7340-7815_10-02-1915_11-05-1915• S • \ M aka �vcz.• r. Also ® o %r l+6 \� 0� START Serial No. of Roll _.L�- �f? p `psi \� CO €Y es Department &,;7g o\�c+ r Office— \ 7r \\\`' �. QW/ ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP \\6 \� _ I / PER14ANENT RETENTION G j.a, 'ti9s o- - LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed (If limited)4 i Date l:icrofilm QD.,'ZX066 tt.._ SW / �v CONTENTS a Number or name of first document of regular contents i By Operator g Operator a t 9y {. Supervisor k; e ' 6vry AA __ �yyyttt y �i t a NVIjN%P V P' V,\. NO it I 2 l ' 0 02 i' m �T � 9y a 099 O� a CITY OF ST. PAUL - 740COUNCIL_RESOLUTION—GENERAL-FORM e ' Subject....................... ... ..... ...................:.:.....'...........:.....- :;.......:... ..._......... B COUNCIL I FILE N O.......lA¢r"- .... ... mp Date Presented ............... . ............. . q : Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized and-- directed nd directed to purct,aae the plumbing fixtures for the ;Fater Department Building called fnr by the specifications for said t-ildin;g, except such part of said fixt.tres as has already been furnished by the con- tractor and accepted by the Building Department, the contractor for said building, having failed to furnish the plumbing fixtures in accordance with the specifications or wit)iin the time required there- for in the specifications. C F. No. 4340—BYO:.Lr. Resolved. That the Purchasing Agent be, and he IS hereby. authorized and di- •rected to--purchase_tho plumbing flx-� _ tures for the, N'Cater Department' Build -:i ing--caled' for by the spciflcationa for sail centracto or said Otho building. plumbing having a In accord- . fixtures as hae,aiready been furnished' by,tb'e contractor and steeple .by the ance With tha.,apeclflcattons or. within time required therefor In the spec - the mcatione: , Adopted by the Council. Oct. 2, 1916. Approved 00-t 4,91915. 1916) a 0�c 9 a Yeas ( ✓) Counpllnen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council...2... /p p . 191 O ..... Farr�3worrti ST"=�. Cosg, 3 In favor a Kellet APProved'._.... .. Ut_I hj.h ....191....... McColl l ! ..... Against Mr. Presi .................................... ............. MAYOR -., FORM C.8.2 -" Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he 1F hereby author: ed to purchase the face brick provided for in tne,specifi.cations for the Randolph Heights School, the contractor having failed to supply' said brick according to specifications or within the time provided there- for in trie specifications. Yeas (✓) Coun jlmen (✓) Nays Farn4o th Goes 1...,. In favor Keller �l McColl . V....... Against Nash S t- Yoer Mr. Prewer�" i. FORM C.a•2 C F. Na. 7341—By Louie Naeh= Resolvod, That.the Purchasing Agent be, andhe Is hereby authorized tc;Par - hese the'face n brick provided: for the epcclflcatlons,'for the ,Randolph' :Helghts School,: the contractor having failed to supply said brick according to :eneclHcations' or within the time pro .vlded therefor in the ,specifications' Adopted by .the Councll Oct. 2, ,1916.: 'Approved Oct. 4, 1936; OCT -2 1915 Adopted by the Council191........ Approved, .......... U.0..:'.".f...ldJ$.................191........ ' MAYOR Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he i's.hereby authorized and directed to purchase the plumbing fixtures for the Comfort Station in accordance with the' specifications therefor, except i such part of said fixtures as have already been, furnished by the contractor and accepted by the 7Ruil.ding Department, the contractor having failed to furnish the fixtures for the said building in ac- cordance with the specifications or within the time required there- for in the specifications. . Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays F&Tworth /Gosh ............ In favor Keller (b McColl; L/........Against Naeh FORM C.82 OCT -z 1915 Adopted by the Council.."............................................191........ Approved....................U.14.!1JIj...... 191........ ................ . ..... .. MAYOR CITY OF ST- PAUL COU NCI L 'RESOLUTION`—GENERAL FORM - 'Subject::.:. . ............ ...... . .... ......................... ........... ................................. s ........................... COUNCIL FILE N 0 . ............. 7--t-343 ........................ ... ............................................ .............. . .................. . Presented__.. Date Resolved, That the bond of George Benz & Sons, with George G. Benz, Herman ,L. Benz,,Frederiok W. Benz Paul E. Benz and 'William Hamm, as sureties thereon, in the BUM Of 0450.,000.00, herewith submitted by the Commis- sioner of Education, to indemnify the City against all claim of any name or,naturai by reason of or growing qut - 'of labor or material perform- ed ,Lor. furnished in the ereotion and construction of a now building on the old -Library site, by said George Benz & Sons, at an.eatimatad cost of $450,000, is hereby accepted and approved as a compliance upon the part of said Goo. Benz &'Sons of the conditions in that behalf Of the lease heretofore made to the old library property, more particularly described in said Is I ase by the Board of Library Directors of the City of St. Paul to George E. Lennon, a corporation, which lease is dated December 30th, 1913, which has been assigned to and is now held by 'Pai4, O. V. No. Antlio.y� yom,g­� Goo. Benz & Sons. I Resolved—That the �bond' of George Rens Soha,'. v�lth Georg 0 0. Benz, He L. Bens; d le an.. V.6 E. Beni surotlaa� thereon;I I , I Ir I I. the; a oI. 0 1 ,lisroWlth'�.a6b, Iteali, I Commissioner of, E I �-to%l. �nlfy: the City against ciaime of any �na s,or, I i natureby.'re 'a or' ing.oyt of, labor or, material performed:' or f."rlh , d' In the - er , trjothm of, a as eb. ndliag'on. the old Library elle, by aaIdGoo .'.)B.1.,,&Sons' a ali -estimated 90W -iiiiii- so' t of - "'o said Is hereby u.1,t,,dhdn IDP',r* compliance art. Bonn,1j,&o81n. Ialhdcon'dltlonsjn��', t ,sh , the le e bare totfore:1made;to' the'old library pr6ertyi more, particu V Nays larlyd46scrlbed-, In' sold leOCT —/a Yeas (f) Counciltnen tt ... a �, by,ths, Board of Llbrary,Plrec are of tho,CIty y the CoUnCil ............ . ...... .. J.9.1.5 191_ of �St. Psel to � G.orge,U, Lennnp; zi'v'or- th lease lsi,'dated Dep.m. ber 30th 1033 �a IC a b _ an 013- B m, mip 1 -4 IJ16 =.as WO, .............. In fa, a] ned 1 13, leo. uui Adopted ........... 191 "e 1 0 0 %, t ' un6l �t.'2. J!9151! Pproved .......... ............ Approved4. 191 A4ail =Z11 I 11� I Y_-09 Z............................ .... ....... ..... 4 FORM C.8-2 ""CITY OF SAIM-4 u City Clerk's Office / ....................... ,�•;. 9 Received of City Cl rk � /�" J Resolved, by the City Council of the CITY OF ST. PAUL. Minnesota, that the Yavor and City Clerk be, and are hereby, authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of said City, the duplicate originals of a cer- ta.-in indenture in writing, now here presented, considered and approved, whereby the CHICAGO _._biILNVAUYJ,F & ST. PAUL RAILWAYCOTIPAN-Y grants unto said City the license to construct, Jay down, and thereafter maintain, repair, and use a thirty inch Cast Iron Pipe for conducting sewage, to be laid below tkhe'rails in the Railway . Company's tracks and across its right of way in the City Of St -Pa . ul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota upon certain conditions; and after such execution and the execution thereof by the Railway Company, to file one original there- of in the office of the commissioner of Public Works, and deliver the C. V, No. 7344 By M. N. G..8_ Y other original thereof to the said Railway Company) Y.,,,,e,,,b,, n CIR.s. Paul, o. , . that %iayor,and City.Clerk b., —d lot Yeas (V) I- I Mr. PresidentAK&M PORM C.6__ I � Adopted b� I I Approved ................ n-4 AIS '191 ............. ....... . .......... J. E. Tierney for a license to That the applicatior_of conduct an automatic ball Same at 31 E. 7th St. be and the eame_R hereby is granted and the Citv Clerk is instructed to issue such . license for one ygar upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, Q25.00. C. E. No. 4aa6 He. EY McCou— Resolved, That the application of J. E. TiCPheY foT B-�LCBnse to e011dllOt• aR automatic ball Game at 31 E. !th St: be: and theClerk fee tatructed tI. o 1 eoe Paeh y- ah City. lice eche OILY TreasurYthofp the fee; 526.00. < - - 1916. Adopted by the Council Oat. 2,. Approved -.Qct. 4; 1915: (Oct, 9.1916) y 0 yeas (✓) Co cilitten (✓) Nays VFar' worth ---Cow' �.... In favor vKel}er vIGlcColl .Against Oct S Mr. Pre • t W' Adopted by the Council. 19l.._.... Approved................U. �......_4...1y1............191........ ........................... .............. .......... MAYOR That t�e',cigarette license 38, issued MayJ3rd, 1915, to Ernest J. Orawford, 479 W. 7th Bt.., be and the same hereby is transfered to Geo. C. lla�tzat, 479 W. 7th St. C. F: N,. 7348—BY Henry McColl— Resolved, That th 09arette license No. 38, Issued May 3rd, 1916, to Ernest J+Crawfgrd. 479 N. 7th 8t., be an8 the same hereby 1s tranafered to Gee. C. Matz t 479 w. 7th St. (!`Y Adopted, by the Counan Oct. 2, 1916. ApD ovedOct 4, 1916. (Oct. 9-1916) Yeas (VI) Co nciltnen (✓) Nays OCT eZ 1915 _ Adopted by the Council ...._ _ .... . ..... 191........ . 1G8) nt, worth t'..In favor er- _ Approved...._ .........191....._. �j MIDI "oil `.......Against FORM C.8 -a CITY OF ST. PAUL"'' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE 'TRANSFER Subject: 7'347 COUNCIL j PILE 1vot �. Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell i icating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to 1p ications duly made therefor. r . No. From (Name and,Address) I To (Name and Address) afaa vr,,,,moi ar.,a Nnq-pt_ PAf.gr St._ Chas. Rommel. 492 St. Peter St. Yeas ( ✓IG en (✓) Nays OCT -m2 191c, Adopted by the Council ]91— th / In favor �5- Approved U1,l� 'f I�IJ191—Against Mr. Presld MAYOR ' C r. No.. 7347—By Henry McColl— Resolved, That the following deals-. Hated licenses to sell Intdxlcating ]lquors be trunsfe ped, as .Indicated. pursuant to applicatinpk, duly mad?' therefore: ,. '. ,, No.. 392, I�`rom�n mmei Eros „602 9t. Pett 8t to Chas. R'ommei->: '492 St. RC @r .d�tlpted by Lhe.Counell Oct. 2, 19X6: AlilYroved Oct."4, Y9Y6. (Oct.e19916) I - II 1 _ Yeas ( ✓IG en (✓) Nays OCT -m2 191c, Adopted by the Council ]91— th / In favor �5- Approved U1,l� 'f I�IJ191—Against Mr. Presld MAYOR &I T�y OF' ST. PAUL CouNdIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 8uloject: ....... :............� ... .... . ............................. ............................. ..................... ...................... I .................... '318 COUNCIL 7, VILIE No . ............ .... ............ ..................... ......................... ........... ..................................................... Date PreSelltte4-,�... _..00t..3v .................. 191 Resolved, That the applies,tion of the following persons for 9, license ely indloat- at the locations respectively to conduct Hotels or Restaurantsatauthorized ;,and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk ed be and directed to issue such licenses to said applicant upon the payment of the fee requi.,ved by law. NAME OF APPLICANT,, HOTEL OR REST-AIM�L1,1T LOCATION, Se ore Hotel 597 St, PetGV Robert A.I� Mingo & Son Business Lunch 120,80. Chas. Koplitz Business Lunch 149 So. Wabash WabishIL Business Lunch 121 So. 'tick Hoebe Boarding House 2327 ChLrlee Mrs, Anna Bark Lunch Room 618 Como Ave, H. Arnold Lunch Room 117 W. 7th �- John Manes 787 Payne Awe. -- ---- _-Jiaiiline Bandelin Restaurant P a * 7349—By- Henry Roeolved,.:.That: That the application of the f."Mug P`o`r ... a for -a' license to con- duct -lit tel cut, Restaurantzt.a dt bthe sin% the ons reppeetively Indlei aame,hareby are granted and the City !Clark is authorized and directed to Issue such licensesto said applicant Upon the payment of the toe required law. K. P. eager., Hotel, 591 St. PVni.r St. A. Sr; Mingo & Son, Business LU ch 0 b.Robert SL-; 120 2 Ch— Roplitz, Business Lunch, 149 9a. Wabash. St. L Roche, Bualnes -WNb"al`a St 1 0 Lunch, ncb� 121 06. 1 Mr.. Ann% . Rark. B oarding ,Hohse, 2327 Charles St. ' ­, . . U H, Arnold;,]Lunch. notun, _618 Qopa Ave. aJohn alone., ":iVL�� � ss �Urieli;R-.r Ith Pauline 11.nd011-,-�_Rek.dra Pay.. Ave... �!4; Adopted, byLjhe Council_ Oct.E, }9161 Approved Oct4; 1916. (out'; 94916) Yeas (V) CoLllolen (Y') NaysOCT -2 1915 - Adopted by the Cotrncil-..: ... ...... ... ..... ............... . 191 Farrui* , Ol U Gossv,,' ................ In favor Approved............. .. .. .... ... .... ..... ........ ..... 191 Keller C .. ........ Against Nashg Mr. Prost FORM C,8-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL 7340 X47 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ...... ......_......_.... _...._ 7, Subject:- ..._.. sou veil .. .. FILE No.. ......... ..............q,•...... ... ...... _. _............... Date Presented-. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent, and he is hereby authorized to buy, with the consent of the Comptroller, three ornamental street light poets for a sum not to exceed- $1157.50, from the South Park Foundry Company, witlyout asking for_competitive bids, as hgi;i posts are toxmztzk be the same as those already in use and it is therefore impossible to obtain competitive bids. H, . rvo. 349—By' O. E. Bcller- -�j[.,� V resolvedT, That the Purchasing Agont 7 with h the Is heresontb, -`n the -Comptroller,: to buy,:. with the consent ,of the Comptrslle r three not to ex `etreeC:alghb posts for sum not Toexceed,.*167.60, from the South. -_Park Foundry Company, with=: one „asking' for competitive bide, -as said:posts aro to be the same as those already In use 'and. It Is therefore im-1 possible': to obtain competitive bids. Adopted by the' Council Oct. 4, 1916:! Approved Oct. 1916 (Oct4,.;.: 9-1$7,6) Yeas (V) Co i cilrnen (I) Nays r• y Adopted'hyt t'e, Council a_."_ g� 191 Fa Isworth G s _ ..In favor 1j13 191 K er Approved_ Uj M Oil __Against O' ary g - — -- Y r ay -- mnvoa — -- CITY OF ST. 'PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIP GENERAL FORM ' 0 v: r Subject:. ........ _ R............... --. COUNCIL FILENO__ ..... .............. __W.....:.._........_ _..:...._.._....._ ...___.... ........... _... ....... ........ _....... >� Date Presented-....Qat....4.th...._..._.'_....._I91.5_..- Resolved, That the plat of Lane's Manor, St.Paul, Minnesota, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Yeas (V') CoLilmen(Y) Nays Fln vlbI-Against favor sh rX Mr. Pr ' aoar c.e•z . C. F. No 7350-8y M N.'Gose= Reaol ed, That the, plat' o[ Lane'e Manor St. Paul;. Minneeota,: as recom- mended by the': Plat'Commial and npproved by the 'Com lea loner o;[ Pub- no Worke. be. and the same is ereby� accepted. Adopted by. the Council Oct. 4, 1915.! Approved Oct. 4, 1916: (Oct. 94910-' OCT -4 Adopted by the Council --- ---- --- ------ 191. _ Approved_ i ' �, ,j!J U 191 _ ------------- MAYOR w - 'CITY. OF ST.�PAUL S ' _ ACCOUNTING _DEPARTMENT an r • AUDITED CLAIMS= COUNCIL FILE NO. wa By............ . . .. ....... .... ... FINAL ORDER. Inthe matter of Constructing a cement tile sidewalk tQ a, widt ..of_ six feet . ......... ... .... ... . ............ on the south side of ne'y-**'s-treei*�eg*in*n'in'g*'*at end sidewalk 200 feet east a a- -of Reaney At"a t of Atlant-ja--a.trae.t­.thsnze to­-Engli.sh street, and on.. Both .. side 'a" beginning at English agent thence to Etna street, 15 under Preliminary Order approved JUA6. . . . ........... ........ .... Intermediary Order . . .......... .. .. . approved . ..... . .. .......... ­ .......... ­­­ . ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City,of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Jk­to a �W.idt. Jh­Qf ..Aix- feet on the south side of Reaney street beginning at end of sidewalk 200 feet east of Atlantic an streeert thesnae- 1toEnglish st re at-and an both- aidesof­ReaneYstreet beginalrAot ciDolahrtrrteithrevnmeet�olEmn%e.street,aRESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ­­ -OC.T....-4 Approved........_......___...____ Councilman�alnsworth �Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg MaYQ=V5-W--rn- Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST PAUL DEPARTMENT OF' 71NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREJAINARY ORDER . 111 In the M ter of—_ ['^ �!/?---.L... ?2Z�ir/-1—--- 16 - ...----- ..%,......leu:... ..... under Prelimina Order a rov s To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $520 . 6r',.,lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION L6T BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7,r J7 y 49a �o 0 TOTAL, O O ronw U.S.A. a -e w (B) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER O ON PRELIrINARY ORDER . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCW ADDITION ASSESS VALUI� N 6 Gcs D -Z o o 'J/ / d%o / J /(9a V's O /y op �fc vS0 � b) leo° `1 ba ,Z o 0 v2�✓ ,�! ly7s' 49 /T/ f- w, !77J-. mob . �3 y X90 3 a o /oD 2e o �i � bo .fib 13 TOTAL, S FINANCE CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI191ARY ORDER -- _ -C) i ---== DESCRIPTION J `-_— LOT�BLO�Kj —"— --ADDITION '— — i - - ASESSED AS 0 i7 �`O .` 'Z. D � , /✓/ /lam. • � �� you . Avo �O dC 49b 60 /oo a 3�45 / 'q The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to • him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated G 7 191 3 � " `-/G%! i � -t-._.-..-__.-_-__�:_....-__` ...-..... -- .................. . ........ lit ` Commissioner of Finance. << ._ 1011, ronM esu. e -a c' y. .. .................. ... 1915 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City Of St. 'Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File-Vo—.5- .,...._..approved .......... 191 . ..... . ... ........... 191 relative to ..... . ...... . . ..... constructing a cementthe sidewalk to a width of ........ .six feet On the south ....... ...................... .............. .... . . ......... . . ...... ............... . . .... . ........ . ............ . . ..... ...... . . ...... ................. . . . ........ ................. §_IdI!!alk 200 ft. east of Atlantic ....... . .. ........... ............. ... .......... . ................. St., thence to English St., and on both Sides of Re.a.n.e..y St - . begi ng ............. . ............. ......... ... ..... . .............. -- ........................ .. ........ . .......... .... at English St. thence to Etna St. and having investigated. the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable., 540 per, lineal feet .. .... 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__........___.__.__, . and the total cost thereof is -..-_......1 .. ...... . ... and, $ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ . .......................... .............. ............. . .... .......... . . . ........... . .. . .............. .................................. ..... . ........ . .... . . . ................ . .... . . . ............ .... . ...... ..... . .......... .. . ..... . . ............ . .. . ........................................... . ......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .......... ....... ....... ... . ........ ..... ..................... .......... . .... . .... . ........ . . . ........... . ................. . .......... . ....... . .......... ....................... ........ ......... ... ............... ......... 5. Said improvement is ...... ..... . .. . .... . ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 0 1 er ....................... Coin inissionerI- he of Works. li Works. .n /,f /G�i�'/b /y �•Zo `V.3�/ ,L';G�/fj 6, �E7NEY��f� �T di sI .n 09-M U a �: 3 -,... .F:..� City Council, - St. PE V The Commissioaer of Fiaance'furthep reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and-hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the. Council, together with the report made tori him in reference to"said matterby the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-19t�_�i1 July � 7th;' 1915 ITo ;The Honorable` Council of 'the City. of St. Paul. Gentlemen - We the undersigned owners of property, in " Block 5, Wann's Addition, do hereby respectfully petition your 064orable Body to order the construction of 'a'6 foot walk on the north side of Goodrich Avenue between Albert,Street and Pascal Avenue. Residence, Owner, of. zz, zd r 1'�4 YL -yd JU L 161915, ,'BDRU OF BNGEREERS. " • rt -4 1 5 k ij COUNCIL FILE NO T ��'+' "'� _ i FINAL ORDER. In th atter. of .. CpT. --t. g . a e.ew.er._on....Texaa...-B.tre.a.t..-.from__S.tate...a xeet _. � t0 �?d�ereet;._ _ _ ... ... nnderPreliminauOrder........... _.889 -......... _ approved July 88th, 191 , ti ..._..... ._._..._ .. .:. Intermediary Order ..... .......... approved _.._. ............. ....... __.............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard.all -persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the came; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and ]rind of improvement. to be made by the said City is ...Conetriat.._s....saWar_.on.. _Texas__street.._from..-.Stata....ataes.t ....... _.. C F =h 7366 ; - ""' a:n the Sfatter o[;conetructing a ewer �• and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. on Texas atretic from states Heretic to Fenton .street' nder.-Prenminary;- Or}ler 889 apprgVed J41y,28th 191;9 oiphst,a hearing having' -'been hod RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Wo; notceand °the ieouhcii navt'n heard all persona obleetiops and rgco�nmen d di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and c fu la"nconsiaered cna`s men re afore Abe u aisolveroyal,.;, o(' St-Paui that tthe yr0ctae nature vfv that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorize tent ata Ictnd, at -improvement ko,.pr r. _ inpde b> the eaid:,Ctty to oiistruht a: " ng'-. of, said improvement in accordance therewith. to Texe.'etre t trom<3stacey st t:; oFenton 3t andthe Counetl heeebya=" rdere eald-"Improvement to';be made 1 �., " Resolved'Further That thC; Cotnmla ', - Adopted by the Council...........SUN .�.Q.- i 91�j 6 sloner ;of P"b11c R o " be .ana he lei. "' - 191,. he ebyalnetructed' and directed to;pre' ' pare pinns and, apeoflcattoner--tor •sai0� .impzovem0 _,i at�d',;aubmlt>sittuponatua to Counenfor approrat thesaid. the=proper Clty,otfteere here)lY=aufhozlsed+nnd directed to pro .lerk. _ oaed wtkh the makjng pt eafd )mDzove { mens. In accordnt�ce therawlth Approved _ 9 Adapted by.thJunoe Coun tl JUne 20 1918 �" 1� APbrdved EOol1918 ' (Jude Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth i Goss i t/ Keller ��l �- i. / McColl - O'Leary .. Yoerg � • ' f t s Mayor Powers Form B. S. A.'8.7 1 ° 'G�f'c,.• f�,� .3..,, t� J 1-7 7CITY OP'sT• PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE•{{ REPORT OF CO ISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PR , IMINARY ORDER /J In th tter of under Preliminary Order approvedTo the Council of the City of St. . The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $- 1684.00 $ 1.42 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION _.: �I LOT BLOC _ —_ Vii, ASSESSED DESCRIPTION , K VALUATION soo --r- TOTAL, 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE' _ +. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON PREtll WARY ORDER.: a TX I� - ASSESSED bESCRIPT ION iLOT LOCK ADDITION , VALUATION 7 s I I 4, ij .. i Y Y�i'o i 1 i I 1 I _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated- LL( —19 --- .....-..._. Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. B -a C Respectfully si�xbmiot(t'ed, Dict. O.C./m. Qhief Engineer. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Cosmr. Farnsworth, Cosmr. of Finance. ------- ._4th,_____-----191.5 In the Matter of ---- gons,ructin9- -- from State St. to L4in;,atonlcr. Street. -- --- --- ------------- ------------ -------------- --- --- ----- -- -- - ----- - ----- - ---------------- This is to certify that the Council of the City of St. Paul, at its meeting held--------------------------C-ct-•-°th,J•9'>_-191--- , laid over the above entitled matter to its meeting of Nnv._4tn,a 415-,--Rn-d - r Qe rrPid,-, same to you for invertig:.tion and report. JOHN 1. FARICY, City Clerk. By- -- --- ------ V4-* yy �°� �-,J..���Gt[i�� i=a�:.rca.�G'i.�tr"'t'.e-vi_L�-,*Y.w-c✓a��+� el, �C'�tsc-�2. �w I /`tvrvf� - r%�%lz 7`C"c'-drasm�%-'^s�:'s%,# -t1�a` 7Ug• .,.., yGYi�rrJ GGA-t.Nr..ra�;�t,.�•' �;r•y �a. �c. � � �,,g1✓ � . . City Clerk. C. F. No. 7357--Ordinane. No. 3689— An ordinance authorizing the partial settlement of the claim at Cornelius Haggerty under the Workmen's Com- veneation Act. The Council of the City of St' Paul does ordain. E The ProperSell710offNicilla are hereby authorized to pay to t� Supply Account oti gf'rZ.0G"etn0f t1"r9d."the ... of Tw— t or. .($26.85) In This be In Attest: jonlq 1. - . (Oct Irnpen-tion Act, Yor by him on _11fe 4th CION 2. shall t�,t take and Vs atter a passage, licatcer n - C aunell Oct. 19, 1916. ® E An ordinance authorizing a compensation agreement with Martin Miller, and authorizing the payment of compensation in accordance ' with said agreement. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DORS ORDAIN: Section 1. The proper city officials are hereby authorized to enter, into,, an agreement with Martin Miller providing for the payment to:him of compensation in accordance with the workmenst, Compensation Act, for injuries received by him on the 27th day of August, 1916, while in the employ of the Department of Parke, laj+grounds and Publio Buildings ae-a carpenter on the Randolph Height e' ",School. Section 2.. The proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Martin Miller out of the Randolph Heights Sub -Pond of the School. Bund, ,the sum of Thirty Three Dollars ("33.00) in partial settlement of his claim;- in accordance with "the agreement author- ized"in See�tion: e' (;1) of "thfs'ordinanoe. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publiCa-tion.- Yeae (/) Councilmen (%f''Nays Adopted by the Council Farneaiarth OCT 9 1 .15 Keller C. F. No. 7368—Ordinance No 3687— '1916 An ordinance authorizing a compensa- tion agreement w(th Martin Miller, and authorizing the payment of com- Nash ;mastic. in accordance with Bald agreement - YOerg The Council of the CIIY of 8t. Paul ' does ordain: Mayor. SECTION 1. Mr. President PowB The proper city officials are hereby .. authorized to enter into an agreetnenf with Martin Miller providing for the OHN', 1-. FARICY, payment to him of compensation In accordane with the Workmen's Com- p - im on on thec27 hrday of August InJurlea e1916 City Clerk. while In the employ o[ the Department - L Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings es a carpenter on the E an- dolph Heights School. _ SECTION 2. The proper city officialsare hereby _ a thorized to pay to Martin Miller out of the Randolph HeightsSub-Fund of the School Fund, the sumof Thirty - I reD]ein ar settle h men I of his clIaim, In ccpordance with - - the agreement authorized in Section I - One (1) of this ordinance. SECTION 3. This erdlnanee shall take effect and be In force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publicatlon. Adapby the Council Oct. 19, 1916. ted Yeae—Messrs. Farnsworth, Gose, .- Keller, Nash, Yoerg, Mr. President (Powers) -6. 1 Approved Oct. 19, 1916. WINN POWERS, Mayor.'�+� Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, City Clerk. _ (Oct. 23-1916) An ordinance authorizing a compensation agreement with Martin Miller, and authorizing the payment of compensation in accordance with said agreement: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: "Section 1. The proper city officials are hereby authorize to enter .into; an agreement with Martin Miller.providing for the payment to.h'im of compensation in accordance with the Workmens' Compensation Act, for injuries received by him on the 27th day of August, 1915, while in the employ of the Department of Parke, i'laygrounds and Public Buildings as a carpenter on the Randolph - `'>.Heighte-5oitool. Section 2... The proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Martin Miller out of the Randolph Heights Sub -Fund of the School Fund, .the sum of Thirty Three Dollars ($33.00) in partial settl®trent of his claim- in aocor(T Ace with the agreement. author- ized"in Section One ('1) of`thi`.s ordinance.41 " Section 3. This ordinance shall take effectandbe in force .; 30.days after ita;paesage, approval, and publication. Yeas (/) Councilmen ( }days Adopted by the Couqc12 Farvc7cx T 9 1915 QO Btl,xfs°ra"..,rr.sa = " Kel' 191b Rash ? %Q Yoerg=rw a r or., Mr. President, Powail HN . FARICY"= City Clerks p - ssccroat a The 'pro er city offtElats are. hereby thorise auLo Dar to �fartfnrHItller out of the Alxdolph Heights duh :Fund of the SE4ittoT Fund %the Pum ot:;i,Thtrty th ee Do1r F;8; 06) fa partial settle t of"ha�-Eiatm:;ln eccoed_sitE� with th greemEgqt,C LL3h�r..Kd - 'tto ` One (1}.�oI. this srdinsaae, //i appdoval z. ix x .� 7 'Adop.191E fes~ K Yeas _ 6oae ? z t. i�llee.,, N£k eldest Nays o M Approved To the Council' Gentlemen: 2 herewith transmit for your approval, a proper form of ordinance authorizing a compensation agreement with 11ortin Miller, and the partial payment of compensation in accordance with trnis agreement. Martin 'Miller received injuries while employed as a. carpenter on the Randolph Heights'School. The amount of compensation provided for in this ordinance is that allowed by law for 3 weeks loss of time in accordance with the Workmens' Compensation Act for persons being paid the rate of wages which he was receiving at the time of his injury. Yours truly, " ��ivlcry Asst. Corporation Counsel. .. 'CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL R6SOLQrION—GENERAL FORM' 1 i}?k. Subject.:.. AaDROYA/ 0.................... COUNCIL - FILE NO................... 8519 .... Date Presented ..... .................... 13 91J........ / � p Resolved, That the contract bearing.date September 8th, 1915, by and' between' Thornton Brothers, a corporation, and. the City of It Pauly.,.: for the construction of the so-called "Snelling -Como Sewer System," be, and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. ha T C of No. 7369— R solved, tthe contrnet beatlug date, -S.otember' Sth 1916, ,by and be ' •, tween'Thornton Brothers, a corpdr's; tion,"and the City o[ 8t. Paul for tho C, /a construction of the so-called "Snelling. IComo Sewer System." be and; the eamo. In hereby approved, and, the proper, city officers are authorized and'dlrect- ed to execute- the same on•; behalf of, the City. �> Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1916.', ADProVed Oct. 6, 1916. '.(Oct. 19 916) Yeas (PLworth ayeAdopted by the Council_191... In favor OGT --5 Approved ...... .....::.. ................191Mr, d MAYOR FORM C.134 ' ' w1f eflCITY. OF ST. PAUL q 'g�3�COONC L I RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.--.-. .................. - . _ .... . ......... . COUNCIL f �yfil[����/) ,�q,y..qqy _,,g•��'cy� - FILE NO ..... .......... ...... _._.. �. __.. ... ........ 0•�`"d"hf• ..,.. .......................»......_..........._.............-..._-....-........_...--- � ✓ Date Presented............................._I91.5......_ Resolved, That permission be and is hereby granted the Consumers Power Company to erect poles and string wires and the necessary anchors thereon: On Eustis St. from Doswell St. north to the City Limits Said poles and wires to be placed and the,work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Utili— ties; said Company to pay the cost of engineering and the inspeation_ and the poles and wires to be removed when requested by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul; this permission is granted under and pursuant to the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 2645,• approved December 26th, 1906. Yeas (I) Cou ilmen (i) Nays Fara Lorth�sgIn favor KellMc _ _.4gainsr Mr. Presid roc e.a•2 C. F. No. 7360—Ry M. N. (}oae- Resolved, That permlaslon hand 1s hereby granted the Consumers Power wirCompany t h erect poles and string on: and the necessary anchors there on: On Eustis St. from Doswell St, nort GIt to. theMYLlmlts. - `Bald poles and wires to. be pinced.y.. the d(rectloh. and tworko the sal efaction of the Cder the ommissioner of Public Dtillflea; .the � .Company to pay the coat f en (neer-- Ing and the Inapeetlon, and the poles and wires to be removed when request ed til' the Cgmmon Council. of the Clty of St. Paul; this permission le granted, under. and pursuant to the term, and iprovlelona of Ordinnnes No, 2846, ap_ provedDecember 26th, 1908. Adopted by the CounelY Oc4 6; 1916. APPrOVed Oct. 6, 1816. Adopted by the Council— T L 191 -i i91 Approved _ OCT -191 Resolved, that permieeton be aid is hereby rraated the Tri Btate Telephone & Telegraph Comparq to erect polos with th6 tieaesGvxy anchores m-14 to strinS wire and cable on the following named stareetsi Bet three (3) poles in alley between Pusey and Tatum from C. F. No. ,7361—g ss—,,- - -- Pennock to C Kelton. hereebsylued that perml.slon be and Is r. to the Trl State Telephone &.Telegraph 'Company. to erect poles f• 1 with the necessary anchors and to etring a re and enbie on the fol)owing- .named .treats: Set three- (3) polesIn: alley betwcan 'i Pusey, and _Tatum from Reono. toI Chalton. Work to be done under the direction, and to the .ati.factio. of `the Commie_: LC, - to �do� so by removed YCommon Sale cost to be paid by�.thei e Company.. d by, the Covncll Oct- 6, 1916. a.,ed .Oct. 6 1916. IO tht9 p$.4,`i8ft'tOy1 0±4° or]� tp(� dA1�e°Ythe Commiscloner of Publi� atgr to Per the dost of inspection, engineprine and pub7-3eation, P43,oe and w1wee to be V01mved whan requested to do so by the Common CoWeil., Said cost to be paid by the Te3.62hpne ClreapaWo Yeas (✓) Cou 'lmen (✓) Nays Far orth v..... ;In favor j Kell y' I MCC ... Against Nash Mr. Preai FORM C.8-2 - Adopted by the Council ..............�T...'...�9.�.�.-191........ Approved.. 51...�y.l x..........191........ City;!'of. St.paul Council Resolution - General -form. 4e� Department Of -- s Bureauof----------------------------------- :._._._._._.-_._...._..._._.-.._._.-__---- ._.-.----_._._. u / lQ� � Council File No - Date Presented By Resolvedi, that permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wire with the necessary anchors theaeon in the following named streets: One pole on West side -of 7th Street between Graham and Stewart Stre. One pole on East side of 7th Street between Stewart and Graham. Poles and wire to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. C. F. No. 7362—BY n'1- N. Goee— BesolYed, That permission be and It 1. hereby granted the Northwestern to net voles and string whone gre Cwlthathe necee-t Bary anchors thereon 1n thefollowing named streets: eat ids of 7th atreeCi On pole op w between Graham and Stewart streets One pole on Nast eine of 7th et— I between Stewart and Graham. 1914 e Poles and wires t„"' rthe YCommon Adopted by the CouIsworth __._...._.. renneated map as y ��j•-• - - C.orelTelephone ComDnny.to be paid by the Adopted by the Council Oct: 6, 1916. Yeas ( ) Cilmen Approved O -t- 1t. 9-1916) + G as Moll �Jzt.� 71 OCT .N:i-19I5 Approv l ler ayor Mr. Presiden , Y CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution- ^-General Form Department of Bureau of Q - Council File No. Date Presented _191 Byk f 'OLV EU. That the . Pain ht C pan> is hereby otdercd and dire ted to extend clean,,] Imes by seectina p 1 and std -i ¢ i mere,, for she tr—nisnnn of electricrtr on n the f Ilowm�, alleys avd streets of said city. Three poles on Atlantic Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street. One pole in the alley between Fifth Street and Sixth Street. frogs Atlantic Street to English Street. ✓ One pole on Third Street from Gotzian Street to Terry Street. ✓ One polo on.Fourth Street between Gotzian Street and Terry Street. t C F No 7363—By M. N Cove Reeolved That the St. PAtitj Gas ated�:fm"op ox end ny is hereby 100W A14111t0e bye brectln$ pot a and etringin Wlrea �theteon for the t anamlealori o[ elee4 ri_•{ptal�yeoyah�l>pat�d�l>l_ nh jollaw aM,13oj`, 3r�i■ir°�!i5s_ Orb-N°��r+L 4 Allo( such c Bolen and ,its. shall be a ted and ... strncted ander the direction and eupe W.. of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and iv all Chivas su Liec1 to the orovisinns of ��4dinavice In. _'a2J, and oftall other la lul ordinances and reaolutiovs,( the City of SL I'xul. \II Pules ,ball be neh l,c aid ,list and streets as the Commissi,ner of Public Utilities shall designate. and ..hall be of —h height and chamcter as he shall des vA apnr...... d any and all .udh poles ..hall be taken d— and removed. and each wires placed underground, whenever the Council shall deem that the public in�ereet�ns� re,uires, and when it shall s, o,d,r. Adopted by the Council _._._ - ______ _(-T "i ]9i5_ Yeas ( ) Cou cilmen ( ) Nays FA SWORTH GO S Mc OLL KE ER Mr. Preside) Approved Department of Bureau of CITY OF ST.: PAUL Council Resolution- General Form Council Fi,l JNo. i Date PresenteNd _ 19 Byq @�' 3 x kFSt)LV ED, 'Clut th SL N.) Gas Licht Com Pany is Lett by ordered -I directed to extend its electrical lives by erectivc poles led slrineipe wires thereov /or the traysm�snov of O'cl,4oty on d in the follgwivc alleys and streets of said city: Twelve poles in the alley between Brand Street and Keogh Street from Flandreau Street to Van Dyke Avenue, from Keogh Street to Kerwin Street Ten poles in the alley Pram Book Street to Kennard Strep€. With neoessary guys. nil of such extensLms. ,les avd wires shall be everted xnd cnnstnmted ander =nbiect to the o of I hdinaece No. 2424. ..d of all other lawful un6nances All pnlesrxAa 1 bl set in such lacatinn in aid alleys xnd arrests as the Conuni. sluli des ed approve, and avr and vll such Voles dull be liken dnwv and re public ivtcrestt — requires, and whev it shall so order. Adopted by the Council. _ Yeas ( ) 4LR en ORTH Mr. President, etween Bram Steettnd Kerwin Street, L F No. 7364 13y'M. N Oosa— II Resolved That the St. Paul One !f Light Company le -hereby ordered and p directed to extend Its electrical lines by erecting poles and tringing wires thereon .'ter the. transmission of eIs.- triolty on and in the following alleys and streets, of -said cIt from .Keough street to Kerwin street. Ten poles In the alley between Brand•' street and Kerwin street, from 'Bock street to Kennard street. with necessary guy.. - All ofsuch .extenslons, poles and wires shall be erected and construct- ed under the direotlon and supervl- en of the Comm la stoner. of Public Utilltles ¢. la all thinga subject to the rvisions of OrdInnnce No. 2424 end .,to all other Is ul or one s anti resolution. oL the CIt y o1 n Paul. All poles shall be set f such loca- tion 1n said alleys and atresea such l the Commiselonar of Public Utilltles shall 9eslgnate, and shall be of. such height and character as ho .hall, deal nate rnd approve, and any . and .11 such lit Ulililits and in all thivcs Poles shall be taken down and ca- 1. h.6eht and character as ne moved, and such - Wires placed' under- ,It l shall demn that the -round;.whenever the Council shall leem Chat the- public Interest eo re lairs., and When It shall so order. Adopted by the Ct=ll o or 6,_1916. Approved Oct. 6, 1916. _, .191 (Oct. 9-1916) —.. --.. ._.._-- _ ( ) Nays OCT Approved _� M or CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _..............._._......... Subject:-. _..... _....... COUNCIL FIL. �NO.... l.... ......... ....... . Date PresentedO9t, , 5.,:191.5... _ ....._I91........... ResolvedThat the P=hasing Agent be, end he is hereby authorized to , purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, lumber to thesmount of $520.00 without advertising, foribids, said lumber to be used in the construction of falsework on the Westminster street bridge as authorized under ordinance No. 3547, approved August 30th,1915. This,is an emergency reso- lution where failure to act promptly would work an injury to the beet interests of the city. C. r. No. 7365 By nf. x. Go..— ha Resolved, Tt,thp-?urchasI.g Agent .be, and he is hereby authorized to pur- chase, with the consent of the Mayor anJ -ttre Comptroller. lumber to the amount of $620.00 wlthoue; advertising i for bide, sold; lumber, .to be used the ebestructlon.• of faleeworits on the Nestminster' street bridge as author- ized under 'ordinance No3547, aal). \ proved August 30th, 1915. This is a- emergepey resolution where failure to promptly promptly would work an injuryto the best interests of the city. Adopted by the Council. Oct. 6, 1915"i Approved Oct. 5, 1916. (Oct. 971915) I dc'l' 4, /� �'( Yeas ( V) CJ,orth (1) Nays FGIn favor KMAgainst OY Mr. Preside roam c.s-z Adopted by the Council Approved_ OCT ---j IM 191 CITY OF ST. PAUL i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject............. ................................. ........................................... ... ........... .............................. . COUNO"- NO.. ...... . . ...... . ................................. ......... . ........................... ............... ............. . Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the contract heretofore awarded to O'Neil & Preston on their bid or proposal under date of October 13, 1913, for the construction of a relief sewer on Arch street from Columbia street to L'Orient I street, is hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded for the reason that there are now no moneys in the Sewer Maintenance Account of the General Fund with which to'paY the cost of said improvement. Resolved further, that the bond furnished by said contractors with the Lion Bonding & Surety Company as surety thereon, under date of September 3. 1915, to secure the faithful performance of said contract by said contractors, is also cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and the principal and surety on said bond released from all liability 0. V. No. 7366— thereunder. R...I,.d h... T.I't the eentrnetn & eor r'I atshterreeePe—rr'e reso tmoon,o ox,f*re r. =ienderdateol - cw l their II or forthe m—tI"moilt er .193, umbilsfstreet , r'sn'tfCol-, ere e ,1 s-1= nd- eon s inrI e s r atntenanee� count of the s erI un t h to e .1 I sye c Brt oef r,8 t1b t' I prove0. e nItn' r- 1. e Ietore witht o io Bonding Surety . Im. .suretycreon, u eof Septem- ber - to score the faithful P 1. ce r set e­ tr r..is 1. .annulled 11 and the ,I and II surety set from t ersn. linbiilty Adepted Yt Approved 1 1 e5t.-9 Yeas (V) Co cilmen (V) Nays OCT ............. Adopted by the Council .............. '7) 'Inen 0 Co ci tFworth Go In favor OCT —5 1915 Approved. . ..... .... ......... .... 191 Ke er M 11 -Against N y 9 W.P FORM C.8-2 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.. Conatruoting a. sewer on Dale_ etreeV from Como 4TODUO to Simon -avenue,..--and . on Simon avenue.... ale....stmee.t.-and .MaKenty street under Preliminary Orferi1 _5%76_ approved ...-JUA0--1Ath,1915e Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to bq'Imade by the said City is CQA%tX49 t- a...oitwgr on...1tale._ stree.t.from .0-000 avenue__to Simon avenue, and on Si.mOA-AIMPUP-bot pe AAlp etrqqj and 14oKenty .............. .... . ...... street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; - that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved OLT, I Form B. � C. F. No. In the Me on Dale earnon between luny ceneidered the ­,; ,,re,,, i"Vesolved, Bythe Council of the Cil of St. Paul that the precise nature, e tent and kind of improvement to made by Dal. City is construct sewer on Dal. street from Como ex nue to Simon avenue, and .. Earn, CITY OPIST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM11TjSSiONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved -- --- ------------------- ---- -- ------------------ ------- -------- ------------ .------------------------ *-------- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $ -►-4 LQi- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is Q�--------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $-----1.14 -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o. ---f o o a ..TOTAL. RM B.S.A. 8-0 A ... -.. ,.. ., ...,. 0 4 0 CITY OF'ST.,PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER cB) ASSESSED OESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Apo j/ 3 �• o C, /. � � 4as•✓ /�z TOTAL.... �lJ ' CITY. OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMVISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED: - LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION _. _:/(/<.3: Al O O o 14 D Aao i a� o, A4e J` ko 2J' �3 ea lfl° 1 0 0 I. TOTAL. CITY OF. ST. PAUL - ___. v/ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMJSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION -LOT 'BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION 17 11 o2y -�) \ too ° .. J•ryZ A SOD � O D O. Z Vo, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -.__ --- --19 .. G. 1�� ---.- - - �----------..... ................. Commissioner of Finance. Nk FORM B.S.A. S-0 C r - CITY OFiISAINT PAUL .. - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS' M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER I - -. ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DE C ... —.R OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF Enauu— J. E. CARROLL SUPT. CORETRuaTION k RERuaR ALFRED JACKSON, Sul. SI.—' -x �`•t A ^real, Minn. -June 30, 1915 G. H. HERROLD, OF -E EKWXEEn H. W. GOETZINGER, Suer. WORKI—E Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Vtorksj Building: Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith approximate estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Dale St, from Como Ave. to Simon Ave. and on Simon Ave. between Dale St. and lac Kenty St., in accordance with Council File 45476, approved Jame 16, 1915- 410.00 Approximate estimate3>•� Total frontage 3,260 ft. Exemptions 260 ft. Assessable frontage 3,000 ft, Cost per front foot $1.14 Excess inspection necessary 080.00 Respectfully submitted, Dict. 0.0•/M. Chief Engineer. A -.-t r '�i JI fit` :�• i s • x i. . i An ordinance authorizing the Northern Pacific Railway Com- pany to construct and maintain a railway spur track on Berry avenue. THE+'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAINt Section 1. 'Authority and permission are heieby given to the Northern Pacific Railway Company, a oorporation,.to construct " and maintain a railway spur track on,Barry avenue, connecting with the siding now located on Berry avenue, and known as the Illinois- Steel Company siding, thence in a northeasterly direction across Pearl street, and thence northerly:along the easterly side of Berry avenue to a point where the center line of Lot 5, Block 1, Eustis Addition,- would intersect Berry avenue, if produced; as shown upon the blue -print map hereto attached, and to operate freight cars 'thereon for. the purpose of receiving and discharging merchandise. This permi'asion, however; is granted upon and expressly -subject to:;, the following conditions: 1. That the. said ;Northern -Pacific Railway.Company shall ... save the -said City harmless and indemnify it against all: damages, claimsr .judgments, suite, .cost and expense. whatsoever in any way arising,out of the construction,- maintenance, use;. operation or, re= moval of'said.track, 8. ,That said track shall be placed,.even with the surf soa of the street, and when necessary or ordered by'the Commissioner of " Public Works or the Council, the said Northern Pacific Railway Company shall plank and replank the same so as to render travel safe and con- venient thereon, and shall at no time allow oars to stand or remain y upon the street so as to interfere with:public travel. 3. The`said track shall be taken up.and removed from said street and the street restored to its original condition at the cost and expense of said Northern Pacific Railway. Company whenever the Council shall so order. 4. That the said Northern Pacific Railway Company shall signify in writing its acceptance of this ordinanoe-and all the terms k `{ ��. thereof within thirty days after the publication thereof. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publi- cation. Passed by the Council OCT 20 1915 1915. / eas Pays Mr. Farnsworth Goss. - Keller �M}aColl i j1tZ Keyes 0 Mr. Presidents {AS Boa d i975 r Sl R Attest City Clerk. way .ii.2 NEC of the constrimoval maintenance 3faE:perafton or r4moval - - OC said, .. 2.. Tlmis-atd;tiask snail- be p1 ed ggven. with trie,FptSrfeeB of�,the street, 4nd;when .n9oepeespt ordgred.by the Commissloner of llo 'W'o39ta or the Council tha-geid'_No}'WpraaelftaRau- ivaY :Company ah"frli, planK.al dAtePiank the same ea to t8ndar,,fttayel safe -. i and conveniedt'f�ig eon cud. shall at no time aloA2.w4 etayd or remain 5 .upon the ire spa aa`£,4 1-ntprfere with + ' { public `r 2 Thegaldt8c7.pHaIIaHe: taken up and removed MIA at atUot and the f street. restored __ttpp��Ita"€ 'tial condi- . tion at the cyatnd" eayenae of said Northern Paclftc.ia}t�pp any w.jtenever the CouaoIj c'a o o der 2 A Thnt the pal�i dile v Pactflc lilrte Company j fy In writ 6 y ',N - ing Its acceptanc'ordinance and all the terms tH 6 withIn thlrw > ty dayeNafte 9ECe'xI utlfiaAidn thereof TLie ordtaance .oriel, g'kne2ect and f .force thI t da3�a sitar Its pas sage'¢nd Dublicatton � - .Passed by the .Council.Oct. 29 1916 t Yeas Meaera '- Farl{aworth boas Roller; McColl Nash-Yoerg,M Preal dent (Po Were) i t Nate -9. Approved Oct. 29, 1915. WINN POWERS, F: Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, Mayor. - City Clerk. (Oct. 23-1916)_ f f - MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA surveyorof the location of this tract of land, the Illinois Steel Company siding, a general outline of the building now in the course of construction ( in- dicated by the yellow outline) and in pencil marks, the proposed track of the Brown Sheet Iran andSteel Company. Respectfully submitted, BROWN SHEET IRON F17D STEEL COMPANY, BY ✓ 5�--��- �� �C I Hon O.H.0'bloil Core I, jo::Counscl, City o' St.P aul, De_._ Sir; wu OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK Oct . 2ne.,1915. The Council, at its neetir. of even date, referred the attachad co=.iunic, ion fro:a the Brown Sheet Iron and Steel Co. to you for a proper ordinance gr:u'din- the:: permission to ;mint, -in a spur trv.c'l! ;n Sorry Avo. Very re:mectf illy, L. I�Emmlu I � NRYY� too 1 F vj; A, '4L YS 40 AP 41, 5,1`1 , , 11 �� I low aw t�.W .00 ✓My W=- c� jx fig ga, �§b QXo� .o"B -,R,7,4 R—MR, R Hsi 'ENOW a tide -,r a Woman I-0 A-�*,,�X soap OWN 'W `J MKAN t LAW= mg A -P N W, AIM � �� -via "J" ; 1*,4,?�;,�,g ;g -g g" -Mi 00. 40gx "'00--- uzl, 1, an L ., �1-2 Wg My wo'- v wu,, . gnlg O�a g:,A -1h 5 4 "NU ....... ... Bull X- W 4 M"Ok N'T am OR, v lie," 3•t"WIC, I A CIA M SOW a, MA�X,� R 17,,-,, � ..... Mz"f2"' :§ . q . A11 - PA a, WE VMS 5k. R RE Ion :°,'-,,,, .�O A �. . . . . . . . . . t,UA W 101td. low A %rf N 111Z two. � Ft wl t ���� r•�f 1 %s{ it' F J `Rr S•t- fi zL Is i. ; •kr��t } t �f�� Jnr '' aaa 1i t . D. C. Gayton Council File No ............................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and '16.9 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publi )•oven t by th lty o St. Paul, viz.: Reo_onstruot.,..._relay.._and..._r..ePair....w� eme.nt..... s.....t..... ...svidt ....of......... eighteen.. eetp _the.....pies_ant.._s. ..:..n...the.....nor s -Of Rest Dated this---6.th_......_da _..._._.Qatob.er..._. .......... 191...6.. i Councilman. ` PRELIMINARY ORDER----/ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the nmldng of the following improvement, viz .:........ .......__.._._._._..._ ._. ..Re.C.4.natruot.,__r..elay.._and....r.epair.....with.._a.ement_._tile.....to a.width ._.ol....eighteen feet_,_.._the...pra ent._s.id.ewalk-oxo....t.he.__nor.t.h....a.i&e.._.of..W.ee.t.....Third.. S.t_..,......:__......__.. bagiaan..i ag..._at_..Eranlrl.in_. St...,.....thena.e....eas.t._..250... feet. ___----- C F. No. 7369— _ .. . .. ._.. _._.._... ..... ... .. ............. . . . Whereas, A written proposal for the ..... .. making of the following ImprovemePn� via: Reconstruct, relay and having bCCll pl•C6C11tCd t0 tits C011llell Q with cement [lie to a width. of eighteen ................._ ................... ...... ..� feet, the Present sidewalk on the north aide of West Third 6t., beginning at therefore, he it Franklin St., thence ease Iso feet, har- 1, been presented to the Council oe be t jby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Conint13310 thR eolve8. That theh Commfseloner of 1. TO investigate the IICCCSSlty f :Public Works be and he Is hereby or- Id improvemeut. g dared and directed: i. To roveetlgnte the ecadty for ement, and the total coat hereof. 2. To investigate the nature, ext �mprsovement of the making of seta 2.. To Investigate the natdre, ertent 3. To furnish a plan, profile or ane estimates noel of said Improve- ment, and the total coat therof. _ #. To furnish the following other S. To furnish a plan. Drone or improvement:_._ _.___.......__..__. sketch of Haid fmDrovement. 4. To turnfsh the following other - data and Information relative to said -............ ....................... _.................. ....... ._.................................._............................................__.... - Improvement. tlOn _ 6, m state whether or not said 1m- Of three or more owners. 5. To State 'whether or not Said D*ovement to asked for on the Petition N three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the tore - 6. To report upon all of the fot'e going matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Finance Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1916. Adopted by the Council ................. Approved Oct. 15- (Oct. B 1916) _._. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fart worth ���•T �� i5 �'. GosApproved..._..._ ........... ....... .................._.......L_.__....191...._... Kel r Nash ...................................................... . M -, Afayol. D. C. GaYtOn Council File: No.- pRopoSAIL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY. ORDER. T lie. undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following b1l" p ovell t by th, Ity .....rouy a a_reveir.... �"o.'vu'eg . ... ...... VI&t ....of........ Paul, viz.: of-Kedt St- pight,een feet,., the P.rQ4§At...s1AevWa1 n. ...... 5.t _thO 0, esAt UO at.................. ........... . ........ ....... ......................... beginning. at . ........................ . ...... . ....... ..................... .... ....................... ....... ...................... ............. ............... .......... Dated this. 6t17.day .................. . ... . .. . .........191...5.. ... ..... ... I ..... ........ ..... . ........ .... ............... ................ . ..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY CIERME WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: lie.- ,._Qn0..t.r.Uo.t.t .-relay -ani.-repair w1th._0ement_.t.jje to width- - of.. eight een a resent 01 je.WsjX on the north-alde of - WeB.t.-Third St., begs _jg_.st . t henee....saSt 280-feet. . ....... ... C. F. No, 7B3.619�_ ................. .. whores writtf�n proposal for the ........ ... fongwing improvementViz: neconetrucf. , d r'p' I p! Ig stlyd1h". 111 . . . ................ ........... ................ ........... . .... .......... having been presented to the Council it with cement 'walk on the ­t 1 feet, the present Bid. ht aIda of West Third SL. beginning therefore, be it Franklin St!, thence cast 180 feet- jhltvi Ing been presented to the Coun, I I I Iissio.1 the od. in- Paul therefore, b" it I of by ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Coal'] 0 a That the C---.,-' 'a - Works be and he to bore Y or id improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity f0"d."r%ld"and dIrected.'. " set,.i the e.cooty aid, 2. To investigate the nature et '6f the making * of lament, and the total cost thereof. jmpjovejnanC*' To, I.W.ttgst_ extent , 3. To furnish a plan, piofil i� and 'estImateck;A4itAV ktotdApxprov, pajS and th*�,4lsjM7�,�jbj prot. or a improveaent: 4. To furnish the following other 4b 9 ...... . ...... .. . ............................. ................ ....................... ............... :' 5 To state whether,, or not etitiowaft-f-ee or more owners. 6 . 6. To report upon . all . of t , lie foregoing matter the - iIIio er o inance. . 191 ...... . ...... Adopted by the Council ....... ...... Nays ays: Councilman Far worth Approved. . ...... . Ke r Go" Hash '10 Petition Council File NQ:_ PROPOSAL FOR II)OPROVEMENT. and PRELBUNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City Of St. Pull], viz.: 0W.b.-Beac.on Streat between Univeralty - AVEL-.. and at- ...AnthOMY AVe ....An. aoc.ordazw.e. with....etition herato attach -s -d- ............ - . .............. .............. ............... Dated this 6th...- clay of ......... .... Gotoler. .. ........... ... .......... .......... .. . . Councilman. PREiMvIINARY ORDER'. AVIJEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following . improvement,, viz.:____ Curb... Beacon Stre.et.--between ..Unive.rSit7. AVe - and. St ..__Anthony_..A.Ve.* ............. - .......... ­__ — - 1. ..... .......... ......... .. .......... C. F. No. 7370— . Whereas, A written proposal for the re In, ukl 9 of the following improvement, viz. Curb Beacon street between U.1- .............. .. ........... ............. varsity Ave. and St. Anthony Ave., having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it having been presented to the Council Resolved, That the Commissioner of an,... ............... .................... .... ............ . ........ ........ . PublicWorks be and he is hereby or- tieredand directed: therefore, be it 1. To Investigate th; necessity foi d rab making of sala, directed: r "' at uty " the reby ordered and d RESOLVED, That the Commissi M. -e To I ilsat. the raturc,.' sand Investigate extent estimated .. t of aid , _- said iinproveiiieDt. 1. To investigate the necessity mant, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profil. or 2. To investigate the nature, a sketch of said Impro, ... at. ovement, and the total cost thereof. 4. To furnish the following othe, da a and Information relative to said 3. To furnish a plan, profile or Improv count 6. To state whether or net sold 1m- 9. TO fol.riSh the following Oil,, pr 0vement 1e asked for on the petition laid improvement:.. f three or more owners. 6 To report upon all of the fare. going matters to the Commissioner Of rl. ....... .............. . ........... ....... .. .. .... ounce. Adopted by rhe Council Oct. 6, 1915. 6 1915. etition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not sall Approved Oct. t: 9_191., (0. 1 *'*'* * ' 6. To report upon all of the or—oui.g niattersW o the UoUnnissio—ner of Finance. „-- Adopted Adopted by the Council .... ............. ...... lw� Yeas: Nays: Coulicilinall). I nsworth or, L, T f1 1515 G a Approved. K ler Ili oil Nash roily 8 "A .. -;.1-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL GOU,NCX3. R 30LBT3A]s. onstruotin a sewgr_o4 Farr1ngtQT1:.AYe- 4 4 ---:--g''— a .— between Front St. and Lawson St._ ----r-.-_--- 70$7T APPROVID under Preliminary Order 5933- _ _, Final prdex - - September 14, _ _ _ _ 191 5 . ans, specifications and estimates gEgOyQm, That the pl submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. P. No. 7971— , In the mutter of Ave n sewer n and Lawson Ave. between Pront 5r and Lawson St. under P027, ln- my Ordrr 6993. r 11. Order 7027; ap- nrovrd Qeptrmber 14. Resolved, That the elnne. peclflen• Commissionertof PublloWorks for the above named Improvement be and the ea e are herebv n nrovrd. -� Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1916. ' Approved Oct.. 6. 1916. (Oct. 9-1.916) by the Council _ _ _ Adopted Nays Yeas: ( 1 t i Councilman Fa worth . Gos —Rel r Mc oil OC.T • '� 15!� i91�,,, Nes approve Mr.Presiden -.- - - .. " . o CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION _g____-,-- of oonetruotin.a sewer on Arkwr�ht� _ St. from Brainerd S_t. to_Hyac_in_th_ S_t. — _ — — — - Final Order 6927— _ APPROVED under Preliminary Order — — Se tember 11 191 5 Fj gEgpLD, That the plans, specifications and estimates f Public 1Vorks for the above named submitted by the Commissioner o improvement be and the same are hereby approved InC: the atter o[ onstruct7nq a.ewer ` on Ark—li ht St.trom IIralnerd 9t. I - to Hvarl nth Stli .. Pt Preminary Porder roved September 6t 1111916. 6927, aP- 'Resolved, That the plane,`eelDa- dons nd estimates s b!g led by the ,k for AAAAAA abovenamed lomprovelmento Oct. G. 1916. be end the same are hereby pprovl.l - - Adoptrd by the CoonCR f Approved Ort. 8, 1918. Ij— (Oct. 9=1916) Adopted by the Council _ — — C�- - - _- ... Nays Yeas. I 1 ( l CouncilmA worth . er"oil Q � a': iy'' � 191 Approved MX.President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.: In the matter of constructing a sewer on Aldine St. _ from Lafond St. to a point 130 feet south of the south line of Laf4hql- W+.. — — — — — — — — — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — . under Preliminary Order _ 5999 Final Order 7036 _ _ _ APPROVED September 14L__191.5,__. WOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved O, F. No. 7373—Ry M. N. Goes— In ose— ' lomatter oon AIM— St.ffr.. L. SL toes - point 120 feet south of tand.e outh line. f LnTnnd tet., der Pretiminary Order 6999. Final Order 7026, ap- proved September 14, 1916. , Resolved. That th elane. pecl0ca- tions and estlmates bmittad by the Obove lna. d ImP srolotp be s and'or the same are herebv approved. - - I Adopted by the Connell Oct. 6, 1916. Approved Ort. 6.919915 . --' (Oct Adopted by the Council Leas: ( 1 ( ) Nays i CouncilmanIrth . APProv d �' _ =; 19�, 19 Mr.President �2� _ 16yor. That permission be and is hereby granted the Consumers Power Company Resolved, to erect poles and string wires and the necessary anohom thereon: / East side of Earl St. from Case St. to York St. Said poles and mires to be placed and the work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Utili- ties; said Company to pay the coot of engineering and the inspection, and the poles and wires to be removed schen requested by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, this permission is granted under ti}d pursuant to the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 2645, approved December 26th, 1906. Yeas (I")tFarorth ) Nays _j In favor Against Mr. Presi FORM c.9-2 a C. L`, No. 7374-13y M. N. Goss— Resolved. That n rmission be and is herebygranted the Consumers Power Company to erect poles and string wlres and the necessary anchors there- on. East aide of Earl St., from Case St. to York St Said poles and wires to be placed d the work to be clone under the dlrectlon and to the a.U.Metion of the 'Commisstoo er of Public Utilities; said (:ompony to pay the cost of engineer- ing and the Inspection, and the poles and whoa to be removed when request- ed by the Common Cotmcil of the City of St. Paul; this permission is granted under and pursuant to the terms and provislona of Ordinance No. 2646, ap- proved December 26th, 1906. Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1916. f Approved Oct. 6, 1916. r (Oct. 9-1916) Adopted by the Council/! - 191 ' 191 Approved_ September 27, 1915. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —.._...._...._.................... COUNCIL V FILE O .. ........................ ......................... ti Date Presented ..........................:....................191........ r araioas be �d®esca4agran$®� [tae 99,cate Telephone Resolved tiles$ TaegWaph Company to exact poles usiVI t4G a000€tr-ary authors and to strimf, miser mad amb3.cn on the roa3.omSng named t1tra4tei Cypress street from York street to Lavasoiz snd remove poles from ims street be;".been ,al and C 'ess. lifo rk to be done Under the are thorn and to the � tiisffactioao of the C 6ei.oYner of Publie "o kBis t110 Te3.0yhome Co3tV>�r at or l ammt10% easumering �S Vu ac3aa tlI- P0108 and vdzea to b moved Zoe'n requented to do go by the an Ctsm+>"4 theftVMW*- Yeas V) Cou ' men (✓) Nays Farn men /// Gobs In favor Kell Mc �.. Against Nash Yoe Mr. Pr :FORM C.9.8 C. F. 11% 1 7376—By M. N. Goea— .—ived, That permission be and is hereby granted the Trl 8t¢te Tete- phno & Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary anchor. and to [rinwires and cable on. the f.1 - Ow ]ing named street.. Cypress street from York street to L¢W.On nd re ove a. Cypress. from Slme t_ ork tobotwbend nerlunder the ion and to the satisfaction of the C"Otlon stoner of Public Works, the Telephone iCompnny to pay the coat of Inspection, engmeering and publication. requested to dos to so b r ved when Coune(1. Said coat to be Paidb" the 'II Telenhone Company. If Adopted by the Conncit Oct. 6, 1916. Approved Oct. 6; 1916. (Oct. 9-1916) Adopted by the Council...�Y�/`.. ......_.19L/ .-. OCT, 191 Approved_.. _..... _....... _... _....... _... _.. _..........191.._.... I i CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form`' Department of_ --- --- -- - - - Bureau of - - — Col. n it File No. Date Presented . - 191 ByR f:\ I. I 'D, 11, 1S ul 7jd pant is neren> nnlerM avd directed ud its 1 ctncal hues bt erectwp d svmemrcu nes tnen for the innunismo ul d- kit and ii wallets and et—h .f said ulv Two poles on Farrington Avenue from Lafond Street to Blair Street. with necessary guys. Six poles on Pascal Avenue from Fairmount Avenue to St.Clair street. one pole on Cypress Street between sixth Street and Margaret Street With necessary guys,( Five poles on 'Sylvan Street from Winnipeg Avenue to Wayzata Street. Two poles on Wayzata Street from Sylvan Street to Park Avenue. With necessary guys. _ eireec to Binir e�,:- �Ye. on Pascal venue ,at a enue to St. Clair S• etrtr eetoand YMargaret eetr e� /!r' .lee ob:6. Yn Sylvan street avenue to Wayzata r on Wayzata atrl� nu o(.amh ut ns i, olu avd ire+shall b ere ed. vd c.. strut J uder t.eto Park nvr .fT, n t n e G�mrmssiover of Public Utilities -d i..11 mines .obit t th p yi ' a of i'lNin n c \o. =azJ. -d of all other I—W .nii.. nt an. ..t th Citt f St. Paul. call pulesrh.11 be mt in such location in .,id alleys and streets as the C . -Air Utitilk. shall des1-1 , m1 shall be of such height avd ha .-, as be shall des and appr.ye,ndand any and all sud, poles shall be taken down avd re --d, and such wires placed uvdQrgr.und..1,— er the C ... cil shall deem that the i.mate uunlic interest s. re.uires, auh<v it shall so order. �'� Adopted by the Council - __ [_ G!— 191 Yeas ( ) Cou ilmen ( ) Nays FA ISWORTH / Mc LL YO G r: TAln 1; Y Approved __ - _- __ 191 KE ER Mr. Presi I " CITY OF 5T. PAUL I- 1-1°3OV17 Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of Corci1 File o� wa r! Date Presented __191 M is Lerch, ordered xvd directed to extend its else rical lives b, ,Iles y le avd atnnpina w re thereon for the tranunixsion of electricity on avd in th fo sand street, of said city, Six poles in the alley between Lincoln Avenue and Goodrich Avenue, Prom Pascal Avenue to Snelling Avenue. one pole in the alley between Watson Avenue and Armstrong Avenue, east of Victoria Street. With necessary guys. Six poles in the alley between Margaret Street and Sixth Street, from Cypress Street to Earl Street. Six poles in the alley between Earl Street and Frank Street, from Lawson Street to Case Street. 11 "'So'".". ( ) Nays e alley bet—, Witn necessary guys. urla ods Armstrong tree[, with neer, jes In the alley between " est and Sixth street, from set to Earl street. —lea In the alley between .'d Frank street, from L. Casestreet wl th nee, .eh extenefo—, ' at avd rrirea shall Le erected and comtn,cted unJer the direction and su All su.h a a, to 'reefed es of the Public Dtiliti and iv all ihiaen ..f Iwles r o= t I 1 all oder Ain aces xnd reaol [[lona of rhe City of St, I•auh .uhiect h. then sof IUl.... .1o...aa. ave a C11,ief 1., .,o .i yolesrahall�he set in such location iv said alleys and ,,, t.k a.+ the Commis --d. of 1•ubl is Utilities shall dtn,,—. and shall be of such height and character as he shall dealenxte avd approve, and any and ail snclt Voles shall he taken dowv and removed, and such x ices placed nndvernnnd, whenever the Council shall deem dat the public interest s.. re,luirea. avd whey it shall so order. n Adopted by the Council- '� 6'_-f/� Yeas ( , ( ) Nays ORTH 4EL Mr. Preside Approved 191 May / �LTBLISIiE:D � � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM S�U]eet .... eYzz ._................. _a ► s .............................. .7378 378 COUNCIL FILcNo . ........ --_............................ t Date Presented .............. `.... .......................191........ 11 Ki �3 Resolved, water maiAa be'1014 inbe �r'a� str is The east Old* oi� ngtoill Awani%* bb tmean 31air and vanBuren streetlo. (This main is to be arid}Ir main running Parallel with the supply main # now inewled and Lexington Avenue.) I+auqui+Er $tv"t. V,tttxdreau to White Beer Ave; Hague Avenue. frm m1810g in block between Hemline Avenue and .SYU Eicate. west to SOM1112e Ave=*- C. F. No. 7376—BY O. E. Kellcr— Resolved, That water mains be laid In the following streets: The east side f Lexington avenue between Blair and Van Buren tree[.. (This ¢rallel toith thede uPP Yn main Hing ,. w s now Installed on Lexington ,avenue.) Fauquler St., Flan dreau to White Ben, Ave. Hague \ve., from midway In block �I between Hamllne venue and 3Ynd1- aa cute, west to Oct6, Hamllne avenue. 1916. 4 AppAd.rovedted b Oct. 6, 1915.5 . (Oct. 9-1916) YeasjForth Nays ' In favor ........ Agaiftat Mr. FORM C.. -E Adopted by the Council. .191 Approved. QCT 6x...191......._,...19L....... ................ ... MAYOR �` D'e�Par�htneahv��� �✓��bl'ucUlh-iilihe�s . 1?,�j, may °'F a'herr October BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 6, O SCAR E.RELLER, Fle de 1 9 1 6 S.A NSW OR_ MAN GOSS GARRETT O. MOU5E, Ga S.Pr To the Honorable Council. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meeting held October 4th, unanimously adopted the following reso- lution; "Resolved, that the City Council be, and it hereby is, requested to authorize the lay- ing of water mains in the following streets; The east side of Lexington Avenue between Blair and van Buren Streets. (This main is to be a rider main running parallel with the supply main now installed on Lexington Avenue.) Fauquier Street, Flandreau to White Bear Ave; Hague Avenue, from midway in mock between Hamline Avenue and Syndicate, west to Hamline Avenue." very truly your n Encl. Secretary. 1'� V CITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL :RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7379 Subject: -..... ............. ...... __......... coU NCIL FILE NO,e ... ........................ Date Presented....-- -Oct._.._ Resolvel, That,"'the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated July let, 1915, between A. H. Heimbaoh and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a wooden frame trestle bridge at Wheelock Parkway over the "Soo" Railway tracks and Trout Brook Valley, be and the same is hereby extended to the 2nd day of October, 1915, and the proper of ty officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance her-ew#th, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C. F. No. 7379—BY Louie Pjaeh— - Resolved, That the time epec_.t for the performance f a main contract i dated July 1st, 1916, between A. . Helenbach and the CItY of 9t. Paul Yor the construction of wooden frame trestle bridge at wheeI.ek Pnr, sy aver the "9. ' netlway tracks and Trout Brook Valley, be and the same Is hereby extended to the 2nd daY oY Oc- tober, 1915, and the proper city oticers are hereby authorized to execute nn amendment to said a ontract in accord - ace herewith, provided, however, trim thio resolutieq shall not have anY force end e onlosa the so etlee on tho" contractor'a bond onaent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Oct. 6, 1916. Yeas (P) Cou cilmen (!) Nays Far' worth Go _ . _ -In favor /Ke r M oil _._ _Against f`O - Nash Yo g Mr. Pr ronl. C.e-2 Adopted by the Council �3C.T 191 Approved_ ___ _ Dear Sir; In Fe- Contract ¢,'2492 A.H.Heimbach. If any undue negligence can be ehown upon the part of the Contractor I would recommend that the penalty be enforced. On the other hand the contract was not complete until countersigned by the comptroller, August 21st, although the contractor might be estopped from entering that plea on the ground that he was prosecuting; the work before that date. Very tnzly yours i Commiesioner FRED ADssoF UM R Gftt Of "✓ i inn f aut JOHN LU MA11 KA �rHartm�,eyyttt a£ CHARLES Aa Ncr�s [ R o[ off W.L. HN ��{{yy �! yyy Iy� {1^;��y �}y avks,l � J2 9uNYO H9 LD�HD Pf c.oH - 1�PUtS 11`aS4, Q;untttri9simrer ,f$Cagaar:: \arntnn. D�,t;. Oct. 4th,1915 Mr Oscar Clauseen,. Chief Engineer Dept. Public Forks, city Dear Sir; In Fe- Contract ¢,'2492 A.H.Heimbach. If any undue negligence can be ehown upon the part of the Contractor I would recommend that the penalty be enforced. On the other hand the contract was not complete until countersigned by the comptroller, August 21st, although the contractor might be estopped from entering that plea on the ground that he was prosecuting; the work before that date. Very tnzly yours i Commiesioner CITY OF pn'•• ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOL FORM COU No. AUDITED 1915 9Y lCt 6 181_ 5/ � urr co..r..uze J l PER 4�5 solved that warrants be dra port the City Treasury, payable out of the herein fundeul er specified in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified ' the following d" il statement: ._ Yeas (J) Co ncilmen it Nays Adopted by the Court F rnsworth -61-in favor eller Approved OCT 11 191" 191' cColl l�Against � , n 'Leary tasY oerg Mr. Presid3rsl Corporate Purposes Gen. Pund,Municipai Court- Exp. y S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, $168.00 Gen. Fund Mi so. & Unforseen Exp. M. W. Fitzgerald, 5� Gen. Fund -Municipal Garage-Maint. Cameron & Co., $150.00 Midway lime & vement Co., 646 1 T •s 796.15 Fire Fund M. & R. Cameron & Go., 65.00 Fire Fund -Const. & Bettr. Allen 1. Boyd, 315.24 Aom. Public Worke-Gen. Adm.'Maint. A. P. Moore, 39.70 Street Const. & Rep.-Ma.int. A. P. Moore, 8.90 i Sewer Const. & Rep. -saint. A. P. Moore 12.90 , Pub. School.-Gaultier Add,-Maint. - at Cameron & Co.7.5.00 n. 5,1 Chaska B . I rick & Tile ?.,?48.oG 1823.00 _-.dud O X62 School Randolph• Heights School' �2,185.OG Corning Brick Co.$ Public LibraryFund-M. & R. 20.00 Rev. Jos. Harkness Pub. Parks'Park-Mainte Citizen's Ice & Fuel CO.' $594.20 Edw. J. Meier 32.00 Interest Fund S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 50.00 Merchants National Bank —` { erect Fun Red. of Bond 1915 Acct. 1,000.00 Merchants National Bank, Poo 9 Resolved that warrants be drawn up- on the City Treasury, payable t of Spec. Assess. gond & Int. Funds the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firms or orpora. Red. of $pets Assess. Bonds Clave tions for the amount. set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: 8e C F nance corporate Purposes—Gen. Fund—I 3.199j23 A. Farnsworth, OL. Finance, bfunlclpal Court—Exp.: S. A. Farns- worth, Com. Finance, $168.00. Gen. Fund—Mise. & Unforseen Exp.: Al: W.Fitzgerald, $5.25. Gen. Fund—Municipal Garage— Gen. Const.' & Impr. Funds \faint. Cameron & Co., $150.00; bald- Bldg. ACoto wap Lime & Cement Co. 8G 46.15. Fire Fund—M. & R.: Cameron & Co., New Library . 8• $GFo-e Fund—eon.t. & Be I— Allen 100.48 BoyG P Com. Public Public¢ Works—Gen. Adm.— Threeham D. Gregg btal nt.: A. P. Moore, $39,70. Street Const. & Rep.—Maint.: A. P. Moore, $8.90. Sewer Const. & Rep. ­Taint.: A. P. Spec. Assess Const. Revolving Fund-P Slnore, $12.90. N En of High c mero� & co., $75.00 echa9ka Brick s N. Smith, College to Tile, $1,749.00. School—Randolph Heights School. - 27.00 R. Molzahn Corning LibraBrick Co, $2 185.00. Dr. He Public Library Fund—hi. & R.: Rev. Jos. Harkness. $20.00. Pub. Parka.,Park20; Ed t.: Citizen's : Ice & Fuel Co., $694.20; Edw. J. Meter, $32.00. Interest Fund: S. A. Farnew.,th.l Com. Finance, $50.00; Merchants ra-1 tlonalBank, $560.45. Reof Bond 1915 Acet.: Mer Natlon¢Id. Bank, f1,000.00. chants Spec. Assess. Band & Int. Funds—I Red of Spec. Assess. Bond.Class A' : (r� Total Cor rate Purposes S A. Farnsworth, Com. Fine nee.6%5.79 po $3.199.23 Gen. Const. & Impr. Funds—New L1. M Gregg. $1010.48. `tact: Threeham D. 0.2 Spec. Assess. Bond �'77 JJJJ p Spec. Assess. Const. Revolving Fund —Paving N. Smith, College to N. End f Hlgh Bridge: Dr. H. E. Molzahn, l00e 8;<�' Gen. Const & Impr. $27.00. Adopted by the Council Oct. G, 1916. Approved Oct. 6, 1915. a Spec. Asse88. Co (Oct. 9-1915) I� 0. al. 11,002. 0 a 1 i CRY OF ST. PAUL n°•FACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIILENCIL No r3i 1\ i }y1 ' 6CT 1915 9Y �. oc L .. AUDITED l PER .I 416 ��7 "� Resolved chat its b drawn upon the City Treasury, paya a outuof the 'ereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporationor the amounts set opposite their respective names as sp fied is the following detailed; statemeIGO I-­,` �? / Yeas ( en ( J) Nays Adopted by the ouncil ilSue/� G 91�/ rth jrr Ilnfavor Appr a rrT191 Against Mr. Pre Spee. Assess. Conet. Revoling Fund - Cement Walks St, Paul Cement Works, Est. #2 & Partial #6,979.02 Grading Chatsworth, Charles to Thomas Martin Eberhard Bet. s #1 &final 439.50 Grading Fauquier & Flandrau Christ Johnsons Est. #1 & final, 4,788.-10; Grading Pal$ce, Prior to Fairview Keough Bros., Not. #1, 850.00 ' Grading Glen Terrace, Benson" to Youngman Keough Bros., Est. #1, 850.00 Grading Prior, Randolph to St. Clair Keough Bros., Not. #2 1,020.00 Grading Benson to Pt. Keough Bros. Not. #2 1,190.00 I A see J Spec. Assess'. Cont. Revolving Fund - Sewer qn'Y 6th & Atlantic P. J. Ryan, Bet. #2 & Supplt. $25.00 Hemline & Jefferson Sewer System O'Neil ® Preston Het. #12 7.225.00 Server on Daly St., Jefferson to Grace J. J. Connolly Bet. #1 & final, 2,075.00 Sewer on Selby, Cretin to Marlboro Feyen Const. Co., let. #1 & final,. 445.00 Total Spec. Assess. Coast. Rev. -Ce n Wp,31i� 1979.02 p a a a a_ aj�g 9.13- .50.,< n n a a a ewer... . •`a1, $ 2 886. 2 1 C. F. No. 7381— Resolved that warrants be drarrn l upon the Cl ty Treasury, payable o t of. the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firms or corpora- - tions for the amounts set opposite their e pective names as specified In the following detailed statement. Spec. Assess. Const. Revolving Fund Cement walk.: St. Paul Cement \Yorks . Est. No. 2 & Partial; $6,979.02. Grading Chatsworth, Charles to Thomas: Martin Eberhard, Est. No. 1 - & final. $439.50. Grading Fauquier k Flandrau:1 Christ Johnson, Eat. No. 1 & final. ` $4,788.00. Grading Palace, .Prior to Fairview: Keough Bros., Est. No. 1. $850.00. Grading Glen Terrace, Benson to Youngman: Keough Bros., Est. No. 1, - $860.00. - Grading Prior, Randolph to St. Clair: - Keough Bros., Est. No. 2, $1,020.00. Grading Benson to Pt.: Keough Bros.. Eat. No. 2, $1,190.00. Spec. Assess. Const. Revolving Fund —Sewer on 6th & Atlantic: P. J. Ryan, Est. No. 2 & Supplt., $26.00. Hamline & Jefferson Sewer System: I. _ 0. Nell & Preston, Bet. No. 2, $7.225.00. Sewer o Daly St., Jefferson to Grace J. J. Connolly, Est. No. 1 & final. $2,075.00. Sewer on Selby, Cretin to Marlboro: Fc". eve Const. Co., Est. No. 1 & final, $445.00. Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1915 Approved Oct. 6, 1915. . (Oct. 9-1915) �I CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIIO LENCIL No. 1915 BY AUDITED Iel_PER �� rr a "`s . „f••"'� yI I 417 Resolve at warrants be yawn upon the City Treasury, yable outereinafter specified funds and (eCoubincii in favorofthe persons, firms or corporationsfor the amounts set opposite their respective namesed in the following detailedstaement: ,,Yeas ( ✓ ).Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by 191 f .J Fa nsworth 07T • - ja e" Go s In favor Approved 191_ Ke ler M 11 t/ Against O' eary MAYOR ya rg Mr. Presid 1382- - Resolved that warrant. be (bawn Don the Cit, Treasury, payable out of the berelnafter epeclfled funds and ' 1n favor of the person., Arms or tor- ora ptions for the amounts eet opposite J their respective names as specifled In .be following detailed statement. Corporate Purposes—Interest Fund: tl Commercial Trust Co., Executor Leo- noB, Coan. $824. Spec. Assess. Const. Revolving Fund ' —Opening Johnson Parkway: Com- �ffu.�r� merclal Trust Ca., Executor Leonora B. dorpora�e Purposes Coan, 5260.00. Interest FundAdop[ed by the Council Oct 6, 1916. Approved Oct. 6, 1916. v (Oc[, 9-1915) Commeribial Trust Co.. $xecutor Leonbra B. Coan X2.24 " Spec. Assess. Conet. Revolving Fund - Opening Johnson rerkNay Commercial Trust Co., 8 tutor Leonora B. Cc 250.00 Total Cor orat urpoe p„r.,- 2.24 " Spec. Aspise,.,donet. Rg Jev-Open�i,•ohnson Par .. .. Total, 252 24 CITY OF 3T. PAUL • ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO. - BY O. BY R 1915 . ..� AUDITED � 181_ 1 .. PERS, ,-p 417 Resolved` tKat/warrants be raven upon the City Treasury; yable out(eCouncil hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective namesfied in the following detailed statement: �,,//� � Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by a"/- `f Fa nsworth PICT r; I;!I j Gos e* in favor Approved 181_ Ke let M ll t/ Against s O' eery MAYOR Y rg Mr. Presid C.—N No. -'-1192= R 1 d that warrant, be 4Fawa then he imifterhe City Pespe Ifleda f nide out In favor of the persons, firma or cor. pth=tOne for the amounts net opposite their respective names a9 pecified In .no f0llowing detalled atatem^at. Corporate Purposes—Interest Fund:, - Commercial Ttast Co., Executor Leo - no ' ra B. Coan, $2.24, Spec. Assess. COnst. Revolving Fund on ark merrcl t—Opening Tru LOCO., Exeout rway: Ca - Corpora�e Purposes Coan, $250.00Ad,. Interest Fund 1pprovedbO'1 5, 191sell Oct. 5. 1915. (Oct. 9-1915) - Commercial Trust Co., Executor Leonora B. Coen i$2.24 Spec. Assess. Const. Revolving Fund - Opening Johnson Parkway Commercial Trust Co., Executor Leonora B. Coan, 250.00 Total Corporat urpoe�e�:.... ..... .. 2.24 " Spec.;�BJS,;�'°Const. Rev -Op eni,hneon Par ay.x ..... ... Totalsd 252 24 Firm n. a.�t - J that the a.rlieation of Lovell E,i. Pigrce for a iioense to conduct a male and female emplo,rment agency at 27 E. 7th St., be and the same hereby is granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license for one ,ear upon the filinr of the bond and the pay— ment of the fee required by lay. Yeas (✓) C uncilmen (✓) Nays F sworth G s In favor K er M oil Against N Y Mr. Pres ' FORM C.8-2 C. F. No. 7383-13,v Henry McColl— neeolved, That [he np Plication aI j Lowell MPierce fora Il .cenee to c duct a male and female employment rygenc-v at 21 E. 7thSt., be and the earne hereby la granted and [Ito City Clork la Inatrueted to Issue such It. r. ae for ... year upon Lite filing of the bond and the payment of the fee requ lred by law. Adopted by the Counoll Oct. 6, 1916, Approved Oet. 6. 1916. (Oct. 9-1916) . Adopted by the Council_... y 191-51 UT Approved. 191.....:.. Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Block 2 E. A. Phinney's Addition, ri accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recotgnended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 7384—Ry At. N. Goes— Resolved, That the grade of the alloy accordance with thenad grade)line on in the accompanying proftle, and as recornm- ended by the Commissioner of i Public Works, be and the as.— Is here - i by adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1916. Approved Oct 6. 915. 911916) Yeas (r)C oilmen (P) Nays /�/ / Adopted by the Council ate/" 191 Fa sworth (/O G In favor K er Approved 191 M oil .against Nash Y rg Mr. Pr ro aM c.8-2 COUNCIL FILE N0. It By. _ _._ ... _ .._ .__ _._ _... _ . _ 7112 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Paving- Alley in Block 3, Wri ght I s.- Rearrangement --of...-B1ocks _23.-33.-84_ and 25. of -Anna E. Ramsey? s Addition to St.._Paul,-...Minn.., under Preliminary Order _6077 _ approved July .20th, 19.15...._ ..... ... ........ ...:. ....... Intermediary Order approved __...... _......... _._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having , heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, luld having fully considered the salve; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cit of t Payl atieeise toe .xte t and kind of improvement to be made by tete said City is- A...... e.y in._2l.00k 2, Wright's Rearrangement of__Bloeks . _22--23-U.. and. .2.5....of_.Anna_E..._Rams.ey's.._Addition to .St.. Paul, _ytlnn_........ to..eide-• ,1 walk on Lexington avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di - reeled to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed io proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance thei;ewitthh. Adopted by the Council _:..../. f i C1 Is t 1 Approved {Q I_ r lJ 7. _ I9I t , 1•` �4: _ Z_ FINAL ORDERS. _ ✓✓✓///� C. F No. 7386— •+ - -.1 Sn the Matter of paving alley 'in Block C. F. No. 7386— F-,,'23. . Wright's Rearrangement of, Blocks- n the Matter of paving alley in Block. 2, 23, 24 and 25 of Anna E. Raimiq!.' iCptiflcilmaJ�Farsworth 2, W ight'a Rearrangement of Blocks Addition to St Paul, Minn.; under 22, 23. 24 and 25 of Anna E. Rameey's Preliminary Order 6077, approved Addition to St. Paul, inn.. under luny 20th, 1916. llminary Orde g0 7, approved A publlc hearing hying been•hid 7uY 1916.A publicBarinha ng been had notice, and the upon the ab1Councrl having heard .upon the abov rov ant upon due all persona, objections and recommenunotice, nd the o having heard dations relative thereto,and havingall per ons, b] ctfonc and recommen- fully considered the same; therefore, dation rcl tiv the a andhavin bo It g Resolved, By the Council aP the City; fully conefde ed th en e; therefore, of St. Paul that the precise nature, exbe I[ tentand kind o4 Improvement to be Ree ]ved, y trye Counen oP the Clty made W the said City is pave with of St au that f rvi Form B. SA. 8.7 -tent a made b precise store, ex_ Ind o fmprovem nt to be [he a d City la p ve with 3;¢ Creosoted Blocks alley 1n Block 2, Wright'. Rearrangement oP B1oclta 3%11 Cr oted locks alley in lOck.2, M 22, 23. 24 and 26 of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition. to St. Paul, Minn., to sidewalk s ear ..gement of BI cka 22, 1 'la. 24 ad 25, f Anna E. Ramse n Lexington avenue,. and the Council ditto to t Paul, M1nn., to el ewalk hereby orders said Improvement to be, mg on hgt avenue, and the Councll solved Further, That the Commis-` ina or made. said Improvement to be - loner y Public Works be and he -[s. hereby instructed Auopte b the Council915.Oct. 6, 1916. and directed to pro- pare plana and specific: tions 4or a..1 Approv d t. 6, 1916. Improvement and submit same to the Oct. 9-1915) Council for approval; that upon said '. approve, the proper city ofPloerB flr6 hereby authorized and d(rected to pro-. Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, la: Approved Oct. 6, 1916. (Jan. 29-1916) CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENTPUBLIC LONER �d ' M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, De—V CO..iaeioxeR / OSCAR CL4UASEN, CH19F ENGINEER J. E. CAR ROLA SIFT. CoxeT 0-1 & Rep—, . ALFRED J4CR$ON, Su S-T.TION G. M. HERROLD,OFnce E -111R `-,te.3 1915 H. W. GOETZ[. GE R. Sunt, WO.N�ioO.e St. Pa U, Minn.• Aug' ♦ , MX. II. II. Goss, Commissioner of Puolic Works, Building. s Dear Sir, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for paving the alley in Block 2 Vdright's Rearrangement of Blooks 22, 23, 24 and 25 of Anna E. Ransey's,Adcition in accordance with Cotmcil File #607'1, approved July 20, 1915. Assessable frontage 1100 ft. =111) OF PAVIITG T A22ROXIIIATE ESTEIATE ICOST PER FRO 1T FOOT Sandlime brick X4,908.06 X4.46 4.37 Granite 4,804.45 3.88 Sandstone 4,273.50 3.41 3211 Creosoted Block 3,755.50 3.19 Brick 3,509.45 2.76 Asphalt 3,030.30 2.15 Asphalt Concrete 2,369.85 1.89 Asphalt macadam 2,084.95 1. 60 1aoadam 1,761.20 2,123.80 1.99 3 Concrete This estimate includes the paving up to sidewalk on west side of Lexington Ave. , 32.5 ft. added length. Blake final order read "to sidewalk on Lexington Ave. Respectfully submitted, o-, 11� , IX l� t i-diJ Diet. O.C./Li. Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of. Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance �uat et 13...._ ........... .................. 191..5.. 7'o the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._6077pproved .. JUly ZO, 19]..5...., relative to.........._.. ...... _.... . .........approved paving alley in Block Ivright'e F arrange ant of looke Z..2... ' 1. 3, 2 1. 4 .................................. . .... .... _...... _ ....__..... ...... 4nca, 2?5. of...An .... _ !,a', Y..' and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__- .......... _...necessary and (or) desirable. 7.. The estimated cost thereof is $......_._...._...._........._, and the total cost thereof is ............ nxl the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................... -.... ....... ..._...........................,.............................__...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. :., ..:..-..............._........................_..:_............................. ......... _.... .................... _...... ......... ................................ _.................. _................................. ......................................... ....... 34 improvement is-- ... . .... ..._.._.asked for'upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjoct "' to assesstioent� for said improvement. ............ ............. ........ ........... ......./��i,, 1� ,*� Commissioner of Public Works. To The Col-incil of Citv o' ­,.-a_j: '=-by ti'lor, '-C r 'h.,,, it h cap. - t lition to L c.:n lots in i- 1 1 c, c' - inc, or, 3_4 Fl , 0 A LOT :-,0. 4_7 —7 under Preliminary Order approved 4 A( lL To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ySNCr- -ArF TE: CDST { Rl4m 3aridliine'16ii0k $4,808.05 X4.46 Gr'a'nite 4804.45, - 4.37' gandetone 4,293.50 3,88 C Creosoted Dlook 3,755.50 3.41 $"3o7s" 3,569.'45 ' 3.19 1[phalt 3,030.30 2.76 Asphalt concsxete 2,369.85 2.15. Asphal t maoadetn 2,084.95 1.89 �gaoadam 1,fi61.20 1.60 --®Ranclret p - _ a- MAO -- - - --- Is 93 ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows hDESCRIPTION 'LOT jBLOCK -ADDITION it ASSESSED i' VALUATION A !�'1 r f I k eW 7 I n i 7 i� a II PCRM B.S. ° ^ TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ti. REPORT OF pOMM SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)__ - — - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOCK ADDITION VALUATION o� Ili o I I - 1v�.36'!. A10 491) ,27 I lav ;4znou AAab �'Io I ail' - 1 (� 0 i II J' 6.a o d _._ _.- 7 o- I I, II The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his , report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference /ttoo said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datedl - A-----191 s_.... -- - - -- -------- Commissioner of Finance. pOpM O.A.A. 6.0 C Honorable M. N. Goss, �UICS� Commissioner of Public Works, / 3t. Paul, Minnesota. M�sBi0,,V G Dear Sir: FAGBOS Regarding petition for paving alley in Block 2 Wright Re -arrangement of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, will state: My wife and I own lots 18 and 19 Block 2 Wright's Re-arrangement,�Blocks 22 to 25 Anna E. Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul, being located on Summit Avenue between Lexington and Dunlap and the alley in that block North of Summit Avenue between Lexington and Dunlap; I am not anxious to have the alley paved at this time, inasmuch as our lots are vacant and because of the heavy assessments already on these and other lots for paving streets but if the majority of'the property owners wish to pave the alley, I will make no fur- ther objections but if paved, I prefer the alley to be paved with creosoted blocks. Yours very truly, COUNCIL FILE NO. ------- - ry FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of alaying....and.-mepai.xing-wi_th_..c.ement_ t.i.le.-to a: width of six feet_, the present sidewalk on the north side of Harrison avemie Beginning 304 feet east oP We`stern avenue thence east 18 meet, under Preliminary Order G384 ...... - ...... ....... _.__ .,.. approved .._.....August_...9.th,.._1915. ___ _.............. Intermedi Order _ ....... .... _-- ... approved............. __......... ._............................... __..__.. _....... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of -St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made b the said City is .. �ieaan�tr�QreL.a�y_..and....repai ac . wi.th....aement width of six feet, the present sidewalk on the northsideof Harrison ......... ... _.arenue_._heginning.80..4 feet -east. of We:stexn-avenue.....thence--eas"S.....feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Worksbe and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to -prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making _ of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Connell......... 1.. _ _... 191....._.. Approved ._..—_.........1.._..., > Councilma arnsworth 4_4GOSs 4`—K—etler C—M—Ccoll �oerg Mayvyl3owers Form B. S. A 0•7 - ounce -t aPPrcYal`„ fife 'at ,Z2�-�, �f, t f Ad pts[ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTmEN-r 04 FINANCE AJREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRILIMINARY ORDER In the Matter4 ZA- .. ............ .... . . .. . . . .... ....... ........ .............. ......... . ..... . . . . ... ....... . .. ..... ....... ........ ....... .. ...... ............. ... ................. .... .............. ....... ... . ............... . ... .. ................... ..................... .... ...... .............. . . .. ...... --- . ............. . ..... . ... ........... . .. .... .......... . ......... . .... . .. . ................. ..... ................... . 1-11) under Preliminary Order approved... ....... I-/,- 1-Wi . I ........... ...... ........... ...... .. . ............... ..... ..... ..... To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as followst The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $...`500.. pmx— !AAq.%1 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ . foot for new ..... I. ............ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT, GLOC� ADDITION ASSESSED 1 VALUATION it -7- TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated an of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him. in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..... 'Z1z*- ..........._.1911 I Commissioner of Finance. G CIH :5 � OV GO s 73 7,-/%J" Ili j � ' %� I A6 Hr v Z Q. �Bl OFFICE OFe''. JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK Oct. 6th, 1915. Hon. M.N. Goss, CosIrx. of Public Works. Dear Sir: - The attached Finol order for the construction of a sidewalk on Harrison Ave. .0 F. 7386, was laid over to Out. 13th,1915, and at yo M request, referred to your department. /A property owner present at the � Council meeting steted that this sidewalk had been broken by the drivin of wagons over it .1 r Very respectfully, L % City C1erL% M `f. COUNGM FILE NO ......... .. ............... By....... _....... .._......__.... .... _,_._ ...................... ..... ........_._ FINAL ORDER. 1� In the Matter of &L ing-.:-Gr.QYe._.etxeet.....be.t..e.exi..Br_sz.ade�.ay.---ansi...�I.aokson....atxeet.., inoluding sewer, water and as connections from street mains to property, linea complete,=..-a¢�hsre—not....air-eady....made.,......aleo....a.11ey...and....dxlruewa—y approaohes and ogaetructing ourbing where neoessary, under Preliminary Or .53.64. .................. .... _ _.............. approved..._,7uAB-7.th,.....1915.._...__ - -.... _.............. .. IntermediaryOrder , ...... ................. _. _._ ... .....__... .-.._... approved . _ _ . _............... __ .............. . .............. .__... ............... A public hearing having been bad' upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; . therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counc;l9� the Ci of St. a y}�at precise nature extent and d of improvement ti be made by the said City is.._:P.i41c �'!._G os xeet--b.Etween_..Bx.oadway.._and_.JAcksorn..street, including sewer water and gas connections from street mains to property l.tile.a. complete, cih e_not alread _mad.e,-..-alao.-.alley-...and...dr.ivewsy--approaches, and theuucil hereby orde Provement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instracted'and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith _ Adopted by the Council .___........ ....... ... ... ..., _--- ... _ .. -- Clerk. / Clerk. CC j— Approved J.... _ ..,191111.._ L- BIPiAr. ORDEna: :. o Mayor. - . Ih Mattatte r d t pavinB".Orove street, - , betwetw een �nroadwaY, and'�Tackddrl 8q; - - '.Including.aeW.e/:• Watsr.'and gas con I Councilman Far s orth neottona f[em6atreet rosins to Prop arty Ilnes .complete ,where not al � jesdy made,.also alley, .and driveway _ approachea.an8 conatrucfi g curbfrly� GO S where n c'gseary undeY;P 1tminarY Order 6364, approved June 7th 1816.= - f Pont e,a hearing'havtni bash had: Ke Cr upoa the above;tfiprovemeat upoa;due' lmotice and: thor- ouneW it, tui[ beard'. - i-, orpon-otijectiona and'gveoonWten: 'dations relative thereto `and having.; - 'C 011 - fully considered the same; thereforew bo it - Revolved By -'the , "eecfl of the ', - of 8Y"lraut that.the-precise ientrt ezr tent; and kind:'of improvement to be;; mdde by tha said City is'{pave with:-. S cCreoeoted+Blocks to, a'Wfdth'of;H ' 3ibC foal-? Grgve sfreet between' Broadway',' ' and Jackson ettbet ineludfng se µ or water and gag connections from streeE Ma}r0[ POWs S mains to property lines; complete 11 Whore not already made also alley aad Porro B. A 8-7 - drlvgway approaches and granite curb' E 1>lg.,�and�Lhe Coun i hereby:; ordure said mmmm�m CITY -OF-ST .'OAP -4 DEPARTMENT OF: FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .................. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT LOI ADDITION VA U APO Irl /bel if il f too IF e4ejA H _ � 1 � Gc /� > > o'er k __ - --- - ------ TOTAL, �'&. I C it CITY OFST: PAUL Aui Lnue of;the City of St. P blie Woiks, itaVuig had uudei coueideratiou theyreiiinivary order of CITY;`' OF' SAINT'12AUL OEPARTMENTiOF PUBLIC WORKS M:-�� GOSS�>COM M196IONER 19 St 'Paul Bldnn 15 i` �Fle the undersigned $roper1t) owners on Grove Stret between Jackson Street and Canada -Street in,the City of St 'Paul -,inn hereby petition to the Honorable City Council of the City of St Paul that we object to the paveing of said Street from Jackson -Street to Canada. Street at this time for the reason that it will be a hardship for the Property owners on account of the low rentals of the Property on said Street and location. Dame of Owner or Agent Frontage of Property Zr1,1101 �. L2. feet s MEr s eet eat eet eet feet eet eet eet eet eet eet eet eet eet eet feet i ti CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _ ourbing_both aides of Aroade Street from Fremont Street to Fourth Street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- — T -- — ^--— — — — — —, —_ Final Order 6804 APPROVED under Preliminary Order _ 5073 _ _a — — September 3, _ _ _ _ _ 1915 MOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public M?rks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. 'F. No. 7388— In the matter of curbing both sides of Arcade street from Fremont street to `Fourth street. under Preliminary Order 6073, Final Order 6864, ap- proved September 2, 1916. Resolved• That the plans, ep-ifl.'- tions and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named Improvement be and the- .. a named approved. - snAdopted b, the Council Oct. 7, 1916. - - - - Approved Oct. 7. 1916. (Oct. 9-1916) Adopted by the Counci _ _ _ _ _ OCTy 191 Yeas: ( ? ( ) Nays J Councilman Fa nsworth u Go s �— Ke ler , Mc CollNa h Approved 191 Mr.President CITY OF ST. PAUL / COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of curbing St_ Anthony Avenue from _ Dale+Street to_Chatsworth Street_ under Preliminary Order _ 3634_ _,.Final Order _6929 _ _ APPROVED _-September 7,_ _ _ _ _ _ 191 5 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Storks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 7389— " In the mater of curbing SC Anthony axe.". from Dole street to Chats- . Orth street nder Preliminary Or- der 3834• Final Order 6929, approved September 7. 1916. Resolved, That the plane,peclden- He"s and estlmatea submitted by the . Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the " sameare hereby approved. Adopted by the Coupell Oct. 7. 1915. Approved Oct. 7. 1916. (Oct. 9-1915) Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(LL-� i°la — 191 Yeas:( 1 ( ) Nays Councilman Far sworth Gos Kel er me w MT Nas 11 Approved "a'1 1 o Mr.President � yor, COUNCIL FILE NO. DY.... . ...... . ......... .... . . . .......... -1.1 .. ....... ............. . .... ...... 7 -0 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of oement; blo-oks.--to a width --- of- -six aide of MAson. awenue_from Cypraes. st.reet---to.- -Forest street, Preliminary Order..._._...6.30.1.............__. approved ._August...Sth.....1915,--.-..._..__.......__....._.._. Intermediary Order .......... ...... ............ approved ......... ..... ............ . . ...... . ... A public hearing. having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is aldowalk__60 cement blocks Ao. a --width of Six feet on the south side of Hudson avenue from Cypress street to Forest . . ........ __ .......... . ..... . ... ... ......... ............ .... ..... .. . ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed With the making of said improvement M' accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .................................. . ....... DET,. -.7 1.91,, 191. M15 Councilman F rnsworth ss eller ccoll Leary erg Form B. S. A. 8-7 - C - CITY OF fit. PAUL DEPART, v."4 OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE� -0NELIMIN. ARY ORDER In a Matte4 of SL G?G nY . under Preliminary Order approved — v — ���----'---'- '------"--' `— -- OK--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 5per 11 nea1 foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: < ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION II �� w 01 vO /n, f l O leo -�---,—r/-r-�-- TOTAL.i.fi of he- ,O ii oil I A CITY OF ST. PAUL SDEPARTMIiNTICIF FINANCE y j REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ( ON PR $LIMINARY ORDER j - ASSESSED � ifD E S.0 R I P T 10 N _ - i LOTOGADDITION yALUA ONj- II,� 1�4 - 4f e� j ii is 9 �- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works., Dated - �- 191 — ......- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. B -D C _ -- Huaso,v H C E. I : t , i 1 St, Pauli bCnrr., July 30th -1915. The undersigned p rope rty..owners do hereby respect fully petition the City Council•, of the City of St. Pauli Ramsey County, State of linnesota, to build side -walk on South -side of Hudson Avenue, between Forest and Cypress Sts. 8 COUNCIL FILE NO. _... ... ... ... ____....____... 416- ,FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of -..Reconstructing --relayrin --and--repaid g with cement t13e to a width of six feet the present sidewalks on the Yellowing streets, Atwater street,._._noFtla-..-side.,...--beginning at. Rioe- streets thenoe east .to $liey;. Hoffman avenue west sidl be inning at Euclid street thence north 160 feet, ander Preliminary Or. er . .. approved ..... ul IntermediaryOrder _..._... .... ......... ..... .._... _..__........_- ......__._.._._._... approved ........ ......_._._.......... _.....__.__.................... .......... - .._.._._.........._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ..Rt'.pT..epair.._.wi...C.....O.ement.....tile__t.0..-..a width of six feet, the present sidewalks on the following street ., Atwater .,.be.ginning._et.__Ftiae �txee.t,.__.thenoe-...east..._tss._-Ally-,_...Hoffman avenue west side, 'beginning at Euclid street thence north 160 feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval,'the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......._..._.....Qin;T-9 1.5_..._...._......_.., CityJerk. Ott 7 p4s Approved ..__ ._._ . _ . _ . ......... _... _ __.., 191....... C Form A. Mayor. DEPARTMEN REPORT OF CON li . NCE 1P ON P+-LIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of_c---�� .......__............ .�..:.:....:..y[...��.._r�L. �........ .......... _.......... _ ..........:.._./..._ - -c .�� .....:.: ... .-.....��...... - ........ ......... ._....... ........L`<._ .: _'Zti'_.w! x....1...1 ,....................... v........... ....... — - ................... -------... .............. __........... ....... ---..... ....._... .................. _ ........... ...... -.._.._.-- -.. under Preliminary Order approved_.y" ........ ... _....... - --._.......... .... ....... _....._..................._........_........... --- To the Council of the City of SOVVain: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $.-_53¢.- _peT...1111es1 foot or 1111W The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $........... II81 .•.......•.___.._ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 6ROCK ADDITION VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. .✓�.... ........._..19t..... ................. ......._ ............................... Commissioner of Finance. } a COUNCIL FILE NO....... ............ ........_ w FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of . eonatruating,_...r.elmying_..and... repairing....wi.th. coment...._ti.le.__to a width of 10*.ofeet, the present sidewalk on the south side of East Fourth _....... -streets beginnAng...lOI.._€eet.. east ..o.f... Wwouta.._street..._thenae--east--5.1-.feet, ... under Preliminary Order ....6381..... .................... ...__...... .._.._.. approved .....August. 9tha ..1915........._ ....:....._ IntermediaryOrder............... ......................... _._.... ........... __ approved.... ............. _._.................... _..... ......... ... __..._._._......_.._........ .... A public ,hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made b the said City is ..B.ec.onstruot.,_.re.1.aX....and_.. repair .....w.ith.....oement .t.ile...._t.o.._a width of l(q feet, the present sidewalk on the south side of East Fourth street' beginning 141--feet--,east- of-vaeouta--street -thence- east 51 -feet;_.....__ .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. j prT -7 1S15 Adoptedby the Council.............._......_._....._...._.......__._....__......_..........., 19).._... .... ....... ............................ ._........_._.............. ._-..... .... _........ _ .. City Cler Approved ....... _.......... � � ..._ ._.......,197._..._ _ ............_.......... ....... _._... hlayor. Councilman arnsworth 9IbT-er-EZ-9T-b oss u P d e+4 eller as Ions rele:tive thereto; andaihVIm I be t! oonsld'ered thoeame, therefoie.'� cColl Resolved,Spy the Counefl of the city.! `of at. Peul'dhat the.prectse nature, ;ity! ':tent -And' kind of Irs else ndt r ., f xe made by' the- eafd'Clty,:fs reconetruot, 'Leary relay and repalr with`cement'tue,to';a,.:, �wfdth'.of. 1e;¢' feet, the�rpresent walk'on th'e south,elde.sf EastFoubth street? beginning lo1', flet east of�Wa= oerg Ceuta atredt, diluiu 'east61 feet.'.ndI the -orders `eafd 'fm-.! ,pro vement to-beCouncil;;hereby made. M— Rosolved�Further .That the eomTats sloner of Public Works.: be and' he:as! Form R. S. A. 8.7 kereby-fnstrueted enddli•ected to pee pare plane' and apeClBoatlone for. said, itnprovemenh=and'subsift-same to'.,Utd, ,Council for =approval -that upon 'said; e*val the�jDroper _city 'oRfcera;. ace CITY OF ST. PAUL i IbEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 5 REPORT OF COM 6SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRAIMINARY ORDER : In the Matter of.. -%ZGfL�Zv!-".'�............ ......... .................. under Preliminary Order approved. _. ..... .......... ... --_.......... .... ....... ......................... ....... ...... ...... ._..-....- — To the Council of the City of St. Pauht The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $...91._F.T.....�.�518. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $....... .-----fQQ *.......... - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALU ATEION �! u TOTAL. O D O The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of .the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated......... . .................... _-191 3 r..._v _........ ....... . .... / Commissioner of Finance. YOPM 8. 8. A. �•D O 11 1 COUNCIL FILE NO -.._.... / INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_countruoting._a.._.00ment..._tile .....eidewslit.._tc-a....Ridth-.oP---aix-_zs�vt an__the..._weet..._eide.....cf ._Eoa.....�t..e..e..... �c4m..._ a►a. t9.....e41[ent?a_ a_.FaisY.ield ..avam�te., under Preliminary Order _ E�7� _.—.—.._._._._._......_. _. _. — approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ;i 1. ThIt the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to ue proceeded with. 2th@ nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ie _QC119tT11Ct__a _.0001EAt 1118 2 That sidewalk tots, Width of six feet on the west side of Eva Street from Fillmore < ---- —-................ .............. ....._._.......-.._......_.._........... ............. .......__............... _................................... -- ........ _.._..._— -- - avenue to FA-rfield avenue, ........ _.._..... _._.......... _.__...... _ .. _........ ......... _..... 5 er lineal foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated,00st thereof is $_._�`__1? --PIT Resolved Further, That a public hearing be%had on said improvement on the . 4th --.--.-------- day of so, rember _.__..._._� 191_5, at the fiber of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in City of St. Paul. That -the Commissioner of Finance give notice d of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. G T '7 1915 Adopted by the Council ..._..._...__....._._ __ r....__—_._.._...._..._........1191 ......... d City rk. Approved .... Council. rvf Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FFIIL_F ANO_.__...______........__..... / INTERMEDIARY ORDER. "7191 ,jonstruoting a cement tile Sidewalk to a width of six feet Inthe Matter of .........:._.. ..____.._. _. ...........____ ........... on _the_...south..-side-of.....Cook...styeet....fzom...zasl._straet-to-Baluth avenue, ........... ._......_ under Preliminary Order _.._654'x —___......_...___ ....................__. approved.._._®ul�t._18►t.._..._........ _..... _........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .._Qanztru0t a cement '116 - sidawalk._..to-.a_width__of....Six_..feet....oa -the- -South....aide...of--Cook- street-- fr-os-.!earl street__to,_puluth.. syont1.a........... ____ ... _.......................... _.._ ......... _ ._ ..__ 2 with no alternatives; and that the estimated coat thereof is $_.._.5._..�...�? .er l_..ineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... ............... _... _. day of 1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated,. 1, UST 7 �?'r u Adopted by the Council --------------- .._. .._. _ ____ _...... 191_. np7 City Cle Approved... .....114 191......_ Councilman Fa{nsworth " G ss Iler " cCo11 " 'Leary oerg M Form B. S. A. 8.6 t( N%- COUNOM FILE NO,----,— INTERMEDIARY 0. --INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Ine�Mr�eeof andno �RaCe etre tyfronRChate-6"'HHetreetttor aeka0etreett to to Race --- ... -.__....---..... _.._. _ . . under Preliminary Order ..---G.$..49._. _._._.__.....__..._.. approved ...til PUati-_._6111r..._1.9.15..__-.----------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Cita t.atvo.r t.r..._9..0 �a._.r.m..._Q.a......e.t.x.e.t...._t.a..._Race......t_r_e_ei.._fd_._on.._R Chatamox_th._strEat._..t.o --- Ale ska.-..at.r-ee.t,.._ ___................... __._.......... _.............. _...... ..___..__................. --_........... _..._......._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $33-28..o.o.._._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......_�.t..1.._.._. _..........._...._._..._ day of 191-5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the maimer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total eTost �1iiq a8 estimat^d., ^ �� Adopted by the Council - :..............._,..._ ,,.�..% ., _................., k9 Approved._._ Councilman Farlsworth " G ss ller cColl Leary " oerg We s r. B. S. A. 6.6 COUNCIL FILE /NO....._......... By R g4l INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of __..... _........... under Preliminary Order approved _M8�► 81tt�_ 1915.x.._...__ .__....._._ ..-'-- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having -"considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _Glade__Grlgge_street. .. streaty..... ...... _......_.__.:.__-------- _..........__._......._........_.__.... ...._.. _..._..- - -'' 0,674.08 with no. alternatives, and thatthe,estimated cost thereof is ._,___.._......_.... Resolved Further, That a Oublic hearing be had on said improvement on the ....._ ............. day day of BIQy.,Qp►17� _..._.___.__..._, 1915.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT -7 1915 Adopted by the Council ._............_......_....__............ ___ _........ ..._. ;'191..... ;... _.......l.. — __...._... ... ./. �/1 ..... .......................................................... . ty Clerk. �!�� ... C,'F. No 7296=13y & A. Farnsworth`—ID Approved.......... In the; Matter, of grading Griggs street' Lrem,,same, street to Stanford street, , under Prellmiriary Ordecj26D1T ap- proved May 21sf 1915 _.. .. ... ... _.................... Thercouncil of -the City of St Paul, a. •, Mayor. haying recelvad the report of the. l�D C.MmIssioner of Flhance upon the, Councilman Fa nsworth above ;• fmprovetnent :andhaving aldered said report herebyaraaolvea 1 :Thtlt the Bald report -tie and the" " Cl 5S same'la'hereby:approved and adopted;; � `an& the'sald=Improvement;'!, hereby _ ordered to be proceeded wffh. , , z 2.:Thaf the nature of tl Wreprove " K ler menta--whfcii,-the:; Cotinell, recommends Ss grade Gr(ggstreebfrom: Tames at; to: Stanford;street, with nor, aIt.rna-- " h'I COIL tfvea,';and that :the estimated cost: thereof ie;2,674.48 Resolved Further That Sa DUbllc; hearing be had,on eatd-ImDtovemant 0' on aty the ,let day of November; 1916, at the bout oY10:D0p o clook a1.'M In, the, Cogncli W`hambere room 81 of 'tbe Y erg Courc ease and Ci4Y Hall Bailding,la ithe Clty of St Paul hat the- Com•. miesioner of 11'Inance sivenotice .of said meeting to the persona,'snd in the 6y manner provlded;by the Charter stat Imp the time andcplace of hearing, the, Form B. S. A. 8.6 nature of the •Improvement: and trig;, I total cost thereot;ae eetlmated. f Adopted by' the Councl! Oct 7 1916.11 j App,goved Oct. 7;,'2915. (Octr 9 1916) - COU1§CIILL FF�IjLEE NO .... By ::..GL. /:.IG�GF,GGt�...... _...._. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of-Q0n44PMtnz----_ ld,. _taking an is.asament-An- ther slopes, for cute and fills in grading Mendota street from Ivy street - to L Homo.. d._Phal a...aacenua _.aw rdia -.to--the- . hereto --aa a3+a te�dd'�e p ereo The h�toned porion shorfiag the out anthe anadacl P . t6 it __ approved .._.dal r7 1915. — --- ------- under Preliminary Or er .__...813�..�_.__.------._..._. pp y... nd,- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. I That the pature of the improvement which the Council recommends is OOnd®PA_an.d take_. an ease— ment in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Meudot �#�t�.et__.fxamsv. �.trees__to-._Lake-Qoma.. and.._P�►a] sa-..aysaus-,--aoaordinge the -pli:u hereto attached and made a part hereof. The hatched portion showing the . outa__and the__ehaded pert 0:1. t13@_1Ills....----_- ......... .._.....__. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 50e09 Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had, on said improvement on the .... _Ia]l_.and_......._.-.. day of }VQ1(.@1pbeS -191.x, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 bf the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give -notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimate OCT -7 aC � Adopted by the Council ....__ ...... ..............._.--.---__...._.._..........._, 191....... City 1r C1 Approved..... .. .._��- Form a S. A. 8.6 Councilman rnsworth " as ° a� •• V eller tiae> .sem+�a+.w..✓uu,enua /// cC011 � get! •��'s- � e9e: t F� 44��..bd andl 'l.,eer}' Cfi�fe„t� i� �.,. • !�(i there g�he� erg Form a S. A. 8.6 CITY OF ST. PAUL (I� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE \ EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY -ORDER, - In the Matter of /l�Ol YlyG1 �GLuR— �Ll 1 "L/! 1iii/-/i—�1-•—' under Preliminary Order approved / * '+� �� 75 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ AQ•� — The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTIONLOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED f VALUATION ��9 2Z� F s 4/1 TOTAL IORM B.S.A. 6.3 a y CITY OF ST. PAUL; S DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - 1 ASSESSED �. 'DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK, ADDITION. VALUATION T The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ..Dated.--__� � 191:=� ��✓--CG---------------------------�--------- --- Commissioner of Finance. FORM O.S.A. !-E 6 �` z 3 � S �1 � �- Y L' ..v ... �..n Y_' t i,.. ' � .. � .. . � .. 't ��x t S +' t 1 f L a F � t� � � �� t7 4 �. A_ sr i4 dt C ,1 L �1 ;� � ,mac ;� 4 I � r — � �. *.� '.t � _ a �r t i,� � ti yi e � z � � `� i 4 it f t r:� 1 A � { a . ,.:, , n S ��x t S +' t 1 f L a F � t� � � �� t7 4 �. A_ sr i4 dt C ,1 L �1 COUNCIL PILF NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter Of _.P ,or slopes, for auto and fills in grading Ivy street from Aroads strew% UL.Fafe% iia.AtAtree hNog , t 7 a dd r.cjg Kt 0WI&tReEft 016 GeM t R,&x "0 0 na 0 9 a tinder Pr 0 eliminary Order . . .. . ..... . ................. approved july -232dz_1214-­- . . ................. . ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of I Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. hat the nature I of the improvemenj which the Council recommends is Oonddmn 4n&: take an 0"o - men% fn the land neoassaXy or 010 as for outs and fills .'in-. ading IVY street from Aroade Street to Forest Mto &1V%6659d*­iK5d'_ff&d I . ........... portion :!shqj!i#g_,,,,:tjje outs and m the shaded portion t9erhils. ....... ................ .... .. .. ........................ .................. . . ........ . ......... . .. . ................. . ... . ..... ..... . ..0...0. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0 .... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of 191-5.-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamller room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time And place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Gli-T -7 1`1S Adopted by the Council . .... .. ­­ .... ... .... 119 Approved - W 1815 r - 191 l z�z Coun, 4 Form B. S. A. S. Street1ing fig to- ads S part 1:31. W-1---1 In c'e-z-'7 COUNCILFILE-NO, INTERMEDIARY. ORDER. In the Matter of -_.CO.,-..-and....t.akI ng an . eassrWat -4n tze.- jand__nuwoo y. for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Donn street from Forear, dZX6.t W 4roaq s:p;Kqq,.0 a hereto part. - ziereof. the ..coxdl.ag..-to tatoted portion showing the outs and the shaded portion the fills, under Preliminary Order ... ............... .__ approved ... , tuly -ands-19I5. . . ............ . .... . . ........ . ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the liature of the improvement which the Council recommends is mout in tine laud necessary for slopes for outs and fills in grading Da,"'y street from Forest street to. -Ar.c4da ;.Jxe ot according t*_ the flan--heratO at't ...... . .. ...... shoring the Outs aud ache an made stae shaded portion tgarl,11reof. The hatoned portion a ­­ ..... ......... ..... . .. ............ ... fk_ __ ......... . . .. ........... ............................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ....... ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of movember . . ........ ..................................... ....,4_1 191-A, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as est d. ' Adopted by the Council ...... . ... T City CI Approved ... ......... .. . ...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ? jor. Councilman Farworth`moo oa o0 G( 5 Ke l er w rt F.00#40- mc::011 he; e" O'l eary Yo:rg rS pord Ltior V, Lana tba feyE3 -a M V F.ne B. S. A. 8-6 i perestimat d !tKa �j t thereof. aI I I IIFF Ad.pt=�thb.00.najj 0Ot 7, PP70ved 0CV7,- 1915 9-3916) COHNCIL FILE NO. By _( t � 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ..go 14g_.444 _t.alc.j.dg._. ..._eand-nftea.ior . .t. slopes, for outs and fills in grading whaler avenue from Carroll avenue to belay avenue,..... a000rding..-to--the -plan.....aereto attaohed and made a past >sereoY. rhe hatoned portion phpwing the outs and the ph�de rt p the fills, under Preliminary Order _ 6158.._.-----.... ...... _........ ............._. approved _ 1 kX-._ �5 ..... 77 .w....�.....---...._._ _.._..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the pature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 0046TII_-BIId take an etsee- ment in the land neoessary for slopes, for outs and fills in FadingwilLtroior �.O .O with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-._...__ ........................_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__3rd._.....__..-............. _......... ... I day of T &OV®ICb@T........ _,,,,__.-,_ 191_s., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, c thereof the nature of the improvement, and the total cost tliereo as estimated. J � Adopted by the Colahi it :'_..'._........._......... _1 191:....... Approved Coun 4 Form B. S. A. 9. ti 4 COUNCIL FILE NO_. By C(<._GGyG � c INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of. -90440=149 nd. _t:eking._.an,....easement.....in....the .._.land_..neob.aaa;:.y.... for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Lansing street from Hamlin avoxue to. `Alhert....atres.-.aaa:cording._.t.o the ....plan. .hereto-..attaohed-arAl-made....a-part...-.neraof. The hatched portion showing the outs and the shaded portion the fills, under Preliminary Order ...._.sr? ..—......___-_........_................ approved .....JunB.....7.thy.....1918x--..___.._.....-------..._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That, the ature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _QO3]dBlGll_aAd,_t.$1��_._sIL...eas0— ment in the lanr neoessary for elopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Lansing street from ._Hamli.n®....aQ.pue..._to._Allert.....strest,.....aaoording._t.c-..the --pl,an neretc attadheiT-ani da3e a past hereon. The hatched portion showing the auto and the shaded p.ortionthe...._41116........ _.............. ......._................. _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._ ......-..+3rd------. day of 191_5..., at -the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the malmer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......... . ... .......... .5 ........ ..... 191.... City C Oct '7 1915 Approved _.._ .._ _.... ..., ]97. ....... _. ......... .... ... ........... _.... _...... Lc.LcMayor. 1 1 F h lar 5362 Councl man ar swort ..ovncli oL the Ity ofUSt r; - GO . mg received the report of tlfe'. -mmissloner Finance upon the 3 - -of Improvement,. and having con- ' K let ; ;bove Idered,said repo'rq hereby -resolve. 1 3. That .the -said .report'be;'and the Tahereby.,approved-and ..Leadopted;'' and theoImprovement 1hereby m Cotl ordered to be beproceeded with.. 2. That Ahe nature of the Improve-',m ant which the Council 'reeommend9 is condemn and take'an' easement -Int Q' 8r}' the' land necessary for slopes, Por cute and aIle in the grading, of Lansing, street from Hamllne avenue to Albert? street, according to the plan herdto at -i Y erg tached and .made a. part hereof. The' hatched portion'showIng the cute and: M the shaded portion the ails with no al - ternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof Is E2&00. • , Form B. S. A. 8-6 Reablved - Fnrther,::.That a ' qubltc+ hearing he :Lad on Bald Improvement on the 2rd. day of 1916, at 'the hour of 10 o'clock A. Ki In the Council 1 Chamber, room 61 of the Court 11 0 and City Raq;;RDnding an, the'City of� ' 8t Paul.` That 'the Commissloner .of Finance give notice of said meettnq to the persons and 1n the: manner Dro-. vided by the Charter, stating the time - and place,of hearing, the}nature Of the - Improvement, and the total cost there- of as estimated. - Adoyted-by: the Council Oct. 7, 1916..[' Approved;Oct, 7, 1916: - _ '.(Oct: 9-1936) COUNCIL FILE NO... ...... ._..._.._._..__.. _... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _Ooaetruoting. _a...Dement...._QdeWallc.....to._..wldth._oY�iu_t,�.nt.....cu fav Lhe N.orth....alae-._Of...RidgcWPoa--avenue.._betwaan--Y#3%o>� s#meet an& �ttotorirr tst�aoti, under Preliminary Order _795__.__._...----- ....................._. approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the >iatnre of the improvement whd'ch the Council recommends is._......_.._..._...___._.._..._.._...._..__.._._.__._.Oonetruot a Dement eiae- ........ aralk to a >Kidth fgot..c21R.._the..._IZRrth_amide..._of.....Ridge>Rond.-aoenue._hetc�esn- Hilton etreet_an sa:_YSQtOsla...atrGst,.............------- _....... _......_............. __._....__...._... _........... _... 52 per lineal foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-._.... _1__._ ___.__. Resolved Furtheir,-That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_...4tb._..-...-...--..---_.---........-• day of &OVBIDbAT1915_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estima d. OCT -7 1915 Adopted by the Council ....... _......... ..... ___............ __..._......_._..- ........ . XT =7 19!5 Approved........ ....... :...... ...... .._............_:..._...__...., Councilman Fatltisworth " G Iss "IV K Uer Coll "0 Leary erg Form B. S. A. 8-6 t ....... _... _... _...... _....... _.... Mayor. COUNCIL FILE ND—.- By D _..By C:G INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.-_QO4®truOt1.49.8..,.GlueSi#e....!$.� bot-- _.1.8e.e_..0,Y.....TY1es.....atrast_bet.Been...8011th..-2Abert--4trCet--an"oYY-...auenus,...... under Preliminary Order ._.._1535.„_.__ .... _...... -.........._....._..._. approved....Reptenber._..9.th4.....l�i�. �..------._..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to.be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:_QOIIetTt�Ot.._S__OOIDOtlt..._aSd t.o-&-midth_.of__six-teet....oa-both.... sides ....of.:.-Ty1ar-...atreet -between--6outb,-KobQat street.--ar_.GS>._aYexle.,-_... ....... .......... _.. --....... _....... r 83 er..._liaeel loot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_..._...+k...1? Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............. day of 1915_._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11L, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _...... __..... ....,_Q.. T...'7...�].._..__......., 191._. _ -- City Cle Approved .......... ...._...... ._ QGT..._-_1... _��-15...__.., 191.... .� G ......... _..._............. ........ _. _Mayor. " Gos " Ke r Mc oll „ 01, ary " Yoe: g M Form B. S. A. 8.6 d COUN,CILL FILE NO.By ._.._ . _..._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ._Q.OnRolla,Qui1.Ag.�sz.> acklmg... ?a....xro ._or..._Lat.o.._ ?- --..7-&_aT.__ana.._a4, Blook 3, Loveringto Addition to Union Park, boated on the east aide of afleeivr..-avenue-be34eeu-shields av-enue and--8ti-.-9nt-hony.-avenuej... ......... ....... _... ... under Preliminary Order ._6g _._..___._.__..._. .... .... _........... _ approved ...._$ept6mber -2nd.,-__1915. ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _ftAgtruct,_o}trb n _._111 zront of Lots 17, 18, dl, and 44, Block S, Lovering,a Liation to -Union Park lomated...oa _tris side._..of...Mheeler._avenue_.. between... shisida-avenue-and... sat. Anthony avenue, -..._......- — ..................... ..........._--- _._. . 54.88 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_..........._ ................_...... Resolved Further, Thava public hearing be had on sauiimprovement on the ._........ _ 19tt.................................. day of 10VO APRT.._._._..._._...._...-.__-, 191-A, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,' the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated., OCT -7 19'� Adopted by the Council Approved ... ..... ... ..._.Qc�...:-7. ig15......._- 191 Councilman Arnswortb %L"ZjGGJ/� City Clerk./ 6" Mayor. ss " K ller M Coo O' ary Yo rg F.. B. S. A. 8-6 r -s -- %L"ZjGGJ/� City Clerk./ 6" Mayor. An ordinance authorizing the payment of money in partial -settlement with John-Galiotu, otherwise kn&wn as Jisyani Catioto, in accordance with the Workmens' Compensation .Act. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES.ORDAIN: Section 1. The proper city officials are hereby aythorized to pay to John Galiotu,•otherwise known as Jisyani Catioto,^ the sum of Twenty and 25/100 ($20.25)•in partial settlement of his Claim against the City arising.under the Workmens' Compensation Act by reason of injuries recived by him while in the employ of the City on August 21, 1915. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage approval, and pgtIli-dation. ✓� p- ^'y of i I. 3'• .,1 Per y officials al t r ertked to pay to John ti.t..0 - wise known as Jisyanl Cattoto Paving Depreclatton Fund, thea m v , vvv°P° Twenty and 111100 ($20.25) In partial. settlement of his claim against the _ City arising under the Workmens' �e.+ Compensation Act by reason of In. O Junes received by.him whlle•in the em - e` ploy of the City on August 21, 1915. SFCTION 2. ' Ttita ordinance hall take effect and � ep In r. force a0 days after ite passage, '1 approVfll and pub;ication. Final. adoption b the Council Oct. 25, 7-- — _- 1915. e Yeas—Messrs. Farnsworth, Goss, Keller, McColl, Nash, Yoerg, Mr. Preal- dent (Power's) -7. tl Adoption _ Nays -0 - A 5 f Yeas (�) Coun� Annroved Oct. 25, 1915. (// �J. .191C/ , wINN PowERs, he Council ....... Mayor. Attest: 70HN L FARICY„ �ar city Clark. coat. a5 -1s15) Quad.... to Vending. V i . `t ✓ 1 it — y 191 J e Co11 V Aga lst d utero 2hd 3rd /U 191 '• Attest n Yoerg JOHN I. FARICY, City Clerk 191 Dat _. M .President, Powers PUBLISHED e PuLtished .. .' -- .___ - v � �z z�1f� __. W ii t An ordinance authorizing the payment of money in partial settlement with John G>liotu, otherwise knlwn as Jisyani Catioto, in acebrdance`with the Workmens' Compensation Act. TlICOUNCIL Or TH:, CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN1 Section L. The proper city off is are hereby authorized to pay to Jahn-Galiotu, othernise known as Jisyani Ce.tioto,^the sum of Twenty and 25/100 (§i20.25) in partial settlement of,hic claim: against Lt -0 City nt'ijing under ;he orkmens' Co nensztion Act by reason -of injuries recived by him chile in the, employ of the City on, August 21, 1915. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force' 30 days after its pawsge approval, and ogbliep.tion. s Yeas(k')C ,fttndl:n(V)Nays ';G favor Nr Coll ..10—Against - VIW Mr. Pretidi FORM C.8-2 qoa Coll C. r, No. 74076—BI o"'Ve t TI -I the CO or Coma ' Per _.,I F_bl I. I'llb"Ing. IeI Play= requested _ o les—, h' )y and --t-11 I _. by, ol*Cit Architect at I el, the y c—a"' City Force with the n..e.. i t9- floor o[ - - c" .' rt. Ponce li.n Cost material and 11..be Ea out: the C--t_"..d B.ttq Ac Budget aPOrp— � noon for 'P.tic. Protection. kdopt.d:by the C._.11Oct. 7. 1916. App 'o'.dOct. 7.1!15. (Oct., 9-19141. OCT -7 19115 Adopted by the Council ...............................................191........ OCT =7 1915 Approved.. . .. . .... 191 ,,70�7MAYOR a CITY OF ST. COUNPXRESO50LU:>GENERAL FORM '� , Subjects............. ...... ........ ................ I ....... ........ ..... . ....... .... .... ... ......... ... .... ........ ..... . 74n ,7- couri'#' N FILE O..... :........... ................................. — .................. . ................................................................................................... Date Presented ................._.............................191....... Resolved, _ Gfi" -ubue ,.,ed,Yorketo hereby �,4,,.tcd I, or nary repair and relaying 11d,- adjolnJng Engtne House No: 16 at Vlc- "k I ,oris and Ashland aveuea. 'terin7 and fma- I.ber Por to'.Pln esr out ofthe and "nd.een a...U,t of the Ganernt Adopted 1,3�e th APProll.d oct� 7. '109', Oct. 7. 1915. (Oct. 9.1916, Yeas (") C-Lcilmen (I/) Nays 11° �F _J,worth In favor Coll .Against sh e-rg W r t, Powers FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council. -7In191 OCT -7 Approved.............. 191 OR City of St.Paul Council Resolution - General form.Departmeift of y� ._.__._.,._._._._._._._._:_._._._._.__.__.__.__._.__.__._.___._ Bureau of _.._.-._.__...._-._._-.. 1 ssssassaaaavamvvavascaaaaaysvaaaavmavcavacaacvevaavvvcmcvmomsavmvmmam Coun 1,1�i _...-._....... Date Presented By� • :- - - -........... _----- .----_--------------- --- -----:.-.---.----_---.-._ Resolved$ that permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wire with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets. North Side of Hoyt Avenue from Western A nus to Dale Street. Poles and wire to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be Paid_bx thA Telephone Company. RESOLUTIONS. C. '. No. 7408—By M. lYOoeb."a _. Rosolved. That per ss No ba and itI le heroby granted the Northwesteen. j Telephone Excbange Company to- setj poles and string, wire with the neces- sary anchors thereon 1n the following named streets: Western avenue to Dale street from Pole. and wire. to be removed when requested 1. 110 so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Compay n. &n171it Adopted by lite Council Oct. >3, 1916. Approved Oct. 6. 1916. p e� (Oct. 16-1916) Adopted by the Co, Yeas ( ) 7 Mr. President, ( ) Nays 0 Resolved, that VQVaOGUW DO Wd SO UOVVMY IW=tOd tUO TVI Ot-260 r.; W$iOUG Q- .1ampapy to rwara£ polos r4th tho noawocmy arw1 a,so anti Co st,vir L, uIre and eablea on the EOIUMSUS LMUS4 &WOOtait 9 Boles on Grace street from ;,6xh/:.ck to Snell±ng C. F. No. 7409—By M. N. Gosa— Reaolved, That p mission tie and le hereby granted the, State Telephone & Telegraph Company to erect pale• with the ,necessary anchors and ( string wire and Oa is on tha-folln.8 ing streeta: D poles on Grace .street frr- 1 wick to, Snelling Ave. Work to be done under tt 'he eatiefnetlan o[ '1 '�Ir er1-a 'JoS't to be 42MG Liisi3w tUo 4740 ion Ond to t'ho razz UO?C%a UOU 09' the G=tooto a Q? T=sue -Orkav the TeMep4ow 00"3M to PW fte 00at Votes and iia 8e be uben r0quvateia to OD 60 bV tl Camen Ccaun a:Ua UxAd w at to Do paid by MO A"GI4 h*a* CMVOWw Yeas (.7) 1(✓) Nays %x� In favor V......Against PUBLTSM ...,.... . _ k ,. Adopted by the Council..........."`' �C..... x ..................19 ..F'....� 1 F i s COUNCIL FILE NO... By._. __. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _ C.Q.n,atruo.t.ing a _cement tile.. sidewalk--to...a-.width--of -six.-feet on _t he__east...._s id. e...._.o of Uer.o er_. str.ee t_ _fr om._.Snl ef.fer._ street ..-..t.o.._.Seuenth...stre e t , tinder Preliminary Order __.. _6313 approved ....August-4th,---1915.- Intermediary Order _ ..._ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having dilly considered the same; therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _.Construot__a....cement --tile - sidewalk to a width -of- .six feet on the east aide of Mercer street from Scheffer street to Seventh street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans pd specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the inking of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........._ ___.____. _ OCT -$ 1915 191 ._ Clerk. 1 Approved. __.' 191 7S - , _..__._...... ....... _.... Mayor. Icu6_6 a cement Councilman Far Worth idth of six feet aids eof Mercer street +eller street to Seventh Wider Preliminary Order 6313 •• Clos -i Augast 4th, 1916. ...c hearing having been had above Improvement upon due " Kell nd the iahaving l re ommen ins; objectCouncil ons datio.-, relative thereto, and having " Mc 11 Y Illy, tiered the same; therefore, �bo it Resolved, By the Council of the City of .'a. that the precise nature, ex- „ �'1.,C r }' tent and kind of Improvement to be the City is a made by. said construct cement tilesidewalkto a widta'of six feet on the'east side of Merc(=.street Yoet from Scheffer street to Seve$ni street, and the.Councll hereby orders said Im- PoW provement to be made.- Resolved Further; That the Commi Mayor rs )' I stoner of Public Works be d he s hereby instructed and directed to pre - Form B. S- A� 8.7 pare .plans and specifications for sa,,s improvementhe uponme o said i Count. or Lapp .,Z;; thatbruit upon I approval, the propeer city fflcers are hereby. authorized.anddirected to pro- eed with the making of said improve - m[ ld ordce, therewth. Adopted eban y' the Council Oct S, 1916 - Appr ved„Oct 8; 1916. -�-toot 16-1915) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENI'40F FINANCE el d REPORT OF COMVISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter ofL�' .. ... ..... ....... .... ..... - i .... . ......... . ..... ... ........ .... ....... .. .... 7"' ...... .... X---- ��"( ..... . .... ...... ........... .......... ....... I . ....... 7 .. ....... . . ..... ... ....... . . .. .. ....... ........... .......... .. ................ .......... . . ......... .. ........ .... . . .............. ....... ........ .. ........ .............. .... . ............ ....... ............ . ....... ............ ........... ....... ......... --- .. ......... - .......... .......... .... ....... . .......... ............ ............ ..... .... ............ . I .. .. . ........... ... .............. ............ ..... ....... ...... ... ....... ................. . ... ....... ... ................... under Preliminary Order approved.. -- ------ ----- -- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The 'Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 54 PeT.. linez Poot The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ .... .. . ..... . ....... ....... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 92 TOTAL: The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and I hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._. ........ .. .. . . .... . ..... �.4 14z ............ ....✓...... . Commissioner of Finance. .......................Augu. t.._.1.6.,..................._191_-5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No._...._631?._......... approved. ................._AUuat ,42 .................. 191..._5, relative to ........... _._.............................................................................................................................._...................... constructing a cement the sidawalk to a width of six feet on the east ......__..................................................... side of L`ercer St. from Schaffer St. to Seventh St' ........_........._........ _................................__............._.......... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: t 1. Said improvement ie..-.-per08�aTtyea LOb�iesirable. • XXXXx.... 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_...................._. _, and the total cost thereof is $ .............. ..........I and ...................... ................. .... _................. _.... ..... .......... ........ ._.... ........ ...--- . the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............. ............................... ............._............... .............._............................_.............._........_......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is._...._...........----- ..:...._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................... _ _.. ommissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. By........ ... FINAL ORDER. IntheMatterof 0oAp1r4qt:lng acement tile_ side alk,.t a width of.six feet bo-th s.Jdas of Griggs ..atre.et from Randolph. streat to.. so -hof ter et'r e.et, under Preliminary Order 6081 approved July ­ 30th, 1915 ........... Intermediary Order ... approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of imp I rovement to be made by the said City is qqnstrgqt a cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet .......... cement on both side of Griggsst7qeti from _Rg4dQ1ph,,qtreet to..Scheff.er,.Btreet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTlihR, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 193 A 191 Approved Councilman FAnsworth GC is Ke ler M4 Coll 0' ary Y rg Mayor Po ers F.— B. S. A. 8-7 1 Of CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE } REPORT OF q,PMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ---------- ���///.D_-:—�fLJ�`----------- ----------.. v .---------------------------------------- Preliminary Order-approed ---,-----}-- - under St. Paul: To the Council of the City of The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 52-¢ Qer 1 ineal $-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - foot. $'- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: '- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .gym � � l�eo'w14 L�'3' G,,wc� (,• � `1 i S i 119d I 't O e �/„wwYY �•K.ID g7elvac.l� vl'�.� /.!�.•r0 .. - TOTAL. I09M B.9.A. 9.9 A +CITY OF ST. PAUL a DkA(}TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF 01MMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ONS RELIMINARY ORDER •,a� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ,-'z 1,Pa �D re R The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date ✓� - 191 _v-------------- --- -- .-. ... . - --- �. Commissioner of Finance. PORM B.S.A. G-5 c _ * 1 t Office'd the, Commissioner "of. Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Auguet.... 6 ..........................191:5... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._N0 ............... approved ....... ... JulY __90................................. 1915..._, relative to ............................ constructing a cement tile sidewalk to . ........................._................................................................................................. sides ._.._ of from t..._from..._Randol,ph .Street to Scheffer Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is................... _...necessary and (or) desirable. 55¢ per lineal foot Z. The estimated cost thereof is $__........... _._.......... and the total cost thereof is$_........._xXXX................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................... ................. ............... _.................... ...................... .................................... ........................ _..........._.........._..._......._..__..............__.......................__....._..:..................................-............................_............_..._.__..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4........ ........... ...... .......... ...............-------------- _._...... ............. _........_......_._._......................................................................._...............:_._ ....._. ._............ _........ ....... 5. Said improvement is_... ... riot _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co uissione of Public Works. RANao.PN 57. - \^yam L� ✓UroO S7 i 1' .ES AvE. - .'EN TS a,0f No. W9-S0A' AI qa �o �8 AIR RTFORd 9VE. x h Sam L 6X/NGTON PL/07 n SCA'UL5TFI4 -1 v� I-ew 1 71 5 COUlv`bt FILE NO. FINAL ORDER. In the Dtatter of Constructing a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on.he. northside. of Hyacinth. street from Edgerton street to Payne avenue, under Preliminary Order 6421... approved August 11th, 1915. Intermediary Order _...... _ _ approved _ _. .._......... ..... ............ .... .._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is . C.one truct_ a cement block. sidewalk to a width of ei.x feet _._on...the nortl;_ e_id-Q.._pf Hyacinth, fro he Edgerton street to Payne avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the ;Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city- officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council .......__. (_.T —$ _.., 191 ..... i�J% Approved ..- / 0-/�-- Councilman Fa sworth Go s Kel r —) Mc / ar O' ary r Yoe g Mayor Po rs form H. S. A. 8-7 L7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - 4 / DEPARTMENT�OF FINANCE . Q / REPORT OF COM4I8SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of /.��._� �// �/! n i ✓ADO/`�/...1iG10 2/07 �-�-G � !�Y' � Q �=�''`�✓ ���(e under Preliminary Order approved —161- 1L.. --/—_.L---------------- ... -....... -... -...... ---------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 'Khe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION As. 3�- [4 Ap Od / a' TOTAL, FORM e.S.A.—A - ` dITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMOSSIONER OF FINANCE ON-- ..PRELIMINARY ORDER -. ASSESSED LOT BLOCK. ADDITION � VALT47- TIO ; DESCRIPTION S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191 �L/ �v----------- Dated - - - ..................-- -moi - Dated ------------- - . m. _.. _.------ - ---- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 0'0 C 111lIlAI� NJ ......... . ..................__191.5... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.__A21,,,,_....approved ..... ......... Au 8..._llt......_.........191.5...., relative to ............ ....... _....... constructing a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on the ....._..................................................._...................................._................_........_......._..........._......................................._..................................._........................................................................ ?North e_ide.._of._Hyacinth St. from Edc-erton Street to Payne Avenue. ...................... _............._ . .................... _......................._............................................................._._....._........_...._................................_...................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. ,Said improvement is_ ......................necessary and (or) desirable. . 55¢ per lineal foci ........... and the total cost thereof is ...................Xy. x .... and ......, 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_.........:...........:$........... . $ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ............ .__................................... ....... _._....... ......................... I ............... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........ ...... ....... ............ ............_.....__........................................_......................._.................................................................................. 5. Said improvement is ........................ __.... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjIact to assessment for said improvement. ll ..............-r—._.a........._._...._.................................._.............._.................._..... / C rlmissioiler of Public Works. i i� O/ / y�p�{�t�YWSwesY�CkMYPL'�N�L�"..s'iY+icVuaal _ yY C/A2',"� �. n F. °y HENRY E. WEOELMEDT CO. ' �TATIONENS 6T. Ph, St Paul,Minn,,Auguet ........ _..x.._1915___-_, 210 _the -Honarable-�Gity-Council, 3�. Bi.ty.of_St _Paul, .__.._. 4 Gentlemen;-- 6 _ _. __15e,.. the undersigned,owners of property -abutting -the-north - ---; 61. side of Hyacinth street,betneen Maxx Ed6erton and Payne, do hereby 7I1I_petitinn.your Honorable bod-yto cause a si-derralk of cement -blocks s' - ; six feet in width to be laidon.thc above street,betueen the -pointe 9, entioned. Namee = LQt_ Blk Add tio., 13 Io ZZ 12 16 IG I 20 21, 22 23 _ W -f COUNCIL FILE NO. By_ .... . ... . ....... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Constructing. 4 cement blQ..qk PlAe ;k.to 4 width of ­sIx feet on both sides of Burr street between Brainerd avenue and Ivy street, ..... ........ . ....... .... . . ... ... ............ ­­ .. .. ......... under Preliminary Order approved Intermediary Order .... ..... .... approved . ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Cons.t.que-t a. cenient block ..oldswal.k.to ­a­wid_t.h of six fee on both sides of Burr, street between Brainerd..,avenue..,and.J.vy street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the, Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance ther with. Adopted by the Council .... ,4,0&roved e-') 191 tl Councilman Jr sworth .,,,'Order 10th1914. is hearing having above Improvernert, a, and -the adthe Councu hada ersons, objections and r' na relative thereto, an( -considered the same; Is Rv, the Council of t betWfeen Brainerd avenue and Ivy St!, and the hereby orders saidirn- provement to be­ns.e Resolved Further, -:That dthe Corrouls. s,,ner of Public Works, be and he Is hereby Instructed and directedito pri,�j ecifications Qr sal pare plans and sp h Impr ..... t' and s, rnit same to t a C...ea for .approval; that upon said 'PPr'v". the proper- City 7ficeis are hereby ceedwith the making of,Baid Improv - mentIn accordance, therewith. , , - ,Adopted ,ythe Council Oct 8, 1916. Approved Oct 8, 1915. (Oct 16-1915) —"Go s s Ke er �Mc 01, 0'ary Yo g Mayorr Pors Form B. S. A. 8-7 .,,,'Order 10th1914. is hearing having above Improvernert, a, and -the adthe Councu hada ersons, objections and r' na relative thereto, an( -considered the same; Is Rv, the Council of t betWfeen Brainerd avenue and Ivy St!, and the hereby orders saidirn- provement to be­ns.e Resolved Further, -:That dthe Corrouls. s,,ner of Public Works, be and he Is hereby Instructed and directedito pri,�j ecifications Qr sal pare plans and sp h Impr ..... t' and s, rnit same to t a C...ea for .approval; that upon said 'PPr'v". the proper- City 7ficeis are hereby ceedwith the making of,Baid Improv - mentIn accordance, therewith. , , - ,Adopted ,ythe Council Oct 8, 1916. Approved Oct 8, 1915. (Oct 16-1915) CI+Y PF S`T-.t PAUL ,. \ DEPARTME�iJT OF FINANCE 1REP ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � \�n(y/ON�iELIMINARY ORDER zu In /A ---------- -- ""'-'----"-'------'----------- ----- ------------ ------ - - under Preliminary Order approved ----------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $_52"e X_lineal - $ foot. • The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL, e _. z 7 1 o 'CITY OPAT. PAUL DEPARTMEI #6FIFINANCE a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y , y ; ON pgjj. IMINARY ORDER - d (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION. ASSESSED VALUATION I J- 00 - O..L90 L90 4 �9a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matterh , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon 40 the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �� .. ' - ..-.....- V' ' --------- - _--------- ---- --- - --- —19fS Dated -� - --- -------- Commissioner of Finance. A uu e t...._16.. t ................7 91.:..... 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- ell, known as Council File No .......... ?M .......... approved ......_NOVBmbeT,.._20,x,,........._....191.5...., relative to. ... ........ ..........:... cQnatructing.._a..._cement_,_block...._ejdealk.,,_to.,,._a.._width......Q.�',_..,s. ...,. et...._ota....b.at.kz.......... sides of Burr St. between Braine .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:. 1. Said improvement is .... ........ ......... necessary and (or) desirable. XXXXXXXXX and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..... ..............._............. and the total cost thereof �s$................................................, the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................................... ...... ._........... _............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... ....... .................. ....... _............... __...... _..... 3. Said improvement is_.._ .... nOt asked for upon petition of three of more owners of property, subject Y to assessment for said improvement. c......... ---- --------- ..----- .---------- lie Works .........._...._................_... C cnmissioner of Pub I C. 1-17 Na .21 1;7 ivy 13 12 - ST 0 wi/,^ 13 0 wi/,^ �k COUNCIL FILE NO. By__ ....... .. ...... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.. _rebui 1ding and repaixing.. .with.... cement. tile to a width of six feet the cement tile sidewalk on the east side of State G.t.r_.AA_t_ n etw,:sp _11 Kon.tucky ... a t.r.e.et and. Texaa...-atre.e.t,-..-. under Preliminary Order approved AUgUO t. 4-th, __1.9.1,5...._........_._........ Intermediary Order ....... . .. approved ... . ....... _ ..... ...... . ..... .. . . ......... .. ----A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and leaving' fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is - APPO 491K99 t _".b.uild...and.rep.air...w.i.-th c.ement tile to a width of six feet the cement tile sidewalk on the east side of State street street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Cotincil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to, proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance th th/ �' //j/J�. 61A Adopted by the Council 191 Approved - — ----_--- Form B. h'­','�Y_j'uthorlzed ..d dlr­ ... d with in- --king of "'e ment in accordance thorewttl Adopted by the council oc Approved Oct. � 11915. (Oct. 16-1915) [o pre I ,r said to th . I ,. said to pro- opro­ 8, 1915. CITY OF f AUL _ ` DEPARTIAEN 'FINANCE lro REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELVdINARY ORDER Int a Matter of ._.. _.................. .'.. "1..Y. (..1. ....._�._ �� _ 1 ........ ..�� ....... ......._e. -Vic.._....,... ....... ............ _.......... C�........... __....`.__._............ _....... ...._..__..__.......... ........ ............. .... ............. ...... ... ..... _......... ....... .......... ....... --- __-._ ..- - ........_..... _. _ . ....... .... ._........ -........ ...... ................... .... _.... ....... ._.............__...................__..................._......................._..._................................................................._.....................................................I............... ---- _.... _............ --........ ..... .............. ...... ....... ........ .................... ...... ... .... _....._............... _.......... ......._...... .... __......... ...... ........ - .. wader Preliminary Order approved............"7/�..._ ..................._._......... ,..-....................... _._ ........ ..._ ..............__ .._................__ _.......... ..._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: % The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - — - $..._5a¢ -sox. 1.1zea1 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ..foot fT OR2. . ..._.... f _...........__ walk. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 DESCRIPTION LOT SLDCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .. - TOTAL. 00 C The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n ........�....... Dated. .: J�`......_.191 _J�_ /....._-_............. Commissioner of Finaaee. FON. e. a. A. B e.o s6 I t...13.4 .........................1915- To 91.5_. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........_6311 approved......_Auguet .................................. 191.5..., relative to .............................. reconstructingt rsbuildinF,_and repairing with cament tile to a width .........................._ .......................... ...._................. of six feet, the cament tile sidewalk on the ekst aide of State St. ...................................................... .... be_tide_en.._I{enduokX.....5_t........aza�1....a.h.a.$..... t .. .............. .............. ........................... .............. ...:... -.................... ....................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 55¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ........................ _..... _. and the total cost thereof is$................_xXX............ _...., and the nature -and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................................. ............... ......................................... _................... .. — ................._..........................................................._........................._................_......._..............................................................................................-....... _.................... ............................... 3. A flag, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. . ._ t. 4. 5.-f Said impi•ove1A is .... .1? t...._.asked for upon petition of three of- more owners of property, subject to assessment for,-sai'4i."rovement. ` / :, COi iissioner of Public Works. 44 COUNCIL VILE NO. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Reconstructing,,. relaying -and--repairing -with. cement --tile- to a width of six feet the present sidewalk on Fairfield avenue south side, -,beginning *3-6- Peet east o*f Ouster Stthence east 84 feet to Alley, under Preliminary Order ....6241 - - . ..... ..... .... .. approved August 3rd, 1915, - - - - Intermediary Order ....... ..... - . ..... ... . - . approved - - - --- . .......... . .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .. ReQOAOtr—Qt . . ...... relay, and repaiz..with.- cement tile t -o a width of six feet the present sidewalk on Fairfield avenue south side, ........... .. .......... .... ........................... .......... .......... .............. ........... beginning 36 feet east of Ouster street thence east 84 feet to' Alley, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --, - .6 ity Clerk. Approved ...... . ........ 191] -A relay. I Mayor. --g with cement tile to,1 s'Ix feet thnepres­t do. On a rfield ave uesouth old., -g 6 eetes' ' C Councilman Fal nsworth Mnn—S. nast3oalleustlrnl! c184ffeetato P11IIMIourY 0, 6241, approved, AIsust ,,, Oc is A public hearing I upon the above lmpr.=ng been lq.d p n as tic at -upon-due no pe, and the Council Ke ler all Persons, objections thaving b.ar� 'dationa relative thereto, d r ma so fou'S.rald.red S�nd having the Same; therefore, be It M 011 Resolved, By the Council of the City! "Of St. Paul that the Precise nature, eX- ,It d kind Of improvement to be MR b I 0' ary e Ydthe said City . rSo ... ttuct, I relay an repair with cement the to a width Of SIX feet the present Side- W.'k,on Fairfield R'souS, south aid., 179 beginning 36 feet east . Custer St., yl� thence east 84 feet to Alley ..dth. Council hereby orders said Alley,. Improve- Mayor Po ers —It to be made, Resolved Further. That the Commis - loner ef Public S he to 'b"' '% directed 0 ' "k hereby Instructed d td t is plane and apeclfla.tloma for Bald Imp ovemenk and submit Same to the' to pro- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARA;j-ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CbPAMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matt I .......... Matter of.LF- 1'7�zalfl' .......... .... �11 ......... ..... tc .......... .. . . ..... ... .. ............ ... ........................... .... .. . .... .. ................ .. ....... ..... ......... . ... ...... ...... ........... . ............ . ......... .. ....... .. ..... ..... .. ... .... ............... .. ....... ...... .............. ... .. ................ .... ...... ........ ...... ...... ........... ...... .... ............... ........... .............. - . ... . ............ ..... .... .. - .. . ....... .. . .......... . .. -- I... .... .. .... .. I ..... ........... ....... I .......... . I ..... ...... ...... ..... I ..... ............ ...... . ..... I ........ ...... . ....... .......... .......... . .... ......... ---- ......... ........ . 1- - -.- ....... ....... ..... ........ ........ ...... .... .. .......... ....... ....... .... . .............. ........ ...... I .............. . ........... .... I .. ....... ... --- .... . ..... .............. .......... .......... .. - .. ...... ............ ...... ........... ...................... ... - ..... . .......... ..... V ........... ........ ......... ....... ...... ....... . ......... .. ......... . ...... ....... ...... . .. - ... ...... ....... ...... .... 11 ....... .. . . . ..... ...... . .................... ....... ... .... . ....... .. .... ....... ...... ....... .. ...... .......... .... .. ...... ........ under Preliminary Order approved... . ...... .... . . ........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul/ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $--- -- ------ --- The ---The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /v TOTAL. 7 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.:,--- �'- .. ......... . 1.9172. - - - -;� Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of .Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .................................J To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..Ga41.................. approved ....Aug......_11.......... ................................ 19§...._., relative to ..................... reoonetructing, relaying and repairing with cement tile to a .._.....__........._..._._...__._._._. ... ....................................................................................... wi_dti:-_-of.._sik.._feet.-._the-,-,.preeent..s%dewalk on Fairfield Ave., eouth i .................................................................. ............ _........................ _s,irle.,_._beginning. 36..._fe_et._._eaet_...of_..Cust_er._.St_,_.x.. thenoe east 84 feet to Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 55¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is$_...... ,......... _.............. and the total cost thereof is $........_XXXXx ._.-....._.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:...........__ ............... ..__.................. ........................................................ _............ ..... ............................................................ ................ _.... _.......... _................. ..... ..._........ .......................... __......................... ...................................... _..... _.................. _............. ........................... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4........... ............... ....._..... ..... ..... _........ _....... ....... _......... -..... _..... _....... __....... _................ ..... _....... ............................................................ ...._.__.......................... ........ ...... 5. Said improvement is_.......... nt.......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjoet to assessment for said improvement. .......... ................_..._.._..... _....... _..... _.... .................... ..... .......... Commissioner f Public Works. 0 *FillleIN........... .......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ' 44 x.t and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ued hereby proposes the making of th i owi g public inlprov�i ut by t`h of St. .._tin.g...... _..:em.._9n............ Paul, viz:: of._..lOthSt_reet_ cp. eisti_n. of.._lam o_st_s ainp„_...,,_un_er-.grou....................... conduits and the. necessary wire a equim t f th conveying of ... B ... electric current 1.J~ Dated thyf .... d'ay of.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvenlen , vlz.:...-...--- R . furni_shi_n_g.__an�_.._installing..,.an _ Peter ornamental li htin� su.� em on St.Street be ween the North Line of 7th Street and the Sou .. liDe of loth. $treet.,_conei_tng of..lamp.posts..�._._lamps,.under ground.. 8...__ 4... P� _. co_ndu_�ts _and the_. necessary vJirin and a u.i ant for the conveying of electric current.; ncil of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .........Ke11el having been presented to the Cou......... ........ th 11ne therefore, be it 1,e of loth SEI RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public dais p nad u,o pmts hereby ordered and directed !i;tlequlpmertt for [he � 1. To investigate the necessity for or desir-^afeonine ceuncti it of ane cf aid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and a lvede .C-, •tbe ike Commis-loh/r0vclllent, and the total cost thereof. Works be and he le Karel 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of^1dlnve-Ligate the net ' of Lha 'mak'.-r to said improvement: _ _....._ - ._....._.. _... 4. To furnish the following other data a ttb111tYment aedmatedl cost t0 n.r� . .. ...._...................._._...._. and't11 total d ...;..._...._._.... ..... ........_. ... _.. ... .... _... ............... ............ ni . .... 5. To state Whether or not said iulprovemeut.P,91d -ted for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fog e �'ing�mattte`rs�t the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........ iv Q ..- 191YJ..._ Yeas: Nuys: Councilman Fnsworth Q.....,...._191.J_ GoApproved ...................— ..................... Ke er Oil 0' eery Yrg O' !L .... Mayor. o _ ............:.... .. TtLa Mayor Pc ere Y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...... .......... .... _.......... .......... _. COUNCIL 7417 FILE No ........... :.... ......... Date Presented.......... J -T5138, Resolved, That Cotulcil Pileapproved May 27, 1915, being a Preliminary order for ghanging the grade and grading Waseca St. between Sydney St and Barer St.; r"_orlon St. bet�7een Charlton Bellow ss and Bellos St'.; Page St. between Charlton St. and Bidwell St.; Bellows St. between Sydney St. and Baker St., and grading to t=1e established grade Page St. between Bidwell St. and Stryler Ave.;Bellows St. between Baker St. and Robie St. and 1..orton St. betwccn Clio St. and Charl-= at. be a_d the samo is hereby rescinded. C. P. No. 4414—BY M. NGose 'Resolved, That 'Council Flle No 6138,.) approved MaY 34, 1916, being a Pre- - ' I liminary Order td'-b..gl g the grade and grading Waseca St. between yd and SC and Baker St.; Morton. at., be- ww.,n Charlton: St. and Bellows .BG, well SL; BellOwer St.o estand e ablished grade Pager St. b tween Bidwell St. and Stryker Ave.; Bellows St. between. Baker St. and rich c SL and; Morton SL, between Ohio St. and! Cahrlton SL be and the same Is hereby rescinded.. Adopted VY tha'Councll Oct -78- 1916. Approved Oct. 8, 1916: (Oct., 16-1816) - Yeas (I") Cou cilmen (T) Nays Far worth Go __71n favor 7 Ke c MMc ell Against - ?lash Yo g Mr. Presiden Owers FORM C.8.2 O^T eP 9pn' Adopted by the Council _// =_ o_ 19 1 ✓�J Approve _ ✓ ifll - ___ 1 Gose'for -- �. wrltton proposal•t Council File No, ...... the fo11o5vmg 1tdProvem nt, angingoY the grade oY ftey . between Sydn:St and PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVENL Stan ; betwee/In Charlton; . d �J .. and�tietweefi -Charlton St. and' 6`��'z PRELIMINARY ORDER:6 h.tween SydneY St 'na, it. betwebn Bidwell St. and: ve. 8t. between Bidwell St and , Ile 1 ersigned"hereby proposes the slaking of the following }ve.: to conform to the r d' li, city, of St. ie Proal s hereto attached Part bested 'th preblut K`e viz.:................................. rePres .. .. ............_. _ -_also .the grnding oL eat - between aYdneY SU as the ohangiag of the grade of �a garitPn st ane lrlton SY ki dlj 1 Waeeoa St between By , and Baker Vit. Z. ker St 15d Morton St: betweeia C rlto `St. aril Bell;owe $ . v Page S between" Ston t*, ani' dvee11 8 '' st ape Bello4� St. be ydII u ed ektar 9: etve a Lciuisa SV4t =bet n B3dwe 3 ani insl ve• a Elizabeth St. tween B we St. ` S 'y . r. Ave. to conform to the r lines o e ro3 es er b'"attached and made a past hereof, the present g as being rept, p ted by he "blue. sines thereon. also the rading o aid . also the Lduiev S°between IR3islow�iretr#c�Sixer bye;. +ate � t�1` i> fN +'.rtn w 3e. _,... , , .. c. , .v ;^ l,. _ • � . ;fi a. p- a v Hereo M1f TU pr94,0na,WI�s� "��Bz'ea0 n'vY �saa-uaue �zues-- thereon,� a7W the I grading Q>gaic�... ,-,Wage St. be voen � � St. e? akea; on St. bdt eea,'+,!}�ar�tG;rY Sia. 62 1066 Sto, Page St: between i3aS' Tian at and' Bid�►e11 5�., 3011AWa ,St. 'kr6iW'0 n Baku St • atld ;Sydng9 St. Tiiruia�a St. be�aen $7ldi>ati+a13, Vit. . �£a�nralo'w Ave. Si bath• S#s. ba�eexl' clvre l St.acrid Stxykex "ova. in a000idanos with 'rho said red lined whezi e0tablished' a1e0 the ly grading, ,to the ,;peseiat established grace o Page fit: 'blatw B A*61l s I I �, er pve., Bellowe-St•twosn Da%r Siz. and Aobie gt.;:. �iOriQ • baDt s A Ahs 'St+ and :0herj-to7A` Sia., eseo St. be teen BakeviSt.''&x t sesrgge Ste Louia�6►" b6i*eii en Wine; ow Aye. acrid Str*ko r AVG. Go Approved. 1-S7— tee .. Me oll Nash Yorg ................. ._ .. _ .. .. .. .._................... I-Yor.Po era Mayor IIUBLISHED -1 (mLl rv't µ�d,:^tyi+ 'S�r#t8"7iR�.A3J'h)!oy%`�'S1G"`K m. .iina F)t Si?J,_.+' ,.t 1, �h� 'AoFk+sPJ7 s gx�ex,A® ..sx7g �eaT�E) I OF,?b ,?ng, GASTOu� a, p6:(:meszt �sye �F` peFldoou B „�� srA9.90.xc�.� " .Pi?g+� h,N'Sj>:p,63.. uzagg -. a°.�]ro: Ga.pasu� ©�F rk:Tj°p-o '. xge .eon .. _- ?u srooE sago a1?ryN,�$F at39''J?79tZ arcis cag"r9 Gg e7 o4 !P0 �+orrae�. 1 poi, 6ezr b34"?7 �'.�;* tr rg �-'s7�ez, )nP�' PepUsou 1 1,. s37 a;< ;s7g;1AThRJo .ae• �ITo�ta. 2! • ;iPq4asoxr'oT "azrq•grse2 nTICE,- a-P" (wPiwor 014 a `' y�JGZ¢03J,. J1 2p, aug r�'gjxd]J:: �•a (+�rasoaG.PAGGA Gpsmi-. 0u 2A r Ids ssc,s •;' TR.P.F' Pe 4cteeu�g2lgsus71 pp - =- Cj De7>'sz a -PV,,W-0033 Vs fgo gus 2meq?uw OT as;Tg ; s � 7resooL° ANe ft 12�990 pGTIA -Tcbzese>J{eq p2`','ruo p.7 s 7?zrea Ao oozr�osnr .po 'ape xs .Pre, b ,0Y.3' . Kexe o s s°Nsg �ruq Ings 7? A6p37; �' Pa c�oPu 7gtmer7 29, oz" a ffW A30A.T9a:iao�'::� .. ... _ � E4'Atc Lis ) Doted this......... tty of...... ...s. ...... .191....$a ......................... .... ................. ......................... Councilman. PRELIMNARY ORDER. WIIPRPAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement., viz.:.............._..._..................__:. the ohangbg of the grade of weiseoa Ste between Syria® fib l Baker St. page StMorton.. between mm, 33ou'at" ani mell Stat. Bellows St. between SY"of St andL Baker Ste, Lorisa St. betW60A BIWO31 St. east WinoloW Ave« Elizabeth St, between• .Bidwell; St. A4� Stxyker AVe to conform to the reg 11nib on. 'the j*61 � es' i�reta by thed and lido EL pazt hereof' 'fie Present gra�.ea 'being rePres'entad by the blue lines thexega�l.; a7g4: the gxA4ipg of ,04� a w0jos St. between SOASY 0, a$d Baker Ot. s ortbin St. betw��n Cha�]to'n Stn an a,>eeaa St., Page St.�I)stwesn.oherlto.n Ste, sad S dell St:, $allptvQ,'St. betge�� BakoV S'1+ a ,•"ydne.Y.St., Loci a gt. hetwaen.8idwel],$. and �Y3nglow E1inbetii St«"iiQt�x�en B3dw®�7 S1t« wad styksr Ave. tt aeoordaaoe with the eoid jed x bllshO& @a w estaq also the OaUi to, the Pxese�it estibilshe gr�a+a of �� getge' .1, 1etwesxi B dwell StR'etnd Sticker AVID t, Bel1gW9 St.ett+en Baker St.'and:iAobie St,.� evtol� 8t« bet~4dau Ohi o St. s?�d ,Cheriton St � Paseo Vit: between Beker :St.' 'aYad Geer0 Ste xquiea .St. between Winslow Ave- axed Stryker Ave.. _._.. vv -aivann i•n'i ti1VVlLia -- �/ '�- Go Approved............ .... 1915. Ke or Me 1011 f Nash Yo rg Mayor. Iyor-Po .ere ., r �i Ppp" 9,He?Jonat�Fxp. eug.•CNssr�Ou ��e i��•As{`hlvsuv�A gsex fir• sAcJ.I3opro-;�•� Lzsrr�zi�; a:�Ao .Tireapzr sa Hr]� F• sug �t1 sz' VAW! Tu flCCp7GtjNC,B LL FzIT74�SOC�L9CG p P1�Ss TAIj FFs 9sscj xq Pp' ?T,7va r�7rpu ora Ta,v , A �N 6' Aon esJJ B?geae73 fi•?: cru ° A PJ 4 also ,n �orrTags G �' AeAttooxr ICGZ ; "-AG' uo �37oesa;. 2 F •?�i�orr sjA lrlrsraxdt ,.4 xse As. taeuvozT; s� ca ou a Ggo`rrAnu 2 aug, Tgtnc J. F + 4! eves• �`•� A,��tave �^{��J�'o�i 2�" �•irr� ltl�raeosr �.n•.,� (7?.s-.00zr s -Ta o� FueAaza 9-vsua aguasJ�g -robcpA;oMM s �u© brvaorf �.lsgva AGTue zo�zeoozrgeg , AeFAA A© mavtr: ou .PI; bToT-?Jva Jrsxs�4 rr cuQ p-TuG ]area' Z37g tsI R4! +6 N g g >sgs x�on�as ��; Pe�agaxr �TS�gIT �� sou �34�x�yoz tae• c7c121sc�, is ' "s �l pJr?ta j*A9 - BQr Q 4�.�sYo3 �•n ,� Dated this . '!Rrty of... .. 19911) �... ........ '�``/'..;. * -!. ............................... .... ................ Councilman. PRELDUNARY ORDER. wIIEREAS A }ylatte�n �iopostylar#lxe aiA�ma 4# tJtsfojfayvin ruprovemont, inc .. .. ,.r^ .vsv' Al T ) 51 - 3y1F .±,J�u'»W Sm`iio' Lt:..f.. ..L�i'.�,...ia.3l �•_v=..a.._,.t r.n .w......al_.._....a-_.. ., ...... d.........,� ....» , �„ .. _ -. Y- �yorrTa&r �.� • pvrt.�F�e:1 11T)')f ra vne• �uq ;a' za],;cx r.o' (sri)C3tlir �,.�• Vp{'.l:SOr'3 �;.,y,.oL1=�" C�p;',.�:�u ,.'� • �1gp^.ti��{lst {j,7� p ,=,x,f„ + >rr� �?}a 5 r r �.o � 4 •!= �' C�jpiE�• j4GL�,Y ;}Ll4 <>• <Jsi r3pfaln"" 61 `?Z,U f1'3.+ct9 ei✓`ip-;,e�`,i'it3`l�iSt.¢^ 'l•r.E.`��3 n' iZ 7 i, M� qr tt3.. p��� i,rap ' T77 45'ppt?�1�6�'�'f+"t, � f'S�+l'2�- ��� 'dE yt"t...r�V� � 4!'7..r42Li 'Xl7iit,1 f2r.{•fi.I�.�"3r i? .�� �rTnp , r'1 td0p • n a0xj, n ri�,4s Cf � ° 'v ucr u,"r"` t x> sEa+ �6�•'�}� �� • �L'.o��sv�3iJ'k'��''',�tts)i`�' G7,(` .fTI4S 74�'gS4.'j"L7.�1 r�e't" T V nmprovemeu , an e o a�] cos t�ie�i•eof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ...._......._....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition, of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for oin natters to.the Commissioner of Finance. U�., 1915 Adopted by the Council .......................... ................. .................. ...... 191._.__. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa aworth / i---- Qo APproved _ `' —......1915.. Ke er Me oll Nash , YO rg ....... .. ... Jayor:,P' ers — Payor. Council File N . . ... ................ ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folloWntt- ublip improvement, y the City of 9i 11-0 S !7 AGO sar�!Ir-- t. Paul, viz.: Condemning. and... taking.. the.. .1pe, C.Uts aucl..fille Joni 3t....,X±.OM-.Bid Stryker. ..... ..... ��e� ... ....... ..... ..... ....... ....... I ........... . ...... ....... . ........ ...... .... .. ....... .... .... ----- .... ...-/ &VI . .... ........ .. .... ...... . . ...... ...... ........ ....... .... ...... ....... Dated this.......... 8th day/.j ........ .... Ootob.er .. .... ................ ....... ................... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . ­ ­ ............... Condi-nming..and taking.--an...eas.emant.- Am... the -..Jam& nazessarV for slopes.'...for.. c-a.t.s.-and filis in ­grading.. Louisa.. -St.,... -from Ave....:.:... .... ... ..... ......... ...... . I ..... ..... ....... ....... ....... I ...... ...... .... ....... ........... ........... ....... ....... ....... ....... ......... ......... ........ 11 f Paul chb)refore, be It . . .. .... ...... . ......... . ............. . That the Commissioner of St. Pro be and he Is hereby or - having been presented to the Council of the City of , nd directed: o Investigate the ..c.aslty.for-' .......... ...... ,eIr.billty of the making oX said. therefore, be it 'vernent. ro Investigate the nature, extent RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public WC,stimated total coscost of etsaid reof. Isnprov.. -cd and directed: 1, and the the To furnish a plan, profile or 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabi lty�:h of said Improvement. Cement. To furnish the following other) 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated ( and i.forroati.n relative to ealq the total cost thereof. To"at' whether or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said impment Is asked for or �s or more owner,., 4. To furnish the following other data and informati6.. '?Pot tip aid improvement; ....... ...... ...... ..... -7'1,. I . ............................... ............ ... .. .............. ................... ........ . .. ................. I .. ....... ....... ........ ....... ............ ... ....... ....... ... .................. ....... ........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or . more owners. 6. To report upon all of _the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Qf-,T....._5...1. '5-�191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farisworth (30 Approved .......... .. ....... ...... _....d...- Ke r -, r Me oil Nash ............... Yo g - 9 Mayor Po r,,s M I... . — t k`LJbLISUEDJ-6 — lla,� Council File No ............. . 7-4-21P PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the JoIT8irlaubli. improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: far ..Q.Ut.e.- and-li11s-i4lilrBacLing Fa St... -frog I�A-o . ... ... .. St.r.yker Ave.* ..... ........ ... . ...... .. .. ........ ....... .. ... .......... ...... ................... ..... ........... .. ..... ............ ........... .... ........... .. .... ...... . ...... . ....... .... ...... ... ........ ..... I ................ ....... ............. .... ... 7 day of Dated this.. oat Br.... .. .. .... ........ ...... ......... . .... .. ...... ... ... .. .. . .... ...... . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: CO.Aftnir a t�aklng an -eaReMent.. in. -the lan.cl xLectessary. f.0r. 810 -Ras, ---far Is A all charlt.on St.- to -Stryker Ave . ... ....... ...n ....... ..... . ......... ...... ........ ....... ... ... ....... ....... .. ...... .... ....... ........... ........... ..... ....... ....... .. ................. ........... ........... ......... ....... ... ... . ....... a6d St. . e ........ ....... ....... . ..... ... ......... ........... ...... ........ ........ . ............... ..... p ..... .......... ....... ................... .... ................. ;., * Presented "'S'. F '%c.' r, City of ,.1..I,.d. That th`s_cQ­-In.I.A1 having been presented to the Council of the Works bend he in hereby I and directed: , therefore, be it To investigate the ..c.e.Ity for itstrabill ty of the making of said .veresn'. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public "To InveatIgate the na, ure, extent-dered and directed: t' ?stimated cost of .. d Improve 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabi�, Iand the total cost thereof. )rovement. f. -I -b . via., proEle or of said Improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimatt'ro, furnish the follo7ing othe Ind the total cost thereof. I, ad Information total ve to,, --1 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said jl.—ent- I- lot. whether or r fe 4. To furnish the following other data and informat more asked for or "ownerr.Ml d improvement; , ........... .... ...... ........ +eM he ................ ........ ....................... ............ . -—... .................. .... ................... ..... .. .. ... ........ ... ..... . . ............... ............ . ............ ....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council . ........... .. 0 1 ............19 191 .......... ... --... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far sworth Go s Approved .......... ... . /—S� . . ... 191) Ke er M( ::011 17 2M gap� Nash Yo�rg .............. . ...... .. ... . .. .. ...... ......... Mayor Po, ers Mayor. LISIIED_ "— — / lS 7421 Council File No . .. ..... .. ....... ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making ofh '0 f 1010 9 public improvement by the City Of ) �0_ daseme ....In th*,V0,d) ne a e St. Paul, viz.:..0ondej1njjng_and Wring. BM.­� e 8;7 10 "1"7 s1QPA_Et,....Xqr-- _BeBel ._.fT.0ML.S I S . J/ ..... ....... ... . ...... ...... r ....... ... ....... ...... .... ..... .... .. . ..... .... .. . ....... Oh:LQ ...... ..... ........ ... ..... ............ ......... ............. ........... ...... ....... .... . ....... ............................... . ..... . ....... ...... ....... ....... . ...... ....... 9 V.I. Dated t . ........ .. . ........ day of 00)pffl W ....... ........ ...... ........ ........... ......... �:V_ .. ... ..... . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . 00ZL(le f0r--EIO-PeB, fa -t =Ing an(j.. t he....1an&.._Ue0GZs_aT7 ..aking..an aaaament t cutz....and,...fi118_in Sydney .-to. Ohio .St,..._._.._....... . ...... ........ ...... .... ....... . .... ...... .... ....... .. I ........ ........... ....... ....... ....... ... I . .. ........... . ..... ....... ........... . ....... ........ .......... ...... end Ulng an eaS07 lead necessary for siopes, having been presented to the Council of the City, nd fills In 9,adlng� l3?IIOWB in ........... ....... '�dney St. to Ohio St., ai�lng ,.s.tsd to the Coun b� tof the therefore, be it at. Paul therefore. P.�..drj Thbat the C-aua as I Of I ordered and directed: e and he Is hereby or, creny RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of ad dis ct.d;e improvement. r investigate the. necesattY 1!0�' 1. To investigate the necessity for or des,!)'Ility of, the making Of sal, said improven l,sultato the nature, exta"vement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estiinE.t.(, ..at of said he total cost thereof. ' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch Of St"uaidrniIrnprsh a plan, profile,. ­e. -I - 4. To furnish the following other data and i'!­nIrmationsh the folrelativOjo�lnp�,, said improvement;... ......... .. .................. fo tate whether or not.. ....... ...... I .... ......... is asked for, on t�c ..... ....... ....... ............ ........... .... ... ................. . ......... � oror. own 5. To state whether or not said MproVei :eO.rt ur, eZ`for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT -8 191tl Adopted by the Council_ ................. ...... 191 .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far i lorth -55 �l191 GO,, Approved .......... .... .. _...........2L. Ke l r 7 Mc 'oll = i;W Hash Yo l rg May I or Polers Mayor. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. w � 742 .. PRELIMINARY OPER. WIILREAS, A written proposal for the leaking of the following improvement, viz.:............_........:..._ ................ . ry 'L, In gra-. .. ha n..._ ..................... ""-' ani to oWthecn un hav �eented h the Council of Wit: Pa 1 therefore, be It nan........... __........_............................._............_..._.__... , having been presented to the Council of the C,I. That the' Commlaeloner of :ke be and he is hereby or-' therefore, be it 7actea: rveatige to the necessity for - I That the Commissioner of PI : tY.of the making of ealdhereby ordered and directed: 1tigate the nature, extent i said im rovement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desi', a to ni coat t old if °rove- p ''Improvetment profile or reovement, and the total coat thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and 21, •, ah the following otM1" - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sal , ,tion relativr to , - r' kride to said improvement :....................._..._......._...__... 4. To furnish the Following other data and mfdit tan. 's',..: e 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT —8 191a Adoptedby the Council............ ......................... .................. _ ..... ...... 191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fal aworth Goarove pP d......_..... `_ ..v .............. .........._... A gel r 11fe 11 Nash Yoe g Mayor Po ra I'US�,ISTiED� iLl�S2a / 'D,_. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the full-guillg�piiblicvement by the City of St. Yelil,viz.:CQxl amxli]�gariCi..._tialrialg....an. Wement....id.. nese fox �+ e T . Dated Councilman. r PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..........__....._ ............ ............ Gond arming_-and.....taking--an...eae.emsnt._.in....tha....land- ueo.esaary...fox-..ajopea.,...-for a.Ut.s.._-and ..._fills......in....grading _..Was.e.Qa...St.._..from_SV.dneg....St...._to....George ...-St ......_..... _.. ................. ... ................ _...... _... __._...__....._....._. _.................................... ""'"'"-.__..}::a to the Coun­, iaul therefore, be I. having been presented to the Council of the City of the Commlesionar........................................................ ...................�...... S!,•e and he 1e hereby or ted: therefore, be it y .eilgate the necessity for of the making of Bald ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio eetlgate the nature, extent pY '.ted coat of cold ImDrove- 1. To investigate the necessity for or deairr:L�trnlah%Boymnhent°rosle qr imp rovemeut. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e; f turns hike "following other. mmnt, and the total coat thereof. id Information relattve-to -aid 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of ',o a % wheher or not said Ith- ,ant Sts asked for on the veenton improvement :................................................ 1. To furnish the following other data an1> or port .owncr . of the fove- a Atters to tke Commissloner-of. ..... _ ...... .._.. .......... """""'""---�� "u ad by the Council Oct. 81 1815. oat. 8, 1915. ion of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improvem" - (Oct, 18-1015) 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. O -C-. 8.1_y..1ub............191......... Adopted by the Council_....._...'. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fal Isworth v Goa Approved. .......... 0.... .... Ke r Me 11 Nash -. 7 Yoe ..s .......... ....... ....... Mayor Pow rs ^moi PUBLI9IiED D Council File No. ........ r. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the owing pblic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:._Qond.emaing.and.._tak: ng...; seeaaement... h.. -the. l ae and...fills...1a�.4Cading...Eli.z ath...Slt .fr. B1 wa71.. S. ..-t-0. x r' ,syW Stryker::eve.. �. .......... _..... ...',r` .... ..... . ..... .. ..,... ed. ....... ....... � Xi. Dated this...Q day of....... ...... . Qot* .e '... ./... 191 .5_• Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...... __.........___. Condemning... and.._taking ...an.. easement..An...the .land ....neo.essary... for... slopes.,.... for s.....ixi... grad.in.g.. Elizab.eth.. St......fram...Bidwell.-St--to Str7ker.-Ava- ...... ....... ...... .......__.............. ....... ....... ....... ............._........._ _......._ . No 7424— .ere s A written p ,,,oaal for the „_„ ......... ... ... ......... ........................................... ng f the following Improv ment, Condemning -and tnking.nnease- having been presented to the Council of the City in aadle�� a;egiaaingf Zuzati th - - --- - . .. r.mBidwell St. to Stryker Ave..l therefore, be IC -ng been presented fo the Connell e Clty of 9t. Paul'iherefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub'.11od, .t and hone or- andherebyrOrdered and directed: directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirs To Investigate the necessity forImprovement. lesirobtllty of the making of sal' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estitl_To emnnesngate the nature, ent, and the total cost thereof. estimated coat of sold 3. To furnish e plan, profile or sketch of Ft, and the total dost the — 3. •h of To said �ImDovemen 4. To furnish the following other data and f `To fnrnleh t. fel,to said improvement ... ................................. and Inform.# �+ . , ..... t -t 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....................191........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far isworth Go s Approved ..........1�.1T........__......... 191........ y /MC er M oil ON am Nash Yorg .... .................... Mayor Po ers Mayor. PUBUSHED_)Il- l/� is PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned here -by proposes the making of the OW g public ruc t ..from V10 St. Paul, viz.: aje.w.er.a on Hatch St.....from..'Victoria_ St....to Hatch St.,; from .-OTdilar.d -t-o .......... . ........ .... at. tachad .............. ............ ....... Dated day of.. ...............1 petition Council File No . .... ............... .... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . ........... 94 Q;rchargl lataria St. to --BV.de.. St ch_S.t fr.Q.)AYiQtQ-riaZt—tAQ St..;..Cojne St.. ..fr.om orehaxa at.... -to HatcJ1. St .....ana on L ath ...... ......... ... ... . .... F. No. 7425— ........ .. 9 . ........ Whereas, A written pro ... I for the improvement„ ahing of the -following C( . ...... ................. . .... ......... Construct sewers on Orchard St. .......... . ............. . ... . ..... ............. I.. t.ri. St. to Rlde Prom Victoria St. to RYdeSS Orchard .... ....... ...... ....... fro, . 6 H-t.h'6t, and having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul b LoUth St, fr.. Orchard St. to Hatch h- 1.9 1 c.n presented to theC..h- of the City of St. P-1 therefore, be therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be,1`8011v,cd- That the Commissioner of directed: 11 V.11 be and he Is hereby or - ed Id old directed:' desirability of the. To lee,tlgat. the necessity 11, 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirai d..Ir.b I "o'al cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated Cost oz. 0 the ranking of 'It To investigate tis nature, eat,, t'..ti-.t.d or said intinq 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improv) .,Tend furnish th.total ... t th.,s.f.fl'. , pros', . .. . .. . . ..... ...... 4. To furnish the following other data and information I h of aid To f.rni.h :the followl— and 1nforraatlon rel, , - ....... ........ ...................... ............ .. ...... . ..... ................. . ....... ­ ... ...... ........ .. .. ....... I ............ I ...... ....... — ;..111.1-1 ..... ...................... ....... ...... . . ...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matteys to the Commissioner of Finance. �- Adopted by the Council............. 191 -47 Yeas: Nays: Councilman F�.t,s-orth sApproved ........... . . ........... .19 r 0" Nash Mayor PJ.r Y. g Mayor. =S ... . ... PU131,TSTWD_ d 4 Petition Council File No . .... .............. . ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned e . A 1- rebv proposes thethe fo4ing public improv5!pehT-9 the City of St. Paul, viz.: ...'.Gonat'ruct. a mi�ent-t� '�'�tawo on -the WeRt. -ELiCIO 0-f rth S1 ..... ....... .... .... .. ............. Dated this. 8th......day of 100 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a --nement til e jaiclawalk to a ..Width -0-f slx-feot....on the..WeLet of ChatsWoLrth at.... between._Uni.vex.e ity Ave .. . ....... AV e.....and...Sherburna. pit ... ... ....... ...... ... ... ....... ....... - .... ...... .... ....... ........... ........... Gf .1. fnet.10.., --th St. between.,,,,', td Sherburne Ave., h ... ...... ......... .. ...... ........ ....................... ................... %'� to the Council of the ... ... ..... . ......... . ............... ..... ........ ...... .................... herefore, be It F td. That Ah. C.—I-Ic' having been presented to the Council of the City of St. orkdirsected: — be and he is he I investigate the necc..Ii' therefore, be it ,Iljty of the making of' .,ent RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wc--tfg-t- the nature. e.)Y ordered and directed: -ted cast of aid ImW'. ,f, the tont et thereof. improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability ' f,,ni.h clan. proX d aid inor--.nt "cent, and tie total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimate C� itruish the follow -'-ncatlan relat�: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvts. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative'lo said improvement; ............ ...... .................. ............................... ............ 11 ........ ...... ......... - ..... . ............ ...... ........ .. ... ........................... ....... ....... I .. ............ ...... I .......... -- ............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. 191 r, Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Go Approved 19 l'-) Kel r —7 me oil Yoe Nash Pow Mayor PPow S Resolved, That the Councib, hereby concurs in the recommendation of Al :..,y,the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract �for the repaving of Robert St., from the North side of Sixth St. to the south side of Eighth St., to the General Contradting Company of Minneapolis, at a lump sum price of $7,026.00. Engineer's estimate being $7,460.00. Formal Bid No .570. Yeas (r)Councilmen (P) Nays Farnswortht-- Goss v In favor Keller Coll ✓ `Against 6'6eafY%_ Yoerg k— Mr. Pesident, Powers FowM �.e•z At)optcdz6y the Council _. _ -.-191 _ Approved_ - 191 __—____._.—MAYOR - _--- 11 A116 HOHsmsrszN ,� - HARRY W. POWERSaaexr PVRLHASfNO ADENT DEPVTY PVRLHASfND OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL PURCHASING DEPARTMENT October 7th, 1915. To The Honorable Mayor and Council, City of St.paul. Gentlemen: - The majority of the Contract Committee, (Commissioner Goss noting Nayr respectfully recommends that the Contract for repaving Robert from the north side of Sixth Street to the south side of Eighth Street, be awarded to the General Contracting Company of Minneapolis, for the sum of $7,026.00, Engineer's es- timate being $7,460.00. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF. ST. PAu�. Resolved, That the Council hereby rejects all bide received for the repaving of Robert St. from the north side of Sixth St. to the south side of Eighth , St, and orders the Commissioner of Public Works to have the work doneby Force Accountaadtdeecure the necessary material through the Purchasing Department, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter . Yeas (V) Coun4men (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council _y� !!___ 19 IJ Appro d orth ss —� In favor (.j LKelle Mc Ili _..___Against ve ry /Xoe Mr. Presi@lnt, c.e•z -...8-2 Owers Adopted by the Council _y� !!___ 19 IJ Appro d Subject,_...._...... _... CITY OF ST. PAUL" -E6UNCII,.•RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ ................... __........ _. COUNCIL - FILE N6,...1 . ..... ............. Date Presented_ ..-Oot,.7th.,_....._..._1913...-.. That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Curbing, filling, levelinnd improving of Sha on Ave.from Kinnehaha St.to Hewitt A e•t ]corks at lump sum price o ), Engineer's estimate being $593.30. Formal Bid #567. ------ C.F. No. 7428—BY-M. N.G-­ That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of thea j Contract Committee and hereby alevela the contract for curbing, fl111ng !ng and lmisroving-oY SheldonAvenve from Minnehahu St' to Heum rice, ice to .i Thornton Bros, at lump sum rice o7!'� 13687.00. Engineer's eatimnt� -being $683.30. Formal BC No. 687. Adopted by the Council Oct .\ 1816. Approved Oct. 8, 1916. (Oct, 16-19161_ Oki' Yeas (I'') Co cilmen (b) Nays Far sworth Go —7 In favor Ke r Mc oil Q _ _Against O' ary Yo g Mr, President, , wers am c.e•z Adopted by the Council __�}r —$.i�}-191 Appr ed_ _ .7J-.. _ _IR]! s Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construetionofa sewer on Bay St.from Grace St. to Jefferson Ave. to O'Neil & Preston at lump sum price of $2,170,00. Engineer's estimate being $2,207.00. Formal Bid No. 573. C. F. No. 7430—BY M- N.-noes— N[ Resolved,That tho. Council hereby concurs In the recomendation ofthe Contractorwd. the contracts for the conetrucY� tion of a sewer on Do Y Sk" fromi r i SL to Jettereon Ave, to O'Neil & Pres- ton, at lump .urn price of $2.170.00. Engineer's estimate being $8,207.00.; Formal Bid Nq` ib.7- Adopted byNe.Couneli Oct. 8, 1916, ' Approved Oct:` 8, 1916. (Oct. i6-1916) t/ Yeas W) Co ilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council—._ rT �' �$ �5--191/ Fa sworth 0 G In favor I K er / Approved M oil G Against - -- p' ary Y rg R - Mr. Presiden Powers so s.a-2 That the Council hereby concurs in the reeommendation.of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the grading and improving of alley in block 8, IWal- ester Park and Dyer's Rearrangement of Macalester Park to P.J.Gleason at lump sum price of $204.60. Engineer's estimate being $207.25. Formal Bid No.568. C. F. No. 7431=WY''M-,N. Gose— t Reeolved, That the Councn hereby concurs in the recommendation of the I Contract Committee and herebygrading AJ,AoTaO �� avSards ,,1 provingnstOf alley in Mocha ng.a alceter 1� //`/'!/rt(` Park and Dyer's Rearrangement of lumpl sum it ce of $204.60. Engineer's estimate being $207:26: Formal Bid No. 668. Adopted by the Council Oct 8, 1916.1 Approved Oct, B, 1916. (Oct. 16-19}6) fit OCT Yeas W) Co u cilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council _.__-__ _-._-_--191 Far sworth f G _ o _Infav°r App ro d� 1J Ke r M oll __ ._Against O' ary YO rg -- - - MAYOR , Mr. President Powers ,... e.8.2 CITY OF $T. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjec............ _ _ ...._-....— J ea n! Subject: ....._ __... FILE COUNCIL FFILE NO ...... .... ................. ...'... ............... ...... .................................. . ........... _...... .-......... . 1 i g° 4--j Date Presented .......00t...7.tky .---.--I91b......_ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading and improving of Louth St., from Front St.to Orchard St.to Christ Johnson at lump sum price of $773.90. Engineer's estimate being $1,013.00. Formal Sid No.566. C. F. No. 7433—BY M. N. Resolved, That That the Connell Hereby concurs. In the recommendation of the, MontractC(u mltte-'a hereby awards' the contract for the grading andlm- proving of Louth 8t., from Front St.1 Io orchard 9t. to, Chrlat Johnson at; soma[ being $1;0130o.O Formal�Bid'. No. 666.., Adopted by the Council Oct. .8, 1916. Approved Oct. 9 1,9 16. - (Oct. 18-1916) Yeas W)C cilmen (P) Nays Fa sworth Go s —77 In favor Ke er M oil _.against O' ary gys Yc g Mr. President, owers Adopted by the Council __ OCT -g t" 191 Appro d ` 9 a CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL, FORM That the Council hereby concurs in therecommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Blair St., from Avon r. St.to Victoria St. to Christ Johnson at lump sum price of $1,202.75. Engineer's estimate being ,$1,445.00. Formal Bid No.565. Yeas (1�) Court 'Imen (T) Nays Farn worth Go __ _ _ _ln favor Kell Me 11 __ _._.against O' ry yog Mr. President, wers -1 c.8-2 C. F. No: 7433-13 That M- Cou cil hereby t Bosolved,the concurs In. the recommendation oL awards Contrnct Committee and hereby awarde the contract for trio conatrucrion-of e., sewer on Blair SL, from Avon St. to eum prtcot°Y°$1.202.75. John. ngineer son at ues-' ttmnte being $1,446.00. FormelBld No.I 11666. Adopted by .the Council Oct. 8.,1036. Approved OcL 8, 1916. (Oct. 16-3916) OCT —8 1715 1st Adopted by the Council—__ _ ____— Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Sargent Ave -j' -from Snelling Ave.to the present terminus of the sewer approximately 210 feet west of the center of Pascal Ave. to E.T.We &ter at lump sum price of $1,187.25 Engineer's estimate being $1,838.00. Formal Bid No.583. C. F. No. , ThatY h N, GO-1— Re-Nd no 1 n..r' ed, That the Council" hereby • concors t Sn' the t -e end n datlon. of the Contract Comma's&& end st eby award& thecontract for the const m Snelling of '& / AV, on Sargent Ave. tin Snelling / Av to the present terminus- of the. Yeas (P')Coun ilmen (P) Nays Farn worth `] Gos (/ In favor. Kell r Mc oil _ ___Against O' ary Yo rg Mr. Presiden Powers roses c.e-2 sewer approximately 210 feet westof. the center of Pascal Ave, to. E. T. web - star at lump sum price of $1,18725. Engineer's estimate being $1,838.00. Formal'Bid No. 563. Adopted by the Council Oct 8, 1915. Approved Oct. .1 loct16-1916) ,adopted by the Council �Approved..l Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contracg Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a Sewer on Hemline Ave.from Juliet St.to a point 65.ft.north of the north line of Palace St., to Doherty & Son at lump eum price of $325.00. Engineer's estimate being $354.00. Formal Bid No.562. Yeas (1,)Coun Imen (P) Nays Farns orth Goss _ _ __In favor Kelle MCC 11 ____Against O'Le ry Yoer Mr. Pr sident, wers .roe. c.e-z C. F. No. 7486—nY M• N, tlas-- lie-utved, 'Pkat the Coun^.il lirreby . oncur- in the commendation of the Contract Committee and heroby award - the ,contract for - the oon-[ruction of a et -ewer on Hamtlne A— from Ju11t St. to a point 66 ft north of t north line o[ Palace St., to Doherty &Son atm I lump ,um price of E826.00. Engineer's, e-t4tlia'te being $864,00. Formes ,$td No ! 662. Adopted by the Council Oct. 8, 1916. Approved Oct 8, 1916. (Oct. 16-1916) OCT -8 1915 Adopted by the Council__, _ __._.--.-191 App,Jr–. – - MAY Resolved, __4at the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a Sewer on Sargent St.from Symdicate St. to Griggs St., to Doherty & Son at a lump sum price of $720.00. Engineer's estimate being $918.00. Formal bid No.561. 7438—By M. N. Goes—, 'Resolved; That the Council hereby (concurs In the recommendation o[ the Contract Committee and hereby awardsthe ' j sewenn n Sargent the . fr. Syn c e wen Saror the . from Syndicate St. to Griggs. St., to Doherty & Son at a rump sum price of $788.08. - Engl- eer'acesnmats being $918:00. b'ormol bid Adothethe Council Oct. 8, 1018. Approved Oct. S 1891918) Yeas (1') Counllmen (Y) Nays Farnworth Gos \' 7_In favor Kell r � Mc oil __Against O' ary Yo g Mr. President Powers ?915 Adopted by the Council _._UT �� _191 Approved- ---- 191 J Dept. ,of Public Works- Salaries S. A. Parnaworth, Com. Binance# $6 62-' !► Paving Depreciation ........:.. ....$ .50 14, Curbing Fairview, Sums to University (Spec: eases... Fund 268 3 Curbing Shields.; Psi Ies t 93 Aldine-(Speo.As oas. C &.P.) Mi so. & Unfatseen xp...0 4884. .40 Ilproving WSeelo. Parkar�p Mise, & Unforse Ewp, .y. 665 662.7? Spec; AssessO Const. Revolving Fund - Dept. of Public Works -Salaries 0, A. Farnsworth, Com, Finance; $ 8,063.02 Paving Pairfield, So. Wabasha o`.He11 9 .7 " Iiarahall, W. Tine of eking to`E; Lineofliar' 11`Er dga 1, 3.13 Fairview, S. LineMareh 1 to ,N: Line •of se s55. ° N. Smiths.Colleg .to N.Sn of s High. Br dhe, 2 094 - .. 7437 .. _ " S. Smith S. En of High ridge to- An pollB. 1 6? 8? led that Wa ant. be,,'drawn City Treasury Paya16 d.%out of after specfd d Yuade;:and in ;. • ° Congress Isab` 1 & Cori Ord .441 15 " Summit; Pt. o Mice eipp; 9d. 389.11 �''-ei •Y the- 'am. arse or:ebrpora :or the amounts get tc DDo•Lt4 � •espective `names as epeciaed fa ' f towing detaaed as V " . Winifred, W aeha, io & or 2,630 l8 1 ids "Pub�ildBe. 9aept 1SarSa• Finance y x' ' ° Day[ton V1 grim Lexin on 1.409.4!x. rnewertn—Ce 8, 63.02 Pubilc SVorCOM. r[ee S 4sworth :3 Com 5 A Farnsworth 6 _ - _ Const. Revolving 'Frond' ?, d .. Me W6 ke-9sle}le. 'Com Finance ;8 089UE �t 'Council t3et:': 8 1936 - - - �t• )che&`1916 t. 1619161 •` :'� -: _, ..,mer qmr•-- � 'R Total Corpor$te Purposes -Sala es•..,, :... .......$2 1.88 " Special Funds........ .... .. 4$ 1 r� " Gen. Const. & Impr .. .�:......, ...�.°: 6.11- � .� ,. " Spec. Assess. Con t. l ev.-Cur ng:.. 27?; ov 62 :18' . ty CITY OF ST. PAUL 3 COUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: —.._. ... .. .. ..., ... ........ .1-1-.... ........ COUNCIL FILENO ..................................... S. Date Presented ._.......___._:......... Resolved, Whereas, an error Was de in collection of assessment. of Henry Wolfer, on Lot 14, Block 7, Su t Park Addition, and there was-elcol- lected from him Fifteen & 49/100 Dollars ($15.49) more then was\ actually due, Resolved, that the proper City Off'cers be instructed to draw a warrant in favor of Henry Wolfer for Fifteen & 49/100 015.49) Dol- lars, as a refund on over -collection. IIC. F: NJ. 7438—By S. A Farnsworth— Resolved, Whereas, an error wash Imade.. In collection of aaeeesmen4. of Honey \Volter, on Lot 14, Block 7, 3um- mlt`Paw Addition, and there was col- lected from him Fifteen & 49/100 Dol- lars ($16,49) .more than was actually, due... Resolved, that- the proper Clty Offi- cers be .Instructed to draw -a warraatl In favor of Henry Woltor for-1,7fteen & 49/100 ($16:49) Dollars, as a refund on overcollection. Adopted by theCouncll Oct. S. 1916. Approved Oct. 8, 1816, , (Oct. 10-1916) Yeas (V) Co u _ilmen (PJ Nays Far worth % Gos __! .In favor Kel r Mc oil __ __Against U ary Yo rg r. Presiden Powers FORM c.9 -a Adopted by the Council pp;P41 19l'-,4, CITY OF ST. PAUL 74 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ........................ .......................... : .................................. : .............. ........................ .................................. 71-4 0 COUNCIL FILENo .............................................. ............ .............. ................ ............ ........ .............................. ................................................. ............. Date Presented..........................__................991__.:.. C— Resolved, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be, and he is hereby authorized to employ in the Bureau of Parks, the following additional help at the salary herein stated, viz.: Two (2) Stationary Firemen, at $2.25 per diem. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays ns' worth 38 In favor Her C.11 .0 Against erg I Mr. Presid , Powers FORM C.8-2 C, F. No, ",6, By L.UI. Nash— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- Irigs tie; and hey Whereby authorized to employ In the Bureau of Parks, the fol- lowing 9 additional help, at the salary .herein. 'i t.t.d,ii: .Two (2) Stationary Firemen, at ;2.25 i per diem, Adopted by the Council O.t. 8, 1916. Approved Oct. 8, 1915., (Oct: 164915) Adopted by the Council Approved....... v,....---... .............. MAYOR Resolved, That there is hereby transferred from the Salaries and wages Account Iter: of the Fire Fund to the Maintenance and Repair Account of the same Fund, the sun; of Eighteen Thousand ($18,000.00) dollars, in order that needed ap- ,paratus may be purchased. C.. S.. No. 7441—Hy Henry MceColl— Resolved,.TFiat there fa hereby trace-�. Perred. from he Salaries and Wages -�'�"� I Account Item of the Fire Fund to the M"tons11 Repair .Account of tsame Fund, the sum of Elgl/teesf Thousand (518,000.00) d011azs, 1n order that needed apparatus mny. be pur- ohaeed Adopted by the Councll Oct. Approved Oct."e, 1916. (Oct.16-3816) Yeas (✓) Cou cilmen ( ✓) Nays Far worth Go In favor Ke er 2re. Mll ....... Against N Yerg id t, Powers FORM C.B-3t'. Adopted by the Council ... ....... .... Q....-%.1.915_19�_...... Appro..........'........ ............... ........ .............. ................. .... MAYOR. .. Colincily,ile,No......._ ........ .................... v PROPMAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 744_(� 'and PRELIMINARY ORDER. RE Z-1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo Ig Puy it"provelillei3p4y thgfCity of St. roan, viz.: Conetruat-an.. out;a41-- aewex,, . ......the.._ en_ -0 ..e_sa/er and--thi Dated this.; 7th_ day Councilman. L/ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS: A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............ _ .................. ciut.fan oexer f.Dr_the_.T_hal.en Creek sewer and- the_distr-40-t tributary thereto._,_fr the Ainnehaha st t0i the Mississippi. . ....... . ................ . .................... 817qr.4 -4mg-evt plxab.._pqert .iona alneady builta ........... .. .... ..................... I ............. ...................... ...... . .. ................ -t ........... .... ......... At to'h''t"i" al- ntea to having been presented to the Council of the Cabiwing b0 Iman .... . ...... . .. . ...... ...... . ... .. . . . ......... o . Itt the Ity OL r of therefore, belt C iautone �ThSt tho reby or- ,,, bo "a b JB he RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of .ovI "r..t.d.o thG 2-0001 for hereby ordered and directed: 'estigat for or making , .-td f said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity billtY of the 2, To investigate the nature, extent 'tnvtestigato t e t re, e e't rovement, and the total cost thereof. •Hated coat of sato 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc]10 .fU trnlehta oreof.. odicor Vu. r 4. To furnish the following other dato"fu to .the toll in t,,' said improvement: information or tio relative, t ' or tr ..... . ............ ..... . ..... . ....... ............. . . ........ ... ........... .. .............. ..... � t.t.'Wh.thot, ....... . .......... ..... ................ . ... ......... . ........ ......... . . .. ...... ...................... .1, ........ . . .. .... "t IS _eTfqr 9,7 . ........ . ..... Mq'is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said it pro' %Oi� 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters tqAe Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-_ .......... ...... . .. ... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G (olo Approved.. ... .... .... . . . ..... ....... ... - Far a"" o Kel r Me 11 NashM .. ..... .. .. .... ....... . Yo g 'g Mayor Pon ere c2Lwyor. Dated PRELRUNARY ORDER. Councilman. ---."- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vlz,:_...- --...... ......_... _...... Outh....Stre.at..:.s.swer__.ansl....ths_..dist.rin.t. _ tributary....Cherato..._...__....._.._..........._...._........................_ ..._...... .._ s �inproveinent .._................................._.. "' "" }�tf811 .ewer- for .,rer Ind thint having been presented to the Council of 1 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 1. To investigate the necessity for 2. To investigate the nature, exten 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skel 4. To furnish the following other e the Cof I - I pian, promo or ovement. Cent, and the total cost thereof e„ following other n relative to .e.:. f aU r............ .,.._..... _......... _.......... , or - Bald .teat ordered and directed: oror not ea: " Co on the said inllovelnent:................. ............... Ii ........_... ngr..lr •d,p _ _..................... _.._............... _..._._._............_..........._...._._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•e"ing mattersss, o the Comylissloner of Finance. Adopted by by the Council..............1�� 1'/!,.-��•�.._. Yeas: Nays: ,,..// C Councilman Far worth Approved— Ke' 1....J. Gos gel r 14Ic 11 Nash:`....... Yo g W::...... Mayor. Zay.r Po rs Date Presented ... ............... ............ ..191.._.... Resolved, That peimissibe and the sane is hereby granted to the Standard Oil Company, a Corporation, to erect a building on the southeast corner of Snelling and irarshall Avenues, Lots One „ Two and Three, Boulevard Addition, for a gasoline filling station, and -for the storage thereon of not to exceed three storage tanks, capacity ten barrels each, to be buried under- ground. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, and to the erection and construo- tion of a fireproof building and of said storage tanks in ao- cordance with the ordinances and building* regulations of the City, which plane and construction shall be approved by the Building Departn.ent before this resolution becomes operative. C. F. No. 7444 Resolved. That prrml Ion be and,thei same is hereby granted to the Stan- d.rdere t atbuilding Comno the soutIs. etncor- ner of Snelling and Marshall avenues. ;Lola One,Two end Three, Boulevard' Addition, [ora 8eeollno flllfng station, and [or'the storage <ttareoh. of nog [o. exceed - three aturage.� tanks; capacltY ten barrels each, to be burled under- ground. This permission Is granted sublect to the approval of the Commissioner' Of public Safety, and to the erection and, construction of a fireproof tiuiiding and, Yeas ✓) Co ncilmen ✓) Nays of said storage tanks in accordance with the ordinances and building reg-. ulatiuns of the City, which plane and MWortll construction shall Do approved by the ii. BulIding Department'- fore this reso- lotion becomes operative 11� ddopted'by the Council Feb' 28 3918. Approved Feb 28, 1916 (March' 4-1916) ccoll ...: : 1-'y{ J ✓ Mr.`Presid nt"ash PoweraL'"-r�. FORM O.a-2 / U by the Council ......... OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK Oct. 2nd, 1915. flon. Henry UCC011, Co517r. of Public Safety, City of St.P•iul, :'inn. Dc:.r Sir: - The attached a ;plica iDn of tl.c Strndard Oil Co. for permie5ioa to erect cn auto::;ohilc fi1.1in- of `ion nt gOYmc;' of Snellin- n.n' `.i;rsLa'1 Ave., vmz; referred to you by City Council, at its .:eetin- ,f tn'Ls date. Vory rospectf•.:lly, L/ City Cler'- • MYLES MCNALLY HENRY C. DEVLIN w8818TANT CXISP ' RIR[ CNIBP ' CITY OF. SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY MCC LL. COMMISSION[R BUREAU'OF. FIRE PROTECTION October 7, 1915. Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn., Dear Sir; - In regard to the request of the Standard Oil Company, asking for permission to erect an automobile filling station at the South East corner of Snelling Avenue and Marshal, to consist of a fireproof house, and three storage tanks, each ten barrels capacity to be buried under ground, inside of lot line. Will say that I have inspected same and re- commend that permit be granted and that this office be notified before tanks are covered for further inspection. Yours truly, CL,., IL ...1 t i FIRE . S L Al St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 1915. The Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minn. The undersigned respectfully requests permission of your honorable body to erect an automobile filling station at the south east corner of Snelling and Mar- shall Avenues to consist of a metal house and three storage tanks, each ten barrels capacity to be burried under grounds The above construction is to be inside of lot line. �at:o Thanki:3g you for your kind consideration; we re- main Yours very Truly, STANDARD OILL COMPANY. /q ...O /s �L MYLEE MCNALLY ASSI.T.NT CHIEF HENRY CDEVLIN - FIRECHIEP ..... CITY OF. SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY a HENRY WCOLL. COMMISOIDNER BUREAU OF FIRI= PROTECTION February, le, 1916 - lion. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Saf Sty, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; - As per instructions of the City Council, I have further investigated the application for a permit of the Standard Oil Co., to install a gasoline filling station at the Corner of Marshall and Snelling Avenues, and do hereby make the following report to wit. The building is to be of brick and galvanized iron and will be set back twenty (20) feet from -sidewalk. The distance from tank to lumber shed is one -hundred and twenty :11.20) feet and from tank to nearest corner of schoolhouse is four -hundred and sixty-four (464) feet and from the end of lumber shed to school is two -hundred and slaty -two f262) feet. This station to be fitted up with the latest patent gasoline apparatus and no gasoline to be above ground. There is absolutely no danger to schoolhouse and would recommend that permit be granted. Yours truly, n , SHAL e OFFICE OF JOHN LFAR ICY, CITY CLERK Feb. 16th 1915. Hon. Henry _'cColl, Co,mr. of Public 35fety. Derr Sir: - Tire Council, rt its incetin_r, '..cid this dote, laid the attached nnnlicatiot of the tands.rd Oil'Co:�cany for r. em -,it for on oil Ming station :t the corner of Snellin_ and 1dar-hall Ave. over to the r.:ecting of FEB. 23rd, 1916, and ordered the scone referred to the Fire Marshall for n report ns to fire ha.znrds in connection with the '.unher yards and schrol i)uilciin, in the tear vicinity. %'cry resncctf::1_ly, City Qcr1 Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Standard Oil Company, a Corporation, to erect a building on the north 1/3 of the west half of Lot 5, Block 4, and the north 1/3 of Lot 6 Block 4, Rice & Irvine's Addition at'the southeast corner of Ninth Street and Hain Ave., for a gasoline filling- station, and for the etora,�e thereon of not to exceed three tanks, capacity ten barrels each, to be buried underground. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, and to the erection and conetruc- tion of a fireproof building and of.said storage tanks in ac- cordance with the ordinances .and building regulations of the City, which plane and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. fi41a permiseloa in granted subject 10 the Commlesionor; of the e.pDrovnl oLL. Publle BatetY and to the erection and' �conetructioq oL. s flreptOoE butldin�,` land--: oL aald storage tess-and _ ,e//',/ j Yeas ✓� Cou ellmen ✓) Nays ulloln thOnCltys which.Benne.b3, Council.! F worth re6y1 tion Qty nnd,con�truction shall be�-epproved by: the �c8vilding pepartment sbei0re thin. resolution becomes aperatlVe the _-. ...........191..._.. _ Cid G - ..... In fav 6dopted by3 co Aounoll. Dat 18 1916! 19 1916 - a / / r rn ADprovad tOOt: �. o'ttaslax6):', .,. .1`1PPro t ed.... .. ...... ....... _.,., 19i... .. 011 v..... Against MAYO Mr. Preside Powers FORM 0.9-2 /e MYLES MCNALLY HENRY C. DEVLIN FIP6 CNI[I CITY OF SAINT PAUL. • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY MCCOLL. COMM1..10N r BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION October 7, 1915. Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn., Dear Sir; - In regard to the application of the Standard Oil Company, asking for permission to erect an automobile filling station on the South East corner of Ninth Street and Main Avenue, to consist of a fireproof building and three storage tanks, each ten barrels capacity to be buried under ground and inside of lot line. Will sffy that I have examined same and recommend that permit be granted and that this office be notified before tanks are covered for further inspection. Yours truly, OFFICE OF JOHN LFARICY, CITY CLERK Oct. 4t1:,191�. Ho,ft. Henry McColl. Cos::.. of Pul)lic 6afc-,. De:.r Sir:— Tho attached co=unic7ction from the Standard Oil Co. for -).rmlssion to erect a So. Corner of 11"in'h Street and hiein Ave, cris reforro(It t) you. Very respectfully, j City Clor!,. L. The Honorable City Council, St, Paul, Minn. The undersigned respectfully requests permission of your honorable body to erect an automobile filling,etation at thecorner of Ninth Street and 'Main Avenue, to consist of a fireproof building and three storage tanks, each ten barrels capacity to be burried under ground. The above ,construction is to be inside of lot line. Property known as North 1/3 of West 1/2, Lot 5 Block 4, and North V3 of Lot 6 Block 4, Rice & Morris Addition. Thaning you for your kind consideration, we re- main Yours very truly, STtlly'DA1,D OIL COMPANY. :3y ('A•9� ALL _T NS je LATE ECT ' IMMEDIATE ACCECE PTANCE (INOIANA) SALES DEPARTMENT n .7%Tie%�•:/!�/�/`7/ILB(�O(,fd��1Y!/I2Cl/� Peby 28 1r,916. C. S.PO LLO CK, MANAGER. - W.6.LARK1'N,As$TMGR. IN YOUR REPLY REFERTO FILE NO. JjFGr P?r. S. I'. Faricy,CitY Clerk, St- P-aul, S.,Ann. Dear Sir;; The undersigned here accepts the provisions contained in resolution "T. No. 1`Ok- adopted by the 01ty Council October_ IL6 L915 . Yours truly Standard oil C;orapany, , Per— CITY OF ST. PAUL + NCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSETRANSFER- Subject: FILBN61L NO. Date Presented RESOLVED, That the following designated licensee to sell oxidating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to pplica tions duly made therefor. No, - From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) A+r, A fiedar Sts. I t2lnr.eeota Club,l4ashinFton & 4th St 168,Rud.C.stah1,637 A.I%Knick, 601 St, Priebe and Hof Yeas ( ✓ ) oilmen (✓) Nays worth � In favor K r o Mc Il Against 0 Mr.Pre rrea as lona, duly' \$O Mlnnesota 0, to Mlnnesota �, Z` 4th St.. John Routh, 320 Cac,\ Remakel, Sr., 320 Car 3.W. Foster, "601 Dale ;k, 601 Dale,St: J.. Stahl, 637 E.Wnne ebe and Hoffman;:�637 o Councll Oct. l 9, 1916: 11,'1916. t.-16-1916) , st . 637 E. Minneha.ha Adopted by the Council-G�=1191V G HENRY McCOLL COMMIS.IONSR JOHN T. MCCOLL �— ...... TTT9R CITY OF .SAINT PAUL. U7 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Sept. e,4,1915. To The Honorable The Council, Of The City Of St. Paul- Gentler¢en:— Application has been made for transfer of liquor license of Minnesota Club, 4th & Cedar Ste., to Minnesota Club, Washington & 4th Ste. This is a new location and will acme before you for hearing October 9th,1915- Yours respectfully, Lic se Inspe MMG Resolv�d� That the application of Chas. Marks for a license to oonduot a Motion picture Theatre at 389 tic. 7th Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the Cit. Clerk is in— mentcintottheissue Citysuch Treasurylicense of the fee,y050-00-ear n the pay— C. F. No. 74¢7—By. Henry. McColl Resolve$ That the application of ,has. Marks for a license to conduct" s Motion Pfcture Theatre at 889 W. 7th street, = be and the same hereby , ie granted and the City Clerk 1s Instruct- ed to issue such license for one ,year "Pon the payment Into the City Tre ury of the fee, $60.00:. j Adopted. by' the Council Oct. 9, 1916.. i ' Approved Oct. 11; 1916: (Oct. 16-1916) Yeas V) cilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Coundl.....�tG���.......i' • •-'91. ' nsworth r�r ss -.....In favor 91...✓.... ler APProv .... , ......l............ -Z oil Against rg reald Powers d k Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 263 issued Aufrust 3rd 1815, to Abran& Kirk, 174 E. 7th St. be and the same hereby is transferred to Nathanson Bros. 174-176 E. 7th St. Yeas (f) ooncilmen (J) Nays worth ss ,--In favor Iler /rPrei cecoll t/.....Against hergi t, Powers FORM c.s. C F .No. 7449-11y Henry McColl= Resolved, 'That the: cigarette license No. 262. issued August 3rd, 1916, to Abran 4 Kirk, 174 H. 7th 8t. be and the .same hereby is tran,larredjo Nathan - s n Brea. 174-176 a 7th 8t. Adopted by the CouNcll Oct: 9, 1916. I Approved Oct. 11, 1915. . _ (Oct. 16-1916) Adopted by the Council......./ ............191�.... ,e S� Ap o d. . .......... .... .............. :..... CITY OF -ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:'._._....................................................... ............................................. ..................... A /�`n ' COUNCIL �1� FILENo .....................................:... I Date Presented ................ .ot...:._Q;._...... .191..5. Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and,directed to issue such licensee to said applicant upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. Fred Plante Business Lunch 49 W. 3rd Geo. Dionisopoulos 'Lunch Room 170 E. 8th St. Harry Warnecke Restaurant 468 St. Peter Childs Company Restaurant 388-90 Wabasha R. T. Roekey Lunch Room 140 W. Summit Mansur Drug Co. Lunch Room 102 E. 7th 44J W. 4th .Mrs. M_ Regan Hotel Palmer H. C. Eilers Lunch Room 1959 St. Anthony W. H. Gilbert Eat Shop No. 1 383-385 Robert John Kostuoh Boarding House 561 Van Buren Metry 0. Willis Restaurant 188 E. 3rd Alumni Cafeteria Co. Cafeteria 439 Minnesota Wm, Pallas Business Lunch 81 E. 3rd St. Baer & Weiser Lunch Room 480 Wabasha Sam Nekis Lunch Wagon 10 W. E change ,eopouloe, Lunch 11,E •Warnecke, Restaurant, Yeas V) Co 'llnen (✓) Nays. Far orth Gos.....In favor Kell MCC J6.. Against Nash Yoe Mr. President, owers FOR. C.9-2 ia Company, Reetauran., T. Book key, Lunecli Roomy - unit Ave, Aaneue Drug -Co., Lu.ch JtS :.. Ith 6t. 7 'Mrs. M: Regan, 8otu3.'Paliv 7:' 9th 8L` 8. , C , Flllere; Lunch Room,- .nti ony.Ave. r �W 8: Gilbert, at 9bop No 1, e6: Robert 9t. John - Kostuch Boarding House, 681 OCT —9 •an Buren lit. 191`D , 'Mary C W.illle Restaurant, 188 E. Ur _+ r& 9L ... .......... .....191. .. Alumni Catetecla Co., Cafeteria 938 'the Council- finnesotn l Wm. t St. .' Bulenese. Lunch 81 ID. rd St., Beer & Weiser, LunchRoom S80 Wa.. O .191.,,,,--, ,aeha St. - - ' '. -- ,'. r e ... ........ ............ `Jam Nekie;. Lunch Wagon, 10 W..IDz- hangs 8L .. ....�q�^�.. `. :Adopted by,the Council not 8 1916 Approved OcL 11, 1915;= s _ -- ......... .. .. OLUTION 1 TIME OF '0' yj In the matter of_...4.a.n.d...emnirg,_ t.a.kirg.....and_.9A.P.T.O.Priat..ing.,.......f_oIQom. Pur.p.oaaa,_...Lo.ts2.4.,..2.5,?6. 21....aPra _L.at_......._ nhn.,..._a.1.11 in .Block__19, Como..He under Preliminary Order .. 6466 ,,..._.,_,,,___, approved June 14th, 191.5 Intermediary Order 53M. - approved _.!W T . 7th $76__approved.__Ju..ly_.7th The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of.the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and-a� vq Erem the making of said improvement therefore be it Resolve at the -aid-assessment-ofhenefits-be-and-the-same-is-hereby-approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and -also -upon -the se -upon -the -said -assessment -of --benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the _ _ 10th - 1 1. _ day of ... _No.vemb..ex......... ......_....._. 191..rJ......, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed Adopted b Approved Councilman Farns, Councilman Goss Councilman Kellet Councilman McCc Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerj Mayor Powers �V, V1 0 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 3570 ENTITLED, "ORDINANCE APPROVING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE" THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That lines 17, 18 and 19 of the subdivision entitled"Class C Fire Service of Section 2 of Rule 11 of said ordinance No. 3570 entitled, "Ordinance vanes xo. asao- ,ling OrdinanceNo. rdlnnnce Aveving Approving Rules and Regulations of the Bureau of Civil Service", be and lattena oY thsn• ervice. same is hereby amended to read as follows; the Clty of St. mull JSECTION, 1.: Assistant Fire 11 En ineer i7 18 and 19 of the subdt g :1. Claep,'C,.Flre 9ervIce-,1 � Stoker ti'oP Ruledll,ef seta ;ordin-f •70.enYttled 'Ordinance Ap leend Regulation. of, the Group A . . . . . . . . . . $1104 etvu Se dee t.; be and, ;the eby amended to r ad a fol Fire Englneer Stoker,'. Section 2. 104 -SECTION 2: ince. nnd, parte of oidln All Ordinances and parte of Ordinances inconsistent herewith art;istnt herewith are hereby, 'SECTION 3 hereby repealed. rmedlately u..re1t cpA ud t tion Section 3. ry the. cou " This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Final Adoption ///�� 191f9'.Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nnys ia l/'V Farnsworthlet Reading..14 .._......191 V /K ._.Jn favor +i`i ,1!Geller 2nd .1(/. .._.._,191 _ ....`.._._Ag'net wro¢ `i 3rd.__1910 Attest. ........ Yoerg JOHN 1. FARICY, j �� �-��� Date Published _ ............................_..... 191..... Mt President, Powers PUBLISIiED-�-ty =--� /� ~ City Clerk. An ordinance to settle the claim of A. L. McKenzie. THE COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES OP.DAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of A. L. McKenzie to settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of damages to Lot 9, of Bass Garden Lots, by reason of the defective condition of the South street sewer, for the year 1915, as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of July 7th, 1915, upon payment to him of the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of A. L. McKenzie, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund,. in the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be approved by the Corpor-ation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims- and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on a account of those arising out of the damages sustained by said claimant, up to and including the 31st day of December, 1915, under the circum- stances hereinabove noted. k, Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect anA be•in force , ihFGe. thirty days after its passage and publication. evH"to`beaei;. being filed with . ,•receipt ol said ela. ge[her with a Blease _ -y him In form a be t Passed b the Council OCT 25 19?5 19l'the corporation Counae' y ,11-h-ging the City elaima and'dem fie ' Kays uccou�°re. and ve inose t Ye y damage, a acained by / 'p to and Including the / ember, 1915, under the "'-- �.�jarneWorth hereinab— noted. Goss SECTION 2. JjCeller /r} hall take effer /L dM l/ ^`ly hal' k er toll "c; neu n -Nash l �=15. Nays, 0 Mr .J Presioerg dent (Powers) Appro LI) May or Al City Clerks An ordinance to settle the claim of John P. Miller. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of John P. Miller to settle his claim against the City of- St. Paul, arising out of damages -to Lot 10, Bass Garden Lots, by reason of the defective condition of the South street sewer, as is more particularly set out in his communi- cation to the Council under date of July 7th, 1915, upon payment to him of the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance, in favor of John P. Miller, payable out of.the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum. of One Hundred Fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the damages sustained by said claim- ant, up to and including the 31st day of December, 1915, under the :ir- cumstanoes hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. rte. df nn[ ecr a y him in drrth a C, ' .e duly executed by him r aloYm ion Passed b the Council ET '25 I 5 1915 PProvea br the har ing the y 1 re any ag l dlaims and the from any and 11 chime and de - Yeas Nays ds of every land and n tore, and a gparticularlyout e on acoundamagestsustained of is claimant, up to and Including' Mr. Farnsworth 31st day of neeecrein Isis. of circumstances hereinabove not_ :es SECTsION 2. �KelleT ordinance-.tl. day.Aftelef r } :Coll d Publication. ash ea by the CIrar- Fa.r.. President (Powers) Appr e 915. Attest Mayor. Ps e n ' City Clerk. etnttk of +rte CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. M.O NCILL - cowwoweeiow asJOH NrP YLE s JOHN A. WILLIAM ERSRSON —05.W M.M tS MCMEEHIN _ October 8th, 1915. To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration, ordinances settling the claims of John P. Miller and A. L. McKenzie against the City of St. Paul, for the sum of $150 each. After a thorough investigation of these claims, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours truly, Asst Co oration Counsel. . council Nile No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 7456 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. �► The undersigned hereby proposes the looking of the follolvi puhlie improvemeuC by the City of St. pltlll, viz.: & Ying's Addition to the Cit.. f _ St _ Paul,_ .bt5unde' _ by.... axl n, Baker,Bellows- Pabe _ re.ets, or_ ft. public _ sy ound ._ Dated thisllt lof, Oct.x 191.._5 .. ay _ _.. C lncihuan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. proposal gfollowing- I __ _... V� llhRF:1ti, A written n•o Ioaal fm• thr making of the ml n�oveou�u , vv..: Conde.mnatUn of.Blocks_14 15,._1( an.d_.17, 1. A.. �tev.ens_& Kingls Addition to the City of St. _Paul, _bounded _by_Charlton, _ Baker, Bellows ana_Pa&e etreete,_for a.. public._ playground,_ ................. lfpu 111111111 _.... ...._..._ _....._...._..... having been presented to the Connell of the City ��'a paha I1 vgrooaa 11 presented to the Coanc I llerefore, he it of tit. I'sAtl therefore, i a 1 d. That the Commtsalonel' RPSOL\'Ft), That t1lC Coll' 1117SS10Rel' Of PC Works De and he le hereby'l'rt'hJ' nl'd('IY'd and dll'l'Cte_d: nd directed: .salty I' Investlo ate the 1. To investigate tllc necessity for or desi_,hiuty f the making of ea:,tid improveolciit. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and r lisnisted gate the nature ola Minn ";F`vemeut, and the total cost thereof. ,id the total cost thereof, :i. To furnish a Ilan, profile or sketch of s furnish a pian, prom I I of said improvement. 4. 'Po foroish the following other data all( dfInformation �elalW,�"..to said improcrmrut:.. nuent. wheths- st;. - _. . .._.. _.........._... . ........_ 5 To state whether or got said inlprovenlellt is asked for on the petition of three or more owl t .. 6. To report upon all of the forrgning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. n OST ?1 1 • '.5' � ...1915_... Adopted by the Council .._... '1-111 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ....._�. Keller .McColl G'Lea ry �� Yoc -g - . Mayor. Alay run2 l.Isit>;n Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 15,191.5.. ..................._...._......................................... . To the Conunissioter of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conunissioaer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 6. _, relative to 7456 Gctober 11, ....191. .__. ....... _ approved. _ ._ cil, known as Cotmcil File No. ..... .. ... .... x � rover ._.. 16 an 17, in_Neison,,._Stevene Condemning. of Blocks 14.,__15,.,,.._..... i.ngl..s_.AddA.tia.n. _to, _th.e...011Y....Of _St.,__ Rai l:._b.ounaed..bY._Cll.a�.�.t0.n....._ .. Beker.,..,Bellopre and Pa Streets.,, for_,a pub_lio Playground.. ....._...... .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_..__ _.._._.necessary and (or) desirable. X..__...., and 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $..XXXX _..... _.__..., and the total cost. thereof a XXX f . __ the nature and extent of said improvement is as to ows: __.__...._ ...... ......- 3, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. u. Said improvement is ...............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..._........... unoissiouer Public Works. J We, the citizens and property owners of the Sixth Ward, hereby petition your honorable body to procure for use by the public as a recreational center, athletic field and play ground, the following described property, to wit: Blocks 14-15-16 and 17 in Nelson, Stevens & King's Addition to the city of St. Paul bounded by Charlton, Baker, Bellows and Page Streets. This piece of land being centrally situated in the district now known as the South Division of the City of Saint Paul, and very desirable for the aforesaid purposes. We respectfully and most earnestly request that there be no delay in acquiring this property, as it is in our opinion that now Is the opportune time for the city to secure this piece of 18,nd, for the reason that there are no buildings on it and the price ie vert reasonable. 1,/ ff i , /II A YJ .�'✓�-�� rte" 6 •�'' _.-d l—r=��"fir �.��-.L�'1b��-t:=.- ��""^�`��"' l ���i._ ... __.. _..�.a .. . v :L � � � r........ r �r;�x�z,.�`,:.-,•%.<:r,+.-.t+zr_ .-.,,xse�:- F:e.=..:✓•p m".-�;,""s' ,-*.-,a----rte..:.,..... _ -... ��.- SlI�ffNI9N� d0 flvaHfia 5161E 1100 d) T �,,,_ z oa :via 0��4+v'6•/D �'j y 00, 6 o0 1 tr 34 - 17 9 / rrAlt nv ry, � FPED NUSSRAUMER (!1.■IIY, MwM. - 1 "v� r�inf ^ ' SO-OF-5- _ JONPL.M BEAN c` - �' SUP .OF PLAY GRDuxo6 CNARLES A CITYARCHITECT _ p` 14ftw ' W.L.VANORNUM BVIl01H6 ,x.veeTOR �1QAT1i($.lY��s iQATtICtIR90DJtT0i ,�lixgmrs iGprnsmx, p October 6th,1915 Mr. S.A.Farneworth, City Treasurer, City Dear Sir: What is the assessed valuation of the following: Blocks 14-15-16 and 17 in Nelson,Stevens & Binge addn. Bounded by Charlton street, Baker street, Bellows street and Page street. Proposed to be taken for Playground purposes. Please advise me, and oblige, Yours very� ly, Commissioner t t3a s , n NW r` t t3a s , n NW CITY OF ST. PAUL 745 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL :FORM Subject: ................. .......... ...................:......................................:.............................. ` 74-1,57 COUNCIL .. - FILM No........r. ... ......... Date Presented................................ 191........ Resolved, That there is hereby transferred fron. the Salary and 1°afe account of the bureau of Ceneral Adminis*ration of the Department of PublicSafety to the Salary and Tgage account of the Bureau of Health of the Department of Public Safely One housand Dollars (;'1,000} thereby relieving; ail unavoidable deffi iency in the latter account. C F. No 7467 By Henry. McColl Resolved That there ls'hereby trans-'� ferred from tha Salary. and Wage ac count' of the. Buren' of .Gen rat Ad-. minietratlon of the Department oL Public SaLety to the Salary. and Wage. Account of the Bureau: of Health 'of the'�� Department '6f Publla Safety , bne:" Thou-nd boners (51,000) thereby re lleviug� an unavoidable deflaleacy' In thelatter account. Adopted by the Council Oct. 11, 1916: " Approved O.Ltll 1916. (Oct Yeas ( ✓) Co munen (✓) Nays worth Far 1n favor Kel O Mc U Against N Y g Mr, P FORM C.S.2 Adapted by the Council.... QCT_11191................. 191._.... Approved............1:......... ./ ......... ............. ... Resolved, That there ie hereby traneferred from the Salary and TaF-e Account of the Fureau of Health of the Department of Public Safety to the Maintenance and Pepair account of the Bane Bureau One Thousand Dollars ` Q1,000)thereby relieving- an unavoidable defficiency in the latter >�account. C. r, No. 7468—BY Henry Mc0011— . ,Resolved That therein hereby trans ferred fromthe'9alary and WageA.- count of the Bureau of Health of ..the Department of Public Safety to the - Maintenande,and Repair. account of the I game Bureau' One Thobnnd Dollore ! 0) thereby relieving an unavoid-.� ablo eaclehcy In the latter "count-- , '- ' Adopted - 1, the Cooaotl Oot. 11, 1915' Approved Oct. Y3, 1916. ' (OCG, 18-3936) Yeas (jFarnw (✓) Nays In favor / V.... Against Mr. P FORM C.8.2 OCT 111915 Adopted by the Council._........_ ............... .................. 191....:..,, Appro, l..Y..../1 `....a..._.191Ji...... MAYOR 74,159 CITY OF ST. PAUL _.. ..�__�- ..�.��.�..��....�.• Cir-, ww That there is hereby '.rer3f_rrec. iron: -he Salary pr;d- t"�. e account of the Fureau of "eneral Adziniatraticn of t.l,.e Department of Pt' -clic ,fety to the °alary and "age account of the rurc-e-u of ire Protection of the %epartn;ent of Public :'af.ety One Thousand Dollard (;.'1,000) thereby relievin an unavoidable defficiency in the latter account. f. Re, eov. e7d4, 9—ThBgernryMcColl— A rheretiaerred.from'the SalayiandWygt.ancs oCouIntNoof the6Bureau of GeneralAdmih- tatrntlon ut the eDBpartment. of Publlo'; S¢ttytoFtheSalary'and Wnge'ACcouat� of theBuresu oP Fire'Protetlon o; the -. Department of Public Setety O`�. ThquenndppD�ollnre-`t (51,000)- herno eby no ileving: att unavid¢ble deecleacy_ 1a Ehe latter o ac ount. - Adopteded by the•Counoil Oct. 11, 1916. ApprovOct. 11, 1916. _ (Oct. Yeas (✓) Coen (✓) Nays F p A G .............. In favor ' ll i/..... Against o g Mr. P at FORM C.8 - Adopted by the Council.............,.............................191........ Approv. ........ ....... YOR LUTION; FORM;, t Gen. Fund-l"icipal 6ourt-Suppl, ¢,A. Farn�rorth, .Custodian, 15.81 115' McClain: &e ,. ray, Co. y Y1rae ing Print T to inicip •�' " .; Gen. Fund-Purishasing Dept.-8upp1. -Burroughs Adding`d"achine Co., 1.50 Ford Mot&r�Co.`�. ... •.' ray; Co., ? 4.05 -. < .l�cCla3:n, Msnhatitan,Ofl & ii-naeed Cc., _. ` 4.32 1 1 , 'SemingtoA Type. Cp • - �y„✓=^'�fj'��""',y�:�y-O4�,i,�71.,:�ww...,nwnTe`.xbaK�.w-arw.u�xms+rac?m.G.'?e; m:e1k, , Bund- OfficialPnblicatioaa -. 8evieve, Pubiiehing Com _ 54.30 Gen,: BUz►d-Civil errviceiaint Adana zkpress Ca. .44 Gen. Bund Civil "ervica•8slarfes 6.00 art: zGan Nkugl unic�,pal Garage faint. Adam Decker Hardware. Co. 4.75 Farwell:, Oamun, Birk & o.a 0 �w Ssrdong Bros., Manhattan Ofl;,& yineeen,C.o:.,- •�3 k �a. w. ;aie�tri� Bqusp. Co., 12. 35 1.50 St. Fain 8lectria Co., Gen,.:. 0x"axer.Aubply- t; ^" Board. of water Commissioners, 462.00 Gena Fund-Mist: Staty. & Supp1. Brown, Bladge t & ft -kry, 34.72 �� 19'7P`fght,- r8arrett. & B.tilwell` Gen: Fund Printed Forme & Blanks w H Co-::I oy eson _ 16.75 49..01 S.rB: Berry:<, 40 McClain &Gray .Co., 4?' 23.25 St., Paul Printing Co., Vigtne krinting Co. - - e lanks, 95.41 Health Bund $uarantine-M. & R. : ][anhattan 011 & ylnseed 39..37 Health Bund Pablc Bathe -Me R• K 14.49 Creaoent Creamery Co.-* 6.05 81k'ie" Y Co°•� -4.20 C, �.. F.ennor-; A. .P. serschler, 22.64: 6.50 Price; aobbirie.,& Beeston, 37.68• Purity Bread:Co., 76.45 r St. ,:Paul Gas. �+i`8Y►t "Coot 1,50. 8watison-Oil ,Coot. 6 Whotweli, Po11ce &!Fire Alarm Jt. Aoct."gaint. 1e80 Adam :Decker hardware Co.. _ 39.25 Ford ;Rotor Co.t ,. �sanaatta�► os% yineeed co., 25.1 . 5 Al. Heck Co.t ent 'Co. W. Dieotrio 8quipm s .."' <18.6 .25; Yau� GaerLi6ht ,Coot Transit Supply Co.: 8 Gen• Adm. Haint. Pgbli c et sty .. 4.90 Z. �. Diurra�t= Dom. Pati. Works Workh'ouee - 30.00 Board'of safer Commisei"oner's� . lo.32 61.50 8. A. $aft allorth," Custodian* 89.15 Grillith, genr0r- _ 46.`90 . Audrey Soehnen st. Pant. ase LiaY►t' co. 15.02 250.25 ; ��_ Thompson" ShoSp, Co. -t° Tierney . .Co. • . Com. Pnbiic Works-0en. Adm. Maine. 1.08 Auto Tire Bales Co.t.. ltaniai4ttan 011 & Linseed Co., 8.82 3„3.00 St...psul ti*Cb.t" son Swenson 5 6"treat"Const.;& Repair-halnt. r�: 336 •$ Auto"Tire Salsa Co.t 8. 0 idelvidere Cast..Stone Coes 15.00 Blue yimeetone Co., 42.66 Brooks Bro ., cast atone Co., 302.81 1.81 co St.:Patil;' m. &, O.. RY• • 24.00 o., 885.85 Settle River Co. 105.00 'W, 8 thione Co.;, 70,00 St«'pgul_Bailcere„�aterial Co., Street'Cdnst. & Rep.Maint.-Cont. St. Paul Gae Light Co. _: 14,96' Selby Hotor,Co., 6.00 Standard Oil."Co., 422.36 Swaneon Oft Co., University,Garage, Villaume.Box & Lumber Co., 09.00 Sewer -Const. & Bep-eaint. Auto Tire Sales Co., 1.56 Adam:??eoker hardwa"ro Co., � '7..75 W H..'1Eijlone­BsTate, 19.00 iianhattan.Cil &.Linseed Co.,, 17.64 8t. Paul Foundry 60.00 Shotweii Hobart-John'eon, 4.68 s. W_ H:. IIUlmer.Co., nivereity Garaged 125,009 3. Washington Foundry Co., 135.22 �TS'eweonet.._.:'&'to3#ntr- S. A.S. C1ng.-Sewer CIng'. -Mai nt Ricols Dean & �'re88s 5.37 e. &.S* CingC-Street Cing.-Maint. Western Machine Co.,', 16.66 Bridge :Bldg.; &Rep.-Suppli,ee Burne Lumber ao.r 18.83 WashDngtori ,Foundry Co., 12.00 Bridge. Bldg. 4: Rep.-Coaet. & Bettr, St. Paul Foundry Co." 9.10 -1 ',ba, .School Fund X & R. Bills & Bastian Co.e .40 Geo. C.`Biader � T. L. Blood &`c°.. 2.50. 3.73 9►. S. Sowers .Art Store, 3.50 H, C. Boyeeon Co., : 1.00 i-" Bro'ga Blodgett & Sperryr.8.3Q Burns'LumberCo.r 75 -OC pi City,dumber Co., $dam ecker gardware=.Co., 27.,00 1.70 Henry'L Doepke, L F "Dow Co.r< 175.00 G a. Eddis 30.00 Electric lue:Print Co., 2.00 Emporium, S arn�atorth, Custodian, 6.Q0 Fararell;` Ozmutn, Kirk, & Co. 3.0426 rrey Field, Ischlick & Co., 80.75 holden 'Rule, 1.25 Griggs Cooper .& 00. Haag Roofing Corn ce Co.$ 7•50 58.00 T.* 62.45 Highland Spiing.,06 , 440 Iroquois.Nfg:, Coo -of Cleveland 44.16 Jeff arson' Luq►bOr Ca., 67.60 Maendier_Bros , - 105.54 Menhattan_031 &Linseed Co., 21.24 �t Pub. Schoolrg.'& R. 3[elady Paper, Co.'s _ 1.40' It, er & Braes .96 8.' T. $isctric :8quip.; Co., 32.93WR Noyee Broe.,&atter, Newton, 23.91 35.05 4..96 ` Prae�;Robbine Raymer Bardware. Ca., .' •3p Reed gotor Supply .75 Robinson` Cary -:&„Sande, 30.11 ti_ 4 Rope Hilaraery st: PeaT=Book &:S stionery Co., 33.25 57 .11 $t P�rsse Fowadry Co.y 8.04 StPau1:Slectro Co.;a 2:75; st Paul' -Gas Eigbt Co:, 6 :67 y 8t Paul-rrintng. �o..! 35.50; 40•,01 st`. PauT.Rubber.Ca., Schane�an & Evsae, 1.88 a; .11, W. `Slack, 6.35 A. G.'.Bpauidiag & Br"o. 8.95 Speedway".Garages vbaaanle -Boa &' maebor Co.,, 14.00 Un3er�roo8 Type.: Coy= 14.72 p.. d. pup or . , 1`:00' westernA1lectric Co.;` 2.76, We„aternSupPIY.,Co.,= $9.05 Ntsght, :Barrett Stilwell, ; . - 90 . of .23 If Puh seki�ol•Gau�ter Add ., Burne lumber Co., 133: gardong.:Bros:�: 8t. Paul` Paundr3r Co., -A 22.09 A5 Tnt Ajev­Addi , Pub..School xandolph Heights School _ Adam pgoYer Hardware 4e., 12.00 Farv�ell, ozmun risk cQ. • • 9 5 59 SsraongBroe., 7.30 44:0 y�aitet� T. "Lemod •Co., 8t. Paul° Biectrie Ca.?, ' GO :b -.18 6 t 2tirin City Briny Co., 1 r r Pub Library:Fundrl. & R. James Adair, Boatan Book Co 12.00 10:75 Brown, Blodgett &Sperry, Careon,�°3�ixie Scott Co., 1:35 66•'5775'' ,dc 8: Cjaeeen 63.94 Crane & ©rdway-�Co., 3.15 Thos Dav ies &'sone, L, F. Dow Co 1.00 Drama Sl'a 4 of. America, 1.25 . 6.00 B. S. Ferry Field, Bolick Co., 1.10 G►1ordBroe.,- ' firigge :C.oaper__6e Co:, ` •50 96 S * Hinderer ;& Son, ' 70:06 Aug. $ohenatein, Custodian, 4.92 "` _ H` R. Hunttin goo•• 1,478.61 � s A7 e Con�`t Pub. Library . L Iwo,fferaon .Te1,umber Co. 2.40 , 55:©6 • 8.,"gerwi"A ;= Koskie J:. a " teare:.Book"Store, 108.46 , 20.00 -v yewieNPctbiishSng Co:, 53.15,. . iiorary: Bu eau, & dray COso 81.40 4 M°Claia A. C. McClurg; &: L'°•• co., Q 19.19' McDevitt'&-Wileon ,00 -Minneapolis:Directory 10:00 Mitchell & genneriey, 255.00_ it A- Moeller, N°yes +roe: &. Cutler, N..W: Slec: Bquipment,Co., 60 1.00 =N..�'. Scamp W°rke, .. Peoples Coar _8c IceCo., I 4.40; -40.00 Perkins-Tracy%: Printing: c0: A., i. A. Publi.ehing: Board, 1.25 Robinson, Cary & "same, 6.27. , St. Maui Bine Pr1At co,., 1 $ook & StatioAery'Co., 1,158.Ei5 St. ,au St. Paul Wuildera Material"Co., 7.10 St. Paul Fon�dry:Qo•. 8t. "i'aul Oas yigbt. Co."a 10.70. St Pati Staffip Works, 2.39 Schniiemen &;$van`s L . C. Smith-,Broe: "Type" Co.,, 70.00 25=..00 J W.`;Staleye Waffle 1.5b Wal orf Bindery, • ., a Pun Psrks New ,reenhouse..Appr." � 14.52 Oleoa,Boettger SlectticGo., Pub. Partys Park: Mai1►t• 3z{ " Ssividere Oast, Stone' Co:, 90..00 14.2 r zr c r &Huslster- lyme .40 k A. Decker ?hardware Co's = 46.87- Farm:Diortge8e 'Bond Co.. - I[anliabtan oil,&:yinaeea c"o., i7*64�. 00 �_ Bt. Paul-:Rubber Co., 6— Western ,$apply Ccs. pub Parke=Park Activitie,e-T�aiAt• a.; s Alien co.:, 5000 imericeA,Cone Co. Capital .City. ice ' o., 71.50 82 81. Cresoent -Cre'....Co., 701.20 Drewry &"Son, 8.955 National (%audy" Co. • 98:5$ 80.50 Peoples Coal &'Ice Co. ,70 Price, Robbins,& Newton, 1 2 Purity Bread Co., x, Pub. Playgr4undeMaiAte , Board of ®ater Commissioners; 48.40 2.50 Clymer & Ruslater, " a #8 Adam Decker Hardware 39°45 Martin Giesen,' Robinson. Cary: &San' ®, 1.27 •t �rt•5® at Paul Book &=Stationery Co., 14.40 St. -Paul Rubber Co. G�o."8ommers Co"a 10.00— A. G. Spaulding, ands Pub. BldgB.-Maiat. L. -8. Dow Co. 1.60 $leotrc Mf g. Co. y Ford Motor Co., 1e20 �b:tkLe3aest`;v` sn .' 2.?0 Pub. Bidge. Tools, Mach. & Equip. -, Decker.Hardware Co.i 4.4§ 11.60 Goodyear or,_Co., Raymer Hardacre Co., Com. Pub. Utilities -Gen. Adm. Maint. , 6. A. Farnsworth, Custodian, 89.81 N. S. yerry, ,e't:-' .,�.^..Fli'4QYirc.YtiT.i%i�(^`•y'i'��iC.'"'.A1�W�^?"�'^—.ST.F'n.. ,. Com P.:U!.�MtinTeat. 'Lab. gaint. itoyes-�$ro�q. 8c Cutler, Datil as`;Light Co.. 14.-71 St. Transit Supply Co..e. 0.00 -� Com. P. u. -Nun. Test. Lab . -Few Apparatus 7airbanks,-Horse.& Co.', 28°90 Nieole, Dean.:;&" Gregg " 50.00 ' Pioneer 8lectric Co., 19.46 Raymer 4ardxare Cod Robinson, CaiY. &-Sando, 1.50 n Teo Iab.-Few Apparaifib o Com. P. U. -Markets faint. H. C. Boyeson Co.,`0 1. 0 DcCla n ".& Gray " Co. s 3.50 Mae Mer Bros., 8t. Paul G&B iight`Co.r 1 00 a n •,. #9 J r Water Dept. Fund Beier.Sros.,, 8.88 go tieoboiner, 2.96 .; 9.00 ` Geo. C;•,Binder _ 2.39 To, L; Bloodo., S. *"d 11.00 Brown, Blodgett &.Gptwry, 62..50. 97.80 Burns Lumber @o., Capital, -City Zlme. & �e*ent .Co., 44.53 ' CspitaT`City:Lumber.Go.,' 33.50 Contrashause "Lumber Co'. �p 110.00 70. 5 o cons Power Co., 4.:85 crang. &,, Ordway= Co., Adam Decker nardvare:Co. ,. 21.40 ry Di ebold Safe:&',Loo1k 'Coo. 8,.74 Sleotries Biue print Co., 1 81k laundry Co, ffat�rehl Ozmun Kirke&,Co., 10.44 A'" B. Ferriso- 20.00 6.60 For4 mYB.. Co., "Co. 6.00 Ford Ifotor; � M g,.,Gosa,;Commiaeioner, 130.8 Il c:, 8. Kelly, 150 W. H.ndy F...G. ealie Co., X90 90-65 �� �•R. cCleary 87 -15 9r 44 + aendler gyros.., Sstate of W. H. MalOns, 4.00. �[anhartan ©11.,& iinaeed Co, 71 0 Mich. Manrne, YidsayCement`;•.Co, 6750 Pant, &- Sainte Bte. Marie R 1743y., 31.10 Mitaoh &Heck Co.,. : 45.15 ]�. H . Moff ab, :` H. Moeller Mfg Co;, $loole,Dean Gregg, 241.15- 1.50 Northern Coal`& Doc$ Co., ,.45 1 791 35.49 N. W:-RlectriA-'-8quip. Co., 5.70 PittsbuPgh Plate=Glase Co.0 97.76 Wm. Poppenberger:&Gori, 11 1 J. F.Ptacek& Quayle •`8c Kelly, 20.BO- 7 8 5 Raymer Hardware Co;., . . 11.08 Beed Motor Supply Co'., xichter°Plumbing C0.., 4.42 Robinson. Cary &.Ganda; St. "Pau1 B'aok->& Stationery Co., 45 163.©5 St.'Paul BdtIBersiMaLerial Co., 3�8 'St .Pahl Electric. o:, st Boundry eo., •35 ` ..Pahl St.;Pau1 Gas:LSBht.co;, 8t Paul Msciiine 0- so 72.50 � st. Paul Printing Co:., 8t P$u1.Rn6tier Co::""-.. _ 8.75 4159.91. „ , St..�Paul Stamp Work;e, 0 6.88 Scbeff:er & Roneum, 2610 8ohuneman & Svane, 141.55 Jamea8hiely. ',T Shotwell'HOblr bmson, 160.9 . P,-th Mfg. Co., A. Bmi' 23.14 Swanson Co., 55,64 Tire Repair, CO' Trans3t.8npply '�o., 100.00 Truseed COnarete Steel Co., 52.10 A. IIhl r, . Unica rase & Metal Mfg. Co.,., 39.60 •-Villaume Boa"& Lumber Co., 1.50 X10" Water'yept. Fund -40'0t. Western.Supply..Co•, 18.20' A George s. 'Winslow 230.00., Pub. ,,Comfort Station _ Kardong Bros., 1.31 Paving:.Depreciation Hasnam Broe., 8.09 Russell Grader ,Mf g. Co., 3,53 St. `Pgu1 -Foundry Co., -• 13. as Trsed Concrete Steel Co., 10.60" Total Pavend._1]snran�n+ armee"�klA!a� -71 Outstanding Liabilities (P611ce Fundi' M. N. Goes, Commissioner, 149.28 (Fire DBpt. Fund) M. N.. Goss,"Commissioner, 134.17'' �n x - h = 8peoisl,Fnnde> Sprinkling Fund ,r Geo. C Binder 7.00 C13max.Western! oil, Co.,. j55•17 - I111nois Steel Warehouse Co., 24.06 Robinson; Cary=& Sande, 63.00 St. Patti Rubber Co.a 4K.OG Spec. Aoseeii, Coast. Rev. -Fund -Paving Dale 8t.,'Grand'to Front ; Carnegie Fuel Co., -:',14.50 Fairview, S. Line of'Xarshall to N. Line of Selby Ave. W. H._Malone '8statey 83.23 Marshall Ave., from W.Line of. Snelling E. Line of Marshall Ave. Bridge Manhattan.01Y & Linseed Co., 2.33 Trussed- Concrete Steel Co., 51,27 Ave Pavine. A -� Saq��.c�, 4 1'h1a ordinanoe ahal]. take";;'��f9cit' and Abe in foro0-= '�`�;�rimediat"ely upon ita ,naaaa�e and,publi'cation: COUNCIL FILE NO. 71. By FINAL ORDER. followingn-feet o 1,1,1tte f O.onatructing oement..tile ..sidewalks to a, wifth of s -x the os rest,_ land street south side from Ear streetto Duluh .t OtK%yd avenue. Rose street els., from Earl_..street to. JU,1Vth aT.e.nUe. Geranium stj!6ie-t­"U0­-t'h-side's hro-ml tarl street to Duluth avenue, a jessamine street, both sijea@r r MX gtqj�3.o Earl street c rep August - llth, - 1915. no r approved Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement t,o bi nja& by. the said City is C.Onsturo.t. cement.. tile-sideWalkg-tO a width of..six feet on th ollowing streets. yaryland street, south side from Earl street to Duluth avenue_.__Roqq Atm!.t. from.-zarl stre.et to Duluth avenue. GeraniVm 'I set, both sides from E t ee to Duluth avenue, jessamine street, both 8 RESOLVED FURTHER, . That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Approved ....... ... /v) /4", [ -., 191 Councilnian'�Va�rnsworth /'�Oss eller k'gccoll /—Y&rg May&F­� Form B. S. A. 8-7 1, - 4.. .., CITY OF ST. PAUL \:n DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT, OP' 00r dmi6mONER OF FINANOE ON PRS IMINARY ORDER In the Matter of 76579, 1 - -, 71 ------------------------------------- -- - ----------------- --- under Preliminary Order approved --------------------------------------- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ - r - 71 8A.1- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - foot. $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION Y /D 1 �� �1 14 /J d I TOTAL. �•%�/ 1 .,I) CITY OF ST. PAUL _ t . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRFT'),IMINARY ORDER. - (B) I ASSESSED f' DESCRIPTION LOT �ELOCKI. ADDITION 'NACU �TI,ON �J ,o I It all _ PZ A - O O _q AA �i "zfl a � FOBM B.B.A. 8.8 • 4 - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OR FINANCE - ON PRErIMINARY ORDER i N -•--= I' - DELOT BLOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED VASCRIPTION LU ON� - I • j / i r -I G Cps d:� . o , F -- 'SII 31 I K u U D 7- -------"._ .Y' - I TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (' a^ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . i' --_ — � - DESCRIPTION LOT';SLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION [�! I '.c' o Ir. ! y do / 3 ` �. all i J` of - Qi y lia . az I I ;I ( I I TOTAL !I CORM 9.6.A.0•!9 I .-`. .n r.. a-�s.--k.-=r-•m_�= CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER Ole FINANCE ON PRqIMINARY ORDER i� ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 6LOCKI ADDITION is VgLU TION ZU,G 11= li I �/J all o yelk1. l °Z, a�G , Oil.. TOTAL; .CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE It s, e ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRET IMINARY ORDER - -.i ASSESS ED ADD 1_—ION Iv' 1BLOCK QTI�� I DESCRIPTION 1 LOT 1 eJ _ S( JI Lo 4, tl i d ° G � 7ell i, — — . ' TOTAL, Ii roaM es.w. e•a e . ,_.�: , �..-._�-„_z..-,=.� – sr_i = -------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL - 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE i y - - ON PREL)MINARY ORDER �- LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION ASSESSED I� VALUATION Y ADDITION I la_ t i � L � �yJ .L .2 _T ! t 1 ii The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- - --- - ----- ---- --...... Commissioner �OpM 9.9.A• !-D G of Finance. - Uat MEMO AUG 9 1915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, 's �J:,t,.� MEMO AUG 9 1915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, f3'I�NT"Row ,L Deperhmerzhv� �JublicUhilihies BUREAU OF WATER OSCAR E. KELLER. C0-71SSloner GARB ETTO.HOUSf. G—S.Pi J.B.STARK. Oep.ry Commrss ... BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL TESTING LABORATORIES VICTOR H. ROEHRICH.Cl-11 BUREAU OF PUBLIC MARKETS OT TO R ANACKE R ewe has e - August 9th, 1915- lel- - 915. l:. Goss, Corr:rcissicner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I enclose letter of August 3rd from Den E. Lane requesting ;h?t sidewalks be placed on certain streets in Cloverdale. Since this is a rlie.iter �-,hich co es under ;Four jurisdic— tion I refer it to you. tiery truly yours, CO'-"'icsioYER. LA ISI °E ��EIVED REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE II UG, 91915 FARM LANDS MORTGAGE LOANS . C3 REF. TO- LOT O-LOT DEPARTMENT - SUITE 606 N[w VORn Lii[BL�ci OR __ Sain-1 Paul August 3rd, 1915. Mr. Oscar E. Keller, Dep1t. of Public Utilities, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - We are enclosing a plat of our Cloverdale Addition, and would like to have you go through necessary procedure for obtain - Ing sidewalk on the south side of Maryland St, from Earl St. to Duluth Avenue.,- both sides of Rose and Geranium Sts.- Earl to Duluth, and both sides of Jessamine St. from Frank St. to Earl. There is a very bad clay soil out in this location and there is a decided need for this improvement. We originally owned the entire Cloverdale Addition and there is now about 50% of it deeded. However, everybody out there is clamoring for sidewalk and we can obtain about 90%i of the signatures for the entire addition, if this will be necessary. Very truly yours, DEL*°MAP t.. w P, COUNCIL FILE NO. By 3 FINAL ORDER. In the Llatter of Constructing a cement tile sidewalk to _a width of six.. feet on the south side of Juno street between Summit avenue South and Griggs streetY under Preliminary Order 6445_ approved ,August_.14th,._1915,__._.. Intermediary Order approved ___ ___ ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard till persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having Pully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise natlu•c, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Construct.. a...c.ement tile sidewalk to a width of -six feet on the south side of Juno street between Summit avenue South and Griggs street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therclvith. L f Adowed by the Council __-.. ZOL rlc. City Approved ( C. F. No. 7453— Mayor. \ In the Matter of contsructing a cement file sidewalk to a width of six feet Councilman Farnsworth on n the south Ids of Juno street be summit ny One south and origs atreet, under Preliminary " Goss Order 6445 approved August 14th, A p A public hearing having had 1, upon the above Improvement upon due " Keller and thpersons, la alltice, objections and recommen� datlons relative thereto, and having " MCCGII Nally considered the same; therefore, - be le Iled, BYthe pruderecise of the Cit f the nature, O'Leary "I'll tent andClnproise onatructbe n the old ent file elde,at k to a width of six Yoerg feet on the south side of Juno atreet summit .between avenue south and Griggs et, and the Conncu hereby de es tuts 6Y-SF� y said Improvement to be made. of Resolved Further. That the Commis - stoner of Public works be and he 1e Form H. c. A. 8-7 hereby Instructed and directed to pro and for plans pecifications for paid and Improvement, and submit same to the Council for that upon said pproval, the proper city officers or hereby thorized and directed to pros sed with the al<ing of sald improve- ment In accordance tI_ _with. Adopted by the Councii Oct. 11. 1915. Approved Oct. 11, 1915. ' (Oct. 16-1915) rlc. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTOENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER VVVV� tt y� f '( the Matter of�G��G�/� � .. .......... �✓�/C� � � !� UJ. t � �� "/. �d... ._.....__ .......... .......... ........ _......... -_._.._....._ ._._ __...__ _.._...... ____........_:....__.............................__.._........._._............. _.---'-- ._ .........._.._ - ._ ....... ............. .._ _.._. ........._ . ......... ... __._ ._..... ............ ...... . .......... .._ _.......... _............. ... _... ._.._..,. ...__..._.. ........____.... ......... .. .... .........._. _....... _...... _........ ......... _. ............. _..._.._ ...._._ _...._ ..........._.... ......... ...... .. ___ ___.. " -- ............ ..... ......_..... _.............. .... . __.._.__ _..._.._.. ......._... ....... ........... ___....._....... ._......................... ....... .......... ...... .. _.................----- _._...... .....__. ............_ .... -... f ....- - --... ..._. __. .._..- _._. ..._ .. .... ... vi under Preliminary Order approved �1 �f.Gi��. .......!�'`. _... .... .. . __ __ ._ .. ._. .... ....... 7✓ To the Council of the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 52¢....p;x.. limaal The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $......._ foot. The lots or parcels'of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION = i 4� 2 J' I �Aj 0 b D ;Z '9 TOTAL. � 10 J The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. r t..r�-�, ._....