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( ouhcilFile 'DIo.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT _ pp and — 3894 r PRELIMINARY 0 R. _ The undersigned hereby proposes the tanking of t following public iatprovenient by th ity of St. Paull, viz.:Paving"..Robert......,..s:oath.....s14.0.....o.f....Sixth .:..St. ...o_.th.e..:..anuth aide Of C.ex►tral....Ave...., ..including. rec. ing ..and. -relaying ....Of. ..s.i k7 ks...-t.o. -the- .. stab- lished width ofj*5_ feet_,_..als long....t.he...ne.c.essary..s ex.,... at.er....an& gaa__ connections from street _..__. a to. Olines let e..._ t�] bee.,__wher.e....not....alr.eady made. Supeshing C oil Filee3760 p Aatui this._ if Fepruary., , Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz.:.PaVing.-F-obert St. from the south side o5to t1,R AA11+11 -4A- -r Gentral...Sue....,_including.. .. 7Vh. A written proposal for th• recurbing and relaying of sidegv m 11 g f the fenowlm ,mprpven t. »... ----� - - 'vl P 16 Rbbert St. Prom the _4iidth_._Of..7b-.-ie.e-t_..-8180 s th Id o4 Sixth St. to the south Ido oP C nl al Ave.. Including recurbing - making the neoessary sewer, wat and relaying of sidewalks to the ea- rom_s.t.re.et.maina._to tablished width of 76 feet, also rrml,Z the necessary sewer, water and gas property linea complete where l connections from street mains to ...... .. _s._-_. 8.ediyyt qq' .C.ounc.il .F.e "" property Imes complete, whore not l ly mode. Superseding Council t the 760 N 7760 having been presented to [h = having been presented to the Council of the Cnneu of the City of.St. Paul the ...... .......:.... .... .; fore. be It - ' therefore, be It Resolved, That the Commiaeloner of Public Works beend he Is in,reby or doted and directod: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of f.To Invoansn�a`the necessity for ordered and directed: or de slrability of .the malting of said ]. To investigate the necessity for or, I n2 roToiuvoaligato the nature, extent 1provement. wand estimated cost of s Id Improve- . To investigate the nature, extent a m nt.-and the total cost thereof, lit, and the total Cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, proale or .. :3. 'I'o furnish a plan, profile or sketch al`4tTof furnish the ptne efollowing gther data and Information relative to said 1. To flavish 1be following other dati Improvement.apmvement:_._ G. To tate wh.ther or not said im- pfovement Is aslted for on the -Petition _ of three or more ownbrs ._.......... ... .,._.. ... ...... ...t. 6. To report upon all og.the P e- . ._ .. ..-........................ ...... going mdtters to the Co tttlssione of 5 to state whether or not said int t Finance. it of three or more owners. Adopted by the Council Fob. 27. 1915. , 1pproved. Dia ch 2.39], I ` 6. To report upon all of the fm•egoint ' (iyPµ h s'2alla) nance. . Adopted by the Council..:..- ....._ ...2 191 Yeas: Net's• wt' Councihpaul FarIlSivorth .. t fos Approved - 19t_ ---.. ..........._......._... _....__........._:.................................................. Mavor - Mayor. ;Ar. Eprrold. Council, File No . =PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 0395 PRELIMINARY OR ER. The fldersigned hereby proposes the making of following public improv ment bv' the Cite of St. Paul, viz.:..Fondemning and, taking_ en.. asement in, the 1 .d necessary for sl_ope.s..,for. _tute,_ and_fi,lls" .__n...gTa i; n¢ tiJoodb dQe Street from. ..._..__.• C. F. No 3895 (p Carbon Street to South reet `ki'•g ofow orepas 1 r to malt ing of lne. [oliu �ving Im] t " ..... -... ........ ...-. _. .. . ..... .... i Condemning :lad tahiabf -. ..... _. men, in lite land neeessarr More., _ -- - far cuts and flits in R]•u di] g Wold - .a T; ... ... .. -.. ....... - b f lye street fro C b [ t t ii ....° .. South street Irnvi y b pr t t the Council of tn. Cit" oC bt Paul i Dated this .'6th .day of February hn1.m:�abTi;>rc int omml alo r nt blie works be a and he is hereby o] - t v dered and duette: 1. To in vesttgate the n seity for! , etc making for ............................. or dexirabilfty of the g oY' t" mprovement. To Investigate.the n ture,extent and estimattd cost of said imn rove-Ounellman. ent, nd the total cost thereof n�3. To furnishn -Pian, proale or site ten of said ImPro Yemeni.. 4. To furnlah the following other' PRELIMINARY data and Information relative to said, improvement. 5. To state whether o not. said im of veme o is rite- far on the'neuuo° CgIldem..ing ' WHF,RE.4S, .1 written proposal for the aking of oe G. To report more owners. i 1batters 1 he 11 m the fore- going ' g Ing matters to the Commissioner of and taking an easement in tae ;F ante, )es for cuts ........ _..�..._- .......... _......... .....__..... ...-.... .. _ Adoptrd by the r•ormtu n,'eb 27, 1915... __ ... ....-__....... Apt d March 1 1915. L and fills in grading Roodbridg_`re'" 6-1915) ;rest to .—....... _ South Street, ....................... _.... _... _....... _..... ........ - ,.: _............ _._.........._.......... ....... ....... .. _ . ......... ..................... ............... _.... __... ...... ......... ....... .. .... . ........ having been presented to the Council of the, City of St. Paul by. Councilman ................_` _........_.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and •directed: L To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the follo% ing other data and information relative to said improvement; . .............. ................ -........... ....... _...._ ....__.. ............... ...... ...I..... 5. To state whether or not .said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council � a 7.. Yeas: Nays: Colindilnuul Farn worth Gos Approved... . ... .. /..................... �Kel r M. oll Mayor Po rs Mayor. TAr.. Herrold. Council File'No. ...... .,L.:.:.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT,---' and a .395 0.1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The fldersigned hereby proposes the making of t following public improv meet by the Cit% of Sc Paul, viz.:. Condemning_ and taking...2.n,_ ,asement in_.the 1 __._d neceesary.::for sl_opes._.for cute. and.,_filis-....n._grgdinp ka9oAb dQe Street..fr.opt . -. -...- .. C. F. Nn 3895 "^t wjni n. A written piopo� 1 [ th Carbon Street to', South reet. ,.,king eY the ruae,vinr; �mprevemenr.C';; .........._._ .. _._. ... ...... conaemidn,; l t t gan Ielr meat In the tangy - e " d ee for v and alta i 't, di g ... b,aa e. veer ire c b r c t .. ....... ....... ._ .., ... ._..... _. - treethi I been pie ted to the Covncli of the Ciq- or 5[ P 1 N_ .... .... _ ]..e.bru aT lj. „ thRiyol"%db That the Commf 1 of Dated this ..26.tii day of Public Wf,;Ics be and he is hereby or- G ,tered a d direeted 1. To investtgat the necaoslty for or dbsirabnity o1 the-;marcrng of 'eold? I t o m t 1 2. To Inv stigate the natu a t nth d tE , 011neman. o W.R. t t _ _.__—____— PRELIMINARY WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the making of the, following improvement, viz.: ...,pond@mning and taking an easement in the land necessary for Slopes for cuts . ............... ... and filis in grading Woodbridge Street from Carbon Street to South Street, ........... ........... .. ....... _. _ ._.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ....._.... _..... ..._ _..._......... _............ . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity For of desirability' of the making of'said improvement. 2. To -investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of, said improvertlent, and the, total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .__ ..._................... _ ..................:....::._....................._..................... ..... ............. ................... ....... .......................... ...... ....... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. , 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..... ... ...... C 191 j..... Yeas: r Nays Councilman Farnworth "r Gos Approved . .../............ ..._.._ >Kel r 7 Mc oil Mayor Po rs Mayor. Yr. Harrold: Council File No.�.t .`�j,TC�. ' 1 " PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. y and r� — PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby, proposes the making of the fol ing public improvertten y the City of nd. t. Sr. Paul, viz.:.. c.ond.emn,x g.._a aking:..an._.e..a. meat .in..the Wand ece.ssary..,.for., . ............._s.lo.p.es..far_._cu.t..S...ar.dox rading....an..._all_e.Y... block .:..b.nded .... .. ...._... .... _by.-Grand-Imp ,_..auurit....Ave.. ..CrEt.in, Ave..,, and , in _A in - ......... t . F. No. 3896— x ., Summ.it.. Vtoo.d.Addition....; .. _.._ . wnertna, n written mopeast f u t Id— of it's fo:lolvl— In"` nt,t._. ......... __ ._ ., Condemning. bad taking an ease-, Dated this.... day of _......... k. .Su3ry rile lana neceaaarY mr alonee -_-_ eu is :uu7 nils fur gntdi ng n none In block bonmted IS Crood A.Ye„ num- m:t MiAve..C [ Aved Fav Ave., In, n,r-ol \4 t A .,b haul 6 been �,.. t ... .ares. nt 1 l [h. C 11 [ th. (,I[Y of... ................... _ St. I'anl there[ore, he It Rr s Dived, That the Commissioner of rlo,un %V.,i_ be and he is nerebY or-5uncuman. a +ren nna directed: aecessR for ----_--- -__. ._. ---- _. 1. To desirability lof the of said -_-- -'--_----- - --- � - �'_ or deafrablll t)' of the _ Improvement. -PRELIMINARY T° Investigate the .. tyre. a-tent nd estimated coat of antd Improve- mont, and the total cost thereof. 8 To furnish a plan. „pronle or WHF,REAS, A written proposal for the making of tak't°h of aald IroproYc—L gondemni_ng 4. To [urnish the following other' data nna information relative to aald ......... . and .t.along.._en__ens.e.me.nt_..in...the l.al°5P`°To F u e wheWer or not Sala im-8.__foT_...O U..._9 provemen1 Is asked for on the petition - oC themre re or, One- .....and _..and:fi.lls...fo..r..grading ...an- ..all.ey .i r. To report noon au of tho mrg . mttd AVe• a..... going aers to th C mthi loner of 1lnance ...... Summit.Avs...,...G.:retan...Aue.,.._and k ] Adopted be the c u >:°b z7 tnfs. Addition, ..... Apn roved ➢Inrch 1 101 . . ........ . y tnmren e l97 r> ....... _........ .... __. ............:. ........................... ._....._ _...:. :.......:_... _..._..._._ ..__._....._ .._.... — r having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ....... ...... therefore, be it 'R' §. )LVED, That,the Commissionct of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3.To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ::..... ..... ..... ............ .... _.. ............. ............_t ...........: ....__............. .... ... ................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or. more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forepoin matters to clic Commissioner of Finance. .Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays: Councilman Far'-sworih / G 5s Approved.................. ........ ` Kler t Coll r Mayor P 'ers Mavor. Plr. Hertoi.d. e Council File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMiNT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. a The undersigned hereby proposes th� making of the fol ing public improvemen y the City of Sr. Paul, viz.:_..q.Qn..em.rli.zl;_.aad...t..aki.•r,g....�m e.a. . Mont. In_.the ]..�?d ece_s.sar.Y....`or. Fading nockp..bounded.. bY.Gr.and... Ye_., ..$uW �.t...AYe.. Q.r `i.n.. Ave. a ..and inn Ave...,_..1 n........._ _ t. F. No. 3896— 1 [ 11 ...S'u=.it;.'Food ..Addition.__..... ........ � wn. .•nn n wrist. n n _ .:__.... ...___.. ........_..... m:a<mt; or the maun t [ on demntn�, null taking on P t in the tend neceseurt' to t t Dated this 2fzt.ii ......day of _... __�. ..xUa ) ... and title ler tr.d�ns u to block bounded by Grund .\t /mit aye., cretin A've nod Finn ate. n summit Wood Addltlon, m,rin9 Ilben presented to the Council oP'the City of-....----- St. Pent therefore. Ile':1t neeol d Thnt the Comhereby or- missioner of Suncilman. -- Pubite Worlcs be_:6.nd hale dereda d diregi ed th nenv. t - �itUouoQ ')� PRELIMINARY^L•w°°" t,Lt WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the making oft L� t QaSroIldemning and _taking ...an. _.eas.e.ment.._in...t.he Iand ....neG.eae.aXY_.f-OT 010Pes _fOr...cuts _ _....:and_fills ...fo.r..gr.adi.ng...an.._.a.11..e,Y. iz7...block 1 ounde�i..bY Grand. Ave.•,...... Summitand Fimn._Ave,.:,....in .Summit..3!ood Addition, _. having,, been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman :...... ...... ... .. _ _.: _................... _.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works bepand he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: __ _ ... ._ . _ .........._ ......... .... .. . ........ ........... ... ......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ok,ners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoin matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa GIts. Approved _...... _... L K ler Coll Mayor P ers Mayor. CITY OF 5T. PAUL ro ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT e1aa COUNCIL Na AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE tV —_ v _ NY AUDITED—' --- c'- ` { Illlll PER i -o 225 s be drawn upon the City, Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter epeafitl( n Resolved that warrantd PP 1, P d, l in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set o os'te their respective names as s edified in the \ strkment: Adopted by the Council Yeas ( it Councilmen ( J) Nays Farnsworth181° Approve -. Goss In favor 4 { Keller € McCollAgainstYAYoa Mr. President, Powers s V. F dy— R 1 7 that a n t b drawn i Pon th (ItY T u Pa ble out f the h t f[ p cif .d f ds and n favor of the persons. f set o osir- _ porations for the amounts 1m u ti their respective names as -spe pried In 3 a " the following detoiled statement: Y F - Corporate Purppses R -rater- Fund: If— Bridge[- H�bxn $1,d76.00. . Corporate Purposes Salaries. Board J o Control Fund: Board of Control, 44 $2.330.6:. .. P hli P k Park Employee.. pl yes: S. A. P o th Coq._ f Fla.,,—, $3,741.98. ?.d pted b h -•( Ptr ii F b. 27, 3916. .. APp roved ('Sib el, § 1916. Corporate Purposes Plater Dept. Fund � 80 ,Mrs. Bridget Hoban, X1,476.00 II Corporate Purposes -Salaries Board of Control Fund 9 $I SXXdCX �� Board of Control, 2,330y51. T/ Board of Cor{trpl-City & County 1 i al- $1,66 414, n a 1 Almshousp� & P r F rm City & County, an ation 0. n a Fund, - Publio•parks-Park.Employea =s� 9 82' S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finances 3,741 ,.93. Total Corporate Purpose ,.476.00 a «'� "h alarie ... 6 '2 4 �? Grand Tot 7.548.45 Farm A. ii -11 City of St. Paul + Accounting Department AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FOR " is Counof By Fi Audited 1915) Ci �mptroll t Per 223 i e Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury ip favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, payable out. -of the funQs and in the amounts specified in the following detailed statement. �.i Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the.Counuil 191 v Appro e Farnsworth 9�5 God's In favor Keller 4 McColl_ Against Mayor C F. No. 3898 Byi 1V. C Handy J i Resolved that wants be d Upon the CI[y Trrae,ry ,n Mr.' President, Powers A11Fatnsuorth, Comm,aslner f r,- Int[ee, miyable Out of he mounts_ specified( Ito the nf.Ilbds ,- - Ing detailed tatement: _ Corporate Purposes—tialaries. City ORI r Salnry Fund, $308332, la _ s Opffice.o$341.66; Corporatlon Cou'- dce9 SO001'00:.Comm3ssl n'er ofleFinnncc. ' $1,470,63; Comptrollers Office, $1.236. 6 0; Public l,lgh t i ng Fund. $406.66 ' Court House and CI[F Hnll. $011.67; ` - 4, Gcn Fund—Municipal Court g $911.67; _ Gcn: Fund—Purchasing papa S10 843;.. Gen. Fund—Civll $512.50; P011ce Fund, $25.10.99; Police / Fund -(Pensions). §80.00, Fire Fund, '- $29.935.22. 22. Health Fund—Health c,t ?.cc -,'$226000.; (— OO, Dalry )ixpense Acct, $4 1'00' Qua, ' an tine Acet $1486.67 Publle Baths y Acc _ $256.00. - Public saeeq—General nammistra - Von Joint A. Foitce and - - Fire Alar J 1 t acct, $1.418.00: Com - Corporate Purposes -ba tss ner f Public lPorks Fnd— \t'orkhouse. $1348.33: Department f Public \l'orlcs, - $11.387.66: Public - Schools. $93.223.11; Publle -Library. 08 2�, 98. City Officers Salar $3.659.35 Auditprium Fun,, $x,2.26; 3s 3.3 t; Public Parl<s Fund—General Adminis- - tj trntlon. 8376. 66; Public Buildings Fund. - =4166 y $110833 -0 f PIb1i UtIIItles— 3 9 Mayors Office, Gen.. l t 511.6, $4s1 s,; Mun lb l pal ' Testing i b $77 on \l kets, $233.33. asp- ss Consf. Acct Snlnries:, 9 48 CoT oration Counsel P vans Dep lat'on Acct $3I��0�0.00. 1y2¢a�32 -/ P SAk •IRI h tia Sala,'tes. N, b Adtopte Ig the C.—Il Feb. 27.1915. (r q 49 City Clerks 175.00. Office 1pprovea Feb 27, 1915. .700.00 (Murch 6_1915) 9 50 Commissioner of Finance, 1,470:63 g 51 Comptroller's Office, 1,236.66 9 52 Public Lighting Fund, 4o6 -.66 .-I 9 53 Court house & City Hall, 911.6 9 4 Gen: Fund Municipal Court, 1,674.99 9 5 Gen. Fund -Pur ell sing Department,. 1,058:33 98 6 Gen. Fund -Civil Service 512.50 98 7 Police Fund, '01309-99, 98 8 Police Fund (Pe"ions) 8D.00 98' Fire Fund, 29.935.22 ° 986 Health Fund Health Acct., 2,260.00 986 " " -Dairy Expense Acct., 437.06 " x 986 -quarantine Ace t 1,486.67 / "986 " " -Public Baths' Acct., 25640 #2. Corporate Purposes -Salaries -Cont. 33 9 64, Public Safety -General Administration Joint Acct., 9 Police &Fire Alam Joint Acct., 9 66 Commissioner of Public Works Fund Workhouse, 1"a34a•33-v`, rs 98 7 Department of Public Works - 11,387.66-, Com. of Public Works -A inieration ., 1,15 :33 n gine�r e, 2, 8 4. _67 is S. S. Co & Rep.l 68. -''S S. C aning, 555»00 -Br dge. B g. & Rep. 4V :66 Street & Sewer. e'anin Fund rbage, 4, 00.00 �b Sprinkling, 40.0. Paving Equipm.nt, 12 0 j 986 Public Schools, 23�11'/ 986 Public Library, 3,659..$ j 9$7 Auditorium Fund, 572.?6 rY ` 987 Public Parke Fund -General Administration, 376.66 d' 98 Public Buildings Fund, 1,198.33 ✓ 98 3 Com. of Public Utilities -Gen. Administration, 451.67 98 4 " " " " -Municipal Testing T -ab., 716,66 J 98 5 " " " Markets, X33.33 Spec. Assess. Const. -Acct. -Salaries 9 76 Paving Depreciation Acct., 300.00 r 1 Special Fund -Salaries j 9877 New Library Bldg. Acct., 175•00 Total Corpo/Pund oses... ..... ..... 187,1 1 " Spec.Const Acct.- ving ltoo '00 ion .... .. rr - " Speci. ..... .. �.1 0- t T tal, 8'612.14 Y �7l CITY OF ST. PAUL a;aM•� a ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT \.AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILz No. --'�- r AUDITED G (• fl N Iel_ _ ,, �J v PER n. 224 Resolved that warrants be drawn upop;t a City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fupdt an in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detu1dk,T statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 2 19 Farnsworth y Q ' t1 Goss " in favor Approv r Keller McColl � Against MAYDR. Mr. President, Powers C, F. `10. 3899 B) «. C. Handy— Resolved that rants be drawn ' -- • l upon the City Treasury, payable out or ,beherein¢(ter ap.citlCd tends and or eer,-, -- ° favor of the person, Hou pora[lons for th. smot4n[ Set opposlt9j their espoctl me. ae'epeelNed (n� ; • s the. following Corporate Purposes•—Printing and' Stationery Fund: Revlew Publlehln9 _ Co. Schnol F1$1.443.36.nd—Citi zen.'e Ice S Fuer Co.. $3,491:87: Adopted by the Council Feb. 37, 1916.• Approved Feb.. 27, 1916. _ (March 6-19161 Corporate Du•poses Printing c -Stationery Fund. 9 78 Review Pub2i4oing Co., $1,443,36 School Fund 3,491:87 879 Citizen's Ice & Fuel Co., l 6 . Tata1...:Cerposte._Pux-Pn-eea--•^-.,4-e'93T-�'J___, i __ Form A. 5-11 v CITY OF ST. PAUL i COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1 Subject: �.., n ... ..........COUNCIL NO..... ..:c� 00 FIL Date Presented...Feb.27.,-1.91ba.:...-191.......... 1 Resolve That, W}TEREAS the Purchasing Committee has rejected all bids received for furnishing and installing engines and,punps in, btreet fltishers Nos.l, 2 and 3, .and V,�i.sR:dwS there is not sufficient time to readvertise. this work and have the street £lushers ready when required and this therefore constitutes an emergency, %ow therefore be it, RESCLVED that the Purchasinr, agent be, and he is hereby au- thorized and empowered to order this work done by Studebaker Corporation for the sum of ;1400.00, under a guarantee of succes3ful operation of the engines and pumps for one year and the replacing of any part which wears out or breaks under normal use for one year, without any additional expense to the City of S31nt Paul F. No x900-11> :f. N, 1lesnired. That, wnerens 'he Pur- hasln, Connmittee hna relected au Lias t uelved for fur_nlshln6 and In- stallittt; •n Rln.' 1na pumps In street flush ers Nus. 1, 'Lnnd 1, nd "'I'd ar were l not ou tnclhol lithe' to , h. flo ttsc this 1 u9c :u,d novo cne! ' +bort i the -f repay when n u,nd cniy tnerofore o nantntey nn emer- enPy, e that the re "' It 1•`It1,sPa the tidthrrgyy, ohth-1-1 send -.. mp�w'ered to ordePIhie n�ort, doneabr stuaehaxer Corporation for the : rn - or st,loo.00, ander , sm rantee of a putn'fa-[oponuion off; f the englnea nd' p one year nett the rel ❑,clog -I, _ ' 1 of nor Part which wows not or brealrs undel nor not use for one re i with- . [. I . 11 v dditional—pnga'to Otho City' - uC C1`naul. e A(Ioptrd by the Conned Feb. :7, 1915. Approved Mnn�h.l. tMnr'ch 6-1916) Yeas (1^) Conilmen (P) Nays' _Z 191 Adopted by the Cotin�0- " Far worth Go In Favor d // J Kel r APPS Mc oil .Against L�1 _Z��- ash44 Yo g Mr. Pres dent owe MAYOR ` ._�... ST.. PAUL, v ss�� AA COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERAL FORM - ..... ........................... ....... -- .. .. ..'... I ........ a Ct ... ................... Fou Nell No�� ......PILE ..1............_ :........................ Date Presented 191 ............ Resolved,• • ¢f " "t0 That the Hotel--license horetoforO issued to a Hotel at ......... ....be conduct •• ••' " ' ° 6 and the same is her©by revoked on account of his selling liquor vrsthout a license. C. V. No. 3902—Lice—, 11-61ved, Thnt the Hotels It e.retofore issued to J. H. C Ilins�to ondnet n hotel ut 421 \\'ebnshn street I be and the s e is here h)' r vol<ed on j unt of his se77in� liquor without n�'1lcense. Adopted by th C t it Feb. 21, 1916. Approved Mtn 1 11 1915. 'f\1s h fi 1416) � 4 • 9 Yeas ( ✓) Cou ilmen ( ✓) Nays - Adopted by the'Couacil� a Far orth Go -ZlLIt1 favor Kel Approved M Il —,�J—_Against' J Y - _ -- MAYOR PrCEldeat, ers r CITY:•OFST. PAUL 2i COUNCIL `RESOLUTION—GENERAL . FORM, Subject :................:....::...:.................:............:...........:................ ............................ ............... ._. ...................... . ..... ... ................................................... Q ... ......... ......... COUNCIL' L No LE ........ ... Date Presented ..................... .............. ............. ..191............ Resolved, That the Hotel License heretofore issued to �(i��/, , ,to conduct a Hotel at ...�9/..: — ,( and the same is hereby revoked on account of his selling liquor without a license. i 1 - C. F. No 3008— - heryYset t of, cd Issued to cMhHotel, ff.,, License Sun to conduct hotel at 691' Dale I " street be and the earns Is hereby ;T ced on n ount of his selling liquor,� thout license. Adopted by the Council Feb. 27, 1916. - - Approved M 9 nrch I, 116. (March 6-1916) 1 , ` Yeas ( V) Cou lmen ( V) Nays 4' Adopted by the Council_ Z_191 Far ort6- Go - �rin savor � < Kel A oved Me II a Against Yb Mr. President, P. ers – MAYOR, IN H CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE I* ` _ - Subject: - af A �I® N ' .. - COWNCIL O• Date Presented 191 < ESbLVED, That the application of the following perms f/ectively nse to sell, intoxicating liquors at the locations re-' S indicated, be, and the "same hereby are granted, and.. the Gity Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants u on the filing of the, bond and the payment of the fee required by aw. Name of Applicant. Location. Nick.Vastuto 419 Eaet 7th Street C. F. No. 3.904—By Henry McCo]1— ' Resolved. That the appitcatlod of the [oResol a pel'sorls, for n license. to sell intoxleating ifauore a, the locations - - - espectively ind,=d, be, and the - r hereby nr grans ted, and the Ct ty Clerk Is nuthorised ad directed to iV sue such licensesY t(he Bald applicants upon the filing the paytneht of the fee equIred by lax': Nick Vestulo 419 un—t 7th Sire a t. Adopted by t�te Council \SCh. 20, 1716. -- __- Approved(19. March 227 1916) - r "eas (✓) IL, men (✓) Nays rth _In favor Against Mrlresident, .. J; Adopted by the Council 191 2 MAYOR OF ST. PAUL t -- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER _ Subject: sq COUNCIL NO. ..,.... FILES IY Date Presented 191—. YIV/ � ♦ ` RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell int xicating liquors be transferred as -indicated pursuant to - a lications duly made.therefor. No. - From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 215 prank Rimes 413 Robert St. Himes & Miesen, 413 Robert St. r,r n. -4e1 a L V4 „Ir ana M 7th St. Haskel. Fink, 202 E: 7th St. LC. F. NP. 9905-13y McColl— ' Resolved, That the 111111119, 1111rt- nnked ]icehaee to's,I lntoxicMg ..119- ' nor. be tr0.naterred as-Indicafe'd- V15t`:. ' Int to applications duly made there for. No.315—From Franit Hinlea, 413 —T ----i Rohe rt street, to I31mea S \lleeen, 413 t'tobert' lr-t. No. 100—From Daniels & Fink. 202 L. '7th street, to Haskel Fink, 202 E. I 7th treel. - Adopted by the Council Feb. 27, 1815. Yeas ( IG [ary ilrllen ( ✓) Nays worth 2In favor Against Mr. Presis Adopted by the uteil J MAYOR State of Minnesota, COUNTY OF RAMSEY. Tt unicipi Court, City f $t. Taul. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA To You are hereby required to appear before the above named Court, in and for saidcitZatbl, Municipal Court Room, in St. Pa on t 7 ItY moues of said---& , to give evidence in a certain cause then and there to be tried, between the STATE OF MINNESOTA, Plaintiff, and Defendant, on the part of hie____t__�__ �a of W FINEHOUT, Judge of said Court, Witness the Honorable JOHN ar y ---24 J— Clerk of the Municipal Court. H- K F CITY OF ST. PAUL tCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM;�® CQUIJCIL w� FILE IVO ..... ............ �.. .., .. ..................:.u............................c........._._......__......__.._................. _ _........._..........................._..:c...............-........................ ,.. ` r Date Presented....- Feb,27th....... -I915 . ✓, Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license - to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the•locations respectively ! indicated be, and the same hereby are denied. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. Joe Youngbauer New Grand Hotel 125 -8th St.' ('. F. No. 390E—By McColl—That the eI plica[len of the - C tlowinK hersnns for n license to wn- d-1 lintels ,r ]ieslnuranls at the to-' ..tions rospcctively indlented be, .lid till—e— hereby nl e denied. JoeYoungbnuer,X— Grund Holel. 125 8th St. :\doytr� by lbs Council Feb. 27, 1015. ' \pprn �'ed \fu rch 1. 1915. 1\lnrch 6-1915) Yeas 01 Co cilmen (11 Nays Fa 11 sworth G In favor K r n' M oll (/, Against Yo"g.- Mr.President, overs ` roen ce-i .t ■ Adopted by the Council cr, 2 _lgl ,-;( 4 Approve - �j - TO THF, HONOR✓IBLE THE (!01".N(,']L of the City of St. P n.l does hereb}4make applic r to the C u cil the C] f t. Paul for OU'c nse t® conduct a...._....._ an 1 to that end does hereby certify as follows:- hat ollows `hat th ame of the pplicant for said License is. and his Fit place of residence 417 street • ( avenue) in the Ci)y of St. Pauli that the'exact location of which scant pr posws to carryon business is.., '1 f' in the City of St. Pa i/�T saaiii phcant is ` r _._- <%1'� . �....in the now engaged in said business a/.r/ City of St. Paul. Datedthis. C/.....:...day .of _ _. 19., Applicant. -'Date of Expiration of License..... _ ._ 191._._ Date of Inspection . __ _ ... _ - Fire Protection.... w Ventilation of Building... Meats and Provisions.... Beds and �B' ooma ............��/ Toilet Rooms and Plumbing -- - - - Kitchen and Utensils._ Refrigerator and Store Room.... . �✓dTGi Basemeut and Cellar_. - Back Yard_ --- o General Condition of Premises . A. License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: Health Officer. V qi TO THF, HONOR✓IBLE THE (!01".N(,']L of the City of St. P n.l does hereb}4make applic r to the C u cil the C] f t. Paul for OU'c nse t® conduct a...._....._ an 1 to that end does hereby certify as follows:- hat ollows `hat th ame of the pplicant for said License is. and his Fit place of residence 417 street • ( avenue) in the Ci)y of St. Pauli that the'exact location of which scant pr posws to carryon business is.., '1 f' in the City of St. Pa i/�T saaiii phcant is ` r _._- <%1'� . �....in the now engaged in said business a/.r/ City of St. Paul. Datedthis. C/.....:...day .of _ _. 19., Applicant. -'Date of Expiration of License..... _ ._ 191._._ Date of Inspection . __ _ ... _ - Fire Protection.... w Ventilation of Building... Meats and Provisions.... Beds and �B' ooma ............��/ Toilet Rooms and Plumbing -- - - - Kitchen and Utensils._ Refrigerator and Store Room.... . �✓dTGi Basemeut and Cellar_. - Back Yard_ --- o General Condition of Premises . A. License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: Health Officer. V CITY OF ST. PAUL CO�NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 0 D yy x ._..,Subject - ,ll- E CILF NO.'N ........... ... Date Presented Fef, 27th, :1915...- -r Resolved, That the application of the following persons fora license 'to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the 1pcations )Buts respectively indicated be, 'and the same hereby are granted, apd the City Clerk is authorized.and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants,, upon the payment of the fee,required by law. 0 NAME OF APPLICANT, HOTELS OR RESTAURANTS. LOCATIONS, George Georgopolos Lunch Room 449 Jackson C. F. Landstrom Lunch Room 356 Minnesota M. Horrigan Lunch Room 452 Jackson M.. S. A. Sterling The Novelty Restaurant 194 E. 7th A.PHesfaie Lunch Room. 242 East 4th C. -J, Minor Hotel & Restaurant Dayton & Virginia "The Aberdeen" t r. xn Z9oz Rr M c R— _ Resolved. That th . it lit, He of the. f Ilowing perso fte lit, to con- fthe lo - ,.at Flu1C. or R tt d be, n d` . tions Pecti IY nae d, and the the 3nmc hereb> CItY Cleric Is th—I ed nd directed to is a xuch'•tlleen se. 'to still app7i-'. ' rants, upon the Ua)•met t of the [ce rc �ulrrd by In _. George Georgopolo Lunch RUom. 449 Jacicson. • C. F. Landstrom, 7 neh Raom, 366 Minnesota. - '^`� ilf. Horrigan. Lunch oom. 452. Jack - 9t. soMrs. S. A. Sterli g, The IQoveltY Res tnttr0.nt, 77,, e4 un h Ran - 4th 7 b- 232 East K. A. liessl L m. - •, 4th St a ,lberdeen:• Hotel, s - C. and Res taus DaY�tO: nd Vlrg 9la. A dgpted b' ha Connell Feb. '27. ]9 16. i t• _ \fnR c•h 1, 1915. IJf e 1915) Yeas (I) Coll Innen ((') Nays / .adopted by the Council J Far rth Go In favor / Ke Approved Mc oil D, Against Yo g - Mr. President owers _ - "AYOR OLIN C.B-2 w Yeas ( V ilmen ( V) Nays F worth ` _46In favor er 011 Against L - erg Mr. President, P ers ri _ fli t 3I �` r` ! CITY OF ST. PAUL Y I . COUNCIL RESOLUTION LIQUOR LICENSE y Subject: y. j. - I - FILECOUNCIL No. - O. /* 1 Date Presented 191_ / RESOLVED, That .the application of the followin or a license to, spectively indicated, sell intoxicating liquors at_the 1ocationsrsons be, and the re- same hereby are,granted, and the Gi.ty Glerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond `'fee the required and the payment of by, law'. Fame of Applicant. Location,' Kwlx�xx Is Charles Koplitz 149 So.Wabasha Street Louis Nahinsky 188 E.7th.Street Carl A.Johaeon 40.W.7th.-Street Rudolph F.Matak' 1307 West 7th.Street John P.Schroeder G 441 University.Avenue C. F. \0 3908—Bat y Henry McColl— pe trorhe ation the tf • - H.O�Br len -- t Iliowln on nupllcenae to $80 East 6th. Street (n toslca ting liquors - at the locations re.- . — PentivolY Indicated,. be, and the same. hereby ari fronted, and the City Clecic y34 Wabasha Street Hugo E.Middlestas 1s nu [hurl }ed and dh•egted to issue ,.,. ' IIs llcen es e. said appllcante upon the filing oP the 'bond and the 'payment v n Paul uza Kal f'the Pee required by law: `t C he ea Koplita, 149 So. Wabasha 960 Arcade Street Henry C,.Sauer �7 L.ehe N hin ky; 182 F.. 7th SE. earl A J h titin. 49 W. 7th" sL 1059 Hastings Avenue Rudolph F. .._ Matak, 1207 pV. 7th St.. - John P. Sehra ilei•;:•141 UnlvQfslty Afi°�Hr,en. -� Charles Peterson 28d >;. 6th st. - - 363 E.7th.Street Hugo'E XIddI..1.sd, h4 W'abashh s. Mingo and Bouohei Paul Ita- Sau 960 \reads st - 130 E..Fairf ield Avenue cna tea p �e 1 ao- c11 a z ugst.Av., Tfingo '& Boucher. 120 E. Fairfield - A James E. Saleh 7ares E- 4.101. 683 E. 7th St. 583 E. 7th St �P. P. Connolly,' DF8 JacksoSt. ls B. t Connolly, r� ' FrecY Pal kenbe g. 300 Cathedral' 938 Jackson Bt, Place. H. C. Evsrta. 683 E. 3rd St.- Iba. Berger, 751 Payne • A. W. Nelson, Aye. 340 E.. 7th St, Nlek Hoebe„„'2121 deo. Wabasha ' • Fred Falkenberg St. -Timothy Gallagher, 1180 E, 7th St. c°4 r order. 4e. U3 Ce ar3sa. st. 300 Cathedral Place. ' H. C. Everts - Cdr s, Bauer, 173 t5'. 6th SL - Adopted by the Council Feb. 27, 1916. °proved Feb• 2°• 1916. 883 E. 3rd Bt, (.March 6-1916) Jos, Berger 751 Payne Ave. John•Fischbach 735 W. 7th St Nick Hoebe 131 So. Wabasha St. Timothy Gallagher, 1180 E. 7th St. Tony Pavlia __ 187} E. 3rd St. •C. A. Jordan 413 Cedar St. Chris Bauer, 173 W. Sth St. Yeas ( V ilmen ( V) Nays F worth ` _46In favor er 011 Against L - erg Mr. President, P ers ri E� mty f 5t. n� , FES 1915 Low. I V SECTION 1 - le proposition of D[rs Eliz¢ t to compromise d dent h �- ,... . ... ._ - - ... .- / zI t theClty oei c P ,r ft iurl su tamed by.l _ 6.:1.1) CL"°CTRO(.LEf7 P full ori n fey aldewlk l - - t tl 4. ergi ea Itnown 4 �„ad' t Avenue, as 1s mor pal ', t .'t ut In her ommunicntto r-)-gxider date of Febru¢:� on paymedt to per Pe t nance to settle the claim of Mrs. Elizabeth Burt. t�J. •hundredFlfty Dol B d the same. Is her' - - he proper city oQ ,� J,1 d anpediy ,'�UNCIL OF TRF CITY OF ST. PAUL DO ORDAI: AS FOLLOWS: i)DOn the Commt - �' tavor of bira. ino°ce°�atai ",ion 1. That the proposition of Vrs. Elizabeth Burt to h°to b d rlivy compr%i, 'Yh settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of"i.njuries sustained by hereby reason of a fall on an icy side - walk,in front of the premises known as No. 147 Pleasant Avenue, as is mo-repparticularly set out in.her communication to the` Council under date of February 15th, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of One hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00), be and the s me is hereby accepted, z,nd,the proper city officers are Inereby authorized and directed to drawlv'-auarrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Mrs. ... Elizabeth Burt, payable out of tl,ieCompromise Account of;,,the :eneral Fund, 3in tYie silm of One hundred fifty Dollars; hTe.id sum, however, to be delivered only upon,thei-e being file twitil tkie City Comptroller receipt of s�id elaim�nt ttiei,efor, toaetJ,er with a releEoe duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the-Corpbration Counsel, a , ' releasing and discharging the City from any a.nd a.11 claims and `{inands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account 4„ f those arising out of the injuries su'stain.ed by said cle.im�r.t or. the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section, 2. This ordinance. shall take e{fect a,nd be iri force 30 days after its passale and publication. lof Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption / by the Council ✓ 199 �� Farnswortlt 19�ht Reading....�fi.,p�� ... 191(l Goss _„'.'/ In la vor AP rove .... - - Keller i9Y� 191 e.1Against :. 2nd % McColl, . MAYOR as ..._ _- 1916 O'Leary 3rd911 Yoerg —'�— tyy _- � JOHN I. FARICY. - 7 k Mr. President, PowersAll, City Oltrk. " ' Date PublisJied ... �' ... ....191- - 1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORMp L Subject:- COUNCL FILE N0. r I .......... .............................................. _<r............._................... ....... _ ......... Date Presented; _ _-__ 191 ........... d , R,solved,, That the proper city off ioials a a hereby authorized to urchase the south half of Lot 3 and the, so , erly '2a.,feet of tYte east Half of {(5500.00 and one-half tax of 1914, Lot 4, Block 23,-, Pe,,_,! Proper,' for the sum of rThree Thousand thereof e Do1•,1ars ($3,000.1",G), payable on or before March 1st, 1915, the property to be purchased subject to a mortgage for ,'2500.00 in favor of the Minnesota Loan & Trust Corr-any.;'said morays to be paid out of t the Municipal -Account of the General Fund. No. 1910—fay Flen,y Me, V011— Resolved. That the propel, city ofl- ials are hereby [(tori zed to put- " I eh; el the a ufh half of I,of 3 and the.' o itherl, 26 feet of the -et half of , Lot d. llloch 21. St. Pnul PrnPer, fer the ..0 of 56600.00 nd o7'te-half tax'. oP 1914. Three Th nusand. Dollars ISil.j 00) thereof, payable on or be-�1 fore Jfareh Int. 1916. the property to be Purchased ;bj,et to a ort for $2500.00 In favor of the hilnnesota I.nan I Trust Cnm Pa ny, slid .moneys [o he paid olt nP the Stlt nlciPhl 4 .c-' nt of the tneneral Pend. co,\dopted b}the Council March 1. 1915. .\➢proved lllnrch101915, ` i� oor Yeas (P) Cou' ilmen (h) Nays f�j - AAopted by the Council / r__191 f 'Far swo_ rth "(Go s In favor01 ler Approved;�191 /1 Coll " Against Mr. Preside i, Powers Mnroe u iI TO TI 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Your Committee on Lands hereby respectfully reports that it has procured an option to purchase the following described lands and premises, to -wit: the south half of Lot 3 and the southerly 35 feet of the-east,alfk o ty 4 B ck /paul Proper, for the sum of $5500.00 -as a s to o a garage, h pnrrciase price to be payable as follows: $3,000.00 on or before March let, 1915; the property to be purchased subject to a mortgage for'43500.00 in favor of the Minnesota Loan,,.& TYumt Company. FRED NUSSBAUMER - CHARLES A HAUSLER 'SU— 11 1AR11 �,ITY �F �F11NT {�f3UL .r ROR JOHN L. M BEAN. W. L CYAN ORNUM ARo Lic RECR [A - DEPARTMENT OF la •r� n•s�(�ubli� Buil �� • J JOHN D. HYLAND, COMM-1104ER HARRY' SURGERT, D—TY ' ;April 20, 1917 To the Honorable Common Councils Gentlemen; In the matter of the construction of protection walls and railings wherever necessary along the Mississippi 5 � River Boulevard from the westerly city limits to the east side of Cleveland Avenue, under preliminary Order No, 3911 approved March 2, 1915, In making inspecticn of the ground I find that part of the above_improverent is included in the paving now being done on the River Boulevard from Summit Avenue"to the City limits, by the Commissioner of Public works, Part of the other .work we have already finished. I would recommend that the above preliminary ''order be repealed and canceled. Yours very tr-Aly, Commie over f P. P. B. Th f1 V ( .; 11T'it11 of #aint 13au1 OFFICE. OF JOHN I. FARICY. CITY CLERK Mar.ch 1st, 1917. j V Mr. John D. Hyland, Comr.of P.arks,Playgrounds and Public Bldgs., Dear Sir; - The attached papers in connection with the construction of a protection wall and railing along the UissJssippi River Boulevard from west City Limits to the east side of Cleveland Ave. - were laid over one seek to ?Roach 8th,1917, and referred to you. t^ Very respectfully, City Clerk. L. �I a., OFFICE OF JOHN LFARICY,,CITY CLERK' Aug 29th,1916. fr Hon. M. 11. Goss, a Comrs. of Public 710r$s. Deas Sir:- ° T The attached papers in the (natter of constructing walls A nd railings, i3hcre ?:ocess:ry, along t'ae I:Iississiooi River .3oule rci, from'Jcstorly City Limits to the i,ast side of Cleveland Ave. yeas laid over to ':larch lst, 1917, and referred to you. Very respectfully v City Clerk. 0 „s , - o CITY OF ST. PAUL. Department of Finance. Report of Commissioner of Finance on Preliminary Order. Incthe matter of constructing protection walls and railings, where necessary, along. the Mississippi River Boulevard, from the Westerly City Limits to the East side of Cleveland Ave., under Prelimirrary Order No. X911, approved March 2nd, '1915. The Commissioner of`Finance having investigated the aforesaid, respectfully reports that the total estimated amount of the a8sessment for the above improvement is $13,566.00, and that no property can be found especially benefited for the proposed" improvement. Respectfully submitted,- C.OMMISSIONFR OF FINANCE. f 14V b r 3 9 1 R 43 H QfFice. of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the.,Couu- 3 11 __..February V, 197`...., relative-to_..._the........._ eil, k own as Council File No., ...........�:....._. approbed.........:.."" oonetruotion of a proteotion wall and"railing, where neoessary"along ..................................................:.............. ......... " .......... _the,__M1se1_e81,p1 1__"_River"__Boulegard"" Y,rom..the west . City.._Limit"s" to "the east..._sd...e.....af....Clevelan@_._Ave.,_................._...._.....__......__._........_........._........._............................_....................... a and having investigated the matters and thingamef erred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._......._..........necessary .and (or) desirable. 64¢ per front foot 13 566.00 ...... and the total cost thereof is �..._...............a...................., and 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $._........._..........._.... Frontage 31,361 ft. Exoess inspeotion $366.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... __-...... --- -- .........._...... . . .... ._. ............ ...... ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part here 1 ......... .. _...._._ .. .......... 4 5. Said improvement is. .......... n- 0, asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property; subject to assessment for said improvement. ................ .:..........._......._...........ti.................. ...... ........................ ....._............... . Co missim er of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' - DEPARTMENT OP PUBLIC WORKS - M. N. GLOSS. COMMISSIONER O ROBERT T, GOURLEY DErut ' OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.,11 ExoxEEx xr J. E. CARROLL. Suri. Caxsrnu 1t & R[rAN ALFRED JACKSON, Sw S11Ion . G. H. HERROLO,111 Ex01 . ..S J. y, Pani� a1kinn. Pilar • 10, 1915 H. W. GOETZINGER, Surr. Wo rouse A - ' Mr. I. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear i1r,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the the construction of a protection wall and railing, where necessary along'the Mississippi River Boulevard from the west city limits to the east side 'of Cleveland Ave., in accordance with Council File $39111, apprQyed Feb. 27, 1916. r Approximate estimate $13,566.00 Assessable frontage 21,261 ft. . Cost per front fool;-----, Excess inspection necessary - x$266.00, Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. I J r `.yrs '.R St. Paul, Blinn. mr. 10, 1915. G M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Worio, Building. Dear Sir, J,transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for.the the construction of a protection Wall and railing, where necessary along the Mississippi River Boulevard fron the west city limits to the east side of Cleveland Ave:, in accordance with Council File 08911, approved Feb. 87, 1916. Approiimate estimate #1,3,566.00 Assessable frontage 21,$61 ft. Cost per front foot -64¢ Rzoees inspection necessary 0$66.00 Respectfully submitted,. Chief PnSIneer. i pil i x PROPOSAL,FORIMPROVEMENT. and PRF,LIMINARY ORDER. �' , _ e c The undersigned hereby proposes the making of. the following public imprbvenlent by the City of St. Paul, V1Z.. .......Construct a protection vmll and r`ail..iAg...whQre_..naadaelary....along, the Mississippi River Boulevard "front tYq.e :"vt...aity..._limite.-to .the------ east line of Cleveland Avenue _... Superseding Council ._.Pile, No.,3pf �........ . _ _ . E7th February 5 Datedithis_ day of ........ .... Councilman. PRELEMNARY ORDER. WIIERRAS, A written proposhl for the making of the following improvement, viz.:!'... .... .......... _ _. Conatr to-t a protoo'tion wall and railing_.:whe.7��1....xlea.easary:.-along--the _... .._.............._....__.........._._..... _ ....._.... _._ Mississippi River Boulevard from tho west c_ity.._limits ...to__the.."east. --- - line of Cleveland Avenue. Superseding Cpuneil Pilo No. 3869 .......... .............................................. ... ._.. . . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._...._._....................... ............ ...................:............... _.. therefore, be it p�. RESOLVED, That the Collimissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of, the makitigof said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and 'estimated- cost of; said improve`melt, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvenlent."' 4. To fw•nish the following other data and inforivation relative to said improvement:....__ ...... ........... ............... ...._.....__ ......................_......_.........t........_._.........._... :...__.._..._..................._....._:_._.....................:_................_...:.._.. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is gsked for on`the petition of three or more owners. y, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters_`to the Conunissioner of Finance? Adopted by the Counfil .:_.._.. yAR ...... ......:. Yells:---Nays.: Councilman Farnswo MAR 2 C Goss���� rd J_ 1.97........ $eller, FJY z�le� " MAR 1816 berg 284jhd OF fiNrwil ft ....... . .. Alayor Powers (j - OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK My Aug.' 15t1,1916. i I,pn. J. D. Ryland, r Coemr. of Parks,Ple.ygrounds. City of St•Paul, Minn. Dear Sir:— The two attached orders providing for a scenic path on the bluff side of the Mississinni River Boule•;ard, and for th'e construction of protection walls, where necessosy,were laid over one week, a.nd referred to you. Very respectfully, /J / City Clorac''� ..A OFFICE OF - JOHN I.FAR-ICY, CITY CGeRK • Jfl2Y Aug,. 15th,1916. -r Hon. J. D. Hyland, Cosmr. of Parks,Playgrounds. i City of St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - The two attached orders providing for- a scenic path �o4 the Vluf f - side of tie 14issiesippi River, Boulevard, and for the construction of protection walls, where necessery,werer laid over one week, and referred to you. Very respectfully, I � • ze, City Clerk L f, liricll Flle No pxopo al for ttre ng imp oVoment . y teettpn waYl and. OVFMENT. ' Z 47ohB ttre Mle [ ar i M Y('gom the vyeet _ (; t0 t t rt0 Ot CIeVe ..+"`' " �' 869 h5y1nB'beon eeented to U I' � - p t> of ttre C(tY o� 5t. ;T. aul ORDER." a pTt�at "(Yo Commteetoner of I - "Phe unde'rsl&ned �V ka b0 tJti h0 fa lYareby or 7lerebv U d : ve.;sa,a ffie }neee8tlSY t dol _ iti public nuprovement ,py the, f: 0 ` .'OSCAR CI.AUSSE M. N N Q06S CRIRP RNGOJ68R C0M�0NSR PtiB}.IC WOCL4 rr .•y.. C17Y. OF SAINT, PAUL. , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO THE COUNCIL. I In the matter of opening, widening 4Lnd extending an alley in Block 3, Norwood Addition, to a width of 15 feet, under preliminary �F�' z.r9rl order 112 ,and intermediary older 2815. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works submits and rrakze a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of the said plan, which land is. accurately described as follows: A 'strip of eland 15 feet in width off the rear of lots 8 A 9, Block 3, Norwood Addition and extending from Oneida street to the east and west alley in said Block 3, the southeasterly line of said strip being parallel to, and 15 feet from the division line between Wright's Addition and.Norwbod Addition. Comm3:ssioner of Public Works. Dated 12/30/14 IN- J.;v ........ ... 51 l!4 I Ltis L . ............................. ..................... r 7 ............ i MID,3,—l� v s •,. q , _C Ull IL UL I .. � IARY ORDER., ' INTERNED In th Matter of dening..S xth Vit.,. in 111 ..Qit o.f ..St.....PaU1.,._ ... h twe.en..the.... easterly �ine of Jackson St and the easterly line of St. Paul Propel', an addition to St. Paul by" taking,. appropriating end" epnd�mnill.g.....4ll_:_that �9ytioi of Lot "T -p1 7 Block 15 of 21d et Paul Pr oer 1ying anad beggn northherlyy pgg,,, };lo a PgeliNZ! g rand Smitui Add3tiona o Paul produced."" esterl"y_t9 tie" p to eEEiamej�greJanuary 88th, 1Q151 Cf i6e Clty o $ til having received the report of the Comm iasionel of Finance u on the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. 4hat the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded lyxth. at e n t e o the imp vement w1u'ch the Council re oinme ds is ?!'ideP. Sixth Wit. _ iri _the ,• Cite o 5� auk e ween ale eaeteerly line oil Jac son St. and the easterly line. �£ 15t. Pa 1 p o er add do t t P 1 by tak n a ro r -i t o and "a n- emni"ng-a.1...•G�a�""-Pbrfft�adc,1�_Irotne �.--itrf,....g�lvelc-�3...0�-�t:-:-�att� �r�per-3y�ng and being northerly of the northerly line of Block 9, of Whitney & Smith'"e Add. to. St P.atrl; ,produced-irester y to -the easterly"-ltne of--Jack-Bon Sty _._........._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............ day of —March._.:_ ...... ____..______.__, 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the,Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City ct. aul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of meeting to the persons and in the manner prNviddpby the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the /nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - - Adopted by the Council ..._....._ ..... _..., 191 f. erk° , Approved .. .. . /..... .. ........_........... .... 11layor. Councilman Farnsworth /� orrtthec r6 IG: f xt PUBLISHF.T�/ u ,4and;Smlth's ,Additipp•'''• C05$- iroduced westerly to the er. ::', - JnCkatlm slrCet under Pc Urder 2o4i, approved Januux�: - _ Keller the Coun51FP thi3 City of SC_ Pau•. aving recaty d tae°re¢ort-of tna; Com-)� ieeionat rof FtnanCe, upbn tbe;8bove- MCCCII mprogerment and >havin8 oonaidere8,� .�) aid reporR itErgbY'resolvea- �I 1 That the- emtd'";1',eport ba aad'•#ltq; d'Leaiy --- me is hereby mpprOved aqd- adgDteO 9 ' d the.hafdslmprov mart lat lteYeby{ dared to bg proceeded with. s 1/06r 2 That the n tur@ o>• tLB JInDrove•� meat iv)i(('eh tha Covnoll recgmmendn fR - j' wldpm 81xfh atreef,in ,the C(ty oF:jiL PnUI� netw,R�fi;the easterly` line of ,Saokaoh" Mayor {Sowers arrest ams, the epaterlYi Ilntl of Sr api Rroper .ab add(tion ttl-tat Paul h� tal�g�'� I:er,I B. S. A. 8.6 - aDpro t'lstin& and gondemntna ail' than pertloh of{Lots B1andF7 Biockla_Pof,Stt:� Pagi P�oDer1 7y{u4,�&nd be1nR" northerlv� _ If t Sf :.f• .. In the Matter of REPORT OFC ON DF ST. PAUL NT OF FINANCE 1. 1 SSIONER OF F1 MINARY ORDER ................. 4" ... .. .......... . . . . . .. . ........ ...................... ......... .... . . ............. . 7....... . ...... ....... ..... ..... . .. ...... . . . .. .. . . ............................. ....... .. . ... . . ............. . .... .... .............. . . under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The. Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows; The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above'improvement it - - - - $ The (lots -or,parcels of load that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot,, or parcel as la'st, reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION rLOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUATIQN 21 - TOTAL, The Commissioner-ol Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the, foregoing as his report thereon to the, Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Doted_ Commissioner of Finance. ,.;Y//(Jnarlsn�cl�c/�O�erdPQn'.S(/(�cc!/n/crn�sbTcl/rc%imiei�rievn/iu�srr��<vi/rss•r//icnrv�srspca��ec(< I - r ESTABLISHED 1867, INCORPORATED 1906 .p • W 3' :-� ^.s 2 :,� i "^;'-:" .its v ,,r!! CORNER INDIANA 3, LIVINGSTON AVES. Asa: 28th. 1915 t Mr. S. A. Pernsworth. � Commissioner of Finance. CITY. Dean Bir: - Relative to the widening of Sixth St. from Jackson St. to last Lino of St. Paul 8roper, would say, we objedt to same. as this improvement will positively not benefit our property. It is simply good for the people in this block. it seems to us that it is going a little too far when you tear out a corner just to accommodate a fere that are interested. Tt is of no benefit to the city or to the citiasena in general. We have never objected Ao any improvement that is of lasnefi.t to the property assessed or to the community. We thInk thin particular improvement that you have in view is go Ing a little too fair. Yours tkuly, i EDWARD P. DAVIS tl .. .. " .a ' CAVI$ & LA6ERMAN - - • - JOHN A. LAOERMAN _ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE - RrwH Bueiwo - I. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA - Ma7zgh 221d`; 3915, Honj. Winn Powered mayor of tine City of st* Paulo,, Coturt Houser St; Paul, Minnesota* Dear str,- re have received notice of a hearing to be held i;t the Council Chamber on the 26th day of hftrah,,neatI, for the p1=poAe of considering the widening of Sixth street, at Jaokson, under preliminary order #3544, The property in which we are interested is that property on the Southeast corner of Robart and SJxth streets, having.a frontage of ninety feet on. Sixth Street by seventy—five feet on Robert, and we feel a that we are in no xray benefited by the proposed improve- ment which is made by the taking of nine feet or the property on the Southeast corner of Jackson and sixth Streets. Yrs do not wish to go on reoord as -opposed to this improvement because We feel that the property IM— mediately East`of the proposed Improvement, on the south side of sixth Street is greatly enhanced in valtte and that this property should stand the entire benefit aharge,.whioh they should be perfectly spilling to do. As it is now, the'•property lies in a pooko and by making the proposed improvement it -brings it up flush with the street line. we, a000rdingly, wish to go on record as being oppoi+ed to this imrrovement if our pcperty an the corner of Sixth and Robdrt Streets 1 assessed. We feel that we have been assessed enough in the last year, having Maid something over $03 000 for the widening of Rdbert Stveb$•-which has not yet been done ad a whole. We shall make an effort to be pxssdnt at-thlb meeting, but in Casa it is impossible we are registering ora' protest at this time. YOUTs very trusty, f TO THE CO�11JON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL, MINNESOTA. GENTLEMEN:- 7 'Now comes the Northwestern Improvement Company and protests against the assessment against it of any part of the cost of widening Sixth street at Jackson street, r. I The property of this protestant which it is proposed I to assess is lot 4 block 44 Kittson's Addition, and lies east of Broadway; and your protestant shows that this is the only lot east of Broadway which it is proposed to assess. That f the inclusion of protestant's property when no other property east of Broadway is so included is a discrimination against I i, this company and is unjust. and it is further shown that the widening of Sixth street at Jackson street will in no way benefit the property of the Northwestern Improvement Company situated more,than four blocks away. WHILREFORE we ask that lot 4 block 44 Kittson's Ad- dition be not included in the proposed assessment district. NORT VESTERN I i�P;CVL'; PIT COT,TeTdY By� St.Paul,Yd nn., Its ax Commiss ner. ; March 23, 1915. } r: F} i za r 1 a i COUNCIL FILE N0. BY _ g FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of r, �,., o under Preliminary Order _. - approved __ _ _.: , .. _.. ......_ _- ._ _.. Intermediary Order approved _ -_ __ ___.. 50 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having herd all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the scone; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, exTSnt add kind of improvement to be made by thwsaid City > 31$ - _ -- -_ -`- - " -- �— ,Pave Fairview Avenue from the south line of. Pparahall Avenue t0 the north line of Selby Avenue, width of roadway to be 40 feet, including sewer, water and gas connections from the street wins to the property lines complete, where not already made,also Driveway z and Alley Approaches, and also Curbing._ Mater_ia3o be 31p-"-aang k leaf yellow pine eaosoteA wool blocks, on concrete foundation. _ 7 ireeted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. J% Adopted by the Council .Approved ._ .. �a4` Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss " Keller " McColl -7, S , Yoerg Mayor Powers Form A. S. A. 8-7 .� ler.' pn,l gas ' street mains to F.p. mete,: where not u]- Igo all Driveway and aches, under, .Preliminary proved January 7th,. 1915. .�earing- haying --been had ove Im vement upon due .. - ;6 the C.P reen having heard dat.;" � ,... aJerJtona and recommen- �.c .native thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it Resolved, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise natufe, ex- tent and kind of Improvement to b made. by --the said City is pave Fat-1, avenue from the south line of Mars' avenue to the north line of Selby arc - width of roadway to be 40 feet, Inr ewer, water and gas connectia the. street mains to the propel. complete, where not alresd� Driveway and Ailey App al rbin Nlaterini t I, . ,u wg pin.. rn ,' leaf { i on PVBLISIiGD— .... ...... .... ..................................... .. . ........ ..... ........ . ........... ........... ........................ .......... ........... ............ ......... ................. ...... I ........ ................ ....... . ... ... ....... . . ----- ......... .. ....... .. ...... ..... . ...... .... ........ ,under Preliminary Order approved.. ("I,- 4?.Y/ . . ...... ..... .......... .. . ... ....... ...... ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: a" W The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ ..... . .. .... UND OF PA . VING T7 -T1 -ATF CQi-2T J,?QK -MU-IT FUOT, Sandlime°briok 19 Granite 5,567.45 5.55 ,Sandstone 4,°40.56 5. 02. 3;y Creosoted Block 4,328.96 4.40 ,Brick 4.,007.87 4.07 Asphalt 3,457.43 3.51 Aspbalt-'oonorete 2,692.93 2.73 Asphalt macalaxa 2,356.55 2.39 Macadam 1,959.01 1.99 Oonorete 2,387.13 2.42 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION a" W .7 S/!/���/l JGfr-.t i�l� 7�( 'l AI TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has. investigated all of the aforesaid Dated 191. ASSESSED VALUATION 14, 7 U 77 ............ Commission— of Finance. ti CITY*6FSAINT PAWL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ' ROBERT'T:-YOURLEV,. DE -1 C... H-1. - OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E.-EERJ. E. CARROLL. Sxn CoxsrRUITA & R,-11 _ - d ALFRED JACKSON, SUR S -1--G. H. HERROLD, OrR,UE Ex01REEx St ♦ Paul,. Minn. Jan. • 12, 1915.. H. W. GOETZINGER; SUn WORvxou11 O Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir,-. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the i paving of Fairview Ave. from the Bouth line of Marshall Ave, to tho north line of Selby Ave., in accordance with Council File #3320, approveit Jan. 7, 1915. — Assessable frontage 985 ft. BIND OF PAVING (APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE(COST PER FRONT FOOT �. 8y Sandlime brick X5;65?.3 $5.76 Granite 5;5¢5.56 5.65 Sandstone 4;938.67 5.02 Creosoted Block 4,327.07 4.40 Brick 4005.98 4.07 Asphalt 3;455.54 3.51 Asphalt concrete 2,691.04 2.73 Asphalt macadam 2.354.66 2.39 Macadam 1;957.12 1.99 Concrete 2,385.24 2.42 Where curb is not in add 46V to above cost per front foot for cement curb to be constructed. Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot: For sewer, either side of street None For water; 3/4" W. side of street 021.00 For water, 374" E. side of street 31.00 For gas; W. side of street 010.00 For gas, E. side of street 5.50 Respectfully /submitted, Chief Engineer. January _13........._......:....191...4. ............... _.... ._........I..._.._ ........ ........... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No._...._33320............approved.._...._.._JA....n. 7.. ..............: 191..._5, relative to........_th8................. from..._the.__gouth..... line...._of..,_P arehall.._Ave........... north..._l.ine..._of..._SeluY..: Aye_e....................................._.....................................................................................................................--............................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said! improvement is ....... ....... ......... necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX i,�......... a..._XXXX.........., and 8. The estimated coat thereof is $ .......... '........................ and the total coat thei�egl'�.ipyr`k�.,,G. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..._......_.....__..._........_......_........._..,,.........._............ .......... ......... _............._......._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. G 1 ..................._..........._... ............ ...... ..._.............. ...................... ..................... a....._......... _....... .. 5. Said improvement is..........nOt .... ........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........ .:....... _................ ...._ u..........................._.._...._........... 0 is Works. r�. '7 ;_ Selby av " fro s[ceet sins •-tbproperty 11. '- � compleko,:where not -already made, a. - Il 7 ey and driveway. approaches, u ' de ii'iellminpry Order 3325 IIpprov� ' COUNCIL FILE N0. do nary stn Isis A public ha (n6^ h$ving been he 'Pon the above Improvement YYppo '7 ' ve. notic ; and the .Council box ni By - ..rd MI peraope, gbJections and rel mmendations retattve thereto, an awing fully bopaldered the samt ierefore, be It - Resolved, ny the Councll �of the f't j $t. Paul that the. precise nal' ti font and kind of, Improyemenf * � ,le by the.salcl City Is pave Selb) to the wldttrof the present th- r.et ITne of V1.= - In the Matter of .. �> d G r`I B :� C ✓ �L li e u r �. under Preliminary Order u.._ _. llpproved .F_ 7th,. under 15- __.._..._.. _.... Intermediary.: Order _. _. ____._... approved __. - _ _...__. .:.............:.__._... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, sad Laving fully considered the same; ' therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise n tore, extent and kind of improvement to be made..b_YShe said. City iv Pave Selby Avenue to the width of the present roadway from.the East`line'of Victoria Street to the west line of Fairview Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections fromstreet mains to property lines complete, where not -already made, also alI Alley,and,,- Driveway Approaches and also curbing where not already in. Material to be used to be SJm„ long leaf yellow pine creosoted wood blocks j ",.on concrete foundation e$cept from the neat fine of LeXington A*enue to"epoint •380 feet west, and on -bridge approaches of the bridge crossing the Chioago Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Cc's. Right of Way allof which are to Le paved with #1 vitrified pavij2g;.blook,oir t^ ooncrste foundation. t Adopted by the Council C Clerk. S Approved ....._ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss " Keller AcColl -V., Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 s J ze"'�' 9 I — TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY 07,, ST. PAUL; The undersigned owners of property fronting on Selby Avenue, between Victoria Street and Fairview Avenue, express their preference for Creosoted Blocks in case a -pavement is ordered on said street. NA30L+ DESCRIPTION OF, PROPERTY t t ' Z ? 2 u, 2 / l Li 2.3 ♦Zy • 1./ll=G�''�v' �7"V�f� y U-�/J /� �%f � /� / ��/��'_ "' -.��LS � /7 /3.3 u yl�,.rlc. vc 7,/C-xf, 5za- 13 , -------- H To The Board of Public works, Od the City of tat. Paul, ,;.'HERLP_S, Selby Avenue fron Victoria to Herschel has-been ordered paved by.your BoardO he undersigned owners of property fronting and abutting on Selby Avenue between said Streets petition your Honorable Body to cause said `street to be prved with Creosote !,ou�,hloeks in — e.ccordarme with the plans and specificFt:La-1d of the -urty Engineer. NAME rAONi'AGH G _4rKIA 6 To The Board of Public Works, Oct the City of St. Paul, �,THEREAS, Selby Avenue from Victoria to Herschel has been i ordered paved by your,,,Board� The undersigned oomers of property fronting and abutting on Selby Avenue between said Streets petition your Honorable Body to cause said'Street to be paved with Creosote Wood Blocks in accordance with the plans and specifications of the City Engineer.. NAME MONTAGE 0 P a y TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL The undersigned property owners fronting and abutting on Selby Avenue froln Victoria Street to Herschel Ave- nue, in the City of St. Paul, hereby petition your Honorable Body, to cause said portion of said Street to be improved by Paving with Creosoted Wood Blocks, in accordance with plans and specifications of the City Engineer, on file in the office of your Honorable Board. NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY FROi1TA(E Alt 1441 U-; ';;jam ( s-�S'i `�_.Yi'.�'i/� d' e{� ,P•',..,-s� � �-_�"s�,.8 � 3 ! —�, CJ (] e // t 1 '' TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL The undersigned property owners fronting and abutting on Selby .%venue from 7ictoria Street to Herschel Avenue and on Fairview from Selby to ;uarshall Avenue, in the r City of St. Paul, hereby petition your 7i norable Body to cause said portion of said Street to be improved by Paving with, Creosoted -Wood Blocks, in accordance with plans and specifications of the City Engineer, on file a, in the office of your Honorable Board. NAME t 7: 4� DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY FROiTAUE d U• r r . -r TO .'iC :07AnLEt -CI'.?D CF 17,.a1C . ,7X 0" T E CITY OF ST.PAUL. The undersiLned; property owners, fronting-..'tr, ::C atin on Selby Avenue from Victoria Street to Herschel Avenue, in the City of St.Paul, hereby petition your Ponorable Body to -,ause ,,aid portion os 3,tid street to be improved by paving with Cresoted good Blocks, in accordance '.vita plans spiacificatirns of the City -,r,in-er, on file in ;'.:e office of -,-our Board. ' I `a � NA1.1r. D :SCR iPT <<):. Or „sOPR.RTY. OidTA , M 7 t TO THE F1PItOZABLE BOARD OF PUDLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL. The undersigned, property owners, fronting and abutting. on Salby Avenue from Victoria Street to Herschel Avenue, in the City of St.Paul, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause said portion of said etreot to be improved by paving with' Cresoted Wood Blocks, in accordance with pians and specifications of the City En.ineer, on file in the office of your Honorable Board. AAI.r DESCRIPTIor OF PROPERTY. FRONTAGE. �f, ;i TO THE HONORABLE '10ARID OF COWISSIOWI RS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUT,4 MIN—FSOTA. we, the, undersigned, -Ph OT) erty owners on Selby Avenue, between victoria street and Fairview avenue, in the City of St. Paul, ;q,'innesota, do hereby petition =yoylf honorable -body, anal do hereby-' protest and object to t' a contesplateA paving of said Selby avenue be said points as proposed, upon the ground that the property that will have to bear the aiisessment ban ii31.afford to be assessed to. defray this expense during the coming year, and we hereby ask that said'proposed paving be deferred until sometime in the future when the ,property affected thereby can better stand an assessment for such an improvement. IN 'YITNFSS t'HRRMF, We have hereunto affixed our signatures and set opposite th er eof a description of tW p roperty owed and controlled by us. o4 r w,c' ! I �• �1 � I �• k +� P ' '•' I{�{ Y 1 • ei ( � g � z a �, n JA : � Y e ] 4 1 p } l �� 4 � _ ,, ;.r r T ' �.t 4 t n ' 3� F �, 7 ; ` 'lr ..2 s y } t �d t �1 2 � �$j 1 � ,� 5 � ! [ T y� � '� �S a .' _ t S t � `� � � t 45 �l � .. � .' K i, e, t72S �.. ' �1 r .:: � '� '- .. - ;.. - .. � . {i'''��/7`/ /� � m ���'�/ /C O�i:v / /�/�//�/(f eIQTA R; FUP!.I(; ?�.�vr� C/- tY. Mlnn. �// i .. i6i T. d l 1' �`. �' �, n 1 ' } l 4 � �:� f � v 5A F if i f' 2 � �$j 1 � ,� E�i [ T c �� '� �S }! S t l 1' �`. �' WWI ............... .............. �' ➢+ � i I11 r 1111,11. 1' 19 ■■1 l i i09ORAU j 334A to OF COLMSSIONYM + NTs CITY Or ST, PAULA MTNNFSOTA. .';7 VeY; t3 elundgrsignedy �pioperty owners ,on119eiby Avenue`, tietwe�n Victoria street and "Yairviiew„avenue, in the City of St. Paul, 2rinnesota, do hereby petition your honorable body, and du hereby protest and objeat tot V a contemplated paving o•t'said Selby Avenue b4t4§n said -points as propo ss$, upon the ground that the property ;v that` -drill` have to beer the assessment can ill afford to be assesses-.;', tc..defray this expea-se during the coming year, an we hereby ask that -sal "propcised. paving be;11deferred until some time, in the future when g�the Property,#fXect,ed thereby can better stand an ,assessment " `for siza2r• en- dggs e v em ent . Y al IN V'LTNFSS WlSP�P. We have hereunto affixed our signatures ' sad"at opposite thereof a desori titin- ofe p p roperty o vned and ` oontrpl ed ,by/ us. '7P !” •s'�'z'K-' i'E >.;"a�3' lf"f,-<X Gr✓�#fsr�•, ;se 7 S03; - i r f t•� Y "� -3 ' ��'�$�,"yp :. �} F', t h `'�*h.,, c'T� � {{� i„ '4 � Y .. � j l: .�3 S03; - 1 �J ..IMAM - - .� _ � f7 Yo 4,4 r. A'.e.� `; d/'rfr"yr"�p'G.G Y, -'A..• �' O .ra b�f:�' �.�.. `' / _ 1�,�1�" f LX 'T --- r a D �� �r� *�a'+a . �a�. . "D *� � 3 t"'S � orf t q� � •�-•„�''Y+r. ” � a, h .,}• .� st,F � � �n'y;'� +�• i 1 172 /�„�.�:,^ �. �.. r4s ; � 'Yr/'•.—'" t��.r+� LJ »d._. _ ,__ ?I.1 4�� 44y'*+e � gy °"' 47 L'J ii �� K•F w iT' e�fr`��� i�c.,. j �� R.; u G' �.�'� .�i' YA � 1((,, � �\.(t"' rr o'T7 1 � � `�•^ p�� nth � 5��� , �. 4c ABLE 88ARD ? CQBUfd TY. CfF ' ST 'PAIIL MiNN te nadersigned property ownere`an �eelby !►venae, between' stoat and F'airviex avenge, 'in the';oitq of - 8TPau1.. '. y 7- A ' r I` t C}71� t ��r�i':T� 1..` S`cr,.f,.e 6j. -� t'°` �A��!p!(T4�•�.�ra yP.:s-', ."3q, 7 i t"fi:: J• _ r r ,• e E � � ' c� �"Cf ;�:r.Y,�f � �`� ; � t�P � .(sr ) � r r_VI �� p ,�c�,�i � /y i TO TE '10110? ' ;T', BOi D 01' : OI LISSIOI'ERS OF C1 OF LAYL, _iIla. We, the iuidersi,,ned, bei;i* t1w o•nr�ers of Iot 21, Mock "E", Boulevard hdr.ition, boi.:,; on Selby Ave:lue, between Victoria Street mud Fairview Avenue, in the City of St. Pau -1, I.Iin nsota, do here!)-,- l:etition yrour honorable body, and do hereby protest and- object ndobject to the conte;ipiated paving of said Selby Avenue between s id mints a:: proposed, upon the ground that the prof erty that will have to beer the ati..escrie,a can ill afford to be a:;se.ssed to defray tl,:is es.ense durin, the cor:ir: year, and vie hereby ask that said i,roposed be referred -,,ritil sore time in tl�e future the Iro;.et•ty ef''octcd til ereby can better stc'.id a a.,:essr::eut for such a.. improvercient. IIi Iii' ., :OF, We __ cc hereunto affixed our sic -nature. 1 � A L; I Is TO r"1.oi.o..ABJ: Bai_nr, 0 (,Q -7_I :TOI: S O CI'T`Y OF ST. Phi"L, . I1. I, tie midcrsi -cried, bein- the oW'ne-r of lot 6, Blocl' 7, :nhl's Aftdition, being, on Selby hvcnue, between Victoria Strret and Fairview Avenue, L. the Cit;;• of St. Paul, I.iiriiecota, do hereby petition ;;our honorable body, and ;o hereby protest and object to the contemplated I:avir: of said Selby !venue, between sial paints as Iroposed, upon the ground that the property that will have to bear tbr, as;;essmcnt can ill afford to be assessed to defy.- this expense diirin,; the coming ,year, and I hereby ask that said proi:ose:_ pavinr; be deferred mltil some time in the future whon- the property affected thereby•can better stand an acse;'sment for such an improvement. Iii ,i'I'iii ::;: OF, T_ have hereunto agffived P -v" si7ature. ,co. J. Robertson a, BO TO ^?`' Ii0Il03A I3 d cD OF 0T1:IS 10 r.3S OF _}T CITY OF ST. W._'W, L I, the un +e7 ;,i Y, od, hr. the oerner of Iots lam, 19, 19, 20, Bloch 4, and lots Sd axicl ?5 3Toc] 3 Fo,er'e 4<+clition, be_+nn on Se}by Avenue, between victoria Street �Yd Fni.rvicvr Avenue, in the City of Sl anl, 1.1iunesota, do l ere•n�, .etxti.on ,,Gur honoral;le 'body, ri Jdo h� �ehy protest a_nd obice, io t".e coxxtenx lased p vin - of sain cloy J enue bet ccr said l.oi,it: o„ ;„roj,osed_ a oxi tIc :round 'cat tl,c p o j Ort, that ""ill .:cvc, to beer txc e c -..t ca iil afford Lo be a :�e :;seg. to de fray t. is e ti:.ense di _iii e Ger ����0^iO�r> gnd I hereby ask that said pre, osccl pail i> be defcrz d i? time infuture :.l:cu trc prol)ert,,, affected cmi better stand an acsesemcnt1 for suci` ii;jrnve.:eot. ^''_a;i'.OF, I have },e_:eivao affixed my si;-n cure. Dic'•'.er :r Invest,::ent Co. TO Pl._, roi;0 31_. BOA? OFCF _. _ , ...L;i. I, ti.e antler: J>;ned i"e oviner of I.ot 1, Bloch 5, .;l,idmore Cassidy',- Park Addition, bein,; on Selby Avenue betseon Victoria street and Fairvie Avenue, in tie Citi; Of St. _ aul �.:nesota, do hereby petition your honorable body tmd is hereby protest and object to ti:e comtem!,lated pay: i of said Selb;; Avenue between the pointo as prof osed, u;lon t).c r7raund that the proi,erty t':at will have to bear ti.n LI;.;es,-+rent can ill afford to be as see:sed to defray this e,;ense du _,i ti;e corcin ear, a:.d I here)r;- as], that aid pro osed j avin- be deferred a .til on:e tir:e ill the future rr' en the nro,nerty a-,Iected thereby c, -.i1 better stand an assos.;r.ent for "Lla”- a:. i:xl_rove— nent. ".'_:OF, I LEIVIo):creunto afli:ced my si;nature. Florence E. i:rtelay. � fl TO T,7E BOARD OF 001,2I, 101r -;RS PAUL, J.'LI11TT OFTEE CITY OF ST. I, the undersigned, bein,-, the oviner of lots J.", �,�' Block 3, Roger's Add.ition, beiP7 on Selby Avenue between Victoria Street and Fairview Avenue, in the City of St. Paul, Kirinesota, 'do hereby petition your honorUbj^-,body, -and do hereby protest and object to tiio contemplated p&ving of said Selby Avenue betwren said points as Proposed. UP011 the Sroiuid that the prolerty that will have to bear the assessment can ill afford to be assessed to defray this exiense daring the coming year, acid I hereby ask that said f,roposed paving be deferred until some time in the flit -are Mien the i.ol)ertyaffected thereby can better stand an ab2c,,-sment for sueh an i provei,.ient. LT ITITIT.1111_;i 1,!`MEOF, I have hereiuito affixed my gimat'are. . ......... . Q ` TO T`_` H0.1M41B1_'1' 1,0ARD OF COT _:I_'IIOhERS OF CITY Or ST. PAUL, ITIEb1. aAk I, tl�e iindorai-ned, being of LotS13, Block 1, !.uhl's Addition, bcin> on Selby Avenue, between Victoria Street and Fairview Avenue, in ti -,e Cit -17 of 'It. Fail!, Linnesota, do hereby 1.,etition your honorable body, any do hereby protest and object to tAic contemplated paving of said Selby Avenue, upon the ground that the property that at T) will 'have to bear 'c� azseasment can ill afford to be assessed to de- fray t1hi,, e--cyonse durin:, t�le (-;omin.7 year, and I hereby ash that said proposed paving 1),, deferred_ until some t1no in t -,e future when the property affected 'ul-iereby can better stand an assessment for such an imi,rovei_ient. I -TT '.!IITT;ESS M,1E_1,!,OF, I have hereunto affixed my signature. 11<1011p_ r. ............ I ......... Laviger E. Sessions. TO TIL, HOIIOR_ BLE BO:L a.OF _OId.:ISSIOIiERS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUl, I:IIBH. I. ti_e urdersi -neu, bein- the owner of Lot 10, Block_ 19, Boulevard Additton 42, bein; on Selby Ave -nue between Victoria Street and Fairview: Avena, in the City o$ St. i aiil, i.iinnesota, do hereby petit- ion your honorable body, and do hereby protest and object to the con- templated paving of said Selby Avenue between said points as proiosed upon the „•rouuid that the prop"orty that will have tc stand the assessment can ill a: ford to be assessed to defray this eixpense during• the coming year, and I hereby qsl� that said I.rol,,ose paving be deferred until .orie 'ci...e in tnc future wl)en the p:oi,erty affected thereby can better stand an assessment for such an imirovoment. II! '„ITiH.SS dHI,?,_;OF, I have hereuntoaffixedmy si.rature. .�..... ......... `. ......... H. C. Smith. '°0 THE 1.0="O`s,1 i] F M01D OF CO2.d.iISSION RS OF T_- CITY OF ST. MAUL, L-IIMI. I, t're undersi:- e6, mein ; 1;;'e owner of hot 25, Block 6, Anna E. Ra..iseycs Addition, bein on fielby avenue between Victoria Street and Fairview Avenue, in the City of St. Paul, ilin:csota, do hereby Petition' our honorable body, anu, do hereby protest and object to t:'re .; contemi,l.ated having of said Selby Avenue between s�.id points as i,ro- nosed upon the round-tht the property that will have to bear the assessment,can ill afford to be assessod to def'r,y this expense durir ; ti:e coming year, and I IIerepy ask that said proposed paving be deferred until some time in th-o future when the property affected tiie'reby can better star_d an assessment for such an im,rovement. IT: IJI'Pi;E.`.5 ",7TTEi'.EOF1 I h/a'v=e(T7/-{��%xr to affixed my signature. Then, 1. Lee. a - TO'TH.':'H011ORZ BIIZI BOA OF Go: I_ISSial R3y,,- OF, T'1- CITY -OF ST. PAiJL, MEIN. I I, the undersigned, being the owner of Lot 5, Block 3, Brown's 1st. Addition, beim, on Selby Avenue between Victoria Street and FairvieG; Avenue, in the City of St. Fain, Minnesota,, do hereby petition your honorable body, and do hereby protest and object to the contemplated paving of said Selby Avenue between said points as 1-2:opoced upon tl.o �;round that the propert-ly t; -qt will have to bear the assessment can ill afford to be assessed to defray this exl;ense durin the corrin, year, and I hereby ask t}gat said proposed paving be deferred until sometime in the future when the property affected tt erebjr can better stand an assessment for such, an i;nprove:nent. III WIT17,2',i '.l} ^l:OF, I have hereunto affixed my si ;nature. Rosa Danz. 1 TO T"ji }i01I0?1.:?LE BOARD OF COI:d,:lSi' IOIERS ' OF CI1's OF ST. IAUL, IIIIIII. I, the underlined, bein* ti;e owner of Lot 3, Block 4, Sanborn's Addition, beim; on Selby Avenue bets=ieen Victoria Street and Fairvie�., !'avenue, in tl�c City of St. Paul, Minnesota, do hereby petition your honorable body, and do hereby protest and object to the contemplated paving of said Selby Avenue between said.points as proposed upon the ground that the property that will have to bear the ass -sment can ill afford to -be assessed to defray this ex - PC, tre corrin; year, and I hereby ask that said _ ITropo paving be deferred until some time in the future when t.7c property affected thereby can better stand an ass- essment for such an im,)rovet.ient. IN FJITi1F'SS ',y!I,PYIOF, I have hereiulto affixed unr sig7iature. Jacob Danz. TO THE 11O! O? ABLE` BOARD OF :;0112:ISuIOM RS OF 1 CITY OF, ST. I'fiLL, IiiII. 0 I, the undersi ned, .boin ; the ovir-of -of Lot : 3, 31ocL "E", Boulevard Addition, beim on Selby Avenue, betwoon Victor`�i.a Street and.Fairview Avenue, in the: City of St. _ at;_1 Linnesota, do hereby 7retition 7,cur. honorable body, avid 6,0 I_ercby I:rotest and object to tlo conteriplate d pavin; of said Selby Avonue between said .L-oints as proposed, upon th'e rrotuui t%:at the, property 1;]:at *:ill have to bear the assessment. can il1 afford to be assessed to defray . this exi ense during ne cor,.in.; year, and I hereby ask that said pro posed pavin- be deferred until some time i-1 the future vS ,er; the prop- erty ment. e.; 1;;:e-eby can better Stand an aseessrient fol- such an im— I.: l'IT?L ., ' •:OF, I have hereunto aff'i el my simature h� 1 Rallis Stoz:e. • OF P_--- hAI;L, :II!I-?. I, file undersi_; -n- !'Uhl ned, bei;c otivner of Lot 11, Block 2, 's Addition, Ueii-,7 on Selby Avonue, bet�•rcen Victoria St mi i riirview Avbnue, in ti,ret Petit Cit-- of St: i aul, _.=i;_nesota do }, petit on ;your ho ,orab_-ie body* a iQ , hereby tersplated Pavin, of said Selby Avenue' on�th e gald ronndti;rotthePcon— paol>erty ti_•at Will have to bear theassesSment can ill afford to be assessed to defray this e,cpense dlu'inr tl,-,e corrin, year,, and I hereby ask that said proposed paving be deferred until future sor:,e ti;':e in the met.for Such 1- Such an i tl:e` property afsected thereby can better Stand an asse:.;s- r:;prover:ient. Ii? liI'l'I±EG _ _?SOF, I have hereunto affixed r:y si urc. Oria R. Stone. `TO THE HOY.ORAM BOARD OF COI.I.:iSsIOIIRRS OF Tii'E CITY OF Si. PAUL, I.111'a4. I, ;.i: uxldersigx ed, bei", tho owner of Lot 7, B1ocY 0, Anna A. iiamsey's Addition, beim; on Selby Avenue between Victoria Street and Fairview Avenue, in the City of St. Paul, hynesota, do hereby petition *ou honorable body, and do hereby protest 2nd object to the contemplated Paving o-f,•seld Selby Avenue between said points as proposed upon the around that the pronertJ that Frill halJoeTexpense tho assessment can ill afford to be a e,sed to defray during the cominj year, and Z hereby ask that nA�' proposed as .ccted be acierred zu;�.il some t.r.e i -n i,:e fu-ure w n� property „her -by can better stand �.n assessrricnt for such .a i..r,;rovor..ent. Ii- JT:EES TIMM, M, I have hereunto Mixed my signature. Fannie A craves. • TO THE HOBORABLY 10ARD OF U0:._._I::::IOLERS OF THI CWY OF S^. PAUL, IUYU. I, tho underuigned, beim thn owner of Lot 1, Block 7, Ruhl's Addition, beim;, on Selby Avenue, between Victoria Strret and Fairview Avenue, in the City of St. Paul, I.:innesota, do hereby petition your honorable body, and do protest and object to the contemplated paving of Selby Avenue, between said points as proposed, myon Iho TTnvnd that the property that will have to bear the assessment Can ill afford to be assessed to defray this expense during the cominZ year, and I hereby ask that sial proposed paving be deferred until some time in the future when the property affected thereby can better stand an assessment for such an i,rovement. IIBit?&REOF, I have hereunto affixed my si7nature. ..... /!. ..tit /fi% ... . Fred I'. I. -ever. v �p�� HONOR1�LE BOARD OF C01 _I(> .IONnS OF "? CITY OF ST. PAUL,. MINN. ` I, s Audition, idersi�necl, bein ; the ci.mer of Lot 9, Block 9, Anna the urI •., ?amsey`bein; on Selby Avenue bets*teen Victoria Street and o herey ,Fairview Avenue, in the city oanddo hereby1ymesotaprotest,axld object to the petition your honorable body, paving of said d Selby Avenue between said points as pro- ty posed it-rl ti:o ;round that Lhe piojert1.at � itl r.tvis�ex1,ensethe during assessment can ill afford to bask teaseht to proposed Fa-Virl; be deferred o the co._: year, and I hereby id until so --e time in the future .hen the Iroperty affected thereby can better stand an asses,rne,:t for such an improve;:ie;it. have hereunto affixed my si[,,xature. Uellie Ryan. 1w • TO I'...;0 B02, :,D OF CO_.i.:t ,,;I01iL S OF 11- 0171' OF .._. P'LUL,I.:Iiiid. I tl:e under..i, ned beim:_, t1:e owner of Lot 12, Dlock 19, Doulcv&i-d Ac'-di_tion ;r2, bein; on Sell)-= Avenue bet::oen Victoria Street nr_d Fairvio,, Avenue', i irCit-1 of St. ' ar.1, I-iri. ne ota, do hereby1 etition your honorable body,'1 and do hereby,- protest and object to tine contera)lated havin;r of oaj-Li Selby Avcnue betwoon said points ai proposed, Myon the :rowed t;!at the property- t1:at will have to bear t;.c::.essr.ent ca ill - afford to l,e asses::.ed to 6cfra;� t;:i.s e.ci:e��se du- in�r ,..,:;in: ear, tnici I hereby asi: trat .;aid proposed r;aver. be aeferred ti itil s ,:,e telae in c i'uture c:lye,i 0- c l roperty af,'octe.: thcrb,; ca.. better Eta c, an as:,e:-:si;ent for such cu: i;q,rove:lent. I have o5lelnnto ai'i i.' d mr si nature. 14Z l Fritz Steri:bex•;,. 0 PFS FOJTOR2,1313 BOARD OF COL. I:; ,IMERS OF TEM CITE' OF ST. _-'AUL, MIUM L, the undersigned, bein; the owner of Lot 6, Block ll, Anna M. Ramsey's Addition, being on Selby Avenue, betty Mictoria Street and Fairview Avenue, in the Cit:; of St. I aul,; ,1ixu:esota, do,hereby petition your honorable body,ane, o hereby protest and obje'Gt to the conte:q,1-ated pavin; or said Selby Avenue between said points as pro– posed upon the around the.t the pro_ erty that will have to bear the asseau"e_:t can i:.. affori to be assessed to defray this expense during dxu'in;; the coning year, and I hereby ask that said proposed paving be deferred until some time in the future —nen the property affected thereby can better stand an aesessr.:ent for such an imps nvo;:;cnt. I have hereuntoafi'ired x.1y signature. Hannah Williams. TO !____ OYORA —E, D OF OF _. WTV OF ST. YAM, ..IIM. I, the undersi3ned, beim the owner of Lat 11, Block 2, Brown's let. Audition, brit:; on Selby Avenue, between Victoria Street and Fairview Avenue, in the City of St. jaul, Liinnesota, do hereby petition ,our honorable body, and do hereby protest and object to the content_ p1gted paving of said Selby Avenue, between said points as proposed, upon the ground that Vic property that will have to hear the assess– - men` can ill afford to be assessed to defray thin expense during the coming year, anis I hereby ask that said proposed pavin7 be deferred-, until some time in the futtre when the pro;erty affected thereby cart better stand an assessment for such an i:7_r.rovemont. II?._ , i'i-, (t ny1si n Jure. Uario E. Thoroson. TO THF HONORASI,F -OARP OF CO3f!ISSION}'RS Or THE CITY OF ST, PAUL, MINNhSCTA, We, the undersigned, property owners or. Selby Avenue, between ,victoria strc-et and, Fairview avenue, in t) --e City of St. Paul, Vinnesota, do hereby petition your honorable body, and do hereby protest and object to t s contemplated paving of said Selby avenue between said points as proposed, upon the ground that the property - that will have to bear the a.sessment can ill afford to be assessed to defray this expense during the coming yea, and we hereby ask that said proposed paving be deferred until some time in the future when the property affected thereby can better stand an assessment for such an i.T*ro,rement. IN WITNESS V.HFIRMF, We have hereunto affiked our signatures and set opposite thereof a description of the property ocned and cont led by us. • �, rte, �.'yr;f , , „ ': �. `ti � � � Is`, G1 ti:r � A ' •.1 ci'!� . `�- t Vic,-� � l � J ,,[� � ,r, c. .� � � �n �° A 0 I i t f f r 3 Lei I�. i rOTARV PUBLIC.' -11 County, mjI �••� evoires Juno 2. IBI]. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE" ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In th Matter of ----- under Preliminary Order approved --------..----l—fl'......... -- -------- --- ------- ------------ - To the Council of the'City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports .,s follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is Sandlime br'i'nk $113,749.37 16.57 Granite. 311,911.15 6.48' SFdstone 99, 349.98 5.74 31Fp Creosoted Blook 87,095,18 5.03 Brink 80,661.41 4.66 Asphalt 69,632.09 4.02 Asphalt gonarete 54,31.3.59 3.14 Asphalt ipaoadatn 47,573.45 2.75 °gaoadam 39,607.83 2:29 _ __0onorete _ 48,186.19 1.78 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION' ' � -Z / /�(�.t PiI %✓ ���lA+/tee-•-` �2/ ✓^ o Z Gll, o J J CVo /Ja Z _o4�� fw-' 1/I 4,; IU t� c ,021/0 1 Z fe'a .oAMas..,. TOTAL, o— ' CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - { REPORT OF COMMIS�§IONER OF FINANCE r. t - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED y /3 Z �� 37 7 p� f Cl O bio rr a 0 ,2, J a 0 0 /Cj%�� Il/ J (YDo C/ Jo dD -� (4d �6)' u __'. TOTAL. - - CITY OF ST. PAUL- 1 - - ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • - �y., ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION S �n:i.o. 4. /�ly.(04 9 li(�X��� '� of .7 f'U 7f 4011 y 3 16 .7�"o 3 12 Y u m /0 3 X yd f o Z s` y� s` • / J cG- ��Js` {I4 �J C(U �� G oL y 4 �u o 1-d a /ORM 8.9.A. 9.9 9 TOTAL. - /� D . V . CITY OF 5T. PAUL y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I t ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINArACE r r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,.... DESCRIPTION r�. • LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED ,I VALUATIc�r•I Va 45 'z Z� 3 r1 r .Z J �. U all Z' /G J r '7 J` _.. _ TOTAL. TOTAL, m ♦ORM B.9.A. B-6 B .ASSESSED �U U JJ� o .7SJ`o J�Yo a "o �Gfo 6' ryC/ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE v REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLdC ADDITION J� s y s I It /o G /� TOTAL, m ♦ORM B.9.A. B-6 B .ASSESSED �U U JJ� o .7SJ`o J�Yo a "o �Gfo 6' ryC/ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ( REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION o CSG Z �1G oZ U D CP .2 Ste) o a /f Y 16 �� J �25�) /fo ° d/0 l 0u �� .... TOTAL. .oAMps. e.5a - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , ti REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) l) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VA-UATION l d --Ze ej, i`/ 7` o -71/ C Ilam J o �� do J- 1.7 s d� s f oz a s� ce I .lUd i f jA cD ozr, . o .. .. TOTAL, �j _ / 2j, ii ' CITY OF ST. PAUL d DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t- ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - y - LOT BLOCK ADDI'TI,ON ASSESSED VALUATION 6 1, �. .Z, 2-7 'Z f;z c ,. 41Z 4 u O d 2�. /Y y /z adze -... TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER''OF FINANCE Y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION a VIA /U �j��l/toy �4 ur �✓ /ASLVSL1EygS�SED :Z� oZJ o 1-7 d 5� // l�a• ✓� V o C . Ls`cf o all s �ci O /y 11 'lidY v U �7, o d. da do - TOTAL. FOflM B.9.A: BL B ' - - CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE /o REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE x , - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • DESCRIPTION \ LOT BLOCK- <� A;DDITION - ASSESSED - /� -7 /r �z /l' AlAlla /o%ul da'v r /i t�/�i� 46 o /o Q✓ �G o dG /J /f all 14 tea' . -- - TOTAL. -- C:� �•, , ., - •. CITY OF ST. PAUL - (/ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - I ° REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 ASSESSED"` _ DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION y LUATION oCa 02 6 �6 Of, o f of 41- C/I ZJ a u I? oC �� / JOU 13 z6 > S\ 2 JN J\ ,JOC�(%G/P///(?q ([ .c �Q oki LiI/u�l d 0 O U i TOTAL. anrn es.w. ee e - .. `. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE,," _ - I + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF 'FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . ., DESCRIPTION LOT EILOCK) ADDITION [.. ASSESSED V DATION` qj a r 14 G s• C '7/li a /o 14 G a dl a 7 � S a � y TOTAL. - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I i .REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (e). DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION / , �O � L /fit! �( '� � ✓C (���4'd �'� d � � O 14 ' 1, all /s z rn� SCJ\ o /,3 If �/ �S' o o� U % G d-v f� d1z TOTAL, - _ CITY OF ST. PAUL a �j DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` ° REPORT. OF COMMIS'SIONVR OF FINANCE 1 ) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - .DESCRIPTION LOT ,BwcK� ADDITION ASSESSED /gid _ Z66 J/o ,2aUa. /0 /0 s 64 Li f ,. TOTAL. POPM B.S.A. 03 B ' dITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT, OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ti ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)— ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK • ADDITION ASSESSED A DATION ' f ozf-I J� ���%yo41 •c/�aoo/fF��� 7,4 r�J1 � ? r1 �! L ( y -fid If -z -7/ / aL�` u—<{ l �oal�q �"'�"1 LC,/KN• �� 7�fo��wL ��'7�.o L( Kc(+'/��/.�.� r, d� 3 do TOTAL, I... B.S.A. S -S B 4 -�-- CITY OF ST. PAUL,,�> / 6 ^ •' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE > ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (S) .. o r ly, , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED lr VA DATIOpN t 1%pj ,j J C (ClC%%ice ti �.Z F o aZj %[/�y o . o l /d��0 l.. �-r(7 V / / O f 3 so lip-lt✓e y ` y` f d 7yf`o UAA0 a. .... TOTAL. /f CITY OF ST.. PAUL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public /Works. Dated------------ -- - -------- G ..... ...................... Commissioner of Finance. . •ORM 13.9.A. 0-3 C DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE +� - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -,� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 140/- 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public /Works. Dated------------ -- - -------- G ..... ...................... Commissioner of Finance. . •ORM 13.9.A. 0-3 C CITY OF SANT PAUL H DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS _ I -' M. N. GOSS• COMMISSIONER .ROBERT T. GOURLEY. 011— C..--- OSCAR OMMI —XFROSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.I& Epal — - J. E. CARROLL„SurT. CopeTp-- & REvnips o' ALFRED JACKSON, Suer. S—T-1— G.H. HERROLD, OFFICE Exo.— X, W. GOETIINGE R, Svvr. Wonnrnu sp St. Paul, Minn• Jan. 12, 1915. Mr. M. 19. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewitn preliminary estimate of cost for the paving Selby Ave. from east line of Victoria St. to west line of Fairview Ave., in accordance with Council File #3325, approved i Jan. 7, 1915. Assessable frontage, 17,315 ft KIND OF PAVING JAPPROXIMATE ESTIMATEICOST PER FRONT FOOT Sandlime brick $113,663.27 $6.56 Granite 111,825.05 6.46 Sandstone 99;263.88 5.73 32” Creosoted Block 87,009.08 5.03 Brick 80,575.31 4.66 Asphalt 69;545:99 4.02 A' Asphalt concrete 54,227.49 3.13 Asphalt macadam 47,487.35 2.74 Macadam 39,521.73 2 11.28 Concrete 48,100.09 2.79 Where curb is not in, add 46� to above cost per front foot for cement curb to be constructed. Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot: For sewer, either side of street $36.90 For water, 3/4" N.'side of street $25.00 For water, 37411 S. side of street 40.00 For gas, N. side of street $10.00 For gas, S. side of street 6.00 Respectfully submitted, iX -. 'iDce-- / Chief Engineer. l , Office of the, Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of ' Finance January.... 13_x ..............._.._.791_ ..5 To the Couunissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 3325 .............approved _...._....._Ja...... __7_.1............. ...... 1915......, relative to......._the - paving of Selby Ave. from east line of Victoria St. to west line o . ..... .. ........................... .. _. ................... .................. ................... ....... Fairview Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_..._.................necessary and (or) desirable. .r► XXXX The estimated cost thereof is $._:_.__. and the total cost thereof is $..........XXXXX �. ........_.._.............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _._............... ... ......._._......_............... _....._......._.................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. k. ........................... ............... ..................... .................................................. ........................ ........... ......................... _........................._._.............................._......._.........._.._ . ..... p .... .. . asked for u p nee or more owners of property, subject o. Said im iovement is .......... upon petition of ti to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ............... \ . • -.: . FILEN"- NO .,.,. Date Presented... -- - 6a reh 3,1915.I91.......:... VMREAS a petition -of remonstrance against the paving of Selby Ave e from Victoria street to Fairview avenue ,has been presented to the Council and duly considered. Now after much consideration, Resolved, That the Council deems and hereby declares such improvement to be a public necessity. C. P. No, 3927.¢-13Y W'In Powers— ~ - �{'hereas. n Pctitlo, f r nstrnnce �letorin ts[reottlto Of Seev Avenue from - neen nn•vemed to tete cnuncu nna duir I nsidvred. Now. atter much consider¢- . Rcsnived, Thnt the Council deems bn] heroby declares such Improvement to be t A" opted by tb a .C-ure" ..rch 3rd, 1915. Appruved \furrh 4, 1915. (March 6-1915.) Yeas (I/) Co oilmen (P) Nays o Fa sworth G _ 7 - In favor K er M oil p_ _Against ey Nash Y rg Mr. Preside. Powers ,oats. c.8.2' W Adopted by the Council March 3_rd,1915 191 Approve . 3 _ 19� .._-... ._- MAYOR Y'' eITY"OF ST PAUL '- a wpu r «rr.u... ='I;, ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENfi AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F°ENO1 No. 392, B„ AUDITED lei_ arr PER 226 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter spectfied;fands and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set Opposite their res pp respective names as specified in the followrng .detailed statement: - r, Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 j Farnsworth Goss In favor q Ape v Keller McColl Against O'Leary .,MAYOR s"x. Yoerg Mr. President, Powers f. ' Resol y d Tlo ttwarrants be drawn upon the .Cit •T Datable hereinarter t out of they pe id d. fonds nd. - Ofthe Persons./arms in favor; t or co [he amounts set o rporations. for I namee.As speckled Plnl the hfoll"' a dee t Corporate Purposes—Fire Fund: Tler� a Y & CpmPanYr $166.66. 6chbol Fund—Adelbert Hubbard `p t , W Co., $121.26. El— Adopted by the Council March 2, 1916 4pproved March 3, 1915. _w (Ma_,ch 6-1915.) t :i Corporate Purposes - n Fire Fund 883 Tierney & Company, 466.66 ScYtool Fund a, 9 84 Adelbert Hubbard Flee, Co., 421.26 � , _ r { X Poem A. 5.11 � ATY ACOdUNTING D,EP.ARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS RESOLUTION FORMFIDUN L FFa,n �, �.n t'=t5'-+t ('� PER227Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and..e persons, firmsqr corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed % -�Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council—i �-19FarnsworthGoss In favor KellercColl Against'Leary MAYOR' cerg, PowersPUBI is Corporate Purposes Corporation Counsel's Office -Expenses Edward J. Hall, 285.00 H. C. Struchen, " 300.00 Total Corporation Counsel's Office Exp., 585:00 Fire Fund-Maint. & Repaint? Security Hay & Grain Co., 4.7l.'62 Board of` Control Board of Control _ 8,974.81 -; Board of ControLFund- ity �� o. Hos. da int.," 4,998. 7 1 Alm ouse & P or Farm Ma t., 98 .22 Control nd-A shou/.San& or F m New dgs. 127.16 B " Contro Fund ity & C rium- Ma t., 205.29 Cont 1Fund-Outside Aid, 2 0 } 8,974.81 Parks Fund-Maint. King Construction Co., J. G. Robertson, Poim A.5-11 1 Bet . #7, l., 836. oo 969.00 #2 Publi , c Playgrounds Fund -Salaries 9 91 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 1.035.651'' Art Museum 9 92 John Dillingham, 55.00 9 93 Jessie OtBrien, 65.00 9 94 Albert F. Salaba, 60,00 Total Art Museum Acct., 0.00 Interest Fund 9 95 Merchants National Bank, 13,039.68 9 96 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finaned, 5.374.00 T-d'taT 'Total Co 0 IC. P. No' o Rb" t Warrants be dr— upon e, (M the City Treasurer payable out of the Spec. As9gss..ConBt.Acct._Paving I hereirfter p,cifl,d fund,. and in favor th persons, firms or corlporatlom, far Dale, Grand to Front the.—ourts set pp. -,it. thNr —.Va. I— romes as, sIfied In thefollowing do- 97 Republic Creosoting Co,, Est. 2 & -tolled statement! Corporate Pur" ene— Corporation Coun- f so", Offl11te�E.s —Ed—rd J. H-11- ".00; IL C., Struchen, $300.00. 7 121.24 Fire. Fund-3faint. & Repair—Security Market, 3rd. to 6th Hay & Grain Co., $47f.6?. Board -of Control. M974.81. Co.l Est. 2 & Parks Fund-31ahst_�-g C "tructi-a Co., -Ust. No. 7. $1,836.00t J. G. Robertsa f 1140 56. 9 98 Magnolia Petroleum Public Playgrounds Fund --Salaries: S. • Farnsworth; Co. of 035.65. t Finance, .33, Holly Ave., Western to Dale r,,Arta 11aJohn ,hn DIIIII;hmn, �,$55.00; B qOen 65.00; Albert F. Salaba, 9E99 Magnolia Petroleum Co., Bet. 2 & Interest Fu d — Merchants National S. A, Far. Ott Ctun; — b �.of 367-05 Spec- Const, Acct val�;� Portland, Western to D Dale Grand &= eT lie Crc..Id-9 Co., & final, $7.12L24. I larket, 3rd to. 6th, Magnolla Petroleins , 9(00 Magnolia Petroleum Co., Est 2 & Est. 2 43nal, $U4.5& e. Main - f i Ily A� Western to Dal 1 -urn Est. 2 11, 11-1. $357 q d, 'W" ter,' fi Total Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Sewer Blair, Farrington to Virgibia 9 Ol Christ Johnson, 15.00 w Fuller, Victoria to.Fiek I 30,00 9)02 Christ Johnson, T a. tal .-Sp ea, .'.`Assv as.. -9,Qn ist—Azat, msjew Total Corporate p(,,,I'e s., . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,46 5, Z6 1 Spec. Assess. onst. A .—Pavin 8,16 . 8 —Seer 5.00 /Grd To—Sewer 674.64 G�'NTt,T-1'EN — r' The undersigned ovnere of property fronting on Msr�+hrall Avenue, betreon Fairview and Snelling Avenues, request andteliminateflthe avinguntilOf hat afterrthsnof eraatlonhofitheenue RailroaddPridged at Marshall & Snelling, and the construction of a Sewer on said Marshall Avenue, from flnelling to Syndicate, when an order can be made to complete the paving from Grotto to the Mississippi .River, orVarhamll Avenue. Thos mas the understanding with the former Board of puhiie Forks, and is only a plain mes.sura of Justice= to those who must pay for the improvement. HANTS :OF or"'PB RESIDENT of Feat d Oi't�tEA Fr ? � Frontage owned. IY-1?te�- 1.0 Z/ i 17 IrOf /6 $ ,i % f X70 — J �7fc U TO THE COM,"AON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL GENTLEMEN : The undersigned owners of property fronting on Marshall Avenue, between Fairview and Snelling ivenuee, request that the paving of that portion of Marshall Avenue, be deferred and eliminated until after the erection of the Railroad Bridge at Marshall & Snelling, and the construction of a Sewer on said Marshall Avenue, from Snelling to Syndicate, when an order can be made to complete the paving from Grotto to the Mississippi River, on Marheall Avenue. This was the understanding with the former Board of Public works, and is only a plain measure of Justice to those who must pay for the improvement. NAMES OF OWNERS . RESIDENT OWNER ? I-JIV 7411 /7 I -Y .7 -4-L No. of Feet of Frontage owns ,. 7, J NAMES OF OWNERS. j RESIDENT OWNER ? ip I AV • No. of Feet of Frontage owned. 4 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i fo _ `oTAL,�l I TO THE COUMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL GENTLEMEN s The undersigned owners of property fronting on Marshall Avenue, between Fairview and Snelling Avenues, request that the paving of that portion of Marshall Avenue beideferred and eliminated until rafter the erection of the RaiiFoad Fridge at #arshell & Snelling, and the construction of n Saw= on amid Marshall Avenue from Snelling to Syndicate, When an order can be made to compfete the paving from Grotto to the Visaisaippi River, on Varheall Avenue. This was the underetmrding with the former Board of Public Torke, and is only a plain measure of Justice to those who rnuat pay for the improvement. NAMES OF 0rM8 � RTSIrEFT ( OWNER 4 Pf r �yif%�4'ts'�G,s / 6r� '. �✓'� 1�"d'^•v.r t � /.(� I t ,' r Pio. of Feet of Frontage owned. U w 3f y� F'6 i j FRgIDFNT No. of Feet of NAuES of orms. orm ? s Frontages oven®d. G �� D � 44% TO THF COMyON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL GENTLEMEN .. The undersigned owners of property fronting on Marshall Avenue, between Fairview and Snelling Avenues, request that the paving of that portion of Marshall Avenue, be deferred and ellrinated until after the erection of the Railroad Bridge at Marshall & Snelling, and the construction of a Sewer on said Marshall Avenues, from Snelling to Syndicate, when an order can be made to Complete the paving from Grotto to the Misaiesippi River, on Marheall Avenue. This was the underetH.nding with the former Board of Public Forks, and is only a plain measure of Justice to those who must pay for the improvement. NAMES OF OrNERB 1 RESI'DE'NT 0�"NFR ? IPA— Uyt1 No. of Feet of Frontage owned. �4S_ y� 7�� Alor -P U NAMES OF OrN",S. RVSIPFNT No. of Feet of o7NER 1 Frontage owned. do v F - 96R R,11-14 ' Chicago, Milwaukee '& St. Pai TELEGRAM. 17� BE BRI F Co. 96 P- 6-11-14 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. TELEGRAM. B L B Iq VE P-.c� St. Paul, Minn., March 31, 1913. To the Honorable Common Council of the City ofSt, Paul. Gentlemen, - Ile, the undersigned residents and property owners residing on Marshall Avenue, between Victoria Street and the Uississippi River, respectfully request your honorable body cause said street to be.paved with 32" Creosote Block set on a 5" Portland Cement and Concrete foun- dation, and further, that your honorable body prodeed to cause this work to be done by the City during the coming season. RespectfulDy submitted, 41 C 2 c �� , �% •��-amu-. � �' / /'j �'St, Pa,';I, Mint,., PLaroh 31, 1913. To the Honorable Cormi,on Gounoil of the City of St. Paul. Gentler:en,- We, the undersigned residents and property owners residing on ,urshall Avenue, between Victoria Street anu the Mississippi River, respectfully request your honorable body cause said street bo be paved with 3z" Creosote Block set on a 5" Portland Cement and Concrete four - dation, and further, that your honorable body prodeed to cause this rrork to be done by the City during the coning Beason. Respectfully submitted, A;4 l . Co ✓' r 0 /�G 90 ��► J St. Fun!, Wid., V rch 31, 1;13. To the Honorable Common Council of the City of st. Paul. Gentler.w'n.— We, the unaeraiined reeidento -una property owners re iuiM on .,arshOl Avenue, between Victoria Straet anu ti:c 10—iasi,:Pi River, respectfully request your honorable bony cause said utreat Do be ,,ved with 3!" Creosote Block net on a 5" Porti,r.d Covent unt Concrete four.- dation, z i further, that. ;our honoruble body rrodoed to ca.uce Uiu work to he ..one by the City during tho coming seasvn. Respectfully ;u,..;,ittea Jc I• t _ ap, �Y At, F:ji, Win;., H rah 3' 103. To the Honorable Cor=m.cn Council ,of 00 City of^t. Paul. Gentlbann,- We, the upaervitned residents ..nu property onnero reOuing' or. ` archall .,venue, batweem Victoriu Street aiia the Miaoissitpi River, renpectfuliy request your honorable boay c.auoe said etre.t bo be -,wed with 31" Creanote Block not on a 5" Portland Cement and Concrete Our. - dation, Ana further, that your honorable body prodeea to c-uce this work to be ;one by .:5 City during tic coming season. Peopectfully OUN ittM, TO THF- CO=,i 07T C-DUNCIL 07 7 7 C I TY 0 T. =AUL. The undersi-Erred owners of -Jro :rty ori,Marshall Avenue between Snelling nv�nue Anil the River, -Xpress their ;reference for creosot d blocks on the main iortion of such pavemsmt and'for sandstone on grad a• :I (aL �0?.^. -TI . All ry": COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER. 3920 In fhe hatter of : _ - 3 :_ _ elPrelimiiar�tOrder approved nn$ ........ Intermediary Order __ _ _ _. _ _. _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature; extent and kind of improvement �S1 bP..-tneflP by thn unid fSt •a Pave Marshall Avenue to the width of the present roadway 52 ,feet? from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east end of Marshall A9ex�ve `s Bridge crossing the Mississippi River, including sewer, water and`gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not M already made also all Alley and Driveway Approaches and also sandstone curbing where not already in. Material to be used to be #1 vitrified paving bock on concrete foundation from the east end of the bridge crossing the Mississippi River to a point 260 feet west of the crest line_ of Cretin Avenue and from this point to the west line of Snelling Avenue, ! pavement to be 4" long leaf yellow pine creosote wood blocks on concrete foundation. rev _ MAR Adopted by the Council Approved .............../ _ ., 191Ct has c rthe hew, stye Councilman Farnsworth " Gloss Keller MCrOB N Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 Marshall ace Mayor..... Property dy made: -Y Ap- rder 3372, ,een had at upon. having and rec- Poll that the' apr11 o dkao-nature' and kind -- f lmprovement to be y the sald,Qlty is pave Marshall A. the widtlt,of the::present,.road feet,from the west line of SnOP nue to the east end of Marshall bridgecrossing :the Mississippi including sewer, water and -gas: 'castor on street mains to prop-' Is mplete, - where .not already ]so 'all Alley and Driveway An end also .sandstone:mhl: .1 1, •. 11mdy in., df,f-1•r vl.. rve�.Isr�l-n -- — a f CITY OF ST. PAUL [DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE M REPORT OF CO AISSIONER OF FINANCE i ON PINARY ORDER In the Matter of -lei-—Q2����4f_E---- a�..-— -- - /6,.., n rn/..� O rig _-----Lz2.L.r✓....L.--- ----------- ---- ------ ------=�-----�--------------------------- y ----- -- ---- -•-- -- under Preliminary Order approved --yam To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: the assessment for the above improvement is The total estimated amount of The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - 17 Av av p' ,39. C'5 ,12. 55 11. ib5, 10 J9 X1.77 s.36 tDO o 11.22 A 1.5.4 0.19 ic.04 Lc —1_?,003.49 .80 z'.:. �. l k DO 1 2 3-8.01 14 c 120.18.80 11; G 1. 33 00 A t - �c.-,169.78 7.26 A,. -,.-halt concrete 93,010.33 .�G Asphalt36'28 r. 715, 903-.09 - 0 3.,43".34 .45 .79 7o n� g8 25 ;.: Eo _ each here f ac, E �1 siae 00 :0.00 The lots or parcels of land that may assessed beneftt's�',�for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - - t �J o'l!Pf0 i ,. ` CITY OF 57. PAUL . ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OWPR �LIMINARY ORDER 11 r , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION(/ jN 41 S f .1.7 l U /�l /-Z 01, TOTAL, I09M B.9.A. B-9 B 1� TTT 1r G .. _. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t i! REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A y ON PRF`LIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION I • ASSESSED VACATION d D�Od.D, X/ / �7 ZI 1�-> U'y O o / l IV - ell e '7 ! G o / Z / Li a1,1 -J• 0 0 •ORM B.S.A. !! 0 1; TOTAL. - CITY OF ST. PAUL . - DEPARTMENT OF FIbiANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - •- - DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAL,UAjION�-`� (�lk 7 o? 2"qk l 1 X' ,2 Y c0I U � ��K2tld9 ml L K l u.7✓1�� �✓ J !r u G oz.Z u / v`,a _. TOTAL, Ol `�. I. CITY OF ST. PAUL - J4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ; v -ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION .ZOO, yG v�. - v � CC�,7f�-yam✓ Id 1 4�0 oZ o 0 /o c1Covf"ul /J .1 J` c�a L< J� aa TOTAL, conn es.n. a-e a '11 I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 6F4'Jt4ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r Y ON PREITIMINARY ORDER IB) DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED A UATION ���: lf, 4.✓,_ .. :., t 4L /t V LU -4/ �C �✓ .-� 1�J� o.-�.If` �9>i2wl J'.:cytit /G 241 `s° � 4 .�81✓. jff 1,7'z.6 d' �OPM 9.9.1. 9'9 B TOTAL ' - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE k + ' - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V.AkUA ION a . - �U �� /�✓%/i�!!u4 ��ftila/,irt>ticll,�l/`.f�1ry� J� a 1100 Al I = a� s j-/ o ,) J` a o 6, `TgTAL _ - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ` REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ' DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATION. ! ad L Ko �s 4 �� 6 G�31L) ..w oti ��� �< 9�`l o a ad � .3 / ATO •�� o v ik 3 4°U 7-Z yAl all It 1 ' Z X X770' TOTAL. -, CITY OF`ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y, Y ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ) (B) ^ T DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSE ED' 1 �V •` -V� 3 ct/Z -7 vv �f _7 .7 ,7 J. 7 u all, 3 J ,k,, J� o d TOTAL, ..oclTY OF ST. PAUL REPORT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A` • Y( 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r (B) —._.. _._ DESCRIPTION _ __ -- LOT BLOGN AD D 171 O N - - __ S -- ESS py � Ate, -:IO J 1 H I; c� %"7 C 3 old �d TOTAL. rl CITY OFST. .PAUL 4/ DEPARTMENT ($F-FINANCE -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANOE w -� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (s) ASSESSED f' DESCRIPTIONADDITION X LOT,81.00K LyWFyj, n p la 7 S JkV 'o ci af G s' r, ff f�i�r ;yf Fad � yf • / wo ji sy i I I � TOTAL, CITY OPST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE --The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his' report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—iL..... 1���� ✓k�-.-------- .- Commissioner of Finance. roRM MS... 0.5 C i CITY CSAINT (PAWL DEPARTM OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. G,1'A�• COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DiPu?r C ... 1ss-- OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E -.— J. E. CARROLL. SIPT. C118TI UTIOR & RCPAIRS ALFRED JACKSON, SUPT. SARITATiON ' G. H, HERROLD, O,—. ERUI — .F Minn.H. W. GOETLINGER, SUPT. W— ... sE $t. Paul, MiJan. 12, 1915• Mr. M. N. Goes, - Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Marshall Ave. from W. line of Snelling Ave. to E. and of Marshall Ave. bridge, in accordance with Council File X3322, approved Jan. 7, 1915. Assessable frontage 14,491 ft. NOTE The first estimate is based on a 50 ft. roadway for the entire distance and the second estimate is baaed on a 40 £t. roadway from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave. and a 50 ft. roadway from S= Fairview Ave. to the E. end of the Marshall Ave. bridge. =10 OF PAVING [APPROXIMATE ESTILATE[COST PER FRONT FOOT Sandlime brick $181,778.36 12.55 CIO 164.965.41 11.38 Granite 179,031.08 12.36 If 162,472.23 11.21 Sandstone 160,258.00 11.06 " .. 145,435.50 10.04 32" Creosoted Block 141,942.80 9.79 do 128,814.30 8.86 Brick 132,327.32 9.13 if 120,088.17 8.26 Asphalt 115,843.64 7.99 " 105,129.09 7.26 Asphalt concrete 92,949.64 6.42 do 84.352.59 5.82 Asphalt macadam 82,876.28 5.72 do 75,250.93 5.19 Macadam 70,971.40 4.90 " 6411402.15 4.45 Concrete 83,792.04 5.78 " 76,041.99 5.25 Where house service connections are not in, add to coat of each -2 - lot: For sewer, either side of street s $45.90 For water, 3/4" N. side of street 29.00 46.00 For water, 374" S. side of street For gas, N. side of street 16.00 For gas, S. side of street 9.00 Resoeat-fully submitted, Chief Engineer. d Januar.X......_, ..........._............1915..,.. To the Coumissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conunissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, knowk as Council File No.....:_3322..:..:._.._approved _.... _ _Januar_ 7_. ..... .......... ...191.. FJ..:, relative to........the .....4.$.....14 r_ah.4.11_._AMP ..,...__from.:_V4.,....._1 .m....Q1 Sne.l..l_ing.._AVe,...... t4..._E.......end....of......_._... Marshall Ave. bri_dge_r_.............._.__..............._.........._....................._ _.................... ...... ............. ..... ..................... .__..._.._......_............_ .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............. ..... ... -necessary and (or) desirable. xxxx xxxx • _...., and 2. The estimated cost thereof is ....._.............................. and the total cost thereof is h__......_....-.-..........-_ the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __....._._ _ . �. .. _................... . ... _..................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............................... 4. ...... _............ _............. _ .............. _ ... _........... _.............................................. . 5. Said improvement is ......not... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1_ ..........._................... ...................... 2�m4oinuiissiouer of Public Wbrke. CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerkspffice _ -----------191.. Received of C' Clerk f; xn !rie gradft eat 9 from Edgertoplminaty Street to Payhfl AY4• nue bndar PrelO.rdpb 2408 In- ° / t tent4edfary rder a9a9r: F1f1h1TOrder $199. µ - ,: aPPrtiVed,`IH�etnbeY 2B' ]91L�,_.. :- _ .1 Resol eil,`�That the Dluns'gpecfflcatiofis and catlom"to. submitted by the Comrdla- - - toner f, Public Works f r' the above mod Improvemen, :. lba'and thus me are by uppr ed. Thnt ,the Purchnsl•�' -"' t solved "> rth-r, , - , t b rand hog is hereby ut'` u aced to advertta i thr P �A U L -'d 1 bd the City Chfirter f a--- 0y (''i) 3 r line f said Improver'.,o^ lea . Id pinus.. d P RESOLUTION is (A) 'fbat th d - . abzl 1 furnikb Rill lnbor ' 4�I biidVe ar the matter:;. t $yaalnth Street from Edgerton Street to Pmyne'Avenue under Preliminary Order 3406 Intermediary Order 3663 Final Order 3199 approved Deoember„33, 1914. A RESOLVED, That the plans,'specifications and estimates submitted by the. Commissioner of Public "Works for the above named improvement -be and the sgme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by -the City Charter for bids for the making of said Unprovement_ according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance r;ith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu theieof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or_all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be.of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public 'Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council MAR - 2-191 1914. Yeas ( ) Co cilmen ( ) Nays Yo g Fa 'sworth G s K ler M oil Nash Mr. Preside , P rs Approv Mayor _ PUBLISHED_;=-�1 J r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL REPOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the application of Geo. H. 6herman for a license to conduct a Male and Female employment agency be and it hereby is granted and the City.Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one yearImpon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee $151.00. C. F. No. 3983—By '"Coll— Resolved, That the application f Geo. H . Sherman for a license to nduct 't bfall le and Female employment agency -be 1 d it hereby is granted and the Cay - Clerk is Instructed to Issue such license ✓ for one year upon the tiling of the bond and tthe ee payment into the Ctty Treasury of the f Adopted by the Council March 3, 191b. Approved v(rch 4, 1915. iiarch 61916. Yeas (!') uneilmen (P) Nays F rnsworth ss In favor Her Coll _Against O ary Mr. Presiden , Powers ron,e c.e-z i ,adopted by the Council Approve 9S, - --- -- ._MAYOR: Ir' Request of Leri E. Lane a . Council file No.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the maltingof the following pul. lie il' - ovenlent by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _.Opening.z.. v�idenil�g__and._.extending .STef s..A17...Ave.........from..._a.ent.eT.....0 . Prior Ave to E. line of Cleveland Av _ _..._. Dated this.... 3rd_...._day of rah ___..... 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for%flie—ilrp4cing of the following improvement, viz. :....__.__.___..____...__.._ .. Opening.,._._widen_ing..._and.__extend ng.._J.e.f.1gro.pm....Ave......_.Px.oltt.__o_ent.er...._of....._...._._.._ Prior.._Ave to._ E _line, of.,_C.level.and Ave...... _ ...__... ! No. 3934 hereas, A w Itt ProPosal for the -. _.. .._. ... .Ing of thefolio Ing ltnp ovement. Opening. wlaening n d tending having been presented to the Cowl fer.on Ave. from Dente E PciorWicilulan...... ................. e. to E. ilne o4 Cleveland Ave., hav- g been Presented to the Oouneli�ofl therefore, be it a city f st. rain ther.fare, be u alved, That the Commissioner e' RESOLVED, That the Commisf,ic Work. be and he le hereby ri lie is hereby ordered and directed: eB To aInvdirected estigat0 the eces.lty 1. To investigate the necessit deslrabtutr of the making of laking of said improvement. provement. '�. To investigate the nature, 2 T twos igstocost of n a rim°f said improvement, and the total cost thereof. lated�t. nd the total coat sthereof' 3. To fill fl plfln, profile el' •To furnish •a plan, prr,nt. 2h of Bald ImPrOvemeet. -t. To furnish the following otb To furnish the fouawirl relative to said improvement: andinformation relntly ,ement. - , state whether.or ni .' .....__........._._..._.........._........................... ..... .........._........... ___..... ,nt Is asked ffor on i•......._............._......_........_......_.........._.............._.._........................_........_._....._..._.. mro awn.rs.' 5. To state whether or not said imj ic'rLt , P°R r l shed for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of tl Dreg ❑a ; attel•s to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted_b_y the Council._.................................................................191......... .__. yeas: Nays: Councilman F rnsworth If G s Approved.........- ...............__._._... ... / K ler hI oil Nash Mayor Poa rs Mayor. LISiiED�—� � Request of Den E. Lane Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.L and PRELIMINAR IRDER. 'file undersigned hereby proposes-the making the following public inl l eulent by the City of St. ratll, 41/..: O.P.eni?It.endi.lg:: erke.ley YQ......from....o..enter...Of.... Prior... Ave _t.o .w..._1ine of ..._ennetk�.._St_ __...::_ ......... ... ........_....... Dated this .3rd .....day of Mar.o.h._ i 5, Q Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREA1. A written proposal for the ranking of the following improvement; viz.: Qpe.ning.,_.wi.dening... and._..estendIng...Berkeley... Aye ..._.fr.am...aenter.....of........ Kenneth .. 1 C. F. No. 3935 makl,ieot'the foltowlnropnxul for the B g provemont... ...._.... .. ..... ---- --- -- - -'"-"--'- -""""" viz: OPening, tvidening and extending Berkeley avenue from center of Prior having been presented to t11C COUI -b-,',' n. to w. lellinan line of Kenneth at-- having ..............: been Presented to the Council of the ........_...__.._........._...........................__......_ City of $t. Paul therefore, be it therefore, be it Resolved. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he Is hereby or- derea dna directed: , is hereby ordered and directed RESOLV DD, That the Cotttmt 1 To Investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said 1. To investigate the necess�' " of said itnprovemeot. .rove Ligate;tha nature, ezteat '2 To investigate the nature) men alum tea cost of said Improve= Inprovement, and the total cost thereof. g ent, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, . profile or 3. To furnish a plan, profile ketch of said Improvement d. 'I'o furnish the I'olloa'iug q-is formation relativegto saldj to said improvement: - .. Pr vement. To state whather or not said lm- l sment Is asked for on the petition ._ .l ree or more owners. .._. _.. .......... .... ......._ .... ._._.... To report upon all of the Poro• 1 a. o state whether m• not saldlye&afters to the Commissioner of the petition of three of more owners. G. To report upon all of the fmRgotea by the Council March a, ones of Finance, MAR.i1ta`ec 4.3191" �'<7 1'v'; h la•1915 Adopted by the Council ....._....._._._..._.......... _._........... .-:... ...... 1JL Yeas: :- Na}s Councilman Part. worth Gos Approved..._....... _ ..._........ 9 .__. Kel r / Me oil b Nash Mayor Poi era fln3'ol'• Council` File No. ........ 3936 PROPOSAL FOR I1VfPROVEMENT. k 1 and i PRELnUNARY ORDER. The undersigned Hereby proposes the making of the following publi • mprovenient b e City of St. Paul, viz.: Conatruot..._a..._sewer..._on.._Snb?x1)an._.St_...... .....tu... a.r1....St..._..�t:...Hast.er..._St....... and Dated this 18t_ ---day of Councilman. - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..__aan8_trwlt_..a. .._S_t......_t.o.:...Hast.ax.._St.......and_..nn...ges.t.gr..St. from__Suburban . St_,....t0_X _Lean... St.. ........... o asac Ire A written proposal .for _ :, of the following improvement, re Earl 11; or on Suburban im Earl Stn to Heater St. and on , covin,* been presented to the Council of„r, street f om Suburban st to'linal........._................._.................._._._:.....__......._.-........1. 6 1 n St., having been presented to. Council of the Clty of St. Paul therefore, be it :Pore, be It olved. That the Commissioner.of a rdtr cted:a he is. hereby or- hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissionfleap To Inveatlsate the seoasmy for tof said im i ovement. 1. To investigate the necessity forealrnbmty or the making of ar p' ovemenL `�. To investigate the nature, estei To Investigate t ligate the nature, Q'•`d impl•ovtlllent, and the total cost thereof. e and the -total cost theiee.. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or skc To furnish a plan, -i. of said Improyemen; d. 'fn I'uruish the following other &!. furnlen the fol n relative to said improvement: �d Information re' r :m statat. . te whetIs eked e- ...... _............ _............................ _....... morn n. er:.. asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said improv 6. To report upon all of t�li�inr .bcA re, ,matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J Adopted by the Council. .............. .............................. ...... 191 'Yen-,: 'Nays Councilman Farn. v01-th Goss. Approved......_._. _... Kelle MCC 1 Nash ................................................... Mayor Pow s - z1 nyor. PUBLISHED Petition ty�y Council File No.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow' public improvement by the y of St. Paul, viz.: Canstruot.:.._sewer..._on..._L 4.nd....St..+ .:..rola:..A] dine.....S.L_..._t.o..... a.eler....Ave..., i in aocordance.., with at_taoh.e.d..._... :.. ... .......... - _.._... Dated this 2nd...._..day o P1IsToh...__.. _..._._. __ ...._.._...191..._@.. j - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVIIEREAS, A written pt!oposnl for the malting of the following improvement; viz.:_ C011s_tr11C.t.._ - sewer on Lafond St...from Aldine._St, _to. 47Yieejer Ave....,.....in...ac.o.nrdanca';= with .petition hereto attached_,._.,.. as, A a•rItton propos a l:for the _ of the following ImptovOment, .----- -- -- '- "'- �natruct a sewer on Lafond St. idine St. to Wheeler Ave., to naL. having been presented to the Council of these with petition hereto an ......................... ...... ..._._.........._........... ._..............; having been presented to the it f the'lC1tY of St. Paul Lhere therefore, be it be it olwo kshbe and heat`s herebvror ereb orderAd and directed: RESOLVED, That the Connnissioner�o: S' end directed: ,To inveattgate the ceseity Lor lsald improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for O), sh, 1,1nty of the making of said , 1 '2. TO investigate the nature, extent Kro inVeaLlBSte the nature, .extrr_ rovenieut, and the total cost thereof. �stlmated" coat of a id 1mn" and the tots l cost atberer %i. 'pit furnish a plan, profile or sketeY,ro' furnish a plan, In of said: Improvement. I. 'leo fill.jji, I the fol�nt\ring 011l Cl' flatlto furnish the follov.,ativ0 t0 9xld llliprev P711eI1t: Id Information re at nment, state forr. ' ... ... ..... x_nis asked u _.. ......__...... b r -ori vaon 5. To state whether or not said implvLd for on the petition of three or more owners. � ro •r,,, G. To report upon all of the foregoing mattefs ;,G the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........_M. Rtc�. ......—.. ................ 191___.- Yens: Nays Councilman Farr sworth J (loss Approved _........._.._ __.__.. .._._.._. ._...1....._.. / Kell (/Q MCC 1 y Nash ........... ... ......._.._.................... ._............ ��............' �°�.... Mayor Powe ) CC_2XRyoi7 PUBLISIED_ ' Request of, Deh E. Lane Council File No._....._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, eD and PRELIMINAXORDER.The undersigned hereby proposes the making of theprovement Uy the lty of St. Paul, Vl/... Gra. rig Stanfor3...pye..,.....�r.Am._.P.l.e.�rel eth St Dated this 3rd_ day of,,/ ... ,.ra.h_. _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHERFAS. A weillen lvoposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:__.. ....... ....__............... ... GradinStanford Ave. from Prior Ave.toQlevplad ..Am-.. .._..... .. . Wellesley Ave..._ from .._P...rlpr..Avo. t.p....Cl.e.ve.land._Ave.......and... lerkley..Ave.._ _. from Kenneth St. .to__Clevel.ana...Ave..., ........... F. No. 3938— .. ......... ._.__..._. eking of h written g . relfal f the kind of the Stanford Ave.ro emrior having been presented to the Council of t Grading Stanford e. from Prior Vin . .. ......: ...... ..__ ... .......__.; i riDh Cleveland [D Clevelnnde Ave: Av ad, therefore, be it ley ave. from Bonneth saa io -land Ave., having been presented'. RPSOL`iED, That the Commissioner oi' i C ubne e11 of the City of St. Paul reby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or; ,I—d. That the commissioner of ,lid improvement. g 3' Works be and he Is hereby or- 1 ,nd directed: 2. To investigate the nature, extent nn�. ' cinvestiof to he nece si{yfrr )vemeilt, and the total cost thereof. hollyo said 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of,�;" vcsngate the nature. exten• �d cost of said Improv, d. 'I'n Ilu•uish I.he following other data and'. oe total Dost thereof. said inlprovemeut „,ish a plan, profnc .,l improvement. .. :the following,;' ........................__._....................._.................__......,, relative-........._..._.................._..._.._.............____..._........._._......._._......._.. 5. To state whether m• not said improvement is ash or ncl ,,i the petition of three or more owners. er , 6. To report upon all of the, foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ._....._ MAR. ._-!�........G�...._5__....... .....1J1......._ Yens; Nays: +� Councilman Farl "worth GosApproved ..._____................ _. _ ___.. __.._.19 ....__. Kel r 14Ic oil Nash Mayor Po era � // Mayor. .I PUBLISI�D„3,o,�l �� Petition Council Wile No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMIENT. 3939 and -v PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followinpu� blit improvem by the Ciofof St. Yaill, viz.: Grade....a11e.Y..._ruining.._north_...a:.d._:.q.....th,.....ixz....D.1.Q.r:........�o_se.ring.'s._.................. Addition to Union Park,,,..in accord qe uvith__p _ition, hereto. a.... ...e.c . Dated this 8r4._._day of II&FQ17_. 191..._5.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the, making of the following improveulcut, viz.:.__Grade_._alley runninP7_. north .and ....south .._ n..._Bl.00k.._1..._L_P..Qe.z.?]g's._A.ddition....tA.....Union...Park. ne'. :lock ; having been presented to the Council of the Ci line" of "-` a.v'of.)uncilman._..........._..............._...._.__...._._..............._..........__..; ed, That the Commiselo therefore, be it turas be and he 1. here. .dnvestiigate the necessl(9 is herebyordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of ,bllltr of--the making of went, of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or 1)1¢ �.ed cost the nature, el the iotai cost to reof improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ist a P' Id au rovelmentprofl` 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of 6y dnh the fonowir . arma[lon relatl-. ,' y. 'I'o 1'nruish the r•ollowing other data anti.. hive to said improvement:_._.__._..._____.......___... v. better or , asked for onTe "oro own ere. .... upon all rt.._._......................._.._..._.._....._............ ................... �....._.._..................... :s to the Co 5. To state whether or not said im rover! 'he cot,"'dor on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the fm egging nlatLt;' ch a. Yoe Commissioner of Finance. MAR —3 iyi5 rah 33_I Adoptedby the Council........_..__.__._......._........_._..._..............lJl..__... Yeas: Nays: Councilman4Keller •th Approved........ .._....__.._...____..._.__..............._..19 .._.... Plash .................................................... . ............................\favor ) Mayor. PUBLISIED_ �-....F-3— / Council File No ...:.......................... a PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ^ 1 PRELIMINARY O R. ~ Tlic_undensigned hereby proposes the making of th ollowing pnblic iu Paul, viz.: Grade *de Street f ni Orchard StrDl .......... _ Tracka, _i.n_accordance .....w.i.. ..petition....hes ..o...a D:Ited this 3rd ... day o .... __... Maroh 5. ement by the City of St. to Railroad Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WI IM, EAS, A written proposal for the making ti the following improvement, viz.: _.._ ........... ._. Grade Ryde Street from Orchard Street to Railroad Tracks.sso-o— __.__.... ercae, A written proposal for the •ng of the following Improvement, Grade Ryde street from Orchard. ---------------- -- - "- ------ et to Railroad tracks, having been e en ted to the Councll of the Clty.� St: Paul therefore. be it .__._. eaolved, That the Commissioner oft 'le W.rhii be and he ie hereby and dlredted: having been presented to the Council of tl, to Investigate the necesafty for atl ' "' "'------- idrabillty of the making of said therefore, be it voement. - Investigate the nature, extent RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of oaa[na roti coat UnreopDrOVe reby ordered and directed: If furnish prove menrproaro 'said inn rr ]. To investigate the necessity for or cY' furnish the fouowing [ ovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent andme�tormauon relative i, improvement, and the total cost thereof. I state whether or :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o4.' I, Ino .k d o- f e 4-. To furnish the following other data Ana 's to tiort h" in relative to said improvement:.._.__. ... _. _..... _ _. _.. _.. _......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MQ�-°l.yI..J Adopted by the Council ............... ........... .. _.... 191 .... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fart worth „� Goss Approved._._...... ...._....._. ............._.. ] !11... Kell .1IcC 11 Nash ................................................................................................ Mayo • Pow rs 'Mayor. PIJBLISI�D.��� CITY OF ST. PAUL 3941 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT NCILUILO AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FCE No f 3941 "Y AUDITED PER 260 Resolved that warrants e drawn upon t ity Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds detailed in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts se t opposite their respective names as specified in the following e statement: 191 Yeas V Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Council Farnsworth V Goss In favor Ap e Keller McColl _.�,7_Against MAYO gLeary .......... Mr. President. Powers C F. NO. 3941— if That warrants n be drawn upon t of the the City Treasurer. paynble hereinafter specified fundsanti in -favor corporations f -r r ,,p,.rat1.. Of the persons, flans I� e Pe.t e the amounts set opposite th , respective nP.ea .s ap..Hb,d in e lell.wl.g de- talled-e tt, Corporate 'Zrr.sr.: Seh..l Fundi; Carregle Fuel Co., $GP0.16; Citizen's JCC Fuel CO., $I,386.85; N. W. -Fuel CO.. Adopted by the C.Ong1l Njarch 3, 1915. Approved March4, 11 1 8-1916) Corporate Purposes School Fund 9912 CaTnegie Fuel Co,,600.16'993.3 Citizen's Ice & U,, Co., 1.5b.14 9914 N. W. Fuel. Co., al School Fund, Total W CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL No.. 1,n OY_�.� �V TAED �.il'`i �_• IBI_ - PERM 229 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and or of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailedent: - d) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 - ~ Farnsworth Goss __Lln favor Keller Av p a McColl _Against O'Leary MAYOR Mr. President, Powers r 1 C. F. No. 3942— Resolved. Thut warrents be drawn upon he City Treasurer, payable out of the hereinafter: specified funds and 1. favor of the persons, firms or corporations 'f or -- the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified In the following de- -. tailed statement:- Corporate Purposes: Street Const, and Repair Fund-3faiht.: Jos. Saunders, 1 $16.50. Water Dept. Fund -Salaries: S. A. " - Farnsworth, Co.. of Finance, ¢.,5.7.^..70. Adoptedby the Council March 3, 1915. ' - Approved Mareh 4, 1915. (3larch 6-1915.) Corporate Purposes Vr Street Const. & Repair Fund-Maint. ((( �.. 9910 Jos. Saunders, 16.50 Mater Dept. Fund -Salaries 9911 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 12,552.10 Total r C TY OF SAINTPAU City Clerks Office - ....- j/- Re eived of C' Clerk k�. n the Alatter f n t g ti a a Ip 1 nald,,,in A ne f,.. the cc ter line l - f Walpole Street to a point 180 f.r'l' art"' je Prelim In ary Orl. 9,. e, 'I of O d 3510, approved •an Ile9• i - olved, That the plans, spccllea j es [Imntes submitted by tlte, Coni^ - of Public \i'orl,. far the d t pu ..improm vecnt be and snrt - ,aby approved. - j tesolved Further, That the Purpli f ant Ue and 'he Is hereby Guth C I'a direacea to nat�rusa m u;e tX'A U L - �videa by lite CItY Charter for b:'( ! onaking of sold Unprovcment, i - I�:C to aid plans and. 9peciHcath, N basis (A) That the bidder o tar shall furnish all labor an, - In the matter of oa `or said 1, ao a apaal,Br in Baldwin Avenue from. the That the bidder r contract said Improvement by f. `or°ceiving a percentage part°rm'ng tha a pint 180 feet north. -center line of Walpo: h meat or as, pint underPreliminaryOrder 3433, Intermediary Order Final Order 3510 approved January 35, 1915. RESOLVED, That the plans,'specifications and estimates submitted by the. Commissioner of Public works for, the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- , ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu theieof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bide be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Counoil for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council MAR=k� c 1914. Yeas ( ) Co 01" men ( ) Nays Fa rth Gos Ke er Mc 11 Nash Mr. President,, Pow rs I1 Appr .1 T, or pUBLIS:IP.D � � ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Citi Clerks Office C/ Re ived of Cityrk i C' r No InDth 'Matter f constructing ewer In <u Street from Brainerd 6t eat to Ivy Street, de Prell 1 y Ord r 2676, ".a, b der 3096, approved Feb- ���� rimy '$, 1910. Resolved, That the plrtns, specNcath' .and eatimn[es. submitted by the Commis- i stoner of Public Works toq aha above _ num ed improvement be and 19+e same are _ hereby approved. Resolved Further, That the Purchasing Agent be and be is hereby ,.th.,i.cd T Y O F S T. P A U L' and directed to advertise In tho nt cr provided by the City Charter for bids fore - the malting of said Improvement, ;,&Car-� - log to said pians. and specifications, COUNCIL RESOLUTION -,•he breis (A) Tin the bidder or c actor shall furnish all labor and r, _ ';' for anw k no a specified oonetruoting a sewer in Burr Street YTOm That the biddar r r tractor ' alto. said im provem ceiving n - " Brainerd Street to Ivy Street. under`Preliminary Order 8675 Intermediary Order' Final Order 3596 approved February 3, 1915. RESOLV.ED' That the plans, -specifications and estimates submitted by the• Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the agme are -hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertisein the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans. and specifications, on the basis.(A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said_improve- meit by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for'per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's -bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance vith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent, of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said. advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council MAR —3 ib 5 1914. Yeas ( )JGo rr n (" ) Nays h Nash Mr. President. Appr 1 —_ PUBLIS.�D CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerks Office 191 Received of City Clerk C R. N 3945— r— IIn the m;atter of.gr ding Mandela Street from Wells Street to rIary7and gt t � f' 6f jp u dar ltmin"' Order 7,724 Int me - t�� `$ diary Order 2781, Flnhl Order =4 -ap-i ' proved January 7, • 1976.' -Itasol •ed,' That the plans, aDeeide [lona -� i estlmntes'submitted by the C ts- ner f 1''ublte W rks far the be r n d impro�entent na and the s e. are ., °olved Further That the Pu haeing be and he Is b rebs tnoazad C I T Y. - 0 F S T. P A U L - cted 18 after['.. in th nner b the Clty Charter fo aWefor - d of aaid and sP eme t _e COUNCIL RESOLUTION - �'• d. plana nna apldde ti )f That. the badder `r ni t 11 lobo i< t ;4;Gyer' of grading Mendota Street from Wells Street_ to Maryland Street. under'Preliminary Order. 1774- ,,Intermediary Order 2781 Final Order 3334 approved January 7, 19 15. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by theth. Commissioner of'Public Works for the above named improvement be and de'same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied-sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance rith the plana and specifications in cage the bid is accepted, or in lieu theieof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The,said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bide be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise againand as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commiseioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings.thereon.- Adopted by the Council MAR -3 15 5 1914. Yeas ( l.Goa en ( ) Nays th /fDtf NashMr. President,. Approv MBLISTiEg;, „� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �t City Clerks Offic .......1916 Received of City Clerk ,�r P f i �a. F No. In theMatter f grading Burr street - from 11nlnerd Street to Ivy Street, un- 1 der Preliminary Order 2673, Final Order��� `} 3476' npproved January 19,'.1916. Reaotved That the -plans, specifIltlons " and estimates submitted by th Commis ' sioner oP Public Works for the above arced 1 p ovemc t be and the same ar 4 rebs aPp oyed. e406, +. lved P Cher, That the Purchasing be and he Is hereby outhoNzefl D F S T. P A U L t d to advertise in the d by tie City. Charter for bide for -- - zing of saidaltmprovemGnt, ac ord- w pmts d epeoldeauer` CIL RESOLUTION „1 ') That. thea pec tic i - V ' In the grading Burr Street from Brainerd Street ' -- l to -'Ivy Street under Preliminary Order 3073 Intermediary Order Final Larder 3476 approved January 19, 1915 RESOLVER, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the,.Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the'making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- trac* or shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fi'gA sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- raent by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for.per- ,forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing. Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent.",Qf the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance vith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the.amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any,or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the.Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings- thereon. Adopted by the Coun it MAR —3 19'5 1914. Yeas,( ) cc ilmen ( ) Nays ar sworth Goa Kea ex MCC 11 Nash Lor. President,. Pow rs Appr , Mayor . PUBI:ESEiED No. 3A6'+ Ordlna a No.' 3397— Louts ;Nadi— '- `^ '1 :11nan—No :entitlordlnan 3033 -1dhiance n ridingg Ordfpance. No.. L3, ntltled An dlnanoe' regulat- „ theerection I" d'.'maintenanoe of prUvtdlnR ll easo fees, there- - and.pr hlblting ;the erection of ` 3 9 except by licensed sign -hang-' ' IIs '&rII d d by OrdinnnceNo. 2 enittled An a to amend ed 'An grdF oe-regalatla6'.-a"thaSerectlos-and v[enance of signs iprovidfag-ll - `� a fees Yh efor, 'nnd prohtby,I / `. ^rection of signs except by I '1 eign haneers,' approved , r 23rd 19111' w ' c11 of the City ofRf. dal 3c�,' smnoxrrdiianoe amending Ordinance No. 3023, entitled "An ordinance regulating the erection and maintenance of sig4k, provid- ing license fees therefor, and prohibiting the erection of signs except by licensed sign -hangers," as amended by Ordinance No. 3032, entitled "An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3023, entitled 'An ordinance regulating the erectionjand maintenance of signs, providing `. license fees therefor, and prohibiting the erection of signs except by licensed sign -hangers,' approved December 23rd, 1911.11 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3023 entitled "An ordinance regulating the erection and maintenance of sign's, providing license fees therefor, and prohibiting the erection of signs, except by li- censed sign -hangers," as amended by Ordinance No: 3032, entitled *An - ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3023, entitled 'An ordinance regulat- ing the erection and maintenance of signs, providing license fees therefor, and prohibiting the erection of signs except by licensed sign -hangers,' approved December 23rd, 1911," be and the same is hereby k amended by striking out the words "Commissioner of Public Yorks" where- r ver they occur or are found, and inserting in lieu thereof the words R "Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council 49-1915. Yeas, Nays, Mr. Farnsworth Goss KellerNash �t Yoerg PUBLISHEII_,�`� Ways, -TTE Mr. President (Powers) s r. ✓pyN'� RI Fe Approved 1915. Asa c � ., AW An ordinance prohibiting the location of old hoses in residence districts. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY Of ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sde44on 1. It shall be and is hereby declared to be unlaw- ful to move any old house from any place on to any lot or lots in any block in any residence district of the City of St. Paul in which.block residences are already constructed or are in process of construction; provided, however, that if the person desiring to remove any -old house into the aforesaid prohibited territory, secures and files with'the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings the consent In writing of two-thirds of the owners of the residences already con- atructed or in process of construction on both sides of,?the street in the block in which it is proposed to locate such building, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public. Buildings may issue a permit authorizing such location; provided further, that in lieu of the consent of the property owners above provided for, the said Commissioner may, issue such permit when directed to do so by a resolution of the Council .-b� +hors Section 3. The word "block" as used in this oidinanee shall be construed to mean the lots to half the depth of the platted block on both sides of the street, between the nearest intersecting streets. Section 3. Any person violating any of the,?rovisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars 0"100. 0) or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Adopted by the Counoll........... .............. ..........:............................. 191 Adopted by the CounolL..................................................................191 YEAS. NAYS. YEAS. A NAYS, MR. FARNSW,O/RTH a MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS GOSS O KELLER KELLER SVicCOLL � � McCOLL (, 'f /NASHI H YOERG V ' V�ERG 1`AYs, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) U u`kYs, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) COUNCIL FILE N0. BY FINAL ORDER. In the Alatter of c 4:.:-a ' a z = 1 tdin _.. ander Preliminary Order �/�- . approved _ _C C i '3_' 2 2_.,3, i 14._ Intermediary Order�fJ j • approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of. improvement = — _. h.. rho said (:iSv i.e � — - _ -. _... ,-, ,�. n � - .. . �. ___. _,_ __ .. _:11._ Pave South Smith Avenue to the width of 40 feet, from the south end of the High Bridge, so-called, to Annapolis St., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complettr" where not already made, also alley and driveway approaches anti also curbing where not already in. , Material to be used to be W long leaf yellow pine creosote wood blocks on a concrete foundation, except on that part of said South Smith Avenue betweggn Annapolis St. and Winona St., and between King St. and George St.,'Which shall be sandstone paving blocks on a concrete foundation. of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council�- Approved ......__ __ ✓ V Councilman Fra swort Go fKel r ii}bIC OII (0 9 MaVro rs Form B. S. A. 8.7 191 .. / eperty Knee' -ready made. and Driveway Ap- "• Prel lm(nary -Order 3Deosmber 2`Lnd. 1014, ' - y Order 3607. 1 at having been had h the bove improvement upon due and the Cbuncll having heard y'saps%, bleetlons and recommPn- 1 coneldered the Pesame; n therefore Ived, By"the Council of the City Paul that the precise nature, ex - ted kind of Improvement to be I b}' the said Gity is Pave South: Avenue to the width of 40 feet. the south end or the High Bridge, Iled. to Annapolis St..' including r.water and gas co ne tions from t on to Property lines o I. where not already made, also al anddriveway approaches, and at - Ding where not already in. M 'al to be cred oo bn 31 - long 1t, low a in s to d blocks r tc foundatin. xc pt on t rt not said South Smith Avenue Annapolis St. and Win— id �betiveen King St. and G• which shall be sandstone P lacks on a concrete fop^d+"' • e`—retl hereby ord,' -I A eat to be made. Tb City _ ........ ... .... ......._. Mayor. PUBLISHED /, A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - s� REPORT OF COMMI�SSIONEFi •OF FINANCE ON PRELINARY ORDER In the Matter of — 1_-..- �:1�- �✓ under Preliminary Order approved---[J.zL_.---.�K... ..-.. --Z1 ,V------------------__........--------------_-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ASSESSED -VALUATION KIND OF PAVEMENT APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE I COST PER FRONT FOOT- Sandlime Brick $43,058.64 $9.35 Granite 42,368.52 6.25 Sandstone 37,652.70 5.55 3-E" Creosoted Block —33,051,90 4.87_ Brick. 30,636.48 4.52 Asphalt 26,495.76 3.91 Asphalt concrete 20,744.76 3.06 Asphalt Macadam 18,214.32 2.69 Macadam 15.,223.80 2.24 Concrete 18.444.36 2.72 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the, Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED -VALUATION ? -k 46 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED -VALUATION ? -k 'Z.z s-. CIO, �� s TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Or FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE�61 NARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA�UQTIQN^ 3\ �q L'� .t � � oi.1 -i� ��(i/T�iJG�IF�✓ (��GCIJ+�?c�/r / o a r.. 2.7 7� ��/a �(/T/✓/ �� / c��i i °Z-61 o u- AZo o 0 A, 46� ZJ o rJ el G � _ At /z d� cYd K U ✓` TOTAL, B. S.A. B -O B. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - I. .[ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER-OF FINANCE - ON PRELIN4NARY ORDER (6) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VAJ17 7",� ✓ 9 �j /O�f/ ell �G� Q( 1Zlf/✓ VI oto" .�fp� l ��i �� 14 oy all, zCN a "� G .ZG a oCy G' 17�PJS j ,Z, ald .. TOTAL. IOHM B.B.A. 00 B - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF.COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE "� ! ON PRELI!%NARY ORDER DESCRIPTION v L d —z fz LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA O �✓ l0 //��lcl u O % �l(99rsclatu+t'K i °'L� J c� y ell" I � Z d� Lill / TOTAL. CITY OF ST_ PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ° ^ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED !BLOCKDESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION gak i10�4�Qf— r D l � a2 JAG r 5 r -. aI a �! 41/� ` �,- �/ S of � / ✓ L�L U Yv FORM B.S.A. 9-9 8 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ► e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 0 � rr�A. Q�iw/ dri C44 Ke/ .T 0,fc% or 17 c 1 Z . flwtc�." °rb o,z < lel/. 1(; L o/ �31�L�, �r�ir� �r✓��ia,c ,. 'L; �4'1VL lc (oo ��P �� �(/a��ir / ar� v 1� �(J�T z�0 /�/ a►�` 1YlGcaniH k c r�i�;�40�p �4 �✓% U . eLJ dcoe,, Ql r r✓.. �n C �• ` ' i ; y - S s fy QdQM1(��y 4�w�� 4 1 a° �' ys TOTAL, ASSESSED ,vA�UATId` O�1,- JS v '1fll- u ,,7,) YJ` CITY OF ST. PAUL ., DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. e REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALU TION 97 u� 1 h n )� G-7�w� d "yfCitru�.I �%C��/7. � �/�t �d J -a �f0 � � P(•lb /7 � � /! _ sa •jam o aG G d D�/OHO 41 � ta��ll �1 U 1,2 C "y 6-1' z G J.z s" .j /dr -1 o 9 lz d d a .. TOTAL. FORM B.B.A. 5 B - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -' - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO�a - az,* G.Z.u:: ;211 u /J j' J'/ to .r/ �7 rk Y� .. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE w REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - fC) DESCRIPTION _ - LOT BLOCK 1 IADD I TI ON ASSESSED VALUATION oZ).O 9J� u-- 1 Z�1f/4..( GCc � .L JAG 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, v and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. X Dated--------- --------------------------191 J// �!%:_� /C.'llizie LZfly!_f. (_!_.........-----._.... Commissioner of Finance. FORM 9.5- 8-3 C 24 r PIONEER PRESS CO. A r Lac S, PwuL. MIKK. 1;8__un mU • nr r _(� dA T C©UITCII T Y. r 4 Ne, the _underpigned,- owners -of_-he _proerty abuttin s _421 smith_Avenue_from Annapolis St. to the High Bridge, do hereby, _ ---- e r -1 -ti -tion -your Honorable Body to cause sai.fl_avenue t� ba-paved— r _ %b0tmver,_the points above mentioned. OWITER m ADD TION — y x 9 14 IF. -. CJ' . �i"', 'eaf-" �� .,rG•�--rr p"', � � i li 171 .10 21 •.2 ', ,c71tOmG�'.d �i��'� � /,tel .s � � �i� 23 Al 24 t� 'b _ O 0. 271-—`—::lr�,_C!.Ge..l'.•.l.`�_ P 29 30 DE --- - d _ te. BUREAU -NE 5, 31 8 A ; G T I ( (. i i q DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 6, 1915. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of South Smith Ave. from the south end of the High Bridge to Annapolis St., in accordance with Council File #3173, approved Dec. 22, 1914 Assessable frontage 6,780 ft. St. Ry. Co. portion 7,611 sq. yds. not included. KIND OF PAVING JAPPRO%IMATE ESTIIIATEICOST PE: FRONT FOOT u� Sandlime brick $43 017.48 ;',6.37 Granite 42;327.36 6.24 Sandstone 37;611.54 5.55 32,-" Creosoted Block 331010.74 4.87 Brick 301595.32 4.51 Asphalt 26;454.60 3.89 Asphalt concrete 20;703.60 3.06 Asphalt macadam 18,173.16 2.68 Macadam 15;182.64 2.23. Concrete 18,403.20 2.72. Where curb is not in, add 46¢ to above cost.per front foot for cement curb to be constructed. Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot; For sewer, either side of street $27.90 For water. 314" W. side of street $21.00 For water, 374" E. aide of street 35.00 Per gas W. side of street 9.00 For gas E. side of street 5.00 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January. _ 6. �._ ......._...1915.... To the Commissioner of finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, luiving had under consideration the prehoiivary Order of the Com'- cil, knowli as Council file No.. 8173 approved_.. December 22 x...197._5..., relative to the........._ cost of paving South Smith Ave. from the south end of the High ................... ........... ......_ ......... ... ._......... ....... ..... __....... Bridge to Annapolis St. _.... ............ ._........__. slid having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Saul improvement is._..._.........._....necessary and (or) desirable. XXXXX XXXXX __„....., 2. The estimated cost thereof is .._...._.._..........___..., :lint the total cost thereof as �.__....____...__.___. and the nature sad extent of said improvement is as follows: __.. _..._.... __.. ._._....__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. IN 5. Said improvement is .... .......... ........_..._.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �'ori.- uu of YPublicc Works..... ._.._... _ 9rs LA -.u. ��-'c.r�..,s;..4_G. y�.�`-3- ri� .cc.•u<�<-P.- �%x` �'�� �MI3 . alic wok ..i� �•.(ic.C�cG..0{, /�ct. /" :2 %L4'+.Ii-Y-c., ., ,LC2(. � � .ALL„�,� - �� '�.0 %!/ 1�, j / I G' _.6. ^�. /.. rC d.'. -Y V � :GL!-/� �.ti �` �C• : r r : C `F• ..+i(/'.(tiC (� � ' ti �%%'%f�-'L L f /'.✓ ' .. L!'_?'G--f.o-: cam` � ?.!-ac �-Via.-'/- `-' CG�c•c ¢ ,�Y: { d...(� � � i- ".J,� G �'�-- v r IZJ.-�..aa,C�.... C• -<-<£l .(�-yi. _.LG-=G,�Gr�--•'f_. ,¢c-.."�_.�t< f( CG /-n-:._. _ '� ��J�}� rN*"l Fx//--0>'r� -. � � �-��� _A —zi lC. `G �Z'�'"�.r �i�� rct-Cf.rJ -. d7�-U � u:'"/ �e-t v` P'DG-�(('✓,'/iib_l+"`_ _ �rit✓� ri�u /gyp r; s �"� Grr-, c..-, r� f � L ��y � e-.-� C e _c_� � _ r -=— r f ✓fir ✓ / L5 r. <�•c a z � !� t 1 2-2f— _ y , A r�.-9^�.rl C.�a G�,.n.LJ Q'Y�V f--�'9'K•�n-�^!..-i,_..Y.,I.;!;t.G_-i' r i r- i \ \ i �:-:-rte,'^•-�.� ; .. 7 /,� 12 l�, / eon` A 1, 0 " p � L�K-O� � 717 g 6 � , / I 0 J. KDO A. !""" t "t °"D A.TMKoors Brothers Go. 7-U MODEL MANUFACTURING CO. B EM I DJJ INCORPORATED) v MANUACTURERS AND JOBBERS ICE CREAM, BAKERY GOODS CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS AND FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES RtFfRtNO�ee� Y o n1w?e.cPrvorve ,xe Ary„etAotrv.e. Bemidji, Minnesota Deo. 3, 1914. Mr. F. Wilkinson, v 412 W. Wyoming Str., 8t. Paul, Mdrin. Your letter of recent date. You may place my name on year petition as against paving Smith Ave. Many thanks for calling my attention to this. F1K—W ", { � .� >��;�! i-Cu.✓la�Lrwv-� � � � c:7t ctu cc 2-- Z 1 y /�� n �. /A+ A6.ec.w✓tT co-�_ etc �r (� 7, ILI �z Va� T �oj' p tttt ' �` '��� Ste— — — ���t..CLl1��G.-����•/'G-e.���--��� °° �� be pavedS &2lt4;k. '±�V wit7h. SANDSTON PAVING B - -- -- -------- NAM DiISCRIFTIGV FRONTAGE 6 14J J S-0 to rt2 JV -1 J, J TOTAL, FEET FRONTAGE On Smith Ave. Cherokee to Annapolis 6739 Frontage ovpned by non residents 940 5799 necessary fog• a majority 2899 Signed for Sandstone as per 3089 feet attached petition. COMION gOV, j CITY.. Gentle me I: it ie Bmith -Avanue-fro-m-Annapolis-1a -the High we the underei ned, propertyowners _property On said Avenue described opposite our nameE RRP/ nue be raved with CREOSOTED WOOD PAVINGBLO Ks.,.— NAMS DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE 57 4 _J71 17 221 �7 1 e- e.se.,A. �. Yr. JOHN DALE,Praeldeel Yr. EDBARO PAUL 00T Yr. AOPPER, RearelerY Y, Ylos Preddenl oi--'(tlq( Miptl. Yr. N. B. WHITACRE, Treasurer l e ELIZABETH RYITH, BuPerinrandonr Yia— 041, r=iz�]..-U<l ,_•�, +.; -. 7i1"•. ��. ..� (1 :':zlr „t` 1 ., - n .. ,-'-F . vn. �•; 3+.h V, ,l o a + nc +i, c• L'1 v+r -,� r� +ham n:,zri �t..�uke's�ns�itttt. f COR, BNI M VC. ANyD BM6RNIIN BT. '- - ' ql. JOHN OIILE. Prold.11 Mr. PAUL NNrr, vloB P.uld..t Ja tv 22nd.,- 191 Mr. EONNNO NOPPEN, U.Mary - �`jI. (ilp1. �3r1t1., — Mr: R. N. WHITGONE, 71... M, MGs 1111111110 6MI111, 811"^fondant - �ON r, Goss, Co^m?iss9or.nr "A. Pltihli.c Giorks, ne9aFGQ n. � s ogles leP" Si. hos ira-ividuel pr'o no rtv owliet, or Smith Averue, I e";ish to si.i-,t.e that I ani ir. favor ^f ^avi,np, Smith Avenv"e �,ave�� to Its full r-idth, ar? lc, lot to r:n.. thc, s+.z Qt, ,.::. c,:,c>r::. Unl,,r n0 �7.r �'.raS, t.a„�hs, ;:; �,'v P.r, r?n i -e. -i. ^.h the navi»!' a� RMI - -P Ids _ *950 f i COUNCIL FILE NCA .SQ5'0 By i .J / J FINAL ORDER. - Iq tt}e Diatte! of r > 3 �. Lf 01 0_. __ ^^ '7 under Preliminary Order apprdved Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having, heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement be-mada.bu_t11e-said._City isPave North North Smith Avenue to the width o3 32 feet, from College dive. ,z to the north end of the High Bridge, so_ -called, including sewer,;: water.`. and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete,; w2lere not already made, also all alley and driveway approaches, and also, curbing where not already in. Material to be used to be 32" long leaf yellow pine creosote wood blocks on a concrete faundation,; except that portion between the south line of West Sixth St. and College Avenue, which is to be paved with sandstone paving blocks on a concrete foundaq tori The street intersections of Fourth St., Fifth St., Sixth St.,, Seventh St. and Ramsey St., already paved, are not included in this oxdelr _ . Adopted by the Council ._ __ _�///d ✓�- 191 f Approved ...._........ __.. __. _., 191 ._.. Councilman Fa nsworth G s K ler M oil Yoe g Mayor Pow s Form B. S. A. 8-7 111.1: 11 i or, I as eau:..' 1, By the Council o. ci., —, t'.bl that the precise nature, ex I kind of Improvement to be vthe .tot el width of 32 feet, venue to •oll ege Ave. to the north end of: ;h Bridge, so-called, in cludlog' water and gas connections from. a� pine creosote wood blocks on -a to foundation, except that par- between the south line of West St. and College Avenue, whichis to paved with sandstone paving s on a concrete foundation. The tintersections of Fourth St.. I;L, Sixth .St., Seventh St. and a y St., already paved, are not In- d In this order, and the Council V order. said improvement to be ,Ived Further. That the C pmrI,_ of Public Works be and he he instructed and directed to pre-' �4l and Deciflcatio.. fr Bald ant• and submit same toothe ` for approval; that upon tithe 1, the prober c1th-offlcera arel thorized and directed'tro pro - h the making of sald,)mprove-' rc.rd.ne. therewith. ' 1 by the Council March 3. ed March 6, 1916. (March 13-1916). Mayor. CITY OF Sr. PAUL 40 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' In the Matter of ?? 77 x under Preliminary Order approved ...... –.------------------- ---------------------- --,,--_—.---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is — — KIND OF )SAVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE COST Pel FRONT FUM,— Sandlime brick $64,505.14 8.49: Granite 63,500.33 8.35 Sedstone 56,634.05 7.45 3z" Creosoted Block - 49,935.25 6.57 Brick 46,418.38 6.11/ Asphalt 40,389.46 5.3 Asphalt Concrete 33,015.96 4.21 Asphalt madadam 28,331.63 3.73 Macadam 23,977.40 3.15 ;Concrete 3.77 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: T .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .71 O p �� a w e -n n AL - TOTAL. 7 - _ CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. ✓ _ ) -- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -_...: -. ..... - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A DITION - ASSESSED VALUA N �J oituy ✓�` �a �U �.a ci ap 13� U v 77 4� � J cd /,Z � s• o . rosw.es.w. a-ee •. -.,-. .. .._ . -.. TOTAL. - �Z•_ O :./•, - .__ CITY OF ST. PAUL J DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE_ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B3 y ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1a �>� cn}/ U s� SCI 3` o 'All Cly �%a 3` J`U 4y/dam mac/ V�!/l�tliJj 0 �l o u -Z J`u TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER cB> DESC R I PT I ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO Q.1 f� y Al .. TOTAL. IORM e.9.A. 8-9 B G is, �y Gl C�ja 0 lVr�'clJ�/f / /p �O �C oa q�, all �4� /�/���R�� /.i � iaL'} lrJ� (pyL��IGI�� --• d���J'`aroo liyr�L/y� d O c� s` J` .. TOTAL. IORM e.9.A. 8-9 B G is, . Jt CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED LOT OCK ADDITION yq; UAy1ON A DESCRIPTION YA GO._f'(/`_ D, Lw, dd'lvi, aZJ�v u Az � S�J �o ✓�J�� S s`J 1410, 1 J q2 f. ��a11� yea J's- aQQ� y J Y o U aaa TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF�COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .. _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ,� U %� /foo u /G- /✓iid„� l�3'c,..L� k'c�a/h�` ���-'•hof"/ � 0 ronin S.S.A. a -e e TOTAL. G J�� �����D�� u 7Go oQa � �/Gf� TOTAL. CITY OF ST'. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAL�U'g7rIO7N Marr% �/ .I C�iiy rev�wr.r�ri ,z y o 0 -ell -Z f.Z o ,KY�^✓fL Z q' /�/�i� -� � %� �,� � I%��% JOU R", -- � z yam. 5• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---. -------------- -- --------------191J.. =--- ----- -- ----.. --- ------- ----- -- ---------------- - Commissioner of Finance. FORM O. S.A. B�D C DEPARTIMT OF 'k=IC MW S St. Paul, Minn. Jan.- 6,_ 1915. i ,Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir,- s I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of North Smith Ave. from College Ave. to the north end of the High Bridge, in accordance with Council File #31802 approved Dec. 220 1914. Assessable frontage 7,602 ft. KIND OF PAVING (APPROXIMATE ESTIMATEICOST PER FRONT FOOT 'z 9, ,9 Sandlime brick 064;476.95 $8.48 Granite 63,471.13 8.35 Sandstone 56;604.86 7.45 Creosoted Block 49,906.06 (6:57 Brick 46,389:19 x.10 Asphalt 40,360.27 5.31 Asphalt concrete 31;986.77 4.21 Asphalt macadam 28,302:43 3.73 Macadam 23;948.21 3.15 Concrete 28,637.37 3.77 Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot; - For sewer, either side of street 031.50 For water, 3/4" E. side of street $21.00 For water, 314" W. side of street 35.00 For gas; E. side of street 010.00 For gas, W. side of street 5.00 Respectfully submitted, "Chief Engineer. e 1 Saint YauleMinnesota, Lir, M. B. Goes. Comc.losionor of Public Works, September 88th, 1914, St,Paul.Uinn, Sir; Your attention is invited to a petition which was presented'te the Common Council City of St,Paul for the cawing Of Smith Avenue, from Vest Sixth 9tr-et to Ramsey fitroot with creosoted blocks, This ,petition being signed by the majority of property owners, I most resive-fully request that you take nisch stens at this time �s will b•�ino the matt(?r before the Council with a view to carry out the wishes of the petitioners. Will furnish a new petition if required. Hoping this will meet with ;;our faterable and early eatAdtaration. I remain, Yours respectfully,{ MIMIL'U'EM 0 DEC 231914 BUREAU Of LiiGINEERS, a i int ?aul, .:inrc -ota i? ; 24th, 1913 To the donor'.bl:' board of :i1b11C "or;_s; -- ..e, the undcrsi neo, on-ners of property along the line of Smith Avenue, from the south side of Tcst Sixth Street to the north side of ,lest 7th Street, do hereby respectfully petition your honvrhble body to have said st-,cet paved with from hd be;t con said_oints-�Ca i-bet::een WalntLt and Siiez!i',n Str; ct, to be paved with four-inch crcosotcd blocks:- /� Pronta eel = teat v f I 0 �e1- wry, • / �-o _ - � LL., d'N�-�L. %%Lt! Z�jL , � � b �ZL i jr• Cf�L��.. •(O-..0:._ 31914 / o )v 17Z, LAG `4 �ji 4f '�REAU Ur- ow cc.00/ _ r yt r. -€- PL,Fc�,- � s �� Gentlemen: - The undersigned property owners upon petitioning for paving Smith Ave., did so with the idea that its present width of t road -bed of forty feet more or less be naintained, in other words at its present width from curb to curb instead of thirty two feet as now _proposed. We find for good and valuable reasons that such change E of width would be most undesirable and impracticable and therefore respectfully request that the said road-bed,particularly between Sixth Street and College Ave.remain at the width as originally' i established viz; forty feetI%y� --- ?i- - - - - - - - - - Lo atior. -- /----?�u----mb eget--- ame 77 {.7 I 3. IRs a St.Paul,".inn., July 15, 1915 COImISSIO'nER OF PUBLIC WOM ENGI NEERI NG DEPART;BENT Gentlemen: - The undersigned property owners upon petitioning for paving Smith Ave., did so with the idea that its present width of t road -bed of forty feet more or less be naintained, in other words at its present width from curb to curb instead of thirty two feet as now _proposed. We find for good and valuable reasons that such change E of width would be most undesirable and impracticable and therefore respectfully request that the said road-bed,particularly between Sixth Street and College Ave.remain at the width as originally' i established viz; forty feetI%y� --- ?i- - - - - - - - - - Lo atior. -- /----?�u----mb eget--- ame 77 {.7 I St.Paul,'Sinn.,July lo, 1915 C01MISSIONER OF PUBLIC WOPES E21GI iEERIlIG DEPARV E1TT Gentlemen: - The undersigned 'property owners upon petitioning for paving Smith Ave. did so with the idea that its present ' width of road -bed of forty feet more or less be maintained, in, other words at its '-,resent ^i 't from turn to curb instead of thirty -tiro feet as noir proposed. 1?e _find fo= good and valuable reasons that such change of width would be most undesirable and impracticable and therefore resp ctfully repuest that said road -bed between ThirdIyw ' Sts remain at -cho width as originally estab- lished viz; forty feet�°�`�� :lame Location :umber Feet Its St.Paul,Mina.j% July l$b 193o COMMSTONER OF PEIffi,I C WOM ENQINF.EffiNa TfSP�RI'ME,}NT.. Gantlsment The undersigned property owners upon petitioning for paving Smith Ave. did so with the idea that its present t width of road -bad of forty feet more or less be maintained., in other words at its present width from ouib to =zb instead of thirty -two feet as- now- Proposed. We find for good and veluable reasons that such change of width would be most undesirable and impracticable and therefore resneot. request that the said roadbed between Third and S.event Streets xemein at the width as, Qld&- inally established viz; forty feet. - -Name - - - - - - - - - Location - - - - -number of feet �s Lz-c �� f� St.Paul,?Sinn., July 16, 1916 COtII;TISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS MIGINEERING DEPART IE T. Gentlemen:- The�`undersiezned _ rc; ert 07^_er uper etitionin for paving Smith Ave. did so with the idea that its present width of road -bed of forty feet more or lose be maintained, in other words at its 5Dresen-t width from curb to curb instead of thirty -'moo feet as now proposed. We find for good and valuable reasons that such change of width would be most undesirable and impracticable and therefore respectfully request that the said road -bed between Third and Seventh Streets remain at the width as orig-- inally established viz; forty feet,, � y4 -- (L -X-4- '7 Location_ i. Tum. of feet �� CLWT-� � .. ` V ,�L :�IJY V/'LV^VG(�r/�F /". �'/"�) /�� N�+:.'�t•-`+' . 40 1. T j I St.P=lMInn.. July 3.6, 1916 CMnaSSjONER OF PE38LIC MMS MIGIVEMNG DEPARTHM Gentlemen%— The undersigned property 0VM6TP- urOn Petitioning fOT paving Smith Ave. die, 13o with the Idea that its present width of road bed of forty feet more or less be maintained;' in other words at, its present width from curb to curb instead of thirty -t" feet as noir proposed. To find for good and valuable reasons that such change of width would be most undesirable and Impra*ticable and Mratere respectfully request that the said road6-bed between Third and Seventh Streets remain at the width as !r'g- inally established viz; forty set - -- - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lo -cat -ion- Number of foot 0 -1Z N� laKn.140- fc9 7! M:l t, N MN� st.raul,mlnn., July lea, 19101, COMMSSIOM-or PMTC MMS MIGMEMNO EEPARTLIEMTw Gentlemen: - The under.-Agnsd !)ro�zorty ownern upon petitioning for paving Smith Ave. di'l so with the Idea that its present width of road -bed of forty feet more or less be zaalntained,, IU OVICT VOWS at ItO PTOGOnt 71dth from curb to ouzb Instead Of thirty -tTO feet as nom? proposed. TO find 'for good and valuable reasons that such change of width would be most undesirable mid impracticable and therefore VOOP69tfully request that the said road -god bets ean Third and kemain at the width as orig- inally astabllOod viz; forty feet. - - - - ----- - - - - - - - - ..- -- - - - - - - - - Raw Location Number of feet Y The undersigned, oansre of :roperty fronting end abutting on Smith avenue, bet -ween College avenue -.nd t'ie High 3ridge.., petition your, honorable body to c :.se said street to be pavea�'.ith creosoted ,vood blocks in accordance aith.the plans.ar_�:1 s. ecifications of the City En`in er. 1LUIE DESCRIPTIO:T O, P LOPCnTY. L.l .'� +�i�%f....lPf .1'lneY' a'ix'��. I^✓t LTi —W v `.&44" �1_1'. --- �z r ,� The undersigned, owners of property fronting and abutting on Smith Avenue, between College Avenue and the High Bridge, petition your honorable body to cause said street to be paved with creosoted wood blocks in ¢ocordanoe With the plans and epeoifioations of the City Engineer. E'er MORiPTION OF PROPERTY. 6,- To the Common.Council of the City of St.Pa!1: The undersigned, O4Vnere of -property fronting, and abutting on Smith Avenue, bat--,:aen College Avenue and the High Bridge, favor the use of creosoted blocksin. case s;��id street is ordered Waved. NAJHE DESCR PTTO�j Or--^P-RTY. y'. FREDERICK W.CAPPELEN,M.AM. SOCCE. . Tt � dl i ,. ® ►y p ;CITY GIR. ENGINEER. ELLISTTON, A55r Clry Eno nceR LI y 1} s 26th, 1915. CITY HALL, MINNEAPOLIS 5,UBJECT M Mr. W. P. Cookey, c/o Piedmont Apartments, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - I Replying to yours of the 25th inst., I beg to state that in my opinion creosoted wood block pavement is the best pavement you can put in, as a general propo- sition, as I am not able to answer your question as far as Smith Avenue is concerned, because I don't know anything about it. 10th Street in this city was the first street to be paved with creosoted wood blocks, in 1902, and this street is in very good condition today. In that year 13616 square yards were laid, and today we have a total of 1434536 square yards - which shows how popular this pavement is. A Youretrnly, FWC-GAR City Engineer. t t4�c, i �Alt V �1 I , ANTHONY YOEHG LANG. cON nissiO nEn C see uiutenoeni M�E&Em ��(`�1IMz BUREAU OF L, M ISCHOOLS 1 j 1 ISAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA J�,IU{ V DSC 151914 December 17, 1914 �. GOSS. CtlffiMISSttlNER of PUBLIC WUnKS Hon. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: The enclosed letter from Mise Lilian M. Wilcockson is respectfully referred to you. Very truly yours, Commissions Ed,, Y -R (') v - /- //i6I. /" C/// �G�� - _ C/i/ '�/ /% l-' /l�l�J� f �vT/YL� , -O li� !� C.- L v"L GYlvl./- J///J l////J L�v"V�/i//�.f/c//�f�� G�..J.`_G_ U-GL,Y"��J lam'-�' �!-G'r .. J "c_r/�r'�� C��)".G'�_. /N��i.@= L- / //'G 47/1 lid � I41' �l�-r/G.�-t1-. � (� % tri /J-'�' .j � � .h �7��=/ � 4_. '� _ Vl� T / /G.Uyj yr�v�'� f D �, OyYi � ��l r� �._. G�� �,?ir �"Lr/Y7/J /�Yr � �-RJ Jo % ' "> ^" { - l:_. �UT�r--T Q_L :, ;' /GlvYJ C' _.. - f.i/K _ � /J���%v:;•�� (/�/� G� _e_� ^- �.i/jlj f/�-� c- !�G v'=--• ,-r'•-��- uv<-�C-. /LG-vY t_/u.. y. z.. _ A `!q/L�O/vim-'z.. �_-a �y.,/-� __ LC C- vr�..-s-c-� ��-el� ��f/�.�L.' /�'-.. �L...`-�� ��-, is> -fes --p :l:-tl-_! _�>( _, iG Q P� _ i'-_.� z��� / _ v��_- /i c -.v. -z: -fes �' � ���y/� /y7 _ _ '� ,yam.'. cv_-.�->�G7i�— - l u�� / / 1 �. -B'_' __ /lam- vfJf _,Z___. �I""r ".lam %%� C 4YlL�C dL� �J �' C YZC ,j �/ �� .� i FRANK J. ry ORS v KOORS A A. LORD _ WM 1. W6RTK Koors Brothers, Co. MODEL MANUFACTURING CO. ' BEPAIDJI (IROORPO-EO) V MANUAGTURERS ARO JOBBERS RKF�. t,t.UR ICE CREAM, BAKERY GO'OD� CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS AND FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES er Bemidji, Minnesota Feb. 24, 1915. S. A. Farnsworth, St. Paul, Minn. Tn the matter of Paving South Smith Ave. from South and of Ili.ph Bridge to Annapolis Str. Your notioe of February 20th. As I will be unable to attend this meeting, I wish that you would please enter my protest against the proposed improvement. FJK-W 41("` tll f " COUNCIL FILE NO. t, `"�l•%' � �j By „ FINAL ORDER. In &e Alatter of dG ander Preliminary Order __ - approved - c . -_ ........... Intermediary Order _ - - approved A public hearnrg having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvehient to be mgde by the said City is Fl a and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. 4 r RESOLVED FURTIiER, That t16 Commissioner of blie Works be and he e r and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said it •ovemeut, and submi ,game ouncil for approval; that upon said approval, the p r city officers ar hereby author4edd a j ected to proeeed with the making of said i*govement•. in.- rdaRce l t k y to ` " Keller McColl " Yoerg Mayor Powers - Form B. S. A. 7ity Clerk. r y 1— A t',// u/ i✓ �.,. �.-- mss/ 'cGr - `_ ..5 Mayor. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works _ eport to Commissioner of Finance January 13 ............ ._.... .......191.5. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had tinder consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._'�_17r3.................approved:.191.._ 4, relative to....__the.._._. paving of Conoord St. from the west line of Ada St. to Annapolis St. ....................................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... and the total cost thereof is $...........__.._XXXx _xXX and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................... ... .................... ................. ..................... ........................ ._._ t 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4......................................................................................................................................__.............................__.........._...._...........__.._..._........_....._._.........._.. .. 5. Said improvement is...............not .. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pkoperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. y....._._�...._�....... ........ ........_........_ C-LCo-I n seioner vf-'ubt'c orke. ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY C...�ssiCrvrx OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C,- Enm— J. E. CARROLL. SUPT. C-OTIUCTiou & RI -11 ALFRED JACKSON, Su— SA.—T— G. H. HERROLD. 0-- E...... H. W. GOETZINGER. SUIT. W.—I-1. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 12, 1915 Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Concord St. from the west line of Ada St. to Annapolis St., in accordance with Council File #3172, approved Dec. 22, 1914. Assessable frontage 10,415 ft. KIND OF PAVING (APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE(COST PER FRONT FOOT Sandlimebriok $64;,033.77 $6.15 Granite 63,030.63 6.05 Sandstone 56,17b.84 5.39 3Q" Creosoted Blocks 49;488.24, 4..75 Brick 45,977.,25 . 4.42 Asphalt 39;958.41 3.84 Asphalt Concrete P 31,431.72 3.02 Asphalt Macadam 27,753.54 2.67 Macadam 23,406.60 2.25 Concrete 28,087.92 2.70 Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot: ( 027.90 For sewer, either side of street } ( 030.60 For water] 3Z4" W. side of street 021.00 For water, 374" E. side of street 35.00 For gas W. side of street 011.00 For gas E. side of street 5.50 Respectfully submitted, % 0 1/t- Chief Engineer �N CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, On Petition of Remonstrance in the matter of Paving Concord street from the West line of Ada street to Annapolis street. To the Council, of the City of St. Paul. n The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: In checking the petition of remonstrance filed in the above entitled matter I find that there are a total of 144 property owners, of which 76 have signed the petition of remonstrance opposing the above improvement, being more than the requ:Lsite number to make the aforesaid petition legal and effective, under Section 243 of the Charter of St. Paul. Respectfully submitted, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. r Form S. S. D. SEG -0.11 '784 SjPECIAL SALESMAN'S REPORT ON DIS'T'RICT SALESMAN DATE - -- �r. Name t Branch ---_ ._-- Age Nationality Married Home Address-- Is ddress—Is he capable? _ Industrious? Progressive?--_- Steady?_ Has he any bad habits? =- How long with the Company?—r_-- How long on present territory? Is he a good package salesman?_. ___— _- __ ____— -Is he liked by the trade?.__. Does he keep stocks clean and well displayed? Is he a good demonstrator?--_._-- ___._ _--Does he demonstrate frequently?_ GENERAL INFORMATION REGARDING SALESMAN AND TERRITORIAL CONDITIONS: (� Ll�ifltd.(P �!t.(/�1/'u. � ./VW'LvLIn.P -,f in✓ . �^ /�Y2�n/ � f �f �N%/�it-�.�ie V"� �j' !rw"�-i � 1 �(/j�t� �� �'"'T�/ i� +�/'"";!!� �i'�/,-/�• �.C/L ��� V"—�11G.� •• 1 / PEI SALESMAN Po aa< 'in asv P X! POIJI ST.IPAXM,TllyNN. 10, 19'-- 0:33, 40:'.:. r 11. tot t I tc, U action ' t can -,c ;gave C r s o,D c r I one o, -n,) o 2-- an t gal 2 e t L- I c a n1 ha v- to Vic, aono Jr ver-- ceW "op] - - - 1, -n� r.)- f, I-- � f, i t, r, -- �-, ' I-, -' `�I ornc— o SOUTH ST. PAUL Live STOCK EXCHANGE . exeenwoe em�oieo - SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINN. December 9, 1915. PETITION. TO THE HONORABLE MMMEF�S OF THE CITY t COUNCIL OF ST.PAUL? MII1I1.. Gentlemen: We the undersigned residents of your city aving occasion daily to travel over Concord Street between the City limits and Ada Street strongly protest against the deplorable and dangerous condition of that Street on account of same not being in fit condition for traffic, and hereby petition your honorable body to authorize the paving of that part of Concord Street described above. surJ00. HWnett, Throckmodon & Co. ESTABLISHED IBRO INCORPORATED 1901 R. M. LAWTON & CO. CAPITAL $100,000.00 PEAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE IJOANS, FIRE INSURI�_NCE Ni111V �(.7+.RS OI+` ]'1�01'i+.TZT1` TELEPHONES i N. W. CEDAR 5905 " TRI-STATE 1695 ST. PAIJI- MININES011A December 10th 1915. TO THE COMMON COUNCIL, CITY OF ST, PAUL. Gentlemen:- M® Please take notice; I own Lot 4 in Block 34, of Linse Zimmerman's Rearrangmen'to of Blocks 33 & 34, Brown ec Jackson's I Addition, being 50 feet on Concord Street between Bancroft St. and Brown Ave. and also Lot 12 Z.immerman's Addition, being 40 feet on Concord Street and 150 feet on Andrew Avenue. You understand Andrew Avenue has been ordered Graded so there will be an Assessment to pay on that Lot next year. The Alley on this Lot and all tha other improve- ments including Macadem on Concord Street has been Assessed against this Property and I am sure it will not stand another Assessment for Repaving this Lot, according to the value of the same! and I do protest and will ask your Honorable Body to delay making any further Assessment i.n,front of this Property for some time'to come. Yours Res ctfully.• dK CITY CLERK'S . OFFICE — ---- /d - ---.191 In the Matter of —...... This is to certify that the Council of the City of St. Paul, at its meeting held ----- _--__.-/-/_/-/.0 --------- -__-.191 E ; laid over the above entitled matter to its meeting of JOHN 1. FARICY, City Clerk. -�.--------- - By---- a ST/;TF OF 'VIN' ROTI ) )SS. COUNTY OF R"(SXV. ) do hereby certify that I am one of the signers of the above and foregoing petition of remonstrance, and that I am the owner of the premises described after'my name in the said above petition. That I have knowledge that the foregoing petition was signed by the above.named owners, or their agents, of the respective parcels or tracts of land afore- said, and that this petition is made for the purposes above set forth. Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this day of ?'arch, A. D. 1915. 1 i To+. Iry 1'ublam�ey County, jinn. My cormission expires,�� -"'_�•"'91 ef JI 1A 4 / c L i r � e s— �, 7 I q [//� 1 -1u1 --,L" 11 � � . 11 - Cote, e of St. Paul. L: -c 71crefittel-" ti -c froYosu d -a,;inof Concord Street, from t -e 74w.9t line of Ada 7,treet to Anrac.oli3 Street an,cr pre l--* -4-ar, order c1?2 approved -Dec e,nbtr 22,1 g14 , (lo herelty protest aa-'--n-t sa-4(4- -Jmpr�vemert fir rea^,Dn t-Iat Concord- Street, aruttin-' t -e pr-j..ect,,, :)-Amecl ry u,;, leas teen macadamized and- J- in fairly good condition, and absolutely unnecessary. FEET NA11E ADDRESS FRONTAGE LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 L7" lf24 0 �tro li- -4 41 -J -4-4c 1 171 t eW dL d , -71 /pg A74 o2 NkM AD7"-'-- SS Feet AGE SLOT PLJC'F- ADDITIJN zi �oVz- ozr 17e 0 cllo� 4a" F 1? &7,1— "2-rl '13 ®r, "Tor 44 �e 15A A., NkM AD7"-'-- SS Feet AGE SLOT PLJC'F- ADDITIJN zi �oVz- ozr 17e 0 cllo� 4a" F 1? &7,1— "2-rl '13 ®r, "Tor 44 �e 15A I NAME ADDR-M Feet F' 17AG'-' TUT PLUCK ADDITION ----------- L) I J�3 3 .. ........ ........ . -� 4ri--.'� , 47, J . . ............. .... . .. to q 4, S-2/�-c el �32 -4 'MY44WA, .P NAM AT) T`Tlj -. 7 Feat FBM-ITACAE 31V-13 19 ry, g-7 4�7 )-4- "oo:ii oo, ....... .... oar In 7A STATE OF MINAESOTA ) )SS. COUNTY OP RMIVY. ) I,/p��yyrQJz� do hereby certify that I am one of the signers of the above and foregoing petition of remonstrance, and that I am the owner of the premises described after any name in the said above petition. That I have knowledge that the foregoing petition was signed by the above named owners, or their agents, of the respective parcels or tracts of land afore- said, and that this petition is made for the purposes above set forth. Sulwribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this day of 4faral,, A. D. 1915. njz ocois nn.— my commission expires To the Council of the City of St. Paul. Py ti.is petition of remonstrance -Ne, tide undersi ned, beim, owners of property"Deemed benefitted"by the proposed paving, of Concord Street, from tt,e West line of Ada Street to Annapolis Street, under preliminary order 8172 approved December 22,1914y do nereby protest against Psaid. improvement for rea„*n property cannot be '-enefitted y'I" NAS ADDRESS FR ,NT AGE LOT BLUC�ADDITION n! oofv' "& � 611 �ai� J r D ;_ St. Paul, Minnesota, February 33rd, 1918. TO THE AON OR ABLE, TAE COUNCIL OF T?;E CIT" OF ST. PAUL: We, the undersigned, property owners on the line of Oonoord Street, between Ada Street and East Page Street, St, Pilul, Minnesota, do hereby protest to the proposed improvement to -wit: the paving of said Concord Street, from Ada Street to East Page Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. (All under Preliminary order No. 3172. Approved December 22nd, 1914.) Respectfully submitted, NAME DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY NO. OF FRONT FEET ON STPETT. (n� ryyy r JJ ' 7J caa.f.Lt F x1�f...,..zrey /LCsr i 44 14 ..1 Pee r j J Y- r " `s l?E9ti?^`TON OF PPOPEPTY NO. OF FRONT FEET` ' ON STREET. at '�7►�. ��i��.;u�l, ��' ice-' 3.� {�-v��y �'ti`"` �� lew ' 13 --- -ip Zge4*elo eo -1- 7 d -f 41, -4 d 0 '71, Awl add 4M4 4W , a1CA, Pau'_, 'innesota, Februury 23rd, 1915 mG THF 701107A -T: T', '-'r Gnrr inrr nF PT. Fie,• the un33r3 jr � I - --tV O', 72r9 On the line of Concord Street, +een d.- Street and East Pare Street, St. Paul, '_:;innesota, do hereby prctest to the Prcpcsed in.Prcveraent` tc-�7it: t o ,wvin- cf sai.d Conccrd __eet, fr_... Aa_. Street tc East Pae Street, St. Paul, iiin-nesota. (All under ;reiimin r; order '.Ic. 3172. A_, -roved Decer.`er 22nd, 1914.) Respectfr-illy subIIli`ted, cr`17- TdA E r erPj �T '. Gc npnnrnm G ^. ccFT A., -- lU ? O 1 11 10 mac, ,.• �.� `%� � ,"��%fr fi'`nf%i..r br'a'd•'... �: a rfiS:-tG (rdi!" VOUPERAG`E G0 ST.P.%UU1,, IN, L;ch. 17, 1915. ::r. Goss. n (_L � �D Depnrt:aent Public Works, ILIAR 1 1915 St. Paul, 'Jinn. M. N. GOS'S. CommISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Dear Sir; As a solution o` the concord Street pa -vin , situation, we croulc su".;cst t;-.�1.t one- half the cost be paid by abuttin property Owners, one-fourth be paid out of the inter- section funds and one-fourth of'-�he cost spread on near -by benefitted property. For our post, vfe would be pleased to pay our part of such an assessient and wish to urge that the street be paved at once with creosote blocks and on t!.e steeper ,-ra.des sandstone. Yours very truly, 70RTTIC PFfAGE CO., THE A13 coali Gentle is do Hi —B -ridge we 0 On a aLd greet e�t d Qr OU1401L Y. decl to pave Smith Avenue from_ Annapolis to the u idereignedl. Pro'PQrtY owners owning mi-n-nertv 13953 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r - Subject:-... __ _ _ :...._.. _._.... _ ...._........... ....... COUNCIL F.� FILE 1 �0.....39........ ............. _...... .... ........ .............. -....... '17• Date Presented........._.Be _.._.:.._3.,_.....-191.5._ In the matter of constructing a surer on Goodrich Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave. under Preliminary Order No. 836, approved July 28, 1914, Intermediary Order No. 2211 approved October 29,1914 and Final Order No. '2685, approved Nov. 20, 1914, Resolved, That the Final Order in the above matter be and the same. is hereby_ rescinded. C. F. No. 3963—Ry M. N. Goss 1n the matter of construct1.i; . sewer oa Goodrich Avenue from. Cleveland. 'Avonue..to. Finn avenue under Pre-- as,a; Yeas (P') Cou III (C) Nays Far orth Gos In favor Kell X Me 11 (/ ` _Against Nash Yoe Mr. President, wers FORM c.B-2 Thatthe Final Order in natter be and the eam. Is nded. by the. Council March 4. March 6_1915. (March 13-1916) Adopted by the Council Approv 191 �— MAYOR »a: Council Fill'D ..._.... Y. PROPOSAL FOR HdPROVEMENT. 1 and , PRELIMINARY ORDER. 7'he undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Si. Yawl, viz.: 99nstruo_t.___@ewer_.._on.....GocY.dr.1ch...Ave........from-F.inn.... Ave.......to..-Cleveland Ave fox the_p.r.po.s.a.__of._.drainIng.....the _:abutt :abutting... -property and ..t.o...provi.de....an adequate outlet for_..an existing__s..ewer. on. Goodxioh..Q.Y..e. e�i..exl�.ixlg..._froln Cleveland Ave. to Sue St. ......_ _._ ... .__.... ... ..... _._.._ _ . ...__._. Dated this 19th._11ay of February 191�a Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAR, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..__ Construct sewer on, Goodrich_Ave .._.._iiol,,i_Finn .&ye.., t.o.._G1eY.el.and..Ave....._inr _......... .. _.... the purpose of draining the abutting_..prop..rty..ani>.._ta_..pray.ida....an_._ ... _ _. adequate outlet for an existingsewer.._o...n Go.odrich.._Av..e.__oz�.tpxtd.ixxg_..from Cleveland Ave. to Sue St.196.— .. A.writ[en proposal for the �I ....___._.__ _..... _... ._ ... _...._._. _.__.___.. having been presented to the Council of th '4. prop therefore, be it 4 out odrlch RESOLVED, That the Conunission'IAPs• rd to 1. To investigate the necessity fol:° It 8. To investigate the nature, extei , o a 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc em 1. Ti) furnish the following other da,"' o of .................... _........... ...... ..... ...... .... .............. ............................... _ ,ol 5. To state whether or not said inapt'' 6. To report upon all of the foregoing Adopted by the Council....._.......__�!/ Yeas: �p Councilman Falsworth M li Nash Io g iVlayorPo� re k cxietintr•Sewer on :ending Yroa..Cleve- 3t.,.having been pre- hereby ordered and directed: _11'of the City of be It the Commissioner .31 If ,aid improvement. rnd he Is hereby:— emeut, and the total coat thereof. to tiro necessity for prov the: making of sal•) , to thenntpra., ..tent at of. Bala` 1mpro— h said improvement: _. _.._...___.. tl cost thereof. a plan, proal. or >rovement. the followtnq o'ht�r.,..._...................... _......._............._....._........_........... ....... _......... tine re'ai've to said 3ther or not said lm -'e petition of three or more owners. dNfor on .the petition yCC Of Fin RIICC. nere. rail of the fore Commissioner. of %i Council March 9 1916) /� �'......... .._SIS J Approved_........_.._._.._...._._.. . .. J Mayer. .PUBLISHED®/ CF x..,3955—,1 -h pa thematter f constructing a aew o in,Road, �. Rando9t from m SeV nth St to i ,:".k. ake d noDrake St from Randolph St to the prDe e t terminus of,the seaon saidrake St.' north of the center of Audubon:: on - 1 j i 0, Prelim! a y Orde 2979,' Final O doe 3634, apprcve'd Fobruary 4. ;' 1916 Resolved; that the ..plana, epeciflc¢-- tlons nd estimates aubm.,k. t., the: a��C ' ^fJommis3lonor oP Public Worka for the' 8 y? -5 ho'4ernamed bnprovement be and the T . P A U L - e are hereby approve. '^ -?.are Further. d. Thnt the Purcha \gent be and he Is hereby—thor- anda directed to advertise m the OLUTION �r providedby the City Charter, '•'Pe for the inking of Lid no., mattto'tet(i.)`In the los, nhb, (AT* -a Sewer in Randolph Stt from SevGntih er or contractor shall Ir j . a nd material for sa'•, n• '- anm, LRl a 8t, from Randol h St. to the resent Sit. to Drake 8t " : dr ha„ terminus of the sewer uu-Fetid Drake S 354' nor h oY the center of Audubon. under Preliminary Order 3070 Intermediary Order Final Order 3634 , approved February 4, las b. RESOLVED, That".the Plans,•specifications and estimates omitted by the, Commissioner of Public Works for the above named impr'me.nt-be and the sfine - are, hereby. :approved.. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided_by the City„ Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said". plans and specifications, on the basis.(A.) That the bidder or con- , tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said -improve- ment by -force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In.said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance rith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent, of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bide be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the co it .��/.z-i/ �� 191A. - Yeas ( ) Co limen ( ) Nays Yo Fa worth Ge Ke r Mc 1 �x Nash Mr. President.. Po s A ✓� 91�. PiaJnr {' P BLISIiED�= /• -� � C F No. 3980— ', �---_� �. Sn th matter o 4� f gta . of F,.ne) - 9t f om K has d 8t: to White Ave and Fland enu, St "" Mlnnah¢I, stye to Pre11 Inary Orde -932 Ftnqi 3200 approved December 23 19'i- solved, .Tfint the 'pinn epe estimates . ubmitt d,' , Commisalonemod m rublic. Worksf as ve named improvement be a� X s¢me. re ,hereby approv d. ,�(M j I T Y R eolved Further That the`Pu ' D F S T"ing Age t be tId' tie la hereby a` • �.1zed 'and directed to--advertise manner provldedby the Ctty COUNCIL RESOLLror etas ,.r he making f irovrmen t, according to safd. pl'' .peclficatlons; on the baste (.^�, p In. the matter of grading of Fauqui�' onbdder r COhfrIlCter ensu• : J qr ¢nd material for said �'te _. a r ct susm; (I3) That th -- -tract hall make said White Bear Ave., and Flandreau St, front b %rf co tOOr pr imnehaha Sts, under PreliminaryOrder. � 933 Intermediary Order Final Order 3300 "approved December 33, 19 14 RESOLVER, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the. Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvIement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder Is bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contraot-with- the City for the performance of paid work in accordance with the plansi. and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bide be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be 'done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council ����! 1914. Yeas ( } Cc ilmen ( ) Nays Yo g Fa aworth Go Ke er Me 11 . } Nash Mr. President, Po rs Appro lgl yor l PUB'LISMM � S Resolved, That the award of contract to the Beecher Improvement Company under date of September 18th, 1914, be and the same is hereby can- celled and annulled, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to amend the specifications so as to provide for payment of the contractor out of assessments collected for the improvement, and when so corrected to submit the same to the Council for its approval. C 6Ived, That the award of con - It to the Beecher Improvement t'.10-1-d pony u der date of September, 1914. he and the same le hereby c Iced n dnnulled, and the Com- to er oY.dPubl direWors rr hereby ctficaand directed to amend the nt of so a to r out o assesor y- ent of the contractor h OPL of assess - on sato collected for the ]mprove, the EI: an when so corrected f to suappr the W nme to the t Hell ...c1la approval. k>`;v �� 1916 Approved by the Council March 9: fy - ADPtoved h Marc1 915 March S. 1 101 . F OR— Yeas (P'jtsc (i) Nays rrh7 In favor Against Mr. resiers FORM .adopted by the Council _�pl/Gti� �� 19111 Approve _ 191 V 9 MAYOR PUBLIS 13 ___ �V' COUNCIL FILE NO, X_ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of 39:1 1� Sewer on Fairmount Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to.Fairview Ave. Enlarging or building new Sewer on Fairview Ave. from Fairmount avenue to St. Clair St. and on St. Clair street from Fairview Ave. to Snelling Ave. Sewer on Fredericka Ave. from St. Clair St. to James St. Sewer on Berkeley Ave. from Fredericka Ave. to Underwood Ave. Sewer on Stanford Ave. from Fredericka Ave. to Macalester Ave. Sewer on Wellesly Ave. from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave. Sewer on Jefferson Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Saratoga St. Sewer on Juliet St. from Fairview Ave. to Underwood Ave. Sewer on Palace St. from Fairview Ave. to Underwood Ave. Sewer on James St. from Fairview Ave. to -Underwood Ave: Sewer on Macalester Ave. from Jefferson Ave. _�t:ff:;%nord Ave. Sewer on Brimhall Ave. from Stanford Ave. so Ave, Sewer on Saratoga St. from Apoint 150 feet Iforth of the north' line of Randolph St. to a point 300 feet south o the south lineof St. Clair St. "I All to be known as the Fredericka -Fairmount Sewer System. . ................. under Preliminary Order_..�Agq ... . ......... . approved knowi, ..o S I ,wer, System The Council of the City of St. Pau,'3, order :3429, Op.,',, report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the till. 1915, C above improvement, and having considers'o-tf'6. Ives: rement,", slid pan , the .report; heroby� resolves: -a:_ 1. That the said report be and t4l That said rdport.be sad the . ind adopted, and the said, improvement is -.by. approved, and adopted. said improvement is Perebk hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - be proce-oded,'witiI., !,That.tbA,xlator.�of the,bny 111.1l'th. C.—n rp...W� Vt ruct sewer Fairmoum,olamends is -QQn.8 trUat ............. ............. 2. That the nature of the impro to •r Ftrnr, . ........... ........... .... . ............... ... . ....... ... . .......... m7 a#d ft. Ave. from Fairmount. 1W Sewer. on, Fairview Enlarging or building nc avenue to St. Clair St. and on St. Clair Street from Fairview Ave. to Snelling Ave., Sewer on Fredericka Ave. fr.jj! St. Clair St. to JamPi St. Seweron Berkeley AVei'fTOM L FrOdarldke, Ave. to Underwood Ave,. Sewer on Stanford Ave: from Fred lolia Ave. to Macalester Ave, �Wjliialy Ave.from pride- ioka Ave. to Snelling Ave. _On Saratoga St. Fairview Ave. to Sewer; on 4liaiett St. from rajriiiWAVe. to. Underwood Ave. , rom Faj.tVAjk:Ave. to Underwood Ave, ?A1368`St - f Sewer cn4ames St. from Vairviei� Ave.to Underwood Ave.• �N t north of the norza of the south line Of . ........ ... . ... ................ ..... .............. ..... .......... ............ .. . ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ...00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... day of 191 5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of ...... ... .. ... the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons mid in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and he total cost thereof "stimated. � 1�w Council 191 Adopted by the Approved ... - - Councilman Far si, '5 11 K. l.1 et_ 1, .1, al Col 70er erg Form B Mayor P S. A. 8-6 3960 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of approved under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative tliereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nalure, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is rom the East line of 1—garia Ave. to the West Line of Rates Avenuei have Third Street f e together viith all the necessary sevier,water., iiith'asphalt concrete, roadway 32 f et wide I mains to the propy arid'gas connections, from the streetertlines comD where not already l4adp,.also all Alley ond Drivewayftpproachos �66fla rested to prepare plans and specifications for .9a ' id improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith I Adopted by the Council Clerk. Approved .......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth 0 oss ellerr '1 s Os -wor 11' ccoll oerg Mayor owers Form B. S. A. 8-7 'T 413 �I'P, iearing IjAving n the boy. h.v CITY OF ST. PAUL / DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j j ----------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved!`: �K.----- --1 ------------------------------------- ------ -------------- ----------------- -------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—-------- '? J The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is PDIND Off' PAVING APPROXIiyAPE ESTILATE COST PER rR0'112. F�?0`t': Sandlime brick $6,154.,23 $6.99 Granite 6,060., 33 .6.89' Sandstone 5,-.,4,18.;,68 6.16 32° Creosoted Bleck ..0'8 5.134 Brick 4,479.,68 5.09 Asphalt 3,900.63 4.43 Asphalt concrete 3,118.13 3.54 Asphalt ma.oad.am %,758.18 3.13 Macadam 2,366.93 2.69 Concrete 2,805.13 3.18 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed --valuation of each. lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION li Trig `G If ? 01 Jj ;j O Fd o d (lno eZ1 o 0 � � d✓ � Q'v Yd a o TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL " I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , / ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUA I C C/1 o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n Dated------------- �L--....----...._._191���L.:..t�/%!u:T//- --- ' Commissioner of Finance. IORM B.B.A. 08 O _ DEPARTMENT OF. PUBLIC WORKS St.'Paul, Minn. Jan. 2, 1915. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Third St. from E. line of Maria Ave. to W. line of Bates Ave., in accordance with Council File #3179 approved Dec. 22, 1914. Assessable frontage 880 ft. KIND OF PAVING IAPPROXIMATE ESTIMATEICOST PER FRONT FOOT Sandlime brick.. 3'�& 06,150:.45 06.99 Granite 6;056.55 6.:88 Sandstone 5;414.90 6.16 3Q* Oreoeoted Block 4;788.1,90 5.44 Brick 4,476.90 5.09 Asphalt 3;896485 4.43 Asphalt obncrete 3;114.35 3;54 Asphalt macadam 2,754.40 313 Macadam 2,363.15 2.69 Concrete 2,801.35,, 3.18 Where house service connect ions rarsot in, add for each lot: For sewer, either side of street $27.90 For water; 374' N. side of street $21.00 For water, 374" S. side of street 35.00 For gas; N. side of street $ 7.50 For gas, S. side of street 5.00 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works 2 r Report to Commissioner of Finance ...._........_... J.�n1,laxy ....4., ................._........191...x... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the'Coun- cil, known as Council File No.......3.1Z.-9............. approved ...... ....... P.P.C.em!.wr a.. ....... ... 191._ .., relative to........t+.h6......... paving. of Third St, from E. line of Maria Ave. to W. line of Bates .... _......... _.............. __................... _............................................................. .......,............ _.............. .................................. Ave. ........................ .............. ..................... ........._................... _........_................. _................ .................... _............ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. X%XXX ........ and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....... XXXX... _...,,, and the total cost thereof is $....._.........._ ..................... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .................. I ................ ................ _........ ... ._ 5. Said improvement is__..__?1t..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................................._...................... Com ssiou r of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. -:.'aat, t In the Mttqr,q o Z., at 7 under Prelifiiinaiy'&riW a3ic approved y Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon'the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is - - � t --1 'r - , t'�� ' ' j-�3 2 S.3 a�y L3 27 A t 0, -; r ��—d 5 t i Y and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 191 Approved .......... .1 191 Councilman nsworth ss ller rn s' E r sw 'll _I -r Coll oerg Mkyor wers F— B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved---/��--/-------------------- To th> Council of the City of St. Paul: / The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ --- " KIND t5F PAVING APPRORTMATE ESTIMATE DOST PER FRONT FOOT.— Sandlime brick Granite 110,334.88 $5.36 30,159.80 5.28 Sandstone 3-1p Creosoted Block 9,031.89 4.69 7,931.49 4.12 B.ick Asphalt 7,353.78 3.82 6,363.42 3.31 Asphalt Concrete Asphalt Maoadam 4,987.92 2.59 4,382.70 2.28 21acadam Concrete 3,667.44 1.21 4,437.72 2.31 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED . VALUATION fh TOTAL. 3 G. Ii �OPM B. S.A. BSA CITY OF ST. PAUL. 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK• ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION . ..0. f O_r_. .__. �J./D . Jo /�zS �o �a ��,,,, �•. v �;- 49 �0 /0� N✓ hJ ] 6.. /6 t /7 /U v 2.3 lit �/I 2 2 2 01,0 S3 S 6 -2 2 . Gnu (➢ S o c) 0.. v 0- 0 .o 121 12?� '16) r IaDAD Q Aj s 04 0, 3,SSS : J, /0�� 1/�� l� 9 GSD 2,3 o 39�a � r/� �9 �dl�ivv� .2 o o TOTAL. ....... < 'i ron 4 s.w. eye e • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 41" ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 0-5- The - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--------------- ---------------1 ..... l/Ls.ZL��U/ G............— Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 9-5 C __ _� Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January..._1q l. ...........................191...5 . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, knowu as Council File Na...._3319.......... ..approved_... _Jams&ry TA ................... relative to............................ pr~v ng...Hope:.._Str_e_et,,,_from,._s_outh.,._1 ne..._of..._Seve Fourth Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. .... .....:necessary and (or) desirable. i RXX 1. The estimated cost thereof is $_.._._XXx. and the total cost thereof is h............._...._.......XX............... and the nature and extent.of said improvement is as follows: ........................._................_.........._.............:...._......._........._...._...._............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said,.improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............ .:................... ..................... ................ ....... ........................................ ...... ...... ......... _........... ..... _........................... ..... .............. ........... ................. ...........__... _........ ....... 5. Said improvement is_.........n....t . . ........_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co miss'oner of Ymblic Works. ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DE ..v Coa.is111111 OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.- Eno_. J. E. CARROLL, Sup,C—STRUIT11. & R—, ALFRED JACKSON, Sull. SI.NI1-1— G. H. HERROLD, Orrice E.— H. W. .— EnH.W. GOETZINGER, Suet. W.- CITY CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. Go?p. COMMISSIONER U' St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 18, 1915. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Publia Works, CITY. Dear Sir,— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Hope St. from south line of Seventh St. to north line of Fourth St., in accordance with Council Me. X3319, approved Jan. 7, 1915. Assessable frontage 1925 ft. Street Ry. portion, 2,329 sq. yds. not included A KIND OF PAVING LAPPROXIMATE ESTIMATE(COST PER 'ROiiT FOOT Sandlime brick ah 8. G V4110 05.36 Granite 10,151.19 5.27 Sandstone 9,023.28 4.69 3�--" Creosoted Block 7;922.88 4.12 Brick 7,345.17 3.82 Asphalt 6,354.81 3.30 Aspha..t Concrete 4,979.31 2.58 Asphalt macadam 4,374.09 2.27 Macadam 3,658.83 1.90 Concrete 4,429.11 2.30 Where curb is not in add 46� to above cost per front foot for cement curb to -be constructed. Where house service connections are not in add for each lot: For sewer, either side of street $27.50 For water, 3/4" E. side of street 21.00 For water, 374" W. side of street 35.00 For gas, E. side of street 7.00 For gas, W. side of street 5.50 Respectfully submitted, V. VAL- Chief Engineer. STATE OF LUNNESOTA ss, COUNTY OF RAMSEY George Pabst, being first duly sworn on his "said oath, says that he is of lawful age, and resides in the City of St,.Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, and that he is a property owner and freeholder owning real property on lvhe corner of Hope Street and Sixth Street, in the City of St, Paul, Minnesota, and that he was one of the objectors to the proposed improvement of paving Hope Street from East Seventh Street to East Fourth Street, situated in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, and that he took said petition to the various freeholders and property owners who owned property abutting upon said street and affected by said proposed improve- ment, and that he saw the various freeholders whose names are attached to the petition of objection to the said proposed im- provement of paving said street between said streets, and that he knows of his own knowledge that they signed and affixed their own signatures to said petition, and that no other per- son took said petition and had said names of said freeholders attached except this affiant, ,e a� Subscri-bed and sworn to before me a this let day of April, A. D. 1915, Notary Public, Ramsey County,Minr., My Commission expires April 27th, 1915, W :k M r sir TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUG,RAF EY COLiTMY, MNI71:;OTA: Woo the undersigned, being residents rind frfree holders on Hope b Street, i cmc G� i�.c_. Ctreet toc �.�.-*,....street, do hereby objeut to the proposed improvement of said Hop Street, nsmelyi the pavi of Hope Street, from street, t0-� 4 t///v��� . street, NAME NO. OF PICU (�elffm. c COUNCIL FILE NO. By� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Inthe Matter of.. PEOVoU .............. 4- :.a e, - - . –4 . . ........................ under Preliminary Order .... ...... . approved — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby res - olves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 2 r . . ....... ... ley I i..e a., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .. .... .. ... day of ........... . ...... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. FEB -2 1M Adopted by the Council . ... ....... . . 191 T111-13TS. In l-rto4 . wtNattee of pavmgtTIjlrd,-,streci� Clerk. �/ at" cast, line ofgarla. .venue the -;. , at, 6me, Aa� t It P&'eonf " ]3a so sy go or west so ... aryewer i - Approved ter and gas, connections from the street malhis to the prol,6"'1"" -complete :-hero not. already'.made, al.. .11 .Iuay and. d1t1s*ay P - `"3r proachcs� Under :Prellnil—rdy. order 3, -December 22n . I 70 approved. 914 Mayor. The council, of the City,of St. Paul Councilman F nsworih hiVlmg1 ..elve the r .e qrt of the Core,: sloner of: Jin on theabove: Improvement.` an .. Ing considerjad 'I, report, are rose ve% and the Gil s sad. me at �t a- said report a a y. approved_ dadopted,Mum or . -t . I r. c ent to 'hereby ordered he proceeded with. ler 2. That the miture,of the Improve-, whicht e otindil recommends Is s ,w went pave Third street frouni the east lin oll of Alerts, avenue -,to the live., li�e% Batas, ven... togs , h c , , . , h then R s_ as sewer .ter , and go' ca .... c. ti . from the :street main. to th.+ —o erty llnee co- let , ere at else all 11 an H r 1 with 6 olms 'ante r At estimated tIv — rg is cost t ereo Is I ^s Further, at 11. Mayor ers 14t be had on a I e s I day of are . 1915, , t t of III, .o'clock In 1 t Forto.B. S. A. 8-6 nber, room 61 of the c—� 'it- TIaP F COUNCIL FILE NO. 30 FINAL ORDER. Inthe Matter of ------ A ander Preliminary Order approved - Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council.having heard all persons,, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to b said City ,%rp�de th% ils- .Y e ds �—d : .... . ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there -ith. Adopted by the Council 191 Approved '193 Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller Nkeff Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. f'� Mayor. CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R. EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the -- ------ - ------- ---- under Preliminary Order approved -•-- --------L-/ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $------------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ KIND OF PAVING APPROXIMATED ESTIMATE COST PER FRONT FOOT. Sandlime brink $21,271.29 $7.40 Granite S dstone 3 a Creosoted Blook 20,928.33 7.28 18,584.77 6.47 16,298.37 5.67 Briok 15,155.17 - 5.28 Asphalt 13,040.25 4.54 0 Asphalt oonarete Asphlat hiaoadam 10,182.25 3.54 8,867.57 3.1)9 Maoadam Conorete 7,438.57 2.59 9,039.05 3.15 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ii DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /o��j /os�rri sl� c l i✓i�rrr� .10 YJrrl9'ei�o/YJ��/� YJ ,i town e.s.A. e -e A TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ^ VALUATI N ,["���/Y-y / � e�, ,�/✓�//�/ 4/gid-..� SGS Af s� lk f Aw", "AN If &/'a a� e!v /v /�� Zdf./aOO�r-o 3kao r - JXA' t Cl�l! Ot%q'�?�y� v (I Pl Z J u /j-ZG /> ✓amu d�ikl .7 /Y iv 41 =ayrort s.�. a-e a G TOTAL, - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTIONASSESSED�LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION fl'o W The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --------- --- — ----------- - ----191 . - - Commissioner -----191Commissioner of Finance. FOR—S.A. 8-3 C L qS i1�Aya}sb 3t�� k "� a butt pc; F' AIRf al20 \ E'. M MR x:z 7 DEPARTMENT' OF PUBLIC WORKS e St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 2, 1915. Mr.M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Earl St. from Hastings Ave. to Indian Mounds Park, in accordance with Council File #3174, approved Dec. 22, 1914. Assessable frontage 2;873 ft. City Ry. Co. portion 2,720 sq. yds. not inclu- ded in estimate. BIND OF PAVING TAPPROXIMATE ESTIMATEYCOST PER FRONT FOOT 7,77 Sandlime brick $21;263.52 $7.40 Granite 20,920.56 7.21 Sandstone la;577.00 6.46 3;" Creosoted Block 16;290.60 5.67 Brick 15;147.40 5.21 Asphalt 13;032.48 4.54 Asphalt concrete 10;174.48 3.64 Asphalt macadam 8;859.80 8.09 Macadam 7;430.80 2.59 Concrete 90031.28 3.14 Where curb is not in, add 44 to above cost per front foot for cement curb to be constructed. Where house service connections are not in add for each lot: For sewer, either aide of street $27.90 For water; 3/4^ W. side of street 821.00 For water, ^ E. side of street 35.00 For gas; W. side of at rest 7.50 For gas, E. side of street 5.00 Respectfullyfssubmitted, Chief Engineer,,, Office of 'the ConVissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of 'Finance Jame r.Y..._4.,................ ........... lsl_ 6., To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- oil, known as Council File No.3174... approved .... _........... D80 .......... a2 .................... .....191_ .., relative to.......t1lfl...._..._ - n _..... _.... Pe vi...._of.._Earl.__St..�..._f_rom.,_Ha e_t nes.._°e.,...:_t o...._Indian.._Mounde..._Park................................ ............. ............ ............................................. ............. ..._._......................................................... ............... .............................. ............................. ...._.......... ........................... .............. ._.._...... ......................_...................... -.............................. ......................... ..................... ........................... ........... .............._................................... ................... ............................... ................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ................ _... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ......_R X......... _. and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................... ,.... .......... ................ ............. ............. ........................... ............... ....... ...................................................................._............... ............ ................. . ............................................ _............................................. .............................................. --- .................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ................................................... _..... ....... ... ............... _................................. ............... .......................................................... --...................................... _........... .......... ...... _ ..... 5. Said improvement is..._.._n ................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to fisessment for said improvement. ......._..................................__......._.............._......_..................__......_..._..........._............_ Commissioner of Public Works. February 24,197E. vr.S.;pynsworth, use, o it :'Oticc 07 the he -ring of tic raving of �ari Ct.,from Hactir n Ave.,tO thn Indian "" 2ar'': or. LL.rnh 4th received. W I cHpect to be out cf the city Larch dth 1 cannot attMY the halrong thrroAre 1 vish to humby record ty- vOtc r' thn Lonna s 2urh the 17prCvnmcnt, e own 27F ft., on :. rl A.,jadwill ho LWO tc !'� our jorticr of the apsepsvc,t ka ne Wel thin improvmmnt Mll hill tM long; Celt want. a. -0 CUOUBln oov_rc1l, C-- -H'� ClTy or ,_. PAUL: -- a "!e, the unCersigned residents on Earl 33r�et between ::actings Avenue and Lound 'Park, object to the paving of thiel street for the fol'owing reasons: 1st. The property on this street is cheap in character and cannot stand the assessment for a pavement without a great hardship and sacrifice. 2nd. The lots along this street run lengthwise of earl titre<t and with) shallow depth and such 'lots would, therefore, be called upon to pay three times the assessment which would ordinarily be levied against the same size lot with a narrow facing. 3rd. The City of St. Paul has recently accuired property for two park- ways leading to Indian Mound Park; to -wit:- The Mound Boulevard and Johnson Boulevard and it is t:e expectation of people in this District that these two improvements -will be graded and put in shape this year. `v9e,in this vicinity have paid heavy assessment towards the two boulevards aforem,ntioned and we feel that we should not be called upon to carry further burdens at this time and also feel that the two aforementionee boulevards will take care of the traffic leading to the -.'ark, and that therq, will be then no demand or occasion for paving" Earl Street. We, therefore, earnestly urge you to ma'_ -:e an unfavorable report on the order for having :]:! Street. DEBCRIP710i4 OP PIO—MY• DESCRIPTINT O� FICPE�TY. 7 I . -lz:�- .,ex-?. '17 I 2 ob n7L ary 2; q —Icar ch -ill'_ I ca.l-lct attc- On ( CITY OF ST AUL, 2.N. AN ORDINANCE TO PRO,VIW- 1,,01,, T111: ORGANI"TION OF A BUHIsAU OF PUBLIC IT'CP'ATION IN THE DBPAIMIffNT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AIM PUBLIC BUILDINGS9 AM TO PROYIDI. FOR T0,, DUTIRS OF SAID BUREAU, TH1 APPOINT3+U NT OF, OFFICERS ASID 'NeLOE'S THWMIN AND FIU. NG TO DUTIBS AND SALARTGS OF 3963 SAID M'LO,YES Sec.l. There is hereby or a Bureau of Public Recreation. which shall be under the management and control of the Corrmlissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, subject to the provisions of the City Charter, and any regulations in regard to said Bureau or its operations, that the said City Council may make. o Sec.2• In direct control and supervision of said Bureaus, there shall be one Super- intendent of Public Recreation and one Assistant £ Public Recreation, who shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildingq subjept to the Civil Service provisions of the City Charter. she Superintendent shall receive an annual salary of The Assistant tant Superintendent shall 1srs. The eceive an 1 annual salary of /20d4' �m �N shall be paid in twelve,,' instal- ' salaries of both said employes monthly monts out of the funds of the Department of Farks,playgrounds and Pub- lie Buildings. Said employes shall perform such duties as said ConMis- \�! sioner shall direct, and shall possess such qualifications as the Council by administrative ordinance shall prescribe. Sec. 3. In this Bureau there shall also be such other officers and employes as I tae council by administrative ordinance shall provide. maid employes shall possess such qualifications and receive such salaries as the Council shall fix.971 of the employes of said Bureau shall perform such duties as the Conmissicner of Parks,Playgrounda and public Build- ings, by and through said Superintendent of public Recreation, shall direct. Public Sec. 4. The Bureau o�Recreation herein provided for, shall prepare and recom- mend by report to the Commissioner of Parks,Playgrounds and public Build- �� ings, plans for the creation and development of ankadequate and complete 44- \ r (2) ( St. Paul Recreation Ordinance cont.') system of public recreation in fts broadest sense, including playgrounds, " recreation. centers and related activities. It small have poorer to man- age, direct and care for whatever nrovieions are made by the City for public recreation as aforesaid,(exelusive of nrenerties of the ablic sehoolsi including the equipment, supervision and care of playgrounds and playfields, the establishment and management of park field -houses and recreation centers, public bath houses and gymnasiums, bathing beaches, swimming pools and similar or related activities; the issuance of per- mits for the use of playfields and other recreation facilities owned or controlled by the City (other.than school properties);" the charge over provisions, for winter sports in public parks, streets or on bodies of crater, .and for the observance of holidays by athletic meets, festivals, pageants, or otherwise, as provided for by public funds or by private donations for such purposes. /It shall have power, with the consent of the Council, to take charge of any grounds with the buildings thereon erected, the use of 4 which is offered to said Bureau temporarily by individuals or corporations for the purpose of using such facilities for public playgrounds and recrea- tion activities; and may co-onr-rate with and promote b , advice, sugges- tion :,n'. >t`ierwise such voluntary or amateur organizations for recreation, entertainment and mutual improvement as meet its approval. S", Said Bureau of. Public Recreation shall hL�v,: power to make Lhr neces- sary inspections as provided by the ordiUnees of the City for maintain- ing the wholesome and moral quality of all forms of commercial recreation for which licenses are required by the City and to make recommendations to the licensing authority or authorities relative to the constructive regulation of such commercial recreations. The tel "Commercial Recreation" as herein used is hereby defined to be any entertainment or amusement for which a charge or fee is required for admission or attendance; provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to abridge the power Of the Police Department to enforce order in commercial recreation places (2) ( St. Paul Recreation Ordinance cont.); 1':,` aystem of public recreation in its broadest sense, including playgrounds, It shall have to man- .�- ti � „•x ,. �y r � �� recreation centers and related activities. power the City for age, direct. and care for whatever provisions are made by recreation as aforesaid (exclusive of »ronerties o£ the public _public mow{ schoolal including the equipment, supervision and care of playgrounds and playfields, the establishment'and management of park field -houses 7 and recreation centers, public bath houses and gymnasiums, bathing beaches, and similar or related activities; the issuance of per- n swimming pools --- - -• - - mits for the use of playfields and other recreation facilities owned or _..:.... controlled by the City (other than school properties); the charge over provisions for winter sports in public parks, j#reets or on bodies of water, �. and for the observance of holidays by athletic meets, festivals, pageants, __- or otherwise, as provided for by public funds or by private donations for � /It with the consent of the Council, to such purposes. shall .have power, take charge of grounds with the buildings thereon erected, the use of an g Y corporations — :,-:- -,:_ .-,_•..._�— -1 which is offered to said Bureau temporarily by individuals or for the purpose of using such facilities for public.playgrounds and recrea- P }✓~! tion activities; and may co-operate with and promote b,', advice, sugges- tin,, ;.-.i- —i,,rvise such voluntary or,enateur organizations for recreation, entertainment and mutual improcem-nt as meet its approval. --• i Said Bureau o Public Recreation shall hav,, power to mace the neces- --1 Bary inspections as provided by the ordin,nnces of the City for maintain- ...-,..... .. .. ..,.. ing the wholesome and moral quality of all forms of commercial recreation for which licenses are required by the City and to make recommendations .' to the licensing authority or authorities relative to the constructive F: regulation of such commercial recreations. The term "Commercial Recreation" as herein used is hereby defined to be any entertainment or amusement for which a charge or fee is required for admission or attendance; provided, that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to abridge the power .a-,-• .r„, .._, �� commercial recreation laces of the Police Department to enforce order in p T ,! A11...ordiYTanebe<�5gioo3 -_-- •—==ryF - ordinances inecnaietent herewith. See. a.re- ]Tb reby rApealad`. 118e "c. 9 This ordinance shall be in force art effect thirty (30) days -} a -ter ac pzceag ad:ut;lication4 .y„ [ q ll 1 s � c V _ 1. ^•.:.- A11...ordiYTanebe<�5gioo3 -_-- •—==ryF - ordinances inecnaietent herewith. See. a.re- ]Tb reby rApealad`. 118e "c. 9 This ordinance shall be in force art effect thirty (30) days -} a -ter ac pzceag ad:ut;lication4 .y„ [ q ll 1 s � c �trative. :rted to, the C' botNonclu" Ae approving the project of acquiring Lots six- teen (16) to twenty (20) both inclusive, Chute Brothers Division No. 12 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for school pur- poses, ordering the acquisition of the same by purchase or condemns�_s� tion, and providing funds therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Education having reported� to the Council that Lots 16 to 20, both inclusive, Chute Brothers Division No. 12 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, are required for school purposes, amd that the estimated.",;-,' value thereof is the sum of Tvtelve . Thousand, P'', Dollars ($12,000'.00), and the Comptroller having certified thai.z_< there is money available in the treasury of the City for the acquis�,(" tion of said lots, the Council hereby approves the project of acquit„� ina same for school purposes, and hereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said purpose by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the mayor, the Purchasing Agent the Commissioner of Education, if the same can be so procured at reasonable price; and in Case said Committee cannot procure said yi lands at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, theA and in that event, the Council hereby orders and directs that condom tion proceedings be instituted under -the provisions of the Charts the City to secure said lots, and that the cost and expense of awc0l, ing same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and the same is"16 by ordered to be paid for out of the item in the School Fund approoft: fl, ated for a maintenance, repair and real estate, and so -much of sait�Y fund as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart fox said`' purpose. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Y Yeas (V) Councilmen (vl) Nays Final Adoption by the Council, .............. r31 Farnsworth Ist Reading_ ......... 1913— Goss In favor AP ed Keller 2nd 191 4— Against 3'd . ...... . ..191 v Attest: Yoerg XXjBLjs:HED_ jQPKIL'fl bate Published.. 7 Mr. President, Powers J % f �A 0 TO THE COUNCIL OF TETE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The undersigned hereby reports that he requires the following described real estate for school purposes, namely: Lots 16 to 20, both inclusive, Chute Brothers Division Nor 12 Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. t" That said Lot 16 is 35.24 by 124.5 feet, and Lots 17 to t ' 20, inclusive, are each 40 by 124.5 feet. That the estimated lKcost of acquiring said land is the sum of `i°'4relp$•'. Thoud,,: Dollars ($12,000-00). ya' I Dated this 3 day of March, 1915. s,s' Commissi a of Ed a ion. (. I, W. C. Handy, City Comptroller, do hereby certify that there are funds in the treasury of the City available for the acquisition of the above described real estate, under the Main tenance, Repair and Real//state item of the School -Fund. Dated thi1 ° day of March, 1915. Comptroller �r , r BY Deputy., �53 An ordinance granting to Leo Piringer permission to erect a metal and glass canopy in front of the building known and designated as No. 376 St. Peter street, in the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Leo Piringer`to construct and maintain a metal and glass canopy in front of the building commonly known and designated as No. 376 St. Peter street, in said City, said canopy to be eleven feet, ten inches long, and to extend four feet, eight inches over the sidewalk. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said Leo Piringer for the erec- tion and construction of said canopy, upon the said Leo Piringer's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed canopy, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said canopy shall be installed under the super- vision and direation of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages anal expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construc- tion, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said canopy, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said canopy re- mains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approv- ed by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of ,said City. (h) Said canopy shall be removed by said Leo Piringer _-1 '39)5 •z whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. n Yeas (J) Councilmen (JFinal Ad ) Nay, by the Cooptiunciol.........._ _ Farnsworth ".'S ,� 191 ...._.191 Goss In livor 'Approved. U. . .... .r/�. Keller 2nd 191✓ L Ag nuYoa Srd Atte t: Yoerg PUBLISHED — — JOHN 1. F.ARICY, City Clerk. Date Published _._Z.-----.191..`.5 Mr.—C. F. No. 3966-Ordinance No. 3399— By M.N. Gosq ' _tn ordinance. granting toLeoPlrin- -- - .ger perm salon to erect a metal and -- glass canopy in front of thebullding known and designated as No. 376. St ' Peten street, in the City of St. Paul. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That permission and authority- are hereby granted' to .Leo Piringer to construct and maintain a metal and glass canopy in Iron[ of the building commonly known and deaignated ae No. 376 St. Peter street, In said City: i;amid canopy to be eleven feet, ten .inches long, and to extend feet, ten 'eib'ht Inches over the sidewalk. SECTION 2: The Commissioner of Public Works Is hereby authorized to Issue a permit to the Bald Leo Piringer for the erec- tion and construction of said canopy, upon the ask, Leo Phinger's compli- once with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of the pro- posed canopy, which plan shall be sub-' ..3ect..to,.;the:approval, of .the said Com-1 miss iener. (2) The amid canopy shall be In- stalled under the supervision and di- rection of said Commissioner, and the sold licensee shall pay the cost of in- spection. .(3) The amid licensee shall furnish m bond to the City f St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollar i (116,000.00)• conditioned to save the CI' of St. Paul harmless from any ani liability. ,judgments, sults chargee, damages and exp, may accrue to persona n account of or arlaing ' .t nruction, ms' `^ usr sense . j That the application of the Pure Oil Cc for a license to maintain an oil filling station at 9th & rranklin streets for the year ending December 31, 1915, be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50.00. RT:SOLUTIODi S. C, F. Nn. 3967—BY Henry McColl- 11-olved. Thot the IPP cation of the Pure nil Co. for a penes to alntain n on fl11inF .1.11 0' nt 9th and Frank- lin beets Por the Ye'I It nidierebp Is ,,.her 11, 1915. granted and the CItY Cleric ish 11 instruct- mentolnto the Cit Treasury f the fee i $59.90. Adopted by the Council March 6. 5. App—ed (March 13-1915) Yeas ( V) CoilcitInnen ( f') Nays JK;'r rth h)favor 1Against /�Mr. Presiers- FORM c.9-2 Adopted by the Council _ LJ%�!/ 191�— Approve 91 1!5— MAYOR Request of John W. Mo Earthy, Council File No.... ... .. ...... owner of 1220 Summit Ave PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEt4T. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the Making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:_:Dlo.Qk gl.JAI.emalk to -a w1dth of eight feet.. dw on the south side 0 Summit Ave:,_b9gi, point .. 2.20 feat -weat of Summit. Dunlap pt..", thence west_.to the cim%r th-0--right of way of the Chicago, ... ............ ....... ..... 1915.. Dated this,,, 5th_,,.__day of March-, .......... . . ... . .... ...... PRELIMINARY ORDER, Wl)[EREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, "iz.: oanstruct. a block. id AIX_ ew . ..... on. -the z-outh _side...of Summit Ave. begjmqjng_.a:t. a pglnt _22Q fee.t w eet. of D.113218.p St,. . thenee west tothe bridge t- 9.f....th.e ...Chioago.,.-Milwaukee _& _ _over _ver _... A written proposal for ........... . ....... improve theSt. Faul Railwa he InII`h`g act cementhire,, ..... . ....... n width of eight feet 0 of summit Ave. beginthe ning linvilig been presented to the Council of thi 220 feet wes)tof Dunlap SL pennian ............... ............. ,t I* the n, d ge ever th� "ay f,tb. Chicago, I therefore, be it Paul Railway, hevi n 9 been to the Council of the City of RESOLVED, That the Commissioner therefore, be It i is hereby ordered and directed: d That C. -TI a.I on.r of 'o�kB be k�nd he Is hereby or-.gL To investigate the necessity for (d directed' of said improvement. inv. g - the n ... esity for 2. To investigate the nature, extent .1,111t;t1oluith. nkI-g of ..Ih � improvement, and the total cost thereof. minvestigate the nature. ..t R. To furnish a plan, profile or sketimated cost of said Imp, ed the total cost thereof 4. flll.11i.qll tilt, rollowilIg other I' �-! furnish . plan, Pr.",,Iative to said iniprovement:. of said Improvement. ,ro furnish the follow) and Information relativ ............................. ................ ............. .......... !,.v.mamt. ', state whether or 5. To state whether or not said in 1't.18,"ke,l f•— q,i :ecl for on the petition of three or inore owners. 6. To report upon all of tilefgoing`to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council........_... 191N�� Yens: Nays: Councilman F It sworth Fa Go K r oll, Hash Mayor Po rs 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM +' Subject:. _..._...... _._ .... . 1.. .-. COUNCIL w� FILE No ...... ..................... .. .. .. Date Presented......... _ _._ ._ _ __..._.-I9L.......... Resolved, Thai the cigarette license No. 70 issued May 15th, 1913, to S. J. Barks, 317 Selby Avenue and tranefered to C, J. Hunt be and it hereby is tranefered to S. L. Serene, 317 Selby Ave. C. P. No. 3969—Ry Henry 3reCo11— Rasnlved, hot the Ignrette license No. 70 Issued Alay 16th, 1913, to S. J. m Burke, 317 Selby .lvenue d trann- fecred to C. J. Hunt be nndn It hereby Is ,runs rerred to S. L. Serene, 317 Selby A've. Ado Pted by the Council March 6, 1916. APProved Murch 6,1916, (March 1 3 -1916) Yeas (V) �t� Icilmen (I�) N,a_ys orth In favor I �7 o�� Z • .against Mr. President, owers // roll c.s-z k Adopted by the Council GlAi. 4`19 1-5 c r Approved 3 S -------------_ -MA-- VOR IRY10F S7. PAUL }resolved, That the grade of the alley in Block 7 Holcombe's Addition, as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. P. Na 3970—By M. 11. G. — - Beselved. That the -grade of the al- ley in Block 7 IT eombe's Addition, s shotrn bythe red grade line on the ac .'any l ng Vrofllo nd ns ecom-II endod by fire Com mi ssian er of rPublick Works. be d the su a is hereby666666 ad, V ted : Che ntabilshed grade. 5 .. \dopted by the Council March F� 1915. (5 AVproved March 5, 1915. (March 13-1915) Yeas (V) Cou ilmen (l,) Nays Farn worth Goss In favor Kelle Mc 11 ! _Against Mr. President, wers •\ matt c.9.2 Adopted by the Council 11- Approved_ 191 --- MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ROBERT T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY C.. ..... o " OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E—.— J. E. CARROLL. SUPT. C011T111—. & R—IP6 70� ALFRED JACKSON, SoPT. S—IAT_ G. H. HERROLD, 0111ce E.111119 H. W. GOETLINGER, Su PT. Wonx„ouse St. Paul, Minn. Mar. 3, 1915. Mr. M. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - Please note attached profile as per letter of City Clerk to you under date of February 18th, 1915. Respectfully submitted, Chief En;incor. t {'` OFFICE OF JOHN LFARICY, CI CL- eieK 18th, 1915. C0M �� Hon. 'S.id.^oas, M�ISg�O'N�.°GPuil C) °sKs Cos;rs. of :Public Works, City Dear Sir:— The attached petition requesting the grade of the alley in Block 7 of Holcombe's Addition be legally established, was referred to your depart::;ent by the Council at its meeting of this date. Yours truly, John I. ricy, City Clerk. P C I3_G PIIONSw MEMnER OF ,T. PAUL F..l ESTATE FxcSA. BIO •E.SEP OF I&VONAL•SSO-1— OF AE ESTATE FACMINOEE CnAwup,S W. EDDY & CO. REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY _ MORTGAGE LOANS AND INVESTMENTS FIRE INSURANCE I CAPITAL BANK BUILDING ROOE:Rm & F.—D STB• ST. PAUL, MINN. February 9, 1915. Mayor Powers, City of Saint Paul. Deer Sir: We hand you herewith petition relative to establishment of grade of alley in Block 7, Hol- combe's Addition. Almost all of the ground on the north side of the alley has been filled in, and the owner of the Anthony Flats, situated on Lots 21 to 26, is now for the first time put in a very embarrassing situation because the rear of the Anthony is the lowest point in the block, and all of the surface water runs into the rear of the building, and as the boiler room is situated in the sub -basement, below the alley grade,,it is a very difficult mat- ter to keep things in proper shape on the premises. When the spring thaw comes we, fear that we will be in a very serious condition. At thq present time, the owner, who is a western man, is in the City, and we have taken up with him the question of building a water proof cement wall on the property line, but before so doing he desires official action in establishment of the grade so that in making any necessary improvements he can conform thereto. Very respectf E -T Barn PnoNse ocx or n.n . ccec o.au. eer.re rxew..eee aia CHARLES W. EDDY & CO. REAL ESTATE, RENTALS, CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY MORTGAGE LOANS AND INVESTMENTS FIRE INSURANCE CAPITAL BANK BUILDING R0DR & F1M11 ST9. ST. PAUL. MINN. February 9, 1915. The Mayor and Council of -the City of Saint Paul: We, the undersigned owners of property in Block 7 of Holcombe's Addition, respectfully petition that the grade of the alley in said block be legally established. Respectfully submitted. laCGai �/G�Cot I� t J. %f,(� j r�7� „(I �J v V�` COUNCIL FILE NO. 39"71 BY �/%/i , t L Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter took efgi>ct, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public"Works, a certain Final Order No. 39,4W, for the paving of Case street from Payne avenue to Arkwright street with Asphalt concrete and a 30 foot Roadway, and pave with brick from A.rkwright street to Westminster street, with a 40 foot Roadway, in said City, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done: and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and'Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessment under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith; Adopts ,by the Council - — C. F. No. 3971—By S. A. Farnsworth— �l— Whereas: Immediately prior and up 1915, to the timk Farnsworth— Whereas, the existing Charter too effect, there w pending in the office. of the Board of Public Works, a c taln Fl Order No. 39.46454, for the ave - Yeas Nays noel to Arkwrlght Caeestreet wifromitthy asphalt rete and a 30 foot Roadway, and pave with brick from Arkwrlght street Farnworth to Westminster street with a 40 foot roadway. in said City. and ';Whereas: It is the opinion of this Cpunell, that all ther acts and pro- Goss ro- Goss te4dinge to be had or done relative to ,.:the': completion of the aforesaid order r� are'.. practicable to be done under. ffhh / Kell r termsCb.,t .and proVistonof the xisting Therefore, be It resolved that the. said order be ons of t uaexi the terms and to of the existing mcco l Charter as to all n ; an opts and pro / cloner of in done; and the Commis stoner oP Finance and other ORicers� Nashnd Departments f the City are here- by authorized and directed': to con -I Linosto completion the said assess- . men under the existing Charter, In ae- co dance therewith. Adopted by the Council March S. 1915. Approved March 5. 1915. 1915• M' ayc Powers A - (March 13-1915) -- 39`72 '� 3917? couxcuFIz,E No.� BY �/ Ci/ • ���rr r . Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter took effect, there was pending in the office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order No. 39,4651 for the paving with Brick, with a 40 -foot roadway, York street from Westminster St., to Mississippi street and on Westminster street from Case street to York street, in said City, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings tole had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid ordek are practicable to je'done under the terms and `provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts andprooeedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized,and directed to continue to complete the said assessment under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: C. F. No. 3972—By S. A. Farnsworth— Adopted by the Coun il, to`tne`NmP Immediatelyting criorter d up effect, there was pending In the off ce S or - 1918; ted.. First rOrder Noti 39 66?¢s for ethe paving. with brielt, with La 40 foot roadway, Yorl, street from West- Yeae $ay6 minater tW to Miasissippl street and o on nster street from Case street to York street. ins id City, and Far sworth Whereas: It Is the opinion Y this ce dings toabeall had the do nee ']Aliand ve the completion of the aforesaid order Waare practicable to be done under the Go terms and provisions of the-istinc Charter. Therefore, be It resolved that the v said order be complete nder the eel er terms and provisions of the existing Charter n to all further acts d pro- ceedings to be done; and the Commis - HO ell and d a Finance and to er e ficers here- bydepartments of the City are here- by authorized and directed to continue x L to completion the said assessment on- It der the existing Charter, in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council March 6. 1915' Approved (March3-1915)rch3--1916) M or Powers d 2D Approve MAYOR.. COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the Alatterof Paving Como avenue from the east line of Dale street to north line of Union street together with the necessary server, water andoas connections, frog: the street mains to the property lines complete, tighere not already made. Also Alley and Driveway Approaches. under Preliminary Order 3324 approved Ja�uary 7th, 1915 Intermediary Order _ ___ __ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having a heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City i P _,vg_ Corso wenue__frosn, the east Line of __I 1s_�iT.eLt-.tLl.._tCe .nnr�Y1_1 i n2_sf-Uni on q ze.! t_,.., -to,- ih>x._"ii.h the___.._ ....neressar3L seasr--a-oa..t-es--�,.r..d._..aa.�.c.arn.ec.a.n�s�>�.ot>r_t>w�.stree�.riziins._t,A._�._ " ......t.'.� a._,,, p_r ng n=t ._ l i n a -, r �„p1.E.t.E.,. �'Jn a r e.�II.t....a1.L8ady_..mad_e.,._s"�.7.5, _4.11gSa10-ErtZ—fno�-xQ.l�.da��Y-,--3.�z_"_ and th; Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. of said improvement in accordance t of Adopted by the Council _._�. 191 Cl erk. Approved ..... / -., 19 nl — 1. 3973— II Mayor. /// In the Matter o[ paving Como avenue.4 i/ from theeastune of Dale street to. Councilm n F sworth I l north line of Unlon serest together with theh cessary sewer. water acidU�) —(o gas connections from: the street .. l r. � , malas to the pT petty nnes aepmpaltleY W Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-7 f, l foie, be It Resolved, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature- of by the - ldf Improve 11'p ve Como avenue from the east 11 of Dnle St. to the S line .of McKetyt-v street, in-. tb, Inte>aection of Como Ave... Ith Dale St., and Fro we�,Lwaterther and gas the ne eesary se at mama to onneotiona' from the' the property .lines compete. where not already made. Also all alley and drive- IyACpeootedBlock,ayand bCement Curbing, and the Coupcil hereby orders Bald Improvement to b made ;\ Resolved Further, That the r"in•_te- luner, of n do Works. Adopted by the Counell.....................................................................191 Yews. NAYS. i MMAARNSWORTH vpS � KELLER /M COLL / . /NASH YOERG NAYS, 0 Nfil. PRESIDENT (POWERS) T �� ,; ,, ���� r �--� � yt'� ~ _- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER O FI NCE ON Pef: IMINARY ORDER ��11 i J r n CP In the Matter of --SJR under Preliminary Order approved---�'-=�'�1/�1_ Z ----1f --------'---------------_... ..-'--- --- ------------ --------`------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $------------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ------ KIND OF PAVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE COST PER FRONT FOOT. Sandlime brick $54,752.67 $11.33 Granite 53,883.93 47,947.54 11,,,14 9 91 SFdetone 3Z" Creosoted Block ----42,155.94 8.72 Brick 391115.35 8.08 Asphalt 33,1,03.91 7.03. Asphalt Concrete ---26,63.41 -:5;51 Asphalt macadam 33,478.03 4.85 Macadam 19,713.49 4.08 _ Goncrete 23.767.61 4.91 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION w titi, a 0 coo j500 b cG� 2 a 0 C49, roe esw a.w TOTAL, LY 15, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRtLIMINARY ORDER (B) -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO 00 7 ck o o'. ,7 D 0 i o I {p �z00 / A. / 0 ` u % A0 17 5 coo 3 S 2a .3 S a_, B TOTAL. .:71., CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF',,COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE . . i - ON PR=LIMINARY ORDER 3, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _. S-� ' C4 .3 /,V0 6 I's- D 50 j�Lo sD do TOTAL, (XJ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE : y ON PRJJLIMINARY ORDER 1, CB) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. - ADDITION VALUATION 30 (r. l J'L-V V�� L(�•f-' (!f �ti.t� ,,i�D--�,LG LLG� (/i-7. �1�I.i ,.,` L�L �? �%/M ( r� V�nt,�� .�� ��� �� = epi` �S, gni �v- ��U'�-�iti✓ e ;,� .1cz� �c�- G�v-i-01 Ilk - - J ttiE� cti� IMS �w%k a �a i�-G�e X�Lj �zrl?20 GGA . 6 6 ,/17UvG`/Itfi,1-1�'4 36 00 L�,/:¢��� -- TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 4 '40 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lB) DESCRIPTION LOT -BLOCK ADDITION 4 i i 4 { a✓u CGri-,uti c",/ Z ) Lp C,�� ��y C(f1,2z12 r, �jcb72 (L� r✓v c7�" e`�G n,-)/ i��w, v✓ D'J L �u i12llZ tLuv � -(�,,c li� 00 ` �V✓ ✓ VI/�W'"' :' /.", !�� rJ . �T (L /. /. �) / / � \� � J � �"vV�-' " L'�-L �l G� -�rai c w o atlle , 7w ec k �lzce y 7 v�Y. TOTAL, Y !) ASSESSED VALUATION _ 0 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ✓ .� ON PRILIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 �jo I � /o do 9 � � r� 2 S � � � � s '>'�.�i C4, 0 /I ASSESSED VALUATION 2 .s �.`.�... .. ,30? S �000 D co. 0U CoS- r .. - TOTAL. _.• RM B.9.P. 5�5 B �� CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ ii. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREfi..IMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /60 6 0 0 g 4,4 Lz a U uk GLS v( i1 v t liv% 2 �S 2 Z -F D 4 l 7 (a D p / 7 0 O I Zl % v 9 0 o_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. , 1 /h- Dated------� "-----..... ._.._191:-.- CG .K ice:: � l - t_ . - ._ ' FORM ..S.A. E-8 C Commissioner of - Finance. St. Paul, Minn. Jani, 12, 1915- M. N. Goss, Commissioner of kublio works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith proliminary estimate of cost for. paving Como Ave. from the east line of Dale St. to the north line of Union St., including intersections of Dale, Front & Como Ave., in accordance with Council File (3324, approved Jan. 7, 1915. Assessable frontage 4,836 ft. _ KIND OF PAVING IAPPROXIIGATE ESTI14ATR (009T PIIR FxONT FOOT Sandlime brink $54,730.62 $11.32 Granite 88 11.14 47 925.49 9.91 Sandstone r 3" Creosoted Block 42,133.89 8.72 Brick 39,093.30 8.08, Asphalt 33,880.86 7.01 Asphalt Concrete 26,641.06 4.85 Asphalt maosdam 23,455.98 Macadam 19,691.44 4.08 Concrete 23,745.56 4.91 Whore curb is not in add 46V to above cost per front foot for cement curb to be constructed. Where house service connections are not in add for each lot: Per sewerai,Cher side of street $45.90 For water, 3/4", N. side of street 29.00 S. side of street 46.00 Per gas N. side of street 816.00 S. side of street 9.00 Please note that between Mo Sentg St. and Union St. the R. R. Cole frontage is 630 ft., which frontage is not aeoessable' that the crossing is on grade and that' -In the near future a bridge will have to be built at this crossing. Renee, I desire to recommend at this time that when the final order for this paving is to be -2- passed, 2- P passed, the limits of the proposed paving of Como Ave. be from the E. line of Dale St. to the S. line of Mc Kenty St. and including the intersections of Como Ave., Dale St. and Front St. Respectfully su �b pmitted, � 4- 'ISL A c aiJ i_ Chief Engineer. 0 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Janua rY..._13..x........_._............7 91...5 . To,the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, knowu as Council File No......_3324............ approved. .... ....... jIa.K.Y.I..)....... .... ....... 191.._r§., relative to the _ pavin.of Como Ave. from the east line of Dale St. to the north line .. ............................. ...... ... ........................ .. .................. ......... ................ ..._. i of Union St. _....... . .... ...... ...........-.. ...... -.... ... -......... . ..................... ....... ..... .. .......... ...... and having investigated tTie matters and Vidng`s rimed t"Q-:jtperein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... necessary and (or) desirable. S. The estimated cost thereof is $........... XXX and the total cost thereof is :......._....._XXX_..... ........... , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... .............. ..........__...-_....... ........ ...... ........ ............. ... ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ......... ............._...._................. ..._........._...................... ........ --- ....... ._...... ......................__._....__._............._......................_....._...._._..._._....................... __............._....__ ... 5. Said improvement is.._._nOt .,___,._._asked for upon petition of three or more owners bf property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............. ...............qC01- .......... _....... _....... . ner o Public Works. 1 TO TT E COIE,TOIT COUNCIL Of '.'T? CI'Y OF ST. PAUL: (" We, the f undersir:ned property o•rmers and tag - r ers='resdin, on p y € Como 'Avenue, in said city; respectfully .....sem protest the proposed pL-ving of vaid Como ::venue at this . time, for the following reasons: ':any of us have recent sewer and sidewalk assess- ments remaining unpaid, and the added expense of paving assessments at this time would amount to confisoL.tion. ,he ; ss proposed paving of Como Avenue, is not. necessary .t this time, and. of no benefit to f the general public or 1oc41 property owners. it)(K /ll1t4�a�iiJ r . - t 3 --------- til. � R� .. -»....F..._.........W_.....e......• ._....__..H_.. . i i C5 - Al ZZ N 0 �xz z4 SLC a 't -..e - vg qS 0 1 mm so C0410 -trr,rt 113 1 TO THE COMMIT COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. The undersigned owners of.property on Como Avenue, between Dale Street and Union Street, express their preference for creosoted wood blocks in case such street is ordered paved. NAME DESCRIPTIOI4 OF PROPERTY IA16 ^� i s s T TO TijP, CuMmluji COW;C111., TTQ C',",T,Y ov olt. won': TAT wiaersiqiind owner© of i)roperty on Como :,veinzo, t)r--tIvt-,en .)ale ,Arcot ij.,d ;zj, (in o. pr U-19 in oaoc' 011ro'!"; 10 32j':-'(:I ?V7 iundrd $ xzcixii Qrttur#f ettTs, �! f' lvJ j xox. WILLIE VAN ocvAxrex. EIGHTH CiRGU1T. P �i ,p I' uxxrwooa .:xi.c ox. o. t `.l 444 ..-✓�'""l�/, R.I. WALTER H. x.xxxL R.I. WILLIAM C. NO x.Au x x 9 xax.E xExx.A...r.x.0 . E xox. WALT r„ `� xoox x x. .c. ALIN wux St. Paul, Minnesota, June 1, 1915. Fonorable Winn rowers, �.. Mayor, City of St.Paul, ~ - St. Paul, Minnesota.- My Dear Sir:- In behalf of myself and other property owners, resi- dents on Como Boulevard from Dale Street to Como Park, I take the gracious liberty of informing you and the Council of a denloraole condition that well nigh impels one to utterances hardly befitting a gentleman. The street has had no attention all spring with the exception of a meager sprinkling of crushed stone. Through- out the dry days in April the dust on the boulevard became a nuisance and a menace to the adjoining residents, but we permitted ourselves a certain degree of toleration in the hope that the con- dition soon would be relieved. During the wet days of °lay the street was a veritable mud hole and to attempt to cross the street, even at the regular crossings, would have been a senseless act. Then came the greatest of all nuisances. On Saturday last when the period of rain had about ended and the sun had commenced to dry up thewet spots, another horror became imminent. ' By Sunday. afternoon the' street resembled a country road and great clouds of dust would hover in the air and settle on the lawns, porches and in the houses. Yesterday the deplorable condition was mul- tiplied ten-fold. 11otor cycles, automobiles, manure rigs, the Grant Construction Company's heavy gravel wagons and many other vehicles, including the heavy passenger truck used to convey people to Roselawn Cemetery, all kent up a continuous and inces- sant dust raising spectacle. All windows had to be closed and front porches had to be abandoned for it wss impossible to sit outside in comfort. Now in view of the conditions that I have described, and words cannot adequately desFcribe them, will the city, which prides itself on its cleanliness, permit sucn conditions to exist and continue unabated on the main thoroughfare to its beautiful park where weekly thousands of visitors pass over in going to and from the park, and as the summer approaches many more thousands will pass? Formerly when the boulevard was under the juris- diction of the Park. Board the street was maintained in excellent condition at all times. It was properly oiled and packed and solidified, and treated in all respects like the drive-ways in the park. Now that the Park Bard and its powers under the new charter have been absorbed by the city, must the street be neglect- ed and allowed to depreciate into a condition that is repulsive `jnited$ 'Qtir t anurt ffals" •%,/r EIGHTH CIRCUIT. p %1 /+C�,�,✓j xo.. w.LTex x.SAN N...qt ( 1 44 ii ^° xo.. ELME. B. ADAM—S.". ooze^. .c., ioocc:. ✓ 9-- r,.l .,-9 C�. xo.. JOxx E. .TB (j/�' l6 /��ti� ��:,.a. 4 I St. 7aul, Minnesota, June 1, 1915 � -+ Fonorable P,inn T'owere iayor, City of ;,t .Paul, �'" E'.t. Paul, ?iinnesota. i;fy Dear Sir:- In behalf of myself and other property owners, resi- dents on Como Boulevard from Dale Street to Como Park, I take the gracious liberty of informing you and the Council of e., denlorable condition that well nigh impels one to utterances hardly befitting a gentleman. The street has had noattention all spring with the exception of a meager sprinkling of crushed stone. Through- out the dry days in April the dust on,,the,;boulevard became a nuisance and a menace to the adjoining residents, but we permitted ourselvesa certain degree of toleration in the hope that the con- dition soon would be relieved. During the wet days of ?lay the street was a veritable mud hole and to attempt to cross the street, even at the regular crossings, would have been a senseless act. Then came the greatest of all nuisances. On Saturday last when the period of rain had about ended and the sun had commenced to dry up the wet spots, another horror became imminent. By Sunday afternoon the street resembled a country road and great clouds of dust would hover in the air and settle on the lawns, porches and in the houses. Yesterday the deplorable condition was mul- tiplied ten-fold. 'rotor cycles, automobiles, -manure rigs, the Grant Construction Company's heavy gravel wagons and many other vehicles, including the heavy passenger truck used to convey people to Roselawn Cemetery, all kept up a continuous and inces- sant dust raising spectRele. All windows had to be closed and front porches had to be abandoned for it was impossible to sit outside in comfort. Now in view of the conditions that I have described, and words cannot adequately describe them, will the city, which prides itself on its cleanliness, permit such conditions to exist and continue unabated on the main thoroughfare to its beautiful park where weekly thousands of visitors pass over in going to and from the park, and as the summer approaches many more thousands will pass? Formerly when the boulevard was under the juris- diction of the Park Board the street was maintained in excellent condition at all times. It was properly oiled "and packed and solidified, and treated in all respects like the drive -ways in the park. Now that the Park Bard and its powers under the new charter have been absorbed by the city, must the street be neglect- ed and allowed to depreciate into a condition that is repulsive Muitrd $tatrs Orruit Court of �}Nmlealz, xox. wu.us vex nevexrex. EIGHTH CIRCUIT. xox. ween x.SA ELKER D. eo xox. wee xox. ioxx e. oNc. Honorable Winn Powers -2- to every sense? Has the City a more narrowed scope to work in than the "ark Board formerly had? Last Saturday I paid my taxes and included therein was about $4.00 for sprinkling. I beg to submit that the boulevard has never seen a sprinkling cart in all the time I have resided there. There have been a few sprinklings of oil, but at sucn infrequent intervals that the nuisance has never been sufficiently abated. Why are all the streets converging at Dale and Front Streets enrinkled and Como Boulevard omitted? '9hy should Dale Street, which is paved, be sprinkled, and Como Blvd. which is not paved, be forgotten? Sprinkling carts come just to the boulevard andthen tarn about. In behalf of the residents and myself I respectfully submit to you the above facts for your thoughtful consideration and instant action, and respectfully ask that you refer this communication to the proper official. Respectfully yours, r_� COUNCIL FILE NO. BY t FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of e 1 y - 1' _.... r1 ...... under Llilniedl•�'Oi'dtlri ' approved approved ___... • _...._.._..__...... .._...... . Intermediary Order ---- - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, :and having rally considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thlit the precise nature, estent.and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is . 3 3: r. - j i .. 1 4 C. . and the Cou'nciT 1460y orders tidid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance th re%% th- Adopted by the Council /`/ �((il Approved.... v Councilman Farn worth GOSS Kell r Mc oll 7 A/N A? Yo g Mayor Po rs Form R. S. A. 8-7 191 :. r.,�roveu Novani �� bile hearing haVing b-!;,% the above Improvement upeC e, and the Council havin&' ersons, objections and r rIY. n ins rel tive the eto. ad chef .ry considered th same; therefore: solved, By the Courell of the City --ef St. Paul that the pr to sae tent and kind sof improvement to bee de by the id Citey is construct sewer nut'erWtCeeteet p�pwesterlc 'treet to a point s thence from outh,v-terly line o¢ Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision r`o 45,U so then thence southeasterly 13 tterinutt street. Mississippi erly nlno of u on n essement to the iv rimy avement toouncbe made. orders s Resolved Further. That the Commis- foner of Pnbnc Norks be d he is hereby 't nations ¢caftnations'rected for said piOYempPt nandp submit same to the nc11 for approval; that upon said CCUar�1-,gyperrovn.l.; lthe. gropsc.1reetefd to pro - m March II dopted by the Council ipproved iltarch 5. 1915. (March 13-1x15) y CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF Com, 7MISSIONER OF FIN E ON PLIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of--------- _r. �. r-ate✓� ._:q ..... ........... .......... ................ 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------...----------_-------------- -- ---- --------------------------------------- - -= - -_-------------- ------------------------------ under Preliminary Order approved------E--1U--'---_....t�......._--.------l�y-----------------------._.....--------------...------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is�a-=��o--•-`-�'�----------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ • `------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOy�T/ BLOCK ADDITION ap TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION j%D oL a a U Cl U U lDa v 6 .. TOTAL, O �oAM a a.. ate- �: � y CiTy OF ST. PAUL „ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o eC Q'G C� U U G?l o L/ 'z .. TOTAL, O �oAM a a.. ate- �: � y CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR LIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAL��}}IlATION el 0 f Z U //nt %� /,lv�� q, !!//�v/ �J io�rr% � oZ -Z f�tl u?l ��✓L l/�/�l /moo-�-( �01 �1 /la�l10°0/ 00 moi; f� �, 111 /�o(C /,f% /D r.)) - ? s. _ 5�2 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of fhe aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 2 Dated /2 c -___ - -1 - -----_..----------1911✓ _........��i..... -/ - -- ___.. Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. a -e C M. N. GOSS a. ( � NN3(IS810N88 PUBLtC WO[fG4 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OSCAR CLAUSSEN ° CNtBP �NGINB6H St. Paul, Minn. 1iov. 30, 1914. Mr. M. 11. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Butternut St. from Bay St. to a point 25 feet southwesterly from southwesterly line of Lot 6 Auditor's Sub. ,45, thence southeasterly to a point on southeasterly line of Butternut St.; thence on an easement to the Mississippi River, in accordance with Council Pile 42402, approved Nov. 5, 1914. Approximate es!;imate ?2,648.00 Assessable frontage 1,308 ft. Cost per front foot 2.08 Excess inspection necessary {?40.00 Respectfully eubuitted, Chief Engineer, St.Paul, Minn.June 9„ 1914. We, the undersigned, do hereby, partition the Board 'of Public Works, to have a sewer put in on Butternut Street, between Bay St. and Pattersons Hill. IVF /�•,' ,ate.: �,� 2 7-Z 41, f 6 3 1914 ' Axt R lo 1' {"l,h. ��� . ✓ r'f i �7 .� Af—: ✓/e. `•� ( l� .ri c• ��� c a ( s J ' C:' 1914 ?d�, 0�� _ 4l1N �,�.;E9 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 30, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......__?,4O?,--approved.. . November 5+ .191414)1......, relative to _.the..._... construction of a sewer on Butternut St, from Bay St, to a point 35_.._feet..._eoutweate.xh1Y..._f..rqm.....9outhweete_rly::..l.ine...oY_...Lot- o,_,Audit_or!._e...._._..,_._.,.. Sub. 445, thence southeasterly to a point on southeasterly line of ut.te.Tnut..._S.t....;.....t.heno_e._.M.an. ....eaa.ement.. Rive -x.,.. _..._...__.. ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .... ....... ..... .necessary and (or) desirable. - $2.08 per front foot 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $_....................... _.._... , and the total cost thereof is .'...._. 31648.00, and Frontage 1,308 ft. Excess Inspection $40.00 the nature told extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... .. ......_.. . __.......... _...._..........._._.._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is........ ................... ........asked for upon petition of tlu•ee o4) more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvemeut. Cot missioner of Public Works. 1 -7 n7 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the Platter, pf - _... _....1 under Preliminary Order _ l _ approved Y Intermediary Order — approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice. and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having (illy considered the same: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inlprovenlent to be made- hy,the said City is _..... S ._:_ ^_v_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed tvi.th the making of said improvement in accordance there,-ith. >¢ Adopted by the Council _..... �QiI-_ ✓� .�, 1•')t `��� ity Cler . ' Approved 191 7_ ......_. _- � y .. Mayor. / II, t,"Iding Pascal ave - to St. ,ell d. ,,n '���Prell minarY Oraer Councilman Farnsworth iY';r. -ember 22nd, 1914, I der 361.9. ,ring having been had e Improvement upon due Goss he Council having hear, objections and recommen- tive thereto, and having " Keller ushered the same; therefore, ved, By the Council of the City ` 'dui that the precise nature, e McColl na k!,d of Improvement to by the s Id cltyn issgr.dvenae rascal from eer o avers o street. ed the Coun Ile hereby said improvement [o be made. or ved Further er, Pita[ e d he Is .,,r t f Public fano rks ec d he Is *"w`K hereby In s[ructed and directed to PI-s- I. plans and specifics tions for said mproveme n t, and au bmlt same to the Mayor Powers comleu roe approval: that, Pon said �\ dpprorai• the proper cl ty officers are Form R. S. A. 8-7 ho,eby- a,tti,,Izcd and directed to pro - Form —th the 11toh); of said lmprove- ent to c�ordanctherewith. h. Adopted hy the (:oune.11 \Larch 5. 1915. Approved \larch a, 1.,15. Olarch 13-1915) , CITY DEPARTMENT ST. PAUL j .� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONtrjM1!S10NER OF FINAN - ON PRE_,1MINARY OFjDER (PJ 07 In the Matter /J Q /n under Preliminary Order approved----—----L---...•�f...------------ --- `-/..._...----------------- _......_--- ............._--------------------- ------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: r The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - ----------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots,Qr parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A `i /i l oZ�f ,2�` all IORM 8.8.A. B -D A TOTAL, 1 O - CITY OF ST, PAUL , ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER , ON PRFF_IMINARY ORDER , (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION zj- ell, z �1 U 'Zj l LYU 1 y l //0 ,� s• / d. ASSESSED VALUATION, V �.7 z�7s� �e7,f• J1 9� C� TOTAL, � � / 6 -/� o CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENNT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELWi INARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION{ o o� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the reportmade to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- — .... 191......... ----- - ....... ... ._..... _---------- ' Commissioner of Finance. roRM B.S.A. 5.5 c i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January....13........._.._.................791.. 5_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: V The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._...'l.$.a........_.approved....__I)P.Q.e.Xt11j'].E.S....2.2................. 191... 4., relative to......_'G!?C...._.... .grad.in.g..._o%..._Pascal Ave......_fro..m Jeffa;Ton Ave....._t_4..._S_t......._Clair..._S_t....................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Sand improvement is .............. ....... and (or) desirable. ,1.26 per front foot 2 750.43 'l. the estimated coat thereof 3s $....--------------+ and the total cost thereof is F._.._.......t_............................. and Frontage 2, 131.6 ft. Excess inspeotion $54.07 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................ ........ _..... ._......... ... _._.._......._.._............ ....._........_...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 ................ ................._......................_..........._........_..................._...._..................__....._.._............_._._........._........__........_......._.............I.........._ ................._.. .. 5. Said improvement is. ......._not- ............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner Public Works. 'I`i,Y VM'so' RUL P's-vairh mmi'lih V f w'b lei c `v rk s ROBERT T. GO UR LEY, Oepury Com mmoioner M.N.GOSS, Commissioner OSCARCLA USSER.0 ,I I.g. er U. E.CARROLL.S up, C.---6 Rap—1 P LFREOJACRGON, Supl. Sa nita tion G. H.HERROLO, orf- Enyipear St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 12, 1915. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Pascal Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St., in accordance with Council File #3181, approved Dec. 22, 1914. Approximate estimate 02,750.43 Assessable frontage 2,181.6 ft. Cost per front foot $1.26 Excess inspection necessary $54.07 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. COUNCIL FILE NO. _._ By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _. e _grade of Pascal ave._ rog _Jefferson avenue to St. ,Clair Street, be and is he changed to conform to the red grade line on the profile hereto a and made a part hereof, the resent grade -"be e res rt d e b]] said ro_'le d { a i accordance e,e} tiepgrade e y estabYis e . Su gdrg C�oui�c Fie60. under Preliminar er .. 1 _ approvEec-Decem? eYi Intermediary Order 136 1--5— _ _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and 'recommendations relative thereto, and having Pally considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvernent to b ma by said C' is . Chang. t' e gr :d.e, of Pascal avenue grow. _Jeffg, n Ave. o et. lair 9 'kaxax xt axaa�a:cizAnaaky in accordance .vitt ' ie roffle hereto attache 2nd made a part hereof the blue line representing the ?1d. Ha.de an -d the _rad gine the nerr--Fr e e �v est bli�hed, and Crude aac avenue , rom eflerson avenu o S� Mair a zee , and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making i of said improvement in accordance therewith. �- Adopted by the Council ___..._ _.. /.'f LCL. ✓� Approved ..... _.._ _ _ 191, r _.. City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl , O'Leary Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 f Y' COUNCIL FILE NO, By FINAL ORDER. 59.76 -.. In the Matter of _ 3 under Preliminary Order '-.'_ _ approved Intermediary Order _ _ __. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ' ` 1 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aecordauee thereoith. Adopted by the Council _._.._ ___ :.kF._r_: i; 191 lerk. Approved......_ S 191 v l 1j Magor. v Councilman/r worth f hearing � Gos having been had ove IC "aria drd urolurncil havinovement go hean ti Kell .me 'ns,on - thereto, and ohaving �of illy considered the same; therefore, bo it Resolved, By the Council of the City Mc it St. Paul that the precise nature, ex - �C7 tent and kind of Improvement to be made by the aid City Is „ construct" a ver on Ri voll street from It. Ida • street to a point opposite the south it o of l.ot. 25, Block 9, Warren and \Vins- loa%s .tddition, and the Council hereby o crd ers aid improvement to be made. Resolved Further, That the Cammis- " inner of Pu bile works be and he Is Mayor ow rs hereby instructed and directed to pre - pare plane and Pec iflcatlons for said im provemen [, and submit same to the Form B. S. A. 8-7 Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed wlth the making of said im- provement In s cordance therewith. .adopted by the Council May 4,1915. .approved May 5, 1915. (May 6-1915) 1-4U -; CITY OF ST. PAUL 7' DEPAR 4�IENT OF FINANCE_ ® !� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. 0111W -SI In the Matter of `-(,...--44- --------- `--�- under Preliminary Order approved---L:._`--------.._..---z��-f-------------------------------- O To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--a--,,.2-----5---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $--95--------- The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION �l 12l��t//oJ�Q/�J�//�S��t GJ..�,( l�U.rcl/�(iu/C KLCA;/-gyp •-t flea•. 1 TOTAL. FORM B.B.A. B-! A ASSESSED VALUATION ,Z,L/. , o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .. . - - ------ 191- . - % G .,._. '.._ G� .F: f� i.._.. . ..... % Commissioner of Finance. IGFM 9.S.A. 3.3 C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR7F�, "ENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIiIIISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY' ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION ' LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ^ ua( e2J�u IV G J � > `7 ? The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .. . - - ------ 191- . - % G .,._. '.._ G� .F: f� i.._.. . ..... % Commissioner of Finance. IGFM 9.S.A. 3.3 C CITY OF SAINT PAUIj OITY OLERH'6 OPPIOE Hon. M. 111. Goss, Coscir.of Public Works, City of St.Puul, Idinn. Derr Sir: - \7 Dec. 10th,1914. DEC 10 1914 LO M. N. GOSS. COh""SSIONER OF PUBLIC WORHS The attachad cor.;mznication from the property owners on Rivoli Street, asking for a sewer. on that street, was referred to your department, by the Council at their meeting of to -day. Yours truly, L) 1914 City Clerk. BUREAU Or L,'ul.,c�'r'_�. Ll rats � mJC.t.ala�✓ r.�-o a� .:fes" �°-,••_ �"f'�GGI��R'''"'pV��%�,aw:�.-E..t;�s'{7 I�"�l M. N. GOSS OSCAR CLAUSSEN C.— eNc�xrsex _ss—R —C WO— CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Dec. 23, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost .for the construction of a sewer on Rivoli St. from Mt. -Ida St. to Lot 25 Block 9 Warren & Winslow's Addition in accordance with Council File #30671y approved Dec. 16, 1914. Approximate estimate 0646.00 Total frontage 731 ft. Less exemptions 60 ft. Assessable frontage 681 ft Cost per front foot•94V- Excess inspection necessary $27.00 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. W, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 23,______.._...791.4.r To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coli- 3067December 15, 191.4...., relative to_...__.._._.......... cil, known as Council bile No .................. .approve.._..._........_.......__.....__..._._..__....._........ construoti.ng...a__._eewer..._on.Rivol_i.St. from Mt. Ida St. to Lot 25, . Block 9. Warren & Winslow's Addition. .._. .. .... _ ....._......_ . and having investigated the matters and things referre[1 to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............__........necessary and (or) desirable. 94¢ per front foot , and `L. The estimated coat thereof is $....._.._...._................_., and the total coat thereof is :}� .........__..__....,. X646.00 ._.. Frontage 681 ft. Excess inspection $27.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:... _........ ........... . _. ............_.. _.... ..... _ ................. _._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...... ....................._........... _._......... ... .......... .... ............... _Tar ........_....._............__._.................... ._.......... __._............. ..... .......... ....... .......... _....._...... ... 5. Said improvement is...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. commission of Public \Yorks. - ..a:� CITY OF ST. PAUL _ / 9(s ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. couxEtc 39`7` ???sff AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM f,cE No. lBY AUDITED 19t_� PER Resolved M t warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and. 4 in folio wing in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified the. statement _ Adopted by the Council-19L� Yeas (✓) C uncilmen ( ✓)Nays F nsworth � Ap v d 191. asIn favor K er Coll Against -- ••*aa O eary Mr. President, wets K 1 l r- Corporate Purposes General Fund Armory T�iaint. 9 17 St. Paul Armory Board, $1,000.00 General Fund-Police Pension 9 16 S. A. Farnsworth, Treas. Police Pension Fund, 16,320.00 ✓ Gen. Fund Fireman's Relief ry =9 7 Treas. Firemen"s Relief Assn., 11 424.00 r Gen. Fund -Public Charities Acct. 9 8 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 100.00 Gen. Fund Mise. & Un£oreeer. Acct. 9. 9 M. W. Fitzgerald, Reg. of Deeds, 14.00 Public School-L. & R. 99 0 Mr. Anthony Yoerga 310.20 99.1 K. F• Dreher, , Gen. Fund-Teacherst Pension ' 22 S. A. Farnsworth, Treas. `. Teaclere, Retirement Fund AssIn. 11,424.00 G Water Dept- Fund 39 23 Hazen, Whip-pie 8• Fuller, 1,116.17 otalCro . 446 ?2 Y. _ Water I)ept •Sa7 alie 9924 S. A. Farnsworth, Com- of Finances Total Cojperate F111pose a $1,565.20 ...$4 .4-46.72 lar620 4 1 3.�011.92 _ej?, ,.11,1 All Fehd , _j�.bllc I CjItIIIA.t-' t Prevention, of C . rUeltY, 0'�nd- 1�Mis. & Unfor,,,,,�j Acet.: e ds. $14M. Mnolid School -Stir & R•: An - 8. blon: , S, A. 'A tsitiorlFund AB ociati r.' 424.00et re Pt AVaxng- d 0;step. Dspt.--Salar. je.: , 0 e Mar. - rch 5-. 191V Oproved - AIR 19161 13 s979"--0Ttce No 3{II' - o din ace 'to amend Admtnt t' "u— or" ..at 20th,n c N 914 afian '.�dminte, ® O dinanea ti•¢ShtinS to 'th C1 l Bur nuoY th Clty of .ppr " 'and ndoPtlnS. t S latinne .thocetor. , Cothe City ea ordain: ordain:: - t'saeilonta.Rniea,,''ance to Amend Administrative Ordinance #3250' 4001h_. IS., AUS' ended to rend a u poio altne oof r. approved Auram 1914; an Administrative Ordinance rtlatil.g to t..e h^ Civil Service Burea.kt-of the City of St.Paul, approving and adopting Rules and Regulations therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THN, CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' That Section 18, Rule 4 of Ordinance #325% , approved August 20th, 1914, be amended to read 93 follows: A. For positions of foreman, a.e•istant foreman and other positions requiring the making of reports: Special Smbject---------------------------- °/eight of 4. Education --------------------------------Weight of 2. xnerience-------------------------------'Weight of 3. Report--------------------------- -Weight of 1. B. For positions ot'ner than triose specified in "A"/ Tests of experience, skill, physical fitness, to be I determined and provided for by the Commissioner, a.s provided in Section 18, Rule 4, of this Ordinance. Councilmen J) Nays Final AdoptioV the Counciln by ........./! C.'� '191 f Farnsworth favor J 191 In fA ro ed 191a lsl Readmp..........._ _ _.. ....... Cass l Keller 2nd _ 191 McColl._ aunt .. MAYOR !rd a13:_ 191J � Nush Attest: - HN 1. FARICY, �.,, Yoerg ,/ ar eUB1ASE"34 7 l City Clerk, Date Published ..._.....V..�-191 Mr. President, Powers J. B n cR a0cwiw<w J CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE 1.1arch 3, 1915. Ci. C. Handy, Civil Service Cormnissioner, Court House: R155 R. MILLER 19780 Dear Sir: Tre attached amond:nent to the Civil Service ordinance vrxa pre- pared by the Cornorr:tion Counsel at :ny request, -ani I aa❑ submitting- it to you for ;your consideration and for your recommendation to the Council for passage. This amendment is desire:, because it will enable the Avil Service 1?tireaa to / eet more accurately the views of Depart gent heads in the matte- of securin; proper e1i i:1e lists for the skilled labor service. It will permit the eivin- of non-clucational examinations for the skilled trades; ,.e., rating the candido.tos only or. heir physical fitness and pre•rio'zs tr _icing. 'i,i:erevcr it is desiraLle, hoviever, that a ,-xitten or oral test or. pructicai questions should be liven in adlition to tae r, ins or. n;:ysical fitness o.nd previous training, it may be done by the giving of proper notice, as ;n-ovided in „ection e, of Rule IV of t' -.e Civil '.;crvlce oruinancc. The non-oducational exmnination sec:;:, to '.ae especially , ..visa'.�le i;: .,.satin;eli�-i'cle lists for such positions us coo::, soda:nan, lamp washer, yardman, and so on. Very truly yours, CIVIL SE ;•1ICB L'UR1:A'? Chief xaminer s JBF-G Enclosure 0. REbOLUTION � Whereas,the sudden and untimely death of Mrs.Charleo G.Higbee removes from the activities of this city a woman who for many years had given her life freely to the good of the comraunity;xho had cooperated most heartily and ably with officials of the city in their efforts to make St.paul a bette:r,oleener,bappier oommunity;Who had kept in close touch with all civic affairs and whose interest in such affairs vas rural and vital and not in any sense a natter of idle curiosity or of any desire for notoriety;^•h- had rut one guiding motive in her life,namely to help all people and to oontrib- ute her energy and her faith anJ hsr ability to the common good,and Whereas,in her efforts to cooperate with public officials,ehe was just and aenerous,free from fault-finding and the attitude of small oriticism;always willing to see all sides of a problem before passing judgment,and never working in a spirit of bitterness,.Z _ hatred or in an attempt to secure selfish advantage,and Whereae,because of the Umda public nature of her work,which at times was semi-off'igii'aal,and because of the wide -spread influence of her work in this 4awV,'hny commendation by a public body would constitute an expression on behalf of all classes of citizens, Therefore be it resolved by the City Council of ^t.?aul that we express on behalf of Viet city and its oitizens the sense of lose all must feel in her death,and declare our appreciation of her long life of unselfish human service Which nnxet ever be an inepiratbon to those who are striving to make the world better, r,, AL 3 / AN ORDINANCE SPECIFYING CERTAIN KINDS OF BUSINESS CONDUCTED IN THE CITY OF ST. PAUL TO PE PEDDLING, AND FIRING A. LICENSE THERE- FOFQ AA 11 PENALTY FO L TION THEREOF.- The Council of the City otf St. Paul does Ordain: - Sec. 1. Every person who shall sell, or offer for sale, any goods, wares, nuts, candies, groceries, provisions, vegetables, or tither articles of value, or barter or exchange the same at any point or place within the city of St. Paul other than up- on land owned or leased by said person, or at a store kept by said person, or at a stand at one of the public markets, shall be deemed, called or known as a peddler, and it shall not be lawful for any such person to sell or offer for sale any goods, wares, fruits, nuts, candies, groceries, pro- visions, vegetables or other articles of value, or to bar- ter or exchang9 the same upon or along the streets, avenues, alleys or other public places within this city without first having obtained a license for that puspose, as hereinafter provided. Seo. 2. That hereafter all applicants for a license to peddle within the city of St. Paul shall file with the City Clerk a written application for such license in which he shall correctly sthte the nature of the business for which a license is desired and his full name, age and place or places of residence for the past five years and his previous occupation during the same period, and if he has ever been arrested or convicted for a violation of any license law or regulation and if so, when and where. Said application to bear the written endorsement of the Chief of Police. Sec. 3. License Fees:- Any Berson may, upon payment to the City Treasurer of the sum of five dollars ($5.00) and presentation to the City Clerk of a receipt therefor and an application for said license duly approved by the Chief of Police, receive a foot peddlerts 06 f.. J� Y 4l" iftense, permitting such person to sell upon the streets articles specified in the application for said license, being carried by said person from place to place and handled by him in his business of peddling without the assistance of a vehicle. Any person may, upon payment to the City Treasurer of the sum of twenty dollars ($30.00) and presentation to the City Clerk of a reasApt therefor and an application for said license duly approved by the Chief of Police, receive a license per- mitting said person to peddle and carry from place to place in and about the city articles specified in the application for said license in a vehicle drawn or pushed by said peddler. And any person may, upon payment of the sum of fifty ($50.) dollars to the City Treasurer and presentation to the City Clerk of a receipt therefor, and an ap_lication for said license duly approved by the Chief of Police, receive a license to peddle, or propelled by other carry or sell from a wagon drawn by animal power in and about said city, any of the articles specified in the application for said license. Provo ded,however, that no person shall be permitted to use more than one wagon under each license, and when accompanied by more than one person an additional sum of twenty dollars ( 30.00) shall be paid for each additional person so accompanying said wagon. In addition to the above amount, said persona shall each pay $51.00 to the City Clerk for issuing such license. Such license and fee hereinabove specified shall be for the term of one (1) year from the date of the issue of said license and shall not be transferable without the consent of the Council. Sec. 4. Any person who shall exercise the vocation of a peddler thereunder shall display a badge with number to correspond to the number of license, on the left side of breast on outside of outer garment of clothing, and in case a peddler uses a wagon or other vbLhiole drawn by animal or propelled by other power, there shall be att tached to the right hand outer side of box under seat of said 3402—ny Ileo,, Alec", — -thin kl1+I AOf buisitn.s areaper cond the Cityn -dur pout t be peg. and flzing licence t: ,for pry, ng for carr,.g f badge? a a ta6a nn penalty for the iolattlon theree The eeoordninCf, 'c the C,c a tag, of color plaid to distinf•:uish, in an upright Every Pers "nEosition so numbe-. corresponding to n—,ber on lioense and badge. for ante, any € files, grpcerles. - <on`area,n nal 'ay be Flairl-7 discernable. Bald b.t.d�;a :ird tu,^^. to be furnished pince within tl thhan upon Inn`t+ said person, or e said licenned perteun b}, the ty Cler :. person, or at public mark Or known A].1 ped:.lers :ih;."'] --.t all tires, �j,-eti pa,i,,I-'Ii hFr-e in their not be la cello n FosseLsirn the license vxnd bade. or the license badge and tag `W provided in 'tie ordin•nmd, and shall produce 3rJ arox said license and badFre or said licer.;e bad0e and tag when requested so to do by any police officer, license inepcctor or the market raster of the City Of St. Paul. -a f €'' c.�.n-�'i-'�_�4-3...r2C•-w• . Seo. 5. - Thefyprovia`.ons of th_s ordinance shall not ap;-ly to persons rho sell only milk and oream, and who have oomnlied with the law in relation to the sel'in� of milk in said city. Seo. 8.No person, _irw o. ether also iation of oL persons, or a corporation, shall sell meatelbf neddl' , the same upon ane along the streets, avenues, alleys or other public places in said city, or from house to #ouse in said City, or otherwise or in any manner dispuse of their meats save and except at the Flace designated in their license. Seo. 7. Penalty.- Any person who shall violate any of the ;rovl3ions of this ordinance, shall won conviction thereof, be fined in a Lessour,, of not less than ten dollre ($10.00) nor more than one hun- dred dollars (tlo0^.00)-or by imprisonment for not leas than five (5) nor more than eighty (80) days. Seo. S. Old 0rdinanees Re -pealed. - Ali ordinances or Farts of ordinances inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Seo. 9. This ordinance shall take effect a.nu be in fordo ftom c-nd after the passage., apgroval and publication thereof. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nay, Final Adoption v/IQ� �.///� ,. by the Council..... I IX CX/f-/ _191'. [-----' Fnrnswortb 1.1 H -ding. 19iJ cull 7 In Invur Ap roved 191s� � / 190 Keller 2nd McColl C Against _ MAYOR 3rdZ 1*i Nash � 191 S Attest: Yoerg JOHN 1. FARICY, Date Published ....._ ,� 1.191 Mr. President, Powers .Sim: -D ') �, /els City Clerk. Resolved, That the contract bearing date march 4th, 1915, by and between F. J. Brings & Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing one hundred tons of No. 1 Midland hay, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. c, r. 14.: 3953— ki Resolved. That-thn�contract.'beartng;; 'Ante- Tla,a Ath: 1916,' by and between f F. a: .Brings & ComPnny and the WY to at'of No..l Midland hay, be one hundred same Is hereby approved, and the prop er city officers are authorized- and d1 rected to . execute ^the aamo . on bob. of the City. ,Adopted by the Council 1linrch: 6,. 1916. Approved,March 8, 1915- I rO 1976) Yeas (I") Cou 'lmen (k) Nays Far orth 3 In favor Ke M oil �J"P _0 Against Mr. President, Powers rp..t c.8.2 Adopted by the Council G__ 191C�— AODroved CITY Oir ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 308e� p 2 ........ _._-..... -.... .• COUNCIL FILEFILE N0 . ..... ................. ....... ' Date Presented._._..__. _.._..._..____ _..,...._I91........... Resolved, That the ,contract bearing date March 5th, 1915, by and between Keough Brothers and the City of St. Paul for grading Goodrich avenue from Lexington avenue west to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way tracks, and Dunlap street from Lincoln avenue to Goodrich avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. __ =___ 1 I Yeas (1/) Cou men (11 Nays Far orth Gos _ _ In favor Kell Me I _ _Against sh Mr. President, owers FORM c.e-z. Lexing« iqo. Milwauk & SL Paul Rn Itand Dunlap atreef from otn venue to Goodrich avenue. th the propean ciLY�ottic©ral aro hereby O" r O" behalf of the elty, execute the lopted _by' the: Courictl -Murch 6, pprocodMarch 8'1616 . (March 13-1916) ,adopted by the Council �t-.�--19i--�_ Approved �— MAYOR , Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 5th, 1915, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for grading Capital avenue from Avon street to a point 116 feet east of the east line of Vic- toria street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (P) Co cilmen (P) Nays tFsworth In favor _Against Nash Mr. Presiders roam e.8.2 a C. :F. No. 3983= Res 1 ed That the contract. bearing data March 6th, 1916 by'and between 'Christ Johnson and tb City of 5t. Paul for grading Capital -nue f ona Avon street to a .point 116 feet cast of the -eget line. of Victoria street. be and the same le hereby ,approved. and the proper (ty officers aro. authorized. and directed to execute the on behalf Of the City. Adopted by the Council March 6, 1916. 11 Approved March S. 1916. (March 13-1916) ,adopted by the Council y Approve 191 - -- — - MAYORR -T Workhouse.Fund Andrei; Schoch Grocery Co., Geo. Sommers & Co., John Theissen, 182.91 7.00 .3_ Commissioner of Public Works Fund `Pioneer Company, 64.00 Street & Sewer Fund P.erlt & Staack, 3 04 The Transit Supply Co., 1$•34 Bridge. Bldg. & Repair Fund Lindeke Warner &-Son, 2.40 f General Fund Election Expense Acct. S. A; Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 10.00 G. Sommers & Co., .14 .90 Total #2 School Fund } 77 99 Central Scientific Co., 8 99 9 99 9 2 Workhouse.Fund Andrei; Schoch Grocery Co., Geo. Sommers & Co., John Theissen, 182.91 7.00 .3_ Commissioner of Public Works Fund `Pioneer Company, 64.00 Street & Sewer Fund P.erlt & Staack, 3 04 The Transit Supply Co., 1$•34 Bridge. Bldg. & Repair Fund Lindeke Warner &-Son, 2.40 f General Fund Election Expense Acct. S. A; Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 10.00 G. Sommers & Co., .14 .90 Total School Fund Carnegie Fuel Co., 78.46 Central Scientific Co., 27.26 Crane 8c OrdWay Co.., 201.78 Daily=FraseT'Hardware Co., 22.49: Divine Bros. 3.56 1"16.25 East St. Psui Mfg. Co., Electric Const. Co., 79.74 Jesse Foot.Jewelry Co., 2.00 B. O- Fraser, 17.30 J."D..Higgins, 12.00 I'iulme '& Company, 19.24 16.43 W. H."Kane, John W. Lux,•54 3.80 McClain & Gray Co., Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., •59 ' N. W.- School Supply Co., 2.24 6.47 ldoyee. Bros. & Cutler, • &Sands, 24.86 Robinson, Cary St. Pahl Book & Stationery Co., 349.00 8chuneman & Evans,, 2.25 - Villaume Box I& Lumber Co., -tern .50 6..96 W es Electric Co,, 91.65 Western Supply Co.., f .2 T04071- 6rkaaa .-A Library Fund Dennaon_Mfg. Co., Library of Congress, 8.22 200.14 Library of Congress, 48.7,7 177.6% Er. A. Moeller Co., G. E. Steckert S. Co., 476520 #3 Park Fund 997 Martin Lumber.Co:$. 6.00 99 Roe -James Glass Co.', 22.0^ 99 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co., 22 ? Gen. Fund -Public Baths,! 99-7 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co.,' 8.64 K' Gen. Fund:Haygrounds Acet. 99 s. Brand, 72.00 Water Dept. Fund 99 Norther Pacific Ry. Co., 430. 36 99 Robinson, Cary & Sande, 2.67 99 The MacLeod Company, _ 150.00 99 Crane & Ordway, 58.60 99 The Golden Rule, 1.90 998 Western Supply Co., 2.50 998 Milo., St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Ry. Co., 80.4 Interest Fund 998 'General•Contracting Co., 86.40, .; Spec. Asses. Const. Acct. -Paving .Dal'Grund to Front e, 998 Kettle River Co., 62,70' 998 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., 158.47 'tal LD1 G 221 1 Prior Ave., Marshall to University 998. Geo. Sommers & Co., .45 Hastings, Bates to Earl, 99 0 Settle River Co., 54.15 Case St., . Payne to Westmini ster 99 1 Board of Water Commissioners, 8.0 99 2 M. N. Goss for Depreciation & Contingent 325.78 99 3 M. N. Goes for Street & Sewer, 30.00 99 4 M. N. Goss for Engineering Inspection, 15.00 ; al Ca J Arcade, '7th to Maryland 99 5 Bacher•Feed & Fuel Co., 6.00 99 6 A. A. Carl.otrom, 2 99 7 J. H. Morzyl, 2. 0 99 8 Standard Asphalt &Rubber Co., 5.92 99 9 Twin City Carriage Works, 3.00 s<, ;A„� �;. Arcade St. 7th to Maryland -Cont. 100 100 Q 1 Reustrom.Bros., S, N. Goss.ior Rondo St., Rice to Western, •35 16.57 ;? 100 2 'Chicago,. Great Western Ry. Co., 3.00 1.20 T1 100 100 3 4 W. R. Scnu].z, M. N. Goes for Street & Sewer, 9_1.55 100 5 M. Carlson, t Tyotal Arcade St. , Zl LD._MaraG18>ads "A """ .•.�d. '0,�" vow e T c. ssess. Const. Acct. -Paving, 792. 9 Special. Funds Humboldt H. S. Library Acct. 100 6 Crane & Ordway, 9'03 54.00 100 7 Johnson Furniture Co'., .84 100 8 Welsbach Co., a Total Humb-Q�c r++ --- !►est. .•••••3,93 Total Corporate Purpose ........ x792.6 " Spec. Assess. onst. Acct awing..... " Special F ds, ...... ... 8 Grand tals 4, 499. 4 - - - _ _ - Centr +erHardwarc'";Ce.,-$2209,"DWivI.ine -$S 66 Eadt 5t Pnul MYB Co., Const Co, $79:74 Jea-. - Foof'Jewel.- Co: $2110'B.;O irra- 2of Je Jewelry,' v. $17:30 J D�Hig(;In $32AQ; Cotttt77Pang $10.24;aC t 8ati lainlima:& >hn'3¢: Lux 60 Cents;'Mil &,, -& ny, Co: 9 CO il:o-M aWban Oil ed 2.2 69 Cye a; r W ;School.Supply,. - $2.20 Noyes Bros &'-Cutler$6.47; ; 11, op Cury $ da; $24;80: ,6t-. -11,Book &-8tatloio nery Co..':$349.00;. u&eL &'Evans Cent .We.ume; ✓;; Lumber Co.,� 60 Centsu Western _ ' - - - �trlc'Co $696 �Weste n 8uyply Co.t: racyy on rDevnisOA MI'd Co„: t.'Lib ay of,Congrese $?0014 Zi- ' of Cont;reaa:$4877 E..A, Moel, `o , $177;65i,G, E Steckert & Co; - to rk , tin Uro 01 78 R ierY Coo $x2660, n �� ublic Baths -'Andrew; -;8 09- PIaYgrounda>ilccount:; 21 90 ' z $420 36 Rob neon, Cary & A+” s, 1:$267: The: ;3racLeodt,Compar-, eV 70E C nne-R Ar way: $6$(60-.'r - 9. - - - i# CITY.;OF ST. PAUL _ _ - ° ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT _ AUDITED CLAIMS'-RESOLUTION O" NO. FORM COI A E AUDITED-4,�-181_ PER Pamountsset 232 Resolved that he reasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for ttheir respective names as specified in the jrlowrng, detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( Y) Nays Adopted by the Council 19Y Farnsworth / i -Goss �/ In favor Ap 19 d Keller hh McColly Against N�� MAYOR J .'Ymre' Mr. President, Powers _ J e f xt Corporate Purposes ; Mayor's Office Expense `1 009 E. S. Ferrey, 3.75 1 010 National Municipal League, 5.00 , T Corporation Counsel's Office-Expenses 1 11 Brown, Treacy &Sperry, 2.65 10 12 S. A. Farnsworth, Custodian Postage Revolving Fund, 5.00 c 10)13, McClain & Gray Co., 10.20 10 14- Meyer Engraving Co., 24.58 j 10 15 Remington Typewriter Co., 76.90 1.0 16 J. C. Thompson, CSty.Clerk's Office Expenses '10 17 I+ouis F. Dow,Co., 8.00t� Commissioner-of Finance-Expenses �r 10 18 St. Paul Printing Co., 111.75 Comptroller's Office -Printing & Stationery 10 19 Louis F. Dow Co., 2.00 Public Lighting Fund-Supplies & Expenses 1020 Loui 9 F'. Dow Co.,, 1.05 14 21 J. F. Emme.Mfg. Co., 6.00 lg22 DT. W... Electric Equi-pment .Co.,- 82.67 1023 St.Pgul Elect"rie "Co.., 79.75 T 4 "Form A. 5.11 II� #2 C. H. & C. H. Maint. 10024 American Linen Supply Co., 13.5 7 10025 T. E. Carroll, 10 6 Daily Fraser'Hardware Co., F. Dow 5.88 88.0 6.3 1 0- Louis .Co., 10 Field Schlick & Co., 19,30 10 Helps Carpet Co., 39.55 10 30 J. W. Hulme Co., 10 31 Koe$ler.& Hinrichs Co., 22. C41 10.32 Wm. J. Menz, 10;33 The Manufacturers Selling Co., 1'2.00 1. 63 10.34. Nimis & Nimis, 1 35. Wm. Ritter, X5.00 1 36 Robinson, Cary & Sande, 41.6 1 03ry St. Paul Gas Light Co., 2.5 r 038$ Swift & Co., 1039 Villaume Box & Lumber Ge., 2A,2'M' ✓ . . • _ ., Gen. Fund+Municipal Court- office Supplies 1 040 S.:A.'Far.nsworth, C. P. R. F. 10.54 1 041 Virtue Printing_Go.# S T Gen. Fund-Purchasing Dept.- s? Office Supplies, 9.75 042 H. C. Boyeson & Co., .50 1 043 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 14.55 1 044 McClain &Gray Cb.., { 1 045._ Remington !'yewr_it2r Co., Gen. Fund-Misc. & UnfdTeesn $rp. 1 046 Platt Jensen. plerk of,Distriet Court, Gen.-Fund-Civil Servioe-Maint. 1 047 McClain & Gray Go., 1 048 Rush Eraser Co., 1 049 St. Paul Di@patch, tai o Fund -Printed Fpre & Blanks Gen. Fum 1 050 Clymer, & Huelster3 q 0 • 1 051 Pt. Paul Prj'ntin•g Oo., - i a police-M. & R. Y 3.78 1 052 ii•. C. AbIldns, 5.6o 1 053 $.uto- Tire Sale9 .Cc., 2$.24 3. 054 ,Boa'rd. ofp hater �omtni ssion$ra, 1.10 . 055 Wm. RC. 3%.X dr&0+, 1 q56 Det�dtiv.e Ptgblishin,� CO., 5.00 21.00 x 1 057 jS..A. Fardziwrthi �. p- R. F.., Lumber 1.00 4 1 058 refYerson 1 059 Mitech'&Heck Coi 1 060 21'., W. ,Electric Equipment Co., 30.30 5041 1 061 N.'W. 7�ire Go., Police Pund-Maint. & Repair -Cont. 10062 Pennsylvania Rubber Co., 30.00 1oo63 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 94.40 10064 G. Sommer.e & Co., 2.90 100 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 2.50 100 6 Western Union. Teleg. Co., 18.3 Fire -Dept. Maint. & Mepadr 1 06 Auto Tire Sales Co., 49.86 1 068 Bureau of Water, 20.90 069 Adam Decker Hardovare Co., 5.58 0070 Ford Motor Co., �'' 22.18 0071 Chas. Friend & Son, .85 0072 C. B. Lyon & Bro., 26.04 0073 Mahle Wagon Co., 22.90 0074 Mitsch.& Heck, 4.00 0075.`N,.W. Electric Equipment'Co., 17;17 0076 Reed Motor Supply,": 8.60 0077 Rochset er Germicide Co., 1.50 1007$8 St. Paul Gas L•iEht Co., 206.12 100 9: Scheffer & Rossum, .96. 1.00 0 .Shotwell-Hobart Co., 2.60. 10081 Villaume Box &.lumber Co.,, 1.50 10082 Waldref 'Motor Co., 11.00 10083 Waterous Engine Works, 88,50 Total Fire Fu - r, Health Fund:Health Acct. -Main%.. & RePaix w` - 10084-_.4 `-•l;adndrq -Co , 3 41 Health Furd-Quarantine Acct. -M. &: 0.085 Carnegie Fuel Co.,. 177.00 0086 Mrs. C.,C. DeCoster, Treas, 35.00 008?? The DePreee Chemical Co., 100.00 008tt Haekinls Bros., 12.30 0089 H. 'X.: Mulford,Co., 50.00 0090 Noyes.'Broe, & Cutler, 1.60 0091 Raymer' Hardware Co.,.30 0092 Se uneman Evans, " 70.80 0093 Chas. Weinhagen & Son,, 11.50 -71 T ti Health Fund -Public 8ethelc2t.-M.-&,$. 0094 M. A. Hanna Coal Co.., '.. 17.70 } Public Safety -Gen. Adm. -Joint Acct.- r; Maintenance ` 0095 Faiwell,;Ozmun, Kirk & Co,., 10501 Police & Fire Alarm -Joint Acct.-Miint. 0096 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 1.15 009 Chas. Friend & Son, .75 0099 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 8.38 0099 St. Paul Electric Qo., .10 T #4 Com. of Public Warks Workhouse:=biaint. 10100 J. H. Allen, 63.51 10101 S.- A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 2.00 l0 02 `Farwell; Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 20.55 10 03 " E. S. Griffith, 96.39 44 10 04 Haas & Anderson, 1,25 1 0� Haskins Bros. & Co., 23.75 1 106 Dore -Redpath, 3 75 1 109 Jameson, Hevener & Griggs, 2$.42 1.00 1 108 1 09 Minnesota Chandelier Co.; National Gas Governor Co., •75 10 10 C. F."Rappe, 9.15 10 11 Raymer Hardware Co., % ` 10 12, St. Paul Gas Light Co., 453.35 .78 10 13 Swift & Company, 78.61 10.14 Jos, P. Whitwell, 24.50 To ue-Maint. 4 Com. of Pub. Works-Adm.-Maint. 10 15 Boeringer & Son, 4.50 10 16-'H. C. Boyeson, 1G.bj 10 1 Brown, Tr.eacy & Sperry, 4.50. 10 1 -Louis F. Dow Co., 4.75 g 10 19 -Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 1..70 10 20 Grossman Instrument Works, 1.75 10 21 F. Huebener, •25 10 22 McClain & 'Gray Co., 7.00 10 23 .N. W.,141ee. Equipment Co.. 7.50 1 24 St. Paul,Print.ing Col, 5.90 1 125 H. E.. Wedelstaedt Co., 4. CO 1 126. Max Wittman,_ tri_ Total Com of Pub Works Act daint ,, ou Street Const. & Repair-Maint. 