5225-5624_05-29-1915_06-23-1915A`` - 'S 4, 4 , VIII 1.0 pp F IIIIIZ_8 IIIIIZ_S 1_15 IIIIIZ-z �� 1-8 L e� NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHANT i e' -� 1 t � F Vi YJI Vi Y♦ '.F <! �1.cco�inting Department } �� AUDITED; CZAI]H8 RESOLUTION M Courici '° t9t� By W G cv��a� Audited ls3 ,. yC;,Comptro�er :Per _, �t- Rranta b dr pon the. City Treasury`. of; 8. A : Farnaxorth, Co eioner :of F e,, payable ;,out of the funds the amounts specific the followi etailed statement. Yeas (Y)^Goundlmen;(V) Nays Adopted by the, ouncl Farnt�rrro`ith Goss in favor Approved Heller -' ` HcCo11- against }O Nash ACr Pxee:3dent,=.P9wers- Co perste':: Purposes-S,a2ariea . -. Gty Off icers,j 3s0$3.32 " � " error;� a offi ee 341.66 Corpoaion C®unsel!'sOffice," 1,248 32 pity �lerk!s Office,', 700,A0 1a, of Finance, 1,4?9.76 J Cemptr oiler' a �f no 1, 203.43 � s Public lighting Fund, 536.68 942..67 Gen. Fund 4*4,0 pal"Gourt,;; 1,674:.99. f Y Qen. Fund chaain Det Pur ] i b6 J a. 'Gen,' Fund -Civil Service, 55$:33 �`_ Polioe Fund, 25.743•.95 Pekoe Fund (Penai`ona) 80.00,✓ ` Fire Fund,t 30,51U,4b Health Fund, 2y 290.`00 -' Fund Dairy Acct , 325.50 .t Health Fund Quarar}tine, 1,430.Q0 Iieaith }and �P,upl�c Hatha 1, 383•.?5 �% Public ?afety-Gen. 'Adm. 341x66 ry r s �� Public i£�rary;;f Auclitor�wn, Park�*Gen. Adm., . Corporate Total >1 x r i e8ar--lite Alarm Jtr Acct. , 1,418.00 Com. Public Worka-Workhouse; 1.334.23'' Dept of Public '8forka , 21� Gom Public Vlorka-Gen A ,163 � �" t Com Pub. Works Sridge.Bldg.:6.00 �649 . `. ea Clni -Garbo ,'. 3 �prinkling , := x - i 7. R • 95 Pavin'g;, 8qui nt Public Schools Engi'neera, :A3echaniC�e ct'c. �axg 10,257.68 _,( "� - aeu'S,fDa9%b�efoaL�k 7c ,Z, eg%$EaYs Pnb1iC Library,-+ .. arac6TP6ra� J,✓$1.�i% onUW s�2 oRAa�tei ,. Auditorium, eYaa 546.45 Parka -Gen. Park Bund Park ployea:. Pub1iC�Buildhnge, o�esoo���,� 58"; Com Util'itiee=Gen Adm., 9vt���8�8 .f t.: Og sg *Ja 7aa'arjrt �. `sia}� ��o ma3a�yoN ;° ,Public � ��,�`�51.66 Vis, o O 983`N+r � ee •Municipal Testing. Z;ab J s; 8yo sa aq4 ;16.66 ' orgoerr�?$a�"x Paving Depreciatien� ati+ A �n of; ct!4; {{ L .CITY OF ST RAUL c ON1rFrialls aegis o � bene fps - C U I L RE. tieealtred Thal [hipintta b.»d epealfl R M , eattonegqLbrhayyvtFeckmg qt }he ¢reit q eyy *re"hC,ohe story.?y" or�op of nhn.r�Ya subject.. cu)augE�a�s Pfi ali asciiiacing J9 rj thbadamaipprepnreljil)v i;he Clki'Arett{ counc�L ted}`i t1nd, P'1�66� k 8etfon b tt a Cc Pna NO ..:. "mlentbpe F 5 �lpy bupde and ................................ ................. °Pfkbl c BulldtnBe..aryd hpProved fpy;trye C41, ogetyot PhHH1faAUtIl121ee tan3 sheFtk'ttd hubmttke0 ,are,, hergpy prgYed%and ndbpteqq- se {he lane and ted... ...... .... 191 .?. =d;, �fleo'.tla ftlnheeld aforter e�s�la"Wh - lI4 1ib11dlagq Yle horebyydlrActeii ytp dbr e too �ork of 57ypbaklag fh§ppre6er' . � y; pbrtlgn afe 4li¢ '}YaSert;r ', me 't �ullldtnr# 6}andFecovetr+ rHl rfKv ie¢lac nthe a§am ba nwleyPft rco t aEcognk r, oy�lo11 ' j�'jt kbk �.fY1fUP fle0(IO.ROT : Resolved,,. That the plans and°speoiications far the wrecking of the, present rens oae-story portion of the, Eater Department Building, and the re- constructing of an addition replacing the same,. prepared by the City Architect under the direction of'the Commissioner of Parks, Play- ground and Public Buildings, and approve(k by ,the Commissioner of Public Utiltios,." and her_ewith_;sµbmitted., are hereby approved and adopted as the, plans and specificationa.,for said work. RESOLVED further, Theft the Commissi�ner-of Paske,,Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby directed to do the work of wrecking the present one-story portion of the Water Department Building, and:re- coustruot'an addition.replaoing the same, vlpon'the basis of cost account, it being the opinion of the Council that the work Can be more economically done by the City through said Commissioner oP Parks; Playgrounds. and Public Buildings than by letting a contract- V Yeas (✓)tle almen (�) Nays Adopted by the Council ........MAY...3...1g 1.5 191 orth In favor Approved.::.... b...... �y_....191 ...... .......:. .Against... Powers .. ... Mr. P AYOR .tate., .n.. _._:..... ._.. .. -w ....,.�. ....x,,,.a PUB IdSIIEI) - DEPAR'MENT•PARKS -PLAY GROUND_S;PUBLIC 131MING$ 5229 LOUIS NASII . Commissioner May 29, 1915 - Hon. Oscar D. Keller, Commissioner of Public utilities, City. Dear Sir: I send you herewith plans and es- timated cost for the wrecking of the present rear - - - --- -- one-story portion of the Water Department Building; and the reconstructing of addition replacing the same. a Yours very truly, t Commissioner. C6r N, DEPAPTi)IENT•PARAS •PLAY GROUND�-pUBLI IBIIILDING$ LOUIS NASII . Conunissioner May 29, 1915. Ron. Louis Nash, Commissioner Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings. Dear Sir: Hereinafter is the estimate for the wrecking of the present rear one-story portion of the Water Department Building, and the reconstructing of addition replacing the same. Foundation to be of concrete Walls to be of brick, faced with pressed brick, eame as municipal laboratory. Floors to be of reinforced concrete. Finish to be straight -grained red oak. All water-olosets to be fitted with flush valves, and all fixtures to be vitrus china. Finished floors throughout the building to be red oak. New stair in•front portion of present building to be red oak. Basement windows to be glazed with prismatic glass. Basement and vault to have cement floor. The estimated cost of the above work is 410j800-00- Respectfully 10;800.00.Respectfully submitted, City Architect. COPY B m 523 "D :C' No 688p—$y M'?'2T dgee ;fl y'L .FORM- . lllJJJ C6UNC1 �rS'e 61& tha tpermlaafod be snd Ee 'harepy grahtedf, 14iA, rl 9latea; TO e _ phone'Fan tl Te eBa:p ,jComp$ny Ya F'. I j epecL yolegs'vilh the nebeaeyYY anailona i Sb*ect ..... ...... and io of Ihg wire and cab}e oa Lhe aFJ dollgwln6 Wanted atr€aterv. t't, i� couNCIL 't Xn alleyr between ltW�fEtp iBeaF Ave FILE NO..... 'aq¢kyah ,Dyl egitrom n­ to'; :.: .. . In Kalrey;�beLweea ,BenaonFa"ad Yvaii` Dealloh?andrtirace �enG ,its t OnfCyotno Bhalen;Ave between IDdF 'Berfon and Sradle}P�.etreeze �=�. a Presented.....:.LLaat.-.,28th..... 191..b... Ifi alley.bAtween Arcade an8°�{9ken t„dotabrc�'npd,Denny streets ' - Work to, ba dond:under the dlrgdllon , \ Hnd torthe; ea$ataction otk the.ComhtJa-+ - ,' eloner otEnbllb WoBka'th Teleyhgqae; '-- EiOmpHny ;to pay ttib:'coet or lnap§oElon� . nri enBinedrin` sand#publtGaElon lh �goled 4ivtrea to�be removed whop; , - �equeet�d- � to do eo by t4aa Catnmoa ' . Counclf asld. cagt io be&pales by thq. - . Te'IephOnG. Coy�mpany 5{ � s^. Resolved, that ermissiori be RIA�peueaJun 6l3�ayaa Isxd he Tri-.`,tate Telephone p (Tune G:1816 rrf �a; and Telegraph Company to r1jU PYL�k3 vrsa�r�==a`=tom essary anchors and to string wire and cable on the•,followliig named.streets: /In alley between White Bear Ave. and Van Dyke, from Autumn to Como Phalen Ave`: In alley between Benson and Ivan, Dealton and Grace Lane, 014 Como Phalen Ave. between Edgerton and-Bradley Ste., In alley between Arcade and Mendota, Clear and Denny .Sts. Work to be done under .the direction and to the satisfaction of .the Commissioner of Public Yorks, the Telephone Company to pay the cost of inspection, engineering and publication. Poles and wires to.be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council, Said cost-to be paid by the Telephone Company. e Yeas;(T) oilmen (17) Nays Adopted by the Council......... 9 MRY �� .95...191. F worth G In'favor l K Approved..:............. ........ ...191 :.. M Il C/\3... Against .R Y MAYOR Mr. President owes FORM C.819 - •" ` — 12,granz From (Name and Address) Bros.,511 Rice St. To (Name and Address) Ernest Mattull, 511 Riot St. 286,N.C.Campbell,122 E. 3rd St. R. N. Travie,122 E. 3rd St. 208,P.J. Arnold a H Arnold, 953 Dale St: 197,W A Broderick, 411 MinnesotaiSt. Mansfield & Copps, 411 Minnesota >'Ya 1esener,439 Uni . ve ruity Ave, John Hemyi,439 Universit 'kie. Yeas (✓ ) Yeas &r) icilmen ( Pr) NaysAdopted by the - Council KAY 2-9 01.5 191 iworth In favor Approved ..... ..... ................i A ........Against r n - r .. MAYOR -30e-- Powers 'COUNCIL CITY OF -'ST: t PAUL e RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c Subject.......... 4. _7 ......................... ............... I .............. ....................... ­: ............... 5242', 'COUNqIL ........ . ................................................ ............ ..... FILENo . ...................... ................... ............ ............................................................................. . Date'Presented May 29.1 -1.815 191::.'::. 01isolved, , That the application of the following persons fora license to 6onduot Hotels or REstraunts,st the location respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk 'is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said appli- oants upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAIAR OF APPLICANT HOTEL OR RESTRAUNT, LOCATION, Angelo Goduto) Rome Hotel 191-3 S. Washington Theodore Skayis, Lifiich Wagon 450 Broadway Frank Mats6hinger, Lunch Room, 372 Wabash% St. Geo. Spence, Athema. Lunch Room, 434 Jackson St - S. S. Dittenhofer, Regal Lunch 368 Robert St Sam Nindus, Lunch Room, 1921E. 3rd., St. Yeas &r) icilmen ( Pr) NaysAdopted by the - Council KAY 2-9 01.5 191 iworth In favor Approved ..... ..... ................i A ........Against r n - r .. MAYOR -30e-- Powers .. - CITY OF. ST. PAUL -{` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LIC(=NSE; - "Subject233, •� COUNCIL NFILE O.--- Date Presenter) 191 ESCLVED; That the application of the following persons igr a =cense to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- s peatively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed.to•issue such licenses to said applicants upon the f=iling of the,bond and the payment of the fee required by law. _ Name of Applicant. Location. Max Salute, 438 Broadway St ' ( Ivy,NTed6f'-Thl 'thk' nxY"'kicCuit _�s3y. 61 Ted Th�bthe,;hpplie6ftloit ,foltdr7tff'gvpersoas ;Av=.'a ild�nde�'d]L= - [��ltptti�}e4ting�Ylii,,udrd ,a'�"Lhetdo¢a e• rebpeCth!.81YxItA.dlChteA;y'lf8 snd}th4 lE�ej �hetehY=.are-$tented�,:sttdj�F,¢'Clty CI ,�Mi (''}sly-eythgCiaed .,and,:directed.i„to,lbbq$ ((fjsd¢h n¢s�aes to seta applicants Upon +ofd hey ! a "Y¢4u1rbH,�hY 1nW Q Tay�mehk /� Yeas (✓) cilmen ( ✓) Nays F orth In favor U Against rg l Mr. President, P ers i � K 1!/.'pted JUNby the Council 191— APProved—L� / :319L v _ CITY OF ST. PAUL ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION-LIQUOR LICENSE 'TRANSFER I 1. Snliject�: ..COUNCIL NO. Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses- to sella intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and.Address) To (Name and Address) 333,Louis Goldman,359 E. 7th St. Louis Goldman,50 W. 7th St. Yeas (✓ ) men (✓) Nays CITY -OF 5T. PAUL COUNCIL RE50LUTION—GENERAL FORM That application of J. E. Tierney for a license to i conduct an Automatic Ball. Game at 985 Payne Avenue, be and the same Lereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such lipense for one year upon the payment into. the City Treasury of the fee, 025.00., C. 8't Ko 6296=Hy �enrY•MeCotl R.eaolved Tti4t appiloatlon oP J )j.��� . � Tierney torN;a` ltd nee to�`oonduc} ah�! - ` Alltomatle Hall Game at 986 Paynej avenne be aqqd the amb Thereby le. - � g`rsnted and, th`e C[ty Cleck .le fnetruot j � od 'to eldeue such lioegee .tor oaef yeaF Upon the payment into 4he Clty`2'reas',� 2 Adopted b�v the Council May 29 1916; !tDptoved ,lune 2 Y916 r�1+'3,� 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL MSG. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-7LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER 5296 Subject: COUNCIL FILNo. Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. Yeas CkJ61n -0 er Mr. Presideni Nays 1Iafavor Against CITY OF ST. PAUL .,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject COUNCIL NQ. PILE 1 V. Date Presented ti'► 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following,:;persons 'for a•license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the.paymentlof the fee required by law. Name of. Applicant. Location. Mair Bros. 738 University Dantie & Nekie ;�97 Wabasha St. Th ;- YY C AFyNo 75- R°salWgd Tat1 iha apDl�catt0n at the tdllowln6 Peraone tar a ilagnae fo sell heeeblY Btrtneg glrtadnvtoerde aatbet1•ti;ta; nlo8a6tthieopseam,ee 78 Payne Ave. Johnson vflthe CIYyCler1� „ 1g avihoTri2ed'and dreoted to Segue eii0hr Mean ea Ka said appltaetlE�` upo ..the ear 93 W. Fairfield Edward Oarlson� R,,,g °e was-dri ani the D&y by law 'w �+- ✓moi . .. Tone Franke Ilia ioe;reautre8 : sl r Bdoa 739tIInivere[ty A,va i t ba las Ij wi �7a r V,&;v ft i35 Rice St. pg ��?ptdwa$fl Caileon 193 z W Falr$elZ} _ M.E. Ludwigeonuney"Fra'nke 836 Rlce pt l< 1.85 Mississippi _ hln'E Sud7VlBeon 626'-31laeleelppV . 'lk?Yetert LangR 1006 W 7th Bt t SSI ,ice aM Ryan 21D `W 7th 3t ' s � +�'j WaehLn6 Peter Lang',$k PaulNlllca Club 349rN� .).005 W• t onv9k �rG , - '- d`P ter strand 24fr IDa;�7th Bt �aa: Tesler, 408 'Franklin Bt . a i 2 f tlk3to E.M. aA +Joh }lttiilrwln $B7R9ke ;J , � 10 W. 7thSt. 1Thoe: T bah 414 Jaylie4pt• .�„ Jo Bt Paul Elkst11dPan"° • -V; .241 i'Weatern Aye �o4sBIb1eY Br g N. Washin*toA. " DLSjt�area bl6 Jackson SG y 191¢ - �pdopted=by the'3Couneli€Ma'YkE9 - AP,}Sr 6 }816)... aE�s?x IR Peter Strand , g.ri;(June �= �-� - _,_ - d45 E. 7t2 8t. Max Tasler 408 Frapklin St. John M Irwin 387 Rob_I St. Thos. Tobin 414 JacKn Bt. 2 CITY OF ST, PAUL ••"`"�� COUNCIL .RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE _ SUUject. eoueeiL PILE NO. Date Presented � 191 RESOLVED; That the application-, of the following persons for a,license to sell -intoxicating -liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and then City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the'filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. . Name of Applicant. Location. Mair'Broe. 738 University. Dantis & Nekie oro ,.IF •� wA • I(, M 97 Wabasha St. t el g 16 grp Albin Johnson , s ^o' i; 'sL e E78 Payne Ave. ran=H s soo„ Edrrad barleon �B. �� ss;;a 93 W. Fairfield ',� cea,, �, �;,, cv �' Tone Franke 35 Rios St. leRaes be Blue R rms H M.E.: Ludwigson "5N `W&tie: 885 Mississippi ` ` ns: A 111 e:v,aii cr ,1005 W. 7th St. Peter Lan 6 II, cls' t� , �- ;1'`s ,. Fan 310 W. 7th St . E M an ES S 0. f St. Paul Elks Cl. Prog° °til 349 N. Washinbton. obi ICe E. 7th St . Peter Strand A' Max Tasler "`'` 408 Franklin St. JoM.hn-Irwin 387 Robert St. Thos. Tobin 414 Jaokson St. M.'C Elan 841 Western Ave. No. David Pauliot - - - - - - - - - 304 Sibley at. Frank M. Skweres - - - - - - - - - - 516 Jaokeon St. Yeas :('✓) Councilmen (✓) NaysMA�' 26 j.3' �5 Adopted by the Co=dl 19L Fa Orth Iu favor Z K r Approv 191, M ' 11 Q Agit y $, Mr. P ident, Pi' rs MAYOR b 4 fin ordinance to settle the claim of William L. Ward.t �'OLLOVis THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. P!.Ul, DOES ORDAIN AS Pection.l. That the propositioof William L. 77s, rproposition promise and settle his claim againat the City of St.l ul, arising out. of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on Wabasha Street between Park Avenue and West Centra.2 Nvenue, F0 is more particuljr1y.set out in his communication to the Council under date of Pdb.ruary .15th, 1915, upon payment to him of t1if, sur of one Hundred twenty-five Do liars ($125.00), be, and -the same is her y accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized anlirected to draLw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of 'Willialn't., Ward payable out of the Compromise '.ccouriL of the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred twenty-five Dollars; 'said horever,, to be delivered only upon there bein.- filed frith the City comptroller a r6- celpt of said claima therefor, together with h a release duly executed : by him in a form to be approve? by the Corporation Counsel, releasing every and �diechvrginpq, the City from any and all claims ani? demands of ve_y and more -p account of those arising out. kind and'np-turP, a _nrticularly oi t of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the oil -hereinabove noted. cumstamces �Section 2. This ordinance qhal.l Lake, effect and be in force 30 - day a B.'f ter: its passage and publication. q 14 IIn the Matt of ..Ch..ang.i . g._.tkle gr de o f ._Robe.t St > et�:een Fi,gh_t St_. and Tw lfth St. tri th gt. twee rLa sots t andcoribet. Tnri n�'ota be iseen Min$eso St. an J c eon an $leven he by ue lines St .....ar:..:. Jaelsao�l. .t,......... a..�onf m hk....e ._i.:..nea on- hs.....e " a .. ©.. attache �Ar a part ertsojhe present grace beng repreaen e un er reliminary Order.._%.4..V..4..._._.___....:___...__........_.._._._._. approved ...... .1?111.1_ Y-13- h�--- 915.x__.._.._....__......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. - That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That t e lure f the im ro eme is s eta it Chin a t_he rade,_.of _Robert gg Y �•}° SS J gI. ritkte 3�ihh h t dae ween c1 t. bet^v n i � � h st• tR t'7ackaon S:nnan�ilevei�t 'Bt. ackson e e v- Jac nne o bet:7_ees-1k�•�nnesatps.....5t.....and iack`ac7a...5 ; bfl cnn.o.rya.....g .tate re ..._i trss...� the pn the profi�es hereto attached and arae a part ereo , the present grade being . repxfto_enIed.-by..._the.....hlu ._..tinea .:.thereo.n, _ ...... .... __.. .__......... __ with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $... 8�r596.67 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be -had on said improvement on the..._..?6h......._..___....._..._ _... day of 191._5., at the hour -0i 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.'Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total east thereof as estimated. MAY 29 1915 Adopted by the Council ........_ .. __............_ ......, 191....... ........... .__......_........... ..... ....: _.�_. __....._._._ Clerk c� to ' 7i Approved . .....1 191-.J... .. _......,. _....... .. , Councilman Earn onh Gos Kel r Me oil U ary i Yo g Mayor Po rs Form B. S. A. 8-8 �.................... ..... Mayor. pIJBLISHED (O `r4s 5242 Y° COUNCIL FILE: NO........... ........................... By..lf/!.. a _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ...� .e�e.l.i.l? .,-..a �.�-�1 1s -and P,x d.ing tp.. the. established.,grade_0 the n't%20 feet of Ro�ert Street from the �Ort h line of 6th Street to the South line of Central avenue, ...... _..__. _.... ...... - --- under Preliminary Order. 4450__._ ...... __ ......... ._approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improve&tent, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ade 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ._Levels._ fi11._andxr, to.._the,_a.a1l.3shed.. grda, ._the.._??e.at _2.Q....eYt....o..f.._Rob.ert.._Street_fron..:the,._North line of 6th ._etre et ._to... the _South_1_ine__Of Central _avenue.1___,_............. ..... _...._....._ ...... __.._.......... _.._....._ . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $10,3$6,,_00_ �--26th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._............. .__.... .............................. day of Tune_ ........... _...... ....._.._._.._.._._....__. 191_5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the-Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court louse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the maimer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ,,ee ff ..., 191........ Adopted by thn- (DUnelI......... _.. ... ._ ..—AAT��$.-h.�,7 f, . ......... ............ _ ...... ......... _.-. City Cler� Applpved . _% ......., 19� .. _... [i} ...... Mayor; Councilman Fa nsworth �c ; ,$;receives tl e''reporc of"ithJ! pISf�—S mfealongc oY Flnanbe upon the tq lni�irpPeinents and=haVtng consld� Cl S - a a report. herebyy resolves � - i. That the eaidi reDbrt be `and�'"t same ls: hereby approved and a.doptev.. K ler 'and $he eatd improv ment fa3 hereby: orders&:ao bR procgaded wtth.0 ¢ �2 That th0„natuta of the '.11gDrove M Coll meat mhfch thq Cogncl� iecommeafla tai. _ 1ove1 fits and grade toythe e4tg�lllshed:'. .. grade+the ryeat 20 Yeet oY Robert atree'� gtrom the ngrth llno'of 6th street to the' - 0' 8r} houth'.`ling of Central nl nue with no alter7ia.>:iveasi�and,-that the egtim�.fed ,n1tsrthereof fa;12'288'00 7.. Y r Reso14ed 1Yj Friher That public? g hearingi:be ha on` said J. rovement on the ;36t]i' d oe1vL' Ju a ifi 1t hour hamb q clock A M. In':the Caum Mayor Po ei3 �cil Chamber ropm 61 oY. the Lqurt *SRS `� $oueq .and CttY H hatu then Gomxnfe� Form & S. A. 8-6 city qt�� st. Faut ,: bloner bL Finaac =gLvanotice �o{rpaid. meeting: to trye .persona nnd."`!n the. manner„,providedtiv the Charter stat ing thegtfine and„ylace of hearing� _the. natvro �,bf t4to .Improvement 3?and14, ` L COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... ..._ __ ._....... _ ..._. 5243 __...............__........._......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ..._CQn9t.1u9_tin$....0u.T.b_i_i�P,._..Qn..._b.Q_t..._@..d.ee.....9......di1:L1S1.S�._.8t.a e......._....-...... bet we e n .._Lex i ng t On....aY.. enll�..._and..._D.un 1.1R.....19..t.re_e.t.,...._.................. _.... -..... ... ................ ..... .... _......... _........_......__......... under Preliminary Order .1578 ..... —.._._------ --.---- —_..... ..... _......... approved _............. _...... _.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Con8truct Curbin on 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends is _......_.......-.------------- ---- -- bo_th..-.sides.._:gf Ed>zura..._e..t.ze-e.t.....}z_e.twe.e.n...-Lexing.t.o.n.-avenu.e.._.and....Duri-IBLP- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_6.77.= -09... -.---- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__._3.Oth._........ __,_.....__------ day of - Jun_ -._...._..-......._.__.....__...._.__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .................. - i Approved _•.. 191 _ .. " - F No 4E4$— v �6Y the -Matter bj construpttng=curbfgg /..... ._..... _._....._.... ... i en both aides df Edmund 5t be I Mayor. jY 3weelf rexington; a que Artd Duni p � 4r.'I'Stt'eet, uncle �reliminarl°'Order� No' - Councilman Farn worth tr}4674"sapnrovap npru sans ;1sis �,T,he ;Covnpn oC'the. City of,at'Paul�. gha�ing_rece�vedLiNO ; port of:the COm mfeaigiigr qC Rinance.-upoh (tLe above " CJGSS fm�rovemo t�'-aandt'hnvin$ oonaidsred gelid fepor.h5[epy resolves ?;P4r' - �� F7�pat the sake+r port b0: re.na the - " Kell r egme 3a herahy "�DProved and"adopted andfltliq adld dmprdv meat fe h rgby„ ordeFed to�be prop ed diw$h' - MC 11 �# hat the nature or the^;tmprp a=j mfgttivhlch 4he.:Goancil reppinmend �+ la cq truCQ epTbing-WWn both' silos oY . - '�IdmIgLd� street -between 1;exingtonl " Q: ry a,engC7ap Dun ap ,gtceet, with no sl 1 ier£iµt}yea na t'haz the ektimated Bost, erpb is�677a8= X t.. kR4solved t Furtll'gr That 'a pubIte' Yoe i,Jiga#1'ng^be bP fl 0q agid lmpravemen;. ob 1pelE6thd tla oP Jtlne r'lal6 rats Or lt'la VOW 5 tCqun Il Chamb eCroom 61 biheo�h[ ' Mayor liquidUftd CI Y^hall nutldlgg in thea Form B. S. A. 8.6 rC4ty-,pt 51 rabi That "the Commte , �`elogatt. Elnanhq give ngttfe of . sth, meettag fo thd.Pereona and in thA, 'it1lyiPer provldedi.bY the Charter etaV_ t[R'b time and_'piace oLhearfng the) Ssgg4 of ttbe tglPtoVement, and the.{ t, '\ 4oi thereof as esti ated� ?i bY�he: Coancll'May �Ee t�916i - t7 o44I116)re+€7 ` 5244 COUNCIb FILE NO. ........ _..._.......__.__. Bq /� _........ `.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of .. Cans...t_{.u.c..tix(g..__...grant.t.e.__c_urb.ing.....on..-tha-Zou.th.._ icle..._af..-u.e.at..-Sevehtlh St. from St. Peter St. east 141.6ft. to private alley,' on St. Peter-St.easta sides from West .Seventh.__St..,,..._t,o...S_ixth.._St.,....._dnd.-.._arl_...ths....nos.t.h._.a.ide..._o.£._.Sixth - �A.IIfrom St. Peter St east to Private Aliey in the rear of Schuneman & uner Yre$minary Order4$.52......-_ _......._ ......... approved ....1day....11.th.,.....1915.--._._....... -............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted,I and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded With. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends on the soutn side of West Seventh St. from St. Peter St. east 141.6ft. to privat.e--a_lhoy-!` on.Ge ..St i Pe r y _ Steast eider�frora -lest-Seventh -St:._to`Sixth St., and on tie north side of Sixth St. from St. Peter St. east to Private ll-Eley---irl--the .-rt;ar .fffi'--Schurteman &--Evana;_.... ....... .... .... -.. ....... ......... .... ...... .._..... .... ..... _._._...... _........_......._...._.- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....$.:.3.417q ...... .... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be.had on said improvement on the..._.3.Q.t.h._..............................._. day of JUne_......... -....... __.... _...... __._, 191...5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber,,room No. 61 of , the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ._ ...._. ...._...�- - 191:...... . . City Clerk. Approved.............. ........... .... . ...._, 191......_ / '/�� .... .. ._ ........_.............. Mayor. Councilman Fa nsworth 0'� 0al Y n „under r 1 hpproved Iday� j r.{ of .the etty of<� PLJBLISHI''.D .G SS u lved thbirepbrt of the r bt ,Flnanpa upoaj'tha aL - - nntrand;� riavlagv coaeidet r�,rt 7leretiy Ereaolves ,}. �n.;,. K ller '�naeti�e as a}Ireport pe.and rthe; : - 'same-l�.herebY'aRPFaved and; adopted4 sod41ie�rsaid.YmRroxement ,le hereby-- " Cp(( ordeiet toube proeeeded with; ,� j - 2 ThatYthv nature of the,improve� ; t`hichs the copvcil recodttnend& !s mengti Leary cohatTuct granite ,bdrbing onuthe south side apl..;`Weet'Seberith St fromiSt Peter en SC e$8t 141 0 it ;to pTlYate alley St,P,efOr 5t east §(de Yrom Weai S8v ; erg e`nth S,t: oto 91xth, $t and oa .the no,2rih slde�pt"Sixth St:Yroat 6t Peter SL - Mayor Po Br5 easE Yb Private Alley 1n t6e-{r ar ot7 �+ Schuneman �F�,vane wjth .xlo� attArna dnaG y ttveaPand that fthe a§tlmated j . thereof! fa 5820 70 �` r 1 Form B. S. A. 8.6 ReegigedS'artder That a Dubllp hearing behh�d do �eaid improvemen on Ylip 30ihr day; oL June ;1916, at th6 hour of �,0 oFl"t Dt. 1n th rt 8ause;tanda01t8#ja 1110*.'@@t ie',, ' C1ty„6t 8t`�Yul'Y�'lhat p yn�afts Fin a g1Ve.,notfeei'31t salt ' - sloner;2o}s , meeEing t6 the=,perdons Fari3 1m�thd� by the Chbarl alai manner proe..a'n lag,th'e t(me and:;placa of hen'ri0g fh9 oscura, oY the+improvement; -�and the ti.. - total%b--bet th0Yeo4:ae�'.dstimate9 Alay 29 191b Y '��,A'pP. SoYed Tunhe:: � 1 1611 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_.0one.trUCting _a..@-e.W.e.l:._.On, .L.afond:e:,trge..t from..Aldlne gtr4e.t _to_._WhE&.1-K]e..#R. enue.,.._.__.......... .... . . ......... .._..._._ _.. _......... __........... ........ ..._...... under Preliminary Order ..__3, 37..._...._.... _: __.........__............ approved .....Marah.....4 I4 _19.1.5..._ .................................. Intermediary Order ......._... ..... ... . _ .._.. approved . _.... ... ...... .................. _._. .......... __............. ._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_sewer.. on. .aj?ond._. etr..ee.t. froln..._Aldine__etreet to.._Wheel_¢r.._avgnl�.8,.................................. _..._...._. ......___... ......... ..._....... .... ... .... ...... ..........._....... and the Council hereby orders said improvotne J to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sante to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city offieers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.. Adopted by the Council MAY 2 ..._..'..._......._........;_............:..t�:.:.� _ _..........._, 191......_ ..... ... . ....L�.. Approved ...:...... ........__. _ ....._ __.., 191.3 Councilman F nsworth ss ller 77 ecoll Leary erg Mayor P ers Farm B. S. A. 8-7 clTr OF sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT F- FINANCE REPORT OF GOMMISIONER OF FINANC _ -ON,PREWMINARY ORDER - - — In the Matter of ------- under Preliminary Order approved-2v-�¢------{-.---=--`--/s------ `"----------`"'"-"-'------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1109.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ .94 — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK. ADDITION„ ASSESSED VALUATION Y� .776 s d, 7 all � +� p U TOTAL 1 - --- - . CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMMSMNER OF FINANCE. .. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - - IASSESSED V• DESCRIPTION SLOT BLOCK, ADDITM VALUATION, � 0. a - A,7 df d . s' . �d z� o .: _ . �l/• f Ao �d o .. _ 1dr CJ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- � -------191--,--~- 1>-._.. ....... ., ... ,... ..- -._ ...._._Commissioner -ofFinance. 'ORM a.w. a -a e - -.-- f �` � 4 } y l q _ j v x �� i 1 f' ' � ' y � z , ,'.� „r ;� i �' " t l� h k r � x ? � ti # �Q _ 1 i" 1 i y z Paul, Minn., March let, 1915. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear -Sir: - I am a resident and property owner residing at 1742 Laf6nd Street, and I respectfully ask that you cause a sewer to be buillt in the street in front of my premieee on Lafona street` between Aldine and Wheeler. Respectfully, MAR 4 BUREAU GF ENGINIERS. " as - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner_ of Finance Maroh 11, ............. _.... ..........1915..: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conuuissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 3937 a roved.......................M rah.._ ........... 191 relative to......:_the........ cil, known as Council File No....._........_........_........ pp !� canat.>ru�at.ian..._of....a....saw.�..._.an....t.9.zed......5...from...... St..t....to.Alheeler..._Age. and having investigated the matters and things referred -to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 940 per front foot 1,109.00 .and the total cost thereof is .................................................. and � The estimated cost thereof is $_........._......._..........., $ Frontage 1,188 ftdilk Exoeaa inepeotion $60.00 the nature and extent of said improve as follows: ................._... .......... _.............. ._............. .._....._...... ........ ........... .............. ........ .............................. .................................................................................. _...__...:........................................................................ 4 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........................... ............... _......................... ........................... _............ ............ _...... ...... ....... ....... ..... ...... ....... ........ ........ ...... ................... .................... ........... .................. 5. Said improvement is_...._n-ot.......... .....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ ........... .._......................... _............. . _........... ................... • / o Missioner f Public Works. ��v r CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS .,. M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER RpBERT T. GOURLEY, D—TT Go. s.". OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C—, ENGIN[e NM1s J. E. CARROLL. SUPT. C ... T.&iTo do Reruns ALFRED JACKSON, SUNT. S-1-... Minn.G. H; HERROLD, OrrIOE ENGiN St. Paul, MMar. 10, 1916. H. W, GOETZINGER; SUPT. W—.— Mr. Mr. Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith pr9limihary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on 7.afond St. from Aldine St, to Wheeler Ave., in accordance with Council File '#3937, approved Mar. 4, 1916. Approximate estimate 01,109.00 Total frontage 1,188 ft. Cost per front foot.94� Excess inspection necessary 060.00 Respectfully s�ubmiitQted, / Chief Engineer. k I COUNCIL FILE NO. I By. ........... .... . ..... fl 5246 - FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of - QPPR-t:PAPti]49 PL .Pewar. o.n...Aldine_ streel. between. 1g.1shart..... ....4ygaV ....0 4L 11-arenue,.... .......... I ............ .... .. under Preliminary Order 4427 approved . ...... April ... 13th,_.19.15 . . ....... Intekinediary Order approved .... . .... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is . ..9qns.t.ruc ..t..,a ..ag!re.r. on Aldizle, ..%tre.et. between I#,Iahart 11 ........ V.L.yenjm.. and.....Carroll-avenus, ...... ........... . ...... . ..... ... .. . .... .. - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is . hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeced with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . . . ...... .. 191 .4 .. . ....... ........... . . Approved 191 s� Councilman F sworth G ss ss K ler ler, J7" 0 M oll 0' ary Yo g Mayor Pow s Form B. S. A. 8-7 ifay-or. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI WAR AINARY ORDER (D) �l�Jl f.�'� u::. R..... L'tit;. �....Cl ./ZW r...... A 2. 1 ............ ............._.... _� In the 1Vlatter or[... .. .. 1...-.L.�..-�� _!............. ......... .__............... ....... .... _ ...... ........_................ _..._ .-........... ..... I ........ ... _...................... ...... ........ ....... .......................... ..,..... ....:......... ............ _.......................... .... _— ......... .................... .... ._....... ....-.............._........-....... ..... I.. ...... ..... —..... ....... ...... ..... .................. .......... ._......_...... ................... .._........ .... ................. ......... _ __........ ......... . ........ ------------ ........ ...... _.... _....- ......................... .................. .......... �.......... _ ..__ ..... --_....... _......... ._ ............................ .....--.. . _._.......... under Preliminary Order approved............?..�... (� ..../ ..__...-- -/s -- .............. ............. ............. .......... ..... ........ ..... _ ......... To the Council of the City of St. PJAuh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-„_385.00• The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ..............9.6 .. . ............... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 072 J� __ .. TOTAL. O AD The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby 'submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together, with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datcd........... 0........._.191! Commissions of Finan IOPY O. e. A, d O D M ---------- '-'AA WE ww- CITY OF SAINT;. PAUL •. �, ` DEPARTMENT-( F, PAJBLIC WORKS., - - M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER _ ROBERTR T. GOURLEY, D Y C • E - - OSCAR CLAUSSEN,, CHLEE E dt—M "J.' E.:CARROLL': Su C..mr cn.. & R-1— - •- -_v+:..-�, - ' ALFREO hCKSON, SUPT. SAN-10H j.� G. H. HERROLD, 0,­sE E. xE . st .,' Paiil,, '•' .'�+ nn♦ April H. W. GOETLINGER, Suer. WORKH-SE- WELL v) Mr. M:;, N. Chose, APR 1 .7 ,d[5 Commissioner of Public World, e 1 T Y. M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of most for the construction of a sewer on Aldine St. from Iglehart Ave. to Carroll Ave.., in accordance with Council File #4427, approved April 13, 1915. Apppr.oxime'' o estimate $385..,00 -"•Tafel frontage 60E:"ft ` Tuamptiuns i00•ft .Assessable •frontage 402 ft's Cost'per'front"Poot :96 13kcess inspection necessary $35.00 Respectfully submitted, Clhie Engineer. jy t N L 52,47 COUNCIL FILE NO _.::.... _........._... , By._. ... ......... .......... ......... F . FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of .._Qne?ltfdt.ng...✓._.6_@W8r . QA Thome_. etree.t.._between. Aldine.reet avenlla,.. �✓ _ under preliminary -Order Q-7.6 ............... ._.. approved ._AP.r11....9th�.. 1915..._.__k ;.._... ........ Intermedia Order _........................... _..........___ .... approved .... __..__......... ........ _. _----_........_..__ ,Intermediary ...... _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _ ..Qm. t.a IiC-t ..1 ._0ON-0r. 4I,t.....T.hoaa.@_...1}trCeet..._betW_Q.0Ja .A1.S1i116...... Street and Snellingnue..j ..._ave.. _:: ....... -.__ --_...._.........................._.................._.:.__........................_._....... ..............._....._..._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- . rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval that upon said approval, the proper city officers are Xereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council .. 191 ...._ ............. ..................... ...... .................... _ it Clerk. _—....._ Mayor. AOL Councilman !nd orth zti;Kb� a;tefJi° o¢ true g t sag e �,iiporaad `1 reAt bei eon ,.Aipl¢$� Gos g mfi;s a� xis° e Y fBs $ R °° ,tfitb74 earlQ hav}ngrbeaiE* if q.}Khe above�tmp a'v"exap}. unppdt ue' ooncti;tttav}ttg�ltea.2 Kel r sPa{yoenraer4,�°e ai v�etat e4do¢an°.,am,;ik: �x}Vs' conaidbixd }he 6nWe'q herAtdtey - Mc of{ �dtr�«fish v� rvo �r f ieeolTedEy t�Ce t'oY�n�tt•ot th4 11}ty DF„ C„R�ul khat thb Died e.&m ez# �tepte h" AL.Jfii a oilt�, s".b O' arytneseaidfcfey ponalt3a ' rawdgr"on„Tppomaa aEree ,pe beltti r{t¢6"'YtlBat;iS¢d„'3aelli'h- Yoe I:'£li ohna hereb '' 4 �r 11i� Y 4�d`eya 1 9�Fd) #ut `fit' provemenY�to,^'be ale ��� -n ,� t'k ?'Itbedi4�d�'ttr[h�r .A•h�b the'Co�'m�ie j Mayor Powe nlodbr ofblle tooiks .bt and hd";a,f hereby tnetrubtted and dtrebtec�i t'�yt?e,� Form B. S. A. 8.7 Dare ,ptanatragd a�5eoiacatio k t6 k'atd;: improvemegtr;gnd aubsnit ahtiae�tm� ttte' 'Cbunall for apprgygT,;,thatyvypn�saat� •- � �Ap7'ovai W�3 proDor gItYS gltlobt6Tere_1 ;hereby atithorl d a,ar raa .OFT`FINANCE , a SIGNER OF FINA E IARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved — -------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance -hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $� lab 00 _ - - - \ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED 1 DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION d, x TOTAL ILI I 11 i CITY QF':ST .PAUL- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY f, _ .. ASS SSED� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCX - �A D DI T ION VALUATION d;. Ir y r A I i Al v I Z all �/ 3 a i G ' YLI JJ` 6 i -- TOTAL, / it i �.m - CITY CF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF -FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER- a��®'a-...�-:.�-�_. LO j TCK_ . BLOCK ADDITION —= ASSESS—EDDESCRIPTION VALUATION -------- ..... __..... 7 r I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—�U 191- _�t� _--- ............................ – Commissioner v e of_F. inane. HENRY E.MEOELSTAEO,C°. 'STOIONENS - • ST. PAOL '--------- 8t Paul Minn.. -.. x191 3 3 4 5 1 e �Re i Qned_ or_a_change�f.-graO--and_ t.he--grading _-of a-aidThomas-.maty nesaa Atha b_etxen_Aldine and-9nelling,and,_heI J evin ha • _ice � a ce ewer_shoulsi._.b-e built -Thomas --Thomas stse-et hefar-e_-the_-grading-can--{ � . �aliehers_b�_-p�it_i:on-�oyr_hanozebla b�av ta_c.ause��e�er�o_ � '- structe�n��ae�t.ree_t_,_b�tsteen._gldine_Bnd_�n-elling�enue_='f j if it _i s found that t g s0 ��gxadingane_.dnnahut if_the_graain�is__n__ordea�esL�e dB-r_thi_ej. { _NAYEL----------- Lot -Blk -- ---- Addition------- �.�.. 4( WE AP-g-4915 EliGiNEERS, 2 _---------------'�---1—.--- HENRY E.MEOELSTAEO,C°. 'STOIONENS - • ST. PAOL '--------- 8t Paul Minn.. -.. x191 3 3 4 5 --Xe,the_undersi-gne.d,property awners--on-Thomas--atxaet-having �Re i Qned_ or_a_change�f.-graO--and_ t.he--grading _-of a-aidThomas-.maty nesaa Atha b_etxen_Aldine and-9nelling,and,_heI J evin ha • _ice � a ce ewer_shoulsi._.b-e built -Thomas --Thomas stse-et hefar-e_-the_-grading-can--{ � . �aliehers_b�_-p�it_i:on-�oyr_hanozebla b�av ta_c.ause��e�er�o_ � '- structe�n��ae�t.ree_t_,_b�tsteen._gldine_Bnd_�n-elling�enue_='f j if it _i s found that t g s0 ��gxadingane_.dnnahut if_the_graain�is__n__ordea�esL�e dB-r_thi_ej. { _NAYEL----------- Lot -Blk -- ---- Addition------- �.�.. 2 WE AP-g-4915 EliGiNEERS, 2 _---------------'�---1—.--- ---..---------- .. CITY "OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMpANT OF P SLIC WORKS ' -- - M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ROBERT T, GOURLEY, DE Tr Coity OSCAR. CLAUSSEN;. CHIEF [ -E-R _ J". E. CARROLL. Sun. C—U-- & RERIaRS " ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. SAxr .. - • G. H. HERROLD. O—E. Exa xEE. H. W.°GOETIINGER. Suer. WORKHOUSE St.Paul,. Minn,, April 22$' 1915. Mr, M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works," Building. Dear ,Sir,- q .. 1: transmit herewith preliminary estimate.. of cost for the oonstruotion of a sewer on Thomas Stj. from Aldine St. to Snelling Ave., is a000rdance with Council File #4378, approved April 9, 1916. Appr4icimate estimate u x, $2;126#00 Total- fi+ontage Exemptions 200 rte., Aseessoble frontage 1,900 ft,. CSst "per. fr.ont"'toot E'soess inspection $80.00 As the lots at Snelling. Ave. face Snelling Ave.. and are sewerecl on that street,- would recommend that final order read as follows: Thomas at." from Aldine St. to a point 130 ft, West 'of the west line of Snelling Ave. Reepectfully submitted, Dict. J.E.04/m. Chief Engineer. Al COUNCIL FILE,NO......_. s r FINAL, ORDER.. In the Matter of_COZ18trUC_tbg..._888W8T._.QL1_._Sy.z11T.aB.....iiV._silly.- from ...E&r1.....diT.e.C.t to Hester street and on Hester street from Suburban avenue to McLean _.avenge. . _ ... .... under Preliminary Order 3938`.......... approved 14AT.10b . thy .......... .. ...... Intermedia Order............... .................. ........... ............ .... .....__...... ..... ... approved .. ....... ........... ............ ........ _...._............... .............. _... .__...:_....... .... A public hearing having been had upon. the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the. City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and j ind of improvement ' to be made by the"said City is 99 1.. ._RAYf�I:._oil....aSub.urb:an.....avenue...fTom Tl.B.S.�.....O.t�0et j to Hester street and on Hester street from Suburban avenue to McLean b. and the Council hereby orders said improvement W—be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement; and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said -improvement in accordance therewith. �5- Adoptedby the Council ......... ...._..... ........,.._._.............:_"__.._.............. .., 191......... ` � Z Approved.............. - ..._ __......_........._. to rw Councilman Far worth Gos Kell r Mc oll O' ary Yo g Mayor Pb rs Form B. S. A. 8.7 M CITY OF. ST. PAUL a f DEPARTMENT OF'FINANCE r� REPORT OF COMM11SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMi.�ARY ORDER ��//. �1➢/ 4_Y/// 1 under Preliminary Order approved-���t—!%1�---= -`— - — -- - --- ------ -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed be} efits. for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK :,ADDITION VALUATION i ff i f // ✓CG �( // Cc "l a,% .Z Jr y e o u a1 '14 J,►, G II 0 i .... ' TOTAL I ORMBBA BBA CITY:OP'ST: PAUL t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 - w ON PRELIMIfrRY ORDER - .ASSESSED ,i T DESCR I PThON - LOT iBLOCKj ADDITION I ' VALUATION J7 v"o- 62, t-4yg X - _`� sem: f` y W 1141,rs' 9'�/�i 7o els` _ r Ale aZ f D IT10 i i1 i it � TOTAL, ;i ' :. CITY OF ST. PAUL. ' •. .. - ''�j"� - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. I - k v REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PREL,lMINJORY.ORDER _ - (C- — '_ - ASSESSED r DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION , I The CommissionerofFinance further _ -� - -� _ ' reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ��— °---199., - , . . -.-.. — - -- - ---.- Dated----�fJ� Commissioner.. of .Finance... _ ronM e.a.w. a•a e I ' Office of the Commissioner of Pu blic Woiks March 11, 5. 44 . ........................ - .......... .......... 191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having liad under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No PAP ........... approved MB 94._4.,e...__ ....................... 191A relative to ........... the construction of a sewer -on Suburban St. from Earl St. to Heater St., .......... ................. ......... 7 ..................... ............................... . ......... . ....... .................... ................ . ........ * ..... . ..... . ** ..... ..... ..... ... ... .... - and on Hester St. from Suburban St. to McLean St. .................................... .................... ..................... . . ........................................................................... ........................................... .................. ............. ............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ . .......... necessary and (or) desirable. 01.26 Per front foot 767 00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._.................. . ............. and the total cost thereof is $ ... . ......... ............ and Frontage 1,620 ft. Excess inspection $90.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... ............... ............ .................................................................................. 3 A 'plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...................................... . ......................... . ................. .................... ............................................................... ......................... ................ ................... . ....... ......... . 5 aid improvement is.-. _ ........ ...............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... . ...... . ............ .......... ... . .... . ..... . . ....................... ....... .................... . ...... . ... Commiss* er of ublie Works. M CITY OF 'SAJVT PAUL WORKS DEPARTMENT OF PVWLIC M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY G-111-1111 - OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF E-.- J. E. CARROLL. SUIT. C-RU.11- & REP.- - ALFRED JACKSON, SUPT. S-T-- , O. N. HERROLD, OFF- E.-EE. H. W. GOETZINGER, SUPT. WO-1.1E St. Paul, Minn. liar. 10, 1916. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir,— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on, Suburban St. from Earl St. to Hester St. and on Hester St. from Suburban St, to Mc Lean St., in accordance, with Council File #3936, approved Pilar. 4, 1915. Approximate estimate $"p1,767.00 Total frontage 1,620 ft. Exemptions 250 ft. Assessable, frontage 1,370 ft. Cost per front foot $1.26 Excess inspection necessary $90.00 Respectfullysubmitted, Chief Engineer. TO, thq Uonorable Council, of the City of Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the under signed, owners of property on Suburban Ave. from Earl to Heater, and on Heater 'St. from McLean to Suburban Ave., hereby protest against the construction of a sewer on, said streets between said pointe, as proposed under preliminary order No. 3,936. We think that said improvement is not necessary and proper at this time. Respectfully, 'j,h. ✓,1 D.�13 :• In 4,jr, r 'COUNCIL FILE NO........ "t By Resolution :, of Council •ApprovfR:g Assessment. ence In the matter of the assessment of ben..e. f i te,,__ C4ats..,._and expBnees for Grading._Cla...... ftom. Bu.r p.._.ay.enue.. to _Hudeon P.oad.., ....................... under Preliminary Order 173. _ _.__._, Intermediary Order 4 ---- 87 Final Order 1375 _ approved .... Augu_pt 28th. , 191.._4 The assessment of.._beref_ts, coete and,_exp,enses,__ for and in connection with 0 the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 7� RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. V ' t -' - day of 1191A.- at the hqur of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, -room No. 61 of the Court House and City IIall Building, in the City of St. Paul; That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. t� .. � Adopted by the Council t�AY 29 1.PIS 191 ity Clerk. i Approved . _ .., 191, . ... . iVfayor. Councilman F rnsworth u d; In connection �r IP to the Counqll, .`.and be the � G ss nav,ng_eongld red �•.— and ;a geld, nsaeeame t antlefne[ory, "., be 1t .id That ,tne Idaeeesement `1 � K lief -,h ame la hereDl In all re-; O;Proved r - - d Further; That a- Publlo j / M Coll to had on June, assessment on•, f/ day oC Tun 491h .. nt the LO o m 6 ..0 M In our Council''. „ room 61.0f the Court House. 0' ary- �,$all'Butlding, in 'the City. of; l; that._'tDe Commisetonerc of glue notice of Nald meeting.: y rg ed by tho'Charter, 41taing, In. e the time and Placa oC hea - ture the i Mayor PO ers oat thereof and'th-mount yy' ylnet, tFle lot qr tots of the. � �npr•to�.Whgm the notice id�. ' Form B. S. A. 8-8 h`e Council Mal 29 1916 y�p By .,...... ...... ....... _-25® Resolution of Council Approving AssessiWt. In the matter of the assessment of t.ellefIt6C.C.6tfi...aT.,d.._e.xpfaD.8.ee_. for &_ s_tree_t_to._Forest et,reet,.:__....... ......... ...... _.. ........... .......___ ........... _.__:..... under -Preliminary Order 6.17 _.- Intermediary Order Final Order....'_A119 ,. __ a tch.e..r_15th___ _ _ _......, roved ..._. 0 C. 1914 The assessment of . Ve.11211te.,_.Costs...azd...e.x;r.enses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, 'be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the samels hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....7.th...__.........__ .._._._. day of }=1Y_.....:..... . .._........._., 191...:5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 .of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the Mature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed:' .Adopted by the Council _ ._ MY .xa. Is 5, 191 city clerk. � Approved ......... C. , 19.1_.. I�, u Mayor. Counciltnan N nsworth ye ,mp vement o tt d tothe Co. Hall 1 having consid....m nt aatisfa 'I the Bald asseesm nt eatlsYackor;' ! J % SS ii'fore, be m PUBLISHED - Is That the Bald assessineut all 'the same is hereby In all re- „ k lel' ets . approved, .evolFeurther, That a. public -ring rl a 7t had oo slid assessment on he ' of I day 'of 'Tiny. 1916, at the M Coll oP•10 o'clock A M In the Coua- �ihambor, room 63 of the. Court' .e and Clty. Hall Building; Ia the. u r F 9t. Paulthat the Commiseioa arj 'Finance 'I've aotiee el said meet- ----^•--- -• ).s required by.the Charter, static I said notice the time and' place - erg t wing, tho nature of the Improve- _ 1 tae tpptal cost thereof, and the I ' Mayor t ass 096d, agatnst the =lot.or h L Mayor P CrS fee iparticular, dfreoted, owner a,: Whom` '/ � II 7 nd by the Council dlay 29 1816 I Form B. $. A. 8-8 `'ed June ...,.. , W§PPPP'P C[TYOF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT='' ............... ......... _.fl, _.y/....._.........._, In the matter of the assessment of ..b..e1]of.1.t.9..x.....G_0.6.t 6 ._F_..,., Yt:. r_a„ gor _4.re tructir,g o.f a aerrer or. 'Wakefield avenue from_ ladle street to Forest street, .......... ........_ . ......._. ........_.. ... _ ....... _ . . ...... __._............... .. _.......... ......... _....... _ ....... ..... ......... _.._._... ...... under Preliminary Order._61....... _......... ... ......__............ Intermediary , Intermediary Order .....1648 - __....._ _ ..........._.., n Final Order _...... 2ll9 - __......, approved .......... 4.ctcber...._15th............... ....___.... ......... 191..4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: . The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $647 ._00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - _ .............................. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $............_. _6E..............._.... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $._...._.3.30 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 70.5.._5.0..........._....._. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.....1_�_.�80.__...... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, andthat hereto attached, identified by the, signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 9-9 • COUNCIL FILE NO . ............ _._ 13y, ........ .......... ...._....._.._........._.......... .... __._.......... _. i er25 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of _ bene.f.i.t.8_,._. ooet s and exFense efor c mstruc tin a „aeFer. _on_: i.nrehaha _stre t frcrf_ Avon street to victoria stree1. t 1., under Preliminary Order .a.65 .. ________._ Intermediary Order Final Order _,approved October7th, __....., 191.._.4 ?� The assesslnlbnt of _ ..._benefits, costs and ,._expenses for and in ognneetion A,& the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it a RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...._6th. ............... ........ day of 1.111.y ................. ........ ........ ... 191._cJ.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is diregted. MY 29 1915� Adopted by the Council . _. _ _ �_ _ _ , 197. ty Clerk. 7 Approved ...............�9... _.. ��.:, 191 Mayor. PU13i,ISi'l)✓D C- �� ` /5 rid v� •' lmproveniont"h Councilman F nsworth ut5pft£ted io 'the qo� counal having'j: coneld i 1 found the eatd-aesegam�, 'c utory, therefore be „ - (j SS the said edeegemeat . " olvbe ?(nd ff m6 tbe-eame !q hereby, to ail re,. � eDectU,aDDroyed:'- -RyNolvad Further Tha6`L'a pu6110 " K ler hadrtng ba`hgafd a§sesement on . th dayot July 1916 at the M Coil our of 10 o clock A i4`fS -the Counenl Chamber roods `61 of tha.' Court Hpuse` and City Hail, Building fn;the Clty of 'St, (]' ar)' Paul-.that.>t4eCommissloaer of Ff•.� tice�,Chartt6l : r qulredl9by 'the stating In YO 9 said notice the; time,and place„of hear. fng,'the• nature of the improvemenk the. total coat thereot and the`8mountlae- ,sessed against the lot„ dr.''ibts,ofi,the lVia OY OW f9 partloular owner to whom tiie notice to directed Adopted by the Council #lay 29 1916. Form B. S. A. 8.8 Approved June.2 191 (June 12-1816), Mayor. PU13i,ISi'l)✓D C- �� ` /5 rid v� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT x . In the matter of the assessment of..b.Q. nef_�_te.�__c.c�_s's ccrstructing cf a sewer on iin ehaha street from Avcn stiset to __ _.. .. .... ........ _ . ..._. ......... _...... ......... ............. ........_......_. _... ...... _. under Preliminary Order .4.559.._............... ..... . ................. ... ___ Intermediary Order ._.._1522 ........... _....... ...._...._......._.___.._........., Final Order ...._1 .7.,5....._.....1_.....-._.._.._... _ ..._, approved .......Q..Q.ir 9.4_eT.._7th.......................... 191.4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- Lures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - --- - - - - - $_99.4.._00,_:......,_ ._. Cost of publishing notice - . . . . - - - _ _ _ _ $,_....... 1.40 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$................ t_9...................... Inspection fees - _........... .............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - _ _ _ $..."......4.,.?,0 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - -$1-,_02..O 32••_.._...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed -and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the snm of $1.,_0X,,_32__...... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. i CG/L/ f Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. R_9 COUNCIL FILE X . ... .......... t ......... . .. . ... C 'By .. ..... . .. ... ..... ......... ........ 5252 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of beneffi ts, costs and expenses for 9grI8.trUCtillg t FS sewer on the following streets; Edmund street from Snelling avenue I ...- - . - I ........... street and on Fry street from Fdmund street to Charleb street and on Charles. stzaat f-rom—Fry ... street - - -- I under Preliminary Order_ _.790 Intermediary Order 163 9 r Final Order ..,approved.. 09.tObOr 16.tll ___.....,191.4.. The assessment of b en-ef-i t 0, costs.. and e xr,.e.nse for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the s=e is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .. ............ ....day of J:Qly . ....... .......... ............ .. 191.5- at the hour' of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of F' an ance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. MY -29-MIS Adopted by the Council City . . Clerk. - Approved ..................... 191 Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8.8 Mayor. 1 fi CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANC , 'REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESS ........ ....... ......................._, 191 J1 In the matter of the assessment of ._U.er.efitsZ ccst.s ,and expenApg,, Construc ting of a sewer on the follcwing streets: Fdn.und street from Snelling avenue to Fry sireet and on Fry. street from Fdnurd streetto Charles street and on .. __ Charles street frou: Fry street to Aldine street, ............. ..... _.... ......_...__ .......... _ _..._ .............. _ ........... under Preliminary Order ......700 ..................... ........... _............ _... Intermediary Order ..._._1639 ...... ....... ................. .... Final Order ...._2090 .............. approved.... .U'�er 16th 19]._4 _..........._._... ..........._.... ...__..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in 'connection with the making of the above improve- . ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._3.,_S 7., 00 Cost of publishing notice --- - - - - - - - . . $ ................... -.°Q_.... _. Cost of postal cards . . . A . . . . . . . . . $........ ...... .... .1..x_74._........ Inspection fees - - 9 - - - - - - $................ °_a.14........... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $....-_...-..._F'__ ...... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$ 4,.04.9.. 48.. ... _.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit; the sum of $..4..,..4.49.,r.g6.._... upon each and every lot, partor parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Cou?missioner, and made a part hereof, is 4he said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. form B. A. 8_9 COUNCIL FILE NO . ..................................... ' Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of be.nefl,.t8r....COS t8_2-I:d ..4x1'en6eP for cone.tructing. a sewer on_.FAller_..8.treet_from._o.xfc)rd...stxe,<.t_.ta C a.tstvorth__etrt:et,_.� � under Preliminary Order .. 1046. ..._ Intermediary Order Final Order ..2648 approved ___ Naver beT 19th 191.._4 The assessment of __benefi_t§Og6t9 and._. expenses _.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it If RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public bearing be had on said assessment on the day of _.._,7111y ........ .._...._ _......._.........1 1915....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court house and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner :of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the jar- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the. Council _Q� 2� .393 ,// 2 S Approved ..........._.......12._ ........ __._ __., 191 _.. Councilman„ Far sworth Go s Ke er " M oil O' ary Y erg hbayor P ers Porro B. S. A. 8.8""-�-:- 1-e.�-� �C� Clerk. Mayor. PUBLloi ✓ — — �S V "* OF ST. PAUL )lam t OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. 1. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT — .......... 19 In the matter of the assessment of .h.an.ef.it u.,......o.o.s.te_.a:.3.....exp.eIl8&etbe.f-ar....:the.....QLL:-............. �x.r .c.t.ark.....o.f.--.a_.a..a.wex....o.n_-.Ful.]..er.....e_trent_t.C1.a..ikn1.o.x..th under Preliminary Order...._U4G........... ................................. _, Intermediary Order __2201............ Final Order ...:..._2648 .........:................. _..... _. approved .......N4.V.k>.t?r_.-1 t_h._....................... ........ ,191.4. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: a The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $..,.-............1.5 .............. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.....................' .9 0.............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.......... _-u5.. _Q0............. F Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $ ................-4.r.. 0 ..... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - $l.r.. _l..r_ ............. Said Commissioner farther reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit; the sum of $::..1,,F3,1,,r;,0,..., upon each and every'lot, part or'parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actionthereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B, S. A. 8-9 COUNCIL FILE 140. �.................... By...................... ..................... ................. _.... . 5254 Resolution o Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of 1Qenefi_tt3x_._.G_O.j$8....211d_ eXI en8_e for...GQL-S_ TW,tin-a-.a sewer on aripn. s4rz.e-t f.rc.u:. L2we.o..n, street__t_o. Geraniuu._etreet, ._ .____.... ............ under Preliminary Order _956• Intermediary Order 1559 Final Order ......2224 ____.. approved....ct.Qber..27th..., 191.._4$ The assessment of_ c.cs.ts....aad�__.ex)w..ensee _ _.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...._...th....._. _.._ __._. day of July 191._..5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time slid place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. a.. Adopted by the Council . _ MAY 29 Pis -. _ 197 ��City Clerk. Mayor. PUnI islm,) Approved ......... .......... (P........... the said ment eatlsfactory, Councilman Fa sworth tore b at - Reaolvd, That the said assessm- be and the same is hereby in all r GO S 'Pettsoe lvedappFroved. rtner, That a-� publ' `Rer. o, : hearieg.-:tie had on said seasment c Ke er the 7th dal' of July. 1916,-. at -.tt hour of 10 o'clock A..M., to the Counc and Clt room u I the Court Hove and r,Hall Bulldtng in -the City i M 011 'at Paul that the Com lasloner of 8' I 1. the n oilu Chambered room 61 of he Co j House and City Hall Bunding, In t) - 0' ary r City of 9I.'Paul; that the Commissloi or of Finance glue nonce of eald mee ;Ipg, ae required by -the Charter, eta '.lug In eafd notice the time and' Alai •, Y sig sof hearing, the nature of the. improv ment, the total cost thereof,. -and' tl Mayor P erg amount':asses'ed against the - lot the arlar owner .to who lots of, pticu Form B. S. A. 8-S the notloe,te' dtreeted Adopted; by the Council May 29 19] ��City Clerk. Mayor. PUnI islm,) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICIE 0 -rH+E COhIMISSIONER OF FINANCE, REPORT OF 4(_=4C>MPLETI0N- OF ASSESSMENT �'- 5... .............. In the matter of the assessment of b-?refit,$,........CQ4.A5.__z.n3.._Q .e.r "4he _f_9_r......t 1�..._C9n.7_.........._ struc.tirg_ of_ on on, street fr9m I2tiv,eon, s.treet....to. Gerar.rn strezt.,........... _........... _. __... under Preliminary Order ----_.5 6 _--_____-- -- .............. _... __, Intermediary Order lo__5S_..._......_.- ............... _ ...__..., Final Order ......... _._222-4 --------------------- - approved ..._.... Q.Q t Q 0.r.__27th__.........._................. 1914 To the Council of the City o£ St_ Paul = The Commissioner of Fivanoe b�-reby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- turesrl necessarily incurred naci to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - $.._4.,_12.5.,00 Cost of pnblishincr notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $............ 3 •2Q Cost of postal $ .... ..... . Inspection fees - $- Amount of court costs £or confirmation - - - - - - - - $........._._......._9_._60......... Total egpendztures $_2..x_158.22......-. Said Commissioner further reports that lie has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-__s- g _:_Z.a.._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and iu the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in aecordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the saidhas been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissio3EnLer> and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to -it 3 x a Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. R-9 - 0 COUNCIL FILE NO...._i.-...---- --- ---------- -------- Resolution of Couricil Approving Assessment. In iliematter of the assessment of bzz�_t_S_:__ _c O_S_-t,- s 2x13 expenses for. Grading .,alley.. in._Bloc k _3.. Wanni z _ Add2-t1cZ1 _-__'�---G_v�gE'r Albert Ave., and Hamlir:e Ave. and.._.Lineoln ..avenue--- ax13 _G o cir' r ? c_ av erue, --------------------------- under Preliminary Order .558- _ ' ..,_.-__-__- 1195 i>ater mediary-Order . Final Order...-1896 ._. --__....__._.--.....----- _--__-, approved -- ___CC_a� BT__2n3 1914. The assessment of - ------ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to tlzo and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be i-t RESOLVED, That the said assessment be azul the s M*-e --s hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearg be had oa said assessment on the....._6th_...._..__ day of July...__ _._ _....__..-- -, 191.-5--., at the hon r of 10 0 'clock A_ T4., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Ball Builth ag, ii? the C it-5r <>:r fit_ ]Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stat izi E in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, asd t%ze amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is direet.ed_ :A,dopted by the Council - - ----- .- ty Clerk..... Approved .............. _.b........ ..._ - as is coo ecuoa Mayor. the ab '''�''������eeeeeef � iasDrovem at Ysaviag b submiLt Lo Lis Go.a .aciS, and 1 Councilman Far sworth co aril aviag consiaerea -- a ane _ /S round tin - sold a4se eaL saLfBfae-I ., U+0 - Resolved. T3iat ; ire said aasessaieni.� PUliL1SI----�-�- @ be- and - rs..a same 3s - 2xereby _ is ali re- 1 aDecLa aDPioved_- - Resolved: F`s:-rLh.er� �+-� L -. a piablio Kel r heartag tie liaa oa saga ��csameat on 3 the '.=gtii da.3:`.oY --uiy 391Fi. -,.aL the. j"bour`.oY 2o, o'clocx �t2s'e Cotiri Houee "-Ciaamber. -room- 61 Me 011 aaa City 3E3[a12 BrsSSdiag is 'the City of -.St Paul- tom.-t t1 a Commissioner oY F3- aaaca- give notice oi' 'sa'Ed meeting; .ae. Q' 8rV -8 to=iag . in, 1 aid aoi3c�• 'rise base aa� dace oi- hea.r- �_ • .iag '-the aatss re'-'or ti a'lm vrovameat; The - - Yoe scssed agaiaat t21'e tot ar 3o is of the _.paTticu39.r owner to �vaom rhe aotica fe � �YL�`/T / y �1 directed.' - - IvlaYOt POWC AdoDLed b1 tl­Cvu-ri ci3 ` . App oven Julie 2_ -19-a �_ - ._ J �✓ �: /.�7 Form B. S. A. 8.8 1916. . ',. CITY OF ST. PAULWAV �S� F–THE 'COMMISSION FR OF FINANCE. REPQ IT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT o_`......_ ............... _ ..._.................. 191 In the matter– o£ the assessment of ._..b.e_r.efi,ts,c_cs t_s and exFe*@fgpe adi_n_--._of__.-_the alley in_ ___ ___a-ock_-_3 - Wannt s.._Addi-tion,.-._be:tvw��r Albert avenue and Hairline J1 e.- ar =— ___L �-o.lr.._ayenu-e, ard_..G,ocdr-icY�____ a=,r_�rue,_ ............. ... . under Preliminax-Z=M�-,— Order ------ 558_... _............................... Intermediary Order .....11°5 Final Order --------- i -------------- _..._,approved-.......00-t.cber---- and ...._.__._._._.... _.._....... .191.4 To the Council c> = t%e City of St. Paul: The Comrrcis�7a4oaer of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz. -ast of construction ost of publishing notice `-` — st of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$.... _...... _.......8..`. .... ......... ..... - spection fees - - - - - -$ .............. 7x�ouut of court costs for confirmation - - - - - _ _ _ $............4.30 Total expenditures - - - $.r 47..3_._x7 ............... Said further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-cvit sum of ....---........ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said imp ovement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred their -4 _:=ztzL ; that ,the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of tlis said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewi� submitted to the Council for such action thereon ns may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S_ A. S—� COUNCIL FILE NO - ------------ ---- lly........._.........A__ ............. - -------------------------- ..... . .......... ----- ---- ----- 52,56 Resol utlqi::w mm of Couincil Approiviag- Assessment. In'the matter of t;1x-L—_ . . ...... vxPv.PPP.4.for constructing a W fl-om JesBainine street to Rose street, .................. .. ........................ ...... ---------------- ............. ----------- ------------ - under Preliminary. Order -el- X3 Intermediary Order, 15.13 - Final Order..A97.8.approved Octo-beT-1-th. 191. The assessment of c oats and ewL_q­nses for and in connection with the above improvement been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said asses&zrLeorx--U_ tis£actorp, therefore, be it I RESOLVED, ThELt. t3ae _--aicl assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED IFUIE---][- � IE--, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....... ... Q&h_day of .... ........ J.Uly ........... 191..x....,at the hou r of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the 7 of Court House 4:1 4-- i -A-- -:5, Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice said meeting_ by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvarxx4—__-A=a_ Ir -7- _ the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom -t113-c_— is directed. IS3--) Adopted by the OcB, "M 29 IS 197;/ W Approved ------------------- ---- Councilman P*.,S W_ Yc Mayor 1=3,-[=. Form B. S. A. 8-8 X -Y 3rs tie Assessment atisf- 1, it That tUo : 'aAejL�'_&� • is --hereby ImmUTI". coved -rU.1t Duly'Further, - That a , ved pub .-t no h. I .......... ity Clerk. Mayor. J>U131­1511j:i_;:;-_� Form B. S. A. S-9 ST. PAUI, -40Ffz14-_E OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPO (DIF, COMPLETION Of AS 7NT' AFt... ... ... ........... . In the matter o:E a assessment of 12e11Ekf !1s'1X_g.qek!_P a?qd f�2;r 1h.e c..o.n..q.t..r.0 c t i rig of a sewer" c;;=_ ....................... At)ej1_ strcet frcrr Jessan-in;3 str--et to Rose street — - -------- - -- ......................... . ...... ................ I --------- - - ............ ..................... .. ........ . ......... under Preliminary 4C --::w . ... . ........ .. . . ............. . der ... --- - - -------- - ---------- ------------ I ........... — Intermediary Order ._15.12__._.-_....._ ..-........ ....... Final Order - — - - -------_------- - -------------- approved r Tothe Council of tl-jL City of St- Paul: The Comnji_si.ox::w_ z of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily ins= and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impr0e- ment, viz.: construction Cost -of publishing notice . .......... ............ Cost of postal cards $ .... ... ....... -6.0 Inst tion fees $.._....._1.4,_.Q..........._... -A_r3c%.c:D._ —=m—mm-.w_xjt of court costs for confirmation $ ............... =]V<>tal expenditures _°.Q........._.... Said further reports that be has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the .. . . . ................ ......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited urrx of $ ------ 7 33 . 90 by the said imp--- and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon g. -IL-lbLat the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is berewitli �­nm �-_*>xrdttecl to the CounciI for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. S-9 COIEJNCIL FIL3s`?_ - 6257 Resolution o -f Council Approviin.g -Assessment. In the matter -of the a_ssess**�ent of .zrzfi_tej ._C.oets ._2 3_ zxL eneee_. for _Grading...0o0 .str et f-.r.c2m-:;'2s-u�rr3 at. ru -- tQ...Jlir�.t.i.lda .avenu-e, __------ .......... ----- - - - - - _......, InEeymediary Order 1256 under Preliminary Order ---.-ad-g . Final Order __ Z??approvedeFt-2rbzT _ 2 -2nd , 191-:`} The assessment of ------ .l_,)4a-11,e_i..1.XPenBP-B----- - ._ _.... for and in connection with the above improvement liavinff been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment sa.tis£actory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby iia all respects approved. RESOLVED L3 ETHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...._..__...th......_..._..___..... day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A_ 1%1-, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court IinusQ =3 ^ d City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul ; that the Commissioner of Finance give .notice of said meetil7 —, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the ,nature of -the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to vvllom t11e notice is directed- MAY _ldopted by the 'Co�ueil ...7iQ 19l5 191 Clerk. Approved -------- ----- ---- y� C.Ot1nC1I II1a ri - " - " _ +i - lF _ 1F r15« c)'submitt d - �� SS :the.: CCM ry - :said OL�r� wars th above improvement having'. been d to `.the Counctl, gad tlae. Councll having, conaidei•ed same ad found the said. assesament saLisia.c--� tory,.,. the fore. be It_ Reaol 6d,, That the amid aasessmeat:- be a.nd the' -same is ..hereby in`- all spects'.:-.approved: Rcaolved •Foriher. That a;, k e ring be had on aald-.asseasmeat on" 6th day.: of July, 1915, at tli e .hour of to O'clock A. M.. in the C.u__11. Chambe room 61 f the Court House aad .City Flail Building: in the City O E St_ Pe l; that.- the Commissioner oY' Finance give notice of said meeting:, as .qui ed by the Charter, testing is notice th9 time and piace'oi hear- i ing 'the nature of the lraprovem0 _ i amo th.e'totml .cost thereof.._and, the,. zza2 'assessed aga.ln.t the lot or lots oftl.- paticular, owner to whom the a tllca is ' rw' aireotoa Adopted by L� ncil 1Kay 29. 1915_ .14pproved June 2"'3"915.'. c PUlll.l.ililr/�-�-�� - Mayor. _ l0 �� - J ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL.. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPOT ' OF COMPLETION. OF ASSESSMENT NJ s ................. In the matter of tie assessment of—benefi..tsj---_ o_st_.._-_.and_-_---- ef_or___ the__._.! Grading of _-TC_o_o1=_ str.,et � z-orn Ties Derr. averve to .•l.atilda avenue, ------ - ---------------- -----..............._.......................--------------------------------......__.................. ___........_... ...._...... under Preliminary Oraer 3-45__________---___.-__.._._ ..............-.......—, Intermediary Order.....12.56.............. _.._......_................ _. Final Order . aPProved ....S.eteu,>✓e-r- 22nd_..........._. , 1914.. To the Council of the City of St_ Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily iiiC'i1r-jr-ed and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost o COZistructiOII _ _ _ _ _ _ $....1 ).1 18 ,, O0_._-.. Cost o publisliingT notice - - - - - - $............_ _....___60....__ Cost o :V� postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$._...---._...__......... _�'.'._6.......... Inspe� bion fees - - - - - - - $.._.....___.2c?a_ .w_6....._.. Aznoia z::x L of court costs for confirmation - - - - - $... .__.............. - �.. 1... ..�............ Toial expenditures - - - - - - - - $__1.:14.3x._2.......... Said Commissioaar further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the of $__.1 j_14-. 12_..., 'upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improverz�eat, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; twat the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith su1:>3rwx1tted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. vL.�`.i��/!_ _. .. ........................_._.._ ._.._......... ....... ._. Commissioner of Finance. r- B. S. A. 8-9 COUNCIL FILE NO. ..._..._5,,,a_i'G'.. t f�rpc 5 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the asseasmentgbf benef 1_t e.,,.__CQ $t e.. aPd...,eXper Be H___ for _C Cr $tTL1C�i ewer on._,East,Ger_anitllr.:..stree.t.. fr41(..._wq.gd.l nd._s_tree (Fiecert_l,y vac.4ted),..to. ...... under Preliminary Order .3,7.6_.. ........ .. Intermediary Order 1148 Final Order _1.748 _ _.. approved ._Se.p..t. adnd._ 1._., 191..4 'The assessmentof..b.$n$fA..tA. G.q.et$.. And O;Wenaes...._ _ I __.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, a the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the '...._..3L.d;............ ........... day of ...............Ju.ly......__... __ _ _...._............_, 191....x.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. MAY 29 t5 Adopted by the Council Approved...... 191. Councilman Fin sworth Go s Ke ler 7 " M Coll O' ary " Y erg Mayor P ers Por, B. S. A. 8-8 fi.. .eta,: coal connection w'. ov. ­mt having beet [� :he Council, and. the -4 cc .Wdeted same and fou se,: mens satisfactory,':,.the ,ed. 'hat the, said assess, T same f;- hereby fa aII.r _ .......... ... - Mayor. PUBLIS110) — �S y CITY OF T. PAUL OFFICE- OFTHE COM OFT. OF FINANCE. REPOR-F OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191, or the- Constructing In the matter of the assess eat �C>T .............. cont..... va�ated) of a sew r 0 ri E EL lo r_— 4� Kmgm Wqcd_jqzi ..__Qt_ree.1 ­­ .. . ................... ........ ------- .... ............ t -Q Ar.kwx.1g,]1_t =r-- . . ... ....... ........................ . ........... _._, ...................... .. . ... ............... . ................ under Preliminary Order . . .................. . Intermediary Order..._114F{__.___:.._.__.........._._.......___. ... ........... Final Order -.... -174a----------------------- ----- approved e -r-. 32n3._....__............_...... 1911 To the Council of the City of St - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures 'necessarily incurred and to be iincurre(j for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of constiri-xctAC).xx $157 Q... 00__ Cost of $...---._._.•. Cost of post.&I$--......._...48 ......... ............ Inspection fees $ ... ........ Amount of coizz-1t, 4—,4c>_—_ -t53 for confirmation Total es .. .... '......_--- Said ..........Said Commissioner fLirtlit--ir reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....._.. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the -s--alcl _-x�essment has been completed., and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to, the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ... .. . . .............. . Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A-9 COUNCIL FILE NO- ______2�� -----_ -------------------------- By.............................. . . . -------- .. - - -gy.......... ..-------------- Resolton of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of t2ze �s sm esent of .r'.�r?e.f _t.80... CQ Csts_ape .-nd : exneee for ._jrading.. Nyacitth ap g,r .et frcr__ marlstreetto Orngsee-t: -_- .. a_r..... ___ ............. .. _ _.._._ . - -. _ ---------- _ -- - - -- -------------------------- ..... _..._...._.... . under Preliminary Order E l_6..-_ -----_.._-- - __ _.., Intermediary Order... J-640 Final Order 2093 _ - __--.----, approved.....0-.Q-1-0b.-.r- 14th, 191..._`i The assessment of r_ - f i t s C O s t s and 2 xF e ri s e 8 for and in connection with the above improvement waving been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessm4em3 satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That t3ze said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FU1E:_?_'C'�M3FR, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ day of 191_5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A_ INI., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 ,of the Court #fouse aue3 Ciity Hall Building, in the City of St- Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give, notice of said meeting_ required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the .nature of the impro--e:n<z�rt, the total cost thereof, and the amount' assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ,tieular owner to whom t373Lg notice is directed - adopted by the MAY 29 1815 Approved ------------ ------ tounCllinatX. mar mayor �o Form B. S. A. 8-8 :sment' sa.tisSacc i ` avea. That -• ttie Baia ass cna+ same .. is hereby ':-in - i L_1`J161 u e 12-1915). v Clerk. Mayor. ur Ali p�gLIS[� C T. PAU L OF)FIGE OF ' HE COMMISSIONER, OF FINANCE. REPORT OF C<DMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT �2 J� -- -- ....._...... .. .......... ......_.....1 191 . In the matter of the_._,❑.0..6-t.8.....c3c_..ex_r__e 'l.S_9.B for the......Gr.ad..ing-_0f.................. s..t.r fa1--1F s_osi-_.Eax.1...s-tx_ee.t.._.tc...OX-0 -g.e8 st.r-e.e t., ...__........ _........ ................ .... _ _. _.......... _._....... ..... ... ..... ---- --------- ---------- -------- -._............... - ........................ ............................ - --- -..... ............ _...._....__..._.... __.. under Preliminary Order ---- 6. z -a------------------.---------------- Intermediary .........._-, Intermedia Order .......... Final Order ..._2.0*.1------ ---- ------ - -- - .. -� approved _..-O.al.oh.e.Z'.__ A.-th---------------- .....,. _ ..._., 191.4. To the Council of the City of St_ Paul : The Commissioner o£ Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily ineurrecl aac1 to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz:: Cost of Cost of publishing !notice - - - - - - - - - -$--.......... 1.�_Y.rJ................. Cost of postai cards - - - - - - -$--......... _�.-l.a.........._....... Inspection fees - �\ - - $.._....15.._00 ................_ Amount of court costs £or confirmation - - - - - - - $... ....... ''-85. ----- Total expenditures - - - - $--773_.._7..__ ............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of _7_Z___-9 7-____..-. upon each and' every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit, conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature -of the said Commissioner, and rade a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. -- - Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. S. A. A_9 r COUNCIL FILE NO...:�° .... ............ _........ ...__. I __...__........... Resolution of Council Approving Assessment, t In the matter of the assessment of..En.8t8...�..:.C.P.Bt� a'1d 6X�ri889 for ?radn-1e 1n Dl_oc_k _1.,..,rl6aneon.._and„Sirr,onto.nt,.e Addition between Summit avenue and 444 WPAp etree_t, underPrelianinary Order :..435 .. Intermediary Order _ 1513 __ ..._ Final Order .... E7.7. _..... ........... ........ approved .........October 7th. __ . ......,191.x. Th mai lu t of bg118 i 1 Cqe �6 and qX 8nr386 for and in conllcctlon wilt the above improvelnont having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having copsidcrcd same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....._$_rd..._._......... . ..... day of _J:ULY-............. .._... _. ..... ._.......... _,191.,5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. lf., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and. City Ball Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par• tindar owner to whom the notice is direded, MAV 29 M5 ;Adopted by the Council _ _.. _ _ ... 191.... Approved .................. Councilman II II n u Mayor Form B, S. A. 8.8 _..,191. •n, 1, . a:.' 01 benet yd,1n e6h ,ruvemefit:l to the,'Coun u hnv,Ingg considgre hp _Bald_ 6Nbeeetiii —Cgv Clerk. Mayor, p'(JBLISIiED ��•S�, �i Mf CITY OF QT. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT !� ......................,19z, In the matter of the assessment of . �.e.n e f_1 t .4.....9.0,1 t e.. -a0.... eM.IPIR Pie ,,,,,_f o_r-_.the 1J radi ng of the Alley in Block 1, Manson and Simonton's Additicn let .aen Sull,«it ............................................. ...................... . avenue„and....".....rand. Avenu9,...ap LQXington avenue and Dunlap street, uuda Preliminary Order . 111..,,,,, ......111,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,, Inin diary Order „1,513,.,,,.., ....... Pinal Orden,...,...,` 7.7... .............1..................., approved OC tobex 7th ..... ........... ,191...4 To the Council of the City of 'St. Paul: The CommissZurred er of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the abo,ye improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.4.3.., CQ-........... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - .......................... - - - - - - $-----1.35-• Cost of postal cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . • $................'_8 ... ..................... ,-Inspection fees • . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . $......................... Amount of court costs for confirmation - • - - - - - - $•- • -4.. 05 Total expenditures - - - - - - - . - - - - - - $-3:56_ ... 07................. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of 6.....15.5. 02 _......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land hi accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by bim,,and ; which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. �//,�< ✓ GGG�L� G ............. Commissioner of Finance.. Form B. S. A. 8-9 CUUNCH; Fj 0- 13 . Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. ` In the matter of the assessment ofenzf.i_t_s.,_...co.ata-....and...__exFenbes for ._Gra3ng.._.Eas.t:_ and West Al 3 zy in Bl-ock, 4, Forestdale Addition, and Alley running "ortn end E3outh. anti Lying between Steven's Rearrangement of Lots 13 to 18 _F3ock 4� .+or ztdale Addition, d ,ote 19 and 1Q, Block 4, Forestsa3-a A33i tion, .. ------------------- .... ------ - ------ ----- .... ......... _......... _...-_.... under Preliminary Ore-ier . 4.4 -- ------- ---------- , Intermediary Order Final Order__.1432--------------__._-- ----- .-------- approved September 3rd The assessment of ........ e n B f i t 8- - costs. 3nd eXpnes :_--___fo$ and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED 1FCT1F-TI11;R, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...._ P! ....... ...... ._ ___...: day of _.......filly ............._.-- --- 191.-5._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House a.nd City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetirig, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improv ement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. MAY 29 196 Adopted by the Council ....__-- ----- . .. _. . _ __. _, 193 _ _... Approved ------------- ------ _ .Z-. _..-, 191./j.. Clerk. LirC _...... . ... _..- ...... .- Mayor. councilman t'a-# worth " M Coll C ary „ erg Mayor fs veers . Form B. S. A. 8-8 1 Clerk. LirC _...... . ... _..- ...... .- Mayor. COUNCIL FILE ._ NO....,.....52263....... go* ",Elm B Resolution of Council Approving essindto r,G.f. .....C..Q .�... I+.:....�. p 0for ... In the matter of the assessment of _ �'� , •. C.0?1Q t�.1Q t�,11:�"'� ?� sewer on Fry straet from l?niversity avenue to St. -At thony avenue, . .. .. _ ................... ........ ........ ..... ........ ...... . A._ .... ..... ... .._ ander Preliminary Order .428...__ . ..._ Intermediary Order _.. 1147 FinalOrder._1747. _,.__.. ......... . _..,approved....___.Set_Qlnber $And__...... 191.4 The assessmentof ,•,,.b ene f 1 t s � C o ti G s a.n , ex � 8n 6e 8 for ad in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, ther�fore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same i9+ereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public y ring be had on said assessment on the.......3Xd............. .._._._.,... day of July__.....____, ...... ...... _.,__, 191..5.., at, the hour of 10 o'clock A. 141., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City IIall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof,,.and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of. the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed, MAY"9 1915 Adopted by the Council . 191. ... Approved .......... ......V...:..._�._... . f Councilman „ „ u u Mayor Porro B. S. A. 8.8 / ...... /... .............. Clerk. v 191 l` on:$gywtYeet_ Mayor. PUBLISHED 6-1:2- —1S had on said asssasment'on'. r l'a'y o( July,;; 1916 at the 1-p'clook A M,r in tiie Connell 1I i room 61 of;the Courl zonae HAIL` Bdlldlrig 1 'the,?YClty / that the; Comm�salotee oY ti 're notice oY said"meetlog GWy by the Charter etattng In / 1 o el oY a tlr0,pl P�ovemear- cut. iintB •hereofiotnortI's of�the to whom the notice Is ouncil ),lap 29, 1916 ,1916• ,; i COUNCIL FILE NO...... ......._52 (2-• .... Resolution of Council Approving Assessne In the matter of the assessment ofexr,enees., for CCr;stvl t `ns :a r....on....Rutland, -ave nu...f.r.on; .Saratoga..aver e.._to under Preliminary Order. 15.,4.7$ 1ffiieliiLBdiii .. i9l Final Order......Q.,.$38__...... approved..NoV,_26th.__._._._ ...'___.. 191...3 n�c��gmcnt of b�rl�f,it6) CG t6 and",6 en6e8for;and in connection with Tho ,. ,,,,,. ' . o the abovo improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it k ' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be apd the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .....7.th................... ........ day of j 1 ,191.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 14...... of the Court House and City Ball Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot- or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed, ` Adopted by the Council _ KAI 29 I915._ lty Clerk. Approved ........... V e .r, Order ' and 1n counectlo� n'Iayor. oa Smprovement .haVing - Councilman rnsworth to the counell ,and /5 na eng coasldered 6 -in - y, ne ,eatd saeeaement eatleR pI7BLISIiCD t ' e r erebe it �., ,. "G Ss Ived, Tbat the sate �§aeep�ent V the .earns le hereby Snr, !e- approve{] K ler )Ived Further dliaEtts 'pul llc g behsd on said aeeeaementn th day of Jply 1916 at "'ttie' �� f 10 o'clock A Id:;;:1n the GCoun= M Coll }tuber„ room 61 of the `Court `and •Ctty, Hall?Buitding ln,:,the 8t. Paul that thg Commla,'elonoe Ct' ar ., lance g[ve notice oTea�d meetlbg , Y tutred t y the CharteF atating; lq tWe the 3lme and lace of hear- h nature of the Imyyrovement', " y r$ .'t.thereot abd:the amount, ; "at the lot o; lotd of the. to whom the notioe - i Mayor P " era �16n i�ay ae 181s �I� �' S 7 Form B. S. A. 8.8 ,t916)a ]' OF ST. PAUL' OFFICE OF TFT-,,. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLE-TION OF. ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits_,._cos_t__e-._and..._exFariego¢the .cQnB.truC_ ng.-- gf__._a....sex_er..._on..._rortl_ard_.._aye_nu_e.,.f...... _. ara_to.�a av_enue..... P�arwick,ave.__ under Preliminary Order 15,478 ................................... .... ............ ......... . Final Order ..__40,.83.5......._.._ ......_.... approved .._.. N oY....._2.6 th......................:. .............._., 191.. 3 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the inaking of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - $ 40 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - -$-.......... ..................__.............. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._.... ......_x_24.. ...... _........_ Inspection fees $..._...._9 , 80 ............._....- Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $..........1.20 Total expenditures - - $ 0.1 _5...0... ... ................. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...._501.._64._......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of.11and in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that 'hercto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A-9 A OVITY ,OF ST. PA OFFICE O -F THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION -OF ASSESSMENT .....__...... _- .._............._�G'.. _........_, 191. In the matter of the assessment of exp.14-nA9J6hdg.._f�?_Y..._t 1_e....�_�'?.-:.....-. structirr3 .of._.a-ee:xer on. -_:Fry street from ------------ .................... ......- ... - ... ..... ..... n under Preliminary Order..._....8.:_......... .....:........_............._.-....—, Intermediary Order _--_11.47 Final Order ......... 1747 ................_...._........__ .........._> approvedr__22n3 To the Council of the City of St..Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - $J_,970-.90-1 70 .-00__--, _ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $.............._ 2 • i0 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - $............... 39 0 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$-------_....._._._�_4....._............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - $......_ ........... • 30 Total expenditures - - - - - $. 2 019. 0-6 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit; the sum of $2i.n 019_, 06,.--„- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed bengfited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action .thereon ns may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. R-9 COUNCIL.F� B0 ... :.:......_....... 52- By..................._..................:..._....At- ......- --------------------------- ----------------- - Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. d In the matter of the assessment of be r! e_fit_ cp at_s._.and,---zxperse_s-, for ....colis.t.nua.t.ing..... Geranium street ..Prom C'. prese'stre'eCr sewers Ori the f0�; 1cwirg-. 8tr_ee-tr_- :_ ... .-.. ---.. ry andt sheet Prom Fo ast�`atrGet 1 ._. to,Ma .....- .. .r.. .. - '--..- .._ - ..--- - LO Ea 1 etree ., - Rose street;. from Forest s*A . o Eaa•1 etre t. -- . .......--. ......... ...........--"_---..- ... ......... ....._.... _ Seiasaminestreet Prom �p ......... ......... .. .. . .. io. E.r is street.- it' treet. York street Pr pro. o Frh on x t e under Preliminary Order @..._137.Q.._c....414SS-- h[LifD4�� Prank _... Gsran. Final Order 15815 .__ ._.... ........ _ i enef,i_tS_s,__-G o S_s ar d eXpenae_i3-_._-._, ,_. _- for and in connection with The assessment of .__.... ----------.____. _ _.._. � the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER., That a public hear xx* be had on said assessment on the .....2n4....._. _._....-..-...- day of 191.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City gf St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stat ing in said notice . the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed- MAY Adopted by the Council -- - 191. _ ... c ' Clerk. 2� Approved.................._.............._...._ - 291 lllayor 7-6 Councilman F rnsworth t i ce. Council, y i'Li 15L1S1i:.C.'� r Sag; asldgred sam, G 33 ca safa ass samen[ sati v N solved. 'Tha:t the said asaesam nt� ad t3�.¢ sacme is h reby inall re K ler a approved_ -rl ea wiz rthar, That a .publlc J b - had o aid assessment n a ' M coil a2-0�ao ciflcic A ,W in room 61,of the Covn (ifj' /� the f and Ci#S4 ,t3a11 Htanding in th / " Q' ary St-_- Paal__ tla t the commission 'j �� �'z.ac gl-ve a,ottee f said meet ,gssireca: by the. Charte stat- •• Yo rg - d aotYc thv time and �/ -�<: tlxe --natlare'of thek,7miirove=° , -r --total-':" ost.thereof'aad Lhe:: Mayor Po rS �ss�s�e'i agalnat the 'lot or: y g$rLiC,ilar gWner to,.wlfom! s airecrea Form B. S. A. 8,8 ZYie_ Councf� MaY 29 --191G ,' ' i `4 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. e REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ oc .. __.................._, `191. In the matter of the assessment of Geranium street {roma Cypress street of sewers or. the followir. streets:... to Frank street. ...._.. ............... ........ . . ............ . ,.g ._......_....... .... Mar,Yland street from. Forest stieot ... to EArlstreet. Rose - ,street from Fore t straeElYo',, _ Earl street. - - tr .,, .,,,, Jessal In a1rget from Cypress street ............................. .... ................... ......... .. ... ......................... to'rk tree t s t from •the Brldpe prop h on. the est side of EUr] sire o :to Frani street under Preliminary Order fl _ .. 3.7Q...f$ ...41.4.$.9.._..._, A7[L+i"MAXIV Frn k street from ro k streer- to _......., wµ Geranium -street. ' -.Earl street Yrom Jgssamine street to • 2 "Cypress street. Finiil Order ._Q. .$1.+5._ ..... ........... _ ___.... _, approved _,.._AP.7 17, l ., 1 . Cypress street from Rose street to Orapgo street On.bridge'- pproach:on the westerly. side,of Earl treat .from York streeC To the Council of the City of St. Paul: to she right ,, wny he the Narthe Pacific RatlwaY and thence to a south westerly' direction on the It oP Way of the: Northorn -Pacific Rat+w y I The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the f to the Ph%g Creek -Sewer, so -call n di - also the co}�struction of a ewer a an ` easement 'to be acquired from Orange. tures necessarilyincurred and to be incurred for and in connection street at Its Int section of Cypr s: ve- tr et, in a general norih rly dlreation to Ivy street also < to c nstruct a 'sewage pumping station and force „ menti VIZ.: mn1n. to. con act same 'with the above d arlbed sewer on an easerni.ent td be -- _ _ _ _ Hoeplt8l' for b'enF, ...f- •••- Cost of construction - - - Forest streets n located at IVY and .t Forest street an Phalen Park, 811 Y the above e w r ,-.to a mnln he nd Cost of publishing notice Oceani�Streetl Seweeer I ystem r�District Cost of postal cards - - - - - - -$..._._.......__......................._.... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....._la 2.QQ._t..Q.Q....... e rowxaomrgu�stsXarrxc�s>Y6txxtitatlx-Add- fox Bids-$........._......_1_Qry...Q.Q....... Total expenditures a- - - _ _ _ _ _ - $ 47, 45.00 s Le s t..e sub: �f �8 518:0(? aFxrGY.riated and sets ada�de otit of he Beaver P�old ACCt dnf Crde�leSr�l{hetloa amount as above ascer nl ommissloner ur.lier ieporta tha a has nssesse an suis tained, to -wit: the sum of 0.,.1.2.2.,..Q0...... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited Ay the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto 'httached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and _ which is herewith submitted to the Council for such- action thereon as may be considered proper. Comylissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-9 ,� � �C'�,1., / i ti'1 .„-e . �,. { , F p � �� , ��' � r ������ �� f �,c_ � .. � . � /�� - i.. , ��{�-���-�/�L. - %moo.: -�' �- .�-_ : �- r *, �— q.� ���� � at_.L ) , , /J/ _.—./�._ � // � 11 V �� - /, _ / `/ o �� -. ��_. , ;� �' �� y__ - _. .. _ _.._ ,.- Resolved, That the contract bee3ri3Mg date Stay 88th, 1915, by and between Drewry & Sona and the City -oY St _ XPI = for furnishing refreshments for Como and Phaleg- Partes aaclL =81and during the season of 1915, be and the same ' la hsrSliy and the proper city officers are authorized and diract;eci -L-o e the same on behal� of the City. C- b' No 6266 .: _. -Resolved. That the co tract bearing date May 28th 19he o r d between IJrewxY •,� Son and the City to 6 Pe.ut Lor furrtlahinB - r.freehmenfe for +j C mo and Phalen Parke and Harri t ,j Island during the season of 1916 ba -and the+same la hereby approved and R / the propercity ofticera are nuthurtzed'- '��/ anAd.ptead June 2, 191 the earns on behalY, of the 'amity- Adoptees he the Co 8i6n June 1 1916 `i (June 6-1916) Yeas (V) Coun en (V) Nays Farns rth GossIn favor Kelle Q_ ' MC -------Against Nas You --- Mr. President. era --- FORM Adopted by the APP 1 MAYOR CITY OF BT- PA LJ L COUNCIL RESOL^UT1ON—G E [moi F2AL FORM- Subje&.. APPRO.VA.L._qF.. AWARD FOR SEWER. ................. - - COUNCIL �6 FILE No .............. ......... Date Presented......_ ....................... ...... .....191_...... Resolved, That the contract bearing date Bflay 2S 1915, by and be- tween DOHERTY & SON, and the CITY OF S'r for the construction of a sewer on Stinson Street from Lexi ngt o z; Avenue to Oxford Street, and on the east side of Lexington Averr a a Y a -o= Stinson Street to Front Street, be, and the same is hereby and the proper 'city officers are authorized and directed Lo execute the same on behaIT of the City. C- F. No: 6266— Resolved, That the contract bearing " Mate: May 28,.1916 and let—, Doherty & Son, and thby e city o1 et. Paul 'Z*a construalon of sewer •.;oh "^,' 'SLinaon street from Lexington aveinx .; Oxford streak and o, froo 9 St efde oY Lexl gton r avenue from Stinaoa sir et t Front. et set be and the Wool', . i i hereby approved and the proper city • offlcera are autho Ized. and direct . a- -to execute,;the same onthehalf of adopted bn y the Coucll;Ju,1nB1916 ,, pproVod-7ufie 2 1916 d e ,P Yeas ( ✓) Cou oilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Counc Earn worth Goss /;.!'In favor Kell _ Approved.... ...... ... .......... .191... S� - 11 Mc II � .....Against -- - Naa 1 . Yoer f I P-tsidenE, Owers - - -------- --- MAYOR FORM. C.e•Y _ CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:...... ..: .. APPROYAZ,. OF. AWARD .FOR $RIVER.t, ............................................ r- COUNCILN6 5....... -.. FILE N 0.... .. ...... ................................................................................... Date Presented_ ............. ............... _...._.....__191 Resolved, That the contract bearing date May 28, 1915, by and be- tween J.J. Connolly, and.t4e-City of St.Paul for the construction of a sewer on Butternut Street, from Bay Street to a point 25 feet southwesterly from southwesterly line of Lot 6, Auditor's Sub- division Pio. 45, .thence southeasterly to a point on southeasterly line of Butternut Street, thence on a easement .to the Mississippi River, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute tk,e same on behalf se ;z 6? -'.,,the City. CC`S; No 6284 - � R'e`soLved That fhe conti•ac� bearing,,� � r dannoU y 29 1916 and between J J.. ConnoLy and tris CiCl ty of St Paul tor.. Erie conetructlonoL a'eewer;on Butter:$ /�✓ ora u, rnence soutneaatetly to a pointi on,sovtheasterly'line of Butternut SL, thence on an sae m nt to;ithe Mipefe- � - sipyY121ver be„'and the same le hereby! l approved and the Dtoper'city otticere. ,f /y"// _ ,/ are;e.vthorlud;apd dlregted to execute, ,"'�� \ Y tqa same on berialf oL the Clty - Adopted by .trip Covncll June 1 1916.: f Approved 3Tune 2 1916. '� � E Yeas ( ✓) uncihnen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council .............../ nsworth ss In favor / Iter Approved ..;....W 191... . Coll 0...—Against h erg Mr. Preside t. Powers ......... ..... . .. . ..... MAYOR '-- FORMC.8.2 - - Resolved, ?hat the contract bearing date Ilay 88th, 19150 by and between L. A. Bumgardner Company and the City of St. Paul for grading and im= proving Branston street from the south line of Lot 7, Block 11, and the south line of Lot 19, Block 13, St. Anthony Park North, to the north city limits, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on be- half of the City. J�: F. No sass ti.'dt� i;wing. I -4p P, Yeas V) Co'oilmen (V) Nays Co Fj.r,cv",orth Go In favor Ke r M 11 N Y Mr. Pre3iden owers FORMC.8-2 Adopted by the Cound Resolved, That the contract bearing date May 27, 1915, by and be- tween the CRESCENT CREAMERY COMPANY, and the CITY OF ST. PAUL, for the furnishing and delivery of 9500 gallons of PLAIN VANILLA ICE CREAM, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. e Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ...............................................191........ Facer sworthl� y v(,oss In favor Keller t/ Approved. ....... .....191 .... McColl r/ .....Against ----- Nash vYoerg ' Mr. Preiident, Powers ' MAYOR.......... Resoled, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed . to set aside from the Permanent Assessment Improvement Revolving Fund the sums as given below to pay for the paving of the following streets ordered to be done by the City Council by City Force Account, to -wit - Robert Street from Second St. to Sbith St. 14,000.00 Fairfield Avenue from South Wabasha St. to Belle St. 29,636.00 Fillmore Ave. from South Wabasha St. to Hyde St. 11,768.00 Marshall Ave. from W. line of Snelling Ave. to E. line of Marshall Ave. Bridge 109,748.00 North Smith Ave. from College Ave. to north end of High Bridge 51342.00 South Smith Ave. from south end of High Bridge to Annapolis St. 39,006.00 Congress St. from E. side So. Wabasha St. to W. side So.Robert $ Isabel. St.* ffrom E. side So.Wabasha St. to W.side So. Robert Y 171301.00 Concord'St.from S.side Isabel St. to W.side So. Robert b Dayton Avenue from Victoria St. to Lexington Ave. 21,678.00. Third St. from E. line of Maria Ave. to W. line of Bates Ave. "3,061.00 Plum St. from W. 'line of Mar a'Ave. to E. line o£ -Bates Ave. 11800.00 Summit Ave. from point 103815.ft. W.of W.line of Cretin Ave. to Mississippi River Boulevard 4,000.00 Wabasha St. from N.line of Congress St. to S.line Winifred St. Winifred St. from W.line of Wabasha St. to W.line of Ohio St. I Ohio St. from S.line Winifred St. to S.line of George St. r 49,226.00 George St. from W.line o3 Ohio St. to E.line of Smith Ave. r Fairview Ave. from S.line of Marshall Ave._ to N.line Selby Ave. 4,254.00 (356,820.00 Yeas (1")C ilmen F worth �C r N: Mr. Preside Owers sonM c.ea ... a r Resolved, Whereas, Jacob "aan, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Forth Six & 87/100 ($46.87) Dollars, as an advance payment for a sewer on Lot 14, Block 46, Law- ton Bros. Re., and Whereas, the assessment for the construct- ion of the sewer connecting with said property is the sum of thirty two & 81/100 (032.21) Dollars; . Therefore be it Resolved, That the sum of Fourteen &-66/100 ($14.66) Dollars; be refunded to the said Jacob Dellaan, and that the proper City officers be, and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Jacob De Haan for said. sum payable out of the Advance A,sessment Account. Yeas ( Y ) Co u ll Fa � ( V) Nays favor Adopted by the o Go -- M ! M O'G OR, ( V) Nays favor Adopted by the o CITY OF ST. PAUL WIM4tJ,':' ACCOUNTING. DIEPARITMENT c 1 AUDITED- CLAIMS RESOLUTION IFORM No. BY AUlCl PER ed that wn upon a City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter spell Resolv T f 11 ts e names as specified !,favor of the persons. firms or corporations set o site their respective in '01. ol ati statement: -19i Yeas I/ Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the on Farnsworth Goss favor Approved 191 Keller _��Against McCollAYdR O'Leary Yoerg Mr. Preisidel Powers - "V warr4nfa Vponi� t c i tFd uF .T.F ea sai Y,', P the s1WtYjq1rfrss i4f1on`-ML1�Etea*,,v.fidr�; be drawn 7 633, abA but of 5 'lavma Boz & Lumber''Co ,o,,.W.6rkhduee Fu.d:­'v'.A(Tbl Co 97 Cetlta 5} 2b .fir Decker. Farwell OZ I t (Hardware _db11'6 Wol - Fund:-. Treaty & 'S p e ify, E973 Brb'7 V Corporate Purposes 'e !,M: �jco6ch6ld_,"' ' 3'00; A, ft I Poii d lid 11 co.,*�45:815,7�Xe3l'-t, 114tionai, stealdry Villauk0- 13OX & Lumber to. to *orldiouse Fund Adam Decker2ardwai pot• 697 Farl 02MU11, Kirk Co., 1.90 T Cos. Public Works Fund Brown Treaty & Sperry, 9.00.75 -B63i: & Lumber 'Co., 9 M! Pox .11: W_ 18 73 " S. & S*.' Fund Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 20903.0 School Farts 3.00 5.85 'z Dr'si4AW.ble: & TileCo. 25.90 eys ohe-Viet'Co., l­:BOWI:Stationery CO.$ 113.40 T of Fund.• Pllb.Library Fund 21, Dennison Mfg.4 CoCO., FA. 5j 'k— CITY OF ST. PAUL'j(,• r t',+ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT t AMTED CLAIMS;—RESOLUTION FORM Eo°" I` NO 2 i�lY 191a 1 SY �� AUDITED 305 " r Resolved that wants he d wn upon a City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fuads,and in favor oF-the persons, Berms or corporations f the amounts set o site their raspeg6ve names as specified in foijowtng detaaed statement:' Yeas( I/ Councilmen ( it Nays Adopted by the Coon Farnsworth Goss favor ` Approved T���In 191 $eller McColl Against . i fi O'Leary - 'MAYOR rl Yoerg I` Mr. President, Powers S C F Na 62726272"1 itisa'lola gfl�thfit tWa up{ih; tha%jJkt9 Treasury I s _� d rants; be , ra:�cn: yapaple ouk; of f .) � the?shee i After la,,favor -f fha Dera po;aHpns „for.;,tbe BIt.C.ibelr teap Jnmthe follgWtng-de NgGonar,,,� ap ellled•ifuada hffd� - r ne •ttrmd or Mt amounts MeeC oDDo:. r�. 'n e peclli$d, J " htiC%y y.. a gr .. d Corporate Purposes Police ; ,R. k National Steam Laundry 9311suine Box & Luptber 80., Z 2 3 Workhouse Fund Adam Decker Hardware ;.o$, j Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., .97 1.90 ry' } Tv Fund Con. Publia`Works Fund s Brown,.Treacy-& Sperry, 9.73 Vllaume Box & Lumber Co., 9.00 . c. r ors un r.18.73 S. & S Fund Manhattan Oil & linseed Co., 209.10 School Fun•: M�; Conchois� ;,3 00 Drake lfarble &, Tile Co.: 5.85 ` Bey stone; View ;o., �5,y0 St". Paul Bogk '& Stationery Co., - 113.40 T of Fund, l 1 . Pnb..Zibrary Fund Dennison ERfg. Co., .54 F-rm A.5-11'. I ' 4" Alp Myr 2 M Gen: Find -Purchasing Dept. -Off, Suppl. American Society of Municipal Improvements 2.50 S. A. Farnssoth; Custodian,P. R. F. 100.30 McRaes Bln-s Book, 1.00 N. W. -Stamp Works, •35,., Schuneman & Evans, C. A. P. Turner, , 6:00 Tntal.Pur. Dept.. OffIge r 11 Gen. Fund,+ Official Publidat,ions A. C. Boyeson 'Co., 18.20 Gen. Fund-Miscl. &- Unforsee n Zxp. M. 9Ytzgeral d, 15.50 City Clerkle Office Exp. S. A. Farnsworth, Cu#odian,P. R. F., 14.82 Gen. Fund -Civil Service, -Exp. S. A. Farnsworth, C_ Pi R. F. 60.00 6.20, Farrey McClain & Gray Co., P 3.50 Nj W. Stamp Works, 2.50 Gen. Fund -Municipal Garage, Farwell, Ozmun, KirklCo. Gen. Fund -Water Supply Robinson Cary & Sands, 4.15 Western Supply Co., 22s28— . o Hen.. Fund Mi sc. Staty. & Supplies Brown, Treaoy & ;Sperry, 130.98 Electric: Blue Print Co., McClain'& Gray Co., 72.24 9.40 Gen. Fund -Printed Forms & Blanks , Bro+an,eTreacy & Sperry, 13.50 S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R, F., 5,op oma a s, Police Fund M. & R. American Linen Supply Co., 2.50 15.96 H. C. Ahrens, John Arend, 4.00 Board of Water Commissioners, 22.74 H. C. Boyeson & Co., 1.40 rt 2.94,`'7 Police Fund. & R,•Con't. 24.10 Margaret- Brady, .. r� BiLuthkc Co Dayton's duff; ip����jnpgny,, Slk haundry Co,., 18.72 August"Hohenetein, Custodian, ifiirs116.v Horah, !� Illinoie Steel (kpehouse Co., 21.70 Kennedy `At6s..Co., Kie§elSar Service Co., ffi, ,Malde sky 5.00 �iCanhattan Oil•& Linseed Co.. Mansur•"Drug Co., C ono., . Natial. Laundry 2.50 H.. G. Neal ,. Si.. Neuman, NQrth.American Telegraph Co., N..�W. Tare Co:, Wes 6, Bros$"&•Cutler, OleonrBcettger ,Co.; •75 PittetiutIg Plate Giese Co., Raymer, &edware Co., Alex Rice -St PauT �ae-'Light Co`., 115.36 , 8t. Pail,Machne 'Works, Schnnamn & Svaus Smith &`;Taylor, 49.19' Smith &`Beberl"e, Aima Sparechultz, SwansonOi"i Oo., 13.00 United Ohatitles of St. Paul H. S. Wedeletaedt, W. J. Westphal; .. 'P6Tr e" and Fire-V6id L; & R. AutoTire Sales Co., 220.59 S" Brand, C. M. &'St,; Pp�ul Ry., Consumers Pov►dr Co., 5.25 Adam Mocker Hardware Co., Electric Mfg. Oo., �nPor3um� 125.08 FarxeiOamun, :Kirk & Co., Chester?'W. Gaskell, Gobdyeas,Rttbber Co.� 2.23 in'Coal Co., 19t. Aug.-9ohenetei ni Custodian, Leavitt Machine -"Co.,' 3.50 F. G. , Leelie '&` Co.`, Manhattan 011'&.Lins eed Co.,. $999.3y�, Mitsch & Heok Co., 1.11.. NicoleD eaft,'. Gregg, ,. N. W. Cadillac N'. W. Copper,& $rase 119 N. W. Slectri•c' �upment Co., . Raymer„Hardware o., Reed Motor Supply Co., Shotwe ll-iobart -Johnson, C. J. Smiths Furman Tuttle, 4.00 Waldref`Motor Company, Wateroua Engine Co., 3, W. J. Westphal, Total b'ire �r,re 2.94,`'7 ". 24.10 18.72 !� 21.70 34.44 5.00 42.45 2.50 77:55 •75 31.00 115.36 4.99 49.19' 3.49 13.00 r 13.25 15.26 220.59 5.10 5.25 4.50 125.08 19.88: 2.23 ?2.00 3.50 . & R., $999.3y�, 1.11.. ,. 170.00 119 24.:66Z 1.43. 4.00 16.69 5.00- 51.30. 129.02 9.75 168.00 4.91 197.26 13.50 1.2.65 2.00 1.860 0 5.50 3.25 3.11 1.84 9.50 7.27 320.85 R., 900.4 y: N i 4 Health Fund Health Acct. M. & R. l< Journal of infection, 5.00 Melady Psper ,Co, Noyes Brgse. &' Cu ler, Laundry 1.00 538.86 Oriental -Co., .00 Twin City -Sales Agency 4.97 United'Charitiee, `Villaume Box &lumber Co., 20:40 2.00 Total Health Fund, $164.83 Health Fund -Quarantine Acct. M. & R. Borreson Mfg. Co., Water 80.00 Bcmard of Commissioners, 2.00 Ea i"urn, . 2.00 Farpell" 0zmun, Kirk Co., August kcY'inste n, Custodian, 2.50 3.25 F. G. Leslie Co., 6:40 McClain. & Gray. Co;., 3.60 Manhattan oil & Linseed Co., 19.03 Raymer Hardeare Co., 3.90 Stone &.Forsyth Co:. 105.00 - Saanson Oil Co., .16 Health Fund -Public Baths Acct. -M: & R. Board of Water Commissioners,% 2.50 August Hohenstein, Custodian, 10.00 Kennedy.Bros. Arms Co., 11.26 --" - -Robinson;-Cary.&.Sands, 10.A3 St Paul Electric eo 45,55 St. Paul Stoae Repair Co., 1.35 St. Paul.White-Lead`& Oil Co., 25.55 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 40L. 00 ., 4 . Police &Fire Alarm Jt., Acet. Maint. T. L. Blood Co.� 1.10 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 40.90 " N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 15.70 St Paul Electric Co,., 14.70, Transit Supply Co. 10.00' Western Electric CO., 118.65 ilwa P. fa t Acct Coto*hhouse'Flicdndk&nt. Board of Water Commissioners, 10.86 Builders Meterit3 Co., 1.25 Capital City Lwsber Co, 99.61 Creeeent Oreaaery Coad, 6.00 Field, Schuck CO., 2.95 k: Fleiebmanwliast Co.., 6.25 S, S. Griffith I Co. 205.60 Griige°Cooper Taneson, Hevener & 6rigge, 4%20 150.00 L. L. May & Co., 11.35 National Gas Governor Co., .75 Raymer Hardware Co. at. Paul. Gas Light 80.. 1,35 25.11 Sohimim!n & Evans, 24.50 Swit.t & Co 99 �44gg Tierney Hey & Grain Co., Western BuQply Co.,. 1.80 #5 Com. Public Works:Maint. H. C-Boyeson & Co., .85 Brown Treacy & Bperry, Becker 2 .SQ Adam Hardware Co., i.95 Louie -F. Dow Cp., 11.05 Electric Blue Print Co,., 1.50 AugusfHohenstein, Custodian, 140.4 Kindel Sar Service Co., 34,00 McClain &.Gray Co., 10.40 Manhattan 013. & Linseed Co., 9,8 NoyesAlros. & Cutler, Pure Cil Co., 5.70 Bt. .Paul Typwriter'_Exchange H. M. Smyth;Irinting Co., 10. 1.