232021 ! � 23�02�� ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. I E .� { : � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �. — , � � �1 IL RESOL � N—GENERAL FORM :� PRESENTED BY R F � � COMMISSIONE DAT � � Whereas, Additions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement describe .�as�` P Resurfacing GRAND AVENUE from Cretin to Oakland, Comptroller�s Contract No. L-6763, A hbach Construction Company, Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications, and t• Whereas, It has been found necessary to make the following Additions: = � � R ADDITIONS � ` Labor and equipment for drilling thru pavement to check for possible voids f � � j Labor � $ �116.05{ ' Equipment rental 35.00 Concrete for filling voids under concrete base . � � _ . 9� cu. yd. @ $25.14 cu. yd. �238.83i , Re-construction of existing sanitary sewer east of Finn St. between M.H. �3 i �_ and Manhole ,�4 24'! RCP sewer, C1. 3 34 lin. ft. @ $6.25 i212.5� Re-construction of Manhole at Grand and Victoria, 2 lin. ft. @ $20.00 4 40.00� Furnish & Install A & B Manhole frame castings 29 sets @ $60.00 1;740.00 Due to the amount of traffic it was` necessary to provide flagmen during + . i surfacing & sealing operations, 163 flagmen hours � $ 4.25 �692,75 Replacing concrete base under concrete bus pads where the existing base � was deteriorated or missing, C1. 3A70 concrete 183.5 cu. qd. @ $30.00 5,;�505.00, and TOTAL ADDITIONS $ 8ri580T 13� '�7hereas, The total addition is $8,580.13 and the Commissioner of Public �lorks has 'agreed with the Contractor that the amount of $8,580.13 3s the correct sum to be added to sai contract, therefore be it , . : Resolved, That ttie City of St. gaul through its City Council approves the foregoi g _ additions made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $8,580.13, said aino 'nt=to � - ,be financed from 'Local Impro�rements Fund, Code 0920-701. � . _ � � � � - � ' . 1 � � ' , � - � . ; . , 1 , 1 ; . � ' �� 14 �6�7 � - , � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �19—� Yeas Nays _ � � Carlson ��� �. 4 196� - ' ; � Dalglish pproved �19_=� ' H-olia�nd---� I� ° � Favor f � Meredith � � � �eterse�� �l D�ayor � —S%Against '� i Tar�P.q['__�_ - - '1 Mr. President, Byrne ` �UBLISfi�D F�B 1$ 1�67 � �T- - � . r- � ' I - �22 - � �. � � � ' �� � • • - DUrLICATE TO rRINTER �` 2021I . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. ' � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY : COMMISSIONER_BQ�rt F'. '�gt�ar�e^� DATE ' I i , � i �Iher�de, Add�.tioAS wti�ch �ight parov� tp be neceesary in th� �aprav«e�nt desaribed ias � �ouxfacin� �,RADID, AY,li�i.� �roe Crmtin to Qakland, Ca�ptroll�r�a Contr�ct �lo. L-6763. Ac ba¢h � Con�truction Gc�panq. Gontrnctor. �ve ba�n pravid�d foz in ths Spacifications, and ° � Whes��s. �t has b�en found �ceaeaty to eaic� th� following Additionas � � ADDTPLO�tS , La�or and �quippent for drilling �hru p�veMnt to check far possible voids � � �,sbor � $ 116.05� �ip:ent tental • 33.00 Concrete for fillisig voids �tnder concret� bue E � 9� cu. yd. � �}25.14 cu. yd. � 238.83 R�-conetractioa of esisting sanita�y is�r eaet o� �inn St. batWean �.�. �3 � and I�l�nbol• 4�4 24" RC� seMer, G1. 3 a4 lin. �t. � ,�6.25 21x.30� �ts•COA�tL't1C�fOA'0� I'�l11t1p1• �x 6rand tind Vlctoria�. 2 lin. ft. � $2Q.Q0 40.00� �arnish ��Ynstall e & �1 Hantwls �ra� c�stinga 29 os�e ' � �60.O�i 1 7�i�0.00 Dn• to th� a�wunk og traffic it vaa n�e�asary to psbvid�, flmgMn during � ' �usfac�ng�6 staliAg .operation�, 163 fl�g�sn houra, Q� $ 4.25 692.73� Aapl�cing .concr�tm baee undsr cancr��� bas p�ds whsr� Che existin� ba�es � vas d�teriorated pr, �issin�, G1. 3�A70 conczete 183.5 cu. yd..� �30.00 00�, � . � , . � � � • � • TDT� ADDITTOIf$ � 8�580,13 snd , � iih�rea�. Th� total addition ia ��.580.13 �nd the Garieaion�r of Pubiic 'Works h��agr��d� wiCh th� Contrutor tlut th� aaount o� �6�580.13 io the corr�t aw to b� �dded to s�i � contrae � th�re�ore b� it E R��olv�d; Thet thr City' oF St. Faul �Cbraigh its Gity�Council appmw�s 'tha forigoimg � addition� �ad� in �a�ord�nc• wit�► the �p�cifi'catione in� the suai of �8,580.13. esid �nt to : be f inanc�d froa Locsl��prova�nt� �'und� Code 0920-701. ' , � • . � � . i , C FE� 1419� ` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council � 19_ F Yeas Nays . ' r Carlson � �'�� 1 � 196� . Dalglish • Approved {19.� � �-�Fai�a�d—� ' � , Tn FavOr . , : Meredith ' �-o-�� . � Nlayor . ,�,_,.,,� A gainst 1 . SCUC.`fl.V f { Mr. President, Byrne ' i �22 r �; .