__._.._.191_.... ......... ...... Commissions of Finance. ' i= �' Report. to Commissioner of Finance COUNCIL FILE NO.......__ By_ —_.._.._......._..._........._...._..._............_.........._.._....__._ .__... JCS; FINAL ORDER. In the batter of _O.anstxuo.ting .a _.cement. tile... sidewalk... -to- a -.width -of -six --fset on both sides of Warsaw street from Jefferson avenue to Pleasant avenue, ex- oept ng_Yftr.@....good...and....Buff.icie.nt...cament...aidawalks._now..sxist.,_........._._............. ____..... under Preliminary Order ...._53..6.1...._.__....._.._ _...._..__._._..._._. approved ..._June..._7..th,... .191.5..._._.........._ .............. _........... Intermediary Order .............. ___....... . ................ approved .. _ _...... _ .......... _. _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made b the said City is .._Cone,trust..._a__get] ent_.._t.� l.e__6..1de.Walk. _t.o. a_ Width.....of_...six feet on both sides of Warsaw stree.t.from Jefferson avenue to Pleasant avenue, ex - and the Council hereby orders said improve to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public. Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _....... _.... � i "' /-...`, 991 ......._. ._. .. ......... ........ ......_... '-. .. _... ............ ... // rty Clerk. Approved .................. .... _ 19 .._.... Councilma arnsworth 4 " ,/eller // Coll Form B. S. A 8-7 CITY O T. PAUL ' DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM TONER OF FINANCE ON PREI,I INARY ORDER i y � In the Matt4r of _ Z CG /% ..5-a: %wcv! . / .._ ._ CG._? GGC„ .....:.... ........... f L/ _.-......... - ....... ... .. - - --.-...- ---- _..__.................................._._ under Preliminary Order approved_..... .. ........... ..... ... ._. ..._...._ ...------ _._.......... ..._.... :i................................ ...... ...... ...... - -- To the Council of the City of St. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $5a¢....Rer:--ll.ne.a1_ foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $........ . ............- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: i' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J 4, hex n -. --..- TOTAL. d' D ,i The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated...c he�:ul......`3_........._.......... .....v........... ....... .......... _I ......... ... ........ _...... ..._ Commissioner of Finance. :�. FOflM C.9.2�'.'; CITY+:OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK6 M. N. GOSS: COMMISSIONER To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works.hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land neces l sary to bd taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,which land is ac- curately described as follows: Lots 5, 6, 7,-8, cndW of Block a William Bickel's Sub., of Smith & Lotts Outlote Addition to the City of St..Paul. om nor o Public Works Dated May 27, .. _................ I........................... _ _. _......................191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- -- cil,.,known as Council File o ._5016...... ..... approved ..............._ e . Zlz........... ...........1915....., relative to...................... acquiring_.._by..._condenanon.._or purohase.._additional._.grounde_.for. the )Gaxfield � 99 School of Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 an .. i. Block 2, Willi m Bickel's Subdivision of Smith and Lott's Out -lots Addition to the City of St. Paul. ..........................................._........................._...... ........... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........... ...necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX_._......., and the total cost thereof is �._..___...._xXXX......._.., and 2. The estimated coat thereof is �_................_._. the nature and extent of said improvement ie' as follows: ..........._.._... ............._.._.......... .._............__..._.............................._............:..._... ........................... .......... ......._............._... ................................................................................. ........... .._........... .................. ....._............. ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4......._..............._............................_...__.-.............................................._...................:................._........ .................................._..........-.....__......................................................... 5. Said improvement is.._ ........ no. ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Il. ........ ........... ....... 1..- ....•.....-.....� ............ ..................... ... / 1 n Con hiss' er of Public rks. I / ✓�1 .- C}1ntment Of September 2nd, 1915. S.A. FARNSWORTH. CO-5110NE0 �' •® JO HN T. HAGLUND. 01-1 C -1 -1 - To the Council, City of St. Paul, Gentlemen, In the matter of the acquisition of Lots 5, 6, 7, 9, 9, Block 2, of Wm. Bickel's Subdivision of Smith & Lott's Out Lots, under Preliminary Order 5016, Approved May 21st, 1915, I beg to advise you that sub- sequently to the adoption of the aforesaid preliminary order, the acquisition of Lot 9, was obtained by pur- chase in the open market, thus obviating the necessity of condemnation proceedings,, this particular lot. The intermediary order, as submitted has been modified and provides only for the condemnation of Lots 5, 8, 7 and 8, Block 2, Wm. Bickel's Subdivision of Smith & Lott Is Out Lots, Respectfully submitted, COMMIScIONER OF FINANCE. CITY OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.. In the matter of_qgnlLtruoting- a sewer on West Sixth _ _at_botW�su.,b4mit Aye_ and Iglehart_A e_• under Preliminary Order _ 5051_ _s Final.. Order 7025 _ _ r APPROVED September 14, 5 191 -RMOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates � submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved I C. F. No. 7466— . IIn the matter of -rat-0.9 a Sewer - oa Weat Sixth street between 9um- mlt Ave. and Iglehart Ave., under Preliminary Order 6061, Final Order 7026, lved, That approved September 14, 1916. - - Resothe plane, pecifica- 'tionsand estimate. Submitted by the Commissioner of Public Work. for the above named improvement be'and the isame are hereby approved. Adopted by the Council Oct. 12, 1916. - Approved Oct 12, 1916. (Oct. 16-1916) Adopted by the Council Yeas: ( ) ! ) Nays Councilman sworth s ler CColl `Y 191 r r� Mr.Presicl, yor- ■ CITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL .RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM - subject ..........._ I►�c xc wA s ......................................... 74� � FitzFILE NO ........................................... Date Presented ..................... .................... ....... 191......_ Resolved, tbat'nater mains be laid on the following streets;_ sake Camp and pbslen Avenue between Arcade and Forest streets, and on East side of Lexington Avenue frmn';Idinneftha street to fan Buten street (being a xidOW maid paralleling present supply main on Ole stet)* Yeas (✓) Cooilmen (✓) Nays JF worth- - - -ln favor .•I`t ................Against Mr. FOR C. F. No. 7467-8 her— on s lved. That folng weete;malne be laid Lake Como and Phalen .venae be- tween Arcade street and Forest -treat, and on L+'net aide of Lexington avenue from Minnehaha street to Van Buren street , �enile pply lmenin on this street). pies- Adopted by the Council Oct. I1916. ;Approved '.et1216 1 16) Adopted by the Council 191 .: -. '1.........191-. . Approv D'Tdr,hmen!hv' �J�bl c�Jh�l tiv;v October BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ll, O SCAR --LER. Fl -d- 1 H Z 5• S. A. FARNSWORTH - M.N.G055 GARRETT O. HOUSE. G-1 Supt To the Honorable Council, CITY OF SAINT PAUL„ St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - The Board of water Commissioners, at the meeting held this day, unanimously adopted the following resolution; nResolved that the City Council be, and it hereby is, requested to authorize the laying of water mains on the following streets; Lake Como and phalen Avenue between Arcade and Forest Streets and on east side of Lexington Avenue from Minnehaha street to van Buren street (being a rider main paralleling present supply main on this street.) ve my re , Got/ �L Bncl. Secretary. E PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Petition Council File No . ... ............... 746,93 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the, followin .1 Ill I ie improve heWiy of St. Paul, viz.: qqApjrugt . a....oeme n.t t of..s feet on .ile—aidews. ..t --a.-WI wj of NiloB St.....betwe- S. cate ve... an .-Hamlina Ave. in ac o d G -Wit -9titlon-he -to...a. ache.d. ......... ...... . I -q..T. .4 -.. -h-P ...... . ....... ........... .... .... .. ... ...... ...... ....... ... . ................. .... ....... ...... ... .. ..... .... Dated this ........ .. 18til-day of..... e� Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . ..... QqAgi.tr-4 ment. t -at ._ ot a c.e Ja.e. ai&e.wa3-k to a-miclth-of -.Six. feet on the.80 h . ...... ..... PAO of 411.00 St 14 Ave........ . - Syn.(lizate-AVe—encl 9111111le ................ I..__ ....... . ..... .... . ......... ........... ..... I ...... ....... ....... . ....... . ........ I .......... ....... ..... St. b.Ms— . ..... .. .. .... ....... – .... . ............... . ....... ................ line Ms,, h., .� , ,1 to the C—rell'Of the Clt, having been presented to the Council of the C IheTr6h1,0r6jhb,6 Cioteemissionerdman ... ...... . 'd irks be'and he 1. hereby 0. therefore, be it nve.t Ahs necessity f, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of %'n"tty of the making of —is hereby ordered and directed: �=­tjg.t. the nature, a-t-r.o 1. To investigate the necessity for or d ed test. of aid 1, Tpr.1. f said improvement. ,d the. total ... t I reef 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e. fur Is prove Ian. proin' ' :ovement, and the total cost thereof. -.1 1 at. r th folio Ing other. 1 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch e r relative to sale 4. To furnish the following other data and' I' whether or not sail 'u,said improvement; .. .... ..... .. .... d for .. the petitl' !ske amore owners .,rt "Pon 11 11 the V ......... ........ ............ .. ..... . ...... . ........... .. I .. . ............. I in t,. Conant,..t.n . . ....... ....... ............ ...... -- . ....... .... . ... ..... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is bn the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matievo the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworill G s s Approved . ........ . G.... .. .... ...... .. Z, 19j.... K ler M Coll aah Yrg ..... ..... .... . ..... ... ... ..... .. .. ......... .. .... ..... . Ma Mayor. C B-5 J PUBLISHED Petition Council File No .. ........... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foil ing public ' provement �Yt City of PRELIMINARY ORDER* the foil. mg public 1 0 r au S . _to it Av in St. Paul, viz.:. -...Grade Brand St. from -2-lan. d- .. au- St. ---t 1te - Be-,P�:, Bo0ordance wit h -pet iti on.hereto attached .. ....... .. ........ ...... .... . ... . ....... ... . ... ............ e .......... . ....... . . .. ....... ... ... .... .. . .... ..... ... . .. .. ....... ...... .. ...... ....... .. ... ...... ............... ... ....... ........ .... ........... ... ... ........ ......... .... ....... .... ... . ..... - Dated this 12th day of Xootobar ...... ....... . ........... ........ ........ 191 S. ... ........... . Councilm PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .........._Grade.. BrandSt.. from..21andreau -.St t.a....Wh-ite Boax Ave . . ...... ....... .... .... ...... ........ .... ...... . ...... ....... ... ...... ... . ...... ... ....... No. 7460—.;,. ....... ...... ..... .... ....... Lereas, A written proposal for the ...... .. .... .g ofthe following improvement, Grade Brand St. from Flandreau Whit. Bear A—, having been ... ... . ......... ........ ... ...... . ......... .. ...... .... — ............... ....... .... .. . .. ... ..... nted to the Council of the City of -1 therefore; be it' having been presented to the Council of the Ciqolved, Thal, ens Conarni-I ... r o Work. be nd,he in hereby or - and directed: therefore, be it'.aInvestigate necessity f rob 11ty of the making of - Investigate RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub' ;ev;tstlgalte the ..t.ra, .11'reby ordered and directed: ., l, ti ..t.d Cost of said im htnj cosPlan, thereof.ProfPI said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or dcsir'udfthe to . urni a., 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estini.r aid ment furnishImprovethe followiniFovement, and the total cost thereof. I Information relative 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of saivInt. 7h -cher or not., 4. To furnish the following other data and information to said improvement; .. ............ ............... ........ ............ . ....... ........... . ............ ...... ........ .. .. ................. .. ....... ....... .... ... ............ .. ............. ...... ....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or,more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 7 Adopted by the Council ... ........... L'2�, 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnpworih 0, Approved .......... .... . ... ...... .......... .... .... Kell r Me i oil Nash Yog ......... .. .. ......... .......... M Mayor.. ? I... C 1-5 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDK. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of t following b" 0--' St. Paul, viz.:.....Cjonc1e=ing-..an& taking- -aa easementt in... slapse., f 0r Outs. IMCLJills... grading.. a &I --to ..White.. Bear. Ave...,... ... ....... ...... ..... ...... ...... ....... Dated this 12th./day ojl ........ .. ..... 70.olo.-her/... Council File No.___ ....... ...... .... .. ' "7,-7P '7 t t b the City of 3 lan/d.-ne-es.sary for )m an ...... ...... PRELIMINARY ORDER. — WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning. an& taking an easement- . in the 1an&.-.na0.eBSar-v.-f.Qr. slopes.., _to.r O.ut.s an&.. fill.s in grading Brand -.3t.-Smom-Flandreau. St......t-O .. ....... White ResX. Ase.. ....... ..... ... ..... .. .. .... ..... . - f -1. .—sary or Brand Ili' i St. 'ta"Vhinte' l3'..rA—.:. .............. CopnqPmt therefore, be ill ...... ....... - .......... ......... ............ ...... - ....... ... . ..... .. ...... ...... .......... I ... ........ ................. . .... ...... "es"ted to the That the Commissioner having been presented to the Council of the 0- ' it. be and he IB hereby or- Iman ........... ......................... ,directed: therefore, be itgtliia.ta the necessity for ty of the making of am a RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of.V�.t. .tlgate the nature. extent S hereby ordered and directed: gated cost of said trapro- 1. To investigate the necessity for or dehe total cost thereof. of said improvement.: -11h plan, profile or c U"Pth"v"' n'-lrug ovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and s.ld a f.11.other -motion relative to s—" 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of S"'-hether or not sal for no t"tL % 4. To furnish the following other data and tai 've to said improvement; .......... ... ........ ....... ........ ................. .... .......... ... ....... I .......... .... . ................... .... ... .. .. ....... ............ ....... ...... ... ........... I ........... ...... — . ...... .... ....... ........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ....... ..... 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman arnsworthrns Approved . .... ..... ...... eller ccoll Hash oerg... ...... .. .. ......... ......... ... Mi, Mayor. AS Council File No . ........ . 7471 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo1l5,wf`ng public i roveme Y t City of -A k to widt of feet St. Paul, viz.: at.riao t &-a-emont.- tlle...'a - e-val Imant... :Ln e.en... e-- of -Ohar�. t tion.- .eta attac ..... ...... ......... ..... .......... . . aozordanci-e w:Lth p-e.-rtl .... ............ . ....... ..... ..... ........... .... ...... Dated this .12th./d.v . ...... octo.ber 1916. . ... ........ . . ...... ............. ... .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: aidew Ek ctement ti.12.e.. alk -t -o a Width of SAM feet 011-tho-Te. t 5t..* and Belmont St . . .... ..... a of 011arlt.= 57-doney, ........ ..... . ....... ............ ...... ...... . .... .... ....... ........... . I ......... ...... ....... ....... .. .... .......... ........ ........... ....... .. ...... ...... ...... .... .......... . .............. .... - ........ ...... ....... ................... .... ...................... ;. 4.-lb-=`��'fi.Xy-St. 'e', 'i 'St., , ing been presented to ansa f the City of. St. Paul Mail ........... — ... .. ..... .... ...... having been presented to the Council, fr�',Mft ��r Ived, That theCommissioner of therefore, be it U17ff Works be 'and he Is hereby or- dered and directed: - Ta M.-uget' - a"e"Ity fo RESOLVED, That the Coml�iij.r'das.orabfflty thro r: is hereby ordered and directed: I� of the making .1 aid -�,�-Tsmeays.tr i. To investigate the necessit . In gadte the nature, ex- of said improvement. - .eat and estimated cost of 'I'd - Xtel, tda .. I thsr!.� rovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, e .1ams.t. and the te To furnish a Plan, profile or .I' of said Improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or k To furnishthef. twi'g other improvement; and Information,,relative to said 4. To furnish the following other dal" mSala ..... ....... ........ ....... ...................... ............ ..... ....... ........... ..... . ... ...... ........ .. ... ....... I ................... ....... ... ....... ............ ........... ...... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ....... .......... yeas: Nays: Councilman Farn 'orth Councilman g oith Gas Approved . . ....... .. Ke r M all . Nalsh Yg ....... ... ..... . .. ... ......... .... ..... . .. ........ . ..... Mayor. P111LISIMI) Resolved, That Council File No. 3411, being a resolution authorizing the Commissioner of.Public Works to Rrepare an annual report for the year '1914, and providing -that the cost thereof be paid from the Printing Fund, be and the same is hereby emended by striking out the words "Printing Fund," and inserting in lieu thereof the words "Official Publications Account of the General Fund." Yeas ( ✓) C oilmen (✓) Nays F sworth G s `..... In favor K er II D._._ Against N Y g Mr. Presid FORM C.e-Y C. F. No. 7472—BY M. Goes— Resolved,That Counoli FIIe No. 3413, being a reoolutlon authorizing thol Co."iseloner ofPublic Wor to pre- pare an annual report for the year; 1914,. and providing thattheeoot'tbare- of Fund, be and tithe ,same a hereby e ebythe tiam amended by striking .out the w:orde "Printing Fund," and Insertlng in lieu thereof the words 'Official Pub1icatlond Ac- count of the General Fund."- Adopted by the Councll Oct. 12, 1936.1 Approved Oet, 12, 1916. .. (Oct. 16-1916) .... _._ Adopted by the Council..__ (r./2..:_...191.�1.. Appro 14F?...... I CITY OF ST. PAUL ' C NCIL RESOLUTaON—GENERAL FORM. ,. f ............. ... ........... ....................................... ..... .................................................... 7473 OOUNCIL �D Date Presented ......... ..................................... .191........ Mt the cigarette license 11o. 2 issued to JAike George, 393 Sibley Street be �,nd the same hereby is trans— ferred to Pete Ghanest, 393 Sibley Street. Yeas V) oilmen (✓) Nays F sworth ��%% G /....__In Favor er K It M oil �. Against N h Y rg Mr. Preside . Powers POBM C.B-P C. I'. No. 7 d at Henry arctic li 1l2 Olsed; That the eor C. t39 n iblee No. 2 issued to Mttce Oeorr e• 31. Stbley,, torredt oaPoteh Chaneet. x393 Sibley St.; Adopted by .the Counctl Oct. 12, 1916.'I Approved Oct..12;. 1916. (Oct 16-1916) Adopted by the Cooncil....._L'- Ar,nr—A...1 915... CITY OF ST. PAUL g�1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7ZI71 Subject: ............... .......... .......................... ................................................. ............. ............................................... . COUNCIL FILENo. ................................... Date Presented...... ..._. _....... ,.191 ...... Resolved, Whereas,Eighty dollars ($80. 00),paid to Annie Roche, Special Guardian of Patrick Roche,as salary for December ,1914, through an error was charged on the Comptrollers books to the 1915 fund: Resolved the Comptroller is hereby authorized and -directed to make the proper changes and transfers on his books so as to.correct his error. _ C,, F.�No. 7 ,1%13 Ren,Y-McColl— Resolved,' Whereas, Eighty. dollars! ($60.00), paid to Ansle Roche, Special: Guardian of Patrick Roche, na Wary! for.. December, 1914, through an error' was harped on the Oomptro]leYe books to the 1916 f nd: - ksolded the Cromptroller' le .hereby. authorized land directed to -make the propac ekangea. and tronsfera on hl b00ka so as. to correct hie error. - Adooted by the Counell Oct. 12, 1916. Approved Oct 12, 1916. (Oct. 104916) Yeas (✓) Co hcilmen (✓) Nay F worth Go K r M oil N Y g Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.a-2 Adopted by the Council........../../............ 7In favor (/ //�x( Appro ed.... L....... U..... Against CITY OF ST. PAUL " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ........... _......................................................... CO0UNCIL - FILE N NO..... ......................... .... .... .....:.:.......................................................... Date Presented...191__.... Resolved, That the contract bearing date October 11th, 1915, by and between the Webb Publishing Company and the City of fat. Paul for printing three hundred copies of the annual report of the Department of Public Works for the year 1914, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. - . C. P. N. 7476— � Aeaolvod. That the ---t""Ibedarin data Octobor 11th, Y916, U tween the Webb Publishing Company I and the City of St Paul for printing th>;ee hundred c pie of the annual re- port of the Depa tme of Public ! Works for the year 1914, be and the: l� r Isame le h execute ea and'trie Prop- er city officers. are authoriz d and el- ectad to execute the eame�.on behalf of the City. 'Adopted by the Council Oct. 12, 1915... / �/� Approved Ock 12, '1916. (Oct 18-1916) Yeas (✓) Co oilmen (✓) Nays Far sworth Go - In favor K er Il Against N h Y g Mr. Preside , Powers FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council4v/.'/�.._...... 191.... Approv ..... ....... .............. .. ............................. ......... .. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL `� 9 �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM v ......... ... _ _.... Sublecf: _ __. _... ...... FCOUNCIL ILE ......_._.......__......._ .._....... ,, Date Presented-.O.ct.12.,.191.@._=I91......... - That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, two (2) only Watekoue Patent;aM oline Pumping Engines fully equipped in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent for the sum of $8,200.00 each, total of $16,400.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, as same are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Cost of said engines to bgecharged to the De- partment of Public Safety-Btreau of Fire Protection. Yeas (Y) Cou Imen (Y) Nays Far n orth Goss os In favor Kel Mc 11 -Against Oy Yo r. President;, veers ✓'f Adopted by the Council _Q C T_.12_ l"_`' _-.-_--191 Approved _ 191 N ttguz's offirP L C. ODGSON SMR L C. HODOSON. S6cwetwwr to iwe Morrow Wherea.s,Complaint has been made to this Council by representative citizens of St.Anthony Park that certain ourbing put in by Thornton Brothers in that community does not comply with the specifications,and is improperly done, such complaint being acoom- panied by reports explaining in detail jugi what the situation is, Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council that these complaints and reports be placed on file,and that the parties to the controversy be given a hearing before this Council on rriday,0otober 15th:and that the City Clerk notify the contractors that such hearing is to be held so that they may have an opportunity to ampt offer such explanations as they desire, and answer the charges made, — rC.. F. Ne. Y444B—r WSnnPewere—;... ha bean made Adapted by the YEAS. ,f MF' R) GI KI M N, {/� Y( INS, 0 ,jviR. PF 12 d— I Resolved; That the specifications for furnishing. installing. equipping, _ -_.;..._,..,maintaining, _lighting, extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in repair the incandescent gqs lamps and connections to gas mains for certain of the streets. alleys and public places within the City of 8t. Paul, as approved under C.F. 6695 published August 28, 1915, "hereby rescinded, and new specifications sub- mitted by the Commissioner of Public Utilities and hereto at- tached is hereby adopted and approved and the 13urchasing Agent authorized to advertise for bids:the on. LAZI l° C Yeas (1,) Councilmen (i) Nays Farnsworth Goss In favor !-Keller McColl/ _against / Yoerg Mr resident, Powers vo.M c.8.2 r)/ the Council_ __ - -- - 191 Approved_ 191 MFYOR SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURNISHING, INSTALLING, EQUIPPIXG-,78 HAINTAINING, LIGHTING, EXTINGUISHING, CLEANING AND KEEPING IN REPAIR OF I7CA,TDF.SCENT GAS LAYPS- AIM CONNECTIONS TO GAS RAINS FOR CERTAIN OF THE STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1916 & 1917 Bidders will be required to submit their bids or proposals upon both the following terms= To perform the work required under these specifications for the two year period from January 1, 1916 to December 31, 1917, inclusive. The incandescent gas lights furnished 'hereunder shall be lighted continuously each and every night during the continuance'of the contract. The lighting and extinguishing of the lights shall be- gin at the times indicated in the schedule attached hereto marked °Time Table for Street Lighting," and not more than one hour and twenty minutes shall be allowed each day for lighting all of the lights, and a like time for extinguishing the same. There will be furnished by the gas contractor to the city, and for use by the successful bidder, service pipes, connecting with the gas mains, riser pipes, lamp posts, and gas. The succeaaful'bid- der shall keep said service and riser pipes free from water, ice, oil; dirt and napthalene and shall paint said poste so furnished by the gas contractor once a year with whatever color the Commissioner of Public Utilities may designate. The district to be covered by gas lighting shall include all of the streets, alleys and public grounds in the territory now lighted by gas, and may include any and all of the st•rests upon which the gas contractor may now or hereafter have gas mains. The Con:issioner of Public Utilities shall have the right to order the changing of lamps from any location to�any other, the changing to be done by the contract- or within five (5) days after receipt of written notice frorr: the Com- missioner of Public Utilities that posts, gas connections and service and riser pipes are installed. Bids will be,received as follows: (1) A price per lamp per year on a lamp in design and equipment similar to that furnished and in use under the present contract, with either inverted or upright burner; the lamp and equipment to become the property of the City at the end of the contract period, the City having paid the contractor for the full contract term of two years, as provided hereunder. The number of lamps to be furnished by the contract- or shall be 5,000. (2) A price per lamp per month for maintaining additional lamps furnished by the City, such lamps to be of a type similar to those Furnished by the contractor. These laLa)e -re to be int;_Iied by the contractor. All lamps placed on street corners must be -rovided with two (2).appropriate illuminated street signs. 4ll3a.J S located nearest to the fire alarm box stations shell be, supplied wit _t ruby dome or a globe having a suitable ruby band `around it. At danger points, a globe with plain ruby color satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public 'Itilities shall be used. The lamps must be first class, and must meet with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, and at the end of the contract period, they shall be turned over to the City in first class order and coneition, and the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall be the judge as to whether the lamps are in such condition, and his decision shall be binding and final as between the City and the contractor. All lamps when assen.bled and erected ready for c_eration must be symmetrically placed on the post with the center of the mantle in the center of the Slobs. Lamps to be furnished must be so constructed that the interior of the lamp and light and burner therein shall be protected against insects, wind, snow, rain and climatim conditions. ':_;ntles shall not show undue shrinkage nor undue drop in can- dle-power with use and shall when new give 60 candle-power when burning not over 32 cubic feet of gas per hour, the test to be ,ade using a burner and chimney of the kind employed on the lamps. The burners furnished for the incandescent service shall be first class in every respect as far as material dnd workmanship are concerned and each of said burners will be required to furnish at all times when it is in service, white light, free from smok6, and with new mantles when burning not over three and one-half (32') cubic feet :f gas per hour at least sixty (60) candle-power. All burners shall be regulated to consume three and one-half (321) cubic feet of gas per hour. The contractor will be required to keep the street lighting system in good repair and in first class working order during the period covered by the contract at his own cost and expense, and if he shall fail to do so the Comr.•,issioner of Public Utilities may cause any necessz;ry repairs to be made, and deduct the cost thereof from any amounts which may be due or become due and owing to the contractor. All glass mast be cleaned at least once a week and oftener if it shall be necessary, to rrevent the diminution of the candle-power oaf the i.antpe. Any ,roken or displaced glass, broken mantles or discolored chimneys must be replaced within twenty-four (84) hours after the s breakage or displacement. The contractor by subritting a Sid hereunder agrees to in- demnify and save and hold the City of St.Paul harmless against any and all claims which may be made, arising out of the infringement, or alleged infringement on any patent right in the use of any article, apr aratus or process which :r.ay be employed in the operation or main- tenance of the ey tem em:,lcyed by him. If, in the opinion of the Corzf,issioner of Public Utilities the contractor does not exercise due diligence in the erection of his plant, and does not proceed with all reasonable diligence in the per- formance of the various terms and conditions of the contract to be let or the service called for hereunder, or if the material furnished or employed by him is not in accordance with the terms hereof, the Cor Is- sioner of Public Utilities shall notify the contractor thereof in writ- ing, and if the contractor shall for five (5) days fail or neglect to comply with any order issued by the said Commissioner respecting work to be done or materials to be sup; -lied, repaired or rerlaced 'hereunder, the Council may thereafter declare the contract forfeited, and proceed. to re -let the same at the cost and expense of the said contractor, and the contrac*or shall be held liable for all dar:ages accruing thereby to the City, and the amount of such da:=ages shall be ded-:cted from any money that may be due or become due the cor_tractor under the terms and conditions of these specifications, or may be recovered upon the con- tractcr's bond furnished hereunder. And in order thGt no locality may 1-e left in darkness, whether on account of the reir:cval of laza s for repairs or for any other reason, the contractor will be required to have on hard, at all ties in readi- ness to be installed and thereafter to be ,aintained at least thirty (30) extra lamps. -2- I The contract to be let hereunder will be made subject to the terms and provisions of the laws, charter and ordinances of the City of St.Paul, and payments for the work done and performed and material furnished will be made monthly. The lighting contractor shall furnish the Cor,,.nissioner of Public Utilities at the beginning of each year a complete list of lighting routes giving name and address afi each lamp -lighter, number _nd locations of lamra in order of lighting and shall also notify the Commissioner of Public Utilities of any changes that may occur during the year. GAS LA':'PS, :,T'TH')DS OF L7SPECTION. Inspection of lamps will be made _Cy the authorizdd inspec- tors of the Commissioner of Public Utilitie-, and by the police. Any !amp that is found not burning at any time when required to be burring by the schedule shall be retorted as "OUT". A penalty of four cents shall be deducted from the amount due the lighting con- tractor for each lamp reported 117711, for the first night, and six cents for -each succeeding night. For any lamp tnrhich gives poor light the same : enaltiee shall be enforced as for an outage. It is understood thata theCom- misaioner of Public Utilities reserves the ri_•ht to decide what con- stitutes a poor light. - In case a^ny part of the equipment of a lamp sha^1 be in the opinion of the Commissioner of public Utilities, seriously damaged or broken, or shall be found' missing, the lighting contractor shall be notified of the fact. Tire lighting contractor shall ,ithin twenty- or four hours after such notification replace the missing, damaged en ^roken part and upon failure to do so a penalty of fifteen (15) cents per day =er lamp for each day the la#p continues unrepaired, shall be deducted from the amount due the contractor. ,t is understood, how- ever, that for replacing missing or defective street signs the con- tractor will be allowed ninety da,s instead of twenty-four hours, the penalty thereafter to ';e fifteen (15) cents per day perlamp. ;Tone of the penalties above provided for will be i::n_.osed.on the li-hting cont,'actor, y_rovided it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Puolic Utilities that the fault was that of the gas contractor. If the contractor fails to tasks any and all nec- essary repairs, within one week of a written notice from the said Com- missioner of Public Utilities, the said Com:rissioner of Public 7tili- ties :nay cause the sam=e to be done and deduct the cost thereof from any money due to the contractor by the City, ;.rovided that said contractor cha'_1 have failed to make repairs. For the purpose of testing the burners in use in the City of St.Paul, the Commissioner of Public Utilities or his authorized agent reserves the ri6ht tc te.-=t each month not over 50 burners in use in the City. These burners shall be taken off by the agents of the li;ht- ing contractor under the direction of the authorized agents of the Comr,issioner of Public Utilities and the lighting contractor shall fur- nish the necessary facilities for such tea:ovals whenever so ordered by +�a C.nmmi�ainnPr of P11,11lic Utilities. -- is .ust fur n _r. c up ra 1. a in ope. cn, at sore .-cint tau h; thc co ,r. �f Pu'.,1i U it is,r - ple o" ti -e ].i�n anc. equipment PI -OPO. -,ed to i;c u:E,. -y thea, under y. 1. co..tr-� , for ::,t I_c. one seek before the .-.i✓�:air:E he con's_ _ct. The contractor shall give bond Cri.th Lareties, ar_ ro 4ed by the Yayo-r, required in a'.d by the terr..s of the City Charter and La.-, �- liiiinesot'a "in the sum of the , estimated_ maximum contract price, to save the City harmless from any and all claims for dar.ages, costs or ex- penses for or on account of injuries to persons or property arising from imperfect construction or iraintenanx of its apparatus and from any and all claime for damages by reason of an infringement of patent rights in the use of machinery and appliances connected herewith and conditioned for the full and faithful 1;erformance of the contract by' the contractor. BIDS. Bids must be accompanied by a bidder's bond in an amount equal to twenty (20"�) ,ercent of the amount of the bid, or a certified check on some Saint Paul bank in the sum of ten (10�) :-ercent o: the amount bid, payable to the order of the City,cf Saint Paul, as surety for the making and execution of said contract on behalf of said bidder if his bid be accepted. The said check will be returned immediately after the acceptance and apj:roval of his bid, and execution of contract The right is reserved to the City to reject any and all bids. . LIGHTIN-G SGHEDijLT Fdii'BTit1;E1P'GAS ,LAU_Ps , Iiel,m to Begin tri Pot it Firs Total Hrs I"4ta1 H> s' L'uih luilu4ive Ii ht "'1��Cml,Uih. Yeri)ay Per;\1'ecl Perllo IK a Jan. 7 to .Ian. 3 3:45 6:20 14,:35 4.3-;45:,, `• 4 •` 10 3:50,.- 620 14:30 101:30 y? 11 " 17 4:00 645 14':10 90 45 � � 7 " is 24 ' 4:10 6 :10 - 1,4 :00 48:40 25 3] 4:20 6:00 13;4.0 95 40 438:40 Feb. 1 Feb. 7 4:30 6:00 13`:30 94:30,-; is 8 14 4:40 5:55 131.5 62:45 l.i 21 4:50 5:45 12:55 90.25:. 22 28 5:00 5:30 12:30 87:30' 365:10 , )I,n. 1 Mai. 7 5:10 5:20 ]2:10 85:10 14 5:20 5:0.5 11:45 82:15, 15 21 5:30 4:55 11:25 79:55 22 28 5:45) 4 :40 10:55 76:25 .) " 31 6:00 4:20 10:20 31:00 354:45 Apr. I Apr, 4 6:00 4:20 10:20 41:20 5 " 11 6:20 4:05 9:45 68:15 12 18 6:35 3:50 9:15 64:45 < 19 a 25 ti :35 3:40 9:05 63:35 " 26 " 30 11:50 3:30 8:40 43:20 281:15 May 1 May 2 6:50 :L30 8:40 17:20 u 3 u 9 7:05 :3:20 8:15 57:45 " 10 16 7:20 3:10 7:50 54:50 17 " 23 7:30 3:05 7:35 53:05 24 " 30 7:35 3 :00 7:` 51 :55 « gl 7:35 3:00 7:25 7:25 242:20 June 1 Julie '6" 7:3.5 3:00 7:25 44:25 1, 7 °' 13 7:40 2:535 7:15 50:45 << 14 If 20 7:45 2:55 7:10 50:10 21 " 27 7 :45 2 :5.5 7 :10 50:10 a� 28 30 7:.45 3:00 7:15 21:45 217:15 July 1 July 4 7:4:5 3:00 7:15 29:00 11 5 " 11 7:45 3:05 7:20 51:20 1.2 " 18 7:40 3:15' 7:35 53:05 19 " 25 7:30 3:20 7:50 54:50 " 26 " 31 7:25 3:25 8:00 48:00 236:15 Aug. 1 Aug. 7:25 3:25 8:00 8:00 11 2 << 8 7:00 3:30 8:30 59:30 11 9 " 15 6:50 3:45 8:55 62:25 ¢ 16 " 22 6:40 3:55 9:15 64:45 " 23 " 29 6:25 4:00 9:35 67:0. 30 " 31 6:00 4:10 10:10 20:20 282:05 Sept. 1 Sept. 5 6:00 4:10 10:10 :511:50 G " 12 5:55 4:20 10:25 72:55 13 " 19 5:35 4:25 10:55 7G :25 " 20 " 26 5:20 4:35 11:15 78:45 27 " 30 5:00 4:45 11:45 47,:00 325:55 Oct, 1 Oct. 3 5:00 4:45 11:45 335 ` 4 10 4:45 4:55 12:10 85:10 11 " 17 4:30 5:60 12:30 87:30' 18 " 24 4:20 5:10 12:50 89:50 25" 31 -4:15 5:20 1.3:05 91 >5 389:20 tiay. Cl Fov. 'T4:15, 5a0 73:05 97 :35 $ " 14 4:00 5:30 13:39 94:30 { 2.1 3 :45 5 :40 13:55 97:295 " 20 " 28 3:35 5:50 14:20 100:20 « 29 30 3:30 6:00 14:30 29:00 412:50 Dec. 1 Dec, 5 3:30 6:05 14:35 72:55 11 6 " 12 3:30 6:10 14:70 102:40 13 19 3:35 11:1:5 14:40 102:40 20 26 3 140 6 :2 5 14 :4,.-) 103 :15 " 27 " 31 3:45 6:20 14:35 72:55 454:25 4,000:15 II e•D TaT TUe i3iH� if jX 111ii r s may at any time change the time for tieginnui the 1}ghting :and ecting i ping of the lights provided the hours- of burning, are nok, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. COUNCIL FILE No. ..................... �. Date Presented...- Qct, 12, _.....191.5.•-.. Rwu" RESOLUTION FIXI-j,G THE AMOUNT OF TATD OR EXTENT OF EASEIAENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. . In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Syndicate Avenue from Hewitt Avenue to Seminary Avenue, under Preliminary Order No. 432, approved June 24, 1914, and Intermediary Order No. 6909, approved Sept. 3, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Syndicate Avenue, between the pointy aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated October 12, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. In the matter of co deland tak- "I a c ing In thland n - nr)' of eat Por slopes, for cu Ls and /ills in from gHewl[[ of Syndicate avenue' to Seminary ender Preliminary Order No.l 432,nnpprov ed June 24, 1014, and In- termediary O, -do, No. 6909, approved Sept. 3, 1915. I The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and sketch In the above matter, be It -- Rea.hed, (1) That the City of St. Paul /ixos and det,rmlues the amount o[ land to be tnl<en [or the nbpve yamcd Improvement le an a nt for .lopes, for uts and fills insnnd upon the land abutting upon Syndicate n - one.between the polo is foresald,vto the extent shown upon the sketch at- trached to the report of the Commis- C C�, Yeas t I.) CO 1cilmen (I I Navy lonor o[ Public Norke in the matter Rated October 12, 1116, hleh I=" the Council 191 ind report are hereby referred to rand; 7 m de n part her easement F 1S�vOrllt / (2) That an ems to Is taken In! G 5 IIl tltVleaid land to the tent necessary for nes. for cuts and fills In the grading Prov Ier of sold street to the established grape �� Ado➢ted by the Council Sept. 12, 1,,5J Coll Ag:+it nnnroyea Sept. 12, 1116. / (Oct. 2.191 . dry erg M11r. Preside t, Powers Nevoa oaM c a -z ■ V r CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS , M. N. GOSS. COMMIS910NER ROBERT T.'GOURLEV, DEPUTv Coxxieeionfn - OSCAR CLAU SSEN, CHIEF ENo1nEEx J. E. CARROLL 5U1T. C.-ETPUCTIOF k Rfr. nt ALFRED JACKSON. SUPT. SnnrtnTio. G. H. HERROLD, o'—E ExeixEEx w�! �'?1 H W. GOETnNCER. S,,". w^^^•'^"` .-REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land nec- essary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Syndicate avenue, from Hewitt avenue toSeminary avenue,under Preliminary Order #432, ap- proved June 24, 1914, and Intermediary Order #6909,approved Sept.,3,1915. TO the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a pan of theaBove improevement,showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private „property, and by the l hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. 7 Commissioner of blic PJorks Dated `- - CIT4Y OFr ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONLMISSIONER OF FINANCE ia� y u ON PR LIMINARY ORDER IV& Matter of ....._.......... _.-.-.�� L .... ..:.........._ // (�/ �2 Qe ...... �GuJ G� c - ..._� ...:.. _ _` ......' �._................... _./ =� `... � ....._ .... ..... ..... ...... _...._.... _ ......._...........a��` ..._---- _....... ... _........ _........_........ ..............._._. ..._...._ ........... I_ .... ......... _.... ....... _..__..... ................... ._.... ......... .... .._..... ....... ........ ..... .... .......... _....... ...... .... _....... ....... ....... ..................... ._ _................ ......_. -............. .... -............... _...... ........._.... _......... _....... ................... ...... -.... .... .... ........................... ..........._......... __.... ... ......... .......... ...... --- ........ C ............- -.... _.._._ _..... ............. ...... ... --_................. . undo Preliminary Order approved. `-`- ...... .... . _..-..._ ____.._............._...... _. ...... _._.. ........................-..................... To the Council of the City of S�Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$__a5-,_4_Q..A.__................___ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $.-............ ......: .... ••.••. •.— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �.. i! - /J / D 1�D gp l/03 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Worsts. Commissioner of Finance, IDFM D. e. A. 0�E D To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.........._�3C3...__.....approved ..........._....._!TZ ?ZE..._ _x::................._191..4..., relative to............ ............... conden;ming..._anrl.._taking.._an.._easemeni in tl:e land for 810P s.......cuta .........._. ........................ .................. .........I............ and fills in grading Syndicate_Ave.._rron: Hevjitt Ave. to SeLainary St. ........................................................... ........ ........ . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... .................... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is g........_.._yXx.......... and the total cost thereof is XI=...__.........., and n the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............___......._.... :_......... _.._........_........... ...__..................... .................. ... ...... ............... _............ .... ................ ..................... ......... _....................... ........... .................... ........................ --- ................ ...__.................... ........................ ............... ......_._............... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ......... ............... ........... .............. ......................................... ............... _.............. ....... .......... .................................._...................._....................................... ........ ......... ............ ...... 5. Said improvement is ....... _..... not ......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Coi uis Quer of Public Works. MQ OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. GOSS - crosasrcnessc COD®ffS5tOr8R PUBLIC W- ` r CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St'. Paul, Minn. July 20, 1914, I�Lr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear lir, - I transmit herewith plans condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Syndicate Ave. from Hewitt Ave. to Seminary St., in accordance with Council File ,'#432, approved June 20th, 1914. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. CITYr*r.T. PAUL t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM St ubjecv:--..._ .. .. -... _............_ ...... COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ..... ... .�..Ir..W:.... ^ Date Presented ...-.......-..Oct.._.... 11.,.....—I915...... RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter Of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 15, Sohroeders Addition, under Preliminary Order No. 3555, approved Jan. 29, 1915, and Intermediary Order No. 6997, approved Sept. 14, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the abov6 matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Alley in Block 15, Schroeders Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated October 11, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. ' C. F. No. 7486— . , i r In the matter. of condemning and tak Ing an easement in the 'load necee- sary Yor slopes, for cuts and all. In the ,grading of alley In Block 1,6, Schroeder's Addition, under Peallmin- y !Order No. 3666, approved Jan. 29, 1916; and Iatermedlary Order No - 6997, approved' Sept. 14, 1916. The Commissionerof Public Worker h,of submitted his report and skotoh In`the above matter, be It Resolved, (1) That the City of St. Paul axes and determines the amount of :lnnd. to be taken. -for the ',above - named improvement Is an easement for' :elayas. Yor cute and .alis In and upon the;land abutting upon Alley in Block'. 16, Sa roe data Addition; to the extant' shown upon the skekck attsahedao lke; !TeporE:,of'_ the 'Commisioner: of.'Public Works=ln the mattar dated October 11, 19is. which eketch'and report or. her.. Yeas (P-) Col cilmen (P) Nays by rate rredtq and made a part hereof- O Isis (8) That an easement le taken'in the CounciINT__IZ 1 ---191 said land to the extent necessary for �- f'ar sworth slopes, for cute and 011e In the grad- }ng of said etreat to. the established In fe grade. GO s --- Adopted by the Council Oct. 12, 1915. pro IiC eC Approved Oct 12, 1916. Mc oil 7, Approved _ggai tact i6 -Isis) O' ary I Yo g -- - -- Mr. President, owers N�rors ROBERT T, GOURLEY, 011.1 COUNT--O OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C."I E...NEE. J. E. CARROLL SUIT. CONSTRUOTION S REPAINT ALFRED JACKSON, SUIT. E­ ­ G. H. HERROLD, 0E1C E-mN N. W. GOETZINGER, So". WORNNO iI' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - 7480 In the matter of 6andemning and taking an easement in the land nec- essary for slopes, f6r cuts and fills in the grading of the alley in Block 15, Schroeders' Addition,under Preliminary Order #3555, ap- proved Jan.29, 1915, amd Intermediary Order #5997, approved Sept.,14,1915. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner'of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commies er of Publ c Works Dated/ ' i./ _ 3 r i ,� j tl AT Also t - ) t WIN 4� '. .. .. > _ li tl` WON t Z Of _ ! 05 W"�Qjj hr �t f 3 under Preliminary Order approved ------- To the Council of the City of St. P4 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ M. QQ-------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT eLOCIC ADDITION VALUATION i TOTAL. 4 / (� I CITY OF ST. PAUL` DEPARTMENj 9F FINANQE REPORT OF OOMMI SIGNER OF FINANCE ON. RRE�IMINARY ORDER. ASSESSED 'I . - D E S C R I P T I O N LOT �LADDITION'VALUATION r � � r 1� t . r ; i r it I r I I _ i M r — _ r. I y z=�-FTf The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- _ .. .__ ...-_ — — - A Commissioner of Finance. ropM a.e.w. a -a c CITY OF, SAINT PAUL: o i - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS :- „ w ' .:'. • • ° M. N. L905S. COMMISSIONER '. ROBERTT. GOURLEY. 0e C..xnnoxea OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CxjCI Exomeea J., E.-CARROLL S,,T Coirre Yo kReenns ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. SAwtntiox G. H. HERROLD, Oance Exolxeen H. W. GOETZINGER, Sun. Woaxxouee —REPORT TO THE 'COUNCIL . In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land nec— essary for slopes, for outs and. fills in the grading of Warwick street, from Palace street to Jefferson avenue,under Prelimianry Order #4917, approved May 13, 1915, and Intermediary Order #6908, approved Sept -,3 1915. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report,a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to, be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatohed parts of such plan- CIT'( DF PAUL. DEPARTM'ENT OF.FINANCE. - - ^^�I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRqLIMINAR.Y ORDER (P_JT——... s under Preliminary Order approved = -----+-------------' l ---------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . . - - - $ - --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK! ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION -_w I Q 1',9 I , I alp S' I TOTAL, 6 F i FORM B.S.A. O -DA 3 CITY OF S4 PAUL DEPARTME&1'r O* FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED LOT 6Loelc A D D I T I O N { DESCRIPTION I VALUATION p , r !: 4 14 h , r _i.. 22-1 I _ t z9v /v _ • y • ii i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matterbythe Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -_S ��! -- J 191 - — 1 -- -- - - ......._..- ' Commissioner of Finance. ronw 9.9.6. em C thd, :6rading "of';Milton streetrrom a Thomas street .tq Bla1r streot under. �'reltiminarY Ordpr No 6749,' approved' i ��July:3 1916 ta}ld pprovedIntermediary dr ; � oder. No 8,918' September 9 1916:. - � �fl0 �'ommfealonerof 'Pubtlo WoFke haVfng eubtnitgd,t`ferkis report ;and skgkp, lnsthe-abova'mabe Sk Resolved (3) ,Ththe Clty of�$f.. - Faul2�axee and'dgtermi¢es the amount: of, toad to,be; taken SorC the ah- fmproyatlient •le %an;�easemeqnk - for�sltipesi for�puLs and t111o1n and up-", - on�•pkq land abutting 'uDgtl dillton: BtrogK'�bstweeh;tke gointe,'aioroeald 1p a*tenL'phowri.'upon the i.aketph, at taches, to the ureport of the OgmmIs-; dile,, qt Q 6br,14r 11 in 'the matter OCT 2 19.15 dated�:.OpGpber >11 1916 fe 6 aketch� Yeas (V) Courilr en (11) Nays aY)d report aro hgreb�a referred to nnai Y m¢dB a Dart heT,eoY 191 y(a)• That an;eaeempnt iatalton [n gald: UnCll _ io the eitpnE napesearYfor B1oDps - Fern Worth for buts an i �lle;ln the graaing of eafd street to tho established grade Goss In favor ldopted by,the Govnoll Opt 1$ 3916 Kell AAProvea opt. as x916 .. `__. �-1 Mc 011y Against "O' ery Yoe, g Mr_ President;., Owers To the Council of the City of St-Paul' The Commissioner of public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by, the hatched portion, the outs to be made on private property-, and the extent of the ease- meat to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. ommi oner of Pub io Works Dated/ � �!✓ i CIT Y OF . PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (a In fl}e IVfatter ...0 4... ............ :�u.. ....._._.. ..._ kQ .—.............._..._..._..- ......._�f arl° r (� -_.......___.....:.............. _.........-...... ...._._.-................_.........__..._.._....--__-------........_................--------...._..._....-..._..:. under Preliminary Order approved.__..------ ................................. ..... .._.......... ... _....... ...... ... _.— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ..................... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $........ -.... ...... ---•------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of -each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- = - �i. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. y The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_..�-���G%.........�......._i91 :S__......S.z�l._....�v_......�-__........ .............._._........ ........._ Cam mIssianer of Finance. --. ' IOBM B. e. �. B•e B �c�broc�t Yeas ( V) In the matter of condemning and taking:an easement In the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 14,.Schroeder's Addition, under preliminary Order No. 6340, approved August 3, 1.915, and Intermediary Order No. 6911, approved Sept. 32 1915. The Commissioner of Public Rorks,having submitted his report and sketoh in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixesand determines the amount of lend to be taken for the above; named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cut wand fills �. in and upon the land abutting upon Alley in Block 14, Schroeder.s Addition, to the extent shown;upon the sketch attached to the, report of the Gommissionar'"of Public"Wbrs in the matter, dated October 13, 1915, which sketch and report ere hereby referred to and made a part hereof., (8) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes,"for outs and fills in the grading of~said street to the established grade. (V) Nays �—In favor Against -r leo. g "._ ._ C Mr. President, Powers -RM G.8.2 1 "-- MAYOR' " CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF'PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROGER( T.000RLEV, UP— COMMiluoxen OSCA CLAUSSEN,CxR1 Flamm. J. 6, CARROLL Sun.. CO..—.. A, RIPAIII ALFRED JACKSON, S- S Mn .- � G. H. HERROLD• O nOE E x111 H. W. GOE'fZINGER, Sun. Wolxxovel REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement -in the land nec- essary for slopes for outs and fills in the grading of ''alley in Block 14, Schroeder's Addition, under Preliminary Order #6340, approved August 3rd 1915,and Intermediary Order #6911, approved Sept.,3rd, 1915. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report a plan of theaBove improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement 66 be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissic o Publii Works 1 Dated ' /� _ 1 i��k ilei. kE l s! S 3911K GAS } ,A r. I twy> owns A PON { log K fl S RAW i _ RLM r -. Y f"Iffyounny now � x ' logo wool? ;; owlWE 3911K CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 ' \t 1 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE \ REPO# C)F COMMISSIOIVER'OF'FINANCE '- yy PRELIMINARY ORDER In, the Matter of J��_ ----------- under Preliminary Order approved =F� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ - - $ a+-¢0---------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - . - $ ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - �ASSESSED I ADDITION � LOT BLOCK VALUATION DESCRIPTION i i� i II z'9 r YW4 D I TOTAL, �� IOP 88 A. B•8A �: ._:.- ,�. .:.... .... . :_.-.:,.=_-_. ..t-��,.: �l a }. z CITY OF:ST AUL COUNdIL` RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM ..� __ � . Subl�Cte= ... __ .... - .. .._.._ _....._':..._. _._..� ... ...... Co11NCiL .... FII:.E. No...., ..... . .............._.........�. _................ _..... .... Date Presented_._ Oct.. x,91.:5_. ' RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Power Street from Wilder Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, under Preliminary Order No. 2630, approved Nova 2, 191 and Intermedlary'Order No. 6913, approved Sept. 3, 1915. Publio 4Jorke having submitted The Commissioner of his report and sketch in the above matter, be 1t RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land •to be taken for the above named improvement,is,an easement for elopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Power:Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the-teport of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated October 12, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for. slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. d a 1 4o C Prelim[nat9 1 No:� g5i3. e od NOJ 2 191 d Ivter'{@q� Order No 6933 approved 9p£P ztl6 J ' - e COMM iesloner of 2ubllo!Worke, Sng eubmltted,hWreDort aad'eketch tho, above mntter.;'be it Paul.. ftes, and�determines Lhleyamount` '- ot;]aad ,.to ,ba,},;akert' for :the,r�obove� named'lmprovement le,an'eee�lnent fere th'e,l J. Lor 'outs 4'pd;?alts in, n:ndv.,vp6tr the vo nd,tabpt#ingsupors Power`ptreet, between<the,,polnte aforesaid -to extent sh'opn upon th0_8K stoh alta Led U2 the report oY tha:%Commlesion�r oY Publlc Works !n the,matten 8n#'ed Oc= tober 12-Y836 whloh eketah aria, at; rf' OCT p �. �1[ are riereby refel•red to, and lnadd a.Dt J J Yeas. (I) uncilmen (F) Nays (9> rriek an eneelaent fa `taken in' 191 bale iand,zo the a:cent neee9,aky tor, a Council _.___._ sloDea, for; cute ¢nd fine in the`gradtng, r oY eatd street to the @atabllshed grade rnsworth Adoptedby the Council Oct 12 1916„ _� oss �_ln faVO ApDrovad cot, 12 (Oct IB=1916) �' OV cColl Against 'Leary oerg _ M . MA— P t, Powers FOPM C.9,•2 In'the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neo- essary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Power street, from Wilder avenue to Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order #3630, approved Nov.2nd, 1914, and Intermediary Order #6913,approved Sept.3 1915. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Woxks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner b is Works Dated y ��� r , CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC. WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ROEERT T. GOURLEY. DEPM COup 61—tn ORCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF. -E014- J. E. CARROLL SUPT. CONBTRVOTION & R-1-- - " ALFRED JACKSON: SUPT. SNR 1- G. H. HERROLD, OFF- E.O.— H. W. GOETZINGEA, SU WanNNo -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In'the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neo- essary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Power street, from Wilder avenue to Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary Order #3630, approved Nov.2nd, 1914, and Intermediary Order #6913,approved Sept.3 1915. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Woxks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner b is Works Dated y ��� _ r _ ... ,w ,T � f i �b �'N© . ........... ..... . . ....... ...... . . . .. . ................... .. * . . ..... . underPreliminary Order approve .. ..... ......... . .... . . . ............ . I ....... ... . ... ....1. . . .. . ..... .. ...... ...... .. . .......... .. . ....... .......... ........... ..... ...... ...... To the Council of the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is .... .... ........... The estimated cost per foot, for the above improvement is $ ......... ... ...... . .. ..... . ........ ..-- The ..The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows - DESCRIPTION j :1 ASSESSED ji LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION li I? 17 �O 17 TOTAL, J7 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _.......__191 ......... . -V5 Commissioner of Finance. + CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM . G' r .............; _ __. ..... _. • _ _ couiactL --- +:. .. FILE .... .... . Date. Presented _.......Cot_.. -11, RESOLUTION FIXNT ING NGBETAKEN BUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the- grading of Arona Street, from Midway Parkway to Lake Como & Phalen Avenue, under Preliminary Order No. 6497, approved August 16,1915, and 'Inter - mediary Order No. 6996, approved Sept. 14, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above named matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to: be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Arona Strest, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attaahad to the report of the Commissioner' of Public Works in the ,matter dated October 112 1915, which sketch .and report are hereby' ioferred to and made a part hereof. (a) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for Outs and fills in ths: grading of 'said street to the establ3�§hed grade. (na e'freeY'"s;4 'o gLako Como wader PreLmina � - - • r' approved puguet 16 191t� •+ �'Jhiedfary Orde No 8996 japr. l..t Sept 19 191 y - PCommi-stoner tit=Phbltc Works - aubmltted'hla'report aad sketch' le abovenamed matek be !t •.1solved i:(1) That - fhe`� City oY- St: :'aul nae- and determines the pmount Rf land to -.^be taken -.for;,-th'o aotint 'fiamed,impro"yemearila'¢n easemen[ifor„ - alopea, for cutq and fi1101ri and;upon the land abutting upon ,Arona street b.tweea the pointe a[gresaid to Othod' '. extent shown upop the"a)cotoh attacheF tb thg raHort of the Cbmml-stoner of I' 7 12 Yeas (V) Cc incilmen (P) Nays P4b1 Off.iks 1-tho'matter hated Ock:. OCI 19l :11 1916 , wl5(ch sketch, and report ;era the Council &prep[ 'referred to and made a Dart, : Fa hsWorth In fa aaidrlana sP-t6e ez[eu[ neceaesry'Xor' G SS -]opeh fok Dote and `ln the garding of olid erbyj to the eatabllahed grads: p r, I{ ¢r =.Adoptedbythe Covncl( Oot. 1� 19j.6,' Agal M Coil �Approveft ock iz 1916, s -(OPk id 1916) , V( ary erg Pre idel,Powers C' sONH C.Ed i 3 To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shad ed portion of daid plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissio o Public Works Dated✓" wa, gt i t r c� T rut 1AV �y )w, i Ing tr^ - WIR �t 7 l Y ,�W i t ander Preliminary Order approved-4�-�A,--�---,45/—,f®- ------------------ -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - OO The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . . . . $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED i I DESCRIPTION LOT IBLocKI AOOI T ION 1- VALUATION - �11,a W V6144 'j N 1 I I,la41j � 1I I ; 1� ,fkl1li 1 8-3 w�TOTAL, FORM B.S.A. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE N ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - (�) ------_------ I LOT IBLOCRI_1i� ADDITION � VALUATIONNtU I�_c n DESCRIPTION I o , I t 4 1 I I, 1 td o A �c ; J� 0 (- LPO i - pc 2 1� II e �Z , a .-. 7 a o'k ZVI it I —_. ---- --- TOTAL, NONNI CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . rit REPORT EPORT OFI LCOMMISSIONER OMMISSIONERoOF FINANCE INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER7ASSESSED ADDITION `DESCRIPTIONII LOCK �I Ilk , u f r �'J U : -ii i G The Commissioner of Finance further re arts that -� �-� he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report t ereon to then .Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. .... — T --- Commissioner of Finan ROHM B.B.A. a -a C - navih evonllF a s v t 1n the ha%a eiter ba tt {" ' - Re9o1 ed, 4'Fhat thk CItY of 8k fhe a[pLLougt JI - bnmed tarp; VemOni e ,t 11. AAemeil't'{ 'hep land r u g;=Wgonl Dunlnp 8[P { •: ljettYoen e p rite h.foree'aid to " ' '. Yeas (V) Coun Imen (V) Nays e�;epi s wh up the: eketrh at 3} fo th report fhe c 955 QGT 1 ab1 °nice t i r y e Council 191 _ Farris orth Goss Kelle In favor M.0 11 Against:' OLe Y Yoer - Mr Prest deat" „ 'Vers — MAYOR (/ 15iT6TI Txvri, CITY( OF SAINT PAUL J' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC .WORKS - ,f M. N, GOSS. COMM1991oNER ROBERT.T� GOURLEV,. D.M C--11 1 `' ! OSCAR-CLAUSSEN, C..F E -M' J. E: CARROLL Suer. Conern -- & R— - ALFRED ALFRED JACKSON S— S -11- G. N. HERROLD, OF a ExaMA x. N. w.coerziNCER. s.... w.a-- :REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neo essary for slopes,for cuts and fills in the grading of Dunlap street,from St Anthony avenue to University avenue and Central avenue•;from Lexington avenue to Dunlap street,under Preliminary Order#5827,approved July 2,1915, and Intermediary Order #6998, approved July 2, 1915. To the Council of the City Of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part Of this, his report, a plan of the above improsement, showing by.the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded asdd, hatched parts of such plan. Commtssione of Publio Works Dated/./ /�� In the Matteflof under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Pa> The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: t..... DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION FORMeaA eaA TOTAL CITY OFST. PAUL .\ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE ON PR44MINARY ORDER - - - (B)ASSESSED - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION �,. VALUATION J- c, u z� 07 s 23 Jr s 2v 'i TOTAL.' 1 = CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �icl AS DESCRIPTION ADDITION VALUATION LOT s--� 1 I All I• � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -------- -1931 _..2 - 2d�4 Dated �-._. Commissioner of Finance. ' IOSM B.S.A. B•6 C and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. -.necessary and (or) desirable. XXxXX.. _._....., and 'L. The estimated coat thereof is $......_XXXXX_. and the total coat thereof is $. .......... ............. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ........ ...... ...... .............. ................................................ ...... ..................... _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .._................--.................._.__..........._................_................_............._.._....._..................................................................................................................................................... 5. Said improvement is.........._not........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL Q $J ..... :K..r'�7..... DILE NO.....; Date Presented .-...Oct...11.,..---------.I91..5-..•: In the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating Lot 1 and the parts of Lots 2, 3, and 4, which lie westerly of the was -b.- li-ne f Como and Rtver Boulevard, in Block 23 Desnoyer Park,for pupposes, to be known as Como and Rine Boulevard No.2,under Prelimianry Order #3673, approved Feby 10th 915., and Intermediary Order #6912, approved Sept.,3rd, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report, and plat in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St.Paul hereby fixes and de— termines the amount of land to be taken for the above improvement to be as follows: Lot 1 and that part of Lots 2, 3 and 4 which lie westerly of the west line of Como and River Boulevard in Block 23, Desnoyer Park, an addition to the City of St.Paul,Minnesota, as shown upon the plat attached to the reibFxt of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated Oct -11, 1915, which plat and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That a fee in said land is taken for the purpo— ses above stated. Yeas (1') Councilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council — Farnsworth In favor ,� rQ / Goss — — - �la Approved_. Keller i r3 McColl Against gUq�j Nasht. Yoerg 6� � e --- Id ___-_ —__... _. __..__._._—__-.—MAYOR Mr. President, Powers FORM c.e-z ROBERT T. GOURLEY. 0— 6o..lsslonsn OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 Enolnsss J. E. CAR ROLL Su". CONBTP --T h Reo - ALFRED JACKSON, SVv SAR-T— G. H. HERROLD, OFF- E.Ol — H. W. GOET71NGE R. S—. WO--- CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M: N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER I TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating Lot 1 and the parts of Lots 2, 3 and 4 which lie westerly of �� e.t line of Como and River Boulevard, in Block 23 Desnoyer Park, for= purposes, to be known as Como and River Boulevard No.2, under Preliminary Order #3673, and Intemediary Order #6912, approved Sept.,3rd, 1915. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits ans makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land neoes- sary to bet aken therefor by the shaded parts of said plan,which land is accurately described as follows: Lot 1 and the parte of Lots 2, 3 and 4 which lie westerly of the west line of Como and River Boulevard, in Block 23 Deenoyer Park,to be known as Como and River Boulevard No.2 r Commissioner lic Works Dated y_ CITY;OP ST. PAUL ,n DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE P" REPORT OF COMMISSNER OF FINANCE .' .'•ppp\\A ON PRELIMIN ,5r ORDER tAl--_---- In the Matter Qf under Preliminary Order approved-"-�---- -= To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: __ ... ...,:..-., �..:... -v_ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION -- LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ----- Lit f J 2 s i2� r TOTAL POW U.S.A. a e w � CITY OF ST. PAUL ... ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF 'COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAF9 ORDER 0F) DESCRIPTION LOT a -CK — ADDITION _s y=VALUATION ASSESSED -- VAL d a O ✓S l/� �1J7j /G G ift z a' Y�` o 17 . .o L142 s'g ] o o ' i ! 3 Y3 r14 1' 1// z3 411, TOTAL 'On. mg.^. B-3 O ` ;/D 3 . 'CITY OR ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE j ON PRELIMINAR11 ORDER - ,we ASSESSED { i DESCRIPTION LOT �LOOKI ADDITION VALUATION I l / ::23 ' I -P s J I o If ; TOTAL -)/vi /'4pI CITY OF ST. PAUL .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE44 _ REPORT OF COMMISS1 . NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR rORDER - ASSESSED ('DESCRIPTION y� ;LOT LOCK — ADDITION - =VALUATION :- -- °-a-+--- --- -- IF - 12 -2 ___ 1 Z-2 S , _ ' I --- i � r I i : The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing ashis report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 8.8 C a., i,', r YETITlCN Petition for the condemnation of hot 1 and parts. of hots 21 and 4, in Block 23, Desnoyer Park, sn addition.to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for park pupo see the land so condemned to be known as Como and River Boulevard number Two (2). Now come the undersigned owners of the property designated op- posite their respective names, and abutting on Coumbus and Beverly Avenues and Como and River Boulevard, and respectfully petition the Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, that the Premises hereinabove described be condemned and acquired by the said City of St. Paul for the purpose -of laying out and establishing the pari and.boulevard to be known as Como and River Boulevard number Two :(2), in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. <r �� ii t x o 6�rli `dot - ,frl� � ✓'� x'�?��� � • PST oN .. 'Petition for the oo.ndemnation of Lot 1 and parte of Lots 2, 3, 4 in Block 23, Deshoyer Park, an addition to the City of St. Paul, , Minnesota, for park purposes, the Land so condemned to be known as Como and River Boulevard number Two (2) - Now come the undersigned owners of the property designated op- posite their respective names, and abutting on Columbus and Beverly Avenues and Como and River Boulevard, and respectfully petition the commissioners of the City of St, Paul, Minnesota, that the premises hereinabove described be condemned and acquired by the said City of St. Paul for the purpose of laying out and establishing the park and boulevard to be known as Como and River Boulevard number Two - (2), in the City of St, Paul, Minnesota, � 3 a --I "�� �liLl� 2 ��a� r�,c.(� •t ilt ten �. i PBTITION { petition f.or the condemnation of Lot.,l.and partB of iota 2, 3 and 'A, in Block 25,i Desnoyer Park, an addition to the City -Of St. Paui,,Minnesota, for park puposes, the land so oondemned to to known as Como and River Boulevard number Two (2). Noir come the undersigned owners of the property designated op— poeite.their respective names, and Outting on Coumbus and Beverly Avenues and Como and River Boulevard, and respectfully petition the Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, Itdinnesota, that the ixem;86#easeinab.ove described to condemned and acquired by the said City of St. Paul for the purpose of laying out and establishing the pork and boulevard. to be known as Como and Riser Boulevard number Tiro (2), in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. 71L a ,, 1�1tTITxaN S Petition far t}►e dondemnation of Lot l end ports; of Lots 2. 3 anti 4, !ii Block 23, pesnoyer lurk., un addition to the City of tit. pgu , �Ainn©eota. for park puposee. thy' land sac arndemned to be known as Como and River 13oulevr+rd mxdber Two (2). ops eit3ned owmc xn of. t}ie property c3eai neted Now acme the under posits their respect iye nfmoo, and abutting on Coumbus mnd Beverly venues sand Como sand River Boulevard, ;and respectfully petition t}ae City of rat. Paul, Pciinnc3soGR, that the the Commissioners of premises hereinabove described be condemned nn(} Acquired by the said City of St. )?,r�ul for the ps moue of laying. out and eEstabiishing ard to be k7lV* n ac' sand River 13oulevard the p$rkanil boulev number Two (2)9 in the City of St, Paul, lainneRota. -------------- �2� ti 1 1 'i'i z L l i Fi r i 1"zCi 7s I fry OFT- ITU - A4 e x / 3 i�5rr�x. iss �31�4 JIN 41y S y � tt t t [ .� : • ..� r t i • 7Li ,ma y 4? VIC, RECEIVED uq 4�•ii . i2 \�.o NOV •15 1915 /w, St. Paul, Minn Nv.13, 1515 4 l TC THF CCTDTCIL: After consultation with Superintendent Nuesbaumer, I would recommend that no further proceedings be taken in the matter of condemning Block 23, Desnoyer Park, for park purposes. LN -T Respectfully, /- Commissioner. * 8 OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK Nov. 12th,1915. Hon. L ouie Nash, Cosmr. of Parke,Playgrounds,and Public Bldgs. City of S t. Paul. Dear Sir:- �_ r� The order for the condemnation of Block 23, Desnoyer Sark , for Park purposes, was laid over to Mon. Nov. 15th,1915, and referred to you. Very respectfully, U City Clerk. L� L. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Farnsworth ......:191_. /Goss - .........ln favor /�'..... to Published _ / / Celler ccoll l% .....191..: — �� /Yoerg Mr. President, Power's' Final Adoption 140�.� by the Council... 181t/ i Attest. I JOHN 1. FARICY. City Clerk. used settlement,.. ;�-�� ie City '.; . CITY OF ST PAU COUNCIL RESOLUTION gAL ' RM `-onu e:B•2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURNISHING, INSTALLING, EQUIPPING, IAINTAINING, LIGHTING, EXTINGUISHING, CLEANING AND SEEPING IN REPAIR T INCANDESCENT GAS LAPPS AND CONNECTIONS TO GAS P.4AINS FOR CERTAIN OF THE STREETS ALLEYS AND PUBLIC PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL FOR 1916 & 1917 Bids will be received on furnishing installing and maintaining Incandescent mantle gas street lamps, similar in desiin and equipment to that furnished and in use under the present contract, with either Inverted or upright burner, for a period of two years, from January lot, 1916 to December 31st, 1917 inclusive, giving the price per lamp per year. -- The incandescent gas lights furnished hereunder shall be lighted continuously each and every night during the continuance of the contract. The lighting and extinguishing of the lights shall be- gin at the times indicated in the schedule attached hereto marked "Time Table for Street Lighting,° and not more than one hour and twenty minutes shall be allowed each day for lighting all of the lights, and a like time for extinguishing the same. There will be furnished by the gas contractor to the city, and for use by the successful bidder, serviicepipes, connes. The cting with the gas mains, riser pipes, lamp posts, g'a l bid- der shall keep said service and riser pipes from from water, ice, oil, dirt and napthalene and shall paint said posts so furnished by the gas contractor once a year with whatever color the Commissioner of Public Utilities may designate. The district to be covered by gas lighting shall include all of the streets, alleys and public grounds in the territory now lighted by gas, and may include any and all of the stye is upon which the gas contractor may now or hereafter have gas mains. The commissioner of Public Utilities shall have the right to order the changing of lamps from any location to any Ether, the changing to be done by the contract- or within five (5) days after receipt of wiritten notice from theCom- missioner of Public Utilities that poets, gas connections and service and riser pipes are installed. It is estimated that the number of lamps in serviae-duTing the contract period shall never beg less than four thousand hun- dred (4800). All lamps placed on streetorners must be provided with two (2) appropriate illuminated street s ine. All lamps located nearest to the fire alarm box stations shall be supplied with a ruby dome or a globe having a suitable ruby band around it. At danger points, a globe with plain ruby color satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall be used. The lamps must be first class and the design must nr at with the approval of the Commissioner of Public Utilities. All lamps when assembled and erected ready for operation must be symmetrically placed on the post with the center of the mantle in the center of the globe Lamps to be furnished must be so constructed that the interior of the lamp and light and burner therein sha1�1_be protected rgainst inseots, wind, snow, rain and climatic Condit o . Mantles shell not show undue bhrinkage nor undue drop in con - die -power lith use and shall when new give 600t cttandle-power when burning Runt over `c bneyfeittgf j ndperp oyeci on Aeslampabe made using a Thn burnorn lurnlphnn Lar the P�rt risip-0 ��h:-Jkl lx� firnt G. In C7 1, g !''°,.e.vin, W warY nn big pro annaarnS ind ,vh of n"Id burnry rill ho requArna to �urnlnh at KA Won nhan It Iq in ngrulns, Vita iiq% Me fror vroke, c d vith non mantlan "bon turnina not Uvar thrco W Ono -half aubla foot p ,43s CC gin or hour 't .1 -�ilt ol-,t­ ?"n o" r. "urnopi 00 recul'ted K u1sups Wrap -od "im-ball aublo foot or Inn Tor hour. Tbo contrantor wj).i x_-quirr - d to Reap the ntnxt aiiii tin ,ntsm in -oud In J.',irat clan, -arkino Wor WinG Kc 1 nrlcl oav,W by the ountrAut hlcwza , , n.rino, It 1)�:! 'hall f0i to Go no tho "'u'Wic Utlllt:keS �oy zx,vc smy ncuonn,y to br� mnJoa vni Muct the Cunt twirnof 1CW Any nnounto whichYpy Do aua ar beaus., nnrA ovl to t1ho AA, ginan MUS be 0101nad it Anams anon a ncuh ani eflonar 1i it nVil he naacln%ry, to Prevont the dininution 01 the nnaln-jumor 01 tbo Wrn. gn& brahon or Ulm: =x.*� zi.nt,!,ao .,r ohlancyc ru,t ba rnylsood n1thin tronty-foix QQ hcurn Ayt-r tho aok,sa vo Tho Wmalcy an! 1-vn mid hold tho oily of SEMI; ""Wnlann qSn't nn"Y "nd n1l Mina th-t pay be godo, .`).a -j ng , -kt of the 1...:.inx(-Af­,nt or Wagod WrInCovent sn any rnanno QKV t 1P the u,70 of ,v-iy or -,=,an­r-t KIM Moe be omplayed In the opar-tlon or rnInte- qanavaf tho -yetan arTlcynd by him. 1r, in the opinion a the aosolonloner a Pub.10 UUMM.'' ,hc nontraotor dohn rmt sxaravfo in tbara-co.1on i;l .:lit, pinnt, and We not yroonad with all ranqanabP 101jonne in M !or - of the v nnJ. own,itlona of the uWrnW to bo lut cf the onrulan nPlaaa for Wren �ar, or U till!:? Wnrial larnishad or nmplmynd tT him 1,1 'n.,'t Iq with the torme hareur, the C=Ia- ilonar of Pubila VtIlItle- chill nctify the nontractor thereof InDrIt- Ing, %ad It the contrMator So'l �',`r Ivo () .,c�yv E'ul or to nooUly rith ony order Vinod by tho ^..i.;10=00anor onnpa ting uvrk to bo dome or to or tho aconall mtq `M-,.ro!ift-'r the aontrqat forfQW, )li ;roaaed to re -lot tho mire 't tho 00-t nnd ny'-porine of 'ho � Ij GCwntr,4'ntk;rP the ountrnotor Sall to hold sable for 01 to the City , 7u)d the ....:cunt', of nuaft ;,, r:Zon nhzal -d iry Jy roney th t may hn fuo or �oaoro So tho ocntrnator uninx tho tcr n and u0nditions of thonn nPonille'tIone, or sy bo recovered upon tho aon- trantarlp bond furninhad horoundn, And In ardor thit sno �.00ility .-:oy ba left in A rRna-, nbuther an acaount og thp Peraval of laml n for ropaIrn or for toy other rcnvon, tho oantracter vlsll r:.,j ,Urod to Me on hand, nt W j Woo in roa,11- no-sto ba Innta3lad and tnercaCtor WHOM eA lvant thirty (30) nAtra lonvo. The City r- nrven tit; r1jht ni, . ny time 1thIn thda xontM revlcun to the aspir-tlon of the oontraot, to Cnle)r on", "5r, vc r�l.'y rrr� laood the Any hoadn and uthor anxIlInry vVj 11, voon and rartiono of the plant rnqnLZVd for doing the work ountempicsted In thane rjoolfl- n,rtlonn, In a;'^ -o tha city nhouid malntaln Its own oquilmant or W ng a 0ontront to name ",Mvi r t� iirty ovious to the 0xvirm. W Lon contract ­ntncol Into tjy lJon olty undnr thanc npQWin-tIona, -W On anntrnats» QW -1 upon notion from thoGa-vinn1onar of Publia Miltlen Wthnith r-movo it Mm own expanno '"oh rorti"as of 4s plant 0- the citny clout to rarlaon vith th t C; vnothmr contrantur or W =; 1W Wo ountrnotor Phall, If no vrdaryd by tho eco or1roloror 01 ul.10 SWItl= CSSIMOM 111h thns 01 nzatkaz a thcren�'t_r hoo-j! (JIOD�A, �IY-4 i'2 ropair nil tho -ola 4;tlhnr portl,an uviho p.L5ntlotl �ay in- ^ltallod lyy r'v hn alty by MoW, M 011 tnnR 1 01- n:ti_- aL bnrMina r, Q :vrfury ., Lho M. -nruloon t1a7 the, n UPO-1, 10 -'tl '1q in tAs -170 rqn.ox -of., t th, ., t _ ;E thn shrlo , int were ,nrd by UK; AW wrill roamIvn Qs pan-n' Ion , if on r tq"ra tbi onnnr ilk mo tsmanan "hoic . :eft ; , r* vl.' t" I, ',.)) Z : :' Z-' nol. 0-61trod 19A A 4 "Q; '- �& hy Ihn Ity Ursa— i0oW Cn OVIA thay xe to U7, MAN ri J-0 n't"11 1 11 the 'nyn tea 0. 1; Qi Comr1i lonf.,r A NOW Al Wic A= d iwL ordar No =Wntor hn;nv I-r tu .IWIn,; -,d ;'A 10 -i. -, i l i, I "j "3 " �� - I.,, r )it t I 10 1,!qri 1)y tho illy or 'urian nAn , Gocit thon L",, ", to ho toantr-stors- ;Aty nh­,­1 %ny thivaM nr ;OP W =Yn Wh Ang! 1110 rapisa-d by �00. In ho event U t tim alty nZ v"Int Poul W!" t %DY tl;.. IthIn the throe montbr y riur tic, ti)-i 1,; In-'A io"I rny 'a 10 horaun.ler h,va In W-A the M7 A sV the wity 0I nP a trrctor' "", " ",_7"C' i%nraui. 1 tr Phnild a -Claiw! to wparz= n-. o, tai' .-Mr '101a Y"Annniblu FDV su" ;-v Mir an lluroV rt? '2' thn r"I ajpaa mololy Wy 101ant, in the 11unl7int 1"W"had by An doOun­ tr,ator, tat €,h,11 only 7--TV "I -C f thy) rrstjO 1 LYMS110n -!Wb Arpn. The City Z rt;, 7, i1: h,id h"rmlas ha ountnot. or Ercr any ani nil a541-n shlah -3�y ITM011f; )4-oInOt tali: out of theApringmnit L)" .'a. a -"?" In Tl ­:"�cnt '�i ux'y YAW Ight, to "Plo � o i � T 'any A 1 �; 1, av! %waun or 1 V,aav ^ a! job apt n-11 —WAY u vood by the ovntrwtor, Innafar on it - artAns W SO . War min- t ononau A the -t.t .t 11 1, t �I ­-d oy Ity .'I Pi oc"'It-r 'im'i ray tho nontrna%r in jvn7w Marawr the a ount W W v,nl 0 0101 UOY A judY I - i q M Ank 11 hnd „I' - In, (inz-, 0'r Eno C d ny '. i-)h 10 InLs-nnt or A �i Of r! roan: nn all RwnGE as,uns;" nbloh the cynrnntcr �qy r,wvnpb y �nq neOn—MY Zcur in du Okiag ony mwh -alto fur infrio-v cnt c VIT01 I&MVInnt, Mvils", n"- Own thnt tho cl; BW M P -OVI W Ay tho 0antrActox ony 11alm fop 1nfrJnqc4-nt No nunn mn cosiWe'.at:,..r v MO iO n, - si .qAy �,ItjInt icy in AWn hrcw'ur"It tf"l n"Ch InFrIngerint �r lllnc7d o,'rtl 'Uh t tho !!10 City StOn" %a P-rMItLad by "0; VantrMor, U It nu 0.00P, tc .0 ri- yra"antod by a0unqui 1n P" t sit1jation "Id A i.e PPPO in ounanotiGn sith o_11 oontrontur. In thouvent ox tha in'talintIM 01 PlAnt to L Ole tne P1.0 of thnt of thnoc;nt.'!1otur r thoon W, athmr e-agment wi Qd cantrowtor shM n ranovad In ;Qu; n Of nOt lenn thnn 15G, M1 -jul ountronotur M11 rerov 151 3.. r.' Ir 00M, � GrJE3rod t o :,t tba ortlan of tho MY, ithIn 7­ hGur:'� -itl:r C -�' 0 by tho alty, on! WAI M :c ob igated or onlied to 'a. .;v,:. a wen-cr nienl_= of _;rkiln "t' L.Iny on,_' The eontrnat tu h-sroxrvlf�X- V.III! W 000 su0jout to no tsms -ria rrovislann of the in n, ch MY W OnAlMmov Of the PAY of St,wni, mJ Fayrantr rar th- wrt Ano -•n! 7orfam-al qnd m-tarlal MAAS .,111 to Ma Panthly. Thn 117hUnS oontrwtar n>PIJ luvAnh th; ('`(v,:..1--lonor A nu'lic -t1litlen t the ­31nninq uf osh Y0 r a Mvictv Qvt Of 117htln- r W- 71vinq nirs W11 Qdronp 01 n.nh mamp :j�ntur, numbne -A loo -ticno A ur'i "':Jltln_ Nh it 1,10 14�y "ha 3Z 9tilitia. ej my 3p �Ecz th t rny aeour "Ma talc: Yaw Insiontion of up n W! he Yls 17 thn AMOMM InnAct- th, In"I"AN7"r V Prolic PUMA-, Ina 'T thr follon. any A nrl th I t 'my - 0i, 7, rni'n,- 11 tjo -Ohvnk� on -0 con! h 7 ro! tho rn.Unt 00 W AM= r- :at 1 "Wo. Tor thr ilr-t WANt, Pn" 0' 0 011, r37110,2011 ­ For �nyMch IM00 n Wr ,nt r -o Q � ('rpt?l far -n My. it M - ata n-1 0 : P0 in M 1,101 rel-rvo, thn S�hl to 10111C 0� t On - 011004 pooz Qht. in �-e my , xt S! thn 0 qknnt i in Lho a7inlan OC t4n WrOW"n" �k "uh 10 rt'"It'nal WIRon T h,j T,unj 1 -Inn, the , ightinq onntnotor Oh , T: �jhy­ conM0 -,j s1thin V My- natiflad of t 10 not, r rh M r -"Q a 0010 tion rs, Anon Me 71"IM& four 4 broken j rt ,V- On t 0 it 0 0 - WS ty f f IR aD:jt1nn do OW ro- tho 1-0, thn ot At notor. it On ulworntowd, '! 1 -'1vn ntnot Q -nn t ­ t �, t yn I-olqj 1 c , 1 r.."' NO ; = t r -CAr -1 qlasoa OWNi—;- in -too! of L-Onty-1.01 A. -M, the nnn!Q 'n7rMit"" tO "� flf"nn jif As- r A Cr WT 70nn f t%a 1-n-01— 000vm :yOvIIGA " ".' The = non Mr, , 130. It 0`1_1 1co ',-A� n I'l,fi Of W&NAWWWr of "ub 10 711. Mer th t iho wi t "; On a- 109tv"Mor. 71 the :;'. 'ltf,ICtur . "III to Pike Any an! on& quo- lq;y -Aj -IV-, -Ithln cqv vad; . f r, nritt-in ry We f Or the -11 C" -b,10 41 Mr- Qhn - 13 Con !­Ionor N PulD Kill - 'M Qv- um;ly tc nj Injunt thn no t th— t i ,,(� C�ty, ronny lom to the W%r?0t0_,` n-11 anatr 701,11 to W. j.,tj,, the ;rn,y� in .qa In L40 p= 01 t t nt t, tp-t 0 Ch cc At v- 5 bur -El &P in -11 1-0- Aj. on t7Wn oil by tho -- not n Ga tjo �15ht- the City. SO 0 MO -h M jnE c�ntr�Wor MW tn- kroatlon of t1w MOM 01 Com-! -lanor cfMIJIQ, ,ntj, tor vu�,. fur v1 r 00 Or 2 0" by ninh the nown—Tv ­,cb the 0ov-polon J? Q-07 -114111t ion. Biddera must furnish and set up wad have in Operation, at some point do Commissioner of Public Utilities, a 0 sample of the lamp .019SIX proposed to be used by them under this Wract, for at least one peek before the awarding of the contract- lontr-otnr rh-1. Quo rand a ith Mnrntlo-, ap, roved Q %ho _"Yor in rjn(j ,)y t1jo tnr-n uf the City Ch aver pnd Lion K r _Y-rloo to 14-Tinhoslota j; the mir (If TMO c,:�tlr-�tr.4. 1 ;ontr!Iot th, City h,r_jo-_ j:ror, r1y !,,P0 tjjj o1ji-n or j- nZan, OMM �_,_ 00-C.1` -; to �-Pr-uns or rvinS pannonfor or W! , cm�j., 0� fror ur rnintonliao of ii. ar%tun W Mun Qry ror d, MIX) ry ro,�,ion o; on Of rInGaront of I slant ny o-Inv.,ic'oel horc. Si [1 _�.rlj 071M In tho no of ronhinrry -.no w --linnoa ooklitionn! for t full rM OMNI parforprMoo W^; the conWat 'ho aontr-ator. nibs. nnou,�;t, c, paw, cnd In In ."OrtIMA chech an nono .URZ 0. to Monty t1 'Et cf thq Wr St,pnn% broR In tho cf ton croant GZ thi, nAcarlt St , wi sqrnty ,gnulfor the WIM W to tbo Orin of tho city -or Q Ij ,in old 70 ponaltod. outicm of -lit c"I 1) Tbn j,mndj,-�,,ty jjt-r tho n c trna, nna ap- ot. ix,tYn nT cc -1­ Tho r! ht W rq,,rvn1 to thn city Q -0 lit 4 SOHEDULE FOR, STREET GAS LA3IPS. ILIGH111- DAT Begin to Begin to Total Hrs. Total Hrs. Total Flys. Both Iuelusive.. light. Extinguish. Per Day. Per Week. Per Mo. Jan. •° 1 to Jan. 3 3:45 6:20 14:35 43:45 :"- 4 " ' 10 3:50 6:20 14:30 101:30 «' '• 11 " 17 4:00 6:15 14:15' 99:45 18 " 24 4:10 6:10 14:00, 98:00 11 •25 `1 31 4:20 6:00 13.4* 95:40 438:40 Feb. 1 Peb. 7 4:30 6:00 13':30 94:30 11 8 f1 14 4:40 5:55 13:15 92:455 " 15 " 21 4:50 5:45 12:55 90:25 41 - " 22 " 28 5 900 5:30 12:30 87,."30 365:10 Alai. 1 Afar. 7 5:10 5:20 12:10 85:10 ' " 8 11 14 0:20 0:05 11:45 82;10 15 11 21 5:30 4:5:i 11:25 79:55 22 .. 11 28 5:45 4:40 10:55 76:25 41 29 11 31 0:00. 4:20 10:20 31:00 354:45 1 Apr. 4' J;:00 4:20 10:20 41:20 5 11 11 6:20 4:05 9:45 68:15 12 " 1S 6:35 3:50 9:15 114:45 19, 11 25 6:35 3:40 9:05 013:35 11 26 30 6:50 3:30 3:40 43:20 28,1:15 May 1 \lay 2 6:50 3:30 8:40 17:20 3 11 9 7:05 3:20! S:15 57:45 10.. 16 7:20 3:10 7:50 54:50 " 17 23 7:30 3:05 7:35 53:05 19 24 11%30 7:35 3:00 7:25 51:55 " 31 7:35 3:00 7:25 7:25 242:2Q June 1 June 6 7:35 3:00 7:25 44:25 7 11 13 7:40 2:55 7:15 50:45 " 14 1' 20 7:45 2:53 7:10 50:10 21 " 27 7:45 2:55 7:10 50:10 28 30 7:45 3:00 7:15 21:45 211:15 July 1 July 4 7:45 3:00 7:1,5, 29:00 5 11 11 7:45 3:05 7:20 51:20 12 " 18. 7:40 3:15 7:35 53:05 °` 19 " 25 7:30 3:20 7:50 54:50 26 " 31 7:25 3:25 8:00 48:00 236:15 Aug. 1 Aug. 7:25 3:25 8:00 8:00. 11 2 118 7:00 3:30 8:30 5930 11 9 11 15 6:50 3:45 8:55 62:25 " 16 11 22 6:40 3:55 9:15 64:45 11 23 11 29 6:25 4:00 9:35 67:05 14 30 f° 31 6:00 4:10 10:10 2030 282:05; Sept. 1 Sept. 5 6:00 4:10 10:t0'� 50:50 11 6 11 12 5:55 4:20 10:25. 72:55 11 13 11 19 5:35 4:25 10:55 76:25 « 20 11 26 :3:`20 4:85 11:1:1 18:45 27 ° 30 5:00 4:45 11 :45 . 47:00 325:55 Oci.'' 1 Oct. 3 5:00 4:4:1 11:45 35:15 " 4 " 10 4:46 4:55 12:10 85:10 /1 11 00 17 4:30 5:00 12:30 87:30 18 24 4:20 5:10 12:50 89:50 " 25 f1 31 4 :15 5 120 13:05 91 35 3S9:20 Nov. 1 Nov. 7 4:15 5:20 13:0:1 91-:35 4 8 11 144:00 5:30 13:30 94.30 11 15 11 21 45) :1:40 13:55 " 97:25 . 22 " 28 :35 5:50 14:20 100:20 29 30 3:30 6:00 14:30 29:00 412:50 Dec. 1 Dec. 5 3:30 6:05 14 :35 72 :tis. 6 " 12 3:30 6:10 74:40 102:40 13 19 3:35 6:15 14:40 102:40 20 11 26 3:40 0:25 14:45 .103:15 j It 27 1f 31 3:45' - 6.;20 14:35 72:55 454:25 r , CtR4NDTarAI 4,000415 3 r The "Board of Public Wolk s may at any time ebange the time for beghming.the I�h.�litg and° extmguil g of :lie, lights provided the Eburs" of burning are not t Na..�✓r' .. „ s... �'fsNRtIiZTPflp4fi - .- . .. � .- O.etober 11, 1915, CITY OF ST.• PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:......__._...............................:....................... _................ 7491 COUNCIL FILE NO. ...................... Date Presented...__.....`....... 191..- e1 Resolved. Ilia �it,'s73i. t3 [127 [)9 and 16 13arshy {'„WM-1ted the .z'rl .,hatef e1apliouc and ''"eLarj l.'t'rld no--, ELii�j :.0 vy'?`7:' pol'ay 'i71th van rAC.t39Q3{' G y ',InU$Iora inn to ot_":.n.; wire laked oaten oin the k ollowina i *r4' stx ee z- 2 poles on 'orton betwedn Ohio and Charlt 3 roles ° KinF., St. u n n n 10 it a Winona 4 11 If Sa dney if u n-:G"%J/ /PL- %O These poles are to extend i-eads already built on above menti.oiled s4wr .-tnd to Connect with all^ys running north and sough. Jy'R EE -r OV1i Ioi;0 F Du3°7 ,t r3e";' ..t3 :I.a.'.. ;:4::.Ck; .... ¢;13 O• t 4 ct.i-' i3N«0°:i ;3 i'' -ffi `"=�35,. '?C+:'1 `:x ;5?.'°. :3 tl'E<3- eclat 0.. € - +3t7 ".� U, 9.,i:n�. 3. ?%'ii: �'1-:ori C. 1�. No. 4491—By M. N. Ooes— Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Trl State Telephone and Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary .anchors and to string wire d cable on the following namedatroets: 2Poles on Morton between Ohio and Charlton, 2 Poles on Ring St. between Ohio and Charlton, 10 Poles. on Winona St. between Ohio and Smith, 4 Poles on Sidney St. between Ohio and Charlton. These poles are to extend leads al- ready bull ton above mentioned street. and to connect with alleys running north and south, Adopted by the Council Oct 12, 1916. Approved Oct. 13, 1916. (Oct. 16-1916) Yeas (✓1.11 men (✓) Nays rth Z.- In Favor �% // F:'l...Aaainst FORM I�wMe� FORM CC.8-2.8-2 Adopted by the Council... .. ......191.`55 Appro d .... ... 91 ...... MAYOR .. City of 8t.Pau1 7 4 92 Council Resolution - General form. \ Departmentof ------------------------------------------------------------- - :_._._.----------------- Bureau ._._._;_._._._. Bureauof------------------------------------------------------------ .._...._._...._._.___...._._._._...._._.___._.--_._ -------- =—zz--- =;m=m 'o. 7492—By M. N. Gose— ^'}I— Council File No. __._._._._r_�l�A.-- .ved, that permission be and It ,by granted the Northwestern .ins Exchange Company to 'set .nd string wirewith the a -S.- 1914 .nchors thereon In the following'""'_._._._._.......�-- Streets, lea on south side of Center F nney west of Hazel ay..a, ,.---_._._._._._._...._._. ...... By _ _._._._ _._._. ._._._._..__._._._._._._._._.w._ eue. as of Hazel avenue to Vassar even, - --Ire to b. Resolved, that permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wire with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets: 2 Poles on South side of Center Street from alley West of Hazel Avenue to Hazel Avenue. East side of hazel Avenue from Center Street to Vassar Avenue. Poles and wire to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. Adopted by the Council ....._...._._._._._._......._._._._.-._• (1..... ....--- -=3 ...... . Yeas ( ou t ilmen j h Mr. Presid- ) Nays Appro _ - - Mayor _.. (� October 11, 1915. CITY OF ST. PAUL 7 (99 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..:...........>. COUNCIL FILE N 0..... %a. L /4 Date Presented ..:...................... 7403 191........ Resolved, : bat permission be and is hereby granted the TTI State Telephone & Velearaph C®mpawl to creat poles v1ith the necessary =Gkors and to &tring mire and ©able on the following limed streets. Yt 10 poles in alley between Good ic" and 3ari2?rrount iron CJjatoWortn to ?:exi.ngton. C. F. No. 103—BY M. N. Go.—, l %� / � � rf Resolved, Th t permission be nd 1s hereby granted the Tri State Tele- phone & Telegraph Csoa ypany ho° poles with the dcthe toilow- j to string wire ancable On c Ing named streetg: I 19 pole. In alley between Goodrich and Fairmount from Chatsworth to Lexington. Work to be done under the dlrec Commissioner and totot he Publi thCacWorks. of th. Telephone Company topay d eCOS publlcaL `.Inspection, engineering an i tion. Poles and wires to be remo°Common requested to do sd when o by Council. Said co.t to be pail by the y !I Telephone Compan Adopted by the Council Oct. 13, 1916., Approyed Oct -JB -191) (Oc16-1 �7orls to b2 f�9Yse L2nfliar' th0 direction 4nd to thotoati sf the icost on f of ho Conxissioner of Public `:forks, the Telephone Lompas�y pay inelpe:tlon, engineering, and publ.teat l.on. Poles and biros to be removed when requested to doso by the Conon Council, Said eost to be paid by the Telephone Company. FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council...-- In Favor APPro ! .. .....__......14 99 ._...v.....Against , MAYOR ItITY OF ST. PAUL. ., ` CTUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sgblict ...... 44 , t �7. 4«4 FILL...... ... ..... Date Presented _ ' ....191 _.... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, two (2) only We.terous Patent Gasoline Pumpin- Engines fully equip -,ed in accordance with speoificati:ms on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent for the sum of X8,200.00 each, total of $716,400.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, as same are patented articles and no advantafre could be gained thereby. Cost of said engines to be charted to the Maintenance and Repair Account of the Bureau of Fire Protection, Departi:,ent of Pu:.lie Safety.L�11_� 6 nt be, and he'That hereby Purchasing and directed to purchase, with the consent) :. of the Comptroller, two (2) only Wa - terous Patent Qaeeline Pumping En_, I groes fully equipped In accordance he office of withspecifications pPu chasing Agenit for tthe sum of $8,200.00 each, total of $16,400.00, without advertisement or compet(tive l � _�� 4 I bids, as same are patented articles and :LP t�t no advantage could be gained thereby.: Cost of sold engines to p harped to,. th1, Maintenance ed Repair ion, De-, of o t o u of Flaf Protection, bul; p. o74 t oP public Safety. Reeetnding� 1 •`\ �%' C. P. 7448. Adopted by the Council Oct. 13, 1916.' L%--` Approved Oct. 13, 1916. J � ((let. 18-1916) I Yeas (✓) Coun ' en (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council Farns Goss ... In favor Keller APP I ........ MCCo Against Nash Yoerg......... .. .... .. .........MAYOR....... r. President, P ers FORM C.B-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL ` ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ry j� COUNCIL N0. 6 44 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE N �tt'.�r BY f_ AUDITED II [rl � :�...i" �p..� ,� 421 PER inn Resolved that warrigts a drawn o ity Treasury, p able t of the hereinafter specified funds ani in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for t p amounts set op posite their respect a es as specified in the following detailei statement: OCT 13 Yeas ( J) Cou {{' men ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council T sWorth -F. No. 7496— 2 1 fn fav%,esolved that warrants be drawn er a phe. City, Treasury, payable outof 0r l hereinafter apecl8ed Lunda -and in 77 ]] Againi for the amounts setmo. or coryora- .otive names ae apeM5edltlat the /MAYOR_'_ 'wry ving detailed. statement: erg ^• Assess. Const. Revolving Fund ing Lexington, Summit to Como r, President Owers Fielding & Shepley Est, Nei E, 6, Ing Denny St., Arcade to For- Iton, University$ to 7 Ed- ` Scandinavian American 13 Peter Dickson, Est. '40 Ands wa9oderqutst, AEet +al, $180.00. , - rvy St., Arcade to Forest: - ^a., Est. No, 1, $3;230.00.'. ^ta SL, from ivy to Thorntan Br,� Spec. Assess. Const. Revolving Fund- Paving Lexington, Summit to Como Ave. Fielding & Shepley, Bet. #2 $ 6,295.56 Grading Denny St., Arcade to Forrest H. J. Pothen Est. #1 1,870.00 Grading Milton, University to Edmund y Scandinavian American Bank, Assignee Peter Dickson, Est. #1 255.00 Grading Levis & Mabonts Add. Alley in Blk. SO Andrew Soderquist Est. #1 & final, 180.00 Grading Ivy_St., Arcade to Forest Thornton Brie., Bet. #1 3,230.00 Grading Mendota St., from Ivy to Lake Como & Phalen Thornton Bros., Est. #1 850.00 Total Spec. As7Total, s. onst. Rev. F d -Grading . �j ..$ 6,3 .00 a e e e -Paving. 6 6 $ ,680.56 I r CITY OF STc PAUL a.... ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT�f; _ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU No Q� BY AUDITED OCT 12 I J :7( l PER 6 d,d 422 r �j��-� wn'fit" /�� Resolved that warrants be dra poK the City asury, payable out of the hereiaaftef specified. funds and. in favor of the perso , firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed i s' statement. Yeas (J) Coun 'men (J) Nays f Adopted by the CouncilOCT 13 t? h 191 Farn orth 19 Goss In favor A Kel r Mc oll OLAgainst 0• MAYOR. Yo Mr. President, wers Corporate Purposes Pub. Lighting Fund•Suppl. & Exp. St. Paul Electric Co., $1,166.00 Gen. Bund Miso. & Unforseen Exp. Gertrude Laurmann, 4.00 Bire Fund-lid. & R. ' Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., 566.00 Health-Quarantine-M. & R. Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., 194.51 ^' Pub. School Fund-M. R. & Real Estate Mae Schaub, 440.00 Pub. Library M. & R. Rev. J. Harkness, 10.00 Auditorium-Salariee A. F. Morton, 35.50 Auditorium-Faint. A. F. Morton, .20_(� Water Dept. John Mallaney, $ 6.00 Osgood Blodgett Mfg. Co., 200.00 Fo A­11 Total Corpor/nst.,,_ es.s .... R Gtf+7 v/a Gen. Cr. I+nnd . z 45. 0:1 Spec. jund-Cu ing .,• 5 :96 _N If Citizen; sIce�N N _ng...l _ i—Quarantine—M. &-p-. Cttf - •o & Fuel Co., .$194.61:1,870-76 9chaol'Fund—M. R. &• Real Es=� Total, Mae Schaub, $440.00.,' .: Library—M. & R.`i Rev_. S. rtes.. '510.00 dltorlum-5 ]arise: A j a46:60. F. Morton„ Auditorium—Mafnt.: A. F. Morton, 20 Cents. ` - Water Osgood Blodgett Mfg. Cou1$ane200 U0,56.00; CO.. Pub:. rt(lutea—Markets— Mslnt.: Matteson Roofing r. Co$97:60.t. &Ju, baryBldg..Thos. SteenWCo.,$42.830.15. Park Bond .Acct.: A, g„gelrebach; . 53,180.00. _ ” . r c. Assess. Const. Rev. Fond—� Curbing Shields, Fairview to Aldlhe: 'Capital National Bank, Assignee, R, tape: Schleh 1 -Oct 13, 1916., Ree. #422 Com. Pub. Utilities-Market,-lairt. Matteson Roofing Co., $ 97.50 Gen. Const. & Imp. Fund - N ew Library Bldg. Thos. J. Steen Co., 42.330.15 Park Bond Acct. A. H. Heimbach 3,180.00 Spec. Assess. Const. $etia:N-r. Fund - Curbing Shields, 'Fairview to Aldine Capital Nacional Bank, Assignee, 111.0 R. C. Baumgardner, Curbing Fairview, Summit to University Capital Rational Bank, Assignee 472.69 R. C. Baumgardner, Spec. Assess. Const. Agv:..Fiind!iftving N. Smith Ave., College to N. $nd of High Bridge Shakopee Lime & Cement Co., 2,5�9.b9 Marshall Ave., W. Line of Snelling to S. Line of Marshall Bridge Schleh Bros.$ 527.45 Total Corpor/nst.,,_ es.s .... R Gtf+7 v/a Gen. Cr. I+nnd . z 45. 0:1 Spec. jund-Cu ing .,• 5 :96 _N If Citizen; sIce�N N _ng...l _ i—Quarantine—M. &-p-. Cttf - •o & Fuel Co., .$194.61:1,870-76 9chaol'Fund—M. R. &• Real Es=� Total, Mae Schaub, $440.00.,' .: Library—M. & R.`i Rev_. S. rtes.. '510.00 dltorlum-5 ]arise: A j a46:60. F. Morton„ Auditorium—Mafnt.: A. F. Morton, 20 Cents. ` - Water Osgood Blodgett Mfg. Cou1$ane200 U0,56.00; CO.. Pub:. rt(lutea—Markets— Mslnt.: Matteson Roofing r. Co$97:60.t. &Ju, baryBldg..Thos. SteenWCo.,$42.830.15. Park Bond .Acct.: A, g„gelrebach; . 53,180.00. _ ” . r c. Assess. Const. Rev. Fond—� Curbing Shields, Fairview to Aldlhe: 'Capital National Bank, Assignee, R, tape: Schleh 1 -Oct 13, 1916., CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1914 COU AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILENCIL No. 7497 BY —1L AUDITED 191 ZPE. f/ X:7; C-44-- 423 Resolved thatZinafter specified_ w /ntsbe If Vwn pon the City Treasury, payable out of the he -�nds and be e et t 0 in favor of the persons, firms or corporations In /the amoun opposite their respective names as speciflid in the followin detailed statement: the Council OCT 13 191 1 Yeas V Coun en V Nays Adopted by Ferns orth Co Una .jrn ' i sa or oss Inn favor to G Kell 'c Me 11V Against MAYO%11'�. ry YO President, w Mr. Pre wers ar that warrante be drawn Corporate Purposes Jty Treas,u,ry, payable at or y. tj . fled funds-nd In th!ra.. Gen. Fund -Testing & Inspection tor the ni2ious'ntflimsseiotr'(dobvpooslte respective names as specified -in Robinson, Cary &-Sande, $6,63o.00 the following d.t.II.d ttame.t: "Corporate Pup,,e—Gcn. , I.d— .I; .Inspection: Robinson Cc" ,,,-Sanda, $6,630.00. Adopted by the Council Oct. 13, 1925. Approved Oct. 13, 1915 (Oct. 16-1915) 7777 CITY OF ST: - r ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT t • - COUNCIL awe No. h AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE - AUDITED 424 l Resolved that warrants b drawn upon the rea ut ,, y e our of the inafter specified Funds and fol` ed in the I wi g detailed r ` in favor ;of the persons, firms' or corporations for the nts set opposite their respec names as ape 131915 rel_ statement: ,OCT Adopted by the Council Yeas_(; �) Coua men (J) Naps Farn orth A roved In favor Goss Kell M 11 Against Ia [voR UL ry Yoe MrjPre ent, P ers FNo. 7498— Resolvedthatwarrante be drawn uD- on the City Treasury, payable :out of" �C, the hereinafter ep6o..d funds and lh favor of the persons, 9rms or corpora- tions for the amounts set-,Pvb-Is names as epecfded is 'thelr-respective the folldwlag detailed statement: - Corporate Purposes.,Water Dept Fund: ";Dwyer -Field Co.; $246.00• Z, C. Flanagan, $92.76; Chas. Hansen, $468;00. - Interest Fund: Julius Bjornstad, $719.50; Richard M. Bradley, Plenty +` 1 - Cabot Arthur Lyman Trustees, $996:78;-Ethel MaoRo'a. Payne. May & Sallie McRowan, > " y MacRowan Taylor $640.51; :Alev. Ramsey Estate, 5367.39; Rusel Tyson, Arthur T. AM. &.. Sidney t , ,dE - Richmond Taber, Trustees, $152.49. " Spec.. Aseeea. Const. Rev. Pand— IST: wtd, $24 R.52 r Julius Warn- Corporate 524,906.62; Ricahrd M. Bradley; Corporate Purposes &Arthur LYmon, True- Water Dept. Fund Henry Cabot 4ee 582.930 62 Ethel 9. MacRowan Pa ne; May MclLowan Taylor & Sally EeM,ate, 514.66689 Rvaeal Tyeo�l. Ar- 7 �• Mcpj@{—an. $64 899 39; Ales. Ramsey ! $245 • o� y^J@r-Field 00eA that T.. AId1e & Sidney RI h ,Taber, 92.76 & J Ci . Flanagan, Trustees, 514,264.61. Adopted by file Council Oct 13 1916.: 418,00L Chas • Hansen Approved Oct 13 2916. (Oct: 16-1916) I --= 79 �t Interest Fund 3' 719.50 Julius Bjornstad Richard S. Bradley, Henry Cabot & Arthur 949.76 ;. a� Lyman, Trustees Ethel MacKowan Payne, MW HaCRowan Taylor 640.51 & Billie Macgowan 157.39 Alex. Ramsey E®tate, "'R Rusel Tyson, Arthur T. Aldis & Sidney kap Richomd Taber, Trustees— T tal Interest Fund f .•••.. •4P Jo For. A. 5-11 II Res. #424 Spec. Assess. Const. Rev. Fund - Widening Robert St. Julius Bjornstad Richard M. Bradley Henry Cabot Arthur ILymon, Trusteese Ethel S. MacKowan payn, May McKowan Taylor - & sally McKowan Alex. Ramsey Estate, Russel Tyson, Arthur T. Aldis & Sidney Rich Taber, Trustees. Total Corporate Pu "b Spec. Assess. '/. •.. W44: Ytev. Wide il.9 fTot'l. I- r 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ._......... coca Subject:_ _. COUNCIL FILE No.. ... .... .......... fhzabMA, Date Presented...- .0ot.,_13.,-- I915.�----- RESOLUTION fixing betan eakkent Of land or in extent CondemnationProceedings. to In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Rose Street from White Bear Avenue to roved Kennard Street, under Preliminary Order No. 5824, July 2, 1915, and Intermediary Order No. 6994, approved Sept. 14, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and nnamedeimprovement eismannelasementt of dfor slopto be es, foren outs above outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Ross Street, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated October 13, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said inntheogradingtoftnecessary said streetfor to thepee, for establishedsgradfills the grade. d I,. A All., rest from a venue �toKennard 8t, liminary Order No. 6824, ,¢d July 2, 1916, and Interme- Order No. 6894, approved Sept. 1916- The Commissioner of Public Works �_.. _m .... ,., ...;t. 1.te ,snort and sketch Resolved (1) li&t the City .Of' St - Paul axes and d�erml.., the amount of land to be to n for the%,above named imprOVCTn nt is an agement for slopes, for cute :and fill. In and upon the land abutting upon Ross street, between the pointe aforca.ld, to the ,extent shown upon the sketch attach 'a to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works In the matter dated October 18, 1916, which ketch and re- port are hereby referred to and mado a part hereofIl 1 n Yeafi C011n 'Innen (P) Nays (2) That n easement Is taken in QrT 1, 1 said land to the extent necessary for Council elopes, for cuts and dils,tn the grading of said street to the established grade. Far worth Adopted by the Council Oct. -18, 1916 - In favor Approved Oct 18 1916. . / Gos _root 16 1916) C 191/ Kell r - ^NN. Mc Oil -Against Y ary / Yl g MA OR M . President owers ro8M c.8-2 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land nec- essary for slopes, fo: cuts and fills in the grading of Ross street,from White Bear avenue to Kennard street, under Preliminary Order #5824, ap- proved July 2nd, 1915, and Intermediary Order #6994, approved Sept.,14th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissione of Public Works Dated / `�- CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMIBSIONEIR e ROBERT T. GOURLET, DEP TI CO41IEe101ER - OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C'11F ENGINEER -- J. E. CARROLL Suer. CORETRU-0. & REPAInr ALFRED JACKSON, SUPT. SA—10. G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE E.....ER. H. W. GOETZINGER. Suer. WORK .o -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- yy In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land nec- essary for slopes, fo: cuts and fills in the grading of Ross street,from White Bear avenue to Kennard street, under Preliminary Order #5824, ap- proved July 2nd, 1915, and Intermediary Order #6994, approved Sept.,14th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissione of Public Works Dated / `�- under Preliminary Order approved/�G To the Council of the City of St. a The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT f eLoc ` m ASSESSED t— VALUATION mol. DESCRIPTION �' ADDITION 40 �f TOTAL. �' FORM ea A.e3A - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- - �T'ASSESSED I DESCRIPTION- LOT IOLOCKI A ADDITION VALUATION -- it � ri it A- S -0 1&7 67 I r II '; TOTAL. -� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 7ASSESSED r3t.OeK ADDITION DE'SC R'i PT ION , � i I y s- o, 1 /01 'fyl 4 /B� f'�"" v i r ; ! i i i Iw r i ? I /✓ i ?gip _ . 1-_ 'y , 1/ i hal a The Commissioner of Finance further reports thaRhe has investigated all Of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----------/ Commissioner of Finance. FORM G.S.A. 0•5 C c.vurvc.far i[G7vw COUNCIL, No...... ... .... flats Preseiiied-------- 041,.....1.3, RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMCUNT'OF LAND On EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION„PROCEEDINGS.• Iii the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fine in the grading of Hamlin Ave. from Midway Parkway to Nebr4ska Ave.; Lake Como & Phalen Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Hamlin Ave., MaK:Cnley Ave. from Frankton Ave:. to.Lake Como & Phalen Ave.; Asbury ,Ave. from Midway'Parkwaq.to Lake Como & Phalen Ave,.; Simpson Ave. from Midway, Parkway to Lake Coma '°& Phalen Ave.; Pascal Ave.. from'Frankson Ave. to Lake Como & Phalan Ave. and Fraiksoh Ave. ;from Midway Parkwaq to Hamlin Ave.,'under Preliminary Order No. 15411, approved June 10,;1915,.and Intermediary order No. 6995, approved Sept. 14'; 1915., The. Commissioner -of Publics Works having submitted his report and aketoh in the above, matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the -City of St. Paul fixes and determines th& amoun"f. land to, taken for the - above named+improvement',.is an -easement for elopes, for .',. cute and fills in On upon the land abutting Upon:?3amline Ave.,' Lake Como'&>Phaleri'„Ave.;, McKinley Ave., Asbury Ave., Simpson Ave.;'Padoal.Ave. and.Frankson Ave.•+ between the points aforesaid,.,to the ''estent shown -upon the sketch attached to the ;report of the -,,Commissioner of Public Works in the matter"dated October. l3' 1915, which sketch and report are hereby. referred'to.and-made apart hereof. (8), That"en easement is taken in said land'•to the;`extent necessary for e1oP88, for outs and fills in the grading et tab7iahed;'grade. of rest to thees ,x'AnYr ai(mfnary Crd.t A June 10 1916 and S IS'f 1 / l6r SJO 6890 aP� .. i1!hu.; Qommlesionbr of,-Pssblfa 'WI having `submftte(1 hfe'raport and ekl. fn>We above, matter be.ff' - Resolvad (1) That the City of 9t Paul, d�bq and determines tae amount 'bt;)anfl Ro bet ta.cen tor, tbo aDpve Yeas (Y) Co u 'linen ( P) Nays named lmprovetrobnt fa an'eaaement 0n , ih�in d abuf£iagnuAl sa dada a on ;, the Council OC .i ¢k0 Como'& Pnaten Avo 7t1oS1niey f'aC DCfh Atte Aaburyc 1ve ffimDsbn ave ,Pile ani ave and'Frankeon.;Aye between 7 Gas In rho pointe atore9afd , the orLent, r ed - 7? - — Kell ehnwn npon,tho akemh atgnea to tae19 .�epori of the: Comrofasiopep of Pubtfo IVIG, ll _ _Ag < works hi a a0, kematter. dated ootohe, M6,whish tah andsrepott are ero O.teterrgd ytb and madd.a Dart h1r00:. (8) That ?1n easement da takenn 110- said ,, -q Aatentneaeseaty4or blopee. foc;e�ta 0. d allfi;-!n the t3ra81pS MAYOR Mr.Zt.ident, OWerS arks ytee>i� hCa�ntcj�Yo Giasic , ADprbV d 8 OattCC13$16 y rONM C 0 2 ' Q g ^(OaF �B CITY OF SAINT;`PAUL In the, matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neo- essary'for elmpes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Hamline avenue, from Midway Parkway to Nebraska avenue: Lake Como & Phalen avenue, from Snelling avenue to Hamlin avenue: McKinley avenue from Frankson avenue to Lake Como & Phalen avenue: Asbury avenue, from Midway Parkway to Lake Como & Phalen avenue: Simpson avenue, from Midway Prkway to Lake Como & Phalen avenue: Pascal evenue,from Frankson avenue to Lake Como & Phalen avenue: Frankson avenue,from Midway Parkway to Hamline avenue,under Pre- lminary Order #5411, approved June 10,1915, and Intermediary Order #6995, approved Sept.',14th, 1915. To the:.Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded por- tion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the outs to be made -on private property,and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner o ublic Works 3 n _ i n i u _ i lY-t5 l { x � tt � 4 3 f WOO f a � Y f l t! S i L 3 _ YAV swo � k 1 ti � r � 7 •v _. x . P7 W 3 f S �.1 it s C t a � Y f l t! f � i 1 L+�t 1 ti � r � 7 }OWN -i n �. .... Z 1 woo 04,07 N �r 1 NCE'T R OF FINANCrE DER under Preliminary Order approved—rG�f!L To the Council of the City of St. Paul: (� The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: �r o0 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $�� ----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ '-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: m ­1 _F. ASSESSED SIVLL M DESCRIPTION iLOT �LooK1 ADDITION VALUATION o4A p i I, L � TOTAL. I it i CORM O.B.A. B•B A � li ... +. - . CITY or ST. PAUL- " DEPARTM kNT OF FINANCE. 1 ��I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED If LOT IBLOCK; A D D I T I O N VALU ION f� D E S C R I P T 1'O N• I i �U_.__�-� � 7-7 J7 /7. Lill Jkll J` dZ ,- TOTAL. - . CITY OF ST.. PAUL 'DEPAR4,*;NR OF FINANCE REPORT OF OOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY'ORDER (B) --- --- ----- — - --- II _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION ;� I ASSES ED VALUATIOfI D ,� _ I -I f` ((/`IC(�1r1(4O.0 �o i Gyct o i /✓ � / 111 / cc iL /� `�C u `*. ^. �.idn� � e�]u a Jam'; �/J ce. Vii' ! q 2, U 7 1� cd eel it i TOTAL. 1 CITY OP ST- PAUL DEPARTIaENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER { --- < DESCRIPTION I LOT I13LOCKi ADDITION I6 �ASSESSED VA LU TI ,N ��/p_ �7 All : all c � : zj orJ`o ------ ---- ------------ ; 1 TOTAL. a CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTOENT OF FINANCE I ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CB) —� _ =--- LOT EWOCKM . ADDITION - DESCRIPTION � ASSESS V T Q _L� rte° I, •c. f z L�7 �1 - , I � ell _ - TOTAL. T CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Y 'j i LOT B�K�� �! ADDITION ASSESSED I� V/�`LUATI tl all '(^(� , i / CGo. of �� Cf — TOTAL, ,`JPO U CITY OF ST. PAUL 'p DEPARTKENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF OOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, !I ADDITION ``' ASSESSED i q AT N Q �f i V i�4 CX�7' .. ,...G - 4 J z4', all Jam` f. zJ'�G L Z�` G aJ`°�- TOTAL. �b 61TY OR ST. PAUL DEPARTMkNT OF,FINANCE� $ ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) - 'A ASSESSED ADDITION DESCRIPTION J - --_ LOT eLoelc�- VA U N l d7 i� /3 �z.J_ IZ� ------------ --- - - - - �, � TOTAL, _ - CITY OFST. PAUL _. DEPARTM*YT OF FINANCE i•i�i Y' .REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE_ { ON PRELIMINARY)ORDER ASSESSED i DESCRIPTION LOT,. BLOCK, ADDITION - V U 1047 ell "�L .J� y � � ,7 J •, C� I f h n c < C6�3.c_G. _ TOTAL.i /r'))1A •/}7 ..:v-:.,.�Lfi�,: CITY OX ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF'FINANCE V gAw REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a —— — — - - --"- -- ASSESSED DDITION UATION II `CK DESCRIPTION LOT BLO A VAL , 4111 4 41 .J*- a ' r I " The "Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -------� ti: -- -- - 191 . CORM B.9.A. 0.9 O _...._.. - --l-------------............... --- ........ Commissioner of Finance, s i C L �' s. �' y' �f;. ' f,-� 3' �` v _�, a m . . . . . . . . . . F77 EON 11R, SO '-. vi f Nommossi t t i Y� i. Tt 4 5 1 2 J F { ? i Y b I i JI } T ly tx r 4 ' i st {} 1h S t } .. s Y. � 7 � S y 2 ✓� ! L 4 y# l �44'F. z ' 1 r nR 1 F � p t Iss f Nommossi t t i h J F # ? i auk b I i r t ly tx r .. s Y. S y 2 ✓� ! L 4 y# l �44'F. Nommossi t t i h J F ti y a) 5 ? i auk To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 5411..... ....... ...approved .................. _June....100....................... 191.._r�., relative to............................. ....... condemning and taking.........a......n easement in �Pe land necessaF for slopes for..._cuts __and........_lle... in..._grading.._Nandi.ne...._A_ve,...._f_roru._="dyaaY.._PzrkwaY....._tg....:............... i......... . ....... Tebraska Ave. )Lake Como &VPha pn Ave. from Snel in. Ave. to Hemline f r/ Ave....;......acK j.i.....AvY..._......x.4.1ra.......?..e1 ki.Q.4..11 o.�..._..._t..0._..L. k.p......v.oma._&..._Phal_o..._Ave,..1..... Asbury Ave. from widway Park-.vay to Lake Como & PJl glen AvPCf y Simr. son Av ora Midway,Park��ay to Lake Como & Phalen Ave.1 Pascal Ave. from Fre o Ave. ..... ....................................................................... o Lake Coiro &Phalen A......................... e. and Franke�n Ave. from M dway Parkway to Hemline Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. X............ and S. The estimated coat thereof is$............XXx......................... and the total coat thereof is:�............................XXXx..... the mitute and extent of said improvement is as follows:....._..........................._..............._.........................._._...._._.............................._.... S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. j ....._..............................._........_.............................. ....... ......._.... ... ..... .... .._.......... _..... 5. Said improvement is ........... n.at.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commiasimfe of Public Works. TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION' PROCEEDINGS. { In the matter of .Q. 1. X �. �.,_.. V(id�:ninF; _and......eXt..�.1d.i: B. aS.e1Cy....a t..�raLl.G._frQn1. ',';.4..S.t dine of Prior avenue to center line of Kenneth street,. The lend to be t.aken.._h.eing....mn.r..e..part.ic..ul..ar.1.y-_d.es.cx..i.b.ed.....a-s .& strip -..of..._lan.d.-...30 ..'A t'....i..n. ridth, said stripbeing the southerly 30 feet of a miscellaneous tract a1 of.. _.t.} P -1? rE ' 'o€ th.e.....N ,y. — 4 Of the.. F.W.-41- of.... S.e.ct..i.o.n the 11 r7Yl eh- i s _ 1 9, Town 28, Range 23, St. Paul, Minnesota, ... _..._..-...._._.......... . ..... _.._ ....._. ............. under Preliminary Order b__ .... ....... __, approved ._Y&SCh.._4tkl1.915..., Intermediary Order 5481 approved... 14th, 1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the . 8th .-. I -.. day of , _ :iIT.ovemb er .. - 191..7...., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council . _ _ OCT a 3 .1 a 15 - -- 191 __ 9/� Approved.......... J -_ .................... 19 ...__.... Councilman Fmn orth Councilman Goss .',hr." Councilman Keller ,' the;ei, Councilman McColl na 1, he Councilman Nash me tek f Of Councilman Yoerg I therefor be 1t.� S5 Mayor Powers Res.14.d, That 1 b nenta The and t above. for-,.,amaa [ [hedland or •Sated for the Whom VaY ldperty non mpcovement.t. sseeeement of is herebY -P- at a Publie and fora co andul of damages made by 'the'.. Court House in the city Of 9t. Paul no the Sth day of November, 1916, at ten o'clock A. M. and chat the Commie- ioner Y Finance be -and he fe hezeDy, directed to give notice o[ said fieartng as prescribed by the Charter. Adoptedby the Couneii Oct. 13, 1916. ' Approved Oct. 13, 1916. :(Oct- 16-1916) TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION"PROCEEDINGS. a w In the matter of ..Q ..e�1C1�.,....� 7.Gl.e_P .17�..__end._.CXt..e.Yd.i c,..Bexk.wley.._a` eDue..frQ111--;`.e..s.t line of Prior avenue to center line of Kenneth s reet�, The 12nc to be taken. b.eino...mor..e part.i.cular.l_y des.cr.ibed....a.s U -strip of land �0 .eet_...i.l. ridthsaid strip being the soatherly 30 feet of a miscellaneous tract Chien, -3 _ .s....theRi V Of the .Ia.Rj ...o.f.. the id�'�. 4 of the F.W. of Section gW,11 9, Town 28, Range 23, St, Paul, Minnesota, _. under. Preliminary Order .__3935 . _ ._, approved Mar Ch 4t7f_ 1915..., Intermediary Order 6481 y approved ._ August 140,,1915- The 4th.,1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages award ed for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the _ 8ti3 — _ _ day of _....11; ov.emb er....... _......_..._ 191..5...:., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing• as prescribed by the Charter. OCT1 0 1°15 191 Adopted by the Council _ _ . 11 --- Approved............. z(/ ....._... ..... _ ..........., 19 .._._.... . 6481. .. Councilman Farnsworth °' .—nerof Finance i < Councilman Goss report in the at ove -he amonnt' oY� dV Councilman Keller the.tahIng of the land or•• _ therein. In for. the . Councilman McColl -Fovement and to whom pay also having submitted his as- Councilman Nash =dment of beneRt to property from [ the ma 'ring' of said' improvement, Councilman Yoerg tI theretor, be It Resolved, That the said sseeesmentoL' Mayor Powers bene8ts1be and the same is hereby ap-. - V ON, CONDEMNATION OF LANDS Y In the matter of Opening..,. widening.. and._..e..xt_e.rii.�n? .R_erkP.ley. avenue. ..fr_om:_..We.st line of Prior avenue to center line of Kenneth street, The land to be taken being More -particularly- described --a.s--a strip of land- 30 feet i - width, said strip being the southerly 30 feet of a miscellaneous tract which is the 17. g of the ".i } of the N.W. -- of the `.r!], of Section 9, Town 28, Range 23, St. Paul, Minnesota., under Preliminary Order 3935 approvedVarch 4th, 1915 , Intermediary Order 6481 approved. August 14th,. 1915. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL rhe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. -RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMEN TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEED 14 75-03 In the matter of nd. aping _and .. t_aking.....an..._ea.s_ement.......i.n....the_..l.and...n.e_c.e.s..s.ary.. for sewer, 16 feet in width, the center line of which is 8 feet ,est and n.aral,.l..el--to.__th.e....eas.t 1..an.e_o.f.._Lot.....4.r.....G.ota. an -!-s Rearrangement .o.f__Block _.24 Sigel's Addition, from Fremont street to the alley of said Block 24' The land to be taken being more -articularly feet described as a strik,of land 16 feetin width extending from Frerlont street, to alley in Block 24, Got- . zian's Rearrangement of Sigel,s Addition, the center line of 'Mli_ch is 8 feet west of and narallel to the east line of Lot 4, Gotzian's Rearrange ment o Block '24i Sige1F9 Addition. _ _ ......___....._......_..... __............ under Preliminary Order .2.366_ _ _ approved .Nov.. _.2nd, 1914. .., Intermediary Order 6 304 approved _.Augik&t _.3rd, 1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter w to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cham- ber, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 8thday of ... VQzrember _ 191.55........, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. FT 13 i0', Adopted by the Council 191 Approved...................................../ .._...._.._...,-.., 191 ..... .ar 6364, appr��.< Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers Clerk. s to•-th arrioun[tlofe damages Mayor. dad for the taking.. the Iand"br ements'tberein appropriated for the .rove Improvement and to whom`pay able; and also having submitted his. assessment of beneflt,to property lrnm the, 'making of -said .improvement,: therefore be it Resolved, That the' said assessment 01 benefits be and thesame, fe hereby approved ' hearing be had before the Council upoin said report and for a confirmation of the nfaards -of damages made by the ommsioner of Finance. and also upon the saideeamant fb'eneflta;- at the Council Chamber, Room the Court Ross. i., h. rn _ ;rebq directed to glue notice a1 safe caring, as prescribed by the Charte Adopted by the Council Oct 13, ar r. . Approved Oct. 13 1916. 1,k*' (Oct 16-19115))___] rf. t .i � t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of ..C.o..11demn ng..._and....t3k ngan_,.easemept _. _land .necessary for sewen 16 feet in width, the center line of which is 8 feet west and parallel --t.o.....the.-east...lin.e...of......Lot ...4.,....._G.o.tzian.'s Rearrangement. .of_Blook_...24, Sigel's Addition, from Fremont street to the alley of said Block 24, The land to be taken being more particularly described as a strip--of.land .16 feet in width extending from Fremont St., to alley in Block 24, Gotzian's Rearrangement of Sigel's Addition, the center line of which is 8 feet West of and parallel to the east line of Lot 4, Gotzian's Rearrangement .............. of Block 24, Sigel's Addition under Preliminary Order 2366_..._...., approved Noverlber 2nd,1.914]ntermediary Order 6304 approvedAugust.._.3rd,__ 181.5. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also feed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified" with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. F TIME OF HEARING IN s _ In the matter of. ..:._Condemn...�.ng_..and tak_ing.an.._easement in..the land necessary. for slopes, for cuts and fills for grading Griggs street from University avenue .....to....idi.nnehaha- stree.t......Th.e. _land ....-t.o....b.e....taken. being_ mor e_particuar.ly. described as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon1ne land: -abutti-ng-upon Griggs street bet=ween the points aforesaid, torta--ex_ tenE'shown upon the sketch, of Record, in the Office of the Commissioner of Finance, and in the Office of the Commissioner of Public Works, -the shaded portions showing the fills and the hatched portion the cuts, under Preliminary Order 223.9.. approved...October_ 24th,191,4ntermediary Order 3380 approved .January --lith, 1915. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the, above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Cha �o her, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the . 8th day of. $bovemb. er...--.....-..-..- 191..rj...., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hear- ing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council Approved Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers ,V � ' sic�o V c.'�'-�.. fJ/^ ._✓�r7[. [.r 2 r<�y t-� .ado Couacllmav Farnsworth � �>av mission or Fln yc _. � ' Ma -Counct�man-G'o"ss ubmltted 3fa Dort Sn.^ 9 .' Ft i terr8 -t6 th inonar' ot5"d Codnmlmen Keller 3K nr�ua�rof th taking of 2nelaf emente''therelm tor-,b.eraDproya COIla0llmaD MCCiO�1 iY r1 t$e abavpovment`"par„ V[�o�l "paykble and >tiso h4YingY CounCllmaq N89h � mtt2g�di h1a a�aeeainent of benetl Dr6perty'Srom the, ma7cingfof seta Cimlllni1man XO,E[g provement theref re ba 12 '1Raeolved Tllht Lhb ealdr as sem Mayor Powers,_ of ;benaflta be and thb e same to hereby aDdroved, aF 4. 51` :� j Resolved Lurthef„ '+hat 4,Dubllc h@s`r-E -. - xing,ba-had bafoca �tTb q, dotltn-. t Bald - h'ajtort�-and Yor' a conh atlon.. by ;they �aritapdq of 4Tamngea, made by;the ;Com -j mieylonet a[ Fln'anee gL the Covncll - Chpmti r "fl B1 in aha •Court Hove „ fa J,bolty of SEP on the 8th day �gfrlgaaembe, 1 aUten oclo lc A711 and "chat tie 'F 'M , fo of Finance t be and, he le hereby directed notice^of aa[d hearing ns,�preeor(bed I Adopted by the C4ut clldct F33 Y916 _ l�ADDtove,lOct .1 _ L X18 ! latermediary Order :6..9 easements therein taken ausY-approj o the owarrrs thereof respectively ani ae amouatof beaefits�to;properly fto u as assessment roll eotltled u above on�sm matters. Comm6d6m Ak �-ew,w,\ W mw��Qr� via OL-a. V r• �'�.cl�•w...�`�.n. �� eq��,� cse�....\��p�ssn� �—llira � s�pas,.��, a�T� l�-v�+u�,,,,ti�. �- -V' i` .[�.r .a,,.�.- �+�.,.�ti V � �i�,, a...w� � w— CX�o 1a�.LcaMv�, o-� � °Lc7�A/a�cv �w.l� o. C�,..�,� �. _ti�7 •r. % 1.�, �_ cs�F, c4,ti, C�� �.,� �✓a � o�C 1v�ASLS�A_�. .� 6� �slt� �w a �a,,� 11uu1�a tau. W.n K c S`, c>, Cs� v� , w c�A� _ `� s_ w_ �v �. �V c� w 9 5� �_ sem.,. • �.� u� adv WA \�S a SLK d MSLnrir� oa �0 ��wL, M& b-, --x ..�St�.i..C�Mtit`>-• �lL.�.�n.1� W�e ps %O.IJ�� lU.�.M/a O.�{�C`v�.q� �. /�M,�W" (�J.� OJJ.II�` _�� cY`�1SC1 XMA ..:_ V\-,vv" ave J•u��.�mn �� NS��. L°mv`s�°� �`do�\VJooc� OU1V.�OpJ� `: � RS.�.r. (�.09.9_,.ti � o�,� Cay-\y� t�` O.� e•v`-3� 1-� o Ac`r'gssZ'�. � 1� c�sL, c�9--W'0.A . 1�wu.o�v�� ���• h,� ��v.9n��. , a,� �w.\ \/?..G�,�,l�„ .. ��'.Q`' � h, o�w. o� cry vii -�j a O �v... �-0-v 9..M , J O Mr. S. A. Farnsworth. Commissioner of Finance. City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: - In the matter of -constructing a side walk on North side of Ridgewood Ave. from Lombard Ave. to Milton St. The Undersigned lot -owners and Residents of said "elmakdAve. frontage . hereby enter protest against the construction od said walk at this time for the reason that it is Entirely unneccessary & for other reasons not desired. Lots 230 24, 25, 27_E -L ------- - --- �V`�J" Lot 26 --------- Lot 28 ------------------ a eta_-- Lots. 29, 30. -- Lots 3I3 32, 33. kd ------- Lot 34. COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. in the Matter of Construating...a cement. tile- sidawalk to. a wid-th of 8-iX feet on the north side of Edmund street between Simpson street and Pascal . ............. ........... ...... ........ ....... . ........ -.- ... .. ... .. ........... ... ............ ............ ............ ....... ... ............... . . .......... avenue, under Preliminary Order ................... .... approved ...........August 2.5rd . ..... ISIS-- ............ Intermediary Order ... - - - .. - .. .. .. ... .. . ........... .. approved ............ . ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isCQAQ-tM..qt w h six feet idt .-of on the north side of Edmund street between Simpson street and Pascal ...... .......... . . .......... . .......... . ....... ..... ............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with.the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. . OCT 14 19' Adopted by the Council .... . ............ - - - .1 . Approved -0 4�� l�1 --1 191.6. Councilman F worth G- K�. r worth M! oil Yo Mayor Po s Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ~ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of_ �1?l.%r...._7✓=r!_:r�`1....__..._.._. i ................... __ _...__............... ........ .--- ..... ......... ......... .... _...... ..... .............. ... .................... ... ...... ........ ....... ..... ............ ... _................ ....... ...... .................... .... ........ _...._........._.._.........__......... ...... ....... ....... ....... ...... _.... ........... .................. _...... ....... ....... ....... .... ... ....... ....... ...................... ..._......... ...... - _..... _........ ........ _.._........ ._....... ..:-..... ..... ........ ....... ............... ..... ......... __..... ................. .... .............. _..... _................. ....._...... ........................... ...... ....._....:..... ........ .................. _ ....._ ...... _.... _...... ....... .- ... .... -..... ._.... .................... ...... ...... ............................ ....... ... .... ....... ...... __... ........... ...... under Preliminary Order approved..........`....'.%._...._.........�.....__....... ...... .......................... ..... _................ _... - - ......... ......._ ........ ....... ...... ....... .._........ ...... ...... ..__.._._ t'- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - foot, $............. -- -. -- ... --.•— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUATION _ TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �. � _......... Datcd............../_.....1.......__........ _..191_. ��!/:......Z..1//.�1�1� .. Commissioner of Finance. .onw e. e. •. e e o �I f i / t ' �i _ o -----7 ^ % i \ | / u AUG 2 51915 __ JJ t % UREAU OF DGWEVS" COUNCIL FILE NO. 71509 By "/'3 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Construoting..a._ oement..Ule sidewalk.. to a- width *f_ six -fest on the west bide of Fairview avenue from Portland avenue to a point under Preliminary Order __... .... approved.... Intermediary Order ... .......... approved .......... ........ . ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is tile sidewalks. to a._ width­.ofsix feet on the west side Of Fairview avenue from Portland avenue to a --polat 170 .......... - ..... .... . ­­ -1-1 ............. ........ ............ .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 0 T.14 1 19, Adopted by the Council .... . ......... ... . . ............... . ... . ... .... Ci erk. Approved aJ_ 191 ............ . . ............ .......... . . Mayor. Councilman Fa Sworth G K e jr oll rg P� Mayor ers Form B. S. A. 8.7 1� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ( r� ON PR4.IMINARY ORDER In the Matter ofr.a'pve _........ a _..._� �✓_ y 11...%._/...1 ........_ r�lGt/�f�a�/( .../G......._........ ...lLrn� . . _ _ ........ .. _. _. ........... 1Dn�._......._�1.�.�t�...C9lh.......c..... �% ....-..__.._ .._..... ........................._........ ... _._........... _........ .___ ................._.................... ............ .................. I........... .............. ...... ........... ... ............... I...... ........ ....... — ...... _...... __.._........ ...... .. ..... ...._. ......................... ...... .................__............. under Preliminary Order approved..._... it ...--......�L......_... ...... .... --- ..................... ......... .................... I...... ...... ....... .-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: OOH The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ -- - _ -..-.-----...- -- .......- - They estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ • Z - . -- .... - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT aloaK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _. _.. TOTAL. �f�l The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _..........__._% ..11........._........_..191--._ r:...._....._..__...... - ......... ...... Commissioner of Finance. IORM B. 9. A. B -B O /'ORTL ���-., .. ��'-. �; 4ugv s_t...._26..,....................191.. _ 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Juncil File No §A67 .................. approved ......._._..._�gu_8t...-20?................191 5..., relative to........................... . construetin� a cement___til_e_.._sidewalk._to a width of six feet on the .......... ._.._..._...... westside of Fairview Avenue from Portland Avenue to a point 170 .................................... _...... _................. .._..... ................... ..... ................................. _....................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... ......_.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 5 per, lineal foot xxxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.._.......................... . and the total cost thereof is ....................._...._................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ......... ......... ......_.......... ............................................................ .................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....... ............................................ _................ .... _. 5. Said improvement is ...... ....... 9o�...:..._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjoct to assessment for said improvement. ....................... _......... _............... - Commissioner of Public Works. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ._ CoustruCt-ing__a__e.ement .tila.sidew.alk.._to-..a... on both aides of Roy street between Shields avenue and St. Anthony avenue, under Preliminary Order __6513.........__... ___._ _..______._..._......_... approved .__August_..l8th,.....1915........ ....... ..........-...... IntermediaryOrder ....._.........._........_..........._.. .................. ._.. approved_.....__......._......................__....._..._............._..---- ..-----..--_._...__.. A public. hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind emen t to be made by the said City is Conetr}.p.t.__p.._C�Ale.nt.....tale,.._aidelealk __to.._ a sf.idth. O lso� on both sides of Roy street between Shields avenue and _.... _. ... St. Anthony ave .. ..........._.........._._..__...._...._.......... ...... -...... ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the N&Tnissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. OCT 14 1 Adopted by the Council ...._ ............................................ . . Approved ..11 ...__...__.__.., 191.: Councilman Farnsworth Goss " .Keller " McColl >�ry ✓ c " Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL " - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t" VREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE d" (� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of tC under Preliminary Order approved_.11--��`–'I---/------� v----- -------------------------- ------------------------------ oL ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-5$�1BTj,IIQ-�], foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (Z444 � ,c 0o y y f a� yy/o �� of G "' " - TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF ftANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF -FINANCE !' ON PRELIMINARYY-PRDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT IB LOCK. Ab DITI.ON - ASSESSED VALUATION z The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated------- / -- - 191 _�_______�___il........... Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 8-0 O A To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ... .._.approved.............Au��tet.-.1S+.- 191.�_, relative to.................... _.... _ _.._construct in;..._a..._cement..._t ile...._sidewalk..._tq...._�.._;width..._of.....s_i.�t..._f eet...._on...._..........._..... both sides of Roy. Street between Shields Ave. and St. Anthony Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is................ ....... necessary and (orl desirable. 55¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.____............._._..._, and the total cost thereof is $..........._XxXXX=c . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ .........................._......................_........._..................._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _._ ..... _..... _.._.._.!..._:_........ _....___._................ _._. _. _............. _.........................._ _ ........._.... _............._ 5. Said improvement isw_.... nit.....__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �p.......__...... _.... _..... ... ..._..._........... _................... Com sioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST., PAUL Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to purchase for the Public Library, without advertisement and competitive bids, not exceeding eightthousand volumes of.the second-hand books offered for sale by the Library at Excelsior, Minnesota, at an aggre- gate cost of Twelve Hundred Dollars (01300.00); such books to be selected by the Librarian of the Public Library of this City; it being; the opinion of the Council that by the recent destruction of the books in the Public Library by fire, UmW an emergency has been created, whereby itis necessary to replace such books so destroyed, with the greatest expedition; the cost of said purchase to be paid out of the Library. Fund.—����''�-�� pnvrarr u1918. Adoptedby the Co c11Oct 4, proved _ oct:14 1915. J(oot 16 1916)..'. Yeas (✓) Co en (✓) Nays Far orth 7 In favor Kt M 11 Against N Y g Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.6-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: _.. _.... _-........._.........: _ _..... Faenea NO..........:.7.'r5" �_ ................ Date Presented_Qet..12.,19"1.5..-I91 _........ Resolved, The Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards to the Consumers Power Company, for a period of seventeen months begin- ning January 1,1916, contract for furnishing all elec- tricity for light and power for the new'Public Library in accordance with specifications and F.B.591, for the sum of $11,250.00; also contract for furiiishing all steam necessary for heating the said Public Library and operating pumps inradbordance with specifications and F,B.591, for the sum of $4000.00. yeas (V) Co cilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council 017 14 IM I S 191 _ Fe 'sworrh _In favor _ 191 K ar APp rov oil 6—Against Very e��i� Mr. Prestd Owers' t rover a6•2•. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL R 1 SOLUTIQN—GENS 'AL FORM Subject: — _..__.... _ j . , .._..._.. �. _ _ ._..__ ._ /J� 2 COUNCIL FILE NO.... ..... ................. .. 1 Date Presented,Q.ct.1.3,1.81.5.—I91......_.. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract -for furnishing all labor and material necessary to do the work of putting in place six long and three short water service connections on Warsaw street from West Seventh street to north line of Pleasant avenue to Fielding & Shepley for the lump sum of $600.00. Said work to be done in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer and F.B.548. IC. P. No:-7612—B�Cueeil ! Resolved, That the � aedotlll her�tnby' ! concurs in the.recommondrssbonaow d. Congract'Committee and hers,,'.- I% emtract fOr furnishing all lob.. oY P� ting in Ptnce six l0 6 and hree i. I� short stor Warsaw street ne efrom Weet 9e,enth SL I'i to north dine 'of -.Pleasant avenue to ofe din 00. Ba dlawo kpto ebe doneutn cations on ate lntth'ehe poftico otdthoC By 't pnginsto and I'. B• 648 1816. lldoptod by the Council Oct. 14, I• y lei ppprovsd Oct. 14; 1916 (Oct. 104816) Yeas (r) Co oilmen (Y) Nays sworth In favor er cColl Against hoary rg Mr. Presid t; Powers vosr e.e-2 I OCT 14 195 Adopted by the Council � n i Appr ved_V__ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Curbing Sherman Street, from West Seventh Street to Bluff near C.M. & St. P. Ry. to Thornton Bros. Co., at lump sum price bid of $844.00. Engineer's estimate being $869.50• Formal Bid No. 579. _ C. F. No. 7613-13y M N. Ooes- -Re owed, That the Council, hereby I ,concurs 1n the reco d hereby of the CU ours n the Committee d tie ion of the .the-.-Contract "for curbing ahermah street from West Seventh street toBlu ' Hent C. M & 3k P. Ry to Thorn- ton -9 os. Co d: ,at lump: sum puce bid g of 8944 OF ml131Engineer's `estimate' being $999 '0. Formal Bid No. 67lilt,9 i : Approve by the C 1916 Ock 14, 1916:: Approved Oct. 14, 1916. , ICA Yeas (r) Co cilmen (P) Nays Fa sworth G` s _ _'__In favor K er Coll ___Against O' ary Y rg Mr. Preside' Powers roses c.e-z OCT 14 1915 Adopted by the Council _____ _ _.___ 191. Approved _� 191 5� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.......... ...:._......_.._..... _... ..... .............. ....... .... ._... _................. _ .......... FILE NO........... Date Presented--Geto.ber...,.13.,--I91.5..._.. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading and Improving Field Avenue from Davern Ave. to Edgecumbe Road to Keough Bros. at lump sutra price bid of $1600.00. Engineer's estimate being 4246$140. Formal Bid No. 580. ✓'f��'"" Ute' - a F. No: .4114=8y M.N. Goes— Reoolved'- That the Council 'hereby ,concura,"the recommengatlop'o$ the. Connect Committee and f1ereby, awards' the: nohtra6 for, grading and improving. Flet d avenue Yrom Dnvem Ave. to: Xdgecom5e� Rond<to Xeough-Bros., at. lump'®um price b1d' oY $1600.00. );ngl- neor;s:eetimate being $2462.40. FOTmal c Bfd.680. Adptedby tho Council Oet. 14"19t5. Oc Approved t. 1915 9 (Oct, 30-1916). 01) Yeas (Y) COU ilmen (P) Nays 1~ar worth G __f ..._ In favor K er / oil _D_ -Against O ary rg Mr. Presid , Powers ... c.8.2 OCT 1419'5 Adopted by the Council ____._ ._ ._— —191 Approved -11 . . - 191 6 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PA& Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading and Improving KMIN STREET from Phalen Ave. to Tracy Ave., to Beecher 'Improvement Co., at lump sum price bid of $725.00. Engineer's estimate being $855.12. Formal Bid. No. 582. Yeas (V) Co cilmen (P) Nays F sworth G s _ In favor K ler M Coll '___Against O ary Y erg Mr. Preside , Powers FORN G.B-2 C. F No 7616—By DL N. Gose .Rbaolved, That the Council hereby; ..dlbra Iq;: the r omendation of they con rad[ CommitL and hereby awards the contractfor g ading and Improv- ing :Xe in street fro Phalen Ave to Tracy Ave., -to. Beecher Iglprovement,, Co:, at lump; sum price bid of $7161:11 M. laser's �olt m'9t0 'being 6866.12., Format Bld,Ne 682. Adopted by the Counbu Oct 14, 1916..1 `+Approved Oct 14, 19161 (OCL 16-1916) OCT X419'9191 Adopted by the Council Approved_ff _1916 —MAYOR _--_ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading and Improving STANFORD AVENUE from Prior Av. to Cleveland Av.; Wellesley Ave, from prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave.;and Berkeley Ave., from Kenneth Street to Cleveland Avenue, to Keough Bros. at lump sum price bid of $3600.00. Engineer's estimate being $5478.21, Formal Bid No. 883.. C. s. xo. 761=sr N1. x. Don�— Resolved, That the Co.ncll hereby ,concur. In the .recomeedation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards .;the contract fdr grading and hnprov- Ang Stanford'. avenue. from Prior, Ave, _ r,: Pievel,and Ave.: Welleetey Ave. from Pi�lor Ave:: to Cleveland- Ave:, and .Berkeley ,Ave. fram Kenneth etreet'to fCl;eveland. ' Ave., to Keough .on. at lump .sum price bid of. 28800Al) 'On - gineer'e..estimate being t6478.2L For- mol Bid No. 682. 'Adopted.:by the Counoll..Oct. 14, 1915. Approved Oct. 14, 3916. (Oct. 16-1916) Yeas (V)Co cilmen (11) Nays Ff( sworth GIn favor er 1V� Coll t4.___Against C ary ;t rg Mr. Preside ;Powers OHM c.8.2 Adopted by the Counc ciiln — Approved _ V _ 91 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; ... — .......... . COUNCIL Fu- NO ........... ..r .......... .._....... ................ Date Presented-....:.Pga Resolved, Thht the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Brimhall Avenue from St. Clair St. to a point 50 feet south of the south line of Stanford Avenue, to Union Machine Company, at lump sum price bid of $1094.00. Engineers estimate being $1380.00. Formal Bid No. 584. C F: No: v d, That Y:M., Oo"i Resolved, 7—By M. Council re heby co urs in the ecomm datloof t m Con tract Committee and hQrebYn awards the contract- for ,the nOnatruetloli Of'ei Clair on Brpoint t avenue 'from a _e 9 on a point , Leet south o[ tha t ou th lin. of Stanford avenue;t0 Union -Machine Company, at lump eu price; bid of $1094:00. Engineer's estimate . being $1880.00, Formal -Bid No. 684. Adopted by the Counoll Oct. 14, 1916. Approved—..Oct. 14. 1916. ���__(Oct: 16-1816) .__ _J Yeas (r) Co oilmen (v) Nays OCT1119�J Adopted by the Council ____ . —191 Faworth `. Go IIn favor Ke r Appr ed Me OR __Against O' ary .:. Yoe MAYOR Mr. President, Owers -m C.8.2 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Brading and Improving ALLEY in Block 13, Boulevard Addition, to Martin Eberhard, at lump sum price bid of $158.00. Engineer's estimate being $191.45. Formal Bi& to. 592. /j -x,,04. Yeas (Y) Cou ilmen (Y) Nays Far Orth Go _ In favor Ke 11 Mc ll__Against O' ry Yo Mr. President Owers MMM C.8.2 1, C:" F. No, 7518--ByAt. N1 Gose— 'ResoV That the Council hereb tvey concurs in .the: recommendation'of the Contract -Committee and.hereby awards I the contraottor grading. and Improving: alley �In"Block x.13, BouIevRrd Additiop, ', to Martin Eberhard, at lump sum price 41d., of $168.00 Engineer estimate being $191.45. Formal Bid No. 592. Adopted by,the Councll.O t 14, 1915. Approved Oct 14 1916.' (Oct 16-1916): Adopted by the Council OCT 14 i n , 5 191 Approved _ S%__ --. _- 191 41 .. MAYOR "-i.1i. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays PAOCEED1Nd8'OF THA!: CO11NClr- / I., If�nJing. _ -!j.� 191 s. "'. In Isvor A- rove191v /^ No. 7619-0rdinance No 3699.— ! '• - •ordinance authorlsing the proper• ,city official. to enter Into anl.� ,� reement wlth Mi h (eller % !,f c Bel Colllne for he paht nt; of comp6ne4tlon In ac_.. �u iord:*hh the.Wdjnork{ppppgnrrrrr Com- "ensatfon Act, and yrovigfor the a an of money in Accordanceli- -Eh anld ngreemgnt. ... ^nas, Mlchael<Collim,, on the 7th lY 3916,- received Injuries employ o[ the City of St. An'6�,yTxly Pahllc wor'- zing .the proper city' officials to enter ~ into "An'agre"ement with'Vichael Collins, for the payment of com .;,, penaat;ion, in accordance with the Workmans' Compensation Act, and. providing for the payment of money in accordance with said agree - men WHEREAS; 2,dlchael dollies, on the 7th day of July, 1915, re- d' e-d zn7uries.uhi•le in the employ of the City of St.Paul, Departient of Pub is Works, said injuries consisting of injuries to his'left°#oot,, THE COUNCI OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section^'l..The proper city officials are hereby authorized to enter,i'nto an agreement with Michael Collins providing for..the payment-' him of'compensation for injuries received by him, in accordance with the Workmena' Compensation Act. Sect -ion 2. The proper city.officials are hereby authorized. pay to )Michael Collins out of the Fund, the sum of Eighty Three and 68/100 ($83.68) in full settle- ment,of all Claims of whatsoever kind or natureheld or asserted o by the: said Michael Collins against the City of St.Paul by reaso;n:. 1-r � • of injuries, received by him while in the employ of the City on the 7th day of July, 1915. ti Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect, and be in force 50 days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption NOV —2 1sR5 by the Council.....__191 / I., If�nJing. _ -!j.� 191 Farnsworth `� Goa In Isvor A- rove191v (eller i 2ud / _ 191J 3rd /r� 2�'j 191 f M�c,C_o_l_l- ✓' "' ` Aga h1A1"OK / Date Published 191-J ✓Yoerg Mr. Pres�nt, Powers Attest JOHN I. FARICY, PUBLiS11ED Il_ "/S City Clerk. ■ !T4'V=tntra of Kato CITY <on OF QSAINT PAUL O. M.O NCILL `! ,s JOH NT P.KYLE JOHN A. BURNS I�0I WILLIAM J.GIBE R SON THOS.W.MOMEEKIN October 14, 1915. To the Council: ^,entlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance settling the clairn of Michael Collins under ,he Workmen.' Compensation Act, for the Burn of "3.68. After an investigation of the above claim, it is the opinion of this Depart-nent Lhat the proposed settlement is reasunai.;le and to the best interes�s of the City. Yours trul; , A;/.t. toorporsti-on Counsel C: F No 7620—Ordinance he claim - A Ethel l7onc . to settle the Of Th Council of the City of St. Paul doe ordain: SECTION o f� That the propositionmisand a Ethel John- � d ��� e wn to aompromlee and settle her claim d 0 alnet fhe City of St Paul, arising out INur/es auatnined by her by reason - -- tappinn Alto depression ^ .a thr on 1lfarehnll - -) n tion of Finn avenue, as le r - 1, •larly set out In her comm- I. omm A: the Council under e- - l- An ordihanci�to`settle.the claim of Ethel Johnson. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section -1 ..That the proposition of Ethel Johnson to com- promise and settle her claim ->again St the -:City of St.Paul, arising out of injurie's sustained, by her:'by reason of stepping into a. depressi-on in the si&&alk on MarshalJ,,Avenue near the intersection of Finn Avenue, as is, more�pextieularly set out in her communication to the Council under date 1915, 3915, upon payment ,to her of the sum of Seventy five, Dollars ($75.00- be, and the same is hereby accept ed,.,`and the. proper, city .officers are hereby authorized and directed to'draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Ethel Johnson, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Seventy Five Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be aoproved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature,; and more particularly on account ofthose arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 :days after its passage and publication. Final Adoption NOV —2 1y 15lfll % Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nay, by the Council_....._ 1 Farnsworth �-{ 191lu lavor oved lot llcading_._... 1/ ✓icruer 2nd McColl''_ Against MAYOR ,,(((?/�1/191 Attest:3rd ✓YoergJOLHN 1. FARICY, PUBLISIIEDL c7 City Clerk Date Published 191 J Mr, Pres4d�ent, Powers = `T344auvotk .uf Law CITY OF SAINT PAUL � cavo x coo Hoeg ss JONN P_KY LEAs ' JOHNA.SURNS WILLIAM J. GIBERSON TH09.W.MCM EEKIN October 14, 191b. To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance settling the claim of Ethel Tohnson, for the sum of Seventy Five Dollars. After a careful investigation of the above claim, it is the opinion of this Department that the proposed settle- ment is reasonable and to the best interests of the City. Yours yu„ pgt Corporation L"oun�l. r � 7521- i f , An Ordinance Amending Administrative Ordinance Number 3567, Approved October 5th, 1915, An Ordinance Fixing tyle Number, Titles, Duties, and Compensation of the Officers and Employed? --s Connected with the Public Schools of the City, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN. Section 1. That Section 3 of ordinance Number 3567, approved October 5th, 1915, be amended by striking out the words in Section 3 of said ordinance, 119 critic teachers at salaries not to exceed p1400.00 per annum," and inserting in their place the -' words, 1110 critic teachers at salaries not to exceed 4V1400.00 per annum, Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and by in force 30 days after its passge, approval, and publication, Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption NOV "2 iy-15 by the Council ......_ __... 191 d / Farnsworth t Lt Brading Goss In I.vur Ap ed J(Y t/ 191y�'J �CT 2 Keller 2nd //(( 191 McColl f ` Again 3rd _.""."// 19 Attest: / Yoerg — A• JOHN 1. FARICY, iJ Date Published .... _ 19Mr. P"sident. Powers rt f St. Paul City Clerk.' rm: SECTION 1. That Section 3 of Ordinance Number - ---- - ---r� ams approved striking October 6th, woo be amended by striking out the words In Section 3 of Bald ordinance 1'9 creed - teachers at salaries not to exceed 53400.00 per annum,•' and inserting in -' - _ that pieyge the words, 30 critic teach- ' ere at salaries not to exceed $3400.00 per annum. - SECTIONS This ordinance shall take effect and be In force 30 days after its passage, approval,, and publication. Final adoption by the Council Nov. 2. - 1916. Yeas—Mesare. Farnsworth, Goee, t R:eller, McColl, Naab, Yoerg, Mr. Press- dent (Powers) -7. Nays -0. Approved Nov. 2, 1916. p. WINN POWERS, GG Mayor. Attest: - JOHN L FARICY, ' City Clerk.. (Nov. 6-1916) e CITY OF %T,. PAUL COUNCIL-I'N GENERAL FORM 5 RESOL 7522 7, 22 ..... . . ................................ : .......... Subject _1 ................ .................... COUNCIL FILEN ................................ ............ ..................................... ........................... Date Presented . ....... WHEREAS, An emergency has arisen requiring the immediate Purchase of material for Wheelock Parkway, in order to be able to improve said parkway before the winter sets in, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to purchase, without advertisement and competitive bids ^ 2500 yards of coarse gravel, and 1500 yards of fine gravel, in accordance with the ppecifloations, for said Wheelock Parkway. No. 15.2i ��BILOUIEI'Nas Where s, An a to hh. arisen I M requiring I, =rgate purcdmse'ot wr . Y. In or- kw ay material for Wheelock Park, der to be able to Improve so' p before the winter sets in; therefore, be; It a sing Ag put b Resolvpd. That the Pur eh1. e aml he Is hereby authorized t'o.P.=., a at,,. h It see. without advert ..mrdt 26 IT— bids, not to excee QO �7,rdl P-tL500 'of of .0—e gravel, and I yards 41ne gravel, In accordance wlth.pth. P..Ifl;, C.U.n., for said Wheololcho arilway,., by the Con I Wheels 1 0 15,11915- 1 Ad, 5 ppted Ap r.ved Ort. is, (Oct. 16-191 5) – Yeas (V) Councilmen (0 Nays Adopted by the Council Goss 4::1o­. In favor Keller Appr ....... .... .............. McColl -Against Nash Yoerg............ ...... .............. ... ................ Mr. President, Powers MwroR FORM C.8-2 Recommended on a /o - providing drainage for Belid6rit St. C!un ' 'File No . ........... ......... :)P AL FOR IMPk6VEMEr4t.,o10' 7M and PRELIMINARY ORB 4"� The undersigned here proposes the making oJA - e following public impr inent by the City of St. Paul, viz/.:...Q.pen. viden, eaid—exte4wo."a-midth of B"Li;Pf..fe.et.,. Seminole Ave 7ft S_t .. . ......... ........... .... ...... .................. .. ... . . . .. .. . . .. ... ........ ... .......... ... ....... .. ........... ...... ........ .. ................... .......... . ........ . .. ..... ..... ..... . ....... .... ....... ............................... ... ......... ....... ....... . .. ... ................ .............. ....... .......... .... ........... ............ ........................ ........... Dated this ldthday of . ...... ... -Oatob.er ................ ..... .................... 19 Lra-... ............ .. .... ............................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... ........... 14.en" Milan Ima extend t.0 a vj.j(jt.h...of .. ....... :CX.Q-M_ Sy.dnQ7 S.t . ...... t.Q B.QIMQxlt St.* ......... .......... .... ...... ............ I ...... .... .. ........ ....... ... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ...... ..... ....... ...... ....... .... ...... .... . .......... ........... "FIW Gose ......... . ............. ..... ........ ...... ............. . ................ ....................... ........ whereas, propoial-forlbe- a�alcingof.tee fonowirieimprovitneq. via. O➢en,twlden ,,and �exteqTwi, having been presented to the Council of the City 1dth;,0t41XtY,'1e0L SerairanC,"qven4e�� . .. .......... ........... .............. ....... from BYdney�etreat ' therefore, be it havjnjr�,.been presented,to, thb',Qoandl� of Zia etwof st.'rauitheretor67 he it, `Ile of ed„ That :'tho7coinintasibair. of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub- P-ublla��Works bO and -ho.3-horeby,or. ered and directed: -devad and dlre.t.di,� �.- '� , " `- 1. - To investigate the necessity for or desiri- �-L To'Inventlirato the, -,';or ov,n,,nt. Ordeslrabillty', vr�'the,rn&i; making of 0-1n improvement. 't t, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est s.: 2.-; To Investigate,the natur'en and; oat �' Of - Salo, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of k t 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ............ ...... ...... ............ ........ ....................... ............ ................. . ............ I ..... ........ .. .. ........................... ....... ....... ....... ....................... ........... ....... .. ........ .............. - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matter to the Commissioner of Finance. -I' Adopted by the Council . ....... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Go s Approved .......... '?-I. ... ..... . ...... K� ler Z Coll Nash erg rg . .. .. ........ P wets Mayor P wers ... . ... i PUBLISHED CITY 'OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of--- Bureau f__Bureau of -- ---- - - Qa�ncil File No. Date Presented By %#AA - - - - - - RESOLUTiUNS.` L ht C pans is hereby uNnred and directed to extend its electr'cal lives by erection Poles and stringing wires thereon for the 1.- �' following alleys and streets of said city fisi the St:nPav1Gae.: i•, Se hereby.'ordered and Poles required for City Area., tend,.ite: eteatrfcal Jlnes ' dee anca'etiingfng wlxee le ttanemteefon of alae; :an the ronowmg aneys. Ctland Street from ilnaryland Street to Como &Phalen Avenue. Bald city - ld ter City,elrea I -street from UI;y ad:; 6cte Street from Jessamine Street to Magnolia Street. : & P,halen,Aveaue, _ , ett•eeY, Lrola' 7esssmin¢ iolfa ptreaL; �" pa street:rem JaesamI"e asissippi Street from Jessamine Street to Como & Phalen Ave. and Phaten-Aveave id street` from Wast-` to Mlaafdaippl street tster etreet;;from nary=.. gland Street from Westminster Street to Mississippi Street. nth street tear Raadfrom Payne yentevc etroet 6tminster Street from Maryland Street to Hyacinth Street rfer,% _ie est Prom: Payne ave, _ Ave tvenue frotnr 911ey nor.+" L Phalen to Como White Beer Road from Payne Avenue to Larpentsur Street. 'eet from a11eyY� to Searle street }, set from„EdgartRJ21 8lontana Street from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, al'y guys rea�eaa°s' On Payne Avenue from alley north of Como & Phalen to Como&Phalen. .nl,, .iund. a�gaa,.r= On Clear Street from alley west of Searle Street to Searle Street On Rose Street from Fdgerton Street to Desoto Street. With necessary guys. All of .ouch -tens o s ..les avd wires shall be erected and <omtnic4d under the directi.n and supervision of tM1e l'��mmissiouer of Public Utilities avd in all things +ubiec to the ...visions of lhdinavice \o. ii2i. Ind fall other larcfnl o dimness and resolnfi ., of the City of Se P.O. All poles shall be set in sock location in aald alters and streets as the Co mmissiomrof Public Utilities shall dssinnate, and shall be of such height avd haracter as he »hall doirn—and approve, avd any avd all —h.ol shrill Le Inks wv an d d ren d suc d h paced and c uvd, wlte pr tM1e Coun 1 hall deem that the public ivtereet so renuir<s, and whey it shall so order � //// Adopted by the Council-' _ _ _ � - _ 191. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays F GOS 3at Mc LL / YOE RG (� J O'L ARY Approve __ ___ ._ ____-..-___-__ 191 KEL ER _. Mr. President, PO RS Mayor _njBusHED,ZA_— � CITY OF ST. PAUL, Council Resolution --- General Form Department of - Bureau of _ �7 55 Date Presented ...191 Council File No. - - - - 4 — By It F'St1l.V Ell. •Ch t the St. 1'a M1 Ca11 Lieht Contrav atstreets o•1 ..id c,�yand drzccted xtevd t I trical li by erective P I d stnnc trey tF.ereov for the �ransmwmnv of a ectr an m t e v owmc al crs an e Poles required for City Arcs. Un Duluth Avenue from Maryland Street to alley north of Maryland t7x, rreet8 Of: al t - .i'o1Ce required Yc.-• Street. On 'n Dulu.h�{ar .r street ta, alley Hort t Marylana`atreey t 4. nJe fo8aael,aveaue,; .n On Maryland Street from Duluth Avenue to Raze AveBue. -,On Autumn;atreet fc avenue toRuth avenue.", On blurnesaiatroet frp+... On Autumn Street from White Bear Avenue to Rut Avenue. nue to Keller etreetb On Ca,oe's,reat from to;'Rusaell"street. " ! Oa Cook atreec from On Burners street from Auto= Avenue to Keller Street Earl street Lo iEarl etroo ion Fra¢k. street ;tom Cook atreet:toCook etre-' On CaeA $tr09t from Cypress Street to Russell Street. Oa Cyareea-street 1rs-. `of_ Corp atreet to Daae`.; Oa Abelf; street from to'Roap,otjeeL .y On Cook Street from alley east of Fgarl Street to Earl Street. With negeeeary guys.:;:, .. - a"� • ,Ali o[ -ouch eztenalone pgtea"`sad,. :wlreo•shall.be erected,and conatructeQ tuader under.•:tbe dlrequon andrauper-:iL Street from alley 9Outh Of (ai0O1r,- Street t0 COOkgLTAe t. r•vlaton`at-tha..Commleafoner of .ct, to rUftlltfee, and; is all things aub)ect=to� the prgv,aien. "do xq •airs.; teas Street from alley north of Case Street to Case street. hand of -all. other lawful urdlnsaces,and. ;esolutlond-ot the 'Qtty,;of 8t, Y$vi, Ali polos aban be pet tit i loeatlon lta safdsileye and streets aa-the.Cozn 11 Street from Maryland Street to Rose Street. mfesioner of,Yubllo Utilltles,$bell; dea 1gn ate and Shall be of, ,ouch height and uhakacter aa'c;he shalt algaate;.�and-. spprove, anal any sands,r sueh-poles aceseary guys ,our, be taken down and removed h nd iauch wfreCounced u¢d rground when IeV.er the.. CeourlCtl ahal�:de6m `thatthe..a sl nll be stetted and °vnstrncted under the dlrcetinv and ,anervisi°n of the l.nmmisriov<r of Ynbhc Utiliries and iv all Unves 'public Interest so requires aMd yrbon SC ` alt a a nl all ower lawml mdm,nner ana �eevme°vans ttte city vt st. ranl. sh811 90 order vd 1 II be f ancb hei •ht avd haracter as he I,•:.;Adopt08 by the Cqun`Cll OCL 16 1916 'd a11e and streets as the Commiasiover of Public Utilitie sh II d mva� nd n s to the Council shall deem that the ',AppTOved Oat 38 1816: - .I d 11 h Poles 1,.11 be taken dnvn and rmnoved ana such nlrvs Paced undergrn ' Jf P ,(O,et. 23-1916) hnu,v d— __191 er. s - _ --lsl Adopted by the Council - Yeas ( ) Co )cillnen ( ) Nays R S Mc Mc OLL / YO U APProv ` 1 OT ARY KEL ER - Mayor Mr. President, POW RS CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General FoTM w P Department of ---- - - Bureau of -- Council File No. _ Date Presented 191 It ESMA,ED. That the St. a 1 Gas Lisht Camputy is hereby ordered avd directed to eatend its electrical lines by .... tioe poles and strinvive caves thereon (or the ' transoissvn o1 electricity un and n the lo)lawivi; alleys and streets of said tits: Poles required for City Arcs. On Burr Street from Rose Street to Geranium Street. On Cook Street from Jessie Street to the alley west of Desota Street. In alley west of Desota Street from Cook Street to alley north of Cook Street. On Arkwright Street from alley north of Cook street to Magnolia Street. aitara'� L7 arcs With necessary guys.at Yrom Rose street to TII u( such exrenaimu.. pvlel and „area 111:111 be ere<Icd and--illtsid der .ablest to the ornvl " u( �)rdivaoce �v. °ata. avd tall otlrtr lawful ordinances ren 411 pules 1111-11 be set in a ch lot id ails. a d t eeL as the Commi 1lubli d"i" tesand pu�ver' and whey it vd lil ehnll so olydlel shall bc er rtakev dotan and re Adopted by the Council _ Yeas ( ) Councilmen Utilities and iv all thins / h6i M avd character as he moil shall deem that the 191 I McC LL YOEG _ 19 Approved OTE KEL ERY R _ Mr. President, POW RS Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution --- Generat Form "%97, Department of Bureau of _ _ . '71W7 Cncil File No. Date Presented 191 ByRF.S0iNED, at t. Paul Gas Licht Company is here b, ordered avd dire ted to extend it lectr ca) lives b r 6.1, pulc .d stent a therevp (ar the Iran.nvsaivv of electri ty on and in thv followinc III— and-eses of said city. I Poles required for City Aron. On Road from Margaret and Block Streets to Fourth and Kennard a.d9n the ;oii� a e;;eata euy *.. Streets. qulrgd for CltY _Arco d 44m MavBaret a ,e - Foustll and K¢nllarai trehala st.: from;. xabn Minnehaha St. , from Hazel and Ruth Avenues. mea., Wgter; avenue from K g_aYeituC. a, sheet.from A71oy,;5Ain Stillwater Avenue from Kennard to Corning Avenue. a south- of MInnehah ----. a etre t to -`Ol h ta WeW.f, ?:tna,otre.t On Etna Street from Alley south of Minnehaha Street to Minne- k street from alley - ices s, arargaret etre,.'haha Street (to Minnehahe Street. ices guys ouch; exlenstone, - -- - ]t be ,erecte8 anti ala,o„ r r Pubi Yn alley south of Minnehahe. Street from Etna Street to a p41nt 11^thinga subject*.' 4awfulaoxdinanen' ih.CyoLSt./" tw0 hundred feet west of Etna Street. C Is to IV bloss", onerioera.and' On Book Street from alley south of Beech Street to Margaret oner -of ll bl Istel:: tie -fie' Street. lhve; with necessary guys. lily of suds exteu.pules avd wirm shrill be erected avd umatructed miler the direction and supervision of the Cvmmissi...r of Public Utilities I'd in all thives snbicct to the t, o isionx�of di!,— \o. 2424. avd f all o I Iawfui ordinances avd.... Wtin.. vt the City of St. Paul. All poles shall b-- iv each location in said aIle,. and streets as the Commissioner of Public I:tilities shall desicvate, and alrall be of sucb heiebt avd hander as be sh 11 dnlevate avd approve. and any and ell such Vole. shall be token down and removed, and such wires placed under¢rouvd, whenever the Cwndl .ball deem chat the a Vuhlic interest an rennire. and whenit I.a11 so ardor. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Co�ncilmen ( ) Nays h �J M OLL Y RG �f O' EARY APprov ___ --- _ 191 KE LER Mr. President, PO ERS PUBUSMDIL / Mayor Department of Bureau of Council CITY 7115P91 �y 6�Q p�,Clar nc`e street Lrv. ' J �� , � tistreee '-' Council File No. L i @i 'S=ot fb^resented - 191 _ ,. .doL MEQ min6h¢r By eat t RESOLVE ,'That Ane SL Paul Cas t Company is Lereby Icred and dnected to extend to lee bn l liv s by ereatve pules led r nerve canes thereon for the trananoanon of el �m 9 and iq the follow llcys avd streets of said city: npoles required for City ATOS. On Hudson Road. from Hastings Avenue to White Bear Aven9te. On Hoffmann Avenue from Fifth to Clermont Street. On Commercial Street from East Third Street to Hudson Avenue. On East Fourth Street, from Earl to English Street. On Terry Street from Fourth to Conway Street. On East Sixth Street from Earl Street to Dulath Avenue. On Gotzian Street from Sixth to Margaret Sts. On Duluth Avenue from Sixth Street to Beech Streot: On Clarence Street from Beech to Margaret Streets. On Etna Street from Beech Street to alley south of Minnehahs St On Birmingham Avenue from Margaret Street to Sixth Street. With necessary guys. All .d such c a, poles and wlreashall be erected avd comtructed under the diroction and supervision of the Commissioner of Ppbllc Utilities and in all thivee .object w the e liens of )Ninnncc N.. 2J2A. and of all other lawful o dinancea and reavhrti.... I the Ciry� of St. Paul All puiexrshall be:et i , e ch Iacono. ins id alleys and streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall deaienate, and shall be of such height and haracter as he shall des n 1 approve, and any and all each poles shall be taken down and removed. and such wires placed ed-,. -d. whenever h Council shall deem that the scare a e public interest au renuirea and whey it shall •o order. Adopted by the Council --_moi 191 S Yeas ( ) CoullFilmen ( ) Nays GOS McC LL YOEG O'LE RY Approved _ . - _. - _ -- 191 KEL R "Or. President, POW RS 7Ylayor CITY Council Orin r 9 Department of__ to Cott¢ge avenue. '`----� - ,. - OhBtple .etre0t from Earl street tq - Cyprees In a110y south of Cook Bureau of jorrpTeP= .4- . rome onev eolith. of O al1eY north of Maryland etre= with neo n ary guy. 191 1� eaten4.esented - -.-..- Council File No. By sorsa to eatena ua 1 t eat me r reetine vel a ipaina wires thereon for the khSl1LV k.U, That the .% E'znl 'a Licht Coa+pang is hereby n d 1 d d uxns�n ssinp of elecmdty oa xn a;pm innowm¢ shoes and,tm,o, of said mb. Poles required for City Aron. On Walsh Street from Wells to Uinuehaha Street. On Greenbrier Avenue from Ross to alley between York and Wells, Streets. On Weide Street from alley south of Sims Street to Whitall Stres On Cyprens Street from Clear Street to Cottage Avenue. Un Sims Street from Earl Street to Cypress Street. In alley south of Cook Street from Cypress Street to Earl Street On Frank Street from alley south of Jessamine Street to Jessa- mine Street. On Frank Street from Rose Street to alley north of 1i:aryland Street. All e[ such ci4axi �� r. Iml�e�lutThres'sl�lllrA rBeTe7i'riyco Shut�uder the direction and supervision of the lnmmissinner of Public Ulihtles and in all thioas subject to the provisions o[i)rdinaace �0.?+2J. nod n( x11 aH+er lawful o ainm<ea and resolutions o(the. Citr of St Paul. .all poles shall b' net in sucl+location ie said allege ava streets as the Commissioner e( Public Ueilities shill desiC pd shall be of s ch hei ht d hamster u he shill All P ate and approve, and anv and all such pales shall be taken down amt rmpoved, and such wires placed uvdereraund, whenever the ,mall dee that the public'etcrest so requires, and when ;t shall so order. Adopted by the Council - -- Yeas ( ) Co4cilmen ( ) Nays GO S Mc OLL 0% YO G Approve / -- -- 91/ OT ARY KE ER 1VIr. President, PO ERS Mayor PUBLISI-iE9��,� _ , S I CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form f Department o___ ' Bureau of — - Date Presented 191 Council File N . _ - By R F:St)LV ED,rfh he L Pa I Cas Livht Company is herebt nnlered avd ........... .. so extend sts eleclrfcal I�vea by erec a pol s d matvv x 1 eon (or the ,rxnamnswv of elect i ' Y on a d in the followipe allns avd streets of said city; s Poles required for City Arcs, On Walsh Street from Wells to Minnehahs Street. On Greentrier enue from Rose to ley between York and Wells Streets. C,'V /,e�17 4 On Weide St e t from South South 9t arins Street to Whitall Stree On Cypre . StreC ' r $t"etA�Coa Av�sue. on Sims Street fro Earl street toreet. Inalley south of/'4ok tree rom Cypress Street to hi" "et On Frank Street from alley south of Jessamine Street to Jesba- mine Street. On Frank Street from Rose Street to alley north of Maryland Street. aa11''{{//pp Al, f ,nch eaten.�an.. !M11irnggljes%A;yl chi SCsfte—li Lndnr the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities avd iv all things cubic t the ri' a( Vrdin c V o. LV'ta. and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City ul S, Paul. cAll pal nr+h II be t'n s ch location iv s d aims and strcetn as the Cons I-i—y,"I Public Ulilities shall de,ievme. avd shall be of such heiuht and hander as he sh. II des ana >m�roI�e� end" nt�li ed xii so e b,l shall he taken Juwn and removed. and such .vires placed undercrmmd, whenever he Council shall deem that the snare public interest ser rcnuircr an wen rd— Adopted by the Council _------191 Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( ) Nays McC LL YOE G OTE RY Approved KEL ER Mr. President, POW RS - Mayor "Wo COUNCIL FILE NO. By- .. . . .......... .. . ...... .................. . .. ..... .. .. . ...... .... "J FINAL ORDER. I ILI In the Matter of Constructing a cement tile. side-,.qalk to -a width of Four -feet on the east side of Dale street from Nebraska atraet, north a distance of 200_fe"� . . ....... . .. ... under Preliminary Order 6.548.approved -AUgUat 19th . ...... 1915 .................... Intermediary Order _ .......... approved ., . _ ........... . - ............ __ - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the I same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .Cons.truct-...s, cement . tile . sidewalk. . t a -a. ividth of _-Four feet on the east side of Dale street from Nebraska street, north a distance . .­ __ - ............... - ..... ... . ....... . .. ........... . ­ .... ...... ... .......... ........... ........ ... of 200 feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 41-1 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved.—...... Mayor. Councilma Go b.ove lmp roveaent_jtpoa n the.un. hearecthernto,5;and having d ons,;rela0Ject rep. 0 . oll 'xea lved By the eoneldered the game therafern; Couneflof theJCity ' , f SL Paul thats nature ,!teat and ki Improvement 'b01 Ay made by the" sad It I AMIStlu-t a , cement ile al e .1 to a Idt of four feet ontthe cast side of Dae.' street Yoe 2.,�f.b.,t,s.1,.,d,thr:etd north . di.time. of aurgil, hereby or dcr,.s.,J1Vd,ha;,,oce"T1 lobe me.do., Resolved Further, That the Commis - Mayor Pow :rs sloner,of �Public Works be and he Is 'hereby'�#istructe directed Form B. S. A. 8-7 d d and,. 't . r "r' u If n said Von e a And,. bMt same, to 'Pa 0 ' :thathat ty,^.Ioffl.ii sa-are:. 'w V. -M, i , s� is; 1916: Aguat To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ...............approved.19................191.5...., relative to._.......................... ............... aans.txuxtinm td.lp r m-J-1th Q f f.qu..a.: feet on ............._t. ...... eas . .. ..... Sir -Le of D.a.le f.x..Q.n di tan3e of ........................... I.- ........................ ao() rest - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................necessary and (or) desirable. 370 per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._._._......................._.. and the total cost thereof is $................................................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. ....... ............ .......................... .... ..................................... _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto ettuched and made a part hereof. 4 . .................... . ... ... .. ...... .. .......... . . ...... ...... ................... ... . ... ..... . . . ............. ............ ...... ................................................ .............. ................. ...... 5. Said improvement is .....not..... . ........................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... ..... ... ............. ........ ....... ......... .. ........ .. .. ................. Col Issio r of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) q I W 'N- � 4-1 6, Z/ In the Matter Zl.' c ........... .... .... ...... A4 ..... .. . ......... .................... .. ........ . ................. ....... - - - --- ------ -------- ---- ------ ... . . . .. . .... ... . . . ...... ..... .. ... .............. .... ............. .......... ........... . .............. ........ . ........... ....... .... ......... ....... ............ ... ...... . ... .... . .... ...... ..... ................... . ......... ..... . _...__............................I ...... ................ ...... . . . . ........ ........... . ...................... I ...... ........ .. . . . . ...... .... ........ ......... I ...... ....... ................. . ....... ...... ... . .... ........... ....... .... . ............... . ................... ....... ... ......... .... ............. . ........ I . ............ ........... ....... I ........ . ....... ...... I ............ ....... ............ ............ ............ ............. I ......... .......... ......... .. ......... ....... I ......... ...... ...................... . ....... ...... - ....... ...... . .... . .... ....... ........ - --- ----- ------ - ................... .... . . ..... ........ .................... ....... ... .... . ...... .. .... . ... . ........... ........ - .. ...... ....... ....... ..... ........ .. ..... ..... .. ...... ... ... . ..... .... .. ... . ..... under Preliminary Order approved.... ....... . ....... .... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is P-Dzllne.al The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ....... ....... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION [ON --*Ak TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated an of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C F i`: a. GS�B COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _,Co.ns.truc.t.ing_a..cement. tile... sidewalk--to-a. -width --of--six --feet en..._the_...east... side ._-af-..Jackson..- street -.from ....Univereity. avenue. -0 Pennsylvania avenue under Pre�iminary Order ..6136__.... approved .. J..U1.y__ 3x , _ 7 �. 5........ Intermediary Order .......... _ approved _.__ _ _........ __ ___. ......._.._.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.. Conatru.. Ct, aidewalk..._t.o- a__width.._af_..six feet on.the _..e.aflt_.fli.de...._o%....Jackson....atree t_- from_ -Un i ver-aity--ave nue---to--Penrlsylvan avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Connell for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance the lin i Adopted by the Council ........ ..... S..�J'`/...__�_............ Approved ._...... ..... d - - . C.. F. Nc. 7632— In the Matter of constructing a cement! Councilman the sidewalk to a width of six feet on the east slds of Jackson street from University avenue to Pennsyl- Go s vania avenue, under Preliminary Or. der 6136, ap'roved.July 23rd, 1916. A public hearing having -been had � Kel er upon the above Improvement npan due heard Bard ving notice, . and the Counen d roc. all persona, objections Coons and r com dations re 3o live thereto, and having ,I MC 011 ffuell considered the same; therefore, It Resolved, By the Council of the city „ Or o[ at. Paul that the precise nature, e8- ary tent and kind of Improvement to be made by the said City is -.construct a cement iiia atdewalkto a^Width of^sf8 Vrom Ine Mayor Po ars orae, Form B. S. A. 8-7 alone, ereb pare plans ana spemncarwna . Improvement, and eubmft same to the Council or approval; that upon said approval' tht 'r'p.er city officers are hereoy abo-zed nd directed to pro- ceed with the makingof said Improve- ment in accordance therewittt. Adopted bytheCouncil Oct. 15, 1915. Approved Oct. 1819 35. (Oat. 23-1915) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI TONER• OF FINANCE ON PRELIMWXRY ORDER - I In the Matter of f4 under Preliminary Order approved--------=-----/flf-----------._.---------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is � - $-- 52¢ hex , lineal -- The estimated cost per foot for. the above improvement is - - - - - $ fOot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCX ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION pp D/ ��, K �Ti��isf /vJF/J f� J• 'z �� 'z/ d a-' id �//�� If"u17711 Kyq(oy K �KJn�i-u�uci✓ �Gt� 1 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-sl/.j'/1� Commissioner of Finance. rOPM s.s.A. 9-3 C CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMIN*RY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA I _. ALI- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-sl/.j'/1� Commissioner of Finance. rOPM s.s.A. 9-3 C A!- At6.J ........................... 191.. 5 To the Commissioner'of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No...6136.........„...._approved........_JL? ......z3... ................................ 191 relative to ................ .......... _ .................. east side of Jackson Street from University Avenue to Pennsylvania ................................. .__............................._............................................................................... _....... ...................................... .......... _................................................ ...... ............. .._..._.._............. Avenue. ............ ................. ......... ............. ...... .... .... _...... ............. ........._............ .................. ...... .............. ........ ..._.......... ...__....... ...... ...... _... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....... ....... ....... necessary and (or) desirable. 54 per lineal feet S. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ............................... and the total cost thereof is $.............................................., and .._ _ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................................................................................................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .... ........ ......... ..... ... _........._....... ........... ....... ............. .............. ............_.._........................._......._..........._.............._....._........ 5. Said improvement is_ ------ '-12t ............ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. miss'oner of Public Works. THE ORDER{ Or Mmmenm daLT ® OP »MGR�CA u ~w!A OFFICID OF J. M. DRESSER. G.- 8 -.- ST Rv.. 8nxn T.czeeozze 2060 8T PAUL, MINN. July 22, 1915. Mr. 14. N. Goss, Corv-rissioner of P111ilic Works, City of St.Paul, St.Paul, ?anresota. ')ear Hr. Goss: Writing at the request of a Creat number of our citizens your attention is called to the necessity of a sidewalk on the east side of Jackson Street fromJJniversity Avenue to Pennsylva- nia Avenue, a distance approximating one-third of a, mile. The writer owns 142 feet on the east, side of Jackson Street, corner of 'Talley, but is unable to figure out how this property can be profltahly improved without the convenience of the walk on the east side of this important street. There is probably no street in our city so backward in improvements as upper Jackson Street and the development of the district demands both sidewalks and street paving, but side- walks first. Trusting this will raceive•.the�favoxable consideration of yourself and the Common Council, and thanking you, I am, �ctfully and '.sineeeJrely yours, Jmnlc J U L 2 91915 � BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.. GonstmuotIng..a._oemant tile. -.sidewalk.... to.--a-width-of--six--feet on the south side of Thomas street between Dunlap street and Griggs _.._ _.. under Preliminary Order . 644 __.. ._ __ _..........._..-. approved ...AUgu8.t._14.th.,___1915..e ...._..__.__.. Intermediary Order ._.._. _. _. _ _ _. .......... - approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _ Cr.QUfftr_LIQ.t.....8._.aament ...tile_. sidevalk... o... a --t Rid.th.._of._..six. feet on the south side of Thomas street between Dunlap street and Griggs -street, - ... __..... __._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance the hh. Adopted by the Council _.._...._.._...G "'"" /j......., 191 i Approved.__.....___.` ....._ __......, 1911 f` street, and. Councilman A ague[ 14th, 1916. t been upon had her above Improvement' upon due notice, (j0 and .the Couacll having heard all persons, objections and recommen- dations relative thereto, and having Pully consl8ered " Ke the - same; therefore, .be It er MC Oli Resolved, ny the uncn of the City Co* Of St. Paul that the preclse nature, ex- tent and kind of, Improvement to be made by the said City Is onatruct a cement tile. sldewaI to a width " 0' ary of six feet on dhe south side P Thomas six ate St between" Dunlnp -street and street, 'and the Council hereby orders @, YO g ResolvedvFurther' t the Commtp- stoner of Public Works be and he le herear.by Instructed and directed to pre- Mayor Po r5 Pmprevement,nanrlpeubmitl sameoto sthe Councn for approval; that q approval, [he Pon sate Form B. S. A. 8-7 hereby authorized and direct do to are Geed with the making of Bald lmprova- ment In accordance ' therewith. Adopted by the Council Oct 16, 1916. Approved Oct 19 1916,., (Oct. 23-1916) / + CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C@�VLMISSIONER OF FINANCE i'f r. III ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER In th/�MM ttevr of // under Preliminary Order approved —.---- ^"' / / � To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $_520 _ @r lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $--_-_-_.---__----- ---------- _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Gia r ha s �y A> /63s CORM S.S.A.. A TOTAL.fO l.�®, CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C01%1MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the -Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work/s. Dated- -----191v'---%r- -- 1 -a--n- - - � Commissioner of Fince. FORM B.B.A. 8.6 C August 23, 5 ............... ............................... t To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Connnissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._6443 pproved...... ............ Augu6L $3,. .... .... 191..._5., relative to ............................ _ ....... ........ ..const_ruc_t ir...g..._a.._c_ei,z nt...._t..7........ ciz.r .�.'-..:k...._t_o...... ._widt:..._o f......9.3. +.....f..�_e..._o1k..._t he.... South side of Thomas Street between Dunlap Street and Griggs .............. ........ _....... _................................... .........._....... .......................... .................................................... - .. ......... Street, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ .......... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 55¢ per lineal foot `L. The estimated cost thereof is $__ .............. ......... ....... . and the total cost thereof is $....._..._R X t and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......................... ......................... .................................. ............ _1 ............. ............ ..................................... .................. _........................ ...... _.................... ............_;....... ......... _..................................... _............. ._..................._._......................_............................._.._................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............. .......... .... _.._........ ............... _............ ..................................... _.._............ ... _............. _........... _.......................... ...._.................. _..................... .............................. ..... _ 5. Said improvement is_.................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / � omi issioner of Public Works. 7- A/ 7777 1-2 Al m / CITY OF ST. PAUL J�OUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL-FORM Subject:._ ........................ . ...... ..... .. .... . .. ................................................... ............................................ C - 0 . UNWL No . ................... 7.5-3.1- FILE .......... .......... ............. ....... .......... ............................... ............. Date Presented ............................................... 191 Resolved, That the application of H. J. 111aker for EL license to conduct a Yotion Picture Theatre at 399 Prior Avenue be and the same hereby is gra-ted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury Of the Fee, '950.00 C. R No. 7-534-33ynenry McColl" j.jle.olved. That the-appueatto Maker for,'a. license to , n of H. Mott bwPlcturt Th..:tre,:.t. 899-,,PrIor, avenue, ba' -'and the a... bereby'. I. PUr Into&s. 'i the City_ Clerk Js,I..tj.ct' I '1015sl-auch ucensefor one year, upon 8,'payment Into the -City -ary Of tho'fee, $50�00. - Adopted bY,the C—neii-oct. is, Isis, Approved Q6t,. 19, 1915., Yeas (Y') ncilmen (V) Nays In favor Ke r M 11 Against Na Yo Mr. Presiden Powers FORM Cf.8- ( . OCT 15 IM5 Adopted by the Council. Approved. 1,.........19T'./ ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t RESOLUTION kAFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND SESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of __.C.ondaanning..... for ....Park .....purg..00ea.,......a.._tri.angelar.......t.rac_t.._bounded by.,_Chiic_Argklc.. avenue,.. Doswell _.ay.anus.._.and._gea.ton_s.tr.e.et,. St_,___Anthony.. Park N.o.rt.h,...... kn.own...as...H.1.ock. "r°.._.at.. .AnthorL.y....Park....North...... .............. _......_ ........ _....._ ..... _....... 6 under Preliminary Order ....13.15_.__ . __, approved _AUgU.8..t-25th.,.. 1.9.10latermediary Order .a.5.l_s3._....._.....__....._, approved .._De.cember .2nd, _...1914• A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above. improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands re- spectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rati- fied and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of 6enefiits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.. ... ........... _.__..._.._equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ... _... _. 191._...... __._.._.__.......... _............. __..............................._.................. _........ _.. City Clerk. Approved_....................._..............._...........__...__....._.......................... 191............. C .........._............................_ _— Mayor. oyy��Gilman Goss GCouncifman Keller Councilman McColl 1,15ouncilman Nash Councilman Yoergt--- Mayor Powers �/ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. �0 10 In the matter nE ...Condennln& .fo.r__Par.k...Furpc.e-ee.°_ a -tr_ _angular,..._traoa..,bonnded _.a Yraatnn street, 8t.__nthony PaYk y North,._.knoWn__8@_Block"'E". St. , ....._..__... _.._... _..._...._.. p Intermediary Order 1315 ., aP under Preliminary Order roved . __AIIQuBt..-$�jth., 1914 approved ..De_4_e..mber__ 3nd,_ 1914. Resolved: Condenui„_ f Ar _Park (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz Do 1p f o gveAUB _... purp0eee,_ a.triangular_tract.b.ound.ed._b.y_Chiicombe avenu �. n n St Anthony and . _Ke.eton_..atreet, St. -Ant Park_.N.orth, knor..a.s Block E Park NorthA Park.__NOr,th., to gn as Block nEn__St. Anthony-_.... .. __ __.._. . _...._...._ appropriated and con- . .._ .. me (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the Sularare _tracttabounded_by Chilcombe demned for the purpose of making the said improvement viz: __A. _tziang_ pT[tthOny Park North, know. n as ..ave.nue.,..... D.caveeI-L avenue and Keaton _.e_traet,.__3.t. B1Qg.k t. Anthon.y_._Park Nort . 191.......__. Adopted by the Council-- ................ 191 .- Approved ___ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Nash Councilman Yoerg Mayor Powers City Clerk. Mayor. REPORT OF C 1-33114 ON CONDEMNATION In the matter of .. C.ond.emning... for....p.ark....purp.co.ea....a.....triangu.lar_ tract bounded.. by Chil_combs avenue, Doswell avenue_.and_Keaton street, St. Anthony Park...N.nrth known as Block "E" St. _Anthony Park_North, ___..._. . .. ....... ................_ under Preliminary Order 1.315 approved. August_ 25th, _ 19.10Intermediary Order 2813 approved. December _2nd,.1914. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports - That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property; from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's findings td em. Commissioner of Finance. .I UMp 7636-Acdtnanse �T•. t .. z 1. a ge�1�'y ,er'dlnance 'to :.� �.E110 dieDlay of oertln claa4er 'ltpres Or the glvine•'gt theat; • r toimances orr other kinds• �•i:rj a��; .'.Satnment?wh[ch are^demox; i.,r h te>s{t;, to incite e .- eligl n preludtoe, to z the J rapl 4N i+IERGEt!CY ORDIBAVCE TO PROHIBIT THE DISPLAY OF ;* dm d necesayrgen.y. rldRTAlld .CLASOES OF PICTURES OP THE w'IVD,,0 OV THEATRICAL of ,the Public Peace, ,IRFOt^uriA :CES OF. OTHER 711`;DS OF E: P. !M t! WHICH ARE. •Safety. Tha caunett ;at the c+ty idORALIZIf:_" OF, C.'HICH E;!D TO IiICI�F, OR RELIGIOUS does ordain: iEJUDICE,III TH7 CIT`_' 0- S^_ PAUL. SECTION I. -hat hereattar it shall This is an Emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the any person, firm or'G- H. exhibit .in any r ofrSt. Paul,'any p+r, -ion of the Public Peace, Health and Safety. ',fscope, 'bkinetosc p . ,, klo - )` a chine, or, to re r i machine, or, to press. act. .drama, vlar, t THE COUi�!CIL OF THE CITY 07 ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIiI. -Wage or platform 1 .talnmeat, b11 nY '•,at-ddlaplay SECTIO,! I. lewd, lase character.' owhfr I 'i That hereafter it shall ce unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to shorn or exhibit in any place in the City of St. Paul, any `,acture or series of pictures by any device knov,r, as a mutascoiie, kinetoscope,cinematoraph, kinemacolor, or any other picture machine, p: or to present any vaudeville act, drama, play, theatrical song, or stage or platform performance or entertainment, or any advertisement t t is immoral, obscene, lead, lascivious;: or or bill board display which of an ,indecent character, or :which portrays brutality, or vrhich tends to ,incite riot or create -racO oi:.reli;?ious rrejudice or hatred of any ; individual or nationality, or pu�;ort$?c represent any harv.in , lynch ing, banning or placin: in a poeition of ignominy of any human being, the same being incited by race or reli ious hatred. SECTIOR IZ. Any pardon who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Fifty ( 50.00) dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than thirty (30) days for each offense. SECTIOrl III. This,ordinance is hereby declared to be an rmergency Ordin— ante, rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety, and shall take effect and be in force from the time of its passage, approval and publication. Final Adoption�— '' Yeas (d) Councilmen (d) Nays by the Council.. /1. / 191 lu (nvor Approved_.. 'I 1]I Iiea(hn6 4 ��� Ke ler a' 2nd /..... 191T cColl ..Against �aI ........... � 6 19Y Attest: 3rd ..._. ��Yoerg JOHN 1. FART City City Clerk. �� _....181 l `..'ref pjJgLIS Date Published ._.. .................. 4 � � $`$S Ziollo •UP b3t i�iaw�Anatsnt^-$pS �IUt �.aea Get fs�1%` doYsa Seation Be "aCB,!>e`:OrdimVICIe Sh l; l t0af oftoot and t00 in Pull force A.Ud_effect ,'4'eu arm U'Vo 19160 following Use yaavagap approval and �41ia+ationm 191 Yeas (J) C-n-ilmeu J NaY s / Final Adoptinn�0—�-'�— by the council... Farnsworth - 191 In favor APProved ��V J 191 1=t heading__.. �(,yee _. .... ........._..... `� I(aher /� t 2n1 191 C./. Against e:.etans�• nvolt 3rd181 Attest, t - -- - HN 1. FARICY, _ �Yoerg Date Published __ 181✓. MT''��"+r ]t11�i3SF�D I 40mrAw City Clerk. .Idea. - r is not eoxempt and ne State t Minnesot nd ace In the public school: It, artniteand until Its the evocations 1 Inafler provided, enrage In said t. - [lone t any time than .the pube- . :,00le of said AiT a o[ In j but of earlier than I oelock A. ad not later man a o'clock P. at., t as hereinafter prev f dges Issued to boys whonon- - o] attendants hall be eo dlfterent form. color design as to be road - or Illifro. th are school nged [tend nteoso of boys f SECTION 3. I - Badges shall not be trane[ernble, e - coot with the consent of the Commfe- eloper of Public Safety, and must be displays conspicuously On the lett breast t the outer garment oY cloth- - 1 tho' While tloneretorlesnjd: engaged 1n ' j SECTION 4. - OYa whom permits Bhave been ie- s,I asto aforesaid may sell atter 8 { o'clock P. it. extra edition: of daily (" newepapera published In said cItY. ' provided such extra edition: see pub- ' .I ]lehed atter o o'clock P. M. of - the day of sale. SECTIOm N 6. NI boy to whoa badge has been [caned as provided herein, shall at any im while engaged In any of the oc- • s specified herein congregate - • personsor naft to any tus, . lor )en nsnth Y Pna:. n.. ,r ge n ¢Yale •. �! C '�! f p'J .�' j/{�[���. r 'Wi4. e'.+ y: f l ' I ! / J `� �, � , �C�; ;, _. /, % r� � J t" 4 �LG ..... _ ._._ OF ST. PAUL. 43 4.0 ;KT—C (-y OL,4 clr 4 J ley- 'a .d �-r-v✓tb TT �.t'�ht'e{�.,�'.-e � d'lr ! f/ A.A !'C'�9.� �' u� tu�'G " V , r 0'" �j L -U, I -o c"o 41 No: 7633—Ordinance No, 3688— r ; Ldinance to settle the claim of Ger 191 ✓ 191/ de A Smith. Council of the City Of St- Paul - ea ordain: SECTION I. 191/ a ie . in an action Deading to the County, In ;.//7 - Court of RamseY '� i Gertrude A Smith Is plaintttf `t C7tY t t Pnul is defendant, - 3 ;.ald actionSarises out of inluriee d by said Gertrude A Smith by 'eley - siewalk on a fn lde not nPrY street, .or - _ Is more D rtlen- - it An ordinan0e to"settle the claim of Gertrude A. Smith.. THE COUNCIL:OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Whereas, in an action pending in the District p Court of Ramsey County, in which Gertrude A. Smith is plaintiff and the Citpof St.. Paul 'As defendant, which said action arises out of, injuries sustained by said Gertrude A. Smith bq-reason of a fall on an ioy`sidewalk on.the.'easterly side of Fry street, near University , avenue, as is"more particularly set out in her communication to the Council under date of 'February 9th, 1915, a settlement in the sum of Fifty Dollars (050 O0) has been agreed upon; therefore, the proper pity ,officers",are=hereby authoYizsi and direoted .to :draw a ;warrant: upon ,the- Commissioner; of Finance,'`in Yavgr -of Dusbury & Pettijohn,, t ae attoriegs.far said Gertrtide �� Bmth, 'pagable out of the: Compromise Account of the.. General Fund; in t3se sum of Fifty Dollars; said sum to be paid only upon there being filed in the office of the City r' t`roller:a,receiPt of said claimant therefor, together with a release i duly exeouted°by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation 0oun-' sel, releasing and discharging the City of St._Paul from any and, all claims and demands• of 'every.. kind and nature, and''more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claim- ent under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 3. This ordinance'ehall.take effect and be in force; thirty `days. after its passage and publication. Ist Heading__,/ 2n1 /v �� 191 ✓ 191/ " / 3rd _ 191/ Date Published (G _._ 191✓ Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays t�Farnsworth s� Kel ler --m-'C.11 ✓ coA- Yoerg JOHN 1. FARICY, Mr. tresident, Powers City Clerk. Final Adoption by the Cduneil_........: ` _. 191 Ia Iavor A roved 1915 sf NAl')a Attest: CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. H: O'N EILL ns JOHN P.KYLE+s ' JOHN A. BURNS WILLIAM J.OIBERSON THOS.W.MCMEEKIN October 15th, 1915. To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Gertrude A. Smith against the City of St. Paul for the sum of Fifty Dollars. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. f Yours truly`. alt Corporion Count's .. JAB -H i. - - - - 1 11'- . I - .. I W111*" I tiQ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.. In the matter of on _oo_netr_uoti.ng a sewer Carroll Aue_ from Asbury Ave. East to East line ofLot 15, Block &, -.1 a(Taf-eater-V1-ew EMiEian^Final .Order 7159~ APPROVED under Preliminary Order 5754 _ �, — — — Se�tember 21 _ _ _ _ 191 5 -RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public jVorks for the above named- improvement amedimprovement be and the same are hereby approved leame-ace hey reb`�"proved t Adopted bthe Coanall Oct. 16, 1916. i Approved Oct. 39,`1916 (Oct. 284916) Adopted by the Council Yeas: f 1 ( ) Nays Counci-lman Fa swoxth . Gos Kai er Mc oll Vas Appro Mr.President- Po. rs _ yor• 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.: In the matter of _constructing a sewer on P e St. — — — _ from Andrew _St. _to Brown Ave under Preliminary Order 5936 _ Pinal.Order 7160 — _ APPROVED September 31_ — _ 191. -'IMOLVED, That the plans,.speoifi,cations and estimAtes submitted by the Commissioner of Public }Yorks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved IC F>No: 7640— .. .. ., ..., • done and eetlmatee aubmlt6d- the� - Commleeloner 6''"1ic works toe the - ' shove amed Improvement be'aad the same are hereby avproked Adopted'by the Counetl Oct.. 38, 1916. Approved Oct. 18 1916 OCT— f Adopted by the Council" T 16 _ _ OC' 5 _ 9 Yeas: t 1 ! ) Nays j. Councilman nsworth . ss Iler Coll sh Appro 191 yo Mr.President vers re .CITY OF SANT PAUL �f ° y City Clerk's Office gys. Subject:.....49ee�� 7541 rssm9 �Ncu. No .......................................... ......._/..........191f ... ............................ R ' ed oI City Cler 191 ....... Resolved, that tli_ of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for the trimming, removal and care of, trees bordering public highways during the year ending October 1, 1915, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to certify the same to the Auditor of Ramsey County for collection, as the assessment for the care of trees bordering pub- lic highways during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council, accompanying said certificate with a copy of this resolution. Yeas (✓) Co cihen ( Y') Nays Far worth Go ........... In favor K r M H Q.. -.Against N Mr. Preside t, Powera FORM C.8•E //ll—� _ Adopted by the Council..... �.. L... " . 191..... Approved .....y ................/............1911 0 ................ . . . . . . . . :5ubject: As 0 . .......................................... ......................... 7q- 7541 Date Presented ............. . .......... 191 Resolved, that the assessment submitted by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for the trimming, removal and oars of trees bordering public highways during the year ending October 1. 1915, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to certify the same to the Auditor of Ramsey County for collection, as the assessment for the care of trees bordering pnb- lio highways during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council, accompanying said certificate with a copy of this resolution. Yeas (17) it Co cmen (V) Nays Co "me Far worth worth Go In favor K M M H 4�� Against N Mr. Preside t, Powers FORM C.G-2 Adopted by the Council - Approved 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM ✓ Subject:....Asses..ment....for ...Q..FgrA of.t�^els...bard�rin:.public,..highways. COUNCIL FILE No- ........................... .......... ........................ ................................................. .................. ............... :........................... ......................................... Date Presented .............................. ___ ..........191 Resolved, that the assessment submitted by the Commissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings for the trimming, removal and care of troes bordering public highways during the your ending October 1, 1915, be, and the same is hereby approval, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to ce•tify the same to the Auditor of Ramsey County for collection, as the asses„ment for tho care of trees bprdering pub- lic hi,hvrays during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council, accompanying said certificate with a copy of this resolution. I Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council_. _.._ ............_....._191._ Farnsworth ,Goss _............. In Favor i Keller Approved.. _ ... .......... .....................191........ McColl Against Nash Yoerg Mr.,resident, Powers raw4o.R.......... FORM )C.8-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7& Subject: Aus.assment...;fAr tJ1q..'_o.a.ro Q.f gr4mg plqtp-................. .............. COUNCIL FILE.................... ... .. ....... ............. .................................................... .. ... .... . ...... .......... .......... Date Presented...... Resolved, at, the assessment submitted by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, for the care of grass plots during the year 1915 be, and the sane is hereby Approved, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to certify same to the Auditor of Ramsey County for collection, as the assessment for the care of grass plots during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council, accompanying said certificate with a copy of this re- solution. Yeas (V) Cou Imen (V) Nays Cou In Far rth Goss In favor Klelle McCo � .0, 1 Against C Nash ash Mr. President, P era FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council A( 191-4 Approved CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...Assessment ..-for.Ahe...ca.re_of..-grass...plots..._.._.....:.__.-..._.__., ^ COUNCIL w� FILEI`�0.................................. ... -...-. Date Presented ___............... . 191,_..... Resolved, that the as: osc:mont submitted by the Commissioner of !'a"ks, Play— grounds and Public Buildinga, for the osxo of grass plots during the year 1915 be, and the same is horeby'urnroved, and the City Clerk is horeby directed to certify same to the Auditor of 112mzZsoy County for collection, as the.assesement for the care of ;rasa plots during the year aforesaid, which has been approvo2 by the Council, accompanying said certificate with a copy of this re— solution. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Goss _..._ In favor Keller McColl Against Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers FORM C.a•2 Adopted by the Council _. _ ...__.._......_........_..__ 191 _ Approved... _. _....... ...... _. _.. _..... __. _... _......191........ MAYOR I Resolved, That the specifications for grading, improving, repairing and macadamizing Wheelock Parkway from Rice St. to Edgerton St. as hereby submitted in amended form, are hereby accepted. C. F. No 7643—BY M. N. -Goes— ?� R-.1y.d,.That the 'eepgl8catlone for grading,-1{nproving}repairing 'and mn-. {cadanit.1cif wheelo h Farkway., from nic.';9t. to Edgerton et. as=hereby eab (mitt d 1n;amendcd Iorm,' are�'h.reby. �agce�ted ' - Ad6pted :by the Oouncil Cct:_ X6,';1916. Approved Oct. '19, 1916. Yeas O,) C neilmen (F') Nays F nsworth ssJn favor ler - Coll j __Against Nash Mr. Presiden Powers ro.0 '.a.: Adopted by the Counci(_,g_ _ 191 AVO HOHENS7EIN PNRCHA.INO AOINT CITY OF SAINT PAUL . PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Mr. M. N. Goes, Com. Public works, P u i 1 d i n g. Dear sir: HARRY W. POWERS OLPNTY PNwCNA3- AOMT October 12,191 /-17 I attach hereto plane and specifications for macadamizing Wheelock Parkway. In accordance with the recommendation,of Commissioner Nash the Purchasing Committee rejected the bids received for the trap rock and would request that the specifications be changed ao that crushed limestone may be used in place of the trap rock. Yours respectfully, H S *r chasing Agent. 7-1 COUNCIL FILE NO. - .. By... l FINAL ORDER. In the matter of.Rec.cnatruating, relaying and repairing .with cement .t1le .to a width of thirteen feet, the present e went sidewalk tie eat a Se•of Robert street, teginring at Third stree thence south �$1 lee o ey; -_......_ .. _ - _ under Preliminary Order 6$9. _._ approved .-septesxb.er. 3nd,_ 19..E .....__._.._...._ Intermediary Order _ _-.. _ _ approved __.._ ._ - ........ . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is RecerQt uct, relay and repair with cement tile_._to...a width of thirteen feet, the present cement sidewalk on the east side of Robert_.street,.__b_01 �An. ng at_ Th rd._atreet_ thence seuth 101 fees to._A11ey, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper cit. officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance the with. Adopted by the Council 191 ... = / G%City Clerk. .Approved. _._ - ,19] Mayor. ar.. Councilman Farnsworth ani• wo t a,1 having 'heaca dnt(oneeO relatve thereto d and having Goss fu lit considered the 'same; therefore, Resolved, By the Council of the City If St. Paul that the precise nature, ea- Keller tentnd kind of improvement, to be made IIby the said City is reconstruct, r lay and e pair with cement toa MCCOII midth f thirteen feet, the present Is - ant sidewalk n the east aide of Rob- ert street, beginning at Third street, thence a th 101 feet to Alley, and the • O'Leary Council hereby orders said improve- eet to be made �J iReeolof PFbltefi Worhetbee d hails hereby of and directs ed to pre- pare plana nd specificationfor a id Mayor Powers the Council forovement approval; that, and submita pond said approval. the proper city 'office n Form B. S. A. 8-7 hereby authorized and dlrCeted to to with the making of mid. im- provement, in accordance therewith. Adapted by the Council Oct 16, 1915. - Approved Oct, 19, 1916. (Oct. 23-1915) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ONLPRELIMINARY ORDER IntheMatterof...�i'C.3✓(1.���Zz1.G_ �lL.y.. _ .�% %1l!/�1 1rL.......�1!1✓�r :i'c ........L... `...... cL./.......1., .1..% .._:�.:/_zl[_�............. T OL o _......__ ...... ....... ... _.... . .... .............. ... _.............. ..... ........ ......... .... ....... .... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........... ....... ........ ..._........................... ............. .............. ................ .... _. . ..................... _..._................._........................ ........ ...... ........ ........... ............ ...... ................ _.... _.. _......... ... ....... ...... ..... ...... ......... ................._ ... _........ _.. ....... ............. ........ ...... ....... ................... .............. .... _ _._.......... ....... ...... ............... __ ........... ..... ...... .._ .... ....................................................................................................................... ............ ........... .......... ............ ...... ......_......... ......... ................. ... ..... ....................... ....... _.-...... .............. ............................. _..__.......... ;1 .................. ...... .............. .................... ....... ... .... _ ...... .............................. .... ......... ........ ..... _... ....... ...... ........ under Preliminary Order approved..__..... �� _JY�. r ............. .........._ �. �_`._... _.._ ............ _..... ........... ....... ....... ...... ...._ .. - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $..1.15.--p.ox_lineal foot for new wal The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $--------- --- --- ----- - ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. "I - / -7 U The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / G ; Dated._%y�c............. i91 2�d ...::....t:�.� ��f. ..........._.._................ Commissioner of Finance. IORM B. 9. A. 8•D O >, Office of the Coriif ssioner of Public Works . Report to Commissioner of Finance St..S.ept..14191.b.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No._._69.......... _.. approved ...... .......... Sept... .... ... .....2. ................. 191.6., relative to_ ............ Reoonetruot.s..._Kelay..._and.....repe.d.r... with .....o.ement..._t.ile...to....a....Wiath....09.................. thirteen feet. the present,._ gement..._ eic7.DV"k....on... the. .... east..... aide. ...of..----. .................................................... _.......................... Robert St..__beginnin ..at..._This._..t.......theao.e...s.outh...101...feet.—ta...alleg. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. per lineal foot 2. �.>r��l The estimated cost thereof is $.......�...-., and the total cost thereof is $.........._..... . ...... ..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __ ..................... ... ._:......__...__._...... .......... .... ........ ............. ..._.... ...... ..... _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. o. Saidimprovementis_....... not ............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cmnn iesiouer of Public Works. 7p/ =:.G Sr, S7- COUNCIL FILE NO. By 9 FINAL ORDER. In the matter of Con.s.truct inn a sewer on Eaton_ st.rest.._b_etwe.en _ Chicago _ ay..enue and_ Indiana avenue.,__ _ under Preliminary Order 1106 _ approved Auguet 10th, 1.91.4. Intermediary Order approved _. ._.._.. _._..._._.._..__.. _ _ -- -- ..........._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preeise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Qonstr:zct a eeerer.__or, Eaton street between, Ohioego_ avenue and Indiana avenue.e and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FUR.TIIER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is- hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the snaking of said improvement in accordance e'�wpithh 16"' Adopted by the Council _.: / _ _, 191 /6(i2 CF ity Clerk. Approved ....--.. , 19 Ma or. C. F No 7545— In the Mav atter of constructing. a ewer Councilman Farnsworth on Eaton street between Chicago and Indiana avenue, under Preliminary order 1106, 'approved August 10th, 1914. " Goss A public hearing having been had upon theabove Improvement upon due notice, and the Council .having heard " Keller all parsons, ob�eetions and recommen- dation� relative thereto. and having fully const ere the same; therefore, be e' McColl Resolved, that the spec a of the city to St. Paul that the prove nature, ex- tent tent and kind f .Improvement to be O'Leary ads is construct a ewer on Eaton the astr et city etween Chicago `,� avenue and Indiana avenue, and the Council hereby orders said Smprove- ment to be made. Resolved Further. That the Commis - loner of Public Works be and he is Mayor Powers hereby instructed and directed to pre- pare plans arovemen,nd specifications for said Form the 13. S A. 8.7 Council for tapprovalb; thotIsutame pond aid ppravat, the proper ity officers 'are hereby tt orized aadcdirected to pro- eed on he a1c In, of enid Impreye- t I ordnncn therewith. m Adopted pby the Counrll Ort. 1G, 1916. Approved Oct. 19. 1915. (Oct. 23-1915) CITY 01ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMlfpSIONER OF FINANCE j ON PRE,`IMINARY ORDER In tVtter of d L� - -' .--.-f� — " • ______....-..-_----__.-.-_----_-----_..._. -.----------/lY - under Preliminary Order approved --- -- --� ��---------�-�----�--�-�--`�� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount. of the assessment for the above improvement is - - --- - ------------------------- — The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is -- - - - $ --------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION L('CI�/" I ACG / '� _ /J �J `■] l z�l .z TOTAL, CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIWONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI� JINARY ORDER (C) _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION J The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .� Q/1 - ........ ...t..-.. 191. ... . Commissioner of Finance, FORM B.S.A. 5.5 O Office of. the Commisioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ......... 915.... the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._1106......_........ approved._ Auguet l0' 1914....., relative to...................... c.anaLxuc.tin-..a..s.ev.es.....on...Eat.on.._�u.e........f.r_azz..._Qui.cego .....Lye ........t_o.....�.XG�.i..,Pr&...Ave..,. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........_ .............. necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot f?1.20 4540 10 8. The estimated cost thereof ,s $.._........................ ........, and the total cost thereof ,s......_5.........___�-_................ and Frontage 500 feet Excess inspection 6120.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ................:.................... ...... ............................... .......................... .._..... ........................................--........................................................................_......................................................................_............................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Said improvement is....... ........ .... ................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. \(......._.,... ,._.. . G.\.14113 ................. ...... _............. Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OFSAINTSAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. ! ; Goss. COMM1ssIoNER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D.— C.—II.— OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E. -IR J. E. CARROLL S— C—RU.1— k R-111 ALFRED JACKSON, S.- S—TAT— G. H. HERROLO, OPnec Encneen st . Paul, Blinn. Aug. 9, 1915. H. W. GOETZINGER, S.PT. Z'—— Mr. PJr. P.I. IT. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sevier on Eaton Ave. from Chicago Ave. to Indiana Ave., in accordance with Council Tile iT1106, approved Aug. 10, 1914. Approximate estimate ;540.10 Total frontage 500 ft. Exemptions 50 ft. Assessable frontage 450 ft. Cost per front foot 01.20 Excess inspection necessary 020.00 Hespeetfuilj submitted, eq -�� Diet. J.E.C./ld- Chief Engineer. HENRY E. WEDEL ADT CO. UATMM rI ai 3 -Y —Qf- 4 —17—he -unde=IL_,�cl -ctful v Avenue 7 Ax-ciu.,--an-a_Tndia-r r,rerue.r. 7, S ADDPISS I 12Lig �14tinrnt of Fumo September 17th, 1915. S.A.FARNSWORTH. COMMISSIONER JOHN T.HAGLUND, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER ' To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: In submitting my list of property that can be found benefited by the construction of a sewer on Eaton street from Chicago avenue to Indiana avenue, I beg.to explain to the Council the following facts relative to this improvement. The sewer as now designed will not drain the basements of any of the property along the line of the improvement. It will require earth fill, that will be from two to three feet higher then the water tables of the houses. In view of these facts I have with -held making my report of the property that can be found benefited, until the property owners had signed an agreement acknowledged by a notary public that they would waive any and all claims for damages which may be occasioned to their property by the construction of said sewer at a grade which would not drain said property, and further agreed,, in consideration of the con- etruction of said: sewer in'full ream�nition of the fact that said sewer will not at the present time benefit their property in pro- portion to the cost of constructing semen and agreed to pay such assess- ment as may be levied against their property, pursuant to the Charter of the City of St. Paul. Respectfully submitted, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. CITY OF.ST. PAUL: CITY OF -ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL: FORM Subject:.. .:. ! ................................... COUNCIL . FILE. NO....... Date Presented......... _.........:.. 191.....:-. Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to'eonduet. Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated . be, .and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk 1s authorized and directed to issue such. licenses to said applicant upon the payment of the'fee required by law, NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAIIRT,� LOCATION. AN Birt &`Johnson Lunch Room 313 Minnesota A. Rossini Restaurant 320 Sibley Harr�rt.Coulantes 12�Ro0pt • 438 Rosab 1 Geo. Alverdes Aea'tauanb,- 379 St, P ter M. Gunther Lunch Room 434 EE�inness to Heeinger & Petrich BusinessrLunch 339 daokson . A. 1W. Rossberg Lunch Room 691 E. 3rd, Elling Halvorson Restaurant 18 E. 9th St, Christ Dentis Lunch Room 14 W. 9th Jamee Allen Hotel 418 Sibley C F 3Yp"'+'76d1 SX'.iYon�y AroColl °� .� ^ � f �eeolYdd {'PhaG- the appl{ad}ton rot L14e •rollow^tn'k 7lergonatior %, I cenee,' ' i Sondu,BE 3iatere`+pr�eatatirante a� thee, Tdc4.tlgai3 rk`elfoet[veiy !Belga;gdP'be and:'. the ahtit� hereby are gran;eg and tho Cf}y�'CI'ek8 to avfttbclsed h 3 dtseated. I }gdbane`adeh�Cehaea to said.-gkbjtoanE upbh the yaymenx br tae fee. rettniceA: byalavrZ i�w ,,, { ',Birt & �ohnaotr ;,Ldnch Room 813 Mianeao aL9kIetl"cr ^„51. rdtPesip`I Rt�arurant7888,�'�IHlgy`„� y2iarsy Coulbgtga.Lunch rRoptntr 39' ; i,'^Opo`iAlvgrdgat ;tea`Fa�ranf . 378s 8L.; tB}>iCk nthgr Lnnb}t 7fowp''�i34'Mrnne � aaatnhert�a' Eptr�ob�'Hnsfn�eq xfincp`j ase ?ackeort ak"t a,� r '�- � - Eilrngl}ralyotaon� Resta111tai1t 'Y3 ID . E —11., if ykrLyi'�igh }log��'id W TamgA)1§a $4tglt,t i5 at6Teytgf,�'„1 A$opted by'tha. Covngll Oat< 19£ 18X6 Yeas (I) Co .1 en (I') Nays Adopted by the Couneil .........................191........ F worth Go <�....In favor / K et Approved........ L .... ................191.... M oil �J..:..Against N sh Mr. Preeid t; PowerB MAYOR FORM C:9• ander Preliminary .Order __.4831..... _.............. _........ ;Ca,'>,Chatewoctli �-m Bamllne "avenue intermediary Order ._._ _ 7 ml(ae avenue to f _..._. _...__.._ _ .. _...__...._._-.__.___.. A public hearing having been had upon the ab6,',P '1!' avenue upon due notice, and the Council -Laving inline avenue t4' heard all persons, objections and recommendat,,eet'from 6rigg6_etreet'�pnd having fully considered the same; _ nom :$swift adanue �� therefore, be it 'both eldea U" qt RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St' $s the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isConatruot 8ewere_.on_._the .Yollor4ing_.etreet s: s to Chatewortb St.� Ra11ro'ad; $raoke oould'.�be' proviI a by a .oross-over - and the cost of the System thuus the oorss over _ _ W4 P;C ricer front f001'i„_ On October 18th,1915,C.F..7552,being Final Order for the Capitol Avenue Sewer System Imtermcdiary Order 7084 On motion duly seconded the fcl?olring streets and parts were out out of the Final Order up for hearing on Intermediary Order 7084: Hubbard street from Lexington avaue to Chetsvrorth street Hewitt street from Lexington avenue to Oxford street Oxford street from Hewitt street to Hubabrd street Capitol Avenue from Lexington avenue to Oxford street Passed as amendedbythe fallowing vote. Yeas:— Comsrs.Keller, Yo erg, Goss,Mr.Preside nt----h .:aye: Comsrs.Farneworth,McColl,Nash.-----3 On October 19th, F.O. 7552 as above was again amended as follawe: Adding thereto, Oxford street from Hewit to Seminary avenue,by the unanimous vote ----7 On October 20th,1915,T.O.7552,ae above was further amended as follows Hubbard street from Lexington avenue to Oxford street Hewitt street from Lexington avenue.to Oxford street, by the unanimous vote Of --7 Leaking the final order as amended read as follows: S+inson street from Oxford.street to Chatsworth street Burgess street from Lexington avenue to Chatsworth stmt Topping, street from G.3.Ry. to Chatsworth street `Hewitt avenue from Lexington avenue to Oxford street Hubbard street frig Lexington avenue to Oxford street Seminary avenue from Hamlin avenue to St Albans street Capitol avenue from Hemline aventr tc Lexington avenue Linnehaha street from Griggs street to Oxford street Dunlap street from Hewitt avenue to Seminary avenue Lexington avenue ffrr /m Minnehaha.street to Hewitt avenue Oxford stCrJeet frm� avenue to Seminary avenue Hemline av us frame point 54 ft S., of the S line of Capitol ave a A O �. 'A t " 1' 80 ft Sof the S.line of Seminary avenue, Topping street fromHamline avenueto Grigg sstr est Griggs street from Hewitt avenue to Topping street ; Short LineiStreet from .Topping.to_the G.N.Ry. right of way,all to be known as, the Capitol Avenue Sewer Sletem. On October 18th,1915,CJ .7552,being Final Order for the Capitol Avenue Sewer System Intermediary Order 7084 On motion duly seconded the following streets and parts were out out of the Final Order up for hearing on Intermediary Order 7084: Hubbard street from Lexington aveae to Chatsworth street Hewitt street from Lexington avenue to Oxford street Oxford street from Hewitt street to Hubabrd street Capitol Avenue from Lexington avenue to Oxford street Passed as amended by the fdllowing vote: ° Yeae:— Ccrosre.Keller, Yo erg, Go so, Mr.President---- Nays:— Comers.Farnsworth9McColl Nash. 3 On October 19th, F.O. 7552 as atove was again amended as f olldve: Adding thereto, Oxford street from Hewit to Seminary avenue,by the unanimous vote --7 On October 20th,1915,F.O.7552,at'above was further amended as follows: Hubbard street from Lexington avenue to. Oxford street Hewitt street from Lexington avenue to Oxford street, by the unanimous vote Of 7 Making the final order as amended read as follows: Stinson street from Oxford &eet to Chatsworth street Burgess street from Lexington avenue to Chatsworth street Topping street from G.N.Ry. to Chatsworth street Hewitt avenue from Lexington avenue to Oxford street Hubbard street f mn Lexington averse to Oxford street Seminary avenue from Hemline avenue to St Albans street Capitol avenue from Hemline avenue to Lexington avenue Hinnehaha street from Griggs street to Oxford street Dunlap street from Hewitt avenue to'Seminary avenue Lexington avenue from Minnehaha street to Hewitt avenue Oxford street from Hewitt avenue to Seminary avenue Hemline avenue frsa a point 154 ft S. of the S line of Capitol ave 180 ft S.of the S.line of Seminary avenue TopAng street from Hamline avenue to, Griggs street Griggs street frim Howitt avenue to Topping street Short Line Street from Topping to.,the G.N.Ry. right of way,all to be known sethe' Capitol Avenue Sewer System. J Resolved, that water mains be laid on the following streets; Ivy street. Arcade to Forest streets, and Louth street, Forest to Hatch streets. C: F. No. ,7663—By O. D. �Kelier—= Resolved, That ;Water malne.,balaid be'the Pollawieg`-atreets:. _ Ivy: street,' "Arcede to Forest street. end. Louth street, Forest to Hatch street Adopted by. the Council Oct. 19, 1916, Approved Oct. 18, 1916. (Oct, SS -1816) Yeas (dt,Powers n (d) Nays In favor Against Mr. Pres FORM C. \.,-r..(TeS9 opted by the Council...._.._..._._..__.......__:::_...._191........ Approved..... ..`.. .....-�c ... _ 191.5.. oAItYT0V�FZ v,% v zparh_mvnt v - Pubt'i V'h%I ,'hi;e-s Q�re;a� v�aher October BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 18 OSCAR E—LLEN, F,. .- S.ANSWORTH 055 GARRETT O HOUSE, G-1 Supt To the Hono-reble Council, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, jinn. Gentlemen; The Board of water Commissioners, at its meeting held this date, unanimously adopted the fol - loving resolution; En cl . -Resolved, that the City Council be, and it hereby is, requested to authorize the laying of nater mains on the following streets: Ivy street, Arcade to ^Horest streets, and Louth street, Forest to Hatch streets." D. 0. Gayton Council File No..._ ..... ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo wing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 9!PmqP truct, relay A.Ak r ir. ... Jith.. c.em t1l.e. -a-Mi . h of. six : - .. -ile M ---on the-- h si ..of- Ceo . _.t . .. ..... tlj�e pres.ent aeme ---- Fuller S.t.q_ beginning.. A.. ar27.ing. n... thenc.e. 3.04.... at.. . .. ....... ...... . ..... - . ... ... .. ...... ........ .............. . Dated this. -, 19.thday of . D ..... ........ . .......... -- 191 .. ... ....... . . .............. ... ........ .. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mak;ng of the following improvement, viz.: I ........... R.P.C. ons.truct rejqy AZI4 ropalr W11h.-O-ement lila..t.o a wiath Of-six-fe.et' t4e....present a ement tile si&ewal-k.. on - the_ .s.outh ..side. -of Fuller 3t. .4.Qz..nuing at Farrington.. Ava.....thenae east - 304. tee -t . ..... JiO ..... . ............. . I ... . ..... .. ...... ........ . ... ........ ... ................ ................... ................._sato g nel, 11'1'e I " 4 Y INt h having been presented to the Council of the City of `": p"sen I cement width . ........... ...... .. .. ... ....... is a nth side of Fuller etre therefore, be it ;1"ming 'at Farrington avenue, east 304 feet, having. been pro,. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of tthothe councilrefore, be it of the City of St.-f""ordered and directed: 1'esolved, That the Commissioner ofi 1. To investigate the necessity for or d; Publics irWndordksecbtee d: and he I. hereby or. in prove men t. dered 2. To investigate the nature, extent and or1. To investigate the us .... ity for! and the total cost thereof. desirability of the making of said Improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch 2. To investigate the nature, extent and.e.tlmated cost of said Improve - 4. To furnish the following other data an mentTd the noscaoplan; epto fle or ovement; .... .... . . ... .................. sketch of said Improvement. 4. Ta furnish -.the following other .................. ............ . ..... . ........... ..... . ........ --. data and, Information relative to aid improvement. - i 5. To state whether or not said impro, 6. To"state whether or not sald'Irs- n of three or more owners. provement to asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing . 0. T6 -report upon ali of, the for.. Finance. • j� Vol ba "... sitter" to I the Commissioner of Adopted by the Council Oct. 19, 1915. Adopted by the Council ....... ... Approved Oct. 19, 1915. (Oct 23-1915) Yens: Councilman Far worth . 1-1- --- Go Approved .......... .. 191...... Kel er Hash yrg ............ . .... .. .. ....... . ..... PC PC ars Mayor rs Mayor'."' KMLISBBD. D. C. Gayton rr Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER.' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public . men, by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Rpaonstruot, rala... rep v th. .0, t.. -t* e t --wULth n allht 1.0 Qt-,.. the- PMes.Ont o. nt. 110 a i cdL. e -.Jon--t t- .side. of north.. 5.mjtj)�. 4v north ..e.o b.aginning. St.... theno ..... ...... .... ... . ... . ..... . ­ ­­ ... ....... .<.:...__._._.................. .... ... Dated this day ­.. Oat her ...... .... 1915.. ..... ...... . ...... �­­..�.' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: repair With ­oement tile to a width of eight th e present cement. -t110. sjdew.a1k-...on..the east... aids._ of Smith. Ave.. :L:4S At. Third 8-t thence north.. B4..1ee±* ........ ..... I . . ..... .. ........ ... ... ............ .... . C. F No 7655—BY AL N- Go— ............... W�erei�h A written proposal for the having been presented to the Council of the Ci with .' -ecotnh.-trul-eltlo�lig 'e pair........ h cRementAll. jora-layidthimprd .. rof eight feet, the prkopht cement tile sidewalk therefore, be it oa the east side of Smith ­smis, ginning at Third street, thence north ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of 1 54 feet, im�juk been presented to the Council of the:,pity of St Paul, is tee' To investigate the necessity for or de fort, eb.16�i%. That the commissioner of 11provement. Public works be and he Is hereby or., and ills total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and G dered andlreced del To d in,ostitge.t a the necessity for or desirability of the making of. said 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch ( ImprovemenK t, t th - 4. To furnish the following other data anS.auBd , To mInvell go e, p n,,1tur1,,, exteot)vcment; . ...... ........ qtI ted cost d m rov., man .0and the total cost thereoCp S. To furnish a plan. . profit- or .... ....... . ......... ­ :- -f,"f' lr^ "r� ovemeut­­' 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked* for -on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. pr -r "Q V9 I Adopted by the Council... Yeas Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth 191Nays: 1­1 Approved....... ..... .. ...... ­ C3,ss K( Her -M 'GOH 6= Nash . .... . ... . .. ........ Y, oer, Mayor Pc wers Mayor._ �PUBIJSHED—L�— �-3-A D. C. Gayton Council File No..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:....RBgOn$trnOt.,_r.elay... e.pa r. with e nt-t e to., width -of e_ight_.fe.e.t t.ha. pre aent. _ae nt....t a. Si. walk.. n.. e....east. side .. 3......... Pl.eas.ant__Ave.. b.eginnin ...at a.....thenc.e ..s nth....to....a sY>...... ._ .............. Dated this _.__19th..... day of 0.._.obex........_....-. .. 1915 ._ ........ _....... ..... ._......... . . d Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _.... - Reopn. strugt., .,r.e.� �Y.__a31d._.xePa.ir...wtk>....o.eme.nt.....til.e...t.o... a...width....of_ eight....... p....s.idewal.k_ nn...t.he... east .._a ide...of.. ,El eae.ant... Age. St....J.hene.e..s.outh....to....alley...... ....... _....... _._.._....._ - ......... ............. ......................................................................... C. F. No. 71168—BY M. N. boss— .............................. ................. ......... . Wheeras; A written proposalfor the having been presented to the Council of the C making ee oche f ollowlu I arra°'reyalr-- ---- --- - - ........ with cement Lilo to a.. width of eight therefore, be it Leet, the present cement the sidewalk on the east aide of Pleasant avenue, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of togalllev having beeat Third n presented tobthe ordered and directed: Councn of the City of St. Paul,'there. I. To investigate the necessity for or d fore, be It Improvement. Resolved, That the Commleeloner of', 2. To investigate the nature, extent and - herebyaauthorized and directed to pro- it, and the total cost thereof. ceed with the making of said Im- 3. To furnish a In accordance therewith. p p '1. To Investigate the necessity for 4. To furnish the followingother data a orp ovement of the making of saldrovement; 're Investigate .the nature, extent .tlmated coat of said lm -,• .........- ..... ...... ..__.. ...... ............ _. ...................... _..-............. ..... .. ...__. .nd the total co ...... .. c. ............ ......... ......... ........ ._-_...... ..... ........ ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement Is-Akletl for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. FT Adopted by the Council .... .......... ... ... _ _._ 191 .._...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G Approved _.......... ..._..... _..___ 191. Ke er Nash Y rg . ........................... 4�� :.. Mayor Po rs Mayor. J. N. Carroll r Council File No............. 75.'�:..:.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and .` PRELIMINARY -ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:.....(3p.en., ..rr.iden. and axtend..t.o...a -of.. sixty. da feet,...Byacinth ..3t.raet....from..the....west_.line....of._Blo 2aind....3.. .... ,Addition t-G-Aroade_St....._.... ..... ... ......__...__............_.................__......__........_....... ..__ ..._..... i Dated this... _19th.. day of /.._ .......U.p.t.Q... _...__..... .__ . ._ .._.............. I..e... / ............ ....... ................ ..... _ ................ ....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mak+ng of the following improvement, viz.:..._ - _ __ .......... 01ten,_ Widen ...and ...extend. .._to...a... v¢idth..of_.sixty...rs1x fe.et...Hyacirnth.Street ..-. .from.. the _We.s.t....line...of..Blocks....2... and. ...3...of_..J.....A,...and.-W... M....Stees!...Addition _to_ Argade.. St .. ... _ __ ........ C: F No..7667... ....... .... ....._.._........ ....... ................ ....... ..._......_ wmtnor. from the having been presented to the Council of i arcade e to the Co therefore, be it theretore, Resolve Pubrte W, RESOLVED, That the Commission! dared and f L To f 1. To investigate the necessity for 2. To investigate the nature, extent and es - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of 4. To furnish the following other data and the Commlestoner of Sand he is hereby or-ereby ordered and directed: Ste the. neoeaelty torsaidimprovement. it fns: making of, eatdI ate the nature, ext antllment, and the total cost thereof. oat of Bald Improve - W coat pl_thereof. a _ or npr�7o„. __,we to s31d improvement; ................................................................................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the f rf in matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.. ....... . . . 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth / D / Gss Approved ....._.............. .. _,_19 ...... K Iter Nash Y erg ✓.....__.�%/... d r i .. t� ...... Mayor P wers Mayor. ^� a PUBLISHED_ jJ_ A— P Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City Of Sr. Paul, viz.: .qqj4ppAjpg..4�nd Bement �t h ...Jana... aBary for cuts , and... fills...i ,all in 1.0c St-inson!8. Boulevard Additi.on.. ........ ...... Dated of oc-tab r 5. L ...... .... . ........ ..... .......... .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, ;k written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: all. eafamant-in the...1anii-meaeasary-tor. alopeB, for 6...Stinaon!8. 30ulevarcl add ion,...... .......... . ......... .. ...... ....... ....... ­­� ........... - ....... ....... .. .. .. .... C. R. No. 7*558-- oposal for thte, F . ...................... . ...... ............... ..... r. s, written ipul improvemen making ..:Condemning - fou taking an -- having been presented to the Council of the Cit} 'sj: Ie Igcema.ry for slopes . ..... ... . ... .... ....... f r is in the It. .In Block 6, Stinepn'e Boulevard Ad - to the so of Bents - therefore, be it it t, out, t ore -der,,d and directed: That the conna asioner of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pit,' so t hereby ?T rovernent. lie Worksa he is Tp ir ote necessity for or d"' in it he I. To investigate the nec n neceer o as . 1, of he re ement, and lie total rest thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est Ir I t I r.— is estluate the T 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of "mated cost " or l+ fcir�h iI the ltot- ,jVc, to said improvement; ..... .... . 4. To furnish the following other data and iI ­ '. - ..... ...... .................... I .... ..... . ....... . W ....... .. ....... ­.­­ .... ....... ............ ......... . .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of thc foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... 191Nays: Yeas: Councilman +Farsworth "' Or G C Approved......... 191 _,o Os Kell r Nash ash YO Y g Mayor. 'r , Mayor Poo ars —r- MCI Council File No . ... ........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: opa.l.emning ana taking an..eaTB,.=qn...1n..t e and necasaar.Y.fOr � h` 1 St. ...Gre.,en ex­kTe.. t.0 ... . ... . 77 7 ...... ...... ­ . . ..... . ... ..... .. ...... . ..... /QC Dated this, day of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,___ I ).( ­ QRd,.e,=1U9A.Md...tajdng, av_.eaaement . 1n the...1and neaessary Eor slopes.,... V.Zt­fr=..Greenhr.1er AVe. t0- C. F. No. 7559— Whereas, 11111touI.P.—I for the. ..... ... ....... making , " the following Improvement, ,1'i Condemning' -and taldngran saes went: 1. the land necessary for slopes, ...... ........ . ....... ............... ........ ....... ........... .... ... for cuts and fills In gradingl street from Greenbrier avenue-to7zead. having been presented to the Council of the Cil treat, having hasn preeanted, to the . ...... ... ....... . Council of the City of St. Paul, there- fore, be it therefore, be it 11,,I;;.1;kjhb1.1 10 C.ranflaelcmar of Publicand he 11 hereby or. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of 1, dared and directed: the use ... it, I— rrdercd and directed: I. I' "y';u!'Jalt.h. . or desirability ""g of 1. To investigate the necessityde. 1.2prownumt �d improvement. for 0, . To Investigate the natu,!, ad I �f �l 2. To investigate the nature, '.1. and entreated cost . an d Ventent, and the total cost thereof. an , and the total cost tho S. rl I ih Dl an,,. To 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch '0 h , u,d 'mplove'= '* To furnish the r 4. To furnish the following other data and 10 said improvement: ....... .................. ..... ..... ... ....... ........... ­.­ I . ..... I ........ .. . ..... .. ....... ....... I -_--1 .......... ...... __ . ...... .... . ........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Yeas: Councilman rns oth Nays: Approved X UK, Nash /* Yoe i g .......... ... Mayor Pow its Mayor. PUBLISrtCj)_)d CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANC Report of the Comr^issioner of Finano on Preliminary Order. In the matter of Grading Ivy stree rom Greenbrier Avenue to Arcade street, under Preliminary Order 5 35, Approved July 12th, 1915, and in the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading Ivy street from Greenbrier avenue to Arcade street, under Preliminary Order 755 approved October 19th, 1915, The Commissioner of Fin ce having investigated the afore- said respectfully reports th t total estimated amount of the assessment for the ab,117e inorovement $12, 3.77, and that property cannot be found b nefite �,'to defray the tots coat for the proposed improvement. ssp etfu1 y submitted, coit�!ISSIOITFR OF FINANCE. e i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works, �y Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 c t ob e_T....2 T'.. -- 1915 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..___7559........ ... approved. ...00_tOber.._19.x,__............ ....-1915......, relative to ..................... ...._. co_nderGn .ng,_._and..__Lakin&....a.n. e_a-sement.._._inthe.,.,l_and ._nec_eesary ._for slopes, and.,._f_ill _e..,.,in.,,.grading._._Iv.y_S_t..._..f_rom.,._Gr_eenbrie.r Ave. to . .._ Arcade St. _...... .. ... .._ .._.... ... .......... .........................._................................................. _........... _..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............._.._.....necessary and (or) desirable. xx xxxx 2. _ The estimated cost thereof is $ .......... xx. ................_.., and the total cost thereof is E.___..._...__......__.._...._._.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _._. . _.. .. _--- ........ ............ .... ... __... 3. A'\plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _... _..__.. _... ii. Said improvement is ........... nt...._._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ` / Commissioner oof ublie Works. l y _. ,f%V rgpw­ NMI' ................. I MR, 7f, Til, got 1,� 7" Office of the. Commissioner. of Public Works ,\ Report to Commissioner of Finance ,, C.Tr October 20� .....................191..5. ................................................................ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 5935 July 12, the oil, known as Council File No ............... .......approved 191.. rte. , relative to ..................... of..Ivy Street._from,GreenUrier._Ave..t_o_Aroade.... Street... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports': 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. $5.25 per front foot 12,383.77 2. The estimatedcost thereof is 2,358 feet Excess inspection inspect on 1yP24a $........._....................... .__., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..........._..........._ . ... ..... ........ ... ...................... .._.__._...._........ .............. _...... ........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said imprgvement is .......... ....................._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............ _........................................_........._............. Commissioner of Public Works. p-P�t. CITY OF . SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF PUBLIC WORKS - M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER l ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DEnuiv C...iRuoxcn OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.IEn Exoi—R J. E. CARROLL Sunt. Cox T-11- k R—- ALFRED - p ALFRED JACKSON, Sunt. S� -.. �t • 9a��1 ' nrtJ.....: Cot • 18, 1915- G. H. HERROLD, OEErcE ExaxeER Paul, Xinn H. W. GOETZINGER. Surr. Wonxxouae _ Mr• 1Y1. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of.Ivy St. from Greenbrier Ave. to Aroade St., in accordance with Council File #5935, approved July 12, 1915. Approximate estimate X12,383.77 Cost per front foot 0.25 Excess inspection necessary $242.82 Assessable frontage 2,358 ft. Respectfully submitted, -/may/� �Q Diot. J.E,C-/M. Chief Engineer. at. Poul, Minn., Oct. �.. 31. Doss, Commissioner of PnblioI�rk0p ngs iyear Sir, I transmit herewith preliminary estimte of cost for the grading of Ivy 3t. from Greenbrier ,Ave. to Arcade St., in accordance with Council rile +5?3B' approved duly 12, 3�1b. Approximate estirmte y,12, 93.77 Cost per Trout foot 4B"2B Breese inepeotion necessary 024P.:62 Q=35 8 fit. l..osessable froutage Respootfullj Sub }1ict. J.E,C. /Li. Chief r<7ngineer. s ,r We the undersigned ask the Ronoralle Board of Com issioners to have Ivy Street graded from Greenbrier Ave to Arcade Street, MENEWE JUL 1 61915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS, Council File No. .... .. ........ ..........= PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Sr. Paul, viz.:.. .eizul.lxxg ..... an owe .1n the nd.. neaessar-y-...fox... s1.9p.9S,... .9.r ..drvts ..axld. f i ...grad g I St. _ fx Edge ., on t.....tn..... -.'eY11e AVe.R.. :.... .... Dated this..........9t.!_ v of _....... ._... .....pfit.Qbe...................................... 191..b..._ C ncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _____ _.....-------- ..- ¢ondemning...exld..._t�.l!.ag An....flas9.maaxt._..in..the..len.d...nea.essary...for. ..slop.eS.9.... ;COX ....aAts ..and.. _f.illa....in...grading...IVY..Zt.....fr. om..Edgerton...St.......t o...Eayne....Ave. ................................................ ... ................ ........... ....... ......._.............. .... ....... .... ...... taking an -ease eoeeearY for 970Pe9 J _.... ......._.... ...... ..... -- ----- Its im grading ivy street dgerton etreet.to Payne avenue having been presented to the Council of the City of .;,.,g hCity of,St Paul, thereforep'noit evolved, That tha'Commissloner oto therefore, be it e'worke he and ha 19 herehY;;or. and'dlrected , RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public M,ao, 1nttynoia ' he n.ce jcipg of ata red and directed: -vemeht vement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirabiht Talnveattgnte the.nature,'extent, vtlmatod cost of°said Smprove-.'� 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated' and:the total cosi thereon he total cost thereof. g la - or 1I'furnish' a Plan, Proine 111d Improvement 4. To furnish the followingother data and informer pit lathe to said improvement;ether I 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said in.' fur. •the' following x ..._ ..............................__..... _...... ............ ..... _........ ........... ........ ..... ................. ................. ............... ...... ................. ........... ................... ....... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. <,� • is Adopted by the Council ....... ............ .. 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: // Councilman Farn worth !/ Gos Lproved ............................. .......... ........... 191........ / Kell r — Nash Yoeg ..... ..............or.... ....... SIIED Mayor Pow rs Z�Y PUBLI D. C. Gayton Council File No . ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:..9!QA9-trqQt a OeMent til -0- 1d alk. jo vicIth. ...aim e. t ion lea. of LoUia Bt....ftam also ....-to. -Day-t .......... . ....... ----- ....... - .... ......... ... ....... .... .. . . ........... ...... ... ... ........... ..... ..... - j:....... I ..... ..... ...... ............ / ......... . .............. I ..... .. ........ .................... ....... ........... ........ ............... ............ ........ ....... ...... - .... ...... .... ....... ... - Dated this. day of ................. ... ....... ........ ... ..... ........... . ....... .. ....... ............ ......... ......... .......... ...... ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement; viz.: ...... ---- -- - 09no-tr t a (31-eirient ti3-e alclemalk to a width of-aix-Seet on both. aides aia-st.* from H.e.12.0n.-AVIe.....10. Dayton -Ave.-.- ....... ........ ...... ... ...... - .. . ....... . . . . ....... ........ ..... . ......... ... ...... ....... ....... ... .. ...... .... ....... .......... ........... ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .. .................. ... ... 1 .......... ........................................................61�111 ....................................4y�itA_ha�ffiiil be... . .. ..... . . ........ ........CounclLof thkol!7� Wore: be it having been presented to the Council of the City of St. F"PsolVed; T61; Ifid �-&M= . .... .......... ...... ... ........... ........ ....... ....... . "Ale.Worliq be,did-hals .d and dtr..ted:��,,� therefore, be it Tqjny-t1g&teUfi0 �Im llaslrabfflty�of t 6—�ki,, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work .vement.,, 1� - , tyrdered and directed: �0 Invesugato "-h of'j,,� timated I 1. To investigate the necessity for 01' desirability 'ea d�jhe t —t%mfa-L�lLtovement. a 0t4"' �ot 1:,,!u-i8h- w.pidnf 'X. a 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost 0, �ald Im �07AM..t. le total cost thereof. P 110�1. ""mish,1he lo, g� �tc 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvem�-j —6ttlun. re att-1 j'6 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ............ ...... ...... ........ ... ........ .............. . ..... ......... ............ .. ..... I . ...... ........... I ..... . .......... I . ...... ........ .. ... ........................... ....... ........ ...... ....................... ........... .... .............. ........ ........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .. .... ...... .. . . CT 1.9 1,91.5 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman T4n orth a Gos Approved ....... ....... .. .. .. - .. . ..... .... ...... +Kell Nash Yoe.... ...... ........... .. ..... ................... .... Mayor Pow C- _�yo ar. LIS L. C. Gayton Request of a number of citizenBy. Council File NO. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and A PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of w t ...0 ._sjg....f.eet....on...... Sr. Paul, viz.:....Cro1I$.tx.�ot. o.e t....ti3.e s. ewa u 8.t...,' AQ n..:St..;....An....the.... the south-._sidt�. Y_ _i._,_e. _aha....S..t.,.... _x9..IA: t.a....V .._............ ...on.. _hath .a�oh ....St.....�x. ... Loris.. ..... ............... _.......... _St,. ..Axe...Ja Griggs.. ........................ Dated this ......... h...... aY of _... flCt. r........._....! xam.. .9t 191 ...e.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF,REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _.__- ......_ .......... Construe t....a....cement..._tja&.....e.id.e.�Ya�J ...t.a...a... width ...of...six...1e.et....on...the. south VA ..£x-om._GT.otta...8.t..:..to.... Avon' ....a.;....on.._the-north.. - Of of iriinnehahr3 St ....,fr,or .Lala-._ t_,.. -to �..t.....and....on...uat n...s3das... of-- .............- I............._ . .......................... Iflinnehaha_s_!.._from.._exlg.On..64..a.....t.o..,.Grigga-.S........................._.............._. ncil of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........._ ........ .............. having been presented to the Cou....... . therefore, be it ;=uaha `i he. is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publes of minnehabs sttree't`ir,,aid improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desif zton avenue to Griggs street , eau presented` to, the, covnoi clty:.,of St. :Paw therefore tr :ment, and the Loral cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e, ..ge■omea, That,the eommie■t.. Publfo Worke'�be sad he 1e her• 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch O dared -an8 directed-.". • i..To. Inveltigate the neeeesL ...- or deeirabulm of the making r:mQfOVement; .. _. q. To furnish the following other data and Improvement. ' E:- TO-Inveetlgate the hethra and. estimated:rmoet,of .aid % ........ . . ... ment and the toted cost: thereof E: To lhrnleh a DSan Dre .............. :ehhon of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improv .ket�rb of nir �.'m?"off 6. To report upon all of the f tg a e auto the Commissioner of Finance. irT. f;1 . n. .. 191 ...._..... by he Council ....... .... ...........r.(.,; ...., 1 i 15 Nays: A Yeas: dC uncilman Farn orth / 191.J. Gos 4 Approved ............I.._..... ../ .... . Kel Uash ................................. ................. Yo Mayor. Mayor Po rs Petition 75fta3 Council File No ............................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:..0ons.truc.t a c.ement. tlla..eid awalk to .-a vdcLth. .,of aj:k faet on A1& rap t. . ..... t t .0 et. ..... . ....... .... / .......... ....... ...... .... ... .. ..... . ...... ...... at..... % .. ........ .... ......... ......... .. ... .......... ........... ...... ...... ....... ...... . ..... .... . ..... . .. ... .... ..... ­ 11 Dated ay of .............. tqbe ...... ................ .... ... ..... 19 1 a.... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __ . . ........ 0onatruat. a. -cement tile sicLewalk to a_w1&th 0-f _a.ix._.f_eet ..-on the north. S.J&e of1glehart Ava­-fZ0M lklciin(3 st....to Herschel- -AVe, ..... ....... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..... _ ..... ..... . ....... ..... ...... .... ....... ........... ........... ...... ... I .. ....... ..... . ................... ..... I ..... ....... ....... ....... ... .. ......... . ......... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............ ... .................. .... ....... . .... ...... ....... ...... ..... ...... .......... ........ ranking. the lauola.4-_t vis .t,..t .;, cup ­t�oldew having been presented to the Council of the W'.� *ldth'pf�etx feet on. the north ...... . ... .. .......... .. ........ ­ .... ....... ql0e-,of' Iglehartavenne� fromAldl�pj street to Hersehel avenuon ,�having bee therefore, be it [Presented, W-th. C.fintillef,the Citty, of at; Paul; � therefore, a la � dered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner c nor by or 'buo - Works be and Jinja: hereby ore, . 1. To investigate the nec s . ty for or dered,pogd1rooNdie, th�,,'ao­ , 7_1 improvement. es 11 Y- - Z I ell - cautty-for 2. To investigate the nature, extent an(ji.'.or asirablIlty; ofthe: making �of Xal#, r" and the total cost thereof. 8.o" 3, To furnish a plan, profile or sketcand ��.!e.naftted-; pout�, of Bald lrarvrb-' andcoat thereo[ , rh h ;a ulna 4. To furnish the following other data and IR' .7;,_­,'mprovement; .. ...... ...... ...... ..... .furrile ,�aAnrarmatfc , ...................... ......... ............ .. .. ­ ... ....... ..... ........... . ................... ... �­ 141.1!: .... .............. ....... ............... ............ ........... ........... ........ ...... .... ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_ ...... ....... __VT19 1915.. 19, Yeas: Councilman Far sworth Nays: e_-Ioll h /.......... .. ......... 19 If Go s Approved .......... . ....... ..... K K ler el er Nash YYY. 'g ...... ............ .... o ............ Mayor P Po ars Mayor. PUBLISHED CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That the grade of the' alley in Block 18 Schroederle Addition, Block 3 Walnut Grove and Block 2 Hussey & Haskell's Addition' as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the commissioner of Public Wo-rksI, be and the same iQ mw hereby adopted as the established grade C. €.,No, 768BY 3r. N. (ioeo= esolved. That the grade of the et1eY. R In Blook 19 Bchroeder's A01tlon Block - 9 Walnut Grove and Block 8, Hussey rad gradthe e- Y nealon`ntheejnccompangIng.'. proflla and ae- recommended .by .the Commiseloaer, of"Pabitp Worke be and'. the'"same fe hereby adopted ae the e$ tabllehed grade. AdoDted•by'the CoUnefl'OcL 39 1916..• ,App oved Obt. 19 3916.- -- Yeas (P') CoUklmen (I') Nays Far worth Gos In favor Kell Mc 11 C� Against Nash Yoe Mr. President, wers roRm cn-2 Adopted by the Council OCT I Annroved-% Resolved, That the grade of the alley in block 2 Nannls Addition, as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and 9s recommended by the Commissioner of Pubbic Works, be and the same is hereby, adopted as the established grade. C.; F. No. 7686—BY ,U` NS.Ooe'e— ,Resolved,;That the'gradd of the alley IniBlpek, 2 We.nn's Addltioa u shown. .by,�the red::krade'ltne';oa'the � aeeom- panying" profile `and 8s;- recommendpd. by the. Commissioner, ot-Publlc Works, be and, the same ie hereby sdopted Be th8 established 4rade. ., •,Agoptedby ,the Council* Opt. 19 Approved Oot. 19. 1838. .v' Yeas (1 Cou cilmen (!) Nays Far worth Gos _ In favor /Kell Against Nash Yoe Mr. President, owers roRM e.e.2 UCT -9 1 +1. Adopted by the Council _ -_ 91 Approv d ._ —ML/ AYOR —_.__ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:- . ..... .... ... ......... C . OLINCILwF FILE No ...... ..... .......... ........ .. ........... ............... ... . ....... ................. ..... . ....... ......... . ............ ........ . ........... .... ...... .................. . .. . . ........ . ....... Date Presented......