�5 ; Underwood Typpo"ewriter Co., Wedelstaedt C., 1.00 2'00 1 11.20` ^''4 •'-1Zxee�Oib�+anintx,Q. 2 ✓' Street Const. & Repair Fund:Vaint. American Express Co,; 3.76 Barber Asphalt Paving CO.,- 51.40 C. Bielenberg, 15025 Board`of Water Cmmmissioners, 2.00 S. _Brand, Bropek Bros. lumber Co., 47- 13 7. Burns,I'mber Co., Cornpjan,er lab. 011 Co.. 80.00 218.90 'Adam. ticker Hardwar6o.,Co., - Sleetri'c I4fg.; Cp.., ;. 4.8.0 Fprd Motor Cod �._'= August Hphensteia,. Custodian, .90 . 34.10 , 3.25 Lehigh Coal Co:. '0.40. W,. H. Malone Estate; 2. Menhattan Oil & Linseed Co., Minnesota Crashed Stone Co., 7.03 H. Q. Heal, 540.55 21.86 Pittsburgh plate Glass Co.. Robinson, Cary, & Sands, 31.39 St.. Paul Boiler & Mfg. Co., 22.00 St. Paul Electric Co., 'St. Paul Foundry Co., 39.04 'St. Paul Gas -light Co., 84.05 2.79 St. Paul Lime &Cement Co., St. Pgul Machine Works, 70.00 97.59 4 oust. & Repair Fund Maint., 1 540.- 4� Street Const. Reps -Street Intersections-Maint. k s,. Brooke Aro e.•Lumber Co., Jefferson 84.25 Lumber Cq,. 2.2 �a21, fi Sewer Const. & Rg$air-Maint. `zt Brooke. Bros,,, umber Co., 50.00 Builders `yr6it, 7*ofkfo.., 20.00 Burns LumberCo,i 25.50 Capital City Lime & Cement Co., 1220 Chaska Brick & Tile Co., 137;60 Electric Service Co., 1. 0 Nicole. Dean & Gregg, Reed Motor Supply Co., 20 ' S Robinson C &Sande,. 4.19 sr O, .L'y `. t #6 ; Sewer Const. & Rep.:-Cont. Shotwell4obart'Johnsons 16.44 Washington-Foundry'Co., 4 �o3i ry t' 4' nae � �e�+'= �A.�'ll.aan�,+. w.a+vuirms:r;-.av,.;u-�w...�..a.v.,r..-...w33?"•°"�'a"' �'wa"" a'• S. & S, Cleaning-Sewer Cing.-Maint. Board of,Water Commissioners, ° 34.00 -1.50 Consumers Power CO.'S .2 r Aug. Hohenetein, Cuetodiani St. Paul Boiler & Mfg. Co., 21.00. 1-- x-50 St. Paul Harness -Co., .. 72.25 Ta�e!Cing•.�aint,.µ.�.�„rr , �.,,w� �z���-.�X,� �,xz s. & s. Cleaning-Street.Cing.:Maint. Board.of Water Commissioners, 4.32 13.20 Farrell, 0'mun, Kiri & Co., Maendler Broe., 32.54 58 St. Paul Rubber Co.,2�• 0 We Machine Worke, " R„a�Q�'19e'�,"'Fif1"'eael'�niy�.ew."'wat,.ea autt�n5.:�w•aM r,,,rxxw�cu+e"^.b`+i3'�xaa�st�'s�{pyy S. S. Cleaning-Garbage-Maint. H. C. Boyeeorr Co., . 4804 j. H. G. Neal,'3• BfdBe.Bldg..& Repair- Supplies T. L, Blood Co.,;. 85.00 47.00 3 'ks'BroS. bwnber Co., 6796 Farwell, Ojmun .Kirk- & Co., Lindeke Warner &,Son s, t�:riage Brae''"�r:�e+��ee,�� �•.,-�tt.�,�9� Bridge Bldg. & Rep.-Teen Hire J. W. Morrison, 35. oo' Public School Fund-Maint. T. L. Blood,Co., Bon Top Grocery Co.; 15:2 23.95 FredBrodt, Jr.� X1.18 Brown, Tr"eacy„ & Sperry, 3.00 Wm. R. Burkhard Co.; Capital City Lime & Cement Co., "$86 41: 50. Carnegi.e Fne1 Co., x,0.00 Casey Milk Co.3.5 Crane &'"0 dw,ay Consumers Power Co., 3 j,10 Cornplanter 011 Co., b9.8 Thos. Davie,;& Son, Adam- Decker' Hardware' Co., F. A. DOiel, 17.58 Divine Broe,, 2.95 Louis F." Dow Cool Bast Side Lime & Cement Co., 2.00 .03 21.50 L. Risenmenger Electric Blue Print Co., 13.40 Elite Laundry Co., .18 Emporium, S.Ob S. A. Farnswcth, Custodian, a Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co.* ?r6.50 T. Martin Lumber Co., -May 3.88 L. L. Co., Minnesota Nexe Co., 15.00 8.50 ticole; Dean & Or egg PubT'ic,School Fund-Con1t. Z. A. Northrop, -North star Varnish Co. 6 8 .60 5.60. Farwell O,�mun, Kirk Co., 70.67 6.50 N W. Elecuic Co.,, 8, s Kerrey Field,•Schlick Co., 3.80 �.. . 1`4.00 The Fixture Equipment Co., '0. 70.00 1'9.94 Pioneer. Company Vittsburgh.Plate Glass Caw,. B. Fraser,, 48.00 2.06,00oo 80, Wm. Gaertper'&-Coo$ 30.00 - 9,26-__ ,-� Robineon, Cary &sande, St. Paul Book & StationerY'Co:•� R. L. Gould & Co., .50 00 9.75 18.19 50.00 Gray Motor Co.:, 15.00 St. Paul Resi`Estate Exchange, Harvard` University_ Press, ' 25:00 10.17 T. S. F Hayees August $ohenetein, 6ustodian, 22.18 G..sommere & �o.; Adelbert Hubbard Eleotric Co., 'Huebner., 56+77 16.50 8.00 F. 0: 7.50 University Garage, Villaume Box & Lumber -Co., J. W. Rulme 15,6�6�; 33.48 22.48 W. H. Kane. 15.00 wester�b supply Co., M A. ­ cClain ray Co., IQax Wittman,-: Wright, Barrejrt & Stillwell, 15.00 & 4.26 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co.* ?r6.50 T. Martin Lumber Co., -May 3.88 L. L. Co., Minnesota Nexe Co., 15.00 8.50 ticole; Dean & Or egg 9.�5 . Z. A. Northrop, -North star Varnish Co. 6 8 .60 5.60. W W; Copper & Brass Worker =11j 7 N W. Elecuic Co.,, 3�•f Noyes Bros. & Cutlexv, 1`4.00 Peoples; Coal & Tce. Go., Perkins -Tracy Printing Co:, 17.00. Pioneer. Company Vittsburgh.Plate Glass Caw,. 75,00. 36..38 .r- W.. G. PruesinB,: Raymer' hardware C o., 2.06,00oo 80, Remington Typeirritex Co., 30.00 - 9,26-__ ,-� Robineon, Cary &sande, St. Paul Book & StationerY'Co:•� 54.44 St, Paul. Electric ;Co., 18.19 50.00 St. Paul Rebre, Institute, st. Paul Lima=& Gement Co., 15.00 St. Paul Resi`Estate Exchange, 15.00 34,60 st. Paul Whije Lead & 011 Cloo 10.17 Schulenberg .ros.; $ano, Schuneman &'v 30.1999 G..sommere & �o.; 6.68 Standard Oil Co., 8.00 Swift 37 God Typewriter UndeCo., 7.50 University Garage, Villaume Box & Lumber -Co., 25.00 John -Do! Wallace, 33.48 22.48 Judson: T. Webb, Western Electric Co., 10999.81 28.?5 wester�b supply Co., IQax Wittman,-: Wright, Barrejrt & Stillwell, 15.00 ctal. ,eb,pAn Public Library Fund:Maint. $goard of. Water. ommiaetoners� 46.14 11 8.00 Bostop"Book coil'.f 40.57 Carol- Samuel,-"J. DaQss,- - Adam Decker Hardware Co., 6.00 25.10 Louis F Dow Co., 6.49 B. P, Dutton, 8lk $inert Supply 5.46. ' -Golden Rule, August`Hohenetein, Custodian, 'S0' 24.63- 2.25. R. R..Huntting Co., 14.60 Lehigh Coal Co., 6.40 F. G:, Leslie Co., 28.69 Librarjr'of'Congress, YcCTain'&"Gray Co., 74.95 A,,'C. 7ic�ilurg: ;& 39.2 Maendler Brbe.#. 21.80 y National Weekly, '8t N W. amp Works, Tracy'Printing .Co,m 119,00 Perkiaw Pitts'burgh;Plate Glass Co., 1. 30 11.66 R'aypier.Headase.Co., 6t. Paui Book;& Stationery Co., 64637 V.olkzeitung, 95 189..73 > ald6ifV.Ilndery Co., ;extern IIiiom Telegraph Cb., 1.00 �--- '!!�ftaF�YiC� Ltibzar`" ya nt.;.�<,391sR, Auditorium t ��fm. A. F. ido7rtons .,, `L; Webber° *20 1 0 5 ?" T0i8�613tYUrilnl� x (� �am,w,t Public:parks•Park-Maint. -Auto Tlire Sales Co., 3.24 5.00 Berglunc}.Lumber Co., H. C."B' by, eson'Co., ` - 3.00 Bremmer Brooks, Bros.aimber Co,, .2 35,86 Capital City Umbe't Co:, C M & St. Paul Sy., 8 13•7 J. Y. Copeland Adam Decker„rHardware Co., 16..04 .. Drew" '& Sona, ry 6.795 ;.i. Sisenmenge'r Fair'Anks;;Horse,& o. 15.00. Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co:, 7.61 66.82 Hac Gates '& Hurty, 6. U Grp hwol'Cigar Co., Ha :.Bri. &.T le Co., 92.60 f Haskins Bros.; Herech� Bandy Co:C, 149.32 18. 0 AuguatrH'ohenete�G, ustodian, twin, 32.29 Suh3,es: Stoc$ , M6 l' =&" Gr&P Geo. 2.75 Mat'an & Linseed Co., nhat 12.74 57,55 Noyeil'Bro8. W Cutler, 2.A0 Peopfies Coal & Ise Co., i #9 ; Pub. Parke-Park-Const. ` 'Raymer'Hardwar.e Co., 12.25 39.61 Reed Motor Supply Robinson, Cary & Sands, 90.00 St. Paul Bottling Works, 91.35 at. Paul Electric Co., 2.64 St. Paul Gas'...ight Co., 10.00 St. Paul Insurance Co, 89.25 Vinson, 5.18 ,Shotwe]2:-Sgbart,4 Swift;3e Co., 7.19 Twin#tfY Iron & Wire Works, 35.10 Westsr Blectric. Co., 8.36 ,. Winecke &Doerr Co., 8.58- Joe. 51.32 o al ar - a ., ✓ Pub. P3.00ounde lint. T, L. Bl.od'd co., 5.00 Board of, Water Commissioners, 12.20 Farael-1, 01zmun, Birk'Co., 4..78 £" Raekia@ Broe., 2.60 Noyes tiros..":Cutler, RaymerH dware ;Co,. •50 6.50 st Paulae�ipiit_Q., 1.6o St. Peui Lime; Cement Co.y 1.50 G. Sommers:, . aygrounds� Publf `Bldge:, 4Wnt. T. C. Borg. .Co., 2.25 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 1.00 W. E.-Delong Barwell, Qzmun, Kirk Co., 5.40 2.63 G. GilbektLson L 5.00 E. C. Haynie, 10.00 Review,Publishing Co., 1000 2.25 Swanson 011 Co., P. A. Zimmerman„ 84.75 Pub. B dge.,ToOle, Mach. &Equip. Burns Lgmber,Eo., Adam Decker Hardware Co., 45000 26.74 August ;Hohenstein, Custodian, 8.00 Raymer Hardware Co. 140.80 Western "Supply Co.�, 15 a quip.. Art Museum Af Consumes Power. Co., 115.02 N. W.cBleotric Equipment Co'., 149.40 8t Paul Gas Light Co., 15.00 St. Paul Electric Co., 4.20 0 1 0 Pub. Vt'ilitiee; PondMarkets Exp. Bazi�lle &'Partridge, 1.50 Cici! v,'Ice & Fuel Co., 9.10 Ming.. of:Weights & Measures, 7eeprt 4.25 W Roc Ge icide Cc , 8t. ; aul Gasight co.. 15,00 1.89 f St. Paul White Lead & Oil 5.00 Total,,PubrM�fGi�3"es-9iarkets, b. Water tept. Fund C. Bielenberg 6.00 R. L B1ood.Co., Builders -Material, -0o., 59.69 1.00 Crane.*'Ordway Co., - East Side lime & Cement Co., -26.44 9.00, ; August Aoh6nstein,_Custodian, 192.19 . Indian Refining Co., 13.65 ;-Paul J" Salman 0.108 3-07 J J; McGuire, •2.70 L. L May & Oo., 57.75 A. Ma�rsban, Aestt. Auditor, 183.918 Mi134r Davie Company• Noye@ Bros..: & Cutler,. 43.85 N W: $lectrix Rquipment Co., 31.5 N" W. Rotor"!SuPP1Y 26. N. W.. -'Stamp `,Works; .30 gr -N. W Telephone 8Xchange Co., [erritt J.. Osborn, Inc. , 4.90 1.30 0 ,'7. F,` Pearoa &'Son, 134.75 Pi tt eburghD6eter:-Co., 21.92 Quayle &Kelly . 11.00 �: Reed Motor~Suppiq .,Co., Robinson, C'ery &=:Sands, <,.. St. Paul 81`ec`tr,ic Co., 77",R, 5.69 69.81 "St Paul Lime& Cement Co., 48.35 So Park Foundry;.& Machige Co., 8. 25, Tire''Repair Co., S�.52 Western Blectrie"Co., 17.33 Western S4p1Y Co., 2.05 i o a Sprinkling Fund:: _'Board of dater Commissioners, 59.18 Robinson, Cara & Sanded 32.47 ,.. Western Supply Co.', 7.07 TQLtal S 98.72 Pub. Comfort Station Bldg. Adam Deoker Hardware Co., 3.46 F. G. -Leslie. Co. Man$attan 011 &,Linseed Co., 7.20 1.21 N. W. Electric -Equipment Co., 25.61 ' T At33t.�`C"afnio .. a on a, Paving ;Depreciation T. L Blobd Co - T ; Board of . dater �OIDi61 88i0nBr Ppe;ai. . nattgr . 1, - Burne:kimber Co., � apeCip 1r oL;the poreona t a for •thy a,r<o,;� C,a ital.Cit Z,11IItbeTCO• p Y • l reepective n,met ie �fuBow,•,., 1 it _ Chain Belt; ;Coi`­. Adam Decker Hardware Co., ata Pur'posea;' oRtea—Eap;. _;i COls� Dear PO, Gr..egg� er . •51 86, Mey, t tamales. Printii Robinson Car Y&'Sand, ' ,T aey, , a6309. �•" . St ,Paul Boexndr-y Co. i eatoner ,Finan•- Western Supply Co.+,•• eller s OCice . T . 3O Total C porate i - - $60 Gen �.`^Fund i`rkC on.' . and , a Kirk Gen. Fund—Water. son, Cary I&Sands, •$4,1' Geh: Fund '➢ilea Sf� 'Browny=Tre cY �• Electrlo Blue P ? k Co, & GntY^Co 59.40. Genx,Niund.—Printeq;i t - - - - - B own,°.,"Treacy. &:9per Farnawonth C P R::F Line6;, 0 ply o ler Commtselonere. 522 .Co $1.40, $294; 'Huth & Co.:,,V BI Auto Company: •$ ;b.66; ➢frs ➢Eery Hpc Ste 1 Warehouse Co.,, Cosi $5.00,'81ese1' $4g.'45, h. Mald'eskYi',b Cto65'Cent CNation - 'Noyes 76 Cents; H G..Nea1T $1 "$116 36 North::. Bros &Cutler'_$ gger Co.,-51300;'Pltredr HaYme - - 1: �Co., 15.1 Cents; Alex Blce. $16.7 Light. Co $22069; ,St Co Norks; RS t lyui': t •- -5 COUNCIL FILE NO. By.- .... ...... 40 U 74 FINAL 'ORDER. In the Matter of wi.th cament._b1ocks to a width of eight feet the present sidewalk on the west side of South -b.eginning at Wood . street- - th-ence south.- -.5o.--feets ander Preliminary Order ..2.&G16............__......_._ .. ......... .. approved . ............ Intermediary Order . ..... ....... .... . . ........ ... approved .. ........... .... .. . ...... ......... __ .. .... ..... ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to bednVlak�hed?de�tjh,% R-IL-U"...Ji.�Luz4a...U.LYA:.tu��'. fee e pr&sent%iaewa on e wes si e o 0A Robert street, beginning at Wood street thence south....50 f-e-ist . . ........ .... . . L ............................ ..... ......... . ............ _ ....... ............. . ... ........ ... . ­ ............. .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED kRTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making .. I of said improvement in accor;�anceer.e.%%.u.... Adopted by the Council .. - I.. / Approved........_.. t. .- - ... ._.191 Councilman Far sworth Gos Ke l er mc,-oll A J ary ar Y Yo g Yo g Mayor Po rs Dr Po rE Form 11,S. A. 8-7 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT FINANCE COMMIS REPORT OF S'ONER OF FINANCE ,� (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Natter of —i. ....... .. . ....... ... . ............... ... ll 411� 12' . . ......... Z,/ . . ...... ... e Z-0-1'at- /u....a 4k, . ... ......... .......... ............ 4 ... .. ....... ............ ...... .. ....... ..... .............. ...... .... .............. ....... ....... ....... . ...... .............. ... ............ ...... .... ............... ....... .................. . . ... .............. ... ................... . .. .................. . ... ....... -- ----- ....... ...... ... I...._........ .... ...... .. ... .................... ........... ... . . ............ .. .. ..................... . .. . . . . ....... ...... ..... .. % underPreliminary Order oppra .... . ........... ... ........ ... I ...... ... . . . .......... .... ....... ........... ......... : .......... ...... ...... ...... To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is.... .... ....... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ......... lineal foot. . . ...... ....... ....... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .... ....... . Commissioner of Finance. I... .. S. A. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......2606............. approved ......._iJooember.,.,19„x............... 191... .., relative to ....................... .... . reoonstruatingt relaying and_._repairing_._with.._ cement...blocketo....a..,w dth.._ of eightfeet, thepresent sidewalk on the west aide of So. Robert Street ............................... ..._........................... .............................................. ............... .............. ................. ................................... .... -..................... ........................... ............. beginningat Wood Street,_._ thence s .. ..........................................................._............................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein; hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 'l. The estimated coat thereof m 53 per front Aget xxxx ..........._. an a total cost thereof is $ ................................................. and _.........._._. _. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ............ ............. ..................... ............................................. ............... ....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ......................................... ............... ............................ ............... _.._............................. ...................................... .............. ......................................................................... ... ... 5. Said' improvement is.nt ..................... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. p'✓ �C/ w Commissioner of ublie Works. COUNWL'FILE NO. By-.................... ........... --- ........... ....... . 29 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of COA81XV.9ting a.-coment. block...sidewalk to a--width-.©f- Six - the north q;Lde of let, fo?%johiine avenue thence JIVW9 elet, beginning 204.8feet west ............ . ..... . .... ............ . .. . ......... ........ ....... .... . ..... .................. ..... ... ....... * -- - - ............. - -..- ... ....... ..... -- ............... - . ....... . - under Preliminary Order .. approved ...AP.ril Und 19.15..... - .. - ... - . - Intermediary Order .......... approved .... .......... ........ .. ........................... .. .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to�jjpa,?,�y�%,ai�ffityis Og-1101.ru.ot %.cement -block sidewalk to- a wid th....of n e noi't 6 de of andolph street, beginning 204,8 feet west of Hemline avel�ue thence west 84.5 feet, . ...... .......... -- ..................... ........ .......... .... ........ . ........... . ......... . ............. ..... and the Council hereby orders -'said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance ewith. Adopted by the Council . . . ....... . .... ...... City rk. Approved ........ . . 191 Mayor, Councilman Fa i isworth On S Ke ler Me Coll Y ierg Mayor P( wers Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY CF,ST. PAUL DEPARTME FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of -Ca . ......... ....... ...... ... . ....... ............. . . . ............ ........ .............. ...... ............ ... . ... ........... ....... .. ......... .......... . . .. ......... . . ...................... . ... ...... .. ............... ....... ........ ... ... . ...... .............. .. .................. . .... ............... ...... ................... . . .. ............... ....... .................... ................ . . ....... ....... . . . ............ ........ ...... ...... .................. _D.. . ... ...... ................... ....... ... ...... ...... .. ....... . .. I ............... ... ....... ....... ...... .... . . ...... under Preliminary Order approved. .. .. ... .. . . . ........ . .... ....... ........... ......... .......... ...... ...... ...... .... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 01 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $_520 P - . 1 foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ....... . -- - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such I improvement, and the assessed valuation of cach&t or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 7 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .......... ..... . ......... -.12(—..�✓.............. Commissioner ofzwaoce. A. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ._Apr11..._?4_,........ ....... ..... 191... 5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 1§76 _.approved........_...._April 33.0 ..... ... ......... 191..._..5'.., relative to...._tk1.e............ ponetruotion._of_ a__cement.._ block.__ sidewalk to on the north,.._ ed4e..._of.._Randolph_._3t, beginning_ ?04.8 feet we_at of Hemline Ave. theno_@.._W8_.ot.....84.....5..._f e.et......_............... ........... _.............................. ....... ......................... .............................................. ............................ _.... _............ .............. _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........... _......... nrry and o desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._ ....... .....+_....,._........., nd he tal cos thereof is $...... , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................................................................................................................ 3. A plan, ,profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4. .......................................... _.... _............................... ......................... _..... .......... _..... .............. _..................... ....... ........... ..................... ........ ....... ............... ..........._................ ........ 5. Said improvement .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissions of Public or a. 4 COUNCIL FILE ......................... ... �/ By�z.........._..._..._.___.._ _.. ....`l�276 / FINAL ORDER. fe ttori�the north s de ofgUniversityba enue,�beginningawalk to aatidth Hamlinesavenue thence to Snelling avenue,_..exc_ept.i g.?�he.z.e._.good..and._.suffi.c.ient...c.ement.. block gid'ew82k$ now._eidiit, under Preliminary Order 453.4:.... ...... ___ _ _ ._....... approved March .37th, _1915--t. ............. Intermediary Order _........._........ ..... _.__ . .... _..._. _._ approved .._.____ __...............__ .._...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVEtth}D, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement ebgnaonbyth`anoTti edeeof Univereitytavenae,8beginnintoat Hemline avenue thence to nelling avenue, excepting where..good._andufficient_c_ement ....._....._._.. bToCk eidewalks�noW-eaiat, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeced with the making of said improvement in accordance t with. Adopted by the Council ........i.. / 191.-1 Approved .... _._/`._......__.._ _...., _...._ Councilman Far sworth Go s K ler M Coll erg Mayor P wers Porm B. S. A. 8.7 - . - CITY SL PAUL DEPARTMENN T bVVINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON RELIMINARY ORDER c2 --- 7 In the Matter of���d—`�— D-- �����/, sZ4—���--�1�-tl {� �• � (1 _.�1�� Cam/I yr�ccL, CSC -1t �g2!r2_--"7L-----�`—✓.ftf_f1�-- ---��1N1-- -- _7 Order --�— -� 7- --- ---� --/ ----- under Preliminary approved- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - 53 er $ l ineal--¢ p--- foot. The estimated cost per foot for thf above improvement is - - - - - $ -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits r for? such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last rdported by the Assessor, are hs follows: ,.: .. _ .-.. e—.. ... DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J0 L7 J� e7j ,Z J .7 o �" � / � ■11 �� FORM B.S.A. D -E A TOTAL... ,. .l. . . ._.�J -_— CITY OF ST. PAUL 9DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED , VALI,JATION aZu ;�uNdCuif.l��-99Gf�i���icy. . // .�✓ �7c G.. ,7o of zl' l2f oZ do IT /lk d", av _.. _ .. TOTAL. -. L CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OFIFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION al "0 64 v J' L) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report, thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--.----- 1-- ------ - ------- ... - - / Commissioner of Finance. To the Board of Public Works City of St.Paul, Minn.. IGentlemen:- We the undersigned aesidents and tax-payeWs !with property on University Avenue, between Hamline and Snelling Avenues, hereby respectfully petition your 'Honorable body to have a side -walk ordered constructed ion the North side of University Avenue between said 'Snelling and Hamline AvenueF-o 9 1915 R&A• ,, U OF EdGINEERS. ril ............................ .-................................... ........................ aaa_..:. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.... 423Oapproved._.............. Me3roh._a7.,x................191.5..., relative to._COnBtr}tCt— ing a cement block sidewalk to a width of 6 ft,.__._on___the_._north_._ side___ of__,__.,.,_.,,.. University ._Ave . beginning_. atHemline_._Av_e........hengeto,.._3ne1_l ng.._Ave.,...,...._exc_gpting where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ............. _.......... ......... _........_........_...._............................ _................... .................................__..................... _...... ................... .................. ..... ...... ............... ...... ......... ........... ...... ..... .... ......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 52¢ per front foot axxxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is$._ ..............................— and the total cost thereof is $............. ......................._...... ..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................................................................................................................... ......._..............._.................._...................._...................................._......._........_......_..._....................................._.._.............._....................................................................__....................._...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. ....................................................................................... ..._....... ............ .........................................................__................. 5. Said improvement is__.................... _..... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject' to assessment for said improvement. �/ Commission l of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. ..... .... .. .... By............. . ....... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Q-QAetrUQting..a Q.a.menti.s.1dow-ek-Lk to a-ffldtla of--OiX fe-0-1 AUes-.01 laa.s.=inv -8. tre el- f ro.m Cypxeaa... .0 t.r.e.e.t.-t-0 10-rl- Atr 0-0- t'.. under Preliminary Order 4229 . ..................... ........... ... ........ ........... - . ......... approved -:94:r9k.47th 1915.. IntermediaryOrder - ........... -- ..... ............ . ... .... ..... approved .......... . ......... . .. . . ...... .................. ..... . . . ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the pvise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is P9A@1K491- g_..�zAqe t s.idpwaik . to_.%, Width 0 feet on both sideB...af-I Cypx.eas street.. to....E&r.1 alreet-,_ ....0 ..A.$ . ine- ptree am ............. . .......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance "rewith. Adopted by the Council Approved Councilmat Mayo: Form B. S. A. 8-7 '/-- - ..' 191._ k —.J, — . CITY OF ST- PAUL ( r� f�'JF PARTMENT OF FINANbE REPOROOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE` F•. ON PREji!MINARY ORDER 1�- .. - -°� - ---151J....- t - ""----"""-------"�----�--�----------�-��---- -------------- uader"Prelimma"ry'Order approved -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �7 d all FORM B.S.A. S -OA TOTAL, -... .... ... .. V,.. ^. a �......�. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINA96F- - REPOR COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �1�► ' ON PRELIWMARY ORDER (C DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _7o 1-Z- /J� all z y °. 0 / The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to - him in reference to said/matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated — -- --- - _........... o Commissioner f Finance. FORM O.S.A. 8.8 C � 2 11-IJ12 ._ulutL_llQllE)X_kLu_L_u_._u I T, V _IJADU M I'L - --------- - ---- -- 3 --- -Gent lemen, We the u nde r s iZried, own.er.e__.,of__,p.x.o_pert_y _&butting__on_JezB.-tmin_& 6-pt—reet,both - aide.s., from C.ypxeaa street --to-Earl.- street,.do--hereby-.pe-ti.---..-;, 7'.t_i_o.n__ycur b,,,4nor.able_bady___to_ cause_a-aidewalk o-f-aement tile--aix-feet- qinwidth. to be laid—..on—the.-above streetbetween_-tha-poir—ta mentioned—, I T TAMES _.._,Addj_tian___ , --- ._,kddrers_. Rlk- 10 12 13 14 - -- ----- 17 aqlr�. Z 41v Af 10 19 41a 5 4 lea, 'Ilev t cooibuSS1014159 Of PUBLIC WORKS 25 ------- 26 HEHRY E. WEDELST EM CO. STXFONERS Sr. W... � 2 11-IJ12 ._ulutL_llQllE)X_kLu_L_u_._u I T, V _IJADU M I'L - --------- - ---- -- 3 --- -Gent lemen, We the u nde r s iZried, own.er.e__.,of__,p.x.o_pert_y _&butting__on_JezB.-tmin_& 6-pt—reet,both - aide.s., from C.ypxeaa street --to-Earl.- street,.do--hereby-.pe-ti.---..-;, 7'.t_i_o.n__ycur b,,,4nor.able_bady___to_ cause_a-aidewalk o-f-aement tile--aix-feet- qinwidth. to be laid—..on—the.-above streetbetween_-tha-poir—ta mentioned—, I T TAMES _.._,Addj_tian___ , --- ._,kddrers_. Rlk- 10 12 13 14 - -- ----- 17 aqlr�. Z 41v Af 10 19 41a 5 4 lea, 'Ilev t cooibuSS1014159 Of PUBLIC WORKS 25 ------- 26 M: ........................OTq .._14.r............. ..... ..... 191.A.- To 91.. 5. - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had . der consideration the preliminary order of the Coan- eil, known. as Council File No 4U ... .......... approved ........Max.0 1....3.7..............................191._5..., relative to ............................ . constructing a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on both .....................-......................................... _... sides of Jessamine St. from Cypress St. to Earl St. .................................................................... ..........................................._........................................................................................................................ . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement -ie necessary, a -00 dest'rallle 52� pen front'' Oot 2. The estimated coat thereof .s $ ...... ..... and the total cost thereof is $ ....._XXxxR , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ ................... .... ....... .......................... _....................... _................ ........_ rte p p p '�. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said im rove i ]tozr a at�d`and made apart hereof. ti ..__. t .. 5. Said improvement is... ......_ ...................asked for u�ori,} .tion oVVIt °ee or more owners of property, subject. v to assessment for said improvement. ....... v Commi iouer of Public Works. 0 COUNCIL FILE NO. By... ......... ..... f FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of -Constructing. a_.c.ement..b.lock_.-a.i.d.ew.alk..._to_._a.._wi.dth._o.f."elght feet on the south Bide of Summit avenue beginning at a point 220 feet o.f_ Way of the Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, under Preliminary Order 's968....._ ._......._: _..._......... approved March 5th... 1915._ ................ _....... Intermediary Order ._._....... _. ........... ..... ..__.. .........__. approved ._.... .... ...-."..__... .__........___... A public healing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..._Construct.__a___cement_ block sidewalk to a width of eight feet on the south side of Summit avenue beginning ata point 220feet west of Dunlap.._ street._ thence", west to....the bridge over the _right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and i4t.-Paul 'Railway, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accor7� Adopted by the Council�_ 191✓ , i _ vn, City rk. Approved _ S{i..... __ v._ _...... _ ._ ....., 19 Tn''the Matter of ipnsfe Mauctlagce� eat'-" y' rLeetkajtidthe 6ouLh�astda b2 Bum�U; Or. : Fd av,8dhe beglanldg at a yoipt z20 fA C west nt Duntal?' etreeL?the¢egr wesh� Councilman Fa nsworth r'tdAhe brldge;aver thkrlght of C7 Way `, . r ot:3ttbe Chlcago;; DTllwaukeeadd;St'� Pautt] Railway;=bunter ;Pe013m[aary ., Order 5908'appnbved Marchi0th TOTStf S ,A'=DuDlia fie6rlug fidving been had` 6 y I .npoq;ihe abovd,tmyrovementtuyon duo notice and tha,<Counctl tis4lag bestir K ler all peraone, `�obleetlona and`;ecatdmed datloae Qelative; thereto snd hB.viag coneldered:,ytha cam ;:. iheretatB, M Coll ba it r r3 Redotved By`.Lhe Counoh of the ACity t of St Paul that;tbe Dreclee'-aafu' teal ;and kind iof Improvement to tie maije' by the s¢[d C[ty Es, eq. grvoC,a o r}rent block yefdewaik Lo r'a wdthl;oT eight, Feet, on,%trie out¢ etd�e sa9um� Yc erg I mtt;avenve begtnntag aE;e pot zzo: feet.West 'of ;Dunlap ei:rect thegcef yvest;to thetbnidge over ttie rlgjrt.;'ob Mayor Po Cf5 way ?oL the' Chicago Mlly avkee and �' 6t.,,lsu1 x S1we5 and tYE Cou e1T heretiy ogd r eafd lmp4 vem nt k be Form B. S. A. 8.7 Q CITYPAUL DEPARTMOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the 7 'Matt . . ....... L .......... U 4 . .... ...... . . . ....... U, Ck .......... ... ....... ........... ...... .... ... ......... . ... . .. ........ ...... . ..... ........ .. ..... ...... I .. . . ........... ...... ........... ........ ..... ....... ......... . . .......... ............. ....... . . ... ........ ......... I ..... ........... ...... .... ... . . ....... ..... .... ....... ...... ......... .... ......... ........ I ...... . ..... . ................ ......... ..... . .. . ............... ...... I . ............ ... .. ........... I ....... ..... .. .... ... . ..... ....................... ............... ......... ...... . ...... .................. ...... . . . . .......... ........................ . .......... ........... . .......... ........ ................. ........................ . ... ...... . . ....... ....... ........... ................ ...... ...... ... . ...... . ............... .. -- . ........................ ....... ... ... *--",*-"* ... .... .. ........... .. .... .... under Preliminary Order approved ... ..... .. .... ............ JA..— ..... ........ . .... ....... .......... .................... ...... To the Council of the City Of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ................ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK $ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /0 iM41k 0 1i f(d 4( -If cell d ex zf AI Z .7 9, TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .... ....... ...... 191 Commissioner of Finance. FoRm a. a. A. 0-6 D IoM:., nl, 1815 C .. tr,45S/OiJ�R UO So S St. Paul, iTinn., March 3, 1915. Hon. 'd.N. Goss, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. rear Sir; - As stated to you some time ago during our conversation while in one of the pity Hall corridors, I would appreciate it if you would have a resolution introduced in the Council pro- s viding for the laying of a cement sidewalk on the south side of Summit avenue, between T)unlay0street and the bridge over the C.M. & St. P. By. role right of way, except where there are now good and sufficisnt sidewalks. 1rery t y yours, ,; :• �: MAR b ° 1915 f BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April ....14.! ......................181.. 5.: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coon- cil, known as Council File No_......_ ANA .........approved ........... ............._M>5�..._5.a................ 1915.....' relative to...CQ.A@I.X'tzat- ing cement block sidwalk to a width of 8 ft. on the south side of Summit. Ave. _ .... ......... _... _._..........................................._...................................................... _..............................................................................................................................................-................I... beginning at a point 220!.ft. west of Dunlap St., thence west to the bridge ............... _.... _............................................................................................ .................................... ............... .............................................................. ...... ......................... ............................... _..... over the right of way of the Chicago, Milwq>akee & St. Paul Railway. ................ _..................... .... _........................ ...................... .............. _.................... _...... ............. _....... _............................ ..................................................................... ............ .......... .................._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2¢ per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereo�is$._................................ _. and the total cost thereof is $. ............ X.XXx...... ......... ., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ ...................... _...................................................... .................................... ..... ................................. ....................................... ..... _........................... _.......................... _........ ............. .......................... ............................... ..................... ................................. ._......................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. } ................. _.............. ,......... _.. ...._........ ...._c.: .... :.:.._........ _...... _.......................__......_..................................... 5. Said improvement is ?lt .....asked foi itpen petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement a y r ........ ............ .......... __... ........ ...... ...... ._. ................... ......................... 411 Commissioner o Public Works. _. t a COUNCIL FILE NO. By. ....... ....... . ..... FINAL ORDER. In tWat of ....net -1,, -,in a.,wilth venae -89-hoto sou ae n ng it,s, 14,tiailawalt �o. the ?asnary r e eg nn ng a yn ca e avenue Griggs street, .... ...... - ....... . . . . ................ .............. .............. . .... ..... ..... .. . under Preliminary Order . ........... approved -Apri.1 22 dJ.19, --P 11 - -- . .....15.................. Intermediary Order . ............. .. - approved ..... ......... - .. ............ . .... .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .. QQAQ-trwl A gment. to... a widlh-pf -0x-.fee.t on the south side of Seminary street beginning at Syndicate avenue thence t G. -Griggs. -S treat . ... .... ......... .. . . .. .. ...... ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance rewith. Adopted by the Council 191 Approved161'1�2- - 11 -4- .1. .- . Councilman Answorlb. G s C3 s K er K M oll e r 0 0, a Yo rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. Pt U DEPARTMENT OF F�NkACE REPORT OF COMMIS$IONER OF FINANC ON PR'-UIMINARY ORDER W. 71-i A-- tl '4 In the Matter of , , ". - � .............................. . ..................................................................................................... .. - -------------- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------ - --- - - --- - ---------- - ---------------- --- - --------- under Preliminary Order approved ...................... -------- ---------- - - - ----- ------- . ..... ....... . .............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is x)e --11n9-aA.- foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .7.1 J`- /0 d, a "iLY"JA all 'Ztik TOTAL, - CITY OF ST. PAUL �y DEPARTMENT OF FIRIAA, " ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ON PRELII (NARY ORDER .DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J- C- /0 /° h) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated----- ----- ----- .._...._191- ` Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. E-! C 11. R. I[QIDLLIDR • \Vlt. d BIIIDLi.IDR� U. P. BQIDLLIDR a zELLER LhALTr' 001 • w� REAL ESTATE, RENTALS AND EXCHANGES . MIDMDIDRB Oli' TAID RID�L BBTATID IDSCBANOID Ol2$18 �IDRD[ANIA LIaID HQILDIND - J � OITY BIDAL IDBTATID I;E`r7UVED 7❑ffa8'ARlt LANDB OAAID OS PROPIDRTS' � .fW14,0CIm!", NBQRANCID LOANP - P,.orcs. Tm-Br rs n454 0 IONEER BLDG. ST. PAUL, MINN.. April 17-15. To The Honorable Council, of The City of St.Paul. Gentlemen:— We hereby make earnest petition that cement walk be imr.edliately placed on the south side of Seminary Street, connecting our homes with the sidev;alk at corner Syndicate and Seminary, that it be laid from Syndiatte to Street, as at present, we have no other ingress or egress except through mud which makes it very ineonvanient especially with our children. — Very Reorectfully, Office -of the Cora issionei of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ...................... April....a4........ ........................ 1915 t To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 4.577 ...............:approved.................. APT i1Z3 ... .,..................191.._r�., relative to.... the construction of a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on the _.-._......._........_._...................:....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... south...:side..._of..._ Semine,ry,.St.,...._beg nning.,.at..._Synd crate...,_St,,...,...._theno.e.....to....................... Gri.ss..._St... .................. _........... ............................. _.......................... .................................... _.............. ...................................................._........................._........................ and having investigated the matters and things referred, to therein, hereby r orts: 1. Said improvement is_............_ ........ necear an or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........._xXxx... -, an tots cost the of is �......_xx X ............., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................... .......................... ................................................................ _.............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more mvners-af property, subject to assessment for said improvement. n ................. .. .......... ... ....... - .......... .............. ......... /y Commissioner Public Works F No - b289—Ordirianca No X49$--1 '; "$y Henry 1tfeColl r fi,,y Mt ordipance p e o>.�ibttin�tho use of }� .y. 811¢df g 'or D ling Headlights on - ,' ./sem► gehicte,Ops Syed on Pnbllc High t`4 }- This bl at`r for y e dl¢ea a ren 1 '�• dered ngcessafy- forthpreservptlo¢ of the pitbllc peace, health and a 1,at ` The Council of the City of -5t. does ordain:SECT16N 1. It hall be unlawff.1 for any person ` '.op ung a y automobile, m tarevnle V .ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE USE- OF as other vehicle, while operailag the LINDING OR DAZZLING HEADLIG S ON me upon the public streets, high- {� -ays, parks or parkways within the CHICLES OPERATED .ON 0 HIGHWAYS. ` > city, to use any acetylene, elect rle o ther bight headlights, v *�+ -T _ - IIllght tr '�^ays from hick her Il•. tensiae qny parab Ilc o� 1 g le -t t of the ! mea radiolis an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for peer tb'e preservation of the ,public peaoa health -and safety. � Seotion:l.. ItUehall be unlawAil for any person operating any auto- mobiles motorcycle or other vehicle, while operating the same up- on the public streets, highways, parks or parkways.within the city, to use any acetylene; electric or other bright headlights`, or .any headlight the raye from which shall be intensified by any•; 6 � parabolie,or condensing lens in front of th§`'light, unless such' t., hei�ght- shall be shaded, or dimmed "ego as not to blind or dazzle other.usere of the highways, or make it diPYicult.or unsafe, for t2iem tro ride, drive, user - or walk thereon. Section 9. 'y No detached or dirigible spot light or searchlight meq be used while"driving nor directed upon or aoross any public high wap a wept in the case of vehicles used �y or in the service of the city. Section ,4 No colored light shall be located on a motor vahiale so t; that the same shall be visible from the front of such vehicle. Section 4. This ordinanoe shall. not apply to street cars on to vehi- oleo used owned or operated by the City - of the provisions 9eation 5. Any person violating any of this ordin,' anus shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than ten dol',- lure for each offense; and each days violation shall be regarded constittting a epparate offense. Section fi. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and shell be is force immediately after its passage and publication." _ � Final Adoption NfY "19u; Co tcilmen (d) ' by the Coune' /... I 191 � I.. laver la lteadinl� _ °' ✓ h�Ile 2n1 l91 r 41cCr,11 / Again' ' /wry �-��✓ gnesr. _ MAYOR 191,( �Yoerg -1OHN 1. FARICY, 3rd -"--- (' � pUBLISI�.�---�^'�� City CIer4. ,_j Date Pau lted ._ 19 Mr. PrA. /,lent. Powers 40 An ordinance providing for the planting, care, removal, trimming and treatment of trees bordering public highways, by the Commissioner of Parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings, and assess- ing the cost thereof to abutting property.. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and s,fety. THE COUNCIL OF Tlik CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and empowered to take charge { and control, through the City Forester, of a.11 trees bordering any public highway or on any part of such highway, and of the planting, care, removal, trimming, and treatment of such trees when diseased. 1j1j Section 2. That it is hereby made the duty of the City j Forester to make investigation and report in writing from time to time to the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings such trees bordering highways as need care, removal, trimming or treatment, giving in such report a description by lot and block of the abutting property, and the said Commissioner, in case he is of the opinion that such trees are in need of care, shall ;ake and file in his office an order in writing directing the City Forester to assume charge, direction and control of :such trees, and upon the making and filing of such order, the City Forester shall be authorized and required tojive such trees the necessary care and supervision. Section 3. The cost of such planting, care, removal, trim- ming, treatment and supervision shall be assessed to the abutting property. The City Forester shall keep and file with the said Com- missioner a true and accurate account of the cost of caring for and supervising the said trees which have been placed under his charge, and the said Commissioner shall, on or before the fifteenth day of October of each year, submit to the Council an assessment roll, in which shall be set out the name of each piece or parcel of land proposed to be assessed, a description of such land, and opposite each lot or parcel of land taken care,of, its proportionate cost of the care of the trees in front thereof for that year. The said roll i :.g. shall be deemed and considered a proposed assessment, and the Council shall, upon submission thereof, consider the same, and if the said assessment is made satisfactory to the Council, it C F. 5281—Ordinance No. 3498— A, ordinance providing for the plant. approve said assessment as the assessment for takin Ing, care, removal, trimming and treatment of trees borderin public highways. by the Commissioner of trees in front of the property therein described fo Park., arkBuildngsPlaydrou sensinand t„ePublic thereof to abutting property. co year, and direct the City Clerk to certify the sameThis Is an emergency ordinance ren. dered necessary for the preservation of the publigpeace, health and safety. Auditor of Ramsey County for extensi ;n on the tax r The Council of the City of St Paul does .,data. ed in the same mann, r as other taxes. SECTION 1. That the Commissioner of Parks. 'playgroundsnd Public Buildings is Section 4. The cost of such planting, care thereby authorized and empowered to take charge and control, through the City Forester, of all trees bordering p public highway or on any part of, ming, treatment and supervision of trees sina.11, In t such highway, and of the planting. ern--. trimming and treat - e mnt of such trees when trimming be met and borne out of the Forestry Revolving Accou,, SECTION 2. That It Is hereby made the duty of Fund, and all moneys received through assessmen.s, the Cltyy F r stern to writing eumsttigs.- to time for the Commissioner of Parks, ,Playgrounds and Public Buildings such sources for the care of trees, as provided ir: this Ireesborderinghighways asneed care. sal, trimming or treatment, giving In such report a description by lot and be credited to said fund. block f the butting property, and the said Commissioner, In case he to of the opinion that such trees are in need of care, shall make and file In his office Section 5. This is an emergency ordinance an order in writing directing the City Forester to assume charge, direction and control of such treets, and upon the,making and filin of such order, the for the preservation of the public peace, health, a ClForester shame authorized and required to give such trees the Pete.- t ,try are and supervision. Section G. This ordinance shall take effec SECTION 3. The cost of such planting, are, re - thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. nova'. trim al ng. treatment and super- •Fsion hall be sed to the abutting .property. The City 'Forester shall 6 t. . � � 6:+ t •fr. ion e,aadtruee n"Idth ethe,aie idcco n[ Iof the cost of caring forandsupervising t• %""fi9• ��� the said trees which have been placed ' ""`= 013 iS15 under his charge. and the said Com- " z /P ss_'d by trte Council ` mlaaloner shall, n or before the fif-teenth day of October of each year, .submit to the Council an assessment poll. In which shall be act o Lathe n ��: •/�5`-"�....;Y.."..t,..3.,-�.��c.s:-+=--. ,�..Gt 1,% "^'� �, J •,-""'/a of each Piecessr Parcel oP land Proe posed to he assessed. a description of Yeas, Nays, such lana, and opposite car, each lo[ 'portio f lana taken c of its pros Int•[iona[e cost of the care of the trees In front thereof for that year. The aid roll shall be deemed and c sid- flr. F nsworth area a p,.P„aup assessment, and the Counell 088 consider st helsnm carina iPa the solar ma int Is ntitde satisfactory to thee.. � Coutneil. It shall by ceolution up- �'Keller prove said assessmentt:a the assess- . •..t for tatting cof�set d trees in front of the property therein described for that particular year, and direct the i/MCCO11 city stark [o 'ert fy Rothe somas to the Count- kp,t. r of Bathes County ba eft en sion o, the tan rolls to be col- lected 7n the same inns s other t ash ares. SECTION 4. The cost df such Planting. care, re - Ir g, t,eatment and super: of trees shall. In the first in- tamee. be met . nd. borne out f the Mr President (Mowers) Appro d Forestry itch Ssi,g Account rce. of [he Park Fund, and alt mone)'s.teceii'rd thrn ugh ,s. .. vents. r from other . sids for the care of of rees. s pro- ed cin this o llnanee, shall be cred- Nays, 0. % F tied to said fond. 'rhi,C� 6,-d necessary is essnry foreIli, preservatioordinance n of Clark n48y0 the ptotic peace. health and safety. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (20) days after Its .passage and publication. Pased by the Council June 23, 1915. 1•eas--.lfesers. Farnsworth. Goes, N.1ler,McColl, Nash, Mr. President e ) t Powrs)-0. Vass -0. .approved June 23. 1915. WINN POWERS. Mayor. Attest: JOHN I. FARICY. CI Cty Clerk. j fJune ) _ y. shall be deemed and considered a proposed assessment, and the Council shall, upon submission thereof, consider the same, and if the said assessment is made satisfactory to the Council, it shall bresolution approve said assessment as the assessment for taking care of said e trees in front of the property therein described for that particular -baso year, and direct the City Clerk to certify the same to the County of v. Auditor of Ramsey County for extensi)n on the tax rolls to be collect- ram ed in the same mann,r as other taxes. Section 4. The cost of such planting, care, removal, trim- ming, treatment and supervision of trees shall, in the first instance, s be met and borne out: of the Forestry Revolving Account of the Park Fund, and all moneys received throur3h assessimen.s, o -r from other sources for the care of trees, as provided in this ordinance, shall be credited to said fund. r . Section 5. This is an emergency ordinance rendered ned." for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. �- r< Vwk `"Section G. This ordinance shall take effect and beA IN fr 42. thirty (30) days after its passage and publication's ,�j � �< ✓:e'��y�`-�+�'--.-..few._ a �� Fad z xa}oe�+ii �... JUN ''� 1815 aaz P � yU; ' ;ae 3 ,..� Passed by t}te Council '=�oq} c Fin .......... ( Y; Yeas, Nays, Ptr. F nsworth �Iuoss ,'Keller /✓PdcColl A4ash MrPresident (Powers) Nays, 0.� F Q cy Clerk, ... i 1 I J 1 App ro d (e 1915 d /LGiic�(, Mayor. .An ordinance providing for the planting, care, removal, trimming and treatment of Uses bordering public highwa s, by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildin s, and assess- ing the cost thereof to abutting property, i THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES AIH: Section 1. That the Commission of Par e, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized d empowe ad,�upon the presenta- tion of a petition of any owner or o ere of pr party abutting upon any public highway to take charge d control, through the City or "- Forester, of all trees daring a ah public ighway, and of any part t#sarsof, and of thsix planti g, care, r oval, trimming, and treatment when diseased. n Section 3. The said p tition shall bin,signed by the owner of the property, and shall des ribs the same by lot and block. Upon receipt Of said petition; the said Commissio er shall investigate the ownership of the propertyjdesoribed the in, and if he is satis- fied that the persons signing said petition are the owners of the property therein.described, d that the si atures to the petition are genuine; he may assume t e care and sup rvision of the trees bordering the highway abutti on said land Section 3. The cost of such plant ng, care, removal, trim- ming, treatment and supervise n shall be as eased to the abutting property. The said Commissio`er shall file away all petitions re- ceived, and shall keep a true And accurate count of the cost of oaring for and supervising the laid trees which he has assumed charge, and shall, on or before the 15th d y of October of each year, submit to the Council an assessment roll in which shall be set out the name of the owner of each pieoe or paroL of land proposed to be assessed, a description of such land, and opposite each lot or parcel of land taken care of, its proportionate cost of the care of the trees in front thereof for that year. The eaidroll shall be deemed and considered a proposed assessment, and the Council shall, upon submission thereof, consider the same, and if the said assessment is made satisfactory to the Council, it shall by resolution apprbv@ said assessment as the assessment for taking care of said trees in'`front of the property therein described for that particular year, and direct the City Clerk to certify the same to the County Auditor of Ramsey County for extension on the tax rolls to be collected in the same manner as other taxes;(provided, that the owner of any lot of land subject to assessment for the care of trees in front thereof may,.in any year previous to the first day of October, obtain from the Com missioner a statement of the proportionate cost of caring for the trees in front of said property for that year, and make payment of said coat to the Commissioner of Finance before October 15th, and h C t:; in that case land for which payment has been made shall be omitted;; from said assessment roll,.) Section 4. The cost of such planting, care, removal, trim- ming, treatment and supervision of trees shall, in the first instance, be met and borne out of the Forestry Revolving Account of the Park Fund, and all moneys received through assessments, or from other sources for the care of trees, as provided in this ordinance, shall "< be credited to said fund. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force; thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council 1915. Yeas Hays Mr. Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Hash Yoerg Hays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) Approved 1915. i Mayor. OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK June 16th,1915. Hon. Louis Plash, Cosmr. of P -irks, City of St Paul, IA Dear Sir: - Attached C. F. 5281, . an ordinance providing for the trimning and treatment of trees on public highways, Was laiQ over for one week by the Council, at its meeting hold this date, <uld roferroa to you to be taken up with Corporation Counsel, 0-H.Moill. To be reported back to Council one 23rd,1915. Yours truly, City Cler::. i r c"� s }'3wY•.,r"�"'�'«-.��,ys`�'? 'x.`x�„a�Sd `kh � _s cf G� SSL CITY OP ST. PAUL gg° COON IL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM15 ` Sub)ect( .................. ................... ..... } COUNCIL � ' f �5 t•�i FILE NO......... 5. ./ - • y ' Date Presented .... 191.... Resolved, That the resolution heretofore passed and approved, ordering the Purchasing Agent to advertise for bids for constructing an addition to the Gaultier Sohool, is hereby repealed. Resolved further, that in the opinion of the Council, the construction of said addition can be done more advantageously and, economically by force account, and the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to .hire the necessary labor and procure the necessary material, and construct said addition to said school by force account. _ �d21 opLed tly the Counetl Sune�2�`19�6 II Approved Juno 3 191b ..h ,, � (June 6 1816) Yeas (✓) en (✓) Nays ��N _2 Adopted by the Council .............................. . 191........ I worth _............ In favor // ` r Approved.. ......t9...� 3 ..........191.x..... oll Against Mr. PresiPowers n: .... ................................ MAYOR FORM. C.0 Resolved, Whereas: Mrs. R. Gierols has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars, as an advance payment for a sewer on Lot 16, Block 6, Fastville Heights, and whereas the assess- ment for the construction of the sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Twenty-nine & 84/100 ('29.84) Dollars. Therefore, be it Resolved; That the sum of Twenty & 16/100 ($20.16) Dollars, be refunded to the said Mrs. R. Gierols, and that the proper City Officers be, and they are hereby authorised to draw a warrant in favor of the said Mrs. R. Gierols, for said stun,payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. Yeas (VtFarth en (P) Nays __.In favor Against Mr. Presrs ., Adopted by the Council- -2 a 591 _ Approved _ . _b - - _ 191 J _ - MAYOR 52,85 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ n Subject .. PURCHASE..OF.....100.0....DEPR$E.....FUM1GAT01tb - NU .t 2. ' COUNCIL .. FILE NO ................. .. Date Presented -June .-.lst-1b,,I91.......... A That the Purchasing Agent, with the written consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchase in the open market, 1,000 DePree Fumigators No. 2, at a price of 10je each, total $100.00, chargeable to the Department mf Public Safety, Health Fund -Quarantine -M. & R. Account, from the DePree F Chemical Company, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be obtained by competitive bids. t C P:`Np 6286=BY Henry C011 *'� 'ROgolved T)w xhe ,Xurchahthel tha"writt con ent y1 the'. /•J(v �Ydr and Comptron le :hereby ��� ./� i P thorized to Dur ha a in tho'opgn mar V L / ket;1000 DeRrea Fumigators Not 2 at� e prg of 10 the anch total E 00' /� chargea"l Ie to the Aepar['Q A q1 Pub t lfc Snfeky H nith Fund- Quarantine— �• Y�y M,'.&R.Account Lqm"the DeP;ee !jj Chemical ComUa }as,.ttlls is a pat no advanta6e ented artiele,and an 17e obtained by.compettttve bide Adoated by,_[h0 C unc1l June 1016: Sys JUN -% iy15 Yeas (V)Cou cilmen (Y) Adopted by the Council r s Orth �. Go — - Approved ._ In favorAgainst Nas - «� -— r. pre r11 at, Owers _ Nwron .2 FORM C.8 CITY OF ST., PAUL FJ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM, Subject One 5 passenger 9ro tpuxin ar COUNCIL .FILE NO .. ..... ..... ' 4. June 2nd 5 Date Presented —191.......__ t F Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent, with the written consentof the Mayor and Comptroller, is„hereby authorized to purchase in the open market, 1 � 5 passenger Ford touring car, total $ 522.40 chargeabb to the Department of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, Public Playgrounds Fund, Maintenance Account, from the Ford Motor • Company, as this is a patented article and no advantage oan-be obtained by competitive bids. APPROVED: COMPTROIJ,ER C. � Tl No. 5286—B:` LOW., "Reaolwed­ That ' the Purchasing� - - .- Agent rwlth the written coanent of 'the;, Mayor a d-Comptr .:Ss h reby%au taerin d to "purchnse I r the' open mar icer , 6 p 0,' Cha a Roca tou ing car .{{11 ;tutnl $622.4Q;cha geable;to thePepsrt ment oY Parka Playground and'Pub; III Buildings Publlo- Playgrounds' , , o d ' 1otdr;eno ce A .s. tht from t;tha .phte Moto loGa nny:'ae th1 ie a, at:,� eared article -and no dOnntnge can ba otitnitted by competitive bide .AdoPtedlby. th C nncll Juaei2 19X6;;1 _ Ayprov drJune 4 1916 ,�(Junpb X910 y, _� Yeas (V) Co ilinen (Y) Nays n Adopted by the Council �� '-°Z �q,15 191 ,A13 Worth o ----.._In favor er IC LAp oil _.__-.Against Nash rg - Mr.-Presi Powers l/ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 10 40 Inserting Valves and Sleeves: SubjeSubject;- ...... _ ....................... _ COUNCILt� C ct*..—.--..--. . 4 So s M FILE NO ........ ........ i Date Presented -June ...'.......... -191-.g...... Resolved, That the purchasing Agent, with the written consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchase in the open market, 10 - 4" Inserting Valves and Sleeves,and 4 - 8" Inserting Valves and Sleeves, total $ 480.00, chargeable to the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water, from the A.P.Smith Mfg. Co., Bast Orange, N.J., as these are patented articles and no advantage can be obtained by competitive bide. A ^� C':, No 6287 By O E ReYle +� V' i � /✓ `' /� g eaolved n o �'lhaonee' the P, chaeing� (/moi �tT 111 ent' Ith th w Ittent oY tho rr 1` ayor. and Compt oller is hereby au tho 1zed top r hose In uta..P n mar ket 10 4 I se ting Valves and Sle ye'e i and # 8 Ines ti g Valy@e and Sleeve9 [� elf total $480 00 chnrfienUae to tfie Depart ,� n, ment of Public Uftltttos Bu eau oY Was i . ,.,y ter, Prom th A. P ,4, mlth Mfg Cp IuJ �Daet Orn ge N:. �7 he th'bae a e pat a `ented-.n tl le and d ndvAntage caril S '� be btitaiped by, c6mpetltlye"bidA s l Adopted b'v Khe,+iCo noj:1 Tun 2 181b ,� APprovod yeas (V) Co u en (P) Nays F orth In favor 1 ___.___Against Nash o g Mr. P sldenr Owers , Fonm c.8.2 JUN —2 lb 15 Adopted by the Council _-__—.__ ._— —191 Approved _ 191 S- ___ MAYOR — _— COUNCIL FILE NO... .... .... ..._ __.._......._ .._ By ._...._ .... ..... _... _ .... ..........._._...:_..._..._ _.. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.. Co.APt.ruc_ting. a__c.a.men.t_block ....a.id.ewalk....to.. a....w1dth--of.-.-six-... feet on both sides of Cretin avenue from Summit avenue to Grand avenue, _ ...... _.... .... _............... ....__............. ...... .......... __....._......._....._.. _....... _..............._..._....... .... ......._......... ........ ...................... ............ _..... ................. _............. . ........... nnderPreliminary Order ._.._4..3..06........._......_._____ ...... _............. approved .._Maro.h_ 85th,.__1915..._-.... _......... ..... - IntermediaOrder approved ..__..... .... _......................... __. __.... ......_..................... ._...._.._.._._... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ._Con_etruct_a,_oeptezt.t...blO..ak _sidew.alk..._t_o _a.._w.idth.....of.__six feet on both sides of Cretin avenue from Summit avenue to Grand avenue, _ ............ _........ ... ... ........ ....__..._...... _.......... ....... ...... __._...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to.tW Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JUN —2 1"S 191..... Adopted by the Council ........._ ............._._.............. _..... ....._.:_... ___ .._. Com, Ci Clerk. Approved ........ _......... .fD _.. 191...... _ .............._....._...... Mayor. Councilman F nsworth G ss Her � ccoil " oerg Mayor Owers Form B. S. A. 8-7 0 CITYOF PAUL PARTMEA DEF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS510NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - Af Ia the 'Matter of �1c%%��C./.'.. Gf ...... _..... r/....✓...: (fl.... ::�..�.......... _........... ..... ... ........... ........ -..___............... .... ..... ............... ..... ...... _._ .... ...... I ......... .._...... ......... _...._.., -.......... _ ....... ........_ ...._ .......__........................._................ --- ..........._....._.. �_._-•- uaduPrdiminaryOrduapproved ....,��G�!/..v.�-�i!.......—.__.___`.-I(../tj.......... .... ....... .......... ................... ........ ...... ...... .... .� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: a The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ rJa ....P_ X.._.1,1neal. foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - -$....__._._.........................:_ ..._ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �G all, 0 C,i`2r am a•��,` ,a,/rr,u���� cr��.f �o% -.. TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report Dade to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated................__ ......._.. __L.l_..../.._...................... Cammissioner of Finance. roar e. e. w. a•e o FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of...PPAA1 Pting 4 cement block to....a w.1d:th of_.AAX.. feet on the south ...si.d....e.... .o. .f.......Lincoln. ...a....v.... a f Qm.LqXAAgt*A avenue..,.to. pqpAgp ...s,treet, under Preliminary Order 3064 ...­ ­ ­..._ .. approved IntermediaryOrder .... ...... ... ... .... ...................... _ approved .... ..... . . .............. .. ... .......... ............ . . ... ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons-, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made bythe said City is PpAqtruct ...a ....c.e..ment. block..Pldew.Alk to­a...w1.d1h of sliX feet on the south side of Lincoln ave Lr.QM. L:%Xingtop 4V t.Q rest ............................... side._ ....... . _Lincoln .... . .. .......................... . . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby 4tructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said �appov al, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......... . . . I Approved .............. . .. ( . .. .. ._......-3. ., -1 191: CouncHman ar worth oss ellr F's ell MCC 11 Q I IT_ - Yocr Mayor Powe For. B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE/% ON PRELIMINARY ORDER/ In the Matter qf_:.._.i/_'i��'L/�1.f.'_��LL�4......._l-L_._�f�!G1�1�%....::11'�i/..........::li( � ........_._../u.._.....C(.......:4S�.L.—�.�.__. LIC�u � t..._-cf ✓ 21 mt.`......La..-.......1. /�1. r. ..0 %_.....c?/err. ........ ..................... ._... ........... ........... ..... .................. _.- A ...._.._._._._...__..__....._._....... _....... _._ ...._. _.__ ....................l..._ ..... .... ... under Preliminary Order approved. ............ ................ ....... .._ ..........__...-....__._.........._..................... _........... _-... ... ...... ... ---- .......... ........................................ - To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above, improvement is - - - ;;._52¢...p q...lineaI foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ••••••.•-••.............. •.•.• -••- .-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION . 0 y17 /.7.7Ao 7 1— O .:+�� J �f� /S,Z O.. J� all all TOTAL. J .. -. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the /Co/mmissionerof Public Works. Dated._............_ .. 7_-.....__191_�!/_.....vLl�-�././�.... ..... ....._. ...... Fin— . Commissioner of Finance. IOBM B. s• A. O.0 O - - � - A. N'. CNOAN f(NIf� TRIETATF. Rii6 i YI<F.D E. JOHABTON ur1R1i Q- T(DUIVWrfl-N 84. ruu.L, A.LLUl• 81tl li.PlLLU,lalz. , To The Honorable Council of St.Paul� Minamsota. Gentlemen,— The undersigned owners of pafoperty Lots 1 to 14 inclusive, Block b Maasmn and Simontonts addition to St.Paul. This property is situated r .. ed on the south side of Lincoln Ave., between Essington & Dunl ap We hereby petition your honorable body to have the cement walk laid in this entire block. y� i I �0- 5290 COUNCM FILE SO --- FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ..-Con.sIruc.ting with q.gpent, blo ks ..... . to a width of six feet .. -C 11 ..... s1 on the X 1 21 of Como avenue, beginning at Capitol O.0 fid of .gulh lide . ......... .... . ............... .... .................. ..... ....... . ..... .13.12..._ on the W-0 . . ... .0.0, .0 . ............... under Preliminary Order .319.4.... approved .._December 16th .. ........ 1914.�- 11termediary Order ..:! ................... - ........ .... ..................... approved ...... ........ - ...... .......... I . ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having .heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Mpn.t bXQqXp_tp.,.a width of six feet a sidewalk on6-tt%6 South side of Como avenue, beginning at Capitol .......... ....... ... .... .. ........ .. .................. soulevard thenas .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and. he is hereby instructed and di. rested to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ... ............ .. .. ...... 191 .. . .. . ................. . ........ ( -3 Approved ........... �� -- 191 - Councilman Fa i nsworth G Ke ter M oll erg Y er Mayor fzr�' Form B. S. A. 8-7 -- CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF,=IgANCE REPORT OF COMMI``SSION'ER OF FINANCE ON PRELit�'INARY ORDER In the Matter ofYll:'1_� %:ll'lzZLp. .dy..L°f/1il.�..!��[.O.fL�a../..G....�C...sf%.lGl� ..O.k�l..,or2.l11 _.. �1.--- ,l1,iA���l��._CGaa......�L.._ r.......... ....... _—............. ..-.....a.:�._.._tl_....._:.__.......... .......... under Preliminary Order approved....... . To the Council of the City of St. Pau& The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_53¢ QeT liIIeal • The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $_._.._....__ foot. ................._._.___ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION, ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. // The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits �he foregoing as his report thereon° to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ... ....... . (,_��._..._.._..191.�� 0 ,...:_. _....................._.....-._ ..- ..._ / Commissioner of Finance. IORN e. B. A. B•n O s a _ COUNCIL FILE NO .... -I-11 By................ ...... ... .... .... *- .......... .... . . 5291 FINAL ORDER. In I the fatter of C o n-.s,,t Z1 i� o ting a. cement block aldewaAk to a W.11th 0.f.-alx feet a north ld I rel yegand Simpso4 ,�afc t betwien tsburyavyn 1Tan on a :oulhofs a of Lapon street be wean ne n avenue and mpson---&V0n-dSrj-.-.- I .............. - - - .. -..- under Preliminary Order......3`x.99approved JAAUAZY--19tih,.-. -41AIt - - ----- Intermediary Order .. . ..... . . ... .......... .... ......... — approved .. . ... ..... ..... ... . .. ......... -- - :-, , - --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement uporf due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement tobe made by the said City is.-.CQT1Q-tXU.Q-:t a-zamamt block Bidaw&lk to a. W.Adth- of- Six feet on t a noith aid fkafo?d sPreat �etwiegsksbury avenue and eSim avenue an g on he South's a L 8 apsoa A� rpv. . t7keen -no .. ng av-pq 44 — - --------- .. .. .. . ............ QA and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council =2 1.1`.15._._._._...._.., 191 Approved ................. Councilrnan/Farns worth rn I Goss Kelle MCC 11 —&-- � Y- Yoerl Mayor Powe s Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OP. ST. PAUL* DEPARTMENT OF FINANA �REPORT.OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM F'QARY ORDER In the Matter of.ki/ 4 —�.... it L_=VC jldL_17 under Preliminary Order approved — --4.?_ /—L/ _------------�fl�------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: / The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $_520 per- lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot Orparcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION -6 .7 Z S zo S i �o �i G `i d e1/a FORM B.S.A. B -D A TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL .yy�� $ DEPARTMENT OF FINAI k -t ''. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -� + ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER - !- I ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION NZ N5 .The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to, the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works./ - Dialed -- 1-- -191. fiS/.........._. - ...... - ------------- C. omissiof Finance. roH B.B.A. 8.8 C JAN 2,li9i� BUREAU OF ENG11MRS, ^C ,poste or ,•Fu d Ol on-Boettger Electric Co.. -$216 00 '"-- ' Adopted..bY the Ccunctt lune 2„ 1915. ::•Approved June 3,5 191b) Corporate Purposes Water Dept. Fund olson=Boettger Electric Co.* $216.00 o pora aPurposes . CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE No.- I BY p wk -:'1'915 AUDITED Isl— i l/Xwv ,. l PER 305 �.n a Resolved thatwarrants be drawn upon the City reasury, p yabl out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite th tr respective names as specified in the following detaded statement: en (J) NaysAdopted Yeas (J) Cjarn by the Council— AINFth In favor AgainstMAYOliMr. President -:Re.olV�d - C: F. 2 5292— that warrant. be,�drp.Wn u-'Respon ie Cityy at warn, payable,out of r.`ed _ ' :the 'hereinafter funds and 1. favor of the 'per ons firths or corpora- amounts, set oPPostte: - [tone for .the thei espective n m e ae speciffed In th . f llowing d tail d .tat went: -, pPos —\Yater Dept. ^C ,poste or ,•Fu d Ol on-Boettger Electric Co.. -$216 00 '"-- ' Adopted..bY the Ccunctt lune 2„ 1915. ::•Approved June 3,5 191b) Corporate Purposes Water Dept. Fund olson=Boettger Electric Co.* $216.00 o pora aPurposes . I CIT OF ST.PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1915 COU AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILENCIL No. By MAN AUDITED 306 Resolved that warr be drawn pon the q Treasury, yable out of the hereinafter specified funds and,,,,, ;. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for t e;amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed'� statement: -2 1815 Yeas V n i en it Nays Adopted by the Council 191 u N�Za'r swarth Approved A/_ _kl�19 VGo' In favor _ -1 1— ___ - 4— K let C. F. No, 529Y— U n Far swat (Ke C Resolve -­ts�, n COIL _—Anvon'the cd,6.hTar.ae.ry. payable MAYOR q L led Ite n �tt a er after a eci firm ri� Leary I t amounts oil e no I es opposite Oerg as ape I t Pow th Z1. detailedto nt:"-L- 4 M Presid�ent PowersCorporate urposestlrtg�, und— uI"'Patterson I x Street t1ri ,St, 'trieCo.,:1.102.96; St. P. Co., $9.079.50. I olie u. un", kCo:: $2,352.00. Ire Fund—M. & .: Lehighnil - Co:. 8669.10; So. St.. I'nku et, 5275:00. 421-th, �P.b xmd— cbt-- X -& R.: Matteson P. paIrC $}97.50 Go.. F—d—PubIle &.rltle.: S-1- .0 11. R $ty for the lre,entlon of 1! Cruelty, IIQ Com: PQIIc Works—Adm.—`hint.: ;CP -Moore, $93.30. Repel F..d-11WnC: S[anr]aYd Oil Co $559.4. Pq'blic School Fund -3f. & R.: CItI. rate Purposes 1,,, & Fro, Co, 11,111.54. - Corporate le Park ,b Parks Fund -Supplies & EX94� Lighting Fund -S Eng teering Co, $1.14996 G3. Fund—Ar Museum: li.ghl­ $55.00; J—fe 0.111, ?Al 7 7.085-58 Pattersan Street Lighting Co.* �All galaba, $60.00. I 'nI T 1,102.96 St, Electric Co.. Paul Gas Light Co.,9.079.52-- Polive Fund M. & R. garaell, ozmun, Kirk Co., 2,352.001, ✓ Fire Fund -M. & R. 669.10 Lehigh Coal Co., 45600 SO. St. Paul Horse,Market, OAA_ 1 n Health Fund -Public Baths AcCtSM. & R. 197 - Matteson Roof Repair Co., Gen. Fund -Public -lic 9harities Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 100.00 Com. Public Works-Al.-Maint. ✓ A. P. Moore, 93-30 street Const. & Repair fund-Maint. ✓ Standard Oil Co., 559.68 Public. School FundM.t& R. 1,4913.54 Citizen's Ice & Fuel,, cc . Form A.5-11 a mw. afi 2 Public Parka-Park-Maint. Rv ul Toltz Engineerng'Go., 1, i 9.95 ✓ r Gen. Fund -Art MuAeuat i- John Dillingham, 55.00 � Jessie O'Brien, 65.00 x. Albert F..Salaba, 6o.00 Water Dept. Fund J. CFlanagan, g 72.98 ° So. Park Fondy & Machine Co., _1.3121 {, T • o' s Special Funds New Library Bldg. Sealy Plumbing-& Heating Co., $50x.00 Electus D. Litchfield, 1.342.60 Total�SMe1alrFurtds r U11 Special Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Dale, Grand to•Front. Corning Brick Co.1,9o8.53$ V Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewers Maryland, Brainerd Sewer System O'Neil & Preston, 300.00"✓ Dale St., from Pt, 185•ft- SO. of Topping to Pt. 100 ft. So. of Front St. Paul State Bank, Assignee C. A. Carlson & Son, 1,100.00 gsr Total Corporate P poses ........... .........v2 Y. " Special ds..... .......s 2,192. 0 m% " Spec. A ess. Con Acct. -P wing,..... 1,908 53 s, n n a n a 8wers,.... 1 4 0 Total, s 31 229.52 Li t � 1 / /� f `- U�j• � tit s 5294' An ordinance authorizing and directing the constru ion cfll a s rest aar n Rice street from Universa avenue to Rondo rr� � line�o University street, and on Main avenue from West Tenth street to Teat. Fifth �° F street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sevtion 1. That the St. Paul City Railway Company be and it is hereby ordered and directed, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 1827, of the City of St. Paul, approved September 80th, 1889, and more partioui'arly under and pursuant to Section 18 of said ordinance, and within the time therein required, to lay and construct &,:,double trach line of street railway, with all necessary poles, wires and appliances for the operation thereof, on Rice street from University avenue to Rondo street, and to connect with: the existing tracks on University avenue and Rondo street, and on slain avenue from West Tenth street to west .Fifth'street, and to connect with the existing tracks on West Tenth and West Fifth streets, and when so constructed to run and oper- ate oars on Rice street from University avenue to Rondo street,-thence on Rice street to Main avenue, thence on Rain avenue to West Fifth street. Section 8. That forthwith, upon the passage and publication of this ordinance, the City Clerk is hereby directed to serve a copy thereof upon the St. Paul City Railway Company., Section 3. This ordinance shall takeect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. : Passed by the Council 1915. Yeas Hays Mr. Farnsworth Goss ]Geller McColl .Hash Yoerg Hays, 0 Mr. Pgeeident (Powers) Approved 1915. Mayor. I St.Paul, Minn., July 20, 1915. Mayor Winn Powers and the Honorable Commissioners of the City of St.Paul, Court House, St.Paul, .Minnesota. Gentlemen: - We are informed that there is now pending before the Council of the City of St.Paul an Ordinance introduced by Commissioner Keller with reference to the laying of a loop street car track from West Tenth Street on Main Avenue to West Fifth Street; and that this Ordinance will come up for hearing on July 28, 1915. We visit St.Joseph's Hospital almost daily in the care of our patients, and for that reason we are familiar with the conditions surround- ing the hospital. Permit us to suggest that the construction of a loop street car track on Main Avenue, between West Tenth and West Ninth Streets would bring the street car tracks directly in contact with the hospital property. The operation of the care over these tracks would' -in and of itself be a continuous nuisance and very detrimental to the recovery of patients immediately following operations, and would be an excessive aggravation to all nervous patients. Permit us to say the creation of such a condition ie cout�ary to the established rules and'regulations governing public health n other cities of the size of St -Paul- In the treatment of the sick in most\cases absolute quiet is essential, and in furtherance of this idea nearly all municipalities of the size of St.Paul have established in the vicinity of its hospitals chat is known as a "quiet zone". We do not wish to appear as opposing any progressive movement that has for ite object the better development of the City; but respect- fully suggest that some other street other than Main Avenue, directly in front of the hospital, be selected for the purpose of laying these tracks, in order to accomplish chat is sought by this Ordinance. In this connection, we believe other streets are equally, if not more, feasible for this use. Thanking you in advance for your consideration of the same, we are, Most respectfully, e hi_ d GGI�ol . �. 3. a. kT, ............. 1, I r x - i � ti #j i � � 1 k � � =1 �,,t • I y is I L' St.Psul, Minn., July 19, 1915- . Mayor Winn Powers, Court House, St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - I am informed that there is an ordinance introduced by Mr. Keller, pending before the Honorable Council of the City of St -Paul, which will come up for hearing on July 28, 1915, with reference to the laying of a loop street car track from West Tenth Street on Main Avenue to West Fifth Street. On behalf of St.Joseph's Hospital, I beg to advise you, and, through you, the Council of the City of St.Paul, that the building of this street car track on Main Avenue between West Tenth Street and West Ninth Street would be an irreparable damage to St.Joseph's Hospital,and injurious to the better operation of the hospital. The construction of a loop track on Main Avenue, between fest Tenth and West Ninth Streets would The bring the ed street cars directly in contact with the hospital property. noise of the street cars, both day and night, especially turning from West Tenth Street into Main Avenue on the curve, would be a serious nuisance to the sick in the hospital. For many years the patients on one side of the hospital have suffered a serious inconvenience on account of the noise and the scraping of the care going around the curve on the present tracks from Best Tenth Street on to St.Peter Street. The building of these proposed tracks on Main.Avenue would be greatly adding to this inconvenience to the sick, rather than offering any relief. pt.Joseph's Hospital is a permanent institution and has been established since the early beginning of the City on its present site. I em sure that you as the Mayor of the City, and the Councilmen of this City will view this proposition in the light that similar conditions are viewed in other cities with reference to hospitals, namely; that in nearly all cities of the size of St..Baul, and many cities of lose population, the Council establishes by signs upon the streets in the vicinity of the hospitals what is known as a "quiet sone", and these municipalities enforce quietness within this sone by appropriate ordinances. I am reliably informed that public opinion in other cities on this question of noise is so humanly sensitive in its desire to help and aid the suffer- ing, that the more suggestion by sign of "hospital quiet zone" brings a ready response, and that the municipal officers are very rarely called upon to enforce the ordinance by Court proceedings. I feel I need only suggest to you and the Council that too much care cannot be taken in the matter of protecting the life and health of those who are and will be confined in permanent hospitals. No one would suffer from this noise except the helpless sick; and from practical exper- ience I am able to say that a permanent noise oft -times seriously endangers the prospects of recovery. IWor Yuan Powers. #2. I's do noti¢n to p t"ho light of opposing any municipal improvement that fo�the ter development of the City; but ask you and the Council to not create by ordinance a public nuisance that would be so injurious against a class of people that would be helpless It it was once created. I suggest that Smith Avenue or some other street be silected to lay these tracks upon which would bring them somd reasonable distance away from the hospital._. Thanking you in advance for your consideration of the same, I an, Yours very respectfully, v'-� /i P St. Paul, lfinn., July 15, 1915. Hon. Winn Powers, ,,ayor, City of St,. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Pity dear Sir: As a resident and owner of property in the Rice Street district, I desire to enter a protest to the proposed plan of Mesers. Keller and McColl to routing the Rice Street cars on Main Street to west Fifth Street. Such a routing of this car line would result in a loss of much time for the entire popula- tion of working people living in the Rice Street district in go - Ing to and from their daily work in the retail and wholesale districts, and in going to and from the down town theaters and places of amusement at night. The people living in the Rice Street district desire, and have a right to expect, that the Rice Street car line should run as directly as possible to the retail and Wholesale business center of the City. " It would be far cheaper and more convenient to move Commissioner McColl's drug store to the retail center of the City than to move the Rice Street car line to Seven Corners. If you will be kind enough to read this letter at the meeting of the Commissioners to be held July 28th, you will greatly oblige, Yours very truly, a� YEAST 'NAYS, YEAS NAYS �-MFt FARNSWOR/Tti� M F; WORTH GOSS ✓ GOSS k LUiR ICELLER St. Paul, Minn. July 12, 1915. Mr. M. IT. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, JUL 1'; Building. Dear sir,- M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Replying to your verbal inquiry about the possibility of operating a street car line across the High Bridge, I beg to state that I find, upon investigation, the following: 1. The width of roadway is only 24 feet, hence if a double track is run across the bridge the operation bf the cars will interfere, to so::ie extent, with the regular traffic. There is no other brid:;•e where the roadtray is 24 feet and a street ear line is in operation thereon, except a short span of Grand Ave. bridge crossing' the Chicago, I,iilwaukee & St. Paul Railway. 2. . The floor will have to be reinforced, which is estimated to cost for single line of street railway, $34,000.00 and for double line of street railway $41,000.00. 3. Owing- to the manner of construction of the bridge generally, the long spans and light bracing, the vibration from the operation of street car traffic will, in my judgment, be excessive and probably- dangerous. robablydangerous. This bridge was built 25 years ago and was designed for a loading considerably lighter than would be the ase if the bridge were built today. YotLrs very truly, Dict. 0.C./M. Chief Engineer. r— CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~" - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - _ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D.wff COMM10.50H A OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cwty EI.IMNII J. E. CARROLL S.— C.....— & Reruns ALFRED JACKSON, Surf. S.-01 G. H. HERROLD, Ofrme ENe1 U. H. W. GOETZINGER, SUI; WOe.-Uer - St. Paul, Minn. July 12, 1915. Mr. M. IT. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, JUL 1'; Building. Dear sir,- M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Replying to your verbal inquiry about the possibility of operating a street car line across the High Bridge, I beg to state that I find, upon investigation, the following: 1. The width of roadway is only 24 feet, hence if a double track is run across the bridge the operation bf the cars will interfere, to so::ie extent, with the regular traffic. There is no other brid:;•e where the roadtray is 24 feet and a street ear line is in operation thereon, except a short span of Grand Ave. bridge crossing' the Chicago, I,iilwaukee & St. Paul Railway. 2. . The floor will have to be reinforced, which is estimated to cost for single line of street railway, $34,000.00 and for double line of street railway $41,000.00. 3. Owing- to the manner of construction of the bridge generally, the long spans and light bracing, the vibration from the operation of street car traffic will, in my judgment, be excessive and probably- dangerous. robablydangerous. This bridge was built 25 years ago and was designed for a loading considerably lighter than would be the ase if the bridge were built today. YotLrs very truly, Dict. 0.C./M. Chief Engineer. RESOLD ION F. NG TIME OF HEARI I N PR . E DINGS ten1 52/96 In the matter of ..Con emninQ and app.ro.priatinp„ for Park purpcees, Bloc ,.t•".k°.,__..St..._.Ant.bony....P.ark.....�iortk,..eoco..rd..ing .t.o.. the... Plat thereof on file and in th.e._.Offi_c.e._o the__Regie_ter of.._De_eds...in and for Ramsey Qaun_ty.,.._.Minneao.ta,. ............. ... '.. �._ ..... _...... _....... ... _............................. _...................._-._................. ................ .__...._._.............. _................. .............. _.... .............. _._.................. ..... ....... ...... ......... _.._............... ..... .. 111%under Preliminary Order ......24 2_.........Ado tea �� t...u2.nd.,1.9:3 5..,E y Order.._2569._.............. Ad ted ,j,Axebc-.:Ap.ri,j 2A..th,......18.14. The Commissioner of :Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or casements therein to be appropriated for the above improve - agent and to whom payable; be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council ,poll said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, Rooln 61 in the Court' House in the City of St. Paul, on the ....1:4th.............. day of__J_1.11.y....._._......_...._..........._......_, 191..5..., at ten o'clock .. A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notiee of said hearing, as prescribed by the Charter. gr� Adopted by the Council _..._..._....................................... Clerk. Approved ............... ..........1.......� ._�_.... ...... 191 a ;.Z"iD Mayor. Councilman F nswortha Ylhe r Dees �! `�✓e *53raprimt r North Pinf8 the p 'thereof on '-fire! PUBLISMD << G a aecoblnlat ,bat yyand, of record in the„ v,_tRe�g�aterLof t,eeds InutidergP al22n $ er ?'Cbunty auririe'eota -arl� Drde@-2412 `adopted Sept 28ndT Coll x+1918 1Finnt Drdez 2668, ndoDted Apnrlell a y�''ha�4r7mtael ae afi Fi nn a haicing�= TtXed hid xep4.rt in the above=mar ttic$' As to ;t :l f amognt of d6n,age ? Y $ u aided ,tor the Wt1 gg of the land'or- en�aefibgt ther9'n� t ovetnent roped tto yor P ers 7br the ahcve4 pp 4 , eeoLt�e�abl0 "Apa�t'P rihlf headppg[+he. Ladr�befbre -:the .CounQlti upoa�naid�F� '1111 , � yprilc,.and.�fQ;7. a„ icondrmatioa o Cbro.�, , awaid4jo'f �ydsina6oe made�bY 'khe. -. :rnth9toaei°•oL iFynrzrie� .'ap t6ettConnan3 ;Chnpiber Rpbm 61 3h th Courttiio��iiae, Wt Pauli'b1t the,'�t71hQsY' AttSu 17'1915 +'dY ten �tr loc&F nancb baf ghat �he Culp�gieelonec,�ot� E n,idchb �ylhe�„l,y dlxecte� tb g7ve uo tai` _ t _ y�AOo�t;[S�14c �ounC11 'JnnaaY�1,816�. , F A pr4v d,• r 19161 x ISL, i Ili REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS / 0 In the matter of_C.ondelrning..._and._.._appropr_iat,in;, for Park purposes, Block to...._the.__Plat thereof on file and o.f....Reco.rd.....in......th..e.-O.ff.10B.._of......th.e._..Reg .$.1 er..._of..._Deede...._ n...._ar13 f_or Ramsey ... Q_olu%ity.,..._M.nnas_ota�... .----.............. _....... _...... ........................ ............ __............. ........... ........................ ........................... _........ ...................... ............. ........ _........... ........ ...................._......_.........._...._......._........................................I............................ ....... ._........... _........ ........ _.__........__..................... ...._....................... .... . ........ ........ ....... .........___........._..................................._......_.._................._.._.........._......_.._...........___..................._..._._...__...._...._........_......_,............._.......__.._........................ i....__.A t.._d1Final e.._.._...........node, Preliminary Order2412Sept.w2n"2569 _..._._,U(v �d....._Adopted..._April_.70th, 1914. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein to be taken and appropriated for the above improvement, and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively; and the persons to whom such awards are payable, and that hereto attached is an as- sessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the under- signed's findings on said matters. Dated_ ....... _.......... _...... ... ................ _ ....... _............... ...... _, 191......_ Respectfully submitted, Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION NG TI OF SEARI G IN MN T PROCEEDING In the matter of ._...Condemn _..a an.....aa.a en.t ...i ... .e... land.. nsc-e.e..sary 1 y ..in. Block 2.6 Summit f..o.r..a.l_op.es., ..for....cnts..... a._ gr di � i<.. . ' f Par k....Add.tion,.._.... 1....... _....... _ ............. ................................................... ..... ...... 1 ........... --.......... ......... _ ........... __ ...... a _ . ...... Fina under Preliminary Order 3912 8- approved dune 9th,1213- ..., 75¢ 7 Order 3..9.,.@.96...... approved ..._AL;aug1t._2-6t11r.....1.913. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easemegts therein to be appropriated for the above improve- inent and to whom payable; be it u a.. Resolved, That it public hearing be had before the Council npou said report and fm a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, Doom 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the ....._1.5_th.-..... ...... day of ......_JulJ.._...___............ ...._...._.._._, 191.x..., at ten o'clock A 111, and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing, as priUcribed by the Charter. J6H -2 1915 ' Adopted by the Council __....... ... _...._ .._... �L.fiL._,-__tyaC. _ 7. C' y Clerk. Approved ...................... D...... ......� ... _. 191.r r �D90t?ITIOIP Maw �'`j'�RIY,lY00,DEDI�N08.,7 Mayor. Councilman F nsworth ° �uf1°6Zs7 }� �' 11n tHa iliafter $1�cuadematng and << tie e'j? Gin pnteaaud 811s�}n'1 �. t$radlUg"th$ Bl7el'„tt'B1oC1C:IQ sum�2 Ke er afy 0=ddr 9a ali °approved lUae 9tlt ' r1913�rFlnaY Orden t29896M�ay�7F�ved AUgu9t�88th 2191,M1.�'t i+ '�� ,�� 2a} , y no.Commiea7gqliar of �Inanoe 1}p��ag� ,. y ,yj- anmltted hl6 Yeport ia�the ' ter a9 ito the.c amount q t"adflmegga avyafdi%.::tor the talon a2 the_Yaa r " Yo g eaeaiaenta titet'eln: toerappropria ed., fors the abovA �4riimp;ovktpept'x4nv Mayor Po ere whomT+paYab7e Ife°Sfj 7 x , geeA74ed,That a yt}bjtc h�bd+ had vyoa �he Co77tic11 upoh�Aafd ; DArt<: pnd,foY a Vaafm.meati {he-YYConiin7eblone'r bf d 86e made ., Y` iof l;i$nfie,nab the CoSac11',t/liamber;r nq nAn 4p the Court Yduabhf}n, they CftY of st.FPaitl Sp thn.. l¢t7i xdi�lrl4 ,` ?uly �1$i6,»at tet{' q�ct7lc At"�E1x' ani. - th¢t?tile Comm7ssldner o2 ,,,FF1¢4ce yS7;4� agdxhe' Ie fierebX ti7C1irS8oted oto tglve 'nc-" tfpo 4fgsatd h�6r�,ags �pregcrYbe¢ b'y e fCl7.prteY� b'r 1§''.a{�.A..1L.�Ffi {Ad-D,ted-4,yy� fh�z,/y�oii'RII•�uae+3 e n REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF tYlNANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of ..Gond_Omning_.._and..,.-tak:ing.._an_._easementin the land necessary .............._... _................................ . f..Q.1 QUIA­ nd...f_ins ...._ n.....grading_.._ he..._A11e........in_.._Blo.ek...._16........_Su.... , i'.ax.k.....A.d.3i.ti.on........ _......._.._.._......._ ._.__........__.._....__....._................_............ ........ ...... ...._................. .... .._....... ............. .......................... _.:..... under Preliminary Order _3.9x3.$ ......... _.., approved .._June.._9.t11.,.1913 _..,�iGx7[Order 3989_6..._.........., approved._AU,&U.Q_t....2+...05 th,.....1913 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein to be taken and appropriated for the above improvement, and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable, and that hereto attached is an as- sessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the under- signed's findings on said matters. Dated__.._ ................... _.............. _.........._......., 191.;: . Respect/fully submitted, G Commissioner of Finauee. { SOLU SAN FIXING TIME OF HEARING J� ATION PROCEEDINGS` 5298 �I In the 7 r tt._ ..P. C.ondemningfo.r..Urk._.p.tl.rp_4.s.e_a.. ,_.._w.t.riangular .lc.,._tract... boun3ed y_...9hiombe ave ne.,._DAan¢.e1.T�avenue.....and_B.e.a.ton....St e.e.t;.....8..t.....An.tho.n.y._.P.ar.k..._X0rth The Commissione of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded`for t Ile taking of the land or easements therein to be appropriated for the above improve went and to whom pays le; be it 1. -. Resolved, That iipublic-hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damagesade by the Commissioner of Finance, at the Council Chamber, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. �Paul, on the ......]..4.th ........... day of _.....J.uly ......... . - _......_, 191_5 at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice f said hearing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Qouncil ....................- ......... ._.._....... �.� ......��.�. _..__... Approved_.. Councilman Mayor I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS if 1n the »utter of _...Gandemning....for....Paxk....gur.R.os_.a.,....tract__bounded -i Tion+nn estreat. St. Anthonv .......... ..... _Park North.4....knfltiAxl....a.a..Block ...".E". under Preliminary Order 13.15..._...._...... approved ._Au$_+..__95_t4,.....1914 Intermediary Order..2813................ approved ..._pep ..x..._2nd......... 1914. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein to be taken and appropriated for the above improvement, and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable, and that hereto attached is an as- sessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the under- signed's findings on said matters. Dated ----- ............... ._Z.! ��._1i_::.:................_, 191J'... Respectfully submitted, Commissioner of Finance. F RETLU' In the matter of Final under Preliminary Order . $9Q4?+- approved APri 1. 33_Td, 19.131 XJ �__* Order _39192. '...... approved ..._dune...9.tb _.1913_. The Commissione of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for a taking of the- land or easements therein to be appropriated for the above improve- went and to whom pay le; be it Resolved, That a'public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Cmmui/ssion�er%of Finance, the Council Chamber, Room 61 in the Court House in the Cit of St. l.�;l�%L - La:., at ten o'clock City Paul, on the day of ,...... _ 19 A. M., and that the 2maissioner'of Finance be and he 's he e y directed to give notice of said hearing, as prescribed by the Crter. Adopted b the C ... .. ... .............. ....... ..... _........ ........ Clerk. r Approved .........:. 191E It solu}i7TiON,fij�B';1iQ11 kf' •TI>a$ � 1 r Councilman Farnsworth€ an esixc7aQt coxnil �rtol+r '! i { t g 7esocrenul cs ' Mayor. { V. --SID u� '`• s - ,, I ,Ih fle.lnatteryr9ddmg andic'i ,c X088 I x fh§:,,�n easement' Cty tNe,land fiiaecea z fiell0,%gvsalrtyy�l iKOr�MiitoA,�rifp ;6t, t•fssgm e rddUHdlil�se'iFh Ji a. s'veAverfo Yglebart Pattest underi' "' Pi:�nmtnaty.I�Crder �39a..... d x�prlL 23rd19k3 'FlnaCrder 38192: MCCOIl r Approved JuSie,•9th 1813 u �. TltietComallaetoner of Pfndnce havlag; �'�� 'sub[ditted hle reporf to theabova mai'? teryas to r the ',Amount df damages Yoerg 6w ,ede�rlor the+talitn&oft tho 14nd on. ✓3asementa hharefhn tpbe^abP%prlated _ Ma or Powers -Yor °�,'(hQ 6 above; Improvement sad tto< Y t svhoiRphy4bte ba It �' - TLeaAt}�ed Thdta'a'ryv6itc�,�tieartng ba had ! 'u'de the Cohhpil upKn/ealdr re 1port�rfifiudl'uSor a conftrmatton of the' {aivaide of yi§mAgealmade by the Cpm ofsalort� Mot .P`innhce- At r,(}�e'+Cohnpl fi meet ,Robm-91 in theYOouki $ovae� i !i_K�tFie'1',G7tyyyafpop di dA thea.,;6thi 8'L6iY tc ten O, 11 A 3S i ,a dat¢at-tjte" (ldm l�aton�r', V,Tihd4de' be'laiid thea7a,'hels ys•dlk;ced�id §tkb _ hQ�lAry.dt,�pald,�Nef.s1� �s�-pre�zrlVed? by ttio'Qhaattter li Ad'8p{ed fiy�tlf'e�/ontMktlg 9�S>iI�-F i RES LU N FIXING TIME OF RING N CO E T N PRO CRE (t, -.5299 In the matter of and t.oXing APeeP .a.B.e..nt i -n th.e,..-,l,a.n..d n�qessaxy .. ... ... .. ... ... .. ................ . frdm Univer- ... . ... ....... f.Q..rille in .. s..tr,e,e..t. .................... . .. . ... . ...... 6.11Y.-are.aue ........... . ....... . .. ......... ............ ................ ............. . ...... . .. . ...... . ....... . ............................ ........ ......... ...... .. .. - ........... . .... . .......... . ....... ....................... .......... ............ ...... .. ....... ...... .... .................................. .............................. .............. . .............. .. . ................ ..... . Final under Preliminary Order approved A.PTtl 23 19 .rdj_ 1 U . ..........3 . X&Y Wii� M Order.M,99 approved ....Jun.e 9thj The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or casements therein to be appropriated for the above improve- ment and to whom payable; be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of made by the Commissioner of Fi ne , the Council Chamber, Room 61 in the Court the awards of damages m 4( ma e House in the City of St. Paul, on the day of . ....... .............. - ........ .... ... l9t�r, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he 'a he -e y directed to give notice of said hearing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.. .............. .......... Approved................. . ... .... .. .... 3 191 Councilman Farnsworth !Mn .cjco - Goss Keller McColl :w� Yoerg Mayor Powers - ""'NUNU lbtFA-ttld' g 17i, Zio-.p Mayor. :w� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein to be taken and appropriated for the above improvement, and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable, and that hereto attached is an as- sessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the under- signed's findings on said matters. Dated __...__....__..._....._ .....y...... _........... _........ _, ]91..4'1.._ Respectfully submitted, , /.................... _. Commissioner of Finance.. � BY LL �t R y I91 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Ctty`Treasury, payable odEof the he (. rms or corporenoas:for the amounts set opposite their rospecfive namesV epectfie (J) :Nays Adopted by the Couac 1 In Favor ApprovF Against- - z3 t 1.. �aE +I ,Reeofvad ivsFrgnts 'ba drg � t);e'tnpens'�-Clty'TreaeurY .DaAabte 6,pt,�of ,tfi�g¢ere[naYte� nepcGa�8ed fundd guQ,Sa faYog ofthenAereotfe, arma,�op.olra i' t Y tinnhKo pthg.riagiqunis so posit Eftt'65 rad e__ctt�L77e aemea as e'c7aed�tln 5th fottotying'de}allsd statement � 4a s �. e�p:Bou)poese BOsi(t oL (COII 'gig tfal Jfund ard at,GAnEEot `�i84 t 499 st{6d of b3 the"Covnetf adaen$�,18;¢ y Approvetlil'nna "f.; Y2 :{ tJutia 1916) qt gv+, Ices ,ro3 •Fund " ,` r; authorized to issue a permit to the said licensees for the installation and establishment of said filling station, upon their compliance with the following conditions; (1). The said licensees shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said station, w1bich shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2). The said filling station shall be installed under, and supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The sai licensees shat furnish a bond to the City of St.Paul, in the "sum of con- ditioned to save.'"tYie C;of St.paul harml:e ss from, any and all liability, judgments, suits; costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, in- stallation, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said filling station,_ithe:;,said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said station ,remainw or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved.by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4). Said filling station shell be removed by said lice wheneler the Council shall so order. (5)._ The.said licensees shall pay. arty license fee or tax that may be re" ,qured.y">any ordinance or law of the City of St.Paul LL (6) Said licensees shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the C31,y Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. _ pC. F No. 6390—Ordinance No3501— `6n ordinance granting to S E Bing- ham and ;mI & ort. o ou partners as Etligham 1, Norton, p ml slop to �OG Y - a Garb gasoline filling sta- tlo on the Northeast corner o1:;Vic- tion }orla� attest and Grand avenue:' •••� ^The Council of the 'City of St. Paul 'does ordain , � V/ / J c / .. •SECTION 1 That permlealon and authority are i' hereby Granted t 8. E. Bingham and. C. W. Norton co part r as Bingham filling Nor`start.. on to estathe Nb theaett corner d Grand avenue, of Victoria street.a In said City: SECTION. 2 The Comml eloper to Public Works hereby authorized to issue a permit fo the thand,e /i+' „✓' .•"/ j to aidlost. tion, and.eatabLsa ent of aid filling abli- u, statfon, upon their- compliance w[th • - - -- �ondltions• the a' eS _ Passed by the Council JUN 23 1915°"'`_1910`:• Yeas Nays Mr. Farnsworth ✓Goss vkeller `!Z rfigash cColl mash Mr. President (Powers) Nays 0 43 �F Qj��Cy C�84$ Af ld.. licenseesshall file mmlasigner of Public or specification of said shall be subject to the d Commtae((oner. I filling station shall be r, and su ?,rviaton and d-Comn+t-^'•+ner, and the. ` cost -df in_. .' hall -furnish - St -Paul, In the •ndltioned..to save harmless -from any 7'.judgments, d expengait`.ses damages' an • to persons or property arising from maintenance talion; m s nee or removal of �Ve sald'bond to re-, K^et as lonv _ -• ex, - Approved 3 1915. /Jitr..7 !J ��i/✓L Mayor MLMIED L -/� (4enirul Auiutnuhile (fin. NOENT. IOR nnrmun de unb o (l�exs u_ AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES 202-206 WEST EI%TM STREET 6i. Paul, milltt. May,26,1915. dpW. NORTON . D The Hon. M: -F.--Goee, , Comm.of Public War%q, City of St .Paul . Dear Sir: Wo,Bingham A Norton,owners and operators of a public garage loacated on the H.E.aorner of Victoria and Grand Aves.,do hereby respectfully apply to you - fora license to install and operate a curb gasoline filling outfit,said outfit to be installed with an underground,five hundred gallon tank tank and pump to be of the latest fire proof design and installed according to the fire ordinance of the city of St .Paul . Said garage is being constructed an lots fifteen and sixteen block eighteen of Summit park addition and we desire to loacate said gasoline tank and pump on Victoria st.about seventy-five ft. north from Grand Ave.near the curb.Said pump to be of the latest design standing about five ft.high and two ft.in diameter. Trusting that you will give this matter your favorable eonsideration,we remain Very truly yours, Bingham SI Norton. v�` r �1./ �.,�, kX11 "'C P OFFICE OF JOHNLFARICY, CITY CLERK Julio 5th, 1915. Hon. O.H.0 '::eiil^ Corpor:-'ion Counsel; City of St.pr).11"l-inn. 11 Dc,ar Sir: - T' -.o Council, :.L it, :aeetin,; held this ,..:rte, i,rr :ted of :7orton for oL licel-,cc to L,.sti'l -ac, oper:te n curb out -fit on the :.. F con.er of Victorl-L-. .-.nd Gr;�-,d Av an. rcferrdithc scuno to you for a propor form of resolution or ordir. .-,ce. v Yours very tr,11y, 7�City CIC, CITY OF ST: PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjects......._ .............._................:'. 5`r39 i ...................................._...............,_................... _.................... COUNCIL FILENO. )A I A . . ........ ......... ............... Date Presented ... ............. _. 191 ....... Resolved, That t e contrast bearing date June 7th, 1915, by and between C. Bielenberg and the City of St. Paul for furnishing crushed rook to be used in paving Robert street from Second street to Sixth street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) C oilmen (✓) Nays J� G In favor h / 11 �...... Against h Mr. Pres. FORM":C. 9 271 "-.T..'`?i• .., k�eu C. F. No. 5391— R ... lv.d, 391—Resolved, That the contract bearing date. June 7th, 1916,byand between C. Alele berg and the City of St Paul for furnishing shed rock t b used -fn paving Robert t t from second street hereby aper ve et be and th a e ectot approve d thity e prop ty- /L/// offices Ire a th Ized and directed ta.. �f execute the same o behalf of the C[ty. Adopted Jun i 1915.1 June 9, 1916. Approved Jun 8 1916. �f�/ 12-1916) 1 1 Adopted by the Council. .........)UN,,..,...!�.,.1,515- 19t— Approved 15...191.... Approved......... JUN.779._2:5................191.__... MAYO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......... ..................... ............... ....................COUNCIL 5392 FILEN o.... ............. ................... .......................................................................................:.............................. ... Date Presented_.__.........._...._.... _........... 191 ...._. Resolved, That the contract bearing date June Sth, 19150 by and between the Republic Creosoting Company and the City of St. Paul for furnish- ing 9,153.7 square yards of creosoted paving blocks, to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from South Wabasha street to Belle street, be qnd the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) n r Mr. PLC" FORM C.a-Y el C F. No 6392= Resoly 1 Thak thb ndrbe1 1,11"t'.9 ,11 th I Rete Jun Sre otinf Y e City Of St. Creo ul ifor. furnishing 9162.ad 7-' Clty. of St. Pa bloeke, toabeau ed inrpaving Fcosoted at deld 1 Belle streotl be sndSouth �he ee.me is sha he ot t� by apa ovTd e.nd theproper Sty ottt' c r nuthorized and dire'eted to' xAdoptehebla he Cou otll June 9 191f Of the 6. I Approved June 9, 1916: _ .:(June 1249161 (✓) Nays p� .... In favor ( _ Against Adopted by the Council ..:..:uU.N--.-O...19.1.5......-' 191........ 19: Approved....,..JIJN—_.....1) . 5_......... _._.......191.....:.. MAYOR To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your approval, with proper forms of resolution, contracts bearing data June 8th, 1915,E by and between the Republic Creosoting Company, the J. L. Shiely Company, the Kettle River Company, C. Bielenberg and St. Paul Lime & Cement Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing various kinds of material to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from South Wabasha street to Belle street. Yours very truly, Corp at on Counsel. 4 I CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. H. OWN EILL AS JOHN PfKYLErs JOHN A.BURNS WILLIAM J.GISERSON THOS.W.M.MEEKIN June 8th,•1915. To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your approval, with proper forms of resolution, contracts bearing data June 8th, 1915,E by and between the Republic Creosoting Company, the J. L. Shiely Company, the Kettle River Company, C. Bielenberg and St. Paul Lime & Cement Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing various kinds of material to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from South Wabasha street to Belle street. Yours very truly, Corp at on Counsel. 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM - Subject: .............-.- .................. _................. .__.......................... ...............__....... .............................................. ...............^ COUNCIL I No..�3®V .. .................................................................. ..... Date Presented _ ___ .......... __ _.___. 191 __ Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 7th, 1915, by and between the Republic Creosoting Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 3237 square yards of paving blocks for paving Robert street from Second street to Sixth street, be and the same is hereby approved; and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓t.r (V) Nays . In favor C/.... Against — FORM. C.8-2 C. F: -No. 6393- Resolved, That the contract bearing. data June 7th, 1916, by. and between the Republic Creosot/ng Company arld.� the City of St. Paul Por for. able 3237 square yards of paving blocks for paVing. Robert ,street from Second m. street to Sixth' street,'be-and .the sae g hereby Approved, and the. propeVeLty. officers are authorized And: directed to execute the same on behalf of the City.' Adopted by the Council June 9, 1916. Approved June 9, 1916. (June 12-1916) '— Adopted by the Council..... .... _. 0._..79..14..5.......191_.. _. , Approved..__. _ .J.�N.._.._,,...,.�..:.........._......191........_..- CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. H. OWN EI LL ,,g,IOHN P.KY LEVE . ".lOHN A.BURN5" WILLIAM J.GIBERSON THOS.W.M,MEEKIN June 8th, 1915. 6392 To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your approval contracts bearing date June 7th, 1915, by and between the Republic Creosoting Company, the Kettle River Company, John Mulligan, Allen P. Boyd, C. Bielenberg and the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing various kinds of material to be used in paving Robert street from Second street to Sixth street. Yours trul Corp ration Counsel. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:...,. .... ..... ..: ........ ... .................. _ COUNCIL FILE No .. ..... M1.9 `:' ..... - Date Presented ___.:...........__. _ ........ _ 191 ..... Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 7th, 1915, by and between Allen P. Boyd and the City of St. Paul for furnishing screened sand to be usedin paving Robert street from Second street to Sixth street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. P N4_ Resolved, That the contr t bearing, ,is Sune 7th 1916, by ad between' for furl hIn g screened sand fo be .used' ,ln paving Rob rt et set to Sixth treet from Second street, be and the same Is hereby epprov d and the proper city ottf ere are nuth riz d and dl ested to.' Jexe ute the aame on behalf of they / City. ` Adopted by the Council 7une.9, 1916. Approved Tune 9, 1916. (Supe 13-1916) Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays -JUN —,q 19 Adopted by the Council...__...._......_.._..........5........191 ... wwrth In favor u fs s / r Approved. _.-.... _..._............ 19L :011 Against h ........... . .... ......... Mr. 'r MAYOR FORM C.6-2 Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 7th, 19150 by and between John Mulligan and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 465 cubic yards of concrete sand, to be used in paving Robert street from Second street to Sixth street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) Cgt}ncilmen ( ✓) Nays /...... In favor . er h11 Against Mr. FORM C.8-2 dc' F, No. 6296— Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 7th, 1916, by and between John Hulking and the City %, St. Paul c0m- for furnishing 466 cubic yardsof.con- rete sand. to be used in p.11.g. Rob,art street from Second street to Sixth street, be and, same Is hereby ay- proved, and the proper clty officer. are authorized and dlrected'to executethe. same qn behalf o[ the Clty. 9 -Adopted -`by-tfie Council June 9,1916.' Approved June 9, 1916. i (June 12-1916) - Adopted by the Council.........., JIJI+J...^..D...45.l.5.... 191..._.. Approved..__..._.. 4im._—.t?...to 5....._......191........ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.........................._.._........_....._.__........_:......._....._.................................:.........._ COUNCIL Date Presented .._ ..._ . 191 ... _. Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 7th, 1915, by and between the Kettle River Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 590 square yards of sandstone paving blocks, to be used in paving Robert street from Second street to Sixth street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) Coticilmen (✓) Nays C. P. No. 1111 Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 7thC 1915, by and between the Kettle River ompany and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 590 quare yards of sandstone paving blocks, to. be used in paving Robert' street from Second streef to Sixth ,street, be and the same is hereby ap- officers are autho ized1anr and and ectedproercity to —cents the same on behalf of the City. Adopted by. the Councir June 9, 1915. Approved June 9, 1915. (June 12-1915)' Adopted by the Council._ _..._.3��...-9._1Y.S .._ 191...... Approved......._....191........ �AYOR . In favor JKell '..... Against Mr. P FORM C.9.2 C. P. No. 1111 Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 7thC 1915, by and between the Kettle River ompany and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 590 quare yards of sandstone paving blocks, to. be used in paving Robert' street from Second streef to Sixth ,street, be and the same is hereby ap- officers are autho ized1anr and and ectedproercity to —cents the same on behalf of the City. Adopted by. the Councir June 9, 1915. Approved June 9, 1915. (June 12-1915)' Adopted by the Council._ _..._.3��...-9._1Y.S .._ 191...... Approved......._....191........ �AYOR I Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 7th, 1915, by and between 'the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company for furnishing cement to be used in paving Robert street from Second street to Sixth street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 5397 ' Res'dVed. That the contract hearing date June 7th1915, by and between I' The St. Paal Lime K Cement Company. and the City of :Saint Paul, for, f r nbe used 1n ! eRobert b tt street tstreett from Second street g to Sixth street be and the same 1. et / .: hereby pp owed, and the proper, / ty oRe e e a authorized d o behalf of j ed to execute the enure on lieh If o[ the City. 9° d Adopted by the. Council lune 9, 1976. t'r Approved Stine 9, 1916. - f (Tune 12-1916) Yeas (d) C , -Imen (✓) Nays Go n.. / In Favor N r M 11 �.__ Against N Mr. Pr FORM C.6-2 Adopted by the Council......_'......._ ....................._.. 191...... JUN —*9 15 RN __.... 9 f aw. C . Approved :.. �..................191........ If apt ......... . +1M �uf�e7rit T CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. FI. O'N C11.L ♦s JOHN I..THYLE s JOHN A.BURNB WILLIAM J.GIBERBON THOB.W.M.M EEK IN Julie 7th, 1915. i:�t7197I` To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your approval, with proper form of resolution, contract bearing date June 7th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing cement for paving Robert. street from Second street 'to Sixth street. Yours trul Cor oration ounsel. 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �9g No. ... 9Y AUDITED,191_ 318 PER nnc I Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter in favor of, the per ns, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the statementkr Yeas ( J ') Can men ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council Go In favor Approve JUS! __a I M o M ll _Against 1'�yV O' rs GZC� Mr. Presi — Corporate Purposes -Salaries Dept. of Public Works S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Street Const. &Repair and- Wl. Sewer " " " S. & S. Cleaning -S er Cl " " �� S. & S. treet S. & S. " -City p -Wages Bridge Bldg. Repair nd Wages Sprinkling, Water Sup y Fund, $17,188.68 8,28 .f4 2.20 �— ,070.00 .778• ✓ 19" 9 0 .95 r 79.65 17, .68 Dert.of Public Works S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Engineerin In 13P d o Fund Paving De et is on, 1 2,392.45. 1.13 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:........................ `:....._._....:......................................................_.........._..—M.....-....._----- ........ nieNCIL NO....... x ...:. .:..........._......,...................._................................................ ....__...... -.................. _............... _..................... ..... .......... :................. . Date Presented........June Sth........... 1911935 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Parke, Play -grounds and Public Buildings is hereby instructed and r equested to proceed with the erection of a garage or shelter for Automobiles connected with the Central Police Station, in accordance with the plans and specifications submitted to the Commissioner of Public Safety and accompanying this resolution. The cost of this construction to be paid out,of the Mainte nance and Repair account of the Police Fund of the Department of Public Safety. � c to a n. in sl In P1 Yeas ( ✓) cilmen ( ✓) Nays In favor K er M oll _Against Ca eary Mr. PraciduRErV*e£s and or the :Department of Pub Y. �d by the Connell June 9, 1915.. ted June -91 1915. ., (June 12-1915) Adopted by the Council JUN —9 W5 191— Approved 191__ --- ---- - AYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ... _ __. L a4 ' COUNCIL ", J FILENO........... ......................... .. AA Date Presented ........_Jur e ...._9 , __.....1 M......... Resolved, That the Co),unissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to lay .asphalt concrete in the private alley in Block 27 St. Paul Proper, knovn as the Merchants Hotel Alley, the expense of said vork to be charged to the owner of said property at cost plus 10% Yeas4Kc1I (Y) Nays >/ �/ In favor / % _Against ash Mr. Foam c C. F., No. 5400 By M. N. GO96-- Resolved. Thnt the Commissioner of Public Works be and he. ishereau- thorized and directed 'to lay- asph. t concrete in the -private alley In Block 27. 3t. Paul Proper, known_.. the Mer-' chants Hotel Alley, the expense,of sold work to be charged to the owner of i said property at cost plus l0%. Adopted by the Council June 9, 1916. Approved .June 9, 1916. (June 12-1915) ,adopted by the Council )UN — J 191 Approved_ "' .191 1 OF ST. PAUL - CI ESOLUTI ON—GENERAL FORM _ Subject:....._ ......... .._........... __....�._........--.'_... _............: COUNCIL FILENo . .......................................... Date Presented................ ..................... t::at „ e cifaro-.te lice.:se ;Io.21, issued April. 22, 1915 to rE.C.Vwr Val':enbur , 453 Jac:cson St., be and .l:e sem.^.e hereby id transferred tc Fencrey ; Pctcr:on, 170 E . 1^ t'-, St . r 21 Yeas (✓) Coulilmen (✓) Nays C. F. No. 6401—by: Henry ldcColl— Resolved, Tltnt ttie cigarette lteense 1 - No. 21� issued April 22, 1915'0 )J. e. Van Valkenburg, 469 Jackson St...be. and the me hereby is transferred to Pendrey fi Peterson,170 F.. 10t1iSt. Adopted by the Council June 9, 1916, Approved June 9, 1916. (June 12-1916) Adopted by the Council... ........... l)N....� �... Ic 5 ..191 Approved"'.t?..191......- MAYO h , Goss.._ In Favor Kelle / MCC I U.'.......Againat 7/ Nash Mr. P FORM C.9.2 ' C. F. No. 6401—by: Henry ldcColl— Resolved, Tltnt ttie cigarette lteense 1 - No. 21� issued April 22, 1915'0 )J. e. Van Valkenburg, 469 Jackson St...be. and the me hereby is transferred to Pendrey fi Peterson,170 F.. 10t1iSt. Adopted by the Council June 9, 1916, Approved June 9, 1916. (June 12-1916) Adopted by the Council... ........... l)N....� �... Ic 5 ..191 Approved"'.t?..191......- MAYO ]AI. PROCEEDrNGB OF"ivsTBE� - COi1NC[L 70 6d02�—O dl ance No 3602 )� a to s Ttla the 54"�t^�7 : nCil ofthe Citi o[ 6t Paul ,ioe �' 2 E SE CTION 1 � d the yprgpoeitlonh of tOvldla T; ,' tq co'inpromlee Lnd settle her Y Rlnsf'ihe Citl of St. Paul arta-, i}ijuElOe eUetained'bY her, by. q;tnll OR un ICY-Bidewallt;,pU wan�e�between Chatallor,;l>! t Oxfords etre [;; ae IB moF,�t - set out LR l,ee c mmuRtgB > c V, ilnd4r.dat 'bf Apr on•_p6YmehC,=}o bar' a1.�! r t'�utY llVe :Donate {f76y0 -game le hereby accept. - -' hCI1r otVare ' decl0'!_ao drs O Corrtmiealones r_o�o� T,�.''ordinance to settle the claim of Ovidia T. Iverson. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of Ovidia T. Iverson to com- promise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on Ashland Avenue between Chatsworth Street and Oxford Street, as is more particularly Bet out in her communication to the Council under date of April 2d, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of Seventy-five Dollars, ($75.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city of- ficers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a. warrant upon the Com- missioner of Finance, in favor of Ovidia T. Iverson, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Seventy-five Dol- larB; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstanceB hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force a 30 days after itslpassagd" approval, and publication. .r - — Yeas (J) Councihnen (J) Nays Final Adoption by the Council.... ........ ___ 915. I/ Farnswotth —� ht Readin@......_.. _...... 181 ✓ Goss .... In favor Ap ve ........ ._ 1 .. Keller 2nd � .191°! / McColl ' %�� m,vrors 3rd �1171_.--19'i/ ✓ Attest: r Yoerg JOHN I. FARCY, Date Published.,._ ... 19L.-. Mr. Vesident, Powers, PUBj.TSHED � -3 1. City Clerk. 0 5ae)2 An ordinance to settle the claim of Ovidia T. Iverson. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of Ovidia T. Iverson to com- promise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on Ashland Avenue between Chatsworth Street and Oxford Street, as is more particularly set out in her communication to the Council under date of April 2d, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of Seventy-five Dollars, ($75.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city of- ficers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Com- missioner of Finance, in favor of Ovidia T. Iverson, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Seventy-five Dol- lars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of 'every -kind and nature., and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. I M CITY OF SAINT PAUL O.H. O'N£ ILL ♦s JOHN RKYLEv6 JOHN A.BURNS WILLIAM J.GIBERSON THOS.W.MCMEEKIN St.Paul, Minn., June 8, 1915 To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance settling the claim of Ovidia T. Iverson, for Seventy-five Dollars. After a careful investigation of the facts in the above case, it is the opinion of this Department that the settlement hereinabove mentioned, is reasonable and to the best interest of the City. Yours truly, C�o�porat on Counsel. } G COUNCIL FILE NO. By........_....... .. _ __......................_ d ' 417 *I FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of .Cons ruct ng a ceaent block_ s.idewalk..to a...wid.th__of....s.ix.. feet on the west side of Cretin avenue from Dayton avenue to Selby avenue, ................... ............................. .... _..... .. - ........ . _ ...._. under Preliminary Order _ 41.34... __ ...._ __.__....... approved _.March._20th,_._19.1.5... Intermediary Order _ _.. __. _ approved .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having 1 heard all poisons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. _const.zuc.l...a.._c..eman.t block sidewalk..to_. a..w_id.th....o.f-.s.i.x fe.et....on.- the. ..-weak---aide-..of- Cretin _.. avenue from Dayton -avenue to Selby avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council ..... _...._ __.._ ., 191 -� r/ Approved ......_.._' '. Councilman 5p0awrdrth- Goss I- Keller '—McColl `� 6-L2ar.Y Form B. S. A. 8-7 .......... City Clerk. C F ST. PAUL DEPAR#MT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE o ON PREL `'NARY ORDER / j Lj 11 / i LdJ IntheNlatterof:. ��ly'.l:..l./.�_�t.t1... _. C..__.;:1__f.L.[......._.(r.t:.C_4../(...........4�.._�_l,f�n�_..............:.. a / / __ 0 / A a ,(fit• / [ _ r 4.C.i.c%a«.Lr........t...r.�..`..-�.._...�...41.f,.�f.._',, ......t. V...1_........'.0..........� �j_.l!:�.........�...I�.i.................................................... ........... ......I ........... .._.._..._.......... ....... ........ ....... ........... —...... ... ................... .... ...... ........ ........ ...... ............. __... .............. —...................... ....... ....... ........ ............ .................. ..... a..... ....... ...... _....... ... ........ ... ........ ........................ ............................ _......................... .... .................. . __ ..... ..._... _........................ ......._. _... ....................... .... _... ..... ........ ...... _........................ ........... ...._.........._....... ....... ................... ............ ...... _... ........................ ._.......... ........... .................... ........................................................._...................._.... ....... ..... .S ................ ....... .... ... _............... ...... ............ ...— 9 � 4 J` Order 1.�. .........— .............. ....... ........_......._.._........... ................. ..................... .... ....... ...... ...................._.... _ ..................... ........__ ......_.. under Preliminary approved... .......`..V.j._-1..-...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is for new side— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $.Walk. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- - DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to . J to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.... _.... - .al/.(P...-........_........_.19N_..._ _ / Commissioner of Finance. • M. N. GOSS. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, COhSP11SSIONER Of PUBLIC WORKS MARCH 13th, 1915. 40 It. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF ST. PAUL . MINN' i HONrRABLE SIR: We the undersigned, realizing the necessity of having a sidewalk placed on the west side of Cretin Ave.N. from Dayton Avenue to Selby Avienue, including the two cross walks, do hereby petition you ,as Commissioner of Public Works , to take neceesa.ry steps towards accomplishing that work Tit. To1F. • MOHR NIAR BUREAU :;UF:. E[�fif NEERS,, ADDRESS Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April ..._14: �........................._191.. 5.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, staving had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No......!MQ ............. approved ......._M9.TCh..._a5........... ....................191. M.A.., relative to ..................... . , constructing a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the north.....Q.. d...._o....._Qelby.....�y. nue..._Yrom....Cretin,._Avenue.,.._to....the,_._southwes.. corner of Lot 18, Block 56, Desnoyer Park; also Council File No. approved ._.Maroh...2.0..,_...1915....._.r.elat.iv.e...t.o...zons.t.ruc.t..ing.....a.....e.id e�!.>�l.k..._Rf.....G.Ome.?ylt blocks to a width of six feet on the west side of Cretin Avenue from .-Dayton-Avenue.. _tc.....8e.1b.y...Av.enue._............... .......... ........ ...................................................... ...._...._.. �......................... ................... ............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._.._..._. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 52¢ per front foot `L. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ................................... and the total cost thereof is$._.._......_XXXX ...................., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................................................................................................... ... ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ...............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ouunissioner of Public Works. 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. -.... By_ _ .......... _......._... FINAL; ORDER. In the Matter of ...._cgA1ELtr t.c ting. a _a_idewalk.-of c.ement._.t.ile...to....a...width ---of -6 feet o the north side of B2urne avenue from the west line of Lot 10 Block 3�0 to the, west_ line. o_f L.ot 19,_ Block_._30,_ .t., _Ant.hony._Park ...Ncr.t$,_.__. . ............................... ... under Preliminary Order .4578.. .__. _. approved .._aP.x.11 _221zd., ..19.x$.. IntermediaryOrder _.__. . _.......__. ____.__ approved ._.... -_._.... .... ....... . . . ........... . ........ ..__..__..... .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and Laving fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made b the"said City is _ Construct -,_a,,,_ Bidew.al.k._.of.. cement. -.tile._ to...a...wi.dth .of._.. 6 feet on the north side of Bourne avenue from the west line of Lot 10, Btoek....30,...._to...._ the ...w.e.e.t....l.ine__o.f..-Iot.....Is, _,Block_ 3.0,-.-St.....Anthon.y....Park N.ort.h,._-. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIiER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and dire)cted/J to proeeed with the making . of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..._.....-_ _. _Ji.1.�..... �. ;u.y...__.., 191 City Clerk. � c Approved ............ Councilmarlt.� " Goss " Keller Yoerg Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4091 s. —0EPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �V� 4 In the Matter of C�Ie�llzll.U/FY-C' I-- z 1.k ... .........— . .......... . . ...... . . .... ... ... . ..... .. ...a'... .. .......... .......... C . ....... 1r ... ............. ... ... ..... --- ......... . . . ............... .... ... . . . . . . ................... .. ... .. . ...... .............. ... ............ ........... ...... ....... I ...... ....... .......... .. . ... ....... I ....... ....... ....... ................ . ..... ............. . ...... ..... . . .............. . ........ ...... ....... - -- .. ...... ........ ..... .............. ...... ....... ............................ ....... ... ... . ....... .. .... .. . . ........... . ......... ...... .......... ....... I..._ ........ under Preliminary Order approved ...... -C (��'' �-" /..........al.. .......... -......__(...%... . .. . ....... .... . ........ ...... ...... ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ lipeeal.. foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ -------- The -------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION J /.7 0 '� -k & TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated . ............ .... . ......... ....... . .... . . ......... Commissioner of Finance. I i.1 Office of -the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .......... AP. r i l..._28.a.. .................... 191.5... To the Conmtissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: . The Conuuissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, 22 191.5...., relative to....._the ._._. cil, known as Council File No.....................................approved....._........�?............._....... +. construction of a cement block sidewalk to a width of s,ix feet on the ...._....._............................................................................................................................ north side of Bourne Ave. from the est line of.Lot 10, Block...... .30, to the w ............................-....................................._..... vieat.._.l.in.a.....Q.Y.....Lot..... _ .,..... 1.4.4k.....3.Q,..._51........ Antho..n.Y...Pack.._North.........._....................... ........................ ............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........... ............necessary and (or) desirable. 65¢ per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is..._ ................................ and the total cost thereof is$.............. ....._._............ .... ....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................ ................. .................. .......................................................... ............... ............. ........................ .... ....... .............. .......... ........... ................. ................. .... ._........._.._.................... ........._........ ... ......_........................... ............. ................... ._... _ .. �3. A plan, proSle or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made :n part hereof. #. ............................... ........................................................ _.......................................................... ........... ................... _... _... ..................... _................. _...................... _....... 5. Said improvementis.__Tlt...................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..... C nmiaeioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. By_._.............__._._. ___ _ __. _........._ ,�_ FINAL ORDER. In the 11I ter of Constructing a.. cement. block._ sidewalk.. to... a_.w. i.dth_ of._..e.ix..... feet on le north Bide of Charles street beginning at Pascal avenue thence to Snellin& avenue excepting. where_good,_and sufficient cement__.. block-sidoWalks 'now' exist; under Preliminary Order _4575 __ _ _._..... approved ._.ri.l._..82nd.,._.1.9.Z.5.. ..... Intermediary Order __ ......... approved _..__.. _. _.._....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it i RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improv((�e�ment to be made by the said City is Construct .a c_ement_hloek sidewalk..to a._._w_idth__oi�._.six feet on the north side of Charles street beginning at Pascal avenue; thence- to ..Snelling.....avenue. _exaeF.t.i.ng... wh_e_re....Sood..... and - su-f f icien t . c emen.t... block- _ side- walks id e - walks now exist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adnnted by the Council Approved ... _, 191 ... Councilman Goss Keller 1 McColl Yoerg Mayor-_� Form B. S. A. 8.7 City Clerk. IL ,Ld l l 0 ,tvr CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRTIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ...-- -• ! .. /N. j.... c(. i� ,<-tt fl./ U'[... _.i _ .................-- 0� N r .1.. civ �L�i to �. �� ._.-c �c <<.....�u..r� l�� �-�C.��Ir.�T���....�l..l�l...✓._._..�1``.� r� r.� tl�r�4....<<cc...��� ......... .......t�cCl��. �'IAS� �� __.ts'ze. a...C.c1._=Ll.....C.t�[rY.�-...ll`i�.�....._.�1..(�--1-L��_c`.�� ✓......._�(.'.:_?..:t.�._._ ' x ......... ..... ...___..._....... ........ ...... ....... _. _....... .............. ... ............ ..... _..... ...... ........ ....... ................... ...... ................. _........................... ._..... .............. ._....... ........ -.......................... ..............._ ....._.................. ..... _..... under Preliminary Order approved._........1f.....1/........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 52gT.. lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------ - ----- --------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION l - ' �� �< rlJ /�f�c/JLiu✓y TucC�r �o�- /.1 cla �1 �v ASSESSED VALUATION -7 s � C2 s —7J ON o -t TOTAL. L� rt L � V The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the. Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ... ....... _...._.::,:::_ ... _.�. '.... GYG.. .......... _........ / Commissioner of Finance. vonx e. s. w. e•a o V . 1 • St Paul, Minn., April 13, 1915. TO THE BOARD OF P'.'BLIC "WIM: .a, the undersigned taxpayers and property o:eners in Block 6, Hamline Svnicats Addition '-Io.3, City of St Paul, Iainnasota, hereby Petition your honorable body that an ordar'be issued for the laying of sidewalk on the south side of Lot 18, and paving of two alley openings on Charles Street, in said Block 6. lam'" �Yn • k. (• h mt.Gc-� ! '-'l .fF � r � 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _..... ............... 191.. 5.. To the Counuissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Canmissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- the cil, known as Council File No........._4575... approved ............._...._April ?3' _........... 191._5..., relative to ..................... _..... . construction of a cement block sidewalk to a width of 6 ft. on the ....................................................................................... ....... ........... ................ north..._e_ide...of..__Charle_s...__3t.,.,..... b_eginning..._at..._Paeoal._A_ve,,.._,_.._.thence,._to _.Snelling Ave....,..___exoepting._where good _and.,_sufficient Dement sidewalks now exist. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......... .... ...... _.necessary and (or) desirable. 53 ets. per front foot. S. The estimated cost thereof is $ .........................._........ . and the total cost thereof is {...................... ......... ... .... ....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.........._............_.._.._...._.................._......_....._............................_.._......_...._....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...................... .................................................... ................................................_................................................_.................._................. ............... :i. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners.of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. o 2777"r of Public Works. 0 �" .. a .... .. _. COUNCIL FILE NO.. _. j By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ... Cons.t.ruating _a._aidewal.k. o.f. ce.ment...block.s to_._4 width ...of_.. six feet on the north side of Selby avenue f rai. Cretin avenue to the south Lot._..1Q.,...... Bl.o.ck. 56.,__D.e.snoyer_.Park— ...__ _ .. _ __. under Preliminary Order 420Q. _....._... approved March„ 25th, 1915.. .......... _... Intermediary Order .. __ _ ____ _ _ approved _.__............. _.__..___. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement a e th id Cit ' _Cq..nstr c_ ._a sidewalk.. f cement blocks tc a width of si�iy n i s e _ elb "Avenue r m Cretin.avenue to the south west corner of -Loi , 1loc� 5 , D snoyer Par, - . _ ...._..... . . . ........_.. _._ _.... "._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance theretvith Adopted by the Council .._....__ JN �'v_.__.., 191. --� !i Approved ............. Councilman- Goss " -Keller " McColl " - Yoerg Mayop-ftq er Form R. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF S" PAUL DEPARTMR;;WF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the Matter of . ......... u., ... ........ ........ .. . ........ ... --------- �Y .1 . ..... ...... .. ...... ZT .. f-:'zzfk/ P7 .. ..... .... .............. ....... . .......... ....... ............ .......... ....... ........ .. ............... .. . ... .... . ...... ........... ....... .... ...... .............. ... ..... ....... .... ...... ........ ....... ............ ...... ...... ............... ...... ...... - ........... .......... ............... ... ....... . ........ ........ .. .. . ....... ...... . ... . .................... ; ..... ....... ............. V .......... ....... ... .. . . ..... . .. .... . . .. ........... ......... ............ ..... .......... ....... ...... ........ under Preliminary Order approved ........... ....... .......... ....... ...... ..... I . ..... ..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 53 .er lineal The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ .......... ...... ...... I . ..... .... .. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Z? CIL, Al j & �V(- p � 6 /'/ a,61 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /1--:1/ . .. . .......... Commissioner of Finance. ASSESSED VALUATION v- C- ST -PAUL, MIVrFSOTA March I7yh- I9I5 To the ComMon Council City of St. Paul, Gentlemen: — we, the undersigned residents and property ownersof Selby Ave. west of Cretin, da hereby petition your honorable to cause a sidewalk to be laid on said Selby Ave. (north aide ) from Cretin Ave to the southwest corner of Let IS Flock 56 Des Aoyer Park. LOT RLOCP. A.pDIT IGV l / I AME _ � 7 614 BU�Ai,,,OF E�iG RS, N ?• 51►a i COUNCIL FILE NO.. By...._...__...__...._.._...._ _.... - FINAL ORDER. IntheMatterof_cOne .z LtC.ting. a.to.._a width__ o.f.._six .___._. feet on both sides of iia sa•l avenue frog. Lexington avenue to Asbury avenue,..._exc.el.tirg wul}er.e good and. suf.f., Brit. aeai,-.zl+ - i le^a.11 a.. now ._ -exist,_... under Preliminary Order. _93.14 _. _ . _ -.. _._......_. approved Intermediary Order _._. ...... approved improvement upon due notice, and the Council having A public hearing :having been had upon the above heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be mad by hes 'd ity ie _Construct. _a_ cement the sidewalk _ to a width of.... six feet on sde of Marshall avenue from Lexington avenue to Asbury .ve,e ru exc ting..where, _good ._and suffi4 ant. geIwen.t sidewalks n.gw.exist,_ Avu ct..t�fi ���f�.rr<�i��iJ7rcz�LlCa��e"-� and-the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED -FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council ........__ _ ._. 191 ...._ City Clerk. Approved _ .... ..., 193 C. F. No6407 ' In the Matter;of, constructing a ce-. ` „mart tale eidewant; to`a'width of elx J ,fect:'.In,both aid.. of :Marshall ave-' Councilman Farnsworth nue from Lexington avenue• to As= / bury avenue, excepting where. goody andsufflcientcement sidewalks now exist; under Freliminary`. Order 4314 G06$ approved ApriLlst, 1916.' A'public-hearing having .beenhad. upon. the abovel,lmprovement.upon dues Keller •notice,. and �Ihe.:council •havinir heard all,'peraons,;,oblectlone,andrecemmen-. atiops relatlVd ,thereto, and ha dA McColl fully' -considered the Same; ,therefore, • be.lti,1 Resolved By the council,. of the City of St.' , FauVlthat;the p eclse nature ,ex� is and kind,pf i}nprovement to be - made -:by the 'said City'Is ''donatruot a: e. on sidewalk to.'a, width oY Biz• Yoerg Yeet•on" north aide of Marshall Lextny�ton toAebury from; avenue ,on thesouth, sidebf, Marbhall ...,isand avenue from`, J:exingtom'avenve:,i Mayor Powers Hamline avenue and the Couneil. h'erd<' by orders 'Said Improvement _ to be Form B. S. A. 84 - me. Resolved Further -That the Commis -of Public Works be and he is hereby. inetruoted and directed to pre- pare 'plane an spset cations for Said improvement, and' -submit same to the _ Connell for .approval; that upon said approval, the proper clil' officer. are hr b, -th-1l d and directed to pro - , sed ,,b the marc ing of said improve- m ent In a ordance therewith. eby Ad opted the Council June 9, 1915. Approved June 9, 1915.. (June 12x1916) I. .. of CITY OF 5 . U - f t,•I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOIER OF FINANCE ON PRI=LIMINA.W ORDER ._.....?1!.{�1....f:t.F��.l.-.-....���urI -�e�� yrs✓ z�/� _ under Preliminary Order approved - -- 414-- --- ---------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: d� The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— 52-0__ per ---------lineal ----------- foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is „ - - - - - - $ --------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ygLUATI ON - G `� .fid � �G .2•, � -:., d` � �� ��r Sii.>e��`� 1 ! a a / a 6Cc N, o TOTAL. - - . CITY OF ST. "{ 1 DEPARTMENT O INANCE } ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -. .... DESCRIPTION ,: •. .: , _ _.. . LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED... ,. ...-: VALUATIO / z A! �fl,L c � , may:.r all, J ` y 01 y rr� Z/li�lir6ru yG�Ly.frr • 71 1W LI __ TOTAL, G IOLM O.L.A. 8-6 L .,.. _ ...... , • � .... ._ ,.:. ..... . ��.... '+..� �,,. ,_� CITY OF ST. F (DEPARTMENT O , NANCE <I _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - •� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA ATION , yysrK�ifek/iJ GILP� ,o a cG y� J- .3 .3 6f 0 L � Al i .3,) zO 1 J` UG -3/ 3' . G )1 3- � Jh :. tuna es.w. e•e e TOTAL CITY OF ST. P 4 - 9 ' f3EPARTMENT OF INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION N� 13 all �,tl� Aw -7C'J,.L' ki, y L Z The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, -- and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to - -- him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated– - Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.s— 5.5 c 1-1 �t Office, of .the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 14 ........................ .191.5. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner o8 Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........ j314.. _..approved, .........._ApTi1 1 .... ...... ....... .... 191._5.., relative to............................. conetruot r.g_.._a:_. oe>vent....:t11e.,.._AAAAPAlk.,_._to...._a.._:Width .._of_....Q.lx.....fp.o. ....on., both............ sides of Marshall Avenue _.from -._Lexington_._ Avenue_..to__A.sbury.._Avenue.,..._._......__... excepting where good and sufficient cement dd.ewalks now exist. .......................-............................. _....... _..... _.............................................................................. _.......... _................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.__...................necessary and (or) desirable. 53¢ per front foot, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .. and the total cost thereof is $- ........... _XXX]C and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................--- .......................... . _.............. ...... .......... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. f. ............ .......................................... ........ ............ ........... .............. ....... ............ ........ ...........................................................:....................................................................................... 5. Said improvement is.................. nOt asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..................... ........._.............. _.............................��'"'�"+V.......:..........__... Comnnissione of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject•. ................ _.._................... ...:.....:..._............... ................. .............. .......... ........... .................. .......... COUNCIL FILE{X10............................................ .................................................................................................... .................'............... ............................... ..................... Date Presented_........_........._......__.._.. _ 191 ....... Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 8th, 1915, by and between C. Bielenberg and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 1077 cubic yards of crushed rock, to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from wabasha street to Belle street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 6408—'- dateaJune Sth,a 197.6c by and tb twee.-� 0..$lel,"berg ¢ d the City of St. Paul for furnishing 1077 cubic � yards of '1 vf�k atdroclttobe usd pavingxaGenelV .Venue from Wabaehtotetbaand the antae ishereee..Vedtheprovercityfft- cernuby and in acted toteee on behalf ofthe City.dopted by the Council Juru9916roved unIt1916 Yeas (✓) C uncilmen (✓) Nays s In favor ler - jj�- -- Coll V....... Against Mr. Pres' FORM CA -2 ,iUN -3- 19`5 Adopted by the Council_ ............... ......... .._......... ........ 191........ --Approved.:.-.��I 191........ ���/�FiAVOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 8 Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 8th, 18150 by and between the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company and the City pf St. Paul for furnishing 1421 barrle of Portland cement, to be used in paving rairfield avenue from South Wabasha street to Belle street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) Co hcilmen (✓)Nays rth G In favor K r ` II V ._ Against N Mr. Prem s FORM C.a•2 �-C ReaVed9 09— olThat the contract bearlrg date June 21h.. 1916, by Ind between the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company and the, City Of St. Poul for furnishing 1421 ban•els o[ Portland cement, to be sed in paving Fairfield nue from South W baehn street to Belle etieet. be and the sa cetyl oHicera ara uthoa- nd the grope .ed and directed to execute the same on behalf f the C1tY• Adopted by the Council lune 9: 1936. Approved June 9, 1916. - ji (June 12-1916) Adopted by the Council __ ..............._.._.9.-.I9.! 5191 Approved........ /l t�....`.•`;_.t�,. _.._ ......._. 191._..... MAYOR 2,410 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Subject: ........... ...Sprinkl.ing-........... ......... _._........ _.... COUNCIL FILE NO...... .. .............................................................. _.......... I. ......... .............. ......... ............ ..... ....... ....... .......... .............................. .......... ....... Date Presented .......... June -:_9___ _ ...._.--I91.5..... y" Resolved, Th. the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the following streets to be sprinkled during the balance of the season of 1915. Milton St. from Linwood St. to Fairmount Ave—mod 0-sceola Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. C. F. No. 6410—By III. N. Goss— . Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public 3Vorke be and is hereby author. 1ze&-and Instructed to cavae the fel lowing [rests to be sprinkled dut'Ing the balance of the season of 1916. Mliton SI.'from Linwood St. to Falr- hount Ave. Osceola Ave. from Chatswor-th St..to.. M11t n S[ Adopted by the Council June 10 1916.1 Approved June 10, 1915- (June 12-1916) Yeas (P`) Coun ilmen (7) Nays -JN 10 141 j ,adopted by the Council Gossnfavor 111Af 1.. t5 i5 191 --— — Kelle Approved_ McC 11 _, _Against tl Nash Yoer Mr. Pres' .__ MAYOR 4 roaM oe•z Mr. Herrold. " Council File No.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following 1c improvement by the C' of Sc Paul, viz.:.c©ndemni.ng. and... takimg...-an ...aaeem ft. ....1n....th.e.._lana..nece y.__i.ox..... slopes, for cute and fills in gradin aniline Ave. from way Parkway to Nebraek-a- Ave ry Lake Gomc & .Phal Av.e.� . €•rom-Sne}li .. Ave -,...to ..Hambine Ave., McKinley Ave. from Franke Ave. to Lake Com Phalen Ave., Asbury Ave: from Midway Parkway to L e Como &Phalen �, Simp_son Aver from Mi ayt Parkway to Lake Como Phalen Ane., P al Ave. from Frankson Ave. to"'fake Como & Phalen Ave , aiid Frankson A from Midway 'Parkway Dated this_._.1Q.th........day of ..... ...............dune....... ...........................191....0.... Hemline Ave. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:CA3ldemnipg and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in grad .ng....Hamline.....Ave.,.....f-rom...Midway....Parkw.ay....to....Ne• raska....Ave...,...Lake...Como.. & Phalen Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Hemline Ave., -McKinley Ave. from Frankson .-Ave-;. to Laker Como & Phalen Ave:, Asbury Are.-, from'-Vidway Parkway to Lake Como & Phalen Ave.,Simpeon Ave., from Midway Parkway to Lake Como & Phalen Ave;; Pascal Ave: Prom Midway Parkway to I;ake Como & Ph len Ave: � and- FranksonAve....,...l om.._MidwaY..._Parkw.a.y to...Hamlins -Ave.., ..... ........ _.......... .......... ........ ... ...... P ,fm t�uis,,. .,..skas:adtnga. having been presented to the Council of t.Ito, Idke Co Parkway to N : ncilman .................. _._.._........_.... ................ ... ... -.ve., Lake C mo and-Phnfen' �. therefore, be itSnelling Ave to Hamutla An nley Ave. f PranGo. Ave. t. 'Cl ':e Como and Ph 1, Ave Ashur). RESOLVED, That the Commission 3., from Mldav y Parxway to Lake ; hereby ordered and directed: mo d Phalen Ave., 9lmpaon Ave., 1. To investigate the- necessity, .(o " rn lI e� Ave, P.Past l Ave Lak. C. >f said improvement. v wa Parky to Lake Como ad Phal_ 2. To investigate the nature, extenhlre., and rrankaon Ave., fromSild- ovement, and the total cost thereof. Parkway to Hamilne Ave., having 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sk ° fr5L"P ulttherefore, be it f the 0 4. To furnish the followingother da,i-lwork That and he is hen b, d and directed: _ said improvement : ..................................... T, Anseetlg.tc_th.�.cevr. .. I.esirabillty of the making' .......................................... ....... ._......... ...... ............... .........................._........... ...... ....... ........... ...._.....j rovement. ................. .......... 5. To state whether or not said in stimatedtl cost tore a al on the petition of three or more owners. t, and the total cost t'.. 6. To report' upon all of the foregdt'4 :'atter, h pine Commissioner of Finance. )Ula its 1515 Adopted by the Council ....... ...............'................._... ... ....... 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman tl C Vash Approved .........:......... 19L...._. - - --- - ......................... ........ ...... ..:.._ ........................r.... Ma A .../g Mayor. res,. e e e p11Hi.IRw..n .�. JS Mr. Herrold. Council File No.......: k. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo)IAZing public improvemen(y,hf-- �!,y of Sr. Paul, viz.: raondemning.. and ..taking -an -a ement-in-the Jamd_ n asaxy lor_ slopes fo.r cu.t.s....and.. fi.11a in. radin& Chalaw-arth.... nd ta d fi .......... . _Btraet to 1ho.mas..Stxe.et... . .. .. ....... . ............. _­ .. .................. ............... ... ... ....... ............ ........ ....... ...... - ........... ....................... ..... ....... .. ....... ... ........... . ......... ....... ......... ..... ........... ............ ............ ...... ..... ........... Dated fhis loth of day of ................. _....thine................. ..... ...... ................... 191 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: condemning . ..... ..and-taking.-im easement in.. the land- neo aaaary f.O.r O.JQ Q.;r c uIP and fi.11s.. im.g.rading... Qbatawarth Street. f.rom Qh.axlae S: t Z0, ..et t.9 Thomas ........ ...... 2ti-e-et . . ... ..... ....... ....... ....... ... ..... .... ..... I C. F I Whereas. I41 .. ...... ....... ....... .............. . ,t. written proposal for the making ofthe followingimprovement, J viz: Condemning end taking a. a..- ........ . . .. ...... ........ ......... . .............. .­ . ........ ..... .......... ............. ................ . -.nt In the land ­­arY fee slope - fill 't grading Chats - having cues and fr... I -Ch. having been presented to the Council of the ­rth bill 1 Them- having "' =t.d . ..... .. .... ... ........... ...... to the CouncilOf the City of St. Paul therefore, be it therefore, the Resolved, C.curalsoloper of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 1.bll. works be sad ad he is hereby —by ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for Idered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for o or desirability of the making of -&IdI improvement. —rovoment. et mated the nature, mct..tmr, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and es set mated cast of said Im - `t� and the total cost thereoerove 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch 0. To furnish a plan, profile or itch of said Improvement . 4. To furnish the following other data and Taod ifurnish nformation the following '��i'iip relative to rovement; ............ ...... .... _ ............ rovement. To stats hathe-.r-r­­ .. ................. . ............ ...... !1s,ked for o-..... ............... ............ ...... ....... ........... ................ 5. To state whether oi- not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... .... .......... . . . ...... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman—Ea of it Got Approved.. ........ .......... .......... 191 May AK ' e M oll No (a ayy Nash Yog .. . ........... - A ting Mayor. MMLISHED Mr. Herrold. Council File l'te. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin ublic improvement by the City of Sr. Paul, viz.: nandemning and tak1n g _ an ease t 4-ni the I -and.- necessary..... ..... S th PRELIMINARY making 0 f the e fo' win' u t .i_ng t -e t "n ase n he r I -a -and fi.1.10 im i.ng Chatswarth . f ..Rondo S.t. ........ . ... S.Jepes.) fox. aut.a. h .......... . .. to. Aurora Ave... ..... ....... ..... .... .. . ... ..... ... ......... I ..... ...... ....... ....... ... ... ...... . ...... ........... ...... ...... ............ ........ ....... ... ... ...... ....... I ...... ..... . ........ ... ....... .... ­_ .... ... ...... .................. .. .......... .................... I ... ............ Dated this loth . ........ day of_. ..... ...... ... June.- ... ........ .... . ........ ... .. ........ .............. .. .... an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: oondem..4ng ... a taxing. e.aae.mo.n.t im the 1and.- ne.c. easary ....for. 13.10.pes, -far, out.0 ....... 4Ad...f.i 1-1.e in..gx.ading Ch.&t.sWolth S.t from Rondo St.__to Aurora Ave...,. ...... ..... _­ ... ....... ....... ..... ..... .... ....... No. 6413—,., lit .......... ....... ....... .. ........ . ........ A Written p,opa.i far 'S of the �, .11_,nirylinprovem) londemning and taking an er ...... .......... ........ . ........ ......... . .............. ..... ........ ...... .... I .................. ....... ....................... .. n the land necessary for all' and fills in grading Ch, St. 1, A 'nan ........... ....... .. . ... ....... ... .............. having been presented to the Council of the Cij aSt' ing"'.,been 'o t presented Iof the City of at. P-1 the therefore, be it a I ivet d ' That the Conant salont• Works and he to hIr-lb.11 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pt., nd directbe ed: s hereby ordered and directed: . directed: the necaselt, 1. To investigate the necessity for or destrallitty of the making of of Said improvement. 11, odic tlg.ta the nat—, "rovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estii ged ... I ofaid'Iml. total co the so 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of S, rni.hproaveplmaennz !d Im 1" 4. To furnish the following other data and irifoF­laf'attilo`n 'MaVe to said improvement; ................. ............................... ............ .. .... ....... ........... ..... . .......................... .. ....... ....... ..... .... .. . ... ..... . . . .... in 5. To state whether or not said 'improvement is asked'for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ....... ............ . 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Gos Approved .......... .............. .. ...... .. 191 Councilman 61f Qk Nash Yo....... ..... . ... . ....... a3;.O.r ........... .... Ma- A 9 PUKJSMW� PREMONARY ORDER. INTHEREAK, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.,,. __Gr;de Chi.Pgewm Bakg-r Zt. I.Q_ . . ......................... ............. .. .......... .......... 5414— Whereas. A written viopoddi for the IS, POW therefore, be It having been presented to the Council 0 Resolved. That. the C...N.1 ... r Of "' . ........ ................. .......................................................... Public Works be and he 1. hereby or - therefore, be it dered and dlrseteLd:' I I I 1.1 To Inventiva ehXe necessity for ty 0 t .king of said RESOLVED, That the Commissioner Of* b ordered and directed: the nature, 1. To investigate the necessity for or tt of - [hereof. _ I d improvement. thereo Profile or �ul cut and the total cost thereof. L. To investigate the nature, extent a Meat. following other. 3. To furnish ;I plan, profile or -sketch of astive to gal 4. To furnish the following other data �ive"td said improvement: .............. ......... .............................. ............................................... ............... . ......... ................... .................... . ......... ......................... ......................... ........... ......................... ............. •5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition'of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the '" fore ' atters to the Coin missioner of Finance. Ui"Vut 15 Ji LU Adopted by the Council.....__............_....._ ........................ ... Yeas: I Nays: Approved....._........._.`._..`.......v ....., .............__..._..]9l .. ............... ...... .... ... .. . ...... Council File No ............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Kbli Paul, viz..:........C.dnst.ruc..t....a....c.ement...._tile...s.ilielir t.o....a. the south side of Reaney St. begi ng at eni east-- ..glish....�t. E Reaney St. beginning at Englis t. thence t( Dated this--.__1Q.t.h.__..day of Petition 5415 1. improvement bythe y of St. idth.....of.....qX fe.et....on.......... of sid,94falk 200 feet d. -0 .. e.t.h- s-i'des.....e—f-- E a St., in accordance Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the staking of the following intprovealent, viz.:.. Construct- a.. cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of ._.._.._Reaney.-..St.......begin.a-ing....at..._ end ....of--aid-oval.k....ZOO. ...feet.-ea-at--of-Atlant o- St. thence to English St., and on both sides of Reaney St. beginning at Engl'is'h' St....thent.e....t'o-'Etna ..St .. .. .. C. F. No. 5416.- .._.. _.... ..._... .... .Whereas. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement Construct n cement the sidewalk toa'wldth of -!x feet on .the aputh side IIFIVlIIg been pl'l'SCllted t0 t11C (011I1C11 Of idewalkReane200 feeteeeet Ut Attnntic'St s 1.._...._..._.................._..................................... thence to English 9t., and on both -------- therefore, be it aide. of Reaney St., beginning at Eng- Hall St., thence to Etna St.. having RESOLVED, That the Commission been presented to the conncu f the ,by ordered and directed: City of St. Paul therefore, be It 1. To 1llVC5tlgatC the nCCCSSlty f0 FubllcRe—lWorkshbe and heals herebyrour d improvement. 't the dared and directed: 2. To investigate the nature, este! 1. To Investigate thnecessity for ement, and the total cost thereof. or deelrabllity of the making of said �. $. To furnish a plan, profile or sk(,Improvement, P P 2, To Investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said Improve - 4. To furnish the following other• IMo..-a d 11. niahalaast thereof• Ild improvement:,._.. profile or ...... .... sketch oY said improvens.- 4. To furnish the followl fig other ............... ........._.................._............................................idata and -information relative to said............ _................. ................. Im rovement 5. To state whether or not said i1 a. To -tate whether or not.seid lm' ltlon of three or more owners. provement is asked for on the petitlon 6. To report upon all of the foi�p'o of three oerpomoruowners. n .11,of the fore- Finance. going matters io the Commteelonar of Fthn Adopted by the Council ... Adoncpet by,th p ncil June 30, 1836. Approved T1une SO 181b. - Yens: (June 12-18j6) 'ouucihnaGo t Ker Approved -- ash g .5 X� May Aotin4 Mayo'. Petition Council File No......__ .......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 541.5 PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin iblie improvement by the y of St. Pant, viz.:...._..0.Ens.trnc.t....a_..c.ement... -tie id -evi t.o_..a....raidth..._of..... ...Xe.e - n-........ the south side of Reaney St. begs ng at end of sid alk 200 feet east ._.©£.....tlant.ia,-.St..S._..thene.o..._ta... ..g Ash.... St..._..and.._-0- e.th....eidee..-of............ ... Reaney St. beginning at Englis t. thence to E a St., in accordance withpetition..._hereto- 'attache................_......_............._......_..........................,............._..............._......._.........._._.........................._ ............... ..191 _.5.. Dated tbis..__._ a.0.tih_ (lay of......_..._.. . cTu7,le.................._.....__............ m Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. AVIIERFAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:......C.Onstxuat.._ a.. cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet an the south side of Reaxtay--St....begi at. ....end....of....sidewad.k...-?.GO....fee.t Z t., thence to English St., and on both sides of Reancy St. beginning at English_. -St ......theno e _.t.o....Etna....St i�....._.--- ................._...._._..._.........._..........__............_...._..............._..._...... ............ _ ...__..._ - .......... ................. ............. No. 6416 Wheroa.. A written yr.posal tor. the - making of the fnolloement tllersid walk ...... ........ .. ............... .. ...... ..... .... ..._t vi.:' Constru.0 -..... __.....__ ..... ..... .......... ..... g 1 to a Width of six feet ontha south tilde having been resented to the Council of of Reaney se., begmn/ng.-at `ena,bf sidewalk 200 feet ea.t of d ' ntt°bot.. 1......_.........................._......._.__..........................._........ there° to Engneh St., and on. hots therefore, be it aide. of Reaney s_beginning at Bag- lish'St. thence [ Etna St. having RESOLVED, That the Commission been n .nted to th eoun.0 of -the by ordered and directed: City of St. Paul th store, b It 1. To investigate the neceasity fo,y blintWorks be and henfa herebyror� d improvement. dared and directed - ; Z. To investigate the nature, extei 1. To Investigatethe" ,,easily toe entent, and the total cost thereof. or desirability, of the making of sai 3. To furnish a plan, profile or ektid i } ijj EpovemenL. e�tl -Am o lave.6lat efezta�t�iyf� ' -l. •l'0 1'ornish the Follotting other ijth 4;iao .adasy ue;[ dmptovemeut: ..... __. o i a t stjA�l a� �°fir ioo� uan�aS� .. ..... .. .............. ....... ..... ars z' 9t s+ ytc X ne;� o& ays ..... ................ .................... _ v. To state whether or not sal 1 "aii}4t6°'�u'loraul�9 u-w4'u 9 "otition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore rang matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN 10 1� 15 Adopted by the Council ......_.......... .................................................191......... Yens: days: Councilinal�1i t� r: io;5 Annrnved._._- .�'_� '. _................................................ _.....191.. _..... AOting -W Petition hereto attached. Council File No......_._.._....._........:..._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and li� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improv by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _.._....Construct a._cement block__._ei_dewalk to.... ___.._idth..._of_._s_ix .f.e.... ...... _ on the north side of Fairmount_Ave.._fro.. ..ue_._St3.Z to. Prior ..........A ....__................ ... __.........._.._............ .... ...._.................... _..................._................... .... ......_._._..._.._......_........................ .._............. Dated this......_.9th...,...._clay of.._.._...--__......_...... ............... 5....12 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. INTUEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:____.._ ......... ._........__.....__ _. Construct a cement block sidewalk to a width of six _feet . _...................._.._..... _:...._....... .._.._ . . .. ..._........ ...... . .... ......... . i_.d..e._.of..._.F.a..i_rmo....u..n...t..._Ave.,..._.rorn_._Su. St_re_et..._t_o..._Pro_r..._Aue. - C F No. 6416— Whereas. A written proposal for th m kt g of the foci cement em g tf blocks aide .. viz Construct a ................................................ ""' "' walls to width of slk feet. on the a north side of. Fairmount Ave. from having been presented to the Council of the Ci Sue nsP esentedPto the avenue. n oalin..................... _.........._............... ......__...........; City of St. Paul therefore. be It therefore, he it sosoroed. That the Commissioner of Pablo works be and he is hereby or - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pl dered and direr ed: the necessity for lered and directed1. : or dselrablilty of the making of said 1. To investigate the necessity foror ddlmprovement. rovonent. 2. To Investigate the nature, extent S. To investigate the nature, extent anti' met, and the total co tether of°`ove- and the total cost thereof. - 2. To furnish a plana profile or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of' sketch offurnish Improvement eefollowing other data and Information relative to said •oVement:..__......_.. 4. '1'o furnish ill, following other data III improvement. ,.___...._.__.._.... 6. To elate whether or net sa1d im- provement Is asked for on the petition ' „_,,.__J of three or more ;owners. . .... .... ..................................................... _....._... ......... ..............................................................6. To report .port. sli of the foto. going. matters to the Commissioner of of three of more owners. 5. '1'n state whether or not said imprav{ Finance Adopted by -the Council June 10:'1915. 6. To report upon all of the foregning 11Approved June 0. 1915. - nee. (JnJUN 1i4 Adopted by the Council ....._........ ........... ......._ 1J1....... Yeas: Nays: CadApproved_.. ........... ._......_....._._._......_............ _ .............101......... .................................................. Aoting Mayor. Council File No ............... ....... . .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followill nibl Paul, viz.: Construct 4 -9.0 M. Q.. Ut... tlle k --to a. south side of Blair St..* --b t'7' pas -,kawsaal Ave.. .to �"he accordance with metition eto attaahed... Dated tliis_loth. _ Ally Petition u341-7 improvement by the cllv''t�St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the looking of the following illiproVenlent, J'jZ': Construct '. aCQMeXIt a.wi.dth af xe ai--fet on the... .......... ................ south side of Blair St..,__bp -aq.Q _tween 13 .Cas, A.v . ..... _.e.. __and Snelling Av"e"' C. F. No. 5417— 'to. Proposal for the. 'Whereas. A wri 1 aking of the fono""' ........ . . ...... .. .. .. .... v z: Construct j -..at the Laid. - walk to . width of .1. feet on the south side of Blair St. between Pascal ...... .... .. . .......................................... . ................... ............... ................. ................. .... ................... Ave. and Snelling Ave having see, C.ua�lj h of t& presented to the City of -St. Paul therefore, be It having been presented to the Council of the P Be solved, That the Commissioner of ... . ... .... Public Works be and he Is hereby or. therefore, be it dered and directed, " To In or de.1r.bluty"Is""l-ht". necessity "y forL RESOLVED, That the Conunissioner 0111 1-?r.Tve-,.nl of, the making of said Cred and directed: . ve.tigato the a -t -'o' -:t." 1. To investigate the necessity for or di ttnd estimated cost of aid Improve- �oVernent. ment, and the total cost thereof. 3. To a an, proftle or, S. To investigate the nature, extent and sketch of saidfurnish improvemplent. and the total cost thereof. 4. To furnish the following other da a and Information Wall— to aid -4 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o Improv ment. 6. To state whether or not said lm-' 4. To fornish the following other dahl ; pl�ovemcnt 1. asked for on the petition . ..... .. ...... of three or moreowner.. 6. To report upon, .11 of the fore. going matters to the Commissioner of ......................... ...... ............ ............................. ............ ................. ................ .... .......... . ....... �Flruan... . - J. To state whether or not said injpr0' Approved June 10, 1915. of three or In OTC owners. (June 12-1915) 6. To report upon all or the foregoing "'IfUcl's to tile Uoininissioner ot riot nee. ;61 -1 i Adopted by the Council. ............ ................... ...... ...... 191 Yens: Nays: Councilina GsApproved ............. ...................191......... K ler Petition Council File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followiZ]g))a..Paul, viz.:....Con@duct.._a Dated this-'— 10th --day of........_._ 40k.ft, a 54.1 improvement by the Councilman. PRELDUNARY ORDER. �J A \VIITREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.__..____.._......_...._____. ... .......... .__0..9n.S.t.Tac.t.._..a,_Q-o exlt......t.ii-e_ S.id.e.N4a7 of.s.ig... e.et.....nn....the-West side._. _of CA C, .... .. ...._.... C F'. 6418 _-........ V✓h,N%.. A vnritten propos l P the .. .......... ....... making of the following Improvement.. - - --- ............. - _.....__..................................._.........._....._........... viz: Construct a cement sidewalk to - a width of six feet on,.tha west side of and M between ing Ces A— and .........................................._............., ],living been presented to the ti Ol1llC/1 ands of Ave.Av . b tw hnvtn r been pre- sented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it Poul therefore• be it Resolved. That [he Commiealonor of RESOLVED, That the C011llllissio Public Works and d s b ea nd he In hereby or, ,reby ordered and directed: 1. To Investigate the necessity foi• 1. To investigate the necessity B or desirability of the making- of Bata said illij)rovement. Improvement. l To investigate the nature, est ana Gao InvadticoeG the rt a rfinextent ovement, and the total cost thereof. maul. nd tha total coat thereoof. or ;3, 'I�0 fln'11181t Fl plan, pTOf11C OT SI sit ch of eaidT. t Improve, plant pr 4. To furnish the fwlowlpg ot` ill improvement --- 4. To furnish tllc following othel data an a Inform tion retotive to Improvoment. - not Bald I— . T tate. wheth or ..... ....................... ..... pr three o is asked for on the Det tion ....... . of three or more wnere. 5. To state whether or not said'• 6: To. report upon au of the tore- titiol of three or more owners. i Flnsnce attere to the Commissioner of Cuncil 6. To report upon all of the fore AApprovea aune 10, 1916, (June121916) June 30. 1915- f F111A11Ce. Adopted by the Council........ - . - Yeas: Nays: Councilman !0 ail 119��5 O s Approved.... ............... ............. er M oil Naeh- Aating -Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.- ...... 000NCIL FILENO .... ... ................... .. .. Date Presented.....-...- June.-..--10_,_._I�H.LS..: Resolved, That the plat of Benedictine Plat 1, as rccor.Tlended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Cornniusioner of Public Clorks, be and the eame is hereby accepted. 1 G. F. No. 6419-8 s �Resolved. That the plat of- Senedle- � Plat Commission recam pproyed DYed by the ' Commieetoner of PubItc. k'ork5, be and Iheeame is hereby accepted. Adopted by the Council.June 10, 1916: ppyroved June 10. 1916. Yeas (t,) (4�_,elnler (f) Nays __�} .In favor / _Against ash Mr. Pre ro„N e.e-z Adopted by the Council Approved _ 191 MAYOR ;a a't nC CITY OF ST. PAUL +'ry �y® COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM L 420 Sablect: ... —_......_COUNCIL . ....Y. 1. . -•. "'-.'�(...:... FILE NO.... ....... ......... ........ ..... ... 1N Date Presented- ..4 14A916 Resolved, Phereas, C. Henning, heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sur.: of Seventy five & CO%100 („75.00) DollarFA as an advance pay- ment "cr a se::'er c., [ct 1, Block 5, f9 eeney's Addition, and.-;hereae .:e as 2o.,..cnt fcr the construction of the se} -r c- ec irf- .;ith :. id _,_; erty is .e sum cf Fifty one & 55/100 Dc'_lare, ersfcre bT it Resolved, :hat the sum of _::enty 45/100 ( 23.45) Dol- lars 'oe --- ended to tlae s. -:id 7. C. Henning, and that ':he proper City Officers be and t'^ey are here'ey authorized to draw a warrant in savor of the said C. .7L3nning for sail sum payable coat cf the Ad- vance Assessment Ac^cunt. IC. F. No. 6420—By M. N. Gose— Resolved, Whereas,W. C. Hennlnq/1 (heretofore pald•to the City of St. Paul the m of Seventy ave - and 00/1011 "'5.001 Dollar,, as an advance 'pay- ( ent for n ewor on Lot 1. Block 6. SWeeney's Addition, and wlloiem the assessment for the eonst,u Uon of -.the .erwer rnnnaerinc'wlfM volT mm�arfv: iv ' Yeas (p) Coun ilmen . (T) Nays Adopted by the Council JUN ld u _ ], 1 5191 _ — -- __Gos In favor "•.: `ti - .191 - Kel------APPioved_ Me oll _Against O' ary Yo g. Mr. Presi v roar c.e-z - Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between Fielding & Shepley, Inc. and the City of St. Paul for paving Lexing- -ton avenue from Summit avenue to Como Park, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. , C. F: No. 64LLThnt the contracdt.tie ween Resolved, 1915, by an date 9th,a. of SLnPnul for pPa 6 Lex1.9ton aveY '.nue from Summit oven le herebYo D� Park, be and the same --. proved, and the Proper cl. officers are: �avthorlied and directed t execute'the.' same oa behaif'of the CSLY adopted by the Council Ju a 10, 1915..1 approved 9 1 (Junune e 12 11916) _ v Yeas (✓) Cou 'Imen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council..... ......................................... 191_...... Gose In favor Kelle _ I . o Approved.......... , U . v , 5 . ............................... }41........ c II _Q.......Against Nas Yoer Mr. P L6Aet1n9...MwvoR. ,..: FORM C.a-P Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between the Republic Creosoting Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 32,979.6 square yards of creosoted paving blocks, to be used in paving Marshall avenue from the west line of Snelling avenue to the east line of the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C Ris solved422h— nt the contract bearing June teiby and weel the eRepublic Crosoing Pompon} and.' the Clty'of 9t. Pauli for furnishing• 32,979.6 square yards' of Creosoted Pav- •Ing blocks, to be used in paving-:3for. :� shall avenue from the 'vest line' of 5 lling avenue to the.east line' of the Ma shall" venue prid'ge, be and the. �_ • �, e ie he b ^*sa r. author z d' and -U(/IiU I I hnit of the l' the Adopted by [he Cucti June Approved June 30, 1916. (June 12-1816)" " 18, 1916. EIf /r Yeas V) en (V) Adopted by the Council ..............._........._...................191........ .... In favor Approved_, _ 'j " 191 _ j....... Against Mr. P5 FORM C.a-2 Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing sewer pipe and sewer bends, to be used in paving Marshall avenue from Snelling avenue to the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officera pare authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) Co 'Imen (✓) Nays h { Go Y'.... In favor ----Kel r Mc oil C/.....Against Nae Y Mr. Pres' _ rs FORM C.S-2 C. F. No. 5423— Resolved, That the ontraet bearing dnte June 9th. 1916, by and between. the SL Paul Lime & Cement Company and the''Clty. of St. Paul foe furnishing. ewer pipe nnd. sewer.bende to be ..1.1 In paving. Marshall avenue from 9ne11 fng,.avenus to the Marshall avenue.; bridge: be and the'same 1s hereby'rtp-:. .proved, nnd the proper city or or, are- euthorized and directed to exeovte'.the same on behalf of the.CltY. Adopted by the Counon .June 10, 19M Approved June 10, 1916: (June 12-1916) ?! 9 5 Adopted by the Council ____..._.........._.................... 191........ WN _-_ -- _._.._APpraved--------_..__. _`------- ...... _.191......_ UniF MAYOR Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between the Purington Paving Brick Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing vitrified brick blocks, to be used in paving Marshall avenue from Snelling avenue to the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. L: IT. No. 6424 Resolved, That the contract bearing !date June9th. 1936; by and between the Purington Paving Brick Company rind the City of St. Pau] for furnishing vitrified brick, block., to be used.. In ravings' Marshall' avenue. from Snelling venue'to the Mnrehnll a epuebridge. bve and the same' 10 hereby approved,', d the proper city officers are an-!. thbrized and directed to execute' thel, a e -o sn behalf of the City. Adopted by the Councll Tune 30. 1915.1 Approved June 10, 1916. 8f / (Tune 12-1916) Yeas (✓)ncilmen ( ✓) Nays ss In favor ccoll Against R ..812 1e Feasts FORM C.8 9 ip C, Adopted by the Council ....,.'!..'L....>.. `.__.:..:.........__.191........ '11md l (' 191 erea 191....... Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 19153 by and between the Capital City Lime & Cement Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing sewer brick to be used in paving Marshall avenue from Snelling avenue to the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. 7 Yeas (✓ACricilmen (✓) Nays ....... In favor -_-Moll It N Y g Mr. P ra FORM c.a-2 C. -F.: No. 6425— Resolved, That the contract' bearing date June 9th, 1916, by and between. the -Capital City Llme'& Cement.Fom-' pany. and the City of St. Paul for fur- nfehing ewer brick to I used fn p v-1 Ing Efarehall avenue from Snelling 11 nue t the Marshall avenue bridge be. d the same to hereby app ved, nd'. jthe proper city tticera are uthorlaed ,and directed to execute the same ort behalf of 'the City Adopted by the Cotincll June 10, 1916. Approved June 10, 1916. (June 12-1916). ,ial II- ,.Ci l5 Adopted by the Council ........._.......... _.._........_........191........ JlJld 1c 19.5 Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between J. L. Shiely Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 4643 cubic yards of gravel, to be used in paving Marshall avenue from Snelling avenue to the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) Cou 'Imen (✓) Naysr, Adopted by the Council-' L...._'...._..'.9'............_... 191 ....... Go In favor LIA Or) Approved. 4......._..191.....:.. M11 V—...Against N Yo g Mr. Pre — i Ot 11 MAYOR FORM ct6 2 6436- ontract"bearing C F. sNo,olved S1 Reached. That than Tons 9 h, 191 thebCttYe ufI Yband IJ -1. 4643 cubic ards 9t: Paul for furnishing Met- t be ue d In Paving Mar - ( gravel, e bridge be and the halt avenue from S ening nand the the Tia h ere Y is here P proved: horiZed 0.hd e % toper 1L3 oPCice p op directed to xecute the same on behalf 0. of the Cita Jun-30, 1915- 11 Adapted by the Council Aoved June. 10, pprr (June.12-1916) Yeas (✓) Cou 'Imen (✓) Naysr, Adopted by the Council-' L...._'...._..'.9'............_... 191 ....... Go In favor LIA Or) Approved. 4......._..191.....:.. M11 V—...Against N Yo g Mr. Pre — i Ot 11 MAYOR FORM ct6 2 ACITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.. _.._................................... ...................... _................................ ,.................................................. ............ 5427 COUNCIL FILENo .............. ............................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. Date Presented ...._...... _.........__ ...... 191 ....... Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between the Standard 011 Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing 81,112 pounds of asphalt filler, to be used in paving Marshall ave= nue from the west line of Snelling gvenue to the east line of the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to.exeoute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) Cou 'lmen (✓)Nays / Go In favor Kell r Mc oil Against N Y g Mr. P FORM C.a-2 C. F. No. 6127—. Resolved. That the oontrnet Uearinhg! date. June 9th. 1916,. by and between the Standard Oil .Company and ;the City oP St .Paul, for'furnishing 81,112 pounds - filler lTs.rehalllavenuefromethe eI., d 4n line o Snolling avenue to the east line of the i Dlnrahall- avenue bridge, be and ;the.' same is hereUy aflproved. ad "the., proper el oincare re authorized and, m direeted to. execute the same.on;.bee,; hNY o1 the Clty. Adopted by the Counell Tune 10. 1916. Approved June 10, 1916. (June 12-1916) „u!,a --�' 19;5 Adopted by the Council.... __........._._..._ ..............191 __... t Approved : 5 191....._. MAY .................... ............. otin4........ R . CITY OF ST.. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENFRAL FORM ( -� 2.9 . 7,. Subject:....................._...._ ...._....._..............._......._............. COUNCIL w - FILE 1.`�0........................................... Date Presented _._..._.___......___ ...__ .. 191 ._._. Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between The Northwestern Lime Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 6167 barrels of cement to be used in paving Marshall avenue from the west line of Snelling avenue to the east line of the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf " of the City. Yeas (V) Mr. Pte9Cd FORM C.a-2 (C) Nays '�11 J ` I ,S S Adopted by the Council ........... .........191 ..... _... . In favor r, Approved- ......... ._:::-: i._ . ...... ...:....._.191 ....... Against ............ .................... • otln4 OR J C bearing Resolved¢ That 1b. ontract date -dyne 9th, 1916, by and between The Northwestern Lime Company: and " the City'. of St.. Paul: for furnishing 6167 barrels of,ement Lobe heed .lnl Ins t Snellinglavenueetorthe-that line of:the Marshall. .nue-bridge, be and .the Sameis hereby approved.and. the proper city officers are authorized d - directed to. excute the same on behalf of the CIN Adopted y the Council0,111dune 10. 1916. / p / Approved lune 10, 916. - (dune 12-1016) (C) Nays '�11 J ` I ,S S Adopted by the Council ........... .........191 ..... _... . In favor r, Approved- ......... ._:::-: i._ . ...... ...:....._.191 ....... Against ............ .................... • otln4 OR J "I Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between R. H. Malone Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing concrete and screened sand to be used in paving Marshall avenue from the west line of Snelling avenue to the east line of Marshall avenue bridge,. be and the same is'hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to exeoute the same on behalf of the City. vf',. C. F. No. 6920— Resolved, That the ntcaot bearing date June 0th, 1916 by and between W. A Malone. Comps Y-apd. the Ty of St. ,P ul for fu nl hing ,conorete and I screen d and to be used, In paving.�i Marshall avenue from the: west fine of 1-1,11ng, avenue to the a t I1ne t Marshall avenv bridge, as and the same Is bereby approved, and the. prop= der --city Klcere.are authorlaed and dl- reuted-to. exeeute the same on .behalf oI the City.. Adopted by. the Council June 10, 1976. Approved(1 1916. June 18 1916) Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓)Nays I IS Adopted by the Council_ ......:.:::..... .................– 191....... B Ke er :Approved.._...... _ ..................."...............191........ M II Against No h Y g Mr. MAYOR FORM 0.9-2 1 V Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 8th, 1915, by and between the Kettle River Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 4,185.7 lineal feet of straight sandstone curbing and 459.9 lineal feet of curved sandstone curbing, to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from South Wabasha street to Belle street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. V C. F: No. 6430— -Resolved, That the ont,.ct hearing� '.date June 8th, 1916, by .and between. the Kettle River company. and the Clty of St. Paul for furnishing 4186.7 lineal Peet o1 Weight sandstone ou b-' t g and +699 11nee.1 feet, ?r cu vb- '� ,n,,t,n, curbing. to be need to pav-�, Ing Fairn Id av nue f om South Wa- I 6 - b ha all et to Belle tee[, be and the same is he eby approved, and the prop. ctty offl ere are autaorlaed and dt- / .ted to -execute the ams on behalf of the Clty i .adopted by the Council June 10, 1916. S r approved June 10, 1916. (June 12-1916).`_ ti Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council.I..l _.........._.._...i. ..... .._....... 191........ rnswor Gose In favor Keller— 41 Approved C 191 McColl Against Nash Yoerg P�- .. ... .. ................MAYOR - ...........Mr. FORM C.a-2 ctiBn Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 8th, 1915, by and between J. L. Shiely Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 732 cubic yards of concrete sand and 381 cubic yards of screened sand, to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from South wabasha street to Belle street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city off ioers are authorised and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 6431— Resolved, That the contract bearing date June Sth, 1916, by nd between J. L. Shiely' Company and th'e City of St. Paul for tarnlehing732 cubic yards. of concrete sand•and 311 ublc yards. f. Screened sand,. to be used 1n paving Fairfield avenue from South', Wabasha at set to Bellestreet. be and the same j ishereby approved' pproved and the proper city oHtcera nre author iaed "and dlreet• ed to, execute. the Sam n and of the Adopted by the Council June 10, 1916:; I Approved June to. 0 1916. City. (June 12-1916) Yeas (✓) Co ncilmen (✓) Nays f / ` (' J Adopted by the Council _ . __ .....___._.___......._.....191_...... �Go In favor v I31i Kelr Approved ............_....._ ....:.........................191........ Mc ell .... .....Against N y4rg wettnt� "'""O FORM C.a-2 COUNCIL FILE NO. — I By� . ............ FINAL ORDER. IntheMaiterof _Constructing.a Per4ent blo.ok.sidewalk. to a width of—aix I feet on both sides of,...Port.land avenue., betwee.n. Fairview avenue and , -Cleveland - ' --- .. . ....... ............. - ......... ... ... avenue, nnder Preliminary Order approved March ZLth,-1.915 . . ......... ........ Intermediary Order approved . -- -_ .... .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise. nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.._C_pne..trll.Ct_._a ...G..emen.t_.block-sidewalk to a...width.. of six feet on both sides of Portland avenue between Fairview avenue and Cleveland avenue. _ ..... ........ - ..... . ........ — .. .. ...... ....... ........ ........... ... . ...... .. . .. .. ...... . ... . .. . . . .. ............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the.making of said improvement in accordance rewith. Yt Adopted by the Council 191 City erk. Approved ................ . C. F.„No.' i4s.— oth Acting Mayor. 'kio* tdewal �t., d;* !0,, b i,ma,l Co4ncilman oss osisr eller ccoll 'Leary oerg Form B. S. A. 8-71 CITY OF 5T.PA� DEPARTMENT OF INACE 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 6` ON PREUIVINARY ORDER In the Matter of--1,.Q._�3!J/A_C_'..X21.P.-----...----�--4---GLf_F_C--L.L.C�--Q-'--01—(---".'_'_ 1 ---'.'_`._-----C--- - under Preliminary Order approved —1 - -------- 1..`--------------- ------------------------ -------- ---- -------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 5Z¢ per The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $------foot.------------lineal neal The estimated cost•per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: J, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 ' 9'�%�, /3 ski i` /3 i� TOTAL. .. I. .tl\. 1/:...�\.... CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF Flp�CE r r REPORT OF COMMISSIONEROFFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUAJJOrC p f\ 4 ` o" PCG 0 v, i\ 1 /3 S �e ys 0 - 1,2 U"/j ✓\� <\ ✓U .. J U !i' y� O �.�loI �.5 - - TOTAL. C� 4� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF Fl�,ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE — + ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED \ all slf`il Pik o 1'1` o 1 (AL J G G f� A TOTAL, F,OW B.O.A. a -E e 15` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FWAVE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAI�JATIQN` j'U�CJU O c �r o Z }. � u .. Y TOTAL. S I IOpM e.6.A. 0-0 O CITY OF ST. PAUL .. " - DEPARTMENT OF FINA4-313 i t REPORT:OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C , (C _ _ .,.:. ... DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALIIAZJJ IQ�N� ,Sl ��(( - f - /r !7 iii 4 G / �� (Ga7 41 y� J /J 41 n The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— ------ ----- ...------------ ------ -- ------- ....._191......... ---- ---.............. - ----------- ....... .......... --------------------... Commissioner of Finance. -RM B.B.A. 0-S C .'..J10 st haul' Minn • March 10th., 1915. / City Council, y, vb St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We the undersigned property owners onAPortland Ave. between Fairview & Cleveland Ave. respectfully request that a cement walk be ordered on Portland Ave. between these streets: f � • ��- y ; `moi- �'� - i � - ��-�-� � . c,-va-2.1,-•t�2222—�, 41AR ti U 1915 BgREAp pE ENGEN•EERS V V.4 Office of the Commissibner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Aril....a4.I............... .5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul , The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No_.......4.13.5........... approved .............. .+ .... _................ 191rJ....., relative to...._th.e conetruotion of a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on both ......._......_................................................. ...................... ..................... ........... .............................................. ................................................. ......._............................................ ................. ... e_ides._._ of Portland Fairview Ave. and Cleveland Ave. ......................... ... .............. .. ...... ......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ... ..... uecePsary a (or) desii ble. 2. The estimated coat thereof is f is ....._.............xxxxx.. ........... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as folloNvs:............ ...:................... .............._...._.._......... ...... .........._............. ......._......_..... _ _. ........ .............. ...... .. ................. .. .......... ........... ....._........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............... .:.......................... .............. .............................................................. ...... ....... ................... ....... ...... ............................_............._._......_....................... ...................... ....... 5. Said improvement is...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Yufilie Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. By....... .... . FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..grading.. Palace street from Grigga....otreet -to-Eyndizat.e..... .......... - ........... .. - . ....... . .. ...... . ................. under Preliminary Order approved karch....17.th.. x,.915... ....... Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is JrPLU_ P Griggs—atreetto Syndicate ppe_ a..treet . from avenue, ............... ............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RrROLVED Ft TREK, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance they'tli. Adopted by the Council 4r-- K4 Clerk. Approved 191. ketl no Mayor. ,I" Form B. S. A. 8-7 under Preliminary Order approved�1--------1 _-1------- ---- - ---------------- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 0,045.40 ,045.40- 4------------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $- 8---""" The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION d % y az FORM B.S.A. B-0 A TOTAL, ' / y o ' CITY OF ST. PAUL PEPARTMENT OF FIP{ANCF= 0. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMNARY ORDER (C) ) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALU TIY Q-A /60 / A), u / � U / � U The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby-submits-the-foregoing-as-his—report them* to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- - - j- ` ----------------------- Commissioner of Finance: FORM ..S.A. 0.0 C MAR 1 9.191.571' 1 BUREAU OF ENC�IIE�£S, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance AP.XA-1....3Q,_..._ :.....................191..5... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Comn- 4090 DI'arch....1'.'......................191....r�, relative to....ahe........... cil, known as Council File No....................................approved........:........................ $s.ad1IIg.....of.....P.alae.e......S.t.xe.e_t....ir.QA1....5Yx�d1..Q. t.e.....A.4.e.11U.0....t_Q.....Cxac.�t�ga..._Str_e_et,............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 86JO per front foot 1,0.4-5.,40 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ----- ........................_....._. and the total cost thereof is ............._....._..._..., and Frontage 1,206.7 feet Excess inspection $20.50. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................. ..................... _.................... -........................................... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..................... .......... .......... ......... ..... .... ......:....... .............. ................. ....... ................... ............ _... 5. Said improvement is ........ ......... _.............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. n n Comm' alone of 30lic Works. N� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENTPUBLIC WORKS •' M. N. GO$SCOMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DE>ury C ... iM—ER OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF E-HUR J. E. CARROLL. Su— C.—RU-01 & RE—Al ALFRED JACKSON, Sum. SANIT�TI011 April , 1915. 5 G. H. HERROLD. Or vice ERaiNEER - - St. caul, Minn. Apra1 301 H. W. GOETZINGER, Suer. WuRNRuuEE B Mr. M. X. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Palace St. from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St., in accordance with Council File #4090, approved March 17, 1915. Approximate estimate 8;;046.40 Assessable frontage 1,206.7 --ft. Cost per front foot .8W Excess Inspection necessary 020.50 W Respectfully sunbm`itted, Chief Engineer. I COUIQCILFILE NO. __.___.._. _.._._._ By ..._ ..... ......... ....................... . FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of to- ...Blair......etr..eet, .... _.....__ .. __... __. _. __.....__........... ........ under Preliminary Order 3344_ __ _ _ ,.__......_ approved JangaTy--- .7th, 1915 Intermediary Order _.... _................. ...... ____.. .. _...__..... approved .._........ ........ . _......._ ....... __................................ _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative- thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is._Grade.._Milton_ street_ from .Thomas street to Blair oetreet, _. _ ... ............ . .. .._......_. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. z Adopted by the Council ...........:. rUf/...S _' Approved ................. ._ _._ _.,191_Sl Councilman F sworth G r oll y. r9 Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8.7 4 r— �-A. r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PREUr11NARY ORDER In eeMatterofc �7Q.1.�1! �..__/G :1L..1`':.LZ._. 1r� 1.� /.._ Z_c..? ........G......:[.....f..........--- .......... ...... ....... ....... .......... _._............. _._.__c........ _ ......_..... _...... .......... ...... .... ....... __._....................... . ....................._.... ........ ............ .................. ........... ........ ...... ................... ._..... ......... ...... _............... ----- ........ ........... _...._....-- .... ..... _............._. _.._. ..... und er Preliminary Order approved.. ��4.(l(._..., ..__— .._lZ`�f ...... ............ ....... .............._...................__ ..._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $............ _ ., 2 e_6............_.._. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or areel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i d /f �. o r JLI LIQ J L(C( %oy / )3`. _ TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. e Dated...... �... ........... _...._..-..191 .. _...._( __...... ....... .......... ........ .. ........ _........ y ; Commissioner of Finance. roBM B. B. A.BBB � Office of the. Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance April 26, 1915.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissionerof Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......_3344..........:.approved............_JanUery 7, ............. 191.._5.., relative to ............ grading 4;to................................ Prom Thomas St. to Blair St. _..................................................._.......__ __........... ..._........................................ ............................... ...... ................................ e and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....... ...... ..........necessary and (or) desirable. $2.69 per front foot Z. `The estimated cost thereof is $ ............ and the total cost thereof is $._2.,. Y%34.,,..,.._. and Frontage 996 feet Esoess inspeotion '$52.54 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ...................................._.........._...................... _............. _..................... ..... ...........--....................- _........................ ..._...................................................... ..... .......................................... ..............._............................ ................................ _._......_....._... M� 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. oI 4 . .............................. ... _................... 5. Said improvement is ........... n-ot.............asked for upon petition of three or snore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _......_.............. ............. ..._.....'........ ............. 1............ ....... ................. ........................... a n issioner f Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ .. _................... .....: . . . ... ............... ...... _.......... ._ COUNCIL FILE No .. -,94.35..... .. ....... ..................... . r r , Date Presented.... June&/0-1915 wed, In the matter of conderfnirg and taking an easement in the land necessary for a sewer on Arch St. from Columbia St. to L'Orient St., under Preliminary Order No. 3204, approved December 26, 1914, and Intermediary Order No. 4885, approved flay 11, 1915. The Corimissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it,* RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land 15' in width over, under, across and thorugh Lot 7, Block 9 of Ashton &'Sherburne's Addition, during the process of constructing the Arch Street Sewer, so-called, and condemn and take an easement 10' in width in, over, across, under and through Lot 7, Block 9, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition to maintain the Arch Street Sewer, so-callsd, the center line of said stripe being the center line of Arch Street produced easterly fron. the East line of Columbia Street to the westerly line of L'Orient Street, as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Con.l:.issioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated June 8, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That. an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public Sewer. - .•y, (1) That the '—by flxes and deto .a bf land, to be taken named 0 y med Improvement t AB. etrlp of load 15' in v i,, ,r, cross and through Lot ., . c Ashton . & - Sherburne'. . A iing the process of construct j�l street sewer, so-called, ai oandtake n easement • dth a In. over, across, under trough. Lot 7, Block 9. Ashton B,' Yeas (1'') Conn ilmen (f) Nays. ,rne'a addition to maintain tb �' .eet sewer, so-called, the cen 1 ' S 191 • sold stripe being the cents d by the Council _ _;.jy.. �i.i.-�-- ch street produced east st line o[ Columbia etre sphic line of 'L' Go In favor tphlcally ah � - eheA ra — Pprove M II {�- ..4gainsr O' dry Yg -- —"--- Mr. Presid nc MAYOR loam c.E_z PUBW� ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DEP TY Col."""" OSCAR CLAUS�EN, Cx E -1— J. E. CARROLL, SUPT. Coxerxocnox & REP.Iflf ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. S.xrtxnox. G. H. HERROLD. OFFlo, E-1.EEA H. W. GOETIINGER, Sun. Woxxxou.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' M. N. GO$S, COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condamning and taking an easement in the land necessary for a sewer on Arch.Street from Columbia Street to L'Orient Street, under Preliminary Order No. 3204 approved Recember 26th, 1914 and Intermediary Order No. 4885 approved May 11th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken thexEkfor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land 15' in width over, under, across, and through lot 7 block 9 of Ashton & Sherburne's Addition, during the process of constructing the Arch Street Sewer l so-called, and condemn and take an easement 10' in width in, over, across, under and through lot 7 block 9 Ashton & Sherburnts Addition to maintain the Arch Street Sewer, so-called, the center line of said strips being the center line of Arch Street produced easterly from the East line of Columbia Street to the westerly line of L'Orient Street. oner of Public worxs. Dated t. 1. 5 001 ox 11 aLo L+a6486 �- i; a£ fey Sen' -.. 3n ordinance to settle the claim of Mrs. Rosa .Tempusz. +. ed and, dire ted ta;',dr ' the.Commie Toner r;ot;:pira. roan-T,,.HF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. YAli7, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS. ,- <ihe;Compromiec + Fnhd 1n the; Section 1. That the proposition of Mrs. Rosa Tempusz to com- promise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk at the ` corner of North•Hamline Avenue and Thomas Street, as is more partic- ularly set out in her communication to the Council under date of March 24, 1915, upon payment tq her of the sum of Sixty-five Dollars ($65_..00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Mrs.Rosa Tempusz, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in "the sum of Six- ty—five.,.D.ollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon th�r being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant i therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. Yea. (J)Co rncilanen (J) Nays Final A ioption,� + by the Council 191 F� nswotth 1 t Reading ............. /O _.. l91 J/ ✓/Goin: ... 1[+ lavor Approv 2+ J r McColl Again, "1/YvtiL ,.-`�C.''L��• J3 191 r9Ta*T✓/(M% ni.wux Attest (� � ✓ Yoerg HN I FARICY, D to Published ... , 19N._. Mr. liEsident, Powers pMLISFMD City Clerk. An ordinance to settle the claim of James Kennedy. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOFS ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of James Kennedy, to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on any icy sidewalk, on Rice Street between Pennsylvania Avenue and Winter Street, as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of February 20th, 1915, upon payment to him of the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be, and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of James Kennedy, payable out of the Comptomise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars; said sum, however, of be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharg- ing the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and na- ture, and more particularly or, account of those arising out of the in- juries sustained by said. claimant on the day and under the circumstances above noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passase and publication. 21t 0� L TAINT PAUL 1. OWN CALL JONN P.•KV LE VS JOHN A.BURNS - WILLIAM J.GIBERSON T HLI$jMJ. MCMEEKIN • St.Paul, N?inn., June 9, 1915. To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinances settling the claims of James Kennedy for $100.00, and Mrs. Rosa Tempuez for $65.00. After a careful investigation of the facts in the above cases, this Department is of the opinion that the above settlements are reasonable and to the best interests of the City. C r oration Counsel. P IM CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject:.... . .:........ _... _ _. ......._._ ,•�`Z"� COUNCIL FILENO........ `..... �...................... ............... ._.... ... .... 1.11...... ............, .......................... ......... ......_....... Date Presented...:...._ ........................... .191 Resolved, That the application of Barnum & Bailey for a circus license at University Avenue Show Grounds, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is in— structed to issue such license for one day, Wednesday, July 14,1915, upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law, $500.00 Yeas ( k) 7 oil N Y g Mr. Preside n Powers FORM C.R-2 Pd ly, Henry McColl— . 'dBey the application . of na for a circus license the nue Show Grounds. 'sl4ht a hereby Is granted and I'T is instructed to Issue n ee or one day, Wednesday,. Rrk upon the payment ihto' .he. asury of the fee required t 1 .00. Nn nlny y the e I, 1916. June 11, 1916. !11l '(June 19-1916) (d) Nays In favor Against 114-1 Adopted by the Council....191 —knnrnved —✓ s--=. 0 _`5... Council File No..... . ..................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. �� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The andersigaetj hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _a.,.......e. e......--.,...—..-..-..-..:-......-..-.......:.:-_..............-..........._..... poets on both sides of Robert Street, from 8th Street to Central Aven ue....... to.ge.the.r with _..undex...-. au.nd.....can.dui.t.s...t.a.....c_onvey.....the....w1r..eq. the installation of all necessary wiring and equipment forAthe pur- pose ..... .f ...cans.eydng.....curr.ent....to._.sai.d..._la.rap.-.post.s.,......an.d.....t.he.....co-nne.c.t.i.ng.....ai'............_...__. said wires and conduits with the existing ornamental bighting system on Robert- Street- ...aa- .._the..- ame..._is-now...s.. Or shall. bei. construeted.,......before...._..... the f11'na�� tder for thoSimprovement shall take effect. bate(( t�lls.. .....__..day of.,. - _..... .... �"' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following inlproveulent, viz.:.____.__._....__.__.____ ._. The c.o.nstr4c_t_i_on_._andin9_411_at.ion...__o_f..._o_rnanent_al_.._1smp........__._ posts on both sides of Robert Street, from 8th Street to Central Aven- u e,.....tage.ther....wi.th... under.-.gro.und._.c.ondu.i.t.a_..t.o_._c.o.nv.ey_._Ih.e_..wir.es.....there t o.;........_... the installation of all necessary wiring and equipment forAthe pur- eese....o.€._conveying cu.r-r-en.t.. to- said Z.aMP-poate.i_.. and ....the ....connecting ..._af'--...._....__. said wires and conduits with the existing ornamental lighting system on Roberti Street _...$s.....the same...s.R....n.o.yy.....q_ohs..--shta.l.i.- bei p......constrscted; before.....___. they of 1� enorde. tet io tit L�o 1 ici�otntileTity of Si haul byom ciln an_t_:.._......Ke.11e.T....................... .................. ; therefore, he it and equ,proent i RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of conveying current t to . -eby ordered 4nd directed: ste, and the connecting of a,, Ire. and conduits with the a lstlnl inl 11•ovellleut. 1. To investigate the necessity for or . namen"' lighting .yetem on it.bert 1 set, as tt eti eo a I. now, , or shallrder for cut, and the total cost thereof. 2. '1'O investigate the nature, extent ann" Improvement hall stake effect, been presented to the Council' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of si�city of St. Paul therefore, be It 'ved, That the Commissioner of • -works be and he 1. hereby or- 111 lrovelne.nt :... d. 'I'll furnish the follownlg other data told d directed: _ 1 �.._.... investigate the necessity . for .Illty of the making of said,, _;..._ ........_........._....._........_.........._........_.................................................................................:Int.................... westlgate the naturr, 5. To state whether or not said improvement :led cos cattsold,yhe petition of three or more owners. ;o„ 6. To report upon all of the fo e ning matters, to the Coln'inissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_...... L/�......191.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fisworth (Ipl Approved._......_..._..:..............:......1_...___.....Lt)1...__.. Mayor Pours ✓ Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _ _............... .... .-*,l°il C oupe FILE �*i0........... .............:........... .. Date Presented ----June ..._ll.,_..._._I91.5..... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Wor3m be and he is hereby authorized and directed to remove and reinstall the ornamental incandescent lighting poles, fixtures and underground wiring on the east side of Robert St. from Third St. to Sixth St., the cost of same to be charged to the Li_,hting Fund. Yeas (r) Coin Oilmen (1,) Nays J / In favor Kell _Q_.4gainsr Nash Mr. Presiders roaw c.e-z C. F. No. 6439—By M. N. Goss— ' Resolved, That the Commlesloner of Public Works be and he Is hereby su- ted to and re( stat the ornand amental Incandescent lighting poles, fixtures andunder- ground wiring on the east aide of Rob- ert SG from Th[rd St. fo Sixth St., the coaI to be charged to the Lighting Fund. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1916. Approved June 11, 1916. (June 19-1916) Adopted by the Council :ZIA1CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.... _ ........ _.......... . 4 %j�� �¶¶ COUNCIL ^l-'- -40 FILENO ...... ................................ Date Presented....-..-- June ----l1.,. 191.5. .- Resolved, That the, Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to remove and reinstall the ornamental incandescent limhting poles, fixtures and under,-�ro nd nirin: on bosh sides of Robert St. frorn Sixth St. to Eighth St., Lhe cost of s"arae to be char -ed to the Li, --hying Pw�d. Yeas (P) Jersa(STh en •) Nays rth In favor 7 Net — _� ..Against H Mr. Presid ronM c.8.2 C. F. No. 6440—Ey 1,1._N. Gathe . — 11 '. Public ved ResolWorks That and he Is herebyran- thorized and directed to remove and Install the ornamental incandescent lighting pole,. flxture, and Zer- Sroundl sides t. from Slxth oStb to h Eighth f St the cost of same to be charged to the. Lighting Fund. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1915. Approved June 11, 1915. 1Jnne 19-1915) Adopted by the Council -91 ---Approved _ � � - r � _ 191 `, CITY OF ST. PAUL r L�•, ;' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: __ _.............. :_..... ... _ COUNCIL FILENo ...... .............................. .. Date Presented.. a 11,1915 I91........._ Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he.is hereby authorized to buy, without advertisement or competitive bide, one #208-90 horse power Kewanee Portable tubular boiler, without dome, with Century Rocking crates, castings, steam trimmings and firing tools, approximate cost of which .is $790.00, to be charged to Galtier School Addition Fund, as any delay in procuring this boildr would delay the erection of the building, and this therefore constitutes an emergency., Yeas (V)Cot/ncilmen (Y) Nays K er M oil (/ Against Y rg ^Tn.ch Mr. Presiden Powers ,.....8-2 C &e Io ed441 Thhnt Antheny purchasing! Agent be, nd he is hereby authorized: r., be,. without advertisement o^ com_l Adopted by the Councici/ Approved_ Lary �l. 19 t-4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . i,.d _Sprinkling _ _ A COUNCIL r.� FILE N f!��..... .... .... ....... La:. ........................................... Date Presented June 11 1 I91...5.... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Ohio street,from Isabel street to Congress street: Chatsworth street, from Aurora avenue to University avenue: Prior avenue, from Summit avenue to Ashland avenue: St Anthony avenue,from Aldine street to Snelling avenue: Aldine street,from University avenue to St Anthony ave- nue: Pierce street, from University avenue to St Anthony avenue: Fry St., from Railway tracks to University avenue and Rice street,from South street to Wheelock Parkway to be sprinkled with oil for balance of season 1915 Yeas (1") Cou cilrnen (f') Nays Far sworth Gds In favor li l r , Against ('01 W./ NASH Y rg Mr. Presiden Powers ro" 16.2 C. F. No. 6442—BY M. N. GO6a— Resolved. That the Commissioner of rt ortized Vnrde directed to hereeY Ohlo street, from Isabel street toff Congress street, Chatsworth etroet, from Au- or a ro UniversltY ¢Venue. Prior venue, from Summit avenue e, Aahlflnd ¢Venue. SL Anthony a entre, from Aldine street to Snelling avenue; Aldtne trout from University avenue to St. Anthony avenue: Pierce street, from University n enue to St. Anthony avenue; Fry SI., from u ellestreet,ttreet, to University avenue from South Street to Wheelock Park- wnce of aeasoni 1916d with oil for bal• a Adopted by the Jm 011 June 11, 1916. Approved (June 19-1916) NG Adopted by the Council Approved_ 6 % City of 6t.Pau1 r443 Council Resolution - General form. Departmentof ....... _........................ _..._._..._............................... __.__...._._..__._.___._._._._._._-- Bureauof....._._._._._...._...._._...._......._._._..._._......._._......_._...._...._._.__...._._.__._._.------------------ __._._... aaxaavxaamvmxoxvaxx=xxxxxxxxxvvamaaxvvvvo=vxvvc- mx aavvaamxmm -xv a�aaaaa 1,13 Coun l� File No. .._._._...._._...._._......._.. Date Presented .._ _/_._..._..19 4 111 n n n �i , e �*' By'_:_� ---�.Y._5/� l� �l(1� 1 c1_...._...._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._...._._._...._._._._..._._._....._.. Resolved, that permission be and it is herdby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wire with the necessary anchors the r�on in the following named streets; Ou n W at side of Etna Streit from Binnehaha to Margaret Street. Poles and wire to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. C. F. No. 5443—By M. N. Goss— Is hereby d granted permission sl the Northwestern TO Exchange Company to set poles an ?string wire with the —c- n-yanchors thereon In the following amed streets: Four poles 0. lveet side of Etna St. from Minnehaha to Margaret St. Poles and wires to be removed when quested to'do o by the Common 't Coun il. Said coat to be paid by the Tele➢hone Company. Adopted by the Council June 11. 1915. " Approved June 11, 19 15. _ ..._._._. (June 19-1915) r // Adopted by the Counci Yeas ( ) Councilmen) Nays 7 Mr. Presi$�it, Appr e 1 /, ^ Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject. _..... .......... ._..-. _.......... C.OUNCIL ............... FILE IVO...... .. Date Presented..... June 8th, _191-6 Y That the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract to C. A. Nelson for constructing a sewer on Isabel Street from a point 80 feet east of east line of So. Wabasha Street to Concord Street for x$378.00, Engineer's Estimate 40A.00) be anc& the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of Contract therefor,. Formal Bid #372 Yeas f l'') Cou i'meny I') Nays Far h1 1olth Go In favor Ket r Mc oil � � _.against Yo g Mr. President, overs ron. c.e-z C. F. No. 5444—B7 M. N* Goss— I Resolved, That the action of the Con- tract Committee in awarding the .can - a sewer un Isabelsotreet fromfor etrupolint 80 Eeet enat of east lin. of So. Naba- nngineershe I, tsto estimate $408.00d bC rd street for e37 and the same is hereby confirmed and P- proved,and the Corporation Counsel Is' hereby instructed to draft and -u mit the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 372. Adopted by the Couneil June 11, 1915. Approved 1 1915 (Juno une 119 1915) ,adopted by the Counci Approve 91 CITY OF ST. PAUL' �5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subj4-Ct:. .... ...... _ .. _ ----- COUNCIL FILE No... .... ..�1.:.'.1 .. �.. 7 Date Presented.... -June 8 th Resolved, That the action of the Contrelct Committee in rejecting all bids for grading of Mendota Street from Wells Street to Idaryland Street be and"is hereby confirmed and approved. Formal Bid #375 Yeas (I ) CouAcilmen (j') Nays F MCI YOf Mr. President, In favor Against C. F: No. 6446—By M. N. %,. e Resolved. That the action Y the Contract Committee in rejectinall bide for grading of Mendota street I from Wellastreet to Maryland street be and is hereby confirmed and'ap- proved. Formal Bid No. 376. Adopted by the Council June 11. 1916. Approved June 11, 1916. (June 19-1916) .adopted by the Counci Approved 194 MAYOR CITY OF 5T. PAUL^%r 1p1C �V ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 7 77 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. 54461 (' n,N t q (y 9Y �. AUDITED 1U 1 1 191Jg 181— G Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds an, in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following details statement: �? Yeas ( J) Coui cilmen ( it Nays Adopted by the Council-191— Farnsworth ouncil191_Farnsworth / Goss �In favor Keller %j �McColl� 1/ Against '%l MAYOR Yoerg "�! r 1 Mr. President, Powers Corporate Purposes Mayor's Office Exp. S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 2.o0r/ Corp. Counsels Office Exp. Louis F. Dow Co., 1.20 McClain & Gray Co., 4. Perry LeClaire, 2.00 Ramaley Printing Co., 60 4_ Corp. Counae t ., 68.49 Comptrollers office- Prtg. Staty. Ele. St. Paul Printing Co., 33.60 Public Lighting Fund -Supplies & Exp. C. M. & St. Paul Ry., 6 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 1.86 St. Paul Electric Co., .25 Schuneman & Evans, 2.�5 H. M. Smyth Printing!Co., .60 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 52.50 Gen. Fund Municipal Court -Supplies H. C. Boyeson Co., .75 N. W. Stamp Works, .25 Perkins Tracy Co., 7.40 . Our uDT1 _ W-....„A,«......,..,.,...,,,,,.._,.....�,.«.....,«.... _ ..._ form A..,;.II f ACCOUNTING DEPART ir x ,• ... 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL �'� 1915 k DEPARTMENT 7 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIOLLE NO. �a �PN y BY AUDITED O1 191_ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds ands in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following, detailed,i statements Yeas ( J) Coufmilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth Goss �In favor Appro / _ Keller Jj McColl t/ Against _ MAYOR Yoerg !! s Mr. President, Powers .. 1f Corporate Purposes Mayor's Office Exp. i S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 2.00r/ Corp. Counsel's Office -Exp. Louis F. Dow Co., 1.20 McClain & Gray Co., 4.75 Perry LeClaire, 2.00 Ramaley Printing Co., 60 4 Corp. Coun se , , 68.49 Comptroller's Office- Prtg. Staty. Mb. St. Paul Printing Co., 33.60 Public Lighting Fund -Supplies & Exp. C. M. & St. Paul Ry., 65, N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 1.86 St. Paul Electric Co., .25 3chuneman & Evans, 225 . H, M. Smyth Printing Co., 60 So. Park Foundry &. Machine Co., 52.50 • ' es 58.11 Gen. Fund -Municipal Court -Supplies H. C. Boy exon Co., ,75 N. W. Stamp Works, .25 Perkins Tracy Co., 7.40 Form: A.6 -ti #2 ' Gen. Eund-Purchasing Dept.-Supplies Louis F. Dow Co., 2.60 4.25 t McClain & Graft Co., .55 N. W. Stamp Works, 6.50 Ramaley Printing Co., Gen. Fund-Official Publications+ 191.28 Review Publishing Co., < Gen. 4und Miscl. & Unforseen Exp. 11.50VI Gus D, Messing, Gen. Fund-Civil Service,-Exp. M6Clain & Gray Co., St. Paul Electric Blue Print Co., 12'75 2• 55 0 Gen. Fund Water Supply Rbbinson Gary & Sande, supply Co.,— 82 Western Gen. Fund-Misc. Staty. Supplies Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 59 224.56 Dennison Mfg. Co., 58.00 i Electric Blue Print Co., 1.68.00 McClain & Gray Co., 12.49 Maybell Stationery Co., 11.50 Melady Paper Co., 40 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 57.0 H, E, Wedlestaedt, c. aty. & Supnl es, Gen. Fund -Printed Forms & Blanks Perkins-Tracy Printing Co., �'n0 16.50 Pioneer Co., St. Paul Printing Co., 147.40 Furman Tuttle, 9. 0 �sF�-a m� .Ai._.P��tetkPa2'ms•^�; �S3�ari'f�fis; Police Fugd-M. & R. John Arend, 6.10 Auto Tire Sales Co., 1,45 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 2'43 Louis F. Dow Co., I1.00 Emporium, j S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 21.00 10.92 Farwell, OZmun, Kirk Co., 41.65 Kissel Kar Service Co., 4'38 Maendler Bros., I #3 Police Fund -M. & R. -Cont. Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 1.72 Mitsch & Heck Co., 16.00 'Be W. Electric Equipment Co., 30.30 N. W. Tire Co., 71.33 Reed Motor Supply 1.e� St. Paul Electric Co., l2__5 St. Paul Rubber Co., 4.28 � Schuneman & Evans, Smith & Heberle Co., 6.20 Western Electric Co., 1.11 Zimmerman Bros., 19.22 Fire Fund -Pd. & R. G. A. Ashton & Co., 2.84 Auto Tire Sales Co., 207.71 Baard of Water Commissioners, 21,78 Brings & Company, 378.00 Capital City Lumber Co., e60 Loui a F.1,Da-w Co., 2.00 Farwell, Ozm'n", Kirk Co., 19:01 Lehigh Coal Co., 248.08 Maendler Bros., 22.50 Mitsch & Heck Co., 40.50 N. W. Electric Equipment Co.. 10.31 Nicola, Dean & Gregg 11.08 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., •93 Raymer Hardware Co., 11. 9 Reed Motor Supply Co., 4.1$ Robinson, Gary & Sands, 10.78 St. Paul. Machine Works, .50 Schuneman & Evans, 3.50 Waldref Motor Co., 30.47 Western Supply Co., Health Fund-HAalth Acct. -M, &: Re 4 Clymer & Huelster, 28.00 Hackett Gates & Hurty, 5.70 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 2.99 ---------------- Health Fund-Quaraantine Acct. -M. & R. Fobt Schulze Co., 22,20 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 1.50 a 3f_ Noyes Bros. & Cut ler, 7.68 _ Health Fund -Public -baths-M. & Re, Bazille & Partilidge, 79.20 T. Le Blood Co., 6.92 Chicaggo Great Western Ry,, Adam Decker Hardware Co., 1.19 Fairbanks, Morse Co., 43,87 5.40' Gribben Lumber Co., 24.00 c Maendler Bros., 30 E t, St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co., Raymer Hardware Co., a��' Robinson, Cary & Sands, $.... l 62 t T4�-1 Publi 45i_E39 P,,, a Fs athae nt Police & Fire Alarm -Jt. Acct.