1)12; Burns Lumber Co., 49.00 1 1.2 Adam Decker Hardware Co., .60 . I 129 °Fairbanks, Morse &: Co., 34.14 1130. Jefferson Lumber Co., 99.00 1 131 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, .15 1 132 J. F. Pearce & Son, 76.25 1 133 Raymer Hardware Co'., .70 1 134 , :Robinson, Cary & Sands, 13.50 135 Russell Grader Co., 55.12 1 136 St. Paul Foundry Co.,. 92.90 1 139 So. Park Foundry Co.:, 112.6o 1 1388 Western Electric Co., 69.00 T o Sewer Const. do Repair Fund-Maint. 1 39 Chaska Brick ,& Tile Co., 294.40 U140 Consuber,,s Pourer Co., 1.50 1(141, Adam Decker Hardware Co., 9.13 1(1.42 A.Hubbard Electric Co., 2.46 143 Jefferson Lumber Co., 3.50 1. 44 Maloney Motor Car Co., 4.00 1 45 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 21.23 x T 46 H. G. Neal, 12:00 1" 47,°N.. W. Electric Equipment Co., 2.23 1 148 Raymer Hardware Co., 1.30 1 .149 St. Paul Rubber Co., 27.00 1 150 Washington Foundry, 1 0 Total _Sms--"o piz? '^ titr8 d 1E.; rt. #5 S. & S. Cleaning Fund -Sewer Cleaning-Maint. 10151 S;. Brand, 24.00 9.53 10 52 Board of water Commissioners, 1.�5 .1 10'53 Daily Fr Hardware Co., 4.96 ]. '54 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 23.55 1 155 1 156 Hartin Coal Co., Manhattan .Oil & Linseed Co., 2.69 46.00 1157 Mitsch & Heck Co., 4.08 8 1 159 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, N. W. Electric Eqquipment Co., Co., 1.67 .80 1 160 Raymer Rarduare 1.50 1 161 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 12 6 1 162 St. Paul Gas Lia Co., }.� _ n 1 2 S. &'S. Cleaning Fund-Str. Cleaning Aact. Maint. 10 63 Chicago, Milwaukee & S. Paul Ry., 2 .81 to 64 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 23.75 10 65. Glide Road: Machine Co., 2.69 10.66 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 78.50 10 69 Mitsch & Heck`Co.$ 20.86 10 48 SQ 69 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, St. Paul White lead & 011 Co., 10 .42 Public School Fund-Maint. & Repair ti T =. 70 Engineers Supply CO., 5.90 12.00/1C 1 71 ,American :,Brooks'Brea. Lumber CoIl, 32.60 1 172 -Capital City Lumber Co., 0 . 1 173 V174 - Tho s.:Davi e s & `Son, Adam Decker Hardware Co., 6.55 5 1.45 1(;75 Electric Blue Print Co., 1 176 1 17?y E. S. Ferrey, Field, Schlick & Co., 1.90 1.00 1 1Q8 Golden Rule, 2•25 5.50' 1 199 1 180 Gribben Lumber Co., Jos. Haag Roofing &Cornice Co., 28.15 4.14, 1. 81 W. H. Kane &ray 1.86 1 82 1 83 McClain & Co, Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 13.75 10 84 Metropolitan Supply Co., t'•19 10 85 Herman Nelson, ':91 10 86 Nicole, Dean & Gregg; 10.88 10 878 N. W. Copper & Brass Co., 29.97 10 8 Noyes :Bros. & Cutler, 2.80 10 9 10 0 J. F. Pearce & Son, Peoples Coal & Ice Co., 6.50' 8.00 101 1 Rauderibusch & Sons, 13.43 101 2 101 3 Raymer Hardware Co., St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 1.13 11.40 101 4 101 St. Paul, Rubber. Co., St. Paul White Lead'"& Oil Co., . 4."55 `101 3criiiaith Bros+., Shevlin-Carpenter Lumber Co., 20.00 1019 10]9 University Garage, 1J.45 47.23 1019 1020 Valley lion Works, Western -Electric Co., 1 74 tT r #6 Public Library Fuad-Maint. & Repair 10201 T. L. Blood Co., 1.60 10 2- Boston-Book Co., 4.40 10 0_ H, C. Boyeson & Co., 1.80 10 04; BrownTreacy.&Sperry, 2.00 10 05 Cornpianter Gil Co., 9.00 1 06 Crane & Ordway, .6o -•� . 1 07 Adam Decker Hardware Co., .20 1 20 Dennison Mfg, Co., 2.51 1 209 Elk Laundry Co., 5.46 1 210 E. S. Ferrey, 20.75 1 211 Golden Rule, 8.15 1 212 Gaylord Bros., 1.CC 1 213 Hackney Investment Co., 5.00 1,214, Johnson Furniture Co., 39.20 1 15 Jos. Koskie, 13.75 '('16 A. J.,.Krank, 185 1 1'] Krantz Art Shop, 1 18 F. G. Leslie Co., 19.20 1 19, McClain & Gray Co., 18.90 1 20 A. C. McClurg & Co., 107.99 1 21 McDevitt Wilson Co., 22.97 1 22 Maendler Bros., .45, 1 23- Minnesota News Co., 14.51 1 24 N. W.'S,tamp Works, .60 10 25 Noyes Bros. & Cutler`, .40 10 26 Peoples'Coal & Ice Co., 5.20 . 10 27 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 1.59 . 10 28 Raymer Hardware Co,,.10 10 29 St. Paul book & Stationery Co., 110.18 10 30 St. Paul.Foundry.Co.,, .15 10 31 St. Paul Rubber Co., .50 10 32 St. Paul Stamp Works, 3.00 10 33 Schuneman &'Evans, 1.35 10 34 Waldorf Bindery, 562.55 Auditorium Fund-Maint. 10 35 Consumers Power Co.,331.44 10 36 Griggs Cooper & Co., 1.35 1 3 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 5 1 38 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 20.24 1 39 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 1.80 or um Public Parks Fund -Park Maint. 240 Pioneer Company, 7.25 Pub. Playgrounds Acct. Maint. ; 0241 Board of Water Commissioners, 41.65 0242 Burns Lumber.Co., 24.00 0243 Kenny Boiler & Mr g. Co., 6.oc 0244 Si. Paul Gas Light Co., 73.49 0245 Western Supply Co.,. 1.61 Pub. Buildings Fund-Maint. 16246 H. C. Boyeson, 4.90 10247 Brown,,Treaey & Sperry, 1.25 10248 `'Meyer Engraving Co., 39.00 10249 N. W. Stamp Works, x,,50 d"."-Tnd IST int, #7 Com. of Public Utilities Fund -Adm. -Plaint. 10250 Transit Supply Co., Water Dept. Fund 10 � The, American Engineers Supply Co., 10 2 The American Metal Hose Co., 10 53 The Auto Tire Sales Co., 10.54 John A..Bayne, 10 55 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 10 56 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 10 5z Capital -City Lumber Co., 10 5a IIitizen's Ice & Fuel Co., 10 59 Citizents ice & Fuel. Co., TO 60 Crane &Ordway Co., 10 61' Crane & r'Qrdway, 1,0 62 Daily Fraser Hardware Co., 1 0 63 Louis F. Dow Co., 1010 64 Electric Blue Print Co., l0 65 Ilk Laundry Co., 10 66Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 10 7 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk .& Co., 10 68 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., to 69 E. S. Ferrey., 10 $0 A. E. Ferrise, 10 71 The Eisk Rubber Co., 10 72 -Ford Motor Co., 10 73 ,Ford Motor Co., z, 10 75 'Newton R. Frost, 10 75' ,The ,Golden Mule, to 76 :Tony Hensler, 1.0 77 .Frank 0. Huebener, 10 78 Sameson, Hevener 0o., 10 79'A Knobel 1 o 'Ledder',&_-Probst, Inc., 1 81 E. B,'Lehmann, 1. 82 F. G. LesDe Co., 1 83 . Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 1 84 :John Martin Lumber Co. 1 85 R. J. Maybell Stationery Co., 10 86 M. X. Moffat, 10 87m Mitsch & Heck Wagon Co., to 8 H. Mueller Mf g.'Co., 10 89 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 10 go- N. w. Shot `& Lead Works, 10 91 N. W. Trust Co., 10 92 Noyes 'Bros.,& Cutler, 10 93 Merritt J. Osborne, Inc., 10 94. Pitteburgh .Plate Glass Co., 10 95 Price Electric Co., 10 96 Quayle & Kelley, 10 Remington.Typewriter Co,, 10 99 John Rogers, Jr., 10 99 :Robinson, Cary &' Sands Co., 10 00 ,Robinson, Cary & Sands 10 01 St. Paul Blue Print Co:, 10 2 St. Paul Foundry Co., 10 3 Schuneman & Evans, 10 4 ` Shotwell Hobart-T;ohnson Co., 10 5 H. M. Smyth Pri"nting Co., 10 6 The.Tire Repair Co., 10 F. J; Torrance, 10.18 The Transit ,Supply Co., 10 9, Troy Laundry Col, 10 0' The �i1laume Box & Lumber Co., 10 1. Washington Foundry Co., 3.00 65.54 1.40 1.50' 39 95 2.64 6.25 22.69 2.63 1.25 5.00 6.91 7.6o 84.25 14.03 41.20 20.00 4.45 4.75 12.65 1.00 1.75 1.90 402 .54 16.6 o 4.14 18.00 9.00 2.69 75 5.16 1.00 5.00 106.67 2.94 88.75 2.20 2.75 2.41 1.26 32.29 72.90 8.02 llo.68 15.88_ 11.62 26.00 4.88 20.00 2.00 161.24 1.12 100.00 .57 6.50 #a j Water Dept. Fund Cont: 103 Henry E. Wedeletaedt, •75 103 The Western Supply Co., 10.20 103 The Western Supply Co., a`'a. 1.36 10 1:5 The Western Supply Co., a'fea att 12.3 — Rurpoeea sie E. S. Per eY $S• he pnl League, $6 - T n 4 a l Wa4 Ar poratton . Counse. l a";_ Gftlne—Ez r Bro'am Treney" & Spnrry.' ' g, •p. •; Farnsworth Custodian � ge Revolving Fund:: 4600 3f0;• Sprinkling Fund tray On $1020. Meyer En r Ind Co $2468 RemUS, Type- .r er Co $7690 J C- Thompson 3 5 10316 S. Brand, 60 88.$6 City ClerkOftice—Espensea Zou)s 10317 Brooks Bros. Lumber Co Dow Co .4800 O 88 Commissioner of Flaffc Ekpena 31.4U 1031 Capital: City Lumber CO • 7;omptrollees UI=P�I' I g a sta 10319 Adam Decker Hardware CO 'punllc. Ltgtitin Fund -0 9uppilea a, 8-97 10320 Farwell Ozmun Kirk-.& LOnIa�F D°� e° aloe 72.40 Emme Mfg Co $600 N W EI.e ! 10321 Nicolas Dean &Gregg, }ylpment c°. 48367 st Panl Elec 67.33 Co 479.76; 1 .155..64 10322 St. Pahl .White Lead .& 01' 1t &•c:• 7f Matnt Amerleart ` In enta l.. ... iCo $1364;•T E Carrollf - I>e.tly Fraser Hardwarei Total.Saa�r laule F. Dow Co..;$8306, Field, lex & Co :. $9 98 Roipe 30 tV earvvet; Co J Ruime Co., $39 66 Koehler: i ifnrichs:„Ce.. $370;,,Wm. J.'Menz;; 48 �TheZMam,faoturers Sening Co 1 NimIB:-& Nlmis.'$1169, •.Wm- lilt ' - 41600 rRohinaon Cary & Sandsc ! `• a ants Sb7 Paul Gas, Light • Co .. { To i!n�+nny.67 gwlft- & Co'..•53:66� Villauma Lumbat Co $973.99 n. Fund=Municipal :,Court - C `'P. jt° ` iuo'prlfting C 76 Cents n"Pund-m—Purhaein;. Dedt—ORlce'. Ile -C11, Spec. Assess. Cionat. ACCs n Treaty & goerry 43460 Ms •� & GrdY Co 41466 Remingtdn . ltrCoazo.ao iationAPaving Deprec.. VnforEee. Exb [ Jdnsen ,Clerk.oL Listrfet Court 10323 T. L. Blood Co. ttruns clyu seal e—Mnl t:" 42.50 lain & G aY Co 76 C t Rush 10324 S. Brandy en�co. •;zoo st E nl nl patch. 22.50 10325 Chicago, Mi lwlaukee & St . n Fund -P lnted Forma & Blankac; 4.60 f� rymer & liver ter 0'. 3t Paul, - 10326 'Ni cols, Dean & Or'egg, Intingcn;$46o. 49.52 Poll Ef _& R A C. 1032g, tg 62.'S� - 1032g, Patterson Sargent Co., t;ntp 1 3c,6zti ,w 18.55 1632$ St. Paul Foundry Co., 10329 Sohurmeier Wagon Co.,.. 13.20 .�.ot•.4�.,�.�aisi�ng..�lei� Total Corporate Par ose/tA ... 8,386. 7 ” Sped. Aase Con21 Grand 481 9.94 s Z. CITY OF ST. PAUL - r.�*� ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTIOFORM � COUNCIL ' FILE No---- -' t BY R _ 1915 court AUDITEI!'_' IBI_ - PER 234 Tol. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and as specified in the folio detailed in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names statement Adopted by the Council-- —=?181 ; Yeas ( ) Councilmen (J) Nays J x �t Farnsworth d 1 Goss In favor Keller McColl _C)_Agatnet MAYOR Nash 7Feesg-- _ Mr. President, Powers FNo 9987 C 93eaolved Yhat warrans be drawn �u on thg.Ctt TTeaSUr'VtnavabYe out of the 'her tnatter apecifled Londa and in favor UL the pe sone drma or, cot-.; - - notations„tor the amounts se�'onnosS[e. their ppsn:naGti-es,,as "soaclfled�inr Ch tp)lo"vective ttnm, detalled en th, CorRorate •Puroosee—Fireire Fund—Sat- ries :f8��ildi pa): ;R A. Farnsworttr:. Co nf,,l an e, E75:26 ' Comtopt _ , Sieatth; 8'vnd—Pulillc tion -of, Fi a h( ,.Farnsworth.; - Com of, iname. $.1.06810 P tbft .:;PtaYr=rounds Fund GRtarjea: S al. ,Fnrnawor[h -Com of FlPance: .jdopted by the Co Hell 3iar.A1016;`. Apprdred EL r 8,•1916 � dMprch?13 1916) . Corporate Purposes Fire Fund -Salaries (Buildings[ - 1 330 S. A. Farnsworth, bon. of Finance, 75.25 Health Fund. -Public Comfort Station - Salaries 10 31 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 1,,:088.10 Public Playgrounds Fund -Salaries 10532 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 7.00 T n j fit: ,Form A. 5-11 ��i � Subject CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER COUNCIL PILE ��1 A lO.. Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell into .eating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to app�L'ications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 31,W. J. Davideon,1175 W. 7th St. McGinley Bros -,1175,r. 7th St. 304 9osineky &Pillipozpk,537 Westein Av. Dombek & Dombek,537 Western Ave. 381,August Groer 375 Sibley St. Peter J. Battie,375 Sibley St. 339 Guet Wholer,560 van Buren St. T.C. Cloner0560 Van Buren St. ' C. R No. 3988-B3, He— mrcoll— Resolved. That the following &Mg- nnte, licensees to sell intocicating ,IQ--rs be tt'—ferred as Ind I -ted par- . suant to RPPlicatlons duly madethere- r tor:' _. Nn. 31: From Gt T. Davi -' 11 1175W.- 7t�. 7th St., to MUGtniev. Bros..' 1176, W, th St. Na 304, From Morinsky & Pit -.r -- llPnevk:637'Weatern Ave., to..Dombek. $ rlomllek, 537 Western Ave. No. 381:. From AUgUat Groer: �. 275 Sibley 5t.;. In Peter T..Rattis; 276. sfbley St. No. 330.. t m Gnst Whole' 60 an Vs (,a. , St to T.0. Cl r, 660 Van Bu- rgn 3G Adopted by the C.—Ml Ma G 1016. ,000 ADP ed \Snr. 8 1916, —_ — (Tinreh`_7t3-10159 ,_ Yeas (✓) Co r, c"roun (./) Nays F orth G K r 11 O, NRO' Mr. President, P ers Adopted by the Council191 �LIn favor Approv — Against MAYOR That the application of the following persons for a license io conduct Hotels or geetaurants at the locations reep.ectively indioated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk IQ authorized and directed t9 idaue such licenses to ®aid applicants upon the payment of the fee required by few. NAME Or APPLICANT. HOTELS OR RESTAURANTS- LOCATIONS. A. B. Hutchings Criterion Hotel 86-88 west 7th Fred Eigenmann Atlantic Hotel 11j E. 7th Scribaer & Hawley Lunch Room 13 E. 9th Chris Dantis Lunch Room 244 E. 7th C. A. Galusha Restaurant 374 Jackson Charles Wah Restaurant 449 Cedar C, T. Heller Lunch Room 484-86 Wabasha 372 Grad R. N. y SIC F No. Mg8 ,13y. Hen 3 McColl— nlvw Thnt thn -11—U.. or tbo /Robert Yeas, (V) Councilinen (T) Nays Cb: m xetiF anba st'� R Kp,Gc 9t nsworth Adopted Aup—, s - er C oil ._-Against y Nash Mr. Preside Powers roaM cO.2 Brion $ofel, 86- _ �tldntic� Hotel, .unch Room. 12 Room, 244 E. ir not 374 7ac1c. ran 449 wa om 4-886 Wa 19 U� ant, 372° Robert„ ted by the Council _ - _Gf�t,_� _ 916.Mar. 6. 1915-1 1916) I Approved MAVOn `945 That the application of the following persons for a license to Gond,4ot Hotels or Restaurants at the locations reslectively indicated be, and the same hereby are, denied. Not having been ap- proved by the Chief of Police. NAME OF APPLICANT.- HOTEL OR RESTAURANT, LOCATION, Anna Hasse Hotel 382 Jackson Louis Smets Hotel 77 East 3rd c ) C. F.,No. 3990—By Henry McColl— Resolved,-That the application "of, the 'duct Hote persons or Restaurantsnat. the I.- ,eatlons',respectively Indicated be, and. the:sathe hereby .16 denled.--Not--hav 1hg been approved by, the Chief of Fo- lic...:." Anna" Hasse, Hotel, 382 Jackson St. Louis Smets, Hotel, 77 Nast 3rd St. Adopted by the Council, Mar. 6, 1916. 1 Approved Mar.8, 1916: .(Murch 13-1915). Yeas (l)Ito en (Y) Nays In favor _Against Mr. Presirs roam o.8-2 Adopted by the Council _i:c �y---191 t-.'( Approved_ / 191% -- --- MAYOR Z, 2s&,V' TO 1 E HONORABLE THE COUNCIL of the Citly of St. P'17'1 39, oe, ................................ ------- - ---------- hereby make application to the Court ity of St. Paul for a License to conduct a ................. .... - . .. ........ and p to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name oft applicant for said License is ..... and his (its) place of residence .................................. is ............4/ Ostreet (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that ..... ...... t the exact location o hic said applig& proposes to carry on business is. ...... 00 47 - I .- - .... I in the City of S aul. That the said applicant is .. . ............ ow engaged in said business a the City of St. Paul. ft Dated this/.A,'...day of..,. 191 Applicant. :1 1, Date of Expiration of License .-191._ Date or Inspection .......... Fire Protection... .............. ...... j ................. Ventilation of Building Meats and Provisions GGH Beds,,-. and Bedrooms ... . ...... .. Toilet Rooms and Plumbing Kitchen and Utensils Refrigerator and Store Room - - - -------- Basement and Cellar ;.qack Yard =gal Condition of Premises.. License Recommended: 1,52 . .. ...................... 'Cit Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: :Health Officer. I/`� � j" = d• � f p 41 TO THE HONOR.3BLE TRE COUNCIL of the Citta of 4 m7: does hereby make application to the Council of a t. P ul for a License to conduct a ............. _ .. and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full nam of the ap licant for said Incense is. - - ' and his (its)pl\eofresidence is ..................... . _.street aTerwe) in the City oaul; that the exact oca •o of w • h the said applicant proposes t carry on business is..._......___. That ....____._...._..P.......:...... .___'"-......., in the City o St. Paul. Thattthee s�aid/a� licant is ........now engaged in said business at 7..7 ..- ---- City of St. Paul. /� Dated this.v day of... `...__...._.......19 , Applicant. / ` 191 =Date of Expiration of License__. . _ _.._ Date of Inspection........ .. _....._... ,_.2- ........: ............ ............ ........ Fire Protection...... .-... f Ventilation of Building ... Meats and Provisions_. _.. Beds and Bedrooms.... .... 3 Toilet Room-'s'and Plumbing _. _ __.. ... - _ _ __...._. •. --....___... ......._ Kitchen and Utensils... i Refrigerator and Store Room..... /!?rte .......... . ..__. ____ - _- ---- .... Basement and 7 Back Yard ._- ... _...._ Premises �y General Condition of ............... License Recommended: ___... ......._.... ... City Hotel and Res r nspector. Approved: f f 3 i 1 4 f 7 • Yeas ( V) Coo ilmen ( V) Nays Fe worth G 0' ry Y M. President, n i MAYOR '. i�' Adopted by the Co 1.7 In favor //�Appr Against d_ i MAYOR '. .t t 92 An Ordinance-to amend Administrative Ordinance #3237,P_pproved July 16th, 1914, as amended by Ordinance #3331, Approved December 21, 1914. An Ordinance organizing the Department of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings, and prescribing the number, titles, duties, and. compensation of the officers and employees thereof. THE COUTICIL OF THE 6TY OF ST'. PAUI. DOES ORDA.IN:' Section 1.That administrative ordinance #3237, Approved July 16th,1914 as amended by ordinance #3331, Approved December 21st, 1914, be amended by striking out Section 1 of said administrative ordinance #3331, Approved -December 21st, 1914. Section 2. That this ordinance will take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. n Yeas (v') C ncilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption by the Council..._, arnsworth Ist Rending_.......... V - ._......... In favor p roved.: ... ...... 19 n§s r eller � 2nd ._ _.........191J Coll tt— A n Mw ... .. .. YOR IQs en _.�1Gs814 M_ ...._.... Z V . .......191 5 ✓ Attest o JOHN I. FARICY. .LL CityClerk C Date Published............. _a_ ...__ 191 Mr.4sident; Powers PVpLYr+Ml til¢tter of i'shading Werwfek ' et eom Randolp Strh Street, to Pnl ( eetunder : Prgllminnry ;Order <[ �`lnal Order 3137 M{rpPrpvgd De '?: er'.R3 1 rd a solved Tfi t the p ana apeclflcvt gytimnt eugmltted by ttt ' �/lA� v' s mle¢lonet of Putilic Wo ka fo S d tl• «c .k a named improvame t be an��� ,. I T YarG he ebY approved • - t�Rent ba and-she alethh, 1Y,h J. • zed,.nnd directed to advehtle 'mnnner provlded,b, the CRY C COUNOIL'I., fitae for L�e;makmR of a¢lat 'ement ac or Ing to eaidplana ' i lflcatlgne ,on;'tho §eats (A) In the matter of grading blade or'cgntioctar, ehallvtu;, ubo'r., nd mateilattor veld wo m,.Randolph >ecifled un(;•:kB). Thnt ihe';t mtiactor ahnii make avid-lmp -Street to Palace • Street., by. force' account;, rrc' i mtage oP coat::prlce ,lor 'Nar'1 1e:e me In .s 1d adv -tl r, t thePuichaalnR A!1 .' under Prelminar Order 1951 btaaera t nd t tar Order y Final Order 3187 approved" Deoember.224 1814 RESOLVED, That the plana,''apecificat.ions and estimates submitted by the, Commissioner of Public Vdorks for the above named improvement.be and the s9me are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and'directed to advertise in the manner ,provided by the ,City Charter for bids for the making of'said improgeznerit, according to said .plans and specifications, on the basis`.(A) That',the bidder .or con- tractor `shall furnish all labor and material.`for said cork ata apeci - fed sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make: said improve- went by force account, receiving a' percentage of coat price for p@rr forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder Is bond to the amount oat leash twenty Per. cent::of-the bid, coiiclit oried fos"the execution of a contract with the City for the performance, of said work in accordance rith: the plans ' and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereofa certified check for ten per cent, of the'amount'of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall'in-said advertisement reserve. the right to reject any or.all bids. Should all bids,'bd rejeoted,' the Purchasing Agent-is authorized to advertise again and as often;.as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bide;;should. be received and that the work should be done. by the,, Commissioner of Public V10 As by day labor, in which event,,.the said committee shall make an !appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for , further_'m tion or proceedings thereon., Adopted by the Council��191s�. Yeas ( ) oun ilmen ( ) Nays ,.Far sworth Gos Sel ex Nash kx. President, P, ers Ap o ° mayor 3'UBLISHED _ l F N 3894 O•�(jlpanca N 340,4 ,1 - AUDI 1 1 TED f t : dlnancii to Bottle the claim of A U L/ t.... Hre Amelia Heldemano r e 4`ouncll of ;ha City o[ Bt Paui t,t 1'[ ti Idea ordain as fbllowa :j'j!{ J >3ECBION 1 ,, CAat the pS Do9[tlon of Mra Amelia "'•----• �••••-•••-� 4 Idemann to .;compromise ana eattl r E ^clnlm against the cltyor Bt Faur ,-i Y Otv R LE out of injuries sustained by rye k Zf ' i(-eason of a_tall om an,.lcy sldew•*'- r 'rontc of the premlaea•knowr' F mated as224. FVest Seventh - more, particflularlyaet,outt0 settle the claim of Nrs.Amelia Heidemann. aunice onrto. they: Cou-. of February, 20th, ..1916 to her of:th aum-o' ollara ($16000),rwlL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAI?-i AS FOLLOWS: by necepted, r Sec. 1. That the proposition of Mrs. Amelia Heidemann to com- promise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk in front of the premises known and designated as 224 nest Seventh Itreet, , as is more particularly set out in her communication to the Council under date of February 20th, 1915, upon payment to her of the sum of One hundred fifty Dollars ($150.00), be and the same is-hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Tars. Amelia Heidemann, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One hundred fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be de- livered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and dis- charging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day, and under the circumstan- Ces hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fore 30 days after its passage and publication. �A — Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption by the Farnsworth 1st Reading-... ._.__...........191 1 ✓ Goss....._r_ In favor Approved_.2 ........ ...: ✓ Keller 7 f' 2nd "!:� ..._.............I91<% /McColl } %` Q._..A Inst �.. .. ...!?y .................... 3rd /OLeacy ra 191. Attest: Yoerg JOHN 1. FARiCY,' Date Published- .......... 191eS. Mt P dent, PowersYUM ISBED 3= 1%-� City Clerk: �3' y R In the 'Matter of Paving a asha street from "forth line of Congress street to South line of Winifred street; Winifred street from "gest line of Wabasha street to west line of Ohio, -street from South line ofwWiinifred streetof to South ��Ialineline of George street;'anal George street from to Fast line of Smith avenue, together with the necessary sewer, water and gas connections from the street mains to the property lines completed :vhere,-- not already made. Also all Alley and Driveway Arproaches. under Preliminary Order .332,1 _......._._. approved January _7tt1, .19.15 __. Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and 'ng fully considered the same; therefore, be it — RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nail' e, extent and kind of improvement s to be made by the said City is Pave with 3#° long leaf yellow.pine oreosoted wood blocks on a 5 inch Portland cement concrete foundation to a width of 40 feety the following streets: Wabasha Street from the north line of Congress St: to the south line of Winifred St.; Winifred Street from the west line of Wabasha St. to the west line of Ohio St.; Ohio St from the south line;,of Winifred St. to the south line of George St.; Geam 'S reet i from the west line of Ohio St. to the east line of Smith Ave. and make all sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also pave ;•r all alley and driveway approaches and instal].fcurbing where not already in, except, however, the following portions of said streets: Wabasha Street from the north line of Congress St. to the south line of Winifred St.; Winifred St. j from the west le of Wabasha St. to Stryker Ave.; Winifred Street from i i�Carlton St. to the west line of Ohio St,; Ohio St. from Winifred St. to the south line of George St.; and George Street from Ohio'St. to Orleans St. which are to be paved with sandstone paving blocks on the same I foundation as above. i2cann—rtn prarvculeuc—ru aectrrua uce-rnerCicitli�'�- v Adopted by the Council 19FY Ci lerk. �j Approved ......._ .-/ U 191 S _ 1lfayor. Ye :nfo..,. � ,�°� Is following 't- from t from the Orth line, 'as5t. to the south line of Wt St.; Winifred street from esif., .�, line of Wabaed str to the west OSS df Ohio St.; Ohio St. from the ,1�uth line of Winifred St. to the south l f George -St:; George street from V feller tl est the of Ohio St. to the east line of Smith Ave. and make all sewer, wt r and gasconnections from street mains to -. propesty lines complete McColl where not, already made, also pave ati . alley anddrldeway approaches -sand stall curbing where not already in, ex- cept, however, .the followgportions. f said treats: Wabasha street from /y(CSij the north line of Congress St. to the south line of Winifred St; Winifred / .St from the west line of Wabssha St, _ / to Stryker Ave.; Winifred street fro; � Charlton St to the west line of O', - Powers St., Ohio-Streetito Winifred St<re:' the south llnef of George George street from Ohio St. to Form R. S A. 8J - Stwhich are to beP ved _ is t- Paving blocks ' x �. CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREI-IMINARY ORDER — under Preliminary Order approvedl//�E To the Council of the City of The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ -- KPID OF P:A17TNG AP"RORTP; An— FSTIMATF COST PFR FAO??T FOOT. Sandlime brick $50,385.23 $5.90 Granite 49,571.61 5.80 Sandstone 44,007.09 5.15 3�P Creoeoted Block 3°,578.23 4.51 BTio'k 35,728.17 4.18r Asphalt 30,842.25 3:51 Asphalt concrete 24,056.25 2.81 Asphilt,msoadam 21,070.41 2.47 Macadam; . 17,541.69 2.05 Concrete 31,341.85 2.50 Where curb is not in, a4d to above cost Ter front foot 46¢ for cement curb to be constructed. Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot: For sewer, either side Of street $27.90 - For water, 3/4" 14. & W. sides of streets 21.00 For Rater, 3/4" S. s B. sides of street 35.00 For gas, N. & T. sides of street 7.50 For gasp_ S. &r. sides of street 5.00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED -�, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION _____ -_-._ 7 � 2 2 3 o --d .;2-/ 7 s TOTAL, 0 J if _1 O, 1,11,OAK A ) `' J9 All IV Ire - 2.6 97.: Q a!?- - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ai REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ✓ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER T ! DESC R!PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED- VALUAITL)—J -102 �. 15-3 c ,372)SJr 6t771V 6 31 Ps. O`D 5 f 9 67 0 0')q4J V l (F0. l do 3/ 1-0 /2 TOTAL, I I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - n n" REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ygLUATIr /yS2S, � . � 'f o .. 9 0 0 r, UI/, Vf /0 to -2 F-0 do yo 3 s- .. X ��� y g�� r r / �-- 40, 0 Gb ch E'/ oto o 2 J S1 dA /o(ss 0. /531 k /0 0 0 B ass 0110 340 0. % /sS 01A �. 7 0 0 ao 3Z( 0 0 .. 3 � U 0, q /sJ 1 /s s oLo -2 7 0 0 60 TOTAL, _ S CITY OFNST. PAUL D EPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE , � �`- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER �2Y1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , =_ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO f%2 o /S J /s� oto /i :� �? ✓`� � � S d Geo I �--D� - l6 Rl" do /7 vp-o l ae" .3 3 / /9 �Ln 0 3010- 30/0- I? I? y 3 I b 0 . S do Sio TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL 7V DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ---- - _ - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'' ADDITION VALUATION _ ; �o -2 o�s- q �o� _1 0)0/ G% 'f3 0 7o C�o `f 3 o l� J-0 I 201 CCo3 0.. 2v� rho �qGS �� l/Sl�•��0� 2 3 03� ��l15 20/ cw d cu t" 6(0 io f U _ �Ty TOTAL. CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE V.REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE,. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) a ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATI N ' ��. �2 c L o o L/ goo TOTAL. 2 r1 I CITY OF ST. PAUL -DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - .+ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)_- _- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION M„ ASSESSED VALUATION sy. `j lU 9 v j;.Uoyf. ..vu� �/��1,���� �, 67 6 /� C�C, V u/' b GLUavCP�( C� P'1,1 VK y� V p �Fvi' Lr/ 5 i II J l � '`; �/ 0z p OU rev/ 2 7 S The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated.... -----------�— "--=------------ FORM B.S.A. 0•3 C Commissioner of Fina ce. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. BOSS. COMMISSIONER - ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D'EPUTs Com.ieewxen OSCAR CLAUSSEN, Cmer Eno—x ` J: E. CARROLL. SUPT. Cox T-11- & Reruns ALFRED JACKSON, SUPT. Srxrtn — G. H. HERROLD, Orrice Exai— H. W. GOETZINGER, SUPT. Wonx-- iol• , St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 12, 1915. Mr. X., 1. Goss, _ Commissioner of Public Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Wabasha St. from N. line of Congress St. to S. line of Winifred St.; Winifred St. from W. line of Wabaeha St. to W. line of Ohio St.; Ohio St. from S. line of Winifred St. to S*line of George St. and George St. from W. line of Ohio St. to E. line of Smith Ave., in accordance with Council File #3321, approved Jan. 7, 1915. Assessable frontage 8,547 ft. KIND OF PAVING jAAPPROXIMATE ESTIMATEICOST PER FRONT FOOT Ss. Sandl1me brick $50,352.12 05.89 Granite 49;537080 5.80 Sandstone 43;9,73,rtB 5.14 *" Creosoted Block 38;544.42 4.51 Brick 35;694.36 4.18 Asphalt 30;808.44 3..61 Asphalt concrete 24,022.44 2.81 Asphalt macadam 21.;036.60 2,46 Macadam 17,507.88 2.05 Concrete 21,306.04 2.49 Where curb is not in, add to above cost per front foot 46� for cement curb to be constructed. Where hoose service connections are not in, add for each lot: For sewer, either side of street $27,90 For water, 3%4" N. & W. sides of street $21.00 For water, 3/4" S. & E. sides of street 35.00. For gas, N. & W. sides of street 7150 For gas, S. & E. sides of street 5.00 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..... N41 .......... approved............... JanuarY...._?..,............ 1s1.J......, relative to ...._the ......... paying._of..._Wabasha..._St......._from.._N.._..._l ne......4f.....Qongre_s...Q.....St_....._t_Q..._s_...._l.fne...._o£..._W nifred St.; Winifred St. from V. line of Wabasha St. to W. line of Ohio St.; .. ............ ......................................................_ .... _ Ohio St. from S. line of 'Winifred St. to S. line of George St. and George ....................................._........................................................ f........................................................_......._._._.......................................... ....... St. from w. line of Ohio St. to E. line of Smith Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...............necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.............. and the total cost thereof is $....... xX. ... . ........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..............................._......._...._........._........................ .......... _._........................ _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.._... _............ ................................................................ ..... ....... ................... _... ...... ........... _......................................... ............... __............ ......................................................... ....... 5. Said improvement is__.._n ............. —asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -;� tn� C� 4 ��, f r .:: + N�.G�'•t�.rWe�tiY F � � 22 4sfh�� 2rs7� l., '_,fi, tN 7 tj9R r�k Ift- �� t -0� ��k zyi4 �f t • I 2 I S � �vt t t r 1 y,w°, v ' ! 1 S n t s�gti t�� u} K�t,r r.. tl t .f ! � l t t ' r} I , � rCi St' Sti1. i`. E{. it i1 =• i . s ,a. 1� jjjt ?f It ` t r„1 t ;I Ir _ t Y is F z D e Irl r� txd ,� z t ti:1.1 17 t -;� tn� C� 4 ��, f r .:: + N�.G�'•t�.rWe�tiY F � � 22 4sfh�� 2rs7� l., '_,fi, tN 7 tj9R r�k Ift- �� t -0� ��k zyi4 �f t • I 2 I S � �vt t t �£ t �' � '. i 1 y,w°, v ' S n >F� ;, Y 1 t l I •� r i i';. 4 tl t .f ! � l t 1 THE HONORABLE COLIMON COUNCIL zl OITY. i 3 Gentlemen:— 41 If it is deoided to pave Wabasha Street from Congress a to Winifred Winifred from Wabasha Street to Ohio Street Ohio jStreet from Winifred to George Street, and George Street from Ohio Street to Smith .4venue, we, the undersigned property owners ajowning property on said streets desoribed opposite our names 9: desire that said streets be -caved with SANDSTONE PAVING BLOCHS. 10 NAME DESCRIPTION FRONTAGE I" ��L/• �.�u-�-'��i�./o ism- so 14 / o 16 actAl�� c•�t P %� _ d� Z- l� c7 Al 18 a 9-6 l.WAWA/��.�c�•� ��•r , ' �,/� / / . / it � : i r u ' I; _Lrn_j� At-Jp i o ' 16 ts� JIF zodW71 O g z� !� ,- i i 28 zt� - 3 31, 321'._ _ 16 W 1 18 iA .7 21 22 .,3 ?A 3 -1 26 27 LIM 29 .M PI 32 MrM wnwr,#PATkT.P (Inlk47,,TnW (101INCITL 0 1 T Y. Gentlemen: If it is deoided to pave Wabasha Street from Congress to Winifred, Winifred from Wabasha Street to Ohio Street, Ohio Street from Winifred to George Street, and George Street fxom Ohio Street to Smith Avenue, we, the undersigned- property owners owning property on said streets described opposite our names, desire that said streets be paved with ASPHALT.*. NAME DESCRIPTION FRONT GE -17 2, I 11LJ lives CITY Gentlemen: ;e the undersigned owners of the prouorty abutting jon Wabasha Street from Congress to Finifred linifred from ,iabasha Street to Ohio Street Ohio Street from 1dnifred to George Street, and George Street from Ohio Street to Smith' Avenue do hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause said Streets 'to be paved between the pAnts above mentioned. 0lam. __ LOT BLOCK FRONTAGE 1' lo-2u f,-c1`� I s- e. 28 29 30 81 32 o�k 51- a -7elll Za 4 D We, theundersiened, abutting proporty owners along the ,, mposed pavement extenrting along the various street s occupied- by the St. Paul -ity Railway extending from ScUth lVabasha to AMSpQ-1+e--8*Wswt, do-eby respectfully protect a-aintA said prouas ed paving for the reason that the sane at this time is unnecessary and would involve said property owi"rs in an expense rrhinh they are unable at this t to e to bear ri thou t creat embarrassment to thera. r . �E` - © . � �ƒ^� �� \�� i( \)\ . �- ° ;} ` {�) ® � } /} �_ \\ \� \( (\( \§(�`� . � � /� /) \/ \ \( � �� � 5 ,4 � + }\�)(j}� i 2 ; }) �:/ ° ( :) ` ?.! >. \}��\] � \ , . �\ � 2 ° )) a 2 f �(\([i([ < }(� < \ ( 1 > ( ( \\.\ E � ( (. ` r ( : ?�\ \ 5 /. . � \ ::'W (�%//%%� � Kl4!�.ex/� 7�-�L /��C. �YL.GC�. �['- I✓<'�4iT/y-Urv� �v fL' �p CTV /eve eco aic Mn CC/n oho •rwz �r Cc /mace cry ec �. ' (U l / �" ct�': ;�x`.� � ;J,✓-t. Uc,::/, ,:C:7�' rr a ., A al ;for said tork , at a GPPCi- e s " aid-, improve shall, require -a bidd'e3L�,s 'to -ik '6 f of at, least twe�nty. Agent bend -to - idgffi -V Lt.; conditioned ioned-f or the execution L of a cont�cabt,with per cent.'. f "said work in accordance with. the,the plans City for t�xf q� pa4q. 0 and specifications:- in cau6A'fte%�'Idd as accepted x or 'in 1 eu thecof. a certified dhe6k for ten ' --open ;i,�of the amount of the bid. Pq, The s' 't, T aid jPurchasing "'A' ' � hall in said advertisement reserve gen s the right to #jlect any,Pr'611 bids. Should all bids be/rejeoted, the Purchasing'l-Agent isij4a'4thorized to advextise again slid as often as `may be riecessaryuntil len: acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee ajath6rizeditis a contract which to,award the contract, if i the committe,e'may,asvard, shall be of opinion that no further bids ,should be received � and't t the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Y,16rks by day labor,- in whi -6h,event, the said committee shall make an appropriateTep6itWith . its recommendations to the_,CDUnc'il for furt4er action or proceedings" thereon. Adopted bythe Couno il Yeas Co ' i lmen Nays,'Far sworth God Y"le McaT11Nash kr. President.Po_r Appro. h1ayor 41, OF ST. PARI- CITY A- M CIL R�w jrr�r � the 9t P Gas jntp'i Y�j�b.�a, n 11 �ih� bb Ste to t on, and jn the telt COUNCIL N o. ..... 1p=.' U'. 11.. . ..... . .... ....... .... .......... .... . ....... ................ ............. 4- .11{`.':9heldon avenue 1'rnal, hale -r 191 ;C Pt esente ... . ........¢:.Albert avenue from Fr¢r ... 2 n'fhtt 9 oath I dw trom 11 e avenue to N(. "yPlrf rh1.1y- G.Ah ,e.,o Prom Pnac .•to Art, VIrt avenue, Go. r h;r� fr, If C, ResolVed, That the St. Paul Gas Light dompaay be and it is hereby ordered and required to extend its main pipes on and in the following streets, namely: On Hemline avenue from Langford avenue to Frankson avenue; On Frankson avenue from Hamline avenue to Albert avenue; On Sheldon avenue from Frankson avenue to Lake Como and Phalan avenue; On Albert avenue from Frankson avenue to Lake Como and Phalen avenue; On the south aide of Midway Parkway from Hanline avenue to No. 1406 Midway Parkway; On Goodrich avenue from Pascal avenue to Albert avenue; On Goodrich avenue from the end of the present main east of Cretin avenue to Woodlawn avenue; on Fairmount avenue from Cretin avenue to Woodlawn avenue, On Princeton avenue from Cretin avenue to Woodlawn avenue; On Sargent avenue from Cretin avenue to Woodlawn ayenue; On Prior avenue from Grand avenue to St. Clair street. And to complete the laying of said mains within six months after the service of a copy of this resolution upon the said Company; and the City Clerk is hereby directed to serve a copy of said resolution upon the said Company immediately after its passage and publication. Yeas (P) Coun en (P) Nays Cou" men 4Farnorth s Goss In favor Kelle M cc I -Against Mr. President, ers .oau e.8-2 Adopted by the Council Approved MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL e3.998 COUNCIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject;.._ ._.... ... .._ ... ............................. .......... _......... ---.................... ......_.............. __....... COUNCIL FILENO.................................... .. Date Presentedy..ar._., .......... _191 Al Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Comittee in rejecting all bids for grading Ivan way from Benson avenue to east line of Kippls Glen Terrace addition is hereby confirmed and ap- proved and the Purcha6ing Agent authorized to readvertise said work, C. F. No. 3098-13y At, N. Go— 11 esolved, That the action of the Purohnslnfi.C-ommittee 1n grnrejecting,;nll tiids for ding lv a -,Way Nee en sop avonue, to : east ltne'of Kipp, ,n" Terrace.�lddltion is hereby-copflrmed hnd approved nd thee' Puretiesing. Agent-¢uthorized M readvertise sold work, {ldopted by the'Councll Einr. 9, 1015.i Apprdyed;311— 30; 1915.. 13-1915) Yeas (V) Cou ilfnen (T) Nays Far worth Go In favor Kel r Me oll __Against F Mr. President, owers c.a-2 Adopted by the Council Approve -. _ 191 — MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ����° GENERAL FORM e COUNCIL INE-SOLUTION— Subject: -- . ........ 39g8 COUNCIL FILENO ...... ..... ......................... .. Date PresentedV..ar.-. B 1_'J15.._. _..__.I91............ A y Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Comlttee in rejecting all bids for grading Ivan way from Benson avenue to east line of Kippts Glen 'terrace addition is hereby confirmed and ap- proved and the Purchasing Agent authorized to readvertise said work. Yeas (V') Cou ilmen (V) Nays Far worth Gos In favor Ke r Me oll _ (/ _against yA aw Mr. President, owers sowM c.e-2 Adopted by the Council 19L --f Approve _. _ _ 1916 -- CITY, OF ST. PAUL. �ej k - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '. Subject:- _ Author_zng_the__Purclws.l_i.n.....__._......... coUNcIL FE ...P 7... .. Bulk Date Presented......_ 3/9/16 ---- I9I....._... o�w f Resolved, whereas the Department of Parks, Playgfounds & Public Buildings', through the amity Architect, has given the Purchasing Agent; an estimate of the brick and lumber to be used by said department during the ye�x 1915, in accordance with Council File 13057, now therefue be it - R;'S0L`.VD that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to C911" tract for and purchase, in accordance with the provioiorl[_,-j- Charter, the following supplies, acre or less, to -wit: 475,000 pressed brick 1,700, 000 - RDIx6 -,;Common brick (200, 000 to be hollow brick) 120,750 ft of lumber and flooring Yeas (1,) Cou cilmen (P) Nays Fa worth G In favor Ke M I1 Q _Against rI�ash Mr. President, Powers w c.a-z .adopted by the Council ��L/. �'_ _ 191 Approve _ 1913 � M I rt1/ AF 57 PAUL. (��yI//TT�� C F No "4 000 BY M N Gogs= ',• ; 4000 COU lies lved moat the action f th I FORM , Purch sfnir Committee In a urdin$ ��®® ' the following contra is to hereby con Subject: A�RUUZ ] Q.� armed d apprgved nd the Co Dor¢ _ -._. . r ] ' ' ""' Von Counsel Is anuI 6rized and em powered. tadraw .1TWid submit proper; COUNCIL No . • forma of .contracts the for. '.""'• "" :. ,,,,,, ,..Grading Glen ,Term S•, from ';Benson:_ .... ........._.........._........ ................. .........._ _• Van!,, YounBmun avenuo:; engi-. Wear's• -.estimate being $166624 . to, Keough :r'a fot ,1696 00. Gradin Cledra'etr.6t from Yandn11 Presented....... Mar. 6,.1.915..._191. street to Pillsbury aue engi eery ' � estfmntebeing ,349926 to ltr$rtip Eti=. bard 11 for ,7076 00 �j ':onstructtng ewei JameA strget" m F atr et to n pot C 160 feet' ° ngln a eetimate betng y46p 00 . J. Co no11y for $260.OD. o �etructing;.,sewer,; .on Dnls.. f Jefferson nvetiue'to GracA - eer.a estimate•betng.E2Er1 'onnolly for' E20y6 00. ' Resolved, That the action of the d;dltlun1eengineels°ea°,i�nittee in awarding the fol— ,10, to Keough, roe. % lowing contracts, is he •-. Finn aveniie,fr;ad and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is a3n ' e kfne and erpov:ered to draw up and submit proper forms of "c'orifracts therefore: Gradi.ng Glen Terrace from Benson Avenue to Youngman avenue engineer's estimate being $1555.34, to Keough Bros. for $1695,00, Grading Cleora, street from Vandalia street to Pillsbury avenue, engineer's. estimate being $1499.25, to Martin Eberhard for $1075.00 Constructing sewer on James street from Arbor street to a point 150 feet east, engineer's estimate being $456.00, to J.J.Connolly for $360.00, 6onstructing sewer on Daly street from Jefferson avenue to Grace street, engineer's estimate being 42362.00, to J.J. Connolly for 1$2095.00, Grading alley in Block 8 Summit View addition, engineer's estimate, being $562.00, to Keou,}' Bros.. for $593.00, Grading Finn avenue from Roblyn to St.Anthony, engineer's estimate being $436.90, to Martin ;i,berh•trd for $290,00, , Grading, Orange street frorr. Edgerton .r -et to Arcade street engineer's estimate being $8484,90, to Thornton Bros. $or $8087.00, Grading Barrett street from Front street to McKenty street, engineer's estimate being $858.58, to Christ Johnson for $726.00 Yeas (h) C4unciln F ns-vo ss er Coit �j ary Mr. Presid €Pok (T,) Nays Adopted by the Council _ _ 19 In favor Approved 3�l 191`5 Against aapu ro CITY OF ST. PAUL _^__•• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F101PO" No. 4001 BY AUDITED $ll� ti E3�.E 181_ r.ouu PER 23% Resolved that war r s be drawn upon t ity Treasury, payabliput of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set op tt. their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - Yeas ( J) Co cilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the CouncilA"`z-191. Fa sworth 1 Go --1/51—In favor / K er l/C/^ M 11 L/ Against O` ry MAYOR Mr. President, owers z C. F. No. 4001- w . Reeolved that warrants be drawn the on eheinaf[ i rensur_, payable out Of favor Of the flrmsnor person.. corporis ti ons for the amounts set op positr their respectiv names aepee19ed to the following detailed statement:. Corporate Purposes—Garb g Fu d.7, Mitsch 8 Heck Co., $600 00 School Fund: DOyI Bra Co., $63 60. "• ( ,nJ J . Adopted by the Council Mar.:f: 1916. Approved March 10. •/ (Starch 13-1916).. I ,� Corporate Purposes Garbage Fund r 19% A3 Mitsch & Heck Co., - � # 600.00 School Fund / 10 44 Doyle Bros. Co., 63.50 Total z ` ap CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT c'ryC1e.. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOR '` °- `No.� ' .D [r' Q s BY —MAR yp AUDITED $€ AR tl G � I 191_ / •r�•`�c^ PER riru 235 Resolved that warrants be drawn n the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follow'ng detailed statement: -----/181 — Yeas ( J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council F ' sworth 3 Go �In favor Ap 1 S Kel er Mc 11 Against MAYOR 011 ry Mr. President, owers C. F.No. 4662- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon'the City Treasury, payable out of - the 'hereinafter sDecifled4;unds and In a 'favor of the persons. flrmi:Or,.corpora- tions for the amounts Set. opposite their respective nomes ns eDectded Ia - the following detailed statemont: Corporato Purposes—Dept. of Public Wt,rks: S. A. Farnsworth, Coma or - Finance. $12.068.68. Dept. of Public Wt ks: S. A. Favus- nOm. of Finance, $946.78. rth. CoPublic Lighting Fund—Supplies & cxnenses: St. Paul Gns I.Igtt Co., $4,730.33, Police Fund—Maint. & Repair: John J. 0 Connor. $86.60. Fire Fund—Maint. & Repair: South St. Paul Horse Co., $750.00. Public. School. Fund—Maint. A Re- - P ch, $25.6 F. Dreher. $8.16; G. N. Ger- Adopted by the Conacll Mar. 9. 1910. Approved Mar. 10. 1915. (March 13-1916) U J� Corporate Purposes Dept. of Public Works 10336 S. A. Farnsworth, Com, of Finance, 12,o68.68 ✓ Street Const. & Rep/ne Salari s r 242 0 Sewer « « " " F 1,16 .8" " &Sewer Clear Cl aping- al. 1,5 .75 " n n " 8r 3.1 n n 11 D ps Ac . - Wages136 0Bridge Bldg. & Repages, 261 00Sprinkling Fund -Sal 2, 8., Dept, of Public Works 945.72 ✓ 10337 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Spec. Assess. Const. A ct.- Engineering In spec ion d, -Sal. 6 9.00, Paving Depreciati n, 6• 945. 2 F. A: 5-11 #2 .,W. Total Corporate Purpose Salarie014.4 M A ........ boo. Total fl8,615/09 Public Lighting Fund - Supplies & Expenses 10138 St. Paul Gas Tight Co., 4,01050.33 ✓' Police Fund-Maint. & Repair 86.60 ✓ 1 339 John J. O'Connor, Fire Fund-Malnt. & Repair 1 340 Sough St. Paul Horse Co., 750.00 Public School Fund Maint. & Repair 10 41 K. F. Dreher, 8.16 25.60 10 42 G. N. Gerlach, Total School Fund -Id. & Total Corporate Purpose Salarie014.4 M A ........ boo. Total fl8,615/09 4003 An ordinance granting to T. C. Borg permission to put a trap-door in the sidewalk in front of No. 17 and 19 East Eighth street, being Lots 3 and 4, Block 12, Bazille & Guerin's Addition to St. Paul. TFC' COUNCIL OF TFE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to T. C. Borg to put a trap-door in the sidewalk in front of No. 17 and 19 East Eighth street, being Lots 3 and 4, Block 12, Bazille & Guerin's Addition to St. Paul. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said T. C. Bong for said trap- door, upon the said T. C. Borg's compliance with the following con- ditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specification of said trap-door, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Cor..micsioner. (2) The said tray -door shall be installed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (5,OC .CC), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, d�_ma&es and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arisink by reason of the con- struction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said tra:-door, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said trap-door remains or exists. The said bond shall have such sure- ty or sureties as may be approved by the mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said tral-door shall be removed by said T. C. Borg whenever the Council shall so order. -(5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. I 419'_`'3 (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the paApage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in Such fore: as may be ap,.roved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passa6e and publication. /G Ye:1s (J) Coun Amen (J) Nays Final Adoption �j� � F by the Couoc _. . 1 1/ ,Far sworth let Reading___. 191 C/ '3 191 Co lu favor App r d. .. Ke 2uJ 1 191 M oll A MAYOR. 3rd. 1 _ 191 J/ Attest: o rg JOHN 1. FARCY, .� _.��, Date Published . _ __. .e� �_ 1911/ Oc F. Yo 4003—Ordinance No. 3405—By City Clerk. 3t. N Gas ordinance granting to T. C. Borg permission to put a trap-door In the eldewnik in front of No. 17 a d 19— - East Eighth street, being Lot. 3 and 4, Block 1.2, Ba2ille & Guerin's Ad- dition to St. Paul. The Council of the City of St. Paul doea ordah,: SECTION I. Thnt permission and uthority a hereby granted to T. C. Horg to putt" trap-door In the sidewalk 1. front of No. 17 Ind 19 Ena[ Eighth styeGt, be - mg lots 3 `nnd 4. Block 12, Bazitls & Gave n's Addition to St. Paul. SECTIO\ 2 The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to I$ sue a permit to the said T. C. Borg for said trap-door. upon the said T. C. Borg'. compliance withthe following conditions: (1) The said Ilcenaee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of said trap- . door, vent chplan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commis.l... r. (')The sold trap-door shall be In stalled under the supervision and di- e tion of said Comm lssioner, and the Bald licensee shall pay the coet'ot In_� spection. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul In the df Five Thousand Dollars ($5.000.00), conditioned to save the City of S. Paul harmless from any and all liability, Judgments. sults, costa, charges, damages and expense that may a e to persons or property o untet of o prising by r of the c.ustructIon.maintenance, operation. use, presenceoremoval of sold trap- . door, the said bond to re "m' in force and effect as long a said trap-door .remains or exists. The said bond shall have such s rely u • sureties as may be approved b), the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. ( 4) Said trap-door shall be removed by said T. C. Borg whenever the Coun- cil shall ao or of. (5) Thesaid Ilcen... shalt pay any license fee or tax thatmay be re- quiredby n ordinance-' law of the City of St. Paul. ( 6 ) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordin- ance, file a written a cepte-,e thereof with the City Clerk fn each form a may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. -UTiON 3. Tin fore thirty shall take effect and a In force thirty' days,fl[ter Its pass- age anot pub, n blicatlon. Final adoption by the Council Mch. 24. 1915. Yeas—Messrs. Farnsworth, Goss. Keller, McCall, Nash, Yoerg, Air. Presi- dent (Powers) -7. Nays -0. Approved Mch. 25, WTNN POWERS, Atleet: JOHN I. FARIC May.,..RICY. Cit}• Clerk. (March 21.1916) +1" 40")3 (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days af�er the paApage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof wit1h the City Clerk in such form as may be apl,roved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance'ehall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passafie and publication. 1.1 Reading (.� ._._. 191 �r 2nd/ 181J 3rd ._...._..191 3fDate Published. V �_.._ 191 Yeas (J) Cmm ilmen (J) Nays nal Adoptio by n /j� o(2`� ;z Fi L •the Counc ^ . 1dU . V- ,Far swarth ^- Go In�f�vo, Appr d191 Ke er f�M oilA MAYOR Attest: Yo ¢ _ JOHN 1. FARCY, C. F4003-0 di ance No 3405—BY' City Clerk. A-1.`& "'_ All .Z1 Goss— An ordinance granting to T. C. Borg Permission to put a trap-door 1. the sidewalk in front of No. 17 and 19 .East Eighth street, being Lota3 and 4, Block 12, Bazllle & Guerin 'e Ad- dltlon to St. Paul. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That permission and qq thorny r hereby granted to T. C. Borg to pub trap-door In the sidewalk in front of No. 17 and 19 East Eighth street, be - Ing Lots 3 and 4. Block 12, Bazllle & Guerin's Addition to St. Paul. •SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to Issue a permit to thesaid T. C. Borg for said trap-door. upon the aid T. C. Burg compllance with the fol,pwing condttiona: 11) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public !Forks a plan and speclfica[lons of said trap- door, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said trap-door shall be In - at, lled under the supervision and di-' recfion of said Commissioner, nd the said licensee shall Pay the coat of In-, .pection. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St, Paul 1n the sun,of Five Thousand Dollars ($6.000.00). conditioned to save the City f S4 Paul harmless from any and all ,lability, judgment., sults,s t., charges. damages and expensethat may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construction, maintenance, operation, trap- door, resnceobond to remhinaln force and effect as long as said trap-door - h.remansshall avelsuchreurety or sureties asexist.. The aidnmay be pproyed by the ""'Yo"and shall be filed with the be of said City. (4) Said trap-door shall be removed by said % C, Borg whenever the Coun- cil :shall so orde?. (5) The said licensee shall Pay any license fee or tax that may be re- quired by any ordinance or law of the Clty of St. Paul. ( 6 ) Said licensee shall, within- ten days after the passage of thisordin- nea, file written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk In such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. SECTION 2. Thi.'ordlnance shall take effect and be In force thirty' days after Its Pas.-- age and publication. Final adoption by the Council Mch. 24, 1916. Yeas—Messrs. Farnsworth, Goss, Ke, ler, McColl, Nash, Yoerg, Mr. Presl- dent (Powers) -7. Nays -0. Approved filch. 26, 1915. WINN POWERS, Mayor. Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, CItyClerk. " (March 27-1916) l i ` Nu. 4004—By O E. Kellar FORM ja COUNCI[eaoived, Wl{ereae the.-se�erntFae-.`-��y `SG mems ot;he Vy,havei: gl�e� eetL-. s to the P.urohneing, Agent VIVe. Subject:-- AUTHGh l,t 11rt TEE I'LrI?.0 ;e regwreallauring the year 1915, 4 BUS cordance 'with Counel! File Ne. FO E'+"u NO. Ived: that the Purctie.el g Agent .... ....... .. ............ s •• - -... - - ^-------- ^^^- ebY abtltorized to coatrnet tar 'irchase, -1n accordanco wlth the •ms of tho-Charter, Lqg .110 - 'Y—r. J, 19lb I91. pllee, more or lees to-wlt to Presented - -- ----- s• E. 1'2 y.' d p.ld I E. Faber 108, do Steel, 12 Ruby, i - d auej Steel, 2 dozen; Art Gum 1B.-,¢ g es A. A Fa 2056, 2 :dozen; -s, I d en: -3 aozen; I.S .s, 1 only T. hee, dueting, 18 only; T. 12 only: Gnm. CIl Resolved, Whereas the several departments of'tne city have given estimates to the Purchasing agent of Lhe stationery sullplies,and the quan- tities thereof reo,uired during the year 1915, in :,ccordance i with council File #3057, now therefore be it RLO' IYED th=at t. -;e Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to con- tre�ct for and ourchase, in accord,:.nce with the provisions of the chart -r, the following supplies, more or less, to -wit: ar E, Faber - lil rinerald 1 groes 102 " 4 Doz. " - #12 Ruby 2 " n, 1 X L Steel 2 Art Gum Dietz - 33518 Groes 'jY A. W. Faber #2955 2 Doz. j Hardemith - #8 Pink 3 Shields 1 n T. W. Brushes-Dustina- 12 only n n a Key 12 GE14 CLIPS #1 50 M i " " 1 #1 Imp. 10 M IDEAL, #1 - 12 to a box 50 Ex HOTCH KISS #1 Staples -500 to Box 100 Bx #1 Stapling Machine 6 CHALENGE #1 Eyelets 1 oz, box 50 i. BULI. DOG Large fca.strlers 4 Doz. RUBPF.Fi 13A17DS-i's. Faber )r Equal r a 100;" Oil CJ Toone LIAT�ARY PASTE- 12 Alpha " 25/ size 12 Sranford's-533 "4 ' 534 3 6 qts. 36, YU$CILAGE - Jts. 12 Glue Le Pages 1/2 pts. 12 INK- t Sa.nford's Fluid, qts. 84, Red 24, 1 Jet Black Y 36, " Violet Copy cjtj 6 Diamond-Fluid.gts. 48• i Carm&nt p,y 36. a Caster's Fluid1 ts. 24, n n 2 pts. 72' Fountain Pen -qts. 61 Higzins waterproof -1 3/4 oz. 6 Doz. INK ERADICATOR - Carters 12, 3anford's 24- Sagen Brush Ink Stands #51 36, Gardner .1.7 ,t " 12-) t- r � 90 1 170 1 E. F', #510 - :3a17 -oint-1 hunts y'97;V 4 k i a i `i COUNCli e, Subject:-.- AUTHORI<.I1'.0 TEE PUTHC BULK FORM /@ e. 40ol COUNCIL FILE No. .. ........................ ..... .. t... ....... ................. to Presented ...-I::"r- 9, 1915 ._.I91 •dozen; Shielde6Rr doze„; hes, `dusting, 39 only; T. #' 12 c.utj : 01- Cil ;r ,r.. Resolved, Whereas the several department slo't'ne city have given estimates to the Purchasing .lgent of Lhe stationery sut)plies and the quan- tities thereof required during the year 1915, in :,ccordance i with council File #3057, now therefore be it hh' LVED that t -,-;e Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to con- tre,et for and purchase, in accord.:.nce with the-,rovisions of the Chart -r, the following supplies, more or ].e -.to -wit: Fsterbrook (Contd.) City of St. Paul #774 Mongol 3 Gro. Leonard ;516 EF 4 4 Judges $uill Castelle #9101 2 Spencerian #28 12 " 12 Oostens #117 „ #i�.6-�- 'Doz 5 „ Assorted .u..0 Stf—I se^0rted L�Ss` -495 �Diwonts 12 PEN HOLDERS 6 „ " E. FabU/ %89 8 DOz. " #1340 4 " " #277 4 11 " #97 2 " TOWERS BANK #4 1 Gro. Korka #78 1 Eagle #4 6 2 Doz. PENCILS. City of St. Paul 88 Doz. Mongol 12 Gro. 4 Mephisto #73 B Hard 4 Castelle #9101 1* Maroon #2 or equal 12 " u n 3 Como #3 Hex or equal`k�' 6 0 „ #i�.6-�- 'Doz .u..0 Stf—I se^0rted L�Ss` -495 �Diwonts 1 1 .._..... o PY T,4ndy #1160-#2 6 „ " X. S. 1F In�i. 5 „ laetAuhisto - 177 12 2 " Castelle 6B i If Velvet #1 4 Doz. #2 12 LI #3 3 It #4 2 It CARBON PAPER- S, x 13 8J x 12 24 Box 2 M Sheets Gold Seale -Dennison's 10 M Honsdale Pads - #4026 100 to pkg. 200 only 4066 360 " 4068 4070 pk. 14 4006 1200 only 4046 8 pkg. 4028 - 100 to pkg. 2 4030 SCRATCH PADS by the Lb. 1200 only FIG. TABS - #1 or equal-Wedel'staedt- 100! 100 sheets to tab. TABLETS -Packet -Ink Rulled 30 doz. " If Letter size Linen.IfAdding 6 6 f4achine Paper 1 case EitA8ER8= rmi • E. Faber -1087 Commit e n t, �. "F, i�i.,�t '..-. ,. , .. .h w�......�•w -,� fa �+' "„'-•yi.t` "_'h iK+��`J? n � S rw.. , n 'T.. ,yam` - i +J .�. S Irmo BOOKS - #6423 144, #2702 (ap. 8VO 48L Sheep 144, #2733 Denny " " 72, JOURNALS - #38J - 200 P 12, BLAY.-E BOOKS - R. 150 12. #70 - 200 P.P. 144, BINDERS T. P. #701 6, BII%TDERS WAGONER #716 - Free I?and 12, MONTHLY TIME BOOKS - #538 144 , 3 x 5 - 140# UnrUlled Index Cards, packs of 100 ea. - wrapped. 10 1.1 C,�rds SECOND SHEETS R.R. itanila Each package wrapped -8z x 11-50� sheets -100 pkgs:- TYPEWRITER PAPER - 8 x it 24 boxes -also 24 reams. (8 x 12 Submit sample 8 x 13 bid on 72 boxes-" 6 reams BOND SECOND SHEETS - x 11 Submit samples. Sheets 25 8 x 1181 N PINS - Py). #4 48 Doz. #5 12 #2 -12 " "T" PINS - #4 5 Lbs. COUNTING HOUSE #3. 24 Boxes THUMB TACKS -#3 72 " 9 0 if Punched 3/8" " 2 " BLUE-?RINT PAPER a�14.--Taps - 509,=. -ten he IGFs 24 uun Fillers 24 Lufkin#236 D, Xng. Pattern 10th 100' 6 Blotters Hand - 9j x 4 10 M) " )120} ` Desk - 19 x 24 l Cold Rolled. STENOGRAPHERS NOTE BOOKS - Pencil) Submit 12 Doz. Ink ) Sample 6 Is TYPEWRITER RIBBONS -(Coupon) 3 Gross g " Oil - 2 oz, bottles -3 in l^ 12 " ERAS}PRS- E. Faber -1087 Commit(� 2. A�.. 8 Yeas (I) Coun4men (P) Nays Adopted by the Council Approv Far orth Gos In favor / ' Kel t Mc I 0. .-Against Mr. Preside .oa., o.e-z wers Adopted by the Council Approv 005 equeet of rdr. Nussbaumer 1 4005 Council File No ............................_. Z PROPOSAL FO IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the ]nuking of the following public improvement by the City of St. panl, viz.: Grade.,.-.imps.o.v.e_,.....s.t.ra.i„ht.en.. and _....v�idext...Ni3aa.iss.i�ap.1Ri.A.e�r._P.ou�.e., and from -Summit Avenue.to._the..int.ors.e.c.tion_of_ale.velan.4 eve_....ax>d...tile ..Mie_s. ss_ippi River.. R.oulevar ___..... .........._.._......_....._......._......_....._.......... .............. Pd rch. _ DatedDatedthis loth _ day of _...__. 191. .................... _ .. _ .........._........ .. _.......... _...... _ ...... _.............. _.......... ........._._ ...._......... Councilman. PRELIMNARY ORDER. WIIEREA�, A ]written proposal for the making or tile following improvement, viz.:_... Grade..,.. Improve, .... the straighten....and_ widen_Mise.is.s_iRp.�.._R3yQr Idojjjeyard__from_.Summit.__9venue to ...... _......... ... intersection. ..Of__Cleveland Ave, and _:he Idissia.s _ppi River Boulevard. ...__.._..............._._......... ............... _..__. „aa] for rhe having been presented to the Council of tl itis therefore, he it a Ito r RESOLj'ED, That the Conlnlissionel i"io;k, L To investigate the necessity for F� ¢bili 3. To investigate the nature, extent oI- 3. '1'o furnish a plan, profile or. skett o atV of ai ,. 'I'o 1'oroish the rollowing other rb-adfir 3 Commissioner f - he ie it hereby or- S hereby ordered and directed: - thmcC99o� a ia�of said improvement. l nking the nature. extent 1provomeut, and the total cost thereof. of sa18 tmProve-- a Ptan.� v......_ - Irovemp•�', ether' h �fll iC51 .i'n SRId improvement: .. ...... I .1. 1 . lb statewhether .. .1...or..not said •`__................... r � tis asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matt rs to the Commissioner of Finance. .Adopted by the Council_.___..._.-.__. __�_....._.��%....._791.,��... Yeas: Councilman b'a Isworth .._ Go Approved 1!11 3 ............... C-. I{e r if oil Nash ..................... Y rg _. .. Mayor. -Mayor P ers 7@ JOL,TSUCID 0. Clause an 4096 Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER: The nndersigned hereby propose,; the malting of the following p"Idic i'llprovellielit by tile City of I 'St. Pant, viz.: impro.ving,.....gr.a.d.:Lng.__and....se�eding._.th.e._.-c-enter boulevaA on Summit ,live.. fromLexington Avg.. to the Masia.Q Rivar-Bo. le.vard. ........ . . . ...... ... 1);11"d this.. of march Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREA8. A writiell 1)"01 -sal for the mQing of file following ilap"Ovelllelll- viz.:__.improving, grading )e.n4 ppp4ingthe J.9;KingI.Qn. Ave to the JA tag iss ippi River Ve. to t and h;-1,,, b ,, Present- 0 "e Council of the Oily of st. thr-*11f.r., be it (Works tho C.eaona�l .a of having been prLsented to the Collneil C Public Works he and he is hcrcbyr or- : delredTand dlrocted: therefore, be it or do . Investigate bill the necessity ra ly Of the essill far Collaalissioj Ircpr—crec. L ng Of said reby ordered and directed: . To J__t1got RESOLVED, Thattheandtostimated cos- %0 star., ..t..t t . said improve-ity meet, and the total east thereof, aid improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity 3-cT. f-1.hjPft h .1 said improvement. Plan, t profile or vemen . 'eof. 2. TO investigate the nature, exte,_, To furnishathe ovellient, and the total cost the' nod Inf rm tion following other ..at.' relative to said :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketel 1�tato whether 01 net old -tion I- asked for on the ell id improvement: 4. 1,11111jvjl tile l()jj0Wjll,', other (Ista j,j, —re owners.,— . . f e .......... ................. ................... ... ................. .. ...... .. -1 . 5. To state whether or not said ilaproVentent is asked etition of three or more owners. 1 6. To report upon all of the forel-Mil,,a ptters to the C t missioner of Yinalice. Adopted by the Couneil Yells: Nays: ..or. f Councilman Fart •orth Goss Approved Kell Me Nash Yoei ... ..... ...... ........... -Mayor Pow Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject :..............t r COU" N�. CIL PILE N Date Presented.. .................... _191 ...... .... Resolved, That the application of Moses Zimmerman for a / license to conduct a horse auction sale at 1933 University Avenue be and the sane hereby is granted and the 81ty Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $51,00. C. S. No. 4007—IIy Henry McCnll— Rexolved. That the ppllcalioa of 11 -es Ztmmerman for a Itcenae to con- t"'-""y uct a fiorse nuction -ante at 1933 U. the u e be and the sumo hereby Is granted nand the City Clerk 1e to- 'etr ucted to Issue such license upon the payment Into the City Treasury of the fee. $51.00. - Adoptod by the Council Mar. N, 1016. Approved March 10, 1916. e (March 13-1916) I � Yeas ( Y ) Cou 'linen ( Y) Nays 1 - — Adopted by the Council—. �_ 191 Far orth q Go 4 -In favor V Ke r Approved Me oll __ Q _Against p, ary __ Mr. President, Powers MAYOR Subject; _ ITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 COUNCIL r.� FILE NO.......... A_......__...:............. ...... _..... .......... ....... Date Presented.....__ 3/lo/lb __.._._I91........... That whereas the De,r.rtr.-,ent of Public Works has requisitioned the Furc; sing Agent for sandstone^pa-:inf-Clocks to be used for repairing str-ets , and Whereas the Kettle River -Com-Com, is tie only uorryrtny which can furnish the same quality of sandstone as that already laid, now there'ore be it . RLSCL'11-;D, t1_at tr,e larc'r. tsinq Agent be, and he, is hei,eby ..uthorized and erpowere.d tc buy said s-andsto ie ;oav :in,- '::locks of the Kettle River Gompany, at a price not to exceed :ji.7b,'per square yard, without advertiserent or competitive bits. 11 rl F. No. 4008—Ry 51. N. Goss— k t Resolved, That 'herons the Depart - nen[ f Public Work. has requt- eitloned the Purch¢sing Agent for i tndstono paving blocks to be used fort mpairing streets, and \l helms the Kettle River CompsnY I tile' only c int.l ,Wh can furnish the earn, quality of In dstone ne that ."ready laid, w therefore be it Resolved, that the Purchasing Agent he. and he is hereby authorized andmpowerod to buy aid tone pav- Ing blocks of the .Kettle Randetver CO. puny, at a price not toe ped $1.7634 j per equnro yIIru, Ithout ndVertlae- I t or compctftiva bide. Adopted by the Councll Afar. 10, 1915. Approved March 10, 1915. (March 18-1916) _ t Yeas (i) C nciiv (l') Nays F sworth s In favor er oil (� _ Against `Tach Y g Mr. Preside ower, rpaR e.E-z Adopted by the. Council j / _ _ 190 Approved AMR rCo� --- - - M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORW __ Subject: FILE NO Date Presented3/10/15 I91....._.... Resolved, That Whereas the several departments of tYue city hL,.•:e given es- timates to tree uru;..� int_. went of the a,,.ont of blue print, tracing, profile, drawing paper required durin;; the year 1915, in accord =nue with Council mile /f30b'), now ti.ere`ore be it t;.at tiie Purot ---9 t+tient is hereby authorized to contract for and fn_trchciee, in aL �ordance wit] the ,,rovisions of the �hcLrter, the .tho e mentioned materiod 4009-11y N. A. Farnswo101- 11-ol—d, Thnt Whereas tho a gal :epnrtmente of the el ty hnve glvee nee- timatesto the Purchasing Agent of the amount of blue DrinL lracfng. Dronle,; drawing DaPer requ lred during Chet r 1916, in necordanee with Counetl Pile No. 3067, n w therefore beit Resolved. Ttlat the Fore hasing, agent Is hereby nulhorized to contract' ° fer and Dvrchnse, In a dune. wttli the yrovlRions of the c Charter, the above menHoned .tectal. .Adopted by the Counen Mar. 10, 1916. Ap Droved Mor. 10, 1916. (March 13-1916) Yeas (f') COUII Imen (f) Nays Far orth Gos In favor Kel Mc 11 _Against Q� fly Mr. President, wers r .. c.e-z Adopted by the Council �/ le 1913, Approved_ A --- - -- MAYOR 4 Subject-----------------------------------------.-.... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I COUNCIL PILE No.. 4010 ............... Date Presented. ............... 191 Tha�jr' the ap- lication of the following pe -sone for a _cense to conduct Hotels or Restauranta at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are "granted. Name of Arr,licant. Hotel or Pestaurant. Location. Quitman Hicks, Lunch Room 23 W. 9th St. C. F. No: �10Y0?-=B�TIcCell f Resolved, Thi t the as Pllealfon ofc the duct Ho�e7ec or Rev tauran tenet the oQ_ canons rest/ ectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted. Q. ltman Hi'Rv. LPnch Room. 23 W 4th RL Adovted by t APProved M - Yeas ( V ) Councilmen (V) Nays / Farnsworth Goss ./(`/1 In favor Keller McColl Against O'Leary Yom Mr. President, Powers Adopted by the t_ouncfi__ ---f--=-+�•_- Approved `3 ----- - MATQR C. F. No. 4011 8011=-ONo. By'.d. N. oes---: to settle the clan An ordinanGce Peter Dickson. The Council of the City of St. f does ordain: SECTION 1 the pomisei That se Peter DI' settle his cl]]] D �1Ay and son to compromise and o, gainst the City of St. Paul, nrls 'but f damages su tamed by him„�5 cenabn of the c c Ration f his - 23rd. 1914.1 14 � !tf t.: dated. Septemher the grading 1 Hatch treat from G. - A 1 to street, to Jameson street, and 6r ! street .from Hatch street to ing r % Y street,; the snfd cancelintlo❑ being n dered necessary by reason of change OL s Cade. upon Pa5'ment to him f 'o[ Fifteen Dollars (E1'.00).n I the s- mo`s^nirers areea.th-1- .n� f the Generat Funa. ' ' ;` deell Doellar n: said n VO settle the cla>_m of Peter Dickdon. ,d liver d IY 1s 1th She City Cnl: .d r THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Peter Dickson to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of damaE;es sustained by him by reason of the cancellation of his contractod dated September 23rd, 1914, for the grading of Hatch street from Grotto street to Jameson street, and Grotto street from Hatch street to -Orchard street, the said cancellation being rendered necessary by reason of change of grade, upon payment to him of the sum of Fifteen Dollars be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are authorized and direct eyi to draw as Narrant upon the Commissioner of Finance, payable out of the ^Com- promise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Fifteen Dollars; said suer., however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him in a form to be approved by the Qorporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City front any and all claims and demande of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of tho3e arising out of the damajes sustained by said claim- ant under the circumstances above noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Final Adoption � .. s 1815 Yeas (v) Councilmen (J) Nays by the Council....._...... 0- Farnsworth _ 191 Cuss Io livor Approved_.._ J..... let Reading ... ..... - Keller ' 191 J Against 2nd McColl AY� (` O'Leary 3rd Yoerg 191 J 1'1715Lt1.`;+1?�pg•�/jrAS City Clerk. Date Published....__._._......._.._..........191 Mr. President, Powers COIJ'NC1L FILH, NO. By OL r INTERMEDIARY ORDER. street frcm Arcade stro-t_to 7cTe_at_. street... In the Matter of ... Gr .�., _–e_ _ - :Mulder Preliminary Order 33;54_. _ .-. approved J=UaSy.-Cth1 1915— Tile, 9.15 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the t.. ;. °aW'e improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Gr ad,e_ 'fes 11y Bt re Bt.. from Arcade street tc Forest street,. :. with no alterh4ves, and that thle estimated cost thereof• is $_22�C, .3 _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th _...... day of April— w ....... _......, 191..3..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, thenrture of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. s, Adopted by the Council __ _ �i/�L L; _.d _, 191 ....:. i Clerk. Approved/ C.F. No. 4012—By S. A. Farnew'orth—!/'"' L�y!%/"-' .�.�...T........ In the Matter. or'grading Denny St.Mayor. from Arcade, street to. Forest street) under Preliminary Order 3354,• ap-. Councilman Fa sworth Proved January 9th. 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paal having received the report'of the Com- missloner of Finance upon the above • G 5 saldr report thereby. and hav resolvesconsidere8 -1. That the said report be and' the' •er same Is hereby approved and adopted; and the ald Improvement Ie hereby ordered to ba proceeded with. 2. That the nature f the Improve iRrove- oil me t which the Council recommends Is grade Denny street from. Area St. 'r to Forest street with Oto'alts alternatives. •• and that the. estimated cost.,thereof is 52 Resolved Furiber, That a public hearing be' -bad' -.un Bold Improvement • the 12th dal•' f A�EII:' 1915. t .the ho f -l0 o Cl ck�'A. DL. In the Council Chamber.'r61 2 the Court Mayor PO 5 Rouse and City Flat) Betiding In the y City of S[. Paul.. That the Commis- Porm B. S. A. 8.6 ' sioner of Finance give notice of said llll meeting to the persons nd In the ma provided by the Charter. atat- naturee Y then impprovence menta and the [Dial cost thereof s e timnted. Adopted batch 10the n1915.far- 10. 1915. COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. a In the Mat cr of . Grp -ding. Andrew strut frcm _relvider'= stse:t _..to .:.inifred_ street, under Preliminary Order 3Q83 ...... approved e,cen,,b.x_ 15tH,.__. 1914.,._...._._.___.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby app_�oved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. t� 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council reemnmends is Gral"e_ Andrea_ str.s?_et. �:elvidere...atreet to :•:inifrsd atreet,_ .. r.4T:i __ __.... .........................._ ......... . . .............. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$..`?',..2GP•-8° Resolved Further. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12 th day of 1915.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pahl. That the ('ommissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council �/� '2_ ..-..�� 191 Cit k. Approved Mayor. C.,P. T. 4013—By S. A. Parnsworth— In-the�Matter of grading Andrew St. Councilman Fa nsworth from Belvidere tr-t to Winifred street, under Preliminary Order 3083, approved'. December 16th, 1914. G 8 •having received thel of hreport of the om. a. the above Illtipr.-ment, and ationer of n havice ng considered K ler enld report, hereby resolves: 1. T h the said. report be and the same I9 hereby approved and adopted, M Coll 1 the said Improvement Ia hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Thnt the nature of the Improve- „ merit which the Coi l recommends is grade Andrew street from Beln•iderc street to 1Ylnirred srre..r ... .,.. Mayor Form B. S. A. 8.6 therrot ie $4,208�89.� no e-nuatea cost Resolved Further, That a public j hcnring be had. on said Improvement the 12th dny of April. 1916 t the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court .use and It,,- all Building In the City of $t. Pnui. That the Commie -I stoner of Finance give n.tl`— f sold meeting to the .parsons and In the manner provided by the Charter, atnt_I ing the time and place of hearing, the, nature ofthe Improvementnd the total .out thereof as eatlma, tea Adopted by the Council afar. t. 1916, Approved Solar. 10, 1916. � (March 13-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. 470 3 y 13y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ^r a stra tt .��_.ka- iomo__and-. Pl,.al;n avwnue, under Preliminary Order... x355 __._ .... approved J:.rlualy...°t.h.,_.1.?,15_ . _ _... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is GI:a—dc-:`-':-ldota -8%5. '-t from Ivy stre-A. Como and Phalen aver -,�.e, ....._........... mitll no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .p_... 1_, -5.25...6.,3_ ' Resoh'ed Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th day of April 191..5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner. of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and is the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and th%e }otal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ %/'/ v:1< /- 191 r *ty Clerk. Approved C. F. No. cola -By s.'� Fnrtsvorth— Mayor. In the Matter of gradingc?Wfendota at. to Lake Como; and Councilman Far worth from Ivy street Phalen u under' Preliminary Order 3353,n approved.. January:; 9th, 1915. . Go The Council f the City of St. Paul having received the repo ,f--WilteCom- miesioner of, Finance v�04g the'above Ke lmprovemenp and having 'considered herebyresolves: r said'.. port, 3. That the said report be. and the l same is hereby approved and adopted, Moil ad the said improvement is hereby , -" ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improve- ment which the Council recommends Is grade Mendota street from Ivy street to Lake Como and Phalen avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof Is $1,525.63. Resolved Further, That a publlc hearing be had on Bald- improvement Mayor Powers on thth day of April, 1916, at our12of 10 o'clock A. If.. In the the he Form B. S. A. 8-6 Council Chamber, room 61, of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commis- aIoner of Finance give notice of said , meeting to the persona and In the manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof a8 estimated. Adopted by the Council Mar. 10, 1915. COUNCIL FILE N0. }3y/ -!/f INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Grading Charlotte avcnu@ fieri Taylor avenue to Great 1 1 Rizht. of Slay, ci trPrn .�a1 say __o :November 10th,- 1914 under Preliminary Order 24E1__. approved __....__..__. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Gra e__Charlctte _avenue 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is - - _ fro;n_ Taylor avel:ne o „real s.orthern Railr,'ay Cct:, RiEl.t of aY,_, ..._...... .._....._................... ....... .. ............_................ . ..........._... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :y__196_,Q,5-.__.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . 12th __.. _.. day of --'' -- "--1 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. It., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of April the the Court House and City Hall Bi ilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof aasstianated. i > Adopted by the Council --- �l�_- -�� 191 _ -- - 1 - Clerk. S Approved 191 - — - — .............._ Mayor. C.F. No. 4016-11Y S. A. Farnsworth— '. in the Matter of grading Charlotte Councilman Far Worlh ave—rfroNortheR[ G Nay. under 1 aproved The Council having received " K IIasioner f F r mprovement. rovent. 1 sold ,report, her meeting manner eting to pro ng the Lim nature f total oat t Adopted t Approved ' the City of St. Paul ,be report of the Cord - lance upon the above id having considered by resolves: aid report be and the tpproved . and adopted. iprovement is hereby ceded with. ature of the Improve-; :ouncll recommends is avenue from Taylor I - Northern Railway lay, with no alterna- the estimated cost her. That a public on said improvement ,y of April, 1915, at o'clock A. M., in the room al of the Court Hall Building in the L That the Commis - e give notice of said persona and in thel by the Charter, stat - place of he, the 'pro sement,and the estimated. •Council Mar. 10, 1915. M oil sal. .That the a Is hereby ii and the old I ordered to be 1 mens which the s grade Charlotte ., avenue to Gre Co.'. Right of Lives, and that thereof is $190.1 Resolved Fu Mavor w rb had he the be Form B. S. A. 8-6. the hour of 10 Council Chambe meeting manner eting to pro ng the Lim nature f total oat t Adopted t Approved ' the City of St. Paul ,be report of the Cord - lance upon the above id having considered by resolves: aid report be and the tpproved . and adopted. iprovement is hereby ceded with. ature of the Improve-; :ouncll recommends is avenue from Taylor I - Northern Railway lay, with no alterna- the estimated cost her. That a public on said improvement ,y of April, 1915, at o'clock A. M., in the room al of the Court Hall Building in the L That the Commis - e give notice of said persona and in thel by the Charter, stat - place of he, the 'pro sement,and the estimated. •Council Mar. 10, 1915. COUNCIL PlLl: NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Iu the Matter of _ drafting ROBE Etxeet Exon. :alta Eeax 2v.;nae to- a -point --- _123.feet _,zest..of td.ie ;.e:<t line.ofX6nnaxd__atre.e.t ._ under Preliminary Order ..._2147 __ _ ___. __. approved OC.taber- 9th, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, bereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said ,improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Cr .o.e.-Baha _.street_.. from Yhitie Rear__ar.snne to_a point .123 feet vieat of the__Fiezt_.line. af....Keninard with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s..2 945_.-30. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th - - day of April .._ ... ____.._..., 1915 _., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the mature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 197 J �� Clerk. 1pproied�"_ � , ] l _ C. F. No. 4016—BY S. A. Farnswor[h—I.._..._._.__. .. .... ...... inthe Mutter of grading Ross streetMayor. from White Bear avenue to a point 123 feet west of the wet Ilna of Councilman Fa n worth Kennard street, under PreltmI rl- order 2147, approved October 19th,, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul CJ 5 having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above Improvement, and having con- ;' li ll i sadered said reporp.,he ort resolves. t - 1. That the sort, report be d the e le hil-by.approved and adopted. and the said Improvement is hereby oil ordered to be proceeded with. p 2. That the nature of the lmprove- �J mant which the Council recommends Is grade Roes street from White Bear .venue to a point 123 Peet west of the west Ii ne of .Kennard street, with no _ alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,945.30. Resolved Further, That a public I ` hearingthe be had on said Improvement tvlayor P C!S tiat the hourlof 10:30 O'clock pA. M911n the Form B. S. A. 8-6 Council Chambers, room 61 of the Court House and City Hall Buliding In the City of St. Paul. That the Com- misatoner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in .the manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total coat the as estimated. Adouted by the Council Mar. 10, 1915. COUNCIL FILE. No. By J �l�_ti INTERMEDIARY ORDER. -: in ; Field , v n °r(;t. r T v, ; to ` ' r`:r_Q. . In the matter of _..,.- � _ . a.i__ ( =rly _Fairview ay.: ue) . under Preliminary Order _.._.36ao31 ...._._ ___.... _..__. _... approved_.''.e.'i.Z':.:.al'..jy._ 4th, �. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouunends isxF1'�--f-.ield - ti � - row Laze.rn ay.^.nue.__to Fdoeo-=he ^oad .............. ... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :4__1713.39 Resolved Further. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 13t't1 _ _ _ day of __Ap,r j l_.. . _ _. _ _ _... _.....1 191.5..., at the hour of 16 o'clock A. DL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof Its estimated. Adopted by the Council ��/�! /_U _, 191 _ 'City Clerk. Approved 191 – f Mayor. Councilman Farvorlh C. F. No. 4017-8 Field neworth— Infrom Danvern ofgrading o Edgecumbe� G I goad (forme lY' Falrvtew avehue), under Preliminary816.3631 ap- proved February 4th- K r The Council of<t14 itY of St. Paul having repalYed:e ' re Dart on the twers Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 Q ment Is sr I,,'airvie— ..p�aa......� tives, and that the estimated cos thereof Is $1713.30• That a public Resolved Further, hearing 13thd on day f Id prll, 1916, oat on the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. ), In the Council Chambers. room 61 -of the Court the City of St Pont. use and Y That tll he Kon, ` Inner of Finance (give notice of said meeting to the persona and In the manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the totnl coat thereoCnas nestllmnaied.0, 1010. COUNCIL FILE NO. gy(y/ .. �Q000G 4! l GGA: INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _ vraair_g_ vc: ing etr:: t fyc., _.:uharltcn_sf :a t.c_ C innz :a ave nue, under Preliminary Order 2234.. _ approved . _Oat o..beS__?4th.t___1r14 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .Gras .Vyprnino .s. traet Cha j.tozi_.street to Ohi.ppe. a avenue, .._.........................._...... ................. ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._._418_2_, 44___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 13th_ ._ _ _ _ . day of ___lla-i1._ __ 191...5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and thetotalcost thereof as Adopted by the Council _-. _.��L ;.�_ c-.! _> 191: Cit Clerk. Approved 197 s C. F. NO. 4019—BY S. A. Farnsworth—.. ... ... .. ... In the matter oe grading Wyoming Mayor. Councilmanf orth Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 The Council of the City of St. rant having received the report of the Com- missioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby. resolve": '-1 That Ole enid report be .and the e Is hereby approved he adopted, and the said Improvement is hereby ordered to •be . proceeded wlfh. 2. .That the nature be the improve - ea t which the Council recomme.d. Is grade AVYoming street from CbarI- ton treet to Chippewa enue.with n alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof 1s $4182.44. Resolved Further, That a public he¢rfinb'•I2 h It., a, of Aur 1.1 915, vatnent the of St oe ng to e INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _ vraair_g_ vc: ing etr:: t fyc., _.:uharltcn_sf :a t.c_ C innz :a ave nue, under Preliminary Order 2234.. _ approved . _Oat o..beS__?4th.t___1r14 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .Gras .Vyprnino .s. traet Cha j.tozi_.street to Ohi.ppe. a avenue, .._.........................._...... ................. ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._._418_2_, 44___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 13th_ ._ _ _ _ . day of ___lla-i1._ __ 191...5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and thetotalcost thereof as Adopted by the Council _-. _.��L ;.�_ c-.! _> 191: Cit Clerk. Approved 197 s C. F. NO. 4019—BY S. A. Farnsworth—.. ... ... .. ... In the matter oe grading Wyoming Mayor. Councilmanf orth Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 The Council of the City of St. rant having received the report of the Com- missioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby. resolve": '-1 That Ole enid report be .and the e Is hereby approved he adopted, and the said Improvement is hereby ordered to •be . proceeded wlfh. 2. .That the nature be the improve - ea t which the Council recomme.d. Is grade AVYoming street from CbarI- ton treet to Chippewa enue.with n alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof 1s $4182.44. Resolved Further, That a public he¢rfinb'•I2 h It., a, of Aur 1.1 915, vatnent the of St oe ng to 0 V COUNCIL FILE, NO-, Aq r� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. -- r i!a . t :,f M ....t_0 _�. inn street, In the Matter of ' . _ inZ RYy e 8 _ , - ............................................. . under Preliminary Order 341`13.....___..... _. _ .... approved J3ra.3..y. lt]�,.....1.9.15....__. _ _.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recolumends is - urile—RVd-e_ s.tTeat- from P._ ?;i�nt__c.f. _.°.air to 1,.�:.cn_str?e ........._............._.._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._ti.2.6 .... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ 13 th _ __ _ . _ ..... day of April ...... ... ... ._.__ 191..._5, at the honr of 10 o'e]ock A. K, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof asAgti.mated. Adopted by the Council %�lv _ 191 i ltv Clerk. Approved Q. P. No. 4019—ny S. A. Parnawortn— Mayor. In the matter of grading $yds street form N. P. Right of Way to Union Councilman Fa nsworth street, under Preliminary order 3433 4 pnr0ved January 19th, 1915. The Council f the City of St. Paul G s� having .received the report of the. Commlasioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having. con- sidered said report, hereby esolves. " K 1, r I. That the, said report be and the I came is hereby approved and adopted. „ !and the . b Proceeimprovded -1 i. hereby M Cll ordered to be proceeded nt th. .That the nature of the Improve- !' f vnt.. which the Council ecommOnds ".°� is'grade RYde street from N. P: Right, Cy of `Way to Union street, with no alter-; na tfves, and that the esttmn[ed coat thereof le $222.26. Resolved Further, That a public� hearing be had. on said Improvement I n the 13th day of April, 1915 at the hour oY' 30:30 A. Sf.. Fn the Council or room __ivtayor ars HouseCha) and City Hall nullding Inothe Form B. S. A. 8-6 City and St. Paul.. That the commie -I stoner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons ad In the manner provided by the Charter,stat- Ing the time and place of hearing, the .nature of the Improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council bfar. 30, 1915. Approved 'March 10. 1915. (March 13-1915) j COUNCIL FILE A0. 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. yr t -, V% a'r t fio: A, ^ ie a`reet tc Forest at.='fit, . In the Matter of _ under Preliminary Order .3352, approved January__ th,__12.1.5. __...... The Council of tile. City of St. Buil having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report he and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recodunends is Graae Ivy Arcaie_ e t_.*c Fore at._.aur2et, ......... ........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof' is $_ 3,47.7,84.1 f Resoled Further, That a public, hearing be had on said improvement on the 13ta _.._... day of __APT 1_. .__...__.._________..., 191._5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AI., in the Council Chamber, room 1'o. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tilde and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereofas estimated. Adopted by the Council tv Clerk. Approved./v Mayor. Councilman F sworth C. F. No. atter oy 5. a Farnsworthet In the Dinner oY— grading Ivy street GAs - from APre Ordeto rrest 3352,t under iminaryt p proved January 9th, 1916. u K 1 r The Council of the Clty of SL Paul having received the report of they Commissioner of above improvs improvement, andhaving e g con Oil elder d said report, hereby resolves. eThat 1. the said report be and the $ts arp etis rovea Wisll e 1UTqFHI}' nd he said lmprovem nt hereby be Ord. ered toThat he natureofthe improve- ment which the Council recommends ALZis grade Ivy street from Arcade St. to Forest streetlvith no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is Mayor ers $3,477.84. Resolved Further, That a public Form B. S. A. 8-6 hearing be had on said improvement on the 13th day of April 1915, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M-, in the Council Chamber, room O1 of the Court l House and City ..It Building Inthe City of St. Paul. Th the Com_ mIsslon,r of Finance give notice of Bald meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing, thq nature of the Improvement, and the total cost ther€of ce estimated. Adoted -March 1916.ar. 10, 1715. Approved 10, 1the 1 - (Dlarch 13-1916) r COUNCIL FILE, NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 1n the Matter of ...cr :.'_ink 1_e_: crth and Ecut_n,__.an.! _>,a.et.. and C;e_st Alleys _. . . in Jcsepn R. r,ei.e's Third addition and -lock 1, cf Jose -ph R. ..elaet8 ecc.d Addition, _ under Preliminary Order _ 3?, 81 approved . _Jaslu.azy.. Sth, 1.,.e.15. The Council of the City of St. Paul haling received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the Pature of the improvement which the Council recommends is G—a--!.e...._the-. i ort.h.. and. Scut! a_.i..$.as.t__ard ;est Alleys in. Jcse_-ph. _.Third. addition... and Lleck 1,___qf _Jose.pIt fi,i. ideIs °eor) nd Addition,_ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .14th - - ---. day of 1915_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City IIall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the ('commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons slid in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as eg �,o., 19i.S timated. / Adopted by the Council _ -`���/ � --,. 62�e�✓ ' o1erk. Approved U– 191 . C. F. No. 4021-8 In the \latter OL S. A. Farnawot'th— .. __. (T�. an South, and Eas tannd N et Alleys I ftl8ver. In Joseph R. wsid 'a Third Add ltlon and _Block 1, of Joseph R. Nelde's Councilman nswOith I Second Addition, under Prellmnnry Orde1915. r 3284, aPProved January 5th; Orde he having ng receivencil d tfie report ofe City the Com missloner pf Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered Her said report, hereby resolves 1. That the sold report Abe d the same I, hereby approved d adopted. / • lt Coll Ordered T [tabs Improvement: . hereby CC�.l1!/ proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Improve- s' - ment which the Council recommends '!'I inddWest Alleys in Joseph..Re Weideod ,, z Third Addition and Block 1, of Joseph „ R.'.-Welds's Second Addition, with no a2- ternanves, and that the estimated net thereof is $500.92. Resolved Further. That public 1V1aVOr iVCrs onaring be had o aid improvement the 14th day of ,1pri1, 191fi, t the: hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In t 15 Council' Form B. S. A. 8-6 Chamber, tom O3o f the Court House d C,Ity Hall Blinding in the City f St. Poul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to! the Persona and in the manner pro- vided by the "charter, [sting the time nd place or haring, the nature of tha improvement, and the total cost there- oPAdopted by he Council Tinr. 10. 1915, Approved 111nrch 10, jellI . (March 13-1915) t COUNCIL FILL, NO. By FX" INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 117 aiin_i-look _1 _ 4, e! -a3_ -Addition In the Matter of :�- lr _. •,_.., �=.�A.�lleY � ..._......._......_..................... under Preliminary Order, _.19.5.4 ..._.._....... .. ___....._ approved Qo v.c..b_eT._.7th.,. __191.4__.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Qrade__ ..Ale . Alle.y..In 'lock _l, J.. _-.._f7.eiie's k13ition- , _ _...... . .............. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_114..98- - - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 14th. _ __.. _ _._._... day of .Ap3711. _ _ _..__. __ _.__...1191..._5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. DL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. 'That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as es '.mated. Adopted by the Councilzl.�_-If lQ, 19Y.V�.., ' Clerk. Approved .19]S _ —_._ _ _. _. Mayor. Councilman Far C F. No. 4022—By S. A. Farnsworth— worth In the matter of grading the Alley in, Block 1,. J. R. Welde's Addition, n der Preliminary Order 1957, approv •' (JOSS, ed October 7th„ 1914' The Council 04 the City of St. Paul havin nreeeived the report of the Com - K ll�r 1mino.-ement: Finance havint, coneia :.d s MOOR / „ ?PFl a Mayor � erg Form B. S. A. 6-6 T4 hereby P] J. B. PRO BST CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF CIVIL: SERVICE April 16, 1915. City ;,lerk, Court -ou-o. RO55 R. MILLER Doer ir: L: accordr.nce .11 Section 1 of Rcgulut--'on IV, Civil - rvi,,.e Rules ,� Pculations, the ex.u,--ination s cheuu1c' for April -l 19 for tho ositian of Aosictant Superinterdent of Police and Fire Alarm Telerrap',: is lierelcy postporerl because of t,,c lac": of for the n o ,4 t j yj Resoectfully, C. 'E.L':y, Co.,.,:.is:.ioner T3Y Chief ;N,,;j.dner JP P- G Petition Council File No...._'._..__..__....____.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ��� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'phe undersigned hereby proposes the hulking of the following public improvenleut by file City of St. Pan, viz.:the...changl..Ilg.._p ._tkle gradm _of.....J.effers_on..Ave......... from...P.r.ior...Ave_....t.o Fairview Ave., to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached. and made_a _.par.t..her.eof,. the.-present--grads--being--represented by the blue line thereon, also the grading of said Jefferson Avenue ....between._ the... points._.afareeaid. in aoeordancte with the said -red .11ne when established. ..__....... _......_...._.......... . Dated this ..10th_day of .___.March....... ... 5. Conncilnmu. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \VITEREAS, A written proposal for the staking of the following improvenleut, viz.: the.._changing of the grade of Jefferson Avenue from Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave., to _...aonform...to. _the...red._.line ....on__the _._profibe-- hereto -...attached-..and. ....made ._.B._ . part hereof, the present grade being represented by the blue line thereon, also the grading of said Jefferson Avenue between the points aforesaid, in accordance with the said red line when established. ....................... . .................................._...... F C. F. No. 4023— ..... _.._... ......_ ...... ;_. _ whereas. A written prop a1,.1 Y making I of the following mp uVEt bavwg been presented to the Council Ot� Sviz:offerThe changing of the6ilnlan son Ave. from Prior Ave. to -"" view Ave., to conform to the re the profit_ hereto attaebe herefore, be it ode a ps.—he-of, the present ;! Uelag represented by the blur hereby ordered and directed: IIESOINED, That the Comnlissionej thrrron, ais. the gradin$ of al .. Y f,•,'sduainAve. bdtrtncen tilt i he esti 1. To investigate the necessity fol,',a a li ,F said improvement. he nccoestabii she d, having r�trd to the council of the cu Irocement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent �. Pauolse thl:re .r.. eco miasionr 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch:?ic Wor and . be and he Is hereb• To investigate the necessity , -1-. "l,h 111rlilill tht• folb)wing., othel' ds: ls ata Arability of the making of atd iniprovelneltt: ..... .... .. .. . trent.Investigate the [ exte 4 f _ It ted coat of a id Improv p,. ..._._.. _...._.._... ...___..._.. _..... .. ... ._....._. .. ......_._... .. ....... he total cost thereof. t. To state whether or not said inlprovemel: .• .or,°enale ° tition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the, f0n•090in�9tters to t: /i,-wnmissioner of b'inance. Adopted by the Council_...__....._...__._........_� �..............191t1...` Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth Go Approved __...........__.._ ___ ! r... __._... / Ke er Plash .................__._..................._.... .. ....._...._............... _............ Mayor Por. Po ers � MR3 C P. No. matter In the f grading of E 3197, approved December xesolved, Trcat [he Plnne.. peolflt-,. nd ee of Pu ubw.,k ; f t. ve named of Public it be lfnr t1 named Improvement be Ahd e hereby aPpr,11 itte P. olved Forth That - 'C\gent ben d he. Is hereby a d - anA directed Co dVertlec pr -N, rth Uy the CIt)' C ®^ Pie fonecor making f al •hJY (l//y C I T Y. b .ni�'nB. e�lin tcnsia in y��� r contractor shall COUNCIL Rh,b (I3 )l Tit acafil ,� nage In the matter o bc. from D. .,._u.,,�St. to Maryland St. under Preliminary Order. 1737 , Intermediary Order Final Order 3197 , approved Deoember 83, 191�1. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby " authorized and directed -to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications; on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said cork at a speci- fied suit; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent.. of. the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract .with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the aYnount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. _ Adopted by the Co oil Yeas ( ) C cilmen ( ) Nays F nsworth G s R er M 11 gg7s Nash -� Mr. President,. Po rs Approv Ja �� ]PUIiLISI� /� q Resolved, That the Commissioner of Finance be empowered to pay out of the Contingent Fund, the actual expense for the rental of the Auditorium for the evenining of Saturday April 17th, 1915, for the use of the Homes Garden Club. X0 That a A. Farnsworth . R eao]�ed. That the Coto a, on.t of I Fle . t ent I eyed to PaY oll[ hf (Lhe C .rt[hoot tnl df the Audttortum Ii ➢ense i 'fi of SnturdaY, ADrtl 14. for the a ut the Home Garden 1916, for tho u the Club. 1916. tedDD owed Mnrc C11n 1916Tnr. 11. 1 (March 13-1916) Yeas (I) Co Imen ( d ) Nays Ada jKe rh In favor Against Mr. Presiden .^4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub1 ... .............. -_........_......................................._..................._..............__.....___......_...COUNCIL ..Q/ice/ PILE NO .......... �'............... Date Presented_ ............._.. ........... Resolved, ! ��./f �/� �- �c,�-� r -,/r J..� �f/A � Yeas ( ✓ ) Co ilmen ( ✓) Nays I orth G Ipr oil 9 h Mr. Presid t, were C. F. No. 5020—Ry Henry DicColl— Re lved, Tha[ the Department of Public Safety-13 ar.nu of Pollnp. Is hereby mpower.d to ...euro as Drill vlees of a competent Veon rs 11-t— napectinR pthe O9, o berm tr feLthe ilurenu of Pollee al, au a ➢en aeo of to eed Fifty Dollar. X($60.00) per m cnth. Adopted -by the Council Mar. 11, 1015. Appro—d March 11. 1015. (Murch 13-1015) �jN Adopted by the Counci ------In favor ®Approv, 1S1 Against -MAYOR_ IV COUNCIL FILL: NO. n, T f`e AI lay INTERMEDIARY ORDER. i ..� --F-!,,.-.,and— in theMat.terof ra 1n it or. e.reet irc:. ivy, ty a ue_tc street.,_ ander Preliminary Order ..33.3.8.. ___.._ __. approval _isnuar..y._2th.,..l.c':-15._.__..__....___ ._ The Council of the City of St. Panel haling received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is `'.. ra .-1'it Ori stroet _....__..... __ue to 11r,: zn3_ street, .. .__.......... _........_............. ....... .............._......... .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $475,12. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be I%d on said improvement on the 15th. _ _.__..._. day of 191.._5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the malmer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th cof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ _ ✓ 191 �" Ci ,°Clerk. F Approved Mayor. In the Matter of grading Melton �st. Councilman TnSWOTI from University Ave. to Edmond St., under Preliminary Order 3338, ap- - Droved January 7th, 1916. " O58 lThe av ng received the il of hrep000rt ofty f the Com- Imslenar of Finance.upon the above eller Improvement,' and- having considered said .port, fi'ersa�y resolves. L That thesad. and the same Is hereby approved and ad6pted. ccoll and the said Improvement Is hereby ordered to be prgceeded .��with, 3 2. That the nature of the -Improve- men t.a•hich. the Council recommend. is grade Milton St. from University Ave. to Edmund St., with t alternatives. 1 and that the estimated ,Cost thereof is 5476.12. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on maid improvement Ma or P " ers an the 13th d.y of April 1916, at y the hour. of 70:30 o'clock A. M., in the Connell Chambers, room 61 of the Form B. S. A. 8-6 Inn the Houseif St P ul y hat the Cont missloner of Finance give notice of said meetingto the Deraone and In the manner provided by the Charter, stat - Ing tile time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the total cost thereoL.. estimated. Adopted by. the C ... en Mar, 11, 1916. ` Approved March 11, 1915 (Match 13-1916) 11 CO1TNClb FILE NO. ` / f By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the lilatter of _.C.0 e r !C. jrg a S r -n str@et _arc.. 3_.x:cirt__.80 _feet ea +, cf the east lire cf 2cu`n ab M ,krent to Ccnecrd street, under Preliminary Order ...36.3$.. approved PCr442r.y._.5th,._1:915..._.......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Q:ora.t.r' o a .on Isa3e.l str._et...frcrr a roint_eC feet east of e._est_._ ine of Cruti...°.s',F.sha with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __15th _ day of ..... 1.91..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Hoase and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. / �:1 191-5 Adopted by the Council __ _ __ /l /. 'ty.,Clerk. _ Approved ,191. Mayor. Councilman Far orkh C. F. No. 4028—By s. A. Far —rth— tin the matter of eonatracuag a sewer • Gos on Isabe] trees from a point 80 feet bash of ties[etot Concord oline of f eat- aneth - Preliminary der Order 3638, approved February 6th, 1915. I{e. ei The Councll f the City f St. Fau] having received the report of the Com-' in eltmer of Finance upon the bove •improvement, M Coll d having moldered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Thnt the Eald report be and she is hereby -approved and adopted, „ (same and the said improvement is hereby as ordered to be Pe.ecoded with.:- s 3• That [ho natuo of the Improve- ment which the Council - recommends is truct sewer on Isabel streot poonm n- point 80 feet east oft the eas tine 0f south Waboaha street to Con - to o.- Mayor OWerS c rd street, with no al tstreet anat that the estimated cost thereof 't Form B. S. A. 8-6 Resol$567.15. theon re d be hearings had ImPovement n the 16th day of April, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., 1. the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court_. House and Clty all Building in the. City of St. Paul. That the Commissianer' of b`lnance give notice ofsaid meeting to the persona d In the manner pro- toP time udld Pill heoring. nn urs of the of th Improvement, 'and the total coat re - of as. estimated. Adopted by the Council War, 11, 1915. Approved Starch 11, 1916. LXarch:'13-1916). i COUNCIL FILE, NO. By vLz 4020) INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of onetructirg a sewer on Fremont" street from Cypress street to a point 184 feet east of the east line of Earl street thence on an easement,to be obtained, 16 feet in width the center line of which is 8 feet west and parallel to the east line of Lot 4, in Gotzian's Rearrangement of Block 24, Sigelts Addition from Fremont street to the alley in said flock, thence east to Tell street thence south on Tell street to Th5_rd street, 2235 approved October 24th, under Preliminary Order -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. e is hereby approved nod adopted, and the said improvement is That the said report be and the sam, hereby ordered to be proceeded e'ith. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recouunends is Construct a sewer on Fremont street from Cypress street to a point 184 feet east of the east line of Earl street thence on an easei�aent to be obtained, 16 feet in width x1±19 the centerline lineGotzof which is 8 feet west and :axallel to the east line of Lot e f Plock 24, Sigel ts Addition from Fm reont street to the alley in said Block, thence east to TellItreet thence sout'r. on Tell street to Third--strPPt_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ;1;._.3, 355. 12 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 15th day of �1pri1 1915 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. __ AL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Patti. That tho Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the totalc/3; of as estimated. ._ / tl Adopted by the Council � 4 i Clerk' t ■ Approved Mayor. nets he.. Y.eact"' re Port nd ads, Councilman That the said . sg1161mprovement la here. a dethe ordered to be proceeded with. rove- of the SmP " 2. That the nature which the Council recemittendrect ment construct n yaetreet to o Point on 184t2eet eynrea a Earl street, " from east of the.. east llnonf nthot �linaineo[.. 16e feet ins width center JFrth ❑ne of L, era which is 8'teet;west nndlthe east iI Tremont street.' toyt, pddlting fromt Dloek, ;theneeagt to Tell tswitat'the nliey to said street.ihenco souell' street fs estimatethereof 8,866.12:That.eeolvehd ons ` ImProva ent hada said earing at Mrtln Councit Mayor on t -[ 0o'clock A. [he Court 8oU0e Form B. S. A. 8-6 Chamber, room 61 f the Clty Hall Ballding in the C1LY of i¢re and ting St. Paul. That the Comma notice Pro- Finance glue by the Charrt¢n the manner to teta"ng thaft tme the' -the '' and place of hearing, nature and the total cost there- Improvement, esd Uy the Cnnrr1916. mar. 11. 191M1. of s timated. a .Adopte %ppro"d ld—h 11. IUnreh ' 19151 Z t 1 s ri J> �a9i i t ■ G7 COUNCIL. FILE NO. By IN'T'ERMEDIARY ORDER. Qonstr,act_i='� a se-er ccn *' r.st 0i,le cf .Ie .ir�4Cr,..:..a-ver�ue In the platter of -_ "--� zrc Biair._ street _tc__ti au_ '_:rsr. street,_ tinder Preliminary Order ... 3.424 _.__._ ....._. .-approved _.Jaxiaary.-l4tfi.,.__l`;].5. .._......_._.. _.._._.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the shove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1- That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded With. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recoumends is on .the...weat__.s.i e..c�f _Le._ir_gton as---i.e frcn;_ Blair_ street, to Van. -^ur.en....street, ................_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further. That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the 15th. _._.... day of ---...... ....... ---.-...-, 191_5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thei7f as estimated. ._ Adopted by the Council _ ._..� 101J ........._... City Clerk. s / Approved! C. F. e No, 4030—By S. A. Farnsworth— -- -—- "- In thA -tter f constructing a sewer Mayor.n the west side of Lexington avenue Councilman Farris onh from Blair street to Van Buren at.. under .Prenminary order 3424, ap- proved January 14th, 1915. The Council of the City of St Paul Goss having received the report of the Com - missioner of Finance upon the above' Improvement, and. having considered saki, report, hereby resolves: Kelle 1. That the said report be and the same Is hereby approved. and adopted, and the said improvement Is hereby, MCC 11 ordered to be proceeded 'with. 2. That th'e nature of the improve-. ,tYY/� mcnt whteh theCouncilrecommends Is construct a sewer on the west aide of " Lexingt3n avenue from Blair street t Van Buren street, with no alternatives, t „ and that the estimated cost thereof Is $368.68. 1:"`-I•ed Further, That a. public hearing be had on said Improvement Mayor Pow 5 n tl>,e 16th day of April, 1936, et tae hour oP 10 o'clock A. h1., in the Cat Form B. S. A. 8-6 Chamber, room 61 of the Court House and City Ball Building, In the. City of St. Paul. That the Contraof Finance glue notice of Bald meeting to the persons and In the manner pro- vided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the . improvement, and the total cost. there- of as estimated. Adopted by the Council Mar. 11, 1915. ' Approved March 11, 1916, (March 13-1915) COUNCIL FILE NO. By , J rLl2ulGG d Us C. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _. CCnstructir^_' a se,, er_ cn Pas a.al_av--r-ue. yrom-wtzlnc:it _.avCr:ue to Ashland. avenue,._ _. tinder Preliminary Order .36.57. _ _. approved Fabruar.y. Sth., _1.915 -_....._.._......_.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consid,red said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recounnends is COMIZt_r'-�C.t_. a .seFe3z cn Fa cal __avenue._ rom Sulnrl.it ave veto Ashland. _a- =nue ............._.................. ......_...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_S23.-14_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 15tH)_ __.._. day of _APIril.__ ___......_.__-__..__.._., 191_.5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in file Council Chamber, rocln No. 61 of the Court House and City IIall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notieo of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost ti f as estimated. 19/ Adopted by the Council / Ry Clerk. Approved / , 191 � - -- C. F. No. 9031—By S. A. Farnsworth— Alayor. In the Matter of constructing a sewer oa Pascal avenue from Summit a Councilman Far sw�orth u to Ashland avenue, under Pro- Ilminar, Order 3657, approved Feb- ruary 9th, 1915. The Council of the City of St, Paul Go S having received the report of the Cum - mission 'r of Pin ance upon the above Improvement, and having considered �Ke er said port, hereby resolve,: 1. rel) the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. and the said Improvement Is hereby M oil order d to be proceeded with. -t2. That the tura f =improve- noS/2 eat' which the Council mends Is I iconstruct-a sewer, all Pascal avenue from summit avenue to Ashland ave- nue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof 1, $823.19. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said 'Improvement In r� It,, 16th lay of April, 1915, at MayorPO ars the hour of. 10 o'clock A, M., 1n the Council Chamber, room 61 of •the Form B. S. A. 8-6 Court House and City Hall Building in the Cl ty of St. Paul. That the Com- missioner. of Finance give notice of ,aid meeting to the persona and in the - manner pr .dad by the Charter, etat- ing the tlma and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Mar. 11, 1915, Approved March 11, 1915. (March 13-1915) COUNCIL FILL: NO- _-_ By i INTERMEDIARY ORDER. - In the Diatter of. constructing a se',rer on Conway_ st.r.eet. from Earl str-cet-.to Tell street, and on Tell street frons Con -way street to Third street, under Preliminary Order 34.25._ _ ._ _. _ approved Jrinuary._13th,__1815.. The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is v9r'i8tr.U0.t ..3 9e.': er_ on Ccm7`y_.street. .f.rorr; Taal str=e.t_to Tell .street, and or. Tell et-reet from C_nrvray.....street to.. Thir.d__strect, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ffi_.1,.382..06- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the loth day of . .. .Pril__. _._____.____.......__, 191.5_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \L, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, ;1 the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thewof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Clerk. ty _ter AjlprOVCd / C. F No 4032—By S. A. Fnrneworth-- In the Matter ' of constructing a sewer Conway from Earl street t street, and on street from to a ,and Crew v arrest rd r. 34 strebt under___.__...._. ... . "wa rd Order. 3426, approved Mayor. January January 13th, 1916. The Counen of the City of 'St. Paul Councilman Far sworth having received the report, of the'Com- mlasloner of Finance upon the above improvement; and 'having Considered ' GC said report, hereby resolves: t. That the said report be and the ,ams Is hereby approved and adopted, " Ke er and the said Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improve- MOII Coll ment which the Council recommends Is •onstrue a t Conway street from Earl street to Tell street, and oa Tell street from Conway street to. Thled street. with noalternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof Is 31,382.06. Furthc r, That a public ad*Resolved hering be had o aid Improvement on the 16th day of April. 1915, at the hour of 30 o'clock A. At.. in the Connell MayorP ers Chamber, room 61 of the. Court House y nd City Hall Building in the City of Paul. That the Commissloner f Form B. S. A. 8.6 Pi Finance give notice of said meeting to the. persons and In the mann r pro- vided by the Charter, stating the time and place orhearlag, the nature of the Improvement, and the total cost there- of a estimated. Ado P[ed by the Council dist. 11. 1915. Anprov�•d Marclt it, 1915. f March 13-[915-, , COUNC, I , FIILLE NO -- INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ccnstruc t.i;.g a Be'f:er.. Cn. OttG..._av-nuef.::GTr_.Sev..c.nth...2..`.r_ect.. t.0 rhrat.'F;Qrth street, under Preliminary Order 3340 __ approved J..a1ltSar.Y.--7th, __15.14, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consid,red said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is conatruc_t__a. _se :eer._Gn Otte aver .t,_-f.rom.._Sevar.ta_B-rYe.t. t9 r7attav,:rrth_street., _... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 9._ 2..x556_21 Resoh-ed Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th,..___......____.. day of 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notiee of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council v Clerk. Approved iC'. 11. No. 7073 Ity S. A. Farnawortlt— �In the 67 atte, of constructing a sewer i Otto avenue from Seventh street Mayor. or to Chatsworth street under Prellm- Inary Oder 3340, approved January CouncilmanLle 1914. The Cou act[ of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Com- missloner of Fin ne pon the bove Improvement, and having considered atdd renort,herenyreslves.I. That the snits report be d the sa l .the 1. herld yiapproved atd adopted. proyetnent Is herebyrdered tobe praceeded with.2. That the r tore f tl`eenmprovetwhichhe rCouneil recommends Is uct sen Otto n e from Seven thstreet too 47hatsworthn treat. atives. and that thetlmated�cost thereof is $2.666.21. Resolved Further, That public hearing be had o said Improvement n the 1 n 6th day of April. 19-0. 1 at the hour of 10:30 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chambers. loo 61 of the Mayor Pc wers Court Housu and City Hall nullding in the City of St. 1'att 1. That the Com - Form B. S. A. 8-6 mission r of Fir ice glee n uce of acid mo—ting to tnorm—anns sad in the mann— provided by the Charter. stot- Ingthe time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement. and the total cost thereof us estimated. Adopted by the Council \ior. 11, 1915. Approved Tl:rrch ll, 191 i. (March 13-1915) . �.�n orainanee to aec.�. .11ra. Sophie Larson. yo[ the c:" SECTION That the p,,position r clatIto c p p Cit \ }r t1f,�✓ {1ahn .against thee Cit, sis gout o[ In,,u rtes i � e bon r on oP to an on �'J the [h slain of co.cebtturaco Ito a I3u' m pnrtl cularly set u a/ munic•atlnn to the Co.. ,P February 5, 1915. up her of the sum of Onc ,nrs ($100.00), be and tt by saccepted, and the p. neri an It, 10dinance to settle the claim of Mrs. Sophie Larson. 'ldr, to t, raw lant u Sl one. of Finance In 'le Larson, payabt :mise .Son,�' . �OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Mrs. Sophie Larson to compromise and settle her claim against the City of St.Paul, aris- ing out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on the south side of Magnolia street,between DeSoto and Burr streets, as is more particularly set out in her communication to the Council under date of February, 51915, upon payment to her of the sum of One hundred Dollars, ($ 00.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city fficers are hereby authorized" and directed to draw a warrant upon t2Se Commissioner of Finance in favor of Mrs. Sophie Larson, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One hundred Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said _claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corpor ation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. J/J/ 1st Heading___ / y/�_._..191J 101 2nd 3rd 191 Date Published......___L/ _._19161 Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption i by the Farnsworth Z --\J Goss In favor Approved...._3.. _.�. .1916— 7 Keller McColl .. O Agaitrs� ✓ Nash MAYOR S KIL�'Y� ���Yoerg ` fSIi��1 Pl lF% Mr. Prevaent, Powers d Gty Clerk. �R4=twa vrf 7XI WX 61TY OF SAINS PAUL O. N. ONEILL a JOHN RKYLE15 JOHN A_BURNS WILLIAM J.GIBERSON THCS. W. M.MEEKI N go3q Bch 10th, 1915. To the Council. Gentlemen:' Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claimofMrs. Sophie Larson against the City for the sum of One Hundred Dollars. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours truly, se' orporation Counsel. This is an emergency ordinance made neoee a f 8 40315 eser ion of the public peace, health a fet AN OPDIYAI:77 •- DP7F FT712r A.Ln FFCULATI " T`r TIM LIMIT TFPT 91TY AUTCC)Yr .-L= OF OTHC7 127 'LLOYD TO FrF•P.i:. FT,.TI^PiAF 1P: P,:. Or TFT empFFTF 07 TFF COiT- C^eT D PIRTFICT Or ,.'r CIT` Or' FT. PPULr• ' The Covroil of tl-e City of Ft. haul does Ordain:- = -- Section 07vehicle of any description'"P to remain standing or. any street within the o�® districto o� - Paul b ended bav tUeHE e� e , f r a at public hack stairds as ,rovided by ordinarce, f r a �.�q/ 71 period exceeding:) minutes, provided that in case of breakdorn from accident or otherwise or engine trouble, a reasonable time may ce ello-red for the removal of the machine so disabled, but in no case ahall this ex- ceed a period of one (1) hour after the accidant or after the engine trouble develops- 0 evelops. Sec, 2. Any person violating this ordinance shall be guilty of a r:.isder,.aanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be Punished by „ fine of not less than ten (wT10.CG) dolla.re or more than fifty (55C.00) dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than ten (10) days or more than sixty (60) days. Section. 'his ordinance shall take effect and be n force after its ;assaTe and y:ublication. This is an emergency ordinance made necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 771� f: 13 f An ordinance amending an ordinance entitled "An ordinance organizing the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and prescribing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employes thereof. This is an emergency ordinance render- ed necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved July 16th, 1914. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 2 of said ordinance be amended by striking out all that part of said section beginning with the words "Bureau of Playgrounds," and ending just before the words "Bureau of Parks," and by inserting in lieu and instead thereof the following: "Division of Playgrounds and Public Recreation. For the supervision, management and operation of the playgrounds and other recreations under the jurisdiction of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, the said Commissioner may appoint the following employes, at the salaries indicated, respectively: One superintendent of playgrounds and public recre- ation, at a salary of Two Thousand Dollars (a2,CCC.00) per year. One assistant superintendent of playgrounds and public recreation, at a salary of Twelve Hundred Dollars ,x,'1200.00) per year. One mechanic, at Nine Hundred Sixty Dollars per year. Seven ia3tructors, at Sixty Dollars (oS.CC) per month each. Six instructors, at Fifty-five Dollars (w55.0) per month each. CF. No. 4030—Ordinnnce No. 3416— 8. Louis Nash— . Anordlnance amending an ordinance entitled "An ordinance orgaml,ing the Department of Parks. Play - g oundL1 F dthPublic Bulldine number. s, and flea and compensation of the oifidera 4 anmd employee thereof. TI-" .. erge ncy o'dinanca rend- ,. essary for the preservat l. public peace, health and s: proved July 16th, 1914. '1 emergency ordinance ren the presere•,C imbll^C1 • mal th'ord Eight instructors, atFiftyDollars ( 5C.CO) per month each. It shall be the duty of said superintendent of play- grounds and public recreation to prepare and recommend to the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings, plana for the creation and development of an ade- quate and complete system of public recreation in its broadest aense, including playgrounds, recreation centers and related activities under the jurisdiction of said de- par-traent. He shall have power to manage, direct and care for whatever provisions are made by the City for public recreation under said department, including the equipment', supervision and care of playgrounds and play -fields, and the establishment and management of field -houses and re- creation centers, public bath -houses and gymnasiums, bath- ing beaches, swimming pools, and similar or related activi- ties." Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passa-fie and publication. 1 Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoptiont`:%%�n/ 1_t Reading G`' ✓ by the Council �I ilk _191 a' � / Funswnrth _. ! �. 181.5 Y( `Goss In favor �A�d_.,J, 2,td " / 18Y --feller Mcoll_ 0 Against_. 3rd�_ .__._1911. 7 1Q86fi nt u Yoerg AAW. BLISHED Date Published........._ 191 Mr. Presid�t, Powers JOHN I. RIC , City Clerk. Petition Conneil File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 4037 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the. following public iolprovenient by the City of 5t. p,.,III, viz.: Grade Warwick Ave,_.,from P ce ......... ... jaQ J.ef _f e.r--.D.n eAv..', in accordance with petition hereto attached. ....... ... Dat, -d this,.,, lith_ lay or.. .191.... 17c PRELIMINARY ORDER. AVIMRFAG, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:__..___...._..______.._ Grad..e Warwick Ave. from Palace .S.. to JefferSon Avg . . ....... in aoc or danc.e. ........ with petition hereto attached PRELIMINARY ORDERS' So�utl Pre pain- for the A coo,joet of the f.ii-ving Irain-veral'," viz. Grade Nvar,vielc A,,1j, f, One .'ohne -sonAve..accordance joffel A" having with title. hereto attached con,11 of the Presented to the C .......... having lueeii presented to tile Cotilicil 0 "'" p r Co .- be I eltv of St. Paul there it ner of esol,ed. That the maletia" thbr"fore, be it P. bit. Works be and he a hereby or 'ie,.d and directed: Investigate the.,ne-11.1tY..for by ordered and directed: .,eg fd RESOLVED, 'Pilot the Commission or .1rability of the I of said 'e fo improvement, t, at, I nature, extent id improvement. To TIt", 9--t "" ' to' 1. To investigate the necessity �h'l '.'Itd 2. To investigate tile iiatore, exte� ment and the total cost thereof. 'To furnish a plan profile or I i,emPnt, and the total cost thereof. jtch of said onproveme I. :3. To hirnish a plan;,j�fr� I � To furnish the f 11 1, ju t.other �# e or sk a.(, Information Ir.1 said 1. 1,liro,ib tlo lo ()NVjllf, 'ement. ' 'a improvement: ,NnproN t 1�d M5 To show wheth r or ;Vement is asked f r three or more ov'r-. . ......... ......... ....... ........ . ... , report .7'.� ................................ __ ........... .............. _ .................................................................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report open all of the foregoing I. rs to the Commissioner of Finance. P6 Adopted by the Zeas Nays: Councilman Fort worth I" Goss Approved Kell r Ale 11 Hash P .............. ....... -layer Po ars SUBLISHE CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL_..._: ' FILE NO,...... ..... Y...ti. .... R, Date Presented......... __----191 .......... That the appxication of R. C. Nelson for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 463 Snelling Ave tie and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the pavment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50.00. RCSOLUTIONS. C F. No. 4088—nY Aenr)• Mccollo R�Rnlved, That the applleatlon f R. C. Nelson for license to onducl s Mation Plc•ture Theatre It 4fi8 on elllnF Avenue be 1111 1hohereby Is4 Kranted and the CITY Cle �k Is instruct - ,d to J .such license for on • ye upon the. pavment Into the CItY Trt.nn, ury of the fee. $50.00. Adopted by the Counell Mni: 12. 1915. Approved .March 13, 1915. (Alarch 20-1915) Yeas ( V) Cou ilmen ( V) Nays Far worth Gos 711n favor Kel Me 11 �, Against O' ry Yoe Mr. President, wers roRm e.s-z Adopted by the Council 191 Approved ✓ 1 s COUNCIL FILE NO. rsy .. ✓amu vim, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Ala ter of Changg i` h ?rade of Jenks street between Earl St. -and e red line at lue Frank naa.i'atUar C,adinFdtrr11 id Jen a'Stsed>_eVPe:!eeh threpreseiledo434aforesai --1-ine - a so he radn of said Jenks Str et � �:'7een the Dints aforesaid in accordance with Q under Preliminary Order 3564... ___. approved J uary-.29thf. _12.15 __.__...... The Council of the City if St. Pith having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, kind the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the ature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Change, theZrade_ e..f _Jenks str et b + en Earl St and Frank St. to co `4rr1 lith the x d line on the profile hereto attached and mad a Dart he>�oi" the l.reaent a3e being} -reprsser. d by the blue line, also aka � r e epi Jenks Strut vet , _en she points aforesaid in accordance with said red line, Superseding Council File 3.434. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is a;._. 1718.96 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .19th _ _.___ day of April 191.J__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, rooln No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said -meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stati V the tinge kind place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the totalcost tl of as estimated. Adopted by the Council �., 191-f/ Approved Councilman Fi rnsworih Goss Iler CCOII O Leary 7" " Y erg Mayor P wers Form B. S. A. 8-6 „a'coti��L m - 29th.e e Council f1 : . f St. Pa Ing recetvedth o' of the Con ssloner of Flnnnce>, _N thebove ;,hprovement, and h0hfigr considered nandreport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same Is hereby- approved and adopted, and the said Improvement Is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.That the nature of the Improve - men t which the Council recommend, Is change the grade f Jenksstreet be- ta -ren Earl St. and Frank St' to con form with the red Iine o ,, the profile hereto attached and made a part here- of, the present grade being represent- ed by the Blue line, also grade said Jenks street hetween the points afore- said in accordance with said red line, superseding Council Flle 3434, with n alternatives. and [hat the estimated cot thereof la $1718.96. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had o said Improvement on the 19th day of Apri t, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al" In the Council Chamber, Room No. 61 of the Court Houseand City Hall Building In the City of SL Paul. That the Con rrus- sioner of Finance glue notice of satd meeting to the persons and in the man- ner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the na- ture of the Improvement. and the total cost thereof ns estimated._ Adopted by the Council Mar. 13, 1915. Approved March 13, 1915. (March 20-1915) Mayor. t COUNCIL FILE. NO. 41910 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matterof._The change _of grade_. on_Chaxles S•t.,- between -Syndicate -Ave. , and Dunlap St and of Gri~s St. bet:veen Sherburne avenue and Edmund street according to r,0'1 street ereto attached and__aade_a p.art.hereo.f.. The blue line representing the old grade and the red line the new grade, under Preliminary Order _ 3400 _.. approved January. 13th,. 1915- ..--.----- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvementis hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Tat the atu e of he improvement which the ;olmcil recoulinends is Change_ the grade._on Charle St., et.v e, yn icaEe avenue and nlap St., and of Gri��s St. between Sherburne avenue and Edr.,und street, according to the _profile here.4o_attach- -ed -and mad a part hereof. The blue line representing the old grade and the red line the new, grade, .._..._.......__.................._... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 4... 14.07 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oilsaid improvement on the lith day of Apr. il_____.___....__.___..__.__., 191-5 . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chaulber, roan) No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notir•t• of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, and the total cost tl�eof as estimated_ Adopted by the Council J!�1 �Z dyl'j ty erk. 7 Approved - tinein�3. .191 I Aye. ? Bdmanu Mayor. ( hereto atta�l,- f 1 i hereof , The bl� Councilman Fa nswol, the old grade nu 340• grade. a der Preumh...ry order 0. •,proved danaary I., 191x. The Council f the City f St. Paul G 5 having received the report oY the Com- mlaeloner o[ Finance. upon theabove - Improvement, and having c nsidered K ler _11d pori, hereby resolves: o 1. rThat the said report be d the .'ain't 'a a Is hereby approved nd adopted, �J 1V{ OlI or- der the s 1d improvement la cereby or- / �dered to be proceeded with. Z. That the nature of the Improve - e t which the Council r o e ds 0, ary I., change the grade on Chnr]_ St, be- tween S_�ndl c¢te a en and Dunlap St. and of Griggs street beirveen Sher - Y fg ,nrding )ton theand prrofile hereto tr attached and made a part hereof. The blue lin, ntingl the old grade and the red Mayor Po Cry uwea`he nde thai iho �ttil nnteafernac Form B. S. A. 8-6 thereof is S14.07. ea ,oa Resolved Further, That public hearing be had o said Improvement n the 19th day of. April. 1915, t the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber. Room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall building in•the (loner YofSt. Flnnnce gi That e to the ticeCof mll� esit ng to the persons and In sthe rnuer provided by the Charter,stat- lace of hearing, the i� the mn in of the Improvement. t. and the tal cost thereof as stimated. Adopted by the Couheeti Diar. 12, 1915. ApprovedMarch 13, 1915. (March 20-1915) L � J COUNCIL FILE AQ. L �t R3,G{���} �r _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. in the r.:attar of change of :.male on `he follo, in -P streets; '>rctto str-"t oar wont street to ,rchar:i street and.. Hatch stlee.t.__frout..._k_arleson `� s+,: c str5et find on Orc -ard etre =rom Jaun .esostreet to Grotto street, according to profile hereto..attao:ned_and-.ink .fine -a. -part hereof; the blue li ..r ., rserti.11 g the old grade and the red line the nevi , .rgi•ehmmary Order-88Tapproved Judy 2.5.th.,_ _ 1214..... _ ......._.. __... dder�......-.... __._. The Council of the City of St. Paul baving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 9 T]lat the ature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Chan re ..the Trade... cn the go1lcrnn s * ets. Grct c sir ent tr t t Orc ar e ra>l d catch at e t �: o: Jssl:escn 8,r --t tcoroo sr _e an _oruax .a.re.eant from Jameson street -to Grotto Street; accoiiing to profile here to. attached and z. ad- apart hereof, the glue line reprssentina the old—a-deand .the _red lin the ne-.u.....Srade, _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 4....._2- 1.._0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1°_t'�.. _- -- ._....-. day of April. _ _ _ 191. 5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. b1., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of ,r the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thefeof as estimated. it ra �/ _., 191✓ i, Adopted. by the Council ity Clerk. Approvedhe h r ret,Mayor. Councilman Fa swonh Go s Ke ler M oil / O' ary Y erg idayor P ers Point B. S. A. 8-6 oiaesra : , � Yimi�a r grade. pproved :6th. 1914. The Councll the Clty oP St. Paul. h Iselonerc of ed the report Finance upon Ptheeabove Improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be d the e Is hereby approved and adopted. and t"'said e.a Id improvement Is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improve- ent which the Councll r ds is change the glade oa the Improve; streeHe I r_ts: Grotto [rest estfrom Front tch street froe from Jameson streetno Grotto frost and on Orchard street from Jameson street to Grotto street, uc- cording to .profile hereto attached and mad, part hereof. lul(rp dbr resentingthe oldgraedthentitttrM1nsite ti-s, hatee estimated cost thereof is $11.09. Resolved Further, That e. public hearing be had on said Improvement hour on hof SO o'clock A 3Sr,i In 1915the•C until Chamber, Room No. 61 of the Court d Cit • Hall Building in the House o an 3 City lonedf Finn cle svet nthe tl- of maid meeting to the persons o and In said manner provided by the Charter, stat- sthe etutree tfmthe n mproveme tof ear[ d the to In _fl hereof .. cby the Council Me,. 12, 1915. �1 s l 6 r r a OFFICIAL FCO NCII CB 'OF TIM • – C F. No 1042—Ordh,ance No. 3407— '1042 407 Bo I.ouls .Nnuh— the constoruc- (� ��� An rdinance thorizing , /jl tion and erection. at Pence and �[[ tnc game pr—tion at Como Pn N:. ana appropmluting ----to the pur- • • s f n[ Tinl d labor for the �uns[� tl fi said fence. This i9 c> ord(nnnce ronderejjec'0 .rn ss rbfor the preservatlon of t1. publlcr peace, health and safety. �l'herens, The Co Mis loner F r' 1I'arks, PIa YRrou ads and Public Bpi` tairs hen end fld to ethe /` ��JI / he e'e tion of u suitable e r thg bame pr on Os n s r•pprcea nn eaun,a� '.Ret i pros-flme Ot, - .Retch. Plana ad, t' full' detail the n An ord.ment, .nd tne.'iorizing the construction a.nd erection of a of sn.. fence around the game preserve at Como.Park, and appropriating money for the purchase of ma.terialXfor hconstruction of said fence. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. UMFEF.AS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended to the Council the erection of a suitable fence around the game preserve at Como Park, and has reported an estimate of the cost of such ircprovernent, together with sketch., plans and other data givinc- in full detail the nature of said improvement, and the amount and estimated cost of such improvement, together with`` a statement certified by the Comptroller of the funds available in the city treasury for such purpose; therefore THE, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAL7L DOES OF.DAI't`: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to construct a fence around the game pre- serve at Como Park, according to plans and specifications prepared 1, under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Section 2.nat there is hereby appredAt a sum of 4aro Thousand Dollars (" )oto pay for the c t of aterials`� to be used in the construction and erection of said fence. Section 3. This is hereby declared to be an emercency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption by the Council cc— Farnsworth �. 1st Reading. ......._ 191J Coss / In favor Ap 791 .... ..........__ Keller 2nd _....... __ �.-..__196 McColl _ ... C/ Against 3rd W.....1y] t Nash A&`UBLI$I D hi OR i `)- - ttest: (_ Yotrg JV N,1 A Y, Date Publs7tedy j.191 �.. Mr. President�ipowers City Clerk arch: 12, ll.,i5. " r. Louis Ff,sh, Coy:zi,lil-,, I I -- ioui,ls —I ;W)Ilc -Ili 1,11 T*, -As i", to c,:rti," lc . ("colint of P rl-,s 7und an I ',,1p. for prop -Ir P-.-, p.mdit.iire Yours -'Ct "I I ly, C,cvi p 1. 1 " 1_r. 404 , `. F. - No. 4043—Ordin¢nce No. • 3908- 133• iienl'3' Niceooli= emergency rdinn°tion and lnatal9 -�h construction, e c on r steel cella In the Central olice station. .iia to in emergency ord BeLL`nr. ed a ur for th he Ith'� an'�,.~ f the publt� peace, The C ninlieslo f Pub •/' d h s moendad ^ tr Qy'111///..on 11 th ntlon f Gehl cat • L_� [ 1 P lice s[¢tcoa ,t� y i th tim [ed [ t said. �" tent t nether with ak• i f " t.• d oti er dat¢ swing in e..oh.sald Imparovcmc r•ted-coat=oP Icing ^ eether with a An�ordinai c—atrwM in, the construction, erection and. •.. th- •nr� 4,. iret6L lation of steel cella in tr.e Central Police Station 't'HEREAS, The C missione� ubP lic Safety has recon, nded to the Council the installation of steel cells in Central Police Station, and has reported the estimated cost of said improvement, together with sketch, plans and other data giving in detail the nature of said improvement and the estimated cost of making said improvement, together with a stateulent certified by the Comptroller of the funds available in the city treasury for such purpose; and whereas, the Council approves the installation of said steel cells; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIY: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to install said steel cells in the Central Police Station, according to the plana and specifications prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety. Section z. That there is hereby al:propriated out of the Construction and Betterment Account of the Police runs the sum of Two Thousand Dollars (a,CG .CC), to be used in the purchase of materials for/the erection of said cells. �c Section 3. This ordin ce shal�effect and be in force iMmbyr-eiep after its passage and publications lst Reading_... �1 __ _ 1915 2nd l y 191 v 3rd. 191 Date Published .... ..�._ .— 191 Yeas (V) Councilmen (J) Nays Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl s� Nngh Yoerg Mr. President. Powers 14,Final Adoption /,a� o -/.� by the Council..`/........ (.�%�, oC / `. 191J TT /� In Lvur Approved _.�._ �.,' n X191 ./ A 'est • '"Y .'P__..... v MAYOR I Attest: JOHN I. ARI Y, l iter TolltptrvlitVrt Offirr 4OW murch 12,1035. Mr. Eanry WcColl, Commissionnr of Fublic -Pfaty. Wor An- This Q A certill Unt Core is UK l W Lai cornt—wilon W LAtemint account of �n clic- , , and w ,,r.__ w: k 1 nn o of �F,CrC,CC.. ir is - Yours rwpictfvlLy, O"WrQ110-. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. _ _ ........ .c0Atll. 1- FILE No...... .. ......... ... ..... ..... ............. ........ ........ _ ....... Date Presented .......-:Perch -12th,1911<91........- n Resolved, 22 Viet the ueplication of the Independent Oil CompanyXYoi.a license to maintain an Gil filling station An the southerly 60 feet of lots 2 and 3 Block 12 Robert & Randall's Addition, at the ?7orthweFt Corner of 6inth and t1nnesota strnete for the year ending December 31st,1915,be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk instructed to issue such a license upon payment into the City Treasury of the fee of 450.00 ue¢unn of Inn. r. 1naePe�a�,ntToill c mnPn n¢n)•,4or {y It.n se to mninther it t of I tn- tion on the sou R,ley GO feet ul to to 2 d 3 Block t2 Robert Rc Run doll's .\d- dnlon a[ the NorthwrIt corner a Ninth and �n nnesola. street. is otor, the ye¢r ending Becomher 31st, 1,,d be and the a e is hereby granted and the City Clerk Instructed to leavesue a h ¢ license upon payment Into the City Trd¢9u rY of the feeof .$60.00. %dopted by the Cauneil \lar. 12, 1915. .\pProved At"'. 13, 1916. (Morel, 20-1915) Yeas W) Cou ilmen (V) Nays Far orth Go In favor Kel M M 11 .Against O' ry Yo Mr. President, owers Foab c.ea Adopted by the Council 191 Approved.] AYOR OFFICE of (9itu llprwrat htsprdar CITY HAW, ... .. �1, �. �arnatn. �nxprctor ft Faul, jgitm. March 11, 1915 Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, C i t Y. Dear Sir: In repari to application of the independent Oil COm— pany for permit to erect and maintain a gasoline filling station, on the southerly sixty feet of lots two and three, Block twelve, Robert and Randall'e Addition, at the N.W. corner of Ninth and Minnesota ;treats. Thi building will be construct,°d of firanroof material and to comply with all city ordinances, tanks holding, eightaen hundred gallons to be placed underground. will say that I have in^h^ete.i sai,_t premises.and see no reason why nermi.t sro 13 not be granted. I would sugg-st ,hat t.-nks be placed at least four feet underground and that this department 1,e notified before tanks are covered for final in^pection. Yours very truly, Fire MarVall. Tit OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICIY, CITY C I LERK Mo.rch l0t� 19, ,.r. llenry 14cColl, coe;nr. 0, 1'111. --ic snfoty, G4ty of :.'innc::otz.- D c, - i. -: - The !tttL,ched L--plicatior. �f the InCepender.' 0;-! Co or m rl,dt to erect n.nci maifit:.in n Gasoline �4 1,1;n;- st,tio,.-. F.,u,,,,l,ly 60 f(Ic.t o, i,o"-- 2 :,-nd 7-12 R ol,ort ar.,;. -lall's 71. Cor .01- of anc. , trc,t--, was rtforrcd ,4 .o you by the Council 'at their :.iooifin-�- t"-�- dnLc-. Yo.:.. tr-ly, L. WM c. —R. � � � H. A. M08......ev. vwUl W. T........ INDEPENDENT OIL COMPANY Highest Grades Pennsylvania Oils .....[ A.. W..[. BATON AVB. w.. MONNIHON eT. (Chi, z G—t w.M... W. rn.k) - map 9, . 9 ,„ 1915. ...T. N. W...[.[.... St. paul. Minn. �R I.a.p..a..c RAy Oil _ so G-1" Council, f AA LA B..t r.... x..oe... City of, st.paul, Minn. (Mit.) 50 G—i1Y Gentlemen: AA , Laq-amt B..t G...li.. We hereby m<.ke application for permit to erect 72 G... ity AA ani maintain a gasoline filling station, on 'the southerly L.6;-ti gOn. sixty feet of Lots two and three, Block twelve, Robert c—Aand Randall's Addition, at the N.W. corner of Ninth AA and Minnesota streets. siM.;a G. E.g;.. c,(;.a.. This building will be constructed of fireproof AA R.aE.g;..On. material and will comply with any city ordinance, and AA will be so ai-rarged that the automobiles will be filled H..a Sq...t.T AA inside the property line and not off' the curb. The C—. S.v..-tom. capacity required will be 1800 gallons and will be AA installed underground. AA on account of the season of our business being Fl—Oil almost at hand, would appreciate it, if you will kindly AA H..v..t—On issue per)nit, to be effective immediately after final AA passage. Trusting that you will give this Your usual AA w;.a,o;Ron prompt action, beg to remain, AA truly yours, A.t.m.b..d The Indepe dent 1 4- G:dt.0n. c. u# 5-0 `, Fresiient. CITY OF ST. PAUL Four poles on and in the north side of Stevens Street from Smith Avenue to Orleans Street with all necessary guys and anchors. Four poles in and through the alley through the block between Third Street and Fourth Street from Bates Avenue to Maple Street, with 9.11 necessary guys and anchors. Three pdf—os JA and through the alley through the block between Rice Street and Park Avenue from Jessamine Street to Geranium Street, with all necessar I C 7tesolveen That;l the LSt. Poul guys and anchors. ' Light Compnny Is herit,eby orders' ,11,r,tedtlto e.tln pole.dand etl,ingi.9 ' thereon for the trnn.mleslon of '. trteity on and fn the .,,owing on, n l .treet. of sold c1tY: Four poles on nd Iu the n of Steven. street from Smltht F to Orleans street with all m guys and anchors tt I Ftiur poles In nd through tl the bloc), between end Fourth St. from Sntea r ole street. a lth a I asst.. , aechor e. p 1 In nd througl` f -rzh the bloc1, betwe1j_n r All ,�f vo,h e.tcoxi.�ox, s.�lc�avd wire•,I::�11 be everted avd cunstru nrl, a n. from ion of the ,'nmmisxiuvcr of 1'nhlic Utilities and iv all thine. i sic t tI: ixi ins of : trdin n t Io. .z?!. avd of all .0— lawful orb, nIu y tree[, with f St 1'atsl. r t ! 'oI<xr�hall he ,et i.. xucl: location in -id alleyx and street, as th- ; nh 11 d s and shall he of snch hci,ht as d l... ats Inc •hall deiicna:e anal aVVrnvc, and any and all soch .I" 'T'.11 he taken down z.1 n "'hot', e; placed unden.rnond, whcncrcr the ' pril xl II d h th pulsl is in:eresf .,renvrt•, xnd whey it xhall so order. 'r an �� n t.oi Adopted by the Council----�/�//mil/ 191 Yeas (. 1 Co ncilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH G SS Y' M COLL / Y 'RG ffwo Approve 1916 KE LER — — Mr. President, PO ERS. of PUBLISIdED / J Council Resolution ---General FQTm .5 Department of _. _ ---- Bureau of -- - Council File No. tR! J Date Presented 191 By I, F.S':I.\'E D. That the tit. fool (iax Licht Company :s herehvw red and dire, ted In csfend its el cc pica] lives by tree tive Voles avd sfnnciec woes tbereon for the :rausinixs�m nl electric tr nand in :Fe lollow:nc .]less and nt«ets nl ,a cats. Four poles on and in the north side of Stevens Street from Smith Avenue to Orleans Street with all necessary guys and anchors. Four poles in and through the alley through the block between Third Street and Fourth Street from Bates Avenue to Maple Street, with 9.11 necessary guys and anchors. Three pdf—os JA and through the alley through the block between Rice Street and Park Avenue from Jessamine Street to Geranium Street, with all necessar I C 7tesolveen That;l the LSt. Poul guys and anchors. ' Light Compnny Is herit,eby orders' ,11,r,tedtlto e.tln pole.dand etl,ingi.9 ' thereon for the trnn.mleslon of '. trteity on and fn the .,,owing on, n l .treet. of sold c1tY: Four poles on nd Iu the n of Steven. street from Smltht F to Orleans street with all m guys and anchors tt I Ftiur poles In nd through tl the bloc), between end Fourth St. from Sntea r ole street. a lth a I asst.. , aechor e. p 1 In nd througl` f -rzh the bloc1, betwe1j_n r All ,�f vo,h e.tcoxi.�ox, s.�lc�avd wire•,I::�11 be everted avd cunstru nrl, a n. from ion of the ,'nmmisxiuvcr of 1'nhlic Utilities and iv all thine. i sic t tI: ixi ins of : trdin n t Io. .z?!. avd of all .0— lawful orb, nIu y tree[, with f St 1'atsl. r t ! 'oI<xr�hall he ,et i.. xucl: location in -id alleyx and street, as th- ; nh 11 d s and shall he of snch hci,ht as d l... ats Inc •hall deiicna:e anal aVVrnvc, and any and all soch .I" 'T'.11 he taken down z.1 n "'hot', e; placed unden.rnond, whcncrcr the ' pril xl II d h th pulsl is in:eresf .,renvrt•, xnd whey it xhall so order. 'r an �� n t.oi Adopted by the Council----�/�//mil/ 191 Yeas (. 1 Co ncilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH G SS Y' M COLL / Y 'RG ffwo Approve 1916 KE LER — — Mr. President, PO ERS. of PUBLISIdED / J F j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _. X046 �1T1 COUNCIL Date Presented 3/13/16 ---I91........... Resolved, Whereas the Purchasing Agent has been requested by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings to pur- chase seven (7) National Ticket issuing machines for use at Como & Phalen Parks, estimated cost of which will be approximately $1100.00, and Whereas these are patented and made only by the 14ational Cash Register Company and no advantage can be obtained by ad- vertisement or competitive bids, now there fore be it RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized ,anti --empowered to purchase said machines from the National Cash Register Company, without asking for bids. C. F. No. 4046—ny Louis Nnsh— Resolved, wherens the Purchasing Agent has been ren ues tad by the Corn- "'I'lls, of Parke. Playgrounds and r'u 6110. Buildings to p_haae 9.— (7) National Tlckct Issuing mach lose Ior t Como and Phalen Parke. 1111- mated , [ of which will be approxi motel, $1100.00, and \v bc"as tbeae patented a d made only by the National Cash Regis- ter Company and no ndvuntnge can b, an bJ' advertisement o mpcti- tice bl da, noW therefore be It co Iteso,ved that the Purchasing Agen[ be, and he le hereby authorized and m poly erect to pu"b"' said machines f7 1 the National Cash RcW.tur Co.. Pant', without nsking for bids. Ada Pted by the Council Mar. 13, 1915. \pproved Mar. 16, 1916. (M -arch 20-1916) Yeas (r) Councilmen (f') Nays Fart sNvoith Gos In favor Kel r Mc oil .-against O' ary - Yo g Mr. President,ower, roam c.9-2 Adopted by the Council 011e" __ 1915^ Approved- 3116- 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 17 COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject:.. _ REJECTfOh--OF BIDS_ for the Grading of Avon Street from COUNCIL FILENo..... ........................... .. .. _........ ...._Univera.ty...._ yenl.1.e....t-o....Minnehaha.. S.tr."t.�.............._..._......_...--- .......... Date Presented... --March- 12th ---1915 -- Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the grading of Avon Street from University Avenue to Minnehaha Street is hereby confirmed and approved and the --- Purchasing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement. C.F. No. 4047—t5y M. N. coe.