council !1�Atg ��' 1= I9iz,L 'City Cler Approved-.__..........._ ....__. _._ _ , 191 _ 000 t 89, purovcecemb” _ _ Mayc .The Councll of the City of at. halingntr ecelved the report of the miseloeof Finance n the A Councilman Farnsworth Improvement, and havtngupocanal said report, hereby resolves: Goss 1. That ,the saidreport be and lame 1s hereby approved and adoptee and the anld improvement la hereby Keller ordered to be pfaceeded with. r. That the nathre of the improve-'- " MCCOII ment which•the Coun." recOlkniendp is I construct a. cement tit- atdetbaIW10 a' „ lath of stn feet on the north aide of� Nash Goodrich avenue,. the Hamllne avenus.and 616ert-6gen'uer,Wlfh; no, at- Yoerg t rnaifves nn t tf ariaea aCe oDL thereof le BY cents- or lineal foot. i Mayor Powers Resolved Further, ThaC a public ' y II hearing be had on Bald Improvement. Form B S. A. 8-6 on the 2 th day of April, 1918, at _manner provided by the Charter, stat -I Ing the time and place of hearing the nature of the. Improvement. ands the total coat thereof ae estimated Adopted Iy the Council 11rch. 28, 1919. V COUN��C j�F[LE NO.�—_— ByS��(i11�— __ _ � o ZO INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntheMatterof Qenatnefit' nit ..a,—Qela,ent-ti,l!?..-.R1Sl0Asl.t tq:.a,.wiath of six foAt-oA_Ahm_w,act. Bide bf Chatsworth street between University avenue and_ ar ane avenue. _.__:_._.._...._. _ _____._._............... ... _._.............. _........... _ under Preliminary order. 7488 __..._.___—approvedQQtiQI2�3...�.�r The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of, Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. struct .. ................ t JJA __A width„Qf six feet, on the west aid f Chatsworth street' between Unive-reity avenue to Sherburne avenue _ _ -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis S 52i-.--p-OL_jineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_-3TSh.___ —day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber. 40 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance . give notice of skid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of."ftearing; the nature of the improvement, a# the total cost ther s estimated. MAP 28 Adopted by the Council_ _ _ _ _ l Clerk. Approve91 d_____ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth sad report, and ire ,. Id pore hereby rea::�• „ Goss 1. That -the said report`` _ e Is hereby approved d and its said Improvem ni Is 'K l •' Keller order to be proceed d with.' 2. That the nature of the Imp MCCOil ment which the Coun 0 recomm!at le construct a cement file aldews)RR- o tvldth of six feet on the w e of �' 1. Nash ellatsworth street between . i,ue and Sherburne avenue: with alternniives, a d that the estimated Yoerg o t thereof is 62 cents per linealfoot. Resolved, Further. That a publle i Ma or Powers nearing be had on aid Improvement Y on the 27th day f April, 1918, at the hour f 10 'clock A. M.. In Che . Po B. _�S. A•.8-6 Councl Chnmber ' o[ the Court d Iiou`X City nail Buliding in ti, nnote- eltiner of Flnancegive�noticeCof said - meeting to the Der o%qs and 1n the -�. manner provided By thA Charter, stat- 1 nature of the Improvement, andthe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cpunell Mch. 28, 1916. -----� Approved Mch. 29, 1916. (Apell 1-1916) COUNCIL FILE_— By52—A�fiCiii�i;�€I,Z,ltfi,.__ .INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter ofIIat.?Slf x?�$-Al._C�md.t._ ���1$Qli�F _t4._.._!►St�Q A _ ' feet onthe...._ads.ts- de.o.._Crb�1 _ts1A_'Atreet between Sy_dnev etre Q_— Be]mont -m-. .__................ _..... __ ........ ..... .............. ... __ under Preliminary order. _7_421...___._.__.....__... —approved QAt4b4r 12th 1915._,•,_�.__.__ _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered saidrreport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, sand the, said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.-COn8t2}tF t__t3„_Cement tile..._8d@.!11>._amici..>a�S_ai�fQst�31�21e_8�>� _a1da_..52 �159>�._�txet between Sydney etreetand Belmont ataeet,_•,-_ ......... ___.......... ___�_____ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis $—Q.52.+ eT lineal -foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ MtA._—_— _.._day of April...__ ._._.........____..._, 1916:......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., !in the Council Chamber, AVOECI of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul., That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and piece of hearing, the nature of the improvement, enthe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council--_ -Wl p 2 r ti' f 1�—_ Approved--_____._-.... _ , 191 •1. 'That •the said report-' - Councilman Farnsworth same le hereby approved and ,�. improvement is'-`. ” CJOSS and the Bald ordered to be`Droceeded with. pt"'sO.ti'�� S. That the nature of the Impr� • - went which the Council recommends 1a ` Keller eat nct a c ment ule sidewalk to a - Idth of elx fett o the at aide of j " McColl '. Charlton street' be ween Sydney street ee�;.-with no lterna- n,d Belmont st tt�•ee, and that :. the gatimated coat - " Nash thereof 62 c! t. peThlat 88 a 1publle - " Yoerg Resolved Further, hearing- be had on sold Improvement the 36th day of Aptril. 1916, at Mayor Powers y the llour f 10 o'clock A M.. In the Chamber of the Court Council Hopes and Clty Hall Building In the Form S. A. 8-6 City of St. Paul.' That toe Commla-. hotice of said t eloner of Finance give meeting to the VVe and In the provided bythe vherter, stat-. Pinsone manner tie i a and the uree ofmtheutmprovementa total as call m ate d. cost thereof Adoptedby e Council HIch. YS, 1916. th I Approved B'111916) (l.h. COUNCIL FILE NO._._.—_ ------- __ �r / INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Int`heMatterofSf_4PQSIZtin&_!L.(cement. file sidewalk -to a width of six feat, on the north side of Cook street between Earl street and Frank street, under Preliminary order. 9a74 -approved ..._Febrllar 34th, 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the rgport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_CQnBtTUC t_ a__ gement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of Cook street street .......... _........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.52 per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had tgt said improvement on the_._35th^Y�-__ - _day of 1916......., at thea hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner .7 Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons. and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, 010 the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.........Jd4PM-1! !: 12__._,,.. rhApproved. . ........... . ... Al Councilman Farnsworth " Gloss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. X 6-6 ty f i:wrovemen., " � said report, hereb. I. That thbye ..I.. same Is hereapproved and the said Improvementth. h ., ordered to be pt....ded wi 2. That the nature of the Improve- ment whichthe Council rQ " 'ad" la i e struct cement the sidewalk to .,a 1 width of six feet on the north aide ;fl Cook street between Earl street and Frank street, with no alternatives, and i that the timatedoat thereof to 62' Cents per lineal foot• Resolved Further, That a public' hearing be had on said Improvement n the 26th'day of April, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the House and City Hall nullding In the City of St. - Paul. .That the Coconuts. alone of Flnanee give notice vE said meetmg to the ppersona and In the manner provided. by the Charter, stat_ Ing the time and place of he.rl.%, the nature of the improvement' and th. total cost thereof a. estimated. i Adopted by the Council ]lch. 22, 1916. A",roved Mch. 29'1916. (April 1-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO._..._.___.___ S. A. F! RI sv' :c ii, 9744 By --- INTERMEDIARY ORDER. •/4/aJ� IrrtheMatterof_Constructinga cement .tile sidewalk to a widthofsix_ ._ fEe-t..on- h.e.....nox.th.._.e.1.de__Qf Goodrj h__gvgb_Vs from Sue street to Prior .... - ...... ___ —__.__................. ~ uriderPi-eliminaryorder. 7699__.--.--..______y...._.approved........_October 28th, 1915. The Council of fhe City of St. Paul having received rhe report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the. same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.. ConstrU0 t a cement yidth—Q�_Iti_3. LQAt_ on_the�north .side of Goodrich avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof.is $ 0.53—peT_Yiaeal foot. /.'. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____.__nth_._—day of 191 6....._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, e9i l of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement a d th total cost ?g !"It there as estimated. rh�uR Adopted by the Council.._____....._..._._ 1 Clerk. Approved --- Councilman Farnsworth Goss I or,, Keller I me: " McColl 1 `°1, Pr' Nash chi " Yoerg e. Mayor Powers T OT t tt Form B. A. 8-6 - C' �H y having conal ered Mayol „nereti reeo ort •be and the .{ herebytheaapprpved-and adopted. [he said Imprb atths hereby ed to be Pftc - That the nature of the Improve - .,vetch the cement ilia Taldewaik d o is h of ata fee, thenorth side of d to (rich evenue fromt0rnnvea.reetand r avenue, with no, 52 the .etimsted coat thereo[ is s per lineal foot: That s public esolved Furthn!e,ld Improvement ring be had on of April, 1918, he the 86th ; 0 o In She hour of o•clocof. A. 3L, Court mcll Chamber. .In the se utbd. City la Thetulthen Commis- ,. r of Finance glue. notice of said :rtsr stink to the. persona and.: In the [nner provided t'l ceeai hesrlrig, tthe the time and p a mprovemen4 and the 1 tore of thed. e I 1918• !� tai cost thi ereof ee-estimat Adopted by the Co 1916) e Approvd I(ADr 191-191) — "'Council File No. PROPOSAL�FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER.114, ��' T�te undersigned hereby proposes the making of th owi publFaf: 0oveme by tl}� Cn of Sr. Pall, viz.:... Condemning...ctnd....tekjg... e.eaem lsnd ec. eery :.or. sl o es for cuts and fi11s grading. __al ?_S ...._tet. ,._e .--__dgc_. '..qRoad — ..... a and-'Lexi n ton Ave,d:......................__........_................_ ....._..._....... ...._ _.......g........_ ....._._•, .._....._. .... ... ...__..........._.... Dated this_......29t?1.. ay of ...._......... ...... a':................... ...... ...._........ 91 6.. ................_ ....../``.. ....... .Ash..._.._........_. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...._._.. ...._....-... _Condetpti.ng...and._tki.-:s..r...e4settle.nt.... l.l.s.....it�..:grading...P&iiia.a...St......he.twe.en...Edgevwbe .RAad...and ....... Lexington Aye._...... _ .. ---•- -•_ ..... ...plttep Proppos „(allowing fin An tr S g and in n ease _.. .. . . _.... .. _. .. ......... ... ................._ _. .... lid I.4600 axn �•i'adIngg�- eloPea. . . �' vin sen presents tate 8t s ecUNbb n e and �I;exl th having been presented to the Council of the Cit of Sn a to the • - - >fo`v+.� '.qf at Paul tfiera. therefore, be it $ ar [be C°eamleeInner of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publiut° 6a;°a ha to heleby or )y ordered and directed: rented tlgatl �; the�recee3ltY l. To investigate the necessity for or desirr?{' o� etie waking-:vt tattr improvement xnatare, et.'.ment, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est baa:tmprt S # ! ther4of. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of t T?i an Prot 4. To furnish the following other data and t.To� t a fonovd-s'aid'improvement; ._. .....__............ d or on velatiW M ........_....._................_..._.........._. ° ask' 5. To stitte whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i • Adopted by the Council ...._.......... ......KaR .26. Vii' 1; 191 ......... Yeas: Nays: . 3t Councilman Got worth Approved . ... _ ..._ _ t t Ke; Mayor Poo gs Plash f pUilI,i":I!=D ..... e............... aj 1 v:r Petition Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 19746 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo ing ubtic im. ve nt by the City of - St. Paul, viz.: Q.Qnj5..t.27.uat a aew.ar....on page. e hsr.e-)4.at"Aja-hea�....--/ ......... .. .... .. ...... ...... .. ...... ...... .. ....... ...... .... .. .. Ap, A ....... ....... .... . — ..... ...... . .... ....... .......... ...... . .... ..... .. Dated this day o ..... ........ . .. ............. ....... . ...... ... ........ ........ . ... .... ... I Z/ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . . . . ... ....... .... Construct a...s... ... q_ _P%Zje 3.t...Ietween- Bcllawa St......anrl..S.o.uth...'Uabaa)aa St. .. ... ...... ....... .... .. . . .. ..... . ............ . — .-.1 ....... ... ...... ........ .- .... ..... ....... --a,for the ....... ...... f the U tQ%m' making, of the,;GUO be ru"Vhi4e ...... ....... tween folloWo I.". I ...... . ...... . . ........ . ... . ........ o11 of th". having been presented to the Counj- h -j dthan- ...... ....... .. Resolved."'thai"'t is a - �Per�a he hereby or- 7,�d �dy-' to d' therefore, be it daredP'1O.Wjd�%%.4'1Ld , 3� To juiektigute the necessitY for its hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commis or des1rahU1tY,.Qf the making,of said. improvem6ati-, 'ty - I. To investigate the necess 2, To I.Vqstlg.tfk the nature, extent and estimated Olt of said -improli� of said improvement. . total Oust thereof. 2.. To investigate the nature, eX "ant-To'N"i;A pion, praftle or ovement, and the total cost thereof. k t h r Awa improvemenL 4 _ ' h. oiher 3. To furnish a plan, profile :a i'N `ttinr�'x d.�. -- , ulative, to aid I Prove . 4. To furnish the following or 5. 0 . - - t r - " - - t ,.1 't aid improvement; . ..... t 0 for an the pfo�e a ' , 11"' . .Fthr. or ort ij of the fore- ....... ........ ....... ............... ............ ... I .. ... ....... ........... .. � 6. _ re are uponthel ....... ...................... - ....... ........... ..... .......... oin at to e 5. To state whether or not sai( �Ou.:u Moh..20,:1916. dopted y the COu' e petition of three or more owners. fo �30i-1916 - 6. To report upon all of t ner of Finance, Adopted by the Council ....... .............. 191........... Yeas: Naysi N Councilman Fa sworth 0 a +er Nash Approved .......... .. .. . ......... 191 Y g .. . .... ... .... Mayor Po rs Mayor. Petition .� Council File No... . ^ PROPOSAL FOR IMPRPVEMENT! . ' • � .and PRELIMINARY E o The undersigned hereby proposes the, maki of the follo ing public proven t by e Cit of St. Paul, viz.:...GXa-d.Q .2s.J.a.c,e...St- ....b- e.en...Edgaungbe...Ro ..and....L in . on...Ay .-y...in aocordance vrith_.petition• ._ereto.._Attaa}P$d........ - - -. ---- ..........- X� . .. ....... ........... ............. ... ...... ..... ..- ....... Datedthisday of._....._......�o..........................._............. 91...G.,. ouncilman. a PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .__.. __ .......__ BdgGumb.a...Rnad...,and...Hexingt.on..As.e...........:. ._ ._............ ... ........-. . .....0 F. No, 9747—= \Vhereoe, A written propoepl for the .__-__. .._ .... .... .. :.. ........ . ......... .... ..... f the [ollowfng improvement, ............ ......_ _ - - matting rt.aa sittd�re ,a"ton c.un.0 of combs . ....... ... .. ..... ...... . .. _... ... ........ ... .... ... been repented tol the CouncA of .... .. ....-. "Int• t Paul therefore,: be 1t the City t{ j •' geeoived..That' the Commlear.by of , having been presented to the Council of the CitPdbllc vWn&s be. and he is hereby or- dered and-dlr4cted: therefore, be it orhde.ir.bUltYt�of tthehmokin- e necessityn n RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pt11gProvemegt rdered and directed: y, To loveetlgate the nature, eztent and eetlmntgd-coat of Bald ImDrove- S. To furnfeh a Plan, Pro or rovement. I . To investigate the necessity for or des ment,.and the total coat thereo ek'tc Tpftuaid 6Phnvfo lowing other nd the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est a 4. ane informat1ion relative to said. 3. To furnish a plan, prplile or sketch of,lmspro�a ;tai wheLhee a[ aot eats 1m= -" , �proveinent in ,asked for on the Petition 4. To furnish the following other data and ,ot three or mora owners. ement; .._. ..__.............. ® g.: To reporb.npon all of the tore-. a —VI matters Eo the call o! - 1 . ...... .. .. ......... ...... Finance -1916- ......_ - -. ..- Adopted by the C- 1'916 3ich. 38, 5. To state whether or not said improven APilroved (iAnr,le9?isis> E three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to theommissioner of Finance. m Adopted by the Council ....... .......... ... .._ I!1.'a V-15 191 .......... Yeas: Nays: '1 Cilman Far, w orth li .0... . 191Approved- ................ K Ir HashY. ........ ............... Mayor .. Mayor. 1 _ Petition �OR Council File No..... ..._PROPOSAL IMPROVEMENT. 9748 and\ PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of t -following public improvement by-the City of St. Paul, viz.:.,..G.axl a.truo.t.. a....a_e ne.-t..:.t. , _...91dve ml .. aOO....a...y;r &e5a .. six.. f.e.. n...: hath...sidea:..of._Kair.-8.t.. wa.en..A4on. S.....a _. i.ator. with. _pe.t.it� an..... � .....at.taoh.e.d...... _..........._......_ . ��`".. _....._ _.....'�A. ...-.. c ....... .... .. . _........ ... ...... ........... Dated this_ ....2.9t.11.day of_..... March.... ...... ....... ........ ...... .....191 .fl. . ... .. ....... .. j:.�,_.......... .... J ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. (` WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the ,following improvement, viz.: _... _. ____ .......... Constxuot....a...aenent..._ tile ....si.d.evalk...t.o..s-._yidth...of..sAx.-.fee.t_-on ....both sides of,-..Bla.i.x..St...._betty_e.en...Yon._S.t.......nd.._Vic.t.9.x_a....S... .... ....... .... _...... C. F. No. 6748— ............. ....._ .. .. ....... ... whereas, A written Proposal for the .. ........ - .- ............- .. ....-....... — - - - —king of the following 'improvement. .vis: Construct a cement the sidewalk ....._ .......... ...... .......... to a width of Ix fSo4ort bdth sides. of - -- -- --- --- - - Hlalr St. betyvee AV tSt and Victoria . having been presented to the Coun,cgn� ii oe the t,,pont.. ain there- rot be 4t "limon ......... .. ....... ....... , Resolved,That th mleeloner of therefore, be 1t Public Works be an elle hereD'y qr• tiered and direct.d RESOLVED, That the Commi 1. To tnvesngate he heceeefty for . is here y ordered and directed: or deelrabillty of t making of sold Improvement I of sai im rovement. I. To investigate the necesslr 1 To mvgsugnte t e nature, extent p and estimated coat of -sold 'r 2. To investigate the nature, a ment. and thp. total coat thereof, )roveme r, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnleb .a�r-..plan, profile _or. 3. To furnish a plan, profile SketchTo f t id Imhe ve iowlt is ismer dixt rov. info rmntlon relative. _to sold Stlld 4. To furnish the following ot} .. improvement; ...._..... .. _......... .. 6P To. State Whether or not said 1m- - Imyrovement bP To. state"whether or not said Im- ... - - -- ... - of three ent Is askedoforner on the petition or three r morepwnere. be petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not s e. To report uDon.nu of'tke tore P oing mattes to -the Commfseloner. of 6. To report upon all of the "fwonted-by the Council Mch. 29, 1916. lioner of Finance. App oved, Mch 30, 1916. Adopted by the Council. ....., tapru 1-19191 Yeas: Nays: CouncilmanfFth )bL Approved _...Nash ......._._..... Mayor Mayor. 6 tlCITY OF. ST. PAUL .l • - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAIL FORM � 974' Subject ...'. I �. ._.. 'ILECOUL DILE�.. ......... ................ ' l .. _....... ......... _.. .. N �bate Presented March 9.t. 1916. � Resolved, That Council File #8876, approved Jane 21, 1916, being a preliminary order for the grading of gent St. from Como Ave. to Oliver St. be and a the same is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded. C. F: No. 9749—Hy M. W. Goes— Reaolved,.Thnf Council'F)le Re. 8876. apnrovod "Tan.. 21. 1916,being a prellm- ,Innry order for th6 grading of Kent St. .from Como Ave..to.011ver St:be and -- 'the eame Is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded: Adopted by the Council. Mch. 29, 1916. Approved .11eh. 30, 1916. (April 1-1916) Yeas (✓) Co 'cilmen (V) Nays Far worth Go j In favor Kel Against N Y Mr. Presiden Owers PORM C.a-Y Adbpted by the Council MAR 4 41h6191..._.. Ap ed. _.. 19.. petition Council -File No ................./...:.... PROPOSAL' FOR IMPROVEMENT. l and PRELIMINA RDER. The undersigned hereby,)i•oposes them Ing of th following publi mprov ment by the C' of St. Paul, viz.:.._Grad,e ..Ze.nt....St.....- ..m_Zamo...A- nne....to .:. is.er.... ..,... in...ac r. anc-e with etition hereto'a ..._....... ....:............. ._.:....................._. ........_..__.:...._........ . ............p_......__..... __......_........:..._ . 19 Dated this.... .. t?..:...daY of .._........._. star ........... ..... ._..._.... ....... ........., .....: .......... . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __._. ,_G7ade..Bent.._S.t...._fr.9m._lama...Aoexaue....t.o....O1iA.er...3t.....__.... _._..........._.. ........._ ......... . ..... •, ��-� C F No. 9760—.. � - whereas, A written prbposul. for the ,., ,,.__ making' of the following Improvement, .-- --. - --- "- - --- -.. "• -" """" " "' iz."..Grade Kent St. from come ave nue to. Olive St., having been presented to .Council of the City of St. Paul ......... .. . ...................... ........ ...............therefore; be It 1. -Reeolvad, That the Commissioner of Publiolorks be and be le hereby or - having been presented to the Council of the dared dna directed: -'' - -'- 1. To Investigate the necessity for or desirabty of the maltingof said therefore, be it improvement 2. Toinvestigate thS nature,.ortaat ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner sand eatlmated, coat. or said ainprove- Mont, and the •total cost thereof. S. To. furnish 's plan, prof a or. Improvement. I. To investigate the necessity for or,sketcn or .ata imdrovement. ? p a, xo furnish .the following 'other 'nt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent anwata and re tion relative to said Improvementhur or. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc�roveme tt leaaskR-d for onthepetition of fhree or more owners. rovement, ..... __.. . 4. To furnish the following other data , 0. , To. report more, an-of the tore -'.p -'"-' going-matters"to, the Commissioner of Flnano& . Adopted bv: the Council 31ch. 29. 1916. - .........: ..................... -. ........................................................ Approved Alch.. 30; 1910. - . g . 5. To state whether or not said imps (Apra 1-19161 tion of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAR Adopted by the Council .........................._. _.........._ ..... 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Coun 'I an+Ker rth Approved ...Y........ .. __...... L..... 191GO ........ Nash YO g Mayor Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL `•' _ _ p ,.'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Subject:..... COUNCI 9751 FILE No.__ ._ _. i 1 li, i Date Presented . Nfaroh 29... 191 6.. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Publio Works be and he is hereby authorized to employ in the Bureau of Sanitation One. foreman, Stone Crusher Plant at a salary of Three Dollars per day One Flushing foreman at a salary of thirty-five cents per hour One Flushing foreman at a salary of thirty cents per hour s I C. F. No. d7That the C rnmf l oner t Resolved, ' !Public Workebe. and he is hereby, nu- thorized to employ In the Rureau of Sanitation, one .foreman. Stone -Crusher t Plant at aealary of Three llollars par day: one Fl-hing Foreman at a salary ! of thlrtY-dve cent. per . our: oI Floahing Foreman at a aalary of thlr- ty Centa per hour, Adopted by the Cmi I \tch. 20�131G..` Approved Mch. 26, 1316_ 'April 1 191C} Yeas (✓) Col-Imen (V) Nays ar orth _..... In Favor Kel G o __....... Against Mr. Presiden owers 1 FORM C.6.2 Adopted by the Council IMP 191 3 !%riprcoea- 191 ._ .._.._...... __..._...-....___.....___.......... MAYOR CITY OF. ST. PAUL _ "~ 1915 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT `t a> AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F4B 61 No. IIc.r AUDITED WR2 91916 OY PER r... i 84 poPut to CornA'.a11eP 9 Resolved that warrants,be•drawn upon the City Treasury, paysa/le out of theIjereinafter specified fun's _ in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite 'their respective 'names as specified in the following' d statement: NIAR l9 ice. Yeas ( it ) Councilmen ( J) Nays o Adopted by the Couneil FF rth o In favor ;-Mer ler -Against A , MAYi P Mr. Presidfn­t� owers Curpent Operating Funds Gen. Fund -Printed Forme & Blanks Craftsman Press $25.15 Gen. Fund -Official Publications Virtue Printing Co., 9.25 { Police -Const. & Bett. Edward Hinderer 21.50 Health -Pub is Baths -K..& R. Western Electric Co., 810.00 Police & Fire Alarm Jt. Acct, St. Paul Electric Co., 305.68 Pub. 9Vorks Workhouse Maint. F. I. .Barker 25.00 . Street,Const. F Rep. Haint. St. Paul Boiler Works, " f 85.00 S.& PClog. Street C"ing b[,; Nicks Machine, Shop t 65.55 Pub. School—V. & R. St.,,Paul Book & Stationery $14`400.8 Singer Sewing Machine Co., .45 Form A. 6.11 - 1� #2 Randolph.Heigh*s School Mach Mauris -^Y $1,20 pub. Library -M. & R. f McClain & Gray Co., $52.00 Royal Type. Co., 211.90 Wilson Co., 1.70 - / a" �y+^,�T • 11r ary lS R R r+r +$.sy.rr�...�% Auditorium-Maint. "Price, Robbins & Newton 11.50 pub. Parks-Maint. A, Decker Hardware Co.. 100.70 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 9.00 -- Lehigh coal Co., 26.55 St. Paul Stamp Works, 20.00 J. C. Stuhlman 15.42 Western Supply Co., A X7.00 Pub. Playgrounds-Maint. Scribner Libby Co., 10.00 Water DePt.- Gaskell Jewelry Co.: Pittsburgh Meter Co., 7g•04 �•a - n„y rnva �aa.,rao .•,Poon t �;i�(en !1 i t.i C ttts G Fund P toting P.,7 yard `'' - Police -r -Con t & Rgtt . l a Alnderer: Pub I9ealth—ubl it%IbRi0 v0. Electric Co,.'f Nesters ldrm it.Acct-: St.- Police F(re Af10i:G4 , - ..1 ElectricC - Pub. Norks rkno is linintr- ^ Wo _ - _ _ . .- •- • , n n ce: F. I Bark Jean 00[Ta!n- - Street Con St. Paul Buller nfr,496.00. C11 tr—Stroot Cing: —ll.: _- Kirks ?1lechi Shun. 566.6`tPnul Book • School Sewing 't - StallOner) El tD6.EG; �•tlige^ � . N 31^^hlns Cn., M1G Cents. Randoiph Haighcs Srh—l: [tic!r n 31.20. Total [furls. pori Fub. T.ibrary—Y. K R: )frrlai CQ Tyu0 y Gray 3271.90: Nileon CO.i. 91.71. Robbins Au�itarlum [innu i'rirn, .. Rc Newton. Sll 50. Decker A.. U Pnb. Forks—aint.: Bnrdaare Co.. ft00.i0. Fs:r1n1n'0 66' Kirk Co., f9.00: l.e - _ Sat. Poul Stamp 8nppl Y' Co.. to hlmnn, $15. , Scribner - Libby f10.00nda—[taint:: Libby CP Deot.: sta] _II i �eIr ETR.nM1. tt o - 25 Cents; Pittsburgh Adopted by the Coun 11 9Tdh. 29. 1916` j Approved �14pr1101 1916) a "J L I) I. AJ CITY OF 6T. PAUL - 1916 " ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT A=y AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LEN°" Na. MAR 2 9 191r EY AUDITED 1E1— 86 l P.R. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payables o4 of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons,, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following -detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays- Adopted by thrCourt Farnsworth 6 J1 Goss In favor pro 1� Keller dLaCek-,Against . gLeary MAYOR Yoerg Mr. President, Powers C. F. No. s's3— _ Resolved That warrants be Brawn uron the Clty-Treaspry, payable out M' the harelnatter epeclffed Lunda and In favor of the persona,firms or corpora• _ their r ape Live snaor the men�as specified lin - the following detailed rtatem t: Spec. Aesesa. Const. Rev. un,l— . Sewer on Denslow from Rvrg,v .�`. to Alley In St. 131k, 3, Den virylv's A,dd.: b. G. Carlson &' Co., Eet No. 1, b2a216. Ocean St. Sewer System: E. T. R'.b- eteAraopted byth. C unc ldiieh. 29, 1416. Spec. Assess. Const. Rev. - Fund App oved Itch. 30, 1916. ewer on Denslow from.Burgess St. (April 1-lsls) --__-_ H. to Alley in Blk. 3, Denslow Add. E. G. Carlson & Co., Bet. #1 $267.75• Ocean St Sewer System E. T. Webster Est. 6 & Supplt. 500.00 0 ssess.............. 4 Yuan A. 5-11 - ! . CITY OF BT. PAUL 71/ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT w AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LENO1 No. 9'7 a MAR 2 91916 BY � rm w.n.eµ.. , AUDITED IBI_ � l PER a c,tu`Coml + 87 pe utg Resolved that warrants be Brawn upon the City Trea y, payable out of the hereinafter 'sp�eM;fied funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their re--va names as specified in the following detailed statement: MAR. 23 19�� - Yeas'( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted, by,the Council 1 A Farnsworth n Goss In favor _ pp — .. Keller - - McColl Against ' O.ry •, MAYOR Yoe rg Mr. President, Powers a C. F No. 976b. - R sol ed tbat sv�rran out upo the City Treaeary, payable the hereinafter ,peel 9rroevor corpora-1 t - of - i - .favor of the yerlWn their far eepective�namea as specified the following detailed-statement: Corporate PurN ee—E3 0. Equip ub SUPpI. - .7a Fire—fit. & R "$'• J. BTInBe .tdopted by the Council Mch: 29. - Approved (ApT 10311916) tin _ nCo.: - ' Co.. 1916. - Corporate,Purposes Pub. Lighting-Suppl. & Exp. 1' A. W. Elec. Equip. Co., $2,782.08 Fire M. & R. F. J. Brings Co.. 325.00 1 .r "yFfa—1 CorporaV Purpose . CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1916 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F �ENO1 No 1916 By �r AUDITED BCU; PER- Dapo L u Janp.. quer.? • ' Resolved that warrants be drawn.upoDthe City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fi lowing detailed statement:. Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J )• Nays Adopted by the Council MAR 191 Farnsworth - Goss In favor APP 91� Keller McColl -----.Against OL 01 Leary MAYOR Yoerg Mr. President, Powers C. F. No. 975'-- R ... Ived 766R...Ived that warrants be .drawn upon the CityTreasury, payable out -of the hereinafter specifiedfund. and In , favor of the _Deraone, .firms ""orpora- tion. for the amounts iet:Upponite their re.pective names as speclded In the following detailed statement: Current Operating Funds—Publtr. School—M. & R.: Citizen's Ice'& Fuel, 'Co.. $3,184.12. _ Pub. School—Ames. School: John Nozal, 4360.66. Pub. Parks—Fark—Malnt.: Citl �zen'. Ice & Fuel Co., .$697.96. Water Dept—K & R.: Wm A Ritt. .$87.60: So. Park Foundry & Machim• _ Co.. $1,246.21. Interest Fund: S. A. .Farnsworth. Current operating Funds Com.Finandbrti SocietyGen. Fun—C218.00es Acct.: Society 1 = Pub. School -M. & R. for ens Prevention of Cruelty, $zoo.00. e Gen. Fund—Armory Malnt: St Paul. , Armory Board, $1,000.00. Gen. Fund—Mise. Staty. & Suppl•: ' Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co.. Foyer Distributing Co., $67.60. $3x],84.12 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int—Special Assess. Bond Int AccL: S. A. Ferns worth. Com> Finance, :s6,692:76 Bonds, Class A' Pub. School -Ames School Red, Spec. Assess v: S. A. Farnsworth, Coip `, Finance, - 1513.61,.12. John. IJo2a1 Adopted by the Council Mch. 29, 3916 15G.56. Approved Mch. 30, 1916. Pub. Parke—Park-Maint. --- - [April 1.19161 5 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., 597.96 Water Dept. -M & R. WA. Ritt, Soo.. Park Foundry &Machine Co., 1.246246.21 l Interest Fund' S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 318.00 Gen..Fund-Charities Acct. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty 200.00 Gen. Fund -Armory Haint., St. Paul Armory Board 1,000.00 Gen. Fund-Misc. Staty. & Suppl. Foyer Distributing Co., 67.56 Form A. 6-11 CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT x.916 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. AUDI,.M iR 2—ISO— t�191 1j 1 G CCJ� ( PER 89 ane.. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds anti is favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the P'IH w!M as i, jed statement: H bJ Yeas ( it Councilmen ( it ),Nays Adopted by the Council 181_ Farnsworth Goss In favor A Beller McColl Against O Leary MAYOR Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Current Operating Funds Gen; Fund- Misc. & Unforseen:Eap. .rex Carpet Co:, $4.00 Alrred R. Metzger 50.00 Union Brass &Metal Co.* ° 42.00 T—ot—aY Current Operating Funds $96.00 1 V' F No. 9756— - 'Resoived that warrant. be drawn - ;upon the City Treasury, Payable out tof o , the hereinafter speelned funds and In $favor of the persona, firma or corpora - �tiona for the amount- eat oDpoeltv their reapactive names ne specified in _ the following detailed statement: F.nd -Current $fisc. &400;; Alfred RUPforeeen ".P•:Cr x a Carpet Co., $. Mettger. $60.00; Union Brass & Metal Co., $42:00. - _r Adopted•by tae Council Dfeh. 29. 1916: - Approved Mch. 30. 1916. d�"^:E,n...- COUNCIL �FILE ENNO .....___....... _— By__GC✓'.Grti_........_........ _....... ___.- vvv 9757 FINAL ORDERe In the Matterof __Changing the Jrade of the Alley in Block 18, Anna F.,Ramsey'E Addition, to conforh: to the red line on the profile hereto attached, and. made a --part hereof`, th-e present grade -be * e represented by-the-b-lue- thereon, also_the GradI:p of sa�id�Al�leyiin_ Block 18, Anna E. Ramsey's , Ad3ition, in accordance with the s- ached line when ---- under Preliminary order. U_55. ....... _....... _........... approved_...._h4Yember 23rd 19.15 Intermediary Order...__.-......_..._._..__..._ -_.__ .------ approved .... -...._._......______._.__..__.__.___�___. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it r RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said CityisSrh8lXlF,@_.�h� GT�SI� Blook 18 Anna -E. Ramsey's Addition, to conform to the red line. on the profile hereto a ; -anal-metre--a--gait h-e-reo-F,—t-Ire-prase t-grade-be#�g-tea Faae #rad iay the blue line thereon,' and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officerp..4re hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordtance'Z,,ew,,n r11AR 2a fTlJAdopted by the Council.._._...._ __. Clerk. Approved__McVOi. Dareplana and �DeclRcatloneefor said ImP men t, and submit same to the eP 71 if t„aa oDroDvsl;^^tlyat(Upon said .^.. . Klee In a ne by n Itnorlaed ens cdliec tea sed Ith the aklngof said Improve. n !t I useIn d 1, as therewith. GP by Council D[ch. Y9, 1916 (April �1-1916) .D ••� hearing having'., upon',!he,.above Improvement":, Councilman sworth net,. sad the Council havina dip^ persona, _� d11 obleotloneand recommen- ations releaive thereto, and having - s [hu: 1� oollsldered the. same; there[ore, j ler Resolved, By the Council of the City . Of at. Paul that the � COII precise nature, lent and he d aid City ols en change the grade ,.of the AllIh 83ock 18, Annn E. sat Rameey's Addition, to conlorm to the ,. TQ ehred line the ptosis hereto at- taened, and ade'a part hereof, the present grade being rev Med by the bi an line thereon, and 't hr Counclt heree Mayor ers - by orders said improvement to be ' 8, S A..8-7 _ Reaolved_Further, That the Cern— ._ Dareplana and �DeclRcatloneefor said ImP men t, and submit same to the eP 71 if t„aa oDroDvsl;^^tlyat(Upon said .^.. . Klee In a ne by n Itnorlaed ens cdliec tea sed Ith the aklngof said Improve. n !t I useIn d 1, as therewith. GP by Council D[ch. Y9, 1916 (April �1-1916) CITY YiOF M PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPO.*SSIONER OF INAN ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 In th Mgltter ---'--- -���, a - ---------- --— ---- ---- — ------__--------------- --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order appro—ved — - ------`---'-----------!/j----------- ._.........--...--------._1----.....-------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 201.55 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above ijnprovement is - $ I 18 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK jAy�D(DITION VALUATION TOTAL. 5 n _...o.,,- ' • ` CITY ��O''F�'' St. PAUL ,?ZPARTMc.Iv F, FINANCE - �' REPORT OF COMNII44�SIONER OF FINANCE - _ ON PRELIMNARY ORDER _ DESCRIPTION` LOT BLOCK ADDITION ., ASSESSED VALUATION' %. d c. `0 �'✓ Ji Sou � J`0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - ------------- --r-2-6- - ............ .. �C.. l✓......-.... ' Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 6-6 C _ v St. Paul Minn. duly 29, 15. Commissioner M. 11. Goss. J City., Dear Sir, I am herewith,eneloseing a petition for the gradeing of kley which opens on Lexington Ave. This alloy has never been graded and is in a terrible condition, as the part faceing Lexington has a decided grade and continually is throwing sand on both the side walk and street. As this street is now being paved we feel that this is a very advisable time to have this alloy . graded. Trusting thatyouu will bring this matter up before the city council for preliminary ordors at once and thanking you for your attention to this matter I am, Yours very truly, Isaac Baer 109 Lexington Ave. B. -B. P.U� 3 1915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. NOV 2 41915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. St. Paul Minn. July, 29, 15. We the property owners on Lexington Ave. between Ashland and Laurel petition your honorable body to grade the alloy in block 18 of the Anna E. Ramsey addition. e NOV 2 4 1915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, Office of. the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance -2. .c o 'ro the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelhnivary miler of the Coun- cil, known as Council bile N2C85 tt:•`'I L, relative to t --rade a ra;.ir.m cf Alley in iIc k 18, ra p�In' t _.............. .. . _ _._....... aa..eey's t._dition, fr01 ., x tcr, fv=nL,. to ai&rl having investigated the utatterst.and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ___.. necessary and (or) desirable. 1p, yea: fI fcot •i The estimated cost thereof is ....__._ __-._., and the total cost thereof is C1 • ".J...., and _ r r 110C fa:-e s ins ecticn 105 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attnehed and made a part hereof. 0 4. - .i. Said improvement is.... Asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / i I Conunisjitoner of Public Works. CITY Of- SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. LOSS. COMMISSIONER. ROBERT T. GOURLEv, D—T' OSCAR CLIUSSEN, C-1 E --- J. E. CARROLL S— C—T—T— & R— ALFRED JACKSON. S,11 S --- G H. HERROLD, 0".- E—Uv H. W. GOET71 GE W-11" o -0 OV zi t i m gy CITY OF ST- PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r $abject: COUNCIL rae I NO. Date Presented �5r'S' 191 6 V, v RESOLUTIO`1 FIX'177�: THE AYOUi?T OF LAiID C�T =`- OF FASF'.'_F!'T TO BF TPKEt' I;? CO"TDE?':NATION PP00F,EDIIIGS 1��3oTvY� In the matter of cendemninz and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the trading of alley in Block 18, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, under PreliiLinary Order ;'F7774, approved Nov. 3rd, 1915, and Intermediary Order 19315, arproved February 38th, 1916. The Comrr:issioner of Public Worke having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) ThattheCity of St. Poul fixes and deterl,,ines the amount of land io be taken for the above nai.ed improvement is an eaeernent for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon'the land abutting upon alley in Block 18, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, to the extent slown upon the sketch attao`.ed to the retort of the Conx: ssione_ f PLOlic i,orl.s in the u:atter, dated march 28, 1916, which s�etch�and report are hereby referred to ar.d n.ae a cart hereof. (3) TI -£.t an easement is taken in said land to the extent necesss_y for slopes, for cuts and fills in the gxa.inF of'seid street to the es ^dished grade. I i^ Yeas (✓) Councilmen (v) N Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth V - Goss (/ In favor Keller Approved 191 McColl �' Against z Nash Yoerg d/_ Mr. President, Powers7 MAYOR FORM C.6-2 CITY OF SAINT, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. O—*r Cauussiox.n OSCAR CLAU5SEN, C -F E.ax J E. CARROLL, Slv Coxe A—lox h RF.inn ALFRED JACKSON. SUPS. S-11-- .. G, H, HERROLD, Orrica ExoixErn H. W GOET!INGER, Suo.. Win. nu•e - __. REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and tal,ing an easement in the land necessary for elopes for cute and fills in grading the alley in Block 18,Anna E Ram- s sey's Addition, under Preliminary Order #7774, approved Nov.2nd, 1915, and Inter � diary Order #9315,.approved February 28th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be°made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of suchlplan. i Commissioner of Public Wor a I Y• Dated .T LEY ��:�./n--e-.r :�bc.�.r / -tee- �f _��, �, ��' .. , %i/% - _ /7N/'✓q � Af%M�EY3 �l/1�. ti��-:\\��os-��.i� ;' ,o.^L, e';-ry /nom' � _ - I � ... riL -��• �\002 :.-. ... . r'/ •�� e,X:c--n;✓ .. -. ;cf n: c� ��r' ,. ... _ � - I ti\�9S\gyp i _ ry. __: :� s I �o z/ _� ;'r. T ,� �9 N /V CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �EPOkT OF COMMItSIONER OF -FINANCE ON PREIJMINARY ORDER In the Matter I------------- - -- --- ------- -------- - - ------ ---------- — — - — -- - - - - - ----------------- - - -------------------- - ------------ ------ - --------- ------- T ---------- - ---------------- - ---------- --------- -------- -- ---------------- ------------- - --------- under Preliminary Order approved ---/ - - ----------------------------------------- A/; 17- - -------- --------- — - — ------------ -- - To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 100,. 00 ------- - -- ------------ The estimated cost per foA for the above improvement is $------------------------.------- • 5 0 The lots -------------------- Thelots orparcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT, BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Q'' 4 -- all d4d & 17 TOTAL, FORM B.S.A. 8-3 A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, • and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works: Dated . ...... .. ... Commissioner of Finance. F0— S.S.A. . 5 C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONOF FINANdE 0 _)ER ON PR&IrINARY o r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _41 �� J�� 7*1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, • and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works: Dated . ...... .. ... Commissioner of Finance. F0— S.S.A. . 5 C IL X Office .of the Commissioner of Public Woks "Report to Commissioner of Finance m G ...................191.. 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: I The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File Nos....:77?4.:........approved.__Nov.em�eT,_,3.�_........._.........19].._5.., relative to............. _........... . .......... _............_a.ondemning.!..and.._t.aking..... an. .._e.aaement.....in.....tbe._..1azl.�.._n..a..e~._a.a...r.Y...................................... for......eLQP...9.P..r..._C.ut..a_.........a l.ld..._ n._grading...4f.._A:11g.Y....._in..:.................... ..... _............ ' ......... ........... ...S.loak....28....... Anna....E_..... f?smse.y.l.s....Addit.ion.._....__.....__.._.._....._..... ..... .._._........... ...... ......... ............._................. w and having investigated the mutters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. .._.....necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX Z. The estimated cost thereof is $_............XXX and the total-cost thereof is $_..._....._........_.._...__........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._.... _ _ __...... . 4.... ... ..... ... .. ....... . _ _ ......... .. .............. .. ................ .. .................... _................... _.....:....................... ........ .. ..... ............................ V 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto Ottached and made a part hereof. % .......... _..... .. ............ _.... o. Said improvement is. .._......nfJ_t.......... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessmenttl for said improvement. ................. / Coma saioner of Public W rksr. In the maf ter o oo demnina and taking an easement x@tG4ed, for the purpose oconsruotning, and maintaining a public sewer, over and across and thorough Lots 3, 4, 5, 8 and 6 Fairchild's Subdivision of Cruickshank's Garden Lots, under preliminary order -,$8371, approved December 9, 1915, and intermediary order (9316, approved February 28, 1916., The Conarissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plat in the above natter, be it RESOLVED, (1)That the City of St. Paul herebyfixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the alZove named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land sixteen (16) feet in width for the construction and maintenance of a sewer and thirty-six (36) feet in width or ten (10) feet additional on each side of the sixteen (16) foot strip for e -lopes, the center line of said stripe are described as follows: Commencing at a point on the north line of Brand Street, eight (8) feet east of the west line of Lot' 5 Fairchild's Sub. of Cruickshank's Graden Lots, thence northerly and parallel to the west line of said Lot 5, a distance of 254 feet, thence easterly and parallel with the north line of Brand Stre-�t to a point eight (8) feet westerly from the east line of Lot 4, Fairchild's Sub. of Cruickshank's Garden Lots, thence northerly and parallel to the east line of said Lot 4 to Harvester Avenue. c<r `raved .DecemO.;`r 1 1916, ana' intermediary Order No. L 9318, approved February 28, 1918. In the %have matter, be It Resolved. (1) That' --the City of St. Pnui hereby fixes- and. determine$ the amount o[ land 'fo he taken for the above named Improypment to be as fol- lows: 'itteen. (18) tee[ In eioi said by the Council. _ WR 21) , '.,f91. � he north 1 et east alrchnd'a len Lots A to the A stance a parallel i td Street t orly from iId'. Sub. 1 e. thence .. .. .. ... ....7�LMAY16Reast line i. 29, 1916. F A strip of land e .width for the �tenanca of 'sewer Yeas (✓) Co en (✓) Naya .I on each aide of strip for elopes, the WOib atrlus ^are describe Commencing at a . .._._... line of Brand etre. in fav Of the neat line o Sub . of Crufekeh; er the,pca northerly II a west lin. f said 7 Ag in 2264 feet, thence Ith the north 11 to a point eight '(8' 8 the east line f La of Crulckshanks ( Mr. t, Powers northerly and pare FORM C.9- said Lot 4, to o�Adopted by the C Approved Afch. 8 (A, eioi said by the Council. _ WR 21) , '.,f91. � he north 1 et east alrchnd'a len Lots A to the A stance a parallel i td Street t orly from iId'. Sub. 1 e. thence .. .. .. ... ....7�LMAY16Reast line i. 29, 1916. F ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D—nn C...�sa�onea OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.111 Exaixcea J. E. CARROLL. SUN. Coxnx .. h R -1 - ALFRED JACKSON, SUN. S -1-1— G, R. NERROLD.OF-1 E.- ­ H W GOETZINGER, S.— Woman ... 1. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 91`PART"ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M.• N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer,over and across and through Lots 3,4,5,8 and 6 Fairchild's'Subdivision of Cruickshank's Garden Lots, under Preliminary Order ##8371�,approved Dec.9th,1915,and Intermediary Order #k9316,approved Feby 38, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Pau�: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report,a plan. of 'the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefore by the shaded part of said plan,which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land sixteen(16)feet in width for the construction and mainte- nance of a sewer and 36 feet in width or ten feet additional on each side of the 16 'foot strip for Blopes,the center line of said strips are described as. follows: Commencing at a point on the north line of Brand street,8' east of the west line of Lot'5 Fairchild's Sub.of Cruickshank's Garden Lots,thence _ northerly and parallel to the west line of said Lot 5,a distance of 354 feet, thence easterly and parallel with the north line cf Brand street to a point 8 feet westerly from the east line of Lot 4 FairchilB'a Subo.,of Cruickshank's Gardei Lots, thence northerly and parallel to the east line of said Lot 4 to Harvester avenue. Commis el one r/ of Public/ r 1 - V CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COffIMISSIONER OF FINAN E ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 'j .. In the Matterof_.._.._. ........................... _: _ -�.a� 1?ZCc2..:1/l 3f/Lf1]�, /�.:_- b...Q s�l><.._..._. / _.� /f o 9 _........... ......._:....... _......_.._.._ __...._.. _ ....._................... _.._.......... _..... ...........__..............................._...... -- ...__................_........... ................ ........ -....... .....-_....................--_....... .._-.-_.__.........._....__._....... ....... ...... . ..._. ....... _. ......... . ...__.............-..... ........ ..... .... ........ _..... _......_ .... ...... ...... _........ _-............ _........ . _...... _..... ....................... .... ......... .._ ..... _.._....... ........ ....... ...... ....... .... ..... I .......... ....... ............ .I. ...... ......._._.._..............._......... ............ .......... ... ......___.....__........_........ .... ....... ........ _...... ........ .... .......... ........... .._. _ .... ....... ...... . _..... ............. ..... ...... ....---- ---- ----- .......-. under Preliminary Order approved.. _ ...... ..... ......._ ............................... .... _ _..._ _._ ......... -.. __....__ ._ ..... _ _.._ ............ _.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost *per foot for the above improvement is - - ......The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DES ,C RI PT I ON LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 27 S e i a e TOTAL. r The Fommissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with thel report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..... .. /�? �_ ...... ........ _191.-%j ..._.......... / Commissioner of Finance. IORM B. S. A. 9•e O � W ori$' Qf%e of the CO missoner Of Public o . Report to Commissioner of Finance f k .................-191_..... To the Commissioper of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 1 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under c7sideration the preliminary . of the Coun- 8371 December �t..................1915...., relative to..._...:. cil, known as Council File No. ._ .. _.approved_. condenmint_ ani talir.;__�a easan.ent for a ar in, over, Gn ei, a rkas ,na t'.roU r: Lots 3,4,7 i. '� d s, icr. of rLi r:s, a an ,ots; cr.. 14 is of _._ fir .i a Ioint t`a no h i r of r., t t'a a ti. lr Lot 5 ' }, n mut t e ort eri: _ti.s_u. u� 1 u_.. r ; ar&_ 1 to .:,e __ . '.c 3 , r Nc4 c a' thence tai< 'a +� o c C, ?G point FS feat w st a 5 yy rci:. - 4 dr.^::o�, c!°..t cl`` tc +, e4 t of 4 ,c. sc th ins arve_ v rke, said str1Y:et �d 1" r t i - - t - 2 r. n a of fS_nd t f JI I' e 1 foot Strir, ioi slob.... _. t',.in a r c; ez er. of rover cae serovet tiw nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............... .... _........ ....... ................ nt is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of id improvemef } 5. Said improvement is_-------- not ... „_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. \ 7/ (/ " .._ .. misaioner of Public Worka. Yeas that the cigarette license No. 99, now in the name of .S. L. Serene, 317 Selby Ave., be and the same hereby is transferred to S. J. Barker, 317 Selby Ave. C.9,2 �C.�F No " nyvMeColl— � Reap�p A clga etre 11 e c t 7.gi5fa me'ot 9 L: Berens. " n 4 ltl v` ;ben d the same hSelby errgd 1. S. JJ.' '1{ker 2t7 Selby the C.mll Meb. 29, 1916. \PP oYJ�YSfch„ ie, 1916. ,. L'gpril 1-1918) . (d) Nay In favor Against M Adopted by the Council.___ __...... `(���jj�..2�..1.41�}f........ APP 91 r MAYOR � V COUNCIL FILE NO... _ �- BY ._k...__ 9766 :',Pesolutiop of Council Approving Assessment. in the matter of the assessment of .__ _B.en?fit.8..---40..3..3...&_ Pxp,, aes for Pay. a .south - t of i �.f Smith avenue from the south end ^-f the High 3ridr_qe to Annapolis treel G1 •- 6 3173 Intermediary Order 3607 under Preliminary- Order ,. - 'ax0h 5th, _ 5• 3949 approved f 191...... Final Order _ _ - Benefits, coats and 31Penses for and in connection with The assessment of _.__.... .__..... _.. _. _. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and follud the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RTOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the - _?f4 `ha day of r _APT it _ _. _ _., 191 s e, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.; in the Council ChamberIvmNaraw of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of 'hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and l.he amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is dire d. Adopted by the Council 191 " �ty Clerk. Approved. `..__... :......__ C 191 j •¢ - •i.ieuno 6tom ao aa.tq .. .01111.42 .g1 uo -j Pa17ae el luap - Mayor. Pun -mi Plea lou I. _tin i .1ema 1a oy y '2 7uamanol Councilman Farn,�slortb "amt pro- 01 onne[aa .onemlol.l P, , P �o aaglo f.lesollol .q1 gel..lnl oy ' 'I yuamae0 that Plea 7o q.1 {.yap ro aIuoad veld a geluaal oy " Goy ,1 n oaa.g3 Tao. fetal eql Pua 'Its. . a. �— :�� Resolved, That the eat3- assesetaent .: be and the same is hereby In all re- v'd e- " Kel L eDecte approved. Resolved Further, llo heart q ba had on That a pubBald assessment •�. f M oil , the 28th day of April, 1911, at the hour of 30 cloak A. At., In the Council r' Chamber of the Court House and .J✓ %�, i.. O• 8r City Hail Building, In the City y of at. Paul; that the Commissioner I f .. r o[ Flnanco glvo notice of Bald meet- Ing. ns r quired by the Charter. stat- VVV I erg Ing In said notice the time and place of homing, the nature of the, eof, am Ith menl, the total coat thereof, and the Mayor P vers amount assessed against the lot or lata of the particular owner to whom the Farm B. S. A 8-s notice le directed. Adopted by the Council Alch. 29, 1916. Approved Aich. 90. 1916. (April 1-1916) y^,C6,ITY OF ST. PAUL OFFiICE OF l AE COMMISSIONFR OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION. OF ASSESSMENT" q _ ..._.., 1916._ Bere"its,costs, e open'��eforthcn3✓iro__c�._..Scizth. In the matter of the assessment of ._.... __. ....... smitS avenue from the south end of the High nridge to Annapolis Street. 3173 13607 under Preliminary Order ,-Intci-mediary Order _..._ _._ _..... Final Order 3949_ _ —approved IargG 3th� 191 5• To the CunNI of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_. 30,.792.08 'curb in 1,954.44 Cost of pub fishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $--- - 11..90 _ ('rijate drigawaye 55�. ost o postal car s - - - - - - - - - - - - - $--- - ---g gg Se^er ccr.:-ecticns '6787..00 Rit &UXj4X ='rater- eonnecticna - - - - - $.._ .... _ .__ 25.50 Amou❑ f o t costs for i firmation - - - - - - - - $- -^•�' 308- �'o€a'i eXpeni ures , JWSIK�xitt:>�ncMX-L as _the -sum of . _ - _ 26 ,000.00 308.48 apprcuriate3 and sit aside by ord. #,'3h10. w > Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_.38...,-308.48upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot. part or parcel of. land io accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached. identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such Wetion thereon as may be considered proper. �6..er aneance. D Fo B. S. A. a_9 ""ownCOUNCIL FILE N0, ....._.._'._ .........._ 9760 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. e o=1 3 -cats `_ er�,s=s for ...Curbing and In the matter ofMhe assessment of �........ - - boulevarl-in3 both sides cf-Fai=vie,v avenue frclr, Jni!=raity avenue to _ 3 1_�, Su:r.mit avenue. , 2210 ntSx3�g3sit. under Preliminary Order 934IntermBdiary Order _. ?.382 approved _Nov. 20th, 1914. Final Order .._ _ The assessment of....._ 3 ne f 1 t a, a(wt s and axpenAe s for and in connection with i the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 9 RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ._'g_.__ .. day of A.Fr11.___. _._....._., 191._6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,'i`�L of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- tieular owner to whom the noticeis direct Adopted by the Council ._ _ W, , 196 City Clerk. Approved ...... _ ...._...... 191 ..... Mayor. e ...in t a In Councilman Far sworth a:P...g for and with the hove Im➢rove net' been submitted t unefdered cl '. •• Go Council t� va do saeesemeat ^.... found there tore, be It sntd a se r.at tory. h In all Resolved. , The.F> the • Ke er be •aud.ths"same t. here Y ePpp..t�ite.aDPI. ioved That a Puhlon Reeolve.d. I^urtk.er. aid aeeeeic ement \. b. hado,n,Pril SOSG, t the Vic oll hearing in the Council EBth day the t 10u c oc > Clta�nher C 1 It Cour[ a city and the, In the CiteY t ary Cit). sulI that ithe Commld weer 8ancenRlve notice of Bald meeting' l J• n Charter. stating / reeulred by the ePd place of hear YO fg id'notico the tlmf 4140 imPro`•ement. Inthe n' a t o not o -the a o the k �I ' it),loal a t tact of r lots lhe! eyor Po rs .......d ng.Iwacr tto (whom the 'notice 9l fi. ocular Form B. S. A 8-8 iNt'dlrected.the Council Imh. =l'• 1 t` t AdoPted� Jicb. 30, t9t0. • APP rove (Apri.111",%) r ----- ---- CITY.PF ST.. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C6MMISSIONFR OF FINANCE. P'EPOIZT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191.6 , Ten^fita ,co3 e �X ;e .sfors (urbing.and 1 n the matter of the assessment of .. a-'- --- se bCu'_evard.ao both eideq of Fairview avenue frcm University avenue to 934 __....., intermediary Order 2210 __ .under Preliminary Order _..... _. Final Order -... 26g2 __. _., approved Picv. 210th, 4.. ]9] To the Council of the City of St. Paul : The Commissioner 'of finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a vtatement of the expendi- tures necessarily ineurred a�td to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- +- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - _ - - - 47C9,22 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - 3.65 Cost of postal cards .. - :8... 3.19 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - $ _ Amount of court costs for confirmation - 9 10.95_ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - $4726.01 Said Cotnmissiouer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total dmount as above aseer- twined, to -wit: the sum of $ 47.23',.91.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of laud deemed benetited by the said improvement, and is the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in to•i-ordanee with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asscasrnent has been cmnpleted, and tlnrt hereto attached. identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith suhmitted to the Council for such action therein as may be considered proper. �.isaizr. Form 8. S. R-9 El 'RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND ANG TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. X3'763 In the matter of `'cndemnin> and taki r. an eau .-".ent in the lard necessary )nmei r�slorei for cuts and tills in !rc.dina South ° rato a avenue from f arson a✓enue to Fandcl n strut, the` la -1 tc be taken for the ;ibove improvement bein^ a:ore particularly describ6d as anease....ent, for ones, for cuts and fills in and uper- the land abutting on South Saratoga anue, between the/prints a'ore3a13, to the extent o'nown upon the sketch tadhed to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works 141 the matter ted Ncv. 21., 191>, ^i^! clketrh cln3 retort are hereby re_-rred ho and de a pas` hereof, ( under Preliminary Order C 42 , approved Au :7. 3, 1913. Intermediary Order 7004 approvede Oct. 19,1915 . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the " awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, ftXM ham-ber,ftXM Akin the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the �iiyi th day of ALT it I 191 _...b.. at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing. as prescri6ed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council C-/'% '191 ' Clerk. Approved. 191....._.. -- .... .............. . o r ..t the Commissioner ofPublic , - - - W-ke I" the matter dared I 22, -,it,, _ Mayor.._. 1915. which ketch d report are Councilman am orth hereby rete red to and made a part Councilman oss ber-funder Preliminary Order 62421 approved Aug. 3, 11916, Intermediary _ Councilman eller Order 7604, approved Oct. 19, 1916. The Comprise Inner f Finance hnving Q Councilman WcColl submitted his report In the above mat- ter x to the amount of damn gee Councilmanjash awarded for the taking of the land emrnte thoreln appropriated for the Councilmanoerg above 1 , ovement and to whom pa)•- nhle: leo having submitted his a.- -Pow se cement of be to property [rem the' making of said Improvement, therefore be It Jo,olved. That the amid n..... ment of ants be Rad the axme 1. berths np proved. Resolved further, That a public - hearing be had before the C'u ncil upon / r'nort a a for a eonnrmauon r the�ln •a ds of damages mode by the /1 J Commissioner ofnance, and also up- . I ri•� Yl P- on the Wald neeFlsment of I—ents nt the Council Chamber, to the Court House In the City [ St. Poul on the II 28th day of April, 1916, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he I. it iF by directed to " ""'t"' of aid, hearing. as pre- cribrd by the said. Adopted by the Council Alch. 29, 1916. Approved Meh. 30, 1916. (April 1-1916) d REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of Cordemnin and taking an eaeem.ent '' the lana -necessary for slopes for cuta and ills in trrading Scuth Saratoga avenue from Je*ferson avenue to Randolph street, the land to be taken for the above named improvement bein r,icre particularly described as an easement fo slopes, Tor cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting on South Sarafdoa avenue, between the points afor@said, to th= extent shown ur.on the sketch atta^hed to the report of thei Com;niasioner of Public Works in the matter dated Nov. 22, 1915, w:nich sketch ar_a report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 6242 approv&g•3,1915. Intermedia r Order 76C4 approved 1)ct.19,1915. a A e TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF -5T. PAUL. The Commissioner of Fiuince hereby reports That he has fixed and determined value of the land, lands oc easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to � l whomuch awards are payable; th� he'has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the,eost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the unde-isigned, containing the undersigned's findings onsaid matters. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXII4 TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. ' r ( Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary f he�- fie°9 for cuto and fills in the o a'!ing-of -Osceola avenue from Lexington avenue to Dunlap street, the land to ,e taken for the abov'A named improvement being more rarticul�.rly described a? an easement, for slopes, for outs an -.fills in and upon the land abuttinc on Osceola ave, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report ofthe Ccnnissioner of Public Works in the matter. iated Nov, 22,1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 6793 approved Ce' ° • 1 s 191,5 Intermediary Order 7609 approved Ont • 19,1915 . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded V, for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved 'further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham - her, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the Zgth day of April 1916 ._ , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. l Adopted by the Council `%C I� L -e, 1 'Clerk. _. Approved ,t f Pahl lo lvorks in the 6 dated Nay. 22. 1915, which i6eh and report are hereby refer- nd made par[ hereof, un- Mayor. -ellmi y Order 6793, approved Councilm Farnsworth a ot: 1. 19151. rntermedlary' Ord 7698, approved Oct. 19, 1915. Ciouncilm Goss The Commiseioner o[ Via nee Navin nubmllted his resort In the above at. Councilm Keller ter to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land COuncllm McColl sements therein appropriated for the .above Improvement andto whom p - Councilm Nash able: and mso l�i�Aa.vr]1ag submitted as - a ment of benefi eRto pr, from Councllm Yoerg themaking e( p Oi—'eon . .� Ma or Po era therefore be It y Resolved, That the.an d assessment of bene•t)tn he and the name Is hereby ap- proved. Resolved further, That a public ` hearing be had before the Connell upon id report and for a confirmation of the —a ds of damages made by the Combe sic er . .menceo and ¢leo up- on said Chamber enl f benefits: at the Council .Chamber In the Court House In the City of 'T Paul on the 28th day of April, 1916. at ten - a'elork A. M. ad that the Commis. loner ar F'"' nee be and he Is he /W7 directed to give Lice of s¢id hearing ns prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council afch. 29, 1916. Approved hteh. 30. 1916. I/ (April 1-1916} - q REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS '9764 �- I the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land neceseary_. for s�opss for cute and Mlle in the grading of Osceola avenue from Lexington avenue to Dunlap street, the land to be taken for the above named,imprcvement being more particularly described as an easement, for elopes, for cuts and!ifills in and upon the land abutting,on Osceola -avenue, between Ahe coints aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Comimiseioner of Public Works in the matter dated Nov. 22,1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to. and rude a part hereof, g PP under Preliminary Order 6793 approved Sept.1,1915. Intermediary Order 7f: 08 approved Oct.19,1915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports- That eportsThat he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said/matters. Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul,yinn., April 28,1916. Hon. E . W -Farr_eworth, Ccr..v.iesirrer of —ira. ce, a £t. Faul,t�inn. Dear sir:— . i I lave ct:r comrrur_ica.ticr. of the °th inst. relating to the condemnation of prcperty recessa3y for cuts, etc,., 9,nd the grading of Osceola Avenue frog, Lexi )nEton Avenue to Dunlap 1 Street order No. 6793 approved September �. 1 let, 1915, ir,terr:ediary crier No. 7608 approved October 19th, 1915, nctifyin� me of a hearing and stating that objections should be ir: vrriting and filed \with the Council at the time fixed for the hear'_n.' or. April'�p8th. I own the property at the Southwest corner of Osceola and Lexington Avenues, 130 feet or. Osceola and 80 feet pr. Lexington. The proposed change of Grade will lower the street in frost of f- ` my property on Osceola fron. about six inches .on Lexington to 1 two feet and ,iill render it necessary on account of the subsoil that I should put in.a retaining wall. I bplieve that the proposed change wi- result in dar,.age to my property of at least w200.00 and I request that ar, exanination be made of the premises with a view of ascertainin euc}• damages. 0 Pespectfully submitted, Owner. I RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 976 5 In the matter of _Condemning and takin�sn eaeement.._in the l.az�d neCeee.a..ry for elopes, for. cute and fills' in Grading Edgecumbe Road from West Seventh. street to Lexington avenue, the land to be taken for the above named im- provement being more particularly described as, an easement for slopes for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Edgeeumbe Road, between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated February 18th,_1a316, which sketch] and report. are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, 1915 under Preliminary Order 2915 approved November, 12th, Intermediary Order 8861 approved January 18th, 1916. ..,The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded t for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- 6er,7dkyp tJ: in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the* 'ZZth ,day of Apr it 1916... , at ten ?'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, w prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council Approved ............__r. 191.... ZC --- referred too 1, P,t paai sot, under Preilminary 01916,1 Ia- d November 12th. ap proveOwer 8881, aDDroved Councilm Farnsworth ',T,!n9� ms .alone. of Finance having Councilm Goss submitted hle .port in the bove-mat- - [er to th. ovntol the l mag" Councilm Keller warded for the taking r mentefherain appropriated for the Councllm McColl above Improvement and•to whom pay Councllm Mesh able: and slop having submitted his na- asment of benefit to property from Councilm Yoer the eking oY said Improvement, g 'therefore be It m Mayor P ars Resolved. That the anld t y of beneflta be and the game is hereby approved That ' a public .solved further, hearing be had before the Connell upon geld. report and for contl tlan of tmadefie awards of damages by the ommissioner of Finance, and also UP - oil the said aesessmbnt.of benefits: at the Counell Chamhet 1n the. Court - H.vse In t( pprilY 1916.t tten oclock 28th day a A . 51., and that the Commissidt of tolagltce htic.nd rhe d hear n4.dtf@Prea... scribed by the Charter. adopted br the Counell -ch. ?9. 1936. fr approved \t.h. 30, 1916. (April 1-1914) — —'City Clerk. / Mayor. _ l 11 . •'��, � J' / .t Now REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necea_sary._. for elopes, for cuts and fills in "trading Edgecumbe Road from West Seventh, straet to Lexington avenue, the land to be taken for the above named.im- provement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Edgecumbe-Road, between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the feport of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated February 18th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, - 1915. under Preliminary Order 7915 approved November 13th, , Intermediary Order 8861 approved January 18th, 1916. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersignede containing the undersigned's findings on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. , 8 It zk^ .7 41 - j 2 L f_ ��'t C C (`/yrd �. f�Lt- /Z/� C�:'L L L � �G- Y 2_ � Gc ✓ /� �j //�J—r—�_ w`� v�✓ L�/��_"G(/G�/jL .y%�1�i.2.-E // �C-ic__ (`_�/ L�G�-a"�-.� i`� / z-e-�-c-c �4, '✓"O �t-L� vn L Ic<-- [r e- � c- �t_ l/t�Gr��-o. a [. ��- L�it.�a- //�c�t�c.C�. � �c�C (�G /� .rte �� �` /� ✓ ic��v///a-12c�/2.�-G>. c.t/f li-�-�F' ,( /.r Q`7/-�' {tl / G C.a/F Lf t •--fi d- Ji I"7Z Ac— A- 4 0 U I STATE OF ;,UA^_ ESOTA. COUT = OF RXVIISEY. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Before the Common Council of said City. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the matter of condemning and taking an Easement in tl:e land, r ecess; r;; for Flops, - for cuts, and fills in gradin.0 Eagecumbe Road, from 11,est Seventh Utreet to Lexington Avenue, unaer rreli.:dnary oraer 7915, approved i<ovember 12th, 1915, Intermediary Gruer 86H1, approvea January lbth, 1916. ow comes An drew Becks±ron,, and alleges that he is the owner of Lot Eighteen (16), 'in BSoch One (1), in Lexington Park 7 rlat Seven (7), situate in tt:e City of _t. .Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and, as t,:e owner of suci. rrorerty, he objects to the condemnation and ta'_ring an easement on said land for slopes, for a .cuts and fills in the above entitled-roceedirg, and alleEes that the valuation of the -^rorerty as fixed and uetermireu by the "oramissioner of Winance is rot a fair valuation, and the— rovosed award of damages to him for taking and conaemnir.g suci. easement ,in said lot -is ;. t a fair and i.r_nurtialvawarC, -and alleges ti,-�t his uamages in the rrerr.ises tre Eigl.t hundred 4800.00) 1)o3lars. Attorney forector. P.ndrew ?ackstroni. 630 Globe slug., St. Paul, isinn.. Obj r` )ateu this 27th uay -of Anril, A. D. 1916. va 3 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT MY FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in. the land neeesaa..ry for elopes, for cute and fills in the matter of Gradigg Andrew street from Belvidere street to Winifred street, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in iii and upon the land abutting upon Andiew street between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated September 29th, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, I under Preliminary Order 4996 approved May 20 th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 6727 approved August 27th, 1515. The Commissioner of finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having -' submitted 19 assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved. That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner oq Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber XRd41abA)jn the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the iv 8'th day of April 191 6 , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council Approved (.../._....__._. 191 ___._ _ V — which sketch and retiort are hereby MeyoL. - refered to arid made a part hereof, Counedm n Farnsworth under Preliminary Order 4996, ap- proved \fay 20th, 1915, Intermediary Councilm n Goss Order h727. approved August 27th: 1915. e Councilor n Keller The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report 1. the above mat- Councif n McColl ter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or Council�.ann Nash semente therein appropriated for the above Improvement and to whom pay- Ciouncll Yoerg able; -and oleo haingsubmitted his a eessmentofbenefit to property from Mayorwers the• making o[ as ld improvement [herefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby up - ]tr Ivle further, That n public up- hen ring be had before the Connell up- o old report and for n 'anfirmation 1 fl or the awards of damages made by the r'ommixsaid .-mence, Hart also oat the Bald assessment n benefits, at 1( the Coa nett Chamber ber to the Court r?+, linuxe 1p the CIU' of St. Paul on the 1/ A.th day of April. 1996, at [en o'clock J A. al. and that the Commissioner of Fimuu•c be:md he Is hereby directed to give notI re of said hearing, as pre- - acrlbed by the charter. All,, 'd by the Council meh. 29, 1916. Approved 9Lth. aQ 1916. fApril 1-1D16) a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS_, j In the maurr of Condemning and taking an easement in the land .necessary for slopes, for cuts and file in the matter of Grading Andrew street from Belvidere street to Winifred street, the land to be taken being more particularly described asan easement for slopes, for cuts and fille in and upon the land abutting upon Andrew street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated September.,a9th-,.._,___ 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part ° hereof, t m 4996 May 30th 1915 6737 under Preliminary Order ,approved y r termediary Order approved August 37th, 1915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. rhe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land; lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improverfant and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners ther4f respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits -to properly, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersig—d's findings on said matters. & Commissioner of mance. 9 k 1 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME -OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Opening, widen ingand extending to ...a width of 16 feet .au.._. alley through Blook 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from Geranium street to Oliver street, the land to betakenfor the above named improvement being a strip of land 16,afeet in width across Block 15, Auerbach and Dandle Addition,,,taking-the rear eight feet from Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, ' under Preliminary Order 5838 approved truly and, 1915 , Intermediary Order 7083 approved September 16th, 1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvempnf, therefore be it, Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon asaid report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council qam- her, KKd0 Mftn the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 4th day of* Apri 1 191 6. _ , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council p -- 24_:Cl erk. 4A proved ,..,meat „t: 191.......... - - Councilma I Farnsworth C.uncilma i Goss Councilma i Keller Councilma 1 McColl Councilm Nash Councilm Yoerg Mayor Po ers t fret In width ncro. bach and Hand's Ado" i -- renr eight fret from I.u,- rluslve. under I'rrlimtna..... .. .iA32, aliproved Suty 2nd. 1915. '. ... .-... Mayor. medinry Order 7083, approved , (ember 16th, 1915. -' The Commissioner of Fiance haa•Ina - aubmllted his report In the above ma ter t to th¢ mount of damages awarded for the taking of the In' o •nte th,eeia approprmted for the •Improrrmen[ ulbal,e and to whom pay- able: and a1,n having subm ltt ed hisna- , rnt fir benefit to property from themakingof said Improvement. - - weremre fie It Thatthe of benrfite be and the seam, lee hereby unproved: I teaotv"I further. That pub le hearing be had before the Counell-up- - n Bald report and for a ronfirmation - If or the aa-ards of damages made bthe Comm(sal on rr of Finnnee. a d a,aoy up- [ th, ta, at 11 the anld n Chamber the Court the I'o m Chamber s jj ll+f/ j ..•FFF t t. Paul on he House In the City of iiJJllllff// !/ •� ten .1, 2Nth ,bty of April. 1916. at.ten o'clock . " A: al. and that Ihr Commtseloner of j nd that the Commisefoner of Finanrebe and he is hereby directed to gl ve-notice or said hearing as pre- .rrlbed by the Charter. - - - AdoPted by the Cou nell Arch. 29. 1916. .\m,roved \TeM1. 30. 1916. IAnrll t -tele) 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE / ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matlrr of Opening, widening and extending_ to_a width of 16 feet alp alley through Block 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from=Geranium street to Oliver street, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being a strip of land 16 feet in width across Block 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, taking the rear eight feet from Lots 1 to 18, inclusive,' - 9 B under Preliminary Order 5832 approved July 2nd, 1915 , Intermediary Order 7083 approved September 16th, 1915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or 'easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement "and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of -the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said ruatters. Commissioner%of Finance. 0 4 RESOLUTION OF TIME OF HEARING IN y7r In the matter of Opening, widening and extend.ing....an alley across the southerly end of Lot 9, Blpc'W_2, Wright's Addition, the land to be taken for -the above named impriovement being a strip of land off the rear of Lot 9, Block 2, Wright'e A3dition, City of St. Paul, said strip having a width of N feet on the westerly side of Lot 9, and 3j feet on the easterly side of Lot 9, r under Preliminary Order 6844 approvedSep t • 2nd, 1915 Intermediary Order 7724 8 approved October 28th, 1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages, awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved. That the said assessment of benefits be and the same. is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, A AO=in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the --i $th day of Apri 1 191 6 , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council I - City Clerk. ApprovedQ.._... _..., 191... .. Pa41 d at ip having n width o[ 29 elan the _,srly aid. -of Lot 9. nd 3i, feel on the eataerly Mayor. Councilor Farnsworth xide of Lot .1. ander Preliminary Or- der 68t4, xpproccd Sept. 2nd, 1915. C-0unCllm GOSS la"rmed lacy Order — , approved October 26th. 1915. Councilor Keller The Cmi-ibu loner of Finance . at- xubmitted his report In the hove mnt- Gouncilm McColl ler as to the ....at f damages arded for the taking pf the land o Councilm Nash it. L , rela approprlatea for uta a•Ipe Improvement and to whom pay- Couneilm Yoerg able: and nlao-having submitted his as - Mayor P era he Qa'nR;nking h o[ fls Id property improveme It, therefore be it itcaolved, That the said assessment .,f hcm, is be and the same is hereby approved. Reaolrcd further, That -public heuring be had before the Council up- i, a report t d for . confirmation by ion c the awn rdx of damages made by the ,nc nlaalun er . Finance, be also fit up- p the xnld n a ax eat of benefit., the ts, at the t'oI nMl Chamber t. the Court Hnuae in the -City of 5t. Paul on the 191h day of April, 1916, at ten 'clock F'lnn ncc b,• and he la hereby directed to give notic,. of said hearing as pre- - ,•rlbed b}' the Charter. r .\dopted by the Council loch. 29, 1916. A p p r n rel-ltl c h. 30. 1916. f t Iaj, .t REPORT OF COLT ON CONDEMNATIO In the matter of Opening, widening and extending. pan alley -across the southerly end of Lot 9, Block 2, Wright's Addition, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being a strip of land off the rear of. Lot 9, Block 2, Wright's Aidition, City of fat. Paul, said strip having a width of 29 feet on the westerly side of Lot 9, and 3j feet on the easterly side of Lot 9, under Preliminary Order 6844 approved 8,ept . 2nd, 1915 , Intermediary\Order 7724 approved October 28th, .1915. ' TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said/matter ���.✓ Vii'+.7�1/,l�iP�2�G'>��e�i�, Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL o �'. �! COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM.- bjeot Establishe3 Grade Council �. File No. Date Presented — _ — — 191 T'-,-.W- grace o£ PCXat IC.e,- — — — — — — 4-c7ce-6 frc� '_ — — — - _Edgc�mbe Rona ___'see' to_Lexir�q}ori in accordance with the'reL graC-e line on the agcorv,:)anying profile and as recommended by the commissioner of Pujlic Works, ae anc.'che same is hereby al1opteE z-s the esce:clished graC-e. ' C. F. No. 97 yjW.N: Coss— Resoly d -:the g de;of Palace street from- mh Read`, to I. i—ton A l 1W with the red grade line omt.t a panying pro- III;, and as reeatttinended by the Com- missloner of Phtfile Works. he and the c 1. h—byM1Adopted as the estab- 1lahed grade. . Adopted by. the Council Meh. ".9, 1916. APProved Hch. 39, 1916. - (April 1-1916) Yeas ( ) Co>~7 -linen (Nays) o,)cec- by he Co 'Cl Far 9worth / Goa ' )_roved Kel er In fE.vor --� Nas Yoe g s.Agc. ins c 1 or - '3770- CITY OF ST. PAUL 7f6 ll COUNCIL RESOLUTION- -GFNMIAT FORM.. b eat, Establishe8 Grade Council File No: Date Presented - - - - 191 " _v^ graLn of �reoi. 40 in accordance with the ref, grade line on ,che accom)anying profile and as recommender. by the Commissioner of Public works, be ani_ -'rhe seme is hereby aLopter. c.s the esc�:olished grar_e. C. F. No. 9710 --Rs ]f. N. Goea— �) Resolved. That the grade. of Kent Ft. f ro m Front�Sl. to Oliver St., in accord - with the red Scads line on the ac- nmpanying profile and ae recommend- ' ed by the Commissioner of Pnbi)e AV,' -ha. he and the same 1. hereby adopted as tha established grade. Adopted by the Council 1ich. T9, 1916. Approved Mch. 10. 1916. (April 1-1916) Yeas ( ) jYoe n (,Nays) >CoL)c' : by f it rth (/ —17 L In f�.vor �A;�.iist �°ro_oWers - - -- 2�,7or Ott w 0:H Herrold Council File No. . ......... F119-1<>IP4C>SAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.. 'v and PRELIMINARY, ORDER. The undersigned here -by proposes tl-ile making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:ZT94e Phalan.. avenue to....8010-k st;reet---1�4 P-PL.xtlal gx.aLd e— ----- ------- ..... ......... . ..... .......... . ..... .... . . --- - ---- ..... ...... .. . .............. Dated this day of J . ........ 191 i. /ouncilman. 1-1:;-" ELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ZrVL110. ..Yeller --- amenue to -Back atreet to a partial grade ---- ------ - 11. No. 9771— Whereas. A written proposal for the mu king of the following Improvement, Phalen viz:Grade Keller street. from - ------ ----- ------ ---avenue street. to Beek street to partial wade having been —ented , to sthe t 1, 6p having been presented to the Cc>Lti"�—ill <:>f t <--Ouncll of he Wt f St. Pan there - having s. 'j1`e-o%.d;kTb,..1'th. ennea.tilonar of therefore, be it lb"� 0 . and he 1a hereby or. 6—d and dlra,led! Z oinvestizate the necessityreby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the —'-d airnbrity of the making of . aid 1—tprov.maraL i. To investigate the necessity fOr 2. To Urv-1:19-t- the nature, extentud improNenicrit. -d estimated coat of — improve - 2. To investigate the Tiattir�—. —tent. and the total —t thereof. furnish a Wan prla or 3. To ' A rnent and the total cost thereof. alcatch of said hpprovamaaL 3. To furnish a plan, profile or k 4E-4- To f—iahth- fellow Ing other Rata and Wofm.tion relative to 4. To furnish the follo-,%-iriLg c>r1asEt-r- _L1 f—prov nant- mproverrient: 5. To state whether or not said tm- pvovement is asked for an the petition of three or more owner" --- ----------- 6 To at of the h We report upon a Z?� simtris matter. to the Conarnisal:— of f three — 1"' "' 5. To state whether or nc>t Adopted by the Connell itch. I.. . or more owners. ]=--d of t-E�— f�r--sel �iIM h. 30, 1916. 6. To report upon all (April 1.8-1916) J?f Finance. ll Adopted by the Council ...... --- -----iy� 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth 00 Approved ..� Ker - M C:CAI /90 AA- 8*3ami. V erg ... .. . .. . ...... ....... Mayor P vers Mayor. 9772 r CITY OF ST. PAUL r 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM-_' aubjeot Established File ile l - File No`: ` Date Presented — — — — gr R'30_V_J Th�.c she aCr of .;r0e.'G to in accordance crith the ref, graf.e line on the accoMpanying profile and as recormendef-_ by the Commissioner of Public Works, be an -111As2me is hereby af.optef. as the es-'Ue.olished graLe• -GosN:%— Renolvsd. That Ahe erade of JeRer- on Ave. t-po Qdggs St. to Edgeumbe 4 Road is cogdepue with the red grade 11", on t:le. 'CCC(n Panvfng profile and as mmended. by the Commleeloner of Public Work.; be and the e c is hereby -adopted the established .. grad:\e. as ported by the Council'\Ich. 30. 1976. Approved \fe ri 30, 1916. a Yeas ( ) COU1 41aen (14ays) sc.o_rced by ;;he Coulcil jvjpR DF`asworth _r ff ��o ��oved _ vKe er he oll 7 In favor Na J Yo g — L,gains'c r. _ .1 t, Folvers — — — — — — — 2:�-yor V CrTY'OF $T. PAUL .COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 977 " Subject _ COUNCIL FILE No. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the sum of $61.23 be and the same is hereby ordered paid to Louis Nash out of the City officers, Attending conventions Account to reimburse him for expenses of trip to St. Louis, attending the National Municipal Recreation Federation Convention, and•the proper city officers are hereby ordered and directed to draw a warrant for 0 same. N C. r. No. 9773of - - and 2 1- tese is herebthe y o'dared �paid to Lcuts Nash, out of the CItY-ORicers Attending Conventions Account to re - ,m burse him`for expenses of trip to St. Louis, attending the National Muni- clpnl Recreation Federation Conven- tiongp . and 'th-Or.er ,city, Ricers n hereby o dere�:;p;dlleeete`d to draws t. xnt for same; -v+ Adopted be tKe Council Mch. 30. 1916. ro Appved Mch. 30, 1916. 1 April 1-1916) s Yeas ( ✓ ) C u-Itnen (l') Nays orth � II v 7m'. Pre ' Powers FORM C.a-2 • �1 �$�yoQe 8.6°g t ° Vi10 01-a tt VOID t Adopted by the Council W1QR 3n t1oi- 191 In favor 3 3c) 191 �. Approved Against U -- ' MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTI.ON—GENERAL FORM Subject:.. 94 COUNCIL _� rue NO.. ... ......:.... ._.....__. Date Presented... _ _ _.._ ......._....._..__..... 191 _.._.. i .that the cigarette license No..384, now in the name of W. A. Ryan, 62 E. 5th St., be, and the same hereby is,transferred to Thos. J. Harkins, 62 E. 5th St. C. P. No. 9774—ray Henry McColl— Reaolved, That the cigarette license No.- 284, now• In the name of W. A - Ryan. 62 E. 6th St.. he. and. the aame hecepv is tranaferred to Thos. J. Mar- e lcina, 62 E. 6th St. n Adopted by the ci e Counl Mch. 30, 1916. A pp_.d Mch. 30. 1916. (April 1-1916) Yeas U) nulmen (✓) Nays nsworth sa ...._ In favor ller oil �- Against h rg r. P i t, Powers FORM C.a-2 1p U Adopted by the Council �-i O_ 3.0 -19 1 b 191. Approved. 3_U 191.�at. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL " COUNCIL RE: OI-UTIOIV—GEt61ERAL FORM Subject:_ 9*5 / COUNCIL ' No...__ FE...___ ... �r Date Presented.Marc.h_ 2.9tb-16. _ 191.__.. Resed„ That upon reoommendatlon of the Commissioner of Public Safety, the proposal or W. C. Marlow, Sr., to furnish musio at Harriet island for the season of 1916, for the BUM of Four Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($4,400.00) , as contained in the letter from said W. C. Marlow, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city �., officers are- hereby autgorized to enter into a contract with the said Marlow in accordance with said proposition and to execute the �—O. L:4 hove Conn C '1 C. F. No. 9711—ny Henry McColl - Resolved, That upon recommendation l or the Commlealoner of Public Safety. thc proposal of N. C. Marlow, Sn, to furnish music aL. Harriet Island for the as.... of 1916, for the um of Four Y Thousand Four Hundred Dollar. ($.4A00,00), contained 1. the letter Froin- said N. C. Marlow, be and the same 1. hereby accepted, and the prop - city d """ are h— by Ituth-l". !to enter Into a contract with the eatd I rlow in accordance with said prop- .., tion and to .xecute the same. Adopted by the Council Efch. 30, 1916. Approved Mch. 30, 1916. (April 1-1916) Yeas (✓) •lrnen (✓) Naysj)lAR �fl t 191- Adopted by the Council 4C.8-2 orth In favor _ -- 3 L.IIO. 7 eAp rove U Against , MAYORMr. Powers FORM u V 9776 At �•. ?' An ordinance to settle the claim of $els Waage. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY:OF ST. PAUL DOLS ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Nels Waage, to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St -Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on West 4th Street, between College Avenue and Smith Avenue, as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date•of March 27th, 1916, upon payment to him of the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50000) be, and the same is hereby,ac- cepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of,Binanee in favoY of Nola Waage, payable out of the Compromise Account of the .(en - oral Fund, in the sum of Fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in, a form to'bo approved by the Corporation Court - eel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims 1 and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of .those arising out of the injuries sustained bysaid claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section,2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. _ Yeas (7) Councilmen (V) Naysby the Council 191 i. <Ommonicitti- u. Adopted I date of March 27th, Farnsworth i .nt to him of tfie Bu / `J re ($60.00) be, and tha Goss In favor , aecepted. and the nro seta 191 .. a hereby authorize upon v Approved ' Keller D draw ° arrant w mom A amst r Fl"°"ee in ravor $ agepayable out or the Con Nash , Account Of the General Fur lm of Fifty Do an uP ��� to be deilvered f ng filed with the City Com rec¢Ipt• of said clnime M voR Mr. President, Powers F4RI"together with n release du .. �� 4D4�. ,:1 by him in a form to be ap- FORM C.a-2 �'{� -uy th0 C"TporatlOn C011nO¢l. Te- and dfeuhargng the city from - all claims and demand° ofe v- acnature. more partle- — - count of thvee airaing bout 1} ;aid InJurfea UBtafned t on tfie day and under the I a herehmbove noted.. ce SECTION 2. - r �¢e effect and daveaafter k it. passage. - cation. deal nDr. lt. t° th. - - eeidenf h. a_k Y' An ordinance to settle the claim of 0. 0. Bergh. THE COUNCIL OF TFF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That the proposition of 0. 0. Bergh to"oom promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising - out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on an icy side- walk on the east side of St. Peter street, near Tilton street, as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of March 25th, 1916, upon payment to.him of the sum of Fifty Dollars (W. C), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorizes and directed to drag a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor ,of 0. O. Bergh, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General d, in the sum of Fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivers' only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of a id claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to.be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and die - charging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind' and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the cir- oumetances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect d be in force 11' thirty days after its passage and publication. /. be andyn. accepted and tbe'pYopet Passed by the Council APR 13 psi _ 1916. - = -e hereby awuthoriand ,ed to draw a arrantt upon the mmteatoner of Finance Wfavor of _ n. Bergh. p.y.bl. out of tpa Com- 1 Yeas Nays !)mise Account of the General Fundy the sum of Fttty Dollars: Bald sum. wevber toeing filed -itbe �on Vethe'CltyyComp- Mr. Farnsworth �nPr n receipt of said clalmant l ,refor, together .with a release duly Goes. �,uted by him In.a form to be ap used by the Corporatlon Counsel. ' Keller i g end discharging the City ' d alt claims and d manda of — i -.nd nr. h)re, and mo a par-') Nash those lsrlelre {' s, 0 Mr. Prresiident (Powers) App;,61 �T 1 16: Mayor . �C rk. c ¢ 917'8 [T 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION- ='GENERAT. FORM-- 3-abject Established Grade Cousscil File ' No. Date Presented _ _ _ _ 191 MesBerli & Eschbach's Add., Alley Blk. , 4. S-6ree-c Th-Ju-;:�e graC.F of - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - to _ _ Atlantic Ave._ in accordance with the reC, grate line on the accompanying profile and as iecommenlle& by the Commissioner of Public Works, be anC."che same is hereby aLopteC. as the es-cc.blished grace. '--�— C. F. No. 9776—Ry M. N. Goee— Resolved. That the grade of Alley Blk. 4. Messerli & Eschbach's Add.. I from Duluth Ave. to Atlantic Ave.. In accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as rec- nde'd by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same le hereby adopted as the established grade" Adopted by the Council filch. 3. 1916. Approved April 1. 1916. (April 6-1916) Yeas ( ) Co ilsen (Nays? LC.o eC_ by the C uacil MAR 3'=)415 neworth / / — G _ T oved v yer T In .favor Yo G- !,gains' r. "Ore- _ - - - 1_;.� or Petition `C Quncil File No. _...._.....:..._....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. y and �� 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followirpu is improvement be the ity of St. Paul, viz.:.... Grade e11.eyin,.B1.oc.k 4 McS3.erl��&.. Esq hbaQh.'.a._Adtlit.i.on... accordance with petition hereto.attaq.hq,1Z .... ...... _.. ... _...._ ...._..__... ..... _.._. ... ..........._.. _. ..... Dated this 3119t -.day of Ma Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __ .......... Grade. alley._ in ,.Block_ 4. Messerli.. &...E;�o.11bach'_s...Addi.tinn .................... .._ .._ .. ........... .. .. .... .... PRELININARY ORDERS.. C. F. No. 9770— ........... .........._... ... ... ........ ...... .. ..... ............... ....... .._.... tNhereae, A written Proposal for the mak(ng of the following Improvement, iz: Grade alley in Block 1, afeaseNl having been presented to the Council of th & E-chbach's Addition having been presented to the Council of the. City en therefore, be it BL Paul therefore, be It Public blicnaao1Workehbe a e ne°Ite harebyrort RESOLVED, That the Commissioner dered and dlreetea: >y ordered and directed: L To investigate the n°cesalty mprovement for 1. To Invest) ate the necessity for G or desirability of the making of Bald I improvement. g I a. To Investigate the nature, extent snt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, eaten[ a and eanmatea coat of said Improve- ment, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skei °ketch otf ala°i provemenA roil. or 4. 'To furnish the tollowing other IprOVemP.nt; _. _.. _. 4. To furnish the following other dat. data and Information relative to Bala mprovemen4 6. To state whether or not sold Im- Drovamen[ to asked for on the Petition "'""-- -- ---� ' 1 of three or more owners . 5. To state whether or not said un 6. To report upon all of the fore. tion of three or more owners. going potters to the Commissioner of Flnance. Jf Finance. 6. To report upon all of the foregd Adopted by the Council etch, al, 1916. Approved April 1, 1916. Adopted by the Council..—..Apra 8-1916) Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth _ Go .approved _�.._. / _ _ _ ...... ..-. ...... Y Yo Ke r Mavor Mayor. �i Council File No . ...................... e PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. t. and � (3 G O PRELIMINARY ORDER. j The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publ' improvemetif by thgity of St. Paul, viz_: _. Qor d emxiing .-a.xid...t.aki xlg....an....eas.ement... i.e-l.a.�3t ne�.e.s sr. .-.fpr. sl:opes., 1ts_--_and _ :c1ils-.._in_,.grading. alle.y.. ..D 91V 4 Ides rli Eaahba h.f..s _.Addi.ti-on. - ......... ... Dated this .... -31-t... - day of ..... __.... Ma.rCh.._.... ....r..,..7......_...._...... 191 �?.e' Councilman. i PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . e .0.onde,=a±ng _anti ..taking_ an -easement in.. th.e.__land..nee.easary_ for....alopes.,..Ior C.u, .p. ar'..d...f� 1..10 _ .ITa....g�'t�.dina... a 7.ey n_.. lock. _4....MeSSox.�.3._ &. ^�Q ch..e.. ,Aad.... ..... ... ........ ..._ ..... .... _ ... ..... _. .. .... __.... _............. ...... .... .... _.. ... ...... ... .. _.. c. F. tene8A6w -. titian propmprovelnenG ..--- ............... _ ,._ .. .... ..__...--.._osal for the .....-. -.. _....._._...-.....__.. .... makln6 of the following 11 .. .. .......... _ ._. _...... Condemning and taking an ea-e- havin been resented to the Council of the Cir meet m the lana necessary rot elope-. g p for cuts and fill- In Brading alley 1n ,,. ........ ...... _. therefore, be if Block 4, Meeeerlt & E-chbach a Add.. having been presented [o the Council of [he City of St! Paul therefore, bo 1t RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pl Resolved. That the comms -.toner of ,- Public Works be and he f- herby or- lered and directed: dared and dlreeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for OI' des' orl'QeelraDBltylo_tiof (the hmaklag of win 'ova ment. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est Im=roTomnve,.,tlifate the nature, extent Id the total cost thereof. and eettmated coat of eafd Improve - f. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of "' " Ind 3. Toturnlehtaa`oat horDrotlle or 4. To furnish the followingother data and •ketch of Bald fmprovemenG 4. To furnleh the following other mens', . _.... _. _.......... data Ina lnformatfon relative to eald ImDrovemenG ...... ............ .. .. ....... ............ ...... _.__ ---' ------ -... ..___._. ._.. 6. To elate whether or not said lm- _.._....-_ ._._...........--.-. provement ie. asked for on the petltfoa three or more owners. $. To state whether or not said improven ef6. To rape tor r uDonn all of the fore - 6. To report upon all of the foregoing ma gjingn report to the commfeeloner of nce. N i r- n 3'pppPpi ed April 1, 1916, vfeh. 31,1916- Adopted by the Council...... -.._._.. __.-. (April 6-1916) Yeas: Nays: Councilman F sworth / ss Approved _...._ Her ..__... _._ ................. ........ ays Mayor. Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following.,154fic improverne4tilbN the City of St. Paul, viz.: Q.0.ndemninj and takinR,...an-...oas I- nee —a for slopes, for cuts and f 1.1ts in.. &-r4 . .... .. .. ..... . .. . .... Haskell's Addition, QQ Schroeder's Addition -------- ..... �31§lt day Max Dated this 191 6 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHFREAS, A written proposal for the mlaking of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning an eaq.Q.gg Q. ant ne.c..e.s-aa-r.y...for....slopes, for cuts and. rading....Allsy..in 310,0k- P HusR.ey...&...Haskcll I s­AdO iti-on, Block 3 Walnut Grove Addition and Blriql, is ........ .... C.1711--�r,,tc. p F. A � roposal for the g makinof the following improvement. �1.: n .... . ...... ....... .... Condemning and [eking an . ........ f meet In the land — al�-Pa- 1 1, .di ng alley -t! and 71 having been presented to the Council of the Ci for 2. lu­��"& Lk.11' Addition. Block' N"b"t Grove Addition and Block I, ,broader'. Addition. having therefore, be it been presented to theCouncil of the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of there V C,,1t11b"uhf e.r,;m1.II.n.r tie rderd and directed: . VoSt.d;k.rhb.Paul' 1. .d be hereby or - 1. To investigate the necessity- for or de dcr.d and dir...,led: 1. To Inle. 19-t- the necessity for provernent. f , k,Off of seld 2. To investigate the nature, extentand or dentrabIlItY 0 A. _- and the. total cost thereof. 3. TO Investigate the nature, Impressment. .It 'esturnated cost of -,td I M 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch prov ment. and the total cost tb!­0 a. To furnish a plan, profile or 4. To furnish the following other data and ske.tch of said Imp .... —nt. ement: 4 t To furnish thefollowing to%heir data and information relative saa .... ...... 11rn ..... . . !ro Tolestate l whether or not said Int - .I., 5. To state whether or not said improv E or vem.nt to asked fe r on the pent on f. three or more owner.. if three or more owners. To report upon all Of the fore ­ 6. To report upon all of the foregoing n 91g matters to the Commissioner of lance. by the Council Mch. 31, 1916. 1^1�Idp'pp­ded April 1. 1916. Adopted by the Council NLO- (April 9-1916) Yeas: Nays: Court it F nsworth G ss Approved K Iler Y erg . ...... F. .......... ... May Mayor. W", Petition \� Council File No. ......_.,...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROAMENT. and Qlryr� .d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .._Grade all,ey...�n..�.q.Gk.._.Hta s.e�.&_.FIs ke11'.a..Addition,..Block.'3.: YPalnut Grove Addition and Block_1 .. 8. Sclzro.ede .,' ._._,�ddi .. ... wi. Dated this _3let____dav,of Xaro. 191 .6.s.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. . , _ ........ Grade alley in_ Block,.2.,Huss..ey._Pc...r�s.S�ell.-s...Addition.,....Bl.nclk..3_Malnut.. Grove _ ...... . Addition. and Block 18 Schroedertq AAAI+ -I— C. F. ... a782— Whereee, t written proposal for the 71..aking or the follow)Bl imp[o]!..sament. .,... _. _. .,,.. .,. ......_ ......_ _ ... .... .. ........_ .. .......... ... .. Grade alley In Block 2, HueeeP c. Haskelrn Addition, Block 3 Walnut Grove Addition and Block 18 Schroe- . ......_ - ........... ... dert, Addition, having been presented .. ... ... ........ .... ....... .. .... `u to the Ce Hell of the City of 6L ,Paul therefore, be It - having been presented to the Council of the City Resolved, That the a he is o:. . _ Public Works be and be 1s hereby or- therefore, be dered and directed it : 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Put Im$ roTominvesagate the nature, e:eentlered and directed: 1. To investigate the. necessity for or deSII- and eatnmated est of said Improve-ovement. g ment. d the total cost thereof. 3. To furnleh a plan, profile or 2. To investigate the'nature, extent and estir dam *of old lmpuon ...Lrelatim salad the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of s Im4TOTo ill nish the following other data and Information relative to said 4. To furnish the following other data�and it Improvement. menta _ 6. T° .tate whether or of said im- provement I. asked for On the petition. .... of three or more owner,.. ................. .. _..._ ..... _........ .. ............... ............:...... _............... ........... 6. To report upon all of the fore 5. To state whether or not said improv em going ..atter. to me Commissioner of three or more owners. Fi Adopted by the Council ,11th. 31, 1716, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mat Approved April 1.6111118nce. ( AprilAdopted by the Council...._ ._...._ iI - 191 ....._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Go approved...._ _ ......... 16e er Y erg .. May Mayor. � •a ® Request of C. J. Christenson, #q14 Aldine St.. Council File No. ............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making the ollowing ub c impro" l+by the C y of St. Paul, viz.:C.Q..nst.xuot...a._oemlesnt._.tiJ _std. wa:}k--to _P�-w.idt3ithe north side,o�...$.hexbuxx�e. Ave j.._fr.om... -St...-f ... 31st.— ch_...._1 1315... Dated this day of _-_ � . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -. C.Qns tx.uc.t. a....c.CM011t.. til- _-sideRalk..t.o. a width_.af....six __feet ...on. the _north...... side . of .Sherbuxne..._4ve... - ., .om_..Sz�.eliin� eve.. _t..a. Aldine ...... ' C F No. 8783— for the whereas. A wrt[ten Pr°sal,m.l•.oveme t ..... ........ the follow n6 tll0 eldowalk ....... ............. klnl; °{ cement _ .. .__ ....... _......_.....�_... IDa C*dth of � the north N. 8 [uxs width of six feet on Blling Ave. O{ Sherburne AV°' tr beenant having been presented to the Council of the je Udine ll- h the been pre.se rnut' therefore, be it inero °serb°„ the l■ heraD9 oT' x°°°IVBork °nae asd'not sloaet of ordered and directed: r of rubl to RESOLVED,lgThetthe ihe tleoesmtyslfr reor d del.dTo directed -' tate the Ytns of .t0 n )rovenlent. lIDProvement.yti t teh tot- ^ata Tl;pprovs- , and the tottll cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and [ t. Thain offal "ot" °p "opl■ or °. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch (mlin" oottuarg ehln'prop one �"S other 4. To furnish the following other data an �, To turnr cho ■at e �vement; data, and information relative aid SID• i To state,. whethove on er ........... _..... ........ .. ""-'"" provement Iked for 0 n t ....... OAn°re. of [hree Or IDOTB 6t1. of [he tpTe• 5. To state, whether or not said improve f t romaeler: eoihe comrals■loner of of three or more owners. _e.Pmnl Adby the conncll Itch. 31., 1918• nenCC. 6. To report upon all of the forog lrinnneopted Approved 'Pru I. I 19161 Adopted by the Council ........_ " i�—' Nays Yeas: Councilman Farn worth Gos Kell r 17a sh Yo g Mayo Approved..... ........................... . ' Mayor. r` ' City of St. Paul f 19i6 Accounting Department AUDITED CLAIM-RISOLDTION FORM File No.,;,._.,,...�-,,,_t By Audited 1,9}6 Comptro ler Per 1, 90 f UePEll y Resolved that City Warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, as specified in the following detailed state*ent. Yeas (V) Councilm (V) Nays Ad FGoss Approved opted by the,Council MO 3'. ipl�i9i6r; arnsworth 1916 ` Keller _ _In favor 1� h-� Againot Mayor Yoerg Mr . Prrri�e+�r�9► o Current Operating Funds -Salaries; City officers, n I -�Xif 1 MayorIg office 4 4. Corporation Counsells Office 18258.34 City Clerk's Office 700.00 Comfr. Finance 1,486.67 Police Fund 26,474.09 Police (Pensions) 80.Oo Fire Fund 30.731,19 Police & Fire Alarm 1,512.00 Health Dept.- 4,18.50 Health Health .,.: ..r.... ,$27 -Qu�ra in�..r:.. �!24 8$2. 9 a -Dair .. .. .. 68 " -Pu ic�B' ha. 1... .... f 4,5 8, Pub. Safety -Gen Adm. 54&.66 Res . #9O r #2 Dept, of Public Works $12,059.16. Com. P. W.Gen Adm.. 1.073.33 a " ISngin.. ... .. 3.571,3.7 Works-Str t Co 6t.•& Re•. 1E�r2 50`� -Sewer " 455 50�' S."& S4 Clsg-Street Cl .,1.. ... 60 .So a a a Spwer a .. 11 . Fj` S,"& S1 Y Garbage... ./... ... •i 4,12 0 Bridge Bldg. & Rep... ��(( •.•• Sprinkling.......... .... 5 Q. ,%# 12,059 _ Com. Pub. Works -Workhouse 19314.02 School Fund 99.955•-34 Elementary Night School 183.00 Pub. Library 3;551:$5 Auditorium 807.19. Dept, of Parks, Playgrounds & Pub. Bldg. 2,569.72 Park -Gen Adm .. .6 j " -Activ ed .. .. 15 pl$ygr0 e. ... 1 Pub. dg. -I• •ctoT9• ..k...... 3.33 ^ itecte Draft.... 96 ;k Com. Pub. Utilities -Gen. Adm. C. F. N. 9764— _ 431.66 upojl the CityhTreasuryg Dayable outof.• �/➢ a " " the herelna[ter peclded funds and In 721. 6v - ddun. Test. Lab* favor prr Finxnce,ase rnaworIh pecI dei .. tlhe [ol low "ng detailed etatemen t: v a a a -Markets Current Operating Funds—Salads.: 225.00 City Officers, $3,088.32: 33ayor's Office. 5379.16; Corporsti Coun.cl'a $$ORlce, E1y68.3i: Clt> Clerk's Gffice, $700.06; 893 • 23 Lighting 01.25 Finance. $1..86.67; Police Fund, Fire? Fund. PS30.73319; Police &BFire Alarm. $1.512.00: Health Dept.. 1,425132 Comptroller's Office b54t 66.0; Pub. Ba[ep•—Gen. Adm., Dept. or Public Works, $12.059.16. Com. Pub. Works—lti orkhouae, Gen. Fund -gun cipal Court $enter vlght School, $193.00; Pub. LI, 1.574.99 Dept. f3 Parka. Play16 und. &OPub. Gen. Fund -Purchasing Dept. Bldg,, =2,569.72. 1,131.66 Com. PubUlilitles—Gen. Adm.., $431.66: Co;;. Pub. UPub' Utilities 57C.OG Gen. Fund -Civil Servie& Tee,. Lab., $721,66; Com. 1 i5 1larketa, $225.00; Lighting, $693.23; Comptroller's Office. $1,446.32: Gen. Fund—]funiclpal Court, $1,574.99; Gen. Gen. Fund -Election Sap., Fund—Purchasing und— rchasiigServept-, 6$1.1;3166; 242.50 iFund—Election Eap•, 5242.50. Construction Funds: Paving Depre- claten. oast. 5. hew Library C Construction Funds Gen. const. & Lm°`.: Ilidg., t,d b0. ' Adopted by the Council Mch. 31, 1916. - ADpro-d April 1, 1916. 95 • pr Paving Depreciation (April P01%) Gen. Const. & Impr. t New Library Bldg. 175:G0 Total Current Operating Tlukads-S,a-r- ....... 198,426.23 " Construction Fund/To, al. ✓.. • • ;� • • J'1�5 /�� " Gen. Const. & Impr-Sal... ./: •••• r al,y X9.8,797• 4 r 3 i t 1 Lrr, LU L 1 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ono C4 ee .. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT X916 " AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILENCIL No. 9785 . By _ AUDITEDtp{�gt 181_ 6 PER 91 oeput omN•.DIIeY,r. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (,J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council (1148 3" 1911$1_ Farnsworth Goss In favor a �App 191, Keller "u� —LAgainst MAYOR .Yoerg Mr. Presidnrrf'� C. F. No. 9786— — Resolved that warrants he drawn upon h Cityour the hereinafterYepeel fled fund"abs a d in favor of the persons, firms or corpora- t ions for the te their respectiveamestas specified din I he following detailed statement: Current, Operating Funde—Board of Control—Sal.: Board of Control. $2,126.73. 0. H. & C. A.—Sal.: S. A. FarnB- worth, Com. Finance. 3971.17. 0. H. & C. H. (Joint Committee)— . Sal.: S. A. Farnsworth, Coma Flnanc $12.60. Gen. Fund—Art Museum—Sal.: Olaf Aslu$16.00; Je$s e0 O'Brien n $66 OO;InAlbert Salaha, $60.00. Adopted by the Codncil Mch. 31, 1916.1 Approved April 1,'1916. (April 8.1916) Current Operating Funds — Board of Control—Sal. , Board of Control $2,45.73 Bd. of Control-Sal... $h5. -city & o. Hoe�itai -Almsho se & P r Fr.-city Co. s it. C. H. & C. H.-Sal. S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance - 974.17 C. H. & C. H.(Joint Committe8}Sal. S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 12.50 Gen. Fund-Art Museum-Sal. i Olaf Aslund, 50.00 John Dillingham 15.00 Jessie O'Brien 65.00 Albert Salaba 60.00 To erating n s- Form A. 6"11 • L( o. 9p99-0rdlnance No. 3690 ti 1 An ordinance to,;settlo the claim of Mrs. Ella 4relner. h :The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: ordaint9 SECTION 1. That the proposition !hs. Elia Greiner to compromise a, ,tb her ,� �� 3 claim against the 'City " arising out of Injuries i her by reason of a fall t ordinance to settle the claim of Mrs. Ella Greiner. vnik on Jneksometreet. section of.Nielh atree' particularlyet out tto ' tion to the Council Jn tl' raary sin, fsos, apor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN of the a m f seexte ($76.00). be and the cepted, and the pro, bq heren.thort..d a warrant upon ' Finance In favor Payable out or Section 1. That the proposition of Mrs. Ella Greiner,; ... nt of the n. 2� or Seventy F however, to �K. Cher° b.Inr �O compromise and settle her claim against the City of St,Paul, trp,ter a r. arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on r ` at4tcy sidewalk on Jackson Street near the intersection of Nineth , purest, as is more particularly set out in her communication to the Cguncih under date of February 9th, 1916, upon payment to her, r of the sum ofSeventy Five Dollars ($75.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Mrs. Ella 'Greiner, payable out ,of the Comprom.: ise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Seventy Five DO}1 I said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed wi the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging" l the City from any and all claims and demands of'every kind and IIs tune, and more particularly on account of those arising out of th injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the air• cumstances hereinabove noted. Section This ordinance shall take effect and.be in ford,,. 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas (/) Councilmen (/)'Nays Adopted' by the Co noil Farneworth UPR 191b 1916 Goes in Favor Keller ., m _(L_Againet 1 ah Yoerg Mr. President, Powers. Mayor. Attest: ` CITY C g� y7 4 COUNCIL FILE NO..._..._.____ _ 9188 By—.------..._.................... ....... — FINAL ORDER. R. uu, , In the Matter nue.__to..Summ.it a_v_enue; liLc-hiding.._s.e.w.er...._ll[.ateL_.an11_gAa nrinnArtinng frj jn._&tr_E.9t inning t.o r+. pr-opwrt9 lines...._ completex_..,where. not already install_�_�lao._c.atrl�.ing and AuAy..and r under Preliminary order ......... approved......._Januarj*_ 27thi,,,1916�_•__ ___ Intermediary Order ..--. _.......... ..... _ approved._..... ........... _ _.. - ___..._-------_—•--- _.. :. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise e, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Pave : Avon street_ fromPawtiiss avenue to ummit avenue,_Tincluding__sewer. water and•••,gas „corn c #Q�g_ xp.;pt...AJ=et mains -10 Property_lines,�•_comglete`where not,al�Qndy�ugt�lh/Qyd, �1tzlbing_.and and the Council hereby orders sld improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._(11 L'_Y_� _���,191� Clerk. o i l T V �� A Approved _.._._......._. �...__.-..__ , 191-_.. -------•---.___.__.-...__.._...__ _ Mayor. i / Councilma sworth 3 �;Y�. by a th Coo""' th9�fel J idudl tt eitnpr—e nai ouu4 /. ., �r ' is me epto Y the of City is: P h T01f Prom Laurel a exfl' 011 x including sewer, m ter e menu r / re Ines. Prom street mains Ad ' Q�v,✓V -r"b ict complete, where not 0p Installed, ale. curbh g and driveway approaches where - and material to be used for,, Mayor P r �J Prov ent to be C nett Aeprj1' the �t'ou cll hereby orders Form B. S. A. 8-7 I p ovemont to be made �Reaolved Further, that the loner of Public Work, be an G _ [ by instructed and directed t4 / plans" and speciacations for provement. and submit sam L Council for approval; that It t' pproval, the proper city ogl ng herebyauthorized and dlreI or ..ad with tTi king t Baa meat in acc rdold once thor it IW: 19 Adopted b th Counen O ent `�� 1 ADProved OcL 3e.1917n ` ad 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMII*RY ORDER � E .. - .. .. -----......_`�"./�:'_p-:i---.UWK�L1�---.�..�..�:_4.c.;-LC� �t GGe`ti L[l it.t�r•aaa2tn�.<E-�I ai.----- under Preliminary Order approved 0--/--../-....-%.--------------- C,_ --- 1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 6 - See- ✓ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $----------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ SeE .6e 1Q KIND OF PAVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE COST PER FRONT FOOT. _ Granite $21,983.72 $6.58 Sandstone 19,279.84 3E" Creosoted Block— 17,222.54 - 5.77 -5.16 Brick 15,988.15 - 4.79 Asphalt 13,754.52 4.12 Asphalt concrete 11,520.88 3.45 Asphalt macadam 9,346Macadam .64 2.43 Concrete The lots or parcels of land that may 9,757.48 2.92 be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 'VALUATION J KcIL/•�i%� �0 �11coIn�LJ J-1/ o .Cd, �� 1 �• TOTAL. ` CITY OF ST. PAUL OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT °REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF.FINANCE ON PRELIMINdRY ORDER _ DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA U2�ION / % _ p C� u `�' / °7 ✓� u Ed a V elle v ,J-0 ✓`,57 o TOTAL. I \, '� „ ,•: CITY OF 57. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINAN8E IN a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN,4RY ORDER �B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Al f 74 it "X r ASSESSED VALUPj ION — z/ o U ° A17o J-fJ`o J` />/ J` U �dda r7,1 J`o TOTAL. - ,J ronw s.a.w. a -e s ' CIT"' OF ST. PAUL o - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ` * REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINoVY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA}UATIO (^/ / z /s v 7/ �o ko L l - ,eay TOTALS ✓ �` �`. ll` r. CITY Or 5T. PAUL dEPARTMENT .. OF FINANCE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' _,46 RERORT OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 4 . (B) DESCRIPTION _ L OT ¢BLOCK -ADDITION ASSESSED ALU�� J ATIgqN, J` J � U{ 3� Jif v � 1GlJ' J O � C t p x 1 O ` L l TOTAL, I roww ss.w. e�e s - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE1 b L R_ 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN rY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT. BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED, VALUATION ai 4-- .. ell 4 0.- c9 �7 0 i J`fJ` - .ILS < s` . �o ' k -1a 6� .71 U � a 6 �v f 7U u TOTAL. • - CITY OF ST. PAUL - • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i .ON PRELIMINRY ORDER - - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION D I T I.O N y ASSESSED' V A UA N A F cfa o : Js. C^ yE ` J Y 4 ' Cl J `lu J p`✓ U I ` TOTAL. L. ronM es.w. e.e e J CITY OF ST. PAUL - + DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAIRY ORDER D; ,D E 5 C R I PT I ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION If. wq ASSESSED VALUATION ` 0 I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits tj}e foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 7 Dated � `3 ---.____191.0 ..(�/�L .✓� Commissioner of Finance. FORM 8.3— e.e c 2 - 7- 28 - /`F 2 3. --I y/pi .iia// r-- — --I - - - - - I+' i� L J L_.--- --- ------ - - ---- DCIf1017 __, _ Ai%E. -- -- - . --- i .BEERY i �SP�L�� r1! E. ---- -- -cie I I Gf1 UREL L pcii'e / AvE Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost fir the paving of Avon St.. from Dayton Ave. to Summit Ave., in accordance with Council File #8919, approved Jan. 0, 1916. 6sseseable frontage 3,341 ft. BIND OF PAVING IAPPRO%iMATE ESTIMATE (COST PER FRONT FOOT Granite 21,983.72 $6.58 Sandstone 19,279.84 5.77 4" Creosoted•Blook 17,222.54 5.16 Briok 15,988.16 4.79 Asphalt 13,754.52 4.12 Asphalt concrete 11,520.88 3.46 Asphalt macadam 9,346.02 2.80 Macadam 8,111.64 2.48 Concrete 9,757.48 2.92 Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot; For sewer, either side of street $27.50 For water, 3%4" E. side of street 21.00 For water, 3Z4" W. side of street 35.00 For gas, 1 -IL" E. side of street 7.00 For gas, 11" W. side of street 6.50 Respeotfuily sub�mpitted, L- 0—/tea Dict. J.E.C.Im. Chief EnZin r 8 J C u CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF PUILIC WORKS M. N. GOBS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T."GOJRLET, D-11 C.--.— pSCAR CLAIJSVN, C119F E1111— - J. E,CARROLL Sun. Camxuo k RI -11 „� St. Minn. Feb. 3, 1916 • ALFRED JACKSON. Sin. S—T— Paul, .6. N. NERROLD, 0—V E.11. n N. W. GOET[INGER, Sun. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost fir the paving of Avon St.. from Dayton Ave. to Summit Ave., in accordance with Council File #8919, approved Jan. 0, 1916. 6sseseable frontage 3,341 ft. BIND OF PAVING IAPPRO%iMATE ESTIMATE (COST PER FRONT FOOT Granite 21,983.72 $6.58 Sandstone 19,279.84 5.77 4" Creosoted•Blook 17,222.54 5.16 Briok 15,988.16 4.79 Asphalt 13,754.52 4.12 Asphalt concrete 11,520.88 3.46 Asphalt macadam 9,346.02 2.80 Macadam 8,111.64 2.48 Concrete 9,757.48 2.92 Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot; For sewer, either side of street $27.50 For water, 3%4" E. side of street 21.00 For water, 3Z4" W. side of street 35.00 For gas, 1 -IL" E. side of street 7.00 For gas, 11" W. side of street 6.50 Respeotfuily sub�mpitted, L- 0—/tea Dict. J.E.C.Im. Chief EnZin r Office of the'Commissiomr of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance' c 8 February.. 4. 191.6. To the commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Coumissiouer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. .8919..._ _.aipprovqd Ja.nuar.y. 27.,. _...191 6.., relative to the....__.. paving of Avon Street from Dayton Avenue to Summit Avenue _.. and having investigated the matters slid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ____.__necessary and (or) desirable. 3. The estimated cost thereof is $ XXXXX and the total cost thereof is xXXXX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: of 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made at part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is._..... _._..____._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /I __... _._......_ ���C ___.__.siouer of e v � - To the Honorable, The Council of the City of St.Paul, Minnesota, t Gentlemen - The undersigned, owners of real property, abutting upon the proposed improvement, hereby respect- fully petition your Honorable Body to order Avon Street paved with some suitable pavement from Payton Avenue to S Avenue. � JAi�1 27 1916 BDRRAU aF EHG�NEERS, 0 Al o th'e ion rabl9 Oounoil , �a D of the City of St, Paul, " 4 WE, THE OWNERS of the property on and adjoining AVon Street, do hereby protest against the paving of 'Avon Street. Signed: AY !/ �1. ✓- . vim-'' � .. - '7i�n" rr— To the Council of the City of Saint Paul: We, the owners of property on Avon Street, between Summit and Selby Avenues, petition you to pave said street, at least from Summit Avenue to Laurel Avenue, with orecsoted wood blocks in accordance Yitb the plane and specifications of the City Engineer. NAMES FRONTAGE. s T L 0" COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... ........ _— .............._.... ........... _....... _............ ........ -- FINAL ORDER. A" In the Matter of.._Pavin-g Holly._avenue _from Dale street reef,,. ..-' - including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to, __._.propery..._Zines compiet-e- ctibin -and _._._al.�ey-._axld..._ar_ivev�ay ap�roachas where necarx., ......... ---._..:._..... under Preliminary order..-. P.9.2.5 .......... .......... _........... ........... approved...._Jtinuarg. 2714,,.1910.L......,_____. IntermediaryOrder _.... _............. ........... ........... _........ -................ approved,.................... ---- ........... ...... _.._..._.—.-.—.__......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it y - a' fro . . .'ct __. `o e , _ to vtc.u:t ._� ; e; _.. ` o end the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. t Adopted by the Council ............ _.:__ju.�1�.-3�, `' �•••_—, 191..—_ - --- _ - ......... _ —.—........__.._ // ty Clerk. Approved_...._...!__.... r" -.....••••v NQS_ i Mayor. CouncilmaW�arnsworth -'s `� m w rnereSOAea t havtna nsitlerea the thereto ro, s n Itthe �/��/p� � Res lved, RY the Council of tore Cliy {' 1� iter of St.Paul that the precise n o tent and kln1l f lrnprovem ant to be /� McColl l////` nae > um aria Clot ie to pave.. 1, tram I>Ale street to Victoria ,. xtrrn•[ H'ith 3!, •' lrensotetl MeekId I'. ! midx' n. Iu hu yc thirt'. n{at feu; w ./ InrludlnR r uer d Ras " / Yoerg I. ...... tlmia frun, stn"e(m Ins to prop- C - ��r��_. eUt Yt lines c mVlete ,where not ulreud>' May.- n nar: also 9'tndstone enrbinR and alley and drive w',u- app roa rhes tehere Aeders nd th-• !'ounc' hese; Form B. S. A. •8-7 4.�iti`imprnr,.�rr,t to u amtNts xlo er Resoirf dPublrich \Yorke Thatthe and halts hereby instructed and directed to ped are plana and speclflcatlone for said > Improvement. end ',I that taup n said Council for approval; approval, the prober cllY officers aro hereby ,thorized and directed to pro - ,,c,d wl ache sacs Rth f said Improve' m,nA, ea �,>.\Drll 1�tncil 1916, Jfch. Sl, 1916. - .\ppl'o\'c t f:\prll 8_lno ' * *4 :R: As CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of A -- - --- - ---- - -- --- ----- - ......... . ;.-- - - - ------------- --------- — ---------------------- ---- -- - -- -------- -- - - - ---------------- -------------------------------- --------- ..... ..... . ........... - ---- -- ---------------- - ------- ----------- ------- - ------- - --- - ------------- ----- - ---- ------ ----- ----- --------- - -- --- - - ------ - - - ----------- ** ---------- under Preliminary Order approved LP .............. - ------------ To the Council of the.City of St. Paul:'' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: See beloki/ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $---------------- -------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is KIND OF XVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE COST PER FRONT FOCr Granite $33,757.24 $7.02 Sandstone 29,605.28 6.16 3-1" Creosoted Blocks 26 446.18 6.50 Brick 24,640.98 5.13 Asphalt 21,120.84 4.39 Asphalt concrete 17P690.96 3.68 Asphalt macadam 14t261.08 2.96 Macadam 12,455.88 2.60 Concrete 14,983.16 3.12 The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT —0— ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION L) ? FORM B.B.A. 8-5 A TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF'FINANCE _ire " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Assesseo VAyUATION \ O / ,t Ix o< u i✓�,� z� x) � 1 Loaf e,,7 aZ,rf o .zo s L4 ' TOTAL, FORM O.O.A. 0.0 0 _ "{ CITY OF ST. PAUL 3 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) gP DE SC R I RT I ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ' VA U TIgN ..JAI %`G �p 17 b 1.7 r1/ Jia oPu yd�U �y all y, �G all _ FoRh o -A, a -e s TOTAL, 'CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 6 ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ^ DESCRIPTION LOT slocK ADDITION '°' ASSESSED yA;UnTlr.,f J\ 1 i9 i` �d%- C LlV J 1 , 6� _�; - • r . :- co (s v v 4 `, 0— y� � U �7 T4J {/ „7 / \ J P /cl . e� TOTAL. _ CORM 0.8.A. l 0 0 S, +, VV CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE `- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF -,FINANCE ' bN PRELIMINARY ORDE6i'gp' (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION ASSESSED A U TION r Ni •OPM A.A.A. AA O „�✓ 1 �',r �.ut/ �J �-i�Cr�/�4� i �L U +� v'' </ at 1 i .i . G v/4/ `',) wa �( J` t{\ \ u . �vv Jv J tqqo 0 a�{ J v ? �4 TOTAL, ' s N CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON, PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) .0 DESCRIPTION 0 ADDITION / a .c� fy, � c C("' ASSESSED JAL IION ;1 %)J JJ�u s cps` The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ..+<. _ j _....... Commissioner of Finance. IORM B.B.A. 8 5 C Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 1 Report to Commissioner of"Finance February 4, 191611 I To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 8925... ..approved .......January 27., .._._...791..6..; relative to the...... paving of Holly Avenue, from Dale Street to Victoria... Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary slid (or) desirable. 1, The estimated most thereof is $ XXX. _ and the total cost thereof is XXXXX aaaa,l the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. :i. Said improvement is....._._.._._ _......._._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. s Com issiona• of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OSPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GQ35. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D—Y CR.e.uc— i OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 Ewixeen J. E. CARROLL S— C.—R—h R-- ALFRED JACKSON, Sart. 5.1-1- ' G.. HERROLD, Os—, Er�o.— H. W. GOETZiNGER S.— Wo..•�e�.St. Paul, Minn. Feb. 3, 1916. Mr. M. He Goss, Commissioner of public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Holly Ave. from Dale Ste to victoria St., in accordance with Council �File #8925, approved Jane 27, 1916. Assessable frontage 14,808 ft. KIND OF PAVING IAPPROSIMATE ESTIMATEICOST PER FRONT FOOT Granite $331,757.24 $7.02 Sandstone 29,605.28 6.16 3j" Creosoted Blocks 26,446.18 5.50 Brick 24,640.98 5.13 Asphalt 21,120.84 4.39 Asphalt concrete 17,.96 3.68690 6 Asphalt macadam 14,261.08 2.96 Macadam 12,455.88 2.60 Concrete 14,983.16 3.12 Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot; For sewer, either side of street $30.60 For water, 3/4" Ne side of street 35.00 For water, 3/4" S. side of street For gas, 1i" N. side of street 11.00 For gas, la" S. side of street 5.00 Respectfully s.bbmittedt �). Dict. J.E.C./M. Chief Engineer I" To the Honorable, The Council of the § City of St. Paul, Minne ota, z � Gentlemen - The undersigned, owners of real property, abutting upon the proposed improvement, hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to order Holly Avenue paved with some suitable pavement, from Dale Street to victoria F Street. ✓/ •v H � / 1i ✓ V :iAid � D � 1916 BUREAU OF E"GINEERS e- t ih ,.n.: :.re Of _ _ r _ _ r_ cn ::oils t 6-1 ke_ _r TO THE cOmMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 9T.PAUL The uncle sighed O'ti[]3'Le of prop>r+y fronting' and abutting on Ao117 Avenue, between Dale cued Victoria Streets, expre3s their rreferemoe for ovcoioted mood blooks in Casa such street is ordered papsd. RAKE DESORIPT IO.'. x ¢/o 0 TO THE COWAON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 3T.PAUL. ref The undersigned o.vnere of property fronting and abutting on Holly Avenue, betweon Dale and Viotor.iAtreetep express their ;-referenoo for, creosoted good blooks in Odee euoh street is ord,.red p;Fred. NSE DESCRIPTION* 17-r ;ti. tri �'� �•- r ii /,�40/, r i r TO TIM colELOIJ COUNCIL OF T7FE CITY OF ST . PAUL: The undersigned owners of property fronting and abutting on holly Avenue, between 'Tale and 'h.ctoria Streets, express their preference for creosoted wood blocks in case such street is ordered paved. :.ALM ')E3CRIPTIOH. e 4 ��. U G?L�.s /� �_�__ �lc�� / ��/ _ !� �-� �--e,- �� ;� HENRY E. WEDELSTAEDT CO STATIONERS ST. PAUL M.n. St Paul,.Minn........ .......1916 i 2ITo the honorable, The City Council, ,�. City of St.Paul. AGentlemen: 5 We, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on Holly bavenue, between Dale and Victoria streets, do hereby petition your T onorable to cause said street to be paved with asphaltic concre-to obetween the points mentioned. 9 Names Lot BllkO Addition h/-2 bi 13i.— ..•L... r ✓ ., t - l � o 161. r • � f r��u r 191 0 201 hill,' c 2<� � u��w�/✓� (241"(241" �,L(.T 25 r26 2 28 V �/ 29. /jjl, /�%✓� � �,' �✓✓ Cis L� rC.4 � ti'"\ � .. a:� �.-L -l.� � ,. 1 ISS �, , , YL� i 1�.,(0 ,fj�/j • I)^I -� �L v c LE COUNCILILE NO...__.__...._._— By---- E.. _.............._.... .......... ....... _........... _ % iT 7Cl z FINAL ORDER. In the Matter oE._Paving Robert street from Eight street. to Central avenue, Re -Paving the portion now paved and in addition paving the easterly ._portion of street as opened--and-widensd; -tnc-ludi ig- uwer; water and gas._connec..tion§._from street mains to property... irlQ..cQMp.jPA_e wbaere not already made also including curbing and alley and driveway approaches where necessary, under Preliminary order ..823.3 .... ........ _......... __.... _._._.. approved ...,,....... ....... _ IntermediaryOrder ...... _............ .......... _....... _............. .--- .....approved ...................... --'-................. ..... _..—..�_._........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it •,rick; E, i.: 0 Ce _... 1170 ::o _-.e is-, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for wpZOV? at upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized anddirected to proceed king of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......... _ 191 - �____.. ... ... .... ........... ... 'ty lerk. Approved_......._../_..._.._.....__ _ _. , 1 t ' -.._.........-....--....... _...._.....----- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth breelee `snip he of Improvement VOSS o r, City Is to pave Roaeen " . Keller .� Eighth St. to Central a-' vit rifled brick; r paving the d' (% -MCCOII w paved and In addition pav- a terly portion of street as t d widened, with vitrified " -,idth of ro dway to be. forty- ✓ f' faa t; also Including all sewer, •.�d •� '� I Uerg gas connections from street to property ]Ines omplete, including I "at already made: also curbing and drive way ap- y Ma.�" es where necessary, nd the , Form B. S. A, 8-7 hereby orders said improve- a be made. - 'ed Further. That the Com- 'erot Public Works be and he - by Inetruc ted and directed to ' plans and �pec'fleatione for provement, and a bmit came to inell for approval; that upon oval,the proper city officers ',by an thorIzedand directed to with the making of said im- nt In accordance therewith. . ed by the Council Afar. 31, 1916. ,,cd April 1, 1916. _.6hthe 3-1916) —�— 1'. F. N�,. 10629—Rx Mex. coca— . Resnlveli. That t'ouncil File No. 9790. the same being a final order for the "�-- paving and repaving of Robert street from Eighth street to Centrnl avenue. he and the sa a Is n ended hp atrlk- ing out the wards: •'Is to pave Robert street F.Ighth street to Central avenue, f� lr, 'llh vitt pled brick, epaving the par St • 1'a111, III1i., 1 Ilan n w" paved. and i, odd R ion paving w the easterly portion of street as opened May 10, 1916 and widened. with vitrified brick." and Inserting In Iieu thereof the following: "Is [o pave .repay' Robert street from Eighth street to Central avenue " with the following materials: from the north line of Eighth sire et to the south - t Ilne of Tenth street with sandstone ( blocks: from the south line fTenth S street to the south Ifne of 'thirteenth street with 3y¢ -inch c eosoted yellow s pine blocks, and from the south line of Thirteenth street to the south line at Central avenue with sandstone blocks. To the Honorabl Adopted by the Council Max 22. 1936. ICO Unail Approved May 23. 1916. I of the city 61' The undersigned, your petitioners,' owners of property fronting on Robert Street, between Eighth Street and Central Avenue, respect- fully petition that your Honorable Body do =&$sift the order Por the., avi � ng of said Robert Street for the present season and defer work upon the improvement until the year 1919& 17 A 5�4 44b J-7,% 1 �d A`_ . Oef 7 �o • . X 1 711�' , Fl CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RESOL1-ITION--0ENERAL FORM ' Subject:. COUNCIL FILE I'f Date Presented Boar. 31, 1916 �esod�wd. In the Tnatter of takin=, aprropriatinz and conrer_ninE Lot 14, Plock 1, Oakland Park nIdition to the City of St. Paul for the uses and purposes of a Public School, under Preliminary Order 49022, aprroved February eth, 1916, and Intermediary Order -#9394, a^proved 1 -°arch 6th, 1916. The Con,,missioner of Public WorR8 havinz submitted his rer_ort and plat in the above natter, be it FE80LVED, (1) That the City of,St. Paul 'hereby fixes and determires the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: All of Lot 14, 31ook 1, Oakland Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, as Eraphiealiy shown uron t: -_e lat attached to the report of tr.e Co❑..Lissioner Of Pub- ie "orks in the above :i.atter, d) tad 1-arch.31, 116, which -plat and rerott ar$ hereby referred to and marle a mart ^:ereof. (2) That a fee in said land is taken for the purposes above stated. C. F. No. 9791— In the Matter of taking, appropriating and condemning Int 31, Block 1, Oakland Park Addition to the City or St. Paul for the u and pur-. i pole' of Public School Under Pre- 1lminary •Order No. 90E3, approved FebruaO'dry 8[h. 1916, and In termedlary 1916. N0. 9391, approved March 6th. i 1916. I I The Commissioner of Public Worka having submitted his report and plat In the above matter, be It + Paul•hereby (fixes and That tdetermhe � eat this amount of land to be taken for the above named Improvement to be as follow.: All of Lot 11, Mock 1, Oakland Park Addition to the Clty of St. Paul, a graphically shown upon the plat to l. s ones of PublicC e to the o report lrks in eth eabove matter, dated March 31, 1916. -which alot antl report are hereby refered to nd made ahat part hereof. Yeas I ulmen (✓) Nays roi2the purpoeae above state' la taken the Council 191 Adopted by the Council Mch. 31, 1916. Approved April 1, 1916. worth (April 6-1916) In favor ) Approve 191 I C/ - Against Mr. MAYOR FORM C.0-2 ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Di>" 05CAR CLAU55EN, C-1 E—.e1. J. E. CARROLL. 5-1 C..ai.­& R-1--,. ALFRED JACKSON, 5uri. S -1-1I1. G. H. HERROLD, 0« 1 --- H W GOETPNCER, 5u=-. Nuc•>� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - M. N. (MOSS. COMMISSIONER 1, -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of taking, appropriating and condemning Lot 14, Block 1,/ Oakland Park Addition to the City of St.Paul for the uses and purposes of a Public School, under Preliminary Order_f9022, approved February Sth,1916 and Intermedtary Order #9394, approved March 6th, 1916. _ To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of thio, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of such plan, which land is more ac- curately described as follows: Lot 14, Block 1, Oakland Park Addition to the City of St -Paul • j _ Co-mmlesioner o Public Works Dated- � Z-, W, ,-, Zz2l Z:;7 AV/ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PP*MINARY ORDER 'tD) ,i L /`/(.L L In the Matter of .. � �l �... � ! r -. , f u __ ..� G. I flfti/ �L pit j L r__C ..._..........-- l . i .._... ....... ..._.----- .-....... .... ............. .... .._...................... ...... ... ...... ...... ...... ..... _......... ..._................_......_.............. .......... .......... -- _ _ ...._ _.. ..... .. .. .. _ ...__ ...... __...... N H under Preliminary Order approved.. .. i .. U.' . -� .... __ ...---........... . __ __ .... To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows- erost The total estimated for the above imp—swiat is - - - - - ---- TOTAL. z;, -� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council"together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated...... _ . __ / _ _..............t�__. _........ Commissioner of Finance ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUAT/ION �L til TOTAL. z;, -� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council"together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated...... _ . __ / _ _..............t�__. _........ Commissioner of Finance r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works /�), Repori to Commissioner of Finance February 35th,_..__.1916To the Cnce of the City of St. Paul: Thi C'oauaissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cour- .. cid, known its Council bile No.93 approved February a.,_.... ...191.6._, relative tn.._ _.. .__.._. ..031 taking,.__app_ropriating,..and..c_ondemn_ing Lot_ 14,._Bl99k__1.,,_ Oakland Park* Addition to t`e City of St. Paul. ..........._.............. ............................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ ._.necessary and (or) desirable. 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $...__.?LXX and the total cost thereof is :R __.. XXXXX__._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as o ows: .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto nttaehcd anti made a part hereof. ...... .._.... ..... ..........................._... ... 4. .i. Said improvement is.___ __.__._....__.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ J _ on ussmaer of blic Works. t. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BUREAL43F PUBLIC SCHOOLS C 0 P Y 0 January 28th, 1916. Hon. O.H. O'Neill Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Referring to the matter of Condemnation proceed- ings to acquire Lot 14, Block 1, Oakland Park Addition, for public school _purposes, I beg to request that you prepare the necessary preliminary order to continue these proceeding -e pur- suant to C. F. 8091, approved November 23rd, 1915, and hand same to me for introduction as soon as may be possible. Yours very truly, Commissioner of Education k9 7" fore ,..- 1.1 ny_ 5a K n i i : . C iemnsrg at 14 9 ny 'VO Aj OvPa i..1OWN MY 1910. (fount.- _. 'i,.. r F, � cts to w ?C-_ Win , et: to t. Al tekin op SUN vrvnl� - . ..� r ice.. ..- ark Trot St' r.- I .;a_: Lvv said piece parcel constiM,: steed c' : _ jentcr _.,. hcv Wily, and. :end cp K. LAY PC- . at tl P -, pus 53C, )? s, _.. TO— 0", !1! re- Ante PF SitLF.tr'd. -i1 is n.fair tU ". -.i. ir. valurt . o _, ., s portk . ... , o .,. 3irrt.e or any nc,,, ic- .. Fc - ...._. P L sE. . 9' f'- sald Objector. ulie ?.(Iirrich, t• ^u., inn. t b 11 Petition Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINAR DER. " r The undersigned hereby proposes the maki of the Ilowing public irr ova 7e At bN the Cite of � r St. Paul,-viz.: ...Corstrnct a-0onten` .tilcl.ai e.walk.tD__ at . of s" _.ie`t_ an th..e. n.g.xth.. S.ide,...o .. _X e_ S-i;.....it.e.t een_Fo.r.e St...:_a d..,Qyp.rooa..-: t..,.. in accordance witl} petit'_n. hereto at..a.ahed., f Dated this lot ._ day of Apr" 6. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the making of the following imprmement, viz: Construct a ccrlcnt the sidevir to a _ 'ctth_ol' six feet_ or.. the nor.tl7,... s._.cic of Jeasari.re..a_v.. Uct,,-e_c.n Fo cut. st... arcl C-'7pres2 St, ..._ ..... .......... ...... ....... ................ C. F. No. 9792— . ............. ��'herras, A written proposal for the -- ---------- +{s making or the following Improvement, _ having been presented to the Council of the Citv of Styl: Construct a cement ole sidewalk to a width of six feet yyn the north side of Jessamine St. betwe Forest therefore, be it t and erprrss st.. having been pre- ., to the Counril of the City of 8L RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Puhlic V Paul therefore• he itmd directed: Resolved, That the Commissloner of ' ' I. To investigate, the. necesSii V' for of t 3eslrablhtdereldca d directeand he le hereby or- d.n✓111 1. To investigate the necessity for 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estiniate(or desirability of the making of .ale lnlell cost thereof. Improvement. extent 3. l�o furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said it and To, m boar cost the aid rlot _ve- lem, and the total cost thereof. -l. To furnish the following other data and inforn S. To furnish a plan. profits or .. .ketch of said Improvement -- 4. To furnish the following other data and Information relative to said .. _ ......... .. .. Improvement . .............. 6. To state whether or not said Im- 5. To state whether or not said tlnproN'emcnt i provement le asked far on the petition or more owners. _ of three or more owner.. 6. ro report upon all of the foregoing Platters gob- mat srtoino Cononl aioneoroi Finance. Adopted I)}' the COtlnCll _... ... ... ��11PR ' .,. Il Approved Aprii 11976. April 1, 1916. . HrR- ._ ._..�� I �' (April 6-1916) ,1n Y F,a C: I V ays: tW Councilman sworth ss ,-approved Iler oll Nash "oerg 4a}'or oNvers Mavor. Petition Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and J PRELIMINARY ORDER. r' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin >°public improveorent b the City of St. Paul, viz.: .Curbing Ashland Ave.,.,.. b..ov. s.�,de ,_fxOm_Pz :4 Av t.o,._.�,_.,•.,,. Cleveland,. Ave,.,,, in_.accor.d..n.ce wj a !,eL.1Rn_ll.exS'�.Q.. alta � a Dated this 39. day March 191 . f. Gouncilfilan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, tiz.: Curbing Ashland 47Q., bot)j s.jaQj,_ 1a.o:u. PT.:*.o.r AVe. to.. C.levelard Ave. . C. F. No. 9799— Whereae, A written propoenl for the making of the following itnpro for the clz Curbing Ashland Ave., both -idea, from Prlor Ave. to Cleveland Ape, having been presented to the Council of the Citi c oiilneCitvbeen ofpst- pond to he Council' ii Re.ol ved. That the Commlaetoner o[ therefore, be it Public work. be Bud he la hereby ar- derea and directed 1 T inveeugaee the n oe ie for °red and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Ill aealrab11 of the making-ory .aid for ,� troT set �nveetigate the nature. extent I. To investigate the necessity Ga' or desir� ivemenl. Im nt.es„aaina tot I coasaid ereor°.rove- rf the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and (sl vl 9. To fBut i a plan, profile or p profile, or sketch of s sketch or seta improvement 3. To furnish a Ian, c To 4. To furnish the following other data and it da T"data^<<�ma'he eisiivc800ther mens " t to of three or le aeketi net or n t -aid Im- hree ow o ......... ..... ._ t6t o more nelson, the Petition goin... ....... ...... To report ......... Finnne atter. to'Phe all of the fore - 5. To state whether or not said Inlprtt n COmmfeeloner of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing nu ''� 'i'tr�rii i i'9ic.l Ap''n 1, 1916- incr. 'Ap, 8-1916) Adopted by the Council Peas: Nays: Councilma,t Ta sworih / Q'i s ,approved.. ... _.. .._. ... AJC ler Lm Coll Pias, r rg 7N'ImoO *ers _._... Mayor. j 70- 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL MVV COUIZC T7' R-ESOLUTION- GIOERAL FORM un Dile Sub ject �� �G �13she�d Grads No:_ F' - - _ _ 191 LLDate.Fresentee ���8 /�BI/l.�%-FreppdSijsDi✓./�� 4; en;h_46 zl: yjers _ Profile end in acc c z c_ c - z ,ice ze rc C-- grac-c line o. the accourjanying c �y th© Co-Tt?n-issioner of R'3lic forks, be ani. ; r, S2Me as _ c ci,=rm4E— = is lie InR exolved Ihn[ 7Fltnde l f AI�r ilk. ;_ Fore PTn5lh'sor's Addil Wnn from 4. Smith R In Chatsworth street to \tfl[ondet line d m ocdanre w'Ith the r � ana r Che omPanYlnR profile d o nded by the rommtssB9nere is i�u blic R'orks, he ^^ thv �.tabliahed hereby adopted as grade. � the Cnuneil April 1. 1916. .fid OPtad b' APDIrll19-1916) Approved Yeas (Nays) ccc_ by 'Lhe couicil o ;_roved e r fz.vor c Co11 // In ice... i SSS L - -r — :�- — � �,_-_ =� , = o•.-rens - ::='Tor j , r CITY OF 5T. PAUL .,,'^ 1916 r • ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT "ter 1795 i y 1r eu.. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUFILENCIL No. p� BY AUDITED l PER �_�r Tl Uec9iq to nomr:;otter. - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury,�payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: l Yeas ( J �) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council APR 191_ .k ,ZFarnsworth .n In favor Appro 191�Q ` 4j,Keller �McCOR Against MAYOR O'Leary L-Yoerg Mr. President, Powers rent Operating Funds f ' �`L+f�°�•Etinance-Maint. August Hohenstein, odian $20.28 McClain & Gray Co., 50 St, paul $tamp Rork�uq .00 1 ornrt Finance Corp. Counsel -Exp. Geo. N. Hillman 2.00 '6 Aug. Hohenstein, ap�y�p o+se�nseare�►+re�+��i�tnu ,. `: Police -I. & Re Adam Decker Hardware Co., 1 H. C. Ahrens 8.26 American Linen Supply Co., 1.25 G. A. Ashton Co., 3.20 T. L. Blood Co., Co.,22.00 2.75 H. C. Boyeson 5•.32 Mrs. Mary Beady 10.64 Crane & Ordway Co., 8.03 Detective Pub. Co., 2.35 Aug. Hohenstein, 26.46 Mrs. Mary Horan Joy Bros. Motor Co., 303.15 2.75 Kenny Boiler Works, Maendler Bros., N. Makies4 •75� 4.50 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 1.33 48.16 Edward Neuman 2.26 Nicols, Dean & Gregg Northern Coal & Dock Co., 65.60 col N. W. Elec. FGuip. Co., 64.67 F.rme.s-tt Noyes Bros. &Cutler M. J. Osborne •45 4.15 x lig■ �;;1' ��� � 1 � � ■ #2 Police-Cont,d. Oxygen Welding Co., •50 Pioneer Co., 11.00 Alex Rice 11.34 St. pawl Machine Works 7.85 St. Paul Stamp Works, 5.00 Schuneman & Evans, 38.60 Anna Sparschutz 6.16 Western Supply Co., 22.94 17.76 Zimmerman Bros., National Steam Laundry Co. 1.02 police -Const. & B. Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 12.00 Fire -M. & R. J. H. Allen Co., 13.10 American Express Co., •83 9.60 American Hoist & Derrick American Linen Supply Co., .75 Bazille & partridge 12.00 Geo. C. Binder 10.00 Forman -Ford Co., 15.00 C. G. Hartin Coal Co., 13.10 Aug. Hohenstein, 11.25 Mahle WagonCo• Crass 5.50 4.00 N. W. Copper & 5.85 N. W. glee. Equip. Co., N. W. Motor Supply Co., 49.09 N. W. Tel. Co., 6.00 Noyes Bros. & Cutler 1.00 paper, Calmenson Co., Foundry Co. 25.00 6.45 St. PaulLtI:Ass St. Paul Electro"Plating Co., .75 St. Paul Electric Co., 4.04 m St. Paul Machine Works, 33.87 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 14.40 Waldref Motor Vo., 42.15 A. J. Wampler 42.34 Police & Fire Alarm Et. 0 T. L. Blood Co., •27 Electric Mnf g. Co., 2.50 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 29.92 Maendler Bros., N. Elec. Equip. Co., 3.96 N. W. Tel. Co., 2.00 J. F. Ptacek 5.50 Tri-State Tel. Co., 8,7G Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 4.00 Western Electric Co., 1,30. Health-Realth-M. & R. N. W. Tel. Co., 4.00 Noyes s. & Cutler 48.86 #3 "� Health -Quarantine -M. & R. N. W. Tel. Co., $3.4c, Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 11.00 9.35 4k Orignta'_ Laundry Co., Health -Public Baths -Y. & R. Columbia Bakery 13.60 N. W. Tel. Co., 2.00 .. uwrxx�r�a�r,�iaaar��� Pub. Safety -Gen. Adm-Maint. N. W. Tel. Co., .30 Com. Pub. Work)3-Gen. Adm.-Maint. H. C. Boyeson Co., . 24.34 - 14.63 August Hohenstein, - 5.30 Osgood & Blodgett Co., St. Paul Stamp Works, Com. Pub. Works Workhouse-Maint. Board of Water Commissioners, 9.24 y. L. Blood Co., .24 16.00 S. Brand L. Esienmenger 33.45 Griggs, Cooper & Co., 86.15 Haskin Br -s. Co., 13.00 Independent Packing & Provision Co., 74.43 Kennedy Bros. Arms Co., 4 National Gas Governor Co., •75 14.17 N. W. Elec. Equip. Co., 60 Phillip Greenberg Co., r St. Paul Electric Co., Street Const. & Rep.-Maint. Board of Plater Commissioners, 2.00 193.96 Farwell., Ozmun, Kirk Co., 115.00 General Contracting Co., Griggs Cooper & Co., 1.30 Raymer Hardware Co., 9.20 St. Paul Foundry 33.35 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 15.15 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 8.00 .,�: •fAeerlral""'u'i`3' eb"'E""CNiP'q"t :."'P�'"."'.�°'.w..�,a,.,,.a....�.,,,.�,..,�.�3�+�''�9(�"«'°.�°'p".�.a�» Sewer Const. & Rep.-Maint. S. Brand, 17.00 Chaska Brick & Tile Co., 275: 20 Crane & Ordway Co., 63 Farwell, Ozxun, Kirk Co., 5.40 Lehigh Coal Co.� 17.70 N. W. Elec.' Equip. Co., 3 76 6.38 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 11.97_ 340.04.•. 4 # S. & S. Cing.-Street C1ng.-Yaint.° S. Brand, 118.00 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 58.00 August Hohenstein,�75 Lehigh Coal Co., 88.50 Raymer Hardware Co., 7.90 Tng., S. & S. Cing.-Sewer Cing.-Maint. S. Brand, Kenny Boiler Works Nicole, Dean & Gregg Northern Coal & Dock Co., Prendergast Brcl, Robinson, Cary & Sand8l Bridge Bldg. & Rep. -Bridge Rep. J. W. Morrison Pub. School Y. & R. Board of Water Commissioners Bon Ton Grocery Co., T. L. Blood Co., Burns Lumber Cool Capital City Lumber Co., Adam Decker Hardware Co., Dixon Crucible Co., Emporium Elite Laundry Co., Farwell, ozmun, Kirk Co., S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. F. F. Highland Spring Co., A. Hubbard Electric Co., Hartin Coal Co., Aug. Hohenstein, Lyon ]Mfg. Co., F. G. Leslie Co., Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Nassau Paper Co., Nicole, Dean & Gregg Northern States Power Co., N. W. Tel. Co., N. W. Elec. Equip. Co., W. G. Prussing Raymer Hardware Co., M. J. Reardon St. Paul Book & Stationeyy Schuneman & Evans Western Supply Co., Gaultier School Decker Hardware Co., Crane & Ordway Co., N. W. Elec. Equip. Co., Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., St, Paul Electric Co., J. L. Shiely Co., Twin City Varnish Co., Tri-State Tel. Co., W t 8.00 270.00 8.26 37.50 25.50 ._.:..20...- . , 349.46 35.06 354.93 9.12 6.08 11.50 44.50 1.40 23, 8 11.65 69.69 121.60 4.50 4.40 1,390.40 2.25 2.30 36.82 5.40 .6o 29.40 .34 .50 7.50 6.15 22.11 2.4o 1.39 8.91 1.92 1.68 5.07 9.00 5.11 5.00 6.25 2.00 1 4 es ern Supply Co., nur,�H6�'an. �PtaJ.� ou;CITC`i"er ,. , 4 t #5 Ames School Farwell, OzMun, Kirk Co., X17.40 11.00 C.-. Kenny Boiler Works, io6.22 Northern Coal & Dock 17.62 N. W. Elea. Equip. Co.. l 75.0E F. J. Romer Const. Co., 16.00 St. Paul Foundry Co., 4.80 Tinery & Co.. 237. 3 _ H. R. Huntting Co., 21.81 Randolph Heights School 9.00 Farwell, Oyuun, Kirk Co., 22.20 -2.10-- .10Tri-State Tri-StateTel. Co., 6.0o p �sxcxncTzrxxr�+�sss^�'w, a;?ra�,rs: r<a�aLNSR'+�i�'Wd�X'x'.,. -General Suppl. 8.00 public Library 14.13 Geo. C. Binder, John W Cadby W. J. Dyer & Bra. E. S. Ferry S. Farnsworth, s Library of Congress Moeller Bindery Murphy Transfer Co., Northern Coal & Dock Co., N. W. Tel. Co., St. Paul Stamp Works, St. Paul Book & Staty. St. Paul Gas Light Co.. Schuneman & Evans 16.00 30.00 7.00 2.50 100.00 152.83 1.50 37.00 240.46- 18.10 6.90 20 5.40 Pub. Library -New Books 3.602.00 Architectural Book Pub. Co., American Architect 1.66 Boston Book3 Co.. 4.68 e Galloway & porter 8.30 Himebaugh & B,rowne8 237. 3 _ H. R. Huntting Co., 21.81 Kennedy Bros- Arms Cc" 9.00 Bottle's SeconS Hand Bookstore 2.80 Priscilla Pub. Co., 6.0o Rand, McNally & Co., Book & Stationery Co., 73 73 St. Paul 8.00 Sherwood Co., 14.13 Small, Maynard Co., 6.93 T. Fisher Unwin 71.01 Wanamaker, John 20.16, T. Werner Laurie 5.00 Willis Circulating DibrarY .75-- 75_Wolfe WolfeTone Co., Auditorium Maint. Board of Water Commissioners 8.00 580.11 Consumers Power Co., :6o Crane & Ordway Co., 4.60 Daytolls Bluff Printing 18.63 N. W. Elea. Equip. Co., 6.o0 N. W. Teleg. Co., 20.84 St. Paul Gas _ 3 #6 , Aud.-Maint ContId. St. Paul Machine Works, 2.00 Twin City Carpet Cing. Works, Co., 22.50 1.8o Villaume Box & Lumber NMaint. , ,am nea"� a,ramwxxras�ie 08 ,�, Pub. Parks-Park-Maint. American Eng,. Supply Co., 13. 8 Adam Decker Hardware Co., Chas. -Friend & Son 1.00 -18.90 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk Co., 18.55 i 9.75 #6 , Aud.-Maint ContId. St. Paul Machine Works, 2.00 Twin City Carpet Cing. Works, Co., 22.50 1.8o Villaume Box & Lumber NMaint. , ,am nea"� a,ramwxxras�ie 08 ,�, Pub. Parks-Park-Maint. American Eng,. Supply Co., 13. 8 Adam Decker Hardware Co., Chas. -Friend & Son 1.00 -18.90 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk Co., 18.55 Lehigh Coal Co., 9.75 J. Martin Lumber Co., 3.45 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., 31.26 Magi a Bros., 1.25 Schleh Bros., y m- . Pub. Parks -Park -Activities Art Engraving Co., c 13.20 5.05 Decker Hardware Co., 00 L. F. Dow Co., 3:70 E. S. Ferry 1.00 C. P. Gibson R. C. Jefferson Lbr. Co., 31.85 McClain & Gray Co., 6 ++�t��r�:,�xcw�a�4��Ek�+a�n+�a• ,yoS+D,��drs��rnnr,�*+w,�r.�a� Pub. Playgrounds Maint. Board of Water Commissioners, 44.33 46.92 T. L. Blood Co., S. Brand Capital City Lumber Co., 19.06 8 Crane & Ordway Co., �9: O S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F. 1.00 Howard, Farwell Co., 53.10 Lehigh Coal Co., 106.20 Northern Coal & Dock Co., ', 3.60 N. W. Elec. Equip. Co., N. W. Tel. Co., 3.00 7.62 Pittsburgh plate Glass Co., 51.55 St. Paul White Lead & 011 Co., 8.00 J. L. Shiely Co., A. G. Spaulding 24.00 �� 8� P��1�i0;9U�S�.&+�.+r�tayx+�ywatM,.�w;5�a�;,rpe:�s�:1+t�SruS.ineYlWv+�mejp?y,aaYlSl.+taifi� 41 56 Pub. Bldg.-Inap. & Clk.-Maint. Electric Mnf g. Co., .70 Mitsch & Heck Co., 1.00 Nicola, Dean & Gregg 2.80 St. paul Electric Co., 2.27 �•,.opi^lv;^"'g7��' �g:`a&°�fN�Kz�rv�ew.uxxmt� nn3r^w�s�.*�:+�:7�a�i�awa�u+swrrr�? Pub. Bldg.-Acrt. & Draft _ Maint. Electric Blue Print Co., 19.22 W. S. Hay 25.00 J. F. Lynch 84.90 #7 Pub. Bldg-Archt. & Draft.-Contid. {� R. J. Maybe�l & Co., X7.50 Manhattan Oil & LinVeed Co., 35.57 typewriter Repair & Suppi. 3.50 Water Dept. -M. & R, Auto Engine Warks, 101.90 7.60 H. C. Boyeson Brings & Co., 13-00 L. F. ow Co., Fury 7.80 69.35 E. S. A. E. Ferriss 40.00 R. C. Jefferson Lumber CO., 2 Maendler Bros., 1.10 McClain & Gray Co., 31.90 41.38 M. J. Osborne ft. W. Copper & Brass 14 25 1q. W. Elec. Equip. Co., 48.98 MOzrgen Welding & Brazing Co., .75 6.30 Union Machine Works, 10.20 Whitacre Bros., T.otak...Wai�®rw tiL r94. Comptroller-Prtg. Staty. Etc. S. A. Farnworth, C. P. R. F. 21.56 Aug. Hohenstein, 65 Gen,Fund hun. Court-Suppl. Clymer a HuelsterT N. W. Tel. Co., St, Paul Stamp Works, Gen. Fund -Purchasing DePtrMaint. 101.25 10.00 4 00_ H. C. Boyeson Co., 3 75 Aug. Hohenstein, a-39 Western Union Telec. 1,0 _ Gen. Fund -Civil Service-Maint. Craftsman press, 6.05 S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F, 13.00 Aug. Hohenstein, .23 z McClain & Gray Co., •50 Gus D. Messing 1.00 St. Pau]. Book & Staty. 1.20 St. Paul Stamp Works, 1.25 virtue Printing Co., 4.25 Gen. Fund-Munici-oal Garage -M. & R. St. Paul Gas Light Co., 83.33 1 s .rTy: � —___ r.� #8 � Gen. Fund -Official Publications 184.50 Review Publishing Co., 135.48 Virtue Printing Co., 7.95 _ Johnson H. S. Libr. F. 0. Huebener, 73.13 ; Gen. Fund -Printed Forms & Blanks' 44.29 Clymer & Huelsterm a 10.25 Pioneer Co., 16.50 1.60 r3 9.00 Minnesota News Co., Gen. Fund -Election Exp. St. Paul Book & Staty. Geo. C. Binder, Villeume Box & Lbr. Crane & Ordway Co., 6.40 Craftsman Press 1.90 Capital Envelope Co., 111:5 Decker Hardware Co., .66 E'_mquist Bros., 21,5.10 Farwell, Oanun, Kirk Co., 291.29 H. B. Fuller Co.,- 1.00 Aug. Hohenstein, 1.92 R. C. Jefferson Lbr. Co., 33.38 McGill Warner Co., 1,850.00 Raymer Hardware Co., .20 St. Paul Stamp Works, 2.10 G. Sommers & Co., 3.9Z Standa=1Oil Co. 24.84 J. C. Stuhlman 11.75 U. S. Bedding Co., 22.50 Virtue Printing Co., 3.50 Sprinkling Fund St. Paul Rubber Co., 93.00 Gen.-Misc. Staty. & Suppl. Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., 41.96 Trust Funds Central High School Lib. M. Burg & Sons, 184.50 Std. Paul Book & Stationery i16,5o Johnson H. S. Libr. F. 0. Huebener, 73.13 ; Longmans Green 44.29 �C_o..,y "--'TQ � � J OIl➢ H U I! i L : " .�S'�!'y�J'.:�+ikYioL1 �µyp,�.�py„P�'^+�CVd!�'1mYwC .�..N iaM. Teachers Training School Lib. F. 0. Huebener. 1.60 Library Bureau 9.00 Minnesota News Co., 4.29 St. Paul Book & Staty. 110.93 Villeume Box & Lbr. 10.00 • 4 01V ' Gen. Const. & Impr• Funds n=�! be drnwn al Garage Municipal arras[, nn„ .. Payable out - r arPd 'a ^ ,, flr .nor nd � - 3. 00 Bi shop -Babcock-Becker Co., umm� amo to 'et onnnstte •5 , e n meg , mp ified m 4 0 Board of Water Commissioners r pp °le[aued statement: �r"rat In, Fu ndrv—Com'r. Tri- 3.49 crane & Ordway CO -s xa:"ii�,"ia n &` ria `CZ 4.03 Decker Hardware Co., rn,a FtamP «nrl«. at.00 6.00 ---Exp.. re... �. HII Maendler Bros. , "I Hohensteln. $1. nerxer 8.85 Midway Lime & Cement CO -9 R 'R.: :\dam ,,.,,-, H. C. .,Wrens, .60 Ni cols Dean &Gregg t.,nen Surel" Cn. 2.76 -hl Co., !3.20: T. i.. ; Co.. N W. Elec. Equip. Co., .75. H. C. Roy'" An— r.rnd.. $5.32: Mne 5.10 Noyes Bros & Cutler H�+bens[etn, %2.35: > Co... 4Fb,he Petec[I$ 35: fle. 6 st Paul Electric Co., or orT- tke. Roller R'orto. 29 0 aKenn day BullBe.er Kenn, St. Paul Whitelead & Oil CO. , ;5 cent- - 14 n rattan a, Scribner -Libby Co., pub. Comfort Station 2.40 Board of Water Commissioners. 1.49 N. W. Elec. Equip. CO- 13.00 Reliance Iron Works, —9—.4-1 Robinson, Cary & Samds, Construction Funds Paving Depreciation 8.50 Farwell, Ozmun Kirk Co., 17.00 G. F. Ingersoll •75 N. W. Copper & Brass Works, Robinson, Cary & Sands, 38.83 St. Paul Foundry Co., rv.�-..rmw�n. d✓ police -M. & R. 9.80 Tri-State Tel. CO-, Total Current Operat' g Funds. yr• • •/� 605.93 M Trust Funds. .... f •,r .. • • 11 .09 ah/ r. Fu . . „ Gen. Cons & P s.... f�.,... f, �• 0.58 „ Constr ct�-0ri Funds. .•. r :: n t��Perating F nd 914) .. ' f°' 8 Curr �. mot t 12 353.55 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL CO CIL R OL ION— EN RAL'. FORM Approving plans kn specfficalt�ons 2nd a�ver- Subject: t>hsing for bids for constructi en of Wm. Lindeke School COUNCIL FILE N Resolved, 19179 Date Presented. _ April 15t4 _ . 191 .5 .. By Anthony Yoerg That the plans and specifications for the construction of the new Wm. Lindeke School, to be located on Block 9, Como Heights Add- ition to St. Paul, prepared by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- g=v=de and public Buildings, and herewith submitted to the Council, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids thereon. C. F. No. 9796—By Anth­y Poen;— i Resolved. That the plans and pert-as� fl cellona for the r nstrunt!on of the w v., Sege Lindeke School, to be located on Block 9, Como Hei¢hts Addltinn to St. Paul• prepared by the Commiseinner of Parka, Playgrounds ani Pnhlle i nnilafngn. n d herewithsub-itted to the Council, be and the -na are here- by approved. [he same L_In i 1[iefac- tory to the Commissioner o ;dut,a tion and the Pureha.1 9 Ag^.t Is her��ppbq u thori..d and directed to t•dver[fse for bid. thereon. A .opt,by the Council April 1. 1916. Approved April 1, 1916. i fAprll 8-1916) Yeas (d) 5f cilmen (Y•) Nays F 'worth ✓ Go A' In favor ✓ K er OR �i Against h Mr. Prtsid FORM C..-2 Powers 0 4�� 1 :� �1 f ' Fe�f GAY U Adopted by the Council A rrT 191. Approved y / 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form r,ll.�Ckti - \r�` IDepa1$ment of \ r Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By hl - ,I \ 1 l,.lLa I':uil; 1,1¢h; he W<rnd drta rni to <. mnd lrs els ;ro al Ilne• ,. ere,um l•.l<. .u.l y,.nu n, un[e «,.; < I<I<.;r.,..,,."..'.I.;,rh<.;�il,,,.:n. ai<„a�,�l e.r«L.,i .a:a. tr One pole in alley between Cherokee Avenue and Ottowa Street from Belmont Street to Sydney Street. Two poles in the alley between Stewart Avenue and Buttprnut Street from Bay Street to two hundred fifty feet east. S1x poles on Otto Avenue from Pascal Avenue to Snelling Avenue. With necessary gu..s. Il CtZ '4�un�1 va ,sn11 .iai.tl a<.11 '75 Pati '3 fi 'IaloH u0iu;7 'Plcu1171alt N � aaHn u4�,, '1S I --A\ 06t 'y JIo.11'y,: '1S vysuye r-(-. i4 L9t 'IaleH pysnye-\\ 'aa Yui\ '.\1 .1\`�. A gny.. All of such eztenelone. pole. and wires shall be erected d.od e ... tructed theundeCommfathe lelonerectiof rof Publ cr Utilltle. a d In all thin.- eub)ect to the pro- vision. of Ordinance No. 2524, and oL all other lawful ordinance. and resp lull 0n, of the City of St. Paul. All poles shall be set In such location .....",.aid alleys and street. a. the Com- " 'misloner of Public Utilities shall des- 1n<, „ i1an 1 '„ nil ;I' Igna[e and ehnll be o[ a ch height and "� character .:hall shall designate and p- I -hell etc <I .”! 