_._ 0 t 19_,� f91Z_- Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Block 5 Egbert G. HandVe Addition x and Block 13 Schroeder's Addition and north of Walnut Grove Rearrange-. went in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (r) Coun Jimen (T,) Nays n Ilm 4Farnworth a Goss -tin favor Kell Nash Against Y y r oe Mr. President, P wers FDRM C.8-2 OrT 19 1 t, 1 5191 Adopted by the Council _i Appr 19 Lr Resolved, That the grade of the alleys in Block 6 Macalester Park and Block 7 Elmer & Morrison's Rearrangement, as shown by the red grade lines on the accompanying profiles and as recommended by the Cordnissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby adopted as the established grades. C B' Noc 7687 B9 :� N tlose - Reeolped That'thq grndo; mt tbe' al ley9 In `Slook 6 Maater calebark and Block ;'T Elmer -& MorrleoWe` Rear- �rangemenG -.,shown by the red grade, llnes on; th9 ac.o.jAnyIng prodlea and ae. recommended .by .phe Commleeloner �of,�Public Works,'be.and'the'eame are. hereby- adopted the establlehad?; Adopted'by,tke Councli OcG'19, 1916.' Approved -Oct 19, 1916. ' (OcG��29-1916) Yeas (V`) Coun ilr (V) Nays Farn worth Gos In favor Kell r MC oll Nash Yoe g Mr. President, owers FORM C.e-2 Adopted by the Council_ OCT -19 --I-1 15191 / 19/ Appro d _ -- —"- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject::__.:._... _._:....__._...........:....._. _........ --FILE b........slr...... COUNG41 ....... _ Date Presented--.... Oct I91-.5.✓ 0 nA V Resolved, That the contract entered into under date of September 9th, 191b, between Thornton Bros- Company and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of the Snelling- Como Sewer System, so-called, is hereby amended, with the consent of said contractor and the surety on its bond, so as to authorize and permit the use of reinforced concrete pipe instead of monolithic concrete construction specified in the bid of said contractor for the 6' 3" size of pipe described in the plans and specifications, the construction and laying of said reinforced concrete pipe to be in accordance with the plans and specifications. be of I or ect REBuLa accepted ed inswriting by said contractorland'itdnsuretyewithinfton da ss s p after the approval and publication hereof. Yeas (1,)Counclmen (Y) Nays Farnsl rorth ►n favor Coss Kellei /v _Against ozw Nash Yoe`rg Mr, President;: Po ers ronM <.e•2 nrIPT I9 101t�1 Adopted by the Council Approved d /f L3u��� ��� rye � ffi�aJLlitilJJ!` 1r�� ��FQie�irel .r9.kuutinuZt,/lir.N°a�w:L+rsl / // October 14, 1915. Yessrs. Thornton Bros. Company, 401 Scandinavian American Bank Building, St. Paul, I'innesota. Gentlemen: Referring to recent conversation between our I'r. Bohland and your Yr . Thornton, concerning the Snelling -Como Sevier system, contract for which I understand has been award- ed to yfiu: We have not as yet received any communication from the City in respect of this sewer, but, of course, we are vit- ally interested in any sewers that are constructed upon our right of way; we desire to cooperate to the utmost with you and the City to the end that the construction of this import- ant Sevier may go forward with expedition, but desire, especially wit,,., reference to that portion upon our right of way, that it be stable, safe and durable, and in no wise impair the safety of our own peculiar use of our right of way; with regard, then, to the material to be used on such, vie favor emphatically the use of reinforced concrete pipe, or cast iron pipe. The plans, specifications and contract with reference to the construction will be examined by us because of the obvious interest vie have in a, considerp.ble portion of the construction. Yours verb* truly, "SUCC&SSO1L4 TROpgNVOWIIM WqUtWAflM_APMWwU1MX.4C 401 SCASD, Ai,jER, BANK BLDG, St. Paul, October 16, 1915 - TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Gentlemen: The undersigned submitted a bid on the 26th day of July, 1915, for the construction of the Snelling -Como Sewer System, according to the plans and specifications filed with the Purchasing Agent. Our bid being as follows: "This bid is based on using monolithic concrete con- struction in 75 inch sewer, and on balance of large sewer, segment block construction." The contract has been awarded to us at N263,OOO.00. s!e submit the enclosed letter from the representative of the Great Slorthern Railway Company, and, understanding that the Chief Engineer of the City also deems the concrete pipe construction to be equal, if not the superior, of the monolithic pine construction for the large sized sewer, we are willing to defer to his judgment and to the express de- sire of the Great Northern railway Company. If in the judgment of the Council, therefore, the concrete pipe is preferable, we will utilize the same in the construction of the 6,,foot 3 inch sewer in place of the monolithic concrete construction specified in our bid. Yours respectfully, Thornton Bros. Co,nl,any o4 President. CITY OF ST. PAUL . Council Resolution ---General Form Department of -- Bureau of -- -- - --...- i Cou cit File No. -_ Date Presented / i - 191 ]iti51)LV k: D, That tM1e .' . I'au Gas I.ivht Company ie M1erehy ordered avd directed tv evtevd its electrical lines i,y erection poles avd etrinaive wires thereon for the Iraoemiasiov of electricity on id in a follawinc allpvs and streets of Haid cityi Jpoles in the alley between Brand Street and Kerwin Street from Flandreau Street to'Van Dyke Street. Poles on Snelling Avenue from Como Phalen Avenue to Nebraska V Avenue. With n All of such exteumons. poles avd wires shall be erected avd u,m[neted midvr the d n ever the er(.'Hite' Badll teem 1l"" ane- litics and io all Chivas publtgdnteet ao tequlrea and When 1t- anbl=u r th or v� ' sof Vrdinavice No.2424.a a f au p her ].III ordinxnces I'd shall eo` order hamcter v M1e 411 poles xh 11 be set in a ch location ins 'd alleys and streets a+ the Caa,1l,IsfiU Adopted by the Counell OCG 39 1936 cil shall deem that the sh 11 denvnaze and approve. and avy avd all each holes shall he liken down and rmuov d Approved DCG 19 =1916 pold'c mte ap reammx avd when it I I l.order (OaG' 23 2916 Adopted by the Council_._ -__ ( l�. -_.191 Yeas ( 1 Cou cilmen ( ) Nays FA SWOW GO YO R. Approved _. _.. -___ `® -_ _._ __ 191 KE LER E ^ Mr. President,. PO RS Mayor CITY OF. ST, PAUL, Council Resolution ---General Form Department of-. _ ---- --- - - --- -- Bureau of Council File No. 7570 Date Presented / '- � 191 By RES"L Ell ' at thrdio l Gaa Licht Compxvy is hereby. rde,ed .,d directed to extend i, el<cbical lives by erecting poles avd atrineive wires tharebn (or the tranein f city unhe followina alleys and streets of said city: / Poles on Ruth Street fromAutumn Avenue to Hyacinth Street. with necessary guys and anchors for electric distribution. Two poles on Linden Street from Mt.Airy Street to Arch Street, with necessary guys. All nl each c s. codes and wire. 'vb,e,1 to the moviaiooe of I Irdi... ce No. 21 All pole. shall beet io such location i 'ball desietute avd approve, and any and all public interest so rajah and when it sl,11 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) ouncilmen RNSWORTH OSS Y R K LLER Mr. President, P ERS ( ) Nays of Public Utilities avd iv all thinua I be of such height avd character as he ger the C....11 11,11 deem that the -- - 191 ApprovedMayor - d 75171 CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of--- - ----- Bureau of Council File No, _- f Date Presented BRE11 II,V E at th Sl. 1'au�ht C..-- is hereby 1 d d di —1 to extend electncal lives by rectio¢ 0 1 d 1 c k e thereon for the iraasnis=iop ectncily on nd in the following alleys bud streets of said citY. VSix poles on Snelling Avenue from Nebraska Avenub to Hoyt Avenue with necessary guys. All of such exte—w—, pules and wires shall be erected snbiect w the vrorisious of �yrdinaoce V o. !a?a. and of xll of All trolea stall be set in each location is exid alleys ant shall designate and annrove, and anY and all such poles shall __ —_-_ public interest so renairn, and ohen it shall so order. Adopted by the Council_ Yeas ( ) C uncilmen F RNSWORTH i G SS Y at S Y KE LER Mr. President, PO ERS OCT 319 1915 ( ) Nays Public Utilities and in xll thi-s f such height and character as he the Canncil shall deem that the -___ ---191 i r Approve - -- "-- -- - _ — 19 (. Mayor Resolved: That permission be and is hereby granted the Consumers Power Company to erect poles and string wires and the necessary anchors there- on: Wyoming St. from the alley a&M of Charlton To Manomin Street Said poles and wires to be placed and the worIa i*d'A? 146 lrj,ij�-By Id-Isr Goes-- to be done under the direction and to the satis- Mat, 6erinta.jon be an a bireby�,grsaft& tho'c0nanesrs Power; faction of th6 Commissioner of Public UtiliPes; Cdnjojny;� to a:ud string., wjjsd_��'Wltb �,, �.thb said Company to pay the cost of engineering, and iheregn °`(r q�yomin$=gE from •the all0y,wOstlOtreet •`�' the inspection, and the poles and wires to be re- sr%An`108­ to.bo.placedpfid.l sewed when requested by the Comnon Council of the the work to .... City of St. Paul, this permission is granted under I"tjonitnd to the antistaotl6n. of the Cold-� at8ajbnjr 7ofPubl,iq, and pursuant to the terms and provisions of Ordi- Cojaj%ny; t6'.-PILY, the, �J.EeAfi&� tbe�,11Mdet!0 a, joiance No. 2645, approved December 26th, 1906. res-3Cohaclt o City of � BE Paul thfe to d Is T OCT 19 19.15 Adopted by the Council ................................. ............. ........... 191 YEAV_� NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER NASH YOERG YS, 0\,//MR. PRESIDENT (POWER) Resolved, thaw pemIssion be and le hfareby -_ranted the Tri State Telephone and Tzele&eph company to erect poles with the necessary anchorn• and to string %vire drid cable on the followngnamcB streets. 3 poles on I.atilda street between Rose and alley north of Naryland V - :ori: to be done under the di-ection e4d, to the satisfaction of the Cormnissioner of Public Works, the Telephnne Company to pay the cost of inspection, Gn_rinaoring mid publication. YeasCo (V) Nays oilmen Co Far swotth GIn favor Eo r ..Against Na Y g Mr. President Powers FORM C.8-2 r. T Adopted by the Council.... .......... .. 0 -191 MAYOR - f 0 COUNCIL FILE NO. ........... .. ...... .... ... 17 5Y7 I By.. . __....... .. _..... ..._._._ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.. Construct ing... a _ sewer.., on.. Yanke.e....str.e.et._be.t.ween _Cliff.. street _. ..... and...Douaman....street, _ _. _ _ __ . ......_.._... _.... ..... ._..... .._..... under Preliminary Order .._.593$._...._..._...__ __.. ' __ _............ approved .......July ....12th,....1915............. ____.._.._._....._... Intermediary Order -__..... _ _ .. approved............ .: ---- __.!,_.._...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _COI10t2L10+,.,._a_._s..e.. e.x.....o.n..Yanke.e _street _.b.et.ween.....C111f.....street and-_Daueman_-atreet.,...... ........ . _ _....... ................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That. the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith (!r D1�S Adopted by the Council .. ty Clerk. Approved Mayor. C. F. Nft 7574—Councilman worth In the Matter of constructing a.sewr on Yankee street between C11R street and Doueman street, under Prelim- lnary Order 5939, appr¢ved July 12th, 1915. publichearing having been had uponthe above Improvementupon due notice, and the Council having heard oil dation.relativesC thereMndaea °4aving� considered thes•e; 11&� beltit therefore, Resolved, By the-t•orof the City of $t. Paul thattherecise nature,_ry tent e, and kind of Improvement- bemade by the said .Citylvconstruct=ewer on Yankee stret between g YJIifI atreet skid Doueman street and , the Council hereby orders eaidimprove- ment to be made.slonrOtPubliceworke Mayor rS tbeh and helie hereby instructed and directed to Pare plane Pre. Form B. S. A. B-7 and 'epeclacati, for a d improvement, and submit same to .the Copncil fog approval; that -.upon, -said approval, tthe proper city officers -are hereby th horized and directedtopro- ceed with the making of said fmprove_ went in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Oct, 19, 1815. Approved..Oct. 19, 1915. (OM. 23-1915) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 0 J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ( v ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter z"Id ---..__... _.......... ............ .................. ... .... ........ ....... �.._ ... ...... ......... ...... _ ......... ... ...... ._............... ................ ............ ........... _............ .......... ... ........ ...... :.... .... _.... ..........._........................_........._..._....._.._.._.__ - ._....... ................... -......... ..._.........................._............_....._....-_....._............._.................................._-- ...... _... _... ....... .........._..... _.._ ... .............................................................._....._...__........- ............._.....__.....-.__.... ............. -...._....... under Preliminary Order approved .......... _, u.:5::�...1. .._............. _-..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $..._1040-.00.__. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.......__. 3..61..... _......... ..... „ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT - DESCRIPTION e�ocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALU ATIO.N .7 f� J 4 d9_ TOTAL. / / / O The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....._._..... .1./.__ .......... ....... _191-J� i 'GGL�G�... Commissioner of Finance. roew a. S. A. a -a o Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September. 3, 5 _......._ .....................191.. _.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Pitblic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, kupwn as Council File No._....._5938 approved..............Ju1Yla.,......................._191.5..., relative to..__th8............ - ............ .....conatruct.inn....af.....a........aaw.er.....an...Y.anke.e....Stre.et.....frem....Cliff ....Stre.et.....t e....._........ DousmanStreet. ....... ................................ .......... . ...-.......... ...._.............._._......_...................................._.............._.................. ........_..........__... ......................_............................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............ ._.........necessary and (or) desirable. $3.61 per front foot 1 040 00 Z. The estimated cost thereof is $__......................... ...., and the total cost thereof is$..............t._.........._t............_., and Frontage 388 feet Excess inspection $40.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................. ....... ....... .......__......__........_....................... ................... ..__.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............... ......... ......... _................................... ....... .... ..... ............ .......... ............ ..... ....._.................. ....._........... ................ ................... .................... _.... ......................._................ ... 5. Said improvement is.._._'' -...-...-.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. •'—) __I- CommissionIre f Public Works. f CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY CORxitnoxex OSCARCLAUSSEN, C.", ENRIXe'A xl. E. CAR ROLL SUF'. CON—VIOx & RVA1Rt ALFRED JACKSON. SuFr. S11ITIT101 G. H. HER ROLD, OFFICE ENOIAEEn H. W. GOETZINGER, SUP'. WORx —E at. Pauls NlMi4 Sept e 1I 1916s . W4 X. N. Goes, oommissioner of Pnblio Worlds, Buildinge Dear Sir., - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of oost for the construction of a sewer on Yankee Ste from 03.iff St. to Dousman St., in a000r&anoe with Council File #59381 approved July 18f 1915' Approximate estimate 01,040.00 Total frontage 388 fte lzemptions 100 ft. Assessable frontage 888 ft. Cost per front foot 0.33`00 Excess inspection necessary 8espeotfully submitted, Diot♦ J.E.O./M. ohief Engineer. 'Z4 JUl�1 1915 c�DA[I,;:, ENGINEERS, COUNCIL FILE N0. By..._.-,......... __... .... ,.._.... __.............. ._., FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _.G'onatzuoting..-a sewer ._.on..-Denalow_.str.ee.tfS.am_.Burg-ea8-.9-t.Teet ngra.h.....t >_...al,l.ey...An.Block ....3,.._.Densl.o.�_.Ad(ii.t.ion, _....__. under Preliminary Order 65.°.5 _.__.... approved ......Aug s.t_..23rd,......1915.. _.... IntermediaryOrder ._..._.. _ ...._._ ....... _.... _ _. approved ._ _.....__..... ........... . __ . _.......... ......... _... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having Hilly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _t.._a.....0.e_we.r_ o.n._Rens.lovi....stsee_t fr.orn._Buroeas _street north....tG._._a 1.ey...in..Blo.ck__3.,.._.Denslow-Addi-tiony and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ....._._..__ .....7 191_ __ 9 — City lerk. i �Y Approved .. _..... t . fir._ /7. _., 191 ;... / . D D p C. F. No. 7676— - — Councilman Farnsworth iIn the Matter of constructing a sewer 1 on Denslow street from Burgess St ­ north to alley. in Block 9.:-....Denelow " Goss .i Addition, under Preliminary order:' 6595, approved �tugvei 23rd,�1936, A public bearing havinX-;b0n,1ad Keller upon the above Improvemei t"1,� von havf'ng due: notice, and the Council heard all persons, oblections and rec- McColl ommendatinns relative thereto, and ` having fully Considered the same; therefore, be It " O'Leary Resolved. By the Council of the City o[ St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is construct n Yoersewer on DS..I,, street from Burgess g I street north to alley in Block 3, Dene- ! low Addition, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. Mayor Powers I Resolved Further, That the Com- Form B. S A. 8.7 missloner ofPublic Work.- be and he is hereby instructed and directed to re are 1 d e Idcations for Is an sp c ! said Improvement, and Submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said aDProval, the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to ! proceed with the making of ld 1m- j provement In accordance thereBawith.- Adopted by the Council Oct. 19, 1915. Approved Oct 19, 1915 (Oct. 23-1915) CITY OF ST. Paul O DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE *N PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of . !< t l ? ('/ 'd/ Q _i ./ <1 2... C:21 ..../ �(t�� Cs l� �6?1................................... ._—/ /�l..:r'_`.t : 4_....._.tll zt..%.__ o' %� i4 ... Ql'1 .y.- w ..-.!a't �.utf. �7...... t..r...-ouJ.:a. _.�C��L ---• _..-........_........................ ....... ...... ....... ..... _.........__._...... ......... ........ ......_.... ....... ..... ..... ..................... ................ ................ ............. .... _.... ....... ..... _.......... ..... _.... ....... __.......... ........ .......... ........ .......... _.. _ ... _._.._........... -.._..._...... ........ .............. ... ............. ... ... ............. ....... ............ ........... ........ ..... -•-- ...... ................... ................. .... ......... .... ....... ......__........ ..... ..... ................. ............ ...... ....... ...... _................ ...... ....... ....... ..... ................................. ....... ........ _ _ .... ... ........ --.............. ......... .._ _...._......._...... ....... ....... ...... ..... ........... ...... __..._.......... ...... ................... ............ ...... ................ ... I... _._ .._........ .......... ....... ..... ......._...........__...... _ _........._..__.........................._....... _........................ __...-....1 .... -..........................-.-I....._.._ ........... ....... ....... ... _ ...._ .-...__.... ...-..............................._....-__.......-_.......... ....... ............ .......... ....................... ....... ........_.... ...... _._.......... ................. _._.................._._...._..---- .. ........ -- .......... .... _... ..... I ............. _... _.._ ....... ................... ..._....... ................ ............ ....... ... ...... ....... ...... ..__ ........... _1 ........ ......... ........ ..... __........ ...... ....... . under Preliminary Order approved... 07 ................1/.. J..�_...._. _..........._....._ . O`' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 754...QQ...... .. _..:_....._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $. ...... __ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J/ C 1. t, 3 cis V f 0 -. TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .......... ... `/.......__......_.I91 JT�/��........................ ....................._ Commissioner of Finance. Z> a yi t :; s• Y r t J r � L also MAMPT, A'siM 1, 4 'F y: a 4 ` r _ mm � a OWN 1 } 7' ✓ p < � 5 k f _ � y woo .r SM 0.1 kill" +4 ti 1' { 1 c u wmnm 1 a. YY,, .s ✓ is s f'� n n 1 Now f F t f S C �A moo A " ,k y MIR Office of the Commissioner of, Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept ember.._ a.#....................19L5... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- eil, known as Council File No._6595............... approved_AMJ7auet,,_,_'Ril...... ................ ....._191.rJ...., relativo tn._._th9......._... .................. o.4netIM-9t.1QIi....of......a._.eeWeac....Q1X D_an.a.1.0V..... Street. ...,fsam....Burge.es.....St.ree.t.....to. ...... Alle�r..._in Blook..._3.,...._Denelow! e..._Addit_ion...._._..._................_........................_................. _......_........... ................ ......__.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.75 per front foot 754.00 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $_.........._ ........ _..._.._..., and the total cost thereof is $__.........._ ..............._.............., and Frontage 533 feet Exoeee inspeotion $15.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -................ ................ .........._............._............................ .............. ..............._.._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..........................................................................................................._.................................... a. Said improvement is_ --------- .........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C. o..m.......................... ........................................._....... / oj ' scone o -Public Works. CI' Y OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DCPuTr COMHIOIIOHER' OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CH-cP EHOInCeR J. E. CARROLL Sun. C-nnuorloH & REPAIR, ALFRED JACKSON, SVn. S--T10H G. H. HERROLO, 0 -, E.—u. H. W. GOETZINGER, SUP, W01111-1 Ste Pauli mi-ne sept* _1, 1916• Ire me N* GOes, Commissioner of'Publio works, Building. Dear Sir,' I transmit herewith approximate estimate Of 00st for the oonstruotion of a sewer on Denslow Ste from.Burgess St. to alley in Blook 3 Denslow's Add* in ao0ordanoe with Counoil File *696 approved Aug. 23, 1916* Approximate estimate $764.00 Total -frontage b32 fte Exemptions 100 ft. Assessable frontage 432 fte $1.76 Cost per front foot Ezoess inspeotion 016000 Eespeotfully submitted, Diet. Chief Engineer* r li m J. CHRISTENSEN FLORIST GROWER OF CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS 904 DALE 9T., COR. COMO AVE. N.— ..... — Y19 ST. PAUL. MINN. deel- / I 6E 9 191 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _Paving- ..Eleventh. street from -.Jackson --street--tom- Cedar --street including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete--gher.a not.alresdy made, also alley and driveway approaches and coaatrueting eurbin where necessary, under' Preliminary Order ..«548 .... .. _ _ __ approved ..June 13_th.,.__1915..._..... ........ _...___.. Intermediary Order ___..... _ approved.... ..... .... ..... ._ ...... .._.__.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to„ be made by the said City is-fitx c Pave Eleventh street from Robert street'to Cedar street with creosoted blocks,and 0 Eleventh street frog Jackson street to Robert street with brick; roed"my +0 be(40) forty fe>t wide,and ircludir.g rater,sewer end gas connectionc from street mains to property lines complete,w•here not already made,also all alley and driveway approaches and construct necessary granite curbing. that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance the with. //- _ Adopted by the Council ........____ 191 l City ark. 4y _ _.., Approved ........... ._e".. � _ �: .. 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary i Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8.7 awing bee I hhd e Improvement upon due :he Council having heard , gb,,,ti.n. and—tuncien- detiond �, alalive thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be It Resolved. By the Council of the City of at. Paul that the precise nature, ex- tent and kind of Improvement to ba made by the said City Is pave Eleventh street from Robert street to Cedar street with creosoted blocks and Elev- enth streetfrom Jackson street to at Robert treat with brick; roadway to be (40) forty feet wide and Including water sewer and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also all alley and driveway approaches and construct necessary granite curbing, and the Connell hereby orders said Improve- mt to be made Resolved Further, That the Commis - stoner f Public Works be and he le hereby instructed and directed to pre- pare plans and specifications for Bald Improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that Upon said approval, the propercityofficers are Approved CITY OF ST. PAUL p DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI NCE 9 0 i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of—u=� a----------------- 4 under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $— . - ---- KIND OF PAVING APPROXI?BATE ESTIVATE COST PER FROITT FOOT. -- Sandlime brick $19,177.15 $9.29 9.15 Granite 18,899,89 17,005.25 8.24 Sdstone 3-Z Creosoted Block 15,156.88 7.34 6.87 Brick 14,186.47 12,522.91 6.06 Asphalt Asphalt concrete 10,212.41 4.95 4.45 Asphalt macadam 9,195.79 7,994.35 3.87 Macadam concrete 9.288.21 4.50 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ -- - - -------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION FORM B.B.A. 8.8 A LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - �y -Z- -7 TOTAL, CrrY OF ST. PAUL .6 t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION � � ;V0 LN /157 '/%0 o. -- - - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. __ ..-----------191 _ issio_..__...._..-inane .... Dated.._..__..__ _ __ _....�L/`��----�_..._. .. -- -� � � �� � Commissioner of Finance. IORM B.S.A. B3 C Ll i r x( M. �r St. -Paul, minn.. June 15,1* M. Goss, Commissioner of Publfdo Works, co RamseySt Count,, Minn. ,rsiq/i JG' ", V yF9 Dear Sir:- SFO O We, the undersjZned Wholesale Fruit & Produce �yos Dealers, occupying and doing business in buildings fronting on Eleventh Street, respectfully petition your department to take„such action as may be necessary to secure the regrading and paving of said street, between Jackson and Cedar Streets, in such manner and with such material as may be best adapted for the heavy traffic to which said street 1s now subjected. submitted. JUN 2 1 191;; BUREAU 6, �. t; Jul..X...-2..A.............................................]91... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, .............._June ....21...._.....__...........191...... relative to............................. cil, known as Council File No .......................... paving Eleventh Street from Jackson Street to Cedar Street, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ............. ... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ......_X ........... and the total cost thereof is $......._xrXX _...... ........... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... ..... ................... .._._........... ........ ...... _.......................... ........................... ..... 3. A plan profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and node a part hereof. 4 . ...... ............ ..... .......................... ........ ........... ......................................... _...._-.._........ ...... ........ .......... ....... .... ............. ......._........................... .._................................ ..._.._ _.... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Commissioner Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL %, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D-1 Cowxie.ioxeR OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF Ex.ix[ER , J. E. CARROLL SUPT, C11111 11. & R11-1 ALFRED JACKSON, SUR S� -T— C T� n G. H. HERROLD, 0I'll Ell"EIR alt . S still, l�lin-'! • July 1) 1915. H. W. GOETZINGER, S— WEIIII 1 Plir. Ti. 11. Goss, Cormuissioner of Public Wor''s, Baildin.-. Dear Sir, - I 'transmit hereR:rith -_,reli_:linary o2 timate of cost 1 or t:ic pavinC of Eleventh St. fro" J&C;seT! St. to Cedar St., aecordc.nce z:i'th Council File 45508, approved Jule 21, 1915. KIiiD OF zLVIiiG APiit03,IItATE ESTIz.aTE COST Y 2 ROi T I'1'. Sandlime brick �jl9,177.15 ;9.29 9.15 Granite 18,899.89 17,005.25 8.24 Sandstone 3;," Creosoted ?lock 15,156.88 6.87 Brick 14,186.47 Asphalt p 12,522.91 6.06 4.95 Asphalt concrete 10 )212.41 9,195.79 Asphalt iacadam Asphalt 7,994.35 3.87 Tacaaam Concrete 9,288.21 4.50 Whore house se. vice connedions are not in, add for each lot; For sewer, either tide o street ;127.90 For water, 3/4" N. side of street 21.00 For water, 3%4" S. side of street 35.00 11.00 For gas, N. side of street 5.50 For gas, S. side of street Respectfully �s%ubmiittod, Dict. O.C./ml. Chief En.cineor. I Resolved, That the apl:lication of the Orpheum Theatre & Realty Co. for a license to conduct a Theatre at 5th & St. Peter Street, be a -d the same is hereby granted and the City Cler'.- is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the payment into the Cit}' Treasury of the Fee, $100,00- Yeas (J) Co cilmen (✓) Nays Far sworth CO In favor Kel r M 11 (/.......Against Mr. LN Y g idcn Powers FORM C.R-2 C.- F. No.. 7677-13Y Henry McColl Resolved, That. the application of the Orpheum Theatre & Realty Co. for a ucenee to conduct a Theatre at 6th & St. Peter, street, be and the sam., Is. hereby: granted and the Clty. Clerk is instructed to lesue such ]tcense for one -year Cu,on the paYmeut Into the City Treasury of' f the -los, 5100.00., ADppdved Oot. e19.o19161 Oct.. 19, 1916. - _ (Oct. 2a-1916) Adopted by the Council..._./.�� .T.. ...1.15..-- 191....E Approved....... L .. .... 191.. i MAYOR y f, CITY OF ST. PAUL '7 5`78 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7578 That the Con;mie.eioner of 1'11_=i: E'afety ie hereb authorized, to ;Imi:loy in the F,,reau of Police ar.t lire Ala" ele;re-ph he cervi:ee of on a,dj'tional -'ire Alam; rirera'or at a saL_r, cf not to e.xoeed :94.-0 per months' The expense to be charted to the Salary sr.t` ap - it -X, cf the Bureau of Police ant Fire Alarm els: ial,C-. of the Dc-partr:ent of Pu'riic safety C. F. No. ?678 F3enry.McColl— Resolved, That the Commi.eioner to Public 3to th Is Bureau authorized to employ 1n the 'Bureau of Police and Fire. Alarm Telegraph the service.. ofi, .ono additional Fire Alarm Operator at a salary of not to R ceed ' *94.00 per -month.. The expense to be charged to the. Salary and _Wage item of the Bu resin or Pollee and Fire., Alarm Tele• graph of the DepnrtmentP, of Public Safety. 'Adopted by the Council Oct. 19. 1916.. Approved Oct 18.-,1916. — _— 83-3816) . Yeas (✓) Cou linen (✓) Nays Far orth Go .7 In favor K "1 Mc 11 Against N Yo Mr. President ewers FORM C.8.2 OCT 19 19.'191..._.. Adopted by the Council .. -... .................... MAYOR Resolved hl �ej 66, za-o 5LO,( 0 1-5 C. A ol67579-1-11r'-ryMIC,11— Res"dh-hto-r-y traus— ferred froOthe -%. U . . of th. if Seven Thousand Dollars .($7.OQQ.00).�; mat, being, needed;for-the purchase -hase of .e.c.aary--� -Uop'les, and. th.r.h".y..d.n a a, last named account. . Adopted, by 11-06t 20, 1915. (Oct..Approved Oet.20, 3936. 8.1019 L)1 UCT 20 1,b Adopted by the Council. . ........ J- Approved19 ...... .. .... Yeas Co. men (V) Nays Far o Gus In favor Kell M Against Nas YO Mr. President, owers FORM ..8-2 if Seven Thousand Dollars .($7.OQQ.00).�; mat, being, needed;for-the purchase -hase of .e.c.aary--� -Uop'les, and. th.r.h".y..d.n a a, last named account. . Adopted, by 11-06t 20, 1915. (Oct..Approved Oet.20, 3936. 8.1019 L)1 UCT 20 1,b Adopted by the Council. . ........ J- Approved19 ...... .. .... i ' CITY. OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............... Subject:....._ .. ..... ��. COUNCIL FILENO .... ............ ..... .... ...iC. F No. 7680—By Hen Y bi Co— ........- That the as.. tlos ofthe ........"Resolved. following nameeaoo1f- 'anbowling er to maintain poolooms alloys afthe locnttona lndfcnt- to Presented _......_ .....................................191`.._... ed be and the e¢me are hereby granted _ the City C1erAfa horebyauthorizad and an, ` fn otthe City Treasury oY the payment tee prescribed by ord� once: R. G. olf, Bowling A11e1, 371 Selby A Peter Clancy, Pooh fY8Oin. 1686 Grand Ave.' Adopted by the Connell, Oct. 26, 1916. Approved Oct. M 1916. (Oct 30-1916) ` V 0�e i ax 1 71_ z -&-t- t Yeas (✓) Out linen (✓) Nays arms rth . �Ir .............. In favor 11 oil Against ash Yoerg Mr. President, Po era FORM C.8-2 UST"t' 5 Adopted by the Council ..._........._...^cZ.......... l Appro 191...._.. Date Presented ....-... Oot. -.19.9---.-.-Q1..5. Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated June 29, 1915 between Peter Dickson and the City of St. Paul for the grading and improving of Milton St. from University Ave. to Edmund S;�., be and the same is hereby extended to the 18th day of October, 19151, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (P') Cou ilmen (P) Nays Far -orth Go In favor Kel _Against Nash Yo Mr President, owers row...e-z Adopted by the Council __ — 191 Ap to e 191 R — MAYOR 755 - St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 18, 1916. To the Honorable City Council, CITY. Gentlemen, - I would respectfully asi that your Honorable Body cause the time of completion of the contract for grading Idilton St. from University Ave. to Edmund St. be extended to October 18, 1915. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, bene I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, tactor: There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. SupRisntenden- m+P Conat$uot-fon & Repair APPROVED — — — — —CHie3 Engineer �Gommissioner of Public Wor CITY OF St. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALS RS Subject: -- FILE NO— NO. f ... p f ...... ....»...�........._»........_ ....._ Date Presented- .......--Oat. ----1.9 -- Resolved, That That the time specified for the performance of a pertain contract dated July lb, 1915 between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Robertson St. from the center of the intersection of Indiana Ave. to the center of the intersection of Fairfield Ave. be and the same is hereby extended to the 30th day of September, 1915, and tho proper city officers are hereby. authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided' however' that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas W) Cou ilmen (i,) Nays Far worth Go In favor �j Ke r �j Against (y1�' Nash Y g Mr. Preside , Powers IO . c.9-2 Adopted by the Council VT 20 1"'11191 _ ''' /v/ 9---. - '7 r)S St. Paul, mi.nn. Oct- 18, 1915. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, I would respectfully ask that dour Honorable Body cause the time od completion of the contract for the construction of a sewer on Robertson St. from center of intersection of Indiana Ave. to center of intersection bf Fairfield Ave. be extended to September 3Uth, 1915. owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence l desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contra for There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is conoerned. 'Supjr-fnuenden$ of Construction iie7a3r 3'e� �`ngineez APPROVED Comm'1878i7oner of Publio Works. Date Presented.... Oct -..19,-...-A91.-6. Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated June 29, 1915 between Peter Dickson and the City of St. Paul for the curbing, filling and leveling of Minnehaha St. from East Seventh St. to Earl St., be and the same is hereby extended to the 18th day of October, 1915, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (11 Co cilmen (f) Nays Far worth Go In favor Ke r 0. Against Bash Yo g Mr. President Powers ro_ c.e.z C. F. No. -7683— _ - Resolved, That the time specified for the parts anof a certaincontract dated June 29, 1916, between . Peter Dlekson and the .City. of St: Paul for the curbing, filling and leveling of Min- '. nehaha- -St. from East Seventh St. to Earl St., be and the same 1s hereby ..tended to te 18th day of October, 1916;- and the proper city officers are .hereby authorizedto execute an 'amendment to said -contract in accord- anee herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have. any force and effect unless the sureties' on. the contractor's bond consent thereto and - Ole such consent In writing with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council "Oat, -20, 1916. Approved Oct. 19,- 1916: (Oct.. 23-1916) ,adopted by the Council fl r1T 90 t (� 1 � _ 191 A r e MAY00. St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 183, 1915 To the Honorable City Council, O IT Y. Gentlemen, - I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completion of the contract for curbing Minnehaha St. from Earl St, to Seventh St. be extended to Asx October 18, 1915. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, APPROVED -Commssi er o rl3tie a �rTs. Contractor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. Superinuendenf of Cone ruotlon & Rep. - - - - - (Thief M37gineer - - COUNCI I"", , (?�) , " .__._�i't By 1-7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of --for Rt xit Pt_ujg_..a._aeme_t_t i1P_ ai d eL�l kt _t_9... a ..ryi d t_ of,_,,,.,,�_ ._aiLl& of Sherburne avenue between Chatsworth St., under Preliminary order.h.. 1915.__,_____ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered.said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._Construct a cement _iisixfeet _..wa..... the _.noxth.....s.�of_.ghPrbiane._ a?rel_ue between Ch.tswort1a street .and Lexin,Eton_avenuey_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_._._...1, Lth____ __day of __a:�3reA.T ... .......... ___ 191.6--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, st 'ng the time and place of hearing, the nature q Ctfile�pgrSment, and the total cost thereof Adopted by the Council ____.u__.._._.__, 191M _ I Perk. Approved _.____._.L.__._ ' v _ __, 191 Mayor. ._:a9tnB••. Councilman Farn worth the said report be nae, a hereby appp oved and adopt, „ the said ImprCvement Is herby or. Goss ed to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improve- ' Kell r ment which the Council recommends 1s construct a cement the sidewalk to a six .feet on the north sen Chatsworth ` Me 011 j kith of side of Sherburne avenue, betty street and Lexington avenue, with no " Nas alternatives, and that the estimated YoResolved g cost;thereol Is 52 cents perlineal feet. Further, That a public bearing be had on said lmprovempubon Pe 16th day of November, 1915, at the Mayor Po ers hour of 10 o'clock A M., In the Cousctl Form B. S. A 8-6 Chamber; room No. 61 of the Court .City and 101ty He.11 Bullding In the City Of St. Pa.L That th. Cnmmfa. meted ny--the Council Oct. 19; 1915. 'proved Oct: -'19, 1915. (Oct 23-1916) COUNC �jF NO.___ �S�__ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntheMatterof_...2nnsiruatirk;._a c.ement..._t.i1e_s �P"aikt.n._a.tiirLtl2.nf�six-feet street hetwr pn T..Ta.ry—_P'l^_and strept, qnd Orp.nge under Preliminary order._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......C.Qxls.txtz¢t._.a....C_emeut --...t.ile...sidP_wa2_k._,t..o._a._.width aisix.ie.et�� the_gest....zi. rl P ..oi_..Arcad.e_._.__ _........ ... gt.;r.esPat- and swith no alternatives, and that the estimated .cost thereof is S.52jG.uex....linea1 foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ —_day of ..--N.pvembei.....____...., 191.L5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof ated. Adopted by the Council_r . �4 ...... .—, � __ _ , 191_ _.. r / Clerk. Approved1911`� ��C_ Councilman Fatnsworth .t, herr o. hereby res-, rep. -' I. .Port, That the said report . ,.d same Is hereby approved and pted. and the eatd Improvement le hereby ordered tobe proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Immprove- ment which the Council recomend. I. roone,,net a cement the sidewalk to a width oI six feet on the went side of Arcadestreet, between Maryland street and Orange street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof Is 62 cents per lineal foot. Resolved Further. That a nubile Mayor.. " Go s Ke er Mcoll " Na h Y rg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-6 .t, herr o. hereby res-, rep. -' I. .Port, That the said report . ,.d same Is hereby approved and pted. and the eatd Improvement le hereby ordered tobe proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Immprove- ment which the Council recomend. I. roone,,net a cement the sidewalk to a width oI six feet on the went side of Arcadestreet, between Maryland street and Orange street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof Is 62 cents per lineal foot. Resolved Further. That a nubile Mayor.. COUNCII, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_.Construaf";nom a n.ament.....Ul.e...sid2mallc._t.a-..a....zyidt�.sf feet _on...._the north. s de of Carro.11 v e frQ_m Asbury_.venue to the 2 Nanal•IY.Y------------- under Preliminary order. __.7.19�—. pproved_S,e�.erber_25tYx,_,1915. ......_._._.._a + ...._.._._..__..____- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......_Const,xUet. „._.cement t � _aid siie....o:..S�x..al� ._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is foot. Resolved Further, That a public heating be had on said improvement on the _. -day of .___ ramemhez.......__..__..W, 191.5.:_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. PauL That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature Oo Tthjdill f%vement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._._( ii l.ii _ _ _ — ,, 191 _ / / j Clerk. Approved....____(._.__._l./ ass., . . -_:_".iereby-resolve.: ';q Rpm Councilman F .Worth 1. That4the .all report be and tid same is hereby approved and adopted. .. G S sad [be said Improvement is hereby K ler ordered to' be proceeded with. 2, Thatthe nature of the Improve- went which the Council recommend. la construct a cement tlhe sidewalk to a M COiIwidth o[ six feet on the north aide of Na h 9ano11 avenue from Asbury avenue to the m$t'hlne of Lot 16, Block 2, 11ta- Vhew, cale.ter with no alternatives, :and that the estimated coat thereof 1. „ Y rg 62 cents per lineal foot. Mayor Po ers Resolved.. Farther, That a public . hearing be "Cad on said Improvement on the 17th day of November, 1916, at theC.0 hour of 3a .o'clock A. M, In the Form B. S. A. B --G Court iH use and 'City HroomallBuilding Ir61 of e the City of at. Paul. Thatthe Commi." ` .loner of Finance give notice of salt meeting to the persona and -la th, :manner Drovlded Cy. the. Charter, stat. Ing the time and place -of heartag, the nature of [tie Improvement, and the total cost thereof As setfmated. Adopjed by the C Roil Oct. 19, 1916. Approved Oct. 19 1916..' v ioct. 23-1916) COUNCJL INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of__._Curbi129__Croa rHay1ess under Preliminary order._—. ....... 641.8.. _ Yapproved._.Au_ust 11th, 1915 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Curb Cromwell avenue 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..................... ....... _ _........................ bettueenanvel street and B?es$gj v_e,_____.__,,,,„,.,_,_,__._.�____.__.__�...__ ..__ 1353.93 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...._ 121 h—__ _day of Nov embgx 191.5 .... . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chambei room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof estimated., Adopted by the Council O C T 1 19 ! S _ 19I____ Clerk. Approved -_..f _._.(. _, 191_1 Air i9�/p1"8o�i� Councilman Far eieny '�',....:esi' sworthi .:.at' the said eiiort be anu `. „ GO I'll 'Is hereby approved and adopted, the and said improvement is hereby ordered to beproceeded with. ' Ke er 2. That the nature of. the .ImDrove- „ M 011 menf which the Council recommend. to curb Cromwell avenue between Man - vel street and.Bayless avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated Na cost thereof -1e. $1,363.93. ” YO rg Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said Improvement the 17th day on of November, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In the Mayor PON lers Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Form B. S. A. B -b - Court House and Cl Hall Building In the. City of SG Paul. That the Commis- sloner•of Finance give notice of said to the person, and In the .provided by the Charter, stat- -time and Dlace of hearing,tha. of the improvement, and the at thereof as estimated. Lnaed by the Council Oct. 19, 1916. ved Oct. 19, 1916. . (Oct 23-1916) COUNCIL FILE ':1SQ..__ BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of__Cctra st rue f i.zf�... Cf1r� i ug __ou ..I3axx isan-aY.ezzLt.e._1i�1YAf )1 �nu�S --..t.rrP.i._..and._VLestern_._ayenile, — -- under Preliminary order.approved_...__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. C.nnatru.0 C1Ax12 I19_ --.Qn...Har.aYenuB.... 1.Eiyce_X11.I14idg].a.9.._ t egt�_anc�_,?Mestern 2,venue,.------ with no alternatives, and, that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_._1.711a____ __day of ..-I;.nuemb.er..-...--•....-. 191 ._5..• , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._ _ _,j._..1 3 I ; 5 _ _�, 191____%%� , r/ City Approved ... —_......... __ .._ , 191_ Mayor. Councilman Fan sworth • tea- i56 " Gos -ger of Financeppon tho dared ea d report n land by resolves 1. That the Bald report be Kell r and the me fa hereby approved and adopted, d MC 011 the Bald' 1mDrovement is hereby dered to be proceeded w1th. 2• Tm the nature is of the Improve- nt which the Council recommends NflS is construct curbing on Harrison avenue tween' Douglas Yo g street and Nestnue enue, with no alternative., and that estimated cost - Mayor PO erS y thereof le $1,023,76. esolved Further, That a public ring be had on said Improvement [hour on 17th day of November, 1916, at the of 10 o'clock A.M., -fntheCoun- Fwm B. $. A. 8-6 Chamber, room No. 61of-the Courtuse and City gall Building In the yof SA Paul• -That- the Commle- er of Flnance*glve otfceof saidting to the pDersons and 1n thener provided by the. Charter, statethtimeand mace oL.}fartcar!r, the ure of tha improvement, and the l coat •hereofasestimated.opted by the Council'OCA 19, 1916.tproved oct. a19,. 1916. (Oct. 29-I916), ".. COUNCr BM- f�f1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of 0912 _Str.Ut.Ln aodri-ch...avenue_-h-tureen - Alest- e ettt?r s yet rttl-Western averItteT-- --- under Preliminary order. 5681 — -- - _ approved..__. June_ 29th,_ 1915.._._._,.,,,._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2..That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Construet- eemeilt _..S131B-..._---- --- .___._..__._..._._......_.._._.__...____.------ __--------- _._._--------- _......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 77r�._,'t�._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.__.. 7th --_day of 4IOY.AM1)4x...._.._.._-__.._.._, 1911..... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -----OCT 19 19:5 191__ , erk. Approved______-----_-...... _ x._..., 191 _. _ ! Mayor. i•eDoct of the Co above .;n nee upon the above Councilman F rnsworth una having sone Berea iereby resolves: e said report be d the G ss hereby approved and adopted e Bald improvement le hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' K 11er 2. That the. nature of the.improve- men, which the Council recommend. 1s- ' C011construct cement curbing on Goodrich nv nue, botween West "Seventh street d Western avenue, With no lterna- 511 tives, and that the estimated cost thereof 1.$766.29. oerg Resolved - Purther, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement [he 17thday of November, 1916, t Mayor WCLs the Dour 11 19 o'clock A. M., 11 the Council Chamber, room N 61 of the Form B. S. b &b ',I Court Ho. ouse and CRY Hall Building In lty the CoP A. Paul. That the Commie- _ ! .loner of Finance give notic� of s.11 meeting to •'the o .>,.,,o e_ .. .. a Council Oct. 19, 1916. 39,,1936.' ': 22-1916). COUNCII, FI61, S._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter ofGarbinz_1 n3?9RS1_P�aG.e._ .x9m...?:i ton_ .x. �.et_._t.s�._C11ats�finxtlL_ —str-eet -i._...-- under Preliminary order--- The rder._6The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. Curb L i.nr o od Place e .......... ...... - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S dnO-01._._,._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 17th__„_,,,, __day of Novembgx___,__.:._ .._._, 191.5-_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—&:L.,.. �? �y $ _ _ 191_.._... Clerk. Approved_— _191 �� ✓ ' Mayor. Councilman E irnsworth a ' � y _ odld repaid •^-.. That the said report d and Elie r a an " G SS same 1s .hereby approved and doped - a. provement fherebyaadderthdetoaabed pmoceeded with.K ller o 8. the nature l the mends Is which went wnwo the Council recommends ie street ' COII curb Linwood Place fromMiltonno to Chatsworth et;set, with no alterna- / uvea, and that the at tested Sh _coal [hereo[ Is 5480.01. Resolved Further, That a public erg hearing be had oa said Improvement on the 17th day of November, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In the Mayor P wers y Council' Chamber, room No. 61 of the 'Court House,and City Hall- Building Form B. S. A. 8-6 :in' -the City of. St. Paul. That the :Commlesloner of Finance give. notice ,of said meeting to the persons sand in ,of mannerprovided by She Charter, stating.the time "d place of hearing. 'the natuto of the Improvement, and�ths total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Oct. 19; -1916. Approved -Oct '.19, 1816: 23-1916) COUNCIL F INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_--Cher-ini;-tie._.Crede..-..on...T.up_as,xslS—§t.reet---,b,etr;een Pleass rit _.._.�u'trentxe._...ar*d -Iii-tion--svrecv—wnu_vi' r,i-_tay,-.._a,,. street ,.,,tweeN n,--Y&V-&— avenue and !?at-sori avenue to conform to -tTie-red Tine ori CI�c�IYb7iSe- hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present grade being represented: by the blue line thereon, under Preliminary order. 6750,_-„___„______._-.___approved..._AuEust 30th1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......... Chan9e---the,-GT3de ---a n-�ris•e�ro��-st,•�•eet�- kret�vtea�r-=�•sex�t• -awe-a�..l�.i3.te-n---s-tr-�€.t_a rad. -on _.'iiia'�i3Fio"r"£fi�ree�....'ii•eE•ti<e'er'•Bayaz3 ��e'rias.._z'rii3...N2'�so2....2.�'�nii'8;_'C'�-C'nYi'1"6rm to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line thereon, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S—/moa_.___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__._... 18th day. of 191 ..:5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and Cily Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. GT 15 Adopted by the Council.._......, �._._.__IL —.191�,3� ity Clerk. Approved_. �._..._.-. _ _, 191! a Improvement is here..DO �ahnwith. Improve - Councilman Fansworthe nature o[ helm „ the Council recommendss change the grade on Tuscarora st G4 between Pleasant avenue anMilton d , treat,'- and on Chatsworth street be - Ki er tween Bayard avenue and Watson ave- M COIL nue, to conform to the red line On the profile hereto attached end made a. part I hereof, the present grade being repre- seated by the blue line- thereon, with " N h no alternattvee, and that the estimated coat thereof Is $18.00. " erg yl Resolved Further. That a public hearing Mayor P Wers be had on said improvement on the 18th day of November, 1916, at i the hour of 10. o'clock B. X. In the Form B. S. A. 8-6-- Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the - Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Comm.. COUNCIL FILE By-✓ — - — — INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the MatterofSSadin Os,peg,�_av_enue From_Lexinton...wvnue .to Dunlap under Preliminaryorder.�7._.__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report he and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improveme t which the Council recommends is........... ~ ...... avenue frog 7iexin ton a=red_ e to Dunlap street,__,__.,...,. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $?Q.2_.._.._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....L8th...___— _.-day of .......la'9.Y..G'ID.11.e.T_.._....___._.,, 1915..-.-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --a Approved -._-.....__4 Councilman Fa sworth 3 Ke r Me 11 " Nas Y Mayor Po Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNC��//IL F[ �� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of an._easement in_tlle._.land_necessarL for_exp.@�f.gr.._cuts .end fill s in Fradi__nrz Stanford avenue from Prior avenue to CZtveland__av_enue,-ffe_UPsi Py avenue from Pri oXaY_fm te_�to Cj.eve] and avenue and 01 eveland avenue acQAq& n& to the p]. hereto BttP.ched.and madea_Dsrt hereof shorr- - ing th_g_.cu _ the _s I eSL&SIS 9Xl�t=1e._.1. ---._..__......_.._----------------- —._-------------------- ------------ __._ under Preliminary order._....._approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ...... Conder:ng, A...take_, an easement._in_ the Viand„necessary fo .s ,opes,_for cuts and fills._in Ira__dino Stanford_. ve;num f c Cleveland._avenge�Jellesley_ avenue from Prig ,,,.a,Y Xlu.e....tQ__C.1.EY 13X1L$....aZ.ST1110_..?.Ild._.B.!~TLP,1.�J'--SY.eY1Lle._.r.O.II...rF.e.Y1Tle:l<lL...z1r-aet__t0 Cleveland av_envp,._accard __to.tte„p n,..he_ tQ�t acl�e�_� d 1M�e 4part___ h e ez_._.Tkle�l a caed....p ortinn....shoxYi —she carts P nrl t n P _�h8dEt1_gArt.ian_th e i i 11 s with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2 5 - 0Q_...._._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_19tn„_____ _.,;day of November 191._`�...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and uin the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___......_— I�T.__19 Is 15 191 s t lerk. Approved_.._.__.._.._, 191_. _ Councilman Fa nsworth alfa Prior •� Gs wen clev, K er Yuen i - -Y Bonn,:... � Mayor. ke a easemer.�. :or slopes, for cuo. avenue too Cleveland avenue, Pr e from Prior avenue to ' ' opart wing the' n the fills,. that the , 1935: hath, M Coll c the the N sh alter coat ” Y erg Re hears on tl Mayor P wers the n Form B. S. b 8-6 he < sio meat i - -Y Bonn,:... � Mayor. ke a easemer.�. :or slopes, for cuo. avenue too Cleveland avenue, Pr e from Prior avenue to ' ' opart wing the' n the fills,. that the , 1935: c� COUNCIL FILF IjQ_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ...C.o:ld.eY .inn.._Lr_d takingF an. _eas.er er t....i.n ., for slopes, for cuts .-,d fills in grading Aldine stre.ct from St. Anthony amenue...t.o...Rondo._...s.t.r..e.e#.......a.cc.ord.i.ng.._.to..t] e-_pl.a.n-..lade a �R,t I of. The hatc)'led portion sl-.owin�, the cuts and the shaded portion under re lmin9ry Order ...._......_5.335----.._._........._._...._.._........_.. approved ......._.J.1dnE...._5ti.,.....1..91.5.-....__..........._..__..._....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading e.._.S_t..x_e.e.t.._.f.rom. uta.....Anthon�._..a?z.enu.e_to._.Aondo._..street.- .ac:coro_y.ng...._;;.o..._t;._�.e plan hereto attached and Trade a. part hefeof. The ratc !ed portio_v silovd C, the cut.p..._i..nd_.th.e._shad.e.d__.p.ar.t.i.o.n_.tLe_..f.i.1.1s, __.__... .. _...._.__..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......20.....0.4...--.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._._....19th._._._.._ _ - day of S_ovenb.eT_.._,.... ..... .._.... _...... _, 191...15., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mariner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, andQtlig to al epytythereof as estimated, Adopted by the Council ._..__._. I 191.. a Clerk. Approved .......... r..uuuil of the City of at Yx•. Mayor. received the report of the Core. Councilman Far sworthIssloner of Finance upon the abovo improvement, and having conaldered saidreport, hereby resolves: 1. That fhe Said report be and the Clos same is hereby approved and adopted, and the Bald improvement le hereby .ordered to be proceeded with - Kell r2. Thai the nature of the improve - went which the Council recommends Is - condemn and take an ....meet In the land necessary for slopes, for cute and Me 011 ftlIs in grading Aldine street from at Anthony avenue to Rondo street, ac- . cording to thea plan hereto attached O'b ry andi made a part hereof. The hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion. the alla,_,with no alter- natives, .and that. the,: kstimated cost Yoe g thereof la 520.00.. Resolved' Further, That a public :. bearing be had on said improvement Mayor Po ers on the 19th day of November, 1916, at the hour of 10- o'clock A. M., In the Form B. S. A. 8-6 CoUse il: Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Hou.e and City Hall Building In the City of St Paul. That the Commis - .loner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing, the .nature .of the. Improvement, and the total. post thereof as estimated. Adopted by--theCouncil Oct. 19, 1916. Approved Oct 19, 1916. (Oct. 29-1916) 4 e COIINCIL FILEj0--�r�CI y By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.C_ond.emnir�,- E-iad...t. kin..:._.a.n.....eaaement......in.__t':,.e..7._ for slope.for cuts and fills in rr ding Louth street from F tch street to rcf and street.., ac .qrg nr-t.U_-tkle....p1�.Ti..h.eseto..ati.ached...ard_.aarda -- and the shaded portion the, fills Y.ereoi'�. the Hatched portion sl_o�Iir,� the cuts under Preliminary Order5.6.20 ---- ................. .... ...........__...._. approved ... _._.- ............... _.............. - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ......_C.and.emn.. and take -an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cats and fills in Brading Louth _._stre_et..._frori.._Hat_ch.._.St.r.e.et.t-o._.Qr.chard._ s.t.r.e.et.,.._-a.c_cori,_ rg.....-to--tn.e.....al.an hereto attached and mads •art Hereof, t': -,e ..atc'aec. portion showing the cuts and the shaded_.p_orU.Q.nit�le....f..i11.S, ............ _...___._ ._..._..._.........._............... _ .. ... .. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._P..5....Q.Q_......_.__... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .__ _.1.5th____...__..... _...... .... day of ,_1_'Orel; h r.._ .......... 1915._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT 19 isi5 Adopted by the Council _....._.. 191... . ..... / �City -Q& Approved 191ortion .shhadedaded r' Mayor. Councilman Fa sworlh Go s " Ke er Mc 011 " O' ary Yo g Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8.6 [ n the Cltyor 3t. Paul the report of the Com. do having coasthe ldareve d by resolves. a d report be and the approved and adopted oprovement Is hereby occeded with. ature' of the improve- 2!ouncu recommendaaa :e an easement in the >r slopes, for cut. and )rchLouh street from ardtstreet, accord - hereto attached and sot, the hatched,por- cuts and the shaded with no alternatives, mated coat thereof Is —aopcea oy the Council Oct. 19, 1915.1 Approved Oct. 19; 1915. (Odt. 23-1915) �w COUNCIL FILE NO___1_ y,, - By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of .Com'.^AS Mnkn r ir;; n _e _serrel _._ln the 1 ...d-.-ne.... _for to es dor c t and fil1G in t,e radirr' o" 4 e east n_ndl irn alley in Sumck F , t. Crand avenue tit coin ,;den'. e Cretin venue mi -Wood, "aoeordirtg to the plan rert°to attached and -.rade a part nerefff. The hatcied ortion showing the cuts and the shaded portion tne'fi]ls, p. ......... under Preliminary Order .._...__:..........491.3._...---._.._._...._....._.......... approved .]day_ ..13.171,......1..1. ....._....._........._._._........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. hat the pature of the improvement which the Council recommends is -G nda� 7 1 s n L t1 -,e ali. 2asem nT. in to lal a ne es r�r for lslo e� f cuts a..enue Lincoln ing of �,.e eas an tees al��ey in B_oc c5unded by Grand avena.e..._._Grev#tr--u�enue and Finn avenue .....Summit_*2uoo...i....eeeo=d.l_nC...-t.b--tlie--slan hereto attached rnd made'a -part hereof The hatched portion showing the cu_t_s._ ad. _th.e__sha_ded with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......1_E...O.O.__......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __ 1.9_th_ _.--------..--...... day of 1v44,.�1ib.er;..._-,._..............___....._, 191`x._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._...__......._OLT_...��.1§...._._ 191........ / - - Qty- Clerk. Approved / /C� (...... _ (... 1...._ _., 191 ... _.. - Councilman Fa nsworlh Go s " Ke er " Me oll R „ Q, ary an, coror Yo rg maum Por Mayor Po ers $166 Form B. S. A. 8-6 het on the having ceneldered Zd rrev rt be aad the approved and adopted, .mnrovemenc le hereby �eeded with. itur. of the Council recommend. 1. lake a easement in the •ry for elope., for cute and grading of the eastand ey In Block bounded by Grand Lincoln avenue, Cretin avenue n avenue, Summit Wood, ac - to the plan hereto attached and Part hereof. The hatched por- wing thecuts and theshaded the -all., with no. alternatives, the estimated cost thereof in ed Further. That a publio be hadon said Improvement 9th day. of November, 1916, at of 19 o'clock A. fd:, In the Chamber, room No. ,61 of the rose and City Ball Building In Of St. Paul That the Compile- [ Flnance,-give notice. of said to the persons acid in the Provided by :.the Charter, stat - time and. Pines of hearing, the f the Improvement, and the t thereof as estlecated. .d by the Council Oct. 19, 1116. red19, .1916: Mayor. COUNC�III __ y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of QQndsmraitaS... nd_tak.ing....an.._ea-Umen-t_-in..._the.. 1and_n zessa= for sl on_e_�,.._.f.Q.x..-c t _and ill s or r�>^..asli.ng-p'�PreP�'zenue_from Rrosnpton Street t.IL_.(i.01710-.34L'nllP..r. -n n e, nr (ji n g t. n t.h a n l n xi_ 32 er_e"-a-t.taclled--and-7 ad p -.a-- * part_hereof..,_..the_he-droort>g _ hQiain the_ cuts and the shade�_N ig�a the -�� $--'-- -- ----- - — - -- under Preliminary order. —_._.324.____..._ ...... _.__.__ approved ...... -.ec­30tfb,.._1.914......_..___..._ _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ ...... Garidemn.-and...take. an a mvnt....in._.th.e._la,nd._neo.essary fo .:..sl.np.ea,_ ar_cuts...and ing,Pierce;.s�exllie Am x.Qzttpts�n._streEi_.to... Com a....&,u-exLer.a.crcor-Jiug_.tn..the_xilart her etD-.a t.ached....and-masia...a_ ari_�PrPca%r- he.hatched. oxt3eia-skis i •-tlie outs and the shaded:,pgrtion the f.j)- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_.._20.'th_—._._ __day of Novaint .... , 1915.__., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the, persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature 6f the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_„.__ -QC T_„ ],.Q , j;i Li _ _._.r, 191 Clerk. Approved--` ____ �. id 91 _ imPlbvemeni to .. =� 1. Councilman rnsworth be proceeded wtt ( :hat the. nature of the Improve- mont which the Council recommends 1a SS condemn and take an easement 1s the land necessary for slope., for cute and K tier ane for grading Pierce avenue from Brompton street to Como avenue, ac- ” M COLI cording to the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portion sh.,Ing the cute and the " N h shaded portion -the fills, with no alter- " Y Cg natives, and that the estimated cast - thereof is $30.00. Mayor Po ers Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said Improvement on the 20th day of November, 1916,at Form B. S. A. 8-6 the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., ly the ' Council Chamber, " oom No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of St. Paul. That the .Commle- sloner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the .persona and In the manner provided by";the Charter, -atat- "g the time and place of hearing, .the nature of theimprovement, and the total -.coat thereof, as. estimated. ' Adopted by -.the Council'omc . 19, 1916. Approved=Oet _39, 1916. .(nJt 29_t O1Fl. �. 'COUNCIL FILE-DIO._.. 2- a_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. " for Isiho Mstterfpos elite andils__xrzgd.n.._e aBme�ut....in._tha..lnd_�eesa�sy P , g Laura avenue be ween aniline aY_ _ri,.e__a.nd__P.a_s.C.a1-.-p-mei-u,a... and Al hnrt atrPat hPt wa an Hacita awanita - Portland avenue, according to the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, th fills, e--`rat-ched uartion showing,CY�c1i -ani Y -ie sPlarie�c p`o��ion iTie under Preliminary order. �...6� 58.._....._._.._...__.__-approved...__..J11lac._2&th,_..1915....... _._.._______ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......C.o.nd.emn _and.... take... an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in G-r-a-d3ng-Laia-r-ei-a-venru-e--bet-weert-Harmtiae avert2xe and -Pascal avenge; sad_-_..._. Albert street between Hague avenue and Portland avenue, according. to the - -._ _.-_.._._.� ...... _T', _.. _ _ ,—.__...._......_ pTah-'here-"'aiiac'h'ed�•��an���made-a par��'riereof,'�the ha£c�i•ed porion showing tka.e_..c.utfa._caX1.L't..._thQ_._shad.B.d....pnrt.inn _the_.fi11B,.__.�.........:.. — _--______..._..._.....-•-. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_2D.th.._—.__ -_day of ALosemher.... _.._......__._._, 191.5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and Cily Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___.._ GG_L1d y 15 _. _, 191_ ity Clerk. Approved_.__.._......._. � 191 _ a_._.__.__.........— _ ' �1npproved and adopts Mayor. �a'n�"41f0-T_ improvement 1. heresy ordered That the bZ nature of thehimprove Councilman Far swo ment which the Council recommends la condemn and take an easement'In the G and necessary for slopes,. for out. and n11s in grading Laurel adenuebetween ' Ke er Hamllne avenue and Pascal avenue, and Albert. street bet's use Igue ave j no and Portland avenue, according t10 Mc 011 the plan hereto attached' and made a part hereof, the. hatched- portion ah Nah ,part the c is and the shaded pbrtYoa the 511s, with no alternatives,"and'-that- yo rg IthRe etl edte FurtherheThat It. a56o.00. hearing be had on4ald :.Improvement 7mayor Po ers on the 20th day of--V..ber1016, at the hour of 10 otclock._i4 if In .the Form B. S. A. 8-6 Council Chamber, room No 61 of the Court House and City Hell Bullding In - - tdoa^rtY,01.B .^Pahl.' That the Commle- M COUNCIL F1jX_ LO.._.._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of__Q4S1dgt1?il. llg.._ 1_t�lci}2g_.. ._e�,�§ _V6.,,_in_the,_ nd necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Jefferson avenue from Prior avenue to Fairview avenue;aeeordit-e-t-h-e-p3si2-terete-attse=-aze-pt - hereof, the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion the fills under Preliminary order.approved _..._July 26th 1915. _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Condemn and take an 2 .Tha he tur of the im rovemept whi h the Cou o re u mend is. _ ..__ _........ __ _. easemenE' in �%e t'1"aned necessary for slopes, {nor culls ansd fills in grad'irig Jeffersolz_.ven. __fr_oT1_Px_i_o.r..ay rile to�25�Y.1E�r2Ye131L�,_...a.�C9FsikXg_to�he_glan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portion showing the Cuts and tl}e•-sl1•rde�k poo]-tae-f-•13.s;._.__-__._._.____..._...._._......_..---..._..._.._� __._�-.---•-- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 3.9- 09____ Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__.__2Qth _ _day of 1915 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ther as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._........ OCT 19. �� 5� _ 191_.___. } ler Approved__ 191 ' W_,4� :e4ore yland .ltd mprovement 1. hereby Councilman F rnsworth ith a the natureeofthe 1mDrove- ,•.hthe Council rgcommende to " G ss snd take an easement in the - lopes. for cuts and 011. in � mh Jefferson avenue from Prior K ller avenue to Fairview avenue, aoeording ' M Coll to the plan hereto atmched and made _. Dart hereof, the hatched portion :.howing the cuts and the shaded par- „ N sh tion the 811., with no alternatives: and that the estimated coat thereof la $35.00. Y sig Resolved Further, That a public be a on said Improvement Mayor P Weis onatfie On day of Nobe vem 191b,at the hour 10 Porm B. S. b 8-6 of o'clock A M., 1n the Councll Chamber; room No. 61 of n1e Courth11.11 ouse and e City of at Paul, Tfiat,th, compels, efoner of Finance give notice of. said meeting to the `person. and In the manner. provided by the Cbarter, etat- nanu hen lmplrovemen�9 .. nature ott d' the total coat. thereof-a.eatlmated.: Adopted by .the�Council.Oct 19, 1916. _. Approved, Oct19; 1916. (Oct. 23-3916) S COUNCIL /FILE NO. ...... -� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. N In the Matter of__C.QndemninZ__aAX . toking_..If.n....eaeamentiAA....tbe_..1a11d for Llope.a,..._.fcr_. cilte and MIR In grading the Ailey in 3ifl.nk 8;_MannInA er pasl_and.__Ay_e.r!.e Leaman gemen . QfBlock a.ac�leaier....Park_;__agp =g Vis_ the plan hereto -_attached and made a_paart hereof, the hatched portion show- iIyg tL@s11a$s._and, the shaded 9ortio_D`ribs_t1.���.,—_-.-----.----------------- under Preliminary order._.—_ ---__.-----approved ................... _Ati1,1181 .3rd,.1915..._....._._.._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Councif reo6infnends°is.....Condemn and take .................. asa_aaeataen�.is#he_].and_naneasarx_.1.Qx...als2pes. f.Qx...Quts._and ..fi17 e._i ....... gr ding _t e,..alley in B19� _�. a al @.t r Park.._ I �X t_e3 Rga;Xang.?melt of •$lock•.8,-•••Bda�aleet€S-Eara6�-8s;o9ad1A t0-the-•pl8sl-•-heF6ta •sttzGheGl--arid made a -mart•, hereof thehatched_portion showing the.. --cute _acid._ shaded, portion_ the_Yilla, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_20_00 ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _.. -day of —NQ9f:Bll?�,7C---- .....--- 191.-5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council--=. f �.�,. _�, 191 r1 Approved_.—._..._....___ 4— __191 . ..... /%" _. ceded wit„ Mayol n Voun cthe Imti hien the Council ecce trio d enec t""� take a Councilman Fa asWOrth a, d eaaa.y far .11cBeY% to fills in gr pal li the ajcr In "In, rkk,"" " • GO S Maral ester Parti d D; tet Rearrange- s t of Rlocl' 8, Macale -t Park, ne--...,„�,�• •' Ke er Fertile, deo F`t e p here 'd ttached ;ad ma On anadea MG 011 Portion showing the cuts or alterna[Ives9 portion dthnt theft Siimated cost thereof Na $20.00. That a public Resolved Further, ovement YO rg hearins be had on said Imp,1915, at On the 20th dadr.' of to �ke A� 111.. In the ,he hour oY coom A. 81 f the Mayor Po yrs Councll Chamber. r Hall Rrtilding In Court House and Cuy Form B. S. b 8-6 the Cits of St. Carl. That the COMMIS- -6 Finance give notice of Said acting to Lhe persons and In stu[e j Olson r grow ided by the Charter, to gn the time and places ofent and that nntore of the Improvsflmated.n total cost thereof s e Adopted bY the eo51 Oct. 19. 1915. (Oct. 23-1915) COUNCI FI 0....._..____:::. INTERMEDIA6 ORDER. In the Matter of QS?.ndemz�axag...�xid . �kin;.._asz_..easement _in..tYie._.l.and .neee.ssasy for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the North and South, and East and=fest-�ileys int-J©seah-R:-,: Qe's-4thirrl ActrkitiorP-arid Block -1; vf- 3vseph R. Weide's Second Addition, according to the plan hereto attached and made a par ereof;-fie hatcfie3 portion snowing TTe cuts aria --Me sHaTeeportion the__a� under Preliminary order._ _5718 approved ..._June__29th�• lal5. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Condemn and take 2. Th t the n lture f the improvement which the Council recommends is......._ ..................... _ _............ .... an easement inrie and necessary for slopes, for curs ^nd fills in grading the_1Zox'tki...and-Souih,.and._laast and_3iestti.Alleys._in_J.aselzh..R... YJaide!s..ThIrd_.. Addition, and Block 1, of Joseph R. Weide's Second Addition,` according to the -p -1 -an heret-a-s t ehvd and zltade-a part h-eree;---tim--ira't-rhed--p-orbion..'-ZiTa v- ing the cuts and the shaded portion the fills 100.00 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 5--_.'__._...___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._.2 nd —.— __._.day of November _,_•-. 191 `�_...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_. OCT 19 1915 __ _ 191__ Clerk. Approved_._.__...F..__./ ._. Councilman Far isworth Go Kel r MC oll Nas Yo7g Po1mayorrs Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,`io, the Council recomme''., and take an easement In —try for slopes, for cuis grading the North and Soutn, t and West Alleys in Joseph odes Third Addition, and Block `oseph R. Welds's Second Addl- ording to the plan hereto at. and made a part hereof, the portion howing the cuts and .."ded portion the alis, with n lives,and that the estimated reof la 8100.00. „I ved Further, That a public be had on said improvement :2nd day of November, 1915. at of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Chamber. room No. 11 of the "..se and City Hall Building in of St. Paul. That the Commis - ,P Finance give notice of said .moo the persona and in :the -,vided by the Charter, stat-� place of hearing, .the', ovemen t, and the = Jed. '� 19, 1915. COUNCJL F/1F NO........ B�L �r.�-�_L�l. ...... _........ .......... _.._ v INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_Condemning,,_znd.,,_taki_nn.e�se^�ent_.in the.._land,..neces,@r_ _ _... for_.slop_e.s,.._.f._c.r_._.cnt.s..._ and -fill s i n grnd i ng Pn gP strap}. frnm npf r ayenili o South _Roi?ert...__ -Lr get.y_2_c.49Lt1irip t -a the =l an perp o—at_t,echad-arld...majie Ammar -t her_eg _.t.11p9St1..QS1.--aiia ling_._the_ Puts grid .hp Shaded gn_ti.on__th.e_....._ f"118 -------------- ..—_ __._._ under Preliminary order. 5$�_9_......__.._._._.__._._....-approved ..._...,IU1y__2Szc1,...1.91.5......... _____ _...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommend§ is...._oXld.e tlxl ..�.0......ak.�....an easP-nPnt.._i.n.._the._1a nd_.ne.ces.sa r3L..inx_s1 opss,os..-cui.s._and....i.il i s.--iaa•-gxadi ag.._ Pages._FtS..._ei_...tx..or7_Gn$ .est.enus._t.n.:S.nu:h_ED.b.ert....stseet.,__ac.cosdi.zlg..... to the plan her.�ta. alitzcc}ied. and....mad.e... --- next. lar-eo.f.-t- ._.the._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_54.Q.0__ ...... _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ ....... 92nd _ _..._day of Noyembex ....... _........... __.._, 191.5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in .the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councciil/_._..QCT A...Ib i 5 Jerk. Approved ... ,_.... .......... ........ p`TgTr,ISI3E53,0-3 /j ' ."she Impt.., Councilman Fa nsworth 7�JuuncII recommends,, "':it�a "take easement in t. Go ceasary for slopes, for cute anu yradins Page street from Goff,to s South Robert street, accord- Ke _- -' the D1an hereto attached and .¢ part hereof. the hatched portion 011 showing the cuts and the eiladed por- tM ion the fills, with no alternatives, and .that the estimated cost thereof le $50. Na hResolved Further, That a public . bearing be had on said Improvement n the 22nd day of November, 1915, at Yo rg the hour f 30 o'clock A. M.. In the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Me or PO ers i Court House and City Hall IldingNn the City a of St. Paul. That the Commis- Form B. S. k 8-6 sloner of Finance give notice of said meeting to. the persona and in the In. manneY provided by the Charter, Ing the time and place of"hearing, the tore [: the Improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Copncii Oct. 19, 1915. Approved Oct 19, 1915. (Oct 23-1915) p`TgTr,ISI3E53,0-3 /j COUNCIL FILE NO......_.....�._.=� BCiL.e l�!J�.._.._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_21ad_e.Znx.?.iDZ.._h..pdt lc ng,._e.neasgrent_-i ntn,e..land_necessary for._slo es.,.,_.fgr,....eLts_._and fills in Fradi _L South Sar ttoEg avenue from �e i_�.a5p _.avF�ue__t_o._R, lolph stret.t according t_2 -the-- elan hereto hatc_r_ed__portion showinS the cuts anc-txle_sh�de_d__g��ior the fitls�^ tender Preliminary order. _fi2.42.._.._..__.._..._.___.... -approved_Qz1guS.t.._.3xd,...1.2].`�......... ..... ...__....__._._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Qomdemn.. and.._tsal. e..... an easement in the land necessar _.r._.._.y for slo�ea�for cuts and fills in _...._.._._.._..._..--------...__..._..........__�._�._...._.._.._.. .. ....__...---.___—__....._....._..._. _,cx-d.ing....Salatk�Saxat.nEa_ayenue_fsszra...le£fexs.nn_ay. ._aaa.0xd].Yl&.._t o_±he._p._an...he.T.e.t..p_-yt•t.2.C11Ed.._H.nLI._.m2.d.fl...c']...jaar.t...herP_of.r.....th.e,.. _....._ h tched;port on shovvirg-_the cuts and --_the shaded portion the fills_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__._..___2a d___ __day of Noy ember 1915 ...... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and int , manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of th ant, and the total cost the of ase ated. Adopted by the Council_,......._ , 191`/i./i� Approved ------- `..._.._ 191 _._. Dyed o," pr proceeded with. " c� 2. `•-'.1Ai the no [e of the impr0� ment which the Council recommends ice. Councilman rnsi condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for elopes. for cuts and SS fills in grading South Saratoga avenue from Jefferson avenue to Randolph atreet, according to the plan hereto leer attached and made a part hereof, the 'hatched portion howing the cute and " CO the shaded portion the flus,with no alternatives, and that the estimated Shcost thereof Is 826.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on aid Improvement It Der on the 23rd day of November. 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the MayorP We Council Chamber, room No. 67 of the �' Court House and City Hall Butldtng Sn Form B. S. b 8-6 the Clty of St Paul. That the Commfe- eloner, of Finance give notice o[ Bald .meeting_to the persons end In-'the..l manner provided by the Charetr efat-' Ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Oct. 19, 1916. ! Approved Oct 19, 1916. PUBLISHED 6 - 3 - � A9111110 11.00, 1 011001 1 IPA, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 0 In the Matter ofax1.__.Q S.er s Ut.._.i..P ... _.nepg. 9 Fart s—, _ £-o2 ctrC s— * ,-�-- •—'srr �ra� s aFes 3'a�e-at ee -� --- Delzware spree tom ppewa s ree according �o the prari here-- - attached and rlade a part hereof, the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion the fills -.............. ------ _..__..._......_--� _ .......__.__..a.._......._.......... under Preliminary order._ 5238_ _...___-approved_August 3rd„__ 1915......_... _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: f. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement - is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ ..................... Condenn and take ....... _ __ ...................... _. n....ea.a.emexit_.in_._th.e._. land ��ce�nar�c..:fnx_.slta&e>�r_.fnx....al�t.s._ard..fi11. - g ra ck2ng fest-P�ge s l r� •tt-f Torr ilelus are st ree C t-o-..Clrippee.ar _et re&t ; -a e -c ord- o-'VN6 p1an-H-dY£-o-aTtacY66 anE-ina--Te a--par't-"faereof; Elie'hat'oYieT-- portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 20.00.___.,_„_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._23rd-----••-day of _...B.os.embzx.... ........ __.... ..... 191 ...1.5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCT i3 ISIS Adopted by the Council.....—_ 191-- _.._. lark. Approved___`_.. Councilman Fa sworth Go s Ke er Mc --oll Na h ” Yo rg Mayor Po- (ers Form B. . A. 8-6 a. old ureby approved v `said Improvement sd to be proceeded wltti:, _ That the nature of the L.- e t which the Councll recomm condemn and take an easement land necessary for elopes, for cute. fills in grading West Page street 1 . Delawarestreet to Chippewa .1r, according to the plan hereto attach.. and made a part hereof, the hatchea portion showing the is and the shaded portionthe fills, with no alter- natives, and that the estimated cost. thereof is $20.00. Resolved Further. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of November. 1915, t the hour of 10 o'clock A. if.. In the Council Chamber, r,om No. " of the Court House and Cl t, Ball Building in boner, of of Paul. give the ed of mold meeting to the persona and In sthe man or pr,vtded by the.Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing; the nature of the Improvement, and the total cost there,,. as estimated. Adopted by the Council Oct. 19, 1915. Approved Oct. 19, .1915. ..(Oct 22-191s).._ Mayor. F'musi-iED c ^ �/� ' COU_NC�IL/jF14%F IY_0....ryF.�"���z:��!'� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter_ease=erg-!r._the.....l.a.n.d lae.cas.aary _..,. fills in pradir_F Jenks street between Earl _-sts.eEt... grid Frank_,Straet'_accordinK to the 'Plein hereto attachedand made __a-part_.hereafy--the-hatnhart--RQrtinn Ghn.tlring trip nufsandth.e..._shadPd--gor- under Preliminary order._ 5b 2__.._.__. __approved._June,_23rd_,.,._1915..,,,,,.,..___.,._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-...Qa nd.erm..a nd.._t.akt.e.... an..._e4se�ien 'e -a y--LQS I.Q ,... QF.....G.lits._ard...fi-u.fl_.._....... -.---]..n...gra�cLing. �Ienlcs_.straet...b.et,rer_:n Fp _i.n�....tn the plan an her.eta__attzched and aaada a riw_h secxir_ tlae. leai.ched- sili�an_eh�.iriv-dhe_G the shad on with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S 2a -0-L_..___ ` Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 23.= a T____ .......day, of 191 _`�......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ �i;l.. Ila- —I 91 I— Ch (J Approved -._W_...-.__.._.. --191 Approved..---...-.- ee same 1s _ I`•bY so] report t be Mal and the said improvement fsah.- ith ar2ered toThat thebe natureof the lon Councilman Farn to e t which the Council recommends condemn notake an easement In the " Clos3 land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills Ixr grading Jenks street between ' �.ry .nsYet l -lrixf /�.,s Belle Earl street and Frank street, accord- Ing to the plan hereto attached and " MCC made on rt hereof, the hatched por- tion showing the cuts and the shaded portion the fills, with no alternatives, Nash that and the estimated cost theTof is $20.00. " Yoer Resolved Further, That a public f hearing be had o said Improvement on the 23rd day of November, 1916, [ Mayor Pow the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., (n [he Council Chamber,roomNo. 61 of the Form. B. S. A. 8-6 Court House and City Hall Building In .the City of St. Pau --That the Commle- sloner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and In the manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the total coat thereof ae estimated. Adopted by the Council Oct. 39, 1915. Approved Ort. 19, 1915. (Oct. 23-1915) COUNCIL FILA NO....__...761a G INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matterof_Conilemning„_and.--tsement..i, „_the._1 iZ�t__.eeessalry c..1.Lt.8. and fills in ,rad_ i Ana Field avPnu . fror] T1avPrn Road W Cord in -94 +n2.BhEd--213d.- __..._m hereof ._th e_hat ch.er1 ._p o r t. i n n _sh o_imi ng t.T, e cut ..__s n d_._t ...._.._ f.i]15, under Preliminary order._ 5823._...___.._...__._..._._approved.....J.uly.._2xid..t....1_q1.5....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._Q.o.nd.etnn -and take_ _,zn_e2seMent_in the._lan� ��e ry,_#p _,��p� qy,__R.x..._attt.s_.antLf.i.l]..s.._._._ _.....t�_1;�ading Fi nlcl...�venue...%xa>r_Il Tzexn...auenue...ta-Fd�e�utnb� acr..ord- _...a ng..t.a....thz--p an hezeta-aitasfaecl-axed•• ade....a._pe t --he eot', the-._ha-teh-ed par.•to•--kis-€11.a.�..__...___.__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is- -------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...__._...._ ex'zT1L_ ___day of 1T_QX.emb x ..................... . 191.5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and. in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the- ps estimated. Adopted by the Council.._LCT L9. �y'5 ..... ........ ..��, 191 Approved ___....k.___(_. /� _, 1917 lmpr...ment A ea ordei-ea : proceeded with. 2. .That a nature of the Improve- ment which the Council recommends le Councilman ondemn and taken ent in the „ landnecessary for slopes, for cute and tat ss fills Ingrad ing Field avenue from Davern avenue venu to Edgecumbe Road, I{ ler according to the plan hereto attached and made n part hereof, the hatched M Coll shaded ph_ tonnthetens,°with no alter- [Ives, and that the estimated cost N sh thereof a $75.00. Resolved Further, That a publld ” Yerg hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd day of November, 1915, at the hour f 30 o'clock A. M., in the Mayor P Wer_ Counicl Chamber, too- No. 61 f the Court House a d Cty Ball Building in Form B. S. A. 8-6 1 the City of St. Paul. That the Commis- sioner of Finance give ti—of said meeting to the persons and in the man- ner provided by the Chartui3:ate in g the timeand place of Y$earing,, . the; tia- lure of the improvcmgpt, add'flhe tptal cost thereof a9 estimated. .K-i•"'q• Adopted by the Counelf OEf:19, 1915. Approved Oct. 19, 1916. (Oct 23-1915) PUBLISI4ED /0 - � 3 �� COUNCIL B,-..... _ _ _.. _.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter .1..t?.p..2..K.,..._fo_r._._c.lzt_8._e Ld fill_s in the gradi— of Osr-mlg Yenu _ from ex n ton ave�lue to Dunlap street,��cc.Qxdang.,�o th�r�l�lieret4_ __ett_ched._.and._.nPrJe_a par.t_)q r_eof__thE_haLhEd_nnrtinn ahnwir ..._the_sidt..9 and_the 9hha ed AOx1ion the fills, ;_------- under Preliminary order. __ 67g3._____._.___.�_.__approveeotember .let_; _1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above imoovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......Q.o.tl.Sd.eztln ..aTi .... t.,k.e... an easement. in the _land necessary -for elopes. for cuts.. and fills in - _...... _..gxading.-Gacealz.•amentLe..irom. T'Angt=l. a_v.enue....tn_Ilunlap_.at.r6et_,...-a.C=d- ing.....t.n...ihe_..glan.herein_atcacheid-and r2�de__a_nar..hereaf,_ the...hatched___ _pfutinn_9hogir�. the vts._ard._.the. abaded_riort.ion_the_•filla•_.--. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_4L..00 . ......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said itnjirovement on the ........ .... 2.3xd _..- ___day of SICLSI_embex_........... _........... 1191-5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the estimated. Adopted by the Council_—._ OCT 19 1915—�� 191 ' .......... Approved .......... ... ......__._ !— , 191 /J T7�i - y` -- .......... _........ �. Mayor. nevra.: - " d Improvemen' Councilman rnsworth ••o be proceeded with'. s.__ `lac the lure the 1.1. - S went which the Council rerac., ' l Condemn ptJ$LiS1iED D - �J 55 and take an easement i' land necessary for slopes, for Out, K ler fills In grading Osceola avenue P: M Coil Lexington venue [o Dunlap street, cording to the plan hereto attached anu ado Dart hereof, the hatched por- tion showing the cuts and the shaded N sh pnrttnn the alta, with no alternattvea, Y erg d that the estimated cost thereof Is $40.00. Resolved Further, That a public i hearing be had on said ImDrovemant Mayor P Weis y on the 23rd day oP November; 1916, t the hour Form B. S. A. 8-6 f 30 o'clock A. M., In the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Rullding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commis- sloner of Flnnce give notice of said meeting to the person. and fn the rnan C 6 ing the ner [line and pled ace of hearingthe , theta.- lure 11 the Improvement, and the total - - cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Oct. 19, 1915. Approved''Oct 19, 19W.. i (Oct 23-1915)_ 1 \ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL,RESOLUTION—GENERAL 'FORM Subject:. .... . .... .... ... ....................... . . . ...... COUNCIL N 7609 FILE 0.. Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the contract bearing date October 16th, 1915, by and between the Consumers Power Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing heat, light and power for the new Public Library Build- ing for seventeen months, beginning January let, 1916, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper City officers are author- ized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F -No'_7609 �W a� he ' ..at ... t bearing= I t Octhe tober a Ina it I r' light a- r the u no. , th r. II ­ ..v.nt- - a, ' beginning JnnuarY a 1916 - .. - can t heie hereby the re tor� cauthor feed - r.ct the q of t eIt Adopted t t o ncil Oct. 20, 1916. Approved it.916 ' ot. 2i- 916) Yeas (17) Co kmen (17) Nays CO F Orth G In favor K M 11 Against N - y Mr. Presi .Powers owers FORM C.8-2 T Adopted by the Council.. 1491 Ap o d... y6it CITY OF ST. PAUL lb�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:... courvca FILE N O.. ............... q Date Presented 191,_: R se olved, , F.esolved that Friedman Bros, and 7ranstrorn are hereby licensed to exh 'cit the : ctiun Pictures entii.led "The firth Of A.:Iation", for a period of three %,eei-s, or ]on r, a e SS aC_ ?aul Auditorium, on the Iayrn�2nt of a license fe, n_ �D f this an:o nt to the City Tr,.'2.au'rer, the an;i th^.t or. i:ayn,ent c City Clerk is hezeby '_natr!c':cd to is 14;, such li,ense. =3 C. F- No' ""0 Y Benry'MeC011— f Gr nrehhereb9 1 lictled ense to exh t Ot AOtion Natlonlet for a pres lerlod ote tthree weeks, or longer, atthef. Paul Audt- ttrb O.00n the hat on paY�nent of this Of ount to the City Treasurer. .the City Clerk is hereby Instructed to leeuo such license.916. Adopted by -the Council Oct.OC20, r .. Approved Oct. 20, 181% (Oct. 2a-1816) awe --� Yeas (✓) 'lmen (✓) Naysti O Adopted by the Council_ 191.._ . Far o O �s In favor ell APP ve M 1_I� -Against — Nas ��Y V / t.. .. .. ..... MYOR....... Mr. P,1(si��dent, owers `� A FORM C.9 -E, 6; 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.. ._. ._._. ....__.._ . _.... .. COUNCIL / FILE NO... ... .. Date Presented _...-October_ 20...-_I91.5..... / 17HEREAS, Since the plans and specifications for the paving of Warsaw St. from West Seventh St. to the north line of Pleasant Ave. have been approved by the -City Council and a contract has been entered into therefor for.the doing of said work, the Water Department has caused a water matin to be laid between Grace St. and St. Clair St. Resolved, That in consequence with the laying of said main it is now feasible to connect the property abutting on said street with water service connections, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Water Department is hereby ordered to make or cause to be made under its rules and regulations four long water service connections, which water connections will be in addition to the number already contracted for and when so made to report the cost thereof to the City Comptroller who shall auglit and certify such cost to the Commissioner of Finance who shall cause the same to be included and assessed against the property benefitted thereby. C. F. No: 7611-5; Whereas, Since N. Gose— plan.'and speela- lg of Warsaw St. St. to the north e. have been 'up - the City Council and.. con - sea entered )f said war] Ise canoed ween Grace conse¢uence with' .1. it Is now fese- property :abutting water service con- nections will be"tin addition to the number already contracted.` for and when so made toreportthe coat there- of tn.--thee City Comptroller who shall audit and certify such cost to the Commissioner of Finance who 'shall audit and certify such cost to the COm- miesloner of Finance who 'shall -cause the same' to beincluded and assessed against the. property -beneatte_d there- by. Adopted by the Council Oct. 20, 1916.. i Approved Oct. 20, 1916. (Oat. Y3 -191i) Yeas (1,)Coal ilmen (t) Nays i`'.T :'Q'` `' Adopted by the Council � _ _ . - - -191 Farnworth 4 ' �19� K Go s In favor !/v ell Approved . MCC oil Against Nash Yoe -6 M .President, Owers ro.. c.e-2 I 6 tN CITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Resolved, That there is hereby ahj,rop-iated from the :.iiecellaneeu© and Unforsee.n Account o` the Eud"et item, known as the General ;hind, the sum of Three 9 ndred (;'300.00) dollars, for tho pur- pos of defrayin-, the necessary expenoW connected with the en- force. ent of Ord`_nar_ce to. 3476, knc,nn ss the %o`- Licensinq Or- dinance. Yeas ( ✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nay Far worth Go Kell Me 11 Nae i Wer N& President, owers FORM C..-2 C. F. No. Q61a—By, BOY. Thnt there f. hereby ap- Unforeeen Account 11MtheeBodget Item, known an Che. General' Fund, the aum of Three. Hundred (;800.00) dollar., for th,epurpoee of defraying the necee.ary eaDon.ee connected with tho enforce-. ..at of Ordinance No. 8476, known ae the Dog Liceneing Ordinance. - Adopted by the Council Oct. 20 , 1916. Approved Oct. 20, 1916. (Oct. 28-1916) .��.�.��.�.5_....__.._191. Adopted by the Council f In favor L/ Approved. Against ............ .................. . MAYOR i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL^FORM Subject:__ Alteration Of \Felac.e...P.lagg.round... Shelter Housa.___.._._.. ...__.. '% FI ENCIL No i 112,... ..:... Resolved, Date Presented __ 191 ._ . That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds arrl Puhli2 i3uildir.Z3 is hereby requested Ad directed to instruct the City Architect to proceed at once a:ith t'.rn neces.3 ry repairs and changes in the walls, 1.1'utici ro and other needed changes, in the Palace Playground shelter house, situated at Jefferson and View Streets; this work to be done by force account, and the cost of all labor and material to be paid oa of the Playground ,aintenar.ee and Salary Fun,; of the C.gartmert of Parks, Playgrourds and Yu`_lic 2uildints, and general 11ans r;erewith submitted for said rerairs and alterations are hereby apl roved . Yeas (✓) Cou rilmen (V) Nays Far worth Go In favor Kell r Mc 11 Against N Yo g Presiden Powers ORM C.B•P Adopted by the Council li .tel 1... ... 191 __... Approved_ .. MAYOR r � r �..a. # TA l,"��A��.._�.�` ._._ .h: ...a .._. ... ori � r 11R=tUWnk of craw CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. H. O'N EILL 1i cowwowation co�wscc s JOHN P.iKYLErs JOHN, A.BURNS WILLIAM THOS. W. MCM.MIMEKIEEKIN October 19, 1915 ',o the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance settling the claire of Fred Schwendis, for the sum of $4.50. After an investiZation of the above claim, it is the opinion of this Department that the proposed settlement is reasonable and to the best interests of the City. Yours truly, f,n 't. Corporation Counsel. CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTDJIENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION- FORM COU No. '� I i915 3Y ... AUDITED 1P.. * •� 428 es ed that warrants ll � rawn upon the City Treace < sury ,' ,payable out of the hereinafter spe fied funds and in favor of the persons, firms or ` rporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fo pwing detailed Yeasstatement.J) Con oilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council l U �� \ 15191 Fa worth Go In favor Appr ed 91 Kler M 11 Against O _ry MAYOR Y rg Mt. P sident, Owers II , C. F. No. 7616— Resoived that warrant. be drawn oftheherelnalter epe ifled .funds and in favor f the persona .[lane or cor- �thelrtreapeetiveens for ename.nas ep.claed lin a the following detailed statement: - Corporate F rposea TTa Y Corp'Counsel's s1g- Olricc—Exp.: hes J. C. Thomson, 626.09. I9antere19,46846. azorchants National - Adopted by the Council (lct. E0. 1916. Approved Oct. 20. 1916. (Oct. 23-1916) Corporate Purposes Corp. Counsel's Office -Exp. James Tracy Jr., Assignee J. C. Thomson, Interest Fund Merchants National Bank, T ses 9.509.45 Form A.6-11 $26.00 19,483.45 77 77 :.� CITY OF ST. PAUL', _ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No 791 6 .7 Tnfak � BVD —,«15 181— }PER. Resolved that war nts be dr n upon thelTy" fireasury, payable op(fof thehereinafter specified Funds and e pe sons, firms or corporations for t e amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed ULT 2Q 1'j b Cou ciil Ln ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_Farworth1Go In favor Ap vKe r M oll AgainstMAYOR 9 towers 1C. E No. 761s_:--- Absolved- that .Warrantl he drawn j be herefnaf[er, eD in.d funds- out of and i.1 fa or or the Per.one„Arms r corpora - ti . for the amount- set oPPo-its [het following detailedective .- - tat.mein nt: Spec. Ae-ee-. Const Rev. Fund -4 - Ors: Id, S. Mergene, E tgrNo. to Eul S2,- I 660.00. Jame- St., Lextng ton to Edgecom.le Road:Keough Bros., E -L No. 8 & flnel, 46.00, Spec. Assess. Const. g E3Spec. Rev. Fund -Gradin Spec. Aeeees. Const .Rev. Fund— Curbing Minnehaha St., Hamline to 1 Como Ave., W. Carter to Busti 9 Griggs: St. Paul Cement Works, EsLnd - No. 1 afinal, $408.00. I ! J( Adopted by the Council Oct 20, 1916. `rLj 0.00 M. S. Mer ens Bat. #1 APPiOved Got 20, 1916. 5 g , (Oct 23-1916) James St., Lexington to Bdgecombe Road 7, Keough Bros., Bet. #2 & final, 345•�� Tg .. Spec. Assess. Const. Rev. Fund -Curbing Minnehaha St. Hemline to Liriggs St. Paul cement Works, Bet. #1 & final, 408.00 Total Spec. Assess. Cons Rev. -Curbs g... 4,181.00 N N N N -Gr in g... .... 2. 0 Total, $ 0303 00 41 Form. A. 6-11 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No � AUDITED M�^P PSYER I . 425 Resoly tat warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corp rations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement-, UL;T O Yeas ( J ) (oerg oilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ sworth In favor Appr ed 1 r oll Against ary MAYOR Mr. widenwers II Corporate Purposes Health -Public baths -Ii. & R. J. Ohage, X. D. 20.40 Com. Pub. Works!Workhouse-paint. H. W Goetzinger, 12.30 Public School -M. & R. S. F. Dreher, 38.20 Pub. School -Gaultier School Add. Gus Brickson, 10.00 Pub. School Randolph Heights School C. A P Turner, 1,390.00 Public Library -}d. & R. Dr. Dawson Johnston, 42.65 Water Dept. Fund S. A. Farnworth, Com. Finance, 12,945.00 Hammon -Byrd Iron Co., 4.502.44 • n s Interest Fund S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance. 9.500.00 �o m A. 5-11 I . - E #2 Spec. Assess. Bond & Interest Funds Red. Spec. Assess. Bonds Class 'A" S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, Spec. Assess. Const. Rev. Bund Paving Marshall Ave., We Line of Snelling to E, Line of Marshall Bridge J. L. Shiely, Isabel, Concord & Congress J. L. Shiely, N. Smith Ave., College to N. End of High Bridge J. L. Sbiely, 0 $19,232.62 631.8o 836.14 1,583.00. Total Corporate Purposes,/.... .. ... $ 28,46q,-55 " Spec. Assess. Bon & Interest ds.. 19;232 2 " " n Rev. d -Pay ""g.. V 4 Dial, $ 5 .744.55 C. F. No. 9617— ------ — Res Ma. Thea warrants be drawn upon the City Treasurer, payable out of the hereinafter,-apecifled funds and In favor of the persona, Orme orcorporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as eDecided In the following de- talied statement: Corporate Purposes—Health—Public Baths.—M. & R.: J $20.40. . Ohflge, EL D., Com. Pub. Works—Workhouse— Maint.: H.W. Goetzinger, $12.90. Public School—M. & R.: K F. Dreh- � er, $38.20. Pub. School—Gaultier Schad Add.:' Gus Erlekson, $10.00. Public School—Randolph Height. School: C. A. P. Turner, .$1,330.,0. Public Library—M. & R.: Dr. i)aw- son Johnston, $42.6fj. Water Dept. Fund:- S. A. Farns- worth, Com. Finance, $12,945.00; Ham- mon -Byrd Iron CO., $4,502 44. Interest Fund: S. A. Farnsworth, Co.. Ftnance, $9,500.0,. Sop"ses. Bond Sc In teroet Funds Red. Spec. A.eeas. Honda Cie.. "A": S.A. A. Farnsworth, Com. Ftnance, $19,- 232.62. Spec. Assess. Const, Rev. Fund—Pav- tng Marshall Ave., W. Line of 9nelling. to E. Line of Marshall Ave. Bridget I J. L. Shiely; $631.80. Shse bel, Co cord & Congress: J. L. N. Smith Ave., College to N. End of High Brldge: J. L, Shiely, E1,S83.00. Adopted by the Council Oct. 20, 19'.6. Approved Oct. 20, '915. (Oct. 23-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. By.._. _ _.. No FINAL ORDER. Intheillatterof Constructing a cement the sideaalz to a -sidth cf six _feet _on the east_. side__gf Raymcnd avenue beginning at Doswell ay.enuet1nence. south fifty feet, under Preliminary Order 6751 _ approved _ August _30th, 1915._ Intermediary Order 7,/)._..I.,._.. _..... .approved _._... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nattu•c. extent and kind of improvement to -be made by the said City is QQn8tTU0t a...we.rgent .tile sidewalk to a •'tidth_.cf ...six feet on_the _east _a.ide__of. Raymond avenue. -beginning -at Doswell avenue thence south fifty feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commixsioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di - rested to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proc* with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. i Adopted by the Council _.__ _ 191 Approved. / d z Councilman Far sworth Go Ke er " M OII 01 eary Y rg Mayor Povers Form B.S A. 8-7 Cit Clerk. 191 1� C. F. �No. 76— I In the ma13 tter of construeting a cement Alayor. the sidewalk to a Idth cf six feet on the east side of Raymond ave- , beginning at -Dell ar nue, Ithence south fifoswty feet, under ePre- llminary Order 6761. approved August I 30th, 1915. Intermediary Order 7073. A public hearing having been had upon the be ,improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, obJections and recommen- dations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore.) be It Resolved, Ry th1.0ouncil of the City of St. Paul that thpreclae nature, ex- tent and kind of Improvement to be mnde by the said City is construct ment the sidewalk to a width of slx feet on thecoal side of Raymond ave- nue, beginning at Doswell avenue, thence south fifty feet, and the Council hereby order, said Improvement to be made. Resolved Further. That the Commis- sioner of Public works be and he Is hereby instructed and directed to pre- pare plans and peciacations for said - Improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that pon said a,croval. the orooer city officers are CITY OF ST. PAUL O DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I` PORT OF CCIAMISSIONER OF FINANCE I' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER G In the Matter of .. i1 v'! .'e' � � _..._ L_ .v a-- .� c_..._'.£t4 44 F, .._!zt4 ,....... _�.�.f zr4—.....�a. ................. .......... ............. .............. _... .............. _._._ _ ... ....... ........ .............. .._..................... ... ...... ................ ..................... _ ....... ...... ..... ...... .... .... ............. .._ .... ... ..... .... __. .. _ ... .._ ..... ._............ ........... ..... .... _............. ................ .......... ..._.. ............ ......... ........ __._... ....... _ ...... _ -1--.- ...... ................ .. ....... .......... ..... .......... ................. ............ ........... ...... ....__........._.............. ............ .__ ... ........ ....... ...... ....... _............_....- -- _ ..... ....... .. _ ..... ._ .... ..... ........................... .. .... _--- under Preliminary Order approved _...(tel _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 52, ..,.pex_1lzteal. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - _ $ . foot ... _ ...... --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Chu e N� /a "4 C C' �!l ��ol •� t'.� c. o TOTAL. /C l/D ) The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..... ...�...�� .............. 191 C ssion r of Finance. POPM a -e o _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September_. 3.,x ............._...191.5... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 6751 Au et 30, • _._a _......... _....._ ..................._191........., relative to _................ _..... eil, known as Council File No ........................ approved tile Sidewalk to a Width of six feet on ...... .. ... ............ ............. Z _ ......................... _....,,the..._eaet.,.._aide....oY,.._Raymo..nd.__Ave,..,..be innin at.._Doeprell Ave. t enoe south. YiftY....f"t.! ........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is--_ necessary and (or) desirable. 55¢ per lineal foot 'L. The estimated coat thereof is $._........_..._.................. and the total cost thereof is $._.. xxx __......_.., anil the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... - -- -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. o. Said improvement is....._............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjuet to assessment for said improvement. 2zz�_ _h_. .. _ ....................._............. ommis oncr of PuUlic Works. I C.FA G� / f_ 4(7j - MM r NJD� 0 1915 BREAD E.Li R9.- COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ..-C-4-AJBtX'A0tin9 P&ranite curb ing...on..the....s.o.uth...eide.. of Yast Seventh . ........ - - street beginning 150 feet west of Sibley St. theno-e-weet-50-fee-t, under Preliminary Order ..809.3_.... . ..... . - ........... .. approved July...20-th, 1915. Intermediary Order ? I .. .... ..... . .. . approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is -,QQn9--tZk.atL grani-te curbing -on, the south -aide.- of -East S vent _t Sibley atreet thence -Kest 50 feet and the Council hereby orders'said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- Cit Cler-$. Approved .1 191JI... C. r No 7629�' In ti matteror-%onstructing granite . .. .... ................ . . curbing "on, the,,siou�th .side o East Ttfnvnr- Councilman Fa sworth G ss K Iler M1 Coll 0' ary Yo rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - d� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE {L j1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OIj PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of.. . J..�[��a��%. d J ` ------ ... -....... ....... -._..._...._. ---........._..-.........---_........................._ -- .__......_........._.-.._....._......_...------.--....._.------- 7 undue:eliminaryOrduapproved._�✓�! �--.�.0._._�._..._l_.E_...._...._..._..�__........_..._...............__........._....................-.------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $..��..4Q .......... ....... .... :........_ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - _ _ _ $ 1._43 _ The Jots or parcels of land that may be assessedbenefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �- _---�--_- -- ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ ..............//......... .... .._.I9Y._.... ...U:.0/.� ._....... ...... ..... _...._..._ ..... .._........ n Commissioner of Finance. IO1M e e w. 9•e o - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' OEII'ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D[Pvn C-1-11— OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.11 E—— J. J. S, CARROLL SUPT. C. --l- & R-1— ALFRED JACKSON, SUR. SA—T— . G. H. HERROLD1 01— Encl — H. W. GO ETZINGER. SUPT. W.—.UEE e ]Iffro M. NO Goss, commissioner of Pablia Works, Building. s gt Paul, E#.m. Auge 80, 1915. Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for curbing East Seventh St., south side, beginning 150 feet west of Sibley St., thenoe gest 50 feet, in aocordance with 0ounoil File #6088, approved July 20, 1915 Approximate estimate V71040 Assessable Assessable frontage Dost per front foot .48 Escese inspection 4400 Aespeotfully submDitnted& Biot. 0.0,/M. chief Engineer. 1P COUNCIL FILE NO. ___ _ _ _ _ .. .... By_._ ........... FINAL ORDER. 'x!320 t In the clatter of. Con.at.ructing a .cement _tile.._ sidewalk ...to..a.width of -six _feet on the south side of Ivy street beginning 50 feet east of Frank street thence eas.t.._103..5_--feet,__ _ under Preliminary Order ....6766_ . approved _ August._ 30th,._... 1.915., .._._.... _____... Intermediary Order /.. _�_ ... approved ...... _ _._........ A public hearing having/ been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by Ehe shfzl<-City is . 0onetruc.t....a....a.emer t _tile. si.dow..alk to.. a. 'aidth _..o ..s x. feet on the south side of Ivy street beginning 50 feet east of Frank street thence. _.east, ._-102..5...fe-etj _ _ _ _ _ __._ .__Z and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making - of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...___,. T 1 191 ... i Approved . ....._. _ !! –.-... _.., 191._..✓ __ ��--- C. F: No. 70E0— In the matter of constructing a Councilman JFa,w,.,worth r oll ary g Mayorrs Form B. S. A. 8-7 of ' Clerk.' sent Mayor. ex. the a sa: CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER�� In the Matter of.1L(s�l.c[L : %Ll:��r% ....� � ��1. f IL/._.1 . .....:. �:✓G4LLt:...4 � _ C ._ i.._:._ `� ....._o �:.1<�-_.L'fl�.?��--=��......✓ar��(..-�.ac.1.L... �..._QC�%'�.....iJ..�1..,�t�__.�fl�:���>:;_r��P...v.11_�/lt'.... .� _.._.. ............ ............ ........ .... _.............. _...... __........ ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... ................... .......... ....... _...... ........ ........... _.......... ...... ................ ...... . - ........ _... - ... .... ....... _....... ..... ... - ............... _.... ............................ ......... ........... ... .... - ........... ..... ...... .......... ...... under Preliminary Order approved..._. GC.. `...._.....-........_l.Z ....................... - ........... ........... ...... .. .............._.._... ...... .. ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: }C The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $...No...per liz al foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $.......... -• - - ----------- The lots or parcels of -land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and U hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Words. -� Dated.... ............. _............. _19 .. !_.C/.. ........... _.._._......... ............ ............ -,._. I._......... Commissioner of Finance. POBM B. s. w. B -e O /Vo k k Request of Dayton's Bluff Commercial Club Council File No......... _.... / PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. µ ro the making• of the following publ roLement oy, S e City of The undersigned hereby proposes _ >F St. Paul, viz.:......G.oxt.rust_.a....a.emant...t.ile....sidewalkJ a . idth....of,,.� feat on t}ae..._cast of...11aple...at.....3rola East .Swan . t.....ta,. lar '..St.. ......... ........... / _....................__..................... ........................................ . ...._ ....................... .................. ...... 0.....obex..._......:...1;.........�.........._19t..`a. Dated this....._,20h........day of ........1...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --- Construot.--_Wi.dth....of...s.ix....faet....on.... the. east.... ............ . ..... e St f .s1de...0f...Mapl_,.,......._r....._rom East Seventh St, to B1&.u]Cy ........ C F:yNo 76aY :— azi........ Whereas A Wzltten DroPoi" for the `..--- -- ... - .. making,,of the'46110wing ifilmproe vement -•-•• ....... via .-7Conatruat`e`a6ment """ sidewalks - to a.width of ,elx feet ori the eaeP;aida- . �.. ..---............""" "'" ............................................_._.... oz..MaPIe street, from 'LasC 9eventW .. ... .. . ......._._ ............_ street: to 'MaurY�: street havAD6- been, pre@entad to the- Couao¢ ot; the^ CftYN .... , having been presented to the Council of the theReeoiveab That the C6DGIDIseloaer'of; Publla Workdtbe add he fe hereby or '; therefore, be it dared,and directed L` -.To 1n*e8t1ge a the i eeasttr�for� y ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner CmD vementL' of the maktna of n1A Inveatlgate the aatgre, ezi - improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or and 'eetlmeted cost of esfq improve nt, and the total cost thereof. meat,:and'the total coat thereof 2. To investigate the nature, extent an ekeigh oifaaia htmperov roma;;- romo pr' 4.—To furntsh''the tolrow(ae older` 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket data-[nnd lntormettga retetive to data; fm rovemeat .-- , rovement: ............... ............ 4. To furnish the following other data ' . *.:To state Wi(ether cr'r? proveme t', la•askes ' .............................................................................. ....I ...................... ........... . ent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improvem 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. I 'T `ti9 1`.a'� 191........... Adopted by the Council....._ ...:........ ......................... Nays: Yeas: Councilman Far isworth Approved .......... ... " ............ .. Go s Ke er M oll Nash / ...................... Im yor Po ers D� �,ISI� Petition Council File No.......�� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and .. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fob g pub improvement the City of St. Paul, viz.::...._Qon�.xua.t....a..s.ewe r...an....CO.ok..S,'v-.b.et.s.er�...Ear1...S. Frank St. n...accordano_e.. {ith._petit.... h�.xs�jtsS.._at.�aahe$;.................. .... ....... .... :...... ......... ............... f !.:......... ...... .......... ..... ....... a`..... .................... ............................................................... v Dated rhis..._...2Q'�17....... day of.... _..._Oa.t.oh.ex.......... _....... .................. 191..5 ... ...._ ...... . Councilman. -- F PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ------ ___Construat..._a--_s ewe.r....An.._�o.o...S.:G.....b�.�v/e.xL...Eax7....St.....and...Esank_St_.., .ate....... ........... ...... . .. ........ ........ ........, osai for the: ��� j hppiovement'- ............ ....... ............ � J!T ank Bfrhaving ................. ♦ea to'aho Counpil 01 t e R Bn Paul thereLore,,,bp; it ..... Dived That the Commleei boner of ---- - --- .... ....... ahlicrWorks e3an8 he to here flared an8 flirecte{1 „_ , ,,,, ..... _...... , having been presented to the Count Drliaeetrabultytloi °iha mauves eoFeaia, ilman ........ ..... . improvement. therefore, be it a To investteatia the nature ezEent ane -Oat lmat.d ee.t .'s `1 K, :, RESOLVED, That the Comm mat; nafurhne� tQa ep1Qnth reome or 1s hereby ordered and directed: eketo$%of eald:lmprovement.. ; Of said improvement. 1. TO investigate the neCCssi[ 4 .,To furntsh.'the following other fla6a�gna infotme.4loa Telative to nod rovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature 1mv�roT meato,, hether.or note 'it lm -r 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch no 4. the Detllron. "upon all pf the iota ` 4. To furnish the following other data and in}istvi2eommteetoner of, said improvement; ............. . _........... ....... ................... ........ ..................._'"'.................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for o ...... n the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. T 1- r I l ....... 191 .......... Adopted by the Couneil....._�.�..... e.�. ...L.� :.;:.__ _., ,Yeas: Nays: Councilman t1ler rth / 19 . . Approved ........ ..... ..........:..._..... .Nash ) ....- ...�.............ayor p _ °�' '/5 PUBLISIZD� Council File No., PROPOSAL FOR. IMPROVEMENT., and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of thplowing public improvement by the City of .... . .. .. .. .. . ..... St. Paul, viz.: .... ... .. ...... .. . ...... ............. ................. ...... ........ ... ... ....... ... ... /qs , t a . n4,. ................................ Chang*g of the grade of Brown ween Con Or Winifred St. taoh64 umade a filo to 00 to the red line 0 00 orm f i e t 0 Y 0 line ,part. reo-f, be 6y thq the present gr... e beii* ;,qp;eP. there -11. also the gradin f a rjown Avg. e 61 inits aforesaid _Y,e e3 � i'sh� o the grading ';danoe with the, d red 11ne wylbie;Ixesta ish , e&, a r, in acco I "t t the grade of said Brown Ave* be teen Miclwa-fit. a* 0ono rd ,Ot i e6ressid ' 'OLT ng profile by on �,,Bforessid MP U C established ahcj�bho and the Mf "ed "s running from els tion 39 feet a blue line thore9d iden Ti 0 x above City Datrp"at the south line of Conoor& St. to evatiOn 61 feet at the north -rine of Kidway St., also the grading of laid Brown Ave. from Winifred St. to a point 150 feet distant from thenortherly line Gf Winifred St. in a north-easterly direotion. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ....... ... .... ..... ....... q4,pngi ng 0 f the ae of BroWn Ave.... between Conoord St, and Winifred '* t . o . I dot fo to - the .grader ad ilie on the pofile hGrO 0 jjttjj4he6 and made a part herbof,.. the present grade. being represented by. theM% ,- UAQ � thereon, , sleo the grading Of said Brown Ave, between the Points SfOr'0138i4l' Inadoor&enoe with the Said red UU6 When established, also, the grading 411, of said Brown Ave. between blidvw4Y St. And Concord St* to, the grade established and, shown on -the maforesaid 60OOMP A vto . by Xipcl� as, ZT ng from a I ..hereon =4� t 0 So lue 1,140 t e love VDa Vb a, , the south llie of, 60 66rd"`te to it -the north line Of XULMY St-, also the grading ofsdia,,Zv, from, Win;Lfred! St s, to a.polnt. 150, -feet U0t0A#­frOm, the,:;northerly 3 ; of Winlfred St. In A north-easterly di yo-frIvesTiLrate'the Datufd-,6xtent iind-6stinnaled cost of said improvers Mbit#M -AVe between Midway ppgrd di also tho Brading�ql�04id L. `own A1W '.I;� to the 11 iV", 4 YKPAo ete 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. In ­�,, �fpr I ' , Iu.'_ in or on 7ru' 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improver "'I 0 In r ....................... ............... ............ ......... .......................... ............ ...... ........ .. ... ... ............. ......... ....... ....... ....... ................ ....... ..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of -three or m;,re owners. 6. To report upon all of the ,ego, matters to the Commissioner of Finance. BUJ Adopted by the Council....._ ........................... ........... ..... ...... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth "�vo' G ss K Her Coll erg Mayor wers -,-�.j Approved...............Y...._..... ...... ....... .......... . ........... .......... . . . . . ................... ... Mayor. Winn Powers. Resolved, That Friedman Bros. and Granstrom heretofore granted a liceiea to exhibit at the Auditorium a moving picture show entitled "The Birth of a Nation" are hereby cited and notified to appear beforetho Council at the regular meeting thereof in the Court House and City Hall Building on Tuesday October 26th,1915 at le o'clock -a.m.,and show cause why license should not be revoked on the grounds that said show is immoral and obseene and tends to incite race hatred and public disorder in this community. P.ESOLVED,Further that a copy of this resolution be served on said Licensee, or person in charge of box office forthwith. tit� Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Farnsworth ✓Coss _$..._.... In favor flS C coll 1.... --.Against ✓Nash Yoerg , Mr"/-. resident, Powers FORM C.9 -Y Adopted by the. Council...O ct ob er_ 25,,1915..„._ 191.....-.. �pproved......10.-25-1915.............. _. _..... _.19 L....... ..... ..... ..... ......Ran...Powers.............MAroa ......... CITU' OF ST. PAUL Winn Powers. Resolved, That Friedman Bros. and Orcinstrom heretofore granted a licaiea to exhibit at the Auditorium a moving picture elgow entitled "The Birth of a Nation" are hereby ' cited and notified to appear beforethe Jouncil at the regular meeting thereof in the Oourt House and City :-fall Building on Tuesday October 26th,1915 at le o'clock a.m-,and show cause why license should not be revoked on'the grounds that said show is immoral and obscene and tends to incite race hatred and public disorder in this covaminity, PZSOLVED,Further that a copy of this resolution be served on said Licensee. or person in charge of box office forthwith. Pt� Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ct be 5 1915 Adopted by the Council_.9......Q.._. r..2...x......_._.....191..:.... I�/ Farnsworth V` Goss ..fi......... In Favor ....................191........ eller � PProved. _10-25-1815..__ � MCCOII j ......... . Against �, Nash Yoerg ►/ .... _....._... ......Winn...Powers......._....rnAY'o'a..--....-. Mr/President, Powers FORM C.8.2 , AOeCOUNTINQ" DEP R�TMEN7 AUDITED �LAIMS-RESOL'`l1TION �_�ORM ,FILE AUDITED'�5��1915 - .. PER 429, G ;' Resolved that warrants be drawn up: a the City, reasury, payable out of the hereinafter speatfied funds- a in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite -their respective names as specified in the 'following "demi statement: OCT 19j5 a!,(: J)'sCouacilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council191 'Farnsworth' favor 191 .In Keller McColl A—Against ' • ,; , MAYOR- Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Oorporat-e Purpoeea" { Offi,de,Exp. s Aug. HOF -ITS, ins ]ieyer Engraving Go4d„8g0_ 0e Carp,.Coun*61 Office exp., Callaghan & eo, 6:50' Grymer• &�Stte18%erg John H. Darling, M.' D, 7.5A: 40.00 Aug xohenetein, Dr Ke113's 10606 Dila �. 7+areOrl� 10.00 National,Prix�'tng Co. 4:00 -: R"evi"eW" P.ubli ah3ng �o 2g, 40 r lis Ot�.'fi ce E City, Clerkts ,�ffitie-Exp. ia= Fa Don Co.�';. 2:00 Aug.. MohenBtein�. "T .49 Com. Finance -Exp.. Ang Rubenstein,: Cust'o'dian;` 4.90 - R.emingtom Tyoearitsr Go:,y ;: 72,90 rr x ' Comptr"o1leils Office-Prtg. & Sta3sy.' L. Fa Dow,.Co.. 3.50 Aug Hohenetein, 2.48 S 8 Marvin Co., 2 6 :otnpt. .' Pub Lighting: Fund-Suppi. & zxp. Augr JOYineon;'Aesignee, Hdw. Hinderer.& Sone $188.67 .Paul & S: Ste Marie By. 4.25 • H. W,.; Eleotsie 8q�tipment Go., $.61 S Paul Gas. Light;Co., '' 8,496.97 13:7y3 + 6chuneman & Svane, Smythe Printing..Co.,,' 1.80 So.:Pa�k Boundry+& Machine 1.25 Stark, Deputy'Comfr;. Pub. Utilities *� .81 0- H. -.& Alden'& Hattie, 75.00 AmericasLinen Supply Co., 28.49 Wm Ba eisten, T'. L. $lood,Co., 1,133 01 � P 33.85 Cataract Roflning &Mfg. 6{0., 5.00 L F., Doe Co. 218.00` Finch, tianS]ycke & *064villea 118;75 Haman & Co., , p4 .'HaekiHs Bo, 4.20 $yland;.< 38.21 . McClain.:& Gray Co., 168.35 Mdendler Bros;, 9:45 Melady:Paper Co.,.:; 7.00 forth$tar Farnieh Co.,. 10., ., R. W. �'elephone`•Co., .. 1.75 Noyee'ros &Cotler, .20 'Aobifimri Ca &Sands, .11. 8t. "Pain tae ; c'c., 541.67 _igt'` $t. Paul Show 0400 ,i. Geo,.'3mitYt 118:76 Tri State Te`leppi}one,Co., 32:00. Villa=s Box Lumber, Co., 16.50 „< bs, 14zQ0YouerW� Oen. ,Bund Municipal Court4uppl, H. C. Boyeeon-'Co., 1.20 L. F. :Dow Co., 2.50 ug: -A ' , tein, Custodian :98 McClain' & or Heyer Png., Co+e 210 b.004 Gen: Fundi -Pur. Dept.-Suppl. 8. A. yarnsworth,'C;P. R. F. 10.50. Aug: Hoherietdin', Custodian, 144.272 R ational Printing Co., . Gen. Pend -official Pub. --__ Review;Pubiiehing 324:89 G,en., Fund Mise. & ;Unforseen Exp. Seleid re a Cast Stone Co., 19.:14 ' Farwell, oyman, Kirk o., 1.17. Walter T. L®mgn Co. St. Paul Builder`s .Material 5.00 41111 So. 00 achine<:Co'.,; 380.00 .Park 'Vi11sume Box &.Comber 4.0 Western Blec. Coir -92 #3. Gei Bund�Cioil Service �sint. ' • mug.Hohenstein, Custodian' # .•26 to il10.00 McClain & ray. Co. National Prntingo.:;. 5.80 2.10 j., Gen. Sung Municipal Garage'ttaint' Hurna.Zumber6;77 Corrugated.Bar Co., 3,;000;00 Louiorge,:. 59.73 P J. San alman; 30.00 Manhatt031-,&.Linseed Co., .69 Western-Suppiy Co.," 1.3a W: G. :Whitehead 22.50 ben ' Fund -Peter Supply Hyard-of Water.Commissioners, 945•,00 , Robinson, Cary_& Sand`s, We'etertt,Supply Co., 4.24. 1.3$ 95Av62 Gen-., Bund 1[i.so.; Staty. &� Supplies H C.''BOyesOn Goe, - ': ' . 34:80 E1ectTic E1ue Pr CAr, 2oM rr,Y -_ - T.� Susi Gen. �nnd-Printed Forme`&`B� nke 2340 Craftsman Press 17:75 Ferr ' Printing:.Co., 99 50 8.90'. _;National A. W. Stamp Works, 22:00 &t ;Patih Pribt14' C;o.,9.40 i, FO an 8.. , Po ice Fund M & R. American Stove aepair Co;, 2.50 Geo. ?.enz &ins,' 350.00 Da13yb'raser,;Rardware L. Tr -Dow .Co, .Farsei_l,-0iOun, Birk &.cQ;, _ 1.50 5.16 Haskins Sros. Shap Co., 3,56 ;Noyes Bros , &Cutler, OxygenWelding Ss azingo, , X75 Jerkins Gsatage, Pitteburgh:Plate G1as� do; , 6 1. 0 6.10. �Rted.Motor,Sgpplq35, 75 St P$u1 Welding & Mfg. C,o. . Co., . Smith & xeis rle, 1.48 4.50- TraPFst Supply G,o., Western Supp,9,* Co•. 300.00 1 21 -sli ip a P., PolicerCgnet. &"Rett. Pittiburgh'Plate.Glase'Co., 68 '' Shakopee L;me'& Cement Qo.,41.20 F Fire M. & R. Ahrens Fex Engine S:Oo j 12 85 Brantjen M6t r,�CO., B. J. Bzinge &.Co., 62963 C, A.:BTophy P1.uilders ;Iron `Works, 21.00 Burns',: umber .ao.,, Gajital;,City Ioe .CO.;, 34:00 5.00. Chainoline Mfg. Co'. 8:00 Adam D®cker _ardtare Co., 11.30 Farwell; Oztnun,..$irk, Co'.� 9.50 8 S :.Ferry, ; Field;- Sohlick Co:a,. •8 12.80 F3ncii, 9an6,1 cke' &,M60onvAlle, 32.50 6.00 Chas. Friend ,& Son , :Hemline? Ioe & duel Co., - 2.50 HaskinsBroe. 42.10 Aug.liohenstelA,. 1960 Menny,Boiler:.Worke, McClain& Gray Co., 7 2 mfXble Wagon CO a,�, -; 85. ©� - ][anhattan- 011'& Linseed Co., - 36.92- 12.20 -Melady..Faper Go: *,"48ovi $iush o. 21x00' N W. iS -ec "Equip. ' o., 65.58 19:10 Reed Motgr;Supply .- Robineon 4.048, 29.50 .Cary`& St. POP 1•WhbteAead 8c 011 Co., 4.28 32.41- _7 ,r Fina;'-Cionst. &-.Betts - .. .. ,. Belt-_ Line. Brj'ck -Co .$ 11.69 A..Decker Hardware Co., 93.60 Farwell, Ozmun,;.8, Co:, . 16.5o P. T. BaUnan .CO.- Nicole Peaw & regg, Northhzid: Pisse Co., .20 14..00 .bt.Pau3 Foundr, Co. 6.00 1,82 ' St: ,"Pau -1 Ma6ine Co., Western Supply bo., ' 04,65- - , .. -. � : ' Tn `ia7 Ti i +e� Ljanst.' p• �'S@�y+�rrsx�c�sao-. - Health=Quarantine-M. & R Geo. C. Binder' 7.75 '. : ,.3'•90 Health Pnblic;.Bathe ffi. & R°, -- Berglund Lumber Co., Citizenfs Ice & Fuel Co•s 25.00 3.69 To Public Safety -Gen. Adm.-Maint. National Printing Co., Police-& Int FSreAlacm-Jt Auto, Tire Sales Co.,. 9.54 Hackett, Gates & Hurty, ,., 1:-50 Henry wcCoil Commissioner, RicksMaohine'hop &Grinding Co., 7.G, St. Paul :Glees 'Co., St;; Paul hinting Co., 9.75 $t. ;Paul Wiii:te bead &.Oil Co., Tri'State Telephone -Co., 30. 00 Weatern -141ect"ri'c , Co.', •e77, Com. Pub. Works 4orkhouse-maim. S. Brsad, 26.25 Fleiachmann;Co., B., S.,Griffi_th, 101.97 Grigga,Cooper & Co., Seem.Brewrin& -o ., 71.33 2•;50 Haekiris'Soap Go:, ; 16.50 . e Independnt Packing & Provision Co., 138.72 & d mcClain ray Co'.," 3.50 Mcgibben -Driscoll & Pkrsey Manhattah Ojl &Lin as W Co., 33.•00 1.55 Merril, Greer & Chapman, 1•b5 6.45 Noyes;'• roe.' &' Cutl er, Price."Robbine, & ewton, 4 40 Ra3tmer Hardware Co., 1.30- 1.'00 St , .gaul 8ubber, Go:, 22;18 Seheffer &,B 1, Sohuneman &', vans,. 80.00 G. Sommers & o., 2 3, 5 , Swanson oil ;Co:., Tiern y & Co, . 4Q19i J P. Whttwell, 12.25 Coma Pab.:.*orkm-Gen. Adm.•:faint. -77 =Auto Tire Sales Co.:, 3, P-6, H C, Boyeeon Go, 3.75 8rosvn Blodgett & Sperry., 1-•30 1.35 Dai 1y:�Praeer'.Hardware Co., 6+ L• 8. Dow Co„ 81ectr%o Biue print.Co.,.- 18. BTeleth Lindsay:Co, B. S. Berry' 2:QO 38 : 00 , P. W. Jaeksop Co:, 'x.00 A. J,knk.2 McClanray<Co., $.00 Manhattan oia &Lineeed Co., 10.98 J. W.°'-Borrieon� Natiorial tinting'. 105400 - 9afl Niools, dean &Gregg; 4+03 2.:00. N. Wy:'8tsmp.Worke,;` _Nayea-Bros -&Cutler, •30 8 P=yumber`Co.a 3441 . st.'Paul;Printing Co., 5,50 C. J:Smith Henry !B.' Weael'etiaedt Co., 5.35 , Western Sleo'tric Co.77 Street Canet. & Rep.-Maint.: Amezic.aa Es rose Co.' P. Auetdn Western Heh ;Po., ' 3.25 8elvidee;cast Sto�teCo.,560•30 Sward of dater Co�issioner,e 151,46 SrookozBros.;` Crane '&- Ordesy Co.; ;, 159,.22 . 4. N..Ry. Co. 32.00 7�.5 r Aug. Hohenstein, Custodian, �R C: Jeffs"reon,Lumtei Co., 29 •3 Joeriss.Motor;Co k[aendler Broa., Menhsttan O'il'8c bineeed Co,., 566.56 Bielady.'aper.46 Minnesota.;Crushad"Stone Co., 90•.6 Nicole; Dean'& :regg 35. 3 21.50 J Northern Coal;&-;Dob,t Co., 99�36g g. 1eC. qui:p..co:,` Pittsbtrgh ;Plate' GlassCo. $i Raymer ,hardeware , Co.,e & • , 13.59 Robinson, Cary San"s, 1 5 St..:Paul Tanen, ,Wdrks, - "Co, .00 27.50 St. Paul Fou'n'dry - 42.25 $t.'Paul Gae Light Co `a $t -Paul Lime:& Cement Co., 259,37 ., at Paul Stamp Worker, 2. 25 . Shakopee Lime',& Cement Co.i 040 " 62.00 4 J oL Shisly Western Snpp3y 11, 3 .33 ee Const.=& Repo - aiat.m *.2,Ob4:57 Sewer Qone�.` &Rep: Ghaska 8riok.,& Tiae-Co., 137.60 u A Decker�Bariiware.�.Co., 2.5 ' N. W: ElectriS Equipment St. "Paul. By ldere ]G[aterial Co..., ' 2 '2 3 K Swanson Oil Co. a , SL &; $ Cing=Stre®t Clag. B[aint. 8oasd`.of water Comm`seionere, 168e82 4` Goodyear Rubber Go., 9:40 34.00. = ti Jeffer�eon Lumber Go.., Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co.a ?7b:3 14.85 Western �acYine Co'., �►. J. VYestphal, -'. B. dp;$.'Cing:-Sewer C1ng �iainto S.Qard of Water Commletii0nere, 27.60 1.50 Consumers Powor:Co Morse & �o., 94.50 Fatrbanke, ' 75.00 Aug. Hohenstein,, St. Paul Ge -e Light Co., 1.00 8&Rib Perkins;:Traoy;Pt-nting Co:s X15. 0 Bridge Bldg.& Rep: -Supplies. . Burne Lomb®r Co.," �3$0 8. G..LQeli-e °Co. Manhattan '&.�f"n seed Co Raymer Hardware.Co.; St. Paul Whitelead'& 011 Co.,= 3.36 11 o al.'Bridge Bldg. &:ReP•' uPP a - BxidgeB1dg..8F' Rep. -Const:"&..Bent. .. Burns`Lumber.Co, ., 93:6;1 2.12 Farwell, Okun, Kirk Co,., - 214 250 Goes, Commissioner, 180c34_ St. Paul Foundry co st. Pahl White zeas oil eo., , 74.50 t Western Supply. Co.," '------ .