— I1—olved. That th.- .coon of the rurehns ing Committee In relecUng .Il bids for the grading of Avon street from University Also—to Mlnnehnha street Is hereby eonnrmed and up- proved to lec.d .-tl.1 for Amidst fo, the malting of said Improvement. Adopted by the CouneillMnr. 13, 1915 Approved AT -15, 1915. I Afarch 20-1915) Yeas W) Coun In1en (11 Nays Farns orth Goss In fay -or Kelle MCC 1 1). .against ash Yoerg Mr, President, P vers .oR., ..a -z iE: .adopted by the Council MAR 13 _ 191 Approved 3// 191 S . 1 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject:.- REJECTIOY OF--BIDS--for---the--construction-of-'a Sewer on ! � COUNCIL FILE NO...... .. Raymond. -- Avenue --f:;9t t.. Q.?Ido:t1_S.t..e.tirt...t.o._.Dud1.eJ'..Str.eet......- Date Presented. March 12th ..-191....5..... i Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the construction of a sewer on Raymond Avenue from Hendon Street to Dudley Street is hereby confirmed and approved and the Purchasing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement. Yeas (I,) Cou cilmen (f) Nays Far worth GI Kell r Mc oil O' ary ,Iz Yoe g Mr. President, owers ro" c e -z C. F. No. 4048—ny \f. :1. Gosu-- Resolved. Tbnt the ctlon [ the P Ircl a.1o, Committee In e]ecting nil bids [nr the c nstruetion of eewor on Raymond o enuo from Hendon ntreei ll A( t— and dl)r.d the YPorchasing Agent is author) -d to read rods' [or bldg for the making o[ snld Improve - t imenAdopted by the Counull Mar. 1]. 191:,. I I Approved Vn. 15, 1916. (march 20-1915) r MAR 13 i5i5 Adopted by the Council -191 In favor L Approv - 3 1916— L) -.-against CITY OF ST. PAUL %� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.. REJECTION OP_BIDS __for ....-the - construction of._.a......Sewer on FOUOCOUNCIL IV..... ...... ......................... St.reat ..t Date Presented. jr,_ 12th-I91..c�...... Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the construction of a Sewer on Charlton street from Belmont street to Sidney Street is hereby confirmed and approved and the Purchasing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement. C. F. No; 4049—By 31. N. Goss— j it e. i-lve d. That the aclton , the Pu rebasing Committee to eJecting uli j bid for the cn,tructlon of Charlton atr ea t from 13elmont street to Sidney attest is hereby confirmed naapproved find the Pu rchnaing 'Agent la authorized to readvertiso for bids for the making of said Itnprove- e t m Adopted by the Council Mur. 13. 1015. Approved March 1s, 1915. (\larch 20-1915) Yeas -E jCoun men (l') Nays MAR 12 6'.5 Adopted by the Council _ 191 FarnsN rth GossIn favor / Keller Approved 19I r - MCC. :against Yoerg �i��1��%4Z Mr. President, Po era MAYOR I,— c.e-z CITY OF ST. PAUL 41, COUNCIL RESOLUTION,—GENERAL FORM Subject: -.-..._._-----.REJECT.L011_OE.....B.IDS.....for......the- c.o.ns.truc.t.ion.....nf.....a...s.ewer on L1050 COUNCIL FILENO ...... .............................. ... Harvard Stre.et'fr_om_B-un%ex._S.x:..t....tSL_p.....SGx�Afe..-..._ Date Presented. .._March --12th,--I91..5.--- Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the construction of a Sewer on Harvard Street from Bunker Street to Page Street is hereby confirmed and approved and the Purchasing Agent is athorized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement. C. F. No. 40Th-[ the[ N t,G [ thr n...lvea. Purcha.ing C.minitt.. in ejectlog all ibid. Tor the conetructlon .T a sewer on Harvard street from Bunker. satreet. to Page attest 1. hereby ...armed d appthor' roved and the Pur.hasing Agent is auto readvertise for bld. for �kingofsald Improvement tho ma Adopted bythe Council Mar. 13, 1916. Approved Ttarch 16,20 1316. (Murch -1316) Yeas (P) Councilmen (P) Nays favor 4FarnrthIn __Against Mr. Presiers 1.....e-2 Adopted by the Council _ __ ..___191 Approved__3 191(0 r __. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1051 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:......-.__.REJECT.I011'.._OF....B.IDS..... for _..._the_....cons.true_t.io.n_of. .....a.-B-awera on Princeton Avenue. from Fairview AVeriue to Sue Street, and Sar tIL set from Fair°1�..................................... _._..._ ................. gi eev.._AQenue... to ....Sue...Street.A........_..:.._..._._...__.........._...__...._........_ ....... Date Fir esented.M,reh 18th -I915........ A ti Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the cotruction of a Sewer on Princeton Avenue. from Fairvien._Avenue.-to Sue Street, and Sargent Street from Fairview Avenue to Sue Street is hereby confirmed and approv- ed and the Purchasing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement. C. P. No, 4051—R*the- M. NGoee—. Resolved, That the aei ion of the I'ur- chaslnF Committee in rejecting altblds for the construction of sewer on Princeton avenue from Fairview n ue to Sue street, and Sargent etreet from Fairview avenue to Sue etr..t ie hereby, confirmed.. and. approved ,and the Purchasing Agent to authorized to e ivertiso. for bids for the mg ahinof 'said Improvement. Adopted by the Counen Mar. 13,191-e. Approved Me, 15, 1916. (Murch 20-1916) Yeas (Ir) Coun ilmen (f) Nays Farn worth Gos_ In favor Kell r / Me oll _ { __Against 2Yasfa Yo g Mr. President, owers ronin c.B.2 Adopted by the CouncilMAR _. _ 13 _ISl5__—_191 Approved_/� 191 l7 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' Subject:-..-.__-Apprd.val ofnAward_of-....Contract .:...f.or.. the.. c.ons.tr.4ction of,aSewer on Roblyn Avenue from Asbury Avenue to a point 458 >reeNrIL w� dp�rpr� , .FILE No...............1.V-.:.52.. feat F- of R_ line of Asbury Avenue ,_-... _... ................... ....... ......... . Date Presented... March-12th----195---- Resolved, That the award of contract to C. A. Carlson & Son for the construction of a sewer on Roblyn Avenue from Asbury Avenue to a point 458 feet E. of B. line of Asbury Avenue, Engineer's estimate being $747.00, flr the sum of $738.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to 'draft and submit the proper fvvm of contract therefor. C. r. No. 4052—By M. N. Gon — Resolved, That the award of .on- tractto C. A. Carlson & Son for the 1 construct Ion of a sewer on Roblyn ave- nue- from Asbury avenue to a point 468 feet:);. of 1;. line ofAsburyavenue, Flrigineer's estimate being $747.00, for the .sum. of $738.00 be, and the same Is hereby '.'confirmed and approved. apd the Corporation Counsel Is hereby in- [ructc,, to draft And submit the proper form of contract therefor. Adopted by the Council Mar. 12, 1915. Approved Mar.. 15, .1916, '(March 20-.1915) Yeas (11) Cou cilmen (I) Nays Far worth Gos In favor Kell � Mc 11 L/ .Against O' ry Aloe Mr. President, owers FORK C.8.2 - MpR 1� i5l5 Adopted by.the Council App4�?roved_ � / 191 �^ M�VOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENI Subject:... ---Approval, .of.,..Award. ._of..:..Cpatraet--for...-t _....__.......nn._ L FORM ee C.ons#xuctio a Seyv��� c reetNo..... ........................... �a .l.W.. ..........._ Date Pres`ented_......March ---l2th--I915 Resolved, That the award of contract to J. J. Connolly for the construction of a sewer on Fuller Street from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street, Engineer's estimate being $1494.00, for the sum of $1,495.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. P`. No. 4053-71y Df. N. cons— "-' Resolved, That .the award oft con tract to 7: J. Cohnolly for the:!!"_ truetlon of 'a s we.r on Fanerstreet' from PXford street to Chatsworth' treat, F.nglneer'n eetimatoboing.' $1494.00, for the sum of $1.405.00 be.' and the same Is hereby eondrmed and Is hereby Instruct dnd the o toodraftnanda ub�, .1 Yt the Proper form of eontraetthere-, Adopted by the Council ld'ar. 12, 1915.' Ap Proved Mare,, 15, 1015. l... „v Qfareh 20-1915) r Yeas (1) Counei en (Y) Nays f Farris rth Goss In favor Keller McColl _ .Against O'Lear Yoerg Mr. President, Po ,m • . c.a-2 MAR 1"i ib 15 Adopted by the Council _ . _ _ __ 191 Approved_ 3 191 S. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.........._.__.._... ;Approval _of. ...Award .....of Contract. for.. the .construeon of a Sewer on Morton from Smith Avenue to a point 165 ft. wesf�E ` No...:...........la.. Date Presented.... March 12th -1-11,91.....-.. Resolved, That the award of contract to J. J. Connolly for the con- struction of a Sewer on Morton Street from Smith Avenue to a point 165 feet west, Engineer's estimate being $384.00, for the sum of $405.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel i0i hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form dif contract therefor, C. r. No. 4954 ny M., N. �Go ' Resolved. That the award of con- tract to J. J. Connolly. for the con- struction of a sewer on Morton 'street from Ste, th avenue to a point 1G5 feet • st, Engineer's estimate being $384.00, for the sure OF' $405.00 be. and the esree to hereby eonarreed'and p - proved, and the Corporation Counsel Is hereby' instructed to draft and snbmlt. the proper form of contract therefor.' Adopted by the Council Mar. 13. 1915, Approved; Mart 15. 1915. . (March 20-1915) Yeas (11)Coun Imen (P) Nays Farns orth Goss In favor Keller MCC I Q _Against O'Lee y Yoer Mr. President, P ers roam c.s.2 MAR "13 1515 Adopted by the Council _ ____—..._—__ 191 Approved 191 �^ -- MAYOR 51055 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:-... ...... .......Approval --of.....Award...of.....G.o}ltrac.t..... for -the .... Grad of Belmont � .5:bree.tt.:.. xoXCI....S. iliih. Axo..1114.0... 4_ Ot„t a}9 ...Sheet.(...._ .... ...... ........ _ ....COUNCIL NO...... :........... Date Presented.... March 12th... -A91-.5 - Resolved, That the award of contract to Christ Johnson for the Grad- ing of Belmont Street from Smith Avenue to Ottawa Street, Engine- er's estimate being $141.60, for the sum of $144.00be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of con- tract therefor. C. F. Nu.4066—By M -N ' N. Goes— Resolved. That the wardofn- tract to Christ Johnson for the `grading of Belmont street from Smith —nue to Ottawa street, Engineer's es being 1141.60, for the sum or $ 44.00 be. timate and the same Is hereby e.narmed and approved, and the Corporation .Counsel - - Is hereby instructed to draft and sub - 1t -the proper form of contract there-',. fort Adopted by the Council Mar. 13, 1916 Approved Mar. 16,- 1016. (.March 20-1016) Yeas W) Coun ilmen (P) Nays Ferns vorth ���/// Goss _ / In favor Kelle / MCC&I _-Against Nash _� Yoer Mr. Presi veers 1,— c.8-2 Adopted by the Council N6A__;�l/t__'� 191 Approved_] J 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Stlbjecr:...-_--Appro_sal.._.n.f....:Awasd.._of..._..Qo.ntract... for ..._. the..c.onztsnc.tioof a Sewer on Magnolia Street from a point 364 feet E. of E..l*WCV_fflvan� Q.4f<..... _.......... ........._.....-_._................... __...............--........_ Date Presented -..March -12th .. _/ a Resolved, That the award of contract to C. A. Nelson for the construe - tion of a Sewer on Magnolia Street from a point 364 feet H. of E. line of Sylvan Street to Cortland Street, Engineer's estimate being $1,693.00, for the sum of $1,688.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved , and the Corporation Counsel is. hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of con- tract therefor. C- F. No. 4056—By At. N. Goes— Resolved, That the award of con tract to C. A. Nelson for the, construe- , tion of n sewer on Ma"adlta screed from n point 364 feet E. of E. line, of 'gvivan- street 'to Cortland :9treOt. EnK gine'er's estimate being $1,695.00, fog, the sum of $1.688.00 be. and the same 1e hereby confirmed an approved, and the Corporation Counsel i. hereby 1n- stnleted to -draft nod submit the Prop-, or Lorm of contract thereto. Adopted he the Council Mar. 11, 1916.1 Approved (MarchS 201015) Yeas ({'')Cou I ilmen (V) Nays Far worth Go In favor M er M oil -Against Yo rg id Mr. Presiden Powers FORM C's -2 MAR 13 1915 191 Adopted by the Council _ _ _-.___— Lpp,cived_ _V S —'" MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:- _Approval o.f..... Award .__of...._ Contract .....for __.the ....co.nstr.uction of the 4_0-157 COUNCIL r. FILENO...... .............................. .. _.... t.._&... }� cTSen ty.... e�1ax....Sys tem.. ........ _...._...r................__.__._ ...............:... Date Presented .......Max ch--12th..:.--I915....... Resolved, That the award of contract to E. T. Webster for the con- struction of the Front & McKenty Sewer System, Engineer's esti- mate being $61,114.40, for the sum of $53,434.12 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of con- tract therefor. C. F. No. 4067—Sy M. Nl— . Goa 11e..Ived. That the award of eontrnet, tor. T. Wtbster for the eonatruetion': o t the Front & McKenty Sewer •9yrltem. Fngineer'e estimate b,In 1161114.40. for the sum of 563.434.12 be. end the .arm, Is hereby conflr.,d n dov-, pnroved.-and the Corporation Cooneel; ie hereby tnetcueted ta_drnft:nnd ub-1 1[ the proper form of egnt-.t there for. Adopted by the Council Mar. 13, 1916. Approvod Mnr. 16. 1916. (Murch 20-1916) Yeas (V) uncilmen (f) Nays IS 1 ra Adopted by the Council- F F nsworth G ss In favor / K ller Approved_ _ _ 191 �— M Coll _ _against Nash Y erg Mr. Presiden Powers - — MAYOR io.N c.a-2 CITY OF ST,. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject.-.... -- Approval of Award._..of.....Contract..-f.or.._the. ....c.o.nat.r..uetion of a . COUNCIL 0NLE ....__._........ Sewer.anAAven. ... a. 1 Date Presented -.March.... 12th -1391...... - Resolved, That the aiard of contract to Christ Johnson for the con- struction of a sewer on Eva Street from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana Avenue, Engineer's estimate being $502.00, for the sum of $516.00 be, and thesame is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No: 668—Bv M. IN. none— r! solved. That the award of contract to Christ Johnson for the conetnwtlon of a _.r on Eva street from F�Irfiold� nvennn to Indiana avenuo, Hrrglneer'e timate beim• $502.00, for thn nm of! $51600:. be,. and the same 1n. horehy' confirmean'd approved. .and the Cor oratlo'n 'Cpnnsel is hereby Instructed to draft d submit the proper form's of eontrnet therefor. Adopted bvthe CounMl Mar. 1S. 1915.1 Approved Mar. 15, 1916. (March 20-1015)_,., Yeas (1/') Co cilmen (P) Nays Fa sworth �f Go s _/ In favor Ke er /a M oll/ (_-Against Yo rg U Mr. Presiden Powers ronw c.E-2 NiAIZ 1.3 1015 Adopted by the Council .__ .—.__191 Approved -13 __� 191 If - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; - Approval of...Award....o.f._...Cantract....for ....the --.construction of a Sewer on Iglehart Avenue from Wheeler Avenue to C.M. & S AWNL , and ILE0 ........... :.......................... ... _....... ... A14 nt;.._S.tmeat-f.r.QXri.._IgI.£.klA t.._Avm14e......ta._gax.gI.I.Avenue. Date Presented.... Mar ch A2th--A91 Resolved, That the award of contract to E. T. Webster for the con- struction of a Sewer on Iglehart Avenue from Wheeler Avenue to C. M. & St. P. Ry„ and Aldine Street from Iglehart Avenue to Marshall Avenue, E'ngineer's estimate being $4,129.00, for the sum of $4,250.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and ap- proved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Yeas (V) Councilmen (P) Nays Farnsworth Goss _ In favor Keller McColl -.Against ar U"9 Yoerg Mr. President, Powers .o c.a•2 Adopted by the Council MAR 1 191 � 15i ,approved _ 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM SubjectThird .of__Awar.d of _.G.ontrac.t...f.or.._..ihe._-cons.t.ructi.on of a Seweron _Approva]al . Street from Cypress Street to Griffith Str F No.....................4.....0-6.0 Date Presented.... - march .12tAl-1p,...... .... Resolved, That the award of contract to Thornton Brothers for the construction of a Sewer on Third Street from Cypress Street to Griffith Street, Engineer's estimate being $6,113.00., for the sum of $5,987.00 be, and the same is hereby confirm- ed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 4000 -Br M. N. 0—i— Reaolved. 'That the ward of co - tract to- Thornton Brother. for the construction of a -sewer on Third St. from Cypress St. to Griffith SL Engi- neer's estimate being $6,119:00; for the !sum of $6,987.00., be, a._k the Me- 1. hereby 'confirmed oldpp oved and the Corporation Cour1 is hereby:la-. structed t draft d submit theprop- r form of contract therefor. - Adopted by the Council Mar. 13. 1916. Approved' Mar. 16, 1916. -- (March 20-1916) Yeas (V) C ncilfnen (i') Nays rnsworth ss __ _ j� In favor 'ler / Coll JV Against erg Mr. Preside , Powers ,o c.6.2 Adopted by the Council -_NAR 13 Ij 15 _ 191 Approved -3 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ®� COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: 1,061 -Approval -of. AwardofContraet-for--the construction of a Sewer 111-b NO .................................... . _._..oA...TAPPIA .._stet__ Am._Farxi�.ngt.on.._Auenue....to rkault.iez street. Date Presented march 12th; .A91...d.... Resolved, That the award of contract to Christ Johnson for the con- struction of a Sewer on Topping Street from Farrington Avenue to Gaultier Street, Engineer's estimate being $1398.00, for the sum of $1,413.00 be, and the sme is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F, No. 4061—By M. N. Goes— Resolved, That the award of con- tract to Christ Johnson for . the con- struction of a n Topping street from Farrington Avenue to Gaultler etreet, Engineer's estimate .being. $1391.00, for the um of. $1.413.00 he. and theenme- ie-hereby_conarmed and approved, nd-the Corporation Cmm.cl IIs hereby Instructeq to draft and ub- It the proper form of contract there- for...,. -... Adoptedby-the. Council War. 13, 1916. rov1 Apped Mag16, 1916. ( h Match 20-1916) Yeas (V'j Cou cilmen (V) Nays Far swor(h Go _ J In favor Ke er �l M oll _ �_ ,.against ash Yo g Mr. President, ow( coeM c.8-2 MAR 13 i915 Adopted by the Council ______19l Approved_ / 191 MAYOR Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be printed one thousand (1,000) copies of the annual report of the City Comptroller which has heretofore been filed and present- ed to the Council, and that when said reports are printed, they shall be distributed to the public free of charge upon application to the Comptroller. The expense of such printing and publishing shall be paid out of the Official Publications Account of the General Fund. CRe is h- 1 (1,00 , tofor Coe r Yeas (P")C uneilmen (P) Nays Fa nsworth �/ G s In favor Ke er Mc oil _ _against Yo g 4s/� Mr. President Powers roe. c.e-z inteu one cu�� u. or nnual rewhl.h he-ohorprt e 1' ewhen presented sports to the ehen be dietr,1buted� i of ohnrge upen;nP- )mptr11l The_es-1 ,tingand publishing V the O.toln, Publl'- [ the General Fund. Adopted by the Council _ _ �_ 191,_41. / Approved_ 3. 191 Council File No. l OW CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_be:.efi_ts posts ar.d_expenses for constructing a server on Hatch street frcm v:acku'.'in street to Arundel avenue, and a ten.porary outlet sewer on iiackubin street `rcu. Front Street under Preliminary Order_�l v� fir_ , Final Order approved__AgeZ e .. _ 191 4. A public hearitt{ aving been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory" therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council--_ Approved _ _ ___19 Form B. S. A 8-. 0 74-,-- Mayor. IN THE NATTER OF A FINAL ORDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER ON HATCH STREET FROM MACKUBIN STREET TO ARUNDEL AVENUE AND A TEMPORARY OUTLET SEWER ON MACKUBIH STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO HATCH STREET IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL In the above entitled matter, your petitioner, Walter H. Sanborn, objects to the above assessment upon the grounds-- Firste that the construction of the sewer on Hatch Street is of no benefit whatever to his property because he cannot obtain 4ccess to the proposed sewer since there are twenty feet of ground owned by others between his ground Hatch Street, and he can- not bring a sewer and sewer pipe through that ground. Second: that the assessment is unreasonably large and no such benefit as is assessed can accrue to the property. Third: that if it is claimed that the lot may be assessed on account of its frontage on ygmz& Street, a more temper- ary outlet to the sewer on Hatch Street can be of no benefit to the property because he cannot use the sewer on Hatch Street. Fourth: even if assessment might be sustained for a smaller amount on the East 120 feet of Lot 42 on account of Mackubin Street outlet,'the amount assessed on the property is out of all pro- portion to the possible benefit that could result from the temporary outlet. Your petitioner respectfully prays that he be relievea from the proposed assessment and such action be taken as to effect this result. Walter H. Sanborn, Petitioner IN THE MATTER OF A FINAL ORDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER ON HATCH STREET FROM MACKUBIN STREET TO ARUNDEL AVENUE AND A TEMPORARY OUTLET SEWER ON MACKUBIN STREET FROM FRONT STREET TO HATCH STREET IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE HONORABLE COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL In the above entitled matter, your petitioner, Walter H. Sanborn, objects to the above assessment upon the grounds -- First* that the construction of the sewer on Hatch Street is of no benefit whatever to his property because he cannot obtain access to the proposed sewer since there are twenty feet of ground owned by others between his ground %tHatch Street, and he can- not bring a sewer and sewer pipe through that ground. Second: that the assessment is unreasonably large and no ouch benefit as is assessed can accrue to the property. Third: that if it is claimed that the lot may be @ assessed on account of its frontage on treet, a more tempor- ary outlet to the sewer on Hatch Street can be of no benefit to the property because he cannot use the sewer on Hatch Street. Fourth: even if assessment might be sustained for a smaller amount on the East 120 feet of Lot 42 on account of Mackubin Street outlet, the amount assessed on the property is out of all pro- portion to the possible benefit that could result from the temporary outlet. Your petitioner respectfully prays that he be relieved from the proposed assessment and such action be taken as to effect this result. Walter H. Sanborn, Petitioner Council File No. By ---- -- -- tiv I'D 91 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of-- benefits, costs and expenses for - ccr.str,cting a se -ser on Jessamine street from Woodland street (recently vacated) to Trovt Brook, er __ Fit9e�6rder appraved}— C. F. a matter A public hearing having been ha In nb the oste ad ..p..assessment one Improvement, and said assess tr .tI.g. a sewer on Jessamine St. ment having been further considered b from Woodland SU (recently veaAt- 'sidered finally satisfactory, be it ed) to Trout Brook. therefore A public hearing' having been had upon the assessment for the above 1m - 1!!g be ent, and said assesed b hthe Ing been further considered by the RESOLVED, That the said asses 1,uuo 1, an iac urn ng been eIt entli refoderea in all respects ratified, and the Resolved, That the said assessment same is hereby ordered to be submitted be and the same Is hereby In all re- of Ramsey for confirmation. pecta ratified, and the came Se hereby deredto be submitted -to the District t of .the County of Ramsey for BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, ThamatlFurtb r Reaol ea That the n is hereby determined to be element be and It 1d •ereby '•� to be payable In r •nI li, payable in equal installments as to eedT,'a° eBC,nhgn {5ar lol land described therein. Adopted by the Council b C/ G 1 -City Clerk. Approved. 1 191. J Mayor. Form B. S. A B-10 ---------------- lCouncll File No. C� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ bPnefi ts, costs and expen'les arieing f.roFrorthe constructing of a sewer orl Clsveland avenge from Scudder street c a point 140 feet south of south lire of Commonwealth avenue, agpf; r`t— , {nlerfirzd4HP�@YHer_. '�* !C. r. A public hearing having been ham beibienta, from the ment having been further considered Ceevaelaaend therefore ling of c t uD ni he tai provement, RESOLVED, That the said ass tng been Council, ai same is hereby ordered to be submitte Resolved ebe and th- peat's rati ordered tc BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,trlet Cour for conga De aR, aid payable in a ual instalim�datarme \\ p ... ,—_- 4 lnetntlme3` cel o[ lar Adapt— Approvy .• No. 4086— . matter of tl Adopted by the Council__ __. ='11 improvement, and said assess- idered finally satisfactory, be it tg having been had aldfor it ae e9ement "tatvehav- • eoneldered by the tng bean eanaid.r.d y in all respects ratified, and the •y, 6e it therefore ivahereby8ln all set- 'of Ramsey for confirmation, d the eama. Se hereby td it, to the Dla e county of Ramsey it is hereby determined to be ReSatred. ?" "ter the be r-. {ed every parcel of land described therein r Approved - _ - _ _ 191 t Form B. S. A B-10 TLTT.Tr� q"P Council File No. CITY OF ST. PAUL�� Resolution ratifying Assessment. benefits costs and expenses arising froprthe In the matter of the assessment of____. __-__- ____—_ 0oniltructing of a sewer on Cleveland avenue from Scudder street �o a point 140 feet south of south line of Commonwealth avenue, under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order____ , Final Order__ approved------------ A pproved_-—______A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. __ _ _ - _ _ __equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council-___.--__ —__ _191- -. City Clerk. Approyed� 191 __ Mayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 JAS. McLAUGHLIN 1288 RAYMOND AVE ' 9T. ANTHONY PARK N ST. PAUL, MINN. 222vt� CQ LIZ -6 Cl�r cr-�2c p `d{ aL'd 12- ,/�/ltuG�f �2i��I�(U//1���92222D'+tGCrC.ILt%Cly ,w� �U�+i'i[ir/LC��LIyGGf/7 �3 Lf2(n /C[/LZ �D � �2ti-�f' 2 D�Gziiwbl p ' A' �LIlC o'// �Q,CLItG L� xl/ CL✓ �,~/''`Q',',` Y128i �.2LAC J���000✓ —!.' `�—.� ✓ . _ ; /W LiJ/bLL.;'a!�Sl �/�s"'- �.T1r1U v. Resolved, That the appiloation of the following persons for a license to oonduot Hotels or Restaurants at the oodt e respeely dlo to�} be and the same hOreby &me denied. TAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL op RESTAWAM . LOCATION. H. J. Simonett Restaurant 111-13 West 6th C. F. No.. 4066—By Henry. McColi— Resolved. That tha 'aPPllcatlon. oil. the following. P r na Y.. llcenae to' ..... dU t Hotels or Reatau anta a:t the ........... catt s ...Patti_ 11 Ibdi to De nd the anmo-. D'erebl or. denf d Not aP- Proved Dy-'Chlof f Pollee H 7 9fmon tt, Restnur nt 111-13! W", e N, dt t 15,3091916) ,, Ado�'t d b:.: th Council1016.',1 ADP oVcd M Yeas ( V) Cou oilmen ( Y) Nays Adopted by the. Council 191 ! Fa'sworth Go sIn favor Ke er Ap roved 1911 M 011 G� Against Mr: President, Powers TO THE HOSYOR.4BLE THE COUNCIL L� of the City of St. Pend: does hereby make application to the CVir�t. Paul for a License to conduct a ..............................__.....__. %.................... . ......... ..... , and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full re of th pplicant for said. License is. ..... ............ 0 and his (1Q place of residence is ...... ,..street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that ' the exact location of which the said applicant orooefes to carry on business is............................. `� . _._...., in the City of St. Paul. That t said applicant is now engaged in said business at..//fm/..... ./ !...._"_._.',.. _- ...._...inthe City of St. Paul. Dated this. - day of. �r 191 `�.. ._. ^ ._.. ...._ _ .... _ .. _APplicant. /%2L \ / 1._ Date of Expiration of License _ ...:. .. 91 Date of Inspection .......... - __ _ 191 Fire Protection..:.... _... .... - - - - _...__ _ _.......... . _ .:. __. .... �Ga�r� ... ._. - Ventilation of Building........ _... ........._ Meats and Provisions.. _............. Beds and Bedrooms ..... '' ... _...... Toilet Rooms and Plumbing _._.__.. _-....__ _ . _.._....... . .................. Kitchen and Utensils ...... - . Refrigerator and Store Room .......... �� .. _ _.- - .._ _. Basement and Cellar.......... j r Back Yard_ _............ _......... General Condition of Premises License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. -_ Approved: 4 Health officer. Vfi - CITY'OF ST. PAUL That the application of the followi>t persons for a license conduot Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such -licenses to said applicants upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOj_L>k OR RESTAURANTS, liOCATIONS_, McMahon Bros. Business Lunch 466 St. Peter. (1st floor) J. E. Tibesar Lunch Room 149 East 6th C. E. Duley Lunch Room 20 W. Exchange a D. G. Buehler Lunch Room 678 Selby Ave. F:.No...4067-713Y Renry McColl— Resolved,- That the appltcatlon of the -folloWing_ persons Lor_ a license *o; locations respectively Indicated pe, d the eamo hereby are granted, and the City. Cterk is lice sd and. ai& sets,,tojupo each ll y en to said:. rpplleante: ippon t payment of the feo rsqulred..by law: McMahon nr0s.. Rusin... Lunch, 466 St. Doter [1st floor). .. - 4iE 7. D. Tlbeenr, Lunch Room, 14B East 6th. St -Lu C. nch Room;. 20 bleat T �hanaa.:a - D 67Bughler, Lunch Room, 676 Selby \vp Ab 34rCouncil Mar. 13;1916. a \pproved,. Mrch 2 1816.. -(Mar ch0-1916).: Yeas W) Co 'cilmen (7) Nays Fa sworth G s__In favor K ler M Coll _D__Againsr erg (/ Mr. Presid t, Powers rgRM C.d2 Adopted by the Council Approved _ 3 �1s3_ I91� r //11 ��pp CITY OF ST. PAUL X109118 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE SAbject 41() NO. Date Presented —191— Name 191— / - RESOLVED, That the application of the following person f a license to sell intoxicating liquors at t?y locationk re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby 9-v granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such license to said applicant upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Joseph Chickett 227 w. 7th St. Yeas (✓) Coli cilmen (✓) Nays Fa sworth Go M r 1 Mc oll Yo g Mr. President, Po era C. F No. 4068 By Henry MoColI— Re olved,.. That, the.application eft the fallowing person for a license to, .all Intoxicating -liquors at the loop-, I ion respect lvely indicated, tie, and the me hereby Is granted, and the ell Clerk' Clerk' te•authorized and directed to fe- .us, such llceuae to said applicnat up- on the: filing ofthe bond and the pay, m nt of. thefee required by .Toesph Chickott, 227 W. 7th St. Adopted--.by:_the Council Mar. 13, 1916. Approved Nor. 16, 1916. ,(Ma ch 20-1916) -' Ad:Approved by the Colin ' 19L , �In favor — I — O 1911 Against MAYOR Subject: I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER COUNCIL �("�• �(Yj9 FILE V Date Presented 1915 RESOLVED,.That the following designated licensesto sell ing liquorsbe transferred as indicated pursuant to ons duly made therefor. No. From (Name and ddress) I To (Name and Address) l,l 228 -Rasmus Hansen,245 E. 7th 8 Peter Strand,'245 V. 7th 8t. Minnesota 3 /3 -VE, lairalski Wehr & Danlelo,420 Minrasota. Joe. Gliachinski,eame location. Yeas oilmen (./) Nays Fa orth Go In favor Ke er M Against rPoegs Mr. President, Adopted by the Council A ved MAYOR C. c,soly. 3089—t3y Henry , g des `I Resolved': That the eollowing ..tI.i-! aced licensestosell intoxicating l lqa ors be transferred a. Indicated par-, ani to applications duly made there-'. [or: No. 228. From Raemue Hanson, 216~ E. 7th St., to Peter 246 E. 7th, ick E, From Nick Nl i 420 min.:.323.'. , Mtnneabta 94, to �i'ehr S Dantele, 420 s .tihnesota St. - Gllschinskt & Dam -1 - No:; 196, From agaiskt,,;;.316 West :7th. St., to Joe,— Glisohtnskt, same -location. .Adopted by the Council -cation. 13; 1916, ° Approved Mar, 16,1916. . .... .. (March.,20-19,16) _ .. Yeas oilmen (./) Nays Fa orth Go In favor Ke er M Against rPoegs Mr. President, Adopted by the Council A ved MAYOR 1 =Resolved that, Jwarrants .arrants us,. arawn; upon the-CltY TreaeurY payable out of; hereiggtter,,,apecl9ed.,ft and, in Yavoc,ot the per9aas,-firma`.o cor-' { por¢ttoae for..the,amounts,set oppoettel thRir�TeepRc)lve names as peR131ed.lni the [oloWing' detelled'atntement Corporate rurposea Water:; Dept. Fan fiaiari s ($utldlags) Facas, rtL Com. of Finanae;r $33.60. I ddol{te�, by the,Cou it Ma . 13 1916. .ipyroved Mar 16;1916. t, are :'20 Cornorat(e Purposes .Water Dept. Fund -Salaries (Buildings) `10346 S:. A. Farnsworth, Com.. of Finance, $33:60 1st Reading, . ........ � 19 . ...... ... 2nd ........... 191 ti 31 .19 3rd .. . ......... Date Published 191 Yeas (%t) Councilmen (V) Mys V/Farnsworth LZ Goss In luvor Keller McColl Against Mr: 44sident, Powers .'? nual'" •ach '. 4 Itary 0.00. pt by the Council Final Adoption 191� City Clerk. Hon. i•,4.H. Coss, Cosmr. of Public Works, Cit; of St.Paul, Minn. Der,.r Sir: - The Council, at its meeting held on ?larch 13th,1915, laid the attached ordinance, C. F. 4071, over for one week to Larch 20th, 1915, and referred it to a Committee consisting of yourself, Cosmr. McColl and Lr.President Pourers. Yours truly, G� 0 City Cle ... L. J Mar. 16th,1915. Hon. Henry McColl, Cosmr. of Public Safety. City of St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir:— The Council, at its meeting held on March 1'th, 1915, laid the attached ordimince C. R. 4071 over for one week to Parch 20th, 1915, and referred it to a committee consisting of yourself, Cosmr. IIoss, and Mr. President Powers. yours trily, C City C1erk� L. OFFICE OF JOHN I. FAR ICY, CITY CLERK March 22nd,1915. Hon. Winn Powers, Mayor, City of St.PI3ul, Unn. Dear Sir: - The Council, at its meeting held this date, laid the attached ordinance, C. F. 4071, an ordinance amending the Administrative Ordinance of the Department of Public Safety, over for one week to 1.iarch 29th, 1915, and re-referred it to a Committee consistinC of yourself, Coomr. Goss and Cosmr. McColl. Very respectfully, � City Clerk L. 4672 Council file No. By, 072 CITY OF ST. PAUL I Resoltition Ratifying Assessment. In the matterof the assessment ofbenefits, Costa and eXrenBeB __for ppallrfsf•ing xith agphait, Portland avenue, From Western avenue to Dale street, _ ailderf IyBL.- Final Order 38,680 approved karoh 28th 1.9L3 C F, Nq 9073 -- ;In,the-. mnttor of jtYtl asseeament of A public hearing having been had upon beneata ooeta aga1 pensee fo re. aurfaofng with. a13,p nix r run a- ovement, and 4072— lid assess- avonue,;Lrom`Weatern avenue to Dnta ment havingbeen further considered by the azreet vnQer Flhal Order 384 n,P, prgved Mnrch•38th Is13 , ed finally satisfactory, be it therefore 11�a'-pubyn hearing `hnving been 'had upon the aslseeament for the: nboVe Im.: pFOXpment and anldd aeaeeament having �een'jurth r conaldared by ttiB Council. W hq It ng been,conalder d finally eaU; RESOLVED, That the said assesssmeietnotcky ba IL -ttieroforo ` (Iteeolvt Tha;tahe eafa aIn. a, 1 ent 1 respects ratified, and the liet'and- the eame.sis hereby In all re same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the(apeeta`ratiflea, and the same s hereby; msey for confirmation. rderedtq ba submitt, d to the Dlatrlco-. Court'++:'of 1heCounty, of Ramsey for; 'conflrmntI BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha Bo at purthei38esutved.'xhdc. triol hereby determined to be enid_isaeosamenh,be artd ,lt !!a hereby, Y determin6d to beipnyatltetn :five equnl- lnetallmen[e a8, to enc{{tt�� slid' every yah cel of ❑nnd deserlbed phorelhr payable in, _ _equal installments as ddopt, b! trie,C kndil 10ut 13 Ials,' escribed therein. Anprov a afar 0 =-i Adopted by the Council,_-----�L�G//I� -City Clerk. Approved__ / Mayor. Form B. S. B_10 - 4r Council File No. 4073 By ----- 3777 ®73 1. . CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying _Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of- benefits, Coate_and expenses _____for Patrina Market street from Third street to Sixth street, uhder.Rfelim:wmr,Eheder , 3nterfi1GdiQQ QWW , Final Order 39 208 approved,_ Au au � 14 tb 1913 c. ' No: 4073- eve improvement, and said assess- .: A public hearing having been had upo fn the a nits of to nae a= P �beneflta; cohta nndSezDenaes i' p Ing Mdrhet etreet.frnu Thh,' nsidered final( satisfactory, be it S ment having been further considered by the to sMa, et set .,unaer Flne, y ry S A.Inx, Me,h vel Auguatg ' therefore UPoon the lasaesement'thor tti provement and aald' asaesu, n Ing beons further'.conslder&l RESOLVED, That the said assesssm 1Clnauy� ,sad' torr, ae l n' tleby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to th b Rnhd she a hm°n'shereb ";µsty of Ramsey for confirmation. nP bts'rnUfled and. the :3i h, dored td bo aubmItteo urtCount} sI BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That t flrmatlonn h r t and it is hereby determined to be ed payable in- equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council._ City Clerk. PP �^ A roved — 191.. _ ayor. Form B. S. A% 10 "r.14WD S In the matter of the assessment of Benefits, Coate and expenses __for Resurfacing with asphalt Holly avenue, frow Western avenue to Dale u Final Order 38, 681 approved March 28th, _191 3 A public hearing having been had upgn the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_Aequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Ado Approved teem B. S. I Council Flle _No. 4.075 41975 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratify Assessment In the matter of the' assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses _ for Paving FTEatinge avenue, from Bates avenue to Earl"street,. With 3�"_inch Long Leaf Yellow Pine Creosoted woo loc e, oge n r --ary wer wat rand s c e ons f o tthe str et mains to the property nPa'cemrlete. ��eo ��ey surd driveway �(pproacies, r r , Final Order 15; 5G1 approved December 31st, 191 3 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore ase own by plan No. 2. RESOLVED, That the said assesssmenoo and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable inequal installments as to each and every parcelofland described therein. Adopted by he Council._ t� 111-4 1 1 � <; > — - — ---- -- —City Clerk,. Approved _ - No: ao76 191 In the mnttor;of"jiia a(..-- '- beneflPsS;'coate' end'.okpens�� Ing tiaetinga.,nvenu fro ' avgrEua'tp Earl street with ' =t Leong -Leat Yellow;• Pina l Mayor. wood ,blocks together with I 'Yr Form B. S. A 8-10 o9arY asyver water:"and ggas ' �• done frb'm theatr�et mnlne PropertyAlinea" comylete 11.- ' Y' A 'Ia'd DriYeWap'Approae .'" - - ,dar Flaal'Order 16691 appy `�f+ camber 41st ipla ,¢ ,\ Pubtta; henring � the'„�aeaeeament'S for th°," f,Ice t and saes+nseeasm I e n further constdored .c Ill and havengg bean c 1% �. r satlafaotory,"bo"lt the mbar tha said n t �'CJBLISIIED /� . , n e.tiY Plan No. 2 be , hroby Js net-reepectt - - - vamels hereby order.', Il'to.tthe..DMt(I t c lou •' r:RamaeY2or° confll Y?�4ther Resoy d :Ment hn 'a,rt 1 - � a p i A—March 13th 1915 by and between Resolved, That the contract bear ng a e , , The Studebaker Corporation and the City of St. Paul for the in- stallation of new engines in -street flushers No. 1, 3 and 3, be and _the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers axe authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C, F No: 4078 • L.' . Reaolved. That the cohtreot, bearin9, data Mar h:13th 1916, by a d betwe ' .The 9turjebal et Co poraa. and'. the i ' .QItY oP 9b.I'aul Sor the Inata., a.n oP view ensigea in treet'flu h ra No:. 1�'2 and 3 ho and the same le hergby,-ap `PFp Ved and'£he BBroper'clty o¢1ceFa are" autherizedg.jf direeted to eaeouto ttio. aatna,. benalP'a Lhe CIty. pted -by' Ci0Une11 Mur. 16, 1915:- Approved; Mar 16, 1815 __.ZMarch.20 Yeas (),)Councilmen (V) Nays (f 191 ,Adopted by the Council Farnsworth Goss1n favor Keller —7/,— Approved_. �__ _.__._ ..___ 1916 McColl Against O'Leary , Yoerg — --- Mr. President, Powers MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 4079 COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM J� Subject: ....... _........... _.... _ _�� COUNCIL .FILE No. ......... ...... ... Date Presented •------ g� p EREAS The Council did, by Final Order approved March 5 1915, order thd� mith venue between the south end of the High Bridge and Annapolis St. be paved with 3f•" long -•leaf yellow pine creosote wood pavIii blocks and sandstone paving blocks; and whereas, said street, is occupied by, the rails of the St:.'Paul City Railway Company, and it is the duty of said Company under the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 1227 to pave with the same material as that ordered by said Final Order, all those parts of said street as lie bettgeen the rails of each track and between the lines of double tracks and for a space of two feet outside the tracks; therefore, be it' RESOLVED, That the St. Paul;City Railway Company is hereby notified and directed by the Council of the City of St. Paul to begin the work of paving the portion of the street aforesaid which it is under obligation to pave, upon being notified so to do by the Commissioner of Public Works. Se .v,,, PURTIM RESOLVED, That in case said St. Paul City Railway Company' shall refuse or neglect to lay and construct such paving as aforesaid after being notified by the Commissioner of.Public Works, then the same shall be dans by, and under the direct ion, 'of"the C3ty`:Of.S;t, Paul, and the expense of doing: said paving shall be assegse$ against.:esid Company, and such amount so- asses.sed shall be ohargeabl'e to and;ooheoted.,from said St. Paul City Railway Company. RESOLVED FURTHER, That, the City Clerk is hereby instructed to serve this resolution upon said St: Paul "C�ity'Railway Company immediately upon its approval and publication. 55u h trnelc unq br ,jdonbla tnc�ka'nitd f p tees outelae the Lrnak�� @aeolyud; Dhatd thg' �t , ,Ilwny CpSnpgny }P h Xe'tiY q { nd dlrectdd hY th C�unpil e Flty pi_ 81::, �gv7La°tn b� 1n tFle WI) . having ihe;portion of `,,�tl atreef'; - gald Which }L }d t(hdpr gbl7Qott= DDnya upon b01ng{moi}sed so tc - - th Commigai set oLPublic Further;�Tteablvea ixSt�t to °w 'r` - � gt Pani, City It$11Wny C'on! 4Pli - retgee•or. peg(bGp t¢,any nh� cd,t I finch p' rye a'�orenaaLCer ,. of}fledbyby'tIhe Comniieao er o! p orbs then 2pera,a arahntl be Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( P) Nays l under ebe alrenplon er tht �; _ + Pngl and the a<aendo. r aidopted by the Council _J!L< 191 5_ Farnsworth'— Goss – In favor 10� Keller Approved---�~-_-_ _191 McCollAgainst lash Yoerg Mr.President, Powers MAYv O'er/C .o.M c.a.Z 5- 090*CITY OF ST. PAUL 4.COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _....... ........ _._ .: _... _............ .... _................. ........ ........ __._._ 4 ®8't/(� COUNCIL ' FILE f 0..... ...... ...... ..... Date Presented_......March._.....1.fz *191...5- c WHEREAS, THE Council did, by Final Order approved Narch 4, 1915, o-rdeT-:�hat Selby Avenue between the east line of Victoria St. and the west line o3 Fairview Ave.., be paved with 3.^ long leaf yellow pine creosote wood paving blocks and -#!`vitrified paying bloc- -. and whereas, sa$d street is occupied by the rails of the St* Paul City Railway Conpany, and it is the duty°of said Company under the terms and provisions of Ordinance No -1227 to pave with the same material as that ordered by said Final.,Order, all those parts of said street as lie between the rails of each track and between the lines of double tracks and for a space of two feet outside the tracks; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby notified' and directed by the Council of the City of St.'Paul.to begin the work of paving the portion of the street aforesaid which it is under obligation to pave, upon being notified so to do by the Commissioner of Public Works. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in case said St. Paul City Railway Company shall refuse or neglect today and construct such paving as aforesaid after being notified by the Comm'issi'oner of Public.Wo.rke, then the same shall be done, by and under the direction of the ,City of•St. Paul, and the expense of doing said paving shall be as�essed.againet,said Company, and such amount so assessed shall be chargeable o. and eolleoted•from said St. Paul City Railway Company. RESOLVED FURTHER, 9*at the City Qlerk is hereby instructed to serve this resolution upon said St. Paul CityrRe;ilrvay Company immediately upon its approval and publication. 1inatt orae; ' T� a Ito by tack any bet.l ' � 4 .e tcacke agd"Sor t feet euteldo tho tree! . be It ,blued. -Thnt the 9A �Pn - � iti9ay Compn,7i3 is Tere6 d d ydlr eked py; the Connb� < 1ty'oL lit. Paul,[tq bo�hL th'e ' IM' the porttgn nL tfie'abtc s i ald NI ph 1t to utld0fi obl(ayx6 peva "upop bele(;, ngtlaed so t1 Irthe tominiaslopgY ( of— paving L ,1• nrther RgeoTVe11 Thnk jnj of } St. .P6ui Cfky ,Ei'e{IWnY Contpai - refuse 6r, s t to l&Y apd 9uch;p¢ving aas. arorenp.d' aft et tided y, Lha Cglnmtsa- orke �eb kha'an q ehnll'.4e Sf d;undefiithe; direlbn of 'th< q<1 Yeas "-(V) Councilmen (Y) Nays P�nr¢na tbe'oxpgAae ot�ai by the Councii� i_A/ -1A._4 I 'ins nhqu b� 'aeaeanna hs; i }dopted »any an$ i3tibh amgtlnt i �1� Farnsworth 'If nhgraeabre $£ ,Paul Clt n" ^� ... Goss - In favou, Approved- Keller McColl �Agairist Nash t Yoerg 7011 Mr. President, Powers WHEREAS, The Council did, by Final Order approved Uarch 4, 1315, order that Fairview Avenue between the south line of Marshall Ave. and the north, line of Selby Ave., be paved with 3;" long leaf yellow pine creosote wood'paving blocks; and whereas, said street is occupied by the rails of the St. Paul City Railway Company,, and it is the duty of said Company under the terms and provisions of Ordinance Yo. 1227 to pave with the same material as that ordered by said Final Order,'all those parts of said street as lie between the rails of each track and between tho lines of double tracks and for a space of two feet outside the tracks; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby notified and directed by the Oounc.il of the City of St: Paul to begin the work of paving the portion of the street aforesaid which it is under obligation to pave, upon being notified so to do by the Commissioner of Public Works. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in case said St. Paul City Railway Company shall refuse or neglect to lay and construct such paving as aforesaid after being notified by the Commissioner of Public Works, then the'same shall be done by and under the direction of the City of St. Paul, and the expense of "doing said paving shall be assessed against said Conpany, and such amount so assessed shall be chargeable to and collected from said St. Paul City `. Railway' Company. RESOLVED FURTHER, :That the City Clerk is. hereby instructed to'se'roe this resolution upon said St.'•l?au.l City Rail approval and publication. way Company immediately upon its t nna 1q h ovtaltSDd r err' j - fo pgre ti lth the aR -` I [fiat olds; dLy Bald �'rt 1t i.[ ,fpgee parte, Lf r9ald � tp et • � bettvegn fho.'rafie t, .:,: .. •: 1 by the Council A /C; 191t-,4 Approved _ 1 -11 916 +� MAY ;sR f..ectrxn %Lr�/ Railway Cgmpe y ens Cand dlmded �a' hy;. fh9 Clty �A gt i.pavfn,� the Pyaorf[ozSh�� renv [0 , Q, wklch�,lt ,tali tD yaupon :tialryg ,'n` by th"omMIealgnar `b IFarther Reeolved .II11 _ $G ,$auI Clty Rnliway" ref69g;or Aegi0etlto 1p td Yeas V Councilmen P Nays s a°°n hnvtns ae �fereq 4 naunea by the cur }i�orke, then tits;yanle Farnsworth R and and r th— dlreb st. Peal and'tha.e Goss J 9 paving Shall" bp.0 —,In fav�a' c^ nDany and eaQp Keller til be. cha g`ec Id,;st McCollA -� g ainsr Nash rmtHy Yoerg Mr. President, Powers FORM C.ry.z 1 by the Council A /C; 191t-,4 Approved _ 1 -11 916 +� MAY ;sR f..ectrxn %Lr�/ j WHEREAS, The Council did, by.Final Order approved March 4, X915, order that Marshall Avenue between the west line of Snelling Avenue and the east line of the Marshall Avenue Bridge ordeding the Mississippi River, be paved with 33„ long leaf yellow pine creat to wood paving blocks and y41 vitrified; paving bloeka, and whereas, said street is occupied by the rails of the.St. Paul C ty'Railway Company, and it is the duty of said Company under the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 1227 to pave with the same material as that ordered by said Final Order, all those parts of said street as..lie between the rails of each track and between the lines of double tracks and for a space of two feet outside the tracks; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby notified and directed by the Council of the' City of St. Paul to begin the work of paving the portion of the street aforesaid which it is under obligation to pave, upon being notified so to do by the Commissioner of Public Works. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in case said St. Paul City Railway Company' shall refuse or neglect to lay and construct such paving as aforesaid after being notified by the Commissioner of Public Works, then the same shall be •done by and under the direction of the City of St. Paul, and the expense of doing said paving shall be assessedagainst said Company, and such amount so assessed shall be chargeable to. and collected from said St. Paul Oity ]tailway. Company. RESOLVED FURTRER, That the>City Clerk'is hereby instructed to serve this resolution upon said St. Paul City Railway Company immediately upon its approval and publication. pp p a i ah,x '.. Yeas (Y) Councilmen (F) Nays x ' uyi �bRx Ua eporl�neQlect Farnsworth E_ gHa n%'aa' t;tn Goss In favo .aux t ;> Keller McColl _�Againsr XUMMW Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers W$EREAS', The Council did, by Final Order approved October 31, 1914, order -that Plum Street between the west line of Maria Ave, and the east line of Bates Ave,: be paved with asphalt oonorete; and whereas, said street is occupied by the rails of the St. Paul City Railway Company, and it. is the duty of said Company under the terms and provisions of ordinance No. 1227 to pave with the same material as that ordered by said Final Order, all those parts of said street as lie between the rails of each track and between the linesof double tracks and for a space of two feet outside the tracks; therefore, be it RESOLVEp, That the St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby notified and -directed by the Council of the City of St. Paul to begin the work of'• paving the portion of the street aforesaid which it is under obligation to pave, upon being notified so to do by the Commissioner of Public Works: Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That,in case said St. Paul City Railway Company shall refuse or neglect to lay and construct such paving as aforesaid after being notified by the Commissioner of Public Works, then the same shall be done; by and under the direotion'of the City ofSt:. Paul, and the expense of doing said paving shall be ass essed,,,against said(Company, and such amount so assessedshallbe chargeable to and collected>;from said St. Paul City Railway Company. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the. City Clerk is hereby instructed to serve this resolution upon said'St::Paul 'City Ralway;0ompany immediately upon its approval and publication: Yeas (P) Councilmen (P) Na ". Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl adczxV Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers y the Council pproved 2UBLiSHE)�� WHEREAS, The Council did, by Final order approved March 11th, 19161 order that Wabasha Street between the -north line .of Congress St• and the south line of Winifred St..; Winifred Street between the west line of Wabaeha St. and the west line of Ohio St.; Ohio Street between the south line of Winifred St. and the south line of George St. and George Street between the west line of bhio St. and the east line of Smith,Ave.,•-be paved with 3�. long leaf yellow pine creosote wood paving blocks and sandstone paving blocks; and whereas, said streets are occupied by the rails of the St. Paul City Railway Company, and it is the duty of) said Company under the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 1227 to pave with the same .material as that ordered by said Final -Order, all those parts of said streets as lie between the rails of each track and'between the lines of double traoks and for a space of two feet outside the tracks; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby notified and directed by the Council of the City of St. Paul to begin the work of paving the portion of the streets aforesaid which it is under obligation to pave, upon being notified so to do by the Commissioner of Public Works. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in case, said St. :.Paul City Railway Company shall refuse or neglect to lay and construct such paving as aforesaid after being notified by the Commissioner - of- Public Works, then the same shall be done by and under the direction, of,_the City of -'St. Paul, and the expense of d'6ing(i3 id paving shall be assessed :against said. Company, and such amount so assessed shall be chargeable to and collected from said St. Paul City Railway Company. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Qity Clerk.is..boreby instructed to serve this resolution upon said St. Paul City Railway pnnnCe;any immediately upon its approval and publication.Osdelsl`all' ! its l sQ a tra6k' A.lie b. eho zTA Ilpe .o eeeh tracl{;end be-:. on, the ;gllgea of-douUl@; trueka: andl r a '.Pq..L of; tWq:-feet outeldg the+ is 16thereforg be Jt ReaolVaH; ha{ thoi BC Paul: CilY. . R Cil dli tsd, bny a','Ugreby .nottflodr 'and directod 43 tits: Councli 'of- the'. !CltY of ft -Paul tq begin the ;work qt; !paving tpe pgrgon r¢L the "gtreete'. atoraealdwhloh tE je'Svn�er oUliggtion; %to pave •,gpon bpl¢g ltogaed eo°aq do> . Sbv the Commiselonor of Publlo works.- - Be It ' Yeas (V) Councilmen (P) Nays Furkh-ikeaolyea„ That to case Rain,) st Paut;quy R ylwhy Company,'. .1t' e Council 0a_1z_/& 191 y fuse or neglipct to.<lay .a¢d egnetrilot' — .sueh pnvfag ns'aLoresald atter 'beir^� Farnsworthngnned hl ';the Cam afesioner of P4f [n fav ;x grlcq then the nme`'ehall be dc� ii Goss 71 'td trader eho dir'set[on of the C r Paut rand tha ezgenee ot-�Atj Keller +S Davlproved-_3_ pq Qhgli he ¢es �g av'n - McColl —(^_ Against Octw!x Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers —' — - MAYOR FORM C.8-2 Te [JBLISHED � o� �' CITY OF ST. PAUL - "_ COUNCIL=GiNERAL FORM i Subject:: _.... _._. ... .:..-.-COUNCIL • FILE NO...... "'{, ... t ... » ....... ....... _._... ... ... ........... Date p}esented__....Marah An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Ten=Thousand Dollars (110$1000.00) to,meet the expense of paving with 3Q" long'.leaf yellow pine creosote wood blacks and sandstone paving blocks, street. intersections on the following str,.eetst Wabasha Street from the north line of.Congress St to the south fine of Winifred St., Winifred Street from the west line of-Wabasha St. to the, west line of Ohio St., Ohio Street from the sotath line of Winifred St;. to the south line of George St., and George St. from the west line of Ohio•.St. to :the east line of Smith Ave:, SECTION I There is hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Street Intersect- 4•. Adn3 Account of the Street Construction & Repair Fund, the sum of Ten Thousand. Dollar 6,($10,000 00) or so much thereof as may be -necessary, to covet the actual cost -'and to aid in paying the 'cost of paving street interse6t3ori011 with „-a long leaf yellow pine creosote wood blocks and sandstone paving blocks -on the following streets: Wabasha Street. from the north line of Congress St. to ;the south line of Winifred St., Winifred Street fron the west line of Wabasha St, to the west line of Ohio St., Ohio -Street from the south line�-of YPinifred St. to the south line of George St;., and Street from the west:,, line of Ohio St. to the east line of Smith Ave, all in accordance vrith the final order .for such improvement, passed by the Council and approved March. 191b SECTION 2 d ar. res ltnest; tnj the lsautti This "Ordinance -shall take effect; s)Ia. }n the aq tri roe thirty days after its a al •George Sk p . assage and publication. „•- 11ne ot, omo ot st "te _ iwe'smith Ave !; � V Here to herobY est ae[do;ate 3ecuo• •anted out a',st Stteot Interneotidn account of the`Street Const vatic & Repnl Fuad,ih sum of -,T Thqu ! annd., Hollers (SI000000},, or so �nualti. lhareot as maYyba necepsary torgovor. �" �� _CLQ the'aoWal oat -and teeth � tilq s y/1 Ithe. cost of paYing at1'eet Inters otlor(s: nvtth, 3;5 fgng ]eat 5 i na orae act +'Wood blocks and as andatona pnV.,' ing ;bldajcs ion 'Lha fgllgWing 4freete' !/" W&pasha etroet; Yrto 'the" north lfne of Congress ,St- thb aputh lino of Wlnit ed st Winif, ltred,letreet from the wean lin of'Wpbaeha st ..t Rbe west I!ne of Ol}lo St Ohio street from the south lino of,K9�nlfrea St to a sbuth } ]fns-ot O orge l9t and Oeqr e.street �Yrorrt th@ it )vegAt`'line of ONiq i Yo the ' oast+'ltno o['SmiAv6 all (t acaordr ,, - - ' - innoe. with the anal order Y9r y�+tw^ " ,�, Yeas•(1�), ou>Cilmen (V) Nays tgvement pee§earoy the c pr ➢farefi 10th 1910- ��� !: a Adoptedcby the Council91 Farfisworth r ` Goss In favor Keller A77� Appr ved-3- McColl Against" Jp OM&n Hash" Yoeig CI � 'N'ti Mr. esident; Powers - - — Nnvors _. _ FOnM C.a 2 ., .. . . - _ la:..�++i�l•_J1L%L.��/��4 CITY OF ST. PAUIL, ' COUNCIL LUTI GENERAL FORM pper+ Subject: ._..... _ ......_ ..,. .._...._ couNea NO............ Date Presented ..-...7dar.ch..._...15......_I915....._ Ordinance appropriating the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars (08,000.00) to meet the expense of paving with 31,^ long leaf yellow pine creosote wood blocks and sandstone paving,blook,�? street intersections on South Smith .Avenue from the south end of the High Bridge to Annapolis Street. SECTION I, There is hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Street Intersect— ion Account of the Street Construction & Repair Fund, the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars (,$8,000.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary, to cover the actual cost and to aid in paying the cost of paving street intersections with 31f.t" long leaf yellow pine creosote wood blocks and sandstone paving blocks on South Smith Avenue from the south end of the High Bridge to Annapolis Street, all in accordance with`the final order for such improvement passed by the Council and approved,,,ldarch 5th, 1915. _ f SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. ereby o�efa'i'andappro r Out ofi;the BLfv &infergeetion epalr t ofi d, I Street Const 1 tion and +'` �fT f,J f • <L"��r� xep¢Ir Fund tho gum of or, so Thou- sand polls s t'he',n D).'or eo; much thereof ns may=be ne4ceaw lo, cover the''aetpai coat.'and o aid,}p'.paying: I the'c et oY "IV ,etre t'interesections Wltli 3jF louB,.leaY yBno,M'piao.ereo-- "� 6ote wood blocks and,enn`dhtono p¢V- lnbt, blocks op;. South lfhel Avenual 1 I trope the south fiend f the H igh Erldge to:Ann¢poll&' street, all in ne ordanue; �- with the Finnl rder for tm- }, I provoment pasddd Oby tho couebchncil and a I appt6ved Mnrep 64h 1916 Yeas f1 Coutlgihnen (P) Nays be Snstoree tnirtY dnaye°nteeeieevn pse ud puh)loatlon r .rA(d by the Council �� 1915 Adoptofl by tMe Council �""�• Farnsworth - s Mesahe r Goss. In favor tMSc KellgrG"et1' Approve -- - 191 f McColl Against Pd Plash d "` Yoerg '` P��O Mr P ident Powers - yyva MAYO r I CITY OF ST. PAUL ^ ® f COUNCIL R 0LUT10 GENERA!. FORM .jx ._..... , y _. __. Subject; — .,_ -4 ��� COUNCIL .FILE '.NO.. ......... Date Presented__.._.:..Her...15.a._I91,:Cs---- An Ordinance appropriating the;sum of Two Thousand Eight Hundred -Fifty' Dollars :($2,850.00) to meet the expense of paving with asphalt concrete, etMet"intersection and.north roadway on Summit -Avenue from a point 1038.15 feet west of the west line of Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard:,, SECTION 1 There is hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Street`Intersect- ion: -$na PRELIIMINARY re uttderslgned hereby proposes the making of the following public nr emeut by, the (riy o t, , ....... A"1A/ws:•C4 ve+ r.... a+ awt7,n., 5.0 WAS and PRELIMINARY ORDER J therefore, be it RESOLVED; That'tho Corumiss 1. To investigate -'the necessity 2. To investigatethe nature,.., 3. To furnish a plan, profile of 4. To urnish the'following.ot Approved by ordered and directed: d improvement: ' ement, and the total cost, thereof. (Io . �Ke er �fmJa�y�or. �` FMLISHEID- Council File No. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of—hOnefits and ex arses for paving with 32" Long Leaf Yellow Pine Creosoted ood loo s on'a Portland Cement Concrete foundation, Summit avenue from Lexington Ave.j. to a point 1038.15 feet west of the west line of Cretin avenue, togetn�r with the.neceseary sewer, water aiA gc.c� ccr_r.ec n - true tl�l�=� to ns to the property iines complete, Final Order 15.299 " approved August 7th _191 3 +'cF .a:; ads3— A public hearing having been had in tne.t 66ar -'t a: aeseeament`, of Provement, and said assess- beneftt: acosta and exoana ment havingbeen further considered b ing walr:a 'Long Leat renow-Ptne ered finally satisfactory, be it Y C edeoted'Wood•blocka oh a 6" Port-: -' innd Cbriient Concrete fDandat1,n, therefore snrnmu•avepue from'L xtngis Ave. to'a point 1U38:16' feet 1111 ,we.t' o :t west line, :of 'C re tin: avenue„together with the,neceasary sewer avatar -and: RESOLVED, That the said assess gas sonnend a'' from tka arrest n all respects ratified, and the rngine'to,the- property ane. corn- plate, u 111 Final Order I6,8 ap-; Ramsey for confirmation. same is hereby ordered to be submitted t pterea An vl th, ist3 Y A •pnblic';pearing,kaving :upon the assessment Yoh the abi° nko been:- furl safd nol a retie BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, �.;ing been tnrtaer consfaeraa °and it is hereby determined to be yhCounca =-arid having beep w �? pally egtigfaetoty be -`!t t1 •f' - 'Rand th ,That the eat8 Si+r b' and th fleda'ge la her el of land described therein. payable in�c'2equal installments k ,. ranftea a d , . ,tt��;� Adopted by the Council i Clerk. / f Approved __ 191._. s Mayor. Form B. S.A8_0 yUSLiSBED g V. r Resolution Ratifying, Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits-, costs and expenses wing, with 3-1.11 Long Leaf Yellow -Fine creosoTea woOd-TTOc 0 on a mtland Concrete Fundation, Prior enue froin karshall avenue to Liversity avenue Eaether with thelmecessary sewer water andg'as t repf mainsTOthe rrorertv 11ries 001111 --up under Preliminary Order--, Intermediary Order_—, Final Order 15, 593 approved Decenib r 31st 191 3 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment?8rthe above improvement, and said assess- ment ssessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That Elie sa9Wid assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be,submitted-to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in—; equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved Fonn B. S. 6 "o City Clerk. Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 15th, 1915, by and between the Kindling Machinery Company and the City of St:, Paul for the purchase of a street washing machine, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city. officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas 00 Cocilmen (Y) Nays Fit sworth 1 Go s ✓ _In favor Ke er �) _Against Mr. Presi Adopted by the Council _�_, �s_ 191 Approved � i ____.__ _ 191 MAYO .-,—CITM.--fw a•r oaup . C 'hYw 3089 CmMt449 COtJN cobit 58FORM aV {q der fqr tlio reDkYing of xiebe� 's, [;from aq(:6nd atrebt,totxt Slzbject:. _ _....._ atrt these Wna a jnilVte thrOUBh mtetakp and �nadVertsilcs In th$ dre.ft ,. /0 099 ing.otieald ftn0a�i order to a11eIlly µ'Ah COUNCIL `� awn% vnrtleularitY the ; Pfe"efee T111fgqte' ex PILE MO .... •„ ,„,; ;,,,,,, .......... _•. ,^ tent:'and klnd o1;:material .to; b�6' uaed;. - ” pnd tithe linrttcula"sl Incident to Araid. ••- •^••„ Oaillg and ,' CourlclU at the fifite'j}pld I of ,ohs" rl W)iete¢s 3'C ylaa, 'Zhe Ante tl na�,d"der_ Presented. .__I91 was adopted to apeoliY . eandstohe� - -- ....._._ blocke'nn aPortland o menf'doncrete, YoundettdV tro 58Gond� �trget tq the: �orthi 11.i o! Ii1rd eU,eeti, and Your,, r7* nch Long LGat,elloy+ Plge, crgopote r �oia Aatd qV•a lortland dement found_ tlori' se the kind of P¢�ing,tq bo Vee 1m h}e nnrth 1INe of Irhir 0dy etraet.t' sduth llhe o1: 4)YtG street aVd„to t1e for all neCaesary so;4ap 'K!gter dogneottpne Fran Nht , y t t[ }e proper V 11 Iieselued VMEREAS, In Council• 1s.t '.tiv:"1528, a final order for the repaving of Robert street from Second street to Sixth street, there W" a.failure, through mistake and inadvertenoe,in the drafting of said final order, to opacify with 'particularity the precise nature, extent and kind of material to be used, and other particulars incident to.said repaving; ,and WHEREAS, It was the intention of the Council at the time said final order was adopted,, to specify-sandstone blocks on a Port- land, cement Concrete foundation fro.ffi'SeQond street to the north line of, Third street, and four-inch Lo#K:Leaf;Yellow Pine creosote blocks laid on ,a ,Portland cement foundat3cn; as .,tYie kind of paving to be used from the :northline of "Third �etraet `t'o• ;the,-s.outh-line of.. Sixth street and to provide for all necessary sewer, water and gas oonnee tions from the street mains; to property lines complete, where not already made, and also all .necessary re-setting of curbstones and rz d r [the - installationof new aurbatbnes__evhere necessary; now, ba'- it RESOLVED, That said Council File No. 1528 be amended by asexting after, the words "to Sixth street” in the ninth line of said final order, the following: "That"part of said street lying between Second street and the north line'of Third street to be paved with sand- stone paving blocks, and the remainder of said street to be paved.with four-lnoh Long Leaf Yellow Pine creosote blocks, all to be laid on a Portland cement concrete found- ation, together with all necessary sewer,, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, and-also all necessary re-setting of curbstones and installation of new ourbstones where necessary." Yeas (Y) Co oilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council_�� 191 F sworth G s In favor Keper r Approved—.3 M Coll Against ' ary Mr Presid — /J ; An ordinance amending an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to determine the duties, titles, compensation and number of officers Ad employes of the Comptroller of the City of St. Paul. This is an Semae gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved June 30th, 1914. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 2 of said ordinance entitled "An ordinance to determine the duties, titles, compensation and number of officers and employes of the Comptroller of the City of St. Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public pexe, health and safety," approved June 30th, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. That the Comptroller may appoint the following officers and employes, who shall perform the duties and receive the salaries indicated: One examiner, who shall be a skilled accountant, and whose duty it shall be to prepare financial forms, install and prescribe procaidure for their efficient use, in com- pliance with the provisions of the Charter, and who shall make periodical examinations of all accounts and account - ins methods of all departments and activities of the City of St. Paul, and who shall receive a salary not to exceed Twenty-five Hundred Dollars (x2500.00) per year. One inspector who shall supervise the inspection of goods purchased by the City, and who shall work in con- junction with such inspectors as may be deputized by the Commissioners, and who shallr c ive a salary not exceed - ins Twelve Hundred Dolla_ _.$12 CC) per year. One auditor, who shall audit all miscellaneous claims and prepare thern for payment, and who shall receive a sal- ary not exceeding Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.M) per year. (2) One clerk, who shall assist the auditor and keep the creditor's ledger, and receive a salary not exceed- ing One Thousand Dollars Uel,CCC.C1) per year. One typist, who shall do general typing in con- nection with the division of auditing, and who shall re- ceive a salary not exceeding Seven -Hundred T•aenty Dollars ($720.00) per year. One accountant who shall keep the general ledger, audit and adjust all records subsidiary thereto, and re- ceive a salary not exceeding Fifteen Hundred Dollars (44,152G.0'^) per year. 'One.book-keeper, who shall keep the appropriation ledger ar_d work in conjunction with the accountant, and receive a salary not exceeding Twelve Hundred Dollars per year. . One statistical clerk, ,liho shall keep classified distribution records of receipts, disbursements and in- ventories, and who shall receive a salary not exceeding One Thousand Dollars (1,OCC.^^) per year. One bond and pay-rcll clerk, who shall audit pay- rolls, prepare resolutions, and,;perform such duties in connection with bond iseuts as may be required of him, and -,rhe shall receive a salary not exceeding Fifteen Hundred Dollars ( 1500.CC) per year. One counter clerk and cashier, who shall wait on the�o ter, keep audited voucher, garnishment and assignment records and accounts receivable, and who shall receive a salary not exceeding ON.e:7/7Pz/sd^'0 Dollars per year. One general clerk, who shall keep contract register, insurance and surety records, and perform such duties as may be required of him, and who shall receive a salary not exceeding One Thousand Dollars t� NU '410--0 dlnance No.3414-. liy�S. A. Farnaworth— cO An ordinance a ding an o determine eter ine (3) entitled An ordinance om en ation tad the duties, titles, compensation add number of officers and employes of 1 the Gomntralier of the Clty of St..i Pant.:, This Is an emergency o,d.t_ -ance rendered necessary ''for the press rvatlon f the public• peace,- health and safety," approved'' Jltlle' per year. ,914.'x.. f the city of St. Pavl� One stenographer, who shall type Council resolu- ECTION I. 2 of sold ordinance en- nance tp determine the tions, warrants and other department forms, and takeeapeusattlnd on and, he! the City of� St. Paul:' •er,en,y ordinance r n r the preservation, care of general correspondence, and who shall receive f. ,r health and safety,"; 30th, 1914. be and the' a salary not exceeding Seven Hundred Twenty Dollars amended to read aa. 'hat the Comptroller following officers anderfom, the du per year. ehall Chep salarle a.I di - who shall be a skilled One messenger, who shall perform general messenger , whoBcial o duty It shall be .and lure for theirs efficient ce with the provisions duties, keep records of abstracts, deeds, keep all d.ocu and who hall make .ions of all "'P'thuds of all ments and files in proper place, handle cancelled bonds, ;,of the coupons and city warrants, and who shall receive a salary not exceeding Seven Hundred Twenty (1472C.CC) per year. One special accountant for temporary and special audit in adjusting records, who shall receive a salary not exceeding Fifteen Hundred Dollars (Y;:15CC.CC) per year. The Comptroller may also be allowed such other additional or temporary help as the Council by resolution, may provide on application of said Comptroller, and at such salaries as it shall fix. The salaries of each of said officers and employes shall be payable in equal monthly instalments. Every officer and emplove of the de- partment, in addition to perfcrminF the duties hereinbe- fore prescribed, shall perform such other duties as the Comptroller may require from time to time. ej 'les fo� any 0 � sit/ p "fid d f Athe'Ci nce y be Yeas ic*9c wi rvice3n�ai ere aio t3iose tYon r Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passace and publication. 0 0 z Z x > Z Z Th t SECTION 1. "1�,1%Y� by g neat Thamaa C pg r'..15E JI to Coil— t o tDDY o tbe:'fn-lance Sra-at i-10 to .n, is City. ru-tin a metal an ;c�` e-� n rooJaco SEC f bui_din�s as so .. i� nee lt'(:C C1ty Of .. .�atil. s 1d Thor' atria i _e. Council of tf,e 1ty of u,,.Lul dcc;, ordain: IOL 1. ,li,!Zf at perrissiorn and authority is hereby r ,' '_ to o— e cruet twin ^ieta3 3 flss canopy Ov?r' the fror, of i1a11 ;` ':noviil a :0. .l> ja.,? 011 Street in Said City. e "ho Commissioner of at i i c • o is er l ^ choiiseu ° to issue a ncri:i+ to caid or crectien � and constriction of said canoe, apo,. th0 sr.._Jd eza_mt-s compliance %::iti- the follo:inc- conditions; (1) he said licensee shall _"i1.e with t::e Coruaission- er of ublic - o`c . Plan a-1,1 r.ccifi<;ations o pro ;os - ed canopy v;h;ch sub cet to -lie aP_-oval of the said Corm-riissioner. - - (2) L^e ^.id canopy l iilsta=led under t,l., su- pervision and directi n o i'l 'or :i Biot fn:i said licensee shall insnectio>i �.n_ installin;, the same . (3)Uaid licensee c.11 rtlish a bond +:, ,e Cit'- of St. ,aulin the surd of 'ive rd o'_lars (!COOO.OJi) conditioned to ,ave the City Of t._cui _.c.rriles =o an and all liabilit uu :,ants, Suit-' costs," - ages and ex ,ease, t':a ma,; accrue to persons or i or rt 01 account of or arisiL'g` G,,- -reaS,TI C,' the construction, tenance , operation, uce , presenco or re :lo; -al � of ...id can- opy, the said bond to romai;: in force ani effect as ,e as said canopy remains or exists. `he said bond sh 11 be in such for;n as laa-- le _ rov:,_ -- =,- - Jouns0, and shall have such sureties as may be approved 1,17 she and shall be .filen L trolly o_� id i*'r (4) Said eanop 1 > i 7_ e;_, C L� said �a?e Phe lever the Council s'r 1 cc ercie:r. (5) -'he scid liceasee ;,r 11 t:'ay ._ - license _"ee or ai.0 re7'.lirei I„ r' oain,.Ul Ce 0). ny tax that ;1a7 vlt;j Of Wit.-aU-J. - (o) Said licensee shill ten da:, -C., ;r,i�c paS n "- n O S erdl r l it rl it cceytance of ,it- ',1, _ty Clorx i._ ,,e, _ b iu.e, Corp -o_ -tion Counsel. is ordi.nsace shall to -e effect , nc. be 1 _ __ e ..__r'Ly (50) ,Iafter its assage ^a.t- pnLlication. 1st Reading_......4 v- --- 191' 2nd v h 3rd ?... Date Published ...._............1...:.i.a�-..1811 Yeas (J) Co cilmen J Nays Final Adoption 6% ( ) by the Council ........V1` :/ rnswort6 / / L GG hu lavor A / ✓ler / t / McColl _ gainst :! PUBLISLIED�ls iron Attest. Yoerg JOHN 1. FART * ----- - _ - Mr. silent, Powers - An ordinance granting to Warren--Es�e permission to con- straot and maintain a metal and glass canopy over the front of buildings known as No. 414 Jackson Street, in the City of St.Paul. The Council of the City of St.Paul does ordain: y SECTION 1. That permission and authority is hereby granted to canopy over thetfrontetruct of building known as No. 414 Jaglass kson Street in said City. SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Warren Newoome for the erection and construction of said canopy upon the said Warren=fPsw- ''k_.� <L txome'B oomplianoe with the following conditions; (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commission- er of Public works a plan and specifications of the propos- ed canopy which plans shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said canopy shall be installed under the su- pervision and direction of said Commission, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection and of installing the same. (3) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St.Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (05000.00) conditioned to save the City of St.Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges. dam- ages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construction, main- tenanoe, operation, use, presence or removal of said can- opy, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said canopy remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counetl and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said canopy shall be removed by said --w A�ewwhenever the Council shall so order. (b) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or any tax that may be required by any ordinanoe or law of the City of St.Paul. (6) Said licensee shall within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance there- of with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Coune61. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. J�. 0 a, - Thomas 1J.W C .,'WrN (�_ 1 311-111 and t" An ordinance Srmntin�� to rcrT:iissioli to construct r_tld ".I'Lirltain In areawa.- z -id traliJoc)-f is the sidov;vI_:_ in front o' -'.c no-th �_'_f tl soul' one-third olots 3 - - U- 7 lic-1- L O_Lt._Iul -rOPor and t,,.0 illortjj O-,Ic 'jalf Of 0, 1[),. 10 in c- of •-h t - c f L; t . 2.--, u1, being I -I. -I jacl'_soil t�lcet- _110 CO-1_nC*1 of the Cit -T Ofordain: =,N�ri,aissi,)n a,,,d -..ii is 10 o to co. eruct a"'d an trap door in the sIdoi-,,Ll7, in fa -0 I!,! j:a0ks0-_I -'tr,e 1_11-1cent to ti 'o of lots 6 anq 7 in 2 O-'as:'I "!'c n -,f o- tl:e coath one-t,,.ir,,I lot 10 north- ' o, e a - � ' r - - - , lu 8 Of -hit-io-1- an. A;i_dition LEJH017�' 2. 'he 'Co -amIcsioner 3_1lblic " " O " , : " .:I -r or- i 7 e (I to is o u to a r � 11 'U to --.0 ,c e co,`..___ fiction of sa-'q arec'-:7a'- -Id Id, 11_101.!S'6e's compliance 1,h the foI]e%-.*i,_- 1 ) he lic"11_11,qe1 fit i Cl c n c r IC ed Sp arta - a_,,; an,.° tr,_ir-clJor, approv--il of 11ac Sri .2" t u n o c " I, v -.T fl'-, l`� ico ��e 11 0(2St O' S a m c to of Lt.-jaul i" ^U_I of 0 0 -10 d toF, i t 0 t 1:ai,i,iless L�f: all lial;ili%- i'a,I�-,: i�nt'F' suits cost c c".-Mrec 9 nd c-,.penses t .a E3rsc,:-- 31 f.ccount of or arisi--.,,- by reaso-n 'O.-xtr-acti on, mai.' , 'L'LSe prpsence or of 1_1._`,d area-vmy iivi_ trap-door, the sail bond to 'n '0 e a'Ia effect as for " as sF_!' F—ea -WaY an" tran-door e:aai_ cr ex- st. sp-Lund soal I 1,e in sl',ch form as ma be be art; -roved I),,, the Corporation Counsel, shell have such sureties asmp.-, be ap-pro-I-ed b,-" the--yor, P110 shall be filed ,lith the Co7l.'D,troller of said lit . ( i± ) Ca I'd ares -r -' res -i-�'- -,Incl tral� -� 3 o r -11 ll be re:iove�.Ii 'by said licensee vvheneyer the 'O:anCi 1 shall so order. (E) _'Iie said liceseeshall any lice -'--se fee or ta- t'hat ma,-,, be required by any ordirlia,,ce or law 0' �ity Of S t .:.'au 1. (6) Said lieejSee S',1,11]_ Cj-1:nr lie J'as- sase of tris 0-6 Lu',liice , '_�ile a wri',ten cepta,ic,: crcof th the city Cl --r*,,- in cue}) -o=: as _,i%y be an -roved at"on Counsel. ='his 1913- 'I'hie ordirs:.cc si,ell ta':c a.i-It '(,e I', i -rt,, - after its v.ass a c and pul Ist [leading_-....... � / (D 191 2nd 191 3, 3rd .. . .......... 191 j Date Published ......_._....-..1913- Yeas (V) eCncilrnen (V) N -Y, Final Adoption191f by the Counc In favor App3o7d 191� McColl_.Against MAYOR b Attest: qw/ Yoerg �'HN 1. FARICY, Mr. Praent, Powers ... City Clerk. 711. Je 7�F. �, 1 i 1. An ordinance granting to V� 'd9Poome permission to construct and maintain an areaway and trapdoor in the sidewalk in front of the north half of the south one-third of lots 6 and 7 in Block 2 ofSt.Paul Proper and the north one half of the south one-third of lot 10 in Block 8 of Whitney and Smith's Addtion to the City of St.Paul, being 414 Jackson Street. The Council of the City of St.Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That permission and authority is hereby granted to W eweome-to construct and maintain an areaway and trap door in the sidewalk in front 414 Jackson Street adjacent to the north one-half of the south one-third of lots 6 and 7 in block 2 of St.Paul Proper and the north one-half of the south one-third of lot 10 in block 8 of Whitney and Smith's Addition to the City of St.Paul. SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author- ised to issue a permit to the said me for the construction of said areaway and tra - 3tf , -the said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed area -way and trap-door, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said areaway and trap-door shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection and of in- stalling same. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St.Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00), oonditoned to save the City of St.Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said area -way and trap-door, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said area -way and trap-door remain or exist. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor,,and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said area -way and trap-door shall be removed by said licensee whenever the ounoil shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St.Paul. (6) Said lieensee shall, within ten days after the pas- sage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 4105 xEsozVED, That whereas the proper city officials were authorized by Ordinance #3361, Approved January 29th, 1915, to enter, into a settlement agreement with George Volquardsen, providi4 for the payment to him of $6.00 per week for a period of 185 1w eke, payments to be made every 4 weeks. It now appearing tfiin the best interests of the City to have settlem6nt made by one pay- ment, the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay over to the said George Volquardsen such sum in settlement of his claim, as the Court shall determine, to equal the present value of his claim, 80 due allowance having been made by the Court for interest at the proper rate, on payments not yet due. MAR 17 i515 Dee_,.._, m�-- -• ' e Council ..... .. ....................... -- 191 NAYS. MR. i c'I" YS 0°�/ MR. P ESIDENT (POWEF_!,�' CITY OF ST COUNCIL RESOLUTION Subject,. i ................ ............... ................. .............._..... ................... ... ...... .,.,.... .. .. ... .. PAUL -GENERAL FOR 1 \ COUNCIL FILE Nw� FILE O .. .... ............. ... .. .................................................. Date Presented....__Uar/1.7.,.1915-191 That whereas the several departments of the city have given estimates to the Purchasing Agent of the supplies, articles ad commodities and the quantities thereof required for the year 1915, in accordance with Oouncil File #3057, now therefore be it Resolved, That the rurchasing Agent is hereby authorized to contract for and purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, the following supplies, more or less, to -wit: 8000 cement the Kel er 2800 pounds cotton waste G 5000 feet vitrified sewer pipe Yo rg 9500 gallons ice cream 15.000 gallons milk, cream and buttermilk 2200 pounds butter 3000 cases assorted pop 50 " Coco Cola " C. F No 4106 -By L.W.Naehr•� ' heresa the v at a 50 Limetta .That ment Of tle City,h ve stuGt}r¢3= 5 -2 drums Of C# gas mat 1:17 the 1—has ng Agont# C I supplies article. and commodlfte$ snd V 50 gallons syrups -assorted g the quantities thereof required tor,2h'e ean,n,77916• t aceprdsUtce witL {]ouacl] 10 11 COCO Cola extract File N :8067, now t re1`ore. ba lt. Reserved, Tf ut 1�TChh91as; 50 cases grape juice Agent is hereby a' `ort----- contract -•75 gallons Coco Cola syrup for and purehl , in accp dAa withl fol-'; "-1330 , ', the provisions of the Charter, The, " assorted flavors-syrui: lowing quppi res• more or 1e9 , to -wit:; 50 " crushed fruit !1,000 Cement tn0. 2so0 round. cotton waste, 2 " limej juice 5,000 Feet vitrined sew r pipe. '. 30 " root beer extract 9,500 t3:tl Ions Ice er,am,e and butter- 5.000 Gal io ns milk.e milk, "nm ` 5 qts. acid phosphate 1 2,200 POands batter. 3.000 Casesassorted pop, 75 gas drums 60 canes Coco Cela, 50 ca abs 1000 gallons rock candy syrup drumso 6 20 ] drums f use 5e Copp a, otter. pounds bromo Gallons o cauona cors cola -tract, 1 Yeas (P`) Coubcilmen (P) Nays Far isivorth Go Kel er Mc oil G - y:_ :I, Yo rg Mr. President Powers Fo'm c.e-2 In favor Against " Cases stupe JI" - 7, c -� Gullons assol-t tld Ilt•U syrup,, syrup. i 330 Gallons •ru h d fru I. 50 Gallons , s V { - Gallons lime }ince, i :10 Gnllona ro t beer c.tract, 6 Qts. cvd phosphate, 75 Gas ldrums. 1,000 Geller.rock candy syrup, Pounds brom0. 1D15 - A' opted by the Council Mar. 17, Approved Al- 19, 1916. (\la.rch 20-1916) .adopted by the Council Approved_ 7___ 1915 - /0� M - AYOR o+ry pu ro CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM oo 61L I�ifiR 17 1015 BY AUDITED 181_ ''-'-��-?y'' !c�*+��'rne� n - ' PER 244, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of in favor of the persons, firms the hereinafter specified funds and.:.. or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detaileg statement- Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays MAR 1—, 15!5 Adopted by the Council 191 Farnsworth Goss In favor Approved r`Y / Keller 18 McCol01"r Against O'Leary _ Yoerg MAYOR l Mr. President, Powers - C. F. No. 4107— Resolved that w rants be drawn upon [he. City Treasury, payable out the h.relnatter specified fund. and �- 11 to favor oP the persons, firms or-cor- pheati0espectivethe set opposite ' namea a the Polotving detailed atatement�fled In Corporate Purposes—Gen. Fund-- Public Comfort Station Bldgs.. S. A. A. Farnsworth, Com. oP Flnance, .$h. Adopted by the Council Mch. 17, 1915. Appro d ➢left. 18, 1915. i (march 20-1915) S;F [a � #r Corporate Purposes Gen. Fund -Public Comfort Station Bldgs. it 10404 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, ;j. $13.00 zFz 1 Y!4 - Notal Cororate v r Form A. 5-11 CITY -OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 1. issued January 5th, 1915 to L. L. Blender, State Capitol Bldg., be and it hereby is transfered to Sam Labovitz, State Capitol Building. 4108— , No is laeuod Thatthe 6th1916�[ol LnL: '. Blendor, State Capitol Bldg., be and It hereby le transfer d to Sam Labovitz,) 9tato Capitol Building.. Adopted by the Council ➢lch. 17, 1915. -1pproved 1lch. 18, 1915. (1\larch 20-1916 Yeas (V') Co" cilmen (T) Nays Far sworth Go _ --In favor Ke er M oil __Against Y rg Mr. Presiden Powers k---- ,.....8.2 ran.c.8.2 Adopted by the Council _ Approved_ 3. _1�7 __---191-f 191 5 . MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Resolved, That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by C. H. Gerber as principal, and the American Surety Company as surety, No. 0188905, for the faithful performance by the ©aid C. H. Gerber of his duties as Deputy Weighnaster, is hereby cancelled and annulled, and said principal and surety are hereby relieved and released from all liabil- ity thereon"aocruing from and after the passage, approval and publi- cation of this resolution; the reason for such cancellation being that said C. H. Gerber, as ouch Deputy Weighmaster, has furnished and filed another bond tivhich has been duly approved in lieu and instead of said bond hereby cancelled. C. P. No. 4109—By U. E. Keller— Resoived, That the bond given to the City of St. Paul by U.H. Gerber as principal, and the American Surety Company as surety. No. 0188906, for the Yeas (V) Councilmen (P) Nays Far sworth % Gos _1 In favor Kell r Me oil/01t __ ...against Y JY Yo rg Mr. President Powers roaw c.e-z vhlchhas been duly approved, in lieu .nd (nstcad of said bond herebycan- cited. Adopted by the Council Mch. 17, 1916. t pproved Nice. 18, 1916. _, (March 20-1916) Adopted by the Council _iGit 1 19L-:� Approved_ 191 MAYOR r An ordinance providing for the establishment of city scales; and the appointment of city weighers. THE COUNT CIL OF T -1-1F CITY OF ST. PAUL DGF,S ORDAI,'.: Section 1. That the Commissioner of Public Utilities is hereby authorized to establish city scales and appoint city weighers for all kinds of goods and commodities, as hereinaft3r provided. Section a. That any person owning and maintaining a wagon scale in the City of St. Paul and desiring to have the same establish- ed as a city scale, shall make application to the Commissioner of Public Utilities, giving the location of the scale and designating some person to act as city weigher at such scale. If said Commis- sioner considers such application favorable, he shall issue his per- mit desi nating such scale as a city scale, and shall also issue a certificate appointing the person proposed as a city weigher at said scale. A fee of Two Dollars shall be collected by said Com- missioner for each certificate of appointment as city weigher, and turn it into the city treasury. Each city weigher shall be appointed for a term of two years, and his appointment may be renewed from time to time for a like period upon the payment of the fee aforesaid. Section 3. That said Commissioner shall have the power to cancel any permit issued hereunder when in his judgment any scale is not maintained in a serviceable condition, and shall have power to, cancel the appointment of any city weigher who proves incompetent or dishonest. Section Y. That any person in the City of St. Paul shall be entitled to hive any goods or commodities weighed upon any city scale during the usual business hours upon the payment to the city weigher in charge thereof, of a fee not exceeding Ten Cents per load, and such weigher shall make out and deliver, without extra charge to the parson for whom such weighing is done, a ticket in a form to be pre- scribed by the Commissioner of Public Utilities, shooing the kind of, commodity, gross weight, teeaa, net weight, and such other information as the Commissioner may by such form prescribe or require. rk 1 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passa7e and publication. CGinendment to C.F. 4110 by inserting as Section 5,the folloddrig> Section 5. ",hat any person falsely representing himself as o city weigher,or 'filo Shall knorllingly as e city 'eigher fake out.,furnish..o-r_deliver a false C. F. No. 4110—Ordinance No. 3419— anilyorai anceeprpviding for the estab-', MT3 h ticket issued 2igh—ticket and any person ndl ll.hment of cit, scales ells the up• g pointment of city -weighers. hereunder,shall begUulty of a mj Th. Council of the City of St. Parton thereof Snell he does ordain: SECTION 1. That the Commissioner of Public5 i risommnt in the puniMed by a fine of not exceed: Utilities Is hereby authorized to ea - tallish city- scnlee nrd appoint city weighers far all kinds of goods and - St Paul Rbrkhouee not exceeding ecmmodlties, as hereinafter provided. SECTION 3. That any person awning andni n- , mining n wagon scale' In the City o[ St. Paul and dealring to have the same nst8bl1, ns its' nie, shall make ap,llcatlon to the Commissioner of Public Ut111tles. giving the location of the sea and designating some person. to act as city weigher at an scale. If said Commisploner considers such applfcatton favorable. he 111 11 issue his permit designating such cal. as �¢eft,scale, nd shall also issue', car- '. tificate appointing -the person proposed as a city weigher at said scale. A fee of Two Dollars (S2.00) shall be col- lected by said Commissioner for each ce ti Rests f appointment city weigher, and turn It Into the its' treasury. Each city weigher shall be pointed for a term o[ two Sears, and his .ppoinm..t may be renewed from time to time fpr a like period upon the payment of the fee aforesaid. SECTION 3. That said Commissioner shall have misaianer map rti suehform nthe Com - or require. prescribe , That any SECTION -6. Ing himself as cltyawe13h represe represent - hall knowingly as s city weigher he make out. furnish or deliver a false weigh-tleket,; sad person who shall falsify or'alter any weight-tick- et issued hereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon eonvlction Final Adoption 1 thereof shall be punished by a flue of Yeas V) not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, by the Council..... ..._ - 1Ior by Imprisonment in the Ft. Paul V Workhouse not exceeding ninety days. .r , I This ordlnan... sh Lake affect and I Approve ybe 1n force thirtydaya aster its pass age and publlcatfa ' /%,�J J _ Final adoption by the Council April �.i cC/ 2„ ry, 191J 6, 3915. 2nd ... -/, Yeas—Mese Farnewpr[h. Goes, "- - '-- H' Keller, McColl, Nash, bfr. Prestdent. NAYOa (Powers) -6. / Nays 3rd Approved April �Vlll N PAttest OWEIZS. JOHN I. FARICY, Attest: JOHN r. FARMY, Mayor. City Clerk. Date Published.....................................191 _ Mire (April to-lslfij 1ty clerk. . r Thia ordinance shall take effect and oe in fo_ee thirty days after its passa-e and piolication. � 0mendir-ert to C.F. 4110 by inserting as Section 5,the following) Section 5. hat any person falsely representing himself as e city w•eigher,or lji o Fhall knovilingly f -s c city reiFher vcke out furnish or delivsr a f :lse C. F. No. 4110—Ordinance Ne. 3419— By O. E. Keller— Anti s.nd any person vhf A^ dinance providing for the etab- Yreigh—ticket issued Iiehme.t oP city scales and the ap. pointment of city 'weighers. hereunder shall ill guilty of n m: The Cnunell of the City of St. nataon thereof e 11 i,e does ordain: SECTION 1. That the Commisaioner of Publish imprisonrnrt in the punibi ed byf'ne of no exceAd: Uftllluea la he -by authorised to ea- tn)hlish city scales and appoint city - weighers for all kinds of goods d St Paul 'i,brkhouse not exceeding I C1 mme"ltles, as hereinafter provided. SECTION That say person owning and maln- St[ ag n wagon scale In the City e St. Paul and desiring to have the same op'listiod as t a city seal e. shah make nn^Ilea tion to aha Commissloner. of Public Utilities. lt giving the locationof the and desigating some person to act "city weigher at such scale. I[ said Commissioner considers such a plication favorable. he hall I. -- ,h is permit designating such scale as ity scale, and shah] also isebe a sed ' [Ificnte appolnting the peraon proposed as a city wal6her at said scale. A fee of Two Dollars (E2.001 shall be col- lected by said Commissloner for each certificate of appointment Ila city weigher, and turn It Into the city treasury. Each city weigher shall be at pointed for a term of two years, and his app'lmn may be renewed from time to time for a like period upon the payment of the fee aforesaid. SECTION 3. That said Commissloner shall have the power to can any permit Issued hereunder when in his judgment any scale Is of main tamed in a eervice-� able condition, and shall have power etc ancel the appointment oP anY city weigher who proves incompetent dishonest. SECTION 4. That any person In the City of St. Paul shall be entl tied to have any goods r commodities the ual bhed upon atn nnycltyscale du ness hours upon the payment to the city weigher In charge thereof, f fee not exceeding Ten Cents Dee load. and such weigher shall make outand deliver, without extra charge to the person for whom such weighing Is lone, a tleket in form to be prescribed by the Commissioner of Public Utill- tie s, showing the kind of commodity, 'gross weight, tare, et weight, and Bch other Information as the Com- mlasioner map by such f or require. arm prescribe That any SETIO5. Iy re Ing himself aseCa city a weigh er. porswho hal! knowingly as city weigher make out, furnish or redeliver a false weigh-tleket and any person who ah all falsify or alter any weight -tick- et Issued hereunder, shall be guilty of a miade[neanor, i thereof shall be and upon eonvictlon Final Adoption q� Yeas (J) not exceeding one Hundred aDonara YCouncil. o by Imprlsonment�in the st, peal L the .. ve., r Workhouse not (T� This ord(nan a halSECTIOl takes efrectdand pp -/ cell , e Approve lit ltealit4;- nb�ein force thirty days after Its pass- ^/ sand Fipublication, nal adoption by the Council April / 5, 1915. 2nd " - 191J Keller, A1C Co I, Nash Farnsworth. Goes, AfAY(ltt 7 `I(Powers)-0. Mr. President, ,/ V' Nnys-0. Affts'F. 3rd (a/C Approved April 5, 7915. wrNN POIc13as. JOHN I. FAP.ICY, fittest: JOHN I. FARICY, Mayor City Clerk. Date Published .......... .... 191 M>re (April 10-1915] Ity Clerk. t 1 [ 't r 1 1 Ilk This ordinance shall take e'_`fect and be in fc_ce thirty days after its passes e and publication. (kmendment :to C.F. 4110 by inserting as Section 5,the folloa-ing) Section 5. -,,at &ny person falsely representing himself as a city Weigher,or ,-i-.o hall kr.owlingly ns a city ,eighersmeltea4�out_�jfurrnish or deliver a f'ase i C F,d Y lII - iWT ZNW No. 3419— WIN 419— B rhfim 11hj' ,? eeigh—ticket e.nd any person v316 �jle e Ni ' for the e c ti, weigh—ticket iesued pp'1: p TAfr and the P - es >S "Bt4t All q1�T plg fire hP.reUnner,ehHll '[)9 1Dlty Df fl D Th@ UUO {t (li {tty or 8t. Pa.I thF"°pf e'^al] Ye antra i1Dln Si xcB> cTriNr 111,1 a ommt intonera`or Publlc i risonrnrt in the punilN ed by a fine of not exceed vantle afnereby tfxnortsed m ea -5` tphttak>�-• .J11.�»41 'pity ,�I :r41 ,.�o �, 1''1��9nd St Paul .",'orkhouse not exceediri�t .�w.�o�P�n ��'"",l'�'' ,;sand VIP", Ir,- i ii.t+l�.l ev.,,p;m'li\ lI"J, or enlutl , � Yo1.,,V lUti'7t.'DJ �1„a� ke Ind a�uiul,4v uirtllurl .,., t,l nl,ii,i�li.i.,1�1'Of a�lui a4i�uPou , �1f,��li ,u„U a,*t to .1 .. 4ac 1 y1[ 1 [ 1`i.� l,•,li „" I 111 '�tl l I' i, _ I(Ot] 1 J �\ 1,1 J liui 111 t1 5 I l 01 t l l\ 3 iJl I t I J t '41 J V y1 1T N L..... ..... (�z tz) _... _... t IHI [n a Ye � 8o1P[InH v H1 Initdeo i4 Yeas (J) CFinal Adoption puncilmen (J) Nays �� V by arnswordt I r let Ke ding_.. :R�C4Li. /�91.osz �% In favor Approve H`Y � — Keller %�® 2nd 2 �V j� MtGe}7 n .. Agains MAYOR. . 3rd '•i V '9.6eeey�vlli Attest: . X"W JOHN I. FARICY, Date Published.. ... 191 M- resident, Powers City Clerk. E Amend Counci lie No. 4110. Section 5. That any person #dlsely repreaefiting himself as a city weigher, or who shall kpd�ingly as a city weigher make j out, furnish or deliver a falsie' weigh -ticket, and any person who shall falsify or alter any weigh -ticket issued hereunder, shall be i guilty of a misdemeanor,/ and upon conviction thereof, 'shall be punish- . i abler -by a fine of not/exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or,by imprison- ment in the St. PaIii workhouse not exoeeding ninety days. RESOLUTION, 11=REAS,the work on the Union Depot project will begin very shortly,and there may arise at any time an emergency making it very advisable that the city be in a position to take up some part of its work in conjunction with. the Depot Company's work, BE IT RESOLVED,that this council request the Corporation Counsel to prepare a bill to be presented to the legislature conferring on this city council as the elected representatives of the people of St,Pay-1,the power to issue bonds if such action shall at any time become necessary in the judgment of the council)such issue to be limited to one million dollars,and to be limited in time to the next municipal election,so that if these authorized bonds or any portion of them are not issued prior to the next election,fv6bher issue shall then be decided by referendum;and that said bonds be issued,if at all,only for such work as the city would naturally have to do at some time in connection with the Union Depot project,including levee and harla� facilities on the river. - ----- ------ I',C F N •4111—BY Winn Powers- - Wher. us, the work .of the Union —D.0 the,. -.y arks gat In uny �tltneery rlaln - emergency; making .lt very adyleable that, the city be in &'position. to take ;n)s xbmQ' pat•l of its- work in ...June- =tton with the De pot;.Company's work,{ Be It Reeoly dShat this council re- MAR 1 i9I5 -� vt xhe 0-1,1191` Neu:Counsel to pce- 4p e a 6111 toi presented to the leg-' 'f tature,conf mins ogflils ctty Bann ad by the Cauncll.... .................191 MR. FARNSWORTH U-/GOSS 1Z KELLER / McCOLL - , NASH /v YOERG NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) NAYS. Council File No, By ----------------------------------------------------- ,t37F? # CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matterof the assessment of_ benefits, eoets_ ani axj7ense8____,for constructing a ce•^er or. Carroll avenue froc. Sr.eliing avenue to Asbury avenue, under Preliminary Order 454 ,.Ertermedierg-8r�rFinal Order 1433 approved eT: t-3t_,be __ �_d 191 4 C. F No. 4112— In the matter or the assessment of A public hearing having been ha benefits. costs and ..pensee for eon->ve improvement, and said assess- trueting@@p)... 'sewer. 'on Cacrol avenue itr�ument having been further considered I mem under PreliminaryAOra r 464, :onsidered finally satisfactory, be it Fina' Ord" 1433,. approved Sept.— therefore her 3rd. 1914. -> A public hearing.. baving been bad anon tha assessment for the above lm - RESOLVED, That the said ; same is hereby ordered to be submit in all respects ratified, and the of Ramsey for confirmation. fi and o IS b.7byInd it is herebydetermined to be BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Th•' e the County oo •. !• �. Resoh. ` h`"r payable in - equal installments as to eac::. ery parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _City Clerk. Approved _ _ l 0 ___ 191 Mayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 — ptISIiED 3 - o - /5 Council File No.-- By 7g _A CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. - In the. matter of the assessment of_ber,efits costs and_exrenses for P ving %'XLiniversity aveiue froc; Dale etre=oe weslne ofVYi3`zdaie avenue, t^.ith 3 " Long Leaf Yellow Pini Creosoted wood blocr-s,on a 6" _Portland Ceren Concrete forr;datier;, to?et^er wit` `e necessary sewer, and ?as connections frorL tie stre3t rt:ains to the Frorer`.y li-n-es ccl,-Flete, .:`-ere rv�t 31re^i; :::ade. Also all A11-�;r c:id Driveway A ; rcaches, under Prefisaiaeq6j;"r , Int ,Final Order 15, 584 n_ F. flo. 4113— _,_final In the matter of the expenses ent of beneats, coats and nufrom pale Ing University avenue Brom Dale approved nme—r!�zt_17th __ 1 street to the westerly line of syn_ dicate avenue, with 3;[:" Long Leaf Yellow Plus Creosoted wood block. on a 6" Portland Cement Concrete A public hearing having been had upon th foundation, together with the n ees- ment, and said assess - P g g P sary sewer ams gas connection, from the street ins to fee property inally satisfactory/be it ment having been further considered by the Co .lines complete. . here of ireadMade. At soand r Approaches, all dery Final Ordeyi' therefore 15,584, approved December 17th. 1913. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above im- preeerrent, and said assessment hav- -spects ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assesssment Ing been: further considered by the Council. and having been Considered same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the D ""any .sus Tetory, be It therefore ey for confirmation. Resolved, That the said assessment Abe and the same is hereby Inall r spects ratified. and the same is hereby BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That ordereto be ubmittd to the D's- :reby determined to be tl trim Court of the County of Ramsey for co firmation. Be It rther Resol•. payable in—��lequal installments as td said and evt:,bpa'rcel of land described therein. APR 17 E4ic Adopted by the Council_____-__-__' . --_ — _`� Approved___�f/ ._ 191 Form B. S. A 8-10 Council File No.-- CITY o. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution. Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ .hrefits, costs and expenses for P,-ving University ,'::erue�froc 1.".e westerly lire of Syndicate a,enue-Se - y n - 4' 1• _ atrprn act° tl;P Westerly c'i tv L.ir::i is `r.ith 3 onp Leaf ~yallcw Pine Creosct ed wood blocks on a o , cr an cen,en ccncre ,e l r . o ,, wi t`1 the necse-ary se^rer, water and gas connections, fron, the streat :^,air.B to the rrorerle lines corrrlete. Also all A11ev and Dri'.:'ra7 Approaches, under PrefirmamyAarder __ _ ___._ Final Order 15, 566 approved Deceriber_17th ____191 3— C. F. No. 4114— in the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for pav- ing Unlverelt), from the A public hearing having been had upon the asse w sterlr une a s)°nal%at° a e to t, and said assess - the a terly City Limits, ith°3," ment having been further considered by the Council, Lee, °Leaf Yell— rin° ereoa°tea satisfactory, be it wood blocks o a 6" Portland Ce - therefore me nt onereto °foundation, to ether with the necessary sewer, he ater and ,as. connections, from tstreet. mains to the property lines complete. Also 11 Alleyad Driveway Ap- RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be an c proaches, nder Fina] order is 586, is ratified, and the pnroved December 17th,. 1913. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District i nn n pinele nae Bsing havforing tae° shoves confirmation. Improvement, and said assessment having been further considered id the Council. nd finvin, been coualdered BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the saicfinaliy atlafactorY, be it therefore determined to be Revolved. That the "'aaeeesement be at,d the .Fame to hereby In all re- spegfs ratified, and the same 1s. hereby payable in equal installments as to each at4d of°the acouniv of°aams-7, District 3 therein. mation. Ott Further Resoly;.^ e.fan. A& fgFS Adopted by the Council__ i c qty Clerk. Approved_ Form B. S. A 8-10 "LIST �► t ------------- -- -- ------------------------------- - -------- ------------------------------------- Coun oil File No. 57 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. hNta, 09tB 17:1 etr2nJ as .. ... _for In the matter of the assessment of____3n - �_ Davim? Univerpit-r entre from the Masterly line of Syndicate. avenue to `ho ,x$eterly line of Fairrie-w avenue a td fro the ^ranter- !.in of Prior + tt,e -wet3}erly �itv is kith 3�S"org Leaf Yei�bw V�ne Oreosot e -wood 'blocks on a Portland ceuienr concrete 1ounCMT.LQtJ, -Wgatirar with the neceeeary seater, :nater and gas connections from the street mains to the prorery lines complete. Also all Alley and driveway Approaches, under Preliminary Order , Intermediary Order_ Final Order 15, 5&6 approved_ 1)eoenber._17th__. 191 3 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _ - - ___-equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council. ----.-191 City Clerk. Approved _ 191 Form B. S. A 8-10 CITY OF ST. PAUL . 11-1-5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; �_ _ fcourlea v FILENO.... ...... .; ..:.. Date Presented....... Resolved, That the projer city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of Walter Salipger for t110.00 payableaut of the Contingent &rct.Cenl Fund, for engrossed copy of resolutions prepared on the death of Comsr.John J.O'Leary. Yeas (r)Councilmen (P) Nays Goss' Mr. President, r... c.8-2 C. F. No. 4116-91 lr A. Farnsworth'—' Resolved, That the proper city offl- cors be and they are hereby authorized anddirected to draw a warrant in fa - or of \Nutter Salinger for $110.00 pay-' able cut of the Contingent Acct. Goal. Fund, for engrossed copy of resole - tion. prepared on the death of Conar. John J. O'Leary. Adopted by the Council Mch. 17, 1915.-1 Approved Mch. 18, 1916. (March 20-1916) ,In favor __Against Adopted by the Council Approved _ _19i �J MAYO R Council File No. _ sY --- - - -- - ��� .K Ii��. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_.benefits,_ Costs_ and _expenses ___- for 9Qfa riT� a e_ Ptye_r_ on ROP.1]P. rPPt nppOsite Lot, 4, Block-a'__Ridgemood PaXkl to RidzeAnod a _e_ er under Preliminary Order 41,500 , Intermediary Order Final Order 42,146 approved_ MaY-26th,_ __ ----.--1914 . C, P. t�'o. 4116— . A public hearing having been had lnbs�eatstacusis°and mrpensee i encor°if a improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered bl potsits Lotacwcr 4. Block 8, Rosh e yoo°a asidered finally satisfactory, be it Park. to Ridgewood avenue, under therefore Preliminary Order 41,600, Final Or- der 42.146, approved May 26th, 1914. Pon {heilnsaeeemen[ for the above Irna prorerhent, and said nsseeament hev- RESOLVED, That the said asse Ing been further considered by they in all respects ratified, and the Council, and having been considered same is hereby ordered to be submitted, nnnny. satisfactory. be It therefore r of Ramsey for confirmation., I Resolved, Thnt the sold assessment be and the same Is hereby In all re- jj spccte atlaed, ..I the Barrie Is hereby' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED aere,,!o be submitted to are District j it is hereby determined to be ` lk',•lone County of Ramsey for 1:. CO rlher Re olvod, That tl payable in equal installments as to each"ab I. in is icel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council __---%/-- �� 191 f Approved -- 3/1- r - _- _- F.m B. S. A 8-10 2't �ity Clerk. 191 -Mayor. 2L` ;t't 1s�Ti;D Council File No. By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of—benefits, costs- and_-e-xpen-e-e<9_ for �nriatrUGG dng a za,NP.r- nn Nfa,r,oarat atrpat 'Pram Philiith aven -e Ot ZI . under Preliminary Order 41 491`.—, Intermediary Order____.— - Final Order 41,827 approved— Agr11— Oth__ -- _1914 C. F. No.41117— A public hearing having been had up n, the matter of the aeeesement of tprovement, and said assess - benefits, costs and expenses for con- ment having been further considered b th Btructing a sewer on Margaret t., red finally satisfactory, be It Y from Duluth Ave. [O Gotffian at. der Preliminary Order 41,491, Final therefore Order. 41927. approved April 39, 1914. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above Im- provement, n d enid• aesessmen[ ha. - RESOLVED, That the said assesss Ing heen farther considered by the all respects ratified, and the Council, and having been onsidered finally satlsfactory, be it therefore same is hereby ordered to be submitted to Resolved, That the Bala a see meet Ramsey for confirmation. �+e and the same Is hereby In all re- cl�s ratified, and the game Is hereby „, to be submitted to the Dls- „ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That thetrt of the county of Ramsey Its hereby determined to be atien. Forthor Resolved. That the ,•easment be and It Is hereby ped to be payable in flue eQuaI payable in _.equal installments as to ea. is aBbe noh ane every par -1 described therein. cribedn(there". Il Mch. 18, 1915. Adopted by the Council 'City Clerk. 1 i Approved /_ _ _ ._— - _ _ 191 — Mayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 PUBLKCI ll 3 —� 0 —/S Council -File No. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits,.__oos" and -expensesfor constructin_a seer on Ninth street from Temperance street to the East 1__in__ofhot_ 12, Auditor' No 24_____ 1, ander Preliminary Order 41.367 —, Intermediary Order__._ . _ - _ Final Order 41, 676 approved- Mar ch.24th __191 4_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in Z ._.equa) 41stallments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. h Adopted by the Council__ _ �lil///__�� 91. 7 -- "('I - City Clerk. Approved 'jf 191 C. F. No. 4118— In the matter of the naeese most of I benefits, coats and expsneee forc n- I Form B. S. A B-10 Strucling a sewer on We If Street A public hearing having been had upon the seeessment for the 'above lm - Inget, and further considered byh beenthe Council, and having been considered anally Satisfactory; be It therefore Resolved, That the said a sesemont be and the same Is hereby in all re- sprets ratified. and the Samo. Is hereby ordered to be aobmltted to the Dis- trict Court f the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Be It Fw-ther Resolved, That the aid assessment be and It le hereby determined to be payable to five equal installments s to each and every par- cel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Mch. 18, 1915. Approved Irish. 18, 1916. (March 20-1916) 'Council File No.--- By. o._- ji 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefit -e,_ oste_3rid_ eX_peua___- for con t uPr on We st _1dt�nreh ha etrPPt from WPat Prn__g VP.771 P. }f1 under Preliminary order 179 _, Intermediary Order_-___._. __ Final Order 1434 approved-- _September 3rd__ _1914 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _/y equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_ _ .. j�/L _ 91 / fi y �e City Clerk. Approved Q 191 S C. r. No. 411s— - In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expense. for con- Mayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 tructing a sewer an West Minno- haha street from. Western. avenue to Arundel street, under Preliminary Order 17Final Order 1434, ap proved SeptemUer 3rd;1814. A public he.r]., having been bath unon the assessment far. the.ab.1a I— b and th" name Is hereby In all re-�, spe.te ratified, and the same hereby ordered to be submltted to the Dte-) tract Court f the County of Ramsay for confirmation. Be It Further Resolved, That the .old assessment be and it Is hereby d otormined to he payable In ave 'equal Installments as to each and every par -I cel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Mch. 18, 1016.1 Approved Mch. 18, 1016. (March 20-1916) C. F. No..\ 20—By ffi N',' Gose- a�T Whereas, The City of St. Paul, by or. di ranee No;. 3242; approved July 20th, 1914, did Srnnt to the Baltimore In- mr vestment' Compan3' permission and au. thorl,ty to construct a --stairway and -- railing .1nng Eaeter93'Iine of ;.Smith avenue and adjacent to the building, known ae the Piedmont Apartments; and, Whereas, the said Baltimore Invest- meut:Coreani' gave to the Cit. of St. Paul, a bond as provided in said ordi- {"a nance No: 3242; and, Whereas; said -Piedmont O Apartments' did not act underrsaid Ordinance pts - 3242; and, Whereas, Ordinance No. 3363; ap- proed January 19th; 1916, amended .1E.5Q !.1iTj aaWheer Whereas, Raid. Baltince No. more Investment Comes' y.'gave to :the City of St. Paul. another:..: bond Ordinance33 . No: 63 in Ilahillties. fiarmleea from acv and and n dam gea. costs, claims and . expenses .r �� .t.AS, .Lh e vitt' o[ any kind arising growing out of 3 .Ce 110. 242., i the. construction. al of nald:s opera- tion;. use or removal o[ said'stalrway 'ruse r l l approved July 20th, 914, di 4.d Now o e investment resolved that; Id " 4 mentionedusan dated July. t mentimi d bond, 27th; 1914, for: Five thousand.: (45000. 1 Company permission And allth0 dollars be cancelled and the same is hereby canceled and annulled as to all �airVAy and the Easterly1; liability: te.ruing thereon ., -after the l paseage',of thlsresolution. ' ncil 18, 1916, railing along ich. Approved ch. 18o 1 adjacent 1 -7March 20-1916) to the building known as the Piedmont Apartments; and, PJHER,EAS, the said Baltimore Investment Company gave to the City of St. Paul, a bond as provided in said ordinance 11o. 3242; and, ;TE -_'AS, said Pi ec mcnt Apartments dice not act under said ordinance -11o. .242; and, vi'FE,:':AS, Creinance I -o. ,. C approved January 19th, 1915, amr..ene4l said ordinance 11o. -,242; and, 1 A fl 17F/.:AS, Laid 2aitir.ore lnvestipent Company gave to the atd4a,�[in.re. 1Le d � S � City of St. Paul, another bend in the sun of Five 7honsand ("5000.00) A S Dollars, to save said City of S:. aul harmless from any and all liabilities, darages, costs, claims and eFpenscs of any k nd arising or growing out of the construction, maintainenee,oper&t±A;l, use or removal of said stairi,ay ane' railA ng. tt NOW THERF.FCi:F.,/be it resolvee tht;t said first mertionee bond dated July 27tfQ�r Fiv�ttousanO (, F.000;o>> rs aft be canceled and the same is he*ebyed A Of r� P itar nF i •[�--be Council_........_.,....__01�/�J.....-.....-....-191 All Adopted by the .._ —�i YEAS. NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH 7 KEL"ER McO( LL YOERG O MR. PROSIDENT .(POWERS) 1 Ij 1 fl i � CS S tt C F NP'r -0L N (ioea- llh ream dinflnce 1834 d tt in rai 1p�lfT 11`$. ei` fllrte, of f butt Ai9hef o9a'�iM 'iei'rveat Meng air os no-ctr of at , rrc�ly r#�ggj,�gd _ ❑i �i� � dig ,`�N�[ �� n �,a° i � � ` �+ ]uno,uu V, ESOL1'T nnNoa;ua�„as f ]o ]uuo rod V.C]ua? plu uuil,puo..'^'r, ye 1 7 Jan t� o� to - Il+app@Va9uas�3t�n�a�ua �y1Lg tlt ,TAS, Th Cit o S ' a�,fl mice i<o. 324?.., approved July 20th, 1914, did Crant to the Baltimore Investment, Company permission and allthority to construct a stairway and railing along the Easterly line of Smith ,venue and adjacent to the building known as the Piedmont Apartments; and, WiUM.FAS, the said Baltimore Investment Company gave to the City of 5+,. Paul, a bond as provided in said ordinance No. 3242; and, 07E.T-AS, said Piedmont Apartments did not act under said ordinance Xo. 3242; and, �7:E T.AS Ordinance i;o. ,. F I`, approved January 19th,' 1915, ammene4l said ordinance ro. -242; and, A 17H ,:AS, Laid -altimore ln7est4ent Company Cave to the &Mk'4. m IG d is 3 City of St. Paul, another bond in the sum of Five Thousand (5000,00) A Dollars, tc save said City of St. -'aul harmless from any and all liabilities, damaCes, costs, claims and e4penses of any kind arising or Crowing- out of the construction, maintainence,opem.trop, use or removal of said stairs^ay are railing. NOW THE'RF.FC :E,Tbe it resolved thait saiO first ment=one?. bond dated July 27th 19�4 FIV 4ri"cled.A ottsar.?(5iF000.00) o'� rs be canceled and the same isherebv an%�'11 Adopted by The Council..............;......_....../��_......_....191 �. '�” '� , �xr' � 1 YEAS. NAYS. MR. FAR l�SWORTH jKELIER McCL n •�j'� ,s�NA6i , away? f YOOitc J NAYS, 0 MR. PR (DENT <POWF_RS) - IC F` 10 $212 In the, matt r of gri[ding, tNe .lt[ y be twebh Rehrpphgeihebt df Block 3, XIacaleat P,Park pnd.Blonk 3 191mer wdfrr)soll'6, Re¢rrangomeht of part of Maohlbster Pak (between su(q- mlt Ave. and.Grand Ave ,F irvle\v y Ave. ¢td BaldyFinal 6Y nder Frellm- r inary: Order 1962 na1 Ord r 3314 approved 7nnuary 6 7916 Jd �4 Resolved, Tha[ [he plane ' pec16a- St I, P [lone and etimotee eubmttted ,by the Cpmmissione o Publta 'Works for th9 above::nam d l provementand . be a" tke •7r�`J'I'� same are here$Y approved ¢ L �/ C g li ene tl rth he fg t'1Y y nutkbr- lze�. i1dreeted:•tb advei'tlee in,thb rniatiner'prgvided by the gtty Charter. - for bids for the ,making oLaald !m• prove¢ient, a cordidg to said •pinlfe, nU eppol'ddatione, on the pd 1 f 8lk In the matter of That tsa$anbldd r,, r- ° ti'tween Rearran�emen . 0 3 21 aoa es er ar a�ld B 'ad tart �Sarrl oaj-Be�rrang� _Try ew o� 9A es er ar etwe 1 Rr limen ve:. an r vs. , a rvieW Ave,ve under Preliminary Order 1953 Intermediary Order• Final Order 3314 approved. January 5 1915. RESOLVED, That the pTans,'spYcificat'lons and estimates submitted by the. Commissioner of Public Works for: the above named improvement .be and the same are heieby,'approved.',` RESOLVED FARTUER, That the,Purchasing Agent be and he by the Cit authorized and directed••to:`ad�tertse in.,ahe.,manner provided by Y Charter for bids :for the making:o said :irdprovement, according to said plans and specifications,;on the basis._(A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all: labor anti matrial:`£or said work_at a sped- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or:;coiitiactor shall make said improve sent by,force account, receiving a percentage'of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder)°s, bond to the amount of, at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance r+7th the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu.theieof.a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject -any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the . committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee: may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids.should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the,COunoil for further action or proceedings thereon. • Adopted by the Coun it Yeas ( ) Coun ilmen ( )Nays Yoer Far worth Gos` Rel er Moc ]1 Dash 3 9145— Mr. President, Pow is Appro d yRr ` "CITY OF ST. PAUL .?. ACCOUNTING 'DEPARTMENT cgp ,AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM' COUNCIL„ FILE No. _ MAR; � 7 �\ BY I— AUDITED f 111 PER nna 240 �f Resolved th t warrants be drawn u n the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter, specified funds "at in the, followtng detail in favofofthe persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified ' �"" statement: Yeas. -1 Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by" the Council 4' Farnsworth 181" Goss In favor Keller McColl - Against Adat7[ty fVQs'j�, MAYOR; y Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Corporate Purposes Printing & Stationery Fund 10 4p Brown, Treacy & Sperry, X5'39 72.00 10 48 Review Publishing Co.;, T to s Gen. Fund-Mi-sc. Acct. 16 10 549 Bo Bringer & Son', 5.54 1050 Central warehouse Co., T t o �- P,oliCe Fund 10 51, Tri -!State Telephone Co., 28.00 10 2; ;Sirs. Margaret Brady,6 29.96 Pire Fund 103 3 S. Brand,' 162.50, '4 103 Ideal Plating Works, 19.95 103 ManhattanLoil & Linseed CO., 4.28 103 The;Prest-OLLite 28.00 103 Vill"auffie.Box & Lumber Co., s 218.`1 'F A s -I}. it i t� s" Library Fun 1 378 Bo�A,Exchange 3Z9. Carol Cox Boo 0 Louis F.: -Dow Health Fund 10 82 0 8 10358 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 0 271,64 10359 WelBbach Co., :6 General Pun Trnf, 1 Anal +h j!ZmA 28 General Furld-quarantine Acct. 10385 10360 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 8.94. i0387 Workhouse Fund 10388 10361 S. Brand, lio.69 10362 Illinois Steel Co., 18.68 -Villaume Box T to 2.,50 School Fund 10363. C. J. & F. W. Anderson, 39.00 101364, Beier Bros., -1.85 10365 Bergstrom Bros., 1.75 12366 Carnegie Fuel Cp.,� 500.03 Library Fun 1 378 Bo�A,Exchange 3Z9. Carol Cox Boo 0 Louis F.: -Dow 10 81r-. Tbrary Burea 0 10 82 0 8 Remington Ty; 52,35 Park Fund 103 3 Villaume Box General Pun 110 0 84 Twin City Ira Water. -Dept. 10385 Boeringer &,S 10386 Burroughs Add i0387 Farwell, Ozmu 10388 Medernoch & Z 10389 N. . W,., T elephc 10390 Perkins-1racy 10391 -Villaume Box 45.86 87 80 52,35 : J.1371 Stationery Co., 23.20 27.26 164.85 75 a., 12.25 2.,50 6450 iter Co. .25 ............... tal. ........... . .......... ............... 2.2 umber , Co., 4 -70- laygrounds Acct. Wire Works, 2.40 ad 12.70 Machine. Co., 6-75 Kirk & Co., 287.52 3-65 1xchange Co,., 3.45 Lntini Co., 9.40 mber Co., 132.00 tal .. . . . . . . . . . . . a Spec. Assess. Const. Acct, -Paving University, Syndicate to City Limits 10392 Ballard Transfer &Storage Co., 4�.92 Special -Funds Humboldt H. S. Library Acct. 10393; Electric Blue Print Co., 180.00 10394. Perlt & Staack, 16.27 10395 ND, Sinnard, 8.95 TetTI-Uumboldt S L br A 205.02 1/ Total Corporate Purpo es ....... .......... ...p 2/9. " Spec. Assess Const. Ac t. .... Special Fu s," ....... ...... Gr d'Total$ 509.42 L.C: r No. 4128._: _-; Resolved that warrants be drawn upon. -:the. City Treasury.�.payable out of the -hereinafter soecigefl ;funds and. - in favor of the persons; -firms .or Oor- porations for the amounts set opposite - - - - their respective names, as specified in- _ the following detailed statement. _ Corporate Par es—Printing & Sta- n IM1�d: "B n, Treacy & SpeT-' $25 39; .Re le V Publishing Co., " $72.00.- - . Gen. Fund—Mise. Acct:: Boeringer & -Son. 75 Cents; Central Warehouse Co., $5.54. Pollre Fund: Tri-State Telephone f,Co.. $2800 Mrs. Margaret Bradv, $1.96.' FI Fund: S. Brand, $162.50; Ideal ;Plat) g Works, $3.46, Manhattan O11 R:I Linkeed Co., ;'$19.96; The Prest-O-Lite. 4 $a.28• Villavme Box B• Lumber Co., • x$28.00. _ Health Fund: Noven Br0e. - & Cut- . ler, $273.60; Welsbach Co., $8.64. General .Fund --Quarantine Acct.: - :Efanh tt n.OB.&:TI ed Co.. $8.94. wo kh ¢e Fund c, Brand. $110.69; .Ililnol Steel.'Co., -$1868. School Fund: C. J. & F. W. Ander s n. $39 00; .Rel Bros., - $1.86; Berg_ trom Bros.: -$3.75. Corn 0. F++el Cn, 5600.03; : Clevel and Seating Co., 80 - 'Cents; Louts F. Dow Co.. $2.25; JessieFeet - Mnefidl6pBroe..rE8780Dto Nlm a�&NimB s. X592:36 Perlt &; St cir, $3.76; St Paul 13ook,& $tstione y Co.. $48.13; Schnatth Bros., $23.205 Sehvlenhere Bros., $27.26; G! Sommers & Co., $164.85. Llbrnry-.Fund: Book Exchange. 75 Cents; Carol Cox Book Co, $12.25;; Louts F. Dow--: Co.,. $2.60: L1b y. Bu- _ an. -S650; Remington Typewriter Co., - - 76'Ce t Peri F d: Vtll ume Box& IL General ber: Co 84 �0. 4. m - Fund Playgrounds Acct.. Twin City Iron:& Wire Wok .$240. Water Department Fund: Boerinc r ;& Son $12.70: ;B Troughs Adding Ma- & 1Co C g2R9 $,b MedernocOh & Kirk 'SI:Cfi; N. r n. rr. , Exchange Co., _ R R:46; Perklna-'h'acy Prinil. r Co., $9.40: VIla na Be.. &-' Lumber Co., $132.00. Snec Assess. Const. AUn vrtv. Sncacct—Paving Ballard iTransferl&t$torpeeltCa i$4!92.1 Special .Funds: .'Humboldt H. S. Li -i ' brary AT t_: ,Electric Bioe Print Co.. I -: !$I8e 00: Perlt & $Isack, $16.27; D. Sin-� nard. $8.75. Adopted by the'Cou nril Mcb. 18. 1915 - Approved Mch. I8, 1915: - (March 20-1916) - I Pub. Lighting Fund - Supplies & Expenses 104 2 E. S. Ferry, 6.25 1.55 :w 4 Nimis & Nimis, St. Paul Gas Light Co., r,32.49 y` Gen. Fund -Municipal Court - Supplies 104 5 McClain & Gray Co., Gen. Fund -Purchasing Dept. - office Supplies 1042 H. C. Boyeson Co., -2 Cus#ing & Driscoll, 20.00 2 Louis F. Dow Co.,7.10 2 _McClain .& Gray Co., 6.25 3 McGillmWarner Co., 61.00 3 St: Paul Printing Co., 10.20 T�°° Gen. Fund -Official Publications 104 2 Review Publishing Co., 19.18 ✓ Gen. Fund Miscl. & Unforseen Exp. 10 33 -Cushing, .Dunn & Driscoll, 50.o Gen. Fund -Civil ServiceMaint. 10 34 10 35 Louis F. Dow Co.,6.50 Adam Decker Hardware Co., . .6o 36 S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 2p.00 37 'McClain & Gray Co.,35 3 Perkins -Tracy Printing Co., 42.00 39 St. Paul Book & Stationery, -me a , 8.85 Gen,. Fund-Printed,Forms & BSanks, / 1(4-40 Clymer & 8uelster, 2.50 PoTicetMaint. & Repair 1 I American Stamp Works, .25 42 H. C. Boyeson, 2.30 43 Callan Printing Co., 17.5012.50 44 Paul Chapel, 4, -Charles, Electric Co., 5.35 46 Louis F. `Dow Co., 7.00 47 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., .91 48 H. T. Heberle, 1.40 9 ,Kissel Kar Co., 15.90 50 W. 0. Larson, 1.10 51 McClain .,-& Gray Co., 5.95 - 52 MaeIndler Bros., .50 53- N. Maki;esky, 2.50 54 Manhattanoil& Linseed Co., .40 55 56 Mitsch'& Heck Co., National Ry. Publishing Co., 7.85 16.00 57 N. W. Else. Equipment Co., 21.65 58 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 46.94 59 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 4.90 f .T _ 60 Raymer Hardware Co.,; 7.20 Police Fund Maint. & Repair -Cont. 1041 Rochester Germicide Co., 8.75 2 St. Paul Glass Co., 4.00 4St. Paul Rubber Co., 49.73 ' Schuneman & Evans, 1.21 5 `Virtue Printing Co., -75 6 Western Supply Co., 2.00 7 8 White Garage, 4.80 Zimmerman Bros., 8.88 Fire Fund-Maint. & Repair 10 9 J. H. Allen & Co., 25.00` 0 Brooke Bros. Lumber Co:", 2.,00 1 Capital City Lumber Co., 9.9.8 2 ''Consumers Power C61, 33.05 3 Crane & Ordway Co., 9.34 4 Louie F. Dow Co., 15.35 5 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 93.66 6 M. A. Hanna Coal Co., 414.00 ? C. G. Hartin Coal Co., 476.75 8 `Martin Lumber Co., 2.65 9: Mitsch & Heck Co., 4.70 0": Nicola, Dean ,& Gregg, 7.84 1 N., W. Copper & Rrass Works, 5.80 2 N. W. Bled. Equipment Co., 3 N. W. Stamp Works„ 2.50 Raymer Hardware 00. 9.39 '6 Reed Motor Supply Co., 2.79 .;St. Paul Braes Foundry -Co:, 32.51 St. Paul Glass Co., 4.50 St. Paul Pattern & Model Works, 1.85 9:;St. Paul Whiae Lead & Oil Co., 4.00 -'' Vi llauia -BOX- -lumber Co., 1.10" Waldref ,Motor Co.;, 19,45 / { Health Fund -Health -M. & R. 104 2 -Anderson & Hedmall.75 Farnsworth, �, 3 S. A. P. R. F., 5.00 4 Pioneer Company 9.50 5 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 8.64 Total T4TTAaitr V11"d-Hao_?+ ApLt� Maint &Rep,, / 23.89 Health Fund Dairy Acct. -M. & R. 104 6 N. W. ,Stamp Works, 13.00 7 'Noyes eros. &: Cutler- 4.50 Health Fund-Quarantine-Maint. Ac Repair 10 98 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 2.00 10 99" Louis F. Dow Co., .$p 10 00' Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 9.46 l 01 H. K. Mulford Co., 50.00 1 02 W..Blaugas Co., 26.78 1 503 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 2.82 1 504 Reed Motor Supply Co., 9.00 1 505 °Schieffelin & Co., 2.00 ,, 102.86 #4 Health Fund -Public Baths- Maint. & Repair 4.28 R 105 } Wolff & Lehmann, Police & Fire Alarm Joint Acct.- Mant. & Repair .25 7.05 q .Brown Treacy & Sperry, .90 $ Adam Lecker Hardware Co., 5.12 9 Gamewell Fire Alarm Telg. Co., 21 -6o 0 Manhattan Oil 8e Linseed Co., 1.90 1 Mitsch.& Heck Co., 10.67 2 X. W. Elec. Equipment Co., 10.40 3 T. J. OtLeary, 8.25 St..Paul Electric Co., 3.78 Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co., 4.00 ` 1 W. G. Watson, 3.85 1 Western Electric Co., p Com': Pub. Works Workhouse- Maint. 105. Board"of Water Commissioners, 7 98 Crescent Creamery Co., 27.20 2 Adam Decker-Hardtivare Co., cL."Eisenmenger'Co., 24:91, S:' A -:"Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 4:00 2 G61 den Rule, 1, 08` R. L; Gould & Co., 40:00; E S:.Griffith, 130:82 Mit sch' "& Heck ;Co; , 16:00 7 _'_lve�"York T_eaCo� 7:20 Gre 2.42 8 .Nicola,-' Dean & gg,, 2:60' 9 Noyes Bros. & "Cutler, 0 Pittsburgh'PSate Glass Co., :30 1 August'xohenstein, Custodian, 110 2 St .'-Paul White` Lead & Oil Co., •23 3 1.'325 Scheffer & Rossum, 4 Singer Seif ng Machine Co., 35 5 'Swift & Comp"Y 27.3b T Com., y Public works-Adm-Maint. 105 6 Brow'n,'Tread & Sperry, 10:20 McCTan'& Gray Co 10.00 Manhattan Oil:& Linseed Co., 12..74 9 :University Garage; 46.43 H, E, Wedelstaedt, 26.35 Street Const. & Repair .Fund -Main t. 105 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 5.00 Nicole,Dean & Gregg, 4.46 r, ,Par L'nnst. & Revair Maint. _ S:"& S. Cleaning -Sewer Cleaning -faint. 14:25 x 10 4 10 4g S. Brand, Eaxwel]., Ozmun, Birk Co., 33.i6 2.69 10 49 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., .6.32- 1o`50 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 49.(>1 10 51 'N. W. Tire Co., :6a 10 52 Raymer Hardware Co.. 14:25 ]0 53 Robinson, Cary & Sands; 3.50 1.0 54 Washington Foundry Co., S. &-S. Cleaning -Street Cleaning Maint. . _ 18:0.0 10 55 S Brand, 129:00 ibs 56 10 57 ._e,hi&- Coal' 'Co., Robinson, Cary &Sands,. 39.00 -- " S. & S. Cleaning -Garbage ;Saint. ? 1.00 x-10 j58 McClain &'Gray Jo., Bridge bldg. & Repair= Const. & Betterment 70Adam 59 Decker Hardware }Co., 9.75 P blit School Fund:Ir:aint. &Repair 10 60 American Engineers Supoly Co., 34:61 •91 61 Atkinson & Mentzer Co:, 62 'Bazill:e .&'Par'tridge, _15 1:06' 'T L:�BLood,'& Go., 12'70 4 Bon"T:on Gro eery Go:; 1:00 6 H: C Boy'exon'& Co., Fred_'A. Brodt, Jr.,7-go 7 8 Brown,Treaty a. Sperry, <CaPital"City''Lumber Co., 22:10 9 -; Central Scientific Co., 70:44 4.09 0 Consumers Power Co., 4;99 99 1 Crans''& Ordway Co.. 2p' 2- Crescent Creamery Co., 7.70 3 4 ,Sam Davis, Adam'Decker'Hardware Co., 47.49 .23 5 'Den niaon Mfg Co., 11"45 6 Divine Bros., 1318 7 Louis'F: Dow CO-, 2:64 8 9 L. Ei•senmeng"er, Electric Blue Print Co.,' 26:06 0 Elite Laundry Co., 2 7' S l,LnCo..l 6.75 2 Fairbanks; Morse Co.,_ 32.00 3- C; A. Fairfield, A:00 4 Falk Orsland"Piano Co., 16q:68 ' 5 S A_. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 9:71 6 Farwell;"0zmun, Kirk Co., T Field Schlick & Co., 41.50 88" B: Fraser, x:.00 89, Golden Rule, 4.75 9p; Gray Motor co-, 2:20 91 D. J;" Harrington, i'25 92' Harvard Universixy Pre,ss, 185'00 93, Higgins Mfg. Co., t, r ,. #6 School Fund= aint. & Repair -Cont. 105, Highland Spring Co., 2.25 0:21 5 FrankHonsa, , 2.06 6 R, W. Hruby; 38:90 •= 7 8 J. W. Hulme, Illinois Steel Co., 21;.00 6:07 9. Japan Paper Co., 98:00 106 0 Johnson Furniture Co., 16.50 1 Kamran Art Printing Co., 1:41 2. 4 W. H. Kane, Kerwin Paper Co., 1:00 567:17 falter T. Lemon Co., _ 11:20 5 John V. Luz; McClain-,& Gray Co., 9:20 3.6'3 Manhattan. Oil & Linseed Co'., 7:15 Marine: Biological, Laboratory, 1.5'8 Melady`Paper Co., Minnesota News Co., 975 Gfeggs S$; 14 Nicola, Dean & - 6:Oo N. W Copper &Brass N. W. E17ectri6 Equipment Co., Sl:'95 2:50 N:: Stan ip Works, 12;42 Noyes Bros.- & Ct4tler, 21: Q0 J:'F:>Peacre & Son, 14:0'0 Peoples Coal -&`Ice Co., 15:05 Perlt & Staaek', 3:00 'Pioneer Company, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Price, Robbins & Newton, 52:00 24; 34 Ra er- Hardware Co.; ym 112;90 - ... Robinson ' Cary & Sanda; ' Roche'ster GermicidelCo �.: 4.50 5 St Paul Book & Statienery, Electric - Co 269:81 13:67 6 ;St Paul ,' -da 273.'97 e"'Light" Co.' 11.50 8 St Paul Lime &Cement Co., 18:95 9 :St Paui Printing Co., 10:02 p St'.•Paul White Lead & Oil Co., 80 1 Schuneina-&'Evans, 9:35 2 H .:V" Slack, 8:00 3 q ,Swift"&Company, Underwood` Typewriter Co., 11 5•, 5 r Unvmtsity of South Dakota, Iron works, 6:00 2.76 -6 7 Valley Villaume'Box & Lumber Co., 53'50 Virtue Witting 6.00 269:36 Vater Dept:, 5.22 Western Electric Co., 54.42 4 western Supply Co-.'. ]••53 4. 4 .;:wright,_Barrett western Union Teleg. Co., & Stilwell, Public Library_Fund-Maint. & Repair lo64, The American City$ 5.65 4:50 4 American Di;etrict Teleg. Co., 37;$4 4 Board"o£ Water Commissioners, 4 Capital' City'Lumber-Co., 21:5'3 4 L: S. Donaidson'Co., 3:50" 4 Louie.F. Dow Co., 5 G. Dunn & Co., #7 Public Library-Maint. & Hepair-Conft. 1063 Electric Ry,. Journal, 1.00 5.46 5 Elk Linen Supply, S. A,- Barnsrorth, C. P. R. F., 5:00 Fisher paper Box Co., 3:00 35.00 }John A. Johnson H. S., 1-0 5 Joe. Boakle, 140.47 5 McClaan & Gray, A. C. McClurg & Co., 203. 71 5 5 ; Conference on City Planning, National Stamp Works, 2.19 :15 6 ;N W.' 4: $0 6 Peoples Coal & Ice. Co.; 14$0 6 Pioneer Company, 7:8$ 6 Ray-finer"Hardware Co., 32:2 6 Rand McNally Co., 2.00 6 Reliable Furniture Co., St Paul Book & Stationery Co., 497:70 71 ' SchceWdf Book' Co." 63 8 Schijhe' zin-&Evans, 5:08 9 Standard- Qil'Co., 2 {j G E.;rt ,Steche& C6:, 1 Waldorf Bindery Co., 2 H: Wedel:etaedt, 2.80 73 :'A. W. Wilson Co.,--. --Y i un - a' n ep., X1,04 .04 Pub. Parke Fund" -Park Saint. ' 1 74 75 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co. St. Paul White Lead_ &Oil Co., 1'00 =• ;,, pub.; -playgrounds Fund-Maint. 6.�6 Burn a `Lumber Co. -Hardware 10:5'0 Decker Co., .1:42 7 $hdam , Louis•Nash for Park"Fund, 79 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., . ,81 183.08✓` 0 Pub. Buildings Fund Maint. , 680 Tolson Letter Co., 3.60 Pub. Bldgs. Fund`Tools, Mach. & Equipment 681 Burns Lumber Co., 142.'00 8:50 \ 82 Adair Decker' Hardware Co:; 2•.00 $3 Faiwvell; ' Ozmui., Sir k Co. , 84 Robinson, Cary & Sande, .42 m General Fund :Art :MuaBum'i.- 685 St. Pau Gas Li � 1 t Co., 15.00 Pub. Utilities Fund -Gen. Adm.-Maint. 4,686 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 2:10 2,15 87 88 Louis F. Dow, S. A. -Farnsworth, CP. R. F., 82:17 3.00 89 Virtue Printing Co., J s_ "ba ! - #8 M .: Public Utilities -Municipal Testing Lab. Maint. 4.86E 106 0 Noyesterns. & Cutler, t Com. Pub.. Utilities-Markets-Xxpenpes ` 106 1 McClain & Gray Co., 1o6 2 St. Paul Gas Light Co., d+� Water Dept. Bund 106 3 The American Engineers Supply Co.y 4.20 6:25 - 4 Boeringer & Son, ..... - 12:25 5 6' Si B'Tand, . & S- B"town; Treaty perry; - 14175 1:00 '?] tl. Browb, Tr.eacy & Sperry,' Capital City"LumberiCo. , 2:82 Citizen's 1-66& Fuel'Co., 219;}Q 1.2rv9 1070-0 'Clarkson Coal"& Daek Co., 2:5-6 1 crane &::;Ordway Co:;' 201.46 2 .Coneumera Power"Co.,: 6:60 3 Dale Sand' & GravO:'Co.;" 4:q8 4 'Adam Decker`Hardware Co., 10:00 6 Louis F': Dow Co:; Blue`P)�int'Co., 3•Q0 Electric 8:06 7Q F"a3rba`nks, Morse Co, Bir 2'86106 8 9 Farwell; Ouauri; .;, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 3.1$ {' p' Fiteh &'Hilly - 14:50 -32 71:32 1 11 & L -3 _ 7:65 2 M A Hanna Coal Cd:, 4 P W. Jackson &"Co., Kenny00 10:50 "Lemon 5 Walter T Co.,.. `Leslie _ 94:25. " _.. .6 • .v G co McClain &Gray Co ' 14- 00 7:'35 McClain'& Gray Co ; 9:50 R E '$oCleary & Co., 34:28 p Manhattan :Oil & Linseed Co., 2,5:00 Minnesota Map Pub. Co:;' 8.56 Mitsdh"'& Heck Wagon' CO-, 121:31 H:-36ueller Mfg. Co., " 09 2;$0 Nicole,<Dean &Gregg, N. W. Flet: Equip; Co.; :98 N W. Elec. Equip: Co., 42:75 N W. Stamp Works; t:l$ Noyes, Bros:& Cutler;- 1:63 p Noyes Bros. &'Cutler, 1:00 1 The"Pre;st=Osiits, 1440 2 Pitteburgh Meter Co., 24:20 :+ ' 3 Price; Robbins;-& Newton, 1:50 Quayle a Kelley,. 3:50 5 Raymer Hardware Co:; Hardware CO.", 2:00 6 ;Raymer 'Raymer"Hardware Co, 3.42 Robinso:n,'Cary"& Sands; 760 9.Roe-James G1a.eo"Co. p:'St. Paul Electric'Co , 118.23 1 St Paul, Gas Light Co., - Standard"Paint &head Works, 14: 0 7 2 3 virtue"Printing Co.," ' .150 5.56 Washington Foundry Co.; 5 .The Western Supply Co.; 2:28 6 The Western Supply Co.; 6;63 47- The Western Supply Co., 326.00 48:,The Weatern.Supply Co., xhat wa ante "Ue drawn �he �f(ped City Treasury: oavabte out -,.nerelnafter epentfled funds and ' of. the person.:'flrmaor ror-.' for •the amounts set onnoslte - _ctive nnmes ml arcrilled In wing det,I.Ipd tatemopt: Water Dept.—Conft, mate pnrp°aaa—Maw°ra orelee _4: _ - e: A. Farnsworth C: P. R. - !0• Aug 1 1I°hen Lel Custn- - _, 10749 E. V . Willard t cents H W. Sl@cic $a 60; Vir- nung c 5_00 �. 50 lames A. Young 8c sons 1 ° alien c°°"eel's Dfelge—Ex- t L A. Caswell,". 4; 00 F", '- Clerk's Office — Expenses: y 'Treat & Sperry, 82.60; Lopls - S. "A, . F rnswo,'h. :a F., $6.00; P. W. Jackson & Co., ,. Sprinkling Fund • lsaloner f Finance=Expenses: Printing Co. 16: 8• rollers Oft&6.7Printing ory: ' CI mer -Hueleter, E3.76; 10751 ,,nary: Mit sch &Heck Co., Llafitt g Fund-4unpllee & Ex- 4J' 30 -.: E. S. Ferry, $6.26; Nimis' & sms.. St, Paul- Gas Light Public Comfort Stations i RI 11td—Muntclpal court-snp- -TrcClnln & Grav'Go $160 - i 10 2 �� Fund—Purchasing Dept-0ftl Capi tal Cit Lumber Co . , plies: H C. Bo' Co.. 7i'7 p y -2O _ 10753 r F 'DowhCu E7101 DtcC181n0& Quayle & Belly, E626 McGill Cot, '40 10'754 Co.. rrar Raymer Hardware Co., 7. S. Panl Printing Cp.. 810.20. L0.86 n F nd—Oftleia1 A+Ullcatione: 4 a* Publishing Co; ', U LVmf%n: -Fund=Mlscl. & Unforseen Ex- `ri s: Cushing, Dunn & Drlscoll. _ i- - 1. .-. Service 1-1-k Y .. .Fund—.. "- '' '• $ Dow Co.. E6.60;. Adam Fares, .vara Co 60 Cents• S. -A: Faroe. . '. A T ostal..d� 1 C. P. R F $20:00; McClntn E '--- _ .. ,�—,...: Co 36 Cent.; -:.Perkins -Tracy Co.. S42.00; St.. Paul Book & - „ing .FunH—ePrtieteEd vor s & Blanks i 2.50 Spec. it Acct"tepaf A erl° C B Peso - - t, =Works 26 Centa: H, i ting Co E1760: Pae Paving Dsprecaation Acct. Callan Print 1 E12.60 Charier Electric C - ' Lovls F Dow Co., -$700 Farws a,:Klrk & Co 91 Cents, H. 2.4�rz8 - 10,?55 Capital City Lumber Co e. $1.4o Kissel Kar Co., E16.0 O +'. 10756 - ... Larson $1.10, McClain & Gr,,.13.-2�,. .., Chicago, Milwaukee & St P 86; 1 ndier Bros 60 Cents; ✓ J - 1Q?57 7 ky, $2.60 Manhattan Oil & Li+ 50 ; Adam Becker Hardware Co.y' o.; 4D Cents: Mitech & Heck C ip758" Y 'vntfonal Ry. Pnbli hl, `�3�$'Q Ni cols, Dean & C*r egg, N W Elec. Equipment 10759 Noyes BfOa & CUt E4 Robinson, Cary '8c Sa2ids, rgh PaGla.. Co r 39.25 10760 ,; St `Paul Foundry Co . , is co e $ i6 St 7Pe r 1 35 ' - t,Pnul Rubbe'' '1'2.00 1076,1 Scri}iii"er'Libby Co., a n,;& E > 10762 Western Electric Co., .64 57� "-• _. t Total Corporate Purpose ,`.. X9,53 8 " Spec. Assess. C st".•Acct - ... 16- ' Gr d Total, ,646.84 ;- r X" Jf AN ORDINANCE12 DESIGNATING THE PROPERTY FRONTING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ST. CLAIR STREET AND ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ST. CLAIR STREET BETWEEN HILTON STREET ON THE EAST AND DUNLAP STREET ON THE WEST AS A RESIDENCE DISTRICT, AS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 98, LAWS OF MINNESOTA FOR 1913. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That more than fifty per cent (50%) of the property owners in the district sought to be affected have petitioned therefor, and therefore there is hereby -designated within the City of St.Paul a residence district wherein only build- ings for residences may be hereafter erected or maintained, including duplex houses and double houees, and that the erection and maintenance of hotels, stores, factories, warehouses, dry-cleaning plants, public garages or stables,tenements and apartment houses are hereby prohibited. Said district is described as follows: All of the property on the north side of St. Clair Street within one hundred forty (140) feet of the north line of said street, and bounded on the west by Dunlap Street and on the east by Chatsworth Strdet; and also Lots Thirteen (13) to Twenty -Four (34), inclusive, in Block Two (3) of C.C. Emerson's Addition; and also all of the property on the south side of St. Clair Street within one hundred twenty five (135) feet of the south line thereof, bounded on the east by Hilton Street and on the west by the east line of Dunlap Street,.and,,,said east line extended due south tJ to the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, situate in the City of St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. I06'8'rC1AL PROCEEDINGS or TRE I Any person who shall violate any of the pro— _OUNCIL. ,_� C �CR)F'a n. F>irn wo ttia�ee No. 3417 -;visions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction �Afrontingncond the nNorth t sidhe e r ofe si thereof before the Municipal Court of the City of Ciatr Street A on the ton South Side .'Scree[ on lrthe Eastetandn Dunlap street on the set ns Residence St.Paul be punished by a fine not exceeding One 98's Lawa of liinnes to for 193hnpter _ The esou cil�at the Cit: of St. Paul Hundred Dollars ($100), or upon default of the nr SECTION 1. payment of such fine, by imprisonment not exceed - three (3) months. The continued violation of provision of this Ordinance shall be and con- tute a separate offense for each and every day violation shall continue. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force hirty (30) days after its passage and publication. t,,.".,.,.. _ t– on the south store the DroPer y within one hundred Keller .hall the liunlclpal Court of the City of St. �. Paul be pnnfahed by a fine not exceed- :' Dollars ($100). o e Clair treat e twenty-flv atreetfeet of the s*a11,1111 thereof, bounded on the enet'by liflton street and on [he wand bealde est Ilne o` Dunlap to the fight -of- f 'they Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nay.+ Final Ado [io t P I. due south way f the Chicago. Diilwauke. & St- Peui RaflwaY Company, to. \fin-' City o[ St. Paul, Ramsey County, 1_ Fa nrsworth ` by the Coun ' .... 18 nesota. SECTION 2.- on whoshall violate any Cos+ to I+vor Approvr 9 Any pere of the provlalons of this Ordinancer''- upon conviction thereof before 1 Keller .hall the liunlclpal Court of the City of St. �. Paul be pnnfahed by a fine not exceed- :' Dollars ($100). o McColl ing One Hundred pon default of the payment of such r -�-TmT" fire, by Imprisonment not exceeding (3). months. The continued vio- three lation of any provlaion of thio Ordin- a separate , Yoerg ance shall be and constitute often a for each ane every any each Mr. President. Powers violation'shall continue. SECTION 3. This ordinance hall take effect ad Its be in force thirty (30) day- after w t passage and publication. Final adoption by the Copncil April 1 Goes, i Na ha Y•oerg t lir. Pres- I Koller. McColl, (dental (Powers) -7. ' Nape— Approve0. d April 6. I9 �NN POWERS. Mayor. Attrat: JOHN I. FARICY.City Ci erk. (April 30-1916) Against MAYOR Attest: JOHN 1. FARICY, City Clerk. ,.'t'",is+rzz�r=ainsa'r' Pled aq o]` 'a9af11 tJ u� pa7nlntl,7s .-Ipp • 7J esal, [ - only uv yule nloul da5ak' ] -a, 3 3o s76oa 4] Puv suo anp ay ay] ll'eye }IGl>p a43 .Sad of •SRP 7e43f u _ a ayl EI Roof o om] le •9LBL { 9 lq]ZT a43 •SaPRoyQ i^` y -111 ;o ; uv o ale1S P.SasWR}Ln o noRq to the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee ol o �iriopl eayld s aau",7ua u a -rP{4 7aa4>i14 47 ] O1jaR1' • ,RaaRnlaQ <]Rno� •�a@�Rta� . & St.Paul Railway Company, situate in the City Iw oy7 Sq Ploy q III j.'u Pa4llae Al,ado,d aql Pus AOltl Ial, ns 9v:3uw PI a PaPL aea Yana , a7n]"la ,b7I k,; of St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. �v _ a a2v9],ow Plvs i •Rte ,,(, :- 3v ayl of ]u"ns,nd Puv 40VU "I9 .Sga,aq sI aa,]ou •[Gla ] l�4• ,, Any person who shall violate any of the pro- !" noaesfo' ]Pmvlala BUIP aaR1C�'. u pus 4(swn{waad Q; 00_1% RE aaa , ,o, p,Ra oe visions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction I -,a]u, 03 oo'EL8 'tea(aRt�{dj RS gula4) '(EO 6LI'IV s 81i4P .i aRoq ,Ranas Pa,n.G4 and '-0 thereof before the Municipal Court of the City of ,o wnsaql p uR u g,1y r.. aae paglmsaua,a43 z +; ul pun yv�7,ow P{es do@} 'anp aq o7 pawivia a, eefle St.Paul be punished by a fine not exceeding One .LS Rens aqeuu 5u,7unowR a,Ale -,wa,d a ,nau{ Pled Pp. Ro ..R",RaR, Pa. 41Q aT Hundred Dollars (100) , or upon default of the palladwoa uaaq osiv s 4 $R� �: "j unowv 's,ea.i 7u a bO�ftR$ ..,,( Q ro °JCS UG ";oea��;aeaalo 1 ra payment of such fine, by imprisonment not'exceed -"I Iv,auoy PI"d '9I6T qes Io .SaP PCZ o4] ,y, p, •pappso,d pus ap w 8'. ing three (3) months. The continued violation of 7 auoiela q] 07 Pus 9 $31 1 . p,o s Ii lPuoa aq] 07 1-- 'd uvn " a9'd Ro aa�e�7,Ri4 a � '+ any provision of this Ordinance shall be and con- oJ -Ae 7"9i to uoou,a7d s" PE ay7 n: aa,y7 7Je s 7nulw J a 'Q 'y 'RVIC la 47q P ba 6aaiRex al"a , P. -nT stitute a eeparate offense for each and every day .]s ,a7s{5aui 4] ao am']o a4T- ,a1 east Pue '6T6T such violation shall continue. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoptio �^ by the Coun ' ._ 19 . Ia lieuding__.. .. 191'1 (� / I'I,vor3/Appruvr / 9N Krller Mc 2nd 191 Coll Again." •��.I ntnrna $icrrT < 3rd _........!. 191_[ Attest•. Yoerg JOHN 1. FARICY, Date Published ....../. . 1911\ Mr. President, Powers ICity Clerk. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA* Your Petitioners respectfully petition and request that pursuant to Chapter 98, Laws of Minnesota for 1913, you designate by Ordinance as a residence district the property hereinafter described, within which district only buildings for residences may be erected and maintained, including duplex houses and double houses, and that such Ordinance prohibit the erection and maintenance of hotels, stores, factories, warehouses, dry-cleaning plants, public garages or stables, tenements and apartment houses. The property to be included within such residence district is situate in the City of St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and consists of all of the property on the north side of St. Clair Street within one hundred forty (140) feet of the north line of said street, and bounded on the west by Dunlap Street and on the east by Chatsworth Street; and also Lots Thirteen (13) to Tw-enty Four (24), inclueive, in Block Two (2) of C.C. Emerson's Addition; and also all of the property on the south side of St.Clair Street within one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of the south line thereof, bounded on the east by Milton Street and on the west by the east line of Dunlap Street, and said east line extended due south to the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, being the parcels more specifically described as follows: 1 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA: Your Petitioners respectfully petition and request gs that pursuant to Chapter 98, Laws of Minnesota for 1913, you y= designate by Ordinance as a residence district the property hereinafter described, within which district only buildings for residences may be erected and maintained, including duplex houses and double houses, and that such Ordinance �1 prohibit the erection and maintenance of hotels, stores, factories, warehouses, dry-cleaning plants, public garages 5r or stables, tenements and apartment houses. .. s< The property to be included within such residence district is situate in the City of St.Paul, Ramsey County,- Minnesota, and consists of all of the property on the north side of St. Clair Street within one hundred forty (140) feet of the north line of said street, and bounded on the west by Dunlap Street and on the east by Chatsworth Street; and also Lots Thirteen (13) to Twenty Four (24), r l inclusive, in Block Two (2) of C.C. Emerson's Addition; and also all of the property on the south side of St.Clair Street within one hundred twenty-five (125) feet of the v. south line thereof, bounded on the east by Milton Street 6% and on the west by the east line of Dunlap Street, and said east line extended due south to the right-of-wap of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, being the i' parcels more specifically described as follows: r i5 .k mgggg� ^sifX -• St. Clair Street & Short Line A tion, (No. 1). Lots 9,10,11,12,13,1 n Block 4. Lots 9, 10, 11, 13, 13, 14, in Block 3. Bryant's Park Addition, No. 4. Lots 4,5 and 6 in Block 3. Bryant's Park Addition, No. 3. Lots 12,13,14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19,20, 21 and 22, in Block 2. Bryant's Park, 2nd Addition. Lots 4,5 and 6, in Block 2. Bryant's Park Addition. Lots 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23, and 24, in Block 2. C.C. Emerson's Addition. Lots 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 and 24, in Block 2. Ridgewood Park Addition. Lots 1,2,3,4, in Block 6. Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7 and 8, in Block 5. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 83 9, 10, 11 and 12, in Block 1. Subdivision of Ayd's Farm. All that part of Lot 4 between Blocks 5 and 6, Ridgewood. Park Addition, that lies within 128-1/2 feet of the south line of St.Clair Street. Slayton's Addition to Ridgewood Park. Lots 1,3,3,4,5 and 6, in Block 1.' All that part of the Northeast Quarter Mlz) of the Northeast Quarter (NEI) of Section 10 in Township 28 North of Range 23,West, lying east and north of the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St -Paul Railway Company, and within 125 feet of the south line of St.Clair Street, and East of the East line of Dunlap Street, extended due South to said right- of-way. f I . I your petitioners are all property oviners of property within the district above described. owners. Description of Property owned. t Y i f F / 3 fu-� --j- `,� fo- i / 3 fu-� --j- `,� fo- i � 4_126 An ordinance regulating the weighing and sale of coal in the City of St. Paul, and repealing Ordinance No. 3269, approved September 14th, 1914. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. All coal sold to consumers in the City of St. Paul shall be weighed on a city scale in charge of a city weigher appointed by the /Commissioner of Public Utilities, as provided by Ordinance No.,-�� ` _�_, and said city weigher shall deliver to the driver of the vehicle in which such coal is contained, aweigh -ticket, as specified in Ordinance �To.C�, and said weigh -ticket shall be. delivered by said driver to the purchaser of the coal contained in said vehicle. Section 2. That the Commissioner of Public Utilities, the City Market 'Master., or any deputy market master, is hereby author- ized to stop any vehicle containing any coal sold to any consumer, and requir e said driver to exhibit a wei;;h-ticket for such load, and to require the driver in charge of such vehicle to drive to the nearest city scale available, or any other city scale if there is any reason why the one nearest should not be used, for the purpose of re -weighing said load to ascertain the accuracy of the weight. No charge shall be made for such re -weighing, and the city weigher. re -weighing such load shall deliver to the Commissioner, Market Master or other pe�:aon demanding such re -weighing, the usual weish-ticket. The driver of such vehicle shall give his correct name, address, and shall state with whom he is employed, and give such other ipformation as may be desired or requested of hire by the officer demanding such re -weighing. Section 3. That Ordinance No. 3269, an ordinance regulating the weighing and sale of coal and the measurement and sale of :good in the City of St. Paul, and repealing Ordinance No. 2803, approved December 7th, 1908, is hereby repealed, and the appointment of all weighers of coal and measurers of wood under said ordinance are hereby_ r revoked, and all bonds now in force for said weighers O� oal and inspectors of fire -wood are hereby cancelled, and the prrrrrincipals and sureties thereon released from all liability. i Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. (Imendlnent inserting as Section 4 the following Section 4. That 8 C. F. No. 9126—Ordinance No. 3929—any of the provisions of this By O. E. Keller— An ordinance egulating the weighing d sale o[. coal In the City of St. Ordinance shell be guilty peal, and repealing Ordinance No.nviction thereof shell be 3269, and September 14th, 1914. punishable b a fine not a The Councl) of the city of St. Pam or by imprisonment in the p y does ordain: SECTION 1. St Paul Workhouse not exce citylofcSt Paul r ll be weighed oumers In nus city- scale In charge of a city weigher appointed by the Commlasloner of Public Utilities, as provided by Ordin- a ce No. 3419. and aid cit_ welgher hall deliver to the driver of theve- hicle In which such coal-.ta contained. a weigh -ticket, as specified In Ordin- ance No: 3419, and said weigh -ticket .hall be delivered by said driver to the purchaser of the coal contained in said vehicle. o ;r 'SECTION n - That the City arker t Public Utilities. the City Market Meter, r ..t deputy market master, i hereby authorized to ato➢ any vehicle con- taining any coal sola to any . nedmor. and weigh -ticket uire said such dr loadandto require lcle toe drives to nthR ¢nearest such city scale available, or ¢ny other city scale if ¢there is any reason why the one nearest Should not be used. for .the purpose of -weighing Id load to tale the uraeY t the weight No charge shall ba made for ch le - weighing. and the city Igher re - weighing Such load Shell deliver to the Commissioner,. Market Master or 'other person demanding such may the 41-26 Final Adoption rr by the Council.../.../-(r/.,.J.... ...19t Approvety(...... ../4 Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, City Clerk. sur ties th lreoon the prfireincipals and re- leased from all liability..= SECTION 4:-.' That any person who hall vlolat- any . of the provision. ofthis Ordl-' pence Shall be go IltY of a miade- on rex- 'She,Imenn�be punishable bY,d. fine noion t ceeding One Hundred Dol are, or by im- nt In the riBonat Workhouse pe ninety days Ye SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take eRect and be In force thirty days after its Pass- age and p bl lcatlon. Final d pilon by. the Council April 1st Reading �. 181— 6, 1916 Farnsworth. Goes, ./��O/I/. Yeas Messrs. Keller.. McColl, Nesh, Mr. President 194/ (Powers) -6. Npproced April 6. 1915. 2nd'� „,,,/.%lr+?:.I �..L.-u..... 1j INN POWERS. �� � �� 3rd ,• U li./U>n`1_..19h% Mayor. Attest: JOHN I. FARICY. e1tY clerk. (April 10-1015) Powers Date Published ......................................191. _ tir. President, 41-26 Final Adoption rr by the Council.../.../-(r/.,.J.... ...19t Approvety(...... ../4 Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, City Clerk. .J r revoked, and all bonds now in force for said weighers O�oal and inspectors of fire -wood are hereby cancelled, and the principals and sureties thereon released from all liability. i Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication, (L-endment inserting as Section 4 the following: Section 4. That a C. F. No. 4126—Ordinance No. 342o—any of the Provisions of this By O. E. Kener— An ordinance regulating the weighing d W. of. coni in the City o1 St. Oroinence shill be guilty eat Paul, and repealing_Ordinance N o.nviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not eoeBoordain° l :;st pan ',,Or by imprisonment in the St Paul Z'orkhouse not es Is t 1flxu;� >Iqn,., pan li.di.�q J K.141, J"' i 1 ! -11 }l 1'' N ............ .1 .... q{{ I J x 41 111' f i J 11�� 41-26 Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Final Adoption r by the Council.......C!%..J... ...191 -' _ _ 1st Readini, ../��1/!/. -191 ✓ .Farnsworth ' Goss .._... In favor r Approve .... _.. - 10?.... 2nd Keller �u a" McColl Again MAYOR q/ � 3rd .rr� 191✓ ��/U-..... J _ Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, Date Published .................................... 191 .. 1r, President, Powers City Clerk. 4M, Amend Council File No. 4126 Section 4. That any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not ex- ceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the St. Paul Workhouse not exceeding ninety days. i ZAn ordinance authorizing the erection and construction of po�Yorete platforms and the placing of concrete piers under the pavilion at Harriet Island, and appropriating moneys to meet the cost thereof. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Safety has recommended to the Council the erection and construction of concrete platforms, and concrete piers instead of wooden posts under the pavilion at Harriet Island, and has reported an estimate of the cost of such ira- provement, together with sketch, plans and other data giving in full detail the nature of such improvement, together with the atateniert certified by the Comptroller of the funds available in the city treasury for such purpose; and whereas, the Council approves the foregoing project; now therefore TI -E COTTN CIL OF TBE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and empowered to construct and erect concrete platforms and piers at the Women's Bath -house, a platform running from the Men's Bath- house to bridge near channel, and to place concrete piers instead of the present wooden posts, under the pavilion, all at the Public Baths on Harriet Island. Section 2. That there is hereby appropriated out of the Main- tenance and Repairs Account of the Health Fund, the sum of Six Thousand, Three hundred Thirty-six Dollars (Qp6,336.001), or so much thereof as may be necessary to meet the coat of sai improvement. Section 3. This adinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon Its passa&e and publication. I hereby certify/that the is ir�the 4 treasu)y, Pail- I able for the urpo s Prov" ed in /,he f a oink o in ce,�the Dollars.. sum of — -- --- City Comptroller. Passed by the Council ------- 1915. Yeas Nays Mr. Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Nash C. F. No. 4lm.c Na r$418— By Henry McCo��-- 7 Yoerg An ordinance authorizing the rection President �� and constructlon of ggconcrete plat - Nays, 'ST • plerae lndert tof hepPavillloa at, cHarriet Island, and appropriating moneys. to Approved _ meet the cost thereof. Thle is an emergency- ordihaune. rendered. nec- essary Sor the Ilreaarvation of" the public peace, health and safety. Whereas, ,The Commissioner of Pub- ✓O�ST• ]fc. �Safety� has recommended/ to the yN� Council concrete plattiorrtie ndtruction anansconcrete f'.g Tera instead .1 wooden poste under •he yavllion at Hnrriet'Ieiand, and bee reported an estimate 'tub's hetharepstwtth C/ such improvement,' ketch. plane and other, data giving In full, detail dhe nature: of. such, improve together with the. statement car - tided by. the Comgprolter sof- the:. funds 'tvallable in the city treasue. for o such r purpose: and whereas;; hact; now �.pproves the foregoing P, 1 !herefore; ' The Council of the City -of -St. .Paul . does ordain.' SECTION 1 4 _ That the proper .city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to enstruct and reef concrete plat- ' / fme orma P` gtPor.rm runnng from P. th house, Men's Bath -house -.to , bridge near channel, and to place concrete-)pfore Instead of the preee¢t .wooden Posta, undert the puvilton.:.'I at they, Public Bathe on Harriet Island. SECTION 2, That there is hereby appropriatedReRepair. /Ar t of the Maintenance 'and Repnlrs Account of the Health Fund, the um f Stx Thousand, Three Hundred Thi V -six Dollars ($be necessary Yo much thereof a may meet the cost of said Improvement. fu• g'� SECTION 8. This'ordinanae to hereby declared to be: an .emergency ordinance rend- ered. necessary"for the preservation of the. publlc'pesce,,"health and safety. SECTION` -4: -This ordinancc -shall take eRect and be in force. immediately upon Us pass- age and, Publication. Pnesed by the Council Abri] 3, 1915- Yens-Msssrs. 'Q•'arnsworth; Goae, Keler, McColl. Nash, Yoerg..Mr.. Presi- dent.(Powers). 7: - NBYs-0• Approved April 6. 1915. WINN POWERS, ' '. Attest: JOHN I. FARICY,Ctty Clerk. (Apr11,10-1915)' i. able for the Urpo a pro v` ed in she fc eZoins o in e/the J sum of —�--- _ Dollars., City Comptrcller. Passed by the Council 1915. Yeas Nays Cdr. Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Nash Yoer ; Nays, 0 Mr. President (Pourers) Approved .That.�thp 4 hereby„ athoSkzed snd.. amPAwsrea to: cena[3'n�Xr �,si(d+rprs!C.L.,,nGT ielvpiat' [pane $init 1J�pYgrgttita A �h� hath- �hopa ,�i ]Fta#SgrAld'7nrthi�tg5 'LrbP1 C1•e Mena tfi"+'�au�a��rf� , ridge ,near ,� i ohan ei__��ii0.q Y.P 4 A $te piers Lnetead�d.� n POata.`: Undp,{ YSY � on'^t Public' That th roPepal �. iy out_of them >3 nd 8epara Acconnt St?r... Y nd thesum. xnna:ea, 4 , f,,' ��i ! C/t�- v t /v C. ' Lf/riL� ii f/ /"i �.c . [ �� his _ -'to Hyde Street under Preliminary Or Final Order 2390 C. R. No. 4129— In the matter of pavinic PI l Jmn AV— .I from South Waboaha Street to I yds Street under Preliminary Or- der GG 6. Intermediary Order 1745. FI not Order 2390, approved November 5th, 1914. Resolved, That the Plane,apecilita ..a and estimates submitted; by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named,eImprovement be and they samey approved. Resolved Further, That the Purchns-I I -dA gent `directed heand Is la dveretsea5n`hlhe ' L 4129 Corn bids pforlth e by king Oofy said lmr! provement, nocording to said plans and spec'flentlons, on the basis (A)- That the nidder o contractor shall furnish nil labor and material for sal' biddern or cont= III usha.11 _13) at, .de from South Wab88ha Street Improvement by force a count, Ing n percentage of coatep ries ! forming the s is slid (1 shall require.:( bid dere abond' 'me It oP �� t.Yenty pe��- lho bldg C 'Ib, of a s46 Intermediary Order" i ids form_ wl(J approved November 5th 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Coruflissioner of Public Vorks for the above named improvement be and the sdme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTF2.R, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advortisentent for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty Per cert,. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance :,ith the plans and specifications in cane the bid is accepted, or / n lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of t-1 The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to c.dvertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the :omrrdttee authorized to a and the contract-, if it is a contract which the committee may ac,ard, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Ciork; by day labor, in which evert, the said corrdlittee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. j 193 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( C- isr. President.. Councilmen ( ) Bays Yoerg Farnsworth Goss Keller McQe4_1 O'Leary Pov,ers Approve IQTi(.�IJ2 %;ayo r pIJBLISIILD 3 ,�.r--?- �: 5 ' �' F `. \\ ,/ fff In the matter of r 41to— lllfiom Second htre�<t•I to Sixth Sir—' under lh•climinnrY Order 746, Inter- " d, a approved Sep ern - sib. 1 14. 1628, npVrove Rasblved, That tho plane. Bpeclflea- tions n I estlmntea le wok by the Co [Public Works for the bove n' d Improvmnent be and the - sameare harebY approded. IResolved rurther, That the Purchne- InF A.—t be d ho Is hereby author- n® ized and diraeted to dvertlee In the ` r provided by the City Chatter, ll for bids for the nkln� Y aid im- pro • mento, ycco ^din6 toe id pians d .pacific ti n . o the bnslhr7tAfu Wish i the bidder r con oaL.11 li l e,,,�ti"bort StYeet from Second Street to eat r perces•`', Sixth Street n under Preliminary Order 745 y Intermediary Order 1144 Final Order 1528 approved September 9th 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans,'snocifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Norks for the above named improvement be and the sdme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material fox said wor'- at a speci- fied sum- (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said Yrork in accordance ..;ith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as nr-y be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the : ,-,dttee authorized to av;ard the contracti, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the viork should be done by the Commissioner of Public ,iorka by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. 191 Adopted by the Council Z� �d�/rte -i �� Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Yoerg Farnsworth Cosa Keller T O'Leary 1,T. President., Powers e::ayor, PUBLISHED 3"-12 `2 -�S RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make s2.id improve- ment by force account, receiving a. percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution Of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to E.dvertlse again ar-d as often as r.^.ay be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained,unless the ,oP.imittee authorized to a,,-ard the contrar,*, if it is a contract which 'the committee may arard, shall be of opinion that no furth:,r bids should be received and that the stork should be done by the CommissionOr of Public Ciorke by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. _ Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Farnsworth Goss Keller 3 O'Leary . Mr. President, Powers A 316- �::ayor PUBLISIIM 3 r� O 1-s IC h e4131 1 th m t! oP paving Frtlrtlold Avc Street to Belief ehe SL eet and P itminary Order 1H. 4 I ter dl y Order 1145, I`Inal9order tl / E753, approved Dec mbar 1st. lciflea- Resolved, Thrtt Che plans, pe done and e9ttmntea 9uDmltted by the CommSesloner of Public Work. for the be and the above named improvement hereby aD➢roved. sn a Resolved Further. That the Purche.e, -I . �,• Ing Agent be and ha isheroby author I.cd and direel d to dvertlse fn. the C I r Pr°accor in the Id Charter for bide for the king t said Im-� ffor bid. f according to .aid ➢lane d on the ball. (A) That; pecfflcatlon., the bidder r ohtrnotor eh all Loraleb nil labor ad .,or .1for said work a[ (Rn) That the bidder In the matter of pal epecifled burn; or .ontractor shag cake said lmprove- meat far a°nee n n Tt, reeetYinq a Tom 1V bashB StreFt to -- percentage of cost Price for perform- In s.dvs-'lsement - Belle Ing the a sal. for bids. the same. .Street -_- require a bidder's b• of at teat toren' _ under Preliminary Order hid, nditioned fermtancetoe'"` Intermediary Order 1145 , with the plry Final Order 2753 atproved Deoember let 1914• RESOLVED, That the plans,' specifications and estimates submitted by the.Corimissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the sAme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make s2.id improve- ment by force account, receiving a. percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution Of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to E.dvertlse again ar-d as often as r.^.ay be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained,unless the ,oP.imittee authorized to a,,-ard the contrar,*, if it is a contract which 'the committee may arard, shall be of opinion that no furth:,r bids should be received and that the stork should be done by the CommissionOr of Public Ciorke by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. _ Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Farnsworth Goss Keller 3 O'Leary . Mr. President, Powers A 316- �::ayor PUBLISIIM 3 r� O 1-s Presented..-IJarch 18, ...... _191..5.... of 974'- n Id pve r om ahN 6t. to lle11, Si Y9na1 t7rd Vb.: 2753,Pr—d lle emb 1 t 13 9. Aefle ed Purthe TN�at: the plana: I epedla ntf ne i d e. , nahie are hereby nppprbve.'r PurchdeIn sgid a�ivertleefienf l>lg Agent 'hal Resolved, That the Purcha� aer'e Dona to tpP 4r'and.-ne is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the ma7i or thepupe[Ian by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary to m�lfo°i�a�oaaao owing improvements; namely: Robert Street from SecoiVttreet to Sixth Street, Final Order TTo. 1528 approved September 9th, 1914. Fillmore Avenue from South Wabasha Street to Hyde Street, Final Order No. 2390, approved November 5th, 1914. Fairfield Avenue from Wabasha Street to Belle Street, Final Order No. 2753, approved December 1st, 1914 RESOLVED FURTEER, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materials be and the same are hereby approved. In said advert isenent for bids, the Purchasing ;.gent shall re(uire a bidder's bond to the anount of at least twenty -per cent of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtrined, unless the conrnittee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract nhich the comrnittee may award, shall be of the opinion that no further bids should be received. Yeas ( I') Councilmen (t) Nays Farnsworrh Goss In favor Keller U against O Del` Mr. President, Powers -11 c.e.2 Adopted by the Council Approved MAYOR PUBIAS111:D 'jam/0' t�No. �/i///I/ Subject:' ....................... ....... ...........!...........:.... `\ f 1 �` / / w.. ........._.� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4132 A Iv'4 Thnt the Purcha ing Age In - he and h la hereb """""""' - rected to advertLgeYlnut)..11-d and di n the mnnner pro- COUNCIL vIded by the Cf Charter, for all of FILE No... ....... � th Mate inl. neceeenry to make the fel lulvine Imnr�v., r.................. ........ ......... Presented..-IJarch 18, ...... _191..5.... of 974'- n Id pve r om ahN 6t. to lle11, Si Y9na1 t7rd Vb.: 2753,Pr—d lle emb 1 t 13 9. Aefle ed Purthe TN�at: the plana: I epedla ntf ne i d e. , nahie are hereby nppprbve.'r PurchdeIn sgid a�ivertleefienf l>lg Agent 'hal Resolved, That the Purcha� aer'e Dona to tpP 4r'and.-ne is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the ma7i or thepupe[Ian by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary to m�lfo°i�a�oaaao owing improvements; namely: Robert Street from SecoiVttreet to Sixth Street, Final Order TTo. 1528 approved September 9th, 1914. Fillmore Avenue from South Wabasha Street to Hyde Street, Final Order No. 2390, approved November 5th, 1914. Fairfield Avenue from Wabasha Street to Belle Street, Final Order No. 2753, approved December 1st, 1914 RESOLVED FURTEER, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materials be and the same are hereby approved. In said advert isenent for bids, the Purchasing ;.gent shall re(uire a bidder's bond to the anount of at least twenty -per cent of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtrined, unless the conrnittee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract nhich the comrnittee may award, shall be of the opinion that no further bids should be received. Yeas ( I') Councilmen (t) Nays Farnsworrh Goss In favor Keller U against O Del` Mr. President, Powers -11 c.e.2 Adopted by the Council Approved MAYOR PUBIAS111:D Petition Council File No— PROPOSAL PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. , and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uudersigued hereby proposes the making of the follnvviug pu imprpveulent by the Citypf. Pfitd, v;,.:� Const.xuat.._a..._e.awes_...on....Rasa._S.t......3r. At].ant.i.o.._St.,.....t o._.. ...sh....St. , in accordance with petition hereto _..tache.d..,.._ -- - - ....._..... _. .._...._._.__. .......................... uat,•a this 18th _day of. _ _ March_._ _ __191 5.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIP•.[11:A5. A vvriltrn lu•opnsal for the malting of the following improvellnm, vlr,.:_ __. Construct a sewer on —os...s_ at._..fr.om 4tilantiX- St....t_o...'English-at.- C.'11 English...at..0 I No 1131 - - "' - 1 1 K r t tl folio ,; I „' I Ino Construct :, sewer 0t.. _.. ... [ \tl t St [" ',II hoh SL S 1 -- Ih City of t 11.1 th f b Il It 1 vel Th t Ilio,( I sI oP Ci1lllall ........------ -"-""' having been presented to the Colt] pored avdl be l. mand he 1s her b. or - therefore, be it nio 1 restlgate we ce-Ity for v! Petition Conncil Pile NO.._..___._._._._._._.. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. !� y and f ^ za PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'I'hc undersigned hereby proposes LI waking of the follovviw• Iiulprovenleotbythe Paid vi, : Construct a.._cement bl.ock_._sdeTr ._.__. t.o__a+idth west side of Cretin Ave. from Da on Ave. to Selb; with petition hereto attach --•---- - Dittcll this 18th _day of March __ 19191 - Councilman. F in accordance ................. _....... _.............. _......... PRELIMINARY ORDER. ATIIEREAR. A vcrilthvl Irroposnl for the waking of the following iulproveuleut, .i,.: _construct_ a-- ......._... cement block sid..evalk._1.0.._a_7ddth of six _.£e.et._on_ the_weet....side.. o.f.-- Cretin Ave. from Dayton Ave. to 3e1bY-AYe_. \l l \ tl 1 1 of f ihi Ittl 14 f tl f 11 1 k i P rot block tv¢Ilc In o tridth of six Ceet on the west side Pf Ct elfin Ave. from I)nyton having becu presented to the. Couucll o A— to sem,- A—, 11—inF heel Pre- ' anted to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it Pnul therefore. be It Resolved, That the Contm lssloner of rnnue work¢ no and ne Is Hereby Pt- •eby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, 'That the Couuuission acrcd nd directed: 1. To inv Pslls¢te the eressity for lid ]Inp1•oveltl Cllt. 1. 'To investigate the necessity i'o er aeelrnbuity of till m¢idna of sola Im Prove melt. To Int-eeu—'the n tore, extent cement, and the total coat thereof. 2. '1'o'incestigate the nature, esti _,,,d eeumalea coot of slid Improve- - rnt and the Ionil rest n,ereof. :1. To fin-nish a plan, profile m• 81 G�.etcn o f [Fuld sinnn'onen n. profile elle o a. To furnish the follnvving- other , t T for. b,,! the following oto nl ialplovenlCnt ill 1 1f—roti— ,eiative to soli iml t. _.. _._. T I to whether or not e.111 I ._......... ..... _.... .. 1 re} .. t Is¢,ked for on the petition..... _..... ...... .. ...... _... er, 959 Ch orl�.s street. J. TO state Whether 01• Il Ot silld 1(pl ovelnC ort vPon Coof the [or .L1t1011 Of thl'Ce 01' In OrC OwnCl'$. to ills ommla o—, of 6. To report upon all of the fm•egning ollit rs cl. mil Melt. 111. 1915, Of Winance. Adopted by the Council–. 19] yeas: Nays: Couucihnnn Fal Isworth Gog Approved__. .. ..... .... Kel cr Nash Yol rg`} ..- Aiayor PON ers 5 Petition Colilleil File No ..............__._.,___. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 135 and.°` PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folloWii/9—-1 ie inywovcolent by e .City of St. Construct a ce, Ment blo,ck_.si..d.ewe.lk ._.w.idth.-_of..s. ._'fe-e.t.----°n---" 1';ud, viz.: both sides of_Portland Ave, betwee... a...irview...Ave-•-- Cle.veland._.Ave.., in accordance_ with_petit..10-A her. .o_.attached.._._. --- ..................... ......... .._......... .. bated this 18th__ (,ay of oh _ _ __ 191... _. .... ......... . Comlcihmn. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FIII•;HT;AS.:A written proposal for the locking of the following improvement, viz.: Construct _EL. dement. bl.Rsk_sidewalkto.....a_w.id.th-_of_.six feet. an. _Loth__sidea of Portland Ave. between Fairview Ave. and Cleveland Ave, it written Proposal for the m -� - ol:inIne, g ofof the following I Work aid,- ----walk id,- viz: Constrwi :t cement It . silo- ... aides of width of six feet on hall, "-- n -. ...__....... sides -- ^^'--' "-'- of Portland All. betweenwing ve view Ave. and Cleland Ave. having presented to the Copncll of the 1111111 Laving been presented to the Counegl'•ii. of st. Pani theroforo. he it _ Hesolvod. That the Commisslo all of (herefore, be it .Pln,no Works ne and he is hereby or - dared and diverted: RB30LVED, That the Lonlnli68j 1. o investigate the eeessny far hereby ordered antl directed: or desirnWitty f the mnlcing of said Imo 1. To investigate the necessity 2. To Invnrovemenhestigate the rata_ extent f said imprvcmeut. ,adeanmat 'I cost of said Improve- - eat, and the toga ..I Iheroef. r provenlent, ant, the total cost thereof. 2. 'Po investig;de the nature, em3. o Nrnish a omm�. pronto 0 sketoh of said Improve,nenl.. :1. '1'o rill-nish a phut, profile or ;'' To furnish the following other dmta and Information relative to said a. To Illrni<il the following oti"loo'e cin a whether or not said lm - ;o said improvelneut : Prose aa Is asked for on the petition m three or more owners. ....._.......-. 6. To'repa>•lt opo all of the Sore I�---- ........... ........ ... .. ........... lening matters -'_-' mmlesimler of Flnance. �e petrtron of three or more owners. 5. To state whether m• not sa, Adopted by that �9 as . 11 1116. SA .Approved 5fch. i 6. To report upon all of the f``urrr tntarrs to the Golf lel of b mance. f�Mld. �i7 7(J. t• i_..----� Adopted by the Council Yeas: Nays: k Couucilolart Fa ns«•orth Co Approved _ ✓ ___ 1. Ke er fi Nash Yo ,Mayo' Po ers �� 3 *� _ /s \laym•. Council File No. . .........:.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. I The Rudersigned hereby proposes the making of till- following p lc ialproveuient by le City of St. Fai.xYiew_..Ave in acc.o.x.dance t'alil, viz.' Grade..Hi11e.a....St, _f.I'orl Prio..x :vith_petiti.on hereto attache(l.__ -. Dated this 18th Ilay of _ _ . ch V Coancilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. wlllsltl?.V5. A wrltt,'nro msal for the making kof the following improvement, wiz.:____. - !' t Hilles St. from.Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. ........_........ .... . ille. ,fide HSt ...:'bee aair o t Ave.,Avcit of been _..., __.. .ited to the Council of filo City ..._... ....... _.. ...... Paul therefore, be it Resolved. That the Commissioner o4 'Publ is works be and he Is hereby or-ian having heen presented to the Council nderea na dtreoted: 1. To Investigate the necessity for - Ihel'efnl'l', b(' ]t Ir desirability of the making of said .pr.vem art. z. To Investigate the nature, extent Roby ordered and directed: 11HSOLVED, That the Conlmissiori and tent a iea total o f soldthemprove- men1. To investigate the necessity fCskemn otfu ish a plana profile or till 1 )1f.'0 ement. 4. To furnish the following other OV,'111e1it, and the total cost the"Of. 3. '1'o investigate, the nature, exudateand information relative to sold Improvement 3. To furnish a plan, profile or su B. To state whether or not safe Im- provement Is asked tar on the petition of three or more owners. -1 •fn f111'lll�ll the fnllllll'111g ,lt belt 6. To report upon allof the fore- "'Ing maltters to the Commissioner of "'_"' - [ d by the Council Aleb. 19, 1915 5. To state whether or not said ilnproveS."d illch. 20; 1915. etitiou of three or more owners. (Jlalch 27-1915) 6. To report 111)011 all of the foreu[ nrattcre to the C01111111681oner of Cinauce. n �f Adopted by the Council..___..._....F��l._.+.....i.�....t9..�.._...._..197.__.... Yeas: r\•tys: ('otluejlnuul Fill l9worlil Uos Approved Kel r t� MP air, M2 mog Nash Yog..._... Mayor Po ers Mayor. Pe4it i on Council File No., PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER."' The tutdersigned hereby proposes the making of the follomiug pit c inlprovenlent by the Cit of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Fairview, Ave _fr.om_Ta.1.J,u13._�ve...-o..._Hilles St. and on Hilles St._from Fairview.Av.e._ta._Prior _Ave.., --.in cordance-with petition hereto attaQbvd ._. ............ _.......... _..... _. I)atrd this 18th _day of ch_ I .. // Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \CIIrP.P:\ti, A a'rilh•u pt•npnsal for the making of the following unprocclnvlt viz.: -- . 9ons.truo t_ . a _ sewer ...on._Fair vinw_.Avo.__ from _.Tal lula- Ave. _to.. -Hill es --St . .and on Hilles_St. from Fairview_ Ave._ to_Prior_Ave. _ ............_............ .. ...................... .......... . C t v x137 111 tttea propos: t t the! _- .-... t l oti t o following Into t 1 r(lost t surer on r 1 t oil Hlllea St. fromty P'e. alrvlew Ave. to ..._.._.� hxvtog btul presented to the Council of the rrlor .l..e., . -ITI; been presented to the rou, t the City of St. rout therefore, be it therefore, he it nesotred, That the Commtaamner oeprdcred and directed: RESOLVED, That Lhe Commissioner of .Pnmic works no :lad he to horeby or- dered nd dtreuled: 1. To-nrea[it^nte the nee esu it, for .11)rnvenlent. 1. 'Po investigate the necessity for or Cor deny.nenit>. of the ntatdng of avid lmm'o,'ement. pt, and the total cost therrof. '2. To investigate the natu"', extent. au z. To nlvestugate the antol-e, extent i and eaum:ued oat "f yard .prove- 1 profile m• sla>tclr cmont, and rule ma,l rout thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, l a. To ntrol,h ;l plan. proale or i akeleh of .v+tid Implore ment. - P, 'i'�l X111 I11 �b tli� tll�l Itt 111 lilt 1 chill �. To fill ntah the tollotvins other l �1 lllelll drain .tnd In formal mn rCl:,live to said 3. Impro o e,et. To e,et, nein t smd im _.-... ...__.. _.. .._... t 1 in t 1 1 e, r u e petition r niOre -no- i. To st rte )vhcther or not said inept o c TO ltl tt nil c t n tXk- foreof tlu•ee or more owners. " o G. To report upon all of till tm•egoirgjrl H,'_ f lance. f I q� - ch> Cour ,eta. m--� 1s. _Adopted by the Council__. _Rn 13 yeas: Nays: �. . Councihuan Fa usworih 9 / —� Go. _ Approved..._. �T.... - M 91 Yworg Nash ,g Mayor 1'o ers pUBLISIIN:D 3 -= Petition Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigucd hereby proposes the oinking of the follOWiug puhlie imliroveulent by the City of�1t. Pa,d, viz.: Grade. Rug Gell...Street_.fr.cm.._C.ase.S.t..::�to_the._.r.ight.._.of.... of the. Northern Pacific Railway, .in acco.rd_{yrice._with petition. to attached. ........................ ......._............... . ..__......... . .......... _....... _. _................ _.. . Ihlted this 18th d, o1'- roh _ �/J. 191 6� �` � Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1V'II7;[iF.A A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_ Grade' Russell Street from Case St. to the right of way nig the Northern Pacific Railway. ....................... ........._..............._._......... _ .. 4138 - .. _... - ! v I t r, n, too rnnntrn�.. Imorot t I t .tae xueeeu street rtom t e �._... -. st. u, the rii;nt nr .t•:u' or the a __ _.__._ nre- 1 1 L lh 1.Il o[ the Citr of St. having been presented to the Coluicil PTt1 to t.ar li i tee PUT \\ I b rad ne Ie hereby c� Therefore, be it dlret.ta wee to, 1. '1'n Invrxti!; atc the , e It, 71P.NOL�"1: D, That the Coounissio it r aeel�a,,aity or the -MI -Ig of ram �lerehy ordered and directed: »�,ro. —,It. To in,'e.tigale the onto re. e�lent 1. To investigate the necessity l,nti e�ih» rated exec nr 5 !d tmaroye- said improvement. Hent. :rad the tet."! co t thereof. To no,�leh a Winn. nrome er }rovenu'nt, and the totill cost thereof. 2.'L'n' investigate the nature, ex el<�a�lt or laid Itnnro—mont. 4. To turn lsh the. fo!Io11' other .3. To furnish a plan, profile or •luta ;tnd Inmrn,aunn rehIt' to Bata meet -{ to fol uislt Thr I'ollolcing otl, I elate ,vnethe o� ,rat Id ! id n 1 0� meat.- nt to aet.cl r the 1 U(I ulr r u o. n,nre C. 7 icnnrt unn 11 [ [h r to 11 .. ^,leel .r of ... ... .......... ......... ... .......... .. i J. To stiae whether or rot said int Jr(i;,,e by the c -1-o Mch. 11, the petition of three or more owners. 1 a \ ,h. 20, 1916. (M:nrh 27-1916)-_-___-ISSI011e1' Of Il�iliance. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing ma. ,__ _ _ Adopted by the Council_____._ MAR ..1_9_.I�.K_...._.19L__.. Yeas: Nays: Cmmcilnuul F; •nslvnrl h Co s Approved / Ii ler / ' Nash Y erg _��. .. Mayor P vers - _ _Manor. PUBLISI1ED 3 - ;) Request of Gilbert & Gilbert As per letter attached. Council Pile No.____. _._..___ _..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, andf PRELIMINARY ORDER. /ff / The oudersigned hereby proposes the malting of the follol/I publie ialprovement by the -ity of St. P;nll, viz! _._... Grade Charles St. .from 8 ling Ave.... to Fry. .................... _ . Dated this 18th_day of [� Councilman. J PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEIZII.\S, A writtrnl proposal for the malcing of the following iaflmoveauvt, viz.:__._._______.___.___._ .. Grade_ Charles_St. from Bz1olhlg Ave, to_Fry.-.St..... ruo„mh Improve t.l .ad corvine st, o- n I ul s .\ve to 1'r) tiL. htta nea-n Dres [ a� .......... _.._.. .. -" -- -'-- -- to the Coon t 11 of the City of SL Pn tI I•'-- thet efore loe it a.e�ua�rd. 'Phot nh� Commissioner e is ih 9ruh)•r or- JMI111a I1 having been presented to the Cone bII wortta be .._.____. _.... _...__..., I 1 1 directed therefore, be it 1: Investl onto u,r , ! 1 alnllt) of the mnicing ng o o! Id RESOLVED, That the Commt an and a.iim�,i�auanti the onto",,nrovot s herehy ordered and directed: "at. :or the total of said thered[. or�pf said llllpl`O VCIIICIIt. 1. To investigate the necessit n •m ntrnlal, a pian. pro mo _.._-.. - 1 arch of su id hn Vrocemant. _. To investigate the nature,I �1. To fnrnlal, u,n lono.tlnb other aprovena•nt, and the total cost thereof. Inl:t and information relalit'e to Bald :i. To 1'uraish :t plan, profile t� n,n,'ovement. n•non,rr or not eela tin- t ,. T,. atnte 1 rrorement Is welted for on the petition I a. T-1 I'nrmsh the 1") mving n� ,e three or more owners. rto said Inlppoveuleut:.., Toreport upon 11 o! the lore- i imatters^to the Commlesioner of e: ....... ._.._........ ........._.......... ......... ........._. .. ........_.. ._.... I r t,d by th,, Council Mrh 10. 191 (........ e --d '10, 20. 1915- o. to state whether o• not saul•inip..,✓ellarch 24-1010) �e petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fo•egaing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Cotutcil......_ AAR__IU?...1.4.iS..._....__ I!I1___... �. Peas : Nays: Councilman Pea Isw•orih �._ _1 Go. Approved el eary 0, Mayor Po •ors .. .Mayor. PUBLISiiFn I RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the s9me are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City. Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance cf said work in accordance with the plana and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which uld the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids sho be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. NAR 119 MI5 1914. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) co oilmen Yo g Fa sworth Go Ke er Me (. Mr.. President„ Po ars ) Nays Approv 1°146 rUB1T3Y1TF ID ,:ayor �-/S ! I�ES411.i1TIONS. - (,. F: No. 4140 Page sheet 1 Ih the Iter f grading I from Cherokee Avenue IPA- � Avenue. u der Preliminary older 676, Flnnl Order 2681, approved No- S I I t tuber 20, 1014. hd estimates submitted by the tl Raeolyetl, Thn' the plane, dpe y the arced f Public Worksfor the (/ �\ //✓ ���J ntbe and the above named Improvement t above hereby approvod. - �,.1 4-lI I sn e re (", 'jII Resolved Further, That the Purchae_ :Resolved —I be and he fe nerebY au- thorized and directed tadvertise to theo i I the manner pro vfded by .kl C o Char- t r for bldg or the making f said! ` Improvement, acordlA. [0 1d plane d 0n the basis (A) In the matter apecfucatfons. That the bidder or contractor shall of furnish all labor d material Yor anfdLm Cherokees Avenue —7 1< at a specified sum; (B) That the blde r or ontractor, shall make said meat by sores account. e- fo- to Delaware Avenue+' JY5�4eice t g of cent price ��' s e. in ea - Preliminary Order `e 5754 �x -Idl ntermediary Order under Final Order 2881 approved November 20, 1914- I RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the s9me are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City. Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance cf said work in accordance with the plana and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which uld the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids sho be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. NAR 119 MI5 1914. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) co oilmen Yo g Fa sworth Go Ke er Me (. Mr.. President„ Po ars ) Nays Approv 1°146 rUB1T3Y1TF ID ,:ayor �-/S CITY OF ST. PAUL 40 � 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n _. No 1 /fit /qpm ' Subject: COUIV NCIL O. 3L! Date Presented...--- I91........... Rei Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent, with the written consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchase, without competitive advertising g for bids one carloaj 1, broo corn t p ,ellee - e rma�i I 1 DI a coe"'tz of to exceed Twe3-pp 14 �l]ax�,`-for use in the broom f.,tt-..fIC-.�' at the City Workhouse, the cost thereof to be payable out of the Workhouse Maintenance Account of the Commissioner of Public works Fund; it being the opinion of the Council that an emergency exists where a failure to act promptly will work an Injury to the City. C. r. No. 4141—B)' "LN. Gose— neaolYed. That th,• Purchasing Agent. wi�tth the written � sen[ f the 9lnyor and Comptroiler, is hereby' on - it thurized to Pu rchuae, 1Y hout ndve- itaing Por cpm pc•titive Lida, o e r - loud of broom < at oatn not �tto sed a -nts , per pound, F. O. B. titt I'aul. for u e In the broom factory at the ('It, \yorichouse, the cost lhere- pf m he P:,,ea Lie out oe the \V oo9chouse ➢ialnl mance Areou nt of the Corn .,loner of Puhllc A1'o rl<a Fund; It being .the opinion of the Council that on ,ro'.rgrorY exh,te where finj are' to to ort nrnmill ptly x e l< an bo City. Adopted b)' ll,e Council .lfch. 1!I, 191 F. Apl�. _d Nar,h 19. 1915. ,\larch '19-1975) Yeas W) Councilmen (f') Nays Farnsworth Goss In tacor Keller -against O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers roams �.e-: .adopted by the Council Approved 3' MAYOR CITY OF 5T. PAUL �^ ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RES!LU FORM LE CIL N0. 414.2 I _ I BY AUDITED 1 191_ { 247ll P Toru Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following det3'led statement: Yeas ( J) Co oilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council / 191 g.•;..� Fa sworth l Go —6—In favor Approved — 191', K er _Against L�- MAYOR Y g Mr. President, P wers — orporate Purposes ? 43,638.81 Special Funds -- Red. Tax Levy Certs, of Ind. 1913 Acct. 10409 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of ,Finance, 500.00 Total Special Funds,...,X 500.06 If Cor--orite Purpos°es.... f lot al, �� $ 44, 38.81 ' t Form A. 5.11 IIC. F. No. 4142— a R-plved that warrants be drawn, °t Cityasurer payable funds and i of theherelnfter of ( in favor of the persona, firms or c r- poratlons for the amount, set opposite their. respective Ames, as specified In the,following detailed statement: Corporate Purposes—Nater Dept. Fund (Buildings)—Salarle,: S. A Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, $184.80. Iot...at Fund: S. Al Farnaworth,'�, Co.. of Finance, $6,844.00: merchant,: Nat,onal Rank, $37,610.01. Special Funds—Red. Tax Levy Certs. of Ind. 1913 Acc L. S. A. Farnsworth,. ' Cum. oC Finance, $500.00. Adopted by the Councll Mch. 19, 1915. - ;I Approvcd Mch. 20, 1915 (March 27-1915) _ I * 11 I Cor-porate Purposes Water Dept. Fund (Buildings) -Salaries 10406 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 184,•80 Interest Fund 10407 H. A, Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 521844,00 10408 Merchants ii,,tional Bank, 37.610.01 orporate Purposes ? 43,638.81 Special Funds -- Red. Tax Levy Certs, of Ind. 1913 Acct. 10409 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of ,Finance, 500.00 Total Special Funds,...,X 500.06 If Cor--orite Purpos°es.... f lot al, �� $ 44, 38.81 ' t Form A. 5.11 Council File No.______ By.__ ;i 1•IFYING ASSF.SS:IIENTS. CITY OF ST. }n"a— — Iter oP the menL of osts anti expensesfoI sidewalks under Final Order Resolution Ratifyln�-.',Ped owed duly 23rd, 1913. ut n Ix -root cement walk -I side oP Bradley tree[ �( ryland street to Brainerd true[ ti ment wto .i,_ feet or,ealk the n rut side oi'� a sweet rAreaae street to for In the matter of the assessment of_ h-ene fits,_. -'„tree[. set a eat wan, to a width the rf' of t re'eet nrthe north stale or Day - it } ' betw,en Cretin en and 0 -.q t avenue. Ce14. , Pct a — che south simens t'nik to a (le — z feet of de n y Ivy; �.e[ fro m street the north-' f ,. o[ 4 In Block 1, Ph rit. a- ____._ -----__._ - _- __.__--____ Ivy street, west side, from the' --- angc st e r of said Lot 4 [r anbe sCreet.n` ()rangestreet, north side, from et to Barl street Z_—• under �r Iruiearl sweet. sl side. asal Order 39,745 om rh street to Babb.. ne ,eat - nle no de of eat ohe north side to Chnrrles 'iggs street to S>'ndica' approved--iTu2X-23rd _ --------191�3 sIx-foot caner• A public hearing (laving been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Count}, of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in /L/�%/equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_ _ - __ Approved Q Form B. S. A 8-10 yti�-Iglu _ 191 l/ City Clerk. 191 - _Mayor. MR1,ls1>FD 3 — � ' s 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL M L ac .11LI—I COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FOR44 Subject;. REJECTION OF BIDS for the construction of a sewer on Warwick St. ......COUNCIL w, from__Randolph St to the terminus of the sewer as proviaba in She Hamhine_ .......... _..........................._......_............._....._..... ....... Jefferson sewer system, 330 ft. south of the cen er of Palace Date Presented.... March �18,_..__I91.J5..... Resolved, That the action of the Purchasin[, Committee in rejecting all bids for the construction of a sewer on Warwick Street from Randolph Street to the terminus of the sewer as provided in the Hamline-Jefferson set:cr system, 330 feet south of the center of Palace Street is hereby confirmed and approved and the Purchasing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the making, of said improvement. Yeas 1 I') Coun ilmen (P) Nays Farns north Goss In (axor Kelle Mr.0 II U� Against yN udh Yoer Mr. President, wers F'o.. c.9-2 t'. P. No. 4144—Lty 11. N. Gone— its,1 ed, Thot the notion of thr P.-hasing Committee In rejecting nil hlda for the c nstructl on of I n t\'nrw lci< atreat from Randolph on to the terminus of the a provided In the Harmine-deffersos system, 330 feet south of the Wtei�r of Pat— sheet is herebY c - firmed and approved and the 1'urchns- hlg A,ent Is auumri.ed to ruadverti— fnr bids for the making of Bald im- provemenL Adopted by the Council \leh. 19. 191:. Approved illch. 20, 1916. (➢larch 27-1916) Adopted by the Council Is11iR�� 191 Approved 3 19167 c-'///�� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Subject,. REJECTION OF BIDS for the grading and improvement of Arcade St. .. ..... .COUNCIL _from Fremont St. E. Fourth St FILE NO._........... ....._. ... Date Presented --.-_March 18,1_�cJ{_,.__.. Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the grading and improvement of Arcade Street from Fremont Street to East Fourth Street is hereby confirmed and approved and the Purchasing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement. i t•.P. ala,That u. a Gee.— Ile-so ba,I"d. o mm the acti— of tete 11'o rchaal ng Co-adl.g a ,I electing nil Lisa fur the grading nntl Improvement of .\rcnde Street from Pre moat Street to F.nat Fourth street la her,ly t m'mea ata annro�ea ata ate rpronaa- Ing ,Igen[ la nuthoreaea to rrndvertlao fm' beds fur the mnI<Ing of said Im- provement. "dopted by the Council \Ich. 19', 1915. \pprovea \Ich. 20, 1915. (Ma -11 27-1915) Yeas 167 Coo Amen (!') Nays Farn worth Goss In favor Kell R Mc 11 Against Yoe Mr. President, owers FORM C.e-2 y .adopted by the Council ri 'R 19 0915 191 Approved 3 d 915 MAYOR CITY OF -ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. Approval of Award .of_Contract for grading._and._..Improvement of Lewis COUNCIL &.._Mabon's Additionin, A11ey Blocky l0, from Westminster S`t; toNArkwrig;jt St. Date Presented.... March 10,_.....I91.....5_ t That the award of contract to AndreNtoderquist for the grading and improvement of Lewis & Mabon's Addition, Alley in Block 10, from Westminster Street to Arkwright Street, Engineer's estimate: being $322.50, for the sum of $200.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instruct&d to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. Rraulved. 1'hnt the. and of c - tract to ,\ndrew SodI"It utas fol' the 1: --dint; and Improvement of Lewla & I Alabon't Addition, Ailey In Block 10. fro I \�e tminster atreet to Arkwright treet, Lnl;Ineer'a e.timate belnF $322.50, for the a m of $200.00 be, and the a c 1. hereby wall rmed and aP- lemb)minaand truletedoto dl:'tftorad ltn all pllci 1, a ubmlt the proper formf co trnct thor eref. Adopted by the Counoll Afar. 19, 1916. f APProved Wh. 20, 1015. (Mnrch 24-1915) Yeas (1') Councilmen (t) Nays Farn worth Gos In favor Kell r Me II ��� L� ,against Yoe Mr. President, owers ro c.e-2 Adopted by the Council tiriP 13 Iq X191 ,approved _ 3 � 191 MAVOR t� CITY OF ST. PAUL 41.11_7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: Approval of Award of Contract for the cpnstruction of a se,. on COUNCIL. A, Fairmount.._ Ave...._ from Pascal Ave, to Snelling Ave. and on Ft!lfe E. 91de of Snelling Ave. from Fairmount Ave. to St. Clair St. Date Presented--- March_ 10p 1_-I91....5.... Resolved, That the award of contract to O'Neil and Preston for the construction of a sewer on Fairmount Ave, from Pascal Ave. to Snelling ffve. and on the East Side of Snelling Ave. from Fairmount Ave. to St. Clair Street, Engineer's estimate $5,976.00, for the sum of $"6,190.00 be, and the.same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F, ?l o. 4147—n,v \f. N. r'.oss— Ilesolved, That the u and of caft- Irnct to ()'Nell and Pre.ton for the nstr uetion of n n Fairmount. Ave. [rum . East ,\ve.e[o Rnellin� Ave. and nn u,e East aae nr Snemnr; Ave. from Fairmount Ave. to tit. Clair St.. Engineer's ..timate $5,97G.00, far the or $6,190.00 be, and the same Is IlurehU conn mea and approvedm and poratlon Conn.et Is herebrin- .unriea m arnrt and .n btnit the nron- r form of , —tract therefor. e Adopted by the Council BI,h. 19. 1915. A. moved Meta. 20. 1915. (\larch 27-1916) Yeas 17 Coun ilmen (I-) Nays �I�IR 49 PMS .adopted by the Council _ 191 Far .worth Gos / In favor Kell.r Approved' 2 91 S Mc oll L Against Yoe g Mr. President, ow'ers MAYOR osM c.0.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMj. Subject,.-- REJECTION OF BIDS_ for, construction of a sewer on, IL COUNCIL No. 1 Hall Ave. _from Winifred St to..._a .point .105 ft. So._of the.._ of line of Winifred Date Presented— _-.March 18,_....._191..5...... yJ A ,� �✓�'� l Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the construction of a sewer on Hall Avenue from Winifred Street to a point 105 feet So. of the So. lire of Winifred Street is herbby cone firmed and approved and the Purchasing Agent is auth— orized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement. C,r•. Noalas—n> af. N.cosa— ficaolved. That the v-0— of the I'nr- ehasmg Committle In r JeetJng all bids for the c antro, tion of a Hall Avenue from Wielfred Street to n point 105 feet tie. of the So. line of \\'Inl feed Street le hereby —all, ed' Ind approved and the Purchasing. Agent 1. authorized to readvertise for, bids for the tnalihig of raid Improve ent.. n Adopted h)' the Council Alar. 19, 1915. A Vproved \h r. 20. 1915. (Alm -eh 27-1015) Yeas (I') Cou eilmen (h) Nays Far worth Goss In favor Kl m-,' II % Against � y. Oe Mr. President, oweis .One C B-2 E:.PI Adopted by the Council _ 191 ,approved _ � 91 • � ° ' os MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,J ��rp COUNCIL, RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: Approval of award of Contract for the construction of a sewer on COUNCIL FILE NO... �r. .. ...... ... ... .. Winslow Ave. from Womin6 St to Anna olis,St iDate Presented. March lII, I91 ..5.. All{ 5� Resolved, That the award of contract to Doherty & Son for the construction of a sewer on Winslow Avenue from Wyoming Street to Annapolis Street, Engineer's estimate being $591.00, for the sum of $618.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is/hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. TIULL Chv •tl. coed—[ Resolved. &, Son titre,v(or the con- i "u't to no h".rt 1' `� r on l\'Inslow .\vc- stu'e,ctlunsln4; '[ to .\n nnPolls from WYO- 'stlmnt' bet nl; tre'l, 1:n{;Ineer's the § fof E-18.00 be, n 1 G91.90, or v n th' a Is here bys narm'nourisel s prnw•dn�Int the d t- nun yubmlt herrbp Inst r't'd to �rilltrnatt the re (nr. the Proper form of co, \dn P ted by [he Council Itch. 19, 1916. ot'r'd \"' 20, 1916. _ (\inrch 27-1916) Yeas W) Councilmen (P) Nays Farris 'orth LGoss / In favor 7 MCC McC II � Against ML Yoer�4 Mr. President, Rowers ro" c e•2 Q Adopted by the Council Y!AR I 1915 _ 191 Approved _ 1 MAYOR •- - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject -.,-REJECTION OF BIDS for the construction of a sewer. on Stinson COUNCIL ............ Ave from Lexin ton Ave..oxford Sta . to oxf. and on E. Side ofFIEexinVbr1 Ave ........................_...._............ .........._............. �.......from St nson o •�� Date Presented 19I2.reh 18p _..._Igl...§..... Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the construction of a sewer on Stinson Street from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street and on the East Side of Lex— ington Avenue from Stinson Street to Front Street is hereby confirmed and approved -'and the Purchasing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement. Yeas ) I') Cou cilmen ( P I Nays Far worth Gosj Kell r Mc oll Naafi Yo g Mr. President, Powers t [OnM cez 2 (nys— Itesoly ilnnrmlitturll t ........jecl J,,g h 11.bld.9 e I tt,nsl"{; -cn nv[rui'tlon of n xe a on IIII(1<rortl1 Ctrtetom dl.exl thopi1 este e of [os tu1.c>inn nn o I tro ` Vtlnnoo1i street dPrf' 'ov ed ntnll Ins Arent In n ihorized Ito r for bide for the. making of -111 Im- AdoPt ured A do Ptd b)' lbc l'ouncil \Ich. t'J. ]?1 F. AV roved iAfnrel?O'L7t t'Jla) Adopted by the Council I!;R `I n. ��q 191 % In favor approv ed -3 !i v 191 �l Against v AYOR MAYOR rr. Iierrold Council rile No..... PROPOSAL FORIMPROVEMENT. and er/ 1 4151 f PRELIMINARY ORDER. e^" The uudcrsigned hereby proposes the making of the following Odic improvement by the y of St. Pattd, viz.: _ candemning....and....tahi.n.g....an._..e.a3e t._.in_..the ._...l.an.d..._ne. asar_y.....for_... sl.ope3_ fp.r cats ard_ f.ills_.in__g-radi.n .. heeles__Ave...._b.atvr n...Lafond.... .t. --.. and Hewitt Ave. Dated this 19t1L day of arch 191 5. �2 Z Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1CIIRRHAS, A writteo proposal for Ilio making of" the follnvving ial i-oveolent, viz.:__epnldemning — aLrA.d...t..akiilo _.an...eH9etf.er,.t_. i.n_ .. the, !and._.T.e.c.e.s aar- ..._.f o.r__. alop$3 _..fox __au.ts._ .and_.. fills in grading ,Wheeler__Ave. _between__L-afcnd__St. _and _z_ewitt..Ave._,_. _ proposal Cor th.• ..... i neat. na Irl the foll��ii;nti Imps o,'em c•n t. i. _. t'ond�•n;; InK ml talcinl; .i enl In the land r i' for�sloip,s ' m iee�sv.t r. _...... _.._......... .. .......... ........... __._.. lo, ruin ind Hlly In l;radl\\'heeler �...... .. .. ..... A"', h�•tii'een l.;ifond �l. aincl o t li .lie. ;nl; been preva•n ted tto l i having been presented to the Council, of of ����„11tor the cin of vt r.tin u,i _.__..... .. __...... ...___........ __._; therefore, be itrr.�na,d. That the Commiselnner of Pol,11, Wm-ka hr and h, la hereby or drr,d : ml dtr,rtoa: RESOLVED, That the Conimissionen 1. Tn Invest{ a Ilio n,reesuy for�bv ordered and directed: dos{rn b7llly oC Ilio ,ald,og of said 1. To investigate the necessity for iu n,rr.ien„p e. g } 2, TO u„ rani; e, Ilter,n d iolprovenleut. n.l rstl mal,d rost of said linpro- 3. To investigate the nature, ester�> >� ami ill, tnt;;l root thereof. wovement, and the total cost thereof. 3. �i•1'o furnish plan. proalr sic r;<h of x:iid ImPr,v, mint. J. To furnish a plani, profile or sket �. To n;rnlsn, u„ follbii•nies -I. 'I'o Iln'niah the fnllo\cior•t data and Information relative tr other I improvement. to said improwillent: _._....._.__.... 5. To stale ivheth,r - not nroi'rment Is nskcd fr . To o rrinC '�aticr i 5. To state whether or not said nn. Fn,.;emet.. asked for on the petition of three or mole owners. 6. To report upon all of the. fm -ego .;,le iatters to the Commissioner of Yinance. Adopted by the Council Yeas: Nays: Councilman , rnswo'th ss Approved___.._ / ler l l oil t Naeh Mayor Mr. Herrold PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and . t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foll�;tngpuol' Paul, viz.:......._ a:ondemning...-and..._t.aki.ngi ---ars-Daee Dated this......... 19th......_. day t by the City of St. Councilman. PRELIMMARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the snaking of the following improvement, viz.:...._oondemning - an.d....taxi-.ng.....an.....eaaemant..._ .n the ..._}.anti;....neeee-e-ary...._€or.....g.lop&e....fior euta _..and..... .i.lis....in....the.....gr.adi.ng._.o.i._.the ..-.alley. .._i.n_.Bhook..9,_....Wer-renda-l.e Addition, .... ........... ....................... ......... ............ ................................. ............ _..._ ................._... C. V. 4162— Who"',,' \ h t ns• A 111111, proposal 1-11, . .. ................................................. .. _... ..._ - makinq of th t Il wlo. Improvement' vl (,o the land and taking n ane for cut the land necessary for elopC9 ..........._ . _. -_. having been presented to the Council o for uIs and fins the, grading o1 the ell y In Block 9. Warrendale Addl-, tlo having been presented to , the therefore, be it Council ofthe city of St Paul there- fo be it' -eby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissiond Be solved, That the Comml stoner of Public Work. be and It. is hereby Or - 1. To investigate the necessity fo> doiedTndldlcaii.ace the necessity.. id improvement. 1 or destrabflity of the'makingof said vemellt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extei improvement. _ 2. To investigate the nature, extent 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sk� aria e.timq.ted st tt ala Improve - p P ment, and the total cost thereof. S. To furnish h a. plan -profile' or id improvement: 4. To furnish the following other :ketch of said imp ovement: p ............ 4 To furM.h the Yollowing other . ..... trop onnd Ment r ¢t'on relative to s Id . _..._. ......__ __........._.__........... ........ _ ...•............. _......... ........... 6 To state whether or not s ld im 5. To state whether or not said Veme t 1. asked ed for on the petition, tltlOn Of three Or more owners. Lt�) f�.'• or*r ,peon ,a�(i A rt 1,the,.Commlostonerrarf finance. 6. To report upon all of the fore 'frig mattes .r� � y 191 d zo, lols:� Adopted by the Council....... ............. Nays: Yeas: Councilman Fai sworth GOBApproved ....... ... ........ /............... ... ............... Kel ar' 1vI Deb IMIor._ PUBLISIiED � � �—�s Mr. Herrold Council )• ile No ............................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publ. Paul, viz, co.ndemni-nig.._..and....tak ng_..an.....eaaelllent'_"• --'tit s.1.oPP.q_....fox ...._cut..s.._-and .... fi.11s.,.....in....the. _.g.T.a-ng.....of._..P.a J_e.f.f_e.xs_on....ay.e.nue._....t.o.....B.t....G.l-aix.._.s.t.r......... ...................:...._......_........ ........... ................................... ................... .......... ... ....... ........._................ ......._........_............_......._.._....._:...................._..........................._._._....... ....... ......_..... Dated this....._. 1.9_th....'.._.day of ................ ............ ..........._....._191.......5, f� :. ......... _........_....�..�.-..�........ a% Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:.co.ndemna ng-. -- and..._taking .:._an_... easement .....in._..the._..land.... necessary .....fo-r.....s.1 ope.g.....fox--c-ut.s....a.n d............ fi.1.1.a..x...:.in....the ._.g.r.adi.ng.._of.....Paaca.l_.. avenue ._..fxo.m.... Jefferson .....aven°ae.....t©.....St.Dlai-r , Str_eet,......._.........._............_..........................___:..................... -......... .... ........... ... .... ............ _.......... ................ ....................... .......... ...................... ... .... C. P. No 416M1—' where P A writtC Pop dal Y to ,,, ...... .._... .... ........ ..... .. ...... 1 making` f the Sa Ing cin a ase I' """" via; -..Condemning d tnl<ing n ape for o f the .land ne esen y Yor elopes having been presented to the Coun Yor ents and Alla In the grading ofillman....._ .._.._.._._......... __............_ ....__....._....; Pnscal avenue'.fro m "'Rereon avenue, therefore, be it to;9.t. Clair street, having been pre- rented to the Col .11 of,the City of St Y nl-,. therefoYe, be It RESOLVED, That the Commis nes 1 ed. That the-0ommi sioner or hereby ordered and directed: Pnbno works,be ad he -id hereby or 1. To investigate the neceseit aerea dna aireetea: f said improvement. g ,r To Inveetted the neceeslty or desirability of,th makingoP Bald Irr.- rovelnent, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, l prove -..t. P 3. To furnish a plan, profile o ent dna the midi cost the sof 2. To investigat the and: -estimated co t f -said improve or 3. To furnish the following of sketch nof,.,ala mon re nt In too eatao said improvement: _. 4. To turnidh the f.11 ilewtng they ymC I............................_ . ....................................._.. _.._.._. die 'vh th r, 4a';not eo.id. im-:1 ..............._...._.. .._............_. _ ed for on.the pe, 5. To state whether or not said nnP, roveme'nt owners. - a petition of three or more owners. op'all of, the fore-, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing 1n ters tr,Commisdioner�o_or of Finance. Adopted by the Council .......... _.......... ..... ._...... .!/ 191.✓ Yeas: Nays : Councilman F rnsworth G as Approved..........._._.._............._...... �� ller �!Coll � '�'A.vlt erg _........_......._... .......... _.:..._ Mayor. PUL'L::::ILD CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ..........__ ._. Subject:- .'._._ _...... _..... _....._.. ... _... _..._...__. cout4ca FILE NO. .................. ... _ .. ...... _._... .... ........ ..._..A'! ............... -.._...:...-_.:_............ ......... _.......... ........ _... .._..__..._.......... __........__. h1.... DatePresented ............. ...._.._.......... _ ..._..._I91........... Resolved, -That the contract bearing date March 11th, 1915, by and between The Wm. H. Ulmer Company and the City of 'St. Paul for furnishing twenty-four sandstone drip catch -basin covers, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C: F: No 4164— Resblved� That the contract bearing'. date March lith. 1916, by and between'•. Thiitte Nm. H:. Ulmer Company. and the, four �sabdstonel drlp urc ato , ..in acov-1 ere; be` and the.: eam_ is hereby ap- proved.. and the, prop r city 0 Jeers are authoriz d and directed ttl- execute the eame.on bahalt of the 'City. Adopted by the,Council Mch. 20. 1916.1 Approved Mch.'.22 1916. .... (Marcri 27 1916) Yeas (11 cilmen (P) Nays Farr sworrh // Gos _ {�__ln favor Kell r Me oil ___Q.__Against Yoer Mr. Pr rs rOPM G.B-2 Adopted by the Council 191t:4 Approve- 191 Subject: - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER No. COUNCIL FILF Date Presented 6-- ' RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell Ti eatingliquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to ications duly made therefor. No.- From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) �. 235,Thoe. Tob1n,145 F. 7th St. Thos. Tobin, 414 Jackson St. WI H.01 -Brie,. 280E 6th St. Andrew Ahilereon, 880 E.6th St. C . No. 4156—BY Henry McColl Resolved,- That the following: desig noted licenses to sell at.,Icating . liquors be transferred. as. Indicated' pursuant to applications duly, made— therefor: No. 236. From Thos. Tobin, 146.R:. 7th: St„ to Thos. Tobin, 414 4cicasn- St. No. 141. Andrew Ande s O'Brien, 280' 1,W St. St., to Andrew An Council Mcb.- 0, 191t.. Adopted by the Council Mch.•20, 1916. 1 Approved hYch. 22,;.1916: Yeas (✓) Coun ihnen (✓) Nays Fa worth Go Kell r MC oil O, . pasta Yo Mr. President, Po rs Adopted by the Council 1911tS In favor 191 Against MAYOR CITY OF Si-. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE , Subject: n COUNCILNO. 1.�6 PILE Date Presented 191 L RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Chas. A. Donahoe 456 Jackson St. payment of the feeeauired by .law:' .Chas. A. Donahoe, 469 Jackson 9t. Adopted by the Council Mch. 20:. 1919.' Approved d4ch. 22, 1915.• -. (1darch 27-1919) 1 Yeas (✓) cilmen ( s/) Nays Adopted by the Council_.��2 old, . F worth In favor K er Approv 91 M ll Against Q; . i'mi Nash Yo Mr. President, Po rs MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL- FORM Subject: _..: _._........ _ � COUNCIL - ' FILE No,..... ..... �:. 1'...t)......... ... ....................._.............. ................... _...... ....... ..« ............._....... ..............................._..................�....1.�........_ ...� Bate Presented.._........_.__ .................... ........._ I91---....... Resolved, X .T,3at tYje"application of W. A. Miller for a license to conduq is Male Employment Agency at 173 E. 3rd Street be �ud'it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $101.00. C. F. No. 4167—.8y Henry AfeColl— I Re9oIved, That. the application of W.' A'. Willer'' Ser � . 11 cense- to conduct si Male Employment Agency at. 173 E. $rd .treat=be and.it hereby Is. grantedi `and the City Clerk Is Instructed to is �"" such'licen a for one year upon :the' filing of the b nd and ih payment: in to the CityTreasury fee,, $191. ' 191 AdoRted hY the Council Mch. 29, 6. Approved. Mch. 22, 1916. (Ela ch 27-19.16) .. Yeas (V) Co ncilmen (P) Nays , Adopted by the Council Fa sworth Go __- - - In favor " Kel r Approved _ 191 S f Moll — _ c_ -Against ` 01 asr, Yorg Mr. Piesiden Powers MAYOR Mr. c.8-2 - - f . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4158 Subject:. _ ..._ _.._._. _ _ - C.CI a FILE .!VIVO...... ................................. Date Presented ........... i a Resoly r iThat the application of Peter Matsohick and Gust Bosson for a license to conduct a Male Employtient Agency at 177 E. Robie Street be and it hereby isgranted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the filing•of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $101.00. 1 C F... No 4158 --By Honry.MeCo71— ResolVed, Thnt the ap mPlIecon of license t�oteonduef s 11CGuale Employment) agency nt 177 E. Robin street be ena 1t hereby is gran ted and theY.yty Clerk) 1 Inetrucfed to laevo such. ]leenee, for one t upon the tot of: the bond and ahe.payment:Jnto •the'.Clty-Trene-,;� U Ad Pted bvethel CI. ouncll.Men.,2p,3916. �pPrOV6 hrch. 22; 1916. (March 27-1936) Yeas (V) Councilmen (P) Nays Farnsworth Goss__ In favor Keller McColl _ _-Against Q'IreaW Naso Yoerg Mr. President, Powers s .. C.8.2 Adopted by the Council App dOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM folio " -per ` Subject: __ C;F No 4169-8Y>ienrY . _ R olved That tho appllf - ��� cone for " COUNCIL No_. � •. �COOdOCt-.HOL818; Or R¢a[ai FILE No ..... ..... ................. .... .. ... Clocatlona reePectively iq':,,__,,.....,,�„„„............... ....... ......... ... ...... ....... L!f......_......_......__. ........ _....._. the s m herobY aro gr; — Cit, Clerk ls: iuthorized� to. le ue Imeh Ileone .to' R 5 � ea, to upoh the paymen1+1<8.TC t.,), Date Presented_ Marc .... .... �-I91 t.... '� ♦� 'Tom Anos, Lunch Room 14 { Q W It r J Ro t Lunch Roo. -,P r or -,Petr st M e R C. skid Gore, W et tel; 961 Ce 7th 8t .Mr§ CSullivan,C : Hotel 4211 Wnb as ha ,9t. !esolved, 3rdKnrgoff, Lunch Room, ,John O'Donnell, Reaau., t �( Slhyve, That the appli c aA� •r;PosfHotev'YvYlowing persona for a license to conduct Hotels or R EEaurantg a;t the locutions respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the payment of the fee required by lar. NAME OF AP PLT CANT, HOTELS OR RESTAURANTS_. LOCATIONS_ Cannon & Morris Lunch Room 582 Jackson Jacob Bodell Hotel 345 Minnesota Tom Anos Lunch Room 149 W. 7th Walter J. Root Lunch Room 477 St,Peter yrs. R. C. Skidmore West End Hotel 951 W. 7th , Mrs. Ceclia A. Sullivan Chandler Hotel 421 Wabasha`Y' John Kargoff Lunch Room 279 E. 3rd John O'Donnell Restaurant 387 Selby C. A. Bivens Hotel Baltic 24 W. Exchange D. L. Collins Elgin Hotel 402 No.Wash. Yeas (V) Co cilmen (f) Nays Fa nsworth G s An favor Kler M Coll ____Against .01 '. 81:x; Y rg Mr. Presiden Powers FORM ccs Adopted by the Council Approved _ MAYOR RESOLVED, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay out of the Municipal Garage Account of the General Fund the sum of Two Hundred Seven and OOZoo dollars to. Mr. M. E. Comstock, to reimburse him for expenses incurred by him in securing and perfecting in behalf of the City, an optica on the Southerly One-half of Lot Three and the Southerly Twenty- five Feet of the Easterly one-half of Lot Four, Block Twenty-three of St. Paul proper. Said expanse of Two Hundred and Seven and oo/00 dollars Is made up of the following items: Stamp Tax due for recording dead, Three Dollars ($3.00): Interest on $3,300.00 from March let, until warrent issued and paid, Four ($4.00) dollarat Amount due on mortgage amid advanced by Mr. Comstock, March let, $200-001- C Resolved. lT att 60—Bthepp ro McioY— per c o dais a ,• hereby ¢tithpri- to pay of th,. liunlelpal Garage :t ct-ma the crn,.ral Fund the 'sam C 7 \ e r. r Ai. Seren a a 00 00 d.b.-s r. \f. h:. t'omvtock, to eimim I 1 Adopted by the Council_ (/ S f'I' 1,enses Incurred by h1m in ..191 curing and perfectingin behalf of Cl ty. al option on the Southerly half ,If l Lot thr-, tt d the 3epthe half of Lot Four. k Twenty -[h oC �t. 1'aul proper. Yens. NAYS. sam exuettse of Tuo s adsa Seven and 0000 dollars Ia madeup , the following items: 'tamp tax for recording deed Three Doll MR. FA NSWORTH 133.00)1 Interest 33,300.00 it March 1st, ntil iruntnt issued pal d.nFour 134.007 dollars; fount GO S on gage and ad eby Il'o mstuck. March 1st. $200.00. \dopted by the t'ouncll Mch. 20. 1'. \pp r,. v,�tl \Ich. 22. 1915. KE LER lMarch 27-1915) MGC DLL NA YOE RG JNAYS,10 MR. PR (DENT (POWERS) fp M1�iGA :'%h60L%-ED, Tti-.At the proper City Officials Fre hereby buthar- ized to pay out of the "unicipal Garage Account of the General Fund to 7r. V. R. Comstock, the Pum of Two Hundred and 2even Dollars (6207.00) to reiMurse Mir for Pxrense incurred hy min in neaumvZ and perfecling in/behalf 0' the City, Ell option on the joutnerly j of Lot 3 and the Sout.erly 25 feet of the East of Lot 4, Block 23, st,Poul Proper. i wrNO- i (7. F. Ni. 41el By 11— I aI •n rIleal Istat, r'n-hae ['ommlttee ri( the Col()' - men'l ell the Pu rchnsr f the purp se of e.s[u h11sh1nR r hlunlcipu1 (lar and of the rest 44 feet ;rf Lots 14. 16 -1 I6, Rlnek L'' til. Faul ('roper for Four Thou..snml I: ire flu nd�•rd S4.500.111 tlpl- A e tarn. ntmJert u. nrnl mrtfor ,is Thousand 1,G.f100.00) dollars In [a- _� of thr 311nm•sn [n Lunn ;tnd Trust m p:tn' . ml 1 nd nor t T1 Ke for Tavel v, - Th sn;;d Five Hun ou dred ($I',•500. 00) dollars in favor of Isaa, •� \. timltlt, and .` I.: . nstusai w'ho t' the uw'n •; ;( the r•an, )' in said prop- - _ rte ha+ poli th:• um .0 Twelve Hun- ,y:rod 1i (t)- ;Sl?50.00) dullnrn, o ,.• n".r� d. That [hetlin pur- .>✓ i hch)' toth.,Hd :its n;� ,.-• ,,--'= i;nnr tn:' :.a•rl>rorty-tour 144> fuer ..f Leos court ren iI4). Flftern I16). ~" and vi Steen f I:lork T •t3'- threr iSJ). F[. tools. pro pr r, rr .-el c m.stork for lhr -InIn of Fi _,r d Sr — Hund -d and F ,.d• Sn.UO) dol th, su bJrrt to :, lhr Inin of l/ rSG,o6G,nu) du ��an;n tot and Trunt ••th•r. ..+uhJr•rt to yt/ Tw:l vr. Thmsu;�d�F ' WHEREAS, The Real Estate Purchgo.`fLgs'''Committee of the City has recommended the purchase for the purpose of establish- ing a Municipal Garage, of the east 44 feet of Lots, 14, 15, and 16, Block 23, St. Paul Proper for Four Thousand Fife Hun- dred ($4,500.00) dollars, subject to a first mortgage for Six Thousand ($6000.00) dollars in favor of the Minnesota Loan and Trust Company and a second mortgage for Twelve Thous- and Five Hundred ($12,500.00) dollars in favor df Isaac N. Smith, and WHEREAS, Mr. M. E. Comstock, who is the owner of the equity in said property has paid the sum of Twelve Hundred and Fifty 01850.00) dollars,on said mortgage. RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to purchase the easterly forty-four (44) feet of Lots Four- teen (14), Fifteen (15), and Sixteen (16), of Block Twenty- three (23), St. Paul, Proper, from M. E. Comstock for the sum of Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty ($5,750.00) dollars, subject to a first mortgage for the sum of Sixthousand ($6000.00) dollars in favor of the Minnesota Loan and trust Company, and further, subject to a second mortgage for Twelve Thousand Five Hundred ($12,500.00) dollars in favor of Isaac N. Smith, of which Twelve Hundred and Fifty ($1250.00) dollars has been paid. Said Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty ($5750.00) dollars shall be paid out of the Municipal Garage Account of the General Fund. Adopted by the Council_._ _ G -[� 14 Yens. NAYS. JJ MR. FAR SWORIH KEL ER McC LL NAS 1'O G j N�' S. 0 MR. PRE (DENT (POWERS) j �l I f P -S, t .e Rea? T,st. ,e Fur"e,�- n,:� Com:.itIee of t':e City has recnm ended tiie puccYhase for tLe purpose of eStaclisr.ing a _ "unicipal Gara_e, of the Rost 44 feet of Lots 14-15-16, T?lock ?;�, St.Paul Proper, for Forty Five !"und.red Doll�irs ( w500.0(') suc'ect to a FirFt '.'ort -e :e for Six Tr.ousa_nr: Dol]=rs 06000.00) in favor of ti,e "Inr,esnta Loan. and Trl:-,t Coraoany a `eco:,, IrrtrP -,e for 7welre Thous,-nd, five Iundr'ed Do11ar•s (?12,500.(10) I in favor -f IseFc `. Smith, and whereas, JT T. Comstock, wno ds the owner of t,,e s:4uity in tt,e said property, nae paid the sum of Twelve Hundred Fifty Dollars on said Second ',,'ort - gage, and has insured the huildi::= loc-ted o^ t! e G= ir<-rnperty and the Premium on said insurar:ce riot yet errned is -EiZhty lloll,.rs snd bight Cents, UE;" LV].D, That t!.e proper City Officials r.re per€(;` author- ised to purcnese trie East 44 feet of Lots 14-15-16, Flock 23, St.Paul Proper from -.71. Comstock for the s,)i. of Five Tnousand Fight Hundred and 'shirty, Four Dollars a.nd Figrth Fig! -t Cents, (w5 834.99), sv!; rct to a first "orta e for the su of Six Thou- sand Dollars( 6,000.00) in a.vor of t', -.e '.'inr.esota Loan & 'Trust Company, and furt�,rr subject to a Second '"ort ,age for Twelve Thousand Five Iiundred Do11?rs (°y17,,500.i�0) ir, fr.vor of Isaac SMitr., of mnich Lwelve Fundred Fifty Dollars ($1250.00) has been paid.; said Five T'noL.eend. Runt !tur,dred and Thirty '. our Dollars �—:d r.iZhty Fight Cents (,5.834.88) to be paid out of the ;.'unic:i- pal Garc,�e Account of the General Fund. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; .. ... FILE w� /� 1 ._...... COUNCIL 1A2 NO.. . .....4 .. . Date Presented........_ _ _._______0.....-I91.-......... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 19th, 1915, by and between the Portland Stone Company and the City of St. Paul for the purchase of 12,000, more or less, cement paving blocks, during the year 1915, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 4162— - Resolved, That the contract >beaclr,.gi date March 19th. 1916. by and between the Portland Stone Company and the City of St. Paul for the �ent heaving 12,000, or or ce blocks. during the year 1916. De a d the same Is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized d directed toe ecute the same on x behalf, of the C"' Adopted' by the Council March 22,E 1916. Approved (\arch 2. 191 . 1 Yeas (P) 4Farnwcirth men (t') Nays AAR 22 �Ir3 Adopted by the Council: _ _____-__191 In favor Approved _ _ 191 _.AgainstREP Vilah Mr. Presidwers _" _ Moron roaw, ..e.2 Subject:... _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCILZ FILE No...... ...... Date Presented...... - . - ------ -...._I91 Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 16th, 1915, by and between Martin 'Eberhard and the City of St. Paul for grading and improving Finn avenue from Roblyn avenue to St. Anthony avenue, be and the same is hereby aF rcved, and the prover city officers are authorized and direc+ed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (1') Cou ilmen (P) Nays Far orth Gas In favor Kell Mc 11 .against Nash Mr. President, wets rosw c.8.2 C. r. No. 4163— Resolved, That thecntract bearing date Sfnrch 16th. 1936, by and between lfnrtin Eberhard and the City of St. I`nui rot grading and Improving Finn e from Roblyn avenue to St. An. thong avenue, be andthe same ie herebyapproved. and the proper City offleers a nuthorized and directed to ai¢cute the same on behalf of the ry. Adopted by` the Council March 22, 1916. Approved arch 22, 1916. (March 27-1916) , Adopted by the Council MAR Approved_ 191 5 - - — MAYON Subject. . . --- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .... .......... CAA61 .... OUNCIL w1 FILENo ...... ..... ......................... .. Date Presented...... _ _....._-I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 19th, 1915, by and between Brooks Brothers and the City of St. Paul for furnishing lumber during the year 1915, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to exe- cute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas W) Cos it ifinen (P) Nays Fart' worth Gos _ In favor Kel Me 11 _ against Nm�h Mr. President,' owers roes+ e.e-2 C. F. ". 4 Th -t Reeol rch That the c ntract benring date March 19th. 1916, by and between' Brooks Brothers and the City of 9t. Paul for furnishing lumber during the year 1916, be and the snm is herebyl approved.authr) ed and thed directed ter o--ccutel the same on behalf f the City. sae II Adopted by the Council March 22.' 1916. Approved March 22. 1916. (March 27-1916) Adopted by the Council ___ a2 191 Appr d. 191 S /! MAYOR Subject: _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM .. .............COUNCIL No � FILE No...... .. Date Presented......... _ ... _ ..... -I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date. March 16th, 1915; by and between Martin Eberhard and the City of St. Paul, for grading and improving Cleora street from Vandalia street to Pillsbury avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the ,same on behalf of the City. J Yeas ( I") Co cilmen ( P) Nays F t swo, G In favor K r { M oll L/ Against ash Mr. Presiden Powers roll c.e-z C.. Resolve,]. lv 41665— . ract bearin attF March th 1915 ,ebytand betmean Martin Eberhard and the City of St. Paul, for grading and Improving Cle- treet from Vandalia street to Pillsbury avenue, be and the amine le hereby approved,_ and the proper city officer. are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Adopted by the Council March 22.1 1915. Approved Al—ch 22, 1915. -.. (March 27-1915) - Adopted by the Council MAR 22 18K, _ ]g( Appro ed-- g]� f -- c - -.. --- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -.GENERAL FORM Subject:- ___ Qc� 66 COUNCIL FILE NO. ...... ........ .. Date Presented..,......_ _. ._ . _....... .191........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 16th, 1915, by and between J. J. Connolly and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer,on Daly street from Jefferson avenue to Grace street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are author- ized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (I") C nc"'n, (P) Nays F nsworth G s In favor 6 K er oll _Against Nash Mr. Preside Powers ro'm c,B-2 C. P. No, a166— —_ Resolved, That the contract bearing late March 16th, 1916, by and between 7. 7. Connolly and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Daly street from .7eRerson avenue to Grace street, be and the same is here- by approved, and the proper city of- flcera are autle.Mzed and directed to execut, the same on behalf of the City. Adopted by the Council Mch. 22.1 1916. Approved March 22, 1916. (March 27.1916) Adopted by the Council __-191 Appr 191 -— - - MRYOR r RESOLUTION FIXING TIME OY HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of Opening, widening and extending _'West Lawson street,_ between Kent street and Mackubin street, by condemning and taking a strip of _land _60 feet _wide across the east of the S.W.1 of the N.W. }....p.f $@o.t.icn 3b,. the center line of said strip being. the center line of Lawson street in Como Prospect Addition, produced east across said Eas.t....._of...S..W...yl_of.N.R',u, in, the City_of_ _St. Paul, State of Minnesota, Cider Preliminary Order .41, 47.07 approved Feb. 33rd 1914_, Intermediary Order ..._......__ ..., approved The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in file above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein to be appropriated for the above improve - went and to whom payable; be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance„ at the, Council Chamber, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, oil the l9th. __ day of . _. Apr 11 ' , 191 5, at ten o'clock A. JL, and that the Commissioner of Finance be and Ile is hereby directed to give notiec of said hearing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council Approved ..3./. _,� . 191 4n the m Councilman Farnsworth of din and ext♦ ding-' between' `I£clar i 11 Goss street, by c -nde strip f lana: 60 Keller act % of,tne 8 • of section '21 ` said strip' being MCCOIl �,/H. Lawson sroduce dldon. produce. East o,f F / it the t., pf .r neso[a, Ender Yoer g 41,476• approved I ,The Commlealbn ing s."t.d his Mayor Powers ata">r.... to *tee, r; f y `I � t • t�, I 1 r RESOLUTION FIXING TIME OY HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of Opening, widening and extending _'West Lawson street,_ between Kent street and Mackubin street, by condemning and taking a strip of _land _60 feet _wide across the east of the S.W.1 of the N.W. }....p.f $@o.t.icn 3b,. the center line of said strip being. the center line of Lawson street in Como Prospect Addition, produced east across said Eas.t....._of...S..W...yl_of.N.R',u, in, the City_of_ _St. Paul, State of Minnesota, Cider Preliminary Order .41, 47.07 approved Feb. 33rd 1914_, Intermediary Order ..._......__ ..., approved The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in file above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein to be appropriated for the above improve - went and to whom payable; be it Resolved, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance„ at the, Council Chamber, Room 61 in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, oil the l9th. __ day of . _. Apr 11 ' , 191 5, at ten o'clock A. JL, and that the Commissioner of Finance be and Ile is hereby directed to give notiec of said hearing, as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council Approved ..3./. _,� . 191 4n the m Mayor. F. y., In of -Min - Order to be — Councilman Farnsworth of din and ext♦ ding-' between' `I£clar i 11 Goss street, by c -nde strip f lana: 60 Keller act % of,tne 8 • of section '21 ` said strip' being MCCOIl �,/H. Lawson sroduce dldon. produce. East o,f F / it the t., pf .r neso[a, Ender Yoer g 41,476• approved I ,The Commlealbn ing s."t.d his Mayor Powers ata">r.... to *tee, Mayor. F. y., In of -Min - Order to be — v / e NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS I„ the ,,,;,tt,,r of Opening,__ widening and extending West_ Lawson street, betwe.en_%ent street and Mac.kubin streets_ by condemning and taking a strip of land 60 feet wide across the east jZ of the S.W.k, of the N.... W... yl of.. S.ec.tion_.2.5,_ the _nenter. line of..said __strip. being_ the__cpnter.__l. n.e.__. of Lawson street in Como Prospect Addition, produced east across said Fast... _of _S.W...u.of 17.W.4, In, In y_ _the__Ci_t._of St. Pau1,_.State_of. Minnesota, soder t'relioivary ()rdcr 41476. approved Feb. Urd,1914 . _....... To WHOM IT MAY CONCERX Notice is hereby given that it public hearing kill be had before the Council ofthe City of fit. Paul, at the C'ouncit Chamber, Roonn 61 in the Court Ifousc in the City of tit. Paul, oil the —.. 19th _...___ ..... day of April.__ _ __ _, 1915_., at tell o'clock A. AL. upon the report of the louunissioner of Fi= uauc•e as to the amount of danmges to bo invarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein. to be approved for the above improvement, and the persons to whom such awards were payable and for the corfirunation of such awards. Objections to the taking of such bunds or casements therein or to the awards of lit nniges thurefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the lime herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated __ _. _ _.., 191 ' � 1 e i I r l•: � �. r I'; � n� � ' �. k• 1f1 i i v / e NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS I„ the ,,,;,tt,,r of Opening,__ widening and extending West_ Lawson street, betwe.en_%ent street and Mac.kubin streets_ by condemning and taking a strip of land 60 feet wide across the east jZ of the S.W.k, of the N.... W... yl of.. S.ec.tion_.2.5,_ the _nenter. line of..said __strip. being_ the__cpnter.__l. n.e.__. of Lawson street in Como Prospect Addition, produced east across said Fast... _of _S.W...u.of 17.W.4, In, In y_ _the__Ci_t._of St. Pau1,_.State_of. Minnesota, soder t'relioivary ()rdcr 41476. approved Feb. Urd,1914 . _....... To WHOM IT MAY CONCERX Notice is hereby given that it public hearing kill be had before the Council ofthe City of fit. Paul, at the C'ouncit Chamber, Roonn 61 in the Court Ifousc in the City of tit. Paul, oil the —.. 19th _...___ ..... day of April.__ _ __ _, 1915_., at tell o'clock A. AL. upon the report of the louunissioner of Fi= uauc•e as to the amount of danmges to bo invarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein. to be approved for the above improvement, and the persons to whom such awards were payable and for the corfirunation of such awards. Objections to the taking of such bunds or casements therein or to the awards of lit nniges thurefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the lime herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated __ _. _ _.., 191 Commissioner of Finance. ' � 1 e i I r l•: Commissioner of Finance. t e i I r l•: REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the Inatt,r of Open, widen and extend West Lawson street, between Kent ....... ... ............... .......... s tro.e.t. and 21ackubin atmee.t.,_,by- condemning and....tak.ing...a....s. trip.. Q.f la3ld 60 feet wide across the._.eas_t.j -of of .41 0. f Sectjon.95)' the center.11 _aU s trip of- - _ae.. c. a Como ......P.r.oape.ct Addi t ion.,.. produced. ea.st-,across said.....E.a.st.4 of_$0W4_of N,W... ........ . ......... .... .............. Under Preliminary order 41,.476_ . ..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or casements therein to be taken and appropriated for the above improvement, and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners, thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable, and that hereto attached is an as- sessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the under- signed's findings on said matters. Dated RespeetfullY submitted, Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; - COUNCIL FILE. No ...... .............................. .. .............. ....... ........ ............................... ............. .......... ............ ......... ............ ....... ...-.........................................._................. R Date Presented April 19 1915.-.. In the matter of opening, widening and extending West Lawson Street in the City of St. Paul between the center line of Kent Street and the center line of Mackubin Street, under Final Order No. 42134, approved May 30th, 1914 and legalized under the new Charter by Council File No. 2103, approved October 15th, 1914, and Intermediary Order No. 4167, approved ldaarch 22nd, 1915. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land 60' in width across the Ep of the Sl7- of the NWi Section 25, Township 29, Range 23W, the center line of said strip being a line drawn from a point which is the intersection of the center of Lawson St. to the center of Kent St. in Como Prospect Addition to a point which is the intersection of the center of Maekubin Strec' with the center of Lawson Street, as laid out between Alabama Addition No. 1 and Nauru and Walraff's Addition, as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated April 19, 1915; which sketch and report aro hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2a That an ass sment is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all pyr'ease O;C,4 public street. t< X Yeas (1) Councilmen ( f) Nays �1w Y Ado tel Yy the Court .;_ f _ _ .._ _ 191 Farnsworth' u Goss In fav Keller ,d- V PP ov1 191 McColl Against Am 64w- Nash Yoerg !f r Mr. President, Powers - MAYOR ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Ot 1 CoxwissioxRR OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C.- Exai - J. E. CARROLL, EQn. Co 1Rucn & R11,11 ALFRED JACKSON, SU . S.xrt. _ G. H. HERROLO. OF1111 ERRIREER H. W. GOtTZINGER, Su . Wo 11x .e CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- . ) In the matter of opening, widening and extending. West Lawson Street in the City of St. Paul between the center line of Rent Street and the center line of Mackubin Street, under final order No. 42134 approved May 30th, 1914 and legalized under the new Charter by Council File No.2103 approved October 15th, 1914, and Intermediary Order No. 4167 approved March 22nd, 1915. To the Council of the City of St. Paul! The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land 60' in width across the Ej of the SW}, of the NW� - Sec- 25 T. 29 R. 23 W, the center line of said strip being a line drawn from a point which is the intersection of the center of Lawson St. to the center of Kent St. 1n Como Prospect Addition, to a point which is the intersectionof the center of Mackubin Street with the center of Lawson Street, as laid out between Alabama Addition No -1, and Neuru and Walraff's Addition. Dated April 19, 1915. Commissioner f Public Works. Council File No. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of-.- _benefit@,_ Cg�tg_ and_Qxpeneee -___ _ __ ._._- -for under Preliminary Order 41,375 Intermediary rder _Final Order 41.677. C. F. T 4188= - In the m tter'of the 'ssessfnent of benefits. sts and aifi.hl ar con - etructlag ¢ as on Nlnona.'.street approved_M947-011-24th _____1914 _atru onto atreec to nlanomin street, under Preliminary. Order 41;376. Fi- al Order 41,677, approved March 24th,: 1914. A public hearing having been had upon the assessti na nthe h, hearingmenTor i e soon. a �nd said assess- Provnme t, and said neaessment have, isfactory, be 1t ment having been further considered by the Council, an Ing b e further consider d by the Cour stand having been considered anally satisfacto y, be 1t therefore therefore Re owed, 'Thnt the said assessment be and tha sumo is hereby 1n. -all re- -Peeta ratifled, and the same is hereby ! ordered to be submitted to the Dls. htified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and trtet court of the Comity of narase-- Tor eo nrmatlon. same is herebyordered to be submitted to the District C , is A nreher Resolved, T,t-y for confirmation, I s mems be n P BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_ 44—e. _.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council_ Approved_ - Form B. S.:A 8-10 v. rT-,T t^,rP. T) 3 - �? 7— is ------------- Council File No. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of—beAef its,_ costs and ex peneeBfor constructing a, serer on Geranium street from Forest street to Cypress under Preliminary Order 41,593 , Intermediary Order___ , Final Order 41-824 approved Aprii__30th+ 1914 _191 a F. No. 4160_ 1 In the matter of the assessment oP t benefit.. costa -and expenses for con -.I 'strutting a skwer on Geranium street A public hearing having been had upon the as from Forest street to Cypreae ffireetr t, and said assess - under Preliminary Order 41,593, Fi- nal Order41,824, approved Apriin l ment having been further considered by the Counci 30th, 1914 )y satisfactory, be it upont he in hearing ssment for the bove ien hm therefore pr ant a d said a e t hav- ing bash further considered by the Council, nd-having been on1Id1r1d anally 9atlafacCOry, be it tteremre �ta ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be a Resolved, That the sold aeae.dment be and the same Is hereby in ¢nre- same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distri sniffs ratlflId, ¢ad the same 1a hereby for confirmation. ordered to tie submitted to the I)Is- 1 trict Court f the County of Ramsey; for confirmation. r .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the seiil he smentrbe and ell' iahe rob determined to be ,+ be Payable In ave equal • to each and every par - in equal installments as to each and eve mea chereta. payable 9 ry tai,, Council ntnrch 22, d therein. Adopted by the Council.___ -- CiiLc ty Clerk. Approved -- -- _-- - _ - _ . _.__ 191. 51 Form B. S A 0 ByOr. COUNCIL FILE NO. ......:._._...............................S� By. ,.................................1 t�/ �1 d 0 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits:_._.costs_.._ and eipenses for ,Paving Case street from Payne avenue to Arkwright street, with Asphaltic Concrete and a 30 foot R adway and ave with Brick from Arkwright strest to Westminster street w ..th....a .4U..._fool, .._roadwey,....: .._.f._............ .. ...... .. . .. _...._ _ __._.. _ ............. ... .__..... _ .......... fi Preliminary Order Intermediary Order Final Order _39,4642.111.1- approved ._.July 10th., 1913 The assessment of ._berigf l,ts,O_st s, and expgnsee for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .._a0_thday of Ap_ri...__._._._... 191.5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council City rk. Approved_.....���................._._..., 19J S aovINC _ assnssnHtiTs. Ma yor. Councilman Farnsworth No. 41'7o- — he matter of the sessment of neat., costa and expenses for. pav- Goss case street Prom Payne avenue to right street, .with. asphaltic •te and a 30-foot rondwny, and Keller tot westminater real etwith h¢ t roadway, FlnalOrder 30464 yl, ved July loth,l913. McColl t assessment oP heneats, costs; and t/ for andAn connection with the �Ysh Improvement having been sub_ A+i to the:CPmmcll, andtheCouncll eon8lg0red same and found the essment satlafuctory, therefore, Yoerg 1a. 'Thi,t the asm id aseeaent bo me to hereby: in all respects Mayor Powers''l-cher, That a'public hear. �- s¢id .assessment on. •- Form B. S. X 8.8 1916,; at the. •w.::::"-...ahs otic �. CITY$ ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C0;v1MISSION ER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION -OF ASSESSMENT .............. .__ ................ 191..._.._ In the matter of the assessment of be..nef_its,j_..,_ ,Qe..t,.Q.._.an., .....eXp_y11@&1the .:...for ving._,C. a. e street from Payne•_.,avenue,to_.Arkwrig'�t_,etre't.,..,_with A_ephaltjq goppre.te.. and �.___.......___. ..... . ..... a 30 foot Roadway, and pave with Brick from Arkwright street to West- min_erer street._with..a..._4.0_foot .....roadway ...... .._ under Preliminary Order _........_..... _................. ..___.......................... _.. Intermediary Order _....... ..... - _. _...._......__ _ ._ ........, Final Order _.....39,..46.4 ....._.... _ approved ....Jul.y..._10th.__..._.. 1913,. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - ._.._4.80 Coat of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - -------- Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - $._............_....__a• 88 ................ c -Curbing - - - - - - - - - - ..... dCur Reset 10 74 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - _ _ $-.._..._...__ _14.40 Driveways 1I3 X15 -1i5S Total expenditures Less the -slim of. 5.;8"60:OII""'appropriated and gets aside. out o;' Pavil p Int�re��t,g11•adcout off�inaa�n�i al ommissioner fur ier repo tis l+ has a sess ie e o al rtMo o e as twined, to -evil: the sum of $_152x..... , upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ......... _... .._......... -- .............. _......_....... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A-9 I COUNCIL FILE NO.... ....... ...... ....... ..... By....:_r_ ......................._.. .. ................ resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In thd matter of the assessment ofb§AqfAt9!, -900tq 4rnli expenses._ for Paving with brick with a 40 foot roadway yprk et. from WestminBter.,B,.t,.re.e.t..,,t,o.,,Mississippi A.-t-Te- Q. traat, ...,and an Weatillinater...street.. from ..0&Ba...atreet....to. York under Preliminary Order. Intermediary Order Final Order approved... 191 The assessment of.-!?.PAefU, QQP't:P AAi. P?;.PPTlBe8 ..for and in. connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 49:t . _ .. day of Apr A1.....___..__ I--...............191-5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. W, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the par- ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. MAR 22 141% Adopted by the Council 191 Approved Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl %&ary Mayor, 'Powers Forty. B. S. A. 8-8 yi Ci erk. 191 L) Mayor. , lth ti.is jlvedThat, the said assessment be ,the sarne,As hereby In all respects -d. sn�y .,.iv.d rw-A.r. That . iniblu, hear. be had on said assessment on the 3 — � 2— 1_5 CITY OF 5T. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 Ir 4-A-72 Subject:__... ._. ...__.. ... ..._....... ......... .... .._ ... .. COUNCIL ................ FILE No...... ....... .................. Date Presented-..........___ _..........._...._ _..._...._I91..._...... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 22nd, 1915, by and between Crane & Ordway and the City of St. Paul for furnishing fittings, fixtures and pipe for the Comfort Station, be d the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are aut ori"d and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (I") Coun ilmen (P) Nays Far vorth Go _ _. _ In favor Kel Mc oil _ _Against 'gash Yo .g" Mr. Presiden Powers POflM c.8.2 C. F. No. 4172— Resolved, That the contract bearing. date March 22nd,. 1916, by and between', Crane & OrdwaY and the CnYa res+ Paul furnishing furnishing. attlnGs: . and DIPe ¢m 'feehereby aDD o"ved, nnd a d the.,e the DroDet cityot[Icers ate auttiarl ed and ,�diteuted t', ese6ut� thel$eanlo on; beb,1 oLy+th r Adopted by h Council M h..23 1916: ppprot ed bath 24, 1916 .,._ (March 27-1916). ._ 4 Adopted by the Council 191 Approved APProved_ /"--- - _191 S- Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 22nd, 1915, by and between J. L. 8hiely Company and the City of St. paul for furnishing asphalt sand and screened sand during the year 1915, be and the same is here- by approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. 4JI �'' Yeas (P`) Co ncilmen (I) Nays Fa sworth Go s __ In favor Ke r Mc oll Against Nash Y g Mr. President, owers FORM C:e•2 Resolved. TU t Lha "Int bearingl (date March 22nd 1, 19 d between J. L. Shiely Ce -P -ay and the City Of and acr �a ed dl sand during. the yei¢r 1316: anh 11 d ph.Pee citl'l o. _re urep uthat Id and directed to execute the same on behalf of theCity:. Adopted b7' the,Cottncl[�fch. 22,.1915. Approved bfch. 24, 1915. - — I Sfi (akeli 27-1916) Adopted by the Council MAP Approved_ 41---------- -� In th matte of kradini, .?ell Jss Ave -:1 nuc fr.. ivo d wo [h`. etre t to - pl."5t set u d Preltmina y Or- der 1128 F1na1 Orde 3319approved '' • .January 38. 1715. . Resoly d, TnaS the Plane apeciflca- - tions and ostlj,,tes submitted by the Commissioner oCPublic IYorks Sor the ' / aa.. named improvement b and the ,t� � ams are h ratty DDr ved. L44 Resolved Futhe Th t.the Pu Chas 1,ed ont b c d he 1s her by auttior Iza nd directed to advertt°a in the manner pfee the by the Cit, Charter � .,-c,I T Y.` 0 for bids Sor the making�ol _said �im-I - provement, accordlnt; to said plan° nl? ` apec(fleatlons:. d+r, the 'basis (A) T GiO`•r2 th( bidder or contractor shall f-5;'_ tk'-1 bo and material for said J - ,aIa pecifl.d sum (73) That tha 'or4tr etor shalt m¢ka Bold In the matter ;of �radin� :H};°tast n°C�e "from Wordsworth Inaid Street to. Field Street ad re bn, my p. under Preliminary Order Ilse ,Int aemediary Order Final Order 3315 , approved January..28, 1914"') RESOLMY, That the plans,'-specifications'and estimates''sut1mitted by the. Commissioner - of Public Works for the above named improvement .be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, .That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter forbids for the making of said• improvement, according to said plans, and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for•said work at a"speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or'contractor shall make said improve- ment.by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidderts bond to the amount of at Yeast twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a 6 ract.with the 'Cit y for the performance of said work in accordance rith the plans " ;and•'specifications in case the bid is accepted,. or in lieu theieof a certif-i"ed .check foi.ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the'right'to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is ,authorized to advertise again and as often as. maybe necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids ,should be received and that the work should be. done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council AAR 23A 1914. 1914. MAN %il 11.11b Yeas;( ) Co cilmen ( ) Nays Yoe g Far' sWorth Gos / Rel er McC 1 Nash 1 Mr. President'„ Pow s Appr e xo 4176 Irt th., matte of, conatting.a.aoa �. iSeale Ste t from Dia y)sad'. at et m Brainerd Avouc vndoPP Pr Iimin- - ^k Orde 3060 Flnai O dA 3764, aI-, - proved .:$ebruary-16, 1036. - Resolved, That the, plane, ep8ctflche tion. and',eatima[ee.:`aubmitted by 'the Commero_b r oY .Public Worke .:for the above named Improvement be and the, - anme are..hereby approved ' Re.oldeii Further, '].. the Purchae- i g Agent be and he^i hereby, author- ��� �1 V C I T rha er prold, to adv rflae 1 the manner provided by the City. Charter for eree-Yor the —cording of said fin - an provemeIl ccord(ng to said plan and Co peciftcatton., on the bale. (A) That the bidder er contractor ahall Yurnfeh. all ie bor and material for -said or tQ a peclfl d sum; (B) Th at the bidder ie Street from In the matter' Of oonst of trabtor ahnlD�make acid improve- - by force aceount, ' recelvi g ' _ •1 Se Y., oat' to Maryland Street to Era under Preliminary Ordex 3060 Intermediary Order Final Order 3754 approved February, 16; 1915 RESOLVED, That the plans,•specifications and estimates submitted by the; Commissioner -of Public Works for the above named improvement".be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing, Agent be and he is -hereby authorized and directed to advertise in.she manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of ,said` improvement, according to said plane and specifications, on the basis,.(A) That the bidder or oon- tractor'shall ,furnish all labor and 'materis. for said work at a,speci- ` fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by`force,account, receiving 'a percentage of cost -price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bidsi the purchasing Agent, shall,require a'bidderts bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid,, conditioned for the execution of a contract with, the City for the performance of said work in accordance With the pans .' and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu theieof.a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent'shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all. bids.. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as, may be necessary until an acceptable bid.is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is .a contract which. the committee may award,, -shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Comm ssioner'of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or'proceedinga thereon. Adopted by the Gouncil MaR3��� 1914. Yeas ( j Co cilmen ( ) Nays " Yoe g Far svrorth Goa Ke1 r ' M'G 1 Dash Mr. President, Pori 's AppnwdMa PX1BT.isx�i ll y3o-- - r -F Na 4i47 �{I (a the imttte of conatructln9;;nto t 6d T9t;:g uhd in Late d %t� 'om dine 'Si` to npolnt 136 ft: -west of- the west line oY 6nelltng Ave:,: under Preliminary Order. 3Q88, I'Inal; Order 3891;-nPDroled Pebru ry 26, 1916. I Resolved That ttie D1m1tt d: by � � kions and' estt of 'submitted by the 0ommisaione; of Public Works for the bove 7)nmed imv ovoment;be and the ams a e.hereby approved.• " '� I T. Raealved Fu they. That the Purchn -I ing Agent be aad he fa herehye thoi- /�� 4.nd- .. and tc a te�'tp advertise In thq CCanpe provld d ce the City.: aid t r or bldg .tor the making of std Im-It nc o dt avid plane apealflcntlone, on the basis (A) Thai the bidder or cont actor all In the matter Of OOABt furnish all labor and material fo d, $t. from Edmund St. to wok at a epe ifled aum (73) That"' the, bsfond St., and in Lafond St "•'.` "` :i(`a°E ablG.'�eo a point 135 ft. west of the under Preliminary Order 3068 Intermediary Order Final Order '3891 approved_ February 26, X9 it. RESOLVER, That the'plans,-specif'ications and estimates submitted by: the. Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement._be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to sai& plans and.specifications,'on the; basis (A.) That the bidder or, con- tractor shall `furnish all labor .and material for said work at a speci fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contr`ictor shall make said improve- went by force account, receiving'a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require(a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent: of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance rith the plans and specifioations in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu theieof.a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejeoted, the Purchasing Agent' is authorized to. advertise again and ,as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract,,if it a contract which. the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bide should be received and that the 'work should "be- done `by the Commissioner of Publiclorks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with,its recommendations to the Counoll;for _further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council MAR 23 I916 1914. Yeas ( ) Co cilmen ( ) Nays. Yot rg Fa3 r113176rth Ode s x Re ler Mc oll Nash Mr. President„ Po ers Appr ed 3,9 pLigL1S1U';! bfayor, CITY OF ST. PAUL_ e COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:- PV'MVA OF._ AVJARD..._FOR _SE11MR _......... _ __....._...- 177 COUNCIL ..._ FILE No. ...... ... I. ....... 10�.............. Date Presented. ....._ _......_... __.._---I91-..-....... Resolved, Resolved that the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for constructing a. sewer on Eva Street from Fairfield Avenue to IndianaAvenue, to Christ Johnson, at a lump sum of $516.00, be, and the same is hereby affirmed and approved, and theCorporation Counsel is hereby authorized and empowered to draw up and submit proper form of contract therefor. Yeas (r) Coun ilmen (P) Nays Ferns orth Goss __ _ In favor Kelle MCC 11 _- _Against X65}1 Yoer Mr. President, owers ronin e.8-2 IC. F No. 4177— Resolved, that 177Resolvedthat the action of-tha Pur- chasing Committee; in awarding -con-. '.tract.for, e—treating-s'aeider on >'va.. latreat from Fairfield avenueto Indiana. avenue, to Ch Hat Ja nson; at a lump. m - of .$61'6.00. a. and, the same is herebyarl mad and approved, nd they Cortuna ion Co nsel 1s haretiy,atlthor- t ad and mpowerad to draw up nd submiC'prop ,ar for of contraCf`the're- iarr.' I+dprove by tna ,Cou pan916. Mcfi-. 24, 1916. Approved Mc, 24. 1- 9 (March' 2T-19}6) Adopted by the Council _ __ . r __ 191 Approved J._f 19 t • _ �'` as Com – -- ---- MAYOR CITY OF ST, FAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. APPR.OPAL..4E.....AWA.F.D_.T0R_.SE'NFR..............._.. 4178 FILECOUNCIL FILE No. ..... ......................... ... ....... «..... Date Presented....__ ........................._. _-L1;I91............ Resolved, P.esolved that the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for constructing sewer on Morton street, frok Smith Avenue to a point 165 feet west, to J.J. Connoly, at the lump sum of $405.00, be, and is hereby confirmed and approved, 2nd the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and empowered to draw up and submit proper form of contract therefor. Yeas (P') Yoe Mr. President, -M C.e-a r en (P) Nays •th _7 In favor --_.against Nash upand'sutimit lhare[or.,' -�eti;.23; felb. '. i6) Adopted by the Council _)7F9p_. 2_3 �qlg_ 191 Approved _3 191 MAYOR Resolved, that the name of Montrose Avenue from Fairmount Avenue, south to its intersection with the Mississippi River Boulevard and Cretin Ave., just north of Magoffin St.,be and the same is hereby changed to Mount Curve Boulevard, in accordance with petition hereto attached. C F"No 4179''—Ry M N. Reeolvefl Shat the name of M trose� Avenue f otn Fattmov t' avem e e uth -' to Its intersection with the Mfesiaelppt River Boulevard and Cretin Ave., just. nrth of Magbffin St., be and. the earn. :lao.hereby changed to Mount Gurvel Boulevard, In accordance with' 'p.- titlon hereto attaohed. . Adopted by th1 CounclI Mcb., 30, 1816.,, Approved Mch. 30._1916. - - (Alfril 3-1916) i l _ Yeas (11 Cou "" (1') Nays Far worth j Go / In favor Ke r Mc 11 hash __.._,against Yo Mr. President, owers Adopted by the Council Approve w 191 7 !— MAYOR TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR and MEMBERS OF -THE CITY COUNCIL: - of the City of St. Paul- Gentlemen: - The undersigned, owners of property abutting Montrose Avenue, request your Honorable Body to take ouch action as is necessary from Fairmont Avenue, South, to cause the name of Montrose Avenue,.'to be changed to Mount Curve Boulevard, NAME ADDRESS. Qt_tso CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject.Q...,.7� .... -- COONCSL 41-80 FILEIVO . ... .... ......................... Date Presented-, - March.._.. _23._...._I91..51... WHEREAS, By Council File No. 3346, approved January 7, 1915, the same being a final order for curbing Maealester Avenue from Summit Avenue to Princeton Avenue, and Princeton Avenue from Macalester Avenue to Baldwin Avenue, and Rxzazt=&, ITHEREAS, By Council File No. 3888, Ordinance No. 3391, approved March 15, 1915, which last. named Coancil File and Ordinance was passed subsequent to Council F e No. 3346, permission and authority was granted to the Defiel R." ty Company, a corporation, to curb with cement curb, the east side of Ma4b lester Avenue from Princeton Avenue to Summit :Avenue, THF-REFOitE 3E IT _ 350LVED, That so much of said Council Pile No. 3346 that conflicts with the last named ordinance and is inconsistent there- with, be and the same ie hereby cE_.icolled, repealed and annulled. Yeas (1") Cou oilmen (T) Nays Far worth ' Gos In favor Kell Mc 11 ._Against -- I1ash i'oe Mr. President, wers roRM c.e.z Adopted by the Council — , M J -jam 191 Approved.. - 191 _4 • ---� -�� MAYOR petition t, it File No ............................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and . PRELIMINARY ORDER. staking o£ the following The undersigned hereby proposes the lc improvement by the Ci of. St. ills v4 • .Pave Ninth Street ;from Smith.. Av to sn mit A4a.:, , o .gx&ding, dur ling, laying sidewalks and work ,ceseary and incid amsixth t st: such ass. _retain3n{� ;wa17 s.,., o?�l?xlgi grarle...._o�._Collsge .. from Sixth St.. to taSmith Ave:, repaving and'•r ailing of College Svitn Ave.,... as::,:�veli..:.as.....bnil &' a-.,}aridge-_on-'Gel ge Avg a�xcrga Ninth St. and xe-'ding of alley in ock 59 of Irvine' nlargement., also all ;....neo:eesax�.:...ohanges-..o :...se re.. and 'stater.. mft-i s, d aonneetions Dated this2.3rd day o March ................. ..... ...._.191..5.. .._....._...._................. ........... _ (f /� Councilman. PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: Pave Ninth Street from Smith Ave to Summit Ave.,_ also,.grading,.._�uxbing, .3 Ag- eidey7slI aril pork neaeseary send inoidentai thereto, such as ing 4P. 99 96 AveSixth a,nrepaving andhregr d aAof Collee Ave. from n _Collagec&va a� oxth St. ssmNinth •St�.... "Ave. es well._us._liu.dng....a....h g regrading of alley in Dlook fig_®f Irvine's gement, also all access _.ary.....changas_..o3 sec¢ers- an .....water-'mafns--and-...conn®o ti ons . _ c. r xo. sial— JJ. . Whereas; A written jly Councilman...................- .---..................-' huviug been presented to the Council oft mnkmti+. f tris touo l ' viz Pave Ninth etreli •1:•n therefore, be it Ay to sum alt w e 0tainR. e rbing laying side lks an work RESOLVED, That the Commisslonet? secs eery ane f faental thereto such y ordered and directed: g retaining walls ekanging grade of, improvement. College Ave from 91xth 9t to - Smitk, 1. To investigate the necessity f0t"Ave.; s Ave afrom ei SI Str tof Smith A e. 2. To investigate the nature, extenl'aa ,on sa euuamg a brl'1 on Colds11 �ment, and the total cost thereof. g 'Ave across. Ninth st.: and regraing of alley,in meek 69 of Irvine. En 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eke oa gemene qaa water snaineys. anaancgoa a having been preeente8 ta.,thq`� improvement:.. ._...._.. 1. To furnish the following other 1 • : Coun li of theCity oL•.St. PaJl�ttie e;', Yore: bo-tt _...... - ....... ..................... .._._..... .... .. ... ',ne } ed; That the Commiseloner. of Publfe Works be,and he is ligreby,ot of three or more owners. 5. To -state Whether or not said ii d.rednaowl�sitg4ie the a.s..lty.'fo, 6. To report upon all of the fore r: desirability of the making of :,.,,,e Finance. `g 1'. romnent: 2 To ]nvestigpta tliesat ray 1. Adopted by the Council........ M;Is Yeas Nays: Councilman ....... F'nsworth.._....._._.]91_.. Q s Approved....... _:........... �.. . . S ler bk ell., 1 Nash ' Yo g ...... .... ...... ........... -..... .......................... __....... Mayor. Mayor Pol ers Petition Council File No ... ... ............... PROPOSAL FORIMPROVEMENT, 4 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of S. Paul,. viz.:..._.._Grad.e.....0,11--0Y...31,00k. -9- .-T.-exrz.1.0 AA(litIon.i from F.rjjnk-.S.t....Ao Earl ' St..:..}._ n.._ag_corganoe..._ ath....P..B.t.it....a.D_..her.et.a..._at.taalld...._..._..._........:........... _..... .... _........._....................... Dated this .,......_...2..3rd.....day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._.__ ..................._.........._...... ....... t.n....Ef►rl...S.t...._....__. No. 4382.. i; .:_.. : whereas, A —1—%. maklgg or the followin Viz: .Gradealley Bloch having been presented to the Counci` P' therefore, be it df RESOLVED, That the Commissi in 1. To investigate the neeessity;'m 2. To investigate the nature, el, 3. To furnish a plan, profile olds 4. To furnish the follolcing of of or_ e ceaZgae4oy .- telr ,gf camftid ereby ordered and directed: tothe nature,relctenc 'said f said improvement. p . tof Improve- �a ePis'].he Profile- or rovement, and the total cost thereof. roves ent. the following other ton relative to said - aher or not sa�fd. Vim- said improvement 5. To state whether or nots anaoyi a hy�thG''L;o$ncl.ed for on the petition of three or more owners. ve �pr.d MMc,`.�83, 191fJJ 6. To report upon all of the forego.: s t'tb'ch�_a4a7the. Commissioner of Finance. Ilii. ...?t� ,gi_.......... Adopted by the Council _.._...... .... "..._..............._....... 7 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth . ;� � Gose Approved..........._.......MQR_............_....9 .._ x._ ...................191. _._ Keller ,McColl, s . 7 s Nash Yoerg..... ............................. ......... ..... •.......... :. Mayor Powers q Mayor. 1; •' PUBLISHED J of '� —1-5 " Petition Council File No..•..... ..._............... " PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and, PRELIMNARYORDER. l , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follolwing-puUlic-..impanvclutalt by the City of St. Pan]viz.:...Pave ..R►$FQaw._S.t..._ Ssven h._St..:.._t.a:.._the..:.nor-th-.:1;.ine off......-..._. P�easant;Ave.,, inoliding`sewer,,'e�a'ber nd gas oonneatioas from street uta.�,7ta._'�o....property..::lines:....o.orapleta.,....�cllere.:;-.?4t a3ready. made.," also'-paving alley.and driveway approaches and installing curbing, where necessary. ......._... __........ .... _........__..................................... ......... ..........._................................................................................ .......... ........................ .... ...... ....... _....... ............... ................ ...... .......... .......,..,.......... _........... ................... ........................ ...........191.5 .... ?; Dated this .._._........._2.._..8rd_ ........ day of_..:..._.......Ma.T..9.h......._.._......__.. . { V Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz-: ................... - ................. .... Pave Warsaw St, fromPlast. Seventh �Dtit._IQ t.1 north._line- ._nf..::Pleasant Ave -3nb ndirig sewers water aiid gae connections from street mains to property linea o_omplete.r._.whor:e..._no:(.....al.xea.dy.:..made.,..... Elsa ..._paQ.ing....al-ley .._and....driveway approaches and installing curbing, where necessary ............... _._...................._......................... .._._._.......-.............. ......._...._......__..._....._..._._............. .._........._.....__....... ........ ... . tVhe+ene,A Wt•Itten proposal for the aklny^. of- the.follo •ins improv ment. having been resented to the Council vizi',' Patio warsn v st. from weQt_ pan...............-........................--.-- - 6r p Seventh St to the no th line of Pleas a t Ave incl ding ewer, wator nnd. therefore, be it g¢ co nectio a o+n treat mntne to p op rty,m complete caner not I -LI ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commiesl readydelvevumade, anSo p. a a 'alh, aumg y curbing. where n essary, having has. 1. To investigate the necessity f pre..nted to the council of the City of said improvement. 'St. Pont th.rofore, be It 2. To investigate the nature es' peso{tel That the COmmi6ef0 y of. movement, and the total cost thereof. pubnc Works bf and he ie. hereby or- derOd d.direatod: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or I ,. To -,Inv the necessity td[ or desirability of the m¢king of aid 4. '1'o fmvlish the following othe�t p ov.mant. aid improvement: l To 1 ves�eitl cost the 8.atnre nnd stl d Me m nt and tin toj,al coat' '4: furnish, a t- ^' 5. To state whether or not said improvencn!sh, 'hsked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............ MAR .....9,;x......__...191......_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth M�R F.iA ly J Goss Approved... ... ... ................ 191.._.._. Keller x3wMcColl pry hash Yoerg....... ..... .. ......_..............._..._._..._.-._...... Mayor Powers Mayor. 1'U13I.7SI1TL1 c3 ��`�—?'� . CITY OFBT.PAUL- - _ - ACCOUNTING'DEPARTMENT' DDu' No. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOR , .�",-+ By— 1911111 Y - N 3 1915 AUDITED— AUDITED ....«.. .. `top— ai_PER245 llllll PER- 245 Resolved tha arrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fdndsan in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite theirrespective names as specified in the follottwi//ng:'detaile - statement: Yeas ( J) Coon men ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191= Farns orth 181 Goss favor ed KI �F77— r �Agalgrl= MCC ry MAYOR Yoe Mr. President, P ers — C. F No 4185— -R Div d that w ants be dr wn I PUBLISHED �y `3 —'5" upon the CIty.T nsury,payable outof _ - ,the: hereinafter speclfled fund. an1� favpr.of the persons,'drme or corpora-. - :tions for' the amounta.:set opposite respective nnmea as: speoift y iti' the'foilowing detatied' statement: Purpoee LgtinCnd—utp - _ Fl�ExPe1, nd-needtiPntg tei-son Street Llghting':-.Cc $4201.96: - Pattersoq Street Llghttng;Co 2.427.67; SL.'Raui Gag Light ;Co.. ,$22,006.27. " - "Corporntton '-Counsel's' 'office—Exp:. ' - Police— B• RePa1[: M. Ii, "Belch„ $11.86: BEd- Neuman, .$189.68: - - ^ -" F1re—Malpt. & Repair; Linde— Mills:' .8409.511; South St., Paul -x - :31011'r ;Horse Co;, $250.00. f \fnitntlt A.0°P.. Dloo e, $11.26;, Fund=. :BrIlge: Bldg. &' RePah C Re".%eni:'. Cap(tal Clty„ j"' - $4;634.90. Pub to hoot.---Malnt. Dreher, Deputy.::-. $42.05. - ' Public School — Sal Farnsworth, .Com..of.Fl.. '- .'..Auditorium' Salaries: $29.25• Tn2dttarinm—nfal - ' Corpo"rate Purt a`'" Publig Lighting Fund-Supjater Dept S .`see o[ Finance ., •r; 0765 _ pie &Fullerr Patterson Street Lighting 'C719sko. 4;201.45 II 66 a Patterson Street Lighting do.;oh 2.427.57 67 St. Paul Gas Light Co., �` 22.005.272 7 - upplies &, Corporation Counsel's Office Exp, 40.00 0.768 H. Caldwell, PoliceMaint. & Repair 0769 M. H, Be'sch, 39.88 10770 `Pdw. Neuman, l $ n spa r FireMaint. & Repair 0771 Lindeke.Roller Mille, 409.50 0772. South St. Paul Horse Co., 2_ 50.•0.00' Street Const. & Repair Fund-Maint. 1 773 A.: P. Moore, 1,25 Bridge Bldg, &Repair -Const. & Betterment 4,534.9`0 " 10 74 Capita: City Lumber Co., 1,6- A. 5-11 Public SCII0018 Maint. & Repair 10 5 K. F. Dreher, Deputy Commissioner, 42.05 Public School -Salaries 10 76 8. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 305.00. Auditorium -Salaries 10. 7 A. F. Morton, 29.25 Auditorium Maint. 1.22 10 78 A. F. Morton, Water Dept. 10 [9 S 'A; Farnsworth,. Com. of Finance, 12,625:00 964.62 10 ti0 Hazen,,Whipple & Fuller, T� tai Wat e~.-Il.�+t Fly d 13. K89.62 ✓ Total , Spec. Asasea. Bond. Int. Acct. 10 81 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, �,o1868 Spec, Assess. Const; Acet.- " Hamline•Jefferson Sever System 1C 782 O'Neil' & Preston Bat. #6, Sewer Fulton St. James to Palace 12,580.:00 1 83 Thornton Bro®, 75.00 Total Corporate oses. ' ... ...:. .#47;98 X68 " Spec. Asses nterest ....� 7sSpec. Ases. t. Acct. ...... ... 12Tot ;Bon $ 7,662.19 h n � 4 J tr Council File N B OPOSAZ�F'dYt"IMPROVEMENT . ��.�� a•• - and . PREL11UNARY ORDER. �I The underalgn- hereby proposes the "laking of the following p le inlprevenient by City of Sir ro riate and Gond for."_the use and`%iuros. Paul, viz.: _ ..._To take,..._aPl?......P......._...._.....�.......................__ es of Public Play -grounds, the fol wing describe cal tette .......nameln Lots.._1.�2-3.-..4-.5.-6 4-. 10 _.� ...1 3 ? 5. ................. ` shall's Addition, according t - he Plat there , on file and of! j re.co"rd- t-n..._the- 0f i"ce---af-•-tlze: e&:Lst.er"._o.f-._D.ee of Ramsey Cn11nt;{, .... — Minnesota, situate in. the. ity of St.Paul in"said "County. ._..... _ .... _...._......... ... ...... . _.......... ......... {. ............._ Dated this_ day of ........... . ..... ....... .....191......... { Councilman. PRELMMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, "A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. .............. ........... TQ t_ake..,._._ RP..ropri_2te_,__._and""".condemn.,-"-,__for..the_. uses.""asld_.Purpo,e-„ as of Public Play—grounds, the following described Real Estate, Lot s...1...2..3.m..4-.5.�.5�.7-.8-9.. 10-11.�.12*.13-.14.15-.16...._Mar-. .._ __.. shallts Addition, according to the Plat thereof, on file and of - _reeorel in the.. Off"i"ce -of the Aeg-ist-e"-r of. Deeds. -j. o€" Ramsey County, Minn-,»ota, situate in the City of St -Paul, In said County. c r: ve <lac n - {Firer-"' h tvrltte Proposal P the mak(ng' of th lnllbwi g 1mP....... o ems _"lia8}l..... ....... _............ ..__._ ._..i having been presented to the Council o viz. To tax approp tate and con- aemn, fo th n e d Purpose- oP therefore, he it public PW,g u nd th Polio Ing de-, art real tat nam I.y:.. Lots r, z.� eby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commission 3 rs s z, s(%d Io a r3 r3, ra rs, rs; Marshall's Addltl n aoeordtng to the pldf thereof,on -al and or'record In the 1. To investigate the necessity fo uoy Countlo rn�t� eorareiid. eft" hofid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, ¢xte in y of st. Paul;,in -ata county, hnb- ¢meat, and the total cost thereof. g ing been pre-euted to",thp.,Counoil,ofr the M Of aL Paul therefore bo St 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sk Resol ed, Thae the comet --toner oil Publi work- be and he�_Is tereiylL' d. To furnish the followingother ordered and dlreote$ , . 'd improvement :..................._........._ 1: To tnv-ettgate the "n..sooty for or des(rabnity of the_..,d Ing', of eatd Iprovemept. ...... -2 '�Y nvestIgat the natu a xten..�. ..._..__. ..___.___ ....__...__ .....—_.................._.. _._..._. '.: a.ud, ,r •d: cost of to •,. 5. To state whether or not said improvelnenf-ig sl rootAoj p'6n the petition of three or more owners 6. To report upon all of the. foregoing mattt�ers to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ,aR Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa swort.' Qo Approved. ..: _ ....... S.. Ke r ........._.._. ............................. ......_. Mayor. Mayor Po " s • /s- Petition Council File No,... _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. I and PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow g public inlprovemeut they of St. Paul, viz.:_.Carade_....d.jaje..t....bta...:between.... in accordance with petition.__ her. ...... ......a ..................................... _.._......................................... ............ . .................. ..........:.......................... ............ ............................... .................... ................................. ................ ............. ......................... ........,-....... Dated this....__.2..4th._...._..day of....... ............... ........191..5.. Councilman. PRELDYIINARY ORDER. `VHBREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:............ ........._....._._-......__... .. Grade-__Jul et_._St_.,,.._batwean.._Hanalins_-.3Ye.........ax1sl....Syndic.a,t.e....St.......in.._ac.cordance withpetition.... hereto _att................... ................_._....................................._.................................._.._...._........_._................__... ........ .......... .................. ........................ ............................ ................. .........-........................ ..... ......... ............ .._........._................... ............. _._..................... C F. No. 4187— whereas, A written proposal for thel..... .................................................. _................. ...._...... ' making of tnefollowin Imp vemont. fz: >tirede Juliet St. between Ham havingbeen resented to the Councl ;line Ave. and Syndicate St. In accord-' an „_---- .._------ _.. ...... ........... ..... ..... .......; p ante with petition hereto attached hav_ I Ing :been presented' to the Coune7l oY therefore, be It the Cita f'st. Paul therefore, be It nesol ed, That the Commissioner of RESOLVED, That the Comnnssl Public works.be andhe Is hereby or" lereby ordered and directed: tiered and directed - r; To investigate the 'necessity for 1. To investigate the necessity or de sirabillty'.of,the making of'said said improvement. improcement. 2. To investigate the nature, a z. , To, In stigate the nature, a:cane rovement, and the total cost thereof. andset lmated cost of said Smprove- g tn nt, and the total coat thereof.. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or a: To furnlali a .plain' profile ori ]catch of snld imp ovement -1. To furnish the following oth 4.. To fv rlah tha follows g other lgaia improvement: .... ......... ....._.. x:.nnd lnforma.tion relative to saW, 0 vemsent. To tate whether .. _. ,'nenf Ie asked. tor........_ ......... ._ ........ ._._..._........_............_.___............... _..... _.....___-_.._..._. p e or more ow;- 5. To state'Svhether or not said im roveme r; un'gsked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Aaentea by the Council .... _..... MAE ....19.I ......... .... 191 _. Yeas : Nays: Councilman Fai nsworth /—Got I Approved .... .......... _--5 .. ...... h Kel er Nash _.... N.,......... .... ... ....0.-�..................... G . Mayor Po ere r PUBLISr The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fKAviiig public improvement vi7, Paul,diChls. . ..... St.... tD sneil,n4 Dated this 94h day the City of .St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. ............................................ .. Are . . .... . .... ............... . . . . ..................... .. .. ................ .......... ............. _ .......... ......... - ........... ........... . ...... .... .......... . ........................I...._........_..._, ............. _.--1 . ............. ............. ........... .................................. . ........ ...... . .......... C. F. No. -4188— Whereas, A written proposal for the,� having been presented to the ComeI ra.l�iag of -the following lmprove�ma',nt. man ................ . ........ . .. .... ................................... ld .vi.. d Cha lee at. from Aldine,, st jo%rnsj`1'1.'�gCAv.., superse u.r, C... oil, Pilo No. -L M9, having 'liven pre. therefore, be it sented to,tIm,,CouhcII of the city of st.1 Paul therefdr.; be It hereby or- P ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Coal MIS9 Resolved, That the Com.141-n-i f .1,11 woIrlIs b'and, he Is hereby 1. To investigate the nece 1Xand direct.d: f said improvement. 1. To Investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of old, provement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, Improvement 2. To Investigate the nature, extent 3. To furnish a plan profile 0 land estimated cost of said Improve. ment, and the total cost thereof. To "h a To furnish the following 0tjj sketch offarald jmpr.vP.`m.6, pro"', said improvement: 4. 4 h ,To furnish the following bthei.; data and Inf rmatlon: relative to sold, . ..................... . ...... . ............ . .. . ... ..... . ......... �mprovernent.o I I , "� ....... ... .. __........ ....... . .... . .... . ........ ... . . .......... .... 1._y t1,ta=4f %rmt Mdillm-, �u is or prove the pot on e petition of three or more owners. k "��,,,wnlrs. 5. To state whether or not 4"t�' &I fission 07 6. To report upon all of the foregoing malffi'Kna'Vmon or u�j,r of Finance. ANR 24 IMS llva� Adopted by the Council._..... ...... . ..................... ... ....... ...... 191 Yeas: Councilman -nswortli Fu 191 Go Approvej ..... .... ... ................ Be c er Naeh j ...... .... ... ..... . . .................... . .......... . ...... .. . ........ ...... ... ........ . . P Mayor. Mayor P, ars 1 :2 '7 1,6 PunISITE) o Eai Council File. No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. file undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foll ug public improvement by e City of St. Paul, viz.: .._.Pave....F.o32tland_.Avenne.3t...to AvenU,&j---including street intersections and alley d driveway appro es, also including ...sewer....... water....and....gas..Sarvi.oe..... nneo%10ns"--pr0m--8 set ma-ins" to .property lines complete, where not a eady made, and i ailing new curbing ..where.....nee eesary 'v..._.............................._................._..................._........................- ........... ................... .................... .......... ......._.............. ....._........ ...... ... __.......__...._........... ...... ............ .... _............ ...... _.............. ..... Dated this. ......,9.51'i.11...._...day of... ............. Mar.Oh..............._................. . .._..................191�j.t -- q_- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . Pave .Portland.. Avenue..._ Isom _ e� _ St.....to... hexing.:.on.._Ave.-t.....IM01-siding.........__. street intersections and alley and driveway approachos, also inclitding ` .._4ewe.x..,..... water ....and....gas....zersic.s.....connec.tions-...fr..om- st_ree.t....mainlil -to property lines complete, where not already made, and installing new curbing whera naoessary. r , AWhereof' A —lit.. D opo rover the l , .... ...... ........... _.. ... ......................................................................... making -of, the landeimp vein al via: Pave Portland Avenue from Dale ------ • $t. to, Lexington Ave., including otreet.�lman having been presented to the COUri Intereecb.." and alley ana drivwee. .! a¢pronchee, ,also IncludtngGfewer, wa- theTC£OI'e, be ]t - for and gas service connection" from streat alas to ,property llne9 .com- plots..0 .not &heady made, an&4n hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commis stalling new, curbing where' necefearx `� Y having been presented to the Council off 1. To investigate the necessit 4 City!o[ at, Pant therefore, tie ft bf said improvement. g Resolved .That ,the Aemmiealoner` of Public Works be and Ile fe he;eby or rovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, aerea'ana alrectea:,;, � P 1. Tq;� invegixlgat6• Elle neseesity for 3. To furnish a plan, profile o or aefirabutt!! of tee mak�ng'ot laid P P improve 1, s - , .:. 3. To'Inve"trate the.rtature: ftoult ro'.4. To furnish the following of ana. edamatea eoet'. of "old improve• o said improvement:. ............ ..._.._....... ment;.nnd tris. toCni-'wef thnreof. furnleh e:i.'p1an, profile br ................................................ _... _........ _........ ekatah 6f said lmprovemetlt .................. ........ _.......................... __._....__... . 5. To state whether or not sl� To, furnleh tris fon-�or on the petition of three or more owners. aiul Information re'/ veiaent " - Kie Commissioner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the fol f To tat a wl l Adopted by the Council .._........ MSR..:_. ...... ....... ...... 191....._ Yeas: Nays: CouncilmanFar" Orth .1 G Approve d .�... .. �. . ........ ._ Kell �J Nash ... _....... _.......... ...................... ............................. . ........�...� Mayor Pow a Mayor PU13LISHED_ CouucilrFile.No...:....................' , . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELDUNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followi public improvement by City of St. pnll, iz.: pave gehland._9peaue,.,from Dale ..._..._+..1to..I+e �Xlgt_oXa... ._e..,..._ixlcluding e reet lnterseotioiie and alXey a driveway approa eel also including.._sewer.,.._water_.and, gad....ex.Aiv.e.....c`onneeti.o ...-from st.rest..-mains .fd_" roperty lines complete, ere not already de, and installing new..._Qurb lxg...whe.r..e....ne.o.esear..................................... .... ......... .... ............ ...... ....... .......... ............................. ........ ......... .............................. ................ ............. _................. .... ...... ......._.._........................_........._....._....................._.................._._...__...._.........._._........... Datedthis.. _..._96 hday of ............... ................... .........................191.....5. ........ ........ r ....... ....................... Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave Ashland Avenue ._.from._Dale..._St.,...._tQ....xeeiz�gton_6se...,....inaludiag..-street ..3riterseot3ons And alley and driveway approaches, also including sewer, _waAerandgasH.e..TV .o.e._.annneations....Yr"om....et.reet....mai"ne.....to-property lines complete, where not already made, and installing new curbing where �ec.essary........ ................ ............................... ............ .... C. 11No 41sa .. ............... ............. .. ._... _. .._. Wkerea , A written proposal for the�� making of the foliowinb' lmprav m t i viz: Pave Ashland Avenue from Dah" ; having been presented to the Coun St, to Lexington'Ave., I— iuding street, man fnterseetioms and alley and=drivawal'� caches. ciao Including sewer wa- therefore, be it ter and sae service connection 1 from: G'ttreet'mains to property muss cm RESOLVED, ordered and directed: RESOL�rED, That the Cmnmiss stallinghnnw curbing where ne esse y,''. 1. TO investigate the neCC891t "having been presented to the Council g y of the C been f'St• Paul therefore, be 1[ f said improvement. orrovement, and the total coat thereof. Public ReBo�Works'be and he Is herebyrLl 2. To investigate the nature, defied nnd'dkl ected: L To lnvast- f t the necessity said 3. To furnish a plan, profile o `a: aealrabuitr of the making of improvement.. -1. '1'o Furnish tile. following of 2.. To lnvesngate the eia �iinnrovet said Improvement:_....... ..._ ...._.... .and estimated cost Ment, andthe total coat thereof. �•- 'sKatch ott gaidB1, 9 improve nentpro6le•' .4. .2o furieh. the following. 5. To state whether or not s data .a d• information, relatly don the petition of three or more owners. Improvement; , 6. ,:To state. whether or. moil 6. To report upon all of the fj•provementto ask for on thill t"missiouer of Finance. oY thre0 o moreowne e ort Adopted by the Council......... ging` hs u �y` Yeas: Fin"� ' the'zPr� Nays: Councilman Fa lswort + q' GoaApproved .... ...... ...._ / .... S_....... ............... .......19 ... ( el If Rash Mayor Poi era Mayor. Council File No.-- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELBUNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the leaking of the following lie improvement by the Ity of St. Paul viz.: ...__Pev..e..._$.gigue.._Av..esue..._ xom...Rale..._st.........u....L.s.g.ing .on... xe ..,_...�no.l c�.lxlg. street intersections and alley and d away approaches also including il _s.ewex.,.._wst.e.r.....and.. gas'...c_onn.e.e.t.ione....� m....stre.et.._mains .....t .....pr.operty_lin ls. complete, where not already made and installing curbing where ......................................._ .............. :......_................. _neo.sear......_........................._ _ ............... _................. ........................... .................. ........_..... ........_......._...._._.......................... ........._.................... ..................... ..__sass...................................... Dated this....__... `Zb tih_.._(lay of. .._...__......_Meroh......_.................... .._ ............ ......... _191...5., r Councilman. C PRELMNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.._ ............. Pave ..._Hague._8v..enue.._.from, Dale.__St..._..._to.ex .._Lington...Ave,,..,...._ no uding.._stre.gt._.. intereeotions and alley and driveway approaches, also including aewer.,._.wat.er....and.._gas....sam io_e.._.c.onneationa.-fr.omStreet- malne.....t.o.._property lines complete, where not already made, and installing new curbing where....necessary'.' `whore 419; .................. viz: Pavo Has.. no I rprov,lo St. ... Proposal for e. sass... sass._ .. .. ._. ... ... making f th Yollo Ing Improvement treat tersectfoneonnd alley nadldrirewny ¢p-,' - - having been presented to the Councj pr .hes also Including .ewer watecjman _....... _... ..... .......... _.......; nnd�`, gee service connectl¢ s Erom, therefore, be it attest- mains to ::property linea com- plete,,where not already .made. a ad I.: tniling ew curbing where necessary,. RESOLVED, That the Commlasl having been presented to the Council,hereby ordered and directed: of the City of St, 'Paul therefore, be ItIved 1. To investigate the necessity,'Pu "Work.hbe anat d heels hereby r orf f said improvement. -dered,and dlrected: 8. To investigate the nature, e! 1. • To Investigate the necessity for rovement, and the total cost thereof. or desirability of the malthag of said 3. To furnish alan, profile or Improvement. 11 p I l.. To Investigate the nature, extent end' estimated coat of eafd Improve - 4. Tn flituish the following otl�menl, and the total .at thereof. said improvement:..sass.. .. ..__. a. To furnish..¢ plan, profile or sketchof said Improvement. 4. To furnisa' the following other..._ ... sass_ ..................... _.._ .. ........................... - ". .. .. .. .-..... -.-. -' ' data and W rection relatly to said improvement her 5. To state whetOr not sal '5. To state whethe or not. said Ina peta tion of three or more owners. prove cont Is asked for or;.the p�ntion 6. To report upon all of the f gj•'hrea o mere own rsie 06 P'Ia4� r of Finance. To T port upon.S MAR H1\ 2 tters.;�;_ Adopted by the Council........ ............Ix' sass 191.._..._ Yens: Nays Councilman to rth EA r�......._............................_.191Nash _...............................:.......... ......... o Mayor Mayoi•. PUBLI Council Pile No. .......:a ..... PROP08A7d FOR IlVIPROVEMENT. 4.92 and PRELUWARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public ' novemeut by the City 9y tt Paul, viz.: ._Pave._St_....Albans_I.t.r—p t...fr.om:_S.ummit. ..e......to._.Dayton._A. , excepting street intersections, and including al and driveway a roaches and..._eewex.,__wet.ar.....and_.gae._s.er-Qioe....00n otlona.....from..atre mains'ta property lines complete, where not xeady made, als installing new anrbing....whera....n Wessary.W................................................. ............................................... ........ _............. ............ _.................... __.............._.._.__...................._ . 25th y ............... 1.....5.. Dated this...__...._..._ ..._........._da of....._........Mar ' — Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz,:.......-.- - - "'- ' pave..et _St.,_.A�,hane.:...Stsee.t_..3rom_.Summit._Ase......to...Dayton....A.VG s exffept#Mg streintersections, and including alley and driveway approaches and ..s.ew.er-.,....wat.er..._and._gei ._ser Vice`o©nneat3ons'-from" 'atreet Mains.ta. property lines complete, where not already made, also installing new alarbing-where- neoessar �c xa 41az= ........... _ ._ ..._._.. Whereas. Awritton proposal for thel .. .... ...... ..... making' of the foil vi g improvement; viz. Pave St, Albans street Prom SRm_ 11 mit Ave, to I) yton 1ve., excepting ,,,,...._._.. _.; ......... -. ""............. to iny having been presented to the Council oMtli nd ��IvewnY appron'c a 1 ins, �n r, avatar and gas. se relce connections t11CTef01'C, be It IYio street main to f.dy arty line-. i earn plet ,where not nlreadY mode al- RESOLVED, That the Commission ARryRhavingRb en rnieeentedetoeCthA Aeby ordered and directed: Co ncil of the City of st. Ponl there- aid improvement. 1, To investigate the necessity fo�fore ea be it That ihe•Commissioner of 2. TO 1riVCSt1 atC the nature, CStClPublic works: be and he is hereby or- VClrient, and the total cost thereof, g de ed and directed: �'1 To'- Investigate the necessity for :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sk�or desirability of the 'meld g ee Bald i p ovement. _. ... ... _.. ._.. 4• To furnish the following other! and eilmntes igose tofa snId rtropr1;b said miprovement:_...... Rent and the total coat thereof 3 To furnish Plan prep _........ ............ ._ ..._ _,_„ ..... _... sketch of earl lmproyeraent,.. .........................%4 To 'Yurnish tho 'collo 6. To state whether or not said'data, and Inform tlon'rei;Jr on the petition of three or more owners. improvement 5. To etata wh cher jotnlnissioner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the fore prove ment Is' ekedo f�Ml1of threo or mot f 8. To report apr Adopted by the Council.._ going manors t vl ..... S ante, Adoyted tiffII1JAYB: Yeas: Ait revedl Councilman F sworth Approved._ ( ..... /�............ Gd Ke r Nash ` �..... Mayor. Mayor Po era -3 i'IJSLISIiEI`. • r b. ('ouucil File. No.. . . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Yald, viz.:Pay...e .GFotto...Street.....frQ fi...S.s.1-bY. Ave. ' syt.en.-Ave.,..,...-.exa ng......_ street intersections, and including ails snd driveway ap oaches _.....and.. aswer..,.....wet.er.....and.,..gaa....serviae....c.onn ions ....fror-4-atrao...... -ins.. to...__. property lines complete, where not ready made, ale netalling new ._. ............._.... ................................._.............................. .... . curbing.where.neoessary--w............. ...........__.. .-... Dated this...day of .............................. o.±a.... ........... ......_............. _..._...._ 1....6.. ....................... . r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .... Pave.._Grotto Street _._fr om.._S elby__dve....._ �.Q....�aYt.9�1....Awe_..,...._e o.att.ing..s_tr_e.e.t. intersections, and including alley and driveway approaches and sewer, water....and....gas.....ser.vic.e.....connect.iona.... from.._street.... mains ...to....property....lines complete, where not already made, also installing n0V curbing where _.necessary. .._..... _.. ............ ...................._......._......_ ........... .except -- D yton A o diens, and including having been presented to the Council of the Cmay approachesc...... Mos e>lman ...._.._......._.........._. ............. .5t mainato property It comy- therefore, be it here no[ already made,, also last �_ ing.new cuibing where hecesaary,_ h , RESOLVED, That the Commissionez{Ing been-preaented to, the council of , by ordered and directed: [h City of St. Paul therefore, be it nesolved. -That the Commissioner of d improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for P.blic work. bo and xe is .hereby or- �dered and directed: 2. To investigatethe nature, exteni 1. To Investi gate th. necessity for ement, and the total cost thereof. or desirapillty'of the "making -of said Improvement 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eke�a a To tiro tedl cbst to aid rimprove- • meet, and the tote' cost th reof improvement:......-.... . .._.- .......... 4. To furi11.3h the fUllowlag Ut11C1• 31 To furnish a} plan pro flla or sketch of said improve ent ". To furnish the' following oth t' .., ............ ._._ dal and Informntlon relative to:said- ..-- .__.._ ....__......__. ... ..._ impr verrent. 5 To state whether or not said i7 proveT. late awk d for tnil ane%tion' ltlon of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the for ' i n . ony+o t ran comm) cn ? f Finance. Adopted by the Council ................ MAR....:19l5. Yens: Nays: Councilman •nswortlt ? Approved.. 1...... ..... s ..._. ler Nash ......__.................... _._......... _......................... . Po vers Mayor. itiayor 3 Council File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and�� PRELIMINARY ORDER. �. akiug of the followin ublic improvenieut h ie City of St. The Undersigned hereby proposes the nl t.c... Ttaytgn... ...,.:...e�MePt.ing......_. Paul, viz.: ...Pave...Avon...gtr.e.et.....r_am...Summit.... ley and driv ay approaches street intersections, and including t.I©E.�;pproache©------- ;__ an ,..:.s.�wer...,.....Water....and,..-gas-._aer.vice-_-c. eations'XT..o also installing new property lines complete, where n already mad .1 ...where..sieeee'sa'y'....................... .......................... .................................... _..... e.urb.ing. _..........._.......................-...............-.........-............._..........._.............. Dated tlus.:...__.._2.E.t.h_...day of._...... ..... . ............ 115ar.c.h...._.._........... P Councilman. PRELuMMARY ORDER. W11F.REAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...................... Pave Avon Street from $t- Summit-_Ave..*..__to..._Dayton.....eve_...,......exo_epting..........__ street iriteraect3oris, asld eluding alley and driveway approaches and...sewers water..._and.....gas..._P-Qnn.e.a.t..i.ens....fr.om....s.txe e.t....mains.....to.....pro p©rty.. lines complete, where not already made, also installing now curbing cQh e r e....ne.c as.sasy........... .................. _.........._...........__........_..-...... _ 777 �C. F N 4194 ... .. .. .. .. ...................... . .. ,,.. .. .. .. .._ ... .wfi eas A. rltten propos A ........ .. ........................................... " """ .. maltlnk of thePoll. l t lm vir,:. Pa Avon street' fro tit oilman.. .................. _. , having been presented to the Council jniejse tansoandvl luaingt °le driveway app oaches and.8ew T therefore, be it and gas connectionsfro street, ' reereby ordered and directed: to pope ty. line' eompl to Whe RESOLVED, That the Commissio au ries. where n-I.- ari. hnving bee;_, prese8ted'to the. Council of the city of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity f sc. Paul therefore• be u •Resolv..d•-That the Commissioner of �, TO investigate the nature, ex t'ubltt:.�Vorks be and he fehereby or ovement, and the total cost thereof. g derednnd directed: 1. ToInvestigatethe necessity for 3. To furnish a plan, profile ore or desirability of the making of said Improvement • '2- To investigate the nature, extent aid improvement: ... ... ..... .... 4. To furnish the following .the and estimated coat W said improve- ment,.. and the total coat thereol. _.'Sc To furnish aPlan. Profile or .......... _.... ._. .... .... .. ............_ .... .._.... eketch'of. saki.. improvement. . - ,i. To furpleh the following other 5. To state whether or not said amproond Information nf rmation relative to said etltion of three or more owners. :';.6. • To stet. wheth.r or not said, lm- of Finance. t. 6. To PCnOTt Upon all of the for proveglent Is asked for on the Petition' of thr2e'or more owners: - i To report upon all of the for...� -- Adopted by the Council._.. � going mutters 2 All. Commie ltMe�n of Finance. I� 'Adopted tis!�'r1`1..,b Yeas: �APPraVedt Councilman Fa sworth CC G Approved ... .. ...... ...... 91._. K r 6c Nash Mayor P ereMayor. Council File No .............. .... .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and q5 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followil1g�1',�Ulic inlprovenle 1;y the City of St. Pail], viz.: Pass_..Eiek..trest.....from-.7,aur.el...A. .....t.a...Day _ton s....,.....exnspting..._.....- street intersentions, and includin alley and d veway approaches and Sewer, ...wa.t.er-..amIj.gas.....00nneo-tiaxis. _..r0m.--stT-e.e.t.... ine..._to. proper-ty---knee complete, where not already m e, also inst ling new curbing where_ ....................................................................................... ....... ...................... _.... ...-........................................ _................ .......... ...................................... _............__.._............_...._..........._..._..._.............................._...._........ ..... .._._.__.......... ................. .... _.....__._......_ Datedthis of..... ...... .......... ...._...March ......... .................. ...................191......b . ... .... _................ i y Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WBEREAS, A ,written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. ............. _.. Pave.._Fisk Stre_et-__from.._Laurel...Ave_e..._to--AeYt_°n..._eve_,-.:-.._e.4.Q.P..>1g._................_......_...... etreet intersections, and including alley and driveway approaches and a.aw.e.r..,.__wate.r......and._.gas.....oonnec.t.ions...fr..om....stre.e.t.... maina.. t.0.....pro .POT ty...lines complete, where not Si -- i +.Ilin new curbing where re C. r: rro. Sias— g ....._..- 1Vh r as..A w ltten proposal for tho _necessary. mnl<Ing Pave the f 11 wing, Improvement, i to yt k street f m Lare 1 �V a -reaction., to ion., a d t d ep tl g street ..........ry ""' I inter tfo a and Sncludl g alley and —' driVeu approache and ewer, water;I and "g s e nnectlon from street Lnai s 7I ...... having been presented to the Council of to property lines complete,wh re not ' already made, also installing new Curti- Ing viler ecee ari having been pre, - therefore, be it +sented to the Pannell of the City of SL I I Pnpl therefore,b 1t " li ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner Resolved; That the Commlesluner uF I, Y Public Works b d he ,la T,e eby or - 1. To investigate the necessity for daledand: ndVW19ef the ',seaity tor'I improvement. c,•deeirabiltt¢;'br tlib making et said ment, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extentlmcrovement; '2.r .To investegeto the nat,fre���-tpsYxote,nt ! 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketVente nate toiai eoi thedreo `� 3. To furnish the following other d g To furntsh a, plan, •prcalo'or. improvement :........................................... sketch of said lmpravement. 4. To L"rnlah the follbwing othor .........._........................_......_......._ _ ....... .._ :data and lnformntlon relativo ,to said -- -- -- ---- '-"-"' "'-' Improvement. - G. To state whether or not said i1 nt To state whether onnot aped fm';ion of three or more owners. -ant is asicea .for ort ttio petition' - g mora owners:.. �. To report upon all of the foregoing mat tel�ortto inn aly of eche fare. Finance. 