1, <:.hl an,l barn, r<r ac he n ilk., r e a, ,..1 „, I,.I .,,, •r prove, andaany and all such Dole. shall be taken down and r ved, and such wire. placed u d -,ground. henever Adopted by .the Council ;Inteest solrequir see andhat wheneItp-hell 191 eoorder. Adopted by the Council April 1, 1916. Cas ( �„t)lln Ilill t'il Approved IAP rApr 1, 1916. - 1 s / (April ."I'.) }' FAR SWOR"FII v GOS NIcC I -I. YON: G 0, '1', AR r KIEL ER NIzl'i-esideikPON ERS Approve / 91 Mayor C. F. No. 9798—By M. N. r, 1. �- y i M L+ . Resolved. That the St. Paul Gas Light Company Is hereby ordered and directed to extend Its leetrlcal Ilnea I 1hy erecting pole. and stringinig wre. L thereon for the transit, Won- of eec- tricity on and In the following alleys and atrcets'of saidcity: Cit Council °`e •°" `>e .,r°..r of Filimore,ral :\ve"and a O.n. SL Form �T.Vw6�. 67 ,) -_ 84' y`` \r I` 141;J lla I)eitlllflit ()f Two poles on Augusta St. from St ryker Ave, to Winslow Ave. Two poles On Ivy St. from Burr St. to Bradley SL H pclnthTwooSL ton Cottage iStt St. from Two poles on Cypress St. from Law- son St. to Cook St. _ - t� Bllreall Of Three poles on Heel Ave. from Ker- win St. to Brand Bt. Two poles on Van Dyke St. from Kerwin St. to Brand St. - Four pole. in the nlley between Rrnnd St. and Kerwin St. from Ha Ave. to Van Dye St Council File No. Two \pooleesq[n Palace SL from F 'resented 9t CSC IItCd 191 one pole on the southeast co "•ga St. and Palace 9 By kl \'1 l,. Ilse il,e i'.,,:I I.�Ai i here t„ ,rd �cd vd Aire. te<1 l, c,lcn,l iia e,ci�.i. al lio<r i,. e, e, ii,ii l,.lr- an,..�r �n�iev ,firer ii,er<,n I:r Thr City Arcs. One pole on the corner of Fillmore Avenue and Moses,,,tStreet. Two poles on Augusta Street from Stryker Avenue to Winslow .,venue. Two poles on Ivy Street from Burr Street to Bradley Street. Two poles on Arkwright Street from Hyacinth Street to Cottage Street. Two poles on Cypress Street from Lawson Street to Cook Street. Three poles on liazel Avenue. from Kerwin Street to brand Street. Two poles on Van Dyke Street from Kerwin Street to Brand Street. Four poles in the alley between Brand Street and Kerwin Street from Hazel Avenue to Van Dyke Street. Two poles on Palace Street from Fulton Street to View Street. One pole on the southeast corner of Griggs Street and Palace Street. One pole on Amherst Street between Osceola Avenue and St.Clair Street o., ­ . „i r.'.,., ra, I I. 1 1 1 i,.,, ­,u d „a,„, ,a. A(Ioptfd by the Council 1'cas 1 Coon 1111CO Z -VAR 'SWORT11 �O S l� EARY J,LI{R Mi-. President, \VERS a 191 l Nays ipproye 191 -,,_ / ,CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE , Subject:__ FILE ^1\�• Date Presented _ 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Chas. B. Erdel 1067 Payne Ave. C. R. Norrie, 90 E• 6th 8t. C. .e No. 9799— R lved. Thathe t e appllcalion of the foI .-ing persons for a license to sell In toilcatinq liquors at the loca [lona '---- ----'— respectively indicated. be, and [he sa me hereby are granted. and the Clty Cleric Is authorized and dire Cted to issue such - _-- -.-7lcen see to said a_licn n is upon the -'- -- tiling of the bond and the payment of [he f— req olred by law: f Aas. R. F:r del. 1087 i'ayne Air. -—-.------- (�. R. Norris. 90 E. 6th St. .4 do pted by the Coun,11,Apru 1. 1916. Approved April 1. 1916. (Aprll 8-1916) Yeas (✓) Cuuu men (./) Nays a sivorth Go s In favor K -ler (/l1 Coll Against ,ear' 1" cr, Mr. PresidQ P lrcrs Adopted by the Council =ti R l u l t'191— Approved 191 --- - MAYOR --- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: COUNCIL NO.*,, M ' Y BILE Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as°indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 307 Julius Anseth 871 Payne Ave. Pi,C. Nelson, 871 Payne'Ave. 305,Rowes & Comar, 537 Western Ace. Comas & Potkey, 537 Western—Ave.- "T estern Ave. C. F. moo. "00— Reaulvad, That lhr foll—Ing deal- _ nates ueeneea to sen Intoxicating --"---" ----- as Indicated pur- liauora De pli,atere fo ant to nppllca tions duly made there- f Or:from Julius Anaelh, eil X70. 307. I'xync .1ve.. to \. ('. \elson, 871 0, e Ave. 537 __. No. 305. from Rowes R Cnmar. ------- _--- [7',•nlern Are., to Comar & Potkey. 537 lt-eatern A— 1916. Adopted Dy the Counril Aprll 1, Approved 'Pr tl 1, ]916. (April 8 -ill ) _..- ___ _.. Yeas (✓) C:oune linen (./) Nays Adopted by the Council_ -191— t -Farris orth ,,foss In favor �, Kelle Approved 191 MC It _-Against 01 ry G YOC - MAYOR Mr. esident,Tm rs 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL y y � COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM-_ 4 Subject Established Grade Council File Ne. Date Presented - - - - 191 L-Ci�VS�H ��rceti £ n i'7_. u ):� ^ gray-, of _ _ - - - - - - -.:IO_:4_J Oq& - /-- - ::CC'U to _ AIEL1'12� - - - - - - - .r. - - - - - - - - in accordance vrith t'_ze re(, gra(-) line on "he acconr?anying Profile c-l"d as rcco�endeP- by the Co;�issioner of PA.)Jjc Works, be a.nc-. t:)e s--ne 4 is hereby aC-ogceC. r:s the e c :olished. graC-e. 9801r -R: ]e V. Gose— Rrsolced, Thnl the grrtde of Lnn'son e1 frdan— 1elthrlhe ,,d grade Illt at ne r etc -coin Pan)'Ing Profllo and •of ' f I racome tided b.' the he egro sl oner Pahl lc \\ and the nnme 1s here- the atabllshed grnde. the dbn. by adopted ns Ado P[eda )4 Pr11 3,191 fit\Prll 3, 1916. Approve 1.\Pr0 8-19161 Co -Jr Yeas ( ) u-_ (Ida /s) APR -' 1u1! o,rcei- by `he Co Ci _ Gos _ -) d _ _ -(- .c1)rove Ke er Coll _ In f.vor .:� L/ Yo rg i i:Zst F. _rrc iC nt, =owers,__Jrnr- - I� CITY OF ST. PAUL cOUNI0 LT RI SOLUTIGN--{'r A]ERAL FORM. - '` '1 count it $ub3ecFile ITO. D 191 /�ate Presented _ _ _ _ _ of _ ^' co rcec f n tett to e_ z� act o c aricc3 �-ri �1� -clle rec graCc line on the accomnanying Profile ant'_ �s ✓ c or e�c_e�_ by -j-_Yia Commissioner of Works, G.1r, o«ne grec_e. 9802 Rexolvrd. That the grade of Loeb St. I Troom Laa•xo 9t. to (lllt•er S[. int c- cordance with lhr d grade line on tm- mpan)'ibg proflle x ended hr the ('o mmisxlom�!111 ( Po by I adopted be [he thfxbllehed gr8dereb )' :l dtpd .by thre Copncfl April 3. 1916. \p(April 8-1916) Yeas ( ) CoL� a1__�en (Idas?aPR by '';he o )" til _ Gos 6i,r)roved hF1 ea:In r�_.vor Yoe 74 C- F. y �f. N. [.oas— _ _.. It -` Resolved, that Permission he and "^troy olv d. th.t pe i hereby Sranted the Northwestern a�q7 set • president Telephone Fxchan€e Company to poles and atrSnK wire with the ne s- in the (ollowtng, " ary nehors thereon , F'doleee cls the lorth sidef Cson- d street between Bidwell [Pinslow atree Ire. to be removed when - Poles d a- Co--.. by the � equeatad' to do o Council- Said coat to be paid by Telephone COtnpa.p Y- .fid op ted by the Council April 3, 1916. Approved April 3- 1916. .. 8-1916) A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERddS41. FORM Subject. (P4.aG y.f 4 V COUNCIL FILE N O. ..... ......... Date Presented _ __ _ _ _ .__ 191 _ .. Resolved That the Cigarette License No. 291, now in the name of Oliver J. Dufresne, 4C2 South Wabasha Street be and the same hereby is transferred to Oliver J. Dufresne, 972 North Dale Street. Yeas (t,Powers ( ✓) Nays v In favor Against Mr. PrFORM �alrco»— C. Rrno ��•d 8T to it ee Cid ehf eGtltV et bP �0 291. now South wnbn on re llutr [hren 402 hrreb)' is trnnnf Hale St. n d 2 AP tiit 3. 1916. ou.•rr �. outrehneco'nru ADr :\VoDt"d by Il 3. 1916. ADProve�t ADr ll 9761 lAyr Adopted by the Council R u j9L ved _.... f MAYOR Ebrm A. 6.11 r CITY OF ST. PAUL 1916 .ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU No. 9805 _ YT�� •� BY AUDITED Iel_ 6 PER 'fnu 93 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafte%pecified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ° Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Coun APR —114'' 1_ r�arna�rereie----_ Goss In favor pp v 19 Keller McColl Against O'Leary MAYOR Yoerg Mr. President, Powers C. F. No. 9806— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firma or corpora- tions for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the toll. wing detailed statement Current Operating Funds—Water Rept. Sal.: S.A. Farnsworth. Com. Finance, $13.372.73. Board of Control—AIalnt.: Board of Control, $7,231.60. Bd. of Control—City & Co. HO.p.— \l., 53.606.16; 111, or Control,—Alms- house & PPoor F.—M., $1,676.89; Bd, or Control—Outside Aid. $1.716.12; lid. of Current Operating Funds IControl—City & Co. Sanit.—lfalnt. Water Dept.-Sal..y A32.ns. dopted by the Council April 3, 1916. Approved April 3, 1916. (April 8-1916) j S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, Board of Control-)IEaint. Board of Control Bd. of Control -City & Co. Hosp.-M.....$3,6o6.16 " -Almshouse & Poor F -M... 1,676.89 "-Outside Aid... 1,716.12 "-City & Co. Sanit.-Maint... 232.43 $13,372.73 7,231.60 a T -20-.,604i 35-, COUNCIL FILE NO........... By..... __....... ._ _........ ..................... P ._......... 9806 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. r.%ding..Tracy.-manue...fmm-kst...Seventh.-straet..•to-FW vaster-taHrent►�-- under Preliminary order ._......245.-.-_._ Intermediary Order ....... _............ _...... - _......... approved ...XoxembAr-11th,-.1$16•........ -_....._------ .._-- approved ..................... -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- Eaar provement to be made by the said City is -_.0 adn._Traay avenue..tnom�Ss9•enth-stAeat- te• --- 4TVOol4.[...avanut.......... ........... ....... __.....__......__._........ _.................... ...................... _................... ..... ...... ____-..._'....._..... ............ _.._........----- ....... _ .... ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improveme ' a therewith. Adopted by the Council....._... ._— _._ 191 ..... Clerk. Approved ........ .._-. ._.._-_, 191 _........ 9806— i.. the �tniter „e � adln,; -r� F. fry , nat v en [h street to to Hr,ra ne Councilman a°„en,le. ��der P-Ilmlua�, 11rder ;d95, tpprurcd \e''elnber lith. 191.5- Apublic hearing having been had G ss upon the above Improvement upon due u otiee, and the Council having heard •� iter nil De rsons, objections and re ommen- datlons relntivr thereto. and having fully considered the same: therefore. . � CCOII buIt Reeolved, Ry the Council of the City � ash of St. Paul that the precise nature. e tent and kind of Improvement to be made n> thy a,ld "Ity Is grade Tracy oerg gent, , ,,n i.; sl Seventh sweet to Harvester on" the i ncil Mayor owers ma e.v nrdere F,.Il Improvement oto be Forth B. S. A. &7 stoe�oluldrubilch co ks be a nmlie hereby Instructed and directed to pre• pare plans and specifications for said Imprnvemen t. and submit s e to the Cm c,il for nDPmvnI: Iha, sin said on 0, the proper city otTl<•er- herebv nuthculzed and directed to pro - Geed with the making of said improve- ia orlont a therewith. n�Adoptedc by theCouncil April 3. 1916. Approved April 3. 1916. (April 8-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) e In the Matter �,f �__1�.r_.:.�-- -' `"fr -- �f_4� `Cl/�7 ------- ------------ .... — — -----...._.--- L ------------ ---- ------------ ----- - - - ....----------------- ----- _..... -- --- - -- Il• / 1:13 under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is j s -----_------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $----------1---�---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION D I T 1 O N l SSS ASSESSED VALUATION `L ✓ m I { lac o CI i ' � %`I�,c��o ��►% ��lo /lam TOTAL, _ O ' CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V A LU A T I O A, C 0 % ` ✓ v` V 0 J V � J //3 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / l�y� Dated - -- ... _.... _191 _. Commissioner of Finance. .oen 8.3 A. es C I i.f i i Qa ri) Office of the Commissioner of Public Works J Report to Commissioner of Finance Deoei,.ber. 4, 191.5.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The (Ionnnissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ..?.6.95. _.-..approved _ .,ov.eu-"OeT 11, ___...1!)1.5.., rchitive to _..._.._. grading Tracy St. , fro I, - sat Sevantli St, to ];arvestar ?Ve. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - _.necessary and (or) desirable; 1.454 car front foot 2440.3E S. The estimated cost thereof is.._.___ _.._.___ _., and the total cost thereof is _-or.tage 1679.11 feet Ycess i'nepection `47.85 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - .. _._ _. __..._ _....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hercol'. 4. a. Said improvement is-- ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �% ' Coin miasiouer of Public Works. I Pt Paul Irian am 87th Iimb. To the City Coimoll. City of at Paul Yian. Oeati��a. T* the undersigned Property Owners an Tray *ve,rrs Most 7th /t.to Harrewtor Avo.aek that said lttwot be Graded bbtveea wait points. that it is a vorry bad place to sot our Oval or Wood up there. and it is almot L4owwible to Drive a Tea= with a Lead up, there. �h -- - -- - Zonas Aespwestfuuy. - LOT" -m- MOCIL 01 �j t 1 1` CITY OFST. PAUL- COUNCIL- AULCOUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject:. FILE I ENCIL N O. Date Presented P*r 11 4, 191 6 1 I !REs"L[:TIC'N FIyIT C nt=s pi.,- 'nT,-, T 1,77) Ir F'XTy';T IF FP8F'1 F?,TT Resolved. mid -F TPfr I )';F�i !TIO n— Fr_ In the natter of conder:.ninc and taking an ecsen.ent in the land r_ece4sary for slopes, for cuts and fi=1a in the Fradir.- of Tracy Street, frog. '-ast Seventh_ Street to Farvester rverue, under Preli:.inary Or:ier 1.' yli, aT.proved Novel..'c:er 30, 1915, and Intern.ediary Order r9398, approved Larch , 1916. The Col..iAssioner cf Pub'.ic Torks haw__- subl:itted r�r ort and sketch in the &dove ...atter, be it FFS-)LTEP (1) T -at t' -.e City 1�f Pt. Pail fixes and eteri..ines the al:.cur.t of land to be talren for th., z.::cv n;zl.ed i]_:rsever..ert is an e-ser..er.t for elope_, for cuts an. In and up C.. the 7 -ani &-F-n-ttin upon "'1'L. V &tieCt, cetween the r -,-int. eforesc:id, tC, t-:eestert bh-'.Nn Lj-G^. t[:e sketch `.t- tac:.ed to the rel -ort (,f the Coi :..issioner of Public T crks in the matter da -ted 1Lri1,9 116, wh-i.,h sketch u,n ierort are herab. referred to and ,.-ale a ;,art her, cf. (s) That an e--aetl.e, t ist&hen in said 'lana to tl e extent neceasL ry for slopes, for cuts and fi: s in the Fraain,- of srid street to the est�Clished .rade. Yeas (t) C fricilmen (v•) Nays / G K r ll Y Mr. Preside owers FORM C.a-2- 8 reet to venueeY;nth der Preliminary o ar No. 5237. approved November 30, tills. and Intermediary Order No. 9395,pproved March 6, 1916. The Com m lesion er of Public Works I having submitted hi.eport and sketch in the above matter, be It Resolved (1) That the City of St.mines Paul fixes a d deter the amount of land to be taken for the above mad Im piovement is aemesnt for slopes, [or cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Tracy Street. between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in th matter dated April3. 1916, which sketch and report are hereby refered to and made a part hereof. 191 (z> That n nt 1. taken in y the Council n easeme said landtothe extent I wary for slopes, for cuts and fill. In the grad) ng In fat ofsaidtie theto the e,tabl Council April3, 1916. Approved April 3, 1916. 4P d (April 5-1916) Again t 1 MAYOR ROBERT T GOURLEY, -11- C� � L". OSCAR CL_S5E N, Cr.i s_, E. xr en J E. CARROLL, S_ Cox.. xuc.ox h R"."' ALFRED JACKSON. Su> S..- ­ G. H. HERROLD. """ EFU""' H. W GOETZINGER, 5u N11— uv CITY OF SAINT ,PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER dam' -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- �?s 07 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes for cuts and fills in grading Tracy avenue,from from Eaut Seventh street to Harvester avenue,under Preliminary Order #8211,approved Nov.30 1915 and Intremediart #9398. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Workwe hereby submits and amkes a part of this, his report, aplan of the above improvement,shaaingby the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on privape property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to•be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. � � L Commissioner,of Public P+orks Dated�r _ CITY OF ST. PAUL, DEPARTb4F#4T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of ----------- ........................... ----- --------- --- ------------------- ............ ..... - ---------- . ....... ------------ --- ----- ---------------------- - - -------- --------------------- ------- - -------- - - -- — - --------------------- ------------------------- -------- -- - - - ----- ------- - - - ------------------------------------- -- ............ -- -------- - --------- ---------------- ---- ---- ---- - -- ------ - ----------------- ............ ----------- - ---- - ------ ---------------- ----------------- --- ---- ----- ----------------- ------- -.- . ......... under Preliminary Order approved - ---- - - ---------- --------------------- ------------ ------- — - - ------ - ------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ----------- The--- ---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ — -------- - ---- -------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLoc K ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J LI ZF) ll:;14C U/ 42W w7 -7 -2 c 1ORM IS.S.A. 5-3 A TOTAL. CITY OFST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENNT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM1031ONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER M E S C R 1 F--rI O N LOT- BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED vALUAT101�' dig C" ` L _7;, \ % l �Cf ti c ! tl C9 L' G, / Lo 4' Lo 4�e U y. U Y C fL L r t i'f The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -------i[.-.f..----.. Commissioner roarw a.s.ns. a -s c of Finance. Office of the Commistioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance De.9srJo.e.r.-61,--._.......191- 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. PELIII : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 8211 known as Council File No. approved Wovc?-'Ler 30, 191 5 relative to ... - . .... ...... land neceescry for elopes, condemnir..S and takjnE...an ...easeffent in the -------------------- for cuts' and fills in the .gra it Of —_xe-c y. -.4:7e� ­ from East Seventh St .... .. ..... ........ ...... ..... ...... . .... 1,ax.vest.ex L.Xenua Rod having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... ........necessary and (or) desirable_ xxxx and the total cost thereof is 2. The estimated cost thereof is aim] the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . .... .... .. .... .. ... ..... --- . ...... . - - -- -------- -- 5. Said improvement is not- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comuiissiou r of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO.-_.. _.._.. �_98®8 By...._. . __... __. _..............___ ........ _.... —__-.__�.__ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Lratn.. Bal -e a.Lrtit.._xa._I<�sLirn.a��nnu�t under Preliminary Intermediary Order ...... _............ __. _----_._...__...__-_.._ approved-_._.._........-__ ......... ____-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the'said City is..Qr9da.lAke me_PhLlan.„Amgma,-frpm.DLI*-,mut 4& _.__14110clu mue.................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHM, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said a�e proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said t o ant in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.._ APR -3 I .y 191 Councilman Farnsworth !/G`os 71, oll r Form Et S. A. 8-7 .dac �+ mproveme and the Council hi hereby orders sats Improvement to „r made. Resolved Further. That the Commie- a , ner of Public Work. be and he le n...— Instructed and directed to pre- CITY OF ST. PAUL —DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Ol'#RELIMINARY ORDER - (A a'�g- In the Matter ofQ r- . �1 -1 - L J ------------ ---- ----- ------------------------------------ -------- --- - --- - — -- - ----- ----- - under Preliminary Order approved---�.•/,�'- --=-L------ ---- . - --- --------- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The t al estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-2-r-i.}1----------------- Th ma cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $----s4---------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (00 �1111,1°7l`� 4 610 , 12 TOTAL, ^ - - CITY,OF ST. PAUL" DEPARTMENTbOF FINANCE , -- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCIE mobpr0 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER O ESCRIPTION � LOT BLOCK O D'1 T I O A N A53l33lD VALU/�TdI SON�s` o i o. i TOTAL, CITY OF 5T. PAUL r—zavpARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT O1F= COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE W" PIFfELM9INARY- ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION l�OT BLOGK ADDITION VALUATION % 7z' ` The Commissioner of Fiaaaee Further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as lkzis report .thereon to the Council, together with the report made to .him in reference to said matter by tom'-+ a Commissioner of Public Works. Dated !/ ---------191.... ._��-.jGyL�%s�G!/�y�� ._....... — --- _ Commissioner of Finance. rowrw e.a.w. a -e c ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _January 12th, . 11 191 6... 'Po the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimivai;v order of the l.'oun- eil, known as Council File No. 6811.... _ _approved .. September 2, _. .1916._., relative to .... the .grad ng..of. Lake__0oluo__&-Phalen Avenue, frcin'D.a,1e Street to_.._ - Western Avenue, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: .4110 1. Said improvement is _ __ _ necessary and (Ahlesirable. 64¢ per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__.-_ , and the total cost thereof is $ 2966.31 au�l Frontage 4657 feet Excess inspection $58.16 the mature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto nttached and made a part hereof. 4. .. _ 5. Said improvement is.__..._ ......_.asked for upon petition of three or uaore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. t Conmissimu•r of Puhlic Works. awl CITY OF � SAINT PAUL OEPARTMq.NT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D-11 C -1--l' OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E.ai — J. E. CARROLL SVVT, CO TRVCTIO. h Ree�a ALFRED JACKSON. SV 5­T•^c^ H HERROLD. 61I -Cf E..'.— H - GOFWII C,1C 1-T. Wna..." January 15th, 1916. Hon. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: ., I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Lake Como & Phalen Avenue, from Dale Street to Western Avenue; in accordance with Council File ,$6811, approved September 2, 1915. Approximate estimate $2966:64 31 Cost per front foot .58.16 Exceee inspection 4 Frontage 657 ft. Respectfully Submitted, U/. "- R Chief Engineer. JEC/MH W i P K 'r I T I OWN We, the unde'rsignea property owners of Lake Como -Phalen Ave. respectfully petition the Board of Public Works to have the street graded from Dale to Western Ave. a000rding to the following grade; To elope from Mackubin to Dale, and from Mackubin to Western Ave. ------------ ------------------------------------- �! ------ -------------------------------- b- -------b- - � 71, _-- 0----------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------- lU--------------------------- s5. SEP -2 1515 St. Paul, Minn. June, 14th, 1915. Hon. 0. E. Keller, Commissioner of Public Utilities, City. Dear Sir:.- We irrWe the undersigned property owners living on COMO—PHALEN AVENUE, between DALE STREET Q WESTERN AVENUE herby petition that you transmit to the Honorable Council an order to have water,¢ mains laid on the above street, also have preliminary order for the grading of said street between the aforesaid Dale R Western Avenue.introduced at the same time. r f Ll "--01 r -A L , BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, 4 1,J CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL 9809. 1 FILE No. r Date Presented Ar r i 1 , 1916 � / I FE60LLTION —1'-7 TFF A -:OL T OF LA' P r),F. FY Y"T OF Resolved, In the r:.a'ter of cor.der.,ninv and tUkinE an eaeen.ent in the land race nary for stores, for cuts and fills in the -ra=irE of ; eke cc.o °''°'A' Avenue, frol.. E .ie street to ^'astern Aver e, '.nder Pre-iu.inary Order ':o., erxroved arts , 1915, and Irterr:.ediary Order cc aFrroved ...alp.- 6, 1916s The Oo..lcissior.er of Public rorti_s ,vin svtl,i ted n3 s.et- tt.e '=.rove ,.atter, 'ce 't _.is re - F I,;FT`, tl) � .at t'. -.e ;f f' Pavl fi;.es r.rd dat_r:..;n;;sOt'-.e al.. art cf land �oOrtt�.rier. for the above ri r��ver.ent is -:r e,.sec.e.nt for stores, for cuts and -moo in and cion _e ]ars ,Cutting Cron Lake ou.o Phe.ler. Ivence, twean `:.e mints aforesaid, to the exter. s7.owr. uror. ','Lesketd�-t`P.c-ed to "_e rarer` - the Oorlx��seior:er of Pubiic _r}s in ire :,,atter dated �T?Iil l l6, w:.io' skate: and r I -^rt a --e ',e.•eby referred to and ,:.ade e cert l eseof. T'..at ars ec.ser_e. liken in a&id land t --`e e'.`er.t r.ecessLr"; for slor.es, for cats and f.=ie 1*.'. te - gre.dinr cf suit street to t�e eat-'_li6hed *rade. C. 11. No. 9909—By M N. Goes— In the matter of condemningand tak- i ng an easement In the land n v fo• elopes, for cute and fill, In the grading of Lake Como and Phal. !I enuAvenue,efrom Dale street to West- nder Preliminary Or- der No. 6966, approved Sept. 2, 1916, and Intermediary Order No. 9399, approved Alarch 6, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch In the above matter, be it ,I Resolved I1) dThai the City of St. Pnul fixe, and eterm'nee the amount of land to be taken for the above! named Improvement le n teem ant for elopes, for cuts and Alla In ou upon the land abutting eon en t Como is Phalen venue between the pointe VNO/{I/ tof he sketch to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the port of Yeas v Co oilmen 1 Nays the Commisioner of Public Worke In (') •) Y the matter dated April 3, 1916, which the Council 191 sketch and report are hereby referred y to ad made o. part hereof. hPar worth 12) That a easement le taken in I❑ favi Bald land street te extent necessary for Cos n'ovee. for cats end Atte In the grading of sale street to the established grade. prov d Kell r Ado pied by the Council April 3, 1916. _=\\ pproved April 3, 1916. Mc oll V Agaim April s -leis) Nas Yoe g Lam.. �/ /i�(i AYOR 1'. President, Powers f FORM C.82 ROSEFeT T C-R" U C --- OSCAR CLAUSSEN. 0.111 Evcivrtx J • E. CARROLL. Su^.. Covsr nucr•un hR•. r.�ri• ALFRED JACKSOG. N. H. HERROLO. 011'�E Evc�nr tx H W .OFT71N.ER. CITY OF SAINT PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -XvORT TOf THE: COUNCIL - A In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes for c-Ots and fills in grading Lake Colpo -Phalen avenue, from Dale street to Western avenue,under date of Preliminary Order #6808, ap- proved Sept. 2nd, 1915., and Intermediary Order #9399, approved To the Council of the City of St -Paul: I Tne Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fiIle to be made on private property, and by the natched portion the cuts to bmade on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and natched e parte of such plan. Dated + - ---- -- Comm esionee r --PublicWorks F �C Z O CD T Uf r' L I r l4 /7 I�- _ i _ _. • ' -:.:.. ...- �. .. /. :ter _ _ .. .. - _. - _.._ ... ,.'./ice - _., i .' _'.:' -• i "i//.'• 1. , ..�,n�.� � ..-.. •, �� _ .. _. s /i/i _ - ._.._ _ ,. it .., _. - _ i, •.... .- n - ^4 - 25, f7/ _ - - _ CITY QF ST. PAUL OL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .......................................... ..... ....... ....... ........... - ---------------------------- - - .............. .... ........ ------------- - — — - - - - ---------------------------------- ----------- ..... ....... - . .......... ----------------------------------- - ------------ - ----------- ------------------------ ------------------- - - - -- -- ---------- - ----- .... ....... ---------- ---- - - - -------------------- - ------ ------------------ ---- - - --- - ------ ------- --- - -- - -------- ------------ ---- - ------ ------------ - - - ------------ ----------------- - ---------- ----------- under Preliminary Order approved - ------------------- ............ ........ .. - ------ I ---------- - -- ------- - --- ----- -------- --------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: — The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ PC -17 --------- - ---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parceli of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are &5*.11ows: V DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION -7 ld. Alf TOTAL, 1■ CITY OF ST. PAUL . �e DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ~ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) f4' L `BLOCK DESCRIPTION • LOT ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � ,aL.G Z A « �/�eT1�. O i r U ��j / o,��fL �CGf� � �>(r J•� � /r l -11;l f. /✓ � t7 f� 7 / ' TOTAL. 1 't ri ASSESSED VALU TIO/� \ r ._. 6 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. Commissioner of Finance. IORM O.S.A. G-! C ° CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF 260MMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ja DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 't ri ASSESSED VALU TIO/� \ r ._. 6 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. Commissioner of Finance. IORM O.S.A. G-! C ° Office of the -Comfnissioner' of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January 15th, To the Vommissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The ConunissioAr of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. - 6808.. .....approved_... Sept'_..._....191.55....., relative to _.99Pci.Q� ng =4 tulnz an 0.4—O.O.Me.nt in the land ne.0.08.8AZY Tor_ 8jqppq.. for q g g.n_d .. ..gzadlng L.aKe....CQ.mQ.=P.h.a:rI Avenue, from Dale Street to Weatern Av.e.nu.e.... ....................... _ .. ........ .... ........ . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..............necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ....... .... . and the total cost thereof is . .... ... ?MXX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ..... ... . . .......... ............. __ ........ ....... ....... ... ....... ..... . .... 5. Said improvement is._ ............................_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement, -- . . ....... ....... ............ Commissioner of Public Works. I CITY OF ST. EAUL CHTICIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _curbin�L'a.r--ret Street frcm Cable— _ j Lenue to_ropg street_ under Preliminary Order _6G95 Final OrderX747 — — _ ALP30V J enu ary 13 , 191 6 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner Of 'public t Works for t1 --e above naxaed improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. F.:Io. 9810— In the Btter of curbf q Margaret 3i from Cable Ave. to Hope St. oder Preliminary Order 6095. Final Orderl 8747, approvedeJa uarY 19, 1916. . Resolved, That the plane, eDeefIIos- tions and eetfmatea eubmftted by the Comeelseloner of Public nt be the above named improvement be and the same are hereby eDDroved. Adopted by the CounefI April 4. 1916. Approved April 4'8(Apr- J_ _, —191 ' Adopted by the Council — — _ — �_ � ^_i _ _ — — _ — 'Yeas: ( ) ( } Nays Counc ilman4a o J! Na iia iia llr.Presi.dentlj I 19 App" 4 - -- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. R LIMINAR'Y ORDER. I The undersigned hereby proposes the maW—j—ng of the owing pub] St. Paul, viz.: QQn$.tr_uct_ ewalk t Q.. V ;rr PM Eerj �t4p_?qqKth.si a a ke 'Px C.-IrPm Baxl. .t.. accordancene tjtjo e r et oattache petition Council File No. 7 improvement,�<)Ae Cit y of ,-,, /--A. , .......... . .. /... __ ... ....... ..... . ....... . ....... ..... ...... . day .. ....... __..._,r,,.....___._ 191 Dated this /th /'uncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet on the ....... ..... . ..... .. . ........ nos h. s..,i de _Qd NAryjard. -5.t . ....... .... . ...... C. F. No. 9811— 'Nb-... A Written proposal I far the making Or the following improvement, ............. ...... ............ .... ... t Construct u cement to :Z�, ", t It 0 -Ids,c.Ik width of "X feet an 0 north side of ary St from rl St. to Du - having been presented to the Council of the City luth Av having been p,cs I Council I entod to the., .. .... ...... ...... ....... . fore. be the tY Of St. Paul there - therefore, be it R• .. I".d. That the Commission,, of 'bIh jl�l d'a�rcdc-.`d-rkjr he ad 11, 1. hereby RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of I ected: tred and directed: ' To Invest' or I., ...... I,_ --Ill' for, I. To investigate the necessity for or desil im2pdoTement. . . the rar'dag of 9,ld)vement. ;i . 0 Incestignte it coed t,e s,'In T . nature. atted coat " lie total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esti f aid I ra,%! 1 3 total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of: kct,jo, s`.",`d'�'.h 1_1PI-11, prattle or ,Pro 41. To furnish the ment. _110 ins other 4. To furnish the following other data and i data and I'ntlarrnatrou anc. to Wd�,nt; irapr Oland — 5. To state whether or not Bald three or more owners. -tition I im- provement�Is asked for a the V ....... ...... ... ........... .- . ........... of 6 T report upon all Of the fore- 0 , — e or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improveg utters t t a Commissioner of re 6. To report upon all of the foregoing ma Apoptcd,[,3�thc Council April 4, 1916. I,- A p ",a, urn 4, trill). APR Adopted by the Council.. .... .......... 'I RApril 8-1916) . 191 . ........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G S Approved 1— ...... 191........ K ller Nash .......... . Mayor vers a Mayor. Request of John W. Lundquist, 1007 Linwood Fl. Council File, No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 9812 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of -the fol mg p proposes St. Paul, viz.:.....QPjjptr.1AQ.t. ta.. 0.eMe.nt, . tile 9 ewalk a unt the north side of Fairpjql��A P ....... .... ...... ...... . ...... . ...... .......... . ....... .... .... .. .... .. ..... ...... . lic improvement by the City of I width 0 e.at....on... t9wrir St.. and OxfAaa St. ...... ..... Dated this day 191 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..._ . . . .. ........... Construct a cernent tile sidewa�_ to of fe e.t 0,1, the X .. ....... ..... I ........ .. ... ­ ... ... . . ... P north side .-...of.Fairmount Ave .b .._,e.t.v.ve.on ... ...... .... .. ... ........ ... .... ..... F. No 1812— c. Whereas, A written proposal for thte. -,,,I,,g or the ,d, ­1"g . ......... . .... . ........ ................................... .... ............ .... . "I .'r a Ll� x: Co net a cement tile -Ilt-w-, to a width of six feet on the north ,d having been presented to the Council of the city of of.Fairmount Ave. between Chatsworth St and Oxford St,,,having been,pre- ,,,led to the Can' of the CRY f St therefore, be it Paul therefore, be It Resolved. That the Commissioner of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publi dpeusaes nd diWorks rected: be and he is hereby or --ed and directed: . 1. To Investigate the .... Ity for n 1. To investigate the necessity for or desiraler desicabillry of the making of said cement. Improvement, To, Investigate then extant the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estim and estimated cost of got :hereof. ' tad the total cont thcre­�,c 3. To furnish a plan, profile. or sketch of sai & To furnish . plan. are or sketch of said Improvement. following other lent; T� 4. To furnish the following other data and inf- data and fin`fo`r'M'fti`Ih`n relative to said ............................ IS. I S. To state whether o or at so na d I- to ——,. pce t 1. ..ked a' on the petition of three -1 more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improvernei going IT,.re afters to at' of the f—i tree or more owners. .1 the Commissioner Finance. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing marl 'Adopted by the C4,o1...uncil April 1916. Approved April (April 8-1914) 1 Adopted by the Council. ..... ......... Aff 191 .... Yeas: , Nays: Councilman F;ofvorth K r Hash ... ......... Mayor Po ars Mayor. Petition / Council File No. __...__........ _. t' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol mg lie improvetpeti by th ity of St. Paul, viz.:.... _Qonatl.uat _a c em.en ....t l.e.... eyta t.os :t.... .._. tR.e .:nal. 4.tae._ 0. _Qret.ln...A.Y ...._be_ttP_9 .........$e. ....... fi9ee.._+?nd rel.... ....... _.......•. in,,..acc.ordance...with .pei.._ion.,he .., to, ......_taches.1t ... Dated this.._..._4_. ........day of .....__....... til..._.._.......................................19L..6.r�I ...... _.......:.....'.........: y� Councilman. PRE MINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the n) king of the following improvement, viz.:....... __........... Qon.struat....a_..oamnt.. t.il.e. s.id...ta1Y._.t..o._.a....milth.of....a.ix_.fee.t....on the........... �t.eat..si.de _of....Qx.e.t.in..Axa.....boN.aen._S.�1bY..AQ.a...._l�nd...�aurel Ave..._..... ._ ....... ... C. r. No. 9813— .. _...... _._..___ ... ". "-"""' Where a. A written proposal for the ' malt Ing of the following Improvement, viz: Construct a cement the sidewalk to n width of six feeton the -eat aide of Cretin Ave., between Selby Ave. and having been presented to the Council of the City of he`c ncii' of°line City f St. lea t° therefore, be it o[ St. Papal ................................ ....... . therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he Is hereby Gr- 1,C That the Commissioner of Public a'I.'To In eaiigaie th cess(ty for d and directed: or desirability of the making of, said 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirab i' 2 `OT0 investigate the nature, extent 'ment. and eatim sled coat of s id Improve- 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estima m nt. nd the total eat thereof. fie total cost thereof. a. To furnish ¢ pian. profile or slcstch of said Irnpravemen t. 3. To furnish a plan, profile of sketch of sail q. To furnish the following other 9. To furnish the following other data and inti lane ovement. noon relative to said r 6. me tIs whether o not said Im- provement three Isre asked for on the petition of three r more owners. .......... .............. .. ........ _...... To report upon all m the fore- 5. To state whether or not said improvemet ro�a�CP ¢Rete to me Commissioner or ee or more owners. Adopted by the Council April 4, 1916. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matte Approved April 8. 1916. s (April 8-1916) N l v4 Adopted by the Council.......___..........__.... 191 ......_.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far orth S (�� Go Approved.. _............... _ _........ ... ......... 191........ Ke r Plash Mayor Po ers Mayor. Petition Council File No . ... ..... .. ....... ..... PROPOSAL TOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following I mprovement,b the City of St. Paul, viz.:.....Conatrno.t. &--o-ement- tile side., ix..f . ..... ... ........ accordance with t:P�Ioyi he . ....... . .......... ... .. ...... ... ... . ....... ..... pe. ------- ...... .. . ...... ............... . ... ........... Dated this .....Ath; day TJ 191 6..... ............... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improv ment, viz.: . .. . ......... Construct h e P.I.d.evalk to_a. feet t .....a .....cenent tj_� . Jqqrtll 3Jdc.. of Maa ryjnlorest St... to..,U.4:rj St. 4 '.. ­... 5A frpm_l E. ........ ..... ...... ..... ... .... ....... ......... ...... . ......... .......... ....... ............ .... ..... .............. C. r. No. 9814- -Wher &..tA W itten Proposal for the having been presented to the Council of the City of akingeof he fallowing Improvement. vl.: Construct . --ant the sidewalk therefore, be it to . width of .1x feet on t lie north side of 1A ryland St. from Forest et. h-aving been presented to.' to --rl d an RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubb S the C -u- d directed: �11 of the City of SL Paul therefore, be I. To investigate the necessity for or desiral ' Rel., mens. Resolved, That the Commissioner of -bl Work. be and he 1e hereby or - 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eStinu dered Tand Indgaffe etedte then for : to total cost thereof. 1. o vesta or desirability of the making of said 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sai improvement. S. To investigate the nature. extent 4. To furnish the following other data and in( and estimated -t oftimid ma rov- nt; ment, and the total cos thereof." '_To furnish uim'V1'h,r me. p-111, or .ketch of l Improvement. .................... ... .. ......... . . ........ .. . . . ........ 4. To furnish the following other data and Information relative to aid rn 5. To state whether or not said improvee bripro�.ement. 'ee or mow owners. eta a whether or net aid I.- 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matt( prevenient J8 asked f nor on the Petition of three or more ow er.. 6 TO report upon all of the fare. going matter. to the Commissioner of ri.an_. Adopted by the Council Adopted by the Council April 4, 1916 Yeas: Approved April 4, 1916 (April 8-1916) Councilman Farns orih fT +Goss Approved .... ..... ....... Kell Nash . ........... Mayor Pow s Mayor. Petition Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade.... St.._Qiai.r_.S:t�* 1?rJ-O.r AV.e---, ind. accor&nce with. pqt.j:�jpn hiprqto..A!' . ...... ..... ....... ...... . ....... ............ ...... ....... . ...... . .. ..... ...... .. ..... ......... ..... .......... . ...... ..... .............. ....... .. ....... Dated this 4th day of .. .. .. ...... ... .. .......... 191 ..... ........ . ... .... ...... Co n ci man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........ .. Grade St Clair 2x -ior AV . ........ ..... ........ ..... .... ...... .. ....... . ...... . ..... 11 ......... ....... C. P. No. 9815— Whereas. A written proposal for the_ . .............. ....... ... ........... nn.kI.g of the following Improvement. viz: ,. Grade St. Clair St.betweenFair- view Are. and Prior Ave., having be having been presented to the Council of the Cit! 1) resent2 to the Council of the City '.nf St. Paul ther.f.— be it Resolved. That the Commisol -ner of therefore, be it Public Work. be ad h c b, hereby or- dcr.d . nd directed; Pred and directed: 1. . e necessity for RESOLVED, That the Commission- of Pu T Investigate the id or desirability of the us, of ea id To investigate the, necessity for or desi lrr�prov mont. Dvement. . To Investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said Improve- total cost thereof. )f d the 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est mensanT the total cost th,rlo,,. 3. T furnish a plan, pro or 3. To furnish ak "plan, profile or sketch of etch of said Improvement. 1, To furnish the following other 4. To furnish the following other data and data and Information relative to said went; Improvement. S. To state whether or net said -Im- o Is asked for on the petition of three or pomore owners. To rert upon all of the fare - going matter. to the Commissioner of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improver Finance. Adopted by -the Council April 4, 1916. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing nji Approved April 4. 1919. (April 8.1919) Adopted by the Council ....... .... Yeas: Councilman F rth Nays: s Approved I er Nash Lswo_ ... .. ......... ..... ... Mayor PVrs Mayor. Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. pa and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 918 1 (3 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followi ubli ro"7eP,,K1h i1v e Condem it ate il n.ec'. _Axy . ..... St. Paul, viz.: .. ci3ts and fi].I.c A rali S.. -- - ------- - wee ... ... ........ ... .. ........ . . ..... ....... .. . ....... TA!xvi.o Axe....... .. .. .. ,nd_lri.ox ..Q . ....... ........ . ....... ...... > .. ....... ... � .. ... .. . ...... . ­ ... ..... . ----------- . ........ Dated this 1� ay of 1916"./ A .... ......... (�4_Councilman. 7�) PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for,the making of the following improvement, viz.: . ........ C.Qx-demrki.nz. aria tAk:LrU' t f rv7_ V ...... C. F. No. 9816 -- Whereas. A written proposal for that making of the following ImprovemenL 'it: Condemning and taking .. ease-,...........- . . . .. ........ ....... ............... ....................... .. ..... ....... ........... .... ................... . meet In the land recoes.ry far elope..; for cuts and fills In grading St. Clair' having been presented to the Council of the City of St. St. between Fairview Avej danto d Prlhor�, .......... ....... ....... Ave., ,n" p—en Council b, a City " St. ;.Ul there - be it therefore, be it fora ,,.Iv, Ra ase h at te Commissioner RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Publidaredc and We be ectbe and he Is hereby r-,nd directed: dired: ,,I,d.Tl Investigate the seq.-alty fors m. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilin - ol-bility f--tho ­kIfig­af­id• Improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated a Y. To Investigate the nAture, ext.ntloTal cost thereof. and estimated cost of .1 d improve- , thereof. 'r ment. and the total coo area 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said in 3. To furniah a pl..nt.p,.Al. or sketch -of sold -fin, rov.. T ft I . . u- a the following other 4. To furnish the following other data and inforin 'let and Information relative to aid rov1m I 'm 5 P To state whether or not said im- pr.vement Is asked for on the petition' ....... ....... ..... I of three or more owner.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement i, 6. To report -upon all orthe fore. or more owners. going matters to the Commissioner of pir.ne" 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters Adopted by the CouInclit April 4. 1918. Approved April 4. 1916. (April 8-1916) Adopted by the Council.. .... ..... . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fern Orth Gos Approved......._._ 191G Ke . .................... ....... -May-r rs Mayor. Petition Council File No. __ ..... _..... ...._.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the -akin the foil ing publ' Improve m by the City of r r e"` f• St. Paul, viz.: Gra( ak...3....Ga�.---- accordance with peti ._..on._herei}o.-._ta.G..... ....--...._..........._.._.....__..... ' .. .._ .. .. ..... rrr�����.................. ... _.. ..... ... .... ...... ....... Dated thi-.-......... t_h....... day of _............ R. f � Council an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following impro emenr, viz.: __ _ _........ Grade alleys in. Block__3_ Governor. ...... ._ . ........... ......._ .. -� C. F. No. 9817— "-"' -'"""' """""' Whereas, written proposal for the making of thh e following Improvement, V122 Grade alleys Ad ti Block 3, C}over-.........................._........... ...._....._. ......_._............... ... .... _. ............................ ....... ....._.....__........ nor Johnson's Addition having been presented to the Council of the City of having been presented to the Council of the Ci St. a Paul the That afore, be Qommlaeloner or Public Works he and he Is hereby or. therefore, be it dared and directed: L To Investigate the necessity for RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of I_ or desirability of the making of saldlydered and directed: - To--investig essj proveinent. ---- � 8te._[h -nee L�f9r�. need cost-Lha-s idrrlrnextent------------------ and sand the coat co said Improve• and tire. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and a meat and me total coat thereof.it 8. To furnish I a plan, profile or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch r ek4tc To Lfurn ehmthev follgwing other dela- and tnformn[ton relativa to said 4. To furnish the following other data an. Improvement vemenr, _ _ .. _ _ __........._.. 6. To etYte whether or not said lm- provement }a asked for on the petition of three or more owners. .__...._. ......__. ....... _...__.. ...__...._... .. ... ............ .. __................... ...... ........ _.. _. G. To report upon all of the fore- going matter. to the Commissioner .1 of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improv Fln.nc.. Adopted by the Council April 4, 1916- 6. To report upon all of the foregoing 1I Approved April 4, 1916. nance. (April 6-1916) Adopted by the Council ................ _..a1!`: n - �_ w i. _.. 191 .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa 'sworth G s Approved.. _......... ._...... 19 _ ...................... K ler Iia ©h �- Mayor P ers Mayor. Council File No. ....... ....... ........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and to.. PRELIMINARY 0 The undersigned hereby proposes the making o e follow' g public it St. Paul, viz.: I1Z. th.q.-- . ..........Q.1 .the &......... . .......... . . Gomeraor kaa... QP . .. .. ...... ...... . . ..... ....... ............. ..... Dated this__ th of . . ..... Apri .. ... ..... ..... ...... 7k,3the City of -.c 3: -, .... ....... . ....... . ... ... ....... Co ncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........ ... C-Q.nd Qmnlrz.t.4 n d i).ecessary So cloT)cs, .... .. .... ....J 0.1U1.0 -on Ad(U.ti-on. � .. . . .... ..... .. ................................................................. 00"002,6 .... . ........ .......... . ....... ............ ... ............. 'The Nhb� -P .-..3 J-1 .... r ptua MuT51.1s �v having been presented to the Council of the City of St P Resolved, .. ...... . therefore, be it ubl tobe and he to hereby or - RESOLVED, and dl—t.d: "I"t' the... Ity f% i. To d RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public N or da.1-bilitY of the ..klnff It "' and directed: lroproll,"L '. To 1._tlgats the star., I. To investigate the necessity for or desirabilit sa� estimated cost of said Improve-jellt. I h pro 1. oral 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated a. To turn s a Pl,a.n�t. or to I cost thereof. ,,k*tll If said To at. to other It, 4, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said i data and information relative to taid 4. To furnish the following other data and inform! 1,,! r,; 6 oidia -h.th.—, net seta 1— provement is asked for on the petition ............ of three or more owners. of 6. To report t upon . the fare- -" co, matters a the Commissioner I .. . ... .. ..... ...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is "'AY."pied by in. council April 4, 1916. or more owners. Approved AprLI,4.,19164) to 19 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters (April Sw1916) lu 13 Adopted by the Council, 191 Yeas: Nays:: L� - Councilman jFarvorth " 0' G 'o o Approved . ...... IL K r 11ash P Mayor P ers Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM-. Sub jeet Established Grade COU=il 9819 File No: --——/--————————————————————————————— r pate Presented _ _ _ _ 191 _ /rte R.i0=2c C.e V;_:) Lh`,7e gra�of //e ih B/oc 3, GO// ✓O —--`--•- _IVO.. 'tv/e�� Eryy_ 5�//r — ee c to - --- in accords ��ith the reC, gxade line on the accompanying profile and j as eco ender: by the Commissioner of Ri'jlie Works, be anC. the same is hereby adoptef. as the established grace. C. F. No. 9819—By M• N. Goes— '- Resolved that the grade of N. and _ S and F_ and W. Allaya in Block 3. Gov. Johnson's Addition. in' cordanee' wlth.1nhe_ �eoftlemde and fne o--unnendedl D..mlaaloner .1 Public Worke.t he ,nnd the... ie the eatabliehedgrade.n • Adopted by th CovIl April 4. 1916.:, Approved April 4, 1916. t kp {} 8 1916) Yeas ( ) Co cilmen (Nays) i .o -jt -ed by �h oua 3.T _ sow o s_ — �Ke er / 1 In favor Nas / — Against Tip. YresiC.en , sowers :�.yor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: o COUNCIL FILE No... Date Presented April 4th 191 6.. Resolved, That the plat of Ritchie's Addition, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Yeas (✓) Co cllmen (✓) Nays Far worth o . In favor Kel r Against Na Mr. Presiden Powers FORM C.a-2 C. F. No. 9826—By Df. N. Goes- ' Resolved. That the plat of Ritchle's Additloh as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Com- missioner of Public Works, be and the I ssme Is. hereby accepted. Adopted by the Council April 4, 1916. Approved April 4. 1916. � (April 8-1916) Arh -4 Adopted by the Council a 191 Appro _. _. ... ... MAYOR Resolved, That the Cigarette license No. 455, issued October 13th,1914, to Martin Randall, 667 Rabasha Street be and the same hereby is transferred to J. E. Gates, Trustee, 667 Wabasha. Ot. Yeas (��JFworth ✓cilmen ( ✓) Nays„ ��. In favor il v - Against Mr. PrePowers FORM C. C. F. No. 9881—By Henry McColl— Resolved, That the Cigarette license. No. in leaded October 18th, 1St.. to; ' and to Randall, 667 to transferred 9t., be and the same. hereby le transferred to J. E. Gates. Trustee. 667 Wabash' Rt. Adopted by the Council Aprii 4. 1936. A'Fr_od Aprii 4, 1918. (April 8-1916) 1 Adopted by the CounO.AL��YOR �RiyApprov CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL r�nm Subject:.._... ....... _........ .. COUNCIL ............................. Date Presented.........._..._........ ... _ ................191........ j. Resolved, /d That the Cigarette Liosnse No. 34, now in the name of Nela J. Nelson, 761 W. 7th Street be and the same hereby is transferred to Horak & Horechauser, 761 W. 7th St. nen,, I That the Cigarette Ltcenee C. F. No. 9822—BS t Nels J. Nel- Na iy ztn sheet beton gornka 8 on. -7611x. transferred hereby �'P. 7L111gAPrt1 4, 1976. I Dtorschavaer. the Counc ,\doDted by 1916. \PProved �APril4 B-1916) - Yeas V) ncilmen (✓) Nays nsworth In favor ler O 4 oil -Against J c Mr. Press en Powers FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the Counul...__ __.1�t' ..'._J.q J.b.191 .._ l.. Approv _. .......... MAYOR A - CITY OF ST. PAU COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM Subject:..-_...... _....... ..... .._ __...._............ 9823 9823 COUNCIL Flu NO. ...... ........................... _...:. ...................................... Date Presented._ _... _........... .. That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and P4blie Buildings be and he is hereby authorized to instruct the City Architect to prepare plane and specifications together with estimate of cost for alterations to the entrances of the Court House basement. i IC. P. No. 9828-13v Henry HfcColl— Resolved. That the Commissioner of Parks, Playground. and Public Build -j Inge be and he Is hereby authorized to nstruct the City Architect to prepare. plans and specification. together with estimate ofcost for alterations to the entrances of the Court House base- ment Adopted by the Council April 4. 1916. Approved April 4, 1918. (April 8-1916) Yeas (✓) men (✓) Nays F worth .�/C er oll �N h g Mr. maid Powers FORM C.6 -E 41 - Adopted by the Council. _ _ _ PR._-4_19IWi ..._ 7 In favor Approve 1 .Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 Council Resolution ---General Form 9824 Department of Bureau of 98 2 1 Council File No. Date Presented 191 By H F."ll,V Ell T un a ul ivht l: mvxny n M1crcbt ordered xvd dire ted to estend iu electrical linea by erectivv r�len and rtrinvivv wnea Wereov Ivr the iran+�ni.+�ov .,l elc lullns+�ne all<as and strtets n(sxid city: City Arcs. Two poles on Jefferson Ave., between }ley Street and View Street. Eight poles on Dale Street frost Como and Phe.len Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. One pole on Franklin Street between agle Street and Chesnut Street. With necessary guyt;i 0 Afl ,Isu.hasten.i.mn. Ivde.and wire. nhxll be—,,c and cunatr acted vmler the dir .ubiect to the nrvri+inna of I lydinancc N.. 'a_.1. vnd of .11 lh- Iawlnlu,dina — and -res shall 1- -I.dIcrnetriia.dcanit�.ntd.II eachsp.lcslalm111,r ken d-. —1 --d. yublic ivtcrest s�� re�luires, avd when it shall ry order. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( Mr. Presid, oleeon Jeff ... on Ave., between' . onocine lew �d�slleYOe e flndt In such street. .. lot.. ser of Public VttlttI" ands {�e..lt b ��e r .�iaEioner vl ruLlic Utilities and m all Ihives sot dlitt Yo.11dlsaul... ,6 Utilities shall deaievate. avd shall be h Hoch hci I avd character as be ich canes placed uvdervrnarid, whenerer the lonncil shall deem tM1at the 191 ( ) Nays Appr ed c Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1YI�I"VA TIssib at .....'......... .............................. ........... ............ ............................. .................... ��5 coueoa eluNo ........................................... .................... ....... Date Prexnted ..............................................191........ Resolved, that water mains be laid oa the follow streets; spruce Street from VaCouts to Canada Street. Arkwrignt Street from Maryland to Rose Street, Rose Street from Arkwright to Clark Street. Bradford Street from Raymond Ave. to Aampden Ave., T)ealton Street from Vest Seventh to Benson Street, Benson lineStreet of Lobi. Blocko7,SFippteto the east s Glen Tsr ra ce Addition. Yeas (✓) Coun men (✓) Nays Go �( In favor Against r Mr.I id Powers PORM Ca -Y C. F, N0. 98Y—� Resolved, That water mains be 11.1d. an the following streets: StSpruce St, from WsenUta to Canada Ark—Ight street from Maryland to Rome St. Rose St. from Arkwrlght to Clark st. Bradford St. frotp Raymond Ave. to Ham den Ave. .... *n St. from West Seventh to Benson St. I at 11, St. from Dealt.. St. to the at line of "et 1, Block 1, 81pp'm Glen Terrace Addition. Adopted by the Council Apr. 6, 1916. Approved April 6, 1916. (April 8-1916) Adopted by the Council. .. _...PR,..�..1U.�.(j„., Aroved......_.._ _._... _.. ___. _- 19 .... . pe,pa:PhMW2hv'fUb'1[VV'h),'1'rhi'e'S Q�'reau v-f'\x/a,ke,r April BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERs 3, OSOAR E REELER. o.as -111 S A RNSWORTH OSS GARRETT O HOUSE. Gey' -pl To the Honorable, The Council, CITY OF SAINT PATJL, St. Paul, 2finnesota. Gentlemen: The Board at,'104er ° i Ali held this date, 'A6agj4oM4Y aAoptpd WFI��� ►� R �PRl�4lu} Rn: OReeolved, that tpe Council !. apd it 1%ereby is, 'reques ;to authorise tbo Laying of nater mains on the following *vroom spruce Street from vacouts to ravaA% pZraet*, Arkwright street from Yaryiand to Popo street. Rose street fran Arkwright to ClIkO Orink, Bradford street from Raymond Ave. %Q Hg Wj" nae•e nealton street from West gey4nO Q4 Ben'!QA gIreeta, Benson street from DOP40n street :q WO qAIM line of Lot 1, Bloch 't. R#p%Na race Addition,u Very truly yours, d e Cl/IiG secretary. CITY OF BT. PAUL - _. e... ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 19161 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOL' UTION FORM F �E .-2— NoBy AUDITED �' Y �i ."F i 191— { ••nes... ll PER 94 Dap 3 V ^ompt r. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter epedfied funds and , in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fa.,,B44etadad, APR —'�` 1916' statement Yeas ( J) Ct uncilmen ( J) Nays __ T Adopted by the Council 191 I "a GQ// 'ss -�Lln favor _ _ Approved _ / / . F l 9828— - s R solved that wnr ante II %_n (/fVf�CORQa p th City T ble 7/(/,/r'• y DeY ut of :the hereinafter specified funds and in [ [ the firm MAYOR persons. r-corpo a- y Ilene for the amounts Bet opposite their especttve names ip ae apeclaed to Mr. preai9Mlr, ♦ OWlIa thCurr'ent ing Funde'Auatln- - Operatingd — Western Road Machinery Co :4667.06. Ge is - Citti.e n's Ice & l u, Co., 4303e96. _p.: Com. Pub, Malnt: .John B. Darling, $140.p0. Corporation Couruel—EaD.: 7. C. Finance.. Chief Accan n[ SS1R.84. Water Dept.—M. & R.: A- F. ton, Supt., $306.74. Audi tortum—Maint.—Sal.: Patter- ep Street ughting Co.. 53,216.66. Pub. LlShting—Maint.: .2 Paul (gas Light Co, 512.614.02. - - F- Pub. Light[ng—Maint.: E. Er. Shaer, - School—Night Schoel�aL: So, oundry& Machine Co., 43,170.00.Currglit a + eratin Funds r Dept.aL & R.: Tierney & pg99. Pub. Worke—Workhouse— AustinWestern Road Machinery Cy'WardBoCo„ 46,00.$567.05 ed by th Council pril61918.ved L April 6, 1918. Gen. Fun�:Mi s, &(April 8-1916) J 3 Citizentsllce & Fuel Co., 303.96 , Com. Pub. Works Workhouse-Maint, x John B. parting, 140.00 Corporation Counsel -Exp. J. C. Flanagan, Chief Accountant 112.84 ' Water Dept. -M. & R. A. F. Morton, Supt. Auditorium -?saint.. 106.74 {) ^ -Sal. 0 PattersonlIl'Street Lighting Co., 1,216.56 Pleb. Lighting-Maint. St. Paul bas Light Co., 12.512.02 Pub. Lighting -faint. L. H. Stt er 27.00 P b. School -Night School -Sal So. Park Foundry & Machine --Co., 1,170.00 Water Dept. -M. & R. Tiberney &',Co. 6i•99 Com. Pub. Works Workhouse—Maint. 0 rn C. E. Ward Sox Co., 6.00 P�b. School M. & R. P Total Current operating.Funds $ 3.6,224.16 ' Perm A. 5-n } t z' + CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO.-- p 7y BY { AUD14ER PER � r �_2 96 D3pu�l C�(� om trat!err"�• Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the: persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified' in the following detailed statement: Ap� Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Naps Adopted by the Council 191_ I In favor Approved "U co11 Against / t�f MAYOR —09 Mr. Presid"fRowers Spec.',Ass§ss. Const. Rev. Fund - O'Neil &Preston, zst. #2 $9.775.00 Sewer on Glenham, Maplwood & Medford John hind] Est. 1 & final 4,480.00 Sewer Oct Ran olph and D�at�e as[ j• 0 " tt 7t s//62 0a swo h 4, 0 0 Total Spec. Assess I IQ n... lbr Cit that warant. be drawn the hereinafter a asury, payable out of favor of the Veclfled funds and In dons �lor the eraon., Orme or corpora- atn%'.. opposite - ti�their eapeetive name. ae apeci po to ,Na. pee loq se.s.etalled statement: O'NellSele& Preston, Const- Rev. Fund:' dfOrd on Glenha L No. 2, E9 776.00. Efedfo00' Tohn Lind, 6tapiewood $fAd.'. a E.t, I &l, ADppovedbA the Connell April 6, deal,916 r-1916) Form A. 6.11 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT OU AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FCILENCIL eY r� .nom a AUDITEIXI PER. Depovloa4t, Am 97 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable not of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yen ( .1 ) Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Council APR 6- I/ Go. IL—In favor Approved - 191 .& - I *a" ccon Again. MAYOR Mr. Presided Powers; F. NO. Resolved be up the that T_aaranta drawn re'.."er . - PaYlible out 1,0,1 'be he Zi In favor of the pe 8 e porations for the rsvoZol Id funds and [heir amount rats or e.r- eir respee live names .8 set opposite the following lel.,.t:pe�lfird 1. SPeClal Bonds FUMI—Inledd. e nc. ;,; I Class• A. a' 81 'Investment Com $4.50 4. 50� OO11kl,g Fund _:I IRed. Spec. Assess. Bonds Class •.B.,: S. A. Farnsworth. T Invest. C.M., $39,00 Spec. ir.ea.s. Sinking Fund A. "On' i; Int Fund- S. Adopted by"th Co Approved April 5, 1916, pril 5. 191,6. (April s-1916) Special Funds Red. Spec. Assess.,Bonds Class "A" S. A. Farnsworth, Trees. Sinking Fund investment Com. Wo O'dl r yes 6,000 o Res - -;FnaSiHrm01�NtAvS:w.,e 4,000. 0 Paving e Gran to Fron 000. 0 n Maryland-a'inrrdN-' e Sys. 000. 0 t r Pay. Summit, Lex. t .0 Red. Spec. Assess. Bonds Class "Bit S. A. Farn!3worth, Treas. Sinking Fund Invest.,Com I y 13, 4.000.40 n 0 .000 to 0 Sys 000. 0 '905)0 .0 d.lph I er 13 stem Ran 111000 0 Cement191 4 000: 00 Opening J._ :on, rkw 1_ eon kw 2 500. 0 'tik a 5 00.0 'tik , 2 Pisv. Ha,ti 2 es t Earl E� "II Mar all 2 .0 " Prior, "II 1 0 to so 0 " Rondo: R e este 5 .00 A Opening MoundkBoul VazId .5 -.00 39.04.00 Spec. Assess. Bond 1, int. Fund S. A. Parn-worth,Treas. F- A.5-11 $59,500.00 CITY OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject -......9829 _ COUNCIL FILENo-_. _............. ....... ......... Date Presented....- April. .5th, .......... _ 191_4. RZ ItL 4 Kesotved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construct son of a sewer on Geranium St. from a point 1 100 ft. east of the east line of Sylvan St. to Cortland St, to Feyen Construction Co. at lump sum price bid of $1,792.00. Engineers Estimate being $2088.00. Formal bid No. 808. C. to No- L;" ( Al Goea—. Resolved, That the Couneil hereby; o ptrto In the recommendation of they Contract Committee and hereby award.j i0othe con trnet for the onatruclion of a! -ewer on Geranium St. from a point' tt, east of the east Itne of 9ylvart. ti; 0Cooraitnd St to Foven of Syluc_ }3.792.00:. En ipeer'su E.[Imato bbeln f n)@r� iA 58068.00. Formal Rid No. 608, gii9CQiV2d a� L Adopted by the Councli April 6, iBl6. Approved April 8, 1916. )nnection WitbL (Apr1i 8-3916) resol tion. ; Yeas (V unulmen(✓)Nays APR Adopted by the Council....... _...._. . _ r .._. 191 nsworth ss .._........ In favor -- Iler APpr.?dC .. _......._19Coll . Against h— Irg r. Preside Powers MAYOR ORM C.e-E i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:....._ COUNCIL Date Presented.. April, 5th,-- ._. -191.6._. Resolved, That the Council hereby eoneure in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for curving Edmund St. from Lexington Ave. to Dunlap St. to Carlson & Sandquiet at lump sum price bid of $545.00. Engineers estimate being $565.00. Formal bid No. 810. ReaeJv0a aJ� Qboye in gotlon Coll olution' C. F. No. 9830—BY 3L N. (loss— Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for curbing Edmund St. from Lexington Ave. to 1)unlap St. tol -earleon h Sandquiet, at lump sum price' bid of $545.00.. Engineer's Estimate being $565.00. Formal bid No. 810. Adopted by the Council April S. 1916. Approved April 5, (April 811016) Yeas (✓) C Imen (✓) Nays worth �o .7___ In favor Kel r /) VM" oil �/ - Against Na Y g Mr. Presiders Powers FORM C.0-2 APR - 1915 Adopted by the Council _ \_ x_..191 6 Approved.__ ..__ V_ ...... .191........ ... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , Subject'..... 9831 ................. COUNCIL Date Presented._._.Apra ....bth,__._,.. 1916x.. u Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for grading Alley in Block 2 Wannts Add. between Hemline Ave. and Albert Ave. to P.J. Gleason at lump sum price bid of $199.00. Engineers estimate being $274.00. Formal bid NO, 809. C. F. No. 9831—n1' Id. N. Go— React Q0{y0 ed. That the Council hereby contract In the recommendation or Lho' Contract Committee and hereby award,. tiywlti. the contract for grading Alley In nc . Z' 2 Add. between Harmine Ave. i3, Cv and Albert rt Ave. toP. J. Gleason at ni lump. sum price bid Of i199.0D. Engl er's a tlmate being 5274.00. Formal P�lx`.` bid No. 809. �Q. G Adopted by the Council April S, 1916. Approved April 6, 1916. (April 8-1918) e J Yeas (r')uncilmen (✓) Nays F nsworth 71nsa favor Her Coll U Against h rg Mr. Presid t, Powers FORM c.e-I Adopted by the Council. at�R 7 _. q16 .. 19I_�_ Approv 191!x.. " MAYOR Subject It CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUM_ TION --GENERAL FOR_ Established Gra&e Council 9832 . File Ne: r- - Date Presented — _ _ _ 191 _ Ry30' V�� Thi ,- ` :le grace of S�ee� fro: to _ 7h�rnAs - - - U in accordance with the re(: grace line on the accompanying profile and as recommenCed by the Commissioner of Public Works, he anC- the sexne is hereby aC:opteC. as the este:alished grae-e. C. F. No. 9632_8, M• N. Goss— Ree.,ved. That the grade of Whealor .Ave. tram University Ave. to Th..— gt„ to accordance with the red prude ltne on. the accompanying profit. and as recommended by the Commleatoner . of Public R'o ka. be nd the came la hereby adopted ae the estasbllahed grade. Adopted by the Council Aprti 5, 1916 Approved April 6, 3916. ('April 9-19161 Yeas ( ) Coli ilmen ( Nays) _NPR -r 1(O 3c.o,�teC: by the CounC � f sworth Go s— ! • -ex c Coll in favor rg• Age%inst ii-?T'e3i nt, Follers _ _ 0 ", L1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM__ Subject Established Grade Counlail File No. Date Presented _ _ _ _ 191 _ p L B/xAbeun�/✓by Uni✓o�Ji�y�F%��i�e n c R.�sO_- �J iha."':7e grat.c— �hle�rah�✓Nersch�/------------ in ---------z� in accordance with the ref, grace line on the accompanying profile and as recomended by the Commissioner of Pudic Works, be anc the same is hereby aC:optef, as the established. graf_e. C. F. No. 9833—BY 31. N. Guee— 1 Reeolved. That the grads o[ Alleys in Howard Park. Block bounded bypp University. Aldine. 9hlelda nod Her- eehel in ecordance with the red grade as recommended by at henCommlaal nea ( Public Worke, ba and th08 aama le' hereby adopted ae the tabliahedi grade. Adopted by the Connell April 5, 1916. i Approved ( April S. 1919) Yeas ( ) Co-cilmen (Nays) _if.o,rceO. by she Coin it Fa sworth G s oved— B ler El' Coll _ In favor N. h Y erg. l AGa.inst Cr yv5 �. "resi ent, Fotaers 2+.;Tor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN L- FORM Subject:_._.. oouHolt oge`Q FillNO.. ... _.......... ........ ..... .. Date Presented.._._..!._._.............:_........__.191....... Resolved; That the application of H. D. Frankel for a license for Grand Opera at the St. Paul Auditorium April 24, 25 and 26, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for the above three days upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $15.00. Yeas (✓) CoIjIlaeil'men (✓) Nays , F worth C In favor 7c; ✓-Ke er a l 011 Against L'N C. Y rg r. Preside t, Powers 1ORM C.9-2 C. F. No. 9834—Ry Henry 1 (3111— Resolved. That the nppllcatlon of H. D. Frankel for license for Grand Opera at tho St. Paul Auditorium APrll 24. -28 and 28, be and the eamo hereby to granted and the City Clerk le in- r.ct. 11 date u0 n theepayment In - .be,. [oAdop eldybyrthe Council April of the fee�6$ 191815. .; Approved ((April •811918) Adopted by the Council_._ ..I -1N ._'.J...1�7�� ..I9F........ Approved... __ . __......__....191 MAYOR r - .CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_ _ ._ . _ _ _ _ V.YV ...... NCIL Flu NO- Date Presented.... APr.i.l_5...................1916 _.. Resolved, That the Department of Public Building -s be and is hereby in- structed to prepare plans and specifications for the proper iron stairway or fire escape to take the place of the one now at the Irving School, which is deemed unsafe :nd not of )iroper construction to k'- -oaf the pupils and teachers of said school. Yeas ( ✓) u en (✓) Nays F sworth as ...- In favor Iter V Coll Against h rg Mr. P t, Powers FORM C.8-2 C Reao1ved83That1 the Depa tment of Public Building$ be and. la hereby In- structecntlonedfor to the proper nlron stalrw Y or $fire e�scap to takeat the h 9 hool, ofhlch {{ I, deemed unsafe end net the of pupile [ruction to safeguard od teacher$ of Bald school Adopted by the Council April 6, 1816. Approved Aprp[1i1611 31916. 816) Adopted by the Council i Approved -- 1: _74111111 I b� RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL AP OVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEM7 PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of _ Widening _ Smi th . avenue -at _ Six.th....a.tzeat, by _ taking ..._and.. .............. condemning the southerly point of Lot 7, Block 60 Irvine's Enlargement of..R.i.ca._..and ..Irvine's Addition more particularly described as all _.of --that part of Lot 7, Block 60 , Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition -lying southerly of a curved line having a radius of 131 feet, said curved line becoming tangent to the west line of Smith avenue and to the north Tine of Sixth street, 25.10 feet from the southerly corner of said'Lot 7 Measured along the westerly line of Smith avenue, and to the nortlerly iine of Sixth street Pespectively, under Preliminary Order 7896 approved _Nov, llttl.,191,5 Intermediary Order 8996 approved _.Fob ruary 3rd, 1916. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the tatting of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the malting of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, IbbM ham-ber,IbbM [kin the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the fourth day of .May 191.6......, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council / APR -5 I" °' , 191 lf/C Approved I_ y�. t d'Niv+'Preliminn_Order proved .Nov. Ilth. 1916. Int Into ry (/Gfouncilman Farnsworth Order 8996 approves February 3rd, uneifman doss 1916. The Commissioner o[ Finance hav- councilman Keller ing submitted hie report In the above matter as to the amount of damages - L• t,Councilman McColl awarded for the taping of the land or ssments thereto apDropflats for the /iCouncilman Nash I 'nave Improvement fid to whom pay- Councilman Yoer 8 I neLne: and also having aabmRtea fila aeesament of benefit to property from the of Improvement, L,�Vlayor Powers aping said i'therefore be it Resolved That the said assessment 1 f 1: _74111111 I b� RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL AP OVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEM7 PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of _ Widening _ Smi th . avenue -at _ Six.th....a.tzeat, by _ taking ..._and.. .............. condemning the southerly point of Lot 7, Block 60 Irvine's Enlargement of..R.i.ca._..and ..Irvine's Addition more particularly described as all _.of --that part of Lot 7, Block 60 , Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition -lying southerly of a curved line having a radius of 131 feet, said curved line becoming tangent to the west line of Smith avenue and to the north Tine of Sixth street, 25.10 feet from the southerly corner of said'Lot 7 Measured along the westerly line of Smith avenue, and to the nortlerly iine of Sixth street Pespectively, under Preliminary Order 7896 approved _Nov, llttl.,191,5 Intermediary Order 8996 approved _.Fob ruary 3rd, 1916. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the tatting of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the malting of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, IbbM ham-ber,IbbM [kin the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the fourth day of .May 191.6......, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council / APR -5 I" °' , 191 lf/C Approved I_ y�. t d'Niv+'Preliminn_Order proved .Nov. Ilth. 1916. Int Into ry (/Gfouncilman Farnsworth Order 8996 approves February 3rd, uneifman doss 1916. The Commissioner o[ Finance hav- councilman Keller ing submitted hie report In the above matter as to the amount of damages - L• t,Councilman McColl awarded for the taping of the land or ssments thereto apDropflats for the /iCouncilman Nash I 'nave Improvement fid to whom pay- Councilman Yoer 8 I neLne: and also having aabmRtea fila aeesament of benefit to property from the of Improvement, L,�Vlayor Powers aping said i'therefore be it Resolved That the said assessment of benefits. lie and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further. That a public hear- ing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also up- an the Bald assessment of benefits: at the Council Chamber in the Court House In theC(ty- of 9t. Paul on the fourth day of ➢lay, 1916, at ten a the A. M. and that' the Commissioner f Finance be sod he Is hereby directed to give notice of as,d hearing, as pre- I scribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council April 6. 1916. I Approved April 6._ 1916. i ��lm Mayor. f �® REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Int he matter of Widening Smith avenue at _S.ixth__stre.et. by taking aAd... QQ.Ademn- ing the southerly point of Lot 7, Block 60 Irvine's Enlargement of Rios and Irvine's Addition -.more particularly described as all of that part of Lot 7, Block 60, Ifvina's Enlargement of Rios and Irvine's kddition lying southerly of a curved line having a radius of 131 feet,said ourVed line becoming tangent to the west line cf Smith avenue and to the north line of Sixth St., 85.14 feet from the southerly corner of said Lot 7, measured along the - westerly line of Smith.avenue, and lip the northerly Zine of Sixth street"' respectively, 7896 Nov. 11th 1915 8996 under Preliminary Order ,approved r � ,Intermediary Order , approved February 3rd, .1916. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. 'rhe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings said matters Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO. By''__ ..... 9Sq- 7 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefita.,__oaste & expenses for Paving Wabasha street from North line of Congress street to South line of Winifred street; Winifred street from 'Feet line of Wabasha street to West line of Ohio street, Ohio street from South line of Winifred street to South line of Gisorge"street, and George street from West W line of Ohio street to East line of Smith avenue, under Preliminary Order . 3321 Intermediary Order 3681 Final Order . 3995. ., approved UarQh .10th,. _., 191...5.. 'Phe assessment of .__be.nef.its, AOB.ts and . exp.enses ... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHF,R, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the . f ollrth day of May.. ___ ..., 191 6., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,7ti06YMXU of the Court Aouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. / Adopted P y b the Council A.T. —5 ,alit' 191 1 /� V-71 City Clerk. ApProved/ 7i4,m u -net lope of Sm.tn a e nu m8d tlmin¢ry Order 3321, Inter- /�--� 9 eafa 3 Order 3981, Final Order approved Dfarch 10th, 1916 Mayor. 1 The assessment of beneat9, oats d pence's tar and In connection with Council n Fargsworth [he above Improvement having been bmitted to the Council, and the Council havinonsidered same and fonud the BalIs..' eaement satisfactory, "� G0s9 therefore, be It Resolved, That the said ¢ssesam.nt be nad,the same is hereby In all re- spects 3pProved. l/'�{C11Cr Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had an aid ...... mention. j the fourth day of •May, 1918, t the "v -McColl hour of to ..lomat A. X. m the Council >- Chamher, [ the Court House and City / 0 y/+l•F Y H¢II Building, In thVT CR t St. Paul: that the Commfealoner of Finance give i V _moi rice of said meeting as required by .4. the Charter, stating In said notice the YOer� ' tim nd place f hearing, the nature .f the Imp vement. the total coat . (/ I thereof. and the amount ...eased 1 ;,� y Mi., g¢I et th lot lot.,of the partlau- �)J ayor powers I¢r to t hom the notice le di - F. d Form B. S. A. 8-8 Adopted by the Council April 5, 1916. Approved April 6 ,1916. (April 8-3916) ------------------------- CITY OF ST.. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT. fd� _........... 191......... In the matter of the assessment of expe..r.a.9,fifor the...P_AV..ing..._Of. _.YQ.@b.d.@ha street from North line of Congress street to South line of Winifred street; Winifred street from West line of Wabasha street to West line of Ohio street, ohv-strget from suuth- line of Winifred__fft.r.e.d_t._to' South.. line of_George street, and George street from West line of Ohio street to East line of Sm.i.th._auenue. ..... under Preliminary Order ..__ ........... .......... Intermediary Order ..._._3681__ ............._..._ Final Order ......._ 3995 ......... ......... . _, approved ._MBTch._ 10th..._.... _.. 191 `J To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_37, 034.46 Private Driveways 262.23 st of n ishin n t'ce g._.._.,.. 14.42 ate'onn Atone i�one _ 748_:.5.0. _ I st of o nl cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..._.............6.18 eweP lonneotione 686...49 4&pABixda160[ -Curbing- - - - - - - - - - - - $.3..5_._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - _ . _ _ g ............. 30.90 1 p.. 5..0..9.33.......... Total expenditures -Lees -the-sum of - - - - 49;36'7':'97""Appropriated and set aside by ordinance W3409�b in§, the sum ne,�epsafyt tot ave intter�eotions. Said Commissioner further repo that a has assessed ane evi the o I amoun as a ove ascer- tained, to-NOt: the sum of $_31, 684.57 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit, conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be consideredproper. C � . Commissioner of Finance. Porro B. S. A. 8-9 COUNCIL FILE NO. _.. e / 988 ily, __,............. resolution of Council Approving Assessment. `III the matter of the assessment of benef i_t8,costs & expenses for Paving. of TM rd street from East line of Maria avenue to gleet line of Bates avenue, tinder preliminary Order 3179 Intermediary Order 3611 Final Order. 3960 .,approved Apr11. 6th,.... 191.5..4�<` 'rhe assessment of .. benefits, costs and expenses for, and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FIJRTHF.R, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the . 4 tkl_ day of may .. ..., 191 6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,yrzowD")= of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the ordure of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. i APP, � :t_ Adopted by the Council 191 r i Ci� Clerk. Approved _ _.... 191 < -� ✓' Mayor. at1<'fo7jlY�e Yb Cneflts;-ti- . zThe,as- CounciltnanCF`arnsworth a penaes=fi81�"4 "`in o,nactlon' iii t the above improvement having been submitted to the Council. and the " vGOSS Connell having considered same and fonud the Id assessment satisfactcry, therefore, ba it n olred. That the said -- ....ment. /Xeller be and the same is hereby la all re- ./ aped, approved. MCC011 R.,A.g be Further. That public hearing be hada sold aeaesemat on he U Ina fourth day of May. I th at the hour of 10 .'elect, A. M., in the Council Chnmbri. of.the Courf Housa d City y Hall Building, In the eltY of St. Paul; I `� that the Commissioner of Finance give a� let lee tlee of said meeting, as required by r Oerd the Charter, stating in aid n tice the the and .place of hearing, toot he ature i of the Improvement. the total cost M or Powers thereof. na the , amount aseesead against the lot r lots of the pnrticu- ForID B. S. A. 8-8 lar .owner to whom the notice is dl- rected Adopted by the•Councll April G. 1818. Approved April li 3838. • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191....... In the matter of the assessment of ben.ef i_to,......c.Q.8..to_&-exp.en@-Q_efor the _ AVAPg_.,pf,,, Thi_A street from East line of Maria avenue to West line of Bates avenue, under Preliminary Order 3179.__._._., Intermediary Order .3611 Final Order ....39 60 .................. approved _Apr. i 1., 6th, __1915 ._ 191 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - ¢. 3! 209.98 s of ublishing notice - - $_.,____. 1.68 gry geset 21 1.68 Cost of postal cards - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;�-.- ... . 7a Sewer Connections II6 OT ]jXW%jT aunt -Ourb - - - - - - - - - - - - - $......_570..• 48_ Driveways 33.11 3.60 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - . - - - - $- -- - ---- Total expenditures - - - $3,957.18 o Appropriation ........ N Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of 53.�9_5�..r..18...-. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in necordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto atthched, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. RA RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING t TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEM1 ATI0N P OCEEDINGS. c98191 In the matter of Condemnirgara tokin: .an ea.sem.e.nt....i.r..the_1.•�nd__ne_e-e.s:s.ary for slopes for cuts and fills in=radinp. Pascal avenue from Summit avenue to Hagtue_.avenue,.the land tc be taken._bein more particul.arly_deacribed-- as an easement for slopes for cute and fills, in and upon the land abutt.inix upon Pascal avenue be.t,,een the pointe aforesaid, to the extent. shown upcn the sketch attached to the report of the Commissicner of Public 'Forks in the matter dated Jan, 13, 1916, which ,ketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order _29227772 , approved __Nov. 2,1915, Intermediary Order 8342 , approved. Dec. 7, 1915. _ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham - her, Rawwbi in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 5th, day of 1Aay__ __ ___ - . 191.5...., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. APR —5 19", Adopted by the Council 191 Clerk. Approved _. _ ...._.., 191...__ VC9uncilman Farnsworth tCouncilman Goss 2buncilman Beller .councilman McColl p,Councilman Nash ,Councilman Yoerg .A-Yor Powers re hereby referred to 'Etude part hereof, under Pre - r-'omII inary Order 7172, pproved Nov. 2, 1115, letermedinry Order 8352. np- eed Dec. 7, 1916. The Commissioner oP Finanee hnving auhmitt,d his report in the above mat- teras to the amount of damage, warded for the taking of the land o easement. therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom pay- able: and also having submitted his ace—ent of benefit to property from the making of said Improvement. therefore beit Resolved .That the said assessment of benefita be and the name Ishereby approved. Resolved further. That a public hear - Ing be had before the Council upon said reportd for a confirmation of the award of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also up- on the said assessment of benefita, at the Council Chamber in the Court House in the City of St Paul on the 6th day of May, 1916. at ten o'clock A. \f. n a d that the Commissioner of Finance be and be is hereby directed to give notice of Bald heating, as pre- acrlbe'a by the Charter. -;� Adopted by the Council April 5, 1916. �' Mayor. E mmm REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS G /� t � In the mailer of Condemning and taking an _ease.ment In the land neo.essary for elopes for outs and fills i- ^rafting pascal avenue from Summit avemee to Hague avenue the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement for slopes for cuts and fills, in and upon the land abutting upon Pascal avenue, between the pointe aforeeRidIto the ex`ent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public hcrka in the matter dated Jan. 13 1916 , which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7772 , approved Nov.2 ,1915. Intermediary Order 8342 approved Lec. 7, 1915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissionr of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said in it Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONNATION PROCEEDINGS. 0U 9S44i In the matter of Condeu:n' ng ani -aking u, e.amAent in,_the land necaaaary.. for slopes for cuts and filll ir_,ra'!ing of Alley in ?lock 2 Tanrts Addi_tiori. the la.nS to be taken be1tlg' more ;.articularly described as an easement for slopes for cute and fills, in and upon the land abutting upon Alley in Block 2 Wannls Ad.iition, to the extent shown_ upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commisslcner of Public 't?orks in the matter dated Jan. 12, 1918, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 5t -WY fi/ , approved _ iv07. 2, 1415. Intermediary Order .6',325 approved Dec. 7,1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted 6 assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, 146MSXin the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 5th, day of M 191 -_ Q.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council APR -5 k"!" 191 / L Approved J-11.1.1--- -/ .._.._., 191..___._ Prdeltiomiannadry mnOdere"n'_ Councilman Farnsworth /.Obuncilman Goss ,96uncilman Keller founcilman McColl councilman Nash councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers andreport­pnre h¢rro.f. , u¢nde daer 7767. r- aDprovad voc. 3. 1916, Intermedinry Order 8386. approved Dec. 7.The 1916. subno is,mitted Mesal pert In oner of Fhenabove nce amat- 'b - ,warded forto the tnkingtof the inn dof ger easement. therein npproprlatId for the able•,ndrovement and to aleo having s bmittedlhmm p his ment of benefit to apropery from esstheeae making of said Improvement. therefore be It Resolved. That the said n m. rnent of benefits be and the same 10 hereby approed. Resolved further. That a Dublic hearing be had before the Council up. on report and for a 'made on of the awards o[ damages made by the Com- l"doner of Finance. and also noon the said sea ent of berm is; t the Council Chamber In the Court House In the City f 9G Paul on the 6th day of May. 1916, at ten o'clock A af. and that the Commlesioner of Finance be no - tics of said¢reby hearing, as preaerdirected toibed by the Charter. - Adopted by the Council April 5, 1916. Approved April 6, 1916. •.h (April 9-3^! Clerk. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER'S OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ��,� 'i In the matter of'Condemni .;;and tall ing...an.__e.asement...in.....the, land ne.cess.ar.y... for slopes for cuts and fills in .grading_of Alley in Block B, Wanni a Addition, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement for slops for_cuts and fills, in and upon the land _. abutting uX� on Alley in Block 2, Wannts Addition, to the extent shown upon_.the_sketch attached to the report of.the Commissioner of _Public -- Torks in the matter dated Jan. 12, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and. made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 77 approved . Nov • 2 , 1915 • . Intermediary Order 8325 approved... .Dec, 7, 1915.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the'undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings n said matters. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APP OVING ASSESSMENT AND TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 9S, 41 V In the matter of _Condemning and taking an _ease>`ant......i.n.. th.e land necessary.. for elopes for cuts and fills it grading the Alley in Block 6, Stinson's Boulevard__A3.dit.ion,_the land to be _taken b_eina more particularly described as an easement for slopes for cuts and fills, in and upon the land abutting upon Alley- Block 6, Stinscnts Botlevard Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the �cport cf the omrC isedeAer of Public Werke in }he matter -dated jar. 12, -1816, whirl sketch and report are hereby referred to and rade a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7S5i6 approved __ Od• i7, aIs• 1 Intermediary Order 83Y3 approved :..._.._.Y1e c . 7, 1915, The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter w to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber,7ftWa=in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 5th day of May 1916....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing• as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council APS' 'J Ju ib '19 Approved_. _ .._._.._..._._.._._......_.., 191--........ /'+''�'�`� . �I-ti ..,fe✓oaade a Dart llher..nf. 'e— Cl— �j (touncilman Farnsworth Wrouncilman Goss i'eouncilman Keller 4<ouncilman McColl Councilman Nash "CC uncilman Yoerg "Mayor Powers -- - r Tbbs, approved Oct. 19, 191ru, eIntermedinry Order 83+3, np- The Commissioner of Finance hav- tag submitted his report to the above latter as to the amount of damages a arded for the taking of the land o easements therein appropriated for the ahere improvement and to whom Oal' smp- able: nnrl also having submitted his as - et of bepedtto property from thamaking of ald im mproveent. therefore bse It Resolved. That the Bald assessment of bene fl is be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hear - Ing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages mode by the Commissioner of Finnnce, and also. the the, Counvll assessment In benefit. - Court House in the City Of St. Paul on the 6th day Of Dlay, 1916. at ten o'clock. A. DI. and that the Commissioner of Fla..—be and he ishereby directed to give notice of aid hearing, as pre scribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council April b, 1916. Approved April 6, 1816. (April 8.19161 .. Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Lathe c,at of Condemningg and taking an..._ea�eme.nt in .the land necessary. for elopes dor cuts and fills in grading the Alley in Block 6, Stinson's Boulevard Addition, the land to be taken being more particularly Sea- cribed as an easement for sloppes for cuts and fills, in and upon the land abutting upon Alley in Block 6, Stinson's Boulevard Addition, to the extent shown u_ron the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Publio Works in the matter dated Jan. 12, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, �.s2 Off' /9, /9�a 83ua under Preliminary Order _ , approved �• Intermediary Order �B •Oa�.9, approved..�, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified ` with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said iters. • "! . � lam`-���711�� _ Commissioner of Finance. d (, 51 F REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Lathe c,at of Condemningg and taking an..._ea�eme.nt in .the land necessary. for elopes dor cuts and fills in grading the Alley in Block 6, Stinson's Boulevard Addition, the land to be taken being more particularly Sea- cribed as an easement for sloppes for cuts and fills, in and upon the land abutting upon Alley in Block 6, Stinson's Boulevard Addition, to the extent shown u_ron the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Publio Works in the matter dated Jan. 12, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, �.s2 Off' /9, /9�a 83ua under Preliminary Order _ , approved �• Intermediary Order �B •Oa�.9, approved..�, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified ` with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said iters. • "! . � lam`-���711�� _ Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PR99EIJNGS. In the matter of Ccndem.ning and taking an .ea.aemant._..in.....the land -necessary.... for elopes, for cute and fills in grading the Alley in flock 3, Palace Addition. from Avon street *e Grotto street, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement for &xtsKfex slopes zX1x2jdkA for, cute and fills, in and upon the land abutting upon Alley in 13loek 3, -- Palace Additicn, between the pcints aforesaid, to the extent shown u;on the sketch attached to the report of the Comr.issioner of public Works in the _matter dated Jan. 12, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby r=erred to and made a part hereof. under Preliminary Order 7276 approved _. S.ept.2.9}1915, Intermediary Order 8330 approved. _ Dec . 7 ,1915 . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter w to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, � in the Court House in the Ci of St. Paul on the . _ r City 5th day of ''�-ay.. 191 _6— at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council _ APP, _ I '191 C' y Clerk. Approved __..... ........ ... _.., 19 6 •t ake[chabd report. Aim. � uncilman Farnsworth "Councilman Goss L� ocilman Keller 'Councilman McColl '6ouncilman Nash �C'uncilman Yoerg "'Mayor Powers e� ne'reby referred to ad made n ,art hereof. tinder Prelim lnery Or der 7376. approved sept. 2s. 1915. rn- tertnedlary gnash aaao, nbprovaa nae. 5. The Com missloner of Finance above Ing submitted his report in the above ratter to the a ount o[ damages awarded for the tatting of the land or easemruts therein approprla[ed for the above improvement and to whom pay - nble: and also having submlt[ea his an- ent of benefit to property from inesmmsking of Gold Improvement. therefore be it Resolved. Thn[ the aatd n_ n[ of benefits be and the same laehereby 3pproVe[I. Resolved further. That a Public herr Ing he had before the Councl upon s Id report n d for n con IT atlon of the atenrda of damage. made by the Commlesloner of Finance. fa dale. up- : the said a ent f benefits; at the Council Cham ben in the Court House In oth MaY. Y1916'. attPTani... clock I on the 5th dna A. AT. and that the Commissner of ,,t—nae i. and he is hereby heari directed to glved byethe Charter. earin6, ns p- -Th 4Adopted b,y the Couneti April 5. 1916. Approved April 5. 1916. - - (April . 8-1916). REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ,OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS / In the mattrrof Condemning and taking an e.aseme.nt in the land necessary. for elopes, for cuts and fille in grading the Alley in Block 3, Palace Adaiticn from Avon street to Grotto street, the land to be taken bein more particularly described as an easement for elopes for cute and fill, in and upon the land abutting upon Alley in Block 3, Palace Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public works in the matter dated Jan. 12, 1916, whish sketch and report are hereby referred tc and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7276 approved Sept. 29, 1915. , Intermediary Order 8330 approved Dec. 7, 1915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings/on said matters. ✓� -/fit tour -r Commissioner of Finance. G H Harrold PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No. . ...... ....... ,The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by4;lhe City of St. Paul, viz.: condemning and taking an easement in the &and necessary ... ... .. .. taking . .. ...... ........ easement_ ...... I -- . ..... .. ....... ......... .1. .- ..... .... ..16920.13 fp. T.. out. a iMcL fi.1le In -grading. Keller a:t-raet.,fx0M-Fha1en avenue toBo.c.X.-stregit to. a par.tial .grade.,._......._....... . ... . -- .. ....... .... .. .......... ...... .. . ...... . . ... . ....... . - . ..... Datedthis -- . ....... .. ........ day of............... ...... . ...... ... .... ......... . ...... ...... _ ........... 191,.", . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: condemni-ng -A RX1719—an eaaement in.. the. ..land. nacesaary. fo.r slo.peB .fox out s..and. fl.11g. in.gradizg Kellar street.,... from.-Phalem avenue to -Bock., atreett.o.. 4L._po.xALi.4U gr.ade C. F. No. 9843— . ...... ... — to Whe,ea;, A Nvrittc. proposal for th. 'Isk la g - the following improvement, d " I =.tk ......... . ............ . . ..... .. . ....... .............. ....... ................... .... ..... 1 meat In the land a . . . .. ......... . .. .... .. .. .. ...... . far top.. r,pg for cuts and fills In 9—din Phalen Ave. to ...9 Keller St.: nfCbs'!, Pl�ltmled: . ...... having been presented to the Council of the City from "I grade. h -jib k St to a Pact to the Cottrell of I, therefore, be it therefore, be it of St' Paul! Resolve,]. That the (70mml RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of pUldl-bli, N%'., -k. be ad he is ha:loner.. cred and direeted: eb rf Lerecland directed: 1� To investigate the .Ity for ) 1. To investigate the necessity for or des6or desirability of the making of sald)rovemeril. Inmr-entcht. 2. To I—ett,tig.to the nature, exte t )f 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est and te,ti-ated c.. . aid ImproNe! Ind 'he total cost thereof. me" - and d the total cost th.r6of. '" h fir 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of ,sketch .1'dnl`omr.veP.'ae` t profile 4 To furnish the following other 4. To furnish the following other data and (data Sand I relative to -Ultement-1 ............ ba"... ve me,;, I formation Torstate Whether or net said Im- ....... .... . . ..... ........... 6. P101'"ne I I . for on the petltlonj ........................... .......... of -three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improveng a' To report Upon all of the fore -:)f three or more owners. F 01119 matters to the Commissioner of I ... ce. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing n. Ad.pt.dlby thic council April 5, 1916.nance. Approve April , IIii;. (April .-Jild) Adopted by the Council ....................... . ......191 Yeas: Councilman Fa sworth Nays: 0 s Approved........ . ...... ....... KfIer Coll /? /rh/ Nash e _,g . ..... , r Mayor P ers Mayor. D. C. Gayton, Council File No_ .......:............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. p n u~ and 984 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. ti The undersig/here-proposes the making of the foll ing public improvement by the ny of Sr. Paul, viz.: Re,.rel,ayandrc.petlr ith...c.ement._.til-r. to a ...!i5& .._offnt .cergentt G.....�ttlewalk....on...bttt.h....s.i.de-a ..Dayt.�?zt..J�:z4. s' be. ...... J ... ....1. .. ..- .... ... ...... F. -..-.... ........ .._.... .............. ....... ...... ............ F Dar this 6t4_..... day of .... 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Recons-, tiot.,...rc.1.v:n....cep.er......ti1�....L.n_r..-width_.of._e.ix reset., the: prelsort..eerlent...-t;i7.,P_ .ld.e:,.clkr._Gn....l�a_th...S.leis.e.-of.-DCYtar-..A-ve......b.etween.. Cleveland AYe..t _ard.'.1rr GY..e...... ... ....... ... _. ..._......_ _.. .. ._ NI (4 P P q¢ 9 041 7 4.1 D t 3 ......... ..... .... . . .... .......... . . ... _... P s.( Iltl 7 {4 6ti 8080 1S t.. ...... ..... .. .... .. ..... ea lk o bo Do Ave., bet ee having been presented to the Council olCierela d All, a a FI Ave.. having an . ......... .... ...... Veen in—c ,n] to the Council of the therefore, be it City of St. Paul therefore, be It Resolved. That the Commlaeloner of ae ea` ado- Died°a he Is hereby or -hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissiol 1 To Inveetlgate the neaessity for . 1. To investigate the necessity fo .mp—ma—t. desirability of the making of said said nt Z. To Investigate the nature, extent 2. To investigate the nature, extensnd estimated cost of said Improve-vement, and the total cost thereof. meat, nd the total cot thereof. { 9. To furnish a p, an. profile or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or Slsketch of said Improvement. 4. To furnish the following other d. To furnish the following other aloud ,dna Information Improvement. relative to saldd 'improvement; ... ...... ..... ...._..... 6. To state whether or not said Int Provement is asked for on the petition -..... ....................... _......... ....... ..... ..... ..... ...... .-... ................ ............... _..... _..........._ .. _.. _..... ........... ...... of three or more owner.. 6. Tom .port Upon all of the fore - 5. To state whether or not said ' going petition of three or more owners. at late to me Commissioner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the fore Approved by u,e Connell April 6, 1916. er of Finance. .1pr11 7, 1916. (April 8-1916) Adopted by the Council ....... ....._......11i'f� .-'t_ l`.'.' 191 .._...._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman G s Approved _....__ _...... . __ ......... 191........ K ler C Slosh/ Yorg .. ............................... Mayor Po ers Mayor. Petition Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 98i5 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The4undersigned hereby proposes the making of thefollowingpublic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: QQnArAct', a- o'emo'.at 1111" bidowalk-to...a. of _ a jx-fo'e.t on both sides of Hazzard Sty..-"betvreon Cook St. and the, line of ... .. . ..... . ...... . ..... ..... Holco bes Sub., i .......... . ' Ti. Dated thisZ..d., .1......... .... 1916--/ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: C on s t r uP t- a c-e-me-rit tile Qf...kdX..fQe.t on both-- sidep qf. J.j4�q4.4 b.Q.twe.en-Co.ok S.t . ...... and... th.e. noxth.. 1-ine-of ....... .... .. ...... ....... ...... . ......... ...... .... ...... - . north line of 11.lcoirlllu- been presented to the Council Of the . ...... . ....... . ............ CRY of at. Paul therefore, be It Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he Is hereby or - having been presented to the Council of the dared directed: d and dected: To Investigate the c—..Ity for or desirability of the making of said therefore, be it improvement. 2. To Investigate the ..lure, ..tent RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 01 and I. "timathed cost of aid,,Improve- I ordered kind directed: men and e total cost thereof. 1. To investigate the necessity for 01. 3.tc To f furnish a plan: profile or ke h , said Impro vement. improvemcni. 4. To furnish the following other 2. To investigate the nature, extent and dtnta and , n rf, ormation relative to -awt, and the total cost thereof. improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch —'�vclo state whether or of aid Im- v It 11 ,led lot on the petition .f three ' more owner.. 4. To furnish the following other data at &. To report neon all or ,sthe sore , irovement: going matters to the Co. to Eton Finance. Adopted by theCouncil April G. 1916. Appro red April 7. 1916. ...... 5. To state whether or not said inipro, (April 8-1916) -n of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Goss Al 19 ;Kell r Y hash Yoe g .. .. ... . .. ..... Mayor Powt rs Mayor.. petition Council File No._..._ ..................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and I PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade and, /surfa.ce vvith_.Zrp�VAI,.. .th.Q_al_e;�_Jn Black 4.7 St..Anthony---' . .. ...... . .... Park North Zn ccordancei:'th petitj.on hero o _attached ....... ....... ..... ..... ....... .... .. .. . .... .... .... . .. .. ..... ...... . . ... .... . ..... .......... . . ....... ... Da 6th day of Pri 1 Z;: Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade and surface alley .4.7 -Aatbany Park- North .... .. .... .. . ..... . ..... C. F. No. 984 proposal foment, ....... .... ......... INbce n nuking at the fcjjo�lng hup,.­nno de and surface with _1 , J�rg'k 0" in Block 47, St. A-tte- .... ...... the olley � d the North, la, jrg b... p .... n..., 11 0 the C111 Of S t' there - having been presented to the Council of th C,.0r%"b1,c1 _,..I.n.r of"' ""*, - d That 11e came hereby or- uhile ;%`.�rk. be and he A d1 r "' for therefore, be it d.r.d and :n'gaie the necessity d and directed: a TosenIty of the ..king Of ..1d3y ordered RESOLVED, That the Commissioner C r"d..Ir Improvement. me%stig.te the aataro I. To investigate the necessity for or 2, '.,ej improvement. nd estimated cost of. thereof. 2. ment.Taoind the total "Plan,t prodl. Ornt, and the. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent anc 3. furnish a sketch Of said improvement. I T following other 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketO , 4- 0, furnish '' ",' - at. an information i.tW t aid improvement. whether or not aid ',�.-)rovement: 5. 0 Sint the petition 4. To furnish the following other data a . T ient is asked for an p"W" 'r. it of the fore - report of 1hre- or more own 'T a report upon ,,,I*ner 11 going matter. to the_.it �irtii. I �n*of threeor more owners. 5. To state whether or not said rmpr,lF'n.`d`.�'�ri".d by the Council AP Ov.d "t 6. To report upon all of the foregOin ApPrt Pr finance. Adopted by the Council .191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman (30 Approved 191 Kel er Nash Y y 0 rg Mayor Pothers Mayor. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No. ... ..... .......... .... 9517 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.._CapriRTU.11'nk_,' ..and t4 iin- an....aasemen.t_...in.. t.he...lan.d.. p,ecessarw.._iar... slopes � for cuts ;mrd ills .in_. gra..... tho _alhe :._ r1 � oc]g. 4.�._ t.... �th0ii3T Park North. ........ ... ....... .. __.._ _ , ....._. ..... ...... _ ........ ✓ ... _ _ ... .......... .._ _...._ ......_ ...._ ._ ..... Dated this nth .......day of ..._ _...... APrI.Iji,.... ...... ......... 191 6 Councilman. : / f PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Cored rain"red talri c,n Casement in tne....J n...eG..��.Sttx 7__for...slopes.?...i.or ._ . _ _... cust and 'ille it�radir _the_a1.1..ey.....Jp._t3.JQ.G .. 7._.St..—Anthony_.Park...North. ........_ ..._.................._.............._...... ... .... ...... ..........._.... ... having been presented to the Council of the Cit therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of P I. To investigate the necessity for or del 2. To investigate the nature, extent and es 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of 3. To furnish the following other data and _..... _...._..... _...__..... 1..__..... _... _..... ......... ...... - .....__......... 5. To state whether or not said improv¢ 6. To report upon all of the foregoing n Adopted by the Council. ...... .......... N'R..- l-1 ll' Yeas: Councilman F Go KeK Ke er IT_ Y erg Mayor Po vers c. r•, No. s647— wherena: A "lite. proposal for the n: g ,f the following improvement, viz: Condemning and taking an ease- _ meat in the Innd neceesary for slopes for cut. and alts In grading the alley In Block 47, at. Anth.nv pnrlr _11'e 1. ToInveeHgs[ee mang of sold the .... salty forrdered and directed: ir deslrahuI,, thki ofmprovement. provemenl. 2. To Investigate thenature, extent me esumatea coat f aa Improve -end the local cost thereof. meat, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, prof.,, or sketch of said lmprovemen t. 4. To furnl.h the following otharl data and Information relative to said lmprovem en[. Vemenl; _. ___ _... .._............. 6. To state whether or not said Im- provement I. asked for on the pe tltlo. of three or more owners ........... ......_... ....... ..._._........__....... 6. To report upon all of the fore- going matters to the commissioner ntof three or more owners. s. Adopted by the Council April 6, 1916- Approves April 7, 1916. :nonce. (April 8-1916) _. 191 ....._ .. Nays: ,approved ...._.... _ ... _ __ _ .__ �__...._ 191 ....� Mayor. petitionl Council File No. t:^ `'Q PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby,proptises the making of the following public improvement by the City of Constr,. .., a__sewer ...on._Hythe-..St- "tween.lSosgtell we.._..End..__..._. Sr. Paul, viz.: ..... JIuf17e;(..Ave..,. i;.aoc..asda>,c.a.._rich....p-at.i.t.io.n...hr�t.o...a.t�ached...... ........ ,. ... Date this ....6th..... day of _. i1 0916... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the. making of the following improvement, viz.: _ _ - .......... C.Rn_tr.uc.+ u- sewer.on_.Hythe..at.._.l2e.tween..j.psylelf.._I1ve.....}31d...Auaj.ey_Ave......... _. . ...� C. F. No, 911— a 84wtn proposal for ... ....... 111 Whereas. A --• ImProVem en making of the following - .Ivia: -Construct a sewer on rrythe St. _.. „................ -- " """' between Doswell Ave. and Dudley Ave. having a been presented to the runt or the City of 9t. Paul therefore, be It having been presented to the Council of the ltesmved, That the Comselssloner of 1 --- Public work. be and he 1. hereby or - therefore, be it aeI' and directed 1. To In direct ate the nec¢seity 1 o desirability of the making of eaie )rdered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Im2 roTe�mlowesticate the nat.-. extent I. To investigate the necessity for or da ana estimated colt or Id Improve- Iprovernent. met thereof. ant, Toafurnishtal eplan. profile or and rile tonal cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and a .k4trh offuaid Insprnish r—eruow'Ing other profile or sketch o data and Information relative to sale �, To furnish a plan, p Ilmprrvement. 6. To state whether or not said Zu .... .................. 4. To furnish the following other data an provement Isnaske asked ore a on the petition Yemen ; of three report upon all of the fore y G. To t .. .._.... ..... going matter. to the Commleelonere o[ ... _...... .. Finance. Adopted by the Cruncn April 6, 1916 f three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improv Approved April ,, 191 s. „•(April 8-1916) 6. To report upon all of the foregoing — � �-��� ,ttnssrmer-Or rinance. Adopted by the Council........_._.. �,.. ..-r. i .: i'). 191 .._._.. Yeas: 1 Nays: Councilman s K ler et ITaeh Mayor 191.�fP ,approved ..._..........__. _...__ �----- M eyor. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Petition Council File No..___ .. ........ 989 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:. Q.Q.riqt r wt.' a Q.-exi.ex on Raa.d and............ . . . .. ....... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. .Conzt,r..,.jct_ a anwer on.. James S.t— b etw.e.en- _EdLgaumb.a.. Road....and .21.ciasant . Ave.. ......... ............ .... ....... ..... C' p No 9849— ........ .... ... .... . ....... . ..... .... . Wh.r.ais'A written proposal for th t. making of the following Improve.— viz. Construct a sewer an James 'E 'E ... ....... . bet,,,a Edg..mb. Read and Pleas- ............ an, Ave* having been pr­..tcd to the Council of the City of St. . an, there - having been presented to the Council of th fare, bites. t "i.sioner of Resolved, That the Can, hereby or- t. Works be and he . - therefore, be it dered and directed: r 1. To Investigate the necessity for RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ( or do.1rabilItY of the making of )y ordered and directed: To la�v tent and estimated cost Of said Improve- improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for Or and Investigate the nature. c "'t' and the total cost ther.of. 0 3.To furnish , pl.n.t pr.fli. I t, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extentsketch of aid Improvement. revIreen To furnish the tivaji�wing data 3. To furnish a plan, profile or i a 4. information to said alma ad rate a pr,v1111ti 4. To furnish the following other data T 1. whether o.r.not said 'm irovement; . ........ " 0 a a the petition p rovema, I. asked far of three or more owner 6. To report upon ar, 0f the fare- f ....... ........ .. . . ..... . ........... - . ..... going matters to the Commissioner 0 Finance*r 5, To state whether or not said imprAdopted b ' N' the Council AP U G. 1911 ' n of three or more owners. 11 APP rov , ed April 7, 191& 6. To report upon all of the foregoing 1AP111 ±_j!1T.­jujmr Or 'Finance. Adopted by the Council. ................ 191 Yeas: Nays: N '4a 's. Councilman oApproved 196 s fJj Kel Pr 6; Yorg Hash .. . .. ......... ........... ... ........ Mayor Po ers Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. CoUlIC31 RESOLUTIOA- GENERAL FORM-- Subject ORM"-Subject Establishes .Grade Co=cil File Ncie _ Date Presented - - - _ 191 _ R�30" V�J Mzt ',he graLp of _/L%/9 94 to in accordance with the ref, grai.e line on the accompanying Profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, ae anC. the seine is hereby adopteC. as the established graLe. C. F. No. 9860—By n N. Goes— Resolved that the grade of Hamel. cod Ava. Irom East Seventh St. to Brand St. In eeordence with. the' red' grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Copl. of Publle Works, be and the e le hereby adopted as the estab- lished grade. Adopted by the Couilell April 6, 1916. Approved April 7, 1916. (Aprll 8-1916) Yeas ( ) Councilmen (Nays') s` o-dte2a by the o cit �aroved _j ` G ss �..� — K ller __. in favor N sh Q Y erg- _ Ag-ainst Six.. "resi .ent, Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM— 9851 Subjeat Established Grade Council File No. Date Presented _ _ — — 191 _ // Street frc� �;3Q_V—) T%.Ju �170 gTac-e of o _GPci-Iwq c,eet in accordance with the reC, graC.e line on the accompanying profile and- as ndas recommenced by the Commissioner of Public Works, be anE '8he some is hereby aC.op'W. as the esczblishei. grace. C. F. No. 9851 -BY M. N. Goea— Reeoived that the grade of Kerwin 8t. from Hazelwood Ave, to Germania 8t. In accordance with the red grade tine on the ompanying profile and ae recommended by the Commissioner o[ Pub Worka, be and the same le hereby adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council April 6, 1916. Approved April 7, 1916. (April 8-1916) Yeas ( ) Co Cilmen (Nays) qP -G 1915 sC.o,rced by the Coin it G ss a ?roved / K sh _( in favor sh �' erg• hgainsc Lix. -'resi .enc, Fowers �1 k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM._ Subject Established Grade Council 9852 File No: Date Presented — — _ — 191 — S �reei; frn� 8230'V:J Th�'c ' h� grai_F off _���12�Q/71 Q. — — — —J— _t to in accordance with the reL grade line on the acconr,anying profile and as recotunenCeC_ by the Commissioner of Rtblic Works, be anL the some is hereby adopteC. cs the esto'ulished graC.e- C. F. No. 8862—BY 1d. N. Go.s— Resolved .that the grade of Germanla St. from East Seventh St.to Brand St. r In accordance with the red grad- line n the accompanying profile and as ecommended by the Commlasloner of Public Works, be and the aame fa here- by adopted as the established grade. Adopted b_ the Council April 6. 1816. Approved April (Apr17.,_, 78 1916) Yeas ( ) s i_F. Fres ilmen (Nays) APR - 1515 a.o,�teC_ by Col Cil "weOb3f d_r)roved er ./� / - Iii fe.vor 1 rc, -owero- l�.yor 04 CITY OF ST. PAUL IS e5 UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. - Grade Council File 150; Date Presented - _ _ 191 _ R.:301V_--) That ;.lo g/ra/C.a, of'y// Kral" / ' ------5��2pp�C_-- creec to _%fral"--- in accordance with the ref: graC-e line on the acconnany ing profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be anL the se -me is hereby adoptef. as the esi:e.'olished VP -Le. I . F. No. 9863—BY C 31• N• �oee— II Block 47in e 3t Anthony the Park North t m Scudder $t. to KnappS, non c[Aee ¢c� wtcn the rod grade ompan)'i�heprofile CommlBeloner c 1 Pubic I d by be and the same 1. hereby Work., adopted as Adopted by the Council Aprllde• 1918. Approved April 7, 1918. (April 8-1918) Yoas ( ) Co1m_cilmen (Nays) 1ji-o2-ce2: by the G s ved - - - K le; _f In favor N sh Y erg. _ Against iii. _'res' _ent, Powers )zy�il Yeas (V') vo-s-Q' That the Cigarette License No. 97, now in the name of A. C. Miller, 869 E. Minnehaha Street be and the same hereby is transferred to Carl A. Bethke, 869 E. Minnehaha St. vlte�ler �iV1�Coll vNa�h vY Mr. said , Powers FORM C.9 -P (✓) Nays y!> _ In favor .jj� _ _. Against C. F. No. 9864—BY Henry McColl — nesoived..That the Cigarette Ltcenee No. 97, now In the name. or A. C. Miller, 869 E. Minnehaha' Street be and the same hereby is transferred to Carl A. Bethke. 869 E. Minnehaha St. Adopted by the Counell April 6, 1918. Approved April 7. 1916. (April 8-1916) � � 4 ......191.....:.. I Adopted by the Council.. _ _ _ _. _ N ...... C�.. 1. ` ... 91......: Approved ..__ _ ._ ...._...... 191........ ___ ..... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:._ .... 98x5 Iri - COUNCIL FILE No__ ....................... Date Presented ....._........... .... _ .....................191......:. Resolved, .', That the Cigarette License No. 448, now in the name of J.D. Rolland, 769 Wabasha Street be and the same hereby is transferred to Theo. M. Ikhaml, 769 Wabaeha St, C. F. No. 9866—BY Henry MoColi— Reaolved. That the Cigarette Licenee No. 448, now in the name or J. D. Rol- land, 769 Wabaeha St., be and the same Ikhaml. I69 WabaehI. a St, to Theo. M. Adopted by the Coril 7. 19181 Apr n 8, 1916. Approved �Aprll 8-1916) Adopted by the Council F; 191 In favor APoved19 .... /v� ._... GJ Pr_ _ . _ __.. ...... Against .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. . J8,5(1) COUNCIL rIM CbG(/Flu NO__ .......... Resolved, Date Presented._ April_ 6,1.916. 191 . 11► That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for erecting Carnegie Libraries Nos. One, Two and Three, to Cameron & Company for the sum of $682L5.00, exclusive of plumbing, heating and electric work, the same to be paid by the Carnegie Corw poration in installments as provided by the specifications on certificates furnished tete contractor from time to time by the city architect and approved by the Commissioner of Education. Said work to be done in strict accordance with the plans specifications and Formal Bid No.815. Yeas ( r') C uncilmen ( ✓) Nays freE9ideP1..es In favor 0 Against MFORM C.a•2 , Adopted by the Council _ _ _..P ._.G..M5.191 1 Approved- - . .. 19TH. -' - MAYOR D . C . G b t�`�. Council File No _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 9Q! 7 PRELIMINARY OR The undersigned hereby proposes the making of a follo g public improytinent b the I y Sr. Paul, viz.: ReG.o.?astrugt.,... .ela:t..-.a.nd... emir__. .t.k:.. c_emexzj��.i.l.e ..t d:nh.. f. six feet ..the.-- Present....c_er . ,_t.., tjl_e_ . deyralk. t7l,e..._go. si.de....Q _Belvidere .St,. b.e_,iantl.i _st Stir. ey...St... ... hence... -we _30.0....fe.e ...._.._.... t a Dated -this _..... th..-..of ._.. ...Anzi7,....... ... ............._......_...... I ....�. Counr.ilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... ...._......... .. RecI. onstruct, vela7, anti.re.P._ir....",i,tr...-.c.enent....ti.l.f;: _t.c.._a_ j.dtk1,...0f_ siX........ feet the present cernen.t the eiderralk o.n t.he. south Bide of Belv_i.der,e_.St,_.beginning..at.._Stic.}.M.ey....St.......th.en...e.. we.St....3.00. feet.. .. ___.. ... .......__ ......... ...._................ . PREL131INARY ORDERS. ............... ....._....... . C. F. No. 9667— having been presented to the Counq whereas, A written proposal for the Aman..___... making of the following improvement, therefore, be it vino Reconstruct. relay and repair with cement Life to E" Idth of s1x Leet. —MontRESOLVED, That the Comrm;.Outb aidetof Bely diere!St,valk beginni on g is hereby ordered and directed: havingkbeen SL. thence to the Council of said improvement. I. TO investigate the ❑eCeSSlt}of the Clty of St. Paul therefore, be it - p 2. To investigate the nature, e3 Resolved, That the commissioner of orovement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile el -cede works be end be Is hereby or- i b"'and directed: 1 To Investigate the necessity for 4. To furnish the following oth.I r Iramuty of the making or said , said improvement; ....................... ,l prevemell To a'tcdtlgcsl the nature, extent eeilmnted coat of said Improve- ....... ............__...................._........ .. .... ;m ot. and the total cost thereof. ..............................._........................_ .........._._. 3. Too lnrnlah plan, profile or 5. To state whether or not saaketen r eafd Improvement. the petition of three or more owners. 4. To furnish the following other �,data and Information relative to sola 6. To report upon all of theloner Of Finance. mprevement S. To state whether or not said Im- provement is asked for on the " Adopted by the Council...... fof three or fouowner r pennon 3 e. a 6 To r port upon ell of the fore- Yeas: oe Yeas: FI e. Its to the Commission of !. �? Ad t Dted by the Coancll April 7 1916 %r� Councilman Far sworth Dred AprII s 1916. �. —46 G : (April 16-1916) 1 K er oil Nash Y rg ^, Mayor P ers Mayor. pROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and D. C. Gayton Council File No. .......................... .E,. L3�jr?� `PRELIMINARY ORD R• r f The undersigned hereby prop ses"the malting of e following'public improvem r"bye City of ✓� n.t.ti�f<''"�to St. Paul, ViZ.:Re.cA.�.at.x..u...e.-fair..rritk�Z�c.eme.... t._... QP...4..f...$eech t. yS....oxf..._tke... ..r. s.ixKept, ._the._...0sen.1_ce„f.e?7.t...._��.e....S..ld_e�va<l fe.e.t.. east.._o . Fores.t ..S.t..r_ . henc.e....e t._.6.3...Ye t....___. r'-- --- - ... b_ezinning..1 ................ ........ ....... ..... _ 1916 ._ 7th.d of A.P.ri]..y ... Dated is ._ % " L N f.. I, Councilman. PRELIMINARY `ORDER. WHF,REAS, A written proposal for the`mafcing of the following improvement, viz.: __......._._......._.. Hecnr.,s.truQ.t.,..raI4s:.end.r_eta.ir_itk:....c�c�t....t.i.1e t. o. ..z~._}�?idt.h...o�..six fs:ct.., G.he..Ilr.eaeT.t...CC,. �ti...ui7e...81lPyoT.restpSt.,etrerce cast 63 feeth St• beginning 137 feet eas o -- ......... . .................................. ............... . .......... ........ _......... ' H'hereaa, A written proposal. for Ehe . -....._ vis. R co the following improv repair retnY andman................... .... viz: Reconatroct, having been presented to the Council a,lih eeMenc itis to wietalaawalkeo the presentem the north aide o[ neech St. beginning hereby ordered and directed: be it ls7 feet sant of Foroat St., ihonce ease' therefore, 6S rent. h,%ng been presented to the . RESOLVED, That the Commissicouncil f the CliY or St. peal there fore. be it Iraq. Tnat the commleawner of if said improvement. Public \\'orke be and na le hereby or- ovement, and the torsi cost thereof. 1. To investigate the .necessity : R aanY fbr exttaerea dna airectea: ce gala 2. To investigate the nature, ort'daa rabilltoo—y lof tthen Baking or plan, profile or improvement c -tent 3. To furnish a p P a To Invest ma Donis ri oprora- .._....... eaumatea coat cunt thereof. aid improvement: 4, 'j'o furnish the following otherment, and the total or s. To furnish a plan. proms sketch of said Improvement. other .. • ...... ..... 4. To furnish the relat�ie gto Bald -''-' ansa dna mformauon petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not smdimnro.0 t. 6. To i �aoa keanior onina'veaiiian finer of Finance. provemen 6. To port poo it of the fore- i 6. To report upon all of the otor rocas or more owners. re n a • going matters to the Commiealoner or ., . _ .... _.. F� Finance. Adopted by the Council April 7, 1916. Adopted by the Council,.......... Approved April a, 191x. 3 Yeas: (April 15-19161 Councilman Far sworth 91.... Go Approved ..._ ._ ...._. . Ke er M off Nae _... d .... ... ........ . Yo g Mayor. 7 Mayor Po ers P. C. Gayton Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDFJW-- The undersigned hereby proposes the making oft following blit in strii St. Paul, viz.: .... ...R .. ..........econat. ,relay..qnq. _.wit. ..... c.em.ont six fegA, � ... ... . ......... tql 1k. t __prj�pent...c Yne J,t� si. I ........... ........ St. Claivl' St. begAni In ....benoo .......... . ....... at Fi"Av'e''.* thence-�Oest 240 feet. ..... .. ...Dateis-- 191 �0" ' t by Abe City of `/ e, t 0/V wi.dth'ov Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstructx with .Qompnt til.e..A.a a width—of. six...f.eet ........ ...... the .pr.esent..gerent...tle..sde 0-f-St- Cllaix S -t-- begin:n.in -.aa3.9.5 feat,;.....begi Lzaing. at... Finn Ave, thence west 240 feet 1 [or the L .... . ....... ..... ............. ..... ............... ........ . ..... ..... ..... ... Where.-. A written Proposal _._t. ,making of the following enpr Cv,,zIb eleconolrucl, rcI%,I,h.nd repair having been presented to the Council of the w """" '"' to a sidewalk -I� feet the present cement 111. Walk 0. the _th side of St. Clair In, at ,therefore, be it Men Ave., thence ;�.t 240 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of "rx aht 'I' on peen presented to the ordered and directed: �f""' '�,f or St, Foul there - council .' -f�nprovemenl- 1. To investigate the necessity for or ..... be "vt -hot the c --by or - 1 ks be and a is here 2. To investigate the nature, extent and "-�dl cted* and the total cost thereof. I :1fc1,a'.b r, I. _,_t nith.thn access ty.for. of aid 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of making Imp... emet�.Il.at. the r.l.re, c.1-nt .ad vement; 4. To furnish the following other data an e.t h"td oat c" said han at'"" and he to,. .t thereof.., r 3. To furnish, I Plan pro mprol-ment- ........ ....... .. ... ....... . ..... ... sketch of aid .1 4. T furnish the following all'-' said pro, 0 to said of 5. To state whether or not s dlllr.,od Information relative three or more owners. Improvement. To late whether or not said Im- 6. To report upon all of the foregoing prb�vement is asked for on the Petition linance. of ­ three or , upon more srji f the fare - To report up a ' matters to ane C.remj..I.nor of goi Adopted by the Council .. .... .... NPT� Fing nance. Ad, by the Council April 7, 1916-10 Yeas: Approved April (April 15-1916) Councilman Far orill Far , Go Approved..........._.._ K jer MC oil Nash Yo..... ......... ......... /mayor Poo s Mayor. Petition Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORD CIRO,," The undersigned hereby proposes the making ( a follg1king public priprripNement by,,,ty City of ve. Sr. Paul, viz.:....._Gt2&cl.e..,,M.µP ev o..gd....�Y.e.,_. out._4o o�C...Rimoox._Bof't"lal.avaxd and Glenham Ave., from I,1apl.iood.. to_S1#7._ An.onyrxve_.. in ag�,o..,- ance^ith pet itio,ere att.c.. d _. r r1'l......... . . t r .... 7t 6..._ Dated this dayrf Apr. d ... g .... .191 �d 3 Councilman. t P LIMINARY ORDER-- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _... .-.. >, Grade T$aNletiood. Ape..from,.Como._& R_jv.er. Roulevsxd...tq .rie.df.Qxd_Ave.....Fk d Gleilham Ave ...,from ?laplewood..Ave,. t.o St.. Anthq'ny..Av...e.- _ . .......... _ ....... ..... ...... .... L. F. No. 98G0— """"Whereof. A writteng proposal ort e making of the following Improvement., ,. areae Nwplewooa Ave. tram a mor_ ... _._.. _. ... .. ....... ... ...... a River Boulevard to Medford A e. add Glenham Ave. from DSaDlewood� .... Ave. to St Anthony Ave. having been .......... ...... ........... ........... ....... _........... having been presented to the Council of presented to the council of the city of, SL Paul therefore, be It therefore, be it Resolved, That the commissioner of Public Works be and he Is hereby or RESOLVED, That the Commis5lon, det•ea and directed: treby ordered and directed: 1. To In vea[I it the necessity for or dealrability of the making of sald5aid improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity' for ImZpreToment.investigate the nature, eaent 2. To investigate the nature, extent Raa esumatea cost o[ a to tmprove-ement, and the total cost thereof. g , ant and the total coat thereof. ' 3. To furnish a Plan, Profitsr, le o 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sl} sketch or said ImprovemarrL 1. To furnish the following otherl i data Toa Information relative to ealdmprovement; _.__..._ _. _. __. ............ 4. To furnish the following other d' Improvement 5. To awte whether or not said lm provement is asked for on the pet Hen! „......... ................_.... ....... __............._........ ................... ........... ___ .................. ... _ .._ of three or more owners. ...................... . G. TO report upon all o[ .to oro - 5. To state whether.,or not said i; Fin. matters m she commiesmner o titian oft tee or more owners. Finance. 6. To report upon all of the forel Approved 'April 8 u1916.April 7, 1916. of Finance. , �i, (April 1G-1916) , Adopted by the. Council ...................' _....... 191 .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farns rth 191 Goss Approved _....._ . f _. _ _... ...._ ._ . .. Kell Mc I 7 Nash Yoer .... ... ... Mayor Powe Mayor. Council File No. .. . ......... — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. t and C PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folio 'ng pubV improvement . tihe City of an.. aement..�n .t.ha._1�a�/nttusaiy....f.0; St. Paul, viz.:........Q.QZld.2.1 �i �T _.e,zl.a....t.akilli�' f f/r aaa "'111 ding...Ma e.o..od..1>vs.....om_C.nmo;&..giver ..for.._cut �nd,f _j.,7,.le....�?':.� j Boulevard to �dford 4ve,. a.. Glenham.... .. @.....fr UAP. W.4od...A98...._t.. i...... �. St Antho Ave•.-� F .... .. Dared chi 7.th ...... da of _ .... ,r'f .... .. 19� r `'z. .1 / .............. r_ Counci man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mak+ng of the following improvement, viz.:.... . Condemning,_.and...tah n_?....en..esaor art__.in...:.'... .11:r.a...n9c.es, faxJ_ f4.x ..... . for cuts._ cnd....fitls..n,.rsding...a.p� e�94.9d..,.�ve.....fr_a .._C.oz:lo...Bou.e- vard to Itl:edford..,Ape,..,,..and_.Glenh.1m_Ave......fors...h7a.A1eIY.o.od..9ve.....t..o_-. ..... ......_ -_._ ._.... F10- ford F .V o. 9861 ... ..... .... ..... .. ""' whereas. A written Drapoenl f the mnklnR n[ the following Improvemen vlx: CondemNng and taking an ease .,, having been presented to the Council of the mrnt In the land necessary for .lopes.-'' --"' [or cute and fills Ingrading Maplewood therefore, be it Ave. from sumo rover Boulevard to Medford Ave.. and Glenham wve. from ordered and directed: Maplewood Ave. to at. Anthony Avo. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner o ..... eil tbeui s°G pau iaereie e° b It r I. To investigate the necessity for or r¢huolworkhbe and he le herebyr `t improvement. dered and direeeea: form, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and I To loves' of eche makingsot[ a a or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketcl} 1.Z raT me%.ilgate the nature, eaent II and estimated cost of anis Improvo->rovement, _ _... .. ............ 4. To furnish the following other data meat. and the total coat thereof. 8. To furnishid Improvement. profile or sketch of .. .. ........... ..... ........ .... 4. To furnish the . following other.................. ........... ...... ... _. ._ ................ data and Information relative to said Improvement n of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said impr 6. To state whether or not said Im-P provsment Is asked for on the petition Finance. 6. To report upon all of the foregoin of three or more owner., ^j — goingTtn¢tters tto the Commleelonerro[ Adopted by the Council..-- .._.._.. Finanoe. -'"' Adopted br the Council April 7, 1916. Approved April 8, 1916. Yeas: (April 16-1916) Councilman Far sworth (.'19L...... Go s Approved _....._ ..._._ Ke er /M-y M oilNash Yo rgor Po ars Mayor. G H Harrold Council File No. _................ _......::i- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMI Y ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes [h aking f the following pub impro ement y h11e Cit of n d,,r.. ak.i.ng... ....eaa.ement._../t he....l�id_.ne aa.arX......r_.. Sr. Paul, viz.: copdemn _g ..+G a_joge.a .f.cs..._Gut.p ..and.uxi11.a...in... ading._Van .f m....the....no .th....line Gf.....S.t...Ant�rbny _Ave ..o the... .sous ally...end..«af..th.e...appo. 11 o.f....tha ..C. c.agn.,Mi 1— d611 vraukee... .._St_.P. Ry..,Bridge�297_.f.e.e1mor.a._os...le... n._tha..c.ent.ex .nf....St...An- thony veno r 191. Dat t ......-.day of r....... sass_ s........ f / J, j Councilman. r i PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the slaking of the following improvement, viz.:condemning and tasking. an__eae.ement...in the.. land ..nec.eae,ry�...fmr...al.opea...for._cute....and fills, in gr,eldi.ng. N.and.alia.. aitre.et..... from .._the._.nor.th..li.ne_..of_ S.t...An.th.ony- Av.er..to...Ahe...e.outh— arly.,end._R.f._the_.aRpT.Q.a9h_..A.f_.t.h.e._Chi.Gago..,Mi.lwaukee....&...S.t....Paul Ry..,.HridBa. 297 f.e.et....more_.or.. less .._to..._th-e...aen.ter.....of....St. Anthony...ave.nue... g ill ASDL-���p,.n� i0 I�...... sass.. ... .. having been presented to the Council of the ias�:a) -Solt 6L o3 o en+ca ' m . therefore, be it n ot'the go. HIu— its. &: ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of" ess a� Its leeniea or sit n�iionvrave. tate the necessity for or nue. navI been pre..nted to the provement. I. To investigate enune11 or the City of st. Paul there- and Ilse total cost thereof. tore. be It 2. To investigate the nature, extent.and nesolved. That the Comml..[... r or Punit. work. be and he le hereby or- i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch aeras dna directed: necessity for 1. To Inve.tlgate the _. _............ other data a r desirability of the making of said OV mast', 4. To furnish the following Im2 roTo Ilnt nve.tlgate the nature, eztent and eetlmated coat of said improve. - ................. meat, and the total coat thereof.- .........._............ 3. Tfurslaprofile 5. To state whether or not said impro Or sass... ............_ . sketch o of alaniih a Pmprovemen,nt. n of three or more ow a To furnish the following other �inanee. data and information relative to 6. To report upon all of the foregoi Ito roTo tatew hether or not said fm- 1 provement la naked for on the Petition t a•'' - _ , of three or more owner.. Adopted by the, Council....... s. To report won at or the fore- going matters to the Comml 1 ser of ' _. Yefl$: Finance. C-0,1Adopted by the C-01 April 7, 3916 Councilman Fa worth ) APP roved April 8. 1916. 191........ G..tat•, ... vv ..........t_.... sass. /m.yor K rM oll Nash ......................avorPo ars G H Harrold &i Council File No . ... ..... .. . .. ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of foil Ing publiV mplo ement by�,the City of d -naGo /a -E; ..Y.fox St. Paul, viz.: C.011denning and t ak �ing, ea;Zm nt in 4 %,t_e .1.0c 6 Ute ............ filla L�ding .r Q.ut a -and- 1.___ gradin -0-10-P-08 -fo . . ........ ....... . - ... ..... . Aq d., of Dated this May of ... ......... .. - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: C.Ondemni-119 t,.h.o l.and--r&Q-00-sar-Y for 01.0pMefor aut s and in. &radta& tile, alle y in..B.look 164. -Gh"tili Br.0s'. L)'V'jai.on. ... ..... . ....... ..... ........ .. .... ....... ......... .......... e - . ...... . ...... .......... ......... .... - A written, proposal for th ........ . ...... making of the following Improvement, viz: Condemning and taking an ease- Iman.. .... .... ....... . having been presented to the Counci torn cuts 1. to d and too fills In necgraaressy far slope., d ng the alley therefore, be it in Block 16. Chute Bros. Division, the hav- I Inbeen presto the ofg City of St.ented Paul thereforeCounc I , is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the CommiSS Rs..I�T but she Commissioner of Public Worksbe and he Is hereby or o f said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity I dcred Tlond.d I'd i v=gata the necessity for ,r . desirability of the making Of saidrovement, and (he total cost thereof. Xtl 2. To investigate the nature, Inap-Tve.11111 2. nve.tl..te the nature, ..t.nt 3. To furnish a plan, profile orand estimated cost of said InnProve- ­nt ..ad the total cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan, profile or�siiid improvement; 4. To furnish the following othejBk.tch of said Improvement 4, To furnish the Jollowing otb e . ..... ......... . ... ........... ... data and inform. tion relative to saI4 ...... ............. Improvement. 5. To whether or not WillrofIC petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not saij state for on the petite.4 1 pfrovhement Is f o three or more.owne.rji loner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the tos,6.ngTmoacporlto Pon of the for., 1 .1 it pr. the Commissioner We 4 Finance. Adopted by the Council.. ..... ..6 . ...... ..... I Adopted A pp vlb by j I p r I I IM. the Council April 7, 191 (April 15-19161 Yeas: Councilman Far orth Go Approved 191 Kel Me 11 /(A, Vyl Nash May Pow Yoe Mayor. Mayor PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDWJ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of I St. Paul, viz.: QXAiP HAZIOWOOd AV.Q--fr1 Geppania 5t... frPm.. Ea Hazlewood ve. to Gerw,�Ln J.,j 9,4 .......... . ....... . Hazlewood_ I . .... .. A Dated this day of Apr public C.Q. Petition Council File No. qpf1- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Graae Hazlewood Ave. from East ..S.e.lv.e.nt.h-,,S.t....,,t..o..Bra.n.a...s.t....,,..G.e.r-mania 3t. fron H4Z1QT9Q4 �p GermaniaSt C. P �t986 ._ whereas, 1 written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: Grade Hazelwood Ave. from East ................. .. .. ..... ....... ....... i Seventh St. — ...... . ...... .. to Brand St., Germania St. !rrom East Seventh St. to Kerwin St. . nd Coulto GKerwIn St. from Hazelwood Ave having been presented to the arnmnia St.. having been prc.cnte� Gilman ................ to tbjeoCounel,1of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it therefore, re, be It t R.. the Commissioner of Coronae eta Wort s be - c is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the COranderedcand di rccted�.nd he Is hereby or 1, To unity of ' th . ....... I for 1. To investigate the necess ..r desirability of the rnakinit fy.aId g of said improvement. iprovement. 2. To Investigate the n.t.re. c.tent e. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, and t estimated, cost of "I Improve- provement, and th ment, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile skLth"of furnish pr.pl-n, profile or .aid Im vement. z fur.l.h the following other 4. To furnish the following 0 data Tad Information rel,tiv, to . sr aid to said improvement; Improvement. 5. To state whether or net said I.- . ... ....... Provernsnt 1. asked for on the petition .... ........ 6thr;s or more owners. report "p,, 111 *1 the f*11- i the petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not' 'goirg n*ia I I— to t hes e Comm, ..I.n cr . f ;Fma ce. 6. To report upon all of th, Adopted by the Council April 7, 1916, lissioner of Finance. approved oved April 8, 1916. t A p'Il 16- 199 W .— Adopted by the Council......_..-.... . .— .. - . 1 Yeas: Co . uncilman Far orth Nays: Go I Approved S.� 191 Mayor Ke Mc 11 _Nash —D Yo. ..... . I — I I . .. Po s Mayor. Council File No. ... . ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. h. and PRELIMINARY ORD ,he making oft Poll ing publivinapr2mrit by y of proposes r /111/., The undersigned hereby piropo 7 St. Paul, s a. nil- f i.1 I a in f&exlemth St 'X Germania .5t. F, t S'. ..... ..... ... .1 Ava... a.- ma a a ......... ....... from Healevt Dated this ...17tIh .. da of ......... ... PRELIMINARY ORDER. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. Conderminl- an -a ta-kin-g AII PA9 qr.eni.- i P., th..g for ....... .... 11 — cuts and_.fi71s.._in .,grading. Q',.j ..Q BrAnd in . ...... .... . ......... . T from H zle qok1..A79 . ..... :tQ v having been presented to the Council of the ...... ....... 'ar d ,dV o"Unn" a. t t to I � a. an . two 13 and ' oc'no.ol. S ' e ...I. St. from East Seventh therefore, be it St. to KerwAve and Kerwin S' f-�! ordered H ... tweed Ae. to Germania s'. h- red kind directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner o IrS bc.n presented to the council of Inc City of St. Paul therefore, he it 1. To investigate the necessity for or d( , Resolved, I That the Commissioner of nprovement chi .­ be . ad he Is h­eby or- nd directed: and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e "Ire'le Investigate the necessity for or desirability of the au.king f aid 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch I Improvement. 2. To Investigate the nature. extent and estimated 1111 .1 old improve- --,n,; .on,. and total 11, thereof. �v 4. To furnish the following other data an! 1. To fa`r"n'I.h . Plan. Profile or sketch . f said Improvemt. 4. To furnish the Toren ag ul 11 r, ...................... . ........ data and Informal[.n relative to said S. To v.m state of three or more owners. a 5. To state whether or not said improJ Improvement. t •h ether or not said Im- pr-lem,at i: W asked d far on the pe- finance. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing uti.a of three or more ­,nel, 6. To report upon all . th f.,e_ rt going. matters to the central ..tons, of Adopted by the Council._ ..... I Fi ... ce. - Adopts, , 191" by the Council April :\pProved April S. 1916. Yeas: (April 15-1916) Councilman Far worth 191......_ Go Approved Ke r M , oll Nash y 0 s Mayor. Mayor Po 's CITY OF. ST. PAUL �t`y4� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1; 9866 Subject:.... FOtaUNCIL N .................................................................................................... 1 v Date Presented. ....April ...91th*...........191....x. Resolved, tb t pesdsda4 bo tie to bar*y era*" " the StAte MAMbatne *rid T4+ rOWPOW to Dare" 'poles pitta the noma "abMIR ant bo .taring v%ro sn4 oaUe oaa the lollos"S meed stro"+E1 Fifteen (18) poles in alley between Como and Phalen Avenues and Nebraska Avenue from from-Mackubin to Western Avenue. Two (2) poles on Mackubin Street North of Como and Phalen Avenues. Worit to he done prAer the •mon of =6 to rase salAaftAim CC ogthebs3o at90 @ p%0"a *ao-CIS thA Ted:Vpiu * CdlMta�p to P47 tho .00" *f iiia *40016 yy amt ?tub3i+sa i+ . Vass and vires to be 1`tos nd Vft1 n Qe OSOt do BO $V th�i � 06=8ll,0 said cost to be paSA by C. F. No. 9866 -may Dl. N. Gose— 1I ne.olred. that permission be no' Is Ile reby granted the Trl Stale Telephone and Telegraph Company to erect Doles, wllb the necesanr,' nchors nd to string -wire and cabl anon the following linmed streets: Fifteen (lsl poles in Alley between ....and Phalen enuee and Ne- bro.ka avenue from Dlackubin to West- "neno'. Two (2) poles on Dlackubin street norXbf Como and Phalen avenues. work to be done under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Com- missioner of Public Work., the Tele- - phone Company to'pny the -coat of In apectlon, ngineering and Dubli..ti.; Poles and wire. to be removed when .quested to do Bo by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. 'l C Yeas (✓) Co rilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by, the Counoll April 7, 1916. APR —r 1915 Approved April 6, 1916. 6 the Council_.._.._....._......_...................191........ (April 16-1916) y F sworth K er '1'.�.. In favor Approved 191.._..... M Oil Against N h Yrg rg Mt. Presid ,Powers FORM C.B•2 „. CITY OF ST. PAUL �y fi COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 985 ........ _... f q��* d , ... .. .............. COUNCIL FILE Subject:.._..._._. __ _.. NO... ........ Date Presented_.axcth...3.O.th., ..1918. ;. that permission be and ie hereby granted the Tri State Telephone s egraph CO, ply to erect pole* clith the necessary an b"o and to string wire and cable on the folloving named streets: Chatsworth Street from Lafond to Hewitt C. F. No. 9867-11. N.taGona.tbe and Is j+ Ro.ol�•ed "bat per I 11 -11' granted the Tri State T%, cut.. / to and Tole Company ,:Te and to with the „trine wire cable on the foilbwin6 named streets: Chatsworth street from Lafond to Hewitt. �YorR to be done under the direction or and to the a[iafact,an o[ the Co.Te e- -- mlealoner of Public «'oche, ph..,tlonomP�ny lneerl pasv be ndehold 1—tion. ! sPPolee nd wire. [o removed when 'IQ”" ed to do so by the Common Council. .aid cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. Adopted by the Counen April 7. 1916. Approved April prll 1611916) Work to be done under the direotson or and Lo the satissfactio Of of of the Commissioner of public Works, the Telephone Company to PBY the inspection, engineering and publiaati.iln. the Common Poles and wires to be remove Veerequestedto do so by Council, said cost to be paid by Yeas ( ✓) cilmen (✓) Nays worth ss _�[n favor 7 ler Coll ....Against h Mr. t, Powers a M C -18 - FOR Adopted by the Council.". - 191._ Approv _..............._.... . ............. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAULQO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. epuRr i . FILE N0.._ .............. Date Presented _April 7, 1916. Resolved, Commissioner of Public Works be and he hereby is authorized to employ in the Bureau of Engineers one additional Civil Engineering Draughtsman at a salary not to exceed Fifteen Hundred Dollars per annum. Yeas (V) CjWlf en U) Nays orth ! ... 1n favor i( .Against JG, Mr. PPowers FORM C. P. No. 9568—By M. N. Goss— ' Resolved. That the Commissioner or Public Works he and he hereby is au- thorized to employ ih the Bureau ar Engineer, o e additional Clvll Engl- ering Draughtsman at a salary not to sed Flrteen Hundred Dollars per i unAdopted by the Council A-pril 7,4916. :Approved April 5, 1916. (April 15-1916) Adopted by the Council _ - - E ('' ry =) i 191 Approved CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '� Subject............._................................ .......... .._... ._........................... ......................................... ....... I................... COUNCIL NO.. FILE......................................... Date Presented. . ... ...... . .... ....... ... 191 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Pulmo Works be and he hereby Is authorized and empowered to employ two (3) Junior Civil Engineers at not to exoeed SlQ$0.00 per year, to be paid out of the Water Department Fund. Yeas (141t, en (✓) Nays h In favor Against Mr. Pers FORM C.a-2 i C. F. No. 9869—By M. N. Goea— Resolved. That the Commfeafoner or Public Work. be and he hereby fs au- thorized and empowered to employ two ,2) Junior Civil Engineers at not to ez- eced 41020.99 Per year, to be paid out or the Nater Department Fund. Adopted by the Council April 7. 1916. Approved April 8, 1916. (April 16-1916) Adopted by the Council91 Apped........ .................. ...........�. _..�. ... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ................................ Date Presented.....- - - ._191 .......... Resolved, Whereas, Freances C. Luddington, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Fifty & 00/100 ($50.00) Dollars, as an Advance Payment for a sewer on Lot 33 Block 3, Yacalester View Ad- dition, and whereas the assessment for the construction of a sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Forty five & 30/100 ($45.30) Dollars, therefore be it Resolved That the sum of Four & 70/100 ($4.70) Dollars, be refunded to the said Frances C. Luddington, and that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Frances.C. Loddington for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Acc,-A t. ' C Resolved.BWherreg. France. CoLud-, dington has heretofore paid to the Clty' ffat. Paul. the sum of Flfty and 00/100 (560.00) Dollars. as an Advance PaY- ment for n sewer on Lot 22, Block 8. ala-lest—View Addltlon, and where- .. the assessment for the on.truction of new r connecting with .aid prop- erty Is the aum of Forty ave and 30/100 ($}6.30) Dollar., therefore be It Resolved that the sum of Four and 70/100 ($4.70) Dollar. ba refunded to ( the said Frances C. Luddington. and that the proper City Offleer. be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant In favor of the sold Frances C. Luddtngton for said aum payable out of the Advance Assessment Ac- c..nL Adopted by the Council April 7. 1916. Approved April g, 1916. (Apr(I 16-1916) Yeas (P') Co cilmen (!) Nays Adopted by the Council );, -1911 F sworth Se In favor er Ap ved _ 191 oil 7e, _.against [[[ ary rg Mr. Preside, Powers Nwvori " ro.w o.e-z CITY OF ST. PAUL 98).y.1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM GG Subject:..... COURcu No / Date Presented..Apr.9..1.9,1f.,....._.191..._... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, extra equip- ment for two electric driven centrifugal pumps amounting to $140.00, from the Northwestern Electric Equipment Company, as these pumps are patented and no other company can fur- nish this equipment. Same to be charged to Water Department. Yeas (✓) Imen (✓) Nays worth 7 In favor r Il Against M d Powers FORM C.6'. I� C. F. No. 0871—By O: E. Keller— Re.olved, That the Purohaeing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to pur- chase, with the consent of the Comp- troller, extra equipment for two else. tric driven cen[from l pumps amount- 1! Ing to $140.00, from the Northweatern� Electric Equipment Company, a, thee. pump' are patented and no other com- pany can furnleh thl' equipment. to be charged to Water Depart- y�IIt. R opted by the Council April , 19266.. .approved April 8, 1916. (April 16-1916) Adopted by the Council. _ /�a •- i._:..`�.tiU-_191...._. . _ ....... 19-_ App d MAYOR Subject: Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM FILE Date Presented 191 That tdto City Clerk be and__j?cL le hereby authorized and directed to it36uu a license to Qa r to conductmotion Picture show at e��/ That laic � �%'�� into the CitJA 2reanury a lioenoe, ran of $60.00iwhiob Is the aastomary amount for' said 1100n3e for Said Notion Ploturs Show, for a period of cna year from the iesxmoe of said license. ^ihAt said '.lcsnse Shell not be isl,und or b000me effective until buildin, hat become fully oompletsd qn-d 1111t11 SRI Q�9���%�— cureA from the Comrr.lasirner of pip% io Btti134n7a bis certificate that said building and all the apparatus to be used in oonneot°on gith the exhibitions to be Given therein are in all respects in oompllhnoe with tbo $uildinu Code of the City o' St. Paul and has filed tho eertifloate with the City Clerk. C. F. No. 9872— Resolved, That the City Clerk be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to v Issue a license to Wallentln Invest- ment Co. to conduct n Motion Picture Show at 166 W. 7th St. That sold Wallentln InVeatment Co. pay Into the City Treasury a license fee of 560.00, e wht h Is the customary mount for said license for sold Motion Picture Show, or a perlod of ne year from the Issuance of said license. That said license shall not be issued or bo- oms effective until the building has become fully completed and until Bald Walls Yeas (✓) Cou 'Imen (✓) Naya f m Used ld lldi Farn worth to G's In favor n `°' of th KeI r the " Ada M ON Against Apr Na h Ii% or Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.9-2 a commissioner or r pec his certificate that said and all the apparatus to b.uncll. In etlon with the exhibitions, .. .. APR 131 16 . 191 .... an therein are In all rep ts';, ante with the Building Code ty of St. Paul and has flied; with the City Clark. 19) ente by the Council Apr. 13, 1916.' =.d Apr. 14, 1916. (April 22-1916) — t ................. .... ........MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FE" NO..........._........__ ................ Date Presented 191 Resolved, That with the approval of the Mayor, the sum of Two Thousand, Dollars %;@W&-0)— is hereby transferred from the Pur- chase of Books Account of the Public Library Fund, to the Carnegie Libraries Account of the same fund, as by so doing, an unavoidable deficiency in the last named fund may be met without hampering the work provided for by the money in the first named item of said fund. C. F. No. 9873—Hy Anthony Yoerg— Resolved, That with the approval o[ Iha. Mayor, the um o[ Two Thaueand, flighty -nine Dolinrs ($3069.00) 1s here- by cranefered from [he Purchase of. �F Funo nd L ccthe tCof theaP Libraries count of the same fund, as by so doing, an unavoidable deficiency in the last' named fund may be met without hamp- ering the work provided for by thel money In the first named item of said fund. I Adopted by the Counell April 7, 3916. t I- Approved April 6,, 1916. (April 15-1916) Adopted by the Council_ AP.' .....1.916 191 Approved 7111 ........... MAYOR Yeas (✓) Co J'Imen (v) Nays Orth In favor 7 el GII r/t` ....Against Y Mr. Fen Powers FORM 2 - C. F. No. 9873—Hy Anthony Yoerg— Resolved, That with the approval o[ Iha. Mayor, the um o[ Two Thaueand, flighty -nine Dolinrs ($3069.00) 1s here- by cranefered from [he Purchase of. �F Funo nd L ccthe tCof theaP Libraries count of the same fund, as by so doing, an unavoidable deficiency in the last' named fund may be met without hamp- ering the work provided for by thel money In the first named item of said fund. I Adopted by the Counell April 7, 3916. t I- Approved April 6,, 1916. (April 15-1916) Adopted by the Council_ AP.' .....1.916 191 Approved 7111 ........... MAYOR 1 14A I An ordinances pro riating the sum of Two Thousand, nine Dollars 00) to aid in the completion of Carnegie Li- braries No. 1, 2 and 3. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN ° ction 1. That the sum of Two Thousand, Dollars ( Is hereby appropriated out of the Oa.rnegie Libraries Account of the Public Library Fund for the purpose of aiding in completing Carnegie Libraries No. 1, 2 and 3. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. .r,fa No. a -atnargenoy , ordl� u aeceasary or, the pre- • ..the pubIIe peace, healp.� al. ty. onoil oL the L`lty �.uf St. Pant y Passed b the Council APP 2" -104 197' nraeln ;; Tet the '$ECTION i. •� anm of Thousands hty nlne'ISoliara 132 0 82.DD) Ip here-", Yeas Nays aaproo etateg out of*the Caraegle l Mr. Farnsworth Goes / Seller Vaadw Nash Yoerg Nape, 0 Mr. President (Powers) At and S. SECTION2. This ordinance Is hereby d•• : F. .be an emergency orditi- jne^e4eery for theprrvv- peace, health r Appr a "v 1916. Mayor. VUBLISHED /�P CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject..__ 98 9fy 5 a i �w'NCIL O. ......................................... Date Presented Apr . b,-1916- - - 191... _.. Resolved, That the "ouncil hereby rejegts all bids received for paving Snelling avenue from the Great Northern Bridge to Como avenue West, and orders the Commissioner of Public Works to secure the necessary material through the Purchasing Department and do the work by Force Account, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. Yeas (r') Co oilmen (t') Nays worth In favor r oll - Against Y Mr. Preside Power FORM C.a-Y ppR. -"� 1915 C� 191_ A"jsaWby the Council. Approved 11 ..__._191. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.... ......... VILEENCIL N 0.... .sI1!.. ().S .. ........ it.. ..... ............ � ,. Date Presen'ted......11,P.x, w Resolved, That the /Council hereby awards the contract for furnishing labor and material necessary to do the work of paving 1 Snelling avenue from the Great Northern Bridge to Como avenue West, including sewer or house drains and water service connections, to Thornton Bros. for the sum of $24,328.65 - Engineer's Estimate being $26,640.00. s '$ai&=#brk to be done in strict accordance with the plans, specifications and F.B.812. f C. F. No. 9876— Resolved. That the Council hereby awards the contract for furnishing la- borand material neceaeary to. do the work of paving Spelling avenue from the Great Northern nrldge to Como t. Incluelpir sewer or house ,trains and .ter servic. ouneetioos. i to Thornton Bros. for the sum of $24,328.65, Engineer's Estimate being $26,640.00. - Said work to be done In strict accordance with the plane, sped- ' dcatlons and F. B. 812. Adqpted by tha Council April 7, 1916. j! Approved April 8. 1916. (April 15-1916) Yeas (✓) C oilmen (✓) [`lays F sworth G ✓✓ = _._ ...... In favor eoll Against Mr. Presi Owers FORM C.a-2 Received all TAP iri connection gitb abQV Reso tion. Adopted by the Council .. _ APR. - ....5._...191...._.. A ve _ _ _-.. _ 19r .......................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL - JC377 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_ _ ..._..__.... (3877 COUNCIL FILEN o., ......................... _... Date Presented._. Apr. 6;1916 191........ Resolved, That the Council hereby rejects all bids received for paving Como Avenue from Great Northern Bridge to Dale street, and orders the Commissioner of Public Works to secure the necessary material through the Purchasing Department and do the work by Force Account, in accord- ance with the provisions of the Charter, Yeas (r') Councilmen (✓) Nays r F worth Geo a _3 In Favor L�Keller McColl Against Nash 4-- Yoerg v Mr. President, Powers 4_�— FORM C.a-E e R. " I T.. 5 Z/ - � �__ Adopted -by the Council 191. ._ Approved_ _ _ .191........ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:._ COUNCIL NO........'........L.�.±.�.. Date Presented..Apr...6,.1.916..._......191 _...... Resolved, That the Council hereby awards the contract for furnishing labor and material necessary to do the work of paving Como avenue from Great Northern Bridge to Dale street, including sewer or house drains and water service con- nections, to Thornton Bros. for the sum of $30,167.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $33,688.00. Said work bo be done in strict accordance with the plans, specifications and F.B.813. 1 'C, F. No, 9s7� Reeolved. That the Council hereby nrds the co trnet for f�r�to tdo the �,or and material necessnrysnve from ork f Paving Como a street. et Northorn Brtdge to D le and including ewer or house dralrta water service nnecf1=30,167.00,oEngl- Braesfoorttmaie being E33.88&CO. dance Bork to be done in strict send F. B• - , II `lth the Plana. epeciflcetlonec 1916. Adopted by the 819181 APrll T, i eTg i4 APProved ( r n 16-1916) - Ve c°rine tion Rego Yeas (✓) Co ilmen (V) Nays F Go Ke ✓✓ / In favor r v I/ D Iy] N 11 ?1 Against ,.,Mr.. dei FORM 6-2 g Powers Adopted by the Council.. _ _ _ ap.. __ ........ _...191....... rov ....__.. ..__.191 . .. .. . MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. Fl unca ..._.... . __. .... ......_.... Date Presented_ April _f.,.y.91.6_.._ 191. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids received for paving Canada street from Ninth street to Fourteenth street and orders the Commissioner tZ Public Works to secure the necessary material through the Purchasing De- partment, and liovththwork by Force Account, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. 814. C-117. No. 7876—By Al. N .Go--- Re-olvrd. That the Councilhereby n ... s In the ale—dation of the Contract Committee and hereby ejects nil bids received for paving Canada street from Ninth street to Fourteenth street d orders he Commissioner of Public Works to .,care u the necessary nuterinl through the Purchasing De. i partment, and do the work by For— Account, In accordance with the pro. j vision -of the Charter. F. B 814. j+ Adopted by the Councll April 7, 1716. Approved April 8, 1816. ( April 16-1616) I Yeas (✓) ncilmen (✓) Nays nsworth ss ..In favor IIler 7,9cColl Against ash oerg M nt, Powers FORM c.8 k 77 Adopted by the Council . FIpR 916_ __ 191._._. Appr d_ ! ... _ _ 91..._ A. 1 AUO HOHENSTEIN PU[CHAJINO AO[Nt HARRY W. POWERS CITY OF SAINT PAUL PURCHASING DEPARTMENT April 6,1916. To the Honorable Mayor and Council, City of Saint maul. Gentlemen: Regarding the bids received for paving Canada street from Ninth street to Pburteenth street, the Con- tract Committee begs to recommend that all bids received be rejected and that the Commissioner of Public Yorks be authorized to do said work by Force Account. Lowest bid received $11958.00; Engineer's estimate $11,936.00. Respectfully submitte Chairman Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. pro the making of the following publi pr einem by the Cit" Of The itidersigned hereby pp and t.alc�TZ- r t Sr.land .essar�r--fib Paul, ;�iz.: d cuts a r fflsi slopes ocn.il..r t... t.0 ?_... . � ..... ..... .- .... ....... ..... .... !� ­' qdJ �1 . . ...... ...... t'l-ie r-orth line of Alabama Addit �0. ...... ...... .. .... .... .. ...... .. .... .......... . ... . ....... ..... ..... .. ..... ........ ... Dated this St I I day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. viz. WHFRF.AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, v Grad Ilorton St. _from Lawson St.t..tQ-1h-Q ",Is 0-f Alabama.AdUtion C. 11. N.. 9880— m Where... A written, proposal for the . ..... Noe., 1N - _7�­ eking or tile fol ow off Imp,ovement. ri z : Condemning and taking an a—. - f, I ,rent In the load necellary ton slopes ..... ....... ..... a 1, in grading No- ":' r Lawson so to ton x, t'"".- Street I I,. north line of Alabama Addition No I,, havin� been presented, to the City q - . ............ ...... of 1 11. , of . I. Pan the,, be I, 'oRr%a1-vrd, That the Commissioner 11 �an ..... ..... ... ...... .. .... . having been presented to the Council h, Pablic Work. be and he is hereby or- t. ad directed . To 11"ellng. to the access ly for therefore, be it or"dc*IrablII t ty of the making of. said hereby ordered and directed: I -provemen . 2. To Investigate the nata re. extent RESOLVED, That the Commlssv and estimated cost of said Improve said improvement. .ca,. and the total cast thereof. 1. 3. To url,10 It p, . , train. or To investigate the necessity I sketch of aid Int p ...... t�Mng other veme nt, and the. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, eXti 1. To- furnish Ill. fall. data and Information relative to aid 3. To furnish a plan, profile or' l,prTve,.,,nl. 5. . state whether or not said im- p,ovemont Is asked for on the petition id improvement; ............ three or more owners. 4. To furnish the following oth "I of6 report upon all f the fore- - To going matter. to the Commissioner of ........ ... ... Finance. . ..... .......... . ­ Adopted by the Council April 9, 1916. petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not sai4 Approved April 18, 1916. (Aprl 5-1916) 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the t_,ommissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..... AFP 191 Nays: Yeas: Councilman worth h Approved 1'91"""' a wort G CK r Nash..... ... . . ....... . ... y y 9 May gor. Mayor Po rs Petition Council File No . .... .... ...........� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I\ The uddersigned hereby proposes the making of the followir� pu/bl' improvefn¢$RF�y the City f St Paul, viz.:......._......... ... .._..Z.0...7p.ue...no.xth.. ns_. o.f.;W;'"............. Grade. AOrton $t.,.... xam.....z�ws.on _ ,r F Alabama Addition ITo, 1, ir._.acc.o cl __cc_._1ri. ,. -i ettign@Tetg et_t., had. of 14,f / . ... ... ....... .. _.. ..y ... .. ... _ . Dared this .. 8th....... day o Al�xi.�...... �' ...... _... L. .. 1 I Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ___ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... ...... Grade ITortor St...frora._Lawson St, ...to._the._nQ.:rth.dia-0...of Ala.hama Adai.tion Ido. __ ...... .............................. 9sa1— \Vherens, .\ written Propoa¢I or the .... .. _....... ....... ....... .. ........ ._.... . ._ ...... ........_ ...._ .............-�... making o[ the toon St8 improvement. Crude Norton St. from i.nwson stw to the north line of Alabama Addt- 1 ...... ...... ...... .. .. .............. .......................--.............. ....... ........ tion No. 1. having, been presented to the Council of the CRY of Ft. Pavl therefore.be I[ ...... ........... _......... ..._................. . hi1ving been presented to the Council o R,,,I,ed. T: be the he I. hereby or n ..........- Public works be and he Ie hereby or - therefore, be it nares a¢a Investrieigate 1. To Inveetlgnte the necessity for or deeo-amuu• of the making of sats ereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioi Imnrovemenc z. on ,` investigate the nature, a=c I. To investigate the necessity fo ens eetlmatea e coat of aid Improve - ,aid improvement. m nt. and the total 'net thereof.., 3. To furnish a pian, pro e or ;mens, and the Loral cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, exten eketeh of sald improvement. other 4. To furnish the fallowing Bard data and Information relative to 3. To furnish a plan, profile or s Improvement 6. To stats In or not sold fm- 4. To furnish the following other c provement to sexes far on the Detiuon improvement; .. of three or more owners 6. To report upon all. of the fore- _..._. __ ..._. _..............-........ , going matters to the Commissioner of "" nc Finae. .\dopted by the Council April 9. 1916• tCltlOn Of three Or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said i Appr. eed April 9, 191s. (April 16-1916) W�• of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the fore .,.K ...•••••• Adopted by the Council .............._ ..... 4 t..._.�.v .1. : . 191 ..._..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman. fKr th Approved _...... Ilash yMayor Me or. petition Council File No.... ..... ._............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th llowing pu c improvement by th City of St. Paul, viz.:....Cons.truc.t. a.a.evar....=.S. ...ena..St..-fr ^._a—point 1 i. .:u....saa.t. a.f.._OYxisf....St.....to. �3.adtireJ1J9.t. nc' on...Bid-w l ...Bt_.....fmor- .to.v.e. St—t.o..... D.earb.oxn... S_t..t., ...In _.a4.a.Q ...aro..e.. yilth...Re.t..... ... ..... _.tl .... ............. ... ... Dated this. 8t. lx-y of ..... . _-April ... ... .. �. __.. ]91 6 i Co 'man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ ... __ .......... __0ons.truct_..a.._pp.7q.r. 0.xl..Steve.ins._S.t...._fxQn.._a....R.aiut_1.a.�?....fe.ct.. eaa.t..of.-Ohi.o St. to, Bid ,,eii._st,_._ana on... 3id�e11..,St.._.fro�n_..S.teve.ns....St.,, t.o...Ae.axborn_$t.,.. I ---- C F. T1 for th ...... .. -..- ... _..... Rhenem,.. — +ae, A written P[OPOan .... ....... i ki Conetrp¢[fal aewe �onm73teveneeSt from a point 189 feet cast o[ Onfo 9t. ._ ...... _ ... ......... .... .. .. .... and on Bidwell at. from to Rldweil St. 9levene 9t. to Dearborn 3t, hf I a having been presented to the Council of been Preaentaa co the copn¢u of the City of Ft. Paul therefore. be It t .....- . ... ...... , Roeolved. Thnt the Commiaeloner of or- therefore, be it Public P'orke be and he le hereby dered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissions t• To b°esuauce the °eeauy for or dealramuty of the makins of Baia by ordered and directed: ' Improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for z. To investigate the B.-,toil mp�OVet lid improvement. and ""T th. coat oa[ 2. To investigate the nature, extent —3"t-T'." a inn cam- east profile or nent, and file total cost thereof. furnlah Dlan, Pro 3. To furnish a len, ketch of said improv a to 1.mens, the p profile Or sk 1. To f.r pile ta° plan _ profile or 4. To furnish the following other da�"ketch of said improvement Baia mprovement; data and information relative to ....... .._ ..... ............ Gtat. .meatwhether or not Bald im- ° ....... .._.................... _.._....._......... ..................................... Provmens Is naked for on the petition,....._.................. ..._..... _....._._.............._... three Or more 5. To state whether or not said tmlao. To repo ttouon the°commie the f-rui (tion of three or more owners. 6. TO report upon all Of the forego) lAdl. op ed by the Connell April 6. 1916. of Finance. ' Approved April 8. 1916. , Adopted by the Council...... _........� ".f� �� fAprn is-1916) _....__ ..- _ ._ .tet ...... . Yeas: Nays: Co ncilmf1sworl1h.APProved ..... .. 191er y shMaMayor, CITY OF ST. PAUL S07�" , S COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:__ COUNCIL FILE N 0... .: ................ ... Date Presented April .8th 1916 . Resolved, That Council File No.9500, approved Macch 15, 1916,being an order for the grading of Dudley avenue,between Grantham street and the east Preliminary line of Chelmdford street, and Courail File No.9501, being a order for the condemnation of slopes for grading Dudley avenue,between Grantham street and the east line of Chelmsford street, be and the same is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded. Yeas(17)Co cilmen (✓) Nays\, F worth s In favor ler oll Against LN / g Mr. Presid Powers FORM C.8 -Y C. F. No. 9883—By hl. N. Ooaa— Iteeolved, That Co. 11 File No. 9600, der afar the grading 1fl Dudley avenue, between Grantham street and the east line f Chelmsford at tact. and Council File No. 9501, being n Preliminary Or- der for the "damn.it.. of elopes for grading Dudley u between Grn ntham street u d tthe elast lino f Chelmsford street, be and te ..me Is hereby cancelled, annulled and re- I ecinded. Adoptedby the Council April 8, 1916. Approv cd .1nri1 8, 1916. j (April 15-1916) APR 1916 Adopted by the Council 191 Approv d 191 __... L ... ..... MAYOR Council File No . ... ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uAdersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Sr.ti Paul, viz.: P.XAA0.. D.UdICY.. avon e ue.,between GrArLtham stmeel and th.e.. C.A6.1 lin ofChelmsford -8±9-996t, ... ....... ........ - .... ....... . . ..... - ...... ........... .......... ....... ...... .... ....... ..... ... ............ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: , GXade- Dudl-ey avenue.,.. betwar n -G -rant ham. atmeet arig..Ahe....east 11ne. of ...Clielmofoxid .... ....... ... . . .. ...... . .. . .. .... ...... I.. C. F. 9884— Whe tone, written Proposal for the 'making Of the following Improvement viz: Grade Dudley avenue. between ........... Grantham street and the east It.. of Chelmsford street, having been pre- . ng been presented to the Council of the CS—ted to the Council of the City of having t ,Paul therefore, be It .—v Pub]l'I.ed, That the Commissioner o therefore, be it sorsa .Pe11111 be and he 1. hereby or- f d I rected: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of orl-de To binve.In tytigof to themaking arce.sof old lty.f.r ordered and directed: sira the Improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for 01- t 2. To Investigate the nature, —tent mproVerne'111. and estimated cost of said Improve. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and In ment.Tand the total cost there.f.l. - 3. o furnish a Plan proll or , and 1he total cost thereof. sketch of said Improveme� I. 4. To furnish the following other 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch data and Information relative to old 4. To furnish the following other data an 'Improvement ovement; 5. To amts whether or net sold I.- Provemen I a asked for on the Petition �of three or more owner.. ....... .. ..... .. ........... 6. To report upon all of the fore. going matters to the Commissioner I.na of 5. To state whether or not said impro n of three or more owners. I i lnAdop-tod by the Council April 9, 1910. . Approved April 8. 1916inance. 6. To report upon all of the foregoin (April 15-1916) Adopted by the Council ......... .. WrH, -,'u 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilmak4risworth 1 —Ke r Approved -- t -M oil Nash rg /M.Yo ers Mayor. Counjil File NO. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City Of It_-ea9e08nt in the..and naceasar.Y fOx St. Poaul, vlz.:..00rjdemni.n& -and takJ-n&.an d.,.bat.w.een..--.GraAtham Qjopeg.jor.. o..uta and Li Us in &Tadi-ng DudleY_ S-Venu .: .... ..... ..... the.eas.t line o.f -0halmsfoxii Street, a.tr.o.et And ........ ...... Dated this 8th day of .-APTAI \Councilriian. PRELIMINARY ORDER - WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: condemning xLeceasaxy fQr al.ope.s....for cUts., and and.t.aking an easexajLt in. -the land - in grading,.. Dudlffi-Y ay.en,4e�,het.ween GMan-tham street....and the.. e.aa.t proposal for the line_ Qf.._ChelM5f0xd c.",r,'-a!"1' Improvement. whereas. of the following "I.:and taking all ease - h, .,-.t 1. 1 a lend a-cs.ary for slope - a '.t a and fills in grading 1).dl'y �nan.. a tween G­ntham stre,t and having been presented to the Council the cast between of Chelmsford street, h., - I, been presented to the Council of theCity of St. Paul therefore, be therefore, be it 1 Resolved, That the C...I..Iob..r it of hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commis Public Works be and he 1e hereby or- d.r.d and dir-t-L the necessity for of said improvement. 1. To Investigate 1. To investigate the necessity or �Jesirablllty of the making of aid Improvement. -ovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, ext s, 2. To Investigate the ­tur.. c.1-1 'I and estimated cost of ad Gaprove- mant, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a ):Jan, profile ol a S. offer furnish a plan, profile or ketch of said Improvement 4. To furnish the following othl d4. To fmrnIsh the f.11all g other Said improvement: ata and Information relative to aid Improvement. j... - - 1 1. .. .1. .1 ­ .. .--1 ­. . To late whether or not said Im- ...... .. ... .............. j provement Is asked for on the petition to petition ofthree or more owners. S. To state whether or not sa of 8 three or more owners.of e fors. ..,,.Tl reort uon all matteprs t the Commissithoner of bner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the f Finance. Adopted by the Council Aprll 8, 1916. Approved AprilAt) 18 191 6 Adopted by the Council............_.._.'........_ (April i5-19io) Nays: Yeas: 4sworth Councilman F a Approved.._.. - 91 cr oil #tl Nash ... ............. . r r g Mayor. Mayo ers S CITY OF ST- PAUL S!Q COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL / FILE No.. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That Council File No%9461, approved March 13, 1916, being an order for the condemna$ion of elopes for grading Suburban avenue, from Earl street to Hester street, and Council File No.3466, approved January 19, 1915, being a Preliminary order for grading Suburban avenue, from Earl street to Hester street,be and the same is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded. Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays vFworth IndIn Favor ).,,K '-Mll Against :N r.Preside"I'Powers FORM C.8 -E O c'. F. soNn. 9886—Ay 11. N. Gose Relved. That COun ll Fns No. 9161, I1 a PDrnv.d Macemh 13, 1916, being an Or - dr for the ndnatlon f lopes for Ferndlnl: suburban avenue. fro C', 'g'[rest to Hester street. nd r I`Ile No. 346tHr • Pro iminary nOrdefor 1916, being from Earl grading suburban nvertu st. he- ad the street e, hereby Hesterst1c-carlied, annulled �I—d ress, isad elnded.AdoPted by [he COun 11 April 8, 1916. APpruApril 8, 1916. (Aprtl LS -1916) Adopted by the Councila° 191 App ed 191_ MAYOR G H Herrold Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The vndersigned hereby propbses the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: oondm.nimg and,.tak-ing, an. casement in the land neolessarY--fOx. 81-olpiss for.. o-ut-s and - ft Ile kn- -9-rad-kng - -Suburbaxi - wenue,). from Earl a t -re 0-t-. ­ t.o Heat.er-.-stxee-t, .. ...... . .... . . ...... .... .. ..... ...... ..... ..... ....... ...... .... .. .. ... ..... ...... Dated this day o 19 1.6. ........ .. ..... . ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: (Zonde=A.4Z and t 0. and ., a.Xj,jjg_an easement in the._.Ia_nd ne.c.essary for 810110s for cut ft-11s.1n. grading_ Suburban ..avenue,.from Earl street. tcL Hester at-re.et, 7 C. F. h!f'�as.88A written proposal for the ma owing improvement. ..... ..... ...... .... ... .. ...... .. .... ...... viz: Condemning and taking an ease- ment In the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and ally n grading Suburban . ..... .. .... ........ ............ ............ .. .......... ........ ....... ....................... .... ave nue. from Earl treat to Heater .tre,t, having eon presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul there - having been presented to the Council of the Cit' [ore. be R .1 d, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he to hereby or - therefore, be it detect and directed: To Investigate the Ily for RESOLVED, That the Commissioner Of Pt mrl-destrability of the making of said dered and directed: 1_pr*,1m1nt�.ng.t. 1. To investigate the necessity for or des! 2- To av the nature. --ts"t ;rovement. and estimated cost of said Impro "t. and the total cast thereof. est cas . furnish plan - nil Ille total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and 3 To . profile 01 sketch of said improvement. 4. - furnish h, following other 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch Of data Tnd Inf-mal'ioen relative to said lm,!r,T11m.1nt.a - r .. ............ 4. To furnish the following other data and - . tat whether or nnot said im ment; pr"vement is asked for the petition .of three or more owners. 1. o report Pon all of the fore- ........ ..... .... .... .. .. . . ......... ... . ........... ..I.. Tmatters to the Commissioner of 5. To state whether or not said improver Finance. f three or more owners. Adopt, 1)!',p�c Council April 8, 1916. r. 'ppv� "I 'it 8, 1916. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing, mi (April 15-1916) fence. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman ?414�K_a. nsworth e �19r S Approved... ler Coll oil Nash 7 rg .................... . ........ Mayo ers Mayor. Petition f", S I Council File No. meow. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The +'rldersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of StPaul, viz.:Grad.e Sub-,IX.ban am..e.nUe..,...hetween. Zarl atzeat and Heat.er. atneat . in a.qc.q.r.dAn9p.)Kjt)j attach.ed..... .. .. ..... ... .... . . . . .... ..... .. .......... . ....... .. ...... ..... . . . ..... ..... ..... ... ...... ... f7 Dated this i.. .. ......... day of ... ...... ...... 191 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Suburtlan.. &venue,.-batwo.en Eaxl..atxP_et..-and.'UeRt&x st'r."t.. i-n accordance--- with Petition hereto attacted.. C. F. No. A written proposal for the viz: of the following improvement. Z: Grad, Suburban Avenue, . ........ ... ... ...... . .. .. ... ........ .... . ....... .... ...... I ............... ..... Earl street and Hester street, having been presented to the Councilof the therefore, be It having been presented to the Council o city of "t. "an' C Is.ne.r.of in Resolved to " or W.� That the 'mis h.,eb Public "' be and I, ed: therefore, be it de-d and direcil; '. cT1 ht�ljl!'t ate the neres,ltt'- for or d .1-10 1, of the making of said ereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissiol Improvement. ,j, To Investigate the natdure, extent 1. To investigate the necessity f m,dtestimated rest Of $11 improve. said improvement. en . and the total 'On th.­oI 2. To investigate the nature, exte k'e* To furnish a plan. prontoor ernent, and the total cost thereof. I rh of aid Improvement-,ttit fell 4. To f.rnl-huth. �,. — othed 3. To furnish a plan, profile or 5 date and Inform tion 0, live to sat Improvement. 5 1 improvement: . ...... . r�VeTo state whether or not saldi- 4. To furnish the following other c p ment s ached for on the petition of three or more 6. To report upon all of the fore- g.i.9 mattera to the Comminalon., of i................_.................... ....... ... . .......... Finance. 5. To state whether or not said I Adlplvl�l bY the Council April 8. 1911- �tition of three or more owners. Ap "to a April ll, 1911. t April 15-1916) 6. To report upon all of the tore - - ------ r of Finance. Adopted by the Council ......... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman F � sworth s Approved 191 Cc rfl Nash rg...... ........... ............ Mayors ers Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL No. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE AA 1916 BY7 AUDITEOn 181_ e?7)� l PER t �/ epu itp ompYrolieit"" 98 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons. firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ��� —v 1916 Yeas ( J) Councilmen f, J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 r- Farnsworth F Goa �In favor rov Keller McColl Against O,�ry MAYOR Yoerg Mr. resident Powers S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance, X11,615.37 Street Const. & Rep• -Sal •i ••• 1 24.35 Sewer e 0. - ✓ 634.1 -� S. & S. Cing.-SO CIng. rG 2 C S. & S. " -st et " .. 6'882.25. S. & S. Cing-C y Dump Bridge Bldg. Rep. -S4 • 44 Sprinklin al. 11 5. S. A. Farnsworth.C� Finances Gen. F. -Flection E3p.-2=• ,O 122.33 '• playgrounds-Maint.< 28 • -Sal. 3 park -Employee r 2 757*- 235 park Activities 45 Forestry Revolvin 47 .17 Park -Adm. pub. Bldgs .-I p. & Clks al. pub. Bldgs. -A hitects-S 1 5.8 gandolph He; is School- .8 Am, Schoo Gaultier. hcol 6 Comfort ation-Cons 58.64 Mun. G age -Const. polic -C. & B. 2 2 Wate (Const.) 6, #2 S. A. 'Parnsworth,Com$r. Finance, Street Const. & ReP•-Sal 2' 47. 22. paving Depreciation... 556' Butternut St. Sewer .F.9 .) / Tot-1—LL-21"19-01 .0 C F. No. 9888— Resolved that warrants be drown o[othet herelnnftereasury epe-iftepayable fnnde and in favor of theparmoanta at opposite , their, sDective n mes as speclfled in the following detaRed statement: S. A. Farnsworth. Com'r. Finnnce. ;11.615.3 i. g A. Farnaworth. Co.. Finance. $6.359 32. g. A. Farnsworth, Coni r. Finance,' """A .38. Adopted by the Council April 8, 1916. Approved pprlll815 1 16) m $ 2,926.38 ;j 1 I 1 f $ 2,926.38 ;j 1 I ''► 6890 CITY OF ST, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM_ - Subject Istablished Graft Council File No., y 11 - -r-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � Date Presentee. 191 Rl�SO_:V-J That 'ie grai.A of— V c � TQ /V — — — Scree -c ,-_ Eros � r.. _ �' �eet tono.7���G/���/gbo�q — in accordance with the ref, grace line on the accom;)anying profile and as recommenced by the Commissioner of Pu'�lic Works, be ani" the seine is hereby aC.optef. c.s the established graC_e. C. F. N9. 9690—Ry 1A. N. Goee— Resolved. That the grade f Norton street from Cook street to North line of .\lahlth nth d red K Ntle tllne on accord- are e tpanying profile and as com- mended by the Commissioner of Public t\'orks. lir an the a is hereby n dotted as the c•-.tabli.hed grade. A'looted by the Council April 6. 1916. \Pprovrd April 8, 191 fi. (April 16-1916) Yeas ( ) Cou: ilmen Mays) Y sworth Go Ko l er Pic oll In favor Nas 17, Yoe Against drosic-e ' , °owers .,i.o-?tec by ;he Council 2PR-&1916 dr)roved C bra 9.90- 3 q CITY OF ST. FAUL COUNCIL RLSOLUTIOU In the matter of _conetrug t_r.� a §e_aer on -'91"- trim Front_Strcet ol}efromFront_Street to -Hatch Sere t._ _ - _ - Order 6704 Final Order 9443 - - A!-PR0V:D under Preliminary _ _ - _ - - - - 0 191 6 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby ipproved In the utter of err n er n Colne street otrom Front wtreeat Order tr tree[, under Preliminary up- Order 8794. Final. Order 9448. np- provel Dinrrh 9, 1916. 1� yye, pers ,+ Resolved. That the plane, peclllea-' 3 W •n tions and .etimatee obml trod by the p� Commle.loner t Public Work. for the Ms C III above named improvement be and the M S• e m are hereby pproved. 6�Y "Adapted by the Connell April 8, 1918. - - .[pproved 1prll191 8,9. (April 75-1918) 191 Adopted by the Lo cil______ Yeas: ( ) ( ) Hays Councilman F nsworth G s ler h _. A r erg Mr.President vers -Idaycr- c�ecl�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUIZCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of iridin, _.limey ru.n:n ncrth�4r_d uth in 21_cck 2, 7he set °t pati ;.eal 1state and _ roveii.ent under Preliminary Order _976_ _, Final Order — 8365 _ _ AL -PROUD deo uoer ? 191 5 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public V7orhs for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved r C. F. No. 9892— - In the mntner o[ gradinalley running ,mrth d south 1n Block 9. The West St. Paul Real l;etato and Im- N o C a I all P per% provement Syndicate No. 1 oder Y` co Preliminary Order 976, Finai Order Il with $� Preliminary ed necember 8, 1916. CO f Resolved. Tha• the pions. epecldea- Be t,, On. . tions and estimates submitted by the Cgt Public Work. for the nbove named improvement be and the ad same Bre hereby approved. Adopted by the Council April 6, 1916. Approvedril 8. 19 (April 16-19 ' Adopted by th' App. u 1' 191 _ Council______—_____ Yeas: ( ► ( ) Ilays Councilman Fa sworth / Go U/ Ke er Na r v —191 Yo ✓ — I4r.President Po rs — — — I',faycr- 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ---- Subject:. .. COUNCIL FILE NO.­­ .................... Date Presen d.... _....._.]91........ Resolved, `~ That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Nonpareil 011 Company, a Corporation to erect a build— ing on Lot 86, Hewitts Out Lots for a storage warehouse for gasoline, kerosine and lubricating oils, and tanks thereon for the storaa*e of not exceeding thirty—two thousand (33,000) gallons of kerosine, gasoline and lubricating oil in eight (8) tanks to be placed above ground. This permission is granted subjeot to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, and to the erection and construction of a fireproof buildirg and of said storage tanks in accordance with the ordinances and building regulations of the City, which plane and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. C. I1, No, 0893—By Henry McColl— .. ` Resolved. That permission be and �i the ...a la hereby granted to they Nonpareil Oil Company. a corporation, v i �.� ,✓J - tp reef a bmlaing an Let 66, Hewitt '•a, Out Lots for n storage arehouae fort gasoline, kerosene and lubricating oils. I '---"� and tanks thereon for the storage of not exceeding thirty-two thousand (32,000)gallons of kerosene, gasoline and lubricating oil In eight (8) Lanka / to beplaced above ground. ` This permlaslon Is granted subject to the approval of the Commossloner of Public Safety, and to the arectlon '.n.it .,,.unction or a fireproof build- Ing and or sald.atoruge tank. In ac earns and thu r Ilion Departmente with the ordinances and 'building regulations or the City, which - Yeas (J) Co ulmen (d) Nays pinnn and eonavacunn Ensu be aD- Y the Council g. :......-.'_ 91. 1 / vroV u g...... .- V t wOfth Ue(oro this repo lu tion necomee opera- ..... In favor to Adopted by the Cou ncll Apr. 11. 1916. Approved Apr. 13, 1918. .......-191----- �pr ... _ .... . (April 16-1916) M 11 Against {>� __......... MAYOR M . Preside Powers FORM C.9-2 ,. 01. OFFICE OF JOHN LFAR CY, CITY CLERK 'Pril- l5t! 191' Hon He..rf '.'coo'_', co r. Pu;-,- ic 6 fcty Dc: r -'-ir:- j,t .:) c;.oL C in, :!onp:-.ruil Oil Co. to erect storz,c- •na�el.Ouoc for -c� olinO, n, %-erocenc on Lot C5 HeTil L,) -,o, v; c refcrro -o you ,Ile ;ou..c:., -' itc :.eetin of tllis e,,ti resnectf,illy, L L . HENRY C. DEVLIN '... CH1CI CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY MICOUL COMMI-00IRR BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION April 10, 1916. Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, ;Minn. Dear Sir; - MYLES McNALLY A8318TANT CHI[! In regard to the application of the Nonpareil Oil Company for permieeion to erect a building on Lot 86, Hewitte Out Lots for a storage warehouse for gasoline, kerosene and lubricating oile, and tanks thereon for the storage of not exceeding thirty-two thousand (32,000) gallons of kerosene, gasoline and lubricating oil in eight (8) tanks to be placed above ground. Will Bay that I have inspected said location and recommend that permit be granted and that building be made of fireproof material and that all tanks and piping be equipped with the best gasoline safety appliances, and that this office be notified before tanks are used for further inspection. Yours truly, _ x FIRE MARSHAL 4t ,, Ordinana'e .siithorising Ilia St., Paul Oity:Railway j Companyr tc�a��s oextain �etreefs in the Ultg oft ; St. .Paul Rath granite.bloaga�, f The Couaeil of the City of St. Paul does ordain as follows: geetion 1. The at. Paul Gitg Railways CompanY is hereby[ authorised. end permitted to pave between its Dates rails on Com avenue from Great Rortll®rn Rail ++ r. way Bridge to Dale street; on North -Snelling avenue from Great gortharn RsilwayF :Bridge to Como avenue west; and. on State street from Concord atreet'to Oakdale aV' 6nUe with .granite blooks s;' Section a. This ordiisnc e ,sball be in -force and, r effect 30 dage from and after its passage and publioation. ' Yeas V) Councilmen (✓)Nays Adopted by the Council _ � -� �-— 191.... U3 Farnsworth Goss ' --- In favor ice,,,_ Approv d T` Keller J� INe@em 13'N D. Against ✓✓Nash Al?,C), , Yoerg C'4"'. _... "Mr. President. Powers MAYOR FORM C-8.2 Z't Paul Cltcd n d permitted Y Is hereby nut hits a and perma C t ✓;,�.t.E) auveubetty"n its enter rails o Co C ave a [rot Great Northern Ratlw y 1. ` n //yy Rridge to I>ule 'crest; North 3ne11- j� ing avenue t en a from Great Northern Rail / l way Br idge to Como .1—as went' and On o state street from Concord St. to GG ![ Oak 7 1 al' en ue with granite blaeka. SECTION 2. This ordinance hall he In to [once and yN'. effect 30 days from and after Its pass7. age and publicatlen. Adnpled by the Cc" nclt Apr. 24, 1911, f Yea �lresr PtCrneaor.(,h, Goss. - Keller. Nash. Yoerg, \Ir. PAeeideal 1Powers)—G. Napa—e. :, pprnyrd .,pr. 24, N G. _ WINN POWERS,May x Mayor. ral: JOHN 1. N'.\Ri City Clerk. - - I �luJOHNIAprtl 29-1916) 1616).. Y.; CITY OF ST. PAUL 9I)O COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Ly r9�.15 Subject: GOUNC` NO.----- rILC T Date Presented .191 P /,✓ RE-*LThat be transferredfollowing asdindgcated pursuant to sell intoxicating liqiquors applications duly made therefor. No.----- From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) Don L. Quick, 393 Wabasha St, #64,L. Sohwabel 393 wabaeha St. - 81 An elo A. Bruni 300 E. 6th St. A. Biagi, 30 _ E. 6th St. _. Rlldol-oh Leiner., 859 Randolph St C. F. No. 9896—EY Henry 1dCC(11— ReaolYen eee o s follow initoalentl B liquors b, transferred ..indicated pur- unn[ le npullc 11.ne duly mado there- for: _ No. fb, from L. 8chwnbel, 393 NV -- bash. 9L, to Don 1.. Qulek. 393 Weba- she St. ---�— AngeA. Bunt. 30 St.? to BA. Biagi. 309 Er 6th St - ' E. 6th No 276, from Ed. Adnms. 869 Rnn. dolp AdoSt, to Rudolph Leiner. 669 Ran- dol ph St. App oe ed Athe pr 1 C -U1 ",6I April P. 1916- (April 16-1916) _ Yeas (,/) Znc' en (./)Nays orth 0 ell `2oIc 1 v0' vYoer DIr. President, Pow qFR -" 1g'.5 Adopted by the Council _191— In favor ed/ 191E Against -" MAYOR Subject CITY OF ST. PAUL QC�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION--rLInUOR LICENSE COUNCIL FILE O.�_ Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Mm. A Haas, 2754 W. 7th St. r,___..,.+ 674 So. Wabasha St. respectively Indlcated, he. and the same hereby- are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to Issue such If_... to said applicants upon the t77intr or the bond and the payment of the fee required by In W. NPm. A. Hnns, 2764 11'. 7th St. William poppers, 674 So. Wabasha Ct. Adopted by the Council April S. 1916. Approved April e, 1916. (April 16-1916) Yeas (✓ JFaworth men (✓) Nays APF; `� 1'' 1 b Adopted by the Colin ' 19 �In favorrAgainst ryMAYOR Mr. Presiden CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .... r 9897 ........... .................. COUNCIL ... FILE NO ... .... .... .. ............. ... ......... Date Presented Ppr. $, , .- .........191..6., 4 Resolved, That the aprlication of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the payment of the fee required by law. NA2-1E _OF APDIICA:_T._ E. E. Cleveland, :Ars. Francis Loomis, D. A. :AcDonousin, B, F. Ryan, D. '.:acent, Knoka & Shimada, Elena K., Eayrs, K. A. hasaie, P.rigman & Har1_er, CLlifano ..,'wselli, H. J. Simonetta Charles F. Smites; Thos. Tobin, CilaB, .' ells, ':.iletecn & '7upan, ri.urinkman>;r — Tc,oe. Tobin, K. Vande "oortelle, Cass. E. L'uley, Nick 2-ieyer, J. V. Henderaon, David Pouliot, Wilfred Goulet; J. P. Scott, James ;;te°.avin, D. G. Dueiu er, M. A. Ischida, Yeas(✓) M FORM C -A-3 HQTT OF TF AUrA-17 .iotel Tuluth, Festaure-nt, 7'usineB3 ?punch, Lunch F.00m, Lunch Room, Lunch F,00m, Lunch To om, Lunch Ir.oom, Lunca Pow, restaurant, Feetaurant-, - Festaurant, Restaurant, 17rite 'ear ' t .cote' , rusiness Lunca, hoarding House, Hotel, "eville "ctel, St Elmo !iotel, Leland 3otei, F.amsey '-otel, transit Hotel, Minnesota otel, Vienna Hotel, Abbot Hotel, Lunch Room, Lunch .Room, 54— LOCATIO'_'._- 57-59 L.7ta 255 8mitn 380 Como Ave. 578 Temperance k--2513 University 175 F', 7th 52 " 6 til 242 E. 4th -4481 St. Peter .444 Vit. Pater 1i3-115 VIT. 6t -c' (2nd floor) 412-414 Jackson 444 St. Peter 421 i'. 7th 83 `il% Summit 412-414 Jackson 77 F 3rd 64 W. 10th 52 10th 384 Jackson 209 F. 3rd 420 :_innesota 18 F. 7th 527 viabasha 678 Selby Ave. 480 Vabasha CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. 0)907 COUNCIL FILE NO. -- --- - ----- ----- --- . ..... .. . ........ . ........... .......... ...... ............. ...... ...... Date Presented. __Apr'-___........191._6.-- Resolved, 6 Resolved, Hotels 6r ester -a 1— owne hereby apo g t issue -8 by lw;; "Zoo NA:,17.-, OF APYINA.17. George Liaros, A. Floris, _urs. :Mina G. Jenkins, C. E. C. 3amn,, I ti foilorr0 ons :ec iv 1 ctea�en 00" t P f n on r nd th C k to said . '! .1. the P.�.erit the Vents up H=L A 17,T LCA. F 4s9 Jackson Lunch Poom, 4;7 9 vlabaalla Restaurant, - 3 peter jTof't)rau Festaurant, 4".9 S'4 Restaurant, 274 7th Reetaurant, 388 nneeota Yeas(V) ilmen (v) Nays worth In favor e r W. Summit Ave. Oil Against 9 1 Mr. Pre e Powers FORM c 77 E. 3rd St. awl ..,nnalo J. 'A1._'A!I _­aa1 as .,t.j.qs,5& Lunch, 4! H. Brinkma' 6.rding House, 83 W. Summit Ave. Thos. Tobin, Hotel. 412-414 Jackson. K. Vande Nfoortelle. Seville Hotel, 77 E. 3rd St. Ch... E. Daley, St. BI— Hotel, 64 W. 10th St. Nick 131,ver, Leland Hotel. 52% W. 10th S 0'h9 ' J. V. Henderson, Ramsey Hotel, 384 Jackson St. David Pouliot, Transit Hotel, 209 EL 3rd St. Wilfred Goulat, Minnesota Hotel, 420 St. J P. Scott. Vienna Hotel, 18 E. 7th. James McNavin, Abbott Hotel, 527 Wabash. St. I D. G. Buehler, Lunch Room, 678 Selby Ave. M. A. T.chld.. Lunch Room, 460 W. - b ash eore Llaros. Lunch Room. 469 g JGack... St. 191 1. ,a r1s, Res leukins, 469 Web sba. Mrs. Mina G. Jenkins, HoRes. taurtnt 449 St. Peter St. C .1114per. Restaurant. 274 W. 7th St. E. C. Gamm. Restaurant. 368 Minne. so ta St. Ad,, Council by the Ccl! April 8, 1916. App'!_ed April a. "'s (April 15-1916) MAYOR Resolved, �r���I�GT/l^r4t GAP, C. F. No. — 9898 ' Resolved. That the bids for certifl- entex for local Improvements, n ported to the Council Dy the Commie - •loner of Finance ,der date o[ April 7th. 19th, be and the nme ¢re herabY o cepted, the•. being Considered sntlxfnctory by sthe xaid Co..]..l over. Adopted by the CoIn. n,tl Apr 11 10, 7916. Approved April 10. 1916. (April 16-1916) V I Yeas (✓) Con cilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council. .. ....._..._._.._.... 191....... Farin worth C 71n favor Approved. lr __....._._....... 1. .. Kelt ` ... _ �._.. M 11 _..Against N Y ......:Mw YOR President Powers FORM C.B•Y C ,,.J'�i1Ti urr 1)gntuleyd of f , April 7th, ....... ..; 1916- S. A. TARN S WORTH, GOnnia --- JOHN T HAGLUND. D"U" Con niasio ncn ' To The Honorable City Council, r Building. Gentlemen: to report that pursuant to Section 267, of I have the honor the Charter, and Ordinance No. 3423 (C.F.#4205) at a public sale held April let, 1916, I received bids for Certificates for Total Improvements as follows: AMOUNT DUE THEREON BID RECEIVED FOR. CERTIFICATE NO. G.3793 40.90 $71.86 G.9573 3.56 ) 13.568.73 B13169 ) B.19509 62 92 5.98 0.3500 6.07 $25.00 C.8695 D.3571# 6.76 ) F.1808 6'48 ) 65.14 ) 4235 69.48 ) G.6251 G. 6745 $120.18) 102.331 $25.00 1.9619 11.85 G.4447 131.71 ) ) E.9626 )) 131.71) _ _ $50.00 E.9697 44.90)) G.4442 �71 `(b E.9698 131.71 44.90 G.4443 F.9722 G.9966 131.711 ) 36.54 (Bee other Page). F..9721 131.71 ) 96.67 ) G.9967 } - F.9724 131.71) ) 36.51) ))) G.9965 PPPPP- �rpartmjcnt of :lFittanirr S. A FARNS WORTH. GommisaiomcP JOHN T HAGLUND. D—UTI Gonniasionca CERTIFICATE NO.' AMOUNT DUE THEREON BID RECEIVED FOR. F.9725 $131 71 G.9964 36:5fl I reconanend that the above bids be accepted. Respectfully, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. D. G. Gayton. Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDEWO, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of he foll win III St. Paul, viz.: Rea onstr.UC-t,--,rel-aY ani. . T-air—M-t-IP Q.0. Q1. IT91—'M , Rt P e .. ........ ... ;toft by I 14ity n t!i-Pf. ...Xy nne n -rth to al: Carroll Ave., N. �e, beginnin Mackabin S herce asT, y4 Dated this. ......10th. ay of ..April . ... . ....... ........ . . ... ......... . ... /-,C 0 It/ Ilman*. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ey WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: wd.. r P tr fflth a qmCntidth ofsix. feet I . .. .... ... the alde.vaaka On -thc- ............. . ...... I - - p.9.9 §qj��,h to alley. PRELIMINARY ORDERS..thence nojtH't6 alley Maokubiri St., E. aide, be w.. 9899__ Where... A written pr. Tra,...I for the �I.g of the following improvement. .. Reconstruct, relay and repair, having been presented to the Council of thi with, cement Tine to af,"thin' .trfeet ; ........ ...... .. . ..... .... ....... . .... ...... the IdeWalk n the following at.:. Arundel at., E. aid., beginning at Ron - therefore, be it do St., thence south to alley; Mackubin at., E. Bide, beginning atllCarroll AvM:bv ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner thence north to aey; Carroll e., side, beginning at Mucicubin St., thence - CI east 94 feet, having b onto' 'i improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for t �,en, P.,",t P at he Council of the C a therefore be it 2. To investigate the nature, extent all pUrbt.xuIv,;d. That the Commissioner :fent, and the total cost thereof. II Wodirected: ks be and he I. hereby or. dared and directed 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket 1. To luve.nli.j. the necessity for or desirability of the ..king of aid Improvement. )provement; 4. To furnish the following other data .. .... Im... ..... ........2. To Investigate the nature, np,Ov._extent, I, and estimated coat of ..I went, and the total cost thereof. .. .... ....... ....... ... ............... a To furnish a plan, protile or............... sketch of said Improvement. IM ....... ... T . o state . a . t - e ............ whether . .. o . r - It . or sa�i-d 5.4. To furnish the following therlion of three or more owners. data and Information relative to aid, 6. To report upon all of the forego t improvement. Finance. 5. To state whether or not said I. -If provement Is asked for an the petition AHH .1 of three or are owner"' 0 Adopted by the Council... .... .......... ..ura- matters reporttupon au ofI n.t ters 0 the COT In loser of Finance. Yeas: Adopted i by th'Council Apr. 10, 1916. A'provedApr,,ll,Is. M Counc man Farnsworth a (April 22-1916i Goss Xp �—pro v e 191 Keller McColl XXtmiF Nash Yoerg .........._..1 .. ......... I ....... .... ....a� soy My., PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the St. Paul, viz.: Q.onstr.uct a_aement tile--Bi-di both sid s of Orchard.._St_ b.t".,p I j!� .'. ;; xe _both ...... tion. mat.o...; in. Iv.Q.or(lama.e. with....vl(v ..... . ....... ..... .... .... ... . .... .... /...ri Dated this.. 1.Q..t11.-,/daY Of .... ... ..... ..... Petition Council File No. ... ....... 9 � 0 , nprovement by the City of and/foxi iuo_�, ...... ...... . . ..... ....... 1 .... ......... -r .... . . . .......... .. ....... 19 .6.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .... ...... . . of-eiz: feet.. an both aides F. No. 99�00_ Whereas, kl, f A written Pregnant for the . [a n o the following mprorement. : . c--c-t file A d.w.lk ... .......... ....... ...... ............. ....... . b c - - width Of six feet a 0' r �h . rd St. between Chatsworth both sides of. and h-t.w.rth SL I L"'ngt" Ave.,,h­,ag been pre... . ...... . ....... ..n led to the .a I pro .. ......... . .. ...... . . .......... Bt.Paultherefore, be l" the fly of 1 -fl, Thilt the Cot having been presented to the C d�lbllc Works be and hernmissioner of uncilman ................. .. ... . ... ored and directed: 1. hereby or - therefore, be it Or 'd.sior_ amenity of a—c ... Ity.for lia t, king of said 2�ro,vernent. To RESOLVED That the C9 ana .0 inve.tigate the nature, -:tent d he is hereby ordered and directed: tl..t d mOnt, and th: tol.'stostf said J.Pro- 1. To investigate the nei ' . thereof. king of said improvement. .k�tcb`cf s.1ir'cl'.mh"c' plan, Profile or, 4, To furnish the "I" ' 2. To investigate the nat" data and l.f.r..ti.n fr-el'a-Mvla 9 [herd improvement, and the total cost thereof. to said it. 3. To furnish a plan, pr Improvement 6. To whether or of said I.- Provern.nt 1. asked for on 4. To furnish the followi;.— the Petitlonive to said improvement; ... . . ..... ............ hl,, or or, owners. To report upon p n all of the fore . ... ....... ....... ....... . ....... ... I .... ...... ­­­ ...... ............ ­­ .. ....... . :cIng matter. to to, Commissioner of 5. To state whether or. Adopted by the Conn... Ar. ill, ff. , on the petition of three or more owners. 11"In ii APV roved April 11, 1916. 6. To report upon all (April 22_1916) � missioner of Finance. Adopted by the Court T .....1..'Q ................ 10 191 Yens: Nays: Councilman F sworth Approved .. ............. 191 s e. oil Nash Yg ............. �fm Y .............. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a`..,gQn^e Subject:_.. _ .. _... _. _. _..._._. COUNCIL'•` �lV 1 FILE . ✓............... ........ Date Presented. Apr 11 11 7th -16- 191.. ... Resolved 2hat the Cpuncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for the construction of a sewer on Cook St. from Frans St. to a point 50 ft. E. of the E. Line of Earl St., to Christ Johnson at lump sum price bid of $742.50. Engineer's estimate being $900:00. Formal Bid No. 818. I:rNN c�J- 'rhal II.. h .......... �Id. i n.. 1 n�ren.� laara. n,.. -I for Ili.. � iri nirtLm. in I�ni n�i "'�O�If i. I:..I ail a Ili �'t Ilt Ilnluni,i l�:nrl i ... V llrl�••fl�1�11�-f1£712.n^111:i��ilirri'w Ifl�i £!,00.00. F,11,1l Itis£ Nn i CIR! 111. lOtfr. .\I�I�rn�e�l \0ri1 11! IO 1 (April 15-191G) Receiv0d all connection pi Reso utioil. i �- Yeas (I' ) (V) Nays In favor Against �0 . Adopted by the Council 191 l Approved /� 191... . MAYOR 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject.(�(� (�12 COUNCIL t�JQ FILE NO,' Date Presented 191 Resolved, It That the proper city officials are here -by authorized to pay to Cornelius F.aagerty, out of the Workmens' Compensation Account of the seneral Fund, the sum of Thirty Dollars, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, arising out of injuries received by him while in the employ of the City on the 4th day of June, 1915, •- r. Na 1912-- t xexolyea. That the proP•r nitr oel_ olnl.v n e herih}�lutnonv�a to pay to (`n rnellnv Iin>,•Fert\., rt f the \York- menA ('nrn Penxa tion Aec•ount nr the Inra�Fal RunA. the x or ThirDol- In na rt hrl x•[tlemrent of hlxty elnlm �•;�invt thy I'll �, nri xin t' nut n( InJu Flex rei �..�7 1i1 him „hllr In the em Ploy of the ('I7 nn the "It rht )' of ,inns. 197. .\rinpt e'l th by e (•nu na it .\pr. ]0. 19155. nr. 11. 1916. (Apr11 15-1916) I hereby recommend the ove resolu ion for aesa o ner, o.f/?ubl Wa'rka A Imen (✓) Nays orth FORM C.8 -H Adopted by the Council 191 In favor r Approved. L Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C319(1 ,3 Subject:. 1UNCI FILE FILE NO.. .... Date Presented 191 Resolved, Nat the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Matthew O'Rourke, out of the Workmens' Compensation Account of the 3eneral Fund, the sum of Twenty Seven Dollars, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of injuries re- ceived by him while in the employ of the City on the 2®th day of August, 1915. lie ,Ieod. Thnt the proper rite offl- a•htla + e hr rehy authorized to pay to Matthee, (rRourl<e, out of thr Mork- mVen..allun Arrau It of the ral i•'u nd. the of Txenty Ser", Ilnlinr�. In partial settlement of his rinim agalnst thr Clly. ari xing by of Inlurlrs relved Ly him .. h�llottI. the r tVloy orf the (-Ity nn the 20th day of August, 1916. Adopted 11% the (' Iu it Apr. la• 1916. Approved April 11, 1916. (April 16-1916) I herebyre ommend tha'above/resolut on for pas age,` Z___Commissio ez o ubl�c�7orks. Yeas (✓) CoL )Nays / F G/'- In favor K Against Mr. FORM C.a-2 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191 �._OR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: t COUNCIL FILE NO Date Presented P1901,$ 990/1 Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay, out of the workmens' Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Twenty Six Dollwrs, to E. E. Carson, in partial settlement of his claim agsinst the City, arising by reason of injuries received by him while employed on the Gaultier School on the 10th day of November, 1915. n�u 99s�hnt `�ho i�eny,°,ti�ory>u�'s"nt ,.1„lil„• .1-nrwi;e, er„1 Fn r',. hre ol° of of of �h�ltullurr.t o< ^ ne,n- tnitr ,lxrt tt\eTeri+\nVt hl p•ryllen the 1�14 rnyt the`.e1v'el.nnitler 1915'r 10. 1916. nrle� ,n1 v.i1 °tnih�ovet(uupe\1 �P � Pin., ,lad' It) 11, 191G. 11ot�iloPtt• d �P�priltl6-19161 1 .\Prove l I hereby recommend the ah ve resol tion for I}ssage, F Commissioner of gtks, Play rounds, arld Public! %Buildings.,” .i 191 YeasJ­Nu ✓) Nays i /`/ Adopted by the Council 191 In favor Approved 191 ✓ Against lo Mr. ► M1�d MAYOR FORM C.8-2 _wyW A In the Matter of rnis-:= .' ani installing ornamental lis: tTIIs�c er.� on 7 hsi3ea c° fest Fou st, fr ,aba ;:a at to S ve- Cor r cC is c ,-na_nental. ams and s e ar.. Yc^Rs toEe nor •with anderJroun �t.'u con3eos- tir--there-itn and the nece•sary Nires and eq'dipment fer conveyyin--lectric nt t`her6to. I under I-Cliulinary Order 89p approve(i Jan. lBC, �l , Intermediary Order _ approved _. A public hearing haviug been had upon the above iniproveulent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons. objections and recommendations relative thervio, and having fully considered the scone: therefore, be it RESOLVED, I3y the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the preci.e nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said Ci.t is Furnisa and install ornamental lithtinE system on both sides of 'nest Fourth at. frog 's::asha at. y to c=.ven Corners, const=E tinof Or— ' nanental lamps and lamp posts together 'Ni..1 undargrour' conauita connecting there:vith and neces:iary Nires �.nl equipment for conveying electric.,urrent and the Council hereby order.; >aid in;prnvemm ent to be ade, Rii,- LMNED FURTHER, Th:�t the Couunissioner of Public Work be and he is hereby instructed and di - reefed to prepare plans and specitieatiuns for snid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval: that upon said approval, the proper cit. officers arc hereby outborired and diremi d to pro -ed t1-i.ih the making of said improvement in accordancr thcrellith.- n• ; _%dopicd by the Council 1 1!11 :Approved !' / / Councilman Farnsworth " Goss Kellet " McColl J " pY�o�er�g_ M atjflWWs►'r:r:� Form R. 5 A. 8.7 ity FJerJd 191 Acting Ma% r. i.. a. -Ing having above improvement relative thereto.. and h: considered the same; there olved, 13y the Council Of the Paul that the precise nature, a d kind f Improvement tc by the veld City is furniah ent.l liuhtint sy,tem Idea aof west Fourth St. f, St. [o Seven Corners . c� ental lamps and la. ,gether with undersrodnd c 'seting therewith and n fres and ,glllpment for ec elec•trir c ent thereto. and un ci ell hereb yr orders said im- .at to be made. ted Further, That the COmmi.- f Public Work. be d he le 'Instructed and directed to pre - 'lane and specification. for said ent, and submit same..to the 1 for approval; that upon .aid al, the proper city oRfsen arpro e authorized and directed to - 'h the making of said I accord.... therewth. i by the —un. n Apr. 10. 1916. d April 11. 1916. (April 16-1916) „:;L1sHED I CITY OF ST. PAUL � + t DEPARTMENT OF FINANC / -R REPORT OF 4Z', COMMISSIONERNA�IC ON RRELIMINARY O E In the Matter of ti sr --- -- --...... - --------- ------ - - — -- ---- ------------------------------ ----- - ... ------ - f --- - �� under Preliminary Order approved -------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ 0 0 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-------Z� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - -$--- ------ -- ........... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i Z J � AIL e✓ �� (U J ronr e. a.w. ea w TOTAL, /4 I 0'4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' 1_•__ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ✓ .ON PRELIMINARY ORDER cep DESCRIPTION r, LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION zL l0 .Z/ /7�i1cr �'�G o RJC S�o� /Oa. 1`oZ/ o 0 � � % /✓ % � yea" , �1 L�ld%tif � f �' �' nIL� i % �h�i / � u o c o r r � L 4q la� CL i p c•x- fes, 07.7 %i�� f /- �aa.'T C, O O 4 s cl ✓ay��� ys% i, -41 IOPM e.9.11. 9-E e TOTAL. TOTAL. ASSESSED rA UATI N/ 7j�,` �jfJ�v Z, 6 11 H Q 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ ! REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION GSC£ /U o u U / O r v Y (r ✓ 6` el,. /4- y el,' s, (I � TOTAL. ASSESSED rA UATI N/ 7j�,` �jfJ�v Z, 6 11 H Q 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION L i cel 4,• ASSESSED VALUATION e�C/F yL ,2 -, z z�' o 7dc O C r � � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public W,grks. Dated 191 CZiL.2.G!'�%�2%- mmissioner of. Finance. -RM e.e.A. 8-5C v_. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works t. r Report to Commissioner of Finance February 11, 191 6 ....................... ............................. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimiutuy order of the Cour- eil, known as Council File No. 8842 _..._.upproved_.January 18,_..._.. ___..]91..6..., relative to ___._._. __.. o.rnasnental_1.igk�t.i.>ag .e.Ye.I m._on both sided of VP. Fourth St. from .Wabasha .St. t.n_.Sesen__C.arne.r.a, and having investigated the natters slid thiugs referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ____.uecesseuy and (or) desirable. L. 'file estimated cost thereof is$._._XXXX and the total cost thereof is 7,285.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is___..___ __ _...__.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Commissioner of Public Wnrks. TY/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DER RTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS WIN. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLET, D— Co......... OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.Re E.m.A/n J. E. CAR ROLL Su COM—no. k Re -1, ALFRED JACKSON. Sin. S�.T-- G. H. HERROLD. 0"'C' E.m.ee. H. W. GOETItNGER $uoi, St. Paul, Minn. Feb. 10, 1916. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - Referring to preliminary order for the installing of an ornamental lighting system on both aides of West Fourth St. from Wabasha St. to Seven Corners, together with necessary underground conduits, wiring and 44 ornamental lamp posts controlled in groups of 10 posts, in accordance with Council File #8842, approved Jan. 18, 1916, I estimate the cost of this construction to be $72285.00 Yours very truly, Dict. O.C.M. Chief Engineer Moog 660 Nift St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 26th. 1916. We the undersigned, property owners, located between Wabasha Street and Seven Corners, on West Fourth Street, petition the City of St. Paul Council to have installed the Way-ofLight on both sides of West Fourth Street from Wabasha Street to Seven Corners NAME ADDRESS ------------------------------------------- t& ---------------------. _- ,t MORE NOV 6 1915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, JAM 191916 ]BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, CITY OF ST. PAUL .. Council Resolution ---General Form tilt of ).e pi r t i� ULincil r�ile No. Date Presented 191 Ilk ✓ Bv NI �i �I.\ F:II, '1 hal ;lin �;. Paul t:n. I.ich� �oii vnnr',. hc;el,; ,;�lerel anJ ;lira tcA t•c. ten;l ira cica lrir al lines L� ere. ring n•Ics xnd si; ivvive r�iren rhera�v lar tl;a ,,d f d Four poles on Duluth u Ave a from Maryland Street to Urange Strept. Five poles on ;at(,r Works Right of 'rosy from Uranp(- Street to Ily Street. Light poles on Ivy Street from Earl Street to Lake t1hiC., n. Two poles on the corner of Avon Street and 'i4est Central Avenues. Two poles on tires corner of Fisk Street and West Central Avenue. Two poles un the currier of Victoria Street and West Central Avenua Two poles on the corner of Lilton Street and West Central Avenue. Two poles on the corner of Chatsworth Street and v,eSt Central Avenue. Une pole on the northwest corner of ilkin Street and J,cBoRl Street/ Four poles on Whitall Street from Vieut.minoter Street to Arkwright Street. 2. • Mine poles on Magnolia Street from Arkwrlght Street to Bradley Street. Four poles on Westminster Street from York Street to Case Street. Five poles on Case Street s from Westminster to A,rkwright Street. Four poles on Arkwright Strest.from lWyland Street to Rose Street. With necessary guys. on 'agn� t,9L to Bradley b �olee on Wnetminete. St. St. to Caes St. Case St.. from P ,ter toras kwrlght St. sur n Arkwrlght St. tr r o Roe. St., with nee n Chatsworth St. b,. and West .Ilnr Ave, nt the 1 Palaee St. from City Arco. Two polesonCY,atsworth Street between 3t.Anthony Avenue and r -est Contral Avenue. right -poles on Snellin: Avenue at the intersection of c;treet from Palace Street to i,incoln Avenue. Fifteen poles on rilnona Street from Smith Avenue to Charlton Street. Three poles in alley between usage Street and Como Lake Shore Drive- way, from Souta Street to Como Avenue. Une pole on Lake Shore Driveway. four hundred feet west of Como Avenue 11ith necessary guys. .111 • u.li a -Id ' .d x .1,,,61 h. a ed nod. ode, the d.", .d �,nr r ,• the � sm..�.,ver of 1'ui„ii l'lil t,en and in all ,I,in ,_ .,h� •�i ul hdina c \n and •irall onc�r lax uI -d;,n -d .Ir,t o1 the I j, .I St. i'a.l� � "I\11 I II �c 1loco[ d Ilcr is ,'a. rhet�n n r . •aio fI I1,: l,ihrie. e11.11 deeconte x.d .hallh h ht and harp ,a 1c all dei I I and II I o1c I 1 hen doxn r „I re, ov d, d , h ricer (dared..dere, nand x1--er rl c r o n..1 .hall dnn,n chat Ihn 1 . . n„re.i .,rc,nrc• and .hen it .boll .n ,.,der. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas f 1 Cow clime. ( ) Nays IF oR rI1 Or. Presi Approved —// _ 19; iA& no Mayor "”" cr—gm. TIM !'I TBLISHM -// /S C. F. No. 990 An ordinance , Ordinance iiil ordina:ce to amend adm,nistrative Ordinance Uumber February 3r. Ing the Bala ergen Y 1rdiu n�:nce fixing ..ry for the pr. 3660, approve' February 3rd, 1916, an ordihe Ile peace, healli The Council of I salsries of cort�lln cit,, Cmp1Oy2eS. This ordinance is a , does ordain: SE p That Adminis'a' emergency ordinance rendered necessar; for t%:�: `,servation 3660. approved F.to ordinance fixing the cityployees. be of the public peace, health, and safet:; . e amended by trikin One thereof. the w $70 per hanr:• and ,COU:AIIT OF y�TCI'i Or T.thereof. the wrord.. 3I per hour:' and b� said Section of Words, "Electrician Section 1. That ddministrative Ordinance -umber 3,560, and inserting In word.. "Ele.etri,hie and bytriking out of .aid ordtnanee. t approved February 3rd, 1916, an ordinance filing the salaries er, $.62% per hour. PP place thereof the ..70 per hour:' a .aid seen of certain city employees, be and is `ereby amended by Striking mand., "r. erti nfi It out from Section Or,� ti- -:re0', t;:o words, 9rick-Layer, `v.70 per hour," ..nl inscrtinr> in place thereof, the words, "'?rick - Layer, ;•.75 per hour," and by strikin, out from said Section of said Ordinance, the words, "--lectrician, $.53 1/8 per hour," and inserting in dace thereof, the words, "electrician, 456;, per hour," and by striking out iron. saii Section of said Ordinance, the words ''Plasterer, '.621,- per hour, an' insertii.- t, in place thereof "I"astcrer,�?."C ger 1_cr:,, and by strikinF- out, from sr:i; Section of said Ordinance, the words, "Painte•F•, k.50 per hour," and in:ertira in plrce thereof the words, "Painters, .55 per hour," and by strikir.r out from said Section of sz_ic Ordirtfnce, the v;nrds, "Cemert Fini:l.ers, x.55 t per hour," and inserting in place t;ereof tl�e word., Cement FinisLers, $.6,0 to b.70 per Y_Ourlt, ar.d ir_ser';:r:r in said Oection after the words, "Screen_ Cleaner at $65.CO per month," of said Ordint:,ce,At}e a;Crds, " Shect Wetrrl ori;crs, b.GO per hoer. Sectior. 2. T':is or:lii•a.l.cc is icre't declared to bu al, emergency oruir -.ce rcrdcrud necessel", for th,u rruservati•or, of the public: pez:ee, health, tnl? safet;;. Sectior 3. ThiE ordina-.•:ce shell t.ke ef`'ect and be in force, immedit tel.r upon, its ps::etgc, epproval and publication. Yeas (t') Councilmen (i') Nays Farnsworth Goss�Egainst favor Keller McColl Nash —,/Yoerg 1' -Mr. [4€stdent, Powers 'ORM C.9-2 Adopted by the Council H G 191 6 ~ MAYOR An ordinance to amend in trativ Or nance bar ordinan: fixing th�� 3660, approved February 3rd, 1. 6, EL S�l - aries of certain city emplO es. T is ordi ce is an ergency ordinance rende�d neces ry for thi prese ation-of e �.blic peace, health, and\,,eaf Y. THE COUNCI,, \ OF THE CITY OF PAUL DO ORDAIN Section Th AdminYistr iverdino Numbs 3660, approved Februs, i 3rd, 191 , ary / 0 inence f _ingthe s rise of certain c y employees, bel n is here y ame4ed s riking out from S Dion One thereof, words "Brie Lay r, 70 per hour," a Ineerting it pl ce there ;the wore, Brie -Layer, $.75 p hour," and by st i ng out frosai� Se tion of said Ordi nye, the words, 0 31 ctricisn/," $.5 3 r hour,* and ins riling in piece tl)ereo the w rd Oziec cian, $.5 -j per Ur" L an + S. �ot i is ordinance is her eclare to be an j Thergency ordirl" C e/r ndered necessary for t preser ation of the public peacey health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance sha I take effec and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval, and pu ication. : N , AFFILIATED UNIONS L. U. No. 61 S!. Pool L. U. No. I86 MW, L. U. No. 686 Dlpl.,. L. U. Na 880 TIn CUP L. r/. No. 9.16 T'0. CUP L. U. No. I086 'T Hn Cltp .' .,. TWIN CITY DISTRICT COUNCIL No. 22 of Brotherhood Painters, Docoralors and Paperhangers of America RAMSEY AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES MEETS AT OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, 1921 UNIVERSITY AVE Punta - .a,.:.fa. 'ne,µ1'� Printed on tinlon-made P.P.I. ST. PAUL. MINN., Anril- 35--}3}491_ cit'1 Council of St Paul; C.. , .. . . Cirs:- ❑--r'to�o^l;t:.i n i ca c---tai-i- - tre scale '.vl es `^r P:':inters Decorritors and Pa er'..ir.,;ers ^r `.his vear ^m ^c n ':ay lot i'=1; and Contin le to idav tat 1917. Ac t`-- Cit;` has ir. _....._ .,::.ploy a ..ulster of our mer,:bers t ta'se.. relative to s s T': ii^.r _ to-.*. :at -..ia :` . icn '�e a el .l r= ,,,cre _..., :first o ,:a•.. �r .. -.ZINVg40 681 L UGIW .Id n.00�o'J COMMON COUNCIL 16t' vaul. fRilm. :'r. 1Irneot P. ',(,a, Secly :)_strict Coulicill :10- :,2, 1921 Jnivorsity FIVI;., Lear Sir.— Your co.jjunJc,-1jin under data of AT)r. 2501, relative to the Be.,19 of wages for Painters, lecorators and PIper— banoere for year of ;,2,,y let 1916 to !::iy lot 1917, was read bef )re .,he Coucil at its --joatt,47, of Apr 25til, and the pro -)or ordinance w..,) xionded t provide for the iaynont of tim unio.i scale of Wa,7es to paintrs, decoratoro and •aperhanrers- you kindly inforT. me, by return snail, what oc:,J-,? o, mages has been ud-,pted fox- the year conD*encinf-, Lay lat. Very re,,I)ec-L fal lY, City Clerk. L. AFFILIATED UNIONS L. U. NO. 61 Sr. Pool L. U. Na. 186 Wt.. L. U. No. 586 mp/s. L. U. N. 880 T"'I. CUP L U. No 946 T'rin CUP L U. No 1086 T"'l- CIN -'a r i c a," TWIN CITY I DISTRICT COUNCIL No. 22 of Brotherhood Painters, Docoralors and Paperhangers of America RAMSEY AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES AIEFTS AT 0AFICF or THE SECRETARY, 1921 UNIVERSITY AVE. 1 ?.'0- " — Printed on llnlon-made PAPOr. ST. PAUL, MINN.,A r.r I I -P,8 I al 6 191 at In3d t S al f -r X1.1'- t -VaV�l t'-- e ear a 5 a t I 7' cit 1, 3 1, c- c -re nn f Iv a-- re i at r t! e, a,' t x TTE7 CITY Anly= C ATCIL Painters, �Pccijt. rs, and Pripeihan,(,rs V AW-iea offices: 1,21 Znlv�rnity AVP. N,W.:!Owag 1157 6t. 1pni Win-. Auty '10 cp;wl TAY C L ACr, M CO Lf S1. : -ol Ljz� P:­uT Lay 1, "IE, m�d c^ inuv to L N 1, is! R!._Lt Ours shill ccnititut- a days wnrk. 2na 2ifty.f.v- rento er h.ur 0�11 .:e the N:nimum sonic Cf w Cn- j%id V j vincj2en, %inters , ?a-row.1prs ::nd Uocn,t: In Zrd W-rhina hours NOl be counted fr m b AA. N b P.Z. THE h-ur irternmion, 7w; fr-n 12 o'clo-V A�. to 1 O'c"Ok Pn" ...cr. not to rejort at the shcrs beBro, VA A.U, or c n yon Wfore 7:45 AN, 4th All ever tim- on regular after 5 °'h -a"] uail f r at the rnt- of time ani n! "h"f , ond an w e: 6n,e rn laturday aftern -n, 37n ,, i j, la7 3 tb. July 4th, :, N.", =4 Christmas sh,11 cr TiA Or it the rQ- rf d,nblo time. Q cork to be 4-ne on lo; r 7ij. Fth Ur meArr in this Astrict wi 1 bp gill won 0 Jhp sub-ci,tr,-t.- fr-m the emylcyer, �OlthPr VAL thCy UP AS 0 e:. r:. "ith !;- hors r nen-uni�n mei? — snv , .rt f WOU �.sKwc, inq piler elpaning cr any chnn,cica. f Eth Ourricymen sort cut9inc cf the City when rwc<�.-rY t I '.rd amay fr-n hcme snAl receive fui- bCjrQ nd r.ilv"d fnK h, 14i - ti -n V their rcvulnr jiy. 9th Pay dny shall be c� jAurd"v Pe tw , n thr, hour. cf 11 2, r.- 1: -0 P.M., n -t mrry tion ow wck aqnt, L "hick ill W: 1 ; — shil: b- paid in full u to jaiJA-,' niw n c r, � , A i-,-. c m c n is disphirged he Kill be paid in ful' At tnc tin, A such Va- char;p. 5th Shops empicy1ne jr avcrngp of three jvnrnncay shnn! le en- titled to one apprentice, and one for ,:Ick 11 j':urle_y- men employed. Al'_ arc rentiecs U.11 ur t -"a Py An aSnewnt ir identure papers, apfrcrad by the District Z. ar2i:, 9th The representatives of the DO tris, Council SnAl he SAIWA tc visit men on jets Burin: workinS n"rs w busamns. W luji- nPas agents shall nK nAl men off wk before the ccVrxt r cr his authorized agent hAve T h e I .rt;- . ,. i 1 -1 they. meet and settle the differ nee. if the ccntrqvtcr is 'ut -f the city 24 hrurs shill be nllo­'.-.,Pd before the men ai- c I., I :ff. Page -2- 10th Saturday afternc,n shall bo conrid-red a Holiday and - mom - ?x%, : i ,here It s Yh, 01 t; A ber shall work on Miwf�&rn, a i :,, V! , o 71 r a :nit it is absolutely n tv 7 in! must be made net 1K A be done. The Bu -+,W? K n essary, , shall Q - . -�l I ,.I q! all time worked a&- n,Lr Su,jIdly and un W 0"1" midnight Sunday. filth Union men c"17- U eAylvw" Building Trades Con�rlls- If �:" , Q cp ur—iOr MIn on account of the scars"tV ny P") 0- J71y' - cd nnt �xncua work under the rules of sn)d U=011 fr 0 1" in!- 6 days. Should such men quaivfy, they shell join the 1WO n if kept employed. 12th No member of this local union shall be allowed to use a brush larger than 4J in, in flat or oil point. lath No member of this District shall be loaned cut without first obtaining permission from the District Council or business Mat. 14th Any member cwrking below the regular sea!, of wj6ey On ll Cr, fined, expelled or removed from the union, as the trial may determine. 15th The above rules shall arTiy to all men in our craft the jurisdiction claimed by this District Ccunsil in E=U Hennepin counties and within twenty-five miles of the OW of the Twin cities. 16th Thi spray will only be rermitted in water color nni thPA only on open joist work. All other water color work must bo done wity kalqaminp or water color brush, ?, R. ?AV7RGE, PrPsidant. EFNEST ?. LEE, ioorot3ry. Drle An Ordinance amending an Administrative Ordinance entitled "An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Department of Public Safety, its organization, its officers and employee, their qualifications and appointment, comrensation, powers, = and duties", approved August 3rd,1915. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section I. That an Administrative Ordinance entitled " An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Department of Public Safety, its organization, its officers and employes, their qualifications and appointment, compensation, powers and duties", approved Au#ust 3rd, 1915, be and the same is hereby amended as ;I follows: - By striking out the words and figures, "A Secretary to the Chief Health Officer, at an annual salary of "$750.00," in the 5th line of Subdivision B. of Section 8 of said Ordinance arA inserting in lieu thereof, "One Senior Stenographer at an annual 39.18,77 of $900.00." Section II. This is an emargency'ordinance and shall take effect and be in force imr.ediaitely on its passage, ap.roval and publication. dminlxtrxu°e UepxRtnent ur�;anlsnnun. us ofr 4 tnelr nuauerxunns - _. itlon, pow a ppro vt•ed ed AaFuet ]rd, xxme is hereby amen 9strihin, It the Secretary to the !Ih �, R lee r. t xn xnaunl e 00-" In the 61h line of SW r Section 8 or said itrdlr itlnX In Ilea thereof. eraoher It xn nnnu:,l // r / Yeas (t') Councilmen (✓) Nays _ "oo �• /��l�j/J 191 `- ✓ it �// a r I, z, 1op[ed by the Council Ls em�rnene,. Farnsworth � �i�ixke �rcert x 1 ne i Goss In favor ]anon. its pxssai;e. Keller pied by u,e t nnm Approved 191.. ./ s—\{r cars. Fx r, ' Mccoll Against h. wer 1—a. _ Nash �Yoerg A1T,; MAYOR Mr. P, sident, Powers JOi;i, ��-_ � �16 FORM ce-z C . • _ rk. �t ".1.ISHF� s t Drle An Ordinance amending an Administrative Ordinance entitled "An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Department of Public Safety, its organization, its officers and employee, their qualifications and appointment, comrensation, powers, = and duties", approved August 3rd,1915. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section I. That an Administrative Ordinance entitled " An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Department of Public Safety, its organization, its officers and employes, their qualifications and appointment, compensation, powers and duties", approved Au#ust 3rd, 1915, be and the same is hereby amended as ;I follows: - By striking out the words and figures, "A Secretary to the Chief Health Officer, at an annual salary of "$750.00," in the 5th line of Subdivision B. of Section 8 of said Ordinance arA inserting in lieu thereof, "One Senior Stenographer at an annual 39.18,77 of $900.00." Section II. This is an emargency'ordinance and shall take effect and be in force imr.ediaitely on its passage, ap.roval and publication. dminlxtrxu°e UepxRtnent ur�;anlsnnun. us ofr 4 tnelr nuauerxunns - _. itlon, pow a ppro vt•ed ed AaFuet ]rd, xxme is hereby amen 9strihin, It the Secretary to the !Ih �, R lee r. t xn xnaunl e 00-" In the 61h line of SW r Section 8 or said itrdlr itlnX In Ilea thereof. eraoher It xn nnnu:,l // r / Yeas (t') Councilmen (✓) Nays _ "oo �• /��l�j/J 191 `- ✓ it �// a r I, z, 1op[ed by the Council Ls em�rnene,. Farnsworth � �i�ixke �rcert x 1 ne i Goss In favor ]anon. its pxssai;e. Keller pied by u,e t nnm Approved 191.. ./ s—\{r cars. Fx r, ' Mccoll Against h. wer 1—a. _ Nash �Yoerg A1T,; MAYOR Mr. P, sident, Powers JOi;i, ��-_ � �16 FORM ce-z C . • _ rk. �t ".1.ISHF� Request of J. B.Hinchman, 175 Yaria Ave. Council File No. .._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 909 and PRELIMINARY' ORDER. ' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f wing public improveme by ape City. t' Con eruct a eet.Ie tZI :.i 1 St. Paul,viz.: f the west side or Karia Ave. b it it;..._at Q .an_tl c.,..thc c ..earth. a + w00feet. _ ....{ __ ......... _ � d � A� ,xz1 191 U l Dated this 10th tip Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: _ .......... Construct a cement .Al—e d.rcr .]}�..tQ._.8..'ri.dth--o= six_feet or the velat. side or'.feria Ave. be in::1 :n; at TJrban_YT.ece, thQrnce north 2C10_.feet.... .................... . ............. . ............... ...................................... ...................... ............................... .. ............................ n aoo a to the co%. J by Councilman _ having been presented to the Council '& r nt ther,f.,o. ht ,. Thatthe Comm{se therefore, be it xa oe dna ho to her directed: RESOLVED. That the Commissiot , ves."gat,- of t..neg dobe and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for.' gate th na<a re, ae snaking of said improx'em,�nt. to' eoeteihore.f. said improvement, and the total cost thereof. Z. TO investigate the nature, extent,,.U h pian, profl' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sPil ^°ineefni1—In, ennem. ,uon r, - 4. To furnish the following other d -•*i,— relative to said improvement: _ _ .......... 5. To state whether or not Said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. n 1' •c Adopted by the Council - 191 Yeas: Net's: / Councilman Fars orth Approved / �j 191 _...... Gos Kel r Hash i d Yo a..". �=or 4yor Po s t w PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Pc"; - 1;i on Council File No. ....... _._ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of • oti—ac. a s; St. Paul, viz.: _..CQ tx Coo,,_. . feet o- 'tic. --ort', ^ide o" .7ec� dire S _. _ue', rc r<_l. N.t.. _t_rid ,rees_.S.t. in ac t:orlwncn o .a e'.,o ac!'ed. ...................................... ....... Dated this 11th day of Aur l 191 ,, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF,REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: cr' r1 ,,i r c , ;s 1.: e S' . L .,, rl._ St. rti' ., roll( o ioun tuei _...... _ _.._.. - __.........._., ,t ..- atn Ade of Sessem the . S[. and Cypress Vit., h. - having been presented to the Council of t ,i t-i,ated(to the Co ti�"icor tht cdman _ nesolt'ed. Tltut [he It mlael. therefore, be it 1'u blle works be and he In here. tiered T. Innd U..te the neeesel, is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commission r ae.lr,tbllty or tete making improyemen t. of said improvement. J. To investigate the necessity for z. To Investigate the p cure. e cod a "T"d coat or s id I- 2. To investigate the nature, extent tent• na the total eoet mere. ;rdrovement, and the. total cost thereof. n3. To rurnleh a plan. t k t h of said Improvement e c 3. to furnish a plan, profile or sk(a. To r1f lsn the rallow auto and Inrormnuna relatr 4. To furnish the following other da Im6 -)ogm `u[.ew•h ve. to said improvement: , nrotemeni la - .. of three or .. ..... ..... .. _. .. F,6..- 5. To state whether or not said mlpf'ot' ,�'a:nt is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council 1 191, _. Yeas: Nays: Councilman jKe worth yl/ Approved _ __ ..._ __ 191 r oilgayor rs :Mayor. Rcquest of 2oaers Council File No. . .... . .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making,, the follow g public impro mentAl the Cit% of / St. Paul, viz.: �.l.zl.avardi-n Ashlvmd. f "' 0 OM S in;.. Ave. to clev,�lar,�, Ayco,, ;irr,-!IU e4r- sewer., �,7.-Ger, tand ac cor.,b),xe1q.P.s.,;rrOM "v "a . .. ...... .... ---- --- . .... ...... .......... . 81 tr 0 e t M�l 1 n PQ t pre 0 propQ %7. t e e not. 1;1 VISO t alley q'i drivQway app.1-0 bes w 5's� n Dated this of April 6 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Niz.: A2h!---gid Svc. Srel),inE, AvQ. to sewer, water -and, L -as_ cani-oct-JoiiB-Zr.o-Ta msdo, also Am .1 ad l �,j cl 9. , yi,; t- neoeoaary. having been presented to the Council of the. City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commi.,sionci of and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the, necessity "t-or"o' "n"n making of said improvement. end I .1,ondy n—b,. an, i 2. To investigate the nature, (:.,t,. I'd Improvement, and the. total cost thereof. Cou-il of 'be " oof S. 3. To furnish a plan, profile. ore it .'e,olved.bThat the CommLasic"' ,Work. be 'live to said improvement: 4. To furnish the follm� ing other J all' nd etre lted�.nd he le he To I—tijotte the n-te �alrabiltty of the malting To ln—tlgioa the natui 5. To state -whether or not said li, 'tlrated t.—taIt 'of t tb Bell he ne:or on the petition of three or more, owners. 6. To report upon all of the. loteR,,ing 1, 1 pl- Commissioner of Firianec. Adopted by the Council 4 Yeas: Councilman F, s�%orih Nays: 'I Is GIs Approved K er 1 011 fi i� Ila i h Y y rg Mayor Po' rs t Mayor. eUBLISHED &/� 0 Request of ',;ayor lowers / Council File No. _...... 4f3) f.2 PROPOSAL"FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the tnakuig, St. Paul, viz.:. Paas,,-, curU1 i., ar,P :1 s to Summnil Ave. i:_cludirc- ower, stroot_mairS.ta_nrc. r.lille.C.. EJso inc.ltidin,"_.r�.].. e al, a., drile .a Dated this lit^_._ day of Al ./a la the, (lowing public ii Eater an��;&s__c. r ulct.�t? l:,ne n, 0*I bN thy , :city of tOVh; 1JlAve. ectio-`rom.... .......... nptb capary....... "..._.. __._ 191 .y.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imprrnement, viz: Pz i1 , ,s. Li:d oor.levairlinr.c'.r.ior_Age... r0" water, and ..:a cocr_eciona ta.)m _ s ree'c ir.s to._.B.T0-pert.z _.11i1 r complat.c.,._rihare...not, alrcad :..ade, a so in 7udir, alle-. and d_a .roaches_ v�1er;:. i,ece .ar P_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of ,:'"" ` t, 'r. .....I int' It ;.c hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for of ,Tea. Tn"t the commiea,oner n. said improvement. c works be and he Is hereby or - 2. To investigate, the nature. extent ar ' "a mreotea: g To Invesugnle then ..ire r, vement, and the tidal cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile of ske p�o��eme t. or the nakio� or .: 2. To Investigate the ."lure. —t,, 4. To furnish the following other dal" estiros[ ld nt. anamated eneolf,pro me tal en.tofe"tberr. lid lmproenr, To rurni.n plan, prof) 1oh of an ld improvement. .. .. ..... _.......... To rprnish the f. and Information n - --- 5. To state whether or tint said impr.' enc n,�dr on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing?�tnle "h"t h, t,',, „ , 'Commissioner of Finance. .adopted by the Council ..._. _ _ :.'.i ..i.. :.-.. 191 Yeas: Gos �IillrNays: Councilman Farn 'oith Approved _ ._ . 191..... Kell tit c IOTA Mayor PoNve e.. .. Mayor. / t: Rei;uest of tia.yor covers Council File No. i.97 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY.ORDER. kA, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the �followi public 11 Oprovement 11,01the City of 4'�' , tnc�ive. y.t.Q.-. I've, fr ni- . �,�e-' Sr. Paul, viz.: 01 .37 Dc- .10,11�-�,t(,'.I.-...,�.r-.,,,I....Iil,,.... c.PT'�Occ io: street to, jc r.Q t S .. ..... ... ywins to n1-c,,-crty lires co7q) ,there rod... ar :(y Eradq -6 1 cw ac:':Qs 71 P Q C A a r;p; k. jr, Q Dated this day of I 1 9 1 1 Cincilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Pavi U, 1. 1-�-�c zni;11i� ��ve. to Crc-,i:-- .1vC.oti-eet f co. CtQ o ma i r u o..T�ro-nert..,Ji,-�,cc ...... .... in- d 2�1 cc C-' Mc-"' r C having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ¢ -I-- Ino,j . I . ng . a 1 11, If he is hereby ordered and directed: -66i4.a'h- ,,here "se.- . I. To investigate thenccessit� for -ertv to the co"mg of said improvement. , - P -o] th—f.rs, b t tad s Commissioner ork, ahe In hereby o nprovement, and the total cost thereof. extent Work, - e 2. To investigate the nature, extent ad'dire edR 3. To furnish a plan, profile or ske JIMI�oa t' ",e 1heaknecessity f� —ratty he to Jog of ". 4. To furnish the lollok% Ing other clat, Investigate the aatur,, -t to said improvement: cost )f ralled '2os o sola Imr d the t.1 eOat thlrr,', furn sit a Plan .......... Held Improves h ov., , 5. To state whether or not said inip. 11 .,sKed for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the COMMISSIOTICT' of Finance. Adopted by the. Council Q Yeas: Nays: Councilman F4arn worth Approved Gos 11 Kell r Me 11 --/.,.r Yoer Powe s Mayor. FUBLISHED D PROPOSAL FOR IMI and PRELIMINARY The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the tgo% St. Paul, viz.:..Pavir. , curbin /LI"v dirto prcpc laG�es Dated this lQtrl..._ day 9V. A. S'il_ - l/___ j ?egne o:' I.,a;,,or Powers Council File No. ' V 1 ag ublic improYemeq hN thelCuy of a ,Ic by i.'rq[ SSelli .., Ave. ! ._ e. and_ c,..az�c�,�ior.s. :-c.m__.. IV, not. »' i et -.Ay ;v&d:e.,_ clso PRELIMINARY ORDER. exc nV4.lxy- 19 Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mak+ng of the following improvement, ciz: _ And Har;uo. Ave. f a Srcl.li_:. Ave. _ to airvievt Ave.,,. it lar' '. _ so -"!or' _ tc - V' -.d _ ;;o:.;rc`4 oils from_ street_. mins ,to=roter:_;._.li, es_co .p1_etc, ;:.^r _et._,lreciy_rrAde, also ircludin.R r:1.l.e ._r�?1 driyegtay_envroache3 :r_ero :eqc ;ar . having been presented to the Council of the City St. Paid by Councilman . . therefore, be it nne�tio, dose;: a� npemi8 unua mp.., RESOLVED, Thal the Commiss driveway wavo�o htinrwn°h. and he is he,reb� ordered .md directed: having been presented to I. To investigate the necessity ,f the city of st. Pam then, making of said improcentrnt. xeaol;ed, Tnat the comm) - 2. To investigate the nature, erten red and directed ane la ' tid improvement, and thc iota] cost thereof. 1. To Investigate the nec, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sY deals . ly of the maklnt nl. provemenL 4. To furnish the, following other d i To Investigate the cater.I .ve to said improvement: eallmatea eoae ,ala 't, and the total coat there T' turnleh n plan. Drr �sld Improvement.- ........ ... 1 .. ........... ...... ..... _ ........ ';..h "„ f"5. To state whether or not said improver � , for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council___ ..__L•' A. 191 Yeas: # Nays: Councilman Farn+worth Gosi ,approved � ..z 191.& Kellr Mc'' oil >a�iTc sh ayor Po% rs `' Mayor. o.. r sss ZIU13LISBED 111' / 1/� Re,,aest 0' :,IaYor rosters Council File No 17-- 37--<3SAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY OR lie cjf� of The undersigned hereby prop�,--�-- making o ie folio /lig public inap". St. Paul, viz.: b ole.Vardi4V� Bel.by *.�7YJpx( Ave to Cxstin eve zawa r y1a t at- ani j.r.on t.reet --mqins to P2:o-Ir' r";Y -r�- mqA.e �t 1. so 11 and --way approil.h, s /e',,(, necespgry,,,- Dated thisof 441-;-44 0/ 191 6 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A %vritt(-,ri pro[4�sa I I he making of the following improvement, viz.: IF, 9n1 Q an 5._J.... ro,!!i: rv-ev, ;,ve. to If Qj r,,o having been presented to the Council Q ri ie City of St. Paul by Councilman ........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commis! --i; c r —f Pu" he is hrrebr ordered and directed: I. To investigate tli,: necessity *7 —1— ng of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, ex- th' - �';i "d 6, th refor'e'."I, provement, and the total cost thereof. 3. 10 furnish a plan, profile Z '�g•r That he C1111111111, k. be and he 1a hereby I. To furnish the following othe-- dlgetc, ed: j_ gaithout. — ... ItY to improvement: .1 2 _1>111ty of making of said Invesitigni. the nature. ext et —t of Bald I'm— 5. To state whether or not sai—I .1- , -- thereol., T:->e—efncill 1, -, , T, 16f on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the few x— c i r-1 P., matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council 191 - . Yeas: Councilman Far sworth F Nays: Ll Go Approved 191 t-- Kel r Mc oil Na sk-t Yoe oe /., or owe s P P Mayor. f'UBLI Regl:c2t of ";,u or Powers clo Council File No. ._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and l' PRELIMINARY ORDER: The undersigned hereby proposes the making c)JA e followinj public improveni ste i the Cite of f St. Paul, viz.:. _. Yin, , . curbin z_ and A*a,:l nvardi C_evela Ave/ frnla 1- St. Anthony-... Ave. to. S.s.sli .Aye._, arcl.0 z ,._s.o tc.,i.:, ;t t.ct :and as T b 4 On:from 3vrc C onr eCt]N...tp _-,Q):,p?ar ,, 1.1cs 4n .ul' e.y.tr..er11p ot ;r .u. cad iuidc, V'; o _ :i _r-'.z a ,l� r a a-D �erahes_rtr_e .e re csstii Dated this 1 )': - ay of A z^.l 191 Councjlman.' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, ,\ wriucn proposal for the making of the following inwrowment, Niz: Pavir. , curbing_ and bowl evarciir n, cvctIuALcl._eve. _ fro:c_.S,_ Antlhor- Ave. to Sw .lit sIve.,. i::c1 ',ir:;_ 3et•'exwater_ar:d na:;_cor_i ac.tions .from street .aipe 1.o pr�rerty.jjn.Q.9cor; flet.c, .�'th.c_ c n.ot..alreadi inade-, also including- alle.y_,.�nd dr .ye?ay,, ppxo..acha _et}.<ere_.nec.assar -.- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be itp. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of J ne°��1 " j" •s hereby ordered and directed: ;•.0", )e rn� eomrr,;galonej ><. said improvement. L To investigate the- necessit for or d 't°" ''� a he t. heron,,. pr g l , 1 street ed: - at�aniuiatloatee.u> mrvernent, and Il:c Intal cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, e.ztent and temenc. ne p,ai<ms or M ro mte.au -a eam 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch umateaoa roe of oatata nprrxtent th 4. To furnish the tollo%cing other data an°oa foernlah total th,,!wole_id mtprovement: 'r o,",Improten,en i. profile o n,rman the follok-InA of S. To state whether or not sari improvemeni is .Yt,kt n, the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report .upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ 191 _ .. . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Faros orth / Goss approved / ._ L _ 191 _..._ Kelle !!! McCo \� Slash�'`?� Yoerg , Mayor PoNver Mayor. •�•. � ' ' pt'i3LISiIF.O Re,quost of Mayor Powers Council File No. . ..... .. .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORPE&. The undersigned herebv proposes the rrutking�he followin public improvrit6rit b)( the CjKt Oy St. Paul, viz.: -in Ave -to_oiryaland- Ave., .......... . atxcoi� Ljajjj.�j, to.pro, 310rlpic�k'e' Are nor.t. . 14iieach!A dy �Iso including all Xaeh e;. drIvemLy app -0 ere nece Dated this 10th- day of 1914 ,: Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followniv. improvement, Na.: and ;lev&rding -2ort-iard...Avc- fron 3;tie2l.in,�; Ave.,. to C--evejand Ave...,.. includAri-- secret,. wLitel, Mrd = onrecti.ors, from street ,��y a.p .p-roaobet, al. ear'... y!1.1 er e _rL e Q Q having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of hereby ordered and directed: ToI. investigate the necessity for 01 ji'r the °f f said improNenii-tit. ....... vement, anti IIIv 1(,Ill cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent anc.bl I, h h 'ed ithd direet,d: T 3. To furnish a plan. profile or 1-1e 'th', f h h;ot h r 4. To furnish the follok% inj! other data 2 th" "hot"', yid improvement: 'i e.tith"""e"'h'.'t hf -"I hd he to—] 11— the'., 'It. P 5. To state whether or not said iniprm th'e he petition of three or more owners. I 6. To report upon all of the foregoing ma, ..h 11 1 1 11, ,'ommissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Yeas: Nays. Councilman Fa)Slxorlli Approved 1-96 Ke e 'rr Mc oil Yoe 4 /Mavor Poxv'rs Mayor. Reclizeut of —ayo- Powers (11()l R Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and J/ PRELIMINARY OPER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of..Ae follow'ing public improvcmcptrlb% ihq,' itv�f St. Pat eet Av.e...' iL,1 U,U. sle gat ,3 . �.n' I, x to ')j:rr'j)er"ylilloo It o_; P1 Aler C... It OV-dy o Is i Audi ale, end VVow.�y, t:p-feaqhes J rn recoc gipa Dated this 10th.—daypf April 191 4 Co unc i Im PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following inipyo\cment, kiz.: Srn'lines Ave. to Cre%j; AVp, , UdirF '. Q 7a t Qr ald in- �.'c to.. 1: 0 Q Q. r. C Q. art ' Tp Q, r�" n Q r 4- cur, Q 0 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioners -0 he is hereb% ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for ,•t r...... "',Ing of said improvement. '1'!hn'� 11h, Connnni�o,ere";nn, 2. To investigate the nature, extent �c,%vork, in, -Ind hl� 11 he -b) triproVement, and tht� total cost thereof. d "'d di—q- 3. To furnish a plan, profile or ske t , nr *1 I'll, .Int. 4. To furnish the.- following other data tgf— the nat"", c to said imllroveme.Tlt: he '—o pinn. P"- 5. To state whether or not said improverricti , t . is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the, Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas: Nays: Ciquicilman Fa nsworth G s 'or Approved 1-2 - 191 Ke er M M c oil 11ash • Yoe _ g . . ... .... oe g Pow r, Mayor Pow rs Mayor. I CITrD CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL e FILE N 0... ...._... ._ _. . Date Presented_ 191 I' Resolved, that the civarette license No. 18, expiring Mar. 23,],917, now in the na^-e of Chas. Ingles, 513 St. Peter St., be and the same hereby is transferred to Peter Colas, 475 Wabasha 8t. Yeas ( r') Councilmen ( v') Nays Farnsworth Goss / In favor IKeller /McColl Against Nash Yoerg t F, No. :;919-1:)lletlr) %Ic[;oll— ii+8,1—d, That the ing-et to l.lcenxe . e�Virl nl: \Inr. 3Y. 1l17• n.I7 In Inl:li•9, i13 tit. t v[.. li��'n n;l the xatne 1-0'y Ix 11.1 r� rrril f.. 1'eler l'i,l n.r, ", %% I h,, .\,lulrt ail by tl,r t' Al— 1916 1,l (.vnril 1u-19 L6) Adopted by the Council N' 11rj,' -191........ AppwvcOl/ _1916 CITY OF TST. PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTrON—GENERAL FORM Subjects COUNCIL he FILE N o.______.... 9 Date Presented. .. 191 1 � Resolved, that the cigarette license No. 455 expiring Oct. 1, 1916, now in the name of J. E. Gates, 667 Wabasha fit., be and the same hereby is transferred to Mrs. Della Stark, 667 Wabasha St. I'. 11.\o. 9920—H1- Henri' MU CoII— ,,_.lrerl, Thal lh�- Ctlarelle 1.11enxe 955 ra nlrint; ()et. 1. 1916, n w In Ill.- I :!f ,l. H. t:aler, 667 Wabasha ..1t. 1,: nr a:l the n e hereh)' Ix trane- fcrr: �l I,rI:ella Stark. 667 Waba- .ha .11. \:ir�nt�•:I h, Ih.• 1'o Il A,— ll. 1916. \ V yro�.•.1 :\ nr. 12. 1916. 1.\Irrll 1 �-19101 Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓.) Nays aP Adopted by the Council A $ 1 u LFarnsworth Can In favor Ker /////�� APPr v.... ..... 91 : #417011 V _ Against .tet 4Nash 3� t m :�E.r,:.ST,r\.,_aw��'_r"`�kr>i6y�,y�'. �±�• .. "� &`�. .M ..i�;,MAYORS''�' COUNCIL FILE NO . ............. By.....---.._... .. W - FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Grad -tag zN cw: 4pkA street from Payne avenue to Walsh avenue .............. . ..... ...... .. Payne .. ...... ........ .................. .... .......... ....... .......... .................. ... ... ..... .... ...... ............ .. .... ... . .......... .... .................. .......... . ............ . .... ....... .... - .... .................. ...... ...... ........................ .......... . . . . .......... ........................................... .......... ........... under Preliminary order _ 77.5.9 .... ...... ­ . ........... ..... ..... ... approved ........... ... Nay.e.m..be.r an.d IntermediaryOrder .. ............ . ........ . ..................... .......... ....... approved..........._........._...__........... ........... .. -----• . ........... A public-, hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council I having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City avenue to .. . ..... .........9Pa..1.s..h avenue . ....... ...... . ...... . _­_...._..__. . ......... ......... ...... . . . ........... grading e. to taApvper. Older 7759, ot .... ...... — ------ . . ....... . ........ .................... . . . — ---- -------- . .................... d;ll 915' '. .9 h-1.9 b..n h at ve Improvement upon d d the Council having hes,......... ........... .. ... . . .......... . ..................... . ...... .. ........ ..... . . . .... . ............... . ... .................... .......... . ........ 1 Council h ObJect one and recomme, lathe � h et ve I trato, and h.,I, naldered the same; thereto . . ............ ved, BY the Council of the C I"I IhIl III ......... . ..... . ......... . ............. . . . . . ....... ....... . . . . ......... ­ ................ . 4 k led of 1mDrovemeat to the said City Is grade and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ma( y N St. fm roPayne Ave. to Wn "d theCouncil hereb5 c. v; to b RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of I'.roPth"urtIl.ork`.t.r.W. mode. ThIh at . hereby instructed and . directed to prepare plans and specifications for said impr, t.,trucd.d ! a,"nd and �o, mv same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are net ­4'y' h:' orized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... --------- - - . . ...... .......... ---- Approved ­ ---- --- ... ....... . .... .. .... ... .... . ..... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss eL—LISHED Keller McColl Nash Yoerg /.Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE SAI REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON#-RELIMINARY ORDER r �1....._ In the Matter ci �/-•1-� �7 �---- ------- ...._--- -------.......--_.._._....- ----- --- - - -- -- -fes- -� --�d_LLGI-„1 ........._.. - .._.. -------- ------- -------- - - - - - -- - - p'L---- _- - --- under Preliminary Order approved -- - --.�.-�" --- -- --- -- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - S -..1.,.235.53_._ -.........-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION LO Y � ✓ V i v L) a ,/ a Ll TOTAL,(/ CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FitELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION V ALUATION- � Q?r/O✓rlk..ti�u/.�iJ �J 1 ' � v v ` 1 ' � 1 I J ` L� ✓ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / 7 ✓/ 191 >,.��.../ _._.. .. Dated - - --- - Commissioner of Finance. ronw e.e.w. e s c f�l✓�JIK!'V/lr iU OV 1 1915) t. Patel, f.'irn. .October 4th, 1915 M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC Wot, To M. N. Goss, Comnissinner of Rtblic Works, We, the undersicrned nronerty owners, petition your Dot--artment for the grading of Nebraska Street from Payne Ave. to Walsh Ave. Respectfully signed, C, � d1"L _N�.7C�3zo����adfU February 15, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. ,1 Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Nebraska Street, from Payne Avenue to Walsh Avenue, in accordance with Council File Nd. 7759, approved December 2, 1915 . Approximate estimate $1735.52 Cost per front foot .903 Frontage 1923.05 ft. Excess inspection 34.03 Respectfully submitted, 0, to Chief Engineer. JEC%MH CITY fOF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T' GOURLEY, D— Co--- OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C -F Em-.. ' J. E. CARROLL SUPT. Coxrrno 1 & REP -1 ALFRED JACKSON, S.I. S—IAT ox G. N. NERROLD, Once E-mrEE , N. W. GOETZINGER, S.- Wo.a—n _ February 15, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. ,1 Dear Sir; I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Nebraska Street, from Payne Avenue to Walsh Avenue, in accordance with Council File Nd. 7759, approved December 2, 1915 . Approximate estimate $1735.52 Cost per front foot .903 Frontage 1923.05 ft. Excess inspection 34.03 Respectfully submitted, 0, to Chief Engineer. JEC%MH O icMe 79f-,�-the';AC(smmissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February_ 17_th To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil,7759 December 2 .....:-191...J., relative to......__- known as Council File No. .......... _................ .._.........._.._....._.....approved_....._ _..........._....__......... +. the ....grading ....of.....PLela.reska....Stx.e.e......... from ....P.Ayn.e.....Ave.Aue.... tA..YA1..�h.....A_oe..,.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... necessary and (or) desirable. .903¢ per front foot 1735.52 Z. The estimated cost thereof is $---- ............................ and the total cost thereof is F._.._...........__A..... ........... . and Frontage 1923.05 feet Excess inspection $34.03 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___..._.......__..._._.... ... ..__...................._..__..... ....... _........................ _..... ............ ........ . ...._ ..... ...... ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............... ............. ......_................ -......................... .............. .............. .._..... ...... ...._.._.................. ...................... .................... ........._....... ..... 5. Said improvement is_ .......... .__ ..................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commi Ione of Public. Works. ) • '" CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 91922 Subject:...._ ............. COUNCIL FILE NO... ........... _.......... Date Presented __April_ lltth., 1916- RESOLUTION 916- RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTFNT OF EASEMENT Resolved, TO BE TAKE? IDT CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Nebrq ka Avenue, from Payne Avenue to 1aleh -venue under preliminary order #7771, approved Nov. 2, 1915, and Intermediary Order #9505, approved March 15th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and deterraines the amount of land to be taken for -the above named improvement is an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting on Nebraska Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Pubic Works in the matter, dated April 11th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and mee a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grafting of said street to the established grade. , e0. for , , for cutut e arm of Nebrua is a Is tae to Walsh Ilminary Order No.. Nov. 1916, and Inter,' ,lder No. 9566, approved 1, 16. Commissioner of Public M. submitted his report and e' above matter, be It .evolved. (1) That the City d hereby fixes and determl 6 O nt Of land to be taken eamed Improvement is "for elope., for cute art' a.. the land nboiling e ., between the pointe _extent shown upon t _d to the report of thr .r or PnbliI, Works In tl,, April 11, 1916, which are hereby. referred . t hereof. 4C7.8-2 lmen (✓ Nays That an easement I. . 1 % y and t- tho :tent no , .. 1.. �."�.!....... 191. .... for ,,, ., au. It Adopted by the Council .._ _ A. _.. ee[O' Orth iuncl __ In favor ^u �l APPfo .. .._... ,' .... (/Against .......... _...._...._MAYOR owers�t rULUS ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DErU•v CouuissioxEx OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CNIEE ERo1x J. E. CARROLL, SORT. Co R-1- & R-1— ALFRED JACKSON, So,,. Sxx­i G. H. HERROLD, Orriot ExmxEce H. W GOETZINGER, SUnW-1-- CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Nebraska avenue, from Payne ave- nue to Walsh avenue, under Preliminary Order #7771, approved Nov.2nd,1915, and Intermediary Order #9505, approved March 15th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion, of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. i Commissioner of PIA011c Works ' I A/ Dated Now. 'e,;, 17 -19 30 117 /Zl 51 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 CI7Y OF ST. PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R• - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREItIMINARY ORDER — Tn +hn M.4frr n>F�.J1��fL �.?.�T —_L_zu .. l.f�L.`'r---J-_.. ✓Lel.--L...- YLSL— .__.Cl ✓✓��.__..,�G�.� _ --.--_— ------ ------------ --- ...------ ------------- -.._.— under Preliminary Order approved .2I!_..------ )-- ------f `.-----.._----------------.___----------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: .00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-50----------- -- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION rn..S.A. a -e A LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A i � �✓ o PLQ � CIS � ✓ � �; ✓ C) TOTAL., CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ��.��----- / Id q L (1 7 l �� a / / 1 O O o j 1 y it of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, The Commissioner foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to and hereby submits the him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ---,-L----/'l--- roRM ..S.A. G-6 C ---- """ "-19t Commissioner of Finance. - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February...._ 18th.�...._...........191. 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelii�minary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File Nopp 7771 approved.... .November .a J..............._..79TC......., relative to_...._......._............ ...._......_......._., condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ...................................................._......_......._...._...................................................._........................................................................ forslope sfor ctsl fills ..-__ __,...,u............................... .._._n.._._grar3 ing..IJeb r ask a....Av enue from Payne..._ Avenue..._t_o_.._Walsh Avenue .............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......_..._....... ..necessary and (or) desirable. RXXX_, and the total cost thereof is :�......_.....RXRXX and •L. The estimated cost thereof is �_....,__.....__. _.... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ... ....... .......... ..... _.._.__.. ......... ..... ..... .... .._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.............not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �.................. Con ni .7........ ssionerr of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO....._.....' By.--. ; _._.......__.__._....... — ...... __.......... __.__ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._ KILALAg..-Alley in Blook 34l St_ Anthony Park North,- — under Preliminary order....... 5088.._.._.approved._.__._-Aa-25tha 1915.- Intermediary Order --- --....._._.._...__......_......._..---.-_-..._.....approved ....... .......... -----...:_---------_._._...._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St:' Paul � that t oe,e�i �Pa re, xtent and kind of im- provement to be made by the snid City is._..a?adW -A+ey' in- H ck_ 34, 8t. Anthony Park __..__....... North_..._.____..___,.....__....______�_......�—__........_----__.__ r Lx. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....._. _.__...._..._- —, 191_ lerk. Approved__-___._.___ ___j191_.... -- - -- - - - -_-Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth " �h, ., hj a hearlr.a u—tne uon the above Improvemem . GOS$ once, and the Connell he, ;tn penoa0. oDlectloaa and re(' , Keller �eadatlous relative thereto, and h:• ?g fully coasldered the same; ther- re, be It " McColl 3eeolve By the Council or the cit t Paul that the Droclae nature, ex. Nash t and klad bt Improvemeat to be le by the sold Clty is grade to th of 16 feet, alley to Block�34, at Yoerg ioro Park North, and the Councll- y orders; 9ald improvement to be Mayor Powers solved 8hir'her That the eommli 'r of Public *otks be and he • to For B. S. A. 8-7 y Inetruc�b7t`--and'. dlreoted_to Drop. °11 ms rp we �e ,for approval; that upDon gala' Per clty a,icea gra: ',r authorlsae and direemd m .. _ Apr. 11, 1616. 'S9 - CITY OF ST. PAUL 4W DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 2 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matt r of.:�z_--- /� /----- ------- ----- ------------- — - --- ------ --------------- -` r -- ---- ---- - -- _... ---------- ----- --- under Preliminary Order approved -- �-/% Q .._PC..%-.--.-.------`.-t.�J.--.._._._......__.......---__..._........_.._.---------- -------- –--- ------- .--.-.--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 1 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 348_ 5a._ - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $1----i3-'–U------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �( b d J� J / FORM e.s- 5 5 w TOTAL. U O . CITY OF ST- PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ask REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION %L C,7 /0 17 011 7V L ASSESSED VALUA The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. ......... Commissioner of Finance. —m G -A. 6-s c The Honorable City Council, St Paul, Minn. <,Gentlemen:- We,the undersigned,owners of property abutting on the alley ,;Block 34, St Anthony Park North,do hereby respectfully petition your ,honorable body to cause said alley to be graded. NAMES LoBlkf Addition Ll X/' 1/7 ' H /7 If v 2 1 f 21! za� U C��O��� O 21BUREAU F25 1 7 . 29 30 32 A I t HENRY L HENRY �T St Paul, Minn ............ 1915 The Honorable City Council, St Paul, Minn. <,Gentlemen:- We,the undersigned,owners of property abutting on the alley ,;Block 34, St Anthony Park North,do hereby respectfully petition your ,honorable body to cause said alley to be graded. NAMES LoBlkf Addition Ll X/' 1/7 ' H /7 If v 2 1 f 21! za� U C��O��� O 21BUREAU F25 1 7 . 29 30 32 NE— E. WED—TIEDT CO. —iiD — St Pain. Minn w St.Fa�l, "inn.... . ..1914 'r he Common Couno i I, City of St.Faul, "inn. entlemen;- I We,the undersigred,owners cf property abutting on the alley 6!Block 34, St i.n'.hony -,irk "orth,knowing-that there is a petition be` :Ii,ing circulated to have said alley graded,do hereby respectful7.y-.Pet J - i action your honorable c:ody,that when said alley is grkded,to narrow I ,'same,from its present width of twenty feet to sixteen feet in width. :,amen Lot lk Addition - 4 I, ;3i, •r tal r 161 (/ 21 O j 23' 1I I� I 24 114 I � 15f , �o II` L f is NE— E. WED—TIEDT CO. —iiD — St Pain. Minn w St.Fa�l, "inn.... . ..1914 'r he Common Couno i I, City of St.Faul, "inn. entlemen;- I We,the undersigred,owners cf property abutting on the alley 6!Block 34, St i.n'.hony -,irk "orth,knowing-that there is a petition be` :Ii,ing circulated to have said alley graded,do hereby respectful7.y-.Pet J - i action your honorable c:ody,that when said alley is grkded,to narrow I ,'same,from its present width of twenty feet to sixteen feet in width. :,amen Lot lk Addition - 4 I, ;3i, •r tal r 161 (/ 21 O j 23' 1I I� I 24 114 I � 15f , �o II` Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Decercber 10, _...79L.�... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration file preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. _.GIIB.. ___._.approved_.. `a. y_25' __.._._...._.. _...191.5.., relative to . gr ding_of Alley in Block 34, St Anthony Park bortn -- . ._.... . __.__.. __.._....... ....._........................_ ... ................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is____ ..... _.necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is $_..._xxx _ and the total cost thereof is { _ XXXI" ___. _ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 3. Said improvement is...._ _ ._. _.._.. ,.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subj"t to assessment for said improvement. nuuissiouer of Public Works. (I r' T-- ROBERT ' ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D.xxrr C.--.— OSCAR CLAU 55EN, C.111 E11 -99J. E. CARROLL S—. C...Txuonox h R.xn.nr. ALFRED JACKSON, S—. 5xxrt.no. G. H. HERROLD. Orrice Exalx..v H. W. GOETZINGER, S.— W-11-1 M CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PAJELIC WORK. M. NtGOSS. COMMISSIONER St. Paul, Minn. Dec. 9, 1915. Mr. id. Goss, Co=iissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimates of cost for grading the alley in Block 34 St. Anthony lark North in accordance with Council Pile ;,5088, approved its y 25, 1915. I have prepared two estimates, one based on grading the alley to the present width of 20 feet, and the other based on grading the alley to a width of 16 feet, as called for in the petition here,o attached. C 7iID-.i C;- 20 feet Approximate estir:ate „;342.52 Asses:.able frontage 999.9 feet Cost per front foot .343 feet Exces: i1spection neccscary 8.28' I_:C -'C :rID-E 0:' 1G fe.t A.proti_ir.:ate estimate X304.91 Asscs ,al,le fro,taa-e J� _ .9 . CO -'t per _2'01a ::foot .3ab __cess i;�s`:oc' ic. necessarl N10.02 I _._ o it ,,ore ri` �1. _ �.,,;e:_ i, an«x tal-_5.n ease .e t in t1;e land necessar;; '_"or ,,Io )es, for cuts and fills in grading said elle in accor:ir:nce :i h Council file ,8209, r—proved :iov. 30, 1915. Rcepectfully subnitted, Dict. J.:.C.1:._. Chief En7ineer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: C.UNCIL 24 FILE N O.. 491, Date Presented Apr. 11, 1916 RESOLUTION FIXI'TG THE A11.40UNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO IIF TAKEN IN CONDEINATION PROCEFDI°'GS Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking, an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 34, St. Anthony Park North, under preliminary order #8209, approved November 30, 1915, and Intermediary order 79506, arrroved !Larch 15, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Vlorks havin^ submitted ':is report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named ih.proven.ent is an easement for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon alley in Block 34, St, Anthony Park Yorth, to the extent shown upon the sketch _. attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Torks in the rLatter dated April 11th, 1916, which sketch and rer_ort are hereby referred to and u.ade a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necess ry for slopes, for outs and fills in the gradinE of said street tc the established :rade. Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Farnsworth Coss In favor Keller McColl v Against Nash Yoerg Mr resident, Powers Fo M C.a-E tot iodine it and tt .. for cat. and a of -Alley In Blocl if P.11, North. under der No. 8209, app,, .. A 1916, and Intermedt, 9600, approved March ml.si oner of Public W bmltted his report and .1 matter, be It ,edve(1) That the City reby dxee and determin , of land to be taken f•. amed improvement le r Car .loose, for cute and 'Pa. the land abrittin In ftlocic 8a, St. Antha to the es tent shown attached to the p, A loner of Public W 1, date, n an, Adopted by the Council N''�''.�1. 191 -91 ®C ird�; cv1`es Cul` N%Y Figurate obo✓c zzle 3ho of ProPr�/y /i,�r. wom �,,�;FiyureJ be/Q�1/i/r �7GiY 11/J%O/7C'P vt/�ich ® �inor.� P.rrci�d bryor�d �r.�Pr�!y /ii/e --�-T 1,�571V 771'7162/V Y oA� zl- /� iii�i /. , - /'7 'l,•TI �IJ��l �,1%lfr: jf/ ,->Tl _ - I _ 4 T �N THO/V Y .DAFT � sQ , IN 1 I , I T' ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DIP— CI -11-1- OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E.GI — J- E. CARROLL, Suer. CON6:ruC — & R-11 ALFRED JACKSON, Suri. S-.1 __ G. H. HERROLD. 011X1 k- -En H. W GOETI'NGER. SSP., WI -11111- CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUMLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO TdP. COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easemrnt in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 34,St Anthony Park North, under Preliminary Order 'P8309, approved Nov.30th, 1915, and Intermediary Order #9506, approved March 15th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of t:,, above improvement, shoving by the,shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on priva" property, and by the hatched Portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. cnmmiseioneriof Public works 1 y� rated--/ ;j( - ---- --- - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �nLL REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON IRELIMINARY ORDER 9 (P) In the Matter o>.�C-_(L:FI�2.%. 1-- .1._G1-t� [�-`T-----...L:L1-�---��! vl �11.�t1 / . O� 0� ♦ 7 --_----- _. _ AL- - ------- -------- - ---- -...... - .......... --------------- ..... '--------- - -------------------- --- -- - ---- --- ------ -- under Preliminary Order approved --`{ / '// -` ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $-10'-�� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION A S S E S S E D VALUATION 1 N� ,/� w, ly l ' 1 .Z c'f� �G�}• lczj` L. d Lf K a ✓ TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE N REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER iC) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION b ASSESSED VALUATION /C, J,' yx O' S !O O d �, . � , .L- �+� % cr'. 7�. JAL' .�✓� 't � J The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 'Ll'/moi Dated-- f- _____...._191_.... Commissionei of Finance. FORM B.B.A. B 3 C Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Decen;ber. 10, __.__1915 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No _...-.6.t409 —approved _.. o en' er . i .,_,_..191.. 5, relative to .e.�acII. DA .... ;.n._the 14na f4.F.............. elo.Fes,__fo_r cut_a,..ard_ fA.I.ls.__ n t :e_ r.0 lt.., of QieY it _ ....o .. 34, .. is t. Ar cr.y Park.... North. _.._ ___..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... .... .....—necessary and (or) desirable. XX is _.._.., and the total cost thereof is $. - L. The estimated cost thereof is $ XXX':._.__., and .......... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ............. . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is...............___._........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL ALE NO. ...... _............... By._... ---...._.r.. .......... ..............................._.___ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.__GratBing-._Eleanor street from Hemline avenue to Edgeoumbe --Road.,.. under Preliminary order. ....421...... .... --..__......__:..____—approved .............June 30th 1914.-_....___..___ Intermediary Order .._...._ ........... ......._. _._.............. _... _— — approved .................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St_ Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Ora de Eleanor atreet from Hamline avenue -----to_^.Edgeoumbe Roads. ... _....... .... ---------_ ......--- --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. / r Adopted by the Council.............—_.__...1. T —. 191 _ _ Clerk. Approved __._............ _.... _ _, 191 _ �X_J ....... ......... � Mayor. Councilman arnsworth �� OSS .+en.;: objections au.. o. t ,. relative thereto, 't: NU1SL15IIF.i� •• ei "?onaidered the same;; t there , Ived. By the Council of the t cColl 'aul that the precise nature, 'd kind of improvement to t. ash ,i'the said City Is grade Elea- „ -t from Hamline avenue to erg �� mbe Road, and the Council Y oruera said land [o be M OWCrS clued Further, That the Commie - Form B. S. A. 8-7 of Public Works be and he la Instructed and directed to pre- [na and apeciflcattone for Bald n t, and submit same to the .to approval; that upon said theproper and .Abetted L . hoae are h, making of raid ". Dro- nrdanre therewith. p,ore- by the Co cil Apr. 11, 1916.1 -1 April 12, 1916. -April 15-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of - �-�---------- �'/ llr_---- -� 1-`" '�------G��.11-ll.:L(���L_�-...._.� A_ - ----------------- --- ----- -- - - -- ---- - under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $-.,377.,.37.___-:------...._ $ ----1.13- - --- - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 ASSESSED VALUATION � !� ✓ v I Ln u FORM 8.9.A. 9-9 A TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT SF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �Y s..l ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION V ALUA%IOf-1/ Q / ((// _ a ti .�. �✓ l/ IL c - a Q, A yy ✓p L� � �Cj U` TOTAL. � FORM e.e.A. !-! ■ L 4 (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL �( DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION J ) � u� G � Gee 3� / n J � << G TOTAL, FORM .4.A. 0-35 A ASSESSED % 'VALUATIr / C,' 7 fG 5� /G r id U �4L, 4L OF ST. PAUL OEPA R—X—>A-/tENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO IA/f 9%021SSIONER OF FINANCE h O!V P ;E L1 M INARY ORDER lC) _ DESCR TION LOT ec— tc ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATJQN 1k zz 5F- ��ti0 The Commissioner of Finance ports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his re p o rL thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the of Public Works. Dated. ----191 Commissioner of Finance. FORM B -A. 0-8 C I To 'he Council of the 3ity of F.t. Paul, Minnesota. r . 2 �Le unotersigneri,interested owners of property, which may be suhje 3 to an assessment ,for the improvement,hereinafter not out hereby 4 make applieationfor the following improvement,viz: 5 TLe grading of Eleanor etreet,frore tramline Avenue,to EdEcumbs 61� Road houlevard,in the City of St Paul, Minnesota. 7 Dated June s� 9�� �•—�—� 10 12^may....... .t� C,e..1r�/�i't�T�, /,C ✓'%�M �-c-*z ��- �� 14 I/j��D,� m 16. / o%Yat1 17 is 19L,4 20 vvcl 21 22 23 m 24 25 tl 26 11 I� 27 `0 28 pi 29 I 30 31 -32 34 35 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __._Ee c en:b_e r..._4..,.........._..........191.5... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. .._....._421.__._.approved. __ Jung...30 e .__......_.... .191.`}..., relative to ____.... .... _..... gradi.p: Eleanor _St.,..from_Edgecumbe Road to ::au.line Avenue. ........... ............. ...... . ........... _......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....__ ... ........ ...necessary and (or) desirable. Y1. 12 Per front foot 3377.27 3. The estimated cost thereof is_..........._ ..............__..., and the total cost thereof is :k_...._ ......__... .........., and Frontage3004 feet Excess inspection ``66.22 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.. _ __ ._ ... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............................._.... ..... .... ..... _.__.._ __ . _........... 5. Said improvement is ....... ... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissi ner of Public Works. . Re solvrd. 1 CITY OF 9T. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ?� Date Presented April 11th, 1916 . RESOLUTION FIXING THE AIAOUPTT OF LAND OR EXT-FNT ^F EASEMENT TO HE TAKEN IN COPTMANATION PROCEEDINGS In the .:.atter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Eleanor Street, from Hamline Avenue to Edsgecumbe Road, under preliminary order ',b,8206, approved �Tov. 30; 1915, and Intermediary Omer #9504, approved March 15, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having eubn.itted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and =ills in and upon the land abutting upon Eleanor Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shorn upon the sketch attached to the report of the Coma.issioner of Public Forks in the matter, dated April 11th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and Wade a part '.eraof. (2) That an easewent istaken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes,for cute and fills in the gradin- of said street to the estab-ished grade ` of^Elea noes and 11i;, Avenue street fr, •, .. .•nder Prelimina ry EOrd<er Irl I rarm Pdlary 1916. and Oraer Yn. 9, Ir' Marsh 16, ]936. 504aPProye _ The Cosmmlealoner t f Public Works In of ubmltted hle r port spa ketch In the hove matter, be It Resolved, (1) That the City of tat, hereby flzea aPaul and determinea the mount of InI to be taken for the bo• nm1 Improvement as la an ea.e- nd anon theja, bu ailing and 1111. In 3t.. between the l� upon Elea- to the ntD<_ . thed• extent Bolnto 'ketch ttached to Athan report the Comm lesioner ,a of Publle Work. !n the matter. dated r919. a•hlch sketch and 11th. hereby Peas < f > Co u report referred to p8t! I �•�� hereof, and made a N j y 5 men (✓) Nay. f:p � O That an -aid Iona e t e dfil t bpl�thograding Wd b the Council f.. / 191. -.. slopes. for cut' and flue In theA otthI of said .treat totheement f. taken In y 7n I n proved" the Council Apr, --/'{'/) _ Il2i� /(/y - 11, 1916. fADr1121611936) - pp[O e - -- lrA+Ic ll v Against Mr_ P en FORM C_8-2 ower' fnAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL CEPA MENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COISSIONER OF FINANCE ON RE MINARY ORDER (A)_ In the Matter of���1-�'�LLTLGio-�— 7 e— �;/I'l 16- ------------------ _ ..... ----. ---------- - ---------- -------- - - ----- -- - --- --- -- - .... under Preliminary Order approved-`----------'1'.---..._..........._.--.._...__ _._.---- ---- To the Council c f City of St. Paul: The Commis zoaer of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total gists r--ated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---50---.--00 ---------------------- --- The estimate —=11- cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or 3L� creels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - D E I P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION u / L� �fjcy�e LAt ASSESSED VALUATION 0Lj� O O n t \ TOTAL, CITY OF ST_ PAUL '- OEPARTMEIVT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMllVARY ORDER (B) l 30 E 5 C R t PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION a 174 j -- TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION tris `� X61 • ,L J ` S 3\ s` G�� c cBi CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OIV PRELIMINARY ORDER a O ESG R I PTI ON LOT —ocK ADDITION L,c i ) 'yo �,- LAI , lj U� TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATIO o ~_L/ - - CITY OF ST. PAUL m - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (G) ASSESSED R 1 P T 1 O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION O The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, auk �e reby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -h / /� � i,� .moi ..✓, �./_�//�-.=�il�.. . - � Commissioner of Finance. � I I Office of the Commiyioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance e Wit.. ar 3 191 '. To the l'omniissioner of Finance of the City of St. pail: The commissioner of public Works, having had under emisidrration the preliminary order of the ('01111- :.4110 '.Uvau.bar Jv � ....1915, .... relative to .. vil, huown as Council File No..approved ... ._. _ ccnia�..r.� n1 t n:in ..era in a ic_^ - r.eeeaa r -- _ ` tre ° frc- ' and having investigated the ,natters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ _ __ necessary and (or) desirable. - ti- X'.::C and .� The estimated cost thereof is $...._. _.. and the total cost. thereof is the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _. .. :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .5. Said improvement is__. not _ _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comulj5sionel• of pahlic Works. COUNCIL FILE No . ................. _.._� 1 i By ..... —...... _._....—...... __....... ... ........... ......... ___....... _:...«« iVl91cry FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ........... .... Changing tween Concord stret and Winifred Streetototconformetofthe ored wn aline eonethe profile heretoe eattached and made a part hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line thereon, also the grading of said Brown avenue between the points aforesaid in accordance ue betweeniMidwaylstreeteands �oncordestreetalsotohthe Gradte e of established and shown on the aforesaid accompanying profile by a blue line thereon and identified as running from eletation 39 feet above City Datum at the south line of t,Onoord street to Elevation 61 feet at the north line of Midway street, also the grading of said Brown avenue from Winifred street to a point 15A,teet diets t from the northerly line of Winifred streelt, in a northeasterly direction/, _...-�---..._.........._.....-......_........................__.—._._—._._....__«......_...----...._......_..._........................_..........2..........2........22._ under Preliminary order.__7633•._...._.__...___......__,,.,.a''';'„'•�ed_OCtober_.20th1915.. •....«22.22._.._ i blue Intermediary Order _ . .................._�_......_...._..... ntified run n av reel obo,•e �- he south line of t'ur. ..'..__.......... 2222.._......_...._. clan fit P.•c!t at thr r, A'public hearing having been had up[' fl> I:,” 1 t,l.n the ovement upon due notice, and the Council ttro�cn aven ur Prom i>o having heard all persons, objections and,linennnlcherliapoilt. '50iefuft elative thereto, and having fully considered rc•l. Ina norlhe terl) the same; therefore, be it under rreuminars t ,rovrd October "20th, 151 hearing having bee h RESOLVED, B the Council of the l.bove Improvement °°" By a the Council havin, et the precise nature, extent and kind of im- .e, abjection. and rec provement to be made by the said City P detect thereto.a ne8 ,,...22.2......2_ .............................22.2.2 ..... ........... .4. lie Counell .... ..... ....................... ......... ........... .................«...._......«......_.........:_, ".1:'...................-. 'I$,._ .......... _....... —_........................ ..... _..«.2..22.....2.__ ......... ... Chahge the grade of Brown avenue between Concord street and'Wfnlfred street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line thereon, also the grading of said Brown avenue, between the points aforesaid in accordance with the said red line when established, also the grading of said Brown avenue, between Midway street and Concord street to the grade established and,ahown on the aforesaid accompanying profile by a blue line thereon, and iden ified as running from elevation 39 feet above City Datum at the south line of Concord street to elevation 61 feet at the north line of Midway street, also the Trading of said Brown avenue, from Winifred street to a point 150 feet distant froth the_ northerly line of Winifred street in a northeasterly direction, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... ... ''..`.� _: � Vr. : 191 _._...... ,� Approved. ...__.... _ (. _ 19 Councilma4-F-ainsworth t Goss Keller McColl / Mayor. Nash Yoerg Mayor -Powers Fm B. S. A. 8-7 f 'b CITY Or ST. PAUL - t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter o //��//,,,,k4�_`.�.---------v1�- '-"�"- - T O� rc- ar �<--- -- -------- :tea � - - - � - "� - � - � � � Lam!' -_—�.L_-f�-"--� �,�x/ .1-i� — G P 10 of--- - -- -- '--------------------------------- - ... . -. -.. -_._.. ... _._.... _..._.. -------- r ------ ------------------- ---.._-_..---------.__..._.----..".._._----- - - under Preliminary Order approved -- --C--`�--�---� -""----- -"" To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ ita4i,47_ ----' The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - -$-- t l -o `"- The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 4 1. r � a0 iyf;�y ,c�uC�(Jou J aC/ c1 � � 1> 'z 7 J /,� � o TOTAL, I ( 1 U rows B.S.A. a 3 A / (((JJJ tttlll oL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as lai.s report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works_ Dated / Commissioner of Finance. IOpM 0.9.A. 9 3 C GtTY OF 5T. PAUt- K=EPARTMEWIT OF FINANCE 1 I REPORT OF OF FI"^NCE + OfV PREL/MINARY ORDER " lC) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A O O I T I O N ASSESSES VALUATION '`13 s ��7 ` c y v; S /-.Z-.7- J— d K,.y. .70�ti L oL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as lai.s report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works_ Dated / Commissioner of Finance. IOpM 0.9.A. 9 3 C Office of tie Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Deoer.;ber 13, _ -_ -t9l 5 , 0 TO the Commissioner of Zr`ixxaricc o£ the City- of St. rain The l'onnuiss.ione r of f�ubi is Works. having hail under consideration the lu•rliwintu•p onler of the Co 1111. _..1915 ., relative to tr,e. eil, kuown-as Council ?h ile \ e� _ ..approved r ir.t- of rG "'=- = art _ ren, viL` 15C fe2t - - r,-_ i ci i r t: u:, i< ..e ; icr.to ^+ E-- of Jra:e of Frc,vr F. e:r;eer, or.00 rt. ud Itaving'investignted tze )aza ztters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: s: 1. Said itnpvov­xxt its -- -.......,necessary and (or) desirable. _ For i�gl'rheades-ItiT-n- gia teci cost L lE� er_e4;�of r er-fr__- foot. is 1 u4i.4:7 is $_ _ and the riital costthereof a nd feet Lr_Cea- ir.a�eotior the nature and estecxt ex£ se3 i. in proveuierit is as follows: - 3. A plan, profile or sh�Lch of said improvement is hereto attached runt made a part hereof. 4. riot _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject gaid iuiprovexxxent zs____--_ to assessment for said izx2proveinent_ 7 .....__. gtmissio cr of Public Works. _ r • CITY OF PAUL DEPARTMENT OF P V 8 L C WORKS M. N. 'GOBS. COMM 1 SS\ONER d ROBERT T. GOURLEI. DF vvT� Gor•...ssc^cn OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C-1-1 E.•.a.�ew�Ew � J. E, CARROLL Sw>Tl Rrr. _ ALPREO JACKSON- G'. ACKSON. SvvT - S��•T �T•�^ G �+H�HE.ROUD. nF�'c� Ek3•vEEw October u7, 1915. ;oT. d. ... Goss, commissioner of P—a37t-yic Works, B u t 1 ca- i n g. TDsar Sir: with reference -t-c> EE:s-a:3in6 of Brown Avenue from PreB--Ott Street to W ifred Street, Z wou' d suggest that on on Brown Avenue, from Concord to j:iciway, there be two establisned, a lower f o r the west half of street �ra3 an upper for the east i�alf of street. wY zr_ s comes to grading, howeve y - i would .,nend that t y a portion of Brown nvanuz -t::>e graded from Concord reset to Prescott on t: -:e lire of the lower grade wit i approach to Prescott St re z zoa.eti r,e in the future t west ',alf of the street may be graded to the upp e grade, in which case it wi11 be necessaryto bui a- t:�L a retaining wall in t__e center of Brown A)enue s-om Concord to Midway_ The preliminar:r e st i:_j,ate for this work i e given on the basis of t m'oove suggestion. Fie sa �4.::�-tfully su b mi tted, C-ief engineer- ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D—, T1 C �a..w•ss ncn OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C...En Eero=rr� u J. E. CARROLL S— Co_+t ALFRED JACKSON, S__ a••...�..r� �. G. H. HERROLO. O«•c� aro... n H W. p\ CITY OF SAINT PAUL - DEP RTMENT AULDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER of c , - _ line c= _.._=r street _ -.a'_ _on r _ of C r a ar front feot xo max. Cn4. i4 = rz;nt17 S, ft. is n' Ap - oc_ tro�os a 0 of girder fro bra i r ,sn J verua ro: roi.: Pra��oLt rv;r�e ira __ _._3.•__v /v:nt;e. sFe'�tf _ iy Ou-�_..itted, 1 n zwa r- rrzeri17 v (J\,bIiVV'hilihies �reav vF \y/aPvr ,,y,,..bar 2. 1915. Mr. E _ Speric a= , Asst Conatr. . & Repair, DFPAR`i NT OF PUP.LIC WORKS, City o =Iff7- Saint Paul, Minn. Dear S z Replying to your inquiry of October 28th, under F -No _ 21, regarding proposed change of grade on Brown Ave. betweqmw Concord and Winifred Streets. The change of grade shown upon the prcfile will not any expense to the Water Department. Our reoorde indicate a temporary main 1j° in diis in service on Brown Ave. between Midway and COnCQr:3. If' this section of the street is graded to the lower of the tWCD grade hires shown, it would appear that about ane hundred (100) feet of it would have to be lower- ed. The cost of lowering this pipe would be about fifty (50¢ 3 centa per foot. Very.truly ycurs, r , General Superintendent. GOH— - — Enc� j CITY of ST_ P A LJ L- O U 114 C I L-! OUNCIL' RESOLUTION G,-- E NERAL FORM. Subject / hate Presented Ap r11 11th, j916 Resolved. ---i XI -G T_,E p...'iL " r e - Exp tTm Cr ) A.S :'F"'T TO 7E TfY'F': 1" CO T SOP? D: 1CFEDI S in the u.atter cf e"n3 takin- an easer:.ent in -r^_ t-3ancl. receasary for eIo� e =E3 for cuts ani fills in t11 —x do T of mown Avenue a point 150 feet distant E rom - e nort.-easterly -,ine o£ T nifred Street to Prescott St rz a t under preliminary orcie; r �8365, a7, -proved T'ec. 9, 1915, arz3 = t arrLediary order 4-950? , a roved :-arch 15, 1910. The CorLmissioner of c 4'crks havin-- subn.itted '.ia rz—ort and sketch in the a ovz matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That tl-;e - ty of st. Paul fixes and clef ter___ rhea the an.ount of land t o -- e taten for the above -.e 3 3:i-_r-rovei,:ent is -_n i or slores, for cuts and f i i Z s 1 n _r_d ur on the --and Abu 3erg on ' rown Avenue, between t'r a - irlt a aforesaid, to the z- -t:� .zz� 1 -.t showy. uron -he sketch a -t -t =ems to the rel -ort of t - i--, �o___u.iseiorer of Public 'orY.s in t -1-L -,latter dated Ayril -_ 1t!7x Z Flo, which sketch and retort arm re y referred to and a tart Yereof. (3) That za= -- z-�:Loer-ent .is taken in said land to t- e-- extent necessary for ea, for cuts and file in t'--zz = ra-? ir.:- of sa13 street to i z estsblishe3 grade. Yeas (C) Councilrrlen C r > Nays Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller' ` McColl �,_ Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President. Powers FORM c.B-2 i • _,,,sem"""' ' - a P - <•h Is- lv)t _ Feu 2>2 E it -11 ht 1— mit ted hlz, -e pori .- mxttr, ba- " 1. ae^ 1) n a L LT— i a- hi t -a �`` d t1. t term ies . b¢ r malt¢ saner uts an filly- I I abutt+ni; n - 4Rrii d_ t he p.,i» [S Mir _ -, upon ttxe s�eto �he • report uP �1-orks • let6- vs.-�icN Adopted by the Council (. f jV -� u . e 191 Approved / ,/ RUliliStiED�l,(�r�► �rz J abvr� 11;72 Jzw;o- f -u1` Fiyu�� d�/Dsy :ii�� shops- dir%once vih�� e /�'i/OI�IiHY - TO .9 P�� 1'T/SD /l�DF `I%iY/Ff7E0. Z --57w Z3 R O W /V ,�� 3 Toffs Serie o,� 20 •1�I �' �o. vm yJ -1 9/YO RMANS' J Zl�Y1ME ! i' z �1 i� � 1L!!� Cil OMS ,x i� � 1L!!� Cil OMS CITY OF SAINT PAUL y pRP RTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DE>u*r CSM rwiss.u..Fa OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C­.,EwelwEew � J. E. CARROLL. S-1, Cowa ALFRED JACKSON. Suv*. G. H. HERROLD. O.•�cc ENc�MEER -- H. W GOETIINGER. S�>T- ".'•>w^ ""-•'��-E —REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matte:x- f condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for csss and fills in grading Brown avenue,from a point 150 feet distant from t'ae —rte o=-theasterly line of Winifred street to Prescott street, under PrelimiriaLx- #8368, approved Dec.,9th,1915, and Intermediary Order #9507, app Qv ed March 15th, 1916. To the Counci 1 0 L a4M City of St.Paul: The commi aai ora - o f Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, eL p --1— rM o f the above improvement, showing by the snaded portion of said plan, t7r=a- i i 2.1a to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the aut sz es be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be - 3c a x -L , by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan - Commissioner df blic Works}_ Dated / ' asr. Pwtn. I � DEPARTMENT T OF FINANCE ,- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREt IN1ARY ORDER .SAS)`' In the Matter o x-145-Rlf--u-l�-.�r_ot ��1� ±ZL�L2..1,2_;' '2-11 4/� _�_� !e�I�cJ gJLufclL �o 14Z-- ------------------------_ ------- . __ _...... ...... -- --- - - ----- under Preliminary Order approved—l--f--L-c.----�`--�-------------_-`'-u,f----- ---- -------- ---- �------- ---- ---- --------------- ----------------- --------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul`: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 35_00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $_____ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 0 � roeh �. e.w. e -e wvt .. Lr T_9TAL, -Oau a„a9 R - / S. De CITY OF ST. PAUL I MEPAR-rMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE C>M PREL-1 4#VARY ORDER (C) . DES CR I P T I O N LOT BLOCK - ADDITION '/-Z ASSESSED VALUATION 1'0'1.Jo. /)G' ✓' "I ,z s- The Commissioner of Fiaaace further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the. Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated --- --- - --191 Y� t!_,t✓�/ r'1,'� Commissioner of Finance. ronM s.a.w. a -e c , of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 191 To the Coll, Ini ss -i <I-mnk e _-m� of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Com", -E--- — of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelinihinry order of the C41111- cil, known as C<>vxx-ML� 31 Vile No. '..approv,d 9.1-1-11.. _1910 relative to and -rakinz: an eaaaL.ent in the !and neCeE3SUrY for slor-as ......... ..... ..... .. .. ...... - ....... ....... ....... - - - - ------------- ---------- ..... . ....... .. pql.nt r- free E treet to and having invest :FEL gated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. said i 130L -%;-e In ent is..._ ...... ... . .. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The cost thereof is $ and the tot"] cost thereof is $ and the nature alxcl of said improvement is as follows: 3. A pLarx, ]L -D. ::m= -czD. Vale or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........ ...... ... ....... 5. Said asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment said improvement. ............. ......... ..... ... Commissioner o ublic Works. `,, BE IT RESOLVED by the council of the City of St. PaJ ' that 7 Whereas by resolution of the City of St. Paul, Board File No. 41569, approved March 10, 1914, all persons owning,, maintaining or using any poles and overhead wires along or upon Es.st'M nnehaha 4 between Frank and Earl Streets were ordered to remove iuch poles and wires, and Whereas American Telephone ant Telegraph C(impany, of Minnesota did at the time of the passage of such re 7luti�dn,, and ploo and wips on a, d'.. IWO) 1 I R®solved, That permission be, and the, sms, is hereby granted to the said Company, under and in purguance to Ordinance No. 2061, approved May 24, 1899, to ereet`end maintain the necessary poles, cables, overhead wires and fixtures upon the following named , streets and alleYe in the City of St. Paul; Upon, along,o over and under the first alley north of Minnehaha Street.f rom'Earl.Street east to Duluth Street; thence .on Dulutk Street south to Minneha.he-Street. Be it further resolved that the said American Telephone and Telegraph Company of Minnesota in putting in4 aid poles, wires, cables and fixtures replace ali streets, alleys and public grounda�On and in which any of such work shall be done Ift pursuance of this resolution in as good order and condition as the same were in before the doing of such work and all of such work shall be done under the supervision and as directed by the Cit$ Engineer of the City of St. Paul, except -as in this resolution otherwise provided. Be it further resolved that the permission herein'granted is given subject to all the provisions of Ordinance No. 2054 and a 9PT .2- 1 1 ,4 all other ordinances of the City of St. Paul pertaining to the regulation of its streets, alleys and public grounds. Adopted by the Council on the day of A'' a'. A.D. 1916. YII �f�+dr' ""1Y1 1d M ^ I I IIM r r. Yea$ Nqs Approved day of A.D. 1916. tet. d ow .47 u i C. F. No. 9929—Be M. N. Goss— R,. it Reenh•ad he the Council of the City of St. Paul that Whereas by resolution of the City of Sl. Paul, Board File No. 11569. an - prove(] March 10. 1911, all persons owning, maintaining or using any poles and overhead wires along or up- on East Minnehaha between Frank and Earl streets were ordered to re - more such poles and wires, and whereas American Telephone and Telegraph company of Minnofesota did s at the lime of the pasage ach nlntlon. and does novel. mnin[uln a line, of notes nd 'Ir— on a W stn•eq Re.,Ived. That perm la inn be. and the sum" la berebv grrtnted to the slid company. ander itnd In our .... ce to Ilydintinoe o. 2061. pproved 31ny 24. 1899, to erect nd maintain the neces- nr - poles, cables. o •. bend wires and ntreetss and oalleyne itn atlh (71tty n( Sa i`,ul: til,ng. o and under the first pon. nll"v north of , ,nehaha street from Fart street snat to Dmuth atroar, Ihence on Duluth street south to \tin- nehaha tree,. lie It further resolved that the sal dAmerican American Telephone and Telegraph company of Minnesota In putting in sa ld poles. .vires. cables and nxtures replac" all streets, alleys and Publfc grounds nn ad In which tiny of such ark ah lulIle uon do nes igood rauler o oand' ,tons repo ­1In before ditlnn n the a the dotng of ouch work wad all of such ork shall be done under the super- vlalon and ns directed by the City En- nr [his hn voila inn Goth,,,_Ise except lded. Re IL further grathat the per- inn.,herein granted Ix gl ven sub- Jert to all the provtslons of It nllnnn,oe \n. 2051 and all other ordinances 1 the Cit, pf : t pail] pertaining to th, re Fulation of ita at reett. all el's all, publlrgrounds. the rou aril :tprll 11 'donIc: by n r,. A pp rv,v -d zlpril 12. 191 11 (April 15-19161 Mayor. 1 s 9y34 CITY OF ST. PAUL 91930 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 9930 Subject: cou FILE No. .. ... e....._April 10, 6. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the Commissioner of public Works be and he is hereby authorized and rehensive and detail report prepare r r poronn River Navigation coverthe use of the ing � ng thefollouncil, a �ng pointst 1. Feasibility and praoticability of River navigation in general and applying in particular to the W1Bo:Lssippi River, the City of St. Paul and the Northwest. E. A complete physical survey of the shores and levees o3 the river banks within the city limits of St. paul, showing existing railway lines and structures of all kinds. 3. A complete' plan of a proposed development of river navigation terminals showing location of proposed rallwa connelsoon,Belland t Railway line, docks, wharf and aranda�nss cige in dw bor lines. rbe acquired, if neoessary, ent the entire Estimated development. (Land,ruction Of a partial Buildings is Railvmy lines,, Docks, of Roadways, etc.) 5. Financial statement covering cost of operation of terminals interest and depreciation charges etc. together with a stat emen� of proposed charges for the use ox4 the _erminal facilities proposed to be oreated. opted by the Council /l1 }2 }" j:f }5191 i� Approved / 91 ... (( . . ._.. ... ,�'.. ... ... MAYOR cabil Iseneral ticular to the Mtsaf' -� City of St. Paul a eat. P comapnd ete physical ce. �'` Ih.• .,r s Iec PB f the hnks )wl th In the city ii -ft. Paul, A h,wing existing railway and structureB of all kinds. of a PI, . PO(ertv., develop Ment ayflan ' Mlnals Bh.-I location of pI - docks, whe connection.. etioa, Belt hR.alaf. ways, etc., -1.0landfor be a an d ch.. of In hnc IessFa`�y. a cast tial development a, tL4c Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays n ,f on, g n, ti At F sworth In favor r U 7 II Against g Mr. Pr Powers FORM C.9-2 opted by the Council /l1 }2 }" j:f }5191 i� Approved / 91 ... (( . . ._.. ... ,�'.. ... ... MAYOR RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. w\ In the matter of _Condemning and taking an easement._ in the land necessary... for elopes, for cute and fills in Grading Oxford street from Rondo street to Thomas -atreat,--the land to be taken -for -the above named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills. in and upon the land abutting upon Oxford street between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated January 12th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 5509 , approved June 17th, 1915 Intermediary Order 8,326 approved December 7th, 1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council uppn said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upL the said assessment of benefits; at�the Council Cham- ber, &dwwU in the Court Pouse in the City, of St. Paul on the 8 th day of May 191 _.6 , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of.Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council �I'+')n e�pproved V .. _._..___.............. Councild Farnsworth Council n Goss CouricidLin Keller CounclifiAn McColl Counc{l n Nash Court ' an Yoerg Mayo overs 191 '. t5.Interm.n.. .roved December 7th, ,misalone, of Finance hat... Ills report In the above mat - 4 to the amount of damages ,(led for the taking of the land or tentsthe rcln appropriated for shove Improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted Itis assessment of benefit to property from the mxking of sold improvement. th,•refor, be It Resd. That the said assessment o[ bnolveeell to 14e and the same is herrbt „nl,rocea. ' Resolve,) further. That public hearing hi! had before the Council up. �11 sold "ell -It and for a con Hrnuttion f the a trds of damages made by the t',nntnlxsioner of Finance, and also up - the Wald ax essment of benefits, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City f St. Paul on the at dat of \fay. 19l 6. at ten o'clock A. Ai.and that the Commissloner of Fi- nance be and he, is hereby directed to give notice of id hearing, as pre- scribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Connell Apr. 11, 1916. A ppruvn1 anon 12. 1919. (Aprll 15-1916) /a2 Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS e��,� j In the matter of Condemning and taking an easeuent in . the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in Grading Oxford street from Rondo street to Thomas street, the lard to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Oxford street between the points afore- said, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated January 12th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 5509 approved June 17, 1915 Intermediary Order 8338 approved December 7th, 1915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports, a. That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findingson said /maferL_ i Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS - In the matter of _Condemning and taking an easement in, the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in Grading Charles street from Aldine street to-- Snelling -avenue, the land -to -be taken for theabovenamed improvement baing more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Charles street between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the re- port of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated January and 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof,,- under ereof,,_ under Preliminary Order 7379 , approved Sep t. 29th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 5333 approved December 7th, 1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the tatting of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making & said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chain. her, R in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 8 th day of May 1916.. , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. - f Adopted by the CouncilAPR 1' 1 191 Approved 14 'refrred eto s --- set. under Prelimlm. May or. Councilman Farnsworth ;rd, approve Sept. 29th, 'ecember 7th, Ord,r 9335, appr„. Councilman Goss Councilman Keller The commis„loner f Fluence having ter r,'1cd to I thop amountofdamages Councilman McColl aaaraea for the [skin Councilman Nash semema therein g of [he land or I above Im➢rovement andtohnmr Councilman Yoerg paayable: and also having submlttr,l from the- nkln °fof eyneat to pro➢erty Mayor Powers herefore be Its d Impr°`"e ne" Resolved, That the said n t er 1,en rp is he and the name i�ene �tiy al, lieaol vbe further, Thnt Publle I W hearing De ad before the Council If the d rep—, and [If or oust etlton L Commis -loner of Finan e, nndrualnleo the 1 ' the [Count it Chamber, [ In theefl Court House In the City I St. Paul on the 8th day of \fay, 1916, at len o'clock A. ]I, and that. the Commissioner of A. e he and he Is hereby directed to eive once of Id hearing, a Abed by the Charter, a pre- . Adopted by the Co unc%I Apr. tl. lni f. A nm °, ra REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of Condemning and taking an_.e.asement.....in the land necessary. for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Charles street from Aldine street to Snelling avenue, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particula* described as an easement for elopes, for cute and fills in. and upon the land abutting upon Charles street between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the re- port of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated January 2nd, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part herect, under Preliminary Order 7279 approved Sept. 29th,1915 , Intermediary Order 8333 approved December 7th, 1915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to Ing ng o whom such awards are payable; that he has also feed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the maki said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entified as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. iM ( RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. PW cog? 3 In the matter of ..Condemning and taking an easement An the land necessary_ for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading the alley in Block 3, Syndicate No. 5,--Addition,-the land to -be --taken for the above improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Alley in Block 3, Syndicate No. b, Ad- dition to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated February 28th, 1916; which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 8229 approved Dec. let, 1915 , Intermediary Order 8988 approved February 3rd, 1916. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- be,01 6AU in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 8 th day of kay 191. _6 , at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. NJfi 1'_ 11 ".7 Adopted by the Council Approved . �..., 19 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers 3rd, 1916 Commissioner of Finance has. •ted his report in the above.ml 9to the amount of damugi d for the taking of the land , "mts therein appropriated to •Irc•Improvemt and to whom : find xIso henaving submitted t cement of benefit to property . the making of said Improvement, ,fora be It ,�solerd. That the said assessment —,dl. be and the same Is hereby ed. texalvrd further. That a public. had h,fore th, Council up-; and Yui n annrmatIm, II. :rax u( 1 I,ages ,ads so thel of r'in': a al ve ldet tut of• be nasi,; at l.c Inch Ci t, der. . for mt e In the t-Ity of F[, rain assn,. ,dnr of t 0 1916, fit ten ,',.lock - fid that the c'mnmiss ion er of Fi- e be and he is hereby directed to a notice of said hearing. as pro. bed by the Charter. dopted by the Council Apr. 11, 1916. ,prayed Aprn 12, 1916. (April 16-1916) 7 14/cl:rk) !' Mayor. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS %✓2 In the matter of :Condemning and taking -an easement in the land necessary for slopes,'for cute and fills in Grading the alley in Block 3, Syndicate tic. 5, Addition, the land to be taken for the above improvement being. more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon alley in Block 3, Syndicate No. -5, -- Addition to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public works, in the matter dated February 38th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 8x29 approved Dec let, 1915 , Intermediary Order 8988 approved February 3rd, ISM TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. rhe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of . Conde.wning and taking an ease.we..ntin the land nee, eeeary_ f cr slopes, for cuts and fills in the !ratter of Grading the Alley running north and-aou.th in -Block 1, Lovering's Addition to Union Park, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Alley running North and south in Block 1, Lovering's Addition to Union Park, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, ir the matter dated January lath, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby feferred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 4995 approved _ .Aay 20th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 8333 approved _ December 7th, 1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber,#a6g AXin the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 8 th day of May 191 6..._, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council NrR. 1 - i Approved E. I9�}�4/ i ,(:itv Clerk. Resolved. That the said assessment 1. benefits be and the same Is hereby "pro •ed. Its Redf rther. That a public'.. or be had before lh,• Con ncll el"", ,' d for n eonllrma tion Ih 'rd. of dare", mad, by lite Flnran Ce, and f henenlnfil up- ��i��• .nine s,•ws„ent os: at� sell ,hnmber, In th.• Court et In thr City of til. i'nnl o a A. 'day that t May, 1916. at ten er oak l- and that the i. here stoder of Fo e be and he ie hereby g, as ed o- " noby f said hearing, as pre - ,ed by the CoonCharter. opted by the Coon Apr. 11, 1916 ,proved April 12, 7916 1. (Agri! 16-1916) i ca, a, Is Mayor. k'Councilman Councilman Farnsworth . npS,ece , Councilman Goas ommWsinner of Flnanea -Councilman Keller ed file aper[ In the ,bot to the n Dunt oP dt McColl dad for the taklnR of the lu;. ,,councilman -Councilman Nash 7o�",' nts therein appropriated Bove Improvement and to whom ilman Yoerg . ble: and also having submitted assessment of benefit to property �; m the making of said Improvement; flyor Powers ',refers be It 1 Resolved. That the said assessment 1. benefits be and the same Is hereby "pro •ed. Its Redf rther. That a public'.. or be had before lh,• Con ncll el"", ,' d for n eonllrma tion Ih 'rd. of dare", mad, by lite Flnran Ce, and f henenlnfil up- ��i��• .nine s,•ws„ent os: at� sell ,hnmber, In th.• Court et In thr City of til. i'nnl o a A. 'day that t May, 1916. at ten er oak l- and that the i. here stoder of Fo e be and he ie hereby g, as ed o- " noby f said hearing, as pre - ,ed by the CoonCharter. opted by the Coon Apr. 11, 1916 ,proved April 12, 7916 1. (Agri! 16-1916) i CITY OF ST riZT1. COlTrCIL FMSO1.I3i1OIT Adonted by the Council- -- - - _ _ g k L" i~_b- - 191 Teas = ( ) Councilman T' or -tri Gos CK.e I. �Yo e Mr.President z --Po s { ) frays r" A pr d --- mayor- In the matter of - oo str ctinT-a-^Z1::ZTi=- 7 -til =t_ a.nd :,:Ile --tern Ave.- - - - _Ave._ce_twee_n_5.-. under e2ir_i-narY Order 5E�81- _� 1`inal Order _7966 - - - A=1'ROVED -Tovember 1?, 19 - 6 RESOLVED, That the plans spec if!'%!5/aLtioi_s and estimates submi-t--- - ,ed by the Commissioner oS ! i-blac F7or1>s mor the above named irlpro--- -rnent be and the sa.me are hereby approved F. No. 9935— - in tha matterr--,tructtn= n —nt Goodrich ---i :)3rA tel - rbin� on Ave. betw•¢¢n - vi•. 7tn tit. and 11•eatern n.•e. nd¢r - Freiiminary Order 5681, Final Ord¢r 7966. approved \neemher t�. ]916. R¢BOlVed. That the plana nd epe¢1- ri¢atlona and estimates Bubmitt,d by y= Lhe Commisalon er of Public 1-1— Ior 1 nt be —6 2hr Bboveare hedreh�prove y pproved. . Adopted by the !•coned Apr. 1'l. 1916.- Ai,proved April 12. 1916. l (API -11 15-1916) _ Adonted by the Council- -- - - _ _ g k L" i~_b- - 191 Teas = ( ) Councilman T' or -tri Gos CK.e I. �Yo e Mr.President z --Po s { ) frays r" A pr d --- mayor- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE IVO .. Date Presented April 11 191 6.. Resolved, That the time specified for the per 'orrarce of a certain contract dated Oct ber 18th, 1915 between OtNcil & Preston and the City of St. Paul for the conttruction of a sewer on Bay St. from Grace St. to Jefferson Ave. be and the same is hereby extended to the 8th day of April, 1916, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this re::olution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays .worth In favor rt 11 Against 'R __y M slden owers FORM C.a-E C. r. No. 9936— Resolved. That thr lame aperitled (or the perforin nP a er[nin ntract dated Oetottero 18th. e1915. hettTeen n'Vril .& Preston and the city of St. T'nul for the ...trued on of a so'er IT.,v Ntree[ from Grace ntract to 7ef- ferann Ave. be and the same in hereby extended to the 8th day of .4pt•11. 1916- and the proper city officers n e berebv authorized to ee ute n amendment to said eontract oin a ordnnee here- with, provided. hoteeve rc thrtt this r olutlon shall not ha Yr n � Pome and •-ffoet pnleas the s retlesn on the run - tract., nond 'or_ nl thereto and We uch r of In ow rltinq with the City rompt—Iter. Adopted by the rounell Apr. 12. 1916. Anne . . . d April 12. 1916. (April 15-1916) Adopted by the Council 191 Appro ed 191 - MAYOR t To the Iior.orrble Cit;; Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - 9!) (?!" St. Paul, Minn. April 11, 7.916. We would reepect''ui ly ask that corer 3onorable 73ody cause the time of completing the contract for the construction of a sewer on Bay St. from Grace St. to Jefferson Ave., be extended to April Oth, 1916. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for us to finish this contract within the ti,^.e specified, hence we desire to ask that tl,c time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yo:r,c very truly, Co ractor� There is no objection to having the time extended as reiuested, as far as tl:e requi —me is of t':is—of =ice isconcerned- — cv,�_ `uperin en3ent o� Consti t)bion _& 3epair C}iief ginee A?-P!:OV —) t►- 'Gommissiorer 8 Public4Jorks. :3-,r :Layor 71! ;-: Porre:'s: 1 �t0 y Be Tt ".e g�'.-, o;,t. , the Cit,',. CounC:1 Of the Ci`.,, Of S -P&u1,`..Ut thr amcunt of VOO be transferred fr^r the ite7 "Salaries" it +, r. i _-o 2,to ter 1.gem %1 ai! .. :ante" in ?!,iill F,r.d, stto') *.r„ �'r =�•�.ry t e exrendi'i­e rrniaal zs a:;t'e�,or- irfa :e _o•.tncil,and by the ..,rt'her fact t re .r+ mr^r.r' I - a -.'.,ed a new iter riper P :e _ayor,s Offi_-e. C. F. No. 9937--11y Wina Pdu-eCnuncll BIt lleeotvea by the City oP tS20n the trans erred tlfrnml the Ittemt '•Sala rtes" in Charter Fund No. 2. to the Item "Mnintena nee" In said Fund, p ch transfer being made n ra sary by the expenditure Prom Haid Dfnidtennnre Fund mnae on behalf f the Cernival as authorized by the Coil. na by the further fact that ,heuncsettlement Leith the Telephone ,--I 1' 1'..added a n a- Item of expense in the Mayer's Office.. Adnptsd by the Copncll Apr. 1^-. 1916. Approved Apr. 12. 1916. (April 15-1916) Adopted by the CounCH ..- __. ��/- --- -191 YEAS. 1,_ R. FARNSWORTH GOSS �— KELLER McCOLL NASH ✓ YOERG NAYS. YS, 0 ✓MR. PREY DENT (POWERS) CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ ok A?LTgB COUNCIL �� c FIU No . ........ ' Date Presented.__ ..April -12th-1d 91...... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby aflthorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, without ask- ing for competitive bids, 1 Standard 30" Venturi, 1 Type "M" Register -Indicator -Recorder, 1 Manometer and 1 Planimeter. from the Builders Iron F oundry Co. for $1415.00, as these are patented article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bide. - Cost o said material to be charged to the Department of Public II ilities - Water Fund. Yeas (r' Councilmen (r') Nays arnsworth oss In favor 7 eller cColl G Against Cas r. F. No. 9938—By O. F.. ICeller— Resolvrd. Tim' lhr Pnthn'Zed :\Fent he. and he Iv hereby tl to purrhnse, with the r sent of the rnmotroller. without aaldnK for rom- petltive hide, 1 Rtandnrd 30" Vrnturi. 1 T}'pr "7.f" Rrl; later -T ndirn tor-Tierord- r. ] hta nometerand 1 Pln nlmrte r. frnm the RuI I'le ra Iron Foundry Co. for $1415.00. us there are patented tiors and no aclvnnt'ge rnn be Fn1nrA by adverttsrment or r ,petltive bids. ort n( sttld mnterl0l to br -barged to ,hr llenartment of 1'u 1? bllr tllltlrs— water Fund. Adoptedby the Counrll Apr. 12, 1916. Approved April 12. 1916. (April 15-1916) Adopted by the Council n ^ \� 1 191 �p Zi ov 1....!... MAYOR cerg Ma Presi Owers FORM C.8-2 r. F. No. 9938—By O. F.. ICeller— Resolvrd. Tim' lhr Pnthn'Zed :\Fent he. and he Iv hereby tl to purrhnse, with the r sent of the rnmotroller. without aaldnK for rom- petltive hide, 1 Rtandnrd 30" Vrnturi. 1 T}'pr "7.f" Rrl; later -T ndirn tor-Tierord- r. ] hta nometerand 1 Pln nlmrte r. frnm the RuI I'le ra Iron Foundry Co. for $1415.00. us there are patented tiors and no aclvnnt'ge rnn be Fn1nrA by adverttsrment or r ,petltive bids. ort n( sttld mnterl0l to br -barged to ,hr llenartment of 1'u 1? bllr tllltlrs— water Fund. Adoptedby the Counrll Apr. 12, 1916. Approved April 12. 1916. (April 15-1916) Adopted by the Council n ^ \� 1 191 �p Zi ov 1....!... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 991Z9_ Subject: �• �(2'2t� COUNCIL FILE No.... ._........ Date Presented_ April .12.th.16 .191..__.. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, without ask- ing for competitive bids, two 36" x 20" Smith Patent Clamped Sleeves, and one 20" x 16" Smith Patent Clamped Sleeve, from The A. P. Smith Mfg. C6p, at a price of $719.00, as these are patented articles and no advantage can be gained by adbertisement or competitive bids. - Cost of said material to be charged to the Department of Public Utilitiee Water Fund. c. F. so. 9sa9 R0 B Agent be hat That the nu rrhnaln, tot:ent .h d hr Ix hereby uthorized tornntrohler' nclt t n nsent of the netitive bidx, t'It out akin', Fpr .pm_ tla mped filr•prpn, nx20^ fimlth Patent fimlth Patent (Clamped Slrece. �0 From The A )R. Smith ]rf,. to., at price m E719.00, n these rtesof nil ad sn eat tno ° patented articles (� ran be Rained by ly tont of Id mat..rial o e , ve bids. tho Department r Public IItlrgipa to \ _ �t Adoot .rd the h I. Apn—ed April 12, nen Anr. 72, 191fi. \ [April15 ]9 16. 1916) T r� V V Yeas (tt, n (c) Nays U Adopted by the Council 7In favor pp veAgainst RMAYOMr. PrsFORM C '•* CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:- COUNCIL 9(9 FILE No ............._.. ............................ T Date Presented ....Agil--lith-l6 -�9) V Whreas, the Water Department has made requisition for certain material to be used in connection with the installation of new pumps, which material must be manufacturered and deliver- ed not later than June 15th, 1916, and Whereas, to advertise for said material would cause a.delay which would work a hardship to the beet interests of the City, this thereby constitutbelan emergency! plow, Therefore, be it reljsolved that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to ask for informal bids without advertising for said material, approximate amount of which 18 $2,630.00. r. F. v.. s9{o—sa- O. E. xeuer— otd� rea;ialtio" farr neii;,t _Vriai I. be .seal to c ....tion with the i.-. stallation of n w- pumps, whith te- r1IIi ..at hr mn u[RCtnred d de71V red not later than .run. 16th. 1916. n d to advertise vert lse for id mat . rial a Id nn e n I delay whi,h woud _I,n hnrdshln to the hest Interests of the CI[)', this thereby constitatt ng emergency, be It r solved that an onto Therefor., the T`n rehnsinF AR'ent be n d he fa hereby authorised to ask for is [ormal bide without ndvertisinR [or Bald mR-- tert.l, appro.hn.t..mount of whish fs Adopted ba' the Counefi ,fpr. 12. 1916. Approved Apr. 12.19s (April 15-1916) APR 12 Yeas (✓) Cou Imen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council –191... j1"Far rthLInfavor ApprovedAgainst /,VORMr.Prwers FORM C.8-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: -%941 COUNCIL ' FILE NO.. .. .... Date Presented Resolved, That the City Oomptrollen be and is hereby authorized and directed' to transfer the sum of $2.000.00 from the maintenance account of the City and County Hospital to the building fund of the Board of Control account., C rth— BeaolvedQ That the City Comptroller he and Is hereby uthorIz dan" di- eeted to transfer then of 12.000.00 from the nintennnce utoou t [ the City and County FonV al to the hulld- Ing fund of the Board of Control ac t. en Adopted by the Council Apr. l2. 1918. Approved Apr. 12. ]918 (April 18-1918) Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (I") Nays sworth vCia In favor 7 ,.K er 7,11�7' M oil Against vY g MifPreside , Powers FORM C.a-2 Hlb . Adopted by the Council qt 1: -- .191 A ve(v 91 6 MAYOR B., S. Bates, Pub. School -M. & R. Capital City Tumber Co., Pub. School -M. & R. S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, Gen. Fund-Mun. Court-ExpN Feature Film Co.. Teachers Training School Lib. M. W. Fitzgerald, Gen. Fund-Misc. & Unforseen 0. G. Losby Pub. School -M. & R. Geo. P. McGuigan, �av g D reciat• n t eet oust. &�Ma• Rebecca Snowden Marshall Schooj-M. R. & Peal Estate Osgood & Blodgett Mfg. Co., Water -M. & R. Patterson Street Lighting Co., Pub. Iighting M. & Fred Q. Norlander, old Library Rebuilding (Insurance) CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM - FILEO NO1 N0. 9942 571.10. .. 96.00 AUDITED By IEtI— /� u'C• 311.79 .�� p 99 PER .. DEPUTY ,..0 25.00 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and" 42.00 in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed' statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays * Adopted by the Council Farnsworth favor A— Gose / ,-In — Keller 1411GI1,1)_ (� Againet 1,9r530,o0 6 O'Leary MAYOR 1 Yoerg Mr. President, Powers B., S. Bates, Pub. School -M. & R. Capital City Tumber Co., Pub. School -M. & R. S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, Gen. Fund-Mun. Court-ExpN Feature Film Co.. Teachers Training School Lib. M. W. Fitzgerald, Gen. Fund-Misc. & Unforseen 0. G. Losby Pub. School -M. & R. Geo. P. McGuigan, �av g D reciat• n t eet oust. &�Ma• Rebecca Snowden Marshall Schooj-M. R. & Peal Estate Osgood & Blodgett Mfg. Co., Water -M. & R. Patterson Street Lighting Co., Pub. Iighting M. & Fred Q. Norlander, old Library Rebuilding (Insurance) $18.00 571.10. .. 96.00 311.79 7.50 25.00 42.00 150.-4Gt 503.40 4,414.56 1,9r530,o0 1 i44 #2 St. Paul Foundry Co.-.# $7,407.00 Old Library Rebuilding (Insurance) Emil Tesch150.G0 School -M. R. & Real Estate rand Total $ 33,2 4tha a hr ornwn Reenlrr anrr in yon the CIt," Trena IOedP tun�lae and t t fhe herrinhter avec flrms0 orporn- tIn" e for o hth�eraons.nta etr nPPoatln their rranretiren n, s 1a aveel0ed r intlowlnC detnlled tntement' R., S, S Rn[ea. Pub. S [hchool—?f. K "0n. CItF ivmher Co.. Public Cnow Gen. Frhnnl—'•1. fi R.. $6Com� Flnnnee. c. A. Fnrnaworth. Fund—Nun. Court—T'e. E90.T Schoolt�iJh FIf 31179. 7'enrhrra Trnining Q Unfora elnz fTr60-Gen. Fnnd—lilac. G. foG. ieen. . Puh. Sehooi—Ai. & R., $26.00. 42.00. _ Gen. P. McC"dC,. E )\f.RebeeCD Real Estnte.t $150.00It .cVnter— Get;nod & RlodRett M, Co.. �E & it.. SfiOE 40. Ll Atte 51. &Ret E4.413.6F.F Cn' Pu Fred C. ,`-'lander, Gid Librnry Re- bulSldl Paul nFoundr� Co96G1d 30 OT.IbrnrY Rebuildint; fTnaurnnce)`1f7,4R0' &' Renl Eetnte. E 50.00. School 1916. AdoPtedd At 11 12, n1965 Pr. 12, APDrove fADr11'16-1910) 1 CITY OF 6T, PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. 9443 EV L AUnITE 181_ {f11 1G C ��-- 1�•1 t I PER 100 j OEPuIr Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays Adopted by the Council ^ ' 191— Farnsworth Goss 1. favor rov 1_ Keller (/J Against MAYOR O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers r. F. No. 9943— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the beret nafter epecifled funds and in favor f the Per,—, Orme or carper.- - tion. for the mounts at opposite opposite their respective s as specllel in the following det.y d statement: _ Chas I. Pillsbun• Co New L r.ry RIdF.. $925.00. t Adopted by the Connell Apr. 12, 1916. Approved Apr. 12, 1916. (April 15-1916) 1 Chas. L. Pillsbury Co., $625.00 New Library Bldg, CITY OF ST. PAUL w" ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 9944 COUNCIL COUNCIL NO FILE DV AUDI191_ q� 4 % _ fli`Sl Resolved that warrants be drawn upon/the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed YeaJ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 2191 Farnsworth Goss In favor 4 Keller Against MAYOR O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers ? The American Architect 3.42 Public Library -Few -Rooks American Auto Co., .50 Pub. Lighting -;saint. American Can Co., 20.00 C. P. U.-Mun. Test. Lab. -New Apparatus American Engineers Supply Co., 24.70 Pub. School M. & R. John R. Anderson, 206•,35 Pub. Library -New Books, Architect Supply & Pub. Co., 2.55 Pub. Libr.-New Books Ault & Wiborg 65.00 Gen. Fund-Misc. & Staty. Supplim Austin -Western Road - achinery iso. 3.17 Paving Depreciation Auto. Tire Sales Co., 145.97 Fire -M* & R 723 .6 Police M. B. Police& ire Alar -Iwi Pub. pl gr nds aint. 1 7 2.80 J. F. Bailey, 1 M R Public Schoo - & 35 26 Barret Bfnfg. Co., Paving Depr. #2 S 4 John A. Bayne, Water-Maitt-.. & Rep - Belt Line Brick Co., public School -M. & R. Geo. C. Binder, Gen. Fund -Civil S Vic ks 1.5 26. ^-Printed. orms B1 6G Comptroller -pr g. S Y• C. Gen. Fund -Pur asi De .-1d• Gealth-Heal .20 1.20 -M. R. 1. Police -M. R. 18 5 Pub. Par -Par -M• OG pub. Sc of -'y - & R Pub. Library- ener 1 Suppl. 7.4 G. Bisenius Co., health -Dalry -M. & R. T. L. Blood Co., 1. Police & ire Ale -'� n • 4V7$ pub. Sc of 4 public c of-.. &� 0 Water R• 0. Board of Water Commissioners •75 Public Lighti gmma' t• 5• Police -*.i. & 24 4 Fire -M. & Street & ewer ing -Sewer-Maint .80 Pub. Pl grou s -M nt. pub. U -Gen. Adm. aint. 25- • "-Mun. Tes .La,.-Maint 100 0 224. H. C. Boyeson & Co., i� Gen. Fund -Pr ted /ce- B1ks 41.6 Comptrolle ri inat 17• gealth�u ant' 3.10Gen. Fu -Civ Ser.Pub. L' racy en. S 2.45 S. Brand, /49/0 Pub. S ool- & R'Pub. chol- . & Brantjen Motor Co., Fire M. & R_ Brooks Bros., Water M. & R. Browp, Blodgett &.Sperry Comptroller er rtg. S aty Gen. FCi 7/Sece- . Pub. Bldg -InC sPub. Sch of-M Water -M & R. X1.40 67.45 5.50 50.55 224.49 72.45 49.50 3.15 3.75 102,55 //40 ?_ #3 4ft M. Burg & Sons, 13.00 Stub. School -M. & R. Burns Lumber Co., 1� 123.65 Fire -M. R. 5:4 Pub. ayg undo 17/ Gen. n so n P. 1 00 Pub So ol.-M & .00 Is 12315 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 24.00 Water Dept. -15. & R. Capital City Lime Sr. Cement Co., 13.75 Pub. School -M. & R. Carson.,'Pirie Scott CO. 4.49 Pub,.--Library-New Books Ventral Scientific Co., 100.89 Mechanic Arts H. S. Library Chicago, Great Western Ry. 1.37 Health -Health -M. & R. Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul Ry, 1.78 Pub. U.-Mun. Test. Lab.-Maint. Chicago,MplS. & Omaha Ry, 60.00 Sj & S. Clng.-Street Clng.