- •�.PU Public School M. American Engineere-Supply,' 26,40 $.50 Andere©n Bros: Fuel`Co., 5'00 Arno. erg &�SChoeller 18.00 B S -• Bates T. L;Blood Go , 65.00 W. S:'Bowen art Store 5.40 9.00 8. Brand Crane & ardway, Co.;- 110;35 Daily Fraoer.-Hardware Co 7177 Adam,,Decker" Hardware Co.,:' 11.60 :Delaney � - bt56 Emporipm, arnswoa. S. A:.8th, ',C -T R'.F 10:80 Farwell, "Ozmuri; -Kirk & Co, 23.22 E S.:Ferrq Fie1d,.;8Chliak Go., 19:50 2.98 Golden;_Rule;` Hackett-Gatee;.&.Hnrtq, 129:75 Hamline Sce-&°Fne1Co., 5.00 34;50. T. 8. F Hayee, Ho*iwA Barwell Co.,' 40 Frank O Hneben:d Kennedy ros., k=9 Co., 34.00 4.40 142.68 Kenny Boiier W 1.28 Beatri'cc Lindbezorks;g, MCCiain Gray`Co.,` 49.45 Maghatan 9i1 &LinseedCo •97 = " 1Pieiady'rape;=:,Co. Minnesotar*ush 604-, 421:20 23.80 r F x.' Moonsy �Natio4ial Printilg, Co." 9:00 6.50 Nicole, Dead.& regg 2.98 2 s65. IT. W.:-EZec:`Bquip. .Co+r Perkine-TraCy Printing. 00. 62.00 �,Pioneer�_ _Pro;_ 'Co., 4«81 2.50 Pittaburgh Piate G1ssao:, 1450 W.: G.-;Pruesing, Ramaley Printing Co., ,40 189,.60 Raymer xardware 80.y Robinson, Cary. Sands, 246.41 Roe-Jamee Glass -0o4, 43.00 3.35 St. Paul"Whinelead & Oil Co., 39.00 ,St., PuulBoi�l.er"Wor_-ke, 1,062.86 auZ:Bbok & Statq. Co., . ' 8 Pub Sohodiv Cont"gid. St. Paul Builders Material; Co.,' 12.30 8t. Pain] Electiric,Co., 3.80 96.64 Bt."Patti "Foundry, ,Co:, 7.84, 8chu,rieman. 8e 8vans 33.75 ShotwellrHobart Johnson, 24.40 k A WSlack, G. Sommers"& Oo., _; 1.85' 4.96 A. G '8paulding 97 21, stanaard;oil 2.96. IInderwood Type. Co:, Villaume Box &Lumber Co., 75.00 J. D. Wallace; 16.70 16.56, Western Electric Co.., 7'13 Western 9uPP1Y"C0., Total:Sohool& R.- Gaultier So2iool Add, _Capital cit'. lime""&'cement 26.9o, 220,89 Corning.Brick.co., Crane ""& OrdivCar. o., 32. ie Rayyiner >Hardr►are Co, 9.00 Tq��iuM"r"'� i .rMr Pub.:.Sohool-Randolph"Heights" " John' H. Hoffman, 75 4 ' 0 Library M". &R. - American School of Home 8ponomioe; 10..00 6.45 t Baker Taylor Co.; .& Boyeson 4:97 8d, D.''Br0o-ks, 43'�0 : 0 L Fr: Dox Co':, W 2.-•Dyer & Bro., 3.75 C A.:8111e 12.00 1785 Berry, • Free Library, " 6.90 ,Public ng"'Co. Furniture �o., 137.23 1695' Johnson T{rantz Art Shop •.75 6:00 vibrary Bureau, McClgri & Gray Co 26.32 1 A. C. McClurg & Co,,.:, -,8..A. "Hoeller, •56 � 228.30 Boodyamial Co., .20 .00 15.00 Belre Raym®r',Hardware"Co.y """ .89 Remington -06. ?4.9.0. 843.67. -0 St.-Pau1 Book:&`Stat'. Co., 96 :7,1 Sty Pau1."Gas Light `Co•�, St'. pau1: Stamp .Works, .20 17.15 Tolecri'Letter""Co., :Wald'orf Bi"rider' Oo.; E+45.43 -edletaedt-,-0" 'Supply •25 3.60 Western c o. _ 1.00 g. W.:Wi'ison Auditorium Mntca Board of `Water:Commissioners, $ 8.00 L. F., Dow Co.,' . .80 Melady.Paper Co., 12.20 H."G."seal Co.; 1,50 . W.. Electric Squip. Co., Pittsburgh Plate.Glass Co., .60 8t. Paul Ga.S Light Co,.,, 20.84 Public Parks Park-Maint. , A. Decker,'uardware Co., 6.90 McC1Ain & Gray;;`;Go., 12.30 Manhattan Oil &.Linaeed'Co., 19.60 Rorthern'1 Coal,:A Dock Co.; `Hard'arg '332 .97 Raymer Oo., 1.60 Rotineon Cary, &'S' nds , 2.00 Pan3.L- Gast Light Co., 11.00 Andrei. $oh' h ` 4e,64, Pub. ParkD.Park Aotiivities.;B[sint.'. Cheater R Berry; 17.50 81k Laundry 36.12 S. A.'8aeb#Worth, Custodian.p. R.. F. 10.00 A P.,,Herechler 22.60 John Blei'n, 33.93 Purity Bread Co:; 39.62 Sit`. Paui "as Light56.29 - d.:Sahooh Ro'ta�Pa___ °"•+ +�d�89t..,-.�: -�.�,...,,�....�.�.:-moo -- ghaien Park Waiting Station-jjaint. B. W. Slect. Equip. Co. 21.33 Park -New Greenhouse Approach St. PauI Builders Material Co.,.72.00 Pub. Playgroun8&`-Saint: . Capital, City Lumber. Co., 20.30 Dyer Br0g:; .. , 3.06 A.,F bbar:d Electitic Co.,• 3.00 Manhattan' 011 &''Linseed Co 7.69 Milton AutoGarage, 10.06 Raymer' iardware Co. St Paul BiuePrinta., .90 3 Bt PaulGas- Lght_Co.,: -CC 1 n •� Pub. Bldgs: #airt. Dow Co., .; 2.00 Eleotric8lue,Print.Co`. 17.$2 in Mccu;Bc Gray Co., 17..0 Manhat 0i1.&Linseed Co., 17.64 Martin Auto Livery Co., 88.75 H._M. Smyth6 Printing 2.60 Tire Repair Co., f Pub. _B1dge.-T.00s, Mach.--& Equip. Raymer: xardwere `Co., 10.98 $ °�. 0en., Fund -Art Museum Consubm0.s Polder Co St: Paul Gae:light �o:, 1•G3 , Com. Pub Qt'ilities-Gen..:Adm; N. Wt "Stamp'9�orke,. .65 Virtue -Printing Co., Webster Lodee-Leat,Filing t%o.,' 3.3.65 by ♦tC /1 A :T tai ' n1 Y.wnai1ii�iiLaq ...1-a 17 �� i�.l AARI4 M P. jU.41in: Test. lab.=Maint.' ..- ;.American Engineer.s,Supply Co.,"; 25.85 1.270 Griggs. Cooper. & Co.`. 3.8Q Pittsburgh P,late'.Gasa Co., Reed oto °,Supply. at, Paulas'.Zi'ght Co., 1.40. 7.66 F C, P II.-Yun. Test. Lab.= _. 2dew Apparatus i 1 - illinoie Water Supply Aas! F.a ing,.Depr. Cont'd. A Charles;'Electr'ia CO-*5.55 Farwell, O�nun,.Kirk & Co., 57.10 Hackett', Gatee S. Harty, 02 3i:5o Jo erns Mator..Co., 13.50' --� Benny Boiler",Wogks.. , �2 Nioole,'Dean & regB. Raymer-Hardware Pub.'•,Comfort Statio n 4.50 -Gapital.City Lime &;Cement Co., Special INn46 Sprinkling „Fund. Eoard.of Water Commissioners, 3354 R. F..Hrennan Daily.�Fraser ard*ar.e 'Co.: 40.60 L�0 Y N. Goes, - Hic"ole,'. Dean;'& Gregg 2 8.84 64.29 Coal;;& Dods Co:, 'Northern17a30 35 8obineon:, Cary& "sa St. Paul Printing,Conds,.,N " T's„r3„trl�n�' rrw•sa.?s"sros8'2.42 f 8pec.,aeeess. Conet::Re'.'Fund Paving Congress, Isabel.`& Concord - G. Bieienberg¢ Hoard oPWater.Coaimtssion-ere, _ 510:35 196..00 Holadea• de Se] dwell, 222.50 572.00 1Yalter.T. Man-,Co: �snhattan c011 &Linseed Co., 2.32 689.43 - Irti neeota Crushed"Stone Co:, 20-6 Raymer Hardware,Go:, shiely el Fairview, ;S. Zine ,of Marshall Line'_of Sel, S. Brand, 1�2oao St. 'Paul°guilders^Material Cc.,,' Bairfield, So.._Wabaeha;to.4116'�St " Barnet 1�fg. Co.,,.. St. Paul Builders Materiel � Co.,". " 3 7�281 Fillmore, so. Wabaeha to Hyde C:.:Bielenbesg, 8t;. Foul Builders $aterial Co., 19:20 21 �, • 12: K � f gl2 Paving :Morehaii;V bine of Snelling to +.. E. bine, of,areiiall Bridge Ford Motor Go:,:_ 8oehring machine Co., $ 3.82 21.00 Menhattan.&„OilLinseed Co., 2.56 16. A0 St; Paul-Boilax`.Co.;. st. Paul.bime,& Cement Co., 386.81 Standa0d:01I Co., ' 592.+T ”- .77 77 7-7 Paving Plum St. 14arie to �ate'e Minnepota Crushed Stone Co:, 59:5A `. T. 3hiely,' 42.40 Paving'Robert, 2nd. to,6th Barret Mfg. Co, 134.02 26.oG , n p Paving 8. Smith, ;S end, of High Bridge tQ Anapolis',St - B®ard of` We$er'Commie.'eionere, 346.00 57.82 Central areYiouee Coy ratan oih 8o iineeed Cts., 2:33 := 9illawae' Boa. A or ,Co.,; ----7JO- Pavi"ng.. Smith, : Colleg to N.S of ; Ei&� ridge' Board; of`Water'Co�miasionere, 35.00 9.77 Capital City Lime &Cement:cQo., 9.32` Ford Motor Co: Co. t RS C. Jeff arson Lumber . 59+94 25.40' -0-2.^56- 8enn�r Boiler Works,` SoehrinB Machine'Co. :2latithattan Oil' & iineeedCo.,' Northern g6a &,,,D'ock-Co., 1 81 ..Tats �attinR. it Smith` Ave., 11'%•.35 Paving Summit, Pt. to 3[iesiesippi Blvd. Manhattan 011 &,Linseed Co., 2.56 Paging 3rd • St'. R. -Line 'of Msriato Bate® J. L. shiely�, llq.6o . Paging W.`Univereity, Dale', to Rice Board of Water':Commieeioners, 456.00 Paving Wabasba, Winifred Ohio & George Corrugated Bar Co., 4.35 94 ,5A R. C. X efte"on Lbr.. Co., 4.88 Manhattan 011':& Lineeed Co;., 18 68, . Northern Coale;& Dock Co., f � _ "Paving Wabasha ;etc • oont4d., St. Paul Buii'ders Material Co., �Co.;i W-estero_Sleitrio - Paving Dayton., Victoria to; Iiexington Board of Water Commissionerea Cspi"tat City kber `Co. 296.00 5»40 R. C:" o. .Jefferson ,Lumber -s 400:6_775 Spec. Aeeeea."Const"Rev. ."Fun* -Curbing,- Shelda, Fairview to Aldine" 233'.;8(5 geonghBroe ;: Faxviea".° Staaanit 'to University geough-�roe.f 3Sidway._yime &Cement Co., 691.6o --.t 4-3- offal our: Speo. Assess, Cosret Rev. ;Bund -Sewer �2,ex ngton Vez:'Burea-to_Blair° poherty &,Sons, 14.50 Gen. Const."& xmpr:'"Funds- F, .- 81vd. Soard": of" Watez" Commi eaionera, 19.34 Seo.,Asphalt"6.th"bet. Waehi'ngton" M.,N..":Gbasr Commissioner,, 27.95 aeP asphalt 9th, bet. Jackson & Broad�ray " M; .Gose,"Commissioner, '243, one,. &"Impr. Funds" $ 2 9:22 ' Corporate Purposes; Ontatanding_iabilities (Pub. Bathe) Dai7y'Braser; 34 dura 'e Co.', 13,48 {.Testing.Pc Inspection) Robinson, Cary Sdss aIT 'PIS 9 7 sisa S `Palul'Build'ers Material, C o&' t.Ir 6`0o.,, e8tdrn,NXectr Paving Da, t vjdt6ri%,to-,Le ngt*on :y.on,, Board o dater Coiumise ,oneres Capital City %'mberCM* 2 R.-01Jef ere Lumor0o . RaFft"• .................... . , seessi Const Rev. Plo mCurbingi shields Fairview to Aldine B �epu _._rop, 233.;80 Fa ew.��, 6mmit`to ulli*Wrsity Xsough,,n-oi L - Go:,._,; d "Way,-. imp &i: etentC 691.60 6,tal.:.Cdrb ev. Lexington,_ b to Blair DoUe t S :j Gen. -_ onbt A IlpFunds-Unds o 'd- k, Blvda Boar ,6ter', Commissioners, 0 7 Re» Aephalt,.6th-bet Washington 6, Sibl _ R'ep asphalt .9th, bet, Jackson &,Brpadway M. - Gose, -:0onunise oner, 024 1.93- & Corporate Pu , Oi tot n Ijab Ilities (Pilbi Baths DailyDailyFras r 'Ware:i Co.' 'Hard -13 (looting & lnsp*ction) Robinson, Cary & Bands, 148.00 -Tat i.✓�N 1 fE X34 Rotal-corporate Pur•poae ...; .' ... ;r... 0,0 6:51 " corporate Purpo .e=cutet Li b..... 61.4 :ding' ;r - « Special bund: �..;..^....... 22 42 " spec. 'Aeeeea` cone.' "Rev.=Pavi :.. :.. 6 17 32 cur, ng. , .; . 9 M3 " Gen. Cons .; Impr Funds,....: .....:.. 289:2 ' Total, $ ,830:' 8 DIPJ Av '� ' 54.90 Ren L �a""✓7U— �l$ I o $3 in 60 . Aug Hohene " `- -. 4$ . g MeryCo. , $260 ' Pub Lighting Pund�vnpl & E •�AvB; Johnsen Aaefgnee Ed7r Hinck .& 8ou $188.67 Mpla St. Paul & S'S 'Marta.8y ' . +5426 N Wr Electrl Fpvly ;meet Co 'SS St. Paul rf3aa Ltgt~ '& _ I$8#98 e,-SehunemnnY3 is Evans ,i 1SmythPrinting Co: Foundry' &;:Machine 5326 1Stir ` �Deputya Com r Pub IIEllltiealJ; 831 Cer +ria $7In00 American 71nen 9uppY C -$2849 WmBsumeletar $1133.01:. i'25 'Blood Co $3386 Cataract Rednlgg & ' 0 :Mfg Co E6 00 L. F mow Co 5,2avll1. 0le DuVa:a Blycka ' & McCo18761 $1la 7 HHas amah & Co ';" Cents kine Brea E4 20 ,i' D t Hyland $38 217- 14foCiatn &Gray Co ;$16896 Maend00. Brba $9 46; McIady er Co ;7 00 _ + North StarSVarnfePo Qq: 510 00 — Telopfi ne 4Co 5176,,, -Noyes Brae, &. :Qutlof"4 ' "Geeta Robinson 'Cary 'S$ada 1Y Cents fit: Paut Qaa Light o .$64167 SG'Paul how Caee Co $78600 � 'St Geo Bmlth 531876 •'Tpi State „Tele phone Co 53800 Wllaume Boa'�Lum :I 'bra Co 5166p Wm Youngbauer 'Gen Fnnd Municipal Court—SUDpI .� C �oyeaon io E3 20 L, F Dow'Co ' $2 60 A,McCl phenatein," Cuatodlan; 98 Cents McCip[n & Gray DieXell EngPaving Qo ,`528 09 -• Gen Fund Put Depl_1—Supp] ' � - �{ j A "Farnsworth C P $.`F $1060 Ang Ylohenateln;Cvatodlan SYq T2 National, _ • .: .: t rrtntigg Co; 5426 .c-' r' Gen. Fuhd—Ottloial( Pub Reptew I I ,i'ublishtng"Co $324 89„-. S Gen Lund Mlea & Llgforaeen, Elp III Bslviderh'Cast Stone Co 51914 Far :weB DFmltn %Irk &-Co �SY 17. Z9"ai[on T- Lemon':Co 5600 St. Paul it ere Material Qo. 3124.18 So Park Foun °dry &Machine CO $380 00 Vill ume Lumber ,'off 2 & Co $4;60 Waetern bl :ectdc CO 392 Cents ! Pan Nuhd—(`1vLL 90rVlee-�Ma�Rt i - wag Hohenatdln Cuatodlan 26 Ce its J * Levin �E10 00 McClain l� Gr h^ �. $ Natfonat Prin�tn¢ t• � $ 1 ., CITY OF'ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL. rVKM ..... ......-��......._. Y�J (�IJ 5tlbie .. _... _ ......_ _ COUNCIL No..... ... .f) (...FILE .. ; '............... .. not'..... 20 •....._I91... ._ Date Presented.-... - RESOLUTION OF vIXINGGETHE AMOTAKEN UNT COF LAND OEPROCEEDIidG9BE NT TO aad1 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for Outs 0 and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 9, Warrendale's Addition, under Preliminary Order #4152, approved March 32;,`1915, and Intermediary Order #7075, approved Sept. 16, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the Alley in Block 9, Warrendale's Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Publio Works in the matter, dated October referred20o 191and5madeia partthereof,repoxt are hereby (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes heffor estabte and fill s in the C g `.Na 76a7 y y lished grade. in the matter of�coln`the 1 and tnk- „1rtB-an'eesement in';ha Land napes-: "eery .Yor, elDee; Yorcute and fille'la. :th. gradloguof'Alley in S10ek 9, War ' ',rendale'$: Addition, ,under.: Prellmin, „, ,ary O der-�No: `:4162 approved March 'f6 22,:191G1 and IatermediarY 6, Order,No.. r �, 7p7approvS ed .Pt. 19,1916 - _The Camm nBaubmliseloner of Public VYorke /Iiavl,tted hie ieppr£and ettetchi ,I¢ the^abora matter be tt-•. p, +Res ' and=.That the City, of St 'Pant l rf fixes;. and date np fdr; the dve,na of land -to ba taken Lor the above.nopes, Improve@en[ Sean eahemont"for elopes, r' for,auts and -fills 1n and upon the land 'abutting upon f the alley Sn Block 9,• ✓ �-T�%" -a�': War'rendalB s Addition Lo the. eatent. ekown upon the':eketch attached= to the; . report of the Cpnimi sinner of PvbiSc it*o rks In the,matter;,dated-:October 20, 1916; which akotoh and r port are here-. ff r by tufa red [o and made a part hereof.. OCT 27 ) .I�1J Yeas (r) Coun en (P) Nays Baia lanaai theeexi nt �en�aearr inr' and fills 1n the grading, unCil stopga foF sate . - of.seld street to the xatublfahed Grade, "Ir orth Adopted by tfic Council'Oct a7 1916. ` GOS In favor Approves oats 28 1916.. i !/ }��_/ (Oct 30„ 1[11,6)_:Rpp •:+ _ _ �_ _ `-' 19 —a—Against O' Y Y Mr. reside wars FOaM,.C.9.2 „ p -, LL ., t CITY OF'ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............. _ ._..... _ . ..... _r1y� {7iy ,r. + F LENCiL. No... ....i..�l� A.......� r. a Date Presented_.' 20.x. _I91.._5__ RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDWATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter ofcondemning and taking an easement in, the land necessary for elopes, for Outs and fills in the grading of Alley 1n Block 9, Werrendalets Addition, under Preliminary Order #4152, approved March 22, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7075, approved Sept. 16, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- witted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the Alley in Block 9, Warrendale's Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Publio Works in the mattes, dated October 20, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the estab- lished grade.—o - loo liar fid dd i'"ri�derPre�lmlpr ry iD d r ti.n id approved March- aa, 191b rdandd S.Ptmediary.!Ot$er . ow ", 7078: approved 6eDL 18 1916 Tfie:. Commlaetoner of Pnbnc Works, % having•submittediihis report and aketch': .~sfn the'aboVe matter be it 3 /i ReaotVed '}'hat?Qh Clty of 3L Paul r: flies-and determ nen the amount bC / land v be to san Ir the .bone nnmed.. Improvement Il nn easemepon t v, land' /�Y_•�„ for ,cute and fl1Ys.in and upon the land, •'abutting upon, the alley in: Block 9,- 'Nafrendsle'g-.Additlon. to' ,the extent, ' ohown: upon, the aketch attached to rho; rreport.of the commissioner.' ot Public: Wofke in the mntt r. dated=October 20r. 1016; wlilbh aketck anQ•report• nre, here-, �1 Yeas V) Coun en Y) Nays bY'roEerrad to and made apart horeoL, OCT �� �J�J }� (2) .(That an, easement is taken In said Mand to the extent neceasaty s for' slopefor cute and fills fn tk d1A DQr .orth of sold street favo eaxabttat�ig Adopt@il by tho'he"Counbil Oc Gas 7 1A1G: o5 In 1ppr ved Oct 28 }916 r - or 19 M1I - Pp -.Aa___Against — O' y ' Mr. reside fivers - — von FORM c.e•2 -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neceseary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 9 Warrendale's Addition, under Preliminary Order #4152, approved March 22nd,1915, and Inter- mediary Order #7075, approved Sept.,16th,, 1915. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part 01 this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched por- tion,the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Dated c Co2wZA4_4 I mmiBeio r Public works k� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DEPOrr COM016-HER OSCAR CLAUEN, Corer EHOIHEEn S,S J. E. CARROLL Suer. COHernuon k REP , ALFRED JACKSON. SUR. SIN—GH G. H. HERROLDI OFFICE ENCIHEER H. W. GOETZINGER. SOPr. W--- -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neceseary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 9 Warrendale's Addition, under Preliminary Order #4152, approved March 22nd,1915, and Inter- mediary Order #7075, approved Sept.,16th,, 1915. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part 01 this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched por- tion,the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Dated c Co2wZA4_4 I mmiBeio r Public works k� CITY OF ST. PAUL. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE :PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 'Zr- cl- -- under Preliminary Order approved — -�/-/�--_�_l _— �.�----------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------- ------------ ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—zaA-4Q--------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCr, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I I 7j s, 0 it � /`• I f . � J � /'pry/?��/ ; /J t ' ' C 4 -✓, - _ f t. TOTAL._ IOPM B.B.A. 8.6 A 1 .. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .�. - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - -- ( (C)- — DESCRIPTION LOT 11.11 ADDITION ASSESSED f VALUATION i I 4(�ILJ '✓� f , i P 09 all�. Ic I � I� I I I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- %� ------ Commissioner of Finance. IORM o.B.A. B•6 C � si�.l� �� ana ixP� zlie lana aouL4ast)j u�v b@tP the 1aR3tsxa of oraea�dt to qhs extenthovtd411 e t7saa i r*tie �r p4 Q tha "Comms sS a s O t�ork;� in t t4�ri .,da�teQ ©ataber. 83; 191�awhich ;eketaf� ea7d ?aC6post _�i�ce hHzeby Pef��Ted o and stft�tfte $. �� . heraV�. ; That am eaaemnt i# taken in sa3d'3apd .,to, the elstes t zteaeasaa'Y:'for aZtiPeB, ' 8 ;$ 1Sa .aa, the �rad3ng Pad .atre�t to �$0 Sablie"Ys.. ad�� 0 :Jot gon'sfempfns/and tAk" t� '�� nfi`'r xttihDntteaadi��rVeoogR1v'rypa'¢a�'df't!tYal'Aiin1t0¢ariam➢vaNlvl amtC?tbegHhndtaadehxrtaj�auiqenNtn¢rddddmoQtfln@ag.l3'eOtda1ea'jd�eBriiAQrfrx Xn 4$S407n : .. , 0#P o}�ed ljj4Pt• �•�18 • �he'�Codtnl afaaer 'ol�ub)to '{► )te n Aavfsn aubtitftidd,.file�rapori andafi � �' i •,, YRtextttg+ab0'v$„LhaLiar .he•1t r, �%4 _ tlYr2eblve84Taht ;�V�ifikea dhd dgtArSnlfies tfiaremaunt , AhOaq q hal tent,d" rt,the at5o b' �nnfined im/lraYbmant 7a �6tbpe¢ torroute, andUWa !n All upon. ' Ftka )d1*d;��ntims pqd� nln;oa pce�gc; bottggAtt �tlt ypointu n thA Aketatdt tq Wtpa '$dant Rhow� uDa6mkofoK ktta "pot, 20 the �dpbeY o� thA�,Fy�RmminAignAr a PVk!fid 49'ork} tyvhtckk�ttoh�.ndtq rba oo er 83 .;SB 5 — Xetis (1M) Cou6cdtuen .( D& F�� he:k¢sY tdXefR.drto anp ma4e • ` Adopted by the Gbitncii _? 19u 4p-t8)�f *ThatEan eaAhB`.nt to taReq I�'( - `. Bald Ta d..�q`tge extent neaeaettryllpF Farnsworth bloDee,�oranteattd,tllta�ln hd� dtaA91$ atregt tottbgica bfeh¢d $rade' Goss . adpyt®d tt, tna epnna r�aY as tat6 q roved KellerAvpYoveattov xSrXsts x F �,: ;I PP — O"'TLeary �, To'the'Council of the City of St.Paul: Thi Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion,', the cuts to be made on private prop'brty,and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Commissioner of ub11c Works T- 0'. M.ff- nF1 CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE SPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON. PRELIMINARY ORDER, , ri under Preliminary Order approved "--0 �s--�------'--'"---"-"'" To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $��-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ;BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 11"M8.5^ 1•I A i 3 1 4v rZe7�'� i i I TOTAL, I� I Ie L4I"L�I� CITY OF. ST. PAUL p yel DEP41RTMENT OF FINANCE ��sY REPORT OF.COMMISSIONER'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I ASSESSED I7I7 SCRIPTION L0T �6'KI -- _ ADDITION - A—f - TIO DE • 41 la��, ��. , r f i i —� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he.has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, 4 -- Dated------- Commissioner of Finance. soRM N.S.A. a -e C cessary .and (:or) desirable. X ,,.._,.,. anEl the total ,cosE thereof is $ RX7C7C _:... ani RX improvement Ow OFFICE OF JOHN LFARICY, CITY CLERK Hon. Cog -0 Of Public Th,, ed DUPQIrs relr,L1­!c 'to of slops for tile vrulin of ...:'ton S t - fl -01:1 UI-.1-v.,rs it"' Avc to Ed-,.tund 31 C. Tp. 76:38, were r6,,orrc,,d to you by the Council of this morning It appear:; tilwt 1'hcrc is scao the II,oiln". 2-Y line betwoer, the strco' n-qd the abiattii-, _)rc�,clrty- tj , up 7,-aill liefore Co-incil on v. Bt!.1 1915. Very ro:3,Dect 'Lilly, L F#207 peps hnzeRhV (JkU /VARM ROBERT T.GOURLEy, Deputy Dom 1—oner M.N.GOSS, Commissioner OSCARCLAUSSEN, Chi.' EnSI-1 ALFRLDJACKSO.. S.,1 S..hvimh G.H.HERROLD, Orn -0 E19!h— St.Paul,Minn.00t.,29th, 1915 Mr. John I.Faricy, City Clerk, St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - Replying to your letter of Oct.,27th and returning Council File #7628, condemning slopes for grading Milton street, from University avenue to Edmund street, and also returning communication from Mr.E.N.Bachofer, I wish to advise that Mr.Bachofer has no interest in these proceedings what- ever nor did he receive any notice to appear at this hearing. Mr.Bachofers property was to be a xis on Aurora avenue and learning from his neighbors that there hearing on Milton street he conceived the idea that it was in connection withanold matter which he had had up with the former Board of Public Works, connected with the grading of Milton street south of University avenue. It would appear that his objection to the present matter has no bearing whatever. I am further advised by the Commissioner of Finanoo4office that Mr -Bach ofers claim in connection with the grading of Milton street,south of Univer- sity avenue will be ready for payment in about two weeks. Yours truly, GHH/S Commissi er of Public Works - /V 3 � m FA T 1 0, nao f[ j S PAIUI, .� na a-.,.Ho�ncs. .o CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT"O'COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ........ .... . ...... ......... .......... ... . . ...... . .............. ............ ...... ... .... . . . . .. .... . . .. ............ ........... under Preliminary Order approved ... . ...... . ... ...... ... . .. . .......... .. . ....... ........... .............. -1_-_._......- ...... ...... .................... ...... ...... .... .. ... To Council City St. P ( . the of the of au: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is .......... .. .. .... .......... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ......... .. ..... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION '� _ old o / q e% �-. c/� a� / � o �%j c �.,�� �/ �/ /w.. ( ! / ��D', yo .4 "IT all 7 TOTAL. missioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investi ted allo"If 'the ' aforesaid matters, and The �,­ resat hereby sutmits thee forego-mgas bis report thereon to the Council, together with the report mad, to him in refer- -a,,' Commissioner of Public Works. Dateda Commissioner of Fr ClTlf OF SeT pAUt. F COON IL EEOLUTION GENERAL FORM SutY eCt._..... _._ —_ _... — f COUNCIL o.. .: M Date Presented-.—Q.Gt.. RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT'OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. $ewo�aed, In the matter of condemning and taking an ease- d in the land necessary for slopes, for outs -and fills in the grading of Chatsworth Street, from Charles Street to Thomas Street, under Preliminary Order #5412, approved June 10, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7080, approved Sept. 16, 1915. The Commissioner of Public works having Buil "M1 mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement -is an easement for slopes, for cute anf fills in and upon the'-1"and abutting upon. Chatsworth; Street, Between the points aforesaid, to the... - extent shown upon the sketch attached•to the report of the Commissioner of Public. Works in the matter, dated October 20, 1915,which sketch and report.,are hereby referred and made a part hereof. (2) That an easemei}t is taken in said land to the extent necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade II 1 4 14t 9igL `J t 4 � t ?-1The Cotgmtsalpner of Pnbilp W$rke � - �havinS eu ve-ivatte s,r¢port nad,Pketch. 7n the aboge. Yriatter,;be. .Pauly flflied That`fhe �lty; of 5t:. eg anndg determfnea tthe amduaV . ;ot"tland tp �bo taken stor ,they, Stiovo� '-named Impro�etnagt te;nn Esap}neat;for' : !the, tpr„"',cute kad Hila In anfl „upoa - __. ' t2he ]and 'qbuttlag =; rfptln'ChaEswbcth: - :atreeh, b0tween the pblpta.afor0aa18; to- ' the extenLt¢hown ppgn;`tha 'eketplij-at=- - fa0heda to:,tite saport pf the Cpmm4e= - `eloperoL,Ppblie 1Vocla. is the moator;. ;dated.Qatober 2p1 Y81C1 whlah aketph ondzrepgrtarp hec¢b1^ r¢[arr¢d Yeas (V)jCou' cilmen (Y) Nays m Eat T'Rh hais areflee;aenr to taken sn; d by the Council _ OCT_ a 19 � 5 191 _ .VJ satd 1pnd ioz the extent n¢ceaeary.for Far sworth a10Pea{fpr cute and fllts'1n fhe Crading / $t Bald "ett{'eet 20 the. ¢gtablfahed grade. /� / �" JGOSF I �pP�aved OC=h�28 tl 9161 Oct 26 1p1$< w 7// VV "� A roe " CCCSRRt Kel r 1 ;lOdt.„88-1816) > M"AYo rg ' dent, Powers _ MAYOR voaw o.B•a - CITY OF SAINTPAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M N. GOSS. cOMM'OBIONER. ROBERT T. GOURLEV, Denrtr Cox....... OSCAR,CLAUSSEN, C.- E.— _ J. E:: CARROLL Sw Coinrn " B ReM ns: AVREO,JACKSON;;Suxr S.xrt�nox - �� � G, H. NERROLD,'On ceEx W11 H. W.GCETZINGER. sunt: WoexxoxsE. -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Chatsworth street, from Charles street to Thomas street, under Prel ary Order f.5412, approved June 10, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7080, approved Sept.,16th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St.Paul:, The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes ca part,, of this, his report,a plan of the above improvement,ehowing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and'by the hatched por- tion, the cute to be made on private pro&;ty, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. t !i CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE VAI `REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ...................................... ---- - under Preliminary Order approved --� -==—�f f ------------"-----'---'----'— -'--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Fiaance;hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION !I LOT BLOCK; ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7,' 1af.e Q ll A.�4 U p CITY OFST. PAL ANCE DEPARTMENT.OF FIN }� T7 ,•, � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED 4 LOT I LOCK ADDITION ., ATION LL DESCRIPTION yV i r I+ I I I n I I I li �I - II I a I I Al A- -- - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ 191 Dated ---- — -'-" " -- Commissioner of Finance. •ORM CITY OF.'SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS' M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLET. D n COMM MO n .� OSCAR CLAUSSEN-,Cw. E-1-- - J. E. CARROLL Suer. C -A r u & Per n ALFRED JACKSON, SOrr 5 xr ro - G, H HERROLD, O- Ex ixn-a ry t? H. W. GOETZINGER, Surr..Wo axoon_ -REPORT .TO. THE COUNCIL- '�63 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land'neoessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Chatsworth street,from Rondo street to Aurora avenue, under Preliminary Order ,*5413, approved -lune 10,1915, Intermediary Order #7083, approved Sept.,14, 1915. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Yorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing by the shaded portion of said plan,,the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property,and the extent of the easement to be taken,by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of ub]:10 Works CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matterof... _s7llf 11 fLl............��1F1.........fW--G.TI .........�2.j........ iZr/�!./.....' ... t__lIGi._..._.....:..'.a.L0-44J ... c.r..::........ i.L/. pt__.G:z.........._��Zll�..r�✓....1. .cz................... _.._... ............ ........ .... .......... ...... ..._...._._.... _............ .................... .......... ...... _.._— _.._......................_...---.._..............._...._..................-_.........._ ....... ...... .... ..,................... ............. _...._...... .................. _........ ....... ................ ........ -----._.... ........... .--.._...----._......_........._........_............ ....... ........ _....... ....... ........... ...... _... ....... ---....... _............................. ....... __._.............. ................... ....... I ........... ...... ... — . _._..........._......... �i under Preliminary Order approved__.. .... ..... AGF u.L-_...�_. ��J..._........................................................................... _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ .x'o� ..�:4..::. — The estimated cost per foot for the above ,improvement is $-•---- . ..... - -.....------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCM ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , Y , ,z Jam' :i TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the *uncil, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_...........yl ... .................. ._ `L . c�G/-! v...._.......-. ... ........... B. 9. A. 8•D D - Commissioner of Finance. FORM .L. CITY OF,sq , PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUT�ION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _.. - .._.._ COUNCIL .. FILE NO... 1!:lL:..i�..� L�........ J �Y 11''ic• ....._._.._.__............ .........:...................._......... —.—..... ........... _........__......... ...... r Date Presented -_..._Oct. , 20, RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. wx"", Yeas (11) Cc Gt O' YI Mr. Presiden roaw c.e-2 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 34, Lyman Dayton's Addition, under Preliminary Order #5825, approved July 2, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7077, approved Sept, 16, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul. fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken fox the above named improvement is an easement for elopes, for cuts anf fills in and upon the land abutting on Alley in Block 34, Lyman Daytonts Addition to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated October 20, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent nhcessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the gr Ino, nf =pie +„oe+ + the established grade. 7632— In the atter of condemning d tak- ing an easement in the land ce,. a ry for slopes, -[or cute and fills 1n the grading of Alley in Block 34, Ly- mnn Dayton's Addition, under Pre- Ilminnry Order No. 6826, approved',, July 2, 1915” and Intermedlnry Order No. 7077, approved Sept. 16, 1916. Tho CommIs. tonor of Public Works'. In the s oval matters bepit t and shet.h'': Resolved,. (1) That the City of St.- Paul fixes and determines the amount of Iand to be taken for: the above no ed Improvement Is an aeemcut for' slopes, for cute and fills in: and upon the land abutting on 11111-Y In' Block 34i Lymehowan upon the sketch attached't Ian to the ttha sport of the Commissioner of. a, lie Worlte ih the matter, dated October 20. 1915. which sketch and report are here- ilmen (I,) Na 5 by referred to and mad o a part hereof. (2) . That an easement 1s taken in I� 15 '_) i�t91 said land to rho extent. necessary for by the Council _ [, T slopes, for cute and flus In the grading a� vorth f enid street to the established grade• 1n I o Adopted by the Council Oct. 26, 1916. 1� -- - i Approved Oct. 26, 1936. 91� (Oct 30-1916) _ 11 _ Against —�— / CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUB1.1L WORKS , ~ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DE—Y COMM16,0 R OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 ENO J. E. CARROLL Sw CONETRUOTION h REFAiRR ALFRED JACKSON, SOFT. SAMrtATiO. G. N. NERROLD, OFF— ENGINEER H. W. GOETZINGER. SURT. WORNIIOVeE wF2 E24� -REPORT TO TIE COUNCiL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 34,Lyman Dayton' Addition, under Preliminary Order #5825, approved July 2nd, 1915, and Inter- mediary Order #7077, approved Sept. ,l6th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing by the shaded portion of said plan,the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on prtvate property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Comm seioner of Publie Plorks DateeT !✓ ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL: Ls . w!•ay��� DEPARTMENT OF FINANC\���H REPORT OF COMMISSIONER O I�� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of e�Llgn ' tiYJiM, under Preliminary Order approved—�----1...=-1�/J` ------ ---- ---- ------------------------ --- ------------------------- ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ �5-+�-Q------------. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation. of . each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCM ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ill i C7� U P",/ J,- a �� � C � c1 � oL e� % i J ijri 71 0 - ... FORM O.S.A. 8.0 a TOTAL I �N( I •�/ ... Wl� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPT16N LOT BLOCK 'ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION a7 .-7-7 fl ;.7 Lill `0 J )I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all Of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner FORM B.S.A. 5.3 C of Finance. Report to Commissioneir ; of Finance In the matter of condemning and taking an easement.ln the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the'grading of Keston street, from Chilcombe avenue to Pierce avbme, under Preliminary Order #3129,approved bee -21, 1914, and Intermediary Order #7081, approved Sept.,18th, 1915. t To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The eommissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes apart of this, his report, a plan of the above improv.ement,showing by the shaded portion.of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched por- tion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Commissioner of blip Works Dated/ /J OF SAINT` PAUL K, CITY DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS _ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER � ROBERT T. GOURLEV,-D"m Co.4's-xen' _ OSCAR. CLAUSSEN; Cx111 EMMA J. E. CARROLL.; Suer. C.— -- k R -- ALFRED JACKSON, S— S --.- - G; H. HERROLD, OFF- E--- G, ' H. W. GOETZINGER. SUFI. W—'.. se � REPMT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement.ln the land necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the'grading of Keston street, from Chilcombe avenue to Pierce avbme, under Preliminary Order #3129,approved bee -21, 1914, and Intermediary Order #7081, approved Sept.,18th, 1915. t To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The eommissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes apart of this, his report, a plan of the above improv.ement,showing by the shaded portion.of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched por- tion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parte of such plan. Commissioner of blip Works Dated/ /J CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM#IARY ORDER Inthe Matter o ....... ...... ........ ....... kzy I'a L g t?lil, . ...... ... . ...... ........... I .......... ........ .......... .. .......... ..... . ... ...... ....... ....... ...... ........ . .... ....... ........ .............. ....... ........... .. ..... ... ........... .... ...... ..... .......... ... ... ....... .. . .............. - .............. . ..... .......... ... ........... ....... .. ....... ... ....... ...... . ........ ...... . . . ..... ...... ........ ----- ..... ... ....... .................... .. . . ....... I ....... .................... ....... ... .... . ....... . .... .. . .. .......... -.1 ...... .... ----- ---- ....... ...... ........ under Preliminary Order approve L........._...1%/...f... ....... ... . . . ... ........ . . ....... . - - ........... ..... ...... ..... .................. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $2.5-0-0 .......... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ .....- .... . . .... ..... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION L�Z,, 7�c TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... ........ ........ ........... .. ... ......... . ...... Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM*tARY ORDER \ _ / In the Matter o . _. J' 1_lC j%! Z61 ...CX:11....... �. tli�l /.. �/._ :� ......._.. t.•. s lel...-•— L£C_£�%Q�l........ .d..2 .cC.•�OEO LJ.... ..o.?. . ��lLv..GIk... / �.�..........O._? 4r .- 7 QL_o ......... ..._...... ........... .......... ........ .......... ._.._...... ....... ....... ........ .... ... _.... ....... ........ .............. ... ............... --....... .......... ...... ............ ... ...... ....... ..... _._ .......... ..... _....__................... ...... .... .............. ...... ..... _...... ..... ........ ... .................. _... ...... ...... ...... ..... ._.......... -..................... ........ ....................... ....... ....... � ..................... - ............ ...... ..................... _ ._._........ ...... ............. ..... ........ ..... ...... ............ ..... .... ........ ...... ....... .......... ............ ...... ............... I ......... __... ........ ...... ... ............ - ............. ....... .... _......... _..._........... .............. ..... .... .... __..... ...... ............ ...... ... .... ..... _.... ._........ _............ ............... _ ......_................ .... ............ ......... _............. ....................... ........... ............ ......... ................. .............. .................. .... -- ... ....... _...... ....... ._....._.--- ..... _....... ...... ... ........._....._............ .... ......._....... .......... ......... ....... ... ...... ...... ...... __............. __11..... ....... ........ ..... .... ....... ...... ........ under Preliminary Order approved....«...._u.l............... j_......_......_..... - - ........... _......... ......... ...... ....__....... ...... ...... ....... ....... -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 25.,.D,Q.............--.,.....-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-.._-_ - ----- --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION lJ v G� o TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.... �JT ..........._.191 ��1. _.... / .. Commissioner of Finance. CORM 9. e. A. e•0 O Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ........ ..... ..............._...........191.. _5. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No approved, ...................D2Cem.—e.:.c 21.z..191._4.., relative tn_............. ............. _ ...... _..... c.onde.mni_ .....ars'_...-.t.ek.in:?....an..._e.as_e. --nt......in..._ the .....land ..._n..9..e..aA_AxY.s..... for cuts and fills in grading, Keeton Street from Chilcombe Ave, to ............................ ................................... ............................................. --............................ .............. ....._.......................... --.................................. ................................ ................._............. ........... 1_e rc e...._St_r e z t...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................ necessary and (or) desirable. .LXXX XXXXX....... .... and 'l. The estimated cost thereof �s$......�.............._........__, and the total cost thereof is $..._............................. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:...__...._......................._.........._...................... ................... ... ... ............... ......... .... ...... ............ --.............. ............. ............... ........................................................................ .... _........ .................................... ........... ................ _.................. ............................... .............. .............. ....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. i. ............ ..... ........... ....... ....................... .................... .............. ...... ............ ...... .................... ................................. ........... .... ................ ....................... ....................... .................... ....._ 5. Said improvement is....._ Q ............... _asked for upon petition of three of- more owners of property, subject to assessmeut for said improvement. .............. .......................... ............ _..... ................ _.... .............. ................................... ........_.. \� 'ommissione bf Public Works. UdQ*" RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTEPT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDI'r7GS. In the matter of condemning and taking and easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Pascal Avenue, from Jefferson Avenue to St. Clair Street, under preliminary Order #4153, approved March 22, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7076, approved Sept. 16, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Pascal Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated October 20, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said street to the estab- lished grade. Yeas (V) Co ncilmen (P) 'v/Far sworth ✓Gos I/Kell r O' ary Yoe g Mr. President, Owers -m c.e•x CITY OF SAINT PAUL, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT. T. GOURLEY, D-1 C.... Mu- eR OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 El -1-1 J. E. CARROLL SUPT. C—T-1- k RI11- ALFRED JACKSON, Suer. SAMrrAT10M G, H. HERROLD, OFFICE El- ­ H, W. GOETZINGER, Soo*. Wonx,w —REPORT TO THE COUNCIL— , In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Pascal avenue, from Jefferson avenue to St Clair street,under Preliminary Order #4153, approved March 22nd, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7076, approved Sept.,16th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched por- tion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. �issio o Public Works. 0 i Dated J bITY OF ST. PAUL I g I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE '.� I A..T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Q1 PRELIMINARY ORDER r � �s g� -JA - - -- - _ In the - - - - -- under Preliminary Order approved — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $— ----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT �I9LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1 VALUATION i' 1 I I ! 02, t _ - TOTAL, w _ CITY OF ST. PAUL " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE,,' REPORT OF Q,9MMISSIONER OF FINANCE OI4. RELIMINARY ORDER --- — ASSESSED i .DESCRIPTION LOT Is. ADDITION VALUATION o1.7 I, pC�jk aZL — 71 I ry_ 2yi / , I I , ri. 'aZ6' -------°------ -- J f ° c The Commissioner of Finance further reports that ;he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated���-- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. E•! c Report to Commissioner of" Finance FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Curbing..b.QtlW of e.jDlt Sixth ... . ...... under Preliminary Order .. ........... .. approved ...... ...... ..... . .... Intermediary Order ..... approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fally considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isSjx.t�h a _trq.qtI? PQ _ etw n S11 mit avenue., ............. ................ . ­ ...... . ................. .......... ....................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and speeifi6a I tions for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �a Adopted by the Council -------- . ........ 0 T '205 19 - City ........ .. ... -Approved . ......... — 191 CIA FINAL DLi.DERS '.I May C; , _ , 1n"the ofitter �avcbmng b0th'sIdespi Cou ilman Far sworth West Stxth�street , betwbtn-Auhd1t lnary Order). 6062 apprdved May2Gos 92nd 1916 th. h­.9�' . ­rd-,ha4l, =vewdiit,x�66-n'due uotice,an&-.the-Co �having,. h6ar,4?. Kell r all'Teraona,-objactlonall ..d�­.ndmen d datdns,;re1at1v6 thereto ,' atd,,liaving, folly conatdered tris -:same therefore,- Resolged By the an.n of the e r.clse,natu -a -, teat � made by' .the l3atd Cltla curbs both.: kl , 1mRyrovementr to be sides of tSrest Sixth'';. stre(!t between e, and the dfl, edere said im DrovemenYoe rg t !461ve t Mayor Powers er of lidle 'hereby lnstruct.d par., pi... t..nMa plana anMa , plans anMa I d tl­,,fq,�al. Form B. S. A- 8-7 Improwmea ,andl t t CITY�,OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE eA-1\4' ON P,V MINARY ORDER In thMatter of.L(Z.1C:1?f 4...:�... 9 ... ..../..� ....._ ...:! ......_!Gl=t(iJ£L ........__ .... ......__....._........... _......... _......... _._..__._ ._....... _ _... _, .............. ... _.... ....._......._ _ ....- - _ .. _ ........ under Preliminary Order approved._ .......... f ......_.. _..... f 1���_......._.. _.._........_..._._.......... ...:........ ........... ............ ......... ...... ..... .:_._ To the Council of the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Finance hereby repotts as follows: The total t' ted amount of the assessment for the above improvement is (curb & aut$@r)_.... 6.,.7.Q..........._ e ee i a a 000 t3peer fopt op the above i pr rae i is g T eesttimateeostEpe� footefiI the°above tQm rovement�ise9emen wlti 9andard erb .272yQ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: BLOOK - -_ -_-� -- - � ADDITION T 1 O N ASSESSED i DESCRIPTION LOT! VALUATION i j�,�j /y ;Ay % j � - dk qS TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... /. —191 .._.�missi........ of ... Commissioner of Fiaance. CITY-OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PiELIMINARY ORDER cad_ In the Matter of. u L�!?f_�q�........:�f�`.. ..: _.. ....._ ..C�r2l.../ 1�/1�F1._..._l[lt�iJ£L ` ........ ��r�f/l �( .... ......._...... _ ..__...... _ ......._- _ ......_.._.._.... ................._ —. .... ........_......._.. _..._ _ ._ - ..:._._............_._ ........._ _.._ ....._................................ _ __......._..._.........................._....................._._.._._ under Preliminary Order approved._ ...... ll1?....__.............._............___ —........_ ....... ._ _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is (ourb & gut$eX).-. e eta ate ye�oagt per f�optt op the above it r met ie emate e}ireOabove a:s888menpw� ®an3ard clrb x96,.78.....-_...- cose i foo rQm rovemen -272y' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each" lot =' or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ! LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 4 �' VALUATION j I qy I ce- i TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ Dated... ......... �.-..._i91� __. ;............ ...._.. �'.. Commissioner of FORM D. S. A. B_F D _ Finance -- - w : 2 CITY 4,F SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - M, N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEV, DEP COMMREIONlR . OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHRF E"".""J. E. CARROLL SUPT; COMMUOTION & REPAIRR E, O ALFRED JACKSON, Suer. SA-01X Eit }••9 sMinn.s'e11'V 1' 1816.- G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE wan Eli l t H. W. GOETZINGER, SUPT. WORKHOUSE , ?fir. No A. Gosep Commissioner of Public WOr'kso Building. ])ear sir'n. I transmit herewith preliminerY estimate of cost for onrbing West -Sheth St .from Summit A464 to Iglehart Ave•# in p000rdanoe with Council Pile #6062, approved May 22, 1916• Assessable frontage 763 ft* I-npros• estimgte ognbined curb 8D gutter 396.R682� goat per iron foo $soess inspection necessary ApproSi, estimate standar& owb 0272030 host per front foot 'S7 $Soess inspection necessary Respectfully submitted, • G2.-E.-.-std-..�.. Diot�.R7aE�Q��BZ� Chief $pginearo. ................. ember.._? . ..................... 191_ .. 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- ail, known as Council File No.....5.Q.54 ............... approved .......MAY :...324........ ... ........................ 1915:..., relative to.:._.Yh6........... .... _............. ourbii g oF._p_e... t...._6.7st11_.. t _...P A.> _..�1 ....Avsxlta�....t.o:_.lzlehi zt....Ave..-.._ .............. .............. .............. __........ _..... :_..................... __.................. _...... _...... __.._........... _._............................................. _.................. .._._.............. _.... _..... _................................. ................. and Having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......_......_necessary and (or) desirable. ourb & gutter _ 520 per ft. Approximate Eat. $396.30 ourb 37¢ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.... __._.................. . and tggt I c e i and Frontage 763 feet Saline � 101 X5 78 45 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows ...... _._............. .........._..................................................... ........ S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..... _.............. _._...... ._:. ............ _........ ___i ----------------- _.....:.__.._..._._._..........._.................._...._...._.................__..........__..._..._._ 5. Said improvement asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................. __. �� Commissioner of Public Works. >¢ In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley in Block 15, Auerbach & Handle Addition, to a widish of 16 feet, from. Geranium Street to Oliver Street, under Preliminary Order #5833, approved July 3, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7083, approved September 16, 1915. The Commissioner of Public ?,Yorks having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of -"hand to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land 16 feet in width across Block.15, Auerbach & Hand"s Addition, taking. the rear eight feet from Lots 1 to 18 inclusive. (3) That an easement be taken in said C lr. 7fi38=8y S A. $arn.wortn-. land to the eR d the No matter'bf opebine:'wide ing-nnd a1l the purposes of ..extending an�alley I-Blo4k 16, ,Auer-: ,.bash .& Hand a Addition to a width- _ toP 18 feot from oerQ�fum .treat to. a public .tree ,ollvt street=under PPn reuminai7 oi4 ..,_ �..�.. • .. ,1019_ i Paul hereby �B'xee aid ,daFerminee'.tiie' amount of -land to bo: taken for�,,thd above namod itnprovem0nt to be a. fold A'}etrlp of land, 16 feet 1n width Yeas hj ilmen Nays across Block, 16 Av rbach & Hand'. 01" T i, t Additlon taking theA rear eight feat!, 1 5 191 from yota, 1'to 18 lnalu lve the Council _____ ,/'(2) That an -eM-MOnt %a taken Jn. �Pa sworth said, land 4o tna extent vece ea y Lo �r+� f/ to favserve sll tho D,urpo.ee oL a public BSetFAdopted by, the Councll�Act 26 1836: f ed 19 ller �lpprgved OCt: 28 1x16 P _—_._- -_ -_ .. _ dColl __ Agai (o4i 20 1.161 cry oerg.._ Mr. Presid nt, Powers nlAvoa FORK C.9.2 It CITY OF SAINT `PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Y J N. GOSg• COMMISSIONER R OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C D r Ex-- , ieelaxew J. E. CARROLL uer. Coxernu6nox & R"" - ALG.RH.HERROLD, 0'"' r ' Exa xeewx H. W. GOETZINGER. Sup, W.x 6uee ..REPORT TO THE COUNCIL— In the matter of opening, widening an�xtending an alley in Block 15, Auerbach & Handle Addition,to a width of 16 feet,from Geranium street to Oliver street, under. Preliminary Order #5833, approved July 2nd, 1915,and Intermediary Order -J7083, approved Sept.,16th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to s be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plat,which land is accurate ly desc3!.4bed as follows: A strip of land 16 feet in width across Block 15, Auerbach & Hand's Addition, as shown upon the plat attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter,dated October 23rd,1915, which plat and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Commissi4her of P io Works Dated t�+ f` 1 u �� Y t ' X i', _ 1 {` i r t � i. �3 lY,. tP��. t ,i� F �,. i - s t ,, _ ... ,�„a... ,_ 4 ,; i 1, i 4'�. t:. u �� Y t � t ( � t' 1 _ } `' i� `f i t :4� i y f,,.� J tP��. t � F �,. �9a � � r ... ,�„a... ,_ i� � a� 5 y f f. ... .. 1 .. _ ..z i � i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In'the Matter ofd-"`� � � / �_ ✓ � � i/ ander Preliminary Order approved - --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - jI DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o li � � '� /'� � ���j7Q� 111 ✓� li � ' .� /s• 4 iii � �� s'� Ire JAI; - t C .7; TOTAL. FORM B.S.A. s -a a CITY OF ST. PAUL' .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 3 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - Iia-sg --LL<DESCRIPTION- -- �i LOT LOCK) m{ ADDITION— 'ASSESSED VALUATION — L.. p - all ,I j r. I, I II k I 1 i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, -_..._- -- -- 1 Dated -----1yfJ...- / .---------- -- - --.-.. Commissioner FORM ..S.A. 8-8 C - of Finance. o the:nbture and eatent,;of said improvement ie as followe'b jz� �r f r r � 1 ,J 1 L/ ��dl �y 2 rr�o �� • �d� BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. L FINAL. ORDER. In the flatter of ..Pa 1.i.g.._Eourteen.th ..s.tree.t,..:.between...Rober.tatree.c- and Broadway including sewer, water and gas conne tions from street mains to property _.�iaea._complat8.,.._xhexe_..not. already._. e.,.....also...alley. ..and....dri-sway_ approaches, under Preliminary Order�r_.:.......... approved dune...4th.,-191.5....._._........_._...............__.... Intermediary Order _.... ........ . approved _.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of th Ci t. Paul hat tl ,Please na are exte�d 15i�o im to be lead by he said City is Pave ...R11xtQe ...... ..s.tr.88(�tvx. tw.8.en._IiA.berr ..s.tre .....and._Broad way, ono ding sewer, ter and gas connections from street mains to proparty.:..._1.1.h0.a__oompl.ate..._Where ._.not_ a I r8ady.- made,.....also-all.ey....and...dr.iv.eway approaohee, and constructing curbingwhere necessary, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ma/;✓�Clbr @ C RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public orks be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council"for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance they with Adopted by the Council ._ ..... _. .. . 191 ; _ _ .... l ... .....'....__. . City Cle s� ' DrC fy 5 yp-;z`t Approved . ........... . _., 193___... ..... 114 yor. Jompl\ e, also alley and drL Councillna F rn worth pnroVea sea a 7t a19i6Y .aIle henring having ben. had +r " os r 1e above Improvement upon due ` 1 't L, and the Council fiaving heard 'G ay E13rsons, oblectlona and recommen- ; Kel ns- relative thereto, &ad having l' a .n considered the same therefor6 ri olved, By the Coua cll of the Ctty R,+ Paul that the p ecleg pabure ea 'E„% 'vyr and kind of imnrovem nt Yobe by the said cp lty is ave wlth,,ae '..r concrete to Width f 32 ::,feet to t nth street between Robert at, ` �r adway, incl ding. aawer, water l• a6 eo heetlo s Prom street malas 7 .i // pertY'.linea complete Where ne, t YO g I > made; -al o alley and drive—Y 8 b che9' and—al—tine.Curbing: L'.+rejnlorced Co C etc Where n eeeflry, \' au pe councll hereby brdere Bald im- emetic to be made. Form B. S. A. 8-7 ` '.j,^s^Flved Further. That the Commie of Public Worka be and he to �y instructed and .directed to pre- Lnip fa tlo a f r aaid[Ep me to the M •� „-'Sr. Psm' m Mmnv AAerr nT 3 4 6 1-1 m 0 1 T Y. Gentlemen, WeO the undgrgri d. -;L- �qer prQPQ rt ab-utting on Fourteenth St. between 4&eRBe* St. and Broadia d e e t. 'he �� ___to__Qa_Uae_aa_td strept. to liamed el i t io _UQn_QrajBp dy Lhot,ween—tb,e-p.oint----abD-v.c---menti-oiiec QTqTRR T.C) T, 31LJ�w MTTTOIT --- -- - - --- /7 Sf 71W 37 A M 12 1-1 m Office ,of ` othe Commissioner of Public Works a • Report to Commissioner of Finance and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is :b.........._XXX .......... _. and the total cost thereof is $ ............ xXXx.................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ ............. ..................................... ....... ................... ............ .............. ........... ............. ........... _................... .................. ................................. _...... --...... ... ....... _..... _............. .................... _.................... _.......... ............................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................. _........................ _..._ ....................... _................ 5. Said improvement is..................... _............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject p� to assessment for said improvement. o............................................ omr iasioner of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' M. N. (345S. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DE -1 Comxisa"" OSCARCLAUSSEN. CHIE, ENOI— J. E. CARROLL, S_ ConarnucT & R—IR, ALFRED JACKSON, SUPT. SI.NITA110. , G. H. HERROLD. OFFICE E -I.— H. W. GOETZINGER. Su". W-0.1 St. Paul, Minn. June. 213 1915. Mr, p5. N. Goss, Commissioner of public Works, Build Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate estimate of cost for the paving of Fourteenth St. from Robert St. to Broadway, in accordance with Council File #5363, approved June 7, 1915- Assessable frontage 3,312 ft. Xj-jD OF PAVING rAPPR0XITr7AT=% ESTI&IATEICOST PER FROITT FOOT $22, 204.69 '16.70 Sandlime brick 21,847.51 6.60 Granite 19406.78 5.86 , Sandstone 17,025.58 5.14 32° Creosoted Block 15,775.45 4.76 Brick 13,632.37 4.12 Asphalt 102655.87 3.221, Asphalt concrete 9,346.21 2.82 Asphalt Macadam 7,796.43 2.06 Macadam 92465.27 2.86 Concrete For cement curb to be constructed, add 46� per front foot. Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot: For sewer, either side of street $22.50 18.00 For water, 3fa- 1j. side of street n S. side of street 30.00 For water, 3/_ 8.50 For gas, Ti. side of street 4.50 For gas, S. side of street Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE tTMf REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE E4 : ON PREL,114INARY ORDER In the Matter 141� under Preliminary Order approved ------------------------------ v/J------------------"----------- -h—h --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - To The Commissioner of Finance h(/.by�eperts as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ —KIND --o F PAVING APPROXIMATE -ESTIMATE COST PFRFRONTFOOT. Sandlima Brick 622,204.69 06.70 6.60 Granite Sandstone 21,847.51 19,406.78 5086 31-y5.14 Craosoted Block ---17,025.5a Brick 15 775.45 4.76 Asphalt Asphalt concrete — 13:632.37 4.12 10,655.87 —43.22 Asphalt Macadam Macadam 91 346.21 2.82 70798.43 2.06 Concrete- 9,465.27 2.86 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _3 f,9 0 do T - TOTAL.. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i i.� "+ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSES*D Veda gN3 U: t J ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,d REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED R-- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION f - - YAtU,9RIr -- - o / % ,� 0 . a 9 z 13- 00 60 o 7 z -- j 7p _.. _ TOTAL 0;*. J 1011M B.B.A. 8.3 0 CITY OF ST.. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE is REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) --- y "- - ASSESSED ADDITION d- VALUATIO d- DESCRIPTION LOT ':BLOCK / 7- -12 O �� C�a6 / � G✓i�� `oma•- 3 0 C37-1 ' % 0 yy 37pO. �9dO �j /f / / 9 /7 0 0 / 16, 3700 7,J 0 0 .. 3/0 0. d z/ /✓' / pro 0 G .3`' 00. yi 00 2- /9, - 9 y Sym ° of the aforesaid matters, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --------- -'-f--------`--�j--- '19r --------'--^-- --------Commissioner of Fiaance. FORM B.B.A. 0.6 G 666 7 HENRY E. WEDELSTAEDT CO. STATIONERS ST. P,.L Nix.. - MA rDTI . AAMMIMT.F. PTTP- AATTIVITT. i 2Gentlemen.- - -- ---- ---- -- -- — ___-- We. the_ unkera— i med,--QweQra of -Pmq Pa tY -"-F-o rteanth St---�l ;j between.aobert 3t. and Broadwayhere- b-protest sZainet_theosed i S 1 p% ins of uAd_ or tem ti`S ,_b�t�a�e the voint�_-abzv-e menti one"' theream that. -the nalnatioe_o�-tto .pxop —on. this street _ia_-vary 3 low and ill -not -stand a paving as�samant,� 41 VL 4 o.. �,. n 20— ,/�/ !t t Io 2 Iv/ f I ai as .•✓ C./ 1 .. �.pT °L 1 01 ��_ ...� 4j� Q 00 23 _ s L1 613 1 ya - ` ih' 9 i 2 0 a,29 — I3 Z ✓ �nA � /9�9" � • � fI ,s2s 30f��'.//�/�7�(//(�/(�.l``J//JL 31 J# r, pm`7 i } % rug. F �V 45;' �11;� -C 166' Ale Vim -rL,4 etFf. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Cornmittee and 'hereby rejects all bids received for the Curbing of Edmund Street from Lexington Ave. to Dunlap Street, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for bidefor same, - Fo}mal Bid No. 602. U n i7?5 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved Yeas (V) Cou cilmen (Y) Far Nay�_ln sworth, ;- Go favor — Against ✓O�LEeary Yorg Mr. President Powers .FOPM C.8•2 I 1 U n i7?5 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved Resolved, Yeas (V) Co F. 0, Ke 0` Y( Mr. Presiden 'fOnM�C.9.2 That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee, and hereby awards the contract for Grading and improving Chippew ve, from Baker St., to Annapolis St, to Beecher Improveme t Co, at lump sum price bid of ;2575.00. Engineer's Estimate being $3589.15. Formal Bid No. 604. C, V. No.7639—BYM.; N..Goee Resolved, That Lha: Counctl hereby: donaurs.ln the recommendation --:of tha Ca fiacL: Committee and hereb._ nwarda.. thoucontra t for grading and' mprov ; �6,ing Chippewa .Ave. from Baxer St to. Annnpolis.;9t to Beecher ImRrovemenC, Co aL lump�eum piles bid of $368916 i;nginee"r's estimato '. being $ Fo mal Bid No 604. - i A Ad pied by the Counctl Oct 26; 1916 -. Approved Oct. 26. 1916 re I (P) Naysr Adopted by the Council_ C'_ T ^' )t" � 19115 191 d 7 _ In favor / / r 191 APP ed u Against ��AYOR.—_ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:._._ . ..... ..........._..._._...__................_...__... . _...... .... _._.... - - - couNca FILE NO ...... .................... ...�..... Date Presented._....._Q. c..t..•._...2.0...,.-........_I91..5..._. Resolved, That the'Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Cgntract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading and Improving Page Street from Qoff Ave. to So. Robert St, to H.J. Pothen at lump sura price bid of $2465.20. Engineer's Estimate being 0,3432.00. Formal Bid No. 597. C: P. No. 7640''—By M.- N, , '• 07 Resolved,, -That the Council hereby: concurs in the recommendation of'the.. Contract Committee and hereby awards, the�contract.for grading,and,lmproving - Page street from, 3gff AVe{ to 60. Roti -y ertr 9t: to 8: -? Pothen pt @um; ,lump- ,bid of $24662➢ );nglneers esti.. mate being $8422 OD rormal SIVNO.; 697; Adopted by the Council"Act 26 191b Approved oct 26, 1916. yy, (Oct. 30-1916) Yeas (V)Cou cilmen (P) Nays Far sworth Go s _ __In favor Ke er Against ' ary Y'erg Mr. Presiden s Powers FORM C.8-2 �r Adopted by the Council _ (IrT 25 191- APpiQYedi�- 91✓ Subject:-__..._.._... .... Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FOUNCIL FILENO ....................................... Date Presented ._...._0 c_t........? .......... "That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading and Improving Wheeler Ave, from Lafond St. to Hewitt A ve., to Garrick Bros, at lump sum price bid of $2399.00. Engineer's Estimate being $3006.90. Formal Bid No. 598. Yeas (r)Cou ilmen (P) Nays Farn worth Gos _4 _In favor Kell r _ _---Against O' ary Yoe g Mr. President, , owers sO.M <.8.2 7691-13y M. X. Goa.— :'.Resolved, That. the.. Council hereby ' concur. 1n tho .recommendation of .the; Contract Committee and;hereby award. r:the contract for grading�pnddmprovJmt, �wheele A e: from Lafond street to Iie*Ltt %Ave_to Garrick Hro at lump'' sum price bid oG$2399.00 L'nglnsers estimate being $3000.90.: Formal Hid, No 698 Adopted by. the .Council Oct.: 25,:1910.,. Approved'Oct• 26;:_1916. ., +(Ock 30-1916) Adopted by the Council _Df T 2r G� ? 5 191 A ov - — -- --191 MAYOR Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for Grading and Improving of Aldine Street from St. A nthony Ave. to Rondo Street to Garrick Bros. at lump sum price bid of $65.00. Engineer's Estimate being $123.20. Formal Bid No.500. Yeas (V) Mr. Presi .oeM a.e•2 �cilmen (Y) Nays Iisworth S _ _[n favor ler "6 _� _Against Cary ,rg Powers C. $. No. 7042=By M. N.-_ Gose— -' -Siesolve8, That the, Counoni hereby concurs 1h...the�recoinmendatlon of -.the Contract Committee and; hereby awards: the; contract fore grading and fmprovirig;' Of Aldine Street from St, .Anthony Ave:.' to.': Rondo street to Garrick Bros. at'. lump Sum price bid of -$66.00. Engi.:; necr,a eatimafe being ,'. $12$ 20 For=,a mol -Hid No. 600, n Adopted by,the Couen cG't 26, 19161 - Approved -Oct. 26,,1915. 20-1916),_ Adopted by the Council ___U"_ I v Resolved, -- That the Council. hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Suburban Ave, from Earl St, to Hester St. , and Hester St, from Suburban to McLean St„ to J.J. Connolly at lump sum price bid, of $14,51.00. Engineer's estimate being 11718.00. For.-aal Bid No. 01. No1.764Tha l&1 hereby { /' .Resolved, of:tho j concuruiln,�the recomnd h.t.bY.' Contrnot Committee and hereby'awdrde the contract for thb'construdtrrftun of a sower Suburban Hester Sto jt afr m� to $eetei' Sk,J. Suburban. to Mc mnn-'o0'b1d 4 $14 100. nolly Atlomp p[ Ningtneer'e estimate -.being E1718.00:J Format-IIid No. 601, . Adopted by the Council Oct 26 1916: , . Approved Oct. 26, 1916 0 Yeas (V) Cou cilmen (P) Nays OCT Adopted by the Council Far sworth U Go s In favor Ke er — pr v _ 191 Against O' cry -- Y Yo rg Mr. President 'Polvers — - MAYOR —M C.S.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL k.. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4 Subject:_ ... ..... :.__._ ..... _................ ._...._... —..._... s...:. CENGIL No.. ..... y...'44... ... Date Presented............Q.a.t.,.....2.Q,.1.9.1�(...5_._ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby avrards the contract for Grading and Improving Pierde Ave, from Brompton Ave, to Como Ave. West, to Christ Johnson at lump sum price bid of 01641.20.1 Engineer's estimate being $1629.50. Formal Bid No. 596. C. F. No. 76441—BY W. N.'Goes— Resolved,' Tfiat. the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of fphei 1 Contract Core= ties and hereby awr de' 111 tho_. contract fol grading.„and imprPPPv,-;� in g; YlerCe Ave. fromBromPion Atv4 `to+ Como Ave Wet, to Christ john ort IUMP spm p Ice bid ofSi641 20 Engi-I near s a tlma;e being $1629.60. Format, Btd No 696 - Adopted bylths Councll oct. 26. 1916: ApproVeci bet.'26. 1946. -(Oct. 50-1916)„ 9. r Adopted by the Council __. OCT�s 7 15 191 / � V 'Anped Yeas (V) Cou cilmen (Y) Nays Far worth Cos In favor Kell r Against O'ary Yoe g Tvlr: President, rowers FORM 0. S-2 Adopted by the Council __. OCT�s 7 15 191 / � V 'Anped Resolved, That the Coi}pcil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading and Improving West Page St. from Delaware Ave, to Chippewa Ave. to Beecher Improvement Co. at lump sum price bid of $500.00. Engineerts'Estimate being $643.00. Formal Bid No. 599. Yeas (V) Cou ilmen (F) Nays Far worth Gos ____In favor 1 r.K a.? It _-L_—Against ary Yo g Mr. President, It coeN c.a2 iIC. F. No. X76 ThatBy tH Chuncil-herebi Resolved,. concurs in the recommendation a war de Contract Committee and herepY. the contract for the Sradin and im t proving west. Page St from pelatvare �Ave:;to ChIpPewt'Ave' sum earl a?hid�'� p $5oo o � 'it" $600.00: Eng`neer'e estimate being 1 $643 00. Formal.Bid No 69p I Adopted. by the Council O t, 26; 1916 tI Approved Oct.'26, 1916 (Oot: 30=1916) nl Adopted by the Council __O i ��T l5 `' 591 Ap o d That the Male & Female Employment agency license of A. H. Lee, 308 St. Paul Arcade issued Feb. 4, 1915, be and the same hereby is ltranBfered-to Louis Elfenbein, 308 St. Paul Arcade, to become effective upon the filing. of the necessary bond by said Elf enbein. a r No zsas s ecou Reao3Yed That; the Mnte &:Semale� Egiployment aSency ]tca ee of Fe4`b 4 $ Lee 3Q8 9t Pnvi Apgnde S sued 1916 be and the amB 730, is trans Rerred�fo L uts, Ee-e ect 908.�6t Pt" - A cede;: to b-111 ecome; e(r b6n upon sat flung. oY tb necoesarY bond _bY enid' Slirenbein � Adopted by the Council Oct726y 1916. ' AppLOWed�,9ct.-26 1916 Yeas ( J) Co mcilmen V) Nays Far isworth Got 5 In favor K .. er ........Against T--'.Poweft "'Mi. Pre PORM C.C OCT 25 1915 Adopted by the Council .................... .......................191........ Approved............:........_••.•......19V/._ t� i'TY OFST. PAUL COUNCIL .r2ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:............ Sprinkling of $tree e:.. ..................... 764.17 COUNCIL N O. .. ..... Date Presented...... October. _21at,.191.5.. P Resolved, that the assessment for sprinkling the streets in the City of fat. Paul, Minnesota, ordered sprinkled by the Council during the year of 1915, as submitted by the Comptroller with his audit under date of October 20th, 1915, be and is hereby approved and the Commissioner of Finance is hereby directed to certify same to the Auditor of Ramsey County, accompanied by a certified copy of this resolution. Yeas (✓) Coun ilmen V) Nays Farm rorth Goss In favor Kelle VVV ��.. ..... Against 'Nash Yoerg. Mr. President, P ere FORM C.9 -Y OCT 25 1915191........ Adopted by the Coun/ccil............................................. A oaj:rovNd..�J....� �.......................... 9 OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK October 20th,1915 !ior.G....r^wrnsworth, :o:ner.of 7inance, Lear Sir,— :he :ouncil 'A its meeting held this date ordered the aceompenying co-munications with reference to sprinkling assessments,referred to you for prow' form of resolution. Yours truly, City clerk. �Q k1YYPtYt � 1 lltaurr October 6th, 191.5. CV S.A.FARNSWORTH. CO—S.10H[n JOHN T.HAGLUND, De T1COHHISSIO T,4r. W. C{ Handy, Comptroller, Building. Dear Sir; In pursuance to Section 276, of the Charter of the City Of St. Paul, I transmit herewith the assessment of ben- efits, arising from the sprinkling of streets and thorough- fares, including oiling of same, as ordered by the Council, during the year 1915, together with a report of the Com- missioner of Public Works, giving a recapitulation of the individual Wards. Respectfully submitted, COjMISSIOZIER OF FINANCE. r ci`t'y pl ip- a�rh� �e�nh �o f jVAMFd0 is Ty -fir-�s5 �.jP ROBERT T. GOURLEY. Deputy C,.—eioner M.N GOSS, OSCAR CLAUSS".C"*' E.94 -1J. E.CARROLL. Sup,. Conan u lion 6 Repelre Commissioner ALFRED JACRSOR.5up,. Sani,a lion G.H.RERROLD. OFri., Engineer St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 1, 1916. Mr. S. A. Farns otth, Commissioner of,Finanoe, Building* Dear Sir, - In accordance with Section 275 B of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, I, M. D. Goss, Commissioner of Publio Works, do hereby report that the total cost and expense of sprinkling streets, including oiling, as ordered by the Council during the year 1915, together with the cost of inspection, will be and is the sun of $1361783.28 The amount payable by the Street Railway Company where it occupies the public highway is 112,281.54j 0124,501.74 The cost to be pro rated against each parcel of land fronting on the improvement will be 4124,501.74 I am delivering to you herewith twelve books, one book to each ward; identified by my signature, which contain a true list and descript9 ion of all the parcels of land abutting upon the public highways and streets that have been sprinkled, and the amount set opposite each respeotive desoription of land therein 1s the pro rata cost and expense of sprinkling, including water, inspection and the pro rata coat of equipment, repairs and maintenance in front of each respective parcel, less the pro rata amount paid by the Street Railway Company. Diot, G.H.H./M. Oommiss o r of Public Works ��,��,',;r-, 3, ✓' Soli _27 The property assessment by wards follows: Ward No. 1 X10,772.79 Ward No. 2 11,277.76 Ward No. 3 7,461,34 Ward No. 4 8,392.01 Ward No. 5 10,932,09 Ward No. 6 11,119.97 ° Ward No. 7 15,168489 Ward No, 8 121866.91 Ward No. 9 6,867460 Ward No. 10 7,880.84 Ward No. 11 18,260.14 Ward No, 128,6._ 01_40 $124,501.74 geepectPully submitted, Diot, G.H.H./M. Oommiss o r of Public Works ��,��,',;r-, 3, ✓' Soli CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM e Subjecr.__..._Aagffuiring land for additonal grounds for Sheridan Sohool� ........ ................ .......... _..... COUNCIL FILENO...... .............................. ............................................ ...... .._..._.....__..— ... ........... _ ............... 1� DatePresented._..........................__........L..........I........._ � 7 Resolved, That the actiom of the Committee on Lands in procuring by purchase the following described land for school purposes, namely: Lot 18, Block 1, Bundets Park Addition, for the sum of Seventy-five ($$75.00) Dollars, under and pursuant to Ordinance 3513, be and the same is hereby ratified and approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to complete the said transaction and to pay for said prpperty out of the Id',aintenance, Repair & Real Estate item of the School Fund. - IG_F No x648—B—nx Yoer�- ' _ .:Tti t ihe:¢ct}on of filo CPm'I Yeas (r)Cou cilmen (V) Nays t�)CFaworth AGo In favor ,-Ke ___-Against ry 0 Mr. Press ent, owers ro.. .. 8-2 Adopted by the Council _/ OCT 25 1915 191 __._191J That the cigarette license .,No. 369 issued January 6;1914, to Mrs. I. Albu , 267 Front St., be and the same hereby is transfered to lira. A. Tarman, 267 Front Street. O. F N0.4G49=BY 'Henry $fcColl- R..Of I .. ,,,;9'hat 7 the glgaretW 11..... . No 385 lseuedt January; 6 1914, to;Mrs;;l L`;Al1tu 2267 Front 3t., be and the eame hereby I� transferred to Mrs A.'Tar- man 287 Fsorest rAdopro fed by the Counoll Oc.f.' 26, 1916-1 ;Approved ..Oct 28, 3916, -;(Oct 304916) Yeas (fIdgwers men (✓) Nays rth i ......In fmv F, LLLCCC��� "�"� .......Against Mr. Pre§` PORM C,8.2 Adopted by the el COUNCIL FILE NO. By isSi �✓ �i/I/II�irRG!� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of .....Go.n.e. r.u.a ing....a-..s..e.we.r.....onk....... ...... s .re_et_..-1A H 11_i_@..._stre_et.,.. ........_..... ....... ...._.._._...... ...... ...... ....... _....... ...... ..... under Preliminary Order _ ......................- . approved. .......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above imprebemeut, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ...._...Q.o_nst_ruct-.ng.__a.,-,sewer 4.r.......P.r ............. _....... __._...._.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 23-0.2...09._.__. / .a �. e ... da Resolved farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._..... _...._.. �..............._......._. _ q of 191.5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereoPas estimated. Adopted by the Council ..... .. -.._ . _ ., 191-- - ........... Cle Approved ------_ 191j Mayor. Councilman Farhsworih " G s " K ller Leary " oerg Mayor P wers Form 8, S. A. 8.6 C017C�IL By h, �..I • INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_Corst.ruct...... a.. sewer. on _Centr.... e betvreen Dunlap %e_,._......_........._...._........._... ................ ....... .... .................._.....--.........._..-_........._.. under Preliminary Order ... _.._2152 .......... ........ .......... approved .._S.eft..embeS..._21.S.t..,...._]��5.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commasioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ;3 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.C.enstSslo.t-.-a_.S..e..ex__QXJ. C ai2t.ra1.._.as_enue..._b.e t.we..en._Ilun1aA..._st .r e_et.. _.and._.I .exi.nl;.t_nn... avenuee ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._.1.2.86..4.0......_. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .. _ -- --------'day of No.mQ.Tifllex._._....___...._____- 191-.5._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul.That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimaigd. - Adopted by the Council ...._.....__._.._.._.._..._.. Approved ......... ... ..._....- -.. ......._:G.'._� [._.... Councilman Fa sworth Go s K ler M Coil " O ary " Y erg Mayor Po ers Forth B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCILYILL ....._ _ ............_. ........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Q -Q -n Ot r-.c.t-inz a, 5-exer in Q qggri.ejm __r -P r. .. 9m .. . . ..... a --p-Qint 1.00 t e -e f e��t of- t1le --- aaat-ldlle Of B-tx- t,.................. under Preliminary Order ------- q!52.� . . . . ............. . .. ............. . . approved AU9U-S-t 2.6th 191-5 — ---- - --------- -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is C-015tr-Wit- a -SeWez- in 'LV. a n -Q.tut 1.0.0-fe-el--e-a.st .3t. re. -at. . I f.r.0 M a� P et..,-- ......... .......... - ........ . ..... . ......... ................ ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ . .-------- day of IPmftmb 1915...,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as es a 0 J.. Adopted by the Council 16/%11 Approved... ... - - / : - Councilman Far sworth Go Ke er Nfiftfi 01 Bary Yierg Mayor Po�wers Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.-- By O -- By ._ :.__Q2G1/1 ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the platter of ._....C.o.nst.r.uc.t.iri;.._a .. s.em.er.....on....Agat.e.....s.t.r_s.at...._b.e.tvcaen_Gaa:�ga.._ street -nd a point 40 feet north of north line of Granite street.,__ ................... _.,__, under Preliminary Order _._ ....... 11..51. ........ _..___.._......._.._....... approved .fie.pt..embEs_..21s.t.i.._.1315.-..__..... ...... ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is a and.po.i.rat-._40-...fe€` n-aatl3--bf - ne ofG r&lh t e._ -S t .z e.et....__....-......---..._._............. _ ....... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._570....Q.Q.._.----- /. _.._. da of Resolved Further, That a public hearung be had on said improvement ori the ..._ _..... _ . _...____ y 191...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the Adopted by the Council .... .... ........ - ... ..... Approved. ... v...._..._ Councilman FaNsworth " Go Is " Ke ter gew- 0' eery " Yerg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8.6 =; COUNCIL FILE NO. _...._____.... __ __ ........_ By r4VA ._..... .. ...... ... .../i .__. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ......0 o.ns.t.r.uo.ting _.a.. _s..ewer...._on.._Rrine e.t.on._ay.enuia_._b.et land. ...ay.eue..... and, .._ S.ue....ets.e.et_,._._... _ .__........... _ ----..........._...._...._.... ............._.:_.._....._. under Preliminary Order ._._7. .......... approved ._Spit_ember_ 2�_st..,.__1915.�......------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._..Con strunt_..a...s.e-L".eS_....._. on r...�n.cet.an_av_eaaue....b_et..we.an:;._C.7_ev..el.clad._..ay.enu..e_...and.....�ue_...9tx_�..et.,...._............_..__.._..._.__....---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._WasQ-C----- ResolvedFurther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._. _..�..-- ---» day of 191-L., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of .Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total CC Adopted by the Council _.._......._._......._ _...__._. Approved .....__ /_ ._....__'jv .... Councilman Far sworih Go Ke er " 01 eary " Yo rg Mayor Po ers Form K S. A. 6.6 �s COUNCIL FILE N0. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ....RQ.G..on.t.rtUc.t.ing.,......r..elaying....and.._repair.irg...-With..-cement--t.i.le.to a width of six feet the present cement tile side'�a}ks as follows: Fr nt street north side 'beginning at St. Albans stree thence o Jameson street, Fro t_tt: ; south _s1Q_e.....`egrrrrn hg 26 feet vest of 13aIe street tnerice-`rest 66 feet, bejinning,346 fgp,farther west,a tile n e west 1 Oafl ht,1�� 5_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ...li.e.C.D118.t.rzl ct ,......rEia y tile and repair with cement tile to a width of six feet, the present cement si.cLe}v..a..k......�.gL_fol.Lo7Ks_:.........Fro.nt...-at.r.e.et.,.....nnrth.....aid.e..__heginnirg.....a1:_.S.t..._Albans street thence to Jameson street. Front St. south side beginnir_- 26 feet West of Dale street thence west 66 feet,...._ bbginnr..,Sa6_ fe_et_._farller.-_gest, ..f ... .. ...---- _.._. - tli"eiloe -wes�-`160 eet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-52¢.-Per._l.ineal foot for new walk, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....._.._._-..--...----- day of idovembeT___-.-.._..__._.-__.._....—_, 1915.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estima ed. / - 0 ? 25) 1°15 Adopted by the Council _. ...._. ..__....... 191 . ... z .lam _ . _ ./ ... ... >. ClCI k. Approved...........__._...._.. _._................. 1P 7S ............_._' - Mayor. Councilman Fallsworlh b _ J9 sa. n Ytlgj.ISHUD �d � !� -'ie hereby approved " G 9s - L'M1e',W :lmprOVement la here. d-tofbeproceeded with. That the nature of the e;imP., Iler tt }dhieh_the Council recommer. o struck lay d eD lr wit:. t the to a width of eiz feet' sent -cement tee sidewalks:, bs a F nt street: northee eld , nc s ,gtt; St Albans at eek thene. a bop; et eek, %F ont street, e 'l..eary Ipning -26 feei6�wein, of � west:' 66 feeto begin.,. est: thence wet; " oer$ fives, and4hW �eay.. �fJ k Lis '62 cents:; Mayor Powers qpp Re Z& a hat a' Dui M1 ri +'"�' 1d INprovemy Form B. S. A. 6.6 o t ^� j Cth 1616. hour f.r. Q In our.. n Chamber oarim 61->o he Court Iiou' and City Hall Building Sn :the City, 1 tlt . - sI That the, Commlasloner tilnarice' 1— notice of'said meet) -- a COUNCIL FILE NO.....-- - %7 9 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of melay-ing and-rePairi-ng- to a width of six feet the present cement tile sidewalk on the north side av-enue f.r.4M. RaVOUX-Ft-re-et, to Rd-ee- et-reet i.--- -- - -------- . ........ - under Preliminary Order ._._....._.......214.f1 ... . ......... . .......................... approved S.ept-emlzter...21st 5,-.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is RQQQrDtX-1A(--t . . ..... r-elay and rPP.4j.K e - --t 0 .. a- -wi.dth 6-f s J Y -Seet the-,.-px.ese-nt. r-eme-nt- -t4--1 e s i (Le. -W -0-k t.D-.-A _af oft -Ah-e- north side of West Central avenue from Ravoux street to Rice street' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ . . .... 52;e p -ex -lineal foots fornew walk. .... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......... day of y9XV:);?L9 at the hoar of 10,o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Hous& and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and tkp(Ta ji�rcof as es ad. 9 � Adopted by the Council ... . ... . . . ...... .. ........... ...... 19 IZ./v .................... . . .. . . ......... . . .......... I ark. Approved 19J ........... .--.... .......... ... . .. ..... - . . ......... . . ........ Mayor. Councilman FarLworih A401 . apprL. c ty l of St. lir— the G I, tedelved tht( seport '�6!th., Goner of Finance .,Pat vement, arid' having conal hereby resolves: t1ler rhat the said report d 4 Is herabir aPP1O1:,.&,fid iawd"`tad,i the �., VO - harsh said IMI)y d,11th, :ad' to be p,o..ede - 1.the-nature of the�'ImPiOve,- Council r.. vi:hich the ir;a,atidl and repa �i �e- re I ary � - six' -feet -.:the" 'Leary k3 Mile I t f .. 0 t :, al at a. cenfrai erg Street: toRice. t itej,..ti,ee, Po 'is I to cost, thereof s' 62 Mayor o ers it eal toot, for -new I walk. , Oldie 'Furthers. I I r. Meat Form B. S. A. 8-6 oNovember, 19 5' at h t X 10 0'.1.. 1 t er, mom 61 Of t WCourt Houa all Building In the City c I That the 0 tala- 'gi— '.OtIa- of --11 meeting 1°�`Om -reon. an in the4 - the stat manneri, of. Charter it hearing Ing OtThee nat Man tho'' COUNCIL FILE � psi r'y By.'.......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of:..._Co_nstruct ng.._a..__ceIlent_..__t!.Q am ..._tie et on the north side of Lincoln avenue beginning at Albert street thence East 47...4Q.._.f e-et..,..._.and.-..an_the......east ._ side.....o.f.....Alh.ar.t_..str.a.et., _heginning..s.t._L.i.nnnl.n. avenue, thence north 170 feet, under Preliminary Order 7141---._..-_..._._...._............__........ approved ......_S.e.pteibex_..2...6,.�2J..`,�.�_.._...._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .Co21st-rltat....a._..c.ement_....t.i1 e sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of Lincoln avenue, begie r. i ng_-� t _..,Albert _at l e.. et......:v.kle.n G e....B-a..s.�...._4.7-4. 0....f_e..et.,......and.....o.n.....the.._ea_s.t.....--.id-e-...-af . A] b rt street, beginning at Lincoln avenue thence north. 170 feet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is,$_..52JG ger. lineal "Oct. ,..• — Resolvr Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ _2:-1--_1F-Z- -._...-.. day of November _ 191.5_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of — ..... _....... ............... the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estima d. (, T 25 ]q,b Adopted by the Council ........ / �.:...._ .... i Clerk. Approved .._`....._.........., 191 ..... th Councilma4Kell Yo g MayorPo rs Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLisBED (O —3 0 S COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _.CDnstruc.t.i.ng_. a-_ Cement ...t.i1.a_ sal a seal.t.x.....L.o....i;4 W,L, "+.... , �..... � ..-...., feet on the west side of Branston street beg nning at the southerly side o_C.k.....2.i.,..... St._.__ABtho.I?1'...._._.P..ark__h.Orth.,..__th�x#.C_e_._t.R...._the.._.xaorh...�._ty:... limits, under Preliminary Order ._._._71.3$.---- .....- .............. approved..........Se.latember.....21..st.,.--1.9.15................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is tile sidewalk to a width of four feet on the west side of Branston street ]a.eginning_..at_the_..s.outh.esly.....s1d.e.....of.....L o.t..-.7,._-B1.o.ck....11.,.....S.t....._Anthnny4Park._._.. North, thence to the north City Limits, with no alternatives, -an d that the estimated cost thereof is $-- &&,d—per lineal foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement -on the ..._ --.-- day of _November _ 191-5— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Ll('T .Sri IU15 Adopted by the Council _......_.............._.._..... `__............_........, 191......... G/ Approved ..._..._......._ ..___ ..../ Councilman Fai nswoi G s Ke ler 0' ary Y r8 Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 v COUNCIL FILE NO...__. y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ...._QQZ1.9.t.rUG.t.i.r9.._a._..c.ement._s.i.d.evtalk.__aix...f.eat.....in..._wi.dth.....on...:iloth sides of Chelmsford avenue from Commonwealth avenue to Carter avenue, _... under Preliminary Order.---.._..7._Q_4`L.__........ ...... _.__.................... . approved .._S.e.gt.emh.e.T.__16.th.,..... 191.5......_.._........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....CanstX.UCt._a.....c.emeaat..--side- w2llc....s.i.x...f�.at.._in:...svi.dth.....on.._hath._.s.i.de.s._.o.f.....Chelmsford....ay.es�us-#-rom-Goz a�rv+ealth aQ.erne_. a_.Cartex-_..ay.eaue.r....._._......_..._........_. _---- ...----___.._............---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ineal, foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........_...� .-...-.-..- day of _ 10ypmh.er....__..__......____, 191.-5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimgfad. [JI T .-:.. `...... 191_..._ Adopted by the Council ......_.._._.:.......... _.� Councilman Far wo G s " K ller " O ary Y erg Mayor P e;s Form B. S. A. 8.6 i T � COUNCIL FILE NO.-- INTERMEDIARY O._. INTERMEDIARY ODDER. In the Matter of ._C,o n s t_r u c t ng.._a __c elne.rlt..__t i 1_es i_d ea...._v�i,c�_th __o.# .......six _.._feet on the East side of Griggs street from Randolph street to James street under Preliminary�Order_....... ....sg.7.§_._.... ...... _...... .... .........._.. approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That thg said report be and the same is hereby approved a8d adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceedA with. 2. That the patnre of the improvement which the Council recommends is ....C.o.ns.t urti-ng.....a_..aement .... _..... t it e..._ai3 evrallc__t.o._ a....width ....af.._six.. f..e..et.....an..._t�.�..._®ast..sid.e.._oi --G r ig-&s—street f.ro-Randeh ih st et... e.....Tar[tee-.st-reet.i_...... ..... .._................ _... ...._... ............ _............. ..__....._ _ _....._..............._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_BP4-3er..._ldneal foot, i Resolved Further, that a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .'._.__......_......_._.. day of 1911._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. / Adopted by the Council ... .......... =:. _F..._..._..._., 191.... Approved ..___..__._...._..l v............�...�...., 19 Councilman Mayor Form B S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO . ........................ 7661 By Resolution o% Council Approving Assessment. In the matter,of the assessment of ._121RI1r.>.....__o.G.ate-._&..._exp2_ABg_4_.__ for.—Durbl.ng._.of._.... Zimgaon..Avenue....from..Minehaha.... Stre.e.t,_.to__Taylor. 'Avenue,_.__. under Preliminary Order .._...........-38.1.179. ___. .....___.., 3CRa>07➢> X1MrX94=- Final Order ......_.1.4,.B55__. _ approved ......M=.O.h ..13th 191...13. The assessment of...._b.ene.f.ita.r..... .oatB._..and__expenses ___ _____ _ ._ _.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby m all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the day of .... _..... Novembe..r..... _......_............., 191_,5..1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .. _ _ __ 191 City Clerk. Approved................................... 0......... ....., 191 _ MayOT ar Councilman Fsworth QxWe u lllyconectlo abovo mprovementn, having ' auti'mipt�d to"thy Council and" Council having considered same CIO S found .the said easesement' eath,factel therefore be, it - -� Resolved. That the edhl�sseeaemen- be..and the same Is hereby' to Ke er all re- 'pool" approved. a ..lved, Further, That a publto hearing be had on Bald neses'ment on the. 24th.day. oY November, 1915; at the l hour of 10 o'clockA. BL. !n the Council Chamber, room Gl of theCourf Houee� hnd City'Hall Bullding,.In'the Clty.ef 0' eery st. atul; that the Commlesloner'oY FI 'I n—pi �gtve v notice of said meeting, as'' required by the Charter, 3 " YO rg stating Ia, said nude. the,tlme and place or hear- (.Ing7 the natu a os the improvement, J total cast thoroof and tfie amount as= a Mayor Po ers �..eased, .eased aga'net 'b lot or 'Iota of particular owner to whom the noHceh% `, Form B. S. A. 8•8 �dlrested �Adppted^by ;fhe Council .Oat 25, 1915:..1 AP$roved Oct 281016. '• i _ (Oct__�_:_.I COUNCIL FILE NO... .. ......... . . .. . . .... By 'Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ...b.en.efi.t.s.r.....costs -&--expenses--- for _ Anthony. --v.e.nu.o...- from -Aldine .__street._ to FairQiew avenue, under Preliminary Order ...39...844 Final Order 40_451.. — _ ........, approved ._._ S.ep.t.eriber..23rd _..........., 191-.3 The assessment of. ....... ..... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....24th- ---.- day of ._2lov.emb.er.'°.__.._...._._....._......, 191._b_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ( 191 Approved ........._..._ ......__...."........" 191 Councilman Ll th O' ary Y erg Mayor PC wers Form B. S. A. 8.8 Clerk. Mayor. uir Ameldored_` same :deesement ee.tlsfnt't It PUi17.I�f1 `b That.the anld tieeoess Unme. fs;hereby. fn<all ---------- i� )oad. Furtfier. That n ppb he Court g, in the nmleslon- a1d meet• ter , 1 7 stat•- iplace improve, Improve• ��✓°' -n to or t10 o whom r COUNCIL FILE NO .. _. By ...cr. t Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the m;itter of the assessment of .b.en.ef i.t.s.,......ans.t.s... & _ expenses.- -.. for ._C.urbing.....Fr..y. .-... street from Blair street to Hewitt avenue, under Preliminary Order 1..4429 Final Order 38 064 December 1?th 191.._2 � _._._ _... _ ............,approved _ _.. _ The assessment of .,benef.it_s,.....co.st.s ..and._.esp:enseB _ _ _.... for and in connection with. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..........24th........ .......... day of ................. 1915......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the Hutu' of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- tie owner to whom the notice is directed dopted by the Council (;T. _ w 11+c _ ., 191...._ r/ /..._...... _ Clty e pproved................._......_............ _ ...._ _ ..., 137�J... _.... __ .... .. Mayo .... Councilman Fa sworthennen, and considered cam assessment s;tl9i PUBLTSH1Sll -.3S \\ " 00 a 't I,.tb be said assesem, .' i same is hereby In all pproved. K ter ed Further; That a pub'. be had on ;aid aseeesment-o day. oP November, 1116; at th�:. 10 o clock A.f SS In the.: Council; • 0, room 11 of the Court House' i' $all Huhe C In the. City of, t that the Co Wds over of: 0' ary .give notice Charter, ea ng In ed he the me,anpla stating r- ,cn the time-.ane, Improvement,; of hent . nature of 6f,,ha lmptoama nt; . Y rg coat thereof and dots o the ,i ownet the .lot or Iota ti the •. own r to whom the notice Is Ma or Po era y by the Cuunoil O A 26 1916:1 I I� d Oct 2C 1116 Form B. S. A. 8-8 (OeGs 30 1916) _ '.I c ---------------- COUNCIL FFIILE NO .. ...... . Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.' In the matter of the assessment of b.tT.nef its ....... COS.t.B...Fc---exp.e.nsea._._.... for ._C.ur.bing-...AurO a 1 uVs.nae......f.a;.om..Dale..s.t.r..e_et......t.o._.St. _.Al.ba.ns.._s.i.re.et.t _ __....,... under Preliminar3 Order ._ ..._ 6.18_. .._ __.__., Intermediary Order .1649 -- . -- Final Order._. 21.43 ....._. approved ._-October .._ifi•lrh-__ 191...4 The assessment of benefit a,__ cos.ts.._and....,expenses -- - for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ._._ _2.4th_..._.__._.... _. day of 1I_omemb.er..__ ___.__._..._._.., 191....5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. % ti ;T 95 ]1 Adopted by the Council _ 191 C Clerk. Approved ..............(./........_._ -'v.......--_ _..., 191 _ �... Na,. f b Heats, coetq,"" Mayor. .or' and In con avis b . ImDKovemeaE"hnving bi Councilman Farn worth I'd to `the.. council, and tr Navin¢¢ con1idered cam' aa, PUBLI 131.L16—.�d��J� tho enld aaeeaement sntisfee '.herefore, be It - - �'� " Gos : Dived,: That the said nseoesmedt ,d the same is hereby in all re,. 'e approved: Keler 'solved Further, That- ¢publto / 9Ju be had on enld assessment he 4th day of November, 1916, at the `oP to o'ctr.. A. M., in the Coun- '7ambsr, room 61, of the Court y and Clty Fill he C building, le the ,�[ mi ce,gi a no the Commission- „ O, ary P}trance give Horten of Bald most- � as'reeLlred;by the Charter, stat - ,n said notice`, the time and place caring, the nature'of the Improve -ii " Y erg ', ,the total: coat ,tbereo4 and the i r � v Dunt assessed against the Iot or.( s of the particular owner to whom Mayor PO erS notice 1s directed. . 11,,dopled by the Counoil or 26 1936:.1 Form B. S. A. 8.8 '.yt,eroved to 30x1916) JII W COUNCIL FILE NO..... ............ ..... ... Resolution of Council . Approving Assessment. In the mutter of the assessment of benef.it.a _.._c.os.ts...and_..e.xpenHes.. for ._C.urbing.- Sims_ . _ta._.Cyp.re.ss. atreet,.___._. tinder Preliminary Order _..381.$33 _ - --- - - - i Final Order4.0,, 111 1 __._...I approved ..._Augus.t._..27tXl ____ _.._., 1913.. The assessment of -ben costs .e ndxpenses __..for and inconnection with ......... _ . the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .........2.4t.kz......_ .___._ day of _.... _1ips.emb.er...__._ _ _................, 191.5....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .__ '- 191 _. Approved ......._�. ........... - ... v 191 Councilman Fnsworth or'':nna nnection ,vo dmyrovemont. he ig 'L 'ttFd'tb:-�.tha Couacll;-'ani,; s ,.neil having consldered same; ,k .and the said assessment sathifactc ierefore, belts, . Rand td, That the 'ereb aesesem K ler i. and the same is hereby In all / • ects ¢PProv d J. Reaoly d Futh rer That n pal g -be tied on said e... smsnt. •.e 24th d¢y. oP November 1015t t our of 10 o'clock A. W inf the .Co' Chambers,_ roorn.. 61.; of the •Co Y Mayor Pc Form B. S. A. 8-8 ..._............. Clerk. Mayor. PUBLl: Ii -D 2 6 -J, '/S E�� 7W COUNCIL FILE NO. 4 ........._..._.... _.._.... ....... . f Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.`: In the matter of the assessment of ..b.'enef.its,.... costs .& expenses----- for ...C.LiSb.ing street from._Un�Y.e_r..aity._ avenue __to. .St.......Anthony__avenue, ...................._.__.__............_...__............... lender Preliminary Order 437..__. ___ .._....___, Intermediary Order- 1.632__.. . Final Order _..206 5 .._. _. _ __ _....__., approved .... Qct.ab er._..14th._ _.__ __ ....., 1914 -- The assessment of benefitsi 914__.Thcassessmentof...._....._...__...-_l;enefits, costa-- and --expenses -- for and in connection with the above improvement baving been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the day of November ............. 1915._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Douse and City Fall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of :the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _. 191. Clerk. Approved ...... _...., 191 q , � 1prasworth ment of. is P. enisobve si curb ;e h�from university ova-. Anthony' av-gm,, ghder my Ot3er 437, to rme nary-: ---�'--"" ,L632 Final Order '2066, ap Mayor. •t Octobenj,ith 1914. Councilman Farn worth -..sccaVdt of beneate,. °Data : and a .uses,Yor and,ia connection with the;: ve improvement having "ha n anb-- LTSIIED .° —�5 ed to the Conned, and the Counoll (joss }vl.g considered, same, and.. found the, -std;'neaeeamcnt'•4pattaCaatorl', t�tereLore, be Kell sol ed, ,bq.,the eld assesament be an the oma 1s: hereby in� all respects'.I 5 app ovede R04DIved Further That a public hear-. 1 " -be b¢d on .maid aeaesemeat on the - 24th dny oY Novomber, 1916, at the hour . t of 10 o'clock. A: M in the Counafl Q'U ry Chamber, Room 61 ot,the CourtHouse. S' r and. City Hall Bulidhor 1n ,the City ot:V t� 'it- `'Paul; that the Commlasloner, o;' , 'f+ FYnaa.. Bivo notice of so`,WmeeUng, na h + ' Yoe r required by the -. Charter, -staiingkit cold, -1 notice the time: and place ,of hearing - k, the nature of the imvrgvement the total Mayor Powe s eost<.thAreoii''nnd tae ¢mount -ae d, nr agolnet the lot -or lots of tfie 'directed, "1"4 owner to whom'tbe notice.,le dlrocted. - 1 Form B. S. A. 8-8 Adopted by the-CounctlOct 26, 1910;_, ------ 7( 4 7 COUNCIL FILE NO ....... ..........................:... Resolution of Council Approving Assessmento, In the matter of the assessment of ._beri.ef..it..s.y__.c.osts._&. expenses _- for -Curbing-.Be.ach- _.._ Str. ee.t...f.r.om.._Cy.pre.s.s...s.t.r.e.et....t.a..E2r]_.:. street, .. _....._... under Preliminary Order 1.024 Intermediary Order -- - Final Order....__ 2142 __— __.__, approved __.._9Cto.l?_eL.16th _____.. .._, 191_4 ........... 193easses.9mentof...._>r.ane£.its.r._.coats....and -expenses- - for and in connection with, the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactoryriherefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessmapt be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .24th ............. . _ _ ... day of ...November - --._ ..... ---., 191....5.., at the tour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Rouse and City IIall Building, in the City -of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in`said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount' assessed against the lot or lots of the par- tienlar owner to whom the notice is directed. C1rT � Adopted by the Council '191 Ci .................. r. .... .. CityClerk. Approved ........_ .................. fes... �..._.., 191 _ rdv. ._ ....._.... _..... Mayo . to couneckkon with ', lent having been 'ss Councilmen Far, sworth "council• and, the cour at eausfaci �n there[ i\ �LII3LIS rl) to -3 6 ' GO o is Che said her by in all respects j Kel r .`urther, That a public hear-' nn. gaiassessment on the koVAm hdL.. 19nfi t the Counclf �nm ei oL- the Court House x.11 Building. In the City of tfint the Cam lssioner of O' ary ig notice of said meeting, a4 file Charter,'stating f said rS. me and Plnce^'of hearing. .. Yo L the impr yumont the to g tal T .and the amount nsaemed 1 %Cor lute of tfi6 pertiouiar Mayor Po iS hom the notice Is directed.: y by the26, Council 6. Oct. 26„1916 Cet. 191 ,`,• Form B S A. 8.8 1 - - - ----------------- COUNCIL FILE NO... By............. ....... ...... . .. ..... .. ........... ............... . ..... Resolution of Council, Approving Assessment., In the matter of the assessment ofb.enef it s co,ats_& ey-p enz e.8----...- for Q.u.rb.l ng -WIth stx.e.et to. Cypreae. s.traet, under Preliminary Order 15198 Final Order 40 * 115 approved... A!A9qAt RM 191­�3 The assessment of.....benefit.Bj cost.j:i_.and..exp.en8e8 for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public bearing be had on said assessment on the ...._,...24th.._..___ day of ljov.ernber --1 191...5..., at the hour or 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, statiV' in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 0 C T 25 191 City c*rk. Approved .....5..._ ..._. ...... ...... _194 rove t: I I be Mayor. henot a th, Councilman Far sworth con ore soma an, 'aasessmoritsatisfaotory. That fh6'aald assessment Go I _---1 pUBLISJCi D—)-2 Ke er b -Ith some J.b er'by in 8" re- &Pe&td'.ppro,e&, � I .Resolved,' Further, That publtd hearing be, had on Bald ",J,,,s,7,,oI­&n the 24th ,day, of rqeve.bbr, t e ,_homr I 10 -;o'clock A. 1,,I. the Council b.,,9r6ma of the Cour House j Cbgmo -' - H.11 Budding ;In --the 6i Y.0f that the Commissioner of Fl 0' ary jit Foul; n.tt.. .1 ,1pg I.n so red ", . Charter ro . Bald notice the time and phtt:. of hear -I of the m meat, the fl, rl YO rg g ,the nature tot41 be, thereof, d t9room .. t (eeesedagth tjos, -lot. -t the lot or Mayor Po ers II "ril.ad lar owner to hma,tho,�,,�. co' 6 idr ot Ad.p t9 d by the766.­WO.L 25, 1016. `Approve Oct F Form B. S. A. 8-8 d .,26,1916b Y, -------------- ------------------------------------------=- �7�����6� COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... ..__.......... — # • t"_ — By -Resoiutgon of Council Approving Assessme�• III ma the tter of the assessment. of5 enef it.s.,_._..co st s- 4 --expenses CuY Piing -- for _._WeBl.ey.._avenue __fr..om_.S.nell.i.ng__ v.enue.._te....Fxy...stxeet.,_...._. ......_....._....._....._.........................._............ . ................. ander Preliminary Order 386........ . ._.__ _, Intermediary Order _ 856. _--_ Final Order. 1._,334 ._ ____._._., approved ..Ag9.VRt.....2ot.) ._...__ ... ...... 191.4. The assessment of.........b.eneficta,-_.c.osts....axid-exgenses...- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...._24th.......__ _ .... day of _TTO4ernb..e.? ...__ ..__...._....._.., 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 111., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of.the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. 11.,191 Adopted by the Council _. L. Cit ark. / yr c Approved ...-... __...v �lnb , 191 __... Councilman rnsworth the -above improvement having',heen submltted to the Council, and tha ( S , Council hAving ,conaidored `same ands, '% •' Os9 found the said,. tory,;ther�fore, tie It • PUB LISIiED ' Resolved, That`.the said-asseasmont' ba'-ao, the same fa hereby In all-ro, " 11ef spects aDD,,��t ReBoI_-'rther, That a Dubllo 1, „ hearing, bbe had on.sald aaseanment on! the 24th day bt ccpber; 1916, at the hour::of 19 ,o•clocVg ., !n the Council .. - Chamber,rroom 61 of, the Court,House end,City Hall Bunding, In tho Clty oto Leary at. Paul that the CommSesloner o1 Fl nance g Otte .ot said meating ass - Tepulrad the ,Charter, stating 1n`' " 41, YIng, oerg �.ecased'against said notice he time and place oY heat the nature Of'the Impro vement the: total coat thereof, -and -the amount Mayor Wer9 the lot or lots of the: Owner to Whom the;notice 1s • directed. '° turClc'd. . Fern, B S A 8.8 Adopted by the'Council oct.�2b 1916. Approved O t 26, 1916 �( , (Oct. 20 1016) COUNCIL FILE NO 74 Q ---- By .�/.'. Resolution of Council Approving Assessmef't. In the matter of the assessment ofbenef.i.t 5,-.-Co5ts.- --sxp.e s.4_s_ for .__CUrbing _Thoma s _....__.._stre.et_.f..r..om_. Pascal .._.avenue -..t.o._..A1her..t._.au.enue, ......... under Preliminary Order .......... Intermedia Order _16 52 _ _. $7$ ___. _... Intermediary Final Order.._.._214Q ._._..... approved O.ctober 16th ___.___, 191...4 The assessment of . benefits,. Dost s__and._ eXpenses._ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTFIER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...24...kl. _.... __. . ___ day of NovemheT __ ___........__......., 191._.B, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. OrT Adopted by the Council v City Approved ._.... ...., 191 ...... Councilman F nswoi as ller 'Leary oerg Mayor P wers Form B. S. A. 8.8 " Mayor. PUBLISHED °----�5 Petltion ✓' 767 Council File No. - - .......... ........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY OR The undersigned hereby proposes the making of foil ing public improve t b the City of St. Paul, viz.:......CaxAstruot...a...aaznent...ti s.id a1k.._t.o....a...WE. o£.s faet....on... Plop. Of-V..ic.t_aria...ia.�:.: .. twa.en. homas....�t.. d.:].afnnd t....,...ix:.............. ao .oxda e.e. vfitkz.._Pe.t.i io .. ere.tn... taahed. ..... ....... ...... _....... .... ...........:..........._.................._...._ Dared this ........ ... 2E? ..... ay of ....................OS t ...o ._ .......................................1911 .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followin'improvement, viz:._.._... ..._.....-------- ..-. - C.onstrnot....a....a.ement.....til.a_s.idawalk-..ta...$.._Width..o3...six...fe.et....on...hoth .aidas o ..Viet.axis...S.�....-_hatv✓e.exl.._TkA.Q s .t. an T p•P v,A 4`'f' .. + ARY onn�ns Y ..... a ......... --••-•• ...... .-.-•"••. .""' wtie eas, A writt.n propybal Yo the. m t,lnt„ of the foltowing improvement viz: Cone not a. oment til.. aidewanc.(� ......................._ . Lof .--....._.............. ...-_............ to a -width of alit, Teot •on-tioth s ea of Vleter" I. petwean Thomna St: and.' having been presented to the Council of the tl eo Connell hof Ithe nCItY oI aSL ePaul --- -- ..... """' """" therefore be It therefore, be it Resolved1 That tho Commlesioner oT Public Works be and he is hereby. or - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner o Qo'sdTo i vlesilteaie txo neeeaatty for ordered and directed: or dCsiianllny of +the mnlcing oe said:. 1. To investigate the necessity for or - romo In esngdte the nature sten: improvement. Spa "estimated- coat of said --Improve t, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and 'ment.,and the total cost thereof. s 3. To Nrnlah' n plan. proale oi• 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc ketch of sold improvement. • h. To furnish the following othor dater and Information relative to sal, ovement'. .. ........... ................ 4: To furnish the following other data lmarove state :whether or Pot eels lm �t is asked for op the petition ' ........_.._ _ ...- _... more -.owners: ...._.......... ........... ....... .._....... ....... ........ ......................................... 'n -rt iyPon all of -th 5. To state whether or not said improvement is ask -8& tot 16fi'V ' petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing -matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ;. 11J....... 191 ........... SRT 1SHFD l ° —3 a�/S Adopted by the Council ....... ......... (,L �.. Z 1 ,.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Go Approved ... ....... ...... ....... .... ......._ 1 Ke r M oil Nash�Jq+� ...s' Po rs r'xr Mayor. Mayor ro- w C a-. ,. Requdst.of D. E. Lane ✓ 767P Council File No. ................... ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORD T The undersigned hereby proposes the making of t ollowing p is improver by th City of Sr. Paul, z.: Grade Berkeley Rrivr Ave to Ke.- ....at' ......... ........... -,A I v 7 .... ......... . .. ..... ...... ......... ........... ........... .......... ....... .. ........ . ......... . . ........ ....... ........ ..... ....... ......... ............ ....... . . ............ ......... ....... .......... . ....... ...... .... . ..... ..... ..... do ....... .... ..... ..... ........ ...... ........ ... ....... .... ...... I ........... ........................ .......... ....... ....... . ........ .... ....... Dated this Uxd . ..... da of..... ........ .... wtabex . .................. ................... 191 5. rK111-11VILINArEY WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..... ........ i-�, Grade....BgrkeleY St . . .... from...Pr. i. Or ............... ...... ....... ....... ...... . — ........ ...... ........ ......... ................... .. ................ .................. .... : .. ........ ........... .......... .... ...... ................... ....... ....... .......... ....... ..... . ...... ............... ..... . ....... Cr1r. No. 767 ....................... .. .................. .......... Where... written proposal for the mal ing..of the following improventent, ..111Grade Berkeley from .......... .............. ............ ... ....... ................,v;.to .ntt.,�J.gbe pre ... .... ... santed to the Council of the City df St. Paul thersfore, be It having been presented to the Council ofliPublic Resolved, That the C—sels.lo.er of It ........... .......... ........... ............... ....... . Works be and he I. hereby -or- dered and directed:` therefore, be it I' To Investigate the necessity for d b, RESOLVED, That the Commission or air. IlIty of the making of said i�reby ordered and directed: Iscrom,ni"L., 2. investigate the',nature, extent 1. To investigate the neces it f and 11tI11tod cost of said improve;aidimprovement. s' Y" 0 most. and the total cost thereof. 2 To investigate the nature,, eaten 3t.'rof rtiulimprovement.h . plan, profile -, or invent, and the total cost thereof. -ketch C T, fur fell. tjy�r 3. To furnish a plan, profile or s data, 6f'�'infortnatlon rotative to. 4. To furnish the following other data and inforff.-.Niorrretafive to said improvement; ............ ....... ... ... ............ ................................................I.-- ....... .................. I .................. I ........... I ... ........ ............ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....................... . ......... .............. .... ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the � yq�j�,,71�Prs to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._ ........................ .. ....... . . ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farn worth Gos! Approved .................... .........2............ .... Kell r Me( oil V- dtb mw Nash Yoe g. . . . . ... ..... )Mayor Pow xs y Council File No 767 PROPOSAL FOR 'IMPROVEMENT. . and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making o e followi public impro ment by e City of Sr. Paul, viz.:......Conatruct ...a... cement ._ - ' .e...aideiva _t.a....a...w.. th....of_B ..faet....cn..... _the ...ges.t..aUe.. nf...S.yxidiaet t.....fr.om..ria rich.. ..a..__t.a_ i . ir...at...,.... aon.ardnnaa.. with__pe ' . 3an..her.et.o... tache .................................... . Dated this ........ ... 2fitkA. ay of ............... r .... .............191 ....... �y .......... -................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...... _......._ CanstxTio.t....a.._o.ement.....t.il.e._ aide..walk...ba a.._ width ....o.f...aix...fe.et....on....the _.Wast .._ 1.id.a...nf....yz�s�.Acte...t......fxo.m...Gaodr.�ah...�ua. t.n....S.t......lalair....St................. ............... ........-. ...... ..... .... ....... ...... .... ...... ................ � �4G .r, of ,the cityn of. b::... ... _ ................. ...... .. . .......... .. .......... ........ �d. °. be the he is h r'%e:.,.An ........... . orbs be and ,pe le hereby or- ""' ' having been presented to the Council of the Cttyj alreetea: investigate the neceselty for therefore, be it _ :teulty of the making of BaId icnRESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pu!n�ed cost ma said ,,-extent reby ordered and directed: ,rated cost of said Improve- 'the total cPlaln, ereot.`said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for of desira•nrmeti a ptam, proRle or sad Improvement ment, and die total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e$ti iprmen the fOl -. other g �1njOrmntlon relative to Bald 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of : ate whether°:or not Bea.' more owner 4. To furnish the following other data and infot t -.. upon a 11, 10 said improvement; .................. _.......... to t. ...................................................................... _..... ............... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. IC, 216 1'a?5.......191........... Adopted by the Council .......... ............... :.... Yeas: Nays:. Councilman arnsworth !/ ss Approved ........__............ .... ...-.2191.>. Kller M Coll Haeh Yo rg ayor Po ers Mayor -- Petition , • Council File No. 4p}a' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 676'5 PRELIMINARY DER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making the followin public imp Yemeni y the City, of y St. Paul, viz.:......C.olast.ruat..a..:.a.ement.._ti e....sidevcalk.... o....a...vr th...Of 3.$...feat ....On.. ----- the....north....side--o%...Edmund... .....be.twee-n Sne 11 -ng NL. -end- rY--S.t.,_'.. in . .ao9.9xde?�a.e._With...�tet .t�.azh erat.o...attaah ._...._ ............._......_....... ........ ....... ......... ... ..... _............ ....... .. r . ..................._........................................ ......... Dated this ........ ... vy .......... ..Wtabor..... ...... ...... ?......... 1 ....................191..6. . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. I WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......._ .._-_..... Ganst.runt....a....o..amextt....t31s....sidewalk._t.a....a....mi&th....of...s:Ix feet ....on....the ...north 64.e. ana..._B!rY St,e ..... _. ................ _ ........ C. F. No. 7676 - - - - - Wriereas, A written Pro,Doeal for thea ........ .._ ......._ ....._ ........... ............... .... making of the following mprovement,' ,, .................. ,,,,, ,,,, viz ` Conetr ct a cement Ile eldewnik� to a'width of six feet on the north aide -. 04 l;dmund St -between 9nelling Ave. l ......... ............ .. ........ _............... I ... ............ . �I and Fry St ha.ving been in to I ....... the Council of the City of St. Paul havingbeen presented to the Council of the Ci. ---- I therefore, be It. therefore, be it ge olved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he Is hereby or - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of dared and directed: rdered and directed: I. -To Inveatigat0 the necessity for. or :,I aWrabillty of the roaking.of Sold hrovement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or d improvement 2: To Investigate the nature, extent heyeo 2. To investigate the`ilture, extent and a and estimated -.eat of sola, Improve- Ind the total cost thereof. ment,�o d furnish ala oplan, profile ar.. 3. To furnish a plan plofile or sketch of said•- of said improvement. "a o furnish the -following other 4. To furnish the following other data and inforr"mentoimnuon =ola;lve to ea+a lament : .............. yatatewhether 'sa'.,,•� r ....... .............. _............... .._............ I ... ._........................._.........„................._ ...........:.:-. �r0 r:...._................................................................. _.._.............. _...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Coun (].,T �G ���`. ..--191........... _r ........ � ......... Yeas: Nays: Councilor nsworth ssApproved ........ ........:...................... 191........ Her fi Coll Nash f rg `arm .••�” ` ayor wars ayor. PUSLISBED (a _. -_Ip -- "I �r Resolved, that water mains be laid on the following streets; parm Street, Eustice to Berry Street, Lansing Street, 114mline to Albert. R F. No. 7676 - _ Roeolved, That water;mafng be laid Y on tho following streets: - ;"Pym street Eustfce to Berry'etree;t: Lansingg street,. amilne to Albetj&t, 'Adopted bq the Ceancit Oct P6„1936._ r ; :Approved .Ock a7; 1916 Yeas(✓)Co 'Itnen(✓)Nays QlT �.�...11.-.....191......../ j Adopted by the Council:..........µ.... Farn orth Gosa In favor �'Y .......191-J. K715e Ap ved.. M,C Against 0' Y ... . ................ l oerg .... MAYOR Mr. 'dent, P ere FORM. C.9-2 ■ Vepa�rhr�neR':va��[br,l'�c��fhl;i'h�es;� 74; "'?"Ua�e,�� •"f ice)}e-linear October BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 25, OSCAR E.—LER, Pr.s dE S.A.FARNSWORTH 1 9 1 5. M. N. GOES GARRETT O. HOUSE, Genf. S.Pt. To t8e Honorable, The Council, CITY 01? SAINT PAUL. 1'inn. Gentlemen; The Board of y'ater Cozimissioners, at a meet- ing held this day, unanimously adopted the following resoldlon; upesolved that the Council be, and it hereby is, requested to authorize the laying of eater mains on the following streets; pym street, Fustice to Berry street; Lensing street, Famline to Albert -n very truly you En cl . Secretary. CITY OF ST. FAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.: In the matter of _ _(�radinF,_Columbus Avenue from,_ _ r _ _ Beverly Avenue to St_ Anthony Avenue _ — _ _ _ — _. under Preliminary Order _610 _ ,, Final.•Order _3100 _ _ _ APPROVED —March 4+----------191 5.t. gEgOLVM)41 That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same areej hereby approved C. F No 78 In, the matter of grading Cd}umbua A—nue from Bove ly Avenue to'St Anthony Ave veOrder ands Prelimtn St - order 610, F nnl 3100 approved 111, oh 4 16 Resolved 19That the pleas epeclftea tions' and eetlmates autimltted Commis to er, of Pub)ld Works for the ve !/ abonamed': Improvement ba and the same are hereby apprbved. ® Adoptod�by the Cqunell Oct. 26 1916 •_ `_Approved;oet. 19 27;.16. e ;.(Oot. 90-1916) Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ _ ET Yeas: ( ) ) Nays Councilman rnsworth.. ss . ler Ci% N holl_ . P r� - Mr.Pxeside � Poe _ - �90,� 737iC CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.: In the matter of grading —the Alley running north _and south `in _Blookk 1, a _Ad_diti_on_to _Union Park. under Preliminary Order _3939 _ _,—Final Order 4887 _ _ _ APPROVED May 11, _-__ - __1915 -RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Pablic Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved / In the,matter of grilling tha alley rup- I._ mlpg, north and -south In ;Block 1;d Ldvering's Addltion.ton ion 'Park .under. Preliminary Order 3938; Finat I ' Order 4887 approved May 11;.1916.: Reeolvad That the plane-specltica- 'tlone and estimates submitted by the Commlas1pner of Public Works for the above natnad Improvement be and the enure are hereby, approved. . Adopted by the' COnncll-0et. 26, 1916 'I Approved Oct. (Oct! 130-191W, ...- . • . . - .- I . UCT2yGI Adopted by the 6uncil _ _ Yeas: ( 1 ( ) Nays Councilman Fa sworth . Go Ke es' N oil 19 Mr.Presid nt P rs _ �yor. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION In the matter of _grading the^Alley in Block 3,— -7 palace Additlon from Avon _Street..to—Grotto Street. — _ -.:7 �VEM — — — — — deer — — 5665_ _, rinal..Ordex 7115_ _ under preliminary Or _ — " _ _3eptember—l8, 1915 — _ _ 191 gOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved C..F. No- 7630= In the matter"of grading the; aliey in Block 3 Palace Addition from Avon street to Grotto street, under'Prellm ' tnary.. Order 6666. Flrfal Order 7116: approved 6eptember 13, 1916:: � ' Beeolved, That the ppe lane, scidca tions; ¢nd estimntes aubmlttod by .the`' Commlaeloner-of Public Worksjor; the`: kbove named improve ent ba and the :' same are hereby approved Adopted ar the Council rovo Oct. 26,1915 - Apprc rc. Oct. 27, 191,6 (Ott. 30 1916) I u'.. T Adopted by the Council Yeas: ( ? ( ) Ways Councilman Mr:Presid t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.: In the matter of _eonstruoting ourbing pr1Abe.-nDr.$1j:.'aide a—Shesburue_Aye— be-twAez 2ne3,11 Tg=Ase- _2nd .AebuSX-Asa.:. _ under Preliminary order _426.1 Final.Order r6$6 _ _ APPROVED — — ^ -_$rP1eLbAr 2.a- _ . _ — — 191 -'RESOLVED, That. the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement. be and the same are hereby approved C. F.,2do. 7881 -:= �`•; -� In' the matter of constructing curbing on the northside of-Sherburne Ave .between Snelling Aye, »d Asbury.>( Ave., under Preliminary: :Orden 9761,"; 'Final Order 6862„approved 9 ptem; ber2,1916. Resolved, Thntthe plane,_specidca-- tions and estimates eabmltted, by. the' ' Commissioner li Public, Works fi the same, premed fmprovemont be and the - -� name e.re` hereby approved. Adopted by the'�Dounoil Oct 26 1916'� Approved Oct. 2:7, 7 1916.. iOct. SO 1916) , Adopted by the Council _ _ _f1yTG_1`; i _. _ _ _ _ 191 Yeas: Nays / /- Councilman Fa sworth Go Ke or / Ade oll d Na Yo Mr.Preside t Po 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.- In the matter of _ tp4tug-Balmont3txeO'L f-rQ'-0tLta°a - St -reef- to-Delawara. 9senufl- _ _ - - - - - - - - .• - -' under Preliminary Order bald- _a Final_:Order 7125 _ _ _ APPROVED September 20, _ _ _ _ _ 191 5 -RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved ' In trig matter oY grading Helmont Si. u fromIOttnwa street to Delaware Ave;,, under. Preliminary Odor- 5210, Proal;. , Ord pl6.er, 7125, approved September 20, p Resolved, That the p)nitt specific I tions, and estimates submitted by the- gt Comm"",nor." PP blle Works for the above named Improvement -be and tho / eamea a hereby-appro ed '•- Adopd by the Council Oct 26 1916: Approved Ost:, 27 =1915.. - (Oct. fltl-1916);; Adopted by the Council _ _ _ U T 9s 191 Yeas: f ) I ) Nays Councilman Fa sworth . Goin er No S Pd -oil N d ' Y � Mr.Preside t Po _ r CITY OF ST,, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION.: In the matter of changing_the_g ade_and grading_ _ _.0haT]s6 S tet �stp en Aldine Street and Snelling—Av_eprue under Preliminary Order _ 5336_ Final..8rder 7113 T APPROVED 191 5 :RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved IC F.xo. 7¢83 • .,� In the Matto Of�changing the,grade" and grading Pbarles etreet between e Aldine street, and Snelling avenue, under Prellmtnary Order 6336; Flnal'� Order 71I3 m , approved �Sopteber 18;, Orde: Resolved,. That the. plane. epbelftca � tlone a d estlm tea submttted. by the C= =' f P bile Work tar the bova named imp ovement be and the I same re hereby epproved. ' // ( Adopted. by th Council Oat. 26, 1916..' Approved Oct. aZ '1916. (Oct. a0-1916) I Adopted by the Council_ _ _ OCT ' ^r 19 15 Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays j. Councilman Far sworth Go Ke or f Me oll Na Ap Yo Mr.Presid t Po rr or. ' CITY OF ST, PAUL Council Resolution --General Form Department of--------- - ------------------__-- Bureau of---.- -- - — ----- - - " Con File No.__- Date Presented of —_191 ByGi% RF.SOLV ED. TM1 the Sl. Ynvl G L ght Comp y s hereby- d d d dpected t --d Its electrical lives by erecung poles and atrinciag wires thereon for the tnnsmisaion elecviclt on and in the follow7oe alleve and atresia of said crcy. G, Two Poles in the alley between Harvester Ave.. and v Keogh Avenue, from White Hear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue. / Nine poles in the alleys between South Summit Avenue \/ and Lexington Avenue, from Randolph street and Palace Street. rno Ten poles in the alley between Soheffer Street and Bayard Avenue. from Hamltne Avenue to Griggs Street. . . poles i c r xe: vicea-sy.M. x. doss- bridge Street and Six / Re9olyed}.Th t the 3t. Paul sae Ir t;: V ;Company, le hereby, ordered, and direct= ed to •extend its electrical linea bye Marion Street from South Str thereon F io the'transmtaeton of -lace- tHelty ow,and In the'following alleys With neCeBS $nd.etreet. of saga city ,Two holes In the allpy betweene�8ar-•' All"such rxtevdiona polesaad 1111-11a" ve areae-avu cv snbiect to the orovivions.1 Ordivavice No. 2111. and ofp 11 other lawf 1 dl11 111 lwled sh.111lgre� act i- -Ir lorntion in said a11A d street th C'j, Pblid--teevaMU'resv andnwh—it ;iia ourd,rler shall Le nk d v.. Adopted by the Council—_-- Yeas ouncil____ Yeas ( ) Co cilmen FA SWORTH G MQc LL Y/r - KE R� Mr. President, PO RS C l TTarlon street: from. ' 1 .arbell, etraeC esi-ver of Y-Llic Utilitin and in all things rya' nd sball be of such height and character m he gt0tislona poles and —d. weneve hr the C-61 dhall deem that the anted find COMB Dn':and enpelwf-10eto'' r OPth lc .•..TLt t JC ai _-191 ( ) Nays APPrO `�-� 91 Mayor _ pUBLISFIED�+�--� CITY OF ST. PAUL Form Department Bureau of 174ipfi C Date Presented - ----- n j File No. B VED That be St. Pool Can Licht Co., —— Y 1, hby.rdered end directed to --d lo, electrical line, by erecting Poll' and wirtells, wire. thereon for the tr, r_e." of electncity un and in the and . t'e't. of enld .1W City ArCS Poles on Burns Avenue from Book Strept to Flandreau street. Poles on Thorn street between Igarl street and Lound street. V with necessary guys for oity arcs. All of ... h -Inceince. 11oln' I-d;bc. subject to line .— Wore, of 0,dic.h.I. -. N 'bell -1-11 PPbe -1 in "d, dc.i...Ie end eI-e- no .i -d all public int -net no and when I -11ell Adopted by the Council ---- Yeas Coun *Imen FAR SWORTH C FAR R n e G OS Council__ -- MCC L y X) KEL R W S� Mr. President, PO RS V Public Utilj,j. ..d to all thi.., of rch heich, ..d character .- he the Connell bell de— that .1 1 o 191 Nays � 6f g4f�y_ . Mayor CITY I i Council Re; Department of Bureau of orm 11.1dway Avenue. your poles in the alley between Lawson Street and Jenks V Street. from Earl Street to Frank Street. Two poles on Lucy Street from Ball Avenue to Gorman Avenue. ✓ Two poles on Abell Street between Rose Street and Ger- anium Street. With neoessary guys. All o[ such extensions, poles and wires nhnll fie erected and constructed Ida, she direction and supervision of the Commisriover of Clty of St. Paul. to the vrovinious o(Ordlnaece No. -a2A. and at ail other IawLd ordivancea and resolutions of tfi6`11521"' �l T?$i one 'of.Ordinance;;: -_ 191 lawfnl'osdinancee a'rbeohr-;, Council File No. other - - - is oP the Ctty oY.net �n public interest so rewires, and when it shall so order. . *' poise ehall'be., such'lo� - et�eeta ae ?l ?� By d aliens and _ ser `ot Public U[Slltie--- be of It .SOLVED l t th and etanll a 1 C L ht C m Y h by d d tl r,: ee h0 eh$1r A ) clncal Leen by erectivv poi vd —i -iv¢ wires thRevn for the end - t vtbv of electro Yon and r.nnrn� in the tollowioG ails>s and atreeb of sand cdy. .,d any - weds Two poles on Bellows Street from King Street to Baker Street. ( ) Nays one pole on Ut.Hope Street between Bunker Street and 11.1dway Avenue. your poles in the alley between Lawson Street and Jenks V Street. from Earl Street to Frank Street. Two poles on Lucy Street from Ball Avenue to Gorman Avenue. ✓ Two poles on Abell Street between Rose Street and Ger- anium Street. With neoessary guys. All o[ such extensions, poles and wires nhnll fie erected and constructed Ida, she direction and supervision of the Commisriover of Clty of St. Paul. to the vrovinious o(Ordlnaece No. -a2A. and at ail other IawLd ordivancea and resolutions of tfi6`11521"' Public Utilities and iv all Chines xnbjvct All poles shall pI ovei avdcanY and ell su Jr polesIIIlslmll be taken dohvv xnrd remo�rod. and —1, wreis plecedlvvderaroand �whenevere shalt designate and ap s t /he Caunc�illttl all deemclfiatstbe public interest so rewires, and when it shall so order. li1,T f� } Adopted by the Council_ -- -- - Yeas ( ) C uncilmen ( ) Nays F RNSWORTH G SS M OLL / APPr e --- --- - — KE ER Mr. Pr sident, PO RS �jor QUBLIsHMED Date Presented-.............Oe.t........26.r--I91...5— Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Block 3 Stinson's Boulevard Addition, r as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No."7888—BY M. N( -.dose Resolved,'That the grade of the a11oYl In Block 8 Otlnson's Boulevard Addl-I tion as shown by the -red grade llne on th aecomp nying profile and"as recommended, by the Connn..i..e ,nil Public Worka be and the sam le here -1 by adopted as the established grade: -,Adopted by the Council Oct 28 1916. flpprovod'Oct 27,'1916: �' Yeas (V) Coun linen (N) Nays Farns Orth GossIn favor Kell, McC 1 _Against Nash Yoer Mr.. President, P ers FOAM 0.0-2 , 01-T '?U L: Adopted by the Council 191 AlAo/— 191 J� Resolved, that the grade of the alley in Block 34 St. Anthony Park North' as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C..F No. 7688:-8 ose— Resolved, Tbat the grade of the allay In.. Block 34. St. Anthony Park p7orth,l ae shown Wthe red grade 11no bn,ml abCOrnpanyIn9g ee Proflle, and, Re rOitl- mended by the COmm18a(oner of Pub, lc1 Work Abe and the same la hereby doyted ae the stabllehn grade Adopted by the Copnen :.Oet 26 1916 �Approyed Oct 27 1916. _ (Oot. 36 1916) Yeas (V) Councilme(v) Nays Farnswort Goss _�_.._In favor Keller McColl Against ash Y.oetg Mr. resident, Power :FORM C.8.2 Adopted by the Council _—ET 2S 1",15 191 Ap v _. -- - 91 MAYOR Resolved,' That the`- Council hereby concurs in the recommendati,on.;of "L the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for constructing a bridge at Surrey street , in accordance with the plans, specifications and F.B.581 for the grading and improvement of Edgecumbe Road from West Seventh street to Lexington avenue to ILLINOIS STEEL BRIDGE COMPANY for the sum of $7645.00. lC `.