05-1136��{yj5-h�g,� Y'25O(,U<{7tryi - IZ�7�0 J� Council File # Resolution #OS-11; Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION �-9� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� I A i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLi3TION ADOPTING THE Northeast Corridor Development Plan Summary — Lafayette Park, Metropolitan State, Arcade aud Phalen Village Nodes AS AN ADDENDUM TO THE SAINT PAUL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, tbe City of Saint Paul is authorized under Minnesota Statutes Section 462.353 to carry on comprehensive municipal planning activities for guiding the future development and improvement of the city; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, as a local govemment unit within the metropolitan area, is required under Minnesota Statutes, Section 473.858, to prepare a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted, by Council File 98-1133 on March 3,1999, the Land Use Plan as a chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the Land Use Plan provided for the adoption of area plan summaries and amendments to those summaries as addenda to the comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Northeast Corridor Development Ptan Summary was prepared by a community-based task force convened by the Planning Commission on October 19, 2001; and WHEREAS, the Northeast Corridor Development Plan Summary was presented to the Planning Commission for its review; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after a public hearing on January 14, 2005, and consideration of public testimony, recommended, in its Resolution OS-37 approved March 25, 2005, adoption of the Northeast Corridor Development Plan Summary by the City Council; and WIIEREAS, the Mayor considered the Planning Commission's recommendations for the P6alen Village node and transmitted to the City Council proposed changes to the text, as noted in his letter dated June 24, 2005, and included as an attachment. OS-1136 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Northeast Corridor Development Plan Summary for the Lafayette Park, Metropolitan State, Arcade and Phalen Village nodes, as amended, is adopted as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan contingent upon review by the Metropolitan Council. Requested by Department of: Plannine & Economic Development By: Approved by Financial Services Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: By: /f�j�/��A,y,r��z„ � Form Approved by City Attorney Approved by By: by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date //oiPh-r�rti/�/,�DDS OS-1136 DELETE STRIKE OUTS; INSERT UNDERLINED TIXT Phalen Village Recommendations include the following: These recommendations will support, and benefit from, improved transit in Phalen Village and along Maryland Avenue: 1. n.,,... ..,a o..�o.,.�;..,, o., e e..,... o i„ .., o� ri,..o.,,.o ci.,,,,+.,.. �ho. ,.�+ Tho.o ...,°, .,... �..���,.. , ,,.� ,....,�.,., ,.. �..°.,� ��..�",�.....�,���.,�, „�� ..",�. „���� ..�. ' ' ' ' es .� ��� �77i��TSS _ _ 3 _ _ _ _T • � � - � p _ � • � _ _ � On the south side of Maryland Avenue, close the old alianment of ProsperiN Avenue and extend Rose Avenue to meet Clarence Street on the west. An advantaae to this approach is restoration of the original street arid to create blocks of rouahlv eaual size and reaular shape. The original shopping center site c-ea- should be redeveloped for housing units, taking advantage of the amenity of the lake. This housing would also support existing retail uses and potential new retail in this area. 2. Upgrading of the commercial area on the easf side of Clarence between Phalen Bovlevard and Maryland with new retail or small office development will "fill in" the west side of the new Welis Fargo bank block, with shared access points and internal circulation. A small outdoor plaza or seating area, possibly adjacent to a restaurant, would be desirable on this block. 3. The commercial area on the west side of Clarence between Phalen and Maryland is recommended for either office development and retail development targeting specialty uses. Residential development would also be appropriate, including senior housing. Rose Avenue should be extended to the west side of Clarence to serve this area, its exact alignment to be determined after further study. 4. The auto-oriented strip mall at the northeast corner of Maryland and Clarence is recommended for exterior improvements or redevelopment. 5. Redevelopment of the block bounded by Maryland, Rose, Barclay and Hazelwood to a more intensive use; possibilities include office space and/or a child care facility. A creative partnership with the National Guard Armory should consider adaptive reuse of the Armory site if the opportunity arises. Community-oriented human services such as child care or family OS-1136 supporf services should be considered at that time. Medium-density residences would also be appropriate on this block, but it is recommended that residences be sited on secondary streets with a more residential character. - - - - - - -- - - _ - - - - - - - - -_ - - - - - . . C• C � � � � � � � _ � �� � � � � . Rezone Phalen Villaqe and selecSed housina sites in the Ames Lake Neighborhood Master Plan to TN2, a zoninq district that supports compact, pedestrian-oriented commercial and residential development and encouraqes a varietv of uses and housina tvpes. Delete phasing recommendations, as they have been superseded by development of housing that is already underway. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Cp -co�� ContadPerson & Phone: Co�mcilmember Bostrom Z66-86fi0 Must Be on Council /�enda by (Date): 140EC-05 ContractType: RE-RESOLUTION o� M�: oa-o�cos � , Assign Number For RouUng Order Green Sheet NO: 302902���� 0 IC .o '1 ( I 1 ouncil De t' eetor 2 k Clerk 3 4 5 Ini6aUDate Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Adopting the Northeast Comdor Development Plan Summary - LafayelTe Pazk, Metropolitan State, Arcade and Phalen Village Nodes - as an addendum to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plau. Planning Commission CIB Committee Cirl Senice Commission '1. Has this person/firm e�er wotked under a cont2ct for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn eeer 6een a city employee? Yes t�4o 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by arry currerR city emp�oyee? Yes No Explain all yes answefs on separate sheetand atfach W green sheet IniHating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages MApproved: Disadvantages HApproved: Disadvantages HNotApproved: Tmnsactioa: Funding Source: Financial I�ormation: (Explain) December 8, 2005 3:21 PM CosilRevenue Budgeted: Adivity Number. Page 1