-Maint. Citizens Ice & Fuel Co., 126.8 Pub. School -X.,,& R. Water -M. AZI 7`l2� Clymer & Huelster 59.50 Water -M. & R. Cornplanter Oil Co., 79.36 Pub. School -M. & R. Craftsman Press 21.30 Comer. Puj'3X Wor -7M'nt 13/4fi C 0 Pub. B7. I k�/—M A0_1 F /# - Crane & Ordway Co.. 109.35 Pub. Schybl-ly. & R. 69 Water 0 -35 Crescent Creamery Co., 17-00 Pub. School -M. & R. S. S. Crooks, 4.50 Pub. Library -Gen. Supplies Dahl & Martin 35.75 Library -Gen. Suppl. Dahlquist Machinery Co.. 1.20 Wat-T M. & R. John B. Darling, M. D. 140.00 Corp. Counsel -Exp. N #4 Adam Decker Hardware Co., Water Dept. M. & R $4• Gen. Fund-Electio Exp 58 3 Police -C. & B. •6 Parks -Park -Mai ., Municipal Ga ge - nst. 61. 0 Health -Heal -M. R. .50 Pub. Play ound aint .4 Pub. Scho -M. R. G6 u41 #4 Adam Decker Hardware Co., Water Dept. M. & R $4• Gen. Fund-Electio Exp 58 3 Police -C. & B. •6 Parks -Park -Mai ., Municipal Ga ge - nst. 61. 0 Health -Heal -M. R. .50 Pub. Play ound aint .4 Pub. Scho -M. R. G6 Deeforges Transfer Co., Pub. School -MST. ;H. Detroit Pub. Co., Pub. Library -Gen. Suppl. F. A. Defiel, police & Fire Alarm L. F. Dow Co., Mayor's 0 ice 2.8 ) Corp. Co sel- Tice p 0 Compt. f. P g. S aty etc. 14 50 police �_ •5 Gen.- n. C urt-M nt orate Dept . & 13� 0 Pub. Scho %. R. 3 •50 Dyer Bros., Pub. Libr. Gen 75 B key L. Eisenmenger Pub. Works-Workhous-maint. Electric Blue Print Co., Water Dept. -M. & R. Elk Laundry Co., Pub. Schoo i Police Water D t M. R. Employers Liability Assurance Co. R. M. Neely Co., Water Dept. M. & R. Emporium Pub. School -L. & R. Essanell Electric Co., Fire 50t lj,. Sewer C rRep. t. Fairbanks, Morse e, Co., Pub. U.- es La .-M. Pub. Sc R. S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Gen. Fund -Municipal Concerts S. A. Farnsworth, C.P. R. F. Police HM.a h &th Healt He-M.J�& R. P. Bj419.-Idisp.%%-J��fifi $220.06 2.00 29.00 3.00 39.50 8.25 62.85 16.45 32.15 43.75 21.95 5.79 4.05 346.40 183.44 j p f 1 '0 4 0 pub. Works -W ru 2. Pub. Library-n - /333-k. Gen. F.-Prin d/,; 1W4 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., Pub. Lighting ti -g 3a� S.& S,Clng-S set lng. 13 ito " - ewer 1 .94 1 Pub. Playg ubd -11. P:b " .40 3. Water -M. R pub. Par -Va* t- 20. R�ndolp Hei to 31 58 6 pub. S 001 & Fire -M. & •70 Feature Film Co.. 6.f 76 Humboldt H. S. Lib. �I k. B. S. Ferrey G:n: F: Pi2 GnPt - 0 55 Field, Schlick & Co.. pub Works OrWb�,de-M- PubScho : Finch, VanSlyke & McConville pub. School -M. & R. Ford Motor Co., pub. P a Irouq4s- t i %-V x/ L'y Av Fountain Printing Co., Police -Pi & R 5 Health uara i ' /& Gen. tint For nks par s -P -Aoti tie 3.7 / L. H. Franz Co., School -M. & R. Samuel French Pub. library -New Books Chas. Friend & Son Fire H. & R. Chester W. Gaskell Pub. School -M. & R. Germania Fire insurance Co., School -M. & R. Alfred A. Goldschmidt pub. Library -New Books. Gray Motor Co., School -M. & R. Griggs Cooper e, Co., W a r Id i o u 3 e -ya i n t . _71Z 676.85 7-00 15o.65 19.36 15-00 3.15 33.75 24.00 7.95 24.00 7.50 20.25 6.75 7.75 9.73 7 6 Haag•,Roofing & Cornice CO-, pub. U.-Mun. Test. Lab• -M- J. Quincy Haas & Co•, pub. School -M. & R• W. J. Haas Mnfg. Co., Fire -6. & R. Hackett, Gates & Hurty Street C-DPt._,r Randolph ei t �" Hackney Investment Co., Library -Gen. guppl. Jas. S. Hardin, Capt•, & R. pub. Lighting -]i• gartinupub. School- M. & R. Heger Bird Store & R. derson & Peter Schoo19•� M & R Geo. A. Hillman Corp. Counsel-ZXP- Edward Hinderer Comfort Station -Const. Alfred Hoff, Corp$i Counsel Sap• J. P. Hoffman Gen. Suppl• pub. Libr'arY _ August Hohenstein, purchasing Agt. Police- • & R Fire-'ichoo • & pub. S. L Ru m ldt y-Ge5/ Sup P ub Lib sc. S8 tY Suppl• Ge •F•- sc. & R. @� ter eP k nt. b. arks -P park -Adm. -M. Holm & Olson pub. parks-Park-Maint. A. Hubbard Electric Co., pub. School-fS. & R• gugheon & Whitacre School -M. & R• E• H• Tde LibraryN t Books Independent Oil Co., SchOOle-M. & R. -Pep ry�y$ 3 i O n grid.ependerA, A%&ki,n.g; €:.,._ 00 Pub. works-Torkliou 3e_.=mint. 4111-50 13.75 3.85 39.95 13 0 05 35.75 13.:93 1,525.14 3.60 .30 23.20 4.63 16o.00 35.75 217.26 #7 P. W. Jackson & Co., 6.25 S. & S. Cing-Street Cing.-M. R. C. Jefferson Lumber Co., 69.22 Police- & R. 4. Com. . Wo 5_= n 7 Gen. . M e ion .2 Pub. ark ain 7• Pub Sch 1-.V & 10 00 P1 gro ds- in 3 .6 '! 6 9 21 Johnson Furniture Co.,. 14.00 Pub. School -M. & R. Johnson High School- 77.25 Pub. Lib. -Gen.AUJPP13 Pub. School -,,�g�,,"",,++�� 7 5 J. T. Kenny Co., 4.00 Police -M. & R. X. R. Knott Apparatus Co., 50.25 Teachers Training School Lib. Joe. Koskie 12.00 Pub. Library -Gen. Suppl. F. Lambrecht 16.80 Police -M. & R. W. A. Lang, - 23.50 School -M. & R. Chas. E. Lauriat Co., 24.69 Library -New Books Layyy ers Co-operative Pub. Co., 31.75 Corp. Counsel -Exp. Lehigh Coal Co., + 112.45 Pub. Play' /o�ds�/t. Oe Police -M Water _V 1 5 F. G. Leslie Co., 50.10 Park0(R a/. �nt. 2 0 Wate V. R. 4 5 10 Library Bureau, 21.25 { Pub. Lib. Gen.Suppl. Library Bureau 38.25 pub. Library- en. -pp l• G . 225 Lyle Corrugated Culvert Co., 158.00 Impr. Wheelock Parkway; J. F. Lynch Co., 145.15 Water Dept. -M. 8. R. 08 McClain & Gray Co., Police11. & S. & - Cln �.-:Otr. Cln,, Comer Fin i c fl Hea 26 26 5 Heal th - R. .90 95 O� E Cor . Cou sal -0R .2 .25 Exp Ge F. actio r 4 5, //230 ivil 3 00 b. S ool- & R .50 b. rks-A .-M nt. .00, ept & 3V R star ept: 9.9 : Rumb dt H L Pub. ib.- n. ppl. 0 9 A. C. McClurg Co., Pub. Lib. -New Books MacMillan Co., Pub. Lib. -New Books Machinery Co., Pub. Lib. -M. & R. Vaendler Bro's Com. SPo -MOI&O Pub. Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., playgrounds * Pub. tight* g -M. S. & S. C g.- wer C g. - of tr. Comer. b. rks int. Fin ce-Tr apor tion Poli -M. - R. Fir M. R Health ealih-4. & R. Pub.Schoo6-M. & R. A73Y650 5.26'.4 Manheimer Bros., Pub. School -M. & R. Marford Tire & Supply Co., Fire -M. 8- R. M. J. Marrinan Water -M. & R. Marshall, Field & Co., Library -Fire Loss Martin & Giesen Library -Gen. Suppl. John Martin Lumber Co., Pub. Parks-Park-Maint. Malady Paper Co., Gen. F. Election Exp. Gus D. Messing Play groiin d 9 -Maint. Merri2l, Greer & Chapman P. Parks -�,,rk -Ti Sphool-M - I �Z: �e,l L lo6.93 5.00 15.20 7.85 549.66 Ak 8.5�- 209.50 7.02 62.95 35.75 11.00 22.40 1.85 143-25 t #9: WV Meyers Engraving Co., 6.00 Pub. Bldgs.-Insp. &: Clks. M. E. B. Meyerowitz, 2.00 Pub. Library -Gen. Supplj. D. H. Michaud, 43.75 Water MI. & R. Midway Lime ,& Cement Co., 95.66 Fire Ii. & 1•, School -M..' &� Randolp e' s ch Mun. G ag Co t. 0 .0 _ Milton Auto Co., 42.20 Pub. Pl.aygr nd•-M 10 0 " Bldgs. ¢ & raf -M. 1 .9 In & lk M. 2 0 Mitsch &. Heck Co., 51.85 Fire -M I& 4 Police 1 Water 5 T�. N. Moffat 13.00 Water -M. & R. H. Mueller Mn£g. Co., 12.40 Water -M. & R. Napdu Paper Co., 5.40 School -M. & R. National Conference on City Plann:ng 5.00 Pub. Libr.-Gen.Suppl. National Housing Assin. 1.50 Pub. Libr.-New Books. National $sundry Co.. 3.49 Police -M. & R. Edw. Neuman 76.44 Police -M. & R. New Departure Mnfg. Co., 5.13 Fire -M. & R. Louis Nienaber 2.00 Fire -C. & B. Nicols,sDean & Gregg 112.32 Pub. Bld s. - h. Dr t. -M. 2'44 P./-� ar 1 FiR Wa1 �4 Pas Sc& 2 12 3 North American Teleg. Co., .6G Police -M. & R. a 00 Northern State Power Co., $729.94 pub-.,romfv,rt-St op-,"'* & R. $ 4V72 7 Fire Gen int 7 Wat; XF.- -Art 39 .6 10 7�yi �V 29 4 Northern Coal & Dock Co., 65.60 S. & S C ng: Sew C1 .-M. 1 . 5 Sc -t i; r Ames S; 01 .5 park 23 Nothland Pine Co., 176.00 Ames School N. w,= Stamp Works, 4*95 Fire- 1 & ,qe Pub. ;�j & byg�y�en pl. N. w. Elec. Equip. C04. 518.32 Police 1. &JR. //31 Fire . & Mun Gar e- onst 4 7�� 00 .0 ks ar Z 7 0 rt ati -Const H Ith b. aths (191�)-m 5 .32 N. W. Tel. Exchange Co., 128.32 Pub.�t'�IfunanTes e �b. 3- u /Heal -Qu • 00/ e -M & 9 / 9 Pol Ce -M & R U "I e - & R R ter i i v, 'Ser vi r Ki; R. .3 420 Noyes Bros. & C t3- 208-83 P 0 a /ie M R* ir _M 0 r M� t4 1 W lne He ar, .-A S LfS b - 0. H. O'Neill Corp. Counsel -Exp. H. Peltz & Son, Blinks. Civil S VOI'MO, e'-` Pub. Lib 'M. /h. peoples Coal & lee Co., School -M, L R. 142. 10.00 142.65 7.00 #11 9 Res. # Perkims-Tracy Printing Co., 34.90 Corp. Co ns - /Sch ool Park- ct' t'•5 3 90 Pierce Oil Corporation, Chicago, 253.00 Street Const. & Rep.-M. -���Iierce 011 Corporation -St. Louis 1.00 Street Const. & Rep.-Haint. Pittsburgh plate Blass Co., 25.75 Police- 4 Schoo M & 5 75 price Electric Co., 1.31 Mun. Garage -Const. price Robbins, & Newton 103.00 School -M. & R. W. G. Prussing 13.50 School -M. & R. A. L. A. Publishing Board 14,71 Pub. Libr.-Gen. Suppl. pure Oil Co.$ 1.00 !School -M. & R. G. P. Putman&s Some, 11.31 Library New_Books Quayle & Kelly 14.80 Water -M. & R. Quick kessenger Exprese 1.93 Gen. F. -disc: Staty. & Suppl_ Ramaley Printing Co., 337.41 Corp Counse -E ] 9 Gen . -0ff' ciPuJ1. 2 Rand, McNally & Co., 1.5.00 Police -M. & R. Raudenbusch & Sons Piano Co., 20.00 Playgrounds-Maint. Raymer Hardware Co., 35.78 S. & ng e, r -M nt. .7 P. F. 1 9 Po ce R /417/ S oo M. n. - e ion xp. chooi� & .(1 5) Reed Motor Supply37.05 PolJJ��ce M. •5 Fie &• 7, 5 ot #12 Review Publishing Co., 243.30 Gen. Fund -Official Publications N. C. Robinson, Clk. 308.95 Mi s oy=, e gnxp Corp Robinson, Carr & Sands, 372.90 S./t�' Ing.- ew r- 2.X7, CoWo s. .7 Stn Re /429 scWat. H. & Val J. Rothschild 36.46 WaterJJJ��� Pub /Lj�br�u�l• 3 Jos. A.Rogers Agency 13.75 School -M. & R. St. Paul Battery Co., 1'30 Sewer Const. & Rep. -M. St. Paul Book & Stationer.,; Co., 1,268.ol Pub. ay u ds- 6 Pub, ch 1- & 8 3.67 /C"h Li ar -N u. Pk 5 a - n. Supp 1. is t H S. Lib. 5.20 - & 2nson H. S. ib• 1, St. Paul Builders Material Co., 49.5a Scho 0 Wa r- R A50 St. Paul Crushed Stone Co.. 65.55 Ames School St. Paul Electric Co., 220.27 Pub. B dgs. ns . & 1 2•' Libr y -G , pp Wat -M R p . L ht g- nt 7 St. Paul Foundry Co., 2.20 Water -M. & R. . St. Paul Gas Light Co -.-2,418.68 1375 'g Fire & . pol O -M. & R. r � 561`169 P. F. arm- • 73 He lth- uaran ne-M •55" C pMai "Wo ous Main 53• b: i t -M. R. 946 Of . gh g Pub Test. Lab. Main 2 Pu .s U. - arket Main a S &. S. ing.- wer ng. -M. a - treet� " 2 1 en. Fund -Art museum -N. ' �S #�3 J St. Paul Gas Light Co, Co t Bohoo3sM. R � §166' ' Pub. Lib y e Su l Parks -P ks a• Gen. -M ar e-Wat er e. &2 St.#Paul Glass Co., Water -M. & R. St. Paul Hebrew Institute School -M. & R. St. Paul Insurance Co., 1 Schoo7��M. & Libry�'�'' ee;t S�p1. Fo— St. Paul Printing Co., Corp. Cout�el- 5 School: & Water R, 1 Gen. n d F. s Tanks n n • „ ^(1 5) .60 3 St. Paul Roofing & Cornice Co., Water M. & R. St. Paul Rubber Co., .00 jZb M. � dt L" pr nk ng • f f, r St. Paul Stamp Works, Water -M. & R. St.Paul White Lead & Oil Co., School -M. & R. Scheffer & Rossum Com. Pub. Works Workhouse-Maint. Scheiffelin4_0��Jthj(f 5 H ala W R. Schuneman & Evans, cher Schutz-Xaas Co., School -M. & R. And. Schoch Groc ry Co , Police -11 & R. Health ealt -1 r �► -Qu anti a -M• & R. -P li c ath M. R Sc ol- & R W er- . & ealt Hea h -M & R 19 ) 10 -pub. E ths- Bi R. s1 42.00 75.00 49.50 320.05 30.60 73.40 .75 •77 12.03 69.55 12.15 1.50 87.61 k #14 t! Shotwell-Hobart -Johnson 14.40 Water M. & R. H. M. Smyt a printing Co., 1.20 pub. Lighting & R. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 24.00 School -M. & R. `G. Sommers & Co., 7.61 Realty yaz ti se ,.-& R d 2; Scho So. Park Foundry a Machine Co., 70.45 Wajcer-M. & R. F. E. Sparks, 9.67 Fire-lr... & R. Thos. J. Steen Co., 8.08 Pub. Library -Gen. Suppl. Strickland -Doolittle Co., 13.75 School -M. & R. Stuart Sanitary Supply Co., 37.50 School -M. & R. Thompson Radiator Co., 3.25 Fire M. & Be P Transit Supply Co., 425.00 Police- & R 500, 42� p Ygro $ Pub. gs ch.& CM. /Pub ark ctivit s-Maint. r Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co., 208.66 C. H. C. ,MR., 1 4c" 1 Po 1 e m f; is -M R. '`Fr ,1 . 20 Trgy Laundry Co., .24 Water M. & Re Twin City Iron & Wire Works, 3.50 Water M. & He Underwood Typewriter Co., 6.00 Pub. Bldgs.-Insp. & Clk.-Maint. union Brass & Metal 3.50 Fire -14. & R. United Charities 35.00 Health -Quarantine -M. & R. University of Chicago Lib. .75 Pur. Lib. -New Books 'Valley Iron Works, 12.16 Fire -M. & He Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 3.00 Fire -C. & B. 44 K. Virtue Printing Co., Water -M. & R. Waldorf Bindery Co., public Lib. -Gen. Suppl. Wa2dref Motor Co., Fire -Ml. & R. VT. & H. F. Ware pub. Libr.-Gen. Suppl.- washington Foundry CO., S. & S. Clng.-Sewer Clng.-Maint. Tennant & Ward, pub. Jib. -Fire Loss Geo. E. Warn =r Pub. Libr.-New Books W. L. Weber Pub. school -M. & R. H. R. Wedelstaedt Centra• ' *41, y 00 & Weed Parker & Co., Library I' p1 S Chp� � ch -95,0 Wells, pargo.yxpress Co., Pub. Lighting Western Supply Co., Fire -M. & R. Health -guar t4 R. 61PC. P. U. -Mu Pub. Play' - O*n pub. Watpf Isoifo St io Co 3 ri i , es I' len n, ew p Lab. 66 chool 154 & R I 174 Westerm Union Teleg. Co., Police-x'I &,R." -.- "I, dad'is & 2 v Cho �v 2 W. J. Westphal,: Police M. James T. White & Co., pub. Libr.-N- Book John Wiley & Sons. Pub. Li-br.-New Books H. W. Wilson Co., pub. Libr. -1,T— Books 4w 4.50 167-80 2.9} 35,.75 8.75 lo.58 3.35 80.00 14.00 95.00 1.02 174.50 22.39 39.00 98.00 5.52 1.00 meet Geo. Wray & Co., $6•�5 Pub. Libraty-Gen. Suppl. Wrigtt, Barrett & Stilwell Zimmerman Bros., Police -M, & R. , t R w ants he rornwnt '. eolved94that uPon the Cit)• Treaeu ry. Dayo ie of hereinafterand n tpersona.III ,heof ms or corporns opDoel to tions for the amounts -set sat.terne.t.1, in the following detailecttve ed The American Architect, Public. Library—Yew Booka, $3.42. American Auto Co.. Pub. Lighting— . dolot.. 60 Cents. Ame rima Can Co.. C. P. U.—Mu.. Ape SUDp1Y Co., -...,.. Teel Lab.—New Are Supp EC0!"Pub. ,r.. American Enew School—M. & R.. Pub. Llbrnry— 'a- """itse,' E20G.36,on. Pub. Co.. Pub. LibrehNew Books. $ 2.56 Ault & \Viborg. Gen. Fund—TRac. & Slaty. Supplfea, 266.00. Co.. Au.t F Depreclatl n- E3.17achinery Auto Tire Public $' , Y, chool?—M. & R- 7. F. BaBCy, 52.80. $2' Barrett Mnfg. Co„ , Peying Dept.. $35.26. Sohn A. Bayne. Nater—Maltit. & Rep.. $1.40. Belt Line Rrick Co.. Public School— M. & R., 48.00. o. C. Itindure H `c Rlaeniva \o.alth—t,alr 1l. j . tit.. & t6.5o. $50.55.a,� in;m & $ t n., f : ^^-.45. i:r:tnd, $40.50. Itr:t rr tJvn Motor. Ea.15. Itroaka Itru.., t\':+ter--\I. ti Ii., S3.i5. Drown. Itlodgrtt & SPe rr}', 5102.65. M. Ito eg & puna, Pub. Schaal—)/. K , it 513.00. Iiurna I.0 to bee l'o.. $123.65. Rurrougba Adding )lachinc Co., Wo -I ter I,elrl.—�1. & R.. $-4.00. Capilul City 1.I me & Cement CO.. r Pu h. S,hnul—\t. & 1t., $13.16. Corson. I'irlr Srot[ l'o.. Pub. 1.1- hex rr—\,•,r Ituak a. $4.49. Central Selr eti'l Co., Nle,hn 11 Arta! H. S. I.ihrar". $100.80. Chh-:ttto, G1. \t'ratern Ry_Health— H ea1th-3t. & 1t.. 51.3:. St. Pl Rr..l t'hirngn. \111 \vault a r. Sau I'ulr. est. I.ah.—yialn L. $1.78. I'.-61un. T Ry.. S. & S.I _ t'h icn No. 61P1a. & Omn,\n int.. Cing—Ktrw•t CIng.—\!fl$60.00. Citlze ns lcr & Fuel Co., $126.83. Cl ye'er & Hui later, \\'a to r—]1. & R., $69.50. CornPlnntrr t)li Co-. Pub. School—I ere rtanutn Pre++=, '. �N:re R cl,d 11 ' er.- Ca.o.,.5100.35. t,•nt crcn., rub. sel .00l— \t.E1 1.00. _ Dolt �. Pub. I.Ihrn ry—11+'n. Sup- 1 Plies` $4.50. Irnhi & linrtln, i.ihrn n'—Cep. SuPPI., $35.15. l -1 r:t l,Irlu iat ]hrcl,inr r}' Co., \Vater—M. P 2 Ila rllnl;. \I. 1\.. CorP. Coun- •'.40.00. Hnrdtynre Co., $2-"0 "- parer t'n po 11.73 t .98 COUNCIL FILE NO . ............... - .... ..— 3� 3 By..... ...—...-- ..... _.................... ........ -.......... ...................... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.Gr-ad.ing....A1.1.Cy.....t.B.__BlOgk,.3,.,._Stineonte Boulevard Addition, ..... ............... _._ ... under Preliminary order..:...6813 ................... _... ___.____.. approved _..__September 3IId, 1915. Intermediary Order`--- .................... —_...... ........ ..... .......... ... _ approved ................... .------ .......... _...---.� _ _..._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ,TMA Alley—in Blook A,_Stinaont e— ^� Boulevard Addition, ....--- ,„��• ,-. i• :tions and r.,' 'iative thereto. andC_._.____.._.__........_—._..__.......... ...__..._._._...__. _.__..._— _',.Id.rcd the same; th . .� Iv.d, ny the Council of tl __..._.__.. ............. Paul Paul that the oreolse natn--•"^'-`-"'—'----"'"—" _.. and kind or 1,,r,, me, by the said City 1. gra, .......—.—. —_ loch S, Stinson•s Boulevar-^"'-'.—_— __............ _....... --- ' ,nd the Council hereby and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ii Improvement to be made. 'Improvement Further, That the I r or Public Works be at RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner "by Instructed and diroctel J is hereby instructed and plane and speclfl,•.ations ' evment, and syb At aa, directed to prepare plans and specifications for said in cusf approval 'that vit same to the Council for • tval f P'oper ty t„' approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers ,, ° eC' ed and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accorda. ^P}' Adopted by the Council .......... j__.__...c:..... Approved__.—__.._.. Councilman `arnsworth (,Goss eUBUSBED > S �/ �[!�/ (;Keller cycColl bash Yo” Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 o CITY 9T. PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FLNFLIMINARY ORDER (A) (� i In ttte Matter of ._.Q.� s-LI-Q-----�------ ------- .lC� ----- ---- - ----------- ---- - ----- ------- --- ..... ._.. under Preliminary Order approved--{ ` - N 1 /- `. --_ ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $__a41,_&8___......____..._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � /) 7 7 sI rolaM e. s.w. ea u TOTAL, (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRIILIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J i J s r S ,A �r c7 v '7 9 � ,- t I . C- �L2, ,- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- .-.f- _....._---... 191.__ Commissioner of Finance. roBM es.w. a -s c ] etition for .;radin;- w, .�IaPA/ 3. Si/NsoN'r /3n//LEYh+'RO ROO i St?-�1E�i5 6URLAU OF ENGINEERS, ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DI— OSCAR na Coe Kit+ionln OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Crn E — J. E. CARROLL SV— CON 1—TIon h p+—, ALFRED JACKSON, Svrr. S -1-1- G —1-1 .G. N. NERROLD, 0-- E.-- M. W. GOETZINGER 5—. Won.-�+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER February 10, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goes, Comn.ieeioner of Public Forks, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 3, Stinson's Boulevard Addition, from Syndicate Avenue to Hamline Avenue in accordance with Council File '6812, approved September 3, 1915. Approximate estimate $341.88 Cost per front foot .285 Frontage 1201.5 ft. Excess inspection 8.30 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. JEC/L•IR { Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finarite February. ll., 191 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Woks, having had under eousidrrntiou the preliminary order of the Conn. 6813 September 2, e t•,.lative to the cal, known as Council Nile No. .......... ......approved ___..]!)L. coat of grading Alley in Block 3, Stineon's Boulevard Addition, from Syndicate Avenue to Hamline Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby repm•ts: 1. Said improvement is --_necessary and (o•) desirable. .285¢ per front foot '� The estimated cost thereof is $- _.. _..__..... _, nod the total rust thereof is :R `i41' ��� and i,rontage 1201.5 ft. Excess inepeotion $8.30 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and auade apart hereof. 4. :a. Said improvement is. -__ _.__ __asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -,7.- Couuui�sioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION _-GENERAL FORM Ac Subject:_ _ e 9946 COUNO _ fel O . FILE Date Presented fi l -r i i 12, 191 6 N FESCLDTIOY YI1.I'7 _.. A:'0LT i OF ',A."D n 7 Ci �r ELS• :P. T Resolved, TO r T"?':7;; I". C: DE:,.'A'IOi P:OCEEDI C In t, -.e n.atter of con''_ei:.ninL and taking an e&sea.ent in the land necessary for slop s, for cuts and fills in the �ra-.in; of A11ev in Tlock 3, Stirsor's °o,Ievsrd Addition, unc.er Or?.er -68C9, ar.I'roved Ar.ri- .end, ll�lb, and interr.ed.It\ v Crder ==°514, arr oved ::ar .. 15th, 1'z�1b. The Cor.L_1ssioner of Pul,,'_ic "'crke haw.- su,c;.itted his rer:crt s.nd a:'etc1.- it the a'oove i;atter, 'oe it FEF^'.'FP., (1) at the of -t nt:nl fi : s and h c°et.:r;.Ares t':e ac.. ur.t of land taken for the a;ove r.an.ed in.rrov.t.ent is an e<,s=n.ent for slot -es, for cuts and =ills in and upon the land ao.ttir_^ on Elley in ck 3, Etinson's : of levard Addition, to the extent sh.'\ti't: uron the s .etch attic' ed to the rer.ort of the Conc:.issioner cf Pu'::=ic 7orke in t' -e ,;.atter dated April 12th, 1916, whi,h eketcl. and re;;ort are '".er6.:y referred to ar.a :..aye a I:art" hereof. (2) That an easet..er.t is tEJ en in s., -id -and to the extant necessary for slores, for cute and fills in the radir.: � f' `id street to the established --r-de. a <..t'i" hload s, for cots and tills .1 131oc1t 3, Stinn.. x Itnulrru rd :\ddit to n, under I'rcl{nllua r)' order No. USU9, approved .\prll _ad, 1915, xnd Interni odlary ,rder Nu. 9514. approved \Inrch 15. ,1r, Thevin cuhtnitt,d -ey ,idl e{a a .1leten hnving a and a In the nbove matter, be It rte ..dyed 111 Thut [he l;lty o[ SL. ' • l he—by n•byl utn dQBto be nd dtnken lfor the u.lupe., lamed Imps—'ement le a', nse- [or cuts nd oll, In o the land abuttlnF l tloelc 8. Nlinaotin noulevn rd o the r<tent shownupon ^hrd to the re , o Yeas ( r') (d) Nays w A `Ii ih 5 fricilmen +, n, Adopted by the Council 191 naworth / as / In favor r Her ///'' Approv 191 cColl C/ Against ash erg M . Presi nt. Powers Fo M ..a. ✓ /� _ MAYOR VWuISHED� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK5 M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROtlFRF T. l:OURLF:V, D,v 1 I_-- OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 Ex- F.CA.ROLI-. S­Corvsln��cr �:x & Rs�•il ALFRED JACKSON. HFRROLD. O1,.�. s..HH.w ;OF T.�N�, ER. S..... A, „•r -REPORT TO THF COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 3, Stinson's Boulevard Addition, under Preliminary Order #6809, approved Sept.,2nd 1915, and Intermediary Order #9514, approved March 15th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Patll: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the, figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commis,;o�er of Public Works Fated --- - --- -- ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r In the Matter of -------- ---�-----=-------" � _j11s4�1�1L�I11s1_42 � A 9 1. c:-:---f-L-�----1=�-`-=~-------sem`.'--`-=--�----�---------- --�------- -..........................-......._ ___...._...__..._.._ .......... --------------------------- ---------------- ------------ --- -------- --- ---- -------- ....__...__... _.... .... ._.__ f ---- - --- — - - - --- - - under Preliminary Order approved - ---- 7417// To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $—..75..04------- ------ --------- – The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION � f 1 6u y` J 4 7J P j b ✓1 / � r �1 TOTAL, ronr+e. a.w. a�an CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Cy,���e,i o ih✓al �Gt�� ✓v � J _ �GJ%- 'f /sd`Lj f d � I PSD v 'v - a ''J C c� .-F✓ C4 C O O�v G7 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated���/ Commissioner of Finance. ronin e.e.w. em c W ,s IMMMI 0 NM , : j �y I t t 'S } x ,s IMMMI 0 I t Office of the Commissioner of Public Works f , Report to Commissioner of Finance Febru.ary.116, 1916 To the Cmnnlissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, hnving had under consideration the preliminary order of the ('0111)• 6809 September 2. .191 _5., relative to cil, known its Council File No. approved condemning and taking an easement .in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Blook 3, ............ ................. Stinson's Boulevard Addition. -.. and having investigated the matters and things referretl to therein, hereby repot•ts: I. Said improvement is_ ______necessary and (or) desirable. 2. xxxxxxx The estimated cost thereof is $......_......_.__.xxxx _.. _, and the total cost thereof �s :F and the uatare and extent of said improvement is as follows: - --- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached nod nuule a part hereof. 4. :i. said improvement is...._ not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, Subject to assessment for said improvement. l'onuuJlssion r of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO........... ........ ..___ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of......._Grading Alley in Summit avenue Second Addition from- ....... .... ................... --- .enue to_.$aratoaa _avenue---------._.._......_...__. p ...... ... ............ ...... ....... -- ... "........................ _ under Preliminary order ...... 4394_...................._........... _......... approved _.........Apri.l 110th, 1915. IntermediaryOrder... .—................ _..__............_._.... _....._. ...... approved ._.................. __.._.......... ...... .... ..... ..—..____. .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said city is_...GTede —Al lamin gumait avenue Second _— to. Saratoga and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same.to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and di r ted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. p°P Adopted by the Council.._......_ ._..._..............i /b+W�SGterk. APProved...._._.._---__------C .._�...1 191_..... May r. F'. Alley in S.-- grading Far worth n the matter e( grad)^g Pascal) ".' use t`t+d o 8do��on) from under Preliminary Order 439+e aP- proved April 10th. 1916. ✓I{e er A pt bellcbove rimproeen had vement upon due M oil upon n tics, and the Council h¢ving heard II pore one. objection- and andoh Wag {31 „ dations relnti vo thereto. Rt `N h Pully considered the same; therefore. be It r the Council of the City - vY erg lie-Dwea, s: of le Paul that the Precise nature, c ! lent a d hind ( ImDr is eme at gr¢de Alley' Mayor P ers maae by the -aid city In Summit Avenue Second Addition Form B. S. A. &7 frnm Pa-cal a.'enue to Saratoga we- ­d the Council bereby orders .� enl,i Improvement to That the Commis- Reaol ved Fblle er, loner ( Public Works be df he Is hereby Instructed nnddclatre- ionsdfor to paid pare plans and pec Improvement, and ubmit same to Sal / Council for approval; that upon a aid ✓ approval, the proper r. elty-tf%-r- are / I heed with the 'making of said dlmProve- `I _ •�I hent in accordance therewith. Adooted by the Councit Apr. 19, 1916: CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE_ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (/� j In the Matter of--�---- � o- -- - - `.... -- Order 5 ^- /d, 4/�)\ --- - - - - - - ------ under Preliminary approved -LZ, j To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ -459, 14___ --_--_---_---_-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ - -- --.40 ' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 d ,4)*�L ¢��c< u<C /'0' o 0 �. J` ` 4', 161 I TOTAL, "� G Lk O d CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION t 7s, L) all, yz ;cr �u`9/ �✓�c�o' �� ..(< n U K The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforegaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _..... .._191.0. Commissioner of Finance. FORM ..S.A. 5 3 C Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Decet:.bar, 'ro the Conunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had uuder consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- ,sil, known as Council Pile No. ...4394. .....approved _.. ",PT" 10,__. __ _.19]_5.... relative to _........_.. gradin Alley in Sut . it lvanue sac.n--' addition, f rot Paz, --al Avenue ......._........... and having investigated the matters slid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _....._._....necessary slid (or) desirable. 40 ots. F-er front foot 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $........._._.._.. _, and the total cost thereof is { 489, 14 nud r rL 1311.54 feet rxce3a el, coon �9 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and made it part hereof. 4. 3. Said improvement is_-_..___ _. _.__..asked for upon petition of three or awre owners of property, suhivet to assessment for said improvement. l'mnmissiouer of Public'�Vorks. ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D-1 COR 1-1 N1-.. OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.,e, E—KEER J. E. CARROLL Sum. C—T—T— 6 R,.. s. ALFRED JACKSON, S— S -1111- G. N NERROLDOrae, Ex—.1 w. W. GOETti NGFR S— W— '• CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER .Ae I:.Jer l , 11-15. .on. ". Soas, C0.I.,issioner ".f °'-'b cr-1.6 -zar zir: - trar. ...i _erer;i.:: r.reli:;.ir.a stl..., of ,cat fot:.e -rww r.-, c)f :'iev in c..n.it A.v3nue oond r ,iticn, `roll. al 1.veni:: to E arE-to: _. Ivanue, �.. _.,,o� _�_...,_ ..it. �o•ur.ol� ri=.. �o. 404, a;-r,v�•. I,Nri1 _ 1:;15. L:ti::.e-e 4,9.14 Cc , -:t r.er front foct .404 -;ca-,s _ s; ..tion 9. 3'S rc;nt�: 1d 11. ;4 ft. 6ulb-il'i ed, of V MEMO APR 1 3 1915 BUREAU OF EiYGINEERS, u � cc MEMO APR 1 3 1915 BUREAU OF EiYGINEERS, u � � � �� � _ «,� s- �" �, � A I�..�. �p �\ S� i , � �� r,.�... �. - ��' Pie, the undersipr:ed,lot owners 1n Summit Avenue,2nd Addition to the City of St. Paul,Ramsey County,Mirnesota, all of whose lots border upon the alley,which is,proposed by Preliminary Order 4394,to be graded,desire to tender to the Common Council of the City of St.Faul our objections to the said proposed grading. We object to said grading f���"'�� the reason that the same is un -necessary. v c _ owning lots to tt It to n n n n CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO I ] _.. (�Q f JUb•eCF.. cou Rc JJ4��'1 FILE4 O. .. t Date Presented nprl� l;tii 191 6 hE 80"T ION Resolved, FIXING THY A:,:OUN- O' Tei ITD OF. ERTF7T OF F! SF '.EITT TO 3E TAKE" IIT JO"D'.I'ATIOId PT.00EFDII•'GS In the r.at- er of conder.nin &n tab:inE: an eLsen..ent ir. the lsnd necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Sur:a..it Av :nue Second Addition, from 4arf-toga Avenue to PaecE.l Avenue, under Prelin.inasy Order ;'8408, approved December 13th, 1415, and Interri.ediary '`rder ;9518, arrroved ;,:arch 15th, 1916, The Cor.-.ir.issioner of Pub . is r'orks -aving submitted his report and sketch in the above ratter, be it FES"LFF.D, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes tnd determihes the an.eunt of land to be t.ken for the a_evs r.au.ed in:rrovee..ent is an ee,sen.er.t for slopes, for cuts :r.d fills in and uron the land aobuttir.- on Alley in Surmi,it Avenue Second Addition, between the points a£orese.id, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Comn.issioner of Public '';orke in the matter, dated April 12th, 1 18, w];ich sketch and report ase hereby referred to and i, ade a part i ereof. (2) That an easer..ent is taken in said land tc the extent necessary for slopeG, fcr cuts and fi-Is in the Zra�-7inc of s: id street to the est41-ished . .. Pascal nven-.,, I,�Inary 0,,1- 0. 8408, a,,p, 1mber 13th, 1936,Jrd,r and Intern 1916. No. 0612, approved 31'. 1916. Commissioner Public re akf aboveted his report and akr. bout matter. be It olved, (1) That the City o, ,nxes and determine. the nr ,r Yeas (1jFworth oilmen (r) Nays d to be taken for the i Improvement ena (h eiee i°8e'� Ona abutting In on nney tr° dopted by the Council 191 � In Favor 9 yeednanddiuon, be.//lure. Id, to upon the.ketol•>r the CemmIApp v / 191 il AgainstMr. PrPowers FORM C �; ML�j/YOR i�]L �.�/ /� ROBERT T. GOU RLEY, D-11 C--- ­ OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C_, Exci _ J. E. CARROLL, SIM. COne —T— h R[= ALFRED JACKSON, SVPT. S -ITA -1 G. H. HERROLD, O.I'll ENOiM H. W GOETIINGER, Su T. W..n.ri�v�e CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER —REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the .matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Summit avenue,Second Addition, from Pascal avenue to Saratoga avenue, under Preliminary Order #$408, approved Dec.13th, 1915, and Intermediary Order #9512, approved March 15th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of P--uFlic Works Dated 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE l REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of/t%�f11"---.fG(....1.Lr�`.%--_..'.�.:I._11!7r1-Z=------ --- /--._... Q....../li..J.G'4.....aZi�lLhf.£--..__....._......._._............_.----------------- ---------- –---- ---- ---------------------------- ----------------- —-------- --------- --------------------- ;:�------------- ------ -- - ----- ------------ - ---- ---- ---- --------- ------------------------- /.__..---....__.........__------__........------- --- ------------------------ under Preliminary Order approved --/ -------L-. ------- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 50 00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$—=------------------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $-------""'---"'"-"-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION i ��e J J l (rr( L7 _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ RssGiN�N+/ �tyyC >�`fc��rr��✓� /o u o C all /apo 0 d i > t o OC (9 d d TOTAL,rdd �• {�' -_, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-_..... '!-.. 'Y ---------------191_l`-- /'- - ._.............. --' ._._-........ Commissioner of Finance. roar+a.s.w. ee c CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " ..I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUAOPj, t C`fz c, ?J` C' (y'404. .7 l071 a o C4 sa G �y � Jizo The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-_..... '!-.. 'Y ---------------191_l`-- /'- - ._.............. --' ._._-........ Commissioner of Finance. roar+a.s.w. ee c Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Decea. mer 27th, 191 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._..._.._Q_4Gfi.......approved_...__..._lieCembe.r....l3t.h.a.191`C...., relative ta.... ...._......_........ condevmin� and'akin an easerent in the la_r.w nece,a.j. :y..,_forslo�_es.,..... ..... L ... .. .... .. ... ..... .... .. ......... .. _ ... .............. ... .. for cuts andfills in graainS Alley in Suia:.it Avenue, Seound Addition, _ ._......_ __........... fxon 4arato a !venue....a... .... to Pascal .vg nue. ......._.... ..... . .A.............. . _ ........._. ........... ...._.......... ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ...................necessary and (or) desirable. XX .. ,_._.. and the total cost thereof is .._..XXXXX 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $...._"....._. ___......., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._._..__.. .._._ _._..._._. ...._._...._. ............ ......___..._ .___.._.... .._-____._ _... __...._..... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .............. ......... ........ .......... _... 5. Said improvement is..... _ _not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cant ssioner of Public Works. Y- N4 I I EE �` S i !ti c, _. - s -1 - I—Ah ----- ..vall Y- N4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE No. Date Presented 191 Resolved, Y ':Jr .n'. C Y vc, f r o:.,. 71 Tine o I.r i -ii noce r, o I i -y 710 —, � I "' �' 7 r- ew L s0, Ir ;18 n voter s2r,,,ice con.,.ectio -.5, to :icCiure -Y, 't :i orice Jf!`,, Engineer'e. Esti.-, :e 318.'l0. )r ial 3i :,o 302. o, P. Ne. 9949-111 Lent. Naah— Itesolcr,l. Tbot the C-01 hereby the —ntr—t for fur,i,hI19 a hor "' " to I ]a- non 11 "ll b,5Tvri— He 11.e of in the W. Line of F.1-1— Al- lerl.din,; --r or, he se draI", and n: CC'u r, I-- piny nt n macef $94,450.00. Engl- e F Formal Did 0 80 2. Ad, =,Id by the CouHell JA,r. 12, 1916. A, , ."d Awn "' (Apr" 15-1,1,; Ilk ?,e It lit, b With 9"boj4s connelt'011 geaoltjork % Yeas I') Co i Imen I') Nays C Co il Adopted by the Council 191 (1') Fworth 4�1 G In favor K r Ap ov oll -3 Against h h g MAYOR t P �m, Pr gpo."a FORM C.8-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. COUNCIL". Date Presented... D30� _ . 191.6_.. Resolved, that p ezmissi m be and is hereby granged the Tri State Telephone and Telegraph' Company to make the necessary esaavation, lay conduits and build the necessary manholes for underground service on the following named streets: Fo%W(4) poles on Belmont to connect with alleys East and West of Ohio Street. 0 1' { It eflola•e d. Thn[ perm) to hr '.d is hrrehy Krnnted the Tri Stnte Tele - ^hone and Trele9 rpph Company to d nke the •" fl. vuM1l on.mnny ondn1,., and+bulid tlhe e - hnlefl for u_1e r..nd airs on the followinK n mad x1r rtgaer your Jln),.I_ on nrlmont St. In -rl a�'ith nll e)'n.E-1 and tlhio nt rer t. tCork to lre done under thr C ro nd to [he .vntlfl[n rtlnn . 1 , CI,,h.r- fllonrr oP Puhlir \\'orks. the Triephnne mpnnr to pay the coat of Inxpertlo n. en Klner rink +tnd pu hl lr .-\doptrd by the Coun'ltll .4pr. 19. 147f.. :ypproved :fpr. 73.191 (Apr ll 22-1916) Mork to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Cortmtissioner of Public works, the Telephone CompazW to pay the cost of inspection, engineering and publication. Yeas (d) o ncilmen (r") Nays F sworth G In Favor -- K ler Against Mr. Preside Powers FORM C..-2 Adopted by the Council 7 ' } + 191 Approv .. .. MAYOR- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIO -GENERAL FORM Q.2flr: Subject,���/Gyzr LSI-JT/l' cou �,.NO NCI Fµ,E ... _... ..... '. ............... ....... ....._ ... _......_...._..... ...... ....... ........... -......... ........ _...... ... ..._......._................ ........ ........ .................. ....... ate Presented-..I9L.......- Resolved, Whereas, Hannah Peterson, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Fifty & 00/100 ($50.00) Dollars, as an Advance Payment for a sewer on Lot 6 Block 3, Clarke & Wilgus Addition, and whereas the assessment for the construction of a sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Thirty four & 93/100 ($34.93) Dollars, therefore be it Resolved, That the sum of Fifteen & 07/100 ($15.07) Dollars be refunded to the said Hannah Peterson, and that the proper City Officers be, and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Hannah Peterson, for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. n951 11\... \ Fnrn--tn—I Yeas I I'I Cou llmen (I I Nays Far i\'nnh Gos ' S In la\or Kell J Against Nash i Mr. President, wets ronN C 9 2 nrxoly t, ll'nrrrn.,. Hlo I I it, of CI,. Ilnc hurt oforr null [n the l00 n0 I'nul, ih- = of Flfl>' and 00 100 0.001 Iloln r.�In1 :Adcam-e Pnc" for a nn f,nt fi nlnrlt t. mlP lr is R I"II1 0, �\dlitin n, and w'hcrenc I11,. n t for Ih" r nct rurtlon of n er Tn 1: I fol- -1 nro3r 10' Ir+�Ihr Vlv iVmr of Thirt�� four null 9:1100 IF"9.981 rf Io,rr. Ihrre for, hr It 1nil 011100 If16.01-lI Moll_, 1,, rofnnded to lhr unid }In nn h1111—r, 1 Prr, 1x1., and Ihnt t rr hrrl � h. nlithnrifirrdt9r dram rnt In Ynr oe xnid }ian fo f th mrh Prt- ,, fur nold n m Pn>'nhlr out of the o Adlnnnt Armun[. A 111Ptrd by it,, Counrll Apr. 18. 191 G. Anpro �'rd A11111 I., I. (April 92-1916) ,lnple,l by the Council . '. 191 At prove(l 1916 MAYOR . 1; Go.. -t .nlaeton be ttt Y •, the North\ i N R wf Ith th° i City of St. Pa n n ° r°° �j�r� n. of r nhRt t fro Prior Al, Council Resolution Genert .d r.n °^- ith ride of Montreal from W. d 1, :vw�• atrrat. De$a, Ement of . t . aids or Ryna rat,• fro. Mont t�t�timP S:r co. .vu,.•rt rr°m r to si r,ao- St. _ �6a� Of .at .me of r'nderwona rr°m c � v. st. rmtr vt. rt - - - - - - - - - - - - - o,,• .c�` ai,ne of .r.rcer. °n - - - - - - - ,�- �1�, % - - - - - - - - 1 ; Date Presented 1916 Council File No - By Resolved. that permission be and it is hereby granted the North- western Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wire with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets: North side of Graham Street from W.7th Str. to Prior Ave. West side of Davern Ave. from Stewart Ave. to Field Ave. South side of Montreal from W. 7th to Elway Street. Eist• side of Syndicate from Montreal to St. Clair Street. East side of So. Albert from Randolph to St.. Clair Street. West side of Underwood from Randolph to St. Clair Street. 3 -Poles No. side of Jefferson from Pascal to Saratoga Ave. 4 -Poles East of Tatum from Hilles Ave, to Chelton. 3 -Poles West side of Aldine from C. M. & St. P. By. to St. Anthony Avenue. .. _ West side of Aldine frorgvY vett to Railway Tracks North. 3 -poles South side of Albany from Snelling to Arona Ave. 1 -Pole North side of Atlantic Northwest corner of Pascal Ave - 1 -pole West side of Pascal Ave. from Atlantic to Midway Parkway Vandalia from Westlsideeof Duncan ffrom Stillwater SAve. Railway to MagnoliaStreet. poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. Adopted by the Coll11 Nays yeas ( ) Cou dilmen tKeer rth i ApproveMr. President Mayor eUBLISHFD d.. t CITY OF ST. PAUL Olt d COUNCIL RESOLUTION --`GENERAL FORM Subject: Cement Block Croeswalks COUNCIL FILE N O L >� Date Presented Apr 13 1916 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to co�struct crosswalks of cement block at the following 0. F Nn. 9.Wl—fry nl. N. Gn.s— Resolved. 'Chat thr Commiselonrr of loeati on s •uhlir \\'arks he and Is herehy author_ m 1 ta,.d I d dittoes In , relr„et ".a, valk-1 of r Mock nt Ihr ov,� follInS location s: t ens SF,V1,NTH WARD. Cement Cross a.]k s. F•.aet side Aron Sl., at toss Carroll Avr. North skit Marshall Ace., arms llunlup St. s M.—hall r:nsl std.. Dunlop St., n Are t cos North side Ma -hall Ave., .irons Gug. St. rF—I aide arigl;, elreet. :urn -e Mar- shall A,,-. across North aide Marshall Arc.. SrnAlcn to Ave. \Ve.t lido Sy ndicatr Avc., acroee Marshall Ave. South side Dayton Avr., across Sy'n- di'cate Ave. North eide Dayton Ave.. acrose CriFKn Ti North sdr Summit Are., across Syn- dicate Avr. South .Ido I.Inroln Ave.. acroee Dun - .up St. Sonlh side Goodrich Ave., Heroes I.rxing ton Ave. North aide. Fairmount Ave., acro.a 1.,«InSton Arr. Nnrtn .lay D,rora St, acro-, Osceola Are . south -lar Cwcrola All, ncro.a G= - ford St. cv,.t ,ids• rl:cora St., acroee Ltn- Wod. West side Chatsworth St., acroee U.r cola All, W'es[ .Ido Syn d irate Are.. .tc roes H; Rue Ave. Cost .ile Hamline even Sr, acroee Dayton Ave. EIGHTH WARD. - C•ereent Croaewniks. Wi t ,Jae Matilda St., ncr, lorry -rd St. Wrat eldo Gaultier ruin ad St. Wear aide — r -Yeas (I') CO cilrnen ( I') Nays A,) Adopted by the Council 191 F worth G In favor t J Against Mr. Preside Powers u� �� % MAYOR/ FORM C.a-2 YUt3LiSHW. C/ �'" / /`" it , SEVENTH WARD--CEMETT CROSSWALSS kEast Cdrrol side Avon street, across avenue. 01 North side Marshall avenue, across Dunlap stre,.t. 02 East side Dunlap street, across Marshall avenue. 03 North side Marshall avenue, across Griggs street. ,i 04 East side Griggs street, across Marshall avenue. 05 North side Marshall avenue, across Syndicate avenue. 06' West side Syndicate avenue, across Marshall avenue. 07 South side Dayton avenue, across Syndicate avenue. 08 North side Dayton avenue, across Griggs street. 09 North side Summit avenue, across Syndicate avenue. B10 South side Lincoln avenue, across Dunlap street. 11 South side Goodrich avenue, across Lexington avenue. 12 North side Fairmount avenue, across Lexington avenue. 13 .'orth side Oxford street, across Osceola avenue. 14 South side Osceola avenue, across Oxford street. 15 West side Oxford street, across Linwood. 16 West side Chatsworth street, across Osceola avenue. 17 West side Syndicate avenue, across h ague avenue. 518 East side Hamline avenue, across Dayton avenue. 1 i1 ON EIGHTH WARD --CEMENT CROSSWALKS 519 West ei:e Matilda street, across :daryland steet, 520West side Gaultier street, across ,''aryland street. 5pl 'Nest side Front street, across Arundel street. 523 Alley North side Atwater street,between Simcoe and Albemarle. 523 South side, Yinnehaha street, across Arundel street. 524 West side Gaultier street, across Sherburne avenue. 525 East side Farrington avenue, across Sherburne avenue. 526 East side Virginia avenue, across Sherburne avenue. 52x7 West side Cathedral Plc across Fuller. To be raised. 5,E8 North side Pondo street, across Western avenue. NINTH WARD--CF''fENT CROSSWALKS 529 Fourteenth street between Jackson and Canada streeN, 530 South side Atwater street, across i!arJpr':er ;. 53} South site Maryland street, across Park avenue. 00 /-632 :,,t.Airy street corner Droadway at the turn. 533 Pest side '.4ississippi street, across Jessamine street. 534 East side Park avenue, ac rose Lawson street. �,535 East side Cortland, across Lawson street. I TENTH WARD --CEMENT CROSSWALKS 536 North aide liewitt street, across Aldina 1S.S. Wesley across Wheeler. ♦ ' 38 E.S. Prneele across Wesley. 539 S. Clayland across Ctelton. 597 S S Como across Pierce. 540 W.S. Tatum across Pennock, 98,S B Hendon across Pelham. 541 S.S. Pennock across Tatum. S Branston across Hendon. 54'2 E.S. Tatum across Chelton 699.W 6 .G N S Hendon across Grantham. 54� W.S. Pusey across Tallula.60 N S .Ie -_'on across Chelmsford. 544 N.S. ?dinnehaha across Capitol. 6 2 S S Hendon acros4PChelmsford. 545 W.S. Capitol across ;:tinnehaha. 6 3 W S Chelmsford across Hendon. 546 E.S. Fry across Blair. 60 E S Chelmsford across-Handon. 547 W.S. Aldine across Lafond. 605 N S Hendon across Hythe. 548 W.S. Pascal across Sherburne. 606 S Hendon across i:ythe. 9 E.S. Albert across Sherburne. 607 S Grantham across Dcsweli. 0 A5l S S Sherburne across Albert. 008S S Como across Doswell. N S Sherburne across Ewnline. 609 W S Langford Pk Pl across Knapp (5 52 N S Sherburne across Syndicate. 610 W S Fairview across Capitol Pl )553 E S Syndicate across Sherburne. 4 N S Sherburne across Griggs. 55" N S Charles across Dunlap. 55 N S Charles across Gribggs. 5 7 S S Charles across Albert. 58 N S Charles across Simpson. 9 N S Charles across Asbury. 5 E S Asbury across Charles. 51 N S Edmund across Asbury. 5'62 S S Edmund across Asbury. 3 E S Asbury across Fdmund. 5 4 E S Edmund across Simpson. 5 5 N S Tnomas across Griggs. 5p6 S S Thomas across Griggs. 5 7S S Thomas across Pascal. 68 W S Pascal across Thomas. 69 N S Thomas across Simpson. 5 0 N S Thomas across Asbury, 5 1 S S Thomas across Asbury. 2 E S Asbury across Thomas. 73 N S Lafond acrosa Asbury, 54 E S Asbury across Lafond. 515 S S Lafond across Simpson. 576 N S Lafond across Hamline. 7 N S Lafond across Syndicate. F5 8 S S Blair across Albert. 79 E S Albert across Blair. 5 0 S S Blair across Asbury, 5.81 W S Asbury across Van Duren. S S 11inninhaha across Hamline. 22 3 S S Hewitt across 'iolton. 584 N S Hewitt across Holton.1585 E S Hamline across Taylor. N S Taylor across Holton, )86 87 acrosa Cromwell in front of 1016 to replace wooden walk. 88 S S Robbins across Bayless. 1589 Across Bayless at 977 to replace wooden walk, 590 S S Buford across Long. 591 E S Raymond across Wheeler. .592 S S Keeton across Carter. W S Keaton a'. rose Bourne. 5 4 U3 W S Keaton across Doswell. 5 S S Buford acrosa Keston. (596 S S Como across Buford. F.LEVFITTH WARL--CF'.'Fi'T CROS:=WALKS ' 6th E S Hemline across Dayton 67,6 N S Jefferson across ?Lacalester. 612E S Ham line across Selby. 677 E S ';acaleeter across St Clair. 3 N S Ashland across Harr,line. (;Tw S Vernon across St Clair. 6 4 w S Hemline across Ashland. 67 S S St Clair across Underwood. 6 5 W S Hemline across Portland. 6$0 W S Underwood across St Clair. 16 N S "rand across Hamline. 681 E S Amherst across St Clair. 17 1: Sodrich across Hemline. 032 W S Amherst across 3t Clair, 18 W S aniline across Fairmount. 683 N S St Clair across Fairview. 9 S S St Clair across Hamline. 84 S S Walpole across Fairview. 62 N S Lydia across Hemline. 85 W S Baldwin across Walpole. S Lydia across Hemline. 6,86 N S Walpole across Baldwin. W S Hemline across Lydia. 6p7 S S Princeton across Fairioiew. /S 623 E S Hemline across Lydia. 68 E S Sue across Osceola. 24 N S Grace across Hamline. 689 N S Fairmount across Fairview. 6 5 S S Grace across Hamline. 690 S S Fairmount across Fairview. 6 6 E S Hamline across Grace. 69tH E S Baldwin across Lincoln. 6 W S Hamline across Grace 6 2 N S Lincoln across Sue. 648 N S Lansing across Hamline. 6 3 W S Sue across Lincoln. 99 S S Lansing across Hamline. 694 N S Princeton across Marlboro. 30 E S Hemline across Lansing. "695 S S Princeton across Marlboro. 631 W S Hamline across Lansing. ,�'696 E S Marlboro across Princeton. 632 N S Jefferson across Hamline. 697 W S Marlboro across Princeton . 33 S S Jefferson across Hamline. 668 N S Princeton across Montrose. 4 E S Hamline across Jefferson. 699 W S Wontrose across Princeton. 63 W S Hemline across Jefferson. 700 N S Goodrich across Sue. 636' N S Juliet across Hamline. 701 S S Goodrich across Sue. 637% S S Juliet across Hamline. 702 E S Sue across Goodrich. 6 E S Hemline across Juliet. 703 W S Sue across Goodrich. 9 W S Hemline across Juliet. 704 E S Marlboro across Fairmount. 40 N S Palace across Ilamline. 705 S S St Clair across Cleveland. 41 S S Palace across Hemline. 706 S S Fairmount across Cleveland. 6 E S Hemline across Palace. 707 '.T S Grand across Cretin. 708 S S Grand across Cretin. 64 W S Hamline( across Palace. '.709 E S Finn across Lydia. N S James alcross Hemline. 710 S S Lydia across Finn. r4645m S S Jaes across Hemline. 71 N S Portland across Fairview. Dewey. E S Hemline across James. 71� N S Portland across 647 W S Hamline across Jamee. 713 S S Portland across Dewey. '548 N S Randolph across Hamline.714 E S Dewey across Portland.. 64'9,N S Randolph across Albert. 15 W S Dewey across Portland. 1650`, N S Jefferson across Snelling. 71 S Portland across Howell.— 651 ES Snelling across Jefferson. 717 S S Portland across Howell. N S St Clair ,across Brimh all. 71$ E S Howell across Portland. 3 E S Saratoga across St Clair. 71, W S How6ll across Portland. 6 4 W S Saratoga across St Clair. 720 N S Portland across Prior. 6515 E S Warwick across St Clair. 721 S S Portland across Prior. 65 W S Pascal across Lincoln. 722 N S Portland across ','core. S Albert across Lincoln. 723 S S Portland across Moore. :T S Lincoln across Albert. 724 E S Moore across Portland. /XE 6 1T S Goodrich across Saratoga. 725 W S ',.core across Portland. 660 S S Goodrich across Saratoga. 726 N S Portland across Wilder. ,,661 E S Saratoga across Goodrich. 727 S S Portland across Wilder. 2 N S Fairmount across Snelling. 728 E S Wilder across Portland. 66 S S Portland across Saratoga. 729 W S Wilder across Portland. 66 W S Albert across Portland. 730 E S Aldine across Portland. 6 5 N S Ashland across Albert. 731 E S Marlboro across. Dayton. 666 E S Albert across Ashland. 733 W S Cretin across Dayton. ( 667 W S Albert across Ashland. 734 N S, Hague across Pascal. w S Pascal acs cos Hague. 734! E S Wilder across Ashland. 66 N S Asbury across Iglehart. 735'W S Wilder across Ashland. 67q S S Asbury across Iglehart. 7361E S Moore across Ashland. 67,,1 N S Iglehart across Asbury. 737 W S Moore across Ashland. x,72 S S Iglehart across Asbury. 7381,E S Howell across Ashland. X73 S S Iglehart across Pascal. 739ME S Aldine across Ashland. 674 N S Roblyn across Asbury. 740E S Herschell across Ashland. 05 E S Asbury across, Poblyn. 741 W S -Herschel across Aehlan.i. ELEVENTH WAIRB--CFMFNT CR09RWAIKS %H 747 West aide Herschel, across Daytor. avenue. 743 East side Herschel, across Hague avenue. 7*4 East side Herschel, across Laurel avenue. 745 East side Aldine street, across Laurel avenue. g4� West side Aldine street, across Lai�tel avenue 747 West side Aldine street, across Dayton avenue. X746 East side Pierce street, across P.obiyn. '��9 West side Pierce street, across St Anthony avenue. 750 East side Fry street, across St Anthony avenue. 7�l North side Shields street, across Fry street. 7,52 South side Shields street, across Fry street. ;'753 East side Fry street, across Shields street. 754 West side Fry street, across Shields street, �ti755 North side Shields street, across Roy street. South side Shields street, across Roy street. 757. East side Roy street, across Shields street. 7West side Roy street, across Shields street. 7 9 South side Shields street, across Heracnel avenue. 760 South side Shields street, across Wheeler avenue. 1 South side Shields street, across Fairview avenue. 7 South side Feronia avenue, aasoss Fairview avenue. 76 West side Lynnhurst avenue, across Feronia avenue. 7 4 West side Lynnhurst avenue, across Feronia near Prior. 7,65 North side Feronia avenue, across Lynnhurst near Prior. outh aide Merriam park terrace across Roblyn avenue. 767'—Nothhaide Merriam park terrace across 'Poore avenue. Wiest side Howell avenue, across Iglehart avenue. N9 West side Howell avenue, across St Anthony sunk. 77 East side Ferdinand street, across St Anthony avenue. 7711 East aide Ferdinand street, across Carroll avenue. 7fi2 South side Carroll avenue, across Wheeler avenue. 773 West side Wheeler avenue, across Carroll avenue. X774 South side R.oblyn avenue, across Fairview avenue. 7'T5 East side Wheeler avenue, across Iglehart avenue. 776 West side Wheeler avenue, across Iglehart avenue. T77 North side Iglehart avenue, across Herschel avenue. 778 West side Herschel avenue, across Iglehart avenue. 779 South side :myrtle avenue, across Glendale street. 80 South side Bayard avenue, across Pelham street. 1 East aide Curfew street, across Layard avenue. 7 2 East side Curfew street, across Myrtle avenue. /f83 North side St Anthony avenue, across Hampden -avenue. - 784 East side Cretin avebue, across Ann Arbor street. 115 North side Ann Arbor street, across Finn avenue. 7 6 South aide Ann Arbor street, across Finn avenue. 7b7 East side Finn avenue, across St Anthony avenue. 78 North side Power street, across Cleveland avenue. 9 South side Robyn avenue, across Cleveland avenue. X90 North side Igleh"rt avenue, across Cleveland avenue. nl North side Power street, across Wilder avenue, 79 Fast side Merriam Park avenue across St Anthony avenue. 79, East aide Merriam Park avenue, across A$ St Anthony avenue i I Near Prior. 7914 West sine Syndicate avenue,across Hague avenue. 79!5 North side Randolph street, across Albert street. 7j6 East side Sue street, across Grand avenue. 757 West side Sue street, across Grand avenue. 798 West side Griggs street, across Iglehart avenue. 749 West side Griggs street, across Carroll avenue. TWELFTH WAFD--CF'4ENT CPOSSV;ALKS M West side Avon street, across Charles street. 01 West side Avon street, across Edmund street. 3 -,West side Avon strut, across Lafond street. _ 803 Wesp side Avon street, across Blair street. 8 North side Blair street, across Avon street. 05 South aide glair stre.;t, across Avon street. 8 6 East side Avon street, across Blair street. 80 West side Avon street, across Van Buren street. 8 8 South side Minnehai,a street, across Avon street. 9 West aide Milton street, across Thomas street. 10 North side Rondo street, across Chatsworth street. 1 East side Chatsworth street, across Central avenue. 81 North side Edmund street, across Chatsworth street. 81 West side Chatsworth street, across Edmund street. 8 4 East aide Chatsworth street, across Thomas street. 15 North side Hatch street, across Louth street. 816 East side Louth street, across Hatch street. 817, North aide Hatch street, across Kilbourn street. 818 South side Orchard street, ao-noss Chatsworth ,etI eet. 819 East side Chatsworth street, across Orchard stree`t:: 8 East side Ryde street, across Union street. 8 West side Ryde street, across Union street. 822 East side Colne street, across Union street. 8 East side Louth street, across Union street. 8 4 Alley east side Chatsworth street,between McKenty & Union. i G CITY OF ST. PAUL v.. COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM Subject:_ Crosswalks--Brick L COUNCIL LE IN O. Date Presented Apr 13 191 6 t Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to constructbrick crosswalks at the following loca- tione. Yeas (v') C ncilmen (1') Nays F sworth G In favor /—R 1 r `.7 ✓ Against' N Mr. Preside Powers FORM 9.e�2 Adopted by the Council 191 r Approved y 191 ,5.. MAYOR PT T3LISIIKD C, ,L / �� Iig M. N. Goss— the Commission[ and is hereby aut to c nett. ct-r'- f.] ,g locatl n-+�• i u I3�TP. a FIRST WARD --Brick Crossings West side Pennsylvania avenue, across Olive street East side Arkwirght street, across Brainerd avenue. West side Arkwright street, across Hyacinth strert. East side Edgerton street, across Maryland street. East Bide Edgerton across Phalen street. North Bide of Jenks street, across Cypress street. South side Jessamine street, across Cypress street. South side Lawson street, across Hawthorne avenue. East side Earl street, across Hawthorne avenue. 0. North side of Orange street, across Hyacinth avenue. 1. North side Hyacinth street, across Frank street. 2. South side of Geranium street, across Earl street. 3. North side of Geranium street, across Earl street. 14. South side of Rose street, across Earl street. 15. North side of Rose street, across Earl street. 16. South side of Rose.street, across Frank street. 17. S E Corner Jessamine 1, Forest, repair crossing. �18. Alley on West side of Forest betn Rose and Geranium. 19. West side of Pennsylvanai avenue, across Pine street. 1120. East side of Somerset street, across John, repair. X21. West side Edgerton street, across Wheelock Parkway. 1�2. East side Edgeeton street; across White Bear Road. X23. East side Edgerton street, across Nevada avenue. 124. West side Edgerton street, across Nevada avenue. 125. East side Edgerton street, sarasax alley crossing between ( Nevada and Como Boulevard. 126. West side Edgerton, across Como Phalen avenue. 127. South side Como Phalen avenue, across Montana avenue. West side Edgerton street, across -•daho avenue. East aide Cypress street, across Cook street. South side Cook street, across Earl street. 3 North side Jenks street, across Earl street. South side Jenks street, across Earl street. East side Earl street, across York street, repair. 4. East side Earl street, across Hawthorne avenue. 5. East aide Earl street, across IV'y street, 6. North Bide Ivy street, across Earl street. 37. Alley west side Cypress street betn Hudson and Wakefield. .• .hot, Nnt aide F.rest St.. ac rose Ave. South side Sixth St., ncr.es St. FI=H WARD. Brick C .... inge. East side Duke St., ncroes Randolph St. F..a s[ side Duke St., acro.. Cascade St. East side Duke St., oa n e James South/ Id. Lombard St., ac Ridgewood Ave. North side west Seventh St., seri Otto Avenue. South side Rest Srv,nth St., acro Olt. Ave. South side west Seventh St., aero Adrian SL North side west Seventh St., acre ]tay St. Westside Omaha St., across R! dolUh St South std, James St., a,,o,s t North nide James tit., a,rr —dSt. m nSouth side Cascade St.. St T11 t n 10 FIFTH WARD --BRICK CROSSINGS 4E� East side Duke street, across Randolph street. 45 East side Duke street, across Cascade street. 4' East side Duke street, across James street - 4 South bide Lombard street, across Ridgewood avenue. 4 North side West Seventh street, across Otto avenue. South side West Seventh street, across Otto avenue. South side West Seventh street, icross Adrian street. $ North side West Seventh street, across May street. l� West side Omaha street, across Fandolph street. -4 South side James street, across Oneida street. North side James street, across Richmond street. 6 South side Cascade street, across Duke street. SIXTH WARD--BFICK CFOSSINGS 57 South side Fillmore avenue,across Looses street. %58 South side Fillmore avenue, across Daniels street. 59 South side Fillmore avenue, across Ethel street. 6C` South aide Fillmore avenue, across Belle street. fl Southside Fairfield avenue, across Ethel street. est aide Hyde street, across Indiana avenue. 3 orth side Wyoming street, across Hall avenue. 64 West side Hall avenue, across Curtice street. 85 East side Hall avenue, across Curtice street. 66 South side Lucy street, across hall avenue. 67 Elizabeth street - Steps- across State street. 68 North side Page street, across Stryker avenue. 69 West side Bellows street, across Kobie street. 70 West side Waseca street, across Sidney street. 71 South side Sidney street, across Waseca. 73 North side Belvidere street, across Kansas avenue. 73' North aide Belvidere street, across Waterloo street. ,741: South side Gates street, across Brown avenue. 175 North side King street, across Bellows street. 76 South side King street, across Bellows street. 7,7. North side King street, across Waseca street. y8 South side King street, across Waseca street. 79 T.orth side King street, across Charlton street. 80 South side Xing street, across Charlton,atreet. 81 West side Fellows street, across King street. 88 West side Waseca street, across King street. 83 East side Robert street, across F.obie street. 84 West side Winslow street, across Annapolis street. 85 West side Delaware street, across Wyoming street. 86 West side Delaware street, across Winona street. 87 West aide Delaware street, across Belmont street. 88 West side Delaware street, across Sidney street. 89 West side Delaware street, across Page street. SECOND WARD --Brick Crossings /38 South side Fifth street, across Fbrest street. 139 West side Earl street, across Fifth street. 4Q� North side Gotaian street, across Fifth street. JI ! 4'1� West aide Gotzian street, across Fourth street. :4 North side Thorn street, across Reserve street. -r West side Forest street, across McLean avenue. 4 South side Sixth street, across Duluth street. �t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RES OLUTIGN--GENERAL FORM.. Subject Established Grads Council 9915 File No. Date Presented _ - - - 191 R 0_: V:� gra,.- of _ f ✓I G) _ - - - - - r�etito_Z"gC-zZ-Z in accordance wit -,-i the reC, gray -c line on the acconT anying profile and by the Commissioner of puC..J1ic Works, be anu 't=1e U«ne as recommenceC- is hereby af.opcei. �.s the e t.:olished gr& .e. �. F. \o. 9955—B" M. N. Gose— 9t . tl tto na f r'msrliu r+nx r\µe. Pnci tico StF +With the red (;rade line aon rdn+ the ompa n>'In{; nrmfile to nd an( Fu hlic r h r�bY \York e, hr and the1,hed adopted the ext aldixhed grade, ax :\dnpted h. lh+• C-01 Apr. 12, 1916. 1 916 A DDrnved AD 'Apr11122-1916) Yeas ( ) Con. il,len (Nays) ec_ by he Council �'R�"1_ t+ Fa Go sworth ?rove Ke e: In f .vor rig G - 1;. Jor Request of T',ZtL-or Powors Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and li PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of" e-foliowing public �r.vcn I �eru by the Ci" of P vincr, curbs - ard b 151('Var-'ynAal�jtr I yv,--lve frprl-, ',0 Src�ijY.ri. 4t ons scree '�o dr: v . .... . Dated this iZ t f 1)-il V Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Niz C. v tO sr'o L I i;:•. AVc ""'ate- 't e from street .Lao having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the d" h— Commissi--l- i—)..g and he is hereby ordered and ditec ied: —a lo."', h akin of said improNenwol. I. To investigate the necessity f, h , "o '1, ,f Sr. P-11 th .... . , oro., -1. o improvement, and the. tonal cost thereof. be 2. To investigate the nature, exte he 1, hereby or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or he roi--ily for of rh�. making r ..I 4. To furnish the following other i rr"t ve to said improvement; —119,ol 1h, nal— •ed net of e t,t,l '—t -,h e 5. To state whether or not said trupro., i-ru'is 'asked for on the petition of three or more. owners. 6. To report upon all of the forefgoyiq rte" ters to the Commiss)oner of Finance. Adopted by the Council 191 Yens: Nays: Councilman Far ...... h Go Approved 191. Ke e Mallor Po ers Mayor. i'wiLISHED �� �✓ .7 11 r. s.d, � .... 1 QAf�t'� Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ` and V PRELIMINARY ORDER_ - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the,,mllowing 1�pbhc improvenlenf b he Cit, of St. Paul, vie.:P.Av.ing,curl?ing tuau.boul.erv"r 31.ng r.agµe _avenu�,'rom e111 a.;avr•- nue to Pascal. avenue, i.nclu�jin p.�vr.eT,w_ato.x. ri1?-.has^ .o.n.la.cotlJnel�Joxz'Iii nett mains to property lines. cDzf,�tk°=te.,wi:e.rexo$ttalraALY.made,.a A incly%ling \ alley. arddri.vewiay aIlrA.aghes_where neoed.s.ary.. Wted this13.._ . ... dajr'of April ! 191 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. %V IEREAS, .A wtown proposal for the making of the follo%a'ing imptocc•menl, viz.:PaVin6,IlL1rb— ir..g. a,. ay.enua,frout 8nelliaz_wvenuc._to Pascal avenue, inc..ludizlg _sewer,w.at.er and was... con.neutior.s...from.stitt.t_ aaj.ne to _property 1l,neQ..c,pnlplet.e,..wbare_.. not _alzeady.made.,_also _..inalttdin& alley and driveways /roaches where necessary ...... ... .. .. ..... }..�ttururonveen vr.... may. •'lI 9 1 It A-1- rIes 1—eussassaal l 4q1 pur.1r having been presented to the Council of th, Paa ,maa Pa setas°' til n4 X41 Pur. 'I i;ru noJ Vl therefore. be it —4 aatna4 1aaw+ o dwl v 4I St. Paul theriH6�oHi1d%'IY��4re"=�411�E[ RESOLVED. That the Commissiovel s se oi� aeTnai'th Oommlaeloner or by ordered and dirr•cied: Public Works be and he Is hereby or- o. To investigate the necessity for uiderea pd do-,ctea, I impro—iiwnl. 1. To invra tl "' the n Welty for or desirability of ane maki�s of sold ent, ami ilw !oral cost thereof. . to Investigate the mature, cxtcnl anon— meat. 2. To Int'estiRate the nature., extent S. Tu furnish a {Ian, profile, or ske(en . sand ina total ,oar thrre.fro. 3. To fu rn inh a Plan. profile or 4. To furnish the follo\ains? other dant sketeh of sola treprovement. 3pro.'emene _ __ 4. To furnlsh the folw'"(; other tial. and Info rmallo_n relolative -lo sold ... ..... .... . .. ....... .i 51OTomtate ........._ -. .... _...... whether o not sold Im 5. To state whether or not said lmp;;r"i� meolritnaeknw�e� on th, p"tt°a ion of three or more owners. _ c. To report upon ail or the fore - 6. )'o report upon all of the forego] sots matters to the commission,, of )f Finance. Fanatic,. ��_ l Adopted by the 1Council Apr. 13, 1916. ADPaved Apr. 3. 1 Adopted by the Council (April 22 -I9 1c) Yeas: ' Nays: Councilman Far swot th Go Approved Ke r % M oil )' 7�j Nash Yo g %fit%or Po\ rs Mayo]. ` ` � Council File tio. PROPO L OR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER• The undersigned hereby proposal rhe making oY the folloActni ptibhc g7tprov Jment be Ihe.Cin 'd Sr. Paul, viz.: Paving, _curbing and blsulevardirr - Portland ay.e4ue,fr S4elling ;in6 avc.nue._to.-.Yaacal abenue,inC.sewex;kat.err-and_.g.aa._ sCCanneA0tinr;al.lzor, at.r_.yet. u:aine to. property ,� n.ea comple�re,wl ex's' nat alr. ady, �. ade, l.ao includi din&... aliey._and dri Ve.wW ap; roaches Jv4er'e ,.neceaxarylq _ i.• t. 13 v Brit F Dated this a of iA Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. %VHEREAS. A \\ritterl proP'Is+ll for the making of the follo\ving impto\emeni, \iz.: Paviag.,.CUrb— i.ng and boulevarding-.Port.land_&venue,from Snelling ay.e.nue_to..Pascal ave- nue,_ including_ seva.e.r,water. and gaa 00L-e.et.ions fxozrt.strc.ct n.ain.a_.:,o Lao>_- e.xty...l.ine.s c.omplete.,wr_ere_r_o.b a1Ze.ativ.rrtacie_alan ln..l.udi.nb__alley and d;ive- C "'h N . 9968 m— propoaaI f he Kheas, A wr "'Prov t i makln{4 of the following .. .... ........ Way.-. dl b; r.a.acnea wcter.e ..ne G.e.asar, viz. Paving curbing and boulevard onitfrom g having been presentee] to the Council of th tug Portlnnd Avenue Snellin.. ....._...... I `c„mie Pn senl ace. Including ' .•star n 1 gas eeuons toot' therefore, be it.in•ci' n,n"nn t„ Properu tines - Plrh•. where nuc ulreudy mnde. all. in red That the Commi,sionef ,a mu ,g au+•r ndrrl- .hF approace_bc orde[eri and iirc<ted: nate ne to rite t•oum-u of the crty ofj impro\enik I. TO investigate the IIeCP.SJII}' ft�l OI tit°Paul therefore. by It nesul Thut the 'n rob eber of 2. To investigate, the nature, cXie'.!lt an Public \Yorks be and ,on; enis hereby or -anti Ilil+r 11.t' it)Ial C().SI thereof. dared and directed: sslty for 1. To investigate the ace 3, fo hlrflish a { Ian, profile or skctc or de,irabllity of the making of ante ttnprovetnent' nature. eztengprovement: -I. To furnish the lollo\cin{t other data z. To Investigate the and estlmnted coat o[ n id Improve- a me,t, and the total cost thereof. '. v. To turn lsh a plan- prcflla or .. �. ... .. --- -- -" -'" -- - sketch o[ said improve To furnish the following oennertion of three-cfr more owners. 5. To state whether or no, said imps data nd Information move to "a "-pro;emsent. 6. 1 o report upon all of the foreg:>ir 6. To It Inenskedh,r r not said Itthe f Finane,e. i provemen more owners. of three or - ' 6. To report upon nil o[ the [ore - Adopted by the Council. -_ ___ _.l gong mauers to the commisaloner or, Finance.1916. .\dop t ed by the (`ouncil Apr. 17, 1 Cac; \p,% d AP i 18 1916... (April .2-1919;) • .1 ` •' Councilman Far -worth � 1 GO Approved.�..... Ke r — 7 M oil / /Qr ":ash Yo'g Macor Po\ .rs' M a� or. o � � / V CAuneil File NO. ,. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ` and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposws the making of the following public improvement b� the Cin of St. Paul, viz.:.P.avirg,._cL.rbing_.and. boulemarding—L.aux.el ay.e.nue, frpm..Srrll.r:o avcnur. to. F.sac.el...ave.n .zi .tuning.. derAerw.at.e.r _<uu..as.a...conn.ectio.x .__+_ r.:. etr.gt-t mains to r-rp.pex.tylzner,artip'lete,whexe.not.alxeedy...u,ade.,.alep...inclu �ji.rig.. alley _aru_dl'ive.wGy appxoacnea where nec.Gasaxy_._ Dated this 13.. __ day of Apxi 1_ 191 6 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal fur the making of the following improvement. xiz.: Pavirg.,1.c-uxb— im& and > oulev.ox.di.ng.. L.aux.el avcrue,from _Snelling avenue. to I'aacal avetue, i 71C Zll iii n'f, BCWer, Judi. c.I'.. �j•_Sj._�p¢ cpnneL;t.iplik3 i.TQ[l� at.T t; t. w.aine to. property l.i,ge.s c.ptnplete.,vz:r.x.e._.rat alr..eady.. made.,al.ao...i.nc.luciiub._.al.l.e.y..and driveway apt?zoachea_Rclere__n.e.c.essary........... __ _ ....... _ wy Yuluur.r}ruo:� )o 'ollei4 a41 ul, having been presented to the Council of xu1 p"° a ul N a _ therefore, be it .,) -9161 6l if iy�:aC+x9G RESOLVED, That the. Commnsunle 916t '6t�fv hereof reby ordered and din ctwd: R'ae$1�+, That the Commissioner of 1. To investigate the necesslt�, for a plies a k- iedana he 1, hereby or -'id impro%enlrnl. 1. To Investigate the ceselty for 2. To investigate the, timure, extent ; or desirability of the making of eatdment, and tL. !oral cost thereol. 3. ho furnish a t.lan, profile. or ske x. To dInvestigatet the sad I proent ane um ep t f la improve- , melt, and the total coat thereof. 4. To furnish the following other da I. To fu rnleh a pian. profile orlmprove melt sketch of said improvement. 1. To form eh the following other data and Information relative to Bald._ ,,,, ,, ... _ ..... ... ......... ..... ... .. ..... ... .... ..i fmpiovemen t. 5. To state whether or not soul u1 s. To state whether or not said lm-tition of three of more owners. provempnt to asked for on the petition of three o re 6. 10 report upon all of the forego 6. To repoeiupo owner. of the tore- of Finance. going matters to the Commlealoner of Finance. l•[ed t„' the r'oun-11 Apr. 18, 1916. Adopted by the Council ... _ _ . _ Approled Apr 13. 1916 fnpru 22- 916) 'y'eas: nnys. Councilman F: sworth —� G 's Approved K' ler Coll � jrl%/ �n . Y rg Z C. \r=osy P e.rs 1lfly or. 10CITY OF ST. I''t>UL v COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _ — -.st= ;_ii2z iiv4I c�rnP——li-Ming s.,'stem on "lest \Seventh St, iron S_t . _eter �t t9 eve SQtirer� — - - — — — — — — — — — — — Final order K€36fl AUPROVI� under Preliminary Order _7f;zt3 _ _, — — — 191 _ RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public 1'Jorls for the `above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 9960— 7nntx111m, Iter light In rni ental rlighting sY,Item o West S,,enth St. from tit. eiltminx rY Or� geven (`ornc rs der Pr derJ.782Y. 8 1916�rder 8668, uDProvedl-- R®celved all papers in - Reenlved, That the Pmn9. `P�iy�the connection with above done and _tlomxteo suhmltted t'ommissloner f I hlic \works for lho ReeoilitLLz nhnve n mrd irol"" mont he. nn� �� - - hereby xnProvnd- sx:\doPled hY the CoPncll APr. 12, 1916. A PDrOV ed Al". 18. 191 ADrll 22-1916) _t 191 Adopted by the Council — _ — — — — —_ -- — — — — — Yeas : ( 1 ( 1 Ilays Councilman Fa sworth Go Ke or PIC Coll 191 Na h A — Y r� + — P.fr.President P ers 24 ti i CITY OF ST. Pi.UL CO;JIICIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _inc_a]ling �'=_l i:? t orname!ltal 1i htir.r s ,sLom. Q.31 !I Ir_1 fit, fror�_Sevcr_Co=r.crs_to _euth of Sclby Tur.r.el under Preliminary Or der_ _8P42 _, Final Order _ —`•'174 _ _ AIL -PROVED 191 _ RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public 17orlcs for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved Received all pADQrs in 0. F. No. 99fi1— pbo9O In the matter of Installing nve Ilshc n[xl 11Rhttag system on conn , 11 rth St. from SevenCorners to p , Mouth oe sethy Tunnel ander rre- Resoluti Ilminn ry Order 8842. Final Order 1,174, approved Feb. 18. 1916. 12e aoly ed, That the plana, apecint _ Ilona •end estimate, submitted by tho miaxion er of 1'u bile \\'or1, far the r ahovo n mrd improvement be and the - a herehy approved. . ia Adopted by the Co1916. `fpr. 13, 191 G. ., Approved Apr. 13, (April 22-1916) Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _191 Yeas: ( ) ( ) hays Councilman F sworth G K or He oll Na1911: Yo rk lt!�— �P�tay� r4r.Pres'dent Po ers — or. +ls T; Jt� C• V/ Cliff OF Jig• :'hL'Z �CC'LTCIL RLSOLIIr--ICD In tiie matter of -- :Ir :_1 -�s::n pss:--: _f'-c,�., rtr�•rra �:r:-ev-:r7s-=trete.— — _" — ` . rile e-Vol'wtion�53:c ur_der — _ — — July RESOLVED, what the plans, sP eciiicatic,a and _stinatcs aub�nitted by the Commissioner of Public 'ilor?s for t e above nrtned improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 9962—of grnding. improving in ;he n: ' 1 grnv ellnR •lohnxnn� Pork wdy' rrnm It„rny to tie' 'I st., no e Council File Reaolutlon No. 6842. Received npprnvcd duly stn. 1916. C0nne Ct i ,? 1 j_ �FtTB e • eryd. 'rant the ninn ypermcRBBOj��th a- .� . tinny and eytimnten nubmlttrd by the mve, 1'nmrnlsyloner of Public \\'ork8 for the above named Improvement be and III wJ' e he n•ny npprnved. V n:t rloPled b, the Council Apr, 1.1, 1916. Apr. 13 r �'e;l . -191 (April 191667 Appr 5 Adonted by the Council — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1` YeasDays • : ( ) Councilman Fa sworth Go Ke or : c toll �� 1 G D .- t x� - :'r.Presidcnt PC) rscr- CJ9a a-, 16 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RLSOLUTION t lin; e :. ie'1j--nt_osr�r.;rlt:al1i;i,ting In the matter of _ _ _ _ _ — — — s.,utem on. Le:ci ten nvenue_:'rom_ Sur_:At—hvvenue _o—Uni_vuT _��4 �vLrliE+ — — — — — — — — — — — — E�:.— —, Final Order _ q2�0_ ALP50VED under Preliminary Order _ _ _ _ Scrtember 27i1s115i _ _ _ _ _ 191 _1 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public flor]:s for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved e1n Roe 11FFLxt macer') lima IPn�tiin In Fnmenbil ll4h[rom 9ummil Avenuo - r lon A,."IiYe In 11n+Yern"eniundOderrc72 Recie orae6„] Z papers s in mart connection with above lsepl.27, e91s. Resoiutien, 2ppruret a hal th clans. d ),Y the Iteso{�'`d•ebml[le tions [ Public Rt lies and the Comml.sioner � - naore n mea m,puovemen . .• hrreb}Dou ncil lApr, 13, 1916. Adopted 1151 )�he13. 1915. AlIP11—d l;\pr 4l •13-1916) - f191 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ _ — — — — — — Yeas: ( ) F Councilman F� sworth G s ✓r K ler F Coll N sh erg r4r.Presid nt i vers ( ) Nays Appr ed C— — LSayor- r CITY OP S2. i-131 CO,,'E IL RLSOL'J' IOU In the matter of f rni_hi^ and inet ._ ink_ _r u:.entsl of i'a f Payn-, ;rou B:: Com.% li. l:lil :t-iy under reliminary Order _ 9150– T, Final Drder _ _ _ _ _ _ j, n1.ay 8, 191 6 RESOLVE) That the plans, specifications and _sti�atcs aab:ritted by the Commissioner of i'ublic ilor?:s for t: -e above 1,,,med inprove,ent be and -,he same are hereby approved r. F. Nu. 9A6A— and In - In the matter n( (urnlah vetem a'nitro l{ urns men lnl lightingtenn. from both id aes or—ra>myt[„oder rre- ReCe�9e['j AZ1 y..� York Sl. lu 1•nOil Rlnnl linter t�•'}�rg 3n 86"- n, Ilrae]asa rBI'M COnnert i en with above Ilii he Rea„I,.ed, Thal wn'rimi'iiea°ilr loo R�BOlutlon. 'Jona nn1 1.1in, nes . n lcorka ror ore y - Commtasioner f rubor nd the 1 nbov melt Imprntemenl he a e nn _M,he,h)npprn,,,, 18, 1916. Adopted hr the 1'punrll Approved Apr. 19. 1916. IAprll :2-19161 Adorted by the Council _ _ _`_ _ _ 1_ - - – – – — Yeas: ( ) Councilman Fa sworth Go Ke er :.:c Coll Na 'n Yo r4 I"r.President P1 Ors ( ) clays Appr d I{aycr Ci ca c: • :� . y C I 0^ a i.LZ COL'iiCIL FLSOLJ-IOU furr.lehinS and Inst-.11in= ornai..ent-I In the matte; o� Q �, CM - - _, on :c, - si''e-.f x- i' .-T t?e A n_7 _ — �' _ _st _ T.t _tT - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — under i'sclirainary Order _7416 Final Order _ °066 - - eLi':.Ot.'D ---_ y'3it3Y-------- 191 6 . RESOLVED, That the plans, spccificatio:a and _stimatcs sub:ritted by the Commissioner of --'ublic Worhs For tee above n=,ed irlprovement be and the same are hereby approved C. R. \o. 9465— Q" s in the mutter of furnishing' and In- ry, t It'Ak ntaulnF n,,e ental 11ght1n9 asatem �U0V0 n both aides of Il. Peter street from We", ,,_,th til. to \\'ea( Tenth St. - •� V , tder Prelim ]nary :lyder 7116, Final ,jr der BGu6. uPV ru t'ed • January 8, OL�t 1918- Resoiyed, That the Plana. aPI)y tl,- tions and cell ma Vex submitted by the /–�--��.•�� - above—o d f Public \\'arks for the above t ned ImPrup a dt be and lite' :nr he rehy :tPPro t'ed. s+✓"'�– auAdoPtedby the t o tncil .\Pr. 13. 1915. APP ru ted \Pr,- (APrit l Adorted by the Council _______________ Yeas : ( ) ( 1 iiays Councilman Fnsworth G s K ler Coll b 1 Y brg :"x .Pres idcnt P Myers i,.aycr - E1rar��?. CITY 07 ST. :21UZ CO;1. 1.i L R:SOL'T_IOU In the matter of furnist;_.,_ ^d nst_llir..r_crnal„;n_al _.. tin_ "= _m on _ oti_ _i _e = of _'r..ith P'_enue , —from _o: l e= a '� vanue to_::.a % -t_rfeti'=.OV=.L urdcr L3icjirzfn.rry Order .1 507 _ _, Final Or:'ter _ — - — _ _ 191 5 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifieatioas and .stimatcs sub:ritted by tl:e Cor:lmissioner of Public '�lorl:s for tre above n;:med inprove^ent be and the same are hereby approved C. F. NO. 9966— . In the n tter of rurniehing "nd In stalling i a ental lightingeystem- n Troth eidesnof Smith ,\venue. from ge Ave. to ft__3. Pre] St., antler Pnlindnary order 5507, Final order 6507. Fina] l Received all papers in order ;Y6., approved SeVtember'27th, 1915. connection with p,bovs Resul Sed, Thnt the plane. sV'eiflea [tons and rxtlenntes submi tt�•d h, the comm �l/ Resolution. l•.y/ e. neer nr r bue n arme rnr tn,• a bore r rr�h ]rru Semen[ he :ind [he � iX rrre Llr tlaArduVted Ly the ai'olun.`ild\ r � 1„ AVVfovettbApr. 10, 1916. (April 22.1910) n . Adorted b-% the Council _________' _____11— yeas: ( ) ( i ilays Councilman. nsworth ---`1er JGSS Coll Epp c ed ��e� denters _ _— Iriaycr - s i "�. CITY OF ST. 12iiUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _ i^eta? ]. n� _iv_e li+-ht e n c taj- Li--l'ting stem on 'jol)ert Street, fro i-'_th_S't.-'_o Cc_-t_ral_Ave. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -rd3F3 Final Order 7261 _ APPR0�r:� under Preliminary Order _ _ _' - - Se_.t_ 27, 1915. _ - - 191 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved l`. F. NO. 9967— In the matter of install Ing fl,'e Iight Urns men tell fr11ght Ing system on soh_ ert sl reef om Eighth Street to all Central nye.. under Preliminan. Or �!1 aws . ser 5438. Final Older 7es1, approved RecelVed Sept. 27. 1915. SGn eityy�� RbOYB Resolved. That the plans. ep-iflen- connect t4ons na eyurratea „nhmltted b,- the R9801utioit,t� eommisslnner of 1'o bile 11'. rks for thr l shove nt'ed Impru re Tent he and the Barre It, by approved. Ado U[ed hr [he Cnaneil Al— 13. 1916. ApP,'o yea Anr. 13. 1916. ..s (April 32-1916) _ tti 191 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - Yeas: ( ) ( 1 Nays Councilman Far worth Gos Ke er Hie oll AP d 91 (� Na 1!- Yo i I4r.P Zdent Po erss w ' (/ITY OF S -V' PAUL COUNCIL RA SOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM Subject:. _.. .. COUNCIL ei!e1� FILA No. ,.> c-7 ,\ _... Date Presented. _ 191.._ _. -�j Resolved;/ that the cigarette license No. 311, expiring June 3, 1917, now in the nate of Mrs. J. H. Maxwell, 384 Pleasant Ave., be and the sane hereby is transferred to A. A. 8ehierberl, 384 Pleasant Ave, C. t••. No. 9968—Ry henry Tlecoll— Resolved, Thnt the cIg retie license No. 211, a<plrinl; June 1. 1917. now In the : or NIra. .1. 1{. \lnr well. 384 m Pl ann to A I— be and the s e hereby Is tran.aferred to A. A. —hie 383 Pleasant A" Adopted I,e theI' tcil :\pr. 17. 1916. Apt --d .\prll 18�u1916. I April .2.1916) Yeas (1') Co •lmen (1') Nays F orth Go In favor M I C•� Against Na Y /M,,r. sident ewers .Is.. 1 Adopted by the Council 1" "R 3 191/ j Approved 1 191Ip.. MAYOQ Y COUNCIL FILE NO. ................ ....— By-_ ... _... ... ..... ........... ............... .................._....._.........._........__ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._Grading.._Stewart avenue from West Seventh street to ...................... ............. ...... .............................................I.............. ...._......._.... - Fux.aell__avenue, _._--- ........ ._....... .. ....... ._... .............................. ..... - --.._._................... ...... ....... ----_.............._...._...._.._.....................................................-- under Preliminary order.. _......._..........__...........__..... approved ........Ju_1y12tht _..-_----- Intermediary Order _..__.............. ........... ...................... ........... ....... approved ................... ........_ ............ _..... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is............G_'_T•j_C_a 3tew&Tt...e.venue,.-from WBat _..... .._seo.O.ntb_..e.x.x.�.a..t.....to....k�i.xa.�_1es�ue�................ ............ _......... ---..................... _.......... ._....... ....... _............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ................ ___......... ...._.--....._�, 191_....... 7 �......._.... _............_C? - _— ................. Ci rk. Approved'.....__......----......., 191 //� Mayor. Councilmatl'Farnsworth fmprovew�:. " �-Joss ,_r the Council havin. relative c thereto. ns and re -111 oha�i L" _22 / �=-Keller oonefdered the °amen therefor el-•itL1SHED Z .i .� McColl tived By the Council of the CIq haul that the mreclee.ent r to°be bash d kind f t Prove de Stewart to b -v the said City Is bra " lroerg ,;sone Trod the council nherabyPu dere saldn im P.-cro nt to be made. or Mayor—powers Resolved Further. That the Commle- foner o! Public Norks be and he to Form B. S. A. 8-7 hereby instructed aniflaatfonairected to for said Pare Plane ent.nand submlt same n e>hid improve oval, that P° council for aP r city officers are pproval. the proper hereby uthorl2ed and fl ealA dmVrav�- ceed with the making ° 13. 1916. me,dop In °by the Cou.,16 Pr ed by Approved AApr. 13231191f) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRN_JIMINARY ORDER cel In th Matter of - -tQi 9 .L�L.�.�eL.�-11/ ._W A - - under Preliminary Order approve `�;� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $12-739,7$ ._ 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 Jw 1 ronin es.A. e� w TOTAL. { U CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE11MINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUeTIC�N I v � INC it � L47 U uc n L ✓ J` J� ,J 47 1$ 3, / Lill G �. TOTAL, j I O CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - -/ • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALU,),T40N ; 7 s / ✓� jk �. p Lys TOTAL, FonH e.e.w. ea a ) I IIJ! �/ I/ CITY OF ST. PAUL ' \ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VAL�AI34tJZ v C!!p4 40 y1 c (dCJ'�i u y d Ij /1l L J Pk y s TOTAL, r v ronM e.e.A. 0-3 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL4MINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 1 ASSESSED VAL v f ` I) tf I. 1 ,\ 7 ,7 J uv ` 1 v A r a t G ^ ti t� , L, a q i � 1 tl/ TOTAL. 10 1 ASSESSED VAL v f ` I) tf I. 1 ,\ 7 ,7 J (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIhSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION . 4,I � �ro Je / 1 ! 7A J.a. a�- � ~- r y� a �J X11 t �r. TOTAL. ASSESSED VAt�UA; IQN pLfv 7 ). ,f— �J_ J,v 'I��� f (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION [ LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA7 _ ATiOn✓ i co lf� y 1ti 1 , LL n L �r � ► TOTAL, C ( v CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION VA4U/P.TIGN ti 1 1� TOTAL. I \ I O FORM e.9. A. !-] - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �.. f • r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION V Ay UAYIOy /GI , L L 1 / L L ~L7C i 0 L� � ►�� �� fc. Gl t CJS( <� J � i��� .�•�♦ ' tC The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. el '191 .! llLrt 1ll�tlr . Dated -- - -- Commissioner of Finance. .oRI e. s. A. 5 3 c _ i To "he Hon. Mayor and ManbarG of Wo Nty iounoil, city of St. Paul. GAntlAmen: The andi,gignel property owners ih"ltine U..w,rt s-ann, 1 n the ^ity Of St. Paul, reapeotnzlly petition your nonormble body to tAl tre nal?F— y. .. " anrV c`?np to eradai Qmrnrt avmnue 1-om TrIa' avenue to Purnell gu".n"O. �� Ay. o Odd® gpRE�N OF ENGIN St Paul, 1915 2ITo the Honorable City Council, City of St.Paul. Attention of 11on.7.'_ 'OSS. Gentlemen: - o. We,the undersigned,owners of property abutting on Stewart ,lavenue between Alton a:id 1,,inkin streets, do aereby petition your non - dor able body to cause said street to be graddd between tae poiMts 91 mentioned. DI Names Lot _ilk Addition o�" A Z 3 eao-W4 - Xe 171 L 19 23 211 25 26 27 28 301 321 4 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance kebruary 8,_ _._....791.6.. ..........................._ ............................ . To the Commissioner of Fina,ce of the City of St. Paul: 'Phe l;ouuuissioner of Puhlic Works, having had under coil Hill eratiml the preliminary order of the Coun- 5937 July 12., the cil, known as Council File No. ....... . . .. ..... roved _._ .. .. ..............191 6_., relative to ........__.._. grading of Stewart Ave. from West Seventh St. to Purnell Ave. .........._...:_._.................._.......... ....................................... ...._............................ ..................................... .. _..... _.............. and having investigated the matters slid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ _ ____--necessary and (or) desirable. 81.00 per front foot ___.__.., and the toted cost thereof is :I+ 12,739.72 a„d '2. The estimated cost thereoY to -.- Frontage 12,738 feet Jxcees inspection $249.80 the uteture oul extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................._ ............. .............._.. ......_ ............... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part het -00f. .. _........_.......... _. 4. ................. ........................ .................... _...._..._. . :i. Said improvement is -asked for ,poll petition of three or more owners of property, suhject to assessment for said improvement. C011111ussi0ner of Public Works. r YYY ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 01— C-1-1 net OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIS, E101—ft J. E. CARROLL Surr. C.—It-0. k R11-1 ALFRED JACKSON, S—. Sn.rt�r,o� HERROLD, O'-, E. -- H. W. GOETZINGER. Sett. W-1-1— C CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER St. Paul, Minn. Feb. 7, 1916. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Stewart Ave. from Pest Seventh St. to Purnell Ave., in accordance •,•pith Council File #5937, approved July 12, 1916. Approximate estimate $1210739.72 Cost per front foot $1.00 Excess inspection necessary $249.80 Assessable frontage 12,738 ft. Respectfully submitted, Dict. J.E.C./M. Chief Engineer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GEN ER/AL FORM Subject:. l� COUNCIL FILE N O. Date Presented AP r 11 13 t h , 191 6 s FESOLL'TION FIX= 'G TJ i' I.`^,C` . C . C. * E ,ml'." ^F EAS -..1''T Resolved, - ' ` T.rE'on DI >S In t':e natter cf conde,:.nin: .end Lakin- c,n easement in the 'and necessary for slopes, for cuts ars fills in the _Mre_ling of Stexert Ivenue, from "."est Feventh Street to Purneun-lerl Street, un -ler Prelilainary Orderr'9^v4i, arproved February 9th, 1516, and Intern.ediary Order ;'k952C, al; roved 1._.rch 15th, 1916. The C011:11,issioner of Public Torks `:avin submitted report and sketch in the suova n.etter, be it Pq,gnl,irEP, (1) That t' -.e City of St. Paul fixes end a ari:inao the a.,:,int of !and to be trken for the aoove rove,E.ant is n ease;I.�nt i,r slope-, for cuts and fills in and upon the lana h�uttin, on Ste;: rt Fvanue, :,et:eeen '.::e Pointa afores.,id, to the extent shown uT:or. the sketch attached to the report of the Col:.1-iesioner _,f Public Corks in the matter, dated Aj:ril 13th, 1916, tm`.ich sketch and rel.ort are heraby referred to and .,.ade a tart hereof. (2) That an Basan:ent is taken in saidi land to t`.e e::tent necessary for elopes, for cuta and fT1js in the -ra�tin, of s.ii stre:;t to the established grade, t ' Yeas (✓) C� 'Imen (✓) Nays worth BIn favor r oll `' Against h go Omen Mi. Presi men FORM C.82 [H. o Purnell �� 0rder No. 9041 u my 91h. 1910. end Clyder No. 9520, eppr,• 16th. 1910. m lselo ner of Public NNO) ubmltted his r port endske' above nltter. bed. ed. I1) Thet the City of ` and determines the ameu' to be leke's forthe ert semepDos .,prone mean nn to non �SieE ari En.e iaE�'� uhuum the points nforesnld. [o th• upon the sketch Ettseb ort of the Co mseic� uk. ukbe cointtlml ar,hil- ill, etoe Adopted by the Council N. r r. 1", J 191 Approved y l 191F MAYOR eUBLISHI D �/ �� /'51//W_ ROBERT T. GOURLEY, O-11 C11vui-111rx OSCAR CLAU55EN, C._ ENOI — J E. CARROLL. SIP, Coxe1uc1.ox ALFRED JACKSON, SU11. 5-IT.1x1x G. H HERROLD, Orr1c, Ex —1. H W GOET]INGER, S— Wax.., ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COtiNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Stewart avenue, from West Seventh St., to Purnell street, under Preliminary Order #9041, approved Feby 9th 1916, and Intermediary Order #9520, approved March 15th 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion, of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the ease- ment to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner/of,�Public Works /YJ f C O T. `NEL L /NG QUTL O Tom_ Shsd - `N _ � -.a IC `�' yn `IN .y NO A ON r• � pu CP � N an J� C 'a0 mM o� °�o. 'P �� 0 �\ Co dC ^ .. - C o A -7` ,�4 C MI a;, 'C° '7m `'1T Yn � 90 ,� �.�i �, min .�0. � ... 4� •a v o� �` 6C 0� ° 4o L �i� �'� i.,� � \,� i,° _�—t...__..-__--_•.__ ^�-. ,� II 1 ', b'm � .I \N �: CP 0y �4 �. j-0 'u X09 w �o ay Nm ,am o cc iC V.a _.. •-� j4 c�^,� . *. _ R�. �n hT 4n V� 4 Vm �atiQ yv �u vn '�P C:... ��. ,...c,` .�' o: �a `-:1-+-ri slr1-r111: I , 51 O zz T/Orw KNELL /NG:S OU TL O T 5 .YDI/NG�hrvL,q�-15 Aoo, r T�vcc� Fiyvixs be%ir/i�c .r/�eii►- �.�s�� srhicit i�Qh� \0 lio�'��i8 o/gc; cMc/7e 6ey41,750" div ,c17Y hi1P. ShF�f i or' 2 iso 0 Q - ico � r /1 ♦..vim /,/� �� �QL°•.�v4 �Fr: � °�`n. _ �m� mh,� <tl ry � �1 �� /�__+y -�..._ �m` __:, p��.._.�- .f,o,....--. _`C(c� ... ,.cm . ry 9 �ov. �'N; 4va um 11 m- m °. �.9�1/!�L/�Y .J`TEELS• .J`U� �i�i�/T/YEY.S fTE. D� � BELL-'1'�/E • �%�/T/O/�! -."_, .:�/VELL/NG:S 9� Dl 7Z eO TS, iDl/�YGh,.9iYr �f• Df�DT/7 �� j)1CL 2z� 27 2B P9 3o g/ /9 /9 12D_ 2/ 22 2.3 29- 21- Z6 e7 i Z.9 29 B/ 92 /9 '/y /g ZD 2/ ZZ 23 ZF 25- Pb 27 29 Z9 90 3/ 92 /7 /B I 0 ZD Z/ ne- 1 -. ao N 4 m �� Un .,U� 'N br V� No. ri '•n p no 1m SO ° .:. "Yn' m- Np oMs p 'Pn 1so .. �;0 5nnm P- p.- .. P a'n u.in min J 41 N .N p1 el b' 'k, a ^• d � a.m 4 1 a .. "�'� �o uo - I a� b�adN v a ma ° L � 7 V til _ 4 W7 Lp tLi� y� Y ea ua yM1 J\ TN1 v4 �yi+ni LL� u.N .1 'gym �N uT UAy J4 6 Q° U U �1 o,y ae 7 12 / .o 777; - LAiY���. / D1177 - ST Dl/TLDTJ �TFr�f'9LhJ�Oh/l/oil - 19' - %rdp�rly /i�c - �aa-1a8 Fiyares c�/rxr/ire show �s-/rich s/vers - i'�Qt\� '�c . cxTc�G bc�-ovs prnPcrry /i�� � 00\' . -�\o�Z i I DUTL oT .5 L/SF�OE �7 j I i �� / II 3Z 8 20 Z/ ZZ 29 2f 23 2 Z6 27 2D 19 3' 29 /7 20 Z/ ZZ c3 24 I 17 IS /9 20 ?/ 2Z 23 Zg 2 2,: 27 Zd ZO 3a il. 3/ 3Z /7 I /9 /9 22 e3 '. _=' j 2S 2v Z7 i ZB _ - �v It I A uP r� •_•- - Lt.1 ly.�LGf�4L-t-i.-r- - '. .. n• ... «amu ��' �m y' a u" qy� ylm 4 u4 ^^7,A NJ• i 1 ^ �JI4 QN MNp 11" - ._l. '•o ! Ee � iA°. �ti� "i J 4c 4 � — r ,. � ,'i Ji, Jm MN JJ ^o a y� y� N.A 'um �ry '- r .f.�-. _ a0 �" �y i an a„ v,• js . �� �e �m I'h sA _ �o INve �,m �,m oh - _ u4 _ JM eo v� y.p Jm _ �m `�P Na ,. .. _ _ _ _ _ ._ .. - � /6 /.T /+� /i /2 �/ ,D � B � �a �u �o. ni va �� a� �c �a 4. eo ua ��o � •J _ r-,� - - - - ., � �� _ 0 7 6 .1` 4 Z / 0 u � .. I .,.�12 20 /.9 j /B /T /6 /6 /4 , 3 _ /z // /o s 9 7 - 6 � 3 ' z / O /G /•r /� // ; v I � I S I v i I .r -fJ#� � -� � � Q �iYELL/NGSDI/TOTS, yDUNG/IiIAN �D _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February 16th .1916.. ,1'0 lite Co"ntissiouer of Fillance of the City of St. Paul: 'Phe l'm"missioner of Publie Works, having had uuder co"sideratioml the preliminary order of the l•oun- 9Q41 tn•oved _. February 9. _1916.., relative to _. cid, kmoa•o as Council File No. ........ .mI ! - condemning and taking an eaeement__in the, land necessary for slopes, for outs and_fille in grading Stewart Avenue, from beet Seventn Street to Purnell Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _. _.necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $_R7CX ., and tile total cost thereof is -$- - XXXXX tool extent of said im novente"t is as follows: the nature and 1' 3. A plan, protile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attoehed and "nude a part hereof. A. ..5. Said improvement is..._.. _not--. _.asked for upon pet itio" of three Or "ore ow"e"s of properly, subiect to assessment for said improvement. 1 ('0111111i. Si net• of Public Woks. J CITY OF ST. PAUL 4F DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter �f --------------- 1Y. ... ... ---- A, .. ....... .. ---------- under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The, Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION as LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION -,r�' 'C 7 TOTAL r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) '1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 71 Z fo 1 4r e roar+ e.a.w. ee e io /1 �!r ✓� - ,Z 71 Z fo 1 4r e TOTAL, 40 I ASSESSED VALUATION /Z U 6 v� G �I G J - ,J` L J. Gr Gr 1�0/� CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 41 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALIJAfIO % 1711 Ll ) f. 44 I 46 TOTAL, FORMG.S.- e 5 0 , / (� .7 O 7 {/ �J 000"' CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAL A IOr ►GltuJ 1 y. 0, L y s J` B /L �l �� �� ll► 4 t c � /L) �s L 4U L v � Qra 0 f G ♦ � /1 \ r ✓ L(✓ V roars e.a.�. e�e s TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION FORK B.S.A. a -a 8 LOT BLOCK ADDITION r ASSESSED VALUyICZN _ A Q V1 J\ ✓ A ti f y\ I �3 /,t C 1 A .\ / ✓ 1 � 1 ^� T � � 4 / A 1 A , v 4 � � � J M TOTAL. r ASSESSED VALUyICZN _ A Q V1 J\ ✓ A ti f y\ I �3 /,t CITY, OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION -RM B.S.A. 6-0 0 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ff♦ %/w % '4/c I J _ a , ,+ Y 4 � � T J �' TOTAL, tiJ� CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAS.)1PyTIQp1, J� 'I- / o ir !D d AJ � j� iJ l7- a" / rl r L �3 c �1. 1 J T, o _Z TOTAL. roars e.a.�. e�e e (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER If DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 0� L ,c /A U �G ^ C �,. ✓ c c � y � ASSESSED VA�UA�IGN/ q TOTAL, ronw a.a.w. e�� e "Che Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said.matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r! Dated — _...._...-----191. Commissioner of ance. rORM 0-A 5 3 C _ CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �•• .. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA VAATIQ j LoLi� i� 7L c T J 1\ � f d a� � L �,•� / Gf�k � "Che Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said.matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r! Dated — _...._...-----191. Commissioner of ance. rORM 0-A 5 3 C _ A COUNCIL FILE NO. By.......__._.._ ............._ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..._� x&ding..&diz=_str.se.t....f.r.om..S.eventh....s.tx._w..t....to._.Y.oitz�gta _anenue,_ Alton_ street from S®vntl _etreet.__to Youngman a_v_enue and young man..avenue_fromweat line of Lot 3_l,Blook".-_5, Youngman and -Lamm'_a Addition. -to- _......_.___ .--_-..._._ .—._.___ ....... - _..................------------_--............-.............- --- 4580 -------approved-.-.._Apri1.23nd..._1915.....-_------. under Preliminary order_ ....... ........._........__......__—_ _ IntermediaryOrder .... ..... ........ ........... ......... ......__....____ —...... approved....................,. _.. - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and haling fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.9Sad9 Madill-QB.-.ex-re.9.t.-xQi�-s�v�?l _._....__....to_..gouagma�.. a�tea�ra�......Ai-L©a-�•tree-tr-frem--Souentl�•-•s-tree-t_...to..youung}naa..aa .......... ... vanua,--and...Yavtagman-auaaue i om •svaat-line--ci..3.ot 21,...Blo.ak...5,------- Youngman and Lamm's _Addition to_Rankin etreat� _---_--_.-.-__.•._._-_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........... ...... i _ _ t 3 -- 191 Approved...f ...... ......... 1_ Councilman` Farnsworth �_c;' e v Drovemr .,pot 4 60SS - , the CounclI having 1 reone, ob]ectlona and recom. �.ne reffitive thereto, and he TC�eiler considered the same; there. v lvlCC011 `8 Paudlthat la of the the Drece nature, and kind of Improvement tr y Nash by the said city Is grade YSt st rest from Seventh St. to oi „ / xvso ue, Alton St. from Seventl- Yoprg'oungman Are. and Youngman est line a Loc 21, alp Mayo 'Powers gman ane iamrn'. Addlll , cin street. and the cpuneu sold Improvement to br Form B. S. A. B-% olved Further, That the C' of Public Works be or r eructed and directs - r and specifications ^ ,t. and aubto:�. s r -,oval; t nF' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter -------------- - - ----------------- ............. -------- - -- ------ - I-- . ........ -- ................ - --------------------- ---------- -------- - - --- . . .... .. ......... 4 � -- - � ). ------ ----- under Preliminary Order approved 14 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - I - - - $ 1.08 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION A 4 TOTAL, V E (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE It` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT aLocn ADDITION ASSESSED VALUZ9fJ Lo leu cK s. TOTAL, I lB) FORM B. -I 5-6 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION f v` v o �r 7 J� 71- �r � f- 7 s` �r � sy f� 7fy �y- � s` 7 s' 7 7 J` b�'fy n�� d f4 TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION f v` v o �r 7 J� 71- �r � f- 7 s` �r � sy f� 7fy �y- � s` 7 s' 7 7 J` b�'fy n�� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATIVQ jtv eip ze, 0J..._ ..... p. 'Z ) 7T i ? C446 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE !� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, - (B) i. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED , VAIUATIFR Au 7r. / all, , 6• TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL y ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ^� { -014 d REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _,- � i' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9ui A-41� IL Ar -444 '0 s f 7f' �A lJ /S• ell ell ,f*' Al. _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / -191-_ d!!_�__ ----- ----- - _-.---- -- ---- f Commissioner of Finance. •CRM M.S.A. a -a C - ✓ / Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance keorua.x.Y a8_,_ _ _..191.6.. •ro the Cmumissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eousiderstion the preliminary order of the Colin - 4580 April 22, 1915_ , relative, to cil, known as Council File No. __.. _ _apptroved the grading ofAlton St. from 7th ,St. to Youngman.Ave ,__Ma.dison_,..St.__.... From 7th . St., to .Youngman _Ave, _ and. Youngman Ave..._ f.zom. west line of 4ot.21,_..Block._._5, You..ngm.an.'...a.� ..A.cUit.on. to Rankin. St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - necessary and (or) desirable. X1.08 per front foot 10,786.55 'L. The estimated cost thereof is :�.._._ _ ...__..__, and the total cost thereof is *.. _ _.___, and Frontage 9977.6 ft. Excess inspection $211.50 the uahu•e and extent of said improvement is as fol ows: _.. ..._ ._......... .... S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. ............. . 4. .i. Said improvement ie..._..- _..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comm ssiouer of Public Works. m CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. NOoSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D— Coxxoarox[R OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.", ExRinuR J. E. CARROLL Sxrt. CO..—TI.. k ReR.n ALFRED JACKSON. Sul. S.xrtr 1- G. H. HERROLD, 011— E --- H. W. GOETZINGER, Su.T. Wox+wa.+E hon. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works e u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: February 18th, 1916. I tra.nen.it herewith preliminary es-�in.ate of I cost for the grading of Alton Street from Seventh St. to Youngman Ave.; Madison Street from Seventh St. to Youngman Ave. and Youngn.an Avenue from west line of Lot 21, Block 5, Yourgmann's Addition to Rankin Street in accordance with Council File #4580, approved April 22, 1915. Approximate estimate 10,786.55 Cost per front foot 1.08 Frontage 997'(.6 f t . Excess inspection 211.y0 hespectfully submitted, I10 MA I- - - — Chief Engineer DOUGAN & WALSH REAL ESTATE, RENTALS AND INSURANCE 212-213 OERMANIA LIFE BUILDINO ST. PAUL. MINN. 44 C Z4- G/N-,nn.�A,ln...A.�,.. '�I`. ,A.J•L 011�a-N-<� i/4.-� 1- 'Ar, •. N. oOUOAN s. a. wAL.N REF"ENCES DOUGAN 6 WALSH raawa uRaA ANo AuolroR o. aANver couwrr REAL ESTATE, RENTALS AND INSURANCE 212213 OERMANIA L.I. .—D— ST. PAUL. MINN. 07, A1- 16, i�11 ✓ 1� %4 3 . i.I I R� FGf)- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION'—GENERAL FORM Subject ().()w -1 COUNCIL • FILE N �. ...... .............. Date Presented Ipril 13th, 191 6 RESOLUTION FIXIT'G TTTF A::'OUPTT '!F T.A."TD ^F FXTFITT OF EASF._:F°TT Resolved, T- PE Tl.i'E'7 I CO"DE"'TA.TIOF PF.00EEDITTGS. In the L.at`er of condellnin= and taking r_n easeu;ent in the land neceasi.ry for alores, for cute end fills in ti,e grading of 'yadison Street, from Youngman Avenue to Teat Seventh Street, under Preliminary Order X8554, approved December 23, 1915, and Intermediary Order !-951,9, approved 2sxch 15th, 1916. The Coi,tAssioner of Public Forks having submitted his report and sketch in the above rLatter, be it RF.S')LVED, (1) T -at the City of St. Paul fixes and detar;Lines the a;:.ount ,f land to be taken for the aoove nan.ed irLr rov 1„ant is e - easer„ent for slopes, for cuts and fills in end upon the land abutting on ::adison St_eet, between the points aforesaid, to the extent s. -,awn upon t'_e sketch atte.ohed to the report of the Co,_.r„issioner of Put)lic Forks in the natter, dated April 16th, 1916, which sketch and rerort are hereby referred to and n.arle a part hereof. (3) That .Fn e= servient is taken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the gradin? of said street to the eete.':lished -,rale. _nn•, n 'so ” 8554. app., Decemt.�r ,91s, 8554. Inter media- Order No. 9519. ap- ” •',d March 16th. 1916. t Commissioner or Public WOrka rep j and sketch -' > abomeltted .ed, (1) ,Thatier. t the CI c of St. .tr es end determine, t': •t to be taken for 1. mprformu[, andtut •el abutting o. sf ' the pointe the Yeas(17)Co 'Imen (v) Nays Adopted by the Council AF R 19l. Far worth Go In favor Approved %� / 191 �p � Ke r �) M oil t/ Against N ' Y g Mr. Preside FORM C. B-E POWE[s MAYOR pl)vI,1SH):D - �2 6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R, SERT T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY Couu•.. ... OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 Encln J. E. CARROLL. Su— C-1— 1— & R...iF= ALFRED JACKSON, Su- S -1—T— G. H. HERROLD, O.. -c. Enoin l[n i H. W GOETLINGER, Suo.. I -REPORT TO THE COLYCI L - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes for outs and fills in grading Madtson street,from Youngman avenue to West Seventh street, under Preliminary Order #k8554, approved Dec.23, 1915, and Intermediary Order #9519., approved March 15 1916. To the Council of the City of S, -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion, of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the ease- ment to be taken cy the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissions of Public Works Dated a f CITY OF ST. PAUL w As DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ///� /�,�9 - -- --=-- ----------------------- ` 1 � under Preliminary Order approved — L�-- �•---------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 20-00 ---------------------- -- The 0 -00-----.-_._---------The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $-------"`--'- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION yl f �r%L-IZ7T l��s 7 d, TOTAL.. K CITY OF ST. PAUL * DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALLI TIO, pO ` � 0 4 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _--------�jC/ 191- . Cd -_Gl.✓ ._._.._..-...._... Commissioner of Finance. IOBM e.e.w. ee c Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance F.eb ruary..._29th ,.. _........191..6.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order'of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No... .. 8554 approved._........_Decemb1. eT..23.., 191_5..., relative to.. ..................... .1.........._.......... ........... .condemning....and.._t..along_... and .._.aaev.gt.ent......iR.._t.he..._1and...n_e_cae_e KY..._for..................... _d.IoP..e_s.,.._.fo-r Q.u.tg gL.n.11 f.�I.le...._ n....grading.._Madi.eon.-St,r.eet..z...._from ............................. ... Youngman Avenue to W.ee.t S.eve.nth.._Stre.et.._ __..... ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ... ...... ..... ._necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is s........_AXx_..:..__..., and the total cost thereof is $_....XX_XX,..__..___..___._ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ----- ....................... _ ... _...... __.... _.. 5. Said improvement is.........n0.'.t ........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. � .... /Co missioner of ublic Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Subject ....... ............. 1•v/ COUNCIL 1:.009 2 .CY.......... FILE No.., t Date Presented April_ 13t1h, 191 _ (i V RESOLVED fixing the amount of land or extent of easement Resolved, to be taken in condemnation proceedings In the matter of condemning and takin- an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alton Street, from Youngman Avenue to West Seventh Street, under.Preliminary Order f18555, aprroved December 23rd, 1915, and Intermediary Order J9516, approved larch 15th, 1916. The Commissioner of Public Works having subratted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the ati,ount of land to be taken for the above nalaed improveiient is an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon tree land abutting upon Alton Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the ConarAssioner of Public Works in the matter, dated April 13th, 1216, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and ,ads a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. No. 9973— : he matter of condemning and tak- g an easement Inthe land neces- ry for slopes, for cuts and 011e In grad ng of Anon St..l from I ungman Ave. to Weal, Seventh under Preliminary Order No. ,5,approved December 23rd, 1915, 1 Intermediary Order No. 9516,ap- red March 15th, 1916. Commissioner of Publlc Work. 8 repor Ina the mbrnIhbove matter. bet It and olved, (1) That the City of St. I rites and detarmina. the amount nd to be taken for the nbove ' I Improvement 1a an easement ,pea, tor .cute and Alla In and ups s tend abutting upon Alta-. , between the pointe- stores,, 'I I extent shown ^ .on attached to the Yeas (✓) Councilmen (I')dan) Nays mla s of Pub 1 1 . ,, 1 n Tr' doted of 13. APR 13 1.� 15 19l eport . e r'aopted by the Council Far orth aa Go In favor � 191 tl�i Kel Approved . M 11 A- Against N Y g .Preside Powers ' I T t ��.�r�r•• �% MAYOR FORM C.9-2 •: .•yu' ISI.,..D CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Dean*r C­­411-11 OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.— En .­ j E. CARROLL, S­. CoHeln­k Renins ALFRED JACKSON, S� . SAxrt.t G. H. HERROLD. Orrica E.cin.c• /�(�W� H. W GOETIINGER, Su Wow.w 1 ._ -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cute and fills in grading Alton street, from Youngman avenue to West Seventh street, under Preliminary Order #8555, approved Dec.23rd 1915, and Intermediary Order #9516, approved March 15th, 1916. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of tais, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by tae hatched por- tion the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. 1 L � Commieaionc�ef Public Works Dated` 3� CITY dF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CQMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,QOM Pl2ELIMINARY ORDER ry i ..._ .. A �QC 17 In the Matter of - ' q �v�� �♦ /i ----- -------------------- ---_-----'--_.-""--.-----_.-_.._..-----_.._.... under Preliminary Order approved ----------------- ------------ ----- __-.__---- _.-.-_ TO the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - _ - - $ the -----------...-- assessed valuation of The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION ASSESSED VALUATION ] / a O u 4v. �G'f �z ®. v TOTAL. ronw e.n.w. a-n w . �..3..-,.0 . CITY OF 3r. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRIkLIMINARY ORDER t DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO � azo i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated............._......._.... ........... ---------------- Commissioner of Finance. 5, O ce ;of they Commissioner of'Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance r ebruary.....29 �_.....__.......ls'..... .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 8555 _........approved..._Deeember 83r _-r.::1Jlr�....., relative to....._............__. cil, known as Council File No......................... .._.._.aond,e.mn.IMF— ..€fid..._taking.._an_.._ee_eementin...the..._land necessary....._fOT___._................._..,.... el.open.,..I o.r.....o.uts....and. ...Lille .....in_.gr.ading_.Allon.._s..t.re_e_t.,__from.,..... _..__._...... :_._._.__ ... Yo" gman....Av.emus..._t.a.___e_at....Se.venth.....$treet_,........_._...._...__...__._...__............_.__....__........................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...._... ........ ._necessary and (or) desirable. `l. The estimated coat thereof is $..._.gXX and the total cost thereof is __..__. XXX....__...... _., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___.... _.. .. .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1. -- _ _ . _ ..._........ ... .... .... .... .. _. 5. Said improvement is__n?t............_..._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. oimissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL - - - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject.._ ��tyf3 COUNCIL i FILE No.. Date Presented April 13th, 191 6 rye., /� RESOLUTION FIXIiFG T='E A OUNT OF T.1'IID OREXTE'dT OF E:'SEL'177 Resolved, =0 BE TAKE'F I17 CODE ^FATIO?7 PROCEEsDIFGS In the matter of condernnin= and takin- an easemant in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the Srading of Youngii,an Avenue, from Rankin Street to the i';est line of ,Yo..nTman & Laamis Addition, under Preliminary Order ;"0312,a1.l_rovad February 28, 1916, and Interi,.ediary Order -9510, approved :,larch 15, 1916. T':e Coarf.issioner of Pu`b'_ic Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above li,attar , be it RESOLTED, (1) That the City of 8t. Paul fixes and deterrbinas the amount of land to be taken for tr.e above named in:provamsnt is an easer.ent for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the '_and abutting upon Younef:an Avanue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon'' the sketchatta.ched to the report of the Con.missioner di' Public Torks in the n.atter, dated April 13th, 1916, which sketch and re_rort are hereby referred to and made a pa=t hereof. (2) That an easemlent is t_.ken in said lana to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the gr&".in of said street to the established grade. nuing a[ Youn„�/vv nankin Street to t!, ',r,; Youngman & Lamm'e ler Preliminary Order ) Proved Feb. 28, 1916.. and . nary Order No. 9618, app March 16, 191pp. The Commieeloner•or Publl having submitted his report-, .In the above matter, be p„ lleeolved, (1) That ti,Paul fixes and determin n: of land do be taken tamedImprovement slopes, far cute and (II! the land abuttln,, ur avenue, between the I• , extent shown I , _ "A to the report - Pubile Work. Yeas (✓) Co 'Imen (J) Nays13th• til 1. ArR he: Adopted by the Council_ 191 Far orth Go In favor / Ke Approved /' 191 (/ MIl V Against N - Y Preside Powers nroR FORM C.9-2 rviiUSHED CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D-11 Couuinc.... OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.- E-- J. E. CARROLL. SUPT. CexeTnucT & R11-1 ALFRED JACKSON, SuPT. S�«1-- , G. H. HERROLD. Orrice E .... — H. W GOETZINGER, S-. WI -1— -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Youngman avenue, from Rankin street to West line of Youngman & Lamm's Addition, under Preliminary Order #9312, approved Feby 28 1916, and Intermediary Order #9516, approved ;larch 15 1916. To the Council Of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, aplan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion, of said plan, the fills to be made on priva$e property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the ease- ment to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such p 1 an,, Commissioner o.f Public W C/ Dated,//'' . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRIA IMINARY ORDER /� -,- -- under Preliminary Order approved ---�--'----'f--�---------- �b — .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $•- --------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ,mss` '�A _ FORNea A.a-aA TOTAL 7 Q CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL MINARY ORDER Assessed DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIp ,i TOTAL. yl s �G- all�G /I o e A TOTAL. yl s �G- /I y �° ay � 1� y J TOTAL. `tjk ASSESSED VALLI f- 7 Js 7r ? 3' 7� CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION r° 7 7� ^1 Al. 3° 1 Q%' TOTAL. `tjk ASSESSED VALLI f- 7 Js 7r ? 3' 7� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE # '* REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE4IMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUAJ_IOpI� AS 1 f Z r Jr- , ill, 1 f� /d� r / G6 all, TOTAL. y CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUA�IO4ZI / /y (�QlUtfiuluy w t4!(M.+�l'U �y /fes ala LAO A ,,4 i s f . / J� d0 i ,7♦ L, ., ill l �J The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --.-----.c J - - 191_-Q.. Ulr...-: � . Commissioner of Finance. FORM e.$.A. a -e C r. au Office of the Comn nioner of. Pubhc Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February..._ 29th.e...._........._..191.6.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 9186 February 23, 6 cil, known as Council File No.... _ ...............................approved..........................................................................191........., relative to..............:............... __-condemning....and._t_eking._a31.._..._q.2 ement.._in....the._.land.._neo_easar.Y.._for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Youngman Avenue, from Rankin ................ ___......_............ ._..._......_........_.__........ ........... .............. _._................_............._...... _........._...............................__._._.._... ......... ._............. _............ _...._...__.... __St.._._to__west..line of Youngman & Lamm's Addition. __..................... _ _._............................ ............... ... ................................... ........_..... _ _............ .......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: p 1. Said improvement is. ..... ....... ... _...necessary and (or) d esirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is .._._... _._........., and the total cost thereof is ._XXXX . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............._._.... __ _.__......_.... ......... .._............. ...... .__........ _...... _............. .._. ................................. ......:...................... ...... _.... _...................... ................................... ___..... .................. ......._................_............... ....................................... _............. _.................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #.......... .......... ............... ................. ........... ........ ....... .......... ................ _........... ....... .............._........._.................... .... ...... ................. _....._.................. _... _........ .......... ..... 5. Said improvement ..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. % .........._............._................. ._.....................:....... / Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL 99175 COUNCIL RESOLUTION: In the matter of _const� ctinj; granite c1 rbinon the t south side of East Seventh St., beginning 1501_west of ;iUQY'y t. , thence west 50 feet. under Preliminary Order _ 6083 Final Order _7619 — — _ A?'PROVEU — — October 20th! _ — �— 191 5 . RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved a er'9 '112c. F. rp. 9976— Received all paper In the matter of constructing granite connection Wi urbing on the south Ids of Eaat " Aevepth 9t.. beginning 160' west of !801 ion BibleY f3t., thence West 60 Leet. under Preliminary Order BOB2. Final Order , /y 7619, approved Oetober 20th. 1916. Resolved, That the Diane, eDe11� ficatfons and eaifmate6 submitted by.. r the Commissloner of Public Works by, " ;the above named Improvement be andl the same are hereby approved. - 1 Adopted by the Council Apr. 13, 1916.1 Approved April 14• 1918. - (April 22-1916) Adopted by the Council AP- — - -.—._.-191 Yeas: ( } ( } Nays Councilman Far sworth Go s Ke ler Na h App ved 191 P.ir.President P rers _ ' — — ——15yor- 1 i CITY OF ST. EAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION: In the matter of _trading Orantham_Street East_ae laid along r _ r h grid �)�fozcLst'—f rout aaj _ �Ut_sid� of ESoo oCCleveland,Avenue- cle #! y A?IRoTED Eaet Gr,ntbem Order lev _ _a Final Or tler under Preliminary 1916 _February lath, RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner Of Public V7orks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved IC.F. No. 9976-- ,a din6 Grantham' the matter of braeaa papers �� Street East 9t 'An°honY Pa k North all paPe of Block Buford under Pre gEO�iQed ,gj�Qvs. and lock8t., fr m net Grantham �i St, to Cleveladne 6786UeFlnai Order QOa iQll ilminary Or • - er 917& -Fd"."That Fther PI—, .Peel doa- R��Qlu tlone an11,11 d oetimatea eubmltr . by the , above inamed imProvelmen or ind enure are hereby nDrovetl. pdo➢to', pDrelCoune 1916. pPr. 13. 3916. , pPPr ipyrll 22.1916) 191 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ — AI ( ) Nays Yeas: Councilman Far GOworth os yel er Na 11r.President Pov rs 191 �i Approved / _mayor. I o�J J Whereas, Under and by direction of..........7 _. #- 3 JFGg........:......--.......... approved �.s'--=."---- - -- ' /. �13......_..........the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class A.- J01 T9 , of the City of St. Pant to the a+uount of...$�,EVen--HundrBd.--Ttl.irty.--Two...and.-•-2-0Al�Q.••-to derray I'he cost of :;:.....Gxading...Cn1ne, : A?xant,.-$o...QT_chaTd.................................................................... ._.:. __.-....and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of.............e�...Y,1916. and the collections front the assessment for..jGr.adi.ng..jonlue-T---Front---to...iiT.chaSd................................. are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it . Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Patti be and they are hereby authorised, empow- ered and directed to apply to the payment of A said bonds nurturing on the first day of.... 3184.---•-1916............. as aforesaid, all the, moneys collected front the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the .City of St. Pani in,and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said "improvement with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annum -payable septi -annually and the proper. city officers may accept in payment of said renewal, bonds any of the unpaidl,tpecial assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. Adopted by the Cotmcil......... AP;R3 L,1 :............... f9t......-. Yeas ( ) Cout cilmen r, i ) Nays Colne. Fart' orth4 ear old aer GOS .dons from the Colne, Fro .'.lent to paY the Whr� Sell !r and the in rest th ;fore, beT t the nroDer., 'ed u ,-------- t- the pe Nat' td to app"' ! :.aid Don1816, ate aforeeol: .......Z97: -. t nfav, Approved . pp Mr. President PoW,*'f collected from the .i the. treasut p, meat and err :ifor eaid purpoea and to by the manner DrovlBed ,r. like renewalsPZ' the CL[ Y of ' oonds of amount sufficient f I: •• the . retnalnla6 g or said improvems.+ st ` ................................................. Mayo/r. ahe be O inter A "cereas, Under and by direction of .......... __'a.4 - ...................`�..'..KAE ............. approved the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class..../... Dol iard of the City of St. Paul to the amount of--DurLeen.-RundT.ed..Twenty-Thr.ee...rincl 89/16 defray the cost of................ fir.ading..Kj1.bur.n..&...RY.d-e...SStl+4... and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of.........ldm..].41,6................ and the collections, from the assessment for...-...GT.adiIIg..KllhUrA.....&..$X.d _.S B........ are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, flow therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paul be and they are hereby authorised, empow- ered and directed to apply to the payment of the said bonds maturing on the first day of. ........ may _.1916. ......... I as aforesaid, all the moneys collected from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the inanner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessmenNonds of the City of St. Pmol in and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. eait `. That the , by atuthorlaedyemu APR 13 1916 , r.__--_A� to nppty to the ba. Adopted by the Council ----- ........-------- .._.......................- 9 Ia bonae maturms on it Nlay, tsts, ae aroresata„ - ,ys collected from the n ent and in tha treasury, Nays apthenmannapoae and to Ise Yeas C mi[tlfii¢ri y i r itke re 2Na1 Iepeclali,� -mnde of the City -or Vit. rfuworth „amount aunmfe t he emnl nfnR DSS -�, snld impror•- ili eon. TI eller ear Inenr: ash Mr. President vers Approved........./ ........... ..... ...........--- .... .............. Mayor. eUtsL11HED % - �21 C/ � OC. F. No......... �.._.. Whereas, Under and by direction of........... f �---..........�CV.l.................... approved - 4::; .�••/---.7...-...�f�.L f...........the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class A. Dollars of the City of St. Paul to the amount ofT..wenty.r..Thr.ee H1Inde.ad..-Saven...amd...9tj�10(l to derray the cost of ------------ and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of......May ...191- ------------------ and the collections from the assessment for........Grikding Grolt0...&.-Reminary............................................ are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paul be and they are hereby authori-ved, empow- ered and directed to apply to the payment of the said bonds maturing on the first day of.......May ....1-5}7.6............. as aforesaid, all the honeys collected from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the planner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Paul in and to an amount sufficient to take tip and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. V'r • thereon, -j, APR 1 . 191.. of `the Clthgof the St. Pau/be an Adopted by the Council ............ _.__...._.__ ................._.791_....... iaerei; authorized, empowere.. •ted to apply to the paymm .'said bonds to on the /.e eUal, 1818' a aforesaid, el' Yeas Coun ilmen ( y > eane d I from eas arpr. l Na S a mane and In the treasury, a• ( / for said purpose and to leauei in the manner provided by the' Far Orth ^ ter like renewal epeclal e•.i bonds of the City of St. P ,,,_�(iOs 'an amount eutticlont •� "tthe remalrb, un v b Bala Kel er N h Mr. President P wers Approved.--•---/-----------------------rgt '........................ ..... - Mayor. euj3WHED L/ � V. .c. F. Na. 9980 Ii herons, Udder and by direction of.. ._ !G!_ __ 3y� 3_...._.._._ approved .the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bolds Class_ p.... Seven Thousand Seven Hundred of the City of St. Paid to the amount of ..___ _ E1 ghty-Fi ve and 704100 Do flare to defray the cost of. . .. Sewe.r...on. _1 agnolia, ..Cos+tland...&_ I�wS.on......... ...__... ................. .._..._............... _.. .......... __ ......and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of......me, Y._1.9.16 ............... ... and the collections from the assessment for.....Semex_.Magnoli.a...... are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paul be and they are hereby authorised, empow- ered and directed to apply to the payment of the said bonds mattering on the first day of_._.._'i&Y_.�.4..6....._.., as aforesaid, all tine monevs collected from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell ill the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Paid in and to an amout sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvenicnt with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per mount, payable senni-annually and the proper city officers way accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. „i',• as . become do. na irie -A ,916, and the collectio Adopted by the Council-... _.__ APR. JL3_19�5_.__.tyi.. i°"mens for .e..•er on m.. ...... lid lforsB, ire m. �whole o[ sen aid bond. t I h,•reon. , therefore. 1 —d, That the ➢roper cit; the Clty o[ an, Ycas ( ) 411 it ( ) Nays eby :,,,,nn,ir.ed, eon„,r, 1 In aPDn1” W the ^ayme: d bonds ,aturing th.• th \tu>', 1916 lie ator.eeld, -ow-ernd rtom hlnrnin ene the tri• to Perp„ae Ind e Wr i.laea a r et tho city sn ,unt .ur' male Air. President Poeecrs Approved. . ...... Mayor. ew3Lisaw C. F. No. Wo f .. .... ...... approved Whereas, Under and by dirction j the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class of the City of St. Paul to tile amount of ...Nine.-Hundred-FiftY and...6.o./1-0.0 D0.11-aria.to defray -nd.ota ... . ....... I— ...... .... . ....... .......... the cost of .Sewer. On.. R_..5th, ..Ar.cad.e to.,.Me _......mid whereas said bonds became due oil the first day of UaY 1916 and the rollections from the assessment for-.* Sip.wer on. R.. 5th, Arxaa(ie t..Q,.Mend.Qta..-- are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, uoTt- therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. poul be and they are hereby authori--ed, CjuP07Ll- I May 1, 9. -L.6 ered and directed to apply to file payluent of the said bonds maturing oil the first day of - - .. as aforesaid, all the molleYs collected front the aforesaid assessment and in tile treasury, available for said pur- pose rpose and to issue and sell ill the manner provided ded by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of tile City of St. paul in and to all amount sufficient to take tip and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improz-cinclit with tile interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per anion, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of tile unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. , snid tjonds Adopted by the Council.. APR .13 191 Yells Con cilllzen Far sworth --Go s KI ter ash "I Mr. President o7cers ( ) Nays Ural d f hta Y. 171 . . flal. 'he ...... � e. e Arendnal:. 5th of Hl ctenl to to 'in n.y th� v,I -Is . ami In, Interest [here -r—, be it !1­1. That the Pro— city -ffl the City of St Paul he and theY r e bY an th-l—d, ng and 'I 'to apply to t a payment of 'I .nd� alal.r I ng on the llrII May, 1916, as aforesaid, ... Id. .11 the ­ i ­ ,d from the aforesa' h_t and in the treasury, . ,aid purpose and iteen, ha . . t )Y eeian Approved kl - .. .... 191 .. .......... ­­­­ .... ........................ ... Mayor. ' Q 129 ' c1I C. F. Na. _'''' Whereas, Under and by direction of... l/y"` f . #�_�f�1 � approved ....... 4� )" :'_L/7_ - the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class.A__. T'wo Thousand Four Y,undred of the City of St. Paul to the a count of _ Sixt.y—Bi ght...and. ..25 100...Doll,,4rs......___....to defray the cost of_.-___Sewer-.Weet i-rn -Front to Cook ________..................... and whereas said boards became due on the first day of may ._igi,6 _-......_........ and the collections front the assessment for....__. Sewer an W.es.t.er.n,...Front..-t.o....Cao.k..._.................... are insufftcicnt to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Pad be and they are hereby authorized, enlpoze- crcd and directed to opply to the pawnent of the said bonds maturing on the first day of. ............._.!:!&,y- 1.916 as aforesaid, all the moneys collrctcd from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Paul in and to an a fount sufficient to take up and pat' the remaining unpaid bolds issued for said improvement with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cert per annum, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers nay accept in payvneat of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. ..alb. ore on It ook. and whereas sold �„ ne due and payable on the 'APR 13 of biay. 1116. and the cof1-0, Adopted by the Council___. ._.. _ 1yt___ n the assessment for sewer e, - .stern, Front to Cook are Insaffl- nt to pay the whole of said bonds 1 the interest thereon, now there - be Il Yeas ( ) Counc Imen ( ) Nal's ?esorved. That the proper city ofn- n or the City of St. Paul be and they hereby n,th,,iz,d, empowered and I. aril ('artlt ec[ed to upUly [u the pnYment of said bonds tnnturinp, o, th firr' ^_ Goss ,Y of May, SB76, ¢fo resnl^. ys collected from the cot nd In the [reueu• Kell r IV purpose D a Nas Mr. President Powers Approved. ..{��. ..._.. .................1gr.,b Mayor. 1 C � f Whereas, Under and by direction of..._ _. , .: :��,..._._ . X13. ..._.....-....._......_. approved the proper cit officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class..A..... One Thousand Seven Hundred of the City of St. Paul to the amount of. _ _ Twen.tV-T7[o_.and_.no-/10.0...Do.11ar»..._........_..-to defray the cost of.....__........__....._$ewex...on...Go.o.dr..ir-h..&..Pascal....._._...............__._...._................_._.._---.___.... _.._.. ..._..... .........___.__..and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of. .. ITaY...l.416.....__......-- and the collections from the assessment for......._ Sewer. ..on. .GaodrIch_& .Pae.cal...Ave...................... _... arc insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolvrd, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paul be and they are hereby a thoriced, empocw- cred and directed to apply to the payment of the said bonds maturing on the first day of_.......May ...1.9 as aforesaid, all the mmners collected front the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Patti in and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement :with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. n APR 13 h e file oetl Adopted by the Council ewer ot:oodt ri�. h In m t to l .ale of -Id ld bond nd x nndbeh it In[e w therefore, olved, Thn[ the proper elft' oR' Yeas ( ) Cott cihnen ( ) Nays fie errs fir st. rum he nna the -ted tto taplb nrl `" Ine pgym fit. fid Far .aworth xnla bnndx met, rm nn the m or Ni.y, 1916. xx nrnrexnld, 't Gas 'nll'ctea from the en. fid In the trvt� Ke er taxa ' mnnpurppxe me p Ake ... .an our, ninon N h, /.. "n 1 / Mr. President P .hers Approved.{.. _. -...............191,(,2 ..--...._.- _. Mayor. �� / '? /6- v o I#C. F. No. I Whereas, Under and by direction of. f _....... .. . __..-- ._.\ approved 3._-1.iL3.__ .the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bons Class...- Dollars ass....Do1lars of the City of St. Paul to the a Count ofThree...Hundxed_.Fif.tV...FOur_ and_.2$./100.. ..-...to defray the cost of._Grading;...Al1s,)r .Blk.....1,.. Tsar-e.nd.al e..._......_ ......................._...._ .._....._......... _.....and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of._..._."s-Y. i9li6 and the collections from the assessment for._.._Gr.ading- A11.eu...Blk.e...1.,_.,Tz arreridal.-C................__..... are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, uoxo therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Pall be and they are hereby authloriaed, empow- ered and directed to apply to the payment of the said bonds maturing on the first day of.__..fa`$Y_19;0 ..-.......I as aforesaid, all the moneys collected from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell is the roamer provided by file City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Pall in and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per atnuuy payable .cerci-arinnafly and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. — e fro' the a amen for W— iley lilk. 1. War... dale, are in Ienl to s and lhe'in leve,' lthereon. new le f aid adopted by the CnurrnL-_ __QjpD 1�-����;. - 191 _-; ernes. be u l esolved. Thnt the proper elq• offl- of the Oily of St. Paul be and they hereby authorized, empowered and ( ) Nays lnd to apply to the Payment o Yeas ( ) Cow rihnen a Id Honda ,luring the V If afuy. 1916. n eforeeaid, all /'ar sx'Orth eya at leeted from the ator ent and In the treasure . laid purpose Ind to ,rne r provided , �-'—" Gos manner provided Rr//k't Na.c`t ' L ..... ............. .......7 Mr. President Powers AQQroved.Jf....- _- g ..................... Mayor. VUBL1SIED ��� , , C. F. No. Whereas, Under and by direction of _.. / _ ..T ` approved the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class.. A... Three Thousand Four Hundred Sixty of the City of St. Pato to the amount of _.. .._ _and-2210.0._Dollars....._.. ............................ to defray the cost of..._ __Grading Hamlin St- Clair. 10.._Ran.do.l.Rh.. _..._ _.._._.._................. ..__._.._... .....and whereas said bonds becanne due on the first day of.._ .. I qi6......_...._.. and the collections from the assessment for..Grading .Haline.,_.3t.....C.1.e.it...t.9...R.nd_olph___.__._...., are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Pond be and they are hereby authorized, entpo.e- ered and directed to apply to the payment of the said bonds maturing of the first day of. .-... .".aY_A91-i....._._.., as aforesaid, all rile moneys collected front the aforesaid assessment and inn the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Paul in and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement with the interest thereon. The said renmul bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per anunn, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers may accept its payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. 1: r ,din H Adopted by the Council-.- _- ._---- --for, Fcas ( ) CnIlitilmeu ( ) NaYs Fat IIs -worth G s I ]ler ,cit Mr. President P suers ,,h oretnnua,eto-nt to pay oI naw bonds and the inters: o . w therefore. be It ere sold. That ill, proper city offl- of the 49tY of Ft. Pall] be and they s neve 1,Y authorized, empowered and •rted to apply to the payment of ofld bonds maturing on the first of Nay, 1916. n aforesaid, all the Is nllertrd from the nf.r al est and In the trrasury. n for Wald on rpoae and to Issue`s o lhlike on r Dr—id,d hY the I bonds or r thett(Ity sof e5t� P1 mount nufnctent to 1 S..'e , fiemalntnl; anPI ' Approved. .......... .........rgr..b Mayor. rUt;LISHlD1 v C. F. No. _ _ 13f> fl Whereas, Under and by direction of...__ .... ... __ .. ,,y /,t �i.. __ ./� �C a- ....... approved the proper 11 f r .....ro rr rdy officers did heretofore sells real assessment bonds Class...... A. One Thousand Seven Hundred Twelve of the City of St. Pall to the amount ofDO11are___..__._..... ....._........__.....to defray the cost of .,,/__. Case_ _.cortland...to.._Ay_.._ ..... .._... ____...._._........__..._............... __._...__._....___.... _._.and whereas said bonds beraate due on the first day of. ...June 1916...._.... _._... and the collections front the assessment for .... __....S.eIve.r... o.L,,..CortlAnl.... o___R_y__r............ arc insu fjicictt to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paid be and they mare hereby authorized, empow- rrcd and directed to apply to the payment of the said ybonds maturing on the first day af..June.._1416._-- ---- - , as aforesaid, all the moneys collected front the aforesaid assesstuett and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of tine City of St. Paid in and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate flat exceeding six per cent per aunnt, payable senni-annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. 411R 13 191" Adopted by the C ouuril..-.. -- - __ - -.----rqf___.. Yeas ( ) Con icilmen Fa isnenrth ' Go s 1: e er > ✓ Nosh Mr. President Powers ( ) Nays case. con, I neufiiclert in pay Bald horde and the Inter w Iherefore, be It n1, That the proper cityn City of Ft. Paul be and the authorized, empowered n 'anp�y to the vayment o hondx maturing on the flr c, 1916. a afereeaid, an t oueeted from the afore, rt and in the treasury, amidan purpose and to lsx", to r provided by he wol apccla' a oftheCl" n Approved.. /� ... ----._--....r9r..��1 Mayor. PUBLISHED '/ - � "" / '� /G C. F. No. _ i _ lYhereas, Under and by direction o(....._ 1: ': .`.. ._tom: _... f' 7 approved —3,, the proper rih officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class.._'k. i one Thousand Six Hundred Tm^nty— of the City of St. Paul to the amount of Four anti-75/1GG....Do1].ars ....to defray thcrostof.-..S.�w.@r-.oil. IIuds.o.n ...Hoffman _.to_Nari.g... _..._ - .._._...-....__._.. and whereas said bonds becmac due on the first day of ..of_Ju_n.e...1. 7_.6_._ and the collections front the assessment for....S.PWPT.on_LIudson..F.f nwj_to 1'ari8.._.._.._._.._..... ...... . are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Patti be and they arc hereby authorized, ennpow- cred and directed to apphY to the payment of file said bonds maturing on the first day of. _..:Tun .o.l.6-- . as aforesaid, all the monn's roUcrted from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Paid in and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per ccut per auunn, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. APR 13 19'. Adopted by the Cnunu'tl.._.. .. __---_. 1. _____79t........ Yeas ( ) Cot Icilnnen Far) sworth ' .� GO K ler ash Mr. President Powers ( ) Nays be u • duo 0 e. 7916, and the con. t fnra ewer an H.ffreanh to Dl erinlcl bonds an, _st then eon, n 'Io therefore,t solved, That the Pro Per cItY eof the MY of St. Paul De and t hereby n authorized. the Pow.. ntI• ,ted to nPP1Y the fir. —Id Fond, utarin{; P of June. 1916, aforesald. nll + collected from the afore enl and In the trensurY. , eati ru`Pose n d to les+• . Pro vi�v.+e+lal t Approvcd..Al- ......./... ..... .................gr -.6 ....... _. Mayor. PUBLISHED �` 11 . C. F. Na. z) y �c �r/ 29.......... 6Vhcrcas, Grader and be direction of._._1���- - approved r r ? the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class._(t�. One Tho.rsand One HundrFd Fifty of the City of St. Pani to the amount of __ ___a.nd.._jOf..7GG..Q]].ar3, to defray, wer Go9drich, SuP to Prior __....... the cost of... _.... y. e. -- ---...__..._ ................. and whereas said bonds became tine on the first day of...JuT1£_.1916 and the collections front the assessment for._.S.e4ErM.uP t9. Prior ............... are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Patti be and they are hereby authorized, empow- ered and directed to apply to the pnrnlent of the said bonds maturing on the first tiny of Jtinr...].9.1.6............. as aforesaid, all the ntoriCys collected from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by file City Chnrtrr like rrneacal special assessmrvt bonds of the City of St. Pad in and to an amount saffrcient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said I bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per improvement With the interest thereon. The said renewa cent per annum, payable semi -o mall% and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds auv of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. Adopted he rile ('olnicil__ 1 1DP s t •cl ryr. ( ) NaYs ma a t rand ha c Ilcctl�, m -rat rater ^ nnlcient[ ',otPrior ,• in. hof rani dhteona re Rdelhlt Y'She wholee reon. nut ity RI - v 1. Thor thc e PrnPor the Clic of ct. Pnvl ,` and the)' enY nuthorbed, empowered nna to nPPl1 niter IhI Pn)then rarer 1 bonds m :,rotes nld, rre 1916, n oller[eA from the n(or tea rand in the trennnr�' nldannrpr e� •'d ' Approved..il/�/— ..:...... ...........r9r..�. Mayor. PUBLISHED cf , �� / %�� Yeas ( ) Court linen Parr nor th Kc r Cr Kc No h Mr. President Powers 1 1DP s t •cl ryr. ( ) NaYs ma a t rand ha c Ilcctl�, m -rat rater ^ nnlcient[ ',otPrior ,• in. hof rani dhteona re Rdelhlt Y'She wholee reon. nut ity RI - v 1. Thor thc e PrnPor the Clic of ct. Pnvl ,` and the)' enY nuthorbed, empowered nna to nPPl1 niter IhI Pn)then rarer 1 bonds m :,rotes nld, rre 1916, n oller[eA from the n(or tea rand in the trennnr�' nldannrpr e� •'d ' Approved..il/�/— ..:...... ...........r9r..�. Mayor. PUBLISHED cf , �� / %�� a C. F. No. ______ r l` / Whereas, Under and by direction af.._� d1-�`': " /.. Y-�:C=:�- _/-2 m-cl-_k_ _.....- approved j_...._the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class..._L. Dollars of the City of St. Paul to the amount of_..T.brr. e.-TIunt'r_^d .Twenty..70ne_.. and 70/100 to defray the cost of.. __Gra-ding - .Alley. BIX. 5.. Rpblyn .k r.k ..._ ........ and -whereas said bonds became due on the first day of.... jun @... 1.91.6........._..... and the collections from the assessment for .......CF.Tadl_np.,A]3ey_.P]k_.. Roblyn Park__ .......... are insu fficicnt to pay the -whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paul be and they are hcrebv authorised, empo-w- crcd and directed to apply to the payment of the said bonds maturing on the first day of_.Zune._1.9.1.6............. as aforesaid, all the moneys collected from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available forsaid pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Paul in and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement -with the interest thereon. The said rene-oal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annual, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bolds any of the unpaid special assessment bolds aforesaid with accrued interest. APR a norm lne �.aa.:•a: 13 alley Rlk` 5. Ro µlyn £0. , 9111. r2lclent to Vn; the hole ,k now 'a and the fnlerest thereon. Adopted hp Un we CnunL.-. 191..-. nr«, ne IL olyed, Thno the PrnPe, cnl.a RI- ,( the CRY t St. Paul be d they —bynuthori- . -powered and Yens ( J Co aacikanen ( ) Nays d the aAlymai%ri�F ops 1tn� eras June. 1416, n ntoresald, all th /- nstrorth e,°ineO, iean from trP'Sur nrex C SS saki Pu rpo,, aro,nd dthlas'n y neikenn a pea; nl sop erlul' / % I/er Ike o[ut nes cito vrU S / /- Mr. President P -wens Approved...... .._f .............................1916.. Mayor. - C etlti%iSF� / - � � /F C. P. No. / n Whereas, Under and by direction of......�.�`z-L:."t"�y+._C�-._.'.�../s. �'.�.�.......... approved . i+ _ Z�;__a_ I 1-.______ the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class _A... of the City of St. Paul to the amount of._.Se.A.exl.. HUn_(:r.ed.,. our. and ] 2�] GC Dol] ars to defray ... thecostof....__.__...__Grad-inLq-.Ron,do,_A9bur to Pascal and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of Tune ] g16 and the collections from the assessment forto Pa?ca].___........ ____._..._.__ are insufficient to pay the -Whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paul be and then are hereby authorized, ennpow- cred and directed to apple to the payment of the said bonds maturing on the first dap of N..V ] 9] 6 as aforesaid, all the moneys collected from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue a sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal spcciol assessment bonds of the City of St. Paul inn and to at amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement -cith the interest thereon. The said rene-cul bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per rent per annum, payable semi -an nilly and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds ally of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. to rl r,f rut' the - do. , b," to rttF Adopted by due Council.._. ____ APR 13 1911:, _ fyr.___ of i o" Ii n,:rn',nne due , -' of June, le In t nd therol- a the nn xx eu Inent for grad- . Asbury to Pear.] are In- to Day thn-hale / 1 1 the interest thrrron'' Ycas ( ) Co lncibnell 1 / Nays be It It That ihtn rlty Fa nrearth uy or t.. rn�ie�e an _ .>y uuth—lied. emD^wc' -- to Wooly to the D:1 C ss bondx matte M1lnF o n lots, for K Her �ourt�t,.d r..� n l I r. t I vary ash ' / / / Nlr. President owers Approved Al ...... ........ _....... ........ Mayor. YlI iil.lsl� - C. F. No. 2 Whereas, Under and by direction ofG -2:- '...._f. t _ _...._,-t._�f._.. �.� e�,^. y....... approved tile proper citY officers did heretofore sell special assessmntt bonds Class_..A... Six Thousand One Hundred SevPnty,- of the City of St. Paul to the amount of Five, _and _.59.110G Doi3are _........to defray the cost of_ .. O.p.en].PE_F.dgecpmbRoad and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of._.Tune,._7.9.1.6 and the collections from the assessment for__....Op.e%{l.ilf�..l dgecomb Rot�d are insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the Cily of St. Paul be and thee' are hereby authorized, empow- ered and directed to apply to the payment of the said bonds maturing on the first dal' of.. June_.].�1.6._.... as aforesaid, all the moneys collected front the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Pad in and to an mnount sufficient to take tip and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear intirest at a rate trot exceeding six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bands aforesaid with accrued interest. Adopted by the Council APR 13 191b_..y. ns from t. Pdcr„rumhe _...... ..+—M,I nt to P+U' 1hr wool. wool.' od the ,ntere,o there tt �i.ed. �•nnt In,• nroner rie, on'. Yeas Cou cilmten r Ih,• cuy or st. r,.,l ne and Inn) ( ) ( )Nays eery uuthnrixed. „-Powered o ,d to APPIy to the Puy-eni Farnsworth .Id hondi, mat—i— o, the III i June, 1'i16. a nfur�.=rid. ,11 , _ ioll,•,I,d from the nlorer C s nt nd i i the lrnavu rr'. —Id "ur'one and to I.,u r K Her „ P,—Wd t•. �1 ash tlpr. President . ozeers Approved -1-1. .... ...... _.......... ............. r9r.46 Mayor. C. F. Na. Whereas, Under and by direction of approved ,.,the proper c -itv officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class..F. Two Thousand Three Hunured and 5Q/100 � D03) arS .... ...... to defray of the City of St. Pat', to the amount of FQ r:t-Y tile cost of Se er on Aldine sherhurne ...... - and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of July 1 r 1916- and the collections front the assessment for--, evte--,. Qn..AlAiRe 5h?;r:NT"- ........ .... are insufficient to pit). the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, no7c therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the city of St. Paul be and they are hereby authorized, empow- ered and directed to OPIN' to the payment of the said bonds maturing oil the first day of. -july. .1 , —192-6 , as aforesaid, all the )),alleys collected from the aforesaid assessment and in tile treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided bv the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Paul in and to of amount slifficietit to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bands issued for said iniproveinent with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable scum -annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of tile unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. Sherburne. 1 I "In "I dna 1, a, eetlon ,ldoptcd by the Coupl, iV eeeem—t forS—, no a. APR 13 19ib 191 ' he,b—ne a-i—irrielent to ;hole of —ld bonds and the Int .. on. now therefore, he It .roleed. That the proper -Ity of Nays of he Cit Y of St rant 1'o and th Yeas Coup ilincri hereby nniho,i-d. empowered .t tg.npply to the payment o bonds maturing on h fire[ ]--or is-zcortli of Jet,, 1916, ne n(orcsnld. nil the 'n' eoileetrd Go she a(oresnid frhe-tree n.1-. le for in,id porp— K ller .1 In the manner . n, of -Ou'l . " niter like '.or I1, ller ish ................. rgrb Air. President I weies Approved- .. ..... . ..... Mayor. 61 C. F. No. Whereas, Under and by direction of. __ � .p z t� .l �t .c ,._ 9. Z.0 3_. ___...... approved ,�...-....._.the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class' --k. G Doll ars of the City of St. Patti to the amolrnl of...N1ne-.II.un.dr.eld Thi.r.t3•.-...Orae.. -and... 0. V.Tp.Q.._....to defray the cost of..... .____Seger_.on.__Zames. St. ,_-Ann Arbor to Bay .............. _.. and whereas said bolds became due on the first day of._._.J.uI.S__1..,... 1_ylb_..... and the collections from the assessment for ....S.eW.e.r....Qa7...T4MeP...-.Ann.... Arbor_ to.._B_�_,__......_.............. are insufficient to pay the -,chole of said bolds and the interest thereon, HOW therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paid be and they are hereby authori-ed, empow- ered and directed to apply to the pawnent of the said bonds maturing on the first day of_J117Y_.1_,._.1.916.....-, as aforesaid, all the mnonchc collected from the aforesaid assessment and in file treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided by the City Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Paul in and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement -with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per anunnn, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers may accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. Adopted by the l onn('il... u17[j 7 � 1911, 1 191- -... e , tet day of July, 191 ,1"111— for the naxesament ' nn J1 1, Ann hlhor .. Bay ,if,lent to ply the whole of n'I lnd the inures[ lhereon, Yeas ( ) Coun ihncn Far — rill Go s J{ / llCr ( )Nays 1,—,f—e, he It olred. Tha[ the proper e•Ity oifl- `ny to ulh.H—d. rmlpuw a red tuna nto amply to the garment or ' 1 bond-, pturthe flrr' July. 191 fi. a nlnteatd. all �illc a I, thetreasury. r eaTaa�nr'one a a to le+. hr provided ny I pe nl as/ Mr. President Yo-,wcrs Approved_._ ._..../.. .._.._.......J'g1... ... // rte" ✓�....-..... --....__ Mayor. u C. P. No. / ww Whereas, Under and by direction of. _G / t ` T —i_G ` . _._-1..... approved the proper MY officers did heretofore sell special assessment bonds Class—. A.. Dollars of the City of St. Paul to the anoint of Two...Hun it ed.-.$].X..ty..'S.P`.L?TL_a1?.4._84�1.GG.. ...to defray the cost of G.rading..A!Iey_ it I.- D.._ EodFe.s Suhdivision.. _ ..__... ........ _and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of.....__JUI y,..]..,_..1.916._.. G.radi.n.F..nL l_..B.y....j n...L-,-_ D,H_Q,dges.. 3ubdivi Sion and the collections from the assessment for.. --- ---- --- arc insufficient to pay the whole of said bonds and the interest thereon, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Paul be and they arc hereby authorized, empO-W- cre d and direcird to apply to fine pacment of the said bonds maturing on file first day of—jul.y_..I.I,-Ic,16-- its aforesaid, all the moneys collected from tine aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell int the manner provided by the Cit` Charter like renewal special assessment bonds of tine Cily of St. Pall in and to all amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issited for said improvement with the interest thereon. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate mot exceeding six per rent per annum, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers ?nay accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the impaid special assessment bonds aforesaid with accrued interest. s�from Ih, aa� 1�'q ni le>' In 1.. In Hoages tin' Adopted be the ConnciL._ _..- -' 9t_ ._.. nee Innund, a i1 pay ,of anis nonan and the mice. c therefore, be It f teat City the proper city of, f the City of SL i'nul be nna the Yeas told cilmen Nays •reb1^ authori to theppweren'n Id bon da mnturint; on the t`ar sworth f .fuly. 1916. n nforesn Id, n rolb"tea from the n Gas ent and In the treasn said purpose. ne m n . .0 l�rl r aken µre.•' or ✓� re• Nast Mr. President Pou`rrs Approved .... _..... / ...._-....._...19r . Mayor. C. P. No. Whereas, Under and by direction of necc �/_ -- �-s. ' _.__.. approved i' -_the proper city officers did heretofore sell special assessunrnt bonds Class... A. one Thousand Eighty—Four and Of the City of S!. Pall to the amount of 9G/1GQ.Dollar9_._. _. ........ _ ..._._....to defray the cost of _.Gr.ading..A11.ey_ B11. I., Rose -dal .e-- Park......._._..__..._ ._..._...._ .._..__ _...._ ___..... ._.....and whereas said bonds became due on the first day of.............Au.g.a...1-...... and the collections from the assessment for ._..__Gr.adi.n$1._P..Q.S�.(1.E11_2._ Y.a.TaC-......__.__. are insufficient to pay the -chole of said bonds and the interest thereon, no -w therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers of the City of St. Pall be and they are hereby authorised, empow- ered and directed to apply to the poyment of the said bonds uwturing art the first day of...AU9.f_.1.91.�......__.-., as aforesaid, all the moneys collected from the aforesaid assessment and in the treasury, available for said pur- pose and to issue and sell in the manner provided bV lite City Chorter like rene-wal special assessment bonds of the City of St. Paul in and to an amount sufficient to take up and pay the remaining unpaid bonds issued for said improvement with the interest thereat. The said renewal bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually and the proper city officers stay accept in payment of said renewal bonds any of the unpaid special assessment bonds aforesaid zoith accrued interest. I Wl, n ld heap hollrctloan Adopted bV the C ou ncil_-. Yeas ( ) Coe Millen f' worth ht% ti e11 Nos Mr. President Ponders Atl 131 n 191 ( ) NaVs nmr, and t e uta for grading Rl Illy -dal, Park re hole of sort lher fnra,t het e^t thereon, not I—d. That tltr tiro Der city Ito, f the Clly at St. I'nul be and rel'. au ihorizod. rm Dowored a rel to "Ply to tho D""lent ' mid bonds 000turolnF on r Ant,'., 191fi, forevald. all the llr,t,.dn the [rstt r`[oreen l'l m entvu ld andIn ar'eat he on nkenn Approved...i.. ...... tqt. Mayor. do pct_tion v Council File No. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the "ll'of St. Paul, viz.:_Constr.uct_..a SPtrer_fer sgr.lta-r;j flow.onl 4xL._Fltat'tt%;ox1]e. S.t..___ from Duluth Ave, to a point,l870feet __.ea:°t of ,the _ line o ...; u.1 11th.,_,_4ve. in accordancc,tith i.etj;'t76n.. hereto_ attac?•Cd6 `. ............ ... Dated this 1Yt.... day of ATri7,, 1916. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a se}.er r ar,itdl.y .�lc'r; only__o i.ar i_o_re St.. froi.: Dnint.'.-_ Ave to a point_270 fe,t east_t,f the eaUt_li ,. .9 ho n•: .__.. _...... _ ..._....... ...____....... ...__.....__..... ..aloin A—. n the ronneu having been presented to the Council of the City; ui u,erernre, nen ilman That the t'ummisalo ......... - ....... ...... .. rke he and he Id here therefore, be it "I"'•<'tea: i n� eati,;ate the .alt RESOLVED, That the Commi,ainncr of Pul:hnitr ar the making rt ; hereb} ordered and directed: in..eaugate the nature. L To investigate the necessity for or design, iert ori •ortai Idr iml of said improvement. ` (antimt.h a plat t , , rovement, and the. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, cin nt and es'' r „aid Inep--t-, P turni„h the rn' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of .,a inrarmanon 11 fit. ement. n ante ..hether,ative to said irn movement: 4. Co furnish the following other data and ,,,,,. „kea rn ........... _.... . _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .adopted by the Council _. .. _ ry.rF. �t� 191 Yeas: � Na}s: Councilman Far swonh Go s Approvedill _ KCIler C.... .. _... _.. Mayor PQwen Mayor. I VUBLISHED ' ✓ / 7 Petition Council File No. _..... __. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement be the Cinof St. Paul, viz.: ...GXs(ke IIawth.orn.o St.._fr.om..Duluth_l,.v.e.. 1; 0. th.e__ecst �i.n..e....9.f__ Rhal en.. Lli>hts_..Pa-rk,._ir aaaordaucc.. With pet. _tib arat.o. at.te-cbCa..._. Dated this 14th. V A1:'ril._ <`'. 191 / T r Councilman. Z+RELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, written proposal tnr the making of the following improvement, viz.: _.. -St...frot,. Duluth Lv..o.. to_ the east 1i— of Phalcr Hci,_:hts Park. ....... ...... ..... .............. xnne -Ijt ..:h-Yln,9 Ween �c,I,d:en of the env of nr,. h„ It ncilman having been presented to the Co uncl of e I t Co kshhe tha heia Wei therefore, be it ti te—1 1 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner It nvea tRn to the ofrmietnuv of the ,nnkm6 he is hereby ordered and directed: , Pto .t ogat,• u,e n „re. :,um,rtea rn.t nr enta to 7E of said improvcnn.nt. 1. To investigate the necessitc for or na the tonrl r�ec thereof_ $nrnl,h e Wien. pre,rovement, ami tile total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and f n d 1.prhe ineti to tP 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch c 1n!or,nn11-, remuve III 4. To furnish the, following other data and tnlorntan.nt Itam,oc to said .improveme.nt: . ......................... . ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ... _ _ A B 13 1015 191 1'cas: ;Nays: Councilman Far worthAliL Go aKe er Mayor Po ers 'Mayor. .,. a PUBLISHED / Council File No. ........ _......... .._.... PR( POSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. I "Po05 I / and V PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Qgrdeinrinr and_ta;, ;: ar .ca.aa2er..t. in the d. necess.arJ....fo.x.. slo_ es, or qa .c -a d �'?.n ...i rad np HAY+th.9'r71.fl. ........frp•^ tothe east lire oi,�alon Hcit,hts_, ar.k.., .........._ % r 7Date, Dated this day o�14tn df .Aril _.,��✓ 6. Councilman. PREL A Y ORDER. WHEREAS, \ written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Qo d rt i:: nc, t,tl,inf, an. e aenent._.ir. t :c_ 1 nc' .neccoa rY fc_ _slope~, _m.or cuts a:.d ',ills 7-raiin, I& i:orpc St.. '-or,_�alu,',. ,ve.:_tc ti.c cast Aire of Phalen I„ ............ having been presented to the Council of the. tryP1111lman 1C1 net :ht, 11Inth ,rk of r` ented t, the t-,1 therefore, be it .•t. 11,11 therefore. d, Th,t the eomml„loner RESOLVED, That the Commission”' of Pt Nork, be ,nd he 1, hereby Llcreb\ordcted and dn'e('.te.d: nd dtreeted: 0 Inv_nsate thin eee„oi ,: said im provemrnt. 1. To investigate the necessity for or da e,blutr or the ,nets F enc. n tune, 2 To investigate, the nature, extent and e. ', inve,us,te me 8x ,emcm. and the total cost thereof. s olt Of sold i.Pl- "td Ihedtotni coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch,f t furnl,h a n1,n. vroat, „Id Improv—t. said Improvement; oii t, }. To furnish the following other data and, t a„vnt,hf,rm,tl,n re 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. 1'o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .adopted by the Council _ APP 1815- 191 ._ Yeas: Nay s. Councilman Far sworth Go . Approved Ke er -- _ arc ilach � l f-^rJ ✓ ...' Mayor Po vers � Mayor. Cotutcil.File No...... » / �. C. GaYto�4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. improvemby the City of The undersigned hereby proposes the making, of the following public Sr. Paul, viz.: ?. conetruc.'"lay_eni .FE:P,�ir ;dtl:_.cw.>iIQEz t ti�k�. six feet,.the nresert ce t t rite_.�i3c•m.lk_or- t.'^.� QI'tt:. 53de_ R�. .,;.�.1.a.57Td ,aulti _ Stth,ercc_ efist 0 Icy ... St. t...,be'�171 ' ::T...Qtf� sass. 14t;, A.,ril 191 6. Dated this da of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A wriuen proposal for the making of the following improvement, xiz.: _ tidthrL. sic feet,. t., Rrco u j'. -'et, r^1 er.d r,epaix. 'itih....cezlex u.. 1^ ' o a_ _ ti:c ��rec'en` c��set L tile 5idecralk on ,re _._ .......... . . _ _. _sass__ be irin rat. , ,,lets att};er94. eI Qt t.O. Ullay.... a_ ,. r _.. .................... .,, or :: Stan having been presented to the Council of the City of SI mfiirora si — ofbeg:. I St [hence ens[ to alley h,. therefore, be it en presented to the councu RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of I%', P ToPat hhere Commrelore a ower ereby ordered and dircoted: c Works be. and he le hereby 03ald Improve.meni. I. TO investigate the necessity for or de fodlnvestigate the ce..uy r. 2 To investigate the nature, extent and t,sIormbility or the making or ..ement, aml iltc toll! cost thereof. To I", c,llgate the nature. .xte 3. To furnish a plan, profile, or sketch 'To cost or .old Improt and the total cost thereof. To rnrolsh a plan, profile ,d unproveme.nr, d. To furnish the following Nher data ano ,r .aid Im P,.,cmen t. turn I , sh "he trrr . 5. To state Whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ow 6.—To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the. Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CouncilCn 191 __ T, t- �3: t�a Nays: Yeas: Councilman Far swonh Approved G s K ler J/ _sass. Mayor. \Ivor Po era 8L13IISlIFU� PC''ItIor, Council File No. __......... .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. f e The unttltsigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:. Cons';ruct a ceiiept, the eidowalk to a width of r -i: feet.on the Brest side of Churchill S*. U trreen 1.ic _ient St. and. Cross St.. in front ofLot 8 Block,.9 afrc.�dal_eiddition,__in, accord ncc__c_ � }. ,� ct.it .on....h_ereto attached._. Dated this toss day of . . Avg i1 Cdr 191 6. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mak;ng of the following improvement, r¢.: Coratrnct a c-r,c. til�_cide 41'F_to c'• idth o ix._1_cet on the t9e t_!3 de of ('o.z_ r y ^h. 11. St U, a�.-rean .:,c. i_t;nt 5+.. L nd "IrosS St,., 1n t•r)r.t of T.ot S 31 o:; i; 'J .;a:•rc.�;da�le r:c '�.or-.. ._.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it " he " "o is ' ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Puh.,' n Inve Investigate o BCP To tnvesnFnte the seitY 1. To investigate the necessity for or desire'sic itI of the martins or sa,arnprovement. ^o tnveetlgate the nature, extent 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estim..it tmated cost of Bala improve{, and the. total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sal( ,it the total Cost thereof. Tu furnish n plan. Prof. or Wald ImProcement. d- improvement: 4. To furnish the following other data and tn` --- I •. rnrnlsn the muo.vr na 'nrelau 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all o'f the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council __.. ._ __ _ APR 1 191 ._.__. Yens: Nays: Councilman Far swarth Go Approved r Ke er ® i.a3 Mavor Po e.rs Mayor. o.. C I PUBhIS[ % petition Council File No. IC—GrV-.: PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. OL and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Cor ot-uct &. oi a.ow:1k Lei: - Q11 the north. -ode Of ... .... . .... rs accordanc, t1- q t/ d on 'hereto ..... . ..... Dated this th day of Al)ril Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -ice.'fect 0-1 the north... Construe; p sideof La' -.Si -n– St. between Hal.1.1ine. Aveifa , nl Albert St... en j he CRY Of Met Iman having been presented to the Council of it— Of That the Co.-I--i- therefore, be it i Ic Wo ka tea he Is hetet Comm,". S, one, d and directed.' ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the d'T- " V 'sugate the —es,tt',e is hereby oi el-buity of the ..ki.9 of f said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity n' e,tigat, the nature, ex estimated cost of aaid imp" a 2. To investigate. the nature, extent ATa _--.ndfobe total "p it thereoPof —1.1a an, t- alprovement, and the total cost thereof. ,aid impl. — omle t 3. To furnish a plan, profile (it skeA,,4hf Too' � sh the (1-1— .1 4. To furnish the followifiv, other data abd, ifIIfp,,j. rketative to said improvement; . . . ...... ...... ..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_._ ._ _ APR, 1��s 191 Yeas: Nay . s: Councilman F nsworth \"or G ss Approved ller Dash Mayor P Nvers Mayor. or. VUBLISi[ED 1/ � D. C. G ,„tont Council File No, I-G(3G3...` A., f' PROP SAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The un,rsigned hereby prop,,ses the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:__Reco:ra rtct.l r`.lay., en.j_ repair c%jt, .G21i]Cr'._..l;iI.e to a._wi.dth...of six feet,.. t' -.e present c(joent...tile...sidw.ra.k on....tbv..e=.^aw._.Sidc Ave bcrin^r:- at Su.:nit Ave. th mce north, to..a..11ey.._ Dated this Ijm '... day of April i.F 191 E. Councilman. PRELIZNARYDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. \ir.: Reconstruct, ,rela;, and repair _th,._c.omu';..tile to P.!;idth. af. 3i:c fest, the r.reser., cci er " til e sidevtalk o.;_ h.E, _.ea. t_ sisl.e_ o_- s' irvi err. ave. _ _ .... be,n it:L at Sm tit .eve ae:lce no ah, to._ajjey e heno._ ore„cte, having been presented to the Council of the Citv, 0"' of `t ran uncilman Thal the ('nmmteatoner therefore, be it , nrk. ne and he t. h..em o I dtreeud: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner or t"`.-ttgnte the neeea"ity. is hereby ordered and directed: nnitY of the making of ne. 1. To investigate the necessitr y foor estugatf the —t,re, tog of skid im proventr.nt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and.¢. oot,n't `�o�tnnnertila improvement, and the. total cost thereof. a v.nnrn emen'. 3. To furnish a plan, profile. or sketch ,' n1eh the roue, em. f p ' i ,^„ntnn ret„ t 4. To furnish the following? other data ancf i,, ­ „dative to said improviment: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. c Adopted by the Council __ .... APR 13 Qrr'191 _ Yeas: ! Nays: Councilman Farn ortIi Gos Approved.. J [� Ke er / _ --- Slash Y Mayor Po +ers Mayor. 1t� eUBLISHEn ' ,;� �� F Pot! !;!on / Coun Ile No. _......✓._ _. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and r 1 - PRELIMINARY ORDER. VIP The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following, public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Co ist: pct, c,;t xft curblr.-,,..^n both sides of "airriount we... _ between Chatsworti� St: a d 0 ord St..,, in n cordarce ^rith ueti ion r_ _......... hereto Lttached. ,. i.... ...... ... Dated this 14,th_ day of April_ 1916.._ i Councilman. j PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, ,y written proposal for the staking of the following improvement, va.: _.C.).! ;S`I.S-�.iQt C 4AiC7..t a'1rA1IlU.. O.r .b.Q'v.11 :i.].dC:i...Ql.. .it1 TT10 i',.T1t...X4 C.. _ e..ul'/Cen _. _.. Chats}yori,h_S.t. and Qxfor4...$t. o-md tit... ;d m Ise cenncu 'ed. Thnt lhe. Comml ,ne k be and he to hereby having been presented to the Council of rhe t 1 aveelea: octlman Invexn Rale thr necessity be It Witty of the mnking of therefore, ,nl. ve agate the nature. er RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of .'.tea Ieutnt °oai id Imp he is hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the neressity for or .L. n,nI,h ,oypelmnn. ,roal"ng of said improvement. r lsh the w g 2. To investigate the nature, extent and a nWI-1 form.tten lnti— _i improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch v mem. 4. To furnish the following other data and inlorniation relative, to said improvement: ........................................ ... ..... ... _ .... .... _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council191 _ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G s Approved 191..... K ler pyx hash Mayor P .vers Mayor. eUBL1S1IlD ��%✓_T/yak Request of St. Pail -1 City Railway Co. CITY OF ST. PAUL - • COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL RM Subject:FOC1� / ^J - COUNCIL FILE fel o. 1 Date Presented April 14, 1916. Resolved, That per-iis:3ion and authority be ar.d the same are hereby given to the St. Paul City Railway Company to lay conduits and build manholes along the south side of Selby Avenue fro!, Fairview Ave. to Victoria St. and elong the east side of Snelling- Avenue from Great Uorthern 3 -J -d. --e to Como Avenue West, the work to be dere tic djrection and to tl:c entire satisfaction of the Commissiorer of Public llor'I,s. I', F. No. 10001—"y \7. u RexolYed• Thvt pe E me °ryas n rely>' 1h.111Y he and the City niivllwn�' given to thl• CL l'Ito, s d build t'o°y mpnin m -1,01-:9i �rou[h xide of ,V'elh)' InnRFvlrvlrw Ave. to Al. non from thio side of t°rin S t' ,\v noel ofrom ;reel Northern sne111nF Avenpe \t'exl. the F3rid Fe to Co lone tnder [he dlreitlon k to he entire sxtls[vc[lon of fhe and Lo the ° der Iho dlrxctlon ork to be doneFttbllc R'orks. Commis.loner f Adopted by th, 1,11 1,16t191 G. re`pr. 18, APprod April ?2-19101 Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen (✓) Nays 'Far sworth to In favor iKe er 6Y Against ,N Mr. Peden, Powers Adopted by the Council APR 13 9915191 Approved N/-/ 191 MAYOR THE ST. PAUL CITY RAILWAY COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINN. 1c, -pr;1 10, 70 :he !ionc)-:.:1e City Cou-J-1, of "-e cit'. of Jt. Paul. :>t. �o,,j city oi..,p:_ny re3pec"fillY f)ctltionS your honorable `,O,ly lo- penmis:,ion to 1-y con' kits x , ,j*,', .;uiid :-,n�ioles aloe, the 97-e- eto n- ) ei herein, as lirected n;,co ed -,y "ect -'r or,. _0 'ell,y ,,,.-e. (sout�- air view Avenj" ','jc1Lo,,La ze :.ve. (e =at side) Great ITor tl-.ern ('o:,io ;,venae Bridge You—: - -y Preoi� en�. CITY OF ST. PAUL X000-.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FARM Subject: / 1-00 COUNCIL FILE N o. Date Presented April 14, 191 6.' . 27213, It is necessary for the Co=issiongr of. Public Works to hire oreocote block inspectors to inspect blocks to be used for city paving, said blocks to be manufactured at Indianapolis, Indiara and Minneapolis, Minn9sota, and said inspectors can be more economically hired in said cities than they can be in St. Paul; and whereas, said poait;ions require F4wgatkA, services of persons possessing technical knowledge and exrerience of a hish order; and whereas the Civil Service Commissioner has certified that the good of the city requires making it an exception: R SOLVED, That the x�esidence req-t;iremerts imposed by the Civil Service Rules be and are hereby waived for this reason as to creosote block inspectors to inspect blocks to be used in cite paving and to be manufactured and inspected at Indianapolis, Indiana and P[iinreapolis, Tiirresota. , Yeas (v') Coun ilmen (I') Nays Farns orth Goss _ In favor Kell¢ -• �/ Against Mr. Presid FORM C.6-2 �y C. F. No. 10005—By Dt. N. Gosx— _ Whereas. it Is ary for the Com missions. of Public Works to hire sots MoD rk Inspert orx [n inaect Mocks [n be used for ri[y paving. Bald hlxka to be m nufactured at lmlinn- apolls, Indlnnn, and Minneapolis, Min• sofa, and anld Inspectors c n be mically hired In enldncities than they or b, In St. Paul; and where.., said posit,. ne require s Ices or persons Possessing technical 'knowledge and experience of a high 1,4—: and ♦ herra., the Civil Sp ry ire Cnmmlesloner has certified that the gond or the city required making It an exception: Resolved, That the ...idea.. r quirements imposed by the Civil Ser- vice Rules be and are hereby waived for this reason ns toe sots Week In - 'Pee tors to Inspect Weeks to be mad in city paving and to be manufactured andInspected at Indianapolis, Indiana and Mlnneapollx, hlinneaota. Adop led by the Council Apr. 13, 19`[6. APPruved April 11. 1016. (April 23-1916) Adopted by the Council/ APR 13 1915 191 Approved !�! 911. MAYOR CITY OF' ST. PAUL COUNCIL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i Subject: COUNCIL V1i_I TILE No. fDate Presented Atari., 14,1916-191 I\ �r lI 1 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Worley Logan combination oiler, flusher and sprinkler, equipped with heater. mounted on a Kelly Springfield K-45 special Lruok, including complete equipment in aecobdanee with the F spectficatione on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, for the sum of $6750.00. f.o.b. Kansas City, without asking for oom,letitive bids, as the above is a patented article. Cost of said machine to be charged to PaWMII. Playgrounds & Public Buildings -Parke -Maintenance. Yeas (�,') cilroen (I') Nays !/ Fa worth s In favor ler /1 tC•y Against ash Mr. ot, Powers FORM C.B C. F. \o. 10006—By IAu I. Nash— Resolved, That [he I'urchaaing Agent beand he Is hereby authorised to pur- chxer, with the consent or the Comp- troller, one R'orley Logan comblpa- tlon oiler. flusher and eprinkler, ,qulp- ped with heater. mounted on a Kell}' Springfield K-85 speclnl truck, in- cluding complete equlpmeut inn ord- with the specifleation, on file In the eoffice of the Purchasing Agent, for thesul it or $6750.00, f. 0. b. Kansas City. wbout asking for competitive bid a , as the above Is a patented a llcle. Cost of a Id machine to be charged to r'arks. Playground, tad Public )iuilldugs—Purks--]lainte- n Adopted by the Council Apr. 15. 1916. Approved Apr. 17, I 9i (April 22-1916) Adopted by the Council APR 1916 - 191. App d 191...... MAYOR ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: FILE FILE N 0 ............... .. Date Presented. April 13th,- 16191_ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller, withoutask.. ing for competitive bids, six hundred (600) Keystone, special- ly selected Lantern Slides from Mr. Pettis, at a price of $189.00, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gained by ,advertisement or competitive bids, bdid Slides to be charged to the Department of Education - Public Library Fund. Yeas U) Court limen W) Nays Far orth Goss In favor Kell r Against Nas Mr. President Powers FORM C.9-2 10007-13y 11f. N. , Co..— Flea0lved. That the Purchasing Agent I'll. and he Ix herehy authorized to pur- chase "Ith the Consent or the Comp• troller, without asking for competitive bids. sls hundred (600) Ke YTne. speciitib' selected T.otern Slides from \ir. Pettis. at a prlce Of $169.00, as this Is ¢ patented rticle and n advantage nn begained by advertisementor to b churgedtito th ed Depart�menitidsof Educae tion—Fanuc Library Bursa. Adopted by the Counell Apr. 11, 1916. Approved Apr. 17. 1916. (April 22-1916) Adopted by the Council APR ISIB 191 pr ed - 191_..4 MAYOR g An ordinance granting to the Reed Motor Supply Company, a oration, permission to maintain a,filling station unk the side - k at No. 78-80 Rest Seventh street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Reed Motor Supply Company, a corporation, to maintain a filling - station under the sidewalk at No. 78-80 West Seventh street, in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said filling - station upon its compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,COC.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, coats, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the maintenance, oper- ation, use, presence of removal of said filling= -station, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said station remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. i (2) The said filling -station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (3) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. That Assembly File No. 15295, approved August 27th, 1913, is hereby repealed and annulled. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas (t') Councilmen (r•) Nays (' /At `� Adopted by the Council ti / 191 - / Farnsworth ✓Goss In Favor a ..... eller �.) Appr qG� � �'` 91 cColl O Against ash wl Yoerg iy �s AYOR Mr. President. Powers PUtIl 'RUEM FORM C.a-2 E A An ordinance granting permission to the St. Paul Washed and Gravel Company to occupy part of the public levee as a landing place for the sale of sand and gravel. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Permission is hereby given to the St. Paul Washed Sand & Gravel Company to occupy as a landing place and as a place for the sale and distribution of sand and gravel, that portion of the public levee described as follows: Beginning at the United States harbor line monument at the east end of the old Chicago and Great Western bridge abutment, and running north forty feet, thence west seventy feet, thence south forty feet to the harbor line, thence east seventy feet to the place of beginning. Section 2. Such permission is granted upon the £ollo^*ing express terms and conditions: (1) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (C5,0011.00) conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property by reason of the permission hereby granted; the . said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said licensee shall occupy said portion of the levee. The said bond shall be in such fcrm as may be approved by the Ccrporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be"file' with the Comptroller of said City. (2) The said licensee shall vacate said levee and restore it to its present condition rithin thirty Aays after beim; notified to that effect by the Commissioner of Public Utilities. Section 3. This ordinance shall ta—ve effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. a 1►. Passed by the Council _'___ _ 1516. Yeas Naps Mr. Farnsworth I GCOe Seller McColl Mash Yoerg Rays, 0 Mr.t-President (Powers) Attest_ City C erk. i Aj:pr ?ve Mayor. glv to fi f cel Con. a land)o K �plaee n the sale and dir lbutlot. d grnvei. that portiost n of the desrrihed follows: tat the Paired Ste trs harbor ment at the east end of the go -Western t es[ Western bridge and running north forty esta enty feet. thence orte feet to the harhm, line, ant s venty feet to the place nninge . SECTION 2. permission Is granted upon the is express terms Had an. rnt said licensee shall furnish to the City of St. k'aul. In [he Five ThpusnnJ Dollar? rJ ea nd{tloned to -'all the l'Ity ,at harmless from a end nil Judgments suite` o ost, do me ge9 end _prose t to persons or grope"' e fnthe permiselon herebt said bond to r Hain i e longa said Ile— onions••f CI3LISIiF.� _�= % f Aj:pr ?ve Mayor. glv to fi f cel Con. a land)o K �plaee n the sale and dir lbutlot. d grnvei. that portiost n of the desrrihed follows: tat the Paired Ste trs harbor ment at the east end of the go -Western t es[ Western bridge and running north forty esta enty feet. thence orte feet to the harhm, line, ant s venty feet to the place nninge . SECTION 2. permission Is granted upon the is express terms Had an. rnt said licensee shall furnish to the City of St. k'aul. In [he Five ThpusnnJ Dollar? rJ ea nd{tloned to -'all the l'Ity ,at harmless from a end nil Judgments suite` o ost, do me ge9 end _prose t to persons or grope"' e fnthe permiselon herebt said bond to r Hain i e longa said Ile— onions••f CI3LISIiF.� _�= St. Paul Washed Sand and Gravel Co. tit. You1.11iiuu., march 26, _ To the Honorable Members of the City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - The Ft. Paul hashed rand & Gr,vel Company request ;ermissicn to occupy as a landing _.lace for the sale and distribution of sand and 2ravel, that :piece of ground described as fcliows : neginLiniy at the United :Tates harbor dine monument at the East end of the old Chicago and Grent Western oridge acutment, and running :forth Forty (4Cj feet, thence Feet Seventy (73) feet, thence South Forty (40) feat to the harbor line, thence East Seventy (70) fe%t to the pi=ce of starting This ground coAprises the end of the old Chica_o ana Srrrrrc-t Western K. A. bridge goutment arl s not used for any other purpose. The 7t. Paul Washed Sand and Gravel Co. agrees to dredEe the river at that point to a sufficient depth to make the same navit^bie and to comply with all the requigements of the United ?totes Engineers in charge of the river and harbor lines. it also agrees to VAcate the above mentioned pre- mises after r-asc-a'cie notice from the City th4t the ground is St. Paul Washed Sand and Gravel Co. St. Ynul, Minn., 1 181_ City Council -a- required for other purposes and also to pay a fair r ntsl, if desired. `Icurs very truly, St. PAUL WAS .L S:..._ ArD GEASFL CO. By Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL' FORM i0 f) sa p�Rcu NO... _... * Date Presented_ 191 Resolved, that the a-plicatior. or Primock, Labovich & '.•iichael for a license to conduct a motion picture and vaudeville theatre at 135 Eaton Ave., be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of. the fee 175.00. C. P. Nn. 10010— 1 rReao1 edl ,hTvich lh MPPhnelt'ror na Ileenve to conduct a m,tlon Pleture nrl vnudevine then[re ist 185 E.— A-- be and the risme hereby Is Krnnt- 1 ,,u, this It -n e' P Ix incl rpnyment Intim the Deity trenvury of the fee 576.00. A dnPfed h)' thr ('Vu nett AVr. I,. 1916. Approved Aprll 14• 1916. (April 22-1916) Yeas (1') Cou •Imen (✓) Nays Farns orth f/ Goss In favor MI 1v1 1 Against Nash Mr. President, owers FORM C.92 Adopted by the Council 191 -. Ap 91 M MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLU — ENERAL FORM t, A C� (l L2 Z t til C,� r 11,`? / ` 1 �z Subject: COUNCIL I FILE No. ... ...... ... . ............................................ ' Date Presented ..I91._ _._. Resolved, Whereas, P. jr. Corcoran, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, as an Advanced payment for a sewer on Lot 21, Block 1, Kalman's Division, and whereas the assessment for the construction of a sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Forty four & 59/100 ($44.59) therefore be it Resolved that the sum of Five & 41/100 ($5.41) be refunded to the said P. J. Corcoran, and that the proper City officers be, and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said P. J. Corcoran., for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. F N,,. 10011—fly S. A. Furnxworth- 1<solvea. q'hr rens, F. J. rorrora, has herrtn(o re paid to the t'" pf St. I'nul. the s of Fir" 1$50.11) lar nt u(Doln.- s Al,, --d j,-1.1 ment or 2 1 1, IT Dlvxond ensthe1a Klmt fpr the r n-11,1lon of n - ectlnK with xn1A property 1, the rsr of Forty four .rod ..9'1n0 ('(44.59) therefore he. It nesolvrI that the s ur Five Inn 41 I0o ('155.41) I,e refunded to u" said 1'. .I.nd that the proper cu prri��rxrn��. �,nd cosy . nereny ul hnrizrd to draw a nrttin favor of the xaid I'. J. ('orcornnr(or s pn y:('nle put of the Advnnrc. . An... •nt Account. m rAdop ted Ly the Council Apr, 13, 1916. Approved April 14, 1916. (' April 22-1916) Yens f l) -O lcilmr,n (I 1 Nags 191 ,fid„pted by the Council Faro worth j / Goss In favor 19110 Kell � rapproced Mc oll y \gaiusl ® w dash Mr. President, Powers Nwvors eo ..c 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL �COUNCIL RESOLUT ON GENERAL FORM Subject: 1 YK Z'll"u/ r COUNCIL No. FILE Date Presented ( 191 I Resolved. - . -'-Jr )" Jo:_. I. .'rich ia_- -... ;i .ri, ._ ': e':: Or'_., ..,. -,_ . _'or :),e ')ur,,),:: - _... he oL o :ch c3Co::. ..:ion F . No. 10012—ey S. A. R�h— unlyrd. Thnt the prover r n ne and they >: hereby troth Inr n not rI, favor of J. FarleyI,y (or th,,n of itl to the ,v,et of x trip made w CIS for the Vurpoar If NF repro th, , the City of tit. Pxut at the N+, A," 11,11 O( neral Ell,"" "I entlan: cnld sum to hr PI, of t�thr n rnt knov'n n Attendint; pf'on—Ill— , _ Adopt, " A 1, P_ Received above ....ection �®�011itt On. Yeas ( t') Councilmen ( t') Nays Adopted by the Council qpt, 13 141 191 L Farnsworth / =''Goss F In favor 191E 'Keller Q3� Approve — `'Mc_Coll Against Nash Yoer r. Pr ent, Powers ' 1 ��Y� %MAYOR Council File No. 1:.0091 ;? PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. J' The undersigned hereb, propnses the making of the f9it6wing pt lic improvement b\ tite Circ of 'Lvc.ccor.lar-c0 St. Paul, viz.:_..Grad.L Kt.n�_St. "'rats 3_L'r. =o 7th pe.. Zt'.on her etq attEic'.;.e•c ."._. _.. a' �',�_ dav:+s( _._ 191. ' Dated this 1:' .,�_ �._ , _ _. _.,.._ ._...._ Councilman. 1- i,J f PRELIMINARY ORDER. Q WHEREAS, -\ w'ritten prop,sal for the making of the following improvemem, viz.: rndc Etna _St, to. c1%1c _S_. 7'i:nt wnd he hereL ,^ having,, been presented to the Council arks i,,Is ..ouncilman end dtreetea: thr mnklng therefore, be it To rn.esuthe ce eulralinity t:[ -f °( RESOLVED, That the, Commissic°Toin.eQuF.at'h, .nla tmvrod he is hereby ordered and directed: matey r.x ° t there°(. a the (°tate I p,.°.:,. ,king of said improvement. I. To investigate the neeessits fc r. f,.,,I.h a a ­1aIroremer t. ?. To investigate the nature, cxte�, Tt'tn,rni.n tmphe tnu: a,(d improvement, and the "Dial cost thereol. na lotormauon r 3. To furnish a plan, profile or i;ie a•hetn prove.ment. 4. To furnish the following other dattrarto 'inf�woianon relative to said improvement: ......................................... .. . ....................................................... . S. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the lorcgoi manors to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the. Council _ ',fl 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fart sttort h Z Gos Approve Kel r Yowg Ilaeh MAN or Pm ers Mayor. e PUBLISHED / i i Council File No. C7\.•': PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 41b, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f9146wirtg E blit improvement b% the Cite of AT Sr. Paul, viz.: an-pa2cment it. cc-sa �.. r sloocej. "or cuts and tili,s_.',, Tauirg_ a 516 Pacific St. Dated this 14.t1a__ day. Sf ril '� 191 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHEREAS, A--wrineu proposal for the making of the following impro,ement, Niz.: i___t_':.c Y fur sl ores. for c.,';r: a,,d -'ill. r.r.,s Avc, to :,4,ci_' c St. tra�.ing_Ltna St.., fro- , � to the fncft aol thercror,�, be it having been presented to the CounC1',r•�.,1 Thnt the com�r..tone Councilman \i'orke he and he Is hereb" therefore, be it o inve.tlRotthe ho. nl<Ing s11 �n einl C>' RESOLVED, That the Commissi, mt. o tlFete thmr,=<t�r,,. e e and he is heretic ordered and dirc.aed: I. To investigate the necessity I °g "n o Imo s makin of said im pros em, .a rth, t1ri ltf'onia�nerPooi t? t 2. To investigate the nature, eat ,r Id Imaro.omenr. 'I said improvement, and the Total cost thcreol. ro i,­JJl h the rollowin J. To furnish a plan, profile onnd Inf-m"tlaa rely" ,anent. _,•meat. ' il. To furnish the lollowing oche. gni ITT enakt^'n ration relative to said improvement: .... .... _ ... S. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing manrrs to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council 191 Ycas: ;Nays Councilman+Ir th ` Approved /_ 191 ...... Mayor Mayor. t' U BLISHU) CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM Subject: / COUNCIL Mpr" rus No. Date Presented Apel 15, 191 6. Resolved, hat Council File ;9746 approved '.Lar. ti`>, 1916 for the c orFtrliction of a sovior on 11a,7e St. from Bellows St. to South Wabasha St., be and the same is hereby caneclled, a:m.ulled and rec:oinded. 10015—Rv JI. N Coes- - '"- Resol re d. That Council File No. 9716 npproved March "_0, 1916. for the con- etruction n( n P 6te St`r' be P.ellenoll'ssRou[h olt'a bachn t.. be d the and1-11 e le hereby cancelled, an nulled d nreerin I'd. Adopted hl- the V —]I Apr. 15, 1916. .\pPro ,d Air. 17. 1916. f April 22-19161 Yeas (H) Co ilmen (I') Nays �iFR Adopted by the Council 19l Far worth Co In Favor /- Kel r e i/ 191"( Against N y �1 Me Presi e , Powersv} L MAYOR -� FORM C.R-2 CITY OF SAINT, -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOS9. COMMfSSQ--W- ROaERT T. GOURLEY, D, --'- C .. -A too OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C- J. 0 MRROLL Sm CO—R-- & R" ­ ALFRED JACKSON. Sun. S.xrtxnax G HERPOLD, 01, G"VNG" 'u" W.__' pan, Kim. April 10, 1916. Ur. 7. T. Gnus, Co-missimm of Mile Wo-ks. Door Sir, Thic javitior it or a, ezt1nPj0n OP a Sower PPOPOS"a it prelimin'iV Ordcy #9146. Sirpe the est0ste for the lattr Ms only juck brnn can! tn V( 0: ","cc, c"Pu in jould be well to cqPcOl C.^.nn w"t a now "der for sewer M -a St, arum a point IGU ft- east of caEt lire Of Ohio 3t, to So, Whashu St. ynarr ve -j 1- ; 1 D. WE Dial Map :4-1-ccr c I t`_• or. Council File No. ion; rk PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and y b PRELIMINARY ORI?JW— The undersigned hereby proposes the making of ji%follllowi.vipublic improvelpefnt b) trite Clty of ,.. C. .. Ht '' '..0 `C�;St.. __'�,S.t _`0 :X, St. Paul viz.: - C+. _ ,-. _ �- �. _ � �. . v. of....0 _o_.St-1-to S '� L, ri ..,.._�_.ro �< c .. _ ...,hdf _ ,_ .... Dated this i -ter d of Aj, rii 191''. Couric+l(natt. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, \ written proposal for the making of the following intprotenten:, iii.: C `,•,,pct ae mrD': :q _3t. rrn 9t t l 1 cant line o "' G :,p St, ',o ou':'• r •c'':a St.- nom - In .......... ..... on Yar.... .... .... .. nth Wabash: having been presented to the Council of the C;t �r s ',,aed tore a Cob cilman wed. That the Co mmiaalon er therefore, be it eke he and he;e hereby .gad atrectea: o ;noeaukate the neeeeanv > is heretic ordered and directed: RESOI,,VED, That the Commissioner u;rnhuu" of the maktne or . e ent- 1, To investigate. thc, necessity forurn 1--tignto then tyre. ext r of said improvement. 'it mated cost of said ;mpr• a the total —t thereon, , t rovcment, and the.. total cost thereof 2. To investigate the nature, extent at furmah a plan. prof p off,a2nd himine`ronot. 3. To furnish a plan, profile. or sker; ; ;nr 1. the rehuh. n t. 4. To furnish the following other data"ata e e,hether or a.'ntve to said improvemem; on 5. To state whether or not said improvemem is asked for,on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forcyoing manors to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council "I`? ^ t� 191 yeas: Councilman Far w rtI C Gos f Approved Kel 'v1c II f i �Iacr L Yo S Mat-or f o rs :Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ COUNCIL R OLUTION-GENERAL FORM t%�j��� y Subject: �G/!///G COUNCIL FILE NO. ................. OL Date Presented. I91........ Im Resolved, Whereas, Wm. Mahle, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Forty Two & 24/96 ($42.24) Dollars, as an Advance Payment for a sewer on N.4 Lot 24.B1k % Warren & Winslow's Addition, and whereas, the assessu,er.t f_r to construction of a sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Thirty & ll/1C0 ($30.11) Dollars, therefore be it Dollars Resolved, That the sum of Twelve & 13/100 ($12.13)/Ibe refund- ed to the said Win. idahle, and that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Wm. Mahle, for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Ac c oun t P. No, 10017-13r S. A. Fnrnaw'urlh— Rraoivrd, ll'herrnx, A'', Dfahle, hna heretufo re paid to tl,e I"', oP SL Pani. rhr a, of Fort> T""' and ^4x100 I— ($42.24 fttfloila ra. ¢ a Advnnee rny- ent fn e n N,?'9 Lot 24. olk. "*or"'' Rll'Inalo w".. Addition. and wherrna 'hr n eat [oc the ron- alruet,f r the floc wllh said proper". 1, "hers o�of Thirty and 111100 l($30A $ /.1T1hnt ilhes. therefrTxelvr and 19'100 f$12.19) nollnrn be refund- �-d to the anld \\'m. 1tnhle. and lhnI lhr proper C1 t,' f111'Ire ra be xnd the)' or' herehv authorized to draw' u w r i nl favor of the said \5'm. \Inhle,rfor said a m pa!able out of the Adva— ,,s ,e`ment Account. Adopted Account. the Council Apr. 15. 11116. :\ppruved Apr. 17. 1916, (April 22-1916) "j - yeas VYeas f 17en (I 1 Nays $ 'i' \riupted by the Council 191 th In favor pr7ed Nash /f Mr. Presiers ✓ L� MAYOR -.10-24 T CITY OF ST- PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL C(" COUNCIL FILE N O. //) S �Y !/ ! ` Date Presented April 13th -16 191 i Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for sewer on Jenks St. from a point 135 ft. E. of E. Line of Earl St. La—to Frank St., tonE. T. Webster, at lump sum price bid of $524.15 - Engineer's Esti- mate being $733.00: Formal Bid No. 824. t P. \o. 100Th—lty t, C 1,11 1 Itceolrc d. Th.' tl,e ('ou urn hereby In the r endntinn of the I ontrac[ ('o, ,,, er and hereby n tr t the int rnrt for .re It Rt. (rum a point ,,,, .(St. of E. Ilne of .r ,tn . St, to F,,,,,k �L. to F. T. �Ceb- qq nter. nt lump num Price Lid of $524.15. all L� rngine,•�n r:numnt�• helm $733 00 1tl0@�VAd I'prmnl nh, Kn. 8 2t. 8b0'ts Adopted by tho 1•ppn�u npr. Ts. lsra. onnectioll with t Pprorr'1 lAprlI1if, 3 tots) fpintio�. Yeas (1') Cod cilmen ( I') Nays F worth 7 er oIl �/ h rg Mr. Presi t, Powers FORM c.e ,/s--- Adopted by the Council Alp, r 1n t T^ 5 191 In favor /- Approved L/ ,62 191.y� Against � MAYOR Subject: Resolved, 'CITY O,F ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILE ILENO Date Presented April 13th -16 191 , TT-at,the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for construction of a sewer on Yankee St, between Cliff 8t, and Dousman St., to E. G. Carlson & Co. at lump sum price bid of $876.00: - Engineer's Estimate being $1410.00.` Formal Bid {823. --- 1'. Su. loom att: \I. ti. (:oss— I-Resnlv... Tho[ thn Cndutl oln here Vit; miltmen, inn tinct h c[in�n Iris th.�onl rn�t for bef ween 1f lin •w, n \' �'lIR vt,. � ml nPou —mo1-a11 n Vit. to E 0 . r+. 'a rl�on 0 ( al Inrt1p sum price bi,l of 0. 1n Closet's Eslimnte being 31r10.0., Formal I:I�1 \n. 825. :\�Inple.l b}' thy I'nnnrll Apr. 1r. 1916. .\liyrured (April X22-1916) , in ceived all paPBTs Re Cnnneation wiL!► w>poH RiaOY�tion• . �I Yeas (,') Ccilmen (I') Nays F worth C In favor K er 7 M oil 6 Against N h Y rg Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.9 2 �S Adopted by the Council �l I I ` 191 Ap ved191.b- ' MAYOR Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE No. Date Presented April 13-16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Cotmnittee and hereby awards the con- tract for Grad:L*a Stevens St. between Charlton St, and Bellows St, to Belvidere Cast Stone Co., at a lump sum price bid of $1,089.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $1,348.00. Formal Bid No. 836. �•. r. �� bozo—n.� �r. �s,r iri .. o,nt..e.•nr ren n<•r�n.� ri,'s Ihr eon tr:u�t ror I; nrdlna Frre- I�ar n�t..'err, t•n,i rlton St. nnri Kt. to to IA.I riJero 1 ,,.,t stn , ,t a lumlr n I, rir•r helnc Idd ,f E1 08" 00, �-Ineer'v Rl,nnte $1.J�8.U0_ For_ m:rl lilrl \., o. 83 G. :\.l ol,ir�rl n>' Ilrr r'ounrii :\Vr. �-. inl G_ r t,\I,rll 7^-]4161 Yeas (I') Cou irnen ( I') Nays Far orth Go7 In favor Ke r O M II Against N Y g Mr.. Preside Powers Received all papers is connection with abovs Resol�fetion. Adopted by the Council AFR, 191 // Approved 191 b. morrow CITY OF ST. 'PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:iQ; N COUNCIL w FILE No. Date Presented Apprr`i l ' 13-16 191 / 7 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for Curbing Beacon St. between University Ave. and St. Anthony Ave., to Carlson & Sandquist, at a lump sum price bid of $136.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $152.00. Formal Bid No. 835. F. No. 10021-11, \1. N. — I };ecol Yln th„hxt [he Lala tlolhr n li fl the on�tllntt l'olnlnitt r,rtle nd reh_ ,rda thr , rnlra,( for IrnrbinK ora- ,•� SI. beta'; ,•n r', i,J ratty A, and PLAnthony Arr_, (n t•;r rlann & Annd- Vuiat, at n lump aum Urias bid of 3182.00. F.n RiIM 11 Nerllmnte lreinR 1152 A. Formal IC No. RSfi. A dented by tl.te t'ounrll .\Vr. 15, 1916_ ;�ypro ,rd Aar: 15. 1 IAvru __x91-191 21 . Yeas ( I') Cou ilmen (1") Nays F worth G In favor r U 011 Against rg r. Presid , Powers Received all papers in Connection with above Resolution. T IS Adopted by the Council 191 L Approved ✓ 19L� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l Subject: COUNCIL N O. TILE Date Presented April 13th 1916 �fI .s That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation o the Contract Committee- and hereby awards the contract for Grading Pascal Ave. from Edmund St. to Lafond St. to Keough Bros., at a jump sum price bid of $285.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $462.00. Formal Bid No. 830. So. 10021 11r Vl. Y. 011 -- Resol,'.•d, Thnt the l'ou na it h�reh� x In the r ndntion nP the 1—il •t 1'nm n,lii �e nd hereby rtln the ".11111—t Pnr 4' ndlnt; Pn 'nti`a.e n-nmledmnml Nth to r.nro,,a� vt. to li rou Rh pros., at a lump °um ,rlre bld of 1 5866 Fonrnnl Bid sn..r,in..er'i-, lnmte h�Ing E1fi8.00. 8 0� .\dnoted hi- the ('ou nril Aill. 1::, 131f_ At, ,\0r- 15I 1- 191. t,\aril 93-1916)_ Yeas (0 Co ilmen (I*) Nays Fa worth G / oll / rg /,P,csi , Powers FORM C.9-2 Received all Pa*�►Ts iA Connection wJtli Above 8enointion.� IV Adopted by the Council r;7 � n !� 191 In Favor Approved /�. 1911Gr- Against CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: , FILE I ENCIL NO. — 1001111,11 Date Presented April 13th -16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Lansing St. from Hemline Ave, to Griggs St., to Keough Bros., at a lump sum price bid of $1,167.00. - Engineer's Estimate being $1,731.00. Formal Bid No. 829. F. N. 10022--111 \1. ihi• i�ll he'ehf " Tteanl�'�•d. Th nt th ,nCuis in the rr.�nrn�•o aintlio d hrreh �' Nays ontrncl f'��mmlltr�, the i�,n[rn�t forth�rn�InR In favor nr�is o[ 1a,nalnE Sc nog„ rtn,*+lloe lumn ICFo�iRh,itr00a.• prlre hl,t of Eli F.nKlneer's ;" - p.nHmnle 1,.,1„a al. .11.00. Formnt 121i 1129. 19 1 Received all paper$ in \�. - A do 'Ib.- the ('ounru .1nr. 1G, t:O><lneetion with abpye tanru 22 -191st Resolution. -- . r /0 A!, PL 'S Adopted by the Council 191 Appr �yMAY . OR Yeas ( d ) Co cilmen (1') Far worth Nays Go In favor e M 11 Against Na Y r. President o—rs FORM C.a 2 /0 A!, PL 'S Adopted by the Council 191 Appr �yMAY . OR CITY OF ST. RAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE N O. Date PresentedApril 13t1116 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for Grading Pascal Ave. from Summit Ave. to Hague Ave. to Keough Bros. at lump sum price bid of $972.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $1,541.00. Formal Bid No. 827. rte..I—d. Thnt [hr _ u -II I,e rrby a in ndntlon o[ thr t'��nrlrnct t'nmmit[etertend hereby' r�iv tl, i,n[rnrt for to Urnd' Pna- ,nlrt:\t'r. from Sutumlt .\re, HnSue �.\.'e. to Hecurth nrp�.. nt lUmp sutra brier Kiri of E9'l =.a0. F:F 1r'fl 7:R[I- ,nte helm; a1.5a1.00. r.V.­1 nla gip. Received 811 e,II Connection with abo "II fII P .'or�.•�i n11111 15.U 1t41fi..\Pr. ]5. 1416. p� (.April 22-1916) Reeglution. ab07! Yeas (r') Co cilmen O•)Nays �- Far sworth Co In favor K r M oil U Against N Y Mr. Preside Powers FORM C_. /S t Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191'L MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM AC' (1, Subject: ; . COUNCIL FILE N o. Date Presented April 13th -16 191 qIr-4x A Resolved, That the Council hereby cocnurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Capitol Ave. from St. Albans St. to a point 116 ft. E. of E. Line of Victoria St., to E. T. Webster at a lump sum price bid of $6,263.45 - Engineer's Estimate being $8,327.00. For?ral Bid #825. t'. P. No. 10024--Ross y M. N. G— Resol red. That the Connell herehy _ — in the r ,otnmen or the and. (onv mi Vee and. herehy `<ooltort arils 11 ... for the eaa.trae- Capital from COMMCU0n tit& >� tion of a sewer on Ave. M. Alban.a F1. to n 1, 1,t 116 ft r. f r•.. ian. Y 11 - or �'ic to rin tit.. to K. T. Wobster at a lump •,am 1,H— hid of 36.263.45, Fogineet's I:stlmot,- beini, $8.827.00. ' • t 1.1 •Ln1� Formal Bid No. 826. f A.1 ' Adopted by the ('a"aril Apr. 15. 1916. App ro red .Apr❑ 15. 1916. (April 22-1910) 1 ? Yeas (r')cilmen (,') Nays Adopted by the Council rim 1� 1191. F worth II In favor Approved / oll Against Mr. Presid , Powers FORM C.e-i CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: is c COUNCIL FILE. Date Presented April 13-16 191 Aw � Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for the curbing of both sides of W. Sixth St. between Summit Ave. and Iglehart Ave. to J. J. Connolly at a lump sum price bid of $448.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $502.00. Yormal Bid No. 839. 43ei:, moo. 10026-13 t' 1f. v. 1aolved. Thn[ lhem(ntiatioin h 4r the s In the reeom nl; here v �('o:6ttrn l't Iotnmltive n ds dthe c n[rnet 4or theteu tic�a sen b Utm Ies o41^\ 41xthglehurt [o J. ol_ mi[ Are. d IAve. bid 4 1 o null) at lama sum 1'r,ce being ; §;8.00. l:nginee. is l:a[imnle $502.00the Counc. Formal 13C moo. 884. Pte by il AP, 16.1916 Ad . Approved APT, 16, 1416 1 Anrll 22-79161 Yeas ( I') cilmen ( I') Nays F sworth C In favor K r b old (/ Against N Y Mr. Preside owers FORM C. B-2 Received all papers in connection with above Resolution. t;P ;a 116— Adopted 16—Adopted by the Council H R -A'1911. 191 / Appro f/L�iiC�G�1 MAYOR Su6ject- Resolved, p CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM I_GG'?#i Co LINCI L I FILE N . Date Presented April 13-16 191 That the Council hereby concurs in the decommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for Grading Bourne Ave. from Eustis St. to W. Line of Lot 12 Block 30 and the W. line of Lot 7 Block 40 -St. Anthony Park N. and curbing of said street from Eustis St, to a point 800 ft. W. of Keston St, to Thornton Bros., at a lump sum price bid of $1,068.00 - Engineer's Estimate being 11,064.00. Formal- Bid #838. hereby ThR the Councils Rusrs in, concurs !n the recommendation of the ,_sr. t Cum mtt[ee and r. by nrda tha rontrnc[ for grading R'. Be-_ Ave. from Eustis S[. to I he of Lot Block 30, the 2, �Yu I line of Lot Block 40, St.dAnthony Park N. and eurbinb' of s Id treat from Eustis St. to a point 800 ft. W. [ Kealon St. to Thor ton Bros., at lump sum price bid o($1,068.00, Engt-I" all paw in Received a aDar neer's Estimate being $3,064.00. For-ibQection with mn mal Rid No. 878. ' Adopted by the Council Apr, 16, 1916. ftg0;Utian• , t Approved April 16, 1916. (April 22-1916) �� � t � t � Yeas(;t) Co cilmen (0 Nays Adopted by the Council 191 F worth In favor 19" K r 0APProve 7G M II Against i -i N Li Y MI4YOR Mr. Presiden Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL' FORM D. Subject: FILEENCIL I NO. �`�©'•� P N h Date Presented April 116 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contra6't Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading W. George St. between Smith Ave. & Cherokee Ave., to R. C. Baumgardner at a lump sum price bid of $470.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $650.00. Formal Bid No. 837. C. F. No. 10027—By ]1. N. Gose— Be.olved, That the COu nc 11 hereby Contrncti2, the re om mend at l on of the nwIIrde the contract turn ad hereby George St. between Smith raAve & Cherokee Ave„ to B. C. BIIu mgnrdner •� at n lump xum price bid of $470.00, En- � iv met Bid No. s,x[e being $660.00. For- III Bid d 1 627. 1 �`y.� l. Adopted by the COUnell Apr. 16, 1916. Re CO till M� S Approved April 16, 1916. Co�ection I, (April 22-1916) tion. L,c� V, 1915 Yeas (t') Co In Imen (1") Nay' Adopted by the Council 191 Farn orth 7 Goss In Favor Kel! Approved MCC I �% Against Nas Yoe .- I1/G��� �/ (f PiR Mr. President, owers M�roB coats C 2 L`�-�-� r ... 4. +` s �E �� {{}} j� P , G L-� --�.� �--�,, L`�-�-� r ... 4. +` s �E Cil ; OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL :10098 TJA FILE No• Date Presented April 14 191 6. C. F. NO- _ ordinance By An ordinance 7rLntir;- to A. Firber, eer:issior. to make a gradual si,ope from the sidewalk to the property line in front of Lot 6 ,Block 12 Bre ster Addition. The Council of the City of St. Paul does Ordain: SECTIOl: 1 That permission and authority are hereby granted to A. Finberg to maker- gradual slope fro^ the sidewalk to the property line in front of Lot 6 -Block 12 Brewster Addition. SECTICSI 2 The Comissiorer of Public ilorks is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said A. Finberg for the making; OF said gradual slope upon his conplianee with the "ollowir.- conditions: (1) That said A. Finberg shall make said-radual slope entirely at his own cost and expense, to tie satisfaction a�:d under ti_e U_inervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with plans and profiles prepared by him, and said A. Finberg shall pay the cost of en,ineerin­ and inspect'_on of said work, if any. (2) The said licenseesha'_l croperly protect all excavc ions made in the street, bot' b;; dad and by ni,-ht, so as to avoid all darnage or injury to persons and property, and shall restore saia street, i-cluding curbs and sidewalk, if disturbed or da*ea-ed, to Heir o.i-inal conai',ion. (3) The said licensee shall fii•rish a bond to the City of St -Paul :h the sur. of Five Thou -and Dollars, cor.di`,ioned to congly critr all the terms of this ordinance, and to indemnify ano save the Ci -,;y of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, jiidg,ments, suits, costs, char -es, damages and expense that may acffrue to persons or property on ac,ount of or arising from the con3`ruotion, use, presence or rne'-..tenance of said 7radnal slope. The said bond shall be it 3uc}h fo-n a: rna Le ap:;roved by the Cor -)oration Co'-u:sel, and 'pall have su,i- s'.-rcty a:: le vit)-coved by t1i ;'a;,or, and small be filed with the Coriptro7.1or of said Cit;;. (4) Said licenoec shall, within tv7onty days after the passage of this ordinance, file a vrritten acce�tarce t'r.ercof wi`,h the Cit;; Clerk in such form as rs' be aro-roved by the Corporation Ccurccl. S-CTICii 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its pacsal;e and publication.. i i J i eas � ) Councilmen (I') Nays 1 / Adopted by the CouetCfY"'- fFarnsworth I x Goss In favor a „� Keller } Appl-o 141 McColl Against L `� Nash v Yoerg Mr. President, Powers w''""`--- w+AYon CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICWORK. M. N. 6036. COMMJss"NER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. 0— C-1--1 —" OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cw.. E-1- J. E. CARROLL Su". Cax.r.uano. k p"" ALFRED JACKSON. Su" 1A.1-1— S t . Paul, 1:1irn . A� ri l 1.3, 1916, G. N, NERROLD. Once E.1-1 N. W. GOETIINGER. Su". W-11-- mr, -Y. 1T. ie88, Commissioner of Public Y/o�.-kE Dear Sir, - In co,�r,ecticn with tie accompar.yin-7 letter iron `.,'r. A. Finberg to yo,z under clate of April 3rd, I be,,7 to state that I have ex[Lmined thi , psopoeition :+it;l :.:r. Carroll and :illl sa., that I see no object, on to co sllyir.; with I1r. Finbcr,v's re,iuost. I ','re:'1 tl.e-ci'cre rector:..,^end that the proper ordinance be i+-t,rod,.icod bei'nre hc Corincil givinr, :.1r. Finherg the ri-ht to grade to tl- :4idenalk li.,e or. Como Avenue in front of the pr,per;y at t .c S. E. comer of Coro Ave. and Cc-:itol 21vd., ir, -f-ont of Lot 6 -++lock 12 Drew;;ter Addi !;ion. to r vcr,, �(t-uly, , Dict. 0. /::. C;,ie; E�i-irieer St. Paul, Minn., April 29, 1916. To th,- Honorable Cite Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Havinw just learned of the existence of a proposed ordi- nance which will come before you for action May i proposing to Dermit the owner of lot _(1/� , block Brewster'a Aduition, to fill and grade a portion of the city's property alonk, itis pre- sent northerly property line, I wiQh to entira a protest against action on your part which will grant this permission, and to pre- sent iV reasons for so protesting,. I am th- owner of lot 1, block F.., Dawson & omith'e Addi- tion, adjoining on the east the lot mentioned in the proposed ordi- nance. un the northwest corner of „y lot is a dwelling, whose front entrpnce opens to the west on a sidewalk which 1 constructed in so- cor�:ance with the ulty play, which Showa the width of � omo avenue west from my property line to us 80 feet. Should tiie owner of the adjoining lot be permitted to Iill and constrict a slope as he desire§, it would result in heavy dam - awe to my property, inassuch as it would compel me To rebuild the entire front portion of my house. The property on which it is proposed to construct the fill is city property, a part of the public at remit, and was wraded as such several years ago. At that time the owner, after the City had graded the street to the property line, arbitaaril,, re- filled it. The work was done a second time by the city, the workmen being under police guard to prevent an attack by the owner of the property. Recently the property has changed ownership anti the present owner is endeavoring, by means of the proposed ordinance, to obtain possession of property which for many years has been platted as the property of the pity and o part of the street. Should the council, after viewing the premises, see fit to allow a fill along a portion of the lot described as lot 6 , it would be the height of injustice ,in the opinion of the writer. should the fill bar p&rmitted to extend over westerly and cover the sidewalk constructed along the Aproperty line of the writer's lot. A fill for Argy distance a�llong the northerly side of lot l0 would nbstruct the view from the writer's premises and �,ould, in effect, be equivalent to a vacation by the city of a portion of a public street. Inepeetion of the premises by the members of the council will, in the writer's opinion, convince you that the adoption of the proposed ordinance could not improve :he appearance of the strut. The present terrace presents a regular and pleasitlg appear4R ance anI is sodddd and permanent in every wee. -3 In the interest of justice, the writer requests that the members of the council inspect the premises in question and make a thorou6h invPsti&:Rtion before voting in favor of 1A plan which manifestly &Q unfair and would result in pecuniary damat,e to the undersigned, ihnd a surrender of rublic property by the city. Respect -fully submitted, 110/ o N.B.--A drawing attached explains the situation. m 4 �K yvST�k` u Qj LD % h' gTou t -v i. 5' AI %f�S PRC F -k -T y pancM 90 5T£r5 II t- 1- .- __� F '�foa7' 5/DwR4,K /-AI,D V 7/ QU`T .PERMIT fkom Cl 7' i a r r j m 4 �K yvST�k` u Qj LD % h' gTou t -v i. 5' AI %f�S PRC F -k -T y pancM 90 5T£r5 II t- 1- .- __� F '�foa7' 5/DwR4,K /-AI,D V 7/ QU`T .PERMIT fkom Cl 7' i a r that the applioation of Lazarus Bros. for a lioense to oonduot a pawnshop at 167 E. 7th St. be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue suoh lioense for one year upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the oity treasury of the customary fee $100.00. 10029-13y Henry McColl— RasolVed, That the application of L ... -roe. for a license to copduet a .pawnshop at 167 E. 7th aL be and the same hereby to granted and the City Clerk Is Instryetod to Issue such licof the bond andcthe payment Into nse for toear,uOn thenthee city treasury of the eustomary fee, 1100.00• Adopted by the Coi9181 Apr. 16, 1916. Approved Apr. 17, (April 22.1916) Yeas ( ✓) oilmen (✓) Nays f Adopted by the Council.........APR......_ 915 .................191........ Fff-worth .:........In favor/? er%�% II (/.._....Against A ved.................................... ...........191- _ . N Y Mr Preaden Owers _. CITY OF ST. �PfAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUVR LICENSE TRANSFER .4 uo: P Subject: ___ COUN ` NO. PILE Date Presented " 191 NESOLVED, That the following.designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No._ _ From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) — 1 E. 31d St _Secarea & Bolanovich, 187 E. 3rd— St.— 1.47 Nick T.. Hoeba,�21 e, , basha $t. Geo. G. Henke, 121 S. flabaeha St. 152 John Swanson,898 Rice St. John Jahr,P9P Rice St_ — �a.a PAW. carlson,193 r.Fairfield Av. Joseph Skallv,193 FT. Fairfield Av. 298.Jor3an_Stega. ,501 Blair St.__ Joe. B. Selbitechka, 01 Blair St. Reeoi Ilre That the fol to into 11.1 tt,ut ",led Ilren... nn en to sell Int Ind [rated _ pursue be transferred ns Indicated,__ -------- -- - - -- - pursuant to applications dole made therefor: No. 133, , to ecar & M1eea1. vich E 3rd 9[., to Secarea & Bolanovlch. --.--- - --- " - 187 jf� E. 3rd St. No. 137, It.. Nick r. Hoebe, 121 S. W-abashn St., to Geo. G. Henke, 121 S. Wabash. St -- Nn 152. from Sn S,vaneon. 898 Rice St, to John Jnhohr, 898 Rice St. No. 224 from Edw•. Carlson. 193 W. _. _.-- -- -- - -- Fn irfle le Ave, to Joseph Skelly, 193 W-. -- Fairfield Ave. No. 298. from Jordan Stepan, 501 Rlelr. to b Joe B. rel Apr. 5. 501 "- Blair St. Approve by the Co 19117 Apr. 15, 1910. Approved Arr. 17. -191 �_- --- (Apr916 a 2a-1916) Yeas ( ✓) Coutlmen (./) Nays ,. y— �r� Adopted by the Council — —1J1— Fa Orth L Gos in favor Kel r 'VIc all Y _ Against -._ _ --------- Y MAYOR Mr. President. Po rs CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL ' FILE NO. ......... ... .. .. . A D Date ]resented 191- --Y�� Resolved, t v t._, I 'Cel_ 6 "'i t I: I t cF tife, its, L e eL. L- c k CV i t Zr t ci 7. 11—... tO th, payM—t Of th St, — P1 H� •11 & 1,,d,. 12eetnu root, 4. r tit , H. Nymon. BoardIng House, n -1tv A— 't'.� TiOt'.1 '20 b, 177 F we St. I)n v1d"n, Cafetertn. 93 East slnirs ). L-1 H 2751 NV H—- 11,,iti, Hotel, 24 ]Earn os. Hotel, 261 E. c, Sh-11-1. st. Yetkt;( i) C wilinen Nay, APP Adopted by the C"', i, 'I F .worth /7 In favor / K er kp et 1911L 11 Against N b Y rg MAYOR r. Presi I, Power, 'CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: 10021 COUNCIL FILE No. Apo Date Presented April 15th 19b, 1 . \ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids received for the Grading of Gaultier St. from Uaryland St. to South St., and recommends that the same be readvertised . F.B. #826 l'. F. No. 10012—nr M. X. Gose— Stexnlrril, Tln[t [h�• 1-t�lallon orr the to a In the o�'nl id., 1'om1ve to fo, t hrrehl ing 'If nll bid., rSt. ed ror the ­dlng or toltler tit. (rum \Irtr )'land S[. to Doth vL, and omi •nda that 1h, be rendrr rtlaed'Ir corm n l Bid. No.1182 G. A do Pled by thet'ouncll Apr. 1:. 1910. :\VIIro Yed Apl'. li. 191Fi. (ApHI 22-1916) Yeas (I') Councilm@n (1 •) Nays • Farnsworth oIn Favor .-ens —Keller --M1IcCo11 Against —Nash Noerg Mr. Presider,.rPewer+r^ APR 1" 11' FORM C.R 2 Adopted by the Council 191. Ap ov 191.._ .Al.R MAYOR Ze7, c `.rt -:C ,rg Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and / PRELIMINARY ORDERV ✓✓✓ . J The undersigned hetebv proposes the making of the follo ung public improvement by the City of St. Pauli viz.: .. s:,, w '. lG✓ i..._..;J.o.ek . _ � r Dated this ] ;3t t. JAav of � ' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal lot the making of the following improvement, viz: wlnF `In alley -k,ving bee nrn n: li of athe ('It, of having been presented to the Council of t ean°. Titnat rhe c nmmtaatonCouncilman--- t'orka be and he le herob therefore, be it '- alreetea: 'r.. tnyrau�ate tna sato trabiloy of tha makInn`s of nil he is hereby ordered and diracted: RESOLVED, That the Commissio Y �, Inveaut;n to the nature. e L To investigate the neces,ity for n narea roar of aaia Imp .king of said improv enieni. a the total roar rhareof. furnlah a plan. proale and the. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent a 9ntn tmproyetnent. d improvement, rniah Iha fol lotting 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sket orortn"`Ion retatt— .ent. -tr ..•r �tner or nor 3. To furnish the followutg other rla[a ,. .r , • , relanve to said Improvement; 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon Al of the foregoing? matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._ _ _ __naR' 191 Yeas: Nays: / Councilmanr + sworth s Approved,._.._.. - �. 191....,E ler Coll � erg .......... aor P ers 'vlayor. 701� ; t�OTI Council File No. 10013.13 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of The following public, improvement bN the CnN of cit"i- St. Paul, viz.: c Q'_l` f . ..... "..'l "',:.�Ja Ave. 0 t 0 a t j 3c of Jildc" r, n!� A, Dated this Vth_da I V ot 191 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHFRE-%S, -\ written proposal lot- the making of the following viprovenicill viz.: nz_ c b��t rij c a.,, aha 11 ' d having been presented to the, Council of the �hland Ave. having been - therefore, be it "O'd of the City beC..it .j.sfoO­ of hereby vrebN ordcred and dirccled: ThOt the RESOLVED, That tire Commission( "'Tis he and he 1. hereby — 1. To investigate thc necessity for dj"'t"d:' the ne,e,,Ity for g of said impro%enivill ro.r"o,ii Or le'd 1provenrent, and I he (oral Till cost (hereof. n" 2. To investigate the nature, exter) _�'stigat' the Olt—, extent o rOst Of slid lmpr.,e- 3+ To furnish a Ilan, profile or the rotor "' I thereof. f,,r,i,h ro pla"e'rent n. proftle "in said impioveirctit: 4. To furnish the followin�t other ni arla ab P h Tho followingh, the, nforlton rata tive to sald e,-heth— or not sato im- the 5. To state whether or not said impfc,"., P"iTion i the petition of three at- more owners. l%�" C111.11'lh, issioner of Finance - 6. To report up oil all of the foregoing rodihoi',ioner r Apr. 18. Adopted by the. Council 12.1916) Nays: Councilman Fa0l sworth Approved 191 Gtk Kr, MgC Cr e -ch Mayor oMavor. Powers "UgUslimo CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ((_Q`�3 vSubject: \ COUNCIL NO. Ili®T%6 ` Date Presented April 191 6 i Resolved,. That Council File #9658, approved March 33rd, 1916, being a Prelimi- nary Order for the opening and widening of Twelfth street, from Wabasha street to Jackson street, be and the same is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded. Yeas (r) Co cilmen (I') Nays Far orth 7 - Go In favor Kel M II Against Na Yo M. Presiden Powers Fo.M c.e z 11, F- No. 100 T1 I 11. ti. Go99— I.esol Y, �I. 7'hnt Council F91 1 ,,,,. 1,, r�i.. heel \Inrch 2311I. 1916. .1 Ing a P[elimlling ,I T for the op'.1 Ing nnd wldening o[ Twel It Nt,n \\'n linvh:. tit. to .In91<aon tit. he A [In' �• Iv hcreh�i.�ue„Ile,l, iron ullcd anA acinded. re.\�lu lit cel hl'the I 1911 :\I�r. 13, 1916. 1,. '\nnru �'e1 (AprApr 19. 1916. f�\Prll 22-1916) Adopted by the Council / 19 rov 0 - ;V 0 PPP �../ MAYOR a 4f 1 i V Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. - and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the mak' of rhe, following public improvement by the City of St. Paul. viz.:...... .._ Widen Twelfth street, to a width of eighty(80)feet,from Cep street to I Jackson street, by taking and condemn ng a strj f~of Land ten feet in r, width off of each side of said etree ,also fn`per. and,,and ext nd Twelfth St., from Cedar street to Wabasha streeV, by, king andicondemn'ng a strip of land twenty(20)feet in width on t4 noYth lice of and aajaaept ttir a propos opening of Twelfth street to a veldtf sixty(60)feet,from Cedattatreet to Wabasha street,as set forth in Pr iminary order 674, approv d August 26, 1915, Interredi-ary Order x`7829, pproved Nov ,Sth 1915 and resolution #9697, approved March 27 1916, fixing the exact amount of land to be taken for said opening, from Cedar street -to Wabasha street. Dated this 18__. .._ day of . _Apr.i l.._. . _ _ ........... ....... _ _ _ .._ 1916 __ _ ...., a ..... .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the staking of the following imprmrmenr, viz.: ._ Widen Twelfth street, to a width of eighty(80)feet,from Cedar street to Jackson street, by taking. and condemning a strip of land ten(1Q)feet•in_ width off of each side of said street,al'so open and and extend urOYth 8t: 440M Cedar street to Wabasha street, by taking and condemning a strip of land twenty(Zo)feet in width on the north Aide of and adjaoent,_po •a piropoaS Opening of Twelfth street to a width of sixty(60)feet, fr.om,Cedar street to Wabasha.'etreet,,as set forth in Preliminary order #6674, appioVeQ August $6;i 1915.'*, Pitermedia;y order #7839,approPe4 Nov,6th 1915 and„resoiution #9697,' approved, >laxcy . 3? 1916, fixing the exact. amount of laud_ to De :taken- for said opening, from Cedar street to Wabasha street. having been presente:.l tri the. Council of rhe Citc of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be, it from C,.anraci io w b tve,'n RESOLVED, That rhe Commi,sior = t forth in to Wmtnary he is hereby onlered an i diverted: 6674, ePproycd /tnrrnAt a•Ls, L Co im cstigate thr, neresnity [�v 1";ttnr''tsieea oresomuen :ing of said improverneni. Z. TO investigate pr ­ the nature, exten ..M Wino t�arenh 27' 1916. am- . ata e r Land m h.e improvement, an,i t1 -c total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Ian. at°eet. 'eitig been st. F profile or .,.'t -,-b. th, Coupe❑ t the ett,�re . 4. To furnish the follow in t other , t• ah ererore. be ff S, . be the Commlealoner %e to said improvement. e Id be dna be fa hereby - ,a atreetea: - .. ... __.._ _. _.... ._ i, eeuBate tha aeeeeeuy ... of the mak to •... .._... .....-.... .. ............ 5. o stare whether or not said im•0 Bate the nature Petition of three or more oumers. F rr on the en 6. To report upon all of the foregt,inS?oesi e., 11 ,C.})ntmisstoner of Financ.r. Adopted by the Council- Yeas: Na}'s: Councilman nsworih ss Approved ler Coll Y rg \favor Po r. o., Mayor. 61 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: / 1_0011'1!S COUNCIL FILE N O . 1 Date Presented April ].5th 191 8 1 ' i Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the art -State Telephone and Telegraph Co-fpany to erect poles with the necessary anchors and to string wire and cable on the Following named streets: Two (2) poles An Pascal from Taylor. to G.N. Right of Pay. Ten (10) Poles on Grotto st. from Como & Phalen Ave. to Hoyt Ave. Work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Coruni6sioner of Public Works, the Telephone Company to pay the cost of inspection, engineering .nd pu'r]ication. Poles and wires to he proved when requested to do so by the Common Co•cncil. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. C. F. tin. 10038—Ity ]f. \. ,7s 7tesolvrd, Thnl Prrmi.slnn he I,rreby Krantea the Trl-tilate Tel°- �.hnnc n �a Tel r{; rnnh 1 mon n)'1 toe eco },oles with the n e sl`Ir'; "on the fn1_ to st rinF'A W"Ire nna s lowln{; n mad streets: 'r,c� �2, n"I"'s ^n Pssrnl from Tay_ for ,° 1:. N. HI(;ht of \YflY �.n ,I la lPhalrn Arr,•tnlHo ytl :l—, Como , \I-Jio 'th be dlix[nctlnnr t(°lhe1 °Coimn. n nissioner of sl'ublic \\'othr Inst frin- yhn,e C��mp;,ny h, na�'nna Pvbll tylion. sprction, o glnerrfnR Polei ,ndo ao ss to 'hy rtnO r -0mmon rrninc r, ° n, l Yeas (I•) C ncilmen (I') Nays , � -It sola <'nat to o° n.la ny the T.•Irnnonr i'nmm,n>'. by the Council 191. Adopt" by 11, Council ADr. Is. 1916. F sworth nnrn.°a sora 19. 19th. L— 1.\nril ^_"-.19161 VG � In favor + I -K er G Ap v�ed -- _ 191 f �h oil Against f ZN Y rg Mr. Preside . Powers M�roR FORM C.B 2 dig CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM NONN" NO. Sy— e— PER 102 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the, foflowing detailed statement: ( VF Yeas Councilmen I/ Adopted b Nays y the Council A [1) IS 9 I 9 91 Farnsworth ,Gm- In favor pp Keller �V McColl -0—Against ..... O'Leary MAYOR _Yerg Mr. President, Powers eUBLISHED_Z:. Adam Express Co., Fire -11. & R. J. H. Allen Co., 3.40 S. & S. Clng.-Str. Clng.-M. American Engineers Supply Co., 16.03 C. H. & C. H. -M. American Express Co., .35 C. p. U.-.1,lun. Test. Lab.-Maint. Austin -Western Road Mach. Co., 41.83 Paving Depreciation Aut:) Tire Sales Co., 135.69 Fire -M. & R. 91 I Police �, Firs Alarm i pub. Sai. A& R. j 1 - �IJ8l / 35 N. J. 'Bartlett & Co., 9.00 Library -New Books Barrett & Zimmerman 7.03' paving Depr. Wm. Baumeister Co., 11.48 C. H. & C.,H.-Alt. & Rep. Bazille & Partridge 39.53 St. Con s�.l Rep) Wate Water 5 5 40 34/ I Geo. C. Binder, 26.75 comor. Finance Exp. 3.00 R. ater-y. & R. 26.75 #2 fl* T. L. Blood Co., 055•G� C. H. & C. x.- J37 Pub. Works- ou's MaYSt. Const &*R ;- Int. 'P,2� Pub. ScY o1 8: 3 Water ept. 10 �. 55. G Board of Water Commissioners, 346.29 C. H. `c C. H. -Plaint 32,,91 Pub. Li P ti `1 arSG.. Water Su�xN y I 12V.88) Auditor'um a t. Pay.s Bon Ton Grocery Co., 16.35 School- M. & R. Boston Photo News Co., 2.50 Lib. Few Books H. C. Boy exon 25.90 Gen. ~Cleo, I 6,9 Pub. Saf ety Gtn Adm, Comer. u . -n 1 2f Park en Adm. sin 1 5; Sch ol- . & RW 1 2 . 0 8. Brand14.50 St. Con 8E ep: - Tit. 8.�0 Comer W�Fks-Att b' jf) F. J. Brings & Co., 23.75 Water Dept. -M. & R. Brooks Bros., 3.50 Water Dept. Brown, Blodgett & Sperry 19.32 Corp. t sel-E 2.G J Com�r�. ors- 5 6r Hena R. ;1 o M. A 6 19. Builders Iron Bound;y h 44.00 Water Dept. Burham Antique Book Store 2.25 Pub. Libr. New Books Burns Lumber Co,m 130.00 S. & S. C]ng.-S we -r" 1ng:=?�iaint. . 31 G0 P ib. School -ropi . N2' Bl s. .0 Burroughs Adding; Yaci.ine Co., 8..iO Water Dept. F:nd Capita] City Lumber Co., 124.84 School -Mi, & R. 25.•60 f Water Djpt. 1,2 .98 Bi t"terriut St. Seer 124.84 #3 . Central Scientific Co., Mechanic_Ar s- L'b-'• Johnegs� . �3 i" 6 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry. Street Const. & Rep.-Maint. Chicago, Surgical & Elec. Co Health Health M. & R. Citizens Ice & Fuel Co., School -M. & R. James B. Clow & Sons Slater Dept. Clymer & Huelster, Health Hea1`.4 Com1r.; -i f l f 061lege Book Store_ pub. Libr. New Books J. J. Connolly Butternut Street Sewer S Craftsman Press, Gen. F. -pri ed,- rms "&}Blanj�s , 69 5 . n n _� c eYl ),. f�; . Schoo rR.• GG„ C. � A� . 4rf �1 4. Crane & Ordway $ St. Con• ain 7' Wa D t. 5'4 ..45. en e d - Ilk Gar a ___4_54.4 �' 31� V S. S. Crooks Co., C. H. & C. H.-Tdaint. Daily Fraser Hardware Co., C. H. & C. H. -!.taint. Thos. Davis & Sons, Auditorium-Maint. Dean -Hicks Co., Libr. New Books Adam Decker Hardware Co., G Health -guar n 1 62 Fire ComIr. b.� or a' / / ••5 Scho -Fu. R. Wa r -M & R. 4 Julia C. Dewan Water -M. & R. Diebold Safe & Lock Co., C. H. & C. H.ha.int. Dispatch printing Co., official publicati-.,ns Jos. Dixon cr.cible Co., Gen.F.ii^c. St.aty. & SuPPlias. Ok 105.30 2.35 7.50 6.00 12.36 62-75- 12.00 2.75 12.00 11.90 124.95 631.63 39.75 9.37 30.27 2.50 47.02 4.00 237.15 64.68 122.43 #4! 1 I%k H. C. Dougan. gwoo Pub. Libr. New Books L. F. low CO., 292-79 C. H. 8: C. H. -Mq.in30-- 0 Comir.pub. Work n Gen -Elect ght?t Pub: Light g playgro 5-M. .2 Schon & 0 Pub 2- ]dg. nap. Clks. 1 *4 par _Gen A ter -M & R Gen. F. -printed Forms & Blanks 29 Economy Drawing Table Co., 50.23 Water Dept. L. Eisenmegger 38-87 Com Pub. , r 37,- Sch Electric Blue print Co., .63 School -11. & R. Electric Construction Co., 207.07 C. H. & C. H. Faint. Electric Mnfg. CO., .15 police & Furs Alarm it. Acct. Elliott Madison Co., 7.50 pub. I,ibr.-Yew Books Geo. Eugelke 28.00 Pub. Library -New Books S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F. 40.00 Gen. F—pr 6 b A- ks b Li . S YBf Pu". Li G S Z' 0.4 Farwell, ozmun, F i r k Go , V34 937-99 S. & s. Cl ng. aint224,64 St. Const. & P 2nt 22J. 4 School-M. Sc 01 8 Audit ium int. 2 937- E. S. Ferrey 57.40 Police -11 2.40 police Hea ardnt e - C k ctivi t. School -M. & R 6 57 - Fisk Rubber Co., 1.9.00 Fire -11. & R. Ford kInfg. Co., 18.82 St. Const. 8 Rej�--Yaint. 1P. 1 1 _ Ford SMotor Co., 61 Pub. Iighting Police & Fire m -Mai Water -M. 4. 1 . Chester W. Gaskell, 8.30 School- M. & R. Emil. Geist 5.35 Water -M. & R. Golden Rule, 14.10 playgtounds-Maint. Goodyear Rubber Co., 32.03 C. H. & C. H. a t. S. & S. C1 .-S 32.0 Gray Motor Co., 13.27 Gomer. Finance -Transportation Gribben Lumber Co., 255.60 playgrounds- School -M R �5 0d' Y Griggs Cooper & Co., 54.87 Workhouse-Maint. Jos. Haag Roofing & Cornice 11.00 Poli0 Schoo & �b' °' 11. Hackett, Gates & Hurty 10.18 Butternut St. Sewer Haman & Co., •76 7L. F. g: C. F". -Mai nt. Haskins Bros. & Co., 22.15 C. E. E: C. ' .nt- 4 Playgr 9 vat T. S. Hayes 35.90 Pub. School -M. &. R. Tony Hensler 1.40 Water Dept. B. Herder 1.50 Pub. Library -New Books John D. Higgins, 2.75 Water -M. & R. Highland S ring Co., 5.25 parks-Park-Maint. Aug. Hohenstein,Pur. Agt., 22.80 Playgrounds-Maint. Holmes & Hallowell, 289'77 " Street. Const. &. Re^.=',,int. T 3 ` J my / Houghton & Miffling 8.49 Pub. Litr.-Fire Loss A.Hubbard Elec. Co., 32.88 School-M. & R. FrankO. Huebener Pub.bt. -M. 22. 46 Gr " ,..17 141,78 10 -/ 141 J. W. Rulme C H. Sc 19.11 Robert Hunt & Co., 10.65 Water-In, & R. J. D. Hyland, 4.90 C. H. & C. H.-Maint. Independent Oil Co., 14.04 Water-M. A R. R. C. Jefferson Lumber Co., 67.5 Bridge Bldg. & Rep. Chas. W. Jerome 8.05 Pub. Libr.-Gen. Suppl. Chas. E. Johnson, 76.00 Pub. School-Social Center ?faint. Johnson Furniture Co., 18.00 Playgrounde.Maint. Johnson High School 33.25 School-M. &. R. Mrs. J. 0. Jones, Treas., 19.5c Pub. Libr.-Gen. Suppl. Joy Bros. ;'otor Co., 30.00 Pub. Lighting-Suppl. W. F. Kane, 14.64 School-M. . R. J. T. Kenny Co., 7.88 C. F. & C. TL. -Maint. Kenny Boiler Works, S. & S. Cing.466 r Cing-Main-t. 282,90 6115 683.30 St �tpPaving"ci ion ,- f 39Ja'; 0 Wate!, 8 R. Kennedy Bros. Arrs Co., 54.40 Playgrounds-Maint. KettleRiver Co., 647.98 Street Const. & Rep.-Ma.int. Knight & Struckt Co., 39.25 pub. Parks-Porks-TA.aint, L. F. Knott Apparatus Co., 54.00 Johnson I!. . Lib, , • Ak #7 58.22 Bny-Scherer Co., Mechanic Arts H. S. Lib. 28.24 A. J. Krank, Parks-Park-Maint. 34.75 F. L. Lampel Sponge Co., C. H. & C- IT, -Maint. - 88.42 F. G. Leslie Co., Gen. F.-Offic' -` rt f/ g GG Water Dept F. • 358.70 Library Bureau r Library-M. & R. 271.04 Library of Congressm Library -Gen. Suppl• 30.72 John W. Lux, School-M. & R. 4.00 J. F. Lynch Co., Water-IA. & R. ]73.10 McClain & Gray Co., Gen. F.-Misc. Staty. R .gyp 1 .6G playgrounds-Maint. .87 Corp. Counsel-Exp .25-3, Compt.office-Pr . Sta ,etc. .:50 Gen. F-Elect's�n EXP• 24 Gen. F..-Cit Clerk--d . 1. 0 Misc. & U or seen Gen. F. un. Cour •�Maint. G0 pub. dg.-Arch. D.-Maint. .88 4• Pub. idg,-Insp & Clk.-m. Ger. F.-Purcha ng Dept, M. � 5 0 C Ir. Pub. F? ks-Maint. 0' b. Library en. Suppl. • 1' pub. Parks- arks-Maint. Water-M. & R. •20 1 G r, 458.64 A. C. McClurg L Co., pub. LibraryNew Books ' 2.40 Jos. McDonough Co., pub. 1.ibr.-New Books 12.60 McGraw Pub. Co., Libr.-P1ew Books 17.13 Maend]eC Bros., Parks-P- nt ✓.~ 17. �� 87.40 Mahle Wagon Co., .-M. i Sewer '�17 St. Con-121, 2G• G 6 �" '` 1'' IV W -M., 7• .4G Make Sure Polish Co., C. A. & C. N.-Maint. #® Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., Police -M. L R. Health -Health & R` St. Const. .BAR ai ti,'�s 0. Sewer Cc t. hep.- 9. Pub, ks- ks-Ma' 35y Wat S inkli F. A. Marko, Gen. F. -Election Exp. Marshall, Field & Co., School -M. & R. Martin Auto Livery Co., Pub. Bldgs. -Arch. t. Lraft-M. Melady Paper Co., School- & 4 11. Metal Shelter Co., Ben. F.-Flectmn Exp. Merrill, Greer & Chapman C. H. & C. H.-Maint. Midway Lime & Cement Co., Sewer Const & Rsp:'=�ia�t: School- & Minnesota Crushed Stone Co., Paving Bepreciation Minn. Roofing & Cornice Co., Water -M. & R, Mitsch & Heck Wagon Co., S. &S. - i"1119t. Yat er ... & 1G. � a E. F. Mullaney Gen. F.-Eledtion rxp. Musical Blue Book of America pub. Libr.-New Books Nassau Paper Co., Pla� u t. 5 :br� -Geer T .27 Nicks Machine Shop S. & S. Cing.- C1 `M. Po E. F e Al ai b; ' '7 17..5 Nicols Dean & Gregg Fire -T,°. & R. Com'r.$u'' ork Ma.irrt. r 1. Street nst. •-M, nt. Par ark -tri 'pt: r 3 75,x`' 39.64 $68.25 3.00 50.73 75.00 11.80 14.00 4.72 88.85 73.40 15.00 " 10.25 29.00 4.00 16.20 17.15 39.64 #9 ' W. W. Nisbet Pub. Libry.-New Books Northern Coal -& Dock Co , Fire -M. & R. j2 S . & S . C Sr2rtg, - �rrlt . - School &. R. � 2 Libr-Genuppl, 5 4 Northland Pine Co., Sewer Const. a -Mint " 42, Park -Park- int. e G�' 1 1 a0 N. W. Elec. Equip. Co., C. H. E. C. H. -Mai Police -M. & R. Fire -M & R. p. & Fire Al m -Ii Sewer Con RE Street C at. & Com. R'orka Cen al H. S. R olph Hei a braxy -Gen U Aud.-Maint, Water -M. /-'n'Maint. A17 4e t_, r°phouse - r, 4 school 3 1. 30 N. W. Fuel, Com. Pub. Worka Workhoue-Maint. N. W. School Supply CO., School -M. & R. N. W. Stamp Works, Com'r. Fin. ,uc xp. C. P. WD.-faint.z -3.00, Gen. Pdi. De J :34ai t.. ' .�Y 4.3_ Pu Libr.-�fi• S err a;: ter M. &�R, 1. 21 N. W. Telephone Co., C. H. & C. H.- nt. 1. . Corp. goun E p. l• 0 Compt. 0 ice- x& 1 Gen. De Main nt E � Pub Pu arket-1$aint • 3 4. B3dg .-Insp Clk. ;R int. l e�J 3 � N. W. Tire Co., Pub.Lighti --"-7,-94 Police-' & r- '�• s"3� Street'Con-Maint ' 2 Sew n n ', 2 P Bid . -Arch, -Maw" .� ater & R. 3 �'cl� r 46V 34 14.40 2,657.24 1,061,17 630.33 99.75 2.11 21.25 53.15 467.30 #10 4%k Noyes Bros. F. Cutler, $25-70 Comer. Pub. W2 Str. Const Pub.U.prest- I E .6 Se Cho —6. a Dep 2 .2 49.1.1 Otis Elevator Co.. C. H. & C. H. -faint. Peoples Coal 6 Ice Co., 13.07 C. H. C. F.-Yaint. Perkins -Tracy Printinp. Co., 125.00 Pub. Libr.-Gen. SupPl- 329.45 A. N. Pierson Parks park-Vaint. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1.25 Fire -M. & R. F. Ptacek, .65 C. H. & C. F. M"int, 17.00 Prendergast Bros., S. & s. Clng,,-Sewer Clng.-Maint. W. G. prussing, 7-50 School M. F R. Rand, McNally Co., 62.17 Central H. S. Libr. Raymer Hardware Co., 55.90 Lightl -Maint. .,111"14 Police -M. &111 Com.tr. Pub Fork M ht 2.b5 Street Cc t. & p aint /15� Sewer .40 Workho se -Main Ix x,2.0 Brid Bldg. ep. ai 3- 4 Pi ground- t. 1. 7 P ks- ctiv' es -Main •65 hool 0 -M. j .7v Aud.-Main if 9 , .6 Water -M. . R. Sprink3 9 55 M. J. Reardon 7/10 17.51 School -V- & R. Reed Motor Supply CO., 2.67 Lighting-Maint. Reliance Iron & Wire Works, 10.00 Water -M. & R. Remington Typewriter Co., 39.69 Gen. F. -Pur '"�'nfi-]t 'Uafm�C.-. -- Gen. n. , t4T 97,50 Review Publishing Co., Gen. Funcl-officizil Pub. #11 Robinson, Cary & Sands, C. H. & C. F.-Maint Street Const. 8:2p -M.,nt r' S. & S. Cing e ��C'ing. •75 S. & S. St het"20.6 Playgr s=Ma t. 25 0 parksk- nt..GG Sch �,74 W er prink g 28� 1 .4 Rockfeller Institute for Medical Research Health -Health -M. d- R. A. I. Root Co., Library -New Books St. Pall] Battery Co., Com fr. W Wat - 5 St. Paul Blue Print Co., Pub. Lighting -Maint. St. Paul Boiler Works, Street Const. & Rep.-Maint. St. Paul Book L Stationery Co., Mechanic Arts H. Lib. G Pub. I ibrary- oke ` 2 45 n e - Gen . . p �r'` 1 .30 Joh:. so S. 7 Teac rs Trai g•S ool L; . C ral H. Lib 281 drool -M, r R. 1 .9 St. Paul Builders Material Co., Sewer Cons & -Ma`iltit�. 3.60 Wat er l 5 Ge Fun' n. Page-ii33t. r 24.0 ,1 42. St. Paul Electric Co.;playgrou int 23. School & 0 Wat ice ;. i e•Al ~T 1 .9 15 . St. Paul Foundry Co., Street Const.'— Re 10 lint .1G Bridge B,14. 13 P 1`,G .< ArIr $drool M1 .. Y ? _,'" W1fer Dept _ 1,11 .7 St. Paul Gas LiFbt Co., C. IT. & C+- .�'n - X43 e 7 Au dd um Fri n t ,„r'” $4 �, 2.5, 187.43 S.oG 4.25 18.55 9.00 140.00 898.93 42.60 '151.52 1,118.70 562.51 #�2 St. Paul -Machine Works, 7.93 C. R. & c. H,-+ain_ _ � 3 er 1 7.9 St. Paul Printing Co., 17.00 s. pub Pud:t6rG�Sx�Sp1 -• _ 1 G St. Paul. Rurber Co., f 71.04 Health -Pub. -M.,. R. 2 b S.c .Sr GYkig. 3 Water ept. sUp,rhkling 12• 71 4 St. Paul Stamp Works, •50 Comer. Pub. Works -}faint. St. Paul Welding Mnfg. Co., 3.85 Water Dept. Sanborn Map CO., 62.00 Water Dept. Schleh Bros., 420.00 parks-Park-Maint. Schuneman & Evans, 10.95 School -h_. & R. Schurmier Wagon Co., 47.85 Fire -M, d- R. Sherwood Co., 5.00 Library -New Books J. L. Shiely Co., 193.90 Sr. Const.,,&'I .'bi3 7•/� Randoln?7.�5•bho 176'°90 , But teFriu S .ewer 5 . p a Dept 41 7• f' ® 193• Singer Sewing Machine Co., .6G School -Pu. & R. H. W. Slack, 7.50 Teachers Trg. Scgool R. C. Smith Auto Co., 26.32 Water Dept. So. Park Foundry & Mach. Co., 6.50 School -M. & R. Standard Oil Co., 8.28 Gen. F. -Election Exp. Swift & Co., 6.00, School -Lt. F R. Tierney 8 CO 2G.EC Park -PzrY.-71aint. R • 913 Transit Supply Co., 100.00 Water Dept. Tri-State Tel. Co., 59.30 C. H. d- C. H. _M 1 .50 Police & Fire, Pub. Bldg. -ch. . -h Parks -Pa -Mai 2• Ra ndo 'el SC h 59 � H. R. Trocke 6.50 Gen. Fund-Mun. Concerts - Twin City Plate Glass 10.48 C. ,j. &. DinC 58 School- &? I ,,. 10.4 Twin City Mission Furniture Co., 148.00 C. H. & C. H.-Maint. Twin City Iron & Wire Wk., 9.9.0 Parks-Park-Maint. Typewriter Repair & Supply Co.. 30.00 Pub. I•ibr._ erg. School --Y., :0— Mot S Underwood Typewriter Co., 3.00 Pub. Bldgs. -Arch. & D.-Maint. union Brass & Metal 4.50 School -M,,, & R. Union Library Assn. 87.71 Library -New Books Union Machine Co., 11,20 Water Dept. Universal Binder Sales Agency 1.10 Pub. Libr.-Gen. Suppl. University of Chicaf*o Libraries 2.05 Pub. I,ibr.-New Books Valley Iron Works, 42.00 School -M. & R. Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 45.19 CH. & r. F1.-vaint. Volkszeitung 22.00 official Publications Wagner Langemp Co., 42.50 Paving Depreciation Waldorf Bindery 91.75 Pub. Library -Gen. Suppl. E. M. WalIgren .52 Gen. F.-Misc. Staty- & Suppl- A. J. Wampler, .50 C. li. & C. H.-Maint- E j-- 6 AL #14, 21.33 Webb Publishing Co., pub. Library -New Books 290.26 A. E. Wedelstaedt Co., pub.U.-Gen. Adm aint: 3�G C. P. W. -Mai 1)'t'. � Johnson A . F', Alt� ,> �: School -M,/& R � Cor.c, s Exp 290. 1 124.84 Western Electric CO., 1. M 4 arta 1, 4 Com . P&Fiu/r� ci 7/ 2 Pol. 1 11.13 Western Supply Co., pub. U. -Mun s/ ab. 4 4�16� �k5 School -23. J / parke-P knt v 225.00 W, G. Whitehead Glass Co., park-Park-Maint. nasi scienune cp., Etos.30 p Chicago. Burlington & Qu 1' - - .85 H. W. Wilson [rest Const. `& Rep.—MainL, E' Ih Ch b'a ca' ,,cal & Elec. Pub. Libr. -Gen. Su 1pP• Health—Health rM. & R., $7.50. Citizen's lee & Fuel Cc, Schot 29.00 Geo. B. Wray Sanitary Supply R.. $6.00. Jame. B. Clow & Sons, Nater 1 "'C"r School -M• & R. Clymer & Huelster, $62.75. College Book Store, Pub. Llbr. . Books, EI2.00. J. J. Connolly, Butternut Street S. 2.25 Wright, Barret & Stilwell erC ufte°mai Pre... $124.95. School -M. & R. Crane & Ordway. $531.81. S. S. Crooks Co., C. H- & C. H. Main[., $39.76. o � 5 o CDm1T. Dally Fraser Hardware Co., C. H. & Anthony Yo erg, C. R.—Malnt., $9.37. Gen. Fund-Thuni cipal Conc Mgh'4a.$ ozi• & Sone, Auditorium— Dean-Hick. Co., Lib,. New Books, $2.50. Adam Decker Hardware Co.. 147.02. Jullu C. Dewen, lYater—M. & R., $4.00. 111ehold Safe & Lock Co.. C. H. & C. H.—Malnt.. $237.15. Dl spatch Printing Co., Official Pub Ilcations 164.68. Jos. Dixon Crucible Co., Gen. F. Mi Slaty & SuppllePs. ew $122.43. - E. C. Dougan, ub. Libr. NBe, $9.00. L. F. Dow Cd., 1292.79. Economy Drawing Table Co., Dept., 150.23. I,. Eisenmenger, $38.87, Electric Blue Print Co.. & R. 53 cents. ctrie Constructior .. +In[., $207.07. _ P CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: 1_6®4® Ft LE COUNCIL N o . Date Presented April. 18,.1916 191 r Resolved, ;That the Council hereb% concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids received for 4 paving Wacouta street from Ninth street t-d—Spruce street, and orders the Commissioner of Public Works to have the work done by Force Account and to secure the necessaiymaterial through the Purchasing Department, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. Bid received being $4950.000 engineer's estimate $4907.00. F.B.831 r•. F. gin. looao—eY �1. s. r neaol ill vthe (.•ounellla h,—hl ��unt�nctin thn, reroa end ntion of th4 mit[oe and h-1,ler[a all hlda rec•rlced for pa riny�1' a. Data at reef from \loth tree[' fa alonter n fr I'l,hand tOld- 0)­C61—tis. )­C ha—h. din he .F_ I, re nhY Forme Amount and to eh'e Parchaal nFr IJe Par ra. tl in "I"d te�Cewith the prorlalona f d_ old r rel I brin - the t•har- Flneer'x set innateen- Rid 831. O7.0 o. Formal Adopted hY the t'ou nril Apr. 13. 1916. .\pttrn�'ed :\pr. 19. me. lApril Yeas (I') uncilmen (1') Nays Adopted by the Council APR v 191 nsworth J �� s, / In favor y Iter �/ App ed 191 G Coll Against _ G h rg Mr. Pre' , Powers MAYOR FORM C.82 AVO HOHENSTEIN HARRY W. POWERS .1-Y 1 -CRA -0 AOINI CITY OF SAINT PAUL r 'PURCHASING DEPARTMENT April 18,1916. To the Honorable Mayor and Council, Of the City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen; The Contract Committee respectfully recommends that the bid received far the paving of Wacouta street from Ninth street to Spruce street, and that the Co.—issioner of Public Works be ordered to do said work by City Force Account. Bid $4950.00 Engineer's Estimate $4907. 00 Approved;:THE CONTRACT COMMITTEE , 10041'—ny Al. N,i r, 1J R. n �C 'Thr Colnmor - Adopted by the Council 191 Far sworth A -GO K r Ro ,rd Rile No. 4'L• .Ih, 1414, heretofore �UL 191 7�M oll COUNCIL wer �xta m1Qq can e� tiNERAL FORM t.N ' -luded ue I,n r[ of aald r- —Y g nxl nl<•tlon of n rud�nj nnn Subject: rt �e�; ' ae n, n n 1 J -; �� MAYOR ' 10041 The ('01 nen � ,iro COUNCIL No. d vinne and xpeeln ,Id .. cvcrn, and lrt 11 �[o ., FILE therefor Thornton W na ny: nna neren s, It no..• nnvrnra nog u.... nr prov rI> n,•rH Date F6esented 191 n Jn lion of Corzvnlsr t II iu,, 1rn.lr tnnt u,.• �o,a nnl ,,,,rt .,f tnr oe.�er s...',e� Received all papers id ntl a,rret hrt..,•rI r•n..,.,11 n:,ndlnr I„rnnr. In not I �nr� 1 connection witA above /� n,r servloe or nnutu nl; eu,nlnnlyd ..nnonl I ReBo1,o.� i s 1 imhe vul ring IIIc efflcien r' tr,F uorelonE nr •a WHEREAS, The Common Council in and by Board File No. 42136, approved May 26th, 1914, heretofore ordered the construction of the Snelling -Como sewer system, so-called, which order'included as part of said system the construction of a sewer on Atlantis street between Pascal avenue and Hamline avenue; and WHEREAS, The Council thereafter duly approved plans and specifications for said sewer system and let the contract therefor to Thornton Brothers Company; and WHEREAS, It now appears from the petition of property owners and the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works that the construction of that part of the sewer system on Atlantis street between Pascal avenue and Hamline avenue, is not necessary for the service of abutting property and may be eliminated without in any way impairing the efficiency of the remaining portions of the system, and that the State Agricultural Society and the Regents of the State Univerdity have consented to such elimination; RESOLVED, That the final order and the plans and specifica- tions for said Snelling -Como sewer system are hereby amended by strik- ing out and eliminating therefrom that portion of said sewer system and the sewer to be constructed on Atlantis street between Pascal avenue and Hamline avenue. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the contract price agreed upon to be paid said contractor for the construction of said sewer be reduced and diminished by the value and cost of the portion of said sewer system eliminated as aforesaid on the basis and pursuant to the schedule of prices set forth on page 12 of the specirications attached to the contract with said Thornton Brothers Company, and the Commie- sioner of Pubic Works is hereby instructed to forthwith ascertain the value and cost of the portion of said sewer eliminated as afore- said, and when he shall have ascertained the same, to certify and re- port such cost to the Comptroller who will deduct the same from the contract price agreed to be paid by the City to said Thornton Brothers Company for the construction of said sewer system. ,I. Yeas (t") COLE oilmen (I') Nays r, 1J R. n �C Adopted by the Council 191 Far sworth A -GO K r In favor , ove 191 7�M oll Against t.N —Y g Mr. Pre Powers FORM C.a-2 J -; �� MAYOR ' 0lie Iniurrsitg of Minnesota Urporlulr'ut of Agriruliurr 11uh—MB N.—. 6L;IURi r DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING April 6, 1916. A. F. -Wools, Dean and Director. Dear Sir: 100-11 I have received the attached communication from the city engineering department of the City of St. Paul. It relates to the abandonment of the proposed sewer located on Atlantis Street from Hamlin to Pascal, said sewer being a part of the Snelling -Como sewer system. I wish to advise you that I have examined the plats of t,.e Snelling -Como sea+er system and wish to inform you that the efficiency of the system will not be impaired so far as the interests of the State Agricultural Society or the University of Minnesota are concerned, and the costs to this property will not be increased. Therefore I recommend that you suggest to the State Agricultural Society and to the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota that they approve the abandoning of the part of the sewer in question and sign the attached papers. The same should be returned to the city engineering department of the City of St. Paul. Sincere^lir -r/o%urs, Chief of Division. COUNCIL FILE NO . .................... ..-- By.. --._.-.._._......_.........._... ... .... ...._.......... 1./-_/.---.---- 100-1112 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..... -...-.u 1"-F Fuller avenue betvreen Victoria etrest under Preliminary prder __.._621-.-.--.-,-_--_--___,___-_aPProved....._Jul 29th�1915.....--...-- .......... — IntermediaryOrder _..__. ............ ........ _._......... ......... - --- approved ................... ..--- .......... ....... _........ ---_ . _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council . having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- Curb Fuller avenue betvieen Victoria provernent to be made by the said City ........... street--_and•_lilt(_n Street. r4 ns objections oD7ectlo ....._....--_....__......_... _.___-._...._..-.....__.er r. ne and n..:o, ons relative thereto, and h' onsldared the same; then. ............ ........ —._.._........_.._-.-�"__-.__-_...-_—..........___t c ____—_—. e Ived, By the Council of the ..t. Paul that the precise nature and kind of Improvement t—•—_._...____,_-......._.--. ....... _..... by the said Clty is curb F ur between Victoria at to, ....-..._�—._. .re a[reet, and the Council h--__...__.-...-.-.._.._.._. __..........: ...._.... ._._..� ............_.-__...--.-._.__............ .....__....-....-...-._._—. -- re anid improvement to be and the Council hereby orders said improvema, a^1Vea Further. That the c, ofPu bile Works be a atructed and direct, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commis, ' Hans aoei canon rks be and is hereby instructed and rpprov, directed to prepare plans and specifications for said `. p. • , .4) - 4.,' and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed . with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........... _._ _.:._......_ $ ' 191 ..... .. Approved....___.,._!...__ ..--- _-... __ 191 -- -- ......... ..... ._......._.. Mayor. Councilma . arnsworth doss PUBLISHM Keller LMccoll " L'N%ash� Mayor Power s Form B. S. A. 8-7 3 �r CITY OF ST. PAUL , ADDITION DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF coMMJSSIONER OF FINANCE_ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of - - -------- - -- -- - ----- ----- ------ ---- ----- -- - ------------ ----­------------------ -- - ------- --- - ------ ---- ------- - - -- - ------ ----- ------- ------- -------- - ----- - ----- - - - ------------- - --- ------------ ------- - ------- — ------- ------ - ------------------- ------------- .. .... ---- - - ------ ----- ------ ------ -- - ------ ----- ----- ------ - ------ - -- ------- ------ - --- -------- under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - ----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A" TOTAL, IORM 0.3 A 6 5 A CITY OF ST; PAUL ^ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIPIARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION' �w/L .«ter 1 � A t t > f The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of thg aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -_s !. .......191,or..1 �...,..1.. Commissioner of Finance. FORM e.s.w. 5 3 c CITY OFISAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUOLIG WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER / ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D.— CORUR.IoneR OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CH- EII--III J. E. CARROLL Sun. C.—TIO. h RII-1 - - 'ALFRED JACKSON, Sin. S..1T.111+ G. M. HERROLD, OFF.- EHH.— H. W. GOETZINGE R. SVII. February 18th, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works n u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of Fuller Street, from Victoria Street to Milton Street in accordance with Council File #6214, approved July 29, 1915. Approximate estimate $511.86 Cost per front foot .43¢ Frontage 1194 feet Excess inspection 10.04 Respectfully Suub�mitted, Chief Engineer. jEC/tui J 41 iv, rr v k, HENRY E WEDEL IAEDT CO 5n' ­ERS .1 St Paul, Minn ..............1915 210 the Honorable City Council, II. City of St Paul. Gentlemen: - we, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on Fuller _ 6avenue between Victoria and Milton streets, do hereby petition your o,noxable body to cause said street to be curbed,both sides,between 6 toe points mentioned. 9 N s Lot Dlk Addition lo -E, Zz L 2D 21 23 24 26 ME.D 26 AUG 2 1915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, 27 I Office of the ComAssioner of, Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February 18th, ._.,._....1916... ....._......................................_............. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St, Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No_.6214_.............approved._....J". y $9.,__ ... ......... _.........191...5.., relative to .......... .._........... ............... _..............the ..._ourbln.g....of.....Fu,lle.r.....5.tx..ee.t,....�_zam.. V.a.Gt_or..�_a....St. e.e_t.._t.o......................_._.._... Milton,_ Street... ... ............ ... .___........ .... _...... __.. .. .... ......_. .... .......__.. _.. ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_..._...__._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 43¢ per front foot 2 The estimated cost thereof is $ ............. ..... ..... ......_..., and the total cost thereof is 1 ____511...86.._. and Frontage 1194 feet Excess inspection ?10.04 the nature and exteut of said improvement is as follows: _._ __....__ ...__.._...___.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is....._._......_.........._..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. uissiouer of Public Works. II COUNCIL FILE NO . ............ ........ _— V<z By--... ........... .......... .........__........_.........---....-- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of__Cl}rbing..._Ashland_avenue between Fairview avenue and --....._.......... _....._.Pr.iQ.R.....g09n1d..9,._........ ...... ----...---- ------------ ------ -- under Preliminary order. _...66.07 ........ _........... .......... .......... approved..._Augtlet 34th -1915. Intermediary Order ------_................... _..... .... ..._........_......_._._.. approved .................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__ ..11,th A-5- _land _avenue between Prior avenue ___.._...._....aaenus._anr1...Hnaall_�Aenv� a>�.d__between-_Dewy_avenue and Fairview avenue, ..._.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized a irected to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......_.._—_._......._—._— 191 r. . Ci Clerk. Approved_..___....._.__. 191 'C. F. J. 10043— ✓ ._ _. ...___._ .. ._.___.........� Iln the Stetter of curbing Aahland ava- ue between Fairview avenue and Mayor. Prior -enue, under Preliminary Or- Councilman-rnsworth ( der 6607 approved August 84th. 1915. A public hearing having been had doss upon the above Improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons. Objections andare ohmsVim- `,.-Geller dations relative thereto, fu11Y considered the same; therefore, 4{i McColl ba le a the C. net' If the City i% f SLolved, hnt the precise nature. e (,-Nash of d kind of improvement to be —Voerg made by the said PriCitor to curb Ashlaand nd 1 L �I venue betty Ue n betweenu Dewey (� venue a d Falrvlew a and the Mayor COWeiS Council hereby orders Vsoid improve-- nt Form B. S. A. 8-7 mReeniv d Furthto be er. That the Commis - toner t Publlc IVorke be and he la hereby instructed and directed to We- DmDrnvemrntnandp ubmltl aameons oto sthe Caunetl for apDsoval;^that Don said 1tv officers are enc t;. 1916. , Adopted by 4he Douhcll Apr. I6, APD cd Ap I0. 1918: -.(ADrit 32-1918) - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ll In the Matter of�l r1f-------- -- ......... ............. - ........................ .............................. .............. .. ........ .... ............. - ----------- - - – ----------- ---- -------------- ------- ------- ------------ ------- -- ---- ----- ------------- - ------ - — -------- ------- --------- -------- — ----- - - ------- - --------------------------------- ... - - - - — --------- - --------- -- ------ - -- - -------------------------------------- .... ... ....... ------ - - - ------------------- - - ----------- - ---------- -- 7 ...-------- - -------- ---------- --- ..... . . - --- -------- --- - ---- ----- ---------- .. . -- ---- ----- ------- - -------------- - under Preliminary Order. approved - e- : To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is590.07 . --- - .......... _.--------- The . ------------The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 40 ---- — --------- ---- --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION 171 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i✓ . Y �S Y •#a ASSESSED VALUATION f'J�o v U ,C✓ J d CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALl2ATl0 y 1 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ---:._-.--.-. -.-191.... Commissioner of Finance. FORK B.S.A. B -S C CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISs10NER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. 0-11 C.I...... xr+ OSCAR CLAU SSEN. C.- E.—IIP J. E. CARROLL SVP' Coxern.crion ALFRED JACKSON. SUPT Sxx�rPr o. - G. N. NIRROLD. OF— Exo—' October 28, 1915. H W. GOEWINGFR SV`T -- ' ` Hoa. M. N.TGossI Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of Ashland Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., in accordance with Council File #6607, approved Aug. 24, 1915. Approximate estimate $590.07 Cost per front foot.40 Excess inspection $11.57 Assessable frontage 1483 ft. In this connection I beg to advise you that on the part of said Ashland Ave. between Dewey and Howell Aves. a contract has already been let to Thornton Bros. to build the curb, (See C. F. 6489 approved Aug. 16, 1915, City Comptroller signed the contract October 142 1915 - I.455.) hence when final order is passed it should read: Ashland Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave. except that part between Dewey and Howell Aves. Respectfully sunmitted, JRC/M. Chief Engineer Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 29, _ _._..191 5..: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary miler of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ...660.7..._ ..approved . August. 24., .__..__-1915--, relative to the.._._.. curbing of Ashland Avenue from Fairview Avenue ...to, Prior ,..A,.venue,.__....._... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._..._._.__.._necessary and (or) desirable. 40¢ per front foot 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $. . _- , and the total cost thereof is 590.07 and Frontage 1483 feet ExceBs inspection 1611.57 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. 5. Said improvement is not _ _...asked for upon petition of three m• more owners of property, subject I [ 1 1 I Y. J to assessment for said improvement. C' nunissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO . .................... .._— By....._._.._._.__......_ ................. .... ........... _......... ............ ........ i' v r/ FINAL ORDER. IroheMatter of_......_Curbi.ng ✓fargaret street from Hope street to str.e.e.t...___._.___._____._.._..._...._____.---------.—_._-..—_..._._--. under Preliminary order ... ..... ....... F790 jan. 13th, 1916, ........._..._..............._..spproved.._.------...._.......-----_..__._.._.............. Intermediary Order _.._._ ............ ........... ................ _.... ........... ....... approved ...._._.......... _...._ ................... _....... ... -- _ _. _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ........ _..__..—_--_�...... ___._.........._........___ _—_..........—_--.____ street to Seventh street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and ' ected to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AcR , n I " S Adopted by the Council ........... ._.—_............ _--_._. _..._—, 191 � A L �(, /..-- City Approved_........_....------- /..._...., 191-. ....... ........... —_ C- s. .to. 199ao— Mayor. 1t�from HoperSt to rbeng Mars stet G t' Y Councilma(�Farnsworth rcliminan' Order 8790, approved Jan. 13th. 1916. �osS A public meeting having been had nent ous e, andboh tCouncil-ovemhaving hearon du d .4—Keller all persona, objections and recommen- dations relative thereto, and having '(_McColl (auy considered the same; there are. be It (—hash Resolved, By the Council of the Clty of SL Paul that the preciea not be tent a d kind ( Improvement to ,_ made by the aald City is curb Mar- Karrt St. from Hope St. to Serenth SL. 7 hovina been presented to the Council MBy OWerS of the CM, of St. Paul therefore, be it Form B. S. A. 8-7 Resolved Further. That the Commfs- he hereby Inst uelic ted andkdl eetet da a 1s yrs- ' pare plans and peciftcatlone for said Improvement. and submit same to the Council for and that upon eaid approval, the proper Ity oRlcera are hereby authorized and,,.,,adto pro- ceed with the making of said Imptove- ment In ccordance th erewlth. Adopted by the Council Apr. 18, 1916. ADpro red APT. 19. 1916. (April 22-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI, IARY ORDER � tis In the Matter of Y_�L �_ G._1°/Fi., `��sr�...._c.L:�r4�4, ..\ _.... :. c(..._r.l:'.r�<. ............. _............. ...... ........... _ .. _.... _ ........ ..... .-..._ _._....... - . -- -- ............... .... .............. ......... .........._.- .......... .... .. ...... 1......_1 .......-............ ........... ...... ........ _ _...................... .. _........ _ ._...................... ._.................... ..... ....._....... ....... —.. __....... __.. ...... __._.._...__....__............ .... ........ ......... ............._............ _.... _........ ...... .......... _ ............................. _........... ...._ _.._......... ...... .......... _..........-_ ....__....... --...... ......... .......... ..... .... . _.......... ..... _..._......._......... ....... ......... __ .... .. _... _ __..... _.... . --... _ .... ..... ............. ... _.. ...... ......... ...... .._..... under Preliminary Order approved_ .-L. �L_...1..... To the Council of the City of St. Maul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $..... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is �.............'.' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION SIA l 4111 L a U d 4 f T `\ TOTAL. ti y The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... _.... 191 Commissioner of F' ance. Office of. the Commissibner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March 13th,. _ .191 .6. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 'Phe. Conuuissioner of Public Works, having had wader consideration the preliminary order of the Colin - 8790 approved proved _. January , 191 _6., relative to cil, known as Council File No._____. 1 _....... 13th.... the curbing of Margaret Street, from Hope Street to Seventh Street. ...._................ . ........................ .............. _..._....._.......... ._........_. ....... ..................._._........ ...._.............._ ..._......_........ ..._......... .. ........._..... .... ............... ..... ......... ......_........ ........__....... _.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ __ necessary and (or) desirable. 41¢ per front foot 190.64 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- .......... .......... and the total cost thereof is $ _... _., alit Frontage 463 feet Exceae inspection 53.74 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......_ .........._.. ... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made at part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie__ not_ . asked for upon petition of duce or more owners of property, subjiet to assessuaent for said improvement. Connaissimu, of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS _ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY Cou uieaioxrP OSCAR CLAD SSEN. C-1 E --A <' J. E. CARROLL SUPT. Co T-11 6 RCP• x' ALFRED JACKSON, SUPT_ S•N�T.•T �O^ G. H. HERROLO. Orr �cr Exo�x[aP H W. GOETIINGFR q1"' March 12th, 1916. ..on. M. N. Goss, Krnmissioner of public Torks u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transn<it 'nerewith preliminary estirile.te of cost for the curbing of Margaret Street, fron• _.ope Street to seventh Street, in accordance with Cot:ncil File iP790, approved January 13th, 1916. Approximate estimate f�190.64 Cost per front foot 3.74¢ Excess inspection 463 ft. Frontage Respectfully suolytittted, LL o—,, -b -t.._. chief Engineer. COUNCIL FILE NO...,X._ By-----• ----- ............. _._--........... ........... .......... __....... _. FINAL ORDER. Y, In the Matter of__.._ch=r srst of the est ._ ire of Ile c c'-rc ct to Hr:sti.:u:•✓e_u__._o_conffori:.=o e re•] _ _ ttec ed : a,;. -: de n r o icY 10 s line on the profile. 1, :eto ix: rround line the present rr: i.e ',)ein- repreecntad tq "'ue line ttereon_...._._...... .............._..__._ underPreliminary order.... ... _........... .......... .......... _..... _........ __ approved ............. ---- ._--------------_--- -----_------- ---- —_,.___-__-.__ IntermediaryOrder--- ----------- ...--------- _--- ---------- ------ --------- ------- approved ...-................ .---........__...__.._... --_- _.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City St ==-•L.t-�L &4� Gt 48 :eatyyof the e ilia of Hester Street to Hastir,s venue to cosforr.. to the _._..._.._.!.-._.._..___.-_.--..__---------__----..___.-__-_-_--_.-.-_._--_-__—..-..oill -Ti moi _.._ — n.4 Tr e Kr line on the profile '':.ereto t1tel-ea �p' 'l �0' 0'S'e +l;e rounC' line, ore r. re - - — _._: ---11_ _�.. = _�----_.--._.-........... -- 1,, , :isle t':.reon rrcde reir. reprerc-:.e:. .......a5 '.-.a..__...:.. _...._-....... ._...._—....._..-- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordant Adopted by the Council ............ ____. APP 19 -- Councilmawra sworth:a'Ing bey „ s eveImprove. .. the Council I - - " i' e, .1,J lone a..', _ •� (i"f� Iler alative thereto, •• aid the same; - „• Coll •Ived, By the Council of the Ctt+I Paul that the preclse nature, „ sh �� ,ad this de ld city pie change r _^ p oerg grade of Pacific street from a no f/ Ma or veers y 4&6 feet east of the east line of H- tar street to Hastings Avenue to k for to [he red lineon the or hereto attached, and made a part h Form B. S. A. 8-7 of which follows the ground line. present grade being represented the blue line thereon and the r,, hereby orders said improvemen• . ,ads. Resolved Partite r, That 1hr ler of Public Works -.,by Instructed and plane and sperif ovement, and -11 rcr Sp .,, 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... ...... .. Bv....... - -- ----................. .... ........ _.......... -- ---- - FINAL ORDER. lnthe Matter of.__Chan�ing the -grade of Pa^iiic street froy,. a ,^_oint .... ........ ....... ......... ........................ ............. 485 feet east of h e st line of Hester street to Hastings averee n., toconform to the line or. the profileshereto attached#,and made ....._ the._ nreaent grade.being represented by the blue line thereon. - - _.-...... — - .......... -- --...... -....... __ _-_-_...._- --- --.... - .........- 7928 Nov. 15,1915. under Preliminary order ... ----- ........__-------- ____.__......... ........... approved ..................... ............ _............ _................ _........ ...... _...... IntermediaryOrder --.- ........................ .......... _..._..... .......... ...... approved ........ ............ - --. _. ...................... ..... -..—._... _... _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Cha_ nr a the_Prade of Paoific street f3.pm••_a__ ,oint•�485__f.eet east of the ea t ine of Mester street to __ -_ ---...................... —._........ ....... ------._._........._. Hastings avenue to conform to the a*& line on the profileshereto .at.ta hzd2..aaa3_Mad_..-p&Xt., hereof ..th.Q�re3ent grade beim repreaen.ted by the 191JO line thereon,. ....._--_ .... _......... .--...._...---._._......... _.-_..._.._._------ ........................................................... and the Council hereby ord�/s said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement i% actor ante therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ ... ___..�.....:_ 1-__ _._�_, 191 _.......... __......_..................................._.................. _ - ........._._..._ City Clerk. Approved..... ........................ ..............._..-- - ._..__. 191 ........... ........ ... -- .............. ---...... -...._.....__..._.._........... ..............— Mayor. Councilmad-Farnsworth "oss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor­Ppwers Form B. S. A. 8-7 F i 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... ...... .. Bv....... - -- ----................. .... ........ _.......... -- ---- - FINAL ORDER. lnthe Matter of.__Chan�ing the -grade of Pa^iiic street froy,. a ,^_oint .... ........ ....... ......... ........................ ............. 485 feet east of h e st line of Hester street to Hastings averee n., toconform to the line or. the profileshereto attached#,and made ....._ the._ nreaent grade.being represented by the blue line thereon. - - _.-...... — - .......... -- --...... -....... __ _-_-_...._- --- --.... - .........- 7928 Nov. 15,1915. under Preliminary order ... ----- ........__-------- ____.__......... ........... approved ..................... ............ _............ _................ _........ ...... _...... IntermediaryOrder --.- ........................ .......... _..._..... .......... ...... approved ........ ............ - --. _. ...................... ..... -..—._... _... _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Cha_ nr a the_Prade of Paoific street f3.pm••_a__ ,oint•�485__f.eet east of the ea t ine of Mester street to __ -_ ---...................... —._........ ....... ------._._........._. Hastings avenue to conform to the a*& line on the profileshereto .at.ta hzd2..aaa3_Mad_..-p&Xt., hereof ..th.Q�re3ent grade beim repreaen.ted by the 191JO line thereon,. ....._--_ .... _......... .--...._...---._._......... _.-_..._.._._------ ........................................................... and the Council hereby ord�/s said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement i% actor ante therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ ... ___..�.....:_ 1-__ _._�_, 191 _.......... __......_..................................._.................. _ - ........._._..._ City Clerk. Approved..... ........................ ..............._..-- - ._..__. 191 ........... ........ ... -- .............. ---...... -...._.....__..._.._........... ..............— Mayor. Councilmad-Farnsworth "oss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor­Ppwers Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE JOINARY ORDER — In the Matter of :0 -zt -- t W,�l,-- r!7 •'L..� < <. 11_%r/_ rE C -'1? �- - l�fL _ ._�f4 _._ L7I�.•�. G ... � ` 4 under Preliminary Order approved --- -"""- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - �'---------- ------.--"---" The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION s w4 c 0 r"',��� 7 , TOTAL, "/ L 3 fillh- RORMl.l.A.l�lA o CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 s� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL11'1NARY ORDER i (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A D D I T I O N ASSESSED VALUA ION ` �V V i L �, // ��✓; �r� t- J far vwl �� � LL('C N 4 L�.. i.(c( ti4I CJ/ t fN L /G h iN � C�-•c � � 1 G � % - •�� /r�C f �/v� G��` 4"C'/� fff 7 .IM � < M- '/ cuL LJlJ� !vH(G 9Gciciec�/ 'c ct /f��G o s+^7 L /may O' 4- Q-�iv�'F7o-u �/ �.frL % -V'-° iar4i- -rucl, LI/ J1 Gj-I, y �G oa L�7 L 11 L � r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1� . _ .._ 191 "Z` --.. _ �:._ .. _ - Commissioner of Finance. FoRN R.a.A. a -e C 41 Office of the Commisstjner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance J apuarg 21, .. 191. 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the city of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Puhlic Works, having had under cousideratiou the preliminary miler of the tionll- eil, known as Council File No. 7928 __. ..approve _ d _ November 15,1915._, relative to approved the change of grade of Pacific St. from a point 485 feet east the, _..east._line __.o.f _Hester St,__ to Haetinga_ Ave-_. ....................._........._..... _........_. ........................ and having investigated the umtters slid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._....__._...uecessary and (or) desirable. $1.08 per front foot 1,041.74 anal 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_... ___.__..____..., and the total cost thereof is :F . Frontage 985 feet Excess inspection $20.84 the nature slid extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................ . :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improveuaent is hereto attached and nude it parthereof. d. 3. Said improvement ie....__ ___riot _..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject a to assessment for said improvement. /;o.11111ssiouer of I'll/i,Works. Itj ® CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. 03056. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. 0e 1 C--1-11 11 OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.a Ex .i , J. E. CARROLL SUPT. Co."nua & R11. 1 ALFRED JACKSON. SIP,SA.rt.Tio. G. N. NERROLD, Orr•C, E.m ' St. Paul Minn. Mar. 8 1916- H W. GOET71NGER Su Wo..�._ f Mr. M. If. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir, - Agreeable to the request of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, in the matter of the proposed change of grade on Pacific St. between Hester St. and the south line of Hastings Ave., I herewith submit attached, two profiles, each, profile being numbered 273, one marked "Exhibit A" and the other marked "inhibit B". On the profile marked "Exhibit All is shown red line and red figures which indicate the original grade to which the street was and is now graded to, and improvements made in accordance there- with. The said profile "Exhibit A" also shows the elevations of the walks as now built along the northerly side of the street. The profile marked "Exhibit B" shows a red line, which red line is a co: -,promise grade that is apparently satisfactory to two parties only that are interested in the proposed change of grade and it ray be that one of these par ies will be sa"isfied with the grade on "Exhibit A" as well. Respectfully submitted, Dict. J.E.C.1m. Chief Engineer Fff V Deparhmv0 v f public Wvrku aoecr+� I GO" A_c. „ M.N.GOSS. Commissioner c•�ssr. �. r .son St. Paul, I:iinn. P9ar. 9, 1916. Mr. S. A. Farnsworth, Co:uniesioner of Finance, Buil iinF7. Pear Sir, - In coj:jpliancc ti"Jh verl,al request I tran omit herewith two profiles in the ratter oZ the proposed charge of ,Frade on Paci:,ic St. to,.cthcr with report to me fro:, Ips. 0. Claussen, Chief Engineer, ca:ich I trust will ,give you the information desired. Yours ver;; truly, �o.nissionor Of Pub is VIOrks � P E T I T 1 0 N. Y) 1 TO Tl , HONORttiiIl' C I'_Y C')LISTJL OF ST. PAUL, `/ Gentlemen: We, t;,e undersig)sd, are w6mers of property fronting t upon Pacific Street, he twee Hester Streiand Hastings Avenue, in the City of St. Poul, Minnesota, and do hereby petition your honorable body that th.5t portion of Pacific Street,he-einbefore limited, be left as now graded and the new grade as established in 1911 be vacated. The said portion of Pacific Street has been at its present grade for some twenty-five (25) years, and water, sewer and gas are laid therein. Sidewalks are ,practically all laid on t e North side of tt:e street, and our improvements have been made with reference to t:^e present grade. WHEEEFORE, Vie petition your body that Pacific Street, between Hester Street and Hastings Avenue, be left as it now is, and that thi s level be declared the permanent grade of' aid street. Name. Re s i de nc e . Z. i t _.y y.,,��•,,_. ,yf //J % .,m f Fd'. Name. f Residence. 1 ITT I ___1117 - - ��- -�-- ��/�/r/.'�tR.,. f .ri r C`„Y.' "�'" ,��''"54 8 X` � �rt_,_._ ��._._ y' ri fa�'t'� iFr E1- /• f_. !•' e y,. ,. �°.�,�"�. g, R. y!LP w'pM/' —2— CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No. 10046 Date Presented "Ir— l ; 6 > 191b in ti.e ,. a ter cfonce nrr f- i} e kit ar. se):.ent for a serr re pun.phca fuee site-, or t.. ) en ., ✓ `e•-. s riot N, under Orae -CF_ 65, ap loved j ar.uaxy Dist, iSlo, and Interl:.ediary Oder 96 1, agpruved -aroh �32nd, 1816. Col:.l..is'ioner of Put,lic "Cork- hav ins sUb- ...i- ted 1 -is rel:ort and slat in the above Ir -atter, be it r .^ICED, (1) T`a t1,e City cf Ft. ?aul hereby fixes x'.d deter:,.ines the at -cunt of ]an_, to ce t. ken for the ai,ove rai:. in., ruve.,.ent to ce as follox5: A rect-.ntgula.r tr" ct cf tn'. l feet aatrlv e� _- of Duiut:. fiv�nue, by 8'O feet alcr.;_ t'.e southerly sine ci. -ark . --na (u) 'flat an easer:ent ie taken it said _aro. to t..e extent necessary to serve all the purl-oses of a pul:.n use Tor a public sewer, Yeas (t') Co 'Imen (1') Nays Far orth Go Ke i\ M II �/ N Y r. Preside Powers FORM C.a-2 1 r. r. Nn. l9oas— ,pa mk- In the matter of r ndrmning . Ing n en em 'nt [or a sewage pvmphousr aib•.�rnr ih- Orenn Sys- tem Hist rict NO. 2 Harr PdJann- Order No. 8865. tnpproves u - 1r> 21st 1916, .1-1 interm ea lnry Or- der No. 9681, approved —h 22nd, 1916. Thr t'ommissicner of Publlr XI'-ks h the above ittette r,ihe It Ort and' pl nt I"en1—a, Il)t That the Citl' Of SL Paul ht ere [`fl.land sto nbr atell—it[or the yippomrd Improvement to be ae f.11 0"": Iona:' then n4;e— �rI"" nrrl 1i'lotio reef by so sf-et nlongo the southerly s id,: of Maryland street [ Iv taken In 2) That said In d ton the aex[nn[ eeessnry to all the purposes of n pumphouse forVa public sew- . Aaopted by lherCotmrit Apr. S. 1916. Approved Apr. 19. 1916. (April 22-1916) Adopted by the Council 191 191 MAYOR In favor Against R08ERT t l.(IU RLE V, Uer��. l •�.�"�x 05CAF CLAI5$EN, C"ifs Exci"r.x J. E. CARROLL. 5Uo& Ri*.' ALFRED JACKSON. Scnr. 5r"—1 " i; H HERROLO. O-i�cc Cx:.xi.n H W f.OFT711 .E R. Sur. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for a sewage pump - house 81te,for the Ocean Street Sewer System District #2, under Prelimi- nary Order #8865,Fpproved Jsn.2lst, 1916, and Intermediary Order #9631, approved "larch 22nd, 1916. To the Council of the City of St -Paul' The Comrriesioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of such plan, which land is more ac- curately described as follows: a rectangular tracts of land 120 feet along the easterly side of Duluth avenue, by 80 feet along the southerly viae of Hartland street. i Commission ,of�lic Works D at ed— ___ - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE /C REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthe Matta of....._00ndalllAing_ and . taking ..an._esa.9mw.A.t.-..ona..1'.e.Q.t;3lbau. ti.I..tl&G.G.....Q..... @3?. _......__. ...far._.a_a.eirage._Fuu&.-hhnsa site,...seri.d_kxac.-t..af..liad...tsz.._be....12:0_Y-e-PP,J -QAZ hti._...._--.._..... of -Duluth axenue,....by.....8.0-f.aet..along....t.h.e.....eou_th.lir..Y....l.f.....Qf.._.._............ _..... ._. _El ry.lamd..a.tr.a f,._.fo.r..the .0n.ean...etre.e..f..Sawex....Sy.at.0....DIP t.r..int_NQ..,.._;.............. ........ _._... __:_.-_ .............. ._. _................ ..... _...... ..... _....... ... ........._..... - ... ...... ....... ............ _.......... .._... ...... _ ............ _...... _......... ......... _... ...... ...... _._...... _.. _..._ _.._............ _ _ ..............__.._........_............. ........... .... _ .......- ..... ................................... ................ _ _..................... ........ _....... ........ ..._.......... .........._..... -.......... ........... ..... ..... ............ .......... .......... ..._...._......... .......... _... ... _........ ................. .... -- underPreliminary Order approved .-....._.__.._........... ..............................._.-..._..._......_......__._........_.............__._..._.....................--.....__..-.__ To the Council of the City of St. Pah The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - b .....: .....:..._...._ _.......___. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Commencing at the Southeast corner of Duluth avenue and $ 3 5 5 Maryland street, thence South 130 feet, ther.ce East 80 feet, thence North 120 feet, thence West 80 feet to place of beginning, being part ofthe Northeast - of Northeast_- of Section 28, Town 29, Range 22. TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �^ ._.._.191 Dated. . __ ^y....... .. ..____. ._ ...................... _........ Commissioner of F' roRK e. s. w. a -e o Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ✓ Report to Commissioner of Finance J anu ar Y..._31., ............. _...1916.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary oder of the Coun- cil, known as CVucil File Nn..........._8865..._..approved.......JanUBry,_..4;.,....... ........... 1976......, relative to ................ ........ .. condemning and taking an easement on a rectangular tract of land f_or..._a.._eew.? ge._.P. E.-homes......Qi.t_e...,.....sa d... . land._ t.9.._be...._120.... ._feet......... along the easterly side of Duluth Avenue by 80 feet along the southerly side of Maryland St, in accordance with plat hereto .. _ _ .. ... ....__._ _.. attached, on account of the Ocean St. Sewer System District fZ, a....o.vnt.rac.t..... for ....w.hi.eh....aew.e.r.....was ....let ..._by..._th.e. __O.ity....0_o.unc.l.l.... _...... .......... _........._.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... . ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is X.X.x ............. and the total cost thereof is $....._....._xxxX ._.__._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows. __.. __.. ..................... _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .......... nQt._..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... . ........ ._ ..._ .. Commissioner of Public Woks. CITY OF ST. PAUL ?Vl" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F(jrM 1001,7 004r/ Subjl cec._ COUNCIL lu Date Presented. . ............ ...... .......... 191........ Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Tri -St ate Telephone and Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary �a.hors and to string wire and cable on the follawing named st; te: in alley Seven (7) poles between Fairmount and Osceola, Saratoga and Albert. C. F. No. 10047—By M. N. Go.s— Resolved, That permission be and is hereby granted the Tri-State Tele- phone and Telegraph Company to erect poles w th the necessary anchor. and to string wire and cable on the fol- lowing named streets: Seven 17) poles In alley between Fal rmou at and O.ceol n, Sara age and: Albert. Work to be done under the direction n d to the satisfaction of the Com- , missioner of Public Work$. the Tele- phone Company to pay the coat of In- spection. englneering and publication. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Councn. Said coat to be paid by the, Telephone Company. Adopted by the Counell Apr. 19, 1916. Approved Apr. 19, 1916. IApril 22-1916) Work to be dome under the direetton and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public %Yorks, the Telephone Company to pay the cost of inspection; engineering and publication. Pole and wires to be removed When requested to do so by the Common Council, said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. t (✓)NaysAdopted by the Council_ _ _ AP _�v.. �._ ......191....._. In favor L/..._ Against MAYOR Petition / Council File No. _....__.......... _.. —'� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 10048 i� and PRELIMINARY O R. The undersigned hereby proposes the makin the followi public imvement the Cil' tn...a..rr °�h....of. . s-..fc ....... '.... t St. Paul, viz.:�..�4z'stx..t]C.t. s. .OAItlex.x.. le...8i.derra on the e st...sidc....of Arm e St:...betvre.. ....at.o .t...._an- scYx ...S. d...,.... A _ ................... t.t.a-n ill accordance rith. .. ..._......... . ........ .... 19 day of __._ _..... A.P.rl,. ......... 7 .)91.. Dated thus _. f ................ ci C ncilman.— PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mak+ng of the following improvement, viz.: .............. done.trae.t...a._c.nsa.ent,._tile.. ais'eccalk..t.n.a_7i.i.ctt.h_of ..sig:.. Lcet on the.. aast side..of....Ar.gyle...St....Uet.>we.en. Hatch...St......an ...Orehar.d._.S. .... . .................. _. .............. ti .......... ..... __... � of the cur cdman .__ .._ _..... _.... , ....... ........... having been presented to the Council of the City rVdbe nhe the nema t and direeteagn therefore, be it % in'esu" ' the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pu lr.blilty of the -.king s hereby ordered and directed: To inveetJg.te the nature. 1. To investigate the necessity for or des esunntnd the he eoa of said i,n+f said improvement. lotnl coat lhereo1. To furnish n Pian oroawement, and ihe. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est, of said im Vromenl. To furnish theverelatwln 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of': nd information to .vhethel to said improvement: ... 4. To furnish the following other data and v-, ;, d ,i .... ......... .. _.__............ ........................................................... ....... ....... ....... ....... . .... 5. To state whether or not ......sa.id improveme......n is asked for on the petition of three or more 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR xJ ?`!15 lsl ..... Adopted by the Counci ._................_ Nays: Yeas: 7 Councilman Fa sworth Approved ..4 /-. 19L...,.. G s K ler M Coll Nash............. Y rg Mayor. ayor po ars l 15LISI3F.D �� " ✓ /��E D. C. Gayton �. Council File No.._......._ ............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 1� 3'� {?♦ PRELIMINARY ORD le fi The undersigned hereby proposes the making�p the follo ng public imprgWe e by the Cit ' of r' x 1 St. Paul, viz.: deconstruct.,. re..gy.. r.e.�air_ th ..Q.onlep ..ti 1 a o._a v, .' A 1, ei._ feet, ti.�s .e_ eyta]ktk.^..et...si..._a.......... Starlre St.' bety+ee eisieJd...�ve a�and.Iaana 6v �,�".... Date /this _ I?._..day of APr.i... ytil. , Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _. . .......... QJX _feet, t.hc. p.reQ.ent ..c.ebent...ti1e. s.i.dnrcalk...o.r.... t.b.c._east_.siffe_ af...Stark!�.t..St.. _..... b.et.�fee.n__F*irli.e.d...Ave.......ar_.d_..�.Dd.i-alla_A,v.e.......__......._...._ _...._.._........_. _ ...... ....... _ _..._ . _ _ ..._....... having been presented to the Council of the Cityu�� •11 u18na •i.ilman ..... _......._ __ __ _ ...... _ ......... . n �, therefore, be it a>lo rSt. Paulttheei ren ' olved, That the Co ""I" to r, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of aeaW kB direbe and he le hers Is hereby ordered and directed: To Investigate the e' of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or "deelrehmm tr or the aki�a provement. 2. To Investigate the nature, extent an 2. To Investigate the no Lure, ,rovement, and the total CO51 thereof. d eetlmated east of aad I— 3. ho furnish a plan, profile or sketchit'Todf=,toalaeapafee,t therpeo• 'rh of saidImprovement 4. To furnish the following other data at To fur. left the f.11_1said improvement; _ __...... _........._... tad Information retail,- w o h, her or n .I:+.'........._ .. ........... ......... .... .. ... . or on ....... ... .............. .............. _10— — o To state whether or not sold improvement is �nskr.'u''`fo"t'on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...__ ......_.. APR .19..191.? ...'191 _.._ _. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth / Gos Approved _..__..e /. ...._.._ 191 ...._ Kell r / 7 Mc II Hach Yoe LL _ _....._..._................. .... . •favor Pow s —� ICDA Mayor. ruBLIs"M a �/� Petition Council File No. . _._.. ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �aI�:ZQ PRELIMINARY ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the mak of the folio hg public improvenwe-61 by e City of Sc Paul, viz;.._.QArb. &nd_..b.o.?.tle.var arl–st-.. T • r:i. En.stings Sire. t� ..Ti=oxo. i8EE , 14A a tS it accordanr e. iith_ pe+ �i.o�._hex.9to...- f` -..- t ... ...._.-.... .. .. ... .. Dated t is �Peh... day of _.. April .__.. r� ..... lia..6,/}� ` � r.1 Councilman. r PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curb and baill.evar.d. F-:rl St...fr.on...Has 1:in:s.._Avc . _ t.n...Thor S.t... ......... ........_ _ ...... ...... .. _ _.......... ... - ,:", .... ...... .... .......... .. ...... .... j—:to Thorn SL, noted to the Coune having been presented to the Council of the i`natt erecom bi• Y Councilman ___.... ...... _ ................ . e be and he to 1, therefore, be it a ted: .Ligate the n RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of i ' of the making and he is hereby ordered and directed: „ugata the nate r makin F 1. To investigate the necessity for or de� [Drat �f.i.id,g of said improvement. the,- 11h a Ptan. "tad im rovement, and the. total cost thereof. 2. To investigate, the nature, extent and es,tnP n _ o'wtng p d. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch c ematton retau-e t, nt, , Akowneer°r net la+tive to said improvement: 4. To furnish the following other data an(' .................... _.......................... . ......... .......... .. .. ...._....... _ _.. ._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the. Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... ... .......... Yeas: Nays' Councilman Farnsworth / Go Approved _...._ ...... _ _. _ �._ C/� 191........ Kel r Me oil `lash Yo g ............. .... . Mayor Poo rs Mayor. o.. .. _ MBLISFIED 0 Petition Council File N.. ... ..... ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDE The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th�rfollowing pub c improvement by City of hr's { , e" St. Paul, viz.: Gracie _Qottago..St_,.._f .oln ce._S .,.....to...I ...y .d ....St�g]y41CUQ.e�...._..._.... Albemarle .$t, frCd*ta e,. _......1 0 .I .'.e ..G. 0....8 .x.h&.1 Age...µasl.._ ...._... G� Mier St., ;ri�orn_Cotta.. St .... t..a.Taa?�.c.._ M.0 L-.2. cz.Akt ..,.-1.n,lacc_or.d- arcC with ttior. h _eto attached. .._ .... Dated this _.. d of lE ,h L.... L Y otitncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -. rrwdc ^o+tame. St.*. fI o,r„_$ .ce. S'v... _t.o_. itt.ilcl&.. S . _prod uccr� ;....� lbema_ l.e.. .St. from Cotta.80....S:_•.._to.....T.,...... ;e....C.a.=„.A._,`:....7..r_.:vC... CottaPe St. .to..._La' e, C.orlo...c: ?ha..cr .`ve ...... _ .... -.. -.. ........... ...... k. ...._.. _..... ............. having been presented to the Council of the City ',Re Como and�Phalen A, therefore, be it f°at r ui ih°e eioreene RESOLVED, That the Commis I War ks ed. Tbe hat the Comtniaetonnd he le hereby er ye is hereby ordered and directed: Ind directed I. To investigate the necessity , To tnveatigato the nese 11, ling of said improvement. rablllty of the Maki. 2. To investigate the nature, exten. "”' I,.to the at, I improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc voted coat of Bala it. P' 4. To furnish the following other data a the total c s the Bola, - to said improvement;. .................. [urnleh a phtpro aid improvement. fornleh 11 [ollowin¢ _............_............... ............ ... .... ................. infornno rel oil, ............................................. ._........ ....... ._... .... ....._........ 5. To state whether or not said imprl s ur on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_... .... .... APR.. .D.. 119.1b_ 191 ......._. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth GoApproved _..... ...... _ . _.. 1 Kel r _ Mc oll - ila,-h Yog ................. _....... Mayor Pot rs Mayor. rutiLISHED `/ - 2a 1571, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDEIj/ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of rhe, St. Paul, viz.:....9nderanr,.T....anc ...1 M �j ;1Zgrac'Jl ie.,�/S.� slopes_,....?or...o.uts..s=r' ..? 3.71.4. hl t.' -..1R.3 .tet...., U.du.c.-0d.;_.41 emaisio....at... halen.: .........and...G;t.'�t._'::, i'haler, c. Dated thi _ _.1.9.th.,.,.d of A*9r.l1..... I...... 191 Council File No. ..:..................... A00,7 *41 b0- improvement b City of vv�4e PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Cordemni-ng end t kir ^n eas_ement. in_ tli.e...�ar.,d..n.e_Cc ,. rJ-.f:o.r...s.17}�cs,....1Qr cu�_3..a id Alb_emarle...St....frah_Qoft.awe.._ t......t.o_ Gaultier_8t..... .fr_om.._Cottage...St..,....to.._Zake...._Com.Q_£c..Yh4.� i;...Lve..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......_........ ___ _. ____ ._...._......._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of PtkV h• and he is hereby ordered and directed: tet to inecco -Ci1 or it.r.in of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or r • t theledrerore, he It g -ii sVe and netia eei.mprovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and .ad directed: ad dlreeted: tnvoettgate the nerea, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch �enjrr, of the making 4. To furnish the following other data and,,—Ostlgate the nature' to said improvement; ,ale a coat or said 1. the fora, coat there fu torch pinny. .... .. .... .........._ ... . ........ ... .... ........ .. ........... . . .aid Improvement .. .. _:..... .................. ..... urnieh the rnl• 5. To state whether or not said imll-ovef rormnu.•, on,the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing ina4re� 'to the Commissioner of Finance. i .._...._..._.. Adopted by the Council._RPR 19 19 191......___........ __......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farn worth Gos Approved... ............. / ....._ 191 ....... j r Kel r M oil U. flash Yo g Mayor Po ers Mayor. G H Herrold PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY O1j.H$R. The undersigned hereby proposes the making t�rf�le following ub St. Paul, viz.:_.QoA.der�ni.n.g .and t.aki.n.g.. easement. n.Al elopts....fos.. C.uta__ id fills.... grading P.a Ce ._stl _t.4... Sxnd.i.CaS e._.. . e/%ue.........._.............._...._... _ _.........._............... Council File No. __....._........_....... Awl is improvement�4Zy?e City of e..land..... obary....f.or..... t .: f Dated this 3th...... av of April 191$ ... a 1 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imprdvement, viz.: COnde=ing e_e: ent....iA..the .._laasid. fi.l.la i.n .grading.... Ralaae...stre.et..,.from Griggs-..stree.t...tc.. Syndicate- avenue. _ ........... __ ._........_....__............................. ....... ..... .... ............... _ - I. ....reel sr..t a,', having been presented to the Council of the City of aoi ins been sunt , 'n - - - -- - t City therefore, be it Bio ks be u�a neia ea<i RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publ'ToanVetlnsuie the eceee `.reby ordered and directed: sslrahnttr of the making . I. To investigate the necessity for or desirsoTa e teStlgats the natnre, •aid improvement. Inv 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est nteat�a to to al poet here,4tment, and the total cost thereof. To fernteh a Plan, Prot 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of sohrof furnish difer e ,-i mu, 4. To furnish the following other data and into,me�iormanon Islet I improvement, _.. .............................. •ate whether o. N asked for I . .. .." r'e on - i�...................................... ........... ................. ......_....... ....... ....... non 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked I. ' on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. NPR 19 1"D Adopted by the Council _.... ..... ..._...... .._............ 191.......... Yeas: Nays: / Councilman Farn orih /L{/2 Gos APProved_.__....._..-_...__ ... ....... ......_,191 Kel r Me oil- ��� Nash Yo g /mayor Po ers Mayor. eUBLISHED L/ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Sr, Paul, viz.: t. "iAg. An ea&emeylt 510-r.. out, cL a-anf ill a in.gxad�Ln& :;Z - Adcllti.on,... from Laxingt.0'01"Avenue-t Dated this . day q( Council File No.... .... .. ....... 0 (1()-' j lent by the City of 1918 , �.. 11 1 ............ 4-� . . ...... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHFREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: c0ndemaing and t "Lng..an eazemeat i n. the land. ..neaeaeary for zlapeB for outs -.and .ans.Qn. Simoxt-ton'e Additi on filla ln .&rad,ing the.....all.ey ln- Blozk-5 Y X.r.om Lexii3gat-on-axenii-e.. to Dunlap atreet ...... ...... ...... .. .... Posal for tho ..... . ......... ........... ....... ....... ................ ................. �raprovernent.' .......... "Ing Jog an ease - '.a S ""' '" ' - .. having been presented to the Council of the Cir, ad fill. I. jadi`rsiarj1I.1P10 Leu" as,! A e. n� I Du" - therefore, be it h.ri"9 be— pre,entedt to t I, of tht. Cit). of St. Pa., there - RESOLVED, he RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of mea. er, - reby ordered and directed: -olved. That the (7-tural-Ione e works 1. To investigate the necessity for or Ad and dirsebto 'md he 1, hereby,f said improvement. ad. I To Investigate 2. To investigate the nature, extent an, ...1—bility Investigate ,Ity kj.� .Vern..t. is of rovement, and the total cost thereof. ToInve, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc,tes I d --t of sold 1m tigate it,. nature. at"Tate the total lost thereof. ITof . d i 4. To furnish the following other data r..' toprovo ent profp said improvement: . ... .... To furnish th-f and Information relative . l—Ing ...... .... ... ........... .1 .. .......... 0Vernent. ........ .................. . ....... ...... T............ ....... .... I state �,hl.the- at 5. To state whether or not said imprc---t , Is asked f. inion the petition of three or more owners. . ore owr 6. To report upon all of the foregoing ri lrapor.rltrul it otpo(-jmmissioner of Finance. by nn, Adopted by the Council... a d Ap . ........... (A Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Go Approved 191 Kel r M4 oil c Nash Yog .. ........ Mayor Po v; ,rs eu)jLISHED Mavor. G H Herrold Council File No . ... ..... ......_....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. g � and _S �l`�`1 PRELIMINARY ORPElt--) The undersigned hereby proposes the making 0y e I.B public improvemen he City of Sr. Paul, viz.: condetnning and_..tak+.ng. eas.en_.the lat'nec eary...,.ia .... g1.G.P.ee.... O.T.. cute....arzd fi.11s..� . ..gx.ading l.ey.rI B1"onk�15.,. _Hummi :_...... Park_Addit.ipn_,,_# .om...AV.o ...e.tr.e.t;t...t.o...V .. r.ee.t....... ._.._.._....._.___ ........_._ Dated this .,19th....._ of . _ .. _.....Apri.1......F 191.6.. i Councilman. t PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, ciz.: condemning and ...taking...an....easement ...in..the....l.and neo.eas.ar.y_.f.er._.el.ope.e..fax. cuts...anid, f.i,..1.1.a im gx.ading....t.h.e_..a1,1.ey....i.n._B.lo.ak..15.,....S.ummit_P.ar.k Avon ._stree,t_ to_.Victoria...etreet., ..... .... ....... _. .......... _ . ...... ................... .... ........... ....... ._ _.._ .. ........ ....._ ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St.' un,f neee '-Ipcilman ..............._ _ _ .... .l all. Io , therefore, be it A" ' 8, -9— therefore, presented to th. Cr„ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pt; of St. Pant therefore' hereby ordered and directed: de.olved, That the I - 1. To investigate the necessity for or ,I ti lienW al. he and '1e Is her" said improvement. 1. To 1.1—tlgate the n ee.nl 2. To investigate the nature, extent and or desirability of the making 'ement, and the total cost thereof. l,npr—ern—t. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketcl _'d- - na ed CO,t the eat°' ii,natea . t r It ment, and the total ae P ' h•' Said improvement; _..... 4. To furnish the following other data a 3. To fornkle - ----- ketch oC .aid rmpro%"-' To furnish the S and infor,nauon ,................_.,..._...__............_......_............_. .._ :,etae it. ........._....... phr 5. To state whether or not said improvemen tate a.N tvo on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to thh Commissioner of Finance. aPp 19 1u'.l..191.._...... Adopted by the Council ................. .. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farn worth Gos Approved ..._ _.._ _...._ 191...4 Kel r --- Me oll a' �(rh Nash �- Yo rg Mayor Po ers Maypr. .. .-. PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL OUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM loot-76 Subject: 10056 / COUNCIL FILE No. ... Date Presented April __18 191 6_. �`J o Resolved, That Council File ;-47142, approved Sept. 21, 1915, being a preliminary order for the'grading of the alley in Block 4 Forepaugh's Division A and Block 4 Smith & Taylor's Addition, be and the same is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded. Yeas (✓) Cou ''Imen (✓) Nays Far worth Go In favor Kel r /,1) M II V Against N Y g Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.a-2 C. F. No. 10066—By M. N. Goes— Resolved, That Council File No. 7142, approved Sept 21, 1916, being a pre- timinary order ror the grading or the alley In Block 4 Forepsugh's Division A Ind Block 4, Smith & Taylor'. Ad- dition, be and the same Is hereby can- celed, nnulied and rescinded. Adopted by the Connell Apr. 19, 1916. Approved Apr. 19 1916. (April 112-1916) UPR 19 191b Adopted by the Council t .,..t,. 191 Approved 191 MAYO PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and RY 0 PRELIMINA��RDE- .11.wu g P The undersigned hereby proposes the making of t Rowing P St. Paul, viz.: Q>Atp_arra. P�vQt 2qllpa- I.. 4-27ci - P.. B16ck 4 Smith & Tc�'10.rf�. 4 0 attaclied Pet:ltion ✓ Council File No. — .... ......... ....... toot --7 is improverneqje,�' P Cit". of .......... . ....... .. .. .......... ..... . ...... .......... .. ...... ....... Dated this 18t.. ay of'ill .. ........ Court ilmarl. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHFREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........ .. Grfi.de an -agbl. 5 . Divls i.onAand, Blook 4 Foxe_pa Smi.t .._& _Ta yI.Q. r.'S A ..... . ....... . ..... ... ..... ........... .... ...... ..... . . ......... .... ....... .... .. A Will— a, ng the -ounell having been presented to the Council of the Citi) ant therefore. the t" h"' "' it That 'let th commissioner 11 .......... he be Bud he is hereby therefore, be it and To Investigate the --UY to RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of. de.frabilitY Of the c-lang OfB6Deby ordered and directed: pr,111,-'�.uguto he nature, elt� '. To 0' 1, 1. To investigate the necessit� for or _� ­u1noted cost Of Bald mprl id improvement. went, andfthe total cast thereof,., 2. To investigate the nature, Ment a I I To f ,rll,h a planotpro %Ment' and [Ile said t.pr.1'B- B .1 total cost thereof. sketch o fur the �11 t' 4To t 3. To furnish a ng plan, profile or skett data and Info,iehation roelaotwtv- 4. To furnish the following other data ",P."Tve..tate whether or net "'d improvement; pr�veruent is asked for on the I ............ of B three-or..mora ,v woowners. tiof th ...... ....... .......... ... ........... To 1eP111upon going matter. t.the c...lB., 5. To state whether or not said imp"`lnA%ncp%db5thc Council 'i e petition of three or more owners. -dA Approved P'� Ii. 9 - (AP 11 2 2�119616 6. To report upon all of the foregroir — Issioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council . ..... .......... -App 19 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth G s Approved . ...... 42 K ter Coll Uasli Y rg mZ-, P vers Mayor. e. e-. rU1iLISHED Z v � t0058 CITY ST. PAUL COUIICIL RCSOLUTION- -GENERAL FORM -- Subject Established Grade Council File No; Date Presented _ _ _ 191 gra .n of _ Vi I1Qrd Ave. f� ee - fro: R JO -.V J Thi,'- - _ b — ---- — — ------ _ _W esi rn�%h ste.r _ — — > rccc to _ Arkwr-ia, _ — — rcet in accordance with the red grace line on the accoMTpanying profile and as recommendeC.. by the commissioner of Pliilic Works, be ani- tae s2sae is hereby adopteC. zs the est2.blished grad -e. C. F. No. 10068—By M. N. Gose— Resolved, That the grade of Villard. Aye. from Westmtneter It. to Ark• -right Street in accordance with the ! red grade line on the accompanying the Commisel neraof Public Works, brecommended o and the a me is hereby adopted IIs the ee tablished grade. Adopted by the Coa nell Apr. 19. 1916. Approved Apr. 19. 1916. (April 22-1916) Yeas O Couzci men (Nays? by the o Cil �)' Fern orth .Goss Kelle % ho C 1 ! In fc.Vor Nash TU Yoer Agcinst h "resii_en'' , dowers- l�.yor L-� CITY OF ST. PAUL ' COU11CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL POEM.. 6 Subject Established Grade Council File 140. Date Presented _ _ _ — 191 Street frc� 'i^_ graL.1� of _�z 4C1 - — — — — — •qvE. _CoT 7jj!6�_ _,JY _ _ toL,A1fE�'¢/`2o��'d��/'ee" in accordance °rich the rec, grace line on the accom;)anying profile and as recommeni1ed by the Commissioner of Pf3lic Works, be ani- the sasae is hereby aLopteC. c:s the est,,blished gra�'-e. C. F. No. 19069—Sy ➢f. N. G.—That the It ad t GaClom ultier All, Ina t Cottage Ave. s accordance ame and Phalen ordance with the red grade lips on thea s Ing rofile and recommended m nced by the Commissioner of Publte Works, he and the same le hereby adopted as the es- tablished grnde. Adopted by the Council Apr. 19. 1916. ADD roved Apr. 19. 1916'. (April 22-1916) Yeas ( ) Cou_,c' Lmen (Nays) APR 91915 by C lcil 4aME worth a _�rovad moss — Kell Pic C 1 _ In favor r Nash Yoer iJ— [,gc•inst i�x. "Ore�i .en , °overs v mayor - -Loow CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM-. Subject Establishea Grade Council File No; Date Presented _ _ _ _ 191 _ ra _.0 'c^ graC_� Of _,4_L_)!7_ /_I!i R LE -C-9 -6 E — -AY_- — — — — to=4—lf in accordance with the res, grade line on the accoirpanying profile and as recommender_ by the Commissioner of Pu'.)lic Works, be ane- the some is hereby adoptee. as the estz'olished grade- C. F. No. 10060— Resolved, That the grade of Albs- , arle 9t. from Cottage Ave. to Lake Como and Phalen Ave. In accordance with the red grade line on the accom- panying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Work.. be and the same is hereby adopted as the establl.hed ,grade. Adopted by tho Council Apr. 19, 1916. Approved Apr. 19. 1916. ( April 22-1916) Yeas ( ) Coute men (Nays) 1916 .+e.o�rcer: by ��Co - cil (aP -Faorth ''GoA_)-)roved - Ke `NIPl In favor Na �ix. :'re-ir_Folaers _ - v CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT (�' n AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL ND-`�®` FILE AUDITEDA_ R 1 9 '19:� I61— {(1t EV l PER a 104 gjlu y Offs ,. 4 - �:' Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed -' statement: u Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council �� 01 91 Farnsworth Goss In favor A Keller McColl t/ Against O,�ry 'MAYOR Yoerg Mr. President, Powers .1 Geo. Benz & Sons, 350.00 Police M. & R. E'. A.'Carlson 98.50 School -Randolph Heights K. F. Dreher$ Deputy Comtr, 75.25 Pub. School -M. & R. lk S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance, 7,761.35 Red. Spec. Assess, Bonds Class "A" S. A. Farnsworth, Com.tr. Finance 10,119.00 n Interest J. C. Flanagan, 119.83 'Rater -M. ® R. RObertE. Gehan 10.00 Gen. Fund -municipal Concert H. W. Goetzinger, 13.65 C. P. W. Workhouse-Maint. Mary Horan, 25.62 Police -,m. &: R. Dr. Dawson Johnston, 50.25 Pub. Library -General Suppl. 40.00 Thos. J. Maloney Corp. Counsel Exp. f;= Wm. C. Marlow 133•00 t Gen. Pund—municipal concerts k Form A.5-11 #2 A. P. Moore Comir. Public Wo aint. Sewer Const. 10.00 Jos. G. Moore Gen. Fund Municipal Concerts Merchants Natignal Bank 132.63 interest\Fund 127.96 Edw. Neuman Police -M. & R. Osgood & Blodgett Mfg. Co., 173.00 Playgrounds-Maint. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Attorney 10.00 Corp. Counsel Exp. 75.00 Geo. J. Ries Gen. Fund-Visc. & Unforseen 76.54 St. Paul Blue Print Co., Police -C. & B. 0 Pub. Bldg. -Arc '& r 4 Randolph H;r sch 2 7 13,658-30 St. Paul Gas Light CO., Pu'*. Lighting-Suppl. Frank Z. Slyde 10.00 Gen. Fund -Municipal Concerts C.P.Ne. 10061— Resolved that warrant. be drawn upon the City Treasuryj dpayable out of the hereinafter specified food. and 193-00 A. L. Snyder n f_' r of the persons, firms or cor- in favor Gen. Fund -Municipal Concert poratio— for the amounts set OPPOsitd narno. - specified 1. their respective t t , led tateracat: he following detailed . 11 & R. Ge, Benz & Sons, Pollee—M. C. S. Stewart, . 'C'*0 A. Carlson. School—Randolph 375-50 Health-Quarantine-iff. & R. h'I'I, Dreher,Deputy Cc m'r., Public & R.. $75.25. J. B. Thorn, ��25-C S. A. Farnsworth. om'r. Finance, S. Spec. Assess. Bonds Cie.. "A". 90.00 Water -M. & R. Farnsworth, Co[p'r. Finance, interest, 510.119.00. J. C. Flanagan. VV.ter—bf. & R., $119.83. Robert U. Gehan. Gen. F.nd—Muni- ,ipal Concert, $10.00. H. NA". oetzin ge'. C P. 1t'.—Work- house—Maint., .65. Mary Horan. 1, 1 R _ 111,11, Tr. asoJohnston. Pub.Library To General pld., $50.26. Thos. J. I al.ney. Corp. Counsel txv-. $40.00. Wm. C. Marlow, Gen. Fund—Muni- elpal Vo=: $133-00- A P. $66.45 Jos. G. Moore, Gen. Fund—Municipal Concerts, $1010 Merchants National Bank, Interest Fund. $132 1,. Police—Df. & .11w. Neuman, $127.96. 0ag, d & Blodgett Mfg. CO., Play- I.ung_j'.jnt.. 5373.00. O. H O'Neill. Corporation Attorney, Corp. 6ounsel Fxp.. $10-00. Geo. J. Ries. Gen. Fund—Ml.c. & Vn- forecon. $75-00. St uPrintCo.. $M64- Paul' ' l Rss Light Co.. Pub. Light- llt� Paul Ing—Suppl., $13,658-80. Frank F. Slyd,, Gen. F.nd—ld.nl- tl Va Concerts. $10-00. V L. Snyder, Gen. Fund—M—nielp.1 Concert. $193-00 V_ Stew— t. .alth—Quaruntin.— li N1. R., $375.50i J. B. Thor" l. t R.. $90.00 h"- thr t'nu nail Apr. 19. 1916 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FB.ENO1Oo 02 BY ' AUDITED PR T ✓ (� 1'1 t IBI_ PER �Gl­y -'an �749emrs-- 105 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified the following ` detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen (J) Nape Adopte!�rhc Council P 1� ' 191Farnsworth Goss �1n favor v1 Heller McColl O Against _ meaty MAYOR Yoerg maPowers Mr idens, s Form A. 6.11. II Patrick J. Butler, $199.33 Gen, Fund -Mise. & Unforseen Exp. Frank Klehm , Assignee 60.00 AGS.. Smith-. " . _ Gen. Fund -Mise. & Unfor9een Exp, Snead & Co.a __ 4,050.00 New Library Bldg. C. F. No. 10062— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out - Thos. J Steen Co., C the hereinafter Bpeelfled funds and of favor of the persons, firms or car- 3,651.17 para tions for the amounts set opposite New Library Bldg, their respective names s specified in the following detailed statement: Patrick J. Butler. Gen. Fund—Msec. Thornton Bros. & Unforseen Exp., $199.33. Frank KI.hm, Assignee A. D. 16 66U.fio t $ Snelling Com Sewer System Smith, a n.d.Fund—Mise. & traforseen Exp., Snead & Co., New Library Bldg.. $4,060.00. Thos. J. Steen Co., New Library Bldg„ $3,661.17. Thornton Bros., Snelling Como Sew- er System, $16.660.00. ". Adopted by the Council Apr. 19, 1916. Approved Apr. 19, 1916. (April 22-1916) Form A. 6.11. II CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s,rbjeec.... _� . UYING...WA� UAINS..........:....................:...... i0063 COUNCIL YlliNo .......................................:... j Date Presented ................. ..._ .......................191 _.... Resolved, that water mains be laid in the following streets,. Daalton Street fran wastSeventh Street to Benson, Ivammy frau Benson Street to Stewart Avenue. C. F. No. 19062—BY 0. FS. Keller— Rssolved, That water ain. be lald In m the follow ng street.: Deal ton St, from West Seventh St. to lvvenway Tram Benson St. to Stewart Ave. Adopted by the Council Apr. 19, 1916. Approved Apr. 19. 1916. (April 22-1916) Yeas (r') Or .lmen (V) Nays FOrth .. In favor K M..... Against O,lxy Yoe Mr. President, Vero FOR. C.8 -a q15 Adopted by the Council_ ____ P..�tJ..�.`........191.. Aved....._.. _ ._. __.... __191........ MAYOR j -w OFA S�H9t lYT r✓F��1�/ . �e-parhrrzeR;hv� ��b�ltc�fhi'Li'hi�e•s Qureav vfahe.r April BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OSCAR E'ELLER RI.s.,.,, 5.A FARNSWORTH N GOSS GARRETT O HOUSE. Ge Sip• To the Honorable. The Council, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, btinn. Gentlemen. The Board of Water Commissioners. at its meet- ing held this day, unanimously adopted the following reso- lution.. "Resolved, that the Council be, and it hereby is, requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets; Dealton Street from West Seventh Street to Benson, and Ivanway from Benson Street to Stewart Avenue." Very truly yo Secretary. a CITY OF ST'. PAUL i�1S COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject _................ o0UNCiL lO01 i FILE N O.... .............. OW Date Presented 191 _ Resolved, That the sum of Five Hundred Forty Dollars- (N540.00) is hereby appropriated from the Contingent Fund and transferred to the Auditorium Fund for the pu��os�e of re mbursing said last named fund for the ex- (."'ter_dl� ✓��-v"i%.<.C/-Ylv„n-.+.�,p�,^� pensee incident to,,the Ge4den Club entertainment and bird -house free exhibit from April 8th to April 15th, 1916, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw, sign and execute necessary warrants and orders and make the proper entries for that purpose. C. F. No. 10064—By Anthony Yoerg—' Resolved, That the sum of Five Hun- dred Forty Dollars (r640.00) Is hereby pproprtated from the Contingent Fund and transferred to the Audito- rium Fund for the purpose f reim- bur eIng said Inst named fund for the expenses Incident to the use of the Au- di torlum for the Garden Club enter- tainment andbird-house free exhibit from April 8th to April 16th, 1916, and the proper city officers are hereby au- " thorized to draw, sign and a scute nee- e,sary warrants and orders and make i the proper entries for that purpoee. Adopted by the Council Apr. 19, 1916. I Approved Apr. 19, 1916. Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays Fsworth vG . In favor 7 —K er %) v 11 `.!. Against ,. N vy g Mr.id Powers FORM C.8-2 t� Adopted by the Council _____ASR 1J 191.6: 19i_ Appr._... ...._ ........ ' � MAYOR t CITY OF ST. PAUL !t Vf is�'ti C CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject_ _ _ . 10065 COUNCIL FILE No.._...._ ............... z %rte X Date Presented...April 18th -16 191 _..... Resolved, That the Council hereby roves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the Plumbing and Heating of Carnegie Libraries Noe. 1, 2 & 3, to M. J. O'Neil for the sum of $9,303.00, the same to be paid by the Carmegie Corporation in installmente,asprovided by the specifications on certificates furnished the contrac- tor from time to time by the city architect and approved by the Commissioner of Mducation. Said work to be done in strict accordance with the plane, specifications and Formal Bid No. 816. C. F. No. 10066-8, Anthony Yoerg— Resolved. That the Council hereby ➢proves the eetton of the Contract for thCommittee tplumbing and°heaping of cart negle Libraries Noe. 1, 2 and 3, to M. J. O'Nefor the eby the Cum same to be paid arneg/e'Core poration In Installment. ae provided by the specifications on certificates fur- l.hed the contractor from time to time by the city architect find approved Dy the Commissioner of Education. Said work to lnnn ante with the p,eepe.,flctatlone find o. 616. Formal Bid N -01 Adopted by the Council Apr. 19, 1916. Approved Apr. 19, 1916. (April 22-1916) Yeas (✓) Cf L Forth ilmen (✓) Nays 19119,01) Adopted by the Council_ �?......191 _. I l . � G In Favor L.— a K / App 191........ 7 GMAgainst �-NM resideowers FORM C.e-2 MnroF _ Subject:. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM II^p■^p 1(�� I / ip ENCIL ,�I... ............AJ.XR.4�.. ... Date Presented..__Apr.i.l _1.7.th... _.191.6— That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects all bids received for the Grading of Ivy St. from Earl to Orange Strs., and orders the Commissioner of Public Works to do the work by Force Account and to secure the necessary material through the Purchasing Department, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. JC. F. No. 10066—By M- N. Goes— Resolved, That the Council hereby' concurs to the recommendation or the Contract Committee and reJecte all -bide received -for the grading of Ivy St. from Earl to Orange St., and orders! the Commissioner of P,ubll'o Work. to: do the work by Force and to secure thenecee necessary material Account through' the Purchasing Department, 1n aacord- dnce with the provisions o[ the Char- ter. Adopted by the Council Apr. 19, 1916. Approved Apr. 19'16. (April 22-1916) Yeas U) CoNncilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council App ed 191..../ /, .. 191161 _ r w_Ri a ... �ro F sworth Go In favor K er M oil �/ Against o N h Y rg r. Preside FORM C.6-2 Powers Adopted by the Council App ed 191..../ /, .. 191161 _ r w_Ri a ... �ro CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTI GENERAL FORM �- Subject'�0 07 COUNCIL A0 E . . ... .. Date Presented.... - -I91. ....... Whereas, I. Eboher, has heretofore paid to the City of Gt. Paul, the eum of Sixty Two & 50/100 ($52.50) Dollard, as affl Advance Payment for a sewer on Lot 9, Block 11, Marshall's Addition,'and whereas the assessment for the construction of a sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Forty & 03/100 ($40.03) Dollars, therefore be it, Resolved that the sum of Twenty two & 47/100 ($22.47) Dollars be refunded to the said I. Bocher, and that the proper City Officers be, and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said I. Bocher, for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. C. F. No. 10069—Hy S. A. Farnsworth Whereas. I. Bocher has heretofore) paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Sixty an and Adwencel Payre nt0)forol ewer on Lot 9. Black 11, Mnrehall'si Addition, and whereas the easessmeall for the construction of n swer n- e(th andsaid O%10 roperty IS the sum ofForty0 ($4403) Dollar8. therefore be It, Resolved that the um of Twenty two funded to 7the Osaid Z147) Dollars e Bocher, and that� the proper City officer. be, and they, e hereby authorined to draw a war - re t In favor of the Said I. Bocher, for id sdm payable out of the Advance Payment Account Adopted by the Copncil Apr. 19, 1918. Approved (AA.,B122 11916 918) Yeas (t) C ncilmen (f') Nays 6 --Fa sworlh G s In favor -Ke er - L M oil C against t1z Nash. Yo g r. Presjdcitt Powers ro.M c.e-z Adopted by the Council UP 1`:_11_191 ove 19 - MAYOR - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM®� Subject:..:,.. gontin?e .. . _as.h. F..und -Parks._ Activiti©s /1 A " i COCIL // I NO. ..y...._._... __._..._ ... ..... ... _......... ..... ... O Date Presented 191...__.. i W'FERFAS, It is impracticable to operate the Park Activities without a contingent cash fund to be used for change, and to nay immediate necessary expenses as they arise, be it therefore Res ed, That a warrant be drawn upon the Department of Finance for the sum of One Thousand Dollars (j�1,000.00) in favor of the Commissioner of :-Parks, Playgrounds E: Public Buildings, payable oat of the PuiCi' Pn.rks Fund, Parks yaintenance (Activities) Item, to be us for the following purposes only: First, payment of temporary employes hired for holidays, Sundays, and during rush hours. Second, freight and express. Third, postage due and telegrams. Fourth, car fare of employes on city business. Receipts shall be taken for all disbursements, and said receipt shall be turned in to the Comptroller with itemized expense voucher whenever reimbursement of said fund is sought, and on such forms as the Comptroller may require. The fund to be reimbursed by warrant ana kept intact in this manner and at the end of the season deposited with the Department of Finance to the credit of the Public Parks Fund, Parks Maintenance (Activities) Item. C. F. No. 10068—BY Louis Nash— rVte ereasthe Parks Activities ractica without pa contingent caph fund to be used for change, and to DRY immediate neces- sary expenses as they arise, be it therefore Reeol�vsdnThao.tr. warrant be drawn _ e..ment of Finance for. Yeas(✓) Co+cilmen (✓) Nays , Sr sworth os In favor "{e r vMe oil j�), Against ✓Nag f. -Yoe ` Ml>S,RI!esiden Powers Foeu c a •DParkls gFundya Parket Maintenance IIc (Activities) Item, to be used for the following purpoxes 1ltemporarY em- Flrel, payment' t holiday.; Sunday. and pl eyes hired for during rush hour.. freight and expreaR Second, eend tnpgraloyeon Third, poet a due e ` Fourth. a city businee ` Receipts shall be taken for all dle- .hail be bur.emente. d said receipt the Comptroller with ite- turned into - mized expensevoucher whenever. ret. said fund is sough Imbursement of and on su h forme aa the Comptroller The fund to be reim- may require. by wararnt and kept Intact 1n bursed this manner. and at the end of the with the Department season deposited o[ Finance to the credit of the Public ofFinance (Ae- Parke Fund. Parke Maintenance Item. APR 13 I"` tfvitles) Adopted by the Council Apr. 19. 1916. Approved Apr. 19; 1916. (April 22-1916) ,_ OUfu•11 - _..191 I Appr � _..191.. .._. MAVOR� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:._.._Zont. eat_ cash .F..und--Parks_Aotivit.tes..:__------ - 100fis COU nN CIL w FILEO.-.. ....... ..... .............. ....... ..._..............._........._......._._...__._..........._..:.............._........_...._.....___..__.___....__...__........_.-...._..__ Date Presented -_ '_A91 ........ C/ WBMMS, It is impracticable to operate the Park Activities without a contingent cash fund to be used for change, and to pay immediate necessary expenses as they arise, be it therefore Resolved, That a warrant be drawn upon the Department of Finance for the sum of One Thousand, Dollars (01,000.00) in favor of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings, payable out of the Public Parks Fund, Parks Maintenance (Activities) Item. to be used for the following purposes only: First. payment of temporary employes hired for holidays, Sundays. and during rush hours. Second, freight and express. Third, postage due and telegrams. Fourth, car fare of employes on city business. Receipts shall be taken for all disbursements, and said receipt shall be turned in to the Comptroller with itemized expense voucher whenever reimbursement of said fund is sought, and on such forms as the Comptroller may require. The fund to be reimbursed by warrant and kept intact in this manner and at the end of the season deposited with the Department of Finance to the credit of the Public Parke Fund, Parks Maintenance (Activities) Item. Yens(FI) Councilmen (v) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth Goat' In favor Keller Approved 191....... McColl Against Nash _ .._ oerg MAYOR Mr. President, Powers FORM c ♦-. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .Subject:...._ .......... �; ..:. ........ - (a�� / COUNCIL w� O 601 FILE N . CI .......... .................................... Date Presented ........ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and in- structed to purchase for the use of the Department of Paris, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, one Ford run - c+ about automobile, at a price of $411.60, delivered at Saint Paul, said money to be paid out of the Maintenance Account of the Public Buildings Fund; said purchase shall o be made without advertisement or comretitive bids, said automobile being a ratented article, sold. at a .miform price. P5AO ereby consent that the aforesaid automobile be purchased without advertise:^.ent or competitive bids. } mpt - ` > DEP(111 pt — 1 -- _ ,I''/' ment of Parke, Plwpgrou a R— n Uldinge;.� one Per' runabout at t11 14- SlaintaPaulraatd men.,, to be -pe Yeas(✓) Co oilmen (✓) Nays - t of .the Maintenance nccuutlt e f publlc Buildings Fund Bald tI • / aortb SLI shall be made with, t ndvertb ! or competitive bide, said auto being a patented articl , -Old at- -•(�' .+- ....In 1; form Drlce. s 0�+� r oil _..AgIl Adopted by the Council Apr. I Approved Apr. -19, 1916 (June 28-1918) b�0 S Mr. Preaid g. t,,Power�/�� FORM O -A -e by the Council ._'' _ AP . /19 1,915, .._..._ CIT* OF $T. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I COUNCIL . 1 1-0070 FILENo .......................................... ......... . I .......... Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and instructed to purchase for the use of the epartment of Parks, Playgrounds. and I'lic Buildings, -a-t-a-price 6'0 ofqe*_-W, A said money to be paid out of the Maintenance Account of the Public Parks Fund; said purchase shall be made without advertise- ment or competitive bids, said automobile being a patented article, sold at a uniform price. I hereby consent that the aforesaid automobile may be purchased, without advertisement or competitive bids. Comptroller. C. Yeas (17) cilmen (V) Nays A R.19.-N11b 191� Adopted by the Council worth In favor pp V .......... i4al"I / Against 9 ........... ........... MAYOR Mr. Preside Powers' FORM Q6-2 April 18, 1936.. Hon. Louis hash. Commissioner, ')enartment of Pl^ygrorul8 a and Public i3uilJingf+. sear Sir: The division of plumbing inspection Was created to give tLe public protection against the installationof inferior plarJoLng material anti unskilled workmanship, thereby -protecting the health of the PeoPlo. In order to 3o this. theme: must be the noceesary ,raohInery. For several years there have boon two in•- cnectors. one having ca motorcycle provided by this rsrtraent, which e lo not heave nor. fn the ;year 191E there vane an inorease Of over 20'�o in the amount of pl mbing in- jr, the ^.ity cf Saint a.1 cv�z i,t year 1914. 'roscnt indications show there will be an increase this year. At present we have only two inspectors using the stare?t oars pt a cost to the city of ".0.00 to `15.')0 a month.' Tie linve to rake from toll to :•5 Inspect OnO nor day' At preftnstt it is impossible to inske each r%nl ever, job oven once. '"he calls for trm 1.nsnectione, the ].r,et one of..11eel ilial inepectior_, which has never 1)oc-r= nide, even years ago, when the departr.ent had L horse an,' bn Ilon. Jouis Nash, April 18, 1915- 2 All this the rniblio is entitled to and do not re- ceive. I imow there is no way of getting additional In- spectors at this time, but it seems the Pep•rtment shoalr' at leapt have an automobile, which would be n great help• In getting around to the different jobs without the delay which is now encountered. This would maim it more nef�.rly po:-sible for the divIvion to do th^t for which it was orented. I IN-' Vo'ry truly yo Chiof ^lur.:bing Inspector. e CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 ■^p %%/� Subject:..._. .._ .a\ _._ _.__ _.__....._. _. _ _- VILE OUENCIL No.. 1L�f©F9 0 .. 1L_ _ .. __.. '1 Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorised and instructed to purchase for the use of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings, one Overland Automobile, Model 083-B", at a price Ga zz/ :�- b11 -A Pam/ of $737.50. said money to be paid out of the Vaintenance Account of the Public Parks Fund; said purchase shall be made without advertise- ment or competitive bids, said automobile being a patented article, sold at a uniform price. I hereby consent that the aforesaid automobile may be purchased, without advertisement or competitive bids. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Goss In Favor Keller McColl Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers FORM C.9 -P Comptroller. Adopted by the Council 191 Approved 191_ a =sa. MF4 Lifu of _int I1aut ,o 1 c }*+trtnu• tt t- x� f �• ." `; �;°s�FUA " �. �T�trk�.�Jl�t�-�vim�� ttnd �3ublir +��uildmus w ., o,.� •s o, 1! Lrltt61aS1t. (LT"n reu u". Siiuypnts lnnn m,. n,•v,�n, April 17, 1916. Hon. ?,cuie "'asY,' Ccmmieeioner, Par's, Playgrounds & Pub. Pldgs O f f i c e. Pear Sir: In makir.t: my request for an automobile I wish to show you how it will add to my efficiency, in the savinL7 of time, and in saving the services of a collector at �0.n0 per month. I report -at the Park office, Court House, at 8:30 A.L', then _o to Como Park arriving at 9:30, make my collections for previous days business taking until 11.30, then go to Phalen arriving there at 1:C0 P.',wi., make my collectir,ns and return tc Court Ho,.ise about 3:00 P.".., deposit funds witis City Treasurer, then oo to Como arrivtn�- about 5:CC P.'.'., go to picnic grounds stand check up and collects getting back to pavilion about 6:00, go to Phalen and attend to any business that comes up for adjustment, then back to Como arriving about 8:00 P c:.eck up station and pavi'.ion, cashiers .>fter 10:00 P.M., ending day's activities. The use of an automobile will save on an average of sever to eiht hours per day, also the services of a collector of 5,"C0.