-Maint. Adam "esker hardware Co., 1.00 Ford Motor Co., 11.23 Mitsch & Heck Co, 7,60 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 32.38 St. Paul Eletric Co., 20.60 W. G. Watson, 5.00 Western Electric Co., 4.56 82.I Public Safety -Gen. Adm-Maint. S. A. Farnsworth, C, P, R. 10.00 Perkins Tracy Co., 5 7.5 Com. Public 'York s -workhouse -main t. Field, Schlick Co., 22.61 Golden Rule, 6 3E. S. Griffith, 94:6 Guenha en & Francis 43.20 5 Haskins Bros. Co., .0 Jameson, Hevener & Griggs, 40.00 F G. Leslie Co., 14.00 L. L. May Co., 4.50 _Raymer Hardware co., 2.10 Swift & Co., 34.21 Joe. P. Whitwell, 24.50 Com. Public Works -Gen. Adm.-Maint. Auto Tire Sales Co., 1,08 H. C. Boyeson Co., 18.00 Buth & Co., 2.80 H. Peltz & Son, 7.00 H. E. Wedelstaedt, 8.60 Street Const. & Repair Rind Maint. Adam Decker Hardware Co., 9q j Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 16.3tt Ford Motor Co., 1,15 Glide machine Co., 31.24 Haag Roofing Co., 37.50 Lehigh Coal Co., 21.90 A:anhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 19.60 Raymer Hardware Co., :35 Reed motor Suppl.* 2.00 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 4;8 Tire Repair Co., 4.90 J. L. Shiely, 9.,00 Street Const. & Repair-Str=et Intersections td. Belvidere Cast Stone Co., 265.90 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., -1 nt Sewer Const. & Repair Fund-Maint. Manhattan 011 & Linsee.Co., 9.80 / S. & S. Cleaning -Sewer Cleaning-Maint. Mahle Wagon Co., 2230.70 R St. Paul Printing Co., 4 S. & S, Cing.-Street Ging. b:aint. Maendler Bros., 87.00 Mahle Wagon Co. Dean & &regg, 74.00 7.29 Nicole, Pittsburgh Coal Co., 18.00 St. Paul Rubber Co., 8.54 Western Machine Co., 18 1 Tytal S. & S. Cing.-Garbage-Maint., Robinson, Cary & Sands, 6.53 ✓ Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund t.Suppl. . Barrett Yfg-t Co., 32.82 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 12.00 � ,..T.otal^���,'�e""g}.�,".�.^g�����•T�,,.._:,.�,-...,,...•,.,.,, ....,.A•4rr$2'"'""m�re';, Public School Fund -M. & R. Auto Tires Sales Co., 1.94 Berglund Lumber Co., 199.00 T. L. Blood Co., 19.30 9.26 Bon Ton Grocery Co., Fred A. Brodt, Jr., 70 1.65 Brown, Treacy & Sperry 64.00 Capital City Lumber Co., 78.00 E. G. Carlson, Carnegie Fuel Co., 61.23 Crane & Ordway Col, 5.84 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 44.92 Louis F. Dow Co., 1.00 Geo. S. Eddy, 30.00 L. Eigenmenger Co., 11.23 12.69. Electric Blue Print Co., 7.61 Elk Laundry Co., Farwell, OZmun, Kirk Co.. 122.40 5•z5 Field, Schlick Co., Finch, VanSlyck & McConville, 1. K Golden Rule, .80 R. L. Gould Co.,.90 Gray Motor Compadpany 24.01 E. E. Gunther, 20.00 21.60 T. S. F. Hayes, Highland Spring Water Co., 4.50 Edw. Hunder_er & Son, ' 55.02 18.60 J. W. Hulxk6 Iroquois Mf g.Co. of Cleveland, 44.00 Johnson H. S. 174.90 John W. Lux, 11.52 McClain &. Gray Co., 2-70 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 12.57 NicoleW Dean & Gregg, '�w4�w e� _t,r FN Nimi s & Nimi s, E. A. Northrop, 4.75 1 #6 Public School M. & R. N. W. �lectric Equipment Co., 29.19 2.80 Noyes roe. & Cutler, Osgood'& Blogett, 127.51 Paoples Coal & Ice Co., 3.50 1.50 Pioneer.Electric Co., Hardware 4.25 Raymar Co., Robinson, Cary & Sande, Co., 7.95 436.85 St. Paul Book & Stationery 1.50 St. Paul Builders Material Co., St. Paul ElecIric Co., St. Paul Gas ight Co., .14 .68 209.68 St. Paul Lime-&- Cement Co., 3.00 80,10 Walter Salinger, 1.75 H. E. Welei.staedt, Western Supply Co., 12.74 1C DCA001 1'UIIU m a Public Library Fund -M. & R. John Anderson Co., 5.80 33.75 Louis F. DowCo., 1.00 Gaylord Bros., 2.88 .r Ginn & Company, Golden Rule, Griggs Cooper & Co., .08 . 4.28 Lehigh Coal Co., 7.30 47.50 Library Bureau, McClain & Gray Co., 7.95 Minnesota News Co., 167.48 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 392'8840 N. W. Electric Co.. 11.50 Nutting Truck Co., Phoenix Chair Co., 90.00 1.35 Raymer Hardware Co., St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 690.39 St. Paul Electric Co., St. Paul Gas Light Co., 3.12 178.43 St. Paul Rubber Co,, .40 2.89 Schuneman & Evans, R. E. Stechert & Co., 14.41 Virtue Printing Co., 3.25 6.20 Waldorf Binder Cg., 3.50 H. E. Wedlstaedt, . Auditorium-Maint. T. L, Blood Co., 2.68 Louis F. Dow Co., 1.00 75 McClain & Gray Co., Maendler Bros.,- 1.30 Public Parks Fund-Park-biaint. Walter Baker Co. Ltd„ 42.60 Black Jack, 7.00 19.00 Board of Water Commissioners, 2.50 Burns Lumber Co., Capital City Lumbef Co., 119.00 Certified Ice Cream Co., 6.00 2.14 Chicago,.Great Western Ry., Columbia Coffee Co., J. M. Copeland, 23.00 13-75 > Adam Decker Hardware Co., •� '. �^ �� Fairbanks, Morse Co.., 1 #7 b Public Park Maint-Con0t. S. A. Farn-worth. C. P. R. F. 10.78 . Farwell, ozmun, Kirk Co., . 92 04 92.04 Foley Bros & Quinlan, 12.75 R. L. Gould Co., 6.3o Griggs Cooper & Co., 37.40 A. F. Herschler Co., 6.50 Joesting & Schilling Co., 13.05 F. C. Kohnke, Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 19.60 9$,OC John Martin Lumber Co., 7.00 Peoples Coal & Ice Co., 40.47 ,Reed Motor Supply Co., 12.53 Raymer Hardware Co., 39.04 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 16,50 St Paul Rubber Co., 81.88 Sanitary Food Co., 6.10 Union iBrase & Metal Co., 4.00 Vander a ice Cream Co., Tufts V. a Public Playgrounds-Maint. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1.81 30.00 A. G. Spaulding, m + w eggs Dallas mainta� .'L1 81-� Public Bldge.-Maint. N. W. Stamp Works, •75 1.10 �- Raymer Hardware Coot r W. S. Watson, 'Tourdgo. • int., Public Utilities -Den. Adm. -]faint. H. C. Boyeson Co., 3.00 6.5o - Perkins -Tracy Co., es-G..A,-Maint., Pub. Utilities -Municipal Testing Lab.-Maint. Goodyear Rubber Co., z 2.40 8.50 Pioneer Co., Pub. Utilities-Mun. Testing Lab. - New Apparatus 5.12 St. Paul Foundry, Pub. Utilities-Markets-Maink. 2.90 Bazille & Partridge, Water Dept. Fund American Engineers Supply Co., 4.35 . oo C, Bielenberg, W. A. Blonck & Co., 5500 H. C. Boyeson Co., 3.60 Irown,'s Photo Craft Co.,; 1b.85 Brown, Treacy.& Sperry,, Burns Lumber Co., 19.90 #8;. Water Dept. Fund-Con't. "-eta�l 6'ebtr�egt. �titin4 Lc" '^ ✓ Sprinkling Fund Adam Decker hardware Co., 1.20 Lehigh Coal Co., 21,90 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., '5.00 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., 150.16 Clymer & Hueleter, 26.55 Consumers Power Co., 88.10 Crane & Ordway Co., 5g.16 �.20 Adan Decker Hardware Co., Louis -F. Dow Co., 5.75 Electris Blue Print �o., 7.31 Elk Linen Supply Co., 10.15 HRZ-YeZl,--Ozmut Kirk:Co.,.,, A. E. Ferriss, 20.00 Field, Schlick Co., 2.44- .44T. T.Milton Fowble, __ .65 Chas. Friend & Son, 1.20 Goodyear -Rubber Co., 18.25 M. N. Goes, Com. Public Works, 197.73 Griggs Cooper & Co., 7.98 Toney Hensler ng;-.Hohenst of, n, Pure. Agent, 2.40 6.80 R. C. Jefferson, 43.00 Morgan T. Jones Co., 13.90 Fissel Kar Service Co., 1.20 C. A. Lund Co., 29.15 McClain &.Gray C , Manhattan oil & pinseed Co., 18.00 13.96 Helady Paper Co., 2.03 Minn. Chandelier Co., 1.85 M N. Moffat, 2.50 Nicdsj. Dean & Gregg 4.34 North Eastern Forestry Co., 80.50 N. W. Line Co., 4.30 H. Peltz & Son, 3.00 Pioneer Co., 37.75 j Pure Oil Co., 43.20 Quayle & Kelly 18.65 Raymer Hardware Co., 37.01 Reed Motor Supply 1.50 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 26.06 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 2.40 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 73.66 St. Paul Mpls. u Omaha Ry. Co., 10.00 St. Paul Rubber Co., 25.38 Schuneman & Evans 2.48 A. P. Smith Mfg. Co., 20.09 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 2365 Swanson Company, 19. 5 Tire Repair Co., 55.49 Troy Laundry Co., .84 Union Brass & Metal Mfg. Co., 49.50 Virtue Printing Co., 7.50 Western Mdf. achine ' g. Co., 2. 4 Western Supply Co., 27.1 W. J. Westphal, 13.00 Wright, Barret & Stilwell Co., 3.00 "-eta�l 6'ebtr�egt. �titin4 Lc" '^ ✓ Sprinkling Fund Adam Decker hardware Co., 1.20 Lehigh Coal Co., 21,90 Paving Depreciation T. L. Blood Co., 5.70 Raymer Hardware Co., 4.40 Robinson Cary & Sands, 17.75 Western Machine Works, 1.00 T9�-Pav3aL' 3'ai�� ee� ataen - — �n cC .; Public Comfort Station 13idge. .P.'.NO 5446— Raymer Hardware Co.IC Resolvedthat-warrants be drawn 20 upon tho.CityTreasury, payable out of the tieSeinatter epecifledfunde and In l;a ,or of the persona, firma or corpora- tlona for the amounts get dpposlte their respective. names as specified in - the -.following detailed statement: :1 Corporate Purpoaes-Mayor's Office— Exp.: S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., $2.00. Corp. Counsel's Office—Exp.: Louis F. Dow Co E1.20:.M Clsin &Gay Co.. , $4.76; Perry LeClalre $2.00; Ramaley 4Printing Co ;80.64 - pt oiler's Ottic Prtg., Staty., ComF ulPrinting Co.,'.533.60. 'Etc.. St - Public Lighting -Fund—Supplies & Exp.: C. M. & St. Passl By 86 Cc ts; - - - N. W. Elect'rlc.!.Equipment Co., $1.86; St. Paul Electrlc Co.;' 25 Cents;. Schuno- man & Evans; $2.26; H. M. Slayth ' Printing Co., 60 Cents So. Park Foun- dry & Machine. Co" $52.50. ' - Gen. Fund—Municipal Court -Sup- 'plies: H. C. Boyeson Co., 75 Cents; N. !W. Stamp Works, 26 Cents; PerkinsTracY.Co., $7,40.- Geh: Fund—Purchasing Dept.—Sup- plies: Louts F. Dow Co., $2.60: Me- Clain & Gray Co., $4.26; N. W. Stamp - R'orka, 66 - Cents; Ra..ley Printing Co..$6.60.. Gen. Fund—ORlefal Publications: - !Review Publishing: Co. $191.28. Gen. Fund—Mtael. & U.ro... so. Ekp.: Gus'D. Mesa)ng,. $13.50. , Gena Fund--Clvll'. Service—Ezp.: 'McClain & Gray -Co., $12.76: St: Paul Electric. Blue PMnt Co., $2,55. 'Gen. Fund—Water Supply:- RoIll n-- .an,`Cary & Sands;,tl2 Cent.; Weetera' 13upplY Co., -$6.64.." Gen. Fu nd—Mise Staty..Suppllea;:i - Bron. Treacy &,Spa 5 5223.59 Den-; 'Co., _ nlaon MIg.Co., $4.56; Electric Blue; - Print.Co McClain &Graf Co; y P. er l Stationery Co. $12849•' Malady Paper. Melody $11-.50; Noyes 8 os,. '. i 8; & Cutler; -$59.48; H. E. Wedleataedt,. - G—Printed Forms & Blanks: Gen Gen. Fund 'Perkins Tracy Printing Co., $3.70; ? Pioneer Co., $16.50; St. Paul Printing ;Co., $347.40; Furman Tuttle, $9.50. - Poll,e Fund—M. & R. John Arend, { .$I.t Auto Tire Sales Co., $6.10; Br: Treacy &9perry,: $1.96; Louis F. 1o., $2.43; Emporium, $1.00; arth. C P R R 821 00;� muni Kirk- & Co., $10.92; -vice Co $41.65:.Ma,nd- Q: ManhattanOil & Lin- Mltecti &Heek Co., �rtrtc Equipment Co., �. $71.83; Reed Mo- r,aulElectric Co., bber Co., $9.46: 14.28;' i I CITY OF ST. PAUL 1914 mr«+�• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNCIL No. " AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 'I �f (��(, BYJ AUDITED V N• L L 19-L5 191_ J/- *v co,,...je r P PER 320 f � Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council_ 191 Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays i Farnsworth I �In favor App 191 Goss Keller McColl M/rPresident, Against MAYOR Yoerg Powers Corporate Purposes Vy Public School Fund Pittsburgh 72.45 Plate Glass Co., l 14 Valley Iron Works, Park Fund .48 Robinson. Cary & Sands, C.'F. No 6447- water Dept, Fund Ito Resolvedthat warrants be drawnupon the. City Treasury, p gable, oucthe he inafter poecifed f p is, and1Q'S•�� $ $ & 7tLmber Savor of the persons, firms. or cor- vi llaume O CO.,O • + �orstloae for the amounts set oppo- Form A.6-11 see 0.71W. M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:........._....4PIO .. .AI....OF...AWARD...FQ:R_ YARRLh......_......................._........... 1p COUNCIL FILE NO ............ Date Presented _ 191 .._. P Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 7, 1915, by and be- tween NORTHWESTERN MARBLE APiD TILE COMPANY, and tate CITY OF ST, PALL, for the furnishing and erecting of all marble work end all flooring work to be done at the PUBLIC COMFORT STATION, 5th & CEDAR STREET, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the u name on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 5448— Resolved ' 448—Re9olved, That the contract bearing date June 7. 1916. by d between Northwestern Ma rblo and Tne Com- pany it d the Cy Of St. Paull! Yor the furnishing d erecting f all marble C,S atork theand allPublic Co. floorforgt Statworkion, 5thbe ad Cedar street, be, and the same is here- by approved, nd the proper city offl- areauthorized and directed to t� execute the same on behalf of the City. J Adopted by the Council June 11, 1916. / �/ Approved (une 11. 1 June 191916) P.fl Yeas (✓) Cou Imen (✓) Nays / Adopted by the Council, ✓........ .....�.-..- 191• Far orth �— / Go ........ In favor Kell Approved...... ....191,...... —_Mc 11 -- ——ainat— — Nas Yo Mr. Presiden owers MAYOR FORM C.8-2 -71 4 An ordinance placing certain grass -plots in the City of St.Paul, under the control and supervision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play -„rounds and Public Buildings, for the purpose of maintenance, care, and improvement. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That all grass -plots, or spaces at or between the intersection or convergence of public streets in the City of St. Paul not used as part of the roa wa , be, and the.same are hereby_ placed under the jurisdiction, control, and supervision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play -grounds, and Public Buildings, for pur- poses of maintenance, care, and improvement. Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force f immediately after its passage, approval and publication. Final Adoptio'[L Yeas (v) Councilmen (v) Nays by the Counci ht heading .. .. 191 /(;pss In favor P v ':. _.. '1 ✓(eller ( 2ud I (y 191 �/ ' 'NcCull 6 A ' "t mnros 191 Attest: 3rd -/-��- Yoerg JOHN I. FARICY, and aaretr City Clerk. Date Published......... 1917 Mr. Prent, Pnwers .. ....... Tam Council +of a Clty Bt.\i_. "does ordain: --. �- --• Th t, all grass Plata.'or: aPacea at or•. `SECmox 2y ` This'ls .an emergency ordinance ren- dered necesary f r the preservation:, of the public peace, health and.aafety. SECTION 3.. This ordlna._ hall take effect and Abe in force Immediately aft,r its pass- - age.approval and ilubli-ti.n. Final Adoptlon I'y the Council June 26th. 1915' Yeas—McColl, Y erg's Ml -.t Keller, Freafdent (P.—.0-6 Fawet•s)-6. Approved Juue 2:�. 1916. WINN POWERS. Mayor. fittest: JOHN I. FARICY,Cit`Clerk.'. Y' 45449 An ordinance placing certain grass -plots in the City of St.Paul, under the control and supervision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play -grounds and Public Buildings, for the purpose of maintenance, care, and improvement. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That all grass -plots, or spaces at or between the intersection or convergence of public streets in the City of St. Paul not used as part of the roadway, be, and the same are hereby placed under the jurisdiction, control, and supervision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play -grounds, and Public Buildings, for pur- poses of maintenance, care, and improvement. Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary "for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage, approval and publication. CouncirFile No " ...... f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and :015® PRELIMINARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the Making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Yanl, viz.:-C.ons.t.roc.t.....a....cement .....aidev�alk...and..st.e.pS.....to....a.._WIcIth....of...siX-fe.et.,- _-north _ s.id.e_,_...b_e.dinning...at..._S.ummit_.Ave...,....than.e.....t.0........................... ......................................................... ............. ...._. _.......... ........... _. _................................ . Dated thls......_.....__12.tkday of....._.._.....__...._ June. ............._............ ....................191........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, \YIIERPA5, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: .......... ....................... Cnnatrnct._..a.....aement.._.aicleWalk...and... tepa...._to_..a....Width ....-Of.SIX ....feet,-....An........._....._. ` 3.elby_._Av.e-.y...no.r.t.h.s.id.e,..tl.e.g.inning..at._S.urnit....Ave....,..._thence..te....._ i .0.2.1 .....`,�.hirt�, S. t......... . .......... _.. Wherege, A written proposal for the ..king of the. following Improvement. viziConetruct a,bement sidewalk and .. .. _... ........................_... ---- -""...................""' "' steps ton width ofeix test, on-9elby 1.va,: north aide, beginning at Surrymlt Ave., thence. to West Third St., having ..... having been presented to the Council of the bee% presented to the council of the ----• ' City of St Paul therefore,"be it therefore, be ]t Resolved Thnt :the Commlmelonar of Public Works b° and he Is. hereby or- doted and directed: R1 SOLVED, That the Commissioner of p 1. •To Inveotigete the a%cesshy for,, tiered and directed: or deelrabnit3s-ot 'th�ymaking pt'eafd 1. To investigate the necessityfor or d lmprovcmenhl• vya. rovement. 2. To Inveetlgate tfie ature, ez- tent and aetimnted coat of "said Im 2. To investigate the nature, extent an provement, and the total cost thereof. ,and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,, pronle or 3. To furnish n plan, ptosis or sketch o ;ketc ��fC�'nd h the °following other and information rel%tive i; ^rid 4. To furnish the following other data anti rovemenb it fay rovement:_...-. -.................. ... Te menta whether or not. - •mentis asked ter. '�a. .........__. ,`...-is:.:`.•._._._.... .."',".._......_............... ....... ...... ...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petit °f jof three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fo • fining matters to le Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........ .. .... /.....,.191.��. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth ( S� Go Approved._...................._....... Ke r iVlc 11 M Mayor. 'PUBLISHED•_•"��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL pity Clerks Opffjpvv- ar- Received of City ClerkV MW CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjeot:.._..._._....................__......................................_......................._..:..._._..................._.....................CO t. COUNCIL FILE N Q-.. Date Presented ........................ 5451 191........ Resolved," ,! That the plane and specifications for the Mun6cipal / Garage prepared by the City Architect under direction of Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety, and herewith submitted, are hereby approved and adopted as the plane and specifications for said work. RESOLVED, Further, that the Commissioner of Parke, Play- as grmunds and Public Buildinge/hereby directed to proceed with the work of construction of this building in accordance with the aforesaid plans. n .F TTn. F4a1—HY A¢aTr M¢COn Ii Yeas (✓) Cou men (I) Nays Far orth Goa In favor McM�} Mc I _ (/.:.: -Against Yoe Mr. Prem FORM C.9.2 Adopted by the Council.. ........ .. f y 19f h.." - i Approved...._ ........ .......:.... u .._...191.5.--. FRED NHSSSAHMER (fifty .af � ainf �a�tl JOHN LV MAc 99EPNPNS 7 5 QIoVn[t't'(wrtt {Ty A. SH,F4!_j FI LLA. ...... lion �.�L{�.�yy '�}�� "E�"�"F� ��" !��y �}1E7 t.�'�(���yI 1�}Ey CHARLES P.HAHSL11 A park LN—g ,^+ U. 5 µy F� ,µ^'�µ :�i{{L^'{�F W. L.S DR n51111 ! N J ,.�l4H 1QIIITt5 T7�t5 fir, Q.m2nmsuinnrr Aa13=i5 N= man.'D,puty_ June 12, 1915. Hon. Henry McColl, Comn.issioner Putlic Safety, City. Dear Sir: Hereinafter is estimate for the construction of the new Municipal Garage at Third and Cedar Streets: The building proper is 42 feet 6 inches by 168 feet with 25 foot by 68 foot wing. It is one story and b,,sement on Third Street and two stories on Cedar Street. It is to be constructed entirely of reinforced concrete, fan ventilation, steam heat, elevator, paint shop, varnishing room, of -ice and store -room. The exterior walls to be faced with tapestry -faced brick, floors are to be cement through- out, roof to be five-ply pitch and gravel. All floore, columns and all structural parts of the building are of such strength and material as to allow for a future story. The estimated cost of the same is $24,750.00. Respectfully yours, ,( .ax 'W' City Architect. Commissioner ParksOG & PB CITY OF ST. PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:....__..........._..............._....._._..........._:....._......co ....:...._................._..........................._._._...................- COUNCIL FILENo ........................................... .............a................................._......:........................................... ............................ _.... ........................ _............................ DatePresented ...............................................191........ esoly , That the Purchasing Agent is hereby requested and Instructed to secure estimates of the cost of lighting and heating the public comfort station on Fifth Street, per specifications now in the hands of the Purchasing Agent. C. F. No. 5452—BY RenrY ➢feColl— Resolved, That -th0, Purchasing Agent is hereby requested and In- structedtosecure estimate- of. the coat of lighting and heating 'the publld comfort etntfon on Fifth street. per . speclflcatlons now in the hands of'the Purchasing Agent. - Adoptod by the Council lune 12, 1910. Approved 1916. (Sane ne 19 1915) Yeas ( I J) Nays Z ✓4, Adopted by the Council. e,...�........-..-191......_ In favorApproved.... (p._ �....1!... ..-....191.5—....Against _-— �f'�� MA OR Mr. r FORM C.9.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Resolved, That the application of J. H. Eschman for a license to give dog & pony show be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one day, June 28, 1915, upon the payment into the City Treasury of the sum of Twenty-five ( 25.00) dollars Yeas (✓) Co ilmen ( ✓) Nays Far worth t Go In favor iy Mr. Presiell FORM C.a•2 C. F. No. 6468-8y Henry McColl— .Resolved. That the application of J. H. Eschman for a license to give dog and -pony show be and the same here- by la granted and the City Clerk Is instructed to Issue such license for one day. Jn.2 28. 1916, upon the payment Into the City Treasury of the sum of Twenty-five ($26.00) dollars. Adopted by the Council June 12,, 1916, Approved June 14, 1916. „ne 19-1916). j Adopted by the Council _L'._ .......,......... `1...._191.... S Approved......_.........V _...�_._``1..... ............... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .REJECTION --OF--GRAUI..NG..OF._AVON_._ST. FROM UNIVERSI'TY--AVE.TO h COUNCIL ,��p .FILE. No. .. ..... .• ......_._.... :....AIIN.NEiIAHA...ST..«........ ...................... ........ _.......... .... .............. _........ ................. ....... ....... _ ... Date Presented. ..... June --lith- W91...--. Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in re- Jecting all bide for the grading of Avon Street from University avenue to ldinnehaha Street be and is hereby confirmed and approved, Formal $id #373. i C. F. No. x6464—By th. N tl.n Resolved: That the acso tion `of .the in vs Contract Co mittee in lectins alY from Unlverei�y aaysons fto-Innethaha etrset':be and Sa hsee confirmed andI approved. Formal Bid No. 373 Adopted by the Couno1 3 Jnne 32, 1916. Approved ,Tune 1911916). Yeas (1,Co cilmen (P) Nays .adopted by the Counci _ /x..-_1915 Fa sworth G In favor �'K r Approved _ 191 Mr. Pres Foam e.e•z .,, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or P.estraunts at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted , and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said appli- cants -upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTRAUIdT, LOCATIONS, P. F. Bacigalupo, Lunch Room 450-1/2 Robert H. P. Thompson, Lunch Room 1580 Selby Ave T. Cliechinski, Business Lunch 315 VV. 7th, ct J. B. Arend, Businese Lunch 26 E. 4th. St. W, J. Utley, ped That the Lunch Room for 30 E. 4th. St., p rsons r L le or Reetap za h...byv Ir I dl nt Joe De Barbieri a he eby are d nt d ; Lunch Room 305 Jackson e J me �]p,4lerk is nutherl ed nn� m0 c.deue such liden e6 to P Lunch Room 2'tints u on the. DaYment of Lee & Brecke, i Q ,Ted gy lnw. f, 47 E. 3rd. St. Bacigatupo,Lunch R�,_ Rotiart 3t. o .. ThomDeon, Lunch Room. ' $01byAve.-. Bh . J. Gliechtnskl, uses. .Lunch,- W. 7th St: ,,T X13 Arend, Buelnese Lunch, 26'.•. , 4thiSt:', ' 20 E. 4th Utl y. I:unch Room, Sti ` Joe'�D Berliferl, Zunch Room, 306 Jae8Lti ' '. Les & Hrecke,.Lunch Room 47 E. 3rd 9t. AdoP,tad by the Counen June 12 1916: June'14 1916 ,Approved (Juno,19 1916) Yeas (✓) Con cilmen (✓) Nays Far worth ( n. In Is.& Mr. P . Adopted by the Council..a _ --..-.-19 1' Approved ....................... r T" -t tke "Pplioution of the following per'so`.0 for a 11ceuse to oort_tuct flotele or Peiatrrauntn at tlae location reogsnativelq indicated be, 9,nd should_b_e_ cancelled.' 'Sew Ap .lication by f,arry Simmons for dame looation. F.,T,Zu? OF A'PM1 W-` FOTE'L QH IU'MVA,iNT, LWATION E. Countryman, Lunch 'r'ragcn 452 Sibley St Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the ncil.... 2...191.... Farnsworth Coss In favor Ker pproved _..... 191........ --- - oll---- u a , Against, ---- - ---- -- — - -- -- o erg Mr. P .............._........................ ............. ..._.............._.. MAYOR FORM C:9.2 roW r , �d Ttl� THE HONOR.IBLE THE; COUNCIL of th.e Citi/ of St. Pnad: ........... .... ........ .... does hereby make application to the C } of the City o S auI fora License to conduct a.-................. . __. ... - ........_.__.. . ......__. and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name f the a licant for said License is PP and his ( its) place of residence jM is street Ta epee) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of whichOe said applicant proposes to carry on business is in the City of S6,Paul. That the said applicant is now engaged in said business '../..v _.ice/ .in eP ��2� � City of St. Paul. i Dated thise5-� .day of. '/ l Applicant.. Date of Expiration of License I91. V Date of Inspection. _... _ _ _ _. 191 .._..... Fire Protection _ Ventilation of Building.._ Meats and Provisions_ Beds and Bedrooms...... Toilet Rooms and Plumbing. ,C t Kitchen and Utensils.. _ Refrigerator and Store Room.._ Basement and Cellar_ Back Yard. _ . . General Condition of Premises License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: Health Officer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject•NO.57 COUNCIL • PILE Date Presented RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 317.Eenry Viereg, 123 E. 8th 8t. I John A. Asmussenz___183_E. 8th. C. F. V liquors be transferred as lnawacea pur—t . to applications duly made _ therefor• No. 317, from Henry Vlereg, 123 E. 8th St.;'.. to John A. Aemuaeen, 123:: E:' 8th St the Couneil,June 32, j19_ :.Adopted by rz _APProyed 'June, 14.11915. i (Jude 19-1916) i Yeas (✓) CoCihnen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Counc l Z 1rJ1 f Fa sworth Go In favor _ C if r -_ . A roved--�9—= Ke 1�J1 Me 11 Against Yoe — MAYOR Mr. Presi CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -LIQUOR LICENSE Subject; COUNCIL NO. FILE Date Presented 191— REThat the application of the following persons for a lic se to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Al. Brown. 450 Robert St. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LiRUOR LICENSE Subjects ( w1 COUNCILN NC ILO• IDate Presente_191— LVED, 191 — *1:*Lcse VED, That the application of the following persons for a to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectiicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant.. Location. Charles W. Yenmah, 374 St. Peter St. Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers - Adopted by the Council 191— In favor Approved 191- Against MAYOR I 2. CITY OF 8T. PAUL 1914 „t ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILENo. (�+� ( BY AUDITED—.UN���a 1.I— PE 5/1 c�*. co..•.o ` l R 312. (, Resolved that warrants be dra)n upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds a'. in favor of the perso s, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detail statement: ,- - ` JUN —3 1915 Yeas ( J) Coun, men (J) Nays v Adopted by the Council 191_ Farns orth Goss In favor Approv / ly Kelle Against MAYOR Yoerg Mr. President! Po ers d 0 II Corporaie:Purposee Water Dept. Fund Healy Plumbing & Heating Co., C F -No 6301 8eeolved, that? warrants -�be drawn: >'Don°the City, Treasury 'payable ,quG: of .tHe: hereinafter epeci8ed'ttuada;euda to ;fasor:'of .the.: persOns,R firma or nor== ,iorationa for the amopnta.,getF,p)jDDogite their;9respective S;namea ae,'epeoieed )n;' tbe'.following detailed statement Cofporat Purposes—Wat - Pept Fdnd:' HealyBlumbing &.Heating Co " Adopted by ounetl June Approved Jupe�6r.,&,191b t , T rposee $240.00 $240.00 i CITY OF ST. PAUL • ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 19�5 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE No. s1 � l� AUDITED;'dal :i- Igo_ }/ l PER nn. 311 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified ft in favor of the perso , firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following statement Yeas ( J ) Coun en ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council JUN Farris orth �— Goss in favor A p " Kelle G Me& 1P Against MA Yoerg Mr. President, Po -A !rs ?C. F. No 58o22— . .. $16.126.64. - Corporate Purposes—street Cdnat.& Repatr Fund �lalntens.nee Minnesota Crushed stone Co $13431 Adopted by Lthb C0uuc[1 June 3 191b. Approved:June 6 d916. .(June 12;1916)1 Corporate Purposes Public School Fund -Salaries S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, $820 14.49A- S. Public Playgrounds -Salaries A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 1,131.19 �J Water Dept. Fund -Salaries S. A. Farnsworth, Com, of Finance, 16,126.64 o a orporate Purposes alaries 99,572.32 Corporate.Purposes Street Contt. & Repair Fund Maint. II Minnesota Crushed Stone Co., 134.41 ✓ Total Corporate Pur case S .....� Tota 1 .73, _ Petition Council file No .................. -............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �3 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the Making of the fo ving public iniprovenlen y the City of St. Paul, viz.:.._..._G.ons.trno_t.....a....;3nwer...._on..8ar. t....St....... between .._S icat.e...St...... anti. ....._ Gr.?.ggs_ St_,.a_. n._ ac_c_oraano_e wth.....t1t. .0.1 ..her.et.o.....a ..ched..__............. _...... _._............. ... ...... ......... Dated this.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. / WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..._._............_ ........................... S.t.......hetwe.en...S.ynaicate-.St.,._.and ....Griggs -_St.. . PRLIMINARY ORDER9. E No. 5303— -^ ,. ,.., 11h res A written p poeat for the h .,._. _. _ _..... .............. ... ...... king of thefollow) g i provement Construct a sew on 9a;Bent between Syndicate St. and lCorn- •.having been presented kothe ovn -- --- " """ t of the City of St: Paul therefore, be having been presented to the Council of -611ed, That ti. Cummleelonac of an. ... _............... ............ . .....: -lto Works be and he is hereby or - d and directed:` therefore, be it a To Investigate the necessity .for elrability: of .the.malcing of said RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 1'Tomnvesuaata the nature, agent ereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for at8egnd'th. toe l costa -thereof. °rave said improvement. To ''furnfeh'+a plan. stadia or S. To investigate the nature, extent ch a ffv� ash itie� i ,io tng gibes 'ovement, and the total Coat thereof. �.� grid, ;fnf rmatlon relative to eat. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or aket.rbve.a k�± To state whethe o noti.ld hn- 4. To furnish the following other dui', t Is asked fo ;jp :he petition aid improvement:_..___.. +; or more o.�d• � .nu art up'• 'N he^fort . .'`s-.•••s...........................`i:,: z'...... ..... ............ .......... ..............................._........... ................... .._..... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all -of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........................ 191......._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman jKe1r rth CC to Approved ... ... .... ..........J ........._. Nash ....................................................._......_.............................................................. Mayor Mayor. IPUBLISMD Som/ oar lSJ J. E. Carroll Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 04 and "PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publicini venientXthcC1of St. Paul, viz.:..a.._c.hang.e......of.._grade.....on.......Randalph...8.4......:£r. E.inn...Ave..o Dated this ........_3rd._......_day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' wIIF.REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.- ........... .............. a.. c.kzango or --g-rade. on. Raaldolph St. fs4ni.r-inn A4a..-. to 1' di.ssiss.iPPj--... '3304— River Bouleyard._ a. hh wrllten prop impr P the _.. ,. -' o[ the fof grad improvement. --' ;;change Ave.t d oi41Randive, _Finn e. [o been, presented Rive, 3 having been fSt- ... .._._.. _.....__ _... _ .....:... cfl of"[he-CitYof 'St. P, e, be It ved; That .the 'Commiselone� _. ...............— .... Works be and_,he is hereby:" having been presented to the Connell of ; anbetntr of the' making of r Inveetlgate the nature, ex. therefore, be it mated cost of said imDr,. Id the total cost thereof. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner furnish said IDr Plant Drofile,he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for J furnish the 1.1i-relava to king of said improvement. nent. L. To investigate the nature, eatenl. i is ek a ion or not aid Pet'tid )niprovenlent, and the total cost thereof. 3. 1b furnish a plan, profile or Bketc 'repo a up nn aI of the t'., . atters to the Commissions,,, ve to said improvement :............ .......................... .... 4. To furnish the, following other (' 'Y the Council Jur, 'I June 6. 1916. (June 1'L-1916) . ..................................... ................................................. .................. ........ ._..... .... _..... u. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN -3 1915 ...... 191 Adopted by the Council ...................................... . Yeas: nays: Councilman Farn orth Goss Approved. ...._.._............_....... Kellet Plash Yoerg ..............................................._...... ............. Mayor. Mayor Power IPUBusmp Roquest of Crocus Hill Improvement Association Council File No......_ ............................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVERIEI4T. and PRELIPMARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin mblic improvement by the City .LAt. Pall], viz.:.....B.9W.faQthe I...o,11..0i ing....stme. : . n .._....Linc.ol..Av8.4-.fr. and. Ave • to Milton St.; Goodrich Ave. from Sc meier Alley to Milt St.; Fairmount Ave..- from ...Dale ..St.....to. ... Milton _..St....;..... .le -.. St. ..... fram....Grand....A.. .......to-Fsirm©unG Ave. St. Albans St. from Summit Ave. . Fairmount Ave.; G to St. from Summit Ave. to Fairmount Ave.. - . Avon. _, from. Summit _Ave r..... .....Osaeo3a Ave � •, Victoria St. from Fairmount Ave. to it Ave. ......... _......._._....._................_._...__.._......._........_..........._........._...................... ........__....._._._......__..... _..... . ....._..............__._.............................. _ r Dated this.._......3Ta....._......dayJune.........__....._..._ ........... ...... 191_._15. _ ................. 1 .._.............. ........ _. . / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIlEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..Re.sarfao.@_..the following streets: Lincoln Ave. from Oakland Ave. to Milton St.; Go.adrich..Ave....... from...Schurmeier....Alley -to ....Milton -...St_ -j. ._Fairmount -Ave.-...-from- Dale St. to Milton St.; Dale St. from Grand Ave. to Fairmount Ave.; St. -Albans -St. _from Summit Ave: to Fairmount Aveiv; Grotto St from Summit Ave. to Fairmount Ave.; Avon St. from Summit Ave. to Osceola Ave.; Victoria _Strii;from­_Pairmovnt Ave *� to 5,u..fvm'it Ave_._...... . _....__._..._­­­ ............................... l t No. 5305— I having been presented to the Council of tht°„"eoe'the io oevf^°myal fore i.rn............................................_....................... ................. ; Resurface the fonoWIng street, therefore, be it oln ave. from Oakland Ave. ler Allsl• to nfiltonvsi.oIrn1 mcd hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner e, from Dale st. to MI sa; x y fr'bnne Gran Is. me. to F¢lrmount-of said im rovement. 1. To investigate the necessity ,for o: 1 not nt.I fro ttoustcult m`' p L. '1'o investigate the nature., extent ah°� en F¢irmoant awe.; A -Improvement, and the total cost thereof. g S omit Ave. to Oeceoln, ¢ I. from Fairmount :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch it Ave., having been Council of the City re it 9. To furnish the following other data lived,, at the Co. Iative to said improvement:....... ........................... Th' endWorks rected: be and -he di ..................................................................................................... n eatlgnta_.................................._...._.................................._.................................................... nv It 5. To state whether or not said inlprovtn ',a is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Counc .............. ...._ �y.._���.5......... ...... 191......._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman F rnswo•th / `— Gis Approved .._............. ..(O..__......_ .....5 .............._...._19]_ K ler O Nash Yog ....... ............. Mayor Po' i's j Mayor. Petition Council File No................................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 1i and PRELIMINARY ORD7ig The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follot 'public iuyLinent by City of St. l Paul, viz.: ....C_oxl.trno......a.....a.ane nt._..tile ..._nide-- 1k....to Ga.._gblt.h.._o%._. .:.-feet..:..an....the west ...._sideof....Dsldwin._Ave.,..__ k.q.......Q.0-n...Pr.inc.eton...hve ._.and-.._italpale....St.., in accordancq with etiti _.herec.0. O.�4 GPest . ...... P f- _ .-. . .. ............ ... Dated this.. _ 3Td,. day o£<.. June .._... f _.... ... .191...5... / _............_.......:............._...._._..................__........................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improveulent, viz.: t.il.e_..sile.Walk....to....a__ width-of ._.six. .._f-aet.....an....-thb- west SIA Q._.o.f....Balllidn.. Ame......b.e.tve_en........Prino.eton ..Ave..._. and...WalpoIe._.St. _.. .... ...._.....I C. F. No. 6306— r . ............._ .._........ ........._.......... ... ........_.._...... . . Wherene, A w filen proposal for the making st the following tile a d emlk via. Construct n cement tale sidewalk....._........... .._.................._........_..._........._............._.__...__......._...................... I to a width of six feet on the west. side of Baldwin Aver between Prince ton Ave. and Walpole St., having been having been presented to the Council of presented to the .counell.._..,.._.._.._..„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_............... _..... _...... ; u of the Cuv, "''--""' of St. Paul theref¢re, be it therefore, be it nesolved, That the Commissioner of Pubilc Works b4 and he la hereby or-� dared and dire4ed: b ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Couunissione t. To Investigate the necessity for 5 or desirability of the making o1 eala_Ila improvement. ]. To investigate the necessity fol 3. To investigate the nature, extent , and c,ti ted .at of Bald Improve- Vement, and the total cost thereof. '2. To investigate the nRtll l'l', CRtel men[, and the total cost thereof. 3, To furnish I plan, prone r� :l. To furnish alan, profile or sk sketch of said improvement p p 4. To furnish the following oil data and information relative to ,.- 4. 'fo fiunish the following other Improvement d said nnprovemeut:__...______....._.._.......___. 6.',To etnte whether or r,r,: ,: Prov ant. le asked far „ �' ........._............._......................_-......._.._ P 6 ..-. _................. .................... .................. ........... ...................... .................... _ ............... _........ ....... 5 To . st.ate ....w....hether ....or not said, Ri ventent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.............._._.....JU4...,_—U....13.1.5-191......._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman F lswm•th % O Approved 1.0 ..............._.. ..............191..J.. / K i , /b Nash Yg .......... .............._.............................._ ..................................................... Mayor Po rs Mayor. Petition Council File No ....... ......... .:.................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and e�eA�D A PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the looking of the followin public iniprovenlent by the y of St. Paul, Q. -Q to.....a....Frlrith....n�....s est.....on.....t.ht Dated thix...._.:.._._3.........."day of Councilman. PRELnMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A Written proposal for the making of the following inlproveulelit, viz.: Conatruct..._>.._c..eMe.nt..._ .�.a.e....._i.dawali[....t.a.....a....width.....of-SIX ....f.afit..... an....th.o....._. vrest_..sict..e.. _4..f..DDelagars....Ave ......_X.x.Rm.._ko.r..t.oxl...at....._t.o.-Annap.alis..... S.t...............____... ..._.. C. F No.. 6307— .._..._......................... ...... --""-"'`- Wherens. A written proposal for the mnktng oI the following improvement, viz:. Con.[ruct a cement the sidewalk "- ............... .........._.............................._.................... . ............. ........................_._..._............................................... ....................._.o a Width of six feet on the west side �f Delaware Ave. from Morton St. to nnapolis St., having been presented having been presented to the Council of th, the co—en of the City of st:>Pam .... ....... .... ..._.......... Pefore, be It therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commiseloner of oblic Work. be dad he le hereby or- ,3eed aad directed: ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner o X. To investigate the necessity fo. > � desirability of the making of sa',' 1. To investigate the necessity for of Grove investigate the nature, ea'�aid Improvement. a e.tlmated teat of said lmpr[,rovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent R n . a d the to alacost the ..fP. 1 plan, pro 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch ltcToof-said furnish thcefollowlr Ind information relati Ve t0 Said i111 lOVeln gilt :........................................... 4. To furnish the following other data an..nt. whether era p 1s naked" 6. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Coune . ..................... 1q).x....._191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F •nsworth j� Gs Approved .....................................................................191...J.. A er '. Plash May .................................................._................................................... ...... ----- — Mayor. Request of- Mr. Regan Council File No:....._ .......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. « and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo wing p is inlpro ent by the City of St. Paul, viz.:Construct...._s_._o_enent..._tile,..s..' ..__�s]k..... .....a....yi'. . h....of....aig...fe.e.t..._on.....the west side of Chatsworth ._...._betwo ,Fa.,.. mO1 t....t�Y.e.,..._tans�..._C.o_odric.h.... Ave. ... Dated this....___. 3;174 __da f..._.._...._......_..x71711. 191...5.. ........ .......... Councilman. PRELUVEINARY ORDER. 'wilEREAs, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: ............. .......... . _......_........_Construes._a__ceraont.... t..ll.e.....sidewalk .._t.A._.a....width....of....aix--feet....an-._the west side of Cha ts'RUtt St . . ..... between 2airmount..-Ave . . ..... and....Goadrich...A.Ve., _.. No. 5308 , tvh T pe, A written proposal for the king of the following improvement - - - - .. - "" " viz: Construct n ment,tne Sid.w.11 t- a width of al feet o the west aide of Chatsworth St between Fairmount ....................................... having been presented to the Counml of p, and Goodrich A having been kited to the Council oP the City of therefore, be it Paul therefore, he;it -Lesolved, That ;the' Commlealoner of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner vie works be andhei, hereby or- eby ordered and directed: o;.d and directed: To Investigatethenecessity for 1. To investigate the necessity for or si silty of the making of Said id improvement. $. TO investigate the nature, extent aTo Investigate the nature, extent etnent, and the total cost thereof. r..etlmatea coat of said Improve - and the total coat thereof. :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch' -To furnish a plan, profile c,� n of said Improvement, To furnleh" the following o'� said improvement: 4. To furnish the following other data.To information relative to , whether or not I.Sal." x.,- ............... .............................................. .._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matterstothe Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Connci Yeas: Nays Councilman Far isworth t�— GosApproved ........... .....�............. ..................._.191.. .. Kel r - Nash Yoe g ....../v+z`� ....... ....... Mayor. 1lfayor Pots - PUBLI$ M 5309 Ave, to Ashland Ave i under pied ainary Order 3657 �Itermediary Order Final Order 4486 approved April. 15, 19 15 RESOLVED, That the plans, specific tions and estimates submitted by the, Commissioner of Public Works for he above named improvement be and the s9me are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTBER, That the Purchasitg Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in t.c manner provided by the City Charter for 'bids for the making of said im rovement, according to said, plans, and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all: labor and materi 1 for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentse cf cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement fork bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the arr��lount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the exdcution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work inI¢ccordance with the plans, and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the arnoulrt of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should al bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obta•ned, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if i is a contract Tahich the committee may award, shall be o£ opinion that no £urthFr bids should be received and that the work should be dor_e by t e commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the sa'd committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendation to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. ' JUN Adopted by thej.Goa it Yeas ( )ilmen ( ) worth / r W5 1914. tic E Nash Mr. Presidents. Powe a Approv I 79 p[)BLISHED 'O � C N No ;6809 „r In the matter paetructlng"a eewer, I,, pd oa PaseaL 9ummlt Ave• to Ave'trgm Ashland Ave: `..:Under, . Preliminary; 0rd6R .9667 &Ina,, Order 4A96 ." -,� Droved._`Ap 11 16; 1916 Reeol16 That the plans,; epecldca- dohs and ear 61T 9: submitted• -by the Coaf)nfe of . ®orks / Mire =1" nsmad im prom ont bea�afi he 4, a Berne are hereby approved.[ -. Resolved Fgrthe�;�Thatr the Purohas-1 -� ng Agent be and he. iehereby author-I C I T Y O F S T. P A U L ertl ee"=i, ed> aad; directed' to. advnt - finer,..p ovided•.by.-the •City iChnrlc.'he- btds fo the making of said I• iparit accord In to said D)an^-• COUNCIL - RES LUTION Icfltione on -the basis (A> ++idQr o ch,shalt, 4�-and materlal for se I U1, sum (B);That tt �teT O£ OOriat br shall. make sn rLlOtin_ a ewer on Pasc force. aecou of -' basC- a', 1 5309 Ave, to Ashland Ave i under pied ainary Order 3657 �Itermediary Order Final Order 4486 approved April. 15, 19 15 RESOLVED, That the plans, specific tions and estimates submitted by the, Commissioner of Public Works for he above named improvement be and the s9me are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTBER, That the Purchasitg Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in t.c manner provided by the City Charter for 'bids for the making of said im rovement, according to said, plans, and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all: labor and materi 1 for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentse cf cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement fork bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the arr��lount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the exdcution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work inI¢ccordance with the plans, and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the arnoulrt of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should al bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obta•ned, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if i is a contract Tahich the committee may award, shall be o£ opinion that no £urthFr bids should be received and that the work should be dor_e by t e commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the sa'd committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendation to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. ' JUN Adopted by thej.Goa it Yeas ( )ilmen ( ) worth / r W5 1914. tic E Nash Mr. Presidents. Powe a Approv I 79 p[)BLISHED 'O �C�F'No 6810—." I the matter of eonstruoting-a sewer ort Fre Ont St. from Gypresa st to a ..be,,, .184 ft, eact"of the enet Ilne oL' " i 'kr1 .. $t.;. thence on an eaeement'. to beobtalnel 16Lt In width -:the gen ter ]fns of which f 8 fL' west ands / parallel to the east li no oY LtIn ' I Gotzlane R nrrn ge ent .or_ Block - 24 Sigel. Addition from'F ..Fre St [o'the alley In said block thence � t to^2e11 st., thence'9buth� on Tell.' I / �► it. 'to If It."under Preliminary rderv'22a6 Final or 4484 'p :7 .0 I T Y p F S T. P A U L roved Ayrll 16, t e' - - ��A A naolved That .the' Blana, specl8ei:,' 't and estimates aubmlttea by �m10 issionen oY P,ubllaWorks Yor COUNCIL RES N e+n ed improvement' bs. n=.I" e- herehy - ?,kr.wo el In the matter of _ constructing a sewer on Fremont St. from Cypress St. to a point 184 ft. east of the east line of Earl St., thence on an eaeement, to be obtained, 16 ft. in width the center line of which is 8 ft. west and parallel to the east line of Lot 4, in Gotzian'a Rearrangement of Block 34, Sigelle Addition, from Fremont St, to the Alley in said blook, thence east to Tell St., thence south on Tell St, to Third St. ------ ---- _.—X_Qwxr.z, ' -r=u clic F3.ans,- sp-C l=-M%ibns-and E9 �i.7Tlat�E3 ml by the, Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the sgme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- traetor shall furnish all labor and material fob said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage oA cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bidp, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amoun of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City -for the performance of said work in acco dance r;ith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount ofd the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said adve�ti the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bi s the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise aga may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtaine , committee authorized to award the contract, if it is the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no be received and that the work should be done by the Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said make an appropriate report with its recommendations further action or proceed' gs thereon. Adopted by the Cc i1 JUN -3 1: Yeas ( ) Cc linen ( ) NayE Yo Gos Orth Go Ke e x1S I Nash Mr. President. Po ,, Approve sement reserve be rejected, n and as often as unless the a contract which urther bids should C mmissioner of c ittee shall to the Oounoil for C F No .63T1 — Tn the matter ot-cotiatruo2t g arsewei•I on Conway d street fromSt Earl$t. to Te11 St`aanon Tell f Con- R'�3' 8t •`fo Third 3t.'nrd6 Preltmin : ry Ordec 3486 I'Inot Order dprll 18, ht - Rs4 andd,. 1..j'the : plan 'Decillca-{ 1 .done;and eetlmates eubmttted by the ommlesloner oi' '"' "Works. for..the� `above nnmpd lmproyement be,and the same are heroby approved. _9101 solved.Further That the Purchas �c- 'Ing Agent'tte and h. Is hereby author C I T Y 0 F S T. P A U L tied and dire at tandvertlea In the :manner, provided by +the Clty' Charter- ' fo bids., the making of eatd Im- �anDrovement; according'to Bata "ylan, COUNCIL RESOLUTION _That stha� b drier eor �contractar eehrlF furnleh all'labor;,and m [erlalfor;ej+ 'Or", at a:epeclfled sum, i13),Thnt%ter of constructinga sewer on Lwayt bidde, or ;contractor 'ehpll make J in R!ovement b3^ fokce`.ac ount 'ing a percentage of d4ea Dolce Le.. formthg the. eama,rIn:`,!eald adsu • to Tell St, and on Tell St. from Conway St.' to Third St. 'ment for ,bid". h" 'Purchasing^-- ehall.roQufrebl'dder,'e :bond/ 8moant, of at least tsY9tYty d' ' ,tb bid, condlN n a rer tti/ininary Order 3425 Intermediar Order -fo a ontract with th %Clby Wtth ance. OR -wa rk ! _ Order 4528 approved Aril 19 1915• 'cse, eaaY RESOLVER, That the plan. s,•specifications and estimates submitted by the. Comnissioner.of Public Works for the above named impro ement.be hereby and the agme are .ei Y a Pproved. . v RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner +provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement., according to said dans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve-. went by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance rith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise aga''n and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtainer, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it i� a,contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that nofurther bids should be received and that the work should be done by the ommiseioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said ommittee shall make an appropriate report with its. recommendations o the Counoil for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council JUN -.q 1, 1914. Yeas ( ) Ccilmen ( ) Nays Yoe Far worth Gos +fent by fo f •] ^entage. i. CITY OF S PAUL '. COUNCIL . RESOL TION :e matter of pu• Am: 58V under Preliminary Order 3434 Int rmediary Order Final Order 4485 approved April 5, 1915. RESOLVED, That the plans, specificat ons and estimates submitted by the. Commissioner of public Works for th above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. . RESOLVED FURTIMR, That the Purchasin Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said imp ovement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor hall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentag of cost price for Per r- forming the same. In said advortisement fobids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the a ount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the exe ution cf a contract with the City for the performance of said work inecordance with the plans and specifications in cage the bid is accept A, or in lieu thereof.a certified check for ten per cent. of the wnourit4 of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should ail bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained., unless the committee authorized to award the contrac`c, if It is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be dor_e by he Commissioner of Public Ciorks by day labor, in which event, the aid committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Go it1914. Yeas ( ) Co lmen ( ) Nays Yoe \Far worth GOB Kel r �x Nosh ir. President,. , Po s. Approv � � 1 uY CITY OF ST. PAUL e COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ . __ . .. _ ....... _........... _ COUNN CIL w� ... ..........Aw �/'j^1 ... ........... ....... ................. _. ..FILE O..�L Date Presented-- - - June.. ...: 3,..._I91....B.. Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Block 8 West SC. Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate Addition Pio. 1, as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 10 F. No. 5313—By 11. N. Goss— Resolved, That the grade or the alley In Block 8 West SL Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 1, as shown by the red grade line on9 the accompanying profile, and a Public Works. be and the samerecommended b the Commiss�oner Is here• by adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council .Pune 3.191s. jApproved'.Tupe 6, 1916. (June 12-1916) Yeas (t") Coun 'men (P) Nays Farn orrh Goss _ In favor Kell Against Nash Yoer Mr. President, ers r... c.a.a Adopted by the Council_ JUN _._& IS15-191 Approved_ MAYOP CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub'ec :_... ........................... ......... __............. `� COUNCIL �� FILE No ...... ..... ................... ....... Date Presented ...........June_.._ Resolved, That That the grade of the alleys in Block 9 The West St. Paul Real Estate &; Improvement Syndicate Addition Tlo. 1, as shown by the red grade lines on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 6314—By M. N. Goes— Resolved, That the grade of the at ley. In Block 9 The West St Paul Real Estate & Improvement Syndicate' Addition N6. 1, as shown by the red grade linea on the accompanying pro- file, and as recommended by the Com- missloner of Public Works, be and the same Is horsy adopted as the estab- •liehed grade. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1916. Approved June 6, 1916. -(June 12-1916) YeRis (1") Cou "n' (1-') Nays Farn orth Goss In favor Kelle .against Hash Yoer Mr. President, ers ran. ..e•z Adopted by the Council _ .� Approved 19 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL K6�1� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FAM ...................... . . ..._.. __.... .....__........._ COUNCIL51134 FILE No..... .. .. .. _......._..........:..... ___.._....... ........ .._..... .............. _...._._........................... _..... ........ _....... Date Presented.. June .......3,...._..._._I91..5.... Resolved, That the grade of Race St. £from Alaska Ave. to Chatsworth St., as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. P. No-5315—By Al. N. Coss— Resolved, That the grade of Race St. from -Alaska Ave. to Chatsworth St., as shown by the red grade line on the -accompanying profile; and a.. recom mended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1915. Approved June 5, 1915. i (June 12-1915) Yeas (1") Cou ilmen (F') Nays Far worth / Ke _ _ In favor Ke r Against Nash Yo g Mr. Presi len Owers vo aw C.9.2 ' Adopted by the Council191 JUN -.3 Approved _ J 19� MAYOR v } CITY OF ST, PAUL Council Resolution.- -General Form Department of=_} -- Bureau of Council File No,Date Presented of _.191 By RhSOINED. That the St. Pa.) s Licht Company is Ii r 1P otde A aad directed to extend it, electrical lines by erectiae poles and striwiae wires tl dr for the trannnn. Sinn of dt-icny on and in the follo i.a alleys aad streets of saidcite: I. Install ten poles in and through the alleys through the blocks between Rose StrPet and Magnolia Street, from l,arl Street to Frank Street, with C. F. No. 6316—By M. N'Goss 11 anchors. Resolved, That the SL Pau11 Gus Light Compaly Is hereby ordered . and di- 'rected [.extend tis electrical lines by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the transmissi onof elee. trieity on and to the following alleys and streets of said city: Install ten poles in and through the Ileya through the blocks between Roe" street and Magnolla atreet, from Earl street to Frank street, with all necessary auys and anchors. fiance No. 2424, and of I, ordinances and reso- ity of St. Paul. it be set In such loc . -eye and treat. as the f Pahl to Utilities shall ,hall be of such height e he shall deelgnate nd any and `all such .ken down and removed M plabed underground, .unci] shall deem that ,rest, so requires,. and orde, le Council' June 3, 1616. All 0l such eztousions. r61-avd wires shall cubic , the of i hdin a Vo. 2'424. aad of all other lawful ordinances ��lll 1.1-eball be .et in nci�l�cation It said alleys and streets as the Conuni shall des ad approve. and any and all mch holes shall he taken down and re public i­tr ao -M-, and when it shall - -d- Adopted by the Council t Yeas ( ) f$t n ORTH Mr. President, .1 public 1l tilitiea and in all thine., be of arch heiala avd character as he er the Council alull deem that the JUN _3 Isis __ __191 ( ) Nays Approved Mayor t- Requedt of Lira Nussbaume cc�p CITY OF ST. PAUL TJ� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM'r _. _ ......_3�LIN . COUO.... ..............................-.................................FILE Date Presented ... June........._3....._._I91_5.... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Ptiolic Works be and is hereby autiio;�icod and directed to prepare plans and Unoci"ic-tions for the gradi_-t; o: 71orn.nds 3ortl.evard across Blocks 5 and 17 Suburban Hills Addition (noir Park property) fro:: Hoffman Ave. to tlbund St. and summit ,same to the Council for approval. C. F. No. 5317—BY M. N..Goss Resolved, Thnt the Commissioner o[ 1 Public Works be d hereby author- ized and directed to prepare plans ¢n peciflcan... for the grading Of Mounds Boulevard Blocks 5 and 17, Suburban Hilts Addition (now Parit propaerty ufrom Hottmnn Ave. toMound Pr nd a bmit enure to the Council for, approval. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1915.1 Approved (June512 1915) _. __. !{ Yeas (I' )Counej&en (N Nays jKeller In favor LINI-a /7 �7 - -{� Against Mr. Prestd OwM c.8 2 Adopted by the Council __ 191 Approved _ C j _ 19` 1317 CITY OF ST. PAUL ` Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of_- Cou cil File No. 3 / Date Presented 194 BY iz sm.v m'rhat the St. 1'an1 Gas htC.em V:uly is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lives by erection pules avd stH-ine wase tbereuv for the /nansvossmv of clt—kitt on and in the f,11 -6 -alleys avd.treeb f.aid rite; /e Eight poles in and through the alley through the block between v Stanford Ave. and Wellesley Ave., from Maaalester Ave. to Underwood Ave., with all necessary guys and anchors. •11 s Inuandlth':,', the . block between Stang and WeAve., from Maeal- r Ave. to Underwood Ave., with all X11 . ece—y, guy. and anehn.e • - Of Ordinance bNo. 2424thand rof r lafu wl ordinances and reao- �Iea eh lit tie f etInaeu]oca- 3loneraid aofyP Public has Utilities shall nd shall be truf uch fietght ster as he shall decal r•.,. c. p,acea underground. whso- j ev r theCouncll shall deem that the =. public Interest so requires: and whent It hall sso order -, Adopted by the. Coun- Il Tune 3, 1915. Approved June 5. 1915. rd _. (June 12-1915) ;@ All ..1 each eateusi,•os. I+des avd wires .hull he erected avd �oaanucted ander the direction and .uperviaiun of the t'ommissioncr of Public Utilities and iv all thione .,chic o the o(t Irzlin c Vv. L+?a. avd of all other lawful urdinanres and resolutions of the City of St. P-1. aAll poletsrnball be .et in enrl�lorttion it aid allrys and streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall h,M-.—. and A.11 be of such heivht avd ch—fi,r.e be .lull des nd approve, and env and all such pole. shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed uvderervund, whrn,,,, the l;onvch public ivleresl so rennpe., and when it shall so order. A,11 deem that the JUN —'3 iyf 5 Adopted by the CouncifKELER _ _ _191 Yeas ( ) n ( ) Nays ORTH /} Approved _ (o S —^— 91 S Mr. President, Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �1t _.., . a 53'18 Subject:.. OG ......_.. �y COUNCIL /////FILE NO ...... ................................ Date Presented-- . `I91 Resolved, Whereas, Iver Iverson, has heretofore paid to tree City or St. Paul the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars as an advance payment for a sewer on Lot 25, Block 3, Gotziants Re. of Sigelfs Addition, and whereas the assessment for the con-- struction of the sewer connecting with said property is the BUM of ($26.71) Twenty six & 71/100 Dollars. Therefore be it Resolved, That the sum of Twenty three & 29/100 (§23.29) Dollars be refunded to the said Iver Iver- son and that the proper city officers ce and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Iver Iver- son for said suitpayable out of the Advance Assessment Account. Yea: Mr. C F. No. 6318—By S. A. Farnsworth— Resolved, whereas: Iver Iverson, hits heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul the eum of Fifty ($60.00). Dollar. as an advance .payment for a sewer on Lot 25, Blocl< 3, Go[zinn's Re. of Sigel'. Addltion, and whereas the assessment for the construction of the sewer con- necting with said property 1. the m of ($26.41) Twenty six and 71/100 Dol. lar.. Therefore be it Resolved, That the m of Twenty three nd 29-100 ($23.29) Dollars be refunded 29 the sid Iver Iverson and that the proper city 0incars be and they are hereby authorized todraw a warrant In favor of the said Iver Iverson for said aum : " Payable out of the Advance As .... Mort '. ll ccoun[. '.'Adopted by the Council June 3, 1915.' Approved June 6,.1916: ._,." (June 12-1916). Nays Adopted by the Council JUN _ _T� 191 In favor �-191 S Approved_ _Against y� y � COUNCIL FILE NO. r i Q` BY a f�� r�::r '—' 5319 Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the ewhorrig Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect, there was pending in the'Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain order for the Grading of James street from Lexington avenue to Summit ave- nue, instituted and carried on under Preliminary'Order 39,361, approved June 9th, 1913, and Final Order 40,963 Approved Decem- ber 9th, 1913, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that al -L other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved, That the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to alt further acts and proceedings to be done, and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are here- by authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assess- ment under the existing Charter in accordance, therewith: That the plana, peciflea- Be it furthe alone and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works fon., the (Resolved, shove nam d be and the same a hereby pproved. Further, t Resolved Further, Thnt �' ,,Resolved,b be and be is ^ted directed t- . rrnv"».. C. F. No. 6319—By S. A. Farnsworth— �/,(_/','/r Whereas. Immediately prior and up to the -time the existing Charter of the he City of. St. Paul, took effect. [here was. pending the ofcere of the Board of o Public oonka, a certain rder for the ?trading avenue to Su street Irom Lat g- ton nvenue to Summit avenue, lnatltut-' / i _`/✓�`/{,f// / �/ d and carrled -on under Prellminary Order 39,30 3, ppioved lune 9th, 1913, and Final Order 40,909, approved Dc - e ber Sth, 1913, and Whereas. It is the opinion of this Adopted by the Council, JUN —3 1915 j Nay worth Kelr1 Powers Approved_ 1915. OR. r�t /C 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:... _. ....... _............_ i No a-�{ 1 FILE No...............53W Date Presented ..........June .... 3..,___...,._...-I91.5...... for material for paving Robert St. from Resolved, That the specifications Second St. to Sixth St., Fairfield Avenue from South Wabasha St. to Belle St., Fillmore Avenue from South Wabasha St. to Hyde St., North Smith Avenue from College Ave. to t'le north end of the High Bridge, and South Smith Avenue from the south end of the High Bridge to Annapolis St., as amended, are hereby accepted. C. F. No. 5320—By 11f. N. Goes--- . Resolved. That the ;peel fle.tiona for material for Paving Robert St. from Second St, to Sixth St.. Fairfield a e from South Wabash. ;t ... t vto Belle Wabasha St. to Tiyde St.. Nomore avenue rth Smith aven us from College .\ve. to the north end f the High Bridge, and South Smith avenue from the south end of the High Bridge to Annapolis St., a; amended a e hereby accepted. Adoptedt by the Council June 3, 1915. Approved June 6, 1915. (June 12-1915) j Yeas (P') Co oilmen (i) Nays G rPowvers In favor K M .against ash Y Mr. Preside roan c.e-2 0 Adopted by the Council JUN ,..;J ty1 —191 Approved19Y_ - --- MAYOR 52, 29- CITY OF ST. PAUL ) COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. ...- _........... oourtclL FILE No.... ....:...'..f':'. .. ... Date Presented.-....-.-- dune. ---'3 e -._._I91 -B -- Ijesolved, That the specifications for material for paving Marshall Avenue from the west line of Snelling Ave. to the east line of the Marshall Ave. t Bridge and the paving of Wabasha St. from the north line of Congress St. to the south line of WinifreCt St.; Winifred St. iron the west line of Wabasha St. to the west line of Ohio St.; Ohio St. from the south line of Winifred St. to the south line of George St.; and George St.from the west line of Ohio St. to the east line of Smith Ave., as amended, are hereby accepted. Yeas HI Co oilmen (V) Nays G s K ler M Coll Nash Y erg Mr. Preside , Powers roew, e.e-z i C. F. No. 5321—By M. N. Goss— . -i -ed, That the peclflca[lons for material for paving Marshall avenue from the west line of Snelling Ave. to the east line of the Marshall Ave. Bridge and the paving f \Vnbasha St. from the north line of Congress St: to the south line of \Vlnifred St., Wini- fred St. from the vest line of Wnhasha at `to the west line of Ohl.St.; Ohio St. from the south line of Winifred St. to theuth line of George St'.; d George St. from the west line of Ohio St. to ed, arerat line of Sm here by nceptedh Ave.. as amendAdopted by the Council June 3, 1915. Approved June 6, 1915. (June 12-1915) JUN —3 !915 Adopted by the Council. _ _. __ 191 In favor S 1916 Approved_ Against gl CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Sulijecr..-Rejection of the Curbing and Improvement of Eustis r ty Cargo Ave. to from Carter Ave.-ta vustis CouNCIE FILE NO ...... ....................... ... Date Presented- .....-May 28th A915 Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in rejecting all bide for the Curbing and Improvement of Como Ave. West from Carter Ave. to Eustis Street, is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Pur- chasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement, Yeas (V')Cout ilmen (V) Nays os / In favor r M M oil .Against . �Ysa6 Y erg Mr. Preside t, Powers FORM c.8-2 C. F. N.. 5322—By M. 5v. Goes— i 12esolved: That the action of the Con- tract Com mlttee In rejecting all bids i for the curbing and Improvement or ComoAve. west from Carter Avenue to Eustis street, is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby n.th.rl,,d to re dcer- tine for bide for the meld ng of said Improvement. i Adopted by the Council June 3, 1916. Approved June 6, 1916. (June 12-1916) Adopted by the Council JUN -3 WS ___191 Approved- 191-(— MAYOR 91JMAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Stibject:_.._APProval of_.Aw.ard... of._.Contra.ct...for._.f.urniahing--945---- barrels Portland Cement, for the paving of Robert Street��EN"` NO..................�� 23. Date Presented-........_ . _ .....__ _ _...__I91........... Resolved, , That the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing 945 barrels Portland Cement for the paving of Robert Street from Second Street to Sixth Street, to the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company, at $ 1.37 per barrel net,4ln accordance with Formal Bid No. 286 and specifications attached, is hereby confirmed and approved. Yeas (V) Co cilmen (Y) Nays G s (_�' In favor K er M Coll � Against ;\ Fish Yrg Mr. Presiden Powers roAM c.8.2 C. F. No. 8323—By M. N. Coas— Rcsolved. That the action of the.Pur- chasing Committee in awarding the ntract for furnlshing 946 berels Portland Cement for the paving of Robert street from Second street to Sixth street, to the St. Paul Lime & Cetnent Company, t $1.37 per barrel t, I accordance with Formal Bid No. 286 and pecifl_uona t,..h.d, le hereby confirmed and approved. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1916. i Approved June 6. 1916. (June 12-1916) Adopted by the Council JUN —4 1 _!5i91 Approvedp( r N MAYOR 5021 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject._... Approval of Award of Contract for the construction of a sewer ........._.._ Stinson St. i'rornLexington A-vetatA,tOxford St and on the E. side of Lexington Aire. from Stinson StibEto �ny�utr .••••- ............... .._......................... ...... .............. _......_... ........ _ . nn May 28 5 /d Date Presented-...... . _ __. __ ._...__I91........... ZesolveThat the Award of Contract to Doherty & Son, for the construction �� of a sewer on Stinson Street from Lexington Ave, to Oxford Street., and on the East side of Lexington Ave . from Stinson Street to Front Street: Engineer's Estimate being $1,393.00 for the Bum of ^� 1,202.00 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved. and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of Contract therefor. Yeas ( V) tKel n (P) Nays h In favor Against Nash Mr. Presidrs C. F. Nu. 5324—By 11f. N. Ga. — Beaolved, That the n and of c - trnet to Doherty RC Son Wfor the c stt•uctlon of n sewer on Stinson street from Lexington Ave. to Oxford street, and enthe east side of Lexington Ave. from Stinson street to Front street; en th393.00 for e gnu mt of $1as [21ate 02,00 be, ad$the same is hereby on Hrm.d and approved,- and ' the Corporation Counsel 1s hereby in- structed to draft and submit the prop - form of contract therefor. er Adopted by the Council June 3, 1015. Approved June 6, 1015. (June 12-1016) Adopted by the Council JUN _,3 1515 __ 191 Approved. C� — `__ 19f- CITY OF ST. PAUL Approval of Awaro o fon ractUTfor furn�i jng06200 barrels Subject:... _......._ .. ..... Portland Cement, for the paving of Fillmore AvenUewNC1L 5125 FILE NO•.. .......... . .. .. ... ........ _..... .................................._....p......._.................._..................... _................ ..... ............. ........ ............... _........... .......... ....... Date Presented ............. June 2nd...._I91.5... Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing 600 barrels Portland Cement for the paving of Fillmore Avenue from Wabasha Street to Hyde Street, to the Builderts Material Company, at $ 1.37 per barrel net, in accordance with Formal Bid No. 370 and specifications attached, is hereby confirmed and approved. F. No. 5325—Bytthe M. N. ones— Resolved, Thaaction ofd `ne Pfhe chneing Committee in a ,a' barrels ntract for furnishing vin� of ! Portland Cement team NVonesha street Fillmore avenue [O the liulld We D11, to Hyde no set, 1.37 per barrel t, [erlal Company. nt $ In orddnce with. l''ormal Bid Nu. 370 poaCpeclflcn[lona a�tadched, le hereby AH .-ed and apPro \doptedby the Cou ncu June 3, 1915-' Approved JI", 1915) f., Yeas ( I") Coul ilmen (V) Nays .adopted by the Council JUN '3 Gos V In fa\,or ( Kell U+ Approved_ ,S 19h Me oil rs against QqW v WT Yoe Mr. President, overs - Nnvoe roew c.e-2 _ i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...Approval of _Awar.d_.of_Contract_ for furnishing 1.,,421 barrels COUNCIL w� 5,32 D FILE IVO....:__ ........................ .. .Portland .._Cement. ., for.._the_.day_in .._of.._Fair.f ei..d Avenue. s - June 2nd 5 Date Presented. _- - — - - - ----I91........... Resolved, That the action of the purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing 1,421 barrels Portland Cement for the paving of Fairfield Avenue from S. Wabasha Street to Bell Street, to the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company, at $ 1.31 per barrel net, in accordance with Formal Bid No. 287 and specifications attached, is hereby confirmed and approved. Yeas (Y) Cou d ilmen (T,) Nays r Gos3 In favor Kell / Mc II of <'C-\gainst Yoe �($ Mr. President, veers 1,— n.R-2 jC F. No. 5326—BY bf. N. toss— Resolved. That the .action ding the Purchasing Committee In 1,421 barrels t' et for furnishing Portland CementfrL n".. he SL Fair[" n to Bell St Vto the St. 7 P Lime & Ce- nent Coaence} ltt$Fo rmnlr BIdb.rrel net. No. 287 and cepeciftcntlons attached, is hereby Confirmedd pP rov ed. .ldop ted by the Cbuncll June 3, 1915 \PProved June 1219151 .adopted by the Council �;� �� ;ya.5 . _ 191 ,approved — S^ -191,J MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjecr:..Approval of Award of Contract for furnishing 6,467 barrels 5_q Portland Cement, for thof ,� e paving Marshall Ave. COUNCIL FILE NO. .. ...... .. June On -a 5 "Date Presented ......... . . ..__._ _.......-I91..... ... ._ Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committeein awarding the contract for furnishing 6,167 barrels Portland Cementfor the paving of Marshall Avenue 'from Snelling Avenue to the East end of Marshall Avenue Bridge, to the Northwestern Lime & Cement Company, at $ 1.37 per barrel net, in accordance with Formal Bid No. 298 and specifications attached, is hereby confirmed and approved. C. F. No. 5321—BYGoes— +• Besalved. That [he nctlon Y the --- Purchasing Committee to awarding the ntract fur Ea rn is hing 6.167 barrels Portland gement Yor the pnving ot,l Sfarnhnit avenue from Sn elll ,, Avenue to fife ridLunt thetetNortd ota Limare Y Mnrshnl Avenues Bto t b Cementge, Company, a $137 net, in n ordanee with Formal Bid No. '268 node. a ,I IIentions.altneh,d. III hereby confirmed and approved. Adopted Sbe ure 5, —ell June 3, 11115. (June 12-1616) Yeas (I')r1ler (T) Na}+s -i �b15 Adopted by the Council JUS _ 191 In favorJ approvedC-s 19�' . -against Mr. Presid- �MAYOFI roRM c.e-z r-,198 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. Approval 66fAward of Contract for.. the grading ..and improvement �n312, of Bran t. from the S. line of Lot 8E, Blocl¢tj1OILp Fill NO. -e ......................... and the S, line of Lot 19, Blk. 12,,..St:_..Anthony.•_ ._._i..�.........�._x"ir....r..x• _...�.v ____ Date Presented-... -M&Y- 28th I91.._`�..-. Resolved, That the Award of eontract to L.A.Bumgar.lner, for the grading and improvement of Branston Street from the South line of Lot? Block 11 and the South line of Lot 19, Block 12, St. Anthony Park North to the North City Limits; Engineer's Estimate being 02,753.11, for the sum of $ 2,925.00 bei and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed�o draft and submit the proper form of Contract therfor. C. F. No. 5328—By M. N. Goss— Resolved, That the a and of con- tract to ".A Bumgardner. for the grading and Improvement of Branston street from the south line of Lot 7, Block 11 and the south line of Lot 19,. Block 12. St. Anthony Park North to the North City Limits, engineer's esti- , rants being $2,753.11, for the eum of $2.925.11 be, .and the same Is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Cor- poration Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. ,Adopted by the Council June 3, 1915. Approved June 5, 1915. -- (June 12-1915) Yeas (V') Coun men (V) Nays j Goss �/ In favor Keller (`(/_I P� McCol Against Yoerg Mr. President, Po ers root+ c.e-z AN _19112 -is Adopted by the Council 191 Approved-. (o Zr CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P' Subject:. Approval of Award of Contract for the construct on of a sewer 532' on Butternut St. from Bay St. a to poiri� 25 ft. e�&ALyesterlyt from southwesterly line of Lot 6, Aud. Sub. No 40� etoNo ........................... Date Presented.......... _ _. _I91........... Resolved, That the Award of Contract to J.J,Connolly, for the construction of a sewer on Butternut Street from Be$ Street to a point 25 feet southwesterly from southwesterly line of Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivist No. 45, thence southeasterly to a point on southeasterly line of Butternut Street, thence on an easement to the Mississippi River; Engineer's Estimate being $2,653.00 for the sum of $2,581.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved., and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of Contract therfor. IC. 11. No, 6329—BY M. N. Goss= Reaolved, Thnt then nrd of contract'' to g• aewe n onllY • for the construction B r LO pBUttern nL tree, from Baa' attest point 25 feet 9onth- wee[erly from uthweaterly line P Lot 5, Audlto is S'u bdlvlslon lin o thence eoutheaaterlo• t'o s point on • uthensterlY line P Butternut street. the on an enaemeat to the Mieais- nIPPI River; Eng(heer'a Est(mate being nd5th e'snme tlsehereby c $2.5810nrra�d II e pproved, and the Corpo Is ration Counsel mit thereby Inatruct. to draft and eub for. he proper form of Contract -there Adopted by the Connell June 3, 1916.' ApproVed Jhne 5, 1915. Yeas (V) Council en (P) Nays Gos In favor Kell J Me II 1 ' Against Yoe Mr, President, Owers -. ..8-2 Adopted by the Council JuN —'3 m5 191 Approved_ S 19I� - MAYOR I CITY,OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .._•......:......._._......__....................._................._....................--- .......................... : ...... ......... ............. .. e5330 CO0UNCIL QDate Presented . ............. ..191........ Resolved, / , s/ / That the Comr,;ieeioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, is hereby requested and instructed to proceed at once with the necessary repairs to Engine Houses, twos. 7,9,16, and 17, as per estimate and details submitted to the Commissioner of Public Safety under date of May 24th, which is hereby attached. Cost of the above work to be paid out of the. maintenance and repair account of the Fire fund, Department of Public Safety. Yeas (ftKel ( J) Nays ��.. In favor / ................Against Na Mr. PreFORM C. C. F. No. 6330—By Henry McColl— Resolved, That the Commissioner P Pucka, Playgrounds and Public Build- i gt, Is hereby requested and Instruct- ed to Pro- Id at nce witthe n�coe- ary repair' to Engine Houses NOs. 7, 9. 16 nd 17, as per estimate and de -I Pubi tails auhmitted to the Commissioner of which Is herebYnattached. oCosty f the above work to bunt out Of the main- tenaand repair aount of the F F nce Adopted by thet cc,re Cou ciblJu ea 3,t t 1316. Approved June 6, 1916. (June 12-1916) JUN —3 N9 s Adopted by the Council ...............................................191..../...� Approved........... S ........191 �!.... MAYOR CIA §�MRRWW DFPA1 UIENT•PARK>•PLAY-GROUND,)•PPBLIC, bl'll,106I," I.ouv' A.Afilt . Cnmmissioncr May 24, 1915. Honorable Henry McColl., Commissicner of Public Safety, building. Dear Sir: In con.plia.nce with your request of May 17th for estimate of repairs, etc. to Engine houses hubbere 9, 7, 17 and 16, I submit the attachea estimate. Yours trull, Louis hash, Comnissioner. By Deputy. E S T I M A T E S ENGINE HOUSE NUMBER 16, ASHLAND AND VICTORIA AVENUES: Remove present floor, underfloor and joist under same 4 50.00 235 yards filling material for filling in present excavated portion ® 400 per yard,material delivered 94.00 (I understand that they are about to pave Ashland Avenue. If material taken from the street when the paving is done can be obtained for use for filling in this would mean a saving of the $94. for filling material) Tamping and ?lacing of filling material 58.75 6" sand fill over filling mat6tial48.00 4" concrete grout over sand fill reinforced with 15 -gauge, 2 -inch mesh, reinforcement 320.00 Reinforcement - 42.40 JJ" 2 to 1 cement finish over grout divided into three-foot squares, stippled with cylinder roller, sanded joints, water -proof trough in stall -room; 1_" cement cove: -at all walls and partitions 210.00 Rear four feet of stalls paved with Puritan paving blocks 40.00 Cutting present wainsoote and base to make room for cement cove and patching same 50.00 TOTAL ....................$913.15 I would also recomr.:end putting in of new three-inch reinforced concrete stall partitions, which would cost about $135.00, and use the present partition grills,rec:nstructed to fit the new partitions. Will also require about #75.00 plumbing repairs in the above building. GRAND TOTAL including stall partit ions and rlumbing $l1u3.15 Engine HouBes Nine, Seven and Seventeen which are about same sige and require practically the sante amount of material can be based upon the same figures as Number Sixteen. The repair shop adjoining Number Nine, which is also to be refloored in same manner as fire houses, is estimated at $700.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: - __ COUNCIL FILEN O .................... .................. Date Presented_.......__....:._.. _...._........_...191 _._... Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 469, issued to Ben Hansen, 1150, E. 7th 8t., November 27,1914, be and the same hereby is transfered to Hansen & Endersen, 1156 - 1158 E. 7th 8t. Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays In favor G K er oil Against N h Y rg Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.8-2 C. F. No. b331— Reaolved, That thecigarette license No. 469, Sssued to Be- Hansen, 1150 E. 7th,. St., November 27, 1914, be d the '- s ie Kereby 1is 156r1169erreE. 7t to House. Adopteden by the Council June 3, 1915. j Approved June 5, 1915. (June 12-1915) JUN -3 WE Adopted by the Council -//- - - 191........ Approved CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 f _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_ _._ _ 5,z` ,'l COUNCIL FILE No . ....... . ........................ Date Presented .............._...._......_. ....... 191 __ ... Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 435 issued August 39,1914, to Nic Fischer at State Fair Grounds be and the same hereby is trefnsPered to Nie Fischer, 610 E. 7th St. Yeas (r') C u cilmen (✓) Nays C . In favor K r Q oil Against N Y rg Mr. Preside , Powers FORM C.B C. F. No. 6332— Resolved, That the cigarette ilcenee No. 426 Issued' August 29, 1914, to Nic .Fischer at State Fair Grounds, be to, the same hereby Is transferred 'o Nic Fischer, 610 W. 7th St. Adopted by. the Council .lune. 3, 1916. Approved June 6, 19:6. (June 12-1916) JUN —a ibis Adopted by the Council.__ _ _ ___ .... _....._ __...191........ Approved 6 ., Agd, .... 7 MAYOR r 5333 An ordinance approving plans and specifications for a ri e across the tracks of the Great Northern Railway Company and the Northern Pacific Railway Company, where said tracks intersect Seventh street, and requiring the said Railway Companies to construct said bridge in accord- ance therewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace', health and safety. "- HWMWAS, The bridge crossing the tracks of the Great Northern Railway Company and the Northern Pacific Railway Company, where said tracks intersect Seventh street, in the City of St. Paul, has deterior- ated to such an extent that it is ina dangerous condition and inade- quate and insufficient for the purpose of carrying traffic on said _ street over said railway traoks; and it is necessary that said bridge be renewed; and MMREAS, The necessity for a bridge at said point over said tracks is due to the fact of the existence of said tracks, and it is therefore the duty of the said Railway Companies to replace and re- build said bridge; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the annexed plans and specifications prepared by the Chief Engineer of the City of St. Paul, and approved by the Commissioner of Public forks, for a steel bridge across the tracks of the Great Northern Railway Company and the Northern Pacific Railway Com-. parry where said traoke intersect Seventh street, are hereby adopted and approved as the plans and specifications for such purpose, and the said Railway Companies are hereby authorized, ordsredrand required to replace the existing bridge at said point with the bridge called for by said plans and specifications. Section 2. The said 'Railway Companies shall begin the erection and construction of said bridge in accordance with said plans and speoi- fications within (.Q_ days after the service of a copy of this ordi- nanoe, together with a copy of said plans and specifications, upon them, and shall ooPlete'the:same within --1 24,- months aft er"'such serv Section 3. This ordinance is hereby deolared toobe p'' - gene; ordinance'rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. The City Clerk shall forthwith, upon the passage of this ordinance, serve a copy thereof, together with a copy of the plans and specifications, upon each of said Railway Companies. Seotion 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OP Tau COUNCIL C. F. No. 6333—Ordinance. No. 3493 By M N. Goss— An ordinance approving plans and specifications for abridge across the. tracks of [he Gren[ Northern Rall �. ....... nw.....w.... w...i w Nnnlfiw�n Pw-. 3 in sc- an em. the the 'Railway Company, Where sato masa. Intersect Seventh street, in the City of. St. Paul, has deteriorated to such an extent that it Is in a dangerous con- dition and Inadequate and insufflelent for the purpose of carrying traffic on said street¢pver said railway tracks; and it is necessary that said bridge be renewed; and. Whereas, The necessity for a bridge at iiaid'Point over said tracks le due to t Pact of the existence of said. tracks - :1 it la [herefore the duty of the said lway Core anlee to replace afid v. 'I said bridge; therefore n.11 of the City of St. Pau 'ECTION I. Passed by the Counoil /915. Yeas Bay Mr. Farnsworth Goss Meller McColl Nesh- Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) .4-1010 Abi va .11Yyvl U444V Approv 91 . mayor. PUBLISMED-= �� 9�e�p�arhrnerthCo���GA�blic�� t v �s R00ERT T.GOUMEY. OepetYCommiee , - M.N.GOSS, Commissioner.. o9CARCLAUSSEH.CaI.1 Engineer J.E.CARROLL,Sopr. CDnatracHon 6Rapaire ALFREDJACHSON, Sept. Sanitation G.H.HERROLU, Office Engineer St. Paul, Minn. May 28, 1915. Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - Herewith I beg to present for your consideration, plans and specifications for a steel span crossing the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Ry. tracks on Seventh St. which is to replace one now in position and which has deteriorated to such an extent that it is in a dangerous condition and should be renewed. The Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railway Companies have heretofore expressed their refusal to renew this span and upon the advice of your office vie have proceeded to draw up plans and specifications with the idea in view that they can be presented to the Northern Pacific and Great Northern Railway Companies accompanied by an official ordinance ordering them to build this span in accordance with the City's plans and specifications. This is one of the cases where this Department feels it is the duty of the Railway Companies to reconstruct the bridge., -,— ridge. , We are sending you with "he plans and specifications, also a plan showing a profile of Seventh St. before and after the present bridge was constructed and it appears from this that it :ionld have been possible for the City to have had a regular fill across the ravine there without the necessity of a bridge. -- Will you kindly look into this situation further and if you think that the City is warranted in requiring the Railway Companies to build this span will you kindly draw the proper ordinance. Yours very truly, Dict. O.C.M. Commissioned of Public Works. c G.H.Herrold. Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT." and PRELIMINARY ORDER. r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin ublic improvement by the ty of Sr. Paul, viz.:_aondetnlAg, and ttking__en,._e,semenland__neae ...........y.._for slopes ,for_•.auts _and.,,,fi_lls•,in.,,grading._A_•.,ine__Street.•._from ....__4PA4qu . .A144I;Q_t.A.. RAado ....$tref£t.,..... ....... ..............................................._......_.........._:.............._........... ....... ............ ........_...... _ ... .... :...._......... _.......... ........ ....... ....... ....... .... _............ ....... _....................... I............................... ... .............. _.... ........ ............ ........................ ............ Dated this. ......A.ti l.......... .day of ................ .Urke....... ...... ...................... ..................191.... .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: atoademning and._taking...an..aasement...in-the...land...necessary.... for ....alopaa...for ....cnta. and..... .11.1.10 in-•grading _Aldina-Street-Xfrom...St..-...Anthony-Auenue....to Rondtsa..Streat, ..... .. ..... .......... .... ................................. . .�7 ... 'Whereapp Armil }ten progqoeal for tht e ........................... ....:............. ............._.......... .. .. maklhtr bf the f9llowing-!myrovemetl_........_................ ..... 'Me,,v z ConQemtiln$ and ;taklgg an =ea'se, p. nt In the land nece9earY foFselo$pe Navinbeen presented to the Council o roe cute ane°; auettn ; sraaing eine In.................................................... _..... , g arrear from Bt, ulntHonY•tyAYen rtn: Rphdo treeY�. a Ing bee uts preeentedlYp therefore, be it the Conclt t of the C1gtiof 3K Papl `thereto a belt a lw, eo, That thaseommtaeloner of ereb orderers and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commtsstoi� bpnlfo worke;.be anfl he le hereby or y 6eFed and dlreoted y ti 1. To investigate the necessity fo ti Tp invest�gatetthe neeeeetty Sor said improvement. �or,- ieelrabillty of the making of Heald 2. To investigate the nature exten [ ap�P�o nveetrgdte the?nature a:cent; ement, and the total cost thereof. eetfmated coat' of"eeid fmproie.;. 3. To furnish 'a plan, profile or slpnenllent sna thej total coat;:thereof =3 h ,M14n eH t a plan prO81e , ketph ofseatd Improvement. 4. To furnish the following other d ,, To 3fuTnlehaald improvement; ..................... ............ ata and Ih�IJ ttgprov'e+� - ....... ............... ............... ............ ........ --..... _.. ,s I,, T........ ...... ......................._........ ....... ....... ....................... ........... ........ _....... ................ prove 5. To state whether or not said of ement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners.` 6. To report upon all of the for gu'�i%g �{15latters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN - � Adopted by the Council ...... _.................... ....... .... ................... 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G s Approved �..... �_ ................. 191........ .....�.- Ke er Nash Yog 1. �........ ..... ................ ............................ ............. --- - — --------Mayor Po rs-__—, Mayor.— , Council FileNo: _.._.._ Reves , o er er .r' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. �► v and���' PRELIIUmOY ORDER: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of. the following public provelnent by the City of Pall, viz.....the ohanging._.Q1J., ..:grad and Snelling Ave; to conform to the red 1 on the profile h to attaehed.=:and...mads ....a ..paxt.:..#exeei.� .:.the ....pxes: t....grade -bei tg-re seated �aY the blue line thereon, also the gradin f said Charles 3 et between tie:::.points= &€oresaidy in aeegrdancie th-e said red I e. wises _:.T __..__.._ established. Datedthis ... .... ... 3rd........... day of. _ ..............J. ... ......... ......................... ... ......... { ........19 Councilman. PRE LnwARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:the...:.changing. of the, grade of, Charles St, between -Aldine St and Snelling,Ave, to oQn 4x111._te':_.the_..red....lin�.._an_ hha...prafile..:hereto-attaohed_..arld-mads-..a._.part- hereof,:the present grade being represented•by the blue line thereon, also -the.-gr-acting:..af._.aa d.._Gher3es- treeGtibetween t3�e points aforesaid _ in accordance with the said ed. .. C F No 6386— ... ._............ ...... ... .........._.......... _ .................... ... .................... ..___....... . �.:;'Whereas ;Y�wrltten:Propoeal,torthe },. inaking of the toi}owing lmproVemBnt,, viz The ohangtng oi?�tha graded of. ^ ......_... ._..._ ._—.. Charles HL?; between gidlt}e't8t.anfl .._. ...... .:........... ....... ... ......... ne on - 8neop Ave to conform to the;red' `•' li}hei+Proflte hereto attached anP.� having been resented to the Council of tt made a:pact hetg f ;khe Rre9ent g�ada ,„ ._..._._____.._..._...... ......__......__...... _.. 6r. P ,'1;th, g.„reprepented byr„`tha b1Ue, ,line( fhe�eon also tha grading of + eatd therefore, be: it GbaTle�--fairest between the potam�, ;flfo1•bpaan�A6cardan wAth tha dald ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ii d 17nC wtign eataplie`lied havin been 1. To'investigate the necessity for o `f r, Panniae aetho�e av'e,it of the �iYy otti mprovement. Reeolved;;sThat the ,Commlealonet of 2. To investigate the nature, extent ; i bno works be aba;,ne le hereby,(or ent, and the total cost thereof. 'i' � ed and;�.3lrected -` 3. To furnish a plan, pr le or skete „ mo inveatlgate the ne eealty tort 4. To furnish the folio wing other dat a 97v tlgate�%Kmaxmg pf } ata j provement:............ ,..:. 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the;petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._:....:.....��N 4 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa s vorth f roved 06 App _ S._..._..:..._ He er ((� Nash x Yo g Mayor P6 re .. �ailie'w - ,� l P �/ CJ 141ay01� dry *• f Adopted by the Council JUN = J 191 Approved_ r Conseilrile No.:.-- ...: _... - P.ROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of,the following pnb' impro trent by the Ci of St Pant, vla.: the..._Changing.._.of.:.the ....grada....jot ....Pi.are _Avenue• .. etween -B m��on= � �e • end `Como Ave• Voest and on Qiotoria betty en Piero Aver and Bniord...Aver.a...osnorm....ta:..:.the...:re .....ine....pn he_prrr� ...e .-hereto ........ attached and made a par's hereof the pre ant gra. being represented -bytYse-blvehe graft o 8rce'Sve: UeEween Brompton Bt. and Como 81Te. st in acc dance ith the said red._ ......._... _....... _....._ ............ ..... line when �Uff tablisIie3: Dated this :........... 4�l?.........day of........................... ..0.................... .._.......... ... .......... .... 5. Councilman. ARELIBUNARY ORDER. St*IIhREAS, A written pro osal for the making of the following in,pirovement; �iz.:_the:_.ChBriging %he grade of Pyeroe Avenue between Brompton Ave., and Como Ave`. V?e�i1 __._........... and 4_n._.Yss_t.Cxita ..fit...: h.etwean Pierce..A4e-anc3._iiu©_..Ave to 'oonform to the red line' on the profiles hereto attachedd and made a part .................. ereof. the pre-sen-t-.- .3?- ds....be#ng_ represented by....the...blme..._li:ne._---- .---- ... thereon, also the gradiof Pierce Ave between Brompton St. and ....... ..©omo-"Ave. • Westin- We ,c F rra =ease Zine when established..: I Whe east o. oilbryln6 tp�provemeat. m�akint� o[; . _............................_............_.. ... ....... _....... ...._..._ ala The changing 'oP Lhe gr&,de of. Pierbe avenge ketween Bromptoh Ave and Como .Ave weat;'d and on Victoria.. - having been presented to the Council of the st. b tweeh Pterc .,A a and 8➢zo a_.._...___.._._ ... __................. Av to conform to the res line on the therefore, be it profllee hereto attached and ansae a part hereof tae ➢regent 6-rade being r9Pteaentear by tae bin 1l a ,the eon.. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of slab tae,grsaing ofw Pierce Ave pe= rdered,and directed: tw en Brompfo 9t : and Como 1. To investigate the necessity for or wgeL fu ab orae c with th esia res; rovement. g y 11n when betabllehed .having�eeh pre . P In at to tae covncn `oz the city ,oz st : nt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent A p ResolvedfoThat the C fmmleal9Aer 'of 3: To furnish a en, e setch Puhnc wb lprofile or rka be ana;he fa hereby or P P .lerqd nd:;directed i r '.� �.e= Sj To lnveetlgate fh necegaltY fog+ 4. To furnish the following other dat. QegiraanitY of tae mektngloz erllmprovemeut .................... ......... �s mp vem9nt w Z� F ,.�1 TG lnveatlgate the nature ;ex C09L.%OL e61d }.1�� •—y1 , rntei�"coat the r ._...–: ................................ y 5. To state whether or not said improvement is aatked�ior un'the=petition of three or more owners 6. To'report upon all of the foregoing matt5s to the Commissioner Am Adopted by the Council._ ........................ _ .......... r 'Yeas: - Nays a CouncilmanFa •nswoit,h GoApproved_....... ... .._.. .19 . _..._ Reer Nash _ t Yoe _ Mayor Pow e r / lr— Mayo PMUS �x , Dated this.... 4Gh._.. f:`_day J!121Q..._.......... _._...........191_.b.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposaL'for the making of the following improvement, viz.:....._ ............._._....... . .......... ; Construct _._ oemen�..._ l.e.._.:q.. �w& __ .a.....a._W-idtlL_of_..ais.._fset..._on._the_._vaes ..:._.._ side of ChatsworthSt.+.frm_FKgAt_St.�...._............._.... _•__ : __. 6840— .... ... '. ............ ......... ,•A wrlt[en •DXDDoeal'for the ...__..._..................... __......... ..........._ 1 L�tha following improvegient.( "� - 3e9atXSt. ha"vi �b en presented having been presented to the Council of the City e° deitot the city of at' Baul _ _ _ . - vod;?Thai the Commltleloner of _ therefore, be it Porke Ue sad,�a fe hereby or d`.dfreoted ,34 r} fnvea satellpe beeesaity for ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public ibuit of the' making d said Fme"nv 1.. To investigate the necessity for or, desir lnyeetigate the natare eztenrpmprovement. g � imeted coetk of Bald 2. To investigate the nature, extent aimpcovo- g".the total coat thereof ' -"1 cut, and the total cost thereof. -nd eat furnish a gi6n Droffio on � said ImyrovemenL �. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of eau jAformatbn relatrvie eo°ea a: 4 10 furnish the following other data and i aeafeYwhetheF or not este impravement:.... i i. to asked to th'o p9titiba • r ore ow � _...... . ._..... ..._ _...�__._ ....__._ .__ 5. To state whether or not said improvementis asked for outhe petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matterscto the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........... _ ..JUN'....,4 1915.191,_.._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman F nstvorth / Gi s" Approved. ........ 'la .......... ...:......_S ...._._. 19, l Se er - Nash Y rg _............ r Mayor Po era nY. ----."_ 0 ^yi7BL�SIiED J. E. Carroll' w Council File No ................. .... - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improveln by a 44Y _Paul, viz.:...gonetruot gement.....en.b.__stxl_.Iix�c.alll hAsxtue_�..... .._ai s:. _.._. Macalester._Ave_!.._ta.._Fairview. Aver_......_. _...._...__._._._.._.__....__.__.._.....-.._.._..._........... Dated this ............ 4th._......day of_ ...................: J1I?10......... ............. ............. :...:..... __...... ....... _.... .......... _..... _ ... __.............. ...... ... ....... ............ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following inlproveiueut, viz .:...._Go119$.Z]]G11-cement curbVonMacaleater.-A�re.,_...to�.Paix4i.aw.-Avve ...................... ... _........ C� F No 6343--F t .fff ti;._ .. �,-"t5'hereae d' written prdpoaal ko�-the_ t ......... ...— ...__..__..... .._......... ................................................ ,aittlting dt the foltowln Imp rovement.. : —yla Construct cementg�cui•b on;,Iap - cola avepue;, both atdee„from Mecalea ............_..___...._......_._....... ..._....... ���-�--�------��-- ---- ter i+.Ve io Fnirvlew I Ve: Lavin been: - pr`eaented 20 ,tae Council of trye Itybf 3C Paul therefore be It c 6 �, having been presented to the Council of th ,azreaavea•That tttercdmmtaeloner4ot -- "”" """ Pµp)ta Works be and Le- le hereby pr therefore, be it ae ed ane atr'eatpa -11 To laveptlgate the. nec$Yelty'�for, or aeelrabllltY o1 the making f4sala; ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner o Improvement; -a To }nveatigate the �naturk �,e;tent', p 1. To investigate the necessity for o an eactmatee coat of,eald Improve,; mprovement. g Y met a'nd;the total coet5 thereof a Ta furnish a:•pihn profile ur: ant, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent Iakot6h of Uaia IMprbvemegtM v 71;4 To tarn4eh the or sketc foliotving otli4rj 3. To furnish a P profile rofile 04ti ana,lutprtnatlon relative COseta �m raT-,' tat t >To stat 4. To furnish the followm other data at menttla whettter or not seta im;; • following j. aakea for on tee petwon-. pCOVement:............ feta t _ f .__.... _.. ............____ i 5 To state whether or not said nnprovement is asked for on the peEitlon of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forego era to the Commissioner of'Finance. Adopted by the Co uncil....�{i• �..r_....... 191_...:. Yeas: Nays: Councilmarth /' Goes Approved..................(o..._.c".....5.__...........__....191.J. Nash v Mayor —mayor. a �JBi.1SHED � :; N gku :Xis'mtb Maeel Morrl having been presented to the Council of t 'ter p, Cpuni therefore, be it p nee Publt RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 'pared 1 1. To investigate the necessity for o 1mqvdi 2. To investigate the nature, extent 'ane men 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketehl'4et kr 4. To furnish the following other data ist 5. To state whether or not said impiove 6. To report upon all of the foregoing m Adopted, by the Counc _.,:...:. Yeas Councilman F nBworth Cio el K ler Nash. Yo rg Mayor Po era ordered and directed: 10 nV eetfmatea a et of seta tmyrove-; ant, and the total coat thereof. t, and the total coetlherpot To Lurnleh a ;yaan Rrpflte�a0♦•' - ch of eatd imt�tpyerpent: S' r . Tournteju�jhe,dfollawinstdther aniBLJlntormattpn rretattve to eatdl provement:.... - ...........,, vempnt. r r:. r ( ..., meat is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. atters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 rJ.... ...... Nays: Approved.......... .......... ( 91. .. .. ..... .. ... -- Mayor Dated this.............4th day / / I Councilman. PRELnUNARY ORDER. / 1 ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .... ...... _....... _.... __..................... Grade _Mount3A'_._Boulevard.._rom._. ^, g..�d..�S.t,...._ta_..Pas.t....S.a _anth_.St.......__ _..._.._....__:..... 1i16;17a street to East seventh at hav tng �heen yp esenigd to the` Counetl 'ot fhe soly of 3t h.ul�,therePpr be IC n — — having been presented to the Council � ,neeatveasTha{:)the Commlesloaer ot: -- �----•---------- -•-------__�, Publlc �t'otks be -.and he fe':hereby o therefore, be it aered nnaydlreotea - ,; •,!?ire lnveetlgate the neceselty tor; or deetrnblt(ty og the mnlcing of eats; eb ordered and directed: n RESOLVED, That the Co nlissto improvement y 2 To Ineeatl ate tha5 nature eztenrf 1. To investi ate the neceseit f ana eattmatea bet of eats lmpro i'said improvement. g y went :aa'e theeta! cost thereof isht a plan promim rovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, est eketctro afa•fmprovemenC P 4t ;TO feh:the follo+.q 3. To furnish a plan, profile ora sat ,ana x armatlon retgat. P P tmp ovement: r .To etato whatlteyty relative to said improvement:._..._ 4. To furnish the following othegr6 ,anent Pn „k^P, / nerd - 5. To state whether of not said improvement is asked for on the petition, of three or more owners. 6. To report upon sfdl,of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted b the Council 191._...._ y _,}l}N�--x..._15.1.5. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved................... C ......... _._........... 191.0 / Keller -me@eH wow# Nash Yoerg. ... ..... ..... _:.. _..... Mayor. PUBLISHED_(�2 CITY T. PAUL A ACCOL(NTING DEPAR7MEN COUNCIL wX A(7DITED CLAIMS ' R ;0 ION :FORM FILE•, - No BY... :.. �. AUDITED 181— � / 2i3 PER y Resolved at ;warrants be dmw pop the Ctty Treasury,payable out of.the hereinafter speciSn 'iu favor of the p rsons'firms or cti'tpo tons for the"amounts set opposttt: 'theif; respective- names, as':,specifieds-in the follow Yeas ( V) Co n men (J) Nays Adopted by the Counal' - F nstvorth In favar APer y.K er Against •Y rg t Mr President, overs".; S o MI '8—'�^a �t��++ ,ylteeo�vedl that' arra4 bg'�kdra'�vd;_ ' - tiipon�the Clty Tceasuiy RaYb?e oat of i kthe5Y49�G6lnaft@tj;,aperidadx;upde end'�lr�, fayoS,6L . thF,p¢teanal%fltais,oiCcorpg4rA- tlnahYor4he argqunFs stlt oDDostt :lhet�:. �egeslped _ - %OIL Uye haptesH ae tthe ifollop"rlag}de�atle8�etatemeut '.- - ` �, 4�Corporata ,P�urpoaea Yollca Fugd''}� ,Salarlea fB13tr Reba[lh) '`S,•3A 'F`arns r. . COTporate 'PtiTp08e8 grotLK Com o[<`ldantlel $24D'#1 r'Pubila Playgteunds—salary Poli Ce FuIId "Salarl;ee (B2dQ Repai F rnLWath. Cotrt of k < s Flnanh2s zsffi M Pt}blfa yr 1'�arRpSund i. - 13. A Farnsworth, COm of •Tiita�Ce �loYee—Sql $„ A. SarhewortL`om,`. dt'R[hahce =} Mg Adopted lly itis Council 3ugeA rsi6j- #249• ove 6r191r, PubZ3c Playarounde-Sal. ,. y �,,� S - S. A. B.ar>ass0rth Com. V J of Filtance • 25.25 Public Pasta Fund*Park Smpioyee-Sig' S.A. Farnsworth, Con.:of'Binauce, 1;120.02 r� tel Corporate Purposes . $:1,394.71 } i F $te t That the Cigarette license No. 303, Issued September 9th,1913, to J. H. Sprague, 916 Selby Avenue, be and the same hereby is transfered to J. P. Inden, 916 Selby Avenue. Resolved, 7 8;6PFngup 916 Selby avenue be and Approved June 6 1816 COU lmen (V') N S U , Yeas (V') i Far Orth Gos 1 In favor Kell MC...............Against ---Nae Yoe Mr. President FORM C.8-2 owe s Adopted by [he Council. JUN --fats 191 A—r—d ........... Mki6ii ........... Resolved, 7 That the cigarotte license No. 315, issued September 9th, 1913, to E. H. Thoole, 241 Earl St., and transfered to O.E. Sauter be and the sa-mehereby is transfered to F.E. Sutton, 241 Earl St. � `�;`i'io 6s4Y�hy 8y�enry.McCdlt �"�' No 316vfeeaed ase tterabet'9[ 8.1818 aYo E B.;Thoele. 241 Earl St.,,and the 8at4Ahd tyrr'�d;i�o O XE &hater bo and--tm6 841eEsrle+St���netetred to FaE. Sutton: Adopted-'byi the �Coutiell, Jpna 4_1916, f �, APPtoved (Tune61891816�$ y ,_ ...� Yeas ( J) 1Co ncilmen.01)) Nays arnsworthv on 1...1n favor / eller / cColl ........�.....Againat Y rg Mr. Preside , Powers FORM C.6.2 Adopted by the Council ................ JUN ....-4....5......191 Approved // CCr— That the application of Ellsworth Cameron for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 536 University Ave nye be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the payment in- to the City Treasury of the fee, $50.00. Yeas (✓)n limen (V) Nays F wrrh G Y �7r7. . In favor K r 7 011 Against N Mr. Presidents Powers FORM C.9.2 \1 l C� I+' No 6x48 8Y �onrY M Coll ' -�� I Ra clued ;�'Phat the,, ;appticatlon; pL `Eth ;Cflmeron to`r.' a Ilcenee,�,tp' hdnduet Mptlon Picture Theatrei,af� 636 UnlYeraltY Avenue h'a and rho 9h11k hekaDY la+granted e CItY C9"rk Isy to trucfed; td feT'We susuch licenea jrpx one year uppn the payment into ,ttye f`,Ity Treasury of the tee; 560 DO s - 4- �Adopted by the Counbll Jgne d {116'_ . Approved 'June 6, 7916 0 liaanoe-sutbo lao <oa„Saet !' 2tiACIL, OT "THE 'ht CITY OF ST. .PAUL V- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 3t, J - Subject COUNCIL•. Jf�® .. FILE No..... . ..... . ... ....................... ....... .... Date Presented... .MEW ...21., ........191. S n Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Tri-State Telephone and I elegraply company to make the necessary excavations, lay conduits and buld.the necessary man holes for undergroXind service on the following named streets: Cleveland Ave, from St. Anthony to Mississippi Boulevard , Marshall Ave, from leveland Ave, to center of Marshall Ave. bri e. Forcaso a -cat dg 8ger§ol�gd„ That DBc�lAsron bg 'aI}d ttk' kfl�•ehy ggantfld thq nr 6taWTelenfik �£g' And bIn 2elegrarih Ctny tp make'3';the neoGeearsr� e:cavattonv ?ay conautt� - and buflil.2he peeeaeary,1mxm-ljolotlSil rl pRdAkground aervtcet og,. the rollowln"amod etkeeta Ave }tom �c'-.tnte6ns^ t Ir Work to be 'done under the direction and to thesatisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, the Telephone Company to pay the cost of inspectio n, engineering and publication. Yeas (d) uncilmen (i') Nays ...... � _ Adopted by the Councd.......��j�...-�. ����•-- 191 ,,- F naworth ss n..:.An favor Approved..._.... (y ..... ..........191 ...... ............Against .N h_-- - ---- - -- -- - -- -- Y rg ..... �.. ..... .. ...... .. MAYOR ... Mr. Preside . Powers FORM,!; !2 � .... . g i _ ,1xSt4•Vii. j,. OY .itYaelntaw '. Yh $amB 119+ Ard6d"oyp"'texdt Yaed471e bCeevanncd�} e7une16 1916,-^ $(� gpyroved 'June 7 1916 � . 11£M (J�ine 12 19Y6)=, .. Yeas(N)lrot men (Y) Nays do JUN "J J9J Adopted by the Council 191 rh S(L __In favor Approved_ Mc oll Nash Against "'VVV Yoe r Mr. President, owers sono e.ea - St. Paul, Minn. June 4, 1915. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time for completing the contract for the goading of Hyacinth St. between Edgerton St. and Payne Ave* be extended to July lst, 1915. This contract was signed May 7th by the City Comptroller and was to have been completed in 20 days. OvIing to conditions of the weather, it was not possible for me to finish the work within the time specified, hence I desire to ask that the time for completing the grading be made as, hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor There is no objection to h�av g the t me extended as requested, as far as the 2re 're nts this office is concerned. t. of Construuction & epair -----n e-fEngineer.------- s Resolved, That the time for the completion of the following grading contracts be and the same are hereby extended to June 10th, 1915: Niles St., from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave. Alley in Block S Wann's Addition , Winona St. from Smith Ave. to Ohippewa Ave. Belmont St. from Smith Ave. to Ottawa Ave. Yeas (Y)Cou 'In (Y) Nays Far orth Gos _ ___ In favor Mc I -V -_Against 0, _Hash Yo g Mr. President, wers Adopted by the CounciA J - -----191. Aaaroved_ __L_ _._ . L._ _. - _ 191 J. ROBERT T.GOURLEY, Oeputy COmmiaaioner M.N.GOSS, Commissioner OSCAR CLAUSSEN.CHIaF Engineer J. E.CARROLL,Supt.CO11Mt tlOn&Repairs ALFREOJACNSON. Supt Sanitation - G.H.HERROLO, Office Engineer St. Paul, Minn. June 2, 1915. To the Honorable City Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - I would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing the following grading contracts be extended to June 10th, 1915; Niles St. from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave. Alley in Block 3 Wann's Addition Winona St. from Smith Ave. to Chippewa Ave. Belmont St. from Smith Ave. to Ottawa Ave. Owing to conditions of the weather it was not possible for me to finish these contracts within the time specified, hence I desire to ask -that the time for completing same be made as herein- before stated. Yours very ttr�ulQy, Contractor There is no objection to having the time extended as reque ted,'as far as the requir n o is office is concerned APPROVED of Consrruciion & Repairs GOmE— sBi. er of Pub is Works. C iel Engineer CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESQLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4k\*. Subject.:................................................ ...... ...., ........................ rye{. �p FILENCIL No ................. xwT..:'•....�...... Date Presented ... .....::..... 191........ Resolved, That the sum Of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the "Expense of City Officers Attending Conventions" item of the General Fund, for the purpose of defraying the expense of Commissioner Nash to the rational Congress on Recreation, to be hold in San Francisco on July 5th, 1915. F ft t L92 COUNCIL $�� M •FILE f; No._ M7771 t! AUDITED 181_ S/ � l PERIITL t: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon th City Treasury, payable out.of the hereinafter epeci6w in favor of the persons firma or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as apectfied idt the Follow statement. ; ' . - - '. -: :` JUN w _ Yeas (, J.) Codneilmeu (J) Nays Adopted by t}e Couarll ` -Farnswor'th� In favor- Goss ' ;McColl, �Agains't O Leary ''Yoerg " Mr. President Powers �o ,E083 Chas ;w rranta „bedrawml -- _ - - t tpexClty-�S' eeaurp "Pay able oaY otI; abreinaft reitiecl¢ed Yunde andeia x r' 9 nereonet,,drme o-oorpora aeG th�SF - SooYne aIDDUI1te oyy081t0 4cf1v� ❑amen SBx"ajleCifled"'lp thei wt Baetanea';etgteIDent,- h s P - Do ate PutDoaea—Gen �r F1�nd IDaI Garage;=3a1 6 A. Sarne 'a � - 71-,�"om�.oY Financ $3 010;01 7 1�x3'uad Rark �aipto�pee �4a1 ` 's i, ._ . q'Fainawot'kfi Com. of .Finance. � S7x s 2 iR. un¢ t7e Qrg nLbuee AT - _-., y a15 3 A Fa ne}rorth Co `'fiance 514001'.'' .. 5 °k. - - -^ 'I C+Ar�% �;� rate Pur o.eee,.- Fund 'Ph�1n Park�Wa{t` -' ' �, 1 S � Faraeworth 'E 3j �en. lI3A,d I�s�cipa}..:'QlaragQ-8a3,Y _" a $1Y aT�4ifl y3 �1; z ' c S Niaix� v "' 3.OjQ,'0, : A ?si�na r6iAb' Com: of FSx►ance=-, , park,punds'ar3c 14np�oyes-Sad, f Barnswarici Com. of pne}nce�;. 8.607.37 -Park Ftundew Creen ouae.ApproachA, $.: A. Paan Orth, Com. of .3?1,S t►ce,`. _ 14(i.0a `= Park iltitnd 1.4Phs] en Park Waiting Station -Sal. S A. Yarns�rorth� Com. of Finance, L•.03? •54' Pab11c> Comfort' StaLton-Spy, ^Com. $ A. Farnerorth• of Finance, Public'Library Farad`gal. 7r'arnenr6rth, Com,of Finance;; 15�•�0 ��^' tater .Dept. Farad -Sad, A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finan cep a 795.00 Torporats Purposes.- Agent Resolved, that the PurchasinVbe and he to hereby auth9r&zed to purchase 30 sections Antique Oak oases (#9316) with Hunter -lock rod; 5 Antique Oak tops (#90711) and 5 Antique Oak bases (#90812) from the "Library Bureau" at a cost of $358.06, net, chargeable to the Department of Education, Bureau of Public Library, as these cases are patented and no advantage can be secured by com• petitive bids Yeas ( ✓) Co ''cllmen ( ✓) Nays Far worth Go In favor .......Against N Y Mr. Presiden Powers FORM C.6-2 Adopted by the Council .......%..JUN.... -5...1,41.5.......191........ Approved............ �? ................. 1. ...................................................:............. M YOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to lay approximately. 700 square yards of asphalt concrete in front of Lots, 1, 2 & 3 Block 9 Irvine's 2nd Addition, the expense of said work to be charged to the owner of said lots at cost, plus 10%. Yeas (11 Cou ilmen (Y) Nays Far Orth Cos __In favor Mc oll �t _Against Nash --- -- Yo H- — — Mr. Presiden� Owers JUN -5 W5 Adopted by the Council __ 191 JUN,i9i5 � Approved_. ---_-- -- _...__.__5 _ 19a -Ivx nesoivea,.' That the MI)PIloatiolk of the following persoAs for 06, lloon6a to conduct Hotele or Watmunta at the 100atlon reapectively 19dioated be, and the same 18 hereby are 9r&Rt6d&.axd the 01ty Clark MILIthOrized and d1r80ted to Lanus euoh ljoannes to Said V.Vpli_ 04ntO "Pon the Payment Of the fee required by law. OF APPLICALT HOWLOR FjrsTktAMJT. L2gnro Gust Dalton, Restaurant 313 East 7th. St, Mike Peete, Restaurant 390 Wacouta St. H,,Hanson, Business Lunch 301 Jackson St, L&dis Wurzinger, Minnesota -Hotel 420 Minnesota St.,: Otto Adler, Restaurant State Capitol Bldg -i V. J. Saul, Noodles Hotel 1168 -East 7tt. St W. H. Gilbert, E2tt-ghop'—'-93 East 6th., St. Chas. Bohrer, Jr. 015ailert a Lunch Room. 836 Payne Ave Anton Haas Lunch Room 156Irst. 7th- St. Willeyp Gem Hotel 2$1_ East 7112. St. Yeas (&') F G 'i Mr. Presi d F G Y i fORMC.872 In favor Q.......... Agairat -5 &I -C .............191..:.:..: Approved.. Or nesorvea,f v That the apr.lioation of the St. Paul Automatic Base Ball Courts Co. for a license to conduct an Automatic Ball Game at 368 Wabasha Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $25.00. Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays F worth G.. In favor M oll ................Against N Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.8.2 JUN -5 ISIS Adopted by the Council .....l .........................................191........ Approved.... _........0 ...........:...... .........191.5 MAYOR -,bo 'settled, -'CojApen6ation Act, providing, for the settleme'at of the claim of, .-Mai :ihrbaniak with the city., according toAhe,terms of Section of : Z4 P -=Date Published ,. AdmiIIistratSPg. OF THL ,;OITYrOr, $T. PA1IL DOES OItil That the suffi of Five Thoneand DoAsss ($51 G.H.Herrold. Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. Of and��2 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby,proposes the making of the followi public improvement by City of Sr. Paul. viz.: _o4.nd@mn ng. _an4i.._t.l ng-._> T►....8.AfLQA10 .....�.A.. the..._ll�d.. nec. .._e.ar3'..._Por....... .slopea .to.x....aut.a _.and...fills..in...th.e...gra g_ of....Lanaing...8.t ...t...fxam......... ............ t Hami n@._Av.B..nu.... to Alb.0.r.t ._Stef.t.. ............ .... ........... .... _ ................................ .... ....... .................... ...... ........._. .. ...... ...... ....... ...... .................... ....... ....... ..... ........... ....... ... ....._...................... ...... .,................ ...... ............. I......... Dated this .......,5,.tt.>i........... day of.......... ::........U,Ad................ ........... ............ ....... ......... 191......_5. .......... ........ .......... ........ ......... ............ ..... ........ ..... ........ ........ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..g.Q.UdQM4A'g az>d..t..aki.zlg OA.. e.a�ealAeat...1 ..the....1 ...Aa4_e.4Q.; sX.....0_ ._e..1G.P.eg...Yor.._oute and i.n.._the....8r.mng...gf...lt.aneng.._6rz®et, _from._Hamline,._Aveue to . Albert.._. ..... .... ........ ............... to casz ..1 Bae A ritten.h?opoenl dor; the? .......... .................... .......... ................... ........ ............ ............ ...... ...................... ............... ..... n�,gf`atie Lolloaglg6 fmPipvement: Condemning pnd taking p8 ease �, it to the'land Ilaceeear3' for 930be0 ;yah .................... ...... having been presented to the Council of k outs nna fllla�In .the grading„ of "- """"""" 0{ng street f8tlin 8sm1tn4uAvenua therefore, be it )heti etre t hamming beE Dreaent j the Coq�n 81'tij y qt 8f Ppul+ tore .user s hereb ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissionetsolyea,%.xhat the d sslonee, o •• Y lc Works be and.+l[S t� hereby oz 1. TO investi ate the necessity for or ana.dizeotea said improvement. g I Co inveso ate the necessity tlor''.1 •irahutty of the �axmg of seta ement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent al,4 e. nvesugnte Ehe Antvre ,eaten;' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc nntea cost, by ,said tmnrgv, -t:ttie total coat 4. To furnish the following other dat4 fi ttenie improvementDlVe to said improvement; ........ ................... l 11 , _ ....... ........... .........................................__......................................_r._.......,............................................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council................JU...... .....,IBIS........ 191........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth / GoApproved.......... .... (g... ............ ..................... 191._ Ke r ` yf*x Nash Yo.... ........ / ... ........ ........ I ,Mayor •°- —._.... -- --yor P Mao s_ --- _ — / • _ PUBLISHT:D/•:_ PRELMMARY ORDER. \VIIEREA$, A written proposal forthe making of the following improvement, viz ................ - Pav_e_Fourte.enth._St, Uetween.._�?ober...:.t_....ald._.Bxaa>�rtaY.o-.:._incl��ing.._... sewer, water and gas connections from streetmainS to property lines..:.complet-e.,....whexa...xiats©•-a ley..and-...a iveaaay..._ approaches and constructing curbing where nece.esary, in accordance ...... ...with petition hereto atta{ NQ cava 3�ereae A wrltt°ri;propoeal for tLe dnE o1 th 1 Ilo'vpingQimDFovemeat. .. ..---.- _;_._,___„__ ..._.. ... ...........— ......... ........ _ _._.... ._..................... P&W0 <i,�ourteetifh St, ..between . : ,- ' - f.rt St t and BXondwaY Snoluding ? having been presented to the Council of the Ci;t mal eaio u pti iy°eiinee ,eom - ;a ....__ .._._.... ..._... `iry and5 driveWa� ayprQachee �sln therefore, be it i tiu.tlns barbing where necee.ar _ance with yetition hereto RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pu�a.;finvmn b en•yre.entea to,,�by ordered and directed: Il, or, -the City oL �St Paul Yl,� - 1.. To investigate the necessity for or-deslioe It 'baid improvement. �olved,That the ;Commfse[o e• work. be andbe ie her• r6' ent, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and of and%irectea: p., To' investigate the ne c e or sketch of s 3. To furnish a plan, profil;"e envy °1 the mnl P +lr Investigate the e - 4.; To furnish the following other data and F.matea con t.,.elvto said improvemeut:........................................ _ ._.. _... -...... _...._......_.. _........ 5.. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm agoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUtJ c ISIS Adopted by the Council. ........ ...:.:.. 191....._ Peas: Nays: Councilman rnsworth sa Approval.._.. G .. / ._. .191._.: ller .. • Nash~, erg...... ......_� ....._.__.......... _....._._... Mayor were Mayor. C F lvNO 63G6—BY _ Resoed, 'that the Purohasing.. !Aseut�ls hereby diregtied �q „ndxertfae- ior }hes: oghetbue lohin of ta'��swoode6l, sbr(ds- , oa W heel theOk pgrkwaY, oyes thea - . IBht bL way of �f}l1STfieapolle. St.�l :Paul 9sult eta Mar1e Radiw9.'Y..CA 1paTYndec the plan- and apedddt0a - tIM1a Ehh etorheret99lore approved antxl 'sdbp'ted ibY OrdfngnGe Na 346? - AdODtd$ bythe Couricfi Jnn� 7 -,lb '�a Approved. Jupe 7 1916 r Yeas (V) cilinen (V) Nays JUN .� -w Adopted by the Council........_ .......I..15..............191. Far worth Go.. In favor Kel Approved.......... .C�. ................... 1912... ...f2u.... Against N =-- -- Yo Mr. Presiden Coowers FORM C.6-P r r Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and, he is hereby authorized to employ in the Bureau of Construction and Repairs, One General Foreman, in charge of Paving at a Salary of Two Hun- dred Dollars (0200.00) per month, in addition to the other employees now therein. O,F No'F6s6fi—BY.37:G''gee— R eglved jTha4 the C6mmie61onyr ,Otl 'Pi1b)io Wot#s be and be to herohy all ` thorizHd to +employ 1n';the Burean� oL; . C 0etruot4onzand Repe.fra o t3e .:$Seman ln`Charge oP.=phv1 g' w S&at eal y aty oi�Two 13pnd ed Dotlare (;x00.00) I pbr month Sn addtflon to the other sem .� p1oYe4 "no the eln -: F-:tAdopted y the Council June 7 T916= �lpprbve June 7 Y01$ � Petition attached. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_..... _.._ ......: _ .... w/ COUNCIL .................... ` _ FILE -NO...... .......' Date Presented...__ .....J.une 4.th..__-I91.B..... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the unpaved roadways on Summit Ave. between Saratoga and Wheeler Avenues to be sprinkled for the balance of the season of 1915. Benpen 1y16 `, Pf *'AdbDtdd, by the'=�ovpotl Jung T 191 AbPid'ved, June 7 1916 fi I _„ (Jupe�12 191b) I/A,-=�= Yeas (11)Counc men (P) Nays JUN -7 i915 Adopted by the Council __. _ _—__ 191 - Farns orth Goss —6, in favor / CC� Kelle Approved _ A � _ 7 -_ _ 191 l7 ___Against ® Nash Mr. President, P vers — -- - - MAYIP pM 8.2 Resolved, Yeas ( ✓) H Mr. Pn FORM C 01 That the application of H. J. Goodman, for a license to conduct a pawnshop at 156 E. 7th 6t. be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue 1 such license for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, $100.00. C: r No 6308—By $enry 1ltcColl '�`` 7� ::That the pplicatloa �o;$ S 4o0d myn for a ))canes to conduct a payvn - ah4y a436Q II 7tht8t' be• and the agma: hereby la a'ranted and tlia Clty Cigtik 19` Ilnattveted tosegs such llicensa for ona,� Y88r upon the payment?'into the Glty Tr.aeurY oP,the customary tee j100.00 � j =Adopted by. the Council Juhe 7 1916 Approved Tune 7 3916- Nk (✓) Nays �"%f Adopted by the Council)UN....-.t....1�.1.�.................191........ /.... In favor // Approved............... (5.............`........... .......... 191-� ..........Against /) // --------- Powers --- Powers MAYOR Council File No. role.; Avenue, nucth slde� bLgln �e CITY OF ST. PAULtu etevetend gv�n�4e�"[hetlee� to � Win'",I7 Resolution Ratify g Ac�tchyevenue i�orkh atdej�,tt}�o S'�etpeei` to GleyelEpn4 �E¢en seas W W, d beef tis. ytheRGa to �i+nt venue north tilde; f, taw uyertvA; the ����. In the matter of the assessment of _benefi+9,_co-St e.__�t az j�L$?38a _ for cenetructin_sidewalks on the following attests: --- na,Lia evre z- wast s iwa we ween gree avaatuw. wnm-waDasrr saemra Crefin e avenueast, side from Marshall avointe to :Dayton avenue. Clstin<aveane west •tilde -froai`_itarahall 111venue to Dagton avonus. LfnI401II,89�Satie,`'tiOrtll side bog #naing.at• Clenaland,:avenue thence to Finn %= Goodrich avelmze' north side'from:gent►eth etre.t'to Cleveland avenuo. Prior avenue, seat side begirnirag at tixand avanua thenen to Fai"mount av{ T Lincoln avenue, ';north 'etd0, biijjf "g at_ Fairview tslieriva Wince to Prior P!`.,ncetan; av9i7ue, north eide; beginning, ;at 8ua ;street thence,' east to Fa#ry i'r Age, avenue, south side. -beginning "at Sus ,s tiset thence 'to "Wrvi*W 1 Ata x Ortlaad AL*snue •,north a de,�Sa beginaing at ratoga avenue thence to'Snell ab Aldine stresti:xesVo de, beginning at,C gfJ �R R.Tto Z'Taplsr„Ave: iry_ St seat sid frim Ctirrll-Ave. fin' bu ae ry a Honio s#rest, sou a a, peg nrnng at , ry avenue thence to Pascal avenue r Edfm+i1 -street, forth aide, gram Pascal avenue to Albert avenue. nazi asxat,bt3 wideq from llsmllne avenuato, Pascal avenue.. Edmund street, north 'gide, frog Lexington avenue to Hamlftta.avenue. Edmund street, eoutb'side, from Lexington avenue,ta spndieate avenue SaL2sh atrAat, ,north side, irol Yietorlo, street to Ciiatiaworth etree . Co a atrebt aast';aiA f ha t tt'roait street 1n , ro Oro a, reso rd t dslne$on avenue, wrest t3ide,4tiegiamiYsg at Eitteh etreet.;thenoe'�'to Orctar:t streb. i�aolut�ia attest,. both "sidsy; fro m�EJolao:ivemia tc FroAt street. iia fan $treet::weat side, from Laweon �*.tteet to .Jtarplab! etrmet. ` Hlaittezd avemie, saute side, fxo>t Ds Soto St. to Clark; street. Hralnexd avenue, south side, from Htzrx street to Brading street.. YaCyrlaad Si south side, beginnittg at Bradleq St thanes west laic feet. Ceaeanium St ,north side, begittning at Arkwrigtti4 etxs$t.theno to esestmtnate 'F ntminater ;3t. east Bide, zbpginnIhg tit .sake d,reetonca to Cae`e straex Jaosia St., west side;'from York straat to Caea raet'. oveasi avfa, bath ai#ae;, from far a e_nueo �Cp>Rrsea St' Broadway St ,pest aide, beginning '43 fee# south b# Thirteenfiis St :theme; z sotitb 167 inti#y ' i�el$ $t.,' Abrt$ gide, beginAing at FOleat, St ,theAce ' Aciiese3rIIet. Yaa aretxSt., both aides, between 1ltlantia atroet bimbo alnss Yet .land avettua, south, side,,' beginn#ng at Arcade,ehtrst Piens �bta !3t ' Lexington: avenues zest; side,, beginning at Sslbp ;avenue, thence to Pitrahail 3 r { s Seventh street, nor th.$ida beginning at Phalen avenue thanoeto miteelr<r A 33afiga�eat �t ,both $idsb baleen i4tla>tio street and Clazenoa etree *# i3idnept.,`nerttr sideieginning,at Cherokee aeenue-thenoe,;to Delaware Ava _ attawa ,avenue, _both sides, .(Yam King street to 'AttnaPsolis st"rest. King street, nprrh aitTe, (rocs 0herokee eve to S>;tith avenue King street, aou3h aide, from Clieroise avenue to 8>izith aveAUB. Y: Coles attest, seat sine, from..Orohard.streat to .Front 6Lseet. Lexiagtoh_avanne, west side, b ginning it Belby. avenue thence to Marshall. Ave SE Tbo>sae strcet,"eputh Bide, iso Lexington avenue to ihinlap street. s- ''�dIL72nd,.,6.tPssfr _. 'gnntfi' t,Eitiw (rete. T:,a#leer}nn>t�eL6miti +nc,a,.>,A�we+"snvatn.�a = of treat of Lot Pi, Black 3Joitneon's dticn: q»4lp0la 11 so ,:north, side,. from F.aireisw`avenue `to Baldwin Street. r 10 side, east adds, from Gran , avenue 'to Lincoln •$venue: oacvrd Street, south aide, beginning 160 feet west of Gieorge street t ­ thence west 42 .fest. .. e PrS0r,3. Ave., east (side, .from Ashla-,d avenue to $utEtttia avenue. Priaw avenue :nest side, from Selby avenue to Summit. avenue St. -,• both -'S.ides, from'"Snelling, avenue-_to-..P.ascal`•evenue.. Lafond street, north eide from Haaline avenue to Albert street. Blair street, south aide, froi Hamline avenue to Albert street. University avune- south side from Wheeler avenue to . L'ptthuret Ave. University avenue, north side, beginning 178feet-west of Snelling.aysnu® thence » west a0 feet,.beginning 34 feet farther west, thence west 104 feet, heginning at Fry street thence west 108.feet. St. Anthony avenue, south aiday fro m=Asburv.avenue to a point 120 ft *iii _ public hearing having been had upon rhe assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the, Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be Payable in --,r equal installment�as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council•- City Clerk. r Approved •. � .._..._._191 - ayor. Earm B. S. A 8...10 _ s I b Gftl 1w OFFICE OF JOHN LFAR ICY, CY, CITY CLERK June 2nd, 1915. Hon. O.H.0"llcill, Coroor�,:tion Counsel, City of lt.Paul,llinn. Doo.. Sir:- -he attL.c'z;ccl netitions -skint tlwa the district in the vicinity of LoTabord , Lc,,.,.i.jE,,tojj :,vo., 173_'Ito:i Street be dOF-_iE', 'La" _r a restricted rc:ijo-nce district, to--ethor ,,:ith the report of t:10 Of Fijian Cc, wLjs rc,,fcrceL to you for o, proper forni of rocolaLion. Yours truly, Gerk.__ L. r �ggntmntt .Qf tltitltCf June 2nd, 1915. 5. A.FARNSWORTH, COMMISSIONER JOHN T.HAGLUND. DEPUTY Con MI..IONER� To the Council, City of St. Paul, Gentlemen: I herewith enclose petition, which I have checked up carefully, and find that it �.Vea-erre --- e -f 1a -the requisite number of property owners in that dis- trict. Resiectfully submitted, r COIrL:SI`aSIOP:L'R OF FIidAAi 12N -+M WMVE W MI NIM i MMM. W'! To the Honorable City Council of the City of St.Paul, :iinnescta Your petitioners respectfully petition and request that nursuar+, to Chapter 98, Laws of IinneGota for 1913, you designate by Ordinance as a residence district the property hereinafter described, within which district only buildings for residences may be erected and maintained, including duplex houses 'and double houses, and that ouch Ordinance prohibit the. erection. -knd maintenance of hotels, stores, factories, warehouses, dry cleanin- pla.nte, public garages or stables, tenements and apartment houses. The property to be included in such residence district is described as follows, to wit: All those tracts or pe.rcels of land situate in the City of St. Paul, County of Ralvsey and State of `:;inne- • sota, lying and being between the center line extended of the alleys tetween Lombard Avenue ,nd St. Clair Streets onthenoith, ?ailton :Street on the east,, Lombaed. Avenue on file so_tth; and Lexin`ton Avenue on the .vest; and also lying and 'being between Lombard Avenue on the north, '',,ilton Street on the east, one hundred t-renty-five feet south of the south line of Lomb rd venue on the south, and Lexington Avenue on the west. ';aid property includes ill cr a part of all the following described property, to -wit: Lots seventeen (19) to t,:enty-six (26), inclusive, block one (1); one (1) to ten. (10), inclusive, block two (2); nine (9) to sixteen (16), inclusive, block five (E); five (5),to nine (9), inclusive, block six (6); one (1) to twenty-two (22), inclusive, block seven'(7), Fidgewcod Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne- sota Lots one (1) to three (3), inclusive, Block one (1); one (1) to five (5),inclusive, block two (2), Carpenter',s Rearrangement of parte of Rid_.e=srood Park, Frmsey County, :'im csoza Lots seven (7) to thirteen (13), block one (1); one (1) to ,-even (7), block tvo (2), Slayton's Addition to T�iddewood Park; Lot four (4), Subdivision of Ayd's Farm, all accordint to the plate thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey and State of Yinnesota.. YO' -:. r.. _ __ _ll c-Jn�rs •)f _�ro;erty .vithin the district Above described and are more than fifty ner cent (50,',,) of the property owners in s=iid district. Dated "ay ......... 1915. O"IM PS D SCRIPTION Or PROPERTY 0' PED. 0`.T FRS DESCRIPTION ')F PROPERTY OWNED. i' ill �` "' V y • �� � :.✓ y.��l"'�/'1 /j t�.+i�•�/ / R/ �..•$� Lam. s '� / If�j� A . rh " 4�3- wa 40 7w �c J C ATY PL f �. zip 2Z /; r - ... ., _ .. .,-t. . PAUI. N GENERAL FORM required DY law. 5a$�BrrYnll�� �R�.gtve8 at ii`no'it i�loau�'{k�Yarch I<g��ia t �E pttxH�iidt�hag`��,io�r�alo�� - rid�lgal gntinQl�Ytuax�C'�.6enor.��, ew.hd �Sh6„tae;ma'�ah'�S�bi'31s�t}'�an�;eFked t it i� COIwCIL FILE NO :._..__.. _.. _..__..........._ �% By._ ._............... .... R FINAL ORDER. In,the Matter of .._.imp.=v.ing,.._.gradi.ng....and_._aeeding:....the.:.nen.tex.....boulevazd._.on._. Summit avenue_from..... Lexington.av_epu-0,.t.._.t1�.e_.93.1.s.i_B_.iFgi_EiQex_..Haulevard, under Preliminary Order ..._4006._,._ ....__..... _................... _.., approved ..__.._MaxCh._ llthL._1915.,,_,M,_, ............... IntermediaryOrder...:_____........_..._..._._......._ ............... _.... .......... approved...... _...... ........... _...... ................w.__...._ _ .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all' persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement Im rove rade and se _ to be made by the said City is P ��...�._...._.....ed the oenter.._boulevard oa- 6PjtiNeep Summit avenue ,i Lexington__avenue_ to the._MisalssiFpi _River .�oulenard, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers gre hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. T Adopted by the Council .. _....................... ... _� � ' S-._...... 191....._ ..... ...... _ .... — —._... _.. __..._._....._ _ ---- City Clerk. Approved _._.......... ............... _.. .... 191.._:..-. f� Councilmaa Goss Keller 1 McColl Yoerg �er�e^�rere"•► Form B. S. A. -8:7 under Preliminary Order approved--��—���J -----_ `"_---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 6.568.67 _ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ a8 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ESGRI P T I O. N I LOT I BLOCK _ ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION- �I �%�/O jos Qwr�o if ---- S.A.0.8 A CITY OP 5T PAUL - 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE:I- Z>�'� �� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER.CF FINANCE ON PREL&AINARY ORDER Ii DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION, ASSESSED VALUATI _:. 1 f .�11 aa�atic udkih ;.. J GZ, �� .Z Y._....�.0 �,�.v�ilf� ....G,'; v (! i...._ r �- _ ::.eG7 s, 4 ell 1. I 41 it - (6 „� _ t TOTAL. TOTAL.,; , d� , .. �t� 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . {��, '� ;P.keo.� 't,� •r< - „wlx.. >v. ..fir. �;^, v` r" _ : 4;.,„p,�' xY._t .. S �R µ} { r t S tA' L € Y z f 4 k. 1 Y c zfi k � ,K a a+ 1n r tr e+, "s 2 b` S •Liv t Rc” C x. . ri 4 4 v ?� "Fr. e .a v ; �6 1. a p MIN", te. } �r a � t r t � ! 9` r k R to c. > .v..._u.3 �^rd..r:' :tee'%:.-��'l . 'c Br :k3+", Cr;`4 O, YeW .,5.. n� § r k- c. r s y i , I� d a a>. s $ w 3 ># WR r; r: �. F -,b's! � ,. � ::.:>N x . v Y' $Y , `✓.s}�'' 3 `� QI krr .f- iq .t 1h z •'t' CF "d '4F 1. fi 4 c �t Y t F s -A l b �i �l5s 3: >! t/ �) < A n1«+31'a - BO yh l• - r�> s itq s�" �1?".h"+ 3?�e�yn "i /rrt n4 t 4 W #',r, ax ka',-a.ra :' I' r> 'ct „ ,1� , r � Y � r X'S .. 4 Yw r^A. ; .?✓ ;a�. , r� -$ -Y,i �fY F k ; "^X<t :C. r + K. f z: }P. :-; .1 t .+' -x-.'!i ,: �vx?`- ir. rtv. _r,. 1P•,.f;>;:w.MYsssY}.' ��N.? ..„k'.'5vt,,Y4} >. on',r6nc.- }+,"tis,?'l`:,l£gg5„' �.+,x” ew, x N -a; . +> - i V A - wR X V Z x :t Wo@fr" h1 f pe��,f� "F,*.IK fit. .t x sf t R 2 r 'H n M1 ti i t N, rt C u. t s !L d, n }s' r. dr S c. ' 4 ! }Y 1 1 E ' h 2 %k o � d qy fi 4 a -n a � d, a i. R -fes .„><• = tru F '' v`>^c�,��,:,it� 4�F � .rte✓,rts r ,.�.. r ,{. �� '.� MEN. . t i +U S 5 . a 4 F � zl a T 3 a x t a 1 3 7 � s t i t s '} n; s” r 5. r-. .t "asci I o n., .. n . �. t } i tL� ari Y ,N t 4'T t f t_ s _ s 3 s w TOM > t t, its Y ak. a d J 3" ] 4 1�1 5 � t Eli {��, '� ;P.keo.� 't,� •r< - „wlx.. >v. ..fir. �;^, v` r" _ : 4;.,„p,�' xY._t .. S �R µ} { r t S tA' L € Y z f 4 k. 1 Y c zfi k � ,K a a+ 1n r tr e+, "s 2 b` S •Liv t Rc” C x. . ri 4 4 v ?� "Fr. e .a v ; �6 1. a p MIN", te. } �r a � t r t � ! 9` r k R to c. > .v..._u.3 �^rd..r:' :tee'%:.-��'l . 'c Br :k3+", Cr;`4 O, YeW .,5.. n� § r k- c. r s y i , I� d a a>. s $ w 3 ># WR r; r: �. F -,b's! � ,. � ::.:>N x . v Y' $Y , `✓.s}�'' 3 `� QI krr .f- iq .t 1h z •'t' CF "d '4F 1. fi 4 c �t Y t F s -A l b �i �l5s 3: >! t/ �) < A n1«+31'a - BO yh l• - r�> s itq s�" �1?".h"+ 3?�e�yn "i /rrt n4 t 4 W #',r, ax ka',-a.ra :' I' r> 'ct „ ,1� , r � Y � r X'S .. 4 Yw r^A. ; .?✓ ;a�. , r� -$ -Y,i �fY F k ; "^X<t :C. r + K. f z: }P. :-; .1 t .+' -x-.'!i ,: �vx?`- ir. rtv. _r,. 1P•,.f;>;:w.MYsssY}.' ��N.? ..„k'.'5vt,,Y4} >. on',r6nc.- }+,"tis,?'l`:,l£gg5„' �.+,x” ew, x N -a; . +> - i V A - wR X V Z x :t Wo@fr" h1 f pe��,f� "F,*.IK fit. .t x sf t R 2 r 'H n M1 ti i t N, rt C u. t s !L d, n }s' r. dr S c. ' 4 ! }Y 1 1 E ' h 2 %k o � d qy fi 4 a -n a � d, a i. R -fes .„><• = tru F '' v`>^c�,��,:,it� 4�F � .rte✓,rts r ,.�.. r ,{. �� '.� MEN. . t i +U S 5 . a 4 F � zl a T 3 a x t a 1 3 7 � s t i t s '} n; s” r 5. r-. .t "asci I o n., .. n . �. r �xr ari k- 4'T t r� FT, 5 ea w t ^s l2w.n v 4 f {��, '� ;P.keo.� 't,� •r< - „wlx.. >v. ..fir. �;^, v` r" _ : 4;.,„p,�' xY._t .. 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"" ""',_,"', ,� , � , . - , �r ,__ - �� � - -, � � t ,;, � _�� ,,'� � , � _MOV 'Ank. , , r M, , I ,tt�� ��,�­ � I 1� J � � - ,01� . .11 � 2� - I— :4.?,�"."'.., �,,,����,6�,,�;',��,��d�,�'-A�,,��'Til"- , tl­_ � � � � - '. 1. ___ _. -1 ... I � � k . .,I � . �, I I __ I Il . alfiloploV, . . I . . . I - . I I , . . _ '. � ., , , - . ... , - . � �.. . I �l , . . I Office of the Commivioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Apri 1 83_t..._ _ ............... ....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......._4006........... appried....__......_MBrOh ll.t......................191�J....., relative to...._the r___boulevard.__..... Summit ......................... Avenue from Lexington Ave. to Mississippi River Boulevard. .........._._............_............................... ..........................__.... ...................... ............... ............ ............................. ................................................................................................ ................. ..................... ........... ................................... ............ ....................... ....._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................ necessary and (or) desirable. 28¢ per front foot 6 569 67 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..................................... and the total cost thereof is{t..............._...._a_......_........, and Frontage 23,544 feet Excess inspection $128.80 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................................................................................................................. _�- ........................ ....._............................... ................................ ................................ ............................ ................... .............................. .......... ...................... _..................___.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5. Said improvement is......_..._n�........_.....asked for upon petition of three or more owner$ of property, subject • r to assessment for said improvement. o missioner o u is or s. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSCOMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 01-1 C-1111onEn OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C—, 9 --en J. E. CARROLL, Sun. C—T... T— & REPuns ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. SAMI-10. G. H. HERROLD. OIF- F-I—E. H. W. GOETLINGER, S—. W--- St. Paul, Minn. April 21, 1915. Mr. M. H. Goes, Commissioner of Publi c Works, Building. Dear Sir. - I transmit herewith approximate estimate of cost for improving, grading and seeding the center boulevard on Summit Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Mississippi River Boulevard in accordance with Council Pile #4006, approved March 11, 1915. Approximate estimate $6,569.67 Assessable frontage 23,544 ft. Cost per front foot.28� Excess inspection necessary 0128.80 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer M ./e I x 7t;" E7 - � 3 1 4 FF. gg F. - � t, F. i i 1' • 11 di1f .1� I > j} ja �3 .�f ` �• E�•� ` f 1 iF DIC T. RESOLUTfON RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEM- NATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES III the matter of opening, wi.den.ing__and extending an alley sixteen feet in width through Lot "C" Block 4, Smith and Taylort•s Addition and across Block 4i Forepaug'hien Divisfon "A", more particularly described as being a strip of land 16 feet in width, being all of Lot "C" Block. 4, Smith and Taylor's Addition, and the rear;df Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6,.. Blpck...4., Fo.r.epaughl a Divi_eion,"A"., ........_....................... ............_......._.... under Preliminary Order 2732 approved ._ Pec. , _lst, 1914. lutermediary eh•drr 3385......... :ipproved _Ja..nuaxy...11th 1.915. _A public heariog having bell" had upon tilt- taking and eoudemnation of tilt, Muds or easements there- in. for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and the Comwil having duly eo"- ,idered the same, now therefore, be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation .of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mjiyor and City Clerk, and made a part hereol', and tilt, awards of dans- ;iges to the owners of sueh lauds respeetively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assess- ment roll, be and the same is hereby ill all respects ratified andpeoufirrned. adopted by the Cou"eil + y Clerk. Approved '.. 191__.._. ' Ma or. Councilman . bull- n tleY late. .:4, AetSnQ ` Irough:,:,Zot C': -Goss n r1d TaYlora Add(tfo a d% s Block 4 Forepeugh'e_ Dtvfeion i • ` Keller ore particularly deecrtbed at-.; ? a st ip rot Sand i6 feet Ing [h bein6 all; of Lot C' $loci[-; McColl3mfth dna Tayl r a Addition and t..! e„rear 8 Ct. ol:Lote 1 2'3J 4 6'snd t)'LeaT Block i 'Far PaauFgh a:, Pivlelon, y r:'ued Dec.rletn191§yInOter o l rye "app O 11th,; y0erg .'Order 3986 apPro ed Sanuary 1916:, been had Maya e�e�s A.; bbue h�aring having i upon,_,the [skink; ancL cyndeMnatlonxa[' the Mande or easementa.thereth for,,the: bov,8;amprovemeap:�and the: Athere awards oi; bo egea thereto"r,;:and the C9pnc11 hay= Ing ;;.duly considered theeam now. therefore be it p - Resod d That^:the takidg;_and con demhation of�'the lands desorlbed'tn ee the, eanexedwasesment rolhgidenttded by , tke,signatures oL the Mayor, and.. CIpY'Clerk end.made,a'parthereof, and• s of gu h laeda reepectlt ly for aid tak - ing"and conaemnatlo a [ 'f th i n 19 i„!caeaeea' en"rpil' eOhdop ed. lne Cnu ncfl .1 vin 9. 1916. ted b;' 1 APProved (Juno`12-1916) V St. Paul, Minn. , Tune 8, 1915. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The undersigned respectfully represents that he is the owner of Lot lino (2), and the West Ten (10) feet of Lot One (1), in Block Four (4), of Forepaugh's Subdivision "A". The undersigned objects to the proposed extension of the alley through said Block "A" which taken off the rear eight (8) feet of his said property, upon the following grounds: That said improvement is, not necessary and is not a benefit to any of the property that will be served by said pro- posed alley. The undersigned further objects to the proposed award of damages to him herein on the ground that the same is entirely inadequate. There is on petitioner's said property a large double dwelling house which is built at least twenty (20) feet from the street and extends back to within about fifteen (15) feet of the rear of said property. The property is only one hundred and four- teen (114) feet deep, and if eight (8) feet i4 taken therefrom, it will leave said property without any back yard, whatsoever, ard damage said property in the full sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00).. Petitioner also has on said property -to be used as an alley five (5) large shade trees about eighteen (18) years old, and valued at least in the sum of One hundred and twenty -dive Dollars ($125.00) Respec tfJ ly submitted? LAW OFFICE ifrank (9. (9sharne 510 CAPITAL BANK BDILDING 1 9T. PAUL, -NN. N W P- 1. CEDAR 5654 St Paul Minn June 5 1915 Mr S A larnsworh, commissioner of Finance Sth Paul Minn Dear Sir:- The undersigned in behalf of John B Rinslow,lat mortgagee and Hilda Peterson,2nd mortgagee,whose mortgages cover Lot 2 and the Rest 10 feet of Lot 1 Block 4 PorepBugh•s Division •A.'.a& to the proposed Oon- demnatlon proceedings referred to in the accompanying notice unless damages over and above the imagined benefite,Of not less than -OUQ be awarded for taking a strip,8 feet wide by 50 ft in lengthtfrom the rear of the above des- cribed property. The lot is a short one,being but 113.10.The proposed curtail- ment wogld leave but 108.10 ft. At present there is ample room for theback yarcl duplex created upon said property. Reduced by 8 ft there will be insufficient room for the use of the tenants of the duplex. The placing an alley at the rear means the destruction of four trees of 2 19 years growth,the loss of white lilac and raspberry bushea,and a piece of real estate 50 ft -by 8 ft,besides the need of building a new fence. The above described property -otherwise described as Mo*974 Segue Ave -has a fronta@F of 50 ft,with amplroom for a private alley,if such be ever needed,on the east side of the p erty,a pr vious owner having bought 10 ft (being the R 10 ft Lot 1 Block 1plorepaughfis division"A•,for a private driveway should it be needed. A publ a aliey,in residential districts of 8t Paul,even where such haVe been dmisellaneous aonotoriously debrie,and Place makesfor forthe filth,Atp it vatedead alley'tin- cans,bottles,anis nearly always kept clean,and if not we know ~there to place the lama. The proposed condemnation proceeding is fraught with positive loss to the hereinabove described property -it produces not one dollar of ad- vantage. Truly yours, FINAL ORDER IN CONDENNATIM PROCEEDINGS .5387 111 the olatte, of ._Opening, widening and extending an alley sixteen feet . .. .. .. ............ ...... . .... -- .... . ... ............... in width, through___ Lot "C". Block 4, Smith and Taylor's Addition and 1-1- ........... ...... . ......... . .... ..... ........................ . - . ........... .. ... . .... ........ ......... I ............. . ...... across Block 4, Forepaugh's Division "A", more particularly described ... ... ... . --- . .... .... .... . ........ .. . . ........ .... .. - ..... . ..... I . ....... ia#_bein a strip of land 16 feet in width, being all of Lot "C") Block .. ....................... - .. . ........ . ......... .......... ........... ....... ... .... . ............. L .............. ...... . ._...r . ................ 4, Smith and Taylor's Addition, and the rearr/ot Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and ............ I .. ......... ..... . ............. .. - - ..... ...... ............. 6,91pok Al FQPPP414g ............... .... .... .......... under Preliminary Order .. 273x.....__ approved .-PIPCe -48t1.1914Intermediary Order 3385 ...... ..... approvedJM�44;-Y 31th 1915. Resolved: (1) That the following inwrovenient be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, widen and extend an alley . sixteen feet in width, through Lot HC", Block 4A Sm f th - and Taylor 16 Addition and across .. Bl6ck A* ' * -Forepau"Ift-4- Division "A", more particularly described as being_a Strip. of . 1 an d.....f S. feet in. .. .......... - .. ... ... .. ... width, being all of Lot "C", Block 4, Smith and Taylor's Addition, and the -rear -of- Lots Ij a� - 3i: 4-j 5 and -6 -Block. 4; Forepaugh-'e Division,i!Aft (2) That the following land, lands, or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priatedand scenting the said improvement, viz.: A; - t the property deemed benefited by the making of the said eht 6e and the Barge 1s ,hereby improvement to -:Aa, e taking of said huid, hands or easements therein, as speei 'Voltw2i; rou fled in the. ai;SeSgni� j� r iv� . .. ........ approved 41W j 411 y ot; land 78 ore I i I E Block A of the Councilrati inent therefor, together with tiveost and expense incident , to the making of said —jil"the Commissioner of Finance be and he is, hereby directed to make such assessment of benefits aud report same to the Council. Adopted by the Council ........ . . . . . . ............4....., ..... .. ..... Clerk. Approved .. 191 . ...... ......... ... ....... ...... .. . ....... Me or. Councilman TAvam=di, Aeting Goss orf Keller McColl KJSWD O'Leary # NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNA PROCEEDINGS 141V�c 7- In the ,natter of ..._Cpen...ing, ..widening,._ and extending an alley sixteen feet _ _ ...... in._widththrough Lqt "C" Block 4, Smith and Ta . __........ _...__.. . . ........_...... across Block 4, Forepaugh's Division "A", more particularly described as being a strip of land 16 feet in width, b g all of Lot _."C", Bl'o'ck 4,__.Smith-.and Taylor_ s Add it.i- on, _. and ...the ....r.eargof..late. 6, Block 4, Fo.repaugh's Division, ._..... ..... - __...... . under Prelimivar Orden 4732._:. ..., approved ... ,Dec 1st, 1914• Intermediary Order .3385 ' apli,•oved.__J_anua y llth_1.915. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby Divan that a public hearing will be had before the Couueil of the City of St. Paul, at the Council Chamber, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Pan], on the ......._8 th..._.__...._........_...._..... day of _;.TUISB __........... ._..._....__. __.__._, 191_rJ., at tell o'clock A. Al., upon the report of the Commissioner of Fi- sauce as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or casements therein; to be approved for the above improvement, and the persons to whom sueb awards were payable and for the eouSrpatiou of such awards. Objections to the takho; of such hinds or easements therein or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time he rein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated ._........._ ........................., ........._...; 191...x{. /��f J/gip ,t .... _...... (J/ _.....L% "�? G K �....... :........ Commissioner of Finance '� I — REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of ._Opening,widen n.g.,_andext.end.in.g.....an.._.alle.y.....e.i.x.t.e_en.....f..e..e..t.. Lat:._^..0 "_,..._ H1oo.k....4.,......Sai..th.... and..._Tay.lo.r.r..e.....Add..i_t.io n.,......... and..._acre. s_s_._Block_.._4,._._Forepaug4! s Division' "A".. mor... particularly described as being a strip of land 16 feet in width, being all of .._.-....... ._..._....._................ ..... ............._....................-......._......... ............_.........__..._.... _....._... ... ... _................................................................. _. ._ ..........._. ho..t..._°C".....B.1.Q..Ck_._4,__:Smi_th._._and_.._Taylor'e___Addition, and the rear 8ft. of LQ. e...._1.,..._2.a...._3.,...._4.,....._5.._and.._6_,...Block..._4,......Fo.repaugh'_6..._Division.:nAn..'_._...._........... .. under Preliminary Order ..273a.__......._:, approved.._DeC_......_1s_tv__191.4 Intermediary order..3385 approved _Januar.y.11till ....._1915. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lauds or casements therein to be taken and appropriated for the above improvement, and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable, and that hereto attached is an as- sessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the under- signed's findings on said matters. Dated._ ........................ _...... :�.._.r..............._......._... 191 J� Respectfully submitted, Commissioner of Finance.. NOTICE OF HEARING 'IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS' In the ratter of Opening., widening and extending an alley sixteen feet 1r�_rrid,tA., ihr9ugh _Lot "C*, B19ok 4,_gmith & Tay_lorl8 Addition and _...__. . across Block 4, Forepaugh'®_Division _"A",_wore particularly described _. _. as.....b..e.i.ng. a_...strip ....of....land_..16_ test..._in._:YS.dth, .bs.ing.,.a1_l c;Y....tigt "G",.._Bl_ock 4,__ 1 - Smith ,.& Taylo.r!.a... Add.i.tion,... and . the._rear _ 8.. feat Of . 10 to. _ 4_._a., _ 3, 4, _5 and 6, Block 4,Forepaugh�s DivisioA_ "A.",___ _ ......... __. under Preliminary Order 27.33 _. __.. approvedpec. 18t, 1914....Intermediary Order 3385...... ;,I,1,,.,,,.,,i1.January llth.,_1915. TO \PIIO:II IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will -be had before the Council of the Cite of tit Paul, at the Courwil Chamber, Boom Ol in the Court House ill the City of 5t. Pard, oil the ...8th day o1' June.___.. __.. 1!Ilg at tett o'clock .1. X. upon the report or the ('ounnissiouer of ,i- muree as 'to the ammuit of d:unages to be onvarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein. to be approx-td for the above inrprovouwnC and the persmrs to whom swell awards were payable .111(1 for the confirmation of such awards. Objections to the taking of sucli lauds or casein cuts thi•reiu or to the awards of damages thereror, nnrst be ill writing and filed tvitlr the Council at the time herein fixed fm• said hearing, or with the Pity Clerk prior thereto. Dated ._ ........... 19) .?..... v Commissioner of Finance. June and, 1915. `r To the Council. Gentlemen:- -Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Wallace L. Adams against the City of 8t. ' Paul for $8.75. This claim comes under the Workmen's Compensation Act and the amount is fixed by law. Yours truly, fVt g,t Corporation Counsel. .0 E No 6889—Ordlnanae xo anuu �y - An ordlgonce to settle Yha claim of Mta. `Kate Eraricea WhaY.man and her _ rs daughba ,Roberta W1iaYman - - Tba GlounclY of the CILy of BG Pavl. vThaL the p8oD0altlon of'Mra Katd• ��' Frances W4aYmar, .ro"romfae and r tittle her elafm and that o[ her daugh + er F Robeeta- agatnaL ,Lha Clty of ad -sul a fain out of In}urlea euatatned- - - �-Q p 7 "har daug�tter Roberta by rea0ort yi; Z.B� all on an;icy aidewallt near tha}nom. JJJ - • f� iectlon-of,,,Saratoga avenue andl aveslle, as le more Dartfc ,� , -.y tin hor commuulcatlor ' n uncle d to 'otr payment. L -- Y=see-nauara�I*g- -le the claim of Mrs. Kate Frances hereb' eitY,ptfic rye Whayman.; and§nd-d thePireemrcr�- tedter Roberta Whaynan. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS.FOLLOWS? Section h. That the proposition of Mrs. Kate Frances Whay and that of her daugtiter, Roberta man to compromise and settle her claim /againot the City of St.Pau1, a- daughter Roberta, rising out of injuries sustained by he reason of a fall on any icy sidewalk near the intersection of Saratoga Avenue and';Grand Avenue, as is`-more particularXy set out in her co-munication to the Council under date of February 3d, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of Sixty-five Dollar's ($65.00)1` be, and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper 'city officers are hereby authorized and directed to dray a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Mrs. Kate Frances Whayman, pay- able out ,of-the Compromise Account of the General Fund,`in the sum of Sixty-five Dollars:; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there-9 being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimantsthere- for, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by, 'the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particular ly on account of those arising out of the injuries-sustained.by said W claimanton the da �.nd under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30'days after its passage, approval, and publication. I i Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption by the Council...... _ _.. __ Zl3_191r EL / ,- Farnsworth Lt Reading......... .._. 191 o/GossIn favor Approve 181 /�.._ _ S ..........__... ....... _. _. eller 2nd McColl .__...Against ....... _.. _�!.."_.�'.. /....... c/ 3rd _ .... _....... __..1 _ Attest: JOHN 1. FARICY, Date Published........................... ......_ 191 Md. President, Powers PUBLIWMDL - City Cler{. An ordinance to settle tike claim of mrs. Kate Frances Whayman., and her daughter Roberta Whatman. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST., PAUL DOSS ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: r Section 1. That the proposition of Mrs.-,Kate Frances Shay- and that of her dau hter, Roberta man to compromise and settle her claim Against the City of �at°.Paul; a= daughter Roberta rising out of-injuries sustained by her)6y reason of a fAl on any icy sidewalk near the intersection of Saratoga Avenue and Grand Avenue; as is more particularly set out in her co�cmunication to the Council under date of.February 3d, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of 83xty-five ,Dollars {65.00}, be. and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the-Commissioner of Finance in favor of Mrs. Kate Frances Whayman, pay- able out of the Compromise Account of the General bund, in the sum of Sixty-five Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller A receipt of said claimanU there - for. together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City. Prom any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particular ly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimantgon the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. St.Paul, Minn., June 8, 1915. o To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance W settling the claim of Mrs. Kate Frances Whayman, and her daughter Roberta Whayman, against the City of St.Paul, for $65.00. After a careful investigation of the facts in the above case, this Department is of the opinion that the settlement hereinabove mentioned is reasonable and to the best interests of.the City. Yours truly, /rporation Counsel. Ali ORD 11; A'.'CE. Designating the Property Frontin, on the Jorth ,nd South sides of Lombard Avenue bet's -en LPxinaton 'venue on the ''egt and '-*ilton Street on the vest 3s 9 R(--.snce District, as .authorized by Chapter 92, Laws of ?innesota for 113. 'he Council �f t e ity of -,t. Pavl Toes ^rd;3in follows: Section 1. That .lore than (G0;) of the pro?erty own-rs• in the district sou;ht to be affected :.ave .,etitioned therefor, and therefore there is hereby designated :^:thin the pity of St. Paul a residence dis- trict wherein only tui1.di ps Por resioence�,ray be hereafter erected or maintained, including du)lex houses and doiule houses, a,nd that the .._...,tion and maintenance of hotels, stores, factories, warehouses, dry cleanin. olants, --arages or stables, tengments and apartment houses are hereby prohibited. Said district is described as follows: All those tracts or parcels of land situate in the city of `.-t. Paul, Corr.nt.y of T'amzey and State of T.'innasotn, l.yin; and being between the center line extended of,the-alleys between Lombard Avenue r � and st. Clair "treet, -Dr, the north, "ilton .,treet on t;oe enst, T,ombard -venue or. the �outh, and Lexington Avenue cn the :Nest; :and also lying and beinb between Lombard Avenue on the north, Wilton )treet on the east, one hundred t-enty-five feet south of the south line 0_' Lombard Avenue on the so th, nd i,exin_ on ,avenue on the west. ection Any person who shall violate an., = i_ie ,rovi ; 6 A lv' 0 R D T E A C E. Designating the Property ,rontina on the `forth ^nd South ^ides of Lombard n.venue bAtts;ei Lexinston ;venue on the "est and "ilton .Street on the.rst `ss a PPs;;'ence --istrict, as .authorized by Chapter On, Laws of 'fin:nesota for 1'1.3, The Council -f _ie .:it, of t. i'a„1 ,,,oes ^rdain £ ollo vs: Section 1. Th,it rno-re than (50;;;) of the nrn_,erty own -re in the district scut to be affected `:ave :etitioned therefor, and therefore there is nereby designated ;•-thin the pity of 3t. Paul a residence dis- trict wherein only 'Luii.ci,nYs for residences :nay be hereafter erected_ or maintained, including du;lex houses and double houses, and that the e ection and maintenance of notels, stores, factories, warehouses, dry cleaning plants, p -folic a..rages or stables, tenemeais and apartment houses are hereby prohibi.ted. Said district is described as follows. - All those tracts or parcels of land situate in they-,{-,•ity of tit. Paul, Cosnt,' c` PFu sey and State of l'innesotn, l.yinL and, being between the oentPr line extended 01,,the-alleys between Lombard Avenue r � and �,t. Clair Street, on the north, 'Wilton Street on t,o east, Lombard avenue or 'he south., and Lexin3ton Avenue on the :,Pst; ;and also lying a.ndbeing betv,,een 7,omba,d Avenue on the north, ,ilton trPet on the east, ,ne hundred twenty-five feet scu.th of the south line o_'' Lombard Avenue on the so,tth, end T,exi:n.�cn lvenu.e on the .vest. Section 2. Any person who shall violate an- . i:ae ;trovi si;;ns e „f the Crdl'. 1 r.ce 11 :._on conviction thereof before tr:e :;:unicinal Count ;f „,e ,_ty of t. ?Ful be punished by s fine of not exceedinb one f hundred collars, (4100), cr upon default of the payr;e much fine by im,risonr-,e^' not evcN,,d; _ !ontlhs. The continued ,+„1 _ion cf any provision of this or in ^, e hall be and constitute , sea•r+'.e offense i for ee:ch and,-,rrr;' •::ch violation otic. il. continue. ction 3. FT���r ,�30a days after it nassa>e and n•+1-,lici*ion. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nay% Fin I Adopt c...J '' Coun iGfQ-p7p? ]81✓�[ -"FarAswottll 3rd t, c.,u tet✓ ✓���6i _ � � ✓mere Attest: , " Date. Pu hL hed 7 JOHN 1. FARICY 91• .. MLX esident. Provers `tei_. City Clerk. of q W .01 cinue. SECTION 3. kpprov�ed Jun, 23. 1915. WINK POWER M.—. Attest: JORN I. FARICY An or inance granting to S. E. Bingham, and C. W. Porton, co-pafrtners as.".Binghart & Norton, permission to establish a curb`gae- ol-filling statiorf-on the Northeast Corner of Victoria. Street, and Grand Avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES 'ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted , ,�g3,to_S. E. Bingham and C. W. Norton, co-partners as Bingham & Norton, to establish a curb gasoline filling station on the Northeast Corner of Victoria. Street and Grand Avenue, in said City. Ij Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensees for the installation and establishment of said filling station, upon their compliance with the following conditions: -- -- - (1). The said licensees shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said station, which shall be subject to the approval of said. Commissioner. (2). The sand filling station shall be installed under, and supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3). The sai �licengse�es�shah furnish a bond to the City of St.Paul, in the ;sum of i�7�,\11S11Q�J� , con- ditioned to save`the C ty of St.Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, 'in- stallation, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said filling station, -the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as ,said station remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4). Said filling station shall be removed by said lice whene3er the Council shall so order. (5). The said licensees shall pay any license fee or tax that rs may requa}redY j+'&ny ordinance or law of the City of St.Paul I (6) Said licensees shall, _ within ten days after.the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the Coy Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C F. No. 6390 --Ordinance No 3601—J S E. 13 ng - �y(y��' `An ordinance granting to ham and 'C1. --:V ,Nofto dS partnere a Bingham & Nor[on, mission. to y/• f� UT' gaeolin filling to- f.fon on the No theaat corner of.71c- lorisatreet d Grand venue: --'e "The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: gll,, an 1. / That dl and, authority are •, her by granted to S. E. Bingham and mate to 'C in Norton o partner as Bingham. &Norton;. to etablish cub gasoline Northeast corner of Victoria s r the of Victoria- street and Grand .veno., in's id Clty. ' - . SECTION 2 The Commissioner of Public Works �1's hereby authorized to ie permit .✓ ? to the sn1d'-llcene¢ee forthe Installs—tion and ..tabiteament of said filling at [ion, upon thejr compliance with the following condition.: (1) The said licensees shall file-' ;with the Commissioner of Public - Works a plan or apcclflgation of said be subject to the station. which shall approval of saidCommie loner. (3) The saidfilling statlon hall be Installed under and sup rvialon- apd di of said Comb, ner, and the JUN 23 h;"' ' seat r In - (9l5 191 Passed b the Council Passed . .-shall furnish -dStPaui, In the save armless Yeas Nays +. from harmless Yrom any dsmages6 ands expenses • to persons or property "- arising from the 'on Mr. Farnsworth ` maintenance, .—ci or removal of ". .✓Cross 'he said bond to re-, tf^ot as lone_-" vkeller ; ex__ . a , ashsh Mr. President (Powers) Nays 0 *13 'r0 Af Approved & `) 1915. Mayor ,. I c. W. NORTON K, B-GHAM �eutrul Automobile T.. V �Aacman ana Attu (oars AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES 202-205 WEST SIXTH STREET ot. 41aut. Minn. May,26,1915. The Hon. M. N. Goss), Comm.of Public To,rtcg, City of St .Paul . Dear Sir: Wo,Bingham & Norton,owners and operators of a public garage loacated an the N.E.corner of Victoria and Grand Aves.,do hereby respectfully apply to you for a license to install and operate a curb gasoline filling outfit,eald outfit to be installed with an underground, five hundred gallon tank tank and pump to be of the latest fire proof design and installed according to the fire ordinance of the city of St .Paul . Said garage is being constracted an late fifteen and sixteen block eighteen of Summit park addition and we desire to loacats said gasoline tank and pump on Victoria st.about seventy-five ft. north from Grand Ave.near the curb.Said pump to be of the latest design standing about five ft.high and two ft.in diameter. Trusting that you will give this matter your favorable consideration,we remain Very truly yours, Bingham 4a Norton. 4v,a M OFFICE OF JOHN LFAR ICY, CITY CLERK June 5th, 1915. Hon. O.H.0 'IIoill Corporation Counsel, City of St.Paul,lainn. Dear Sir: - The Council, at its meeting held this date, granted the application of 13ingham & Plorton for a license to install and operate a curb gasoline filling out -fit on the ?1. E corner of Victoria ca'Id Grand Avo., and referrddthe sa,-no to you for a proper form of resolution or ordinance . Yours very truly, City Clerk. u. Yeas W11)"ulnen (✓) Nays � r Ad' optea'by the couR«F �lk1N ' ..1915 _.i9i �. In Favor Approved ..191 E ll menL company. ana nA w.ii n��:.'1 LCL Y�.� Gement Oompsny and' theCity of $t.� Paul;'` for i1n�s of.. material to be used in paging Robert, etreet,to $izth street. Yours triil4s . , / EITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL R.HSOLUTION-,GENERAL .FORM ;CITY `OF, ST..PAUL )UNCW RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM Date •Presented ai�•� •- Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and 'hei is hereby authorized and directed to day asphalt'conorete in the private -alley in Block 27 St. Paul Proper, known as the Merchants Hotel Alley, the expense of said work to be charged to the owner of said property at cost plus+ 10% tI+"Z!; oe OY'`�s• 1 Y1�otitdikbe nkhdl`h$ma�ebY a �ti}oxlaed Mand dlFeCt@dR� �a9 %aPhaX eohcl0te47n tfta yri�atC aAey�Au ,BSoo1C, �a7 Sc Paul mover )inb@a jhe MAr I gh�nt9 liotolsgllep�mthg aveneOFot satd. wo?]c t•o`;be ghasggd to tho Pwaer 81 �`baid Pt'oper4y+attco tiylue'�043 J'^"� � 1 - � ndoptgiI '4Y"�h�tRuunoll'-Tuna�9 ,1916 - 3A Qlyoved<Jun§'8 1916 y�� ;, r�.�; :. z�'�r¢'� � {Tuneal2'�t91G1+ .. A` rt`= •*,- .. .„ _ __. ..... that t' e cigarette license Vo .21, issued April 22, 1915 to E.C.Var_ Valkenburg, 469 Jackson St., be and the same hereby it transferred to Fendrey d: Peterson, 170 r. 10 th St. p ai�egiv�t] That tba"�lgggrette,rilcenee: - Np 21£'Iseved�ARk11 ";62 I616 `tq..E C.' - - Yah 'Pal11cc nburg 486 h,alcebttt4 Bk ,fie andbthea4ame heg�b�d � tpalYe[erre'¢ tbs� '�'�gndnev& Peterson „St0 � 16LLifStt '� }� �,. AaaRted br kne cb¢hbf� Jpn`��9(�iDi6'a, ARpraved June'9 1916 / �,;�� ", f^ (June iZ�t6S6)r< r r. "� tr F Yeas (✓) Coot 'Amen (✓) Nays Adopted by the CounciL ............. .. �5 5 ..19L....... Goss In favor Kelle Approved........: R M9 ISIS .......:. ..191........ M P ' MAYO IAL 'YROCEN7DING8 O�'I'D�l 70 6�0E=-Ordinance N 3602- T a to settle the claim of T - Iverson n nolt of the CRY fSt Paui doAe' "5`02 as follows: ollow SECTION I.OvIdof, ,lt tnthoiensctyo'.rntohippero oCrolittifyoeerloafanS[d aettle T'l.' Paul.- a bY: tnlurle enetaitfed by h a; telt on an; icy�:eid0watk.,ion; step �e bet sen?: Chatsworth, -Oztord+atreeY,' as„Se m9ce! commuriic$- i arty t.dc ,FXoa. r -re h[, ” direceted 2. td0 e Commlae[oner ,. 'toceng�T',,,ordinance to settle the claim of Ovidia T. Iverson. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of Ovidia T. Iverson to com- promise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on Ashland Avenue between Chatsworth Street and Oxford Street, as is more PY articular) set out in her communication to the Council under date of j April 2d, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of Seventy-five Dollars, ($75.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city of- ficers.are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Com- misgioner of Finance, in favor of Ovidia T. Iverson, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Seventy-five Dol- lars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with i the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel., releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption q, , by Council —._I90 � (— �Farnswon6 the ... .. _.. ?':.y' �T lit Reeding ....._ ___ 19r ✓ Goss .__ In favor Ap .. ' 2n1 / 19 14 r ✓Keller -� McColl ga' h1Olt ✓���/ A1' 3rd ��- �`"< 19 L A Attest: I �Yoerg JOHN I. FARICY, i �... Published ...._ 'v`n.._. 191/ Mr. Vesident, Powers r PUB),ISHED l J City Clerk. An ordinance to settle the claim of Ovidia T. Iverson. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of Ovidia T. Iverson to com- promise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on Ashland Avenue between Chatsworth Street and Oxford Street, as is more particularly set out in her communication to the Council under date of April 2d, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of Seventy-five Dollars, ($75.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city of- ficers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Com- missioner of Finance, in favor of Ovidia T. Iverson, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Seventy-five Dol- lars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every -kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval, and publication. CITY OF SAINT PAUL O. H. OWN GILL .s JOHN ..XILE s JOHN A.BURNS WILLIAM J.OIBERSON THOS.W.MOMEEHIN St.Paul, Minn., June 8, 1915 To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinance settling the claim of Ovidia T. Iverson, for Seventy-five Dollars. After a careful investigation of the facts in the above case, it is the opinion of this Department that the settlement hereinabove mentioned, is reasonable and to the best interest of the City. �Yours truly, efi'oraft�on Counsel. COUNCIL FILE NO. By- ..... ........ ...... .. . .. ......... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Const Tvc.ting a cement block. s.idewalk to a...width.of SIX - feet on the west side of Cretin avenue from Dayton avenue to Selby avenue, .... . ... ........ .. ......... ...... ...... ..... under Preliminary Order .41..3.4. . . .. . approved March-.2.0th, .. 19.15 Intermediary Order approved . ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,,and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is GOnp.truc.t... a. a.emant block sidewalk -to a...width of., six feet ...on the west 4a-id4s-. of Cretin - av-enu.e-. from Dayton. avenue to ..Selby avenue, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council ...... . . ..... ... : ......... . 191, ,.. Approved ............. ..... ' C - Councilman _FaPaw**"h-- GOSS I- Keller --McColl L-- Ytrrlr Form B. S. A. 8-7 CFST. PAUL DEPAR-T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL�Y#NARY ORDER '2 In the Tiatter'Of J C<�t�ll/.�_%1... _,.. i...._.f::<:!_.......1.1..............s:.C...'.........._.4�./...u.....�..C�E,............_.........-- . ........ . . a ..... .... —4/ —2 rl . ........... . ..... ........... ........... .... . ............................ ........... I .......... ... ......... ........ .... ..... .. ....... ....... . . .. . .... . ........ ....... ....... ... ............ ........ .............. ................... . .. . ............... ...... ............ ........ ; .. ............ .. — .......... . ... .. ............... ....... - .. ...... ....... ...... ... ..... ...................... . .... ...... ....... % .... ............ ....... ... ... . .. ........... . . ...... ................... . ...... ....... ...... ..... .. under Preliminary Order d. .. . approv,c... ...... . ........ . .... ....... ....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is forSide- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.walO" ........... ...... ....... ..... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .7 04L, TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, to&vthcr-wit4the.report made to him in reference ::- to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.... .. .......... ........ . Commissioner of Finance. I •) I* 0 vlaa i s 1,71 M. N. Goss. COBit11SSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS l ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, MARCH 13th, 015.. M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF ST. PAUL. MINN' HONrRABLE SIR: We the undersigned, realizing the necessity of having a sidewalk placed on the west side of Cretin Ave.N. " from Dayton Avenue to Selby AQ:enue, including the two cross walks, do hereby petition you ,as Commissioner of Public Works , to take necessary steps towards accomplishing that wurk: NA brp BUREAU .�)F 0-& NEERS., R1 x ADDRESS 41 a Office of the Commissioner. of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance -April... ._14 14 .!........_ ................191.. 5.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._..4M._.......... approved ......._MaTOh..._95............. ..._.............M.5..., relative to.........__........._..... constructing a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the _no.xth_..e_ode.....Q.f...._$PUY...A.v..enue,_..frMA_Cretin.._Avenue.,,_ to..,._the_.._eouthwest. corner of Lot 18, Block 56, Deenoyer Perk; also Council File No. 4f34i�,%iiy approved ....March ...2.0..,..... 1915..,.....rslat.iv.e.._-to .._.e.onat'ruat-ing a 0140.w..Alk of cpmg.At blocks to a width of six feet on the west side of Cretin Avenue from Dayton....Avenue, .....to.._.Selb.y....Avenue._............... ...................................................... .................. .................. ............. ................................ _............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ ...................... necessary and (or) desirable. 52¢ per front foot XXXX................. and S. The estimated cost thereof is $_.................................. and the total cost thereof is �...................... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. •f........................................................................................................................................_......._.._..._..................._......._................................................. _....................._ _.... 5. Said improvement is...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COUNCIL FILE ......... .. ........... __. /� .. BY FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of6 ng tile to. a. w i dth... -of 6 - _truc ting. a...aldewalk of..-c-ement the north side of Bourne avenue from the west Line of Lot 10 feet ogo to the west I ne Block .. i . ..... o. 1 . . ...... Block Anthony Park. ............ .. . ... .... . ...................... ......... . ....... . ..... under Preliminary Order approved Ap ....... ... 1_1 . . . ........ ............. IntermediaryOrder ............. . ...... ....... ........ approved .. ...... ....... ........... ........ ..... .. ........ ___ . ..... . ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ARgit cement tile.....t.o....a Ridth.-Of 6 feet on the north side of Bourne avenue from the west line of Lot 10, Block 3 t the _t.....Iine...of Lot.19.,-Slock ZO, St.. Anthony Park North, . ­­­ ........... P . ......... A .. .................. yEg_g. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 191 City Clerk. !!I -,I - " 'C Approved .... . ............. Councilm "Goss Keller eqccoll Yoerg Form B. S. A. 8.7 li CITY OF ST. PAUL . s, _..,DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of.. �llr/l% f /ZLt..q._ 3.:.Jl.0ZtI�..R......._y/%...�l�f/��/.�_..zr......cL.......�C.... ..7�L!_K_...... ___.._ t._?.cG.-........ .:G1¢/_....1_ j .... _-:. a�= (- .a...........P.. % _ L%( I14 C.c. e......... Y<< .1.... ......... ...... ....... .... .... ... - ._.._.......-..........---- ...... ........._..... .............. ... ............ _...... .... .._................. ........ ............. _...._............ ...._:........... .......... --.............. - _..........._............_...._....._............. _... ............................. ...... ............................................._...........-............_.................._........ ...... ......._.------......... - __...... .........__._......._..._._._._.................... ...... ..... ..__....__................... ...... ................ .... _.............. ......... __....._._.....__............ �:! u� /7/J� under Preliminary Order approved ......_`.._... ............ oti, _..._ ...----- ........_._........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $.......... - ••• . ... -•-•.. • •••- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .2v it .7,. � a /�.O J Z1.) . p V ,.7u�� ..TO Uo j` jt u: TOTAL. A p1 C The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all.of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ... .......... ... ../...v�....... _.............. 191 // Commissioner of Finance. ronM.P;e, w. a -e o To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, Aril 23 5 the crl, known as Council File No..._...__.......__..._._.' ..........................;,....,,__....._....191.._...., relative to.........._......._.... .:approved.........._ Qonstruotion of a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on the ,:northside of Bourne Ave. from the west line of Lot 10, Block 30, to the Q.,_.St.......�4nthon.Y.. Park..._North.........._............._.................._........._..........._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........ ... _..._...necessary and (or) desirable. 65¢ per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.._......... _.......... and the total cost thereof is $.......- ..................................._.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ ...... :.... ....... .......................... ................................. __.._........... _...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..................... ........ ._.......... _-................. ...... _._.... _.__..... _........... _.... ...................... _...... _.... _...... __.......... _................................ .............. _..... _.. 1. o. Said improvement is -Rot .........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. — — — --- ---__ .T-- - -- ' -- - - C mfssi ner of Public Worms. �� , ,� .0 r , _. ., i , ,.. ,,,. Jatr, ��; via'lY, .^isl;_".r�' FINAL ORDER. ,V the az ter of .Constructing. s.i e!gaj.� uq,t,'Ag, -4 Q`�AAt bkopk- ....d .... . ..... feet on e north s1de of Charles street beginning at Pascal avenue thence to Snellin& avenue exceplipj whqpp gq.9d­,.4n_C.L Auff J.P.A.en-t cement__.._.. tinder Preliminary Order ........... . .... .... . ... __._ .......... . approved April 22.nd.,_ ....... . ...... - Intermediary Order .... ...... __ ... .... .... ... approved ... ... ......... ___ . ........... ................. . ................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is 99R#Uct a cement block sidewalk to a width of six . . ... ............. ". -1.1 .......... ...... .. ............... ....... ............ feet on the north side of Charles street beginning'at Pascal avenue, thenee t.o.._Snal1ing__.&ve.nu.e._ e=epting wherea.-.1good and. suff-l-Gient.-c-ement. block- side- walks now exist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and. di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. .......... . 191. Adopted by the Council ... .......... J .... ........... . ) Approved ................... Councilmarh 1 ---Goss Keller McColl _-Yoerg MW/Q=R0Wffl* F.— B. S. A. 8-7 -1 191_...... ...... 0 City Clerk. jhRJ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRTIMINARY,ORDER In the Matter of...:! ca�uoJ . .......... ...... OC ?A Z j C IJ 4 t�� . .... .. ...... ............. ... ........... .... . .... ...................... ................. .. . . ....................... ..................... . .... .............. . . .... . .......... ..............- .................. . . . .............. under Preliminary- Order approved ......... ....... . . ......... .... ....... ........... ....... ............ ...... ...... To the Council of the CityPaul. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ........... .. ...... ..... .... - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such Improvement, and the assessed valuation of,each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Jj CJs TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report Made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_.........._._. ........... Commissioner of Finance. St Paul, Minn., April 13, 1915. TO THF. BOARD Or PUBLIC WORKS: To, the undersigned taxpayers and property o;smers in Block 6, Hamline Syndicate Addition No.3, City of St Paul, Minnasota, hereby Petition your honorable body that an order be issued for the laying of sidewalk on the south aide of Lot 18, and paving of two alley openings on Charles Street, in said Block 6. ' U1 VW ` r= %1--an.,Gi.,d y-� _" `"- -,� tom? �`.,,,,, �, •A-H^-w..,u c/tC�..- .40i :refr.� !1��s;��S,r may` - '�'' r'aaxL�fi �r•U To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 4575 Apr31 22, 5 the oil, known as Couneil:File No.......... _.... _.._.._....approved :..... .....__..._......-........- .................. ........._191......., relative to ........_.........._... construction of a cement block sidewalk to a width of 6 ft. on the north.._side._of.._Charles...St_.,._beginni_ng atPasoal Ave.., thenoe to Snelling <Ave.,_excepting.._whare good._._and _euffioient-cement sidewalks now exist. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. _._-necessary and (or) desirable. 52 ots. per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._............. ........... . and the total cost thereof is $...... ..... ... .........._. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... _.............. _................. .......... ...................... ........................ _.._................ _...... ...... _........ ................ _................_............._.............._._..._....._.._.._..........._......__...__.....__...._........_......._....._._....................-_... .................... ._......... .............. ...._...._..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............ _.......... _............... _....... ...................... _........... .__..._...... _....... ... ...................... ...... _................... ................ .............._..........._....... ................ ......... .... _ 5. Said improvement is.._............ _........ ......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. IV r;. _.- - -- — ------ - - ----._-.Coni ' aiU ier-oP-Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO......... __...._....... ._..... BY FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ___Canat.ruc..ting....a...s.idewal.k....e.f..:_c..em.e_At._..Plo..ok.s_...1;.Q.....a._w dth_...Qf _. six feet on the north side of Selby avenue from Cretin avenue to the south West .....aaxnar._..o.f_... Lot .....18.,.....Sl.aak.._56.,..11 asnayer.....Park...... ................ _......._...... ._............... _._................. .... ............ .... ...... under Preliminary Order ..._ 4x00 .............. .... ..__.._..................... . approved ... Aiarch __25th.,......1915._................... ................. IntermediaOrder __...__............. I .............. . approved_......_...__......................._..._............... ........ _....... -_.............. ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement GQnstr_ o a _sideWal_k__ t_. cement. blocks .to. a wiidth of si�bf ajel&th d�it ##��,, s de eTbb avenue. rpm Cretin avenue to" the south west corner oLo� I,$loc� 5, Dsnoyer Par, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di. rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewi Adopted by the Council ............. ........... .... .._J Approved ....._......... __.. _ _..... Councilman moss - ✓Keller " --,McColl cL-r c/ y •--Voerg Maw Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITYOF S' "PAUL DEPARTMH;9F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEO ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) r Matter of In th i ......... 7- z zz I -A 4 . . .. ....... ............ - - -- --- -------- ......... .......... ....... . ... ......... . . ......... ............. ...... .... ... . . ............... ... ........... ...... .... ...... ....... ........ ...... .. ........... . ................ ...... ........... . . .................... . ...... . .............. . ..... ........ .... ...... . ......... ..... . . .. . ....... ...... . .......... .... ..... ........... .. ................. ......... ................. . ... ......... ------- . . . ............. .. . ... ..... . ........ ...... ...... ............. ..... .. ... ....... ..... I . ......... ....... ... .. . — ...... .......... .. .... ....... ................................ ...... ...... ....... . . . i under Preliminary Order approved .... ..... _.... ..... ........ i To the Council of the City of St. Pauh The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of thep assessment for the above improvement is $ .R;_ lineal .. ... ...... i The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ........ ... ...... ....... ....... . ..... ... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION V AASSESSED LUATION J 'k hr "YZ/: 7 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. . . . ......... Date& . ........ . .......... 191C -4 Commissioner of Finance. I.R. B. B. A. To the Common Council City of St. Paul, Gentlemen: - We, the undersigned residents and property ownereof Selby Ave. west of Cretin, do hereby petition your honorable �. to cause a sidewalk to be laid on ea -id Selby Ave. (north side ) from Cretin Ave to the southwest corner of Lot I8 Blook 56 Des D'oyer Park. LOT BLOCK ADDITION' 6P .0'L' All R AP _o r D y BUV OF E , RS, COUNCIL FILE NO... J� By . ....... _............................._ _ G / / FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of to....a. widt.h_.o.f.._..six.......... feet on both sides of arsra av nine fro,li Lexington avenue to Asbury avenue_,_=exeep,ta:rgnow ....exi.s. exist, - under Preliminary Order __4,'.14_... ...... _. .. _....__—_. approved Intermediary Order .......... ......... ... .... .. _... .. ...... .... ... approved ..._ _...._... .............. __. . .....___ ....._... _- .......... _ _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul tltnt the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be mad by hes 'd ity is ..Conetruc.t__ a._cement the sidewalk to a width of _six. feet on � s da of Marshall avenue froul Lexington avenue to Asbury av�enue� ex'c_,pting...where,_.goodand suffiq-1-ent.aemen.t sidew a n.p,t and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED -FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di. reeled to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AN --11 15' l Adopted by the Council ...................................................._. _ _......_..a, 191 ...... City Clerk. Approved ...... _........... 191, ,1 pt 1bn.;both{s1dee ni 1Na,Tena13 9ve-y Councilman Farnsworth npb-from Sexingtoa avenue stn A9` ! / v bury(. avenue'i`Cscepting�twl.eze good-. and :auIIlciept�'cemerit sidewalks now. . ; exist; under =P.tellminary OrdL•r49314,- �� Goss !� her4riag° 'h@d A� piofblln� h4vinB• sheen Gv6oqihp above t�prooementtuppa $na; , Keller nonce; and the Govnofl shooing' heath; al]GpepaoYleobjeoitone and recovimen >;elatted -thereto snd having; ctpe �eame ,. ullong „ I�Yullrrconatdered ;hezefore McColl i b� t>y*�:: � r c phi ' s aolged Y -itis Covucil;of the-Cltp: uz / of�kthat.the']p;eotae'ndture tertt�and klnd_,ut improvement (0 �ba> Imodey Clty larbonetrpoLpa� S pv}the�eai3 cement tjle etd'evialyk to a:n'tdth of sla; tgoY-`un aorth plde of Marshall, av@�tue � Yoerg fromLex[ngton �avdnge to A"sbuny ovet- nue=and on the's'oveld8; of MarL.ha11s avenue t in m I:ex1 gton='avenge> tb Mayor Powers Hamltne avenue and the Council herb=,• by -orders 9ald lmptovement to D,e; Form B. S. A. 8-7 uaa`ntvea. FvitAen.That tse Commler` M CITY OF mjrk f ( .r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of �i -2IPJ- % _gL-- �r t���"zt / /l..LLl —lam✓ �- 1� s -------art----` --- under Preliminary Order approved — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: AT /f The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 5y _pJ K._liIIeal SOO t. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of. each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION -G/ LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION JU 'or �2 741��ox �/Gu��t.l4o%2Jo�ril /f'. ��%or.o .�1�•�/c�>/'�%a-� �p o 0 0.' l� —.9-0- a a TOTAL CITY OF ST. I . y . 5 1 DEPARTMENT OF7INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER y DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION LON ASSESSED VALUA710 - G 1 'y���.. z� y� -� _ y ell- �ol'%�. Ir a � 4( CA TOTAL. G Q` �v. k CITY OF ST.F IDEPARTMENT O NANCE REP9RT OF-COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �'-•� • ONPRELIMINARYORDER - yDESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAI,.IJA71'N Aq 61 J'a u . • y do y� �� s-/yI J- � A. v U 4d ! D U �L ch (�C�'�i '��G�r,��r; / � � 7 io/D��J�r� Lf•G�','��v'`'� . "`yam -4. 1 Ao /6 C) _ TOTAL. CITY OF ST. P j - S- ' L3EPARTMENT OF INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,�✓ - - -- _ ASSESSED i ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. L e AT s� .71 a4/ a�( 'lei// y `zoo �!✓% �/�£/�%�`o -i� !D� f a .. L -,1 .7 ���. zio� pjsrE�c G"�1�rlir� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid m2tters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / �G�� Dated ------ � — --r -- IOFM O�D C �7 -----191_. �.. Commissioner of Finance. B.B.A. April....14_.................................191.5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ........... 4314approved...........-April 1, ... ............ _.......... 191._*5.., relative to .................. ........... conatruotng_.._a_._oement_._til,e,,.._s. detigalk...._to,..._a,_w. dth.,..4......fix...,. e. t..,_on...both.............. sides of Marshall _Avenue .from._Lexington_ Avenue._to.._Asbury._Avepy.e .................... excepting where good and sufficient cement dd.ewalks now exist. .........._._.._...._......_.._...................................... ........ _...................-..............._................._...................... -.......................................................... ........... and having investigated the matters and things referred to tberein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 52¢ per front foot , .... „_RXXx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.................................... , and the total cost thereof is $ -- - .......... _ .... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................................................................................................................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .... . ............. ........... ..._..................... ......... _............................. ._........ _......... ...................... ......... ....... ...... ... .......................... ......... _....................................................... ....... ....... o. Said improvement is...............n .. for upon petition. -of three or more owners of property, subject . to assessment for said improvement. C ............_........._......_.................._............_..........._................. .......... Co1mui1- sion of Public Works. ' Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 8th, 1915, by and between C. Bielenberg and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 1077 cubic yards of crushed rook, to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from Aabasha street to Belle attest, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) C ncilmnen (✓) Nays .. In favor ler Coll V........Against Mr. Preairo ROHM C.B-2 C F No 6408- -- date June sth $1915, by tandt'betweenl C Bfelgnberg and t9e Clty Y Sf Pavy, for 3ftfrnIs to 107V cubic yards or':I e uabT 'ro,Flt to •be, used In `.�paylriga Fa1r d¢ye ue from `Vaba9ha •atreet�, to Be etre t be and tha 9ame•.is here j by a proved ttad tha Dropar ;glty oltl _' cera are': avth0 Ized'g and djrected to; execute the -lama onkbehal[ nt the QItyJ. Adoptgd by th0 Council June H 1816' Approved JLne 9,•,11116 -, .. � (Junec12=1916y `e ;" JUN —9 19 5 Adopted by the Council ...............................................191........ Approved......5.:.....................191........ V .::.. Subject............ .......... ....... .......... Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 8th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company and the City 9f St. Paul for furnishing 1421 barrle of Portland cement, to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from South wabasha street to Belle street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C F♦No. 6409—, . Resolvedj Tha 1816 by nndt between li date` June. sth.' the 6[, Peul'Lime & Cemeht ComPanY-, 142 barrels'ot po tl—df em ntior ito�be,� -need- ln' Paving{ FairfieldCaVenne Krom `Sduth.�vabasha atreat to Belle robed: bo 'dnd the rami 1 o8tceis crap uthoti, 7 and'•:the property tzed- and directed to eaecutS the same a AIt d pted...YttheIt CCOuncil';Tune 9 t916 ,Approved=June 9 1916: 12 f Yeas (✓tr ✓)Nays JUN – .�i I9I 5191 Adopted by the Council ............................... �/......... In favor JU� ; //1 Approved ......................... ....�L$.... ..... ......... 191........ Against Mr. PresFORM C. .. Subject: .............. Sprinkling...... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ........ _ ............. ._.._.......... _ X41 cou""'L ' FILENO ...... ................................. Date Presented............ June. .9 __....:......_I91..5..... Resolved, Th, the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the following streets to be sprinkled during the balance of the season of 1915. Milton St. from Linwood St. to Fairmount Ave. .a" Osceola Ave. from Chatsworth St. to Milton St. � C: -,F. No 691U'=By M. N.'�Goea •" .Public Works be�anfl,le he ebyiaoner uthorf ized;nnd instructed to 'cause the fol lotvlbg attests :fo be sprinkled dhring. ( the;halance otA 0 season of 1916 =�2fllton St from, Linwood :St Ito, Fair-' .h4un'i Ave Osce ]a Ave. fromChstewo th St, to'-. Srinton SL . - - - Adopted by.Ytie Co ncll Tune 10 196 Approved Tune 10 1916.' JUN 10 19l5 Yeas (V) Coun ilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council -191 n favor' , Goss � ° Kelle Approved -AIN -�r)_,9.;� _191 MCC 11 _--Against Nash MC Yoer Mr. Pres' - v - - Mr. Herrold. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the St. Paul, viz.: condemning. and ta-ki-al slopes, for cuts and fills in --to- Nebraeka.. Ave e -y- Lake Come .& Ave., McKinley Ave. from Fran ..Ave from- Midway, Parkway to L Mit 14 Parkway to Lake Como 01 ia6 06m-6- 8� - Ph jil-6ji- AVe Dated this 10.t] X. Council File No......... improvement by the Pth.e.. --1-a� ..na wy ior gr Vin amline Ave. from Parkway PhA ve., from-Sne1-11. ..Ave-:..toHamlin e s Ave. to Lake Com Phalen Ave., Asbury Simpson- Aver from Phalen Ave al Ave. Frankson Ave. P :rf,6,ff to P .............................191....`,x.... Hamline Ave. Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:Q.0-ndppp�A& and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in gr adi-ng H am-14--ne..- Av4s-.-. --from - -Vidway Parkway to Nebraska Ave.., .1ake Como a Phalen Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Hemline Ave., McKinley Ave. from Frankson ­-- Ave-; to take Goma Phalan— Ave ... . ...... As -bury kre. I fromMidway Parkway to Lake Como & Phalen Ave. Simpson Ave., from Midwqq Parkway to Lake Como & Phalen . ..... b"Cid Como W"Phald AV 6-. Pjj�jjd'dl Ave:f'fdff­Midf&y P*a'x­"kWa' y 'nAve", and. ...F.ranks.o.. n ... Ave......fto y .......... Ave. ..... .. . ... . ..... ....... ........... ........ 'having been presented to the Council of tic ,0 therefore, be it 1411. RESOLVED, That the Commissiojla 1. To investigate- the- necessity 19 _VP ' V 1 2. To investigate the nature, extent 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skn 4. To furnish the following other dan- d -ih 5. To state whether or not said in ..ditedii...t. . t tof. ', W , t, 4n&",iotal,coqt V., 6. To report upon all of the foreg6ing �­ttfleh� JUN 10 1815 Adopted by the Council ....... ........... ............... ...li .... ... .. . .... 191 ...................................................................... ti ere - y ordered and directed: ?f said improvement. Dvement, and the total cost thereof. 1611 , I nm ier W hereb said improvement; ............ ....... ....... ............ . ....... ....... ....... ............ I .......... ........... ........ . ........ ................ 7 u or on the petition of three or more owners. Commissioner of Finance. Yeas: ways: Councilman f, IQ r, 0 's Approved .......... ........... ...... ....... . ........... 191 s Iter U r M Coll M C Nash Y rg Mal Mr. Herrold. Council File No . .... .... 5. 1 _t9.1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ank, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f ing 'public improvemen(ly ty of 0�1 Z. 9 1 llh�- y Sr. Paul, viz.: raondemning...amd taking an a emerit in th-e land.. n - a Y for _An. X-cdi n .. t W - - .0.at fro ..Q);KAX1@G ......... .... olopez fo.r Cuts and.. fi.11s F­Gh.&A ng t d 1111". i .......... . .. Stmeet to 1hamas..Stmeet . . . .. ....... ..... I .... . ............. ...... ..... . ..... ..... ........... .................. . .... ..... . .......... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ­ ... ...... ....... ....... . . I ... .... .. ....... ....... ....... ... ........... ....... .......... ....... . I ........ ........... ............ ............ ............ ......... Dated this. 10th day of ......... ...... . .....June................. ............ .................... 191 ... .. ........... ..... . ................. ............ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.condemning ,md,.A.aUng ane.9aement i.a-. the 1jMd...neo aaaary fox. ..13 for c u.t..B and fi.11a.. in g.mading Chataworth Stre.e.t Iron Qharle.e -tTeWt. toThAmAs .............. ..... ....... .......­ .... ...... .... ..... I ......... ....... ....... .. .......... ...... . ... the making..of the following, Ifivrovernent, ......... . ............... ............... ...................................... I yj.`z;Cond.rchlngg,'.nd takl.!i ...... ....... ..... .......... .... ........ ru.nt',in thd.l.n f ­g. T,for'cut, ..d� -fit In, gladlpg�;Cha a- fr..(:A. � beeWtiresected ........ ...... .. .......... ........... .............. ....... he worth street,-trd"� Charles'�s having been presented to the Council of t Thomas, stieef,.� having �toi,the CouncJl,bf ,tbd city�6f:st. Paul' therefore, be it cheretore be u Resolved, That I c—alseldher or RESOLVED, That the Commissionerin works 6rectehe Is herebyJar_ by ordered and directed: dared-andInv stl the icebaelti, &r. 1. To investigate the necessity for orlor'.' esir In o - caski-K of saidl improvement. ",rova en I o4fivestj a the nature, "tent nt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent an 9, estima ted t..t�'t of said Improye-' A and h, t a slat cost thereof—*,, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o. ofurnish, a plan, profile or Ach of said Improvement ..­ furnish;-thd�,follO In ' 4. To. furnish the following other data and•, an Information relative "too! �lrlprovemcllt; .. ....... ...... ............ rovenleAL To state whether.,.r ............................... ............ ... .... . ........................ . ................... oru-.� ..... ....... ...... ..... ............ ........... ....... ........... ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_ ...... ............ ........ . IN.. 10 1� 15 . . ...... 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman C Go Approved........__........ .......... 191 3 JK�e, r M oil Keg Nash ... ......... . ......... .... .. .. Yo g .. .... ........... ­ . .... &, May A Unar Mayor. MUSBED Herrold. Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. PRELIMINARY ORDER* g 0 ollowt The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin ublic improvement by the City of t1j, 1 St. Paul, viz.: goRdeming.- and- -t ak-tng an,eakee _4-n.- -the .. 1 -a -rid necessax . .... . ....... fo.m. aut.s-and fi-1 113 in ing Chatsxoxth St..... f ..Rondo St. Z .. ...... .. I ............... ...... ....... ....... ....... ......... ...... ........... .. ...... .... .................. .......... . .. to Au:rQr.& Ave ...... .......... ..... .. ....... ....... ..... - ....... ....... . .... -.1.1 ....... ....... . ...... .. ....... ............... ... ... ....... . June .. .. ...... .. .... .. Dated this 10-th day of / PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning andik mee=llt in.A.h.e land ne.c.aaaary fox 13.10.p.es fo.r.- ont.0 St.....from..Rondo St... A-0—Auraza Ave...,. ....... ....... ..... ...... .... ....... ... ........ ........... ....... ....... .. ................ ... ... ... ...... ....... ...... ......... ..... ....... Ij ;qt the Sollowing'}.lmpzovem. %Wdernutnir-1knd. taking :.& Pi.. .. ........ ....... ........ ........ ... .......... ................... ........ ........ . ............. .. ..... . ..... ....... ....... ....... ...... ................ .. . n .-theI&ed60saaryforjloi „As gradlpg�-Ch, having been presented to the Council of the Cil 'St. pr6sefited,� to ............... .. ............ ........... ....... ......... ....... e—Ing � "bj4n� .1 of the-CUYPa-of St. 1,,tho therefore, be it .IveIt, .1 1 1. lu" d, That trio'."IaeI0-C- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pt1 Work. be and he I, le,�L*bis hereby ordered and directed: nd4retito.& the. nee ..It - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desil,atItty of the making'o' of said improvement. t1gato the nature, t 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esfims ".1 ..at of, said to,trovement, and the total cost thereof. , ne total. coat at theroo 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of . Saj(j,rn,. a plan !d Improvement? the f9l1o, 4. To furnish the following other data and info.j"ir'mhation rule ve to said improvement; ...... .................. . ............................... .......... . .......... ...... I ............ ..... . ................... ........ . ...... ....... ....... ............ ........... ........... ....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is askdd'for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ....... ........ ... ...... ... .... — 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman I'Ll kj,i I r ;a 5 C Gos Approved .......... ... .... . ...... ..... ... ........... 191 ios Kell oil Mc 11 Q 'a N Yo k Nash MR- Yo .......... I ..... .... ....... Mayor.... ....... ... . -M Petition hereto attached. Council File -go ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 4L PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the slaking of the follow, public improventc y the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade..._Chlppewa Ave....._from_B.......r.__St.....to An ......__olio St..�......... -- ....:............ _.._.._...._.._........................_...................................... .................... ._...... .... ............... .......................... ........... _....... .... ............................... ......... _........ ......................... _...................._........ ............. ......... _................. ....................... ............. ............................... ............. .......... ................. Dated,this 9th ...... day .........._........ ...... 191._5... ..._._................._............... ...... ..... ......._.......... .._.... Councilman. PRELDUNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..... ............. G.r_ade.....Chipp.e.-ve.-Ave......_f.xam._,Bal.e.r....S.t........_t.o.....AIMAP.a�,.�._a......St.,------- _._................_.._.. _ .................... _..._.............. ............................ ..... ...__..._........._.._..................... .......................... ...._..._.......__... .... .. ... ... j C F No 6939— ..... ..... ... ..... .......... .... I Who ea A written pogqg9ai t.r the maks g;o[ th fo}1owing Imitrovemen; ,.... vla G'r'ade OhlDpewa AVe (from BakClt,er .. """"' Sk to Annnapolie'$t haVtug tie n pro,of been presented to the Council o a i o8 aaaecieanalti m ��! t yrfor .............................. _... ..... ............. ...... ........... .; therefore, be it To lnveatlgate ahs, n c tr. RESOLVED, That the Cotumissioner of"yb+ "tr of ;the maklhg of sate eby ordered and directed: the nature ez-` 1. To investigate the necessity for or't�� t;i cosi ihereotlr id improvement. L. To investigate the nature, extens• pan, .people or ement, and the total cost thereof. t nutl ,' 1 nest .. fonowtng other. 9. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of s aative to,eat 4. To furnish the following other data ., 1cni4ti �1,,:,+rii=lve`to said improvement: ..... ................_..........._.._................_.._............_.........._.........._..._........_....__........_ _................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore" matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ji; Tu iy 15 Adopted by the Council ...... ............. ............................. _............ ...... 191......._ Yeas: Nays: Councilma i hJPI F\ Isis Ooa Approved........._... " ..................... .......... 191._.._.. Iie ler 1 oll 0' eery Yo g .............. ......:................. A,*Ung Mayor. i pvsLrsr�u—���t � ` - petition Council File No....... -_ .................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 5415 PRELIMINARY ORDER. , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin Iblic improvement by the y of St. Paul, viz.:........C.dnstrnc.t....a....o.ement.._tile .._aid. em to a.. .... .... faet.ou...-..... the south side of Reaney 3t. begi ng at end of sid alk 200 feet east.... of. ._Atlanttio....3:[;,,:.....thene.e.....o..:. .g}ish--St-St.-:.-.and..._o.. ofh....eidee.....of............... Reaney St. beginning at Englis t, thence to E St., in accordance -with ....petition....hereto....attache ....................... ........._....... ................. ........................................... ..................... _....... _................ _...... Dated this ........__a 0th._...day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...... C.onatrlle.t.....a.. cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Res ey.._St..._ begin -n- ng....at---end--ot--aideNvalk--a0©...-f-eet--ea- t.....of..._A a Gio-..fit. thence to English St., and on both sides of Reaney St. beginning at Engi ish....3t..i..:.thenc.e...,t.o....Etna.:..gt..a......._..._..__........__................. ......._................. ..............._.._... . ......................................................... —1 lowing been presented to the Council ofj;aiaaivatk zoo -feet eaet, of wu ...............:._.................. ..._.......... , �eideq `.to anOY t begnnd on 'both . sides of Reaney Sb, Inning at Eng.: therefore, be it -.. Ilsl. St trienae to Etna S[ • having RESOLVED, That the Commission been are ented to the Coun a of ane by ordered and directed: City of St. Paul th refore. be it 1. TO 1llV¢Stlgate the necessity f0 . bnolWoakehbe and heals heceLy`0rf ,i. d improvement. dared and directed 7 „. , 2. To investigate the nature, este] 1•' To inveatlgate the nece9sity for ement, and the total cost thereof. ior'desirab111ty, of tha king of said " r Improvetn U ;' �`r :3. To furnish a plan, profile or ski 2, o . vea i aououly an4.'" steyaum yuto,. ..., 4. To furnish the following "tither �Q'n pn eusl o?nsoaa: y;ua z improvemeut:...... ................. . lo'a°ueRi is 4los jai peA.'ejeya oSoadw ax S ............................ _..... _._.... _.._._ e0.3 - o yetl3ay ?'. •Quemah gyn..............................._............ _._......... ................... . To state Whether or not sd 7 uv°uiialue s+�' a uYosut gnu ,°' uQLl._ w•wti Sitee Rion of three or more owners. 5 a 6. To report upon all of the foregoing (natters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1315 Adopted by the Council .... _....... _....J��...._ O_.......... ..... 191....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman �-1 l 19,5 GoApproved ............ Y...................... ... .. ... . ..........191......._ K er J% oil yNash erg____....... .. ...................... .._ ...._...:..... May AetinQ 41aYuf• Petition Council File No .................. rPROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and .541-5 PRELIMINARY ORDER.. 1 , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow tU1ie improvement by the y of St. Paul, viZ.:._.....Cdns-trno.t._.a...a.ament..._tile...s: AWA to....a.._widGh.._a�..... �ee�:...on..._._.. the south side of Reaney St. begi ng at end of sid alk 200 feet of ...Atlantis....St.�..;...._thene.e..._t.o.... ..gush-St.�...-.and a oth--s–des.....of...._....... Reaney St. beginning at Englis t. thence to E a St., in accordance with petition _hereto... attache . ...._................. ......................... ........._........._._.._............ Dated this..._....._a Q.f.k1 __..day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following intproventent, viz.:......OnnstmilC.•I;...:.a.- cement tile sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Rea-gQy-•St.--beginning.._at._..end....ot_-,sid-ewalk_200.....feet--east.....e€--� 3ant o -_fit., thence to English St., and on both sides of Reaney St. beginning at English- St-jw thenz e to....Etna_-St_w..__.._................._..........._..............._.--- ._............ _.......... —._.... -� ... having been presented to the Council ofl therefore, be it L RESOLVED, That the Coal ission 1. To investigate.the necessity fo : 2. To investigate the nature, extel 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skillI 4. To furnish the following other 'I ...... _............... ...................... ....... _... _................... _....................... i 5. To state whether or not said i' 6. To report upon all of the fore sF Adopted by the Council........ Yeas • fir. Councilnta i Go - g er Oil t YNash by ordered and directed: of ` or f d improvement. for-' emeut, and the total cost thereof. Wd, �l tent we ;l OF' improvement:... .... Cher: .ata:; .._........._...._ ............... _.... _........ __.... _.................... .. . iim_tLtion of three or more owners . 10, 1916 F e 12-10167 t* - k���w Y�td -�1 ••. r 7 � •,,,bs k � �*1�. t l �t Approved ....�( � o 19 i5 ............................. 191 ...._.........._ . .. .. . �--MA Petition hereto attached. Council Pile No..__........ ................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, � and 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. 5416 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improv • by the City of St. Palil, viz.: ......_._Construct a__cement block. sidewalk to dth of six feet on thenorth side of Fairmount Ave. fro us Street to Prior nue. ........... .._......._.............. ............... ........... ....._.................... .............. ............................................... _......... ....... .......................... .......... I.......................... _.... _......................... ................. ...................... .......................... _................... _.......... _.......................... ..................... .......... ............................................ .......... ...... ... _.......... .............. ..................... ... Dated this. day of .................................. . e.,.......... ..... ............ ... 5.... ....._................_.. .. .......... ._.................. C .......... ....... ........... _. J r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. W-IEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iulprovedlent, viz.:...._ .... ..... ..... _ ................. Construct a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet ......... _.._............._...._....................................... _..........................................................._.................. ...__................... ..... _................... ....................._......_............................... „_...__.._On__the_„ north._6_i.ae.__of.,._Fairmount._,.Ave.....,f romSlue.._Stre.e.......t_o... Prior..._Ayenue. ...........I _ b F. No. 6416 Whorene, A written pro pus I for the makin�of the Yollowl g t provement' . ...................... ..... ................ ........ ........ ............._..... ...... viz Construct a, cement block aid",.._.. ............................... .... walk to a width ',of six feet on the .. north side oet tof Fairmount Ave. from 11aV1ilg been presented t0 the Council of the Cl been spresentedPto theaCou ctl of ,the —""""' City _af St. Paul therefore, b -if; - therefore, be it I, noaaivea, That ebe Commis.km.r of Public: Works be and he le hereby or - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pt da1. Tored a 1'nveected: the neceeerir. for Bred and directed: or desirability of the making of said. 1. To investigate the necessity for or d( Improvement. ovenlent. 2. To investigate the natuimldre, extent `L. TO investigate the nature, extent and m nt,estimatedand the total , of coeiC thereotDrove- and the total cost thereof. S. Tofurnish a.. plan, profile or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of 'sketch of eal4 Improvement 4. To :furnish the followingother data,and�fnformatkm relative': to said OVemCnt: 1. To furnish Use following other data IU improvement ----- . 6. atnt0 whether or not said im- ,provement is asked: for ort t,e petition .................................................. _.......__........_........ _..... _....._...........__. of three;, -a more -ovinere. ._............ ... ....._............................. ___.._ ,. 8., To dreDort upon all ot. the fore- going matters to the Commfeeioner, of 5. To state whether or not said improv Finanoe.;" of three or more owners. Adopted by the Council June 39 193-': 6. To report upon all of the foregoing ttt Approved Juno 10 1916 nee. JUII 1i,i 1� i J `" (June 72x1916) Adopted by the Council ..;_......... ....:................. ............... .._..191....__. Yeas: Nays: Councilma �lFif.l IQ'i5 GApproved ............................ ......................... ....... :................ 191......._ K r -. M 11 r O ary Yg_.... h.I.. Aotin {r Mayor Petition ¢ Council File No ................ _ . 77 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin lublic improvement by the Cl St. Paul, vii.:......_Construct........_c..emon....._�.ale..._side k....ta....a.._width....o£..s' _..ee.t.....on.....the Dated this .......... 1Oth....._day of............_...._.......J.uxa.e................ ... 181_D.. .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............ - .... _.......... t rus t.._ fa ..._c em.Qnt...._ti.1.e..._e..�o.f_..s.ix... fllat an the. .. _ . south e.._of B1.Eir at between 2.aeeal ,eve.. and ..?nelling .Aye...... -- �w.herene A written propos l Por the cP $[.'Paul thereto e• be It-' .. ........ ........ _... ...... , having been presented to the Council of the neaolved, That=the he 1. a reg oz "' Public: Works be.,and he le hereby or thCPCf01'C, be it dored "and, directed 1, i To investigate the ,neceealty for. or desirabfltty of the making of said. dered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of lar, romominveeasdie the natnra, extent 1. To investigate the necessity for or d Ina 'eatimatea ooet of said improve rovement. g Y went; .ane the total cost thereof ; A. To furnish a plan, ., Profile` Or. and the total coat thereof. '2. To investigate the nature, extent an sketch of said improv mend' 4. To furnish- the following other 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o ante and information relative to sola P P improveent. 6. Tmo atate whether or not sale fm 4. To furnish the following other data PFovoment to aeked for on the Petltfan ovemeut c .. ..._ sop r mem unc 'un to lain; of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said impro ApD,rov a sune,ao 1s16. , _ �= (June 12 1916). .. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Gommissloner ut r,,, nee. JUN i'ii �5 Adoptedby the Council .....__............................._........._................791......_ Yeas: Nays: Councilma Gs Approved ........... ................................... _..........191...._ K ter �k Coll v Nash erg pnttn4 May r. Petition Council File No.- ............................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following p le improvement by the City St. Paul, viz.:..:Construct__a.._cement.t.i�.e.._sid.e;zal.k._o.....a._wilth.....of..s.i$... ... t.....On...the weat.._..aid.e- of....Capitol ...,AYa....b.e_twe_e . I.airviaw Ave..._.. nn.ehaha,....St.�, __.._in_.accordranc_e..._with....P_et tin.?n...h. _e.t.e.....attach.ed..............................................__...... _.............................. .................... ........................_....._...... ......_................._..._.... ............ ............_....._........_............_ ......... Datedthis day Of ....................... ......_o...........:..... ':........... ........._..191...B.. _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.........__ ..._...............::..._ .... o..ement..._t.ile_...s_idewalk..._t.o.....a....width .....o ...�.ix_.feet ..._on..._tha.. vest _........._..side...o_f.en.._E.aixV.le..w....AYe.........and....Iatinxiehaha....8.t_............_..... Vis, Whe ae A wsftten P 0 oval for the making oT the -tollawlnB'�mProvemit t. 1 . ... .. ............................................. V's Cons[ruct" cement_eldowalk:to a_wfdth of six "etc' on the: west aide of ]lllvlll bCCll 1'CaeTlted t0 the (;Ol1llC11 Copilot Ave. betWeen. ;Falrvfew Ave.:iIIn ...... ... ............. g P and Mtnnehaha aL. having been ppre-._: sensed to .the'. Councilf.the Clty�oC:5t.:• therefore, be it Paul therefore, be It - Resolved. That the Comnmtest. orreb ordered and directed: Public -works. be and he Is, hereby ov-!r RESOLVED, That the Cmnmissio 'derea ane dlreoted: y 11 To fnvestighte the. neeeeeltY itis" 1. To investigate the necessity f or aestrabiftY of the making of patasaid improvement. Improvement. ' 2 To investigate the nature, ext 2' .To mveecigate tha nature, exteritlovement, and the total cost thereof. B and: estimated sscost of said lmprovo" ment, sno the 'total toet'thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile of a� za. To tarnish, a plan. proale or sketch of said'huprovere . .0 ..To furnish, the, following other,. id improvement:.. . .............. ......... �4. To furnish the following tithe datu'and., information relative to said. 1myrovemant.', 6.� To state �wh9ther or not said tm .... ........ provement fa asked for on the D tltion' ....._... _.............. ........_.......... _............ ... ... .. _. _..... ............................ of three' or mo;e owners.:' 5. To state whether or not said a: To report upon e31 of cne are tltion of three or more owners. oing mattere� to the Commiselonet of, W6 vinance 6. To report upon all of the for Adopted b ins councti 7una So 1075; f Finance. A'pDroved Jue 30 3016:: (June 12 1'J36) Adopted by the Council....................... _........ _. 'T .. ....••.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Gs Approved ........................ .......... ................191...... _ er f till • Noah Yg ............................. ......... d AGUU0 Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:- ... .... ..... .................._ _.....__. _.... .._ . _............... _........... _... _C COUNCIL / - FILE NO .. ......................... p/ Date Presented .......... .......... �I�B.15... . 