9.191 r' 1 ,,,•r' ale. er of Adopted by the Council ......................................�9.��-........ Yeas: Nays: — Councilman Fill sivortb GoAPProved._..( ..... ...._..�f.....J.........._................ 7 _ Ke r Nash ;..,......... .... .......... ...... ..... ............ ............. ._..... Mayor Po e Mayor. Council File No__ . .............- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followih pliblic improvement by the City of St. Pan,, viz.:.....'a.Ye.._V. o..tQria....S�.ra.et......rom...; . t.-Ave.......t.II:...Day. AAa:.,....akeeptIng street intersections, and includi alley and dr away approaches and Wat.er....and....gas....nervice.....C. eationa.....�rom._.. x©at--mains...._ta -property lines complete, where not air der made, also nstalling new curbing _.......Where. ..necessary. .._........................................ .............. ...................... .._........................................................ _......................................... ................ ............ .-............... ........................ ................. _......._.... _-..__.__........................ ._.._............. ....__................... ..._......_...................................... I ........... .. _. Dated this............._25th._..day of............ ...... .......... .._............ _....191....6.. — t Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WITEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... ................. _. _Pave .__Victoria .-_Stre8t__.x.Qm....Snmmit...AYe...... a-..Daytna street intersections, and including alley and driveway approaches and .......... e.ewer.,_..wat.er.... and ....gas._.service-...connections...-P-rom street - ma-ine 'to property lines complete, where not already made, also installing new curbing ------w ..ere.....neo eseary. ................ ..........................................._............__...................._........................ IC F No 4196-- ....... ...... ..... .... .... .... ... .... _. Whereas„A: written Propos¢I for the .. ....._... .. ........ .... ........_. ..... making+, of the. following improvement, viz; P¢Vd vieta i street from Sum-. havingbeen resented to the Council gmlt'AV,i [`'.Dayton awe., exaepeing,an P street interaectioh s. and Including alley.......................................................- ”'""" ..it lrlv.way approaches . ad sewer, I therefore, be it water and gas service connections from street acne Io property, lines i.com- RESOLPED, That the CommissionlPlete, where not already, made, aVm In- reby ordered and directed: haviptallng been �pvzaenew nted for then Council 1. To investigate the necessity fo oe tae City oP st Poul therefore, be It aid improvement. I£ubnal��Vorlis o and ho 1e herebyrof or - 2. To investigate the nature, eat Perla ane aft"tear vement, and the total cost thereof. 1. ° To lnvesifgate the. neceeaity. for 3. To furnish a plan, profile ors or de Irma ity of the making of said Improvement. •1. To furnish the followingother a To investigate the nature, erten; id improvement:..... an3:estimated-.coat oP. said improve. ................--- moat, and urn total. coat thereof. 6 : To furnish a '-pi n, profile or ...............:....... .._.. .._...._... .._.. ....._.._-... ..._ sketch of urri tmpt sfolnt. ...... _........ ...__....._.... ....___. .__.... __... ......... . 4. "To Purnfah the following `they 6. To state whether or not said data ane Information relative anis etition of three or more owners. Improvement ' To state. whether or not said im- 6. To report upon all of the for n?.nnt is asked Por on Abe petition' of Tiinance. `�'rqpr more owneg. - eporf upon .all -of the, fore Ado ted b the Council .................._....... tete to the Commissioner of e y MOR 191: P te. y, ... Yeas: � Nays: Councilman F nsworth G a 'Approved. ..�...... .. .. ... ..........191 B ter..5. s Nash _ ....... ........................................ ........................ _............. ........_ Mayor P ere 'lay r. PUBUSTIED—_12 CGaucil File No .......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public jmprovenient by tllq CitY of St. Paul, viz.:.._Pave.._P$ t.4.�1....a.t.r.Q_e ._.. x.eiz►...S.ummit_..Ave......a.DajTtfln... approaches AQ street intersections, and including al and,driv y approaches and s.swex..;-,'.gra er...and....gas..sarsice.....c.onnect ns.....fro_m -il.t. st....maims.....%a.. property lines complete, where not already de, also tallin new Durbin ........ ..when.e.-ne_eessary.........................._............................._......._..................... ................. ........ ...................... ............... _...... _...... ..................... ..... .......... ..... Dated this day of... ............. __ ..... Mar.ch..._._...._...... ... _...._..... ..._..... I91......5 . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER - WHEREAS, _ ......................... }j HEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:...................... 14e.....�4i�t.an....S.tr.e.et.....rslm....pmmi.t....eve_.......t.¢...D.ayt.a.>i_..AYP....,..-..eo.epting straw interaectione, and including alley and driveway approaches and sewer, ins- _ta. ter_..and...gas....s.ervic.e....c.onnec.tions..._from_..e.treet..._ma..._pr©ng w.lines .. �¢e complete, where not already made, also installing new curbing where neeeseary,. .. ... .... .. .. C. F 4197— Whereas, .............. written p p 1 ........ making ofth meet - .................................. Vlz Pave Knton street Y- in Summit Ave to Dayton Ave Inter echo a d i chiding. 11eY anlari -^ -- -- "" (laving been presented to the Council driveway appr hes sand sewer. waters and go, aervlc connections from therefore, be it street Inc t property ones "0'pier where ere not already m de, also'in-_ reb ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Colnmiseior stalling new cur already where necessary, Y having been'D esented to the council, -of the Cu' of St..Poul therefore• be it bald lmprovemeDt. I. To investigate the necessity f Resolved, Thnt the Commissioner of, Public Works be and he le hereby or 2. To investigate the nature, ex d°red and directed: ovemcut, and the total cost thereof, g 1. To ihvestlgate the 'king ltY for or d alrabllltY of the mp.king of enid 3. To furnish a plan, profile. ore leaf cement , 2. To investigate the nature, extent) . • d estimated cost of said imyrove- aid nnprove,TttCtlt: ..-....._ 4. To furtltsh the following othed ment, and the total cost :thereof. f �3 T [erns h n plan, profile. or ..etch of said Improvement __ _ _- .... ..... .. 4 To furnhsh the following oth rl---------- ---- _...... .................._............... ..........._ and relative to Bald 1 it a ovoment information _ ,petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said imp r ate whether or not said Im-, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing nlat-arg owners n the petition of Finance. P{l I pop ; tt t the tyre- !'�A11 9� Adopted by the Council ................. _...... ^•� I {13 1915: Yeas: Nays: k Councilman Fa lsworthi Go Approved _.0 ... Ker Nash ................................................_..... ... Mayor P vers Mayor. PI]TtY TeT-iEl? g� —/S Council File No ........................:......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo g public Paul, viz.:.._Fave...._0 atSW0.rth.._S.trset....�r•,om. urnmit..-.Ave.. street intersections, and 1/ g alley and .s.ewer..,..._vat.er:...and.._gas.....aeruic.e. c neo.tanna--fr lines complete, where not 1120 al ady made, o where.....neasesa-ry r....................................:....:............._.._............................................_ ....... improveme t`by the City of St. t . ay..ton...Ave..,..._esc.ept ing riveway approaches and street -main$ --t0--property installing new curbing ........... ............................................. ............. ..... ....... ........................ ..............._............ ................ .................. ................ ..:._............... .......... ............................. .................... ...... ..... Datedtl1s......__25th.........day of........... .....ArA_.....__.._............. ................... ........... 191....5.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .................. .......... ... Pave Chatsworth Street ...................__........._................ street intersections, and including alley and driveway approaches and water_..and.... gas _...service .....connections. ....prome street-- mains.-..to...property lines complete, where not already lOe made,alsomi fur thi installing newcurbin .......where_...nee-essax ... t.. F. No. 4106 Whereas. g having been presented to the Council ofI therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 1. To investigate the necessity for 2. To investigate the nature, extetj 3. To furnish a plan, profile or ske #. To furnish the following other 9 5. To state whether or"not said i 6. To report upon all of the foleg Adopted by the Conneil.... Yeas: Councilman Farrth Nash Mayor vuy aPPr... he. apd.sew_ ................_............................... _........ o. tt. mainss to ,pr pertye lines re not already made, al - naw curbing where nee - been .Preeant d to th�eby ordered and directed: t -City of 9t. Paul there - hat the. Commissioner of ?d improvement. be and he Is hereby or- ectad:, vement, and the total cost thereof. �tlgate the necessity for �, of .the making of said I tigate the nature. oItst saicuP'ov!1d improvement:.._o f Ish a plan, Proal. or • improvement.. I.h the"following other 1..........._._..__.._..._......._..._..._._.__........._...................._. rotation re]ativ �� `wActh.• �.'on the petition of three or more owners. 40* ed cr - • ommissiouer of Finance. 191 Nays: Approved...._.. .........� ..sl.._ ......... 191.. ..... _..... ............ ./..�t L ............... ........... Mayor. PUBLISHED__3 . 2 + /,5 I . i Council File No. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �, U99 PRELIIVnNAjtY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following .puUlie improvement by the City of St, Paul, viz.: Pave ..._..ftford....S.tr..e.et....ir..om...S.ummi ... ve.......tn....ilayt.o street intersections, and includi alley and dr ay approaches and ._....sewer.,__.water...and....gas..s.er-water otione..... r©m.... . ieet.. mains -to property lines complete, where not alre y made, also netalling new curbing ............ _....... where: ....nea essayy.,.........._......._........._................_........:_:......_........................._.......... _ ............................... .... ........ ............ ........... _......._... ........ ....._...._... .... ... ............... ............ ._............. ......._............... _............. .............. Dated this.............2. th....day of............ .... ......March ........... .....................................191.....5. .......................................... ..........._.C` ._.._ ....on ilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:........_ .... ....._....._.._.......... _.:'c._.. Pave....Oxford__ Street...._ .x4m....St? 411t�.t...Ave......._t..aDayt.on.$ve..-,_..exaephing.:_street intersection , and including alley and driveway approaches and sewers _water ....and....gas...s.ervio.e....c.onnections..... from.... street mains to property 'fines complete, where not already made, also installing new curbing where _ _. -neoossary., .. ..._................ ........... . .. ................... .. C M"'.!!". � !!". tVh ea . A written •prop al for the .I —king ot the fallowing improv emenf. ""- "'"" viz Pave Oxford street from more Ave to Dayton Ave., excepting street therefore, be It "t ter ap and incl.dapproaches altey.nna� ......... ............. ...... .. _...... _._..........; having been presented to the Council of tfi driveway Pp nches nd sewer, water ana gas service connecttons from etre t mnlnstopiope[ty Ilnee omplete. where not already made, also Installing' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner c new curbing where necessary, havingy ordered and directed: been presented to the Cottrell' f the. City of S. Paul. therefore. . be its jm rOVemellt. 1. To investigate the necessity for o Resolved; That the Commissioner of; P Public Works be and he Is hereby or- t. To investi ate the nature extent dered and directed: t, and the total cost thereof. g 1. To investigate tho ns esslty for desiro.bnity of the making of said 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketel improvement. To Investigate the aatu eextent 4. To furnish the followingother da'and estimated cost of Bata tmprolhp ........... m . and the furnish cost the eat. o To aidI❑ ve nn pros• sl etch of said h tho em nt ' ..... ......._... ........ _ _............_........ _....... _. '4. To fu n! h the^. tali .....__............... __ ....._....__..... ......_.. .... ... _.... ........... ....................................... ' " data ana (morins - 5. To state whether or not said im Impro emenc Aed for on the petition of three or more owners. 6 To state w 6. To report upon all of the foregoi of th1ee"or�m°± a Commissioner of Finance. 6 To r" / going m Adopted by the Council .................. Yeas: Nays: Councilman rnsworth asApproved _....../............. �............................... el Nash ' Mayor overs PUI3LISIII'i?- _ Petition Council File No. ....... .............. _. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 4200 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th allowing public inlp • euleut by the City of �t. Paul, viz.:....QQU%tr..uQ.t......a..._aidevmlk....of.. ment..._blco.ka.........a....Zidth....of.....Six._3eet.._. Dated this ..._...... .Z th......day 4- It Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:........................._........ _.. _.. Construct a sidewalk of ._cement _blocks _._to.,...e..._Svzd.th.._a--s.ix--Y.e.e ...on....the. . north side of Selby Ave, from Cretin_Avp_........._t_o.._t.he._..c_o.uthives.t...e.o.rner...._.. ...... _ ....._................ .......... (if Lot __.18..Bioc_.k 5-6_._Desn.oyar.._.P.ark.,....in.._ac.c.orclsnce_.w.i.th.._.petition...:.hereto atta&Ched• mold teas the following 1,* rI for the _....._........._..... , 4200 ............. ..............._........................_..................... where,. A written Proposal for tho,_....._... •1 Construct a sidewalk of cement having been presented to the (iOl1IIC11 Off, bloOka to a width of six, feet on the 'np tti sideofSelby Ave from Cretin therefore, be it Ave to the southwest corner of Lot la Block 66De noyer Park in accord- ance With petition heretoattached. RESOLVED, That the Commission ,baving been leb ordered and directed: p eaanted-to Y tha Council of I theCity ofat. Paul therefore, be it . Tt the Comissiner -f 1. To investigate the necessity fo Pub11c1Worka be and hets hereby or-ild improvement. dared and directed: ement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, ev ej - 1: To Investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making; of said' Improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sk s To lnveati oto the 9. Tofurnisha: plan, profile or, g nature; extent d improvement:...... .... ..... and estimated coat' o[ said Improve - 4. To f ll'msh the following other Iment. mndthe 101.1 fact thereof. A 1 men9 �tition o4 three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said lm�ovt�ih-s:� hether or not mida_ ,had for. o the petitX 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters tow:^ere x, ,nester of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ ..... ....�.�_� ... x...........191 gays: Yeas: CouncilmanjFarworth q LApproved.._....-3.Nash.._..............,�hn..............Mayor fbSTor. PI7^1,TSIIEI% �J Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 22nd, 1915,1�by and between R. C. Jefferson and the City of St. Paul for furnishing pine lumber for crosswalks during the year 1915, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. 4201- Resolved• Thntl the contract b-, ng. Tlarch 22nd, 1816, bY-:tnd'.betw n C. Jett Dn 1nd [he CttY oY St Pnul, Y t• fui• i hing pin lumber for c o s n{]<a du ri S they at 1916, 'b and the s U IB h by Lhe uppr ved, And th prop - r 1tY otti era. ur author zed and d1- 1 cted t —s ute th same on behalf 'Adopt d b) CoU 11 ➢Tch. 2d, 1816'. Opp, r d rl h.. 26 181b. /y (iltarch 27 1016) Yeas (11) Cou Imen 09 Nays Farn orth Gos _ 7_In favor Kell Me 11 _ ._Against NQS6 Yoe Mr. President, veers PDRM c.9.2 Adopted by the Council l `f6L� �?'� 19I& Approved_ 3- r F91 5 MAYOR Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 33rd, 1915, by and between the Northland Pine Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing lumber for the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and the Department of Public Safety, be and the same is hereby approv- ed, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (N) Cou cilmen (N Nays Far worth Go _7 In favor 7 Kel r Mc oll Against Na.s/i . Yo g Mr. President, Owers ronx c.8-2 t202— of the Clty:11111 same -on uenale Adopted by the Coun6il-)1rc11. 2f. 1116. Approved blch.. 26,:1016, .. (mtkreh 27-1016) Adopted by the Council _ %�Qili 2J,L�fg1� Approved 3 _ 191 10 - - - ---- — MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIop4-GENERAL FORM Subject: FILEN C L NO.. . . .......... ........ ........ . ........... ........ . ........ . . ... ........... Date Presenti,-d-... . ...._.._._........_.__.........__I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 22nd, 1915, by and between the Burns Lumber Company and the City of Bt. Paul for furnishing lumber for the Department of Public Works and the Department of Public Safety, during the year 1915, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C- F. No. 4203— �11� 17, Resolved, That the II coIntroet tearing a.tsL '�j,-I .eh 22nd, 191 ,ly and between the Burns Lumber Company, and the sly City of St. Paul for f.,nis — F lumber Public the Department 01 liublic �o.,tka during ,the -yo r 1915, be and the same Is hereby- approved, - and th pi open city officers are authorized and dl's.t. . exeeute the ..me on behalf of the C)tV. •.Vd.ptsd Pbythe C.a o 11 AjelL 24, 1915. Approved Af.h. 26.. . (M-1, 27-1915) Yeas Ime oun (r)Cn (T,) Nays Adopted by the Council 19 u ��oun Im, Farn orth Gos In favor I 11 Kell Approved 191 6�p d Mr, 11 _-[/, I Against Yoee 0 oe Mr. President, owers Street Const. & Repair Fund-Balaries' ,, ,�..... a "" '3374to3 1,$32.62 Sewer «.... 5; & S..Cleaning-Sewer Cleaning- " 1,917- •10 7,6 um S. & S. " -City Dp Acet. *Wages �b'0.'4 0. Bridge Bldg. & Repair'Fund-Wages, Fund-Salari set 39.50 6 2 21. Spr nkiing Dept. of Public works 10 18 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of -;Finance: 7. 6.2 7 7 Spec Asses's'. Const. Acct. -Paving Depreciation, ar Corporate Purposes Fire Fund -Saint. & Repair 1078 C. E. Lindell, 47.50 , Om. Pub. Norke Adm.-Maint. 10,7d i A. P. Moored 41.65, S., "g em A. 541: ., Administrative. ;5� ?�� An ordinance regulating the sale and assignment of certifi- cates of sale for local improvements owned by the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Certificates of sale of real estate for local improvements now or hereafter owned by the City of St. Paul, upon which the time for redemption has expired or will hereafter expire, may be sold, together with the interest of the City in real estate derived therefrom by the Commissioner of Finance in the following I manner: The Commissioner may hold a public Bale or sales of such certificates from time to time and as often as he deems it advisable, and at any such sale or sales may sell one or any number of certifi- cates, either on the same or on different pieces of real estate, by . publishing a notice once in the official paper of the City, stating the time and place of sale, a description of the certificates by number, a description of the property covered thereby, the amount of money due thereon, including that due on certificates held by the City upon which the time for redemption has not expired, and other liens, if any, for local improvements held by the City, and that said certificates and the interest of the City in the real estate covered thereby derived from said certificates will be sold at public Bale at a time and place specified. The date of sale shall not be less than six days after the publication of the notice, and the sale may be adjourned from day to day and from time to time by the Commissioner. The Commissioner may reject any or all bids if he 4eems same insufficient. He may accept the highest bid if he considers same a fair or sufficient bid, subject to the approval of the Council, and shall report such bid to the Council with his recommendation for its action thereon. When such bid is approved by the Council, the Commissioner may assign the certificates Bold to the City upon pay- o, 42W`Wdmin6trative Ordln Qo. 3923—B,. S. A. Farnsworth— Ilnance. regulatin It sato adhuar 011- Q 5 d•nmento[ ce tiflc eti of sale for fmprovamente weed by o • i of 3t. Paul. Council of the Ct of SL Paul ,ees ordain: SECTION 1. gale of real ectal ' Improvements now or I, by the Ime for edeof mpPr � t Mor e ment of the purchase price. In allcaseswhere certificates of sale have been sold by the City and the time for redemption thereon has expired, the Mayor, Comptroller and City Clerk are kezeby authorized to execute to the legal holder of such certificates a deed covering the property therein described, upon payment by the holder of said certificate of One Dollar and the cost of publishing the notice of expiration of redemption. Section 3. If the City has more than one certificate on a single lot or parcel of land upon which the time for redemption has expired, the bid shall be for such certificates in the aggregate. If the City owns certificates on any lot or parcel of land upon which the time for redemption has not expired, as well as certificates upon which the time for redemption has expired, or if there be any unpaid assess- ments against such lot or parcel of land, no sale shall be made unless the bidder, in addition to his bid for the certificates upon which the time for redemption has expired, shall pay also the certificates upon which the time for redemption has not expired, and all other unpaid assessments or judgments for assessments held by the City against such lot or parcel of land. Section 3, All sales and assignments of certificates for local improvements made by the Commissioner of Finance since the first day of June, 1914, are hereby approved and confirmed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council-e�G�1915. Kays to,e�'r Ye�Mr. Farnsworth y 1, Goes Q'ei�p�, Seller �% McCholl / Nas Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) Approved aj �d - �J �Mayor. Ile Request of Commissioner Farnsworth.` Councif Nile No.... .................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the owing public iulprovel t by the City of St. Plitt], viz.: Av..enue.._from.._.. _...... Summit Avenue to Grand..... enue. __.. ......... .•..... Dated this 25thd • of Maroh, 5 Couucihaan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writh•u proposal for the making of the following innprovenlent, viz. Construot sidewalks_ on both sides of Gretin__Avenue_._from.._____.__ Sur<uldt Avenue to Grand_ Avenue _ W2, ®6 4206— ........ .. . Whereas. A written propr of king of the following 1 t� Construct sidewalks _. t5a .-....... ....... __.... ....... .... ..__.. Ids of Cretin Avenue fr. ... ...._.. .. , I Avenue to Grand .\venue hay. p�L p en to to the Council of th o having heeu presented to the Conner st. Pani I to be it _- ._.. Resolved. That the Commisel therefm•e, hC It Public Works be and he is here I aered and airentea: 1. To investigate the ceeaity for RESOLEl), That the Conmissi or dealrabluty of the am, Fof saidlhereby ordered told directed: Improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity a a stimat a igost the nature, nprovr,°f said improvement. to and the total coat sthereof, L. To investigate the nlatore, exU, 6n To Yurntell a plan: .profile improvement, and the total Cost thereof. •'tch of said ImprovemenL :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sktka^dfinformation furnish he reilowt d +. d. Te, furnish the fol owing other datil'a.M, information relative to said iolpr0venunrt:_.___.._ u. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore ^,ing matters to tjW Commissioner of Finance. s Adopted by the Couuml..............`.: ... r�_........19LV�.. yeas: Nays: Councihnan F rnswm•th Approved__._. _....-_.__. 191_�� JM�c 1 ................._................................._'....layors 3 — j�Jllayor. Subject:.. - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 112C17 ......__... _ No _ C -e COUNCIL ..... .... ... .... .. Date PresentedMar. 24,1915-191 That the action of theContract Cotpmittee in rejecting all bide for grading Ivy street from Earl street to Orange street be and is hereby confirmed and approved. Yeas (r) Cou icilmen (f,) Nays Far sworth Go$ In favor Kell r McColl L% against Yo g Mr. President, owers —M,.-2 2 (:1xs— Resolved. Thnt the :�c tion or ihr ellcra9l : ,mw9e 11 rejelelog un hlda for IOmngg rir n[reel Prom l— atreeL fo Oranl;e str pr he . is herl- I.y c IAM ed and nPPr 11 11 Alop[ed hy� the Cou 1911 Meh. 25. 1915. \PProceV 1Mai- 25. -191 (➢larch ?7-]915) .adopted by the Council /%/�L. ��:_ 19F✓�t Approv d 3/`4 191 S _ _ .AYpR _ CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........ Subject: COUNCIL '. FILE .........................._.�........__..........._..... _...._................. Date Presented ....-Mar•24,.1918._-I91 Resolved, That the action of the Oontract Committee in rejecting all bids for constructing a sewer on Glenham avenue from Maple- wood avenue to St.Anthony avenue; Maplewood avenue from Como River Blvd. to Yed$6rd avenue and Medford avenue from Maple- wood avenue to Glenham avenue be and is hereby confirmed and approved and the Purchasing Agent authorized to readvertise for bids for,;making said improvement. Yeas (P) Cour ilmen (i') Nays Farn worth �j Goss/ In favor Kell r Mc oll 4�1 Against Nash Yoe g Mr. President, overs ,oaw o.e-2 C. 1'. No. 1208-13s M. N. Go,a— I2esnlved. Thnt lite action of the Con- tract CommlLtec In rej r ecUnfi all bids for c nst ructing n n Glenham t e from Ataplen—da a to Rt. Anthoi-Awoo raplcd a from Como eRiver 13114. to Medford end Mea fora nue from Mnplewooa a e to Glenham n he 11.11 Is hereby onflrmed nude xp- n v d 1111 the Purchnal nfi A fien nt a- thol-Nedto eaavertlec for bid. for n iaklnfi )d improvement. adopt ed b,Y the Connell Aich. 25, 1915. Apprp—d Meh. 26. 1915. (March 27-1915) Adopted by the Council 191-1, 4"YOR Approved. 3 t Subje,,r: �.. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO. .. ... .. Date Presented....Xar•24..i91h-_I91.......... That whereas the several departments of the city have'given estimates to the Purchasing Agent of the supplies, articles and cor-modities and the quantities thereof required for the year 1915, in accordance with Council File #3057, now therefore be it r RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to contract for and purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter the articles specified on the awLQe:,he� • C, F. No. 420.9—sr 11. v, Or- nesntved, Thnt whet as [he sev ,ral departments of the eity go a given estimates to the Fnrch using Agent f n,e sunpuea. �t Uetes and n .n oaui�9� Ind the quanuues. th ereaf 'equlred rot the ren,' 1915, ie ordnnee with Council File No. aoe-.crow therefore he In nespnbed uu�t the rvrdms tr Agert for autnori=ea to ontrath for, ,iq neren>- e na nprenaf h eorter t with the .,',visions of the Charter the a ttcles the If ti, o n chedule thereof filed If of the Adopt?11 dedt by th. Council 5 Approv March . 1976�m en ed 11lireh 37. 1915. Yeas (I) Cou iltnen (D) Nays Far -orth Gos In favor Kell Mc II .against 0' ry Yoe Mr. President, vers roArn c.e-i Adoptelby the Council �GII!/ 19 Approved _3 2 7 191 , -- - - - _-MAYOR c 1 H A R D W A R E. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE RROTHIMON. 5 Lbs. 1 #9 copper rivets 7/8" long. 20" Ung. Lathe - 12 ft. bed-oomplete with chuck. 92 Kegs Horseshoes - 36 Bxs. Toe calks 25 Pair #27 Rubber pads 40 a #6 RVbber pads 50 " #5 20Doz. #7 Leather Pads 20 a #6 a n 25 Bxs. Horseshoe nails 2,000 Lbs. Assorted Iron 6 Doz. Ax helves 2 6 Coal hods 5 a Lantern Globes 4 a Scoop Shovels -Cole 5 a Scrub Brushes "Palmetto" 2 a Floor Brushes 3 a 14 qt. Water Pails, Galv. PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS & P. $LOGS. PARKS. 6 Bos. 5/A" Never slip calks 4 a 1/20 a a a 1 Keg #6 Horseshoes " a #4 a 1 10 Lbs. #9 Horseshoe Nails 10 " #8 a 10 " a #7 3 Bars Black Diamond steel 7�4° 3 a 5 Bars Soft steel 1/2" Gross Carriage Bolts +x7:.j" 6 Doz., Mop (heads 1 a Gal. water pails -14 qt. - a Baan lanterns " Lantern globes Only . Sand 'screen . 4 a r H A R D W A R E. PUBLIC SAFETY FIRE RROESOTMON. 5 Lbs, ##9 copper rivets 7/8" long. 1 20" Eng. Lathe - 12 ft. bed -complete with chuck. 92 Kegs Horseshoes - 36 Bxs. Toe calks 25 Pair #27 Rubber pads 70 " ##6 Rubber pads 50 " ##5 " 20 Doz. ##7 Leather Pads 20 " ##6 " fl 25 Bxs" Horseshoe nails 2,000 Lbs. Assorted Iron 6 Doz, Ax helves 2 ° Coal hods 8 " Lantern Globes 4 " Scoop Shovels -Cole 5 " Scrub Brushes "Palmetto" 2 " Floor Brushes 3 " 14 qt. Water Pails, Galv. PARKS, PLAYGRDUNDS & P. BLDGS. PARKS. 6 Bps. 5/00 Never slip ca9/16 lks 4 " 1/2" a a a 1 Keg #6 Horseshoes 1 " #5 p 1 " ##4 10 Lbs., ##9 Horseshoe Nails 10 " 8 10 " #7 " U 3 Bars Black Diamond steel 3/4" 3 a 7/8fl 5 Bars Soft steel 1/2" } Gross Carriage Bolts fix]: -j" 6 Doz._ Mop rheads 1 " Galwater pails -14 qt. } " Ba n lanterns 1 ° La tern globes 1 Only Sa pd screen - 4i e H A R D W A R E (Cont'd.) Play r ounds. 3500 ,Lin. Ft. 54" Woven wire ? PARKS. 4 Rolls Screen wire cloth 11 Coil 3/4" Mvila rope 20 Lbs. Wrapping twine 3 Doz.' Lawn Mowers 18" 1 " Single bit axes 3-4# " Hand axes - 2-3# 2 " Ax handles - 36" bend oval ,2 " Railroad spikes 2 " Mattocks 3 " Pick handles - hickory 3 " D. handle shovels - square point 2 " D. handle spades 1 " D. handle coal :hovel 2 " 4 tine hay forks 1 " fork handles 1 " 5 tine manure forks " Garden hoes 1 " Snow shovels 3 " Iron road rakes 3 " wire lawn rakes 5 " Wooden hay rakes 6 " Clipper Scythes j " Scythe handles 3 Bxs. Scythe atones 2 Doz. Grass hooks 2 " Wheelbarrows -wooden 2 Only Cross out saws 1 Doz. Pruning shears 1 " " saws 5 " Scrub brushes 1 " Sink brushes } " Mop handles 4.Only Grind stones PUBLIC WORKS. 6 Only Hand axes 6 " Short handle round shovels #2 All cast steel high carbon 1 " do square do 4 " Long do round do 1 Coil 3/4" Manila rope } Doz. Henry Diston Plaster Trowels 1 " Square pointed shovels " Lanterne 1 " Re&1l ntern globes " Gals. water pails 46 gals. 1 " #106 Coarse Steel Wire Brush 201x31 Wire screen #" mesh - for screens 1 Doz. Assorted hand saw files 6 Only Mortar hoes 6 " Crowbars.- assorted/ Surveyors Field supplies 6 6 Bxs. skh. 6 oz. Tacks (100 yde. each) Blum bob string, hard braid linen #3 6 Only Hickory hand ax handles - best quality PUBLIC SAFETY - HEALTH NAXL9, ' HARDWARE (Cont�d.) y PUBLIC SAFETY - HS4Ai.TH. HAILS. Kind Bridge Cross. Genl. Rep. Sewer Fire P.AI.-Park-sur 80. D 65 K. 1 50D 12 1 40 D 35 50 30 D 20 D 12 25 40 2 2 5 2 8 D 1 30 12 2 2 2 1 4 6 D 10 D 12 2 5 1 6 D.finish 2 8 do 8 Kegs 7" Boat spikes - *0 dia. 5 Assorted nails. t Pkng ing ;, PLMABINQ SUPPLIES. Piece Q , Parka, 'P1ygrqunda: �E Publi;a Bldgs. ^EffasliM Candlepeeking 2 Grose s 250 Peet 2- Black Pipe 1 Dos. 2k '8110 re$uc-are a. Unions 2 ". S1Sa 3_ " 1" T.eeQ ' Qaly, Pipe 17024 'f319: T866 a j._ 4 " 3/4 " Fuller Hcae �ibba a 3�4" `Cil�be valve . Pkng ing ;, Piece 36"x60" 1/32" Kato B-6 toe sheet 6 Lbs. 3 "= ^EffasliM Candlepeeking 2 Grose .°:Rubber gaskets Pkng ing ;, • PUBLIC UTILITIES Water. 100 1 1/4 solder nipples 800 Feet 1" Galy. Iron Pipe 2200 " 1*" " 2200 " 1 1/4" " 2000 " 2" " Etc - 14 Sewer Cleaning & xepair8- 6 ;Seta ' Dump..Cart, Hernesw-for sewer cleaning : 24 _: HaTneBa straps. -for dump cart harness ., Public Parka•° j -2:. Working aneea IA .Only :" sweat"Collar Pads norve, F y Neta , "',Blanks 0:,. °a 71 Bire',Protsation; 6 SSdea + R' neso Leather #-V-, Star. Oak " `Trba. ola`i leathsr out stook 1 i3roes 2 "bite, 8ox span Tubular= Rivets � 1 6�6 J6 2 Rolle ` 7 cord line ;_Webb#lig , 1. Can Pow�6dered'blaoking 1 "Gal. Nests=Boot oil / Copper Rivets 4 Lbs• •- �El fib. 1 i%8 �F8 " - ; • " 6 Doa. 3/4'N.P. Saedge,Hu"okles, oz f Puck A�!' FiSd{B.. i 4 poz. #4 maomne. xi6dlee. 1' ';Side Ladgo Leather iXR�1:XXCYitilfi F. 4 Doz., Fioraegruehea fieiCible back, 12 . " -•. < :gorse mane:'bruchea .. 2 " Curry `comb® 4 :Box' Harness soap. U ar ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Police E Fire Alarm Telg. 35 Miles ,',x10 B.& S.gauge triple braid Wea.Prf.copper clad wire-40,� Conductivity. 10,000 Feet Copper clad telephone drop ;wire rt17 1,500 " #14 D.B. R.C. copper single vire 2,500 #14 Telephone twin wire 4,000 " #18 Inside twin mire 1,000 " Switchboard wire 1,000 " #19 R.C. single :vire c 500 " #14 R.C. copper single wire 1,500 Wood telg.pole brackets 1,500 Deep groove petticoat insulator glass 25 One pe.trarisposition glass 150 D.T.Type chloride accumulator battery double plates 25 B.T.Type chloride accumulator battery positive plates 10 B.T.Type chloride accumulator battery negative plates 45 Lbs. Friction tape 10 Lbs. Rubber tape 60 Lbs. Flux solder i 10 Lbs. Solid wire solder J 1 Doz. Porc.key sockets I I 2 Doz. 'rasa key sockets 2 Doz. Snap switches with pore -base 1 Doz. Single pole knife switches 100" G.V.pipe caps 300 Feet" Gal.eonduit 100 Feet 2 wire molding and capping 1 Box #18 - 5/8" perfeeXtion nails 1 Box ,18 - 7/8" perfection nails 5 Boxes " insulated staples 3 Gross 3" #10 screws 2 Gross .2?;" J110 screws 1 Criss 2" 71r'8 screws -2- Electrical supplies - continued. 1,000 Feet Lamp cord #18 standard code 100 Lbs. Chem -pure sulphuric acid for storage batteries 100 Lbe. +" :3ure white cotton register tape,dull finish 60 Recall belle - per sample or equally as good 75 Transmitter - per sample or equally as good 75 Receivers - four cord - per sample or equally as good 100 500 Ohm. switchboard drops - per sample or as good 6 drops ta on each bank. 35 Swttehboard plugs abd coils - per sample or equal., 21 Switchboard keys - per sample or equal. 6 500 Ohm- 3" single stroke bell 3 200 Ohm. pilot relays - per sample or equal. 50 36" Receiver cords.- per sample or equal 75 Induction coils - per sample or equal. 75 Condencors - per :ample or equal. 2 Bxe. Soldering paste 75 s" Gal. L.condulets 100 i Binding posts - per sample or equal. 2 Gro. #8 - 1*11 Blue round head screws 1 15+' Engine (}ouse electro -mechanical gong,20 Ohm. 0 Health Department. 1,000 Lbs. #8 Covered Eleo.wire 3/4"x8" Carbon for searchlight( )Assorted. 200.00 1x8" Carbon for searchligt ,Dater Department 50 Doz. #705 rFverready flashlight batteries 5 11 #750 it„ ” 25 If 3-8/10 volt.everready flashlight bulbs. 5 " 2-7/10 ° n. n to 6 " #2619 The Improved Everready Elee-Miners Lamp without batteries. _3_ Electrical supp11e3 - continued. Fire Department. 300 Feet 5/16 Bosch high tension cable 200 Feet Packard primary cable. 4 Gal. :lectrolyte for batteries 4 Doz. Dxg.batteries 3 y-" Flexible shafts for siren horns 10 Lbs. mire solder 1 Gal. Hydrochloric acid N —11 i3 2 n — 5,1@,, , If-_1io-fi_- BtP li•�'�e r - Department 60 v #B Columbia Dry Batteries r.• r ATHLETIC: SUPPLIES ?playgrounds;. 4 - Tennis nets Parks: 50 - Ash oars - 6?- ft -long 25 - Canoe paddles - 5-.k ft.long. 100 - Canoe pushions Health: 5 - Sete tennis tapers and nets FM GATORS Public Health 20,000 Dupree fumigators #2 6 ICE CREAM CONES Public Parks 180,000 ice cream cones Harriett Island 15,000 ice cream cones SOAP 200 gro_0 3/4 oz floating bath soap stamped "Public Baths" 1 PUBLIC WORKS-G"ORKHOUSE Broom Supplies 3200 brush rods 5/8 - 3/4 - 1/2 3500 Plain Toy handles 46600 Extra & warehouse #1} broom handles 1020 painted broom handles 1020 Painted toy handles 968 lbs. broom twine - red, green & gray 57 " whisk twine - red, green & yellow 108 " bunching twine 4032 " Broom wire #19 576 " whisk wire #21 100 " broom nails size 5/8 155 " broom staples - size 5/8 165 " broom staples - size 6/8 20 " broom staples - size 1 x 406 gre. broom locks litho Y linoleoum & velvet 5500 cotton broom sacks - size 18 x 56 1 dz. broad knives 120 gra. brush caps 500 black enamel whisk plugs 210 yds. velvet - red & green 1 dz emery knife sharpeners 3 " Dickinsons broom needles 21 grs nickle ball caps 15 lbs Fullers dry paste 50 " green broom dye 1 bbl brimstone 4210 CITY OF 5T. PAUL �a - COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM -... _c Subject:- ,... _,moi .. �_... _ _._...._ �.... . CGU NCIL ' FILE NO.�''. ... .................... .... Date Presented........... R Resolvtd, That a warrant be drawn in favor of. Sarah M. Officer for the refundment of One Hundred Eighteen Dollars and Twenty Cents ($118.20) amount of assessmentspaid by her by mistake upon Lot 22 and the west half of Lot 23, Block 8, Summit Park, as evidenced by Receipt No. 7621, dated February 27th, 1915. C. r- No ed?That$` S. "'r"' p.fbe drawn - in favor of Sarah M. 111—.for the re- n ) airs and One Wentyundred Ceuta en a E($112.20) at enat of ae.... .at paid by bar bV fleLot upon o�B1ockLot 22:Sbmmit Park end the �,eat halt.' ovidanedd -bY """""'Pt go* 7621, dated February 27th. 1916. Adopted by the Council; btoh. 26, 1916. Approved M 3. 26, 1916. (MarcTi 2T-1916) Yeas (V) Coun men (Y) Nays PAR 25 L.1:05 Adopted by the Council_______. Farn orth Gos __ In favor Kell / } Approved __ 191 Me Il (/ _•against Nmb Yo Mr. President, Owers - MAYOR Subject:. .- - - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE. Nom. ............................... .. Date Presented.........__ _. __ ..__....._____....._I91 ........ ... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 23rd, 1915, by and between the S. P. Lumber & Material Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 10,000 pieces of No. 1 pine lumber for. the Department of Public Works, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. �c.D. Ne o�zl}rhat the contract_beIt iWE Yeas (11) Con In" (T) Nays Far worth / GosIn favor Ke r Mc 11 _ __ _Against Nash Y Mr. President, wets ro.r c.e•z y of St. -UL Lvc•u.� •_•• �s of No. 1. plue� lumber -fou ment of Publi.'WOH me is aAa . Ity. Zles are nu[h0'ru"If .d to. execute the ..— ae City. >y the Council Sfch. 26, i916. rich. 25, 1915. (Ntarch 27-1916) Adopted by the Council _ _ - _ .MAR- �-Jp tSI 91 A ved_ 191 _ - ---. MAYOR Subject:- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _.._.... _._._ _............. COUNCIL FILE No...... .. SON ........... ......... ........... .......................... ...... ........ ...... Date Presented.......... I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 24th, 1915, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Topping street from Farrington avenue to Gaultier street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (r) Co ncilmen (i') Nays Fat isworth Go s _ In favor Ke er M oil _v. _Against Yvlpzwers iQaeaMr. Presiden ,on, e.a.2 C. F. No. 4212— Resolved, That the c ntracI bearing date March 24th, 1915, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of SL Paul for the construction of n sewer on Top_ i ping tree[ from Farrington avenue to Gaultierstreet, be and the same 1s hereby approved, ad the proper Ity. .file Irl authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Adopted by the Councll Bich. 25. 1915. Approved Meh. 25, 1916. -(March 27-1915) Adopted by the Council _ 191 Approved MAYOR Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..... -.......... COU FILE NO-.�t.���.. Date Presented -.....-.-- --3/22.--...-I91 Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 22, 1915, by an& be- tween C`. A. Nelson and the City of St.Paul for constructing a sewer on Magnolia street from a point 364 feet E. of E. line of Sylvan street to Cortland street, be and the same is here - by approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on beRalf of the City. Yeas (I') Con ilmen (P) Nays Far worth % Gos _ / In favor Ke r Mc oll _ _Against V"h Yo g Mr, President, overs roaw, c.s.z Cl. r. N . a12— canlved, That the contract hen. C da¢e March 22, 1916, by and bo[ry;c,en C. i A. Nelson and the City of St. Paul for tr.cting n e 'r r. t. of from a point "'e feet 1'%. [ P. ilne o[ SYIv street [o Cortland attest, be the the came 1s h reby approved. nn prover lty otticera re authorized d '.iTrreted to execute the came on behalf of the ted '� Adopted by the unc17 Meh: 26, 1916. Go Approved \Ich. 26, 1916. (March 27-1916) Adopted by the Council __XAR 191 6.95--- Approved -3 191 MPYOR Subject; CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4,21 4 .... _ _.... _... COUNCIL FILE No..... .. ... ............................ ...... Date Presented.........._ _ _ - _.__ .__._ _ _.._..._I91.._....... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 34th, 1915, by and between E. T. Webster and the City of 3t. Paul for the construction of the Front and Mc$enty sewer system, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City„4214— lieeolved. That the contract bearing'. tw ldate 11qhrch.21eh. 1915. by and St. Paul P,. T: tVebater and the City _,tor the c natruetton of t he. Pro .t and the 1, at s er eYatem. n e la herby approved. and the proper city officers nye authorized d direct -I «d to execute the same on behalf o[ the, Cl Adopted be the Copncil Meh. 25, 1915. Approved Mch. 25,I915...,- (March 27-1915y.'- Yeas (11 Cou ilmen (i,) Nays Far sworrh 7 Go .In favor Ke r M oil Against Nash Yo g Mr. President, o1vers roaw e.a-z h LN Adopted by the Council. _ _ _ _ _._ _ 191 Approved _ S 191 i r MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _........... _ Subject: FO ENCIL Date Presented........... _ __....__I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 24th, 1915, by and between E. T. Webster and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Iglehart avenue from Wheeler avenue to the C. M. & St. P. Railway, and on Aldine street from Iglehart avenue to Marshall ave- nue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (1,) Cou 'In" (7) Nays Far worth Gos_In favor Ke r 3 M oil v_ _- against Na.96 Y g Mr. Presiden owers roar., 1.8.2 C. F. No. 4'215— ' Resolved. That the eoo ad b tween date ➢f arch 24th. 1916, by anf at. Pauli T'. T. Webster and the CRY o the conetrucLlon I weY on T91Lhart .venue from R'heeler nv to the C.~M. &. St. P. Rallwny, aadn to Sfa'vhallttAve..fvt bemN d theasatnl la here by approved, and The proper city rel are nuthoriced .and directed to. s to the snore on behalf %the City. e�Adopted by the Ceuncil Alch. 25. 1915.' Approved Bich. 26, 1016. (Maroh 27-1016) Adopted by the Council Approved -3 n CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ....... _........... �1 COUNCIL w FILENo ...... .............................. .. ................................._.........—_.......................... _.................................. Date Presented........__ _ ___.. __ __._..._I91 Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 24th, 1915, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St.'paul for the grading of Belmont street from Smith avenue to Ottawa avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F.No. 4Res 21 9— beall- -taltN Mntmh 24tht 1915. bvttand between Christ Johnson and till'! City f St. ""' for the Rrndin� t Belmont street from Smith n e to Ottswaavenue, bd the tit, same, 1 ohfrera aPProthorized aadli proper 1e n n behalf der—ted to1-c en to the sure, o of the Cil?'� the Council Afch. 25. 1915 - Adopted b�' Approced(March 527-1916) Yeas W) Co limen (P) Nays Fa worth Go_ In favor Ke r p, M oil (L_ -Against N, as Yo g Mr. Preside. owers roar. c.8-2 Adopted by the Council JAR. _2,�. jQ __ 191 Approved -3 191 -- - MAYOR — ------- R Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 34th, 1915, by and between Thornton Brothers Company and the City of St. Paul for the construe - tion of a sewer on Third street from Cypress street to Griffith street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers ;are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. P. No. 4217- 1?eao]Yew, Thnt the c ntrncC bearing -te NI -ch 24th. 1916. by end be ween the Thornto 13rothe,e Compeny a , City of SL Pnul for the etruetton of Third street from C d rthe �tr et e1[o Gritrith strut•and the Pro D_ q•tme le hcrcbY -Pe a th— ed nd'dt- elU' o execute the same on behalf f acted -`o o thr Cit,'. A jgp' a ed iehP 26 1916, Nch. 25. 1916. i ProYe (111nreh 27-1916) Yeas (l") Co" oilmen (1•) Nays Fa ssworth G _- .In favor Ke r M M oil Against Q. Nast - Yo rg Mr. Presiden Powers ,adopted by the Council IM191 Approved _3 191 - - fh MAYO5 l fl Council File No.__ —_ By _- ._.= CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ .benef _t80. _Q.9_QtB_ and eXp_en_ ,aes-_for _cur_bJ_UrH"8II111T1ajranUB, f M__Ynn Buren 8trmnt to SPminary ii avenR. under Preliminary Order 38, 182 , Intermediary Order_ - _______, Final Order __38, 351 approved__Fe rruary_lOth __191 3_. C. P. No. n1115— Inthe he asse. beneflts.ncoet andr of texpenses r ^merit, and said assess - '45 - A public hearing having been had upon the asse Ing asupitne avenue it.. Van- 'treat m seminary cues, nail satisfactory, be it . Ment having been further -:considered by the Council, a� P iind.mry. Order 38,192, Fin Y Y. c 1 de 38,351, approved February 1, l sia. therefore A public hearlog hnvtng been nna' upon the re-nsaesemen[ for the ¢bove� i provement, ad said -assessment hRving been further c .Meted by the; ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and eaoancn, and tory, hebeen theretodeered same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Q me t be anaThateame is d re-eby In aii confirmation, by ordered ects ratified, ebe submand the tted tto thehDia- trict Court f the County of Ramaey etermined to be BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the saiA for eo.flrTVon. AdIt Farther Resolved, That the pfd re-naeesament be and It 1s here- ' ''' toed to be payable In flue 1i payable in qual installments as to each and eve4 omenta a to exon. aaa' therein. lyand described Adopted by the Council,____. �(/ �A -Ir—Oy _ City Clerk. Approved - - -- 191 ' Mayor. Norm B. S. A s -to MIA six,D 3� 5 Council File No.—-- By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ benePite, Coats and expenses ___ _ for __ rt;r__ni�v �,�qd�-i rh _�Pflt,E., frpm _4]CfQT_d atreet i.4�hf�tQ�+or�t11_-etx�et�._ under Preliminary Order 38,111 , Intermediary Order__ , Final Order_ :;A 592 - approved_ -__?✓larch _12th_ e. z. 12th -a. 9219— In the natter of the assessment of Uen@flta. co is and expenses' for curbing Goodrich avenue, from Ox - A public hearing having been had upon the ass ford. street to Chatsworth street, nn- t, and said assess- derPretlminary Order 38,111, Final ment having been further considered by the. Council, order138,662, approved ffiarph 1zth, �"fI'ctory, be it -r1!`�'Ie hearing having been: shad therefore assessment for the above lm - and Gold asae.amentr'�-hav,- ' further considered by atha. nd having been consldemd- RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the saMO—tory.nee it thsr f.ra;eni s fall fied, and the e 1. hereby In all a-.. confirmation. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of tl.,a, and me sa a 1a hereby;F �e aDistrict I Co my of Rhatnseyfor ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessmC"he� eesalTaeheidetermined to be e unt Is j be: payable In live equal. to eaeh andeverypar+ payable in 2/ .equal installments as to each and ever'itea [harem. � therein. ,,Adopted by the Council City Clerk. i Approved - _ M ayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 3 —J �? — / S Council File No. _ r 3 y---- ---- - - CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, _ eo t -s -and s_xpeijaeQ___ for Ouxbina. _ fi1�.i n�-eyeline anti improving Arundel s r Pt, both eider from Marshall avenue to Carroll avenues __ under Preliminary Order 15,032 , Intermediary Order___ , Final Order 40� 113 approved _August _27th 191 3 —� C. R -k.. 4220— A public hearing having been had upon In the M""" or the asses mens of beneats, and is expenses sot• curb- bvement, and said assess- Ing. ssess- ment havingbeen further considered b the. C a ,'nae, filling, °both ° stdee `oerom . y d finally satisfactory, be it Marshall Ave. to Carroll Ave., under therefore P ,11a, nary Order 16,032, Final Oraer 4 pu a bears August n27th, 1913., n Dnblto hcaring having boo had upon the assessment for the above tm- provement, u a sala assessment tithe I respects ratified, and the RESOLVED, That the said assesssmerl mg been further g beeerea si the Council, and having been considered same is hereby ordered -to be submitted to the ; d"Resoly. ae That the °saiat assessment 6sey for confirmation. be and the same Is hereby to all specta ratified, and the me is hereby BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Tha erect C r of bmuunt to the Dts- ortec conte of su eonntr of xiameey thereby determined to be forrpnfirmmtl,,n. nl SL Further Resolves, That,the'1 :+seessmenI be and It is hereby payable in _ equal installments as to eactped to be payable in ave egnal�escribed therein. is •to en hand .,cry pgt( d described therein.t'} by the Council Mch 26 1916. II ,.� .h. 26 1915. !I 16) Adopted by the Council._ 7y�'j K jCity Clerk. Approved 3 - 5 Form B. S. t0 _ 1 Mayor. i `fir ? 3 — � /,5 Council File No. By CITY OF ST: PAUL t Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ben2_fit_e_,__C0st-a_3nd_ expe_n@e_9_ ..__ ._for Curbing East Fifth street, from !_ia;le street to Hope street_, under Preliminary Order 38.609 , Intermediary Order-, _ . __—, Final Order -IA, -933 approved_ MEW _23rd _ _ _ --_ _ 191. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it , therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be n payable i:,� qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by by the Council_` City Clerk. Approved _ .� _. _ 191 {rp C. F. No. 4221— IIn tha'- .matter of the assessmentoYI.. — Form B. S. A 8-10 babeF wcvrnndi ep [naf omrMan a Mayor. ! npo ems and said t for the, nbovo im- _ 3 provemenL and eatd nsaesameht having L�JJI..a.,,.u., _ heart fort.herFcohaldered-by trie'Coun- .... .... .. nnn rnnaldered drily Resnlved.'That the said nseessment .%V and the same to hereby is allfre- -n tlaed, and the sama le hereby o he submitted to the Dlstrinl the County of Ramsey for . nrther Resolved, Thnt the e t be and it la hereby ba payable ,ln ave etlual .e to each and every pnr ;rrlbed therein. ,o C. ell UUh. 26, 1916. j �. 26, 1916. rrh 27-1916) -. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_ _.__ _ _ ._.............--. . /@ COUNCIL FILE NO. ���...... ... .. Date Presented-......... _ _ _ _ .._.._ . __......._I91........ Resolved, Tta'-t the er,; lJor.tica or tho f031uwIng j.,.—coon— rQr >,. aictm;m to n:muluct 01t4oln or R•atstanrant'a a:t thetyrnw reolie,7titte).y lnalmard. am anc: thr, aaein hereby 'xxxx-xxxxxxx.&' Fra-nt t! :5 : Fahte sit Al-riloamt. 110tal ox Aclst:Au.xunt. I'Cnm.tIon. Gust Turos Lunch F.00m 401 St PetRr street C. r. No 4222— .— (ResulVed. Thnt the apPicent.e not the ,11 ... fn6 duet Hotel. or Restnurnnts t the ]o-. en [tons respectlVely lndiC.ted, be and the same hereb}• nre gru (,,,,et Tm•o., Lunch Roo.o m, 401 St, Peter SL Adopted bV the Cou null Mch. 'Lo. 1915. Approved \fch..25. 27-M915. B) (At,, -'6h 27 ' Yeas (1") Cou cilmen (P) Nays Farn orrh Goss _//71n In favor Kelle MCC 11 _Against O' • _.:3 Ivas4� Yoer Mr. President, , wers rO.M C.9-2 Adopted by the Council _MAR -25,p' 191 Approved -3 191 MAYOR An ordinance granting to L. H. Tubbesing and 0. E. Nelson, co-partners doing business as Tubbesing & Nelson, permission to con- struct an areaway under the sidewalk on the west side of Jackson street between Tenth and Eleventh streets, adjacent to Lot 3, Block 7, Robert & Randall's Addition. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to L. H. Tubbesing and 0. E. Nelson, co-partners doing business as Tubbesing & Nelson, to construct and maintain an areaway under the sidewalk on the west side of Jackson street between Tenth and Eleventh streets, adjacent to Lot 3, Block 7, Robert & Randall's Addition. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Tubbesing & Nelson for the con- struction of said areaway, upon their compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensees shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specifications of the proposed areaway, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said areaway shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection. (3) The said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the con- struction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said areaway, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said areaway remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corperation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller,;..' of said City. 4M e �h (4) Said areaway shall be removed by said licensees when ever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensees shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensees shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE i.. COUNCIL. Section 3. This ordinance shall C F. No. 4223—Ordinance No. 3426— By M. N. Goss— ting to L. H. Tubbs, ;.n ordinance gran force thirty days after itsass. a and sing and O. E. Nelson, co -partnere p p doing business as Tubbesing & No,_ son, permission to construct an area- eide not erthe Jackeonewatre he west t tbetween Tenth and Eleventh bent a, adjacent -f to Lot 3, Block 7, Robert & 8s'adn.11's Addition. The Council eP the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION L That permission nd authority are hereby granted to L H. Tubbeetng and O. E. Nelson, co•part vers doing bat- ��` •` �; /r-� nese as Tubb sing & Nelson, to con- struct and maintain a areaway under the sidewalk on the west aide oP Jack- .. _ son street between Tenth and Eleventh [rests; djncent to Lot 2, Block 7, Robert & Randall's Addition. SECTION 2. The Commfs.loner of Public Works iseYorpe Is hereby authorized to issue rmit th cons[ructionbboPlnsald gi¢la vnayupon _ -_ their comPilaaid with the following ccnditl...: Passed by the Council al The aid licensees shall Clic with the .Commissioner of Pubi{c'; Works _a - plan and epeciflcatlone of the pr ped areaway, which plan shall be; Yeas Nays )doheie approval of the said }e said areaway shall be can - ler the supervision and a1- Mr. Farnsworth Ad Commiasloner, aad said {I pay the cost cf inapec- Coss ..id licensees shall furnleh Keller -City of St. Paul In the' 've Thousand Dollars McColl •idltlone(I .t. save the �llese from any and Nash Its. snit., coats, Y08r� ,xp'naea that or on Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers() Approved r rr`4 04 Mayer. li :.� ,24 AN ORDINANCE granting to THOMAS P. TOBIN permission to construct and maintain an areaway and trap,--dbox- in the sidewalk in font of the South one-sixth ('1/6) of Lots Sia (G') and Seven (17), Rack Two (2), St. Paul Proper, being No. 412 Jackson Street. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordaineS- SECTION I. That permission aad authority -are hereby granted to Thomas P. Tobin to construct and maintain an areaway and trap-door in the- midewalk in front of No. 412 Jackson Street', in front of the• South one=sixth ("1/6) of Lots Six (6) and Sever. (`7), Block Two (z), St. Paul Proper. dtu , SECTION T,. yet �a man rap -J.: In th, ;..Ih'�'M.t° The Commissioner of Public Forks is hereby authorired�to d Cies (v), .saue a permit` to the amid Thomas P. Tobin for the construction of 1 Prof::. ',,-aid areaway and trap-door-, upon the said Ue eee's compli�noe,- with rhe c.=Is.ln,the following scondition: her o the r. (I) The said'licengge shall file with the Colmniasioner of Public Works a plan and specificat5:ons of the proposed areaway -and trap-door-., which plan shall be, subrect to the approval of the salf Commissibner. (2') The said areaway and trap. -door shall be instalIad under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, avid the amid licensee shall pay the cost of' inspection and of inetalling same. (31) The said 11aensee shall furnish a bond to the City og St. Paul iin the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (45,000. ) conditione-d to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs-, charges, damages and expenses•that mmy accrue: to persons br property on account of or arising by reason of the construction, maintenance, use, presrence, or removal of said areaway and trap --door, the said bond to remain in forcq and effect a's long ast said areaway and trap-door remain or exist. The said bond shall bap. in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Oounsel, and shall have t ch sureties yrs• may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be, filef with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said areaway and trap --door shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said Iicensee shall pay any license fee or tae, that may be required by any ordinance, or law o -f the City of St: Paul. (6•) Said licensee shall, within ten (10) days after the passage of this drrdinance-, file' a written acceptance thereof with the- City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation, tin`>spa" Counsel. APP roved Attest: JOHN 1. , SECTION a. (April This ordinance shall take effect and be in force,thirty " days after its passage and publication. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nay+ Final Adoption by the Council10T—�i�Q 191J rFarll,Wnllll G- (� T 1:1 Ilr dmla /� 1,91 / < ti5♦ /1 I11 VJr Al.,! lyl4 v I\rl�Cl / 2...I :9 9 I �� 7 McColl A n,t 7 Grj�f-Gn< 1Intl 191/7— / 7 _ s Yoerg w;:,1,};_�_-IBIiN 1. FARICY, U P,,Idished �.) ........ _191- /.. Mr. President. Power, City Clerk. An ordinance providing for the paving of certain street intersections on Louis street, and appropriating moneys to meet the cost thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to pave with asphalt on a concrete foundation, thoftart$of Nelson avenue and.Dayton avenue where said streets con- nect with Louis street, between the curb line and the property line, as shown on the sketch or map hereto attached. Section 2. That there is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the Paving Intersection Account of the Street Construction and Repair Fund, the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of meeting the cost of said improvement. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas (J) CnunciLnen (J) Nay, Final Adoprio /f _ by the Counci ....... .... .. �� \.191 - Farnsworth 191 J' Goss lu favor Appy vnd 191. / r Keller 2nd 191 " McColl 3rd /�� 191 J°e5✓/li�1� Attesi11t I I TS2TLi' y -i —��a / Y`erg JOHN 1. FARICY, / (� Date Published ....... 19,11.. Me Preside sowers City Clerk. li hereto SECTION 2. Thapl7.there la hereby appropri and set aside out of the Paving Ir, section Account of the Street Const, tloni and Repair Fund, the sum Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350. ' or -so much thereof g as may, be.•nec 9ary,^4q1, the purpose` of_. meeting oat of eB.fd-„Improvement. i `— _ SECTION3: This ordinance shall take effect ands be;'1n force thirty day. after Its pass age and publication. Final adoption by [ d0, 915. he Counetl APrfl'; 1 Yeas—ilfesars. Faneworth, ident-7: Gaea,I i Keller, :12cCo11, NasI Yoerg: Mr":Pres-� -. _. Nays -O. tpproved: April 12, 1915, WINN..POWERS, Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, MdYor. (April 17- 1915'ty Clerk.. ') CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:..- __......_._ _ ._.. _.___ .... .... __.... _.................. -. • 7/l� -I O A _ i t COUNCIL w� FILE NO...... .. Date Presented .......... March ._._ 24..,..._I91..5..... g� WHERIIA3. By the provisions of Council File #2171, approved Qetober'19, 1914; same being a final grading order of Louis Street from Nelson Ave. to Dayton Ave. - 4n=,AS, The roadway portion of said Nelson Avenue where it intersects with Louis Street and Dayton Avenue, as extended, is now paved with asphalt. THEi:P:PORE BE IT RESOLVED, That that part of said Nelson Avenue and Dayton Avenue where Louis Street issues into same, between the curb line and the property line, be paved with asphalt paving on a concrete foundation, and that the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars (;350.00), or as much thereof as may be necessary, be and the same is hereby set aside from the Paving Intersection Account of the Street Construction & Repair Fund to pest' for the construction of said paving. RESOLVED PTPTHER, That the City Comptroller be and is hereby directed to set aside the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($)350.00) from the Paving Intersection Account of the Street Construction & Repair Fund for the paving of the above intersections. Yeas (1,)Councilmen (i') Nays Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl artgzV Nash Yoerg Mr. President, Powers co'm c.e•2 .adopted by the Council I In favor _ Against Approved., _ 191 'M. N. GOSS CbMNISSl- Punuc wo- OSCAR CLAUSSBN -- 6NGIN%6R CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORK% yvg.,g» A✓� �— �. Fj-a�os <d c vrb 'n 1 � � �ro�sed �vivy sheet Asphq/f f L�T - sLiowir�9 P�-oPoser/ pa✓ih9 of fLie Irr/'Pisrc�ia•-,s o� Lou%s Si wifh /✓e/sow/ C-Fi/e #2J %/ h 0 dO, I v � Propue�/Curb, � �_Presenf Curb_ p,; 4 � ter. s h4/ P4✓jr�,,,,,s�,;, - �� a v 4226 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: _ __ _.__.. _ _........ ...._._. ... 4,226 COUNCIL FILE NO.. .................... Date Presented .........3ffarch...Z&,......._I91--b.. RESOLVED, That Whereas, There is in force at the present time of contraet�3 between the City of St. Paul and the Barber Asphalt Paving Company for the repair and maintenance o3 certain streets, a list of which is --iven below, and WBIM nS� This Company has failed to begin and prosecute the making of those regairs,within the time limit as called for by plans, specifications and contract, that appear necessary at this time, notwithstand- ing notificAtion to make repairs has been made in writing by the Commissioner of Public Works to the Barber Asphalt Paving Company. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the said Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary repairs on the streets as given below and charge the expense of same to the Barber Asphalt Paving Company. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, That the said expense,_b�.h reed to thai Guaranty-� Fund retained by the City from the contract p cR'so°vel n$}wtiN s�Therei�i �1 asphalt of the streets mentioned below: r t the present time ca traeta bei ar-b eh tfie. CityR St. Pact =and the Bar- be,'' Asphalt Paving Comepanv f r ttie r pair and ainten of ertain Capitol Ave. from University Ave. to Como Ave st,d ts, a list of which to given below, Central Ave. from Cedar St. to Robert St. an whereas, This Company has failed to, Crocus Place from Goodrich Ave. t0 Fairmount begin and -prosecute the making of; those repairs, within the time limit'nai Eighth St from Broadway to Locust St. °eYn' for tnflenypea necessary at this Exchange St. from Third St. to Cedar St m' a ^pairs loadinga notification, to "� has bn mere fn lt- Fifth St. from Maria Ave. to point 463 feet w P y°n he Public i g b- the Barbs Asphalt «orka to the IInrbe Asphalt Pavfngl Franklin St. from Third St. to Ninth St. Company. -f Bates Ave. from Seventh St. t0 Plum St. Therefore Be it e Public WorkThat thbe said of works Is Central Ave. from St. Peter St. t0 Rice St. he hereby authorized dl-. r c he o hereby authorized and di -1 ectad to make the necessary repairs) College Ave. from Third .St. to Cedar. St. t the streets as given ,below, aqd the esnanse of same to th Bar_ii Jackson St. from Grove St. to University Ave. .% ,the halt It Paving Company. Be to That the said Lawton St. from Summit Ave. to Grand Ave. I pense charged to Fund gretained byethe City from the athe, Main Ave. from Third St. to Tenth St. contract price for the paving wnh as- Nina Ave. from Alley to Selby Ave. P Caultf th streets versitd below_ C1t..f he. from Unlntion d bel to Ninth St. from Smith Ave. to Jackson St. Como Ave. 5 Central Ave. from Cedar St. to Rob=, Ninth St. from Jackson St. to Broadway ert St. 4 to Crocus Place from Goodrich A e. - Oakland Ave. from Ramsey St. to Grand Ave. _ Fairmount Aver Glfrhth St. 'from Broadway `to Locust Park AVe. at intersection of Capitol Ave. S Excbam; St. from Ttiird St. to Cedar Pleasant Ave. from Ramsey St. to Garfield Ave StFIfih-Si..fro m Marls. Ave. to p°[n.t Robert St. from Third St. to Seventh St. 463 feet west. Rosabel St. from Sixth St. to Eighth St. Frhnklln St. from Third Skao xinth t 'St. St. Peter St. from Third St. to Tenth St. styBaC_s Ave. from Seventh to PI ani' . St. Peter St. from Tenth St. to Central Ave. RicenSYal,. Ave, fromsc. Pete C 4 e from Third • ,�,.,... Seeenth St. from Seven Corners to Wabash& St St keo Sixth St. from Washington St. to Main Ave. Summit Ave. from Robert St. to Wabasha St. h St. from Jackson St. to Broadtmy Th13,� St. from Seventh St. to Wabasha St. UNniv sity Ave. from Rice St. to Cedar St. Yeas (1') Councilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council _ ./Cvi 19kj Fa nsworrh G s -7 In favor Ke er / Approved- 13 . - 19l M 011 _.__Against Q+ -BES` ir::tlL Yo rg t Mr. President, Powers VOR FORM c.8-2 a V, In tT an I , at to Ob C I T In the mat I ter of oonstruat t I , ng I relaying and repair of sideW61ks for the year 191b, as shall be ordered ' built, roluld or repaired by the Council prior to the first day of November, In s000rdano.0 With Obapter 280 of the Oharter of the City of St. 21"11- -MSOLVEb, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTIMR, That the Purchasing Agent be and he -is hereby authori, - ied and directed to advertise in the manner,provided by the City I Charte , i'.for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A)That"the bidderSor 00 tractoiit hall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidders or contractorZshall make said improve- ment b" force account, receiving a percentage of cost Pric.e-fOx Per - y forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid,_ . conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance kith the plans and specif ications ln`'caue the bid is accepted, or in lieu theicof. a certified cheok-for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid'. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Puxohasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may-be,necesoary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be o -F opinion that no fuXthar bids:should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make 'ke an Council'for . appropriate report with its recommendations to the Counc 0 further action or pxoce edings thereon. Adopted by the Court it Yeas Cc ., ilmen Nays 0 'Oun ,-L 0 11, Yo r'a worth 0 Ke, r Me 1 Hash P Mr. President., Po a 19 45 C I T No' 4228 oter In the matt f g adl . and terhIn. Com*,*A,,,,,,, . Al enue. West frpm, Carter - 'Avenae to >;uetlp etroet undei Flnal. Order. No. 41680, approved,�Maroh 24. 1914, and pt•dered to bp:, o1hp1eted. 1 undo the term a d u rout Ions pE the exieting Cth,a t r oder Council Rile. V 14 8,, jb ved September4228 1914. Resoly d That th Plnne,, apecldcn- tl s and t1 aLea ub�Pntltted % the o tI - Cmis lox r' fPublic,Wbrke f the _ {hve nom d Improvement be nd tha. sutnea he eby�apyroVed.I 1'oeo1 ed lier, That ttio-Pv hpe log Agent be �'prnh d be is hereby:�author- ! ^ �, Ized-and d�reoted to advertf a Iry the nanlifds or 1 he na ing Cf Ys ", Itmr In the matter of �y.adi 'I the`Uldaer'.or contructor aualirarnt$u6 West from e„ .ail labor pd material for rid - _ at etde } sum; (B) ton at til Carter Avenue to Eustis Stree�u'v&e np°tra°t°r ehall ke: �pt:: bY^ fo ce °6 fae of r t `. Final Order No. 416(10, approveiith,'%arc2i $4, 1914 and ordoroa to be completed under tiro terms and'Provlelons•of the oiciating Chartar under Council File No. 1496, approved Septembor 9, 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans;•spacifigations and estimates submitted by the. Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the maki g of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on We basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said.advcrtisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per gent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if, it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids.should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public TJorks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Co cil =l9i5 1914. Yeas ( ) Co ilmen ( ) Nays Yoe g Far sworth Geos Kel ex McG 1 Mr. President„ Powe a Bash A ro c 281 bAor PUBiIS1HfET3 3'-9'7 ^-1S petition Council r ile 4v ...... .. ........... 4229:', PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. F and 44� 9 PRZ . The undersigned Hereby proposes the mapublic improvement by Ac City of St. Punt, viz.: ... Construct, a oement..._b.to. a 57idth.. ....six..ia.et. ..._. on both sides of Jessamine_ess St. ..._Earl _St..,___in ,. .._ oe with Petiti Dated _f Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...... ..... ____..�_Construct_._a.._cement_._block..._B dewalk.__t.o.__a..._width_.._oi.'._._Sis....feet.._.gn.._both.__. _.. sides of Jessamine. St from Cypress St..,._,to. Earl ,St.,.__ .. _- _. PRGLIAIYARY ORDL�'RS. _........... .. ....._ . .... ........ .... C. P. No. 4229— Whereas, A written proposal for .the making oP the following Improvement having been presented to the Council of t viz: Construct a ecmont black side ..... - ................... walk to width of ix feet on both ides f Sesasmine St. from Cypress therefore, he it ' SL to of St., haying been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul 1tESOLVED, That the Commissioner thereforede it bThat the C-1-ion—OP y ordered and directed: 1. TO lIIVCStI ate the IICCe661t FOP CPubIt. Worlts be and he Is hereby or 1 improvement. g Y dered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for 2. To investigate the nature, extent or desirability of the making of said Intent, and the total cost thereof. Improvement. 2,To Investigate the nature, exten: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket and, estimated cost of sold improve- ! ment, and the total cost thereof. , 4. TO flli-nish till' followhig ether (113. To furnish a plan. Proms qr improvement :..... .............._.._... sltet.h oY said Improvement. 4. To furnish the following data .and information relative to sold Im-..........................._..............._..._...._....._.._....__......_... .................................... _.... provement. 6. To stet. whether or not said im- r ion of three or more owners. o. To state whet$er or not said mt pro him,. is asked for ins neutron oP three -:more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foreg' ,mac erg to ti°O" c�lmmi sionoerot finance. Adopted by the Council. .............Aw....r� _tg .. .....191_....... T l Yeas: "r�1t• Nays: CouncilmanJG sworth — Approved......._...9_...`%_..._....__...... ....._. Nashg........................................ ._.... Mayorrs Mayor. Petition Council File No ............... ....3® PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the, making of tl�,1611owing public improve/PAtvfneUte._....th.enc y of St. Pawl, viz.: ..._Cone_frog_t..._s.....dement.....1�1.4.0 si ewalk....t.o.....a....width.t..._on......- .- •I,�,,.i „•„t,,., .4-.. nrn9 irie sidewalks now exist_... _._n..__aocordance.__with. _et t_i.q..n....he et.o.....attached- _. ...... Doted this day f.._..........._hfaroh,;_.._._._._....... ...._.. _.. 91. z.. _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIPRI AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement., viz.:_ .................._...........__.._..._. O ons truct..__a..._c_ement.___bl oc k.._a_id ewe.ljl;..._t o.....a..._Wid th.....o.f.... six. -.fast ....on. -.the ............. north side of University.._Av_e_..,,,_..b.eginning.... at. _Hami.ins..Ase....... thenc.a_..t.o ....... . ......... Snelling Ave.x exo_apting_.._where_..good..._and....$.uf.ac.ient. ..c.ement...hlock........ .............. _. . sidewalks now exist, -in a F. No. 9230— n_.hex.e.to.._attach.e .................... ....._..............................._...._..................... wherens, A written proposal Por tho making of the PolloNing tmprovetne nt, having been presented to the Council oft construct a cement Mods side ....... ....... ...:.._........_....._..._....._............._.._............; walk to u width Of six feet on the ngrth 'Irle of University Ave. bogin-i therefore, he it `Hing at Hamllpe Ave„ thence to Snell ins Are„ excepting here good and RESOLVED, That the Commissioner sureident cement ewmoeit sidewalks now y ordered and directed: exist, in acordancith petition hereto ttached, having been presented to the improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for o coundiof the cur of St. Paul there-, fore. bo It 2, To investigate the nature, extent Resolved. That the commissioner oe lent, and the total cost thereof. Puhlic LVorks be and he Is hereby or-� dored and directed: b. To furnish thefollowing °balk del or de i ablutytlof Investigatethesoar nd P Improvement, improvement :..._....._..........._:......_..___. n 21 To I ole ltignte the said `in e• I eau u meat, and the total cost thea .._....._._..,_.__..._.... ........._..._..........._.._......._..............._...-:..._.........._.............__ a. To eu n sh a plan....._._._....._..._._._.............................................-. i� 1 1 •. •ch of eald Im furnle yr vfor P 6. To state whether or not said im �rove.Je..., . Cit for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the fm•egr,ieg matters to the Commissioner of Finance. e Adopted by the Council.........: " . ...191......... i?$!" Nays: Yeas: Councilman F r swoeth G s Approved.....ti(_..._...._.��._........._..__...__...191.s^ h{ er ' oil Nash 1 Mayor. Mayor ars 7CA3LIsjLj - 3�- is e m tt r oP g adlns th4. alley int unded by Grand Ave., Sum 1 U under Preliminary Order. 977 Intermediary Order r Final'Order 3755 approved February 16,, 1915. s; RESOLVED, That the plans,•specifications and estimates submitted by thee. Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER., That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby - authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con - shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) ;That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price fox per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall rec,�,uire a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of tgbe bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in.'accordance with the plans and specificat"ons in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu tYeieof a certified check..for ten per cent, of the amount of the bid. a The said Purchasing Agent.shall in said advertisement reserve th 'right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, tr` ,Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as y.:be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the ommttee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which ':the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids.should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall 1 make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Co it -IRIS 1914.• Yeas ( ) Co 'men (. ) Nays Yoe Far worth Coss ICell r McCo 1 Nash Mr. President,Powe Appr 3,S24j—' Mayor _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �gq�A a, '�Fa/t�Fd . Subject: _......__.__. APPROVAL .._0.E_..AWARI) FOR..._SE.WFR....................... .__.. FILE FILE I w� FNO.. ... ..... .... .. .. ._............... .......................................................................................... ^ Date Presented._.....__3/25 __.__*-191 Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 25, 1915, by and be- tween J..J. Connolly and the City of St.paul for constructing a sewer on James Street from Arbor Street to a point 150 feet East, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (1')Councilmen (P) Nays Far 'worth Go _ In ta)`or Kel r Mc oil _Against Yoe ` Mr. President, Owers roan c.e•z C. F. No. 4232— Resolved, That the ntract bearIn e date March 26, 1516, by and between J. J. Connolly and the City of St. Paulfor . a sewer on Jamea� street from Arbor street to a point 1661 feet Cast, bed the same is hereby appro d. And athe proper ity officers e apthorized d directed to execute the ams on behalf of the City. Adooled by the Council Mar. 26. 1915. Approved March -27, 1915. (Apr!l 3-1915) Adopted by the Council Approved _ t' " 191 R - CITY OF ST.. PAUL Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 24th, 1915s by and between the Manhattan 011 Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing certain quantities of cylinder oil, transmission grease, hard oil and kerosene, during the year 1915, be and the same is hereby, approv- ed, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to exe- cute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (i') Co cilmen (P) Nays Fstvorth G In favor K er oil against p ''qvh Y rg Mr. Preside , Powers ro RM c.O.2 C. F. No. 4233— Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 24th, 1016, by and be- tween the Manhattan Oil Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing certain quantities of cylinder oil. transmlas;ongrease, hard oil and kerosene, during the year 1x16, be and the same is hereby approved, and the Proper city officers re. authorized and ,directed to excu to the same on behalf of the City. Adoptedb, the Council Mch. 26, 1916• APP--, ed rh. 27, 10 5) Adopted by the Council _ Approved -3 191 S_ MAYOP v CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject,.........._APPROVAL _.QE.....AVYARA._.FOR ......GRA.i?ING.,..._. .__ _..........__............. .kCOUNCIL FILE No...... - ............... L ........... ._........ ... ..... Date Presented........_._ 91 Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 25, 1915, by and be- tween Keough Brothers and, the City of St.Paul for grading Glen Terrace from Benson Avenue to Youngman Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas ( ,) Court men (f') Nays Farn Forth Goss _ 71n favor Kell Mc Il _4/ _Against Nssltl oe Mr. President, ' wers r0 nut c.8.2 - C. F. No. 4234— Resolved. That the oontract bearing date ' Marsh 25. 1915. by and between 1 I{eoygh Brothers d the City of It. Paul•for grading Glen Terrace from Benaon'Avenue to Youngman Avenue, be and the a e is- hereby IIpvenue, and tits pl'opem city oRicera a thorl zed and directed to execute the aame on behalf oI the City. i Adopted by the C Il Mch. 2G, 1916. Approved Meh. 27. 1915. (April 3-1915) I Adopted by the Council _AAR U4W 191 Approved -13 191 r— OZCrj/j�d MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL .,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; lltoval OF iWA1W_F0R_ QWIKG . ...... ..... .. ............. 4=5 • COUNCIL FILE ' Mo. .. ...... . . ...... ............... . ..................... I ....... ...... ....... ..... ... ............ ........ . .......... .... ..... ....... . .... . ................... .... . ........ . ....... I Date Presented........... 3%2.`c , --194 Resolved, ' That the contract bearing date March 25, 1915, by and be- tween Christ Johnson and the City of St.Paul, for grading Barrett Street from Front street to McKenty Street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are au- thorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. eIs- *Pk's . Yeas (Y) Cooilmen (11) Nays '_ . C"Me, F sworth C; S In favor se r oll -Against rg Mr. Presid Powers coRN c.8-2 C. P. No. 4235— Resolved. That the -tract hearing! date March 25. l!)1% loby and brt-s h-... and Christ Johnson the City of St. pant Or grading Barrett street from Front street to Nlch:lnt� . street be and the le is 11.1sby -PProvQ, and the proper city offleers directed to ee.te . the same out h oriz,d and of the City. —s on behalf Adopted by the Connell Itch. 26, 19 16. Approved ..I .1h. 27, 1916. (April 3-1915) $AR U, IS Adopted by the Council 191 Approved -3 -1913 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � Subject:-.._......... APPROVAL..OF._..AV!<ARA..F93....8hWk i .... 4c�_... -_. ............-....... 6 COUNCIL No . FILE ......... Date Presented......... -3/25-....---_ __....._I91 Resolved, That the contract bearing date of March 25, 1915, by and be- tween C.A. Carlson & Son, and the City of St.Paul for construct- ing a sewer on Roblyn avenue from Asbury venue to a -point 485 feet E. of E. line. of Asbury avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and direct- ed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (11) Counc' en (P) Nays Farris-, orth Goss 1 In favor Keller MCC I .__Against O':lac h asL Yoer Mr. President, wers eosN e.8.2 C. P, No. 4236— Resolved. That the contract bearing da tc of March 25, 1915. by and be- tween,C. A. Carlson & tion, and the City of SL Paul for construeting i Sower on Roblyn avenue from Asbury to a point ... Peet E. Uf E hne�u of Asbury "vene, be and the. m e Is hereby approved, and the proper city officers aroauthorized and directed to execute tha same on behalf of the City Adopted by the Causedl rich. 26, 1915 Approved Moh. 27, 1915. (April 3-1915) Adopted by the Council Ap ' ved_3 __ 191 5 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4237 Subject: APPROVAL _..0$... AWARD b'OR_.. f3RAD!NQ __ ...._ ...:.. _. _ ..... f� COUNCILIVOM FILE...... .............................. .. Date Presented_......-__.3/2'Jr. ... ..... _191........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 25, 1915, by and be- tween Thornton,Bros., and the City of St.Paul for grading Orange St. from Edgerton St. to Arcade St., be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on betalf of the City. � 4, �0 � 6 �'. Yeas (1 1) Coun Imen (P) Nays Farn worth Goss In favor Kell /1 Me 11 40 -Against 1 oe Mr. President, veers roAM e.E-z C. r. No. 4237—. Resplved. That the .tract bearing date March. 26, 1916, by and between Thornton Bros., and the City of St. Pact for grading Orange St. from Ed- gerton St. to Arcade St., be and the am Is hereby npproyed, n d the prop-, r ciq olrlcers are uthori..d n d d1- eted to a cute the same on behalf) of the City.`c Adop[od by the Council Dieh. 26. 1916. Approved Mch. 27, 1916. 1.__....__ (April 3-1916) Adopted by the Council ._ _ —191 t 1. Approved_ MAYOR k �: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4238. Subject:- ' ;.; APPROVAL _OP....A!AARD_.1!.OR .GRADING ... ... .._._ ........ :......................_........ .._ ry COUNCIL • FILE Nc.. ........ ......... . Date Presented.........._3/2b.... _I91.---...... i Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 25, 1915, by and be- tween Keough Brothers and the City of St.Paul, for grading alley in Block 8, Summit View Addition, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and durected to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (I") Cfmen (h) Nays Faorth GIn favor K M D Against YMr. Presidewers r .. c.8-2 C. F. No. 4238— !fl, (late eaMarch 26nt19 6, by end the ct etween 1Ceough Brothers and the City of St. Paul, for hradlug alley In Block 8.'. Summit View Addition, be' and the e b hereby approved, and the proper i[y-Ricer's •e authorized and directed to exeeu to the same on behalf of the City. Adopted by the Council \tar. 26, 1915. Approved March 27, 1016. (APrll 3-1916) i Adopted by the Council _ . 191 Approved -.. 191 M AYOfi CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 239 Suk11? bject:...___._.APPROVAL...9F_..AWA_..FOR..._ SEM... . _ . ..._ .._ _.._._........__......... �a7 COUNCILw� A FILE No..... Date Presented.........._ 3/2.5 .__._- __.......__I91.. - Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 25, 1915, by and be- tween J.J. Connolly and the City of St.Paul for constructing a sewer on Fuller Street, from Oxford Street to. Chatsworth, Street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City, ;. F. xa. aza9— Resolved, That the contract betweebearinn date Jfareh 25, 1916, y n J .7. Connolly and the City of St. Paul I for on tructing a sewer n Fuller I et tee t. Yrom OxYord [reef to Chats- orth street, be and the enmels here_. Iby1 eapproved, d the proper eltY at ti"thorl.ed and directed to Ce .teethe same on behalf of the City. Adopted by the Council Drch.26, ]915.. IApproved Moh. 27, 1915. !I_ (April 3-1916) I Yeas (P') C ncilmen (f) Nays F nsworth ss In favor ler 7 Coll_ _.Against O erg,,, Mr. Preside , Po%wers 1osM c.8.2 Adopted by the Council -__ _•_ 191 Approved MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4240 on No.^4240— , Subject:-.. R solved Nhe eaa The Comm ..... _.. _... _..._...... .._...._ c o P-1 by .. C U It f 1 �1V8 r v l COUNCIL . F FILE No... .. Date Presented ..............:. ... .......... .. .....__I91 ...._.... Resol*gd.- WHEREAS, The Common Council of the City Of St. Paul, by Board File No. 41497, approved May 29th, 1914, did vacate certain streets and alleys of St. Anthony Park commonly known as the Bayless avenue vacation, upon the peti;ion of one Hubbard K. Bishop; AND WHEREAS, Said Common Council as a condition precedent to said vacation, did require of the said Hubbard K. Bishop that he deed to the City of St. Paul a strip of land 15 feet wide across the southerly portion of Lot 21, Block 48, St. Anthony Park, for the purposes of a public alley as an outlet to that portion of the alley not vacated in said vacation proceedings; and WHEREAS, Said Hubbard K. Bishop has made and executed a deed to the City of St. Paul, under date of May 21st, 1914, wherein he conveys to said City the said above described strip of land, which said deed has been approved as to form and execution by the Corpor- ation Counsel; now therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the conveyance of said above described por- tion of land from Hubbard K. Bishop to the City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby accepted by said City, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to cause the said deed to be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey. Yeas W) Cotcilmen (P) Nays F sworth G s __ .In favor K er oil P against Y rg Mr. Preside Powers ronM c.8.2 1 Adopted by the Council , f�i[!_.�LL_ 1910 Appr ve J 7 1 S YOfl V'LP'3LI 4241 COUNCIL/FILL; NO. By .... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Wig r of Req 0Tvs.tr,,.lct.ing, relaying and repairing With cement blocks to a w of six feet, the resent sidewalk on the east side of Douglas street, beginning 8 feet soupth of McBoal strut thence south, 28 feet, _..... ..... _ under Preliminary Order 1489...... applroved $e.ptembe.r._5th.,.....19.14. .........._..... The Council of the -City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considerer) said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and ;the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. I hat , pature of the im rovement which the Council recommends is RECpP18 tT 1.p.t,.. rel.ag._..aild repa r ..11 cement blocks to a width of six feet, the resent sidewalk on the east side of Douglas _street.,beginnipg. 5._f.eet south of..._&JoB.oal_...e.t.reet _...__.....---........._................-- . thence south 28 feet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....52.0.....Fer.....lineal fAot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 36..th_. _ _..___ . __._. day of .-__April..._.._._.. _._...._..___....._, 191.5._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mariner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council A i _J. 19l Iroved P Couffcilman rnsworth` G ss K ler M oil " Yoe 9 Mayor pow s Form B. S. A. 8.6 etructing, re - with cement six feet, the walk on the east side of street. beginning 8 feet f�brcBoal tr.ft.\thence south ,469,—t.under Preliminary Order approved September 6th. 1914. The Council f the City of St Pout .ving received the report oftheCom- '1Issioner of Finance upon theabove uprovement .and having considered ald report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the e Is hereby approved and adopted, ,ad the said Improvement is hereby ,rdered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improve- ent which the Council recommends Is econstrueI, relay and repair with ce- numt blocks to a width of slz feet. the present sidewalk on the east side A Douglas street, beginning 8 feet south of Wool street, thence south 28 feet, with no alternatives, and .that the estimated cost thereof 1s 62 cents per lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on Bald improvement 'ounc13 Chamber. room 61 Of the Court to a as and City Hall Building In the '.Ity of St. Paul. That the Commis - loner ofFinance give notice of said ieeting to 'the persons and In the tanner provided by the Charter, stat - Ig the time and Place of hearing, the store of the improvement, and the otal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by .the Council Arch. 26, 1916. Approved Etch. 27,:1916.- , (April 3-1916) Mayor. 4242 . f. COUNCIL FILENO. By _�uL.•� �LGZLF�- INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Intbelvfatterof ..Recone_tructing, relaying. And reps,icing_..w.ith_._c_e,ent_..b. .cks to a wid h of six set the presdnt sid'�walks on th following stre4ets; Chestnut f nu ea ie®, .wee ei�e_ iegIHingt aa��as. ngngton s��ee�e�nenceu13012 ��}u�tfee�est- Washington street south side beginning ai Chestnut street thence East 66 Leet under Preliminary Order ..._.._....1.488 ....................... ...... ...... approved _-September--5thy 1.914__ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is bereky approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - a w !i �'�£re- �R tip ,, clsh Reconetr ict, relay _a. e t o 1 ro ement w 1 he C unc.1 re nvn n yt 1s -- $ o w o s x a reser` s'.ie alk n he iP own $ r s *1 ret as si . b 1 nen at e , .nee .s..u_th._ ....21et__.8`he.®.nu�..._s.�rse�.__west_.a.�ge_..be�g�nn.�..�g_ at_.�aah�g�ons��. thence s uth M22 teg�, Wi%Hngton street south side beginning at Chi atnut street ti ence Pas fee , _ - ----- -- ..__..... .. __ _ _..... _.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 4-____._z.¢_p.e.r lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . __ 36_th _--.---....-.-- day of April.__.___.__.._...__..,..._,,._.,...., 191__5., -at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 91. Adopted by the Council _ ___..._. ........ ° y eek. t Approved 3. _/.. _...._ , 191._.,,+. ...._.... .........._. Mayor. of the City• Councilman F rnsworth rscethe report o. the Y Finance upon of rovement and having con, yid report, hereby resolve.; 55 1. That the saidreportbe a' n e is hereby aDProved dao T na the said Improvement Is " ller ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the Im ment which the Conned recomm, :C7oll I n trust, relay and repair w ment blocks to width of six f $/� present idewalks on the fo streets: Chestnut street. eat s .• �. ginning at Washington south 84 feet, Chestnut tree side, beginning at Washing " thence south 102 feet.. R'n erg I street, south aide, beg1n g a nut street. thence east 66 Le.� noalternatives, and that the e. Mayor P y ers thereof 1. 62 cents per lin' Further, That Resolved a hearing be had on Bald imp" FprID B. S. A. S•6 the 26th day of April. 1 the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. Council Chamber, room 61 of III House and City Hall Buildin{! City of St. Paul. That the .loner of Flna nee give notice meeting to the perso manner provided by the Char Incthe time and place of hes' COUNCIL FILE NO. By I INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 44243 In the Matter of.reconstrvct ng, relaying and_ rel -a sing.. with _,ceukent_ l locks to a width Of six feet, the present sidewalk on the south side of Rondo street, beginning 98 feet._vves.t._.of _Cathedral _PIac.e,....thencee....w.es.t-.t.o-_Lnuis._.stmea.t,. tinder Preliminary Order _ _ 14f4 approved$eptembe.r..._5th;......1,511..- _ _...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ECCone_tTlietTelay__8nd repair vaith._.c.emsn.i__blocks. tea. -a_ -width ef-.six .-feet--the present--sidewalk-©n the south side of Rondo street, beginning 98 feet west of Cathedral Place, thence west to Louis Str�-et; _...__...._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__i,..52.¢._.per—lineal. foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 26-1-h....__..._......... day of Agxil..._...................._...........__..._, 191..._5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1\I., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner -of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mariner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _:.._._...._ _-p W PA.-"........__., 191.... = � -:'lerk. Approved _� - _ __ _ __ _. 191 Councilman FaJnsworlh " G ss ller cColl SA oerg Mayor veers Form B. S. A. 8-6 It ,ib- -, t b. ved the report of the r of Finance upon the abo4e gement, and having considered sport, herebyresolves. That the said report be ad the n is hereby approved and adopted, the said Improvement Is hereby lered to be proceeded 11th. 2. -That the nature Of the improve- s mp v - int which the Count) re commendsla; e construct, ela.VT4nds}'epalr. with ce- ...t blocks tofeet the .prescar sidewalk n'`th 'ad fft side of Hondo street. beginning98':feet est of Cathedral Place, thence - we`et to Louis street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof 1s 62 ice is per lineal foot Resolved Further, That a public 'hearing be had o old Improvement n the 26th day Ifs Ap r(1, 1910, at the hour of 30 o'clock A. M., In the Council Chamber, room 61 If the Court House and laity Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commis - stoner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons d In the man - r provided by the Chanarter, stating the time and place of hearing, the n - to re of the treprovereent, and the to- tal cost thereof s stimated. Adopted by .the Council March 26, 1916./ ! Approved March 27, 1916. (April 3-1916) - pt7gLISFiED Mayor. V COUNCIL FILE N0. 1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 9 4244 IntbeMatterof..Ree_o..nstructing, relaying and cepatr�.ng.-with...o_r.�lent...-blocks to a width of (10) Ten feet the present sidewalk on Third stree?k north side bbe inni t Bgibble street thence .Fast 50 _f.eet_.beginning- a6.._.f.e.e..t._.f.ar.t.7er east th�rrce ��s� 50 fee, under Preliminary Order . 1466 ... _ _ __ _.... approved __. .September _..5th,....1914... _........._._ Tile Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the nbove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the s0 improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. f 2 Th he nature of th im rovement which the Counci re mmends is repair wi�tt1 cement b�loc�s to a width of �10� Ten feet the present sidewalk on Thi_rd._ s_t.r.ee.t,.no.r.th side beginning -at _S.i.ble}--_s.treet-.thence -East .--. 50--fee-t beginning 26 feet farther east thence East 50 feet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is...BE.¢.....p.er....l.ine81 foot, Resolved Further, That a public Learing be had on said improvement on the . 2.6th__-.---_._ ._.-- day of Apr_i_1...._................ ............_., 191.._5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 9 Adopted by the Council 191_ i ����+� ---ity"lerk. i Approved � _..._.. QQ __ , 191 .J -;2 _ Mayor. Councilman Far sworlhfeet ...: Llier east,[hence '• der Preliminary Order 1 ,/� " GO S .Proved September 6th, 1014. f theof St. P ng 7 ••rrec p[J�j,>;sllrin a rouncil eceived v report C 'nisaloner pupon of " K ler of Finance Improvement, and -having nald co said port, hereby resolves: 1. That the said repIqrt be and M Coll came Is hereby approved and adol and the said Improvement is herby dered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of thop.lmpr • ment which the Council recommen,, reconstruct, relay and repair with ant blocks to a width of 1101 ten. Y erg the present idewnik on Third s[.• rth side, beginning at Sibley at the East 60 feet beginning 26 farther rule or P veers east, thence east 60 feet, o alterna it ves, and that the es[Im no }' c t thereof I, Sg cents per lineal Form B. S. A. 8-6 Resolved Further, That p," heartng be had on id fmpr.,e� n the 26th day of April, 1016, at hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. In the Co. Chamber, room 61 of the Court Ho and City Hall Punding In the City SL Paul. That the Commissioner Finangive notice f said eeth to the Persona d In the mr pr,, vlded by the Charter, tajtngnthe tin,_ tof he acost lmprolement,hand the total therture e'. of „stfmat, d. 1pplo a t,.. h. 7, APDrV ved ((cit. l 3-1916. (April 3-19161 ' r 4245 COUNCIL FILI3 NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the matter of._Relaying_ and _rep� r _ng semen.*,...._s.i,d.ewalk.... an. .Ri.c.e..s._tr.e2..t._.ea 8t. side to a width of Ten feet beginning 124 feet south of Summit avenue t!auth__52..feet,....___ ._ _ _.._.._._ _-... ___..._. under Preliminary Order _.1599 . . .......... ..... _.... __ _.... approved _Sep-teriber....1.4.th..,.._-191,.4.,......................... Tile Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Rela and repair Pd.tk 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recmnmends 1s__._._.........}�......_..._._......._..__ .._...___._._.._ ... cement sidewalk on Rice street east side to a width of Ten feet beginning 124._.feet ..._eou.. h.._o.f....Summit avenue.. -thence south ...52_,feat,...._._._. .. _......... _.. _ ._......__..._... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...... . 86 .¢gq_.-lineal foot. .._h........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . _.2.5t$...._-_----.__..-...-- day of April......___ ....... _.... ........ _-..._...-, 191...5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ___`.�.__._ __., 191__.... / ._ ....... _. Ci Clerk. Approved F_-✓�:d�w 'A. Farnsworth——..�� ,- aging and repay -width of en s feet be- lliayor. feet south, of Summit Councilman Far south 62 Peet, under .worththenee. n PlP.ry, Order 1699, approved e be, 14th, 1914. � o Council P the City of St. Paul -j GO received the report aP the Com- r of I.. ...e pen [he nbovs glj};!_ „ ment. and having consldered Port, hereby r solves: Ke Cf t the said report be d the hereby approved and adopted, MC Ol to be improvement Is hereby i proceeded with. / J� at the nature of the Improve- mprove- ich the Council /Vy recommends Is . d repair ement sidewalk on yet east ids, to a width of ten Uni 12d feet th of Sum - o62 yo�g / lh e thence s tit Peet, with -t! V-1 and that the estimated ,.reef Is 86 cents per Ilneal £root. Ived Further, That a public Mayor POf5 }' a be had on said improvement' a 26of 10day o'clock April. of M.19at 1n the FOrm B. S. A. 8.6 ,:IluCbomber. room 61 of the Court and of7 City Hall Building 1. the St. Paul. That the Commis - of Finance give notice of said w -Ing to the Person. and In the Ener providgd by the Charter, stat - the time and place of hearing, the of the Improvement, and =the .al cost thereof'¢s estimated. ldopted by the Council Mch, 26, 1916. Approved' Jfch. 27, 1916. (April 3-1916) 4246 COUNCIL FlLE NO. -i By 1 ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Ma t r of .. C ns.tr• ct.i ng a e?delvalk o..._cement_ blocks t .a, width ._o_f.,_six feet on ttiIS sou h a e of Minnehaha street beginning at �actoria street thence East 120 feet, beginning 240 feet farther east, thence east 40 feet, ecce .___....... _._ _._.._..__.._ ......................__... - _._ _......_.__.. under Preliminary Order _.__14.63...._.. __............ approved SOPt.eraber. 5.th,.._1914. ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is CORd..I1l.Ct_,_._a __615e97.1_jk of cement blocks to a width of six feet on the south side of Minnehaha street begInninat Vietoria_stre hence East 120 feet, beginning 240 feet farther Lst, thence east set, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._52¢._..pe.x.._linea1 foot. Resohed Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the I 26t11_. __.....__._._., day of _ April 191..9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AW. 191 Approved 0 , 191 S :> _ 1 Councilman Farlwor(h " Go " Ke er M Coll 7„ S� _y " Y erg Mayor P ers Form R. S. A. 8-6 e.. - ppr.•� eu Septc-r.' . 'ha Council of the City of� r vsg received the report of th, io ner of Finance pon the above ,rrovemen t, and having considered ru,p Ievemenc t6 nerc.y ot'- -ed to ben eases mut,. That the nature of the Improve - ant which the Councll recommend. 1's .nstruct 0. id— an t of cement blocks width of .Ix feet on the south side f Minnehaha street beginning at Vic '.ori. street, thence east 120 feet, be- 91nning 240 feet farther east. then- - t 40 feet, with no alternatives, and thatthe estimated cost thereof Is 62 cents per Iineal foot. Resolved Further,. That public hearing be had on said improvement nthe 26th day of April, 1915, at hour of 30 o'clock A. Df., In the Council ,Chamber, cam 61 f the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. - Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in -the manner pro- vided by the Charter, stating the time nd pl¢ce of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the total cost there- of as estimated. Adopted by the Council Mch. 26, 1916. Approved ,,arch 27„ 1915. (April 3-1915) __---- - City\Olerk. Mayor. y, 3— is rulw.SlIED 2�� 4247- ,T e COUNCIL FILL NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In vtAlatter of _rec..onstruct_ing, relaying__anA..-re.Fai.ring._ w.itih....cemant....blocks to a width of ten feet the rresent sidewalk on the west side of Canada street beginning at. Fourteenth._ street thence 6outh._9.0__f.e_e.t, .....____. under Preliminary Order .. 1470 _.... __ ... approved SeptetIIber.._5th ....... 014 _... _..._........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance,upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement wbich the Council recommends is .?Reconstrug_t, _relay..._and repair with cement blocks to a width of ten feet the present sidewalk on the west side ofstreet thae aGuth.-90- feet,, Canada street. be.ginning_.a.t__Four_te.enth._...- 86 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._......_�....1?er .......lineal foot. Resolved Furtiieir hat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 36th _._.. day of __ ,., _„_Ap..r. i.l_................__.._..._, 191..5._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council __...____. ��....._ _ _, 191_ erk. % . 191 .. Approved 3_ •.. , ,am enc Ma or. c he y -alk on the .rest side of Councilman fFrth ”-et beglnnsuu ` Four - t. tic encs th 90 feet; elim"or' Order 1410. ..act or 6th• 191°4. o it 4 the City Y St: Paui cetved the report of the ,stoner of Finance upon the T' TRT,T Imsproiement, ,ad having 'con aid report, hreby Ives: rhnt the said report d and the hereby approved and adopted. 'he sate improvement fs herebyTd to be proceeded with. That ?he nature l the impromends e- N'hlct. the Council recommends is n tract, relny andrepair •ash ec- nt block, to width of ten Yeet the e t ,taewat1,nthe wear aide of as trees. Ueglnnl on t Fopr- th street, thence th90 Yee`- th alternative,, ndthat [heee- Mayor nates cost thereof i, as °en.e per deal foot. Resolved Further. That a public Farm B. S. A. $-6 caring be had on said improvement the 26th day of April, 1916, tat he hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In he Chaourtl Hou,,mand CltymHall Building of he I the City f St. Pnvl.. That the Com- ' ,nissioner of Finance give notice of Id meeting to the r p a s d in the ma provided pythe Charter, ,tating�thetime Fnd mince o f h taring. It COUNCIL FILE NO. _ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 4248 Inthematterof...004$truCtng a cement blo.ck._.sidewa_lk to a width of ._six feet th 125 feet on the east side of Westminster street from Cook street sou , ...................... under Preliminary Order .. 1953..__ _ _ __. approved Qc t ob@5.....9_th,_ _1.814........... .__.._.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ._COnBt_TLCt a CemeIit block _. .. ejdevralk to a width of six feet on the east side of Weetliirster street from C-ak street soul h 125 feet, _ 2 with no alternatives, and that the estimated ecst thereof is $s...-..5_�-¢.._.Fer,.,lineal foot.. Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement on the _ 26.th.__ _ _..____._ _.._..__ day of _Agri.l.._.__..........._....__._._._, 191__5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 111., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, . the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council tt}Qiti.� _ 191. A,. -f, C1 lerk. Approved �_.. _.t .. ..... , 191 7 Mayor. Councilman Farn worth udcr ",liminal' led October 7th, laa' The Council of the City of Gos .having received the report Commissioner of Finance i above Improvement, and hal J sldered said report, hereby re. Kell r 1'That s'eaporo be same tibyapraa and the said Improvement la lV1C 11 orderedT to be proceeded with. 2.- 2: That the mature of the.mi ant which the Councll commends Its construct a cement block sidewalk to a width to' "six feet, on the east aide of we'minator street from Cook „ street so th 125 feet, with no lterna- YOe tives, and that the_ estimated cost thereof is 52 cents per lineal foot Resolved Further, That pubtic Mayor POW 5 hearing he had on Bald impovement I �' on the 26th dap of April, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., In the Farm B. S. A. 8-6 Council Chamber, room 61, of the I Court House and City Hall Building 1 In the City of St. Paul. That the Com_, mlesloher oP Finance give notice of, Bald meeting to the persons ad In - the manner provided by the Charter, stating the timeand place of hearing, the'ature of the Improvement,and 'the total coat'thereoY naesttmated. Adopted by the Council Mch. 26, 1915. approved Mch. 27, 1915. (April 3-1915) 4249 COUNCIL ALE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Inthematterof...Constructi,ng a cement block sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Randolph street frorn Hamline avenue to Syndicate avenue __.._._ .---- -- tinder Preliminary Order 1988_...,__ . _ .._..._ approved _0ctober._9_th,_ 1514._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Coulicil recommends is . G911.0..t,.-Tu, t_...a_.pen reRt ..block sidewalk to a width of six feet on the south side of Randolph street from Hamline avenue to Syndicate avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is:6._5;3,0 peT_._1_1neal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __2Eth ____ ..____..._.. day of _._April...._......._ ............ ..._._...._, 191.._5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1i., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council 19 . Clerk. Mayor. fibnmi C er 9t— City City oP PUBLISI-, 4/— report of Hance upon and having cc ierebsport .solves. .port d and td, - )ved and adopted, cdw I. hereby ed with. of the Improve - n it recommends t block south side on the south Is- om Hemline ave- uos, with - i Oe nd that the estimated f e t cost ad scute per uncal toot. ed Further, That a nubile Mayor Pow s Jthh day of a on said April. 1916Improvement,t Y 1Q """k A. D7., in the Form B. S. A. 8.6 Ohnmber, room A. of the Court d City Hall Building in the St. Paul. That the Commis- 4Sf Finance give notice of Bald to the persons and In the provided by the Charter, stnt- tlme and plot. of hearing, the t the improvement, and the thereof 11 estimated. by the Council "Ich. 26, 1916. .ch. 27, 1916. (April 3-1916) Approved .3 T � _. _ , 191 . Councilman Faros orih :ea o, " Goss ncll P t received I of smprovement " Kell said report -� .at the said hereby app Mc li said I o be proce ct at the Hato n to :'ch thc C y t m s P sI. fe' ' ph street • Y •ndicate a Clerk. Mayor. fibnmi C er 9t— City City oP PUBLISI-, 4/— report of Hance upon and having cc ierebsport .solves. .port d and td, - )ved and adopted, cdw I. hereby ed with. of the Improve - n it recommends t block south side on the south Is- om Hemline ave- uos, with - i Oe nd that the estimated f e t cost ad scute per uncal toot. ed Further, That a nubile Mayor Pow s Jthh day of a on said April. 1916Improvement,t Y 1Q """k A. D7., in the Form B. S. A. 8.6 Ohnmber, room A. of the Court d City Hall Building in the St. Paul. That the Commis- 4Sf Finance give notice of Bald to the persons and In the provided by the Charter, stnt- tlme and plot. of hearing, the t the improvement, and the thereof 11 estimated. by the Council "Ich. 26, 1916. .ch. 27, 1916. (April 3-1916) '250 COUNQ' FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Intbeblatterof Cor_striacti.ng a sewer on Front .street from, Victoria street to Chatsworth street,. under Preliminary Order 5.63- ___.. approved 11P41144r.}j The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the Above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _0011121..t.T1ZQL.._ .._B.EWty.T_...on Fr_cnt_s..5.r.e.e_t.._f.rom Victoria. _.street.to.Chat swor.th...atre.e_t., ___....... _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __30th day of Ap..r..l....._............___.................. 191.._�J., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1I., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total wast thereof4erlimated. % f Adopted by the Council n Clerk. Approved - � .. j'.. _7... __ _. _, 191 ,3y S. A. Farnsworth— Mayor. r of constructing a s t sr et from Victoria street Councilman Far sworlh—worth street uncle anelim- h, Isla. 63, a J / - ,• GO I The Councn [ the City Irl Y the Plot having received the report of the Com- issloner eY Finance pan the shove pLISIiFD Improvement, and having considered " Ke er sola Thatre t the raid ebresolves: to, and the same Is hereby sapproved and adopted, M Coll and the said Improvement is hereby f// ordered to be proceeded 1"' 2. That the nature of the improve ment which the Council recommends is- Eefy a sever on Front street from Victoria street to Chatsworth street, with n alternatives, and that the es - •i Y r� tlmated co st thereof Is $3,940.12. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement at Mayor Po ers the thous°of l0 yof o'clock April, in the Coon ell Chamber, room 61 of the Court Form B. S. A. 8-6 House and City Hall Building In the City oP St. Paul. That the -Comm(s- aloner of Finance give notice of said the 91 0 4251 COUNC,, FILE. NO.��. By _% CC INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of. _Conatru.ot.ing a aetwer_.on Do.sw.e.l_i_.avenue._fr.om....C.om.o_..ay.enu.e_ Are�wtu.R West to,Ch.iloombe atx, tinder Preliminary Order _.333.0.. ......... ...... ._............ ._.... approved .__FE.bxuary__13t11,._..19..1.5_......___......_...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is–hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___C�gvn..@.tI'>`tCt,.....¢.._sew ..e..T...Ori Doswell avenue_ from _Como ._even ue_ Test _to.._philg_ombe_ ZP� ... ... _....D with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 4.714--.2.9. 30th day of Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . _ .. _._ Apri.1..... ............ 191.5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, ronin No. 61 of the Court house and City Hall Building in the City, of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, statim the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and ilia total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -29-515 191. ... ........ ......... `� /� �f ity Clerk. Approved J - ! / 191 l J Mayor. Councilman Fal isworth i, F. he Matte B os' i ting9`°se°wer on Doswell avenue from Como.,0- nueWest to Chilcombeentre, " Go der Preliminary Order 3730, approvu ed PUTLISHED February 13th, 1916. The Council of the City of St. Pally Ke er having received the report of the Com- tesloner of Finance upon the. above improvement, and having considered said hereby resolves: M 1. 1. ThatThat the oil said report the same Is hereby approved and adopted, 1,11 170 o dered toslid be improvement' la hereby proceeded with. 2. That nature the impromends t l ant which the Council recommends is Is construct n sewer a Doswell avenue 'Y erg from Como venue West to Chilcombe avenue, with no atte tives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $711.99. 1Vi8 p WefS nesolved Further, That a public Or )' hearing be had on said improvement n -the 30th day f April, 1916, at - Form B. S. A. 8.6 the hour of, o'clock A. M., In the Council Chamber, 'room 61 of the Court House and City Han Building In the City of St Paul. That the Cemmis- sloner of Finance give noticeof sat ' meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time an place of hearing, the a nature of the provement,. and the tots] cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Etch. 26, 1916.1 Approved Mch: 27, 1916. (April 3-1916) e' 7 COUNCIL FILF NO.. /� 2 `SL -J!52 By Z INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Diatter of _Constructing a sewer. on 4e. by .t venu.2fror�l__C.z.et.ir .._avenue_.to Marlboro avenuer _ - .. ....... .. __...._._ _ ... under Preliminary Order 3482.. ...... _._..... approved _Ja..n..tis.ry_....Z!At._.._ly.j.`,�+._ ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Construct a.._sewer on ............. welby._.avenue ....from Cretin avenue to _Marlboro.._avenue,.... -..-. __... _.._.... _....... _....... _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..._6 .......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . _ __ ....__`_.._...... day of April - _........., 191..x._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St- Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _._.._ AAR191. . Approved Councilman Far swo' lh Go " Ke Mc o11 Yoe g Mayor Pow s Form B. S. A. 8-6 / City Clerk. 1191 7 Mayor. C. F. No. 4252—By S. A. Farnsworth— In the dlatter of constructing a sewer on to Marlb15 oavenue os venue under[ Pr limine ae Order 3982, approved January 21st, 0 de he ng received tht'. eport oP(theSt' ComPaul missloner of Flnanes upon the above .Improvement, and having considered Baldreport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the game last approved and adopted, d the said Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Th it the oture f the imprpve- ment which the Councll commends Is construct a sewer on Selby avenue Irom Cretin avenue to Marlhe a gve- e, with no alternntiven ,.,, _ Further, . Th -- -- had on sold at day oY April, 1915, at o'clock A. M., In the Col Cran.ity Halls Building In lnonee That the Comm the persona stind In s1 vlded by the Charter • euBLISHLD ~ 4253 COUNCIL F1LF, NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_.Con.stz'unting a. sew..er_...pn_Laneing BtTeet.._.betwe.en_..the_c_ent_er line..of_ G.rigge_._atr.ee.t...and_Hamline avenue, ....... . _ ......... tinder Preliminary Order .._3811_........._.. -_........_......_.._..._._..__._.approved February 30th 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is C.o.11.s_truat_. %. effReX.._op La.n.a_in.g...,a..tl.xms..._s.t.reet_ bet ..een th.e.., center 11 e..of. GrIg.gs _street and lie avenue,_..__. 2 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 719.93..._ ..z...__ ............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __3°.th.. ____ .. _ _ ......... day of Aprjl......_...._.....___..._......_..... ... 191...55.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1I., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance gi ez:notiee of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council A :.�....._ ..._ _ _. _, 191._ _. �< Approved ✓... -... 7 ___._.... CouncilmanjFasworth r oil {7 yrg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 ity Clerk. 791 Mayor. C. F. No. 4263—By 5. A. Fnrnawoh— In the Matter of c natrucfing a n Lansing street between theaew ter line of Gri—s street and Ham - The Council of the City of St. Paul iwing received the report of the Com- (salonec-of Finance upon the above ,prevenient. and havingco nsidered 1d report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be d the v me Is hereby approved and adopted, id the said Improvement 1s hereby on line on ine zatn say or npru, isle, at the hour of 1-0 o'clock A. M.. In the Coun- cil Chamber, room 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commis- aloner of Finance give notice of said in seting to the persona and In the manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Mch. 26, 1916. Approved Mch. 27, 1916. (April 3-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 4.254 In the 'Matter of go ns.,t.r`!1c t A.P9 a se-er.on,,.Pr.q.n..d B,tree.t. f,;rom,,,,P.h.a.l.'e..n.,..-a.v.p.p..ue to Tracy aven:qe, .................. tinder Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Cone j;r!,qj _A.,.sqvve..r P n Bxand. street from Phalen avenue --to. Tracy. -avenue, .................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 30th day of -AT- i. I . ......... 191....5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ¢}A#g1j—V 191 City Clerkl Approved . Mayor. Councilman Fa F sworfh "wo S. A. Farnsworth— 'ot ..,eof constructi�g sewer Erom Phalen avenue creet CFa j —to -Tracy avenue. under Preliminary .Order 3850, approve d February 26th, K ler K I.' 1915. The Council of the City Of- St. Paul h .. Ing r .. 111d the report 1% C v ml.sl merof FI .. c. up.. �6 be , COIL Impr1v1m11th.r1.nb11y rh.a.ving.:considered Iva 4 said report, That the said report be and the it adopted. adopted, Is hereby approve .. samed and the said Improy emttls'hcr. Y d -1 It. o d�7 n. or, of the 2jt That the )proceeded erg g , which the Council —orn=l; ... tract . sewer on Brand --t from " .. with PhIll, es.ad Kat t`h`.'cutfm,.ted and Mayor P ers �cost thereof Is $1130.14 T F.— B. S. A. 8-6 Resolvedr That I public Resolved rther. h rim, aid improvement b, ad On the 30th day of April. 1?15,C,t the t 1 0 the -uncll hour , 10 o'clock A. titheCourt a... Chamber and .1tv an In the City of Hall Building SL Paul. That he om ..rOf :j..la Finance give notice of ed me.tlng pro- to the persons in the .rq_ vided Ch-rtr'-lot,.thetime and place hearing, the into 0,'.e Improvement,ad tot_ att..r._ of estimate" d.pid b, ". ConI ich 27916. Approved"e,27. 1916 lC rIt • 4255 COUNCIL FILL; NO. _- 4255 .... f By // ('(.LLC.-Z.0-(yGl INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of._Cpne;,r.uc,tin.g a sew$x...on Robertson..., street.,. from__Center__of... intersection of Ind_i_ana avenue to center of intersection _of .Fairfield avenue, under Preliminary Order _ . M'ZZ... _.. __....._ approved_.Febxuary._._24th,. 19i5A. The Council of the City of St. Paul having .received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the pature of the improvement which the Council recmnmends is _Co_n6_truc_t._ a._.eewer.._on Robertson. _s_tree.t....from Cente.r_.,Of__Inter.se.ction_.of_..Indiana_.ay.enue.._t_o.._.c.en.t.er of.._intersection....of. Fa.iny_rfield..av e, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 4.__ _42.5,.5.3-... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _29th,_ ___......_.. day of _4111....._...__ ... ............. ._......_.._1 191_.5_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 9AR '2gi`�I Approved.3 _ _.._ _ 191/ C. F. No. 4266—By S. A• I Councilman Far SWorth Inon h (street rf c Robertson Intersection of Indian. center of intersection s avenue. Wooer Freum'. Februar 3833, approved The Council of Oil K ller tithe having received the r% Finan Commiasfoner of above improvement and r / sldered said eport, hatch CCOII 1. That the said re, same Is hereby approved and the said proceedmsed ordered to be proceeded 2. That the --'U's iOf t nt whish the Council oerg construct a sewer on Rot co from center of Intersectit f in e to center Fairfield avenue, with no an the estimated c, Mayor Wers that Form B. S. A. 8-6 Resolved Further, Th hearing be had an aid hourhof210ho.lookfA. M.1 llMeChamber, room 61 1 onn�d City Ball Bu ..,... Pani. That hereof is a public ,ovement 6,t the he Coun- ts Court g In _ tb. Commle- a of said the man - stating the tta- the total WIMP Mayor. 8 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _Gradi.n.g_.$.t..a,n.ford __avenue.. from ._Pzios..._ave.nue-. to.... -Cleveland - avenue, Telleeley avenue from Prior avenue to Cleveland avenue and Berke.lsy.__.ay.enue....f.rom. Kenneth ....atr.eet__tG_Cleveland ....-avenuex _ .......__ under Preliminary Order _393.✓._.... _.......... _........__.__.__.._.._....... approved __March._4.th,__19.15..... _......... _...... ._............. .._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Grade Stanf.ord_._avenue from P .................. to, avenue froth .... . to Cleveland avenue ..._and ._.Berke _1.ey.__avenu.e._f.r.om..Kenne..th__s.t.ree.t__to_Aleveland aV Shu e, with no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._606_.:8.0.-_-.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 129. th day of 191.§.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 7 Adopted by the Council_ _...._....9A2 191.... . E' Clerk. Approved' /.')_- _ 7 _...... __ _ 191 C.F. No. 4266 -By S. A. Farnsworth— Mayor. In nue fromLePrio a grading nuesto°Cleveland Councilman Farn orih enue, Wellesley avenue from Prior av,on c to Cleveland avenue a d Berkeley avenue Prom -Kenneth Goss street to Cleveland avenue, under Preliminary- . Order 3938, approved March 4th, 1915 Kell The Councij. of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the moi- _ CoIt h—l— con - Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 same Is nerc and the Salt ordered to b 2,That U t which is cue et to atC ley to avenue f. ,,,ad avenue Kenneth utr withalt,: ted cost t Resolved hearing be on the29th Council Cha House and City of St. j .loner of F! Seting to manner pro Ing the tlmc nature of t . total cost,11 Adopted b: Approved ire. _d -with.. xture of the Improve- Council re d avenue from Prior land avenue; Wels- Prior avenue to Clleeve- 14 ' Berkeley avenue from �' h to Cleveland avenue, yd that the esti- ' hf Is $6662.80. er, That a public on said Improvement y of April, 1916, at o'clock A. M., In the . room 61 of the Court COUNCIMFILE NO. 1125.7 - ! By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Conatxucting_ a_ s.ewer....on ..Brad_.lay e_treet__froi4_ A4ryl4n4-_s_tr_eet to Brainerdavenue ......... ander Preliminary Order ....._3.759...._..._.._.._.........._.._....._.....__..... approved __Febrnary___17tit,1915........_.._....._..._... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is C.QnetXUCt..._a... Bewer.„_OR. Bradley.__s..tzae..t. IriDw Mary.land_._street_ tp Bralnard._avenue,.. _ _.......__. _.... .... _ _._....... ..... _._. _._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _..29th _-. -- „-__-- _.._-... day of __Apr..i .......__........_._.._....___. 191..5_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ._...__.__R _1r.� tsiJ....__ , 191.. , ��77 f. 'ty Clerk. Approved ` CC��,, //J L _. ._. _._ _.. _..... , 191.. --- W a� Mayor. Councilman Farris orlh C. F. -No. 4257—By S. A. Farnsworth— ” Goss Kel r M oll CH Y rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 The Council of the City of St Paul having received the report of thy. Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having con sldered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said Improvement Is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the Improve- Isent which the Council recommends construct a sewer on Bradley street from Maryland street to Brainerd ave - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1,464.36. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said Improvement the 29thday of April, 191b, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room fin of the Court House and City Hall Building In the, City of St. Paul. That the Commle- sioner of Finance give notice of said Id meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stat - Ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the n total coat thereof r estimated. .a Adopted by,the Council Men. 26, 1915. Approved Men. 27, 1915. (April 3-1916) 4258 COUNCIL'Flr,E NO. 4258 By, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of GTa.jjng.,"P;r.iQ r avenue, from Ran.d,ollih StKqe.t to .............. . ........ - under Preliminary Order ... .......... ................... . ...... approved Fq1PTqArY- Tile Council of the City Of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is -Grade Prior avenue -from St.. Clalr....Street, . ...... .......... ...... .... - . ... . ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 28th, day of ---Ap:ri 1 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof its estimated. Adopted by the Council AAR 191 Clerk. A pp roved 191 Mayor. Councilman Far S�Worlh C. F . No. 4268—BY 5. A. Farnsworth— In Pryor avenue fromRandolph street to St: Clair Go street under Prellminary0rds, 3658. approved February 8th 19 15' The Council of the City OfSt Paul Ke er having received the report of the Commissioner of France upon the above t ,v, impjdvemr,: and having con- sidered Bard P. hereby resolve . M :�oll BIT That the said report be and he same Is hereby approved and adopted. dad the said improvement his hereby ordered proceeded It Improv— Z gar* That be p.rocce enf, , 2. Th t the nature the .on t which the Council recommends Is street to St. Clair street, grade Prior avenue from Randolph str Yo �rg with no al- ternatives, and l-ternatives,and that the estimated cost thereof Is $4.287.09. Mayor Poers Resolved Further, That a public , vhearing be had on said improvement on the 28th day of April. 1915, at Form B. S. A. 8.6 the hour of 10 o'clock A. Id.. In the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court' House and City Hall Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commis- �ner of Finan give notice of Bald 1-0ti.g to the" persons and In the Fan 4259 4259 COUNCI1%FILR NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _.Graci.in.g_. Fae_t And 7e_at. a.11_ey.-An._.R1.o.c.k_..bounde.d....by..._G.rand--avenue Lincoln avenue, Cretin avenue and Finn avenue, Surnmit Wood, - . _. _ _........... under Preliminary Order .....U.5 rJ._.._._..............._..... _........_.__... _.... approved..J.anuar.y..._9..th.__.19.15.,......_......_._.............. . . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the nbove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .....Grad _ing_East__&1zd.. pQe8t alley in Block bounded by Grand avenue, Lincoln avenue, Cretin avenue and Fi nn .... .... avenue ....... Summit.. Wood, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..._l a.$.e 7.._ -...... Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement on the _.28th _.___.......... day of Agril____......._..._..._......._..._............-, 191_,5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mariner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. j Adopted by the Council...AI? .j ��_j.... _ _....., 191. _.._ i Approved 3... 7 ]9] 7 C. F. No. 4259—By S. A. Farnsworth— In the clatter of grayling Fast and West alley in Block bounded by Grand avenue, Lincoln avenue, Cre- tin avenueand Finn avenue, Summit Woo d• under Preliminary Order 3355. approved January 9th, .1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the reporp of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having con. Councilman Fa/er orfh " Go " Ke M Con/ / STT „ era Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8.6 same Is nerepy approvea ana a hereby prea. and the said fmprovement Is ordered to be proceeded Ith. 2. .That the nature of the I prove - to ent which the Council recommends fs grading Fast and West alley in Block bounded by Grand avenue, Lin- coln avenue, Cretin even,, and It.. avenue, Summit Nend,wtth no alter- natives, and that the estimated cost thereof 1s $128.74 Resolved Further, That a- pubilc hearing be had o said Improvement no the 28th day of April, 1915, at the hour of 30 o'clock A. iK., in the Council Chamber, room 11 of the Court House and City Hail Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commis. stoner of Finance give notice of said meeting to. the persons nd to the manner provided by the Charter, stat_' Ingthe time and place of hearing; the nature of the ImProvemen t, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Rich. 26, 1915, Approved ➢reh. 27, 1915. (April 3-1915) Clerk. / G. _.. Mayor. - ,42"r Z1260 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Intho Matter of Gracing Louth street from Front street to Orchard street, .... . ...............__..._- under ....under Preliminary Order approved J.anuary 2.9 th,-1.9-LS.- . ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the Above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is qra�jq., Lqutla treat_.... r from Front stre.q..tto .... ..... .. ... ... .... ... .. . . .... ............. .... ..... .... . ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $jj..0.9.4 4.3 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the �Vth day of Ap-ril... ---------- -- , 191-5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ... . ... . 191, ........ ......... Approved 191 Mayor. C F—a-orth— F. No. 4260—Ry' S. A the Ntatter street Ith street r h from Front street to Orchard street, Councilman, Farn under Preliminary order 3557,P - proved January 29th, 1915. . I Council of the City of St. Paul Goss lmv'1n`g received the reportof tn, he Ca relsaloner of Finance up. c above n th Improvement, and having consilerso Kell r said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said mp,ort be —4 th� ,ace,Is hereby ,,proved and adop ed. MCC oil and t he .toImprovement mp ,overgeat, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improve - t 4W /I rneat which he Council recommends b, grade Louth street from Front qtrc.t to Orchard street, with no alternative.. on d that the estimated cost thereof Is yloe $1 .094 43. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing improvement henbe had on said impvement OAV . h of 10 o'clock A. M., in the o 27th day of April. 1916. 915.at the Mayor P hour Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court House Form B. S. A. 8-6 and City Hall Building In the City of Rt. Paul. That the Comm asiorar of Finance give notice of said meeting to 1 1, h saner pro - the persons and n the vided by the Charter, stating the time and Place Of bearing, the nature a its Improvement, and the total cost there- of as estimated. Adopted b v y the Cota, Approved Aled ch. 27, 7191 T (Apr W�"J;` COUNCIL". -FILE NO. _ .4261 By It INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the bIa}ter, of .changing _the gram. of the alleys _in Block 34, Lyman, Dayton's A d., accoral to the oijj`iI her t...atta fi....g an made a a t h Sof. Tie blue th a.%relreg Omin d ebne tang � lee e `es a gew°cis an�he ewa s w a haa�a� ierebthe es a , y tinder Preliminary Order _...'18.2,....._._._..._. _............__ _.____.. approved ...DPC..lAb.9. ._..8$nC.,..._l.�l. ._.._.._..__........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. n act `%d'�flCh. n the_._ a f t e dile i he t of a im ro met 1 h c' recon n g d o a ' r ii a �iµ�a '��bi �l .. ge r .e... a We of atter ae an ds A p ° her o T e us iffne iepre en in ttie o gra�i3 and the ._.r.esi__1.ine._.the....new grade. _.._.Also._g.rade. the._Pl.ays..in_Bl.!N, 34,.. LO...._.Da. ton a Add., in accordance with the grade hereby established, and constructing the neceae_ary _eewers_.and_wall.._s, ___...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 27th__ -....._--.---__..-. day of Apr.il._.....__........._..,............_., 191.•5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the gp�.yc h44 ••eg improvement, and the tas estimated. ; p PIH ��'f - % f i� Adopted by the Council _._ ___ _ __ _.__ . 191.6 / Approved J to J (fJ ..... Mayor. •f Councilman Far worth .ry order 3182 .. r. 11nd, 1314. _'_ell of the City of St. g received the report of the C1D$ loll -.loner of Finance upon the �• ',ovement. and having const report, hereby resolves: Ke l That the said report be a" r • Is hereby approved and at' the s id improvement ie '. Gam/ Mc - d to be proceeded with. That the tore the lm / lr ecom— t which the rade of I e r age the grade of the YsIn iI tion Lyman .Dayton's Addition, r r to the profile hereto nttacI Ie a part hereof. The blue Yo rg esenting the old grade and it the new- grade. Also grad .s in Block 34. Lyman Do Oi 1V18 FO Y Cis - in accordnnce. with .the established. and coast; necessary s and wall alttern atlrea, and sthat the e A �R Form B. S. A. ti cot thereof Is 8886.74. , iesolved Further, That a .ring be had on old i pro the 27th day of April, ls- e ho'un of 30 o'clock A. M., - ..,.,� hamher. room 61 of the to J (fJ ..... Mayor. 32 216 COUNCIL 144LE NO. 4 �l } INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Mate of Chang ing, the grade _of Pagge.....St ., .f.rom. Goff Av.e...., t.o.-Li.vingston pp c� tt'le ofi11 'ler to att led an uad a art he eof The �Y b�ue'l1neorepPgsen°ting e oln gra�e and �ie re line The iea Bra e. Also rd 'V P s—aptreet-f o o f avenue to So. Robert street, in aocordancE with �ie graag hereby esla l s ed, under Preliminary Order 38.53...._ ... _......... ..............._.._ __........ approved .__ .De.c.e cher .7tb,,....1914. ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. t t f t ov meat hich he Council ,eco ends is Change, the grade of_.Page St., 2iraFlb`A�F�.�'leings°on Eve. according to the profile hereto attach- T an trade aja�rt hejeiof.gTh� biueg life upfesengi?f the old r de,Phg rjd na.... he...new ....a..,.a.. so ra-. a....a..e s ree. turn avenue -t aw o er street, in accordance with the grade hereby established, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._.__3,317.03. Resolved Fnrther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 27..th_ _ _.. _.. day of 191..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice: of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .___.._.. piAT..._ 191...... Approved _ / _ _ _ 191 Councilman Ferns orth Gos Kel r is MC oil /V y Yoe g Mayor Pow rs Form B. S. A. 8-6 of the VIry of ,• jived the report of the .Igtaer�of Ftnancc upon the Id report, > reement, and having cons hereby resolves I. That the said report be one e is hereby approved and ado _1 the said Improvement is he 'ered to be proceeded with That the nature of the. Imp, it which the Council eco en, ige the grade of Page St. 1 Ave. to Livingston Ave. accpr .e proale hereto attached and i rt hereof. The blue linere .Ing the old grade, the red II., grade. Also grade Page e a Goff avenue to So. Robert s accordance with the grade h blished, with n alternatives the .estimated cost thea .17.03. '.esoivedFurther, That .ring bo had on said improv• the :7th day of April, 19 hour of 30 o'clock A M.. nc11 Chamber, room 61 of the !se and City Hall Building ofSt. Paul. That the C ier of Flnasice give notlee - ting to the persons and er provided by the Charts; the time and place of heart r of the improvement, •Ilcost thereof as estimate,, •]opted by the Counen Mch,. p proved Mch. 27. 1916. C1 Clerk. Mayor. to 41-3-15 CouncilFile No.....42V.. ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. L,l� The undersigned herebyw Vroposes the making of the follo'tSg public improve nt by the City of St. Palil, viz.: _....Ghange...._o7.grad..e...._oX1....tJ.th0ma6....Stt et....fi.etv7.e.en... lling...9ve.,.._.and..._._ Dated this __2bth_ __.day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_...._..._ ................. ............ _.. ()hange•of grade on Thomas Street between Snelling Ave. and Aldine St, ................... ......................... ............ ._........._......... ..................... .................... ......_...__................ ......_................. ...... ... _........................................ ............. _................ ..--.......... .. ......"� W r eNo.as 42G3— ' mae s, A written proposal for the making : the following i"p"' on vement ................ .,_._.._ ..... .._....... ... _.._......._ ......... viz: viz: Change of Grade on Thoma .._......_..... _.......... __.....__... ._. street between Snelling Ave. and Al- dine St., having been presented to the .._..............._._..............................._.............._............._..._........ _.._........... Councll of the City of at. Paul there- ................_. ........................ _... 'fore, ba it Resolved, That the Commissioner of having been presented to the Council of th ae ea and ea � of a na he la hereby or- rl desirability of tthethe making necessity fod at therefore, be it Improvement. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner o anz. To mvesugate the. snnamrs, extent ordered and directed: a c,timatel oat a Id improce- -nt, ad the total coat thereof. 1. To investigate the necessity for o m3. To furnish a plan, profile or mprovement. sketch of said Improvement 2. TO investigate the nature; Stent 4. To furnish the following other ent, and the total cost thereof. g ; data and information relative to said Improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile Ii •• kete s. TO state whether ar not .- ploy^meat Is asked for on the Over #. To furnish the following other dajin and... °,pporteopenenh.wto said improvement:__................ w to, ................... ...... .......................... __........... ............ —............... _... __...... ............. _......................... .......... ............... _....... _.... ..... ....... ............. ................... . ............................. 5. To state whether, or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore-bing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..................... ...::..:......::::..._............1J1......... Yeas: lays: 1., mcihnan Fa nsworth (3o Approved.. %..........Gy....L..._............_...............191_..._..5 �j Ke er .? [ Mc oil f� Nash Yog ...... Mayor Po} ra Mayor. PUBLisHm - /s CITY OF ST. PAUL 4264 E. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL M .t Subject: .. _ _... _; . _ COUNCIL w� FILENor .. ............................ Date Presented ...._March ....2.6,..-_I9L.5...... 1:: the [.natter of •aiderling Sixth St, in the City of at. Paul between the easterly line of Jackson Street and the easterly line of St. Paul Proper, Under Preliminary Order ITO. 3544, approved January 28th, #kYCdYVVL 1915, and Intermediary Order No., 3925, approved I.4arch 3rd, 1915. The Commissioner of Public [Yorks havin€^ submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for°the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land across the northerly front of Lots 6 and 7 Block 13, St. Paul Proper, said strip being 8.6 feet wide on the easterly line of Jackson Street and 9 feet wide on the easterly line of St. Paul Proper, as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated March 26, 1915, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. yy (2� That an asesement-`is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public street. Yeas (P') Cou ilmen (P) Nays C F. No. 4264—By NY : N. Gose— in the matter of lvldening Sixth St. In w the City f St. Paul between the easterly lineP Jackson street aad the easterly line of St. Paul Proper, under Preliminary Order N. 3644, approved January 28th; 1915, and I 1, termedlary Order No. 3D25, approved':- March 3rd, 1915. having Cosubmitted r his Theof Preportublic 'V aand stretch In the above matter, be It n Resolved, (1) That the City of St.. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the i b— named improvement to be a follows. oper, as graphically; shown upon the sketch attached to the Works in rt a the he Cabovess-matterer Y dnt end Elareh 26. 1915, vhtch sketch and re Part nre he referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an .easement is taken in said landto theextent necessary to serve ail the purposes of a public treet. Adopted by the Council Etch. 26, 1915. Approved Mch. 27, 1915. (April 3-1916) Far orth Go -- In favor Ke r Z' M oil , _.against Nash Y g Mr. Presiden ewers �ro.M c.8-2 Adopted by the Council != q/�-� 191':�J i Approved 2 191 s-- PUBLISHFD M.c N.. H N. COSS OSCAR CLAUSSEN co---- PU `LIC —mZ1261NGINHHe CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS -FEPnPT TO TiIE COL ,CIL- In the matter of widening Sixth Street in the City of St. Paul between the easterly line of Jackson Street and the easterly line of St. Paul Proper, under Preliminary "rder "o. 3544 approved January 28th 1915, and Intermediary Order "'o. 3925 approved larch 3rd 1915. To the Council of the City of St, Paul: The Comrrdseioner of P,,;blic Wcrks hereby submits and makes a Part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken t::erefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land across the northerly front of lots 6 and 7 clock 13, St. Paul Proper; said strip being 8.61 wide on the easterly line of Jackson Street and 91 wide on the easterly line of St. Paul Proper. Cora:.issior?r, cf P,n'--lic Vlorks, Tated March 26, 1915. �V r �i tt ". 5•,( Sj An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of St. Paul to the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) par value, for the purpose of creating a Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, and repealing Ordinance No. 3238, approved July 17th, 1914, authorizing a bond issue for the same amount. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sedition 1. That the proper city officers, namely, the Mayor, Comptroller and City Clerk, be and they are hereby authorized, empower- ed and directed to execute in the manjer provided by the City Charter, and to issue and deliver to the Sinking Fund Committee provided for in the Charter, at one time or from time to time, as may be demanded by the Commissioner of Finance, the bonds of the City to the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) par value,.-jor the purpose of creating a Permanent Improvement Revolving,Fund, as author- ized in and by Sections 217 and 278 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, as amended in the year 1912, and such other sections there- of as may be applicable thereto, and as.amended in and by Senate File No. 50, approved March 23rd, 1915. Section 2. Said bonds shall be in such form as may be deter- mined by the said Sinking Fund Committee, with the advice of the Cor- poration Counsel, and shall bear date the first day of the month in Which said bonds are sold, and if not sold in one parcel, each parcel shall bear date as of the first day of the month in which such parcel is sold. The principal of all of said bonds shall be due and payable twenty years after the date which the said bonds may bear, and said Glrt�- bonds shall bear interest at the rate of four and pLtSer cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall not be sold fox less than par and accrued interest. Said bonds may be in the form of coupon bonds, and the coupons may be authenticated by the engraved signature of the Mayor and the countersignature of the Comptroller, and may be ions of One Hundred Dollars or,any,multiple thereof, not C, F. No. 4266 --Ordinance' No. $427 By S,. A. Farnewarth- - ;R ordinance aufh6ri2ing and rovld- Ing 1- the leeuan0. and �alo of bond' of the City of St. Paul tothe mount or Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) par value, for iFe pur➢ose o1 sting a Perms- _ •t Improvement 'Revolving Fund, repealing rd="A. 3238, a •-ved Judy 17th, 1914, authoriz- / l a• bond issue for the same we ouncil of the City of St. Paul ordain: 'hr i ttieera. exceeding One Thousand Dollars, as the said Sinking Fund Committee may determine, and shall be payable at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul in the City of New York. The full faith and credit of the City is hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of the principal and interest of said bonds in accordance with the terms thereof. Section 3. The said Sinking Fund Committee is hereby author- ized, empowered and directed to negotiate and sell the aforesaid bonds from time to time in such amounts as may be demanded by the Commis- sioner of Finance, and the proceeds of said bonds and of all premiums realized therefrom shall be credited to and placed in a separate fund to be known as the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, which fund and the moneys therein shall be used only for the purpose of financing or paying the cost of the public improvements initiated or carried on or performed under the Charter of the City, for which an assessment against property benefited by such improvements is to be made. Section 4. That Ordinance No. 3238, approved July 17th, 1914, authorizing a bond issue for the same amount, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council &_.4-7 1915. ,Z Yeas Nays Lir. Farnsworth Goss Keller dQ� .,1 Mcg FSR' Yoer Nays, (Pi®,4 Mr. Pres (Powers) Approved 1 l Mayor. y17gL25HED� / 5 nIle 4966 An ordinance granting to the Allen Square Realty Company, a corporation, permission to construct two areaways on Broadway and Rosabel street, adjacent to Lot 3, Block 5, Whitney & Smith's Addition. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Allen Square Realty Company, a corporation to construct and main- tain an areaway on the east side of Rosabel street between Sixth and Seventh streets, and one on the west side of Broadway, between Sixth and Seventh streets, both adjacent to Lot 3, Block 5, Whitney & Smith's Addition. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby author- ized to issue a permit to the said Allen Square Realty Company for the construction of said areaways, upon its compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan of the proposed areaways, which plan shall be sub- ject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said areaways shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suite, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to person or property on account of or arising from the construction, main- tenance, use, presence or removal of said areaways, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said areaways remain or exist. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said areaways shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fnrne C. F. No. 4266—Ordlnance No. 3428— thirty days after its passage and publication. By rand.. to the Allen ArdMtNeGoag Company. a orpora- Square Realty to c nstru ct two tton, permteslon areaways' on Broadway and Rosabel treets, adjacent to Lot 3, Block 6, Whitney & Smith's Addition. z� The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: /.i Y/ SECTION 3. That permission and authority .are y hereby granted t0 the Allen Square Realty Company, a orporation to con- struct and . an areaway On J/` a of, e - the east aide f. Roeabh treat be- tween Sixth and Seventh streets, d / ne on the west side bf Br,adway.both tureen Sixth d Seventh streets, adjacent to Lot 3, Block 6, Whitney & / Smith's Addition. SECTION 2. The ssioner of Public Works is hereby thorl,ed to Issue a permit CommuAllen to the said Square Realty COm- said puny Yor the .traction of ....vo...e.,a ,.nnnOOl is c-118... with Passed by the Council Yeas NAYS Mr. Farnsworth Goes Meller McCo31 Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) Approvedi 0 1 the Commissioner plan shall bf thee subject to the approv ll of thenaid ommissioner. (2) The said areaway. ahll be can - stctiondof nd ld� CommAhe pss,olnern nd thdl- re e said licensee shall pay the coat of in- spection. (2) The old licensee shall furnish a pond ate f t TenCity In the Thousn daul Dollars ($10.000.00), conditioned to the City harmless from any. and all lia- bilitY, Judgments, 'sa ta, sts, chages, damages d expenses that mal' ac- crue to person. or property on account of o rising from the construction. maintenance, use, presence or of said areaways, the sold bonds to, re - 1, 1 In rforce and Rect as ng - said areaways emaln o xis[. The moray beb. nd shalapprovedb by thech form as Corporation Cay aol, and shall have be approved by the cMayort and stall be filed with the Comptroller of said. City. (4) Said areaways shall the r oced by id Ilcenee whenever the Couneii shall '00rder. (6T he nald licensee shall pay. any license Yee or tux that may be' qulred by y rdin—co or law of th0 City of St. Paul. .thin ten (6) Said licenace shall, days after the p¢...ge Y tbls dln- �, a c ftIs written eptance or. reof re maty bethe e approved Clerk by l a Corporation' Counsel. SECTION 3. T1Ns ordinance hall take effect and bagel. forand pubiicat(on8ya after its -pass - a Passed by the Councll April 12, 1916. Yeas—Messrs. o lag ew;ort Pres dent Keller, McColl, Y (Powers)-6. Nay. -0. Approved April WINN6POWERS. Mayor. Attest: JOAN I. FARICY.City ClerTt. (April 17-1916) (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. y r fl re. ' it $fl are !� — sRYor4coa- / the ccGastnelde OT iw d Sixth and l�eve and` Y / on on the e t s�Eo nr b9 be- / tween Sixth d S 4ehtb atteLta both S d7acent to Lot 3 Block 6t '4Yhttney � Smtth's Addition. SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Public Works le hereby uthorized to issue permit to the, said Allen Square Realty Cem- P,ny . ton the o constaid n, its .rcompliance on of with Passed by the Council --L �"- Yeas NAYS Mr. Farnsworth 1 yhY' Ci088 eXp,�bga 2ti �6tD �ttl Keller „�� e;, Mccal 'i3ee}t ass x Yoerg ge Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) 5ijttha Approved 15. ne; ki' iN`C ..tiat+. Mayor. iii � Y .. } •/ ;�� i� � � +� w ��! � ij S � � � �,.