^0 per month, amounting to X240.00, giving me time to make cut my own cash statement and to attend to activities and e•.ipervise help. In making my tripe to the par}r on street care I have to follow the same daily schedule and the emplovees kn.cvr just when to expect me and consequently are on good behavior. With ti.e tee of a car I can have better suparvis'.on and add very much to good cond,.ict and service, and the savine of time spent on the street care, 3 he -,re for each round trip between the parks besides the time walking to picn.`c g m+ands and ret»rn ought to demonstrate my need of a car. vo,lrs very truly, ' ',Manager of Activities. CITY. OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GEIIERAL FORM Subjects _ CONNCIt1-Cv "LE No- ! r _ .. ._.......... Date Presented. _ 191 _.._.. That the Cigarette License No. 372, Expiring December 22nd, 1917, now in the name of C. A. Dickey, 319 Rondo Street be and the same hereby is transferred to A. C. Johnson, 319 Rondo Street. C. F. No. 10071-1ty icColl— That th Ignr, n d. now In ex,Hng for C. A. 111"t, 3i 319 iton do' `he a hrn h>' Ix trans- . [reel hnd C. e n ,loh noon, 319 Rnndo St. ferrel to A. the u ncli Apr. 19, 1916, Adopted by' 1918) Yeas ( ✓ ) Coupcilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council AP 10 1°15 191. p ov 191....... MAYOR Far worth �% Goa In favor // Kel r Mc II Against Nas Yce Mr. President owers FORM C.a-2 Adopted by the Council AP 10 1°15 191. p ov 191....... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:..... _ COUNCIL .. FILENO.. .. Date Presented 191.._ ... I That the Cigarette License No. 372, Expiring December 22nd, 1917, now in the name of C. A. Dickey, 319 Rondo Street be and the same hereby is transferred to A. C. Johnson, 319 Rondo Street. C. F. No. 10011-1ty Henry 11cColl— fn That the cfFnrelle n cense No. 312. e ,jOnir i)ea•emher 22d• 191319 nRondo lhe. name of C. A.'r Pick.>'. clrec( he and then me he rchy le trana- rd to A, C. ,lohnuon, 319 fere. 19. 1916. Adopted b)' the (`22 n91 Apr. Yeas (r') Coupeilmen (y') Nays Adopted by the Council GP 19 Mb 191.- p ov 191........ MAYOR Far worth Gos In favor ���%%% / Ke r Mc II Against /Nas Yoe Yce Mr. President owers FORM C.a-2 Adopted by the Council GP 19 Mb 191.- p ov 191........ MAYOR L PROCERDINGS OF THE COUNCIL �. ]0072-0rdinance No. 3696— once to settle the claim of 1 L)o5'o n. O0n O11 of the lYty Of ordnln 'Opt".. post tion Opt".. 01.t \In rl' (/J th,• PItn, to lse and ettle her ISI 1 the C6 of 6t. Fn —1— ...rained hr h, } n Ic).sed ue., inn he. An ordinance to set'•.he claim of Mary Doyon., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of ?Bary Doyon, to com- promise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on Plum Street near Bates Avenue, as is more particularly set out -in her communication to the Council under date of March 2nd, 1918, upon payment to her of the sum of One Hundred Dollars, 61 ($100.00) be and the sane is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby aut'lorized and directed to draw a, warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Mary Doyon, payable out of the Comoromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, to?ether with a release duly executed by her in a form to he approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City of St.Paul from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, end more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its 19s-3ace and publication. Yeas, Councilmen, Nays Adopted by the Farnsworth Appro ed Goa el1,r favor. Keller X4.1 Against. /11 Nash Mayor Yo a rg, PUBLISHED_ / Mr. President, Powers. est, e T' CCity Clerk. L � :�yr� -�' � b ' G C� � Lam: � ,. ��" '( `��___ / �__ _ -� -` -�-- / _ i �.� // ,///- j�� �/ % ,-- ,. Gf f �, +1r��tm�ntt ui i���iu CITY OF SAINT PAUL M O N BONN R JOHN > 9U R`NFS J GiB ERSON To the Council: Gentlemen: D/ St.Paul, Minn., April 17, 1916. Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance settling the claim of Mary Doyon, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). After a careful investigation of the above claim, it is the opinion of t,iq Depart•nent that the proposed settlement is reasonable and to the best inter?s-s of the City. Yours truly, Asst. Corporation Counsel. COUNCIL FILE NO . ........... . ...... By... -"----------..-....._...-_-'A FINAL ORDER. ........ ..... . ... ­­ -1 .... ............ _ ­­ ­­­_ ­ ........ ...... ..... In the Matter of ��C.nstr.U­0t..;r. a sever -rI Fyde street frcr.,� Frc.,-,t street the ,,jr,t "tet scuth C' soath line cf Hatch street. to a. ........... ........ ..... ...... ........ . ......... . ............. ... ........ .. . .... ............ .............. .... ................. .... ..... .................... under Preliminary order ,. ........... .. .... . .. .......... approved..............:..t-. : ..".. e�ch 3rj1916. ........ .......... ..................... . ................. .. . ..... IntermediaryOrder .-. ....... ...... .. ........... .... ... approved .................. .. .. .. . . . . .................. ... . .... ............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully Considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ......... . Cran.&txUat B2 21aZ :,,.x y Aq__......stre.el from .. ..... .. . —r,nt e're- to a �.cint 4-� Feet scuth Cf the ecuth lire c' ltch ........ . .......... ..... ... .......... ....... .......... . . ...... ................... .. ..... .......................... ........................ . .......................... ............ .... ..... ...... . . .......... 'alze-e.-t . . . ....... ..... ­ - . ....................................... .... ........................ . ................. ......... . ............. .... . . . ...... .... ... ­­­. .. ....... . ............. ............ .......... . ....... . ........ . . ...... . ...... . .................... I ................................... . ............ ........ ................................. . . ................. ................. ................ ..... . ................ .... ..... .......................... ....... ... ...... ..... .............. . .......... __.. . . . . ........... ............ ... ... — - ---------- ­­ ................ . . ... . ....... ....... ........... I ....... .............. I ............ .... ..... ........ ............ .................. ..... ­ ........ ....... ........... ....... . .... ... ......... .. . . ........ ........ ... ........ . ...... - ... .... .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .. ........ ... ....... . . 191 . .......................... ... ................ City Clerk. Approved .......... ... ...... ... Y 191 . ...... _ ... ........ . .. . ..... Councilma sworth �Ic hearing having been eUl3LISHED_L_22_.L/`/� s a above improvement upon and the "" nell hl=ml��. eon ble"'­ ad ler relative thereto, and halt onsldcred the ..me: therefor le Coll Ived, By the Council of the Cltj ,Paul t1,1 the pleelgmn.�Iur, - It rd "Ind of Improvement I t; ebe b, the said City 1.4 ,n,,t,,,t , r rg street Ir m "..t �qt to o I i()reel ­ outh the south ilre 11,11 It -11t. nod the (',un,(1 here- 4i P ers -fl,- said Improvement to be For. B. S. A. 8_7111 Furth, That the Central - of Pu bile �nt T Work. be and he 1.- - 1troct d and directed to pre - plana and ,.- ,,h,""and lions for -I e,,.enI. and tulml , .me to the d; hat upon said vnl, the prober city officer, are 'Y authorized and directed to pro: wl th the making of said Improve- Ina_e .. dence ther_1 th. ionc.,d.n- therewith. pi''c" Apr. I el by the At,,. 19, 1916. ,p I No ,- CITY QF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON .PRELIMINARY ORDER '- (A) In the Matter o —W zi- ;OL Y/ G U rte' -- _. under Preliminary Order approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: i The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement is - $ --- -- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT a L O C n ADDITION VALUATION J, �OL"/ ticl �y �o w' U j- ki � TOTAL, G 1 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. DESCRIPTION LOT SLOG}{ ADDITION ASSESSED VALUAJI��� 7 � i O ` x'74 ,►' � .!"u .d J l-Pp� � .f s ✓ j l ✓ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _191 Commissioner of Finance. ronu e.s a e e c -2 A/ Xb6, T. L jl-- L__j NSC -XE N-7- -Y - Yy Fij -1 [-111- 1 1 IL I'Li LJ" L _ __ D-RCHARD__ S T U J HO HATCH IFT- T"ll I '�� of � � II ��i ;; I id !jLLJ L --j )'`Row 7sr - kpyoat" of Public 0(loxha 9t, rau 1, Linn. MENS UMul, MAR 6 1916 BUREAU OF EIiGl;,,—IS. V 1 e Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March...._13th.r.............._..191...6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._9 63....._.......approved_... __MarCh...3 x. ...,...._.......... 191 g....., relative to__.._. ................._. the c........... ........ _............._......... onstraotion of a sewer on Ryde Street, from .F..ront.St....ere..e..... _ ......................_......._...._......._................._................................._............... . g _to_.._a._one....4R.__feet... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_..._- .... ......... necessary and (or) desirable. $1.54 per front foot 790.00 slid2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..................._........_....., and the total cost thereof is $.... __..___ _........... Frontage 664 feet Excess inspection x$40.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---- - __....__.. .__._......_... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. o. Said improvement is_ .. ............ nRa....._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................. .......................................... / Comnu ioler of PublicWorks. B i CITY OF SAINT PAUL�T DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DE"TT COOui6-- OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CNIEr Enom[[[ J. E. CA R ROLL Suri. COn[Tn T— h ALFRED JACKSON. S— S^^'T^ — G, H. HERROLD, 0—.1 ENOI — H, W. GOETZINGER. Su^^. Wn^+��u4r Mich 12th, 1916. Hon. M. N. Goss, Coumuissioner of Public Works B u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminaxy estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Ryde Street, from Front Street to a point 40 ft. south of the south line of Hatch Street, in accordance with Council File 4.b9362, approved March 3, 1916. Approximate estimate $790.00 Cost per front foot 1.54 Frontage 664 ft. Excess inspection 40.00 Respectfully �s/ubmiitQted, JECjh Cnief Engineer COUNCIL FILE NO.-----.-. FINAL O._-_-.-. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter ofoa.._Kilbura street from Hath ^— .. ....po.1-At _10 _fget south of the north line of Lot 9 Block 54 -Bs sl©tom►A- hdiwieicF Of T, Ire Cmmo Vi113H..---------.---- under Preliminary order.____...._9367—..__....___......_ approved ._.....__'1iaroh--, 3_1916. Intermediary Order ......_................. ____..._.._....._...._._.._approved._.....__........_-----.__._._----._---- _.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-� 8truot?_-_t3e%yeT-_on Kilburn street ,from pgint_10 feet_ south of the north line of Lot 9 Block -_-p;�s pLtg ibd _��i, on of Lake_-Como-_Villae�---�_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accorda4therewth. APP j() iq' Adopted by the Council_._._. __.._. _ Clerk. Approved_-__. ._ , 191 tui..,.. Form B. S ♦ t.:18. � ,A!, nearing : ,a ng it- � 1— above Improv went upon , e, and the Council having hr• 'no re, ti e t her and Qd'omm. ma eldered the d hefe It considered the same; thei•efc -.eaolved, By the Council of the C at. Paul that the precise natty cent and kind of Improvement' for Sade by. the Said City. is conatruen wer on lath Street .from Hat t. to ¢ color to re..• e........ _, no SO d t ,rov R mle; Is 1 pail aid the said ora pro, Prot A Al to PUBLISHED ��6�/6 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,. A'.- �! REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved21/-.- ----- --.---------- -'C1/_-L.P.------------- --------- ------------------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: / The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—=-------- -------------- r �_— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ,13 TOTAL. roaM e.a.w. en w `CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE al REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Z �'y :0 o•t Hyla �y all i 4 o J` 6•y all l D" U . 4 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. JDaedt--—_..-.....__...._191.."(`_ _�!/..__..... _ _..__.... _. Commissioner of Finance. a.w. a -a c _- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March 13th, _ 1916 .. 'Ib the Conuuissim,er of Fivaoee of the Cite of St. Paul: The Conwissiouer of Public Works, having had under emasideratiou the preliminary order of the Coun- March 3 6_• relative to _. cal, known as Council Nile No. _ 9367 ._. _.. .. ....approved _. _.. _. the constru..tion of a_sewer _on, Kilburn Street, .frou._Ilatch Street, to a point 10 fest eouth.of th.e north line of Lot 9, Block 54, Denelow's Sub. of Lake Como.Villae, and having iuvestigaded the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is __. _..__.necessary and (or) desirable. 85¢ per front foot 338.00 '3. Tile estimated cost thereof is $_____ ___ _, and the totafl cost thereof is :F tuul Frontage 450 feet IIIc nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehcd and made a part hereof. 4. 3. Said improvement is not _..asked for upon petitimn of three or more `mums of property' subject to tasscssweut for said improvement. �. lbuuu' , ioncr of Puhlic Works.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. G�OURLEY, 01-1 Cou��eu� — OSCAR CLAUS SEN, C-1 Eha—1 J. E. CARROLL 5�=+. C-1-11-1- h PA.. r A LEREO JACKSON. S- 5—AT.:11 G. H. HERROLO. 0-- E.—Ill H W_ GOET71NIER S— W-- yiarch 12th, 1c-16. Eon. Y. N. Gose, Commisacner of Public Works L u i l d i n . Dear Sir: I trans r -it herewith prelirllinary estimate of cos: for the eLrStruetion of a sever on Kilcurn Street, fro,,. F:atcn street to a point 10 feet so,-th of the north line of Lot 9, Elock 54, Denslow's Sub. of Lake Cou,o Villas, in accordance with Council rile 419,367, approved Ylarch 3, 1916. Arproxiil.ate es�_mate P338.00 Cost per front foot .85� Frontage 450 ft. Rxeess_:imspaclimm Respectfully suorr.itted, C-:ief Engineer. JT,C; ...-. i ltR oatl'l of Work-,-, a :t.��atTl.�nttTlt. MEMO MAR G 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, FILE NO. ........ .... ____ By.....- --...._.__...._ .._ .............------`- FINAL ORDER. . In the Matter of ........... CcnetructinG a Sewer enJames street frcl:: a point .... ....... ... ....... .................... .............. ..__.... ....-.......... ivf e_et ea_et of `) eeast line_ cf Sue street tc Fairvie,, Avenue. .......... ........... ...... .................. ..................... ---------- ... - .......... ............. ........... —--.......__........... ................... ........ _... ....... under Preliminary order. ._--- _...---7-0 aE_....... _............. ........... approved__._ iCv f__ 1x -1915....._...... .... _._.___._ IntermediaryOrder ..................... ... --_.............. .......... ........ approved ................... .--------------- ----- ------ ...-- _--............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.........Construct a se':_er cn James street from .....................---- .... —........... a Foint 240 feet east of the east line of Sue street to Fairview Avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ! i Adopted by the Council.... --A F P 11� I__ 191 Approved........... Councilma Mayo Form B. S. A. 8-7 �..._ , 191 _..� C. F. NO 10075_ ns tructlne a ­ ffrom In the nfattey a point 240 feet n J"" aveet to east c xt ..l;,whe filo ^�prSP�ellminnry a'. nn _ upon Ina notice, and 1 a ,o. ••- - ally 1Y considered the same; e It the 1f St Paul thattthe on COO or eture Ce e tent and kind of improvementtructbe made by the s,old City la con a v .lames street Iinem f Sue St 240 fee t east u n ,ad the Councn to Fnirvl�.v + eaid'i.provement to be hereby ordersl mde. Resolved Further. That the Camm s- toner of Public works be andt. he . .ethereby instructded pec entlonedfor aald pare plans anand submit Same to aajd Improve[nent, that upon Council tar apprO°er city ot[Icers a e approval the prop directed to pro - hereby the and sed with the maklna o[ s id Improve- ment In ecordn nce therewith. 19. 1016. Adopted by th e9,o 1 Apr. Approved Apr. 1 (April 22-1916) Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON RELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter A- YZ-2 ------ ... . .. ------------- - ---------- - -- - ------ - --------------- - ---------- --------- - ---- - ------ - -- -- -------- - - ----- --- ------- - --------- -------- --- . ..... under Preliminary Order approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 74.6( The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J" v TOTAL, (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .I i L;90 0 ASSESSED VALUATION / 7s- 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said (natter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- ``�.� 191 Commissioner of Finance. 'ORM 9.3— a 5 C ------------------------------ 1 %z /V.141% Sec. -9 T 8 -_ - cSCALE .?01 - ✓EFFERS a "V . ST iIIiqI /,R y i r _ PAt AcE --- -- ST-- 1 -- — - - R w o_o i 111.5 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ;ov a;t er 26, 191`' ..._. ........... .............. .... . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Thi- Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of IIIc l'mun cid, known as Council Nile No. _ 792ovei,.,er 15 7926 approved _ _ IS, 191 _._. relative to t.. .e. oor,_atrt ot.iar. o.f _ _getter_on _Jal,.e.s t._..f.rold. pQint._ 4^v fez e :tet o. _t':. ee.at line Cfe_Staa to _F vier '.ve.n". auul having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ... necessary and (or) desirable. 95� per fron'_ foot 76. and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....___. v 1 _ y ., and the total coat thereof as `F. ro.:t 710 feet inapa t`un G. III, nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - — - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 3. Said improvement is..._nQt asked for upon petition of Ihree or more Ow"e"s of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��p�/Commissioner of Public works. ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D-11 C-1-1-1 OSCAR CLAUS SEN, C-1 "-- E, CARROLL SUo.. Co.erxuc — A Pro. o, ALFRED JACKSON, Sir. S. -1— H. HE RROLD. 0-11 E.--, CITY OF SAINT 'PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER, St. Paul, Minn. Nov. 26, 1915. Mr. L. li. Goss, Commissioner of 2ublic Works. Dear Sir, - I trans:iit herewith preli..inary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on James St. from a point 240 feet east of the east line of Sue S.. to Fairview Ave., in accordance with Council Pile ;7926, approved Nov. 15, 1915. Approximate estinato _ (676.00 Total frontage 710 ft. Exemptions hone Assessable ffontage 710 feet Cost per front ;:cot .95V Excess inspection necessary :„;20.00 Respectfully submi'ted, Y Dices. J.E.C./I.'. Chief EnL-ineer COUNCIL FILE NO.�./.._.�Zn? By..-------- - -...... ......... ....... .... ........... ........... ..................... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of......the....lu.mi.aUng....and.. In.0.19.1l1rlg..-A1-. an.._o-rnaaental--1 -htin system on Payne avenue from the North line of Minnehaha street, to the south -line of York etree+-sand—grata-#rhe No-rth ei"..of- Law" a -a set --- to the south side of Jessamine street consisting of lamp-pos lamps and underground conduits,- wires ani othef' eqU-rpment aad appa-r for conveying _..e.lectrin-light....thezat.a,.... __._.__ ............. -...... _-_....... ................._......................._...._-----...---..._...................•---..__..............._...._._.-................................ under Preliminary order _.__.-892.6 ......... ................................ approved __!. nuary 27th, 1916. ....................... ..... _................. Intermediary Order . ............ ........ _._.......... ............ ........... ....... approved ................... ..- -.............................. ... _..__...__._.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proven nt to be ads by the said C' is._Furnish and install an ornamental lighting eys em on 1ayne avenue from rhe-No-=ih'-I3ne of 1�3ririeFialia-streei to _.-the....south.-line._o.f.-Yon]L... street -and ....fmom....tha...Nmrth_aide..-af....L&w an.._stamt to the south side of Jessamine street consisting of lamp -poets, lamps and --underground evndu-i-ts;-•ntres—aacY-vt-her egtripment—and--agp&ra-t-u-a--f-or conveying...... electric thereto, ____.._ __ __ _ _ _ ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............... _..... -- • - ... ...... ........... _.._ _. ..... ............ _ Clerk. Approved ........ ...-- 191 ` ((( tit ---„ a ” f UE3LISiiED ��✓ ��� a ebereto`eand having y . d tho same; therefore. ler BY the council of the city ��t,�f that othe precl 2.e naturevement , e tAVI oil the sbe aid city Io Purnfeh and „ r. menta l', igh ting —tern 1A! h n rrn,n the n nn'nne ha street to thr anafh lint " erget and from the north aide +tree[ to the eou[h "h nT Ma oto wets °r "n Y Undergrou. eeipm, Form B. S. A. 8-7 >ing i�ro- nun here:+ ,1 CITYOF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE / • t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' CIS- In the Matter of 1?u%1//�Z�.._s�1!Zf�✓�G...1. Zl9 .. ;..L... Ll2SIlL<�j.tl4 `�7. .....-. - 0 1 1 ,�f ID. .:1L �11�lL ����" �J�<f�liLl�_z1T `�cl�'r.;1/r�_`'.._�_y�-� _�___ � • _(CLu� ............. 0 If eCl 4?-i`-1'.�Q� - - under Preliminary Order approved `•--�, ,---- --- f�lLr- - _. __.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--11,150.00_. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $..._-_-__...2.,32 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADD 1 T I O N ASSESSED VALUATION b41, �� ow i G �' �c- A c' 1 ronM e. a.w. ea w TOTAL, G 0 CITY OF. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 400 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) j FESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION /a zq ,7 y � Al i L, 7/ti�eti fd U� r ASSESSED VA.ffT Ny,v J ? l� � 7f� lfl� aZ./ % 1 ♦ , 166 TOTAL, I I ' / I FORMe.e.w. ea 0 I �J l CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 0 0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION L T io41c��� 614 }/iJje J 1 eJ il� �ZG(-' llo D � s / � of. 4 ✓� c u. G v ,7L .f O G luv��i�ra6�ill/%Jio TOTAL, ronin e.a.w. a-eEe CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f . low REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,- (B) o DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED `TION/v / ` �/ LGA > "� t� •� G U ,eL.�f� 17111 too /51 yc2a c- d 1121 o i cam'' !-'z 'z Q10 � e Y TOTAL, (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION T L cy 1, 4 uu r i u1 � CiG y Y d' y I� ASSESSED VALUATION 7 J` �f- .wed` �J U 71 �u �! cl 11 �✓ v J � � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._.• _-191�Lc-- Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance February 29, 191 6 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; - The ronuaissiouer of Publie Works, having had under consideration the preliwinaary' order of the Couu_ cil, known as Council File No. _8926 . upproved . January. 87, 6 _ .._.......791__..., re dative to ornan.ental lighting system on Payne Ave, from the north side of Minnebaha St... to the sovtY;_ side of York St, and fron, the north side of Lawson St, to the South side of Jessandne St. anti haaving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ _ _.necessary and (m•) desirable. 2, 7'he estimated cost thereof is �___... XXX... and the total cost thereof is X7.1, 150. v0 _ , mad the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. b. Said improvement is.__....... _._asked for upon petition of tlu•cr or more uwuers of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / f i t'gfuuus. over of Pullic�Works. r CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, O[r.TT C.......... OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C-1 E..i.[.. J. E. CARROLL SR.T. C—'uc , ALFRED JACKSON, Sart. S—T.".. N St. Paul, Minn. Feb. 28, 1916. G NERROLD, 01-1 E.m.«. H. W. GOETZtNGER S. - Mr. . -Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for furnishing and installing an ornamental ligk;ting system on Payne Ave. from the north side of Minnehaha St. to the south side of York St. and from the north side of Lawson St. to the south side of Jessamine St. consisting of lamp -posts, lamps, underground conduits, wires and other equipment and apparatus for conveying electric light thereto in accordance with Council File #8926, approved Jan. 27, 1916. Estimated cost is on the basis of wiring of posts in groups: 24 posts Payne Ave. from Lawson St. to Jessamine St. 3,750.00 48 posts Payne Ave. from Minnehaha St. to York St. 7,400.00 $11,150.00 Yours very truly, Dict. O.C.M. Chief Engineer 49. 40 o t'_ oncm-o),,i Cir,- �ou.icll o; :, Paiii, :ann.II 2 tn-) imderslened businem) nAn pror)erty ow.-lors nn, :'gyne 3 ivp., lo hrr)by rvenoitfzlly pititicn yoir '�onombla bolt' t-it orn r 4 rental ll;yhtt-, be ln:.t;-,'l,)(I or, v.) i r �.2 JA v-r!_;oaks oc3upiad or owne by the undersitned. 'Ta Addresc. 10 Y 12 14 A—a 10 4v_/ 7,3 20 212 23 25 26 29 29 30 1916 31 BUREAU OF EiiGINEEn 32 33 34 36 I 2 , a -. to IIAJ __ _-—_��--- c'� 2. Y CP ✓ ✓11� 14 1' -All `20 Y / 191 BUj EAU OF DG[NEERS6,1- .4 - ((.G�or i S .ft i ?Q al32 c 3.1 G / circ S2J-� r �1✓r r �a _D V Z"L/ 1 SGL c i s /`_« %� 34 ,' ----�- ---- - _�— — ----- — — Y, 10__ �C 12 (c 4��<` _ - 1 20 2122 24 27. 28_ BUREAU OF29 E (INFERS .4- a� � 31/1. 32 33 34 Blot f1 J. T. KJELLGREN Gwcn�sr LUT NE(+>ry SION CNu a[.r H Uost>ry Wis HUDSON. WIS. � `— / 7 191 (D COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... ... ........ ..__ By------ ___....... ..... ..... :..... ....... .... ........... ......... ........... _....... _• INTERMEDIARY ORDER.�� �� �3 In the Matter of__ BCDAB..ti 3�G..*v...i $.__ .1. !.X�.Aa_...€S>14i... qP.-ai_� ing_,w i th__ _ement u ofe.ix.fee _the present cement tile sidewalk --_._.._...Pn..._tha....=.=th._ d te_-ci_...Fd. rand street -between ....Ar.;.r....de1 - .............-:dackubi-n. s-tze e.t, ._.— _... - under Preliminary order. 4.... ... _._........ approved.MarCh.._6.. _ _.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report) hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._Re,.GQne.truc t,..__Te.lay __....a cd_v Lalr.. with...asmemt__til. ---to a_aiA±h_.af....sixQ.@m ant _tile. sidewalk on..._the.-north.__side ., of .Edmund street between Arundel ..... _...... _a.trae.t................. -- - I. ..... _....... ..... ..._..� _ --_ __---_..._._ __......-- .........-- — with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is.__p lireal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....a3.rd -_._-_...day of _May_• ................... -, 1911 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,xg=;i'hx X4* of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof s estimated. qop 1`l 1s1_� Adopted by the Council.._._.. — _... - -- City C ark. Approved...._._ ........._..... _._... _........_. _ ----- 191 _ . .......... Mayor. Councilman Fart sworth / GOS Kell:r McGoll Nas Yo g Mayor PTS Form B. S. A. 8-6 :gand rcporte d the bJ pproVed adopted, said improvement le hereby to be proceeded with, .lb atthe nsture,W the improve- whlch Ahe CounelI rec mmende fe str uc ".""Y and repair with ee- 't Ille to a width f al: feet, the ant cement the sidewalk on the •h side of Edmund street between . edel street and Mackubin street. .h n alternatives, and that the e fatecoat theredf Is 62 Cents per eat feet. assolvedit Further, That a public aring be had on said Improvement the be day of M.Y. 1916, at ,e hour -of 30 o'clock A M., In the VI Chambers. of the Court douse and City Hall Building In ,[Mesioinerot fSt. IP -1e glue theI oor net said meeting to the persona and t maty r grovV; hy,^be -hart ' �tng the me 1cure of ' ca1 coat " rC+c nr , ,,.,L16HED-Z/ - �2 5� -/ %/� COUNCIL FILE NO... ......... ........ .. By—.--- -------------_._--------- ......-............_..........._........................ ` INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_...G.raditlg....S.a.hof.fax..s..t.r..e.e_t...f.xoru..._04al.Q.n t.9._ Stex'art._..._ .... ..... ....atr.e :ue, __. _. - __... -.............. .......... -..... ......... ..... _...._.._.... -- under Preliminary order ....... 9446 .................... _....... _........... approved .•...................... -..._......_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... grade S cf f ....he..... ........eI ............. ____...axree.t...fxom-..Cau.ton -t.rest—ta.3.tarar.t....aveniia,_.................... _..... .................. ............. _............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 40b.9.6 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...23Td,...,__.._.___...... day of ...... .....kay.................................... 1916 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, =xzaNxx *1 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total co th estimated. Adopted by the Council ........... ... .........—.____, 191-..._ - -- ........ ...... _� ---- ......._........... City Clerk. Approved........ _........ .._...... ......._ _ ---, 191 _ Councilman Far isworth of anc. op .' Ie GO men t, and having coneidet report, hereby resolves: That the sid report be d th, and .e le hereby approved and Kel r the said Improvement Is herebl red to be proceeded with. `' " Mc oll That the nature of the Improve % Na! recommends ti t which the t. from ,ae AcheRer SL from Canton St. ti A e. with ne nnernther I ai Ins e�umatea oat thereof Yo g / es.9" Mayor PO ars tel td Further. That a public iring be had on Id Improvement hour23 fd 10 ay of 111 A. ,M.191 6, a he Form B. S. A. 8-6 ncll chamber oe the Court ae and City Hall Building In the Y of SL Paul. That the Commle- nerof Finance give notice of said eting to the persona and In the n r provided by the Charter, Itat. the time and place of h Searing, the ,tura of the improvement. Ind the - ,til cc It thereof ne ea timated. Adopted by the Council Apr. 19. 1916. .approved Apr. 19, 1916, (April 22-1916) 00 COUNCIL FILE NO . .................... ..___ n Ci Fli y J i INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..._GxAd ..._.. :,� ahQ flex atra....t... f roz....Oiha,te.wa.rth....61r-e.e.te..._to........._ .... _..-- Lexington _..avenue., _ _ ------ -_ __..... _..... .......... ._... .-.---...--.-- 4 ---..._................................................................... unde.r.Preliminary order. .....6a3e5.......... ........ _........_..........._ approved ......._A1f811a.._. Id.a._.1�.1`�.r............. ...... ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.s? @Aar S oheff er,... 6 t r Q Q_t...f xnm....Cha t ar=th....s.tr.es.t_..t o_..L eSino.teri..suerue......_................... ...... .................. _..._.................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2i800_._05•,•,•• - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... .',�I.S�__-_..._._....day of 119,`a.y. .................................... 191 6..._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,xff=xtx 6% of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._........_._ ..:._..... 191 ity Clerk. Approved ............. ._ ...._......... 191 Councilman Fa nsworth G s Ke ler MColl Nih Yerg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 n th. i haring r rebs sol res ons. r,te saldr report be and sy aprved Id improvem rt dadopt, ishreby to be proceeded with. at thenture of the Improve. �.I ich IhaCouncii commends is N Sells Rer stn•et recommends Chats- Ireet Io Lexinga ton a with n tires, and that theestlmnt- thereof Is S2.Se 0.05. ;ved Further, That public he had n said Improvement nr'ta rd day of \fYU'. 1914, t of 10 o'clock A, Tf., 1, mChahethe r of tI,e art and City Hall Batlding In Otho fst. Paul. That the Commis - of to . nance give notice of sold ,ft. the persona and in the r provided by the Charter, stat- e time and place of hearing, the- - he of the Improvement. and the ost thereof x est imatr d. "tell by the I'ouncll Apr. 19. 1916. oven :\Ur. 19. 1914. (April ?:-1916) NO....................... _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER., In the Matter of_C51- X;. ng.._and...._taking-..an eaoement in the land necessary for e.-opes, f.or. cu_ts_and ._fills _in Trading Scheffer street from Chatsworth._ street to Lexington -avenue, according to the plan hereto attached made a part hereof, the hatched portion showing the cuts and. _Ah-e....shad.nd_ -._....... .-----...-------__.._........._._.._._..___.............._._...._...._............-_- under Preliminary order. ._8410.-_....... _..... ___......... _........_approved._DCCedber 141h t_ 1918_........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... Condemn and take .................. an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cute and fills in _............... ..................._..._....._..........._........ -- - ...---._....... ...... .... _.......__...----......_...................._..._ .................. _. Grading Schaffer street from Chatsworth street to Lexington avenue, . .. ......... ..........-.... -..... .... _........... _................ ........... ....... ..................... ---....... ....... _............. _..... ac.cn.xdi.ng.._t.s?...x.hfl._Pl4An.._he_reto---attached_ and made a part hereof, the hatched poxxi-on-_show.i•ng....th a--cuts-..and._the.._Bhkded...�ts1x tt�:RF}_.the ._f 111 s.,.-.._ ........................_._.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ .............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 23rd...___...._.._...... day of ...................................1 191 6......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, ISM) UL St of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ere f as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........... _.__—Air -10 P,55—, 191_..1 ..._.... -- Approved .... _... ..:............ _ ._. .. _ _..__, 191- -- City Clerk. —� - ......_.......... -- Mayor. tbeenat.. the II Councilman Fai nsworth oh the conn.,, recommeou Ind take n ant In tha Go s y r.r .ioa 9a rmr cute and ' I11, ek-'di", -ch.•trrr St. from n ....... h street to 1.e. xing[on Ave., Ke ler o a"I. - to the Plan hereto attached nd made a Part hereol. the hutch ed M 011 onion ,no, lug [be luta tnd th, shaded poetlun the fills, �vIth �n alter- „ undue', at 1 that the estimated coat Na h here., 1s $`20.00. Resolved Further. That public 1J rg hearing be had on eald Improvement on fhe 23rd dal' of Me)'. 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In the Council Mayor Po ers Cttnmber If the _.urt Hoas, and City Hnll nnilding In the Form B. S. A 8-6 none of Pat ull. givenoticeC m ml- said seting to the persona and In the m r provided by the Cheri— stating the timend pial, of hearing, then tura of the Improvement. and the to[.1 -It thereof fl eatimat,d. Adopted by the Council Apr. 19, 191G. .t VProt'ed .i pr. 19. 1916. i A,,ril 23-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO . .................... ..` INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of...Q..QSldflm.n.i_ng.._and..taking._an...eaeement__in..._ the land necessary f.os_.elop.ee.,__for _cu.ts _and.f_illsSnSr_rE,d.in.g_.2_chgffe ._s t.reet._._fromCanton s.4.rs_'_t_....t.4 .$..te.�9.art_ aYgnue.,_��rdina to th-e...plan hereto attached and made ..... a.....F.ax_t__h.e.re..c_f,._..._the_..h.atgbed_-portion..___ showingthe cuts and the shaded p.Q..rti_cn...._t.he__fit_ a,..__________...._.._.._.... --—._...---....___._._.__.._.._._._..__..._............_.__.._._.__..._.....____. under Preliminary order .------ 17._ ........ _.__..__.______approved...arch,_10_th, 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._Condemn and take an eaus exe.xLt In the- _jAnd....Q.9.=5R@3L�r_._.a1.GFeB.,__fcr _cute _an ..... -in...&rading .. Sohafisr....e.tr.e-el_irom...canton...atraa.t._19....SA&R.A..t...>LKODu4.o..... 4QA. Lr31ng._to__tha p.lanAliar.e..to....at.tA.ched....at:.d...nad _a_.)?ar_t_her�ortlon ehowing the cuts_-_ard..._the_shaded portion the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_80.00 ........... _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ... ......_23 rd___ .......day of ............................ 191 8......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,7EatdFiL7['#dc tit: of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as a 'mated. Adopted by the Council ...... __.. _ / Lc L _— , 191_._.. ......... erk. Approved ........... ...... ..._ _ .__ _ .191 approved a Mayor. Councilman Far sworth Gos Kel r Me oll Na Y rg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 be yroceevement Is ded with. 'tthe nature of the I.Dro •ht,h the Council recommen enna Ind take a easement . I e essa y for slope., for cuts s is grading achefrer at. from street to Stewart avenue, n to the plan hereto attached ,de a part hereof, the hatched showing the cuts and the pert ionthe fills, with no alter - and that the estimated cost f Is $20.00. olved Further, That a public .g be had on said Improvement 23rdday f May, 1916, t ,or of 10 o'clock A- M., In the I Chamber of the Court House 'lly Hall Building In the 71. Paul. g FiFinanceglvetn ticeat the Cofmil Compote - of d g to the persona and Iu ethe —provided by the Charter. etat- he time and place of hearing, the e of the Improvement, and the optat thereof as estimated. ed by the Council Apr. 19, 1916. proved Apr. 19, 1918. (April 22-1910 -- 1 14— . . ....... . .......... ... - ----- . ........... ....... I .. ..... . .. . . - -- - --- ------------------- --- ------ - - - - - - --- -- ------ -- - - --------- ---U. --------- - ----- ---- ... ....... under Preliminary order - ------ 3 -- - - --------approved. AP.X.11 1.914-11a........ ........... ...... . ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.qT.a4!s..LyAia street fr....o.. ...H....a.m...l.i.ne ... avenue to A I bt Z.- P tXA§13 ..... .... .................. . .. -.- .... .................... . .... . ... ............ . .. ........... ............ . . ....... .. .... . .................. . ..... ... .......... .................... . ....... ....... ... I .... ..... . ....... ...... . ........ ...... ...... ..... ........... ..... ... . . . ........... ................ ...... ... . ... . ...... ... . ...... i . ........... ............ ......... . ---1 ....... ... -- ............. . . . . ....................... . .. ........... ... ... . ....... ....... .......... I .......... ................ ....... . . . ........ ...... .... .. . ........ ........ . . ............ .. . ........... . .............. . . . . ........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ... .......day of ...... . ..... .. U&Y ... ....... ......... ........... 1 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,aximiftz XJU of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ost t estimated. Adopted by the Council . . ......... 191 ..... .. . ..... . . . ........ . ......... ity Clerk. Approved 1191 ............ . .......... Mayor. Councilman Fartsworth 1. t.h. report --!' of " clly ' Ener Go� or Finance upon nproveme' t , on d he" said report, hereby at I ihe Ke er hereby said report be and Y approved and adopted. 't 'I'd Improvement Is hereby oll . be Pr....od �viut. M t the nature of the Improve. N hmends e Lydia [rest from`Hamlin it .,,Albert St., w-ith .. —.- e d that the estimated colt W' Y erg $1 oil .04. ,ved Further, That a public Mayor P wers had be a on said Improvement 13 jrd.dy of Me, 1916, at Form B. S. A. 8-6 . I : 0'`I -el, A. ii Ch b f M., in the am Oer 0 the Court end City Hall Building City of St Paul. That the Co.- - of Finance give notice of ..I , . 19 to the per..and In the :r Provided by the Charter, stat - time and Place of hearing the f the P n and the O-Ot th-r-JEle"-let"matted . p ted by the Council Apr. 19, 1916. ruled A or. 19. JAJA MMI CIL'FILE NO. ....... _....... .-.— By-.----------- ..... _........... ......_._.....................---...-....-----_�iE�cG'J� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of....C-oneie[aing_..and...-.t.ilk.i.ng._.Iin....S.aeflenS....in,._the.-_land neeaesar� _f.nr._..elogee.,.._.f.o.r_ cuts and- f 11 a..-in._Grid no _ ay.anon.._..to..._gl.bsx.t__atses..t,._ac..enrding to th�p.�.�_..e_eao_, attached_ and made a Part hereof, the hatched portion showing the euts.and the shaded yorti.on .the_ f 111e�,___ under Preliminary order.-_ 58_a6.__.__.._-__-___-------_-....-.....-.approved._Janu.a.r.y 17th,_ -_1916 .... ........ _....... - ..... _ i The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._C_Qndemn. and take -an .e."amerLt..-in-_ the _.Iand—ne =azax—y f.or... alopeA,_.f a r....cu,.ta e..._in.......- Grad•ing__Lydia street from Hemline avenue to Albert street, according t_a-..-the --plan-..-hnre.ta..atta cher_and...pad.e._a.--par_t...hsxa-cif ,.__tkle._ba S.SKh.4a....p.9 r t i on -showing. ...the with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00--._-.•--•--_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ...... 93 d .-___ ------.day of afay........__..... _...................... 1916......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 0WRIUML Ad of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total colt themestimated. Adopted by the Council ............ 4'l t, 191 / .L ... , t� Approved -..--..../....._ - - f.....-- --•-, 191..nen. y n,ct en[, and having ec .port, hereby resolves: That the said report be a Councilman Far swOrth da[ he1.nsaiderebyimprovemenoved t 1.a her -rdered to be proceeded with. „ GO E. That the n tura of the Improv. ant which the Council recommends Is ondemn and take x ant in the •' Ke er .nd necessary for slope,. for cuts and ails In grading Lydia St. from Ham - Ave. to Albert St., ¢ nrdineto the MC .Dean her el et attached and made n part here„", the, hatched port 1Ip showing Na Ii cuts and the at nderl portion the ills. kith n, alter nntives, and that the Y rg• ,sResolvedr�Further, That el thereof is t�sa00 public hearing be had on said Improvement Mayor Po ars o.. lne card nay 1r am>•. 1916, at the hour o[ 1-0 O'clock A. I.L. In the Cou1- Form B. S. A. M rn Chlmber of the Court House ndCity Hull Ru it ding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commts- sluner of Finance all, 11111, of said meeting to the persona and in the r provided by the Charter, stai- Ingnthe time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Ado Dted by the Council Apr. 19, 1916. Approved Apr. 19, 1916. (April 22-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ _.......... .. By----- -- ---.- ......... _................................._.._........... ...-_ - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 16"1y� In the Matteravenue,_._fr.-m__.-the... North South Center the east _ . under Preliminary order.._. 83 7.7 .............._......_ ........ _............ approved......._De a ea.:be r . 9th., .....19.1... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..r34e Burns avenue ....................................... d'tom....tba..N.or_th..annd._S.tzuth�a>ltsz_] in.s .� 5e.011(on_ 34,..._T.4..Am._29,..... RLnBe.._aa,,... to..._the.._>}..e...t.....C#..t7C_Liw.i..te.........._........................ ..._._.....--............... .......... _................... .. -........ _...... _........ ....__.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S"3� Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 23rd_ _ day of ht3y......... --........... ...................... 191 _6... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,zat=N= WL of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, staring the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total c th f a stimated. Adopted by the Council ................ n' ' 191— / _._._` ...._�.. ................ lerk. Approved..... .... ......... ..... .... ----- ------ 191— Mayor. Councilman Fa nsworth p, I' approved an n td Improvt le�h.. �� GO S [o abe proce adetl w-emen1th. t the f the i mD 11 Ke B er `+' n hluch theCouncll e. d` rns Are. from the A'orth 'h , Ilne nr -11-34, To Mc oll aansetzz. to Innauvra.c ­11—east cur r.trn� alter: nd that the e Na ir,i Inst the,' Is $23.1127.91. resolved Further, That a pub. „ .ring be had on said Im proveme YO rg the 23, da' or \tar. 1916,ir of a 'o'h" 0ofWei ['lt Ai y{.`tIn thei council Mayor PO er5 hall 13ullding In the t'i U'��or Paul. Thnt the l'ammisslon er f Form B. S. A. 8-6 a hive n rice nr nala meeung to n d In them r prnvld- cr the Charter, staling ethe time o[ hearinR. the nature of the en t, nd the total eost there- mnted. 1 hI' the ,' ed Apr. 1^(11!116 !116 (April 22-!916) COUNCIL FILE NO.. .......... _....... _— ...._......._................... ............................... .......... _............ _........ . , INTERMEDIARY ORDER: In the Matter of .011de rU_ng..._and..._taking.,.an,._eaee est.._in..._th_e..._land___n...... ry_ fo.r..._.e.lop.e.e,..f.or. _ou_ta_ and __fJ12a._in__C.rading.... Burns ..._as.enu.e_from.._ths_..N.or. and South center _line of..._Section 34, Town-? 22 to East City Limite,..according to the plan hereto attached and made a art hereof, _ _ F_ .. ._..... ...._._t _ under Preliminary order.._..8374............ _....... ....... _........... -approved ...._December.9thx 1915. ........... ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...C.gnd AT.1...3nd.._, 4e.-, an easement .. n....th-a--_ _a13d....17-e�e@g@ y_fQr__._s1Qpe-s,,,,fgr„cute.._ and.._. fill e.-.._in_Grading Burne....aa.enne...fr.om._tha.Kc.s-th... and. ...Snu.th..aenier....lin[s...oi....Sea inn....3.4.,.._.Tovin_.29, Rang•6...ga _...to-the-•£aat.--01-tyh1,4-tar_.acn.ording.....to.... the ....p.laA...hoze-to....a.t_luhed and ._made --_a..p.aFthereof]t �e.._hatched,.-r_ort.ion_ showi..._the_cute. _and the —._._.............. _._—.................. .......................-----..._.__ _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 300._00....._, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 23rd_ .... .... _ ...... day of 14ayC............... ....... ...... ...................... 191 _6... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, xat 1kK xftkof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. A.'op��10 5 Adopted by the Council.......... _ �_.._ .... ..... / _... ........._ _—City .....erk..... Approved_... ..............._.............. .-- • 19 Mayor. 7 Form B. S ur be m Proceeded .. I the n[tire [ the Imps. hleh theCouncll r end. xnd lake a enC In th ' fnr ulnpr,nvrfmr cuts a m ni, Frndl I:urns • Prom the "'ds<uth center 'line[ of34, 29. Rance 22. to the ],:,,.t It' +.•nrdin¢ to the plan hereto ieda a ad made x Part heren(. the hti`lpdrtlon showing the cutsat 11" and Uor[inn the fills, with n b—z'. a d thnt the estimated he roof I. 4200.00. +-iced Further, That a public ng 11 had on said Improve menu 23rd dx)' or 1.' 1916 . at ur e o[ ack 1, 10 'cloA. In the: 'IlChamber' of the r`ou't and CI[)' Hall Building In the o[ SL Paul. That the Commi.- o[ Fl nnnc•e glue notice o[ .aid 'g to the persona nd In the Provided by the Charter, ata[ - f t and place o[ hearing, the of the Im arsovement, and the t thereof estimated. �d b)• the Cou sell :\pr. t9. 1916. .:ed Apr. 19, 1916. (April 22-1916) _ COU1L FILE NO. ....... ... ........ .._ By....---- .... ._-..... .................... .... .................... _............ .......... _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..._Cnndamning....and.._taki.ng...an_._ea i men_t..irk th.e.....land ...aezo.ma3.JL for elopes,.,_for„_cute_ and ..fills _..in__Grading StEmar_t_avenue from Seventh B..t.e.e..t.....to tc the__lan.hereto attached and u.ade_._a,. part._,._hereof.�. the _hatchedportion showing the cute and the shaded under Preliminary order. _..._._°61 ......... ... _........ _.......... __approved..._Mareh-32nd, 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._Condeuin..and take n.......... Gradi_ng..._S.tewart-avenue..f rom-._Seventh_street to_. Clevelandavenue2_ac_cordJn9 to.._..the..Tlan.._he_r.etQ._.attached_and trade part hereof, the hatched portion ......... haaga...pgK- ion the fills, _....__.._--..---. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $25-99 ................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 2314 _...... _ ._....day of _.._Mlu._.- ......... ......... I ........... 11916 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, sautmftz dMof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total t there 77”, ted. Adopted by the Council.._......_..__..._.:.:.:.�._5 __, 191 Pe—rk. Approved....f ... .. . .. ..... L._........... - -... 191 l d Mayor. 0 Form B. S ne Coi my, and take a ement . essa ry for slopes, for cul tngstr,e[to Cleveland avenue Seven ordi ng to the plan hereto at- 1hedc and made a part hereof, the itched portion howing the cute and shaded portion the alts, with no :ternatives, and that the estimated r t thereof is $26.00. Resolved Further, Thar a public earing be had on said Improvement the 23rd day of M.,-, 1916, at e hour f 10 o'clock A. K. In the .unetl Chamber of the Court t, ofa 9t. nd CPau1.HaThatulth en CommhI.e stoner of Finance give notice of .aid I meeting to the persons and In the manuer provided by the Charter, stat- t fng the time and plat, of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the total coat thereof a estimated. Adopted by the Council Apr. 19, 1916. COUNCIL FILE NO........._......... .._ =z ,) .......................... ........... ............ _....... _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER.: J , t In the Matter of_._ChanglZ..._t..e..._.gla3e.._Q.f..._S_tewar-t_avanue-,-.-_betReen Graham e.tree.t....and._Su.e_ street, tg_- conforrn__to _the red _line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line thereon, also the grading of said Stewart avariue mom Cleveland avenue __..to.....W..__Seven th-street;- imaccord�:rc'e-+r'i s the-saidfredor_ 14ne--whan.._sa aa1a-bl#shed-j-...anEi.._tha--oa ohI i-whad--grade._..o.f_..._the_s_tre.e_.1zam. the 1LQmaAndef._of....t-h.4....d.i.Q.t_4.il-s a-_>Zp vreen C1_eye_land_avenue and West Seventh street, 9 47 7 .....__. approved ......._Maroh 13th, 1916. under Preliminary order. -._._.........__.....-------------..._ -- .............. _........-....... _........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Change_..the gradg-._of Stewart avenue, between Graham street and Sue street, to conform to the Lire-can---fibs--p£v€#-10---hereto atUaohsd....and --leads-a-pa-r-t...-hereo-f-r--the--Tr--es8-nt grade b1zig being represented by the blue line -thereon, also the grading s-a-Ytl­St 6Wa-r't"AVA- ti'E-'ir'0)K _--_------ accordan.oe...wi_th-.-.the---_sa_id-._rel• _1-ine_wtl_y•-_ee-tab_lished�.-.and__the__ee_ta_bl_ished grade of the street for the remainder of the distance between Cleveland axsn-ue--and-Wee-t­91 e*e-n-th--e-treex7------......__........ --_.__._.-.____.----...------...-._._.................____...._--- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 77 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._a3 rd. --.-.___..___.-.....day of ..-1day.._.................................. 191_6_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, sefnsS2bDx of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost Adopted by the Council.. -...-..... 11.1J_—, 491 ' Ci Approved ......... ........ ._....... -----_--- _ 191_. _ /// Councilman Far worth " Go K r Mc oil Na h Y rg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 at,ee' t . to inredIl tie on An uttuched and made x Dxr[ he present };rade being rept, . Y the blue line thereon, als. ng of B{\'ald Stewart ."bus t: .v veinnd Ave. fu , seventh St.. rdane, with thr sold red owl ]in, es Ribila bed and the establ la hed of the street for Lhe rem ander [', distance bel Keen Clevelu nd u Wrst ti ven[h s[ree1, with no salters. Lives, and that the estimated Ie is t5,271.77. u Resolved Further, That publ hearing br had o said Impnovemet, the 28rd da of \lap, 1916, the hour n( 10 o'clock A. M.. In the C'ou ncli Chamber of the Court liou se nd t'i[> Hall Building In [he Clt Y, oP S[. Paul. That the Com- mleslaner of Finance give notice of tamsvided m71-gl bptheons and I elate Ing dna time y and place of hearing. the natuA lotalreoet thereof improve ment, and the Adoptod by the Cou nas ull ,; [ed. App»'Quell pr. 19, 1916. Apr. 19, 1916. (Ain -1.22-1416) red of COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... ........ ..— GG!,z'( By.....--.._......._........ ..... ............. .... . r INTERMEDIARY ORDS In the Matter of_...Oi9F1QG.ti.le..__s_i3ewalk..-to..__a_..wdt_h�_f six fe,e.t.._pn.._bpthlQ.ides_cf,pdrich_avenue_between.._Lexington avenue and the CZlic.agQ.,. Di.i.veauked a;l_d...B...Raiixay. s ............ ....... ....... ..- - .. under Preliminary order .......... ......... _....... _.._.._ approved....._February 5th, 1916' The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...92ps truc t a cement ........._ ................. tile sidewalk____ to.arich avenue .width of six feet on both sides of Goo ca3oa__4A!)! ukae ar,3.__.. Paul Railway, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-Q-.5..$.....b.e.X.._lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- .._23 ra.. __.....day of _... ............................_. 191 6...... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, aon7oocAle. )Mxof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total t there f as estimated. Adopted by the Council......_ __.__........... ._ 191-.. Clerk. Approved............. ..._....._..._.../.........._/ ---, 191__._.. Councilman Fainsworth G s er M Mc OII Na Y rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 st.'i, the Con. • nc- en the above I rt��lhereby rusol ves:o sidered. the hereby sapprotedrt be and the and adopted. the [olsidid Improvement Is hereby Droceeded with. That the tura f the improve. which thenCounoll recommends Is tact n _in " IIIc sidewalk to Ivh :\ur Iv •.theta sten 1etxing1—s,\vet e Chlvngo. \1llwxu ked and tit. R ni la'a }'. with al t ernxtives, mint the esttmeted �,nst [h,. r,•o( Is y per Iln h root. solved Further, That a public ng be had o seld Impro vrment lard day no[ �In y. 1916, at' Of to o'I]ock A. Vii., In the ��lur Chnmber ,f Ih„ Court n d Cl ty Hn1] tBullding In the .rand f St. Paul. Th B the Commie- i of Finance n the give notice of s Id ng provided personaand In thu he e time and place of hearing, the of the Improvement, and the ost thereof estimated. ted by the Council Apr. 19„1916. E (April122 1916) COUNCIL FILE NO ....................... _- 101 el INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of-Canetr.uc_t.ing...a....CetrranL._.t.ile._f}ide>R.a11r..._t.G.....a__Ri!th._.G.. __e x....feet .on ..._the ._e.outh side., of, Lot 3,A Linn, thence .....Eae.t....to- _Z.yaIi-.ca_tP..-s-ST&e_t_.. _and...o.a._..th.e, .w_e.et__ei.da...af_.Hyndicat.e .e5raa..t.__b..eg.iuni B.. a.t.._Hanue_.avenue_.__ _ th.enc_a__1.n.Laufa.1.....aYenua.,....___-_._----------...._................._-..__.-............. _....... ..... .-.-.._.___.___ under Preliminary order.__96.68.......... ........ __.... ___..__.approved. 1&rG11_.a.,51b.,,.....IU5.t..................._........._...._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...C_ptie_it.1u.G t.,,.8.,_Ceu ent .111a....aidewalk_..ta._a...veid.th.nf_ sixSeet..n.>z.....the._B.Q.U1Jll..id,e_._Rf....HAV ue_...avanue, _Eae_t-,_1_ine of Lot 3, ._Block_ 14, Anna E. RamBey'e Addition, ...then.ce..Eaa.t....t..a...S.ynJ_inata.... a tri a t_and_�n... the....�e a..t._.side._..ai .._�Ynsii ca.tQ.... etre e t _beginning.. ai....Hagne....a,.uanue._._thengA_t.Q LauerA9ezlu0-,............ .... _-............ ........ ... __..... ...... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0_53 peT lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._2.,lr.�.__...._ _.....day of May______ ....... __................. 1915. _.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, zM=jkb= X11 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total co ther* as -7timated. Adopted by the Council ............ / ty Clerk. Approved...._..._._....... ._---- Mayor. .-td L.Y. Councilman Far worth o be pnaCee Imo at the Lure the Ire, 1lch the Council recommends , Gos •'1 n e ent the eidewall, to . trent 'r six o 1 the south aide of -e ae. beginuIng at the east Kell r Lot 3. Block 1.I, Anna I- Ram- ddition. thrnrr Bust to S,rdl- MC oll and nn the west aide or tmt l beginning at Hague rt Na thence in laurel av •. with s atlmaled to iIves. 1 nd that the thereof ba 52 Cents per Itneal Pool. Yo rg olved Further. That a public Ing be had o said Improvement Mayor PO ers the 23rd day of May. 1916, t It., Hour of 19 .,clock A. In the eu chamber .,r the Court Form B. S. A. 8-6 and City Hail Building In -_ City of St. Paul. That the Com- aloner of Finance give notice o[ 1 to the persona and In the Qeeting r prowl ded by the Charter. stat- - the time and place of hearing, the e of the Improvement, and the Ir cost thereof a estimated. dopted by the Council Apr. 19. 1916. ppro yed :)pr. 19, 1916. (April 22-1916) coUNCIL FILE NO. ' 10089 By �y Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits .costs d expenses for paving of Congress etree� from the east side of South Wabasha street to the west side.of South Roberi< street; Isabel street nytxna from the east,Co of South Wabasha d street to the west side of South Robert street, and Concord street from the south side of Isabel street to the west side of South Robert street, under Preliminary Order 891 Intermediary Order 2504 Final Order 3078 , approved February 8 th, 191-.5 The assessmentof benefits, costs and expenses for and in connection with - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council. and the Council having eonsidetcd same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVEI), That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. ItF;SOLVRll FOR'I'IISR, That a public hearing be had 16th doul on said assessment on the Y of slay , 191 6, at the hour nr 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, XdbybjnCoC" of the Court house, and City Ilall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice, or said meeting, m required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and Place of hearing, the nature of the inlprot'ement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is direel(,l 7 N�� 1 .\dopted by the Council ]!11 Approved- � 1 �. Councilman Fa sworth m�r";•ement nav pq e„ .tted m the council, and the 11 having c ns I1,red e e and " Go s ni u.. m n cement satisfactory etore, be It e and vra, That the "" n eat Ke er Ana the as a la nerebr ineaii re - la approved. ached Further, That public floe: bn and on avid ne.— —t J Mc oil coin ear nr star. ]sls, �t tn� f 10 o'clock A. M., In 1ho Coun- .'hamber, roo No. 81 of the Court o d rite Hall nulla lag. In the of 9t. Paul; Ihnt the Commtislon er <yst,Inanne give Dore or ands m sun¢. required by the (`hotter, stn ling In yoft, notice Inc time n a place or hear- . he nature or the Imurovem enL total to 1thereof, and then Dunt Mayor Po rs er to w ase gin tn. int or iota dr the I Ieulnr owner whom the rode. urected. Form B. 5, A. 8.8 dopted by the cotmeu Al- 19. 1916. ,proved Aor. 19, 1916. (April 29-1916) _. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT in the matter of the assessment of benefits, COS ts & expe'1.69/or the _.Paving o.f. Congress street front, the east side of South Wabasha street to the West Side of South Robert street; Isabel street from the east Side of South Wabasha street eouth to the west side of South Peert street, and Concord Street frog. side Of Isabel street to the West side of 'South Robert street, under Preliminary Order 6.91__... __.. _._. . Intermediary Order ___ 2504 3078a roved FebruAry 8th, 1815 Final Order ... ___. 1111 -. pp - - 'Po the Council of the City of St. Paul: The commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to he incurred for and in connection with the makilig of the above improve- ment, viz.: 14, 201. 53 Cost of construction Curbing (,ost of publishing notice - - - - 04 t6 Driveways g 1.56 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - 196.00 Water Connections 5110 Sewe18awmgw :urb Rese t - - - - - - - - - - 8_ _._ 275.53 r Connections $ 7 8C Amount of court costs for confirmatiou - - - - - - $15,723.33 Total expenditures - 3 927.28 a ro riated L e the sum of PF P and set asi:ie by ordinance 'r1o.33111. Said Conuo issioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total arnot t as above ascer- tained, to -wit : the sum of $._11. a.C..4 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of Inch lot, part or parcel of land bi a,•.ordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed. and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof. is the said assessment as cowpleted by him, ami which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereo n as may be ,•nusidered prayer. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8_9 G H Harrold Council File \o. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improoement by the Cit}of St. Paul, viz.: ccndemn,ng and, taking. am_eas.ement..in the _land._neoeseaxy..for_. slope.e_.fnr...cuts-..and/'£ills....in. gsading the a11®y--.in..-Blook-7-6,--St -Anthony Park. W ... Dated this 1 th- day of _ April • 1 16 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imtaovement, viz.: Condemning and taking_.an eaement,..i.n.the_.land necea.eary for _s.l.opes.for _cuts. and. fills. in grading_. the_a11a.Y iA Plock 716 $t Anttnony Park._ ............... do"u- 5 A �critt u,t for the . r the fu11f1 4s1a41-Tovem. [. ..._. ........ n [he land Cnr, evnrc Por ++lop having been presented to th me and title m 911"1 ng the u y . . e Council of th nork tc St. Amnon, Park, hn+ mg1 ' , presented Lo ter ('nonoil or the therefore, be it or st. enol u,erero,r he It ol�ed. That th,- Cum miesloncr of ue wn,-kn he and he le hereby or-treby ordered and dirceted: RESOLVED, That the Coin missm,leI r,,,l ilea do-eeted; Tn n„'enut;nte the ereeeuy for I. To iny€estif!ate the necessity for o` aeytr:o,ut or u,n ,m+idns or enlr;aid improvement. o nt. �„i nr,-auuntr toe m tore. ear.ement, and the total cost thereof. 2.(`o investigate the nature, extent ar i eeumeted ,est f enid )mpro .t. nd th,• tolyl cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketc. To fornleh a plan. profile inn nr enla trnprnvement. Tn nmm�n o,r muu..mb '.aid improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data 1, nod lo'or mnu„n relnuye to n t. roT�m�lnte whether Is nskrd for ,., .. ...... ... ... .. 5. To state whether or not sai,i intpro—nte, d .(iii the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the,{}irs�iitg venters to the Commissioner of Finance. 191 Adopted by the Council.._ ..._._ _ Yeas: Nays: ^ / Councilmania nsworth ss Approved eller - L ✓y� N ash oerg Mayor. slave overs YUuIdSHED f '.� / %/ .: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GE NERAL FORM 009 Subject: 1 - COUNCIL d FILE No. , +OC Date Presented. Apr11 19 191 6 Resolved, That the C.ommissioner.of Public Works be and hereby authorized and directed to cause Front street, between Dale and Kents streets,to be sprinkled during the season of 1916. C. F. Nn. 10091—Ry M. N. Goea— Resnlved, That the t'omminxloner or I'uhl 1, l\'orke he and hereby In au- thorized and dire, ted to -UFe Front street, between Dole and Kent St. to be ,V,I.kled tlurinR the N n[ 1716. Ad, ed by the ('ou n�lleA Prr 20. 1916. AI, �'ed Anr. '0. 1916 ( A Orll 29-1910) Yeas (r') Counl'ilmen (I') Nays Farnsworth Goss t In favor Kelle Against Nasli Yoerg Mr. President, Powers FORM C.6-2 Adopted by the Council KIR nn iii l91 A oval i -.. 191 • MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL RORM 9 C�i�'`, Subject: fl COUNCIL FILE No. 1�-• Date Presented Apri 1 19 191 6 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Livingston avenue, between Indiana and; Fairfield avenues, to be sprinkled during season of 1916, C. F. No. 10092—lir TI. N' 'osn— P blle lWorks M1e1 the I., hersby'l onlhort ISed and dlrccl edn to i e r.i Ingsl on M1etw eNn Indinln �1Nnn 1 Falr fleld to k, syrinklcd during season or11916. ]916. Aplr- Ado Vledd A the'L 0o 1119116. Apr. 20, (APrll 22-1916) Yeas (7) Counc men (F') Nays A Adopted by the Council 191-- Farnsw rth Goss In Favor Keller Appro , � / •% '� 191 c r Against Apra Nash Yoerg '� ✓ Mr. President, Powers MAYOR FORM c.9-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM�t §ubject: Sprinkling a. OUNCIL 4 FILE N o. "r t i Date Presented April 19 1916 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause the sprinkling service on Fillmore avenue between Moses and Hyde streets, to be discontinued during balance of season 1916. Yeas ( C) C uncilmen ( C) Nays F nsworth / G s Ke er Nae Yoer Mr. President, owers FORM C.9 -Z C. F. No. 1009g_t;— S hr •.• oqn— rteeolYed. The, the (.'ommiznlon er or Public {S'od be tnd Is hereby gu_ athorized node 111-eten Io the betlwr clnnhfoeesv¢" Fill more ave dlerph lin. r'd during b den mor aae be 1sto Adopted LY the Cou 20. 1916. Ap ncll r. Approved Apr. 20, 1 11 (April Z2-ID167 Adopted by the Council 191 In favor Ap v � v � 191` Against / �, MAYOR Subject: . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -"GENERAL FORM FILE No. 1.0094 Date Presented 191 sem% Resolved, WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public works has heretofore expended the sum of $4,696.60 in making repairs and replacements in that certain bridge on South Robert Street over the tracks and right of way of the Chicago Great western Railway Company, which bridge the said Railway Company is legally required -to maintain and keep in re- pair, and which repairs and, replacements the said Railway Company refused to make after due notice and demand, REEPOW That the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to take whatever proceedin?e he may deem necessary.in order to re- cover from said Railway Company, the said amount expended as aforesaid. C. F. No. 10094—fly M. N. Gose- - rt—ged. lV bee's,. The Commiasinn- of i'u blic Work, has heretofore e - pended the , not of 54. G9G.60 In making reI. palra and re Vl%Sonthn is Itoberttat treet tain bridge on a the track. and right of way of the Ch"""( lV extern "I's'Comro-,, which bridge the said Rall- t'ompanv a lei: ally re gpired to lay talo and keep In re pole, and tvhlch repairs and replacement, the said ltallw'a.v company refused to make of - ler due nolle' and demand. Resolved, That the Corporation whatevlerl9 he- by prove edlniga —1—ted ebe ay d meem y in order to rev. r from .aid Railway Company. the.a Id nmeant expended as afore,ald. Adoptedby the Council Apr. 20, 1916. Approved Apr 20. 1916. (April 22-1916) Yeas ( ✓ ) Co ncilmen v) Nays R aQ 1 V l b 191 Adopted by the Council F sworth /�� Go .{ In favor 2 191 ,,-Ke er Ap d Against -� 9 MAYOR Mr. 'de , Powers FORM C.B.2 a CITY OF ST. PAUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM ACOW) Subject , coo RCIL FILE NO Date Presented 191 Resolved,u t h o r 12 e d Thal 'Flo Cit-" Clerk be ar,d�here ov _ L !� i,. -- and directed to j, -,sue a licen3e t0G__ -- tO ^onduct a hie' 1 •n picture Sh 1� e• _ - ���into the City* Treasury Th .t Isaid Oil -- - -� a licence fete Of 45C.CC,tvu `.ich is the clsto.arc amo.mt f or said license for said :,lotion P'.cture Show, for e- ,Derioi C` one year fr=r, the issuti.nce _ f ci3 :icenae, That s ii _icense sh:Ll; not le or.e effective until ' uil ins has ceccme i'.'-ly +�� •in:. nail sRi3 �_/ � .. from 'he Cemnisei-ner of Pu -ic Biiili_n,,-3 his certificate h.til^in- an -1 all *he ap . r,t„q +,o uae i in ccnnectcn iven therein are in all ,;ith the ehhi'�:itions to he xresects tuil;in_- Coie of the Cit -O' St. Paul in cor';:lia::ce with the file certifica` th the Cl rk• ani hes d the .\rr. Tn.,t nnld v Into the Cwhi Thele e; 'If ,10.00or en ld lie ! ' nid.... >lotlonol �'k,h- Show. f 1 e r from the I— h. nnc, .ITense.,Thnt void Iice nrcectl, he Ivxued hei,nme r •� _ lldinF n he •'me t"11Y nu < and until xnhl 1”" R. F:Ide.r el from she t.'emiiii�net�ertl • jnlij I1cr nnlldlne. I'll the the n0pnrntu nvl di nF end rrtllon x'I re the —h 191 Yeas (,) Councilmen (1) Nays toe re FI<<'p "therein in a Adopted by the Council ILt' 'I with lne tin CI / lFsworth InhePCinerI'nul ndch tr,e ninrnte x•the cin• 1n Adopted bythe Con916inY avrmed vn>Atid—'-- ts>oil v Against N h /berg L •�� AYO MR /�M Pres4t, Powers ORM C.B 2 n 1 HENRY MCCOLL GOMMIplIONER � I ' WM.J. TROY LI CENSE INSPECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF POLICE April 20,1916. To The Honorable The Council Of The City of St. Paul, Gentlemen: - Attached ap:lication of David R. Elder, for a license to conduct a Moticn Picture Theatre at 366 Prior Avenue is for a new location. yours very truly, lam//VAK Lice Inspector: 1.1mr, s JOHN T. McCDLL DEPUTY .0-3—... Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No. �, V,r, 1-16 Date Presented April 19th, 16 191 Resolved;' That the Counoll hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Curbing, Filling, Leveling & Improving Short St. from Hoffman Ave. to Bates Ave., to Peter Dickson at lump sum price bid of $540.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $568.00, Formal Bid No. 834. Yeas ( I') Cour cilmen (t') Nays Farm orth Goss In favor Kelle // '' McC I v Against Nash Yoerg r. President, Dowers FORM •C.8 2 l 'A t, 10096—Bl' Ar. N. Gosn— llesI'll d. That the Council hereby In the rudntlon oe the Comm� lttee and h reby trds the 1—tract for curbin B. oil inlevrll ng and Impro 1 Shor[ 9l. from Holtman Ave. to Hales Ace„ to If t$540.00. Fngl neer', rye stinn ie lvbelnig j 566.00. Formal Hid No, 634. Adup(r' Ly the Council Apr. 20. 1876. ADProved Apr, 20, 1916. (April 22-1916) Adopted by the Council 191 ov ,. 191___.. MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO. .................... .._.__ By---------.._._. _.__... — ..----------- ..... .... ........... ........... ..................... - FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.._Ccxietruct.n'g-_a._sener_cnilfor treet from 1 .......................... ----- Albe¢axle. street to §intoe street. f � F under Preliminary order __..... ..... bra.61............. .... x::........_ approved_..._Dec....3rd._1915. IntermediaryOrde/it ....._. ......... ...... _.............. _ approved..................... _.. ._. ..... ...... --.. .......... .. _ __�._... _ ........ A public hearen'had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all ptions and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; thereforRESOLVED,il of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_...001-ttruot a se_?er on Eilford — ----_ 51 3e....rQ._.......:.._........._........__......__....._...-....-----..._....._��..�c?_.. -- - Z i --__......_......-...........................-...__...._....-..._........havingbeen ._-..... . ............ ,rovemeat upon o uuncll having heal ......................................... ... ... -........ ._.... ___.........__-.........._.. ob7e cite no and recommen._ .._...__.._.........._.._. _.._........ ......._. _._� ''tive thereto, and having and the Council hereby orders said improvem^a.idered the same; therefore.! ,ed, By the Council of the Cit' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Com ;°kind ` the, p;ectsrovem �`i r , e `s be and is hereby instructed and Ih,• sn h, ronetrurt directed to prepare plans and specifications Nnlrerd s reet riom the .nd submit same to the Council for e St. to, a point e approval; that upon said approval, the proper „nr , _,,, r the ,, st n.,' authorized and directed to proceed 'Ir✓et t nd lhr t cil h' with the making of said improvement in acco rd Further, ThatiO1 t Further.-'th I � n, t 1 Adopted by the Council ........... _.. 191_.___. ------- .......... _............................... -------........__._.._ e City Clerk. Approved ..................... f__ ..... .__ _._..__.. _....._. 191 _ —.. _. _ ..... .... -... _ ...... .............................. — - Mayor. Councilman a nsworth 11 4 -Ke ler PUBLISHED 2 � � Z LM Coll erg f r Mayor wets For B. S. A. 8-7 is t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELAMINARY ORDER fa)- 'A All rrl In the Matter ... ............. ......... . .... ......... ...... ...... ....... ........... ........ ..... ...... . ...... ... .... ........ ......... .......... ...... . ..... ...... .. — . ............ ...... ...... . . ..... ..... . ..... ....... - ........ . .... ... . .... .. .. .......... . 11 —.1 .......... .... ........ ... .......... .... . ..... ............... ...... . ....... ....... .... ........ . . . .... .... .... ...... under Preliminary Order approve To the Council of the City of $t. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot. or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, ore as follows: TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the. Council, tozetlu�with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. ...... ........... Cc mm i ss on r a f Finance. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION n J, 7� TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the. Council, tozetlu�with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. ...... ........... Cc mm i ss on r a f Finance. P - CITY OF (SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D11 T' Cou ux.ioxt. OSCAR CLAUS SEN, Cxi[r E --- J. E. CARROLL S." Co..T-1— & R-1- ALFRED JACKSON. SuFr. Sxxrt.riox G. N. NERROLD.O-C, EMO(— St, Pattl, Minn. 15, 1915. r. Wu^* . GOETZINGER S. Woxx��^. r' Mr. ?L 7. Goss , Commissioner of rublic Vlor}:s, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith prelirIIinarl- ec timate of cost in the construction of a sewer on 101ilf0rd St. from Albemarle St. to Simcoe St., in accordance with Council File r8261, approved Dec. 3, 1915. Approximate estimate $$300.00 Total frortage 396.5 ft. 281.5 Exemrtions ft. Assessable frontage Cost per front root 2. Excess inspection necessary ti111.5 00 Respectfully submitted J� Dict. 0.0-1y. Chief Engineer Office of khe Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Decen:oer 17, 191 5 'l'o the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan]: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had wider consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. eil, known as Council bile No. 8261 _...approved December 3,.., . 7 D _._ .._ _.. .....91 ._._.., relative to "•e constriction of a sewer on :.:iifor' Pt. from f11oe:..arle St. to Sii,.coe 1 -treat. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ___...._.necessary and (m•) desirable. 1.G 7 ; er front foot S. The estimated cost thereof is $ .. _., and the total cost thereof is $ 3GG. Gv and rGrta,'.e 377.5 ft. Excess inspection ''?4..;G the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. .i. Said improvement ie......__..__..__. _.........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. C0tYimissioucr of Public Works. I GEO. W. PEACHEV. SECRETARY J. A. A. BUR NOUIST. LIEUTEIA RT GOVERNOR A^ ^ Gr, fu ¢ v£ Mune"fa M JAMES HANDLAN - 1 `'- ATE CHAMBER ST PAUL. MINN COMMIS510NER OF PUBLIC WOR�9' SENATOR 381,. —T—T December let ,1915 r I, the under signs dprope rt y owner on Milford Street from Albemarle street to Simcoe street, do hereby respectfully petition your honorable body to cause a sewer to be constructed ba said steet between said points. % s Gc I c —� ------� _. - ,�- .y / � G._ (> i z. ��� 'f- \ , r. •C iia OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY. CITY CLERK X a COUNCIL FILE NO.....:..._._.___ ................_... ..._.. — - - t ..C,.91 S FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._QOkie.t tLQ ag_a.:_eewer._eu...�tanford street bettvee.. GxigE;�_ street_ and..-.SY-ateate_ etre_et,__............------------------_.--.---._.-__....-_._-- under Preliminary order ....__.$791 - ........ approved._... ..... ....... Jait.13, 1916. IntermediaryOrder .... _......... ...... ..... ---.... ........... ........... ....... approved ........ ............ _..--............ .... -..........---- ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is...__Construot�a sewercq Stanford street" bgtweea_-Gr i.g�e..._str_eet and SyadiOate street. a and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. c? Adopted by the Council 191 _... ........ ..... ark. vv / Approved ------- __.. .._-- —_---.191 ....._.. -- - - - -- ........ -- Mayor. Councilman Fai nsworth n ., tint Lit VO S .L.provement upon and the council having he. PUBLIs - Ke ler tine orel&liveecthereton andcohavin M oil Ili[ conal dared the same; thereto, �Resoived, ny the Council of the City Na h SL .Paul that the preciae nature, •tant and kind of Improvement to be We by the Bald City Is construct . YO Cg er on Stanford street between I99. treat find Syndicate btreet, Mayor Po, ers .d the Council hereby orders sald_im- vement to be made. ?evolved Further. That the Commis - Farm B. S. A. 8-7 .ner of Public Work. be and he Is reby Instructed and directed to gre- e plane and peclacatione for o .provement, and submit same to the Junell for approval; that upon said pproval, the proper_ city officers Bra the Council Apr. 20, 1910. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE "'- REPORT OF COWISSIOLVER OF FINAIyCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C J v� E. In -the Matter of 41 ti_ �L-�/ ------ — ----- ------ ---------------- ---— - - ----------------------------------------- - ------ --- ..__.... .... �L" "1L'k._.�sz - ------------------------------------- " - - --- _ .. a (1Tzr_. !J _-- f 6. — -- - under Preliminary Order approved - - --_- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ ---- _-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1J 6,7 !` TOTAL, I 1 a O " CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s'• REPORT OF COMIV4SSIONER OF FINANCE t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER fC) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION' /a, / 7 U 1 ^^- � V The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him -in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _. / _... ____.191_ _... Commissioner of Finance. FORM .-A. 8.3 c Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January.26,_ . __. ____.1916_. To the Coauoissiouer of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminay order of the Coun- 8791January 13, 191_6, relative to the cil, known its Council File No. - _. _..._ _.approves _.. construction of a sewer on Stanford Street, between Griggs Street and Syndicate Street. ............._ ..._.. . ....._............................_...................... ..._._......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement'is__ ____ _necessary and (or) desirable. $1.90 per front foot 2204.00 2. Tile estimated cost thereof is $......._.. _.__..., slid the total cost thereof is ,and Frontage 1,812 feet Excess inspection $50.00 the nature and exleut of said improvement is as follows: _ ........ .... __. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_..._....___......__......asked for upon petition of three or mm•c owuere of property, subject to assessu,ent for said improvement. uissiouer of Public Works. CITY OR SAINTR PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSSOM M18910NER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D-11 C—A-61—' OSCARCLAUSSEN, C"', E.—Il. J. E. CAR ROLL Suvi. Coxcinucvon ALFRED JACKSON. Suri. 5-1-- ...1l - G. H. HERROLD, 011-11 Exo1xccv St. Pau, Minn. Jan. 2b, 1916. H. W. GOETZINGER Suv.. W�v. •.�_ Mr. M. A. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir,- Irtransmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost fop the construction of a sewer on Stanford St. between Griggs St. and Syndicate St., in accordance with Council File #8791, approved Jan. 13, 1916 Approximate estimate $2,204.00 Total frontage 1,212 ft. Exemptions 50 ft. Assessable frontage 1,162 ft. Cost per front foot $1.90 Exoes8 inspection necessary $50.00 Respectfully �(submitted, P tn l5' - Ate, E,-'�/s A ^--• Dict. J.E.C-./M. Chief Engineer MENAx E. WEnEESTnEOi CO • STITIONERS I 1 3t I 2iT0 the :.cnorable __ty .._un,2il, -- -- i i of i:. i 6 _ •.�, ._.e �ndersi ,ne.., owners of I.roperty a';,uttin� on ;;t .aford 61,strG.t 'oetween Iriooa <:n1 Synuiuute atcGdts,ao r,ercuy petition your - i ; .onor� isto ;uuatz; a sever to Cu :uilt ir. ti -is .,ircct 6points enti cndu. I , I- 9 ames Lot Llk Addition -_ of G.C. G�d k,� a�d- 3 Gjw Al - 12 13; 16I 191 2<I JAN 151916 26 i. BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, N 264 Ii 21 26 as. 321 1,tor. D. C. Gn, Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 4k and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned herebv proposes the making of rhe Aublic improvement by thee ,4711-Ytt Sc Paul, viz.: i.Q I ...... Lic a W'e L�' Sit, fro 2 - ----- aO ;t jdo 3,-,- dica'�( ITO, I to ra Dated this av of 1, 1'e C/cilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Hac &-nd. ',ilc t -Q. ;; �'ix f,.c ot L -A.d.e of- 'lictiaria St.... aze 0. -hg. u'l'a sd-d Q. 0. �c 'Ule.y- ta-�UQQ-t 5. 2 U 4-arov A go ......... .... .. ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. " ..... Y. . ...... . ... therefore, be it -reby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pt,.'4)�r`j'��]["! ;",. N- I t-1 1. To investigate the necessity for or cle,e', —,n,, -1,1, -;aid improvement. C—­`_t2'ement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e Works N. ,.,d h, I. h 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of� . '� —1— ',.,j,Ajijjt ,y d. f ­kI,,9 �f 4. To furnish the following other data ands.v'T,7,'n,-,-.,,jg,jj,, ti,e liattir, :d improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement- ','.'n the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. /,, L, P 2Z 1 o I � Adopted by the Council . .... ..... 191 Yeas: Councilman Far worth Nays: 9 Go Approved Ke r Y Y. o Mavor Po rs eUBLISHUD Request of Den E. bane / Council File No. _.°......._v .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. t T and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the jmakmq�owing/b�' impement by the ity of Co, _';s ,tctSr. Paul, viz.:. A 1: s joie.ut}e east. idt of "ulcer.n,d.,1 t _..o . the t side of ti' deL ::u.rl fltuuui. Ave .....___.. Dated this �. _... av of ___ ...._.. ... _._.._. _._. 191 ...6. Councilman. i PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. Construct a cement the sidcw_,l_ tg._a_t,.i.dtri_o ,_j,...f'Mq.t..p i tP.c. e.a.st side of 31'1 der Ave, froi Ashland Ave. to Sgtrr7t.. fiyc _ end o.r...the w.e 1.3 t side of 7!il.der Ave. 7 or T ,trel Ave,_ to._�.W:!!it_ 4: — e.._. _ __. ........... ......_ .._. _ .... _ ... _.._ ...... _ .......... ................. _... _......__. ._.- _..... _._ _. having been presented to the Council of the City of °` cul r,.r the r„et therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of ”"' 1.""""I ^' s hereby ordered and directed: h:,cing heap presented �t ,it of III, t l,- of St. I`„nl ih,, 1. To investigate the necessity for or he It }f said improvement. „11 1, Thet the 01-1—i r 2. To the nature, extent investigate at,'Ir ^°nrkn hr „na he i.., h,-,,-I,)m > 'roveent, and the total cost thereof. g a , a atreetra_�` _ T„ Investigate the n rr nil, _ 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sket Ir lrnhun> of tha- tusking ,f , rn.�rn� nt. 4. To furnish the following other datir.�,unA he p said improvement; It, ,Rt ortill tet„1 too .................. to rnl.v-h plan. f n .......... ... ....._....... ....-...... -. ..... ........... ...., of vn ld Imprnrr mrnt ...... .. .... ........... .. _......... .... .-... ... ................ fu rn'•h ihr fel on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said iml lot 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .... ...... .9`^_�'e...�.' _ ,, _.... 191 _.......- Yeas: Nays: Councilman fer h Approved _.__ ...." 191......_ iTash Mayor Mayor. .^• ° " ° euJUSHED �// C D. r`,,,ton Council File No. _......_._ I . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. Now and PRELIMINARY ORDEIf. The undersigned hereby proposes the making f(fihe folio ng public impro-pt9te� by the Cjr1 -e J. St. Paul, viz.:..{�.G.Q.aS.ta.1�.C'v.r s.n _ cct rescn cr r.0rcl... li on he _ .o. Gcodr h ,},e. L0 1 ..:. - 1711.:r%...� ..0.d Dated this h of 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .._ ._ _5.:..t�,...t..... _,,....._a , -,it h..0.5 t� `re er cc c– .................. .._............................................ having been presented to the Council of the Citv of St. in therefore, be it �en.r�na r'�",h,• r,, ,,u nr sr. rt,a w.�Prn,e, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Th„t it,, bY ordered and directed: re be and he N hereby- a nr,a ,n,e—d: d improvement. I. To investigate the necessity for or de' ry m.,•xtt :r r.• rhe--jtr a .t� ldltty .,r we —king .,r W lent, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e�° tn. �.uEnte thet n, tore. ea .eeiimnrea eoyr yr .nta tmt,r.• 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o� nna the v,wt eo.t u,e�«�• To fu "ll”'tmv�ox pin n. Pr , or.nla ..r„enc .rd Improvement; ........... 4. To furnish the follo%eing other data and ., r„�niuh u,• ................................ . 5. To state whether or not said Improvement Is aSKed for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..... __. . G: n -u- . _ 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth approved .191........ Go /Kel r Yoe �-- _ ✓�.. �. ... Mavor Pow Mayor. .�•• _ � � PL'KLISHr�D Petition Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and .' �r. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making gf,M1 following public improvement by the City' of St. Paul, viz.:.....ara,11e Villard Ave. f"',iq 71eS ^roster Sty o Arl:ori -ht St., ? „apcord cq 11ih.r,,c �o_;.r4 4. at ic.�ked._...�4 re L _.. Dated this tr. day of _ Anr Cound an. ¢t PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz: _ written proposal for the .• rnK improvement ........ V/ll.lard Ave. from West' -- -- Ark wrlKht St., havlhe t d to the Cou of the I uI therefore bee it ............. a That the Commissioner of __ _...... ........... ke be and he le hereby or- having been presented to the Council of the City °Inveetigaie the necessity f, " --"- ability of the making of sn e'L therefore, be it investigate the nature, ex RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pt' pr id the toiae of said thereof. hereby ordered and directed: furnish a plan, prong 1. To investigate the necessity for or deli f [uid lnp n e neatfolloo A said improvement. ate the uature, extent and est' nie whether ror n I /rovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate � •ate whetner or n 3. To furnish a ( Ian, profile or sketch of sa a.ked ow,for .or - 4. To furnish the following other data and informanmv, clative to said improvement. ............... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _._ . __ Af r _ 191. _ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa worth K jer Approved __ _. . a(� .___ 191 _..._. "r Push _-- Mayor Mayor. eudusttED Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. . and �, ro PRELIMINARY O R. The undersigned hereby proposes the making o e followit public improven[t4"byythe Cor:dery ir; ztrd t4lci easr� gr. ..i ....h,e 1 �rc1.. nece�s. St. Paul viz.: _ .. __ _ __ _ �+a '__i:.Q slonec, ior..cuts and il�.� ir;�ain ..� l.ars� ve..-.:C. oms'I s.. er St. to Arlmri- nt St. ' ....... _. Dated this 2n+h y of .a .__ ...._... .. 191 G.. /i C, i ncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the oinking of the following improvement, viz.: .. _ Ccnd,tar,, i, id t ..;. i22 ;',e lard neccs:ur:_ics ;1o.pes.� or cn t ,.., 1 ,r oloa— '�It St.t A written propo ....._ ( the fell owing Im'ir, ....... ... . dem11and taking "d he a1 n my for and nils Inangra ..__-......._ ... .. ................. ... ... .......... ............ rm Weetminat rr St. St. to ..... ... ._ ... ... .-...... 5t.. having been present having been presented to the Council of the City o('n`11 of the City of St. ved. That the C-1-1.1therefore, be It Works be and he 1. hetet' .nd directed: ln­ RESOLVED, That the Commissionct of Publt eebllitytl f tthehmnking ot'reby ordered and directed: meat I. To investigate the necessity for of tiesiral -aid improvement. inv..ogalo the nature. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est meImathe ed cost ofoal m ti eels lent, anthe total cost thereof. ,d ftotal c J. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of sai n"Iso n Ir, , 4. To furnish the following other data and int- rovemenC ............................. ...... .... ...... _.. - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the, Council_... Yeas: A Nays: Counclman fle th L2 Approved _ 191.-....' _— -_-_ i;4ch Mayor Mayor. ro,. _ , , PUBI,ISIIED % ✓ � ��� ;ct!tion Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and i PRELIMINARY ORDiy The undersigned hereby proposes the making of followin public impro<,emen v the Cit I, q( n ve i, t] nc;.a rcndal Yddi. or,.-.ir. ttiocraarue:."Jit St. Paul viz.: r r e�l..r. , r Dated this .a. daY,6� }ai p ,.• p Y � � .._.. ... I r lot r ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A wriiten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pavy e 1c it cc;; F ..lU i Jc :9?1....__ ,.r a having been presented to the Council of the l ,t thee.heI therefore, be it rte the eeeir esiie, RESOLVED, That the,Commissionci of ty of the tnnktng : he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or dine Peugnee nuwree'd the toiatt vo ti U v Council File No. .....:._. _ . . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and i(j,Ia'F° PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the/nhil public improvement by the City of St. Paul viz.:.Cn dr r� arta t kic:.. 1lot 4cr i' r.d X11trc aller3 cY_.5"10 ..1..Gd .PurkDated this day At.`p ,C ncilman. PRDER. WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: ea e^ r,* 1n._+:}1t la'A n.a.opsaary for 1a for cr;+r r ra = i i l s it n: I;i 1.1 c- it -�locl-, F ......... .......... a having been presented to the Council of the. he �. ❑ incilman ..... _ .._ therefore, be It,orkehbe snd he le he tbrrc RESOLVED, That the Commissic d n,dlrecled: —ttgete theeoeeetty _ he is hereby ordered and directed: remutr of the .axing of 1. To investigate the necessity for o i�VeSttgete the ",tore. ,.,,king of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent to°oat of eeid t.t. end the u.etea ter poet thereor.ld improvement, and the total cost thereof. turn toh a pten. , J. To furnish a plan, profile or sk, of veld t.nr°°e "e" enc. To furnl sh the f" 4. To furnish the followins! other d:",em;° or.enon relative to said improvement; n, �r 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mote owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council191_ _ ..._ t„ r R Z,: I'..5 Yeas: Q Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G Approved _ J 191 .... Y rg Mayor P ers Mavor. PUBLISHED �>%� f Comwil File No. . b~ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and W !? ( r PRELIMINARY ORDER. The ondersiglwd 11e1 by proposes the making of the, folloNvl Paiil, vi..: For .Grading.. Filling, and. Imp,yA4� the canal on both aides, from the ooncreti the City limits, and grading. Ming,4y'L around the laks__in Ph..alen rk, commo Dated this _�:�r•�� dar ��s._. the City of ti. PRELIMINARY ORDER VV•III:RB.',ti.:A written proposal for the making of the following innprovemeal. vie.: For Grading, Filling, and_Improving the.park_property _along the canal on both sides, from the concrete bridge Northwesterly to the City limits, and grading, filling, and improving the property around the lake in Phalen Park, commonly known as Round Lake. ha %iog been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paull br Conucilmxn._.... ._NA:iH.. thererore• be it RPhU1.A'F.U, That the Conlniissioner of Public W, , d ereby ordered find directed: nil 11r hib In 1. To investigate the necessity for tie desit•xbil: .n �;�;l> 1<no�.�: a. I:�:n ;aid improvement. a. r'. o' -d thy. rug •rt st. 1•,..a "1 11". cement, and the total cost lll(,l P. 2. To investigate the nature, ,Stent and est .ol mea. That the ("=,slo c Works be and he le her•• :i. To furnish it plain, profile or sketch of sai'Toind,�eulate the nr 4. To furnish It,,, following other :hilo and 1 vem Intr oe the m kaid imprm•e writ: To Investigate nd estimated c .... yen[. and ahs tr _....... .... .. 5. To state whelher or not said inyprovement is n. " —ia oil the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all it' the matters to the I'oumiissioner of Finance. PR �, : jo16 Adopted by the Council _ �.i • ._ ...................1!11.... meas: t NWj Colwcihooun Fa iaswol'th tit - Apin•ov191Kt en.[[LLL flavor P ers Ala von PUIILIs%IED I l'oi ocil File No. - - t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. '101 �IE? and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I'he uudtn•siglletI hrreby proposes ill, waking of the follovviln, tib c improveluc Y IIIc Pity of tit. I'alll, viz.: For Grading,_ Filling. and 14 r0 .. ng ., e Par. _ .r.P alo ty_ the canal on both sides, from the oncrete rid gorthv stet the City limits, and grading.- llin3, a d i roving t .e p. _P s Ro ak. around. _the..lake_in Phalen rk, common Y a _. d ) ILIh• I this _ :_ _� lay C''- - l'ouucihnau. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ]V'III:RI:.A�, :A vcriUa prnpns,ll I'nr tilt ulokillg of till, following inlprovrweal, sir.: ..... .. For Grading, Filling, andImprovingthe park property along oncrete bridge sterly to the canal on both sides, from the crovingrtheePTOPertY_- the City limits, and grading, filling, and imp AQ Round Lake. around the lake in Phalen_Park, commonly known having been lu,rse'lled to til' {'outt'il of the l',ity of St. Yawl by Counciloolli _.HA ._. ; therefore, be it„ ereby ordered :lull directed: RS�(]INED, 'Pkat the ”"ll" issionet of Public AA Ir 'II 0 �t;„eni, . ;aid imprnveuleut. 1. 90 investigate the ueeessit� fol or desirttbil' � nrt1—Il-a - Ih'. rus "r sl. ram therr•fo” cement, and the total cost therrof. •� To investigate the nature, extent and est.,, Wo�kshbe lila he Is h-,, :;. 'Pn furuisII as plan, profilr ot• sketch of sai'•rorin—sttdl­l9l a the or strabolty of the m' k gild llllpl'n\'elnelll : -{. "Ib fln'ni;41 Ihr I'ollo\cing utile' dat;l and 1'TotnIlvestigatc .ndestimated e. _ gent. and th^ tr ._....... ...................... _..5. To stilt' vvhrlIIer or tint Said iinp ovcmettt is -- ,' —� on the petition of tlu•ee ot• wm•e ovvnets. li. 'Po report upon all of the foreg-ill", matters, to the Co uulissioner of Finanee. Adopted by the Council... _. - 1 \N/�, 1'nuueillu:lll FII �Is\cnrlh Ill Approved Ilry Y .g Mayor. Ilavor P ers PU BLISMD---- Cmiaeil Idle No).. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. i 01Q7 Thr uudersigued In•reby propnsrs the making of til;• 1'ullmeil poll' iml;rnvelaeu . y till' City of St. paid, viz.: For Grading, Filling, _Improvi and rname ..in a mall, to be known as the Earl Street Yal}r' betwee Iv Stre p aad'Como and Phalen Avenuea. I)atrd this Conncillnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. V1'Iliail?.A�, :A written nropnwll I'or the "Inking of t1m follmving iulprov;nu•nt, viz.: For Grading, Filling,__ Improving, and Ornamenting a mall to be known as the Earl Street Mall, between Ivey Street, and Como and Phalen Avenues. Navinhet'u pr"sentr,l to the Caaucil of the City t. 'h:. ih_NASFI. _. ... _..... , the . re.a tnert•ro„•, 1" "ed, Thgt the Com: l Ilel'e ft)IY', II;' It - Worke be' and he le HT,soLCEI', That alae Conuuissiona' of Public oeanvere,ted: the no n•rehy ordered and direvtvd: I rmbi^Ity of the mak 1. To illvesligute the u"cessity fur ur desiral a t. said imin•nvrlurut. e Investigate the n _' 'I'o inrrsligate tlu• uafiu•r, extent and estil I`imniea of the man ulprovrunent, and the total Bost thereof. 3 the total eost tF :I. To I'u rn ish a plan, protile or sketeh of said f rnlih•,rOVe la 4. T-I N116,11 Ihr folloty 11V othrr Bala and info,- tr .h to said inlprnvelnent: b. To stale It]' not said ialprnvealent is asked for on the petition of three o• mor" mvaers. fl. To rt-port upon all of t1w uuatt�.qq..to thr Commissioner of Fimuu'e. 0':� Adapted by the Caillicil _...._.191 l'ras: Nays: Couneilnuua Na' sworth Ino Approved Ke •r 0' arN 1 ,a1L (L ma.l. I'm rs Mayor. Council 11'i1v No. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned 1 '.b., propost•s tilt milking of the following p to pall, viz.: For Grading, bilking,_ -Levelling,., d lawn spaces, and macademizing the drives way., i i 90'?t; I i lnprovrin eut by the City of tit. p.ro.vzoenito. der s. d_ _ 1, ad.i.tea.. lake - shore, in Phalen Park, within the 01 1 In -• Phalen Avenues and Larpenteur Ave e. - Ilatrll day of Couucibuau. PRELIMINARY ORDER. R'111:RF._1ti, ;1 wrilh a proposal for the looking of the following iwprm'rulrnt, viz.: For Grading. Filling, Levellin&,__and. improving borders and. ,awn spaces, and macademizing the drive -way, all adjacent to the lake shore, in Phalen Park, within the City limits, between Como and Phalen Avenues, and Larpenteur Avenue. having bel•u prrscutrd to the l'muuvl of the City of Sl. Paul be t'ouueilnuul__. _ IZA$H-... _.. -.. thrrrforv•, br it . „g hnrdera anc! IL u'. Hl;til1l,A'F;I), 'That the conlnlissionrr of Puhl mnredemt:Ins be drtvew: by ordered and directed: e w,I1hInthe t he t City Ltm l tn'n bet. �, To investigate till' Ill'ee,,Sity fol' 111' dPal l' and rhaten Avenue end d 1111pI'I/veill"l't. ,-or Avenue. having been pr er To iuvrstigale the nature, extent and es of theer000n�c of the Cltx n'ewent, and the total cost tbercuf. 2. olved, That the Commlanlor 3. To furnish a phuo, profile or sketch of sit, le works be and be 1. he .a ednd directed: }- To Mu'l'ish the following, otd her ata au. To inve.tle.te the aid irnprovenn'lit: t.airablltY of the makic• vemanL r I ,,'ad cell the nl ....... --mn•ed coat of .. _.. ._. i total cot G. To state whethtl• or not sled inyu't5u uu nt is en a Its pettUon of throe m mm•e owners. Imp; r r fi. To report upoll all of Ihr I'urr;lling nudters to til_ .,n'lilissioner of Finiuum. Adopted by the Couneil Peas: Vays: Couucihmtu b'au•u tv,fill _ 1D I.osa. Approved.... -.__.. Kel � WL ry "� Z4 Yoe C, . _ .. _. _ \favor. Mayor Pow' 4 Council File No. �'...e .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. flit and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned loq-,-Ily pl-oposes the making of the following p1h i ill •ovenlPnt b 1 City of. "t. Dani, 1'iz. For grading, improving, seeding wi gr e_ae d. planting with trees, 'troth sides of the arkw `_.kno ~as.. xing. V. Avenue, between Summit Avenue and C o Park Dated this 11,1 -Lo, dap of _._ 191, i ouncilmau. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \\•111?RIi.\ti.:\ writt,u proposal for the making of the following iwpro0ruuvil, ciz.: _ For grading,_ improving,__aeeding with -gratis_ seeds, and planting with trees, both aides of the Parkway known as Lexington Avenue, between Summit Avenue and Como Park. ........_....._.. .... ........ 0109-- - A written➢ l for the ' the following improvement, ing Improvement, having been preseotrd to the Councit of the Cit grading, improving. e,Idt"ga11 _.NASH. as assns, an vlanung wan __..._..._..., ,ith ides of the Parkway therefore, III' it a Lexington Avenue, between i Avenue and Como Park, hav-I RI;tiIN.A I':I), 'I`hat the Conunissionrr of 1' prey ted to the Council of q-vby order,d mid direeted: f St. Paul therefore, be it d. That the Comm le atoner t �. Ttn ill\'l•atlgat, the m'f:e9Slt\' for of d4'�l'orke be nd n1- to hereby or- 1111 improvement. . td directed: 3. To inv,stigate the nature, extent ml') ,i ytoitine hmaaiting aoi "sin 1vnwnt, and the total eost thereof. :1. 'fo furnish it plan, profile or sketch out, is tae, —tpre aced cost a. To furnish the following oth.•r data and 'bo,� n t re1„hve to said improeenwilt: 5. To state 101,111-1• or not shin improvement is asked for on the petition of three or loot•" owners. (i. To report upon all of tine faregeing oltitt(TS to Tile Commissioner of Pinnace. Adopted by the ('ouncil_.. Yeas; ......Nays: Couut•ilulan Far lvortl ("os Approved Kel r -M if , j'o g ° - Alayor Po rs Mayor. t PUBLISHED �� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLVTION—GENERAL FORM - 10110 Subject: 1_Q1_ 0 COUNCIL _ TILE NO. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Matthew O'Rourke, the sum of Thirteen Dollars and fifty cents, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of injuries received by him while employed by the Department of Public Works. in laying a temporary crossing on Marhs311 Avenue, near the Town and Country Club. Said money shall be paid out of the Workmens' Compensation Account of the General Fundd I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of P�blicrk RESOLUTION& 10110— nesnlved. 'Phat the prop"r riq' oRi. rinlx a hereby zed to pT ` y 1 \]at[ Imi rRou rk e. the of Thlr- . lhr. l - teen Rolla ry and flit)- ce ntsn In partial t ettlemenl of hie rI'Im agxlnst the 'I"arising by r of IIt t 'ee r - gelled by him whileemployed by [he Ilepartment p[ Pub"' work'. In lay - Ins a tem norxry c ¢sing on if—hall r the Town and I;ounl tte'Sknurr shnll be out of of ntCodpenentinn ,he m Arcount the a Geese of the General Fund. Adopted by the C'ounrll Apr. 22. 1916. ADD roved Apr. 21. 1416. (April 29-1916) Yeas (✓) C ,oilmen (✓) Nays APP, ' Adopted by the Council 191 _. Far worth Go In Favor Ke / , Appro d 191 l/ Against N Y Mr. Presiden ower'MAY_O .. ........ R - FORM C.9•2 PUBLISM) — Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CFILE OUNCIL N O.. of l 1. _... Date Presented Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Cornelius Haggerty, the sum of Twenty One Dollars and Sixty Four Cents, in full and final settlement of all claimis held or asserted by him against the City by reason of injuries received by him while employed by the Department of Public Works on the 4th day of June, k 1916; said money shall be paid out of the Workmensl Compensation Account of the General Fund. C. F. Xu. 10111— Resolve,l. That the proper city oRl- ciais "a hereby authorized to pay to Cornrllu' HaKgert y, the —un ( ' or Tar- t)' One ltollara and 4lxlyFour Cent', I full a d final all Clement of all claims held o ertod by him against the City by reason of Inlurle' r -Wed by him wh l leemployed by the Depart- ment of Pahl lc \Yorke on the 4th day of June. 191"s: gold m ne.)' shall be paid 1 out of the Rork menGeneras' Com peneation A -411t of the l Fund. Adopted by the [`auncll Apr. 22, 1916. Approved .Apr. 24. 1916. I April 29-1916) ' I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Public Works Yeas ( ✓ ) Cou men (v') Nays Far �iorth Go Kel N Y Mr. President, owers FORM C.a-P 191 Adopted by the Council QP N 191 In favor Gj �� JApprov !/ Agains[ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE No. Date Presented 191 e Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to E. E. Carson, the sum of Fourteen Dollars ($14.00), out of the Workmens' Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settle- ment of his claim against the City arising by reason of injluries re- ceived by him while employed by the Ctty on the Gaultier School. C F. No. 10112—Fly I.ouls I�aeh— Resolred. That the proper city o(rl- clxls a hereby authorized to pay to I:. 1 Ce reon, the au or Fourteen Dollars 141.10), ,at mof the Work - Ge a Compenan tion Accoun[ of [he General Fund, In partial settlement f . hiss halm 11—insl thea m City rieing by w w of In]urles re Ivedhill ell plo)'ed by [he City on the Gxultler School. Adopted by the Council Apr. 22, 1916. ApProeed Apr. 21. 1916. (April 29-1916) I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Publ6c Buildings. Yeas (v') Coq limen (✓)Nays �. Far orth Go In favor Kel j Against Na Yo g Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.6-2 Adopted by the Council 191 Approv / 19( MAYOR � t n CITY OF ST. PAUL t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Subject , COUNCIL FILE N O • Date Presented April 19th, 1916 Resolved, That permission he an9 ie hereby granted the Northam States Power Company to erect poles and string wires and the necessary anchors thereon: Mississippi St. •from Maryland Ave. to York ti on York St. from Mississippi St. to Arkwright Sti on Arkwright St. from York St. to Whithll St. on Whitall St. from Arkwright St. to Desotu St. Said poles and wires to be placed and the work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Utilities; said Company to pay the coat,_Of engineering and the in— spection, and the poles and wires tc be removed when requested by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, this permission is granted under and pursuant to the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 2645, approved December 26th, 1906_._ C. F. No. 10113—BY M. N. Goes— Resolved, That permission be and is hereby granted the eNotthepronle8Staatte. ' Power Company nchor string wires d the necessary a thereon: St from Maryland Ave. N...... kippl to Yoorrk St; on York St. from MlAr..is- Arkwright - slppl St. to Ark wrgh[ SC: o Ark- wrlgbl ahltsll 4t. from St. Arkwrlghtt St. SC: o to Deaotn St. Said poles d Ireu to be placed and the wo k to abe done ends, the direc- tion and to the f Commissioner ofPublicUtultlf asaid Ing and t the lna pection a and tht Of el nepolea and wtrca to be removed hen request- ed by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, thla permission Is granted provisions land of pursuant Ordinancet NO. 2646- spa p rov s ons proved December 26th, 1906. Adopted by the 1916 Apr. 22, ]918. Aproved Apr. (April 29-1918) Yeas (✓) Coun men (r') Nays Adopted by the Council �} P R ur✓ y 'j 191 w' arms Orth —to. In favor 191 l/(Celle Approved U Against `Nas C. ✓ MAYOR Mr.�sident Owers FORM C.a-2 "' - `Oiv or Stjaul .� .. Cauucil=Revolution w GeAersl WOO vs"tnlOAt. of- 1 Bale" OY Data Pr®ee�nie0,� 418, Countsii FileBow_ Reselveds that permission be and it is hereby granted ,the string wire IaTor:thweatern Telephone Exchange Company to Ret poles and the follaRing named atresia: inith-the necessary anchors thereon in North side of Lydia between alley Vlie of Cleveland 4 Poles on Avenue to alley East of Cleveland Avenue. estd to do 00 by poles and wires to be removed when.regTeleehone the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by p Company "R 2'y Adopted by the Council its" "SvG.— �/ V ���yFR'. � 'Ih xxlti orthe estein � mVu n> Vi xrt - . R_ 'Int���w �elth the n I hf cs W e ihrr�Fu nr n tr ollowin . / H1f t!\orih y'�le of I.��,I.t bar /f a•xt ��( 1'I ��r lei nil n nu -- li �e le remo�c�l `Nnl V`o onJ 1 t t hr bald b♦ the �i,�^�j afar. 2=, 7916 d a 1fi. 61 '•' •.. I 91fi1 29-1916) 1LT. PrasidtAt Via. •.y j .. City at .' Council $lgsolution General VOTS, ,: �gx$a►�t :of J Ae"Iledy Out periniesion,be and it is hereby granted the tarn Telephone Exchange Col to set poles and string wire with yanchors thereon in the following aaated streets. the`'rieceesary 2"Po1es Bast''aide of paella Ave. Bet. Autumn"Ave. to alley South of Jumn Avenue, _ Ave. Bet. Elandrau to alley West of / Y Pole $ouch "'side of LaCrosse V Flandreu Avenue. to r 2 Poles South,,Of gtr.@from 7th Street to Harvester Ave* ? J Bast side of English- 4 Poles'No, side ofHarvesterAve. from Book Gtr. to Keifer Str. I and •mires to be' repo ed� when.. requested to by 'the Common Couna'il 8a.d cost to be.pa�d by the T 393b. mapted by x list's me >.,. nl Krr l„ nth 1 to Tr,,, `• _ ro' rl (r.•N In 1e r 1 vtn I to br . tl,nnl. V ii0 1 11. the C., 1, •rd fpr ?J, 1:110 ) Prealdsnt lid # + ■■■ _ ` ' CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of Council Pile No. Date Presented 191 Byni, to I., --d '� 1 .i,.al I'.ne. h. 1-11.1 r - 1 r.i 6-1 v rer there n lug the •air ,,. „n cue r-. . n a „I . he I,,,iia all< a l aireeI Tid ,iii City Aros. Two poles on Langford Avenue from Snelling Avenue to alley east of Snelling Avenue., Five poles in the alley between Linwood Place and St.Clair Street, from Pascal Avenue to Saratoga Street. Three poles on Lightner Avenue from Anker Street to Syoamore Street. Seven poles on Arkwright Street from Magnolia Street to Gerani- um Street. One pole in the alley between Fairmount Avenue and Osceola Avenue from Viotoria Street to Avon Street. City Arse. two poles on Belvidere St. from Harvard Street to Oakdale Avenue. One pole in the alley between Watson Avenue and Armstrong Avenue, west of Milton Street. Three poles on Winslow Avenue from Augusta Street to Horton Street. Four poles on Annapo;ls Street from Oakdale Avenue to South Robert Street. One pole on Phalen Avenue and Zlward Alley. Two poles on Snelling Avenue from Roblyn Street to Carroll Avenue. With necessary guys. -vsroY �_ One pole in the alley between Roblyn Street and Carroll Avenue ! r�from Snelling Avenue to Asbury Street. Two poles on the corner of State Street and Bunker Street. One pole on Chatsworth Street between Jefferson Avenue and Juliet Street. One pole in the alley between Juliet Street and Jefferson Avenue from Chatsworth Street to Milton Street. Party poles on Montreal Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Clove - land Avenue. Sixteen poles on Cleveland Avenue from Montreal Avenue to Schneider Street. With necessary guys- , "I 1 I 1 I nc I',... , I— I I' " n d I n I Id 1.. r '`•�I 1 11'. 1 I 1 1111r1 h lld trl` nr c ..l.Ic.l and.hara to a•nr all an 1'Ir •. , II .r lakr dn n 1 re cl a d r 1 x e.l tared ndcrirr and. 1 e rr ,1 c o n.-1 .I all dce iha, M1r nli rrri .r r, s I . "'oi +hall Adopted by the CouncilL,i�-'.,n ami' 191 erclnn ,I'ooiew'u„ l ir,l:l Yeas I Cot] 41111en�r:•. �':rnnennl ) Nays SWOR e' of Nnh" erle,.Ion -A Anna ne ere�cea nd e ci er the r... est o.ler n of, Asn' v GO, nll in nll th In's •uL1' " Islons of , C t' n I Ih,r Inwt,a or ( Inr it --Yc� RG AI n. ,.s=n ?approved O' ARY i� -KE ER v 'Mayor 11 r. President, PO ERS f AA 16.1_ 7 'f lot"§ A�, An ordinance settling the claim:of Amelia Rusch.for damages to property. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the claim of Ama11a Rusch for damages to Lot 13, Block 2, Nelson's Addition to the City of St. Paul, arising out of the grading of Mendota street, be and the same is hereby authorized to be settled for the sum of Five Hundred Eighty-five Dollars ($585.00), and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw a warrant for same, payable to the said Amalia Ruseb, upon the filing with the Comptroller of a proper release approved by the Corporaltioonn Cour}sel; said money to be payable out of the Compromise a„. -L Fund. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council _P��{ ` 1916. Yeas Cry // Hays v Mr Y arnsworth �- os s - / ✓;$eller / f Xccoll fffCCCJJJ aeh Yoexg S Nays, 0 Mrd.%, Appr v 916. mayor. / Yt,I L1SH-L_ Attest � FD a„n of v____--�— C f. Lot 13, Mcel. x City Clerk. 'tion to the City pf St. Paul. of the gradin a f Mendota e n -dot and th be settled for the um auf edred Eighty -fire I)ollara ($58r - y9, 1 the proper city offi cere are he Z// r nhnri:ed to draw. a warrant f .me paynbl, t then s is An nsch. �pn the III in with the Cr' then[ CorporationrelCounseppro coney to tie payable out of Y - o " mpromiae and Judgment Fund. fF SECTION 2. / This ordlnan,e shall take effect and ' e in force thirty days after Its pass- O'age and Publication. yea— e. [he Council ofay 8, 1916. Yeas—Messrs. Farnsworth. Goes, j Keller. \icCOli, Nash, Y"oerg-6. NflV'R—d. Approrcd \Iay 6. 1916. WINN POWERS. Attest: JOHN I. FARICY. Mayor. City Clerk. _. Subject: --- CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER -- COUNCIL Noy_ FILE Date Presented 191 — RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquorsbetransferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. _- From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) I �13,Chriet B1acik,511_Rice St. Cbrien & Clance,!,511 Rice St. ---- -ex�,I rel. That Ihe. fullowinl; 1en09- ntt�•:1 Iirenxrs t : x�ll In[oxirn tint; 114uorx "mat tronx(:1s inell p xnottohe:VVlicntJ,a, duly made ther e - I _. for: 11 Rice' \n, 13, from 1'hrlet Inur ik. 5 tit.. In I1'Itrirn R t'lo neey, ilt --- - ---'-- "--"-- — \:IOVt eei by [he t'ounci1 Apr. __. 1916 AVl:r1l'e,l .\I- 84. 1. 6. 1AVrn 29-19161 Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (./) Nays Fa sworth Go __ In favor Ke r Me 1t �__ Against 0'L ry Yoe Mr. President, Pow Adgpted by the Council MAYOR ` • Pc', � � i on Council, File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY. ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City oL- Sr Paul, viz.: - j.. . ... _ . __.._-. ._. ... __... . _.. ..1. /tIll 1916 Datrd thisv _._ •/ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Niz.: ..._._.. .1._S'a- spit _V1 e./ .................................... . .. ..... ............ .................... ............... .. ..... . .................... .............. w wruten „r„oo.ai r,.r the in �I ... .._... ......................._� :, w�y nio,�k r tiu to n,it .. .... .....__... u�en b„�-�„ • hero ............ the cn> of s,. raut nan having been presented to the Council of the Cr ]t' That the c—ra ,eion.r of .7 it. be and he I. hereby or- therefore, be it d d1rerted' in' 1-1. the ece,euy for hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Comrtusmoner cit t its of the 'in of eaid i--tigat, the at.,,. e.tent it said improvement. 1. To investigate the, necessity for or a inet t'ia,t rof i aid It °roe, rnrn�.n a elan. vola,, ✓roveme.nt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and r .aid improvement. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketcl i f nitirmattlon �ell.ti,e ent. ,tate wbetn„r ,jive to said improvement: _. .. __......_.. _. 4. To furnish the following other data n, • ................................................................................................... nnn t is asked for on the peon o three or more own 5. To state whether or not said improveme 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ;•� Adopted by the Council _. _.___A':P' 1. _ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far sworthapproved___ �- 191.. Ke ler ok Y erg/ Mayor. ' Mawr Po 'ers ,.. _ . vUeLISHED _ L , _>"' l/C Council File Vo. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of,the following public improvement b}e Citi of ro c:.' St. Paul, viz.: d- s10»r' o, j +: 'f _._.191 �>.e:' Dated this u. •,..1 ... ay of n..._J. ✓1%. s Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvemem, Niz.: .......... ,,. •- i ' ': i ec; Aduiti on., ............ .............. IV .................. u having been presented to the Council of the City < i. s ,n viow caanio therefore, be it to iht• Coll RESOLVED. That the Cort missioner of Pt "t, t, "t *" hereby ordered and directed: p„Ired, That the eommia y ^\'orke he and ne fe her, said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity-for or de d' a!�gig",he Ina extent and est e,irotdutr of e mak ^e, n•ement, and rhe total cost thereof. 1. To investigate the nature, Ve rr,t. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of `io1 ,,'i aigo„11 it °• ttto unto" r Je to said improvement: - - •}. To furnish the following other data and int,,.nr• ' ............................. ... .............. . .......................................................... _..... .................... . t is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improvemen 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _ t `.t ti t �'- \.4j 191 Yeas: lays: Councilman Earn 'orth Approved 191.._... Gos tKell,"Mayor. Mayor PI;ISLISIIED—� � of L. S�,i _ u -ue Council File No. . 110.143.1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Rc,_�'..." •t,,,- sl.... ct._.:�..>:1� 'tai_'_ cc. c c.i:l:�• '.o �. ;:i.dth....o St. Paul, �i ... fer+,.r, r _... _. a-:..- t . .. f_ ... a c. SV c . b. i '. f Dated t 241;h 1916. day of _ �Fr�.. _... f ` Councilman.' - PRELIMINARY ORDER. / WHEREAS, :\ written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: c - - 3cc o ct G_ .'. ?r .. a_.. 1. r + c •4 •..r.; �r C ' ;; ,���.^-].i 0 ,..,., _:-11iL-. .,�.u.c nom. _�.-a,..Lve.. _.... Lc ............. ............. 10121 .............. having been presented to the Council of the r' i r therefore, be it N:;�� Muir ri,. .,a�•„-:r n: ::, �,�,rn :� nor�:- ;b ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of v ” h, �I'll, ,r sl. ruin 1h—'f'1�°.,aid improvemeni. 1. To investigate the necessity for or , tNo ea, Tn.t tn. c.m n,..t.n., u. N% n. nna nn 1. h..hr ✓ement, and ,he total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent an .a nna alf..t.a: To inv..l�Kn[e the nec —11'. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch ._1—bun, of th. m.ki_ .� —t. other data a T. tnv.nug.t. r, said improvement:"" mprovement: - ......._.. 1. To furnish rite follow tag ..tltnnt.a In., nna tr. t.t.1 5. To state whether or not said improverttein is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the f,,rcgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. _ __ _ h.` � ° 191 Nays: Goo Councilman Gworth 191 'os• Approved _.. Kell r 1Z Vo rg 1ti 4 Mayor Po ers \7ayor. l F.. A. 5.11 , CITY OF ST. PAUL AMOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F C 10LUNOIL No. —I 0122 AUDITEDAPP, 2 "1 B I Y PER 106 Resolved that warrants bt drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Cot 191 Yf Farnsworth Goss In favor A ro Keller Against O'Leary MAYO., Yoerg Mr. President, Powers S. A. Farnsworth, $4,638.84 E ect e i 11'�, F 7J.80 ct "' Pla r.ln�dl=a 8:,4 Com Greelm e,,Appr. 44 ark ��20 e 8 Park ark 2 04:01.2 rk Park Park rk-A ties 1p Heights 0_�c Rand 1p i h.ol 144 1 h 0 Ames Sch 1 :0 7 1 Mun. GO, e -Const., 11.85 Water -M. R� 1H\ ,p. & Const. 113 75 Playground -==,Sal. 341.33 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 3,321.31 S -Cho -Q-1 -Fund- ;-sai . — — (PM04i Tics &,Iaborers) S. A. Parnsworth,.Com. Finance, 51.00 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance 929.55 PaVing_Zeprfciation-Sa41. 268.70 B% nut -r Sewer Wheelock ParkviaY \ - - --- 1,529.55 S. A, Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 4 320.97 Street Const. & Rep. -Sal. , hew 357.101 S, & lOing. er Cing�-Sal 1, 3.3 S. & " treet " 1 " 7.2 + 0 S. & " 7Cit7r 9 " 194 OG Brid a Bldg. & Rep .- '. 3 0• Sprinkling 37.7 Total, --"2 ; %e% '?8- C. F S, 10122 Resolved that warrants ba drawn! upon the Ci[y Treasu rl , payable out of the hereinafter aped fled funds and In fnvor of the persons, flrmo ti0 orpo ra ons for the amop nts set pp.,,te their' �- a pertive nsperifled In the fo llotvi ng detailed sta tern en t: Fy84. Farnsworth.4 6Cpm. Finanep. 53,321.37. 55S. A- Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 1.00. .0 S. 't. Farnsworth. C. 29 S. m. Flnanre, 59 S. A.8. Farnsworth. Com. Fl...,, Adopted by the Con nril Apr. 24, 1916. Approved Apr. 24. 1916. (April 29-1916) $13,810.08 ■ry V_ m �ll�t3`i CITY 0:" ;,T. -AUZ CCIJiiCIL FLSOLU'iI011 In the matter of _ _ in8_ Tracy Av®nue, from East Brad _ _ geYent.D BtseEt. to Siar4eaierJiQen-us. — — — —t— — — — - — - - — —Firal Order under Preliminary O der _ 7895 _, _April 3,— __1916 RESOLVED, That the plan , specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public 17orhs for the above nrtmed improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 101'.3u ding Trnr)- In the tt tler ,,doth St. to Hnrreeterl from Feet sr nrdt,r 7g95, A,".. n ler rreumonnn' d Apru g. Pecciv-1 all & e,s in Flnnl Oder 9806, vproVe P P 1916. nrn connection with above Heeoln d, That the alone. doer the Resol4tion. tlonx d r tluatee a bmitrke for Cboveleslmed Implro velmenit bed and the j ne hereby aDprot'ed. a ee Adopted b, the Council Apr. t9. 1916.1 . ADDrot'ed Apr. 24. 1916. (April 29-1916) t Adopted by the Council _ _ _ A', Yeas: Councilman Far sworth Gos Ke ler !Tah Y r� ,`r. esident :'ers ( ) hays k 1®-t tib ` /�v � CITY OF ST. PAUL �/ COUTjCIL RFSCLUTION--GFN RAL FORM.. Subject Established Grade Council File Ido. Date Presented — — — — 191 It View Ao%d. y rcec frr, of SurnmI_ — — — — A✓� �54ar_Ato/-'-------- in accordance with the re<< graC.c line o'n 6he accompanying profile a"L as recormende8, by the Commissioner of PLiblic WOr1M, be ani. sae SCme is hereby ai.opteC. z.s the es ;cblished graC-e. C. F. No. 19 That ]t be gradeN. u t Summit 11 Rµsaly d.. RIk. 1, from Saratoga Add.. Alley in o. cu r dance with Ave. Ihlecal Ave.. the red grade Ilne on the mn!.dea by the rY- Ing profile and a r om Com"b"doner of sF ublic Work:, be and the a e is hereby ndopted ae the ee- tabllehed grade. Adopted by the Council Apr. 24, 1916. Approved Apr. 24. 1816. (Apr11 29-1916) Yeas ( ) Couac lraen (Nays) Far orth Gos Kel er _ In f-.voi Yo rg• lciast uaR 2y o _) e ec_ by the COAnC it -4 ✓r ?01J*tion 10 Council File Vo.._.....__.... .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. FTheundersigned hereby proposes the making of e follow g public imp em . t by t ity of 3t. Paul, viz.:....... ,.;,G ...G. t lc G'' lie q Dated this / of _ _ .1 1916.. tl .:......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imprrnement, vtz: _ - CG..;slot 4 cc "t 4 1 r_. ___.. , ..tc c co a'v tO .... . .............. ................................................................................. .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner o." i `. h— l,tie is hereby ordered and directed: .n or 111, ('11y or St:��t'„�,. of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or 'at„That the C­.1-1-n- oe 2. To investigate the nature, extent ane ioika eleaand he to nerenr or- 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketcl niniv`of thn makms9oe In est. other data t, ,9uRaee tna �nr,te. �> .> said improvement; 4. To furnish the following a +o9t I tna total ­t ................._.._....__. _._. __ .__ . _...... ................. . .................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvem­.,..., asked for on the petition ofthree or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 5 Adopted by the Council.__ _. __ 4°R 2.�..- 191 _ Yeas: Nays: { Councilman Fa orth approved _ .. G K r oll Dry, Yrg ....... .,or Po ers :� i% l Mavor. 10!'R` Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and T\ PRELIMINARY ORDER. /eC' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tt ,(-c lowing public 0"P' ovement byftity of St. Paul viz. tc o :sti tq , cln,: "j Pa1� �'r c 1f 1 ��tkl....of x s fc orese—.gfr..the n4xthjxlzide.. ........_.. -. t f Jerfer, or Ave. '_ or ei, t St t0 Toror� o S .. end fr�e._i_17c Seve..rth St t r f IO fir: C'1 d8 St. ! ''� _.. ...... ... ... _._...... y.. ...._ ..... _.... .._ . Dated this a5t' day n( Ar. r 1T' __. ... 191 2. d... y Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: r-lt art;-, i' c_'. le to r. l :.._ _ 'Qct, the present ectler,t lc i. _ 1;.._0 .,.'.:.e_ o 'tr. ,:.i1e oi', .cifcrs.an Ave, fro.. Jcfi.,tt,i St. to ore�:',o _. .^r' �r,.a.; .o _Oneida S t. _ ... .... ........... .. _ .. having been presented to the Council of the City of $t Pa',*-, o, n„„ :an ....._....... of Jr Rrrxon therefore, be its' ext -I—oh FI. to o --td[ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publ c•iuoornui tlh"thora;°i'reby ordered and directed: .olre d, That the Com mleaio ne Id lm pr0�'P.mf.N. I. To investigate the, necessity for or desire worh. be and he 1. ber.b J told directed: 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est' a o Investigate the,nece.elt ement, and the total cost thereof. g Irablllty of the making S. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of: i�tt� neate th, ma to ol d. To furnish the following other data and ifw, o said improvement; .. - ...... ....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council__... .___ _`.}FR` 116.....191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G s Approved �%._ . .fc J ___....... I. K e / M oil Q 'dash Y rg ... Mayor P ers i% i%/� Mayor. ,, , , VUBLISMD� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of theJII St. Paul, viz.: uilQ . .. .. both side._o_;" _Qq:lao 5, t "'i t h —ed /0 pe here! -D �It V .......... . Dated this 25t.t.,day4 A.i—Iil FelAtiLIP Council File ',o. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _-�;Ct CC -..,.r,., i,!l E, , nL C'1,`1. -0 L of jjIx . ... ...... . 0, Av,_n 3t. 'ro! ;10-,7 St, to afo­a F, both lid' coma St. t. L. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. P, 'ai"z,"P',"U'1 hat the C.rntela.t.m therefore, be it r be ..d he 1. herb '.d di—t1d: -ted- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publ Ta j._uK". the eby ordered and fire( -.1rabilit, f the —ki, 1. To investigate the necessity for or desire i'omjon"V'O-Btj gate then aid improNenwtit. ,tirrt.t.d c..t of 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est:m- —d the t.,1 ..., .,)rovenncnt, and ilic total cost thereof. '01—ra,h , rl 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of sat, 4 !aid 1-p1h—, _-I, I f- gat 4. To furnish the following other data and inforn, c to said improvement: ...... ....... .. . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing, matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the. Council. APR 25 i915 -, 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far F -worth Far Wo Go Approved Ke I r M oil r� Yo Pow rs Mayor. euj3LjSjjED__y pet ita0n J. Council File Vo. PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. S The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Rntqllc ifrtproverne it h} the City of i ': � St. Paul, viz.:.C.D.lICt C ZC L s` __..tx.c.ttDr.': .;islD Di• ��-,: »to:�..�,.._:_xD._, c.��,.DJ_l y�'t. ':.a_....�le;a c.Cr�.a,. _.. Dated this ti. f h.. day of,, n+'11 19 ZER. Councilman. PRELIMINARY WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: C1 St: aide of '3x .: .`.an.S . Ca..o::..Doacre � ss,:.... .D C' o. al A written e. A opropoanl for the geof the following Improvement, 'ooh of a cement the sidewalk Idlh o[ slx Leet on the west elde having been presented to the. Council of the City,mbe Ave., h„ ibbgbor. elp otoea...... .. therefore, be it i°�e he°i of Inc cur of St. ram solved. That the Coneraleeloner of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of h,aoa a a ea ad he is hereby o. w ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity lot or de: ri-tduty of th it. improvement. e 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est ' 1""a�tls' ' d improV,.ment, and the tcital cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of. ernent. 4. To furnish the following other data and infory-m. n relativee to said improvement: .............. .. _ _ _.. ...... ... .._- S. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.__ _.___fart 2S..V91S __ 191 __._. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Go Approved ..,�!.....� S...._. ._ . Ke r Me oll Yo g Mayor Pov rs Mayor. Pet1.:ti on Council File No. ..I C111t) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER -- The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the 161lowtng,-{ ublic improvemetthe Cny of St. Paul, viz.:.G.x�dQ. fi.xaz,pt:on St..fra:;.Dp�stell.d� to_C'.'i3o�p2nb _dye accorda.:,c itr f)91,tigl ..l:e.xE✓b.4t,'�aCh............__.. v Dated this 45t'I.. day of r".pril ._ ... ........... .,.......__. 191 L j Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement• viz: GraO.e 3 u:.ptpn__St',t. from, Posviell r ....',:.�_ Ch.j. Jcorlbe -VQ, � lio,i Prni,..aul fnr Ih ........ .. . „n or rot i -" itW d. Th¢t the Comm he -be c Norke be and he le hereby having, been presented to the, Council of the Citv of St. P, ¢¢d alreetoa: To Ixlity o t the ne een• rn hlllty o[ the -making ° therefore, be it —n—t. T,, Inv Wg¢te the —1-1 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public WO, eRnnhnled 1� al nr� ax;d rdered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability < ..,.x ° improvenn•nt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e.st mated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: - _.. _...... ... ................ _.................. _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fp . 41kq to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. 191 _ Yeas: Nays' Councilman Earn orth n Goss Approved.y.. Kell _ Mc 11 �:- ITash Yoe _ ._..... MavorPow s Mayor. ' YUB��D , on. e 1 Council File No. .1.011,30 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of I" -flowing pu is improvement by the City of fo r St. Paul, viz.: to 01hilcombo '.Ve. . . ..... . ..... o . . .... .... Dated this 2 day Zof Apr 71 191 6 it Counciluian. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Doswell- Ave. to (11: o-- 9.1-ilpQrbf� Ave-- ... ... ....... I'l, I In I , I :a I to I 4l, 1, '1' o having been presented to the Council of the City L:l:,r ""' ""' " ""'1 11 ... . ..... ..... .. . . therefore, be it 7,1 That the (•ommllsllnfl dok, 11, end he 11 herebY di directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publ:in'v—IIKal&,'lh;e—essity reby ordered and directed: ' bi,I, of ki ag or I. To investigate the necessity for of desird"I',",el,tig,te the said improvement. --d , ".1 of ea d , 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est rr id ten h the ovement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Ulan, profile or sketch of Information 4. To furnish the following other dara and in, !nt- veto said improvement; .. ........... ...... ..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. A F P Yeas: Councilman Fjsorth Nays: w Approved 1 . .. ler Coll 'Cary rg P MayorP ersMavor. Reaves t or Icroon, attached. 9. Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER.,' The undersigned herebrold�Pea�4.he%'m4.:.11 g of the'lo1104g public improver!�paf` the City o' CQ o -Tchram', Ave., Sc Paul, viz.: 15n, Ave,_ 'rl- Tl -'-,- T, C —To Dated this 4F qtr d of r 191 uncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improNemew, viz.: Grade A-fo-'V. Ave, p T"_0 10,j4 'Vo. ,Q.7 <:vc. Pascal Ave. fro,,� 1-11-0 01 0 �Ihc I Lm A V, ....... ... .74 tlrt .. ........... ... h PI -1— All- A, having been presented to the Council of the City `_N,` 111i� Pl��:,; A— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of P: 11 or �bv ordered and directed: rk " , and he 1. herebyby I. To investigate the necessity for or dest'ra nidtrei,hod; d improvement. —tigate th, ri-eBsity to' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est t".. iiity of the making of "'ment, and the total cost thereof. of S, ,,.tlg.t. the —1— —t 3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch _11, at�d — t of old 1� 1pro the total clait thereof. "lit i mill Ian, pr Mt. -4. To furnish the following other data and info id oli d improvement; 'all 0 , .... ....... ....... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council FF 25 11115 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farr ;worth Gos Approved Kell x Me( :011 Yoe g ............ ... Mavor Pow Mayor. e • Council File No..........._.._ . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �•.v PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fiIlowing public impFa4 ent by the City of St. Paul, viz Q.Q^cO mnj :nd t k je s Pr ".psi] AVO. .to. i1e,bra4iM. t1YG....r.S.�t :.o.t?.Aye 4r1.7�fre br o � �lcn Ave. .8 . V. asva.l. iold'. fx..o., � e Co �C�"`ii e v to dr Dated this day of J Copncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF,REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemAift, viz.:" Conde:.gj.: -.-n a' c c.:� _.in_ t,r,e ax o_ f4 '.vcto;r,': ra�kn _ _... ^or Ave L:: Como _hrt c.n lye, to I :1 r&s'-A l.vc. and Pa cel v ': or halm F_ve to ITci ras'cr -ve. .... having been presented to the Council of the City of Sr. Paul by Councilman .:+.....-.._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work a i•;, .:,i` .« r- °t, t<i -red and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for of desirability ofvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est mated costtrkshbe `gin n ie n.r<Dyror� the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Ilan, profile or sketch of said improv.,, g"'ilia he ee...1,y.to ° m,kl,g of 4. To furnish the following other data and information t t the net-,-. •. ement: r .air i� _.... ............ ...... .__ _... __........_ ..... ._...._ ............ .. . _. _ ...._ _... ............................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council, __. _ APR. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Go Approved . Ke r M oll O:. Yo g Mayor Po rs i'i /m Mayor. Subject: -Sprinklin4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 101 itll t� v COUNCILFILE ^'O. __01-13 3 Date Presented April 25 191 6 ISI Resolved,: That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Roblyn avenue,from Pierce street to Asbury street, to be sprinkled during the season of 1916. Yeas (1') Cncilmen ( t ) Nays F sworth Co 7 In favor Ke r �) M oil `) Against Na Y g r. Presiden Powers FORM C.9 -E C. F. No. 10133—BY M. N. Goa.— Re.nived, That the Comml.sloner of Public fork. be and 1. hereby author_ ?, lzed and dlrec led to cause noblyn a e be eep,i.kied edurinb' tthe ebury St.. to 1916. Adopted b-' the Council Apr. a26 n1916. Approved April 26, 1916. l April 29-19161 Adopted by the Council APR 25 1911t 191 Approved 191 at �%T [tom �ylft' ................ MAYOR . , :...,...:.... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM pp Subject: Sprinkling 4e FI ENCIL No. �_%J LP; �11, Date Presented Apr i 1 25 1916 Reso0ed, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Curtice street, from Oakdale avenue to South kobert street to be sprinkled during the season of 1916. Yeas(C)Co oilmen (i') Nays Far worth Go In favor Kel r G M oil Against Na Yo Mr. Presiden Powers FORM c.6.2 C. F. No. 10134—BY M. N. Goea— Aeeolved. That the Commissioner of laedliand directedand to is her Carlice St from and Ave. -use South Robert St. to he sprinkled during the season f 1916. A Opt"' the Co Council Apr. 26, 1916. I. Approve 916 (April 29-1916) I. Adopted by the Council A P P 25 191,191 A ov _ I! �� 4 — MAYOR BOIL--FILE NO........_.............� / ��Z 0�_ 5 �" �( ���.��..:.:::_�-�:Gr�_y.........._L.._.._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_......The__Chang ng__QfQia j3-a=.and street to Blake street, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached.... and .made ....a. -part ....heree€- tkre-present grec#e being repraffented--by -the blue line thereon, under Preliminary order..___ ....... .6035__approved July 17th, 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 $ Change the grade cn iia d Thar thenlromotlhleelerVstrB tmtotBlakectstreet,ntotsconPcrm to�the red ymon avenue 2 Iine_an....th.e..profdla..hsrato a-ttach-ed•-grad..•madathe-pzasant glade being represented by the blue line thereon, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $x00.•00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ..... a4 th .___....._day of ..........__......, 191 ....... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, Il of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the totalcost thereo s st mated. Adopted by the Council .......... __...._....APR.25 191.6 , 191______�� Approved..__. _.........- ---- .- --, 191l— � Councilman Fa nsworth G s tcne,ae�11vn ei io Mai,' nnml In nIe ,ea hoe n hrr,•L�i ...n1hed and mad. - K ler enc u,e n—ent fir„de heln M Coll the blue line [her,.„ I t,1'nu ti,'rv. nd thnl Ih, e u,er nr Iq a'>oaoo. Ng 5h Further, Thut x he h,Id ,n .vola Imp•n ' J th dn3' of flu c. 171 1/ rg ' •P InlCOA. 1, th; urTq_ "ull�tinu In the Clt• �, Mayor Po ers I. „rl.;tii 1xsi,`In; Form B. S. A. 8-6 tl' -•e ........... ............ -- Mayor. Mayor. PUBLAVHED e COUNCIL FILE NO . .................... _— 7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of..._ChanaEuC_1ld,,,,,QIn@0_t,,,b_q.tw.eep.. Earl _exree_t_ and Hester street to Conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and nada-.-a.....part _._he-reo€. the P�eaer3%-grade �er3g-rePresanted-lay ate-b3tte—dine thereon, also Grading of Said Euclid street between the points aforesaid zr at-cit-o-kiiariCa with _t -he eared line w eri--- under Preliminary order.._.._ ........ 639 -._.__......_ ..... _. approved...._A]_l...ust ..........9th, 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves' 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. T t ov m t it ht c�1,ne'1 eco mend is Change the Grade of E1ie121d �i<�e2�°ibr�i�t31°l�rf �$r`�aed"Hbsi�r ireet to Cbn'form"'"ta"'tris "red lineon_•_the __.prQ.filg _hereto at�ta�llg¢._._an , pia, g a p" X.:�....h.Q.K@uf,__._t17�e_„Qrgeent grade tieing represented by the blue line thereon, Also Grading of said Euclid- at•Feet- batareafl...#k3e fair►xa...a•€orewa-W ..in--ao-eordanoe" W-i-tih--the ...ea#d.- red line when established, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s 1, 773_.00.__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... .... a4t.h_._.... ... ,..... day of ._..........JW ...... ......... _......... 191 ........15 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, o5B-'m'IYiA �I of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total co the stimated. APP 25 ITT '4 Adopted by the Council.._.__— __ __, 191_. Approved -... ....._..C�.51 — _ _._.._, 191'(P r - Councilman Fa sworth O s K ler M Coll Nh Y erg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 raaee'a rl vt~reet and 11 en. vn n in the red line on It, ret., attached and made n thr present grade being 1, he the blue ane thereon. dig oP void Euclid street betty nlnt.n aforeeald In arcorda he —Id red Ilne when eat With o niterntiv. d tl m. ted cost theraeofveIs b •• Further. an a imo*hvan e. �'tu.• 24th day of May. 7916, hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in tho aril Chamber I the Court ana cur sell anuaing. .he City of 9t. Paul. That the Com - ,101 of Finance give notice o[ d ineet1ngi to be itis Ch tier In ease pros �.�the time and Dlaoe of hearin, they iature t the improvement. end the oai cost thereof as estimn ted. Aported by the 26, 1911 Apr. 26, 1916. :t roto ved Apr. 229-19 G. (April 29-1916) 1 Clerk. Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO. ..... _. _.......___ ' /V'r INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of._Cone tau_a_1i..ng....a....gir..ex.....aza._.S.chaif�tr_.B_Lr.a.i~....l�sR_taveen�ha.1~BxvnLth -.......... _........ ... _......_..._s.t.acee_L....ard_Aszger�.aSs.e.at,_._ 47 under Preliminary order. ____ 7336 ........ _...... _....... _............ approved ......:1Qt9bex_4th1915.... _......... ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. e 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._C_Qn0„tl-.FUQ..1',....ft.....�.0}Y9,, _-._....... ._..... ...... on._str.a.et._A.nd._R.QzAr.s...Q.1.r.eet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2�-300.,QQ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._a4..tib ...___....._day of ........ ...... ........._...__kay... _... ......... 191 ..6. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, amrWox XX of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total c t t s estimated. APR 25 MISAdopted by the Council.. .......... ........—.-- _—, 191 ity Clerk. Approved _ G] Q..._— __ — 1916 Mayor. � and :vI � nK .•. Councilman Fa r"eosworth er"0>• lve. �. :he a Id -Port tte d 1 "herehr approves a ¢dopte GO S Bala improvement 1s hereby to be proceeded with. •' Ke er at the nature of the Improve- whirh [he Cou nOil r end. et rug[ e_ `ccheffe� M oil h:,I:a-th"t and 1COFera s It-91— it., tit ca, : nd that the ea - Na h,i . n.t Ihereor 14 $2300.00. olved F. rther, That a public K be had O ,all improvement Yojegr °.,rNI"-1416to0o'clock %, bf.. in the Mayor Pos ua chamber of the Cnnrt rfnn.e ,'it, Hall Hullding in the Form B. S. A. 8-6 .'f St. Paul. That the Com - Of Flnnnce Five notice o[ min em6 to the persona and In the _ r provided by the Charter. ata I- * - �1 nhe time and place of hearin K, the I the improvement, and the Ir coat thereof a estimated. dut eil I-1 the tWuncil Apr. 26. 1416. ,"l,"d aur. 25. 141fi. l April 29-14161 COUNCIL FILE NO By it,jltTN' , 4 0128 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of__Qi2nB..tztlo.t.WF'...1.._e�en_th_tlle sidewal_k..._to._-a width_ of 61x feet on the west side of Chatsworth street between St. Clair street and ..._._I,_jrw9Q.d.....pla. a a_nd_.onthe_. west side of Chatsworth street between Osc..e.a_.a......nen..e..__and._ theall_e.y_in_.Block 2,6amuel B. Pierce's Enlarge— m�.n..t_...t.o_.Sutmnit__P.ark.,_._._.__.._....__........._........._................_.............__.._.......--------- __ under Preliminary order .. _....X 119 ..-............._.................._ approved _._FebrUar15th, 1916.. IntermediaryOrder ....__....................... .......... ........... _...-........... approved ...................... _..__............... _..._ .... -- ... --_... _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_Conetruct a cement tile sidewalk to a w_idtbt---,01-A.11G._. of Chataworth__between St. Clair street .--------- ----- ......._. and-._Linwo9d.-Place-. and on.-_the_west side of Chatsworth�street betwedn O.acs.ela_.avenue....and_thE._.allag....ia...Black Z,�aw>d�.l:.�.r._..P.�.�Q.�.'�...Enlarge�ent, _.... .... ...... ........ _ -. ......... ----- ........__..._..... --- -- _.........._...._....._..__.._..., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewitAPR h. w 1: Adopted by. the Council........... _...._. ................ __._ LL_ // Clerk. Approved_.:......_.. 1 _._ ._____, 19l(:I Mayor. Councilman F r\\nsworrh oss eller " ccoll " ash " oerg Mayor Owers Form B. S. A. 8-7 I ehruarr hl5 tlno ,Icab hearing av '< ove Improvement uhe D' ,nd t bje tions It d veno rteln objections eve ther%, nndo ,sidered the ams: the A. By lee nll' � ttur III that the prec � kend of improvemeni t h,. aid City s uns .Ile .I'V �t - l: to acidth „� the crsl xidr u( i'hni.,c. ��'luir etre"tsld„d �:0u�•9 eo enork�s�•, ,rei 11:i�IarFein,•nt to Summit ,il hereh�' „rders sold 1n v d,tPuirthe'.%T l the Commis - y Inst uI of bltled `andkdirecled tt 11 pir ee 'In ne and pe''laentl one for td men t, and ubmit to .i4ttA,.,, for a,,ro%,b that¢ Pon g r the proper 60- offlcers a 06­ Ithe d dl rected to pros the mak ino of said hnpr v API. 25. 1916. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANC REPORT OF COMLMISSIONER4' ' NCE ON PRELIMINARY OR �f C rY" In the matter o +1..,��11✓.�� �fd�....��<(� '� C � l'rs/�L_�1 .. e1/ 'fI_C ..-(r-r� ul�r � ...,O-��Lr.�l ,_'.. �1 ..... 7 - i' ---- ucttt...�►. ......... _.. . .............. ._ ....... ._ ...__.._ .. ...... ... .... _...... /....,.-/ ...... _..._ under Preliminary Order approved_ /'L (�.. 1 '.t. - r.- �.._ .. ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_0.52 Fer lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $....- -- -- - -- --- ---- The The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benclits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ti n A L) TOTAL, A A /; LT 11 • (/ The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, 'had hereby submits the foregoing as his revort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..._ ....___-..,d._....__191�r_. /(.,._/l:l!�:�.1 .....:....__...... Commissioner of Finance. Office of . the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Feoruary 18, _ 191 6.. To the Coouoissimte1. of Fi++ance of the City of St. Paul: "Phe L"onnnissiouer of Public Works, having had under rousidrrHtion the prelin+imn•y order of the l'nuo- 9110 ., a moved _. February. 15,. _. .1976_., relative to ail, known us Couumi File No. ..... I I - - constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the..__.west....eide..Of.,.Chat,sworthSt. between _St. _y air St.az ,d .,._ Linwood Place and on the west side of Chatsworth St. beiween Osceola Ave.. sna,._the north_an.a south. alley, in g1k. 2. of. Samuel B. Pierces Enlargement to Summit Park. ............... . ..............._.......... ...... ................... _........................... and having investigated the matters and thiugs referred to therein, hereby reports: ]. Jaid improvement is _._.necessary and (or) desirt+ble. 54¢ per lineal foot xxxx 3. Thr estimated cost thereof is $_ and the total eost. thereof' is sun the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improveiuent is hereto attaelled and made a part hereof. g. 5. Said in+provea+ent is-._... not ..._.asked for upon petition of three or more owoers of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Lc ('ouuissioaq• of Public Works. ,.. rives s & BUMci�NM �• comtroe"rs 9T. PAUL MINN. rebruary ,eleventh 1 9 1 6. a. L. N. Ooss, Commissiorer - Public 19orks, City. Dear Sir; Would like to have you introduce an order before the council for a sidewalk on the crest side of Chatsworth Street between St. Clair Street and Linwood Place, and between Osceola Avenue and the north and south alley in Block 2 of Samuel B. Pierce's iinlargement to Surnit Park.. I have been unable to get the owners of the property abutting on this sidewalk to sign a petition for it. This is a much needed improvement as a great many people use Chatsworth Street on account of the St. Clair Car Line. ve trul e�e. ° OWEDsdb- r. FEB 16 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, MMEND .: FEB 16 1916 BUREAU OF ENGINCZ^S, COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... _...... By-----... _._......._......_........._.._ .... 1 ........................ FINAL ORDER. In the Metter of ..,eeuen_t._,_tile..._s_j.dewalk to_..a width of six feet -on .the _s.outh -eide._.of_ Lafondstreet between Albert street andPascal _........... ---- ..... ..... ... .--...._.... ........... ............ ..... ......... -........ ....................... ......_ under Preliminary orderary 11th, 1916. a _Janu IntermediaryOrder... ---._ ........ ........... _......... ....... ............... ....... approved. .................. "...... ......... ..__..__...._..--- — --- --- ---- ----------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City eidewalk to a width of._six _._fee_t• -Q Albert L.efQnd•.._s_tr_ee-t.,_between Albert street and Pascal_avenus.,--.....................-............. --- _...... ........... _............... .......... ....... -----.._..---...................._._.......... ......... - ...... .......... -.............. .... .... ....... ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. .......... ....... _._...... �._---3—' r.....___, 191 _..... Clerk. Approved --- 191 .- Mayor. Form B. f �,: Prolvemon[ " Ic ,nd the Council havi. s [il[ objectitheretoons and In r o relative the . fullly, ro naldered snm e. be It ved. t Hth¢ Council It the CRY' '-;l that the ➢reelae nature. ind kind of Im➢rove...... to ba [he Haid 'Iv Isle :.Ide�zalk tt �� u'ld th rof viz the Hoath vide of I.n fond tit., :\Ihrrt .tree[ and 1'nsrxl - ,,!n the crunclt hereby nrtlrrs v.lid enl to br made. mis- d Further, That the Com ofPublic Work, be and he le In atructed and directed to pre - ,.Inns and speclfle-ii.ns for said en t. and submit same to the II for approval; that pon ,aid —I. the proper cltY ot[l cers are authorized and directed to pro - '[h the making of said imp rave - c. ordance therewith. d by the Connell Apr. 25. 1916, .•d Apr. 25.1916.' (Apra 29.191f,1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANC REPORT OF COMTISSIONER 01 1 v( ON PRELIMINARY ORD (D> In the Matter of-- ��� z ' _ _. _ ._. _.. ......... _ ....... _.... .. _ _ _..... _...... ........ ............... - ........... .... .............. ........ . .............. ..... ................... .... ......... under Preliminary Order approved....;..�f_.._ _. _ _ . ... _....... _... .... ...... ..-._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ .9, 54_.per lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $......... - -- - -. - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION L t4L) /.1 ✓ s -7 G r J TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his revort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r _..._k ....... Dated_.. .._� 191 Commissioner of Finance. ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works. Report to Commissioner of Finance ..January_ 19., _._ __.._..191_ _6 To the Couvoissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conmissioner of Public Works, having had Muller cousiderat;ou the preliminary order of the couo- 8699 January 11 _..7.176....., relative to cil, known as Council File No. .__. _. __approved _...._ ... constructing with cement tile sidewalk to a width of six fee on the south side of Lafond St, between .,Albert,, St, and Pascal Ave. ........................ ........... _....... ............... .................... _. ... ................... .......................__............................. ....... _.............. _..................... and having investigated the uudters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvemcut is ..__.necessary and (o•) desirable. 54¢ per lineal foot xxxxx _..., and the total cost thereof is •r __ and 'l. The cstiuutted cost thereof is $_..__ _. _.. the uatw•e sad extent of said improvement is as follows: _._ _._.._.... ._............. ................................... . :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nmde it part hereof. 4. _ ... ...................... ....._............. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three m• more owners of properly, subject to assessment for said inrprovemeut. l' uvuissioner of Pu ;c Works. I Office of the Cor onissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ;dovember 6, 191 5. ............_............. To the commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: ij The Connnissioner of Public Works, having had under consldel"Ition the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No. _.7674 .___.approved %CtOI✓er_,.: 7, ....191._55.• relative to construoting a oement tile siAe ulk to a width of six feet on tl'e west side of Syndicate St, frons ':codrich Ave. to St. Clair St. ........._.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._ . ...necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per i .el':l foot L. The estimated cost thereof is $ ._-._ and the total cost thereof is :B _ : XX_ and the nattir, and extent of said improvement is as follows: a. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie.....__.___.._....._._...asked for upon petition of three or wore owners of property, sub,jecl to assessment for said improvement. yy / Commis ioner of Public Wrks. COUNCIL• FILE N ....... ........ ..— . waiJSwoR By.. — - ---................. .... ........... ........... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.CQnBtruc_ting..e.._c_err:ent.._tile___sidewalk to a width of six fe.a..t......o.n-....th.e.-_we.e_t_e._txkPt.-.fr . Gpodrich avenue__.to,_St. _ Tlaiz._.a.treet.,._...... . ......__ _.......... ..... -- ---- under Preliminary order .....-.......767.4 ............. ........._...........approved_-QetobeT..27thr...1515. _. IntermediaryOrder ........ -............ ..........._...................................... approved..................... _... __.._...._.. _._....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is._Conetruot-a o.ement ti le sidewalk to a width of—ei..x..._feet_on__the-._weet._.eide._of__Syndicat e street from Goodrich avenueto atre -e t, .............. ---_.................... --------- __... _................. _......... _.... -.......... ........ __ _.... _..... .__.................. _........... ........._......_........_._........_....----._.............._.........__a.............. ..... .......... ....... —--....--......-_._..,.......--._............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. f ' �5 7 Adopted by the Council ........... ..... ...... APF TS_.....:..._.___...__�, 191 Approved_ .......__---------- , Councilman rnsworth " ss KI "M Coll `N h Y rg Mayo4r Po ers Form . S. A. &7 _stn. 1'o ung havn ing be,,, ,b— improvement upon d the Council having h a, obJ ethme and r nno•. eln live thereto. and hav rldered the e.me ; the'e f, 'I. By the Council or the C it that the precise nature, i the a d I'I tprovement to natrw t ai<ie,,:,ri< io a .Math of a •at side or Syndicat ,-ldr i,—ha—rue to St. n rt. l then f'ouc 11 hereby' IIlmpr ,cr. """t t" be nnde. 1 Further. That the Commie- ' Pu bile Works be d he Is tru c l ed and dir..led to pre_ and pcclnc.,I.nafor sold en t, and submait s _ e to the .r pproval; thatopen said proper City officers are 't thorl zed ad dlr....d to pro the an the making of said Improve- ordce therewith - I" the Council Apr. 25, 1916. : Apr. 26. 1916. IAprll 29-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ia the Matter of&.-' � y` 4 ....... __ ........ _. ..... _ ..._ _.. - ........ -- _ ............ _ .......- __ . _ ._...... ...... ...... . ....... _ ........ _ ... ...... under Preliminary Order approved_ ( C To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $0.521e; lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 1 ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED < VALUATION 0 TOTAL, / ^ , s The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the �oresaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Doted . _........191 4- G I .: --. ........ Commissioner of Finance. roar e. a. A. e e o 0 '14 5 7 45� 57- CL/', i t P E T I T I O N For Installation of Side-19alk on West Side of I Syndicate St., From Goodrich Ave. to St -Clair St. St.Paul, ;inn., ctj er 19t'.i, 111.5. To the Honorable M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public !Yorks, City of St.Paul. Dear Sir. We, the undersigned property owners or residents in that section South of Goodrich Ave., East of Ilamline Ave, and 'Rest of Griggs St., do hereby express our desire that you have caused to be laid, a sidewalk on the West side of Syndicate St., from Good- rich Ave., extending South to St .Clair St., and connecting with that recently laid from Grand Ave. to Goodrich Ave. And we do further request, that if you see fit to authorize this improvement, tae work be completed '&t your earliest con- venience, or in axt other words,'before Winter sets in. That this street is impassible in wet weather, and that a sidewalk is an absolute necessity, we do firmly assert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAIAE LOT BLOCK TOWNER OR T MIANT . I ��-T:r 15i5 BUREAU OF L,;GINEERS, t r el b NAim LOT BLOCK �OVINER OR TAIAI,,,T Z --;>3 nD ���ED BUREAU OF LIGINLLRS, I COUNCIL FILE NO. ........ _._.......__— .' 1t..1 -v.,. _i, FINAL ORDER. ' In the Matter of Constructing a cement tile sidewalk to a Width of six .I............. ..... _ _....... ... ............... . _............. ....... ... .._......--. - feet On.__the.west e.de_ of_._Charlton street between Sydney street and _ Belmontstreets _ _......... ............ .... _........ ._...... .................. under Preliminary order ...747. „_..................... ...... __ _......... approved _OC tOber 13 th r 1915. IntermediaryOrder -----......._ .............._..................... _...____ approved ........ ............ - -- _ _............_.._........ ... _ --.._ _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. Construct a cement the sidewalk to a width ..................... of sixfeet on the west side of Charlton street between Sydney street and --- •--..............-- Belmont street, ......... _....... ....... ---- ............. __......_ .... .—.__......... —........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... ....__............... 191-.......... Approved -.../......G... - - -- . 191L�..... G „ t~ Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 -31 above imp-nt 1. .d the Coca I•having p 0bjectlous and recdt rel at lve thereto, and hav, dared the same; therefor[, solved. By the Council of c. Paul that the precise net., and kind of Im provemoeni liv [he Bald l'I ty is nt file sideu•a ll: tq;a ,"Id th n th; rent alde of Chnrlt Sydney street and 7, nd the C_nail hereh�- inlprnvement r he made. solved Further, the of Public workrks, be an eDy Instructed an. directed ' e Plana and sctlona f prove men t, anddsubmit e a ncfl for royal; that , proval, thebproper city ofn t e y thorized and directed - ed the king of Bald It.• ant in order therewith. >do Pte. DvApr. , iADDroved A77r. 2 16.6. ,_,,,._. ___(ADrtl so- 916)_. _. _.. �f .Paul, Minn. Sept. 14, 1915. / the Hon. City Counsel, of the City of St.Paul. We the undersigned, hereby petition your honorable body to cause a sidewalk to be laid on the West Side of Charleton Street, between Sydney Street and Belmount Street. v --. --Lot _ Addition 6-7i j !Z' MDE&fflEg OCT 131915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSION R FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY (a)• IntheMatterof�c � 7� ' f ,rl ........... _..... _..................._...._ ......._._ _ ............ ..._ _.............. .._... _.....- ......... .... __..._........._._......__._. ..... ...... ..__..._...... ...... ........ ............._....... ..........._.... ... ....... ...... ............ ... _ _ . ............_..........- ....... ...... ...... I.......... ....... -............. _...._.._...................... _ .._ _ .. __..... ....... ............ .......... ...... ............._.._........_.... ............ ....... .. .._ ...... ._........ ..... under Preliminary Order approved .._Ll C ../ ...- t..._ . ll .. ... _ .._. To the Council of the City of SL Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total unmated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - �2 .e.r_ lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is — — — " The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT SLocK ADDITION VALUATION ti ,.gut` Tf� K(` TOTAL. J � The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. J Dated._. _/ J..... _..._ 191...... ................... Commissioner of Finance. goer o. o. w. a -s o `Office of -the Comitissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 16, 1915 't'o the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had uoder consideration the preliminary order of the 1'01111- eil, known as Council File No. 7471.. _.approved _ October, 13,_.. ._.191 S. relative to the, . construction of a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the west side of Chariton St. between Sydney St. to Belmont St. ....................._.. mud having investigated the matters and things referred to therein,ltereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _. necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is...._._ - __..._..._., and the total cost thereof is xxxx. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - - - - - - -- ,. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto atlaohed and made a part hereof. 4. u. Said improvement is_._...__ .......__.asked for upon petition of three or more -oilers of properly, subject to assessment for said improvement. 07-01, uissioller �I_Iv COUNCIL FILE NO ............. ........ .._ s. A. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.Constructinp a cement tile sidewalk tors width of six .-...... -................._........................,..............._._......... feet on the north side of Cook street between Earl street and Frank street,.___...___.... ........ ....................... _...... ... ..--._---._. under Preliminary order ............... _........ _,-______-_approved_February 34th, 1916. Intermediary Order —_............. ........... ................. -.---..- approved ...................... ----........... ....... - -------- --—.-.... ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having frilly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Cons truct_a_cement ti le sidewalk to a width —. --__ of,_-aia...f.se.t_-on_...theCnQk streetbetween Earl street and Frg3tk—e-treeb,—---- ..'.--------- -- ------------ _.---_.__-..__. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. , Adopted by the Council........... _.. 191....... "'Ci Approved _Jl ......... .. 1910.. Mayor. Councilman( nnou -Farnsworth n __done and rec. thereto, e -Goss ., J! and s,dered the same; them —Keller L �McColl ed, By the Council of the , ul that the precise nature, „ kind of Improvement to 7��,,..,,� I the ald City- is construct '� 1 -Nash sidewalk to a width of x� ' he north aide of Cook stre. �� `Yoerg 1•:arl street and Frank tre, Mayor nril hereby orders said It.; YOWerS vedttFurtlher, Ihat the Comml ls7. Form B. S. A. 8-7 of Public Works be and he !oy Instructed and directed to pt e plana and pscIdL.t.ns for a .nprovemen I.and submit ..me to the council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers a hereby au th.ri.ed and directed to pro - "by with the making f said Improve_ '•-'� / ant In accordance therewith. mAdopted cby the Council Ap, 26, 1916. l,prot 1 Apr. 20.1916. ( April 29-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT -OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ll In the Matter z( .. . ..... ZZ -1 Z - -------- ------ ------ ------ -- ------ ----------- --- ------ --- ------ --- - --- -- ---- - ------------- ------ ------ - -- - --- - --- - --------- --- _......._...._.... j ........... . ... ...... -- - ---- - ---------- - - --- - ------ ------- ---- ... ... under Preliminary Order approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 0.52 per lineal The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ - -- ---- ----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ok 7 Li 0 TOTAL, ' ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE L N ft REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �7 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lC) ASSESSED SCRI PTION LOT BLl�_OCK ADDITION VALUAT�{O�='� ` D�, 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .... C' O _. ...1916 _..-C- 1w Commissioner of Finance. F0- B.B.I . 5'! C 1, � - __ _ _. _ _ . _._ _ _. I_ I ,": l � j I _ a Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March 6, . 191 .6 . To the Commissioner of Finiwcr of thy• 1'ily of St. Pahl: _ 7'ho l'ommissioncr of Public Works. Iuning Lail it Ah r vo—id, rnlim: I:1�, J' thy• l'aon- cil,`kuo%vn a.s Council Filo Ao. 9274 approvod February 24th 1')16 . ndalk-, to oonstruoting_ a oenment the sidewalk to a width_ of six feet on the north side of Cook Street between Farl Street and Frank Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to thwriu, hcrclq reports: 1. Said improvement is _.... _necessary and (or) desirable 54¢ per lineal foot a zxxxxxx P. The cstinwied cost thereof is $ _ ___., auui the total cost t iereof is � _ _, aural the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... _. _.. _.. _.. _._.._. _. 3. A plan, profile or sketeli of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. :i. Said improvement is._______ _.