111 «[ Resolved, That 'the plat of Benedictine Plat 1, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. C F '6779 . °ae •• Resolved 7`j�at, they; plaLof, Beriedic I{J 'tine, Plat =1 ,ae , recomnl0nded b the; j .. P1aS; Commfeaion and'.apProYedfbe and CommissIbner of Pubtic Worke, 3 thesame+ie riereby e;ccepted Adopted by tae Councn June X50; 1916.; �I ApproWed June 10;.3916. �y (June';19-1916) Yeas (r)Couneil n (Y) Nays 4Yoerg In favor _Against ashMr. Pre Adopted by the Council _ u'' 191 191 Approved_ 0`5 n pct nM M, Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL rCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Date COUNCIL FILE NO .... ...:. ........ ....i.• . Resolved, Whereas, ". 0. Henning, heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Seventy five , 00/100 ($75.00) DollarfA as an advance pay- ment for a se.-,er cin Lot 1, Block 5, S:tieeney's Addition, and. s'r,ereas . ,he as:,asoi...ent for the ecnstruction of the suer cornec`inE with Laid roperty is I;he sur.; of nifty one & 55/100 Dollars, t-,er.fore be it Resolved, That the sum of T,nenty three -.c 45/100 (k23.45) Dol - be refunded to the said T;. C. Henning, and that ':he proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said '+ fienning for said sum payable out of the Ad- vance Assessment Account. ,m Yeas (V) Coun ilmen . (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council __J'1N IQ !4 X5191 Gos In favor 191 /— Kel -- Approved_ �7 Mc oil _Against O' ary Yo g Mr. Presi MAYOR -= a Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between Fielding & Shepley, Inc. and the City of St. Paul for paving Lexing- ton avenue from Summit avenue to Como Park, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 19156 by and between the Republic Creosoting Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 38,979.6 square yards of creosoted paving blooks, to be used in paving Marshall avenue from the crest line of Snelling avenue to the east line of the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. I I� Yeas (✓) en (✓) Nays IJ Goes.... In favor Kell j �J Mc 1 _a......Againet N Y Mr. P ' — . FORM C.8.2 ... PP o Adopted by the Council. ......................... ........... ........ 191 .�" !9I5 Approved..........................................................191........ MAYOR Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Lime & Cement Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing sewer pipe and sewer bends, to be used in paving Marshall avenue from Snelling avenue to the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the. City. Yeas (✓) Co 'linen (✓) Nays r { Cos Y'.... In favor Kel r Mc 1l_... Against Nas Y Mr. Pres' rs FORM C-2 C P No 6433 Resoly dThat the contract"be Ingl d t u Ja 9th. 1916 by Rd. betwegn, the SL'gP ul Llme & C ment Company and the C{ty of 6C.,Pau1 Yor furnishing,. sewer, Alpe and sewer bends t ,be vaed i.ln'paving,Marshail, avenhe=;Prom 8ne11-� ing nvenue 'to ; ttie .-Matehall; aVenUee bridge, -.-be andtha:aame 1s, hereby 'ap pr ved,. and Cha props city otceSa eare yputhorized and dl ected to ezute thg game,on ben lY oY'--the CItY -+ � Adopted by the Council June 1� Sgxb; Approved Juna 30 x916. (1une121916) - r" IN i r 1915 Adopted by the Council.. . . . .. ..... . ... 191 JUN if, I Approved..............................................:.........191........ ................................ ' t�iilQ MAYOR Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between the Purington Paving Brick Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing vitrified brick blocks, to be used in paving Marshall avenue from.Snelling avenue to the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same gn behalf of the City. Yeas (t V) Nays In favor 0:...... Against - Mr. P FORM s v� Adopted by the CounciL....:..U�..._�......::9.15............191........ Approved......._.........._JUW... x':...191.........191....... ...................... ......... ..... ......... ............ Aat,{,]Q MAY Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915s by and between the Capital City Lime & Cement Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing sewer brick to be used in paving Marshall avenue from Snelling avenue to the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas ( ✓) C ncurnen (✓) Nays [n favor ICeI r M 11 ............Against N Y g Mr. P rs FORM C.fi 2 JUN 1,c i9;5 Adopted by the Council ...............................................191..,..... JUN 10 19;5 Approved......_._ ............................ ............... ..191........ - ............... MAYOR J Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 19153 by and between J. L. Shiely Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 4643 oubio yards of gravel, to be used in paving Marshall avenue from Snelling avenue to the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas ( ✓) Co u 'hnen (✓) Nays Go In favor Kel r M 11 .._Against N Yo g Mr. P ' FOAM C.812- ~ G V. No' 64^6 ... " - Resolved, That th cont a t b ai•Ing_ dntH June .9th 1916 by and between J. 1.. Shiely-Cgmpnny and the Ctty,;;gf 3t. Pagl for Yv niehi. In 3 cubic yI= ,uP gravel ,. be r vee -1n pavinB; .,, hnli a enue from Snelling{ a venue t6 // the SSareh 11' syenu b ides be and the enme 1e heraby npproyed and Lhg / proper city oK[cera re _autheri ed and. dlr ci d to execu[e the enme on b half. f � ,of the Cify'a /��. `� Adopt d by th C uncil Ju a 19 1916... �� -. Approved Jung SU 1916 " =v AIN 1, Adopted by the Council_`., L Idi. ...... I9.5. 191........ Approved .................: .,.:?,.�....19.i 4....._....191.:...... Ot 1'1 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL E Subject:...............................:................................................................................................. to 5427 - - COUNCIL FILENo . ........................................... Date Presented ........ ... ............ ............ ........191_..._. Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between the Standard Oil Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing 81,113 pounds of asphalt filler, to be used in paving Marshall ave- nue from the west line of Snelling avenue to the east line of the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F No. Resolved, ,That the pbntra¢t benFlnB,j date Jun¢ 9th 1916 by,:a d between",.the;+ St ndnrd ,014_ CompanI , 8 the Cpou ds l :St. Paul, for'furnishing 91119;po0nds' -.oP�asphalt flller,'to be --us d int4lp lne% :STarshsll avenue,'from the west line "ot :SnelllnG: avenue tocthe-eadt li e,ot+ttie-d 7rinrahall' avenue bkldgav, be and 'ee me .1s;hpieby .'approved and-Tth�7 prop r olty olficere are'nuthoriaed attd`. directed t0 execute the same On �>;0 halt Of the CSty Adopted by the Council J Re 10 1916; / '� Approved June ly 1916 — / I: ,CJune 19 1916) r Adopted by the Council...................................5...........191....... 11 LIN 19;5 Approved.. ..................................................191........ O�nQ MAY R + / Yeas (V)Cou 'Imen (✓) Nays Go!.... In favor Kell r Mc o11 Against N Y g Mr. P ' FORM C.6•2 - Adopted by the Council...................................5...........191....... 11 LIN 19;5 Approved.. ..................................................191........ O�nQ MAY R 542,E ......................... ...191 ....... Resolved, That the Contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between The Northwestern Lime Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 6167 barrels of oement to be used in paving Marshall avenue from the west line of Snelling avenue to the east line of the Marshall avenue bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper oity offioers are authorized and directed to eaeoute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) Cou 'Imen ( ✓) Nays Goss[n Favor Kell M If... Against Nas Yoez Mr. P rs FORM C.6 -Y Adopted by the Council ...... I .......... i 9 i 5 .. ......191........ Approved..... 191........ QZSnQ MAYOR Q Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 9th, 1915, by and between W. H. Malone Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing concrete and screened sand to be used in paving Marshall avenue from the west line of Snelling avenue to the east line of Marshall avenue bridge, be and 'the same is'hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas ( ✓) Cc incilmen ( ✓) Nays o _. . In favor Ke er /� M 11 ...V --.Against N Y g Mr. _ s FORM O.a-2 r, i -,C 19';5 Adopted by the Council.......:.'.'.................................191........ `.... �' 196 Approved... ........... .._..... ............191........ AOu MAYOR Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 8th, 19158 by and between the Kettle River Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 4,185.7 lineal feet of straight sandstone curbing and 459.9 lineal feet of curved sandstone curbing, to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from South Wabasha street to Belle street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper oit y officers are,authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. contract ear ng by and Between{ f.r. , a d T �! 1; oSouth aWF i Yeas ( 67) Councilmen 67) Nays ns worm Goss Keller In favor V McColl Against Nash Yoerg P4 Mr. =sidw*rP&werjr— FORM C.8-2 ,1Uid ail 1915 Adopted by the Council. ..................... 191 Approved .. . . .. . ...... 19.;.5. ................. .......... 191 ................ MAYOR alt Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 8th, 1915, by and between J. L. Shiely Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 732 cubic yards of concrete sand and 381 cubic yards of screened sand, to be used in paving Fairfield avenue from South Wabash. street to Belle street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. o Yeas (✓) Co ncihnen (✓) Nays Go _....✓..(. [n favor 1 Kel r Mc 'oil /1 V,...Against Na Y rg Mr.479 ,...._ FORM C.8.2. .. ... USI Ir' 19i5 Adopted by the Council..... ................... ............ J91........ JUN .i_( 1915 Approved.....:.........................:.........................191........ _. AOLiII� MAYO.. _ COUNCIL FILE NO, By...- .............. ........ FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of..Cons_trpet_ing a cemen_t_b.lo.ok_sidewalk .....to--a-width..of. feet on both sides: _of...Pcrt.l.and_..av.enue....be_twee.n....Fairvi.ew avenue -...and-.Cleveiand avenue, under Preliminary Order 4.13.5._.. __ approved ..Mar. li 2.O.th,__.1.9.15........... .. ........_..... Intermediary Order ........_...._ ... ............._...__._._ _..__..._..................... _. approved .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_.._Cgns_trU.c1._.a...C.emen.t_.bloo.k....sidewalk_-to--a...w¢_idth.-of-.six feet on both sides of Portland avenue between Fairview avenue and Cleveland ays.nus_,........_............._....._........_.__..__......................._._..._......_.._.._..........._._..._......._.........................._........._......__....... ............_._.._..._.._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance ewith. Adopted by the Council ..........L. ' ...0 G: i. Si_ /D.... , 191 L City erk. Approved....... ......... _... 191 - -;7e - I S b7aek%fdewAl{oas�widts ai i� Mayor. e� wattnQ ;gti�liolh reldes5tlr'PL nanaA +h.,.-:. Cot�nJilman Form B. S. A. 8- CITY OF ST. PAJ-' DEPARTMENT OF FIANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRE LINjNARY ORDER Il under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: �� The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $_y per lineal foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUATION S\ all /3 G _. ...... . _ _ ' TOTAL, ((\ I y CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIWC.E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER + - " DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED �. VALUAT,�3_ODO pf\ 44.:(-_ /� � � / %��,i� U[ GNU-�•/�/d ^t � S�- 3� �2 �. i 010 o alld ( \ 61,0 clrlj lo _ .J:rL 1' _ TOTAL. 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF F%NCE y,. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION AA! E SED G p G�/� dump o - 6/1 Pik o .. /3 s`O 3 /pv Up J^U 0 TOTAL. i-::- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONEROF FINANCE I + ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CB) N DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSE VA UATI J%- _ TOTAL. - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIPjANC;E - J i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER G (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED' VALVA 1qN /�i �y k� fl 6 ./J. J all JU��S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-------------------------------------191— ----------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- 8.3.A. ----------------- ----------------e.e.w. e -e c Commissioner of Finance. .April..._24...................i91_ .5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.........413.5......._..approved ............... _a0.,__._............ ...191J....., relative t. ..... .th8......... . construction of a cement block sidewalk tp a width of six feet on both ...._...._._....__........._......................._..._............................._................._........._................_......................_...................... ....................... _................. sidee.__of.__Portland._ Ave_._.,_ between__ Fairview -_Ave, and Cleveland Ave..,__...--......._...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary a (or) desii ble. xRXXX 2. The estimated coat thereof is .._.............._..._.. and a to a cost thereof is L........_......... .......... ......_......., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................................. ............ ........................ _.................. ................. ..... COUNCIL FILE NO... ,�1' C/ij� By- .............. . ............ ... .. .... ............. FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ._grading., Palace street from-G-rigg-a street Ao.. Syndlca.t-e gxqnu94......... . ............... .. ... ........... .... under Preliminary Order approved .....March 17th', 1915.& .............. IntermediaryOrder ........ ....... ...... . ..... . .. ..... . . .... approved .. . ... . .... ............. . .. ............. .. .... .... . . .. ................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ..__!rade....Palaq& street _.from --Griggs atreet to.....Syndicate 4yeqvgjl- ..... ....... .......... . . ................ ... -1 ..... . ...... -- ..... ................... . . . .... ... . ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance thenvith. Adopted by the Council ... ........ . . ...... ... ity Clerk. Approved ........... .. 191. ketina Mayor. Form B. S. A. 8-7 • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEIPARTMENT OF FINANCE - �' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ia the Matter(/- /�_ cr W C�-— --- ---- - - under Preliminary Order approved —f -`l-=`-`�-`--------- --L--� --- ------�--F-=- ----- _r To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $1,045.40 ----, The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ .86 --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. 11 roeM e.e.A. a -n A ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' iJEf'tRT14ENT OF FI4ANgF �• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION ASSESSED VALU T17 QUA a y V y� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- -�' - --19 - - -_.`-s -✓.-:_. -- . ..--.......--.. ............. Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B:A. 0.8 C r GV �" Ly MEMOS MAI.R 1 9.195 g� EUREAU OF ENGiNEFRS, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _. __... ApX1.1...._3..0.... ..... ._................ 191.5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No— ......4090 March 17, 5 ...............I...._.....approved................. ............. .I. .... ....................... .........191....._.; relative to........ . . grading.....af... P.also.e.....S.t.r.e.e_t....from ....BYx1d1.c.at..e....AY.ez�ue.....t_R.....Gxi gg.a.....St re_et.,.........._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ....................... necessary and (or) desirable. 861¢ per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .................................. _. and the total cost thereof is h..........._1, 045.40 and Frontage 1,306.7 feet Excess inspection $80.50. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ _...... ............ .......................... ................. ............................................. ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4_ ........ _................................................... ___............................................. _____.................................................... _... _................ _..... _________________........................... _............ ______________________ 5. Said improvement is .................................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Comm' sione • of P lie Works. (l� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSACOMMISSIONER ROBERT -T. GOURLEY. OErury Co..issioxsx OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C_' Exam EEx J. E. CARROLL. Sun. C.. —1— & R-1- - ALFRED JACKSON. Sup•. S -1-M G. H. HERROLD. 0-- E.-- - St. Paul, Minn. April 30, 1916. H. W. GOETZINGER, Svrr. WO_'_', Mr. M. X. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y.�- Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Palace St. from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St., in accordance with Council File #4090, approved March 17, 1916. Approximate estimate $;;046.40 Assessable frontage 1,206.7 ft. Cost per front foot .86f� Excess inspection necessary $20.60 Respectfully j sunbm`itted, Chief Engineer. I COUNCIL FILE NO.___.._._._ ..._ _. By_..._.__......_._._....__ ......... _ ......._._ ..._ _..... _.__ .... _....___. 1 FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of__Grading ._Milton ....s.tree.t._.from.__ Thomas ...._atr.ee.t__to....Blai.r....1tr.eet, under Preliminary Order .. 3344..,,,..._ ___ _ ,approved ._.JanUaT.y _7th, _1915. Intermediary Order ..... _ ................. approved ....__ .._. _ ...... ........... .... _...__.... __ _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ._Grade.. Milton street, from Thomas street to Blair street, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTI3ER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. A -K ' Adopted by the Council so2�fi �S .__...., 191- tom- . Approved CouncilmanF sworth G " r „ oil 1 Y rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8.7 191 Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PREUrINARY ORDER ) 1 IntheI(.........¢ l_ ....?. ............... 1.._......... ... ._ .11:z.t tr.......... '2 ..... . . . z.�,� _._. ll.�.._............ ._...... ......... ..................... _..._....._............ _._............ __......-...------ _---------- _..._....... ............... ...... ._........ .... ...._......... .... _.......... _ ...... _................ _......... ......... .... ................. --......... ........._..... _._............ ...... .................... _.................. ..... _ � _.......... ....... _ ... _..................._...._ . _ ........ ...... ....... ....... ........ ........... ................... ........... ........ ...... ......... ........... _....... ..... ....... _........ ....... ._. __........ ........... .......--- ._---- _...... __...... ..... - ....... ....... ...... _._. .. ....... -.............. ......... .-... --.......... - ... .... under Preliminary Order approved.. Gl(._.._7.....—�.._lZ__........ ... ...... .-___.... ....... _.... ....... .... ._............... ....... ....... ...... ..__....__.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $._a t 679..3.. The estimated cost per foot for the- above improvement is - - - - - - $................. ............. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION L TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. z ✓ — U la: ,Dated _......... ...sJ. �. ......... _...........191 _........ /.� l/�.................... Commissioner of Finance. .ow,... a... e e o Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to, Commissioner of Finance April 86, ]s15.... .......................... ..................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City_of St. Paul: The Coinmissioner`of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the'Coun- cil, known as Council File No 3344 approved. ............. !lanae'rf._.I...._�.... .......... ..... 191._rJ:, relative to..........................:.. from...Thomae...._St.. to..._Bl. ir..._St............................................._................................................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....... .... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. $3.69 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is -$_......... ..... ............... and the total cost thereof is s..4 679.34..........., and Frontage 996 feet Excess inspection $53.54 the nature and atent of said improvement is as follows: ......................... ............................................ ................ _............. ....... _... .............. 0 M 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5. Said improvement is........._n t............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........................... ........ t.....................t....__....%................................................... y�� n issioner f Public Works. i /G / fh , : c- � o�—� vii �' C�:,rtE� �,rti~zs�- /�� ;;'� � -- �- a , �'�': �. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' Subject:.._.. .......................... __...... _. _............. .......... _ COUNCIL FILE No ...... .... n,�l.�r4�.rj, ...... r Date Presented... .. ..June A/a191 moved, In the matter of condeirnirg and taking an easement in the land necesearv_ for a sewer on Arch St. from Columbia St. to LI Orient St., under Preliminary Order No. 3204, approved December 26, 1914, and Intermediary Order No. 4885, approved ,Yay 11, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it.* RESOLVED, -(1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above ° named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land 15' in width over, under, across and thorugh Lot 7, Block 9 of Ashton & Sherburne's Addition, during the process of constructing the Arch Street Sewer, so-called, and condemn and takdan easement 10' in width in, over, across, under and thr ugh Lot 7, Block 9, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition to maintain the Arch Street Sewer, so-callad, the center line of said strips being the center line of Arch Street produced easterly from the East line of Columbia Street to the westerly line of L'Orient Street, as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Con:,Useioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated June 8, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public Sewer. Yeas (Y) Coun ilmen (v) Nays. Go _ In favor M 11 t�_ _Against 0' ary y g Mr. Presid Fo Rm e.8.2 the Council _ 1� _(4 191 Approved _ I91 nQ MAYOR ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DEPVC10eM OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C'EFTY EnowEEn Eeio J. E. CARROLL. Sun. Co---& REPAInP ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. SAnrtAn G. H. HERROLD, 0PF E.—H. H. W. GOETZINGER. Sun. W—H.— CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL•- In'the matter of condmmning and taking an easement in the land necessary for a sewer on Arch Street from Columbia Street to L'Orient Street, under Preliminary Order No. 3204 approved Recember 26th, 1914 .and Intermediary Order No. 4885 approved May 11th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken ther*for by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land 15' in width over, under, across, and through lot 7 block 9 of Ashton & Sherburne's Addition,.during the process of constructing the Arch Street Sewer so-called, and condemn and take an J easement 10' in width in, over, across, under and through lot 7 block 9. Ashton & Sherburnta Addition to maintain the Arch Street Sewer, so-called, the center line of said strips being the center line of Arch Street produced easterly from the East line of Columbia Street to the westerly line of L'Orient Street. r� _116111t,oner f Public Works. Dated e?Nby' }>sg s toad 1'� U €F>ir° — an ordinance to settle the claim of Dors. Rosa Tempusz. � IT 'HE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DORS ORDA11; AS FOLLOWS: °"`"' Section 1. That the proposition of Mrs. Rosa Tempuez to com- promise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk at the corner of North Hamline Avenue and Thomas Street, as is more partic- ularly set out in her communication to the Council under date of March 24, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of Sixty-five Dollars ($65.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Urs.Rosa Tempusz, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund., in the sum of.31x- ty—five;Aollars; said sum, however, to_'be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Cobporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. Yeas (11) Co cdmen (J) Nays Final Adoption. by the Council 191 / F�nrnswath htfieading_..-_.._. /O 191 / ✓/Gmc In favor Approv 2nd 1911" / v McColl Agaioe vCTYf 3rdmetun 191 f ✓ 'g-ftet�"J/��' Attest. A� r �� ✓� Yoerg ,[f�(iN,1 JARICY. Dale Published _.........0 191✓... Mr. Hr4ident, Powers PLTBLI$1i p � � ^_'_L�_( City Clerk. An ordinance to settle the claim of James Kennedy. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOTS ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of James Kennedy, to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on any icy sidewalk, on Rice Street between Pennsylvania Avenue and Winter Street, as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of February 20th, 1915, upon payment to him of the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) be, and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of James Kennedy, payable out of the Comptomise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred Dollars; said sum, however, of be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in -a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharg- ing the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and na- ture, and more particularly on account of those arisir_g out of the in- juries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances above noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. St.Paul, Minn., June 9, 1915. To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinances settling the claims of James Yennedy for $100.00, and Mrs. Rosa Tempusz for $65.00. After a careful investigation of the facts in the above cases, this Department is of the opinion that the above settlements are reasonable and to the best interests of the City. )4AatC roration Counsel. ✓ P eitJk .�� ;rte iA1NT PAUL I. OWN GILL •JOHN P.fKI LE•5 aJOHN A.BURNS WILLIAM J.GIBERSON THOS.W.MCM EEKIN St.Paul, Minn., June 9, 1915. To the Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, ordinances settling the claims of James Yennedy for $100.00, and Mrs. Rosa Tempusz for $65.00. After a careful investigation of the facts in the above cases, this Department is of the opinion that the above settlements are reasonable and to the best interests of the City. )4AatC roration Counsel. ✓ P CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL _ FO . _ . RM ` + Imo` Subject:.... ..• COUNCIL 4. FILE No.. ......... . k. ....... .................. _....... ..._...... 1 t Date Presented.... ......191.._ ... Resolved, That the application of Barnum & Bailey for a circus license at University Avenue Show Grounds, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is in- structed to issue such license for one day, Wednesday, July 14,1915, upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law, $500.00 Yeas (d)ncilmen (v') Nays F sworth In favor er 7 oil Q. Against N Y g Mr. Presiden Powers FORM C.9.2 M ly; '^ Henry McColl m, say tfie application oT �. as fora circus lice... [he venue Show Grounded eight a hereby is granted and Two is instructed to issue I,h. ee or one day. Wednesday. �nIrkupon the payment thio 'he asury of the fee required. of .00. linty y [he Council June 11, 1916. une 11, 1916. �1l g(June 19-1916) , Adopted by the Council//....191 Approved. �/jJ .._ _�... /..,....191.5... MAYOR Council File No..... __......._......._._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.��� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersign hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paid, Viz.: ..................................................................................._.... posts on both sides of Robert Street, from 8th Street to Centra ven- ue, _._toge.th..ex with.un.d.e.r.-.gr.a.und_._candui.t.a..._t.o_._convey .....the ....wirla..t' eeL the installation of all necessary wiring and equipment for,,, pur- p o se_ _.o.f ..c o.ns.ey.i ng...curx en t.. _to ...sai.d_..lamp -.pos t.s,.....an.d.....the--c onne c.t.i.ng..._of.._.........._.._... said wires and conduits with the existing ornamental lighting system on Robert Street as. the. same--i-s nwxj or,shall be;. const-cueted before the f�naj ?rder for theS Jmprovement shall take efTect, ntel t us . .. . _._._clay o It Councilman. PREIMVIINARY ORDER. _.... __........._... _...... WIIr1iPAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vlr.:._.__ ... _.... Thec..os�t ..n_r ic_t_ion...and..._i_n_s_tal_lat__in_n_,__o_f.,._o_rnamental_..la....P b. posts on oth . aides of Robert Street, (rola 8th Street to Central Aven- ue,....tnge.ther_.ai.th._under-.graund..c.Dada.1.ts._.t.o..._ commey_...th.e_._Svirea th.exeto;._...._ the installation of all necessary wiring and equipment for,the pur- pose. o€_.eonvey_i.n.g_our-r-en.t__t.o__ Sal ,..d....laptp-poste-- and --the --conAeeting.wf... said wires and conduits with the existing ornamental lighting system on -Robert -Street_ as the same i s now - or _shall. bel constructed; before'_._.... then f.igntl olyder ` r tl1L46 imPr�gelr�ezy �yya1 a}�e eflfect. un•w eat n•eseuted �o the ouucl o the tt of Vit. lI 1 ouucl man..........._......Ke.lie.r......................_ therefore, be it na en iP Beni RESOLVED, That the Conunissimter of l'I'" or'ecaveying current to . eby ordered Ilnd directed: osts, and the connecting of se, fres and conduits with the e%t.tlnt .jilt )I'eyelllellt. 1. To investigate the necessity for or na ental lighting system on Robert'. 1 set, as the same is now, or .hall be. Z. 'lb investigate the nature, extent aunetructea, before the anal order for cut, fund the total cost thereof. improvement shall take effect, ' v been presented to the Council 3. To fnl•nish a plan, profile or sketch of sl, City of st. Paul therefore, be it Ived, That the Commissioner of -Works be and he 1. hereby or- IIII/roVelacat:..__ ._...........� .... d. To fnruish till' following other data and '.d directed: Investigate the necessity, for ,fifty of the making of said.[ _......:............._........_...................._..........:..:,nt..___.._......._.._...._.......................__..... _........ ... ------------........ - --' ............................ive.tlgate the nature 5. To state whether or not said improvement' ted cost of said the petition of three or more owners. - - fi. To report upon all of till, fa ping platters, to the Coliimissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...._..(//. /1...:...._..191J. Yeas: Nays: CoulicihnallKeer worth / rt Approved�%l / '_ ......._. ._ .......Mayors \favor. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM .... ...__......._ r 7 Subject:. __ _ ....._.._ coune�• `. .... FILE. �i0..... ....... ......... .. Date Presented......- June__11,._...._191.5..... C-J(V Resolved, That the Conmissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby auhhorized and directed to remove and reinstall the ornamental incandescent lighting poles, fixtures and under ro=1 airing on the east side of Robert St. from Third St. to S'.x_th St., the cost of same to be charged to the Li;7hting Fund. Yeas (I') Cou Oilmen (V1 Nays Far worth Gos In favor Kell �j Me 11 Q .Against / Nash Yoe Mr. President, avers rORM C.a-2 C. F. No. 643D—ThSv M. N. Gose— Reaolved. at the Commlesloner oPublf an- [horllaed eTd dlrectedbe and ht is move and. install the ornamental lncandeecent lighting poles. dxturea ." d der - art Sta from Thirdt St. eto tai th St Rthe cost to be charged to the Lighting Fund. Adopted by the Councll36June 11, 191 Approved June 11. SD. t (Juno 19-1916) i 114 Adopted by the Council Approved _ (s l 191-i MAYOR - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 Subject:._ _ _ __ ___... ._.._.....__ COUNCIL �Y "Y.. FILENO . ... .... ................... ...... .. Date Presented......-- Jane____.11,..._I91.5..... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to remove and reinstall the ornamental incandescent limhting poles, fixtures and underr-ro nd wirin„• on bo'ah sides of Robert St. 'rom Sixth St. to Eighth St., the cost of same to be chap-7ed to the Li_hting Fur d.. Yeas (P') Cou "" (P) Nays Farn vorth Gos In favor Kell Me I ( _ Against }v !Ta - Mr. Mr. President, wers ro.w c.e-z C. F. No. 6440-13Y M. N. Goes— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Publ to Works be and he le hereby au- th.11.ed and directed to remove and Install the ornamental incandescent lighting. polesfixtures and naer- ground wiring on both sides of Robert St. from sixth St. to righth St., the cost of s to be eb.1ged to the Lighting Fund. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1916. Approved June 11, 1916. 1June 19-19161 ' 4. Adopted by the Council 1-91 (s Approved_ � � � 191 MAYOR Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO...... ..... Date Presented -June 11,19 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to buy, without advertisement or competitive bids, one #208-90 horse power Kewanee Portable tubular boiler, without dome, with Century Rocking crates,_ castings, steam trimmings and firing tools, approximate cost Of which is $790.00, to be charged to Galtier School Addition Fund, as any delay in procuring this boildr would delay the erection of the building, and this therefore constitutes an emergency. Yeas (. V) Co lcilmen (P) Nays Fa sworth G In favor K er j M oil [j Againsr Y rg '�Tnah Mr. Presiden Powers rover c.8.2 C. P. No. 5441—By Anthony Yoerg— Reaolved, Thnt the Purchasing Agent be.ithout ndve htisement thoriomd to bus', or c petltive bids, one No. 208-90 burse pow wKewanee Portable tubule Rocking, ithout dome, with Century Ates, casts ngs, steam trimmings Nh' Orin tools, aPProxlmate cost of which; Is $90.00. to be ehnrged to Gaultlen School Ad dl tion Fund. s any delay in procu'ri tt Is thailebu11 1... dand thi.1; therefore constitutes a emergency. i Adopted by the Council Tune 11, 1915y Approved IJukne e 19-1916) f Adopted by the Counci­,—c-ll_ 911 Approved (y _ e' 191 3 ^ "- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ecr: Sprinkling, COUNCIL `! 1.1..1 1...........................................................................................................................FILE N %•�. Date Presented..._. June 11 - --..._I91...5.... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Ohio street,from Isabel street to Congress street: Chatsworth street, from Aurora avenue to University avenue: Prior avenue, from Summit avenue to Ashland avenue: St Anthony avenue,from Aldine street to Snelling avenue: Aldine street,from University avenue to St Anthony ave- nue: Pierce street, from University avenue to St Anthony avenue: Fry St., from Railway tracks to University avenue and Rice street,from South street to Wheelock ParkwEkq to be sprinkled with oil for balance of season 1915:-.. Yeas (I') Co u cilmen (11 Nays Far sworth G9, In favor 1 hl r II NASH � AgainstV„/ Y g Mr. Presiden Powers C. F. No. 5442—By M. N. Goss— Resoived, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and le hereby au- thorized and directed to cause Ohio street, from Isabel street to Congress street, Chatsworth street, from Au- rora lb University Prior avenue. from Summit avenue to Ashland avenue, St. Anthonyavenue, from Aldine street to Snelling avenue; Aldine street from University avenue to St. Anthony avenue; Piercestreet. from Unlverelt- avenue to St. Anthony avenue; Fry St., from RolwaY tracks to University avenue and Rice street, from South street to Wheelock Park- way to be sprinkled with all for bal- ane of season 1915. Adopted by theCouncil June 11, 1915. « Approved June 11, 1916. (June 19-1916) /NL Adopted by ti7. e Council /<-91 t� Approved _ 6, — r /"_ 1911! Department of Bureau of ....._.. City of St.Paul .nI Council Resolution - General form. CounChll_File No,,. .._._._...._._...._._......_. Date Presented .._._.4! ---- ------- 1974 By Resolved, that permission be and it is herdby granted the Northwestern Telephone rxchanee Company to set poles and string wire with the necessary anchors thereon in the following named streets; p� n West side of Etna Street from Minnehaha to Margaret Street. jr poles and wire to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. C. V. No. 6443—By M. N. Goss— , Resolved. that permission be and It lehereby granted the Northwestern Tel ephoneExchange Company to set pole' and string wire with the a-..- 'ary anchors thereon in the following named streets: Four poles on west side of Etna St. fromMlnnehaha to. Margaret St. Pole. and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council. Said coat to be paid by the TelephoneCompany. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1916. Approved June 11. 1915._ (June 19-19161915 ) � Adopted by the Counci_._...._._._._._—....._._._/_`._ekx_t:�._ .---••• -_._._..19 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ------ Goo --- MCC 1 Yoer Bell Mr, Presidents Powe s Appr ..._..... _ .?........! Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Subject: .... .-.. _._._ __.. _.... couflca -. FILE NO... ..... ..... .. ................ .............. ....................... ... ....._........................................................... ..... ....... ........ ......................... ............. ........ _ ....... Date Presented .-.-June --8th,---..._-I91.-.b. That the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract to C. A. Nelson for constructing a sewer on Isabel Street from a point 80 feet east of east line of So. Wabasha Street to Concord Street for $378.00, Engineer's Estimate $408.00 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of Contract therefor,. Formal Bid #372 C. F. No. 5444—EY M. N. Coss— Resolved. That the action of the Con-' tract Committee In awarding the con- tract to C. A. Nelson for constructing sewer on Isabel street from point 80 feet east of east lino of So. WnbI; - ha street to Concord street for $378.00. Engineer's estimate $408.0o, be, and the same 1s hereby confirmed and sp- proved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby' inetrueted to draft and submit thenal Bid No. form, of contract therefor. 2. Adopted by the Connell June 11, 1915. Approved 1 1915 (June ne 119 19151 Yeas (N) Cou oilmen (h) Nays �� 1 �— Adopted by the CounCl ,- -_ Far Iworth Go / In favor _- Kel r Approve 91 S Mc oil ..against Yo g - Mr. President, owers °fl roe.. c.s-z Subject: - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM __ _._.....:...._ ............ ..._. COUNCIL FILE NO...... ..... Date Presented June _8th I915......... Resolved, That the action of the Contrelct Committee in rejecting all bids for grading of Mendota Street from Wells Street to Idaryland Street be and is hereby confirmed and approved, Formal Bid X375 Yeas (1) Con ilmen (P) Nays Far worth Go In favor Ket n 7 Me Il (/' .against Yoe Mr. President, owers _" o.e-z C. F. No. 6446—By M. N. Gose— Resolved. That the action f the Contract Committee in rejecting all lb(ds for grading of Mendotn tree[ from Wells street to Marylnnd treet be and is hereby confirmed and 'ap- proved. Formal Bid No. 376. Adopted by the Council June 11, 1916. Approved June 11, 1916. (Tune 19-1916) —� .adopted by the Counci Z e/�/ 191 k? Approved - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 'f 1915 iV., an .,. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT_ t AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No �446 , t AUDITED JUN 1 z Ist 181_ BY /�� r....T7 r PER o/L� Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds anv in favor of the persons, firms or cor orations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as s ecified in the following detatle ' .� P P PP P P �,'; statement: Yeas ( V) Co.f oilrnen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth / Goss _7In favor Appr (v Keller Jj J McColl t/ Against MAYOR Yoerg Mr. President, Powers �d Corporate Purposes Mayorts Office Exp. l 8. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 2.00/ Corp. Counsel's Office Exp. Louis F. Dow Co., 1.20 McClain & Gray Co., 4.75 Perry LeClaire, 2.00 Ramaley Printing Co., 60,54_ L Corp. Course ' ., 68.49 f Comptroller's Office- Prtg. Staty. Et. St, Paul Printing Co., 33.60 Public Lighting Fund-Supplies & Exp. C: M. & St. Paul Ry., .65 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 1.86 St. Paul Electric Co., .25 Schuneman & Evans, 225 H. M. . Smyth Printing Co., 60 So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., 52.50 Gen. Fund-Municipal Court-Supplies H. C. Boyeson Co., .75 N. W. Stamp Works, 25 Perkins Tracy Co., 2.40 . Form A.6.11 W. #2 Gen. bund-Purchasing Dept.-Supplies aN Louis F. Dow CO., 4.25 t- McClain a Greg Co., N. W. Stamp Works, 6.55 50 Ramaley Printing Co., �EgE--9gft�!'e—gv�rl'tes, Gen. Fund-Official Publications 191.28 Review Publishing Co., Gen. --Fund Miscl. & Unforseen Exp. 11.50 Gus D. Messing, Gen. Fund-Civil Service, Exp. McClain & Gray Co., Co., 12'75 2.55 St. Paul Electric Blue Print 15. o Gen. Fund Water Supply Rbbinson Cary & Sande, 6upply .82 6.54 Western Co., r. Gen. Fund-Mise. Staty. Supplies Brown, Treacy & Sperry. 223'59 4'56 Dennison Mfg. Co., 58.00 Electric Blue Print Co., 8.00 McClain & Gray Co., 1 125.`9 Maybell Stationery Co., 11.50 Melady Paper Co., 587.00 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, H. E. Wedlestaedt, t . sc. aty. & Suppl es, a _'_�".•'a"" "' 74p" Gen. Fund -Printed Forms & Blanks Printing Perkins-Tracy g Co.... 5O 16..50 Pioneer oo., St. Paul Printing Co., 147.40 Furman Tuttle, 9.50 Police Fuod-M. & R. John Arend, 1.50 6.10 Auto Tire Sales Co., 1'45 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 2'43 Louis F. Dow Co., 1.00 Emporium, S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 21.00 10'92 Farwell, OZmun, Kirk Co.. 41'65 Kissel Kar Service Co., 4'38 Maendler Bros., #3 Police Fund -M. & R. -Cont. Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 1.72 Mitsch & Heck Co., 16.00 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 30.30 N. W. Tire Co., 71.33 Reed :+rotor Supply 1`A St. Paul Electric Co,, 25 St. Paul Rubber Co., Schuneman & Evans, 4.28 Smith e. Heberle Co., 6.20 Western Electric Co., 1.11 Zimmerman Bros., 19.22 Fire Fund -M. & R. G. A. Ashton & Co., 2.84 Auto Tire Sales Co., 207.71 Beard of Water Commissioners, 21.78 Brings & Company, 378.00 Capital City Lumber Co.. .60 Loui s F. jjj0w Co. , 2.00 Farwell, Ozm"n, Kirk Co., 13.05 Lehigh Coal Co., 248.08 Maendler Bros., 22.50 Mitsch & Heck Co., 40.50 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 10.31 Nicols, Dean & Gregg 11.08 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., .93 Raymer Hardware Co., 11, 39 Reed Motor,Supply Co., 4.88 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 10.78 St. Paul. MachineWork-,, .50 Schuneman & Evans, 1..50 Waldref Motor Co., 30.47 Western Supply Co., 1.69 Health Fund -Health Acct. -M. & R. Clymer & Huelster, 28.00 Hackett Gates & Hurty, 5.70 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 2.99 Health Fund-Quaraantine Acct. -M. & R. Fomt Schulze Co., 22.20 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 1.50 Noyes Bros. 8: Cutler, 7.68_ Health fund -Public Baths -M. & R., Bazille & Partxlidge, 79.20 T. L. Blood Co., 6.92 Chicago Great Western Ry.. 1.19 Adam Decker Hardware Co.. 43,87 Fairbanks, Morse Co.. 5.40 Gribben Lumber Oo., 24.00 ^" Maendler Bros., 30 St. Paul White Lead & Oil Co.,� Raymer Hardware Co., .22 Robinson, Cary &Sande, '> 17.62 Tota] p 451 u� ublic baths, Police & Fire Alarm -Jt. Acct.-Maint. Adam "ecker riardware Co., 1.00 Ford Motor Co., 11.23 Mitsch & Heck Co, 7.60 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 32.38 St. Paul Eletric Co., 20.60 W. G. Watson. 5.00 Western Electric Co., 4.56 Public Safety -Gen. Adm-Maint. S. A. Farnsworth, C. P, R. :'., 10.00 Perkins Tracy Co., Com. Public Works -WorkhouBe-Main t. Field, Schlick Co., 22.61 Golden Rule, •63 E. S. Griffith, 94.60 Guenhagen & Francis 43.25 Haskins Bros. Co., 10.00 Jameson, Hevener & Griggs, 40.00 F G. Leslie Co., 14.00 L. L. May Co., 4.50 Raymer Hardware co., 2.10 Swift & Co., 54.21 Jos. P. Whitwell, .24. 50 Com. Public Works -Gen. Adm. Maint. Auto Tire Sales Co., 1.08 H. C. Boyeson Co., 18.00 Buth & Co., 2.80 H. Peltz & Son, 7.00 H. E. Wedelstaedt, 8.60 Street Const. & Repair Yind Plaint. Adam Decker aardware Co., 99 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 16.38 Ford Motor Co., 1.15 Glide Machine Co., 31.24 Haag Roofing Co., 37.50 Lehigh Coal Co., 21.90 ?v:anhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 19.60 Raymer Hardware Co., +35 Reed Motor Supply 2.00 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 4;85 Tire Repair Co., 4.90 J. L. Shiely, 9.00 Street Const. & Renair-Str=et Intersections -tic. Belvidere Cast Stone Co., 265.90 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 13 3. x 7 Sewer Const. & Repair Fund-34aint. Manhattan 011 & Linsee Co., 9.80 S. & S. Cleaning-Sewer Cleaning-Raint. Mahle wagon Co., 220.00 R, St. Paul Printing Co., 34.70 S. & S. Cing.-Street Cing.-Maint. Maendler Bros., 87.00 Mahle Wagon Co. Nicols, Dean & &regg,•29 74.00 Pittsburgh Coal Co., 1 .00 St. Paul Rubber Co., 8.54 Western Machine Co., 18.15 T_oi:al-5;,,.�.g.;,,.,BZng.:.rSt�eets•�6dn$,.•�:..:,..�..�.,.,-o.M.,..xs.�.,,.�a...:.�..�a:........u�, S. & S. Cing.-Garbage-Maint., Robinson, Cary & Sands, 6.53 ✓" Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund t.Suppl . Barrett Mfg. Co., 32.82 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 12.00 Public School Fund-M. & R. Auto Tires Sales Co., 1.94 Berglund Lumber Co., 199.00 T. L. Blood Co., 1q, 26 Ton Grocery Co., Bon Fred A. Brodt, Jr.,.70 Brown, Treacy & Sparry 1.65 Capital City Lumber Co., 64.00 E. G. Carlson, 78.00 Carnegie Fuel Co., 61.23 Crane &Ordway Col, 5.84 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 44.92; Louis F. Dow Co., 1.00 Geo. S. Eddy, 30.00 L. Eigenmenger Co., 11.23 Electric Blue Print Co., 17,61 Laundry Co., Elk Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 122.40 Field, Schlick Co., 5. 5 Finch, VanSlyck & McConville, 1. Golden Rule, .80 R. L. Gould Co., go Gray Motor Compa�pany 24.01 E. E. Gunther, 20.00 T. S. F. Hayes, 21.60 Highland Spring Water Co., 4,50 Edw. Hunderer & Son, 55.02 J. W. Hulme 18.60 Iroquois Mf g.Co. of Cleveland, 44.00 Johnson H. S. 174.90 John W. Lux, 11.52 McClain &. Gray Co., 2.70 Oil Co s ��� N 1 Nicolerp Dean &&GTegg'ed L A,4414 n�� �� 13.s;_ Nimi a & N1mi E.. A. Kori' op, 4.75 #6 A ' k. -f Public School -M. & R. N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 29.19 Noyes roe. & Cutler, 2.80 Osgood'& Blogett, 127.51 Paoples Coal & Ice Co., 3.50 Pioneer.Electric Co., 1.50 Raymer uardware Co., 4.25 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 95 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 43.85 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 1.50 St. Paul Electric Co., .14 St. Paul Gas ight Co., 209.68 St. Paul Lime &- Cement Co., 3.00 Walter Salinger, 80.10 H. E. Weleiletaedt, 1.75 Western Supply Co., 12.74 Public Library Fund -M. & R. John Anderson Co., 5.80 Louis F. DowCo., 33.75 Gaylord Broa., 1.00 Ginn & Company, 2.88, Golden Rule, .08 Griggs Cooper & Co., 4.28 Lehigh Coal Co., 7.30 Library Bureau, 47,50 McClain & Gray Co., 7.95 Minnesota News Co., 4 167.8 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 2.80 N. W. Electric Co.. 39.84 Nutting Truck Co., 11.50 Phoenix Chair Co., 90.00 Raymer Hardware Co., 1.35 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 690.39 St. Paul Electric Co., 3.12 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 178.43 St. Paul Rubber Co., .40 Schuneman & Evans, 2.89 H. E..Stechert & Co., 14.41 Virtue Printing Co., 3.25 Waldorf Binder Cy., 6.20 H. E. Wedistaedt, 3.50 Auditorium-Maint. .T. L, Blood Co., 2.68 Louis F. Douro Co., 1.00 McClain & Gray Co., .75 Maendler Bros.,- 1.30 Public Parke Fund-Park-yaint. Walter Baker Co. Ltd„ Black Jack, Board of Water Commissioners, Burns Lumber Co., Capital City Lumbef Co., Certified Ice Cream Co., Chicago, Great Western Ry., Columbia Coffee Co., J. M. Copeland, Adam Decker Hardware Co., Fairbanks, Morse Co., 42.60 7.00 19.00 2.50 119.00 6,00 2.14 23.00 13.75 A '} #7 b Public Park-Maint-Coni S. A. Farnworth. C. P. R. F. Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., Foley Bros & Quinlan, R. L. Gould Co., Griggs Cooper & Co., A. P. Herschler Co., Joesting & Schilling Co., F. C. Kohnke, Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., John Martin Lumber Co., Peoples Coal & Ice Co., Reed Motor Supply Co., Raymer Hardware Co., Robinson, Cary & Sands, St Paul Rubber Co., Sanitary Food Co., Union Brass & Metal Co., Vander a Ice Cream Co., 10.78 55.10 92.04 12,75 6.3o 36.5o 13.05 19.60 98. OC 7.00 40.47 12.53 39.04 16.50 81.88 6.10 4.00 Public Playgrounds-Maint. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1.8� A. G. Spaulding, 3,0.00 T��puuh'+r-�egestrot:rets#rr�,-� 1, 8? �.� Public Bldgs.-Maint. N. W. Stamp Works, •75 Raymer Hardware Co., 1.10 W. S. Watson, 44.55.— oai"F{x6: BTage':=aint., Public Utilities-IFen. Adm. Maint. H. C. Boyeson Co., 3.00 Perkins -Tracy Co., 6 .5 es -G. A,-Maint., Pub. Utilities -Municipal Testing Lab.-Maint. Goodyear Rubber Co., 2.40 Pioneer Co.,_ n , 1 0 Pub. Utilities-Mun. Testing Lab. - New Apparatus St. Paul Foundry, 5.12 Pub. Utilities-Markets-Maink. Bazille & Partridge, 2.90 ✓r Water Dept. Fund American Engineers Supply Co., 4.35 6.00 C. Bielenberg, W. A. Blonck & Co., 55.00 f rE T. Blood Co., 3•60 Boyeson Co., n Jt �t xRJf"0 z 4 Brown,Is:Photo` Craf t`Co.,' 6:00 Brown, Treac;; & Sperry, 11•$5 Burns Lumber Co., 17.90 I #8 • Water Dept. Fund -Cont. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., Clymer & Hueleter, Consumers Power Co., Crane & Ordway Co., Adam Decker Hardware Co., Louis F. Dow Co., Electris Blue Print '-�o., Elk Linen Supply Co., FarIeil', -Oz1hut,,Ki'rk Co., A. E. Ferries, Field, Schlick Co., T. Milton Fowble, Chas. Friend & Son, Goodyear Rubber Co., M. N, Goes, Com. Public Works, Griggs Cooper & Co., Toney Hensler, 1%g..,Hahenstei•ri;,P1irc. Agent, R. C. Jefferson, Morgan T. Jones Co., Fissel Kar Service Co., C. A. Lund Co.. McClain & Gray C , Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., Melady Paper Co., Minn. Chandelier Co., M N. Moffat, Nicdsl Dean & Gregg North Eastern Forestry Co., N. W. Line Co., H. Pel.tz & Son, Pioneer Co., Pure Oil Co., Quayle & Kelly Raymer Hardware Co., Reed Motor Supply Robinson, Cary & Sands, St. Paul Builders Material Co., St. Pauf Gas Light Co., St. Paul Mpls. & Omaha Ry. Co., St. Paul Rubber Co., Schuneman & Evans A. P. Smith Mfg. Co., So. Park Foundry & Machine Co., Swanson Company, Tire Repair Co., Troy Laundry Co., Union Brass & Metal Mfg. Co., Virtue Printing Co., Western Machine ?rig. Co., Western Supply Co., W. J. Westphal, Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Co., Sprinkling Fund Adam Decker Hardware Co., Lehigh Coal Co., 150.16 26.55 88.10 5g. 16 8.16 .20 5.75 7.31 10.15 1.08 20.00 2.44 .65 1.20 18.25 197.73 7.98 2.40 6.8o 43.00 13.90 1.20 29.15 18.00 13.96 2.03 1.85 2.50 4.34 80.50 4.30 3.00 37.75 43.20 18.65 37.01 1.50 26.06 2.40 73.66 10.00 25.38 2.48 20.09 236.35 19.85 55.49 .84 49.50 7.50 2. 4 27.11 13.00 3.00 1.20 21.90 M F 1JOW 1.01 51 ; $4.75; Perry LeCiai a $2.00; Ra al y��� ��.�,�• PrCompt 0".,':580.64 - .86 Comptroller's Offlc P tg.. 68taty.. -' - Etc.. -St Paul Psluting�Co._E3360 Gen. Fund—Municipal Court—Sup- �plies: H. C. Boyeson Co., 75 Cents; N. W. Stamp Works, 25% 5 Cents; Perkins Tracy_Co., $7.40:- 'Gen. Fund—Purcbasing Pei, Sup plies; L"ufs F. DOW Co.. $2.60: Mc- Clain & Gray Co., $4.26; N. W. Stamp Works, 55 Cents; Ramaley Printing Co., $6.50Gen. Revl.�v Publiah�g Co,.l$1 L2glicatf"ns: Ger- & foresen Dsin1.xp.50. Gen. Fund—Civil Service—Ezp.: '.McClain &. Gray -Co., $12.75: SC Pavl Electrlc Blue Prfnt Co.,' $2.65. , Gen. Fund—Water Supp1Y: Robin- son,'Cary & Sande, 82 Cents; Western :dgpply Co., * .64. - Gen. Fund—Mise. Staty., Suppllee; Brown. Treacy & Sperry, *223.59; Den nlsen Mfg. CO.. $4.56: Electric Blue: :Print Co.. $58.00; McClain & Gray Co., $168.00; .Paper lCo., $11.50; Noyes Bros. & Cutler; -$59.48; H. E. Wedlestaedt, 1$87 Gen. Fund—Printed Forms & Blanks: 'Perkins -Trac, Prting Co. in , $3.70: Pioneer Co., $16.50: St. Pao] Printing Co.. $147.40; Furman Tuttle. $9.50. Polys Fund—M. & R.. John Arend, $Lf Auto Tire Sales Co.. $6.10: Br Treacy & Sperry, $1.46; Louie F.52.43; Emporium, $1.00;' ;aworth, C. P. R. F., 523.00; mun, Kirk & Co., $10.92; vice. Co.; $41.66; Mae id - 'e: Mnnhattan 011 & M le ^vtric Equipment Co., ,., $71.33; Reed 10- *'aul Electric Co.,C bber Co., $3.46: yt, Sym d u #9 Paving Depreciation T. L. Blood Co., 5.70 Raymer Hardware Co., 4.40 Robinson Cary & Uands, o' 17.7 Western Machine Works, 1.00 Public Comfort Station Hldge. Raymer Hardware Co.l Resolved that to be drawn � 20 Bury, of 1` a here City ft Tree rY Paundo and thehereinafter specifieds,'fir funds and In 1f"nna fortthe aamounts meetr Oppora- osite F 1JOW 1.01 51 ; $4.75; Perry LeCiai a $2.00; Ra al y��� ��.�,�• PrCompt 0".,':580.64 - .86 Comptroller's Offlc P tg.. 68taty.. -' - Etc.. -St Paul Psluting�Co._E3360 Gen. Fund—Municipal Court—Sup- �plies: H. C. Boyeson Co., 75 Cents; N. W. Stamp Works, 25% 5 Cents; Perkins Tracy_Co., $7.40:- 'Gen. Fund—Purcbasing Pei, Sup plies; L"ufs F. DOW Co.. $2.60: Mc- Clain & Gray Co., $4.26; N. W. Stamp Works, 55 Cents; Ramaley Printing Co., $6.50Gen. Revl.�v Publiah�g Co,.l$1 L2glicatf"ns: Ger- & foresen Dsin1.xp.50. Gen. Fund—Civil Service—Ezp.: '.McClain &. Gray -Co., $12.75: SC Pavl Electrlc Blue Prfnt Co.,' $2.65. , Gen. Fund—Water Supp1Y: Robin- son,'Cary & Sande, 82 Cents; Western :dgpply Co., * .64. - Gen. Fund—Mise. Staty., Suppllee; Brown. Treacy & Sperry, *223.59; Den nlsen Mfg. CO.. $4.56: Electric Blue: :Print Co.. $58.00; McClain & Gray Co., $168.00; .Paper lCo., $11.50; Noyes Bros. & Cutler; -$59.48; H. E. Wedlestaedt, 1$87 Gen. Fund—Printed Forms & Blanks: 'Perkins -Trac, Prting Co. in , $3.70: Pioneer Co., $16.50: St. Pao] Printing Co.. $147.40; Furman Tuttle. $9.50. Polys Fund—M. & R.. John Arend, $Lf Auto Tire Sales Co.. $6.10: Br Treacy & Sperry, $1.46; Louie F.52.43; Emporium, $1.00;' ;aworth, C. P. R. F., 523.00; mun, Kirk & Co., $10.92; vice. Co.; $41.66; Mae id - 'e: Mnnhattan 011 & M le ^vtric Equipment Co., ,., $71.33; Reed 10- *'aul Electric Co.,C bber Co., $3.46: yt, Sym d u CITY OF ST. PAUL 1914 a••• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU NO. --5 _ AUDITED JUS! 1 i �q15 181_ ))By � l PER (� 320 N �• Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191_ Farnsworth Goss Wzrn favor App 191 Keller . nMcColl Against MAYOR Yoerg v Mr. President, Powers Corporate Purposes Public School Bund Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 72.45 {{{JJJ Valley Iron Works, 157.14 Park Fund / Robinson, Cary & Sands, .48 ✓ Water Dept, Fund C -F. lv tha F% r p.. teed that wa ante; be drawn upon the Clty Treasury, payable out, Villaume Box &Lumber to of the r of trenaftee ape fined rands and In favor of the persona, sane or 145.00 + porati... for [he _ a 6e''I- �Oo'neon, Cary- &-J; Dept Fund: Villaume Boz, $ Co ✓ed une Jne ,e by the Counoll J 11, 1916. uIl, 1916. . (June19-3915) Form A. 5-11 CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubO&......... ....AP.PRQ.VAL...OF... AWARD..FOR.. MARBLE.—. ..... ... 8COUNCIL - r44 FILE No ........... ....,�. .. ........... Date Presented __. ___- - __ __ _ 191 _:.. i 'ON Resolved, That the contract bearing date June %, 1915, by and be- tween NORTHWESTERN MARBLE AND TILE COMPANY, and the CITY OF ST, PATIL, for the furnishing and erecting of all marble work and all flooring work to be done at the PUBLIC COMFORT STATION, 5th & CEDAR STREET, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the prop:, city officers are authorized and directed to execute the �1i#lml 'on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) COU Imen (✓) Nays Far orth/—/ Go gggg /...... In favor Kell Mc II D - Against Nas Yoe Mr. Presidenj owers FORM C.8-2 C Resolved.Thatthe contract bearing date June 7, 1915, by and between Northwestern Marble and The Com- pany and the City.. of St. Paul, for the furnishing d erecting of all marble work and all flooring ork to be done at the Public Comfort Station, 6th and Cedar street, be, and the same le here- by approareved, and the Proper clty offl- execute the same and behalf of thea City. Adopted by the Council June 11. 1916. Approved (June 1911915) Adopted by the Council- Approved_ _ . ./ �.._�............191,...... lam_ ... . MAYOR 1 i An ordinance placing certain grass plots in the City of St.Paul, under the control and supervision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play -grounds and Public Buildings, for the purpose of maintenance, care, and improvement. This is an emergency'ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That all grass -plots, or spaces at or between the intersection or convergence of public streets in the City ofzSt. Paul not used as part of the roa !, be, and the same are hereby_ placed under the jurisdiction, control, and supervision of the Commissioner of Parka, Play -grounds, and Public Buildings, for pur- poses of maintenance, care, and improvement. Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after'itspassage, approval and publication. Final Adoptio < 191U Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays by the Counci .... •/ / %/F_Mwmth . 191 /('n,s (� In livor P v la Reading_ .. / / ._ . ✓ �1(eller / /// %� 2 rd / 191 / M Cull . V A st fi MAYOR 3rd 191 Attest: - Yoerg JOHN I. FARICY, ti r Mr. Prudent, Pnr we ­­iand safety. City Clerk. Date Pu191 ? blihe I ____ ..... ewe t, tl ;of the City . of st-y floe ra i -SECTION - "- -- "— That all Bras plots onapaces at or , betweAn the -intersection or convex-. p g.he:.f publte streets to the City of St: :Paul: not used as part.. of the -load t. b: 'tu the same are hereby palaced un der the juriadict4o 'control, d upervtston. of the -C mlasioner f' Parka, .Playground. and P'blie -Rulldfnga, for purpo.es ofmatntenance,',� uare. and improvement.: ;SECTION 2., This is sn emreces f.geno 'ordinance.,ren on he public peace. heath and. ss.f. of SECTION 3. This ordinance hall take effect and Vibe m force immediately after its pass- ' age, approval and ihrblicatl on. Final Adoption by the Council June 26in, 11916. —llfesars. Farnsw•orh . . Keller, McColl. Toerg. Mr. President ( Fovtera)-6. Approved lux �'; 1016. - WINN•' POWERS. Mayor. Atteet: - JOHN I. FARICY. - Ctty.Clerk... (July�8-1916) •• X449 An ordinance placing certain grass -plots in the City of St.Paul, under the control and supervision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play -grounds and Public Buildings, for the purpose of maintenance, care, and improvement. This is an emergency ordi- nance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That all grass -plots, or spaces at or between the intersection or convergence of public streets in the City of St. Paul not used as part of the roadway, be, and the same are hereby placed under the jurisdiction, control, and supervision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play -grounds, and Public Buildings, for pur- poses of maintenance, care, and improvement. Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage, approval and publication. Cou,lcilb Ile No... _ ..__........_...._... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. andQ#,� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the, City of St. Paull, viz.: ..C.onst.ruc.t.....a....Cement. ...si.devtalk...anti.:..st.e.ps.....to...-Fa.....w-idth.._o.%....s.ix....X.e.et" on Selby Ave...., __..n.oxtb si.d.e..,_..be.gixuling.._at....S.u>rnit_.Ave .,......therco to.. Wes t...Third S.t_..__ _...... _ _.... _........._ ._.......... Dated this _121,21lay of Councilman. PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. \4IlI7REAS, A wrilten proposal for the making of the following inlprovenumt, viz.:. __...._....._....._..._.._...__. _. S.elby.. vc..., no2uh_side,._tae,:iuinl__at....S.v:ni:L._9.ve...,..t.h.enc_e__.t.o.. T02 t Thixcl. St. ._..... ........ ... C F No. 6960— ... ._ _... Wh reae, A written proposal t rule al[1ng of the following 1".* IV. em nt. 1 Cona[ruct a cement sidewalk and V%'.' D to a width of .1x feet, n SelbY Ave., north side, beginning at Sumqmlt having been presented to file Council of the been PreseIr nted toe the Counci,t Third l of Y thel--��-----�--'--"""""""""""""""""""""' ' ' City of St. Paul therefore, be It therefore, be it Public be Reeolved, That thher ad he Is e Commisslonbyer or- f Works aeo R.F.SOLV1 U, That the Commissioner of E deiedTo anvereiigu a the necessity for dared and directed: or desirabilityont.: of they making of said 1. To investigate the necessity for of dI Imp roTom lnVeetigate 'Ythe nature, ex.2. )revelll Cllt. tent and estimated coat of said Im- 'pn investigate the nature, extent an provement, and the total cost thereof. t, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or :l. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch a .yt[etc To linin eh th Y following other e and information relntive t ^^td d. To tlnufsh the follofl-ulg 011IN' data and l )vement. drty, rovimient:_.. To stnte whether or not . To is naked for •• ..........._..._..__.....__.._.._........_..._.................. ._..._................_......................................_......._................... ................ ............. ......._.......... ...._................... ......... _... ...._....._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petit o1:of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fn - going matters to le Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..__. .....197 S. Peas: Nays Councilman Fit sworth _ ( � Go. Approved. . __._..._ ...._. __.__. _..... Kel r Me 11 O................ ........ .. ..I._............. li. _ Mayor. PUBLISHED_ ,;��-' / CITY OF SAINT PAUL city Clerks Offlo ---------- ....................... Received of City Clerk /� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - 0 Subject: r COUNCIL '-' 1 4 V FILE NL.. .....'.. R ........................... Date Presented.. . ................. 191.__ a \� r�- Resolved, ,- That the plane and specifications for the Municipal .� Garage prepared by the City Architect under direction of Com.,;.issioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety, and herewith submitted, are hereby approved and adopted as the plane and specifications for said work. RESOLVED, Further, that the Commissioner of Parke, Play - is grmunds and Public Buildings/hereby directed to proceed with the work of construction of this building in accordance with the 1. aforesaid plans. C. F. No. 5451—By Henry McColl— Resolved. That the plane and aneci- 1 dcatlons for the Mon ici pal Garage Pre- pared by the City Architect n(' dl- •eetion of Commiasloner of :Parke, I Playgrounds and Pub]to Buildings, and approved by the Commfesion or of Pub- I. Ile Safety. and herewith submitted, or.' hereby approved and adopted' as the plane and specifications for said work. Yeas (✓)tKelCo n (✓) Nays In favor ...Against Mr. Presi FORM C.8-2 Further, that the Commie- rks,I I lePlaygrounds anti Pub - ;s hereby directed to the work of construction Ing in accordancece with the ypthe Council ,Tune Y:;, 1916. June 14, 11115. (June 19-1916) Adopted by the Council_ _._... .. /..yl.....' i Approved.. _._'_ r 191.5_.. MAYOR FR iNUSSBFUMER (fitj of 1jaut .,oRR Vo.�e p<^flN5 .*�ivptirknwttt a*f ER LES A HAU5LER Ee"o. �xrhs. la r-giaouttdN ixhlir xtil ing�s 1l:II1tC5''ttMt. Canmliaeiunrr a- +i{u�nttrs \anrcan. �r�,rp June 12, 1915. Hon. Henry McColl, Comn.issioner Pu:lic Safety, City. a� Dear Sir: Hereinafter is eetimate for the construction of the new hunicipel Garage at Third and Cedar Streets: The building proper is 42 f8et 6 inches by 168 feet with 25 foot by 68 foot wing. It is one story and basement on Third Street and two stories on Cedar Street. It is to be constructed entirely of reinforced concrete, fan ventilation, steam heat, elevator, paint shop, varnishing room, of -ice and store -room. The exterior walls to be faced with tapestry -faced brick, floors are to be cement through- out, roof to be five-ply pitch and gravel. All floors, columns anc all structural parts of the building are of such strength and n.aterial as to allow for a future story. The estimated cost of the same is 424,750.00. Respectfully yours, %. City Architect. Comn,iasioner Parke�G & PB CITY OF ST. PAUL y r-bf� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. .........COUNCIL F................. ae NO..__..... Date Presented... . _..:__ ...............191....... Wesolve , That the Purchasing Agent is hereby requested and instructed to secure estimates of the cost of lighting and heating the public comfort station on Fifth Street, per specifications now in the hands of the Purchasing Agent. Yeas (r') Co 'men (✓) Nays Far orth Go In favor Ke I1Qc 11 L' - Against Yo Mr. Tr FORM C.a-2 C. F. No, 1111—By Henry ylcColl— Resolved, That the Purchas In ruc Agent Is hereby r quested n d fn- atted to aBtimates or, the cost or llghting and heating the Public( comfort sP clfleationalon an thehhandae0 the Purchasing Agent. Adopte efl y t he e Co 1916. June 12. 1915' APpr(Sane 17-1916) Adopted by the CounciL/J Approved MA OR _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: . I .. ....... .... COUNCIL FILE NO..... .. .......... Date Presented......._...._..,._ .......... 191 Resolved, That the aptlicatie n of J. H. Eschman for a license to give dog & pony show be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one day, June 28, 1915, upon the payment into the City Treasury of the sum of Twenty—five (425.00) dollars Yeas (✓) Co ilmen ( ✓) Nays Far worth Go In favor M r M oil �_ Against Yo g Mr. Pres'_ POR. C.a-2 C. P.IG o. 6463—forBy Henry McColl— Resalved, Thnt the application of J. .chHad pony ahe, be Il d the to a here- by In granted and the City Clerk la instructed to issue such 1Icense for one day. June29he , 1916, upon tpayment into the City Treasury f the Sum of Twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. Adopted by the Council Sure 12_ 1916. Approved June 14, 1915. __ 19-1915) Adopted by the Council....%t Approved _.. _ I ..... MAYOR { �y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject:. REJECTION -OF GRADING OF -AVON -ST. FROM? UNIVERSITY AVE.TO COUNCIL r.� r FILE IVO... -544 .. .. MTNN-HTHAHA ST - .._—------- _..... .... ....... ........_.................................... ........ _....... Date Presented June lith -13191... .- Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in re- jecting all bids for the grading of Avon Street from University Avenue to Ninnehaha Street be and ie„hereby confirmed and approved, Formal Bid #373. C. F. No. 6464— oss— gesolved. Thitt the action -ot the I Contract Committee In relecting� u11 bide for the grading of Avon street . to 1,1lnnehahn Prom University ven t firmed nod etreet be d le hereby I ¢,proved, by Bid No. 373. Adopted by the Council June 13, 1916. Approved (Junee 1911916) Yeas U') Co eilmeri (I') Nays—, 7 w r� �_ Adopted by the Councit/;_ _ _ 190 Fa sic or tl 1 (/ Approved � � T 191 r \J ° oil (/ Against Y g Mr. Presi — c.e-z MAroG%/�-RR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:................ ...... ... __.._ COUNCILRC FILE No.__ .......5 t... A,J�.......... ................. ....... ... .................. ........... .................. ............ Date Presented....._ June._12,,..,_lUE191-....... .. rnati the application of the follolving persons for a license to conduct Hotels or P.eetraunts at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted , and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licensee to said appli— cants upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAL -1E OF APPLICANT, HOTEL OR EESTP.AUIvT, LOCATION_ P. F. Eacigalupo, Lunch Room 450-1/2 Robert P. Thompson, Lunch Room 1580 Selby Ave J. Glischinski, Business Lunch 315 Pi. 7th. St J. P. Arend, Fusinese Lunch n 26 E. 4th, St. V , J. Utley, ft- ea4That t—BYhe.' Lunch Room 30 F. 4th, 8t. /„ pe eons for _ .; utels Restaurur.t5 Toe Pe Farbieri s respectIYely Inateat n J tgp o hereby are tirante i Lunch ..ocm 305 aekscn �'SElerk is ¢ thorizea a e roue such licensee to n Lee =Teske eta pn the n¢yment of e L quh•ednby law. USiCh i;OOm 47 E. 3rd. St. P. F. Bacl6alupo, Lunch RL Robert St. H. P. Thompson. Lunch Raw:. Selby Ave. J. Gll..hlash" Business Lunch; W. 7th St. B. Are St nd, Business Lunch, 26,• 4t WS J. Utley. Lunch Room, H E. 4th Joe De. IIarblerl, Lunch Room, 306 •', Jackson St. Lee & Breelce. Lunch Room. 47 E. 3rd St. I Adopted by the Council June 12, 1915. Approved June 4. 1915 June1191916) i Yeas ( t') Cou cilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Councii�_ .._._.._:'4�......... .191 Far worth Go In favor C r %fApproved__._ __ .-,.___......... 191,..... oil (/.......Against Mr. MAYOR FORM C.a-ij �.r�� ,-' �' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.. ..................................COUNCIL 541 W, FILEN o— ........................................ ............ .................. I ................. ..................... Date Presented...... Jun -P -12.y - .1-912191 Tlvt t1w -�q)plloutlon of tticj folloiiing, �cruo*o for a 11cenoe Vo cora--tact, Potclo or Roatmunto at tiw location re,3i-ectivelY inkllcuted be, and should be cancelled. New Ar-,�lication by 11arry 2iam;ona for eame location. —.- TA—tr— --- i - T I; P tl'N, T T.OPATT011, L 5F AT -6T HOTTL OR TJ- .,-. J . E Countryman, :,unca -;iagon 452 Sibley ".t Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Farnsworth Goss In favor Ke Lr oll Against oll J oerg Mr. FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the ncil.... . _Z:._191 - pproved MAYOR T(5 T]/F, HONORABLE THE COV.,VOIL ol*the City of St P,,.,,I: does hereby make application to the Cqu 'I of the City 2j SLPaul for a License to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as follows: T hat the f 11 name f the applicant for said License is and his its place of residence is street venue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which e said applicant proposes to carry on business is. � in 61. That the said applicant is V now engaged in said business af�J`the City of S Pa in the City of St. Paul. Dated thisl--7(P day of Applicant. Date of Expiration of License Date of Inspection Fire Protection. .. Ventilation of Building Meats and Provisions Beds and Bedrooms. Toilet Rooms and Plumbing Kitchen and Utensils Refrigerator and Store Room Basement and Cellar Back Yard General Condition of Premises.. License Recommended City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: Health Officer. 31 Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER . 457 PILE COUNCIL No. Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) ,7,Henry Viereg, 123 E. 8th 8t. To (Name and Address) John A. Aomussen,_123 E. 8th. C. F. No. 6467—By Henry 11cColl— Resolved, That the following deefg- ted licenses to soil'Intoxicating a liquors be transferred Indlcated pursuant to applicationsduly made therefor. No. 317, from Henry Vlereg, 123 F. - 8th St., to John A. Aemuesen, 123- F. _ 8th St. Adopted by the Council June 12, 1916. Approved June 14, 1916. d; to-.p.w,,, (June 19-1976) C � Yeas ( ✓ ) Co cilmen (✓) Nays Fa sworth Go Ke r Me 11 Yoe Mr. Presi Adopted by the Council Z1 f 7`u favor l� Q Ap roved C (—_191 Against Subject CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE 5458 COUNCIL ND• PILE Date Presented 191— IRE VED, That the application of the following persons for a lic se to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Al. Brown, 450 Robert _St. C. F. No. 5468—By Henry .tion following :That the aaplicati a of the following persona for ]tcen6e to Hell Intoxicating )]doors , the location. respectively Indicated, be, anddthe same hereby are.granted, and the City Clerk Is authorized and directed to fis- sile such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law: Al. Brown, 458 Robert'St. Adopted by the Council June 12, 1915. Approved June 14, 1915, (June 19-1915) Adopted by the Cound App oved MAYOR Subject CITY OF ST. P IUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LI14UOR LICENSE COUNCIL NO. PILE Date Presented 191— I��LVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- for indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Charles W. Yenmah, Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ./ ) Nays Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yocrg Mr. President, Powers In favor Against Location. 374 St. Peter St. Adopted by the Council 191— Approved 191— MAYOR jC -f No 6481 Ordl 4 M N Goe din n e g nti gorali t vat ; 4 E es.t t . to pial % ort f L 014, BI r.nd.11' Addition being t .y ekn �Io. 144 East ,tlt it of the GIt' Ari ordinance granting to Sahuneman & Evans, a corporation, permission to construct a concrete platform in front of Lot 4, Block 7, Robert & Randall's Addition, being the property known as No. 144 East Eleventh street. _ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Sohuneman & Evans, a corporation, to construct a raised concrete platform extending thirteen feet from the property line, over the present sidewalk, and twenty-six feet in length and two feet high, with steps at either end, and for a chute in the center one foot from the property line, as shown by the annexed plans, in front of Lot 4, Block 7, Robert & Randall's Addition, being the property known as No. 144 East Eleventh street, in said City. Section S. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction of said platform upon its compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said platform, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (3) The said platform shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost.of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and allgliability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said platform; the said bond to 2k wimain in force and effect as long as said platform remains 0, or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with theComptroller of said City.,:; (4) Said platform shall be removed by said licensee whenever r the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. i (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. g; 0 1 T. Passed by the Council .SUN 28 1915 1915. Yeas, Nays, Mr. Farnsworth Goss Meller McColl Nash Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) App ov 915. Mayor. pR7gLISHED� .5462 lcc.. a and employes T -emergency ordtna' \ ap for the health r el .o yeace, it Ith . ••ed AUguet 28th, 1 of the City,of i �- ECTION 1. ' 5 of Ordinance •dinance. prry of the D• An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3261, entitled "An ordinance providing for the organization of the Department of Public Utilities and the various bureaus and activities thereof, and pre- scribing the number and character, duties and compensation of the officers and employes thereof. This is an emergency ordinance render- ed necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved August 28th, 1914. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 3261, entitled "An ordinance providing for the organization of the Department of Public Utilities and the various bureaus and activities thereof, and prescribing the number and character, duties and compensation of the officers and employes thereof. This is an emergency ordinance render- ed necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved August 28th, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 5. The officers and employee of the Bureau of Lighting and the salaries which they shall receive shall be as follows: One Superintendent, at a salary of $150.00 per month; Fifty lamp -lighters, at a salary of $40.00 per month each; Fifteen lamp -lighters, each of whom shall furnish one horse, at a salary of $60.00 per month each; Three repairmen at a salmi of $70.00 per month each; One clerk, at a salary of.$75.00 per month; Three inspectors, at a salary of 136040 per year each. Each of said inspectors shall provide himself with such vehicle as may be sufficient in the opinion of the Com- missioner of Public Utilities to enable him to discharge his duties. The salary herein provided for is the gross salary that such inspector shall receive, and covers the compensa- tion for the use of such vehicle as the inspector may provide with the approval of -said Commissioner." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after 'its passage and publication. 717- � I Passed by the Council JUN u 1511)15. 4V sae Nays ' Mr. Farnsworth PUBLISHED J -eller A ), P --Nash Nays, 0 Mr. resident (Power aY ( a j f 1 RESOLUTION FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS tr�City_-,f f t-. _ 1 seen In thr uuttlra• of �=il_^..'_'..: lSi.li. 3. _t . ,.. _.___.. ._•.......�... .. ,. ^ o r _ �T.�..}'....11T_S ' _. �i a.,-;,C�..8 `_:. B.�t __.. _.._._.'-...3.C.3.tZ � }r lin, e � f.. t .____.___. er ,„- X11 ,- •. _ 4�� . - .i _ ___ :_ .___ __-�_1._ 1c.,�-�.,..._ti cal' �.t iia--nd - ror`rerlr__e., _ 7nr y Line G. 71cck 5,-':ait..z .cnn +> i At itica, to St_ 2aul,_ fro c :3 __..e.3 uerly. _tc e.aat.=rlg...li.ne of o c'l�r^O}7 str��t Z_,approved i-in..._25t.h,. ...19',15, Intermediary Order um er lire mm�al•y rdir 3.544 approved approved .�tarcH. mrd, _1i'i5. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report ill the above matter as to the amount of ,lamages awarded for the taking of Mie land or easements therein to be appropriated for the above improve - m, -at and to whom payable; be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report cold for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Counuissionc • of Finance, at tM Council Chamber, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the _ a �ltl ___ day of _�)�Y /eted .. _ 19151._, at ten o'clock _1. ilL, and that the Commissioner of Fimilce be and lie i to give notice of said hearing, as, prescribed by the Charter. / Adopted by the Council RESOLUTION FIRING=. VITIE OF REARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS C. F: No. 6483— 1 Clerk. In fhe matter of widening Sixth street, Approved "1n. the City. of St Paul betty en the PP .easterly" line of Jackson :street apnd the easterly line of St. Paul •.taking,. an addition to St. Paulo',by. aPProprlating and condemning all ., ... ..... . ... . .. ............._._. that Portion of Lots 6 and'7 Block 18- - Mayor. Councilman Farnswor', - ,f said St.Paul Proper lying and be-. ng northerly of the ortherly line (3 0H8 Block 9. Whitney -and Smith's All / Inn to St. Paul, produced Westerly he easterly line of Jackson St., ) " Keller Preliminary order 3644, aP. PML1SHED 1Qj 11 d Jan. 28th. 1diMarche3 dedf616 - McColl 3m26, ePP neve missio ., f Finance having 1 � ed his report inThe f b damages to the amount of 'the land o Yoerg for the n to [s therein to be approprl'ted boas? improvement and to be it Via H dab chat a public hearing 1, the Council upon salf r for . a condrmatlon of damages mnde by th•- f FI at t Council File No..__...._..5:'�1�(� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the waking of the following public ilaprovenlent by the City of St. Cona.truct- cer.enn + curb�...._on both sides of Diacalester . .. .. ........._.. Yaul, viz.: ._- Avenue from Princeton Street to St. Clair Street ._...._.... _.. Dated this.. 14th day of.. ._...June, ............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. will -I flTAS• A written proposal for the making of the f0llOw117 ialpro • a-lit,viz.:...-_. ._ .......... Construct cevent.._.curbing_on both eidee_ of_.'_a elest_er Avenue fron. Pri�lcetor Stxs.et.. __..... _ ................ _......_.._.. ............... _.............. .s. written proposal for the .f the following Improvement. ...,_,,,._.... _ _.... ....__.__.._.._.. ............... curbin on ._.... ...._ struct cement g ' of mucalester nvenue from street to St Clair street, Li0a11Cllplall......_.........__.........._.............._..._......_. .._............. _... , having been presented to the Couuei'-tynof st Pana trier foreIb.cic d. That the Commissioner of therefore, be it :✓arks be and he is hereby 'r- �•a alrep ted : Id Ill, is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the ti01111I11sFraln esy fof tthehm klogsoYy Baia ,ment 1. 1'o investigate the uecessit�� i sten least the said re, e.tcet "eking of said improveweat. i the total cost there'". said iniprovenlent, and the total cost thereof'. 'P0 111V Cstlga LC the nature, C1 furnish a plan, profile or . f said improvement. :j. TO fln'Iliall fl pl}I II, profile ornlah the following other ttff 4. 'Po furnish ihr following othtl •• .rination relative to said ptive to said inlprOvemeut iv thnr or not said 1m- - �„ the petition ... ................._.._ ..� ._.._........_....... 1or. Or 1110rC OWlll'1'S. 5. To St}1tC wdlether or not said illill•oyemellt 1S "r o1 oil the petition of tlll•eC 6. To report Upon all of till for' ling platters to t�.L1= sinner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._ .........�.1�)l� Nays: Yeas: couneilm}ul F sworth 1 191 ... 7 May Approved_........ _....._ _ ............. . .. .................. ......................... .._......._........ ....._.......... pCJBLISFIE Council File No ................................... - r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and >(� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the ]asking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Ytuil, viz.: ._Ccn: eon,._..t k ._._a.r., ...._ B�.I.�I?.L.i.a.t..e..._L.o.ts.....1.1.....a,rzd.....J2..,.....B.10.0k.....3..,..._uaz.e.l..... P ,Lon ... t.o....the_.._C.it.Y....of._..°.t.._._Paul.,..... 11inn,.__for....so.L.o.o.l.....ruro.o.sea.,...... to. be..... paid .....for ._..out ....of.._tile .....item-in.....t.he Fund........ appr6pr.i.at.ed} _.... for._.Mai.ntenance,.....Rapai.r_-arid...rzeal...l state... ........_ .. ............. Dated this....._ .__......._._..-day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIERFAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following inlprovenlent, viz.:...... Condemn._ take a nd.....apF.r.npr.iate__Lot's .....11..._and ....1u..,.....n1.ack.....3.,.....hazel....Par.k...._Ad: i..it.i.©.n.....to...--the _.._ �.i.ty....of_..S.t- Haul,.__ iron..., __f.cr..._schon.l_..pur.p.saes,..... to.._be...paid .. for ..._C'at.._o.f I:he c nal Mind _.at_nranr.i.ate.....f.t7a'...-�taintB.nanoe--3..._Rcap2i.r_. _item _in.._ he _.>c'' C. F. 6466— aW, written proposal forthe a. 3d s�_P,.1�.at_ate.,.... making Whereas, of the ow e folling Improve e t ...._ ........ -. ........... _......_._. vox: Condemn, take and appropriate I Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, Hazel Park havingbeen presented to the o' CAddition to the City of St. Paul, Minn., ellnnan_......_........................ .......... ........... .............................. � 1 for school purposes, to be paid .for out of the Item on the School Fund, ap- thCl'C101•e, bC ]t proprmted for Maintenance, Repair and Real Estate, having been present- RFSOLYED, That the Comn a to tho Councn of the City of St. is hereby ordered and directed: Paul therefore, be It Resolved. That the Commissioner of of said improvement. 1. To investigate the ne1c Public Works be and he 1s hereby or- g 1 dared and directed: 1. To mvtestlgate the necessity f improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. TO investigate the Hato or Raealrabllity of the making of t•.provement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile 01? To tnvesngate the nature. E. .. estimated cost of said .. °nauhniecolt tt ,,.,n relative to said improvement -l. To furnish the 1'olJalving other. fel, : _. I ,trhh 5. To state Whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for ing lastters to th Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council............ Jl..t� Yeas: Nays Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved_ ........... ......_........791.._..... Keller O'Leary r O'Lery Yoerg Mayor Powers )C� :Mayor. PUBLISHED Council File No.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. -A6.6 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the loulcing of tile, following public illipi-ovenient by the City of 'St. Paul, viz.: u -0 -late Lota I tio VB alid 1,0t. Y -V ..... ..... to.- i4' sc,-q 4� 4D aC- 2 -j toC,s:rLja Eelght a Or =-1 I , 001 Pux-.) for out of the.. item -Jr-, --t'ne S�chcrol-- F�mdl -- wppTop-riated- for aapai.r- a -4.tata. ]);tied this... --day of.... ..' ...._.........191_..._.. Councilman. ....... 191 - Councilman. PRELpHNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: to 27 L -o -t. 'he i -tett in t -h, e �ioh-or:L P--irposaZi to paid jr >uO` of T alance,.-Rarai r and Real ;.stata-, 1. No. 6466— 'her.... A written Proposal for the ............. .. . .ling of the following i ement, ....... ... .............. .......... -: Condemn and approplAP.It" 27 inclusive and Lot - A!!, . Let. I tile Coulleil 'm heights, for imbno' Be Bl -k 9. ....... .......... - ... ...................... having been presented to is, to be paid for out fhto.o.1 po'. he SOhool Its therefore, be it itana Fund, aPPI-Pll.tod for nee, palm and Ror,j Estate, .1 be.. Presented to the Council a hereby ordered and directed RESOLVED, That the Coininissiori's'n city Of St. Paul therefore, be it ' , That the Commlool Oer of works acted he J. hereby or. of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity fedea nd directed: To investigate the n..s..lt Aesirabluty of the Making . Y.tor 2. To investigate the nature, ext-overeent. f aid aiprovenient, and the total cost thereof. To investigate the nature extent 3. To furnish a plan, profile ors estimated cost Of said 11pr—.- , and the total cost thereof .° Other To furnish a Plan, proillo or to said improvement 4. old improvement o furnish the following other Information relatl,e to said ......... . ......... ............... ....................... ................... tjr or not said I.- 5. To state whether or not said iniprovenient , ?r r on the Petition 1he petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of tile going matters to t nuissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.... ................ .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth AI)proved Goss Keller McColl O'Leary 7 Yoerg . ... ............... ............... ......... . ... Mayor Powers �Nfayor. PMUSMED n CITY OF ST. ,PAUL t� COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _.. _ _ __..._ __ -:" L h COUNCIL FILE No ...... .. ...... ..... .. Date Presented June -11-15.----I91.......... Re Ged, That the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract to J. L. Shiely for the grading and improve- ment of Louis Street from Nelson Avenue to Dayton avenue for $640.00, Engineer's Egtimate $921.98 be and the same is�hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the pnoper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 371. C. F. No. 5467—Bv At. N. Goss— Resolved, That the actlon of the contract to T. L.i Sbiely for ttie grading. d improvement of is street from Nelson avenue to Dayton Avenue for $640.00, Engineer's Estimate E921.98 be and the same is hereby conflrmed and approved, nd'the Corporation Counsel I hereby Instructed to draft and ub- mit the proper Form Y ontract there- ' for. Formal Bid No. 371e Adopted by the Council J%ne 14. 1915. Approved (7una 19-1915) Yeas H) Cou cilmen (V) Nays Fa sworth G In favor K r M oil .against y Y rg r residen Powers �' ez .adopted by the Council ' -� _ 191 3 approved 191 S MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.._ _ COUNCIL FILE NO- ... ..... ....� Date Presented....---. June.. _14,.....-I91.b.....-. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby autliorized -to sell 38 feet of curb reinforcing rietal at 15� per lineal foot to the St. Paul Concrete Vlorks, the proceeds derived fro::) such sale to be credited to the Paving Depreciation Fund. C. F. No. 6468—BY M. N. Goss— Resolved. That [he Purchasing Agn n38 b[eetPd[is hbre'by nforcing zmetal a.t 16 eats pert lineal foot to the 9t. Paul Concrete 14'orh% the proceeds thePaving Deprecfatfbe d from such onoFund.edited to Adopted by the Council June 14. 1916. ApprovedJuno 14, 915. 1911916) 0 Yeas (I") qt'glI en ('1') Nays th In favor (% Against Bash /rPreside ers —.1 18-2 Adopted by the Coun 191 Approved ` 19r ` CITY OF ST.' PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM��J Subject:... .".. Y ...'_ �' st(.Acr a+ awe COUNCIL ......... FILE O. ............... .......-... Date Presented 191 ResolNed;� . �./'�/� "'"t t. --e' '''�*�"vY�.A.-@sC�6-�"arrL,•-1 �/,,,1 eT,�i'" IL atr� eT." It fe: Lo, 40 m C Reeo ved,4Thn $- cCoil— Public SVorka Is hereby Id Ind directed to nt pnoce gneated and rerial thebraldewnik tner real tn'b% mien Ashlnny o llnep on omme .'u, nde the ,proper[ the Snelllns avenue and west aide of - a11eY In rear of N extending to the tocnted nt N. pc• nSlne House No. 20, ° • Snelling avenueec"'or of Ashland and / 191V cllmen (1') Nays coat of the about /m ted by the Counci ' Yeas (I') Co I. pnla out o movement to be f fund, f the. ]oc front ofl cl t_t said sldew¢Ik pbeing ej. worth f Property. Co In Adopted by the Council June 14, 1916. l9 1 ..- Approt•ed ,iu ne 14, 1916. 111999 — 191. vj Kel r / �j June 19-16161 Appro / M oll v Against — N Y rg Mr. Preside . Powers MAYOR FORM C.B-2 COUNCIL FILE By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the matter of _P.avizlg_ Unwood Place ...from._r.o..t.to__S.t.....,_._to.. Osceola ..avenue., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property li as so..omp.lete..,.. v¢he.re..not already_made,_ also--c.anB.truc.ting.....tue...n.ec.assary curbing and paving alley and driveway approachesp under Preliminary Order1791 ..... .................... .._...___......_._......_. approved .qday..._6.tIl.,...... 19.15. ..... ..... .... _...... ......... _.......... _...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nafure of the improvement which the Council recommends is _._;Rave Lin.wogd.._P1a.ce_,from ..............__ Grotto St. to. Osceola avenue. inot.ld.izlgs.ew.er.,..wa.t.er..and. _gas_._c..onnec_tions from stree mains to property lines complete, where not already made, al- so constructing the necessary curbing and driveway_ap- proaches, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._2..,76..1.._,,a.Q,. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .._lUth day of .--July .....................__....., 191._x._, at fhe hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, roan No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and tl tai cost thereof as est' ated. Adopted by the Council'' _ lty Clerk. Approved �g __ / 14_ , 191 Councilman F nsworth 55 11e<& 4' " erg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 �........ .. .: _._T_....`�. _.._....... Mayor. the coneferedtiered • be and�t a end adoyted.. 1. herebp.- Ith. he Improve -1: .her, Teas a vue.ae on said Smprovemeat Y duly.- 1915, eat the cA. X. 1n the council !tedby Council June 34; 1915. ove •owed June 14; 1916. (June 19-1916) - .- CITY OF ST. PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; . _. _ ....-..... COUNCIL ___ FILE No./....J� . ... .. Date Resolution Fixing the Amount of land of Extent of Easement to be taken in Condemnation Proceedings. In the matter of openiag,widening and extending an alley in Block 1 Wilson's Re -Arrangement of a part of Marsahll's Subdivision of Block 27, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition and in Auditor's Subdivision No.31, under Preliminary Order No.2796 approved December 2nd, 1914, and Intermediary Order No. 4912, approved May 12th, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and skefth in the above matter, be it, RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St.Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A triangular piece of land the westerly line of which starts at the southwest corner of Lot 10 Wilson's Re -Arrangement of a part of Marshall's Subdivision of Block 27 Mackubin & Marshall's Addition and running southwest- erly to a point on the south line of Lot 1 Block 1 Auditor's �� bdivisiou No.31,which point is 25 feet west of the southeast corner of, t 1- (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public alley. j Mr. Pr.& —, c e -z C. Ne.6471- b1iC Works tr.h In tter of opening, widening nn the' ma extending alley In L Wil ' son's Rearrrr of a angement of a art Marshall's So f Block T Mackubin . Marshall's Addition an Mars all' In Auditor's Subdi vlslon No. 31, under Preliminary Order No. 2796, approved December 2nd, 1914, and Intermedl- ; aryOrder No. 4912, approved May 12th, 1916. The Commissloner of Publlc. Worksi Fated having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, he it , Re9olved. (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby dxes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named .Improvement to be a follows.. A trinangular piece of land the west- erly line of which starts at the south - yes 1 ') COU cilmen (1') Nays eat corner of Lot 10, Wilson's Re- -rangement P a, art of Marshall's Subdivislon a4 nlork 27. Mnckabtn `)ted by Council ��N 29 I9.f5 191 Far bworth the \Inr hall's Addltlon and running outhwesterly to a point n the south line of Lot 1, Block L Auditor's Subdi- - - vision No. 31. which point is 26 feet 1/G GO .west of the southeast corner of said V 1 K1 r Lot I.r'�1J VE (2) Thnt nn easement Is taken In - I 011 .said land to the extent necessary Lo serve all the purposes of a public alley. i G Eery the 29, 1916. ! ' Adopted Ju rg ADDroved a 30, 1015ucil . / (July 34916) / _ Mr. Pr.& —, c e -z No.6471 1 ,.e matter. of Opening, widening and ending. an alley in Biock 1, WIl OF ST. PAUL s Re -arrangement of n oar' o[ ibins& SubdiXsx.vision naaliion.and LUTION-GENERAL FORM 'itor's Subdivision No. 21, under Subj4�Ct;. InarY order No. 2776, approved ,or 2nd, 1714, and Intermedi- `- sou NCIL ger No. 4712, OPPiOVed DfnY FILE IVO "- nmon issier of Public Works.......................................................... IOmitted his report and ekc teh ve matter, bo It, (1, That thee CILY of SL ,y .fixes aad d termines thh. e Date Presented....--- --- -- �C.L-....-I91-....- �hnd to be taken [ or the improvement to . r plece of land dthee xett sou 1".<esolution Fixing the Amount 6'f 'Land or Extent of Easement to be taken In Condemning Proceedings. WARY'AX ----- In the matter of opening, widening and extending an alley in Block 1 Wilson's Re -arrangement of a Part of Marahall's Subdivision of Block 27, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition and in Auditor's Subdivision No.31, to a width of 15 ft., under Preliminary Order No. 2796 approved December and, 1914, and Intermediary Order No. 4912, approved May lath, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having, submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it, RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as folldws: A strip of land 151 in width the westerly line of said alley being a line starting at the southwest corner of lot 10 Wilson's Re- arrangement and a running southwesterly across the corner of Lot 1, Audiotr Subdivision, No.31, Block 1 and parallel to a line which starts at the northeast corner of lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision No. 31, Block 1, and rune northeasterly across the corner of lot 11, Block 1, Wi 1 son I sRe arrangement. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public alley. Yeas (t7 Coul ilmen 01 - .adopted by the Cdllricil Far worth �/ i Go / In fav ✓�� 191 Kel �( approved- '- Me oil �/ Against Yo - Mr. President, owers MAYOR rOnM c.B-2 b CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D-1 Coxe11-11. ._.. OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E.uu.— J. E. CARROLL. Suo Coxernueno. & RePune -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - ALFRED JACKSON, Suer. S—Inn.. G.. H. HERROLD, OFFICE E­-­ H, no-x H. W. GOETEINGER, Surr, Wanvno J In the matter of opening, widening and extending, andalley 15' in width in Block 1 Wilson's Rearrangement of a part of Marshall's Subdivision of Block 27 Mackubin & Marshall's Addition and in Auditor's Subdivision No.31, under Preliminary Order No. 2796 approved December 2nd, 1914, and Intermediary Order No. 4912, approved May 12th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hareby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be. taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land 15' in width the westerly line of said alley being a line starting at the southwest corner of lot 10 Wilson's Re- arrangement and running southwesterly across the corner of lot 1 Auditor's Subdivision No.31 Block 1 and ap parallel to a line.which starts at the northeast corner of lot 9 Auditor's Subdivision No.31 and runs northeasterly across the corner of lot 11 Block 1, Wilson's Re -arrangement. GW=ji inner of P lic Works. Hated COUNCIL FILE NO. By C FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of C.ons.truc-ting a _ s.ewer on. Ross. s_tre.et_ f rom_.Atlanti.C, _e.tree.t to a point 15 feet east of the west line of Lot 13) Auditor's Subdivision l:0:"37; and on Atlaiitic'street from Rods street to Fauquier street; under Preliminary Order 428.5......_ _. approved _.Ma.rch 30th, Intermediary Order _. _._....__. .._._. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ._Qons trust _a sewer._ on Roos street from Atlantic _._street to a point 15 feet east of the west line of Lot 13, Auditor's Subdivision No. 37, and -on-Atlantic-street from--Ross-street to Fauquier street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance �Ilith,Adopted by the Council t, ..........._... City Clerk. Approved .......... ____ . .�._._� ` 191 Mayor. act oP ti ..ltor's Subdiv. Atlantic street f. Councilman Far worth sue t„ Fauquier street. u. der P- minary Order 4236 epDrov— b(arch 30th, 1915. ,. Alpubllc hearing having been. had upon the above Improvement. upon due notice, and the.. Council havingheard all=persons,objections and recommen- :having'fully dations relative thereto, and considered the same; therefore,be Resolved,By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature,;ex- tent nd kind of i provement to be made by 'tie said City f construct a e :ewer ort Ross tree' Lrom Atlantic JKr streettog a point 15 feet eaet-of the est line ofLot 13, Auditor's. Subdi- vision No. 37, and on Atlantic street from Ross street to Fauquier treet, and' -the Council herebyorders saidim- provement to be made.Mayor Resolved Further, That the .Com- missioner of Public Works be and he Form B. S. A. 8-7 is hereby Instructed and, directed to prepare plane and peelaeatleLeler said improvement, and the Coal; that uncil for a proper ty o icer. said autthe, proper city cted hereby to are hereby. authorized and -directed to proceed with the making said a . prodopted In accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council June 19, 1916. Approved June 1¢ 1915... (June 19-1916) " 1 - CITY OF_ ST. PAUL _/ - "F _M DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) �.J�Iu�1�f ----�- ��-...a...r►._��-� _.-Jl..1tr1_.-- lr/_�.1<<-./( �/��.-------- In the 1katter o 0 ?tet i T c1.-._ � N r ,s t,� _ � - Lf�L--7�_&_'�----------------- ---------------- ----- ------ under Preliminary Order approved��Of J _......._------_--------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- To ----------...----._.---------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 11643.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--- ---------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $- 1.17 -----'-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION fz y all, Z C7 / 3� I 71d - C, IORM B.9.A. 99 A TOTAL, 3 0, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 y iw /— Z Ilk - 1 i S L e'�" r11 •, TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 7 J to % J,j J` / Lf�J J� J`u �3 �U iliJ�U ls� f S�� � spa fo J� /� 'd Z /J` z /lf < �O 4 -✓ �u 'r 4 e l� z 7 y iw /— Z Ilk - 1 i S L e'�" r11 •, TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 7 J to % J,j J` / Lf�J J� J`u �3 �U iliJ�U ls� f S�� � spa fo J� /� CITY OF ST. PAUL , r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT eLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ` 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _...___...._) Commissioner of Finance. IORM --9.!c St. Paul, Minn. March, 11th, 1915. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL:— CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINN. GENTLEMEN:— F's the undersigned, proprty orners,residing on ROSS STREET, hereby petitions your HONORABLE BODY, to construct a sever on said ROSS STREET from ATLANTIC STREET TO ENGLISH ST. �/)� ,t... �G l.r%/G V i/Y ✓ 21, f� l y 1 A. Olt", ROAR 20 1915 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS. . ROBERT T. GOURLEV, DEPu11 C...—.— OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF E --n J. E. CARROLL, SUPT. 00—Rucl— & R-1.1 ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. SPRrtIT101 G. H. HERROLD, Office "'R E ER H. W. GOETZMGER, Sun. W -1-1E CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. CO`MISSIONER St. Paul,)dinn. April b, 1915. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Rose St* from Atlantic St. to a point 15 feet east of the west line of Lot 13 Auditor's Sub. #37, and on Atlantic St. from Ross St. to Falquier St., in accordance with Council File #4285, approved March 30, 1916. Approximate estimate 01,643.00 Total frontage 1,624 ft. Exemptions 1 200 ft. Assessable frontage 1,424 ft. Cost per front foot 01.17 Ezoess inspection necessary $60.00 Respectfully submitted, -9) Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to'Commissioner of Finance ..............441. 6..:..........................191..5.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No .......... 4285_........approved. ......_.....aTOh..._3Q..+_...................191.'x...., relative to. the construction of a sewer on Ross St. from Atlantic St. to a point ................_.......................................................................................................... ......... 15 feet east of the west line of Lot 13, Auditor's Sub. #37, and on ............................................................................_......................................................................................._............................_............................................... ...................... Atlantic St.f romRo Ross ......__........._................. ............. ........._......_......_..._ ... ............._.........._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..................... and (or) desirable. $1.17 per front foot 1 643 00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............_....._ ................ and the total cost thereof is:�........_.i...............�...._......._.., and Frontage 1,624 feet Excess inspection $60.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................. ._____ ............ ... .._.._................. ..................... ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........ ............. ........... ............... ...._...................................... ..... _.................. ...................................... ... .... ............................................................... ....................... ..................... 5. Said improvement is..._...............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Comunissi er of Public Works. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ._ Grade.._Greenbrer..._l1Ye..r..._fro,n_$at7_h©.2eSt ..._........_t_o......Z.YY.._5�........................._......._.........._.._......:_.._........._.::_ PRSLIIYRVARY OSDSRS __._. __..__. .... .. ...... Whereas A w Itten gro9Gveal for the.-� mak{ng of the';foliowlag Iwproy1ment: ...:............................................. ..... ... , v1z Gr de Greertbr}er Ave: Yrom Saw= _ _.., i thorns 6t ,to`Ivy alt's thaving 1feCn.: preaeated toake Cou�cll o[ the-CItY O1� Sp pan! therefore he having been presented to the Council of t,-.Reeotved alae the commlleloner of -Public and - i asad he }P hereby o r,,[ therefore, be it dared and directed: 1: To Inveatieata the tleceaeltY �Yor, or,deelrabllity'of the maklne of=laidl RESOLVED, That the Commissioner lntvrovemene: y ordered and directed: 2.' To lnvea6lgate'the�ne.tura eztenl 1. To investigate the necessity for (.ane eenmatea':ooet of 3a1a improve-'; improvement. mect, and the total coat;�thereof ' 2. TO investigate t11C nRiUT¢, ¢XtCnt`$ To ^furnleh a -:Plan prOflle''or g eketoh of said improvement Ment, and the total cost thereof. 4. ,To' furnleh, the te1towing_ other :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket� este-ane mformalfoa relative to Pala ' rupprovement: -Ip.6. To whether or l. Too furnish the following other da e5vement, fdtatee aekep for o� n'v ]ve to said improvement:...._...... � ................ .................................. .................... ........................... ......................................... _.................... _._........................_.-.............................................................. ......................................................... _ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................... A.H.....L5.... 15.1.5........ 191._.-._. Yeas : Nays: Councilman Far worth Go Approved.... ...... ...... 1...e..._......... 91�.... Ke r bIc oil Nash Yg .................. Mayor P era pR}BLISHEDSG7 /�"` 'g'' l� Council File No.... .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public Paul, viz.: Coilctrue_t a..._ cement__. tile_._�idep;1'.-,}o_.__a.rr ....✓. eas aiae_of..C.helms.io.r..d St........Cr..onl...YZp p//.fit. to.....0 l__ Petition hereto attached. Z _ _...__.......... ......._............................................................................. Dated this ...... ..._14th_._.day Petition ,,64741 by' the City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WITEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:_ .............._...._......._...... ... CQi1.s.:4:t1a..t.....a.....c_er.,�.e.nv._...t..ae.....Biso,.esralk....t..o.._.a...111(lth....af...aib....f.e.o.t.._on.....the_...east_ C F ,No 6#74 Sj.Cl-e Af-fiihCY11S lOTf3.- .i'kr.-.1r Whereat, A written propoesl for tlie6c'L�-til--Axe +-`- making e. f thfollowingfimprovement, viz Gonstruof 8 cem¢�nktne' sidewalk a-NldM,4t pis fegti op tho'eaet side - -- having been presented to the Council therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissi 1. To investigate the necessity -i 2. To investigate the n4ture, e,FJ :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sr 4. To turnish lilt, following other , ereby ordered and directed: orIsaid improvement. d rovement, and the total cost thereof. improvement: .................................................. .......... .. ......................_. i ........ .. ........... ......... ,.ear:... 5. To -state whether or not said improveincat -:a risked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...................... SUN._.15....u15.._..191......._ yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nswortll / Go s Approved.......__ ........... P ..._. ...._l_.... Ke er 14Ic oil bW Bash L}iiP Mayor Po rs .Mayor. Petition Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER.5475, r_ i�prov nellt by the City 0 Ig , ig Publics el ,file undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folio Paul, viz.: ih . ..... Hyacinth St..,.in accordance. yrit ...... ......... ................. .... ........ .... ...... .............. .................. .......................... .......................................................................... ....... ................ ........... .......... ........................... ........ ......... ............ .......... ............ .............. ................... .. Dated of_.._...._. ........... 191 .. ...... ........... .... .......... . ... .... .... ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prOpOsnl for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ....... ... ........... . . I - -2: - li—o�- :acia, th at Cons r b:t St.-- lict a Qr P 2, -th ement on .-Wrk-wrlght .... ... .. - ............. ......... . . ....ag'been j'Sneeehted t6 �j Covnctl ,.._,_.he. ,C,Y0f,SL-'paUl,jWofoieAe`'1t - I .,I,.d That thcoquissiGer'of, -lo'.Works be slid he bi-hereby 'Ord led::.T. having been presented to the Council Of the Cit 'To nlvafftlgato't - h-�4iii�osdty'1102; deelrabfllty of the maktng�ot said therefore, be it orovem To' Oeetlgateahe astute, ezteat: '. - rn RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of W . 'tot "Co. viro fDrove dered and directed: i 1. To investigate the necessity for orde�"Ic To r o iprovenlent. t ovf.116 I �,,other Ir tt_ 1, , an, L. To investigate the nature, extent a said t I the total cost thereof. for tulon :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketchroars e , , e or re. or d. TO furnish the following Other dal or'. rovement:... a ai [lana 7 th Councli lune i6 1836 .. ................................................. ................... ............ .................... .. .................................................... . ...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is as a £or onlm pa i i li of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .......... 4�5-ln I Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fausworth G 'o Approved. 0 K er M 0 _ 11 .i hash Yg ............ ... .. ......... ...... ........................ Mayor Po rs Mayor. Council File No.. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followill iblic improv Paul, viz.:Cone.tviat. a s_ew_ox on Dale St.* >dlwe.enGomo Dated Uy _tK City of St. Councilman. PRELUMNARY ORDER. IVvIlEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: an - Dale. -.St betwaen Como. Ave ...... and....B.imQn Lv_e..and-....on Simon. Ave... batween Dale .St.* and.-MIC....Yanty- at . . ....... ....... ..... - .............. .................. ................ V—P. No`_A;176­, I-J- noosar, i� written proposal J6 �Xhe. ............ ............. ............ .......... making-of�.the f(illowing,hniiroveraefit, �v`i,coristruet aveower on Dale .8L.bG:', tvVeefi'CoTno Ave; and jSfinon!`4ve.'.anll ori Simon between:; Dale -St, _aAal .............................................. ............................. having been presented to the Council of MoKefity fit�i having peen�,Vresented -to tb6,,,Coujj6lj-`of,�- theClt3t� � of � St.-�: Paul therefore, be it tharofor.�']A:It ' " � _X��` -',Resolved, That .the ,.00jjjdiaIon6r,bZ. ei, r� C a RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 11.albllo�Works he and h WharabjK`0 ',by ordered and directed: dared ' and directed:' - 1., ,I L�, &V lavaetigat.,,o for ity for or desirability, of 1. To investigate the necessity t. , sold;improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extenIA' investigate j t j ent lent, and the total cost thereof. -ate -cost{Improve-- t a, Total so 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket z, U to. a prep prollte; o_ sketch of said lmpropea�ent. 4. TO fill-Ilish tile following other •n A r Is v ing 1_1i I improvement: t • To is wb ...... . ...... ............... ............. .. . ........................... ................................................ ......................:..................................................................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .... .............. .... JUN 9 1 Yeas: Councilman Farn worth Nays: Goss Approved..._......_..._....._ .......... Kell MCC I Nash .............. ...... ..... ........................................................... Yo 0 , w ra Mayor. flavor 4o Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ;? 477 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol ving public m roveslefwb"ry�t City of St. Paul, viz.:......._nBt.T...uc_t.._Bt....Y�Qt.Qr/s_alYer ......ar.....Lexingt. •f...Av. ::_..3rn ...Burgess.. St. to Van dyke Qr.Y1]- Ave., on Van Slyke A . from Lex gtorAve. Horton Ave., .on _.Hor.t.on....Ave .. -from. _Van ._.Slyke_A .....to..._Lake. ....0 .0.,....c...._Chat or. ..