•.F No 7690,-- Resolved, `T,hat the Coun fA hereby. concurs In ,the recommendaLlOn of the contrftct-05rnoeutOO and hereby awards the contract. for construotlnk• a, bridge at' 6urrey: street In aco day a with trio pl¢n¢; epeclacand Ar pro F 8X681 for the t;;¢ding and improvement of gHdgecumhe Road it m ,'Pest Seventh( a�If street tr1 LexCorapa ¢venue 1.to unit , Steel 00.1— e,-. ; dY for the cum ofd $7646 00 Adopt dc byahe Counen'Oct 2G 1916 �. Approved Ot. 27 1916 '• (Oct. 80 1916)` Yeas (r) Coun linen (T) Nays Farns orrh Goss — _In favor Kelle�F'` — MCC I _Against p,U ` , Yoer - ,r._. Presldentl'; err 094 OCT 9r - 1 Adopted by the Council A :_ , ! b 191 d -7)--- r Resolved, The Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for grading and furnishing and putting in place all pipe and on catch basirYthe Edge cumbe Road from Nest Seventh street to Lexington avenue in accordance with specifications and Formal Bid No.581 to D. N. MOORE for the sum of $32,810.00. Engineer's estimate being $34,709.00. &F. No 7691-B�a0ss Resolved"The Council herebycodcure. t - 1n the reeommend tion wj; id Contract, coon itt a andtn'.r by, afu`rntshing„aridtruc' bputtin thea Ndgecumhsin Pe ')j0ad 4ro)ai' Woetsaevenih'etreet to Lgz[n6ton ave-; nue. fnacco'd>;nce Wtth ePeclacat0 r, 'nnd FormaI r Btd'NoMoore for the sum • oY E32 810 00 "'�P6lneee ostlmnto being .Adovted by tfi¢ Council .Qct 26 1916. pD,Prcved Oct. 27 Y9Yb r ,. • (Octl. 30 1916) �„ ,__ Yeas (V) Co ilmen (P) Nays Fa orth G s ____in favor Ke e Mc --Against 0'a Yoe ,..., Mr. Pr sident, ers FORM 0.8.2 Adopted by the Council_ __-_--191 ° A ov 191 1 _ a. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub1 ..__..._ .:................. ... ...__.r .. F U CIL NO ... lFl.;..i`�... .. ... .. ..........._......««........ ...._......_................ r......... Date Presented Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for constructing the culvert at Station 33 and 63 for the sum df 3785.0(?', and for do ngrthbitlower work and appurtenances . thereto for the sum of $7700.00, total $11,485.00, to 01NEIL & PRESTON, all work to be done in Qoocatance with the plans and specifications and F.B.581. ! C. F; No 7692—BYE Colina [ here�g, Reeulved ,Thai b, oL tha GontsacY Co'ramlttee and 1}erebyaW.ards, ,the contract tat conetructlnar the annL. vert attStatt¢n $3`5and 03,f , �' of E878B 00 and,2ar +dolagtt a sewer, � work,,":and aPParftot6l X11.9 6 00� �� num• of E7700 00 .. be �o,'te: . p'Nei1,& Rtaoton 'mll work t4:. � _ � iri accnrdaane wi$jY081 clans and a�Pee1- flcatiuRa and F , Adop o ed OcGe37o1916 Oct StO 1016:. ti (Oct.'sSQ 1Y 1 .I, s t Yeas (1")Cc ncilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the CouncilrlrT J 1 f-, F ` nsworth G s _____[n favor K ler Ap o - 77 — Coll Against ary erg Mr. Pr' a t, Powers _ ntwon roar c.e•z s't' m 1 vpEREAS, a petition signed by more than fifty per cent of the owners or the real estate in the district herein- after described has been presented to the council, P titioning that pursuant to Chapter 128 of the Laws of 1915, a portion of the City of St. Paul, described as follows, be set aside as a restricted residence district, to -wit: Blocks three (3) and four(4), J. C. Stout's Second Addition to St. Pauli Kenwood Parkway, an addition to St. Paul; Lots seven 1_7)0 eight (b) and ten (10) Re -arrangement of Kenwood Terrace, an addition to St. Paul; Lots twenty-six (26) to Shirty - two (32), Block two (2), J. C. Stout's Addition to Summit Park; all that part of lot one (l), Block three (3), Re -arrangement of Highland Park Addition to St. Paul El.h lies south of St. Albans Street, all according to the respective plats thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota. Therefore, be it resolved that pursuant to said petition and said Chapter 128, Laws of 1915, all the land and real estate Hereinbefore described is hereby designated as a restricted resid- ence district,within the limits w1jereof no building or other structure shall hereafter be erected, located or repaired for any of the following purposes, to writ: hotels, restaurants or board- ing houses, mercantile business, stores, factories, warehouses, printing establishments, tailor shops, col yards, ice houses, blacksmith shops, repair shops, paint shops, bakeries, dyeing, cleaning and laundering establishments, billboard and other advertising devices, public garages, public stables, apartment houses, tenement houses, flat buildings or other building or structure for the purposes similar to the foregoing. 7C'�� Resolved further, that the Commissioner of Finance shall report to the council the names of five disinterested aualified voters of the City none of whom shall be residents of the ward or wards in which any part of the district so designated is situate, to act as appraisers and view the premises and appraise the damages which may be occasioned by the establishment of.such restricted residence district and by the exercise by the city of the provisions in this matter granted oy said Chapter 128, Laws of 1915. d: C.F. h p69a petttof signed by more than fifty Per cent of the owners of the hereinafter F�kfeJ described a as the district described has beenpresentedto -the to Adopted' h� the Counell... ... ......_I9 Council, petitioning that pursuant of the Laws of 1915; a Por- Chapter 128 tion of the City of St. Paul, described -1 as folowe, be set aside as a restricted reeldence district, to -wit: (4)., 7. G Blocks three (3) and four Addition to 3t; Pavl: YEAS. NAYS. Stout'e Second Kenwood Parkway, an addttton to St. Ter (10)l ne-nr seven g merit f Kenwood MR. FARNSWORTH race,' an addition atwo twenty-six (26) . to hirty (32) J. C. Stout's hdditton to Block two (2), Park; all that part of lot one GOSS Summit (()Highland Park Addiittion to Ste Pavl Albans street• which Rea -souk -the KELLER 11 according to respective'plata 'thereof on file and ofrecord In the of_ flce of the Register of Deeas.oE Ram- sey County, Minnesota. be resolved [hatpursu- McCOLL Therefore, ant to said petition and said Chapter 128, Lawe of 1916, all the ]and and real deecribedie, hereby NASH state hereinbefore designated - a restricted residence the elimits whereof no district, within building or other structure shall here- repaired far YOERG after be erected, located. or ny oY the f llowing purposes, to -wit: he tole. restaurants orb a ding -houses. m rcantile b In e, st res, factorlee, warehouses, p inting a , icehouses, - tailor shape coal yards Ice houses. shops, A R. PRESIDENT (POWERS) blacksmith eh ps repai paint hop bakeries dyeing cleaning and � laundering establishments:'billboards and other advertising devices, public age public st tiles, apnrtment� garage" houses flat buildings houses, tenement or other building orstructure for the similar to the foregoing. purposes Resolved further, that the Commis- loner of Finance shall report to the _ Council the games of five disinterested CItY,none of qualified voters of the be residents f .the word whom shall or wards In which any'part of the die- trlof so designated fs situate, to act as _ .appraisers and view Lhe prem an d occraise aefonedhebya hes est bllahment of such restricted residence' district and by the -city of the pro. by the exercise visions In this matter granted by sale Chapter 128, Laws Of 1916:' Adopted by the Council Oct. 26, 1916 Approved Oct 7(Oct20-1916) ttesolved further, that the Commissioner of Finance shall report to the council the names of five disinterested cualified voters of the City none of whom shall be residents of the ward or wards in which any part of the district so designated is situate, to act as appraisers and view the premises and appraise the damages which may be occasioned by the establishment of such restricted residence district and by the exercise by the city of the provisions in this matter granted oy said Chapter 126, Laws of 1915. 3, opted by the Council.... " 5- l <.ss 0 YEAS NAYS. to MR. FARNSWORTH i:Ya4Yilexv3ay d as a r ,,thin the limits whereof no or other structure .hall here- :rected,located:or repaired for le followingpurpose., to -wit: staurants or boarding houses, le. business, stores, factories, iprinting - stablishment-, onscoal yards, 1ce ho uses_ houses, tenement ..us— nuc .•�, -_ r other building or atructute for the purposes etmilar to the foregoing• Resolved further, that the Commis- foner OI Finance efia11 report to the Council the names of five disinterested quallfled biers of the City,. none of whom shall be eidents of .the Ward ward. in which any 'port of the dis- trict so deslgnhted is situate, to act se appraisers and view, the premises and be oappraise hmedheby damages lthe e9eatwabich ltehme t 01 such restricted esidence dlstrict and by the .rc... by the city of the pro- Islone 1n this matter granted by salt Chapter 128, Laws oL 1916. Adopted by the Council Oct. 26, 1916 Approved Oct 27, 1916.: , (Octi. 30-3916) GOSS KELLER McCOLL NASH YOERG A IVR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) -g o M' TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. We, the undersigned, being 50% of the owners of the real estate in the district sought to be affected and hereafter particularly described, do hereby petition your honorable body to designate and establish by proceedings pursuant to Chapter 128 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1915, al, restricted residence o district within the corporate limits w the said City of Saint Paul, comprising the property hereinafter described, within the limits of which no building or other structure shall hereafter be erected, altered or repaired for any of the following purposes, to writ: hotels, restaurants or eating houses, mercantile business, stores, factories, ware- houses, printing establishments, tailor shops, coal yards, ice houses, blacksmith shops, repair shops, paint shops, bakeries, dyeing, cleaning and laundering establishments, billboards and other advertising devices, public garages, public stables,apartment houses, tenement houses, flat buildings, or other building or structure for the purposes similar to the foregoing. The residence district hereby sought to. be established is situated within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota and is comprised of the following pro- perty, to writ: I Blocks Three and Four, J. C. Stout's Second.Addition to St. Paul; Kenwood Parkway, an addition to St. Paul; Lots seven (7), eight (8) and ten (10) Rearrangement of Kenwood Terrace, an addition to St. Paul; Lots twenty-six (26) to thirty-two (32), Block Two (2), J. C. Stout's Addition to Summit Park; all that part of Lot One (1), Block three (3) Rearrangement of Highland Park Addition to St. Paul which lies south of St. Albans Street; all according to the respective plats thereof on file and of record to the office of the e Register of Deeds of Ramsey County Minnesota. NAME PROPERTY. Lots 5 and 6,31ock 4,J.C.Stout's Second Addition. P,, -rt of Lots 25 ani 26,Block 3, J.C.Stout's Second addition. - 4 Lots 7 -,nd 8,�lock 4,J.C.Stout's Second Ad'ition L /A,"-- Lots 9 and 10,11ock 4,j.6.Stout's : p Second Addition Its 0 feet of Lot 16,L.q, Y7 and 0 ck 4,J.C.Stout 's Second Addi'li . . ............ Y_ ast 30 feet of lot 21,and 'fest,half of Lot 22,Block S,J.C.Stout's Second Addition. Lots 15,16 and "!est 10feet of Lot 17,Dlock 2,j.,.Stout's Second —6t X Iset of Lot 19 all of Mock 20 and ' lest to feet ol Lot 21 Block 3,J.C.Stout's Second Addition. JztjSt- 3o fc_ t 16 ini West 20 I fe�tl of Lot -s Secon d CJ/Ada 'Gion Lot 24,Block 3,jX.StoUtIS Second Addition. 'bIrt­,,5f Lots 25 sncl ..".Stout's SE;cond Addition. Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Hinnssota. iAME PROPDRTY. Lot 8,Kenwood Parkvay ,,ot 9,I:emfood Parkmay �' of l0 Rea rrang .ent of Kenwood Terrace. in part of Tot 4 Kenwood P riniAy �J =---------..J_ Lot 8,Rearrang mint of erynood r Terrace. Lot 5,arf 'oaf -t of Lot a Ken%vood Parkway —Lot 6,Kenwood Parkway Lot 10,1,.erwood Parkway 10, j ',ot 7 Rearrergemant of Kenwood Terrace Lot 1,Block 3,7.�.Stou�'e Second Idoition - -Lot 2� Block ,7 C.Stout's Addition ' to ;,It Park. wB,Block ,S.c.Stout's Addition to �u-'ienit P rk ' 30 ann :?est ikz11 0° los °1,Bock 2, c4 "t ,K/ C.stout's Addition to S=Mlit P rk. --- - - -- L�LL��`�"`�.;1C@nragoo :ny, rdpnrt of lot 31pi�gg - s u sbt1,rof gjT,�Lbans 5}�ee��,exce �yy he west 25 feet thereof) { IC I , k. f t, Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Hinnssota. iAME PROPDRTY. Lot 8,Kenwood Parkvay ,,ot 9,I:emfood Parkmay �' of l0 Rea rrang .ent of Kenwood Terrace. in part of Tot 4 Kenwood P riniAy �J =---------..J_ Lot 8,Rearrang mint of erynood r Terrace. Lot 5,arf 'oaf -t of Lot a Ken%vood Parkway —Lot 6,Kenwood Parkway Lot 10,1,.erwood Parkway 10, j ',ot 7 Rearrergemant of Kenwood Terrace Lot 1,Block 3,7.�.Stou�'e Second Idoition - -Lot 2� Block ,7 C.Stout's Addition ' to ;,It Park. wB,Block ,S.c.Stout's Addition to �u-'ienit P rk ' 30 ann :?est ikz11 0° los °1,Bock 2, c4 "t ,K/ C.stout's Addition to S=Mlit P rk. --- - - -- L�LL��`�"`�.;1C@nragoo :ny, rdpnrt of lot 31pi�gg - s u sbt1,rof gjT,�Lbans 5}�ee��,exce �yy he west 25 feet thereof) { IC CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:............_..............._........................._........._......................_ `69, .^ ........................ COUNCIL FILE No.... f Date Presented 26th ,1.911591 Resolved,"`'; Cou—il Pile No.7240 adopted by the Council September 25+,h,1915 be amended as foll—F; Strike out figures "1058" East 7th Street,indicctirig ti— location of saloon conductedhy .1.0.0' ror,ce the same appears onesid r. Y 'nu inserting in liev thereof,the figures "1056" East 7th Str�et Oct 26, ISM Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (v) Nays 191........ Adopted by the Council....../_ .............. /...� sworth / p .:........ In favor / o App Ve .. .: ...... .. .. (/M 11 Against As As Ko """"' "" "' .... MAYOR Mr. Pres Powers FORM C.9-2 Date Presented'.._ .._ ......_ .._ . ;y*_ .... _ 191 ....... t Resolved, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and dir— ected to issue a license to Joseph H. R+Yaeek to conduct a 140tion Picture Theatre at 1045-1049 Hastings Ave. That said Joseph H. hiasek pay into the City Treasury a lic ense fee of b50.00, which is the customary fee for aaid license for said b;otion Picture Theatre, (Pictures only) for a period of one year from the issuance o= said license. That said license shall not be issued or become effective until the, buildin has been fully remodeled and until said Joseph H. u;asek has Frocured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings his certificate that the said buildin and al-. the ap:aratus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in compliance with the Building Code0ity OfCleCi of St. _ r. Paul, and has filed t C;F.^xn a9ss iaaent d That the Clty Clerk be and; given iherelnlE:are m au :r gB comDRapcn wh the Hullding Code or' the!Clty or 6t:cPaul and has flied tha � caW opttd'bY t 6, Clt0 Clerk pdoDt¢d by_tha COuno11 Nov 8 1916 Yeas ( d) Councilmen ( ✓) Naysti Adopted by the Council..... . .......191 FarnsworthQ L^' Goss . In favor t, Approved.. WOW, V _ 191.. 1.. Keller McColl U....-Againat Nash Yoerg C•'~ "' MAYOR Mr. President, Powers FORM C-8.2 ` )quest of St.Paul Association of Commerce. 767 FC I ouncil 'File No . .... ........ ........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMIISTARYORD15- f *g f 11 rp blic mipp-O'er!iT by the' City , of The undersigned hereby proposes the making 41 d St. Paul, viz.: low.,owmilft" end - . l" line of W.Faurth.streat- toth .easterly.. e o-lpi Wnue- b.v o.on n - Z amen in&and an taking.. all -that 0 1 ty_.Q.f $1,Y90AI- that. �.north of.. ine. westerly to Pleasanyavenue. Dated this.e . . ...................... ... .. 27,e day of.. 00 tA PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .-open-tng,iffi d- enin& and ext.andi atre-et f I= the wels.taxly-line of W---FQurtkt _street tothe-eastarly line of.. Tleas ant- .-axeinue- hy condemni.rig-and t akinp_.all that part-.a.f L.ota..5.. and --6 31001. -.6.3 of at...p ul that t0 Pleasant ave - north of the south line of W . Fi f th ,�,,n4. 7697— �ua.l for the .... ....... A ..... ........ ........... . ........... ........ s,tA wrltt-��-1 `"`-jPm-pr.vmn--t .. . ... south ..kl.9..f he f- ng ... ..... . ....... open widening and extending nue viz: it`rg"t from the westerly un. having been presented to the Council of the City steriw I. ..... ........... ........ ..... .. ........ W. -F1V!thrc.rlh street to thoendeemning of y It.' of Pleasant e b c d taking .11 that part of Lots t5 and therefore, be it GS, Irvine's BOWS-- ty St. Paul that Ues north h of the south RESOLVED, and directed: cd.e.d -we-t- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub{ '.no of IV. rilth street, venue,. be. - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desir4 the City Of �Veulc St Paul therefore, be inems t mmissloner Of the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est: ml h. is It ... by or- lp"blia I red And directed: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of s necessity fOdr Or del�o,.bilit;t'offf�tthe tb.making Of Said , lent ............ ....... ....... ............ 4. To furnish the following other data and in len E rG1g`oMj`nvtas1tl9At8 the nature,,extent ell and ektimated cost Of Bald )".rove met� and the total coat ........ ........... ....... ... . ...... ........ . ...... ......... .................. ........................ "'. 4�o furnish, a ....... .......................... is of ?aid hn' 5. To state whether or not said improvementas:, , -I., Jn the petition ofthree or more owners. 6. To report upon all of th fpjr-gjqAtr, matters to the Commissioner of Finance. . 0 , 4 Adoptedby the Council...........................................................191 ........... Nays: Yeas: -4 - Councilman Fa worth 1 rf� �..Approved ...... ... .. ...... .. Ke r AtIr M oll jrj Nash -Y. , , . ....... . -.1 .......... ... ..... 9 S Ntwyor. Mayor Po r j?uBLsiiBD. 3 0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDE The undersigned hereby proposes the making of t St. Paul, viz.: -.QQA0.tr.1XQt a se"T- -0 ;C.0.0t WeSt e Weat., L.ached... .... ........ ....... ...... ........ ...... .... ....... ....... Dated this. /a, of ...... ..... - M Petition Council File No: . ..... .. ....... ....... by . ...... ....... .. ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER—. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - - ------- -- paint 94.8-J6 100t WeSt of....thq w.e.st j;jn0,._Qf Street . .. ...... ....... I ........... ......... ....... ............... ... -1 . ....... ........ ... ... ......... . ...... ....... ..... .. ....... ....... ..... .... . ........ ........... .......en proposal for the wing lreprove�qant Ridgewood, ... .... .. .... ..... ....... ........ r an ..... ....... ............... ................... .... .............. I. to . point' -248.76 : s west line of Milton St., City of S.,jreaented to the Council ........... ....... .. .......... ........... ........ ....... ....... . having been presented to the Council of the At. Paul therefore, bepitell hat the Commissioner o - be and he Is hereby or - therefore, be it directed: . Igate .n-e-Ity reby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubt,nRy"' . thetheIn king of said ,,'ent. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desi ?,v t:,tlg,t, t.h', n.,,tur,%extennud improvement. d .. t , Bald pro,,� 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estiri,. the total Cost there. '. total cost thereof. .r.I.h . plan, profile orment, and the I 'a" hap­"a"t. ,furnish the f.1lowingtoother 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of s' ' lnfo,nuathin relative aid 4. To furnish the following other data and int I I I improvement; . . . ..... . .............. As whether or not said lm -improvement; ,!. ask,id far an the petition I more owners ................... ........ . .!ort up.n ali of 6e f.re . .. ............ ........... I ........ .. ..... ­ ........... ........ ........ ..... ....... ..... ....... ............ .. I ...... ...... ... . to the commissioner' of'' . . 5. To state whether or not said improvement' the Coun 61 net. 27, 1 ,l,. "tjtion of three or more owners. 't lio!"11b) � of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters.o.t.2 q 12-1.5 . ....... 191 ........... Adopted by the Council 11C.T..1.2— yeas: Nays: Councilman Ffawoi worth G Approved tl .... . . ...... ..... ...... .... 191........ Ke r M oll Nash Y. g ... .. .. ... ... ...... . .......... Yo 9 .......... .... .. ... -yor Po rs o _Na or./ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. the f g put -11-� The undersigned hereby pro gAs the making of a p St. Paul, viz.: Qpppnt- j;La"Q.Q' idrioh Aveelf"I'al B.Ile tjlae north. 13#0 Of--aOc ....... ....... ...... I ....... ...... ... ...... ....... .. ..... ........ ...... ...... . ... ......... ................ oolobar. . .. ............... ............... Dated this Petition 7�Cf Council File No . .... ..... .......... ..... . 76 ........_...........'.../_......:........::. ............. .... . # PRELIMINARY ORDER. City WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ._ -1- ........... GAnAtrno.t a p.ement tile- Oidffwalk t -o- -a width -of on-the-noxth Bld e.... ofGoodrich Lve—t— to ..I?.rijDX AVe . .... ..... . ...... ...... .11 .. ....... ....... .. .... ....... C. r. No. 7699— ..... .... ....... to Whereas, A written proposal to' the: ........ .. ..... ... ... ......... ... .. . ..... ....... ...... viz: of the following improvement, ........ ....... z; Construct a cement We sidewalk to a width of -six feet on the north aide ........................ ... of Goodrich Ave. from Sue St. to Prior ......... . — .... . . .............. ..... ........ .... ....... ............... .. Ave. having been presentep. to the � 6.r"o.a of the City .1. .1. 3-1 ther- having been presented to the Council of the Ci I. c. b It ....... .. . ..... ..... ..... ............... ....... Resolved, That the Commissioner of ,ubllc Works be t� nd he Is berebY or - therefore, be it dered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for d ed and directed: offmaiSSione or c strabIlity of thb malting of sa!d�r er RESOLVED, That the C 0, Pi Imp nvement. . , 2. yo Investigate the nature, extent provement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or dCand est imated cost of said Improvo-i ment, and the total cost thoreo!in and the total cost thereof. a. To furnish a plan. pro, o oria 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e ,,club of, said improvement. 4 To furnish the following other 3. To furnish a plan, profiledata —I Information relative to said h oI'lulp—Itne.t. Lment; ...... ...... .. ............ 4. To furnish the following other data and R. .P whethpr �al , I - —'1111-111— ............................... I ........... .. ...... ...... ........... ..... . ............ ....... ........ .. ....... ........ .......... ....... ............. . ............ ....................... ....... .... ........ ........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 1915 Adopted by the Council...... .... ..... ....... — — 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far isworth 17 Go! S Approved .......... Ke: er Mc �011 (XI sx* Nash Yorg .. ........ ..... ........ .... fly. Me or. r Poi ers y D. 0. Gayton Council File No. ............................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY OR eP The undersigned hereby proposes the making of e following pi pa lic improvement y the ty of Sr. Paul, viz.: aqqq:q, _..rqjay....a r Tair withecement; t af th 01, - six.._ the 17 A an-.-tU# West aid le". of ....... . ............ ....... ....... ......... P.;r�qqppt �f .1 . .feet nort.h.I -.0 . . -/ n TW� to ................ .................................... .. .................................... ,.......................... .. Dated this.ay of.Oat.ob .... ........ ..... ... ........ ......... z : -__r- ....... ............... ........... ... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... .. . . ..... Raaanstxllat relay and mapaix with.-cament t1l.e.. to a Width. of.. -six -feet _the _preasnt cement t i1e aidawalk on..the....weet 81de.-of Simpson St.. .............. --Ig 40 fete.t.. 1L0T.th_Qf:-.Edmm& at.......t.hence noxtb. to. .2homas at... - C. r. No. 7700 - I ....... . . ............. . ...... ........ ...... ....... ............. . ........ ..... .................. ....... whereas, A "It's.pT."'I for t"making ''he "lmpiovemel, ? viz:. Reconstruct, .relay... = repairs. with cement tile to a width'of six feet having been presented to the Council of the City, the present cement til. .1d.—IN .1................................................ . the ­o.t aid. of Simpson St.. b,,tlnlellng 40 feet north Ed no' 9t, thence, therefore, be it north to Thereof. V �Iutvltlg been pr.!� .c.ted' to the Council of the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Put Paul therefore, be it C City of sneered and directed: Resolved. That the onamlasioner of', or or i Public Worl� be and he Is hereby o,oVernent. 1. To investigate the necessity f de'll', dered and directed: 1. To Investigate the necessity for 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esti i or desirability of the making of saldld the total cost thereof. Improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile r sketch 1. To investigate the nature,. extent ,U 0 of and estimated cost of so , ml)rp* aton an dthe total cost there fur 4. To furnish the following other data and ii To �f said a plan, rNI'provement; ..... ....... ...... ............ d Improvement -i .......................... .......... ­.­ .. ........ ........ ............................... ............ . ....... ................... ................... .. ..... .. ... ........................ ... .... ....... ....... ............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................... OCT . ....... 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far 'worth Go Approved .......... ............. .. Go Kel r Mc oil Bash Yorg ........ ........... . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......... ........... ........ Mayor Po ers D /.0 __3 ayor. Petition / Council File No .............................. i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making -of the following public ' roveme t by the City,4 St. Paul, viz.:_...ftns.txua.t.. a...o.ement....til.e...aidewalk.... ...awidth.. -..sis...3se ....tl3i..... the. _We.S.t_ .I3.ide....of—Baxr..ett.... q.�.._ .xom.._Fro ......_St..... t9...?! a 36mitY. , % .�.?....... ........:.. •,,k 7 r' d' f' _.o•.000x=W.e..:.With .. r ..... ........ .-..... , _.._ ..........._.........................._................_ _._ _.......................... .... ............. .......... ...... ..... ............ ................ Dated this ........26.th..._.day of ....... ....... O.C. t.abex.... ....... ....... 191 5..s: Eli r PRELIMINARY ORDE WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...... -_------- .....0onst-rut3.t...a...nement..._t.ile._.s.idewalk-t.a...a_midth._of...si.g...fe.et...on....the._we.s .Bide Of xrett....AAe.....fxtam...Front..at. C, r. No., 7701- .......................... Whereas,:.A. written proposal: for the mhking_of.'the following. improvement,.. .............. ................ ....... ...... ....... ........ I...... _........... ... ......... ..... . :viz: ° Conatruct'.a -cementthe sldewelk:..... ........ ..................... ..... .............. to width of sixfeet on the west side: �f.:Bnrrett:gve:. from Front -8t.:. to Me- ......___ ............. _..... ........ ...... ............................... .... .................... .. KentySt..kaV11iKbeen Preeented'totho� Council of the City of 9t. Paul there-' _ l for., be it t having been presented to theC '-ouncil of the CiS' , PnResolved, That the Commissioner of blie Works be and he as hereby or. ..... therefore, be it deTu ieiai. nvstgte the necessity for ordesirability of the making of sold RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of P :Improvement - 2. To Investigate the nature, extent.'dered and directed: —d estimated coat of said Improve - 1. To investigate the necessity for or de Ment, and the istotal coat thereof. >rovement. ltetch of S. To fur. old Improvemenh - a .plan, proale or �st. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and es ° .4, To furnish, the following other�nd the total cost thereof. lytta and. information relative to sald� 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch O impro mens r not said ]m- 6., To atatowbether 4. To furnish the followingother data and $fkH4 ,t is asked for on tha petltlon� i or more owns e. Ment; ... ... ................ �npoortt upo 71 oni tahe fore�� _.................................................. ..... wA:... ......_�.... ..................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council191 ........... Yeas: Nays: % Councilman Far orth el 61/ (G Approved .........._......... ......... _..! .. .... Ke r a M oil y< Nash Y` g ....... .. ... ;Mayor Po rs l�ayor�. roe, CITY OF* ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION: 3� In the matter of _ _ g-radin& Belmont Street_froui Smith Avenue to Charlton Street. under Preliminary Order _ 4721_ Final Order _7134 APIPROVED September 20,_ _ _ _ _ _ 191 5 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public forks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved ��y C• o 7708—..• ,ley, �I I the matter oP gra�ing Belmont.9�: .from 8m It h nvenue 3q Charlton 9t.., under Prellmfiia Y Order:,4721 Finsl tOrder 7124;;aPDroved eeptember 2Q.. 1016. ecl0 a- kteaolved, That the Dlane, p tlone..and eatfmatee evbmlttod by the. COM IQ o; Pubit Norka for the. i4 above. named. tmprovemenL be and the eaA4 tehereby flowed. ® Adopted by the Council Oct 27; 1915.` Approved Oot. 26 1916. (Oct: 30-191 Adopted by the Council Yeas: ( l ( ) Nays Councilman Far `worth Gos7 / Ke er Plc oil Ne Yoe Mr.President POW r �i�iyiiw /7 JJ"3 i _f 1dayUj. Resolved, That the street or avenue in the City of fat. Paul heretofore known as Bock avenue, be and the same is hereby changed to Hazelwood avenue. C. F.,Np♦•770 or avenue Resolved, 'that tha.. Pani heretofore.. 1n the city of` &t. be and the- hnown ae, Bdck Ave ud Razelwocd same le hereby oba ,I b the C6upc11 Oct: 21'�1ei6:. avenue..; 1016. Adopted Y Approved Oct. 28, u- (Oct. 30 Yeas ( V) Co linen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council.._OCT...I �-r....�p.X— ............191_.._.. Far orth Go In favor % el r // � APPro C .................... oll .7 - Against Y g Mr. Pre ids 'Powers MwoR FORM C.8-2 3 OFFICE OF JOHN I. FAR ICY, CITY CLERK Hon. Corp-rc:tion Counsel. Dear Sir:— Oct. 16th,1915. The Council, c,t its meetinc, held this dr..tls, referred the attached petition to you for a proper form of f•e olution, changing the male of Bocic Avenue to Hazelwood Avenue. Very reol,ectfully, i City Clerk., I, � 10 y y� t pp tt St, Paul, Minn„ September 27th,, 1915, Honorable Mayor & Council, CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gent 3nmen:- We the undersigned residents and property owners residing on Rock Street; respect&lly request your honorable body to dhange the name of this street to Hazelwood Avenue, Immediate action on this matter will be gratefully appreciated by the undersigned; some of whom have resided on this street for -over twenty (20) years and thank you in advance for this favor. Respectfully submitted; ------------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------- N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N A M E A D D R E S S ���� Fi��'i: .o �.,� � 7 ���-�-c.-C` 11 ". U^✓JC 1 '�G1i.�-.. I / Avulil L Plop YlY .j(6 704/ ��, '� t.+ l �i� ,s- ��`�- tea; �� oy���._ � %���s- -�� ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That the time within which the Western Automobile Company may file its acceptance of the terms and conditions of Ordinance Number 3536, Approved August, 16th, 1915, is hereby extended 10 days after the publication of this resolution. Yeas (✓) Co el) ( t!) Naya Farn ,tth Goss " 71n favor Kelle McC......Against Noah Yoer Mc President, wers ?' FORM C.8-2 C, F. 70 .No. 74-13yM. N. Goes=-. Reaolved,.That -the timewtthln-which the: Western Automobile'.Company.may 1le..its-cceptanc—of the term. and conditions of Ordinance Number, 8686, approved-. August, 16th, 1916,is hereby extended 101 days after the publication of this, resolution.', ,- Adopted, by. the. Council'Oct. 27, 1916;' Approved Ocf. 28,-1916 (Oct._301916), - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION: In the matter of Douglas Addition._ _ ___________ ,--- under Preliminary Order _ 4641_ Final Order _6931 _ _ _ APPROVED September 7, _ _ 191 5 RESOLVED, That the plans, specificatioiis and estimatesn submitted by the Commissioner 4f Public Works for the above names, �mprovement be and the same are hereby approved C. F. No. 7706-- In the matter of gradingatleY in Block Il 2, Douglas Addition, under Prelimin- ary Order 4641. Fittel Order 6981, aP-,l proved' September 7; 1916. ifl Resolved. That the plans• peeea- tions and eetl ates bthe I Commisaio a of Public Work- for Works for the above nam d. impr vem nt be and the (- same are hereby approVcd. / ted by the Counell Oc :.Adopt. 27, 1916 ;;.Approved Oct 28, 1916. . (Oct. 80-1916) - - Adopted by the Council•_ _ _ _ _ OCT 2"_ 1,U. 5- _ _•_ 191--K Yeas: ( ) ( ) Nays Councilman Fa sworth Gc l C/ Ke er Mc oll N i Appr Y rg — — 1.1r.Presi ent P . ers _ — . yer: Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated lday 11th, 1915 between Keough Bros. and the City of St. Paul for the grading of the alley between Rearrangement of Block 3 Yacalester Park and Block 3 Elmer & Movvidon's Rearrangement of part of Yacalester Park, be and the same is hereby extended to the 25th day of October, 1915 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such ooneent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (r) Cou ilrtten (TI) Nays Far orth Gos l - Me in favor Kell oll __Against Nash Yoe Mr. President, Owers onM c.9.2 Adopted by the Counci � j�g 191 Aoororcd_ Y/ __ _ _ 19, 4 Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated May 11th, 1915 between. Keough Bros. and the City of St. Paul for the grading of the alley between Rearrangement of Block 3 Macalester Park and Block 3 Elmer & mna ifton's Rearrangement of part of Macalester ParkV be and the same is hereby extended to the 25th day of October, 1915 and the proper city.officere are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (Y) fG ( i ) Nays rth _ _ In favor _�___Againsr Nash Mr. Presiders —Rm c.e-z �a "' r Adopted by the Counci T �9 191 191 St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 25, 1915. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen,- Wi would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body oaW a the time of completing the contract for the grading of the alley between Rearrangement of Block 3 Macalester Park and Block 3 Elmer &- Morrison's Re. of part of iacalester Park be extended to October 25, 1915. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for us to finish this contract within the time specified, hence we desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, oat o ors"' � /�how C There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. rinten�ent of Consrruo Repair Approved iefn �_, m�m�MOT74 _o — — Cfi Caro?-1 , ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7707 Subject: ...._ .._ ....._._..__ _. .... ..... coueaL FILENO..... ................................ Date Presented --:._..._...._Oct_...._. '2Ei..¢I91..... Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated July 29th, 1915 between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Goodrich Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave. be and the same is hereby exfended to the 23rd day of October, 1915 and the proper city of£ieere,are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (1,,) Court Imen (P) Nays Far orth Gos _ 1n favor Kell /� 7 Mc II __C/' -_Against Nash Yoe Mr, President, wets ro.ri `e.e-2 OCT Adopted by the Council ___ Appro d _ d 191 --- -- - .YOR .. St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 93, 1915. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the construction of a sewer on Goodrich Ave. from Cleveland Aver to Finn Ave. be extended to Oct. 23P 1915. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. THERE IS NO OBJECTION TO HAVING THE TIME EXTENDED AS REQUESTED, AS FAR AS THE REQUIRE° ?ujj.-,TnTe7 HISdeni of Construe ion S; Repair APPROVED - - - — - — —CH1ef ERgineer "Gommiseioner oP Pubiio orks. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject.- 1 _........... ......... .I...... _._........... 1 ..COUNCILw� 1% FILE No.......... �..... ....i ..�. .. .. ._.... ....... ....... ..... ................................. ... :..._.....»........................... ............. .......... .......... ............................. ..... .... .... ........ e Date Presented .......... Oat. ......... 25.,....._._I91.5..... Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated May 4th, 1915 between P. J. Gleason and the City of St. Paul for the grading of the alley in Summit Wood Addition bounded by Summit, Grand, Cretin and Finn Avenues, be and the same is hereby extended to the 25th day of October, 1915.1 and the proper city officers are hereby. authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provid5d, however, that this resolution shall not have any fordle and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (V')Cou 'ilmen (V) Nays Far worth Go-„-_�n favor Kel r /' Me oil _ _Against Nash Yo Mr.President, owers m'm c.8.2 Adopted by the Council _QCT _ y 19 _ 191 Approv C 2,�-191 1 L RFO_R 11 St. Paul,."Minn. Oct. 25, 1916. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of the alley in Summit Wood Addition between Grand, Summit, Cretin and Finn Aves. be extended to October 25, 1915. Ging to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. bonstrotor. There is no .objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requ to office is concerned. �vintgn�ent o� �Gom;n & Repair Approved Ziommisei er o"f Yu.71 c r — — — — — MTeY Engineer CITY OF ST. PAUL' • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—gENERAL FORM ................— __.. �,o Subject: ... ....... ............... _..... _. .-.............. _. ...coueea FILE NO...... .. _. Date Presented_ ......_.._:. Oct ...._. 27....._.-I91..5.- _. A Resolved, That the time for the performance of a certain contract datgd March 5th, 1915 between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Capitol Ave. from Avon St. to a point 116 feet east of the eas§ line of Victoria St. be extended to October 30th, 1915y and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (V) Co oilmen (P) Nays Far worth �•' Gos _ In favor Kell Me Il —Against Nash Yoer Mr President, veers .o.M e.ea OCT 2-7 1915 191 Adopted by the Council -___. - -.-- - ---- App oved 1 - - - -- - MAYOR -- �- b"'wg 3RD, St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 26, 1915. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - ,I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of Capitol Ave. from Avon St. to a point 116 feet east of the east line of Victoria St. be extended to October 30th, 1915. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Co actor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. S!u-�1�7—e-zTntfe7nd:e-n.To� Cons mon & hep. APPROVED . C------- — — — — — —— u c orks. Ch3engineor Q CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject, -•- ......... _ ... _..... ._....._C --. _... OUNCIL FILENO...................................... Date Presented..-........---.- Oct .:...-27--_191...5.r Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated March 25, 1915 between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Fau.l for the grading of Barrett Ave. from Front St. to Mc Kenty.St. be and the same is hereby extended to the 30th day of October, 1915, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (I) Co nehmen (F') Nays Fa nsworth G s �� er JM oil yNash Yo __ _ In favor __ _Against rg - Mr. President Powers -m c.s-: 1 Adopted by the OCT 2 915�Council Ap% /( 191 St. Paul,, Minn. Oct. 26, 1915. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of Barrett Ave. from Front St. to Mc Kenty St. be extended to October 30th, 1915. owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. S 3n en end off£ C� truet epalr APPROVED 1— — — — — —CEief Engineer Gomm — — — 0 works Resolved, That the time for the performance of a certain contract dated February 15thri 1915 between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Carbon St. from Rice St. to Marion St, and Marion St. from Maryland St. to South St. be extended to October 30th, 1915) and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and fil-e such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (le) Councilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council .-OU - _49M __ 191 Approv d _ v Farn orth Gos Kell _ _ .1n favor Mc oil Against -�- - Nash Yoe Mr. President, owers Adopted by the Council .-OU - _49M __ 191 Approv d _ v St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 26, 1915. To the Honorable City Council, C 1 T Y. Gentlemen,- I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of Carbon St. from Rice St. to Marion St. and Mariam St. from Maryland St. to South St. be extended to October 30th, 1915. Owing to conditions of the weather it wee not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time ,for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, C Contra or. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requireme is o this office is concerned. erinteneen� ons�ri F7 Repair APPROVED 6X • &dL — — — — - — — —g — — — — - — Co oner of �ublic�torlos. Chief�n sneer Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated July 17th between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the grading of the alley.in Summit Wood Addition bounded by Grand,.Lincoln, Cretin and Finn Avenues, be and the same is hereby extended to the 25th day of October, 1915 and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute ant amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless t2j�s6eties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (11) Cou`. men (P) Nays Far, worth Gos _.ln favor Kell r Me 11 _Against Nash Yoe Mr. President, vers so 1.8.2 Adopted by the Council O L�Z 1916At7provW _./1/d _3 St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 259 1915 - To the Honorable City Council' C I'TY. Gentlemen, - I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for grading the alley in Summit wood Add. between Grand,L111001U, Cretin & Finn Aves. be extended to October 25, 1915. owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish this contract within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, GL..� Cont ctor- There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requir is this office is concerned. u int en ent of Construe ion & Repair. APPROVED — — — — — — �Gomm�seloner7, wOr�• Cl-iief—Engineer CITY OF ST. PAUL 7713 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - .. ...... J.', . . ........ . .................. . . ....... . 7711 Subiec�� -._,.......G - COUNCIL FILE NU.....` ... ......... .......... ...... ....... ..... . . . ........... ... . .. . . .. . ........... ......... . ........... ........... .......... ...... ........... . .... . . ... . ........ Date Presented_- 00t -27th.. Molved, That the Plat of Ryan Place, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Yeas (r) col-ilmen (P) Nays Fa sworth In favor K er 011 Against 4�.�e S/y rg- - Mr. Preside - w c.8.2 Powers C, P. No.,/7 Hy M. Resolved, That the 'platort.it... Place -4s recommended by the lPlat Colmlesion and approved by the Co - .U.-Iorer of P.blI..W.,k., be and tt same 1. hereby y accepted. -Adopted by the Council Oct. 27, 1915. Approved Oct. 28, 1916' (Oct. 30-1915) OCT n Adopted by the Council 191 CITY OF'ST. PAUL _ - 7714 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r Subject:_ ............ _ .......... .......... ...................................._............:........_.._...................,:.................._771. COUNCIL . .� FILE No. ......................:.................... /111 Date Presented ......_ .._....._..................... 191 ..:.... Resolved, That the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($$500.00) is hereby trans- ferred from the Supplies and Expense Account of the Public Lighting Fund to the Salaries Acoount.of said fund, and that the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be transferred from the Municipal Testing Laboratories New Apparatus Account of the Commissioner of Public Utilities Fund to the Municipal Testing Laboratories Salaries Account of said last named fund, as thereby an unavoidable shortage in the accounts to which said transfers are made will be obviated without hampering the work provided for by the money in the items from.whioh the transfers are made, and the proper city officers are hereby author— ized and empowered to make the necessary transfers from and to each of said accounts upon the approval of the Mayor and with the consent of C. F: No. 7714 -BY O. E. -..Beller ', Resolved, That the sum of Ffve Sun - dyed Dollars (Se9oo0) i hereby trans - the Comptroller. l feried fr m the Supplies and ,]@ nee Accou t of the PublicLighting Fund to, the S la lee Ace unt of sald fund ands that the sutra of One Hundred Do7lare / ($100.00) be tr nafer ed freta th Mu=,I nicipal Testing Lab grat ries New Ap. cirat bllc IItllftfee atgrI tont16. ds A.0; efpal beating $aboratorfes Salarlea Ac' count of eafdlaet named fund ae thereby an unavoldabla ehortnga In the /� (J accou to to which eatd transfers argil 1(/'/'�) maAe will be obviated without hamD=) `–r ering th0 work.en pr0Vi roin1or by the money In the dteme from which tha traasfor.re hereby nut orized otYI ora, powered to make trio necessary t ane fere from and ,to each of said accounted uP. the approval of the Mayor and• with t)la cone the Coons 11 Pct 12 711 ■ '� I .'Adopted bY'_. ca Yeas (✓) Cou men (✓) Nays I u " Ado 191 the uracil U��...F: - _.��..., .....141........ �n orth e11_. . In favor (/ . lam ell Approve _........ ... .............. ..-- c II ...0...._:.Against , g Mr. en Powers "MAYOR PORM c.8 -E Resolved 'that the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue a license to Yessner & Levitan to conduct a motion picture theatre at 983 Arcade St. That said Yessner & Levitan pay into the city treasury a license fee of *50.00 which is the customary fee for said license for said motion picture theatre for a, period of one year from the . issuance of said license. That said license shall not be issued or become effective until building has become fully completed and until said Yessner & Levitan have procured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings his certificate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in compliance with the Building Code of the City of St.Paul and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk ✓�y " 1S Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays r L ? r,. Js /dI'' opt by the Council :....; .;:........ 191:....... Farnsworth Goss................In favor Approved .............................._........ 191........ Keller Approved ................. McColl ................Against Nash Yoerg �j �t /( py, S. - _._...............................w"v'ors........_ Mr. President, Powers? G _ _ 4 FORM G.a-2 4 �� -7 // _ Mote of FAinnesota; i -VO'UNTY OF RAMSEY. C CITY•OF ST. PAUL residing at _. _.. _..._... __ _..__.. ._._- _..... ....__.__. being duly sworn, deposes an. sar that ke is a resident of the State of Minnesota, and is over twentq-orae IIcars of age, th.aa%t had/aaa Cityof St. Paul License which au orizes Urn to carr on thee (/fi r f/✓.'/� /l%�GGer/ii Z ... business up to th p .' day of. _"r,e- 191. at...__ (/......11.x .......... ...._._._.. __._.___......�SY.'.`.._.. ......_._ ._._...._...._..and that las now ddes�irrve-s-a License for said business, at said place, for the year 3'Jl. ..... Sworn to and subscribed before nae this /.day of-.... ... 191...._ L License Insector.N' lic, JOHN T. McCOLL HENRY MCCOLL _ 09PUTYCOMMISSIONS- COMMIS4ICNSR . " CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Oct. 26, 1915 - To the Eonorable the Council i of the City of St. Paul: Gentlemen: - Attached application of Yessner & Levitan for a license to conduct a motion picture theatre at 983 Arcade St. is for a new location. Applicants desire thai license be granted before building is erected, 983 Arcade being a vacant lot. Respectfully, cense Ins or. 771 Subject :................ That there is hereby transfered from the Salary and Plage Item of the Public comfort Station Account of the Health Fund to the Salary and Gage Item of the Quarantine Account of the same Fund, Four Thousand Dollars ($;4,000.00), thereby reliev— ing an unavoidable deficiency in the later account. Yeas (✓) Co( en (✓) Nays J'�—_F OrthIn favor Against Mrwere POR C. F. No,'7716—By Henry McColl— Resolved, That there is hereby trans-' retrad from the Salary and ,Wsge; Item of the* PublicComfort Sthtldn:Accuunt. or the'Health Puud`to tho'Salary and` Wake Item of,'tbo Qvarantine'Account, of the same Fund. Poor Thonsend Dol- ler.:,($4.000.00); thereby relieving, an'�. unayold ble deficiency in the later a4-'1 om, •Adopted by the Council Oct: V. 1915,1 I :Approved 0ct.'2s, 1916. s? w r Adopted by the Council.. NT �.........9. �... 191........ // //// .............. APpr _.......1./ .............l I. C"'." ............ ............. .. .... . ......................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL .-- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM, - .+ .. ....... ..................... .............. _... .............................. �"�� jsubject:...............COUNCIL •: FILE No.. ..... .. .............. Date R�ta-- :.:.:.... .............................. 191.._.: Resolved, That the cigarette license Ito. 311 issued September 20th, 1915, to Pat Breslin, 588 Rice Street, be and the same hereby is tranePered to Jessie Barnum, 774 Capitol Heights. c. F. No. 7717-137 Henryt McColl— Resolv¢d, That the -19'r 191%, license No. 311, leaned Septomber 20th. 1816. It. Pot Breslin. 688 Rice street, be and (he the num" C 'o—mi 1.lolgbteo les I0. Adopted bV the COct.27.1915. Approved bet 28;1916 _ (Oct. 39 1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL //�� L6lG i l�uvaa•v..---- — Resolved, That .the following described property, namely, Lot 18, Block 9, Como Heights, be and the same is hereby authorized to be purchased, for the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-five ($225.00) Dollars, for the Department of Education, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to complete the said purchase, and to pay for said property upon the delivery of a proper deed therefor, and upAn the approval of the title and of said deed by the Corporation Counsel. i Yeas (V) Co ncilmen (7) Nays AF orth p In favor llAgainst ry Mr.Owers -m OC2 y 5 Adopted by the Council_-___ -________191 Appr d 191 Jf - --_ __-- L 71711"q- TO THE HONORABLE THE COMMON CDUNCIL OF THE CITY OY ST. PAUL. Gentlemen: The Committee on Lands, consisting of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Education, hereby reports that it has been able to secure an option on the following described property for the use of the Department of Education, at the following price, viz: Lot 18, Block-9, Como Heights, for the sum of Two Hundred T,r,enty-five (225.00) Dollars. That said price is reasonable, and your committee re- quests the Council to order and authorize the purchase of same at said price. _ Dated October 27, 5. Mayor Purchasing Agent Commissio f Edu at ion COMMITTEE ON LARDS. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RLSOLLUi-IIO.N G Subject:..... ..i.... ............................ / ................................. ...... ................. 771-9 COUNCIL FILE, No........................................... ............ ...... . .. ... ._........... ..... . Date Presented, Oct 231 .............. 191.x... Resolved, That the application of the following per no for a license to conduct Hotels or ReOtraunts at the location respectively indioated.be, and the same hereby denied. NAME OF APPLICANT.__ HOTEL OR REflTRAUNT. LOOATION George Anast Restaurant 316 Jackson Yeas (�J)/Councilmen ( V) Nays �' I•arnsworth Tgoo sa7-.In favor Against pah Mr. Presi t, Powers �POAM C. B-2 OCT 191; Adopted by the Council... . . .................191........ Approved. . ...... . . 191 . ............................................ _..... _.: .............................. MAYOR {{ n J 77 AW TO THE HONORABLE THP COU✓) CIL (J of the Citi of St. Pazai: �) ' 51.1 . ............... ................_................. ...........does hereby make application to the CO a Ci of cul Eor a License to conduct a.._ ........................................ and to that end does hereby certify as follows: hat the full name he applicant for said License is _ ..................... ......................... ........... .................. ..... .._._................................ ... .. _._...... _.... _._......., and his (its) place of residence is b . _ __ street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that ..._P.... P........._..._. in he Cit t�aul. That the said i .__._............ the exact I cation of ich the said applicant proposes to carr on business is......._. pplicant s ......_ ..........................now engaged in said business at...%.. l...... .............. .................. .....-................. .......... '..... _ ....... in the City of St. Paul. s Datedthis.._/day of....._............_..._........_.._...... ........... ......................191._ Applicant. Date of expiration of License __. / _ ....__. _._.191 ✓.. Date of Inspection ..._... FireProtection �. _ ...._ .......... ........... ... .... .._............... 191 -6 -- ....._................ ......_. ......... Ventilation of Building _ Meats and Provisions ......Clt.... 1� < Beds and Bedrooms .... SCG .... ..... .........__ _ _.........._ Toilet Rooms and Plumbing Kitchen and Utensils_._........._..... Refrigerator and Store Room_ Basement and Cellar _.. _ _l+....... __..._.._....._........ Isival........... ................. _...._........_................_................._ -fGL.W...._ _._.._..... ............_.._.........._.._ ..__.._....._.... Back Yard ............ ------------ --- General Condition of Premises - General License Recommended ti City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: - .................. --? _... _ .— Health Officer. C6Uk3LL'FILE _...__.tel............ 777021 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntheMatterof.�' IIRttauGt31B__941A�t tile_BideWalk-t0 _8„Ridth of six Peet oti the south _side of _A/Lies street between ft d>� ioate avenue and Haml ine_ avenv�e„_. — — --- under Preliminary order. 7468 „—__ __,_____approved 0%ab@r 13th, 1915.- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_...Qo o t=ro_t.. $.._cAmApt the edeealkto a width of six feet on .the south side of Giles street. _ =ster �53 er lineal foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $—�...�__...._.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__ 97..th _---day of 191.5-..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61” of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter„ Stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_,........,_ 19 _191--_ Approved_1__v __ _ 911 & TU h improver,,,,.., and uw. Mayor. said repor„ hereby'resu,ves , .1. That; the said, teperj Councilmarj.Far Orth same is here ry approved a d adoy , and the'seldImprovement to here', ?_ ordered to be'proceeded ;with i D n _ DOSS 2. That'tlie nature of.the Improve pUBL1SAED mo't' which.the Councit recommends 1s- •� Kell .construct.a';cement the. eiddwalk to'a // Width of six: feet on 'the auth side at 'Nlle street between Syndicate avonue. G Me ll and e 11 Y avenue, with no alter- natives, and that the "estimated .cost Nash tie eoY i 52 cents per lineal foot. Resol ved Further, That a public , �/ hcarsoj be had on said^imp ovement L Oe i on the 27th day of November, 1915, at'' - 1 the hour. of, 10 o'clock A. W_ In this: Or.POW 5 -Council Chamber, room 61,. of the Court; 4, yHouse and City HallBuilding In they' •` Cityof St. Pavi. the Commie- Form B A, $ - ,.sion6r, of -Finance give:, notice of said. imeegng to•the persons and In, the Fran- I ner provided: by the 'Charter, stating.' .the time and place of. )zearing,.�the'aa -tore, of the.'lmproveme¢t; a.Vhe: to- tai cost thereof as eatlocated. Adopted by the Council Oct. 27, 1916. Approved Oct. 28, 1915. " ",.. {Oct. 20-1916) z { - -------- -- -- I �, 2v COUNCIL FILE NO._.._.._.—_— INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_ ZadiA"@A1_$.1.t.1a.... t to ._b@trJiQ@Sl ..$l t_ av a and _Iglehart_ tdE/_7. W_ — . . . ................ . .................. I .............. under Preliminary order.1915a......_......___�____ The Council of the City of St. Paul staving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be, proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Grade,._WBt3t. $iSth__ t_I2dtK6_en._6TM "` _are=0_AAd- with no, alternatives, that the estimated cost thereof is S 773 87__.._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_w__...__day of ;L__, 191.5_-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter; stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the sof a e ted. Adopted by the Council. OCT -` 1915 191 /�- - - erk. ' Approved_-._.__✓_... he City of sci,. _. ' the. - port oP the Com_ tyO O Finance upon th bove ant, and knying Councilman�arnsworth considered po t, hereby eeolves —That PIJgs'Iyb /Q —3 the said- report be and the same I hereby, approved and adopted, Il �--��r® , andthe lm said provement ishereby •` wkeller 11 order d to be:procecded with 2. Th t the..natur0 of the 1 prove- ment hi h t$e Conned repo ds is mentwe {/McColl wade (( est Srxth- treet ben Sum- It . a e an d. Iglehart avenue, with " 1. (dVflsh o alternatives, and that the estimated COSt thereof is $773.87 . 773 87. / Resolved Furth ,'That. public Erg ( hearing be # had said lmprovement o the 27th tiny f. November it ,1915, at Ma Or Powers he hour of 10 o'clock A, M., In the y - Connell ,Chamber, room 51 oP the Court Farm B. S. b 8-6 CPau3x.11 I Cltys o[a 9ll t: Thatn then Comm(se stoner - ofFinance give notice f 'said - meeting to the. persons and la the - manner provided -'by the -Cl%rter..etthe of naturat- es ofm hen mprovement,a and tqe j - total c threoY:as estimated'.. Adopt d by the',COuncllOct9, Approved Oct.':28, 1915.'. - (Oat' 3o-19151 - 1 - COUNCIL FILE NO. ------ BY O. _.—_—BY7721 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In<the Matter of. PE.ening,._xideninA_and estendiU to_a width_ of_66 feet, Kent street from'the north line of Front street to the South line of Blook 9, CoM707roapeo:f-73-- under Preliminary order. ' O _..____ _.___-_—approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. Thatthesaid report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be.. proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_. 0P. eni_._W iden and estentl,.;tp a._w14tb of 66-1e'e1,��gnt. ���e_g#�,..f��m the north„line of Front..•..- street_.t.o__the__so31.th Line-4.f-B1nck-3 �Psa ' 8et_Additi r OGII►G. on, ... ._....... __..__ _ with no alternatives, 'and that the estimated cost thereof is Resol ed Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_._. Z_7k/_ __day of 91 \1...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No: 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the Cityof St. Paul. That the Commissioner.of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place`of hearing,., the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th eof a 'mated. Adopted by the Council._.....__.—.L_:.j . 12.1911 /) City lerk., APProved_-_�'!� _--_” ,191 __.. Mayor. Councilmaarnsworthbyhe 9app oved 1i, reand adopt aid Improvement is here, pTMYT¢ft}?15 —.3 a— �-5 "oss to b proceeded with. at the nature of the improve. .• d/Keiler ich the Council recommends - - X ,den and extend to a width 0 IVICC011 went street -from the ortt. Ont street to the south line of Como Prospect Addition, with ✓mash natives; and that the estimated 't n eof re d is $2386 00. 40/-ergic �I�be had Conr said Improvement 27th day: of N.Y.. 1916, at the. M8 Powers P 30 o'clock A M., in the Y Chamber, room No. 61 of the t:V of of. and City Hall Form B. S. A. 8-6 ;!ty St. Paul. That theBuilding Inam- C of Finance Sive notice of _ .eeting to thepersona and In the '- �r provided by the Charter. stat. time and Place of hearing, the f$ oC the fmprovement,. and the to-. - titereoP ueestimated: -" - a d by the Council Oct. 27, 1916. Id Oct. 28, 1916. F (Oct..30-1916) :, $0aIL INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ?ming,_ Si ..Q Spnding„ an._811ey acrose the southerly end Wright's Addition, T_ under Preliminary order. _.____ __.�___ approved._88gtenlber 3ndt 1915_ i The Council of the City, of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_..0�®39,1_._and extend 7C end of Lot 9. Block 2. Wr with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__a?A__.._ ___day of November ., 191 5 at the how of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estim d. Adopted by the Council_.___OLT• 2,.:r 1915 / ,/ rk. Approved__L. U _19 \ ,, LL Mayor. Councilmi f Farnsworth 'Y Ppr.- 1.Id an. said Improvenlent is he, ' 6 .— S (/Goss d,td t be pr6ceeded with. pt1gLISHED1= That the nature of the improve- . (Teller `••hick the Council recommends to .ad extendan alley across the /,MCC011 -ly end of Lot 9. Block 2, v "s AddlV. n,. with no alternatives, �NBsh t the estimated cost- thereof la •1 led Further,That a public " Xoerg `, be had on, aid Improvement [� 27th day oP November, 1916, at 1'lur-of 30 o'clock 'A. M., In -$he Mayor Powers "a -be room 61 of the Court and CItY Halt Bullding�ln the Form B. S. A. 8-6 2f,: $t rn I=-,xn t ,the .comtnle- oP=Flnance-:give notice P sad rhe person3and In the r, 41ded by the Chnrtrr, —1- 11 ,, tnt-pince of henrin S. the .nP the Imps vement. and the mn[ed, tic th'. conncuenti oct. 3.. y�ed Oct. aa, Sale. § (Oct. 30-1916) CITY.OF ST: PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ....... a ............ '...... _..... ...... 6 f �1 COUNCIL FILENo . ......... ..... ............................ Date Presented..:...........R...,...►...................... .191..5 .at 23 Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be) ganted, upon therk is paymenttofrthedfeeddirected theamerequired by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. Mrs. j., H.. Delaney Theo. Johnson H. Hittman C. Bacigalupo John R. Bates John 5toyka, P. Colas John Bousquet Peter Ungaretti Waohuta & Belisle Jacob Esch Chas. Demaio S. C. DeMers A. W. Anderson Mrs. Minnie Briggs Mrs. Anna Bennett Charles Bennett HOTEL OR RESTAURANT LOCATION. Boarding House 83 W Summit . 765 Raymond Boarding House 238 W. 3rd Hittman Hotel 359 Jackson Lunch Room Business Lunch 95 E. 5th Restaurant 739 University Hotel Business Lunch 253 E. 7th 146 So. Wabasha Business Lunch 91 So. Robert 119 So. Wabasha Business Lunch Business Lunch 447 Cedar St. Business Lunch 119 W. 3rd 88 W 7th Criterion Hotel 179 E. 3rd Restaurant 1579 University Hotel The Hamilton Hotel 105 E. 5th Lyons Court Hotel 7 Lyons Court Frotel• - ha- Domnlo• nun -.-. � � � �9I J Yea. (✓) Cou amen (✓) Nays 19ra St lidopted by the Council ..OCT.... ..' .....................191........ C DeMere Criterion Hotel„ 9t. ar ort11 ap. Anderson Re tavrank 17 , e HOW; 1679 , _... In favor t',lilnnle Srlssaf ---e , �-7 v Ave - (/ 9r 1. 6nnn Bonnott The,$?m�i Aper d" AB6nst :glee BennotS * YO,,i Court; $o ,rated by the CouncIs il Oct• 21, 19 . • •RWd Oot. 28; 1916 ...... ...... .... ..... ...... MAroR Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.6.2 �L1BLISIII;D / 3 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT I i AUDITED CLAIMS=RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No FILE �V BY AUDITED a3� Resolved that warrants a drawn iPon th reasury, payable of the her nafter a eified-fu in favor of the ersoas, firms or corporations for th amounts set op their respective P n tKes as . specified in the i llolwtng; statement Yeas C _ nehmen (J) Nays dopted by'the Council rnswoith y APPr ed as Ia favor as (Coll y Against Mn Al_k� i, O' Yoe Mr. President, Po ers 5 Corporate Purposes Pub.-yighti'ng Bund-Suppl..& Bxp. A Hubbard,8leetric Co.,92.00 ''Gem. Fund: Munidipal GarageMaint. Minnesota -Loan 8e True t Co. , -69.00 165.00 Minnesota•Loan 8c Truat Co., 'Paul St.0 4ed Stone. Co., T PoliaeM. &'R. Ci•tisent13 lce, & Puel CO.$ 489.ZQ ; Hughson 8; Whit are, Fire Pr ed A., r. 239,:44 Tierney.:8e. Co:„ _o a ",.. a =...". .' • '-: Gen. Fund -Charities Acct.- Society'for be -'Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 100.00 Com -...Pub.. Works -Gen. Adm.-Maint, 31 85 A. P. Moore w Btr.eet; Const. 8c Rep; 36ant." a., A. P. Moore 17 853r r 8ewur', Const. & Rep. -.Saint. its A,, P. Moore 8.70 J� ;'Poem A.0 11 i ',._ :.; #2 Pub. School M. & R. 8. F.`Dreher_ 11.71 A—Hirshman, Assignee Citizents'Ice & Fuel Co., 3,724.42 ft Wm..Riebolt, Assignee R. C. Baumgardner 136.72 - Gaultier School Add., Cameron & Co.y. - 150.00. : Randolph Helghts School St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., 1,176.35 Auditorium -Bale A. F. Morton 47-50 Interest Fund S.:A. Farnsworth, Com. Finances 192.00 • j; Spec.Assess. Const. Rev. Fund Paving S. Smith,,,S:"End of Bridge,to Anapolis , M14way Lime &-Cement Co., 3:201.78, Dayton, Yictoria,to Lexington A. P: Moore;" 2.90 St. Paul Crdshed Stone.co., '217.50 Paving.Vabasha, Winifred, Ohio .& George A. P. Moore 10.60 Marshall Ave., W. Line of Snelling to R; Line .of Marshall Bridge RepublicACr jeoting Po., 13,450.00 Robert, 2nd. to 6th Republic xCreosoting Co.,, 4.878.54 Spec. Assess. Cobst.,Rev. Fund- Widening Robert St J. J.' Kenna 25.00 IIJ A J J __U #3 . Gen. Const. & Impr. Fund- Impr.,Mounds.Blvde Bet. #12,380.e,0 L. A. Baumgardner Spec. Assess. `Bond'& Interest Fund Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acot. 35,868.'77 S,' A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, Red. Spec. Assess. Bonds Class "A" �r S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance 1.715.00 Total Corporate Purpose ............ ........ 7 •73 n Spec. Assess. not. Rev. - ving....... 2,261. n • a 4 "-W ening Robert .00 Gen. Con & Impr. de .......... .... 2 .80 .00 p Spec. esess. Bond` 'Interst Fun ........585.7 Totals at 69,836.82 ! s° k r t o ,'c.`9.SeWe - Pnb SCliP ljja ce'-lt. g, F:..D j Con Wtm: - z nsl Tce'.b Fnetb'83.75448 ignee Rn.0 8.umgardn .: - , Rf bOlt„A Gauitiec Schoot Add Cameron �, � C �¢ idotph HeiBhte `Schoot St Paulj tone Co., §117635 jCrt{@hedASo ton:, A$dlto lum �.�A 847.50. .. Interest Fu d Sr A. Fn newo th. - . , Com. Flnan e. 5192.50 ' - Spec.-Aseese. Co. Bad afvBrldge�to Smith; ” •. - IPaving.jl Lime .,& Cement- ' I Annapolis MSdwnY- ; . • Co.. 83,20118 . Victoria `;o Lexington: ,'A:. P Moyton,ore; 82 90 StfPavl C ¢shed Stone IDa Co.: 871750 Paving Wabash., Winifred..'.Oh1o. & $10-60.:;,' George:` A. P Moore Mare:, Ave W: Line of Snelling to, E:Line^gf Tlarehnll Bridge .,iLepublic'- , - 3 CrRobettU 2nd,,to a h:, is blta tCreo- a soting Co 84 878.54: Gonst. Rev `.1V n a: ..Spec. q' Assess . Widen}ng Robert'-.;i3t J J 52600- �ImPr Fvud Impr Mouride: ,Blvd. ' L.? A. Baumgardner, *...est 00- d k 3Bend � ' Est. No 1 $2 & F I t t S A - $Pec. Asse nd Int- A SPea Ase .Cem,. Finance, 836,863 77A .. .Farnsw th Asscas. Bonds Cla s nsworth, Com. Fina �� �RedA.3PIea $1,715.00.1916 Afl .00.PtI .by the Council Oct. 27 gyp' - APProced. Oct Oct:fi CITY ~ ACCOUNTI AUDITED. CLAIM TMENT 7% .UTION' FORM F°EN61 No. Form A. 5-11 , CITY PAUL �r COUNCIL R OLUTION— ENERAL FORM p P� V .._ _...._.C... .. ..... �vit y s SubjectL..../ ...._ ........._ OUNCIL r,FILE NO.. . I✓ .. ...._..................................._.................................. .. .. / Date Presented--00t0b.er._...28....._l.b-- OSS Resolved, That the Plat of Pavillion Park, as recommended by the Plat Commies- ion and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Yeas (r) C- cilmen (T,) Nays GG sworth In favor Go s r Ke er Q Against M .Ml C. 'rl 7728-13y M. N. Gose— Resolved, That the Plat of Pavultori Park, n r commended by the Plag C,-andapproved by the Com lsafoner of Publle Work e, be hnd the same, le hereby ac pted. i AQQopted by the Cauncll Oct. 28, 19161 'Apjlroved Oct28. 1916. -(Oct. 80-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUV COUNCIL RESOLUTION, GENERAL FORM 14 __................................_............_................__........_._..._..._.... Subject: _._.._.................... _......;............._.................._......:..................___ eour+elLA 7 7 NFILE o'...... ...IV .... ...... .....:.. ... Date Presented.... -..0 a t.......27.th...._191-5..... n � , _ dA Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the grading of S. Saratoga Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to Randolph St. to Keough Bros. at lump sum price of $763.00. Engineer's estimate being $1,302.91. Formal bid No. 609. Yeas (r) Coun ilmen (Y) Nays N. i ` 's Adopted by the Council ______ 191 Farn worth 2— Mc � 1/ Gos_In favor !/ Kell // APProv _ Mc 11 ____" _Against O' ry Yoe - Mr. President. owers _ — on roar c.e.z T,f Na— ebY u C p. Imo. 7729-13Y tiro -. Counell it the Resolved. 'rh't nomendetW awards r1e0 1, - cure 1 mmite tee and her S. Sara-. Contrnct C tb a adinA to" Rsa", for um the Contract son toga AVR Sromque h Dros. at lump 609: dolPh Sq' g76 T, s o.1 Bid a G09: nrico OCL 28, 1916:1 beln� $t d bY" th -connctl y v 191G. Adol) a ed Oct. 2S, 19161 . ,I APProv ". Yeas (r) Coun ilmen (Y) Nays N. i ` 's Adopted by the Council ______ 191 Farn worth 2— Mc � 1/ Gos_In favor !/ Kell // APProv _ Mc 11 ____" _Against O' ry Yoe - Mr. President. owers _ — on roar c.e.z Subject: - ....... ............................ rCITY OF ST. ` PAUL ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILE NO...... .... Date Presented.. Oct. J Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the grading.of•,Atlantis St. from Pascal A vs. to Snelling Ave, to Christ Johnson�d lump price of $1,238.24. Engineer's estimAte being $2,065.80. Formal bid No. 607. y C.. F. No. 7430—BY D'L N- Goes— Res.. In That the Council hof I e _ ..curs in tho recommendation 4 the 4 thO,e. t Committee, hereby award St. �,omr pascal Ave rto 1Snellingt1 Ave AI „�Il� 52 �65 n� a F it Bid UO ti, 28C. 1JI61 O t. o. 60JohnBOn at lot 7ce Of .2B, 1911 P (Oct. 30-1916) 11 Yeas (V) Council en (V) Nays Farnsw rth Goss —7 Jn favor Keller McColl __� _ _Against O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers .onr e.e-z Adopted by the Council _ —__ 191 Appro 19r t Resolved, That the -Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Jefferson Ave. from Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. to R. C. Baumgardner at lump sum price of $1,320.00. Engineer's estimte being 02,219.80. Formal bid No. 608. Yeas (11) Co4ncilmen (P) Nays cnP. No. 7731—By M. N. Gees— esolved, That the Council Rherepy concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards . the ntract for the grading oY letter son Ave. from Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. to R. C. Baumgardher at lump -a price of 81.320.00. Engineer's es -timate bet. 942,219.80. Formol Bid No. 608. Adopted by. the Council Oct. 28,1916. Approved Oct. 28. 1916. (Oct. 30-1916) _ Ofi tir, Igf;; sl Adopted by the Council l ____ . _. _ _— Approve ' 9 F rnsworth ss _ _In favor ller _ - ccoll Q _Against r Leary `erg aide f Powers cnP. No. 7731—By M. N. Gees— esolved, That the Council Rherepy concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards . the ntract for the grading oY letter son Ave. from Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. to R. C. Baumgardher at lump -a price of 81.320.00. Engineer's es -timate bet. 942,219.80. Formol Bid No. 608. Adopted by. the Council Oct. 28,1916. Approved Oct. 28. 1916. (Oct. 30-1916) _ Ofi tir, Igf;; sl Adopted by the Council l ____ . _. _ _— Approve ' 9 CITY F ST. PAUL ^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l -07131a Subject:._.._. _..... _.. .......... ........ .................................... ....... _.......... ... COUNCIL FILE.: NO ...... ................................ p,........... _.... ..... ........... ..... Date Presented -....-Oct.,.,. 27,th,...,._.`. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading of Laurel Ave. between Hemline Ave. and PT.scal Ave. and Albert St. between Hague Ave. and Portland Ave., to Christ Johnson at a lump sum price bf $1,132.10. Engineer's estimate being $2,483.53. Formal bid No. 606. I C. F. No. 7732—By M, N. Goss R¢..I n, thea th- ndation hereby the Contract Committee and he ghof Laurel th¢ contract for the g[a Av¢, bet—n Hemline Ave. and Pascal Ave and Albert St. Ave. and Portland Ave.bto�Chriet 36ean hne. t a lump. sum prlce of $1,132.10. Pnglneer's stimate being $2,483.53. Formal Bid No. GOG. Adopted by the Couneil_Oct. 28, 1915. Apprpved Oct. (Oct 30-1915) Yeas (r) Cou ' ilmen (V) Nays Farworth;' % Gos ___! In favor Kel r. Me o11''' _ �_ ._against O' Very Yo g Mr. President owers .oar c.e•z GLi j 21:1 Adopted by the Council __. - _-�__/__--191 Approv CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Forff ' Department of_. — --_' Bureau of Council File No. w��� Date Presented 191 at the SL Paul G'ae Meht C. nvavr is hereby ordered avd d rested to e. d rta electrical lives br alar poles d neivF w 1 eov !or the Rau•V ED, h trausn. [clear "on and inthe tolinwinealleysandatrttts v(said city City Aron. one pole on the corner of Clearmont Avenue and Batee Avenue, with necessary guys. C. P. No.Gusa— nesoived, That the St. Paul and Gas !d1R Ciafio 't.' exie d Ilse eiec[� cn dlinea 'by erectln^• poles and suint' . wires thereon for thertrnnamiasion C elea- trlcltY on and 1n the Yollowln8 alleys .and strA is of esld ctty: I. City 7eaon the earn of Clearmont One- po ',Aropuo and Bates Avenue, with neces- aarY 6u;s. h extensions, poise•• and `hpCommlaetoner o - - - na In an things eubieat to the Pre- t111otherflnOwPulanc�i noses 2and4. n as. iutlons f the CltY of St. Paul, re .;:All poan- olea shell bona talo each l -t _ :a treets fls�the lever the Counete "renutres, and when publlr. to teres[ 1916; ler order. o It pd ted -hy to council oat. roved Oct. 28. 1916. of public Utilities and in all 11,1- A 1,1 v All vl soche•c iuna,I,oles avd wires.ball be erectedxnd a,mtn,cte APP toot!%0-1916) +object to the orovlaloha o(thJinance V o. 2e'LJ. and of all other lawhd Doli - - - - \II poles shall be set in such location in said alleys and streets as the Lommnetanet of t'ubuc Uttiilfea e—Tlia laesievaic, and shall be of such beielrt and cfiaraeter as he 'A tsun en n _d h- n sl ni su uhd .�ea .lull be taken dnwv and removed, and such wires placed under¢rotmd, whenever the Cooncil shall deem afia( the Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Cou cilmen y FA 5W(ti GO Mc OLL YO G KE LER Mr. President, PO ERS ( ) Nays Approved __ _ _ _ - 19 – – -- Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General ,Form Department of Bureau of �1 GD/1 Council File No. Date Presented ______ .191 By- IihSOLV ED. That t e St Pall ens Licht Company is hereby ordered and d rested to --d it, electncal 7 ea by erecuvit poles and string to v es there.. !or the bans n,ssiov .! elhoicib' o and in the l.Il.w,v¢ alleys and streets of said city Two poles on Hope Street, between Margaret Street and Uinnehaha Street. .One pole in the alley between Minnefhah�► street and Margaret V/ Street, one hundred forty feet west of Hope Strut. With neoessary guys. ^t;• "eh•eet end eMin�b )ne Pule in the alley et west, and in srt mirefortyfet t.Hop ,,• moved, and such. Tres Place- -c ground, whenever the Counoll shall deem that th0 public interest so e' All f n xt n s polex avd woes shall be erected and constructed under quires, and when Put ahnll'eo ordor blit Utilities and ti th ,nbl tt tl or i h, s of (lydiaavice �0 212 t. and .f all other Ivvfnl o dinances Adopted by the Council Oct. 28,r.191., 19c 1 r'6 I 111 les shall be set in such location m avd xllcys and streets as the Commi APPrOVed Oet.' 28, 1916.. !` h height �d ch h she I Oct: 30-1916) sh II des ,ate and approve, and anv end all such pules shall be taken dn.rn and rn t.-. --. -•«.. C....il -ball dee that the pnhlie i.,erest sn -sins, and when it shall so order. t Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Coin cilmen ( ) Nays FA l' SWORTH GO Mc LL YO G Approved __ __ -- ----- — 19 K'E'L R -- - - - Mr. President, POW RS -0_ o �� Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of.. ._ e; Cou oil File No. _- Date Presented _ __ 191 By V -- ---- - - -- 12E5ULVED.'1'hat the 't. Paul Gas Licht Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend it, electrical [ivoe by even, a pales and .Oinabu, wires tI a !vp [or the tranannsa,ov u[clectrirfl, on .�' din rhe(ollowrna alless and.4eet. o[xaid city: ` Ci?yaros. • Ten poles on $4st-,Third Street from Tell Street to Terry Street, Three poles on Bidwell Street, from Delos Street to pros- pect Terrace, Street. Three poles on Heater Street from Burns Avenue to Suburban With necessary guys. cies Ten wen ',.n Eaet Third street ,. Tell etreet to Terry street. Three poles n Eldwell etreet, from .Delos 'tract to Prospect Terrace. Three poles on Hesterstreet from Burn' avenue . Suburban etreet with! n All of guy-. All of; such estension-. poles and wire' their be erected and ....truetarl� under. the direction and aupervlelon of the Comml"loner of .Public sii[itles and in all thing- subject to .the pre- . visions of Ordinance No. 2924, and f all other lawful ordinances and andlu- Ilone of the City of St. Paul. All pole- .hail be net in.sbch locfl- tion In Bald alleys andetreets a-'thn Cn__toet,....._ _ All o[ such <atevs o ., poles and ires.sball he erected nod u,nstn,cted under th - ana , nDpr.vt .object to the to—iaiu® at Onli..... N.. 2124. and o[ all other lawful ordinances an, polos e)rflll 111 Pole. shall be set in such location in s id alleys aad """ v the Commi..i, Moved;;: and shall d navate and approve, sad any and all .uch poles shall be taken down and rent ground, whet public itutr t so requires, and when it shall .o ardor. deem. that'.. t' hair-''.'. and' P ildoptedb3 Adopted by the Council _._ Approved c Yeas ( ) Co ncilmen FA NSWORTH GO tee lc Utilities aad in all thivas re-Fja heicht aad character as he .all fn01 shall deem that the aicl.-.__,_-- ----_._._191 Nays JLE L / Appr edR Mr. President, S Mayyor PUBLISHED �e ' 3 °' /5' CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution --- General Form Department of__--- Bureau of Co 11 11 File No. Date Presented 191 By , - nansvit�'Slli.l I ptr i' Yon and P.0 a be (oll miwhj'C 9 iod.tree,, of sa d o u: d directed to extend it. el alio-! li— b> erecanK V lea d wt I con for the Two poles on YLarion Street between University Avenue and alley south if University Avenue. one pole on each side south of University Avenue. With necessary guys. �f Farrington Avenue at alley c. Llgh lr, direcdirect ts `•' `n- by eget`. :.. `.-.,ng". .. thereon tranpmlealon of elec- I trielty on and in the. following a l.y'q and streets of sntd: city: .'i Two poles on Marlon street betweep� .,University avenue and alley south oto Untverslty even us. One polo aan-lley each side of Farrington esus at alley south of University' v e with necessary goys, tt�All of ed each extensI=, poles and under [howires ld!ocTo, and nupervislontot the Cammlasloner of Public Utilltlea' and I. as oft Ordithinnance bN.:t to the and raft all other lawful ordinances and reso- lutions of the City of et. Paui. All poles an all be art In such location In said alleys and streets as.the _Com - C61 h be ll_ All 1 such utensinue, Vales avd wbea stmt! be erected avd c„vsancled under the dint I iCo t t .ubiecl to die urovisinm at llydivance \v. 2424. nod of all other lawful ordinances avd reav 1, All Iwlee shill be net in such locatien'n a id alleys and streets as the Cmvmimimer n(I Vul tic intcrmlcso revuiie��and when i, hxH ao olydeoles shall be token down xnd reissued, an Adopted by the Council___ _ Yeas ( ) Coui cilmen FAR NSWORTH GO :ter as no ..a,, aargaaen u„u -1, and any and all such poled', e n down and removed, place underground, whenss,pper the LI shall deem that ,the piibilo In- do reQulres, and when It shall soitis, and in ah things pted by the Council- Oct. 28, 916, ht and 6—t.,as he roved Oct. 28,1e16. shall deem that the li 1. i• �• ( ) Nays / Mc LL YO ( s (� 51 Approve -- — 91 KEL ER Mr. President, PO RS Mavor PUBLT mm, i — a - / 7 • CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form 77 Department of----- Bureau f____Bureau of _ f 'Date Presented _ 191 CouQQQci/lFile N o. By xI, 01,VRIJ.'r the St. Pxnl can U,bt Con,v n1 a by bo,d xnd air <d to <xt<nd h 1 t iral Enc br r<otinc pol ad etr,ncmc w,r<e door to, m< iransmusioo of el=c c Y and in the followivc alleys and atreeU of said mty: Be one pole on Van Buren Place between Bates Avenue and Haria Avenue, w th necessary guys and anchors. C. P. No. 7737—By'M. N. Coss— Resolved, That the 5t, Paul Cad` Light Company le hereby ordered and directed to extend ,Its electrical lines by credit ris' Poles and stringing wires thereotricityna forf else and In the folio, ngalleys and streets tsof said d Y: Set n oe Pole on Van IIuren Place•.be- '• [ween nice avenue and Maria avenue, avith necessary guys and anchors. All• o[ sech extensions, poled and ... _,.., a t, 'o to and constructed no, ••---- •[h¢ Commrssrot' r �•+� • and In 'all things suUjectto the pro and of Ordlnanco No. 2424, and of lall utionseOf thefulCityrof Et cPahL d rose. All poles shall be set In such loca- tion in said alleys and treet., as the Commlesloner off, Public .,Utilities shall. and gnUat'acted seal he a of shall designate hall end approve, cs ndowol n and rll sovedp and .i such a'Ires placed underground, whon- the Council shall deem that the public Interest so re¢uired, and when i it shnli rder. Adop led by the Council Oct. 28,-191 G. Approved occ1.23. 15) All ,d sucM1 =xten+ o n poles avd w' x shall be erected avd constructed under the direction and ......ision l the l:nmmissivner of Public Utilities avd iv all thins' .object to the -'Ni'- of 1JNinavice \or ?ata. avd (all otM1er lawful oMinxnces vvd resolutions of the City of St. Paul. \lI poles sh.11 be set in such loeition iv said alleys xnd streets xs the C n eisaioner of Public Utilities shall deaivvate, avd shall be of such heinht avd hander ae he FI, 11 des nue and at'ornv=. andnY and sill such poles shill be taken dawn and removed, and each wires plxced nndercrvnvd, whenever the Council boll deem that the public ivter<st sv rewires. an -h- t s,a so or er. Adopted by the Council _ Yeas ( ) Councilmen t NSWORTH '•;S`:).--.__191 Nays "1, SS 7 M COLL 1e Appro d Y _ . L d K LER Mr. President, PO ERS Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside from the Permanent Assessment Improvment Revolving Fund the sums given below for the making of the following imp rovments ordered to be done by the City Council by Force Account,'to-wit: Paving Robert street,from Sixth street to Eighth St. $$7,460,00 Paving alley in Block 1 Haldeman's Addition 2,133.00 Paving Linwood Place,from Grotto St.to Osceola Ave. 3,673.00 Cutting off buildings,leveling,filling and grading the west twenty feet of Robert street,from North line of Sixth street to south line of Central avenue. 2,500.00 p R. No. 7738__By Al. N. Goes— pp Res.lh_d to h«ebyo authorize, atndldi t fected to set aaide from the Per ulvrng Assessment �mprovemebe Bev Fund the su s Sive. below V. ents m lcrng of the Yollowln$ lmpra - . ordered to e done bwithe PavingoRobl I - I 1 Porce Aeofrom Sixth street to );Ighth �' -[t. $7,400.00; paving at to Block 1 Haldemann-s Addition, $2.133.00; t, tf� 1 ing Linwood Pia 3,673.00: Grut[ingt to Osceola Ave.. $ radrng `. buildings, leveling„ ftlltng ane the west .twenty. Yeot f Rotiert est tostreet, I from f r astral nvenuoh $2 11, T600.00. Booth Adapted by the'Couneil; OcL 28, 1016: II Approved OCL 28,. 1016. (Oct. 30-1816). Yeas (V) Co oilmen (I) Nays Far -worth Gos In favor Kell r — Mc oil _Against q' y/ Nash Yoe Mr. President, wers .oAM cos GC i 2 : 19; b Adopted by the Council Approve - - V' _ . 9 Resolved, That a license be and the same is here Ly granted to Dr. K. Arouni, to conduct and maintain a Hospital 'and Sanatorium at lvo. 676 Dayton Avenue. C F No. ,7439 ' Roeolved„That a'Itced - o Mr, -t the, eame ],,'to con granted to Dr.; ` o' Hospit ta. ondunt and malntal'I a' - Iioepltal and Sanatorium at No 978; Dayton avenue - Adopted by the CbUnCIV Nov 6 1916.:1 Approve&Nov 8, -} 1916 yc(Nov 13916) Yeas ( ✓) Co 'Imen (✓) Nays ........191........ Adopted by the Council--......{�}��...-..G..�..�.:: v n : ^ .....in favor J ✓Kell / Approv.. .......................... .. ... .......... Na`' t .MA... .... ...YOR............ Mr. Presiden , FORM C.9.2 TO THE HONORAPLE COUNCIL ON THE CITY Or ST. PAUL: I, the undersigned, Dr. 7�. Arouni, of St.Paul, Minnesota, a licensed and practicing physician of the State of Uinnesota, do hereby respectfully petition t?iis Honorable Council for a license to maintain a sanatorium at No. 676 Dayton Avenue in the City of St.Paul. In connection with this application I wish to state that all of the requirements of the'State Board of Control have been complied with and that the above described premises have pasted the inspection of the said Board, and is approved for the purposes intended. Respectfully submitted, Dated Uctober 14th,1915. h am now the holder of license from the City to conduct a hospital at the above address, and do hereby consent to and also _ request that.the above license be granted to the said -Dr. Arouni, as I am.to assist the Doctor in this enterprise. It having recently comer to. the knowledge of the ,LUndercigned residents oiwythe vieinitp adjoininrr g7t3 Payton `Aire of this City, that a permit has been applied for to convert the residence, located on the ^ r: Corner of Dayton t-,St Albans into a hospital & Sanitorium. We hereby protest against such a permit or licence being granted.and beg to call your attent'on to the fact, that owing to tie munber of small children in this neighbor- hood, it is highly important to eliminate as-far as possible all unsanitary conditions and avoidable risks. le"b Y �. i ;1.:"tea t ( To Whom it may Concern:- It having re^ently come to the knowledge of the undersigned residents of the vicinity *Ajoining 676 Dayton Ave of thio City, that a permit has been applied for to convert the residence, located on the S E Corner of Dayton & St Albans into a hospital & Sanitorium,. !9e hereby protest against such a permit or licence being granted and beg to call your attention,to.the fact, t' that owing to the number of small children in this neighbor hooc.Jit is highly important to eliminate as far as possible e11 uneanjtery conditions and avoidable risks. v.,t 0 rCr L lV 17 r/ � J _ ') n c' i! c C' ... A I - tC170r1 r J 1 t 7 1 'o� lff',f"13 't�' t f'� c t t n c u (_0 7C, lr�ll V I 't 4" CITY S1. P, :r- 1t"C)p, TaiI -.;h VA Co OMN 1. p OCT ro 0 w C, J UNK US O A'E.cM.D. Tit f �atnt P(_'U'IAIA� R. M.D. ��tErtu Auxrau of Ifira1Nr ' November Second 1915 Justus Ohage, M. D., Chief Health Officer, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Sir: - We have investigated the hospital or sanitarium at 676 Dayton avenue for which Dr. K. Arouni wishes to procure a license. We made an inspection of the whole house and found everything in clean and sanitary condition. They will take no contagious diseases whatsoever and only treat patients suffering with skin trouble, rheumatism and kidney trouble. The doctor who wishes to procure the license, Is a licensed physician. He will be in charge of the hospital. Respect lly submitted, Crim in� ctor Approved No 6th, 1915. D. jO�H Officer It #--4 OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK _ OSFIOI IL P.—CE—N.—OF THE . ' COUNCIL. C. F. No. 7740—Ordinance No. 3604— An ordlnanee in partial settlement of{c the cl�aaim of Matthew O'$ourke, un- der fhe Workmen's Compensation - �' act.�i4l The Cou ell of the City of St. Paul n - does ordain: SECTION 1. The proper city officials are hereby - authorized to pay to Matthew O'Rourke out of the Paving Depreciation Fund. m ($24.85) In p _ - the s of Twenty Four and 85/100 Dollars a rtlal settlement of his claim against the City a - by reason of Ind urles r ce'.. while In the employ of th- 20th day of August, 1915.- �F__ �• narrce in partial settlement of the claim of Matthew O'Rourke, under the Workmens' Compensation Act. THE,COUNCI'L OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay: to Matthsw O'Rourke, out of the Paving Depreciation Fund, the sum of Twenty Four and,85/100 Dollars ($24.85) in partial settlement of his claim against the City arising by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the City on the. 20th day of August, 1915. Section 2. Said Matthew O'Rourke shall be required to execute a good and sufficient partial release and receipt before the said I; sum of money 'shall be paid, 'and the said sur.' shall not•be paid until. the 'said Matthew O'Rourke enter® into a compensation agrre. .w mentawith the, -City of St.Paul providing for a payment -to him 'of compen�a.tion in accordance with the WoriamensI Compensation Act- _ Section m, This ordinance sliall take effect and be in force 30 daps after i'ts-passv,ge, approval, and publication. 1 Final Adoption by the Council_ �'3 _",1') .191 k 1 J C In lavoi Approved.... _.. 191 Against v lC Aetlny yt� orad Attest. 00 1. FARICY, pQgLISHED 1_5 City Clerk. Yes, (J) Ccilmen (J) Nays /��_ / ��Fsrn:wroth (moa,. ���_ 2nd -� � 19V� ✓Keller y( mx.11 (J 3rd Yoerg Date Published /.G 191 M P '1 --- 1 Final Adoption by the Council_ �'3 _",1') .191 k 1 J C In lavoi Approved.... _.. 191 Against v lC Aetlny yt� orad Attest. 00 1. FARICY, pQgLISHED 1_5 City Clerk. T � r n 6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. H.O NEILL ' ns JOHNr PtKYLEvS JOHN A.BURN5 19 W1 J-OIBERSON T HOS. W.M.MEEµIN St.Paul, Minn., October 28, 1915. To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance in partial settlement of the claim of Matthew O'Rourke. After a careful investigation of the above claim, it is the opinion of this Department that the proposed settlement is reasonable and to the best interests of the City. Yours truly, Asst. Corporation Counsel. 74. a0e An ordinance in partial settlement of the claim of Cornelius Haggerty, against the City of St - Paul -THE COULrCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Cornelius Haggerty , out of the Water Supply Account of the General Fund, the sum of $20.29 in partial settlement of his claim, under the Vdorlanens' Compensation Act,, by reason of injuries received by him whi3e in the employ of t1he City of e St.Paul on the 4th day of June, 1915. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final -Adaption t, � � by the Council oCi"i1 � Fn rnswoltb Ia k�ad6lf _.. 181 E� ..I -� Cos, lu lavor Approved 1WV 3 i3 j 191 Kell" J1cCn11 Against 3rd �_. .191.E `' �-'f j<< •/ .Acu..t nlnyua Yoerg Attest: Dale Published o�.,C 1914E A4sI resident, Powers JOHN 1. FARICY, MOM City Clerk. C. F. No. 7741 O d(nnnce No. 3606— An rdinance In partial settlement of the claim f Cornelius Haggerty. against the City of SL Paul. - The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. The proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Cornelius Hag- gerty, out of he of he G neral Fuunnd, ater theapply n. ofAccount $20.29 In partial settlement of his claim, - ' der the Workmen's Compensation Act. by reason of in7urles received by him in the employ of the City of St. Paul: on the 4th day of June, 1916. SECTION 2. Thisordinance shall take effect and he In force 30 day's from and after Sts passage, approval and publication. Final adoption by the Council N.V. - 13, 1915. Yeas—Messrs: Farne vorth, Goss, Kellet, McColl, Nash, Yoerg-6. Nays—O. Approved Nov. 15, 1916. - HENRY McCOLI, Acting Mayor. - f Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, Ij Clty Clerk. (Nov. 20-1915) t; +,5-1c.tuteict u� +!'atm CITY OF S(+INT PAUL s I. HNT P. ;I" - JOHN A.BURNS WILLIAM J. GIB MRSON THOS.W. M.MEEKIN To the Council: Gentlemen: I� St.Paul, Minn., October 28, 1915. Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance in partial settlement of the claim of Cornelius Haggerty under the Workmens' Compensation Act. After an investigation of the above claim, it is the opinion of this Department that the proposed settlement is reasonable and to the best interests of the City. Yours truly, Assts Corporati'an Counsel. W.J.G.-H.R.K. —� _— F. -No. 7742—Ordinance No. 3606— d"By Anthony Yoerg— An ordinance to mend Ordnance relating 1 to , entitled 'An Ordinance radutiee , to the tiplot ",A' , umber, a d colnpe .".n. of the ffle.re d employes necessary for the dmin-,ry/r/T narf.� tetretton of the -idle IlbrarC is le an emergency rdinanceren- Th�(! dered ee y for the preservation t, of the P-blicpeace. eas20tt 1si4 Ordinance NO. - .rBy AnthojYoerg safety". approved _ouncll of the City of St. Paul do - .p. SECTION 1. ectlpn ulna opal°:i ordinance to amend Ordinance No.3254, entitled " An Ordinance relating to the appointment, number, duties and compensation of the 6fficers and employes necessary for the administration of the public libraries. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the_ c� preservation of the public peace, health and safety", approved August 20th, 1914. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DO ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 3254, entitled " An ordinance relating to the appointment, number, duties and compensation of the officers and employes necessary for the administration, of the public libraries", be and the same is hereby amend#& as to that paragraph relating to employes For Building, by striking out the provisions 01 Superintendent, $1020 per year" and " 1 Night Watchman, $660 per year" and substituting therefor the provisions " 1 Superintendent, $1200 per year" and " 1 Night Watchman, $720 per year". Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. i J. E. Carroll L, Council File No. f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. .and +. PRELIMINARY OR The undersigned hereby proposes the making the tollowint ubtic improveT99Y by the%'City Sr. Paul, viz.: 11 _Widen._aand__ext to -a- .id oi. s £eet,s'aY'51t. from Prior Ave. tQ..J3=1i .. Qn A-Ve. A� �> r r Dated r s 0th.... day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, iz.: _.. Open, widen...and...extexact..to..a..villith...of..s.ixty....f.eet, .Yry..St- from rt - - .......__ ..._ Prior FI,YB A, :to .$U.x'.a. �.X1g Q11... PRELIMINARY ORDERS. C. F. No. 7749— . ......... .. ........ _ ,. .... .... .... Whereof, written proposal for the - i making of the following Improvement. + Viz: Open,feet and extend a sixty width of curlyy feet, Pry . from Prior """"'"'-"'... ����`��a Ave. to Burlington Ave.. , having been .f presentedPto thfq,Council of the City of having been presented to the Council oft 9t. ... _..... . _ Peout thereore, he it fptved. That.the Commte.toner of '"Irks be and he Is hereby or. therefore, be it f directed: > ,4bultytiof tthehmakingeof 'aid eby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of 1 t mens. inveatlga[e the nature, extent d Int prO�emeRl. 1. To investigate the necessity for or dent, .ated ooat h said improve- ,+, the total coat thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and est'+• ermeh a peon, proflie or tent, and the. total cost thereof. .. aid improvement . � furnish the following other 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch tC;e Formation relative to Bata 4. To furnish the following other data and .1 , 'ate k uhf rot not said int-, nprovement; _ _. ._. _ ._...._... ..9" .. _. ,._. ........_........................... ............ .. .... ....... .................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..... _........ 191 ......._ Yeas Nays: Co ,,IAF rth n —1 Iq I Approved .._._.. _. Nt �__ _ Nash ,4orrn4. Mtyv r. LnT[FD ! / Petition 774: Council File. No ...................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and? •� PRELIMINAR RDER:� a f The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo4g'public imprbvemenf%y th City f Sr. Paul, viz.:._Construot_ e..._sewer_ o..5?`.... t.p.._ ....._ oint 1 '41—not-pt-ia...st..x in..Jaaaord o..e with Petition heretA...attao Sl..,..... _. .......... ......... ad .Q ............. ....lr ... ......... u rjti....... R ..... .... f:................... Dated this -. 3. ..t .._day of. _... ...._ .._ ..... ...... f ._.:.....' . ::...L. -L ........................................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..._ _ __................ _0PAP:Druat EL se.vox...Qrx....capitol,..AAe......£rom...St..._Albans...S.t......ta...a...point ....11b.. ft. _e40....0.1 the..._east..._l.1ne.....Af... Y1.o.t.ox.;i.a._St........ ................... ...... ....... ...... _._ ....... _ _ ...._ .............. .:.......... .. C. Ir. D7o, 7744 ... ....... _. ......... . ......... Whereof, h wonow liropoeal to ant, tbe making of the following Capitol Ave j vis:=Ct. Albct.asewor on Cint 1 Ave.,.. .. ..._....... .......__ _... ....... .. .....__............. _ .... ... .... .. ............... .. ..... ...... ... east f the, cast to.a point 3X8 rL east of the, eabt line . pf. Yctorla St - having been presented to the Council of the having been .. � presented to ttie. Council-il .... ..... _, of.tbe CRY or 9t. tont therefore be u Resolved, That. the Comml6elosor tet therefore, be it ,.blic Works be and he fe harebrior-;{ dared -sand ,directed:• RESOLVED, That the Commissioner , f To.htvestlgate the neeepetty tot, ordered and directed: or desirability..f 'the making of .al&, Improvement 1. To investigate the necessity for or 8. To Inv' !go the nature 'ekteat mprovement. and estimated cost of said improve- men4 and the fetal coat theroor t, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent an 8,_To rbrnish a plan.''profile or .ketch of sold:lmDrovetnimfou, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc ata and tint rmat on: relative'gto eeid; 4. To furnish the following other data a improvement. . - `!ovement-, ....... _.......... g @ To state whether or not said, I as •anent fa asked for on We Detltloa r more.ownore p,Dort upon all or- the tore• ..... ........ _. .. .... �lle StamT.!thstoner g ask'e`w Tor , 5. To state whether or not said improvement is on e pehtlon of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fo`egomn matters to the Commissioner of Finance. t, -T j Adopted by the Council ....... ......._........_................._ _......... 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman •Farn orth• — Goss Approved ........__........... NSU... _........9....r�....... 191 _...... Kell Me It bash Yoe.................................. ioun9 Ma� CITY OF ST. rAUL COUNCIL RLSOLUTION: In the matter of _ _grading_Hamline_Avenue from Xidway JParkway to Como Avenue Pleat; — _ — -- — — _ — —51$5 Final Order _7127 _ _ _ APPROVED under Preliminary Order _ _ _ _ _� — SeQtember 30_____191 RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner Of Public 1'Jorks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby apPrOved In the 7uatter of grading Hamilne ave. nuo 'from Midway .Yarkway fo Como Avem" Went; under Preltminary Or.- der. 61815 Flnal Order 7127,. approved: - 9eptember 20. 1916: $.solved, That the plana epscl8ae,-�S _ 'tions and estimates :aubmited 6y ,the. Commiestoner:of Public Worksjf the - - �above namedamprovement be and.,tas . same are, hereby approved, Adoptedy.the Council o- 30 •16 6: Approved'bNov. 3,, }936 (Nov., 6-1916) FT T) 7`<15 191 • Adopted by the Council — — — — — — — — — — — — — Yeas. ( ) ( 1 Nays Councilman F sworth er oll NyU _ y '0'S 191 �. pro d _ _ _ `7"74 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........._....... .. 77/6 Subject:-._.... _ _. COUNCILFILE NO.. g _._....... ............_..... ........................ ... Date Presented.. -00t.........30. Resolved, That the City. Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($4,800.00) from the Maintenance Account of the Garbage Account of the Street & Sewer Cleaning Fund to the Wages Account of the same Fund, as thereby an unavoidable deficiency in the item of Wages Account in said. Fund may be met without hampering the work provided for by the money in the item of Maintenance. Yeas (V) �p y Mr. Preside( en (V) Nays rh _ In favor 6 _ __Against Nash e , (1rT 30 ""� 19l Adopted by the Council -_ _ _ Approved_ WAV —1 1915 191 �Ji t Resolved, That Warrant be drawn for One Hundred Ninty Six & 32/100 ($196.32) Dollars, in favor of the Commissioner of Finance, payable out of the "Expenses of City Officers Attending Con- ventions" fund, to pay the expenses of the -City Officers in attendance upon the Minnesota Municipalities, as per the attached statement. C. F. 7747—Bye. A. FarnaworYh— Reeolvedred Warrant be drawn f2/10or One- Hundred Ninety Si-. & 801 `(5196.29) Dollars fn Lavoy o[ the C— ($190 e., of Finance payable out oL the.^Flzpeneea of Clty o¢Ioera Attend- Ing Convention Lund to; pay the ex- pense¢ of the Clty oQloers�ln attend- anee-upon the Minnesota menfelpautlee. �Ba..per the attached etatemenL.� Adopted by the Connell T 04, 90, 1916.. 1 I�Approved Nov. 1, 1916. . SNov. 6.1916) - - Yeas (V) Co 'cilmen (P) Nays , Far ygrth Key -- In favor r M Against .ary yOnM c.B-2 'Yo g Adopted by the Council _ UC T u —191 3B'. Approved t; 191 �Reprtmjcnt of uYttnr,� S. A.FARNSWORTH. ConH—I.— JOHN T.HAGLUND. DUTY Conrv1as1— j Itemized List of Expenses, City Officers, on the Trip to Virginia Minnesota, in attendance upon the meeting of the League of Minnesota Municipalities. 8 tickets, Virginia & return $73.12 Hotel Virginia 20.75 Hotel Duluth 24.00 Cafe Duluth . 24.25 Meals on Diner 23.10 Sundries, Petty expgnsee 5.75 Parlor Car 14.35 Autos Duluth 11.00 Total $186.33 CITY; OF 5T. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FARM - .............................................'................._..._............................. 7 748 Subject .................................................. ......._...._ OenmL -P� °FILE No ........................................... .................._................................... ........................................ Date Presented .......C.ctoher....30.th.13169L....... That the proper city officials b^ and they nrelhoreby uutnorizec', and dire +a r r ra _ ::enry Goldberg the_eucof ;3.00 out of the ia.Rcellaneous and 'Jnforseen ..^^oust of +,` ;enerai _1.rd,' �i':o aasant paid LN for r. li�Fnoe °, �L frsole dog,eaid dog raving been captured by the Dog Atcher,and lost afterward by thF _ rd ...-,,Ile to renn� to -aid Gol:lbar . Yeas ( I), oilmen (�) I�ys F Wirth Go In favor e r r M 11 Against O' Y Mr. FORM C.B-E Adopted by the, Council ................... OCT 30 1915 ............................191........ Approved...........N0.1[....-.➢ _.!915_ ...............191........ ................ ..... MAYOR Ac ng r :.,. 77 .9 COUNCIL FIL�._._._..__�_� INTERMEDIARY ORDER.! la4he Matter of_.Grad.iag...Hexxanhal..8atenue_3xom elb�* atrenue_..t~o._$ehlsud __._ under Preliminary order. 4916_.___ _ _ ...__ approved1915.,,............ .__,____ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby, ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.r side,_ Her eOhAl _. &Yenua.from_.9.e3.by__. vanue_to Anhla id with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_43.15 ___._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___3_7_Va___ _..,day of November 1914..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. a. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council'19, ` Clerk. Approved_—___..____—__._.._ _, r_rtfirary -Order' rt„ May13th, -1916 -.:ounctt of=the Cfty of at Paul A6tin9 ]\'lay - j=nreceived: the report of the Com- iog ner of'Flnanee upon -the above Councilman Farnsworth improvement, aafdreand having considered port, hereby resolves:. (•.7o5S L: -That the Bald •report ba. and the 7. (same�le herebyapDroved:and adopted.- ' and the said Improvement fe hereby CCll11 TT�� ` Keller ordered to be.proceedea with; 8. That the nature of`thefmprove- - McColl ! ment wbfch the Counetl recommends Is grade Herechal a venue. from Selby ave- t: nue .to Ashland-avenusp with no alter - Nash natives, and that the estimated coat thereof 1s442.36. , - - Reaotved further; That a Dubllc: Yoerg hearing. be has ;on said.: improvement i on the 87th day of November, 1916, at ,ev Mellon . of 10•Qq.: o•etoe A. M., In the Council Chamber& room 81 or the Form B. S. A. 8-6 .1. 1h. rat M.1- nest Pa 1Ly That hetCom ..._ )cG 303916. I. '� way�Q �a�d RaCGit4Bgd_alley in ths_�ame manner ae the -same now-AXIAOto' .__ under Preliminary order. 7117_—approved_ September 3Otht The Council of the City of St. Pahl having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Tha the na r of the ' rove which the Co cil r c ddss s_„.Open, widen and extend2 an ailey, tib feet111'in. w , across giolor (;t” iitney & Sm1tS*6 l dffition, to.6 t .p6&J.,Lfro E ffh..stT.G$f. tD�6j8t21_EIt B. r, _C audemxtiug..alad tSkiAg the southwesterly 14 Peet of Lots 1,2,3,4,5 & 6, in said Block 8; subject how eve :.4�--fila �Fjrlit� • -the•rod wne"-'of-bat •6; - anzan south 5 feet of Lot -5; - F-thee'rio-Y building ani areaway over said proposed alley in the manner the same now exists viz:' The southwesterly wall of said building being on said fourteen (14� foot strip, 51 feet in length from the north- erly line of Fifth street, measured along the southweeterly.line of Lot 6- rand .Lot`5, and the southerly column of the'easterly archway projecting on to said fourteen (14) foot strip for a width of 1.71 feet and a length of 2.45 feet,and the northerly column of the westerly archway projecting on to said fourteen (14) foot strip a width of 1.71 feet and a length of 2.15 Peet=and the wall between the columns or portals of said archways projecting on to said fourteen (14) foot strip for a width of 1.37 feet; the springing line of the archways being at a point 6.9 feet above the side walk on Fifth street and the crown of the archways being at -a height of 14.3 feet above the sidewalk on Fifth street. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is S_9,DJQD 110._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__..27th_—_....._day of 191.4-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, r(fom No. 61 of±the Court House and. City "Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the .Council—_..__U :I__ � 1�__ _, 191��� ty Clerk. NOW IQ15 Approved-___ ._. teen (141 foot et for a i feet and. s length of 8 46 •i —...__ _..—e--C&�.— northerly column of the w< - Or. way pro)ecting on to Bald ft''do �4s Coot strift width of 1,71 tae dp Councilman Farnsw length of 8.16 feet and the we I tween the -columns or portals of s 14r(TBLISHED archways Projecting, on to Said tour- Gloss teen (14) foot strip for awidth of 1.27 feet the springing line.of the arch. - f - Keller ' ways being at, point 0.9 feet above aha' el dowel k --on Flit h street and the' _.. crown of the archways being at a MCCOIl height of -14.3 -Cee! above `the eldewone; at•• y'•,b rr jj����77 o—Fifth street. with no aiternLUve9; Nash and that the estimated roet thereof Je $6�Resolved rurtl(er That a public Yoerg hearing be had as said imDrevemeht. +� oncthe 27th -day ut November 1916, -at _ the hour of•,:10r o clook.'.k. r M. ia$the. Coancil Chamberoom 61-6f the Court Form a S. A. M - House and iCity Hall Butidinl in the 1 City of at. -Paut .'That�:the� Commas- eloper of Fineace gLve.adUce oC eald meet! g to the persone�and in the m,tmcr provided by.the Charfe stat - Ing the Umeand place of hearing. the nature pt: the: Improva.%pt, and the fetalcoat t sg estimated. ,� _Adopted by.k Jhe the Council. Oct. 80,.1916. Approved Nov. �. - -(Nov. !f. CITY 5T. PAUL •a DEPARTMENN T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OFON PRELIMINARY ORDER FINANCE under Preliminary Order approved — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $----------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and theassessed valu on of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION7 - VALUATION 33 5 . 06 Xf to a 43 5 , TOTAL, FORM B.S.A. S -S A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER-� (C) 'DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA UATIO The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference//to saidmatter by the Commissioner of Public JWorks. Dated.._. 4.. 10// f 191J..._ / v- �G Ii�GL��i(/T� ........... -d Commissioner of Finance. IOpM B.S.A. B -S C _.80P.. a:,.... _a..a a.... _I ...... _..191., .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coon- cil,known as 7 ,17 .......191.......... relative to .............._.. .......... ' Council File No ........:....y.._l.._..........approved.........��BP.�.n..._f�.Q.f...._ ... an Whitney d.._e,�t_a>�d.....14....foot......Aaley..._aargs.a...Block._.9..._.................._........... Whitney & Smith' a .._Addition..............................:.......................................... .................................................. .................__.:............................................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ... ............_....necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The estimated coat thereof is $....... ............ ................ . and the total cost thereof is $ .................................__..........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. _......_..................................................................................... _................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ._......._ . ...................... ..................... _................ ................................................. ............................................. ._........_................ .... _.._ 5. Said improve is ........................ _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject RECEIVED to assessment for said «, pio pfRN"As ly O Z.......... ...._..... _.........................._....._.........................._....._.._.. 9 ♦ z mmissioner of Public Works. SEP 231915 a.: f t r YJ � r a a' l + Y 1S A% SAMY 1�3` - � f 3 y h OMAN ANN" s yAwn low, 1 won 1 —way r ?`u g Z SI x j � ATA r ,n I x� 9 To the Common Council of the City of St.Paul. Gentlemen: The undersigned owners of property benefited by the improvement proposed, respectfully petition your honorable body to open a public alley across Block 9 in Whitney and Smiths Addition to Bt.Paul, extending from 5th Street to 6th Street$ and for that purpose to condemn and appropriate the southwesterly 14 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, in said Block 9, subject, however, to the right of the owners of said Lot Six to maintain the brick building and the archway over said proposed alley in the same manner as the same now exists. Names. r °` 'orth `to tBalYOralty:8 Aq-5,P8elllnag Com, of FJnsnee, iil 000 00,•p Salman �'Co i f6 800.00 ' 8ammlk 'Lealagtotr:'to River $ p Saimaa Co 14000000• Red. BPew Assess. 8onda Clana:"B iJmveraltg �D b0�000g8 dlcate Capital " yyTrast Co,� 34 A. J!'aragwortt.. I z.{ia 600.00.,n= r arcate to C1t9 T.Imita �, f _ F� n 64 UO 38880000 8000 plialman i , Co CITY -OF 6t.' PAUL. COUNCIL RESOLUTION=LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER 775, Subject: CouRe � NO:` " Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the following .designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 128 Tony Pavlic •1874 F 3rd St Tdny pay in, 882 V/podbriaR x nor. President To The Honorable The Council Of The City of St—Paul. Gentlemen:— Application has been made for transfer of liquor license of Tony Pavlic, 18718 East Third Street to Tony Pavlic, 882 Woodbridge Street. This is a new location and ap-lication will come before you for hearing October 30th. Respectfull Lice Inspect.ox. s r TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'ST. PAUL, MILAN: The undersigned respectfully represent to 'your honorable body that they are residents in and about No. 882 Woodbridge Street, in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and that there is now pending before your honorable body, for determination and co$sideration, the transference of a certain intoxicating liquor license, No. 128, from Tony Pavlic, No. 187* East Third Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, to Tony Pavlic, No. 882 Woodbridge Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. Therefore, your petitioners, residents in and near the vicinity of No. 882 Woodbridge Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, do respectfully remonstrate and object to the granting of the transference of said license, and do respectfully request your honorable body not to grant the transference of said license of Tony Pavlic from No. 187} East Third Street, to Tony Pavlic, No. 882 Woodbridge Street, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. F- a r. x� Z moi,: t 622 SV vd'd-.S--n3°'� 3 1� _ or '`,,/.�ie`i+"�.•°#w�{ - ,j` , f�e�'j p,�,'F �9r•s "Z``. '"�,.ss ':,_LMvr`,..� .01 �� J� G!;rTu lenom.,. yo.x.. O , ����f�./"4�c«��f��`ti"'t""'`� <.� � �-.,G�.,+t�.+t„{!.'✓✓'Z�t.,�!'�^°-Y sa All cr, Y//- ,• ettpet �1§ mss s�recter�„•bs�� ppi`'� We, the under-sighned residents of the distric sremt€gtcomYadr xwa2ac,mogQ, buU kuWu ttcefise Eeolto b o dsa ' i dfn6'rit 8@2„Woadp�l{ige�tretft" Bttd Woodbridge and Ifilford Streets do hereby oppose the e ioctanbe{`Ilbnae,t=a�ee=raFta�c the granting of a liquor liscense for any salaon, at this point N—e,. Address. ( V'W�� �-r j J(C:-�„<� r-•'...1�'•T/�� .f,fid � CyB� qe, the wider-3161in .d raoidezat of the dIstViot adjacent to 4;roodbridge and Milford fits cato do lwreby oppose t o ostabli&=ont or the granting of z. liquor l sco2z:-�e for any salmon, at this point, i' 3 ✓--'�.` ^ A All CA 7- Y.WI. CITY OF sT. PAUL COUNCIL R OLUTIONLIQUOR LICENSj - ,Sub ject:7541: COUNCIL FILE NO. • .f ��;(i L / /"�ented 191— RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby 'are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment.of the fee required by law. Name of AppliAnt. Location. Rocco Delmedico 187J E. 3rd St. Yeas (✓) Co en (✓) Nays F Orth Go K r U 9 Mr. President, P ers In favor Against Adopted by the Council ` 191_ Approved 191_ " �i ---••MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL .COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Sabj eCti_ COUNCIL PILE' NO. Date Presenter) 191— RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location., St. Paul Athletic Club S.D. Cor. 4th ?: Cedar St. Yeas (✓) ncihnen (✓)/Nays F sworth l� ss In favor er / cColl Against erg t/ Mr. Preside Adopted by the Coun.14a.d 191 f ` Approved 191— 4La le Qtjyq MAYOR 77e56 CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER 4 f Subject: 4 ' COUNCIL PILE ]n � Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. '-'Yea's ( V ) Mr. Pr( Nays In favor Against r,t T 30 1'_;)5 Adopted by the Council 191— Approved 1 MAYOR Frank Lorenzi MllkoM BT084 Loreny'Snhwietz- 1rohn Stahel E. BB 34cGuinnesB Ryan, Ted.Sinykin, P. D., 0100=02, 'E. A. Jackson, Chas. Rommel .`K0aM1A1Y_ - - Yeas ( V ) [14 Sibley St- --------- – --- log Carroll St 1109 Arcade St. 460 St. Peter St. 3rd St. 578 Temperance St. 379 Wabasha St. 09411Robert 6t. innesa 808 E. Bre 200 E. 7th St - 492 St. Peter St. M_ — fla CITY OF ST. PAU- 7757 OUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE :4Subject– COUNCIL:77,57, MENo. Date Presented_191— RESOLVED, That the application o f the following persons for a licende to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of .the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. F. W. Reichelt 3 90 W. 7th St. Joe. Schwartz 165 Concord St. Fr E. Turgeon ank S.W. Corner 9th & Wabasha. Nakula Bros. 751 T. 7th St. jankjaDja & Ralson 372 Jac 1. kson St. PaUjPatient 427 So. Wabasha St. 353 W. University Ave. FHRamlowx , o AHRnick a-. , 661 Dale St - 140 ------ McGinnis &'_Itansfield 379 Carroll Ave. Chas. Schmalzbauer 20 E. Isabel St. 101 E. 5th St. Ray Upton Peter J. Battig 275 Sibley St. 381 University Frank Lorenzi MllkoM BT084 Loreny'Snhwietz- 1rohn Stahel E. BB 34cGuinnesB Ryan, Ted.Sinykin, P. D., 0100=02, 'E. A. Jackson, Chas. Rommel .`K0aM1A1Y_ - - Yeas ( V ) [14 Sibley St- --------- – --- log Carroll St 1109 Arcade St. 460 St. Peter St. 3rd St. 578 Temperance St. 379 Wabasha St. 09411Robert 6t. innesa 808 E. Bre 200 E. 7th St - 492 St. Peter St. M_ — fla CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase without asking for competitive bids, one Model No. 78 Mimeograph F B. Dick Company to cost $90.00 and one Edison -Dick Mim- eoscope with complete equipment to cost 040.00, as said mimeograph and mimeoscope are patented. Cost of said articles to be charged to the Depattment of Education. Public School Fund. �i'�(C F.�a TT80=By Apthony YserE— I .s' / „ ���+++"' Iteeo v*d Thatbthe Put'ahe6ing meat', Yeas (V) Coun ]men (Y) Nays = Farn orth do's favor Kell M� 1 y Against ;fir Mr. Bre'`sii�ent,, . veers O M C,B•2 Adopted by the Council App d CITY OF 5T. PAUL Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized with the consent -of the Comptroller, to purchase without asking for competitive bids, one Model No. 78 Mimeograph F B'. Dick dompany to cost $90.00 and one Edison -Dick Mim- eoscope with complete equipment to cost $40.00, as said mimeograph and mimeoscope are patented. Cost of said articles to be charged to the Depattment of Education- PUblic School Fund. Yeas (Y) C - o- - (Y) Nays In favor _46�____AQainsr Adopted by the LI CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1� Subject: _._.......................... _. - .._._...... ............. _......... - --..__.....coulvclL FILENo., .... ......................... .,..._.....».»..............._.......................... .»...... ...... _......_............ ......... ........... ......... »..__......»»»_»....._....»....................._....... Resolved, Yeas 01 ' Mr Presic oaM c.l!•2 Date Presented ...__Noy'...... ..... let.,...__I915.•..._ That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase without asking for competitive bide the following:: 48 Crown A. 5/8" Covers �a)F4 crown A cY"n „ 300 5/8" Grown A Gaskets uU yu Crown A "Flaconstu;� 800 5/8" Crown A. -Cylinder Head Screws ;L cmva AIator ehntt drlving: 365/8" Crown A Pistons with shafts 48 5/8" Crown A Inter. shaft driving arms +A fl rr9an M1cays;cam°tet° gown A Cag 9crewe 60 5/8" 'Crown A Cape complete��ro pa >:a 800 5/8" Crown A Gap5,8Caews Al , , town A,aolts � xnta �# .CrowaA Flacons 100 3/4" Crown A Gaskets Jrows A Cape;comptete + 6 3/4" Crown A Pistons pperown A ena L+as rtn�"„ 6r -Crown A Platone 90 3/4" Crown A Bolts & Nuts 'C,rown A;CYltnder screws ' Ir Crown A CY3lnder 9orowe ` 4 1" Crown A Pistons crown AA coYera 12 1" Crown A Caps complete crown ne P eiove e^� 24 1" Crown A Cap Lids & Pins crown AA xa»v.r 3 1}" Crom A Pistons r� W 60 1} " Crown A Cylinder Screws 60 2 " Crown A'Cylinder Screws 12 5/61, Crown AA Covera 12 5/8" Crown AA Piston Shafts (Sample under seperate cover) 12 5/8" Crown AA Pietone-with shafts 12 5/8" Crown AA Register worm Shaft & Worm 12 5/8" Crown AA First Wheel with Worm Wheel attached 12 5/8" Crown AA Register Wheels 12 5/8" Crown AA End wheel of Register 12 5/8":Crown AA Small Shaft with Gear attached ! 12 5/8" Crown AA Small Gear Wheels from the National Deter Co., as an38stimatgg,d cost of $209.55,a;s same are patented artillee am& Vost to be t charged to the Water`Depsttmetst.ru�.f ir> N, Adopted by the Council Appr ed MAY .: KIIMbSIiED / l - G 7- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 7762 ,Subject:.-..'. _.......... __........:.........._..__... COUNCIL .t FILE NC ...... ..... ......................... ... 77 ;� e _ , Date Presented-Nov..1,1915 .--191....... ... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, the following patented articles without asking for competitive bide from the Pitts. Meter Com arty at an estimate cost of $186.50. 5/8" Keystone 48 Movement Box Lids with 100 pine 4 dz each Change Gear Drivers 17 & 18 " Iw, viatented err 4. N 47 & tkne from thePittsburgh MeterCQMPI Y a 24 discs complete an estimate coat of"$80.60: 300 Main Flange Gasketsres $evataae 48 Movement Box );Ida w1tb:100 pine 3 gr Cone Screws 4 ds: each Change Gear Drlvera Y4 &: 48 No.2 Dial Wheel & Pinion 1B4 da each Change Geht Drlvere 41 &' 4824 dyace aomple4A `, 300 slain H7af5g6 Gaskets I M 3/4p � "Keystone I 8 gr. cone screws I 24 Main Flange Gaekete 4s x" a rilsl `°heel &�inlah �^, BeYetoae 6 Discs complete ises 'W 84 Maln F�anab Gaskets p s volate 1� R,dYalone s 4 Dleca complete 1. 1" Keystone 84 Maln FIallBe=fiaekeld 4 Discs complete s7Hovemadta—Clraglarca st y. Plttabur(;b. I 24 Main Flange Gaskets 1*0 Keystone 2 Movements - Circular Cu -Ft - 5/8" Pittsburgh 3/4" Pittsburgh 48 Main Flange Gaskets 60 Movement Blbxes oomplete 100 Dial Banda 200 Movement Box Lid & Pins 69 lot Pinion in Dial Clock Same to be charged to Water 48 2nd Pinion in Dial Clock Dept. Fund 60 Intermediate Train Spindles P. 400 Main Flange Gaskets 60 Frost Bottoms 200 Flange Bolts ' 3 gr Cone Serowe 60 Division Plates 3/4" Pi)tsburgh *&xRk=XsxRs1ks / 60 F sage Bolts Yeas (V) Cou ilmen (Y) Nays �— �� Adopted by the Council-=c�' For sworth Go _ / _'In favotA �/� ((�— Ke r 7n Approved _ . _ _ 191J M oil _U- __Ag tLs O' ary Y rg Mr. Presiden Powers NAYOR FORM C.8.2 ^ • V./I�=!� / / r COUNCIL FILE NO..._.. By. . ..... Y" t FINAL ORDER. X In the Matter of 444!Ag. GV1990 StXOU% from James --streat to -Sta=ord -stmocts .......... ..... .......... under Preliminary Order 5017..._Ailet# . ..... - approved Intermediary Order .. ... .. ... . . ..... ...... approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. qFa4.._qq_gg from James. street .t n Q Sta ....... . ....... _ .......... .......... .. ........ ....... ... .. ..... .. ..... ...... .... ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di. reeted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance thcre%,)�;th. Adopted by the Council 191 Approved .......... .. ...k / Councilman Far worth Gos Kell r Far os worth Kell r MC 11 Yoer Mayor Powe Form A. S. A. 8-7 ov 13916. Mayor. PUBLISHED // — C— ` CITY OF ST. PAUL / DEPARTt4, NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC//. �n ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,/6✓' `D /�--- In the Matter�oj-��=l�-- -- �J'- ----- I --------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved -- --------- ----��-�-------�`-- -!f "'"""""'"""""""--" -------- To ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: -- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $41-67140-8 --- - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ 1.03 ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION i I� s X G j` i I TOTAL. 'I FORM BBA B -LA CITY NST. PAUL �• � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMASIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT 13LOCN,- ADDITION zJ; I WO j(1 a, ASSESSED The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --- l - // /-- ------ --191._1.. �lJ_ ._.(ij ✓:.-1�t Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 0.0 C i CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 01,11, Cox«11110x11 OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cx1EP E.__ J. E. CARROLL. SUPT. CoxIT-1— & R-- ALRREO JACKSON, SUP1. S__T10x G. H. HERRO'..11—E..'... St. Paul, Minn. June 9, 1915- H. W. GOETZINGER, S11. W01xx011E Mr. Y. r. GOSS, Commissioner of Public Worts, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith prcliminar,r estinatc of cost for the :grading of Gri_;s St. from James St- to StLn 'crd St. in accordance with Couhcil Pile ,'J5017, a y ovcd Ily 21, 1915. Approximate estimate 12,674.0£3 Assessable frontage 2,599 ft. Cost per front foot $1.03 Excess inspection 052.43 Respectfully submitted, Dict. J.E.C&M. Chief Engineer. Office of the. Commissioner ,of Public Works Report to COn1MisS1oner of Finance .......... _........ .....191.:5... ✓ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No...._5017.................. approved................. __a�.....a'................_.......191.5...., relative to....._the .................. ...._........................ .......... ........_:... ......... _............ _..... ............................................. _....... ......... ........................................... ....................... ............. ................_.................................... _...... ............ _..._.............................................................._................................_........_........._..................._............................................................._...................................................._ .. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............... ...... necessary and (or) desirable. 81.03 per front foot 2 674.08 2. The estimated cost thereof is$._...... ................. _...._, and the total cost thereof is..... ..... ..... j............. .............. and Frontage 2,599 feet Excess inspection x"52.43 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ................ ................................ .................. _....... _........ ........... ......._......._._.. ....................... ._......_............ _..... ................ ._.................... ............. .............. .............. ......................................... _........... ....._._.... _............................................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.._.......__....._._......_...._._.........................._........................._....._..............__............................_..............._..........................................._........................................_ ..._....... _ 5. Said improvement is__......_......__... _.......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for- said improvement. ....................._...._c.... ...._r........_. _... _... .... ...................._........_..-......................_....... m issionf Pub er olic Works. PNONE N. W. CEDAR 2405 IrAL STOCK 550.000. - - #�#. Paul araltH dub Asor#s tfnntpttny iNooSPOAATED �"�� �7 INVESTMENTS, LOANS AND REAL_ESTATE �. REAL ESTATE EQUITIES PURCHASED .. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE J G,OeE BUILDING- , JAS. H. BURNS. ST. PAUL. MINN. May 5,1915. Hon. Td. N. Goss, nom'r Public Works, pity of St. Paul. You are respeotiully requestwd to take the ne^Pssary NtepS to cause Griggs street to be graded from St, ('lair street to Grace street. The undersigned petitioner oerns to of the 19 lots ai'iPeted by Said irnprov ement . Resp ,ct fij..11y 4ubmitted, Fly Its SenT0T!v:y. 39 6-7 T MAY 2 11915 BIIREAIIrOF ENGINEBRS, COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of . oonetruoting ourbing in front, of. ...Lot.s.-17,___IS, _ al _a"a...6i4' brook a, Loveringse addition to union Park, looated on the east eider of Ane..ler.-.avenuebetween-Shields-avenue and at. Anthony avenus _ under Preliminary Order 684.6 ..._.__. _..._.__ approved _September. Znd,__1915.•_.-..-_ Intermediary Order _. _ _ __ _ approved _ __.._ ........ _........