__ ...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ Comm inner of aibli_c S. I M oft, 25 27i FEB 2 fl, 1916 28 30 J BUREAU OF EV'GINEERS, M 1 COUNCIL FILE NO.—...._--..— ......... ....... .... ........... ........... ........ O._.,:__....-- _. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of...Q.QAA ructing a cement^_sidewalk to a width of six feet .......... ------ onthe south side of Shields avenue between Hdrschel avenue and Wkl@@_1...e.T......av_.enu_es....___ ...._....... --- under Preliminary order. _?817 .... .......... approved..._NovembeT 5thl 1915. _ Intermediary Order ......... ...................................... — -_approved .............. ..... _.---........... ....... _........ ..--._....._.__...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the prec sy nature, extenta and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.._Q_Qn_S uC t, 8 eementt^ sidewalk to a width _..__ qf_e.ix..fe.e,an,...the .....atzu,ttki..,,ei.de of Slaelde_._avenuebetween Herschel avenue and....wheeler. avenue,.,.....______.___._._. ............ __. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. App. 25 19%; Adopted by the Council ................. _._........... _--__ — _, 191 .......... r Approved_w.......1�_ .... .......... .... .......... , 1915 Councilmtrf arnsworth nearing navlag• "--Goss ( bove Improvement Kellera nd the Council havi. bjecuona and re relative thereto, and " G McColl onsidered the ..mc; t.. Nash lved. By the Council of nta tnat the Areolae n ,a kind of Improvemer „ t Yoer g ne .:,.a ru, Is v nn sl.le I to n alit}.. Maybir Powers h. h i Ch.• .��uth aide o[ �hle, Her=ahi 1 Ace. and i u,.• rouuell nes Form B. S. A. 8-7 d In"I,ru t,•menl t� nen -d Further. That the C if r."" 1Vorka be a natrurted and dlXtea ,us and specification, ant, and ubmlt aam, for approval; that up, the percity o"le ,thori.cd nd alrsets i the making of said Ir with the making of e. rordane therewith. c(bunch te by the Apr. 2' ,erl .\ pr. is, I91G. I (April 29.1916) Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIVII�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C/ 'ez 7- a' In the M ttc� of L.- . . ..... .......... ........... ......... . .. ...................... . . . - . . ....... ... . ............ ....... ....... ... .. . ...... .... ........ . ... -.- . ..... . ... ... ........ ...... .. ....... ...... .... . ....... ...... ...... ........... . ....... ...... . ...... .......... ..... ....... .......... . .... .. ...... ......... . ..... .......... ................ ...... ...... .... . ...... under Preliminary Order approved...... To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. I Y - The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. 191 ........ .... .... . . .. .... . ...... Commissioner of Finarim C' ' `� i . - , ,-� _ �. Off=ice of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 12, 191'.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Counuissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 9 cil, known as Council File No. .781.7.. _...approved _ November 5,... ...191.5...., relative to ...._._.._. oonstructir., a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the lout:: side of Shields Avenue between T.lerschel Avenue and __reeler A.venu_e. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _.. ___._necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per lineal foot �, The estimated cost thereof is $_._.... ...._., and the. total cost thereof is :�; Xxx:ix _ and _ . ___ - the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. u. Said improvement is_._..nOt_ _...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeet to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. EOUNCIL FILE NO. ........... ......_.-- By -&At WORM FINAL ORDER. In the Matter cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet Gn.Q.d.ri_a_venuefrotr_Sue street to Prior avenue, ........... ........... -....... ......... .... ... _............... under Preliminary order ......... Intermediary Order ...... _......... ............. ...... ..... _--------........................ .......... ................... _..... ................................................ ... .:.............. ........... approved .._C)ctober 26th, ^1915. ................... ........... ........... ....... approved ................... ---- .................. ......... ------ ... _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard -all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provernent to be made by the said City is Construct a cement tile sidewalk to a width o_ex----#peat_gn_-,the-._no:rth..-_side--_of Goodrich avenue from Sue street to Prior aveaue.-- — - .._-..-.-......--------------------------------------------------------- -- ... ........ --- ..................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ----------- _ APR 25 191E ---. 191_....-..._..'...........------__—, ` _.._.........._ ....... ..... .......-._....... .._..__.... - ...... Clerk. Approved_...--�-_ ........ .............. , 191 _.._. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth " Goss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers orm B. S. A. 8-7 un �. hearing h¢vin� and the ICouuncilmhavL ectlona and r reio»t suye tnereto, and tc onsidered the same, th -sol ved.By the eounru of t' I. Paul that the precise natt and kind of Improvement by the —I' ('itc i -nt Mlle ' ". w'oli< to n acid tl� o In, r—th vid,. of , nrlrI, :ne I �n In-re»c , ale ra a.t ant to h, adr. solved ubli,ter. That the d of Irucic lVorka be and ,y Instructed nod directed tc plana and epeclflcn tions for 'n t, alemnd submit �same I. �11 for approval; thatupon vel, the proper elty offl-rs authorized and directed to :11h the making of anld Impr .Inordancr therewl th. 1, d. the ('o a o", A r. 2."ed Apr. 26, 1916. (April 29-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COrJMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER X} (D) In We Matter of L_�x tl / _ c .` { �a "'1f/(L. ! l .. �_� L -K .c.'r . t. .._G (.....�.1J.1..4:. %[�....,1 f., ....... 1 41.2. ..... .... .... .. ..... ...... . .. .... .. . . ........... .......... ............ _. . _ .........._. __.. _......_..._....._ _ . .. ................... ... ......... .............. -- -- ..-...... ............. .............._..... _...._ _......_ ...:_........._..._.._....-..._....._ ............... ....................... ........ ................ ....... ......................:... - .................... _._._ ...... .... _ .... - . under Preliminary Order approved -L6 -oz �, ( .... .._..//�.1.. _ _ _..... ..... ...... - ----- To -To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - ��..52 F_er. lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S .. .. _ _... ..... _..__....._ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 04'll. r'/ rr J�'�l l .� 4 �",,y,., TOTAL. ^ The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Worsts. Dated........_......_._/.. Commissioner of Finance. roar B. e, w, re o B ' C. F 'C"'�:. a, I� � � _ _ � �� % � � „_- -�� 007 i � - L. C I �. 'JV � � i I. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Itovember _ 12 ,....._191 5 '1'o the counnissioner of Finanec of the City of St. Paul: The l'mionissioner of Public Works, having had under Consideration the preliminiu•y order of the Coon - October 2E.,. 7915__, relative to .__.__....__.... 7699 . cif, known as Council File Nn..__. _.. . ,approved - - conetrtcting a cement tile eidewalk to a width of six feet on the norti: e'.:.e of Goodrich_ Ave.. from Sue Wit,_ to Prior ve,.__ _ - -- ........................... ..... ..................... ........... ........_......_. ..................... .............._....... _............._.... ............... _ ...... ..._._....._... ................................ and having investigated tilge matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvemen7t�is __ ._ ____necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per lineal foot. xxxx and 2. 'file estimated cost thereof is $......___ _........ ____, and the total cost thereof is �+.. . .. _ ................ .. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follo%vs: • 3. .A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and made a part hereof. ... _. _.. _..................... . 4. .............. nOt _....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject S, Said ivaprovmptent is...__ .__ _ to assessment for said improvement. Commis oiler of Public Works. C COUNCLL FILE By... 5. rARNSWORTIL y ....- .._.....--------.... ........... _......... ............ ............ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of- Constructing a cetlent tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the 'east e_ide. of karle_----street from Seventh strh street to Mau street, under. Preliminary order. ___76x1._ ........ _........... .. pproved..-October 30th , 1915 . a.._........-.._._.................. _............... Intermediary Order ---._ ------ .........__ ------ __.......... ........... ....... approved ---------------------- __._........................... ... -._�.__. _...-..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon 'due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.._0.52T?$ e.F3jgA_ a cement tale sidewalk to a width -- of_eix`M__teet_pn_-_the---,sea•-_eide_o.--_Hopi._-_street from Seventh street to Mayl.T'i-�tTQ@0ti - - -_.-.-............ ........ ... ------....... ....... ................ __........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improve mentccordance therewith,r Adopted by the Council 191 - 191 ----................ . - ....... _..__... ...... .. t Sty ark. Approved —._-L- _ --..-.._. 191 ........... Mayor. Councilman F4sworth .t-, „ --eliminnl Go s ,Der 29th, public hes Ke ler '� n the above Hobbs, and the all persona, obj oil t dations rst.tiv, fully: conslderef Noy be It j Resolved, hat to Paul that tent and kind made by the st Mayor P gement tile aide. Y ✓7s -- feet on the eae Form B. S. A. 8-7 I u- la e -nth. and the Council provement to bl Resolved Fur, stoner of Pubn hereby Instruct, pp44rrs Dlans and SmDrovefar t :ouncll far apt her I, , , the r - Hereby th then, aced with the roe" 116. ,1 , g having �i -fe.� .11V npr—argent.. •ounetl h— t1or.. and r thereto; ar, - the. e Connell of •I f he precise at,., [ Improvement I City Is .const, alk to aaldth c side of Me.ct to ie etc�- oreby orders said im- rade. er; That the Commte- ti (t , Work. be and he is and directed to pre- I ;� pecidcatlons for said I submit same to the .. oval; that upon said tiler city officers are L and directed to pro - Icing of said improve- ce therewith. Council Nov. 1, 1916. Dap ton's 36tuff 'Commercial Club k ��1 f REGULAR MEETINGS: ' SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAY EVENINGS, AT 8:15 .. Of"": JOHN A. SEEGER. PRESIDEM "1'10 C^Q4 „pt•T F1� d�h�ppY J. C. VANT HUL, JR., CORRESPONDING SEC—ARY HUGO HERRMANN, FIRST VICE P.— / 1 jeast YY ntb $t "` ITSJ HARVESTER AVENUE E. C. MAHLE, SECOND VICE PREST. ` Au� EDW. F. MILLET, FIN. sec. S. L. GOOD, TRE-I. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER //yy In the Matter of��l..��l'+�_./�-1_';' f� , ,� T c.O,l-..?'.. ..J�....lc._ _ /:fC% c .'1.._,_L+... LK. J_L�.._L....__� ..f�-...1 t.�......_J.-,..'lf. _...__. c / / _._.._-.._ .._..... ....... .... _ .._.-- .............. . . . . _ _ . _.................................... __.._ _... _..._ ...... _ ._.._ ....... _.......... ........ - _._ _.._....._......._. _ ....... ........................__......._.._...... ........ ........ ...... ..... ..... - ...... ....... ........ ........ __...... ..... ............. . _......... ...._- __. .......... ...... ....... _. ................ ............. ..._....._ .......... _......... .......... __... ........ ...... ....... ................ ... -- - _..__ ...... _ ..... .... __............. . ...... ............ under Preliminary Order approved.li . .... .. ..._ __._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - �- $ 1 ined foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is--.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._...... _.f�-. lb........_.._.191 �'. _ �.L /Y.L_.Y..._..................._ ._'.� _._._...__.. Commissioner of Fin"". DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCH ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION lx , 7 4� TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._...... _.f�-. lb........_.._.191 �'. _ �.L /Y.L_.Y..._..................._ ._'.� _._._...__.. Commissioner of Fin"". 6,F 7."-,::7/ i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Noveuber 6 .1915_. n To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 'Phe ('ommissiouer of Public Works, having had under eonsidermtion the prvdieinru,; order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ..7621 .approved October 20.,... 1!)1.5, relative to . constructing a ce,crent _tile ei_.:evie,�t.o a width of, s..x feet on the east __.. aide of !vaF'e Ct.f*rot.. East Seventl: St, to i,..aury _Et. .. .......... ...... .. ............. ............................. ................... .. . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ ....necessary and (or) desirable ; 53¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- _... _.__._, and the total eost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and made a part hereof. 4. a. Said improvement is.._._..___Cot_..asked for upon petition of tlu•ee, or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /) (01111 siouer of Public Woks. " CITY OF ST- PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^ Subject: COU 1. 14 6 e FILENCIL N o . Date Presented April 17, 191 6 E� In the clatter of corrdcnr —ng and taking an easement si:,teen (16) ee ^Iidth for the purpose of conctru.eting and rJ nteining a sorter along ',he ais-ht of, `.Tay of the treat 11erthern Railv;ay Compt:ny, from the centre line of Gibb-- Ave to the centre lire of 11.yless Ave., St, Anthony Park,' irrdci-,relic9il-r.ry order ''7914, apr _,oved Doveml.,er 12, 1915, c -d intnrrrediary- order, 594, app,-cved .:larch 21, 1916. The Commissioner of .lublir' ';forks havir- <u-wduted his report and plat in the above matter, be it RESCUEM, T-lat ;,he City o:" St. Paul heresy fixes ant' letcrminee the amount of land to he to}en for the above named improvement to be as follows: i_n easemc a trip of land sixteen (16) feet wide e1_terding eight (`3) foot or each side o -r a line descritod as follows- beminr.ing or the centre line of Cibr—c Ave. produced co-rthwestorly to a point ter_ (10) foot south of the north line of tee Great northern llai'.w,ay .Zi; -ht 31' iVay, thence westerly and parallel to the north line of raid Rj-ht of li&y 631.551, thence ,,':hrriesterly 102.401 to a point 31.91 south of the r.or'.h lisle of said hi -ht of Way, thence westerly and rarallel to the north line of said Ri-ht of Way 910.001, thence westerly at an angle of 00 441 to the richt 160.451, thence westerly at an angle of 30 11 to the ri•;ht 196.471, thence nor'l,wcoterly at an angle of 290 331 to the ri;rht 301, thence westerly at; an ar-rle of 256 301 to the left a distance of 83.501, t'-.ence solthwesterly at a,, ar71e of 330 01 to the left 51.001 plus to a point on a line drawn nortneastt'rly from the intersection of Rocbins St. and Bayless Ave, at an anlrle of 40 531 to the right of the center lire of Bayless avenue produced. Yeas (r') Councilmen (I') 7 arnsworth �nl 1 ctrl❑ .,r htna V oss v Iter i761 fr.•t x-la�•Ite pang eight tRl t:t " ch h trh nide of Ilne gear rihea follu�e r: Ito Klnning t the tent re 9 Mr. Pre a t, Powers FORM C.6 2 nou[htveat- -� to n 11111- lel, :101 reel alurh of !nth lino :�f thr : •at \nrr horn ilW ny Bight of them,• t�ea[er- , 1y, na VIt rnl,r t1 the ,orrh Ilne cif I:Ight of \l':t>� 6t 1.65', thence ithl'�nt�rl �' 10"I to :r pulp- Y hl ith of the north Ilne of anla Rlaht Nays ore n1:nt u,:e .,r Kala night or Wa, _n0', thenee a': atrrlp at the Council [l'. ur:6ts, 1aa �.. to rn.• :IghI e� cN.: ,3. 71C hl tat Ii:t�I sl ent._u\ tntx.') hn'a In favor 'i.s:t�n„t-w,o.yr f sorroved olro.a•ar. trrlr.patr:,hh,lour a aolIenn:rr atl.f:9enn�,ht:{�nr�et .� air�sf nnh.d :. rnr 191 V// Against �.�I �., pa rnn�arlli: n ,�1aeeeae- nnu� :aI�r�cllItlrh m{ae ro :ti: ot,nI m�;�:enn,ut .,F anr:i�[ n5r,'go o1et(.arr�, u ort.n ,' ns •n.lnlnue1 °nb 1rur lS rr�, right �19/ O�2�5 / `rrea h{ the \tr?fi, 7716. _ MOR yrnca Pr25, 1916. I\prIl 29-19161 Yeas (r') Councilmen (I') 7 arnsworth V oss v Iter " ch h 9 Mr. Pre a t, Powers FORM C.6 2 Dca7 I bo to re-unrr the parors -with the co:,d, i,rati On o :,, eas(,i;lcnt f0l' the construction of a surer on the ii7lnt of x-ray of the Great Railway Co. frc-.i Gibbs Ave. to 1 ees Ave. I d c, rc,ncrt cp_,: be made by cou:-sel cick-pt 'Gliat ",;,e wording of t1re r;,!,olu',ion -,I,c;ild be cli e to r, -cdt o,' En,z-i- eer Dict . 0 . C )TY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK. m: N. GOSS. C.—MISEIIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY D-11 C ... -1-- OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.- E—.ten J. E. CARROLL SUP' ,0.1 UIT— & ALFRED JACKSON Su" S—T.I... G H HERROLD, OF -1 E.1-11IS H W. GOET71NGER 5- 16. 020 ol!er o !:,I "11 c c Dca7 I bo to re-unrr the parors -with the co:,d, i,rati On o :,, eas(,i;lcnt f0l' the construction of a surer on the ii7lnt of x-ray of the Great Railway Co. frc-.i Gibbs Ave. to 1 ees Ave. I d c, rc,ncrt cp_,: be made by cou:-sel cick-pt 'Gliat ",;,e wording of t1re r;,!,olu',ion -,I,c;ild be cli e to r, -cdt o,' En,z-i- eer Dict . 0 . C It=cty; tvt �:)';lfjllt VAU > : OFFICE OF JOHN I. FARICY. CITY CLERK 0 CITY OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM - Subject: i0033 COUNCIL ' . FILE No. ♦ R Date Presented April 17, 191 6 In the r..attex of gondewning an aking ec_ee- Resolved, vent sixteen (16) f t i 'width for t'r,e rpose of construct- ing and :saint a nin a se er a.lon� the igh of .ay of the ore ;'"0rth,, Rai way C rrrany, frow a can line of Gibbe Ave, the cnete line of Payless A enue, £ nthony Park, under pre n_inary orde X7914, aper ed i'ov bar 2, 1915, and ir_terme y order X9594, apl r ed :Baro 21, lo, The Go is er of Publ Corke aving subs. tted his r ort an plat he above r:.atter, ,,e it R'.'VED, 1) That City of . Paul hereby fixes add er,;. es the an.o of 1 d to be taken for the 1 ai,ove ran.e in,ts� ensent to b as 11 '6: atril. of—ar.d six een (16) t wide ;;xtending eight (8 feet or. e sid of a li de ibed ,s follows: begirni r on `.e oentel 1 e,_,u .Ci':, a Ave. o`=uoed south - este.: vto point ten C) 'f@�t outh of t'.: "orth line of the :1r ;, t "o ern Ky.E. of }' thenoe westly and Xaral el to he north li e sai Tip_ f ':ay 63 551, then sol.: westerly 10 .461 t point 31.9' soi.th the t. line f said :i of ay, once westerly end parallel c h =ine ofs id -i -%,t of -:--y 9CC.CG' , t'.:ence We erly c- .c..le C�.. deg. 4' to the r' -'..t 1cC. 'ht-noe w aterl" an angle of 3 deE.-1' to t e r Eht 196.47' t:: r rthwe-terms . ars angle of i9 deg. 3' to 1:e ri It 3C t'rl .enae y at ar. gle of 25 deg. -_C' the eft a dist ce ;,f E3. CI , __e scut . ecterly s'� an le o3 ries.-)' *o the = ft 51.06 F to a joint on a ire awn nertl ea terly fr the int f ::o'-, ine St. tersec rd ;less Iva. En angl cf 4 deg. -53 t:, ri ':t cf the -ante line cf l;—less Iva e roduce/d. Yeas(C)Council en (I') ays� L w rt' Adopted by the Council 191 Farna Coss In favor - Keller Approved 191 McColl ✓ Against Nash Yoerg Mr. P•—="'en' aw - MAYOR FORM C.8.2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIOn . ROBERT T GOURLi Y, Ur xuir Cr.r.,s . .x OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C<< Exaxrix J E CARROLI.. Su C.— ALFRED JACKSON. Suc r. S.«�. �i�,.. g �4)�,� D MHHERROLD.0 meExmx —REPORT TO THE COUNCIL— 1 N G0FT71NGER, S— N ' In the matter of condemning and taking an easement sixteen(16)feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sewer along the Right of Way of the Great Northern Railway Company,from the center line of Gibbs avenue to the center line of Bayless avenue, Rt Apthony Park,under Preliminary Order #7914, approved Nov.12th 1915, and Intermdediary Order #9594 approved March 21st 1916. To the Council of the City of 9t.Pau1: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: Description: A strip of land 16' wide extending 8' on each side of a line described as follows: beginning on the center,"ins of Gibbs'°avenue produced southwesterly to apoint 10' south of the North line of the dreat Northern Right of Way,thence westerly and pprallel to the north line of said right of way 631.551,thence southwesterly 102.40' to a point 31.9' south of the north line of said right of way,thence westerly and parallel to north line of said right of way,900.00',thence westerly at an angle ofO. deg. -441, to the right, 160.451, thence westerly at an angle of 3 deg. -1' to the right 196.471, thence northwesterly at an angle of 29 deg. -33' to the right 30', thence westerly at an angle of 25 deg. -30' to the left a distance of 83.50', thence southwesterly at an angle of 33 deg. -0' to the left 51.00' plus to a point on a line drawn northeasterly from the intersection of Robbins street and Bayless avenue at an angle of 4 deg. -53' to the right of the center line of Bayless avenue produced. Commiesio of Publi Works Dated _� — ------ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of..._A 9TA. ..t.�or a 8ewe....�..6..�Qe.t..._in.._wiith.,.along_ th= righ_t...o-. wa..._of the .__.-G.reat._H.or_the ,xay.0O3 from ....Lhe..c.en..te.r..1.ins....oi._Glibba....awame_.Ao A.be...0-u- e.z'... line of Bairlsas_avenue, St. Anthony Park. — —..._ ....-.-........ ..... _._ . _..._ .. ........ ..- .._................ ........... ... ............_....-_.. —_.._ .......... .......... ..... _ ....... ........ ....... ............. _....... ....... ---- .......... ....... ........ .............. .................. .__._............__................ .......... ....... ........ _� ........ ._.... -...--..._.... _................. _. ............ ........ ......... ...... I.... _....... ........... ... • ....... ,-..... :................... .......... ....._....... _ ....... -... - .- I...... ...... ..... ... __. _.....__._ _ ...... ......... _..................... ... ... - _...... ....... ...... ........... _........ .........._......._ .......... ..... ..._..-.. _......... ... ....... ....._....__.._....... _...... ...... ___....__........... ......... ...... ..... ..................... --- _..... .... _...... ....... ..... .........._...... ..._ ........................ ... ... _ ........................._............ ......... ... ........._ ._........._....... ....... _...... ... .......... ........... .. ......... .......... ....... _.......... ...... ...... ....... .......... — _.... ....... ......_....._................__.__........ ._............... ........................................ ....... ....... _....._...... .._........ .._.._..__....__...... .......... ...... ._....__. under Preliminary Order approved. _ _ ..... _.... ............................ ...... ......... ... ........ ..--...... .............. _ ...._ __ ........ ........... _ _._.. To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $._._.:_ .............The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S - -- --- ---- --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A strip 150 feet wide being 75 feet on either aide of the 2 8 7 5 5 original center line over and across Section 29, Town 29, Range 23. a TOTAL. 2 8 7 55 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated b % U ..... ....191(.. CZ/.L-'.�/....1 2 ; �? ... ................. Commissioner of Finance. 10- i... A. 8-5 D 'Office of the Commissioner of Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pa}d: January -_ ............._...191...... The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Comn- ?914 ivovember 12, ..191.._5:, relative to .............................. anoved_..__....................................................... cil, known as Council File No. ..................... PP' fin_ ...CAA.Mment......Q......}.....a.9Per...-16.._feet..._n._Ridth. alo.n6._the...rBht ............ .._... the..._Great..._Aortharn_Railway.„Co,..__Yrom_._the centre line .of Gibbs _Ave. to the c.entr.e_.line...-of ....Bayless ....Ave....,.....Bt_...... AnthonY ..P.ask.................... ............. ............. ....._._. .......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__._ ....... _..necessary and (or) desirable. .... xXXX3:...._.._._.., R ...... and the total cost thereof is $__................... and 'L. The estimated coat thereof is $. ............. XR the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.. ....... ................. _ _. _.... _. ..__..........._.._..........................._......_.._.. _......_....._ _ _ _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is......_nt.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / ...Y.... ......_........ ................... _....._._....... / Commissioner 0 Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 10147 Subject:... . croljUNCI No. Date Presented...April ...24thM16...191....... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for Grading Pascal Ave. between Randolph St. and Palace St. and James St. between Hamline Ave. and Pascal Ave., to Keough Brothers at lump sum price bid of $1,183.00, Engineer's Estimate being $2.061.00. Formal Bid No. 848 �I C. F. No. 10117—R1' Gose— he R -1—d. That the Council reby e In ]he r endo [loo of the ---- Co 1-1 Committee and hereby award. the con trnrt fir ernd lig 1'asoal Ave. between Randolph St. ..d Palace St.. xnd James St. between 1iaml lne Abs r'xeeslKeough Be. there xt lttmD sum price bid o[ 31,185.00. En- gineera E.tttmxte being sz.osl.'0' yy��eTg Formol Rid ;Jn. W 41.1 p4Y Adopted by the CouncllApr. 25, 1416. Cpi" 3 to abOQO AppFoved April 25, 1916. _ ,. 11nrtl 20-1016) FCt O� V71 . Conn- ion. ,. Yea (v') Cou cilmen (d) Nays Adopted by the Council. _ APR. 25.19.16....19I........ Far worth Cosa In favor Kelle �`` Approved . �... . MCC I t.A... Against NoahYoerg l:Y MAYOR r. President, veers CITY. OF ST- PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 461 -q Subject:._.. _ COUNCIL _.... NO FILE-.. - __. Date Presented -..April - 24th -- - - -1916- i� n Resolved, That .the CRuncil he concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby at[ards the con- tract for Grading Alley in Block three Syndicate Add. No. 5, from Albert St. to Hamline Ave., to D. W. Moore, at hump sum Price bid of $139.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $197.00. Formal Bid No. 847. j C. F. Vin_ 10136— ' V' Reealt'In•tlreat the Codnllll on h fr the `" e° rehr na-aods Con(I-, t Committee and h Iley In 1Rjbert the contract for Kra�llnb Ihree srn dies to Add. No. 6. Prom . 4[. lumliamlln pri eehl toof $13900`oF.n beer's Flx[Imate be•In6 $191.00. Fnr- I Rid \o. 63125, 1916. A"'pled try [he Cov 1916.\pr. Approved %PrII 25, 6) IAPrII 29- 191 yeas (✓) Cou kcilmen (✓) Nays Farr worth Gosi In favor Kell r M 11._. Against N Yoe 9 M . P resident Powers FORM C.e-s Received all PaPer8 Connection with above Resolution. Adopted by the Council. ._ __FPEi 25 1915...191..//..... Approv _= 191 ..... ..................MAYOR CITY OF, ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:-.....CO. UNCIL - FILE ........... ............... Date Presented....A.pril 24,th-16 191 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for Grading Alley running north and south in Block 1, am Mer Park Third Addition, from Ashland Ave. to Laur 1 Ave., to Peter Dickson, at lump sum price bid of $226.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $247.00. Formal Bid No. 846. C. F. No. 1n149—By M. N. Goan— Reml%-r,tlThnt the Cdntloln hfrby the cortra,t Committee H a hereby awnrde the enol tact fm' grading alley r,—ling rrh and south In Block 1, �lerrirtm Park Third Add ltlon. from Ashland Ave.. to Laurel Ave.. to Peer Dlekeon, a[ lnmp au price bid of 5226.00, Fn- {� ! gin F.a[Ima[e being 5247.00. For papers +� S[k$f't mol Rid !9o. 846. 11 1 Adopted by the. Council Apr. 25, 1916. v' Q{y �� ` Approved Apr. 25, 1916. �tecei gbp�B IAprl1 29-1916) �jnneQtion �1th Serol tics - Yeas ( J) Cot ncilmen ( ✓ ) Nays Farx sworth 7In Go Kellr Favor Mc oll Against Nall Yce Mr- President 1!ORM e.e z Powers _ Adopted by the Council'_ __App 2541916,_ 191._..... Approved 191J. -MI.YOR .CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM Subject....., ;�RCILtO t.... .... r Date Presented -April 22nd_ -14....191........ fs Resolved, / That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction -of a sewer on Orchard St, from Vic— toria St, to a point 40 feet east of Ryde St.; - Hatch St. from Victoria St. to Ryde St.; Colne St. from Orchard St. to Hatch St. and Louth St. from Orchard St. to Hatch St, to O'Neil & Freston at lump..sum of $4,045.95 _ Engineer's Estimate being $3',989.00. Formal Bid No. 845. ed, TC. P. No. 10 15 0—Ry bf. N. Goes— Resnlvin th Y���t commenthe �l¢tloln hfr the Coo tntrae�t Committee ¢nd hereby x nrds the co nlnnet ror the a nstrucllnn of a Orchard St. from Victoria St. 2a to ¢r point 40 feet a et of Ryde St.: 11 pgpelS /•� _. ! Hrttch St. from Vietorlu. St. to Ryde St.: 8eceived 8 y� Pabons Colne St. from Cl r, d St. to Hntch 1♦iW St. and I.outh St, from Orc•hrtrd St. to nnect}on Holch SL. [n O'Neil R Preston, t lamb c0 ne,or $4.01'0.95. E.91 Y` rAum¢ta ®Sp ution. b,jr, 82.989.00. F—onnl nid N1 BJS. Ad, Pted by the Co ncll .\Pr. 25, 191 G. APP roved APr. "5. 1916. �- (April 20-1916) Yeas (✓) nrilmen (✓) Nays F worth G In favor K ler M oll Against N h Y rg Mr. Pre aide t, Powers PORM C.a-2 Adopted by the Council.c� APR �J 1 91519L....... / Approved MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject._ _ couf4CIL FRHN 0 ........ ......_ ............ Date Presented..APr.il..22.nd-1.-6...191....... 1z m Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Curbing Portland Rve. between Snelling Ave. and Warwick Ave., to Gust Nelson at lump sum price bid of $598.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $725.00. Formal �Jd No. 842. 10161—ny \ . N. Cnas— Iteaolved. That the Council hereby s In the r nd'tlon of the ? 1 —t-1 C'ommlt[ee and" hereby of thr c �n trgrt for cu rbing Portland Ave. bolween Snelling Ave. and Warwick Nluon at lumps m price bld-of $698.00, Englneer'e );,timate be- tna 412u.0o For,nai Ftld No. 842. Adopted by the Council Apr. 25, 1916. Ap V, 011-11 AVr. 25. 1916. I A Vrl1 29-1910) Yeas ( r') Cou 'Imen (✓) Nays Far orth Goss In favor Kelle MCC I Against Nash Yoe Mr. Pmaident, owers FORM C-2 8eceivell all paper$ In above connection vifith� gesol tion. _ l APR 25 1,915 Adopted by the Council Approved ... MAYOR CITY OF ST..PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ... _. _.... Subject:.. ' COUNCIL Ift �0 �. Date Presented..........................:..................191 17Tv Resolved, That the council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Rose St. between Arkwright St. and Clark St., to E. G. Carlson & Co., at lump sum price bid of $487.00 - Engineer's Astimate being $595.00. Formal Bid No. 844. C. F. No. 10152-11y J1. N. Goss— Rrxolrinl theha[ the lolntloln hfr the t�oni rny't comtnittre rand her"yo'.". byau rds the coni rnrt lot thb con tlulrlot, of - n Ro, S[.� and /1111, St.. to E. G. Carlson & Co., 1t lump sum price bid of E487.00. Englneer'a E.tl mate bMt, Efi 95.00. Formal 141d No. 844. �n Adopted by the Counetl Apr. 25, 1916. �rg Ap Pro V ed Aprll 25, 1916. y . (April 39.1916) �il Y` geceiQed tb above rOnpg Ct�O[1 ' Resolution' Yeas ( ✓) Cou icilmen (✓) Nays Farr worth Go In favor Kell M II Against Nas Yoe Mr. President, owes APF 25 1915 191....... Adopted by the Council....__....__.._. _..... / Approved ... Y___..._...... ...................... . " - MAOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.... _ COUNCIL �0 rlla No...... ... Date Presented.... A,pril...22nd>-.16..191........ ti' y %'may Y Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the reoommendati6n of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Victoria St. from a point 130 feet south of the south line of Tuscarora St. to West Seventh St., to J, J. Connolly at lump sum price bid of $1,940.00 - Engineer's Estimate being $1,964.00. Formal Bid No. 843. C. F. No 101 i3-1 .Pe— '[that the Council hereby '.. Ite<nl v�•4 s In the 1-mr, endnTlon of the hf�uctton olds t outrart Commlllee and for the c ,o theo cool^ ort , Victoria St. from n point 130 fee[ south of the uth line of Tuacn- St., to J. J. a t, to [West Seventh Connolly at lump sum price bid of Estimate being =+ $1,940.00, Englneer's {1 Formol Cold iaal Adopt. it pr. Adopted by the Councn Apr. 25. 1916. 25, 1916. HeCei'Pea ApD roved Apr. lApril 29-1916)�.,pnn's- Resolution. Yeas (✓) Cot ftilmen (✓) Nays Fart sworth Gov In favor Kelldr Mc ell Against Nasi Yoe g Mr. P"aidenj Powers Adopted by the Council.-_ _ __ . APR_25 1813191 Approved MAYOR A-4� e 7 An crdin:.n,e prohi,itinZ the movie- of houaea o`'..iliinZs exceelin. ten tons in ei•rht, over the street-, of the cit;✓ of St. 2 Paul on vehi--les or trucks, unless ;;h;ala of a certain size are 3 used, or unless the streets are properly protected from injury. 4 TPF ,.0.,.7,,-L Or mut 'T'r•v OF . ..PA -L ,07- ')`)A'N: 6 `.'ection 1. That hereafter it shall be unla,Yful to move any 6 house or building, excee'ing ten tons in --reiZht, upon or over any od r the public streets or alleys of the city of �-t.paul upon any vehicle 6 or truck unless the aheels thereof be at least thirty inches in 9 :ridth, or if narro.,ier ,Yhe&ls are usei, unless the part of the street 10 or alley over rhich such vehicle or `,ruck,earrying such house or 11 buildin is moven is adequately t. �, y planks: .vith at least Tree finch 12 planks to pr p p,.ect same from injury. 13 Fection ?. Any person violating any of the provisionsm 14 o: the ordinance mall upon conviction thereof be subject to a 16 fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for 16 not more than ninety days. 17 ectioa 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 18 thirty nays after its passage and publication. 19 20 Passed by tr.e ^ouncil _--,�'-Y--�� ,,,ti _ _1916. 21 Yeas Nays 22 Mr. Farnsworth Yeller 23 /Vr 00011 088 z4 Nash Yoer-25 . Prem ent (Poarers) Approve L v 16. 26 27 Attest Mayor ze A _ 1,, `r uir City 71erk Awn ehlnle,. house or bulldin(;. 1- n vee, 29 ,telt' planked with at sso ch plank- to protect pry. 30SECTION 2. pef olhe violatingdinanee) shall of a upon �fion the reofr be eubJ ect to a11 31 ,t m e than one Hundred 1101- r b� Imprisonment for not m data. SECeIa 3. 32 !�'� -�� / .,,- - nralnanee h-1, tape erteet and nitorce thirty days after it. pxss- and pu7i11 cation. 19. 1916. 33 f ,.a ncu ata)- . ss alfessrae Farnsworth. K Ile Goss. Nash. YosrR. Nr. Prest- { i rt (Powers) -7. 34 .� .gay --0. Jtl pproyed a1II)• 10 1916 J ql: JOHN i pAItICMayor. Y. ' CIt7 Cleri ur • (May 131916) An ordinance prohibiting the moving of housse or buildings 2 exceeding ten tons mn weight, over the street© of the city of 8t. Paul on vehicles or trucks, unless wheels of a certain size are 4 used, or unless the streets are properly protected from injury. 6 THF COEMOTL Or THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOTS ORDAIg: 6 Section 1. That hereafter it shall be unlawful to more any 7 house or building, exceeling ten tone in weight, upon or over any Od 3 the public streets or alleys of the city of 9t.Paul upon any vehicle e or truck unless the whoells thereof be at least thirty inches in 10 width, or if narrower wheile are used, unless the part of the street 11 or alley over which such vehicle or truek,earrying such housed r 12 3 building, is moved, is adequately planked with at least three Anah 13 planks to prpteot same from injury. 14 Election 2. Any person violating any of the provisionew 16 of the ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be subject to a 16 fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for 17 . not more than ninety days. 18 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 16 thirty days after its passage and publication. 20 21 Passed by the Council —_____ r1e18. 22 Yeas bays Mr. Farnsworth 23 Keller. McColl 24 Goes Rash 26 Y00rg ere) Approved 1818. 26 Mr. President (Pow 27 Attest mayor 28 — yCer 20 30 31 32 33 34 35 C 7� v L' _ //��� _.1P���� %'� i' CITY OF ST. PAUL 441, GENERAL FORM COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL "� •.--mom. COUNCIL FILE ,Y O ..Nr c� ..... .... .... ..... .. Date Presented. -.a [91..... -- Resolved; Whereas, Charles Wolf, has heretofore paid to the City cf St. Paul the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, as ar, Advance Payment for a sewer on Lot 15, Elock 2, H. H. Hoyt Cols. Addition, and whereas the assessment for the construction of a sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Forty four & 65/100 ($14.65), therefore be it Resolved, That the spm of Five At 35/100 ($5.35) Dollars be refunded to the said Charles 'golf, and that the proper city officers be, and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Charles Tolf, for said eut:, payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. 10156h ]- ,le. =vor(h—' ltrsolvr•'d, aid 1,, ax, ('Carl es l\'t has heretofore paid to 1$5 (00) ::f St. Paul " •• the x of Fifty 1St for d—'a', n Advnnre Payment for a s Illork ? H. H. Hoc, (e.`'xr All dltlon, nd wherens-ihnnret for the onetrllon of t, xlswl hrr s e,tl,,g w'Ith aueId property there of Forty four slid It44.65), fore be It 11-1-1. That the x m of Flve and 26.100 IE6.26) dollars be refundedto the Bald Charles 11.0 f. and they the proper city oRleerx be, i are herehy authorized to draw' a warrant ,a meat of the ldu Ch frlthe\olf, for Advanee said e m t Ac o Aasesstlnent Account. Adopted by the Council Apr. 28, 1916. Approved 27. 11116. (April29-1916) Yeas t I') j n (I ) Nays QP 2G )kl)q A&)pted by the Council h (jam In favor \pp ed91 �gainsrNash Mr. Presirs "..oa raau c 8 -2 _� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM n t Y6 71' Subject,` �j ✓ !f-li ctuvTL COUNCIL t�1 FILE ��. ... .... ......... ... .. Date Presented.. 191 Resolved, 77hereas, Tuiwiq Kottke, has heretofore raid to the City of St. Paul, the sun of Sixty Two & 50/1CO ($62.50) Dollars, as an Advance Payment for a sewer on Lot 8, Elock 29, West St. Paul Proper, and whereas the assessment for the constr.-tion of a sewer connecting with said property is the sun. of Fifty Nine & 91/ 100 059.91) Dollars, therefore be it Resolved that the sum of Two & 59/100 ($2.59) Dollars be refunded to the said Ludwig Kottke, and that the prol-er City officers be, and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Ludwig Kottke, for said sun payavle out of the Advance Assessment Account. C. F. No. 10156—By S. A. Farnsworth— Resolved, NVhereae, Ludwig K.ttl— has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the e m of Sixty Two & 50/100 IE""" Dol lays, n Advance Pay- ent for a a. a nLot 8, Block 29, Wee, St. Pauls Proper. and where.. the assessmnt for the a nslruction of a sewer..ting with Bald property I. the a of Fl fly Nine and 91/100 (669.91) Dollar., therefore be it Resolved that the sum of Two and 59/100 (32.59) Dollars be refunded to the sold L.dw I- Kottke, and that the proper city .tuners be. and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant In favor of the said I.0 dwig Kottke, for said e m payable out of the Advance A.—s.ent Account. Adopted by the Cou n pii Apr. 26, 1916. Approved Apr. 27, 1916. (April 29-1916) Yeas ( I `) Co oilmen (l ) Nays Fa swarth Ili favor K r Com-Agains( pyx N a ah Y g Mr. Preside t, ewers -adopted by the Council AP 2C 1116 _191 S .approved 1 i MAY' CITY OF ST. PAUL 1, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �f / COUNCIL N O 10157 Date Presented April 19th. 191..$.. Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Tri State 70lephone and Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary anchors and to string wire and cable on the following named streets: Three (3) poles on Greenbrier from Montana to Hoyt C. 11. No. 10111—BY M. N. Goae— Resolved. That permission be and la hereby granted the TO State Telephone and Telegraph Company to erect poles with the etringwire and scabanchors le onthe following) naeastreet.: Thr (3) poles on Greenbrier from Mortta— to aQyt• _ .taq #ffi il. ut-oldes. the dlractfon -C4 eked e,t I ja'lJP 9 INaejC 47 lln4e ` ay�so7 � eoe V17a IBeo� dda 1 �uln I pw14c..1..oJ sociis IaadB OUR_ Work :a°.A•o'Y'!Y Work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of tllj�e Commissioner of Public works, the Telepho .e Company to pay the cost of r ilfspection, engineering and publication. Poles and wiresto be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council, said cost to be paid by the Telephone Compary, Yeas (d) Co oilmen (v) Nays Far worth Go Ke 'r N Y . Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.6-2 Adopted by qp 26 1916 the Council 191 In favor . (/ GApprov !/ .__. Against __ ___ MAYOR CITY. OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution— -General Form J N, -pill "n e t of yy Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By .1 1111A P11, 'Iha; 11-1 .ural..;.;. ­1 dt", 1e1 Ire --'1 the a11' r, -.l City Arcs. Five poles on Sherburne Avenue, from one hundred feet east of Park Avenue to Rice Street. One pole on the corner of Western Avenue and Carroll Avenue. Three poles on Delos street from Livingston Avenue to Concord_ Street. One pole on the northwest corner of Armstrong Avenue and Vic- toria Street. One pole on the southwest corner of Juno Street and Victoria Street. One pole on Randolph Street between Hemline Avenue and Syndi- cate Street, With--a�e�e- f O CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Depat•tniear-rrf' Bureau of C4acerreiirlEn. Date Presented 191 By « ....I 1 rod diruu We.leml it. «..t, lln L uu u. w ud a4 free Wawa lur c 1: t^•r+iTT I*—Mxrthr T T:, lit r �:e 1 MmtirmP...� t ra ns n,. �.,,n ••I eiertr!r!tr nn and "n ll,r (`in.�i n¢allm and etrttte int eald tir`' City Arcs. Three poles on Hester Street$ from McLean Avenue to Suburban Avenue. Four poles on Hiawatha Avenue from Thorn Street to Burns Aventa Four poles on Syndicate Street from the ArH ey north of Lincoln Avenue to Lincoln Avenue. Four poles on Prior Avenue from Cottonwood Avenue to Tallula Avenue. Two 90100 on St.Albans Street from the alley north of Stinson Street to Front Street. Two poles on Page Street from the alley north of Delaware Avenue to .the alley north of Cherokee Avenue. with necessary guys. �► CITY OF ST. PAUL • Cound- Res�— Genera-- Form f lepartme-M rtf- Bureau- of - C otmril--F- fr--N-n-. Date- Preseined-- 191 Br_ N+�..H.it-t+.'YhmFe.�t.YauLanwL:ulLLl:ouyauw-WwreL. u�Jare.l nntl AliertM In nlmJ118 etttt.it-al line. h�ertrnr2t..k+aui et.i n¢ioe wlree thehnn }m yhe i.anu��.s�uo ul elegy t.��ity un via �n the Inli..w.nv^alleve.nJ .Irtesv oteaid.isv. City Arcs. Six poles on Frank St. from L:aryland Street to Hyacinth Street, Four poles in the alley between Chatsworth Street and Argyle Street, from Hatch Street to Orchard Street. Eleven poles in the alley between Lafond Street and Blair Street. from Hamline Avenue to Pascal Avenue. One pole on the northwest corner of Chatsworth Street and Hatch Street. One pole on the west corner of Chatsworth Street and Orchard Street. One pole on the northwest corner of Chatsworth Street and Or- chard Street. With necessary guys. CITY OF ST. PAUL O 11 Colmd Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau-' of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By N I �� I.\ 1' I�. 'I har nie �t I'aui �;:+ I.innt l'uv,rql.' '.a nrrc,a •,�dere•i and direr red 1.. c.icnd iia a coiy al ;idea 'v. ........ D•,Icn nv. al rinilva ..neo there•n for the i.ananri n..l c.e. ov 1. ..n avn Dine n.. •. in.:.11c.�avd street. ,l+aid, I. City Arcs. One pole on the northwester corner of Chatsworth Street and MaKenty Street., With nenessary guys. n nD Delo- . einnr=nneora sl pule tt tna nortnwe• 'Dole u` then outhwen St. and nVictorla St. P IlRandolph 5 Ave. ana syndleate . Ove oto S.IIaLban Ave. Doted on Hla watha St. to Burn. Ave. poled on Syndicate St orth of Llneo In Ave. Dole- on Prior Ave. Ave. to""Ta Hula Ave, dn St. Alb— ... lbano north of Stlnaon St, doe on PT St. from I lelaw are Ave. to rherokee Ave. In Frank St.. 'ro ath St. ed � the •lir ��I il.c •�I all �o�uicr la, nl � rdiv vd r oho •�i Ihec pit tit. 1'nul tll , hal: i, h ail .� .nd a the i.l Ihihl i, t; ti lii .hall J e nd .hall he vl a ,h 1-0 avd vha a he reel. a• I n .a. ner len a auate a rar: 0,,u .al' I n•I a nil a I -'I 1 h not I II '� tale I ..n �n�l re u. ed .nA �u� h x re Iia. ed � n.ierir vudl w -bene. er the . a. � .hall deem chat the ,i... , nl�ra... , . c iu•re . anal ashen t ahn',1 .a. order. Adopted by the Council APR 2G 191S 191 Peas i ) Co n Imen { 1 Nays FA SWORT11 GO YO RG ,- — - ()'ARY Ajrrd KE LER Mr. President, PO ERS `� UB ISHED. >' /%/G'�Iavor CITY OF.ST. PAUL f 'A Council Resolution ---General Form )c partmeiltt of Bureau Of Council File No. I)ate Presented 191 Bv . ...... i—d —d 1;- 1rd ii. --.1 irn cln:.:"1 1.." 1., J- he d 1" 11, a11— and -id -, Nineteen poles on bake Como and Phalen Avenue from Dale street to Western Avenue. Sixteen poles in the alley west of Western Avenue from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Idaho Avenue. Eight poles in the alley between katilds, Avenue and Farrington Avenue from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue. One pole on Western Avenue between Hoyt Avenue and Nebraska Avenue . Eleven poles on Carbon Street from Mackubin Street to Dale Street. One pole on Arundel Street between Hoyt Avenue and Nebraska Avenue. With necessary guys. 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Heparttnent o#- 1��rexcr--c�#-- (cetrtteil k.il� 1�Ie.-- I�aGc--l'-r I rEi i9i k' : [iL1Lu.We.�l.l'nul ���a LfLr Lo.wfwmml•hereV„�..lar.al.a1J:re'eed r•...r<*:I:r.etnr.w+l-li�rc*in ere<11.0 D 1,e and rtrlRinr w:ru Wuure M1r/'t1:e ..:nvm •mn M etectriciry nn and in rFe Inl lmm�e aHl and etrenv of .aid nv Che pole in the alley between kackubin Street and Arundel Street, from Hoyt Avenue to Nebraska Avenue. With necessary guys. I rent I:ale Vit. to \\'e: poles the nllep next nl Ave. from I.ukc Como and Idaho AVC. A Do i InKett- -R, :1ve. nd F.rrin Eton Ave. from i 1'omn •nni{ Thal en nolo r n lbx r Avr. he ta'rrn Avr. ml \rbra.kxkn Ave. _ nolex D carbon vt_ trom idn 't. [r nalr ct. Dofe n Ar,marl st.. nel.rren' :\rr. nd Rr•Ir rnxha Are. [ne :mes net.rrrn nmr- I NI. ma,::nael. sl.. rr�m dost n i�ehraxka Avr., wfth nrr - .l x trh •xtrnxlonx. Dolex x -h al lr Dr a ertrd and c ns[rv�r ° the dlroCtinn and eu Dr rvlsl n mlxnrr of Fn blit ' 'I thihlnF, au birrt ' 11 r \i 1 I'. 1 1. - 1 II II 1, 1 -1 III 1.hall hr el .�:�11 - 1 d 1 axle .hall c :ake:.I. ..n .n 1 e o ed. �d n�h �. re. Ila e I �odervr d, wh<ne�er :he t e. n.'1 :hall deen��rhar she al;�.m.res. v•n aire d:.honn.hall.n�rder- -\dopted by the Council Yeas 1 Co cilmcn F. NSWOR`h11 G S Y ERG n' E A R Y K LER Mr . President, P VERS APR V,, 1916 191 ( 1 Nays Appd �91� Mayor Qi.�Sr USTIED CITY OF 5T. PAUL r r..., ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No 10 60 A 9Y c. AUDITED PER 107 tF Resolved that warrants be draw9ARn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council_ 181 Farnsworth Gnsan favor Ap v Keller Against MAYOR O'Leary of Yoerg Mr. President, Powers f Contractor, Supply & Equipment Co., 1,039.50, Street Const. & Rep,-Maint. S.,A. Farnsworth, Comir. Finance 1,685.17 Red. Spec. Assess. Bonds Class "All S. A. Farnworth, Comt-r. Finance 892.00 Interest Fund S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 12,945.00 j Water -Bond Red. & Int. Acct. S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance, 27,836.92 Spec. Aasese. Bond Int. Acct. Geo. W. Keys, 358.75 Sewer Const. E Rep.-Maint. _,,Keystone View Co., 54.25 CentralH 7 Johnson S• .Li)f:� 54• Lee & Hoff Mfg. Co., / 1,000.00 C. H. & C H. -Alterations & Rep. E. D. Litchfield 1,231.89 New Library Bldg. Acct. Adah Hoover, 88.00 Gen. Fund -Mist. & Unforseen Geo. P. McGuigan, 12.00 S. & S. Cing.-Sexer Cing.-Maint. Merchants National Bank 27, _ 8aG.94 Interest Merchants National Bank, 10,000.Cjo Red Bonds 1916 Acct. Form A. L -Il #2 C. A. Nelson, 10.90 Sewer Isabel, Concord to Pt_ N. W. Telephone Co., 534.62 Comir. Pub. $ s- .Adm -M 41 .82 Street Co ePtlain J5. S. & S tr C1Ma Spr li O'Neil. & Preston, 1,650.00 Sewer Bay St., Grace to Jefferson St, Paul Cement Works, 160. GG Curbing Rob a ling Pier- 60.90 " -St. An ony �S 4lin;v �, %Aldi .GG ^ Car Y t Antho G G " St. An ny, Al ne to Irv. 00 Wesle Sne11 g to Fr;. " Simp on, Mi nnehaha to Taylor e.^ r Scand. American Bank, Assignee Peter Dickson 150.00 Grading Alley Blk. 34, Layman Dayton Add. Siems-Carey Co., 4,165.60 Fredericka -Fairmount Sewer System So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 2,843.89 C F No 30160— - Water -M. & R. Reeol cd that warrants be. er.wnl9 upon the City Treasury. payable out of the herelnatter apecified load. and ha , favor of the person., firms or corpora- 1614.90 Strickland -Doolittle Co. tfone for the amounts set oppoelta; 5 School -M. & R. their respective names ae pecifled In.f �. the following detailed statement: Contrnctora supply & Equipment Co., n Street Cot. & Rep.. Malnt.. $1,039.50..x. 995 95 , Tierney& GO S. A. Farnsworth. C mr. Finance, J Rea. Soec. Aas sees Roods Class '-A", Fire -M. & R. $1.685.17. S.A. Farnsworth. Com'r. Finance. In- I, terest Fund, $892.00. Com. Finance. C. A. Farnsworth, Neter—Rood Rd.`Z' Int. 945.00. S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance. - !Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acct, $27,836.92. - Geo. W. Keys. Sewer Const. & Rep.— v j Na in L. on, oi. • Keystone View Co. Co $54.25. Lee & ns Mfg Co.. C. H. & C. H_— Alterations — Alter D. n. & Rep., $1.000.00.Lib --1p�17�.'-���5 -.� E. $ ].itchfleld, New Library Bldg. , ' • - -' • t Acet.. $1.231.69. 1,., Adan Hoover. Gen. Fund—Mlse. & Dnforseen, $88.00. f%�,-+ Geo. P. McGuigan, S. & S. Clog.—.'d;° Sewer Clnq. Naini, SI200. Elereli—ts \sitonal Bank, Interest, _ $17.940.94 Merchants National Bank, Red. Ronde 1916 Acct., $10.000.00. C. A. Nelson. sewer Isabel. Concord _ to Pt.. 510.00. N. \V. Telephone Co.. 8534.62. O'Neil & Preston, Sewer Bay St, Grace to .fefferson, 11,150.00. St. Paul Cement Work., $160.00. and. American Bank. Assignee Petler Dickson, grading Alley Rik. 34, Lyman Dayton Add., 5150.00. $Irma -Carey Co., Fredericka -Fair- mount sewer System, $4,165.00. So. Park Founds' & \laehlne Co.. iNvater—N. & R., 5=,843.89. Strickland -Doolittle Co., School Al & R., $1.614.9n. Tierney & Co.. Fire—M. & R., $995.95. .\.opted h,'the Co. ncil .Apr. 26. 1910. X16 ,.April 99-1916) I - - I 71f f j i i #2 C. A. Nelson, 10.90 Sewer Isabel, Concord to Pt_ N. W. Telephone Co., 534.62 Comir. Pub. $ s- .Adm -M 41 .82 Street Co ePtlain J5. S. & S tr C1Ma Spr li O'Neil. & Preston, 1,650.00 Sewer Bay St., Grace to Jefferson St, Paul Cement Works, 160. GG Curbing Rob a ling Pier- 60.90 " -St. An ony �S 4lin;v �, %Aldi .GG ^ Car Y t Antho G G " St. An ny, Al ne to Irv. 00 Wesle Sne11 g to Fr;. " Simp on, Mi nnehaha to Taylor e.^ r Scand. American Bank, Assignee Peter Dickson 150.00 Grading Alley Blk. 34, Layman Dayton Add. Siems-Carey Co., 4,165.60 Fredericka -Fairmount Sewer System So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 2,843.89 C F No 30160— - Water -M. & R. Reeol cd that warrants be. er.wnl9 upon the City Treasury. payable out of the herelnatter apecified load. and ha , favor of the person., firms or corpora- 1614.90 Strickland -Doolittle Co. tfone for the amounts set oppoelta; 5 School -M. & R. their respective names ae pecifled In.f �. the following detailed statement: Contrnctora supply & Equipment Co., n Street Cot. & Rep.. Malnt.. $1,039.50..x. 995 95 , Tierney& GO S. A. Farnsworth. C mr. Finance, J Rea. Soec. Aas sees Roods Class '-A", Fire -M. & R. $1.685.17. S.A. Farnsworth. Com'r. Finance. In- I, terest Fund, $892.00. Com. Finance. C. A. Farnsworth, Neter—Rood Rd.`Z' Int. 945.00. S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance. - !Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acct, $27,836.92. - Geo. W. Keys. Sewer Const. & Rep.— v j Na in L. on, oi. • Keystone View Co. Co $54.25. Lee & ns Mfg Co.. C. H. & C. H_— Alterations — Alter D. n. & Rep., $1.000.00.Lib --1p�17�.'-���5 -.� E. $ ].itchfleld, New Library Bldg. , ' • - -' • t Acet.. $1.231.69. 1,., Adan Hoover. Gen. Fund—Mlse. & Dnforseen, $88.00. f%�,-+ Geo. P. McGuigan, S. & S. Clog.—.'d;° Sewer Clnq. Naini, SI200. Elereli—ts \sitonal Bank, Interest, _ $17.940.94 Merchants National Bank, Red. Ronde 1916 Acct., $10.000.00. C. A. Nelson. sewer Isabel. Concord _ to Pt.. 510.00. N. \V. Telephone Co.. 8534.62. O'Neil & Preston, Sewer Bay St, Grace to .fefferson, 11,150.00. St. Paul Cement Work., $160.00. and. American Bank. Assignee Petler Dickson, grading Alley Rik. 34, Lyman Dayton Add., 5150.00. $Irma -Carey Co., Fredericka -Fair- mount sewer System, $4,165.00. So. Park Founds' & \laehlne Co.. iNvater—N. & R., 5=,843.89. Strickland -Doolittle Co., School Al & R., $1.614.9n. Tierney & Co.. Fire—M. & R., $995.95. .\.opted h,'the Co. ncil .Apr. 26. 1910. X16 ,.April 99-1916) I - - I CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIDLENCIL No. tu� " Udy BY AUDITED 191_ erC•vt.o..tC. PER (J L 1 - log1-. T,rI. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council Al 2G 191,191_ Farnsworth Gores In favor APpr ed Keller d11eE3eLI'^ "-T—Against __ MAYDR O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers • r C. R Fa. soNolved. 1016 h1— tat warrant• hle out of upon the City Treasury, Days " the hereinafter eDeeifled Lunde and In favor of the Pereone, ftrme or corpora- , tions for the amounb set oDDoelte their raepective names ae eDeolfled fn the following detailed tatement: It lnneeotn Loan Rc Tru..t Ca.. Co.. ,in d—�IunirlPal GaraFe—\StF K Int.. _ 56,165.00. Adopted by the. Co 1916 Apr. 26. 1916. APProved Apr. 2- , (April X29-1916) Minnesota Loan & Trust Co., y6,165.00 Gen. Fund -Municipal Garage-?rtg. & Int. CITY OF ST. PAUL i) IyCOUNCIL RESOLUTI N GENERAL FORM 10 t ,.. 100 COUNCIL IV O.. ®��' Subject: �: �� 1 /Jiv Date Presented April 24th, 1916. 6.. Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the constructing, relaying and repairing Street Sidewalks for the year 1916, as shall be ordered built, relaid or repaired by the Council prior to the first day of November, to the ST. PAUL CEMENT WORKS at price of approximately $40,000.00. Formal bid No. 849. Yeas (r') Co ujmen (I') Nays Far orth Gos ^ In favor Ke Against Na Yoe Mr. President Powers FORM C-2 r. r•. �o. 10162. -1, �.cos.a— Hesol�e1, Thnt the jell hereh� u pnro�ea the of 1llhe Cnnir— l'11mml1tee er11n thr ntruct fnr the t nx t rurt in l;. _4' ytI,g and r pnlrinc �tre�1 Sldewaika for the � 1910, n shnli he or:lered bu111. relu ld o repalrvl by the Council prier to the drat d:i.t' of \'—m be r. In the S[. 7`nu1 r«mens un1eN at price of nm,roxi- 1u1te1)' $!0.000.00. Form:11 I:Id Vo. t Adopted b' th, Council Apr. 26. 11 I1 O. Appr--] Apr. 27. 1916. ,April 29-11116) Adopted by the Council JOPR `tri 1915191. A ve - 191 MAYO • Adopted by the Council — _ — - — _ n! ---- Yeas: _-- Yeas: ( ) ( 1 bays Councilman Firnsvorth GfPs / — KILler 10E ;Coll j 1J �h A4dj��Y Is.P sident Po ersIba;,Icr i©_9�1� CITY OP ST. _nUL CDiTTCIL RLSOLU I0P1 In the matter of _ grading Lake Como Phalen Avenue— _ from Dale Street to Western Av_enue._ under Preliminary Order 6811 _ _, Pinal Order _ 9808 -- —— — April 3rA,-------191 r,. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates Submitted by the Commissioner of public yTor?:s for the above named improvement be and,the sane are hereby approved 10163— le�n 111.\re � P RrndlnK I.nAr 1'mm� InrhAOld- 6 Avenue, nn�der I're111� Innr�' er 6811. Flnnl I)rder !808, in ,,,-r8 prpvetl :,pr;. 3rd. ,a16 Resol rad. Thnl the pla n.NiNper ifl,n_ tions nd NtlmnleN i'4 by lhr• I lommlNNloner Receivefl allyPebove tnitl2 $ of I'n bllc \l'��rk.N for ih�• abrave ne �mi�ruvem¢nt connsction heel Ge nn�I (he tln:\dopled by 1'he �lpp, R9801VAtIon. no[�ed. :lppro�'eJ Apr. 27�141fi1 .fpr. 3G,- lApril Adopted by the Council — _ — - — _ n! ---- Yeas: _-- Yeas: ( ) ( 1 bays Councilman Firnsvorth GfPs / — KILler 10E ;Coll j 1J �h A4dj��Y Is.P sident Po ersIba;,Icr 126 Stove Fire Sta. Bina—By wagon 4 80 Egg Police Sta. Bins—By Wag - 5_ 5 o Stpye Dai St. Infirmary—By 1916. wagon 7/7J 6 30 Stove Harriet island—By wagon Parks-Plygds. 7 95 Stove Plygds.—ldargaret, 25 Lona Palace, 25 tons Ramsey 15 -�tone � Arlington, 6 tone i Sylvan. one Colorado.. t5togs Bluff. 75 .tone, II by wag- on Ed..c Rorke 8 26 Egg L'ins a St. Yard—Wagon Education 9 260 Egg -Stove Bins 'a[ schools—Wagon r Resolved, Whereas the s Group "13 —High Grade Eastern B numinous Coals. (tough.—Elkhorn— 1etimatE to the Purchasing Hocking, etc.) >,red in accordance With Cc Department Item Eat. Tons Size Delivery , p P. Safety 1 400 Lump Fire Sta. Bins—By Wagon Resolved that P. Pl1'gcis. 2 50 Lump steam Roller & Dredge con Resolved either ip Coma or Charter, tract for the puro Phalen Parke Pub. Works 3 1200 Lump FOB care Asphalt Plant def i - the following supe 4 250 Lump FOR cera lexington Ave. Sidetrack �t_ the nits and may be in P. conn«a 5 loon Lump cflwota Mecarron's Ppmp- departmenta: 6 400 Lump Cslotetcenterville Pump - Ing Sta tiona. i Education 7 3000 Lump Bina t Schools—Wagons D11i:PARTMENT ITEM Group "C'—Highgrade Smokeless, Pocahontas, New River, Etc. 3UND Department Item Est. Ton. Size Dellvery� P. Pg. & P. Bldg. 1 1600 M. R. Como Park Greenhouse & g? Pum house re_JV& Pub. Safety 1 1? 11. work. 2 10 Lump FOR ;ards-6, 6, 7, 8, 10, L 4 3 11, Lump FOB Oil Plant, Lexington !N " 11 {{y��Ave.—N. P. Ry. Bridge ry� 3 k: 4 20 Lump FOB 2nd & cedar ste. 'v ice 1114-x 4 6 200 M. R. also FOB cars Lexington Ave. segs. sidetrack 8 th Ljuar'. 5 P. L*t llilics 6 30o M. R. also Carlot. west side Pump- t� Scg.. Ing Sta.—Del. In bine at �` R. 9� Station $� Education 7 5000 M. R. Rina t schools —' . .the 6 �. 2000 Scgs. Bins at school. "D"—ntlnols—Indiana. Etc. S# M� CL-Mntce R Parks-Plygda. 7 lygdl DepGroup artment ItEst. Tone Size Delivery \` r. vuuue. I 1000 I.unrt� McCarron Station . 400 i.unry Centerville Station ' (May 6-1•"° Sylvan 5 " 6 Colorado 5 " Bluff is " Public Works 8 25 Egg L'Orient St.Yard-Wagon S&S C1ng-St. C1ngl_Mntce. Education 9 250 Egg -Stove Bine at schools_ 'flagon Schools-M&R GROUP'"B" _ HIGH GRADE EASTERN BITUMINOUS COALS, (Yough. - Elkhorn - Hocking, etc.) DEPARTMENT ITEM EST. TONS SIZE DELIVERY FUND E. Safety 1 400 Lump Fire Sta. Bins -By wagon P, Plygde. 2 50 11 3teu::. 'idler a -)red-e, Del. either to Como or Phalen Parks�Mntce Pub. Works 3 1200 Lump FOB cars Asphalt Plant St. Const. Repr-Mntce 4 4,15 ,6 " " " Lexington Ave. 31 de "a'k Workhoixee-" P,..UtilitiES 5 1000 " Carlots McCarron. Pump-IDel. ing-8tatton .. on- Wet--n--M&R . 400 " Carlots Centerville " bind ing Stations. at Sta. Education 7 3000 " Bine at Schools -Wagon School-In&R GRGJt "C" - iiIGHGRAllg 3 Oil SS - Pr;CAHCI+TAS, N "N RIVER. ETC. DLPARTii,ZNT ITEM EST. /! TONS SIZE DELIVERY FUND P. PG.aP.Bldg. 1 jl�&4 Como Park Greenhouse Pumphause. Parks-;,:ntce. P. Rorke 2 70 // FOB 9arda_5,6,7,8,10, 3 25 " iUb Oii Ylant,hexin�— ton Ave.-I.P. Ry. Bridge Sprinkling 4 20 " FO:: 2nd - Cedar Ste. " 5 200 M. R. also Scgs. FOB cars Lexington Workhouse - Ave. Sidetrack Mntce. P. Utilities 6 300 I.R. also Carlots West Side Pump- Oc--s, ing Sta-Del. in bins at w` ion. W�tffier-PtiBcR Education 7 5000 M.R. Bins at schools Schools-U&R 2000 Scgs. " " 1 " GROUP "D" - IhLI'.:OIS-IiDZA]A, ETC. DEPARTIaNT ITEM EST. TONS SIZE DELIVERY FUND P. Utilities 1 1000 Lump McCarron Station i Water-M&R. 2 400 " Centerville C F. No. 10164 'By Winn Powers— ::. Resolved, Whereas the eve rat de pnrtme t of S.4e ,CIEY ha"ve: given an ' estimate to the Purchasing Agent [the kind nd, yuantltles of coni re-' lred in Council F No. 30 7 now there[or@ be It ALT, COU Quaccordance with Resolved the Purchasing Ag is hereby nuthorized. to contract for 5'!% -5 Subject: that ol- thepu rchnse of, in accordance wit he provisions of the Charter. the fol- ..ppII— ore or less. to-wl The amounts are not definite and suppIm • be inen.edor decreased according to the needs of the departments: mal er /6�y iii Gruup "A"—Anthracite. v Departmet Item Est. Tone Size Delivery n Pub. Safety 1 500 Nut Fire Eta. Bine—By wagon -- ----' 2 270 Egg F1 Ste. Bins—By wagon 126 Stove Fire Sta. Bina—By wagon 4 80 Egg Police Sta. Bins—By Wag - 5_ 5 o Stpye Dai St. Infirmary—By 1916. wagon 7/7J 6 30 Stove Harriet island—By wagon Parks-Plygds. 7 95 Stove Plygds.—ldargaret, 25 Lona Palace, 25 tons Ramsey 15 -�tone � Arlington, 6 tone i Sylvan. one Colorado.. t5togs Bluff. 75 .tone, II by wag- on Ed..c Rorke 8 26 Egg L'ins a St. Yard—Wagon Education 9 260 Egg -Stove Bins 'a[ schools—Wagon r Resolved, Whereas the s Group "13 —High Grade Eastern B numinous Coals. (tough.—Elkhorn— 1etimatE to the Purchasing Hocking, etc.) >,red in accordance With Cc Department Item Eat. Tons Size Delivery , p P. Safety 1 400 Lump Fire Sta. Bins—By Wagon Resolved that P. Pl1'gcis. 2 50 Lump steam Roller & Dredge con Resolved either ip Coma or Charter, tract for the puro Phalen Parke Pub. Works 3 1200 Lump FOB care Asphalt Plant def i - the following supe 4 250 Lump FOR cera lexington Ave. Sidetrack �t_ the nits and may be in P. conn«a 5 loon Lump cflwota Mecarron's Ppmp- departmenta: 6 400 Lump Cslotetcenterville Pump - Ing Sta tiona. i Education 7 3000 Lump Bina t Schools—Wagons D11i:PARTMENT ITEM Group "C'—Highgrade Smokeless, Pocahontas, New River, Etc. 3UND Department Item Est. Ton. Size Dellvery� P. Pg. & P. Bldg. 1 1600 M. R. Como Park Greenhouse & g? Pum house re_JV& Pub. Safety 1 1? 11. work. 2 10 Lump FOR ;ards-6, 6, 7, 8, 10, L 4 3 11, Lump FOB Oil Plant, Lexington !N " 11 {{y��Ave.—N. P. Ry. Bridge ry� 3 k: 4 20 Lump FOB 2nd & cedar ste. 'v ice 1114-x 4 6 200 M. R. also FOB cars Lexington Ave. segs. sidetrack 8 th Ljuar'. 5 P. L*t llilics 6 30o M. R. also Carlot. west side Pump- t� Scg.. Ing Sta.—Del. In bine at �` R. 9� Station $� Education 7 5000 M. R. Rina t schools —' . .the 6 �. 2000 Scgs. Bins at school. "D"—ntlnols—Indiana. Etc. S# M� CL-Mntce R Parks-Plygda. 7 lygdl DepGroup artment ItEst. Tone Size Delivery \` r. vuuue. I 1000 I.unrt� McCarron Station . 400 i.unry Centerville Station ' (May 6-1•"° Sylvan 5 " 6 Colorado 5 " Bluff is " Public Works 8 25 Egg L'Orient St.Yard-Wagon S&S C1ng-St. C1ngl_Mntce. Education 9 250 Egg -Stove Bine at schools_ 'flagon Schools-M&R GROUP'"B" _ HIGH GRADE EASTERN BITUMINOUS COALS, (Yough. - Elkhorn - Hocking, etc.) DEPARTMENT ITEM EST. TONS SIZE DELIVERY FUND E. Safety 1 400 Lump Fire Sta. Bins -By wagon P, Plygde. 2 50 11 3teu::. 'idler a -)red-e, Del. either to Como or Phalen Parks�Mntce Pub. Works 3 1200 Lump FOB cars Asphalt Plant St. Const. Repr-Mntce 4 4,15 ,6 " " " Lexington Ave. 31 de "a'k Workhoixee-" P,..UtilitiES 5 1000 " Carlots McCarron. Pump-IDel. ing-8tatton .. on- Wet--n--M&R . 400 " Carlots Centerville " bind ing Stations. at Sta. Education 7 3000 " Bine at Schools -Wagon School-In&R GRGJt "C" - iiIGHGRAllg 3 Oil SS - Pr;CAHCI+TAS, N "N RIVER. ETC. DLPARTii,ZNT ITEM EST. /! TONS SIZE DELIVERY FUND P. PG.aP.Bldg. 1 jl�&4 Como Park Greenhouse Pumphause. Parks-;,:ntce. P. Rorke 2 70 // FOB 9arda_5,6,7,8,10, 3 25 " iUb Oii Ylant,hexin�— ton Ave.-I.P. Ry. Bridge Sprinkling 4 20 " FO:: 2nd - Cedar Ste. " 5 200 M. R. also Scgs. FOB cars Lexington Workhouse - Ave. Sidetrack Mntce. P. Utilities 6 300 I.R. also Carlots West Side Pump- Oc--s, ing Sta-Del. in bins at w` ion. W�tffier-PtiBcR Education 7 5000 M.R. Bins at schools Schools-U&R 2000 Scgs. " " 1 " GROUP "D" - IhLI'.:OIS-IiDZA]A, ETC. DEPARTIaNT ITEM EST. TONS SIZE DELIVERY FUND P. Utilities 1 1000 Lump McCarron Station i Water-M&R. 2 400 " Centerville F}j 1 Co f F/ 1 Subject: 4 7 � 'luap.�.\I 'u.•p+ofl A+a3F Jo .1uleN ay7 1. +a71a{� ay7 �u '1' u pl' -4111' +•'ll.N a4i 111 —_ '1+n.0 alagwd uI 'aa •AaswalT 3o 3.LN110J 'V.LOS211&NI14 Ao 511V1 10 .t1N.li ..J \'.LUa'�INNIIYs JU�FNLV•.1 it I 1V u,I+F1.I,U. s.+70 'U 'H 'Aa (LE-iCl A i 'alago+d )o 'f+alJ u+o]lV 'Aala4A1 Ianwa(� ,ice '4a.imaao0 'A1 'd :1sa71V '17ago+d )o 't+al0 ill 0­317vyo+d 70 lveS1 4o.nOZ)Oo ',yI •d :11a77V' 'alago+d )o a2pnr (7uo0 lagwd )o 1-8) �(( 3'I'IIZVH Al .H 'aI.q.1d )o a2pnr 9T9T 'Q 'V t)+dd 70 AuP 478 3'I'II V9 Al '3 L� 9147 'l+no0 pis. )o e2Pnr .y1 eeau7lA1 '9IeT 'Q 'tl 'IT+dtl )o AaP 41Z I'. 'l+noo x197 7o -alp 947 -141 '1ln00 plea To a2pnr eql ...UITA1 s.. 1111.... _PV 3saddn pus umou7l a+s ...... 1��a1V ay7 wo3) +sadda puanoo auy 1. -pa pus e.wau a.o48 lueapa0ap Plae . ', ......pp" pua sawau ... umo }o eaa)a2al seaelnap +lay 41 )o uyoea ym 7°aapac of '2ul+aay 70 .Cap plea a+o)aq ,Cap -oP Pise )o eaa7a2al .aasin.p .+lay q7- iI 7eea[ 3s uo13a11a aI47 )o Adoa a 2u 7 4.aa o3 '2ui+v.y )o daps plea a+o)aq._. lel -flaw Aq pua •mal of 2ulp+oaos malne� .A Eu 1,1M'-1 1a uolla710 147 To Ado+ ...6. "Id "S eyl ul )01.[.41 u.'...Fgnd a T iUlm qpua mel of 2u1P+oo0a .ql Aq paha.. eq uoila7. idyl lay3 pus meinla _a 75 ay7 m ioa+eyl uof1e01i- a7eq0+d of Pa771wpa 111M p1_ pua -qnd 941 Aq Panues aq aolls119 1141 7sy; _3.­2eq Sou pinoga u017119d Pis. Aqm Pua .7ago+d o1 pollimpu Flim plea pu, •.nay AayI AU a )i •eanso "t" pus A3 �4m a7 uE+2 aq lou pinoys uoNT3ad pla. -unol l�.i •9^vA947 Aus7T 'ae£II. C34.u.B_Ilttr Resolved, Whereas the several departments of the City have given an required estimate in to the Purchasing Agent of the kind and quantities of coal accordance with Council File No. 3057, now therefore be it iia hereby authorized to con- Resolved that the Purchasing Agent the provision of the Charter, tract for the purchase,in accordance lees, with to -wit. The amounts are not defi- the following supplies, more or decreased according to the needs of the nite and may be increased or departments: GROUP "A" - ANTHRACITE. DEpARTMEHT ITEM EST. TONS SIZE DELIVERY FUND Pub. Safety 1 500 Nut Fire Sta. Bine-By��wagon-Fire-Y&N 270 Eggit 11 it2 n u 10„ „ 3 25 Stove 80 Egg police ” " " Po Ica TJ.;�1 O's 4 5 50 Stove Dale St, Infirmary He 1,uar.- R 6 10 " Harriet Island Health_P.aettha. R Parka-Plygde. 7 95 Stove Plygde.-Magaret-25 tons Plygd, Mntce (Wagon) Palace 25 It Ramsey 15 " Arling- ton 5 " Sylvan 5 " Colorado 5 " Bluff 15 " Public Works 8 25 Egg L'Orient St.Yard-Wagon S&S Ging-St. Cing�__Kntce. Education 9 250 Egg -Stove Bins at schools- 'Nagon Schoo�s_M&R GROUP''"B" - HIGH GRADE EASTERN BITUMINOUS COALS, (Yough. - Elkhorn - Hocking, etc.) DEPART23M ITEM EST- TONS SIZE DELIVERY FUND R. Safety 1 400 Lump Fire Sta. Bins -By wagon F.i.}r5e Y. Plygds. 2 50ea::.'3olier " = Jredoe, Como Del. either to or Phalen Parksr-Mntce Pub. Works 3 1200 Lump FOB cars Asphalt Plant St. Const. & Repr-Mntce 4 1Z15'0 It " " Lexington Ave. n Side WorkhoiYee- P,.Utilitie3 5 1000 " Carlots lAcCarrons Pump -]Del. t - _ - - ing`Statfon- 400 .1 Carlots Centerville n bind ing Stations. at Ste. 7 3000 " Bine at Schools -Wagon School-1v,3R Education vRvul' "C" - HIGHGRADg % N RIV R, TC. D:Td-ART"NT ITEM IZZ DF:.IVERY FUND 'i.S'rTONS P. PG.c-P.Bldg. 1 ><fiD6 Como Park Greenhouse Parks_i;:r:tce. u Pumpho-use. p. Norke 2 70 // FOB Wards -5,6,7,8,10, _. _ ._._ - - H t p r.- n t c e. 3 25 rUL (iii ?lant,Lexine_ !­e- i;y• midge Sprinkling 11 ton Ave­•e- FUS 2nd a Cedar Ste. " 9 20 5 200 M.R. also Sege. FOB care Lexington Workhouse - Ave. Sidetrack Mntce. P. Utilities 6 300 i.i.R, also Sc-s, Carlots West Side Pllmp- ing Sta_Del. in bine at . _':ion. V7f[�gr-IddcR 7 5000 M.R. Bins at schools Schools -Y -&R Education 2000 Sege. 11 GROUP "D" - I]ZI?IOIS-INDIANA, ETC.. DEPARTMENT ITEM EST. TO?dS. SIZE DELIVyRY FUND p, Utilities 1 1000 Lump idcCarron Station It Water-M&R, Is If_cam. 2 400 Centerville ¢ ((f PPP r- tt 1 11 4u.p . . . (Gi plus 'p.nn, In lZojon1�1oj 844 ul luopaalci 'Add ... IS In 11 p AU SLVLS / 'pQAJ0S;)H lN. p"w="ic]"pO :1Da(qnS Goss—LApprove McColl/ u=, --~~~—PIE — � /L'/'�' Nash m�����Powers `~� ~*^ — FORM "~ . CITY OF .ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: 10 t6' 3 COUNCIL FILE N O . Date Presented 1 191 Resolved, That the action of the Commissioner of Public Works in making the following corrections in the sprinkling assessment for the year 1915, be and 'the same is hereby approved. No. 1 --Palace St. between Bay and Arbor. Addition Lot Block Assessed Changed to A. V. Brown's Sub., Stinson, Brown & Ramsey's 21 19 5.58 $3.87 " 40 19 5.60 3.98 n 30 24 5.87 4.15 " 31 24 5.87 4.15 No. 2 -_Point Dou la_s Road Suburban Hills 2__ $ _ 31' > 2.07 $1.38 No. 3 -_Lincoln Ave. Manson & Bimonton'e �Ifi 3 $ 1.29 $ .90 No. 4=Fry St__between Summit- and Portland Aves. Thurston & Lambie's N 120' of L & B 3 115.70 " Except N 120' " 1 & 2 3 6.89 4.83 " 4 3 23.00 17.08 " 10 4 21.43 15.51 " 11 4 23.28 17.35 And the Comptroller is hereby authorized to make the corresponding corrections on his books. .I 30 24 5_8i `}ilnFo n, o4 n.87 No. 2—Point T10191a8 Road, Lot, Rlock. .4 avesaed. ............ 2 at az.ot No. 3—Linco1n A— 1,et. Ill— AFseaaed. ...14 a :9 Rrtwrri - Yeas (✓) Co Imen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council.,.__.._ 2G 1916191 F worth V%/ � G�-... In favor " 191. K r / Approved. M oil G . Against N Y g Preside Powers C�}� /J y/MAYO R FORM C.8.2 J,tJ ti LIS lli/ C/ (4tt Uounowl.lrLs Offirx Mr. 0. H. O`Neill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: - Will you kindly have a resolution made up covering changes in the sprinkling assessment of 1915, as per the correspondence attached, returning same to this office and oblige, Very truly yours, W. C.n¢3V07Comptrolle�. by _r Deputy. April Nineteenth Nineteen Hundrled Sixteen. i C! (- 51 F#66 ui�ITmyo,F:: flAl NTS �rRrU, S peparFmvnh v f PuIA4 \Ivrks ✓' / �. s... N M.N.GOSS, Com MIS -over / OSc.N c�.uss,n rc r -g -. ,� - O—SONG A S s✓n'c,e G N 1-01 D. O GagTROJ� Rt.Paul,fiinn.,Apri1 7th 1916 Fvc`_�'Per. N. C. Handy, 42City Comptroller,_3 St Paul, t,'inn. a s4 v g Eear Sir: - Your letter of Apr��Ij5thi�Vlative to assessments for sprinkling. I wish to advise that four corrections were made during the season of 1915, listed as follows: Lot Blk Addition NTo.l. Palace St.between Bay & Arbor 21 19 A V Brown's Sub.Stinson, assessedjy5.58 should be 3.97 3rown r RamaeyIs assessed X5.60 should be 3.98 40 19 " assessed x°5.87 ahould be $4.15 30 24 " assessed $5.87 should be "4.15 31 24 " 0.2. Point !)ryi las Road 2 31 Suburban `.- fills assessed $2.07 should be ,1.38 No.3. Lincoln avenue 16 3 ::"_arson s Simonton's assessed w1.29 should be kC.90 No.4. Fry St.betweer. Cuu.adt and Port- land avenues. N 120' of 1 & 2 3 Thurston i Lanbrie's assessed x;15.70 should be 3,11.63 ;.xcept 1. 120 of 1 1 2 3 " assessed 1,6.89 should be ,,4.83 4 3 " assessed 23.00 should be Y'17.08 assessed 21.43 should, be 115.51 10 4 " 11 4 " assessed 4,23.28 should be ,17.35 Correction No.l. Was due to the property owners petitioning to stop sprink- ling on Palace street between the limits mentioned after our sprinkling books had been closed in order to have our report completed for the Commissioner of Finance,nct let. Petitions presented about the middle of August. Correction 1:o.2. Was due to assessing lot for 60 feint frontage. The record neap does not show the width of this lot but it scaled 60'. Tne prop- erty owner protested against the assessrr.ent ani a survey developed the fact that tile frontage was only 40 feet. -2 - Correction No.3. Is similar to Correction no.2. The record plat does not show the width of the lot. It was assessed for a front- age of 20 feet. The property owner protested the assess- ment and a survey found only 14 feet. Correction ho.4. This street was water sc-rinkled the first part of the season and oiled the first of August. Through an error the cost of water sprinkling was carried through the year waking an'over charge to this extent. Yours truly, a GHH/S Co -M esi er of Public Works Tyr. N. Gos^. Cor�isri ner of Public 'corks. (;pert Anuse. We have been in`oryed that your de -art - vent hue We mnacro.:s chan es in the sprinkling as essments of 1915 since our au it -,nd certifica- tion to the County Auditor by the Cowiscnoner of Vin,nce. Inasmuch me Council npprcval is req:;ired on the original an^eesment (ChMer See. 276) sub- s+-quer,t c".an.-cs require Council not'.ori ty. '"ill ,you kindly mnl' .i s;.-:n^y o` -?1 to d:)t<. -nbmit .......__nor lowncil aparoval and !'ol!ow t is ,rccv;Ju-e in thr %tore that re may make the prooer entries on our firincial - „rde. Y"trun Yours. . Vand,y, lomotroller. Uy Deputy. ,.pril 4ifth Nincte�n Hundred Sixteen. CITY OF ST.,f�"AUL ,h ° COUNCIL RESOLUTI 1—GENERAL FORM 10-106, Subject:.•. COUNCIL O..DaFILE NO— Date te Presented_ _____ __ . _. _.........:.._ 191....... Resolvedr?"' That the cigarette license No. 60, expirinc May 6,1917, now in the name of H. Fineberg, 185 E. 7th St. be and the same hereby is transferred to H. L. Ensley, 185 E. 7th Streit. I. 1;. \•�. tOlf6--ItS Hrnr)" Thnt \I�l'oll— the rlFartir 1,�'r riin it�..nly rel. 1n. fel•. eXl`t r1nK thr of 11. Y'Inethrrrh r gi= irnnv- tit.. hemnd the xnmev ]85 I i1h fir. (er rr�l t Gn'ounrll A"P '-h 1916. _\il nt�[ed h) the 27. 1916. 1, \7•Prnvrti � 4yr1 Yeas (v) Cou ilmen (v) Nays Far � orth Go In favor Kel / Mc Against Na Y r. Preaiden Owers FORM C.9.2 a Q „ Adopted by the Council APP nG �ZMAYOR 191...- . Appro_ 19 COUNCIL FILE. jy .........._...._.....__._ J�uKi By-----' -----..... —.................. ... .................. ..._. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._R-pQ-Qlstx-ye_Ling,relaying_and.re�airin� with cement tile to,._a width of_sia feb_t the -present cement tile sidewalk on the south side of _Fuller street beginning at_Farrington avenue thence east 304 feet _ -- - - ........... . . ........ .............. . .. . . .... ....................... - -------- . .... ............ . .... . .......................... . ........ . ............ i ............ . . - under Preliminary order 75.5.4 _.. .......... ..... .... ......... _ approved October 19th, 1915. IntermediaryOrder ....-- . ............ ........... ...................... ........... ....... approved ...................... _..._................. -- ......—.... ...... _. ........... A public tearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provernent to be made by the said City is relay,_._Apd .repair wi lh cement tile__xo....b..-1P3.dLh.....o.f...s.ix....t.e9.t_..4?i�.. P�e_Q.Qnt-_eemen_t-.._tile sidewalk on -the-south side of Fuller street beginning at Farrington avenue thence east 304 feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......___ APR 26 11.5 _ 191 / — --- --- e . Approved ......... ........... .... .._._........... _� 191 _.......... Mayor. Councilma nsworth �tnene�n�e ,. rren��trin ,rd'�l�l 755 G s d „t„ber 1'.'t h. 1171.6. 4- bile hearing having been •� K er he bore Improvement upon C. and the Council having h LM oil p . 11,a there and resp u neo shells thereto, end hal considered the name: thereto "Na 'olred. By the Council of the C Yaw that the precise nature. - YO rg n kind otImprovement to br th. said I'it1' Iv 'o, o oast,, MayoF Po ere na mpnlr with ('en"t t, I�if els te.•t rhe present I Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,_alk '_ u,e anitn 'Ids or F beginnin¢ :,r m,rringt. �.`a,em..• h�•reb>' •ord�•rn =n ld mVruc Ise ,ase. ' v d Farther. That the Comml �1 [ Public {5'o rks be and he Instrl twin and directed to Dne. lanant dad eciflcatlons (or s I, n submit eame to the rnrt. [Aorl zed per •Itv nfrlrors t lith the mnkloR ofl agjd deo pro- m neordance therewith. prove- etedb)' the Council .\Dr. 26. 1716. _ led .\01. 2; ta,e CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISjSIONER OF F AN ON PRELIMINARY ORDER fa) Io the Matter oE.:.:/£� oy.".x. "l—t- . Y.:'. 7- ,7 _ 7 _ zaaf6'!(Crl ......'!�; <..r..- r <_,,'.r v ".L..... I}__.' F� .::<x.....'=>,... ,a ` _ ....... _. _._ ........... ......... ...... _.... _....... .... ...... ........... ........... ...... .... _� _....... ... ... ...... I .... ...... _._..... ... .......... ........ .......... ....... _._ .. ... .. _... _. .. _........... _.... ........ _.. .................. ...................... — _. _ __._ ..... ... .... ... .. .... .... _...._ ....... .. _ under Preliminary Order approved C( <7y' '..f . . .:..i.. ._.. ._ _ .. _._ .. .. .... _.---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ j. a�.,. pe,;_ lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ -- - -- --- - ..... .--- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: TOTAL. OL. V The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in refcrcnce to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. ......_�� k... _.._.191...t/� Commissioner of Finance. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION r r C a r r A \ � TOTAL. OL. V The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in refcrcnce to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. ......_�� k... _.._.191...t/� Commissioner of Finance. Office of .the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 2E, 191 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. I'll ill; The Comuaissiomu• of Public Works, having had under rgasideratioll the prelimimu•y order of thr Comn- eil, known as Council File No. 7554 _... approved October 19,... _.191 5., r"lal ve to _. reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cea.ent tile to a width ......... ................ of six feet, the present cement tile sidewalk on ,the south side of .Fuller. St. be,ginni..GE.at Farrington Ave. thence,. east 304 _feet., and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said iaproveaent.is necessary and (or) desirable. 54 per lineal foot xxxxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.__ -... _.. awd the total cost' ther,mf is $ - and the nature tuad extent of said improvement is as follows: _. :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto altaehed and wade as part hereof. 4. 5. Said impl•ovement is __notasked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, suhjoet to assessment for said improv '"lent. Co aSmi sioocr of PulAic Works. COUNCIL FILE NO . ........... ......... __— ;.,., By........ -- ................ .................. ... ............ ........ - - ---- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_R.4._aQ.r3a_t.t#.C.x_iz18,_relaying_.and_•_repairing with cement the -. tp a._w...d.th of_eighteen__feet the present sidewalk on the north side of W_e.at..-Thi.rd _a_t.reat_ beginning at Franklin street thence East 380 feet, under Preliminary order_. 73.69 ..... ........ . . ...... _......... approved October 6th, 1915. Intermediary Order ....--............ ........... ........... _.... .... _... _..... approved ...................... -- - _................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Rt'Q-QR_s&n1CJ..,__.re.laying--_and repairing With cement -._t•j.1e_--t-q.•,.a--_w d.th.--_g•P-.eiKhteen.._feet-•_the present sidewalk on -the ......... north_side..-_of___Wes_t_-_Third street beginning at Franklin street thence East.._280--- ee_t:..- -- --- -----T._—._.._-- - - -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. APR. �G ,r_ Adopted by the Council......... _.___...._ n rm — _ _—, 191 . . Clerk. Approved -......_...�------- ----- ---"__ 191_ .... Mayor. M Form B. 5. A. 8--7 - ¢b„vrovemen. nd the Councilhav objections d r. rel¢tive theretonr,�nnd nsidered the same; th ed. By the Council of t ,,that the prec las nail, 1 kind of Improvement the slid City Is"'ilh an nd re W,Irl n{; tw hhh of ri Klt t,•, -n fey ;idewulk on the north si bec<t� tihen�re tF.lI'L80 nfe,«tl tl,t hvr,hy orastders said Imps Fort be mndr. lof dYublich eWorkst be a Cd n1, instructed and dlrectea to plans and Deciflcntl ons for eat, and submit same to ,-II for approval; that upon •: al. the pro per city officers' authorized and directed to - ith the making of said Impr - ordsnce therewith. t .t '1 1, . the c.uncil .fpr. 2fi, ,,,.d Ni—.27. 191 ,. CITY ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �SOW REPORT OF COMMISMONER OFFN 1NCF „ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter ofIP- 0. d{ J O r _ ------------ --...... -- ...... - r under Preliminary Order approved �� 1. - - -� - - l �'j - -- -- -- - _ --`--- " To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - g_1s5C--_per__1_iriea�l The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $--- foot -------.--------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION l / 4/ or �� iliru ,11z �.� J J / v Na G�/ .�) "<' poi ��i• �LI roern e.a.w. ee a TOTAL, / CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION 4N; o dr / 1/ � � � C • /J a 440 ASSESSED V AI�UAC ON LL ! i9 � [o C", P, „ r . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - _.. _.f .._ ..191 Commissioner of Finance. FORM --emc r :Office of the'Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October _16, _ ts15.. 'Ib the Commissioner of finance of the City of St. Paul: Tho Commissioner of Public Works, having had under e011sideratio11 the Inv4iminary order of the (•)a11- 7369 October 6, 5 relative to the cid, known as Council File \o. _..._ _.. ..approved _. _.1!3t _.. _..... re::onstruction, relaying and repairing with cement tile to a width of eighteen feet, the present sidewa_k on the north side of West Third St. beginning at Frankling_St._thence east 280 feet._ and having invesligated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is __. _ .necessary and (or, desirable. -11.56 per lineal foot The estimated cost thereof is $' - YXSX and _. __._ _, sud the total cost thrrcol' �s :� _ - the nature a11d extent of said improvement is as follows: _.... :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto:dtaehed 211111 made a part hereol'. d. .i. Said improvement is._._ _no.'s _..._..asked for upon petition of three m• more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �Cmumissiouer of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO . ..................... .._..__ _.1J..._ ...... .I......_.... FINAL ORDER. i c V, 9 • In the Matter of._Reconetrue_t.ing,.-._re,lapin-g._and.-_repa.iring--_wi-th-.cen>ent ti le to a .width of s.i.x feet the_praaen.t_.o..ement_�ile.__aidewalk._.on e_ide_o_f._._9mith._avenue_ beg..lAnin$. at Banfil st ee_.t thenoe_.north- to Alley,. .........-. ........... ...... .................. ........... ............ ................. ------.......... ................................. ................... .... _........................................... under Preliminary order _....7858......__._ ........ _.......... ........... approved ......._November 9th, -__191.5-. IntermediaryOrder .......... ..... ....... ........... _......... ........... ........ .......... approved ...................... .... --........... .................. ... _-... --.---.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .... $aeonatrugt•L-_reta-y.._AA4repair with cement tile toa width of six fee t the present cement tile sidewalk on the East side of Amithavenue-.--_beginning_at-_Bazlfil _etreet_••thence north---to.-_alleys and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED- FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in APP acn rgaj c5f, therewith. Adopted by the Council......_.._ ..___............__-_ __ .......�, 191-......_ , _.._....... ........t�. C:.� _......... j l City erk. Approved ........... ...... .._..--- --- -- ' 19l_...... .... _.... ..... _.-...-._.......... ........ .......... �_ _ Mayor. Councilman F nsworthneo Innl. g hningrner been lad o[he iC0unc11 havingoh. G 5 bJectlonn and r �eiatled thereat., and nh.,. �_. IC ler ,naltlered [he ams; 1h of MColl ved, BY the Council of the Cit fluI that 'the precise nature, e „ ,td kind [ imDrove scot t. be N h Pe .aid Ch' I- r etract, a r -p <<ri-i ire ant tue�e a n Y r of a eDree nt t 1 g 'Idso ioo c', de .e Smicth inn�nl; at he c tit„ thenco Mayor P ars o. ,�ih>.:Ind u,e c.—il h,.reb}. mUr. vetnent to be ode. Form B. S. A. 8-7 sol t'(dPubllch lV orkat the d hail - nn Ine[ructed and directed t0 ' plansnt ndndpeCntebro tlona for a Id .isle for approves; th't . . ins .1, the 'roper ItY oRl ee are by authorized an dctlirected to 'ro_� ita cot akin o[ a Id Improve -1 In c dance ?herewltr proved .1 ore2 1916. Apr. ?8, 1916. (ADrll 29-1928) CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM11VARY ORDER (D)� `I In the 7atterof— / /* j *r........._.. !....._l_n... ..f�. :�_.. �...._......... 1..`........ frii. ....G i. i .' f ..` ......�.1.•-�-.�- �.j. ...._ ...... ... . ............. . __..—._ _... _ .... _.. ............ ...... ..__ _.__ ... .. ..... - ... ... ... ._ ........... .. .. .. ... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ... under Preliminary Order approved__._ f�7i.. ...... _ .� ra .. .... ._ ---- To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - b.....5.2...er, line. foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - b.--- - - --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all' of the aforesaid Matters,and hereby submits the foregoing as his resort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. _ _..._.Q...........191._°. . Commu issioner of Fiaan. DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Aq ( r TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all' of the aforesaid Matters,and hereby submits the foregoing as his resort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. _ _..._.Q...........191._°. . Commu issioner of Fiaan. n i ti U� � z Office of the Commissioner of. Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 15, .191 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under emasideration the prelimimn•y order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ._..7858 ._._.approved .. ,.OVBInbeT °..1:.......191.5 .., relative to ._........_. reconstructi_n , relayinoan,:i rep. irin-- wi.th_w.eaQnt ti]e...to. a width. of ................. six feet, the present cement tide side -alk on the east site of .......... ........... ....... Smith Avenue be in,:inE at Banfil St. thence north to Alley. . _................... and having investigated the matters slid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per lineal foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $.__1 1. ., and the total cost. thereof is :h XXxXX and the nature sad extent of said improvement is as follows: _ _. _ _.-....... _...... ............ _............_ S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto att:aela•d and made it part hereof. d. _ 3. Said improvement is... not asked for upon petitima of tlu•ee or amore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....._....... Commissioner Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ......... __....... ....— By...._._�,.;tidRNSWORTH,.._.... ...................... --- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _Re;o_C.n_01r t.p_tl.rig,._;flay.ing._. t9...a.__wi.dth _o.Y... a.igh.i. _fe.e_t.....ihR present cement -1 _en_.?[kte_._Q-Q— _ side of Smith avenue beginning at Third street thence north 54 feet, ........... ........... ....... ................... ........................ ...._......-----...................... _........ __._..... _... ... __................................................ ............. _._. under Preliminary order _...... 555.__.._. _._ _ __. __ .. __..._. approved _..... QC tObeT 19 th 1915. ..... _.1 .................. ......... - ...... IntermediaryOrder _ ...... _............ ........... _..................... - --. �.... approved ................... _..._........... .................. ..�..-- . _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_ eCCnetrUCty- rela�t .and .repair with .oemant t1-1.0.._t.Q....a....ilid.th....of....night...fae. the_p.raa.en.t._traman.t..Ai.iQ..._Q�Si�l!al�C._Qn._the..__ east side of_Smith.._ avenue_.be�nnina at Third_stre..et thence north 54 feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..............___�CF.." r 191 _..._..._ -Z Approved............................. K ler �Yo rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-7 A. 191 Improvement . obe Council having he. jections and r mmet. elative thereto. and ohaving ousidered the same; therefore, solved. By the Council of the City the precise nature, e - and Icintl of impPovement to be Is r neer uct. nd repair ith t eut the to a Ith �if ei•ht fee[ rite p e+ent Cement .id"'all: nn the east side of Ntnith at Thi,a street. rth 5{ fret, and tl,e to,n til r,•hf „�,Ier� yniA In, Vro crment to be mde. ltr xpl v,i ['u rth er. That [hc Commis- .v-Irrner cif 1'u blit �\"nrka Ire :tort he Is I,e reh�ii.at rurt.rl anti rlirertr•d in pre- p;,r.• phrnx anal apeciflcx to ns for said m pr��'ru,ent, ,tn�l sulrmlL •, :� r to [ha til for npp vocal; that,��'Von e. id —al tb, proper cit. oRice ra are hr••bp' ut hurizrd , g 1 re id. ip pro- iil �vit�lt Ih, Making of said im Vrovu• nt In ner��rA':rnre therewith. m•tdunl•.I h)' he a ,all .Lpr. 9f, 791 c. (.\prig '29-171G) M-1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMRIARY ORDER Inthe Matter Of.�j.�S, (1/. •.�l- ':f-%[ •�.�_..._2ac.( Lam_cr .i�'. � ��_:._�/ P, d r �! L T. �C_._,.'i�::CL... �'.:�_-X i .l . ..�a;'r<X L� fira.L r.7<a[ � 2- _ . . _-If <'/�. ✓T' :'.. - __ . _C� ._ .............. ._..... .... __ _ ...... under Preliminary Order approved .. L. L'--/ % _ __ . < �...`..`.. _... ....... ... To the &uncil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $700 er ....p- lineal - - - foot, The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ----- - -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �..___. 5� �4 CLQ �; lirrcJ ��% b z/ . TOTA L. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. _ c4./ _ ........._.191('+ C mmizsioncr of Lance. ' 1 �, �I �, _ . _ �> \ 1� �� �' �� v\\ A -Office of 'the Commissioner of Public Works -____ - Report to Commissioner of Finance October 28, .191 5... To the Commissioner of Finance of the laity of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, hnving had under consideration the preliIlli mn•v order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File Vo.?555_ .approved .. ..ctober 19,_. __.191 S, relative to reconstructing, relaying- and repairing with cement the to a width _. of eight feet the present cement tile sidevial,r on.. the e p, s.t side of _ Snaith Avenue beginning at Third St, thence north 54 feet, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herehy reports: 1. Said improvement is _ .necessary and (or) desirable. ff +{ 'L. The estinuth•d coat thereof is_.._._._�.¢_ P,et�'iulllGpi,Etttll 'r8'thereof is :� and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: a. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 4. _._._ _.. .. _..._. _.. ._._.... 5. Said improvement is not ...._asked for upon petition of three oi. more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. IV Comussiou of Public Works. �_ C O U N ���irfAbot............ J. �i. By.....-- ---- .... ................. .... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._Recpne_truo_tin$,-.._relaying..and._repai_ring with cement tale to..a width of six feet the present cement tile sidewalk on Sherburne asanue.;.....Sherburne ._ay.snue nnrth .s.ide beeinn.ing.thenoe___ West 132..._fe..et.;_..Sherburne_____ avenue .__eou_th_side, beginning at Gaultier street thence Eas_t_._52_._feet,___._. _ under Preliminary order .._.....7857_._.._.__.. ..... .._........... approved ..._N,QvembeT., 9th1, ,19.15. IntermediaryOrder ....... . ............ ....... ----.--'—........ .................. approved ...................... _..._............ .... ........ .---.... ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is RBC ons ot,__.;a_18y., and,,, Mair with vement tile._._to__awidth,...of-_._s.ix,_feet the present.._ cement - __tile sidewalk on Sherburne avenue- Sherburne avenue north side beginning at Rice street thence Sherburne avenue•.. south ,aide,..beginning_._at Gaultier street thence....Eaat.-_53....... L. ... .... ---:_. _—.... ..... __._... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 2.G ` Adopted by the Council........._ _—__ A. PP 'J_.........__ _, 191 _.....: Approved _......_ Form B. S e Imp rovw. and the Council ' .'r' I ot,Jectlon' and ccomra reiative thereto, and haul ansldered the sam ; therefo sed. B)' the Council of the C! Paul that the precise natul .tad kind i,o[ ) Improvemrele�n' stto!'u� t t' Ilse �: ` its I' u! nd rep::ir th c•, :ant lih to' i•1' a ire It the urrs.•!It e! Ir! Itc`I il: Thrrhume tveu! urth sldr.finn I Itl,e .�[ Il t�hrn cv \\'es[ 1:t3.2feet .t ve.. —.1, side, 1—ronin, ulli thence rest :: f•el. `i'll hrr.l, �' ir,l,'rs said Im- .n( •�lufFurther. That the Com nf Puhl lc \�'or ka be and he i v Instructed and direel rd to Pres pin!Isnt ndn'Ipecitimc'[Iuns [oto sthe , i.itifor approval; tha[auvon said y. the proper cite oRl ee rs a authorized and directed to pros vith "" making of said Impruve- d In a : nrance therewith. 11.. the. 1'. .'ii .\P!. _u. i:ilf 27,21,1! ,....d .\Ii ml 1111. .\Iu'i l'_::-11111) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELNINARY ORDER (D) r In the Matt" -.f.. 2'�'_1 z Izli ,'L.4�C . 'L.4,CL L . ........... ....... .... . — . ..... . .. .. ...... .... - .. ........ .... ...... ... .. ....... .. . ....... . .... . ... . .. ......... ... ........ ...... .... . ..... under Preliminary Order approved.. . ... . ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 53 er The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ lineal foot The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION "A 7 -707 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his rcoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— -...... .. .. . - 191 ......... ... 7 Commissioner of Finance. i,� �� �� i ., -- _ . � __ __. _ __ _ 1 i� __._ _-- - -__-- - - � r i - j Office of the Commigs-ioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 15 _ _. _ ...191 _5 'Po the Uommissioner of Finance of the City of St. Yard: Thr 1'0111juissioner of Yublie Woks, having had under eonsidrrntion the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ___7857_. ..approved November. 9,_._. _....._.191.._5, relative to _. reconstructing, relayi= and repairinC with cement tile to a width ....._...._. .. of sir, feet , the present. cen.ent_ the siy=eta ks. qri _tr.eratrrle Ave— ..aa .. follows- Sherburne Ave. , Y. si:ie,._ bei inrin?_.at, Rice_ St. thence._weet _.. 132 ft. Sherburne Ave.,S.side , beg. at Gauitier St.t!,ence E. 52 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _.___.necessary and (o•) desirable. .�tiL$�t If idtt 'l. The estimated coat thereof is $--_ 530 p.e; rn n �c. thereof is :fi xxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. r1 plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and umde a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is__.. _no 1; asked for upon petition of three or mo•c owners of property, suhjeet to assessment for said improvement. /) Commissioner of Pub is Works. COUNCIL FII) ............ ........ ..--- ® - FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of relaying and repairing with cement tile ............ .......... _..... ---- to_..a.._wi.dth__o.f, _Qi.x_.4e.t_the.-present._cement _._tile sidewalk on the west side of......$_1mp.e...o.n.,._s_tre_et _beg_i_nn!Ay_..40feet north of Edmund strmt thence north ...... ... ... ...._ _ .._.. ._ _......_.—.._._ ........... .................. .............-_...._..................................._. under Preliminary order ... Order........ ..................... ... approved ..... _...._.._._.___..__ ...... approved ...................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im provement to be made by the said City is RECOn_etruCt, relay .and repair with cement t.l.la.....to....a...Width.... nf....ala..%n.et,._thss A.re.e.4..Tit..._cv.;o _t---tile.__s idewalk on the westside of _Simpson street begzinning 40 feet north of Edmund street thence north to Thomas etreet� — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordal Adopted by the Council ............ ... __....... APF 2f, t _ v A- 191 " neariny 'Os .boys impto. , Kel r ona. 0"J a ctlons land recon relative thereto, and h Mc oll onaldered the same: there •� ;r Na Iced, By the Council of the t Paul that the Dreciee nature. ,d kind of Improvement [o Yo rg u,e ..aid �Ity la .e pnsn, ud r.,air 111th t enlc ttic t 1uYnn•-sent Mayor ers:..n . north set behinnh g au' feet north Form B. S. A. 8-7 nd --l. Ihencr en-11th•- "ll' -11 herr ` �,id ien7r �����ce m•-nC to he made. 'ivrd Further, That the Comm. of Public Work. be and he Instructed and directed to Dr ,fans and epee la cat tone Lor a enl. and aulrrit e e to 1 Ilet for approval; tbataupon s gal, the prober city officer. a authorized and directed to p, ith the making of sold Improt therewun. !_1ordance I., the (-ounoll Apr. "_6, 19 —dapr. 97. 1916. (April :9-1916) j CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENA OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter •of ,.C� "- �t / (4.� P . , Z G r - � y f 1 -��v_ ...................- — ..... ...... ....... .... _-....... . ...._..... .._ ._ .....-- --- ........... .- _ .._ ... _ ..._..._. .. ......... .. . ..... ....._ _ ....-- -- _ .... - under Preliminary Order approved_ . ...._ _... _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 0.52 pear lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.......- - - -- --. - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, ore as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I q TOTAL. I 1• 1 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. __ . _. �....- _._.... 191 _� ✓ 1.( <_��lfllt X. �._........ _. ....... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .ovan:eer 6, 191 5 'ro the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 'rhe Commissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the t'ouu- cil, known as Council file No. 7700 ..._.approved .. October H,_.. ._.]915 Iativr. te, __... _. _.. reccnstruct ng., relaying, and_reiair _ng_wi.th_ cerent t .1e._to _a width_._of, six feet the Fresent cea.ent tile sidewe„k on the wes'. side of Sir.., -son St., beginning 40 feet north of EdraLn;l Et. tl.ence north to Tho 1mas St. _.. .......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per lined fcot •�. '1 he estiuurtedcost thereof is �.__ _ - _., and the total eost. thereof is tF. xxXX-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. .... . . .... .......... J. A plaa, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed and made a part hereof. 4. 3. Said improvement is.__. not ..asked for upon petition of three or "'Ore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. j Cmumissi ucr of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO...._.. ... ..... .._..-- z0o atti10 r FINAL ORDER. h In the Matter ofa.IAd.ng.._w,i_th_..eement.__tile to a._w.1.3.th__of a.ix.feeton the west side__ of>idgartan._stre.at._b.eginning....at Whitall etr-s.t......th.e.n.c_o..sp. th._17.6...feetl.._._.__.._ under Preliminary order --.77.7r5_ ........ _........... ._...._......... - approved ..._ ov..e;ub8r. 2nd1.._1915. IntermediaryOrder...--..... ...............__.................-----..... approved ._................... ... _ ............ ....... .... ..... ..— ...--............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is—R9LZnAtrurt..i.,_..r.Pe1-ay..._ar1Sj.... epaiT _Hi_th cement ti1e..._to...a.._w1dtb Df....six ...Lad.x....t:1e._gre$a.n.t.._a..Oaent....t.i-le...._a dewalk_..Qn_the_wee_t....... side of Ed ertgn--et_ree_t_beginnina atWhitall.._street__thence_south 176 Peet --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. c f r_•_ r —, Adopted by the Council ........... ...... .... 191 _.... _ ....... ..........................._ ..... --.... .......__........ �., / C' Clerk. Approved .... ._......... _.... -----'u 19J- —._�._...___. _ ._..... _ .... ... _........... --- Mayor. Councilman Fa nsworth -r s '• G s aril Sucernher 2-L-t:rtv.' ♦�pu hlic hearing havins-Dee •' K ler n tho bove laa rovement uDt tics. and the Council having COII persons. .b,lect'ons and r flans relative thereto, and oh lly considered the same; the, it sh `nasal ved, ny the Cou ncll at the St. Paul that the precise nature " erg ant and kind f Improvement l ,de lir the aid City is ..,, I repair ,with .'et te,`it� l it. Mayor wers dtn ..r six r—t the prexellt tin xtd,walk of the \ext xlde at rm B. S. A. 8-7 xtre.•t b-anlo, nt 1%hilal x:nth M; fe . and the ('11 h.r.l.orderx xa ld Improve men� Revolved Further. That the Cort vioner or Public R'orks be and hereby Instructed and directed to / pare pions and peclara tlo na for ,p ­ ,en 4a en Q e bmlt arae t for pp vai; that upon . -+� approval. the proper ay oRlcer, hereby au[ho[Iled and adlrected t, sedwith the akin, of said Im• ant in aor dance therewith. .\dap led shy the Council Apr. 2f' m ved .\pr. 2i, 1u16. (April 23-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI�ANCE (a) ON PREL,11INARY ORDER t In the Matter Of ��L L_t.1_,�✓l .,.?r.l�.... _,:. i.�. I'I! .......... _( '.f L U'•�'. f- =%<' ..Y Z.... ....... _._........ ... _....... _ ._. - . _.. ......... - _ _....... ........ . .............. .. _. ........ ... __ ......... .......... _..._ �_. .. ............ _... _ ... _ _......- ....... .... . under Preliminary Order approved._ _ !(... .. i ....- 1... .� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 540 per linea -1. fO0t. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed Eenefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESS E D VALUATION TOTAL, The 'Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the forcgoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _- . �� 2 c�......... l91 �.. . Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Noveri.> To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Connnissioner of Puhlic Works, having had wider consideration the preliminary order of the C'mui- cil, known as Council Pile No. ...7773. _.approved :Jovernber, 2 � .....191 .5., relative to _.. recor.etructir-- relaying and xey.ai r .1;g with. cer4,ez t tj le. to_� vticiti:_..of a x feet, the l:resert cement tiie si�eaa_k on the Leet side of Ed-erton St.oeoirning at Thitall It. thence south 176 feet. and having investigated the matters slid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....,.....necessary slid (or) desirable. 53¢ r-er lineal foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $.._._._._...__.... _, and the total cost, thereof is $ and the nature and extcat of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plim, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and wade a part hereof. 4. 3. Said improvement is-.._..__n0t _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. (.'omm'.sioner of Puyfic Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... ....... ..._.___ ~ By'... ... _..._.... ..... .... _................. .... ........... ........... ........................ FINAL ORDER. *� In the Matter of._.Reonna.truc..ting.,....r.e.lmying...and....rep.alring...w.1.th, .Q-Qm.e.r1..G.....ti_14_ to a width of eight feet the present cement the eidew,&1k on the east _....._ ...__ ._...._. _-....-- ....... --r-- siie of Pleasant avenue beginning at Third street thence south to Alley, q under Preliminary order .._ 556.._ .......... ._ approved....._OotobeT 19thr 1915. IntermediaryOrder .......-_............ ........_._...................................... approved ................... ..-----..........---------._...--... — ..... ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 0 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-Reognet—KUCA •relay__and,-repair with cement ti.le to..a-_width.-._of__eigh_t•_feet__thepreaent cement the sidewalk on the eaat...aide—of. Pleaa..an.t._ay_eaua....)weginniniZ...a.t_..Ttiizsl_.. tze�t�hen�e__e.4uth_to_.. AlleYr....._....... ........... -- -- — ---..............__............. --._..._...—........ ............. __.... ........ ... ... .._......-....... -....... .......)............. -.... ........... ....... ........... _._...__....__..—__.. -- .......__......._._..---- �_........._.. _._.....—_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....:...._.___...._.iE. �r_1915 _, 191 .......... Z// Councilman Far sworth " `.Go Cel r g E -Mc oil -'N - Na �Yor May Po , s Form B. S. A. 8-7 191 Ive.thereto. and , o .red the same; th Ite esolced, By the Council of th,' St. Paul that the pre, Is, nature' ,t and kind of improvement tc ,de by the said Cite is rc n.t!' and repair with cement til, ,rl tvh of eii-ht feet the present r I.• sld,•acalk on the east aid, of Pi it venue beginning at Thlid st• ieb;oath to Alley, and the Col. ' Borders said Improv—stat t ,de. Resolved Further, That the Come loner of Public Works be and h, hereby inair" ct Id and directed to pare pian. and Per ifl cat to ns for Council fort. and so bml[ same to approval. . r pproval; that pun hereby . thorlied and cdirecied to ceed a-Ith the mak Ing of raid Impr In n ordoor therewl th. meet Adopted cby the Council Apr. 26, Approved .\pr: 27. 1916. (April 29-1916) "V I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter ofYc�..'lr 71r -X . ... ........... ...... . ......... ..... ....... .............. ........ .... ... ............. .. . .... ... . ....... ...... .. ........ ... ... ...... - .. ......... ... ... ........ ........... ....... .. .. .......... .. .... ...... .. ....... .. .... ...... ...... ... . ............ ...... ...... ...... ........ .... . ... ...... ...... ..... ...... ... ...... . ........ . .. I - .... ............ ... ...... .. . ....... .... ... ....... .... . ... . ......... .......... .. . .... ...... . .... .......... . .. . ....... ....... ............ . ........... . ....... . .... under Preliminary Order approved.. To the Council of the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ne a..1 - f 00 t. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - - . ....... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. ...... . .... ... Commissioner of Finance. L --- C3 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 28, .19 15 To the Commissioner of Fimanee of the City of St. Paul: Thr Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eonsideratiod the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. .7556. ..approved _. October_. 19, _.l!)]..F?.., relative to _ _. ... . reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cer.ent tile to a width of eight feet, the present cement tile sidewalk_ on the east _,side_ of Pleasant Avenue beginning at—Third. St, thence south to Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.___._.._.necessary and (or) desirable. 700 per lineal foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $- . _. _ _., and the total cost, thereof is and the mature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvmnent is hereto attached and made a part hCPCUf. 1. 3. Said improvement is.... _ not asked for upon petition of three or more oNvoers of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. nnmis, over of Public Works. i COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... _........... -� S. A. FARNSWORM FINAL ORDER. 0". In the Matter of ._reopns_truc.ting.,.. relaying and repairing with cement -tile to a width of six fast, the present cement tile sidewalk on the north aide of St. Clair street beginning at W. Seventh street thence West 90 feet, under Preliminary order ...770 ............. __ ................... __._approved._._N..gyembeT., 2nd,=_,,,.19-15.... _......... ...... Intermediary Order ...._. . ............ .......... ._ ......... _.......... ......... --- approved ...................... --- ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City and..._repair with cement t_o„_a_width..,_of._..eix_feet. the present cement tile sidewalk on"the .. ngsth__@ide.. of _S_t._.._Clair _street be&inning at W. Seventh street thence west.._90-.feet,.. _ ..__....---- .......... _ . _. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance Adopted by the Council ............ _..,__...... t,PF Approved Councilma, FormZMayo SA. -7 it, . ving aprovemi Councl nverelat"a thereto Al) ;onsldered the he .e Council of this. he precise no, City Is r sL. y,vit” Ith aement the feet, the prese.e nt i Orth tide of set hUgin ping nt , and I".—b\ 90 feet, and I reLl' ,o6drrs s:,iA lin Pr, Lr ads. ved Further, The the Com, f Public vo. ka be and h, net ructed...nd alracted [0 1 and apoclnea Ion. for . ent, and submit same to I for approval; that upon . "I the proper city ot[icera .y authorized and directed to D with the making of Bald Impro. In _car ardance the rewlth. ptrd e 1, the C, ncll .\p r. '26. 1: .\pr. 1916,. � f — CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIMISSIONER OF FINANCE y� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of �.�(c. -,/C/ (L_L -- �i'.I�. �i ate..._._...:..�%'ICL.._4U.�._'./ a_...:%L.% _....... ._..—..._... — r _... ... ._............ .__. ...._ ........ ..... ......... ...... -- _._ _._...._.... ......... _ __........ ........_...._.._... _............. . _ ........ _... _ .... _ ...... ._... ..._ - . _...... _ .. _ _...... _ .......... _ ...... . _ ... _ .... ..__.. _...... _ ..._ _.. _..... . ....... ............. . I .... ...... -- - ...... ........ .... ...... ..... .. ....._ ....... ......._ _... ._ under Preliminary Order approved ....... .... :..... J ...................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 53.... er lineal The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ .....¢ F....._ foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - -- - - The lots or parols of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION t TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated......_.a Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Corrm%nissioner of Public Works j Report to Commissioner of Finance over;,Jper..6, _. _ _. .__.191.5.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the l'mw- cil, known as Council Nile No. __7768 .__._.approved o.vea.cer .°..... .. y,. l!tl ?..., relative to _ _.. .._.._. reconstrl.cting, relayingand repairing with: cen.ent tile to a width of ....._ _ .. six feet the ;resent cer,,ent the sidewalk or. t^e '.?crti, si-de of St. _Clair_.St. beginning, at vi_, Seventh. St,_., thence 90 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ ___ _necessary and (or) desirable. 53, per lineal foct 2. Tile estimatedxxxx cost thereof is �.....___ ____, and the total cost thereof �s :� and the naturo—jtul extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ..... ........ _..... _ ....... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _...._ 5. Said improvement is...__.._. _..........._...asked for upon petition of three or nmre owners of property, subject to assessmmit for said improvement. Coni. simper of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. _ 10 i? _f I, FINAL ORDER. V, In the Matterof Re_eonet.ruc_ting, _relaying ani repairing with cement tile to a width of six feet the present cement the sidewalk on the west _. --... --- - ---._ _._.. _. _.. _......._ _._. __........ side of Ravoux street between Fuller street and West Central avenue, under Preliminary order.895.9................. .......... ........ _............ approved......�evember _..a0th; 1915,. IntermediaryOrder -- ............ ........... _..................... ............ ....... approved ................... ..----.................. _ ....... ... —.._._..__._......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made, by the said City is._ @qQn6trt�_ _ rela.Y.._And_ .._regair_wi_th cement i. of....s1.aC_QMV.a_L._.tilit .._e deeralk_on_._the_west aide of Ravoux-_street. between Fuller street and West Central ave ....... ... ..... --...... _....__....... ----- --'-._.............. _. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authori edd directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Q � A........... dopted by the Council ...,. Approved_.__.. Form B. S. A. 8-7 0 4-Kler �a Coll atlany rml. .,acre, ore, be it ved. ny the Counrll of t 'Nih . . a d that the nredae .c and lona n,nruvrment he uu• :.:, hifril> i/ erg , a ,el,:,l� „lu, rr,�„�,�i ri�L feet inr „ use tta �f,h o benar,n Poll", "t.Irr� euti-.if : r . and 'lid "�I,'ra Pnrther. That the of !'u l,Ilc \t' h. Le n treh� in�tru�, ed and aired �nmans :,na >;r,erineauon nru crmrn [, llnd anhmu a I Drn P ea PDrovai; hao[' hr�vb�t!yl?o[rh 'its ! tlen ..eaot�I[hut herizehinsdirer' en[ In " 1 •e the, u ,ol,nt,.,l 2'. r I, thau.t,' ,Irll .\pr. I,ro,'ea 0 CITY OF 6j. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIN7tE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . .. -) . N. / . , 11�1 In the Matter of L '. i Z14. ..... Lj-i-4 ..... . ... 1. ...... .. ......... —:-e v L .......... .... . . ......... .......... . . . . . ... .... ............. . .. ..... .. . . .... ...... .. .... ...... .... ..... •............ . . .. . . ....... .... . .. .. .......... .... ................... I . . ....... .......... .. .. . ... ....... ........... . .......... .. ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... -- .......... . .. . .. .... . under Preliminary Order approved . ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment fan the above improvement is$0..52 QCT 1 in The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ . foot. 00. . t The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT eLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V P A L UATION x, A Ojr,7 I zf L L 4 rk 1'e JOI, IV"/ C TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191,4. Commissioner of Finance. C. F - , 13 o ,- Q Office of the Commissiner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January... 1pth,_......_.191. 6. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._._$009 __. _ approved _ November 2 .._ .....1915__., relative to ..the... reoonstrupting, .relaying and. repairing with cement tile to -a. width of six feet, the present cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Re; o>,tx .St_ between Fuller St. and West Central Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_...___...._.. necessary and (o•) desirable. 54¢ per lineal foot 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $_..� �_.., and the xxxxx total cost thereof as �...... and the mature and extent of said imtprovemeut is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -1. :i. Said improvement is....._... not..,.,__....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of properly, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. J Council Filo No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 1.® t 7 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The owh•rsigoed hereby proposes Iho walziug nl"the 1'nlloe;iilg Imbue inµrrovrrpen/—,rounrd of -St. fail, viz.: Grading and _.improv_ng_Of...approxima.tely ten ,anrejlocated at the westerly end of Lake Como in,ComoPatk_- - " Dated this lay of %1 7 ' � l'ouncihnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. VCI11?I{l:.A�..A orithI, plop—ill for rho malting of the follntvin;,• inlllrn...... t. viz.: Grading and improving of approximately ten acres of ground located at the westerly en Lake ComoinComo Park. td� That the Commlaa y❑ having bet-11prescotod to rho l'ouucnl of the City of;.�k. be and he le he Nash .'d elrecled: I herefore, he it Invea uU ale the ece— ablllly f the making KRtiOLCI:U, That the Cornnlissioner of Public invteetlgate the n t— 'reby ordered and directed: mated coat off Bald 1. 'l,n iovestignte the necessity 1'm- or desirahi a the total co t meed said imprnvonnent. nt�nlan a plan. _. 'I'n iuvvstigate the uatare, eshwt and estiot_. ealdlen °thee nii Pr'ocruneu}, and the total cost thrreol'. mail, , - :1. 'I'o furnish it plan, profile or sketch of said inrin•n�c ., t. To furnish 11w follneing other Intu and inforrnatiorPrelntive to said imprnv�nuut :i. T(- state whetlmr or not said iolproveuurnt is asked for Oil' tile petition of three or more owners. ti. To report upon all of the�RIy.to the Comnnissioner of Finance. Adopted In, the l'nwrril Cnuuriluw❑ k' rusworih I;t Approvud I 1!11 ---- \[ Coll O' ell] y \Lryor Po •ers AIrlyor. • rUBLISIiED_-.--� Comicil File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I~ The 11ndersiglwd hereby propo—, 1110 umkiug of the follow Pall],viz.: Filling, Grading and roll f. around the shore of Lake Como. n;ill this._ lair impru�emi•ul.lryr l5tr nl' Vit. a eight foot- 0 oot_0 el Walk C r in- T l'ouneil ratan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. V1'1I1:121::A�.:N wrillen proposal I'or fhe waltiog of 111e folbmiug improveowlll, viz.: Filling, Grading and rolling of an eight foot gravel walk around the shore of Lake Como. hoeing 6c"a1 presruted L; the Council of the t) ,r! a•u_,tl an,,, m by rent the Comml- ihrrel'or,,• be it a bend he le he, :,cclod. IiF�t11,A'FU, I'hnY Ihr t'o;muissiouer of i;irt of lihehmane . Ind hr is hen•hv ord.-red and direch•d: 1. To im."Stigate the 11eressity for or .e" ctRntethe natur, making of said in;provcon•nt. aed coat of td 'I'n iuvesli Ito the nature, extent 8 uh, total costether,,,f ,i,i im a•oveioe11t, ;ural the. total cost fhereot'. '3. g. tab to n. I 'Po furnish it plan, profile or sketch Ineut. k. T,, I'nrui:h the following ofhor data 8111 i11l orurll ion relative fo said improvenuoit: 5. To state ..wh wilier or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or mm•c owners. ti. To report upondtll of the fbt•r,-ming matters to the Commissioner of I'inanee. .\dopte.l hp lily Conucil 1!11 APR 26 1915 Yeas: Councilnuw Par swort h I:o; .-kpprovv I Ke er )It 'all el. 7 Z' \livor P vers \Invor. Council Fit., No. I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ©j,�q- PRELIMINARY SER. The undi rsigued herel,y pl ,poses the malting of the Ibllo�. PIl,. i14 iuen•u 1provut by ihr City of Wit. Pall, viz.: Grading, Filling and top- ssing_wi blacks. loam .of_ L nwoAG'` Park, between Pleasant?Avenue. d $oehe Strut,. SL...,Glair _and::".Gxe_ae Streets, Dated this- day of �t irk d 191. Zl-/ j - Collneilluall. PRELIMINARY ORDER. NV111$1i1sAs. A Icrittru In•oposal im• til., making of tho follOtving improvrnn•nt, viz.: - Grading, filling, and top -dressing with black .loam. _of Linwood Park, between Pleasant Avenue and Roebe Street, St. Clair and Grace Streets, ¢Deal for the � Improveme t. having here presented to the Council of the It tit 1 ton-dresst g Ieilman ........Nash__. ad Park, 1 - id Iloebe St., St. therefore, br it , t' y',�^ . bee. t IZE�OLV"I Dbe , That the Commissioner of Pule is hereby m•drred and direetod: �[ the l;Ommleeloner of 1. •ro investigated the necessity for or e; e ad he Is hereby or- 01' stud iwproyeuu•nt. tea: 2. To iucesfigate the natln•e, extent au,l ante tn� aessltr for iingn•Oveuu ut, told the total cost thereof. f the ¢king of Bald l 3. 'ro furnish It plan, profile or,sketcheuf iri aeetha e—toie,.. a,,d Ill, t,,,l at' •lative to said iwprnvement: n J. To tlu-u i.h ihr fnllntcing other da. iH iatith a Y1, � i ..:h 5. To state whether m• not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more Owners. 6. 'ro r, -port npoa all or the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Couneil _ _ _191___.. APR�G...t516 1•etts: Nln•s: 1'ouuciluuw E''tt ustvorih I;o Apprnyoil �. fie et• \I 'oll U' t•tu•y � � --� �fayot• P -ere \favor. YUdLlS11ED Comicil Hilo No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 �� The undersigned hereby proposes Ihr waking of Lhrf foil \ting public itajn'ovealeut byZ�Sf P;,nl, viz.: The grading, surfac. ag .with. ravel and rollig.. of roadways on the south and,xfarthside .of Midway Parkw whlimits of park properx, between H mli�-Avenue aSngiling dac of 1)iltc.l this C l'ouneilnuut. PRELIMINARY ORDER. VA'tII:RF..A�, A v,ritf,o proposal for the making of the follovvilig iwprovrnlrnl. vie.: The grading, surfacing with gre_vel and rolling of two..18 feet roadways on the south and north side of kidway Parkway, within the limits of park property, between_Hamline Avenue and Snelling Avenue, ............. _ _......... _....... __. I'au1 by CouncibueUt - Nash.._ ___.._...; having born present ail to the ('ouaeil of the City ,iE til -. a therefore; be it ...... at til, rare Rlat)1,VED, That the Conuaissi"`r of 1 aneai�.bieanN ne ia�ne is hereby ordered and directed: 'O "°"st1sNt° tno of said iInprocemrut. 1. 'Po iuvostigate the necessity for or d i1eaei1�ttr of tnr n,akin, To investigate the nnhn•r, extent Illi To ��°`•".°nsato tno aatu,'nlprov"In ent, and the total cost thereof. •) nun a%tnmai eA cost of 'a t. d thea total r, a. '1'o flu•uish a plan, profile or sketch oro fo—,h ciao. norrs•�„i9hatii°i• er: ..iVe to said improc�•nn•nt a- To Iln'ai;b the follovain", other'lata t ma.rmwon _ b. To stair whether or not said iatprovement is asked for on the petition of three a' more owners. 6. TO report Upon all of the fotrm,iog matters to the ('ontuissioner of Fiuontee. Adopted by the l'ouucil APR-2G-1916 l!II yells: Naps: l'ounriholn h'x Iswortit (7o.' Approved ),111yor Ke (,I- 'Ile(,I- 'Ile '011 1 eary Yo rg Poo er, Y47D Council Fill- No. - - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thr and rislgurd In•r�•hy ptolios�•s the making of till, to ting public Moro •nlent he til e iI of 11, m pd, eiz Grading and improving o.roa:dway_ d sidevalk� onnt� East side of Lake Como between'},-Illamline Ave a and__DOmo Avepue, ....:_ .. r I)Atrd this Z� day of , �, 9 / 1- �'- l'ouneihnan. PRELIIrIINARY ORDER. \\'III•;ItR:\�, :\ Icrilten luoposal for Ihr making of Ihl, follomiag ioiproveiorut. clz.: - Grading_and_improving of a_roadway and sidewalk on the East side of Lake Como between Hamline Avenue. and Como Avenue, ..r �u or ih� rill h:n iu biro n•rs�•ut rd to till, Council of the Com" I �i tine r—o,o , aihnan a,eh _. .._ .. ........ ...: __N _. .od he is he e ica: I lua'eforr, hr if eeus,tc filo n1 JjiN,V ol,El), That the l'onuuissioner of 1" -"oily of it" ma- wc, is hrrchy ordered and directed: , In..e tis,r„ thr iuvvstigtlte the neevssity for m' it nu.ie,dloiaitr r , it king of said inlprovHaVot. o n club '�. To investigate the nature, extent to o� i,,Id n°at of send improcruu'tlt, luul the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o- °me�niormuuol .aunt. J. 'I'n•l'urnish Ihr fullocciug nthl,r dAto ali relative to said improcrnu•ul 5. To state Whether or not said improvement is Asked for on the petition of three m• more owners. li. 'Ib report upon all of the forl,,,*oing matters to the (bnunissiouer of Finance - Adopt, -1 by the Couue" APR..2G .191.5.1;11 Peas: l'Nays— GO, - Approved I'll Ke ler \I roll 0 ,hal;v % \lncor Y cern Jlaym. ,Council Fill' No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 10 1812 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thr undersign rd hereby proposes till- uuakiug of t.hc following public impt•ovcnli ajyby till- Cit 81. Paul, ing,. >mgvang. a:nd. P . , t..in viz.: The Clearing, Gr,a(� of_ __...._. .. � 1 Cherokee Heights Park. { DOcil this j day of 191. L L/ (,oillleililia n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. will-":14:AS'..A tcrittru proposal for the making of the follawiug iIII proveou•it, viz.: The Clearing, Grading, improving and Planting of Cherokee Heights Park. I. ':ulinq. im Provi: 1. That the cotnmleettlelllllall Nash - having horn presented to filo l'auuctl of the Cit) rets he _ dlrec ted od he le her Ihrrefoea, be it a . . eauKate the necee, nt in—Ligate the natural- is lrreby ordrrcd and directed: R13�OI,VFD, That the l'onlnlissinner of Yn mated coat or said i tr^ total ac t th•kiu of, said im n•oveuu•ut. 1. To ill,stigntc the nceessity for or dent sola .h aovem .t. 1 n,rn len the rono�)nid imprnvc,ncut, and the total cost therrnl'. To investigatl' till' nature, estrnt trod Into rmatton resat. :I. 'I'o furnish it plan, profile or sketch of s ins• v , r o 1, To I'iuvish the roll",io-, ulher data and inl, rwat,nu relative to said improcenlent: . ..................... J. To state whether or lint said improvctneut is asked for on the petition of three or uorc owners. ti. To report 11potl all of the matters to tho (")III III of Finance. Adapted b)• the ('allnril _ __ _ Iva Yeas:Nays: Cnuneihuan Farttvorth (;oss Approveil 1!11 Kell r \fel IIJ�'' Yoe. _.... ._. \favor Pow l's \lacor. COUNCIL FILE NOj._....-._........._— 013 1 By--- ... -... ---...... ................. .... ................ ...... ...................... _ FINAL ORDER. * ., In the Matter of..G.one-truo.ting...a_.aamen_t....tile ---- s idoxa.lk..._t.a.._a.._W..d �._Q.�_e..la_._-_ fea..t......on...the.._treat_.aide_ofir9m._Palace__a_tr_"A_14_...J.e ferson—__ avenue.,._._ _ --._.._---.... .__ ........ under Preliminary order ......... ........... ..... 91.09._ ........... ........... approved ._.,i' e.b.L118,Ty....... ....... _...... IntermediaryOrder .... —............ .......... _..................... _................ approved ......_........... ...--... _..........- ..... _...__.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is._....rtQR.Q�CSd4� @_ C_CmCrit.._Sile eldew8lk to 8 wUth...tX_-aix_fe.e.t..on. _thim_ w,as.t...a.ida--af_.Yirm..a.tseex.z...ka.km_ A. street......._. toJeffQT6Q.a and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement cordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. .............. ..... ........ _^ 1_._ _._—, 191 _......_ Gam_ ' lerk. Approved .................... ......-----..........., 191___—- — ........ ........ �. ____.. _.......... .r, Councilman Farn orth Gos aaov.; :apru:emeat and tne'coaaa❑ na,•i .. Kel r o '!onsj the ..... and r Mc oll aad .caeonamared the a.. ad ,,d In aoleaa. / Na S 0[ L vreei Pa that the � h i,.. d Irina or i moro• ' Y `[ nt [lie iu �� rg sidewalk „ .;<N','e a we a Q Mayor Po ers eat , atre�•t r�'n Pala,. a11aet <� ;nn". and .h,. t•oan, Form B. S. A. 8-7 e aolredl h'ur�therp That tthe',a r.orka t ru-" be 1�1,s• Ins tr tea ana direet a d n . a peaaa Ind ape.-iaeanona to n''n tontAaaa ahmn 1. ina ize pi oldcdh Office, / 1t� the mnking ofsn a' I ther—Ith. aaccordance -API' 17 oced .Apr. 28, 3l r. r :1pHI 9-19161 \ I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONNISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the Matter of�,.---*,..'1. —(CL 'e. . ...... Zr L,7 :z . . . .. V- . .. ........... ... . ..... ...... . ...L .... ..... .... .. ............. ..... ... ... – . ...... ... ................. . ........ . ......... ... .. .... ........ ....... ... .... . ..... ........ . ....... ... ....... .......... .... ............... . ......... .... ...... under Preliminary Order approved. To the Council of the City of St. Paul. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.530 pjey. lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— 191 Z� ..... ....... ....... ........ . ........ ............ . ...... . . ......... Commissioner of Finance. 1— A. A St. Psul,Minneaota. February 5t`_,1916. TO TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL. We, the undersigned resident property owners, respectfully petition your Honorable body fcr t_.e constructicn of a sidewalk on t__ ^.e west side of View street frog: Palace street to Jefferson avenue. Respectful'_y submitted, i r 6 '9 GA�- FEB 161916 BUREAU OF ENGINEiRS• f Office of the ComAiissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _February„18, 191. 6 'Pu the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Tlw Com In issioner of Public Works, having had under eonsiderstion the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ......9109 __approved _. i''ebruary. 15,.._.191 6.(, relative to _ ..00nstzu ting a cement tile. sidewalk to a_ width_ of_six _feet on___ the west side of View St. from Palace St. to Jefferson Ave. and having investigated the matters slid things referred to therein, hereby repm•ts: 1. Said improvement is - necessary and (or) desirable. 54¢ per lineal foot 3. The rstiuuih•d cost thereof is $ - _ _ _, and the total cost thereof' is } x%XXXX and the unlace and extent of said improvement is as follows: :1. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attarhe,d and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is _... _ _ ._asked for upon petition or three m• more owners of property, suhjoet to assessuurut for said improveuwut. lromIll nsiouer of I'ubdie Works. i' 0, COUNCIL FILE NO ......... _.-......._� By- --------.... _ _................ .... ..........._......._._.......__......_. 10184 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter ._........ a� o i ri c. r,.,_- Fra "' . = Y.. St under Preliminary order..... ..... ........... ::.7.,a I ........ . .... ....... ........... approved .......... ................ 0....__Ir......_�.Y..,:...r_..-- -- Intermediary Order .......—.9.735. ........ -..._.................................. approved ........ _............ --- --. _---------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having.heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is..._.._ =i. c _—_ 1,_ i c e .c D c_' �=^C Zre o a- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that: upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... _..� ....... 191__ Jerk. Approved...._......_..._.....___. (/__ 191 __ . _ . .. . ................. _......... Mayor. Councilman Fg sworth G s and"ihelcon­ u Iler i%je `ilne eto°da a eColl pn laerea the as e; th, "'ed, aY the r-onnen or to ash Pnul that the precise natur tnd kind r Improvement nr [h. ,nid �I[) Iv nit ru oerg nt un. sidetralk to '- Wvld• from N'ront "tit.[to dJfeKe J;_ Mayor Owers Conn,•u nereb, orae,9 nI, ent to b.• made. . Form B. S. A. &7 ,oived Further, That the Com >of Public Mprkfl be and h r_uetcd Ina alreetea to plangn `.ndna ecibmltlone for 'it for approval; [hatame to sal, the Pon , 9 t horlied pnd `directed to P with the making of --Id 1.1ra In ordnnce therewith. pted`by the 1'ounril .fpr. i .'ed Aur. 28• 1916. 1- (Aprll 29-14[8) d C. ............................................................................................................................ COUNCIL FILE NO ...................... 1. �1 �� tzIZ iIJI , By.__."_ ......... -..-. ....... ................ .... ._........ ........... ....... ..... ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of._Cone_tru.G.ti_ng._a... q_emen.t.._t?- feet pn the wast side _o.faarre..t.t_.av.enna._ft._z..a._.xo-Kan..t�--- a..t.r.eet,.... __._ __ _......._. under Preliminary order. ------ -7...7..07............... ... ........ ............ approved _..---..Xto.kt.Q.,L.......... __...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....PgRgtru0.t a Cement .... .................. ..ile.....e.....a k....ta...a_.w.id.t.h_.of...aix_..ia.e.t...QD-...tiZe....�aa.t._a..i.da.....a ._&l�.zrett._avepue f.r'au;....Frnn.t....a.tree.t.-to...MaKen.tp....atxa.e_t.............. _.................................................. _..... __........ ....... -.................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_-5ao B4.S.....lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ...... 9ZI ..... __....... day of AF.ri'1_............ ....... ......... ..........., 191 6..... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambetmo. of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ _..__............ —._�..____, 191 .......... _.._-...... ..... _............. ........... - ...... ._................ -._._........ _................... City Clerk. Approved......... ............ ..... ............ ............ --.......... 191 .... ...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-6 CITY OF ST. PAUL 7I _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , �1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINFWY ORDER (A) In the Matter of-Y.-?'!1�.��.11.9.:.Z-1....�r'(l'-__/L.L._....��%fsl-G-'---`-----.._..:�'"7--"--------- ?1 - f11' --....------......__..... -------------------- ---- -- - ------ ----------- - --------------------------- ---------------- ..._.. ........ _... _ - ----------- -- _.. - --------- - - under Preliminary Order approved - 9. G� - --lJ ""- -- - --� -- ""-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: �3 per,_ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is lineal �-'- ---- — --- foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $---- ---------------' "-"""""-" The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION U 1, % , o-7 roar+ es.w. a"e w TOTAL, �7 U 1 qW (C) CITY OP ST. PAUL OF FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARI ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUAY, ON L7 7 LI r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated \ o _191t�/ Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. B -BC A am �bws r Ii Petitic n for Sic walks. and Crossing; on west side of Parrett Ave, betleen Front And :.cKenty Sts. 9.'e, the �.ndersiMed, citizens livinI and 2 _O-wnrrr*1-?-raTrza-t,;-r-7-Pal TFtt-Vie-.-.St. P&l'l, resrEztf 11;; jetition year '.Icrcra�le 15Dd;i tc lay sidewallcs and cress- 3'._in.�.-e•:a._sr�:. :,ode- of 'f�,rae>t-Ave, Frer.t r»na ---1 '..CKenty 6t_ei:t:. L-.-4.4 A 4 a ✓ C Y s' — L 1'j -'l'. J 101_'1' IL 13l 14 .. _ _. 2' C -'T 1915 -- BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, rr , 23 24 �JI 20 27 28 _ I . 29 p 30 31----- .. ��..C.�L4Lt _.. .. � �d�Ls'a�'<'.t-f� 4�' .-C�1GL-t ,'G� • . LIE 6t. Fr Office of the Commissioner of Public Works G Report to Commissioner of Finance November 6, 5 11 __. '1'o the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan]: 'Phe commissioner of Public Works, having had under emisideratioa the preliminary order of the ('om- cil, known as Council File No. ?70.1 __..._approved .. Jotober_.28x ....._.....1915..., relative to .. conotr ot'n- a cerr.ert_tilell a d..e.Y.+ ;k_ to a w', r. o.f._ s.ix fo t gn_,the ;fest eide of 2arrett Ave, fron, Front St. to '.:cEenty St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ iter lineal foot 'x 'Phe estimated cost thereof is $_._.__._._..___., and the total cost thereof is %xX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plant, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is,... _........_.__._.asked for upon petitiou of three or more owners of property, subjcet to assessment for said improvement. Comm ssioner of Public Wo s. COUNCIL FILE NO.._....._._ ....... ..__ By&..A--FeR&5.W_9R.Ti1.....-.... ........... ........... ............ ....... _. I Cl I '? FINAL ORDER. In the Metter ot1l.Qrifl. sllQ.tlAg...9....Q_Q.iuezl.S---.t.1a e.---Q.1dsZfialk..._..A..._a.._width.._oY.-six .------ feet on the North side of Edmund street between Snelling avenue and Fry. ..a_tx.Q_e_t_,............._._... _.. _.... _ ..----._.._._....__._...._......._.........---... .._...-._.. --- -- under Preliminary order..._..767_5.......... ........... _......... _......_. approved ........... _OCtobe.r 27th, 1915. Intermediary Order -- --............ ........... ...................... _................ approved..................... _..-........... _...... .... _......_._...... _.. _.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections apd recommendations relative thereto, and hCntand onsidered tW the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, end of improvement to be made by the said City is_... 011et�Cut t a Q-Qtaent t_lle_ ei0a_—No.r.th--aide.._of WAM11nda.t-"t....ba..Laxe.nue—and.._Fzy---atre.eL,_-.........._.......__..._..--.---------------........_........------........__.....__. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instr ted and directed to prepare plans a#/ specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said appt�, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........... 4�Rt 191 Approved ....... _............ l._.. ...- J ...... 191 Councilman F nsworth G ss Council .. Jc tlona, n „ ., K Iler cColl ash oerg .ative thereto. . onaidered the same, e lved. RY the Coun111 of t -it. Paul that the Dreclse na[ it, and kind of Improvemen '.le by the Bald "II Ia7 tonv ani ule alde..:It, to a •C on tn.• north aide of F'lmp coullle q Mayor PtXm B. S. A. 8-7 wers f 1 _ nvem vnt In be made. Reeol ved Further. Thn[ the Co, r. loner f Public Welka be find IherebY instructed anifi dn[lohe tot Imprareovement nand -11bmit a me t L • Cou ncll [othe roperDpPl cltY thato Ricet pprovalthori—d and dlrecled t hereby anld In. sed Ith [he nking of ent Ia n ordance therewith. m:tJo pted elle the Coonan Apr. ", Aplrro�'ed Apr. 29. lnlri. April 21-191+1 Mayor. ) _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMrfISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER / -1 IatheMattuof._.._0;t:�'u.�;Cru_°__'(C i.i��t1.�L_.(�Jt`.T../..._r'._�.....1.�— U fe ............. ........ ........ _...... ... _ _.. _ ...-........ ...... _ _..... .... _ . .......... ........... ............ ................................. ......... _.... _...__- -.... _......................................... - _................ .. ... ............... ...... ....... .......... .... __ .............. ........... ...... under Preliminary Order approved.._ _ __ ..� C. �...� _ —.. if �... .- ..... ......_ _...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $0..5a.. p.e.r.. lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ---' -- -' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION „/ ' /o �( res j.; r/ (c l�/�/i, •� J �✓ CO O U C 4 [c Cl TOTAL. 1 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Dated_ _ _.191.%... _Fi _..._ .. ... Commissioner of Finance. .DEUR. F •WF.DEES,AE D. t ONEFS St Paul, "inn.ae`:......: .....1915 aTo the honorable City Council, City of St.Paul. AjGentlemen:- We,the undersigned,owners of property abutting the north olside of Edmund street between Snelling avenue and Fry street, do nere- ,'py petition your honorable body to cause a sicewalk of cement blocks six felt ir. width to be laid on said street between the pointe men- 4tioned. Fames /77 47- 11 L GL YL , .0 �I zA i J ' Lot/ ,Rlk l i ddition i MERSWEM OCT 2 8 1915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. Office- of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ,oveV)I @Qx...12, 191 _5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conuuissioner of Public Works, having had under eollshh9'atlon the prelimi,,ary order of the t',oun- cil, known as Council File No. 767.5 approved .UCtober_.27-._... _. __1915_., relative to construction of a cement tile side:ralk to a width of six feet on tae north aide of Edmund St. between Snelling__ Ave.._ and Fry..St.,_ and having investigated the matters and things refgrred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . __._ necessary and (m•) desirable. 53� per lineal foot xxxxs and 3. Tile estimated cost thereof is $.._.. __ _ _. _, and the total cost thereof' is :R the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... _._. _... _.. 3. Aldan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made, it part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is__._....... _. _. _._...asked for title,, petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Conuaiss' ner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO . .................... __ By..................... .... ........... .... ------ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.._9onetrvc_ting_a..eement the sidewalk to a width of sia feet__,p.n.the _north_sde__of Iglehart_ avenue from Aldine street to Herschel ay.enu.e—__,_.__.._. _.._...... _.._.._....._ _._. under Preliminary order...... 7563...__._-- .......................... approved _..October 19th, 1915. Intermediary Order -------.....................- — ................. approved..................... .... ._........... ...... .---..._._...........__............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is..—_Oons true t a cement ti le sidewalk to a `— w(M...... pf„__eAX...,f_e.e..t...QnL,tho north..,.eide.__of._..Iglehart.__avenue from Aldine .................... __....._..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council r 191 _... . x C rk. Approved .... _.............. Mayor. Councilman F nsworth a Imw, •” nd abJ-tion. and G s relative thereto. as K ler c.ruddercd the same. M COIL s Ived. Ry the council o :. Paul that the pre c Ise r A and kind or improvem •� N sh .a'I e by the en id city is r Y erg aent We alde"elk to a t on the north aide of IgI n Aldine atreet to Here Mayor P Wers /.A.8-7loner "Ir., thecnuncll hereby orderi rReemet to be solved Further That That the, Form of Public Works be d hereby Instructed and direct,. pare plans and aVccif c.t l on, -� Improvement. and a bmlt an Council for approval; that approval, the proper Ity o cdlrect. ' 1 hereby thoriaed ad sed with the making or sah m ent In accordance therewit Adnptea by the councll AI Approved Apr. 28. 1916. (April 29-1916) CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPAISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (a) '(! In the Matter of ... / `� l .t _.(-,/ ___...: -/{ b L .l 11/..._( ti C�_ d .Y.�L .ill. �.. ._ ._.0 ......�l..l�.��t�. .l� �. � f��'i��l/ N.�/�.*1���j ...... .. ........ ......._ .:.. ... ...... ...... .. .... ........... ... ... ......... _...... .. V .......... ............................ ......... .... ... . ... . .......... ....... .. . ..... ....... ... ..... ........ ... ...... ............. ... _.......... ........�� _... .. _ .. .... ........ ............. .. ...... .. .. ..... ... .. .. ........... .... ....... .... .......... ... ........ ....... ...._.. .. .... ...... ....... ...... ...... ..... ... ....... ... ..... ... ... ...... _...... ..... ...................... _ ........ ................. ..... .. .... ... .. .. _.......... .... ............ .. ........... ................ _.._ under Preliminary Order approved_ To the Council of the City of $t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ Q• 5..p _p. _r l legal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ -- - --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follower DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V A L U A T I O N '4� v A' TOTAL. 0 y `� 1 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his rcoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated. _ pJ. _ Ji' h ..........._.191 _ . l ,/. 1. << r' !f C�ii ✓...1._..__. Commissioner of Finance. 0e I s = x' F r .I L 4ENRI E. w_—ST—T (0 ` STATION E55 ! St.Paul, Minn. L.:..`r............. 1915 21 I To the Honorable City Council, 3I City of St.Paul. Gentlemen: - p We,the undersigned, owners of property abutting the north I el side of Iglehart avenue between Aldine street and Heaeche, avenue, do hereby petition your honorable body to cause a sidewalk of cement el'I I blocks to a width of six feet to be laid onlaid street between the 9! points mentioned. i Names Lot Blk Addition it �//✓✓✓./'l _l �/ � � �—_—.. --_ IS Ifi 171 Iii 1B 19I Y 2C 2,I 22 23 i I^ F, fE� 211 _ J, &p?E 254 ,IIT I 271 I ae 4 k 29 30 3! 321 a Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance votob.e.x 28,_ 791.5.. 'I'll the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under coasidw•ation the prclimioary order of the Cmm- eil, known as Council Nile No. 7563..._ approved October. 19.4 _191._..5, relative to ....._. _.. conetructing acement tale sidewalk to a_ridth__of six feet_on the r-orth aide of I letart Ave. from Aldir:e St. to Y,erac':ei Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .. ...necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $—__. _., and the total cost thereof is XXX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached anul made a part hereof. 4. S. Said improvement is-.: asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, sullpet to assessment for said improvement. mumissim er of Public Woks. COUNCIL FILE NO. .......... _........ .._ Byr ...................... - ... ........... .... FINAL ORDER. tnthe Matter o(Const_ruoting a cement the sidewalk to a width of sbx feet _......_ .. treet to Thomas street, under Preliminary order ..._78.16 Intermediary Order .......... ...... ...... ........ _............ approved 1915. _approved .................... -- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the snidCity isConstruct a -Cement the sidewalk to a width -- ... ................... ----'---........ — ofsix feet on both sides of Lexington avenue from Blair street to TpQmti9.�tTtto --._..._.......--._—_.......................... -...... -----"--...................- --- - --... .............. ......_.... ....... ... ....... _........... ........ _._— .�._.__........__....... ...___._.......__.............. ___:...... ...... ...............__... ...... _........... .... ... _........ ....... ___........._._........ ___...._.__.... -- -- -....._-------- .---------- ----------- ....------- -- e and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be ad is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in acc therewith. LIP. Adopted by the Council......... _... __._r. 191........._ ... c _ Cler Approved..................... ------ --- .... ......... __-__--, 191__ ..._........__ ............. _.......... __ _ t Mayor. s". "-Joun1Il holing , , (;0 S V" a bjsru .a .t r o m. relntive thereto, and havii •, !--K ler onethe same; therefor .:It tesolved By the Council of the Cit �/ COIL Snint Paul that the precise natur, „ tent fid kind o[ Improvement in t .de by the aid lily Is ton tract ash ` ent [Ile side n':tlk to a n'Id[h of s 'n on both sideyy��of LextnFton a nu Blnir •t can OCCg om st rest Thomas et reel he (•ounrfl hereby '- May owers orders said In, provetnent to be made. Resolved Further, That the Commis- sloner t Public Works be and he is Form B. S. A. 8-7 hereby metra"ted and directd to pre. pare plane and specifications for a Id lmpro4ement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said pprovaa,, the propter city otflcere are hereby thorized fid directed to pro- ' em with the making of said improve- e t In accordance therewith. tn.\domed by the i'o until Apr. 27, 1916. t, ?8, ]91. (April :9-19186) CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMkSSIONER OF FINANCE a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 ' J 15 I 1 U. In the Matter of _C�5�111 . ,��.,:.lLCl.E2LS__j_ _,G,�._..-. .yL1-rill--l----f.1_ E-__..f2* 14K�' _-.. L.. ' tA- Cti%1/4...-... „-....G... .....I-AL, under Preliminary Order approved 'V'i -- / f �� --- --- - - - --- ---- ------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ _ 52¢ F er 1 lnecu f00t. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $--------- -------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o / at � G v c ✓ 1 1 �o C7 O c FO11 6.9.A. B 5A TOTAL, ^ I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT - ON PRELIMIAARY ORDER lC) ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A D 0'1 T I O N VALUATION ` L J / % 1 5� G i/oma I � � L�✓ � �G S o u c b ` p y 7 y" / The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public /W corks. Dated �- 191 _I GI ., , ILLL / ZCIi Commissioner of Finance. roan e. s.w. 5 5 c r �_ 1 C F ��. l f -, ` - � ii __ _ .. ;, r �_ - -- --� ff � I_ �� -, ` - � ii __ _ .. ;, .. {t I• t i � � � ' / � u r Y �I _ � ii __ _ .. ;, L ., I ' P -Office of the•Commissloner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Noven.b_er 12,__. .. _191 5 'fo the Coaawissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul : Thr ('onraissioner of Public Works, having ]till] under consideration the preliminary order of the. ('oun- oil, known as Council File No. 7816.... __approved....-Avember 5, _ ...1915....., relative to _. oonstrLctin; a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on bot`: sites of Lexington Avenue from Blair Street to T::Om£.s Street. ..............._. . and having investigated the matters and things referred to theein, hereby reports: r 1. Said improvement is _ __necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.___..._ _.. _, and the total cost thereof is :�; :';XxX and the natare and extent of said improvement is as follows: :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 4. S. Said improvement is.... not asked for upon pettitiiooll of three or m,m•c owne's of property, subject to assesswent for said improvement. Z- / /I /% d 'rhlic Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... ........ -- _ S A FARNSWORTH, FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of._��?>�_tact?.R..t.ig-.._._glnen.t.,.-t� l> ---_sidewalk.- tq--_a.._width.--_of_ '1 ..the. west a.id.e._tz�..�airxia�._live.nue._from_St,__AnthQny__anenue _.__ south --to Righ.t....-of ._way_o.f. __tha.._C- M R S t - p_ ...... Way _.._of...:the -C..14.,....&-._St _.P.,_ ..Ry_-.. south ._to--&oblya_avanue.Y ... ---- . . ........ under Preliminary order_......78.2$........ ........... ........__.......... approved..._NAYetIIbPX..J th-...... 1915 .... ....... ....... ...... IntermediaryOrder ....._ . ..... ....... .......... ............ ............ ........... ....... approved ........ .......... ... _..—........... ....... ......... ..---.._..... ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.-Y_ii.Q.Q�.T31QYr_..$ CCIIIBil-t tile--_Sidewalk--.to a w.idth.-.-o-f....siz.fee.t.-on_tha__xsa-t-_aide...oi-.-.F.air-vi aW_.av_azlua.._fz_QM-$J . AathAn-Y_ avenue Louth to Ri&A of Rax of_the C DG: & St. P. Ry., and from the — _- - -- —------_._._ ........-.._..- . Rt. o -Wa of-tha C M & St P R --, outh_-to Robl A, av n e-------.--- _._...... Y .-----._._ ....._._ .......-_ Y_ ._ ________..-Y.-..- _4 .Sl ., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ._...._f.....__..II.p��'_-_�__—, 191..._./ �- f Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 and ti,. ._IlD naso relave there fully tons I dared tht : fore, be it s l,ed. By the Connell or t Pani that the precise •nt and kind of impro--nen le , the Bald Citi' h. r on a', nt rile aide tt-alk to a t\'Idth [ on the rest side of N'alrvie' fryt-Anlhnn>' t Right ofVit.\Cur ur the and front the. Rt. of A\ ay K. tit. P. BY. south to Rohly, .td thr C__11 her,•h�' erdei�=, .•nt to he mad"That the ��Resolved Further, mtesloner f. Public W."'a ba 1, hereby lnatrucadeyectica re or eV are pl nns an , tber :\pr. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL O DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELFMINARY ORDER J In the Matter 2.4 L c}.._.., .... _C(/ . {. tet. Zd..L ..._ .....__... ._ _ _.. ._...... _ / .... .... ...... .. .... ....... .......... ... ....... .... .._ _.. . _ ,_., �....... _ _ ......_..._ _ ...... .... .... . ...... . ..... under Preliminary Order approved_ / l ...t. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement :s a . - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 TOTAL. L �. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. h � Dated...__..._._.191(°.. �S/ if / _1 ....._._. Commissioner of Finance. a � i �i i �� �� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance IJovera3bez'__12.,. _ __.1915 _. To the Comunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cousiderattmi the prrliiainary ordrr of the Coun- eil, known as Council.File No.... .781.8 approved .. :•PvembeT 5,__. _191 5..., relative to COP..-_... etruoting a cement tile sidewalk to a width of t3ix ft. on It e IT. side of Fairview Ave. froc. Et Ar' bony Ave. south to R. of ii'. of C, r�. & ........ ..... ... St. P...Ry (Short __.Line) __an fron R.._of, T. of t,e C. W. & St. P._Ry, _ eolith to Rouyn Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereb�_rcports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 5S¢ per lineal foot 3. The estimated cost thereof is $.____ _ __ ,anxxxXd the total cost thereof �s :h - _ and the ❑atilre and -extent of said improvement is as follows: _. _..._. :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 4. .i. Said improvement is. .._.....__rC'i"__,asked for upon petition of three or more olvmers of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Couuuissio er of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO........... By........ -- ............._._.... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter oE..Q.nna.tr.JC.t.iag. _a....Cell.en__7_._ti_le_._e_idewalk..._to__a width I siz ....._...... _.......... feet on the north side of Goodrich avenue between Hamline avenue and Albert avenue, under Preliminary order .._...._8459 _ _ __ approved.._DeCembeT_. 16th.t_.1915. IntermediaryOrder . -'-............ ........... ...................... .... .... _.._ approved...................... _. —............ .............. .-_...... ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council fraving heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.._CoAetruC t_8 eement..__t11e Sidewalk to a width of.._six.. -feet_..on..._the.._ no_rth..-side__of Goodrich avenue between Hamline avenue and. _Allzsrt... a!Lo tile-------- .................... —....... .---------- ---------------------- ---------- ...................... _.._............ '---...__........ .......... ..... . ................ ...i ........ __....... ..._.._.— ........ ........ ....... —_..... and ,the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. f -Adopted by the Council ........_... ..... ....... :.:....: _—, 19 _ --- ..... ... _...... ....... ........... e:._.. _:..:':.._._..... Approved .... ..... .......... --0........... 191 ...... ..... ...... ............ ---- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth cd .., -Ing be Goss ..0 the Coo uncijment up .sone, ohJectione nd reco. ` Keller 1on¢o relative thereto, gn�coh .'it c neldered the e¢m ; Cher, McColl eamyea. By the Council f the teoina ram that (her c1se n Nash n l kine f 1 p ent I „ a ee ssid n �'tileh01111-111k l[?' i o at rot; g "ce't ° nr[h side of t:oodd irh l oer Let"' wentHamlfnr .i, e. and .Ili, ' , Mayor Powers «h;. ioeneherehr erde,, ,.'id Resolved Further i7'rhat Form B. S. A. 8-7 hereby f Public Works bee Co. �, Par' ptgn➢trau^[eda and directed to / ImDrovem en [, a'n tlDecietcnatione for Council for approval; that me to hereby ai' the proD?r city oXlon ere t seta with thori zeaa d directed t oe Dro tin rdan,eine� aid im ""'t n� °o `da_ the t -e,nru27. il, _-\aril 29-Ieifi) CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIKINARY ORDER o') In the Matter d 1 --/., iez ... ...... /4 Z46 C11 " -L ---- ------ ------ - ----- - --- - ------ -__----- -------- . . --.... _..----------------- ----------------- - - .... ----- -- ---- ----- ------------ ---.. ..._._... _.._..............- ---- - . --- ------- ------------- - ..... . ..... -- .... ........ under Preliminary Order approved ���• �G ---�J^ �-- ��-- ---- ------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ -0-52. per 1-113ea I foot. ' The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------- ------ The lots or parcels of land ZFthat may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED D E S C R I P T I O N. LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 7 T u ° A 4 J t9 TOTAL. U yI FORMOSA 0 51 U CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIJARY ORDER (C) u DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATY y,► f �(9 J J. a (c u The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to I him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _,- Dated .� -191 Commissioner of Finance. FORM s.9. A. 6 5 C 12 MIMM Dn-C 17 1915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, ssioner. . of Public Works Office of the Commi Report to Commissioner of Finance JanusxY 19th,__ ___..191. .6 To the commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the couu- 8459 ....approved__..Deoember.16,__..._..197...5'...., relative to _...__....__.... cal, known as Council File No. .....__... __... __... __..__....�an.onatruo.t..ing, C.flme.nt t.i.le. sidewalk_toa width of..e.ix feet on._t.h.a_.no.r.th_aide__af__G.a.od.rich Avenue, betweenHemline_ Avenue and Albert Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....._.____..necessary and (or) desirable. 54¢ per lineal foot XXXXX ,and 2 'rhe estimated coat thereof is $.. ..... _....._.. slid the total cost thereof as s_.... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ ................. ......_............._ :i. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached slid uuade it part hereof. __.__.. 4. .S. Said improvement is_.__ ____ __ __....asked for upon petition of three or more owums of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Conuuissigner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO.-.----w— A. FA ZNS W0RjJ% _ BY......-----------..__..._...------......._.._--.._-............-.......... f 1. l FINAL ORDER. y In the Matter of_'9rietrip..tiag...a..._G.9a@7.%.....%17.....�..._.._widh.ofsix width ---- feet on the west side of Chatsworth street between University avenue and Sherburne avenue. _ ............ - ....... .... --...._.... ----......_._... ............ .......... .............--------- --................ ...... ..... _.... _---- . ........................ .......... -_...._...._...._........................._.......................................--- under Preliminary order ____.74x6..-_. approveQC_t 1; er_ 8 :t4,_-_1915..____._ Intermediary Order ----._....... .......... ___.._- ........... ........... ....... approved ....._............ -'-------......... -...... - ......... _.—_._...... ............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is..C•Q _Q_,Ar1Q_iig gggken t tale s idewalk t.o.....a._width._of__aix---fate.t. on--thw....asat....s.ida....o-f._Chatanaft8i ill . University avenue and Sherburne avenue _........ ........... .......... ........ ___-. ------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._ �'CR i5.. 191 ... / --- Clerk. Approved ... --- — - --'--y-- -- 191 __..... Councilman Fa Insworth G s Ke ler M4 Coll N sh Yerg Mayor P wens Form B. S. A. 8-7 • Ic hearing having - ad the iCo ncil .having ob7 actions and r co: if nsiderea the to, same; the Ived. By the Council of th Paul the lm Vrovamen[I, h, the sold (-_ Is co str t tilr gid c%vn lie to a w'Idtho + the %vest side of Chats, between L- noe.iversltlthe e1tt-o 'ye said ita„ntro.•I•n,,.nt •. solved Further. That the Con'. v Inelructed and kdimctedao plan nd Dsc,,_ ons for ant, and submit sa a t+ acli for approval: city torcp icer: ,r van, the propen .-eby uthorized d directed t0 •a ,th el he -,,king of s. Id lmD1' t in a ordance therewith. clouted Ii>' the t'o,ncil :\nr. `-'- uorov.•d Apr. ?8. lsl6 I April "-`r-1'Jt6) Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matterbf.� �.:(s �(_ :_ % . f_. ...f _ �l .:._�r�:.f� .4 �. /c..... ��i. - ±_2'fL.1 %l_I�..._ :f.. r t U L _. t .LL:'.. Y t..:... �. 1%..L / ..� ... . _.. _........ .. .... ..... .. _._ .._ _... ....... ............ _ _.. _.........-_......._.__. _........... ...... ...... .... _ _......._......... __.... .... ..... -_. _ ........... .. _ _.._.._ . ................ ................ _....... ._............ .... ..... .... ...... ............. ........... . ............. .. .. — ... _...... .. __.... _.. ...... ... under Preliminary Order approved...._ (. _. ('f ..._. ... ._ _....... .... ._ .. -�- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - 3 52¢ per 11nQ.&.1 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ........_ ... - -. ..--- ..-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION l .�6 3� a TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s d matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... __._ k ........ _....._.191.10.. Y1 !1�yfs.r!�/ ................ _..._...._....._. Commissioner of Finance. .Office of the Commissioner . of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __October16,. _.191..5. To the Commissioner of Pinnace of the City of St. Paul: Thr (!(no inissione• of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council Pile No. 7426 ._.__.approved _. October. 6,._.. _... ..1:11...5„ relative., to .... _.. the construction of a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the we e.ide of'_GhatewOFtb St,. between l.Tjivers ty_A�d. and 5herburne.Avenue. and laving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is . necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per lineal foot xxx and Y. The estimated cost thereof is $__._ __ _...._ _., and the total cost thereof is the mrtrin•e and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...._ _. _. ............... . J. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attachod and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.. asked for upon petition of three or more owue•s of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Couunissimu�r of 1' blit \Vm•ks. PETITION FOR SIDEWALK. { \ ,r To the City Council, St. Paul, Minn.: We, the undersigned, hereby petition your honorable body to order a cement sidewalk laid on the west side of Chatsworth Street, between University and Sherburne Avenues, an lot #16,Block #2, University subdivision to Hyde Park. N gme s (/(il Residence. - Q R, r- z 1 MCI 915 ��_a $1}�tEA0 OF ENGINEERS, I -------------- r� CITY OF 5T. PAUL - Y "^°•• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. 10191 t�� BY, Y �. , AUDITED1.r'1t' •t'Ii c,n ,,. ,o.c.. IBI_ (/5 °. - PER -A--, 110 Denu ;, comptroller.* --Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter' specified funds and. _ in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Co cilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council_ n 691_ sworth riG s In favor —K ler Appr ed v — ,) I'm Il (/ Against Oeary IAAYOR. E 1" Y rg Mr. Preside�f owers craracrmna I J. H. Allen & Co,, y� V Fire -M. & R. 32,50 American Linen Supply Co., 2,25 Fire M. & 1,00 Police y Anderson Bros. Fuel Co., T� 37.$7 Elect Sch ' ` - 37. Auto Device Sales Co., 15•GO Police -M. & R. Auto Engine Works, 2,80 Water -M. & R. Auto Tire Sales Co., 3.26 Pub. Jdg. - r-b�'"-L�- Pub. P s rk nt. H. Bagley 1,50 Gen, F.-ldunici pal Concerts Barrett Bindery Co., 1.65 Library -Gen. Suppl. hl Bausch & Lomb 25.11 Pub. U.-)LAun, Test. Lab.-Msint. The Beckman Ito., 8.35 8.35 C. P. W. Belt Line Brick Co., 437,50 School -Randolph Heights Geo. C. Binder, 13.65 Police-lr & R. = - F.— A. 541 T 1 � #2 T. L. Blood Co., poli �e & Fire rm t. -r •50. C. P,.P�t• 1, The Blue Print Co., New Library Bldg. Acct. Board of Wate- Commissioners Fire�4• & 26.. Health-quaran,tk e '?, & ij : 2 Health -Co t ati9ra�• 2' 0 C. P. W orkh s�^ Llai • ,' •'4 Stre Const &rF�ep.- ill �• 280 S. S. Cl ewer g. -M. b, Play nds- 25. 2 Gen. F.- Gar - M. & S. 2 00 Pub. Sc 37 47 Bowen Art Store School-Pfi, & R. H. C. Boyeson Co., Police -M :8'` 0 School- •� -i i •3 Mrs. Margaret Brady Police -M. & R,, S. Brand, School -M. & R. Brooks eros., parks -Par ai�rG�j 1 5: Water- & 2 .66 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry 94• police & Fire Alarm Wm. R. Burkhard playgrounds-Maint. Burns Lumber C , School -II. �� - 430,� Water Burroughs Adding 'Eachine Co,, Water-1.'.