-at .......from �Tnion St. to Lake Como, on Ar le -. from rosy St. to Slyke Ave.; n.._the'eouthea'ster•ly.....sd-southeasterly ...a .....an....Van.... lyke....A:ve--jw .frZ Argyle St. to Chatslgorth., on the nor we erly si of Sunshine Square........._.--- I.................._... . ... __..r ...... ....... .. ... Dated this ........... .1.4t.„_._day June.._.... f ...._._...... _....._._ .. .......... ....._.......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. NVIIPREAS, A written proposal for the staking of the following improvement, viz.:__..__....... _........ .......... ____. Construct gtorm._water._._se�yers_._onLexi ngt_Qn,._iyQ........f om....B.11xg.ens.....St.........t_o....... _..... Van Slyke Ave., on Van Slyke Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Horton Ave., on...Hor.t.o.n_.Ave..._..from._Van_.87yko....Ave......ta....lake.....C.amo.,._.on...Chatsvior.th....St- -from Union St. to Lake Corso, on Argyle St. from Cross St. to Van Slyke Ave., on.._the. ...southeast-er.ly. side af.-Le Roy equare and on Van Slyke Ave.-cram Argyle St. to Chatsworth St. on the northwesterly side of Sunshine Square.. _.. a F.No 6f47 who as A wrlften PZt,;,--for the having been resented to the Council making of the totfowin¢ fmpr-,t; P vfz ,Conelruot a,etorM sower o oniLeLa a-. all ........................ Ing onAve., from' Burgess, St, to van, therefore, be it slyke; Ave:, on. Van Slyke” Ava from Lexington Ave. lo.8orton Ave. on Hoakre RESOLVED, That the GO1nIn18910 •ton;Ave. from van Slyke'Ave. to L, Como, on Chatpworth'•SL Isom Unlon.�ercby ordered and directed: st. to', Lake Como, on Argyle St, from 1. To investigate the necessity Croce ah•to.van slyke Ave on the said improvement. southeasterly side of Le Roy, square `.�. TO investigate t11C nAIUPC, C\ and .tin Van alYka Ave. from Argyle; g ,westerly side oft3u'St., a 8t ere he.v - OVCIIICIIt, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, pro ilC or t_htrig ' bee of 8t Tsaut therefore be at of pTo -Inver tge Reeplved, Th t the Cgmmlesfoaer }. To furnish the following :te oth pubfo•worke a-and he la hereby �o sand improvement: . __ ..... ....... ,� Aer d: and directed �: ............. ........ .......................... ......... ...._..._ abflltY. ot, the ,m ,. ._..... ........ _-... ...... ....... .. ......... ..... 5. To state whetheror not said improvement is itit for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of tile, foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........_........ ........ ...JgN...._143.._W.5191......... Yeas: Nays Councilman Fart worth / 6 GossApproved ..................1.... _�.........._.........._.......191......_. _ Kell r MCC 11 Nash Yoe.......... ........- Mayor Pow rs / Mayor. PUBLISM tO —/�S' Council File No .................................. Petition s PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and�� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the Working of the follow' public 1provement Jry the ty of St. Paul, viz.:.._Q.4.11s_t.IUSj.�._._A_...C..Pl1.QxAi1._..j .�i....t.0.....a... .1dth.._.0 .rig_. e-t....on._..._..... Dated this ......... ..14t11...._day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, r1 written proposal for. the making of the following improvement, viz.:....._......._.___...._...__...._.... Construct__._a..,_cement__._t_ile.__sidewalk.._to__.2..__�ridtn_._of..._s_i ._ieet.....,4..n..._agn� n....,&v@., hath,. s.id.es..,._..from.._C.olulty....Road... t.n.._.Cl e Veland._Ave...,.__._.........._.__........._...._.__...._......_........_.............._. .. _ ..... _. ........ _..... . having been presented to the Council o£ the to ewes, from countyRoaa'to,Ctove j,........ ........... ... ..._......... .. ; 6 I land Ave.• having been presented to the, _ Council rot the City of at Paulthere therefore, be it tote„be;¢ Resolved, That the Commti Si , r "bf, Puhltc Wotke be, and he le'hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of ordered and directed: ° Y” To. Inveetigate the neceeelCy for 1. To investigate the necessity for or or ,o,00blWty of the making' o[ said provenlent. lmproveIDent. !•. 2. To dnveetigate the natu •e; eztatit' I and the total cost thereof. J. TO investigate the nature, extent and eetlthated cost of Ssla Improve m 33. To Iurnieh he tae, o PIS.. anherpioale' oi•.- 3. To furnish a ]tin, profile or sketc p 1 Sk�e�tc�h�r of " ld Improvement 4. To fin the following other da a tllf'l�t -ation telativeg"iid improvement:............ rther or ��. trt . =':. ......... ......................_........_.._............._..............._...:..._............._........................._............_....:_.. „� . 4, •......_.................._........._. _._...._............ ... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Cotmcil_........ ........ ............. JUN 15 1y 15191...._... ............................ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GosApproved.... .............. _.............191......... Kelr illec 311 Nash Yoeg ......................................................... Mayor Pow rs lIayor. PUBUSiiED /v CITY OF ST. PAUL Mr.,Herrold COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; .......... ................ . ......... C . OUNCIL FILE ... ...... ....... ....... ................ ............... ...... ...... ....... ................ ........ . . .... .... . . ..... .. ....... ........ % . ....... Date Presented June - 15V;k 191 5 - Resolved, That the plat of Evanson's Re -arrangement, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Yeas (I") ilme c n (!)Nays Co0 ' I'm' c Far worth Go In favor Ke MC 11 G Against Nash Yo Mr. President, owers I... ...' C. r No ill-y ­ h' the Pe.o.".=,d,1 by Rearrangement. T the platConacalselon andl "W"O".. by .1 of P b to or. ,the C.__i.. act h ill ae. nd the a -by- he 15, 19M Adopted un, 16, 1916. Approved J Adopted by the Council JUN 1' 191 ;ProAppro MAYOR �( CITY OF ST. PAUL tar. Herrold COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUFILENCIL Iv0...... ..... .` IRA) - Date .. - Date Presented...._..._ June 91 Resolved, That the plat of GebhardtIs Re., as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. olv d, That the '-Gate— . Resolved. That the plat of Geb- _ ,, d , Rearrangement, o as recom- mended by the Pont Commission on and approved by the Commissioner of Pub- . ilie Works, be and the same le of asapted. la Adopted by the Council June 16.1916. Approved Jvne 16. 1916. (June 19-1916) j Yeas (V) Cout men (P) Nays LFarn orth /-Gos In favor -Kell cMC II against yc Nash Y oe Mr. President, wers c.9-2 �� 'yt .adapted by the Council JUN. 5 191- ,iUi� Appro d 190 V MAfv 'U MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:... .. ............ _......... . ' COUNCIL PILE No...... .. Date Presented -.......June _...15 ,_........1�15..;.... Resolved, That the time for the eon letion of cont acts for the grading of the following streets be and the same iS hereby extended to June 10th, 1915: as• Hudson Ave. from Earl St. to Hester St. Hyacinth St. from Earl St. to Orange St. RESOLUTIONS.. o. 6483— Hudson. Ave., from Earl St. to He, �itlyaulnth St.'from-Earl St. to. Or. Adopted by the Council June16, 1 Approved Jurm 16,.1915. . ' (June:26-1916) Yeas (r) CouJIA Imen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council _ A.i�Lri__191 Far worth Gos In favor / r Kell i• h Approved _ l9 _ 91 S Mc II U- _Against Nash ' :'oe Mr. President, wers-_-- MAYOR FORM c.82 El s . Paul, '.:ire:. Jmle 12, 1915. To the honorable Civ_- 00-1:1cil, C I " Y. G o`•.c:-� , rec 0ti`a1.1 s7: o-- .70 .o=:.ble 3oi 0au.;rc i "e lo',.i -� r '.i,_ co, ;;raets be e - ci13cd to Ju -:o 10th, 1915. Hu _con Avc:,:ue. f o St. to H. stcr St. Hyacinth`St. f'ro_. Earl St. to Oran.�e St. Cwiil_; to condi-;ions of weather ii; was net possible for me to 'inish these con;;racts vlithij,. the tij:?e .pecified, hence I desire to ask teat tl-.e time for co.:plctin; sane be rade L.,_ herci��l>c�'ore stated. Yours vo_„ Contractor Thcre is no objection to ':avino t'•:e czLcnded as requested, as far as the rec_uire e .t -of ji-N office is corccrned. pt. of Constluctio icpairs Chiefir?eer. A-ePROVED Co*lmissionor OT PI]Lblic Works. ` ,1 i`' , of econs%, au t°t Af j o ��3 o avenueue 'ay - ! Flnnl to 3 a laic '= That the-� pia - �aetimntae�•- �her OWN, 1 .med ireby r eyed. t be coli. !•ha eDy npDroved. d �•e�d,9Fu they ,That the pa , . Ieao and h0 1. hereby a�. yl;dl`rvldbd by the Olty ChT4.� zr •the, making of said Y 0 F S T. P A U L . ff, according;;to said plana 5482 ' lone, on the. has16: (A) Th ,,r or contractor, ahall.Yurntn UNCIL RESOLUTION ' and, material Yor :said won •Ifled, sum; B) Th°t:-th..bid- ntractar .h'01 make .slid fm• In 1 ey'Yorca'a-aunt, r,,11vinl trUCting a sewer on Selby Avenue from' ;�ge.of coat; Driee for 'perforr a - :arc` In said advert, some the Purchasing Agent-ahnue t0 Marlboro Avenue. idder's'bond to the amo�i twenty per cent. of %. -d for the 'execution t" Y°eche s 3482 Intermediary.Order under Prelimiri: car,, Final Grder 4711 approved May 3, 19-5. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by th@ Commissioner of Public 'Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER., That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu theieof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids.should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon, s Adopted by the Co it_ia,_1914. Yeas ( ) Cc cil'igen P° ( ) Nays Yo g Fa. sworth Go s Re ler M oil >sats�t Nash Mr. President, P ers Appr 1 1 . Mayor Pmu CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 14th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Crushed Stone Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing crushed stone, to be used in paving North Smith avenue from College avenue to the north end of the High Bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are author- ized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. ' C. No. 6483— Resolved, That the contract bearing date Juneth, 1916, and between the'b Paull S Crushed Stone Company t and the City oP Paul Yor furnishing 1 rushed atone, too be used In pn.viug North Smith avemi=.fr .m C•,llege twe- e to the north end of the High' Bridge,be and the same le hereby ap- proved, and .the proper elty officers are authorized and directed to executei the same on behalf of the City. Adopted. by the Council June 16; 1916. Approved Tune 16. 1916. I(June 19-1916)' Yeas (✓) C oilmen (✓)Nays F worth G In favor er 11 �.... Against N s Mr. Preside ,Powers FORM'C.82 ' JUN -IV 1'!5 Adopted by the Council .. ............................... ............191....._. Approved.. ....... ... ....... _......191' ..... MAYOR, Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 14th, 1915, by and between the J. L. Shiely Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing con- crete and screened sand to be used in paving North Smith avenue from College avenue to the north end of the High Bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. N..-6484,— ht [ the contract bearing Resolved,1916, by and between date lune i 14th, and the C of SC LPact lfor ofurrd hing concrete and screened and to be used in P '.Ing North.Smith a enue from College d of BMap. to the northrfdge, be and the sameon' is herebhe y -P- ,d Iauthori an nde Proper city to a executethethe. snore on behalf of the Cltyen Isis - Adopted by the Council lune 16,. Approved (June 1811916).. Yeas(II)Co [limen (✓)Nays F Orth G_ In favor Klr 11...... Against 9 z esid Power. FORM C.B•2 Adopted by the Council .....LIJU.N....III IS1.5..........191.._.... Approved............ ...... . ... ........... ._._....._ 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject-...... .. ............... .............. .............. .................. .......... .......... .............................. _485COUNCIL FILENo ........................................... .... ............................... ................. .................. ............ .......... .............. ............. ................. Date Presented _ .. ____../.'... �- _ _ __ _191 _ ... Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 14th, 19150 by and between the Kettle River Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing sandstone blocks, curved and straight sandstone curbing, to be used in paving North Smith avenue from College avenue to the north end of the High Bridge, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. e C F. No. 6486— Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 14th, 1916, by and bgtween VIV the Kettle Rlver Company and itis City of St. Paul, for furnishing en the stone blocks, curved and strnlght sand- stone curbing, to be usod In paving North Smith avenue from College evo nue to the north end of the High Bridge, beandthe same is hereby ..ap- prove d, and. the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the sameonbehalf of the City. Adopted by til, Council Juue 16; 1916. Approved June 16 1916. (June 1�-1916 01011 - Yeas (✓) Co 'Imen (✓) Nays Far worth G In favor K r '1 11 � ..Against / N Y t Mr. Presid Powers FORM C.8 -2f Adopted by the Council__ .._...JU.N_..1.5 18-15 191 ...........................................:...................................... MwroR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject .............. ......_.._................. ......._................ .................................... ......... ...... ........................... ........... ra COUNCIL FILENo........... .. ...1 .....:................. L................................................................................................................................................................................. � Date Presented .......... .__........ ... ... :... . ._ 191 ...... Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 14th, 1915, by and between the Republic Crecsoting Company and the City of St. Paul for furnish- ing 15,453 square yards of creosoted paving blocks, to be used in a paving North Smith avenue from College avenue to the north end of the High Bridge, be and the same Is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the Citv. Yeas (✓) Cou4ilmen (✓) Nays C, F. No, 6486—. date June '1 That the ontract bearing the Republle tCreosotlnbY 'and between the CItY of 'St pant'g, and 16,463 square Yards or creosotedsblng Ing h " 8 to be used in Pav- Smtth v nue from Daving North the north end College avenue to and thea or the High. Bridge, be me la hereby ae a thd„ and. the proper, city oftloere are authorised and dltected to execute .the .same oa- beha0 to the Clty. ' Adopted by t ovene he 16Council1916. June 36. 1916.: Apprd Ju, (June 394936) Adopted by the Council _....JUN. 1�5.,.15.15....._ 191. APP e i 191. X.. ✓1/ii MAYOR Far aorth Gos, r.. In favor Kell' i Mc 11 (L Against 7 N ae Yo Mr. President owes FORM C.a-Y C, F. No, 6486—. date June '1 That the ontract bearing the Republle tCreosotlnbY 'and between the CItY of 'St pant'g, and 16,463 square Yards or creosotedsblng Ing h " 8 to be used in Pav- Smtth v nue from Daving North the north end College avenue to and thea or the High. Bridge, be me la hereby ae a thd„ and. the proper, city oftloere are authorised and dltected to execute .the .same oa- beha0 to the Clty. ' Adopted by t ovene he 16Council1916. June 36. 1916.: Apprd Ju, (June 394936) Adopted by the Council _....JUN. 1�5.,.15.15....._ 191. APP e i 191. X.. ✓1/ii MAYOR U and made a part of this ordinance. Section 5. All ordinances and parte of ordinances incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction be fined in a sum not less than Five Dollars or more than Fifty Dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than five days or more than thirty days. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be-ia', force thirty days after its passage and publication. e. �Y f IiiaatA Passed by the Council/A Yeas ays Mr. Farnsworth Goes Seller McColl 3Fe:4W Nays, O'11'T ' Mr. PrresgdenV (Powers) Approv d 915. r ✓pJyN� F 4 1 016Y Ci . Mayor. I'U73I COUNCIL FILE NO. _ �E o rt G,P / �� {L ac / �tutl"//'7/1 E f By ....... ._ ............_ ...__._ __.....__.._ 1 i • r� Lf' Resolution of Council Appr vi g Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of 7Fenefits,,_..costs and expenses for paV Tl.,g ._...._.._.. with 7}¢" Ions 1esP yellow Tine Creo- soted wood hiocke ort'ka :b" Portland; ...._... .... .. .......... .. ...._.._... .............. _..... .. ._. _..... ....Cement concrete foundation, Dale lire atreet from- Grand nveniis;'t° north the P Iglehart nvenue�'a.from south line 0[ CarrollV[R0+0 to trio ...... ... _.. .. _..... .........._....enefh Ilse nP St. Antt .....:.._'+e, also ander Preliminary Ordele36, 416_ &.36,573 S$t1C11iYe1{i�il}Ka11i1Kr ___ __. . Final Order 41670 approved _..March__a4th.. __ .__._ _...., 191.4 Theassessmentof...._benefits, costs and expenses _ _,.for and inconnection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .....la_th....... _ _ __..... day of _,......___,july._ ___....._...., 191._��., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court IIouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council191 1 erk. Approved .. _ _ _ 191 and �.[ .1,v7 , ai+ly''oved 1 24,ih, 1914. 9 �esaeseutent of Tleneete, coats ,! and mayor. Councilman Farnsworth for and improvement chavinglon with the improvement he.Ving been',"sub-' �� L to' the'Counall, "and the Council. R�- ciasme red same tory fonnd-Sth., •�+Dl.l " GGSS '.msessmartt eatleLadtory, therefore,', ',Wed, That the B daseessment be " Keller he same is hereby in all respects ed 'vod F irt6r, That a public bear- McColl had on salfl assessment on the iaY or July 4ssess t the on, O'Leary � of 19 o'ciack A M.. In the Council Chamber, N. 61 t the Court House and City Hen Buading, in the City of „ - Psul; ..:that the Commissioner of YOerg encs give notice of gaid meetlus, as n.i-ed'by the Charter,:�ptating in said � Oynn a ,ad rplace , f he-Ingl Mayor Powers ,L 1,. , e, Form B. S. A. 8-8 ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT X .............1 191.....-_'.. In the matter of the assessment of benefit8...._...go8-te.-_an3 expert. hlc,._for the Pavin_g__ with 3%" lonk' leaf yellow -Pine creo- soted woodblocks on .a 6" Portland Cement:. :concrete founantic.,. Dale . .......-......_._...... _.. ._........._.... .... ......._ .......... .............._.street from Grand avenue Ao thenorth line of ., rgleliart avenue; also -from -.the 'south - line. of Carroll avenue to the. south line of St. Anthony. avenue. also .... ... ......... ... ............ _............... ...__. ...... ......... ............ ............. ......._..........from': the north line of Central at'enue under Preliminary Orders. _36.,_416 ,& ,36,57-.____,��j�y�xg�datlon%lcom the northllne of avenue tothe. aoutti line of 41670 approved.. 24th Front, street, also p Final Order......._ blocks on a 6" Poi To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the tures necessarily incurred and to he incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $?1,1160..40_,_ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $._...._ 8.35 Server Connections 1,036:$_6......... 5. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - Water Connections - - - - .............................. 1,041.60 xiaeap=*KDcbeesx - Curb i -n g - - - - - - - - - - - $..P,243.04 Private Driveways 198.74 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $.._. ---3 5.1 QJ... _.. Total Expenditures Leas ,�t�x� g , g the eum$8 ,� O: appropriated out _ of the av> g reet Intersecfione Account of -t'h& General Fund. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....5.8..,.71°..._0.5. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land ill accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon :is may be considered proper. Commissioner o Finance. Form B. S. A. A-9 z• PUBLISHED c,omicil File iVo................ ............... PROPOSAL FOR VEMEN . and PRELIMINARY ORDEJEC The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th ollowing public improvement h the City of St. Yau1, viz.: Thz..._furr._ishi..':�.g...._and..._i_na_tal........?:.°_n..._4f.._9_rnamen.tal...._l.-.......'t?.o.ats...._vtith......... under -ground conduiaa _.and _w i. ngand eq}z.ipment.,_f?. the conveyance of e.le.c_tr.i.c._..curr.e.nt..._the.xe..t.n......zi.._Le.xingt_o:n....f�.v...xa.tl .,......f..z.o LTnivrr'1A :tY..._A.v..enue .t.o...Summit.... Avemu.e__ -... .......... .........................................._ Datedthis......._._ _ _. _ ...._day ot..............__._........................__._ ............................ _. _...191......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVIIEREAS• A written proposal for the making of flip --following improvement, viz.:_..___..........__.... ...... ... ... .. flArn is: La.ng.....an.d.._..n_i.al.a.t.±.:an.....a_.__osna�te.n.t.a.l.._1am�.-.�.a.3..L __under-grnA. tad..__ c.a.ndu.ita.... and..._wir.ing...and....e.qui.gme.nt .for _ _t.he....c.unmeyance.._.o.i_. electric current thereto, on Lexington.__Avenue_,... frq�p ;J.nyvereit,yAvenue to Summit Avenue, having been presented to the Council of the r ­ ' em for. therefore, he it ,nt;tt a Unty RESOLVED, That the Commissioner, ° havn .u¢clt .of ,re ;-lien 1. To investigate the necessity for or'.4olvvee 2. To investigate the nature, extent anio"a tral 3. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of tr+ 4. To furnish th, following other data an" tsentea so an •st.. Peal there-"!rehy ordered and directed: COmmleeloner of laid improvement. Fie ie: hereby or - he neeeeetty for.wennent, and the total cost thereof. making `of eatd said improvement: _.__.._.____..............__. _... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for going matters to he Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...... ... .. ......... �L.......191.. Yeas: Ways Councilman F nswo•th G s Approved L ............. Ker oil oll Yrg ............._.._ Xr_P:Iayor. y or el s Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 15th, 19150 by and between the J. L. 8hiely Company and the City of St. Paul for grading and Improving Louie street from Nelson avenue to Dayton avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are author- Azed and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. --_— ' . No. 649That''the ontand betweebearinn 11eeolved, 1916, by and the CICY date June 16th, Isis- RY and improving thE. S: L ShlelY COMrading and njPPr ot.St. Paul'.Lor 6 Nelson ve ma•. to Louts, ptreet tro be, and: the ea Dayton• avenue, aecebY!aPProvod, andthe.directed�to otflcere re authorizeti half of th Clt e samey.- %� execute thon 0 AdPoted by the Counhtl=SuhgZ9 1915 ABDroved Tun t'�J�ne Yeas (✓) Cou 'Imen (✓) Nays Far orth Go /In favor Ke M 11 ... Against N Yo Mr. Presiden Powers FORM C.9.2 /L!C Adopted by the Coun ' _ :.............../6......-1191 �.J Approved. _...........�1.. 191. .................... MAYOR (. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL, FORM Subject:........... _... _........... ... ............ _ FILE No ................�.`.$ �........ Date Presented _ _ ..... ._.. _....... ..._ ___ 191 ...... Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 15th, 19150 by and between the Climax -Western 011 Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing. seventeen cars of asphaltum road oil, during the year 1915, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) Cou en (✓) Nays Far orth Go Kell N I Nas Yo Mr. Presiden owers FORM C -a-2 C.F. No. 6491= .. _ Reeolved, That•,the contract .ben lag datend {hegClimax-Western oilJune 15th. 15.y Company and., the�C1tY of St.-Pau1. for furnishing Bev I f quteen. cars of asphbet and The -sial, or - Ing the .year 1916.. hereby :approved, artd the prdper clay glfic ar ' authorized" nnd'dI ,, eted, to execut'e'the Bame ons benalf:of fhe Clty:; Adopted by the Council 7une'16, 1916: Approved June • 17, 1916. (June 26-1916) Adopted by the Council'._ . _...._../.191..T— In favor / D_.Against A�Pproved......... ...... .:... .....MA.........YOR............. fil Council Department of Bureau of CITY ,OF ST. PAUL -...General _„ Form :x. d Lane's Phalen 'Grove Addltlon: ,V14 T ecee9pry 6uYs. '1 poles 1 al] Y. tilock 8ve�'Denny, n I \' I J d� 191 Council,File No. 1dRion wfh haeaeea y Rays. \J/� l 1 poles on Atlautic street, from eventh at et, fbvr hundred feet; B cAlh na..... ry guys y �•tW oH.,,ts RearranReto ' K t: St)I.v YD. That the St. Paul Ganrp G. u t a.y is hereby.rd—. 9eary 'guy.. sn .td& i,,l lives by erecting poles avd suing.. wires there.. for the Irzns di.,i...f ek-mity— and i, the follmvi 11— and streets.f said ci��-?lea In 001 Your poles 1n alley. Blocks twelve and thirteen. Brooklyn` Addition. Twenty poles in alleys, Blocks, one, two three, four.five V six, seven and eight. Lane's Ph"On Grove Addition. with necessary guys. Two poles in alley, block give, Denney Hill Addition. with necessary guys,{ V" Two poles on Atlantic Street. from East Seventh Street,four hundred feet north, with necessary guys. F ✓ Eight poles 1n alleyst blocks ones two, V.W.Hoyt's Re-arxang,g_ ment, with all necessary guys. V Five poles in alleys , blocks one. HaU+& to Hyde Park, with all necessary M' All ol.+ur�h exteosi��ns. I+J �w� saball be crerled nvd constrncled under the f Pnblk Utilities and io all thinea .object to the ...visions of Unli.... e N.. 2x24. n.d of all other lawful ordinances and reaolntiovs of the City of St. Paul. All p.les sh II be set ih, ..0, loratim+ it sail alleys avd streets as the Connniasloner of Pnblk Utilitie .sh ll d si...1, rid shall be of .. ugh heigirt avd hatacter as he .ball do nd a.prov.. and any and all suet. pole, shall be taken down avd removed, and such , es nlacad undenn.und. whe.ever the Council shall deem that the iguate a 'ir pnbl is i.ieresl so renuires, xn<1 whey it stroll so order. Adopted by the Council_ _1911 . Yeas ( ) Co' Cilmen ( ) Nays v F NSWORTH GS RG (i Approve _ 191 r' K LER Mr. President, P ERS Ft1E3LISHEID _,fay CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department -of .._-- Bureau of --- - —— CounciVillee No. -r r `? Date Presented `I//�)� - 191 BY I ESTI ED.'I'hat 0, f. I 1 Ga. },+elf Com Dan> b hereby ordered avd directed to extend a electrical lives by ereaivp pules avd t npiprree thereup (vr the uansn ms ov of electricih so=il the{dlluwivu allgs and street of said citY: / \ Ten poise in alleys, blocks between Goodrich Avenue and ougeola Av"us, from Finn AE,enue and Cretin Avenue, Summit Woodo with neceseary guys. JFourteen poles in alley, Blooks, me# two and three. Oak Snob. with necessary guys. Five poles in alley. Blocks one and two. Stone and Vortone Addition. with necessary guys. One pole on the west side of Snelling Avenue. one hundred fifty • feet north of Taylor Avenue, with all neceesary guys. _a. veet::a ;a - All of_uhe n .le. avdwrs shall h ed nd c. t+ cfr +i Lice th nr `ixrcusuof C hdin a No 24_+4. vvdc all o her lawlul:� All Mica MWI be +at in such location fns id all a ,.d street. a, .h II dee ute and al+nrore, and any and all .nch vin shall he uken �',t pul,lu. Interest au re i i ,and h,. it shall ao order �dn Ilin Adopted by the Council whene+er the l:o 61 shall deem that the r - ut j bot to Utilities' lbject.'.4 the pro- "eel nc Yeas ( ) en,ta o[ et. Rauces l ' OR_ �y tKE 1 Nays blia'Utllttiea ehal4, be of;eucbhetght�i jynysfiall,; designate 2 'anti au; eucii'-' 3n down and rr res.. placed,,:.• ,. Mr. President, n of Public Utilities and in all thipcs 310nypoles end a,HU eDnetrnated 3Ov nd .hall be I such Leiht avd haracter ax he nd t supe v el ep r rt p+ whene+er the l:o 61 shall deem that the r - ut j bot to Utilities' lbject.'.4 the pro- len ease aea,ot o[ et. Rauces l ' __191 sn etch toCa- Inet 1d street ae L LLthe ) Nays blia'Utllttiea ehal4, be of;eucbhetght�i jynysfiall,; designate 2 'anti au; eucii'-' 3n down and rr res.. placed,,:.• ,. Ifo . Cat^ Approved _ Mayor Ma CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. PURCHASE _ 0F__H,16&..BARRHLS_..OF..._C3W. NT ..._._ _.... .......__. .. - "� 94 COUNCIL FILENO ...... ............... ..... ........ ... ..... _ .......................+................................................. � Date Presented.._ June 15th _ 1915 Resolved, That, Whereas the Purchasing Committee in error awarded the contract to the Northwestern Lime & Cement Company for 6,167 barrels of Cement at a price of $1.37 per barrel, and Whereas the said Northwestern Lime & Cement Company refuse to sign a contract for furnishing cement at said price and the readvertising for said material would delay the paving of 16ar- shall Avenue, thus working a hardship to the property owners as well as the City, this therefor causing an emergency, now There- for be it Resolved that the City Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase at the lowest price obtain- able, in the open market without advertisingo onI ompetitive,,bids, 6,167 barrels of Cement, chargeable to the Permanent Improvement and Revolving Fund.l . Resolved.. hasrwhe : h r Yeas (h) Goss Mr. Pre: �onM �.ez CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. COUNCIL ` '.1.95 FILE NO..;... ..... .........." ........ ........ ...... ........................... ................... ..-... .................. .................... -........... ...................... --......................... ................ _ ....... 1 Date Presented. ....June-' 16-15----I91 j G Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in reject- ing all bide received for the curbing of Fairview Avenue from Summit Avenue to University Avenue be and is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered to procure the necessary material therefor through the Purchasing Agent, and perform said work by Force Account, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. C. F. No. 6496—BY M. NaGoes — Resolved. That the action of the Contract 'Committee in ejecting •an bide received [or the curbing of Fair- view avenue from Summit avenue to condrtned and approved niversBand ithe Com- mis.loher of Pubile Work. to hereby ordered to procure thescessary ma- terial therefor through the Purchasing Agent, and perfgrm said work by Force Account. in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. A o to June 17 LL1 11 June 16. 1916. (June 19-1916) \ Yeas (i') Cou ilmen (f') Nays Far worth Gos ') Kel r Mc oil r Yo rg Mr. Presiden Powers roeH c.8.2 ,adopted by the Counc � !_.4.— 191 S In favor / ^ Approved (� 191J Against ( MAYO CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i Subject: _ _.._ _ ..__......... ... ou FILENo.. ..................... .. Date Presented Tune 16-15 -----I91.........- t Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in reject- ing all bide received for the curbing of Shields Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Aldine Street be and is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered to procure the necessary mate-Aal therefor through the Purchasing Agent, and perform said work by Force Account, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. C. F. No. 6496—By M, N. Goa.— Resolved. That the action of the Cen-. .tract Committee In rejecting all bide ! received for the curbing of Shlelds' Avenue from Fairview avenue to Al- dine street be and is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered to Procure the necessary material there- ; for through the Purchasing Agent, and perform said work by Force Account,. incordance with the provisions of the Charter. Adopted by the Council June 16, 1916. Approved June 17, 1916. (June 19-1916) Yeas ()'') CJtncilmen (1,) Nays Adopted by the Council 4Approved(g 191) MAYOR sworth In favor oll � _ Against Jerg ary Mr. PresidPowers r C.9-2 Adopted by the Council 4Approved(g 191) MAYOR HARRY W. POWERS AVO. HOHENSTE(N nCPUTY PURCHASING A- PURCNA,fNO CITY OF SAINT PAUL PURCHASING DEPARTMENT June 18th, 1915• -� ?/-� Ron. Mayor and Council, City of St. Paul, Court House. Gentlemen: The Contract Committee at their meeting held June 15th, rejected all bids received for the curbing of Shields Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Aldine Street, and the curbing of Fairview Avenue from Summit Avenue to University Avenue, as they were all in excess of the Eng- ineer's estimate and they respectfully reoom- mend that the Council order the Commissioner of public Works to perform this work by City Force Account, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. Respectfully Submitted, THE CONTRACT COMMI,TT�EE: GG�'C'aF? CITY OF ST. PAUL - /i ry COUNCIL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...APPROVAL ....OF._."Affil.....OF....C.ONTRACT_.FOR..... GRADING .FAUgUIER. S.T. FROM KENNARD ST. TO WHITE BEAR AVE., -AND FLANDREAU ST. FROM MI 0 E.k tea.........::.7th• .............. Date Presented.........June --.16th-.1891........... i Re, ved, That the action of the Contract Committee in award- ing the contract to Christ Johnson for grading Fauquier Street from Kennard Street to White Bear Avenue and Flandreau Street from Minnehaha Street to East -Seventh Street for $4,823.00, Engineers Estimate $4,645.60 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of Contract therefor -Formal Bid #374. C. F. N.J.—BY ➢r. ll Goea— ReaolvedThat the action of'the Con n uwardlnz thecon- dune 7o 1916. June 16, 1916. (June 19-1916) Yeas (P)C ncilmen (P) Nays Adopted by'the Council _ 191 tsivorlh J s / In favor jjj er Approved_ .11 Against / Y rg Mr. Presidcn Powers Mnrovl .o,m c.e-z Subject :......... . ... a ........... .... F .............................................:........ Resol CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ......... COUNCIL .=949JS FILE NO ...................... i1 Date Presented ........................:...:)...............191....... ense No. 349 issued Noioember 6th,1913, to P. L. Mitlleman, 25 W. 7th St., and trans— fered to J. S. Tuomey, 29 R. 7th St. be and the same hereby is transfered to J. S. Tuomey; 368 Wabasha St. Yeas (r') CoImen (✓) Nays Fa(Pl orth . ...._.. Go ... In favor Ke Mc ....Against Na Yo Mr. Presidenowers FORM C.8-2 C. F. No. 5498—BY Henry McColl— Resolved, That the cigarette lfcenae ! No. 349 Issued No 6th, 1913, td P. L. Mftlleman, 25 W. 7th St., and transferred to J. S. Tuomey, 29 W. 7th St., 'be and the ams hereby le trans- (erred to J. S. Tuomey, 368 Wabasha St. Adopted by the Couaoll June 16, 1915. Approved June 17, 1915. (June 19-1915) Adopted by the Council:.. r Approved..... .C9.._...'....._�..._......_......191.� MAYOR APPLICATION FOR TRAiMFFR OF CIGAR_rTTF LICFPT.13E. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: STATE OF MINITFSOTA, ) as. fi COUNTY OF RMHUSFY. J. S. Tuomey, beinS first duly sworn, doth depose and say that heretofore on November 6th, 1913, a license was duly issued by The Council of the City of St. Paul to P. L. LiuLleman for the sale of cigaretts at I.To. 25 West Seventh Street in said city (License No. 349). That thereafter on June 6th, 1914, said license was duly transferred to him, the said J. S. Tuomey, for the sale of cigaretts at No. 29 West Seventh Street in said city (Council File No. 38). that 29 7last Seventh Street is sit- uated in a portion of the so called Library Building which was for, the most part destroyed by fire April 27th, 1915, at which time said certificate of license was lost or destroyed and affiant has not since been able to find the same. Affiant makes this affidavit for the purpose of ap- plying to said Council for a transfer of said license for the sale of cigaretts by him at No. 368 Virabasha Street 'in said city for which transfer he hereby respectfully petitions. Subscribed and sworn to before mehis 14th day of June, 19 5. Votary Public, sey County, 1, st My commission expires Sept. st, !916. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:... ....... ... ..!!........... ............................ .........1.,.._.....:........... .... ..------ ...----- ..._......_......................................... 5499 COUNOIL FILENo ........................................... ............. ............ ......................... .........._........_..._........:::.................................................................................... Date Presented ........................... I ............191........ Resolved, That the application of James H. Lee for a lio ense to conduct a Male & Female employment agency at 1416 Pioneer Building, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Cleric is inetPucted to issue such license for one year upon the filing of the bond and payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law, 0151.00. Yeas ( ✓) ouncilmen ( ✓) Nays nsworth 83 In favor Her coil ........Against h Y Mr. Preside , Powers (FORM C.6-2 C F No. 6499—Tjiy. Henry McCoil ' Resolved That -1 'ayDliicatioh oY. Jam8es dee for,• atllcense to icoaduct a'Ma1e and Femnle emplOYmenttagency same etaby l at is b hPioneer Buflding,.. be .and.. the e''granted and :the Clty Gleik ie: fnstructedgto Iseue..,euch .ill oense.for one. Year: upon the,:dling,;of' the.bond---and DaYmant Into the City: Treasury of the feerequfred,-by laW 1:161.00. - Adopted by the Counall June 16 1916 „� ADDrO—d June 17.:1916 iJan'e.'19-1916) /, ll_ Adopted by the Counci . .. Approved..................19............:' ......... 1915..... ... .......... MAYOR TNCIL FILE NO. . . . .... -- ` ,500 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of...o_on..tzu4..t],.1JZ....a..4emenv.....til_e_.._s,iduralk_._to..._a._.w d_thof.._a x._f_eet on__the__nar.th_.aide......of.....Aehiand.. ay.enue.....betwean.- iamtine__avenue....and-Pa.aa.a1._.avenue under Preliminary Order .._4759 .......---...._._......__......._ ............. . approved ;915 The The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ._CORBtT11C t a Cement..._tile aidpw.al.k.....tsz_..a..._width ...of.__six ....fee..t...._on-tile ...north ..Bide .._.of_..Aahtand_..ay.enue.....b.e twa en Haml_ine_av_entre.--._a.Id.....P.a.a.o.a.l....ay.enu.e.---_.._._.___....._.__......._..._..............._........._..._........._...___.....___........_ _ ._._._...._.._..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .. _.1..tl._........ ........... day of .xAU.y............ ____..._.....__..._., 191....5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, and the al cost ther//eo//fafs�tatimated_ Adopted by the Council _._.__._...__... __ .......... Clerk. Approved ....... .... .._.. ..... ...., 197._ . CITY OF ST. PAUL ,p ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT ? 1915 AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORM F°ENOIL No. 1UN 161915 BY C. HA Y__i. AUDITED �9�_ � l PER C ( r7 322 G F nd M t Ipkl Garage ­ r Wet C 1.sio Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City payable out of the hereinafterspecified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified' in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( it Nays C, Adopted by the Council Farnsworth / Goss �In favor C. F No. 5601— Re .luso [list ante bedraw n.up ' Keller •�[ McColl �. an theCity. T su y payable. to of D Chao hereinafter i, i[led,f d ud i [ Against, foo f the Pere fl m8 ! o pot 'ou t theft for the;am t et olfie do _ I a peMia specified In the MAYOR '[ollo Yoerg ing detailed statement: C porate P poe s—C, H. & C. H. Mr. President, Powers of Water Commissioners. Dreher, $10.41 G N Ge:A bl i t J.D. Hylana; Sslsa. m A. 5.11 i1 FI' -a 548.00. - - LJ.JI IED t/i� G Fund—Mien. & Unro seen EYp.• Farnsworth. Com ['. Finance._ G F nd M t Ipkl Garage ­ r Wet C 1.sio rd lr erG F - d—W t 91111} Board f W.'. C i 1 5808 20/ P li Food M& R'.: G Benz $360 00' 8 d oY WaterC 2Fu0 .. si H lih d—Q & R B..rdY WaterC nyQa 52 00 C 9. -St w N. li G n o Health Fund PCore B Q soars t Water commts _ ••����..�� Corporate Purposes Street Const. & Repair �a?�, Board. *1 �4ater Commie lona , S.& S. Cleantng`Fund—Sewer C[, Maint: Board of }Vater Com y .. - cw'H.: & C. H. ma.int, erPubllo School Fund h` - of Water Commissioners. Dreher, $10.41 G N Ge:A - W Audltoriul�ala i ='fi- [ r 61.6'3 1 ton, $6.00. dltorlum Af ' -- Gen.' Fund -Municipal Court -Office Sup �$1963eb_m--` S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 48.00 Gen. Fund-Misc. &='Unforseen Exp. .Ao; Fard"slr'or'th, Com. of Finance, 54.00 Gen, Fund -Municipal Garage Maint. Board of Water Commissioners, 2.50 Gen: Fund -Water Supply- Board.of Yater Commissioners, 808.26 f Police Fund -Y. & R. Geo. Benz & Sons, 350.00 Board of Water Commissioners, 20.70 _ Health Fund -Quarantine Acet.-m. & R. Board 8f Water Commissioner/, C. S. Stewart, app // 301.00 Total` u ., m A. 5.11 i1 #2 Health Fund -Public Baths-M. & R. Board of Water Commissioners, 2.50 y Street Const. & Repair Fund-Maint. Board of Water Commissioners, 13-50 S. 6 S. Cleaning Fund-Sewer Cing.-Maint. Board of Water Commissioners, 23.45 Public School Fund-M. & R. Board of Water Commissioners, 280.31 S. F. Dreher, 10.41 G. N. Gerlach, 15.55 o al School Fun . .Auditorium-Salaries A. F. m rtor_, 6.00 Auu i i �r i um-]dein t. '� A. F. Morton, 1.96 Public Parks-Par% Employes-Sal. f S. A. Farnsworth, Com, of Finance, 22.00 Pub. Parks-Park Fund Maint. Board of Water Commissioners, 2.00 Public Playgrounds Maint. Ford Motor Company, 522.30 Water Dept. Fund Central Foundry Co., S. A. Farnsworth, Com. Finance, 7J9.97 6,2 7.50 S. A. Farnsworth. Com. of Finance, 44,652.00 Hazen, Whipple & Fuller, 1,198.86 G. 0. House, 1447.93 Pub. Comfort Station Bldg. J. J. Connolly, 104.00 1 CITY OF 5T. PAUL �.n... ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 1914 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FOENCIL No - 5502 6 " � 9Y W, C,HAUUY. AUDITED 191_ l PER 323 � ITL. Resolved that warrants be drawl upon the ity Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in*favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement. Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council H-44-94E,�' Farnsworth Goss In favor Approve 1 Keller McColl 0 Against 7 .G / Yoerg i/C�Cif MAYOR Mr. President, Powers C. 17. No. 5502— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of ` the hereinafter spectfled funds and In favor Y the persons, 'Ir", or corpora- tions for the amounts set ppppslte their Corporate Purposes a peetive names as specltfled in the VVV' Pollowing de tap ed statement. Beater Det. Fund Co rnoraee Purposes $2,600.00. —Water Dept. p - Fund: The A. P, Smith Mfg. Co., Adopted by the Counell June 16, 1915. The A. P, pith Mfg. Co., APnroved June 17, 1915. $2, 600.00 -___._....._ June 26-1915) orporate Purposes $2,600.00 Form A. 541 •t CITY OF ST. PAUL 1915 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 775503 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU NO. 161915 gY `V. C. HANDY. r AUDIT ED181_ 7� irr co.rrnacccn ,/ I PER 324j Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council JUH -IF, l0'S191_ Farnsworth ' Goss �In favor Approved q I(_ Keller �/)J McColly Against Yp•,1�%� � MAYOR , Yoerg Mr. President, Powers C. F. No. 6503— —� Resolved that warrants be drawW - ,oable out' foth 8raredathe heelnterspecifiefunds and in favor or the persona, firms or cor- to their)onsfor pectivee am�esnas ts specifled'In Che following detalled statement: Corporate Purposes—Public Pprks— ". Park Fund—,hint: A. I. Gilham. Purpose $11.58. Cor orate µ0 General Const. & Impro.'ement Ac- Pt—,torn,water sewer Gaultier St: Public Parks -Park Fund-Maint. O'Netl & Preston. $160.00. co Adopted by,the '.unell 7u$e 16. 19.5. Approved 7vne 17. 1915: .(Sone 7.61 916) / H. L. Gilham, — 11.5 _Total Corporate Purposes !11.58 I General Const. & Improvement Acet.- Stormwater Sewer Gaultier St. OlNeil & Preston, 150.00 Total Corporate Purposes x$13.58 Gen. Const. & Improve ment Acct,.. a lT.i 58 I Farm A.5-11 fir.,. CITY OF ST. PAUL 5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ............... .... .. ......... COUNCIL �2•, ..' _ .:! lG�tc� �Crol Ind........ .....FILe NO ............. Date Presented...... J.una.16t4,1915.-.191........ Resolved, that resolution #5222 approved May, 29th, 1915,vawating alley in Block 5 Edmund Rica'e Third Addition, be and the same is hereby rescinded on account of mistake made in the comsens Yeas (✓) cihnen (✓) Nays F worth _ _ G In favor K ler %} 7 , oil i/.__ Against Y rg Mr. Presid Powers FORM C.6.2 C Res lved 60Thatyreeolu[1on pNo. r6222. approved. A&Y 29th. 1915, vacating1- ley In Block 6. Edmund Rice's Thira Is d '. Addition. ded be n and taccount4otern Mlstake made loathe c mpeneat7bn. Adopted by the Council dune 19. 1916. Approved 916 (June 1911916) 44 Adopted by the Council . . .. ....................17......191.. �! Approved ............. 191,..... MAYOR 41 w WHEREAS, Assessments for local improvements, numbered as follows in the office of the Commissioner of Finance, viz: 110, 124,: 86, 104, 138, 143, 128, 120, 133, 137, 136 96, 139 81, 1180 131, 192, 151, 157, 160, 135., 1�1, 134, 153, 1.12, 158, 159, 121, 152, 154, 108, 66, 127,, 125, 1911l 105, 93,213,"129, 146, 179, 196, 176, 172, 198, 193,,- 180, 178, 194, 174, 144, 195, 175, 132, 102, 9�4, 163, 181✓ 187✓ 201, 168, ✓ I/ d I/✓ -'r / ✓ 1 7 , 208, 204, 177, 189, 182, 165, 197, 166, 209, 210, 207, 203, 211, ✓ ,/ 204, 188, 205 and 119, have heretofore been made and levied, and made payable in two_or more instalments; and WHEREAS, The time for the payment of the first instalment of 6aoh thereof has expired, and the aggregate amount of all of the in- stalments, except the first, of the aforesaid assessments, is the sum of $139,205.40; therefore, be it 9 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul, that the Sinking Fund Committee be and it is hereby authorized to sell at pub- lic or private sale, but at not less than par and accrued interest, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute and de- liver, local improvement certificates of indebtedness of the City of St. Paul to the amount of One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000) a.gainst'a11 the unpaid instalments, except the first instalment, of the aforesaid assessments. Said certificates either in whole or in part may be in denominations of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or any multiple thereof, not exceeding One Thousand Dollars each, as the Sinking Fund Committee may determine, or as the purchasers thereof may desire, shall be payable in three years,from the date of the issuance thereof, and shall -bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semi- annually; the proceeds of the sale of all of said certificates to be credited to the Permanent Improvemeo Revolving Fund. RESOLVED FURTHER, That t$e form of said certificates and the attached thereto shall betas follows: M �i e?FS "Series 1. Local Improvement Certificates of Indebtedness of the City of St. Paul. $ No. KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS, That the City of St. Peal, for value received, promises to pay to .......................... out of the fund hereinafter named, the sum of`,.......... Dollars, three years after the date hereof, upon the surrender of this certificate, with interest from date at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually at the office of the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul in the City of Newyork, upon the surrender of the annexed coupons. This certificate is one of a series of ..�y..... local im- provement certificates of indebtedness, numbered to ......... inclusive, aggregating the sum of $130,000.00, and s issued in pursu- ance of an amendment to the Charter of the City of t. Paul adopted May 11, 1912, and commonly known as the Commission er, and under a resolution of the Council of said City, approved .. 1915, authorizing the issuance and sale of loo provement oertifi- cates of indebtedness to the amount of $........... with interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum against all the instalments, ex- cept the first, of the following numbered assessments, which are the numbers by which the same are known in.the office of the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: ................................... The principal and interest of said aertlficates are payable only out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund of said City and are a first lien upon all the moneys coming into said fund from the collection of all the instalments, except the first, of the assessments above numbered. The City of St. Paul agrees to use reasonable diligence in enforcing and collecting said instalments of said assessments, and to deposit in the said Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund all moneys retie a rom the sane i�ncel�dRg-0if teregt pe, aloes and other charges, an a gener fa an are t of e y e erdby pledged to pay all and any deficiency or deficiencies in case the moneys derived from the collection of the aforesaid instalments of said assessments shall prove insufficient to pay said certificates and interest in full. The City further agrees to so maintain said Revolving Fund at all times that it shall be sufficient to meet all demands on the same at maturity. The City reserves the right to pay this certificate on any interest payment date prior to maturity. IR WITNESS WHEREOF, The corporate seal of the City of St. Paul has been hereunto affixed, and these presents have been signed by the Mayor,and City Clerk and countersigned by the Comptroller of said City under the authority aforesaid, on this ...... day of ......... 1915. Mayor z City Clerk Countersigned City Comptroller. C� Form of Coupon. 2UBLISI.EI➢ �- The City of St. Paul will pay to the bearer hereof ......... ..................... Dollars on the ...... day of ............. 1�... at the office of the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of said City in the City of New York, unless the certificate which this coupon accompanies shall have been previous- ly paid on the surrender hereof. This coupon represents the interest due on booal improvement certificate No. Series .......... issued on the ...... day of .. 19.. I This coupon is payable out of the Permanent Improvement Re- volving Fund of the City of St. Paul under the conditions specified in said local improvement certificate. (The signatures of the Mayor, City Clerk and Comptroller may be lithographed hereon.) a�n tions JUN 115 n mine, or as the purchasers thereof msy dl Adopted by the Council, _ IV 'J i f mu.the dateshall eopayable the ]Issuance thereof and shall ear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, payable ..ml - annually: the proceed. of the ..Is of all of said certificates .to be credited to .the Permanent Improvement .Re- iEAS. NAYS. volving Fund. Resolved Further. That the form of said certificates and the coupons at- tached thereto shall be s follows MR. FARNSWORTH "Series I Local I.Prove D ovement Certificates of In debtedne s of the City of St. Paul OSS a RNC* ALL MEN'EY THESE FRES -ENTS, That the City of St Paul, for value received, promises. to Day. to KELLER tke fund hereinafter named, the t um Of..Doll lira. three years after the date hereof. p- McCOLL on the surrender of thisertiflcate, withlntereat from date at the rate of / sl -per cent per annum, Payable gem y at the annuallofficef the Comm!. NASH loner of Finance of the City. Paul, or t the Financial the City of St. Paul 1n the C: / York. upon the sur -ender ✓YOERG Hexed coupons. This certificate is one r local in •• AYS, 0 MR. ESIDENT (POWERS) k �SA Ine* --------- _ S L 33 //p;✓n j �6 ✓ + r S.3y co Iry /off �..� /"i9is td7. 997ias /0?9f ' r4o. 37/lo,os Zl97a!`fI blas I,ao o? 7aso it ��✓ I 6a� 7s /a99 V-'/a� ,e, �j aa6R.icr.'Ssr 6 907 Yo / 760! 77,94 - I/3p�' iwo I /9��5`//0 %/ dQl( O / .Z,✓ Ma�[.t 9 /sem � 3�0 .t.7` _�/" , /'-0 A a�o�z/ ua ✓ 7 i _ /' sr/9i8 — -= / 90 yes /S33/3/o8� //a3 /fa?o ov r- 397f3a v/s _ ,44otr ;1 411 d 7 f3 4a 'I"_ 'rs t33, A. i. /;8/3 oS r/s / KSo6Fs1f� /8 .7 .y, /37. / 4u7? 97 s/s �a?o23djj SSS 70 41W /3 /osYs 3f33SR oZ�f/o7! i ys 9(✓ .. I /�a8s� 90 _ � ��7.9 i /3 7 i /6 r3Sx { vqif470, i j P/✓ . xr", /a4 /9/ j Gfas pis /97sfdaj ao`: sG�o0 4Arr - I 99L otlt /77 I 900 �s /is�S/oo o' oo a ys _ 90i /1702 7 PZ77 7s/ -I ~rS _ 9037'! 197 I 567,6 it %6 6 (o So S7 +ya /a3� .eo II 1946'as..7s ajodaol °`/ //P-037 �f «/a ✓ ✓AP♦O746 -- j a?3S3 I' rte. All 43 1-7, 6-7 /rf37 S,2 �d ii o?o /446?! f e I ,eo f o?9aso /s ; j1 os. .414 a�9s •�/�. _ _ S.2' ao I' S.S 3 �g / / 9 +- �.z S� 7,$ Saa>a7 i _ S L 33 j �6 ✓ + r S.3y co Iry I✓9 - �j° II /V%Tfe??o td7. , i blas I,ao o? 7aso it gT73.?7 93✓ ,e, �j aa6R.icr.'Ssr /'-0 oo 33 3A6s7 ✓ 7 i _ /' sr/9i8 — -= / 90 yes /fa?o ov ,. - I / 74 : ,44otr ;1 411 d 7 (I r Saa>a7 i _ /0?79/9 %7 _ - _ jA"- 9•�66� I✓9 - �j° II /V%Tfe??o , i Council Pile No ...... ........ ...... ............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foll mg public Paul, viz.: .......... The .....furns..shinl;i....and .....ins_t.al g.....a.f._..Q. r.e:t i .. _-___• Dated this- ._.._... _.l_ ..day 507 F the City of St. —'n "t. sk on ........................ .................... .............. ....... ..............._ Councilman. PRELfMMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... .......... _............. ............................. me— ...fusni..tli.d.XIF_a:;1d_._i_n_st_Q.rnamen�.._LamP----- _t_8..._ ......... ..... .i..th....unde.rgr.onnd.....c.o.n.dtz.i.t.&......C.v.n17.e 9.,,ng.__the_reys i_th..._a n_._th e.._ ne c e_s s a ry_.:_ w.ir.i.ng....aia.d...._e.qu_i.Rmen,t..Joy ...._conveying..el_ee..�_T_e..._eurrert.._.thereto f:orr..._Ramsey......_Street.._to College Avenue. ........ ........ .......... ......._........................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau1)1> Ghg vuncihnau...._..........5 e21gr.. e I therefore, be it amp -°eat` tdulta conaelfigl , nate eery; w(rlfiS a - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publle_�for conveytag electric by. ordered and directed: t. Reto: o Smtth avenue froth -1 eiroet.,to cortege,gvenug hatitn�. improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or des presented to the Counan of�b:[, p St Paur tfiere[ore,�Da It 0 t 2. To investigate the nature, extent and 8eeolved TnaCythe Com sloment, and the total cost thereof. P-ad"a nd,dir, be -and lte iq h0ret dared add dtreoted s.'' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of s To tlllty oV dj�lte aeo We..oi or deelkabtllty ot;;,tH§making oi. 4. To furnish the following other data ani linnrovemea se�tf cD mprovement: ...... ................. .,.ratnra.. 5. To elate whether or not said improve tib a .7co turnfah;,ihe rom% tition of three or more owners. =pita lnfoevepn>, 6. To report upon all of the fol -Rug matters to�•PfCommissioner of Finance. 17 1915 Adoptedby the Council ...... ..... ...__...... .....:._........_.................. _._.191_....._ Yens: Nays: Councilman F vswol / 11 s Approved._..._ ......... ....SS' ..... ._`............._......_...191....... ler Coll ergX!1.....................................C3-Z GlY Mayor P vers \Payor. , Petition. i Council Pile No ....... .... Pe PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT: and PRELIMINARY ORDER. i. The mlderaigned hereby proposes the making of the follow'❑ public improvement y the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave Elepenth .... ..._from....Jackson.............._t.R.._.� edl� ....3Z..ng..:............ sewer, water and gas connections from reel mains t property lines calx_e.ady._.made.,.....a ...... all .ey....and..... 4eway....a.npxnac.has._..._. and constructing ourbing, where ne ssary' in ac rdance with petition here.to....a.ttachad................................_._........................_.......... ............... ................ ................. _.... ....... ............ _............ ...................._..._....._..................._........................_....._....................._.........._....._._....._........_.....__..._.......... ............... ................. ....... _............................................ .......... r r Dated this......_....1.7th.-..day of. .......... June .... ...... ..... ........... 191 .......... .... ............. ....................... ... ......__........ _..._. ..__...._ — Councilman. PRELnWARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: .... a_V_e.....B1_e_Y.enth...,;.t.......fr.om....sa.a Bon. S.t_......t.o.....Csdar....St...y.....inc.ludinp._.sekvox.,.....water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not ....al -ready --made, --al-Go --all.ey....and.. drivewag--eppror~ehes -and'--eon�trlxcrting - curbing, where necessary. ..... . _ I _............ - .... . ... ten )the ( ....... .........._. ..__.. .... .................... ........................ ...... a fo�lowln6 .em nt f Bnevon clod frpm lackeon nre gflBur aCOiiaictionn trwmm �tCeet 'mall ............._....... - f having been presented to the COullcl tgf�t a & therefore, be it mama =;to property once oo"mplota,� where'nof BlreadY 91ade al o alley an8 RESOLVED, That the Commiss roaches-an e eonat —ctin8 creby ordered and directed: curbing, where meceeeaty LaY1pg been 1. To investigate the neceasit D�esentea to.th@ Counoll of the CCUs o1.: said improvement. g y at .Paul theretore`,he St 9� 1 Reao}ved That%t¢e 'Commlaelos - 2. To investigate the nature, a alo, Worxe be and ha le h . lrovement, and the total cost thereof. d'aad dlrected:� - i To lnveetlaate fhe :3. To furnish a plan, profile or slcel�arrahnity of Rhe mail alt. 4. 'ro furnish the following other datt2 }nvaetlsaEe then relative to said improvement:........ ita6ted coett ;ae n i the total , -":- '+ lnrnfah"';"a ........................ ............................_.............._. ._..-'---.... , aala.• ..._.................................... .................._....................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement la asked fol' on the petition of three or more owners. x: 6. To report upon all of the foregoing_ matters to the Commissioner of Finance. l•; JUN i!..._181.5..... _. Adopted by the Council ............................ _...... ...191...._._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth _ ( GOB Approved.... ...... .. �.._ "7. 191. / Kel bIc 11 yo Mayor K4 rs Mayor. Mr. G. H. Hetrold. PROPOSAL FOR -IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making, of the following pub St. Paul, viz.:..(;.0Ad.0.mni.n&..and t aking -axleasement....' ....th slo.pea.1--fox -auts ...and.. fills T1 ..,in gradi;Lng Lord, St 10.mae Street- . ..... ...... ..... .... .. ...... ...... ... ............. .... ...... ...... . ....... ----- ...... . ...... - .. .. ... ....... I .... . ....... ... ...... D.t,d this 17th rl.v of "In191 r - I.............. .... ........ . .... Council File No . ............. ........ ........ improvement b e City of d .lan-.na . eas.axy for r' f C let,. ram... Rondo Strae.t ....... .......... ............... ............ .... ............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHFREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...qq...,nt1pm;jipg and taking an easemf�pt in.the 1 d pAq.q .. pg q ..... ...... ............... ...... ... ... g.n _fpr1_9_p fills in grading Oxford Street from Rondo Street to Thomas Street, ...... .... I-- ... ......... ... ......... ...... ........ I ....... .... ..... ....... . ..... ........ .... ...... .......... .... Rondo_._, .... ....... ... ....... ...... ..... Street, ..... - ............... - ....... ..... ..... ....... ....... ..... .... ....... . I ......... ........... ...... ...... ....... ....... ......... I ........ ........ .. ....... ....... ............... osal it .......... . ............. . .... ........ ...... ....... ....................... .....hlak . jjfj,,-1g;'af,� thi,f6jjowaeyA jipr�or , Cofidgnihi- ng. mo.6 4r Sha ifie�,IW "9 Rd having been presented to the Counc, the j "'Out. -.d and neebasary 4j..;ij,hoe ,��i man ........... ....... .. .......... ........... ................. Atf.aatn-" . fin-ln-gr-d .M'-'jto�d6. Str therefore, be it �atrieqil havjng, a. �-,tn;,Tkoanaa, .,to4the RESOLVED, That the Comrmj.tote .�jt' ;bb jot!--!�d quy- XfSlidat"' e,816i a That , � - is hereby ordered and directed: 1 VO a T.bdt uie, Cammisetoner `of 1. To investigate the jjeCeSSir'dera 'Mr g of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature'improvement, and ilie total cost thereof. the natar 3. To furnish a plan, profile It"&`2 d ta te Man A t post Rd e 4. To furnish the followingrelativeto said improvement; ... ............ ............... ...... ............ ......... ........ ................... ............ ...... ........ .. .. ........ ................... ....... ....... ....... ............ ........... ........... ....... .. ........ ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ....... ........ . 191 ........... Yeas: Nays: o Councilman Far worth Go Approved .......... . ..... L-1-7-1- .191 I Kel r Mc oil Yo P .... .... ......... . ......... .... I...... .......... .... .. .. ......... ..... ..... ...... .... Mayor Poi rs 17 UBLISHED Mayor. I CITY; OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:....... APPROVA.T,...OF AWARD-FOR...RESIDIUA4 _.............___......... - COUNCIL i FILE IVO..._. ..... ...................... .. Date Presented_........___ .._...........______....._I91 Resolved, That the contract bearing date May 10th, 1915, by and between the Standard Oil Company and the City of St.Paul, for the delivery of sixty tons (more or less) Residium, be, and the same is hereby approved, end the proper city officers are directed and authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City. fes' i / I Resolved, 1 That the contract, hearing-, date May 10th; 1916, by. and between..'1 `the Standard Oil' Company and th'e Clty-.I of, SL Paul for the, d livery of'. sixty .topr s (mote le s) Resldl m;.lie and 1 the same'.Is h reby approved-.and'the,' Proper city oRicern =are dlfsct,d and,, authorized to a cut e the sam ;on be -I half of the y t / Adop ad by Una Council lune 17; 1916. Approved dune 1T. 1916 iJane -88-I9I5) t Yeas (V) Cou ilmen (T) Nays �' S .adopted by the Council _ 191 Far worth Go In favor / Ke r X Approved_ fJ 191' M 011 U _Against YO g Mr. Presiden Owers ` - - ----" ntwoa-' - - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ................................................_._...._........... //` COUNCIL V..,1 ........... ...... ......... ....... ............. .. ......... . ......... FILE.... O. Date Presented. _. ____ _...._...__ 191 ....... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for furnishing, heat, light and power for the new City Library from the first day of January, 1916, to the first day of June, 1917, under specifications to be prepared and sub- mitted by the Commissioner of Public Utilities, after consultation with the Commissioner of Education. 1 C $eofvgd That `the Pu chaein5 t Aaent by and he le hereby autho i ed q advertie for 'bldg tot to nl hins heat,ught and power Yor the ew CItY LtbrarY. from the -first; day oC 3917uun 193 G, to'tho first dnY'bb' b Ju a, d r- npeoifl atigns`to- bo prepared and,' ubmltted by the Comml stoner L Pub I` ltc Utilitt s aYter;'co soltation' with I th6- Commisalon r of p]dnoatlbs- J� Adopted by the Council June 17 1$71G ,Approved June -17, lull)' 9?6 ) 66 -- Yeas (✓) uncilmen (✓) Nays nsworth s In favor / ler 6 II Against Y g Mr. Preside Powers FORM C.a-Y Adopted by the Council.._.. 1:jet...:�..�:...��.4rj........19L _.... Approved...........�............... 191. ............................................................. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:...:.. • ..... .. ...... ...... .. .. -�1 COUNCIL 12 //,�//\\�� //)op FILE No . ....... ............. ......... A....�[J./....Y..Kl�.l ..... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ........... y Date Presented _..._,._..._..........._.....__.._ 191 _ Resolved, That the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized to make the following changes in the new Library Building now in course of construction, namely: Open a door between the said Public Library and the Hill Library, at a cost not to exceed Twelve Hundred Fifty-five Dollars ($1255.00); and make change in the reinforcement of the main entrance, at a cost not to exceed Thirty Dollars ($30.00), all in accordance with t1je plane and specifications therefor prepared by the archi- tect for the building; the said work to be done by the general con- tractor under the supervision of the architect and the Building De- partment; the coat and expense thereof to be paid from the Public Library Building Account, as an extra under the general contract. Yeas (✓) C ncilrnen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council.......... J�...:I. �...{g.ftJ.... 191........ Approved.... ....... '.......... 191 ............ ... J. .......................... .... ......................... MAYOR orth / In favor I ._Against Mr. Presowers FORM C.6.2 Adopted by the Council.......... J�...:I. �...{g.ftJ.... 191........ Approved.... ....... '.......... 191 ............ ... J. .......................... .... ......................... MAYOR m ®ct&accxa:�su.�.re�s�iaa,s s e x sa a.ea s aan a cai� .,asa Fa av e� ;a t�,`a�- v £. Ki 47 .M N N v c R k Nway s s c a 3G h tISO Arr INN— t 'f '` $LJ`i4 8 �..l S �' p�� �i �� n kr 34 mt� i ik'r I �tXx `^..� F� ,�•+�,�'�`' �,'�� a Jk�. z y" _-ea.} MOD"Ya2'§ � �y�fr��y" 5. � r i s rr *i w t` a"°}�:. r aE$ n E t Y d 9f � �F+ieis+md..P. X� t 5 a C Ya T t # r ,1 b t -1 z{^-�a 'vTN.'" u n Y E ` '+. e K `�1, ate M .� .<.�aa :� �'Mt k },t�'5?i.�}sT3"S` T 'V 3 i �k l 6 1 ���7"`s.'> 3ac�{Tr' �. fis hyyl�n+ab�a3� ua'At�az 3 ri Rax r �F k e a 3t l!gt�ys3�3�'ai��>a, vrt x+ d i a s � R, � «", 3+ 7 4 °a,�x4 r .' - xT ( `u s a ! q t r4 '} c - , O t - a "r. i 9� �•t5kh ryk�.a n b a Fpi-.i..� -4. E CSF i +. ✓, ks 4 , a E ty s£°"� � 'dN 1 ' I4y `s ��„,` ' K� P c�MS+.ra3., s�'"r 5310 ■ F, Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 418 issued August 35th,1914, to M. C. Ratajczak, 989 Arcade Street be and the same hereby is transfered to Paul E. Culliton, 989 Arcade S t. Yeas (V) Co 'Imen (V) Nays Far orth Go _. ....... In favor Kel / M II '.... Against Y Mr. President owers PORM C:9 -P Adopted by the Council............ JUN...1.:i....IS45 ....191........ /JUN 17 W5 Approved. (.................191.. �.. MAYOR �,y v .�/� � ��i�is .�a�-ter �����`�� �%������ �� � �u � r� `-may. �--���_�� .:� CITY OF ST. PAUL * COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the time for the oompletion of the oontraot awarded to J. J. Connolly for the oonarete work at Harriet aIeland Publio Baths be and the same is hereby extended to June 19,1915. �C F': N6: �b(p19 By'Henry�DKcColl �; Resolved Ttiat tfie>ttme fortpe com . - plpp;loa�tilr the contrast awarded -,to J J. CCnnolly for the conorete work at Bar ' rlet„island Pub11C Bathe be and th ams to hereby ezt.nded jo June 19 jsi6 'with the conaeht uY the "surety oa bond - � AdoDo ed Tune 17� 1916 Ju7�e 17 1916 ,I Yeas (✓) C ncilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ............ i..... J. 1. x......191_...... F sworth / G s (Z..... In favor K er Approved_ ............. . .191....... oll Q:.._ Against y 9 Mr. Presiden Powers ............ ........... ... ................. ............ Mwroii.......... .FORM C.82.._.,. N. W. 80M - 2093 J. J. CONNOLLY GENERAL CONTRACTOR Cp 1007 REANEY ST. } ST. PAUL, MINN;U 10 I;= I9I5 To The City Counoel of St. Pant Gentlemen. - I respectfully ask for an extention of time toyune-109I5 an my contract with the City of St. Paul for the concrete work at E%xriet Island Public Baths. The unusual rainy weather during the past month and the difficulty In receiving some of the required material on time caused the a delay. The work is now oomplete and reads for final acceptance, Hoping you will extend to ace your favorable consideration of this request. Yours respectfully s r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:-- ._. _......_ ... _......... ..........._,.._..... _. oouMea COUFILE N Date Presented -..done 16th -16-J91 •.-••-- Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in re- jecting all bids for the curbing of Case Street from Walsh Street to Weide Street be and is hereby oonfirm- ed and approved. Formal Bid No. 388. - - - ,3A'�fproved ?une 17 183E Yeas ()r) tFsworth en (P) Nays Adopted by the Council __-.,_ r�-191 In favor _ 191 -/} APProved_ _-- _.._._Against MAYON Mr. Presiers "N5 'CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM Subject:................. ..... ..... ......... _....... ..... .... ........... ...... ..... ..... ............. ..... ... _....... ---...__._. COUNCIL _. -516 FILE NO...... .......................::.:'.. ... Date Presented ........June. -38th-1-1191........... Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in award- ing the contract to J. J. Connolly for the Curbing of Linwood Place from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street for $195.00, Engineerts Estimate $1,98.17 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corpora- tion Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid #378. Yeas (V) Co cilmen (P) Nays Fa worth GoIn favor / Ke rl Mc oil _� _...against Mr. President owers d Adopted by the Council ___JUN 17 Ibl5 191 *Approved- �7_ /� _ 191 MAYOR --- CITY OF7ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:- - .......... .. ._...._..._ . __ ................. ........... ...... 5547 COUNCIL FILE NO ... ..... .. ...... .. Date Presented_..June. .-.16t.h-18-I91........... That the action of the Contract Committee in award- ing the contract to J. J. Connolly for the curbing of Aurora Avenue from Dale Street to St. Albans Street for $462.00, Engineer's Estimate $476.10 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid #380. Yeas (P) Coun ilmen (P) Nays Far orth Gos Y_In favor Kell Mc Il (2 --Against Yoe e Mr. President, owers Adopted by the Council Approved_ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subj&t: ......... .._ - _... ..... . ............... _..... .... COUNCIL A•1'_V FILENO...... ..... ................... ... _.. _.__._....._........................ .I .............. ...... Date Presentedune 16th -15-191 ........... Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in award- ing the contract to St. Paul Concrete Works for the curb- ing of Van Buren Street from Snelling Avenue to Asbury Avenue for $243.50, Engineer's Estimate $244.49 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Cor- poration Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit ti the proper form of contract therefore Formal Bid #379. Yeas (V) Cou ilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council Far worth JtY Go In favor 191 Kel r Approved _ h Mc *1 —Q ---Against s e 519 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:- O!�„� CA CUNCIL PILE NO ..... ... ........... ..... .................................. Date Presented -...June .16th -16I91........... That the action of the Contract Committee inaward- ing the contract to J. J. Connolly for the curbing of Lincoln Avenue from Fairview Avenue to prior Avenue for $502.00, Engineer's Estimate $532.75 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corpor- ation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and sub- mit the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid 1381. Yeas (I") Cou ilmen (P) Nays Far' worth /�, Go _L- _ In favor Kel Mc 11 ___Against Yo' Mr. President, oweis Adopted by the Council- Approved ouncil _Approved _. tS / / _ _191J CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. _ _ ......... .... _........., ... .._.. __...... ._..... ...... __... - 1 COU FILE No...... ..... ....._�.,�. Q 1 �o Date PresentedJune-18.th-.lfi..-I91........... Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in award- ing the contract to Thornton Brothers for the curbing of Beech Street from Cypress Street to Earl street for $431.00. Engineer's Estimate $477.70 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid #382. Yeas (1') Co cilmen ('f) Nays Far sworth Go In favor Kel r Mc oil ___ Against Yo Mr. President, Owers F,„M.�.e•s _ Adopted by the Council __�j1 N__ 191 Approved_ _ �_ _191 CIT1 tr. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.... .. ....- .......... .:...... .. ..... COUNCIL m FILE No... .... ......................... ... ............................................................................................... j Date Presented.....7uns, 16.15-.....-I91........._ Res ved, That the action of the Contract Committee in award- ing the contract to St. Paul Concrete Works for the curb- ing of Beeoh Street from Forest Street to Cypress Street for $474.00, Engineers Estimate $502.04 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form bf contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 383. Yeas (h) jKer ilmen (P) Nays worth _ In favor ll _Against Mr. Presidowers nM c.8.2 Adopted by the Council _: UN_�._p_1915191 Approved - 191 S --- - MAYOR - --_ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:, _ _ .. ,........ _... . _...__......_c_ FILe L NO..�..... ��..:. ...... ............ _..................................../... ...... _ .... .................... _ ..................... ....... _..._............__._........... ......... ........ I Date Presented...__ -Tune -.-16th-15.I91........... That the action of the Contract Committee in award- ing the contract to St. Paul Concrete Works for the curb. ing of East Fourth Street from Maple Street to Hope Street for $386.25, Engineer's Estimate $422.80 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 384. 0 Yeas (I") ncilmen (V) Nays F nsworth ss In favor ]ler Coll _ _Against Y rg Mr. Presiden Powers Adopted by the Council—_ J1_uN? C 191 Approved _ _ -G _ . t _ .191 Resolved, That the action of the Contract Committee in award- ing the contract to Thornton Brothers for the curbing of Thomas Street from Pascal Avenue to Albert Street for $457.00, Engineer's Estimate $485.42 be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the.Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 388. Yeas r) Co ` oilmen (T) Nays Adopted by the Council _JUfd _1y 5 191 Fe worth Gd __In favor K 1 Approved _".191 M 11 0 ._Against Yo Mr. President,, owers Subject: - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ...................... .. .__.... .. ........................... ..................... —_...... .._ t COUNCIL"* RILENO–- ..... ...........:............. .. Date Presented June lflth.15191........... Resolved, That the action.of the Contract Committee in award- ing the contract to Thornton Brothers for the curbing of Fry Street from University Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue for $787.00, Engineerls Estimate $847.32 be and the same 18 hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contfact therefor. Formal Bid No. 387. Yeas ( V') 4Farnorth en (7) Nays _In favor �j _—/ _Against Mr. Presiders .B•2 Adopted by the Council Approved __OR -----_---�- MAYOR -- f 1 COUNCIL FILE N/O. ._ 7:3F"7�3 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of._Grading_._Lau.re_1 avenue... avenue.._and_..Pascal.._ and._Albert,__stree_t__. between. _Have .._avenue.._ and__Portland.__ayenue,_._ under Preliminary Order ......._4091_._.._ ... _...................... ._.......... ......... approved ....4949h.._,17th,....1915.,_._................ ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _G�Tade Laurel avenue betwe.en.._ mllme_..ave.nu.e__and._.Paa..cal.._ay.e.nue._...and_..Alb.ext.....atreat_..:be.tw."11..._. Hague.°_av$nue._._an3_._Portland__avenue.,.._:.._......__......_.._.._.......___.__..................... ...._............_..._ _.___........ __..._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2.,..6-416-19-- .._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . __ 2..th_.........._................... day of Jl 1.y ..............___....._.................._....._, 191...,5?..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Tinance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.....__...____..__,jU.Y....1.:....i"'S..-.....__. 191-. ..... Y p A ! Approved _..._......lT........._...... Councilman Fa sworlh as oun011eof`Mtahe G —v Jtre0elved.tIIthe'pc h mieel0ger yt Finance P .� C7 _ a lmy rpvement, aedy .hay. saidreport; hereby -•res 3 :',Phat the sald;7ep; �,.j lS6 e( Game 1s:..l�oreDrapyro've and, the eafa,,Imprevei ordered'io be pzoceeded Mc oll Z .,T.tiat the-aature"o. -Tnent_w.hich the"Cotiucll erade.%aurel`avenge.�Del V nu + d Passau='even.' Pertlaaid avenue,' -,with n ry and that. the estiroeth,, f2 61019;; -+ � - YE Reepp'�lved Further. T: heartag''be Mayor Po s had'On .ofju/d on the -12th day .A -Tx y hoar-ot:YO o clock :Y.�L;. Chamber," room Ol of.tlie and, Clty:, Hall Bul1'd1ag;.1 Form B. S. A. 6-6 at. Panic That cher-eon �nanpe-..,glveSnottoe � cL_ae ML rn�`in'�is;. ^KRisv #r Kr. n i:aWs CITY OF ST. COUNCIL RESOLUTION .:..... .....:v s..,..: a ......... .................__... .......... ........ _ .. .. - ReWW4 Further FTriat y„LhayDlans N6,0100kit 0 4nd-'.<edtllaatep 11tted by they Commtegloner of PObllo Wgrks- //!t/ Sorb Ehp above ,matertatart erana tni...�_I91.S.e... 70 A I,- 4/" aatne-ara hereby_apPro EiI a `!AIJ/2 Ip x9aidD�dvertteemenE Sor _bide+'� 11urohaeth$ Adpt shalt reQulrB< dera'bonto the amounC oL r-' tR'epty p cent at the ble esi / �� / '<'-�h. ecntiqu: 01 a `con's'• ,d or Lhe.Pertormn•.. Resolved, That the•Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner provided by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary for curbing, filling, leveling and improving the following streets:' Fairview Avenue from Summit Ave. to University Ave., Final Order No. 2682, approved November 20th, 1914. Shields Avenue from Fairview Ave. to Aldine St., Final Order No. 3495, approved January 21, 1915. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the plans,amd specifications and estimates submitted. by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materials be and the same .are hereby approved. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty -per -cent of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or, in lieu thereof, a certified check for ten per -cent of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing A�ent shall,in said advertisement,reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of the opinion that no further bids -should be received. Yeas (V) Co ncilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council d�I_ _� �_;-191 Fa sworth V s _"_.__ln favor �- 91 / K er APProved_. M oll -AV_-Against. Y rg Mr. Presiden Powers — - --- MAY Dated this .........jxPh........... day Councilman. PREIMUNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................................. ........ Grade..._ Juno_._St...._betyreen.._Freder 9. : 1�e.._�...and ._.F.air.Yl.e i...ALve......... - ......... _............... ....__ ..... ................................................... _.................................................... t o OTgt1K91•'jLlte Y,. l¢hnie. hC4 q 'Ctea Dr ' mgk�oLte LtpglnB��S'roeriti -. 6IsGrade:7an t'etpBb-•DQtNeen B'feder ._... _.... ._......__. _... ........ ..........._....._..._ _...... _.................. _. lBTca $ire qhe P'airvlew `AYe ✓ b toff. begn pre�eentee to the Qenaen ot�he CItY of 8C Raill,therefOrey be it .,i having been presented to the Council of Reaolvea That ttyeommtsatoneF.a—.-...-__--..-...-. Fugt[r� Workq;be,an s,helq hergDY oAI - dared and dlreoted' �+ r s therefore, be it �" xo lhvegtl6ate 1be�sleeeeafty Toi' , `" elYabjllt� oL the makin65 of ga,1Qi RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pzntmi °veettEsate thetihatere eztegiSby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desira`L°h total eos't':theseoiD.,,,- id improvement. rnfeh a- xhen pC•±. 2. To investigate the nature, extent; ;and esti�ia improvement. �j improvement, and the total cost thereof. nleh Lhe fpllowlrit'` 3. To.furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said"iii'"atton relativt: 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:. ....................... _.......... _....__......_._.__ __...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement' is asked.for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the going matters to a Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CgunciL.._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa worth / _ <f Gos Approved ................1 .._ .....�........ ................. 1 ge ...._. .............. ..... ... ...... . ..... ......._. _.__.... ..-.-__ ..._.. Mayor Poi s• Mayor ' PVBLISHEI3�� ��. a ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT couyca: AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO BY—aa��_CC..�n • •• JUN 1 8-1915 lei— duolTEoI9I_ — s � OF" PER - nn. . I 3� Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified u 1n favor ilf;t6 persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followm' . Yeas ( it-) Councilmen ( v/ Nays Adopted by the Coun Farnsworth /1. Goss favor Keller Against Ap ty ,I , MAYI �hl_."ZE;.* President, Powers Resolved that-. warrdate fie drawn_' ' r_ . upon?th-e Ltty Tieseary 'Datable outgo[ thelier Snafter pDectfled Yunde and�fa%: the' pe78oas flrmsbr Corpora-� •l' _- 4_ =r _ _ Yavo%of tlolwfor,tha am6ult3a set opDoel[e thelr..reepectlpe -•names, as',:ePP�fled.ln�.. tha'Lollowing'detafled statement Corporate; Purposes , Iere ; Farnsworth Comatof Fina¢ Sa'is' 00 Merchants atal Bank a 1. - Syeclal Funds—Red of .Honda 1936. Acct:' Merehanta Natlonal ,Bank': i ' Cor orate ose8 P P Red oC Ta: Le y Ce tlflcatea of Ind. 1915°Acct Me chants Natlonal H k Sz6o 000 00 .�� ,Axr I,ntere et FnAd N �+i. New L(brary �Blde Acct.. Thos; J. Steen S93 82710 t �:, -. Adoptdd the Council June 18 1915 -. t 8. A FarnSerorthe _Com. of Finan'° Approved 'J June 19 1916 _;(June. zs 19161 — fy, f 2233.08 f ]liere ol National Bgnk� 17,949.06 � 1 , Special Fund$ Red, of Bpndo-1915 Acct. ;Merchaato National Barsky 20,OQ0.00 Red. of Tax i,.evy Certificates of Ind. 1914 Acet. lSerchante, ational Bank. 250 000.00~ dew Library,.8ldg. Acet. "Thoe. J•.:13 een ,& Co., - 33i627t?C ' Total Specia/,,tVund .......... ..;30 627.i : t Corporosse..... , 8 # 23,8 .16 CITY OF ST. PAUL ~ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .._Sprinkling... ..... ...... __ ._ .......... ........ �=A{ COUNCIL w� �V . FILE No .... .... Mn t,t , ........................ .......... ...... .............. _.__...... ........ _.__. Date Presented .._....June _..14..__...:_I91.5-..._.. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and directed to cause Fairmount avenue,between Lexington avenue and Ox- ford street and Keston street,from Commonwealth avenue to Carter avenue, to be sprinkled for balance of season 1915. Yeas (Y) Cou tlmen (T) Nays Fa sworth Go In favor Ke r jvl oll Against Mt Prestden Owers GO M C,6-2 ze- Adopted by the Coun t _/__Z tyt J7 Approved _ 69_ tl a wnion even, uuu —ate . --- itYi?`its. r.ecomrriendationk to.:the Council for Yeas ( !co 110 to Md Progident. Po or cvt7n�lauv,vi e': z ing a.percen"tage-ol cog :pr��e for per- vert ssement`'fox bids; the, 'Purchasing s bond to the .amount n at 1e€xst tient}! oned .for then execution off; a con�ract:4?ith of said wbr' k in acoordance rith., t13epians e bid: is accepted;' of i 3ieu afiereof "`a 6ht, of the. amount of .the bid nt'shall in said advertisement iesexo@" I bids. Should b ala bd6regeoted`;' razed to advertise; again; and as of�OTI a$ eptable bide'4 . is ontaitiuiile "s t 40 the _contrac;�, if: it 3� � Cori.ti�.�t �ha.ch bebf dpinion that no:£urthEr 'Sds should should be done by th0 (iommisgxbriex of" i which 'eventhe :said b4mmitte9ha71 th its recommen�atiorie tp the OW)Il for r theeoni 914: ` nth oouI, L .'RE 7n 11 Oe of aanatruatng uidex Preliminary Ord x. 3563 I Final Order 47-77t77 14 approved May" lm .Ely That�the plans, sp6cifi by theommieaioner of Public 17orks fog end the.;;sme are horeby. approved; RESOLiT)D FURTHER, �ha�C, the Pregiflent;,� .::uvuuu ned-.tor f`said. a s ing n "tYie ng ..Agent shall in ss id,adgextiai or'' all bids - > Should< all bidel 3 authorized to advertise again an acceptable. bid is. 616t4 ""A' ' b�.ijtted ment;be hereby; Ln which event, TAe saia-aommi YI�aP paaw 7ith'its recoubendatipne. �o the dpunoil.for1 s thereon, - linen 5rtii s �.: Atvr6 yos f3ed suiu, (B) `T1A,t the bsci`der" or meat by,`�bide;accountpe"wing forming aha same. In,said:adver Agent, eiaal:, requite a .bidder is bi the PuxpY, sing Agent is` ,`may be; ;necessary until a 3rve . gd, ten as. CITY OF ST. PAUL I - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .............. ........................................ ............. ....................................................... ........_.............. ............. COU ILEENCIL NO........: .............. i . Date Presented..._ .......................... .L,.t,......... 191........ 1 That the application of E. Lytle for a license to conduct a Pawnshop at 304 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is in— struoted to issue such license for one year upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the Customary fee, $100.00. caF 'Np agse---------------- �Yt�6$lor a}� ant e � aPPI(pafloh p1",$ aia°$''Leland ttre as ger° otup ommdleFs6et haanh tH@,tCItY Qle a he�J%h$la gc 1 lEaue noh Ileenehs;tor opf�neh4p(ed tn{ the Hying of the Hund and ihe�D rmbpt$j ery lase ji0p 00 Me$'ynY�oF the' calftaln'I 1, AdDDted by the Caudal ,rdgp',�g �`� �.� i ri ADDr4Yed,.Tnae,ia lyls'� n., Years (v') C neilmen (�) Nays Adopted by the Council / F 'aworth � Go �% .In favor Ker Approved ............................... ............... 5... M oll 7 /,.....Against Y............ ...iZi,,......_...... Mr. Preside. Powero MwroR CITY. OF ST. PAUL That the application of Geo. R. Holmes for a license to oonduct a pawnshop at Robert Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the Cus- tomary fee, $100.00. Yeas (✓)4Farns.rtdh n (V) Nays Adopted by the Council -- .... / 191. .J In favor APProved.v........Againat - /t/IL........ .......................... .. .. MAYORMr. Presira FORM C. _, COIINCIL FILE NO....... .:-- .. ......... ... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 5538 In the Matter of ._Gradng.._Whe_el.e r_._aver}..e..._fr.pgie, under Preliminary Order. ... ...... ................. . approved ................. _........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: } 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _Grade__Wheel-er_ avenue _f r a.vAnue.,........................__......._.........._......._.....__...__..:-.._........_._...._.........._._..._..---.._._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_..9.14_._01 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the ........._13th........_ ........ _.... ..._._._ day of __j.UJy... _............... ___.,,._._, 191-5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and L"'-7' he al Adopted by the Council ......_..._.. ... ........... Approved totincilman Pd *bt1h „ Vo k t " M o1i Vo Mayor Po is Form B. S. A. 8.6 5539 COUNCIL FILE NO. .......... % By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. in the Matter of ..._gr_ading.,_and._ construe ti_ng.,_a_._se%ver,...pn_._Power_._etr_�et_.__between G.le.ve.land....avenue ._ and ....1911der.....a.t.ree.t,_.._._........_._..._...................._............. .__.........._._..._......_.....__....._.._......._.__._.. under Preliminary Order .......... _<........ __.................. .._... approved ._.,ABT 1...f til,.r... _... _.................. _....... ..._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havingconsidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..._Grade__and C.Onst..ru.....C.t ......... a sewer on Power street between Cleveland.._ avenue..._ and Wilder street,__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__99.x_._15 ............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................... day of U.1.y....................._....__._......__ 191.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, an�t�tal,:t thereofas_e§timatedAdopted by the Council �O>`191-' City Clerk. Approved .........._._` ......' �..... _.._., 191_ . Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth 11 Goss " Keller McColl „ 4�.eeeY- Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8.6 Request .of Mrs Bridget M. Daly; Council, File No._.. ..._.. 298• Jenks St PROPOSAL FORIMPROVEMENT. and PRELUMNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul,vlz.:.._.O.0mat.r.R.Q 1�....Q-Qment._t_ile $idevralk to....g_vidth._of _sYx._ieet On.the , sauth._.s.id.e.....of.....Jenks....St.•...froln_.Mias.issip i._at ...t.o.,_yes.tl after..... t. ..__...._ ......... ........_ _. _.........._....:............ ,, . ..................:_..._................_... _....._........._... ............................_ ..._........ _.._......._ Dated this. ....19in.....day of. Jtul@........ ...... ........ ..... ......... .......... .191 ... F :Y c ........ k Ali Councihnan C PRELIMINARY ORDER x N r WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the iollowv3tlg tpipiovement viz.:.- �, ..- ••• Cbnstruc.t.....a...Bement.....t-ile....aiclawalk.-. a.A'L-v�;t�dth_of_-.aix....fe.e'� Qxi t7 OQaG.k�..side oi..._J.enks._.St.......£r.om.-.Miss.iasipp S tminstAr St. u d %vrlitjn vca10 ne� n� v�ak n the'' [o�7owl Im roeo�g'� °¢ � . 6 call, B oemeat tfle'3lae alk 'irt�o alz ieehoh thea utn 6 :.� ....... ... _.... ........ ._. - hf Tt5„Bt,�i omw%i1!?i�el p vyn tN `fqt gr finvl3ti)3@etl+k tao3'Cdh�!en�Yo��'iR"e".�tY o.� � having been presented to the Council of then efbi"petty _ .__.._..... ..__..._ ins tsom� �th}tb nWgrk s3td�-h��= e therefore, be it Qia �Ta°¢�(tAtefigte t or.' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of or deay4 RM of tl` ata ordered and directed: qmp avemflswf. r a c u� gtf ladeet!te dine ' zfmnti 4 1.. To investigate the necessity for or anal eatlmt un Boat sof Ana i rov PTovement. - - me5�t,-aad W.0 totgl...caetg�tjt ot�= t a �a �urnlanr opl, ement, and the total cost thereof: 2. To investigate the nature, extent" h=ylan aketan br aata imarovam I v�s4. iToy.furnleh the fy� n r - - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch aets'a~aegm nnttxrmeflba rf o .1: To furnish the following other data and fdH4tlarfL"ifilrL7ve'to said improvement:..:..... , _.:... . ..._._ r, ., J. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for, on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of t�fgning matters't9 the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CouneiL..�9... ?..... 1'J1- Yeas: Nays : Councilman Farnsworth Gloss Approved............... ./...' f....... ... 7911._ Keller McColl nmwgr Nash . r.- Yoerg _.._._........_ ... .. ....._._. 7M-Yor Powers t % lfayor. PUBLISHED (1 r ti xt � petition Cofmoil File No.,....... ...... .... ........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. IV and PRELnONARY ORDER. ?r The undersigned hereby proposes the slaking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:...... C.Q?38trr4151 :.._a .....Q.fl tBSA.....1'rll:p_...S.idd9lalk....t.o_...a....Yrislth._o the :._.east. ....side.....oX....Herschel-A.ve....._between ...Selby. ..Aua,-...arid-�au�e�--Ag®.,..,...•.ail ..: ;' aaaordano_e....Ptitla pat.ition ...here_t.o....at.tao.had........ ............ .......................................................... ....... ._.................. _........... _ ............ _........... ........... .._....._......._........._.__..................... .............................................. ............ ....._.._............... -........................................ _................ _............ _............... __. Doted this.... ......19.th_day of....................June-- ............................_ ._.'..191_,5..�j�/ �/ ` Councilman. PRELIIV=ARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal forthe making of the following improvement, viz.: ._........_.. ..... . t.o_..a.._width.,_af.._£.ovx....feuet....on.._th.e_...eaa _side �..._Ave_.......hel.Q.Q.n..S..QIbs._.Ave_...._ and ..:.Law.Q...._,dve_............. _......................... _._... _......................... _.. ................... ....... ... _......... ........ ...'............................ ................................ _. .._.... JakfaeRr' of ib Lollowingfi7m�rQ`eyp - ' _................... ...:_ ._:..,.................... .... .._ - a Is rCBnetruat a ceraenE Ytle���g .................................................... _........... tvfie eo��wtdta of tourf tee�on eheaetY'1d� having been presented to the Council of thea°na Lauiei %ve4 8�ug ro��aaDtk Aefi�t ed to the Couneti oRtho Clepr tat - therefore, be it h$heretore be a Taal. ieeaoly or That the,;ComtGiealoaer�af.. �Publla Worka sbe an•Qbe 1bFhorgby}5Y RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of jaeL a�q 1nveengate thelaeeeaelty rdered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or c�kmy bvemenvy orq a�axln§ of satq, provement. 2. �T.;taveeugatetene;izaiuiee'�itent, and the total cost thereof. To investigate the nature, extent anJ1. a eaelmaEed coat ,ot .aid lmyrc 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketchI. To furnish the following other dataaaia�sod 1mfntogpatlpe to said improvement :........ ..............._.... Ero,NllRnC3 ^r, 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked foi•; on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the f agoing mattersto the Commissioner' of Finance. Adopted by the Council:._ .._. _......._._...__ .........191. . Yeas: Nays: s" Councilman Farnsworth Goss. Approved ......... _...........Cp.. `� / ........... 1 Keller McColl riNg Nash Yoerg...... __........ ... ............................ .......... _......_.... v Mayor Powers hI� i ayor X{. {{, aft"_ /, r. h•,� ,.>:. _. . .{.._., 1 .��- .. .�., a ... a a ...• .. r.�..4Y °.�". Resolved, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant for the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50-00), payable to the United States Government, for license for Auditorium from July 1st to D.qoember 31st, 1915; said sum to be paid from the Auditorium Fund. ageedldA -A.t -,tj 'the }e h5 add•theY aro eete ;to 'W". Wf, 'qr,ble, 'k"4 4W " 0, V f -)FIRW bo­C�, ct"No; 4j�n)gl Ml"W�,V d.,Sttje`:, w� I f A.,idktor1uW r 08-' S, I Dec, "J;g Yeas (V)jncinon(V)Nays --,C Adopted by the Council. !<r - 191 11 F _.1r1h Go 7 In favor 4F 14 *CITY OF ST. PAUL _ ___ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM Subject:. aa�� mei... .. '...... ..............._.._ .. COUNCIL FILE ( / NO.......� � roe ., ... Date Presented ............ __. _..._:._._I91........._ Resolved, Whereas, Alfred Dahlberg, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul the sum of Forty eight & 75/100 Dollars ($48.75) as an ad- vance payment for a sewer, on Lot 9, Haas & Wachenhermer's Addition, and Whereas the assessment for the construction of the sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Forty & 05/100 Dollars ($40.05) there- fore, be it Resolved, That the.eum of Fight & 70/100 Dollars ($8.70) be refunded to the said Alfred Dahlberg and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said Alfred Dahlberg for said sum, payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. IC: S PA 6b$9—SY B .As-.Farnawoxh ,,%Iteaalv�d _RThAreae �11YFed�D�L1ae �11 Yeas (1") tF, n (P) Nays Adopted by the Counei _ Z� 1�' worth In favor / Approved191 ___Against 1vlr. Pre"sirs MAYOR 3,} Up I Council File No.-__ 5a� Date Presented__ -- B RESOLVED. 7.."he SL Paul Gas Li t Compavy it M1ercbyord.red ¢nd directed t. extend 1. electrical liven by .recti.. pole. and etri..i.¢tnvamisaiov a5 electry and in Ih<tollowivR alivyt and streets of .aid city: tine pole on and in the east side of Karl Street between Case Street and Jenks Street. with all necessary guys and anohors./z V Your poles on and,in the south nide of the alley throughythe block between Juno -Street and Riles Street from Griggs Street to HawlilnO,. Av nue, with all necessary guys and anchors. Two poles in and through the north aide of the alley through the block between Poles Street and Watson Avenue from Syndicate---flverWe to Hamline Avenue with all necessarya lnee�. �Y wu.,.. anchor.. nrl fa the eabt a ae�oz .Gaetr�atrbet $ad 75eceasarY Prb.;t y„ �a�1t1ti - 19olea oq antL i»*the so th''elif lleYsthrohgh,tHB�blv4k:.LgE+`tv5eh.: leeE` OdN1leq btq$ajfFo1n` sarY. PgAltn'g-g rtrpue Suy ,Wlthe J bb;!In aAdr8no6 re .gyrf29 - bo?.'a11eYd„thrpuSMb the 131ob][. NIIea atYetr...... "Vyatao 5e➢ndlcate A.velSuo to `n revs 'Ndth -, -L Barn ntB, snbiect to the .rovieinns of 0hdlnavicedNO. pa24.taad Of all ih I bb ext`$` alba ypp e`6N try C ty .t Of Ih, .—iaA... r of P.hlic Utilities ara° aad iv all thin.t All poles shall be net in tach laratio. iv .aid all 5 d r °dt F4fi ul. - tdiate ehau dui.—. ,aa shall be of such hei¢ht t .eetibn +Rnd:iaup.-;,{hd deai..,— ¢ad chancter as ht .lull and.,move, and any and all such Dol h ouch whet placed .aderermmd, whenever the Council public interest so rtquirm, aad whea St shall to order h 1es lenW shall deem that the Adopted by the Yeas ( ) Co ticilmen ( ) Nays F , , RTH S OLL RG / Ap e — -- LER _ ... Mr. President, ERS Mayor R'[18LISHED . AUL r CITY OF ST. P #5546 / Council Resolution ---General Form Department of-- - ------------ — ---- Bureau of __ - - - - -- - ------------ 1_)� ► 191 Council File No.. -.---5546 Date Presented_ - By RESOLVED, That the S 4-e ht oY �s fierehy ordered sad directed la extend 1. electrical likes by.rediae pelts and sirinalnC wire. thereon ler the - [rjnnmia.ion of elect city an and l-Iiul alicye nd .creels of said <itY: V Forty -Your poles in alleys, blooks, seven. eight, ndne, ten eleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen. Btinsonts Boulevard Addition. Adopted by the Council—_ -...-.__- Yeas ( ) Co u ilmen FA SWORTH Public Utilities and in all thious at such heiuht and ebvatter t. he the Gosnell .lull deem that the ( ) Nays �y M tse•"Ni �L7 3�traa8rd45' �` bi--Ci9Jld� �` 1�'��k ' li�r+r:�",�driv fs �ei•D�Xrtir�A rea�nd-dlreot"Y� _ _ - I H9'T o� �to[t�he lranpuii§s4ob�o�.>rbi�e� �'il"%-,6 �v11tYs�4 anain�ro�win�ners Councilfi �0 i�ap�4 iia 1 Form r - Department Bureau of.._-_-- Midi +yWa7torlA 9 y o• a -fin.,,,=.• �,�>flfs t�'n5laq' an alieyA-�btgo�Cae �� i64_•�•tourl "Sifdw69 �ax1tyi � '�-T.wa ➢Oles Srt aleyls bl4o7c� o;tA Lou Cil File No _ -.,'� lair m t, . zyotes In a BY (A —------------ — RESOLVED. ED. Thal the St. Pau as Liehl Company is hereby.decal and directed to extend its electrical line. by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for. the nanemis.iov of electricity ov and in the foliosvivgalicys and etreeta of said city: Three poles in alley, block twentywailne, the west St. Paul R.B. and Inprovement Syndicate, No. 2., with necessary guys. Three poles in elley, block six, Paul Martin's First, with no* cessary Buyer Six poles in alley, block thirty tour, the West St. Paul R -2 - and Iaprovement Syndloate, No. 2, with ne9AsSOVy guys. v Six poles in alley, bloek elghtyi•sdie, .LOMOn's Sub-divis ►. VTwelve poles in alleys, blooks one, and two, Walton's Sunny ,Scope. Eight poles in elleYs. ,Cks:=oAe, two three and Your, Midway _. Park. Two poles in alleys, blocks one and two, Ward's Sub -division, Twenty-two poles in alleys, blocks, one,two, three and Your,Sar- gents. All u( such exteveions, m....d wires abnll be everted and covs[nmted under the direction and enpervi.iuv of the l:ommi..l.ner, of Public Utilities and in all Wives nubject to th m i ' . of Ordinance No. 2x24. and of all other lawful .,di. res and re.olutions of the City of St. Paul All t,nks, b,ll be set in such location in paid alleys and street. a. the Commiaaioner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of earth heigla and character as he shalldnieuate and approve, and any and all such poles shall be taken down sad --rd. and such wires Placed adergronn 1, whenever the Council shall deem that the public interest ao renuhes, and whey it shall av order. Add'pted by the Council_______ __ __. __ ___.___ _ ____ _-__191 �— Yeas( ) Co cilmen ( ) Nays F NSWORTH G S M OLL Y RG S�— G� Approv —Y9� K LER � Mr. President, P ERSPUBLISHEIT, '�.14ay Mayor Resolved, That the application of J. E. Tierney for a license to conduct an Automatic Ball Game at 131 W. 7th Street be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue suoh.license for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $25.00. Yeas(t7)Co oilmen (✓) Nays F sworth G In favor K r/// 11 ..... Against Kir _. Mr. Presid . Powers FORM O.a-2 _ _Adopted by the Council. �5z- .191...tJ� Approved. ............191 ........ ......... ... ................... .. . MAYO... CITY OF ST PAUL COUNCIL" RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM. Subject:........Ab'I'�ktA:........... ...... ................. COUNCIL No........ ...✓T/11.CJ. FILE iiiJYJ 32000 VVV ..•..:.• Date. Presented ............... ...........................191........ Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 18, 1915, by and between C. A. Nelson and the City of St.paul for the construction of a. sewer on Isabel Street from a point 80 feet east of the east line of South Wabasha Street to Concord Street, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (V) C ncilmep (V) Nays F sworth G In favor K r M ....Against N Y g Mi. Presid Powers FORM C.B-Y ;RedolVgd t+Phn! the co"ntrac!'bearfn�,: .. dAatNa,olsnoawtcua1cn$H:d n1lnhe6 Cblt y 64 bbtetPwaeelnt"0" of a sewer on�9abetl $tYeefr[;om a PAint BO f€e£ aq�abdL tha ', 4adt°?tne of aquth. �'ahasha ret;eet to;.. Cohcord street bbi and the.taam�n )a I 1P iietgbY aPProV d gttd thg DroPer Clt}�"ii+� 11 ezebute�the ameooa bRlialt 9 iheaCltY :�I Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 18th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Concrete Works and the City of St. Paul for curbing East - Fourth street from Maple street to Hope street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. See""Dived �hnLSthe odpftet 'hentSng � I da4e -xxnne 18th 1916 'bY ami bbbtWeen,`, ��fhe dk. Pnul Gonc?efe Worhn nAd they � OILY'soi St. POUI=for rou;S#ln$.�Egst< Fohrfli -1 ntteotv"Fro 1etr $ep@ a reed bfl and he gems , la apprQYed and fko prober if}ty%oR[aetp,`� are ya>ftho;ize{j.4`q�Cdirecte"h�-Lo�e�dryy�yY@ ft�AAo?t@d'h9 [hR81C4vna t�.�.,' ,�!aI7 iIa'� nriApprove"H-?une'.�U916. J zk t{.� Yeas (d) ouncihnen (a') Naye Adopted by the Counci 1.:.....191.0 neworth ss / In favor J� Iler Approved ....................13... .... ... �....... .... 7 11�9Against / h ' erg......... ........................................ ...-...:..._ Pfeal .POWera.,. .. FORM C.6-2 - a CITY OF ST. PAUL' .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO-RM - Subject: . ............................................................................................................................................... COUNCIL i1LE ........�.y+ .:.IV#.............. Date Presented... Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 18th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Concrete Works and the City of St. Paul for ourbing Van Buren street from'Snelling avenue to Asbury avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. {t��dF'1ND 6F3 r'r:� r.+,ri r+zt,i :`sema I41 +'"2teedlyedr hA3=�therdYnteQdt bo�r�nK.+ l�dette�k .San ��CnCretebW''o[S�•8.ndf� a# �CtT��o�Bt.�Pavkr[atwCu;bi>,B'Xan��u y,., atreeL7lrbth nellint� avbnire to{ (I�vehva be. a�d Stte 9ame'td hereby;.syr � . 1 }irWed an4>'thah ir§aet�$ YUiea ett ���- f '+� H au2pop{eud ltd J aamo p>z behatt bG the.4it� t I{ Adobtefl by the. tYtAunntt Supe��$36 Yeas (✓) Con oilmen (✓) Nays Far orth Co 7c - In favor KelM 11....... Against N Yo Mr. President, owers.._ FORM C.a•a Date Presented .............................. 46 191 Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 18th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Concrete Works and the City of St. Paul for curbing Beech street from Forest street to Cypress street, be and the Same is hereby. approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (✓) C uncilmen ( ✓) Nays F nsworth G In favor 7 K ler M' 11 _..._..Against N Y g Mr. Presiden Pow ero FORM C.a•2 ,fie oYoe TIiBt tt xthe��• t.�PaUt Cahoji ,ptiv, ot�'9t. Pally f� attest irom..f$p .e9t akreet be and the i 6 prove�l5tandathe�p�o� VA tAprleed. and dh the'%erne on behalL; N }J�ilagted by the Ci Approved 7epo E3: Adopted by the Council.64 ............. 9.......191... ell Approved ................ /...... /.��_ MAYOR COUNCIL FILE NO........_.._.... e�3¢�53 ....._.................. By.... _...... ........... ................ ........._.........._.._.._.............. _...._. ..... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of.__Grading ....Ro.bi.e...e.tree.t... between ....0hiA.....a.ts.e.at...and ... Plase.c.a.....e.tr..eet, nnder Preliminary Order _...4.5 4...._.__......._..__...._ ..... _............ _ approved ...Apr.il._..19th.,...... 1.94.5... ............. _.......... _.._.___.. Intermediary Order . approved ................_.................... __.__.... __._......... ......_.......... _.......... _..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that -the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ......Grade.., Robi e_..atro.et.._between _phi_o_...s tree t_._and.. 0Pas_e9a., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accord/neetith.Adopted by the Coun..._.. Approved---.............�P.._.__�....._�.__..._. Ja Councilmrth 11 May Form B.S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRETINARY ORDER In the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved.12.7....... ............... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - -- _ - _ - - -.— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for P y such im rovement, and P the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: N DESCRIPTIONLOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i �S` w�CU� C/�/L/qt�l/�/��J-rC4/-�-� 7 �: ^^�/�//,%N/�y�F/✓ ll Z _ ,I ROP a a A 8-a A TOTAL (� \ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ON PRELIhNARY ORDER (C) i DESCRIPTION LOT ;BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �4 . �� � G / �Ml �O'tI Vii% ✓L`-a':aq'� Jo'„� /J � ;. 4 1 0 Ak, 71 1. it t The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, - and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -----------...: f -� - -- 191.1 '_ f f--- _..- - /.._`...------- . -M S.D.A. E•6 C Commissioner of Finance. HENRY E. WEOEL TOEDT CO STATIONERS �T. Minx. / / ` I 11 I/y 3 Jam/ e V/4 61 12 13 1415 L / 16 17 u HENRY E. WEOEL TOEDT CO STATIONERS �T. Minx. / / ` I 11 I/y 3 Jam/ e V/4 61 12 13 1415 L / 16 17 Office of the Commilioner of Public Works o , Report to Commissioner of Finance __M .._l .p ............. ..... .......... .......1915._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ............. 4520.......approved ..... ... ....._._April..__19.,._.............. 191§§....., relative to...._the....._.._ Qradinta of Robie Street from Waseca Street to Ohio Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. $3.52 per front foot 2.. The estimated cost thereof is $ ................................... and the total cost thereof is 8........__5,471.40 and F-arontage 1,554.8 feet Excess inspection$ 107.30 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............. ................................._......_......................... ............................... ......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ _. _..................-.... .... ........ 5. Said improvement is. .......................... .......asked for upon petition of three o• more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................. Conuniseim er of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT CF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY C-1116101ER " OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF EIGHEER J. E. CARROLL. Sun. COHnnucnoR & REPAIRE ALFRED JACKSON, Suer. SRHITATIOM St. Paul, Minn. May 8, 1915. G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ExamEER H. W. GOETZINGER, Sun. WORKHOUSE - 2 Dor. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Robie St. from Waseca St. to Ohio St., in accordance with Council File #4520, approved April 19, 1915. Assessable frontage 1,554.8 ft. Approximate estimate 05,471.40 Cost per front foot $34,52 Excess inspection necessary 0107.30 Respectfully subm��itttedQ J.E.C.%M. Chief Engineer. COUNCIL FILE NO.. BY 5554 FINAL ORDER. In the platter of ... RPPaYi rl.g LTjijversity_ay.eaue..Iroz RA.awo.t.r.e.at t..Q 1D.41.P.-'s.treet including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property 1-ines--aomple-te-i- wheTe- not already made; also alley and dr-irewa-y- .-approaches, under Preliminary Order __..456._ ....... ..... . . .. ... ..... approved Ap.ri-,L . . ............... . .. .... ­­... Intermediary Order .. . .......... .. ...... - . ..... approved ............. . . ................ .............. ... ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cons ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council f thp e nature, extent an in .0 gity of �t. Paul that the tre, ext kind f * pr vempt P 0 r Dale to be made by the said City is ROPAY pet_ t.....Dq ' 1 ' e street including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to pror,ext. 1ines, aozp..lam te xvh-ere .-not alrea4y, made, --al so ..alley. and d.riveway approaches, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement indance herewith. or Adopted by the Com: 191 ............. .. ... ..... ity Approved _...._.-.......r Councilman Farnsworth 11 Goss Keller McColl O'Leary 7" Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 MAWIM In the CITYOF ST. PAUL DEPART tkENT .OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE'L'IMINARY ORDER i %//��/ J' '�I tinder P rapproved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ PAVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE T- PER FM_YT_70__U7 Sandlime brick Frontage 574,555.25 $7.94 Intersections 11,935.00 - Granite Frontage 73,393.35 7.81 Intersections 11, 749. 00 "ndstone Frontage 65,453.70 6.97 Intersections 10,478.00 31" creosoted Blk.Frontage 57,514.05 6.12 Intersections 9,207.00 Brick Frontage 53,641.05 5.71 Intersections 8,587.00 Asphalt Frontage 46,863.30 4.99 Intersections 7,502.00 Asphalt Concrete Frontage 37,568.00 4.00 Intersections 6,014.00 Asphalt macadam Frontage 32,726.85 3.48 Intersections 5,239.00 Macadam Frontage 27,691.95 2.95 Intersections 4,433.00 Concrete Frontage 33,695.10 3.59 Intersections ___5_._39_#00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Alz de. A/- _ZJ-- i. TOTAL; _,14 71 5 J, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �i ...� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --- ------ ASSESSED ;�—DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION _. '74 3�.0 0': spm � ;, �,� p�9�-/ � Q�1GCC � 1TJ ULA/ J •�-(/ O O . jf / 2j all A/ 2/5;, o � 28 o loe .41&1 TOTAL. O O- CITY OF ST. PAUL a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM43SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) --- — - -- -- - — ---- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION — .- % -77 to S 26 /"/�o O �� -2T0 d Q/ /C//zo Z/9 z o � -,� -2 Z o - .. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , ' REPORT OF COMMASSIONER OF FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER D ASSES SED LOT BOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION - _ _. /GD 2 -1S J, o / all-- 238 0: z z � 3 z o� liTi o z lr� 7 z z . 12/1s- 9 J 3 s- TOTAL CITY OP ST. PAUL - �— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r , REPORT OF COMII4SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -------.ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, - VALUATION p s Y � s� all — p o 0 0 3 . v all— v -v 7o v, TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a REPORT OF COMN"SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION VALUATION 2 /S iG lezIll G Sao_ Z ,6 �y Z _.__ TOTAL. .� / ✓ _ _ - CITY OF, ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE % REPORT OF COMMIISSIONER OF FINANCE r / ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCKADDITION VALUATION 417tlo: 41 119 e . � % � ��� �� ✓��-,-.icy z oho -Z -1i / Q/.a-- Z .9 •� o c, 27 Z ---- OTA -- o y TL, v// CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - k REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) — 2------ ------ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION _ G74Zo y o %i Jy 20 2 cCc� Zoo S 2 -yZ 2 /i1GGm� 2330. 2- ZIZ /� z 7,3 0 5 / / % -3 / al/— 2-2-30 / // i /�3-0 / X39 0 . TOTAL. 6 Jrfo CITY OF ST. PAUL / DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUFSTION % 0. 70 y z ell :1 3'7 0 2 3 o.. ✓ T �, a/-• all- /././ 3 z- Zi of GJ�u� TOTAL,O�, I CORM B 9 A e•e e . „ ... , .:, :] CITY OF ST. PAUL b DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE * REPORT OF COMMIGSIONER OF FINANCE -;6 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _ _ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /O. /3/ 230; e, 3 0;: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, r and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated----------- /-/-/ ._.�� ----191......... _.._.._I (1._L. �_.'/..