• � 'i 426'7 All 0?.DI21;CE -,AJ.11T_1iG TO VE CITIZ .S IC & 2LT31 CO;a tU1Y a corporation, permission to erect and maintain a set of scales. The Common Council of the City of St. Paul,^o ordain as follows: 3i�Cmi0Pi I. Permission is hereby granted to the Oitisens Ice & Fuel Company, a corporation, to erect and maintain a set of scales and scale house on the northerly side of E. 5th Street, at a point commencing approximately 34 feet from the westerly side walk line of John Street, said sc-':.les to be approxi -mately 24 ft. by 10 ft. and to be located octside of the curb line in the said street and said scale house to be approximately 3 ft. by 8 ft. and to be immediately adjoining said scrile on the side walk space immediately inside of the curb line of said street, or as more actually shown on a blue print hereto attached marled "i,,_hibit A" and made a part hereof. That said scales and scale house to be erected in such manner as may be directed by the Commissioner of Public ''orks. All work to be done in connection with the construction or erection of said scales under said Commissioner's supervidion and the said Company shall pay the cost of inspection. The Cit- of St. Paul reserves the right to order said scales removed at any time, and said Citizens Ice it Fuel Company by the acceptance of the privilege granted by this Ordinance agrees to remove said scales and scale house whenever sib directed by the Coi;ncil, and upon snc'r removal to put the portion of the street occupied by said scales an sco.le house in the condition it is inxat the present time. ^id ^itizons Ice a -'uel Company s=te.11 exoc'nte to the City of St. Paul a bond in the sum of Five txe Thousand Dollars, (V5,000) in such form and in such surety or sureties as may ., be approved by the corporation Counsel of said City ;._.itioued to _ I i ;.fl 4 k N t ... indemnify and s ve the said City harmless of and £Tom any damage, claim, loss or liability that may arise either to persons or property by reason of the construction maii1anance or removal of said scales or scale rouse. Section 11. This Ordinnnnee shall take effect and be 44orcew thirty days after its passage and publication, and upon the filing of said bond by the Citizens Ice & Fuel Company and a written acceptance of this Ordinance in such form as may be approved by the corporationtp attorney. ' l_ "" ® Final Adoption /� �f YemrtnLt'n by the Coun '. .. 1911 3429— y _._. C. F, No 4284 Ordinance o BY M N• Gose—c. to the Citizens Ice' An order granting, a corporation Por- s. a Fuel Company, .191 p. _ 191 Vr mission to erect and matatain a set favor ApproveJ.._. ht Neadin�_ C% of ceases - ..... qhs 'Common OjaCouncil.11 the City oe 9t. 2nd I91 Paul do ordain as t stows: ... .. SECTION I. .. ainst ...... anted t the' - "- a car- MAYOR v P.ermisslon Sa he oby grdy' a g t . Citizens Ice creat a d muelmPaful Attest: 3rd .191 po attou to acute house, on the n t' a� ts{••ai¢ 34 feet JOHN 1. FARICY, erly-aide g E8p6proxlmatc'al l p o[ y ` comcomm ng roxi- City Clerk. Date Published -191x. Mrifrom the tW idiy aide `velk tine John at act, saldacalee to 'be aDP .his[ ly 24 ft. by 10 ft: and -to be located outs�de of the curb- line in thebe saF _ _ .screec and said. seal ti use to 8 ft and to be 1m-. ,Iy� - -- �_--- -- -- - stmatelY 3 ft, by al on the. --- -- / J P edlntelY pac.ef susing sold s i aide of decalk eP Immedi to, Y b llln Wn on,S,bl etprt hecto ntuallY ExhlbIt A' d made Int[ach d marked a part C ec io • lea Bnd 6cale house are. fn 'cted in such'mann: ae maf to be r the Comms inner !be dl acted .:bY b done or Yubllc WOTka. All work"to conn ctlan With the conatructloR :: or - and the eai' - ei'ec[lon of said sanies under said Com- mlastoneraahaLLPepaY°Lha "coat of {n' . Company apcctlon. of. St. Paul reservestime, The City 1 state to at any right [o -order. se d Fuel Company �, nd ld Ci ozena Ice f " ,the Privilege' .a ..I the accePtan hose¢' granted 9by 8{dt scale. ad and °aCa 0rC23 tel remove directed''by the Coup whenever so cord and-. upon he such reemtov'l to ed t by Por- _ tion oYoce to the con- acale9-and °ale house Company dltI'n It ttlzsnat Ice' Dc eFuel tCo shall execute I, the City of St. Paui bond In. the sumin such form and pi , Dollara (56,000) be $Of evch suretYtor lte Corpolcs ratton Counsel of pro, bycone Corpionsdorm indemnify and: - _ aid CtYY said City -'charmless of lla-' ,eau° the .damage claim, lose ar. 'trom that .may :arise. either to Por- bility aeon of the con- sona or .property by re structlon. maintenance. or removal of .said states or scale house. SECTION -2. Thle ordinance sa yaa.,let I's Prieeffect d it be In Lorcubbcat n, and upon the aI% age and P the Citizens Ice & {ng'ot endun9 aha n written accept- cpel Company oration nce b thisapproved by the such as be approved by attortieY• the Council April Final adoption by Gore. 32, 1916.. Farnsworth, Yeas-Hleaers:.. Yoerg, Mr. President Keller,. McColl, - (Powers) d Nays=O. 1916. Approved APrll WINK POWERS, .. Mayor•,: � . Attest: JOHN I. FARIQY'Cit y Clerk, • � ! 1 h • r in,ternnify and save the said City harmless of and from any . damage, claim, loss or liability that may arise 'either to peFsons or property by reason of the construction mairtenance or remeve,l of said scales or scale douse. z, Section 11. This Ordiannce shall take effect and be 44orceIr thirty days after its passage and publication, and upon the filing of said bond by the Citizens Ice w _Fuel Company and a Written acceptance of this Ordinance in such form as may be approved by the corporation'li attorney. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Final Adoption by the Colin' ~...1910 /'� �msworth . / Ist Reading-.- ... _....._. 19I Yl 9.../C ss _ _ In favor Approved....K 2nd 191 IC�et McColl _ Against L:?wV�—y ....._.._ v MAYOR 3rd 191 Attest: Date Published......... 191a M l ` 9p� JOHN I. FARCY, . e esidb�8�oryet City Clerk. l ' t - 1 S mPanY� §nd sa rlvllegai h> ,ti d, eea tot . Nran_ a hoUsaE revlova+ Cotiacll, gvhe»ev0 the pdr -, and.:DD°� DYE std'.. i F�ald2 � Company, tt P vl a� bad � eC, ._ �oUsaad' _ �D 1hY&Y>u e . ID F h dap Seats ' D tfd lfY and¢ ai'd:L1tY. le 9 oT.,. aad, SC �? apve nth. dlo9 Sh'll 4 t Der: �blllEY tasty Te f th oa ' 't so»a or props [- �T ma 1 Af l Q'biruction m ae: y •eaih scales tl= a ,;:;:_ This Ordinance shatl take effect and be in force: thlrtY days' atter Its ge and puUlicatlon, and upon tae fl11- Ing of said, bond by the Citizens Ice &, Fpel Company and a Weltte accept - once of this'Ordtna by th1.e such toration. approve by [he c P may be aPP ntvir al Final adoption by the Council'ADrll .. 13; 1916 Gose, ye Coll, McCon, Yae�sa Mr.t president l' Kell Mc (r—r.) 6. r r)-6• ppp s App ue9. d April 13, WINN POWERS,, M¢Yor.. . Attest: 7O8N I. FARICY, City Clerk.._._ (April 17-1916)11 r ,,^r � ` 't' `,�, _ �`- _ ,�� .9 Couneil File \oy�. f. / PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.• • v . .r = and -� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tile, following pull' nlprovenlent by the y of Pahl, viz.: .t0 take.,....6IlprGpri.a.t_Q....and_..Q.Ondemn., ....or -the _Use.9..a ....... purb-o—s-..... es .of Public Play -grounds, the followi described Rea state namely.: --Lots 1.2-3-4.5.-6-7<3:9-10_1 - 2.*13.19.-15p1fi _ lock 18, Marshall►s Addition, according to a Plat thereof, on file and of record in the--Office--of the er....ef. Deeds.. o amsey.....Countyi...... _ Minnesota, situate in the City7f St.Paul, in d County •------ superceding Preliminary Ortiz 4186 lhded this__ _day of. Couneihulul. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WlJrliPAS, A written In•oposld for the matting of the following iulprovenleni, viz.: T.o...tldke._a.P.p.rQpriate, and_.c.ondemn.. for the uses and...purpos es of Public Play -grounds, the following described Real Estate namely:. --Lots Block 1.8. Marshall's Addition, acsr a{�� *� +v.o DPn+ +h eof, on file and of No 4268— record._ in the--Office--of lth _ay... uten prn'nsal for u,e Of Ramsey County,.__ king of the. folio w•in}: fmp�ovement Minnesota, situate in til ir. To take. ap'rnptlate ami _pn aid County ,---__-. demo. for the uses and pu�pones of _.. -. superceding-"'Preliminary s+cr�� apla>gropnas, the Oaloling de _._.. ___.. eat estate namely: Lots 1. 2 a 1. 4. 5. 6. i. 8. 11, 10. 11. 1'L. 73, 14. 15, 16. having teen presented to the Uouuol of mock 18 Mmrsh:,u•a aaaluon, a__ora_ 11 .....HBeh_ ._.._..__._._._...__., Ing to thePlat thereof, n: me and of therefore, he it rte, d In the office of the ltegleter of Deeds, of Ramsey County. Minnesota. ,_[nate In the Clta of st. rnol, in m .eh ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Contmissiont County. 9 '_reeding rr_nm�nnry dor- y der No. 4186, having been presented to the Council of the Clty of St. Pool id improvement. 1. 'fo investigate the necessity fm therefor_. be it I 1 Resolved. r That the Commissioner of To investigate the nature, _Std Public worksbe and he is hereby or- Velllellt, and the total cost thereof. '.dered and di re,_ted: :i. 'to furnish a plan, profile or sl 1. To f l,,stloate mm esssuy for I 1 ne or dealntbllity f the along o[ s Id 1. '1'0 1'lnui-.;h the I'ollowiu�, otherLrIF- jeinvt-stigaie the nature, extenn.id _mates cost of said Inapt,. .:d the total cost thereof furnish a plc . ....... ' ..._...... ._..._._. _..._. .. .... ._._. P gold Improv' ....._.......... _. __... .. .._.._..... ........_.__......_. Purnish til 5. 'Ib state whether or not said improveit..-:u4. _ .;arced for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of HIP fore'Tning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council__. _..._ _-...._.191✓�_� yells: days: --)// Councilman F1 ""worth 3 V C, Approved- v 1 J K er M Oil r Mayor Po rs Mayor. PUBLISHED Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance V April _..6.'.....__..._ .. _....191 5.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Court - oil, known as Council File No. _...._4368...... approved..... _.... MarOh 29, 191.4.., relative to ....... taking , appropirating and condemning for the use and purpose of a public playground, .11the following desoribed Real Estate namel 3-4-5 :... Lot_.,......... 1-8 3 4-5-6-7- 9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16, Block 18, Marshall's Addition, aocording to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the .....................___._..........._................................................_._..................._._..............._....................._.............................__................._.......__...._....... _......._._............. Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, situated in the City of St.._..Paul........_in_said.._Count.y._..._Superseding....Pref. >n.1..nary....Q.rde.x.....�4.�8F.........._........_...... and having investigated the matters aud things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ..._...necessary and (or) desirable. %7jXXX 'l. The estimated cost thereof is :�........aXXkx...-, and the total cost thereof is :�.._.._.......... _...._._..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. __... .i. Said improvement is........not..._.......... asked for upon petitiot of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................`... ... __._.................._..............__... Cot missiouer of Public Works. ALL BUS/NESS COMMUN/CAT/ONS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE F/RM. NEWYORK OFF/CE, PARIS OFF/CE, ESTABLISHED 1883. 625 Cab/c Sudd-_q 32F—b..9 Poissonn— �.�.Z.i�r�'�..�".�T�,�i' r� X22 2�..Mt `�-�� rine 91jc ntyia„/%l)l 5,4MT PAUL. 3/22/15 . Hon. Louis Nash, Commissioner Parks & Public Play Grounds, City. Dear Sir: - As per your request beg to give you below a description of the property,which in my judgment appears to be one of the most desirable sites to be acquired for a public play ground, being in close proximity to the Lafayette School and Neighborhood House: Lot 1, assessed valuation N 300.00,supposed owner H.C.Batchelder. " 2, " " 1150.00 to " Becca Nevatenetz. " 3, " 260.00 � " Asenath M.Smith. 114, 11 " 260.00 � 1Stanley Partridge. " 5, " " 480.00 11 Patrick Carter. " 6, " " 240.00 " " Owen Kipp. 7, " " 300.00 " aessie L. Goodrich. It 8, " to 900.00 to it Abraham Goss. 9, " to 220.00 " It Eva T. Lawthal. " 10, ° u 200.00 u 11 a u It " 11, " " 368.00 " Herman Wolfson. " 12, " 220.00 A.V.McClurg Adams. " 13, to It 420.00 It " Louis Finn. " 14, It It 220.00 11 " Edwin G. Moore. " 15, 11300.00 to Julia C. Smith " 16, 11300.00 11" of It It All in Block 1B Marshall Addition, West St. Paul. Yourss% V;ryjttruly, CS MIME NIAR 2 61915 BUREAU OF EiiG1NEERS, Clonne il File No...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. C/'/k� /.R and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pnbi improvement by the City of Paul, viz.: ..To Lots 3-44.?T.5.-6-11!B. 0--- ..".-BAmund .Ri ce..'z is ditiAn for _t see ..a4 purp .as so d . ... ... Public- FUY..amgrou .......... , .......... .... Dated this,, 14, of . . ...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz..:_____._.___....._. ... ........... ... To. A.ake... approp.r.l.at.e. . ..... and c-ondamn .Lotv 1-5-16-17-18-19-,20.-21-,22 of Block 12.-,._.E4mun.d, Ri ce Is 1 Bt Addition ,for the us.ee...and..purpo.sj= -f n- Public Rl&v�-around.. .— un hFe. eN.o. 4A ihrag 269 ,mitten �for !h I ., the f.11-1— I;n ae,r.,rit, To 'al— i dein ' Lols 3. 4. 5. 6. 7� S. 11, 10. 15, 16] 17, 18, 19, 20. 21, 22 of lo—k 12, Ld- 0 n I e Us ............... ............. ............ having been presented to the Council a In Id R11 I It Addition Poi the . ..... ,!)(I , puleoses of a pulilhe playground. therefore, he it 111-1—o"'I to '11, Council til the �'&Sl. the un-refoie, be It I � , , ghat he f'ouiral-fic, er of -red and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commission] Pul"fir Nv"i h!, he auI he is 1, ',sh, or- reby ordered il—d and directed: the To lu-vo,tlale the ne,essity for aid improvement. Itn necessity tj ile l't, . s 1. To investigate orl shra) ity or the making f aid P—st,"ut. nature, C, 2. To investigate the nature, extent WColeld, and the total cost thereof. nd S. To investigate the t st, ..td lost of said Improve - eat. ']'a hirnish a plan, profile or a at and the total cost thereof. To furnish Profile or sketch .1 .1. To hiroisdi the foll "Io'r 'Kq. furnish the follo-Ing other lid improvement 4. ot I" I I Information relative to saha o . whether or not sale ............. . .................. ......................... . s asked for .. the . ......... " 5. To state whether or not said improvenlenit"'own's r on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forezoing matters to tljc Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council . .. ...... ... Yeas: Nlays: Councilman F isworth Go Approved me er m oil 01. 'yo .......... .......... ...... . . . . . ............... ............ - - . .......... ............ ... Mayor Po rs Msyor. PTTl1T'1-NHKl) Request of Mary Grundner, Council File No., . ........ 391 Greenwood Avenue. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY. ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f wing PuUlie i haill, viz.: . Grade and ourb Grepnw' Avenue from 10,1 Chicago Great Western Rig _of Way.___ Dated this _____db;.;.0 clay of_.. it t 1 City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WlIrREAS, :\ written proposal ibr the making of the following improvement, viz.:.__.___._.._....... ... .... .... ._ _. Grade and ...__ourbGree nwood Avenue.fF4 Chicago Great Western Right of Way. C. F No. 4270- 1% In -ret— A written proposal for the _._....... .............. ............... ....._....... .......... m.king of the following improvement............._.. .._...... _............. viz -.Grade and curb Greenwood A - nu e from Delo. street to Chicago ,' having been presented to the Councilll of the City, Great Western Right of Ivey having been presented to the Council of the'."._......_....................._...._.._................., City ofSt. Paul therefore, be it therefore, be it Resolved. That the Commissloner of Publlc \Vatic. be and he Is hereby or - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub dared and dtrectea: ed ;tad directed: 1. To Investig.te the n salty for or desirability of the malting of said 1. To investigute the necessity for or de-ir Improve 2. m� te.tis.te the nature, extent yenlent. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent :ted es and estimated cost of said lmprove ld the total cost thereof. g' t, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish tt plan preale or, X. To furnish it plan, profile or sketch of s sketch of said Improvement. +: To furnish the following other; d. To t•uruish the following Other data and iilfo.,aa,nd Information -1.0—to said jemeut: _ vtr'a t l,ether o naked for , _........_..._......_...:.........................._�._._.....It. ow^.:..:......_......___..............._....................... ............. ............ .._._._........ ......_.___................._........_..__...__........_..._...... _. _. _......_._.. 4 p`. 5. To state Whether or not said improvement is asked ttir on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all Of the foregoing nut ters to the Colmnissiono• of Finance. _ I Adopted by the Council .... __.__......_ .............L')1.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fat '-Worth Gos Approved....1:5... ..... S Kel �r bit oil 0' dry Yo.......................... . Mayor Poi -rs Mayor. lk'IlM .ISMUD 1Y 3 /S Request of Mary Grundner, ou Cll I cil File No 0�7 391 Greenwood Avenue PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY XORDER.. Ry The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foil Ing Public improvement by the 0/ty of St. Paid, viz.: Construot a sidewalk 9on..b -e.ide.@ of-Gre.e.n.w.o.94 ..... ....... c�e ........................... .. - -- .. .. ... ... ... ... .. .. ... .... .. ... ... at from Delos St. to,the_Chioa Pat VVp OUXA- RIght-Of O.Y., ..... ..... - .,,go Dated this, day of I/ .-Maroh.,.- Councilman.- PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVIUMEAS, A written proposal for the 111111jing or the following improvement, viz.:.___.._____._...___....__..._ Construot a sidewalk on both Bides of Greenwood Avenue ............ from Delos St. to go Great the Chicago Right of , Western for the ........ .. aides of Gree -0011 co.e ".. Dr- I.s street to the Chicago Great W -t - to the Coln cto a beC,,t Pl.i ........... .......... - ............ ........ having been presented Right of Way having 'sth c tinted to the Council .1 y St T'P.al therefore, k' It therefore, be it Publlo... I','.1rjhbe 1t and Co"Th"'I. ner of d he Is hereby or -dered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Colarlildered and dir herd c:ctg�dt. by of 1. To it t, the necessitfY for i m lity of the ..kI-9 r said f I ' overlent. :IeeeSSi or d-1-111 0 San illipi. 1. To investigate he Irnpr,�Imllt�et,gatc Investigate the nature. client Ist, — 2 d estimated cost of said improve- inprovenient, and the total cost thereof. , arc� 'f 2. To investigate the � total cost there. or jthr'.I.h . Platt, proale :i. To furnish a plan, profile ketch of said improvement. th (,I 4. To f—ol- c I' ng other I at, relative ..d nf.r. -- rel to said to said improvement 4. TO fill-Ilish the I'0110%'ill"' ii� apro�,'��e� -.'hlthc, or not t P, for or. 11 e -, --- .. .............. ........... ..................... ... .............. -'I I - ............. ... . .... ................ -- .... ........... -1- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon 111 of the foregoing nu ,ters to the Coin mission er of Finance. Adopted by the Council- . ...... 19 1. Yeas: Nays: Councilman F -iisivol-th G 9 Approved. .9 K ler 'NJ 0'011 a I ' ry Yo-g . . .. ........... ...... Mayor Pot rs Mayor. U CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:., _ . _ c COUNCI L FILE FILE No.. .... .. .. Date Presented... Mar . 2? ,191 b Resolved, Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to purchase, with the consent of the comptroller, one Vose & Sons piano -factory number 76568, coat of which is $285.00, for the use of the Department of Education, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gained thereby. r C. F. No. on u /e IieAgen on suthorizing the t rchns- lng Agent to purchase, �, on the con- / nt o[ the Comptroller, one Vose b'- / Sons ni:tno-[actors rmber 76568, c t of whlch is $M.on, [or the of the Department to tducnti,l, gold no ed. rtlsement or' ompetitive bide, n this is a pat b,ted nrli9le and . nd9 Inge be Rnlncd thereby. o `, Ado"M the Cou 1911 illch. 29, 1916. / Approved1916. (April 3 3-1916) Yeas 0Counei 'en (P) Nays Ferns rrh Goss In favor Keller MCC Against Yoerg Mr. President, P vers soars ce-2 Adopted by the Council _ _ 191 Approvl/S 191 r Qip[a� -_ MAYOR C. -F. oNu 4273—B,v It. f 1t. Goe — Where It appear that on r about - h, 15th day of March. 1913, one L. G. LL COUNCIL RESOLTION-GENERAL FORM U Subject:. _ . _ __ ........... OUNCIL C 1 FILE No.... rr Date Presented...-..,. 1/ -.. - . �...._I91........._ oma./ jk� il ,S WHEREAS, It appears that on or about the 15th day of March, 1913, one L. G. Washington, sole owner of the Portland Stone Company, as principal, and the Royal Indemnity Company, as surety, executed that certain bond known and designated as Sx2085, said bond running to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of $5,000; the purpose of said bond being to indemnify the City of St. Paul for any loss or damage which might accrue because of work done by said L. G. Washington in making or causing to be made excavations for building areaways, cellars, foundations, sidewalks or other improvements into, upon and under public highways, streets and sidewalks; and WHEREAS, It is desired by said L. G. Washington, principal on said bond, and the Royal Indemnity Company, surety thereon, that another and different bond be substituted therefor, the said L. G. Washington having tendered to the City a bond under date of March 15, 1915, similar in all respects to the bond of the Royal Indemnity Company, in which said substituted bond the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company is surety; and WHEREAS, Said substituted bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and the surety thereon has been approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, and has been and is here- with filed with said City; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the obligation on the bond of said L. G. Wash- ington, as principal, and Royal Indemnity Company, as surety, which was filed on or about March 15, 1913, be and the same is hereby terminated, and that the bond of L. G. Washington, as principal, and the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company, as surety, which is filed herewith, and properly approved, be and the same is hereby accepted; provided, how- ever, that nothing in this resolution contained shall operate to relieve the said L. G. Washington and the Royal Indemnity Company of any liabil- ity which may have accrued or may hereafter accrue because of any work done by said L. G. Washington during the time said first mentioned bond was in effect. Yeas (P') Co oilmen (P) Nays y Adopted by the Council / -_19kJ Fa i sworth Gd In favor K r Approved - C! 191 /�� M oil 6 _.against O' ary Y rg Mr. Preside , Powers MAroa 101., -z PUBLISIIEu--./.5 t C. Fl. No 9273-13y bI 2f. Gose— j AVhc_i IC apnea" that on or aboutI h 15th d y of March 1913, one L COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _.COLI�L F FILE N • FILE No. .. ... .. `�....... .. Date Presented.......^. �/ -..._ . f...._I91........_. / �7 WHEREAS, It appears that on or about the 15th day of -March, 1913, one L. G. Washington, sole owner of the Portland Stone Company, as principal, and the Royal Indemnity Company, as surety, executed that certain bond known and designated as Sx2085, said bond running to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of $5,000; the purpose of said bond being to indemnify the City of St. Paul for any lose or damage which might accrue because of work done by said L. G. Washington in making or causing to be made excavations for building areaways, cellars, foundations, sidewalks or other improvements into, upon and under public highways, streets and sidewalks; and WHEREAS, It is desired by said L. G. Washington, principal on said bond, and the Royal Indemnity Company, surety thereon, that another and different bond, be substituted therefor, the said L. G. Washington having tendered to the City a bond under date of March 15, 1915, similar in all respects to the bond of the Royal Indemnity Company, in which said substituted bond the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company is surety; and WHEREAS, Said substituted bond has been ,approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and the surety thereon has been approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, and has been and is here- with filed with said City; therefore, be it IIESOLVED, That the obligation on the bond of said L. G. Wash- ington, as principal, and Royal Indemnity Company, as surety, which was filed on or about March 15, 1913, be and the same is hereby terminated, and that .the bond of L. G. Washington, as principal, and the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company, as surety, which is filed herewith, and properly approved, be and the same is hereby accepted; provided, how- ever, that nothing in this resolution contained shall operate to relieve the said L. G. Washington and the Royal Indemnity Company of any liabil- ity which may have accrued or may hereafter accrue because of any work done by said L. G. Washington during the time said first mentioned bond was in effect. Yeas (11 Co cilmen ( V) Nays Fa; sworth Adopted by the Council _ 191u G K r In favor ,approved _ � 3 � 191 M oil _.against O' ary Y r g gMr. Preside , Powers MAYOR oeM c.e-: pUBI.25HE}� 5 C. F. No. 4274— l In the rhtter Y grading Woodbridg fe [ e C o Carbon tree- to rT"' der Pr 1rY Order 2868, Final Order 38 1 I02 nP➢ oved February ' i l8, 1915. Resolved,. That the plane, peciflrn- tions nd estimates ubmltted by the - Commtssloner Of Public Worka for .the .be_.amed 1 p eve nt be and the, same are hereby D,Pr�pplldt R of t Further.Ts h the Purchor-' lag Agent be a d hula her by n [hthe #�G'4 o ized a d directed to advertfee In the ry (j C I T Y Qrter anenn provided in the d an and J' for, bide for the making of aid Im- provement. according. to said plane and specifications, on the basis (A) That COUNCIL the bidder contractor..hall furnish all labor. andrmnterinl for anld work st Cp'eolfled susm: (B) That the h''e' r ontractor hall make id ' In the matter of aradin� W(;e by, ell IB onecn " cet from Carbon Street to South Street. under Preliminary Order 3868 Intermediary Order _ Final Order ,3803 , approved _ February 16, 1915• RESOLVED, That theplans,' specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the agme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is -hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance rith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu. thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, i Ill h event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report s recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings the ..�� Adopted by the Go oil Yeas ( ) C oilmen ( ) Nays Y rg F nsworth Ga R ler oll jo aim Nash MT. President., P era Approv / 191 bfayor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL w� - FILE NO.. .... .. ............. A& Date Presented........... _....._191........_. Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 34th, 1915, by and between the Indian Refining Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 3463 gallons, more or less, of engine oil, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (1') ilmen (F) Nays ar mos ta/l worth In favor /{A Against 'yV' C`, oe Mr. President, so RR c.0.2 avers l 1. No. 4275— Re,l ,d, That the c[nti et hearing data llaroh 24th. 1915. by and bet�v ten' the Indian 11,,/111111(; Company and the City of til. 11-1 for fu rn i shin(; 2452 t cellon s, msnore Is o a nr Ievs, of en Il oil, n n the hereby approved, d Ih 1d 1[di retell tt5 off'c nr tc31[he u[horized behalf of the City�zecu sem 1916. Adopted by the Cnuacil llch. 29, Approved -,Jch. 30. 1915. (April 3-1915). Adopted by the Council — �__ 19dJ Approved. 3 191 OF MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _ . ..._ _ _ -._ . COUNCIL FILE No..� .. Date Presented ..... _ _I91...-'..... Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 26th, 1915, by and between the Swanson Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing certain kinds of oil and grease during the year 1915, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (V') ncilmen sworth s er oil ary rg Mr. Presider Powers roaM �.e-i (T') Nays In favor .. Against t'. 11. No. 4276- -1. That That the c ntrnct benring date 1\Utrch 2Gt h. 1915, by and between St.Pnul the P-111 son Company 2nd the CI[ P for d-1 Pu rnl c• rtnln kinds P oil nd grease uring the vent 1916, 1d ttito the s2mN h 11 nereby ue Proved• Ptrope ci1 ty officers a hereby nthori�ed nrl dlrerted to a state the n br I t oP the C(ty- C s'tAdoptetl by the Con ncfl illch. 29. 1916. A PProved rich. 30, 1DI (April 3-1916) Adopted by the Council AppAved- 3 / r 19LS 191 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL 2.77 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject. __ _...... COUNCIL ' FILE No..... ........`..... .... ..... ...... .. V Date Presented .. -Mar, 27th, _...._. 0 Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said app3.icants upon the paymert of the fee required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTELS OR RESTAURANTS.- LOCATIONS. Ed^card BPalker Lunch Room 676 University C. T. Linn Belmont Cafe 414 Cedar C. P. \e. 4277—Ry Henry licColl— Resolved, Thnt the np1�71cntion of the follomin� persons rot n ucenae to m ducotetu nr Restnnr t Hnnts t the lo - c tl one re pectivel)' Ind lcnted he, and the CItY Clerlcclsl n uthorizednOndddl rectc ea to tasue such uoens s m snid pt lcnnta pon the pn)'ment of the fp. ee qullred b)' 11 I' �versltY Avo tcr' i.unch Room, 67( C. T, ],Inn, 73elnlont Cnfe. 414 Cednr Ad np ted br the Council 11th. 29. 1916 APpr, ved Wh. 2o. 1916. (Aprl! 3-1915) Yeas ( t") Co ncilreen (I') Nays nsworth 'ss In favor lCC / cColl O Against Leary erg Mr. Presid ,(erg ro'm Adopted by the Council] 7 1910 1 Approved_ l! 191 $� YO MAAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL FILE No . ................... ............. ................ . . ............... I .. . ............ ......... . ...... I .... ........ . ....... __ .... ............. . ..... . ...... ........ . ....... Date Presented _1915 ...... Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are denied. At- .9 ,• appr6ved by the Chief of Police. EA31E0F APPLICANT, HOTEL OR- RESTAURANT LOCATION. "1 Rommel Bros. Business Lunch 499 St. Peter Yeas (V)Coun men Nays un Farn orth Gos In favor Kell Me I -Against 011 y Yoe Mr. President, wers Tolm c.8-2 C. 1��N.1*�odl That the application of or , ilennse to the following Pe" --Ina f at. at the -01d"'t "*I"' or "J".rdi.at.d be, locations e.po. , hereby are d.aWd. S. -o and the same b on approved by the net having - el"of of Poll..:L.noh, 494 Rommel Bros., 33USInO 5 St. """ 't; Approved Il Teh Adopted I . 20, 1915. -➢ - th� C—3il Allh. 29, 1015 (April -1915) Adopted by the Council 19 1 Approved_ 2) -3J -191,&- a MAYOR TO THe H0.?MR,4BL-E THE COUNCIL of the City ofst.PaW., does ................. ............. . ....... --- - hereby make application to the Cou%the City of St. Paul for a License to conduct a ........................ . and to that end does hereby certify as follows: ? Dec. 17th, 1914. Windsor Hotel .... Al Rommel, Prop., 457 St. Peter St., arrested, •.for selling liquor, without license, by Dete. Cummings, McMahon & Kelly. Was fined for same on the 29th of Dec ..... $50.00 The license was afterwnrde granted to the brother, William Rommel. Rommel Bros. (Walter & Charles) were fined. on Feb. 24th, 1914, fmr selling liquor after hours,, in their saloon at the corner ofr6t. Peter & Exchange. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: - COUNea { �9 1 FILE No. Date Presented RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell into icating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) I To (Name and Address) ,yW • ar __ 363 Joe. E4 atozyiigkia,lc20 So. Wabaeha miletich & Zupan, 479 E. 6th St. F. F. Brown, 180 So. Wabaeha. C. F. No..4279-1I Y Hen 12y, Y McColl— naedol ltcen cant toh.Hellilo]nitoxlcattns llquorH be tran.Yerred as Indicate$ P"' at to-appifcatione duly made 0th oSt 64tProm Wra o Mlletf h & Zupan, 470 aH Gth St No. 263. From Joe.. Alat-y.nslcl, 120 So: Wabasha, to F. F. Brown, 120 So. -Wlbasbo. Adapted by the Council Mch. 29, 1916.' Approved Arch. '0'1916. (April, 3-1016) Yeas (✓) Co cilmea (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council— ouncil 191 Fa sworth —7—In favor K Cd K r (l/ Approved 191 M oll Against O' ary Y g MAYOR Mr. President, P rs CITY OF. ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE 1 1 Subject: COUNCIL N �� A O.' PILE Date Presented RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- .spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. The Hayner Distilling Co. 82-84 F. 5th fit. Resolved. That the q. a 11 t noo or q the. following..personsliquors for. n 1lcen80 Yp, 5ott. is ..p pting indleate the 'leasd� gone reeDeoUyely Indicated, be, •and, 4 the slime hereby are granted,nd the ✓ City Clerk .. to authorized and directed '.to isepe such licensee to eafd nto- upon the filing f the7-i- d----ana- d the payment of the fee requl%d by la{Y. 1'lle �Haymer Dleti lll{tg Co., 83-84 B. Gth BL. Adopted by the (`ou ncll April 6, 1915. Approved April 0,1916. (April 10-1915) Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (./) Nays � r / Adopted by the Cour i - 1915 V F sworth In favor er /J Approv 1J� M Coil Against ry Mr. Presid P wers •P MAYOR 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL RESO TION—LIQUOR. LICENSE Subject: aOUNCIL. NO. 41S/ n : riUe ---=�— Y Date Presented RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted; and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (./ ) Nays Farnsworth ✓ Coss �In favor Keller McColl v j Against O'Leary L Yoerg Mr. President, Powers y✓ Adopted by the Council-191— Approved ouncil 191_ Approved 191— MAYOR f �— �-- o � ��°�.�-�� ��`°'�>°tom cam= � �. � ��� l�� y � � �� /��f /%G Subject r \. - () %- �'I CITY OFiT. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIIN—LIQUOR LICENSE:' COUNCIL. A lO. , 4-0 PILE N �Date Presented � �1— RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee requireq by law. Name of AppliE, �0 4,8y By tenry 3iccou— Location. Resolved. That the application of the following persons fora license to ell in[oxlcating liquors nt the loca- [Ions respect vel', Indicated, be, and _ the e hereby re granted, d theme CIty�Clerk thorized and directed John Welsch tp issna such licenses to said ppil- 1199 Rice St. nta upon the filing of [he bond and N.P. Brahy iae.:naymant oe the fee re by 1179 E. 7th St. Joe. M. Tauer n.P Brlhy.hilii911 eGst. 93 S. WabasIia St. Wm. Mueller Joe. M. Tauer, 93 S. 7th St. a S 619 W. University Ave. Wm. ameuer, 819 l unl-verslty Ave. 898 Rice St. C. F. Matak e. F. ,tatak, ass Riee st. Jos. Tuo', 289 W. 7th St. 289 W. 7th St. Joe. Tnor Hh Retzmnnn. 757 Bllssisslppi S ('has. Cole. 178 E. 8th SL 757 Mississipri St. Henry Ret $mann IV. L. Pendergast, 937 E. 3rd St. Chas . Cole. Frank Thome, 448 St. Peter St. 178 E. 8th St. n°is Bruels �9iabt937 E. 3rd St. W • L Pender¢a Morris Welssl5So.R'asha er, 79 W. 7th S, Frank Thome E. ar. nengee. 132 E. 4tn st. 448 St. Peter St. J. A. xrnmer, 90 E. stn St. 919 Rice St . Geo. Drexler Sohn A. L'ugeC 5998DF1ed 5. Chris Bruels Ca 75 So. Wabashe St. Morrie Weissler 79 W. 7th StE. M. Magee 132 F. 4th Si.t J. A. Kramer 90 F. 6th St. John A. Unger 599 Dale St. Lawrence A. Carr 8 F. 4th St. Michaud Bros. Incorporated 427 Wabasha St. The Minnesota Club. 4th & Cedar St. M. Zech 736 Edmund St. Frank Doyle W. 7th & Cleveland. J. B. Welter 1136 E. 7th St. D. -A. McDonough 380 Como Ave. Rud. Stahl 637 E. Minnehaha St. Nelson & Anderson 890 Payne Ave. John Bousquet 146 So. Wabasha P. J. Griffin 602 Lafayette Ave. .T. B.. Arend 26 E. 4th St. Sam Greenberg 222 Eagle St. Albin Erickson 1087 Payne Ave. A. Hudalla 1619 Arcade St. Wm. Aohmidt 1048 Payne Ave. Ungaretti & Fabbrini 91 So. Robert St. Aaron Herz 445 St. Peter St. D. Grossman 69 w. 7th St. J. H. Carleon 255 E. 7th St. J. A. Freiermuth 207 Bates Ave. Frank Rueb 674 So. Wabaeha John Brandl & Co. 65 F, 5th St. Yeas (✓) Co oilmen (�/) Nays r F orth In favor y� er j oil O Against ry rg Mr. President, P ers 1 Adopted by the MAYOR - F�e� X15 M a 4283 C. y'Alton8 —0 No.h4282—o By This is an ordinance to amend ordinance #3318y4approved ; Thls le nrdina. ance No. o33n8,o 26tth, 1914, o i n mber, lftle.. a:, September 26th, 1914, an ordinance fixing the number, titles, sation of the ogle- connected with the' ` said City. duties, and compensation of the officers and employees, con- I The Counell of the soca ordain: heeted with the Publfe Schools of said City. SECTION ,That ordinance No. Sep•.the tnumber,6 2, i ties.'dan ut61 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ..tion of the o fie . connected with the Pu the City of St. Paul, L:. Sec. 1. That ordinance #3318, approved September 26, 1914, follows. That Sectlon a ..ance be mended by the following ord., "O §ben a't E o.00°iter, one ateam $40.' ordinance fixing the number, titles, d14tips, and compensation per day." By striking o.,, 'visions, "eleven laborers ' Jay,• and substituting the officers and employees, connected with the Public Schools Gtwelve laborers at $2.26 y striking out "twelve ca $3.60 per day;' and substltut the City of St.Paul be amended as follows: That Section 8. 'for. 'thirteen arpt,ntere 1 r day:" By striking out "ort, at $4.00 per day," and I therefor, 'one carpenter et .said Ordinance be amended by adding thereto, the following day." By striking out layer at $6.00 per day;' an.t ,,tog therefor "One brick-lards, "One janitor at $57.50, one janitor at $40.00, eight SECTION \ BoThat a°m, at aasalar :'icemen at $50.00, one steam fitter at $5.00 per day." By year, for 12 month',. In monthly instalitr' notof Section 3. )L striking out the provisions, "eleven laborers at $2.25 per day," amended • and "one teacher f' 10 month or 7f0� and substituting there for, " twelve laborers at $2.25 per day." This a1 n,.7 '• By striking out "twelve carpenters at $3.60 per day," and sub- "cces Pu h'�: stituting there for, "thirteen carpenters at $4.00 per day." By striking out " one carpenter at $4.00 per day," and substi:tu- ting there for, " one carpenter at $4.20 per day." by striking out "One brick-layer at $5.00 per day," and substituting there for "One brick-layer at $5.60 per day. Sec. 2. That the words " one teacher for the Boy's Farm, at a salary of $700.00 per year, for 12 month's service, payable ` in monthly instalments," be striken out of Section 3, of said Ordinance as amended, and substituting there for, " one teacher for the Boy's Farm, at a salary of $700.00 per year, POP-= , payable in 10 monthly instalments. Sec.3. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public safety pease, health, and/kagpinesea Section 4. This'Ordinance shall be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. • Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Finnl Adoption 6 by the Council ......-L/ /c3 .19� i �j Ia ReadinG....._. �/ 191. �Farnsworllt Goss In favor Appr ved L 1d // 2nd l�S 19IS Keller •-" McColl ..Q. A ainat 3rd 1915 ,•_. 1 Yoerg MAYQR �e..�y., ,� y /FART /l3 7...._ Date Published .......... , �//- 191 � .aE Mr. sident. Power � JO N L, ?.. y yy� , Cit Clet�+� ' Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undel;signed hereby proposes the tucking of the fall 11g public Yn,l, �;�.:__.:.._..._..G.onstruot„,_.a.__sewer__._on_,.B. ._:_t.reet.._bet� and Jefferson Avenue, in cordance wi• -_ att_acbed.._- __ ..__..... . .......... noted this 30th aay of __ Maroh, 1915, J f' men y the City of 5t. e Street ... ition hereto Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iIII provenu•nt, viz.:____.____..____..____ ... Construct a sewer on Bay Street between Grace Street ......... __..and_Jefferson .._Avenue. L r. � '128'1 written proposal Cor the :thing of [hr following Improvement. - ---- -Construct sret on Any street h.tvren Grace street and Jefferson nue, having been presented to the ...... ... _._ ........_.... _.._......_ ”""" "'"--"'--"' -' C nnrn at the City of 6t. Paul th ere - 1 torr. be it' Resolved. That the. Commh rover of r- ................................................___,_.._ � htn•iug hero presented to the Council of the City Palnm \vorxa he and he to hereby or-r-'-- dered and directed: therefore, be it ori. o In.rangate the ereasuy for. advisability of the making of sold: mprovement. Led told directed: RESOLVEll, 'Pleat the Commissioner of Pub' t 2. To myeaugate the nature. a:tont,' and estimated coat of said Improve 1. To investigate the necessity for or desit m•nt• and the lata. east therrof. rrvement. 3.sketch of ertlTo d Improvement. Ilan, profile o 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ce ;. To furnish the following other lnd the total cost thereof. I and Information relative to said .1. TO flll'111811 ff plan, pl'OSIC Or sketch Of 8FI I 5 rOvemen To state whether or not Bald im• ask prevenient is ore o for on thep LF�1... F 1 It ......... .. .... ..... ..... }. 'I'll furnish the following othit dirt tt tun of to ore onneall ov m r ' uVon all R� Treport . t. t' ....... .. .. ' ...., ........................ 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of fire fm•egning matters to he Couunissioner of Finance. Adopted by the ConnciL...__.%`11r /fes.,.. 3...-_.._..191_. / Yeas Nays: Cmulcilmfin Ft rsworth c� G s Approved. d..._.._...._ ler I1 Cao ear•y ' "- erg ........._............ ' Dlayor" vm s Mayor. (;Oil Ill:3l Mlle VU...._..._...._.._.....: A • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. s. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nudersigue(i hereby proposes the slaking of the follo . g public improvement the City of SR. Paul, viz.:construct ..._a.....e.ewQ..x.....on...Ro-ss.._S .......fro.m...At.lant.iz ......._.to....a.....p.cint....___... 15 feet east of the,.. west ii ._of.,_Lot J3.,_ua.. ...'_s.....Sub..3T,.....and.....on.. Atlantic St..�_..from Ross_S _. to_ Fauquier.._. .+....... __ Supersedin Cc File I)ated this.,., Nth -d of c. h, <.��.. ./I..-_�%l.fA A Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.\ \j WIII.Rb;.1S, A written proposal for the nlnhing of the follolving improvement, viz.: Construct _a__..sewer _._on__Rose__St...... f..ron.._At1.41.1t .o._..S.t...._ uo..._a._p.o.int.._.15._._£.e.et east ofthe west line of Lot 13 Auditor's Suon. Atlantic ...._......._ ...__.................... _... St. from Roes St. to Fa..uqu..ier_St+. ...................._......._._......_.................... .. Superseding Council File J.3.3 - �. r.y L .• c a�. f-- 1... 1--llcihnan.__..._...............__..._...._........ __._.._......__..........._...; having > presented n•esented to tht t,oljI Na.+zss— lt'hereof h �'"I" pro" 'ul for the therefore, be it eking ar the founHing ion IRo e St. VIZ: Construct a no's St' Iih.SGL�'Ell, That the Comm �cm altnnue St. to at t5 feet is hereby ordered and directed: nt or nre ay t use o[ Let la. ,tndi- lur's soli. No. 37. and o .ltluntuc St. Of said improvement. L To investigate the necess� from xnee St. in ranaaier sc, ser- edlog L'ouncll lelle No. 4]33, havin {; 2. To investigate the nature, be- hrreente't to th. c ,sorb of the tlllprovement, and the total cost thereof. "t"I St. I'nul, therefore. be lthe er of p p } Rn lWlorkshbe and he Is hereby or :3. To furnish n las, profile d 'id directed: necessity for •fn t111'i11Ch till' fOl�011'lllg 1 1 Ttf Investigate the to 8nld llllhl l'OV cilli Ili ... .—_. ' making of Il d. gbility of the I"e"T *(',t eg t the nature. er ,_...... said Im• _........ .. ... ....._.. .. .. d u'btd t e . ......... t the total t therer J to state whether Or not � 'I T "Yb � h plan, Tlor on the petition of three of more owners. 1 t h - ^. Id i Pro em' -.. G. To report upon all of the tmeg61ng k" " .o t the Conudisstoner of b'lu:ulce. Adopted by the Council.___�llG.... 3..:..._lJI�..... Yeas: `lays' Councilman M tsworth Go Approved K er AM oil Plash Y rg ................................ _...... . Mayor Po' ers Mayor. I�UULisitrv_� ` 3 �S City of St -Paul I Council Resolution - General form. 12S6 Department of ----- Bureau •-Bureau of -------------------------------------------- _------------------ _..._._._._._._...._._._._._._._..._._.__._._._._._._._.. Council File No- Date Presented .._._._._..._.__.._._. By................... ._..-._._(L1...LL— � Lv- ...... ___._.__.__..._._._._..._.__...._.___...._.__._.. Resolved, that the )orporaticn Attorney be hereby authorized and directed to prepare an ordinance ordering the Chicago, ?`ilwaVkee and St. Paul Railroad to forthwith electrify its railway line,known as the t'C. M. & St. P. Ry. Short Line", running from the St. Paul Union Depot through the southern and 1,.6stern portion of this city C. P. No. 4280-13y O. L. Keller— Resolved, That the Corpofatlon A[ - to Minneapolis. to be hereby n.th%-a d aad di- d eetea to prepare .rd nanny •der- ing the Chicngo. Nliwau it nd St. Poul Railroad to forthwith el ectrif l' lta rn ilwny line, I—'— as tho —C. M. RSL P. Ry. Short Line;' running the St. Paul Union Depot through the soother. and t ester. 1, rt of this city [o ➢tinnext.ells. ' .ldopted Ly the 0. .ell bleb. 30. 1916. Approved rich. 30, 1915, Adopted by the Counai ..- Yeas ( ) Counoilmen ( ) Nays 7 Mr. President Approve 3_ ----- - _. A' Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubIect:..iAYING WATER MAIN ............ __............................. ................................ _..._.. _..........................................................................._. COUNCIL .............../~ PILE NO.. ................ Date Presented.N46,......_......................:191............ Resolved, that a water main be laid on Lexington Avenue (West Side) from Blair street to Van Buren street. C. r. No. 4287—BY 0. D. xeuor— Resoh•ed, That n venter main be Isla Levin glon Avenue (�T•est side) from Blair treet So Van ""P U11t. AdlPled bah' Connell ITch. 3081916. APprovetl titch. 30, 1915. (APHI 3-1915) Yeas (✓) en (V) Nays �y�I`Adopted by the Council-1107_191L:rth 4Farii _In Favor 91- Ap ved Against _ Mr. Presiden NnroA C'IT�Y�- D�F'� S��Z�I�IY�T• �RU�L Vvparhrnvr2tvf Fjb11vV'hilih11U-U WUr6aU v'f \.a+her March BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 29, OSCAR E.H ERIE R, Pres-- s. A.rARNswoR.� 1 9 1 5. joss GARRET. 0 'OUSE.Ge, s -P' To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL of the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen..- The entlemen;- The Board of Nater Commissioners, at a meet- ing held this date, unanimously adopted the following resolution. "Resolved, that the Council be requested to authorize the laying of a water main on Lexington Avenue (west Side) from Blair street to Van Buren street." very tru�y yours, Secretly. r/ CITY OF ST. PAUL al t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: __ .............. COUNCIL w� -.i.-� , FILE No...... .. Date Presented..... Resolved, That warrant be drawn in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for One Hundred and Fifty ($150.00)Dollars or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay t': ~e expenses of the City Building Inspector on a visit to New York City for the purpose of attend.ingt a meeting arid conference of the building inspectors and building; commissioners of the United 'States and a, meeting of the National Fire Protective Association; payable out of the "Expense of City Officers Attending Con- ventions Fund." Yeas Mr. ys In favor l/ Against C. F. No. 4288—ny I ouls Nash Resolved. That warrant be drawn in favor of the Commissloner of Finance for One Hundred and Fifty ($160.00) Dollars o much th creof a may be cyr to pay the expenses f the City s Building Inspector o 'telt to f New York for tfie burpose of attend - Ing n meeting and confeence of the r building Inspectors and building c mtssloners of the United State, and a on eeting or the Nntlnual Fire Protect- ive Asspclntion. payable out of the "Pxp ens. of Cit" Officers Attending Conventions Fund." Adopted by the Conn cll Mch. 30, 1916. A"I oved Arch. 30, 1016. .adopted by the Council Approved_ 3 0 v)--- _19I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCC. F. azz33o-ar nr. N. Gess— 'FORM - ResolJod, -Thnt the conveyance to the City of St Paul by John B. Walk- ,t L Br and wife by deed dated March 16th, i Subject:.... 1916, hereto attu h d, the 1 , of east thirty feet of the northwest qugrter COUNCIL(� the NO of southeast quarter of Sectio 23,1 FILE . .Township 29 Nerth, Rnnge 23 West,: ..................... . ......_._..._..............._.........................�._..._. ................._........,being on the west side of Grotto._...._.......... ....... street and extending from the center, of South street to the t of Sof take Como and Phalan avenue, to lbe PMSenfed....._.._... rf used as. and forwidening Grotto; ,....... istereet, its herebyand rov ..._j91........... c pted, nd„the proper city oMe— are �authorized d Instructed to cause) - )said deed to be died of record. Adopted by the Council Mob. 30, 1916. e Approved Meh. 30, 1916. j (Apra 3-1916) I Resolved, That the conveyance to the City of St. Paul by John B. WI lker and wife by deed dated March 16th, 1915; hereto attached, of the east thirty feet of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Sec- tion 23, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, being on the *4t side of Grotto street and extending from the center line of South street to the center line of Lake Como and Phalen avenue, to be used as and for widening Grotto street, is hereby approved and accepted, and the proper city officers are authorized and instructed to cause said deed to be filed of record. Yeas (I ) Co" icilmen (f,) Nays Fa sworlh G 1 In favor Ke r M oil V against O' ary Yo g Mr. President, owers ,o.,a c.9-2 Adopted by the Council //%%�GI2,30�19k5 Appro, d 3 191 MAYOR iYC 1 Y OF ST. PAUL (f/ NCIC I,CRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '3+• ,- t C. 1 N 3290—Bs Henry McColl— Subject:... 1 thO�hp pertyhonnthorl ted Q�toe POOL OY COUNCIL A,O•_ .,• ..... �M chased for n "Vel pal garage e1. in- LE ,`� 6 un su Rlclent, and the title to ea(d prof- ......... .... .... _....... •••• • ••••• -- -• ••l•.^..-- . """ """" et t, Is In the anme of A. E. Comstock - and M. E. Comstock Instead of M. H. • Comstock only, as stated in Council File No. 4161,' Date Presented_......_... Resolved, tb1Y he proper city authorized - s be and they are hereby Guth orized', to, n'to ek sa Id property t.1krom A.pon I Comstock and rt. E. Comstock -' the terms fated D. said Couand Fnc x upon the sxly M. E. Comstock and P % �. Camstocl< plying wItk the Yr' o t µ Parties hal' t REAS, The title to one foot of the property authorized to be purchased for a municipal garage is insufficient, and the title to said property is in the name of A. E. Comstock and M. E. Comstock instead of M. E. Comstock only, as stated in Council File No. 4161; RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are here- by authorized to purchase said property from A. E. Comstock and It. E. Comstock upon the terms stated in said Council File, upon the said M. E. Comstock and A. E. Comstock complying with the following con- ditions: (]) The said parties shall execute a warranty deed to the whole of said property, subject to the encumbrances specified in said Council File No. 4161. (2) Said parties shall execute a,,bondto the City of St. Paul in the sum of $2500.00 in such form and for such length of time as may be approved and required by the Corporation Counsel. (3) The said parties shall agree with the City to quiet the title to the said one foot without any cost or expense to the City. Yeas (I"j Councilmen (T') Nays Fa sworth G s In favor K ler ` Coil _D _.against 7 Y rg Mr. Preside ,Powers Adopted by the Council . - 6_ =1914 — Appro , d 191 ...MAYOR lE'EJIt)r19HGD 15 CITY OF ST. PAUL Subject: COUNCIL .._ RESOLUTION—GENERAL .__ . FORM _ _ _..._ _n1l1 ........... COUNCIL FILENw� FILE o . . .. .. .......... ........ .. Date Presented........ -... _ _I91....._.... - I Resolved, That the sum of Fourteen Dollars and Eighty-nine Cents ($14.89) be and the same is hereby appropriated and ordered to be paid out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Expense Account of the General Fund to the Improvement Account for the curbing of Minnehaha street on i account of mistake made in the levying of assessment against Lot 9, Block 8, Hemline Plat. C. )R-Bthels Go[ Fourteen Tlollard the Gl,hty'e thereby is PProp �($14.89' b[ed a.nd orderedSum[o he Oald out o4 the Al iscenaneous and Unforeseen );spenee Account of tthe Accoun[ral Yorrtl ea cto bin, lmprovemen n neco r of "'unehaha Crest, u t er • l etnhe made In the levylnR off a. - "e m_ semen[ a,nlnet Lot 9, nlocic 8, nne Plat. Adoptd by the Council Mch. 30, 1015. Approved Dlch. 30, 1915. (April 3-1915) Yeas (1") Councilmen (T') Nays tFsw rrh �In favor 1 ZAgainst 4Mr. Presiders 1..M —.2 Adopted by the Council G% �✓L , 1 Approv .. ✓ 3 _ 191 MAYOR (SEE OTHER SIDE) 612 5M Statement of Special Assessments for Local Improvements. S. A. FARNSWORTH, City Treasurer. Q Ll t-11 St. Paul-------------------------- /� ---------191` 7c Sore �is -/ 9is Y IDDDA. D 5- ' 1.,... s Ic t OIDRTIFIOwmm HIIYPOBID➢O�VNIDA [MYROVIDhfIDNT ADDITION wND DIDBOAIPT[ON LOT ALOO¢ ASfOQNT PI¢ «Iata«et P1[a, f e HOL➢IDA OB 0¢ATIBIOATID NO YOLio loom thi, da« 1—hi. dere E i i �, -� // _ — � � I Marob 3. 191.15. �er,71,1 ,, ••.,I forri^. Refer: ,nC to ymre of ro'b:ttary 39th. Bo,7 to 771.o ?vu tLat inoofar as the aueeas— r;tjnt for t ,in i.r.,;rocc-.cr L' is oorcerened., sa �ayT:B11t by you c.. ' 1.7.CS ,-11.1 rer:ove all clourlu i3.'GTL �:iiC. rUitle. rGr.;r.i. 3loiior of Fub is ;"•ortca. rbQ T-1 aernh 3, 1915. Dees Pru.znl: Refer-'-rc, to ymre• of I'ebruasy 24t1;. r�er to r :?•- ,, ,roLL t!<rst incofer as the aasess- rYnt for this Is coneerened, a p;.xyruent by you c.t `,.,?.G3 ,-I.0 rernove all. cloud,,; i sor, Mho ti:ot a: si t;ruJ.y, Co;ar.a s3arier of Pub ',c Torta_a. rTG/UH February 10, 1918. , Dora A. Roseman San Diego, Gal. Dear Madam,- Replying to your letter of January 28th, 1918, )there is some misunderstanding on your part, which I will attempt to eXplain. On November 24, 1909, the City enterod into anoontraot with; the 9t. Paul Cement Works to curb Minneheha Stress from Fairview Avenue. to Hamline Avenue, fill and level the eirset and sod the boulevards .0 and out and care for the 004- for one year after putting it in: Your property is within the'limi-ts of this contract.. It appears however# that the .contractor induced you to lot him do the curbing for you A privatQilt,`for what reason, I deo not know, and you paid him for the curbing, but you did not pay him for the leveling and grading of the street nor the grade between the curb and the sidewalk, or the sod- ding or the care of sodding. The total coat of this work was $36.71, for your fig feet. As the contractor did not notify the City that he had done the curbing for you privately, curbing as well ab the other work, was accessed against you. Vurthermore, the oontraetpr accepted paydent itom the City for this curbing, so that the City does not see that they are to blame in.this matter. However# these costs, 036.71, were assessed against your property. The assessment was not paid and therefore interest has accumulated. The contractor agrees to roimbuyee.. the Oily for the amount which he received for doing the curbing, plus the interest. It will be necessary for you to reimburse the Cite for .D. A. R.-3— the"differencse between the amount yop paid the contractor, namely $19./88 and the total cost of the work, $36.71 or 17.03. If you will send a draft for this amount, payable to the dity Treasurer, interest on your part will be waived. Yours tftlp, Commissioner of Public Works. e January 8, 1915. Dora A. Roseman, San Diego, California. Dear Madam: Referring to your letter of December 16th to icon. S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, regna-ding the assesemont against your property on Liinneliaha. St. on account of auxoing said street � during May 1910, in which you state that you paid the St., prul Ceiaent Corrpany for doing this work. Before the matter can ho a.djuatod it will be necessary that we ,lave this receipt showing the exact amount which was paid by you. Upon receipt of this document I will endeavor to have Ili's ��attes straightened out and send you detwiled statement. Yours truly, COMM IsslorlER or, PUBLIC routs. RTt"xASI - r A- �' Q�TtiiXiTiQITf D�,mFiTTCf December 22nd, 1914. S A.EARNSWORTH. Gomm ssio JOHN T.HAGLUND. D—UTI Con nissioncR M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, Building. Dear Sir: Referring to the alleged double charge for curbing as contained in the communication annexed hereto, I beg to advise you that I have consulted with Mr. J. P. Berchem of the St. Paul Cement works and he maintainer that he was employed by Dora A. Roseman to lay curbing, but insists that he laid 59 feet of curbing, the actual width of the lot in question, for the money he received from her. He intin;ates that the error exists in the field men's notes of your department. As it now stands it is a matter between the St. Paul Cement works and your department. I respectfully refer same to you for adjustment. Very truly yours, COMMIPSIONER OF FINANCE. • f �.J�� y /✓1 227j�1�-�1��G2--z-��J /�:CO— �L� ��✓�_C.1_-,?l � 2_�� L -l. �'� C°c c 2_�-�wy�7c Q%1��rr�ize�i��.�2 1�2z -J,_4 �l �� <' � .t.-c_-.�- /� i 1 z G � -(�� `Z 2 1,C c _ � (' c �j_fc ✓-F / � , GGG��/ Z4.cc-�1 12AEee. Lt ..�e! �2��ZP.L7 vr¢LcC_� <-% <2 ���LG,Q..fJ• c,,> �c�2-�,rL) �1��, ��'c� ►� / � �l. C� ��/ d-�.p,c cox Z. (116 4l. .V WHEREAS, The Park Department of the City is desirous of keeping a separate record of the receipts of the Park Refect- ories, and >e is in need of a eum of money to be used as the working capital of the Park Activities, RESOLVED, That Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) be set aside from the Maintenance Fund of the Park Fund, for the pur- pose of creating a Revolving Fund for the Park Refectories, and that said Fund so set aside, be known as the Park Activities Account of the Maintenance Account; said Fund to receive and be credited with all receipts accruing from Park Activities, and to be charged with all purchases, salaries, and expense in connection with Park Activities; said Fund may be returned to the Maintenance Account of the Park Fund, if said return shall be found necessary. OFFICE OF JOHN I. FAR ICY, CY, CITY CLERK March 30th,191. Hon. S. :' 17-1- 0 o - mi f� Di-.er o' Fin: nce, Cit , , o ('t .P mi1Linn. The Council, at. ithel:! thl- L,to, referred t".o ..t ached Resolution, C. F. 4292, cre,'Lin., -� Fund to 1;e knowo L�2 "Park Activities Account oF tl-.(, I.-aintenance ACCOWIL" to y0'.1, to the Cos:.:r. of Public 'Uildin;:.., the Counsel. L. Yol_zrr truly, City Cl�.,r4/.'— r [� WHEREAS, The position of -Superintendent of Play -grounds and Recreation will require a person possessing exceptional qualifications, and should be filled by a person possessing Professional knowledge and skill of a high order, and WHEREAS, The Civil Service Commissioner has certified that the good of the City of St.Paul demands the making of an exception, RESOLVED, That the requirements of residence imposed by Ordinance ,#3320, approved December 2nd, 1914, an4 Ordinance amending Ordinance #3250*, be, and are hereby waived. Adopted by the Council....... I I _ YEAS. —MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McCOLL ` NASH YOERG O. r. No. 4293—By Louis Lash— Whereaa s. The position f Superin- isodent of Playgrounds and Recrea- tion will require a person possessing xceptional .qualifications, and should be filled by a person possessing pro- feesional knowledge and skill of a hill order, and to rose. Th-C-11il service Cot 1 -- stonerhna certified that the good of the City of St. Paul demands the mak- ing of nnexception, Resoived..That the requirements of residence Imposed by Ordlnance -No. NAYS. 3320, approved Decr 2nd. 1914, an dinance amendi o ng rdinance No. 3250;5, be. and are hereby- waived. Adopted by the Council ilfch. 30, 1915. Approved Mch. 30.1915. (Aptil: i-1915).. t AYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) CITY OF ST. PAUL "fit COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.............................._................................................................ ..I.._... ....... ...... .......... COUNCIL PILE No. . ..................... Date Present+*.3............. Resolved, Whereas, the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses arising from the construction of a sewer on Goff avenue from Page street to Curtice street, on Lots 1, 2, 3 and the West 100 feet of lots 4 and 5, in Block 146 and lots 11, 12, 13. and 14 In Block 147, West St. Paul Proper, has been set aerie by the District Court in and for Ramsey County, and Whereas, the balance of the property abutting along the line of the improvement can not be found benefited to the extent of Four Hundred and ninety-five dollars ($495.00) the deficit now existing and created by the aforesaid action of the District Court, or to any amount, whatever, over and above the amount already assessed against it, now therefore, Be it resolved, that the Sum of Four Hundred and ninety-five dollars ($495.00) be ani the same is hereby approrrial the Miscellaneous TTnforseen Account of the r er C. r. No. 4294—Ry S. % IT nswarth— Resolved, tVhereas, the nss eat deficiency. of benefited oats ad' exopensssenrislnn Prom the netruetlan f - Gorr a� a from Page streetto8 rept, nn Lola 1, 2. 8 and the est 100 Peet of lots 4 and 6, In I31on], 146 aha Iola 11 12. 13 and 14 In Rl or It 149, west St. Paal Pro Per. has been art aside by the District Court in W hd for enld Ramsey County, and ere.., the balnnce of the prop- erty .butting niang the line of the Iyn- movement c n t he found benefited to the extent of Four Hundred and Inety-five lettere ($496.00) the de dcit "Ole existing and created by the aforesaid action of the Dlstrlet Court. to any -mount, whatever, -e, net an shove the amount (ready ...eased -go Irat It, now therefore. Yeas 9(! ) Co iltnen (V) Nays Fa worth Go Ke r M oil Y Mr. President, o ers ed and set aside out of eral Fund, to offset said Hundred`°"and rminecye0 em °dallnra ($496.00) be and the same Is hereby; aPP-Printed and set aside Out of the ➢llsaellnneou. tlnfarseen Account of the General Fund, to offset sold de- ficiency. Adopted by the eouneR .fah. 30. 1916. APProved Alch. 30. 1916. d by the Council—_ -y-4191i (April 3-1916) —Z__ln Favor Approved 191 _ _._Against MAYOR r", ' C. 'the h396By' Farnsworth— In the Dlntter of constructing sewers the Yollowing streets: 110. Fafrmoun[ Ave- from Cleveland �.• `; ° ) .Ave. ng $elrvleave Fnirvlewgave. 4 building Lh w seweron ° from Fairmount av Ue to SL f�um St, na on St.- Clair tree Fairview Ave. to.Sneling Ave COUNCIL FILP N0. sewer nn Frederinkn Ave, from St. Cinir St. to J mea -St. f Sewer on B ke1 Ave. from Fred- ericks, Ave- to Underwood Ave. By o /.� ,._ _ y!� '!GL!: fig. _. _. Sewer on stn [ot<d A e. tram Pred- 1laealsa Q A `e. eri<kn r on �vellealey Yom Fred- 4'�.�..erjt ••. to Sne111ng Ave -- Jertersonfrom Fnf r -I INTERMEDIAsJoliet arat°gin t Underwood A. Fair((- Pniace St. from Fnirvi°•e• wood Ave. a St. from. Fa' e.t ave. :- IntheMatterof __Cpnatgucti.ng _seneSS_On he f- 1_alving_._s_treets..,__._ ....._..._.__.__ land AveFtorFairvlewvAvefrom larging or __.__.. w sewer onFatrvtew Ave ..... ..._...__.. __. ..._. bailding'n .. from '. Fairmount avenue to a t. Clair St and o 6t: Ciatr street" from t under Preliminary Order . 3429._. Fairview Ave. to Snelling Aye. Janus 13th 1915° ._.. Sewer on Frederioka�Ave. from St " Clair St to James St, The COUIIeIl Of the City of $ e Sewer on Aerkeley-_Aver from Fred- ricka,,Ave. to vnderwogd Ave.. if the Commissioner of Finance upon the Server on: Stanford -Ase. from Fred ertcka Ave: to hfaealester Ave. above improvement, and having con. .,,ewer r oke ave. too3n i1( gv Averom: Fres-'i 3 Sewer.: on Jefferson Ave. from 11.1- t 1. That the said report be am "" Ave- to Saratonga'st. P P sewer n Jnuet treat from Fair- ';ado tcd, and the said improvement is vi w Ave. to iinderwood Ave. on Paiaoe St. from Fairview hereby ordered to be proceeded wi Ave.to Underwood Ave S w.r nn Jame. St. from Fairview , a to IInderw-od Ave' Construct t 3eNer8 OR 2. That the nature of the im sewer on rfacnlester Ave. from jet- ds is _ ...__....- Pferson Ave. to Stanford Ave.-" S w ,_ an Brimhail- Ave. from Stan Ve• I 1 Ave. to Jefferson: Ave.. y the _f.o..119Ri..ng street sr—s.ratega st frnm a.Point i i on;. -- - i'�'U""[set north of the north itae of fiandolph:-St-to n no int'30a et south air, of the south It.. of St. Clair St. Ing.... ,._ _ alt to be known as the Fredert F Irmou t Sewer System Cls r, with no alternatives, and that the estl)� Serve on erkeley ".sive. from Fed- OO erleka. Ave. to Underwood Ave. Sewer on Stanford Ave: from Fred- Z3TC1 afertcka Ave. to Macale.ter Ave. the __ __...__ ._._.... day of Resolved Further, That a public he iii Sewer on Wellenly Ave. from Fred - f erieka, Ave. to Snelling Ave. Sewer on: Jefferson Ave. from Fair - Apr l 191 ��_ , at 1 viewjAve. to saratoga st Council Chamber, room No. 61 of -- Sewer, on Juliet St. from Falrylely ( Ave 'to Underwood Ave - the Court House and City Hall Building A vewto IInaePrrvi od Ave.lrom Fairview ommissiouer of Finance give notice 6. James St. from Fairview Ave. 10r IInderwogd Ave. of said meeting to the persons and in th Sewer on Macalester Ave: from Jef- Eating the time and place of hearing, fer.gn Ave. to:8tanford Ave, Sewer on Brlmhali Ave: from Stan - the nature of the improvement, and the t fOT9 or ono Saratoga St. from a point?11, // 1io feet north 'of the north it no of Adopted by the Council i! xanaotph st ta:a point 300 teat thtSClirSt '1 __`*1;toneawevnsaetemgfiFye'Plekil��-L��/(......... ."H,�........ Approved ' 191 .� C Councilman Farnsworth s PiJBLlsfi>ED Kelly 7 McC�fll Yoeri T: Mayor Pow+ Form B. S. A. 8-6 _._,....-_- 4 COUNCIL FILE NO. ___. _ aewer:rree Fred' J mte Fred , Fau•- I N'I„ om Falr- .�r i11,1F¢irv.�..`• n, 1 Fa' Qin@t. ic' far ng_...tr.ees..,...... In the Matter of r under Preliminary Order . 3429J' +k " s me Januar -Y .' J 1915. x Sys '" dee ` r The Council of the City of St. Paul having zecei%ed the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the Above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Construct aewers on on Fafrmaant Ave.: 2rom. Cleveland Ave. to Fairview Ave., the foll�'R,�17p streets Enl¢rgiug or, building ne sewer on -- ----- - ................. ...... _.. Ave.:' Sew ion Fredericka Ave. from 3t. t.talr¢St to J erre ey with IIO altel'IIflt1Ve5, and that cite eStim Server on Berkeley Ave..from Fed- OO erleka Ave. to. Underwood Ave Sewer On StanfordAve. from Fred- 23r3 ' erlcka Ave. to .lfneale-ter :Ave. the ._._.... day of Resolved Further, That a public: Ilea sewer on Wenesly Ave.,. from Fred ericka'Ave. to Snelling AVe. A Sewer Je erson Ave. from Fair - Til.. 1�._........ _.... .. ._........ -, 191 rJ_, at view -Ave. to Saratoga St Council Chamber, room No. 61 of $ewer on Tbnet St from Fairvlew' Ave.Ao •Underwo¢d Ave. . the Court House and City Hall Building Sewer.. on Palace St. from Falrviewpmmissioner of Finance give notice Aye: oto IInderwood Aver Sew r on Tames St. from Fairview-, Ave. to Underwood Ave. -tin the time and lace of hearing, of said meeting to the persons and in th sewer on Macaiester Ave. from Jef`. g P gr ferson Ave. .Stanford Ave. sewer on,-Brlmhall Ave: from Sfan- the nature of the improvements and the t foJefferson Ave. rdere on Saratoga St. from a -Point., _ ,,. _- 16 feet north • of the north line of , AdopieA by the Council ___ Bandolph st wa Point soo feet senth6 I of the -oath line of SCl t air All to be known ae tho Fre9tdericka/,. r Falrmouat,$owet Sy_etem- ....... . .......... _..... Cit rk. Approved . 1 .... , 1911 t Councilman Farnsworth t Gosl Kell 'j I MC411 z 7 Yoera Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mayor. PUB%rSHEn six uyi, d¢ tis In the Matter of Cpns tru. �0Iq..jjq.. 11 - M - , 1915. tinder Preliminary Order 342 �!RRMy ��th . .... ... . . ............................ The Council of the City of the ,Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consideree 1. That the said report be and the A, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct aewers on is 2. That the nature of the iniproverr, the fol streets;" ' with no alternatives, and that the estimat! 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearil on the .2-�.rd day of April ............ 191-5- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopfc(l by the Council 191 Approved Councilman Farnsworth PUBLMM) Gosi 1i Kelldr 1 7." mc `9 yocr`g Mayor Poweis Form B. S. A. 8-6 nafro ting aeWera, (/ J Cl W o, eSt . . . . . . . . . . . . COUNCIL FILE NO. B'a pred .... . ......... ..... ...... six uyi, d¢ tis In the Matter of Cpns tru. �0Iq..jjq.. 11 - M - , 1915. tinder Preliminary Order 342 �!RRMy ��th . .... ... . . ............................ The Council of the City of the ,Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consideree 1. That the said report be and the A, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct aewers on is 2. That the nature of the iniproverr, the fol streets;" ' with no alternatives, and that the estimat! 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearil on the .2-�.rd day of April ............ 191-5- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopfc(l by the Council 191 Approved Councilman Farnsworth PUBLMM) Gosi 1i Kelldr 1 7." mc `9 yocr`g Mayor Poweis Form B. S. A. 8-6 An Ordinance authorizing The St. Paul City R"ilvray Company to pave certain streets in the City of St. Paul zith granite blocks. THE COUNCIL Oi THE CITY DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby authorized and parl:;itted to pave between its outer rails on South Wabasha Street from Congress Street to hinifred Street, ed Street from Goff Avenue to Ohio Street, on Ohio Street from et to George Street, on George Street from Ohio Street to 34 on S:a th Avenue from George Street t. to Annapolis Street, on Selby A from Victoria Street to Fairview Avenue*.`Y" on Fairview Avenue from Selby Avenue to Marshall Avenue and on Uarshall Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Mississippi River,with granite. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in effoct and fore -7— and j - after its passage and pub_ication. - Final Adoption Yeas (J) Cgtlncilinen (J) Nays by the Council.......- %/ arnsworth nes In i.vor Aper f ✓ 1 Against ntwyoe J/ Yoeri- Ma Pfe�tdent, Powers C. F. No. 4296�rdlnance No. 3431Is on South - -- By M. N. Goes-- ... - An Ordinance authorizing The St. Paul City Railway Company to pave cer- taln streets In the City or St. Paul with granite blocks. The Council of the City do ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The St. Paul City Railway Company Is hereby authorized and permitted to r rat Vabashave wSt eeteen sfrome Congress Street to Winifred Street, on Winifred street from Goff avenue to Ohio street. on - Ohio street from Winifred street to.. George street; on George street from Oh to street to Smith even on Smith' avenue from George street to Annapo- Ile street, on Selby avenue from VIC- torla Street to Fairvlew avenue, on Fairview venue from Selby Avenue. to Marshall avenue and on Marshall' -venue from Fairview avenue to Mis- 1slssippl'River, with granite. 1. This ordinance shall be In effect and force thirty days from and atter it, passage and publication. Final Adoption by the Council April 14, 1915. Yeas—Messrs. Farnsworth. Gose. .I{eller. M,Coll. Yuerg, Efr. President —6. ,.4 wes--p. oved Apr. 16, 1915. NN WINN POWERS, Mover at. HN I. FARICY, City Clerk. 17-1916) Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, City Clerk. 3b let Kredinp_.:. 1915 �C 2 nl -t T � ........... _.191 Date Published .... _.. _.#.�.--- 191 191 m", follows: SECTION 1. The St. Paul City Railway Company Is hereby authorized and permitted to r rat Vabashave wSt eeteen sfrome Congress Street to Winifred Street, on Winifred street from Goff avenue to Ohio street. on - Ohio street from Winifred street to.. George street; on George street from Oh to street to Smith even on Smith' avenue from George street to Annapo- Ile street, on Selby avenue from VIC- torla Street to Fairvlew avenue, on Fairview venue from Selby Avenue. to Marshall avenue and on Marshall' -venue from Fairview avenue to Mis- 1slssippl'River, with granite. 1. This ordinance shall be In effect and force thirty days from and atter it, passage and publication. Final Adoption by the Council April 14, 1915. Yeas—Messrs. Farnsworth. Gose. .I{eller. M,Coll. Yuerg, Efr. President —6. ,.4 wes--p. oved Apr. 16, 1915. NN WINN POWERS, Mover at. HN I. FARICY, City Clerk. 17-1916) Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,,pp qc� Subject. __ _.._ _ ....... __............. 4297 COUFILE No. ..... ................................. .........Y..... ....... ........ ............................ ....... ....... _....... _............ ......... _ .......... ............ ....... —....... ...... f Date Presented...... .191...._._.. I Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 31st, 1915, by and between O'Neil & Preston and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Fairmount avenue from Pascal avenue to Snelling avenue and on the east side of Snelling avenue from Fairmount avenue to St. Clair street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yea Mr. JJ ,adopted by the Council _s9/,l�r�. ,_ 191 l� In favor Approved.3 _ 191 .against MAYOR - C. F. No. 4297— Resolved, That the contract bearing, date )\Larch 31st, 1915. by and hot,-. O'Nr I & Preston and the City of St Pau). for the construction of ¢ a Fairmount avenue from Pascal aver e to Snelling avenue and on the coal avenue side of Snell Ing from Fair - _..a, ' ave ue to Clair street, be and the sn •. ; s hereby apprroved, nd the Proper mit, 0In ce rs a authorized, bed directed tiff coy%•Cute the same on Adopted by the Counc Il Mch. 31, 1915.1 App—ed Mch. 31, 1915. (April 3-1915915 ) ,adopted by the Council _s9/,l�r�. ,_ 191 l� In favor Approved.3 _ 191 .against MAYOR - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: __ ___APPROVAL OF. _AWARD FOR.. SEWER. ___....._.__ ........... /1 FILE NO. 4•G�J 8 Date Presented......_ .3/31 _ I91 Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 31, 1915, by and be- tween Doherty & Son, and the City of St -Paul, for constructing a sewer on Winslow Avenue from Wyoming Street to Annapolis Street, be, and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the Citv. Yeas (I'') Cojjd1rnen (h) Nays In favor DAgainst Mr. PW, ,0e 1.a-2 C. P. No. 4393—Iho and betwn Re s.1—ah 31at1916. bintrnct b Doherty &Son, and the City o[ ee d SL Pnul for construc[ing n ewe street nio BAn- nv e fs om WYominnd the s me is nnP .INtreet. be• nd tuhn Proper I berebY oPPTov �horized d directed to oYlcers nre nu � behnlY o[ the Ctty. _ to the en a 1915 e adopted by the Council Mch. 31. I APP roved \ich. 31. 1916. Adopted by the Council 3:. COUNCIL Fll,E NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntheMatterof Constructing sewers on Glerdale avenue between C0m_0 and River Boulevard and St. Ar:+honv avenge. Gn both sites of Como and River Boulevard_be.twee.n St. Anthcny avenue and._.B..e.verly a.ver.�a)e n3.on W tt 1 s',� � {' Como and River Boulevard between Beveripy averse and ❑nt% ire§R'm dy ��rdenu'e, . 3509 _._ ._.._._ __ approved J.anuary..2fDth,_..._1915 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvemgn�t which the Council r cont ends is Construct severs on Glendale avenue betweenCG1Lo and River �eu�evard and St. Anthony avenue - On both sides of Corso. e and River Boulevard between St Antony avenue ani Beverly avenue and on Westerly side of Como and River Boulevard between Beverlyavenue. and_Marlewood avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._9,°.-0,.9$.._ Resolved Further, ed Further, That a public Learing be had on said improvement on the __ day of April ....... ,__...... .... 191_5_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. All., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .. .................. City rk. _. lltayor. a — / 5 �. eLI.th�1 CttYo f St. Paul a e•' Iron s— I ort r the com- oner of Fni nPon e[he hove v •nt. d hncing onsidered Q( 'sport. hereby r flolves: e Th- h- the aPdpr vedra d and pt d rt ae to ales Improvement is hereby proceeded with. e That the azure of the improve- �t w ,tell the Council recommend. construct s veers on Glendale ave- r beta-een Como and River Beni- d andSt. :Inthony .verueOn h ides of Como a 1 Rivernoule- .d between St. Anthony -Iran, and Irl}' a and o westerly aide Como and Ricer no.1evard between ` erl}' n i and Maplewood a - te.with n niternati ves, and that the s�o timated cost thereof Is $9,980.98. Resolved Further, That public 'hearing be had o said Improvement t- th,thee 30th day of .lprll. 1915; at he. hour of 30 o'clock A. Jf., In the Councu Ch amher, room A. of the Court House and City Hull nunding In the City of St. Paul. That the Com the sioner of Finance give notice of said eeting to the Persoand In the hu—srDrovlded-by ns the Charter, stat - ng the time and Place of heartng, the nature of the improvement, and the total root thereof as estimated. Ad" ed by the Council Meh. 31, 1915. APP -11d Mcb. 31, 1916. (April 3-1915) 3 Approved _- Councilman F rnsworih C ss " " ter Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 5i .. .................. City rk. _. lltayor. a — / 5 �. eLI.th�1 CttYo f St. Paul a e•' Iron s— I ort r the com- oner of Fni nPon e[he hove v •nt. d hncing onsidered Q( 'sport. hereby r flolves: e Th- h- the aPdpr vedra d and pt d rt ae to ales Improvement is hereby proceeded with. e That the azure of the improve- �t w ,tell the Council recommend. construct s veers on Glendale ave- r beta-een Como and River Beni- d andSt. :Inthony .verueOn h ides of Como a 1 Rivernoule- .d between St. Anthony -Iran, and Irl}' a and o westerly aide Como and Ricer no.1evard between ` erl}' n i and Maplewood a - te.with n niternati ves, and that the s�o timated cost thereof Is $9,980.98. Resolved Further, That public 'hearing be had o said Improvement t- th,thee 30th day of .lprll. 1915; at he. hour of 30 o'clock A. Jf., In the Councu Ch amher, room A. of the Court House and City Hull nunding In the City of St. Paul. That the Com the sioner of Finance give notice of said eeting to the Persoand In the hu—srDrovlded-by ns the Charter, stat - ng the time and Place of heartng, the nature of the improvement, and the total root thereof as estimated. Ad" ed by the Council Meh. 31, 1915. APP -11d Mcb. 31, 1916. (April 3-1915) COUNCIL FILE, NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Dfatterof Grading_ Warwick avenue from—Palace.. street tQ'._JQ.fferson_.. avenue, ...... under Preliminary Order .. 4037 approved March 13th, 1915. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Grade Warwick avenue from Palace.str.eet to Jefferson avenue, __. _....__._.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._ J 5' F • 73 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 30t2i day of April 191.5__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. lf., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. 'That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the ruanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated_ Adopted by the Council l�y�- 3 , 191. Approved - 53 ... 31 Councilman Far sworth Gos c Mr Mc oil I/ " Yo g ivlayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 C r. .'To. 4300—BY S. A. Farnsworth -- [n an.the Mfrom Palaceraareet tovTeffier- }037,aeenue, under Preliminary Order approved ',larch 13th, 1915. The Council f the City of St. Paul' It g av Inreceived the report of the Commissoner of Finance noon the above improvement, and having c n- sidared said report. hereby esolves. 1. That the said report be and the same Is hereby approved and adopted, and the said Improvement Is hereby ordered to be proceeded whe ith. 2 Thhichat h thea tore Couno 1l tgeommrenove- de is et grade Warwick a 'In, e. from Paloce street to Jefferson avenue, with al_ lernatives, and that the ueso estimated cost thereof Is $1.535.,1 Resolved Further, That public hearing be had o :i.id Improvement no the 30th dayOfApril. 1915, he thr hour of 10 o'cl-11 A. Jf., in the Council Chamber, r 51 f the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That .the. Commis- sioner of Finance give nonce of s id m -ting e to the prsons nd 1n the r provided by the Charter, stat- Ingnthe time and place of hearing. the nature of the Improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. %dopted by the Council .,,lett. 31, 191-a. Approved Me . 31. 1915. (April 3-1915) /v'1�._ _. Alayor. COUNCIL FILF. NO. _ __ _. - 4303 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. y gIn the Allatter Of..._Phgang ng$....the _gr de.._ogfg..."D.uCn JIap-atre-ett from _..Sti. _An.tghanty.... ..._ at tacgea? UThee lueyl lme rStresenlIng tl]edol ggiadeea2l ° h eer earlin8.._. th$ new fade--Al-$ggg>IigeDen�atve T°m Lex Ang Eon have oeDunla St. U i . n verei�y �ve�nue, }Q n$ _i 15 p ' under Prelimin ry r er ..._ 593_...__ .. .. approved P-flb.I11a }[... , .._ _ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Chan e the a ra3e _of_. 2 That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is g.. - p nla t eet fr m S+ A tho av nue to University avenue, according to t ie p�ofife here�o attac sed He bgue line repreeeniirg the old rade..._and the-red...iq.....the n �_. _rade:_..__Al o gr de Darla treet frot St nthonv avenue to University gvenue, anc� graae Cer.tra� ave fromex>_ngton avenue ta— Dun lap st reet , with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 4,.336 87 __.._.__......... Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __ _ ._.3f_d day of. _.. 1d$,y__,......_.................., 1915......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council CLQ '......__. Approved_...../- Councilman Fat iswortb Go s Ke er M:,Oil 1A 1 " Yerg ?dayor P ers" Form B. S. A. 8.6 A. Z ,he Counetl of the Cit" off St. Paul having. received the report of the Com- missioner f Finance upon the bove improvement, and having oonelaerea said port, hereby respivea: 1 That the said repo t be and the., snm 1s,1,e ebY approv d and adopted... ±.d the •eaid Improvement is hereby I ordered to be pr, I,,! ' ed with.' 2. That the nature ofthe improve- ment which the Councllno urUee recommendsis age the grade of Dunlap .street. nue he pvenUs, accordingatoe the p o la hereto r83 ttached, the blue lineepresenting the ld grade and iDunlspll tr a of oe grade Also prude SL e, ando gradeeCe,trnl Avie.efrottn Lee -i ington avenue t0Dunlap trees, with; no atternativea,-and that the eatimat- ed costthereof is $4,336:87. " .Rublic esolved Further. Thai a Improvement hearing be had on said impr 1916,eat on trie 3rd any. of May, the hour oP 10 o'cloclt. yA^„ i�ouhrt ......._....................._.........._.. Mayor. COUNCILF11,FN0. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of .9W91.49 -- the ,grade o.f.D.uni.ap.-.s..tre-a.t..from..S.t.....-Anthony _ ay�nu Un4vepityl venue alxm ac�grdiiq to the oj�lerh ro attached. The ue Tie_ refreseffIng e o grade a gine �h d AD - - t A n? nevr jra e. et rom E . , h,,K ,e ue to vers nuel$ rpm 9 biVej�n jR, Dunlap St., ....... ...... under Prelirlin7ryulacr . . . ........ _ a— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of I the improvement which the Council recolurriend. is Change t4e. rade qf n1a jtjeeP.fr?,n 5+,.ARt4r a�jnueljg University avenue, according to r tir �He pP e e o a� c e He ue r.pnesen g the _...o1d.,.&ra!�.q_.__and 1' T St. Anthog, th-- e Al Yrom 0 exington av nu e the red' rlm*e I rad ggade Dur Rtreej r avenue to University venue, ang' ade Centra ve... to Dun Imp - st+reet, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ... 3'd_.. . ....... day of tray__._..._____....... . ..... . .................... 1915......,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 19 to Approved ........ ... ..... . ........ Mayor. Councilman Fa i iswortil Yrom 6t. Z�,YV , .Uff gay, _,14, Go S Ke lermiasloner -0 -".e C o goo. pan the above l M —011 M improvemet it, and h ng consIderea 1, said ropor , hereby reep ves That the aid report b ' and the Is herel, y approved and adopted., gal. me hereby, and the amid improvement I 11 - - _y1 - - iII�-order—ed to -be proceeded with. 2. That the or. of the improve- Y erg C. ment which the "aull recommends is �_hamge the grade f Dunlap tr" 0 t it fr.. at Anthony -c us to here[. to the profile, Mayor P ers P avenue. according ,..present ni; attached. the bluedh, d line the the old grade an, thel r- Z Also Dunlap streetr. Form B. S. A. 8-6 fired. grade at Anthony avenue to University Ave. frore 1", and grade Central n9j.n eveous to Dunlap street, m1t I ' that th,'eatimat 'oternatives.-apd $4,336.87. i bl urkher, That - p-' F . e.0 'ed heath,, be had .. aid mtro_feent day Of May at I n the 3rd , hAT �th -the hour of 10 0 clock DS.* - '_ to OILCOUNCIL, FILE. NO. ; By 43®4 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. jp the Matter f .Changing_. the grade of. deffe.r_snn avenue frou Pr.i.ox.. ay.enu.e to Fairview Ave., in accordance with thepprofile heret attached the blue line representing the old grade and the red line `ihe new grade. Also grade Jdfferson avenue between Prior avenue and Fairview avenue, under Preliminary Order..403.3....... ..... _..__._._._.........--___.... approved 19.15..._ ..............................- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._Chang_e,.....the.,,.gT4.de.__o_ . Jeffers n avenue from Frio avenue to Fairview avenue in acc rdance with the profile hereto attached, the blue line representing the old grade and the red itne the_new grade. Also grade Jef'fereon aven e between Prior avenue and Fairview avenue, . .-.. ._... _. _ .__...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is$...2.,_.....32..._...5 ..q_�..9..1.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 3rd day of May . __.__._... ____ 1915 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved -1/3 / .. . Councilman Farnsworth G ss " K ler M oil y rg Mayor Po vers Form B. S. A. 8-6 C P. No. 4304 Ry S. A. Farnswo th—� r/ Ci r Jerk. I the Matter f changing the grade of Jefferson avenue from Prior avenue to Fairview Ave., in accordance with the profile hereto attached, the blue line representing the old grade and the red line the new grade. Prior aradevenue andson avenFa rview avenue, betweenunder-- PreliminaryOrder 4023, approved ]Mayor. March 11th, 1915. The Council of the City of St Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having con- sidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is and the 2. That the nature of the improve- nt which the Council recommends Is change the grade of Jefferson avenue from Prior avenue to Fairview avenue, in accordance with the profile hereto attached , the blue line representing the old grade and the red line the new grade. Also grade Jefferson avenue between Prior avenue and Fairview enue, with no alternatives, and that the estimhted cost thereof is $2,325.99. nesolved Further, That a public hearing, be had on said Improvement on the 3rd day f May, 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of St Paul. That the Commis- sioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the Approved Mch. 31, 1915. (April 3-1915) am 4 COUNCIL FILE NO. By 4304 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. j,,h,M.tt,q, Changing !he, grade o,,f.. J.effexo.on. -avenue frOu, ay.enu.a airview ve., in accordance with the piofile heret tached�dthe blue line representing the old grade and the red line %hatnew .gr e. Al:so grade I Jd .. fferson-avenue between Prior avenue and Fairview avenue, under Preliminary order approved ....March 1.1th, _ 1,915..._..........___......._....._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .Qhapge ..th.e._.g.r,4de.._P,f_ rdance with Jeffers n avenue from a grade and attached, avenue to Fairview avenue in acc the proyile hereto ac . ed, the blue line represeniin the ol the -Ted line -the �new grade. Also grale Jefferson avenlie betwe-enPrt*or avenue and Fairview avenue, . ...... ......... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...2,...325.. 99 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd day of ka 191.5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved _1/3 V,_ Councilman Farnsworth G K K Ss ler SS le, M 011 Y rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 slonerof Finance give notice ofsaid me. 9 to the person and . th 6 manner provided by the Charter, stat- ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the 1�aproverncnt, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Alch. 31, 1915. Approved M.h. 31. 1915. (April 3-1915) ... ...... . ...... ... . Mayor. )e"000, 4308 An ordinance granting to the Raths-Seavolt F im Manufacturing Company, a corporation, permission to construct an areaway in the side- walk in front of Lot 25, Block 4, Syndicate Addition No. 1, being No. 821-823 Nest University avenue, in the Ctty of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF ST. P4UL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority. are hereby granted to the Raths-Seavolt Film Manufacturing Company, a corporation, to con- struct and maintain an areaway in the sidewalk in front of Lot 25, Block 4, Syndicate Addition No. 1, being No. 821-823 Nest University avenue, in the City of St. Paul. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said Raths-Seavolt Film Manufactur- ing Company for the construction of said areaway, upon its compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan of the proposed areaway, which plan shall be sub- ject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said areaway shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said.licensee shall pay the cost of inspection. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($'5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construc- tion, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said areaway, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said areaway re- mains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approv- ed by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said areaway shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that 7 1308 may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St.�-Yaul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage may_ C"F N 4308—Ordinance No. 3432— of thio ordinance, file a written acceptance thereABy Al.i N. eo..— Ing t the Raths-, Seavolt Film Tlanufa,lurin si CO -- at pan Y, a corporetlon. pa Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corpol c.natrplt an areaway In I a 1-d4: walk in front of Lot 25, Syndicate Additlon No. 1; befog Na: Section 3. This ordinance shall take effe, She 823 of t Paulerslty. avenue, In ` The ti eeouncil of the City of St. Paul thirty days after its passage and publication. SECTION I. T,�� permisalon and u[hority are hereby granted to_ the Rnths-5➢avoltj Film Manufacturing Company, a cot- Potto a- areation. [o rhes [sidewalk In aas[front 01, Lota25a`Rlock 4, Syndicate Addition No" f, befngln o. 821-823 ity of Sts University, ve 4 anue SECTION D 2. 'i The Commissioner f Public Worksj is heie sauthorizeaths-d to Issue I permit' to the said Ra[hs•Seavolt Film Man- ufacting Company for [he conatru.ti. of said areaway. up ifs compliance with the following edition.: (t) The said licensee hall file with the Commiaeioner ,. Public Warks plan of the proposed a[•eau'aY, which / , ��*-•-t�.� plan shall be subject to the approval fo "'d Cammlesloner. shall be can - (2) The said reawayvislon and 'I- structed under the super e tion of e s Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of in_ spertl'on. a bondTt •the CitiyeOf eSLshall Pa➢lfinnthe s m f Five Thousaed Dollars ('5,000.00). conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harments,t stiits,n cos ts, Lit liability. j se thDat -barges, d mages and expense Passed by the Council ¢y accrue to persons or property .count oP or arising by reason of } the construction, maintenance, of ! ti[on[, use, presence r re -1 f aid i way, the id bond to remain in Yeas Nays force and effect as long as said rsa- ay r m ins or exists. The said bond �I shall be is s ch form as may be ap, Mr. Farnsworth proved by the corporetlon Counsel, ad shall have su h surety s may ba y/f+OgB pp,o d by the 3tayor, and shall be I-" Keller fit ad with the Comptroller a avid eller Cly. 00011 (4) Said areaway shall be removed by id licensee whenever the Council shall a so order . (5) The s id Ilcensee " he pal' any y g license Pee or tax that may be re by any rdinance or law of the City of Nays, 0 t/ Mr. President (Powers) s[. Pan'. within ten f0), feld heirpase shall, days after the ➢aseage o1 this rdin- ance, file rl Cen acceptance thereof Approve with the City Clerk 1n such form as �T Cou:� be approved by the Corporation SECTION 3. N This ordinance shall to effect and be in force thirty days after its I, - F rge and publication. 1915. 9AA Passed by the Council Apr. 14, 7I y Teas—Idessrs. Farnsworth Mayor. . Ooes, Q Aller, 0McColl, Yoerg, Mr. Preslderit �4�v NAay-0.d Apr. 1.pp, WINN POWERS. Mayor. Attest: JOHN I. FARICY,t71ty Clerk. (April 17-1915) may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. 4aul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. _ 17 I „•' O8J �' I� ll SI 3 'll»,I \ llla V•\� 4.<,",',iitl �'CI Ii.utA -P'D _ I^Ifi 1 ll�l\1 nest �ae, Mf=aaA _ vh 4 �' yt�d, �=; anuson acm Tea'' exp nae ; t1 __ _ a�\�apres" Passed by the Council 1,6/ lab at�ee P. 810 �bval of e 1 yo remain. Yeas / Nays \ii tt salt b. ,/ {i ha said b� las, be Mr�a nsworth g,+ rlittel} Genn shell' �ro89 _ �y�oe e /t \/ 11 er Oi; ,��� ebb rem0 Goll A i E� a Coin `/Y/D ,s'pa�' o e rg FyE{ CAtS vvd R 11 Nays, C Vy Mr. President (Powers) ,9 Approve / 19 a +a Mayor. L C them III t O9 f p ving .l'e—holl Ave e Pro st jtne o[ Snelil g Avenue b t , t nsend pf hinrehall b I re rosaing the Tlleafas£pPf RI •er 99 d Preliminary Order 3322 Int di ,,'Order 360G, Final Orde 3930, y p Resolved TTbat 4, 1.916. pea- (/(,j./j/' : Resolved, t ma the plana, dPe the I tions and estimates submitted b o ""r ons f Public Worley f the / C I T Y 'boys named imPrpyement be na the n e e herebyapproved. y I{ s Resolved Further, Thnt th° Pur her i J\ I ,Resolved Agent be Ind he Is he Peby out l, COU I IJ teed npa atrected m ayertfae n, her jjj Honor provisos by the Clty Chnrte for. bids"Por '2r ¢king [ nfa im- provement, according to s la Plans and In the matter of avin apecipeatlons, o -n the basis tAl the bidder contractor shall furnish t ling all labor andrmaterml Lor said w" k er :'.. specified sum; (f3) Th the bidder Ave -i to east end oY Marshall Avg a°nb,'aet°r'.- make aeiving improve- r Miss ver „ eat by torso ac ou a receiving n per- - mntnge of get°price for parforming the same. In eala adve,tisement eor er 3606 under Preliminary Order 3322 n,a', the Pgrehasing Agent shall re- quire a bidder' yboonnd to the m not L at least we cent of the bid, - Final Order 3930 , a roveC t,,ct wood Por tho e eenugn of l 15.. pP bract with the CI[y [or the perfo m- 9 e of anis work in ecordance a the the plans and P.,In,ations In c RESOLVED, That the plans .1 bili la a°epte- r in er entrooffthc mates submitted p bid I ed heck for on per c b the Commissioner of Public TJc°m ne e bne bla. im rovement be Y The nia Purchasing Agent shall in p and the slime are herebyapprove sola sdveru'emenb scr • the right tq pp elect any r 11 nide. should all Was be reje°twit the Purchasiing A on t as author to aavertlea gain a RESOLVED FURTAER That the often s may be eeeaasr, unto an n - d he is hereby ceptable bid Is obtained, unless the authorized and directed to alive committee utharizea to a rd Lb° ided by the City contract. IY It IBa`a c ntrart which the to said Charter for bids for the ,asking o that may yard, shnl beef °p'n- cording Ion boat nn further bias anomd be lids, or COn- plans and specifications, on th eefyed aha tont the work anomarn done by the Co -_"""'r of Public ork ata speci- trctor shall furnish all labor wgrlea ny say labor. m which ^gent. f.ied sumj 'h or committee hall make a P- (B) That the bidder o ate rePurt as en ft' roe mme aa- said improve - went b force account reccivin "°na io bI, Council for further n°thin ice for per - Y f or top feed tugs thereon. forming the same. In said adve Ad°pled by the Council April 1, 191 G. urchasin app rev ed April 1, 1914. g Agent shall require a bidder's Aprn 3-1916> least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said viork in accordance ,ith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified, check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to aviard the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Vorks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Y Adopted by the Council 1974 Yeas ( ) Ctar lmen ) Nays ' Y Forth / G K�y M'y yJv�sPresident„ P A M<01 1 \� C I T Y COUN In the matter of pavine pan 'ul Puu •S o-ann ' 61 ' lfil '4188 .Cwnmip pan--.. • aao- .j .mp-p J. vulw na-� --pun Pnv l a�7s u . ,o�aull .CI-alsua o41 .. o IJup to null .(7-a7svl a4l u am7aq lnutl J. to wnI 41 ul 'iS a4l x 15 lD'N Pln, do -allow Jyl u7 .. esoD 'N 1,[ w❑—tS76 uN '3 :h (91' 'IlounoD SIG1La 4qJ14 'Sl�ii 7Z '441\'9161 441\ o41 .iq paltlopy ,ul Pua uu'waswv�a)o w7unooJ 4 epa. )o 7s.y7 , �VJ IUa Il 1 Papp.of g 1 1 1 p I L Iv 47 snva 03 P47J 1 1 P- '.p 41n w2tload Jn aUl Puu11w D PIU Sq 7tl �. sq -a 1 P qIn 1S 7 ' A410 ID a41o1 d.q qH x pH puol. 7o gol7-otl pagl-asap . oqu pp - J. aauvwanuoJ J4l '541'P4nal... a -a47 .+,ou 'I nuu ow �nlol�su- a ay Rq uollnaaxa - nn �. '• Ave: to east end of Marshall Avenue bridge crossing the Missiesippi R ver under Preliminary Order 3322 Intermediary Order 3606 Final Order 3930 approved Maroh 4, 1915.. RESOLVED That the plans,.specificatidns and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement bo and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTIMR, That the Purchasing. Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said vrork at a speci- field sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve - Ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said aillo rtisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance ,lith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu'thercof a certified, check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to avrard the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Vorks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council'[ 1974 Yeas ( ) Co oilmen ) Nays yp g Fa eworth Go Ke ex Mc 11 Yr. President., P rs •! A 0 1' —41 or } t COUNCIL F11,11 N0. �� it � � � Rs� f: � 13 � INTERMEDIARY 0 u� 4 _. IntlieMatterof _Gradin.e g_ Aldine etrat_from .._St..._.Anthony.._.avenue- -to_ ander Preliminary Order__4Q.8.9...._..__....._...__..:..__._.. _ __.. ap oved . _ldarch..._17,h,.__19.15..._.__......_._..........._._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having`receileclt le' eport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consid red s13id report, It by res Ives: 1. That the said report be a the sa a is y appUveed',�,nd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded i ith.Grade Aldine street. 2. That the Rnture of the improvemeii hieh the Counwmen s is -- - / JJ fr m St:.An.tL ..4ny spade _v_ .F.ond.o. a.tr_t., �'.___._ jap- with no Itera anated cost there `ls 4J' S 511 ResolvedFu ler,Tring be had on sa improvement ouk . 3 ...... _ _....... _...______.._....... da of ,.- kit,iApri.l...._..__ ......._.._......_,, the hour of lock A. M., in l, -q Coun '1 hamhdr, room No. 1 of the Court House a ll Building in the Cit f t. Paul./"Fara t Commissioner of Finance a notice rsons and in the manse ovided by the t ter st ting the ti a find ce of hearing, of said a ting to �� � F1' " a I— the sat re o the i vement, and the t 1 cost hereof as estimate Adopte y the 6to cil .__ _ 1.. 31 191 Approved ...... Mayor. 1 C. F, No. 4301—By S. A. Farnsw8 th— f Councilman Fa sworth m the Matter oe grarlmg Alafnecreet from St. Anthony avenue to Rondo street, under Preliminary order 4089, GO The'Council of the Clty Of St. Paul having' received the report of the Com- .1sstoner of Finance upon the bove Ke er , Improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the sold report be and the M Coll e is hereby approved be adopted, y I and the said Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. t Thatthe the Cov nett thecommenda 1 1 is grade Aldine street from St. An -I thony avenue to Rondo street, With no' ¢iternatlvea. and that the estimated Y erg coat thereof is $435.61. Resolved Further, That a Publict hearing bo had on s¢Id Improvement) Mayor P vers at on the 19thhdayl foNovemiber191 14, at Form B. S. A. 8.6 the hour f 10 0' loch 1A M., In the - Council. Chamber, r mHou61 ofthe Court' City Of ofa St. nd CPau1.Thatp the CommIn is- sleetingf.tol theCepersona ive notice ;n aid manner provided by the Charter, stat- ' Ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, ad the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Bich. -31, 1915. Approved Mch. 31, 1D36. (April 3-1916), j r COUNCIL FILE NO, f INTERMEDIARY/, SDE R-6 In theMatterof Grading of,the..Alle y_;running...ncirth a.Aci sout Lovering's Addition to Union Park,,,..., . ........ ......... I ... - I ............ . tinder Preliminary Order 3 - 939 approved 44rPh.. 41h, ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Grade the. _Alipy,running north and south in Block 1, Loveringle Addition to Union Park, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...&5,.20_.........._.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .5.rd . day of -.May 1915 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191:4- Clerk. Approved JP f - 1916^ I C. P. No. 4311- By S. A P.rra,.rtfizz Mayor. , In the Atelier of grading of the alley Councilman Fa sworth running north and u Block 1, Lovering'S Addition otut"Uri— P rk, r , P=d1916.0 Id. 393 , 'up- "". " , Go having' Council r' �lv.dolththracft't� of St. Paul e Par Of the Com- improvement. and having considered Kell I" Int.d.l.-P011. hereby r... us 0 swor,h Kell er of Finance upqn above same Its hah' Ihe said rep" btehand the c— Y said and adopted, M. oil and o aid I d 6 Mc Oil the 'PlOvemeni is here.,- ordered to be 2. That the P..`tu`,'�' '.d with. m -t which the Council' f the Improve- erallume. is grade the alley roul, recommends g north u south In luck 1. Lovering'. Addition •Yo g with -a to Union t Park, -. alternatives, Yo g and that ho ..time $85.20. led cost thereof is P. ors h,R,,c d Further, That a.vp Ing b� S 'h� . on saj� �rapr Mayor Po er 3 had ca an I rd day Of May, 1915, - . the 20th day of November, at Form a S. A. 8-6 the hour of 10 ..'Ic'I'� 1914, at C911111 Ch - A. Zjh " the .Us. an city ,I e Court d I, ding In the Cl ly If SL Paul. give u i the h C 8"O-Ir of e ..Is �etlng to the V.—nomatin'd' If -al� r provided bth Ch the art� n19 the time and Placeof h ir. st.,- car air, the 1 tpr, of the I'PrOV:ment, and the total thereof as c 1. ate Adopted by the Council M d. Approved Me h. 31, 1915. ch. 3,1, 1915. (April 3-1915) COUNC.ZL FILE N0. GCZa: r: GlL. Uyl By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. ay In the Rtt2atter of Changi.ng._ t. e _grade ...o.f._Aun l.a street from...St Anthony ..:.._ attacedo Un-vex�ity venue a3a�1 gc�nrdijq tr tehejdroule hedrgjo mhe DD ue lme re reset n e o g a e a re ne 4ha new. rade Al $ g���BeDglff �tl�vet __ =om Lex In hon ave oeDunla St. niverei y v nue, 5 3 1r i�, M.15 gg Ss n _.... P a under Preliminary�rden ._.'-. _ .__._ .....__.. approve -P�9t .rtl The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the mature of the improvement which the Council recoulmends is _Change .the.._.gTad_e of D nla t eet fr m S+ A the av nue to Universityavenue, according to t ie PPo .2tfee here?o Viac ied tt�e blue line repre_ eeniirg the old grade.,_and the red''171r1 � 'the neem .rade. _....A1 o grade nur.la tree, fro t Si . Anthon avenue to University venue, and grade CentraPl �ve. from ieX1ngton av nue .to. -Dunlap street, 4 336 87___.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.......m............_!...-.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .._ 3f.a -._ - ------ day of- -Al 191'55....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the. Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. iu��/Adopted by the Council .___ _. �... , 191 of Approved 191 Mayor. Councilman Fdr isworth II t Go s � .y ia4d ollmIa ry. „ Ke er �t `P6. -,. �'+hfl c9c d, e r oft e' m- ab I.. on �Fln`nnce'upon the above lmprave ment, and having. considered ;i M Oil td report h r by es lues 1 That thesaid repot be d the g¢ Is he eby approved and adopted. t Is hereby' Ia d the' said I p oveme b - eefed 1th--- ord red to p ove- 3. That the ¢ture'oY the impr meet which then aoeuneEl. Dunlap ¢street Y erg iron's, Anthony %venue to University' to the profile hareto aVenpe, ncctirdinq ting. the blue line representing MayorP ers Y attached, the old grade and the red line the new street fromi Form B. S. A. 6-6 grade Al.. grad,.I—lB lversi Su Anthony ' Central Ave. from iiia' and grade nngn n a ue to. -Dunlap tree,, w lternativea; and that the ..tuna, -- of COUNCIL FILE NO. Bylj__�LLy �y fh 4304 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 11nn he Matter f _Changingthe. grade o.f. Jeffe.r.son avenue .from Pri.or.. ay.enu.a to Farview �ve., in accordance with the rofile heret attached the blue line representing the old grade and rhe red line -, new grade. Also . ._. line-, ...... grade Jefferson avenue between Prior avenue and Fairview avenue, under Preliminary Order _40..a.3......._....--_.... ._._. _____.... approved.19.15...._ .... ..........- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ._ Chang_e_,_the__.grade__O.f. Jeffers n avenue from pPr or avenue to FFairview avenue in ace rdance with the -reed inehthe newtzrade. Alsobgraae1Jefferson-averuetbetweeengPriorand avenue and Fairview avenue, __...._. _ ._._... .._ _ _ ...._.._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...2,325...99..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 3rd day of May,........._...._....___ .... .._........ ..........__, 191.FJ_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, ronin No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _....___ j//�i...�, 191 Ci lerk. Approved r l o a! Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth G ss K ler M oll f/11" Y rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 " MaY,—' 1915. at ek A. M.,� In the 61 of the Court I Building In the he the COIDmIe- ve notice P sat one and in the the Charter. etat- oP hearing, the —oac.t, and the estimated. nell Hlch. 31, 1915. .915. 1915)- Corporate Purposes -Salaries Gene air Ad...`sz Pub. Pul .Ings Fund, $1,302.09; Com. 10 92 City Officers Salarp[ Fund, Publiceu�ities, 'Municipal $716.60; Com. of Public Markets, $250.00. Mayor's Office, I Spec Assess. Const: Ace 3 y Depreciation ,Acct., $300.00. Special Funds New Lib. $175.00 . 4 •Corporati on CounselI s Off Adopted by the Connell Ai Approved March 31, 1915. (April 3-1915) 5 City Clerk's Office, 6 Commissioner of Finance, 7 Comptroller's Office, 8 Public Lighting, 99 Court House & City Hall, 10 00 Gen. Fund -Municipal Court, 10 01 Gen. Fund -Purchasing Dept., 10,02 Gen. Fund -Mise. & Unforseen Expense, 10 0.3 Gen. Fund -Civil Service, 10 04 Police Fund, 10 05 Police Fund (tensions) 10 06' Fire Fund, 10 7 Health Fund -Health Acct., 10 8 " " -Dairy Exp. Acct., 108 9 " 0 -Quarantine Acct., 7777 Cit of St.- Paul 3,083.32 y- Accounting Department - AUDITED CLAIMS-RE80 TT_ FORM Council File No._ ; 1,248.34 ✓ Audited t , '1915 a915 15Y 700.00 , Cit C ptrol]er ^v 1,479-3.7 ✓ ; ,;'07 Per 248 Title Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury in�favor 928.67,- 28.67✓1,674.9 of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, payable out of the funds and in the amounts specified in the following detailed statement. 1,1o6.72 ✓ yeas (V) Coj:ncilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Counci 1�5 J s Farnsworth Approve X915 Goss In favor 15,124:16 �6 Keller McColl Against Mayor _ Nash 4306— 11perg Resolved that warrants be drawn ffi favor. of S. ` upon the City Treasury FI- Mr. President; Powers A. Farnsworth, Commisele funds The Yunds d out of,a 453.50 ance, payableare.unt. th lowing detailed ata(ement;ln the fot- `� , Corporate Purposes– iarles. gitY Officers Salary Fund $1,083.32; Me,- or' s Office, $341.66: Co P ration Coun- Office, $1.248.34; Ctty Clerk's Of- I a; eel's '.fl $700:00; Commlasloner of lrinanc, $1,479Comptroller' Mice, $1,332 49'; - , H �Public Lighting, $46666 Court House & City Hail, $928.67; Gen. Fund—Alun,-{% i(cipol Court, $1,674.99; Gen. Fund—Pur-' chasing Dept., $1,306.72; Gen. Fund—s, �Misc. & Unforseen Expense, $6600; ,Gen. Fund—Civil Service, $512.00: Po- Police lice a Fun$80 _ und,Fund 00•12FIre 830,394.81 _ H Ith Fond—Health AacLp !!,260., man anrt. Corporate Purposes -Salaries Gene air Ad...`sz Pub. Pul .Ings Fund, $1,302.09; Com. 10 92 City Officers Salarp[ Fund, Publiceu�ities, 'Municipal $716.60; Com. of Public Markets, $250.00. Mayor's Office, I Spec Assess. Const: Ace 3 y Depreciation ,Acct., $300.00. Special Funds New Lib. $175.00 . 4 •Corporati on CounselI s Off Adopted by the Connell Ai Approved March 31, 1915. (April 3-1915) 5 City Clerk's Office, 6 Commissioner of Finance, 7 Comptroller's Office, 8 Public Lighting, 99 Court House & City Hall, 10 00 Gen. Fund -Municipal Court, 10 01 Gen. Fund -Purchasing Dept., 10,02 Gen. Fund -Mise. & Unforseen Expense, 10 0.3 Gen. Fund -Civil Service, 10 04 Police Fund, 10 05 Police Fund (tensions) 10 06' Fire Fund, 10 7 Health Fund -Health Acct., 10 8 " " -Dairy Exp. Acct., 108 9 " 0 -Quarantine Acct., 3,083.32 �f 341.66 1,248.34 ✓ 700.00 , ^v 1,479-3.7 ✓ ; ,;'07 1,332.49 466.66 928.67,- 28.67✓1,674.9 1,674.9✓ 1,1o6.72 ✓ , 66.00• 9' 512.00 15,124:16 �6 80.00 1✓ 30,394.81 ✓ ` 2,26o.00 ✓ 453.50 `� 1,430.00 a CITY OF 3T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU No. AUDITED f4 R :a 9, 1e745al_ 1 U PER 250 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persona, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council -411"19 Farnsworth Goss A(LIn favor A 191 Keller McPd1 Against 0! MAYOR Yoerg Mr. Presidens, Powers C. F. No. 4306— Resolved that anta be drawn upon. the City Treasry, payable out f - the herrinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firms or corpora- tions for the amounts set opposite their respective.names as pecified In - the following detailed tatement: Corporate Purposes—Gen. Fund—Lo- - cal Improvement: M. J. C'Maley, $6,265.98. Street- & Sewer Fund: Ballard Storage & Express Co.. $1.67. School Fund: Alban & Hnueler, $66.40. Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.—Pavin, ncre Steel Co..$20. 2 SyntLim its Trussed C et Adopted by the Council Aich. 31,-1915 ,Approved Ateh. 31. 4915., - (April 3-1915) I/ Corporate" Purposes ��( Gen. Fund -Local Improvement 1044 M,. J. O'Malley. $6,265.98' Street & Sewer Fund 10 5 Ballard Storage & Express Co., 1.817 Sohool Fund I 46 Alban & Hausler, 66.40 6&L- 2% Spec. Assess. Const. Aceta Paving Univ. Syndicate to City Limits / 10 7 Trussed Concrete Steel Co., 20.62 Total Cor orate Pu poses .......06,P4. 25 " Spe Aeseae. Const Acet. 20.61 T sa: Form A. 5-11 108 0 Health Fund -Public Bathe Acct. 284.00 1 Public Safety -Gen. Adm. Joint Acct., 341.66 �. 12 Police & Fire Alarm Joint Acct., 1,418..✓ - 13 Com..of Public Works Fund -Workhouse, 1,355.33 14 Department of Public Works 11,289-.43 m. of Public Works -Adm. 1,156. x x n _Engineers, 2,87 .67 S. & S. Const. d Repair, ,543.00✓ Pu is Wo Public,Wo 8-BTi a e 466.66 r `� S. ® S. aning Fu " rbage, 4,025.00 Sprinkling, 418.60 Paving E t, 125.00 11,289.4 108 5 Public School 92,786.44 ✓ 6 Public Library, 3,705.36 ✓ 7 Auditorium, 745.19 ` 8 Pub. Parke Fund -General Adm. 275.33 9 Public Buildings Fund, 1,302.09 0 Com, of Public Utilities- Gen. Adm., 451.67 Municipal Test. Lab., 716.66 2 " " " " Markets 250.00 Totp7 Stec. Assess. Const. Acct. - 10825 Paving Depreciation Acct., 300.00 r Special Funds 1082 New Library Bldg., 175.00 Total Corpo to Purpo es ..., ,,,,,, 177,6 .6 " Bps . Assess. onst. ct. 00 0 " pec Fu de,.. ..y... 1 0 T al,i V68; 8.65 i i i a Form A. 5.11 TTVW CITY- OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL � NO. 307 FILE MARS 1 191 R " AUDITED Igl_ � PER. 249 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter%—fled funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed ` statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays`� Adopted by the Couac�181 Farnsworth Goss In favor �p 181 Keller MpcLColl-Against r �i �Y Resolved that warrdnts be drawn upon the Clft T Bury,ay ble out oP Yoerg the hereinafter MAYOR p .. fir funds and I- the p o a firms favor for Mr. President, Powers tions corpora- 3 4 /� their t to respective nnFn a esr the mo a seat specified peclfled In sa tat thCorporateng Purppio es R4nnlcipai Court— Salaries: S. A. Farnsworth. Com. of F(nnnce. $72,00. Fire Fund—Citizens Ice & Fuel Co., $322.00. - Bonrdf Control Fund'. Board of Control, $2,s64 8.82. of Pub. Works—VYorkhouse: H. Z". Goetzinger, $10.80; J. Johansen, ,$222.00. -Gen. Fun3—Publl Charities Seel-. ty for the Prevention of Cruelty,. $100.00. pnlr Fund �taln t.: Jast Snu � derareet $16.50 Corporate Purposes s. & S. cleaning—street C1eanP - Municipal Court -Salaries GShool '" ser $319.58. I. Paul Hebrew .institute. sr Pub Bldgs.—Tools, AT, 10 ,25 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Fir m." 8dun °.$1964, 72.00 t/ Fire Fund ;00 416err. 10 26 Citizens lee & Fuel Co., 322.00 Board of Control Fund 108 7 Board of Control z 2,354.82 �- Board of Control Fund ity & Cc Hospital, 1,682 222 Board of Contro Almehouse Poor m, 04.66 Board of ntrol-City Co. nAt. 70 Boar of Control Lid, .21 x354.82 Com. of Pub. Works -Workhouse 10828 H. W. Goetzinger, 10.80 10829 J. Johansen, 222.00 _ To`z+?—Wnr3z]sortiss ltd, Gen. Fund -Public Charities 1083 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 100.00 ✓. Street Const. & Repair Fund-Maint. 108 1 Jas. Saunders, 16.50 ✓ S. & S. Cleaning -Street Cleaning 10 32 Goodyeq; Rubber Co., 319.58 #2 " School Fund - 10 10 33 B. S. Bates, 34 St. Paul Hebrew Institute, 15-00, 75.00 , Pub. Bldgs. -Tools, Mach. & Equip. ' lOE35 S. P. Lumber Co., 196.49 Gen. Fund -Art Institute 10856 108 John Dillingham, 55•00 108 77 Jessie O'Brien, 9 Albert F. Salaba, 65.00 60.00 1_�_'—u-�.�s•v , 1 0.00 Water Dept. 108 108 9 Kennedy Valve Mfg. Co., 0 H. R. Worthington, 2,034.25 6, 430.00 1 star "_., To ea*, Interest Fund `� 108 1 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 382.50�j Special Fund Playgrounds Bond -1917 Sinking Fund l 42 W. J. Smith, State Treas., 15,000.00✓ Spec. Assess. Const. Acet.- Paving Depreciation Acct. 1 43 Wells Fargo Express Co., 5.82 Total Corporate PurpOZI ... es ...... ..;� ,7139.94 " Special Fund,...../Ac... 21 15,000 0Spec. - Ass,6'ss. Const.. .82 Total, ,?6.76 43®8 An ordinance granting to the Raths-Seavolt Am Manufacturing Company, a corporation, permission to construct an areaway in the side- _. walk in front of Lot 25, Block 4, Syndioate Addition No. 1, being No. y .• 821-823 hest University avenue, in the Okty. of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority. are hereby granted to the Raths-Seavolt Film Manufacturing Company, a corporation, to con- struct and maintain an areaway in the sidewalk,in front of Lot 25, Block 4, Syndicate Addition No. 1, being No. 821-823 Hest University avenue, in the City of St. Paul. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said Raths-Seavolt Film Manufactur- ing Company for the construction of said areaway, upon its compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan of the proposed areaway, which plan shall be sub- ject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said areaway shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construc- tion, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said areaway, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said areaway re- mains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approv- ed by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said areaway shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that L '-4 408 may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St.4aul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passa'age I C.` F. No: 4308—Ordinance No, 3432 -- of this ordinance, file a written acceptance there there "' dinanceogranung t the Rathe- ; Senvolt. Film Manufacturing CoAn m- papl, a co rporatiomy permission to -? Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corpoz construct an areaway in Blocicid 4. ti walk to - front of Lot 25, 821 823 tWest d'Unlvers ty avenue, tln ? Section 3. This ordinance shall take effe the Clty of St. Paul. i TheCounciof the City o[ St. Paul thirty days after its passage and publication. ln SECTION 1. That permission and uthorltl are. re. 1.IL—by granted to, the RathS-SasvOltr Iporatipia i f ctu t t ct anan or dpmalntaln. an�!� areaway in the sidewalk i front Of Lot 25, Block 4, Syndicate AddIllon No.I 1, being No. 821-823 West University, /7 '% avenue, in the Clty of SL P out. SECTION 2. The Commissioner f Publle Works is hereby uthorized tc issue a permit to the said Ratha-Seavolt, Film .Man- ufacting Company for the constructl0. of said areaway. upon Its cdSnpHance with the following conditions: (1) The said Iicenaee shall file with the Co The sainer p[ Public Works a plan of the' propoaed areaway. Which plan hall be subject to the approval to said Commissioner. (2) The said areaway hall be con- structed under the supervision anddi- e tion of said Commisa(oner,and the said licensee shall pay the cost of (n sPeetion'he e shall e, a bond to sthe CitysOf,Sts Paul inline sem of Ftve Thousand Del lars Passed by the Council meo accrue to persona Or prppnr.> ant r [ arising by reaepti of opera- the construction, m enance, ti use, of said present r tion presence r removal way, the gold bond to remain in Yeas Naps torr., ane effect as long as said area - bond ay r Ins o exists. The said shall be nVn h-, form as mak be ap- Mr- FaTT1BWOrth pro ed by th 'Cotporation Counsel, ¢adt shall have s chza—ty as may be ✓ approved by the %.yor, and shall be fiO88 sled with the Comptroller of said /r v 118r city. (4) Said areaway shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council j _c V 117QC O11 sh¢77 so ordeH � (5) The id licensee shall pal any gV 0erg licence tee or tax that may be required by y ordinance or law o� the City of Nay8, C Mr. President (Powers) St. Paul. ,n,,ee shalll, within ear) ¢Reid tI din care, filen written acceptance thereof ; Approve with the City Clerk In each form as may be approved by the Corporation i Counsel.SECTION 3 ��ysT 2. 1 This ordinance shall take effect and f �; �9 Inforce thirty days atter, its paea- tge and publlention. Passed by the Council Apr. 14, 1915. �iY Cy Mayor. Yeas—ilfessrs. Ferns ,t S President K01—K01—McColl, Yoerg, 1 rf�� P.wcra)—s. Nays Approved Apr. 15. INN POWERS. Mayo, C Attest: JOHN 1. FARICY,CIty Cleric (April 17-1915) Y '- 4-30's may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. 4aul- (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof withtheCity,'c'�; Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Cs, Section 3. This ordinance shall take effe t.--- thirty days after its passage and publication. V17A t - � & k N." N Passed by the Council l Yeas/Nays Mr,nsworth t/I eller %/McColl Yoerg Nays' 0 President (Powers) A-n-nrnvAd J V . ti Y dam. In them t3,0 9 99 of P ving Marsh 11 Ave. e "cro est ll of Snelling to aat d 6[ Mar, hall Av nue bldg cro ing kh MI s1aslPpi yr% + under Prellminary O d r 3322 I ter- - ulla yOrd 3909 PI nl Ord 3930, ,aP➢sov d M¢ h 4 1916 ,. Iiesol d Thnt the plans,apegiflca- ti ne a d [haste a ,mitt a by the,l / Commissione of Public Works fo the `-. T Y above'na.. improvement be and th s me ase hereby app cued. Resolved a and That the P rchss ' 1ned a nt r and h i hereby a th r C0UNC1 1 a o a dire at t aoerity f the mn r p vided by the City old t for -. bill,"Kor -the ki g of std Im• _ JAve.,',, nt coordic.t Idpl a a dIn the matter ofhe°Diddeir or co tth forshallAP Trishli labor and material for said work at atied sum: (B) That the bidder AQdj jl t0 8a8t end of Marsar contractor shall mazean$ver e t b[orcetceiving afar- cante oatprice for Performing thea a in said advertisement for - under Preliminary Ordebids, the Parcnaaing Agent shall re- t 01 quirena[bidwer' b, or on tonteofthearnounbdFinal Order 3930 C—litiened for the a ction of con- tract with the City Xfor theperfor-ce of said work iecord¢ncewiththe plans and.-pecldcntlons in ase th¢RESOLVED That tma +a ^°eptea,nr'^ uen thereofertlfled heck for ten -per cent of the tes submitted b the Commissioner ofamoan'saofthebio. py The id Purchasing Agent shall n. m TOverlE).ntbe and the same are herebraelectasrt. yt n11 bide. erShouhd All and be re' uted, the Purchasing Agent Is tri n thpri:ea to nayernse again an as he is hereby RESOLVED FURTHER That often s may be necessary until an - ceptable bid Is obtained, unless the authorized and directed to adve enmmittee authorized to ^warn ihs -ed by the City contract, 1Y It I._% epptr¢pt hien the Tding to sold Charter for 'bids for the making committee may ¢ward, shall be of °Pi^ plans and specifications, on th `el that o further bias should be ex or con– calved and that r wdrk should rbe done by the Commissioner of Public tractor shall furnish all labor Wnrka by daY labor: 1. which event. k at a speci- f ed surf; (B) That the bidder O p roprlate eP rtnulith shall make -enaa- id improve- - trona to the CaunclI for further action Ce for peT– ment by .feree account, receivin or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council April 1. 1916 Chas In forming the same. In said adve Approved April 1, 1914. g Agents all require a bidder's '- (April 3-1'16' Least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execu io `centract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance rrith the plans -and specifications in cafe the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified,check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all'bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to -the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council19 Yeaa'( ) Co oilmen ) Nays __Q�e Yo g Fa eworth / Go Ke er 11 ' dry l Lis. President,, p. rs A0= AGOG A � or .IN vrc �n •tee+u n.ruu{w{[aad .[spun uadoad fond 7g do aull A{ua7sna ayl_ _ puv 7oau36 uaegonr ao J. d{ualava 8 MMIaq {nvd '1J bo A710 41 ul '1S 47xig Hu{uapim J. ,al1nw. a47 u —seo0 •N 'SS AH -6924 .oq..d 0 k a [ (9T6T-E 1Wdtl) F'1 '916I LZ .gaiS Panoad u r '916T 'BZ '4PSS lla Aakw a4I Aq. Polde e Boa Pun uu eP..Q nova ie 9a unci] 4 �p - aotyio 043 { Papaoaa.r aq of P .p plv �fj J a41 0-va o7. aianul Hul pun pa { o43n = �+ 1gaaa4 aaan Ra43 Pun a4 s.l IPo Ali ado d 47a Pun A110 Plvn Aq p,,daaa, Aga'uaay el wok 41 Puv aq I d 17..6 a Ai10 41 1 do4s1H X P+ '[ 14 liou J P-1 ao u011iod P gla-aP 4 -P{v /J ri 1 T Y do a unA n o qi 1n4S P.Alas g n+ u �laeu of ol7 .,aR o�'oy uoi7naax Pun oa of u P ^ _ QQUIdQ dv, v aq ran paap p{as yo{4m 'pun In the matter of paving Marshall°u"Venile from west -line of Snelling Ave.. to east enof Marshall Avenue bride orossing the Miss sippi7R ver d uader'Preliminary Ordex 3322 Intermediary Order. 3606 r' Final Order 3930 approved Maroh 4; 1915.. RESOLVER, That the plans,,'specificatiSns and estimates submitted ' by the. Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved.. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter forbids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- tra,otor'shall furnish all labor and material for said vrork at a speci- i.d sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by,force account, receiving a percentage of costprice for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution cf a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the'`plans andspecifications in came the'bid is accepted, or in, lieu theism a certified,check for ten per cent. of the amount "of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all -bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids,should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public FJorks by day labor, in which event, the said committe6 shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to -the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council 19147 Yeas ( ) Co oilmen ) Nays Yo g Fa 1worth Go K, 11 M 11 � arY � 1 Mr. President; P' is A l,. Subject:.. t° ....... ...................... :3%.,......_..... A../..-..:_. ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL L RESOLUTION—GENERAL 'FORM _........ 4310 COUNCIL FILE...... ..... ......................... Date Presented......... April .:..-.- -1.....-I91.5..... Resolved, That the Purchasing, Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner provided by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary to pave Marshall Avenue from west line of Snelling Ave. to east end of Marshall Avenue Bridge crossing the Mississippi River under Preliminary Order No. 3322, Intermediary Order No. 3606 and Final Order to. 3930 approved March 4, 1915. RESOL.IM FURTH1R, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by m, the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materials be and the same are hereby approved. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require s bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per -cent of the bid, p9nditianed for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance 'of"said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof, a certified check for ten per -cent of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of th bide should be received. C F. No. ltf. N. Goes—__., rr Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he Is hereby authorize d! and directed to advertise, In the man -1 er provided by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary to pave .Marshall avenue from west line of , Snell l ng Ave. to oast end of Marshall Avenue Bridge er o Ing the Mississippi River under Preliminary OrderNo. 3322, Intermediary Order No. 3000 and Final Order No. 3930 approved March 4, 1916. Resolved Further, That the' plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materials be and the same are hereby approved. 1n old advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require 1 bid- : der's bond to the amount of atleast twenty per cent of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in-necordance with -the plans and specifications In case the bid is c pt - Yeas 0 Co ilmen t,) Nays �' ed or in lieu thereof. a Certified heck Por ten per cent of the amount of the bidThe said Purchasing Agent shall in 'by the Councie Fa sworth yy// said advertisement reserve the right to reject. any r 11 tilos. should all ebe G K er •� 1 bids ejected. rho Pu •hoeing Agent Is authorized to dvertise again and se often as may be ,e essary ntila to acceptable- bid is obtained, unless the rove 191 / UII_. committee authorized to award thu contract, if it is a contract which .hc ward, shall be of the yNash committee may that no further bids should be, Mr. Preside Powers Z", f Tena nand by the Council April 1, 1916. Approved. April 1, 1915. _ _ _ dA VOR MRYOR coaw e.E•i (April 3-1910). CITY OF ST. PAUL @ OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub'ecr,.-- 11 . Fou Nell. iltk•"FILE FVd...... ... ..... ........ .. Date Presented. - April-- -- -1 --I91.5.«. /,77T Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner provided by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary to pave Marshall Avenue from west line of Snelling Ave. to east end of Marshall Avenue Bridge crossing the Mississippi River under Preliminary Order No. 3322, Intermediary Order No. 3606 and Final Order No. 3930 approved March 4, 1915. RESOL-TED iJRTIMR, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public works for the above materials be and the same are hereby approved. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a -bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per -cent of the bid., :m}Qnditianed for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance osaid work in accordance with the plans and specifications in ease the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof,,a certified check for ten per -cent of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as nay be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which. the committee may award, shall be of th M. .G �•---''�r bids should be received. C r. ...W 4310—By N. a Goss— Resolved, The the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby nuthoriz°d: and directed tF ndlver�lse, 1, the m n- _,._f:hnrter. Yor I ' Resolved Further, That the plans, specifications and estimates subml tted by the Commissioner f Pubitc Works for the above materials be and the same"' herebytlapproved. In saki n dveraeas at Por bids, the o......�... __ 1. 1 chntl ran u're a bid- dO,jOi9u(AVY itOJ V ettl�ljJ'+ry)F �y _ Yeas (1'') Co ilmen (T) Nays " f kUndPan Inofs§�s,ka •aqT 1 P°+sP 7 Puoq Ptre �ltuBPu4774a�ojlytlle COuncl ru Gsworth ! �. 3°" uea�° Pua gls(PI'v ..4 f v s.. �! als acs Pu rove 191 K er / - 7 oil -Against / rg y Nash Mr. Preside Powers — MAYOR ,.a. c.0.2 R..I,,.d, That the commissioner of Public VlorkB be and is hereby authorized and directed to construct crosswalks of cenent blocks at the following locations, the cost thereof to be Paid from the crosswalk Account of the Street construction & Repair FUnIk ward 7. ;north side LarShall across Farrington North side Laurel across iivOn East side Avon across Iglehart East side oxford across ii:arshall Both Bides Usce0la aGTOBB :Tilton West Bids Lexington across Lincoln Vjo ,at' asiv , soros Syndicate ilestsidefiggeacross Ajh1and Lat aideIrigge acrossportiand 116. tjj sods' Grand access -'Dunlap 0 Asirlsnd 1 .1 1 vi.'�i , across St.,Albans O 01 u - 6' dJ'�Ashland 403•o80 Griggs a adrO430 GWA31d Eabtside 11 line woroos Idnoolrl atowbrth across -yajTmount deet side &tjvorth -across. Goodrich do 'Goodribb across Chatsworth �WBat side mdrion acro" Oliver Tfdith aide Oliver across Marian Vox"th side liaryland across Marion Both aides Gaultier across Oliver Both sutras Oliver across Gaultier tc,th sides GaultiGr across, -cook f36jjth-- aide cook across Gaultier $outs -side GqyaniuM a ti laa arosatildc- ' Us L ;�Ove a-rforth Alda £ nd 000 6101101's . . . . . . . . . . Bot 'TO East 61( la,W ac Sides IT, k%ibin n N6jtjj side Stinson Both s i .d es ge " across Duiarno g ua b"i l 0orthBide 3urgCTO Tsea elle COMOer across ;Qmo South side purBOXoas Bast side 0CMO across 0 eT Botlsides acToBe East aide otoateT Gas otoer SoutharYla V d iss tX AVO014- side ' 3. so Ap" so% 146F 0 1 TV" i's a0*06 SylvanB'st ajde �� .0orth 4 L;Cn1-1, ` -?6P..y %7 ki:"l� ^, T 7 Je >CxQ::G ( r. `•xl it 1 ,axr,r y T , rUU ..Gr 7J(7 a v'p ;lard 8.`— west side Western across Rondo -South 'sine `St. Anthony across Louis South s%de Aurora across Virginia t,orth side 'Phomas across Farrington South side'°1.6fand actbroe Arundel Both sides Mt_.rion acro'se Lafond *Borth aide }Blair across Elfelt Last side Elfett across Blair North side Blair across j&uildel E,gtiith side Blair `across er`utidel West side un `Ardel across Blair East side" Vaii.Buren across ninne iaiia South side L4innha4a across Van Buren South side hdinnehaha across &ackubin South side Mackubin across tiinnehaha Last side western across Atwater -ast side Farrington across Burgess Both sides Burgess across Farrington Both sides Gaultier across Lawson South side Lawson across Gaultier West side Larion across Lawson Both sides Woodbridge across Lawson South side Lawson across Woodbridge .dest side Albemarle 'across Lawson Both sides Woodbridge across cook ':jest side s arion acrossCook West aide Inarion across Oliver *forth side Oliver across laarion Korth side Maryland across lriarion Both sides Gaultier across Oliver Both sidefs Oliver across Gaultier Both sides` Gaultier across Cook South side Cook aUX006 Gaultier South side G6ranjUm across I:atilda East sine s�se•:..49ros,s 1ratilda F'ortl., aide--tilds, across Rose Fort,. side ,*avylayid rLgyose Liatildao^ lvrtii side iaryYlaIO,c;., cross r'K ri T-Gt_._. Both sides LaYrson across WestE:rn ldast aide !•."Qkubin "crousyront B sides llackubin aorosa "brae" ;forth side tinson aOruti 3 :..�ci, '°1" Both sides l:.ackubin across Burg s` yNorth side Burgess across :-acs'-' . Bast side Como across BurgessSouth side :durgess caress Last side Como across Kent Both sides Como across Topgi'nC .oast side COMO across Atwater South Aida haarylana andss Como G ultier r 8c1:fi�a, side a►C8r�t9a : !i 7c:90* �1e$t side Ye� sosoag �iatE� East 9144 By- lf4aTs i" se Sylvan North side h1agnolia ac�tes Ward 9. (Cont.) -meat side Ab;e across Maryland Both sides Cook across Sylvan *Torch side Lawson across Sylvan Vilest side Sylvan across Hatch Rest side Sylvan across Litchfield South side htwatei'. across Stella Both sides Lawson across Court3md South side' Cook across csourtland North side cook across -Courtland Both sides Agate across Case North side Acker across Lightner Both sides Lagnolia across Able ast side Sylvan across Cook. . :est. 'side Courtland- across Sycamore .Least side Canada across Valley Across l,Lount airy between Linden a. L'urient Across Genesee between i..ississipT7i and Buffalo. .. Ward 10. C?..t•.;�. North side Sherburne µcross „ldine I South side Sherburne across Fry North side Sherburne across r.sbury Both sides Charles across Pascal �. a East side Pascal acrcas ChUrleO South side ddmund across Pascal Fast side Pascal ncresr, Edmund Roth sides dmund across J,Ibert „act sive r-.l.bert .cross !od,:,una 30th sldee :iyndioate acrus� gdutund ,30th sidea ,:d -=yid across Syndicate ,foto sidea urifzg© e.aro CB n;c„uund :doth Side ,sdmuna acrua6 Gdwund 30th cities yunlap doth sides ;d7uund acruss Dunlap Both sides Thomas across Dunlap Nest side uunlaP across Thomas cast side :impson acroos Lafond Borth side Lafond across Albert South side Lafond across Fiamline South side Blair acruss Ftamline East side E,sburY across glair Scuta aide Blair across Sry South side 'Taylor across Aldine -West side Aldine across Taylor West code Fairview ross�Tallulass leVe- mast side Pusey Pu Both sides Tallula Ave• across soY ,,,orth side Territorial hcross Eustis ,Nest side Cleveland across Commonwealth ,lest side Cleveland across Henton South side Iienton' across Cleveland Last side Raymond across lientonm North side Renton across Raymond South side Doswell aoross Chelmsford South side Doswgll aoross Racy moyd ggpth Bide Doswell across Hythe Noxth side Dd#VOIb aoross Ram nd NAV -side Tteyn�oud'sordes poewd l south sideCarter7. aoroga RagoiS�► b Eq • f ## { �? i F n ;:, , r"r: •:0r - •. err 1.707.7 r!; '•U .� b -i. 1 y.r t c.�.. i .,. ("C j'7 'CCO tp.. =of"p1r ^TCr 7 T7J R ls to n:, ._, T. .. 71 q*14' [r, ^;1 '�ff7 S3.7 q5t ;1,; 0r{' )Tijr i' Ts Tl. �%'C T.'?p:3� x,'' 77• j0x r; 'T-;0 "4T'•' F -ct.pc mi It^? 1,C,' yT(' V 7p1.i u`C r,.-, p . TT,(' ,`.OZ.•t^U *iQ1, T.U"? �z,. _ iT} xic8{.` tlygc I{Oi;C..O Ward 9. (Cont.) -meat side Ab;e across Maryland Both sides Cook across Sylvan *Torch side Lawson across Sylvan Vilest side Sylvan across Hatch Rest side Sylvan across Litchfield South side htwatei'. across Stella Both sides Lawson across Court3md South side' Cook across csourtland North side cook across -Courtland Both sides Agate across Case North side Acker across Lightner Both sides Lagnolia across Able ast side Sylvan across Cook. . :est. 'side Courtland- across Sycamore .Least side Canada across Valley Across l,Lount airy between Linden a. L'urient Across Genesee between i..ississipT7i and Buffalo. .. Ward 10. C?..t•.;�. North side Sherburne µcross „ldine I South side Sherburne across Fry North side Sherburne across r.sbury Both sides Charles across Pascal �. a East side Pascal acrcas ChUrleO South side ddmund across Pascal Fast side Pascal ncresr, Edmund Roth sides dmund across J,Ibert „act sive r-.l.bert .cross !od,:,una 30th sldee :iyndioate acrus� gdutund ,30th sidea ,:d -=yid across Syndicate ,foto sidea urifzg© e.aro CB n;c„uund :doth Side ,sdmuna acrua6 Gdwund 30th cities yunlap doth sides ;d7uund acruss Dunlap Both sides Thomas across Dunlap Nest side uunlaP across Thomas cast side :impson acroos Lafond Borth side Lafond across Albert South side Lafond across Fiamline South side Blair acruss Ftamline East side E,sburY across glair Scuta aide Blair across Sry South side 'Taylor across Aldine -West side Aldine across Taylor West code Fairview ross�Tallulass leVe- mast side Pusey Pu Both sides Tallula Ave• across soY ,,,orth side Territorial hcross Eustis ,Nest side Cleveland across Commonwealth ,lest side Cleveland across Henton South side Iienton' across Cleveland Last side Raymond across lientonm North side Renton across Raymond South side Doswell aoross Chelmsford South side Doswgll aoross Racy moyd ggpth Bide Doswell across Hythe Noxth side Dd#VOIb aoross Ram nd NAV -side Tteyn�oud'sordes poewd l south sideCarter7. aoroga RagoiS�► b Eq • f ## { �? i F n A, r TM,% -G C-2 T4IM� c?. n kJ C' 7 7 r M T 4:vtv <:.. 3 C, 11 -rVT f 31.lq 7 ,O -NT T ,Cf ljr Ward 10. Cont West side Raymond across Carter Oou'th Side Carter across.Cholmsford South Side Doswell across Granthum South side Gordon across Langford South sidPf 'Coma across Gibbs Bast side Gibbs across COMO- Weat side Bradford across Long North side Pearl 5t. across Cromwell West side Cromwell a=OS5 Pearl ,last side .Fustic across Bayless 3%orth side BaY16BB uOTO" ;Justis 1,Tor,tia side Long. "c -r-5 Raymond .,�aat Side Bradford �--crOB5 -alis ,,qor.th side Bred": across Pascal East side Pascal across Almond South side Jaden across Gibbs 'Gest side Gibbs across Uden Last side Raymond across Nntera West Side Rayuiond across jintcra j,11ey - Bast side Fairview betvieen inoiaas 1,afond Fast side Pascal acrotic All"nyL L;'� luk 41 between Gordon St. and �ust,15 Across Carter Ave. be to Lot 33 Blk 40 6t. Anthony Park orth) South side Commonwealth across Chelmsford Ward 11 !lQ.rth -3i,e Fcxonia tiCTV u3 nl'lI'illT 3t —,rule !,Ynn.hur5t tO -,urk �iTvjo%v L -:,rtlj gide 'IiOld:3 -cx`)" cross e 10. �Ne 5,L j�jc -Ca7schel ,;out.. v;' -Ft Zi -e 'Xj UOXGSSY ,a 2t side x I XJ r o ji F, i,obljn Last idc-, Pry across ia, L Z -'1Y lqorth across 3t- "n"01'W jjS.t side Ferdinand Last. side DeVIGY across ROblyn -ross NorthFir'VI Northside RO'blyn ac -�Jhaeler Both sides 19leh-'rt' acrosDs66ajton East side WAGelOr across Last Side Herschel across Dayton 71(yrth side MIguO across 'Fry 4,,,t Bide yr, across Dayton 14orth aide Hague aoroSS Pierce across Hague potll side Wheeler Bides Selby aarOBS prior vast aide Prior across Selby LI_ rjo:rLCroSS selby. lye et aide ]? rorth side Ashland Pierce Bides Aghland Both Ashland Rest Bide-pridr across Laurel Both ei(IOSIV across Both sidej-pieroO across°Lsuro N,-rth Bide 1,aUyel across Howell Selby Woot side Cretin Cross rose '1916h side Vinn'"a aorosg-IincOln rgagt side Snelli'.., aorosozsnolling do Lin*01 'North"'I 0 no a0rogs Grand Bast sid liaMlllng wellealeY Vast side SnOl --T 7—' 6af. d1'C6 :I :T!J f.: {f ,•-:L'g17.T -'CT.^ _, 'T,* .. C741 Z-'T(TST.j TCU —C ?O ";�'El7C�G ;i:.1£dJj :;GS.^.�? ^. T. [-i7• 't�'-' .,++i✓.W u N �. .. y;,y`..cc4,�.s—. ..:. . � A' rad �` North side Wellesley across Lacalester South side, Wellesley across acalester Both sides Niaoalester acress Wellesley Last side Underwood across`%:ellesloy Nast side Vernon c.cross St. Clair Idest side Vernon across Princeton ?ort]; side, St. Clair across i;ruherst "orth side St. Clair across 3ecldiTin crt _ F irvievt portii nide crinceton across Fa-irview lest side Firn across %%•dia lust side Cretin cxcross ..inooln :lout.j -:i.c Ccodrich acrss CrAir: ,,:'est side Cretin ..cross Goodrich '';est side Cretin sacross Yairmount ;forth side yai.rmount across Cretin South sine Osceola. across Cretin Uest side Cretin across Usoeola "crth aide Sur;-e^tLeress Cretin :est side Cretin across Sargent "orth side 't. Clhr across ' :-trose T'orth side at. Clair across .;oodlawn ,'last side liiver Boul. ecrose, Osceola South side Franklin across r'elhk7.m Both sides Cromwell across 7r,ralin Bast side iustis across branklin Both sides St. jorthony r.croos Cretin Both sides ot. rnthony "crass 'a`andalia ?rrth side L;t. „nthony across :illsbury Both sides i,rior across lortland ]north side Randolph acrom Pascal - request North side Hague across syndicate South side Berkeley across „-;rellxng South side Stiknford a.cres'� Nrellin South side V1c:llewley e.cross g ward 12. Y,Orth side Carroll across Fisk North side Carroll across Victoria North side Aurora across Avon Both sides Lafond across St. E.lbans North side Lafond across Avon � iz ride Lafond across Victoria North side hatch aoross Chatsworth '!urth side union across Chatsworth West side oxfogdacross Cross last 'iside Victoria across Hatch lest aide VietoIa across Hatch Last side Victaia across Orchard South side Orchard across Victoria ast side Colne across Hctch North side Hatch aqr= Colne Vdest side Jamieson across hatch East side- Victoria across Lafond West side Chatsworth aerom Sherburne vast side Chatsworth across Charles South side Charles across LY.atsworth South side F,ondo across ;"iton Last side Chatsworth across i>.ondo ylest side Chatsworth across Fuller ,.orth side ,mrora across Chatsrtorth 11 is� 01. lard 12. (Cont.) West side Chatsworth exross jurura East side Victoriti ,.cr,.ss Union East side Kilbourne ac..,oss ',:Yiion :east - ,ast side Kill -)urne 120 fant &—th ag,,Unifln West side Ryde across 'hien RESOLUT ONS. 3oth sides Colne t�cross Union c I. N.. 4311-13y M. N. GO- 1,11ey - _,ast side Prion betweer.ReS.Iled, That the Commissioner or Public Works -be and Pie Is h= — thorIzed and directed to 'net crosswalks of cemen t blacka [it I . following locations, the coat thereof b0 be paid from the Crosswalk Account of ,,ttr++ the Street Construction and Repair Fund; CEMENT. Ward 7, North Bid,, Marshall memos Farring- I On. North side Laurel across Avon, East side Avon street across Igle. hurt East Side Oxford ..,.a. Marshall .4-mf",rd Both sides Osceola across Xllto� tWest side Lexington across Lincoln. West side Dunlap across Grand, Northside Hague across -Syndlcate. West side Gfiggs across Ashland, East side, Griggs across Portland, North Bide, Grand across Dunlap, North old. Ashland acrose St. Al. be... South Bids Ashland across Griggs. Eastside Hemline, across Grand, East side Hemline across Lincoln. West side Chatsworth across Fair- mount. West side Chatsworth across Good- rich, North side Goodrich, across Chats- worth, CEMENT. Ward 8. West side Western —,o.. Road., South side St Anthony across LOU'a` South side Aurora across Virginia. North ids Thomas ..me Farring- ton South side Lafond across Arundel, Both Sides Motion across L.fo.d. North side Blair across Elicit. East side Elfelt B,r.SB Main North side ,Blair — ..... Ade 1. southsouthIn r _ro.. .1 .oder. IV .t - A .. d'.) : .. 111 F. .vi d, V- Bur— ..... babe. Yana South aid. Minn.hah. B.or— Bums, South side Minnehuh. across Mac - _c k.b1n. .as Mirm, ',uth Sid, Mackubin Be s 1,h1 water. Farrington some EBB t old, W -ter across At t B Bur -8 0' e F ng -l' Burgess across Farri Both sides ton Both Sides Gaultier across Law S '6uth aid. J-- -rose GS.ItItr, West side o VMarlon .0.... Lawson, L Both sides N odrbrldge acrossaw- S6uth side Law Wood- bridge, across bridge West aide Albemarle across L.wB.,n, r. Both Idea Woodbridge ,o .. C-- West aide Marion act... Cook, West bide Oliver, • Marlon .. Oliver act... ,or do, North ids or do, Marl North aide Maryland across Both old or 'er"'Gaultier, ea Gaultier Oliver across an Both aid.. Gaultier across Cook, r. Both Sides S'u hS'd:=k a c ross Ga u ltiej South jnlum across datid a.,. East Bide Rose tbI orth aide Matilda '0'u Norah side Maryland across ntild North aid- Maryland or... Farrip97 1ton lioth Sides Lawson across Western, e,,de, 4gk him act,,, Iron BthB,do� b across Stinson, : North old. Stinson across Mackubin Both olden Mockubin serosa Burges S Bide North SI B.rimea across M-ckubin, ...... . a., side C... Burgess, C; across Bur South side Burgesa memo. East side COMO across Kent, Both sides Como across lag ..at side Como across South Star Atwaterb Atwater -10-S •0.0 faryland and Gaultior. CEMENT. q P C -1 T.,p r' 7 L T , C. T el r 7 C e,7 11 is� 01. lard 12. (Cont.) West side Chatsworth exross jurura East side Victoriti ,.cr,.ss Union East side Kilbourne ac..,oss ',:Yiion :east - ,ast side Kill -)urne 120 fant &—th ag,,Unifln West side Ryde across 'hien RESOLUT ONS. 3oth sides Colne t�cross Union c I. N.. 4311-13y M. N. GO- 1,11ey - _,ast side Prion betweer.ReS.Iled, That the Commissioner or Public Works -be and Pie Is h= — thorIzed and directed to 'net crosswalks of cemen t blacka [it I . following locations, the coat thereof b0 be paid from the Crosswalk Account of ,,ttr++ the Street Construction and Repair Fund; CEMENT. Ward 7, North Bid,, Marshall memos Farring- I On. North side Laurel across Avon, East side Avon street across Igle. hurt East Side Oxford ..,.a. Marshall .4-mf",rd Both sides Osceola across Xllto� tWest side Lexington across Lincoln. West side Dunlap across Grand, Northside Hague across -Syndlcate. West side Gfiggs across Ashland, East side, Griggs across Portland, North Bide, Grand across Dunlap, North old. Ashland acrose St. Al. be... South Bids Ashland across Griggs. Eastside Hemline, across Grand, East side Hemline across Lincoln. West side Chatsworth across Fair- mount. West side Chatsworth across Good- rich, North side Goodrich, across Chats- worth, CEMENT. Ward 8. West side Western —,o.. Road., South side St Anthony across LOU'a` South side Aurora across Virginia. North ids Thomas ..me Farring- ton South side Lafond across Arundel, Both Sides Motion across L.fo.d. North side Blair across Elicit. East side Elfelt B,r.SB Main North side ,Blair — ..... Ade 1. southsouthIn r _ro.. .1 .oder. IV .t - A .. d'.) : .. 111 F. .vi d, V- Bur— ..... babe. Yana South aid. Minn.hah. B.or— Bums, South side Minnehuh. across Mac - _c k.b1n. .as Mirm, ',uth Sid, Mackubin Be s 1,h1 water. Farrington some EBB t old, W -ter across At t B Bur -8 0' e F ng -l' Burgess across Farri Both sides ton Both Sides Gaultier across Law S '6uth aid. J-- -rose GS.ItItr, West side o VMarlon .0.... Lawson, L Both sides N odrbrldge acrossaw- S6uth side Law Wood- bridge, across bridge West aide Albemarle across L.wB.,n, r. Both Idea Woodbridge ,o .. C-- West aide Marion act... Cook, West bide Oliver, • Marlon .. Oliver act... ,or do, North ids or do, Marl North aide Maryland across Both old or 'er"'Gaultier, ea Gaultier Oliver across an Both aid.. Gaultier across Cook, r. Both Sides S'u hS'd:=k a c ross Ga u ltiej South jnlum across datid a.,. East Bide Rose tbI orth aide Matilda '0'u Norah side Maryland across ntild North aid- Maryland or... Farrip97 1ton lioth Sides Lawson across Western, e,,de, 4gk him act,,, Iron BthB,do� b across Stinson, : North old. Stinson across Mackubin Both olden Mockubin serosa Burges S Bide North SI B.rimea across M-ckubin, ...... . a., side C... Burgess, C; across Bur South side Burgesa memo. East side COMO across Kent, Both sides Como across lag ..at side Como across South Star Atwaterb Atwater -10-S •0.0 faryland and Gaultior. CEMENT. q 1 u i Yeas (lr) Co ci11 (T') Nays Fa sworth G s In favor K er M OR _- _Against Nash Y rg Mr. Preside Powers roam c.e-z Adopted by the Council Appro ed_ (�" _ . 1915 — --- Maroa VIA t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1 COUNCIL 312 FILENo.... .. ..... ...................... ...... .. ...... ............... ............... ............... ....... .................. ............ ........ . ........... .......... .......... ............... ... ...... ....... ........ Date Presented -April., 71 191 a 4 Res I olved, That the Commissioner Of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to construct crosswalks of brick at the following locations, the cost thereof to be paid from the Crosswalk Account Of the Street Construction & Repair Fund. 71ARD 1 orth side ivy across : South side 'mrd acro Be Forest C. F. No. 4312—By M. N. Goes— Res.TVII mat the Commlealoner of Tvorth Side jit4pon across Forest Public Wor%abd he is riereby as- Iublzed and di, ted to construct Bast sic@ 11 acros's Hudson crosswa,ka of brick at the tollowing ,ocattona, Sha coat thereof to be paid ♦a�TBT South bids Hudson across sorest from the Crosswalk Account of the Street Construction and Repair Fond: North aide Nakofield aetQ$s'Forest ^;orth side P40ifio across YQrest BVarCd I. Earl, !Bast s}de FQrest across UcLean Kurth side Ivy across East a+de Earl acroas Ivy, } • East side 'Cjrpresa agr0as+clean South, aide Ivy across Frank, Eaat sae Ear, aernas Hyacinth, South Bide UoLean across Cypress North alae Hyacinth across Hey .running porta dna south between Earl W si side Cypress across Ruda n �.. YPr Q = _. acro East side Earl noose Orange. Earl North side Orange acroas Hyacinth. l� Fast: side Cypress across Euclid South side Maryland acrosa Burr, North .side Maryland across Men- South side.Oaffiway across Cypress dote, 2 ConwayEast 19est side Cypress Across C aide Earl across Orange, North side Orange across Frank, side Third across C rebs Yp.. SoutSouth East side Greenbrierside acrone ssacrosss Ger M' }1Q st Bide trty re a a�'}'Q $3 M4 W p e nnlum, South side Jessamine acrosa Clark, Roth sides re$$ ogress Fremont vvp mine, East tae Burr across Geranium. Eaet side Burr. across Geranium, ,t}r went side c ppa 8 a ro Be sit ! Yp r East side Burr across Rose, East \P eat side Purr across Cook, n Y7? a8 North pide F`ou th serosa C ie -)' r Last side Cypress 'across 5t4 South aide Lawson across West - East side Cypresa across 5th minster Enst side Earl cross Senke. South side Brainerd across Bradley, �i++.