� � 4.00 lo, '7 Cameroa Art Co., Corp. Counsel Off. Exp, Capital City Lime & Cement Co., Mun. Garage -Const. Carnegie Fuel Co., Water -1U. & R. Cast Stone Co,, Street Const. & Rep.-Maint. a � 1,18 38.65 1 474.20 4,48 47,25 94.77 ,25 69.GG 130.50 6.75 16,00 9.84 253.19 66.56 #3 Central Scientific Co., Pub. U.-Mun. Test,Lab.-,'.Iaint, Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., Water -M. & R. Clymer & Hue' ster, Comptroller-Prtg. Staty. etc. Craftsman Press, Election 3�6 Exp.- , Printed a akS Mun rt ht`! n)j­ 72 Crane 6: Ordway Co., Street Const. "ep..-M. -7 60 Playgrounds- ! in 11, 'en. F_ -q', apply , e5l School 0.1 Nat -M. ,>Iel cip�a;age �bnst, 276 _/O Crescent Creamery Co., C. P. W. -Viorkhou3e-Maint. Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., Schon S. -h 27.6 Daily News Official Publications Adam Decker Hardware Co. Police -11. 8 ao 7 Playgroundy, 'a' School -g.--& ple.111, 8, 7 Pa ks-,Pt�/xk-1 int .5 Wath' S nkli . _Cc omfort tati Const. 3 Diebold Safe & Lock Co., Parks -Park Activities Oliver Ditson Co., Library -New Books J. M. Diven, Water -M. & R. L. F. Dow Co., Corp. Counsol, 7le at i on-lbip. School,, -13. & R. 7 "G, "13 Waterel-m. & 30 MiZ Sta sup .6 39. 9. W. J. Dyer & Bros., School -M. & R. L. Eisenmenger Meat Co., C. P. W. -Warliao w_ -c) GS. jr School -M."& R e 19575 235.87 9.75 72.20 276-70 11.20 27.62 36.96 38.27 2.90 7.56 10.00 139.35 t6 0 4 i #4 Electric Blue print Co., 33.42 C. P. W. -Gen A 1. pub. Lighting- Sup lyJ'g• Water -M. & 24 ` 3 .4 ♦ . Electric Mnf g. Co., 1.85 Police -M. & - is 0 Pub. Bldg 1, Elite Laundry Co., 16.80 School -M. & R. Elk Linen Suprly Co., 11,09 Water -M. L R. C. C. Emerson & Co., 52.50 C. p• W•=rorkhouee-;.Saint. Engineering Record, 6.00 Water -M. & R. Fairbanks, Morse & Co.,132.29 S. & S- Cln�;.-Se` er-r' g,•-A[a pts ^9 r5 Water a1.._& fi, a p S.A. Farnworth, C. P. R. F. 160.00 Health-Quarantinw� .Official PubePub. Libr sp12 .0 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk Co., _ 56.78 Street Const. M. a 3•,4 Sewer Bridge Bld Re r 16. �, 27 -1 School -M R. Sprin ng �8 But rnut St. Sewer 2. C" 56 .� Federal Huber Co., a 49.80 School -M. & R. A. E. Ferriss 40.00 Water '.i. & R. Field, Schlick Co., 2.90 School -M. r:: R. Fleischman Yeast Co., 6•�5 C. P. W. -Workhouse -M. & R. Ford Idotor Co., 36.30 Li gh 5 ... Po c re m t. c� ` 0 0 r lap Mat 3 41 4 Pa P ro 8 M rit.7• Water - & 3• c` Fountain Printing Co., 4•15 Civil Service-Maint. Glide Road Machine Co., 6.75 Street Const & Resp.-Maint. Golden Rule, 8.20 Workh a rEa Sc Y • i #5 Graham Paper Co., ,15.18 C. P. W.-Workhoise-Laint. Griggs Cooper & Co., 13.43 Police-Y. & R. C. P. w.7la tis u6sYz ,. L% 177 Hackett, Gates & Hurty 31.64 SCII001M. 0 -��, 7 '6' Butt ernee .647 Jas. S. ITardin 18.67 Pur. Lia;,ting ?Saint. Harper & Bros., 40.00 pu-r,. T,ibrary New Books Haskin Bros., 17.00 C. p. T.-Florkhouse-Maint.. W. S. Hayrp 25.00 Pub. Bldgs,-Arch. & Dt-Maint. C. Hennecke Co., 6.'15 Humboldt H. S. Libr. Edw. Hinderer 9.40 School-Y. &- R. Aig. Hohenstein, Purchasing Agt. Po13_ce^ _hi. • -- 1A.30 188.71 Police & Fire - 3.02,; pub. Safety-Gen. AOld, t n. Ad4i"-Vaint. ,� 3 x.68 S. P Sw C] i.- Ga/ai -Main t. pub. B1 dg. -In sp.f 1.40 " "-ArGY . ?.11.8 Municipal Court-7• Election,Axp.14 1 School.-rd. & R.8 .61 Ames/9chool•88 Lib -ry-Gen. Sup6.62P k-Adm.-Maint.5.;48ater-M. & R,ab$.6W TeachPrG Trng.-S°' .4 �1 J. W. I.ulme, 14.22 School-M. ' R_ 6.<# Playgroupdsnt _ 14,E Johnson Furniture Co., 8.50 playgr,:nds-Maint. Joy Bros. Motor Co., 28.06 Police-M. & R. Kennedy Bros. Arms Co., 514.92 Police--M ,8r• Snds�lLai#rti -:,.- "" n4 0 Play gr 5l // J. T. Kenny & Co., 129.38 Police-'Y. E: R. School-M. a % # ,_ 1 Kerwin Paper Co., 23.60 School -M. & R. Geo. W. Keys 50.00 Sewer Const. & Rep.-Maint. Joseph4Koskie 6.75 Library -Gen. Suppl. League of Minn. Municipalities 1.00 Library -Gen. Suppl. Lemcke & Buechner 33.98 Library -re-, Books F. G. Leslie Paper Co., 20.68 Ames School - Libraxy-Gep chool-Library-Gem &p' . 6. Water -;J & {' � Library Bureau 29.75 Library -Gen. Suppl. Lusky, White & Coolidge 7.98 School -m- & R. McClain & Gray Co., 44.55 Gen. F. -Pu. -1c nt. Comptroller Sta��y. 2.5 School -A. & f 5 Park Adm.` � 5 Maendler Bros., 12.97 Police -14. & R ) 1,85.-� Street Conti A, en. Mavnt.--•' 4.89FI P. U.-m."kete aint ." 2.. Ames S ool 12.T Magie Oil Co., 6.50 Pub. School -M. & R. N. Makiesky 2.50 Police M. & R. W. H. Mal:ne Estate 40.00 Water -L. & R. Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 384.07 Comer. Finance-Transp. 5.46 Police r; Fire 4lar Health-Quarne P, = 4.8.40 If C. P. W. -Gd"' A >�`2Q F`. 5: 92s Street,const. & ep. dint. 23.9" Sewer IC onst, ep. 34. 0.-"';) S. eS. Cln -Sew --Mai .�99 cool-?�. �- ater:::, � 14 "f 384 7 Mansur Drug Co., School -x(. & R 7.20 4 4 S 0 #7 Martin Auto Livery, 46.25 Pub. Bldgs.-Archt. & Drftsm. Mich. Maurus, 2.30 Randolph Hts. -chool Melady Paper CO-, 29.55 Pub. Schools -N. &.R. .5, Pv,isc. Staty. & tirpalie}s� 9 C t Merchants national Bank for 42.37 Times Book Club, Pub. Library -Fire Loss Merrill, seer & Chapman, 25.61 Pub. Schools -M. & R. Meyer Engraving Co., 3.00 Corp. Counsels Of'- -Zrp. Moeller Bindery, 247'25 Puo. Li.brary-Genl. Supplies Moody.Manual Co., 20.00 Pub. Library-Genl. Supplies Mitsch & Heck Co., 12.50 Pub. Bldgs. -Arc fDrftsm." 2.0 ' 'Nater -M. & R. tr r' 12 f50Af Nassau Paper Co., 11.80 Pub. Schools -M. a R. National Bureau.of Criminal Identification, 75.00 Police-Maint. & Repair National Gas Governor, 0.75 Com. Pub. 'Works-diorkjous-Maint. National Laundry Co., 2.67 Police-tvlaint. & Repair Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 68.45 Comr. Fi/bC6 nspi 9 6` 02 Health -P --M. & R.• 1 Sg-, 2 Street Q6 St.epglr..57. Pub.$h/5. 6 aZaclolph,me 81..E L�'Sprinkli 1 8. North American Telegraph Co., 1.01 Police-Maint. & Repair Northern Coal & Dock Co., 22.66 Pub. Parks -Park Activities n Northern States Power Co., 683.91 Fire -M. & R,. 24242.. 9 Healwth-? 5 45Art Pub,. U s+"t& R ai e 5. 3 .0 Northwestern Blaugas Co., 20.93 Health -Quarantine -M. & R. 45 .ti Y 4 #8 Northwestern Elec. Equipment Co., Fire -M. & R. Police-Maint. & Repair ' Pub. Schools -M. �o'R. Pub. Library -G Yi1. Sup�lies Water-Maint. Repair:;. Comfort St on -Cons . Pub: Bathsj" & R.(1915) 1.45 2.,66 5&.4 /60 " 3 7 7911/1 4 t kS 738.61 Northwestern Fuel Co., Election Expense Northwestern Stamp 'Norks, Police-Maint. &,n/ �.ir, Misc . & Unforseep•: Northwestern Telephone Exchange, City Clerks Off. -Exp. 3 l0- Corp. Counsels Off.-dxp�_- 00., --ti Gen. -Municipal Court,. ­'✓10.00 Police-M.'aint. & Repreir % 62.36yr Fire-Maint. & Repair 7.5,5 Pub. safety -lam nl. Adm / '20 Health-Health-P!l a R. 4.00 Health-l}kdrantine-`:. & R. 16.20 Health -Pub. Baths-.• 6; j 2.00 Pub. Kay rounds- ain`t. 1:40 p�Markets-Via t =X3.(70 Pub. Schools -T' i & Reir �% 4.7 / Pub. Libra G Supplies 9.1.10 142J66 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Health-Quarantin Ni, &� R• 7.63 Pub. LigzhtinM 4:0 Pub. Scl3ool5✓p e r M. J. Osborne, Inc., Police -M. & R. Osgood -Blodgett Co., Water -M. & R. Overland Stores Co., Water -M. & R. Perkins -Tracy Printing Co., Gen.-Purchasin, Dept-Maint. Pioneer Company, Pub. Lchools-M. & R. Pittsbur.7h Plate Glass: Co., _ Police & Fire'f�l.�d't. /c 3 00 Pub. scho6ls�j' �,' iJate?'- & lac_ Mr. Lyle Poziski, Pu.. Library-Ganl. Sup -lies �,uayle & Kelley, dater-Maint. & Repair Ramaley Printing Co., Com.Pub.;+forks-Administration-M• 333.38 18.00 142.56 12.02 2.46 8.50 18.49 5.00 .- 98.00 b 7.24 10.00 51.60 17.00 St. Paul Jn^urance AF..ency, Misc. & Unforseen Exp. 82.79 18.90 1,410.08 15.96 250. 00. 246.02 5.65 .97 4.10 6.00 1,348.37 16.67 Raymer Hardware Co.* -Y. 62 Y 9. School Water-M�� F, 8 2. 79 Reed Motor Supply Co., jjo,"_j th, -Qu>, r;i ntin e -1Y. P. Review publishing CO-, official Publications Alex Rice police -w'.!. I R. Robinso , no Cary & 6ands, police-.!'. L F. I 4 f T Street Con3t. 6. Rep. ai.t. I.; parks -Pnrk-Yajnt. 3 ,jA 2 0 20 Butte' St. �3on` 34Pavi " $133•' F. J. Romer Construction Co., School -Ames School St. Paul Book & Station ,ry Co., 8.83.1 play gr oun 6!3 --ai nt., j School -M. & R Li br axy -N eviBb o. k Humbo� 7Y M,echa 'a' Arts,/ S. • 59,- ;0' .020 24 St. Paul/Builders material Co., School -114. Water -16.4 _4 st.iPaul Electric Co., Pub. Bldg. -In sp. & Clk. St. Paul Electro Plating Works, Fire -IT. & R. St. Paul Foundry Bridge Bldg. F, Rep.-Vaint. St. Paul. Gp.'.3 Light Co., -448.61 Police -1% 6 R. 126.84,'` Pol. & Fire Alarm E, Health-Quarantine-hiR. .2.56 i° C. p. W. -Gen. AdhK-Maint. to 01 o`-Workhb6s6_Kaint. 29J7 Street Const. Rep haint 3 'Y"09 1. 62 S. C F�. clng.-Street j� C. p. u.—'Markets-Maint.,il 1.00� 1# 11 /oo-Mun. Test. 1-4-34. -`S. 35 ql�' 149:91' Gen. -F. -Yun. Garage -W.' &t^ 15-P Art,; Jn3titute-lvSain S'dhool-M, & R. 294 .9 'Y' / ilin I i ary -* . . i b r � Gen S ei/I Water -i'. &R. .�4 1,378-37 St. Paul Jn^urance AF..ency, Misc. & Unforseen Exp. 82.79 18.90 1,410.08 15.96 250. 00. 246.02 5.65 .97 4.10 6.00 1,348.37 16.67 X10 St. pnj:•] Rubber Co., ) ll Police -N. & R. S. &. S.—Cing.-Stree 0 -Ing./ •(ka 26,22 School -M. & R. e:,d Water -M. & R. 17.4' 4,2.(;(A r r TIT St. Paul. Stamp Fiorl�s Library- Gen. Supp].. St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co., Fire -b- & R. F. F. Salisbury Gen, Fund -Election Exp. Singer Sewing Machine Co., School -11. & R. E. H. Sitzer School -L. & R. J. W. Sci:mitz, Gen. Fund -Election Exp. Schulenberg Bros., School -M. & R. Schuneman &. Evans, School-.". & R. J. K. Scott & Co., Water -N, & R. H. W. ;lack Library -Gen... rl­--) Mechanic h2tj>" �i-' (f 1 .z5 C. J. Smith & Co., Pub. Bldgs.-Insp. F.. Clsk. Anna Sparschutz, Polic—l.. & F. - C. A. Stoeting Co., School -A'. R. Stone & Forsyth Co., Health-Qunrantine-". & R. J. B. Sullivan,& Bro. i Wat er -h:. � R • 1 Swift & Co., ov Parint. 2 / 1 W. P. Taylor Co., Water Iv?, R. S. B. Tosteirin, Street Const, f Rep.= aint, 0 i • 1 147.89 1.10 3.00 26.28 48.00 41.00 12.98 14.74 15.45 10.31 16.25 •55 5.74 21.72 24.00 9.51 1o.63 a 7.50 .94 t i I i �, � i j, Tri-State Telerhone Co., 183.25 Police -Y. I R. " / .267. 8 Health -Health -M. 2. Health -Guar r!�t1-"-*n 402 1 0 Gen. F. 3 e -& S. /172, Gen. F.-Pur./Dept _M; Pub. PIayround9 Iat par Activi' 183. Union Brass & Metal Works, 6.00 Water -M. & R. Union T-ibrar, Association 1.25 Library -New Books Union Mach - ;ne Works, 6.30 Water -M. � R. United Charities 35.00 Health-quaitantine-11. & R. University Garage 7.5(; School -11. & R. University of Minn. 100.00 Teachers Training School Lib. University prints 25.00 Library -Gen. Suppl. C. E. Van Duzee 8.00 Police -Y. & R. Harry F. Wahl 72.00 S. & S. C2ng.-Street Clng.-paint. Waldorf Bindery 1.50 Library -Gen. Suppl. 'i,ashington Foundry Co., 87-36 Sewer Const. & Rep. -Faint. Waterbury Button Co., 60.00 Police -M. &. R. H. E. Wedelstaedt 3.00 Heal t_- -111 eal th -11. 8- R. Chas. Weinhagen & Co., 2.40 Gen. F.-Purch -sing Apt. % . West Disinfecting Co., 3.75 Water -Y. & R. Western Electric Co., 401.23 Library-Gen.V Pl. .) Water -M. &,,P,-, . Tightin in t, ?(19 5 Western Supply Co., b i44012 120.99 Fealt '14.4 ar an�!y e, 1. GL _p 5. 1 rj Pub. ITqdu, School-Y,A R ;r' C"k 1118 le, Wate r L R 4 12 eoeq i ♦U #12 Western Union, Teleg. Co' Police- V. & R. R✓� j > j. ReF. -Health -,r j r i. GeySen. FF. El.on 7�p. He] er. RR nalow T Zlrary-New Books Wolff w Lehmann men. F.-E1Pction Exp. yvyQel' & Stewart Water -Y. & R. denry N. Yerger Library -New Books S, bell Tetal ffi13 0�� 31 — i, lxrnx.. a9 It orto Fir- _a5 Cent \\ 1. liu rk hni Malt ]Sul ,.v Lumber Co.. $lam Rurroug"s Add. ng \... ,ins Co. 56.75. merox Ar[ Co., Corp. Counsel DR. F.xp. . $ 76.00. Capital Cit- Lima & Cement Co, \fun. Go raga—Cno s t.• $9.84. Carnegie Fuel Co.. Rater—M. & R.. $253.19. Cast StoneCo.. Street Conal & Rep. —llalnt. $66.50. entral Sclent inc Co.. Pub. Lr.—Mun. at. L.b.—Malnt.. $19.75. ;'ltizen'.v Tre & Fuel Co., Water—M. R.. 5235.87. Clymer & Hoel.ler, Comptroller—I [p. Staty.etc.. $9.75. lfteman Pr¢sx. (72.20. e & Ordway Co.. $276.70. cs,cnt Creamery Co.. C. P. W.— <houxe—Ma int.. $11.20. Lilc-Fraser Hardware Co.. $27.62. ally News, Official Publications, .96. m Decker Hardware Co.. $38.27. boldSafe & Lock Co., Parka— ' Actl vltl a a. $2.00. Ditson Co., Library—drew $7.56. Divsn, Rater—M. & R., 510.00. Dow Co.. 3139.35. Dyer & I3roe.. School—M. & R. .1senenenger Meat Co., $119.13. cl rlr Rlue Print Cn., $33.42. �clrlc Mnfg. Co., $1.56. 41 is Laundry Co., School—M. & R, 0. K i.lnen Supply Co.. Water—M. & 11 09. C.F hEmerson & C.5 C. P. W.— houee—Main L. i62.fi0. sneering Record, Water—M. & 1.00. rbanka. Morse & Co.. $132.29. Far ne worth. C. P. R. F.. $160.00. well, Ozmun. Kirk Co., $56.78. snap Huber Co., School—M. & R., Ferriss, Water—M. & R.. ;chilck Co.. School—M. & R. n Yeast Co.. C. P. W.— $ 30 N. & R.. o . 36.. ng Co., C J �92 P 2.00 41.91 16.86 6.40 l•onneil File No.' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r The oadernigio'd horehe prof ihr making of the follmriiji ImLlir inlyfocenleut bythe 1•ity,of tit. viz.: Grade the public playg round 1,Aoated on BioGks 1._„ 25;'.6; 7, 9 and 10 of D. W. Ingersoll's Addition, known 'as Dunnixig Fields and seed, sod and plant ornamental trees and shr(ibe ther n,-andake the following improvements thereip'. Construct 24 tenni oourts, 4 base- ball diamonds, base - quart necessary sewer , drinki -foun- tains, roads and walks, gl-yground apparatus, wading pool,, winning pool, lockers, shower-bpths and toilets" DalvII this Ilav 11 April,_ PRELIMINARY ORDER. \\'Ill.lil?.\�. .\ Ir rill n Inopns;ll I'nr th • "nokio!, of Illy I'nllmciur, incl+rneeineul, cit.: Grade the public playground located on Blocks 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 of D. W. Ingersoll's Addition, known asDunningField,-and --seed, sodandplant ornamental trees and shrubs therein, and make the following improve- ments therein, Construct 27 tennis courts, 4 baseball diamonds, quar- ter -mile track, necessary sewers, drinking -fountains, roads and walks, playground apparatus, wading pool, swim Ing pool, lockers, shower - baths and 1. toilets, hllcing III en presented to the Council or the Pity of St. .e.n anooel. (herefore, by it `i�iiluni �� •rno ,raxsail's HEI`101.A'lil), That ill, ('onnuissioner of P, _ e L�rl<rrn. =hr -b ordered and Ilirccled: �u,.,., bir.o.F been ere=solea uo11 of ter -�1, or 1i' i•°°� .1 roc I.owlif. 1. To investigate the oevessity for m• de, l' �ea, That the Commlealoner of _. To investigate the natlu•e, ,xtent ;Ind c%`.'rka be nna he, I. hereby n,-,ot, and the total cost therm F. 1 1 nna av nalo uio thmee Itb 3. To furnishr a plan. profile oskelrh of, aealVamutyt [ the aki.9 et irovemenL fid 1111 roveolenl -t. 'I'o lurni :h thy• I'ollnn tug ulln•r d;lt:: 1111 T. o o tlsate then ; p eaten ^�:en dnit•oe[lb ..5, To still, VVIII111er or nut said improvement is asked fill- on the petition of three or moll Otcners. 6. To report upon all of the fore¢niog, matters to the ('0111 Ill of b'inaure. :\dllptell by ih, 1'uuueil APR 2"...191._1:)1. /� \•,115: � 11,'1: VI•ouneihmtn hal stcorlh ��� (iu1 ,Allpruvell 1!11 Kel •r / Metoil WI Y« .g •g \layor Pot •l-1 �Q3Ij$llA(id \layer. PUBLISHED 5 -6 ' /y ion y Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prop„ses the making of tlie fo114irip, public: improvemegf hN the C>ry of . i St.Paul, viz.: _ .aa of b,tt'@CT. CIj^.C...St..d_. .. (..G�.Qx.F,V`�...r...�.n.�''� rp. ° Dated this L7 day of t r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS. .A written proposal for the making of the following im;,mvement, ......... .... .. ........... ..r u,.• ruY or )unctlman having been presented to the Council of the d l e 'I'L „ rivedles .That the Commh therefore, be It c Warks be and he le he: I and di rested: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner To t �esrlgate the les: he is hereby ordered :+nd dlrrp ted: strab111tY of the making v f 1. To investigate the necessity for n• Mtnnestlgate the nature, e>'S of said impro enn nt. —ttrnated lost or said Impr• 2. To inccstigate the nature, e.etem an: andruna htalaopinn°epeen'Ieprovement, and the trnal cost thercol. ort said tt„Dro.emeat. 3. Fo furnish a Flan, profile or sketch ,ral,h the roup• -ortaacloa reW }. Co furnish the foGl4ring other data and in, Anse to saidtmprovemcnt: .......... ........... ..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .adopted by the. Council _ IaFi l 191 V, Yeas: Councilman Far sAort h 191... Go s Approved _... _. K er M Coll -' Y erg Mavor. Mavor P 'ers I Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prop—es the making of the tollow`A 1,116blle Improvement b� the Cite of ' .r 9-e Cc».:,a� St. , S'rs, to ^,ot,�a `.` ., it y r rd nue St. Paul, viz.: f ..: �frit Dated this -.' ".-._ daY o i_ Councilman. l- PRELIMINARY ORDER. \VHF.RE-AS, A written proposal for the mak+ng of the follov<-111V improvement. xi/.: – --- ................. . ...... ............... ......... _ _.. _.. ..._... . _...._. .rnet the con. .i dke be end be le atteotea: neCa,,;ilman .. . n fovea tlgelt the having been presented to the Council of the itI � of the nett+"g I fl h111tY therefore, be it T77 _o'hte Ine netnt RESOLVED, That the Commis,ioncl tIt F,",o",nthe t.t it 'oo t itr - is hereby ordered and directed: Tnn fueinleh a Dlen. I. To investigate the, necessity for nr den f la InntlYemel". g of said improvement. To furnleh the (IIID nna tnfel—t re10 n rovement, and tl,r. Total cost thereof. 2. Co investigate, the nature, extent and es TI fn nleh Ine fol P ent. :3. To furnish a flan, profile or sketch c ITo,meBtiaeewh 4. 1'o furnish the following other data and I,,,.Ir.. fl•,,n relative to said improvement: ............ ..... . 5. To state whether or not said Improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. \dopted by the Council 191 Yeas: Nay,: C//meq Councilman Farn ooh :approvetI 1 d I - _.. Goss Kell Yoe r — � Mayor Povtis Mavor. Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. , and # PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propnses the niakigg of the owing pub ici' im�o-cement h\ the Cinof St. Paul viz.:..... l n,eG Dated this ti day of ,�� 191 ✓� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, -a wmten proposal for the makint+ ef the following improvement, viz.: for i, 'fir, ,a '.. '_":'. (,i..: ;i ._. �0 t.N 1L':. •,.._,j',; :\ K,Itten nr. .if Ihi fnlnl: nl In �1„• Irma ru t.v anti tlll_a In uraaln{; ' �" St In linlxnin :�I an having been presented to the Council of the City a,.m T.al --- - - ' therefore, be it ry ,i. That tn2 C11—ta1 ,- vvorka t,.• nna ne le n. ereb ordered and rlucticd: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Puhl iTna+m Kit,g." ore ne y ��Ir,.mut� �r the making ,id improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or deslrr,,,, mamten�tnee. onernuon. .•, meat. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and cst rr`T +n.aPnknte the ant„ e.ment, and the total cost thcicot. _ mnlea nRt nt e tit. aihoal 3. ho furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of; Tond rnrnlr.tntn .. �t ants Imorov 4. To furnish the foll(m ing other darn and in.., n, nl,: I e e u: said improvement: - - -. . ........................_............................................ ......................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the, petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the ftrregoing,nialters to the Commissioner of Finance. q�r 2.. � • . Adopted by the Council _ _ 191 Yeas: Nays: i Councilman Fa G 's Approved 191 _..... Iler =� t Coll erg /M.,.rers i CITY OF ST. PAUL {COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ok, Subject: jjr couNCIL NO. / FILE e O Dide Presented 191_ i Resolved, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Publio Buildings be, and he is, hereby authorised to temporarily hire and employ one oompetent struotural engineer, and one stenographer, for a period of thirty days, to assist in the preparation of the new Building Code. Said struo- tural engineer shall be paid at the rate of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per month, and said stenographer shall be paid at the rate of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.60) per diem, during the period for whioh they are employed; said salaries to be paid out of the Inepeotors Salary Item of the Publio Building Fund. F. No. 10196—ny Lou" Naeh— It—A—d, Tbat the t-om mle 1`u`1r 1 Parke, flay grow nd, and Public Rutld- _ Ing, be, and he Ix. herehy authorized to tpe"ut t tiIy ruct iral enginee ,and ono ,lenographrr, for a perlod of 111 hlr l,te' dnye, to ueeilldin¢ thud pre pnldllW. - tnraln engineer ehall be paid at the red dol titre I$, 0,001 per montb, and said tenographer shall I , puld at the ate ofT­o llolln r, and Fifty Cent, I32.50 dleth, during the perlod for hich they areem- �ployed, axld x lrt ries [o be paid out of lbea lI..p.,IIlding Fund. nry Item of the Pub- t Adopted by the Council Apr. 24, 1915. App --d .\prll 2A, 1929 1fi. C f ,� fc G Sea.,(I C( urilnwit (I ) N:q''` .Adoph•d b�' the Council 14 LFa sworih 41. s In favor 41 fji er .\Pert 'o /ctrl 'oil Against _ IN h LY r� ✓ MAYOR Mr. Pre.id , Posen. Foam ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL �r -?COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^ ®C./%/ 1 01.x'.`7 SnI71eCt:. � ��. //Fi �✓ rte. FILE ENCIL I (I Date PresentedA;_ r11 27, 1;:1.6.191 i fZe� gid, 1, hereas the :'unicipal Court of the City of St.. Paul has made requisition for the purch&se of a "L. C. Smilh.Ty;.exriter .o. y the payment of 76. GC and the excha:,�e 5", to be paid for b of an old No. 3 FiemirEton ty;:ewriter of the value of S-CC, makin:: the total purchase price of said ma.chi:.e the sum. of !�S�LVEZD, that the Common Council of the City of St, Paul hereby authorize and direct the City Purclr_is4n3 A-ent of said City to purchase sai3 tyi,ewriter u.on the terms st«ted, and to ay said sur.: of ; 76. CC from the Yuni' ci_.al Co-art fund. l'. F. N, Ihl:�i the 'i71 gif I t Pa"11", n "l, siii— .r hr 'hIl of ,''I� 1� R S Ith Bros. T,,-r1­, :�.. " 1 I 6 j➢ Iu,Vniru..r g;eI C ro,. v.,,, I,�h- �C��e't Bd X11 B@apj �Clt g1th per& ion, �bopa .�l.l iei Ohl: ,h­ UO A l,p,,I, 1:1Vr11 :'J-l:ilf,, i V AP 2"• 1915 Yeas ( I') Cou irmen ( 1') Nays Adopted by the Council 191 , ^ f r Borth ��.... .�E;os )� In favor 191 _ Approv /„M 11 v Against _y M Mr. Presidefi Powers FORM c.8 2 `*� CITY OF ST. PAUL COYNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: cou E, •t?. Ilu No. ,.(.�.f. A Date Presented 191 __ . 1,/ that the application o` A. G. Johnson fora license to conduct an auction business for furniture at 419 Jackson St. be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such li- cence for one year upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the city treasury of the fee required by law. Yeas (✓) cilmen (Y') Nays GF worth 7 In favor / r ` oll Against Mr. Pres Powers FORM C. - V S.. II`fi �., Ilen 1 ,.�I .i'i,l 11'i I'll• i'1„illi i. i i 11,1 t, tiii Iiti,• ift� . I II I '� Adopted Adopted by the Council 19 0 App MINOR -y Con) 5 FL-OLV7L' t -c --e _cc, !.t V— n -i r !-a I, c,,c k ;or ic;; cregin Fc!. Fr 'veraJ -c —.3 City lei, Dar'i P a -.- i1i no, 30-31, a!nr-- 7i -- - srac ; i:: t) -.e �,ttached b! al'ove-1, -,r r - 17 Ci' f E) are ',e r =by aut i orl* ze . 7i C F. N., 10199 1:, L-- N­,­ 11;�Hvlled to th, City ot N!:L S. to 1, attached' h"1 d —1 to d14— warrant I nt of the n 1916. 29-1916) I � Yeas (1 uncilmen C) Nays T arnsworth 5 In favor Z111e, I ccoll 14 Nash Against " ' Yocrg Mr, Prlsident, Powers FORM C.8: AIT 2" !:?113 Adopted by the Council 1916 1 Apprp-e 191 o.D.. ,NTm. aT�. A T ik`.�,O�aD aT �DMM,aa,eNE, ,No awoRN MaKT �oM. r�o :��owoAlo � To �DMwTwo ER .aR ,UOIT ,� ,T Ta CITY OF �y��AUL vouck- L•R . � THIS THE CITY OF ST. PAUL_ OR. To-- A,-- i'll_7= ar-ble Habcoak---------DATE tradiRgaas J. 0. Vanderbie, ---Pa%rade & &rnt3on SLS. FOR THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED GOODS OR SERVICES FU ISH ePARTMENT BUREAU DlvlaloN u NTIT. CRIPTION POINTS ETJ AI1 AMDuNT TOTALs DATES N-KRIE I DELIVERYI D — — I May 301915, 60 gallor�9 ) Ice cream livered to $3 6 n 31 n 50 p I ( the City at Phalen Park 30 Pavilion, P ND IND VED ADDO„NT E.T. Vo .HEw N .,BaR THE ITEI.�O AB ABOVE LIaTED HAVE BEEN ABOVE .. - - - RECEIVED. CHECKED TO TIE ITE 6 Ae ABOVE LAVE BEEN AND PROPER— OUCH RED. CORRECT AS ToFU 'DTED,— 6V ER Ia HEREBY APPROVED FOR PAYMENT LISTED BT --- - --.--. .--- - �oMMIBSIDNER CHECKED — - P�wM •a -Io POR THE DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL- - 10 21,')^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'J Subject:' C 0o COUNCIL �i�y No FILE ... _ ..,_. 1l Date Presented 191 Resolved, That with the approval of the Mayor, the stiim of Qne Hundred One and 66/100 Dollars ($101.66) is hereby transferred from the Sites and School Buildings Account of the Public School Fund to the Gaultier School Addition Account of 'the same fund, as by so doing, an unavoid- able deficiency in the last named fund may be met without hampering the work provided for by the money in the first named item of said fund. 5 10200—Iii dol nosy Torr{r— r I n rm• „vvro.-„I or i Ite�nl�'ed. Thut � tro11,•r the xnm of '. ,thr \fu>'or an.l s'a'nd 6Fi 100 hall"1 i I�nmlr,d i-1- n.f, red from j�$1�01.6G) Ix hr rehy I �;he SiT ,he.Wl' liu{Idln Nn o[ hli,tiehi", l\ural to thf �,ul�Ier rehnol Addiflon ���'oun[no 'the s me fond, us hr so doln{;. u nmed �,roldx Lle dellrlrnry 1n li,e luxl n lfuml he nc) arilh,, l hu 11-Y `4" - the work pror'17 Mem rof)'ut hd fnnd.Y n n'.. fA-, ­-­1the 1' mll �A pr. 27, 1016. ,\domed 1� ou .\p, --d .1 .\pr,2%1,11.116) 'Yeas (I') ncilmen (✓) Nays F sworth In favor er oll Against h rg 7Q1.M id t, Powers APR 27 1916 Adopted by the Council 191 APpr 191 MAYOR An ordinance establishing Blocks 1, 2, 5, 6, 73 9 and 10, of D. W. Ingersoll's Addition to the City of St. Paul, as a public play- ground, under the name and title of Dunning Field. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Blocks 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10, of D. W. Ingersoll's Addition to the City of St. Paul, are hereby designated and established as a public playground, under the name and title of Dunning Field, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby given the *are, custody and control thereof, sub jest to the provisions of the City Charter and the ordinances of said. City. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council 1916. Yeas Nays rr,aw raIHIED or res Mr. Mr. '. F. No. 10201—Ordinance No. 3700— By Louie Nash— - Goss Goss Keller �etF� rllnance tahllshing Blocks 1, 2. 5, 6. -. 9 and 30, of D. N. Ingerc, 4gdltion a the OI[y Of Fllr pito t oana gash Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) Approv d 1916. Attest Mayor. City Clerk. ------ C WIPrr<Tr)� i Xibuslim %- s COUNC F�NO........ __::.... _— INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of &h" D.8.._.tt.he....Zzad.P....R.f....t.119.._A��.4Y_ of Block 7§, Lyman Dayton's Addition to conform to the red line on the pe€ile her-eto-a-ttached and -,made a- part -hereef, 'the -pies en -t grade being - represented by the blue lirwb thereon, also the grading of said Alley in A.�.o tiit3nre�hdivii3ion o BToc�76; �an�aptoIs Addit `6'fi;-in7K0-t10Tdance with_.the_said_1.ed�ine.._when_._satahlisht3d. __--. under Preliminary order. 9513._........___.__..._..._._._..__approved __..._ March 30th, 19.1-6.­---­ The 6..•_-____...The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._.Chan a the grade of the Alley in A. Gotzian's Sub., of Block 76, Lyman Dayton's ­i(dd1t-1on to confe=--to­t4e,-r44--4na...on-tlia-g a t18•-hsseto_aLiach®d...and-made ai pax ._:... hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line hereon, also tkxxgraddxg--ztxsa -d,-ATrer..Tr*-it:-,Tutttan*s-I ua-bdtvia'i.an...ro-f- B3vo -its-,--Lyme fill Dayton4e- Addition. in accordance wi ti the said red line when established, 1M1 0 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Reiolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 6thT_� _day of ,_.,_. _._ Jtl nom_._.__ _.._,._..,_•.,,,_, 1916....... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, ®1 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in filemanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the ft/1P!gr jv �n'tj�a/n�d the tot cost thereof as estimated. p n .---•f —•f - r Adopted by the Counetl_ 191 Approved -----.I l._---- ._..._._, 19 avT y r. me Ma o u Improvement le but =o.' - e proceeded with. of the Councilman F nsworth v`hlce the council mme lab I .. .� the grade of the Alley in A. Sub. of Block 76. Lyman G s We Addition to conform to the , K ller .Ins on the profile hereto attached m de x part It¢reof, the present r QUI-ISI7flfld Is being represented by the blue 11 Coll thereon, also grading;eaid alley in - .Gotzian's Subdivision bf Block 76. niD,yton'e Add.. In accordance une J�[JI3L15IILll sh ` ne aaia .•ea when atablle' al terns uvea, an that the ea- erg ^"tease t thereof Is $802.08. Mayor P Wers Resolveds Further, That a public xring be had on said Improvement on a 6th day of June, 1916, at the hour 10o'A. M., in the Council Form S. A. 8-6 amber of the Court House and City til Building In the City of St. Paul. ,at the Commissioner of Finance give .otice of said meeting to the persons 'ed in the manner provided by the hatter, stating the time and place f lasting, the nature of the Improve- - t, t. d the t till coat thereof set stlmated. I Adopted by the Council Apr. 27. 1916. i4 Approved 'Apr. 28,3918. CO NCI ,�/Q�//" By_1. 230 Qom. �, 3 INTERMEDIARYDER. In the Matter of ra_ding...A-il.ey.....running....Ee.a.t._.and-N.ee.t...... gwQ___ Addition and Block 3, Holtershoff and Meadts Addition, .......... _......... .... --..-... -......_...................._ ..... _ under Preliminary order._. 4748........_.._.._.._. �apped......._Y`a.�'._3_rdt -1915...,._._....._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the, said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isGrade Alley ....................V_....... _ _... ....... ....... ....... $ runningne.,. Ad d._.Jorl, -.4.i..Bl_Qgk 3, ----- Holterehoff and Meadts Addition, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 255..36 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ....... _..Bth_. ._....day of June._._.._..__......,._ 1916........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, Of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons a i the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature oft ment and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._....._ _91 Ing rece, ad the report of Councilman Far worth �seloner of Finance upon the nld report hereby resolves.coe GO 1. That the sold report be an :ame L hereby approved and ado Ke er r'd the said Improvement is ho PUBLISHED_ --W o dered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Impry M Oil mens hich the Council recommend N h grade Alley running East and Wee Block 3, Evan e' Addition and Bloc a Holterhurt /A.81-6 and Mead's Addition, no alternatives, and thatthe estln Y erg ed rpat thereof 1s $266.36. ayor Po vers Resolved Further. That a pu hearing be had on said lmprovem n the 6th day of Tune, 1916, at hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. In the Cou Form B. Chamber of the Court ..."I'd.. Hall Building In the City of St. P. That the Commissioner of Finance g notice of Bald meeting to the perso - and 1n the manner provided by t, Charter, stating the timeand place - hearing, the nature of the improve - - ment, a d the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Apr. 27, 1916. Approved Apr.. 28, 1916. (May. 6-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... __....... ..— By�lcx�vr� _ .:.........__...- INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of__QQrde�ria1n9...AAd_...tak.in....AA._. eQ@pence _in_... te.._larnd__necessary_ for elopes, for cute and fills in Grading Alley in A. G•otzianfe Inizzaaat- subdSviei7f, lrpntaiz Bay jaes rd4ng--to the --plen- hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portion showing the cuts attd-- the- siia3eT-por tion --tris , - --- ---- ----_._-- under Preliminary order. -7 2 6.8 ................ __.--.... ... _.......... _ approved _....... _September 28th, 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Q.411...Qjg.rl.._and easement in tht land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Al in -A-. GtStztan"g 5titxilviBToTr-tri-Sive�``7F�;-i;Tama Depicts' ® Add-i-thati;-aeeerding to_,.the....pl�n_heretc attacl ed and made_a part hereof; th_e hatched portion showing the cute and the shaded portion the fil-ie -..._._o..._ .... ........ ......... -__...._._........... .__...__._.- _.-_._ _._.._..... __....... ........ _._..___ ---........._.......__.._ --._-_........_....... __... _... __.............._.._.__...... _.--_...._..-_.__... _-- ............ - ........ -_ ..........._..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S2=.QQ..__........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ... fi1+h_.__..__ _..._day of ' ._...... _.... ........ ....... , 191.6......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, r #1 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance 9 give notice of said meeting to the persons andin e manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the id�gtent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._.___- �C_vG.ec_�, 19 Approved--_.......__... 191--. — Councilman Far sworth " Go Ke l r Mc oll Na Yo rg Mayor I) ars For7S.. -6 aald Improvement :. be proceeded with, at the nature of the Imprt hlch the Council recommend: ,an and take an easement In s weary for elopes. for uta I , ngrading Alley In A. GOtLte vlelon of Stock 76, Lyman D, i Addition, according to the p to attached and made a part he, the hatched portion showing and the shaded portion the �d c .t thereof 1 ;200.00 t the solved Further. That e, p' :.rtng be had on aala improve the 6th day of June. 1911 hour f 10 o'clock A. M.;, Ir mcil ChambersIn the I. and City Hall Bulb the City of St. Paul. That the Cu issloner of Finance give notice sld meeting to the personaand In I -wooer proNded by the Charter, art Ig the time and place of hearing, t.. ature of the Improvement, and tL Lata! coat thereof sa estimated. iAdopted by the Council Apr. 27, 1916. Approved Apr. 28, 1916. — _- _(May 6-1916) PUBLISHED - COUNCIL FILE NO ........... .......... ___ BySQG� Ji/�Y 102W3 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 1► In the Matter of_.QO.udeAningemeat.1n._.the._1 sxd..xla01L@.e_a_ay- for slopes, for cute and fills in grading the Alley in Block 3, Evans Add44ion aed""Holte£ftoff exit! eads� ad'�r:�: ; ei- ;=-�iag-to--the-glace.:.-har-e-te attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portion showing the cute and the �Ii�ded-po>=tiori "t"fie�fiTTs, under Preliminary order. __9185 _._._approved.._March 33rd 1916.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: �. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_C_Qnde>lizl.,_and.._take..-.-.- an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts arxi fills in Grading the and Mead1s.•.•A4d1t1-ou7 according to the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched por�ii5ti" e3o`wi`n`g'-tfi�e cute-an3'-'tfie'sfia3e3"por�i�on'� tfie"� 'I• "e;-- 4 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S__210_9.4_0 -...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... ... ....... 6th_—._....day of �IunB_-_...... _...................... 1916 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,h,. ', of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting torhe persons a the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of t p ment and the t co her 'mated. Adopted by the Council_._91_ _ ^ R 191 Councilman Far aWOfth �• Go Kel r Me oll " Na y rg Mayor P ers Form S. A. S-6 said report be and tho uY approved and adopted. oabe proceeded an 1[h. hereby to t hien` [he .lure unc11 [ [he Imp de fa and take n easement t n the cess y for elope., afor to and n (grading the alley in Block 3. s Ada t"n. according ltor thoft and e plan at tamed ana ads part here- he hatched portion showing the and the shaded portion the fill.. no cLLlternntivee, a d that the ee- '.ted oaf [hereof is EL00.00. solved Further. That a public ing be had on Said improvement `'he 0th day of June, 1910, at the .of ber10 f the C urtA. l House a d City Building In the City f St. Paul. the Commissioner of Flnonce give .e of said meeting to the persona In the,manner prov(ded by the -ter. .[.tine the time and place of as est APr. 2i. pLJBLISHFD _........Mayor... COUNCIL FILE NO......_._._.........� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of 0.ontitxt}.e..ting....a...c-ewent......ti.1e._eide1E&-lk._._to.__a.__Filth..,of_ a ix._-.__ fest-on---both--eid of Wictaria-etre et intapt-between -Themas-s ee at�d— Laforid- under Preliminary order._. -.._7671....__.___..._..._....._._ approved...._..__Oe tober 27th, 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._O.onetruet a cement ...... _........................ tri.le--sideava-l-k--te-•a--- wi-d-th of---z4-x 4ae-t-eaof-- Stintox1a. 150'tW'6 ...T110101"Ttie.t....> t1T;tif'0111'-9'tr'Ee't.._..............._........._....._....._..._..- —--........__.._.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ —C.58....per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....._ ..... ? th _� __..day of .___..-JUr,at__........ ...... ._........... . 1916........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber. It of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement,fe.,,o and the total cs estimated. Adopted by the Council.__..'tyClerk. Approved-_.___ ------ --- -- _, l91._ ._.._..._.--........... _.__—_ the said re MayOf. Councilman Fa sworth Jo Ke r M oil Na Yo rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. 8-6 areby approv-, the said Improvement Is I red to be proceeded with. That the nature of the Impt ..tf whleh the Council recdmm, onstruct a cement file sld6wall ;,Idtlj of six feet on both sides ctoria 'tree[ between Thomas air d I.afond street, with no Itern and that the estimated con Cents per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That public aringbe had on said Improvement the 7th dey or June. 1916, the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. In the -Ancil Chamber or the Court .,use and City Hall Building In th•. -y of at. Paul. That the Commis- ner of Finance give notice of said ,sting to the Dersons and in the Inner provided by ,he Charter,alet- the time and place or haring, the r coat ther-f as e or the :mpr—menP and the Iesti—_.d. l opted by the -•ounelt .\p•. 27, tali. +proved Apr. as. 1916. (May 6-1916) PUBLISHED 02,1 COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... _............ --- s _ s By_.�ll�%_.l:�ri�.Y���.f�1_::��'L• •-•••— GAO /��� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_I'118_tZU.4.tir.9,-A....aemen.t..._ti.ie....ai liamalS,..._ta.-.Et.._W..i.d.Ith.__ ..._ B ix_ ._. feet on both sides of Lay avenue from West Seventh street to Al ska s t ree-t .....— under Preliminary order. 9700......._.._._.._..._...__......__approved _.._Mar Ch 29th. 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._COnetrilCt a Cement ................................ tile si_dewalk.._to.a_.width.,..of six feet.._on--_loth si_ies_of,lriay avenue from West _... _.._......_.........._ Seventh street to ska atreat _ b, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0_58_er--_lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ... 7.th_—_ —_ ....._day of June --„-„--___-- 191 -6.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, r 111 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ost er as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._._._. rk. Approved----.._..._....._......_----- 191 Mayor. Councilman Fa sworth 1 deea,, eport a avovem and 1provement is hen •• Go `, . speeded with. nature of the improve. 'wh.ch the Council recommend. Ke r , ..,-truct a ce e t the sidewalk to ` feet both May avenue M els ou sides of Prom Meet Seventh street to Alaska PUBLISHED oil at reef, with o alternatives. and that ---��� ” N the estimated cost thereof is 68 cents per neal foot. Resolved Further, That a public •• y rg hearing be had on said improvement on the 7th day of June. 1916, at < a% Mayor Po ers of 10 o'clock to A the intheMBLISiTED c u cil r Form B. S. A. 8-6 Chambeof House and City Hail Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commie - .toner of Finance give notice of sald meeting to the person. nd In the manner provided the Charter, stat- Ing the time and place of hearing, the place nature of the Improvement, and the total poet thereof ae j Adopted by Council Apr. Council Apr. 27, 1916. Approved Apr. 28. 1916. Ali, (May 6-1916) COUNCIL FILE/ YLO....._..__—__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Constructing a cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet on the...nn.r.th._ea.d8_.._o_ _Jeee ins etreet....between Forest street and Cypress st ree t i --....__.._.._..__.....__..____..._.-.._....._..-- under Preliminary order. 9793 _._ ............ ._._..._.__._......_approved ....._April let, -1916. ....... _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....rronBtru t _k Cement ..........n tilesidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of Jessemire street be tw.e.en...Saxe.s.t....s.tr-ee t-a.,,d....C.ygxeas.._s.trA et., ........ . . ............._.......... _... ....... ._...... _ a. _ ._..._..------........_.. - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Sj&_Ler lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a put�lic hearing be had on said improvement on the..._.th.._—_..__...._.day of „-_ ....... ... ........... -191.L. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, r of the Court House and City all Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the°Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as stimated. APR 27 *1915 Adopted by the Council_. _._..__..—.--_.__—, 191_...._ ec Clerk. Approved ................._ _. __ _I91 Councilman Far sworth " G Kel r Mc oil Na Y rg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A 8-6 ofl and b%zoly es: .ort,hereby resolv at the Said report be ad a Is herebYfmp�oven e t dfs 1, ,the Said .Ud. with -ed to beThat the nature of the Imo t whlch the Council >gecommel ttruct a mento Ills ldewall b f six feet n the north mine . et between Fereat aC ypnaes Stre t.-"b,"'A e'L[�, ted that lineal toot. eo[als 6a Cents Per That a Pu. Resolved Furt un'Satd 7mprovew inB be bad [ June. 1916. the 7th a o''Io.kf Iiia" in Couii.— netell Chamber and City H h BpllCn6 'City of St. Paul. Tbanthe nt ee oC mope ner of tui the ay ereons and It the provided by the Charter. G the time and piece pt hearand the nature of the , mprovement. Lot coat thereof as eetlme.tad Adopted by Ire 29,1916. AVr. 27' 1916. Approved (MnY 6_19111 - PUBLISHED_!_ COUNCIL FILE NQ. ..._...... ........ _— INTERMEDIARY ORDER. in the Mattertil,as._c�ewalkto...a.._width ._. six feet- an �romtvel.} avenues --west Bide, beg-i-sn#ng-a#..._a-gem 116..5 Ysex ._aouxh sous of -the nortfiweet corner ofi ora d'YIeYs�"r3^t Vsiver -aroemie; under Preliminary order. ---.9.-643 _—.._..._. pproved..._March ..._a3rd,- 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._Coret ru.et a Cement .. tibt_..gn._.Cromwell avenues veeat aide, begin- ni-ng_ et -t} po#tet-}16.5 feed-ae> t13a �r-t13�aast• soxner-of-Lezritaxial Roi3; --t5istici "to'4�ri3verei:iy `....... ....... _....... ............ _.._...___ _......._.._...... _.-....._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S_.JJiXA..tt._`�_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._._..._7th ____ ._....day of _ Jun6 ......... ....... _........... 191 ...8.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, &f the, Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total c t ther stimated. Adopted by the Council..___ APR 227 191 � 191 A%% _A . ............... Clerk. Approved ......... ......... _ .-_.... `:aid eve... - Mayor. ratty aid and a ..A said tmorovement 1. h Councilman JIF nsworth s ler Coll h erg Mayor wers Form S. A. 8-6 , truot cement t 1h or .i creel on :cromwell r est wide. beginning t a p - feet South f the nor thwest � YTer. i tonal Road. dthe]ternati that th eAvenvestimated cost there. ente per lineal foot. solved Further. That a pt ring be had on That Improver the7th day of `June, 1916, t r of 10 o'clock A. X. In the Coo mbar of the Court House e Hall Bullding in the City Paul. That the Commissioner of ;ance give notice of said meeting to persons and in the manner pro - ed Dy the Charter, otatfng the time 1 place of hearing, the nature of the pareovemAr . and the total cost tDere- estimatWopted by the Council Apr. 27, 1918. tpproved Apr. 28, 1918. May 8-1918) rUB1,1SHED COUNCIL FILE_ NO. ........ - INTERMEDIARY ORDER. I Inthe Matter ofConruo_-ung---.----raen.t-.---tile-_-sdgv�lk•.•,to--_a__wi,�ih--_�f-_six. feet on -the --- aouth .aide- of Bla-i-r-_street--beg#g- erG-Haas1# ee-te— Syndlela to 8"tr8et under Preliminary order. ___.........9663 _.gpproved_.--BIaTCh 35th, 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. b 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........__.........._......... Construct a cement _........................ tile -_s dewy 1-...-t.A._.a_.1Yid_tb....Af_.a.1.�..-fe.0A_..an.-.ihs s�aa�h...��de..._ot_. laix.._et oa .____ beg4•ming--a-t-•i3•a> fne-oven e--•tlie;eoe- G© 8•yTA4,ea-te at•reety. -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.58 per lineal f oot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement onthe...._._-..� th_ — ___day of- ..... ...... ... JIM-fJ....._ ........ ............. 1916 ....... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 4008.1 &Dof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by .the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improve. Adopted by the Council___APR 27 191c," .._.........-_ —._ _ Approved ... _.......... Iouncilman Fa swarth 1 Os K ler M Coll N h y erg Mayor P ars Form B. S. A. 8-6 be and approvedand adopt, 'Improvement le herel t' •be proceeded with. .t the nature of the Improv. ..ch the Council recommends ` of a cement tile sidewalk to - of six feet on the eouth side of obeginning st e,t 'ts at Ih ternatives, d that the -estimated thereof Is 58 Cents per lineal foot. oived Further. That a public ,Ing be had on said Improvement the 7th dal- f June. 1916, at hour of 10 o'clock A, id In the cil Chamber of the C0 h and City Hall Bullding la mant,er provided by the Charter. .1g the time and place of hear• the nature of [be ImDrovemeat, he total coat thereof as eetlmateen Dted by the Council Apr. 27,1916. ;ro ved Apr. 28, 1916. I May 6-1916) "LISIIED_ _�� COUNCIL FILE NO ............ .........— 1;7 By� INTERMEDIARY ORDER.`^' In the Matter oftilr1 a-LdawAlk....to....4.._W dAh._Qf _eix-- fe-et--ctrl _the south--a#de of -Asirlend--- sveatre- beg inrlirag-at-Paaeal-a&ve — t�nce--to"WartsTok etreefi, ---_.._._................ --........... ................ ............. under Preliminary order.93.......___._..___.._..—approved._MarCh,27th._1916. - . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._COii®t�1C 8 Gement tila..aitiev¢alk..-to a-sridih. a€ aa� fae•xt,"-so"h•-aid,s....a£•-Ashland.av-enue begi-_...._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis S 0.58 -per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- ... ...... of June ... _... ........ .......... _....... . 1916 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M l in the Council Chamber, �R of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City t. ul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the ma pro ' d by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and cost thereof as estimated. try •. ,,.• . ;,;� Adopted by the Council..._....—._.._APR L......_—.--�—, 191... Clerk. Approved-.__ ...__.........----- Mayor Councilman Far isworth Go Kel er Mc oil Na yrg Mayor Po ars Form B. A. 8-6 report. hereby re c the std report be hereby npDroved and s d [ostia improvement le That the pnatureeof the lmi- ,t which the Council r..omme�: at ru ct a cement til. sidewalk dthf six feet on the south at, :hfand avenue beginning at P, .eve.. thence to Warrick street, x 11 alternatives, a d that the esti ma coat [hereof is 68 Cents per lineal f Reeofved Further, That a l f hearing be had on said Improvement n the -th day f June, 1916, `a`t:+ hour of 10 o'a ock A. M., fn the Coi n cll Chamber of the Court Hou end City Han Building in lb Citefoaer of Finance That notice of Bald' meeting to the Deraone and in the manner provided by the Charter, etat- (ng the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Apr. 27, 1916. Approved Apr• 28 1916 (May 6-1916) PUBLISHED— __„_,no, COUNCIL FILE NO....._.___ ....... _� B y k - 102,E 2 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_S.QxIfltTUG.t.1z1g....a...0.8.u16Slt_5.111i_>}1.dP.Kg.1.x... tpof.-six feet 1 ---©s both sf#es og Louis-� e� a— � *=�'se avenue to Dag -tori -avenue, _. . under Preliminary order. ?561 T _ _approved_._OetobeT 19th, 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct a cement 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ts.......... ........... ...... _ _..._......._......... ---......_ ti10-e1dersalk....Sc_.a_.yi.�-L&—ejA fe.e.t_..ou a.th....t}i-des _of. -Louis..__..._..... re ---- - ------- wt-re-s-LDay sve-nue.,--- -------- _.._-----------.._....------�. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 0�_.5�...P_e T„ lineal 21 foot. Resolved Further, That a-publichearing be had on said improvement on the ._.... .... 1__.. _ .___day of --- __------ ------ Jt1ne_._....... _...__......, 191 ._6....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambeounifi.. 4 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and i -h the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost hereo as timated. Adopted by the Council..._ ___.__........._..—._ APR 27 1916 erk. Approved---- ......... 191 , — ✓ ...nte.,r.. Councilman Far isworth Go Kel r Mc oil " Na " Yolegs Mayor Po Form B. S. A. 8-6 yU.t hnvinB a ueW .':by r solves: u .he maid report nd doD by approved t lea herr n rid Improve be proceeded "hb. t the nature f the Impro' ch the Council recommend) erne"[ it'ss d sal[ lq tfx feet on both m Velson avenue to oDay r.fth lenalternatives, is 68dC en .latent.dcosnt thereof -ped Further, That a be had n aid Ymprovemenement Ith day f June. 1916. at the t of the Court)in a Connell d House City 1Commisefoner oin the tf Fin nc gi paule aid meeting to the persons ,he manner provided by thorn stating the time nd place f .ndhe nture of thea total costthereof veas ed. ed by the Council Apr. 27. 1916. ved Apr. 28.6 1916. (Stay -1916) PUBLISHED COUNCj,L FIILjHl10....... -_- ------- __ i 02 If 3 Z; INTERMEDIAR? ORDER. In the Matter of_S.4XLQLtSu.Ct.1XiBle_.._adewald..._to._.a...width of_.six --- fee-t.--o-n both --9idee-of Prio avenue betw on ai-mauat-�vanl�� and-&audolPh s tre2_t......... ...... _... _.... --.._._....._...._ . -- - - -- --- - - --...-.._....... ..._... under Preliminary order.__ 84.51........____.._......._....._._ -approved........._ December 1Bthi,- ,1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. • Construct a cement 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends]s_........__...................._ ... ... ....... ...... tile .sidessslk-toa._widt1j.gf—six feet on both sides of Prior avenue between FeiLoun.t-_avAnue_4nd_..Sand.olph.._atxe.e.t..... ..........._..............._.........._.._......._.._._—� _-------._......___......' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $S2, a`3._R•s•.—lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -.311I....- ..._..day of s7U.i1@_— ..... _...... .....—...__,-191 ..5.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... --. AP -R...2'7 BIG --, 191 t Clerk. Approved...._......._..._. ...... Mayor. r Councilman arnsworthti sid reDorbt" .j Y approved and Bald Improvement le oss de to be proceeded with. That the nature of the It the Council re-mr, �LIILi lil"1j;p —� -' liar .ructich cement the eldewa 'vu th of eix feet on both side. o CCOII nue b [ween Fairmount even _ ,id of ph street, with no altern sh hat the stimated ee.t the, ants per lineal foot. esolved Further. That a erg -ring be had n said Impro, ' the 8th day of sure, 1916, Ma or P wers [ 16 o'clock A. M.. In the y amber f the Court House 11 Building In the City of at' - Form B. S. A. 8-6 at the Commissioner of Finane "cc of said meeting top, d In the manner provided by a ter, stating the time and pla,, aring, the nature of the Imp, I d the total cost thereof etlmated. Adopted by the Councll Apr. 27, 19 Approved Apr, 28, 1916. (May 6-1916) COU BYE NL �NCIColL �.L.l uz-r t�r!}y%,moi--•.•._t INTERMEDIARY 6RDER. If In the Matter of_..Cnna rusting....a..casaxz.t.....til.e....b.jfi'galk,._tc_.a_..�sidt.... six feet --ori- the -South- -aide-of ffi#rrrre§ekhe g reef €rerfr-n ego--air-ate#-2a-Auan- e�re2t, on the north s3 -de oil" nne a sEree"-from""IIa?0 9tYtret-to—' Victoria street, and on beth sides of itiinnehaha street from Lexington avenue tGriggs street ...... _....... _.._.... .......... ......_...._......----_.... _................ _._...._..................................._.... under Preliminary order.7563_......___....__......._._.___.approved........_OC-tober 19th,1915. ? _ ... .... .6... - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Cane tr}i�_ta.Ceuient t-i-le....ai4swa-lk---- an_..tea–eeatl}._s.id.a...o ..m4:a4sl}aha...ataeet Pram7--GT5't'tn srP?St_tb AnCfS"A*Vali; 6Yi. rY,(F TY5-rt11..Wi3t3 et --_..__Ia.1._........_'r.----........................._...---.._._._......--•---....._._..__..._._.....h._.._-------_f_K1:._._,e_._........_ "-*,....._ from Dale street to Victoria street, and on both sides of Dl1?rtnehaha ............­­­...................... .-........._....__._...._..._......_...._.....-__....._.....___.._...._.-___._..__....... _......... _- street from Lexington avenue to Griggs street, ....... ....... ... _— ........ ....... _...... __...._---............_.___ _-_.._.._ _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 0_58 eT lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said i ment on the.___..1A_—._.._.__day of J.liuB..... ... .................... . 191 6...., at the hour of 10 o'clock in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That t1Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total co t ther of stimated. APR 27 1915 Adopted by the Council........__.__.__.....__._— 191 �. ............ _— ity .....le Approved ........... ..... ..- – 191 _.. Mayor. Councilman Farworth Goa Kel r M oll N It Y rg Mayor P ars Form B. S. A. 6-6 PUBLISHED'__ uncllr .sment the sldewnl..'- . .v 1, feet on the oath aid, ha street from Grotto St. a St., on the north aide of Mint a street from Dale street to V.: a street, and on both aides of Ml. ha street from Lexington. aZ11 Griggs street, with no alternative. at, ,d that the cost thereof 1 encs per lineal foot. ResolvedFurther, That a publl -ring be' had on said improvemen' �n the 6th day of June, 1.916, or th' our of t0 o'clock A. M., In the Council , %bomber of the Court House and City ' H 1 Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the person. an In the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time andplace of hearing, the nature of the Improve- ment, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the 'ouncP Ap!. 27, 1916. Approved Apr. 26, 1916. (May 6-1916) PUBLISHED'__ COUNCIL FIL BY�l�d r.:2 I C244 9 <3 INTERMEDIARY ORDER.` In the Matter of_..0.oratr,�„tiny...a_.Gewen.t....tile ....BideSPa.lka x.feet on the- sas t -side _of West era -ave= izetme _ _ i7aveses ---sre a t --a-ad- Gev1 - e tt eat, under Preliminary order. _-9448........_-.._._...._........._.approved ..._Maroh 10th, 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved<q42J adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_�Onatrj.tr t-a,-..penient ti.la....a.idatvalk---to--a �i�th e-sieat-ori-t,a-east.._aia....of_eata-rel--avore betwearr-Lawaofi-atYez C arty Cddk etYLsB�;.... ............ -......... _... ........... --._—_._-__._....,...._._..__ _.._.. - ._......_._.......-----_........_._....._.... _._......... _..... —_.._..-- -_ ._.......__...... - ---- ...._..._........-_._._......_-_...... _....... ........... ._._,............. ..............----_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 058 _Qer lineal foot. Resolved Further, -That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ _.sg.# ._. _ _.._day of ....... .._..J..URG._....... ...... _......... _, 191.6..... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and Cily Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total st teof estimdted. FIR 27 q Adopted by the Council _/ 1915 ___, 191 Approved _....__1-74- .4 -1--, 191 asoly. or. s,ld report be I. Councilman F nsworth r approved and an Bald 1'orocement fe ha - to be proceeded altb. " G ss t the nature of the ImPf� �,1W • Ach the council recommealitnd PUBLISI�D K net °idth of six cement onllthe l east side Western avenue between Lawson St Con land Cook tree[, w/th no alternattves, and that the estimated cost thereof is N sh 68 Cents per lneai foot. Resolved Furthsr Thal a DUDife hearing be had on laid.: Improvement erg - — Mayor P wers n the sth day of 7nnr; "`•1816; at the Y hour of 10 o'clock A. DL, In the Coun- Form B. S. A 8-6 II Chamber f the Court House and City Hnll Suild Ing in the City of St. Paul. That the Commisafoner of Fi- nance give notice of said meeting to the persons and In the manner pro- vided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the lmProvem a nt. and the total cost there - Of na estimated. Adopted by rhe Council .\Ur. 27, 1916. I` Approved Apr. , 1916. ___.. LMaY 6-1916) COUNCIL FIL NQ. ........... __..... -- 2 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. �► Inthe Matter of_Conetru,Gting_._a..cement.__tile _Bidewalk to a. width of six feet on S.he_..aaat__aide__of._Paecal.._avanil P.bet-Ween_Un.ivorr JM, avenue and Sherburne aV8 n 11 ...._......_...___ _ _ __....._ under Preliminary order. __ ._...._ 9 4 � ..... ......... .......... approved ........ Mar eh _13 ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby revsolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. onstruct a cement _ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.........._C..........-.. ............................ tifsr.e_t_..o.3.....1 _�ae� aide..•-cf..._Pascal avenue betKq!. rj.._Un.}vereit�_avenue and Sherburne -avenue, - with no alternatives, and thal.3he estimated cost thereof is $ 05$.•_peT„_lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._-..._.._$ th-_____ _.._.day of _ ....... ..................._. 191 _6.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,w” of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the totajcost e f as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. _-_APR 2 -� ._ 191 mak:.._ Approved.-_.._.._.._ ..... —191— --- - -- — ._.._..._........_ _ Mayor. Councilman Fainorth Go Ke Ml NaYoMayor Pos Form B. S. A- 8-6 � Proeeedl gra yule. •�.« at be proceeded he r.,ic ht thenCouneu r the imP da le ct , ent the nlde"h to a u[ stent Ft 1 el n eIIi ni�iersif) a, , nod Sherburne ¢ 111th n ,oil , 7 od that ttheUe­timated 'ihl vedr F—her. Thot 111eapa bile gbe had o said Improvement he 8th dad' n P June. 1916, t r 10 o'clock A. Di.. fn the SII r C'h—l— or the Court no d City Holl Building in .I[) t St. Paul. That the Commts- ng of he Deersonse nd tin Ghee said ;,,—lded by the Charter. stating ime and Place of he aring. the na- hetile aimprovement. r etiment. and the total . Pl, led b, the Council APL 27. 1916. ',proved Apr. 28. 1916. - (May 6-1 No COUNCIL FILE NO ........ __....... _ By... G / �11�Lllll r 1111 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_.Sr9I1�STL1G.tiTxg_..>�.._Gems.il_t..._ti.lg_-.Ald.@palk.,,,,to...a.,.wid_thof _six feet on_._t_tl.e...._s.cuth_..e.i.d.e..__o.f_..4.harletsgeS_.he ¢Ban Ls n Venue_ and Oxford .treet2........_........... - - under Preliminary order._ P335,.._....__.—___.._.._.. _ approved ...._ka?'ch.._lsta__1916............ _....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, alhaving considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._Cons trust a cement ......_........................ the _s_i..... ,.to_a width__.cZf six, feet...on the south side of Charles street .............._..._ ........_...__ �...... be.tteen....Lexinginn._avenue_.aud._Q.xfuxd...xIre.e.t,..........._.........._.._................ --- ~ -0 ___.___--.....__.�r._. ....... ....... .... _.... -- - ........ _._..._......... I ............... _. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.58„ -per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._..8 th.____.._....._day of t Y - _ Ju71.e___,_,.,,1916;.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, r of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of`Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time 9 and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' n o'ti Adopted by the Council__.__ APR 2 191” ' 191 1 er Approved..__.........._.....—_..- --- Councilman F sworth Go Ke er Mc oll Na Y rg Mayor Po rers Form B. S. A. 8-6 eporl, 'hereby ."I That the Bald report be and e is hereby approved and adop ieredeto be Improvement Is her, , h. That the pnature eOf the Improv ant which the Council recommed. natr"" a ant t1le sidewal r. to d'h of sl<rfe,, on the south side o u lea $tree[ between Lexington uv nd ltxford attest, with n xl[er- �tirea and that the estimatetl oat eor Ia 68 Cents per lineal too [.r Reaol ved Further. That Pub l lc raring be had onsaid Improvement the Stolt d.yotIe 1916 , a ou III-- Cba, rclr 0 o of �A. \[ I,, the the Court .0 City of of at- Paul Tll hat That uthe' Comt� ['..loner of Finance glue notice of Id meeting to the persons and In tho Inner provided by the Charter, at timethe and place of hearing, the .lt coat thereof as eafimat.dnd the to - Adopted by the Council Apr. 27, 3916. APPro,ad App_ -28 1916. COUNCIL FILE. lY9- ....... _._......_— j' 15 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Reconetruc.t_ing.,..-_rel.Ap_ung_-»tl�._��,ri,�g,-,tq.i..th.,..aenisAt__ti�.t� to a width of six feet, cement tile sidewalks as follows: Raymond _._ ... ....... _axenu.e.,_W.e.a.t....ade.,Rea tlien�e-eont�— 200 feet, beginning 160 feet north of University avenue thence — — igzsrth 46 Yeet-Rayfrom - �st-e11—TC b inning 4'0'-'f ee-6 or tli of University_.avenue..._then�_e._he_rtb 1�Q �_t,=b..eginning_._4.6..._fe.e_t_fAx_ther North thence North 40 feet, under Preliminary order. —27 70........__ approved ._N ov erl b6r andL 1915.. _-_. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._Reg.Qne.,f,•rttC.,t,._.. TB lay and repair with cement tile to a width of six feet, cement tile side- -----....walks as•-4'e11•ecsa,:........&a-�to�-a�raat}e.i.. _feat• -aide -r -...beg �rki-ng--ae��i torit3l Road thence south 200 feet, beginning 160 feet north of University ave feet .Noath_of_ IInivereit.aven}lehene_,_N�r-iilk_?4 ,-�et,3ginning_46 feet farther North thence North 40 feet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ YYR�-x.58 per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ -_..._-.-9 t?I_�..__._ .day of •._,_ ...... ._Jung,,,,._ ...... ............. , 191 ...6...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber .of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nate of the improvement, and the to st the�Ostimated. Adopted by the Council--/ APR 27 1916 191 Approved Councilman /.8-6 ayor Form B. S. me sai, oraered to b, 2. Thatthe ment which the Council ,r en�da is e�rruct. rely>' and repair ,Ilh oe thcroft Hle to a vidcn of six feet. oe en( e sid—alka� as foliowst Rsmond es[ alae, beginning at Ter- rilorrial Road. [hence south 200 feet. beginnin;c 160 Peet north of University avenue, thence north 46 feet. Raymond cst aide, heglnning 40 feet or th afe aUniversitys thence north 170 feet. beginning46e feet far- thernorth. thence north 40 feet, with no alternatives. and that the estimated ,,at t.... of Ia 58 lents peea r lineal foot.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had an said Improvement ththe '9th dam f dune, 1916, at e Hour of 10 o'clock A. bf., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commis - .loner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and In the manner provided by the Charter, star. ,� Ing the time and place of hearing, the turaof the Improvergent and the total coat thereof as estimated, Adopted by thetCounell Apr, 27. 1516. Approved Apr. 28, 1916. (Ally 6-1916) COUNCIL FILE -Na ......... ___..... _— INTERMEDIARY ORDER. "I In the Matter of_C_onj8_tM.GA.ing....ato.... a._lpidt. Finn avAmij-i bz�xeen _Roblyn averille and-..S'_f`_ ---An_thony__am.anu.a . _....... ...... ___....-._._._................_-._... —"— A under Preliminary order. __,_Q$.1.._ ........ ___.__...___ _____--approved The Council of the City oft. Paul having received the report of the Commissionerof Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report b d the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be pro em d with. 2. That the nature of the rovement which .the Council recommends is........4.on.8.tXUo_t..e...Q.jMent _ tile--- _sidewallk4to._a width of six feet on both side of Finn avenue between Roblyn_,avenue kz*xxaazx and'—St. Anthony av_nuer _ y ---._.._..........-.-.... _--- — - ................._...__.... -----_ _._...._..........-------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.58 ..per-._ lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._g th___.___ _.-day of June _..... 191 6......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber. 41 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. qry otc, Adopted by the Council Ci Clerk. Approved_..__......_ _._..— ...... -........ Mayor. Councilman Fa nsworth d °e oi"l hereby hort, v._ at the said report be G s c hereby approved and ad . s Id improvement le b. K to be proceeded with. er aat the .lure of the Imprc -vhich the Connell recommend, M 011 uct a men, the sidewalk tt .th of s x feet on both sides of F' N h abetween Roblyn e eAnthony a with 1n nniten'and nthe Y rg /A, that stimated h reof le 56 Cents per lie.! foot.Resolved Po Further, That pua a ing be had on ..Id impBoyemY or ers B nthe 9th day of June, 1916.zhe hour of 10 o'clock A M.,poem Cou cilia themCl[y Hall the ll n' the City of St. Paul. That the C mlaeloner of Finance give notice said meeting to the persons and In manner provided by the Charter. s ' Ing the time and place of hearing, nature of the Improvement, and total cost thereof aa -ti-ted. I Adopted by tnl P uncll Apr. 27, ll' Approved Apr --"3.. , 1916. COUNCIL FILE ....... B_.7�`� y6l�trliZ lr/�- G�j INTERMEDIARY ORDER. vy/G In the Matterof Cq_ns rt .0 c.-ti_ng_a_�gmer sUpAgL— k..._to..._a._widtAof..aix� feet Qn.....the ....nn.r_th.aide ._...of Inter street between Part .�yenuaR agd_�s�ol. szaza�taz Height under Preliminary order. .......... _—..___._—approved...itLroh 15th, 1916. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Financeeupon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._C On_s tTldC t a Cement �.'i...Qn the.._n.4rth...pide.._o?..._Winter _..... ............s_ rest. betweer.._Park apenue and Capitol ieightsr.......T_n 0.58 e with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--_. F.._...r _lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.__.g.tb__.—_........._ day of June 191.§ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council PWRTIMA of the Court House and Cily Hall Build• in the jity of St. Paul. ThaYhe Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons an the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improv ankthe total c� th;�V_,�"stimated. Adopted by the Approved ......... _ Councilman larnsworth -VDrove: ,tmproveme,. a proceeded -1t h. c the nature theImp— .rich ec ,filch the Council recommmendnds 1a ant lila sidewalk • l .off cement on the north aide slxc 9 Winter street between Park vvenue jIa,, it Capitol Heights, with no alterna- tives. and that the estimated cost thereof !c 5. r nts per Itner.I !ort. Resolved Further, That public hearing be had on said improvement hot" ^th 0,'. . '.i 'ne $e, at the ur of 1u o'clock A. Df.. In'th Councll Chamber o[ the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of at. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give, notice of said meeting to the persons., ,and In the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and Dlace a[' hearing, the nature of the. Improve- ent. nn 11 the total co.t thereof a evt i m a ted. AlOpted by the Council Apr, 27, 1916.! Approved. Apr. 28 1916. (Mi ay -1916) _....+Mayor. OSS eller cColl ash " oerg May owers For . S. A. 8-6 -VDrove: ,tmproveme,. a proceeded -1t h. c the nature theImp— .rich ec ,filch the Council recommmendnds 1a ant lila sidewalk • l .off cement on the north aide slxc 9 Winter street between Park vvenue jIa,, it Capitol Heights, with no alterna- tives. and that the estimated cost thereof !c 5. r nts per Itner.I !ort. Resolved Further, That public hearing be had on said improvement hot" ^th 0,'. . '.i 'ne $e, at the ur of 1u o'clock A. Df.. In'th Councll Chamber o[ the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of at. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give, notice of said meeting to the persons., ,and In the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and Dlace a[' hearing, the nature of the. Improve- ent. nn 11 the total co.t thereof a evt i m a ted. AlOpted by the Council Apr, 27, 1916.! Approved. Apr. 28 1916. (Mi ay -1916) _....+Mayor. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER.'" In the Matter of �Sznr_ying._.q_gwera-...AnJa>Les_„stree_t-.-.and.._on.__ the -_line of Jame_s__street.._p_roduced.__from a point 240 feet east of the east line of Sue -...street _.._to.__Cleveland avenue and on Cleveland avenue from the line of James street producod_._to_Randolph streets . under Preliminary order. __79a5..........___.__...._.-__..___approved_Nonember 15th: 19.1.5. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._Conetrue t .aewsr6 _on...,Tare.4..$ Qat._ ..pn. q_jl pf�Tameeetree--prpduoad-._from a -point 240 feet east of the east line of Sue street to Cleveland avenue and onCleveland avenue from the line of James street produced to Randolph street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 5,8.17.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... .... ....... th___ .___day of ........... _..... , 191 fi......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, r ,0 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, staring the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ost t of estimated. Adopted by the Council...._. APR 27 191,191 Approved -__........ —d rep Mayor. 'y approve' A Improvement Councilman Far sworth he proceeded with. that the nature o[ the lm G`o a which the Council reoomme. uct s n .lames street e line toff James street prod. ' K er a polor zoo feet east of the s 'sof Sue street to Cleveland M Coll t on Cleveland avenue from tneii. .Tomes street produced to Randolp '1 th no alternatives• and that ,�! " Nih west imuted east thereof Is $5.815.00.y e olved Further. That n publl ring be had on said Improvement " Y erg he 13th0. flay of .lune. 1916. a t the In the Council Mayor P eCs. tberlp f thea Courtf clok A. House and City Building in the City f St. Paul. For B. S. A. 8-6 the CommissInner of Finance give no the lma nern Pro ided person. y eine stating the time and place of 'meg, the nature of the Improve- d d the total cost thereof ne ea d by the Council Apr. 27. 1916. :ed Apr. ?8, 1916. (bfay 6-1916) i COUNCIL FILE-XQ....... .... ......... ..— INTERMEDIARY ORDER. ,•,� 3 In the Matter0n...Z2urklA,)—jutroG.1.... _ avenue.__toa___potnt__5_feet north of the south line of Lot 33, _Varney_....nnd_.UnManlggLVs_Rearrangemant of Rlock__l.,_ _..... Add_ti_on.,-- under Preliminary order ._.......... 8793 ....... _....... _._approved 1916r --- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._CQno-tz1c t. e,-_e0wer _ on Dun frgw.�ayQn avenue-_tQ, a_Qoin_t-_5._fee_t-north of the _eoutb--_21ne..of Lot 33-L..4arney_and_Mollanigal!a-. Rearrangement of_Blocic_l; t1.RA.—._......... -------._...--------._._.._.....___—___—___.._......_..._........._._.._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 235.00 Resolved Further, Tf`iat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._..... .... 13..te.4--._-day of _—sTUX10.____....... ...................... I91 .6......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, Sr�f the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fin nce give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the ® manner provided by the Charter, stating the tirin and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ost thereof as estimated. �p 2" 19, 17 n q Adopted by the XCouncil--._.PP.....5._._� l91Approved-..._...... Councilman Fa sworth (3o s + K er M oll N h Y rg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 a,an h a`1 hereby re •.[ Ne said rep.' hereby approve—a Bald Improvem�.tt Is to be proceeded with. - i at the ature or the "n'which the Council r ee 1>actun a eeoDenial, ue to a point 6 , u( the south 11—of 1— 11, N% n,l -Nic llanlgal's Rearrangemet :lo,•it 1. .Anna P•.. Rnmsev'n Addi- . Ith no alien a, nd that the esl ilnn ted co t th Is $225.00. Resit: ved Fur[her, a public nn wring be had on enprovemenf the lath day of June. 1916, t the hour of 10 Welock A. M.. In the Co.. ell Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City, of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the person: and In the manner provided by the Charter, ti h, the time and place of hearing, the nature or the Improve- ent, and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Apr. 27, 1916. Approved Apr. 28, 1916. _1 (May 6-1916) Mayor. 9 t9 COUNCIL FILF—NO......... —_.._._-_— G/ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_Conetructing,.a,-.-eewer_o,n_Bi_dwell_street--_from._Deloe_ street _._._.__...__..D_._....p0.t._-5....f..e..0..t._north of the eotLth __ lln�Qf Lote_1,2,3,...... thence east on_an easement to be obtained, 10 faet_in width the center line of which is 5 feet north andaarall_el to the south line of Lots 1,2z 3 4� Block _ _...- 28 f Lam.$. dW.@�1 Irge_t_t.9.._a...Po .?lt..._1Q..feet.... east of the w�_.9.1ine of Lot 4, Block 28, West St. Paul Proper, under Preliminary order._ ....._........ __approved...Ravembar._.3t'1 i,_.1J�.5..... _..... _..___ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .._Conatxuat_..a....9.8.9 ar on Bidwell street from Delos street to a point 5 feet north of the ---- — ----- - eau b h -iia o- o f bb to i;'d; 3 , 9 , $iock 38; We t 8 t : Paul Proper; tfremc e east on an easement to be obtained, 10 feet in width, the center -' -"I'iris"of'w -ldb Is -5 rest �norfh aria pa=alTeT-ioa south Tina'"oi` _. fltd....l.,.d,3.,.-4,__.Bioc1L-3P,.wattt_S.t......Paul..P.r.opar,,A= Bidae.11._a.trae-t to a point 10 feet east of the west line of Lot 4, Block 28, West — -----$-tPatr-l--Pro ... Fes.,__ ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s 1,...x36..00-,- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._.13.th ___._.._day of _._ ....... ... ,LtyIIt:_._........_...__.__, 191 ...g_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, X1 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and Councilman Far sworth Go Ke er M oll Na Yo rg, Mayor Po rs Form B. S.A. 8-6 ret to n point x:28 south line or Lots t. 2fi, \rest St. Paul 1` 11 l ,ate ant to ne . 16 reef aio e.W�luilt. Inl whish is 5 feet Orth and para: the south line oP Lots 1, 2, 3. 28, l\ -est St. Paul Proper fror; ell street to a point 10 feet east' est linj r.ot• Hl elk 28. 1eSt. Pnnl r. , ith n alter- _ 1 tha:- tim,ted ,ost ,f is $1.236. ,1—d FurT t a pubil- 1 fie hadaid mere, ament 13th laJ 1916. at[ 30 ck M., In teof he ndH, h,C,r [ ,.l. nt theCootFie nolle.rung to andprorthes Chlotarter, U Ymlace roesot hearin n, he Council .fpr. 2Z. 1916. r. 28, 1616. fay 6-1916) :e COUNCIL FILF�.N,O......___..._....— By_: ..� 1-r�:�: ... /' ......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of nB�t llcti.8......k_e..?.OI_._a.n....Ro.q.S._&tLip. t..._fro. !k._e..Pfeet a._ky ¢. t�.�d_..o3L.-P_�Tk genue_f�om_RQ estreat under Preliminary order. 9463 _191.6. _------.,__——,_a .__._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._pgnstruc t a sewer .................................... -_and....oza_..P.a.rk__"_e.nun...from- Rom —atwat with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $l t 603 ;00 ._., Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... _..1lth..—. _ ___day of ................ _........... 1 191 .62...._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, 1 ' Hl of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ost ere as estimated. APR 2"191q ' Adopted by the Council. ... 191 ---- _ — ._.....k — — _.de—r....._ Cler. Approved__ :'_part Mayor. -und having Fa sworth .rt•heet te aid' eoye be:` an,. GO h,eherIedby approved Bnd adota , Improvement Is he `ered to be Th Ke r ^nt the nature [ the Im ' nt which the Counci, recomm^nd.' „ nstruct seer o Rose St. fren MC oil dnt 140 fewet east of Ric^ S, to P:' e_rue t'Ind aopinndkstreeq with no Na �nau�es, and that the eaumated e -c�.f Is $1,603.00. YO g Resolved Further, That a imbl7. Wring be h'.d on aid Improvsmeni- Me Or PO r5 he 13tH sal' P sane, 191fi, [ Y e Wont f 10 -'-look A. I 1n tLe nc❑ Of in the Court Form B. S. A. 8-6 and City Hall Building In eaCity or 8t. Paul. That the Commia- .ner of Finance give notice r Bald tsting to the persona and In thei ',nner provided by the Charter, eta4 `¢ the time and place o[ hearing, tho! �ture of the Improve t. and the 1ppPtedcost by ththeree Counciil APrn 2T, 1916. in f1Dp roved Apr. 28,.1916. lMxv a_ stc. , _I t COUNCIL FILE �NO........ _.......... .._ By.SIZ_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.-.._Qnr.B�r:ia_t? ....a_B.e1y .._..0zf..R_@-���1_s_treet.,-froh--_Casestreet _.n.f.._HIay.-_af —the tthaTri�ac i f i c Rail}vav • _._...-----....- under Preliminary order. 6..-.... ....... _--_.approved ....._Mar -Ch 13th 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._PRRn rue t a sewer .x1a-s.e-ll....a-fry.e.t_fx..=_.CAae�ats._et.._tsl__the_right.._of.-_°°aY --.-.-....X.axthern-. P.a .1fix.-Ra fo., ......... _.__-_---_------------ . ............. _........... ............ _... e._.._� _.... _ ......_ . _.__ ..... -...... ........ __...................-.---....._._................_....--- ................ . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hdading be had on said improvement on thee"' ---_-_14th _ _---- day of ..--_...Julie___.---,•_ -___-- -_- -- 191 6-.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.I M., in the council Chamber, *of the Court House and Ciiy Hall Building in the City of St. (Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th reof estimated. �%. Adopted by the Council -..-..,APR 27 1915 CouncilmanFa sworth G s K er M oll Na h Y rg Mayor Po ers F B. S. A. 8-6 J aaeld reper[atbe y ` "•' • t�t t 'r" Yt provem d adopted. Ad Improvement Is hereby be proceeded w th. the turr f the improve. nlch the Council commend, le t a ce v on Russell tree[ Casestreets to the right of way -the \orthern Pee I He Rellwsy. with . Its, natives. and that the eau—ted t thrreof is $2.929.00. e solved Further, That public tring be had on said Improvement n the 11th day o[ J. 1916. at .he hour of 10 o'clock A- M., In the Council Chambers In the Court House and CItY Hall Building In the City of SL Paul. That the Com- missionerof Finance give notice of "aid meeting to the Daraona and In the anner provided by the Charter, atat- Ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the total .at thereof a, estimate. Adopted by the Council Apr.d21, 1916. Approved Apr. 28, 1910. (\lay 0-1916) Mayor. COUNCIL FILE .1;10 .... ..... ........... __ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. �►• . In the Matterof._Construe_tin�.. a_._sewer_on__Hewi_tt av_enue,__frore the. center _ _.__........_af._...G.r.igga._s.xre.e..t......to._the n.antPr of Dunlap under Preliminary order..-- —approved .._January 27thi 191S. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imprbvement which the Council recommends H.ew.i t t.._a-Vanue.....f mire--the_r. ente.r...o f...lixigga... B tragi. t_._t o....the.._Qan.tex....__ ...... - ..... R-axre.et.............. ............. ... --- —._....._.__............_............. ........... ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....... ....... 14th _,_„__ _-day of ._..–...... d11Ae_...._ _._......._..._--- 191.6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give no4ce of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of t Adopted b Approved Councilman F rnsworth ss eller cColl ash " oerg Mayor wers Form B. S. A. 8-6 'd nnving` my resolves: said al report be .iia y�m°prov...nt Is a ,. pl be proceeded with t the nature of the It i'.`>hlch the Council ecomtr let a sewer on Hewitt the center of origtia .tree ster of Dunlap .treat, with n .hives. and that the estim" Hereof 1s $1,885.00. Reset ved Further. That hearing be had on said impg, l,he the lath day f June, 19.. the hour of 10 o'olock A- M., in Council Chamber, In the Court H andCl ty Hall Building In City ofSt Paul. That the Cowl .loner of Finance give notice of me eating to the persons and In manner provided by the Charter, oil Ingaures o[mthend place I- 'vement,a snd't total coat [hereof as stlmated. Adopted by the C II Apr. 2i, 191:. Approved Apr. 28, 1918. (May 8-1918) COUNCIL FILE X10...__.—__..... C"o"-7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 91 In the Matter of_.Q.rAi11Ct,& A.WlAA-Alr.e.e..L....frola_S.!<11��.9.. 11ll118...._�G.... ilAi1Ilf _�4Y13311d1 r under Preliminary order. 5.758.......... _-.__.. _ ._.-_....— approved .._Ju_ly._ l e t j,-1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ,. is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_sxade_••.Aldl.Ae•_. street from lbY.. avenue. Q_.$u! i tAy-9-U0,........ ... —.._.... __._....... .................... ..... ....... ..... .... —....... __�� ......__..... ....___.�_ �_--�_.._.._._....... __....................... with no alternatives, rend that the estimated cost thereof is S 438.75 ........ __ g p 14 th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_._.. ....... day of _ 191 ...6.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., the Council Chamber, f the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvemeZtotals estimated. APR 27 In Adopted by the Council_._. _ __._....___— — (Approved-.._- 19..._......__........ r_ _ Mayor. Councilman F rnsworth G ss K ller COIL N sh Y rg Mayor Po ers Form S. A. 6-6 and na. thereby resolve,. said report We im proved an -.n to be provement I proceeded wlth.a hiebt thenCouncil recomtmetr .Idine street from mittt'rr10, allot nd thatthe —timated Is 5138.75. ived be hod on n said That e.. �s o provem 14th lay C JA* of 16 o'olocI A. he In t ,or Chamber In B11��tttIng�. , 1 ; to at. Pand ul.H That rtA{ts,Comm1. of Finance give no,' of of a Id .Ig to the persons and In the r provided by the Charter, etat- e time and ➢Isco of hearing, tha of the Improvement and the "Ist thereof as estimated. ,ted by the Council Apr. 27, 1916. �ved Apr. 28, 1916. (May- 6-1916) t . f COUNCIL FILE NO..... ...... ........ is INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 01' In the Matter of: Condamning_..and-taking....ari . easement..A.I3..._the..._ %A5 neoeesarY_ fQr s1.Qpe_@,.,._f,.o;._cu_te..._and_,_fille in Grading_Aldine street from Summit_ avenue to Selby avenue, according to the plan hereto attached and made a_Qart hereof, the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded portim t .................... ..---- ------- — under Preliminary order...._ 7810._-__-.__T._.�_.—._approved _NOvembeT. 5th 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._Pr?deu...... and take an e-eeuezz.t_in the.._laxldrpe.c > _ 5_@ OB�s,.__fgr__cute..and__fille__i.._Gr--- ading Aldine....street from__.` _._.-_av_enue to Selby avenue, according to the plan ....._. .. hereto. attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portionshowingthe cuts and the shaded "o the f i lie, _ _ _..._....__._.__...... _�_—_.__ .._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 30.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... _.._......___14th _ day of �Ae_..___._..,_......:_.-_-.----.-, 1916......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, l 4W of the Court House and Ciiy Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature %Pthe2�miffinent, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------- __. .._._ V �---, 191 Approved _.._._..... ..... ..... ,a • approve, w Mayor. Improvem, .F t the p at. red of;. Councilman F nsworth u, Ch the coaneu /� 8d tako' a ani „ G Ss --ma "rani t1gr Aldine 1e ya[reo['ti '�ml[ a e to tielbv a K liar ,aa,a, , ,, plan heretoeart- •, Coll ortlonum howls rt hereor. the hate �b arled portion thelh III'. �ith �nnd ,. natl vas. and that the estimatedul� sl [`,.reef is $20.00. Resolved Further. That pub. " erg hearing be on ald Imparov amen the 14th hdday ,f .lour. 1916. � t Ct., hour t o'clock A. M., in the Mayor P ars Council Chamber m the n th I House and CRY Hall Railding in the Ftxm B. S. A. 8-6 City of at. Paul. That the Commis - loner of Finance give nonce of said meeting to the persona the manner Dr'ovlded ger.... the CInd Ind In Ing tho at - time and ➢lace oL hear ing, the tore oL the improvement, and total cost thereof as estimated.27 the .adopted by the Council Apr. 2 1916. Approved Apr. 28, ]91 G. ' (May 6-1918) - COUNCIL FILE NO. ......... __........._!��� By��G�.._�c..a i� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of__ConIa not ngar3.._laking...an_..aBesmeat..in...tha....land..nacesgary 1k, for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading the Alley in kcCarrick's ----Subdi-v inion -Block- &6-;-- L-ycaan- Day tan 1-s--A-3d_i ttvrr; t -h &— plan hereto attachedandmade a part hereof, the hatched portion ..._. "�"""s?�owirig--?ie cute ail . e e a e por on the e, .. ---......_ ..--------._.............. - — — r---- ---- ----..._..------—�__-.. -._........_........ .......... ...-- under Preliminary order. 9694_-_--_ f' approved..._arCh. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon ' the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._C•gn3erpz}..and...,take._ an easement in the land negessary for elopes, for cuts an d fills —ir,-Gradl g s 13sy a I�e6arrieltis-Suk iwiei-oar ef--Bloolc-88y-_Ly&aaz... Dayton's Addition, according to the plan hereto attached and made a -Wei --- K -fa ed poriaori eiiodv3`r'g_t'h.9 �ui'e- rte" tYi9 82fz�Qeff_._.. i.o>a....tk�a....fit.le.......... _.____.___........... ........... .......... ................ ..... __._...... ----- ......__............... ---___._ _--_ _.._ _ with no alternatives,']yld that the estimated cost thereof is $--.§-0 - 00 a Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.._._...... r th.___ :.1 -day of Iune-_...... _........ _........... . 19t.6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, r 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and Councilman 1'erg nsworth s ler Coll h /,-8&-6 ayor ers Form B. .ata an pro,, ,.rdered to be proceeded with. 2. That thenature of the ent which the Council recent mdemn and lake In.1. nd r r for slpes Y fur, fills in grading the alley In AI,C: �u hdlvislon of Work 88. I.ymat tuna Addition, aec,rdl,g to th her, to attach. -d and made a part the hatched portion showing to fid the shaded portion the fill - oa lie rn atav"' and that the <s st thereof Is $50.00 c Resolved Further, That hgaring be had o said impro 99TT the 12th dny of Su tie. 19 the hour of 10 o'clock A. H., Council t`hamh,, of the House find City Hall rolld! the City of St. Paul. That the Cor: 'loner of Finance give notice f' seting to the personsand In provided by t4_ .:hart. r. at Ingo the it-. and place of hearing, i nature of the Improvement, and the t, tal cost th....f a' estimated. Adopted by the Cottrell Apr. 27, 1916.` Approved Apr. 28, 1916. . (May 6"1916) COUNCIL /FILF-_NO. _..._.___------ -_� By_C�1._� A INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 0% In the Matter of__Condemn,ingthe....land ...I1.aaeasar.,v _..._lyndi-cat.a_ax- nue _ tn_..Hamli --...__.ata._hed._and._al�a.@._.a....&.a _�Le..r-o _Q.1&t _Qhed - P-grtionahgwin8..._th.e._..._..... —..cute_and th�_�h✓�de_.d_&9�Rn...h.e f.1118+--- .... -- .... -........ under Preliminary order. _..9 .i1 _ W _ __approved.._MaTCh 28th: 1916. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._9onde,>tln. _and..._take _. n_e.asemant_jn Sha...l.and_mecAftenry....%T...aln�aa.,_f.oz....m>te.-..and-- illa....in _Gra.din8__J�Ll .t1re'..g.'A IrOA_aynd-19.0,10....gv.e>:1..Up tt.4.._#ia l ries venue,-...-.. according_ to__the_plan__here.tQ.,.attached,,. and,. a_k.,gaKj here4_f,..__the.__..._ _ __hatched.portion__showi_ng..,.the___,Quts-.._and_the shaded_portion_the.__fi11B,_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $20.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... _.lath ----.-..-day of ..___ _.__June.....__.____..____,._._, 191 ...6..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, r .*of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ost t ere s estimated. Adopted by the Council_.... APR 27 191E __.._ 191 �L— i'� --y Clerk. Approved_.__._ ....... _....... ��� _ V,9 play • Mayor. oe'Improve,... ptroceedpd Council n Far worth hat the ature of the re which the Council eco.._ Cjpg and take un Ont , ss ary for filo pe., for cu[ Kell r ic�tn vedingtouHamii�eet rrom' o "ding tton the plan hereto eatta Mc It end de a part hereof, the hat, ort ion eh.wl.g the cut» and Nas nnded portion the fills, with no nit au vee. and that the estimated c hereof is E2 0.119. t' Yoe Resolved Further, That a publl hearing be had on said Improvemerl Ma or Pow s the 12th day of June. 1916, Mayor the hour f le o'clock A. M., In thi Council Chamber o[ the Court Form . S. A 8-6 Ino the CRY of CSL F ui11 TBuilding ai din: Commissioner of Finance give notice Of saidmeeting to the persona and In the nnprovided by the Charter. statiang ther e ttme and place of heating. the nature of the Improvement, and the total coat thereof ae a.timated. Adopted by the Council Apr. 27, 1916. Approved Apr. 28„1916. ' (may 6-1916) - COUNCIL FILF_NO._.....__._......._— ° By 2 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. .. a , In the Matter of__12E1d9A.l.ibig....4D—tak.aIn..._the.._land _ne�esear� for slopes, for cuts and fills in _Grading Stanford street from Joe�hine,avemse to Prior avenue, according to the plan hereto _ attached andmade a Fart hereof, the hatched portion showing the _cuts .aLd. the _shaded rortion_._the _fills, ___..._..__...........—.___....__._.....____...._._.. under Preliminary order. —$_�`2�......... _... _.._...._._.._..___approved ..._... Deeewber30th...... 1_915.__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends a;6_.__ an easement in th-3 land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in axed.ir$__S.y�IIfsd_.a.t'esLt_rR!??._Jos_enhina,_avenue .._to. -Prior avenue, ......... _....... _an.caxding.._ta_.the_ ian_itrxx_Y�. axtt�che�i .aanci �n d.� � dereof...... the ...:.--- hatched .p.px,tion. shg.w,d_ng_ the_cuta...an3_.theshaded_ .2rtion_the fills,` --._....._—----------- ..............___._ C__.._..� with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 20.00 I Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the, ..._.......... of _... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._..._ APR 27 ITS 191 lerk. Approved_.____... __......... A __ roved Mayor. rovemeivi Is�b• Councilman Fa sworth 'to oe ' ;seeded ith. '..hat the cure of the Imps „ GO which the Council recommer and take a ant I v for stop'."QPor cuff, Ke r In i,�.di, � stanrord st,eet v phine a e ro Prior a ung to tine oleo hereto sari., Me oll made a hart nereef. Ina hat` Linn showing the .Is u.d NasPortion the fills. e,ith nu . :I v, and that the estimated .f is $20.00. ` " YO g �esolved Further. That pU , aring be had on said Improvem. Mayor Po rs he 12th day of .lune. i91s, hour of 30 o'clock Form B. S. A. 8-6 meu Cnamber olf the Court Her I Clq Hall nauding In t y of st. Pau.. That the Commi.. ner of Finance give notice of sal. sting to the persona and In th oner provided by the Charter, stat the time and place of hear, n• the 11 coat thereof as estimated . 1 do Dted by lhs Council Apr. 2i. 1016. .,,Proved :fpr. 28, 3016. (May 6-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... --........ INTERMEDIARY ORDEt- �- In the Matter of_Y..A.S.D.ti.._Al.1P1_..i_y_ieion.... Qf.__Bloek..38� Addition. --....-------........__............-.....-------.....-- ----._.._.................. ... ............ under Preliminary order. `�.7�_........ _-._-_...__..-_.approved.........__........AAY_ llft__1S .----_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: " 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._Grade ..Alley .. in R •.. b1SS'flTTi.C.k' 9.._SS11.1)d1.Yie1 QB�f�1QBk_ 8.8.. _Z�'�ua� .All.t.m.!.>d----A.ld,.1ttign.......... ._......... ..... ---_ ....._.. _-_— .......... _-_........ _ __-- .............._...._-_._.._ v --....._ __--...._._---------- ---......... ...- - 1 174 38 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearingbehad onasld improvement on the... �.._._la.tth_-__.......day of ___ Jttn-� ,.•..__ _,-.,._,._..-. 191.6 , at tt t hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total t ther of a estimated. Adopted by the Co ciL..._._. ��..r6� —, 191-.. " �Z lerk.' Approved_.._ ..... ............ - ...... 191-..._ �vtay r Councilman Fa swprth port, port' be adn �sridy lmpp{rovementdle he. Go to be Droe..ded with. ' Ke ei ',Ncht the Counclnature lf the recommend.� �. ,N h�y in R. Mrf'arrlr l<'a Sul M .oil or rslork 6s, l.ymn» unytn lap. t,7t alter»nares. Na ,I,,, earimat�ea <oat thereof' i 1.61. Resolved Further. That pub " Yo rg aring be had on anld Improv ewe e .....• vrn day or .lung. Ivlr. a t MMa or Po ars n»or to �ciook ,�. M.. In the C.— ayor chamber neche Court Flouse and Cit Hall Huilding in the t' nt It. Paul. Forth B. S. A. tt-6 I Tnnt ii�e cotmm�aanoner r Finnnee g,re _Aa of t id meenn' ,, the persona nd i lhe$m n er rovled ", by tho _ Chi rG•r.. coling the d piece f me It, and n the1u tot nl t�coatthe thereof � estimated. Adopted by the Council Apr. 27. 1916 Approved Apr. 26, 1916. (May 6-1916) COUNCIL FILE NOz__ —. By-- 1�L : :G1 1 :2 1 r� f ` 1 c4�,o. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. I in the Matter of__SaxadiDZ__S.lAa,ata.zd.._.a_txP.1.i._.from..�z?ae�-- avenue. under Preliminary order._ 7673.......___._. _........... approved .._Oe tob(P 27th 1915 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: l.� That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._G. street_from_dQspP3,ire..._strg�St t4.T.1.Qr....��CnkLC,_... ... ..................__..__........._....- ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofis $�s��.r.aSQ..._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._ ............. lath day of June ........ __-__, 191 ._ ...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambe . 1 *of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of S"t' l"fthr That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total st t eof estimated. Adopted by the Council `dry. 1 q 1, R Clerk. Approved____ ._ _ _ —, 191— Councilman 91— Councilman Fa sworth G Ke er M 11 Na Yo g Mayor Po rs Form B. S. A 8-6 JY approvedr a Rod l red tsai improvement Is ,hh Th st thepn,ture, of the Impr',- odIt which the Council re -men, e Stanford street fromJo rp, •ret to Prior aver ,- Pa will, no r• r ttive.'t. and that the a luo.ted c • rcreor is $1,694.50. Resolved Further, That a pub. na1,,. be had on sold improvame nthe 12th day or June. 1916, t tI, or ]0 'clocle A. At.. in the Counef "homher of the Court "Quer and cit) M01 Rullding in the City nr 9t. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona d in the manner provided by. the Charter, stall ng the time and or hearing, [he rotor. of the fplace pl.-mproa e- t, ee[Imat a d the total cost [hereof Id. s Adopted by the Counell Apr. 27, 1016. Approved Apr. 26, 1916. (May 6-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO...._.__._........._ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter ofhe_twaen-Haml.lA.a....&Yantie....Rnd_&yndiDate _._.._Bl_ne_at... ...... ......... ........__.._.._ _ -- - .___.._.._..---- ----------... ... _ _ ._ .... _ under Preliminary order. __._4_1 .......__._.__ ...._Q_�j._ approved ....d0.1.rP.,.b _2.1`.th.,._.18.1.5......... _........ ...... _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon 61 the above improvement, and having considered said rewrt, hereby resolves: I. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._Grade..._Jgli!! S. ;;eget between.._Haq . #�yjnuR_+�ld_SYndi.�.�te...a ze.�t+ ....... ................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $6046........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....__._lath __.,day of _Jl1LlQ..._._......... _ ...... ............ 1 191.6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, r �+ of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tot cost ere as estimated. IS Adopted by the Council- ........_ A�.R 2 �' 191 ity Approved-__..._......_.__.. _ .__..._..._ __ _— , 191 v Mayor. of Financ. _ _ Councilman Fa sworth a tshc and eeyiv$: hat said report be and the e " G s - by approved and adopted. said improvement Is hereby ed to be proceeded with. K er That the store f the lmpro -nt whl,h thenCou Hell recommends, ' M • oll ads Juliet street between Ham11 and Syndicate street. wt, ealte rat[ves, d that the estimate N h at thereof is 5669.46. Resolved Further. That Dublin Y rg,aring be had o aid Improvement:. the 12th clay of June, 1916. at the jr of Mayor Po ers .. In the Council amber 6 f the Courto'clock A. lHouse and City 11 Building 1n the City of St. Paul. Form B. S. A. 8-6 tt the Commissioner of Finance give of sold meeting to the pereons 1c in the manner provided by the - - ,-ter, statingthetime and place of ,ring. [he nature of the Improve- -t, and the total cost thereof as mated. lopted by the Council Apr. 27. 1916. I.,proved Apr. 26. 1916. (May 6-1916) COUNCIL FILE -NO .......... ._......... ll/.. _P1 .......... 9-0`:vJ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of__1 k1t18.i-...AR9. R&.F1.1.t..illi...A.1}A.._Q.Q.r)d0-%Dj.ng....LO_t Runde's Park Addition, to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, ---g-inne"tai for -uses a)l-Pu-rpeees e€-- ##-Ssl3ee#;._.._...__._._..._.....---- ...._ _...._................_.._ .....—......_—.._ ...__............__.___. _...—_.Y__.._. .... _........................... ...... ..................._..... ........ under Preliminary order. SS..... ........ ___......._.....__. approved ...t�aroh .16th 1916. ....-...I ....._.._.._ ........................._...._ _...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, an& having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isgppYop_riate _.__.._..a-ncl-ao nd:e�--vo-t-._l.l., .. �1-os�k—b7•—l�t�d•a't a-#?a-ric--A.dd i-x-icx�-._te..._tt�e-...Cd.-ty._.ai._. St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for uses and purposes of a _..... ... .ilutI.i.�...`3c1%l;--------- ......._....._............ ....... . _._.._.._.__.............._.........._.._........_......--...... _._.... ......_._......- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 5Q!_00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said illrtprovement on the ... .... .............. day of ..... ... J..unEl._....... _................... 191.6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, In is * of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner'of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the naturenoff the improvement, and the tot ost 1hereof a e 'mat Adopted by the Cpuncil__.... ,R 27_� 9 191 ® Approved ..... .... _.Ir-191, Mayor Councilman sworth_- a `, t n cure tr o the 055 i"�propr x taco "dcicotidetnn' Park Addition elleC Runde's ccoll of tit Paul. Ramsey County. in, for us s and paurpposes c School, with Iter netthat sh ..I, the stimated Cast therer /S.A. 00.erg Resolved Further. That a p',ring Or P er5 be had o aid Improve te the 10th day of June. 1916, t in the CooFormtuber }' of 10 o'clock A. M., f the Court House and C '.1 Bullding in the Cur f t. Pe' - the Commisslouer of Financcere ..,t 'flee of said mee[i ng [o 0 ithe by 1 In the ma r provided hrter, atatingnthe time nd place or ,ring, the nature at the Improve- other t. and the tots! coat ae mated. lopted by thCouncil Apr. 27. 1916. c ved Apr.e 28 1916 I _- (➢ray 8.-1916) _ v, Pe jtion f Council File No. . ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. , �f'r 7 E 1( 4 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f9J16wtng pub c improv,-VWbvt*the City i S'.. Sc Paul v¢ _ d S ov ,„ St _. s c1,...;o 3 c:C'. Cu •,{ .. .... i,t.�.. _ ctr - ... Dated this 2Luh day t..'- 1. .. . 191 ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following vemenr, viz.: Sc �e••�� F. No, , A w •, "' ..... .... __ __.. . _..._ ....._. wnerenr, n written nrow ,king of the foii—Ing I a: Grade Charlton S[. ....... ....... ......._ ....... .. .._. ........ . .. ...... ................. ... .orSe St. to lt' t Paget. S. - - ,a St. from Orlraru, S[ t t thne Cltenof r Pte the t fe having been presented to the Council of the C uY o esoba. worThat the commie therefore, be it c ks• be and he Is In 1 and dtrrcted: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public V ; °anve fig t- hmaRing 'y ordered and directed: L To investigate the necessity for or desirability Tinvest oe o e nit ri improvement. estimated and the total Cost there nt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est mated To fur 1eh n elan. �'i of eaid ImPr, ••^mom• 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of said im,"- . 1- ' 4. To furnish the foilotcing other data and information relative to said improvement; ..............._. .. ... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_...__..._P°R.2.8 .191....__ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa swordo" G s Approved 191...... ler LCSi1 C • �� rg Mavor P ers Mayor. 11 111ISHED l Y/ 9 d o � • X�, Council File tio.......�..,.... ... �Y PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. S �Zty and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of fo wing public imprpfe, t b/,he f Co c:el is 1°. St. Pauli viz.: . c , z .',.» G. a .;. ti...-__St. .y .S: . mT c., M �1 ..... ... ...... Dated this .d oftil 5,.._ � f✓ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ ....._... CC _i: .... e . ... 1 _...:r... L Cl C;.l'y 1 __. _......_ __. .... __. ....- ...:i,. ,.... 7.1...,..�'c s417...,. _.�.,.w. 1:1.L 0..: .. w.... _: rp. i` :iC01'..-'. C.... '.".C.._ 0..... 2 ....R....... S.-.1"h0. ..� �e.QYC:;i F.i.... .:�..... �r 0::.... i. .Q _.S ..J.u. ... �_G.._.C.li.i E.178 ,:iYC..._ _. ....._ _._ ..__. _ ..._ ..__....._. ... ...... ......... .__ ........ ....._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it "'t° µ'ea +t. from orleane RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Put' ne'u' or tithe City or exit hereby ordered and directed: be It I. To investigate the necessity for or des, ""ed. That the comm)"alone, said improvement. .: work" be and he l" hereby na ao-satea: ement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est ro tnreetlgate the easltr -irablItty of the making o. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch oMe iene'eugaee the net,•r 4. To furnish the following other data and it �aaine total cosi � ld said improvement; ......................... [urnteh a yla 't Bald 1.n% .......... ....._.....-.. ........... ... . ... ........ ..... ............... ........ .'.. ............. .. ........... ..... _...................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...... __APR 28 1°1`'... 191 ____ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Go s Approved _ ...._._..._ .. LJ 191......-. Y .rg Mayor Po _rs Mayor. ,LISHED S ( �/� ;moil Council File No. . ..... .. ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo g publi/-prox,ement bNF the-C-th of St. Paul, C C - . . .. ...... -C C ::.C. 0 Dated this -t.`1 day 191 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: on.__..... ... . ... .. .... ...... . ... of ....... .... - ........... ... ... It ... ........ at t N Comm' "'A he leh ilman having been presented to the Council of the City o(eetited: unci gate the nee, ty Of the making therefore, be it 't VCatIgate * ...... s hereby ordered and directed: t RESOLVED, That the Commissio "O.d t�.%j T.0.r.t-aJhd_b I 7�hdfth I 0 'r" 1. To investigate the necessity fc Tor aid ituh pt, g of said improvement. 0 furnenation . prevenient. ln d I.for.. t e r 2. To investigate the nature, exter ment. tlh.. -01.10twl"it"If nprovement, and Tlie, total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or A `,nein. 4. To furnish the following other data"hi.. ort ;Un relative to said improvement; ........ ... ........... . ..... .. . ....... . - ..... .. ....... ....... ....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.... APR 28 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa Vworth ay' G Approved 41-1 191 K er r rg g ..... .......... . . P Mayor ers Mayor. Council File No. ..:...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. OV "5 ysT7i and PRELIMINARY ORDER. • The undersigned hereby propuses the making of tha rollowird public improvement by the City of J/ St. Paul, viz.:. n.. _..-c:. 1_.. .. __ _ -._.i _„max": �..c c.:._C „P' 1 :....'.-'o -e �,At ?.-.'.u�p ._c %3 C .. r.t ...i?.r_ 1L -cam �..-7..5. ik a ._ ...� .. .._ ..F.: 1 oc_ Dated this _.day of 4,ri1 _ ..,........ _.... 191 :P,. $ IrC,- -, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ ue ci y6, c c �c �. wrltlen 10289— ,\ ........... ......... .. ._ .. .. .._ .. _. . .... ..... .. .. ........._... .. ...... .. ... ..... ... proposal. or the following io, on damning and taking on .._ .............. . .. ..... .................. ......... ........in th,• land neresanry for s .... .. ... 'uta and fill° In grading aIle 221 '\rn"gean little +ad., nn having been presented to the Council of the Cil I" having U, the Council of ] ........... ...... _.. .. ............................ r St. Pnul Ther arca, al It therefore, be it of ved, 'shat lho he —ebyr . works be ono n° is n°rebs RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ofPut o a^ Ice Igaie the necessity reby ordered and directed: robllity of the making of e I. To investigate the necessity for or desir;',o jcnt- Bata the notate. en'aid improvement. timated coat of said Improv 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est rntna lbs total coat thereof. vent, and the total cost thereof. t Turn lah plan, profile 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of s,, °old Improvement. said the rollowln,- , information retail,' 4. To furnish the following other data and infr u said improvement; ..... I ............... ... . _. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .._ _. �'.�n 28Ike 191. Yeas: Nays: Councilman fFa-worth— y approved .._. __...... �/:...1C?flavor Mavor. Vic_. pion j Council File No._.. .... ..._..._.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. A and PRELIMINARY ORDER.y The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folio g public iptprovemejOhy the City of c .Q. St. Paul viz: 41 ✓` r u �a ilc o _..:c: to. ve �c. rcpt _ Cr U 5 .. ...�. ..x" _ , ,+. .. D tt' this t day r f� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ .. • v ut.. G s t, N . v 1..1..G. _...... G _. c;,1,,... u.......,..,�. v. V $Q .;.7.v ...._ 1 g.E .0,.v...id E 1.-� �. A.. _:,.V G...... U..k. G.4,.;.. __.... ..._.. n-filen .................... n e [olnroimp uen".'ntthe ... ....ofnixfee( ._.... __.... ..._. ..... .. on the ... ..... ........... ... ,ton Ave., between bt', having been presented to the Council of the City ot.en,e the t-onneh nrty tit,, having tnc ee, clan .......... ...._ . _ ___ . _ _ ...._ _.. _.._ 1 therefore. be It therefore, be It r —d. That the commlea+un, A➢ Work. be and he is hereby t RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub odinve ted: the neeaeeler reby ordered and directed: ra billty of the making of er I. To investigate the necessity for or desirs ,—t. agate the nature ex, lid improvement. 2. To investi atm, aced ceet or Wald imP' „rent, and Ihe, total cost thereof. g tl�the nature, extent and estmna the ental cent thereof. turn 1h a Pill• Profl 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of s. ^r turn lah Pihee[u11 a 4. To furnish the following other data and int1 en[formanet en re said improvement, a i ........... .................. . ...... .... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters -to the Commissioner of Finance. App �_. Adopted by the Council_ .......__._ 1�� � 2u. 191 _ Yeas: Nays: t/_.. _ . O_ __./ Councilman ffler th Approved _ 191..... Y _...iMayor Mayor. PUBLISYIFD 5 Council File No. _...... ..... ._ .__. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and o 3 PRELIMINARY ORDER. w The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followinporifiblic in"vement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ._.::_..._.;.c. ,.0 0 ;: Gt iC J :l. ......J.,1.x..G:_C._' ..C..0 ,+. .. .....-.:...v_i. „4TH -::...f. ...�...�:..... jSi'�.. �a. .�.. .. ic.........._ .. ' a Dated t is _ �:L...._day of _ s :I'.x.�.. �' ._ 191../ J, Cotfncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follow1ng improvement, viz.: .'r; cath 9_ :.j:,- c, t o.. ide o:, .r_cc l .we. be :ce 3t, a J: -v li ✓e. _. ...... ._ _ ...... _.. __._.._ ..._ _..... _.._ ._.,.. W A —Itten Pronoaal. for the [nr to oent ol,. alwd,Fr Ito nravemen t. ......_-- ............. — .. ............ ... ._.._ . .......... tract a eemaew 11. _...... h or als fret on thv went alae having been presented to the Council of the Ci of " t ra "`'e.. net,"ren n eEamhenneen to the C—nrlst. e. havin l or the l'Itt or til. therefore, be itrerore, I'll ved. Thnt ht e Commlea to net of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publi,,W oakaenea na he la hereby or- ordered and directed: •o lnveeutedte the necessity r I. To investigate the necessity for or desira eltabIlttr of the mang ore A Improvement. ent. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est rBefl nveelg to ore nal re,. -nent, and the total cost thereof. .. e. and the total oet tn. 3. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch oft.tc To rr ea a h . ler' 4. To furnish the following other data and ti InfurrmnUon ,M a. t8 said improvement, ........................ c eenTo ........... ... ........ ........ -... .... ........ .. ......... ...... ...... ...... ...... .......... .. .. ............ -.. _... .--. ......... ._..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of theHtafters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._... ._.... 191 Yeas: .. Yeas: l Nays: Councilman F nsworth / 7 oss Approved eller Mayor P vers Mavor. PUBLI3i3P!i'il- -----• a, Petition Council File No. . _........ ___. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 71 PRELIMINARY ORDER: ,_, �i :< The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement bp. -4,6'y of h St. Paul, viz.:....Qp ♦:.:4Q.Y. �1!Gm' o _...__aY' e . S"a.� 1.L# ni k+ o: e e t line, o X4...5_. I9..3.G.i,1G { S_S��e...i... .ySi{,at._ ❑ �. �... a e _c; croto c tt--c, ed �' of Dared this Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. %VHF.RE.AS. A written proposal for the mak;ng of the follom'ing improvement, viz.: ..... ....I.:;.. J L . I I $ ..1 written #b, a<Ing °r tnrfou°amill,1int latte ( St. 1'nul theret - having been presented to the Council of the C blic lved. That Works be and n Is ee�en n -- - red and mreeted: therefore, be it To estlgate the necesalt dselrnbi llty of the maksng o RESOLVED, That the Commissioncl of 1'°rOToin�esngate the nat„rb. nereby ordered and directed: estimated toisi "oatsh,—j' said improvement. d V I. To investigate the necessity for or des -'ro fnrrisn a °tan er 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est Te f rnrnd.l the e,ono tprovement, and the. total cost thereof. nd information 3. I'o furnish a [Ian,prof or sketch of s„ }. To furnish the (ollotrin , other data and infonnitnon' .,dative to said improvement. ..... .... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing platters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the. Council _ . �}{ [ ._2"u � 191 Yeas: Councilman F rnswoith O55 Iler 0 Y erg 41avor Po ars Nays: Approved . - r- - — t) PUBLISHED 5 -G - / yj(,' :1aN or. P("t '. on Council File No. _........._...__.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of rIlylollowing public. imnlrovernetit by the City of St. Paul, viz.:......., n r ' c n CV p e.a� '•;bi 7 L' -vim, ,:.G, ; r•.__ ._ .. A..._._.. .. C , . .._- �. L: _sass_. .. __. sass. .. Dated this Y�`:_ day of }-� ` _._ 191 .. CA ncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, :\ written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: sass.. sass.. at. sass sass - :sass. sass _......... sass C. F. \ 1 2 4.— l\'h�reas. :\ writ len proposal, for the malcin4 Of thr f011owini; irn Provee• .. .. sass... .. ....... sass... ... . Curb u•mcorn, et. sid des of :\mhers( Ctretre el. beta Ca mhrld ee c[. dna (:eneVn g[.. ha%. sass.._ sass sass sass. ._sass. ...-. _.._ .............. ........ sass. sass ................... ........ hwn PreeenlOd l0 the Councn of rily of Ft. Paul therefore, be it Resolved. That the Commission Public Work. be and he 1. hereb------ having been presented to the Council of the 'ty dared nd dlr.etea: therefore, be it 1. To Inveau'. the nece..r Imo ovemenity of the making o RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pit 3. To Investigate the natpre, oy ordered and directed: and est, mated cost of Bald h I. To investigate the necessity for or deli m t. and the total co.t they• I improvement. 3. To furnleh . plan. P ketch of said Improvement nent, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est s. To furnish the follow data and lnformauon r.mu- J. To furnish a Flan, profile or sketch of . I F rOT= niatc whether 4. To furnish the following other data and infonriarw..", `.kedfo.o said improvement; ......................... _.._._....__........................._......... _sass... ............. ... . 5.....To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition ofthree or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matiiee to the Commissioner of Finance. .adopted by the Council._.. _._.. .._ AP!, _ 191 Yeas: Nays: ' Councilman Farn worth 191 Gos Approved Kell r Yo g C/:.iF•/ M1layor Po ers M11ayor. ... . tai...LBBED RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND -CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of Opening, widening and extending to aw. idth of .16 feet an alley through Block 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition from Geranium street to Oliver street, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being a strip of land 16 feet in width across Block 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, taking the rear eight feet from Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, under Preliminary Order 5832 approved July and, 191.5 I Intermediary Order 708.3 approved September 16th, 1915. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the la%dd iion?sements therein, for the above : , from tots ,,.der Preliminary � improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon oraera �oesv, 2 pa', ove4915. 'erefor, and the Council having ... m�,.r isth. 1115. duly considered the same, now therefore be it public hearing having been "' t the taking and condemnation of ^ Inas or easem enl_v therein, for the Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of thre imnrovemeudna the awards essment roll, identified by the Iamage. therefor. and also Upon ent of benefit. therefor.) signatures of the yor and City Clerk, and made a part It'he eth .Cou-1lohaving duly desid- the owners of such' lands re- soived, That the taking and con d nx to n or the lands described a tt v p spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth e e ass-eme ro same is hereby in all respects rati- signstore. of tithe Mayor and C -k. and made a part hereof. and fled and confirmed. rda f damages to the o e lands reapeetively for .ala t' ondemnition a set forth i Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefi N'y " "allrOiespe t 8adI the a to all respects ratified, and the same is fther. that V hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmati,ur . ,�.�a. b� -, Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council f " 191 _. Jerk. Approved _ ................ _......_ . 191 o/i Mayor Councilm arnsworth Council m ' .Goss Council m :Keller Council' McColl Council Nash ®UALISHED Council Yoerg Mayor eis E under Preliminary Order 5832 approved Jill y 2nd, 1915 Intermediary Order . 708'3 approved.September 16th,. 1915. Resolved (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:. Q'9.nr widen and. extend to a width of 16 feet an alley through Block 15, Auerbach and Handle. Addition from Geranium street to Oliver street, the land to be__ taken for the above named improvement being a strip of land 16 feet in width -across -Block 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, taking the. -rear _.. eight feet from Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, (i.) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- deconed fo the p rpose of making the said improvee t viz: An easement 16 feet in width, through Block �5, Auerbach and Hand'smaddition from Geranium street to Oliver s.treet.,_the _land to be taken for the above named improvement being'a strip . ........ of land 16 feet in width across Block 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, taking eight feat from Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, Adopted by the Council. Approved Councilmarnsworth Councilma oss Councilma eller Councilman cColl Councilman ash Councilman ,erg Mayor Pow F, ntA ryu ., APP, 20U , - 191 ivrayor. PUBLISHED-, e F1N.1L ORDEft1 IN COND `I PROCEEDINO6.+TION $� 10245 Q In [he matter f opening, widening and eXtendlnF' ton width or I5 feet through nlack 15, Auer bnchRlley onium ns reet dto nldielton frem Ge ATION FINAL ORD: nanm to be taken jor the nbo ed Improvement neing a strip land I6 reef in width HI a P1Pt 15. Auerbacha and Hard's Addl: q taking the re eight feet from I to 18, Inclusive, under Prelim, [T tylia "� order, 0832, approved July 2nd. d. Intel."IJ ry Order 7083, em r Nep[ber 15th, 1915. Resolved: "I That the following l ant be Ind the same is 'ed to be de. viz: e tpud to 'id[h ' through rllock 1 � . ','tlon In the matter of .Opening, widening.. and ...ext.ending..-to .._.a_. width of _16 alley through Block 15, Auerbach and Handts Addition from Geranium street toOliverstfeet, the land tote--taken---for---the above naM4=improvement being a strip of land 16 feet in width across Block 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, taking the rear eight €tet from Lots 1 to 18 in -elusive, under Preliminary Order 5832 approved Jill y 2nd, 1915 Intermediary Order . 708'3 approved.September 16th,. 1915. Resolved (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:. Q'9.nr widen and. extend to a width of 16 feet an alley through Block 15, Auerbach and Handle. Addition from Geranium street to Oliver street, the land to be__ taken for the above named improvement being a strip of land 16 feet in width -across -Block 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, taking the. -rear _.. eight feet from Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, (i.) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- deconed fo the p rpose of making the said improvee t viz: An easement 16 feet in width, through Block �5, Auerbach and Hand'smaddition from Geranium street to Oliver s.treet.,_the _land to be taken for the above named improvement being'a strip . ........ of land 16 feet in width across Block 15, Auerbach and Hand's Addition, taking eight feat from Lots 1 to 18, inclusive, Adopted by the Council. Approved Councilmarnsworth Councilma oss Councilma eller Councilman cColl Councilman ash Councilman ,erg Mayor Pow F, ntA ryu ., APP, 20U , - 191 ivrayor. PUBLISHED-, e RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREVOR. 1, C', `4i ' In the matter of Condemning ani taking an easamen.t.....in_the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading South ^aratoga. avenue from JefVerson avenue to Paniol'h street, the land to be taken for the abole named improvement being more particularly described as an easement, for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting on Pauth Saratocra avenue, between the points afordsaid, to the eVent F=hewn upon the sketilh attached to the report c` the Cormeiseioner gf Public Forks in the matter dated Nov's 2?,1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 6242 approved Aug.3,1915. Intermediary Order 7604 approved Oct.19,1915. Ag on P ublic hearing having been had u the taking d to '' " ^f .6 • lands or easements therein, for the above P rerreum o, vad aur:. 3. 15 Tate improvement, and the awards of damages therefor„ Order 7604, appro.ed &let. v' enefits therefor, and the Council having A yublle hearing having be uPon rhe taking and condemn. duly considered the same, now therefore be it the land, or easements therein. .have Improvement, and the n damages therefor. and also t Resolved, That the taking and condemnatio q ineeine Co,n�n na Inasduly roiexed assessment roll, identified by the the v therefore be It li,—I vdn That the tnking an signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a' aet. n ion or the hand deserlbed ages to the owners of such lands re- Cheted essment roll. Idenut. signature. of the atayor a spectively for said taking and condemnation as set 1 Clerk. ,and made a part hereof, n.. the same is hereby in all respects raG; 'rds of damages to the 1, landx •speetivel)' for fled and confirmed. and fond—natlon ,nser r. ll. be and r�n:�nroll. in nn reaueet. ra rmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benertesmved further. , as hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is 'm •nt hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. I Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .equals installments as to each parcel of land described therein. ` Adopted by the Council Clerk. Approved _ 191 Mayor. Council P Farnsworth Council n Goss Council n Keller Counci an McColl PUBLISHED Counci an Nash Counc an Yoerg Mayor owers _.L ORDER IN DEMNAT[ON No. �F Iter of the matter of condemningla and t8k- \trA\ g easement in the land nesse- it t . f ry far slopes, for cuts and fills in ding South Saratoga avenue from m R to Randolph SL, 1f - 1NATION,� land land e t be taken for .the above 'A Improvement befog more par- pr aescribed a a men,. lea, sin � for to and fill. and land abutting on South Vl N'AL ORDER IN CONDEIINATI PROCEEDINGS. •:•avenue. between the points d, to the extent shown up. C. F. No. 10427— ,ketch attached to the por' In the matter of condemning and Comm,s.inner f PubT '4 n the matter dated Nov. ; Ing a: en ement In the land n aary for .lopes, for culla and' 1.( fish site and report Fradingou[h Sare toga n .! -•rl to- and made II I _ mina qvj Jeff, raun ., e e to Ra 1.1 uta I:u,d to �hetttalmn f, th. .. `` �ame•tl Im pr•o,ement tieing m ule rl �descr,b nn ei9nd • ud for c to flr� o _.. Condemning and taking an easement Ir the land n-�cessary for esrolyeaf for Dote and fills in "rkd:iilg South Sar .t0�-,a nv nub t'9'Dm Jefferson avenue to Randolrh atreet the lanai to be taken for the above named improvement beim more particularly deaoribed ae an easement, for .cuts and fidl.s....1n....ead_.up.on the. land abutting Gs _� u.th__aarattl avenue, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent sh�-wn uYon the sketc at.tached_.to the _report of Othe__Commissicner_-of Public Works. in. -the. matter dated Nov, 22,1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a...part-hereofy. under Preliminary Order 8242 Aug. 3,1915 0604 , approved ._ _ Intermediary Order . . _ , approved .___.._. _Oct . 19,? 1915. Resolved: an easem�4�t 7iat t}tehfollo i i provement be and the same • hereby ortred to be+made, v' 1.. Gj.e.In and tmdse r. a �a°� necessary .or s"loppea 9r cute an in *adin South Sarato a avenue fr m Jefferson avenue to Randol h +fir et the land to be aken or t. ab.ou name i,Ept&ITTnt,bein _ mo on et an aa.�..t�gaarib a y- e� em=rt or a opes cr cu a a . ii s T �oufh'tarRT8,7a ' avenue, between the point foresaid, to the extent'ahown upon the sketch attach ed to the report of the issioner of Public Works in the matter dated Nov.^2, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to._and,made, _a._part, .._hereof, (2) That. the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An easement in the land necessary for sloes for cu`.a and fills in rTading South o 'atoaa avenue from Jefferson avenue to. Randolph street, *.he" land to Ye tak. n for elle aoo.v.e �Aamed improve beinc* more particularly described as an e sement for slopea, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting .on South Faraoga avenue, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report_of the Commissioner of Public works in the ratter dated Nov_22.1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and mads a part hereof, Adopted by the Council �, Nu I " 191 A i s� U 1 _ r Ci Clerk., Approved 191 - Mayor. Councilman arnsworth Councilma Goa Councilma Keller Councilor McColl 1 Councilma Nash Councilor Yoerg Mayor Po ars pl/Kl •15HE'D RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement -in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the matter of Grading Andrew street from Belvidere street to Winifred street, the land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Andrew street between the points aforesaid to the extant shown upon the sketoh, attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated September 2t;th, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 4996 , approved May 20th, 1915 Intermediary Order 6727 approved August 27th, 1915. I ' `' • for the above ,er o A public hearing having been had upon the taking and conc'.f'�i•uiti n"work. easements therein, dated September 29th, i .ke"-h a." report a e hereby improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and alsq°,aere i•'- and. yadiirade°a s sePlup for• and the Council having �,ro�ed �t,,I 20th• I;jts• Intermeaian duly considered the same, now therefore be it 1� er n'2'• apt„owed August 2,tti A Dubllc hearing having been hr iris n t e taking and `ond—rutIt” ,ument roll, identified Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of I I uheve Improvement, eta therein. for i- d by the Drovement, and the ow.rd- damages therefor. and also upon signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part as. s.rn-t or benefits therefor, r the owners of such lands re- tnae eounen having duty nsld the same• n therefore be It o Resol ved,D That the taking and ;ams Is hereby In all respects ratl- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set foto aemnat on t the land. ae.eribed - annexed ...easment r 11, Identity the ignatures of the oMayor ant fed and confirmed. I aCtenk, an a mane a Dart hereof. a �r d.magea to the o uchr� •'a tY for a Resolved further, that the said assessment of 6enefu&s be and the same is n6 _by in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered Labe submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further dResolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal I ` installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved Counci (malar nswor th Councilma (Goss Councilm eller Councilm McColl CouncilmNash Councilm1-s Yoerg Mayor P o ,q•tJ. v- CClerk. 191 Mayor. PUBLISHED FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of _pondemning__and,. _takingin....the tan. d _neceaeary.. for elopes, for cute and fills in the matter of Grading Andrew street from Belvidere street to Winifred.-street,--the-land--to-be- taken being_ more particularly described as an easement in.the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills inand upon tate land abutting upon Andrew streetbetween the pointe aforesaid to the extent own upon the sketch attached tothereport of the Commissioner of lit Works in thematter dated September 29th, 1915, which sketch and ort; are hereby referred to and made a part hereof,_ _ _ under Preliminary Order 4996 , approved .. ,May .20th, 19.15, Intermediary Order .6727 approvedkUgu&.t 37th, 1915. Resolved: n ( I) That the following improvement be and the same is hereb ordered to be made, viz:.. Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for a open, fo-r cute and fills in the matter of Grading Andrew street from Belvidere street to Winifred street, th'e land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement in the.land.necessary fopes, for cute and fills_in and_uppri the land abutting upon Andrewet between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the -report -of-- the -Commissianex,_.of__ Public Works in the matter dated September 29th, 1915, which sketch and report are -hereby referred to and made a part hereof,- - -- -------- (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con - d mned for the pu pose of maki the said improvement, z ': An easement in and upon the land abut- ting upon indrew sTreet between Belvidere street and Winifred street, the _l.antj to be taken being more particularly, _descri_bed as an easement in the land necessary for a;open, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting .upon -Andrew street between_the.points aforesmid._to_the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public' WorksInthe matter dated September 39th, 1915,- which --.sks.tch....and..._report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Adopted by the Council �'a 23 1 '� 19 l� ... Y .._.. .................... Clerk. Approved 191 c _....... .. Councilm Farnsworth Mayor. Councilm Goss Council Keller i�)Bl ISII) D Council McColl Council n Nash Council n Yoerg Mayor ers i _ C. F. No. 10249- and ta'k- 1, the matter of condemning in` an e ern—t in land ce flt in cue a the m,, a grading Andrew street FINAL OA in ,' far elopes, for to d NATION from ftelv'dere street to \l'Ini[red ,-a•t, th,- land 'to be taken betns, particularly [lescr thedary ¢e m sen n[ In the land ra. +ione�` ror cuts and dllsnin and o the land abetting upon And .e[ h,•twern the points afore -'t o the extentshown upon th,• e M (�1Iseloner ached to theport of th- of Public Work, ,.� �llt ; 71 - f_lt'`(I tt[,•r dated September y L/ �� m tch and report'. Bch ekend d red to ae — ..1irnt", JP{ In the matter of _pondemning__and,. _takingin....the tan. d _neceaeary.. for elopes, for cute and fills in the matter of Grading Andrew street from Belvidere street to Winifred.-street,--the-land--to-be- taken being_ more particularly described as an easement in.the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills inand upon tate land abutting upon Andrew streetbetween the pointe aforesaid to the extent own upon the sketch attached tothereport of the Commissioner of lit Works in thematter dated September 29th, 1915, which sketch and ort; are hereby referred to and made a part hereof,_ _ _ under Preliminary Order 4996 , approved .. ,May .20th, 19.15, Intermediary Order .6727 approvedkUgu&.t 37th, 1915. Resolved: n ( I) That the following improvement be and the same is hereb ordered to be made, viz:.. Condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for a open, fo-r cute and fills in the matter of Grading Andrew street from Belvidere street to Winifred street, th'e land to be taken being more particularly described as an easement in the.land.necessary fopes, for cute and fills_in and_uppri the land abutting upon Andrewet between the pointe aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the -report -of-- the -Commissianex,_.of__ Public Works in the matter dated September 29th, 1915, which sketch and report are -hereby referred to and made a part hereof,- - -- -------- (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con - d mned for the pu pose of maki the said improvement, z ': An easement in and upon the land abut- ting upon indrew sTreet between Belvidere street and Winifred street, the _l.antj to be taken being more particularly, _descri_bed as an easement in the land necessary for a;open, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting .upon -Andrew street between_the.points aforesmid._to_the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public' WorksInthe matter dated September 39th, 1915,- which --.sks.tch....and..._report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Adopted by the Council �'a 23 1 '� 19 l� ... Y .._.. .................... Clerk. Approved 191 c _....... .. Councilm Farnsworth Mayor. Councilm Goss Council Keller i�)Bl ISII) D Council McColl Council n Nash Council n Yoerg Mayor ers i RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. �_C2 50 In the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Edgecumbe Road from West Seventh street to Lexington avenue, the land to be taken for the above named im- provement being more particularly described as an easement for slopes for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Edgeoumbe Road tbetween the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated - February 18th, 1916, which sketch and repWrt are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7915 approved Nov.i2th 1915 Intermediary Order 8861 approved January 18th, 1916i� A public hearing having been had upon thea, 'dnae d tpretiminsr of the lands or easements therein, for the above approved Nov. lath, tary Order 8861, improvement, and the awards of damages therefor. + ment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it byi th 1916Ale 'ha1-1n: e taking and Bond, is or easements the Resolved, That the taking and condemnation tgme rone{eior. an a 'd in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the or neaedtamv signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk. and made a �=tt hsvt"g ards of damages to the owners of such lands re- ," w th're[o�t De 1'w g Aved.oThat spectively for said taking and condemnation as se4-ed a .edam rot a ou stat roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- .gnaturea or thet he>•o lied and confirmed. a of dama�°to roh' ands reaps dem"atton as ^t Resolved further, that the said assessment of bep'at F°!l6peetsara':ame is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved . _S .j Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Go Councilman Ke er Councilman Mc oll Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers iilnC —J '191 City Clerk 191 2-- I i 11 F "LISMD -5 Vo. 10261— atter a[ conMW demning and tak- - ent in the d an slopes, for cute anland flliseln ding Edgecumbe Road from W --ti e th street to Lexington avenue.' _ FINAL ORT. •and to 'e taken far tha e.p' mad improvement being mare p:1dINATION ❑I lolues foflsntbe a and fill. Inm ponthe land abutting upon E' mbeRoad between tQe rl foresald to the a tent eho n�. �"' he (he bmcml eslonere of oPubllc ef` m the matter dated Februat , 6, which sketcb and n rep el.l� re I. red to end ads e ef, under 1'reiiminary O' ,need Nov. 12th. 1916. Order 8861, appro^' 1916. In the matter of _Oondetnnl4g...%nd.. tak.ing...an v..aaem.0gl.t in_the land.-ne0e_searY...for slopes, for cute and fills in Grading Edgecumbe Road from West Seventh street. to.Lexington avenue, -the -land. to. -.be -taken for _the. above --named._Am- provement being more particularly described as an easement for elopes for cuts and fills in and -upon -t'he -land abutting upon Edgecumbe-Road--between the points aforesaid to the extant shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of fubltc--Works; In the matter dated February 18th, 1916, which sketch and report are hesebZ referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order 7915 , approved ... NOV"., l2th,1915 Intermediary Order 8861 approved _J$nuary 18th, 1916. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same ishereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and taker, an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and filis in Grading Edgeoumbe Road from West Seventh. a.tree-t..to._ L.eacing.t.on.. avenue, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described as an--easement--for slopesforcuts and -fills .in -and -upon- the land -abutting upon Edgecumbe Road between the pointe aforesaid to the extant shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public-WGrka, in the matter dated February 18th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred _to and made a part hereof, _ _.__ _.... ....... -1.1-1--, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con - damned for the purpose of making the said improvement, viz: An ease,„Mont In the land necessary for slopes, r;or cute and fills in Grading Edgecumbe Road from West Seventh e-tr.e.e..t....to...Lexington avenue, the land to be taken for the..abov.a.....named -im- provement being more particularly described as an easement for elopes, for outs-and--f-ills in and upon the land abutting upon Edgecumbe Road between the points aforesaid to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report -of the Commissioner of public Works, in thematterdated Februayy 18th, 1916, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and nada a part hereof, Adopted by the Council / I / Approved Counci an Far crib Counc' an G r Coune man Kell r Counc man Mc 11 Court Iman Nash' Coun Iman Yeerg fllayor.Powers —J rn City Clerk. 191 Mayor. 1 If -Ah 61 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION.AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the alter of Condemni P and takin.j an. ease ent, i n the lan ecessary fnr atnn=a `for cuts and finYla in the ,re:3.n o ` Osceola avenue from - - Lexing7ton avenue to ainl.ap etre-at, the land to be taken for the above named improvement being more particularly described asap easement, for elopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting on Osceola avente, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown ,:I --on the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the mattes .sated Nov. 22,1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, 6793 Sept.l ,1915. Intermedias 7608 under Preliminary Order ,approved y Order , approved Oat.19,1915. - A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condew-tis_ rh'*•'! lands or easements therein, for the above [ Pub: report:.1 N_ 2z improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also uprPn inaare h,-hereofits therefor, and the Council having :lip�i nary Order 6" I appr' dui considered the same, now therefore be it 1. 1615. tat-medfary O y approved Oct. Is, 1915. 'ublie hearing having been the taking and condemnation Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the bands or easements therein. for assessment roll, identified by the lmprovemen t. and the awa na dargea therefor. and also up' signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part he the es—ithn. me a�iyseonaiaere the owners of such lands re- signatures he be it esolved,� That the taking and con- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth tr,patlon of the lands described in they is hereby in all respects rati- aexed assessment roll. Identified by -sign atures of the Mayor and -City lied and confirmed. 'rkds ad made a part hereof, and the <. - 'd f dame h lands seeps ttvely fotre soldataking 'na eoademnatlon asst forth In setg ects ratified, and the same is Resolved further, that theaaid assessment of bene:.isseasment roll, be and the same p thereby 1. ail reapeeta ratified and nrmed. hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for lie. •'ved further. that the eeearp'y :f benefits, be a"I r Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment bdVnd it is hereoy .ie '.d:ncd to be payable in equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. ou Adopted by the Council 191 / / // ' �-7 City Perk. Approved 191 Mayor. Councilman arnsworth Councilman Goss r Councilman Keller Councilma McColl OUBLirSBED 5 r� Councilma Nash Councilma Yoerg Mayor Po ers In the manerpfCc n3emnin> and taking an easement in the lard necessary for s�opee for cuts and fill iii the gra Ing Cf Cis sots avenue from Lexington avenue to Dunlap street, *".land to oe �aken for the above nailed im.prcgrergent being L,OTe particularly dee^ribed —ass -an easement,f= slopes, for _,uta and fill_$ ir._and,upon_the la.d aoutting on Osceola ave, cetveen the points aforesaid, to the exlent a c,n ups: the sketch attached to the report of the_.Commi.s.si.a r_o- Pu_li. Works in the matter dated T'cv. 23, 1°15, v+rich skstch ani report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order o79311 ., approved . _ Sept. 1, 1915. Intermediary Order _ 7608 approved ......__ Oct , 11,1915 . _Resolved: gg a an A(1 ff ��yA•t1�aQQ� pp rryy tt a tt �s { P ard� �{ S AjWR64A149xR4 xAA A9 IeTeri h`S11oL1E1m1r3R1`nR�CBn98h �`101'r` VjT�3t �Y" %fry#' and fills in the grading of Osceola avenue from Lexington avenue to Dunlap street, the land to be taken for the &'ove named improver ant being Wore ;?xti^ularly des— cribed =s an easement for elopes for cuts and fills in-•nd upon the land abutting on Osceola avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the 'extent shovm upon the sketch attached to the report ,of the Commissi ner of Public Perks in the matter 3at.ed Nov, 22,1915, which sketch an -1. aeport..are ho e'_,y referred toand.made_ a part hereof, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the game are hereby taken, appropriated and con - tuned IT the ur a of maki the se i r me iz: gzxdsm An easement in the landnecessary or stop-sp?or oui� an' ��i3 s ' the xrading of Osceola avenue fr_m Lex ngtor to Dunlap street, the land to e taken for the above named improvement.being more particularly described as an easement for slopes for outs and fills ina and. up s..__the land abut n- cn Osceola avenue, between the ;points aforesaid, to t:.e extent ehc:+n upon ` he ske+,^h attache i to the report of the Csirissicr-'- e_r _ of P.ubSi^ Works in the matter dated '%v., 32,1915,.__whi h...._,ketch and report are herby referred to an: made a part herelpf, ;., Adopted by the Council P.PR 20 ''9' l� Clerk. Approved 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goya - Councilman Keller - Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg t Mayor Powers 9 FINAL ORDER I a1NAT10N � 1'ROOEEDING9. C. F. Vo. 10253— ndInk- ondemning In ntt yr Ment In the lannl 'ngen eslovoes ts, cuts ann flllselm FINAL ;he`g °din a.Pn°e aP °` a t• the gton )EMNATION he lstndn`r` Bement being more Pn re tic,'�tln rlr desoc'ribe [s ns a easemeen[. Rolls for sl they land and OFos A i7 butting �.%' '• '���'.�.,, l.on between the pointe a[oree''GS� tov [he eaten[ sho�en uPoo lhe. sk �.' to th elr – ntached Fnbllert��orks minsloner oP 1915. Novi 22• ;x[ter tented hetet sketch mase Pni[ horse aoa fered to Order 6703. r� der 3'rellmina rS e t. 1. 1915. ln[ermedlnr ,608, Ocl. 19, 191E avvroced ,. Re='1-"d• the Poll_ In the manerpfCc n3emnin> and taking an easement in the lard necessary for s�opee for cuts and fill iii the gra Ing Cf Cis sots avenue from Lexington avenue to Dunlap street, *".land to oe �aken for the above nailed im.prcgrergent being L,OTe particularly dee^ribed —ass -an easement,f= slopes, for _,uta and fill_$ ir._and,upon_the la.d aoutting on Osceola ave, cetveen the points aforesaid, to the exlent a c,n ups: the sketch attached to the report of the_.Commi.s.si.a r_o- Pu_li. Works in the matter dated T'cv. 23, 1°15, v+rich skstch ani report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof, under Preliminary Order o79311 ., approved . _ Sept. 1, 1915. Intermediary Order _ 7608 approved ......__ Oct , 11,1915 . _Resolved: gg a an A(1 ff ��yA•t1�aQQ� pp rryy tt a tt �s { P ard� �{ S AjWR64A149xR4 xAA A9 IeTeri h`S11oL1E1m1r3R1`nR�CBn98h �`101'r` VjT�3t �Y" %fry#' and fills in the grading of Osceola avenue from Lexington avenue to Dunlap street, the land to be taken for the &'ove named improver ant being Wore ;?xti^ularly des— cribed =s an easement for elopes for cuts and fills in-•nd upon the land abutting on Osceola avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the 'extent shovm upon the sketch attached to the report ,of the Commissi ner of Public Perks in the matter 3at.ed Nov, 22,1915, which sketch an -1. aeport..are ho e'_,y referred toand.made_ a part hereof, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the game are hereby taken, appropriated and con - tuned IT the ur a of maki the se i r me iz: gzxdsm An easement in the landnecessary or stop-sp?or oui� an' ��i3 s ' the xrading of Osceola avenue fr_m Lex ngtor to Dunlap street, the land to e taken for the above named improvement.being more particularly described as an easement for slopes for outs and fills ina and. up s..__the land abut n- cn Osceola avenue, between the ;points aforesaid, to t:.e extent ehc:+n upon ` he ske+,^h attache i to the report of the Csirissicr-'- e_r _ of P.ubSi^ Works in the matter dated '%v., 32,1915,.__whi h...._,ketch and report are herby referred to an: made a part herelpf, ;., Adopted by the Council P.PR 20 ''9' l� Clerk. Approved 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goya - Councilman Keller - Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg t Mayor Powers 9 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND 0 AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter f Opening, widening and extending an alley across the southerly end of. Lot 9, Block 2, Wright's Addition, the land to be taken for the above improvement being a strip of land off the rear of Lot 9 Block 2, Wright's Addition, City of St. Paul, said strip having a width of 29 feet on the westerly side of Lot 9, and 3j feet on the easterly side of Lot 9, 1 I under Preliminary Order 6844 _approved Sept. 2nd, 1915. , fntermedi�ry Order 7724 approved October 28th,1 1915. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above Improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having 6844. app,., d medixry order ii_ duly considered the same, now therefore be it1,1.b,r ssth. cols. ,le hearing having been ha - e taking and condemnation of Resolved, Thal the taking and condcmnatiraads or easements therein. for Hexed assessment roll, identified by the r im➢rovernent. 1"I the a¢rds magea therefor. and also "an signatures en[ f. benefits therefor, signatures. of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made k�ee coancu having duly c nsid- mages to the owners of such lands re- she some, n r therefore beo it �Ived. Thatothe taking d con- - spectively for said taking and condemnation as set non of the lands desrribea In thdnd the same is hereby in all respects rati- ed a ent roll, identified r natu esof the Mavor and CI fled and confirmed. .,and rande 'a part here ,. a', t ds f damages to the o e e lands respect)ve l)' for saldntnY Resolved further, that the said assessment of m;,inta'Qeion a s t eortn an ereb in all respects ratified, and the same is [ Il, bra set the s Y P in all res➢rets rat l fled r hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for -cher. that r -Pts. b Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191 / c it Clerk. t Approved Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Vt rBLISHFb Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg h Mayor Powers r1r F:1 1 Y t i tl 1 t �JJ t r� 1 , RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND 0 AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter f Opening, widening and extending an alley across the southerly end of. Lot 9, Block 2, Wright's Addition, the land to be taken for the above improvement being a strip of land off the rear of Lot 9 Block 2, Wright's Addition, City of St. Paul, said strip having a width of 29 feet on the westerly side of Lot 9, and 3j feet on the easterly side of Lot 9, 1 I under Preliminary Order 6844 _approved Sept. 2nd, 1915. , fntermedi�ry Order 7724 approved October 28th,1 1915. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above Improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having 6844. app,., d medixry order ii_ duly considered the same, now therefore be it1,1.b,r ssth. cols. ,le hearing having been ha - e taking and condemnation of Resolved, Thal the taking and condcmnatiraads or easements therein. for Hexed assessment roll, identified by the r im➢rovernent. 1"I the a¢rds magea therefor. and also "an signatures en[ f. benefits therefor, signatures. of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made k�ee coancu having duly c nsid- mages to the owners of such lands re- she some, n r therefore beo it �Ived. Thatothe taking d con- - spectively for said taking and condemnation as set non of the lands desrribea In thdnd the same is hereby in all respects rati- ed a ent roll, identified r natu esof the Mavor and CI fled and confirmed. .,and rande 'a part here ,. a', t ds f damages to the o e e lands respect)ve l)' for saldntnY Resolved further, that the said assessment of m;,inta'Qeion a s t eortn an ereb in all respects ratified, and the same is [ Il, bra set the s Y P in all res➢rets rat l fled r hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for -cher. that r -Pts. b Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191 / c it Clerk. t Approved Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Vt rBLISHFb Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg h Mayor Powers • t t FINAL r ....,... C. F. No "i t,66 0 " In the atter t opening. anu'tending o aiteY g the lY end of Lot 9.a �' 4 FINAL Ol� being a Addition, the I— Wright taken for the above Impr.� being n strip a[ land ort the t Lot 9.. Block 2, Wright'. AdIv city of St. Paul, said etrl0,ttnvl2, width of 29 feet on thew rly s– Lot 9. avid 3!?. feet nn the easterly .de of I.et 9. under I•reliminar5" Or - ler fi844, nPp ro4'ed yep[.- 2nd. 1015. ntermedla ry Order 7,2 it approved �1 robot 2 8t h, 1915. cnl�ed: That the nthsa m,a herr' I1. hr d e he Hades and ;v. a11eY `a -:f Lot 9. nd to he In the matter of Opening, widening_.. and.....extending-an. alley_ across _ the. ..._......_.. Southerly end of Lot 9, Block 2, Wright's Addition, the Iand to be taken for the above improvement being -a--atr4p---of-- land -off the -rear -of Lot 9) Block 2, Wright's Addition, city of St. Paul said strip having.a width of. 29 -feet -on the westerly side -of -Lot .9 and 3:j- -feet on the easterlyside of Lot 9, .. _.......... . under Preliminary Order 68.44 approved . Sep t. 2nd, 1915 , Intermediary Order 7724 approved. October 28th, 1915, Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Open,._ Widen and, extend an alley across the southerly end of Lot 9, Block 2, Wright's Ad- dition, the land to be taken for the above _improvement .being, a_strip of land off the rear of Lot 9, Block 2, Wright(s Addition, City of St. Paul, saidstriphaving a width of 29 feet on thewesterly-side of Lot S. and 3 fee, on the easterly side of Lot 9, (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appropriated and con- demned for the urpose of making the said improvement, viz: A st rip of land Off the rear of Lox 9, Block , Wright's Addition, city of St. Paul said strip having a width of_29._..f.eet on the westerly side of Lot 9, and. 31 feet. on......th.e...easterly side of lot 9, p C)p Adopted by the Council Approved �_l Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers Council File No. By CITY OF 5'1. PAUL V� Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Eai i-tB._ x9�t_3 ar.3_y_rp�n�e _ for :Iavin� S;xth Smith avenue frog the south end „f the =li,gh Bridge to Annapolis Street,( under Preliminary Order 3173 Intermediary Order_--3�7, Final Order 3949 - roved_ ' a r c h 5tnl----- 5 191_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable int:_ _.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. - F Adopted by the. Council._ APR 28 ITS-_ 191, - - - _�✓ e-', 'City Clerk. Approved ._. L= 191 s�„h x����e' ' yor. �lin nv , -- Farm B. S. A 8-10 .od br we Ri`kh Bridge ,•r etr-1 ndrreh . �r ser a. Idl ermede.ry orae - ..1 order 279. apprnyad 71u. blln hearing having been ft' then n ment for the abov, w a:n[,sand said assenement sen further c eldered by '1 a d having abeen consld satlsfactery, be It therefor, Ived, Th the said n d the a le hereby fines11 stifled, xnd the me le her, Court bf the County to Ramelt rnflrmnllon. - It Further Resolved, That the a t be I'd It la hereby mined man pnynnle In ten .unit fllments as to each and every par_ [ land dencrlbed lhereln. 'pled br the Council Apr. 28, 1916. ,oved Apr. 28, 1716. - (\lay 6.1716) Council File No. -�- — ►/ �`� ~ BY CITY OF ST. PAUL spa Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 0 Benefits, aos`s and expenses for In the matter of; the assessment of - _ __ —.-- - — ^, :r�in,. ani boulevar?' ng both sides of Fairview avenue frcrr, U Hive_ s'_ty 4 avenue to �ur-.it avenue. -- under Preliminary Order_ 934 _—, Intermediary Order__ _ X210_, Final Order I approved A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it thefefor-e RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved 191 -1.1111211- -- In thy mnller 11 the a et. r b,•neflls costs and expel _ __. _.___ Form B. S. A 8-10 urbing , na howe�«rding b, ,.yiti. of lou sumn'11 r1"e �s. der Prellminn ry , r,ler 93��v 1 ntermedlur}' .der 2216. 6,, 29th,11'Ij{der :682. uD- popubllc henring hnving been had u or th nn en tt[or the above Im- _ e t,ae end aid eeeaerent having been � considered anally an[le factory, be thereto Resolved. That the Held saeenemen[ Ibe and the same le hesam} In all e- , poets ratified a d the a Is hereby Co rt dfothe C unbe `y oftoRnmthe eYfrfar conarmntton. o That the Rc I[ Further Resolved, d¢Id n ent he a blelln'ft— tee el etermined to be pays I Installments as toec h and every par- ' � cel of land describedther eln. i Adopled by the ConnrlI ADr, 28. 1916. ` A Vpro led Apr. 286 I' I , \lay CITY OF ST- PAUL ^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM - q \��-¢> Subject:. CoEncu N o . � 1 0258 . v ` Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is, hereby authoriz11 ed and directed to lay a cement sidewalk and're-set the curbing around the an' to hire the necessary labor and Public Library by force account, procure the necessary material therefor; the expense of all of which shall be paid out of the Library Fund. C. F. No. 10258—By Anthony ]' Resolved. That the Comml,sione 7'unllc Work, le hereby authorize directed to lay a c ant aidewal d et [he iur 'ling a and the 1 le i Library by force and to hire I the n es labor and proeu" the a,n r} ryaterint thereof: the pen- of all o[' which ,hall be paid Out of the I.In rnry Fund. Adopted n}' the Council Apr. 29. 1916. Approved Ilay 2, 1919. (:11ny 6-1916) ,a,, Yeas (✓) C cilinen (d) Nays F sworth In favor ler Against jU h g M FORM C.B-2 Adopted by the Council AP 29 1916 191 Ap 191 MAYOR c E. City of St. Paul ; Accounting Department AUDITED CLAIMS-R^SOLUTION FORM Council. F_ t' No. 1L19 � ,,pp�f ) By 1 - Aufii:ted City�troII er ��� Per • 112 Dep Resolved that warrar4tsdrawn upon the City Tres, stry5 payable out of the hereinafter speIiedfunds and in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance., as specified in the following detailed statement. Adopted b the Council R 2J )y�� lmen (VQ Nays y _ rth Yeas4Na 1 lfyl 9 Approved In Favor /7 J44 191 Against Elm Mayo ^� C. F. No. 10259— —_ r" Resolved that warrants be drawn up - the City Treasury, Sayable out of Corporate Purposes -Salaries the hereinafter sPecified-funas and In, fervor of the persona, firms or corpora- tion' for the amounts set oDP.91 to $a or's Office their rrepectibe names specified In y the b-• towing detailed et.t.rneft: 341.66 Coriwrnte Purposes—S.arles: May- � - or Ortice. 5341.66: City Officers, $3,- 083.32: Contr. Finance, $3,486,66: Corp. City officer-, Counsel. $1.258.34: City Clerk. $700.00: 33.083.32 Pollee Fund. $27,945.17; Police (Pen. lone). $80.00` Fire Fund. 530.612.48; 1,486.66 Comir. Finance cob. Public fety—Gen. Adminletra- tion, $458.33; Police & Fire Alarm. $1.512.00; Dept. of Health, $4,414.00. Corp. Counsel Copt. r Publicor works, $louse, 4$ Com. Pub. ks—workhouse, $1.- 18258-34 313.33; School Fund, 1195,182.49; School Fund. $283.00: Avdltorlum Fund. Cit Clerk $853.63; Library Fund, 53,66, $ C m. r7 City Pub. U Ili 'I Gen. hdm. 5431.66; IGIJ•GG Com. Pu - U[IIIUes—Stun. Test. Lab.. 5697.15 Fub. Utllities—Markets, ' Police Fund a $22..00: r b. Lighting Fund. $930.00; r7 9 Comptroller'' Office, $1.418.48; C. H. & 27 1745"L� Dept.. $1,1134.83;C�Gen FFund—ClvlI Sic rt Police (Pensions) Ice, $550.92: Gen. Fund—Municipal 80.GG Court. $1,575.02; Gen. Fund—Election "'P.- $192x0. Dire 'Fund Aaoptea by the Council Apr. 29, 1916.0? 3G$ 612.48 Approved May 2, 1y916. (May 6-0916) Com. Pub. Safety -Gen. Adm. 458.33 Police & Fire Alarm 1,512.00 Dept. of Health 4,414.00 Real th-H 1t 827 0 a its } 2, 88 D r/ A '( aths 0� Res. #112 Dept. of Public.71orks, C. P. W. -Gen. Adm..... so P' 3 -Engineers. Street Const. & R -0 1:212. 0 - j '543 Sewer . .. ... ...... S. & S. Ong. treet n ....... 50 S. & S. -sewer . ....... . p p e Street Const. ne . .... 6 6 Bridge B d Rep. . ...... Fund e . S. & S. ng Fund G bage.--. 3. 7 -0 4.5 Sprink 9..: .... . 6 n .... . ............ 1 211. 7 com. Pub. Works Workhouse - School Fund Auditorium Fund Library Fund Com. Pub. utilities -Gen. Adm. - -,tun. Test. Lab. a -Markets Pub. Lighting Fund Comptroller's office C. H. & C. H. Gen. Fund -Purchasing Dept. Gen. Fund -Civil service Gen. Fund -Municipal Court Gen. Fund -Election Exp. 0 $17,211,47 1,313.33 95,:L62.49 283.00 853.63 3,658.45 431.66 697.15 220.00 930.00 1,418.48 974.17 1,134.83 550. 92 4575.02 192.50 I,I N i �1 Form A. 541 Q�......J ... ,1, F CITY OF ST. PAUL'""�! ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1-0260 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILENCIL No. BY AUDITEOA h I91_ PER 113 6°F��7 �" � Co pUollsr. •�•`• Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts setopp site their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: APP 29 i 7; t Yeas ( J ) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth 490W.— In favor A ve 1 Keller /f M�MAYOR y Against O'Leary Yoerg Mr. PresidetMr1N41QjC* l Board of Control $2,420.39 Bd. Of Cont. -City & C'o goseS .` ,71 4 n a n _ n n- 6houe.&• 2 11 a a n a 7 -33 nat.- a ..... Bd. of Co tttr -Sal, ...... 4 f 2, G. Olaf Aaelund 55•oG Gen. F. -Art Museum -Sal. S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 175.00 New Library Bldg. -Sal. :a S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 2,51.3.31 Park -Gen. Adm -S 1. 39 6 Park -Ac es Sal C Gt66 Playgrounds Sal166 Pub. B1 g. -Ins ctors• ......(/... 83 a Is -Ar .. - 9 Jessie O'Brien 65. GG Gen. F. -Art Museum -Sal. C. F. No. 162W— Resolved that warrants be drawn up- on the Ctty .Treasury, payable out t '- Albert Salaba [be Rerelnttfter e..cmed funds and in 60.00 be of the persons, firms or corpora - I, Gen. F.—Art museum -Sal tns for the amounts set opposite their , e pective name. as specified in the. following detailed statement: Board of Control, $2.420.39. 3OG•GO S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, _Olaf Ana6lona, Gen. F.—Art Museum) Contingent Unclassified Naw Library Com'r. Finance. Y g.—Sal., $175.00. S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance, 58,613.3E Jessie O'Brien, Gen. Fund—Art Mu- seum—Snl., $65.00. AlbertL Salaba. Gen. F.—Art Mu- y„ seum—Se L. $60.00. S. A. Farnsworth. Com'r. Finance. Contingent Unclassified, $300.00. TotLg Adopted by the Council Apr. 29, 1916. ' Approved May 2, 1916. _ (Stay 6-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL F COUNa-I'L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. ^w a _ COUNCIL VP i TILE Date Presented l 102>6 t 191 Resolved, That the annexed specifications for the improvement of the grounds of the St. Paul Public Library, prepared by E. D. Litchfield, architect, are hereby adopted and approved on the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education,and the Commissioner IVof Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to do the work provided for in para- -graphs one to four inclusive, and the Comn*ssioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is authorized and directed to do the Rork provided for in and by paragraphs numbered five and six of said. specifications; theme cost and expense of all thereof to be paid out d`` d of the Library . 40 C. F. No. 10261— a ]oer.—' annex d specifl- Rosolved, That the Improvement f the catfons for the .round, of the S[. Paul Public Llhitec t. arc �• prepared b)' F.. U. Litchfield. e hereby an opts' and approve•' o n On the Commis - l"I o^ Is_ the a d the f r ,loner of Publlctlon, hereby ,loner f Rorkt le hereby a`k directed to do e thor,zed and ne ,dell for In ParaiF raphe [o rodh Commieic neo f •, }' Pn �lnalve, and he nd, and Public nu,la- Park,. 1•i a,i,r zed and directed to do In.6 I, author, the work prodded for in and by par. lli six of ea - .raphe n inhered fleecastand f epeclflca[lon s: the pthee Ll- t of ' 11 thereof to be paid olid 1916. brarY Fund. 2g, Adopted by the Council Apr. Approved Nifty 2, 1916, (Tfay 6-1916) Yeas(V)Co jFarsworth men (✓)Nays /In favor Against Mr. Presowers FORM C. Adopted by the Council APR 29 915 191 App z- 'y40 ofi 4fl�syn r'. Yeas(V)Co jFarsworth men (✓)Nays /In favor Against Mr. Presowers FORM C. Adopted by the Council APR 29 915 191 App o END . !;ICROFILN CERTIFICATn i The Undersigned 'Hereby certifies as follows* I 1. The roll of microfilm described herein. was made in the regular course of . business byin accordance with the standard and appy ved techtiiques with a Recordak microfilm machine,' ihodel dLe �of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on fDr /021 .- b 19 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is A 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: e � 5. %he last document photographed on said roll of microfilm, is: (' r/^o a (' /O� l 914 r, After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Laud ld Operator — , SGdVONVLS d0 ()V]81.,3 IVNOLLVN . 91lllll �.r Iii SZ.i _ � 8•I VIII -� . ZZ�i o.i VIII � SZ ,tea El