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preci,e nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Construct curbing in front of Lot 17, _18, 21..,alld _.._.. . ado, Blook S, Loveringss Addition to Union Park, looated on the east slut, of Wheeler avenue between Shields avenue_and..St Anthony avenue, _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeced with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council l II� City C rk, Approved ..... __ /_ , 191J.._. L d u 1 Q4 3 .. Pa qyi avgL,Paolo .ag , Mayor. Councilman Fi rnsworth G ss K 11er Cter LI Mayor Farm A. c. A. 8.7 A politic hearing having been had - upon the above improvement upon .due notice,andtheCouncil having heard allpersona, objections and recommen- datlons relative thereto, end having fully considered the some; therefore, be It Resolved, BY the Council of the City L St. Paul that the precise nature, ebb- 1 tent and kind of Improvement to be j made by the Bald City is construct curbing in front of Lots 17, 18, 21 and 24, Block 2, Lovering'. Addition to Union Park, located on the east side of Wheeler avenue between Shields ave- nue and St. Anthony avenue, .and the Council hereby orders Bald Improve- ment to be made. Resolved Further, That the Commie., stoner of Public Work. be and he Is hereby instructed and directed to pre P- . ars:-.plana and. specifications for Bald mprDveBe nt, and submit same to the Council for .approval; that upon .said apDro9 , the proper city officers are hereby-aath'Aaed an�`directed to pro sed with the making of Bald Improve - t In or therewith. m Adontede by the Council Nov. 1, 1916. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --rn-the Matter of �.- FIr. - ---------- --- . . ... ...... .............. ....... .... - .. . ... . ...... ..... ..... .. ........... ............ . ..... ...... ...... ...... ... .. .......... ....... ...... . . ...... . . .............. ..... . .............. ..... .. .... . ...... .............. ... ............ ........... ...... ........ ....... ....... .......... ... ... ....... - 1- 1 .............. ................... .... - - -.1 ......... ............ ... . ... . .............. ...... -- I ........ ...... ....... ...... . ..... ...... I ..... .................. ... ....... .... I ....... ........... ...... ...... ......... ...... ... . . . ....... .......... .......... .. ... I .. ....... ...... . ............ .. ........ ... . . ...... .... ....... -- -.-- ........ ......... ..... ....... ...... ............ ... .... . ....... ........ ....... ...... ............ . . ... ......... . ....... .... ... ... - ............ . ...... .......... ....... ...... ...... ............ ...... ..... ..... ........ . ............ I .......... ............ ....... .. ............ ........ .......... ...... ..................... . ..... . -.- --- ......... ..... .. ....... ....... .. . .... ............... ...... ...... --- .. .... .................... .. .............. ...... ....... ... .. . .. ........... ..... - ............I.• .. . ... .. ....... .. . ........ under Preliminary Order ................ .... ..... ... ...... ... . . . .......... .... . ..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.._54.6a .-. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - x...,......,_.36 ...... .... .. ....... .... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows- - - - ------- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ALUATION TOTAL. ', 7- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Doted...... ...... ........ . . 1qtJ- . .... . .... ............ Commissioner of Finance. I... A. Office of the 'Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 9,_ _. _ 191 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publie Works, having had under emisidrratiou the preliminary order of the lbnn- eil, known as Council File No. 6$46 ;ipprovcd_... September 2,_. PH �' relative to curbing in front of Lots 17, 18 and 21 and 24, Block 2, Loveringle Addition_ o Union Park, east,._side. of Wheeler Avenue between Shields Avenue and St. Anthony Avenue. ........_............... nod having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 36¢ per front foot 54.62 3. The estiumted cost thereof is _ _ _. :md the total cost thereof is { Frontage 153 feet Excess inspection $6.00 the aathur and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. d. S. Said improvement is._....__-- _...__._asked for upon petition of three or utmvr owners of property, subjuet to assessment for said improvement. Couuuissioucr of Public Works. ^A CITY OFR' SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D-11 Cow,u.iae.— OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C— Eno-- J. E. CARROLL SUnr. C-11TRU-1. ALFRED JACKSON, SUnr. S -1—T.- NN W. GOETZINGER, S—.Went-11l St. Paul., Minn. Sept • 9, 19150 LEr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curb in front of Lots 17, 18, 21 and 24 Block 2 Lovering's Addition to Union Park, east side of Wheeler Ave. between Shields Ave. and St. Anthony Ave., in accordance with Council File #6846, approved Sept. 2, 1915 - Approximate estimate 054.62 Assessable frontage v 153 ft. Cost per front foot 6.36 Excess inspection neoessar� Respectfully submitted, Diot. O.C.M. Chief Engineer. CITY OW SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK. GOSS COMMISSIONER M. N. ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 011— C-1-1-- OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHAP £NO 1- <• J. E. CAR ROLL SUPT. Co-- @ R -- ALFRED JACKSON. Sun. SAJITATION G. H. HERROLD, OFFIIE E. -I-1 @Minn.n H. W. GOETZINGER, Sun. WonKxoues �t.. Faul,' Sept. 9y 1916• Mr. M. No Gose, Commissioner of Pcblic Works, Building. Dear. Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curb in front of Lots 11, 18, 21 and 24 Blook 2 Loveringls Addition to Union Park, east side of Wheeler Ave. between Shields Ave. and St6 Anthony Ave*, in accordance with Qounoil Dile #6846, approved Sept. 2, 19166 Approximate estimate 064.62 Assessable frontage 168 ft6 Cost per front foot 6,001 Excess inspection neoesear� Bespeotfully submitted, Mot. O.O./m. Chief Engineer. !.treat. 'IN C .y P'ARICY't - - City Cie k (Nov. YO-1916).. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL R TION—GENERAL FORM ............ Subject:---- __.. _ _ rFILE zDate Presented-5.04•--lst.1_..1..._._I915.__- An Ordinance to amend Admin#stratifve Or mance No. 3224 approved June 22, 1914, �esx SECTION 1 of St. paul does ordain that its The Council of the City No. 3224 approved June 22, 1914, Administrative Ordinance from Section Th be amended by striking out Three 1040.00�the a words "A stenographer at an annual salary �r year", and inserting in place thereof "an od'fice secretary at an annual salary of not exceeding $1500. SECTION 11 This days ordinance shall pprovalkandffect and be in force thirty publication, 1 Yeas (Ir) Coun Imen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council __ ---191 Farns vorth / In favor Goss ---1- Approved 191 ✓(Celle - PP _ __ . MCC 41,t-- l_' .-Against Yoer // ---- ----- --' MAYOR Mr. Presiden .ant ..6.2 D. C. Gayton Council File No . .... ........ ........ ....... PROPOSALTOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDE j'. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the lowing pu 0 impr . /ement y the City of Sc Paul, viz.: paetra.01,.....relay and... air-. with.. .eme - ----- tile 0 a-.W-t&th Of six feet th n.... e liarth.- id e Of_ ... ............ .......... I ........... ...... St. Clai St nnj th njae_ffeat.... Q...f.eet . . . ....... ..... ...... .......... . ....... ....... ..... .... ...... ..... ......­ .... ....... ...... ...... ....... .. I ....... .... ..... I.Z ................ ....... ...... I . . . ill .// ..........191 Dated this lat day d I ...NOV emb Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . . . ..... ........ .. . ..... re.lay and_repair with_a.ement til -e. -t.o a wi&th. of..six.-f.est, 14arth-BIrle Of Zt. - 01RIT- -S-t .... ... .0 1�t3 va..S.Omenth C;X..W 7 ....... ....... ....... .. .................. roves , I o.'. mialclifig, of the followins .Impieveme'o� ­ ...... . ............. ...... ........ ...... ............. . ........ ....... ................ ... .......... ....... .. .... . ........ witi-cirriem-tile io.&7wih4JoFii.r81P"41tr the 0�oqeilt o1jIte- having been presented to the Council of tH. noril�-alde' of� SL� Clair �f1t;,'beirinnialt .. ...... . ... . .... 'Rt,W. SeVefith',Sjt;,thetiee ­Weiif::90jeet,l therefore, be it having beeEj1,Vre80at6&.td.the o[.the�Clty of St. Paul therefore RESOLVED, That the ordered and directed: dared and, dlreated •' - 1. To investigate the necessity for o"� -%,ToAnVeaftato<t a lvecof the � 0 improvement. or �Jieprp�amenL, - d he total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent ai:_�, tint, an t :-�Sa �'�bstfiiletad �,.U�aa d, -1 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skep6rAeuC mrt;', pr081e ori 4. To furnish the following other datan }. Che tow coat chareer. it Toqa,�'_,'--�. _ _ fi!1Wd!1Wprov reisit .the. -; fonowlit— liprovement . ............ ...... ....... ............ "t.'xiiiiflnfdrwatibn o............................... ............ ... ...... ...... I ............ ..... . ...... . ............... ............ .......... ........... ................... ....... 5. To state whether or not said impf6vement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.;,. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........... .. 191 ........... Yens: Nays: Councilman F ' sworth G s Approved...). ... ....... .. ........:...........191...... K r M oll Nash Yo....... . ...... I—— ........ .... ....... ....... ... .. ... ..... ............ .. ........ 1-yor Po rs Mayor. — /.6- T Council File Not.. / PROPOSAL FOR nUROVEMMT.. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. l �'�Tl The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pn it provelne by hC Tic 1i of Paul, viz.: P.mnjng.._and..._tak ng..._an.._ease a ..... in...the.. la:..... neoe arY..........._ Dated PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...__._........._..._._........... _.._. Condemning...:and..._taking._._an.__easement._ in__the land necessary ............ and.__f l.B...... z>....gredng.._Page...._Stre ............. ......_....._..._.... Ing of 6D— + ._..... ........... ... .... ..__ ........... .. .... G I o �e A wrlff@tt'Dropoeat Yoe the. th@ fol3owAag lmprovem@nY f r07Il HtT $ET g4t:Illle t0 .toe outa'� a�aing sad-t@,kin6 an ehea ' ..... ................ ..........._. ......... .................................... _. ._.. � . ... a ]and neceaeary tbr..alopee , d Sits Ia=gradlog PagO 6E 1 havingfrombeen resented to the Council of the hxV1 stryker avenae.to afdwelpatreati _.._. . P -having"beep praeenEed!+ ......_.........._... .. . ........... tq 3hr CoanC1 u-ot the Cit Is a PavlyYhereforeobti It therefore, be it Ae@olved; Th t the Comntrealmer of ,.Paklic Work@ a and he to hereby -'. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of n@rea and.dlre tea dered and directed: '� To'lnve igate ttie neceeslt tor. :�or 41m'billty o[ the :making it Bald' 1. To investigate the necessity for or improvombac rovement. 8 .To m tee�lgoal th@' nature etteaf 2. To investigate the nature, extent a .°arta eaumetea cost or. seta taiprovo•. t, and tits total cost thereof. g :menti and M6,tot, thereof S..To tarnish a+LDlan proNe`: or. 3. To furnish n plan, profile or sketch #ketch oteala Improve mt p p 1 To ;farnieh the following other 4. To furnish the followingother cat Wa"Yru� r ;lhformatton relative to eats; rovement:............. ' i<i' eta b whetber,ob aot ealdam - ._ 7@L t:Ie s@k@d tgrSba the Detltioa .... ...........................................__.............._..__....._ gr:'mor@ ow,n@re. ,i �.a_ ..... ._.........._..._ .._ ..._.......___. 5. To state whether or not said improvemencV,h3h2'UIYUI 'on tie pet>tlon of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fen egoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ....:°._1011.�.......... ...... 191......_ Yens: Nays: CouncilmanIsworth / G Approv f ......�.�............................191._ . er A ell . Bary rg... ........._........ .... ........... .................................... _..._............._......-...._.... Mayor P ers Mayor. PUBLISHED A — D,, C. Gayton Council File No ............................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER.. r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the Cit St. Paul, viz.:_....Ren.ons.truct.,...-re.lay...and...r.epair...with....a.ement....t1le_.ta... a_.width_..of six fe•et,"oement tile sidewalks an follows: Raymond-Aue..y.. West-side.,....heglnning--at -Ter-r-it©r—al-.-Read....thenee South... 200 feet; beginning 160 feet North of university Ave., thence . ........... ....... ...... ........ North ...4-6... feetw._..... ..... .... ..........................................._......"........_...._................... -­ .... ........... ­ ... ............ Raymond Ave., East side, beginning 40 feet, Borth of university Ave, ............................. thence"North I*i0 �eet� tiegiririirig 46 feet farther North" "therioe Dated this..N....o.. rth 40d 2hd.e t........NovembeT._191 &i;.. Councilman. PRELII(AINARY ORDERV WHEREAS, A writt ropos I for th nlak�n of the followin improvement, viz .:................... Reconstruct, reya� ani repaeir witgh cement tigle to a width of six eet, __cement.., t ile.._sM ................ ........... .................... ...... ............... , .................... _....... ............... Raymond Ave., West side, beginning at Territorial Road thence South ............... ......... ......... .200....feat.;..._beginning -..160....fee.t.. North...of..un,ivers.ity.-A,ve+,.....thence North 46 feet c, $ wo v7t ,�tt Raymend-Ava., Baa -t sid8 wberoae A,wrltten mgDaeat 191, ho e Df. ttnivereity Ave. thence North 17�' matdns of the t011owing Improvelpeut ti farther North thence via: Reconatruer relay:> $pd r repair Illttftiff�_��_ f ._ , with Bement, the ta a w1dtL pf, elt reek .. "'"" ' - .. """"" .. "" """""""" aE e having been prgsented to the Council a nlerrl ronin iso, Wnq hoot," 00,' feebabegtnning 160 teet�tiorttt o[ ITN.. therefore, be it veralty 'Ave., Yhenoa nortd,j8 feet. - 4qfttee nn nd -Ave., e"t, eo Ap pffln ni e the RESOLVED, That the Commissiq north tao.feet; beglanlug'e6 fee;;far ; ereby ordered and directed: Cher Porth, thence north, teot, ii v=: 1nw been presepted to. the ppunolt;ot said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity ft:the'taftr of, sk.•Paui therefore be It P ovement. IWolved,k.b a the 4emmte rener os; ement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, exte Publlo-world he apd b4 >A hereby or,; der gd andl.dlrgetea `a • 3. To furnish a plan, profile or pr1'= �o.tnveengate the ,ieaaaaiti`ler' Aes6inentty, of the 1pak, tttg of Wd Improvemenk 4. To furnish the following other 2.,'-; Ta tnveaueate the,ndiure et4en; Improvement; ..._......................... and'.. eettmated-,00at of} ealg Imnrove- monk and the'itotal opat.ihereol., . a plant, prodls� or' ................. _.......... ............. ............... • � f�ea:t�i•rn cral•,Y tv={.. .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement hs''asl<Ce for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ni Adopted by the Council ................... ..... a..l:..-::..... 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth / Go Approved .... f. ... ..... .1�� ..._..... ........_ 191 tPer!' Nash ........ ayor;Me or. .. PUBLISHED �/— 6 ` Council File No.__._...._ .................._ — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol iing publ' innpro' Paul, viz.: ...............__.........._.._Condettn ng..._and..._tak ..._an,.._ea,e _ent___ n. Nebraska Ave .._..........................._...._..__...._... .................... _........ _.._....-f :... Dated this ....._and .........s;F..day of PRELUMNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:......._................................. .......... Gonclemn.in,g.....=nd,.._t_ald--1g..... 1..._e.>!aernent...._ in t. ..Jand_..... ........... ........__. ..........._...................nec.e.s.s.asy.....for..... sl.o..p.e.s....... for ..._cuts .....and ....fills .._.i.n....grad.i.ng............ .......... .... .......__. _. __._......_Nebraska Avenue,_.._from.._Payne....Avenue..._t.°....FJaleh....Avenue..... _................ ..._......_..... . .......___. _.__ i F,No 7771 .`sal Cor the........................._ ...... ..... ..... .... ............................ Whereae A virttten liroao at tLe [otlewln tnlpr an°�p°yB mak! Condemn[nB add ktuB .... ........................_........_ __..... ; having been presented to the Council of the Cit meat is;tHe ,lana r,edasa rY,toreUetraaPe��t— therefore, be it tor=cuts and alio fn Brading lq asenne from Payne gYceeente8 to b?! RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub troll otike cttyn°i at ,Paul there -.led and directed: tore: ye it 1. To investigate the necessity for or desiy��a+ij9y0°rl;hb na hamiaeut. dared <an¢ dire°tea 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e� des°raojuaraui hg°emgxinaao�dtd the total cost thereof. or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sal. Im FOTo lnvea irate the nature asset p,[4a eptlma[Qd:; coat oC_pald i[aarovN �. 'Pn furnish the following other data and p Lrment:_.._..... ..._........... 'meh� na 4tie: totals �giankovio8le { To turnlph othet�l ek�o'h pt 4Rtd.tmPt6 °mlowln6 1 sip. a 3 ti �oFinatlon ,^ _._._._.. ____..._.._. ._..... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is ase petition of three or more owners. 6. reporf`u on all of the foregning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by tile u e oncil...... ......Iv,j,.._l �u1....:.191......._ Yens: Nays: 'ouncilman F worth Go Approved...../l............ ....:.... ...._......... ._..... 1 ._ Ke r M 11 0' my Yog ...... .....__... _............... .................... .._._......__......_........ Mayor Poi rs Afayor. Council File, No.__ ............:.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and. PRELIMINARY ORD' , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the owing pit is Paid, viz.:..... ... ............._....._Condenul ng..._and..._ta:. ....... ..... an eas..._ent r cut_e._._andl __...__._._.ls nece_eearY._f or...._slopes.,.................. Dated Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... _.......... _........_........_..... _......................... a ..... ... ........... .... .......Q.azadelun x�g.. a taking an.._eaeement...._ a..._the..land_....._.............-........ _. n..e.c.e.s.s.ary...f..o.r.._.a.�oP.�..O.,..._f_PT cuts.....and. fills..__in....gred n�..._Paecal......._.__.. having been presented to the Council of the Q therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pr 1. To investigate the necessity for or d 2. To investigate the nature, extent and 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of 4. To furnish the following other data a Bred and directed: the total cost thereof. ................................. ........................... _I................__. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for 'on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to tine Commissioner of Finance. ��_V.......�.'.._.�...�..._1. .._._......191AdoPted by the Council ................L. ......? ......._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth Go Approved.. 191....._. K er M oil 0 eary Y rg Mayor P ere Mayor. PU13LISTIED •Y D. C. Gayton Council File No . ........... ..... . ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDE� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the lowing ubl enr to if of St. Paul, pair-mit...semen d. PAX le sifilexall ea ife 0 . r. b.pgjAAjjjg. at...W.hitall ...t.hena.e 20. f et . . .. ..... ... ..... ............ ....... ... ............ ....... ....... .... .. .. .......... ........... ....... ............... . ... ............ ...... .. . ................. ....... ....... ...... - ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... Dated this ........ ... 2.01 day . . .... ...... ........ ........ ........... ........ 19, ... . . .... ........ ....... ..... . ...... ..... ........ Councilman. PRELIONARY ORDER. WHFREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ... ........ .. me.lay and me.pair zith 0.emant ti -le.. to a width 0-F. Big -feet, h.e pres.ent o.ement t.:U.e s.:Lclewalk-on-the Uest.. side__Of-.FAg.erton.-St-. A.t. Wh ... .. .. ... ....... ... . .. . .... ..... .......... . ............. . . .. ...... .............................. I *g Res a"o rupt;, � ."187i vis 4t* ---aWAt"U1-' t0-AlwWth of 71ir feet. n having been presented to the Council o! 'hd-Pr6iiiht - - ..-. - - * , --- -- - -, iWeldo if wbt�al ..,"800it0h Bt-��'bOgftuilng;ati therefore, be it 1"9,,bethanbe-N01101:176 feet,; h.v, ,b. �.iVpresented.jo..ajj if f ,,o Paul,thbrefore, be it iereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissiot R690JVad,'T6t'the , eomaelmifoner� of. Putalca,W.orka;be andhe-j.,hereby or f dared mnd dhe.jedi,, said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity o 17,Toanve it t`babUJi`T8-"JB'-01r: t, and ilic total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, exteit,laeprp,aeaajZ-�iz.��,,,i IfeMen I 3.,,ToInvo , * 3. To furnish a plan, profile or 04GOOT Improve, A t 't I - costpoet ehereoe 4. To furnish the following other i- "ei r "d improvement;. ........... ... ...... ..... it' .. .. .................. . ....... . . . . . . ....... ....... .. ....... ............................... .......... ..... ........ . .. . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................... J1.5 ......19L.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Far Go Approved ................. 19 Ke r M oil Y Yo g Nash Yog ........... . ....... ....... . I .......... ... .. ......... ......... as Mayor Po rsM —a .. 4 .... A., s Council File No ............. ........... ... ::..: — PROPOSAL rORIMPROVEMENT. and 7774. 74. PRELIMINARY ORDER. r The undersigned hereby proposes the'making of the following public improvement by the City -of St. Paul, viz.: . ........................ ....Qpndemn ng...._&nd.._ ..a}s ng._an.._eaQement...an_._the....land................ _._............... ........... ._..._nese s sar..Y.:. Yor.... eloPe_e.:..__for._. cut e...._and__f ill e...._in,_.grading..._of.............. _.._........ _ Al -1-0.7 ...in.....BI..c k.....1.&., .._.An.>ae....E.........F? ams.e.y._..a....AddItA.a.n................. ................................. _...... _..... _...... ................................... .................... _........ _...... ----............ .._.....,..... _................................ .................._....._.............................. _.:... Dated this _._.......... .i�nd._...day of_ ........... ...N.ovembe.x.,......_..,�....^ _ ..191.5.._ / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, v(z.:....._........................... ......... _... _..... .........._Condpmning..._AAd..._t along-, en -_e agement .__in__tte..._land ........................ _...... .A.._..a.lxmuo.e.,.....f.or.....Puts....._=d..._f_ 11.§.__i_n....grading._of....._....._...._..._... Alle_, in Block 18 Anna E R __se.'s Addition ............. ................................_... X..._................................_......................................_......'........I.............. ..... ............................... .........................................................._... . having been presented to the Council o: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commission 1. To investigate the necessity fo 2. To investigate the nature, ext( 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sh 4. To furnish the following other ordered and directed: improvement. nent, and the total cost thereof. improvement :........................---..._............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asaN .•:at en che•�Se ition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i�JV Z'lulti Adopted by the Coun '1 ....... .._ _._...... 191..._... Yeas: Nays: ' Councilman F sworth // y q Approved._._ .... .. 7._ S er M oll 0' ary Y_ g Mayor Po ra Mayor. mis G /S r3, . Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated December 19th, 1914 between Feyen Construction Co. and the City of St. Paul for the grading and improving of the alley in Block 11 Oakville Park, be and the same is hereby extended to the 30th day of August, 1915. and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (V) Counc' en (Y) Nays Farns rth Goss ____ __ In favor Keller McCo _ __Against Nash Yoerg Mr. 1` sident, Po ers FORM C.8.2 i ? Adopted by the Council IV')U -% 7_91 Approved z St. Paul, Minn. October 26, `17 To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - WE would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of the alley in Block 11 Oakville Park be extended to August 3Ot4,1915. owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for -' us to finish this contract within the time specified, henoe we desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly40="55� Contract 'Phare is no objection to having the, time extended as requested, as far as the requir e s this office is concerned. — — perintenaent of Scnsnruc$ioo o Repair APPROPID -----=—— — — — — — - -do r o Puelio�rk:,. ——Cfiief�ngfneer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ................ ............... Subject, ... .._ .. _. _.. .: _ .._ _ . COUNCIL vas NO- .... ..... ........ . ............ Date Presented-Kov.2.,.191.5...—I91.-.-..--. Resolved, That the Council hereby confirms and approves award of contract to A.S. McKenzie for foUrthousand cubic yards of gravel and 200 cubic yards of gravel dressing -at $1.20 per cubic yard, total $5040.00, to be used in the improvement of Wheelock Parkway in accordance with Resolution C.P.7522 approved Oct. 15,1915. 0. FNs 7748-8Y�ule Nash'— )Reeolved , That.'the. Counan' bereby m :oonffre and approves award.. of bon` tractfto,A.,&.McKenzle for' four; thous sand dublo yards of gravel and 200 cu -1 bla yards of Irravel dre..1nFat' 53:20. per, cuDlc yard,�tot'sl. i6040A0. -to' be. used 7n-the:hnprovement. of+'Wheelack•i Park -7521, accordonoewith Resolution• ." Cc 1*c ptedi v: the d Oct. 16.4916 6 Approved Nov' 1915' NNov. 2 '3916. • Approved Nov: 8, 1916. 'A..6 � e Yeas (V) Con, ilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council_ Far orrh Go _-.7 In favor / 19 Ke Ap d - �(_ Mc 11 D _Against O' ry - Yo _ -- Mr. President, owers — Nwvon rover c.e•m PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improveuient, viz.: .. .... ...... . . ..... . ..... .......... nderin ng_._and teka.x g_ a1�... asemen .. in._the. land_ ........ _ ............ ...........TI a G.G. Q.s &rY for., s.1Gpe_s,.,., for. outs...and fills. in.,_the..,grading _of .............. C.F. DLO 7187;:" .... _............: . whereas--Awrlttea DrpPoeal forttie ........ ....... ...... A11ey.....in...H1ae.k..2, making Of the following'lmprovement, 1 yfa d Condemning and taking an, Baso moat 1n'the'9and neceeearY YOr alODOq. ... .........................._......... _.... _. ...,.__ ......................_................__. ....._ for cats an8 Ella in the grading of al- r ley to 81ock ad;Wann'9, Addition, ll ,been Dreaented.to,ttie Copnall of ._ ,,,_, ,,.... ..._.._._.....; haSiiig been presented to the Council o thR aoiv of 7senai th. Coinmieeione� of therefore, be it Nbuo works he and hq le hereby orJf deied and directed 1.x: To lnveetigate :he.neeenity fdr: b ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissione 6r-deatrabfnty;:u: the making otsatd: y Improvement:' 1. To investigate the necessity foi E.; To hivestigate the t aFure silent 1 improvement. g and-- ti aneetimated'. coat of said 1m rove mend;the�-total coetthereot�t ment, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, este r..a To fgrmeh 1e' Dlan. Drodle'gr, sketch of a�fd-lmyrovameio 3. To furnish a plan, profile or Ilk f ' Te -tarnish the tonowtng' osaid. detaand Intormatton relattre to, said. 1f11Dt•Oremant. improvement: ...... ...... ... ._........ 4. To furnish the following other 8anmen°etiseasken foe:on tLe yeittiont: .......... . .....-- — �., "- fi Fn, tion of three or more owners. a. To state whether or not said improvement I 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioper of Finance. - ..... Adopted by the Council........ Neu }31y........191.. n f Yeas: Nays: Councilman Goa sworth B Approved .1.. �_. _. � ............ _.._ _.._ 1..... Keir 011 ' 11 O' ary Yo......._...__.....__._ ..:.......... iia S,< Mayor Po" i PUBLISHED R CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -7777 Subject, couNciL NA� FILEO .......... ......................... .. .�..�..-...-...��........ ��.......�.. ..�. �.�m.--. .,.,....._...._ � Date Presented -....-..Nov..._...._2 I91..5-.- Resolved, That the final order for the construction of a sewer on Fairview Ave from Tallula Ave. to Hillis St. and on Hillis St. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., approved July 1, 1916, be and the same is hereby amended to read on Fairview Ave. from Hillis St. to a point 183 feet north of a the north line of Tallula St. and on Hillis St. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave. e F Nn�r��a—sr�;xanee „ Resolved:'That the final order tor,thfl conetruotton� of a sewer on .Fatrvlew I Ave.. tro Tallula Ava":te Htne 81.,edn on 8tlue OIL from Falrvtew Ave`; to. Prior he 'same In- b.r.bly 1 19ded be J and the came to hereby amends$ St-, rend on 't 1$3 ew .northom tions fit., toa of'T 189 st.'arth at the notal', line of •Tallula St ;and Prior 8111te Bt,. fmm FnirvleW Ave. ;o ,Prior Ave 1916 Aed` the-Connotl Nov 8 ,' ApproDrovvd Nov: E„ 1916 Yeas (V) Co cillnen (G) Nays Far worth Go ' __�L- "'Infavor Kel r Me 11 Against Nash Yoe M . President, wers roew .e -A Adopted by the Council d' 111- 7n2 -1—'11x191 -- Appr ved MAYOR. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:--. . ..... ... _..... .___... COUNCIL j'0. FILE No., .... ..... �f,1M�.., .^. .. C Date Presented._ -. ....Move ........2, If I z� 3n thevmatter of reconetrnoing the most southerly span o3 the Westminster Street Bridge, under Council File #6488, Ordinance #3547, approved August 30th, 1915, RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Worlm for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. �% C. F• No.7778-BY M. N�Ooee-- ;, ,��U In"ahs matter°' of reeonatruolin8: the �"moet 8outhgrlY span . of the WOet• mineter Street $ridge, under Council •Nile NO 8488; OrdinaviceNo 56471 ap-1 /,U pro4gd Abguet 80th 3916 3t0801ved That the plana apecldoar tiopd abd �atimatee evDmitted by the Cgmd1188taherOf Pnblto �Dtka for the. '6tgVe, named imptoveme t be and We came arq hereby appgoved. `� AdoptedsayytLe CouncirNov 8, 1916.' A�p[nved;Nov 8 1916..:- Yeas (V) Council en (P) Nays i4.)1` 5191 Adopted by the Council 4farnsN rth oss In favor /6 ---Against 191 L. Her Approved `__ Jam_ �cCo Y Nash Yoerg Mr. President, P ers N�Yoa FORM c.9-2 0 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter spec infavor of the peraons;'firms or corporations for the amounts set:' -opposite. their respective names, as specified in the 'fol statements ? fUQV Ysas (,�) ;Co men { -1 Nays Adopted by the Council F sworth /. In favor Appro er oll _jLAgainst rg Mr.resideroweta Corporate Purposes Mayor! s Office, Exp. ' S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 5.06 -Corp, Counsel's,Office:Sxp. Review,Publtshing,Co.: 21.50 -Com.-riaance-Exp. L.; F. Dow Co.,; 5.00 6.60 National Counterfeit Deflector City' Clerk Exp. H. C. BoyesonCo ,'; 4.00 L A. Eavis McClain:- GrayCo. a 8.40 _ ComptrollerI a Office-Prtg,. & Staty. 8._S. Ferry 1.75 - Pub. Lighting"Fund-Sappl. & Exp.; M. N. Goes, ',Conmi asioner, Aug. Hohen'stein, Purchasing Agent 49.88 325.00 John F.. Mad"den; ' 9' N. W.`Blectric'Egycip. Co.84.46 Patteson Str,est Lighting Cc 6s263 73 Raymer ; Hardware Co , r x �3 �' $t Paul EleRE iC CQ�# - �,. rXG 9t. Psu1 aas Light,,C`o R 9. 2 Gen—Fund-Municipal Court-Suppl. H. C. Boyeson, $ 10.50 . Fund -Purchasing Dept.-Suppl. H. C. Boyeson Co., $ •75 S. E. Hendricks C.o., 10.00 McClain:&Gray`Co., 10.25 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., - 3.96 Virtue Printing.Co., 75 ' n,•• . �yyyy��}q. ynLyQ {JAM ... 'N�.."W�arYyr�y'�4Yi �1:4V DLLrN—.%M'�,Ntiia'�i�tWL.rA^ISF.T•2tiS+:.:SnY'l^4'JJLSk.��.�,�ey;C"IFS4Sf�:.. y ..: Gen. Fend-Miscl. &;Unforseen Exp. Clymer A Hueleter, 14.50. " Gen. Fund;=Civil Servica Maint., A.; A; Farnswortb, Com. Finance, 160.00 McClain '& Gray Co., — 13.77 Virtue Printing Co., 30.25, trtaCY'�S3 Gen. Fund -Municipal Garage-Maint. .Board of Water:Commi'ssioners, 17.52 Builders Iron, Works, 3.06 Capital:-City.Lime &.Cement Co.; 122.15 Crane>& Ordw, Ca r�- 1;80 L _ Drake Marble &Tile Co., 9:76 Earweli,'02mun,-Kirk & Co., 7.60 Ford Mfg' Co., - 59.68 Manhattan -Cil &: Linseed Co., 1.68 Midway Lime & Cement Co., 22.00 N. W. 16dtili-6, quip. Co., 12.00 . Raymer Hard4areCo. 5.65 8cribrier =Libby Co., 206.00. Gen. Fund -Water ,Supply ti. Board of Water`Commtssioners 227.52 Gen. Fund -Mi so Staty..& Supple Brown, Blodgett ,& Sperry Co., 35.00 McClain &Gray -Co., 10.80 Gen. -Printed �rmsBlanks Geo. C. Binder,' 17.30 Clymer & Huelster.- 31:00 E. S. Ferry 11.70 Ramaley.Printing Co., 33.60 St. Paul `Printing<Co., 51.50 Furman Tuttle 3.00 ' Virtue Pri=nting Co., • 8.25 ms`s 5 33' �Li""-t 4 'l � • ti x^`' V,.iii+ �rF SCF 412'7 . C.y ^' ................. {'��.'F, ..:. .` Police Vii. & R. American Linen Supply Co., 1.25 .00 H. C. Ahrens 1 1.00 Auto Tire'Sales Co., 7.65 u Bispnius Trnk Co., 29.28 Board of:®tater"Commissioners 0 Mre. Margaret Brady 18.90 Electric Mfg. Co., 6.84 L. -Eisenmenger Co., 16.9.1 Elk Laundry Co., Farwell, Czmun, Kirk Co., .90 5 6.05 Edw,. Hinderer .61 Aug. Hohenstein, 222.68 Mrs. Mary Horan, 8.00 J. T. Kenny Co., 84 Mcquiallan Bros,, .6 .99b Maendler Bros., 2.50 N. Makiesky 1 0. Manhattan oil & Linseed Co., 4.8866 Mitsch & Heck Co., Edw. Neuman141.96 34.15 N. W. Elea. Equip. Co., 185.32 N.. W. Tire Co,, 85.8$4 Noyes Bros. &'Cutler, 24.00 A. W. Peterson; 50 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 144 25 .25 Reed Motor Supply 18.48" Alex Rich 69.53 Robinson, Cary '& Sands, 135.80 "Bt. Paul Gas Light Co., -St. Paul Rubber Co., 2565 'Shakopee Lime & Cement Co., 11.34 to Anna Sparechultz .75 Vi"rtue Printing Co.., 1;24 Wextern,$upply.'. 6.25 .. Ziaunerman. - r0:y. , Fire -M. & .R. Auto -Tire Sales Co., 44.32 27.00 Board of Water Commissioners, ' . 16.92 ^ Consumers Power Co. 11.93 Hackett; Gates Huity 51.01 Nicole, Dean &'" regg' 11.40 N. W'L Motor ,Su01y Co., .90 Noyes Bros. & Cutler 4.35 Raymer Hardware Co., 11 5.11 25. Robinson,. Cary & Sande, 2.00 at. Paul grass Foundry Co., St. Paul Builders Material Co., 26.00 `St. Paul,Cruehed Stone Co., 142.50 1.50 St. Panl.Electro Plating Co., 122.75 'St. Paul Gas Light Co., 8.75 St. Paul Lime Cement Co., 5.53. Waldref:Motor Co., Western Machine Mfg. Co., 2.86 Western Supply Co,., ---L- re Pd 512.61 Fire -Const. & Bett. Belt Line Brick Co. Su 36 45 Allen P. Boyd Capital City Lime & Cement Co., Adam Decker Hardware Co.,6 409.85 Northland Pine Co., d 44! Fire -Const. l;Bett. ;. oagood &Blodgett St. Paul Builders Ma er al Co., 20.00 8.20 421-90 St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., 12.60 scribner-Libby Total Fire -Const. & B Health>Fund-Health-M- & R- 10.00 F. G. Leslie 53.50 Noyes Bros. &Cutler, Remington Type. Co., Total _ Health -.Quarantine M. & R. 21.96 john F. Bailey Board of Water Commissioners, 2.00 100.00 DePree Chemical Co., 2.65 Ford M16tor Co., 33.52" tan Oil & Linseed Manha$ Co., 20.7$ N. W.; Blau G,as Co,, 29.56 Reed Motor 6upply, ��0,00 C. S. Stewart r gealth'Public 1.80 S Berglund Lumber Co., 19.62 Board of Water Commissioners,. 5.00 Burns Lumber Co.,, s Capital City Limem&Cement,Co. , 88.21 26.33 Crescent Creaery Co.+. 1.50 Robinson, Cary &,Sands 59.62 St. Paul Gas Light Co., Police i& Fire Alarm Jt.,Acct'i-Maint. Auto Tire Sales Ca.,, 4 2. 00 Mitech &`Heck Co;, 11: 33 Co N. W. EleetrElectric,Equip. ., 75 Raymer Hardware Co.; 14.90 - St. Paul Gas'Light Co:, 10.00 - Transit.Suppiy co-* 11.40 W. G: Watson 6.25 Western Electric' -Co., as & F. A. Jt. Acct;. M$3[, Pub. Safety -Gen. Adm e7m. & R. . 5p H. Boyesono comb ;Pub. Works Workhouee•BI�. & R. ;. 11.76 Board of Water Commissioners, 42.70 L. Eisenmenger Field, Schlick Co.' 5.98 S4.G0 x Foot-schulze.Co. 6o., 68.82 F Griggs Cooper & Independent Provision & Packing Co«,.75F 3909", . x" National.Gss Governor Co., 11.88 St. Paul Builders Material Co:, 7;25 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., .w.�& Fya, �dkYkl'tif'Ufi3 #5 Gen. Fund Foreetry.Rev. Fund' L. -sash, $80.2? Public School Fund B. S. Bates, $ 18.00 T. L. Blood'Co. Board of Water 6ommissionera 65.00 149.15;; Bon Ton':Grocery'CO.,.90 H. C. 8,oyesori:Co., 10.68 St Brand, 9.90 Brown, Blodgett'& Sperry 42.54 Burne Somber .Co'., .. 17.00 Cambridge Botanical Supply Co., 5.70 Central scientific Co., 166.01 Chaska Drick &"Tile."Co.;, 17.00 C1�¢mer Huelater, 23.75 Consumere.Power, .Co., 1.78 Crane`&7Ordway - 31.: 2 88 Crescent Creamery do... 26.00 Adam"Decker, gardear® Co., 41.90 .: L.. F- Dow Co.•. 18.90 S; '8d. Geo dy- < ,. 30.00 I51ec"trim Blue• Print Co.. 34.66 - L" e La litundr- r airbanks, Morse & Co., 8.80/ 8 A. Farnsworth, 17.00 'Farwell-, Oimun, Kirk Co., 1.08 Ferr,r 1.00 Field, Schliek & CO.;, 5.22 :. Goldea`Rule 3.27 R; L, -Gould 3.25 Geo. Hasa 39.10 . } Hackett, Gates; & Hurty►" _ 7.97 " iekory Gas 7�antle Highland, Spring, Co., '2.25 8d4 Hinderer.& Soa„ 15.00 Aug HoMAstein, - 23.77 T.�►. Hulme Co., 14.25. P. W."Jackson & co.,, R. C. Jefferson Lbr."-.';Co., 6.70 aolnson•High School'' 30.00 nedy BbArms Co., 11.3 The Hhy-Scherer Co., 7.50 F.'G. Leslie Co.`, .65 Library'Bureau' 13.60 Lnskyi, White & Coolidge - 16.44 McClain & 4ray Co.: 7.90 Maendler Bros., 4.75 Manhattan.Oi1.& Linseed Co., 18.94. Marine Biolog'i'cal Lab, 22.80 Idelady Paper Co, Nicole,"Bean &,regg 1.40 34.78 Northern Coal 6: Dock Co., 991.17 H, W.,Co.#Oer &'Brass Wks., 8.70 B. W.'$1'ea..Bquip. Co., 6.78 N.Fuel Co , W: . 5.00 Boyer Broe &;,Cutler 195.87 Patteson-Bargent`Co., 66.25 Pitts burgb Plate Glass Co., 14.30 R. L. Polk & Co., ~--7.00" W. G. Pressing, 4.50 Raymer Hardware ,Co_..� : 62.43 Red Ming II.Stoneaare Co., 20.00 St Paull Book & Stationery 55.75 St Paul Boiler'Works St. Paul, Builders Material Co., 191.08 9.3� ?.. St. Paul Cement Warks 22.40' ; St. Paul Electric Co., 1.36 77, #.6 School-M. &,R. w-Qon t d, St.. Paul Gas `Light Co. 119.07 St. Paiul Hebrew Ins uta 75.00 St. "1'aul.Whits Lead & 011 Co., 3.60 8chieh:$ro®., 563 - Bohuneman,& Evans 18..21 Singer Sea�fng;Machine Co:, 9.6o Iia' W..Black, 21.00 Geo. Sommers & Co., Spaulding & Bro. Minded 19.00 3.58 state, School_Yor Feeble Underwood Type. Co., 1.00' Yi'llauime Boa & Lumber Co.,' 67.00 Virtu"e, Printing Co. 1.75 Lewis institute,,,4 49. 9 Western Supply Co.., 8.734-. Max Wittman" 5.00 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell 28.73 Gaultier Scholl Add. American Hoist &_D errick- •95 , Grans & Or$way Co., 62.90 "- Drake Sartile &.Tile Gq., 19.50 Farwell, OamuN &irk"Co., 9 29:05 Ford MfIg.,,-Co.., &: C..-Jefferson Lbr..Co., 66:00 -_ Vanhattan 'Oil.'&, Linseed Co ; •'�- Midway. Sime ; & 57.00 `Egi3pp. Co.,, `.Twin.,City Briok Co. 7.80 _ 512.©0„ Randolph Heghte,School American $eiet; & Derrick •25 Board: of Watie Commiesionera 633.48 Burne•Lnmber Go.�- 58.60 Crane &.Ordway Co.,' �sily•Framar Hardware Co., 309.59 Barwell, Ozmunjp;Kirk& Co-., 7.69 Sakdong,°Bros:;" ' 5.50 T. F. McCormick; 27.00 Nicks,-]iachime 'Shop 30,10 Northland Line Co.�. 97.20 H. Wa Eletibri'o Equip."Go., 3.21 Robinson, Cary & Sands 1.14 Twin City Brick Co. 61.20 Ames !School:Maint. Farnell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., Ford Mfg. Co'.: 2 €. ' Public Li?n•ary�i & R. Boyeson "Co• . ,� . 1.35. Capitol Tent & Awning Co.. 2525.50 ',50 Dodd, "Mead &'Co.;,'' 40 Pub; .T,ibsary-lt.. & R.rConb�d: ' Bdw,. 0. Downings 28.5 Cir1.:Sga: Cooper, & Cb., 3.25 pug..Hohensten, 36 52 36.50 H; R: Hnntt'ing Co., m6olain.-.& Grey Co,., y Y A. c. llgciurg&.co; $quip: bo.r. i32.oa 4.:84 N. W.,'81ec. 3t. Paul tOA'&'Staty, Co., 545.92 St. Paul Gael Light Co., 57.24 .50 St. Paul Stamp Works, 2.01 Schuneman &;$vans 45 T-,--v. St evens Waldorf Bindery Co. - 58.15 Wright, Bar/r�tt .&.8i1we11° ' 15.00 f Auditorium-Maint. 'Gossumera Power Co.* 22.26 12.00 Haag'Roofing & Cornice Co., ng, 1.50 Co., Pli o %rke-1'ark diaint.. RontPTon Grocery'Co. Lumber �S'o.,, 4.19 4, 0:00 Capital City Gresoent Sresmtery eo., 182,63 6..99 aw Co. Qleyrae '&'Ke11y 6.86 35.91 s4,8dw. Hinderer &,.S"on �Ang. Hohens€sin, 5'.50' H:.?..°gerwin,Paper.Co., 11.$0 ;7.ealie'Co.t_ 2.20 22.07 HcClain &'Giesy,.Ccot -& 5.00 x. a I[aybe11 -,Cc 24.08 Meyer 8ugravng Co. X6.75 National Printing Co.,, 7.72 ; Nicola, Dean';& Gregg 31.95 N. W. Zlec. Squipt, .CO.$ 158•3Q Juline' RoeYirs"", St. `Paul..Stamp Works, 12.60 Sullivan`.& Co. .00 0 J; H. '-Ulmer :,G'o..a Pub. Paid[s -Activities John. D. Anderson, 23.21 629.75 Credcent Creamery Co., 2.40 L. _.,Dow, C©, 5.00 J B. Hoxie Co., 4.do Wim. B.'Joyoe' & Co., 34.99 John Haien, 41 Helady Paper, Co.a 12.16 Noyes -Bros; & Cutler 23;28 Peoples Cq�ai & Ioe Co., St. Paul as Light Co., ca. sonnen 6.00 4.63 Como Greenhouse Appr,. 21.52 N. W. Blect. Equip. Co., z _ �8 Pub., Playgrounds. Maint. Bosrd Of Water Commissioners 38 Ford Motor Co: Aoyea Bros. &utler, 1.58 , ,72 Pittsburgh Plate"Glass Co., Pab.. P ounds Saint 4t�.98 Public Bldge.-Maint, 10.00 F.' II. Bryans.80 Ble£circ.Mfg. Co.s 19.4$ Fararell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 8.65, Ford ?dot'or C"o.,. • 12.12 Aug. HOhensten, ent 1. W. :Sleet., Co.*• '�7 1.84 St. Paul"".Blec. Co., .4 J: V- Stevens Art Store 3.OU &Janson Oil: Co , 2.87 Tire Repair Co:, _ 90.00 Transit Supply Co. • , gs.-Maint. i Pub-. Bidge.-Tools, tach. & uiP: American upp7,9 Co., Sngineere S 1.98 140 Adam Decker.;Sardware Co., :BvPanson Ail Ca}, ., l7" Pub. Utilities -Gen. ,Adm. faint. L: F. DOW" 0 , 149.00 Hohestein ,.v Aug. n McClain & Gray 8.or, Pub. II. -[un. Teat. Lab.-SuPPI- 2.40 Goodyear Rubber.Co.,; 3,01 y Raymer Hardrrars 'Co,. Gas; Liot, �o.y 7 St. Paul . i Pub. U.-tarkets faint. 15.69 Aug. Hoheneiein, 2.16. St. Pearl Gas Light' Co., 19.2-5 water Dept. Fund 26.11 Allen & Van Beet Co., 70.91 Belt Line Brick Co.$ 9.10 Brown, Treaoy & Sperry• 171.50 Burne Lumber CO-,Saehine Co. Burroughs Adding s 9.00 62,90 Cameron Capital City 6e & Cement Co., 54:3 Clymer & Huelster x15•.00` Crane & Ordway Co.-,' 7.80 Adam"Decker"Hardware CO., 13.33 Joseph Dison Crucible Co., .45 Farwell, 0zmun, Kirk Co.. #9 Water Dept. -Cont. S. 8. Ferry 46.50 Ford MotorNO C: S. .Green, 18.0 Ole Harisen Aug.Sohenstein, 4.103.60 H. H. Hoyt 2.25 P. W. Jackson Co., 161.,00 Wo A; Lang; City Agent, 34.50 Lauer Bro®., Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 15.16 s Merrill Greer-& Chapman 'Mitsch .14 2 .00 & Heck Co., 28 0 = Rational. Printing -Co., Nicole, Dean &.Gregg 29. 6 N. W. Elect. Equip. Co., 96 82 N. -W. Tire Co.,, Noyes Bros. & Cutler 126.44 166.00 Pittbburgh Plate Glass:Co., 'Co., 11.60 Raymer. Hardware 115.31 Robinson, Cary-& Sande$ St. Paul sass Foundry Co., 67 60 St.'. Paul Builders material Co.., 48.00 48.68 St. Paul Electric Co., 3.50 St Paul Foundry Co., St' Paul GXU Gas Light Co.; 3.00 St: Paul 14 ad & Oil Co. 30.27 3ohunemaxi & 8vane, 1.25 J. L. ShielyX5.51 C. J. Smith..& co., 5.63 12.00 Win City Brick Co., 10.84 Weotern S$pplyr'Co.,. 6.48 ; 1Vhtacre-Bqs . Co., ,.. Henry-R._@forthi"ppggton Pub. Comfort Station Bldg. corrugated Bait Coot .16.75 4.45 H. W Elec. Ega1 Com, Asymer Har"dwareo., St. Paulhead & Oil Co., 2 ,25,Wkiite . . Western supply Co.,..�— g. 95.15 Special Fund, Sprinkling Fund 28.00 Westphal-',.. Spec. Assees.: Covet. Rev. Fund -Paving Plum -$t:; Bates to Maria 103.78 To L. Shielys marehall,. W. Line of Snelling to Bridge 137.70. J. L. Shiely Corporate Purposes - ,outstanding Liabilities (Pub. Baths) St. Paul Electro Plating Co., 4 - - #9 Water Dept., -Con►t. S. s Ferry" ,Motor,,. 46.50 NOFord ►:• _ C. S.. Gren, 18.0 Ole Hansen 4.10 Aug, ltohenstein, 3.66 2.25 P. W. Jackson Co., W. A., Lang, Citq Agent, 161,00 Lauer $roe., 34.50 15.16 Manhattan :oil & Linseed Co., .14 Merrill Greer & Chapman 2..00 Mitsch & heck Co., 28.00 National Printing Co., 5.80 Nicole, Dean &:Gregg 29•Q6 N Vi 31e6t. Equip. Co., 1., W. Tire Co,., 35.tf2 Hoyer $roe. &.Cutler 126.44 166,00 Pittbburgh Plate Glass.Co., 11.60 Raymer Hardware Co., 115.31 Robinson,. Cary. -& Sands, St. Paul -Oraes Roundry Co., St, Paul Builders Material Co., 48.00 48.6$ St. Paul Electric Co.• 3.58 St. Paul Foundry Co., St; Paul GIHB Gas Light Co.; 3.00 Pahl White Lead & Oil Co., 31.�5 -Schuneman;8e Swans, 15.51 J. L. Shiely C. J. Smith.& Co., 5.63 Twin City Brick Co., 12.00 10.84 es ern 'ripply Co+, WAS taere 'Bras o , 6.48 Sanry R., ; F th1, t*12'. pub. Comfort station Bldg. Corrugatdd Bar-Co., 16.75 4.37 $:W."81st.. Equip. Cc. 45. Rggmer'Hsrdware. o., St Paul te Lead & Oil Co., `Co., 2 •25. 4 ' Western Supply - : 95.15; •, - Special Fund Sprinkling Fund 28.00 W.-_Jl . Westphal,. Spec. Assess. Const. Rev. Fund-Paving a . plum St.; Bates to Maria 103.78 J. L. Shiely, Marshall, W. Line of Snelling to Bridge 137.70 J. L. Shiely Corporate Purposes-z `Outstdnding,Liabilities (Pub. Baths)' St.'Paul Electro Plating Co., ' #10, Total Corporate Purposes ......... v ... 33.6 . « 8pecial`Liinds... ..... .. .... 28 0= « 8 ea. Assess. C© t:,Rev :Fond-Paving.. 2 z al' qq , a �Gorp vtew P.ubitehiag t. ' Co1ri..FSnance—EaPw .,. Dow tor'. -56.00; Ne.tfonai Covnter[eli Detector. - City Clerk—EaP.: H- C. BOYeaIn - Davis,::.;2,76; McClain _ , -'& Gray Go i8 40 Comoiroller•e Of[fce=Prtg. &.5taty.: ' E. $. Ferry. $1.75. . - - & E Pub. Lighting Fund-suDD1 aD.: EL N. Gose, Commleet... r $49.88; Apg.. r'Hohenetein. Agent, $386.00; . Pu chasing-: John F. Madden, $9.69; .N. W. Electric 1-:Equ1D. Co.. $94.46; Patterson Street :Lighting. Co., ;6263.73; Raymer hard- - ware Co., :.Eb.60, St. PauY Electric Co. 1'.i86.OD; St. Paul 'Gas Light Co., $32,- 889.11. - " Gen. Fund- onlclyal Ccurt—SuDDI•: -Fund—Purchasing BoYeaon. 510.60.,- - - Debt--Sup-- IDltes. H. C. Boyeson Cc. 76'CeMa; IL - Hendricks Co., ;10.00; McClain & _ _E... �FaY Co:. $102b; Manhattan OIb&Lin- ,`seed Co., 52.96: VSrtue'Printing'Co:: 76 Gen. Fund-Miac1. &�IInforeeenEap: - Clymer & Huelster, $14:60.,-' Gen. 7Fund=Clv11:- Service—Matnt I'Elso. 0: Fartir r& Gray Co ,. 413 ounce, -: - Printing Co., $30.26- -< Gen. Fund—Municipal Gar4ze— - ' �Mafnt.: Boardo[-WaterCommission - '.ers. 517:62; Builders Iron Works. $300 - Capttal .City ,Ltme & Cement' Co -;i$122.16; & 'Ordway Co.. ES 80; Crane', Drake Marble &-Tile'Co., $9.76; Far- -'wall, Oamun, 81rk &`Co., ;7.60; -Ford ed'Co.�aE1.88;"ESldwaye Limle &LCs- �ment Co., 522 00; N: QV: Electric Equip. Co., lhneLlbbY.:C gr 5206.00. dware ,x$6,66;:Sc - Gen.. Fund—Water.9unp1Y:. Board Of Water Commisetonera 5227.62.. Fuad—Mise.-.$mty. &. SuPpl. 1 - _ i8rown, Blodgett,&-Sperry Co., 15600 k -McClain &^Gray Co., $10.80. ' Gen.—Print d Forma & Blanks: Geo !C. Binder, $17.50; Clymer & Hue Or ;31.90; E- 6 Ferry. 11170; Printing :Printing Cp $3360; St, Pnu] Printing ; 'Co•, 561.60;. Fu man Tuttle, $3[00; Vlr - Au Printing Co 58.26 :. - Pollde-M. & R.: American Linen - - �SuDD1Y Co., 51,26. H. C. .Ahrens..377D s , Auto Tlre. Sates -Co.,, 51.00; Btaentus Trunk Co.. $7.65; Board of Water Com - -'is Merger, 129 26; .:Mrs. Mergeret Brady, 53.60 Electrlc'Mfg.90 - C El.enrnEle.9le Farwell.-Oamun, Kirk:& Co _ - ,90'Cepte; Edw: Hinderer: E68.05:i-Avg l ,; Hoheneteln>MraMary Horan 52268;-J. T ,army Co $8.00-McQu1, - 96 _ Ian Sroe:. 58400; Maendler Bros. Cents, N. Makleaky. E2.60;Dieahattan 'Oily Co., 530 64 Mitsch & Linseed •Heck Co..-;4.86; 1dw.-Neuman. .514111 3T• W. Elea Equip- Co $'Ua N W - ;Tire Co.: -$18738 Noyes Bros &Cutler, S $85.84; A: W Pet $24.00; Pitts - -burgh Plate Glnar < <' 50- Reed Mo sl - Supply EI1 3 0'l et RSL69.631B St Jmmn.. Ca . : "0; St. Paul f - _. C. F. No. 77SO By RESOLVED, That the time within which Thornton Broa. Company and the surety on its bond, between which company and the City of - St. Paul a contract was entered into under date of September 29th, 1915, for the -Snelling -Como Sewer System, so-called, be, and the same are, hereby given the further period of ten days after the approval and publication of this resolution within which to file the consent provided for in that certain resolution No. 7568, adopt - ad by the Council October 19th, 1915, and published October 23rd, 1915- a Council NAYS. M/FARNSWORTH ,.O'/GOSS t.04KELLER '/M COLL /V'V'�ASH \/YOERG MAYS' 0 MR. P ESIDENT (POWERS) [koRkv", RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNA^1ION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Denny Street, from Forest Street to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order No. 5826, approved July 2, 1915, and Inter- mediary Order No. 7399, approved Oct. 7, 1915. The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Denny Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated November 2, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessry for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said street to the estab- lished Rrade. Yeas (1) Cou ` men (G) N Far' orrh Go's Kel Mc it O' ry Yo Mr. Preside c, owers ... c.e-z by the Council __,_ . —__ 191 Approved___ _ 1915 n a ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D-11 COMYIBBIONER OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cx¢r Ex-- J. E. CARROLL Suer. C—TA-1— @ Renins ALFRED JACKSON, Suer. S..-T— G. H. HERROLD, """ Exaixccn H. W. GOETZINGER. Sxnr. Wonx..— a CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in the grading of Denny street, from Forest street to Arvade street, under Preliminary order #5826, approved July 2nd, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7399, approved Oet.47th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St .Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan o2 a above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. 1! v _ Commissioner oPublic Works Dated 11 1 'fr: , ` M ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CgMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Q1 Oh iRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of 4� �W� YL �� =—Z - �.41...1f'l�.j Q--- !�.---'" q_✓_'ri_ `�,... �...._ `-.. .. J under Preliminary Order approved - -LLL-t7.._-�-- ----� � -----------------------------._..-----------------------------------..._--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: / The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 50.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $----------------------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �p ��G1 ��1��/J ✓l G� C ?d v'L f17 . ti 'z / ,. ro. o TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON'TRELIMINARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK a ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATI �o /f // y 4�0 �ryry0 i 6 �' �U U TOTAL, FORM B.B.A.!-!B�-,--- CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 6 lot REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON 141ELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � 1 t'CGG�(�iJ /�GjwC f^s b2a•t/L � U a lC /GG �� ✓ �v < to f� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated —..--- -191 -- - : u(.:..✓..1.:�................. ------------------- Commissioner - -Commissioner of Finance. IOPM B.S.A. B•S C Report to Commissioner of Finance ................ Ju1.Y....._7..,................................ 191.. 5.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had tinder consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil,known as Council File No ... _...._5S 26......... approved ........_....._JuI-.Y...._ ?....................... .... 191.5...., relative to................ ........... . -,, _condemning._and._tak.ing.._an..__ easement_,_in..._the._._land__necess_ar.y_._for,.__ elopes,_,,._._. for cuts_ and fills in grading Denny* St. from Forest St .......... t.o Aroade ,St. .. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._ ..... ......... necessary and (or) desirable. _, and the total cost thereof is ......................... XXXXX XXXXX S. The estimated cost thereof is $_.....�_..._. _.-....-... _--...-.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................................... .......... ............_..._................................................... _... . ............................................................ _.__............ ................ _................................... _............ .................................... ............. _.............................. .............................................. ..................... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .... -__.............. ............. _._.... ..... 5. Said improvement is............. not .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. r ........ ..............._............................ ........................... ............. _.. Cpnunissioner of Public Works. ,r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM r Subj�cti ;':.................. . _................ ..... _......._._..--- ... ....... _ rr► , COUNCIL ys FILE NO ...... .............'7f.� Date Presented. ...C4.ov,__.Z.,...... __ _........_I91.5....._ RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAPID OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Mendota Street, from Ivy Street to Lake Como & Phalen Avenue, under Preliminary Order #5821, approved July 2, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7397, approved October 7, 1915. The Commissioner of Public forks having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of -St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Mendota Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public works in the matter, dated November 2, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. elopes for cute and:�Alle In and vppp j��1/ 1 Yeas (1) cilmen (Y) iVByS the betent extent wand abutting• upon Mendotwr of the ahow poln ,t aforeeald;.do the ni own upon Che sketch-attachefl - - Puble"Worke In the ,> Qne�nissi a Hoof, by the Council _ _. _ �� ' � _ 191 'o Fa ortli vember 2, 916 whlph^sketch and report _: Go are hereby referred Lp and made;.a Dart. In heroof a -. •"� r 1{e - - .r on in (2) That an ea,iemenfL aatd and.to the extent nK-Por Approved _ 191 P1 d� OII � sloDea.' for'cute and d11e !nading A(ot sald'street ta' the; eetabrade.' flry AQopted�bk the Council .3916:" Y rg Approved Nov. 2,. 1916 ^ ` (Nov. 9=1916) M/Preside FOP. e.8.2 . Powers --- — ---- --_M MA CITY OF SAINT PAUL f DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DERun' COMMIe8101fR c, OSCAR CLAUSSEN. CM EMameEE J. E. CARROLL Su". Coxernuo & R­ ­ ALFRED JACKSON, Suri. SA-­ G. H. HERROLD, OFF- E.—EIR H. W. GOETIINGER. Suri. W­­-E -REPORT TO THE COUNCILt In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessa- ry for slopes dor cuts and fills in the grading of Mendota street, from Ivy street to Lake Como & Phalen Avenue, under Preliminary _-Order #5821, ap- proved July 2nd, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7397,approved Oct.,7th,1915. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the abcT a improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of thL- easement to be taken, by the figures opposite siich shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner fPubl�s�] Dated �I �a- Subject:- ffem 4u, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .:...... ._..---. ......:-• +°Jahr-j¢,�dl COUNCIL No . FILE ...... ......... ... Date Presented - RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT TO BE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and ,fills in the grading of Ivy Street, from Arcade Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order No. 5822, approved July 2, 1915, and Intermediary Order No. 7398, approved October 7, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named imporvement is an easement fe'r slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Ivy Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Pubtic Works in the matter, dated November 2, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is takne in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the the established C. F. No. 7788— grade. In the mattor of condemning and tak Ing an easement In the land neces- sary for eloDea, _tor cuts andfllleeln Yeas (1") Co lcilmen (!) Nays yon. Dais'. .aid Far sworth Go In f elod of ai Ke r M o71 ;f__ _Against O' )�P'esident ary Yo g F0- a a-: Owers of to and manei, it to taken In necessary for —, In the gradingthe Council �` , _ 191 ibllahad grade. y - -- - - -- 11 Nov. 2, 1916. 6) / "� V 191 Approved_ - J MAYOR ROBERT T. GOIJRLEY, DERutt CoxxiECIORER OSCAR CLAD55EN, CRrtF ExaixeE. J. E. CARROLL Su Co TRua k RE ml ALFRED JACKSON, SuFT. 51—TI.. G. H. HERROLD, OFc E ­ ER H. W. GOEWINGER. Sul'. W--- CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessa- ry for slopes for cuts and fills in the grading of Ivy street,from Arcade street to Forest street, under Preliminary Order #5822, approved July 2nd., 1915, and Intermediary Order x}7398, approved October 7th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Q ix e f Public Works Dated �J� CITY OF ST. PAUL '+ DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COW,*jSSIONER OF FINANC� --� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER S t In, bi Math of under. Preliminary Order approved — -a=--------1==---------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. P ul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-�Q�Q�---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK // ADDI ION ASSESSED 6-_-_—_— VALUATION ' 11 - B.B.A. B -G A- TOTAL, .��f � II 4� ASSESSED I j ADDITION j VALUATION 1 DESCRIPTION LOT ELOGK 190 3 A5P 6 s Gsp G s xS" /o "y' h /fly./.3 di; .. y- 1127 /j TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI�OISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -64 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF QOMPA?ss ONER OF FINANCE t ^ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED: t g ESCRIPTION LOT rLOCK - ADDITION _ - VALUATION ► - - - } n , u i i ---- i a e The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----- —19k-- Commissioner of Finance. /ORM D.S.A. 3.5 C - - 1 778, 76?1 It 1� An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance Number 3250} dapproved August 20th, 1914, ae:.amended by ordinance Number 3570 approved September 30th, ,1915, an administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1. That Grade 3 of Claes D (medical service) of ordinance No. 3250 approved August 20th, 1914, as amended by ordinance No. 3570 approved September 30th, 1915, be amended by striking out everything after the title of Director of School Hygiene and inserting in place of those groups the following: Group A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3000 Section 2. This ordinance. shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and approval. , f --- Final Adoption �� 1" 1 Yeas (V) Cfo/uncdmen (J) Nays by the Council.. < M �- arnswordf NOV I"'..i,y�5 l�" ✓ In favor Approved... ... _...._.-_.191 . . 15t Reading_ ........... /` 19 Goss ( ✓Keller 2nd . ........ 19 ` McColl � . Against uYbR r/ ✓ AettaQ EKksanP�>a��-Attest: and (.... .. 191 - - - Yoerg JOHN I. FARICY, City Clerk Date Published .... .........19 Mr.. nesid � request thOt tkecremendms�1t above to -the Civi� Service tia-recemnsnded.bvthe Civil Service domniie�oner. Commissioner f cati that/thabove-1e t 'oned em dme to the; a paby the o Civil Service1 Commissioner 0 77S,'S' An ordinance amending Administrative-Ordinance Number 325Qg3 approved August 20th, 1914, as amended by ordinance Number 370 C;B No 7T86—Ordlnaaee No I d September 30th, 1915, an administrative ordinance rola- . Anto dinaa a ameuding Admlatstrativa 'Auguanco Number 5 inen aDprpved Augu t,Numb914 asaprurdv by,Or the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving -_tomta a Number 36a ;approved, tIV6 tember 39th;:1915 an°a.dmintstrative,' . ordinance relating ,c She Civil se -, vtoe33urea-afi theiptlnkcst Paw'-ting rules and regulations therefor. *' approving and adopting rNlea and regwations therefor ' she councu or the city.; L sk Paul COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN does ardatu u i f sEcllox x. fction 1. That Grade One of Class I- of Ordinance Number That Grade ;one or Claes I of Ordlu ; ance Number *3I0t11l 6;b1si`4a.m;aeali;5amebny deaadptprtroivnego¢t. doAuntanhelel 9beSddptbt D_oved August 20th, 1914, as amended by ordinance Number —rdlil J for Playground Instructor ''. tehtera croub:,':c• d1rnnc serttng,,a$ded.er, Group A;tn the ordtnanca:aeiproved September 30th, 1915, be amended by striking out the thO iwlowing7word ;_ ,Junior Playground Inatrucfor f _� croup s r $iso Junior Playground instructor enters Group C," and '"end inserting Group A requlxea at least els months•-aervf a !n tha neat i tower oup gr$730 a r� '; roup A in the ordinance as amended, the following words: vt ejaolsa Id,;o diaanee be,amelded b-� n afrlkl govt the words. �I Junior Playground instructor. Group E.iequirea at least ono year's,eervtce in the neat � -` lower group .s 49o&-,,._,'".Gronp 'B . . . . . . . . . $660 . . . ' BEOTION 3� '" 1'hle ordinance shall take efregt aud� + be±ln to a 2rom and aLt � its Daesage1Group A Requires at least six months' service , na Hp oval. in the next lower group $720^ ,:Sinai alf ptioa by the Co 11 x v Ye Sfeeare Fam Sh Ge s`= 1Lener Macon; xa n Yo rg s �ctioa 2. That Grade One of Claes C (Fire Service) of xaya—o r ApHL ved Nov VA. - 3sEx3aY alacoLl;<; CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved,T:-:,t 1.11 �' - _- - _�- j2 'i"- 10y 07-C C .0'! Ci:.y nl Couni- 0 3aucod by the dorlth of 1qC*n_"y 7'. Yeas (0 Councilmen ( V) Nays Farnsworth I -Goss In favor Keller k__ k1mccoll 0,2 Against /-Nash L_YlAff Mr. P4;2dentgPowers FORM C.8-2 . . C. V. No. 77 isi611nI ', . , � 'ji�, � I .'� 11 � I I Re&G1Ved,,Thit_Vin1 iI11 ti',hereby, elected and ,avP6tnted,'a'=ern-,1 beir 50f,tb6.City.and;oounty, Boar&Of,� Control to Alt jha�vaeancY r eauueido�by th4`deathofJffoary:G,Naaz.,;'Adopted by. the CouncU Nov. 2.! 1915. ApproVed-NOV. ¢, 1816.r Adopted by the Council . ..... .. 1915._ App r 91-5 . . r .........................................MAYOR For Capitol avenue,Sewer System. Council File No........._ ._. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 11 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. e ° Ile The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the wing lie improve by et of opening,widening and extending Grig t.,to width o 0 ey`f m Hew- St. Paul, viz.:i.tt__A,Y.e..e.,.to ..the .....souther.ly.. ne..of..... G...N..R. ' ght f .. ....Hewitt Ave., to a width of 60 feet,fro he west ine of nter' di on to the eaat....li.ae._oi....Lexington-Ave.,,. .ard-�St_. ta. a �v h ,of-- t; •rom-west line of Winter's Addition t the east ne of exingt .r e., inary St., to- a width of 60 fest fro west Zine Wi r, s Aad Yi tt5 _6 _e&et line of Lexington Ave.,and fm center o it St, to cent line of 'Vi'CfOri� ......................� .. ..................... , ............................. Street . _ F Dated rhis.......3T..d ......._ da of .._...November.. _......... ......... ........................ . ....... ................. _._.... ...... C ....................d°° �i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written roposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._OpeAiAjLAW den— ing and extending Griggs St.,to a width of 60 feet,from Hewitt Ave.,to the ...Ry....Jiigklt....of.._Way..:....Hemi.t.t...Ame...,.t.o...a..mi.dth...of....60 ft, from the west line of Winter's Addition to the east line of Lexington Ave., klubklard....St...,.to....a._width ...of....60.....feet,.from-west...-line_..elf .Winter'.e..-Addition to the east line of Lexington Ave.,Seminary St., to a width of 60 feet,from ...wesx.....1•ine, of Wknter.l•s Addition to...the east li-,ne of Lexington"Are:;an'd. from the oentsz line of Idil$ton St.,to the center line of Victoria street. ........ .................._............................_................_................_.... ......................... ......... .................... ....... _........................................._ _........... ........ ........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by C�4-0i-wtr t i "" " .. tea„ ,,,� _Hard St, to nwln „ therefore, be it q west line of Winter. the east.une of Lexington RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wo (nary st, to a W1dth pf 6a ered and directed: a west line of. Winter's Addt-: i he east line of L"exinBton Ave., I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability the center ,he;of Milton Se, vem¢nt. center ,line,of ,victorW street; 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated c• been., resented rto.tbe council the total cost thereof. Clty,-ot 8t•Paul.therefore ;ha It 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said 4illohhmeaDovbalq hry ort ed and; dlrgcted: .. 4. To furnish the following other data and mfol. To invegtlgate t_ `he, necegeliy,,fv eat; ....... irability m deso[ the aklnC ^n i elreyeinettt'. i -T �S,nventtBnat _ ...... .................. ....................................... ............ .... ....... ........... .. ..... ....... .... •...s •rest. r 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of a foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....._ ......�lj �.... "....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F nsworth Nov GS Approved.......... _......... .... ........ .......... .......• :......... 191........ ler Coll j04 Nash rg �C�.yor.........................................�e CITY OF 8T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTME ' AUDITED OLAIMS=RESOLUTION FORM COU No. By AUDITED- llllll 436 PER 4 'J "Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds; and in. favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set. opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed 6tatement: _ .. Yeas ( V) Coo cilmen ( t/ Nays Adopted by the Council WV -3 19'15191 Fa sworth G_ In favor Approve 191 K er oll —Q—Against eery..PacUng MAYOR. erg Mr. Presf i Corporate Purposes Com. Finance-Salaries a. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, �$ 60.00 4 Gem. Fund-Municipal Garage-Raint, eameron.& Co,i 150.00, Sire Fund-N. & R. Brings & CO., Cameron & Co,, 60 T Pub. SChoo.l-K. & R. ; St. Paul Paper Co., 71.40 Pub.' Behool-Ames School John Nozal, 147.00 " Tot Gen-Const. & Impr. Fund- Enlarging Indign-%9ounds Park Edward C. &-John H. Miller, 350.00 Spec. Assess. Cgnet. Rev. Fund- Widening,Robert St. ' Newton R. Frost' 50.00 John I. Levin; 2292.00 Form Ai b31 #2 paving H. Smith Ave., College to End of High Bridge Republic Creosoting Co., X18,830.00 *aving Dayton, Victoria to Lexington Minnesota Crushed Stone Co., 1,309.71 J. L. Shiely, 2.406.79 m„+ai Paving Dayton, Lex. to Tict., 3 1 Total Corporate Purposes... " Gen.`Const. & Inp ti • • Spec. Assess. Co et ev.�-W• a •g Robe 42 00 a Spec. Assess.", t. It ng...... 2B 46.. otal, $24,60 .}0 (_C. F No. 7789-+ - -- :Resolved - that wa tante be drawn the hteralnslteT aeu ry, payab] o L'of favo f th -D rep IH�faU de and In !thelr eaP_r,_ ams s.—or oppositeelite - taef n 1. wmg detau d e ie nt Co 6 rate .Purposes—C-- Fla.— ;IG la. — - �Snle I 8. 0 - Farnsworth, Com.'. of FtGa e. §60.00. }na F d—M er & Co.. Gar, g Main- ' eFi60.00. re Fund—M. & R: $ Bringe & Co., .§876.50; Cemr.a &'Co., §66.00. Pub School—M. & R.: -0Paul Pa- per'Co,; §71:40. Pub. Schobl—Amen School: " John No - sal; 5147.00. - Gen:.Const. & Impr. Pond—Entarging .Indian Nouuds Park: Edward C. & Sohn H. Miller, $350.00., BDee. Assess. Const, Rev. Fund— Wldeping, Robert 9t.: Newton R. - Frost, §60.00; John I, I:eyia,; 5392.00. Paving N. 8mltfi Ave., Coilege. to N. End of-;Hlgh Bridge: 'R College a to.N. -soling Co., 418,830,00. epubi- . ton $V�fin . pt¢a'CrusliedVl.$ Stonea,Co.,! :1,309.71; J: 1. Shlely,: 33,408.79. Adopted by tfie Council Nov 3, 1916. Approved Nov. 3, 193b. - — - (Nov. 6-19161 .77 77, CITY OFST.PAUI. .1—TO f ACCOUNTING, DEPARTMENT a . COUNCIL' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PILE No — BY IBI— S AUDITED— } l PER 438 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified is the following , detailed statement:N,A' —311Q15 Yeas ( i) Councilmen { J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ Farnsworth NOV , 3 Goss In favor Approved p. Keller f McColl Against MAYOW {lhJ ULeary zStlYlfl O Yoerg Mr. Pr k Gen. Const. & Impr.-Funds New Library Bldg. Acct. Electus D. Litchfield, 1, 451.43 Spec. Assess. Const. Rev. Fund -Grading Farrington, Lawson to Rary,land Dayton's Bluff State Bank,�ssignee Ret. #1 1,700.00 J. W. Callahan & So Rosa St., WhiteBear to ennard Beecher Improgement Co., Est. 2 &-final 1,026.25 Aney Bik. 3, Bet. Racalester Park & Blk. 3, Elmer & ' Xorr i so A Keough Bros., Est. #1 & final 206.00 Total Gen. Constl & Impr. F s....... ••• •••• $ 3 " Spec. Assess. Const. R v. -Gra ng..... 2 "-C t Walks. ewers... •• tat, u� 'C. F. No: 7780— ' ' ' raw Resolved that warrants be dn ) uPOD theii City Treasury, payable out of the here t fIter specified funds and In l ever of the persona, firms or Corpora- ' dons for -the amGaut. at .opposite their respective names ae epeclfled fa the following detailed statement• Gen. Covet. & Impr. Funds—New LS Bid C. if Aact.; EleOur D: LIt.h= field, ;1,481.43. - Spew passes. - Covet.Fund— Grading -Farrington; Lawson to Mary- land: Dayton's Bluff State Bank, I. -i al'Sneed. W, Callahan & Sova, Est. No.. '. 'R;.. c: Roe. St., -White Bear to 8ennard: Beecher Improvement Co., Est. No. 2 &" final, $1,026.26., - Alley Blk..•5;---Beta Macalaster Park & EM 3, Elmer &; Morrison:. Keough Bros., Est.: NO. Y'&, final, '5208.00. Spec. Assess. Const.—Rev. Fnud—Ce- Ment Walke: St. Paul Cement. WorJca, 'Est. No. 3, $6,214.60. Eat A...... Coast. Rev. F.nd S. - �' era—Sewer ,on Wfnona' Doherty .&'. Son„Est No, 2, &. SupPIt.. 526;00. - Sewer,on Geranium,. Forest to Cy - f. press: Doherty & Hon, Est. No. 2. & 1 SupplL. $20.00. -Sewers ; :on GranthB.M, Buford and he or J. J. Connolly,, Est. No. 2, $5.4 00.., 9awer� on . reston, reston, Cypress to Frank O'Nell JS'c PEek No.. 3 �c final, Adopted by ;1,640':t the .Covncll Nov 8, 1916. Approved Nov. 3, 1816. (N0v. 6-1915) #2 Spec. Assess. Const. Rev. Fund -Sewers Sewer on Winona Doherty & Son, Bet. #2 & Supplt. Se9ver.,on Geranium, Forest to Cypress Doherty & Son, Est. #2 & Supplt. Sewers on Grantham,. Buford &:--, Chelmsford J. J. Connolly, Est• #1, Sewer on Magnolia, Cypress to Frank OlNeil & Preston, Est. #1 & final Total Gen. Constl & Impr. F s....... ••• •••• $ 3 " Spec. Assess. Const. R v. -Gra ng..... 2 "-C t Walks. ewers... •• tat, u� 'C. F. No: 7780— ' ' ' raw Resolved that warrants be dn ) uPOD theii City Treasury, payable out of the here t fIter specified funds and In l ever of the persona, firms or Corpora- ' dons for -the amGaut. at .opposite their respective names ae epeclfled fa the following detailed statement• Gen. Covet. & Impr. Funds—New LS Bid C. if Aact.; EleOur D: LIt.h= field, ;1,481.43. - Spew passes. - Covet.Fund— Grading -Farrington; Lawson to Mary- land: Dayton's Bluff State Bank, I. -i al'Sneed. W, Callahan & Sova, Est. No.. '. 'R;.. c: Roe. St., -White Bear to 8ennard: Beecher Improvement Co., Est. No. 2 &" final, $1,026.26., - Alley Blk..•5;---Beta Macalaster Park & EM 3, Elmer &; Morrison:. Keough Bros., Est.: NO. Y'&, final, '5208.00. Spec. Assess. Const.—Rev. Fnud—Ce- Ment Walke: St. Paul Cement. WorJca, 'Est. No. 3, $6,214.60. Eat A...... Coast. Rev. F.nd S. - �' era—Sewer ,on Wfnona' Doherty .&'. Son„Est No, 2, &. SupPIt.. 526;00. - Sewer,on Geranium,. Forest to Cy - f. press: Doherty & Hon, Est. No. 2. & 1 SupplL. $20.00. -Sewers ; :on GranthB.M, Buford and he or J. J. Connolly,, Est. No. 2, $5.4 00.., 9awer� on . reston, reston, Cypress to Frank O'Nell JS'c PEek No.. 3 �c final, Adopted by ;1,640':t the .Covncll Nov 8, 1916. Approved Nov. 3, 1816. (N0v. 6-1915) sV, CITY OF 3T. PAUL 2_✓" I " `y 4 *q ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIM RESOLUTION FORM F LENO1L No. '�� tVt .a tIOK gyL` AUDITED Iel_TM PER 439 9 Resolved that warrants be d upon the City payable out of the hereinafter specified funda and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas( V) Councilmen ( V .).Nays Adopted by the Council [V!)V ,9G 1 �i81_ ' Farnsworth NOV _4 5 1`81_ Goss In favor Approved Keller McColl Against MAYOR O'Leary Mune Yoerg Mr. President- - - Corporate Purposes Water Dept. Fund -Salaries Be A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, Spec. assess. Const. Rev. Fund - Paving Summit, Dale to vexing Henry W81f er , Total Corpora D Spec. A .vor;: of tha petti0na, 8rmaor cor-' gonsPtOr the atn011ata set oGpposlte r6eDe0tive.'tYnariea:;as'spaclEed In ollbwing dn�atled, etataMpeo . iP Salarierate s u B eA. WFarnsworth - X20, Q48.3fi Finance. $20,048;38. :cr Assess:- Const Rev. Fund—Pay. 'ummlt, Dale to.Lezington: Henry er, - apted by tbo- Cbuncll Nov. �3, 1915.1 proved, Nov. • 3; 1916. - (Nov. 6-1916) - 15.49 CITY OFI Sii, PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject._.. _... ....... _ .................. I COUNCIL w� ' .: FILE No ...... .............................. ... Date Presented_ -Nov,, _....2., ___ ...- _I91. -At.... RESOLUTION FIXING THE 'AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTEKT OF EASD4E,NT 10 BE TAKEN IN CONDEIINATION PROCEEDINGS. tZraal>vad, , In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in the grading of Lansing Street, from Hemline Avenue to Albert Avenue, under Preliminary Order #5362, approved June 7, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7401, approved October 7, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above aamad matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement is an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Lansing Street, between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated November 2, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is takn in said land to the extent necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. Yeas (V) C ncilmen (V) Nays t F nsworth G s K er M Coll_.Ag O ary Y rg Mr. Preside .onH C.e•z ROBERT T. GOURLEY. Dcnul Cou,ulaeioxen OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C uLF Exom J. E. CARROLL Sun. Coxamuonox & RIP— ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. S­­­- G. r.wT -G. H. HERROLD, 0-01 Exoi 1 H. W. GOETZINGER. Sul'. Won 11— CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessa- ry for slopes for cuts,, and fills in the grading of Lansing street,from Ham - line avenue to Albert avenue, under Preliminary Order #5362, approved June 7th, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7401, approved October 7th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St -Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion, of said plan, the fills to be made on private propeaty,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the ease- ment to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works Dated lII I) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -� V� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter ofi�-� i under Preliminary Order approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �J Ij DESCRIPTION LOT eLOCe ADDITION ASSESSED �� VALUATION - I za' J I .7 s' �� y J.7 I�i j Jas �� TOTAL. I•L, _ 1•OHM B.S.A. S•S A CITY OF ST. PAUL h - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' — i LOT BLOC ADDITION �; dE SCRIPTION I L ASSESSED VALUATION II 7 ell i . o ,; d J de, ii /' T 7 ----- J Ill G The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191 Jr. Dated--- Commissioner of Finance. CORM B.S.A. 6.5 C f CITY OF sT PAUL COUtf1CIL, RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM 7 t! _ 5 b)E;ch- _ _... ��.. ___ _.,.._.�.._ 'couriea 1.HW FILE . - NO...... /.' l .... ..., n _I91.5 Date Presentod.-,Lov....2..,._... RESOLUTION FIXING THE AMOUNT OF LAND OR EXTENT OF EASEMENT Re?lx TO HE TAKEN IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Sheeler Avenue, from Carroll Avenue to Selby Avenue, iminary Order #6159, approved July 26, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7400, approved under Prel October 7, 1915.•. The Commissioner of Publlo Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the ,amount of land to be - taken for the above named improvement is. an'easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Wheeler Avenue; between the pointe aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the eket'ch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Puiilic Works'in,the matter dated November 2, 1915, whioh sketch and.,report are hereby referred to and made apart hereof. , (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent neoessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of said street to the established grade. i T i7�a N9a:i ,' Ip {he tng£fet of sondematag an¢ tak" ang yen.. easement lq the ,land n4see� `eery f¢riD)oBes toe luta ane alt¢(ih thtktgradfn8 of vgheeldr aveaugr from - - E Cebrolt avelfue to 9elbyavenga unAgr Prellminary QrderxNa 8368 aDDroved ;J117y EB 1111b J6nd lntet9ne}7lary Order No'74oq appproved OctoboT 7 3816 �Tbe Colc�mtgdloner`o�'?PpbilR Woeke ]tavlttg dbttbmlttad hls revort and aketchl - Iirr the a overmaster be::itt,.$3,s1f a - , -, I2eaolved'•*tt) �bats�tiq 111tY of ,��f - a �aul3axea aid slateriulnea Lhe araopnt� of lana to �,De grakea H!t¢i'r the above 1rt »amen imprgv,4meat la 'tKoaxomenr;•for' 7�'slo�4a.1or.,4ut4 gild 8114 !ri aP4 u94� - `the land=abviting. upoh Wheelet avepu ,?otwega thbpotgts atoreeata to She e>� C tent abown ,uDon,the alcateh ra},taape i Yeas .( V) Coud 'lmen " (Y) Nays. Put na eis i>; ilhe matie �Baatoeaa Ko -the Council 3 191✓ ,[vembar 2 1916 whtoh eketeh and tgDor 0�J— — ' are arep ke;erred to and made -a Bac, - Farn ' or tgreot r a :,3 �9 Ip PaV -': ( That aniea9e[neat is (alten;K�h NOV os - --- dm land So`; thhe estbgL; necessary, ;fo 15 drones ra>srohta eaa ntI lh the dream proved s —._ _ __.___- __ 191 Kell oY eald gtreat tdithe ea�sbliahed grade Mc IlAgaln 'j gpp�ov ai r�lotvh a°ieisll N Z s 393s 01 FY, y 7;'(Noy s 3916)' r_ Yo gOR t ... .. MAY Mr. Preside rs a Q... In the matter of condemning and taking an easement.in the land necessa- ry for slopes for cuts and fills in the grading of Wheeler avenue, from Carroll avenue to Selby avenue, under Preliminary Order #6159,approved July 36th, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7400, approved Oote,7th, 1915 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement,shCwing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement t6 be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioners o Publid Works Dated �� I CITY OF `SAINT PAUL - --DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC -WORKS �' M. N. Gom COMMIBIIIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DerurY COYYI�-IONeR- - OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cover E- NEeA. _ J. E. CARROLL Sun. C—u-0. & ft •iq ALFRED JACKSON. Sun. SA -9 G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE Enoi-te- H. W. GOETZINGER, Su -T. Wo-K-oUM REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement.in the land necessa- ry for slopes for cuts and fills in the grading of Wheeler avenue, from Carroll avenue to Selby avenue, under Preliminary Order #6159,approved July 36th, 1915, and Intermediary Order #7400, approved Oote,7th, 1915 To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement,shCwing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement t6 be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioners o Publid Works Dated �� I . - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . ` UOREPORT OF _COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter, o�� �i ?� �I�OLLLI vyl-7--------: � 7/1 A under Preliminary Order approved ——����-- -"— -"--'-— ----- `--- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ab.00 $— --- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _. DESCRIPTION 1 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �� % l �✓� aPo aZ � % 6� , jI .7 J s' G i _TOTAL i /OPM 0 8 A e a w - ri... �dl►,�.1 5K<a<�._:«. -,. , ., CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF OOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - . ... ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - - • ' {� DESCRIPTION LOT ! �LOGK' ADDITION � yam._ ASSESSED VALUATION' ,,.�a4=/�.•���� a_..a. K luyJr 0 /O''F y� �I o �aaJ`'. �i 3 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---/��---191 _��✓.=-r��----------------...--...-.. .-..-- - Commissioner ^ FORM B.B.A. 0-3 C -- of Finance. CITY OF, ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Gentlemen, - WE would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of Glen Terrace from Benson Ave. to Youngman Ave. be extended to October 10th, 1915. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for us to finish this contract within the time specified, hence we desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, 16'/C�- Co -rotor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the recIu,rqp4ntqs of t s office is concerned. r intendant of dons-fruc ion & Repair AP"" --PROVED C`67`7T���r u c �4orks. Chief Engineer — _ ° CtTF ST. PAUL. // -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s 77 Sub e'ct:=. ......_. ... '...... �.. Y' .COUNCIL �-FILE NO..... .. ... '. _. . e Date Presented--_...Nlx+z....2JP cified for the performance of a certain contract Resolved, That tHe,timo ape dated February 20th, 1915 between Keough Bros* and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Benson Ave. from the west line of Kipp's Glen Terrace Adclition to the east line of Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition, be and the same is hereby ber, 1915 and the proper city officers are extended to the 10th day of 0oto hereby authorized to execute an amentment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and 'file such consent in writing with the City Comptrbller- A�e4lvefl That -the tlma`eRdai$ed fpr t1{a pertotmanae$Oth �1816t 18tween� - datefl�Gl`ebrgarY Keod617 Bron and the (;[ty tit 8L 'B,Qy1ti [or the �radtEt6;o! >3elletit nvTerYac I �,- tha west ltae of; K1DD s� pddltion to She"Deet ne: oi, KSDD n� lilen.Terrace Addltlan ba ;` and the eamoi to herdby e4teade8 tt the t10th� jty uIIloare ara'hefebynan'Cho=I�ed to; aXeayte an ameadment,t0 laid aontTagN .In'.$c&orilanae hereWltb. Drov ed el�„n E� - - ' - every,-thaY tbie reaolutton u hav@; anY for4a iand etfeot ;untees�the;, ' curetlad ons the:conttsetord; bond coa aenC*`!thereto and 810 auch'canaent W '" _ writing 9glth,ttie;puY compptroAer _ pdoytCfL by :the Covncik 2Jov 4 X916 f '� - ApDrovel� Nort; ! 1815 St. -Paul_, _Minn. Nov- ._2, 1915. ,5 'To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen,- WN would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of Benson Ave. from the West line of Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition to the East line of Kipp's'Glen Terrace Addition be extended to October 10th, 1915. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for us to finish this contract within the time specified, hence we desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours veiy'trulyy ontraotor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. i fC uperinuenden$ of onetruct3on repair PROVED -------Giief-ne3-er ----- 77777 St. Paul -,..Minn. 'Nos. 2P 1915. To the Honorable pity Council, 4 CITY. Gentlemen,- We would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the contract for the grading of Dealton St. from Benson Ave. to West Seventh St. be extended to October 10th,.1915. owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for us to finish this contract within the time specified, hence we desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore w- - stated. F ° Yours very truly, ntractor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned. �u r ten ent-o3' �Gons�rucjiori 8c Repair APPROVED Chiu; engineer si :CITY' OF^ ST PAUIL` COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM `q. ... ._ . FILEL't r I� NO..... .. ... ...... .. ......... . ............. _....................... Date Presented ......... .NOY . 3........ _I91.5:.::... ed; N WHEREAS, A contract for the grading of the Alley in Block 19, Summit Park Addition was let to Peter Dickson and WHEREAS, A majority of the property owners abutting own said Alley axe desirous that said grading shall note done, as per petition attached, and WHEREAS., The contractor is willing to be relieved, from the carrying out of his coitract, and B6 states in a petition hereto attached, and the Bond Company alao'is willing, in ac6oxdance with letter attached, to have contract canceled and have the bond released, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, That said contract be and it is hereby annulled and all proceedings in the matter of the grading of this Alley canceled and discontinued. tl B`t ;rekjopeter niou� gra anyr„tttY o thq Propork N netti s„elrelieved from 'thq dPitYlnB, out jI,ot "tele oontradt hnd qa stated ih a pe- tltigtl hereto'sttagbed `and tha;BPnd 'Company alCu 1,9 willlp 1P addekdaaCe . vkttlr letter attadhtld to;'baVe eopirnot Yeas (V)Coun '� en (P) Nays iyete0ior�aBittboteea2r7r4�ta f�1 191 Iontraot ra eea,oa' `e Council _��ZL _ - r.,>— Farn Orth an , any tha gradingat ihte t111e�' CaPdetldd and In fav c}leeontinutld: C Y a .,;: Goss} --- Adopted b e Covnafl NoY si 19is• / _ 191 5� Keil Approved [OVe t -jNdv 8-1816_ O'Le y YOB . ... ..:MAYOR Mr. Presldentr.; wers w _ / 5� CITY 'OF_ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL^FO,RM Resolved, >YHEREAS,.A otmtraot for the grading of the Alley in Blook 18, Summit park Addition was let to Peter Diokson-and wAER,AS, A majority of the property owners abutting'on said Alley axe desirous that paid grading shalI not be done, as per petition attached, and MMREAS, The oontractor is grilling to be relieved from the carrying out of his oontraota and so states 1n a petition hereto attoohed, and the Bond Company also is willing, in a000rdanoe with letter attaolasd, to have aontraot oanoeled and have the bond released, - THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, That said oontraot be and it is hereby annulled and all pxooeedings in the matter of the grading of this Alley canoeled and disoontinued. Yeas (Y) Councilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council— ___---191 Farnsworth Goss ____ln favor Approved— Keller Keller McColl ---Against O'Leary Yoerg — --- Mnvoa. -- Mr. President, Powers -M C.8.2 - EDWIN WAAFIELD, "FF - ...... I 11 YI fr. mum". ; HOME OFFICE BALTIMORE FITZHUGH BURNS, $T. PAUL, WPM, Nov. 2nd.1915. NORTHWESTERN MANAGER SUREW DEPARTMENT GOR. 4TH.A CEDAR STREET Mr.0scar Clausen, City Engineer, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: - Re: Peter Dickson. With reference to bond of the Fidelity and Deposit Company on behalf of Peter Dickson covering conIrset for grading and improving the alley in Block 19 of Swnmit Park Addition, I wish to advise that the Fidelity and Deposit Company has no objection and hereby formally consents to the cancellation of the contract and the release of its bond. Trusting that this will be entirely satisfactory to you, I ern, Yours truly, FIDELITY AND DEQ ° ANY 0 MARYLAND, Attorney- -fact. FB- eb HONORABLE COIINCILMEN of the CITY of ST. PAUL: We, the undersigned, property owners of Block 19, Summit Park Addition, respectfully reques� your Honorable Body to rescind the order for grading all between Victoria and Milton Streets. The al all been repaired and is satisfactory to us: Our propert((((((y abuts anpsaid �alley. ,/ r That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one gasoline motor tractor from theAmerioanwLaFrance Fire $ngine Company, Inc., for the sum of $3750.00, without asking for competitive bids as said tractor patented article. Chat of tractor to be charged to Public Safety -Bureau of Fire - M & R Account. R . I Yeas (1') Co' ilmen (Y) Nays Far orth 'os In favor Kell Mc `ll � _Against O' ry Yo Mr. President, veers ionto c.B-2 Adopted by the Council Appro -1-1 4t• f MAYOR Y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL .FORM Subject:..._:........._._........ _ '788,), , .......... _._._................................ IL COUNC w FILEN�............................:-............. %Date Presented _ __._ _. _ ... ...__ 191 ..... Rmlmd WHEREAS, Fielding & Shepley, Inc., the contractor for the paving of Lexington avenue from Summit avenue to Como Park, has been prevented from completing that portion of the pavement lying between University avenuo and Como Park, by circumstances beyond the control of the contractor, but has completed to the satisfaction of the Com- missioner of Publ;c works that portion lying between Summit avenue and University avenue, and upon said portion said contractor has been allowed estimates by the Commissioner of Public works aggregating as -provided intandlbyntheherefrom contractfifteen and specificationser cent. fforesuchtates, im- provement; and -- MWREAS, The contractor will be prevented from completing rocess Of cOntof he seasontofnaccount of 1916, and itsisers notithetherefore fair and just that said contractor should be kept out of the entire fifteen per cent. of such estimates until the balance of said improvement is completed; and the Council is of the opinion that the withholding of five per cent. of such estimates will fully protedt the City on said improvement; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to audit, allow and pay the full estimates hereto- fore allowed by the Commissioner of Public works on that part of said pavement between Summit avenue and University avenue, less five per cent. instead of fifteen per cent., as provided by the specifications and contract for Ouch improvement. ;rosating- $ x -i fifteen - ?ates,as-provided utrdet and-epecificatI:r drovement; and A fro; completing it, ',d from completing tho betel < pavement' onnetstrucunt oY t' .rocesa of coruHon, unt: .on of 1918, ad it fe not-Ahe1+ ;� and Just that `-said conti' "Id�be kept out of the entire .k 'cent o[ such estimates untL once. of said improvement Is 1, .red; and the Council is of the t 1t that the withholding of . centofsuch estimates v"Iyp +feet the City on said In, wlv= Yeas (P) ncilmeli (✓) Nays retore,-be It jv'��I _4 1915 0 �eolved, That ti dopted by the Council... ..... ...191... he ebv +:.nU F#bsworth '` '.-0- GR in favi ,y Kfer %( Approv ....... M ' 1C V........ Against N Mr Presider Powers FORM C.6-2 !arw"+`s..'i" // •,.G - Opole #IA -4.440, VWA ?XV4 OFFICE OF JOHN LFARICY, CITY CLERK Da-: 35:- The AtncV 1 CO lu/x A� f"- '4100- A 1"AW, r fnv" ta 1.0 Or Tw�, :, fon., m"OTAN01. in the -t 1"Jo. 0 L. E. SHEPLEY, P--- 5L.WeEttme, G&ADtNe. Cew ltme. CANADIAN ADDRESS 305 TR—LE RS BLDG - WINNIPEG. M. F. FIELOING,V—Pec.. J.L.SNEPLEY, Sec. AnoU7— Lc PAVING WITH ' CREOSC.ITE.SAND8TON E, ASP'p,ALT,GRANPTE,BREC K, AsPEIALT6c CQNc[LETE, CDNCRFM ANDMACAM W TELEPHONES: N.W.DALE 1365. TRI-STATE 1365. %34,g4'ft l` 10/26/15 Mr. D2. N. (loss, Commissioner of Public WQTKe,, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear sir. n rekardt0a=412n ave. �Contract� With respect to the above contract we beg leave to advise. ,you that -the City is with -holding under the 150 clause the sum of $10,950• we have been ready and willing to complete the entire contract, but owing to the fact that certain sewers are not constrowted under that portion of Lexington Ave,. lying north of University Ave., the City has seen fit to postpone the completion of this work. Until next year. We have assured that we would finish the paving between University Ave. and Como Park promptly upon being advised that the sewers had been constructed The contract pravides for the paving of the street between Summit ""._and Como Parr. We have completed that portion of the pavement between Summit Ave. and University Ave.., the cost of which was 473i000. You have Withheld the 150 which the contract provides whould be Withheld until the completion of the contract. Inasmuch as -.we have completed; this contract in so far as we are able to do so and have been prevented from entirely completing the same by reason of circumstances which were wholly beyond our control, we think 1t but fair that this sum of El 150 should not be withheld. L.E. SHEi�LCV. PRes.- S eweUCUNe* GltAIlo tme. 'G11@L4BiUPUe. CANADIAN ADDRESS 305T—VELLERS BLDG. WINNIPEG. M. F. FIELDING,V— PREs. M. N. G. #2 J. L . SHEPLEV, 5-- TR- --G WITH CREc60TE.SANDSTONE. A,sP"ALT.GRANITE,BRIC K. Asr"^LTtC CQNGRETE, CONCRETE ANOMMAQAM TELEPHONES: N—DALE 1355. J_✓ � TRI-STATE 1355. We have given a bond for the full amount of the contract in so0prdanoe with the charter provvisions and we call your attention to the fact -that the contract further provides that the sum of $1000 r should be withhold for a period of one year after the completion of the contract. We consider that it should be sufficient if the City, should pay ue this 154 retained, and Withhold $1000 provided for under the terms of the contract, Which should be ample gaarantse together With the bond.. However, in order to fully protect the interests of all.COncerned, We are willing that the contract should be modifled, so that the City may withhold -five (50) per cent/ -of the amount already expended, as a further guarantee, which. would amount in this instance to 43650. We respectfully request that you present this matter to the cou=11 ani legaa.department with the requestrthat the proper resolution be presented authorizing the payment of the amount retained with the exceptiev of the 50 whleh we have suggested above. We will be glad to execute whatever consent may be necessary; and procure alsmmwrittezu assent of the bonding company. Tielsitruly Aheple , Inc. 3' A .r�*�s'��eree. COUNCIL FILE NO --- By. . .... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of qt;140149 9L OaMent -tile isIdeWalk.­tOL 0:J'-0"-Jc@'t on the south side of Cook street from Sarl street to Duluth avenue, . ........... .. ... . ..... -­ .......... . ........ ... . ..... --------- ---------- - under Preliminary Order547..._._........__. ........ .... .. approved AUVIEM .. 19th" 19.154 ............ . I . ..... Intermediary Order .. . ...... ... .. .. ... ... . . ..... ...... approved . ..... ............ ... ..... -- .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is 19PARUM0. a 0 . L tileSldewalkL 'to-_a_.Width ... df --six' fact on the south side. -Of Voqt- Daluth.-avenue-,... ............. -- .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therevvith. Adopted by the Council iV. —4 1 191 . . .. ..... .... o Clerk. 10 Approved ........ . .. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Ice a. otter ofconal mctbI tusaidewalk to;a'w1d,ng ,f-N61,a`erit zoutb'.Jd6,of 0""' 4'6'.1 EarLSEreet .to ,Duluth , avenue, . und6r, Goss Not August 19th, -1916;' A,:Vublle- - hearing . having ��bsen�-hj& Keller �upon the above tmorovdmentmpbzj,'dum tnOuce--und"the 006noll-I ,4vt,n%,�hea �su Pereongi,:objectlonj recommence e;l . ��h McColl r ti , Otthereto ., old' having - re 0'1,--ary o nau�,oft ejty� made :by tbe-eaid. cltqA.-on.t et`. Yoerg ..t 0 Idt �of- at- -f-, do 46t tr ujuothia-nuejre he COua 11^. hereby ordsrs-;aced Mayor Powers provement M F— R. S A. 8-7 eo. I r, b . _.�..-andL., 0 1 ' I I' I COOK. ST, !3 ' !! ie a i 7 GIs `4d f..! o i ,ems � ti / ��` � s p �''� 1 _ „�vf � o , y � , q --=--UA-- /' In the Matter o2/ CITY OFST. PAUL " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE�� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j� i IN under Preliminary Order approved — 1S . 1----------------------- - -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 52 per lineal The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $— foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $-- The —The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ... . _. "- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION L , s G 2 fc G I .. TOTAL �� A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI RY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT !' BLOCK '. o ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA 10 � J Q d.�7 f J y 11.7 Al /c ;Al y all 6` y C01 all The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / U/ Dated - ----191.:.......!!I-- — ........ Commissioner of Finance. FOFM 0.9./1. — c COUNCIL FILE NO. By.... . ..... ... ....... lot FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..0QUff.trU0t1ng a_ cement tile. sidema.Lk to a width -of -six "ot On t _1M . ....... 0-st- B1d.e....Of._.4Lva..strsat from Fillmore avenue to Faixtield avenuej nnder Preliminary Order approved AugUlllt 3Gth'.­1915.1­­__ ­­ Intermediary Order approved - - ...... ... . ... . ..... ..... - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the snore; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is - QPA0t W.-PLement tile sidewalk to. a.width -of six ioat on_ t the. from, Allmore avenue to Fairfield arenas; and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to preluire plans and -specifications for said improvement,, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . ...... . ... . ..... Jerk. Approved 191 .... . ... ..... .. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers F- B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT IOF �INANCE yy REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDE%' In the Matter C% Al. . . .. .................. . ........ ........ ..... .............. .. . .... ......... . . . ...... .................... . . .. ........ . ........... ......... ........... .......... . . .. . ................... . .......... . .......... ...... . .... ..... .. ....... .. . ... ....... ........... .... ... ............. ...... ...... .... . ... .............. ....... ............ ......... .. ............ 0 . ..... ...... ........... * ........ .. ....... ....... . .... *­ ' ­ ­ ....... .. ...... * * ... . ...... * * ­ . .... ....... **** * .............. — .... ........ ...... ...... - . ....... - .................. . .... .. I . .. ......................... . . ..... . ... . . . ............ ............ .......... ....... . .... . ....... .... . . under Preliminary Order approved ... ....... . ..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.Pilf..per lineal ........... .. f 60t. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - -- $ ......... . ..... .. . . ....... ...... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � 45 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his resort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him N . . . . . . . . . . . . Commissioner of Finance. C.FNo, G7.`8 %IORE� Ave-. COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. Inthe Flatter of Oonstruqting aoement sidewalk...to W.Widtil of siX_f­e..V­k­U_U ........... . ..... ...... . . ......... ooth es aidG.Off avenue,_ �POW004 South Robert street .. . ........... under Preliminary Order 1535 approved _A$.013AM O.T.-VO4. ..1914..__Intermediary Order approved .1 ....... ..... - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is AA9!W4t sidewalk both side of Tyler street between South ..Robert street and Goff %VenU8o ............... .. . .. ........... .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said imi)rovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Approved.._............__/. _...__._.. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl - O'Leary -Voerg Mayor Powers F.— R. S A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL I I 1 ) /� .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE lot U J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE O ON PRELIM WA4Y ORDER In the Matter of � —.4 � 7 r /J V /� %. under Preliminary Order approved —-------��—---------------- ....... ........ ........... ----------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 5 p iinea1 foot. _The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ---z The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the , assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION :SLOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 40 7;", 1 IORMBlA .eA TOTAL, r - CITY OF,ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,AN PRELIMINARY ORDER ' ,. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 6LOCK ADDITION VALUATION �O /S''6 . all IArd /z I 4 II �i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- - ---- ----191- -- -' _.- - _. -' Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 8•3 C COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of q9A@!- otIng a cam.ent_ a depralk to_.._a. width of Aft loot QU 446 no3z -th eAdg-..-Qf R14981KO-04L. .49erae, under Preliminary Order . ....... 6.790-- approved -OAPIP Intermediary Order approved ....... .............. ......... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement is. a oement sidewalk to a width Of 4�kk feet_ to be made by the said City .... . ............. . . .. ..... ..... on "Gh A"th Of- Ridgew..O.O.d....av-euu-a..-be.t.w-ee.rL...I&iltojI street and Vlotoria eta and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be madeL RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 74 "It, 191 Approved .........._...._// �. _. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers F— B. S. A. 8-7 1 r St. Paul, Minnesot a, August 26,1915 1104 Pt. Gos sa / Department of Public Works, St. Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: We, the undersigned, property owners respectfully request that ae walk be laid on the north side of Ridgewood Avenue between _ and victoria Streets. There are a number of school children passing over this street on their way to school who would be greatly benefited by this walk. Trusting this will meet with your favorable consideration, we beg to remain Yours very truly, Omer of Lot a� Block !/ Zai" 1 7 t, i i 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance b,- September.... 9.,......._....191...5 4 _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary, order of the Coun- til, known as Council File No.._67i%r't.......... ....approved ........... 86%to.mbe.-r..... ........ -.1915....., relative to............................ construct.ung..._a..._cement...._t....e......_ei.de>R l......t.o...._4._W dtb.....af.....a.1z....0.04...911...1h.0................. north side of Ridgewood Avenue__between__Milt9n.._and,._Qiotor a._ Streeta..._........ .......... ..... .......... ...._.... ......... .. ............. .................. ............................................. .......................... ................................... _.............................................. --.......................................................... ._.......... ............................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_................necessary and (or) desirable. 55¢ per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is$..................................... and the total cost thereof is-$- . ..... .... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................... ........................................................... ................................. ........... ..... ....................... _........... .............. _............... ............ ....... _........ _........... ..................... ........... - ........... .................... _....................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ...... a. Said improvement is......... ......................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjuet to assessment for said improvement. Commissio ublic Works. 4-1 --- o 4-1 --- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE V ON R,RELIMIN`ARY ORDER p In theMatterof. Z.v1... �( L�._.... �L _..- .i...-'<.'(_ :'(i ._ '� CW L.[ j ........c...._2...--.._&iJ..1�/ [.......... ._ /..L ....... ........... .......... .......... ........ ...... __....... ..... .... .... _ _._. _._._....... ...... ........ ....... ... _... .... ........_.. _.._..._............ ...... ............ __............_... ...... ....... I .... ......... ....... ._..... �_ .__........ ........... .........-- ............. _..... ..... ......... ... ...... .................. ............. ....... ....._... ........ ._... ._.... ........ _._..................... _................. ...... _ _..................................._.._......... ......... ..._...... ....... ...... ............. ..... .............................. ........ ....... ...... ............. ............ ..... ... ............ ........ ----........ -.-_..... .......... ___._.......... ....... ............ ... _..... _..... .... ..____.....-...__.--_..._......................._................--..I.........._._...._.........._............................._......._.....__............................. .......... ....__...................... ....... _........ .......... ._... ...... _... ............... ._......... ............ ........... I. ......... ............ ........... ............ ........ ................. ... -................... _........ . ...... ......_.... ...... ..................._....__....... ....... .............. ...... ....... ................ ............ ...... .... ..... _ .... --..... _..... ........... ................._....-_ .......... ...... ...... ........ under Preliminary Order approved.......I? . 9 (.-.........1 ....... .......� 1_f... ..... ......_....... ..._......... ........... _..........__...__................. ... -...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $.-§4$ Por lino(i The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ .fOOt. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � I all �� a ILI" G f aC / 't Cf � L CGL � � � � 1 O� �.(( ry s�[/'�a///✓i TOTAL. /_ 0 The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated....... 1� .... ..........19L _ C/.: / � «;��G� v� ..... ... I........_..... -...... Commissioner of Finance. p .1 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL 7801 toOrdinance No. 3610of i e to settle the elalm of nmI[h. '+ 1 or the City of St. Paul 'tndaln as. follows: , 'SECTION 1' p`� • it Ihi!�P �:tPoslfiPn "All- vmltl) 7807 =�P roml a� o t. P l' ll inm the -')' of iu Paul, ah_ ng - InJurles' n u Ined by her b)' of a Pall o sldt�ivalk at` n Avenue.'- between 1-lYllex and An ordinance to settl-,'u,% egelalinrof Alice Smith. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of Alic2Smith to compromise and settle her claim against the CiU of.St:Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on Pusey Avenue, between Hilles and Tallula Avenues, as is more particularly set out,in her communication to the Council under date of March 26th, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) be and the same is hereby ac- cepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and 1 directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in 1 favor of Alice Smith, payable out of the Compromise Account of _ the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars; s43d sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with, a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the - Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. fYeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption — by the Council -A4 G ` .191-5 / Isl R—dinp.I//�� 191% d .: �� c(,'oss 1., 1.— Approved. NOV J_. 915 191 2nd /I/ Z �� 191 lCeller �1 mt,coll Against nur It 3rd 1m� / 1 191 l�j r�� O`try� / Attest: Yoerg HNARI Y, City Clerk. Date Published 191 Mr. Prnsident_ilewers '�//-��S low CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. H.O*NCILL ♦s JOHN RKYLEYS JOHNA.BURNS WILLIAM J.GIBERSON THOS.W.MIMEEWN St.pa.ul, Minn., Nov. 3, 1915. To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance settling. the claim of Alice Smith for the sum of One Hun- dred Fifty Dollars. After an investigation of the above claim, it is the opinion of this Department that the pooposed settle- ment is reasonable and to the best interests of the City. Yours truly, Aest. C oration Counsel. An ordinance to settle the claim of Alice Smith. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN A5 FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of Alis Smith to compromise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of . injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on Pusey Avenue, between Hilles and Tallula Avenues, as ie more particularly set out in her communication to the Council under date.o£ March 26th, 10,15, upon payment to her of the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($$150.00) be and the same is hereby ao- eepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in P favor of Alice Smith, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars; e$id -sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and,more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said -claimant on the day and under the cirnumetanoes hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. .M T l< C F No. 7808-01d No Mit-' A •dfnnn ce provldl f tion ttlement Ittht r", " et- nd authorizina th nee pa` m µt, P eleMement.in c• rda v The Council docs ordainof the Cit, of t� Son, r t a :'he proper end M 1 r 'lo.lzed to t ter i t (.'reement with Fred i empleoree e 1 _' Of his 'o mplo3'mr_ .—se 1915: .'old n ._ An ordinance providing fora compensation settlement with Fred 'Conrad, and authorizing the payment of compensation in ac- cordance`with said settlement. J THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: / Section 1. The proper city officials are hereby authorized to enter into a compensation agreement with Fred Conrad, a City employee who received injuried in the course of his employment on October 9th, 1915; said agreement shall be drawn in accordance with the Workmenst Compensation Act, and shall provide for the payment of compensation to the said Fred Conrad'at the rate of Bine Dollars ($9.00) per week during the time he shall be totally disabled by the accident aforesaid, within the limits imposed by the Workmens' Compensation Act, Section 2. The proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay to Fred Conrad the sum of Eighteen Dollars in partial settlement of,his claim; said payment to be made in accordance with the provisions of the agreement entered into in Section One of this.prdiriance. Sec1. tion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nay, Final Adoption ���/ by the Cotin _.... Y.v /....� _19tf -. � Farnsworth 1:1 ]fending .. �� �,.... 19Y //(�o+s In l.— Approved .. .NOV 1915 ]91 --Keller 2nd / 191 k-coll L/ Against e '� ✓ �*X� I 3rd 191 ri'J� Attest-. JOHN 1. FARICY, Yoerg l Date Published ../�... 191r ��City Clerk J CITY OF SAINT PAUL O'N CILL -S JOHN —;L s - JOHN A.BURNS WILLIAM J.OIBERSON THOS,—MEEKIN St.paul, Minn., Nov. 3, 1815. To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance settling the claim of Fred Conrad, under the Workmens' Compensation Act. After an investigation of the above claiip it is the opinion of this Department that the proposed settlement is reasonable and to the bests interests of the City. Yours truly, A"t. Corporation Counsel. Council File No ..... ... _..... J PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY OR The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the ]]owing 1/c Paul, viz.: ..............._......._Grade...._ Alle.X..._in_,_Blo......._.71..,.....-eco eni bounded by Earl., gypre , Hastin ....esld R ao`rbordance with pe, ion beret • .._at.tae}d ............ _... _...... Dated Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the ranking of the following improvement, viz.:...._...._ .............. .......__.....:._ .-.................. _................................. .._Grade.. Ule.y....in_.B.lnck._.7.1,.....Sootten'.-s_...Sub-_div.iaion................._........... . bounded by Earl, Cyprese,.___Hastings and Wakefield. ................._.. _...._. annnns. .. ............ .... .. .__.......... ._.._.. _._._. .. ___.. .... : h i f..___.. _........ ......._...._...... ...... w wrttten proposal:for the.', ees; Hasttnga etgd Wakefield lav having beenpresented to the Council of the Cit y been presontedrto the Council -sof - - -- - - ---- -; Cuy of St.,PatkUtherefore, be It therefore, be it It .That the Commlaalonsr of vb11c Worlta„ba,and he le hereby or - ,.red and ddirected:':'. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pu 1. -To tnveangnte the necessity for •dered and directed: `etch of Bald improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desi, destalality of the-maklne, of ■and Prevenient. In To veatlgaten ,tha ature; eztent `€ 2. To investigate the nature, extent and es eetlmatad ctlat;,oe calm Improve. (t, and the total cost thereof. and the• total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile of sketch of saii,ti off maid hlmpruvementroflls or . Tofurnlalf't the folltlwing o;:' #. To furnish the following other data and t:nnd tnformetlon.relntive t t Improvement :.... .. .............. �ement. ' state whether or: not• ,- .i ^_¢eked............-................-......................................... ........... ....._.-........._..........._..._..-.............. -........................ ..........._...... --......... - ...... -- .... - ..... ........... . •,.: .._.,............... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forgoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i9?� Adoptedby the Council .............._.. ...._...__................ .............. 91......._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa worth G l OosApproved...._..........._.._ ................._... 1.. Kel Mc 1 • O' ry Yoe.. .................. ................................... .................. -.................................... ... Mayor Poi s Mn or. u t� _ �au�x►11— J � - �9/� Conlaeilile No. .................. w,_,• PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Pile undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo]I g p lic iniprovemmtt the City of St. I ' Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking aid ...:_as_... in the necee$a .. fir elopes, Yotl cute,_a�nills....4 �l.din ..._S.t_xvet..: from Summit Avenue o Selby enue �..: fd .... ......... .............. { tzl` .. .. _................... ....... ................... - Dated thts.. �'i .day of. . _..... r ..._ ........ ....._... r....................._ ....._.... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, WIZERPAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:___...... -_....... ...... _..__. _. ...._................._C_ondegning..._and..._taking,._an.._eaeegent_._in_.._the...._1and.. nec_es_qarY......__. for slopes, for cut_s.. and, fills .in_. the. grading of_4 _Street, i_r4ui Sumit...Ay.enue..t.o.._.ftltly._Avenue... ...... ............ ................... ................. ....... ........................................ .............. ............................... _............... ................. ........... _...................... ........... . the h sserY •Eo, having been presented to the Council of the City of ,Com summit avenuo o se° -- • nav}n� beenpreaehtea to STte,j therefore, be it "t the City of St. Paul them. It RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub;%d;ha be•one henfeherebyr reby ordered and directed: ad direcfep:. 1. To investigate the necessity for or de8ij" invcstlgate the naaesstty .aid improvement. atrabllity of;the waking of ' d''Tenieveatigat. the nature.,,ti•ovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To iuvestignte the nature, extent an 'estimated coat of said t • 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of;, and the-total cost -th or, •' To furnish, a plan, #. 'I'o furnish the following outer dant a[th of snld improvement ve to said improvement: .. Co fInfor atha Sollo •• ''nd Information- ' =menti Wb...._.... ... ......................................_..... .... .. ........... _ 5. To state whether or not said, improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. regoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the fo Adopted by the Council.. . N IV..=t>1... j9 1.x.........191......._ Yeas: Nays: / Councilman P nsworth .I r U s Approved_..... 191_ ... ler o11 • Bary / ,y erg...... ........y...... Zayor P vera k Council File No .... ..... ................ ......_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT: and 781.1 / PRELUMNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foil ng pu c improvenl by e City of St, Paul, viz.: .............Condemning..._and..._takin_ g.........._eaeem__._t...._ A.._t........._1..... ....... ne_ceesary_....... ... farralop.e.a.,._. oT._..C.ut.6__an ...ills.. i he ing....o ...All.e.y...in tion. Dated this PRELIMNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improveutent, viz-: Condernnng..._and..._t_akiaaer�ent._._in.._the _.._l and.._ne_oe_s SI; y_ ....._......... for .._slopes_, for _cuts and fills.. in .the grading of.__A11ey_._in Block 1 Haldeman' ............_._....__......... _...__...._....._s Additio.xi.,..._._...................................._.._......_..........._.. epo•\ 'Ing Inn . ....... ............... ................... ............. .: .................................. . having been presented to the Council of the City of Ste'l therefore, be it v RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public 1;TW m 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirao hiJevs. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimaeii: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said itnlo 4 To furnish the following other data and inforal 1, Hatdemeon's A: presented to the A `St. Pant thereeorq and ee W tiereL� ordered and directed: :d: •ate the necesslt. 'f the :making of no prevenient. ate the nature,-rnent, and the total cost thereof. .ost of said. im" tal cost, thereof i.- a plan,prr, mprovereent the followin i ijapmVenleltt :.._...._. _.. >nent. 1e state whether or riot eq, ......._.._. :.. _. _..:...' is asked dor on thq.::........... ........ ................_..................................._..._..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fnregoing matters to the Commissiouer of Finance. • "'.J_...� ... Adopted by the Council .......... ........ l Yeas: Nays:., �l , Councilman Faf worth / 4 GoApproved_..._....... ....._[ .._............ / ...................191........ Ke Mil O'ry Yo _.......... _.............. ..... ._............ .... Din or. Mayor Po s _ Y b CITY OF ST. PAUL ;y Council' Resolution --General Form Department of___. - ---- -- --- - -- Burea,l of _ r� Count' File No. Date Presented By �� ' �___._ nra<rea xna ai lea w eatena <lacvioal h by <r<onna Gnl a rdnc a m<reon W rha RF:111.V H:D 'l hal the.cr(. ul( Lcht Con M1 t, transmissi[ n pf elecirie�'I � ana n rhe Collo[ ¢ alleys ana etreela of said till. �oleel in alley between Rice Street and Park Avenue from At- water street to vanitoba Avenue, with necessary guys - All of such «ren+ n e, pules avd snball b < ed vd _---d nnaer the direction ana supervisim u( the Cpmmissioner of Ynblic U[iIi[iea ana in all rhivvs suh�c< In the orovisons of [ 4dinaocv .�'o�<N2Y. and<of all o her lawtulo dinanc<a and resolution.+of [he City of St. Yanl. 411 poles shall be <h Ivc 'v s id alleys ana streets as the Cammiseiover of Yublic Vlililiea shill desienat<, xnd shall be of such h<iuht avd haracter os he sh II des mte avd apprnva�andM1 ny'avd t,l au<hr' ol<s shill be taken down xnd removed, and sncli wires placed ovderervuna, whenerer rhe Canncil shill deem that the public interest so renuirc, a w ev r s ra so ar er. Adopted by the Council - Yeas ( ) Con cilmen FA SWORTH GO Mc LL O G Y KEL ER Mr1Pres dent, PO RS 191 ( ) Nays Approved lam_ 19/'dMayor QUBLtSi� � ✓� CITY Or ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General , Form Department of Bureau of .p/ 191 Council File No. _ Date Presented -- / " �­ atrept By ' the _V1 th vm,d 1etrt U nl a d`clava airected ,vex,v»a tectrical l Lr erecane v 1 vd °,rycear au. n near the alley between Goff one pole on Elizabe ANenue and Gorman Avenue, Five poles on Underwood Avenue between Randolph Street and Niles Street, Six poles in the alleys between Niles Street and Randolph Street, from Underwood Avenue to Vacalester Avenue, Four poles in the alley between palace Street and James ✓ Street, from Fairview Avenue to Frederica Avenue, With necessary guys. .,llowing ..1, be. th etreot ns. loR avenue and Go. Undorweo„a�avenae bo-- �� street All vl such ,' 1 ic.avd,rves shall Le everted sods metrucrev v n t N». ?+2+. avd vt all other laxtul urdin ;UY ( 1 d .... e `Ail shall duh�o °ebh yvlcs ne.vet msafvca,d 11n`sfi Voletxhaldlacreeken .h a aeaie��at ann al+nre, e. n u sl l l o to tdt s order. nubli intcrcsl sv rrnuires, andnd , a 1 Adopted by the Council - Yeas ( ) n ORTH tcO Mr. President, ane n116Y between Pal t. of 1'uLlic Utilities and it, all Chives 'ames street, from. Pni 1 m s5�„"e1 Frederl a avenue wl[h. i nd .ball be v( sod, huvht avd character as he sxtensiea9, round, xl,ene. cr the Cavncil shall deem that the constructed A°lea and T upervisl under, th - 1. a11 thin, oP j U1,11 �I _.:J 1 : i� C ..191 ge sub I�l- V Ordinance, No.. 24•' - 'nwtuPorptnahcesir ` ( Nays Approved. _ /_ .._ 19j Mayor City of Bt.Paul Council Resolution - General form. -,- Department of . -_-_-_._-_._._..--_-__._.--_-__----- --- _-_.__. Bureau of ... ....... ._._.-------------- ... CEi6cv CCCEvv9c3v__OC c9c Evv3i�E c99EcvCCE�E9_OECEvcE9c CCE 9vvc9c_E �CCCCc9® l Date Presented Y� By Resolved, that permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string vire with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets: North side of Florence Avenue from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Avenue. Poles and wire to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. Adopted by the Council ---- _----.----------- Yeas ( . ) Counolmen Mr. Presi ent, stroe". t aide of Florence' avenue from Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave. ,.and ' -.wires to be removed'when 1 'ed to do so -by the Common I Said cost to be paid by the one Company. ted by the Council Nov. 6, 1916. owed Nov 6, 1916. i (Nov. 13-1916) --------._._._......................... 1914. ( ) Nays to /l A C _.19 44 Mayor i t It rH1, COUNCIL FILE NO. By t FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _COnat.raating a aewer .on Chatsworth --street ..-from -Otto street to Rao e_ street .and 4n-R.acestseet fr_om_Chatawor.th.- street ..-to-..AIP-aka street, under Preliminary Order Ca4E? _..__ approved ....August__6t.h., -.1915.. Intermediary Order __ _ _ approved _._ .. A public hearing having been had upon the above inlpro�,emeut upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is CCn8 r-10t._ng...a...s.eWer on Chatsworth --street from -Otto etre to Rai ,+res+_and_o.n....Race..s.tr.eet_.-from.._ChatsWor.th-street--to Alaska street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ....__ _ '- __ _, 191 j ._......._.. Jerk. Approved .._...___ _ / , 191`'... Diayor. C. F. No. 7816 In the Matt aconstructing a sewer on Councilman Farnsworth Chae o th arra t r am ottoa°st:. to Race street and on Rae street from Chatsworth street to Alaska street, under Preliminary Order 6348, " GOSS approved August 6th, 1915. 'A public hearing haWng been had / upon the above improvement upon due. v Keller notice, and the Councilhaving heard all persons, objections and recomtaen- datlons relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore. " C", McColl be It Resolved, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nntar.. a. " O'Learytent d kind f Improvement to be; made by the said City Is constructing a sewer c a Cha teworth street from .Otto " Yoer treat to Race street and on Race St. g e o Chatsworth street to Alaska St.;' d the Council hereby, o d a said lm - p o .menti b made Mayor Powers Resolved Further: Th t theCommfs- lon r of Public Work be and he le Form 11. 5 A. 8-7 he eby_rlstruct d. and directed to pre-. by th C r ii Nov '6, 1916:1 ved N 6, 1916 I(Nll . 18, 19161 Office of the Commislioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ........................191..x... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 6348 AL1 Rt AA ..................191_J...., relative to_......tkd8........... •.....................................approved.........................�.... oQ.-no.t.rua t.ion....of.....a....,11.6wer.....on....C7lat..awo.xt,,h-.&t......... 91.xom....Otto .....st.,....._t.Q.....A AQ.(.) ...St . and .._Rep_e..._St-,...._f_rom.._Chateworth..._st_:....._tP..._Alaska..._St_,....... ..........._......................__...._........................ _._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............. .......... necessary and (or) desirable. 92.49 per front foot 8,122 00 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_................................... and the total cost thereof is$......_....._...._.....2.`....... ........, anal Frontage 3,366 feet ga��xtns�n>m�#tmn the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................... ............... -........................ ......................... ......_........... _... 3. A plan, profile -or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part bercof. ..... ....... .............. ........._....................................................................................................................................................... a. Said improvement is_ .......... Y40.t........ _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... ... ............... _.,.-:_............................................... ... /�� C mmissiouer of Public Works. CITY OF PAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DEPvry Cox -11""N" ' OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Corti ENCmEEE", J. E. 'CARROLL Sun. CONiTNCCRCN & REPANE ALFRED JACKSON. SUPT, SIINIIAnoN G. H. HERROLD-OFFICE ENGINEER H. W. GOEj ZINGER, SuvT. WCnNNCunE St. Pahl' Minn. Sept* 1, 1916. Mr, M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public 8n kd,ing• Dear Sir'- I transmit herewith approximate estimate of cost for the oonstruotion of a sewer on Chatsworth St. from Otto St. to Race St. and Race St• from Chatsworth Sts to AlasEa Sti, in accordance with Council File #6548, approved Aug. 6, 1916• Approximate estimate $8,122.00 Total frontage 51566 ft. Exemption 100 fte Assessable frontage 5,266 ft. Cost per front foot $2.49 Respectfully submitted, % IY-lil Biot. J.E.O./M• Chief Engineer. We the undersigned residents and property owners respectfully petition your Honorable body for a sewer on Race Street from Alaska Street to Chatsworth Street and on Chatsworth Street from Race Street to Otto Street and on Otto Street to West Seventh Street, there td intersect with the west Seventh Street sewer. Respectfully submitted, 'A Ir- 'cA -1 } e g Gl � r' 1� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - V 'n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE f \ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved — - ----- -------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - 2 49 $- -- The lots or parcels of land that may be -assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -. .. - -. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION OT 01, / / �ia�rr�/f4ur r fTeua a2 / b` TOTAL, FORM B.S.A. a -$A ' " CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ComMISSIONER OF FINANCE -. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --` -� - �— LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION •--f ASSESSED VALUAT�� � --^ --- yi— V .2 caJ /J b 'z L.L2 l� al. AZ e 1 a", z ,. ll // G cw i 'All .,. _ .. TOTAL. FORM e.q.A. e -e a _ .. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE "1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM)NARY ORDER _ :._.__.___. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIONa �011Nl114y�l�K4 -. 4/6� all 1 s fall /'` 4 1p6` / 1 ol L7�U /oma S /L) .� u TOTAL. ronrn ns.�. a-s e -r�;o CITY OF ST. PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE v� ,{ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM)INARY ORDER - (C) F ' � - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION -ASSESSED VALUATION /ilk (v do �y .7 d V, 4 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - .. 191 .._ G-C,--/--:1�.t ! / �s ...------- Dated--------- -- - Commissioner of Finance. roRM ..S.A. a -n C N 4N 401 O�� � boy � �j \ p END ip 'INN CERTIFICATE MICROFILM %; 4, The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: lklr 0 %d' 4- 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of K -3- business by 41 in accordance with -�77f yy the standard and apprdved techhlt�q... Mft�ha Recordak microfilm machine, Model,; _. of Eastman Kodak Company, 2. The roll of microfilm was made on 19 by the undersigned operator(s). \ �''� 0, sr 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: C- 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: C. IT z 97S, 41 0 v 9- r—A be Y Z_,_[i 2 "o - After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the .3 last document. Signed: Operator Dated 4, 19 66 lbR oy ' y \ dl 44 A Q .� 5 P � e VIII1• ® 1111E_8 11111_5 8- VIII 22=2 VIII 1 e p t; 5 VIII 2=° VIII= VIII= VIIIl-s NATIONALBUREAU OF STANDARDS WROGOPY RESOLUTION TEST ONART 12.4Xmmm� T r %r \ \\ ✓.i' , %r.O.v�, \& 2,9 • s, �` 0 m o y9C i GT s� r 92 ��G9P Os