%%/---- / Commissioner of Finance. FORM N.S.A. em c K wasx its& s c t 3. Y WAS OWNS G, SAW � r r y ` S ITIS lot; A 50 WON VIEW f � r t T k Y r a AIR Z R'- YI In n h into K - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .. . April..._2?.x......................191_ ........ .5 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The ConunissiLer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Colin - 1536 APT.'.'. 19, ..............1915...., relative to.....the......._. cil, known as Council File No.....................................approved....:......................................... Univereit.y.._ Ave........_ from Rioe St. to..._Dale..._St...................................................................... ................................... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX....., x XXX `L. The estimated cost thereof is �_._........_...._ . ,and the total cost thereof is:j�..............._..........._..............., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _........_.._ ................_. ........ __........... ._..._._........................ ........... .._........... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #........ ............... .............................. ...... _...... _............... _........................ ..... ......._............ ............ ............... ............ _._............ ................ ... 5. Said improvement is ............... t .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject V to assessment for said improvement. ............. ..................................... ........... Conuniss oner of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. rF: DOSS, COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. De T1 C...isaioxsx OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 EKalx J. E. CARROLL, S� . CaxeTw 1n & RCP ALFRED JACKSON, Sun. SAx 11Ox G. H, HERROLD, Osrice E.oixscx1915 H. W. GOETZING ER, S­. WO K1..1 a St • Paul, Minn. April 27, Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public WOrkB, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of University Ave. from Rice St. to Dale St., in accordance with Council File J4536, approved April 19, 1915. Assessable frontage 9,396 ft. Width of roadway " 56 ft. Paving area - Frontage 19;365 sq. yds. - Intersections 3,100^sq. yds. NOTE Street Ry. Co. portion 11,041 sq. yde. not,inoluded in this estimate. KIND OF PAVING OA2PROXIMATE ESTINATE1 COST PER FRONT FOOT Sandlime brick - Frontage 74;555.26 $7.94 Intersections 11;935.00 Granite - Frontage 73"i393.35 7.81 Intersections Ili749.00 Sandstone - Frontage 65;453.70 6.97 Intersections 10;47800 411 Creosoted Blk.- Frontage 57;b14.05 6.12 Intersections 9;207.00 Brick - Frontage 53;¢41:05 5.71 Intersections 8';587.00 135i,695.10 Asphalt - Frontage 461863:30 4.99 Intersections 7•,502:00 Asphalt concrete - Frontage 37y568.00 4.00 Intersections 6;014,00 Asphalt macadam - Frontage 32;726:85 3.48 Intersections 5;239:00 Whoadam - Frontage 27;691.95 2.95 Intersections 4;433,00 Concrete - Frontage 3.59 Intersections 5,394.00 Respectfully submitted, -9 R ?. Chief Engineer. TO THE COUNCIL OF T ➢ CIT" OF ST. PAUL: The unde3gned owners of pro-aerty on University Avenue, Between Rice and Dale Streets, express their preference for creosoted blocks in case a pavement is ordered on said street. ,NAJM DESCRIPTION L c q v f JACOB SCIi YIK6 tAGrAlIY. TO THE COUNCIL 07 TT?, CITY OF ST. PAUL: The undersigned owners of property on University Avenue, Between Rice and .Dale Streets, express their preference for creosotes; blocks Jr, cz,se a oavement is ordered on said street. 1 TO THE COUNCIL Tflcs CITY 0',11 3T. PiWI.: <*f The ianderti,LCned u vnirrj of Cr0j)0Vtf on !-JIAiVAX'3itj A4011Q13 , Between Rice and Dale -Areets, expreas their preferanua :or creo-;otocl bloOkS An fjaIP A ;),'IIfe!Aen-L is ord-2red on gaid NIW; M&GMUP'.710374 TO OP Tily. CIT'-' G -V ST. PAULI Tile under;,igned owners of proporty on btliversity Avenue, Btween Riae and Dale Atreata. emproat; tacir preforarice for i.'! omtnQ a -..avu.w);Jh j.r; c�:Idemd -a °alte. ;itrt: A. . . ` � � / /TO TIM COUNCIL OF TIE 0- 3T. PAUL: rho "nxeraioocu usuera of uroovrty uosuivervitr Avenue, between uioe and nxzostroeta, ex -)roes their ureccrrooe for creosoted blocks iu.cuva x vuva."cut is "rxorou on said street. ' IN ��unuz�c�m/ � ZVI - - --�+-=-7��- ---- ' - �~ ------ ----------T�—'------ .�� ` ------''--------=--�--v -------~-'--- -- ------- —r--------------- ----------�---'----�r—=~�= ------�Y' --�-- T�r TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The undersigned owners of property on Ifniversity Avenue, between Airs and Dale Streets, express their preference fur crco:oted bluchs in case a pnveracnt as ordered on said street. HA3iN, _190CHIPTIOIT a JUN M. N. GOSS, ems, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 6r 7zle-� --l' a z4 y e�sae r�T. ioc��xtoR:�. '133 W� 7�h, E 1 68374 Jukes h . 33;0 Carrgll , ed to`. e'xeouta ;the' seine on"b'ehaYf, 'of the, 'a 4v'. to, ,Por the construction Of"tlie Randolph :Heights , 'ad'by the;C,emmissioner:;of Eduoation, be and the, Same :d by_ the; Council, and the Qommissioner of.Parkap . ' the moneys available for t$at,purpose. namely, ming the that the. said work V Nays hCoun Adted b '1 �.0o e .......: In faPM vorJUN �`�. 1915 Approved Of— Agamat 9 Council File No. _ �s Py- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assesstimentof_ benefits, conte and expenses for }' Grading Sargent street between Syndicate avenue and Griggs etree't under Preliminary Order 41721 kmb =Ahka x&iddt"_"_—, Final Order 1x,358-, appr ved April 24th 191 4 public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment awing been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That;the said assesssment be and the sameAs hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said 'assessment, be and it is hereby determined to be payable in9ua1 installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 2 — ---_-___- City Clerk. Jti�d22,191'5 Approved 191_ w Tai hey , hsf#retl br ed�aa Aetinq ttbnna., oets�d�cynetstlt area ayor. Farm B. S. A SLt0 4� lanatp1 11 e' f --w t� ve ' axb ,1 eXOrdedz` T68B V �Peto % farA4 �f4h'�}}w 14epit 14'7i�6Ee"�Itivlae"u'Pb6II tII" a n _ of tIIo�RptsY am r tFb _ t1w1A ' �b eat�IIie a Poeb u tn�g ° re i li».YM stFabt4ra'llag ppnd�'4hneatn11 b IIbr7bDy` ordQf$4"t�"!4e aalalt2�Qftp4rP, n£t ... ConarYS.Ft�th� b�a�,tlk��,Ra e fo�`... i� b ve prt Q• a Council File.No. ,p3� gjj CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the'matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses - for nonstructtng a sewer on Front street from Dale street to Mackubin street uhde i Preliminary Order 4Q, 788 rW'W*MW4X5& , Final Order 41,200 approved January 26th 191 4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment'for the above improLement, end said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the: said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._ 1 1 _City Clerk. JUIN 22 1915 Approvedz 191 t MR �aVer a Acting $ a4 °� mut Y For. B. S. A:3 -to '� ��e etslm�in`� �o a�o gs'�.a et� Ma or,ro - t>1Gbttil e�tn av`ln �0. h a 1tpel tetei ebt�to bb ameni erpent. �i i d��ea1�� ad . v1n"s gee i 40incoL I eQ, tb Cgilfib t sn��`b:VJd a lkon4rd ellylle! Glty�' ,8p IC t b ti wt 1 .6 1 t3 xx - Edp }fa5,,4 ewAdd, ! `fncd6t�o Mir�eut�nstt t{§ nd e gg P oeblt4e�i13e5t. fie' t COUNCIL FILEC� ! ...CL.��t-//�:�`l cit INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _Ctonstructing_.sewere cin the follcwin streets act ' `V4;T ............. .............. _.... _ ... _._..a...gbQr c la under Preliminary Or approved _._ NOvembE3T,L4h9 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance n on the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 That the said, report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with., 2. That the patare.of the improvement which the Council recommends is .-�CQnetr�ct__$ev��l s:_q11 ;t�l.�+ .fQ1.1t119 �aA ast� .. —_ - - -- -•- r�a $ Y9E _ k sfi"' ran sjt.thro � ro _.___—_._._._. Lh with no- alternatives, and that ttie estimated cost tfiiereof la $ � 7 1.&O Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .. _.._17th... __... _..... � day of 191_`5_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Connci Chamber, room No. 61 04 —� -- __— the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of<the improvement, and otal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ _ —.. %fl` ................... .... ._... .._ .... .................... _... _..... .....—.ter C' Jur! 22 1915 191...._ Approved ._....._. . _ ................. Aai1n4 . .Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth an , S a� �e4 jaeriY anA" • " Goss iQ ki'y LEl'hAYC.�-frbYa 8+ he eaeG'llyepRrodu' Keller rQ ild a Sup° f rd[dkeban g. si s�v�te to whlia earxAv� E'lan dr@tr ¢G SrPm+SarvaePA, a kR SHIT" viatdr Ave atillwater .AVelYXrarq..Flart . McColl ar��aIee,r�ifpm�scWlttwaAvtd$Hrtie FJrlr.S�esblte%8ept Avg"'�rom'�ar . I Eye �A�te� "La tpe a A� Yea rdase " - ::l DYko.Ai'e'„,T+Igpdrau�9� s e{S,,dbe-t6�inra d Bt: r rah E.,.�rd V0 erg slanara f St to whI( Beg,rrte eg :. Whltet�8gar?,Avt?"rq 'tif�$�'xtR - - ( :!fdtpBICeevEdth�L,,'k7aatF�1�'�9 fro - �-_ t rbbAve ll'bY�thi¢i,A ovtr'f Form 8 S. A. 8.6 Lailc t9nnit4t 5$flvrmq;$g��rstQm It p8_ altytaaElvea,�'aad tKa`tiithe t eke& Qoetxtltereolda�i3T691 00:��'# - heattns�rbg�ho>K` ea i'embpt. natty e-wC the ImD ave nt, a to _ t tat CQnLSthoreoi ae eatlmated.:" - . Coluneil File No._!d ' �d a0 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the mutter of the assessment of_ benef i tom,_ ooata arici BXpgnaes for �- V latch etpeel from nrastllei Road „ (a metlmee36 TI d P4 RoGglae to Cont�ay f eet�,j atd 'p the agtltet go struct n�,__Rw"era on PromriC tnnajt(At •eetdt0 a H,ePVAV -- i .�G7 44 �� - /9 iz ,,.pyo r t , .err- / 4 •' .C•LY •d. 17 i /P./ f. A.ice_ • lG Cv s�.r e 16 t i � 7/Qk/3 0 Adopted by the Council-__ ' j�[,4 _191___-• - 5 � ty Clerk. L t` . Approved —-� - — 19t✓ t Form B. S. A B-10 F CJ73LSSTdEI:d� _�. 38,301 under Preliminary Ordettt 3fj n3c. R•, Final Order 41,543 Ater, of the aeeeeement of approved March 191 4 is=e and exDanaee t r con dingsposewers on orlRlth etroet`, '-(eomatfinea• - n Hae[f ga Road ! d Pt Douglas Road)'. to Conway };. p i A public hearing having been had upon the assessment qt and o the enter ]ln t Yhconwavt et eeioe o Arne rl and said assess - �� 1 ment having been further considered by the Council, on Hanco k at set from rthe- and havenIns ot•orlRuh street - bauee&wisfactory, be it Y t!on Ter } � � therefore h sSreOt [o Ma 6a et atr t an went.i a alr c Terry.. t t; o r'f om the Into eeetlon of and Margaret street -to tho 1n S.or=.H A Are, a, n$eacf�% !•• RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the sam oh Eeeeh atreetttrom esi�ihratified, and the s: �� u to'CyDrsae atraet on '91zCh+ same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court bf t fit°�eae�i ttln r-0='nx° y2i`f61"confirmation. l- p RTHERntbeURRTHER RESOLVED, BE ITFU That the said assessmeand a is hereby determined to be payable in &C/ _equal installments / I � ! I i K 7 za ✓ i / -fb /2 7 V ... /� .. O 'C6 2 _ /p ff 20 z 33 4 tIe4 71 i .�G7 44 �� - /9 iz ,,.pyo r t , .err- / 4 •' .C•LY •d. 17 i /P./ f. A.ice_ • lG Cv s�.r e 16 t i � 7/Qk/3 0 Adopted by the Council-__ ' j�[,4 _191___-• - 5 � ty Clerk. L t` . Approved —-� - — 19t✓ t Form B. S. A B-10 F CJ73LSSTdEI:d� _�. k .�: An ordinance amending ordinance Number 2902, approved [arch 31st, 1910, entitled, "An ordinance providing for all matters concern- ing, relating to, or affecting, the construction, alteration, repair,. removal or maintenance of all buildings and structures, or parts of buildings or structures erected or to be erected within the City of St. Paul." This-is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the pres- ervation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: , Section 1. That Ordinance Number 2902, approved March 31st, 1910, entitled; "_An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, relating to, or affecting, the construction, alteration, repair, re- moval or maintenance of all buildings and structures, or Darts of r buildings or structures erected or to be erected within the City of St. Paul," be, and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the fol- lowing: Requirements as to buildings const cted of Flat Slabs. DEFI14I T I ON5 . Flat slabs as understood by this rAwl4ng are reinforced.,,eon- on reinforced columns with or without' exete slabs supported directly. plates or ,capitals at the top, the whole construction being hingeless and Imonolithic without any visible beams or girders. The construction maybe such as to admit ,the use of hollow panels in the ceiling or smooth ceiling with depressed panels in the floor. The 'column capital shall be defined as the; gradual flaring out of the top of the column without any marked offset. The drop panel.shall be,defined as a square or rectangular �. depression around the column capital extending below the slab adjacent to it. The panal length shall be defined as the distance center to ;aenfier of 'c'olumna of,the side of a square panel, or the average dis- tance center to center of columns of the long 'and short aides of a g: rectangular panel. COLUMNS. n (� The least dimension of any concrete column shall be not less than one-twelfth (1/12) the panel length, or one-twelfth (1/12) the Ar, clear height of'the column. SLAB THICKNESS. The minimum total thickness of the slab in inches shall be determined by the formula:-- t=.023 L/w= - 023 times the square root of "w"., In the formula hereinabove given 110 total thickness of slab in inches. "L"=panel length in feet. "w"=total live and deadloadin lbs, per square foot. In no case shall the slab thickness be less than one thirty- secondth.(1/32) of the panel length for floors, and one -fortieth (1/40) of the pa.nel,,length for roofs, and also not less than six in - class (sn). COLMMT CAPITAL. The diameter of the column capital shall be measured where its vertical thickness is at least one and one-half inches (lir"), and shall be at least two hundred and twenty-five thousandths (-:225) of the panel length. The slope of the column capital shall nowhere make an angle with the vertical of more than forty-five degrees. Special attention shall be given to the design of the column capital in considering ec- centric loads,,and the effect of wind upon the structure. DROP PANEL. The depth of the drop panel shall be determined by computing it as a beam, using the negative bending moment specified elsewhere in this ruling. The width and length shall be determined by the allow- able unit shearing stresses on the perimeter, given below. SHEARING STRESSES. The allowable unit punching shear on the perimeter of the col- umn capital-shall:be three -fiftieths (3/50) of the ultimate compressive strength of the concrete as given in the assumptions and requirements of the General -Building Ordinance. The allowable unit shear on the perimeter of the drop panel shall be three one -hundredths (3/100) of the ultimate compressive strength of the concrete. In -computing shear- ing stress for the purpose of determining the resistance to diagonal tension the method 'specified by the ordinance shall be used. PANEL STRIPS. For the purpose of establishing the bending moments and the f resisting moments -of a square panel, the panel shall be divided into strips known as strip A and strip B. Strip A shall include the rein- forcement and slab in a. width extending from the center line of the e` columns for a distance each side of this center line equal to one- quarter (J) of the panel length. Strip B shall include the rein- forcement and slab in the half width remaining in the center of the panel. At right angles to these strips, the panel shall be divided into similar strips A and B, having the same widths and relations to the center line of the columns as the above strips. These strips shall be for designing purposes only, and are not intended as the boundary lines of any bands of steel used. These strips shall apply to the systemofreinforcement in which the reinforcing bars are placed parallel and at right angles to the center line of the columns, hereinafter known as the two-way system, and also to the system of reinforcement in which the reinfor- cing bars are placed parallel, at right angles to and diagonal to the center' line of the columns hereinafter known\as the four-way system. BENDING MOMENT COEFFICIENTS, INTERIOR PANEL, �WO-WAY SYSTEM. The negative bending moment taken at a cross-section of each strip A at the edge of a column capital or over it, shall. be taken as WL'' /15. The posAt�ive bending moment taken at a cross-section of each strip A, midway between column centers shall be taken as WL -"/30. The positive bending moment taken at a cross-section of each strip B in the middle of the panel shall be taken at WL''/60.1_1The negative bending." moment taken at a cross-section of each strip B on the center line of the columns shall be taken at WL°'/60. In the formulas hereinabove given "Wlt total live and dead load per lineal foot of each strip, "L"�panel length in feet. BENDING MOMENT COEFFICIENTS, INTERIOR PAVEL, FOUR-WAY SYSTEM. The negative bending moment taken at a cross-section of each strip A at the edge of the column capital or over it, shall be taken as >vL�1/15. Thi positive bending moment ,taken at a cross-section of"each strip A, midway between column centers shall be taken as wL3/40. The positive bending moment taken at a cross-section of each strip B in st�.0 the middle of the panel shall be taken at WL" -/60. The negative bend- ing moment taken at a cross-section•of each strip B on the center line of the columns shall be taken at WL -t/60. BENDING MOMENT COEFFICIENTS, WALL PANELS. Wherever the coefficients 1/15, 1/30, 1/40 or 1/60 appear in the monents given for interior panels in either the two-way or the four-way a stems, the coefficients 1/12, 1/25, 1/33 and 1/50 respect- ively shall be used in the moments for wall panels supported on con- crete columns and girders. When brick walls are used partly to support wall panels, these walls shall be stiffened by pilasters or piers as directed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play -.grounds and Public Buildings. Wherever the coefficients 1/15, 1/30, 1/40 or 1/60 appear in the moments givenofor interior panels.in either the two-way or the four-way systems, the co- efficients 1/10, 1/20, 1/27 and 1/40 respectively shall be used in the moments for such panels resting on brick walls. POINT OF INFLECTION. For the purpose of making the calculations of the bending moment at .the sections away from the column capital, the point of in- flection shall be considered as being one-quarter (--) the distance center to center of columns, both cross -wise and diagonally, from the center of the column. TENSILE STRESS IN STEEL AND COMPRESSIVE STRESS IN CONCRETE. The tensile stress in steel and the compressive stress in the concrete to resist the bending moment shall be calculated on the basis of the reinforcement and slab in the width included in a given strip, and according to the assumptions and requirements of the general building ordinance. The steel shall be considered as being concentrated at the center of gravity of all the bands of steel in a given •strip. 'a For the four-way system of reinforcement the amount of steel to resist the negative bending moment over the support in each strip A shall be taken as the sum of the areas of steel in.one cross band and one diagonal band. The amount of steel to resist the positive bending moment of each strip B shall be considered as the area of the steel in a diagonal band. The amount of steel to resist the positi* bending moment in each strip A shall be considered as the area of the steel in a cross -band, and the amount of steel to resist the negative moment in each strip B shall be the steel included in the width of strip B. For the two-way system of reinforcement the amount of steel to resist the bending moment in any strip shall be considered as the area of steel included in the width of the strip. In both systems of reinforcement the compressive stress in the concrete in any strip shall be calculated by taking the area of steel considered for each strip, and applying it in a beam'formula based on the principles of the assumptions and requirements of the General Building Ordinance. RECTANGULAR PANELS. 'When the length of a panel does not exceed the breadth by more than five per cent (5%), all computations shall be made on the basis of a square with sides equal to the mean of the length and breadth. In no rectangular panel shall the length exceed four -thirds (4/3) the breadth. For ,panels with length more than five per cent (5f) in ex- cess of the breadth, the slab shall first be designed for a bending moment ba:sed.on an assumed square panel with sides equal to the mean of the length and breadth of the rectangular panel. For the four-way system of reinforcement the amount of steel ,. found for the positive moment of each strip B by designing in this manner shall be that used in the diagonal band. For the positive moment in each strip A, the required amount of steel .in the cross - band shall:.be obtained by multiplying the steel used in the design of the assumed square panel by the cube of the ratio found by divi- ding the length or breadth of the rectangular panel by the side of the assumed square panel for the long and short sides of the panel res- pectively.. The compressive stresses shall be calculated on the basis of a width equal to one-half (t) of the side of the assumed square pan - and on the assumptions used in the calculations of Com�3cessivE: stresses in square panels. In no ca'ae; shall the amount of steel in the short side be less than two-thirds ('2/3) of that required for the l long side. For the two-way system of reinforcement, the amount of steel found for the positive and negative moment of each strip B by designing in this manner shall be obtained by multiplying the steel used in the design of the assumed square panel by the cube of the ratio found by dividing the length or breadth of the rectangular panel by the side of the assumed square panel, for the short and long side of the panel respectively. The method of obtaining the amount of steel required for each strip A, shall be the same as that given above for the four- way system. WALLS AND OPENINGS. f Girders or beams she'll be constructed under walls, and around openings, and to carry concentrated loads. COMPUTATIONS. Complete computations of interior and wall panels and such other portions of the building as may be required by the Commissioner ,of Parks, -Play -grounds and Public Buildings shall be left in the office of the Commissioner of Parks, Play -grounds and Public Buildings, when plans are presented for approval. PLACING OF STEEL. In order that the slab bars shall be maintained in the posi- tion shown in the design during the work of pouring the slab, spacers and supports shall be provided satisfactory to the Commissioner of Parks, Play -grounds and Public Buildings. All bars shall be secured in place at intersections by wire or other metal fastenings. In no case shall the spacing of the bars exceed nine inches (911). The steel to resist the negative moment in each strip B shall extend one-quarter (4) of the panel length beyond the center line of the columns in both directions. All splices in bars shall be made over the column hes.d. The length of the splice beyond the center line of the column in both di- rections shall be at least two feet (2'), nor less than that necessary for the full development of the strength of the bar as limited by' the unit bond stresses given by the ordinance. The splicing of adjacent bars shall be avdsded as f, -..r as possible. Mr. G. H. Harrold. .t. Council File No SW PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. k; and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follower�n public irriprovemen y the City of Sr. P ul viz:.._. 4ondemning and taking an _e_a o4ent..._in.. the.__1„. _.,..,necessary... for Pmes, for cute and fills in th ter of changi the grade of Jenks _St...„between.. E,prl ..St..:.- ansl....Fl-an k...S....... to c.anfo.xm_..t ... e_ xed....lins.._or,. -the. profile hereto attached and m a part hero , the present grade he.ing.-..r:epreaented_by...the...blu ...}.i.ne.�-.al.eo---th •••grad-ing...o-f said Jenks at. between the pointe a.fores in aocordanc with said red line, superseding. -00urtoil..File.... 34.34............_......._........................................ .... ................. ....._............. _............ ............ ........................ ............ Dated this........�$.t11.:......day of................._June .......... I.........................................191..... 6z PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF.RF�AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.._G. Ad—ONAIng I taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cuts .and fills.._i_n...the._mat.t.n.._af....Qhanging... the ....gr.ade....o.f....Janka....St.._..betwaen...Ea l.._St. and Frank St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached, and...made :..a_.part..hereat.,.....th.a--present....�gr•adi.ng....be.ing....regreaented...-by.--the. blue line, also the grading of Jenks St. between the pointe' aforesaid ..i..n..ae•eerdene•e•--with saki -••red 1•ine• sups � �s ��x� a k r it File 5434 l= pFbppaeal,Sora lie; tal,�offcoso �Irq�' oYeffie�4S ............... ............................... ........ ........... ...........................__._.....................................a�an� aaq�3-taklrrg anx2H��` an a7lbeaesaggleloDee having been presented to the Council of the City of ag thq�aaa or enkrro� I Hart ki t ea'$'rahk &tanto therefore, be it to,the res nh ri the proflte heFEs taph88 and 1 eeeht�tsraains�,einS6 s90t'eee t�� ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub 1( $blue ]�e aWo th9e radtn on 'tit be b ih�puin stare µ�;d` 1. To investigate the necessity for or desi ab)A ZO�Wp tsh �¢SSilo a'li” n provement. +enY4 to he-,coaAe ^ IF a P' and the toral'cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esnmatel ra tttheeoxora roe xtx s a . car kajyth CQp�niteetottbL 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said itR�ppn i��aadh4at�raroo 14. To furnish the following other data and infor4bnBara_,Lh4a4n9ebai t.=rovement; ................................... d yt�..........ty of m °r� tveattaafa= he nar-' ba '.:............._........................... _...... _...... _....................._,....................... the t�obR f+^; ,.»,;� ..............._...................._.......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement i "!fl$ed for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the.foregoing matters : A�the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..... .......2 5t•§......191........... Ydas: Nays: Councilman orth s r Approved' ...:...... ......... 1�..... ...-_.. _3._..191......_ KIP, l x Nash L./. Mayor Po ers Mayorr. Cottage Street from Dale to Grotto. Mork to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the :Commissioner of Public Works, the Telephone Company to pay the cost of >inspection, engineering and publication. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council, Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. 4z tsai n 1lbxan�:da, aloe$ x'rfiat p@Ltn P • 1�1fwitir tdepneoesee �tY- snchQt6 aiid° toy'atplnb'.z�irBaaita{oanie„},p�n`t�a.soilo� - n.'no,;med 8tekte„y s-�r - rk't4 ee�^edtYYOrie 't d,d! 8@ttO �-"`v°W n ' .axa ta�Gba''@ails�abtlon @t,V}e 9onndls' . �mYoi}ef o1;tnbllc54gtkN the4'>,'eY�➢bdtre .. �lf ooaGbf 1neDocY1 n r pant tg ltaj` 1 batl9n f on ne¢rAn rgndfyu�A F w, ,q}oa nn� �C'Sees„ 0.sr har�tloMm6h rQitePte ,�totdd 6a�DY::wt� �tCdu�5et1 sat;�cooE3e„,�faYthl. ..� bl"epho 0 CbtaDanY!* ,d.�t Ay1OhYe 'DV�,Etb@ COancil Sdnex2a B FI 3 s�-ste66X''s?.��s.7„r: Yeas (V)' uncihnen.(✓)Nays .. i.�:»;..�- w ` - .,..a, LL.... JUN Adopted''by the Council 191 F worth —� In favor Aroved.................. ..3 .....191, .1.. er , Against ` Ur ` MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL r Council Resolution ---General Form'` Department--------T-- Bureau Council File No.-___. ---__-.-. Date Presented__ By. -- ._ _ -- ---- ---- ----- -- RESOLVED, That Paul Gas Licht Company Is fiercbY ordered and directed to extend In ejeeldcal liven by elective pole, and stripeive wires thereon for too tranamiasiee of electricity on and in the fol7owivaallCys and street, of said city: Three poles in alley, block four, Home Croft Addition* witk necessary Buys• aY srr4 1IM-Brard�rrr�9.—� �a.ABeaolvAd'iv3`Hs 'tdd�.s.�r,�' P�vY`�`Gyos - ��a U-11 All of such eeteosivns. roles and wircn s6a11 be erected and coestructed under the dircctiov and su)xrvision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thivaa to the provisiove of IlNinance 270..... and of all other lawful ordinavicea end rcsolutiova of the City of St. 3'aul. height as he subject sed character ys and atreeta as the Commiesloner of Public Utilities ,hall deafevate. and shall e, of auto All Iwlea shall be net in ouch location insaid allel... shall deaieoare and annroat and a1Y and all such poles shall be ta4en down and removed, and such wires pUmd uvdereroued, wfievever the Council shall deem that the public iotercat ao revuires. and whey it shall so order. Adopted by the Council-_--_-...- - - --_ _--- ,-"�'�5-------- -- ----191 Yeas ( ) Cou 'ilmen ( ) Nays FA SWORTH G S M Y OLL RG Approved _. -2— K LER y� Mr". President, PO ERS Mayor N,r C — OF S Ta ` PAUL � ITY • Council Resolution.. General Form Department --- Bureau of------- - - --- — -------.._ Couac' ile LVo.__ _ 5575 Date Presented-_ By�RESOLVED, l Tit, Jha� iPr.dfG(nnuwmt, Co.— orderedanddirected to s=tems its electrical lines by erectine poles sad,trine a vie thereon for the nnnan n Two poles on and in the east side of Milton Street from Otto Avenue to Eleanor Street, with all necessary guys and anchors. V Twelve poles in and through tete north side of the alley through the block between Otto Avenue and Eleanor Street, from Milton Street to Pleasant Avenue, wttVL all necessary guys and anchors. Six poles in and through the south side of the alley through the block between Cook Street and. Magnolia Strbet, from Edgerton Street to Payne Avenue, with all necessary guys and anchors. All of such exlensiona, poles and wires shall bear xobjecl la the orovi.iuna of Urdivaoce �'o. 2424. end of All poles 911,11 he get in Inch localiov in said alley ,hall dealaaate and approve, and am and all Inch poles public inter... so....I . and when it shall an order. Adopted by the Council _ Yeas ( ) Co f FA P G S M C Y F Mr. President, aleayn-¢ani�,,throjy h'e -ba.' d a yf Lite gneY'%Lhrougtl tfie'ry61b f the Commi,9iaver of Public Utilities and in all thi us i. a tree[a�" pIC eti'6eC-. na, ggnY fst P.O. tl 1 'romdriEdB 0?tdn4'p{iee2 fore f hall d hmote, and shall b f each 6eiaht and tn,raemr.ah� ' ,all be takfj$ wifh'aall' IeeeQQeTY "�+tY9 1 ted uvderaround, when. theCaudcil shall deem that the u Feda'It seEfidbbrle �pt)t r. 'JUN 22„18!5 / l llgf er�,CTa�t ,arid —191 t1 tR +v' ilmen°"'' ( ) Nays SWORTH c�44 Ga Approved ` Mayor Resolved, That the Plat of Riverwood Park, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same is hereby aoaepted. Yeas (I) Coun Imen (P) Nags JUN l� 1 Adopted by the Council ._—_ 191. _ Farn orth % Goss _. C .._In favor elle /�j Approved__ _ (7 __.. 3._191 cC I (/ _Against �gc Nash - Yoer Mr: President, Pwets FORM C,e:-z Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 21, 1915, by and be- tween J.J. Connolly, 9n,' the City of St.Paul, for the curbing of LinqVod Place from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the'proper city officers are auth- crized and directed to execute the.same on behalf of the City. FORM Q: 2 Resolved, That the contract bearing date Tune 21, 1915, by and be- tween Thornton Brothers Company, and the City of St.Paul for the curbing of Thomas Street from Pascal Avenue to Albert Street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. `RBeoit py'd, 1'hat'��e, po�LF��tW$FSw �� 84ta„�Suhe-+E1 1916'3 3+ys an4 a`SieL,weeny cliatr�rta�&Stg"+Vrkav�ir�a�yyOlheg cpiLitgaga� �� k''cetreet Yrom Taeoaz aYOnaP LK",. // ; �IilbgFGe teetfih"� a'ndtthg pains fe' heid /` by-��iy2Ti,'ded. hPd�tliP j,roP�r �Y01LY�R4 es6sreap05PrGaed ln^cL d1e ted�[a eze � autd"thereama 6p heh'a1� of*th'B CttY p �� c Ad1iPi14h r<ho�°1!nall Jund"E2,�'��� X Resolved, That the contract bear..ting date .June 21, 1915, by and be- tween tween Thornton Brothers Company, and the City of St.Paul for the curbing of Beech Street from Cypress Street to Earl Street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the salve on behalf of the City. ICxos�s3 �i"l ot'edisTathfl etlip!@atf DeariSs"`'',{{ .dhfd.,�l'une 21y?X96fy savd xbptLr6en.p I ✓Ckpt'PtoDI"MfotIf4- offiP$ny taitd. lie;;. QtY ofi�kyPahlC"th�4nd}DSn fI 1s�poD t6treek ;rom, cyb�.eefl fltr�`nc�tn> �arlYBtf eet ,�beeade�a$he same ip pere1lY�^ �p ;OVpd and" !h0 ptropBr:yOliy ot4lceScO„r ,may, i areoguLhorfrkd;ap8 dtrectednto�ezeogtRi� �tlo•samg�tln`)a half $£!he'Glty-"1 j .Adopted„,bY•tho Gaud'en June 82; 19fb"3 1 APl[oved (7untl 2$i�sY41} XY// a t . Adopted by the Cchinetl 191.. l F Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 21., 1915, by and be- tiveen J.J. Connolly, and the City of St.Paul, for the curbing of Aurora. Avenue from Dale Street to St. Albano Street, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of 46 the City. F�ir;?Qx`bsffT x` ihnt.he,.�o trv. baa Jn dat.N, ti ,gl'x81.,�5t7b,y dtld n�a.T, �;mer}lhb=r'�g1�ltYg,''BI�ATtT�or4 ava v txoM,Y @Cvrst..9 tp�,RGwYlbanfl,,fltf8&h be�fi� ry ih� BAIp&�a hor,E$y�dP11F9�Rd nd�Shax, pTQpbr'.�C Lp�Rfl`flra'�8T6.,AULiIq',�,1�0d abg dlr eb LotvYeoUte�t �nfltn 6 b@haT�"v a'ApDpooye8 u—, 8'i1191�6"' .. y the Council ...... r.... 191. ... ... .:... )proved...:^.......!f ...../� 9_1 !• ,x-�a tru. r{ca,ucuy. anc.a -- W;:'.. FORMO.B•2 ;,,—',E Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 21, 1915, by and be- tween, Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the ,grading of Fauquier Street from Kennard Street to White Bear Avenue, and Fiandreau Street from hinnehaha Street to East Seventh Street_ be, and the same is hereby approved, and the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. r 0 ak'" P -i "'.0 Yeas (✓) ry Y, g . Preside 'F FORM C.8 -Y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM Sttbi ill-ilt:..", .................... ................... .............................. .......... ....................... COUNCIL FILE N ..................... ......... . .............................. ................ ......................... ....................... ..................................... ........... Date Presented.....: ......... . . Resolved, That the contract bearing date June 210t, 1915o by and between J. J. Connolly and the City of St'. Paul for curbing Lincoln avenue from Fairview avenue to Prior avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officersareauthorized and directed to execute'the same on behalf of the City. va -Th I'the ' -..htr t b 1916 - wfid�t,�,% faa ggm �X;l - - air. vl\pIn Ivenue eto'-fr U a jo­&*,�jj 47 -Ba"O' 19; Wry Y�afr�hdttb NO' d Una N FORM C.8.2 (I') Nays �In favor �. Against Approved CITY OF, ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ... ....... ........ .....:. ......._ p COUNCIL FILE No.... ....- Date Presented ...................°.. ................. 191 G Resolved, That the contract bearing date the 32nd day of June, 1915, between the Great Northern Railway Company, a Minnesota corporation, and the City of St. Paul, for an easementacrosss he tracks of the Railway Company at St. Albans street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to eseoute the same. dt Juner, 19x floral b;h a tpnB oNµ°� cD g raYnfi een3sct?ie �ofoaeem nt thb Erkiclistos kh�°, �he',v^.,�, etr8r Mcrova tr8t �bd8ayto9e(n� SgAliW,„aY CBtnB@°�'�e haR°bit � reh'J bd'aan88�n t.�c�tY .ortttahe e�tid�°-`�`q �g';'' -1F� V i�Pl'Oav e Qy�29Y6y " a�«r., Yeas (P) C u 'Imen (✓) Nays JUN I913� Adopted by the Council ................ 191. ... F orth Go.. In Favor r Ke /� Approved ........................ ....... J4I 71 Against ;N� Y s ,/� ,y.,Mc`PEeiden owes ^"^"'-.................... MwroR...,.,... FORWMB•, I Council Flle No.�� By e8. L ` CITY OF ST. PAU Resolution Ratifying Ass nt...-. In the matter of the assessment of--b-"n fits, costa a,d expenses for constructing a sevrer on Wentworth street from Deane street to St. Anthony avenue. _ under Preliminary Order 15, 881w�Ara Vj&*: xx , Final Order 42,135 approved May -26th-- _1914 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore' RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. aUN 22 1915 Adopted by the Council. 1 City —. - - - - v— Clerk. cl- Approved_.------��-3 ---191-x.-. f,`''''h' c 1:n tR a m`�ite o y-th,e.,f�h1 g Cbl« ByOf. tN 118St8ate, Cb Form }i♦1�`8L$ge: h[I b5i tl�44a-^' B. S. A 8-10 a !<~ au, i• iaa tm rcfi'^ , CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. C/ REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .................. 191J� . In the matter of the assessment of ben_ef_ite.,_..... c_oste..._and._...@xF_ensLg{at._for constructing a sewer on Wentworth street from Doane street to St. Anthony avenue, __....__..._......_..._.........._...........-_....._..........._.__..............._........................_.._......................_,....._...._.........................._............._..._........._...._........_.. underPreliminary Order..._1.5.,..81...... -....... ........................... ..................................................... Final Order..42.a-1-3J........__............ . approved .._MAY ...36th ........................ ..................... ... ......1 191..4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._1,, ..5..68.._00._ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $ ........... 8-�...r....... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._.................... 84........... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .3.A.,..3-6 Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - - - - - -$_._..__.......,_4..3...... 7 Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_ 1_j,605..2 ........... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 4_6.05..,20 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that bereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. 0.............................................._ . ............ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 9a9 ---------------------------- Council ----- -- Council File No. F+� By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expUnses "__for constructing a sewer on Iglehart avenue from Snelling avenue to Pascal avenue, _ 0 under Preliminary Order 41719 Final Order 15;956 approved April 24th 191 4 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. ar; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable iequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. - JUN 22 1915 Adopted by the Council—.---- . City Clerk. Approved _ - �- 19 — -- --- — J Form B. & A 8_10 -... ... }aetallm0�ftifS��tb"d6¢ch^h�d eY ?P�RI'"° �. rof;l: dC�' rt a,�peeor�tb�d iliAtelda', „b 'a4�pedDY'atha 88 lit.T ec{B'". a .4 CITY OF ST. PAUL- - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. V REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ............. ._.....................191.eJ. In the matter of the assessment ofbenef... t_e,......,coete..._and..._expEnBgopt J[.._fo_r.._conetruCt ng a sewer on Iglehart avenue from Snelling avenue to Pascal avenue under Preliminary Order .-411.719 ............. ............. .............. IMi�1i>3YaY7(➢F�ei......._.._.._.............._._................................_..............., Final Order.._..15-�.95.6._.......... ....... _I approvedh.............__.........__......... ......... 19]._4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_...2.,.417, 06....._. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_......-- 260. . _-- ........................ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $...... ................ 1_x_56........ Inspection fees - - $.-_._--_..._48_._34 7.8.0.._.._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $ ------------- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..._ 2_x_47 7.3 6 .___. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of ffi..._a,477,3.6... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the a signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be. considered proper. _......... ................. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-9 Council File No.r� .By_ �o Ulu CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution .Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benef 1 ts, costs and expenses _ for constructing a sewer on Sixth street froth a point 340 feet east of the east line of Duluth avFn»P to Atlantic street and on Atlantic street from Sixth street to Margaret street, under Preliminary Order 41492AdxamatXtx Final Order 41,826 approved April 30th 191.4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and iris hereby determined to be payable i equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_ _dUPL_ 5 A 9V-5;- lerl�. Approved Foim B. S. A 8-10 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Y OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. R•EPOPT 'OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMEN .._._........ ..... I191.t1. In the matter of the assessment of b.en.ef t.8..,.__C.4&.t.8..._aT)Si.._.exp.enmothX._ff?.1.._G.Qn—at.rLl.Q_t...l.ng a sewer on Sixth street from_.._a._.p_o.in.t. 340 feet east cf the east line of _....._ ...... ....... ..... _..... Duluthavenuet.oAt. p.._ -..._..._...jop I'll ............ _. ancstreetfrom Sixth street to Margaret street, under Preliminary Order .... _1492._ ............ . _, Final Order ._....41.x. _2.6............_.....__._.: ......... approved%P..r.._i_1...30th............._.._..._...__........... 1915.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be inenrred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.-.....9.16._0.0.._......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $ ........:............55 ...... _..... .. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$.._............... .r_54............... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $........._18..32.._........_. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - . - -$ ........... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.....938..21................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...._93.8_..21.......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by -the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-9 Council File No. �o�A By � — – y r !Wo CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ benefits;` posts and expenses, _for constructing a sewer on Ourtice street from Oakdale avenue to Woodbury avenue, under Preliminary Order 15,673 14IIgMbVWfIMMtu Final Order 41,544 approved March 10th 1914 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be -submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council----- JUN 22 1915 1 - Approved ___ -_--- _- Form B. S. A 8-10 ti CITY OF ST. PAUL /) OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. (/ REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSM•EN G/.....Q............................ _, 191 In the matter of the assessment ofand ....expend"ItdCdt.._.fA.r_...the.....n.o.n.=.......... a t rue..tin.g.....a.._..a.ew_er....An.....C.umtic.e.._.e.t.res.l .,.....from...Oakdale.....av_enus......t©..._W©odbu.ry.............. avenue,,, .......... .._......................................................__._..._.........._.............._.._.............._....................._.....................__._...... .._..... _...__.._.._.........._............ _............ _....... underPreliminary Order...._1.5.,..67.a........_..._..................._........... -... ._.................... _...... .... .......... ....... ........ .... ........... Final Order..._._41.a..5544................. ........._ _........- approved ..._bia.r.C.I1.....loth.......................... _....._.... ........ 1914. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . . . .. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_........... ....._1. C10 ...................... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - • - $..--------- ........1.53......... Inspection fees -- - - - - - - - - -$-......---_.44-._I;.fr_......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $------- -?- 6...5--.--. Total expenditures - - - $...x ... .,_298._04_....._..._ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_a.aa.......Q4 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. I<0_/.._...__ Commissioner of Finance. 'Form B. S. A. 8-9 ----------------------------- _------ ---- - Council File No. CITY OF ST. PAUL Q Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment ofbenefite, eostt3 aand: expgnsee ______—_for Grading Berry avenue from Bayard avenue to yigrtle avenue, under Preliminary Order 176 Intermediary Order 873, Final Order 1374 approved August 26th 1914_ A public hearing having been had upop the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation BE IT FUR HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and ever parcel of land described therein JUN 22 }915 Adopted "by the Council—.------- Approved ouncil_. ____ Approved Form B. S. A B-10 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OP COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .. ..... .......... ..... . ........................ In the matter of the assessment of and_..e;KP&JDfb@ the I QX VL4!W& a- n 0 . ...... ........................................ ........... from Ba.yard Me U. ._eur,y am ............... . ............ ............. .................... ....... .... ...... ........................ . .... ........... ............ . .............. .............. . .. . .... ......... - .............. . . ...... under Preliminary Order._..._176.........._ ....... . ................. . ...... Intermediary Order --..g73 ... .. .. .. .. . ......... - ........... .... .......... Final Order approved 1914 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $ ....... ..... 81 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ................ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $........._1..,..98..:............. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $.. .. .4 -05 -: Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ _664_._88.__.___... Said 'Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.__664...88__.__... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; thA the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the.Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Pinnace. Form B. S. A. 8-9 Council File No. 5-592 By -- s CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenaee __'for Grading Wentworth street from Doane street to St. Anthony avenue under Preliminary Order 355 Intermediary Order 875 Final Order 1376 approved August 28th 191 _4— A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i7� equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_ AN -49, J915 191 I Approved Form B. S. J NOFFICE OF THE COMMISSI RNARE. -REPORT. OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT C1....................__....._, In the matter of the assessment of._benef.i..ta.,_._.G.o.s_ta.:...and.....experAethe.1-or grading ................ ............. ...................... _ ...: under Preliminary Order ........3.5`.L...... .. Intermediary Order_.._Q....rJ__........._.._............._..._........_ __ _..._....., Final Order ....._13.7.6.. ......... ........... ........_, approved._....A.Ugll.Q.....:'� _tib.........._..._.... ........... .... ......, 191.4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $-.......--- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - -$._... ...... _..... .90._....._...... Inspection fees $.._.....14. •-50 ............... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $ --4.e..�J.4................ Total expenditures - - - $...745..70 .......... .___ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..._745.70._........ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in aceordanee'rvith the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the - signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment its completed by him, aml which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ............. Commissioner of Finance. Corm B. S. A. 8_9 Council File No. S _3 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_—bgn_@—fite,_c ate and exrenseB __ for construotinng a sewer on Fulton street from Palace street to Jefferson, under Preliminary Order 41.378 iFlFiYily}cS)l7r Final Order 41, 675 0 approved March 24th_ 191 4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said 'assesssment be and the same' is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be i payable i equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JUN 22 ibis Adopted by the Council._______ GO City Clerk. Approved form B. S. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL s .OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. o ' REPQRT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _./�...._............. 191��.� In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expengVth _for constructing a sewer on Fulton_street.,,frorri.._ Palace_.. street... to Jefferson avenue, .......... _ _ ........ ..... .... _ under Preliminary Order......_4.1.4.:3:78......_......................... .... _,Z4Qiit.........._......._......... ........._........... Final Order ...41,_6? 5„ ............. __ _......_> approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as it statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..._1. 2 7.0.,.,Q9 Cost of publishing notice - - 80 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $...........................'6.0.......... Inspection fees -: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.. .... .._....._x.5.....40...__... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - $_.........._..._3_._00_...._._.. Total expenditures - - - - $_ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._l.a_299_.80_... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the -case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ............................... ...... _... . _ Commissioner of Finance. Form S. S. A. 8-9 chy agbboa"ttnk t�,o vum of CITY OF ST. PAUL to 0 9nn T o i�Undrod Dm t -),PO OD) qur' bt Ur9 8tceet In on Accout}t of the°8lreat'Con UNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM --. -*515 tin AhdIRovaln Fund, for thdJ �e oL atdlnH in de(rRYInH the SUU eCt .tff'Pavlpg - VntYaFaltr A'verlue : _ ....-,...--. _ -. - OeSlgeet t0 D.1e 8t eet. $ �'-GuNckL atLn;, fhea CiiY: ofti 11 PaLLt ✓ ......_._..:.FILE .• • . � (hereby get aside: nd arf out 6t ah. Street linter eyt t of ttie 8tr�at Cotiatruah r . Date Presented--..-... 'lila j`und'.th .um ,ot r /.O } \4'Wa^ r HLLIIdred S1Sy. - - ` �Id In paying tke r a ftexrsection wry ` :.,the ocots ."• ordinance appropriating the- sum of Nine-Thousand Two Hundred11, Dollars ($9,EOO.00) out of the Street Intersection Account of the .Street Conatruotion.and Repair Fund, for the purpose of aiding in defraying the cost Of paving University Avenue from Rice Stieet to Dale Street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 There is hereby set aside tend appropriated out of the Street Intersection Account of the Street Construction and Repair Hind the sum. of Nine Thousand Two -Hundred Dollars ($9,200.00) to aid in paying the:.cost of paving ,stbrtet intersections with 3k" long leaf yellow P, creosoted wood blocks on University Avenue from Rice Street to Dale Street., all in accordance with the final order for such improvement passed-:by the Council and approved June 21,,1915. SECTION 2 This ordinance, shall take effect and be in force thirty days after4ts-.passage and publication. Yeas (V) Councilmen (Jon) Nays Final Adopti by the Counc' ..�.� .18Ly arnswor!t f lot Reading . 191 Y ss ...... In favor A ........ 1B1(�j Ke er 11 0 s 2nd ". _ _ ........ 191 �° McColl t /... .. mst u/f/liLLL ...._.. ...... � ......._. _MAroa Ud 181 Attest: - / ,�� Yoerg JOHN 1. FARICY, Date Published ..... 7 ........ 181 Mr.�f�resident, Powers �— City Clerk. _ PUBLISHED-mai _V— Yoerg "Mr: Presideat;'Powers rO�M e.8.2 '1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of__�------ - ---- — Bureau of— - -- --- -- - —---=---= ----- Council File No.__ _.___ __. a Date Pr By, Rh S01 V ED• Th th St. Paal C Licht Co p Y h— b, ordered avd directed to extend its electrical Iiot. br —deg Voles aod,tr1-0 wire there.. for the trans:nl ,:o et of eltr 0 avd i, lho f Il wing all Y d t eeb of olid city: Your poles on and in the east rifle of Kansas Street, from Curtis Street to Lucy Street, with all necessary guys and anchors. Four poles in and through the south side of the alley through the block between Lucy Street and Belvidere Street, from Kansas Street to Andrew Street, with all nevessary guys and anchors. - kCi"F Ftor6698� 2 '� .9•�.'. lY' ncE*�§s,� •7teaol�od-'Thafi the�.Bt,.rs gut, v;cj Zfgltt tnAaPYt?le he[oby- drere� nnd dt}• cE�to;1`e><endtlte+;i.elecErten7,I dries.! .a _ a�iva�oxect{nSvAoiea artQa?f�-nglna�s�'}�t�rhg a_' onbora� •'.a�s�--a°n ur Doleg in and- th%4u6L7yv'.. 'pkde Pt the alleytk throu�bN b et7eet o,zrprix;oyy gtxeat'++aArka p,4pbuch er<tauetuna -�j iprlre"9 6halhba#•P, re$t8)L3an� 'g •(unaen the3lxeotlou9�andsdl�D7 - ..the Commlaatahat bfy;.Publ{ �vlei ne ot� OidlaePnoe'�Na� h2lMothBrXPill, r4 77rdid&ncgb �` ciss�v�^at. r Y t o b haltrroa setigaul All n(soch ent<usiuns. poles and wires shall b<erecled avdc v to 11augatQ:•a P'gh"s4nd$�€t'rPe>�s R'i subject to the movi,ion, of Urdinavice No. 2424. ovd of all other la f 1 df n MYadlongx OLIIbItoSiTt;11}ea `E All pole, shall be gel in ,vch locatiov in said alleys avd street the Co lgrl'a'te5sat�'dY%palk'l12e.4) Y+�11b ,hall doinnte and approve• and any —d .11 —1, pole -,hall be Uk dowv av bpapaPT<da *jte''-y� t§Il."t^de tl public ivlere,t eo —1,1 ,• and vhev it ,hall so order. g }qye` Hy,']ij `.,alf3�'•�an'd' dll . has u��td�'eslrgPwfl�bt�x�s ' tubh�{vixPenD a±5bld4'uStde groU Adopted by the Council_ __-- eVeT o+ a b411aees p ubltr, i�7jat•8 ereao Q�re�b t ah61bp6,{bl:d'1 "�' S' +H1dbDt'aq 8¢fh uhPl't Yeas ( ) Cou illnen ADDrov Ten 88 Pik its �g ism �ti > FA 'SWORTH GO Mc LL ni A REL.. . R. Mr. President, POW S Public Utilities and iv all things of each height and character., he the Council shall deem that the v 191 s` Mayor ;t '1 I Q CITY OF ST PAUL ' a 559OCOU' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r Subject::::, ..... .... .: ....... . , COUNCIL FILE NO. Date Presented_ .... h b;,.. ...,... ..191.... Resolved, that permission be and is hereby given the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company to erect poles with the necessary anchors and to string wire-`and cable on the following named streets, Sepoles on Breda Street to reach allej between ✓ Snelling and Arona, and remove two poles from Wynn�ej, Street. J • Work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Cormnissioner of Public Works, the Telephone Company to pay .the cost of inspection, engineering and publication. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council, Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. q �z F�� s�tb� r k r rg eot gD X14 aelon ble`ftd la bar, glyep,.sthe�.�late'�TelePfi4n. F. ` an'd-ddle e6fe �GomPany t'Q refit ala � p1ltlttbe �l, d6 e6.ry antl_fio'Fk"`��k�'td„H o,�pxi'2n,$n'a'� �nu0 �b P n tfie oll4��n&�i Wa�Te9 �QttSze� .�anet)Iknat r°.P�'�4 - r'irtgva o�lge�sSramR��b aatre'��. tf�oingha dans. 84rs�ha,irgymotto�Y rs'!ldl➢AY'+7A;R9i��a�b rob b,�an6ln' erl� ,' d GPp Cot oA o apetit° 14 baa irate �Go UltnumoRn ., '11 gafr�'chbt s 1 � tris i T�layy�U�a 93k I JUN 23J913 r • ' s31Y}5y bp1l'baCo,�tn41 ung E'T1� Years{ r) unulmen (✓) Nays Ppr d �utb ae8ie,�s...... 19t e Council ................. ..... :. F Haworth .....In favor1 Ilei A�proved..... (e ....lfrr... ). ... 11 :: .........Against h Mr PICWde Pawera MAYOR J,. _- .. .. .. .r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject�!pprOv °f Award of Contract for furnishing 6,167 barrels . _......... __�� COUNCIL '' .. IVO .... ...... ...... .. Portland Cement, for the paving of MarshallAvenueFILE, Date Presented--...-J.une_-.23r.d..:.-19115-.- v - .solve ,That the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding th; contract for furnishing 6,167 barrels Portland Cement for the paving of Marshall Avenue from the west line of Snelling Ave- nue to the East end of Marshall Avenue Bridge, to SCHLEH BRCS., at $$ 1.37 per barrel net, in accordance with Informal Bid No. 1257 and specifications.attached, is hereby confirmed and Gapproved. By._..................__... ...... .... ..........._.__......_................._._..._........_.... ...._ 560® FINAL ORDER. In the Matt �r .Ch..a..n ira __the...9fa.d.e_ on .Buford-.._avenbe........ rzen, E. srantham r stra�� an elt>r sre and on E. Graptfi�ain TntersectponawptnGrantham 250 het south o u or s r et to its norther strz;et--west� aco6rding_.tib th profile hereto. -attached and mada a part hereof the blue line showjj the of grade and the rEd line t n¢ rade, under Preliminary Order ...... .............__._ . _...__........_...._.. approved .._Re. DT..Uar.Y....2D r...._+. .j ........._......_-___. Intermediary,Order . ................ ...... _......... ..... .._.._ .......... approved ._..._. .......................... .................. ........... _............. ..... _....:........._.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said ity is ..Chang.e. the.....t.nade on .Buf.ory apenlxe bet veep E.. Grantham street and Ohs MBford street and on E Grantham street from a point 250 feet south of Buford street to its northerly intersection with Grantham $e„RefiRaa ' og* .,n ... _...- r n e to a t .h..a... nii ai d8 .....art heret3f UN r R �rr� oa He retd bins tRe ne graad , —R–EtOLVFD FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereb i - rested to prepare plana and specifications for said ' an 1 the Council for approval; that upon said approva roper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the ma ' g� o provement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ._------- ..... ^`g5....., 191........ D ✓� V'� Clerk. Approved _... LL!._......�1�......_........_..___.., 191_. ..... ..... ..... ..........__........ .._......... _........... ...._.....__......... .... .................. ... Mayor. C )• No'6600��'aF,�'�3 '�.�� k ( Ya themeniteroiv,angin�the gtactoroa=1 ` Councilman Farnsworthla afupd aveaue Letvyaea EE ,arahRrham'; y i,(}Kaniha at” aBC xlrotg :%P41hY 260. Goss v'-'—"" °ieefs'yeoYtYh oz.;8uforetfde},t Yte". ttgrtherty tptereectiP t t iha»if street ire§$ 8ecbrdidlnghga t 'erl pFtffild here[ aift¢ehd`d-aAd made •' Keller '- � �t�etoia�e°eal�Lsn4libe�,sa�Ol`itua"''�Yane o pew:grge�nndei?re7ltai sxy rOrder $ �. caSi2 aDprogedlf ruary 20Th �Lall:,� McCollg'�,�1apnCh9asluBr�heVfaB'sbeeny had" Oon,goe above' �mptovenYent,upon dud' Mott WVand the CoUnc11 hBvinB�teard,. ' O'Leary all Dere9A800nbJeDttonb ;sad�,iecommea' daloSA' relatives h�rd�b and hav7v8� bnis�;x�-.°rneldered.`the etha,}et;ore t; P&i 1 $yj the Cbitaoli pt the Clty" o>; 8t.'1 and that Yhd*Dreelae,7t¢ture azi, tenL+�atul,`lrlad offimp Mayor Powers rovement Ro bi $ gas nu��fo 9„a 1eq ed*o Yew a tE= Form B. S. A. 8.7 4raefljam eireet_:gnd Chelmefgrd'dtreeti: ,, and op;ly t3rantgam atreeYirbm 8 point 260 Keet,'soaYh gt;Bgiotd retl!eet td..tt4 - nofithe'e7y".da{�geg"etioa't9(ih�it anytam^ 9treetwggat,.�acgpidiRgr-tq thro51a'� heretb�attgvhed ,aad madd �a�:vattehaee�., DE 5z under Preliminary Order appr ve o d To the Council of the Cify of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . . . The lots or parcels of land that %y be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of, -,o each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION j LOT JaLock ADDITION VALUATION e.7 11,4 1 �.7 4 L (j it TOTAL, FORM B.B.A. GZ3 A 77 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COPMISSIONER OF FINANCE a " ON PR IMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION ;LOT pLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION a', /� s /a - " r; The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- -- --------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM U.S.A. a -a e -Office of the Com?nissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Maroh....a.., _ ................._....191.5... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ............. 3812 approved ...... .... FebruarkP.r............ .197J....relative to.._the.......... . change cf grade on Buford St. between Grantham.,.St..___and.,._Chelmsford.._St.. and on E. Grantham St, from a point 250 ft. south Buford..._St......_to........ .... ................. ......... ... ................ ............ northerly intersection with Grantham St. W. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is____ .............. necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is $ ...............xxxi: and the total cost thereof is $...............: xx�........... . and ................ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._.......: ..... ........ ... ....._...._.::...... ......... ........__.......... ..... ..._.... ............ ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and umde a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.......__n�t........_...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. a Inn n n CO.-(' om a sione of Public Works. CITY CJ' SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER e ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DEPUTI Co..11110.PP OSCAR CLAUSSE N, CHIEF E—.— J. E. CARROLL, SUPT. C-1— —. & R—HI, ALFRED JACKSON, SUPT. S,.—_ p G. H. HERROLD, OFFICE ENUI.EE. St . Paul, Minn. Pilar• 19, 1915, H. W. GOETZINGER, SUPT. W -KH -11 Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith profiles for changing the grade of Buford St. between E. Grantham St. and Chelmsford St. and on E. Grantham St. from a point 250 ft. south of Buford St. to northerly intersection with Grantham St. W., in accordance with Council Pile #3812, approved Feb. 20, 1915. There will be no expense in connection with changing water mains on account of proposed change of grades. Respectfully msubmitted, Chief Engineer. J n COUNCIL FILE NO.. ___ ............_...._.._ ___.. a 13y Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benef its.I _90s ts- and ,t;x[ erae8 for 9radll19 lcl le8 .._..__..9tr.et'.t_.fm..n.: Gr.i.ggs_._e.tt._.tc...S.ylydicate. avenue, under Preliminary Order 963_ Intermediary Order 1524_ Final Order 1968 . _ ..,approved . __October 7th _ 191_4 The assessment of ..._.b.en.e f 1181. Cod a .end expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and -the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on thelze._th___ __.... day of __ July ._...__...___ 1915_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Douse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, -and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- tienlar owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ JON 23 1515 City lerk. Approved .:.. h f/. .....� �. 191 alflyar. -,w assessment of beneftto costa and; ' Councilman Farnsworth sXPenses for and In co—fatl6h witw`rh l 'above I improvement having-abecir ieub-n milted to the,,Coundil :•and -tho Council"! „ havingr coneidei+sd--h—fid fgqand''the:i GOS3 Bald asaessment-'satlsfactorr,-therefpre,+; yq oly `kosolved. That the ;said aseesemenY trek Keller and thwenme to hereby lq,'ell respect. aPProve3s% Resolved Further, That a putilie hear McColl Ing be had on sold assessment on the'! 26th day of July, 1916, at the hour:,. of 10 0•o1 Io A. M., In •-the Council Chamber,+Room"the Court Hones O'Leary and. City.'Hall Building, In. the CItY. of Ij L j - At. .Paul; that the 'Commissioner of '. Finance glue notice of* Bald; mgeting as 'f/•', 5 Yoerg :Y'equirod' by the Charter, stating ln,sWd ponce tho'tlmeand place of hearing, I rthe haturo of the improbement; the total ! Coat theteoP, and.. th ourgt assessed f Mayor Powers ' agaimt the lot or lots of the Particular owner to whom the 1, is directed, Form B. S. A. 8-8 tlflopted by`the Council June"23 3936 ') Approved Juna, 2S 1916 : - (June;a(i1916) ,(,_ .l JA ------CITY OF „T. PAUL -------------------------- ----------------- - - - - - -- - -- c L / OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _....._-___._..-�..._��_ ___.........., 191. In the matter of the assessment of b, ne °i.ta catq and ex :en ..for the Gracing of Niles street from Gri s str et to Syndicate avenue, _._._ ... _ ...... .._-. _ . .- _ under Preliminary Order C'_U,........ .._..___... ............ __, Intermediary Order _15x4 Final Oider .......... 19_6E._._- approved __Go toper 7_tY;... 191 4. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._.'472..5.0_....._..... Cost of publishing nptice - - - - - - - - - - - - $...._._._ "..5.0-1 . ...... ... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - $-....-...... _ _90...__........ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $....---_.cJ.._e_4_5_..____.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $4&$.n..8�..._......_... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....`k.8.8...3.5............ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-9 I ---------- --------------------------------------- COUNCIL FILE NO. 9 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benef its, 9G8td_and expenses for c_one tructing a an- oTtl.and avenue -froom Srwlling_avent;e to Saratoga avenue, .......................... . under Preliminary Order e .E50 Intermediary Order 1527. _ _ " Final Order _ 1274. . __,approved _Oct.cber 7th_ 191..4 The assessment of ._. bierefat6., GostC and exAe.nseB. _. �:._ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on theQ.2-6.th ..- - - -._. day of July - ____ _..... - 191.5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council JUN-. 23 1915 .._.... ................ ity Clerk. l.� � .i Approved .. .._...:..1,/ ._ _ _ '191 abovn .,., ... ,ath.cvh-g .. .. ._.. milted to. the Council,. and the. _. ...,_... _.. Mayor. having considered ams and found't... Councilman Farnswort sold assessment sauatactory, therefore, ba It Resolved, That the said aaeeaament be „ and the same is, hereby In all respects, i (305S approved. i Resolved Further, That a publla-hear. ! Ing be hadan said assessment oaths' Keller 20th day of July, 2916, at the h. r. 6 of 10 o'clock A. M., In the Council I McColl ` Chamber„ Room in of the court Hone and City Hall Building. in the City of. Eft.Paul;,. that the Commissioner of. of said meetin, O'Leary Fine ce give, notice j:required by the Charter, stating lagBald ,-,notice,the time and place of hearing,' improvement, the"tot i(1 "1 " YOer the nature of the g thereof, and the amount aaeeeaed , 1 coat against the dot or lots of the ppaaticular ' ownem- whom the notice is dltsoted. Mayor Powers Adopted by the, Council June 221, 1915. Approved�June 22, 1916 _ Form B. S. A. 8.8 -- _---------------------------------------------- CITY ------------------------------- ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT __........Y�/�..�'4� _ ........_, 191.` In the matter of the assessment of ttAt. f ..te:.._.c Date... and....2x�_gr_e�¢tl1e _constivctir.g of a.,._sewer ,_.._on Portland ...avenue .fron. Snellirg._avern_e to Saratoga avenue, ... _ .. ._...__ . __-_.. ..........__... _.._ . ...._...... __._.. ..._..__..._. ...._...... __.._. _._ .......__... .... ...._._.. ..... ...... .... .___......... .._.............. _.._. __ . _.. under Preliminary Order ........... .... _......... ....._., Intermediary Order _1527 Final Order_ 157 _... __ approved.. Octo..ber _7th. 191 `} To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - $-.1, 3 41. 00 ' Cost of publishing notice $........... 50 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $._......._.._ ._....._t 3 p 26.82 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..... .... _.... ._... _._ . _ .._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - --- - - - $.._..__._....l . 50_._____ Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..1.„3.70., ... ..12,__-- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._1 x—Z7.4 n_1.4_.... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon its may be considered proper. Commissioner of'Finance. form B. S. A. a-9 COUNCIL FILE NO. By__................ _._..... - - Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of. benefits..,_ costs and expe,nsesfor grading Lake Cqix,cand.rhalon. avenue. -between Edgerton street and Payne avenue, ................_...._.. ...... _................._.. ......._......._............................. . ...... .. .... ....... .......... ........................ under Preliminary Order 443_ _ -., Intermediary Order t Final Order .1435. approved.__ September 3rd 191._4 The assessment of _T.erief_k_t_8., eo$te an ex > enses -_ -.... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. m.,1s,OLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on thoz7t.h... --. - _ day of Jul 191_...5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of it.,. Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give y.: notice (if said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- tics lar owner to whom the notice is directed. a Adopted by the Council _ _ JUN. -)3 �9�5_ -, 191 Approved_...df....._...-- Councilman Farnsworth Goss " Keller " .McColl ; O'Leary f Yoerg i Mayor Powers a Form B. S. A. 8-8 -L ead.ln coan. .:o theeCouncll eand1. 'ooneldered same. and 1,:Y e;�seaament raaesrectory, there{:' Aved, That the said assessment be'� he same le hereby. In allreeyeab ved. - s lived Further, That a public hear e had on saidassessment on the day of July, 191,% at they' hour ,o'doek A. M., in the: Council her, Room 91 of the Court House Sty-Hall-Building:-Im the r City -of -' real; that the Comno nioner of /Z City Clerk. Mayor. eu �I2��5 ----------`-------- -J ----- - - - C--- • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _..__._....... ...,, 191......... nr. fcoote,.a 3.exf_er}@4hc for the grading In the matter of the assessment of b ._...-.._. its, ..._.. .. - - —� --- ofLake Con;o and Phalen avenue,,..,betre n Edgerton Street and Payne avenue, .. ....... _ .._.. 4.43_ __, Intermediary Order .._x.19 under Preliminary Order ................ Final Order ... ...... approved.. $eFtenber 3rd ____.....,1914. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - $.1,_1W,'.4& Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $ .4E Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..._...__..._._..._..._ _ _....... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - $.........__ u..c..lg . 2.4 Q.. — Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $. --- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_l.a-1 - --- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissionenl and made a part -hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. n Form B. S. A. R_9 ------------------------------ - - Council File No. _ B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. Inthematterof the assessment of_ben2f.Lts-, -Qoste and, exPen@-0-3 ___ - __ .for ner.r, Ming_a_se:vez-�n_AaTatrs�t�rn�4�-nrs,tPr $tr n Stswazt_aye ue, under Preliminary Order 41271 _, Final Order 41,825 . approved_Ap i 1_ 3-C th.'__ - _________ 191 4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council,_ _ jl)N 28 1915 — 19 Ct Clerk. Approved ., Mayor. Form 6. S. A &-10 ';,gz6, ap—�ird- 4127• ----_---- -- proved Apr:...... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE./ REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _.....'0' .__............. , 19R In the matter of the assessmentofbenefits7 costs and expo...... ttie .c.onstructin_ of _. S.t.e.ffi.ar.t.....ave.nu.e,......_..__ .....__ _.. _ . .......... -...................... __ ............... .... _..... _.... .._.... _._....._._. under Preliminary Order............._ _................. _........ __, 7806ifdfA"SK ..... _.. _.............. ...... _.__ ... ._....... __._.,.. Final Order_41_,..6..25.._.._............... approved _.... AF T. l.._3.0 th..........__......_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expentii- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvo- meat, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - -$.......... ._.._..a_�._......_.... Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - -$.._........ ....... ._l............. .... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $......... _..... q...., 74...__._.... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $..._.... _........ .._60 .._,... Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_..344_.66 ................... .. . . Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed kind levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $3A4. 66..__.,,._....., upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in nevordance with the benefits,__, conferred thereon; that the said assessment him been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. -------------- Council File No. By. --_...--- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_benef _te,_ Soots _and _expenses . ___ _ for co_etructir� a sw eer on GeraniKim street from Cortland street to a point r- 250 feet east of the east line of Cortland stree under Preliminary Order 15 878 &w&wifrV$eJK_0r88-------__, Final Order 42,147 approved May 26th _191 4 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE#?„ That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ._-equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council___ Approved_ Form B. S. A Clerk. Mayor. I- CITY. OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ............._.........._.... . In the matter of the assessment of...be.iief.i.t.a.,.... GQ.S_te_$Jld.,_PX.2n�g,e i..C,zthe c,cnstruction of a sewar on Geranium street from Cortland street to a point 250 feet east of the east line of Cortland street, under Preliminary Order .............. _. ...... -_ Final Order _. 42, 147 _ ......, approved ._. ga.Y._ 26th ._.__._ 191 A To the Council of. the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as it statement of the expendi- lures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz.: - Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - $..423.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_-...._._.. • 50 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $,,,,......... 30 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $..._.._S_e.46 Aounof court costs for confirmation - - - - - - . - $... __ 1.50 mt.___ - .. _.._. _._. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 433..?.fi_ Said Commissiouer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_43-3_.7-6.........._... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in necordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment its eompleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. .............. ... _ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-9 191 54 CITU OF ST. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT =x AUDITED CLAtIVIS—RESOLUTION FOU FORM ND HANDX. � BY 1uN,2 3 ts�5 AUDITED 3f3C Resolved that warran a drawn upon thetC�Kable out of the hereinafter specified funds and F in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed; statement: Yeas ( J) Cof( J) Nays Adopted by the Council r)O Ipl JUN N 3 [7191 F A 191 fs G_LIn favor r ed yz K MAgainst O _ MAYOR YC. F. No. 6606—_ tResolved, That warrants De Mr. President, upon the CRY Treasury, D%Mable the hereinafter spsO Lg funds the Orme or drawn out of and to corpora-! favor of persona, tions for the amounts eet their reepective names a so opposite allied in PR _ the folowing detailed statement: Corporate Purposes—C. H.& Maint.: Alden & Harris, $166.26; Baumeister Co., $2.770.86; Wm. $35.00. C. Wm. Ritter, y '`•w Health Fund—Pu6,83 Bathe—M. R.: J. Connolly. $6,834.03. & Public Works—Workhouse l H. W: CO., $1nge $13.46; Kavanagh Bros.' & CO., $3,399 06; James Mand—n. $26.00 StreethConst ` & Repair .van.gb - Fund— , _ Mai L JKetle River Co., Minnesota Crushed Stone Co.; A. P 1lfoere. 513 70 St. Paul I Stone Co., $754.00 J7.. Shiely, 53,307.00; 5648.16: Crushed $1,189.38. /VI' Fund—StreetCompany. tag Ma1nLLe 9[udeyaker Corporate Purposes ses si.400.00. p p S. & S. Clp@ning Fund—City Dump— $1.D- Hardware . Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund—Sup., C. H. & C. H. Meint. MBrid R Bldg. plies: TFarwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., $42.68. Alden & Harris Public School Fund—M. & R.: K. 166.25 Dreher, $70.40. - E Wm. Baumeister Co. Public Library Fund Df & i Johnston, 35.53. . F,.°�:. R 2,770.85 l7C. 00 i Wm. Ritter, �,_ J. J. Connol7,y, 6,634.03° t Public Works Workhouse Etiaint. H. W. Goetzinger, 13.45 1 Kavanagh Bros. & Co., 1.399.05 James Mandeson, .26.00 met Q3. Street Const. & Repair Fund-Maint. i 4z Kettle River Co., 3 7 1'648.15 Minnesota Crushed Stone Co., A. P. Moore, 13.70 St.. Paul Crushed Stone Co., 754.00 J. L. Shiely, e oast. &Repair Fund, 31912023 S. & S. Cleaning Fund -Street Cleaning Maint. 1,400.00 `. Studebaker Company, S. & S. Cleaning Fund-City Dump-Maint. I P.aymer hardware Co., 1.80 ✓ F­ A. ISI g 5. 1 e: T �� r #2 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund -Supplies Farwell, O=un, Kirk Co., Public School Fund M. & R. K. F. Dreher, Public Library Fund -M. & R. Dr. Johnston, Public Parks Fund-Park--Maint. St. Paul Crushed Stone Co,, General Fund -Art Institute Maint. Jessie IOIBrien, Public Comfort Station Bldgs. J. L. Shiely, Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.- Ha*line- Jefferson. Sewer System O'Neil & Preston, 42.58 -/0'x.40 � 5.53 ,l 105.00 32.50. 118.90 15.980.00 Total Corpor to Pur see .. .......: .$16,713 57 " Spec Asses . Const. Acct....... 15.9800 Total, 32.6 3.57 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1915 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 7 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 5607 re AUDITED -1•• 9 3 1915 181_ c co..r.ou l PER Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( it Nays Adopted by the Cou6'cil w o W5 191 Farnsworth Goss --kIn favor 191; Keller McColl Against yO'Leary MAYOR Mr. President, Powers C. F. No. 5607— Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter spec fled funds and In favor,of the persona, Orme or eorpora• tions for Lha amounts set oppo9lte [hear respective names as specified In the fol- lowing detailed statement: Corporate Purposes—Wafer Dep,. Fund: Hammond - Byrd Iron Co.. - $2,825.E7; So. Park Foundry & Machine ' Co., E3,207.78. Adopted by the Council June 23, 1915. Approved June 23.1915. __(June 26-1915) Corporate Purposes V Water Dept. Fund Hammond -Byrd Iron Co., 2,825.8 So. ?#rk Foundly, & Machine Co., 2 Total Water -Kept. Farad, 4,033.65 otal Corporate Purpo we $4,033.65 o �`t AdopteU by the Count ..........:..:........ _...................... ........ 191 YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORT G� 1,41 IER M V oCOLL -ffh / YOERG.. V NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT ( RS) %�.. G'" , (.. `, v 1 ! ` IK K2 ,r An ordinance prohibiting the moving of railroad cars by steam power within the City of St. Paul, after September let, 1916. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That from and after September 1st, 1916, no person, firm or corporation shall, within the City of St. Paul, move, make up, or operate any railroad car or train of cars, or any railroad locomotive or engines, either for the transportation of freight or passengers, or for any other purpose whatever, by means of any steam locomotive or any steam motive power or machin- ery whatever, and from and after said date, all railroad cars and trains of care and railroad locomotives and engines moved, made up and operated within the City of St. Paul shall be moved, made up and operated by means of electrical power or by electrical motors or by some other power than steam power or steam machinery, not emitting smoke or steam. Section 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine for each offense not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the Workhouse for a period not exceeding ninety days. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council 1915. Yeas, .Nays, Mr. Farnsworth Coss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) Approved ------ 1915. Attest: -- Mayor. Clerk. �. V I �di�ry BUREAUOF WATER OSCAR E. KELLER. Commissioner GARRETT O.HOUSE. G. Supt U.g,9TARK. -pufy Commi..Io n.r - BUREAU OF MUNICIPALTESTING LABORATORIES _ VICTOR H. ROEHRICH.Cna 1 BUREAU OF PUBLIC MARKETS OTTO P.ANACKEH.M.—I Ma.ler June 22, 1915. 0. To the Honorable, The Council Of the City -of St.Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: In introducing the attached ordinance for the electrification of railroads in Saint Paul, I want to call your attention to the fact that I realize, of course, that an improvement of this magnitude cannot be consummated without great effort and energy, and means an outlay of much time and money. Large expenditures of this nature, if forced suddenly upon the transportation eovpanies, ul— timately fall back upon the shoulders of the people through increased rates, etc. So this project mist be carefully considered. It must be practical and of benefit to both the carrier and the patrons; and while it is true that the community furnishes the resources upon which the carriers draw for their expenses and profits, it is possible by too radical requirements to cause so great a demand upon these resources that the expected benefits lose their significance. Therefore, the most praotioal and workable plan that can be contemplated is one that will give us this im provement not only without added expense to the public or the railroads but at a saving. Is this possible?. Experience THE DEPARTMENT of PUBLIC UTILITIES of THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. ' --2— in other cities indicates that it is not only practicable to carryon transportation within the city limits by loon - motives operated by electricity or propelled by gas engines, but that it can be done even cheaper than by coal operated engines. Experiments are now being made with locomotives operated by gas engines, and whether these are as economical and as efficient as electrically operated locomotives, is still a debatable engineering problem. 3 The question is now being discussed and considered the country over and the matter is of paramount importance to our city just now, since we are engaged in building a new Union Depot and enlarging terminal facilities and now is the time to ascertain which method is preferable for St.Paul, and zeke arrangements therefor while the preliminary plans are being made and considered. There is no doubt in my mind that'if the Depot and terminals are constructed with proper provision for eleotri- fying the various r6ad6 within the city limits, if this method is deemed most suitable from the standpoint of ef- ficienoy in operation and economical maintenance, the cost of such electrification will be much lower now than if the matter is postponed until after the whole Union Depot and terminal project is completed. This is self-evident. The subject of electrifioation of steam railroads was favorably discussed at the last meeting of the American TOE DEPARTMENT d PUBLIC UTILITIES of THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. -3- Railroad Master Mechanics Association just held at Atlantic City, the prevailing thought being that elec- trif ioation is not only practicable but an advantageous proposition for the steam railroads. The first cost is, of course, the big item and creates most of the opposition of the railroad companies. Regardless of this I deem the nuisancer so great that I shall put forth every effort at my command and with your assistande and that of our progressive citizens I hope to realize the consummation of this much needed improvement. Sincerely yours, COMMISSIONER PUBLIC UTILITIES. ` '�Iio �86p9'=Ordl nce:No 3611 ". 4 ", O E Ke1le'r— F `ordlnan •gra ting t th 5t Paui:. � i1111ng Company pe mis910 to u e 09 �'p0 tion of the levee as':a site fot' %. ou miil .e Council of tha Cit} -'of 9t P ' ye mtselaa nd au[horlty a h, ' "ti , ted rto the:,9t .i :bllling 8 DilnniOT itheo term tof •� uPY, �rs from.thes date o2'_e� laance:'as a sit{.-''- »factute shall not be transferred to anyotherperson, firm or corporation without the'ooneent of the Council first obtained. Section 4. The grantee shall and will forever indemnify and save harmless the City of St,. Paul against' all damages, judg- ments, claims, costs and expense which it may suffer or that may be 'I recovered or obtained from or against said City for or by reason of z the granting; of the said.privileges or for or by reason or growing out of -or resulting from the passage of this ordinance, or any matter or thing connected therewith, or with the exercise by the said grantees of the privileges herein granted. Section 5. If the said grantee shall :fail in any respect to comply with the provisioniv of'thi's ordinance, then all rights and privileges hereby granted shall be forfeited.to said City of St. Paul. Section 6. The said grantee shall-file•with the City Clerk of said 'City, within thirty days'after'the publication of this ordi- nance a written acceptance of the provisions thereof, in a form to be approved by theCorporationCounsel. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 1 r Passed by the Council u 1915. Yeas, aya, Mr. Farnsworth 3 --Keller :I McColl Nook Yoerg Nays,: 0 "-Mr. President (Powers) Approved/ /%`1915. krE COUNCIL FILE NO. 5610 IRV INTERMEDIARY ORDER. in the Matter of and extending to....a.. Widt-h--af -60- le -et , Burns avenue, from the easterly line of Wessel's Addition to the easterly City Limitso. ........... under Preliminary Order _5187_.....__......_._._..._....._ . . ........... .. .... ........ .. approved .. May- 213-th, _.19.15.. ..... ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is QP.§A,,-T,iAt4 4nd_gxtend to a width, of 60 ..f.e.p.t., .gurne avenue.,..from.. the eaaterly-l.ine of Wes-s-el.1-a -......... Addition-..t.o the eaRterly City Limi ta, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 19th.. day of -July --- ............ .................. 191`5....,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimatedd,& Adopted by the Council - ...... JUN 23 - is - 15 .. 191 Approved....... .(t 40? Councilman Farl'sworih ... ........ Mayor. Gos os Me 11 AKellr Ole ry Pow, Mayor _r form B. S. A. 8-6 ... ........ Mayor. T COUNCIL FILE. NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of...r. ra_'rtctil..e._Fk r Gri S.G1.ey, str £ron, Cha.ltot: street to South Tabasha street and on South Rabasha street froir: Sii_ey street _:t.o_.B.. dwe.1.1..s.t.xe.e..t.,.._........._................ ....._...._._............... ..... ............. _..._......... under Preliminary Order.__4574._...._...___............._.._...._......._._._... approved ._Apr_1..._27th.j._._1°15.___............ ...... ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ...COriB_ 1U_ot, .a.. sewer on _.._.Si3pney,__s,_t�ree..t �_fo..u_ Cra. .ter street _.t.R.._S�ut"._ abaEha. etreet,srd.pr_._. _ScLth_Wahasha._str_e_t from_.Sic'rey_atr._,.t._to..Bi�wel...._s treet.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_34.6_-0...00_........ . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__,_1.c�?1.._.._....... ................. day of _._ .. ul.y_..._...__..__......__i 1915....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, rooln No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. _._._..,1s1...,_. Adopted by the Council _..._.....___...._ _..... JUN .. ..._23 ... J.9.1-5 ..._. - �- - ..-� _. _.. __ .. 1 y ark. . Approved p `�/.._............ .... 191.._S Ma or. Councilman Fai nsworth cc is Ke ler M oil O' ary Mayor Po qrs Form B. S. A 8.6 total coat tllereor ae eetimacea. i Adopted-by'tfie CouncilJune 23, 1916. Apt -db o ed Juna 23. 1916. .;� (June ,2671916) y a � . COUNCIL FILE NO. ---5610 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lntheMatterof.._C_onatruct_irg._e _power ...or, ._._Vauai_rg._avemtA.__bet�een Palace ... street and....Juliet_street, ander Preliminary Order518...._.........__...............__.................._...... approved . aY......L�..$ t .a..._19.1:rJ._........__..._.........._....._........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the shove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is __ConB trUCt.__a_.__sew_er_or ?�aml_i_ne__a-venue t_etwee.n..Pa.lace.._:e_t.r_e_e_t..._and..._J,-l_ie.t.....e__greet,.............. ........ ._...._.._....... _. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.,305,.00 .............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _...._19_t .......................... day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. M Adopted by the Council ........._...___... Approved Councilman Fa nsworth G s Kq ller M Coll O• ary Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 As 0 COUNCIL FILE. NO.. i j INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Inthellatterof.Grading ..._A_t_l_antisstrzetor- Pascalaven ie_toSrelling._avenue _ _ .., 11 ... . .......... ................. ... ... ....... . .........1.._ . under Preliminary Order __...4743. .... _.... ___............ ---- ....I.......... approved .. ay... 3 1d,.._:19. 15... _.._.__.._...._............_._......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..._ T rad.e._._At 1 antis street `.rnl,Pascal.. avenue t�: Sns-1li..ng.._ave'lu..e.,_... . .._..... ....._... ._._._..._ ............ _............. _.....__.........._...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._2.21.5. _07__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._..___l9,th__....._............._.... day of _._.........?ul.y_..._.._......................._, 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Jul Adopted by the Council ......_..._`.....__. _..__...... Approved .........._....�/_.3 ..___......_.._.__, Councilman Farasworth Go's Ke er M4 Coll O' eary' Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8.6 0 COUNCIL FILL. NO._.56-'1 4._... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of .._Cons tr..a_ .41* } _a _.ai'wex..._on._.Sar. ent_ avenue....f.rar,..-Sr:all.ing-.------ arenue to the rresent ter!airus of the sewer approximately two hundred .......... ..._......... ..... and ten- (210) fs*'^e c"enter line of iasaal avenue, under Preliminary Order ..._421.9.__.__................ ..- ...... ........._......... approved ......iuS;c.....3Tdy.....a91 a.,....-----.._.._.... .... ....... ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Thaf the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._CC.ne__rict.._.a_.._seyn.ar_..�n .................. q1.1.i,n&...aY.e.nue.....to.l..t.hE..._ r$fleA.._._t.ET.li:.;•: ALlB.._a.f..._tha....4BEw e approximately two hundred and ten (210) feet west ofthe center line of P36C'8-j- -'TCr el'i1i_e. ._..._....__.............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... ...... °°..l._.,..._ ......................... day of -,Lu.lj......._.._.__ ............._........._....._. 191_5.y at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 114., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereo Adopted by the Council JUIN 1815 Approved ... -.... _. -.... __ _ 191 .J.— Councilman Fa sworih " Go s Kel r " Me oil O' ry- Mayor Pow s Form S. S. A. 8-6 —.J, ,.. 5615 COUNCIL FILE, NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ,Curb ing__Sherma1l..e_tree_t.._be_twe_en..._WeA.t.-...Ssv_..e.n.th.....4.i.7c.e_e.t.....iRlld.....t_he top of the bluff, at or near the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St_,_.C.a.., .................. ......... _..... _... _ ............... _... tinder Preliminary Order._43.4.1... .... .... __....... ..... _........................_. approved ...Apra.l_...6t.h.�......1515....___.._.........__._............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is We et b e twP"Ise.Y.enth....a.tr a e..t_..and.....the......t.ap.....o.f....-the._ hlufi.,.....at.....ox.....near.....the_.x� ght..-.af way of the Chicago.r..Milwaukee.._and...3t.. _Paul.-_Ry_._.._C4...,.._......... ......_... ................. ..... ___ _......... ...... ...._ XWXft=jjj wnd that the estimated cost thereof is $3. Granite Curb. The of 8 011 also has under coneideration an alternative fe6tsement Curb at a cost R ved Further, That a public hearingbe had on said improvement on the __..__._............_....___........._..._._.__ day of 1711.1.$._.........__.__..._._..._...._, 191.5.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City 11�11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mauner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total C.0,At i1�t15 of as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....... _ _ .. _._.. ee—��_ ... 191... �1 ... .... ... Clerk. Approved .._......... ................. ..... Mayor. _,..,edght . awauRee' Councilman Fern orth sul Ry, under Prelim : .Sr Order,,4341 aypruv,d April; 1836., The.Covncil of the ClEy, mot $4 Paul, CJOS havlag,', received `the 'report of. Commissioner ,o; Finance :upon thn above lmproVetuent; and ,keglag cos Kel r eldered=eald^report, hereby.'teeolvee i. That the,'said report beaead the: eame.ls.,he eby,. approved and 'adoyted, Mc oll aad.,the: said Improvement fs`.. heretiy ordered<.to be proceededsrith. 2 ghat=the nature of the improvey - went ivb4ch , the '.Couacll tecotnmoade' ' 0' ary is curb,Shermaa `street _between«wgit Seventhcstreet•and:?ttop of.theiblufl; „ cago M an as SL Pau1� RY. �C and that the sell mated coat. thereof le 52;48¢71;. with. granite curb: - he Council :also Lae under cousldert1on Mayor Po erS an alternative for cement"curb at'a ooet'of $849.25. - Form R. S. A. 8-6 Resolved Further. That a public hearing Ub had on sold Improvement 'on the 201h' do of July; 4916..t �hefiour of ,YO`O,O;.o'clockA: M.; ta•tae l COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ...._COnstr.U.4...IIb _8ew. x.._o.n_ B.1,.a.�.r....stre_e.G..._�.LOFL_..A,Y_Qn..._0tr�et....-.to Victoria. street.:. ........... _ __.__..... ...._...... ._ ............... .__ .................. ._...._ under Preliminary Order ._4844 ..... __... __........... ...._................. ...... approved ... May... l l h,.._.1915... ...... .._............. _............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is COils_tTUCt___a _.hewer OA .................................. Blair streetfrom Avon_ strget to Victoria_street,_ ... __._. ..... ..___. _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1„_483_._00....._.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ._Kth. day of Jul ........ 191 5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN 23 voce........._f/........._........................... .., Councilman Far worth Gos Kell r Me o11 O' ry Mayor Pow rs Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... __ _. __............. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 1 In the Matter of ...Q-TACU.1<lb._..S.ctu.th- Saratoga ....aV.drp-je.....f.r_rm._jeff.ez.so.n....au,eL'ae.....t.a....... strg-P._t.c.......................... ........................_......._....................... .... .....__........_.. ................ ,..._- .............. ........_ .... .............................. tinder PreliminaryOrder ._...._1811-----....._........._ ........................... approved ..S.eI_t......_3.0 t.h.r_._.1.9_l.¢..-___....._....._._....._..._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the pature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..___TaC.-..._Sllth...._S..ar.at.aga .......__.......... ........ ....... ... .... ...... __. __._... .... _..... _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,.549 ..70..._._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.._._.i'rp._th_..... ................ ..._..... day of --_ ...... .......July_ -, 191...9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .... ....... �11N.._2..3-315 ........ 191... Clerk. Approved ._ .... ......_...... _ Mayor. Councilman F nsworth G ss " " K Her M Coll KrJ O' ary Mayor Po rs Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO . ......... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.j;onstru tin _a sewer..on WeSt Central_ave uefrori, the we8t .......... . ................. ...... ..... ..... . ..... -1Ipe of Lp ng.t.on AYePuv— tQ .. tile Be:xer on Qxton! AIK%pl:........... .... ............. . May 5th, 1915. under Preliminary Order ...4771......_._ . .... .....— ............. . .......... approved .............. . .. . ...... . — — - ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having con I sidered said report, hereby r6solves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is r18 t .....r...1l ... Ct a sewer on .......... ................. W a . . . C.e.nt—ral...avenu.e f.rop thp_&& the _sewer . .......... ........ ........ .......................... . ...... ......... ........ ...... .. ... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......... . day of ..... ........................ 191...5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the maimer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 23_1515 ...... ... ... . 191 - Adopted by the Council_._........_...__JUN ... ... ......... City Clerk Approved 191 —4 1 .............. ....... . ... Mayor. Councilman Fa nsworih c -n theiiatte, ofl�x: A. PAr--,brth on West'. Centralllekreetj" - se -Tr West line of. Go 8 mexingi f"' the ..6th 19 'e. �Y Zd oh -"'en 't6�ih� 16 Ke ler —i having renso I of th6w-cit e Wed ih636' Y of st.� 1�ini Inl-aWnei I Of F111- —e ,upon the above. Pon ot.,the-con,., Myo,vene I 'g -'On "detedMColl improvement, hereby: resolve1,TgIt th a and th'e' �pama 1s hereby, approved. -and d-Vtad. 0 ary arndar.d-id be' hereby ordered - ��ilrf)ceeded with the lzziktore'of Improve Aft ent,whi. "th-.7 ;Connell the recommends a coneltructla-sier 4.e. avenueft Central Yo ihe. ,,o is V �; r fro11 r ed a I N1 ayor Po- vers they t a so ?-,,. d _t,on rd Forn, B. S. A. 8.6Resolvt 1,4?7.0' T irubll� t I Chahlber -RNom No: 61 "sof the -.Chas t nen COUNCIL FILE NO...�. By' INTERMEDIARY ORDER. ^{ In the Matter of ....Construc&_in.p, _a_.eewe.r.._ on...Minnehaha._.B.tree.t._.b.e..twe.en....D.ulu.th apenu..e.._..and.....Ataantic.._s.tree_t,.. ___........_._...._...... __._...__.__.._..._.............._..__........._._..._..._..._....._..____._....._......................_._._......... under Preliminary Order_4849,..__.......___...... _ ...... _........ .......... .... _. approved ...May.:..11..th.....19.15....._.._.......................... _..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is C ASUUC_. Minnehaha..._e.tr _et.._between...D.uluth....avenue.....and._ltiant.i.c.....stree.t.,...............__._...._._..__...._. .......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... day of .,J.ujy_.._........................ _...... _1 191.._5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the ^' ^^^" "'^"^^° °° Adopted by the Council .................. jui Approved ... _4c.__........%.. Councilman rnsworth G as K ller M CoII O' ary Mayor Po rs Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Grading _Wes_t__Pa.ge__s.t.r...ee_t._frOm__Delaware__..str..e_et..__tp.-.._phi.pPeg A street, .......... ... .. _ __ under Preliminary Order.42.24 ............. _............. ---------- _. approv ay.....'axd.,......19.1.5........._..___..,___._._.._............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the re f the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved gnd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _.Grad.e.__W.e,e_t....P...ag.e......Qt.reet froiL._D-elaw..re..s_txsR.et....to._..Chi.ppew.a-air.eat,_....__....._...__._...___..._..._................___...._.............._............ _.._.......... . ............ _._...... ... _............... --......... _........... .................... -........ -- .......... __._._....--- .......... ...__._.....__....... ...... - ........... _...._,.._......._. _......._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $_........ _..__........_..__.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__...._lB`�r..__.......___._......... day of __ .-...July _-..._..... _.......... __:_._1 191_...5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUN �3 19 ,191.... Adopted by the Council .... __ .._..1� City Clerk Approved lrZ..{.....i� ................. 191....5 Mayor. Councilman F nsworth G s K ler M oil O' ary Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE_NO. . ...... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Recon tr to a the Matter of.. .. - - -.A.. r t width e r t si ewa s � Tkn�,s etc: �A PRopt., ,idt of S!, et t� e e k �n the follo t ja e tgo.. P n P e. J�n�te north sid egTnn ng a —MlIton-stre6 i ence eas 80 ee under Preliminary Order—A-M....._....._................. . ... .................. . .. approvedMY Aths .. . .......... ........ . .. . ............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. And re - 2. ha� e�t sidgwalkg on the t the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is RqP9AA1;NP!4 jaifowl a amen t. t ence south "g ojment.�111,1%oa wj�thwoftsix, fett thip jre� 0 1.7 a ree n S , es side ekinnin ................. Han Q street e .. nce north to o All" S * .east 8-ide­�gkinnln --th t 1p et thence east James M, Ral'nllbl� htlt north di e beg N ng at Milton street 8 0 --Taa-t . .. . ... . ... .... .... ....... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.52.0 ........ .... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be badon said improvement on the . . ........ day of .JU.L--V . ... ............ .... . ....... -, 1915.._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council 191 Approved-& 191 100 Councilman F nsw o rth .�,!� ' ,9 f .�,, e CA . b haviajfecelve&,ther ofth(— X -% missioner ef, upon the abGv�e- l Improvem C S 0d Bald report, herepy-Tes0l_ K ler'E,^ That the mature of the improve+ M oll meat Which the Counon -recommends CwenVtMLAMa 01ary V0Ah1 g Ric_ — street thence ndi`Eh to Jstdep, atop; Zat Mayor P ers ding w.i • estimated, cents public: FormB. S. A. 8-6 h' 1.be; (Vbon: saldrlmprovemedt>__ Clerk Mayor. M, a "I COUNCIL FILE NO. B, &&Z INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ....... ...... ... . . ........ ........... . ... . .... . . .. ..... CondAbbbit-and-taking -an:easoment tor-lhe -pi#ose of constructing and maintaining & public newer on a strip of land 20 feet in width extending grip Brainerd - avenue to,a distance of 10 feet north of the -north line of the' Scat Nor'" east of of tb.* Nor" ot of Section 20 -r � - 1- .4 I i Town 29, Range pentsil 11 f S il:�of * west"�i ;strip boizig'the most line of the east.+of_`_ths,.!"!bL the ectict�:20,"Tc R _23, excepting that porti' n al t and dedicated : as 'a :public raid streeti alaeIwidth, a strip of laffidL,120 feet in, no of 'jh' �s center -llnd� of,'Whid1i'strip-is the north 11 of X " W (it so'c' tic'n `20 29' R, to thi - east I I I J, - own ango-:99, extending' from Edgeit0i'Streat line of the __--first describad.Lsirip,'of ia—n . ....... . ........... . .......... : ....... ..... .... .......... . ..... ...... .... ... ...... . ........... . ... I ...... . ..... . ...... under Preliminary Order -...090 ..... - --- - -- -_--------- . . ........ approved _Ap..ril..L3ht .. . .......... . . _1915. ..... . .. . . . . ........................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .... . .. ....... ...... . ...... ............ it U.)Eig or aia-pu,blic sewer on a strip of land ;20' feet ln',,,.*idth extending from. renue toa di stance of 10 feet north of thia.,,-zorth line of tht I. j Of !.Soo -tion 30, � Town- Range;:2, 06tiiiJ,, P,':P_fsaid strip 1.,_ -of 4hs, t. 39, Range , the �-: 2 bs1hg'--.tbe went, the east- j of the east j Of ti�e'qizest , of Section'20, t6wn 29j, Ran,ge 22i excepting out ':Ah �,g� that portion already lai&`,ou, Ah ded"icated as a public street, also ,i4irij of land 96 feet in widihi center line of.. ch strip is theworthline of the S. E. j of the, N. Z�of Section 2o, 29,-Rangs U,'ixtendlng from Edgerton street to the j"Z li-ne,of the first,"scribed- str1p,qf._land- .. ............. �­­ ....... ... ... . ... ...... - . ... ... .... .. .... -..... ........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._195e00 ..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .. ........ day of -.July . . ..... ........ ---- ---- 1191-5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191. ity Jerk. Wil ............... ­­ .......... Ma or. -Nd d�Z�r­ of "iO,'ie' V north of the north line of the S E Councilman arns. 14 of the:N. W. % of section 29, Town 1 D. Range ;22, the center line of:said Nrll��belng the west line of the cast % of the east % of the west % of -Be. - ss tion 20, Town 29. Rargs�-22_exiaeptlnl; u . N lag a 7.lDri � bi SS jlutldp­t.lq�, aJ,,,,adyaAd out and dedt ller _ct6 as Pub a strip oC land 20. fee street; K Iler t� to, lot which trip ]s the north 1ifid;'g-Cuis M M , S.1-�t.�:;%'-."dfstheN,'�-W,.",-.S,-zof,�Sqotion 20, oil Town 29, r 'Ediertan straWtolthe, ea:st,line -bf:� al 1,,nrot,.4,df�scribedz�etrfpr',,'of land 01 a,i slfernativee; and that- the estimated: coat ;ther6of11w$l,9 i0C ,Resolved }.Further Thatw'! 'hearinyfun,pnhllo.t be ;had I. -Alin P1 Mayor _ s i` StniioatKw Tluitffi.cotnw, -jor i�zzlit6sid'ie.�,.,.�of��zvliit�ildo,igive ""u tied, Form B. S. A. 8.6 A (:root/ - M ---H ESTABUSNED 1867 INCORPORATED 1906 CORNER INDIANA & UVINGSTON AVES. / l July, N" 1915 Hon. M. N. Gose, commissioner of Public Works, co"44', or UGQSS city. UC WORkS Dear Sir: - Understand there"1s considerable opposition i to the PaVno Edgerton sower system. ice surely want this work dome, and, 1, am quite certain thst..#;he-objectors will be well satisfied when the work is cOmplotedl. The inerarlea In the Yaluo 0P'their property will. compensate them for the cost of the sewer.- This imp +ovs'ment is abiidlutolyJ j necessary and Y trust YOU wi11 see your`waY clear to have the work completed in the near future. Very xrul r _ Giipt. 'Mount 71on oomot�rv. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI6SIONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELMr, ARY ORDER - under Preliminary Order approved------j��i-1. ---- ........ -- ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ` The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimat amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-- — The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ — The lots or parcels of land. that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6`100 �d cam, o J,29 �� (ami r zf ss 0 0 . tical co zti v�/ z 6, 1�7 0 p�- Jd �Twvv1 S � 3 • � - C/� � , '.7 y J�2 � �l ��1 tiv� f J �y i TOTAL IOIiM B.S.A. 8.3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMITRY ORDER (C) ..- .. _.. ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ., r^. 91 7 , _20.3,3��/C,wt� � / q �/� t-itiL 0— ✓ a�ml 21-U�I�D (4,"���,�i(i .�-FILL Le�.I.W tI'i 40 4C _ EJ_ 2GiLtr. a /` f0 x/70. w The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n Dated ------ f f/�/................... Commissioner of Finance. IOPM 0.8. -s C ey2..r'i�'XE - h r A i ey2..r'i�'XE - Y " • 7f y: - r,i'm. n. -- s.�.Y ✓. � t :v{rtc.�lY v +;.fro - 0. 0: 0' 1516 6 V Von wpm on &ry' Oggg 1{, f Yrx tr M:v b Y w N ' WW 4 r }" r€ -sYazS 7x ,t r �h >P.. T Yt +_L t Ya �r- "Ct� 4, xz7S .�i d E As -r•*1 1 Po n .wt � 2� 4 4 ! 1• J P.r 4 ,r , 1 a ye r .s'x" c, } tk .•4�tm N ••W�3 r .n 4a,< f. _2. .9. l J J •.t , ,z n. s, F>n t rte,„ OWN S 3i ,r G x_ :Tr• t. 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S�` `tr ., ;, �,»,r{axa.. _ .... tt,'��t 911© Office of the Commissibner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Apr i 1..._a 0 , ......................191.. 5:J To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 1 The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil. known as Council File No...._4426._........... approved ... ........ A ?Til...13.x....... _................ 191......' relative to._ ................... ...... That the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on a strip of land 20 feet in width extending from Brainerd Ave. to a distance of 10 feet north of the north line of the S. E. 4 of the N. W. � of Section 20, Township 29, Range 22, the center line of said strip being the west line of the east z of the east J of the west J of Section 20, Township 29, Range 22, excepting that portion already laid out and dedicated as a public street, also a strip of land 20 feet in width, the center line of which strip is the north line of the S. E. 4 of the N. VY. 4 of Section 20, Township 29, Range 22, extending from Edgerton St, to the east line of the first described strip of land. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $__ ?4R ,. and the total cost thereof is $ .... ..................... "'� ..... ..._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..._ ............. ........................................ .... ................. ........ ........... ........___........ ..._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 19 5. Said improvement is.. .......... nOt.......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner Public Wor 4 COUNCIL FILF NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of tile.Ai4eva1XIoP -t-h e.. -s-as..t s..i.d.p­ Of i4atilda street between Oliver street and Geranium street,- ........... ... ... ... . . .. I.. .- - - ............... . ......... .. .. ...... . ..... .... ............ ... I-- .... .... .............. --- under Preliminary Order _....._X79.0.._......__ ................._ . ............ approved ...UAY... 511-11.-1915.1 . ..... ............... ..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_tilent e, -? 4 j -e en Oliver street and sidewalk on_ 1�he east Bide of Matilda. - a t rest betw..e... .......... . . .. ........ ................... . .. . .. .. ....... I ........... ....... ..... ... --, .. . ....... . . . ........... --- .Gexanium....at-re-e.tp ... I ............... .......... . .. ........ - ... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._52.¢.._.........___. -.- Resolved . . ....... - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . ..... - .......... day of .J.0 ly ..........................__.._._.__........._.1 191.5..-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the timf and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved ___..4C...4.13......._ Councilman Fern orth Goss KelleI MCC 11 A14 S Mayor Pow rs Form B. S. A. 8-6 `iP2 COUNCIL FILE XO., SS By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Q-0A?t17Uctin.a_..a sawe.r.on. Beech a.tre-e.t. f.rom -Atlantic—atreet to a point 20 feet east of the west line of Lot 27, Block 33, Gotzian's �. - 1 .... I - . .. ..... I .............. .1 .- ........... .... .. . - ................. . ... .................. of . -- - 9-igel's Addition approved MY -411-14 .19-1 .. . ............................. tinder Preliminary Order 5-137 .. . ... . . ........ ......... ........ .. - -.5 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is qppqj_rqqt A. pqyKer on Beech etreet o- f r�-Allanti o j5t.ro.et t..Q,,,..a..,,p.oi.nt..Z0 feet- .. eazt...of the-Wes.t- 1i . ..... of Lot 27, Block 33, Gotzian's Rearrangement -9f Sige.1 Addition., -- .... . ....... ... . ....... -1--- 1 .............. . .. .......................... . ........ .... - .... - - - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the day of July._ ..............................._ ............. 191-5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St..Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUN 23 15!5 191 - Adopted by the Council ty Clerk Approved 19 . . .. ...... Mayor. Councilman F nsworib G s K ler nsw s K ler M oll 0' ary Mayor Po rs Form B. S. A. 8-6 I 1 END MICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made i se of course he regular business by1j. 4c- ti -r v /Yir�Ze4_7, in with the standard and app:xv-o'v2 techniquewitha Recordak microfilm machine, Model jz of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on 19 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4 The roll of microfilm9 contains photographic copies of: C 0 4e N i. 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. hi Signed: Operator I 1 ry coJo e Opo \V W 9 dh VIII 1. illllB 111112_5 5 111112_2 VIII 1.1 t� x1135 �����Z=° 1-2p 1--=4 VIII ` NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART 9 dh