{�...�ii BLast si.dehichenwald across. M,}.xt+h• last South aide Brainerd across Burr, side kauquier acrosa Cypress NortNorth Southsid-Brainerdside da8orseClak. North side Aeaney across Cypress North aide J acr... Wood South side 'mrd acro Be Forest C. F. No. 4312—By M. N. Goes— Res.TVII mat the Commlealoner of Tvorth Side jit4pon across Forest Public Wor%abd he is riereby as- Iublzed and di, ted to construct Bast sic@ 11 acros's Hudson crosswa,ka of brick at the tollowing ,ocattona, Sha coat thereof to be paid ♦a�TBT South bids Hudson across sorest from the Crosswalk Account of the Street Construction and Repair Fond: North aide Nakofield aetQ$s'Forest ^;orth side P40ifio across YQrest BVarCd I. Earl, !Bast s}de FQrest across UcLean Kurth side Ivy across East a+de Earl acroas Ivy, East side 'Cjrpresa agr0as+clean South, aide Ivy across Frank, Eaat sae Ear, aernas Hyacinth, South Bide UoLean across Cypress North alae Hyacinth across Hey .running porta dna south between Earl W si side Cypress across Ruda n �.. YPr Q and North side across Frank, North side _ 1 .Sou Mh side Euclid across CT reBa y8 acro East side Earl noose Orange. Earl North side Orange acroas Hyacinth. Fast: side Cypress across Euclid South side Maryland acrosa Burr, North .side Maryland across Men- South side.Oaffiway across Cypress dote, 2 ConwayEast 19est side Cypress Across C aide Earl across Orange, North side Orange across Frank, side Third across C rebs Yp.. SoutSouth East side Greenbrierside acrone ssacrosss Ger M' }1Q st Bide trty re a a�'}'Q $3 M4 W p e nnlum, South side Jessamine acrosa Clark, Roth sides re$$ ogress Fremont vvp mine, East tae Burr across Geranium. Eaet side Burr. across Geranium, ,t}r went side c ppa 8 a ro Be sit ! Yp r East side Burr across Rose, East \P eat side Purr across Cook, n Y7? a8 North pide F`ou th serosa C ie South Ida Cook acroas Weide. North side Lawson acrosa Bradley, Last side Cypress 'across 5t4 South aide Lawson across West - East side Cypresa across 5th minster Enst side Earl cross Senke. South side Brainerd across Bradley, �i++.{�...�ii BLast si.dehichenwald across. M,}.xt+h• last South aide Brainerd across Burr, side kauquier acrosa Cypress NortNorth Southsid-Brainerdside da8orseClak. North side Aeaney across Cypress North aide J acr... Wood North Margaret across Earl So th aide.0era.nium:">acroe R ood- sand SouthSouth .,oath side Sixth aarQaB Earl ;side Coe " Cynresa. � -wsat'alae cr Bast side earl across 4th land, ,, North aide Fremont across Hp n Saute sids-aThiXd aarq'# „- tgw 'Torth aide ConP+ay acrosa marl f,„", .[,,,. ,., « Easy; side l arl acro80 C%or+Way ::aTl north aide Jessamine ¢er.rose De Soto. East alae,. flus` sa North Siide "falce£ieid p.c roflS Ua3aefleld n:`ca 8icfie riar7. across E86e y;1 atiSab Pacific 'Sleet '..,,,n a ia, ,• Bradley, aids Both aides call aCZ'Cgg k1CTi8aT1; Earl bout „nt'aria . across North eldeM B oil across S9Lnmlahe \i' lsh °"° North side Suburban across Suburban ,Vert aide BRICK. East Bide 1+811 p$S ns acroas Earl Burns wars = a 6th. \Peat alae Ho furan a ora. West Rottman .-c.. Hath sides gest side Sari across !;urns Thorn de Conway. F.nat side Hoffman a a Hoffman. wear aide EneBa a Haaann a a Hnttmna. Tiiati7atha aanosa Last side heater N„rth de Eaat aide Bates a s Suburban, West ide Bastes serve” Vrbnn Piacr. Hastings serosa South gide �eT Fourth acrosa wase aide Bates arrnaa sen,` West side Races n ' NO2 South aide T@rry across Fourth East sideGotzim West side Bates across East ice Cable acrosa 111-P ia. side Conway acs s Arcade. South aide iargaret aexoas Rooney Borth Both sides Mound acroas McLean, gest aide Mound across Suburban, across Aoth aides frank loth Du En" aide Siound across 'aBHuoson, East alae Mendota Here a i'. TTOTth side geeeh across aB tatlantiC Both sides Fremont acroas -ia1. wast side across Hurter Fremont. 3 north Bide Rose acre Foes ac across le Sues[ aide Force[ across South side Third across F Forea[. side Atlantic Haat aret across f,-drg aide ntlantic tlantic North aide Hudsonero saHudaon. East egde I•'orest °° sen`: !aP xvsk°ne;ar Pnreat.I Blest Both aides 1.argaret across is English Nu fl"Fere" . Sorb aides Margaret across Harvester Is14', gide Phalen acroas Harveaer across Tla�ndreau z South side Beer across Stillwater 1 test side;CBhite Naxth side 'Seventh aaose'TracY Hager North side Seventh across Book s1 off. fide 6eveinth across Germain Se, PTorth aide Sh across Sennard Ntth aide Seveatb acroas a7th East gide Flandreau across Seventh soros �'•landreau z�aicth .aide aoroea` ide'Whtte'rAiar 3rd feat3xd �prasi aaroea 8sst mils i � � � 'q (p(pjkFFt Yt], �i it i• tt I ' � i, 111 U ` i d —Now C 0 T (I L 0 j.- ITTI T, 1 L '7 7 0 TO Ojj T t! -T ;I*,ICT ICx side Earrison across Lawton 'North aide St . Clair' across -Richmond Nast side Colborne across Fichioun Both tidds:Sup6i ?ior across Erie South side Grace across Duke East side Erie across Grace St. East side Toronto across Grace South side Grace across Toronto West side Toronto across Jeffmaor SouthIside Grace across Daly South: bide Grade across v7arwavr Sduth-side Grace across Arbor South side Grace across Bay East side 134 across Palace South side Jefferson across View West side View across valace North side Palace acrossMilton East side IUltowaOVOSO Palace South:side aames across Milton Wsb_j side Hilton, across Bayard Fast side uilton across Bayard 4Yes;t side MUlton across Schaffer Bait side L-ilton across Schaffer Both,Oides Schaffer across !:ilton 330 th'ijidos )�.jlton across Eleanor voathside Randolph across S.Summit East aide S.'Summit across Randolph Iq h ode -acrojel's, Gr I'io-.rth4 cede dainea a0i6tib -Sylldic�tc Both sides jenes across .)cbst-', :Both sides Webster across James Last side I;rie across "ailes vrest, 4t4a Pu4p across James across Duke,L North side' . j - 6ihas -, a , erobA Rjohmond G 1; "A -W' rnAa vebster. et W.— T-7-, --I-, d, -across:---Grace Both ai'd'es U chmon ,- Ward 6. West, side, State across COtl8tans Beth aifle$ +�i amore aorojes. Robertson South aide Chicago across Bdward ,North aid@ Indiana across Daniel Both aides Indiana , ,Indiana across Eyde North skis N'a37Cfield `gross Ethel southa de,v ir ifield aerges Daniel a vorth 'side vairfield a.03:0150 hoses Both aides Indiana &Lcrqa5 .dward East sidostarkey acroe*- Indiana west side Delaware aCNOOB 14o7rton East side Ottawa across George Both sides Uttawa.acrosS Stevens Northside Stevens ECZ055 "tawa Both aides Ottawa across "ng South aide King across Ottawa south side UobiQ,acrQ50 Orleans pwast side Ohio A-094P.Winons, jList side,ohio 40*6pa utevans No,itih aide AnnaqQjja aoVQs8 Robert north side Wyoming across Robert Vogt side ,sobert-acr9,50 Qurtioe !,orth Bide Oakdale North side Gates aqroas Oakdale Both sides Oakdale across CurtiOs SQutja 014* Stevens aqXQq6-j4Lanom,inL East side x.anomin,aot0*g`X-ing- south side Eiiag.�ro fjancoin South side ubrton across uanomin Iyest side !,:anomin South L�J. 13o -t acmes ijinona HSdH L'+a.7oFII7.n `OTO H9 0 :1 across .9yo-Ing across i3elvIdere BOLh side, a aC3ZPUS V-om:Lng p r M am Wm MO. 6rW4 �0,pjj U.T q C, C T I' C. C) Yj C* T, O.0 j.,j T T4` oil -C 0 —7t? -P UTI -C C MP07. :'GE vc-.OZ2F1 C c r T. (" 2 4 ljcq�� C, -0 -j - G ;,I V17. C , C14� T q West, side, State across COtl8tans Beth aifle$ +�i amore aorojes. Robertson South aide Chicago across Bdward ,North aid@ Indiana across Daniel Both aides Indiana , ,Indiana across Eyde North skis N'a37Cfield `gross Ethel southa de,v ir ifield aerges Daniel a vorth 'side vairfield a.03:0150 hoses Both aides Indiana &Lcrqa5 .dward East sidostarkey acroe*- Indiana west side Delaware aCNOOB 14o7rton East side Ottawa across George Both sides Uttawa.acrosS Stevens Northside Stevens ECZ055 "tawa Both aides Ottawa across "ng South aide King across Ottawa south side UobiQ,acrQ50 Orleans pwast side Ohio A-094P.Winons, jList side,ohio 40*6pa utevans No,itih aide AnnaqQjja aoVQs8 Robert north side Wyoming across Robert Vogt side ,sobert-acr9,50 Qurtioe !,orth Bide Oakdale North side Gates aqroas Oakdale Both sides Oakdale across CurtiOs SQutja 014* Stevens aqXQq6-j4Lanom,inL East side x.anomin,aot0*g`X-ing- south side Eiiag.�ro fjancoin South side ubrton across uanomin Iyest side !,:anomin South L�J. 13o -t acmes ijinona HSdH L'+a.7oFII7.n `OTO H9 0 :1 across .9yo-Ing across i3elvIdere BOLh side, a aC3ZPUS V-om:Lng p r M am Wm MO. 6rW4 t '-.Gtr t - rr• �'oc 3PIN rTJ 47JU:fJ T , . -e 4t e< J rcro ' ;,- ",I 7fr{ G• hd'Ei�=F"CP.CEi i'rrn•—, T n 3r. bqj. r_CSr)roq f:.nt'�tI 1: �7i T'74'7+C;J gal$�;^!f7 S. ,ehghlTd�C�7aT0e rAry^meq qt r 7'(x ;I'C'..R 3 n^r 27r"�fr, �Jt �`�i'Cg Ff`'t°Cr.Eiu{t.-n r: nr ,c.E g nrr.-ri TC, f`x.0's /+ Cr cx a n rrr. t am o f3 Tr -.0 r kTCrg �•61;• :pr;n %Ot'17^ `.GTC, ' 7JCSI; %T u'7Cr, ?(;Sn 'TF` r.}. roz.o _ox,r1I a?or, �Ip+r 77„'�P OT. ^TJ n70 E:,�; n1i�,r nrgg tI? To cC'n _ :7'i1,rr � 7s- .0 e'U ��(g r rTiry;Jc,'"On 1JJPr,4� East side Baker across Bidwell South side King across Bidwell tiWest side Bidwell across King. .East side Bidwell across Delos Porth side Delos across Bidwell South solds itobie across Bellows South side Ninifred across Charlton North side Noble across Golf. North aide Tyler across Gorman .East side -Gorman across 16orton Heat side Gorman acro sc aw6usta Uoat side Gorman across 7aouisa Both sides Dearborn across South ::obert South side Dearborn across Livingston :Gast side Gorman across ')earb= South side Dearborn across^=orman ysst side Cherokee across Sting '.lest side Chorokeeacroas Baker Boitn sides Cherokee across Page � 'float side Cherokee across Winona North side Winona across Cherokee 'vast side Delaware across ''ayoming East side Delaware across Winona Ea.9t side Dela*are across DelLont Both sides Delaware across Sidney East side Delaware across Page. c tt t r. Y ;• r ( t3'� .i f'Y�{�' tC7ty ��- n zc� md;c r0 w it Ply OC. �•�1 T,. U '„f�{�^T1 JnO� J 7 '(• CTO' tY• "r •f ;cc ���� o T O `7r ETCf C` 7JJ ?j Ofd f.,"C7 n :.0 t�^ 5f If nTrfG+, (7•,fi�r4r :G T,O tin K'L.fj'f.!t r<`4 rrur CZn My 13 8b ( Tf nre ru (. ir,:t ... h.,,x9 GLdkrt -�G� fl'Ot52� Tr,dc,'x,g• !_y7. CI C-ri.ieQ 4 d ' t n r i .sr Cx r. r , fi T4'2 "'G:o"L1C -•.,i. ti C•7aJ�; -,C's.9 rr ?:, „1r :,r,nsJ �ne,:7J;r,•_ .c -GG wt+I,:. .'C ,n TNG 'C?ri:l, L(�;,i.7 S' C:.. C:.-. n� 4T rr(a I n -.•.r•-... -�"r r+:'3 n'.4 Oly Vj7 'IG 7r;CE`•-i n G8J ,� r ?6 F �'Ci6 rt.TC!E. Yeas ( V) I oilmen (P) Nays worth In favor r Oil _._ "Against ry Mr. Presidowers roR c,8-2 Adopted by the Council. ] g 1'1 /— pp cd _ 916— MAYOR Af Coltncil Fide No., PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, The undersigned here'hy proposes the inakiug of the followi119 IIIlhlie ieproveeeut by o pity of St. P,nd, viz.: Grade1in..th St.,....fromSm ._ith..Aveys'a.Q_...Swa mit....Ave ....,.....i .luding.....the.... building of retaining walls, also,._.5:han of grade on Coll e Ave. from Sixth t..to_.Smith Ave...,__..inc.lnding._.th ..gra.dii'lg..nf._Qame.,.... ns.truct.i.on....of_. retaining walls and change in sewer nd water mains, 8 o the change of gra.de...on.all.ey...in...Blanck._5.9__.Ir.vin.e' ._Enlargement-�__inol. ing''_the' e;rading of same and construction of retaini wall, also constr iction of bridge on College Ave. crossing._Ilinth--St, __.. n,,ted this 31st day of _-rch - u Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, ]vI1:Ti;F 1S, d w iften proposal for the making of the following improvemeuY, viz.:_ Gr.ade__.Ilinth_$t. from Smith Ave. �o Summit Ave., including the tuilding of retaining walls, also he. . gr of _1 uding the grading of same, construction of retaining walls and change in sewer and-water._mains_, .also the. .change .of -grade_ an &j. #n -Block 59 Irvine'=s - Enlargement, including the gra' c r v 1313 . P P aal for the otion of retaining n ng wall, also-canstruotion of bri m.,kinF eflh u I nnprovesing Plinth St. \1t th 15C1 fmsmth aing the build - n t.,,nlnt; �v ., ..... .. ... Inti „„ (:cine F`e. :Ave from Sixth L t r Sre to Smith :Ave., Inclndin {; the grading snore. eonstr uc[lon retalning 10 _ ....................___._.__........__..... _......_........ w. Its having been presented to the Council of th na m,nna. n, a .na .eater mama, Oleo the ehnnsee oerFrnae on quer In', therefore, he it mnek 69 irvn,ea rnh,�smm�nt. In_. rluams the t;,'odm, of N.�i�.„Oa eon - 1h, al rnetion of r to nus„ couel;e Arm' ordered and directed: RTtSOLYFD, That the Commissioner o 1 sn'a 1 .r nelas'e o sslnl; Ninth st., havint: been Per 1. To investigate the necessity for 01'I=o;tea to the -.n it of u,e city oeunproveueut. g sl. r,,,a u,erefm'., n. it n.amt',�a. Tbnt the co,nmlaelon.r relent, and the total cost thereof. '� To investigate the nature, extent a'.rnmin worsts ne na nn la nerenr o aerea Ona al„�etea: aanr for :3. To furnish a plan, profile e• sketch a1.aesl0 kn ivuse til she ""log it ansa Of mOf a. To I'nrnish the hdlowin:! other dat;bi 2'evemn„° extentluprnvemeut: z. Tn mveausnte the n tare. Ona rsllmplea �n.[ of s21a Improve- ment, Ona (h. total cos[ th.reof or --- 3. To furnish a Plnn. Proftle �. ..._.'.... ....___. snid improvemen 1. "'- -- - sketch or To rnrnleh the 0o,wIng other n of three or more owners. .l. 1 o state whether or not caul mlprf ansa nmi Inrarmnuon r.lauve to m m,Pr—leeent. sena Im-mance. G. To report open all of the foref�);oim 6. To tcI, a,k d for on the petition Ri f\ Prnv.men 'more Owners. f1 oP I. To or rose upon nil of the fore - Adopted try the Council___ _..______.__ _._ ging ..tlera to the Comm,..,onOr of� Fmnnae. y eas:.Adopted by' the Cou cell April 1, 196.8 ADP,'uv11 \prll 1, 1916. (April 3-1916). Cemelnlan bill sworth Go, pprovet Ke er 7111 0ll Nash' Y rg ........... ...._... .................... Mayor.i\Invor. P e•s Comicil Fill- No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the follovviug publie inlproveulcut by - is City of St. J. Paul viz.: Grade_TJnth .$t..• from....$mith_.,Q,Ye.., r.� ..Swuait..Ave.....,.....i l.uding.....the.... building of retaining walls, also then of grade on Coll e Ave. from Sixth_ St. to.. Sintth_ Aue...,_...ino.luding....th _.—a.ding__of...aame.,_... ne.truc.t.ion.._of... retaining walls and change in sewer/n water mains, a o the change of gra.de_..on_alley ...in...Bhnk_5.9....ir.vine.'.-hnlargemo.nt.y.._.inm.t. .Ing the grading o: same and construction of retains wall, also constr otion of bridge on College Ave. ._crossing ..Ninth ._at, _ .. Dated this 31st day of _....Tch._ IS.. _ Councilnuln. 1 _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1 t bi VI 1.1i.b.r11S, A w •itteu proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_ Grade.._.Ninth..St. from s�miE 11ve. �o Summit Ave., including the wilding of retaining malls, also change..._of__gradeon..._C.of.].eg.e._.Avo....._..fro.m...Sixth....S.t._.....to_Hmith_..Ave...,..inGluding ................ the grading of same, construction of retaining walls and change in sever and water mains ,_also the change-of..grrade--on--a11-ev i�-Block 59 Irvine's Enlargement, including the gra. c r 31t3 h setion of retaining m wall, -also -construction of br he IL` ' 11 we mens ting Ninth St. me1<in4 nC Ln toll on ifl Im Istruction ,ni,\inlh tit. fromSum"tit .\vr. I"clndingi.•l.�inina unv" .ole.\�'u from til<th ¢[ith.\re.,inclua-r I the gr:tdl Ff having been presented to the Council of thgamee"rncietainln(p ne and cl"ingr iu srwer and router mains.•also th,• change cf1ntherefore, he it aloes, rill irvindsjcmi•Iuding{,roditi oC s me ano on- RPsSOL4ED, That the Commissioner 11nruon er retniningo�. I]uIII�" mdcred ud directed: ,f bridge n g.• (eroeaing 1Vlnth SL. hnclog been per a to the conn a "c u e it, ufl 1. To investigate the necessity for or sets .prove nt. I $t. Paul thefefo re,lle be it 2. To investigate the nature, extent alp Resolved., Thats be and bel le herebyrortlent, and he total cost thereof. do ea and di ted 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch t z i ve tlgate::ahe ec sub ford.,, or ae t abl1At¢ s t y 3 V- 4. 'I'o furnish the following other dattatm$ a}S KF ie s, L,Sl"gmprovenleut:__. I _ ........... __....._....._.__. .�. To state whether or not said implr4 e:iv^f6 ri§]Y�'d o1'"onP£li petitio11 of three or more tevaei 6. To report upon all of the foregning matters to the C'onnnissioiler of Finance. I Adopted by the Council_._._. APR _ IS 191, yeas: Nay's' C'ouncihnan Fal svworth Go. Approved Ke er M 'oil /1 pF Trash Yrg _... .. ....... . _... iiiavor P ere ...._.__.. \bigot•. Request of D. N.. Doty Cotulcd }tie \o.__.___._.___.a_.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and -314 PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Phe undersigned hereby proposes the otaldlig of the followv lig Pnhlic improvement b the City of St Paul, cI'L.: _.. u�? _-- sides sides of Marshall Ave... from where Food and Sufficient CE Dated this 1st day of 4p371 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1V]lEBis,k�4. A wl'ittr» Prnposld for the ranking of the follon'ing improvement, clr..:---- Cons.tru....ct ,cement tile sidewallm,.to a...ldth..of si...x.......Zee..t. a. O b.oth_eide� ........_.... of Marshall Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Asbury Ave., excentinC where good and sufficient cement sidewalks now exist. ......_.... .__....� C. F No. 431.1— .. A written DI -0111111 for the -- -- making of the. f(IIIo\vlag Improvement. viz:n Conwidth structof cement til, sidewalks nix feet on holh al dea ..... ._......._ having been presented to the Council of the C tf nfatnhau Ave from Lexington Ave to Anhary Ave.. a cePtin9 where 90011 therefore, he it end su R1,l mt t side—Ike exist. hai having e P event d to thederedand directed That the Commissioner of P C: ouncil f the CRY oUSt. Phu there- R7�]SOI,I'h rare, he It �•ovemcut. 1. To investigate the necessity for or dq neem ked. That the Commissioner of I i1nhu, werle hereby fie and he In alta the total cost thereof. 'L '. To investigate Im stigate the nature, extent and ed I 7b tn1 duect,d: ,.enth,, the acenuY for, or aslna,uu)' or the malting of said :S. To furnis}t a plan, profile or sketch o5nal). evemm,t. 2. To Inrcnligato the nature. extent . ,� tl est hinted cont of .aid improve_ oventent : _..._.._. __.. _.. }. Co furnL,ll the fullmtcwg other data u� n ,fit. and 11- total ,eat u,mof. o 4. Te furalah a In,,, P,'ofll0 r _ .. _..._ 4 To fniehinthe f011owin9 other d to and Information '. It!, to nota f three or snore owners. 5. To state Whethm• m not said impious i 5. ona,nt. nal, ..home. o Wa ,It -Ad IIs- ' m'uvemenl In naked for an the I—Itio,, IIICe. 6. To report upoll fill of the foregoing ITof6thy. 0t.n_t ulmnl�wi-or the turn r< *.[]R , 9 g0I19 Inatters to the C—als,loner of Adopted by the Council.....___._._ ._ _ _. JL F'IAdlonied h, u,o Coun,n Awns 1. 1015. approved April 1. 10 15. Yeas: I (ADriI 3-1715) Couucihn:nl Farnsworth Goss Approvf d Beller 'IeColl / xnPSenxy Nash Yoerg Mayor. 'Mayor Powers Council File No.__.__._ Request of D. W. Doty PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uatersigned hereby proposes the making of the. fol Paul viz.: Construct.,cen..e.nt.bi.je. sid.ewa�.k sides of Marshall Ave. from Lexin4,�C where good and sufficient_.gemenl�'.�9 ic Dated this 1st_ day of AP 4-314 g public improvement b the ,City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. lVIIRRP.IS, A written inoposal for the making of the following improvement, vlr.:___. Construct cement_ the sidewalks- to_a_v>idth_.of..six........feet__-on both. a. of laarshall Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Asbury Ave., excepting where good and sufficient cement sidewallm now exist.__ --- C. F No. 431-0— Whereav, A written Tooposal for the Icing - --�' --- of the fow lloing 1mPro vement.. %-iz: Construct cc me nt the sldew nike _ width of six feet on both sides•......_ ....... .......-.._...... ......._.. ..._....... ...., IIH�'lll� 1),,11 pl'l'tient ed t0 T11C council Of the (J IC Marshall Ave from Lexingtan Ave. to Asilt Alc., 1—cIttlor where load therefore, he it and ffielsot cement sidewalk, now RNtiOLVED, That the Commissioner of P Council fito ctiy o° 4BC Rt u -there-tiered and directed: for +tn`n2"F `'^'ti oven) cut. 1. To investigate the necessity for or d to 9L6E tot 1ttwat sionor ota P 1,or l x nt t`B y 'l and the total cost thereof'. a e e 1 'L. 9'o investigate tile n e a.tnre e\tent'�s11d �'=�=hEOF 1� '�IsaI.7 .f 7lO LS IGI-E ila4V) \ l .4. 'fo furnish a )hill, Irofile or sketc`li I 1 or k apt>;y� .r it: d. To 1'ui nish the fulloteing -filer dater al �At og iHtm NRor I1 - a LE vast• s r. _. •t�_t¢ 5. To state whether or not said uuptoventent is asked for on the pefitT&r bf three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foremoine� inatters to tile, Conunissiouer of Finance. Adopted by the Council .__ _._ ...�9.�5.....-..191__._. .... _............ Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnswoatll (loss Approved _ ---. I{eller / ,gzail 1 ;�}„w,, Bash _.._.. _.................. _ I oerg _........_ ... Mayor. Mayor Powers lbnncil File \o.__.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 4,T15 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. d;r The uudersigued hereby proposes the uuilciug of. the 1'o11oNcing:� PLt1l1icn,i�nt�V,�r�odcln�t by the of st. Paul, eiz.: Paving..._o.... Ilia.1}....St......fr.oSa..,..XAi..th...AY./e".`.�_."t".`c``S.umrnit....A4e._ -.._. cl.uding... curbing and the layin of sidewalks and fiebuilding and res tting of curbing_a.nd. s.id.ewalTt:_Smith_Ave. and 5ummi.t. Ave..,..,,. also paving of _. College Ave. from Sixth St. to Smith Xve., including r eilting of curbing, new -. curbing, -relaying --of-s-idewalks-; neluding drivewa ; and a2i necessary sewer, water and ges connections f�!,, street mfine t property lines complete, -where-not elrefidy made./ Dared this 31st da,• of TflafJrJcn 7 _5. � � Cnuneihntul. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FII1:REAS, A writt ,IopnsnI f them I n f the fD11oc•ing improv,111,ut, I•iz.:.Paving__.of._ _. Ninth St. frorl Smith Ave. o^ ur W)ve., including curbing and the laying of- afdewa,lks--and.--rebuilding--and--resett..ing._.o.f..._curbin.g r:nd sidewalks -at Smith Ave. and Summit Ave-, also repaving of College I've. from Sixth St.to nf side - Smith -Ave., including resetting of curbinv, new curbing•,-reldiga ter nso aconnect- walks, including driveways, and all necessary sewer, w ions-from-street mains *g r None o. 5t4 '1 ;nes coableto, whore not already rude. C. Wh 1 ...._... ..._... written1I l f ti making f the f ll 11. i t _.. __ ... _.... -- ;1 Paving P Ninth St f S tlleniont'ill 1 t th t ll t 11 fS It 1 I l li ti 1ti 1havnlg been preseutcd to the Lout me ht>in>, oe aidewan<a ana Ithnndinamd resetting of curhhig and Idewalk, therefore, be it I,tSmul, Aye. and Sammlt a,•e_ alsoIoa�l-ing of couege A.•e. from sl.u, sL s herd directed:EESOLVED, That the l;onuni m , iw Aoe.. md„dh,g r, .ettmg of c riling, new>orsidee'niks. Incladlug driveways, and ali of st. 1. To ins°estigate the necessi nernaba, a�..eer. „iter and gas eon- rnlon.alfrom street lnnlns to prope, mprototal cost thereof. 2. Tn investigate the, mature, um.a mote, hero not already ud��, haying been presenlea to the ('ou ncll P the Cit)' of St. Pall th, r n :3. To furnish a plan, profile mra he a ' ne..aolved. That the Commlasionef to said llllprov(lneot. 1. To H1.16.11 the I•illowill" Panue w.rha ho and he la hereby . aeras and directed: t. To Inver tlgale the necessity for nr Qesi rnbil llv of the making of said. _.. _. _. _.. .... .._ _.. .... ......... .__._...... ....._, mmroyament. at. To myeauPte to,e n. tarn. —fee, tile petitimt of three or more owners. .i. 7`n state LL'hethtt or not n d .un,atea net t Pala Improye- m9rt.To d Runlsh al ace Plan.eip oil Is or color of F111ance. 6. To report upon all of the skemi, of e.ld lmprovement. 4. To fnrnlsh the following other dolt aart Infmmali.n rnl.ti,a to said , Adopted by the Council..__. Imnrm•en,ent. 5. To state whether o not said Im movement is asked for on the pet l tion' Yells: of three o ' r more owners. c. To report npoa alt of the fore lbuneihnlul ISI 1sn• Poig matters tp the Commissioner of� �. Pianoee. \so tea by iho Council A .. ... Go n pru i. tole.' .\e roved .Lprn 1, 1915. i[Co Zoll (`\I>ril 3-1915) Ke er11 Tdeah _......... g ._. Mayor. \Itlyor Pott I's ('otutcil File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. he nudcrsigned hereby proposes the making of the folloo•ing�Public�im,�p,�r�oweu�c 1 Pahl, viz.: i'eying....o.._._STint.l�....t._......T.ozn Smith...A re�Summit._.Ave.._ curbing and the lay in of sidewalks and,rrebuilding and res t cus.bing and siderralksEt_Smith-Ave .._and 5ummit...Ave..,....als.a....e College Ave. from Sixth St. to Smith ve., including nesa_curbing, relayi.n€ of__sidewal3rBy neluding drivew sewer, orator and gas connections f o^ street ^sins t complete..,_.where ..-not Rlready made./ - _ da of E7er ] .5.. Dated this -31st _. .. ._.. )' .-.. .. _._.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 4315 r Itc of St. including... ing of ving..;of.._ ... g of curbing, property lines Councilman. DCIII RP:A A written Proposal f ' the mnk'nc f I f llowing improvealcut, viz.:_Paving.-Of-- Ninth St. from Smith Ave. oK�- ve ; including curbing and the laying of sidewalks retruild-i-ng....and_..resett-ing o.f.. c-urb.in.g 4tnd_.sidewalks...at Smith Ave. and Summit Ave., also repaving of College Ave. from Sixth St.to Smith Ave.; including resetting of cu:rbi'nv, new curbing, re3aY1ng of side- walks, including driveways, and all necessary sewer, water and gas connect- ions from street mains +a r rnria 5tv �;nt�a. oot:7ulete, whore not already Ydade. Whe rr ,s, A writton preposal for the _..............__......._.............- makinPg of the following Imm proveent. .,,.__._._......... ................_....._. viz: aving of Ninth tit. from Smith Ave. to southeasterly centre line of, ilma_..........._..._...___...._...-..-, having been presented to the Con s mmli Ave., includnog rbing.and " the'laying of sidewalks and rebuilding and resetting of curbing a d hic_Ihs herefore, be it at smitn Aveg ntl Ft,n ^n�..n '0'''"" " '° 1';'„o”"a n„§ hereby orde ec and directed: HII l SOLCD, That the Commt t11„ eau 1 �a ln4a ;,Ouaip,o'atvr I .. Noisoers 1. To investigate the neeessl of sai ....... 1 v .. v °n nor 1 ai iavwl, 1 2 p, a the total cost thereof. 2. 'Po investigate the nature, n 1„l i val aa w a<Ian polo �rgvGinent d impro el eat. ens P.111 .t,anc a 3. To furnish alan rofile p p 1 P P ,. I v,»aoy y.ln.n Bt P.- ,aiis provolnenl: }. To Ilu•ui;h itIV follolttng ni io ,lama .4iivy,cl,a,]d Op i all 1�j'f 6. T.o state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the Petition of three or more owner.. 6. To report upon all of the fm•enning matters to theConunissimtcr of Finance. _ 1Jls_ .adopted by the Council_._._ .._. .. Nays: Yeas: Councilnuul I'll tsworth A�L Go Iie er �l[c ollNashYo g_ ..................... ._............._........ Mayor. Mayor Po\t rs CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIO =GENERAL FORM Subject:.._ _ _ _ _ _ _c No., FILE .LE No...... ..... ......................... .. Date Presented ... -I91-......-. Resolved, That Whereas the Department of Public Safety -Bureau of Fire Protection, has given an estimate of the amount of rubber fire hose required during the year 1915 to the Purchasing Agent, in accordance with Council File #3057, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent is herlbby authorized to contract for and purchase, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, 8,000 feet of 2-} inch rubber fire hose. Yeas (t) Coficilmen (F) Nays 7 In fns or .against nah T�P_ Mr. Presiders 'o" c.e-z I' P. \n. 1375-11v Henry McColl— R-.1—d. That'kVhereas the Depn.rt- m nt of PublicSafety—Buren. of Fire Protection. has g" so an mesit ate of. the unt of robber nrehose required during the yen'. 1915 to the Purchasing 1115 Fent, In a ordnnce with Cou n,it File Nn. 805 i, n w therefore be it Resolved, that the Purahnaing Agent: Is hereby author'zed to on tract for t and purchase, In accordance with the uv talons of the Charter. 8.000 feet of 2% Inch rubber fire hose. Adopted by the Council April 1, 1916. I Approvcd April 1, 1916. (Aprl' 3-1915) 1 .adopted by the Council L. / 191 Appro d.. �Z '915 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject. -.._ OUNCIL w� y/ .........FILE NO... lt�...•... .. C Date Presented.... ---I91...._..... 4317 Resolved, That the contract bearing date March 31st, 1915, by and between Andrew Soderquist and the City of St. Paul, for the grading and improvement of the alley in Block 10, Lewis & Mabon's Addition, from Westminster street to Arkwright street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officera are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (1') Counil4inen (V) Nays C. R. Nu. 4517 hntrnet brnrin;; Itesulved, 'rnt the cb> n id h�•lt�'e�'n date \larch 31st. 191u' of St. I'1tul f— the ril Rridln g id ji fl: otcmen[ 2n, i ,[ the : Ile)' 1n lilut•1: 10, 7 1 A,tcisn� hubs A .1ton, \tienn, [t inster street to rlit ritihl street . h.• ndd tl�e Is hereli}' :innrev� lhnriz.d anal t,ro ncr cilf' e t urs >t:e aline on hchnlf li reeled to t. •' t�lh... u[ the ('It)'. Adopted hY the C<inntil Aprlt 1, 1910. f A pprn t'ed (April S-,I!i19) Far ,orth Gos / In favor Ke / M 7 oil .-\Rainst Mr. Preside t —m c.e-z overs adopted by the Council .approved - 1 �� MAYOP COUNCIL FILF NO. 4318 BY��/� Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Condemnation Pro- ceeding, instituted and carried on under Preliminary Order No. 39,823 Approved July 23rd, 1913, and Final Order No. 40,314, Approved September 11th, 1913, for the opening, widening and extension of Ninth street between College avenue and Summit avenue, in said City, by condemning and taking all that part of Lot 13, Block 59, Irvine's Enlargement, that lies south of a line drawn from the east corner of said Lot 13, to a point on the northeasterly line of Ninth street 18.5 feet northwest- erly from the intersection of said northeasterly line, with the north- westerly`lire of College avenue, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter, as to all further acts and proceedings to be done, and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessment under the existing Charter, C. F. No431s-E1" S 'L Farnsn'ortn-- in accordance therewith: ""o"as: lmmed;a�g-Chaler°oath° Ci the ty ooftlSte Paulthe • tool, effect. rthere Was pending In the office P the d" of Adoped by the Council, ramie r'nrka. a certain c^„dermleatlon Proceeding, InstltuteOrdea pl o. 39.823. oder Prellminnry nd Final Or - 191 CJ aOProred Jul}' 23rd 1913, d Sentemlog der No. 40.314. PProving, Iden inn 11th. 1913. for the pen and extension ofsyms�,eet betwe'n Yeas Nays t•;iiae cit Vehr sea ademn,ng anaeine'Lng flll that Part of Lot 13. Rlo ek 69, Ir- ).in['q Enlargement, that lies sou or of Far sworth n line drawn from the east oro of sa ld lot 13. to Point on the north- aId 11' ]Inc of aNinth street 18.5 feet osthw'esll re- from the interest, Ionthf Go s Sala nPrtheaat'of Ime. W,ta+ enure NY line of Cone oe +' a. trWhereas, It is the union of Ithis' Ke er Councl1. thabeM1had the>Vone �relat[l' er to thea com4Pl etion of the Eore— 1i order arc Practd ... to a, done unaelstin F; Me 11 i terms and nravistPna o[ the ex Charter. solved that the Therefore. be ltm 1 ted under the said rd be o ons eof the e. fisting Na mE"and nroavlet^ 'hot as to 'n .,,herr itis comm s- �edings to be Vone, and the, Officers stoner of 1`in ante a e here_ Yeo g red DePartma rets of the Cit)' ar 1;, an th.,iz a and dissected toss n tinge m mete the id as ee `"t 1915 �iay Powers an'lettti , ttl.tin chatter in ea ora- anAdopted by the Counoil Aprll 1. 1916. ^ Alip pro}'ed APPlr1133 -1915915. ) OR. COUNCIL FILF N0. 4318 n 4318 BY Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Condemnation Pro- ceeding, instituted and carried on under Preliminary Order No. 39,822 Approved July 23rd, 1913, and Final Order No. 40,314, Approved September 11th, 1913, for the opening, widening and extension of Ninth street between College avenue and Summit avenue, in said City, by condemning and taking all that part of Lot 13, Block 59, Irvine's Enlargement, that lies south of a line drawn from the east corner of said Lot 13, to a point on the northeasterly line of Ninth street 18.5 feet northwest- erly from the intersection of said nort"_easterly line, with the north- westerly line of College avenue, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter, as to all further acts and proceedings to be done, and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessment under the existing Charter, C. r. No. 4318—B>'�arnsw'orth— in accordance therewith: 11 here"" 1'"""; i.tel`enrior and - Ci the time the ,tool: cfP et. there was .City f St Paul, rh„ Board of Adoped by the Council, 1915. Yeas Nays Far sworth Gds Ke er Mc 11 Na Yeo g May Powers 1915 YOR. f2o An ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles and coasting with bicycles, sleighs, sleds, coaster wagons, children's express wagons and toy automobiles, on public sidewalks in the City of St. Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: or motorcycle Section 1. No person shall ride any bicycle,,,on, over or across any public sidewalk in the City of St. Paul, or coast on, over or across any public sidewalk in said City on any bicycle, sleigh, sled, coaster wagon, child's express wagon or toy automobile. Section 8. Any person violating any of the terms of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there- of shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. seer was , � _�z or toy autON 2. j / �' i� SECTION g _ Any person violating [era P this ordinance ,eh n . exceeding a misdemeanor, dregnd Do - thereof shall be punished by xce is ng One Hundred Doll - Imp / Imprisonment for a peilOd not Ing 'ninety days. t} / f' All ordinancesand parte of , Passed by the Councils i9 syn p Ileanel to [ hcre�'lth are SECTION 4. This ordSasAce is hereby declared. Yeas Nays be an emergency ardtAAne reddere'? MT Farnsworth neces a for the pre4try tl n of the 160% Nak 0 Goss Keller 7 McColl Nash Yoerg Mr. President (Powers) ruliti, peace,'.health and -safety i' ' SEC'T'ION. 6. This ordinance shalltake .effect d: } be la force immediately upon Its Q..,. age and publication. 1916 Passed by the Council Apr. 16, Yeas—Mesere. Farnsworth, Goes y Keller, McColl, Nash, Yoerg, Mr. Pres Ap idem -7.' / Approved Apr. 19, 1816. WiNI Xsyor. [test: JOHN L. FAEiI Cit? Clerk. (April 4(20 6-c ?Z�� An ordinance prohibiting the riding of bicycles and coasting . with bicycles, sleighs, sleds, coaster wagons, children's express wagons and toy automobiles, on public sidewalks in the City of St. Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: or motorcycle Section 1. No person shall ride any bicycle,,on, over or across any public sidewalk in the City of St. Paul, or coast on, over or across any public sidewalk in said City on any bicycle, sleigh, sled, coaster wagon, child's express wagon or toy automobile. Section 2. Any person violating any of the terms of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction there- of shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. or toy aatom., - �/// /%r ✓ SECTION _I Any personviolating / s nan d terms [this rdionand ,ehal . of a misdemeanor, and upon is , thereof shall be punhed by exceeding One Hundred Do no Imprisonment for a period no /ry / Imprisonment nlnety day /�' -, +„ ;.{„{':. C snmrox a. _ --.r" ► All :ordinances and parts of Passed by the Council Ails site l Fb� a4 J Yeas Nays Mr. Farnsworth Goes ,O Keller McCollj 7yoerg t, Nash 7 N �0 Mr. President (Powers) Ap Mayor. I . C. F. NthnnY Y�rginance No. 343 BS' As ordinance to amend � it ed 1aAn tore Ordlnones No. 3272. e ting nd coing mDeneati ,s otrthet t ere -4321 a d emDlheo connect d Clf)h' tees y blic'-scl cols oY - the amended. t The Council tee o dafof the City of St'pnul dn: yyy SECTION 1 2 sentitled�n ordinnnceidxih6 Nh ?,f+ o__! es. ober, tl tle s, duties and compensa- ✓ +� T the b"Ices and employee c I piyt ovede Septtimber 22nd. 1014. - mdeavordsAmOned directs �kln6 An oraronce a-- amend Administrative Ordinance No. 3272, .r. entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensa- tion of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City," as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 3 of said Ordinance No. 3272, en- titled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City," approved September 22nd, 1914, as amended, be amended by strik- ing out the words: "One director of school gardens, at a salary of Seven Hundred Dollars for six months, payable in six monthly instal- ments," and inserting in place thereof: "One teacher of school gar- dening at -a salary of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200.CO) per year for twelve months service, payable in monthly instalments; one teacher of school gardening for five months at a salary of Seventy Dollars ($70.00) per month; one teacher of school gardening for four months, at a salary of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) per month; one teacher of school gardening for three months, at a salary of Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month." Section 2. That Section 8 of said Ordinance No. 3272, be amended by adding thereto the following words: "One plumber, at the rate of Five Dollars ($5.00) per day." Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. W��n �/ y Passed by the Council �� 39�� 1915. a _ � as Nays �d Mr. Farnsworth ,9 Goss O E3T! Keller HN , McColl Nash FA$/®7 c 4f*1 Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President) Mayor. u An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 3272, entitled "An ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and oompensa- tion of the officers and employes connected with the public schools of the City," as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 3 of said Ordinance No.,3272, en- titled "An ordinanoe fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employee connected with the public schools of the City," approved September 22nd, 1914, as amended, be amended by strik- ing out the words: "One director of school gardens, at a salary of Ssven Hundred Dollars for six months, payable in six monthly instal- ments," and inserting in place thereof: "One teacher of school gar- dening at a salary of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200.1,0) per year for twelve months service, payable in monthly instalments; one teacher of school gardening for Five months at a salary of Seventy Dollars ($70.00) per month; one teacher of school gardening for four months, at a salary of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) per month; one teacher of school gardening for three months, at a salary of Forty Dollars (840.00) per month." Section 2. That Section S of said Ordinance No. 3272, be amended by adding thereto %he following words: "One plumber, at the rate of Five Dollars ($5.00) per day." Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council 1915. Yeas Nays Mr. Farnsworth Goes Zeller Mc0oll Nash Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) Approved 1915. No. saz2--prdlnance Sya -3435— Adlnan j to settle the -calm of Jo - Council of the City of St. PaulfL�� d e ordain ae foilown: at the pr postticn of Joseph ds to compromise and a the hi against the City, of St. Paul Q out C lulu rice talne�d by i cae f n rly O Icy betty a EaI In eCCt Sth side communlcatlon tto lthe Cou to of February 16th, 1915, An o1. to h,m of the siso.00 tittle the claim of Joseph J. Edwards. fty Dollars Is hereby accept 'ulcer. a he THE COUNCIL OF THR CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of Joseph J. Edwards to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on the easterly side of Cedar Street between East 5th Bt., and East 6th St., as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of February 16th, 1915, upon payment to him of the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and -di- rected to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Joseph J. Edwards, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly execu- ted by him in a form to be $pproved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands 6 of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays -/ / 191-5- Farnsworth kt lieudiug. _. 7 In livor ('os - y "- 1915 ✓ 1(rller 2nd 1 ... _._. y Jy„ - . M.Coll yQ 3rd _. _....(�_-_. f.� 191 3 / Yoerg qq ���� .. .�.:L....... Date Published .__q`� 191? Mr. President, Powers Final Adoption by Council._.._. `�._ the _191' 7 In livor C Appro d Ib(� !/ Against M AYna Attest: JOHN 1. FARICY, City Clerk. �S An ordinance to settle the claim of Joseph J. Edwards. THE COUNCIL OF T"F CITY OF ST. PATIL DOES OP.DAIV AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of Joseph J. Edwards to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St -Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk on the easterly side of Cedar Street between East 5th at.. and East 6th St., as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of February 16th, 1915, upon payment to him of the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (6250.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and di- rected to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Joseph J. Edwards, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Two hundred Fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there beim filed with the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly execu- ted by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging, the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. ny� �31YE1t of Emu .CITY OF SAINT PAUL oO. H.O NCILL •s JOHN RKYLEVS JOHN —URNS WILLIAM J.GIBERSON . T HOS.W.M.MEEKIN ' st.paul, Minn., April lot, 1915. To the Council, Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit for your approval, an Ordinance settling the" claim of Joseph J. Edwards against the City. His claims have been carefully investigated, and I believe this settlement is to the best interests of the City. Yours truly, Aat. drpration Counsel. A 4 -44k 4322 An ordinance to settle the claim of Joseph J. Edwards. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the proposition of Joseph J. Edwards to com- promise and settle his claim against the city of St.Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on an icy sidewalk; on the easterly side of Cedar Street between East 5th at., and East 6th St., as is more particularly set out in his communication to the Council under date of February lEth, 1915, upon payreent to him of the sum of Two Hundred nifty Dollars ($250.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and di- rected to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Joseph J. Edwards, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Two IIundred Fifty Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed wiLh the CSty Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly execu- ted by him in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage and publication. i An ordinance authorizing the construction of a temporary trestle crossing under Wheelock Parkway, where the same is crossed by the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste, Marie Railway Company, formerly the Wisconsin Central Railway Company, and approving plans therefor, and repealing Board File No. y 38077. This is an emergenc servation of the public pease, ordinance rendered necessary for the pre health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company is hereby authorized and empowered to construct a temporary trestle crossing at the point where that branch of its railway formerly known as the Wisconsin Central Railway, crosses Wheel- ock Parkway. si ned Section 2. That the general plans for suoh trestle, g by Louis Nash, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, and Oscar Claussen, Chief Engineer, and hereto attached, are hereby approved and adopted. Section 3. That said trestle bridge shall not be allowed ed to oit remain more than ten years after its installation, during which shall be kept in repair and maintained by said Railway Company, and if during any of said ten -yeas period, it shall appear to be for the best interests of the public that said trestle be replaced by a permanent steel or reinforced concrete bridge or other bridge of permanent mater- ial, then upon the order of the Council, said temporary trestle shall be removed and replaced by such permanent bridge as the Council may order. Section 4. That said trestle shall be completed to Of St. satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works of the City Paul, on or before approving oai3"File'No. 38077, a resolution app g Section 5. T general plans and specifications for the viaduct and approaches there- to under Wheelock Parkway for the crossing of said parkway by the MIL I13` .3 I Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company, approved December 12, 1912, is hereby repealed. Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication and its accept- ance by Said Railway Company, provided that Such acceptance is made in writing in a form to be approved by the C ` 'By -M.014. Goss—ordinance No. 3436—�hin An ordinance authorizingthe con- struction of a temporary trestle ten days after such publication. crossing under Wheelock Parkway,, where the same Is crossed by the ,,Sinneapolls, St. Paul & Sault Ste. �furfe Railway Company, formerly the Wisconsin Central Railway Cum pan•; s plans therefor.' d andile'No repealing Board w This Is an emergency ordinance'; rendered necessary for the preserve-. .f` tion of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: /.� `' ✓"-a"- 1. .. l ^" .. -fSECTION S ( That the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company is hereby authorized and empowered to construct a temporary trestle crossing at the point where that branch of its railway formerly known as the Wis- consin Central Railway, crosses Whee- lock Parkway. SECTION 2, That the general plans for such trestle, igned by Louie Nash, Commie- sicnof Parks, Playgrounds and Pub er - Ilc Buildings, M. N. Goes. Commis- stonerof Public Works, and Oscar Claussen, Chief Engineer, and hereto attached, are hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 3. That said trestle bridge. shall not be allowed to remain more than ten years .; after its installation, during which Passed by the Council _ , time 1t shall be kept in repair and by said Company, if and 1f dur[ng any of said ten-year pe- and during said to .rled, it shall ppear to be for the beat Yeas Nays --fpterests of the public that said trestle be eplaced by a permanent steel or relnforced concrete bridge or other bridg9 of permanent material, then Mr. Farnsworth vpoh' the order of the= COUnCII, said -and Cross temporary treetle shall be removed by such mnnent bridge as Co nell may oer thelaced rr. Keller SDCTION 4. McColl That said trestle hall be completed 7 Nash to the-aatisfactioh of the Commissioner f Public Works f the City of St. V:Paul, on or before July 1st. 1916. oerg Nays, C Mr. President (Powers) That Board File No. sso77, 9 saolU- tion annroving general plans and spec - probed December 12, 1912, is .hereay repealed. SECTION 6. ordinance dinance Is hereby declared to be an emergency ordip, aqe, rendered necessary for the-preaevatlon,. of the public peace, halth and oafty. SECTION.. 7. This ordinance ellall ,tak£, exact and be in force Immedlhfelj itpOn_its pass- age, 'approval and Inuldicaffith' and Its Goes. ' r. Preel- ft 4.32 I Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company, approved December 12, 1912, is hereby repealed. Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. � len t ud .l 1 Section 7. This ordinance sh �� 6, 11 to force immediately upon its passage, appr ance by said Railway Company, prov writing in a form to be approved by ten days after such publication. Passed by the Council _ Yeas Nays Zii ayl Jo uo{7Enaasaad aql aoJ na paaapuaa aouaulpao 6aua51OWa UV i- ol poilipap 6gaaa4 sl aauuulpao S1,11,�`, 't xolsaas paiEadaa aa4 aaE 411•aaaa4 lUd Poll loau{ tl -{paa ao s7a.i--U--IP"IlCr 1 xoIWals s6Ep 61 1 -pogo Son Polaad s aOaauO 5 opla . 6q ao sa¢IIOo Paald PunH lo¢ auy E �q Pa4slund aq IIn4s Toa al .. aollols¢oo Dene uE 'ao o a 'A 1 11 63IJn9 e4 II's4s uau@a s{41 bo 0,, J. . U. SullE101� ¢osaae S B c Z xoly0as •aIF40wolnE 603 ao uoEM s Uo" aal suoo P-1-1 •421 •a106a{ql A¢E Uo 111 ples UI NEma aggnd Gua s.UaaE aano Isnot 4 . '1¢'sd 7S 30 .{710 ay7 ¢F u [Emapls a -qnd ,uE ssoaaEa Piaa Il 46 q oso60a03 �- ao ala6o{4 .{UE aad o 7 mol DES E 4 :u{Epao saop f� ,nj '7S Jo Sliz) a43 ao Ilauno0 4' s{Ullaos9uEEoslm a Pull ull 43d1Esa44 laatauaapwaelll4aaE({ulli 'suna�sadE.B6lapaEol ao uolEnaafivasaulP,10llo paaapuooai -. IEd S %o {710 t -.pjs ll4ssOo aFFqawon 'sPj. sal06os4l43u.1+xiMI so l o SnlsEO. �E sal06s010 Jo9ulplaa4l Eu131gI4oed ao{uafl —IloOaaQ . Ti 7,4F] A • —SEE 'ox aausUIPa0—ozEt ON •.4 W 1915. Mr. Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) Approve .� __ 191 E Wilk Mayor. ept- e in I DA=bxxf rAw OITY OF SAINT PAUL O. K O'NCILL JOHN PTKYLE•6 JOHN A. BURNS WILLIAM J.GIBERSON THOS.W.MCMEEKIN March 29th, 1915. Dw) MAR coMtssio �fl oGOS S - M. N. Goss, Esq., Comm'r of Public works. C\ Dear sir: - Pursuant to instructions, I have drafted an ordinance providing for temporary trestle over the Wheelock. Parkway where the Soo (old Wisconsin Central) crosses that parkway, and here- with submit the same to you for your. approval. Yours trul�� �___ Corporation Couhsel. a �� , ,��J �,- .� �� ��„�. .. �,_. - .�,. ,- CITY OF ST, PAUL ACCOUNTING EP*"NT AUDITED, CLAIMS—RESOLUT16N FORM FILE 4324' AUDITED PER :7 252 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council APR m tT191_ Farnsworth T� Goss n favor App e 191 Keller / , McColl / (i Against / `Leery -' MAYOR_ Yoerg Mr. President, Powers 8 Corporate Purposes Board of Control Fund Board of Control c. F. N., 4324— Hhill d [hn[ x-trrints be dra n'n Yte Cit, Treasury. porn ble outOfthe hrremnfler specified footle and In favor oC [he Person- firms o orpora- tlons rf sr the a antes seetr opposl to their pectl to no Pec•Itletl In the fol lowlng tletulled statement: eroltFun,�l1 lioar'd o fs CPn3trola F9f131.83. Puhlic Pn rl<s—Park L:mplo�es— ral.: ti A. Fnrns«'orth, Com, of Fi- Fi.214.18. a.AtluPbd by the council April 1. 1915. .Agro cetl APru 1, 191 n. ( A Prll 3-1915) Board ^f Control -City & Co. Hos al Maint., $G3 x1.74 Board of Control Almshouse oor Farm Na,int., 486.02 Control Almshou' & Poor Farm New�Bld ., 2,820 4 Control City Co. Sanato um ldaint. , 5.98 Control -0u side Aid, l 1 9,131.83 Public Parke Park Employes -Sal. 10850 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 4,214.18 Total Corporate poses ........ ....$9, 31.8 Salaries,.. ... 4 214 8 Total, 90 1 ,34(1.01 $9,131.83 Form A. 5-11 II � Council Nile No.... _. _.._.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and # ` PRELIMINARY ORDE& 4_x95 The lundersigned hereby Inroposes the making of the folloe•iug Innblie ilIIl) •4veulent by the City of St. '1utl, viz.: aking and conde11mning t.1.14 neoos.part..1..an �.or....elop.e.e.and...the._- . placing of retaining walls and tXe construet�n .the underpinning of buildings, on both Ninth St .."fl Smith Ave. tummit_.Ave. and College -Ave. from Sixth St. to Smith Ave _.. 1)atc,l this 318t day of 44rgh 191 5. /l '555�/ _ n�-- . .............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. -WHEsRFAS, A wt it ln•oposal for the slaking of the following inlpl•oveotent, ylz.:________ Taking and condemning the necessary land _Ser_ sl,.open..._tix>d.t.he.._.j>laaing....of.. retaining walla and the construction of the underpinning of buildings on both Ninth St. from Smit,h_.Ave. to Summit. Ave_."_and _College -Ave. -"from-Sixth St to Smith Ave. I�•. ,. .n 19P5 Whereas ne 1 wrin mn oo sal rn til...._ or the afnllon m;; imrovemnrt. _... Tailing dd r ndenmiP ng the n t rssall Irina for slopes and it a plaeinF __... _._........-...-(If the ang ,rime and in.• eonstrnruon _._.. __.._.. _. or the nnaerPlnning of hnuainga , troth Ninth St from sn,lth Aro to It lmyw been presented to the Connell o Sn,nmit Are. nna t•omege ere. rrom. ..".._ "..._._. ._...._._.., g I slsth at. m the C Are., oaths' been. Pr es�•n Lod to the Counril or thr ,'ity of illerefore, be It st. Puul there fn re,, be IC xe.I d. Tha the Con„nissloner ofrcby ordered ami directed: RPSOLA'liD, That the ComutissionCpnnur venrks be •ria no Is hereby at- dered an, directed: 1. To Inrestlgnte the n•cesllty for Rid improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity fOj or desirability of the making of sand, Imorevmnent• )ycment, and tile, total cost thereof. 3. '1•o investigate the nature, .este nna TtI I-stigate the snit I e, �� es res 0 "at, and the total rest thereof. 1. 1'1 furutsh the, I'ollnvcnnr lthrr 3. Te nnmieb n Plent nroalc or 1. To f•urnisli 1t plan, profile or s sketch of said im Provement. and r i. To furnish the follONing other "d ^ Idata and Inrormntion relative to said . ImProvemcn t. 5 To state n•h1ther or not sold i - -- nrnrement Is risked for --- -- on the tithon -"' or three or C. To rrPn;io n,rnersil or the ror i'tltiml of three m• more owners. ..-i. To slate vehe,ther or not said neon - going rnntters to the Commlaslonm' of Firs. of )l 111a11CC. p], '1�0 r,'p01•t uponall Of til(: far,' Adopted by IraApproved1. 1nen Am'tl 1. 1916. Approved April 1. (APr(April3--1191915) ! - Adopted by the Coaneil.__ fens: \a}•s: Councilman Farnstyortil Goss Approval Keller 7 'McColl (XE,'=y Nash ` 1 oerg!�_...... Mayor Powers .....___ \inn or. Request of D. it. Elder. Cotlneil Pile No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, b 'and .3� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The ing Of the follow' „ public. improvement b le City of St. undersigned hereby Proposes the wak Paul, viz.: Curbing. Tex.x'a.g,e....Darl . fr,am_.St. . .. thony._Ave..._t.o.... .. ................._ .................._..........._....__.............._.....__._....... ................... .... .............. ._............... ....................... _ ................_ . Ihlleil this lot_ _day of __April Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \CIIRREAS,, A writtru prnpos;d for the making of the follolving improvement, \ir.: gurb_ng Terrane Park from_.St _._AnthOnY_hVe _t_o..4Ul.dor._Ave _....__._ ...... _ �MPRLL131IS.Uty OttnEns. . P. P..ol(or theervent... ..... ... .... . - \heresy .1 written mn1, f r hin4 of the follolving \'_. .... _. viz; t'u rb Ing Torrnre Parlc t m .. ....... ... - \n[honv Ave. to 1Vllder Av lo[v the... -._ I p, egen ted to the Pouncll (.it) of St Pnol iherafore he 1t .. ..._...._... .._....., having been In to the Council, neaolvea, That It on "I afIto of loan Public '0 I's be nd he Is hereby or - I derel nd directed: 1hC]'CI'Ol'C, be It 1. To Inv eatlgnto the ceasity for desirab Ill 3' oC the making of set bo eby ordered and dlreetCd: IMSOLVED, That the COnuuissiei,;,nrovement. extent 2 To investigate. the na�r�mProve- ]. '1'o investigate the necessity ti and test I. —t ieereoe. I stud unprovement. To furole I sop l mentPro ale or �romoent, and the total cost thereof. •? 'I'o investigate the nnhn•e, e axIaeh of said imprve other I. To [urntah the following eald dela and int ormatlon relative to S. PO furnish a plan, Profile or Improvement. 6. To stato whether Or not said Iry- f, Otht provemenl la naked for on the pe tltlon.9md 711111.OV elllellt: a. 'Po Ilmnlsh Ila I'nllon'nl of three or more owne`o it of the tore 6. To report upon _. aero to the Commiseloner otl _ ......... ._.... -.-. eoing ma ._..... .._.... ........_. ... p'Inanoe. AcloPted b}' the Council April 3, 191 ' )PtltlOn Of three Or 1110LC owners. 5. To state whether m• not San Approved April(AprG. itis) 1 fi. TO report neon all of the 1'Or „„eters-to rtttrt- n alls9loner It Fit Adopted by the Council. 6_� Jj ......_.... Nays: yeas: Yeas: / t/G Councilman tl� rth Approved -- NuSh 7........_...._................. Jlaym. flavor Request of n. R. Elder. Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'rile apdersigned hereby proposes the leaking of the follol` g public enprovelaeet by thl ty of 5t. Pnnl, .;..: Cur_bing__St_....Anthony ....Ase 2,r..io.r._Av.e - Aa_..As.t. . ..... _... ... ...._...................................... .................... ...._._.._..___....._..._. Dated this IS. _dal' April.__ ......_..._ . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \VllS1?FAs• A writtce proposal for the making of the follolvina un provealelit vil.:__ Curhing._ St.._ Anthony_ Ave.. irwn._Prior..._Av..e....to...-As.tAria..A.ve.. ...................... _................. ....... ... . _......................... _.... _....... ................... �.C.. F. No. 4327 ... . whereas. A written proposal. for tho' y - - making of the following Itair—cment,l Iz: Cunning St. Anthony Ave. from 1-- __..._ -- l for Ave. N .\s tortn Ave. having ... ---'-- ---- leen presented to the Cauncn of [h City oP S, Public works be and he is horebY of of having been pl'CSCllt ed t0 the Council Of the City Hlic Wo Tnnl the commies oner ... ......._. derea- and dlrected: esslt fort therefore, be it 1 1. To investigate the nee Y sketch oP nm improvmnmtt' said red and directed: 1tESOL\'EI), That the Commissioner of Pit 0r aeairabill ly of the making of fmproven1ent. Ivemeet. d T tlmaledli gat t the olidnatri mprovet 1. To investigate the necessity for or desil ap me lad the total eo tihforeof. ?. To investigate the nature, extent and e6m a- •ro fnrnlsh a pian, promo or vnd the total cost thereof. sketch of said nnprovemenl. alher 4. To furnish the following Bald 4. To furnish 1 Ilan, profile or sketch of saaata and Information relative t0 . Improvement. not Sala Im-S'Pillret: _.. __.... _.._. }. I'o fure;�h �tl�• follolviek other ll'Ito and'. 6. 'ro state whether 0r provement is asked for 0n <ne Petition of three more ownerl To te upon 11 the Po .. ... ...... ........ _._..... . - ._... .._. -.. -going letter. a ra to the Commm issioner f ... ..... .... Finance. �. .... tlll'CC Ol' Il10PC 0 Adopted by the (:ou rIl .\pril 7, 1916 o. 'ro„state vvhethm• or not said improvem Appoov,d Arne e. 1`116. 1 (:ipril 30-19161 6. To report upon all of the fm•ego;ng maU--- Adopted by the CouneiL... __.... _... _4...... ...._.191 ..l Nays: Yeas i Councilman Fa swortll Approved Go K r 17 M oll t �c Nash ................................. Y •g __.. Mayor. Mayor Po ers- Request of D. I. Elder Council File Flo..._._.._____._._. - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and O PRELIMINARY ORDER. k `3 The nudersjgm•d herchy proposes the malting of the ffillowil public improveillent by the -C' of 7t. Pant, viz.: Curbing Wilder Avenue.._..roln_..._.._.Ant.hony._.A.v.e..._..t.o.....0 1....Ave........ .......................... ..............................._._. lst day April_ 19 5... I )ated this _.... ..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIPRPA,�_ A writtrn proposal for the making of the foll0Avi119 inyu•oveme111. viz.: _. .._ Curbing '01ilder t venue from. _St_.._ Anthony Ave_._ to Carrell Aye-, U . F. so. 43=8— N l —as, A w ruts„ Vru Pos:0, for th,- _. mu:cine, of the following ng Imnro"I'll t. viz: curbing Wild, Carroll uc from FL Anthony Ase. to Carroll Ave.. of thor-..__. _. _.. _.. Vresented to [he Coun ell 1 Che City oC til Paul Ih c, efo re bre -It _... Resolved. That the Cummisslon er ot,jl plan.. .. ......._...... having been presented 10 the (i0nt1 de eldv Works rkst ebu al'id he is hereby or - 7o investigate the ecessity far. therefore, he it —1-d o.I, bun, of th making of aid:.,. js he, ordered and directed: IIESOLVT,D, That the Commi n a T. ,Iry dilate uta r.aldr, ..tSet, Fut .,t the t—. cost th S.Id L of said improvement. 1. To iuvestigatc the necessit `n3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of Said i,nproyement. mprovenlett, and the total cost thereof. 2. Tn investigate the nature, data Toa furnish information following u other.. and sal Improvement. :;. 'I'o 1'uruish a plan, profile 5. To St>;yensthSIhfor lot Said L1I-.improvement:_.. . provemen to said 1. Ta I'urui,h tlu• I'ullowjug n of three or more own -S. G. To report upon nil thr, Core -I going inn tters to Itte Com missloner or - -- .......... Adopted ht the. (. tcil April 1 191 s. nnpro.ea April r t n5.to petition of three of mere own .. 5. To state whether or not (April 10-1915) g. To report upon till of tlu, fnrr,ning mattes to the,i`omi5'stssiouel' of )finance. Adopted by the Council. d Nays: Peas: / L/— l'ouut•,ihua❑ Ihu•n nrtlt �..� �/7 191J... Floss approved Kelle IIcC E Nash .............. 1 oer ilay or. Mayor Powe petition , Council Bile No._�- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ►T The 911,11 igoed hereby proposes the ]naking of till' following public iniprovelliclit by the City Of St. 1'an1 viz.: Grade Grotto ._Street__from _.P& ryland, .._St_.__.t.o.....Lake.......Como....B�....Ehal.en- Ave •; Lake Como & Phalen Avenuefrom Grotto ..$t . to.._Ailama_..St..ms _;- and. St. from Lake Como & Phalen Avenue 'to, Larpente.ur,._Ave_,,..,.._ n.._a,acordance_...n.ith .._ .................. ......................... ................... petition cher attached. t, i day of llated this Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. willP,RE As. A writ tru proposal for ilio (laking of the following vuproveuien , I ir.: Grade Grotto Street from IAaryland St..,.._to _Lale....C.c.mo _& ..Phalan .Ave...; Lake Como & Phalen. Avenue from Grotto St. to, Adams _St. ,_ and _Adams St. from Lake Como & Phalen Avenu T�nr»anteur_Av.e,.,__in accordance with �• I. 1 43211— _ nkmti or.tne r°uo,rdnt; Imnrovement petition hereto attached c, td,..;rnt,e at,...et r,u,n ,ta,.,.- _......... —...� land 'L to Loke Como and Phalen I.akr Como and Phalen nvenu ta \duma'Ind.._...__. ... y \dao,. �t (r„m I..,kr t S[.. ha \'1118 bCCll pl'Ched t0 tIIC tOlill Cll Of tele t It to Larpenteur Ave.,dinhae- urdan',; ,ith Prima. screen attached. therefore, be it - i,allog peen preaeon•a to the Connote •ed and directed: of tho Ci[� of Bt. Pune thererore, be It' RI:SOLN-El), That the C011lalisSlOner of Pub l Pu IworkvhDe tr, hail i"'�e. 1` 1111 -rd and dirreterj !, ° 6mneut. I. To investigate the necessity form desir o 1. o In..ratl,;ate the eraany for and tele total cost thereof. r desi rablllt)' of the malting of said 2. 'I'o investigate the nature, extent and es z-rauaate 11. natnre, ex tent end estlmul"I said Im-� naC of ;. 'Pn farnisli a plan, profile or sketch of sl p,.n.•oment, ana the total Dole tnereor..omeut: _. _....... 3 T, [n rmsn a pi In. proale . To lurni-;h the I'ollovviut? othl'r data am .ketch oe sahl Improvement. -1, 4 To furalah the fnllo,ving other data and information ,elative to sled` _.._...Improvement. _ -""' 5. To state whether or not said ine . _.___... R 11C1 s. prevenient Is asked for on the Petition three 01 1 C O ilOr 5. 'Po state whether or not said nupioven ofthree or ra—po neii'oe the Pore- e. in 1 matte l's to the Commission el' of G. To report upon all of the fn"!-"` nu� F aanee. ",,,ted by the Cm,nril April :i, 1916. Approved April ii 1nell ' Adopted by the Council_.._ April i0-19151 Nays: Yells: ... ,! ('nu ,Ocilman Fit swm•th Approved __._ SIL Go I{e r \Ic 11 " � • Nash7 ........_._ ........._ . Yo g ... Mayor. Alayor Pow, l's 4330 CITY OF ST. PAUL zieS / COUNCIL R OLUTION-GENERAL FORM Subject:. Al COUNCIL FILE No.. I ..... .... .. . Date Presented..... I91....-.... Resolved, That Council File No. 4210 be and the same is hereby rescinded, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to Sarah Pd. Officer, out of the assessment for paving the alley in Block 8, Summit Park Addition, the sum of One Hundred Eighteen Dollars ($118.00) on account of payment made by her in error on Lot 22 and the westerly half of Lot 23, Block 8, Summit Park Addition, on February 27th, 1915, as evidenced by Receipt No. 7261, the said assessment on said lots having been paid into the city treasury twice, once by the said Sarah M. Officer and once by the owner of the property, William Funk. F. No.Furnaworth— Reaolved, Thnt Council Fl I, No. 4210 be and the s e Is hereby r eclmled. and the proper city ofncerae be and they a r hereby cath -l -d to pay to S—a'], f. Officer, out. of the rt en[ for paving the alley In R1ock 8. m Snatcaft Part, Additfon, the su of One Hundred Eighteen Oollara ($118.00) o ,count of pnYment made by in, In n r,ot 22 and the 'ealerly half oft Lot 23, f3lock 8, Rummlt Park Ad ditlon. n Februn ry 27th, 1016, ¢a cvl danced by Receipt No. 7261, the -Id' ant on s¢id Iota having been pu Ida treasury Into the city twice, once by the said sainh M. offlcer ¢ad e by the nn rr of the properly, NII -i limn F. n A dop led by the Council April 3, 1015. Approved Aipri0, 1016. f Aprl 30-1016) Yeas (P7 Cott men (V) Nays -191 ,3 Adopted by the Council Fara X1,1, h Goss �In favor �[ Kell �y Approved - / 191 S ^ -7 Mc 1� V .against A, Yoer Mr. President, wers MAYOR roR,M1 �.a-z COUNCI/L FILvE� 4331 BY Com/ ��✓_'amu Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the exiting Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Condemnation Pro- ceeding, instituted and carried on under Preliminary Order No. 38, 392, approved February 10th, 1913, and Final Order No. 38,686, ap- proved March 28th, 1913,for tY�e wideof Rr street _ftom- _Second_, street to. Central-auenueAo--.a_milth _o.f.-7.5-feet_, icy _taking and condeming a strip of land 20 feet wide adjoining the west line of Robert street, as now established, in said City, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and previsions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved, that the said order be completed under the terms and provisicns of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done, and the Conmlissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessment under the existing Charter, C 33ed atelyFP torp ndh p in accordance therewith: aWhereas:7mm the time the existing Charterofthe City of St. Paul took effect, there was ending In the office'of the Board of, Adopted by the Council, oPublic works. a certain condemnation proceeding. Instituted and carted on under Preliminary Order No. 38,392, 1915. approved February 10th, 1913, and FI-+ 1 Order No. 38,686, approved March • 28th. 1913. for the IdonIng of Robert street from Second street to Contrail eas Nays Ing andtoco demning a6 trip oe ions 2f feet Rebertidtreet, as nowthe sablished. Far sworth t line In said City' and ae e Whereas: It is the opinlon of this ' ro- eedings to8beall had t r done so ar lathe to Goo the. completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and pr of the exist Ing Kel er CTheretore, be it resolved, that the' aid order pr ompletunder the terra and provalar of the existingCha ter as to all furthof 'or acts and pro- MCCO 1 ceder of done, and the Commis - saner of Finin ance and other e here - and Departments of the City, are here - Nash by authorized and directed to complete the said assessment under the existing Charter, in acdord eo therewith. Approved April 8. 101 the e April 3, 1916. Y eo r (April 10-1916) Mayo Powers 1915. AYOR. Form A. 5.11 .IF CITY OF ST.. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT h/ Fr COUNCIL 4393-"' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. BV [DD Igl_ llllll PER 4 „. Resolved that warm a drawn upon,2h ity Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set Opp rte their respective names as specified in the following detailed o ncilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191,4a sworth `o sIn favor Ap v P 9r er it Against were Corporate Purposesr Corporation Counsel's Office -Exp. H. C. Boyeson & Co., 3.00 I. A. Caswell, 12.50 John B. Darling, M. D., 235.00 E. S. Ferry, 2.75 Alfred Hoff, M. D., 85.00 D. E. Lane McClain & dray Co., 25.00 2.85 D. H. Michaud, 25.00 L^%TdYaeM'�.i�- y:�,�b'!..*vn1.+:•?�v+AnNnt✓MeMh?aav,tP�Q4i /�J...,. Wl City Clerk's Office -Exp. McClain & Gray Co., 1.00 St, Paul Stamp Works, .10 City Comptroller's office - Printing & Stationery, H. C. Boyeson Co., 3.95 0 F. G. Leslie Co., .50 HcClain F; Gray Co., 2.25 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 3.6o Tota:fi""Citi}"Gamptso n ng ienemy�«.w�•�..�Q.LI+ City Comptrollerts Office- Exp. N. W. Stamp Works, 2,4�� Pub. Lighting Fund -Supplies & Exp. N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 618.02{ Noyes Bros. & Cutiher, St. Paul Gas Light •55 ' Co., 23,63' St. Paul Printing Co., ,89 Schuneman & Evans, 2.99 9- l CITY OF I T PAUL ACCOUNTING _DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM BY— DITED IBI— { PER X54- 5<-/a ✓,sem Resolved that warrante'6e drawn in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set statement Yeas ( J ) Co cilmen (J) Nays Fai asworth Go s In favor Ke let M Il ( Against .'\ Y rg Mr. President, Twers COUNCIL N o. 4332 FILE City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and their respective names as specified in the following detailed Adopted by the Council 191,4 Ap v — L 9r MAYOR Form A.5-11 Corporate Purposes Corporation Counsel's Office -Exp. H. C. Boyeson & Co.,3.00 .50 -"'5.00 I. A. Caswell, 2335 John B. Darling, M. D., 2.75 E. S. Ferry, 85.0000 Alfred Hoff, M. D., 25.00 D. F. Lane brays Co., 2'85 McClain & Z5.00 M D. H. Michaud, �� '�'D�:B-�—X92•�4i'g'C'ITfl1"'°f)0�89}�+S�f i' i rt.�--�'�C^� mu,>m.�wm�escew.,».�wraU� �,�j1�a�n�r� - City Clerk's Office -Exp. McClain & Gray Co., 1.00 St. Paul Stamp Works, .10 '�otaL..G].tai,»,C].exk.•ta_.,p:�f'.�,.R.� FXT�e�S&d}s�..�«..�. � _.r_.- , .� r� ,..... 1.10 City Comptroller's Office - Printing & Stationery, 3.95 H. C. Boyeson Co., .50 F. G. Leslie Co., 2.25 Me Clain & Gray Co., 3.6o St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., To P.""� City Comptroller's Office- Exp. 2,40 � X. W. Stamp Works, Pub. Lighting Fund -Supplies & Exp. N. W. Electric Equipment Co., Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 618.02 55 .63 ' Light 2 3.8 St. Paul Gas Co., 9 St. Paul Printing Co., Schuneman & Evans, 2.99 j j Form A.5-11 #2 ourt- Fund -Municipal Court- Gen. Office SupPli es office .50 H. C. Boyeson Co., 2.15 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 2.20 P. W. Jackson & CO., --L O McClain & Gray Co.; .,,,, • OU C. F. No. Oa ants be drawn' Resolved that ble out ofy p¢)�rutub • asur ,lou the Clty Treasury, jand'' the hereluefter .p Orme -Purchasing Dept.- .%I.,, or Cor- in favor r the persona, Datta. poratlons for the .mount. aetto ams. ae specified Gen • Fund Supplies - their respective the fallowing detailed statement: PurPosea - Corporation Office 1.20 Corporate Counsel's Ogle Exp.: H. C. BOYeson & CO.. $3.00: I. A. Caswell, $12.60; John H. C. Boyeson & Co., 0 B. Darling, M. D., $235.00; E. 9. Ferry, lire E2.76; Alfred Hoff, Louis F. Dow CO •, 1. 0 : McClain & Gray Co., Lane,. i $2.86; D. H. ➢tichaud. E25.00. Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co„ 28.0 5 City Clerk's Oftice .Exp.: SicClatu & Gra) Co., $1.00: 9t. Paul 9tamDl McClain Z Gray CO., Company, 46 25 •,,C; Works, 30 Cents. oHlee-Printing': City.mat: H. C. Boyeson Co., cltY• comPtrou H. Neostyle N. W. Sta p Works, o $3.96; F. G. Leslie Co.. 50 Cents; Mc- Clain & Gr. Co.. $2.26; 9t. Poul. Hoole & S $3.60. c -E N• RClt, Comptroller- Off p•• Stamp Works, $2.40.. and Pub. Lighting Fun d-9uppltes ct N' W.Noyes ric Outler. mentC65 Gen. Fund -Civil Service- 4 Sul F.xP-: $61t.' Cents; St. Paul Gas Light B9 • Cents; Co.. - Ma.int. 9[. Paul Printing Srhuneman & Evans. $2.97. Fund-ldtnlcipal Court -Office Louis F. Dow CO • , -..,1,-��•.,__, 1.25 1 �C Gen. Supplles: H. C. Boyeson Co., 60 Cents; Brown. TreacY & Sperry. lain$2.1P. 1y & Co., E2.50: McClain &Gra) ..7 S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 2 Jackson Co.. $9.80. Gen. Fund -Purchasing DePt.r'-CP E. S. Ferry, 1 5 flee Supplies: H. C. Boyeson & Co $1.20 Louie F. Down Co., 60 Cents tF CNeostyle N, W. Stamp Works, 1.20_ Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Co.. $28.65; E�. St . Paul Stamp Works, McClain & Gray- Company, E46.25; N. W, Stamp works,, 16 Cents. Gen Fund -Civil Service -Helot F. Dow CO- $1.26; S. A. Fern.- . .Tota ' Louis E2.76h N. W. Stam'p$\Vorks, 16 Cents; Forms & Blanks, St. Paul Stamp 1Vorks, $1.20. Fund -Printed Forms & Gen, Fund -Printed Gln, Is its: Peril Tracy. Printing Co., Perkins -Tracy Printing Co., $9.260. F Ilce Fund-MainL & RePalr: Alto Tire 13,111 , E9z6; Geo. Bens Board o[ Com-; Repair & P Sone. $250.09: 3.yo issi'oners, $2064: H. t Boyeson &' Co., $3.00: Mrs. M¢rgaret Br¢dy. $2. to $6.20; Cam - Police Fund-Maint. 9.28 Brown, TreacY & S,errY. eon & Smith. $1.75; Elk Linen Sup- 90 Griggs. Cooper & CO. -Au Auto Tire Sales CO., 25 0.00 5 ply, $15.59; - Cents; Haskings Bro1. Co., $2.60; Hohenateln. CuetodVan, E316;� Geo. Benz & sonar 20,64 gust :11ra. Mary Horan. E34.98; Kennedy Bros. Arms Co.. $11.62; Kennj Boller Board of Water Cor uni ssioners, 3 .OQ Works,N$tni¢kiesky NlcCla$2.50 ManGrahattan H. C. Boyeson & CO., 2.10 $3 & Linseed Co.. $62.815; National $3.70; North A - Laundry Co., $1.60; Am, Mrs. Margaret Brady, 6.20 Steam erle.n Tel. Co.. $1.41; N. W. Electric $41.24; N. W. Motor Sperry, Brown, Treaey & p 1.75 Equipment Co.. Equip': nt _ N. 1Y. Tire Co., E138.25; ;T &Cutler. 16 cents: Cameron & Smith, C C 15.59 Noyes Bros. Osborne• $6.17: Geo. F. Peglow, $6.00: Elk Linen supply, .90 Rand. SicNaily & Co.. $16.00; Reed Mo-, [or Supply 67 Cents: der Co,,SL Griggs, Cooper & CO., 2.50' Light Rice, $10.22: Paul Gas Light Co..' $64.76; 9[. Paul Rubber Co.. $1.66: Haskings Yr�a. CO-,. , .1 11 Paul Stamp 1V°rics. $5.60: Shotwell- $10.60: Anna Spar - August Hohenstein, Custodian, 14.90 Hobart-.lohnsou, huua. $9.10: Transit Sappey .Co.. $6.76. }gra. t;a.r�a Horan, 11:52 5300.00: U. 9. Bedding Co.. Fire Fund' MainL & Repair: Auto Kennedy Bros- Arms CO., ll8 5 Tl re Sale. Co., $66.15; Board oP Water Cmnmiaslonera, $16.96; Brantjen Me rr Decker Hard;: Benny Boiler Works, 3.70 Co.. 84fAdam Cu.. $23..10:M Dow Co.. - McClain & Gray CO •, C 2:50 m n, r Farweu. o=mon, irk Finch, Van Slyke & ll4eConrP- N Makiesky, 62 5 '°boson High School1.76,^ \figs Co $I 76:. Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., ri^Il 1.50 National Steam Laundry Co., 1.41 North American Tel. Co., 41.24 N. r Electric Equipment Co., 9.65 N. W. ytor Supply, 138.25 N. W. Tire Co., .15 Noyes Bros. At Cutler, 6.37 7A. J. Osborne, 6.00 Geo. F. Peglow, 15.6 Rand, `1fcNal ly & Co . , 7 Reed Motor Supply Co., 10.22 Alexander Rice, 84,76 St. Paul Gas light Co., 1.65 ` St. Paul Rubber Co.,0 St. Paul Stamp !Yorks, 10.50 Shotwell-Hobart-Johnson, 9.10 ; Anna Sparschultz, 300$00 Transit Supply`Co., , �3 • Police Fund -M. & R.-CBnIt. U. S. Bedding Co., Tc, a --Pol--,—Ce Fund Fire Fund Maint. & Repair 6.75 Auto Tire,Sales Co. rater 65:1 16.96 Board of Commissioners, 46.85 Brant en Motor Co., Adam Decker Hardware Co., 23.10 Louis F. Dow Co., 2.00 Farwell. Ozmun, Kirk Co., Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, .71 92 78 itohnson High School, 75 1.75 Kenny Boiler Mfg. CO., 2:75 McClain & Gray Co.;' 26:00 Horace McCord & Co., 17:80 Mitsch &Ii4ci Go., Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 120:g1 N. W. Copper & Brass 84.25 N: W. Motor Supply 20:00 15.47 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 1.50 Prest-O-Lite Co..' 4.19 Price Electric Co.� 'Co.,* 12:79 Pure Oil Raymer Hardware Col:, 1.75 Robinson, Cary & Sande, 3.75 175:�7 St. Paul Gas Light Co.; St. Paul I'achine Works, - 96.87 IC. J. Smith, Smith Premier Type. Co., Waterous Engine Wotks, 120.75 1.99 Western Electric Co., 14:50- Western Supply'Co., 9'25 W. J. Westphal, Health Fund Health Acct. -M. & R. McClain & Uray Co., 3.00 E. A. Moeller, 4:'00 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 5t58 St. Paul Printing Co., 11 TS'E�2"'ii'ea3�tirrlF'eal-th,.M: ,�wR.,, f.....�.-...,.,,,10 ....M...�.,.._...,...,,�...24c�P$-� Health Fund Dairy Acct. -M. & R. Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 4.50 ✓ Health Fund -Quarantine -M. & R. Board of Water Commissioners, 4.00 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 49 20 Raymer hardware Co., 75 Schleh Bros., .0 I n Police & Fire Alarm Joint Acct:-Maint. John Arend, ' 0 Auto Tire Sales Co., 58.74 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 2.75 Ford Motor Co., 8:25 Chas. Friend & Son, l.50 August 96f stein, Custodian, .07 8.43 N. W.-Jj-ad.tric Equipment Co., 26.63 St. Paul Gas Light Co., #4 i c Police & Fire Alarm Joint Acct.-Maint.-Cont. St. Paul Printing Co., Transit Suppply Co., Tri-State jel. & Teleg. Co., Western Electric Co., Com. Pub. Works Workhouse-Maint. 2.85 10.00 2.20 3.84 Broome, Brushes & Handles, 1:00 14:34 Crescent Creamery Co., Finch, Van Slyke & McConville, 85:35 Fad shoran Yeast Co., 8372 1 83.:52 E. S. Griffith, 10.29 Griggs Copper & Co., Jameson, Hevener & Griggs, 140:00 5:60 J. T. Kenny & Co., Maendler Bros.$ 5.75 Natiolal Gas Governor Co., St: - Paul. Gas Light Co:, 39:40 St. Paul Printing Co., 1.35 10.50 Jos. P. Whitwell, Com. Public Works-Adm.-Maint. H. C. Boyeson Co., 5.00 .35 Sam Brant, Louis F. Dow Co., 24.65 August Hohenstein, Custodian, Gray Co., 9•�5 McClain & Manhattan 011 & Linseed Co., 10.29 J. W. Morrison, 105.00 1•�5 Noyes Brof. & Cutler, Paul Co., 3.35 St. rinting Wedeletaedt,Co., 22 0 Tnhat .treat Const. & Repair Fund-:Mafnt. Board of "ater Commissioners, 2.00 21.34 R. C. Jefferson Lbr. Co., Lyle Corrugated Culvert Co., 45.60 Nicole, Dein & Gregg, 3.42 102:17 Robinson., Cary & Sands, Russell Grader Mfg. Co., 380.00 St. Paul Boundry Co., 23.05. 6-85 Washington Foundry Co., - Sewer Const. & Repair-Maint. Chaska Brick & Tile Co., 284.80 W. H. Malone Estate, 135.24 N. W. Tire Co., 85 6.90 Rich, Simons & Culligan, Standard Oil Co., 3.12 lse�e,WerCons�glr�bFafC: S. & S. Cleaning Fund -Sewer Cleaning-Maint. Farwell, Oymun, Kirk Co., -75 1.00 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., 14.40 Northern Cooperage Co., #5 S. & S. Cleaning-Str. Cleaning- Maint. 1o.62 • Aust 'n Western Road &ach. Co., 4 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 1.9 St. Paul Gas Fight Co., 3.88 lfi:44"•x`"" S. & S. Cleaning-Garbage-Maint. H. C. Boyeson Co., 5'63 August Hohenstein, Custodian, •$5 McClain & Gray Co., 7.35 H. E. wedelstaedt Co., 75.00 0 w. J. Westphal, Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund -Supplies fit' Adam Decker Hardware Co., 32'80 83:29 Ford Mfg. Co., 2:40 Lindeke Warner & Sone, 2.69 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., .. - _,_ o_ b,._ -a,. -R,,.,, 1i aa_ 127-.1.8 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund -Team Hire, 35.00 J. W. Morrison, Public School Fund-Maint. & Repair Mr. Barnes, Cashier, 25.00 41'50 S. Berglund,Lbr. Co., 14:T0 T. L. Blogd & Co., 338 45 Board of Yater Commissioners, 96 14.60 Bon Ton Grocery Co., Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 7555 Capital City Lbr. Co., 33,84 Crane & Ordway, 4.75 Daytons Bluff Printing Co., 15.30 Dearborn Chemical Co., 63. 5 Decker Hardware Co.; 4.25 Eugene Dietzgen Co., M. L. Dillon, Agt., Yagie Bros. Oil Co., 10.00 13.92 Divine Bros., 90,00 Geo. S. Eddy, 1.45 Electric Blue Print Co., 12.93 Elite Laundry Co., 8.00 R. 0, Falk & Co., 7.75 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Co., 4.05 B. 0, Fraser, 20.00 Ella E. Gunther, Treas., 4.16 August Hohenstein, Custodian, .66 Frank Honsa, 10.00 Howard Farwell Co., 52.00 Frank Huebener, 85,16 J. Hulme, Johnson Furniture Co., 1.30 13,82 W. H. Kane, 13.00 Kny-Schwerer Co., 12.41 J. W. Lux, 2.75 McClain & Gray Co., 1.38 Herman Nelson, 14.80 Nimis & Nimis, 34.50 N. W. School Supply, 4.92 Noyes Brogo & Cutler, 4.80 M. J. O'Nsill, 21.50 J. F. Peacre & Son, School Fund -M. & R. -Cont. Pittsturgh Plate Glass Co., Raymer Hardware Co., Roe -James Glass Co., St. Paul Book & Sjationery Co., St. Paul Electric Co., Schulenberg Bros., Schuneman & Evans, J. E. Strauss, Swift & Company, University Garage, Wallblom Furniture Co., Western Supply Co., Public Library Fund-Maint. & Rep. 2.00 8.15 7.00 57 .43 23.86 3.27 2.00 2.10 10.00 15.00 162.00 148.20 American Dist. Teleg. Co., 4.50 2345 John R. derson, 36.56 Board of ater Commissioners, 37.95 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F., 50.00 Field, Schlick & CO., 2.52 250 Emil Geist, 7.50 Aldred A. Goldschmidt, 37.61 Library of Congress, 21.50 McClain & Gray Co., .63 A. C. McClurg & Co., 120.24 .aaendler Bros., N. W. Elec. Equipment Co., 11,16 Peoples Coal & Ice Co., 4.20 466.90 Pittsburgh Coal Co., Playground & Recreation Ass'n,. of America, .70 Prang .Company, 4.00 25 Raymer Hardware Co., Rochester Germicide Co., 9.00 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 275.66 St. Paul Stamp Works, . 2.88 Schuneman & Evans, G. E. Stechert & Co., 1.50 H. Swanson, Waldorf Bindery Co., 276.10 Auditorium-Maint. Board of Water Commissioners, Consumers Power Co., N. W. Elec. Equipment Co., St. Paul Gas Light Co., 8.00 274.75 24.90 20.84 Tota].,..Audix.ori,umi'n^G:'�; ".�.-„.,,..,,.....,,w•u�,.. ��x�„r..,�.:,-:�,zrt�-�.,�..,�- ,��"`,. Park Fund -Park Acct.--h'aint. E. A. Armbruster, 3.50 1•�5 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 13.54 Louis F. Dow Co., 4.00 C. R. Eckhardt, 1.50 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Co., 9.0036.10 Holm & Olson, W. A. Lang Agent, 10.5,E McClain & ray Co., 16.99 Ma,ihattan Oil & Linseed Co., 120.24 Midway Lime -& Cement Co., 3.05 Louis Nash, Co-issioner, #7 Pub. Parks Fund -Perk -M. & R. -Cont. 14.25 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 6.00 Ramaley•Printing Co., 9.65 Raymer Hardware Co., 18.00 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 2.97 y. Scheffer & Rossum, 5"65 Twin City Motor Co., 2�4 Western Supply CO., _. ax �. Pub. Playgrounds Maint. Joe Alexander, Gen. Fund -Art Museum Consumers Power Co., Com. Pub.Utilities-Gen. Adm-Maint. H. C. Boyeson & Co., Com. Pub. Utilities-Idun. Test. Lab. New Apparatus. N. W. Elec. Equipment Co., Water Dept. 68.00 Aschert BrOB.. 10.18 Auto Tire Sales Co., 2:90 A. G. Bauer, 1:50 T. L. Blood Co., Co., 3:12 Brooke Broa. Lumber 200 Brown Treacy & Sperry, tecker Hardware Co., .78 75 Adam Louis F. DOW Co., 1:70 Electric Bluf Print Co., 4: 4 Elk Laundry Co., 18.48 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 173:44 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & CO., 20:00 A. E. Ferris, 7:94 Ford Mfg. CO., 12.01 F. Milton Fowble, .67 Chas. Friend & Son, 2.6o Haskins Broy- Co., 1.90 Tony Henslq, 90.00 Ingeman Bros. -0o., 45.40 Jameson, Hevener & Griggs, , ;� . 20.50 J. T. Kenny, 32:00 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., -75 A. Knobel, 67.50 41.66 J. F. LaMotte, Manhattaa Oil & Linseed Co., 2.60 Miller Davis Printing CO, 9.45 Mitsch & Heck Co., 2.50 M. N,ID Moffat, = 9.18 MuEller Mfg• Cc., 80.75 National Meter Co., 2:38 Nicole, Dean ® Gregg, .75 N. W. Copper & Brass 11.67 N. W. Elec. Equipment CO., 1.20 N, W. Motor Supply, .75 N. W. Stamp Works, 10.00 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 14.00 Pure Oil Co., 20.50 Quayle & Kelly, 10.00 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 17.06 ✓' 273.96 ✓ 6.00 'f l Q, mei ep Sprinkling Fund Austin Western Road Mach. Co., Nicols, Dean & Gregg, St. Paul Glass Co., 340:35 1.00 j4rtwt .g V:'TwI SYlg r unu, Paving Equipment 2.06 Nicols, Dean & Gregg. ��asr^0�4'ia�Ps►$ssg.U°�`.,x»��9r�. Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. - Depreciation Acct. #8 Water Dept. -Cont. Crane & Ordway, 42,.54 St: Paul ElectriclCo., Light o., 100.99 St. Paul Gas St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., 326.55 St, Paul•Printing Co., 4.95 St. Paul Rubber Co., Shevlin-Carpenter Lbr. Co., 124.60 96.80 .South Park Foundry &o.Yach. Co., 53.47 Tire Repair Co., 1.18 Troy Laundry Co., 23.33 Western Machine Works, 149.97 Western Sup,11y Co., Q, mei ep Sprinkling Fund Austin Western Road Mach. Co., Nicols, Dean & Gregg, St. Paul Glass Co., 340:35 1.00 j4rtwt .g V:'TwI SYlg r unu, Paving Equipment 2.06 Nicols, Dean & Gregg. ��asr^0�4'ia�Ps►$ssg.U°�`.,x»��9r�. Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. - Depreciation Acct. Paving Crane & Ordway, 2.15 1.65 T. I. Blood Co., Decker Hardware'llo., 4.20 Adam Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 5.00 N. W. Stamp Works, 19.50 Pittsburgh Coal Co., 4:75 Raymer Hardware Co., Cary & Sands, 15:70 2,7.;45 Robinson, St. Paul Foundry Co., 1.18 Western Supply Co•, 7 , 11,40 ..,.19 Total,Corporate Purposes • " " " 0 8 Spec_ Assess. C nnAt. Acct.- ' 1 -83.02 Tot1� 4W CITY OF ST. PAUL j ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 4333 nn eux. COUNCIL NO. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE — BY /V AUDITED 191— PER mu 255 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement, Adopted by the CounC11E?1S'! 191 z. Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J ) Nays / b r Farnsworth Approved Z — Goss In favor Keller McColl Against MAYOR O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers School Fund 36.6.3 Johnson Service Co., 9,05 Raymer Hardware Co -t 22.80 & Robinson, Cary a 8.87 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 25.00 Shevlin-Carpenter Lbr. Co., Total: SchoolFund, A. 5-11 s i Corporate Purposes Lighting Fund 125.41 Macbeth & Evans Glass Co., Printing & Stationery Fund 5.00 ✓' R. L. Polk Directory Co., Police Fund I,%,. 10.00 R. L. Polk Directory Co., Fire Dept. Fund 80.00 Schurmeier Wagon Co., 4 4 Western Electric Co., Gen. Fund -Quarantine Acct. 32.50 Chas. H. Huhns, 1.75 St. Pahl Drug Co., "T'6f l Quarantine Acct., School Fund 36.6.3 Johnson Service Co., 9,05 Raymer Hardware Co -t 22.80 & Robinson, Cary a 8.87 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 25.00 Shevlin-Carpenter Lbr. Co., Total: SchoolFund, A. 5-11 Library Ouna 10.00 R. L. Polk & Co., 15 '00 Rand McNally & Co., g= W. Wilson, Gen. Fund -Public baths 1.95 Robinson, Cary & Sandsy Water "ept. Fund 210.38 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry•, i 2 Prest-0 ito Co-, 211 _7,__ ,o e -T �,T,o,ya1".�ora a s► 11040 41 42 43 44 46 4% 48 49 51 52 53 54 Warrants issued on above Chicago, Milwaukee & Paul,.Ry., Chas. H. Huhns, / Johnson Service C, Macbeth Evans Gila'ss Co., R L' Polk Directory Co. Prest-O-Lite 96.1 Ran4,McNallYrbc Co., Raymer Hgw arare Co., Robinson.,6ary & S ds, St. Paul,'Sook & St tion St. Payri Drug Co.,, Schur; Bier rra6up , Shevifin-Carpenter Lbr. Western Electric Co-, H,. W. 'Wilson Co., Total, X125.00 1.25 15.00; 9.4.5 i ¢ 24 �, 5 Co., ,7.5 bO.00 25.00 4.49 2.55 602.63 C. F. No. 4333 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor f the persons, firms or c - porations for the amounts set opposite their respective name. as specified In .no fllowing detalled statement Corporate Purposeshting Fund: Macbeth & Evans Glass Co., $126.41. i I'rin ting & Stationery Fund: R. L. Polk Directory Co.. $5.Q0. to l lee Fund: R. L. Polk Directory Co., $10.00. Fire Dept. Fund: Schurmeler ,, n Co.. $80.00; Western Electric Co.,. $4.49. Gen. Fund—Quarantine Account.[ Chas. H. Huhns, $32.50; St Paul Drug Co., $1.75. School Fund: Johnson Service Co..� $1Robin On, Carves&r Sands, $22.8dware Co.. 0•,;d St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., $8.87:1 Shevll $10.00 a -Carpenter Lbr. Co.. $26.00. Library Fund: R. L. folk & Co., ; Rand. McNally & Co., $15.00; H. W. Wilson, $2.56. Gen. Fund—Public Baths: Robin- .,.a.Cary & Sands, $1.95. W Mrater Dept. Fund: Chicago,- MR-' Waukee & St. Pau] Ry., $210.38; Pre.t- O-Lite Co.. $1.26. i Adopted by the Council April 3, 1915. Approved April 6. 1915. (April 30-1915) CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE NO. 4334 ' Corporate Purposes-Salariee Public Comfort Station Bldg. j S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Zia30y38 = T n t ^ 7_ r._,rr,48A�L8=-D*�:.'^ r.r=`—'��t�a"y,(� Z ,>�w,rr,,• v mw.vmtc War/ant yesued q. 'rabo f 11055 S. A"arnworth, Com. ofina ce, 8 30 38 i^ p f f f � ,f z� Form A. 5.11 y d _ /�W BV AUDITED PER 256 T r1. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays _ Adopted by the Council .�91a Farnsworth Goss In favor / Approved L 1 S Keller McColl Against 01,eary MAYOR Yoerg Mr. President, Powers C. TIo. 4334—' RF. esolved that unto be drawn upon the City Tre sung. nayahla ont f tho hereinafter spec) Hed funds and In favor of the persons, Hrms o porations for the a urh eet opposite their respective n s 5s apecdded In the fpnowing detailed statement: Corporate Purposes—Snlaries Pub- ! lic Comfort Station Bldg.. S. A. Farnsworth. Com. f Finance. $30.36. Adopted by- th, Council April 3, 1915. Approved April 8, 1916. (April 30-1915) Corporate Purposes-Salariee Public Comfort Station Bldg. j S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Zia30y38 = T n t ^ 7_ r._,rr,48A�L8=-D*�:.'^ r.r=`—'��t�a"y,(� Z ,>�w,rr,,• v mw.vmtc War/ant yesued q. 'rabo f 11055 S. A"arnworth, Com. ofina ce, 8 30 38 i^ p f f f � ,f z� Form A. 5.11 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 4335 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI ENCIL No. 'i AUDITED IBI_ PER 253 l Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council /191 Far sworth Go In favor Approved Kel er Mc 11 r Against h ---'-MAYOR Yo g Mr. President wers 336— Resolved that warrant. be drawn , upon the City Tre awry, payable out f the hereinafter specified funds and in f vor f the persons, firms or corpora- tion. for the amounts set opposite their respective name. as specified in the following detailed statement: Corporate Purposes—SalariesWflter Dept.: S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Fi- nahce. 532,716.87. Adopted by the Council April 3. 1916. Approved April 6, 1916. (April 19-1916) Corporate Purposes -Salaries Water Dept. 10851 S. A. Farnsworth, Com, of Finance, $ 12,716.87 Farm A. 6-I1 Subject b CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER �1 COUNCIL No. FILE ��1 V 191— Date Presented RESO D, That the following designated licenses�o sell in icati liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to vlications duly made therefor. No. From ('Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 141. ;,, Anderson, 280 y 6th St. I A. Anderson, 517 Mississippi St. C. F. Na. 4330—Ry Henry Arceen Resolved. That the following desfg- nated licensee t0 sill intoxicating I. be transferred indicated. pursuant to appllcatlonea duly mads therefor: No. 141. From A. Anderson. 280 E. 0th 3L, to A. Anderson, 517 Ail ssisslppl Adopted bi 8C. Approved April O,ouncil 1818 April 3. 1016. (April 10-1916) t F lnsworth ss ss �In favor 4Approv, G Her ccoll -Against -- -- erg MAYOR Mr. President, P vers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject:-- %' COUNC'L NO. ala,37 PILE �To Date Presented A191 SOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell XA ting liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to appl:4ations duly made therefor. No, From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) I 309,CaeiObert c:u: cJo line 39 Robert St Chs Scha`ert ^.92 C. F. No. d ' Henry Tl g d — noted Resolved, That Beat at to ps.11ljin.toxlcatinb — llquors be tranerered ae Iddloal'd pur- nn[ to an�n'atinns duly toad' there - tor. No. 309. From Cashman .&. Jopling. 289 Robert St., to Chas. S'habert, 289 Robert St. No. 12. From J. H. Yost, 611 Iticr St., to Kranz tiros., 511 Rlee St. Adopted by t the Co3U151 April :1, 19]5. Approved April 6. (April 10-1915) Yeas (✓) Cou ilmen (./) Nays Fa worth Gos Kel r Mc oll O' cary Yo rg Mr. President, Po ers Adopted by the Council ��191 _L -In favor 1LJls1 App lived __Against MA�. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Sub--... _._. !o. 4338—By Henry McColl— JCCt: .._ .nved, That the sppllcatlon of .__...__...... ](`'q ,,Mowing persons for u. license to COUNCIL r�� ,at Hotels Or Restaurants at the FILE NO ...... ............... ...... ....... .. .lona respectively Indicated be. ....... ....... ...7r.q.ired .............._....... the same hereby are granted. and ................ .......... ....... City Clerk la n.therl-al and di- ed to issue such .licenses to said [can is upon the payment of the .ate PreSerlted.....-�' eQwred by law: i'r. vra, I91choice Olsen, Hotel Nordman. ]938 �I. elty Ave. /ti'. Petech, Reatnbrunt, 113-15 N. it. a. Kovardus. Lunch Room. 1t7th St. m.P. Daley. Business Lunch.rd St.[ra. A. S. Ellsworth, Reed Fa)'ne Ave.A. Techida, Lunch ResolvA. F. McCully, La",' I Avn. Branston. I'ty Ave. _ That the app2lo4, i of the following pertaona for a license to conduct Hotels o� Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the eame.hereby are granted, and the City Clark Is authorized and directed to issue such lioenses to said app:.ioants upon the payment of the fee required by lair. NATdE OF APPLICANT. HOTELS OR RESTAURANTS. LOCATIONS. 'Motel Pdordman 1938 University Petech T?estaurar_t 113-15 '; . 6th Geo. %ovardae Lunch Room 165 Test 7th WM. P. Daley Business Lunch 243 F, 3rd ':.'rs, A S. Fllsuorth Restaurant 1001 Payne A. Tschida Lunch Room 460 iwabasha Mrs, A. F. McCully Lunc'n Room 686 Selby lc, 0. Branston Restaurant 1.1,97 University Mrs. Mina C. Jenkins ;estaur,,.nt 449 St, Peter 2. S. Dittenhofer Lunch Room 341 Jackson Ben Jgorgan Lunch Foom 321 rdabasha Yeas (I ') Co nc"' s .adopted by the Council C!I�� � - —_ 191'. Far sworrh GOB In favor / Kell r approved / Mc II ® .against Yoe Mr. -President, owers MAYO rueM c.a-: %� % f Council File No.... Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and 1-43316 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The llll(lVrSiglle(l hereby proposes the making of the folio" lie illiproN,enient b to ',,'ity of St. 1,;1 1, viz.:Constru t. a ... Bewer—on-B m.11ne be en..Juli and.. 11 - .9 - I - . pt.. A' - 1i .St - - Jefferson Ave., in accordance It 'pet it h..r obad- ...... .... Doted Alis 1pril 5 Ith "211 . 191 PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1VIIE,13,EaI,, A wriit,ll lI"-jt)()Slll for the making of the following improvement', vix.: Construct a sewer on Ha.mlineA e.between. uliet S.V.-.and . .. ........ Jefferson Ave. C. P. No. 4339— sal, for the. Wbe,,-as, A writt'n P-11101pro,.emin, Ts k Iris, 11 a .__ 1 a e " _"rst,�__ :i sewer _a -A— JI-ff--o- .on t I and th �jjjj ha viol; been P.-seert"d it' C—n I of the Cjt, of St. Pa. there having 1well presented to the Council "01" "(Ilid That the Commissioner of ""'Mks be and he is hereby or- lherefore, be it Ple'rb.ld and directed: To,in ratigate the nece--itY far -it I, ty of the making - aid id directed: or desir bi 1,en-by ordered, RESOLVED,That the Col"Illi"Si0flimpro 'e -l"' extent ! . To Investigate the nature, i improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity f(an"I estimated cost of said Improve- Suit 1111 treat . and the total Lost thereof. ,, r � V,11jellt, and the total cost thereof - 2. To illvestigate the nature, ext. .3 To furnish a plan, profile 0 to onpr—oras 'sketch of said liI 1. other 4 To furnish the "olative to said po tarnish 11 plan, profile or Stiletto, and Information re not sp.1d, Im, iniprovellient: other at whether or 4. To fill!Iiii, th" ' cement is asked r on the t tion to to of three or more owner 6. To report upon all of the f.r.i ............ . going matters to the Numni-loner 0 All, t ��d - COU It April �, 19" )etition of three or more owners. 19 5. To State whether Or 11 All, the n1c, ApprovedApril G. (April 10-1916) of Winatice. 6. To report upon all of the for, _ -.-- --- �Fq —5 i91s Adopted )V the Collocil . ...... yeas: Nays: Colineillatill Far 1sworth Gus Approved., Kel er Hash Yo rg P p Mayor 0 -ers Mayor. Request of Mr. B. S. Polk3� Conneil File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IIVIPROVEMEd' • and PRELIMINARY 0 ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the nulliing of t following public hall!, viz.:___4onet.ru.Qt....a...4ment.....dewalk..__e...x__ .... weet side of Keaton..Str t from Oommo all waled this 3rd.... y of Marc V by the City of St. Avenue to Dorsey St. N Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. \FIII:EtEA',, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:__ _. Construct a cement sidewalk six feet in width on the ......... _ . west side of Keston Street from Commonwealth Avenue to Dorsey St. ....__._..........._........................... . C r•. No. Izao- 11 h sas, n wrl tten proposal, forth, tha _._... __._._. _... _............ - - t. malting of [he fall enmenl'sndennik es1R viz. n Nvid thcon the west side of cs. ........... teat In _ ......_.._.... __... -- "_"-"'- ton street from Commonweal be Av ej - -"' [o Dorsey treat. having been p e- s } , sealed to the Coun ti of the City of hfviur been assented to the lmuud of thu St. Pool therefore, be u,........._...........___..._._............._.............._........ Resolved, That the Co Is hereby of 1111.1'efol't' be it Public\'orlse ne and he le hereby or- es dna directed: s �, 4Ci. Tonin resunate the tee of a aordercd and directed: I rSOLVED, That the Commissioner of r dean'niu ty f the making Improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or z. To fnreangase the saidM,taimprove-, prove -t, x•ovemeut. and estimated t ( Id improve-t`l went. and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent all z. To furnish a plan, prone ort, and the total cost thereof. ketch of said improvement. other 3. To [u rnish the fol tow Ing said.. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch aata and Information relative to improvement. tt,h ether or not said Im- n•ove111ent:. 4. To furnish the following other data " To stat. I proven ent Is as PA (or on the petition of three or more owaers G. To report upon au of one sore- ._ ............. ...._..._ going matters to the Commiseloner of Finance. o. To state wheth�itt not said nupro' Adopted ny the Counva Apru s• rsrr. of three or more owners. Approved April bio is e) 6. To report upon all of the foregoing wee. '.PR —5 1915 Adopted by the Council._......___..._.____..__....._......_............._19L_..... Yeas: Councilman ouncilman F rnsworth U s Approved._ __ ........ ler p 1 rg Mayor P vers Mayor. Petition Council File No....._.__,__..........__. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. rhe undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folk ' lg public improve. , , the City of St.- Pan,l, viz.: 9 b Sherman. At, betWeen.we .Seventh. St. the...._to.P..._oY..._the._.... bluff at or near the right.. o o the._ Ch agog ._Milwaukee .& St.._ Pati • Co. in accordance wi Petition h to._attach ed._ 3rd d .f llated this P . ___......19�..._b• .oumcilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A vcritter proposal for the making of the following improvement viz.:___ S.Kermtureen....est_....e.Qenth....t_..._and..._t.e....to.B.....o._the.....bluP_ . At or_.aea7c the __right Of W47 Of__the.._Ch Q-4-9 ....Nti1w, UkdO_&_.ot. Paul Ry .. __ ...._.. C. F. N I",'- 1 for tho _..._. ..... _... .. ._. \Phe A written PrOPoen.-'' "-- - of Lhe following Improvement. n:nking Viz: Curb Shermnn St. of the bluff at Junin......._...._......_...........__........._..__.._.._..._............... _.. having hel'il pl'CSClltCd t0 tI1C LO1111C� Seventh tit. and the COP the Ch1 the right f WAY of cagoor e 1btilwnulcee K St. Paul RY• Co.. therefore, he it nnring Ween presented to the s, be it of the cltY of at. rant, tt ereforo, r ,['hereby ordered and directed: RrSOLVED, That the ConllulSSl nesm.•ea. That the Commlasloner of Public \Vorlcs be and he 19 hereby..Or- lereI end directed: 1. To investigate the necessity, ` 1. To le"estignte the use essity for f Said improvement. or dastrabnnY of the the of sold' IOVtm Cllt, slid the total cost thereof. •?. To investigate the nature, a Im2 roTeOmin^,eetigate the natpre. extent, P and estimated cost of said Improve - 3. 'Io furnish a plan, profile or ment. ana tho total t;.,., or 3. To Yurnlah sloe tch of said gmprovement• 14Rld improvement: ....... _ 1. To t•.rnish the followingoil q, To furnlah the following other datn and Int. in on TOlotiva LO sald� 'in whether or not said ins- ... .... ......................._... _.. ... .. ........ .......................... 6• To sinto on the petition t is asiced Por Pr"t•e1"e" '.petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not sal oe0thTTo Deep are Opon rail of the tore G. To report upon all of tho to mon nematters to the Commissioner ot',r of Finance. Adopted by the Council April 6, 1016. Appro Ved April G, 1016. Adopted by the Council..........,,.P.R. (April 10-101 Nays: ays : Councilman Fa nsworth Gth 3 Approved ` er AU 6V/ Nash Y rg ..... ..... ........ .... ......... . llnyor. AlRyor Po •ers y PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The andcrsigned hereby proposes the making of the, following pnblie ipfprovenlent by the City of St. Paid, viz.: Grading.... and.. o.one.tr..uo.t.ing....a_..sewer.....on....P er..-Strast....bet . an ..................-.-. olev.eland .,eve... _and._ Wilder ...3t. _ __ .................. slated this __ 5101._ day of........ ....... . .. 9 ....�.. Conneilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1V1lrREAS, A lvritt,'n proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..__ Grading and construpt_ing__e... aewer._on....Power ...Street _..hetwaam. Cleveland Ave. and Wilder St. 2 d C.4342— Proposal,for the 1 �V herene. A written ng"' vement. melting of the following l+npTO sew_ , .... ... ... ......... _... _...._._. ........ .. .. ..._..__...... - and constructing a v1:, Gracing er on power street beh nving Cleveland Ave. and wilder Ave., of the eClt }ro4 having been presented to the Council of seated to the conn°u......_.........._........._.,_...._..._......_.__..____.................. Paul therefore, be i[ Resolved. That the Commlesloner of therefore, be It. Public Works be and he is her. Y ar- • l it.ESOLVED, That the Commissionei dered and direetea: U ordered and directed: I. To investigate the ecg of for r d-1-1,llltY of the making of said y' 1. To investigate the necessity for l*n2 roTomn teatlgate tee nature. extent d improvement. •l dna estimated coat of eels lmnrovo- meat, and the total cost thereof. 'L'o investigate the nature, erten ,pent, and the total coat thereooale or 3. To furnish a plan, pr :i. To furnish a p..ln, prOt lC Or slLe+ skate ToIf furnish pthee following Other data and lnformotlon relative to said �. 'Ib furnish the t•olloWing other d Im6.provement. improvement: __ __.._...... i provement la askedhfor nthOtte spet/tton g ......._....._....._..._..._........... .:......_................._................_.....a of three or more owns all of the for.- G.. ........_......_.........._..._............. ...._...._.............._.... 6. To report apo going matters to tho Cpmmisaloner oftion Of three or more owners. J. TO state whether Ol' IIOt Slll(1 11 Finance, Adopted by the Council April 6, 1910. � 6. To report upon all of the form Finance. APR Approved Ail 11610 111 _ 916) ,__l� Adopted by the Council.. _'�.PFi—_:,.,.�. Yells: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth Go Approved _._ ._. __.....__.....-."..._..�...__.._._ / Ke r wash Yo.......... Mayor Pol s Mayor. 4CITY OF ST.'PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL�.. ... FILE No ... ... .......... ..._.... _..__. {. ..! ...... .................................................._ . Date Presented April fi^..._._I91..b..... In the matter of grading Power Street between Cleveland Ave. and Wilder St., under Preliminary Order No. 837, Intermediary Order No.1660 and Final Order No. 2226, approved October 20, 1914, be and the eby Resolveoancelled,lannulled . orders iand hrescinded e above aand re all proceedingsinsuch are rmatter discontinued. C. F. No. 4343—By Al. N. Gose— in [he mutter of l; radinF Power street between Cleveland Ave. and wilder W. under Preliminary order No. 837. Inte rmedi ti,' order No. 1660 and Final order No. 2226, approved or - tuber 20, 1914. a botve IVet(t" bet ands the dere in the hereby m celled, annulled ad I e m.ttte, dand ntlnu Proceedings in each Adopted by the Council April 5, 1915. 11Approved April 6, 1915. (April 10-1916) ' Yeas (I') Con ilmen (t') Nays ' 0 Orth /% os fJ In favor ell G. .against l Nash Yoe Mr. P dent, Owers .o'" a.e-z Adopted by the Council ip}r _191 i Approved.. 191 (f MAY CITY OF ST. PAUL 1914 • ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM CFILEOUNCIL NO.4341L. APR 5.. 1915 SYy AUDITED 181_ a 257 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council �PR —5 l915 181 Farnsworth �s Goss —4—In favor Appmv 1 Keller MQGDI}_ O Against O'Leary MAYOR Yoerg Mr. President, Powers C. F. No. 434be drawn Reaolded Thm:.aeury. Payable our in The 13erLO9 11Fund' Board' -- Workhouse 6.43- Lary & Commissi0Fanh: Robineon;: Schoo119D 00. Sa$peclsl Funds: FZUCabydt& - flanda. brnrY, R Dlnson. binson. �- $193.33. F 8 LlbrarCjoY; Ro dry & . 3,33. :jam% ,per as vi Sol' bYa the Council April 6 1916. J l Approved (pgil r1161 1915. 0 1916) Corporate Purposes Lighting Fund The Herzog Iron Works, 150.00 Workhouse Fund Board of Water Commissioners, 6.48 School Fund Robinson, Cary & Sands, 190.00 To 346.48 Special Funds Humboldt H. S. Library Robinson, Cary & Sands, 193.33 Johnson H. S. Library Ro-inson, Cary 8: Sands, 193.33 V To pecial bunds .................. 86.66 Total Corporate Purp see,.....).. $346 48 " Special Funds .. .. 86 66 Tot 1, 73 .14 ;,Form A. 3.11 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 1915 COUNCIL FILE t V filo. 4345 AUDITED 181_ .20 PER SS riru _ OO Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the ity Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( ✓)Nays Adopted by the Council— Farnsworth � � 5 915 191 Farnsworth 9 Goss In favor Approve d. Keller --. 1O_Against MA— YGR O'Leary _ Yoerg C. F. No. 4346—be 0 at eCity Mr. President, Powers uponathe Tr?aPry,payable out 1ts specltied ftin the hereinafter coa4dran !!favor of the persona, -te a l/n 'their es ectiveanameasas PeclSed 'their aP detailed statement: the following Corporate Purposes: Fire Fund-- �Sslariea (BuildlnSe)- S. A.' For.._ . - worth. Com. of Finance. 366.50. Park Fund—Salaries (Como Cmn- no fFinance, E88.93. Fa rns- foorth. it w It.PJayKrounde—Sal.: S.p. Farnsworth, Com. oL Finance, $3o042S0. - Publtc Com[ort of g. cc. p. Farnsworth, Comlon $988.66. water 13-Ptwrih. Korn (f uFinance. ° g_ A. Farnsworth, $1,542.20. Fund: E. T: 1V Interest ebster. .... -.. .._ ... $1841. Adopted by the Council April 5. 1916. Corporate Purposes ro10-15 . APPved Ap(ppr11rtl 6.1916 Fire Fund -Salaries (Buildings) __— -- - 66.30 S. A. Farnsworth,. Com. of Finance _! . Park Fund- Salaries (TCOBWc Comfort Stations, Repairs) 88.93 ✓ S. A. Farn svorfh, Com. of Finance, Public Playgrounds -Sal. 304.20 ✓ S. A. Farnsworth, Cam. of Finance, Public Comfort Stations Bldge.. 988.55 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Water Dept. -Salaries (Buildings) 1,542.20 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Interest Fund 18.41 E. T. Webster, ::1Plar-rants-�,.ssued�•-_. . 11059 !S. A Farnew "'7th Cc of Fin ce, x66.30' 60 . Farn or " x;381.6 61 A. Far Orth ° 1,54.2 62 T. we ter, 1 Total, 3,008.59 Form A.5-11 CITY OF ST. PAUL 43.16 COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM Subject -,Approval of Award'-of—Contract-for--the eons truetion. of a sewer qT�,�� couNGIL w� �L�. xx�� FILE No...... .. �aldRbi.._Avlanue....from._.ths....aenter...mi'....Walp.ol.e....0-treat---to....a.-point 180 feet NoRth. Date Presented... April 3rd -15I91 Resolved, That the award of contract to O'Neil & Preston for the con- struction of a sewer an Baldwin Avenue from the center of Walpole Street to a point 180 feet North,71-ngineerle estimate being 0288.00, for the sum of 0294.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 4848—ny M. N. Goas— Resolved. That the award f c - ll¢et to (YNell 8_ rest. Bald winfor e Ave- nue from the cstructlon of a anter [ Walpole street to r point 180 feet North, the F'ineer'If timate beinga28he0, mme le hereby .$2004.00 be, and approved, and the Cor- nrmea to rdraft Coan¢ebmitl is hlhebproper form Of ontr¢ct therefor. Adopted by the Council April 6, 1916. Approved 1prilll •1091916) 1 Yeas (I') Cotoilmen (f') Nays Adopted by the Council —.1 191L> Fart worth Gos / In favor �L Keli r Approved. Mc ll �' Against 9 ru- Plash Yoe Mr. President, were MAYOR CITY OP ST. PAUL �c /@ 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject,_ REJE-OTION OI' BIDS for the gr=ailing of Alley _.i.n...Bl oek 19, Su/Amp�r�i �j COUNCIL -1.t�_2 f FILE NO__ .... ...... .................. .. vwU AAAI i 9 nn. ....... ...... . ........ ............._..._..... .... ........ _ :...... Date Presented...- April 3rd -.10091 LAI Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bide for the grading of Alley in Block 19, Summit Park Addi- tion is hereby confirmed and approved and the 'Purchasing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the making of Said improvement. l'. F. No. a3i7—By D1. N. Goes— Hesolved, Tnnt the etlon of the - jPurchasing Committee In r,I,,I ng all bids rot the grading of Alley In Block 1!1, summit Park Addition 1a hereby manned and approved and the Pur- Ichaeing Agent is authorized to read- vertlse rot blds for the making of .old Improvement. Adopted April 61916. April 6, 1916. (April 10-1916) 11 Yeas (4') Cou ilmen (I') Nays adopted by the Council ._ 191 S Far worth Jos In favor 91 s� Kel r Approved Mc oil Q .against Yo g Mr.President, owers AAYOR r...a e.: /1348 CITY OF ST. PAUL L COUNCIL RESOLUTION T GENERAL FORM Subject•. Approval of Award of. Contract foie the -grading. of the three Alleys COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ........................... ... i.n.o.+A....AAdA t4 nr ...Aa---_._._._ _..........._..._ _...._..------ ....:.._ Date Presented April -394vinAI91........... af— Resolved, That the a*ard of contract to Christ Johnson for the grad- ing of the three Alleys in Blook.3, Hemline Syndicate Addition #2; Engineer's estimate being 0222.75. for the sum of 0205.80 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form011' of contract therefor. t, Renolv[•d,i4Thaty[ I e 11. v ode P n- '"g-".' ngCtC ulhhrlthre ohnlleyafor I tBI rka3 Humllno SyndicatAdd, No. :. Engineer's timatee being $222.75, Cor the m or $205.80 be, and them a Is hereby Confirmed and approved.d the Corporation Counsel b` hereby In- etre•tatd [f drafttractdthere[or.[he prop- e1Adopted by the Counell April 5, 1915.'; Appro,ad April 6, 1915. j [April 10-1915) Yeas (I') Coune ¢te❑ (i') Nays Ferns orth Goss In favor Kelle �( MCC 11 ..against N ash Yoe , Mr. President, owers rpaN c.fi2 .adopted by the Council. , . --191 ✓� Approved _ 19 1_ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject•.... ApprovalofAward-of-Contract for the grading of--1-van Way from 4-3-1 {��� COUNCIL `'( 3'-y1� FILEN 0 ...... ....................... . .. 8enaan.. ,Ase. ..... La.....the.3 as.tt...Line... aY...Kipp'. s_. Glc n.._T.. apraca...Addition. Date. Presented..... April -3rd-15I91 M Resolved, That the award of contract to Rasmussen & Simard for the grading of Ivan way from Benson Avenue to the East Line of Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition, Engineer's estimate being $979.00, for the sum of $1,055.00, be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. Yeas (I) Courp 'lmen 09 Nays Farns vorth Goss 7 In favor Kelle MCC 11 Q Against Yoer Nash Mc President, veers ro,, c 0.z 1'. F. No. 1111—By M. N. Goes— Resolved, That the award of tract to Rasmussen & Simard, for the grading of Ivan Nay from Benson' venue to the )last line of Kipp'. Glen Terrace Addition. Englocer,, estimate being $979.00, for the e m of $1,065.00. be and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby Instructed to draft' and submit the proper form of con- tract therefor. Adopted by the Council April 5, 1915. Approved April 6. 1915. (April 10-1915) Adopted by the Council G/G /191 7 Approved_ IJ _... ___.. ..MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:. _; REJECTIO11 OF BIDS for the grading of Oxford Street from ny 1nA1I COU ILENCIL NO.... .. __...___.._-.._---- .........._ ....... Date Presented.... April--3rd-15-191 a. Resolved, Thattthe action of the Purchasing Committee in rejeoting all bids for the grading of Oxford Street from Iglehart Avenue to Rondo Street is hereby confirmed and approved and the Purchas- ing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the making of said improvement. Yeas (1) Coot ninten (h) Nays Farn worth Goss / In favor Kell Mc 11 .against Nash Yoe Mr. President, Owers roan c.e.: C. F. Nn. 1360-13y \1. N. Goss— Resolved. That the t ellon f the Purchasing Committee in jetting all from f1.i the grading io Rondo street t d 'is hereby confirmed and approved so the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise for bids for the making of Rid Impro the Council April 6, 1915+. Adopted by Approved (1p'Il oto_ 1111, Adopted by the Council Y -K ..41 191.1 — Approved_ 1 - -- MAVOft /7 �r CITY OF ST. PAUL: 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject.. RMECTI.O.1Q_ OF.._BIPS._for. _the_ grading' of Mendota -...Street from NAL11s OUNCIL WT351 Street to Maryland Street FILE .• NO ..... .... .................. . .._.................................................----........._......_................... _........................._......................._...__....................... /- - Date Presented.April 3rd.16__I91........... Res ved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in refecting all bids for the gvadtngo6foXendota'Street from wells Street to Maryland Street is hereby confirmed and approved and the Pur. chasing Agent is authorized to readvertise for bids for the makift of said improvement. C F.. o 43 ThatB the N tonGo.e f Lne Resolved. teen In re .l ectl eg all Purehnelnt; f Mendota meet bids for the Street to Maryland and from Nellcosflrmed and aPPauved I. hereby e t le thorl.ed the Parchnsing I recd im ise f rents for the makfm; Adopted r. the Councll 1 ru 5. 1915. Apprav ed Aprll' 1916. (ADril�10-1916) Yeas (1') Counci men (!' ) Nays Farns orth Goss �In favor Keller MCC I If .against .0'1 e" ;zY. Yoerg Mr. President, P ers cone c.82 .adopted by the Council 191 Approved_ 91J MAYOR �I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION. --GENERAL FORM Subject: .Approval -of.Award --of-Contraot for the grading •o3' -Burr Street from 9A COUNCIL q-21. p'y FILE No ...... ........h..is::i.3'f-�.. .. R-ni narA AvFmuw to Iw street..-..........................................--....................... Date Presented..._ April 3rd -1 I91.....,.... Resolv d, That the award of contract to Christ Johnson for the grading of Burr street from Brainerd Avenue to Ivy Street, Engine- erle estimate being �C_�; �alD, for the sum of 01,149.72 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of con- tract therefor. Yeas (I') Coun iIr (I') Nays Far worth Gos In favor Kell r Mc oll Against Nast Yo g Mr. President, overs ro'" , e -z 4362—BY M. N. Go','— f co - geeolved. That the awar_ traet Ch .Wt Johnson ruthQB e b�,Ve of IIurr street from 1 in a;mate B 1n6 treat, EnBlneer's of $1,_ nue to 1t67n70, [ar the a lherebY o or beln6 ; d the enrto y or ti{medbend aPPro hdrebYdirtst orm oC atlon COnrtael is roper 1 draft nrtd ubmlt [he P 1916. c Adopted brei [II 6-n 6, Approved fpprll SO -1916) Adopted by the Council 1PR-''-,5 J91§ «_ _ 191 Appro�'ed_ � — 6- 9lSr CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: Approval- of. Award--of-Contract for the oonatructi:A a sewer4353 COON I FILE NO...... .. _on„Burr... Street.... rom..Brainexid...Street ... to. ....ivy -street. ..... ..... Date Presented -.-.-.April 3rd,AP' Re, ved, That the award of contract to Christ Johnson for the con- struction of a sewer on Burr Street from Brainerd Street to Ivy Street. Engineer's estimate being 01-3191.000 for tka sum of 01,261442, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved) and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and.— sub-mit the proper form of oontraat thereforly C. . Na. ""_By M. N. nose-- Raeolved, That the award of - tract to Christ John.on for the con- striletlen of a sewer on Burr street from Brainerd street to Ivy street., Engineer'. estimate being $1219.00, for the Bum of $1,261.42, and the s e Is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby In- structedto draft and submit the prop- tr form of contract therefor. Adoptedby the Council April 6, 1915. Approved April 6, 1910. (April 10-1915) Yeas ( h') Ccu cilmen (11 Nays Far worth �/ Gos / In favor Kell r n Mc oil U Against Nub Yoe g Mr. President,ower, � ...,a.z Adopted by the Council Approved. — I9t5� 435,E CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:,.___ Approval -of Award of Contract for the grading. ..of .Hyacinth 1.1111"t FILE NO. ..... ...... .... .. ...........from. k]dgert.nn.,S treE-L.._td...R ayne...Avenue-._.-....... .................. _...... ........ _ ....... Date Presented.-- April 3rdmlegi That the award of contract to E. A. Northrup for the grad Ing of Hyacinth Street from Edgerton street to Payne Avenue, Engine errs estimate being 02,322.40. for the sum of X61,549/00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of con- tract therefor. C F. No. 4364—BY theawa d t con Resolved. That for the grad F p, Nort hruPfrom Edgerteon frac oto f HYPclnth tree[ Englneer'e of Ingest to PnYne Venue, the .um [tmate being """ii 0, for Se hcrebY y1,540.00 d the •i°nd the sets conarmedbond approved. Instructed por.erebY tl.o a°oneubmiththe ProPeT form to Cr.ft nn to ntrnet therefor. pdoPted by thil 6°19161 APrll 6, 101 Approved Apprll 10-15161 Yeas (I)4Farnsi'.,,orth (P) Nays In favor (� Against Mr. Presiers ... c e -z na —=' vs .adopted by the Council 1' ' � _ ___ 191 — Is' ,approved _ CITY OF ST. PAUL A'� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Purchasing - Dexter Valve Reseating Outfit Complete. Subject:. _ COUNCIL N 135.5 FILE NO . ... ............... ......... .. .. ........................... ........ ..... _...... ........ _ ....... Date Presented..... _ _4/6 _1915........ FRoutiauthorizing the PurchasingAgent to buy a. Dexter valve utfit, 2 sets of Cutters, 1 Gate valve cutter, 1 Pump ting Machine, amounting to 168.00,chargeable to the of Public Safety - Bureau of Fire Protection, without asking for competitive bids therefor,.,as they are patented articles Resolved no advantage can be obtained thegy. t' P. No. 4355-11v Henry McColl- 11—olution a tho,Wng the Purchns-� IngAgent to bu)' a Deter valve r gal I— ou tflt. 2 sets of Cutters, �l Go to valve cutter, 1 Pump 1:0—r yMing Machine, n unting to $168.00, hargouble to the U,pnrtment of Pub- Iic `<af oty—nurene of Fire Protection, -11hout ..king for opetiti— blas therefor, asthey i e potentea articles o. lad advantage on he oF,taired rcby. Adopted by the Council Aaril 6, 1915. Appril oved Apw'❑ 1. 191a". (Anc10-1 H1a) Yeas ( f') Cou jmen (k) Nays Farn orth Goss In favor Kelle Me C 11 � .Against O Le ;Y; �4t Yoer Mr. President, ers roRw � R -z .adopted by the Council J = 1 � � 191;} � l Approved y — 191 S^ ;-6 CITY OF ST. PAUL � ( � COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GEN 5RAL FORM Subject: Purchasing 1000 Ft, of -Chemical -Hose. COUNCIL 413115� FILE No. ................ .. .................... _..... ......... _....... r ............................................. �....................... :w Date Presented4/6-15 -:. ---191 .. Resolved�T t areas the Department of Public Safety --Bureau of Fire Prot n. has given an estimate of the amount of chemical hose requ ed during the year 1915 to the Purchasing Agent, in accordance with Council File No. 3057, now therefore be it Resolved, that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized'to contract for and purchase , in accordance with the provisions of the Charter 1000 feet of bulk chemical hose. t'. F. Nn,>Icl;nll— Resolved. That \\'h•rens the I)e pttrt.. ant of Fuhlle vnfet)—I:n renis of Flt- I.-tection.t I" teen at a tI tmnte f cheml�nl those qulred .tills nmr n 1910 to the rl rehas- d 1n�tlhe. t or brace IvIth ('nu_ btg Agent, Inc nc y therefore be it File N'I ROr'that `the Purchasing Agent lie sol ve d. tu[hori�.ed to contract for Is h".11Y t in n ordnnct• with the and purehnof the Chprter 1000 feet f Inovi cions • 191 u. hulls hetnipnl hose. Adopted by the Cuu nail 'N 11111 G, Approved Ap,rll 7. 1.91f. (April 10-1915) Yeas ( 1 ') Cou ilmen (P) Nays Farri worth r . Gos / In favor Kell Mc II iQ8lnat Tnt,owers Mr. Presid m c.6-2 Adopted by the Council 4 19 1-)'. App.roved roved 191 --" MAYOR - ��,11$➢ 1� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.Purchasing_- 40 _Tons $efined Asphalt u Emerge.n..cy"............ 435 COUNCIL FILE No...... .. Date Presented......_^4�6.._ _....._I9P....._... Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Agent to buy 40 tons refined asphalt to be delivered in Tank Car from the Standard 011 Co.,of Indiana, amounting to approximately $500.00 , chargeable to the Department of Public Works -Bureau of Construction and Repair, witholt asking for competitive bids therefor,as they are in immediate neei Resolvedof the above for purposes of repair and an emergency exists they. C. P. No. 4957—Ry AT. N. Goss— Resolutlon au thorizing the Purcltus_ Ing Agent to buy 40 tons refined a - phal[ to be delirered 1, Tank car [rum the Stnndned On Co., of Indiana. unting to approximately $600.00, eh argcable to the Ilepnrtm en[ of Pub - lie Worka—Bureau oT Cone tructlon ,,ad Repair, wi tbout asking for c ImAtnt I,, blde t,erefthe ab they re In pur- Pnses of ePe��iro .uul emergency exla[sthereby. Ad opled by the Council .1n' 6. 11115, Al, P l,P ro—d April 7. 1915. (April 10-1915) Yeas (I') Cou cilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council vL <- e 191 Fa sworth Go In favor Ke r Approved. — 191 M( oil .against 0. i�anb Yo g Mr. Presiden Powers MAYOR roaH c. B-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject :..........LAYING...19A.TER...MAINS ............................... � ``3`�� DOUNCIL NC► • PILE ......................................... Date Presented......._._............._.._................191 Resolved, that water mains be laid on the following streets; Carroll Ave. from Chatsworth to Oxford Sts., Blair St. from Griggs St. to Lexington Ave., when street is graded to the established gradA and there is a reasonable demand for water. Hubbard Street from Syndicate to Griggs St., Oxford St. from Cross to Mcgenty Sts., wakefield St. from Earl to Hester Ste., Hamline Ave., St. Clair to Goodrich Ave ., Hemline Ave •, Lincoln to Grand Ave ., Cleveland Ave., JTarshall to Iglehart Ave., Fairview Ave. , yarshall to Laurel Ave., Hamline Ave., Langford Ave. to Albany, York St., Clark to Arkwright St . , Summit Ave., sr —l- =i Aa from pascal to Saratoga St. (. F. No. 4158—L'y O. P Keller— ' I resolved, 'Phut water mains be Inld o. u the following xt,."t,. CRI'I'oll Ave. from Chots r,th to Ox_,� (ford streets, P31air St. from 17 riggs Sl. W Le xing- ion Ave., when true[ Iv graded to the established grade and there is a reh sl noble demand for water. Hubbard slreot from S)'ndicate to Griggs St. Oxford St. from Cross to Ni.11—tyl Sts., Wakefield St. from Lnri to Heater Sts., Hamline Ave., St. Clair to Gooarleh Ave.. Hemline Ave., Lincoln to Grund Ave. Cleveland Ave., III—hall to Iglehart Are.. — AFairview Aviv., \laesholl to Laurel v ., Hamline Ave I.nugford A— to Al- Councilmen (✓) Nays crf` Ilmny, Yeas (✓) right st., ed b the Council Sum St., Ave_o summa ve., south y III, side. tion, Pus -i cal to Snrn tdg:t St. F nsworth Adopted by the Council April 6, 1915• Approved \pr i 7. 1015. SS (April 10-1016) Approv O 1 V 'ler Coll nn� —Against �J �► rg - - - MAYOR Mr. President, were C'ITYM1'pF' StS39l�lYT {� moL;. DeParhmeahv� jJ�blic�fhilihies �UPeav W�aher April BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS 5, GSGAR E E ER. ,e=,oe.,. 1 9 1 5. 5 WORTH ss GARRETT O HOUSE. Ge �i Sip, To the Honorable, THE CIT'•' COU -CIL, CITY OF SAI'`T PAUL, St. Paul, Yinn. Gentlemen; - The Board of ',•tater Coa=issioners, at a meeting held this date, unanimously adopted the following resolution; Resolved, that the Council be requested to authorize the laying of water mains on the follow- ing streets; Carroll Ave. from Chatsviorth to Oxford Sts— Blair St. from Griggs St. to Lexington ,1,ve•, v,,hen street is graded to the esta.bli.shed grade and there is a reasonable demand for water. T.ubbard Street from Syndicate to Griggs Sts., oxford St. from Cross totooyenty HesterSSts•,, Wakefield It. from Earl gamline Ave., St. Clair to Goodrich Ave., i;amline Ave•, Lincoln to Grand Ave., Cleveland Ave.,''arshall to Iglehart Ave., Fairview Ave., T'a.rsha.11 to Laurel Ave., tramline Ave., Langford Ave. to Albany, York St., Clark to Arkwright St., Summi.tPve., south side, fror.': Pascal to Saratoga St• very truly, yo,-lre, .- / .% secretar3i. CITY OF ST. PAUL. L COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F08M Subject:. COUNCIL w� FILE NO .. ........... Date Presented........ _ __....-I91........... ✓ That the cigarette license No .Eight (S) issued February 5th 1915, to J.A. Wolf, 440 Wabasha Street be / and the same hereby is transferred to William J. Ueber; 440 Wabasha Street, J 1 Henry N'I tt ll -- ',t,, r, No. 4x59 -13Y igerett¢ llceb th, Resolved. Thnt the b vary *10. E1bt lel lseue440 \Vahneha St'• 1916.to'd' �'' No1f Is trnns4erred me here 40 \V nbnshit St. 1w d the 1Jober, 191 F. NlRiam d' [hI, e Cnu ncll Apt'll 0. to Adopted b3A i. 1016. ApPt'O�'ed (Apr11 10-79101 Yeas (V) C ticilmen (T') Nays F nsworth 16 ss J In favor K ller Coll ✓ Against rg Mr. Preside Powers ,on, C.e-z Adopted by the Council _ z _✓_ _190 Approved y — 191 COUNCIL FJLF. NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of wadi.+ g A1.1ey runniag_. Ncrth....and_ .South in__Bl_ock_-1.,._ L.ov_eXiLg' B Addition to Union Park, approved Maro.h _-4.th,....1.9.15.......... _ _ ................__.. under Preliminary Order 303 J..__.. .__..._. __... _ pP' The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the sante is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Graig Alley TUnni_IIg., North and South i.n__Blook 1, T,ovo.x.iagla ....._........... . ............... ...................._._. ......._......... .......... _..... _.......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is Resolved Further; That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th _._... day of May ._...._.___......_, 191.....5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ��z ? Adopted by the Council _. _ S!j,__s_i 191 . Approved 7— 7 _ 191 Councilman Fa ' sworlh " G s ler Coll " erg Mayor Pok ers Form B. S. A. 8-6"� 6 &�41 S- _ INTERMEDIARY ORDERS. C F. No. 3360— In the Matter of grading aIle)'"" ing North d South In Block 1. Mayor. Covering's Add1[lon to Union Pa 'k, under PI.11minar, Order 3939, ap- proved March 9th, 1915. The Council f the City of St. Paul having ,received the report of the Com- Iesloner of Finance upon the above Improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the en., fs hereby approved and adopted, and the said Improvement Is hereby. ordered to be proceeded with. 1 2. That the afore f the Ime- proV e t which n theCouncll recommends Is 1 grade alley running North a d South in nloek 1. o..ring's Addition to Union Parl<, with siterna[Ivea. and - that the estimated o cost thereof is $35.20. Resolved Further. That a public hearing be had on said Improvement on the 10th dayof May, 1915, at the hour of 30 o'clock A. M., 1n -the Council Chamber, room A. of the Court House an d City Hall Building In the 1 City of St. Paul. That the Commla- Bioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the mariner provided by the Charter, stat_ i eg the time and place of hearing, the tore of the improvement, nd the total c t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council April 6, 1315. Approved April 7. 1915- (April 30-1915) COUNCIL, FdLh, NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In theMatterofGral.ing Alley running.Norta_and-South in B1_ock_1,_Lover l'19's Addition to Union Park., _ ......... __ l.}1._. th.,..... 1.x.15......_.._... _........ ander Preliminary Order 39'�B___.__ .aPP'oved WarC _ _ _._._ .__. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Grade Al1Pay runni,ng.. North f and. South, in Block 1, T.ovexingl Addition _to_Union..__Park, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further;'f}lat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day of ---May ............._...__...__._..._, 191.....5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. DI., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191. y Approved — 191 Mayor. Councilman Fa swonh seoo „ G. s 1' . (910-1t, pit;, �..rA. ltoLLnoJ ay ul,i,l P-�``.,l „ ler T.. 4 (u:l pl l� �Y�neBflui COLIono- a dtAt �N' I l'f�r�;lDYb• { EB £e;l Cy Tli sk i, I:ove1 nss`�dit m to 1TP k, iwlth no -alt and the eats d oat thereof is „ F erg ur 7olved Further, That a public badimprovement adaSn saidmpr ve ent ± ,'+1g 10 th bur of 10 o'clock A. M., in -the 1Vleyor P_ Vers ;3.11 Chamber, room 61 of the Court )ae. City .': and all Building, in the $ of St. Paul. That the Commie - Form B. S. A. 8.6 '�(,er`- of Finance give notice of said ng to the persona and In the ner provided by the Charter, )S stat_ t;I the time and place of hearing, the .tpre of the Improvemen[,and the A 1 --cost thereof as estimated. Opt d by the Council April 6 1715. pt. 'ed Apri1 7. 1915. (April 10-1915) 41131 - COUNCIL FILL: NO. 1 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.. wading Aldine atre�,t, from St. Anthony avenY..e. to R0,14 St., .._............_._........._..._...................... under Preliminary Order 4039....... approved March, 17th,, 1915..___ . ... _.._..._._..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is s_r4dq._. Ald _.n.jV atr_e-e_t.,. from St. Anthg,ny_..avenue to Monde _St., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8x....43.5.. 51__ __... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th day of ..__1Y... _......_.___, 191_5._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City IIall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and'place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. % UAdopted by the Council __... j a:-.:-;C�. L..:__ _, 191..:_ / .. erk. Approved _ 2 191 .� turf Mayor. 'Z. F. No. 4361— Councilman Fartj lnr om bSt.tAnthony davenuedlto Rondo St., under Preliminary Order 4089, approved March 17th, 1916. G06; The Council f the City of St. Paul having r-cetved the report of the Com- issioner of Finance upon the above Kell Improvement and having considered enid port, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the came h hereby approved d adopted, MC s d the said Improvement aprovedan Is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the natureof the improve- Q'U ment which the Council recommends ie gradc .verucAtoine Rondos St., fromwith no Alternal- „ YOe1 tivesu a d that the estimated cost thereofie $435.51. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement Mayor Pow on the 10th day P BPay, 1916, t the hour of. 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Form B. S. A. 8-6 Council Chamber, room 61, of the Court House and City Hall Building In the City of St. Paul. That the Commis- sioner of Finance give otice of said meeting to the persons and In the man_ net provided by the `Charter, stating the time and place of hear[ng, the na_ tore of the Improvement, and the to- tal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council April 6. 1915. Approved tAApr11730 15. Council Nile No.___ - 'Phe wulersigned hereby prop - Paul, viz.: __:COnstruOt__a._ the e_adt aide of .Fc ..........._..........._...................._....._..........._..._.. Dated this, _ _ _ Oth.day Request of P. Vaendler, #1788 Sulmuit Ave. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 62 PRELIMINARY ORDER. I the making of the folloM1 g public improvemel ly the jC,ity of St. Councilman. ZFLARY—ORDF& 1VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemcll , vlr.: _.._.......... .. Const.ruq t.._ a_ .o ement..._b.1oa.k..ald.ewalk__to__a._w.idth.._af.._eii�...feet_...on..the.....eaet side _of Fairview Ave,.._ between_ZumMj..t Av0.,_.and. _Grand_Ave.. ---- er- .......... ..........._ C. F. No. III'— ._.......... o --- \V hereBs, A written nwinK Imph foment, L f the toll cemeCP[I block side- ......_ . .... ..._._. _ viz: Construct u ..... .. to "mill of alx feet o th u ens[ elle of Fnfry Jew Ave. bet e Summit Ave. and Grand Ave., "v"" 1 ........... .. ..... ._....... ... ... _., having been Presented to the Colwell of ti been preseotod to tho CouneI ony oY 5[. Poul lhcl store, be IC I herefore, be It Resolved, That the Commissioner of I Public \Vorks be and he J. hereby or- R.ESOLVED, That the Commissioner 1 dere. and dir_ got a ordered and directed: 1,. To Invest1ot t the necessity [or or deslrnb111Cy of the molting Of sold 11n P1'0\'CnlCllt. 1. To investigate the necessity for oI hn2 roTome �te.ugn{o the nature, extent To investigate the nature, extent a e.umated no.t o[ eats imnroyeo` �ieut, and the total cost thereof. 2. gl I men{, and the to [al coat thereof. 3, Tt furnish n plan, proms 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skete ki {e Tooter ni.nmtnevtollowmg other a data and informBtlon relative to safdflnpl•nvetlll'lit :. .. ..._.. _..._...__..._...... -1. To furnish the t•ollolving other I nn pr vetnent. 6. To state whether or not said tra provementt or naked for on the petition:. of three more owners. "'-"' "' """'' "" ........... ' . f. To report upon all o[ the for. - 'going matter. to the Comml.sio of Ion of three or more ownel S. o. To state whether or not said im �Ftnonce. loll. .adopted by the Conoco Apra 7, In aI1CC. 6. To report upon all of the foregnit Approyea (Apr111�•10-1915) Adopted by the Cotulcil......._... _.._ _._.................... Yeas: Nays: _ Councilman •nsworth Approved_..._...... ._.... s _. ler �' IIaeh ... ............_...._. rg Mayor. Mayor era Council File No ....... ._..._..._...__...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin old 1 tint, vii., construct a cement block sidewa._..__,_._to__a.. ............._................ . west aide of Keston St. from Co._ _...nwealth_A accordance with petition her o attached ....__. _ 7� 0. 1)ate d this 6th__.__ day of PRELIMINARY ORDER. Petition- 4- qfi improvement by_Vc City of St. Councilman. WEEMPAS, A \i'ritten proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_.._.._.......__-___....._ _. cement .1i ..k_. .wah._.o.f._s.ix....feat.._.on.tha.westit _ aide _ of Keston St _ from. 9.ar anweal.th_ Ave. to. Doswell_ Ave.. _ I U. F. No. 4363— ........ ..... _._i written pro .......... ... ............ _. _.. _.... \V heruas..1 Posul, for the mnicing of the Follotvinb' Imm'ovemidc- ltone[ruct a semen[ o k Id 11< to a width of .If fleet the....._ .......... ... _. .. _..... ... 1 . .............. ......._ ........-....... .. .__..... t aide of Reston St. from Common_ , m - Ith .1ve to Uusn•ell Av having t n presented to the Council of the having been presented to the Council of the 0 q• of sl raw therefore be it I.. _._._._........... .....___. Resolved. That the Co- mill ion ""'of therefore, be it PUbIIC Works be nd he is hereby or dered nd dlr.cled: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of P orl'deT'ai,inirlrof lthe making of .aid dered WWII directed: ImProvem.nl. 1. To investigate the necessity for or d� o 1ne"'Isnta the stare ext.m rovenieut. g and estimated cost of sold Improve - Pt, and Ina total coat thereof. , and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent an 3. To tUinlsh u plan, profile or sketch of sald Improvement. :l. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o dai'a •%, fl�rnishh the toiat�va glo other nn re -ld Improvement. pnvenicut: a. To furnish the following other• data a' s. To stat. irhether or not aid im "-- provement Is asked for on the petition, of three or more owners. G. To report UPon all of the fore- ..... �. .......__.... ....... ...._..... .----"" -' """_" ""' '"j l oing matter. to the Comml.slo Wer of o. To state whether or not said improvlll Finance. f three or more owners. ndonlea by the co n n Am'u v. iris. Ap P roved APrll 7, 1915. 6. To report upon all of the forogniag ll(Apri loh9r5) ice. Adopted by the Council__ .....191✓�._� leas: ��9�✓��_. 'otillcillivuWalwmh Nays: os '/ 7 alkel Ir gash VVg .............._..._. ...... ............._... ...... ..C�r��Z(J_�L.......... Mayor*o rs Mayor. Council File No __ - _,.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, r �% The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow' pubhe ;ntprove'llent City of St. Paul, viz.,: -� ...... accordance with petition here .__attached ..._...... ril,. _ _ _ ._ 191._��.. noted 4his. 7th, day of. ... AP Councilman. PRELBUNARY ORDER. \`iIlEl1E1S, A vcrittcu proposal for the narking of the following improvenre❑ , viz.: Grade Alley in Block l6{_..Chute Brothers Rivision____... . C. F .Yo. 436' _ \v hexene A wrt t[en - - '--�- -- - making of the Pollo�vinropmsnl. Por the --- - via. Grade alley In Bucic p11, Chute Broo "'at, Divlato n, having been - pre .. ....... the -'' --- YfutPnlultotltor fo Council it the Cit of ........._... Resolved, That the Commisaloner oP - Pub tile \,,. r]<s be - -- and he Is hereby or- _..• dered and directed: - I. To investlgn to the neceaelty for or deshabille, of the mnking of saidIl ... ........ .. . ...._.. havutg been presented to the Council Improvomenc. d To Inres[l cast the nature, extent and estimated coat of s Id improve - therefore, be it mens. and the total coat thereof. 3. To turnlah a plan, pronle or reby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Conuuissio sketcToft,;,Iralsimprovement. ms other aid improvement. 1. To investigate the necessit f ante aea Information relativo to said Y Improv ad Inf s. To state whether or not aald Im- OVCIIIellt, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, ex oo°i ivem o� mars ed foowneir on the petition G. To report upon nl] of the fore - :i. 9b furnish a plan, profile of going mature t th c mmle letter nt Flnnnoe aid lillhr OVl 111 (' Ile: - -- 4. To I'uraish the followiar oth. Adoptedby th c u n an v Isle .approvod .\orll 7 1916. iA.rll 10 1916) .... ---- .......... ...... .. .... 5. To state whether or not said iIprovcrllellt is asked for oil the Petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fmrmpin + matters to�J.It Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...._7��` N , ays: Yeas: ss Appl'oval.._.__...._..�..."�......./.. lel' 1 ij �) eaty ,g .._ ..._.............. -MaN Po �•s Mayor. e Request of J. H. Niemann, #931 E. Minnehaha St. Council rile No ........................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ° i The undersigned hereby proposes tine malting of tile- followi public impriovenleut y the City of St. Paul, viz.: ._C.ox�a.treat.._.cement_ .._curb._.on..4the._. sat....s.ide.._of.... o et...St..,...beginning at M nnehaha_Stf:north_.. fe.et_... ____.... ._........._..... ...... _ ........................ .... _.........._............._ ._.. ... __..._............._...... ..............._....._........... ...._._............._......_...._............... .._.._... _.._...._.........._..... lhdcd this 6th__..__.day of Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. wilEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following inlprovenlea , viz.:_._ Oonetruat cement _qurb .9n thQ..we9t .eide..._uf._Eo.r.eat....S.t...,....b.eginning.._at . ._...__........_......_............. Minnehaha 3t., thence north 7b_ feet .... ... C F. No. 4866— ... _. .._ ._...... .. -- --'- whereas, A written proposal, for Iho n'n king of the following Improvement. via: Co "'ug' cement curb on the --- ....._......... _.,.,__.._.... went side of . rest ent St.. beginning at htneh8ha St., thence north 76 feet, having been presented to the Council of the City of t. Paul therefore, be It ....................... _..... Il:lVlllgbCl'Il presented to the Council 0 S Resolved, That the Co mmisaloner of Publlc Works be and he 18 hereby or - therefore, - therefore, be it dered and directad: e r 1. To Investigate the a esaoty for ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner; or rove binty r the making e s to y improvement. 8. To investigate the nature, extent improvement.. 1. To investigate the necessity for and estimated coat of said Improve- ment. and the to tat cost thereof. L. To investigate the nature, erten sa. h of To furnish a plan, profile or nlent, and the total cost thereof. said Improvement. 4. To furnish the following other ! 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skei data .and information relative to said I imm'ovemen t. 6. To state whether or not said lm- llnProVernent:...... ...... .. ........... . d. To furnish the follotvnlg other• d provement is asked for on the petition t o[ three or more owners. 6. To report u rt11 of the fore- ....... ................._.._.......___....._.. _.. a .._,.... ......__........__._........_............_.__..............._............._..............._" (Ame 10-1916) going matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 6. To state whether or not said it AAdoptedpprove by the Council sora 7, 191:. ion of three or more owners. Approved April 7, 0916. b'inance. 6. To report upon all of the fare, Adopted by the Council...d............1;)IS:.. Nays: Yeas: ,,��,/ Couacilnlal/4 swortll / 197v �yU Approved / y;'i 1 r . 6 Nash ........... .. ......................................................... . Mayor. llayol o rs L'( q CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject:. _ _ _ _ 4 COUNCIL �y� FILE I*QIN . ........................ .. .. .. Date Presented _.._..,.....:_...._-I91._........ b' Resolved, That whereas, there has been deposited with the Commissioner of Education the sum of Twenty-four Hundred Dollars ('$24C0.00) for the purpose of acquiring Lots 23 and 24, Block 27, St. Anthony Park North, for the purposes of a public library site; that the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Marcus Miller, as Administrator of the Estate of Archie E. Brimmer, deceased, for the purchase of said property for the said sum of Twenty-four Hundred Dollars; the purchase price to be paid out of the moneys so deposited with the said Commissioner and now in his hands. ,•Perg— �'. F. No. 436G -11y Anthon,' Resolved, Thet Irhercus, [here has I— de Posited with the Commission cr f L•'ducatlon the s f Twenty-four Hundred Dollars ul$2400.00) Cor the Purpose of ncqulri ng Lots 2a o a in ,lock 27. St. Artho'uh 1¢r 111"nry site: the 'Purposes1,1 Lhat the Commtssone the' zedl nto ion the ,,rd he 1. hnrebS I rwlth \Ixrcuae\lll- nto greemen ler. a Administ rater o4 the, lista re I. ' Archle P. nrlmmer, dece:tsod. purchase of sxid Property for the said of Twenty-four Hundred Dollars; I the Pu rclys eo do P osl ted ovi hathe tnid mons s ow 1� n1>; Hansa. C0Inm4sioner na AdoPtcd by the. Coon cll April 7, 1916. Approved AP . 7 1916. (April 10-1916) Yeas ( I') Co ncilmen (T') Nays �a sworth ✓G s � In favor vii e r D Against O' ary rg Mr. Pr en Powers oeaM c.e-2 Adopted by the Council le l 191 ;approved. � � 19k _... _ MAY6R Yp ✓` 1914 CITY OF 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 367 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILECOUNCILNo. �` ,- AUDITED APR 181— {BY— an tu. Ill PER 260 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 19i�1 !'Farnsworth /Goss ALln favor App e Z 91 Meller _ Against MAYOR Mr. Presiden , ewers - r Warrant iss d on Bove. '" 11067 S. A. Farnsw rth, Yom. of Finan , $562. 68 Hinhattan R ber g. Co , 4,200 69 Jefferson ber o., 1 4 Total 6,23 0 i C. F. No. 4367— warrants' be o= [q. f Resolved pa)'able Treasury. and 1n I open the City fled Yuod _ corpora-, the here lnafter sons firma' favor of the Ps= set iln - mounts tions for t rive a s a = acified their pee "tailed tatement: the followinF de Police C m dof Corporate rurpoHee— Salnrles: S. A. Farnsworth. Flnanco, $562.00. Alanhattan - C Fir. a 00. Fund* r- r5'n a Rldg. & Repair ferson Lumber Co.. $1,475.10. b)' the Council April 7, 1915. Corporate Purposes Adopted 1916. ADproved April 7, (Apr . Police Fund -Salaries - _ __ _ Com. Finance, $562.00 S. A. Farnsworth, of Fire Dept. Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., 4,200.00 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund- Ee£feroon Lumber Co., 1,475.10 t/ otal Corporate , r Warrant iss d on Bove. '" 11067 S. A. Farnsw rth, Yom. of Finan , $562. 68 Hinhattan R ber g. Co , 4,200 69 Jefferson ber o., 1 4 Total 6,23 0 i CITY OF ST. PAUL ^__••• ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT • AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FoEN1IL No. APS ` 191l 6Y D ` AUDITElel_ 261 PER nru Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereiu*'ter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays Adopted by, the Counci]4/4 1 3 i- arnsworth loss In favor Approyn 191 v /eller --- Against -6-Leary MAYOR ✓ !!rg a Mr. President, Powers I No. 4168— a Resolved that warrants ble drawn upon the City Treasury, Payable of Iof fthe dfirmus ds gond inh,' yh r Persons porattons°for the amounts act r°pP% site their respective a as spec the following detailed est tcm111: - - in Corporate Purposee—C. H. & C. H. (Joint Committee) — Sal.: S. A Farnsworth. Com. of Finance, $12.50. - C. I -I. & C. H.rMaint.—(Alterations): $981.82. \Vm. Ban meletet, cal,b d a dre Aect.1 aan S. rts $fi90.00. StreetRepatr Fund— \taint.: J. Ii. Colwell, $16.00. Sewer Const. & Re1alr-3lain t.: Chaska Bricli & Tile Co., $560,60; H. Colwell, $6.00. Public Library—bL & R.. I�Ilnn,e.ta - News Co.. 5755.81. Audit.' um—Salaries: A. F. Mor- ton. $69.75. Corporate Purposes - Auditorium—➢tain L: A. F. Morton, 2opCrkts. Fund—Maint.: King Con - - C. $. & C. H. (IToi Committee) -Sal. 91Pohl � COP syg'Ounds—ntaint.: G. S. A. Farnsworth, Com, of Finance, Gilbertson, $45.00. Public Bidga. rsint.: G. Gilbert- $45.00. soC. Lab.— - / ✓ 12.50 P. U.—Munlcipal Testing Nex apparatus: Ru tier Transfer Co., C. H. & C. H.-Maint- (Alterations) $2Wnter Dept.: C. L Berger, $229.60; II I C. Llanagan, $207.01: H. A'lueller MC.Co., $1.026.76; N. W. Fuel Co., Wm. Baumeister $1,865.56. Special Funds: New Library Bldg.: 983. 82 OO✓✓ U Healy Plumbing & Heating Co., $2, — Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.—Paving Health Fund -Quarantine Acct. M. & R. Spec. eprecintlon Acct.. J. H. Colwell, $30.00. A led by the April 7, 1916. C. S. Stewart • Approved Aprl17.1916. 10-1915) 696. oo ✓ (April . Street Const. & Repair FundMaInt. J. H. Colwell, 15.00• Sewer Const. & Repair Maint. ✓ Chaska Brick & Tile Co., 569.6o J. H. Colwell, 6.p0� epair, . bu Public Library -M. & R. / Minnesota News Co., 755.81 Auditorium-S&aries A. F. Morton, 69.75 Auditorium Maint. r/ A. F. Morton .20 I #2 Park Fun d-Maht . Co., `.24.00 King Construction Public Playgrounds-Maint. 45.00 G. Gilbertson, Public Bldgs.-Maint. G. Gilbertson, 45.00 C. P. U. Municipal Testing Lab. - New Apparatus Butler Transfer Co., 210.00 Water Dept. C. L. Berger, 229:60 J. C. Flanagan, 207.03 H. Mueller Mfg. Co,, 1;026:'76 N. W. Fuel Co., 1.865.56 Total Corporate Purposes, 7,955.63 • Special Funds New Library Bldg. Co., 2,564.00 ✓ Healy Plumbing & Heating Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. - Paving Depreciation Acct. J. H. Colwell, 30.00 ✓ Total Corporate Purpose So .,?$' S.�55.63•F' " Special Funds,. .... ;5 4;00 " Spec. Assess. onst. Ac/ ....... Total 0,549"63 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4 Z Subject: _ COUNCIL r.� �j,//U FILE IVO.... ...... .. .....x.. ................ /�/�•••�.Y.(.. �.. .........� ......: ....... ... ........._..... ...... Date Presented... Resolved, That certain deeds from the Midway Realty Company, successor in interest to Charles L. Covell, conveying to the City certain lands adjacent to the Sibley School, and quitclaiming all interest in Block 8, A. Gotzian's Re -arrangement of Sigel's Addition, and relinquishing all right in and to a certain warrant for the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) in the hands of the Comptroller, payable to Charles L. Covell, be and the same J;s hereby accepted in fulfillment of and as a compliance with a contract entered into by the City of St. Paul with said Covell for the purchase of the said real estate near the Sibley School. The Corporation Counsel is hereby author- ized to sign and execute such instruments as may be necessary to carry Out the transaction, F. Nn. 4369—BY s. A. Fnrnswoyram Resolved. That ce tin deedsacre or 1YT7 dw , Realty C mpan, In Interest io Choles twin Claada' co veyla. to the City c school. I to the elUleY qui telalming nil interest in f Sig 8, A. Gotzlnn'ea e-11¢aishing all fight inl Additlo nn certain wnrgnt for Ih arn arsi n{ seven Hundred FIYtY ($760.00) In the hnnde of the COMP - troller, payable to I. rehy ceepted by the Counci��N/ 191 Approved MAYOR ho d the Ham oco lnee ent oY and ne a the' ith a ontnct entered-Srito _ Y la In 4ulodllmer for City r St. Paul •Ith a id eSvell said r ' 1 estate thRpurchase of the r the SIUIeS hool. The Corpora- to hereby . uthoriZed to tion Counsel ' !signand execute such instrumetaas the be necessary to carry ou trnnsuctlon. 191E. Co. -1 11 \Vrll 7, Adopt l''>\th,pr 916. APT" rover (Apr 1110-1916) i Yeas (I') neilmen (T) Nays Adopted nsworfh s In favor er E oil _ .against ary rg Mr. Preside rpsM �.e.z Powers by the Counci��N/ 191 Approved MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL, FORM /p cyfy Subject: ._. __. _ _ _ ... .. _._.. .... .. .. coo NCIL `�I'x 71 6 FILE ....... .. l� Date Presented.- Resolved, That the sum of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($750.00) be and the same is hereby authorized and directed to be paid out of the Playgrounds Account, and the sum of one Hundred Forty-three and 25/100 Dollars, ($143.25) to be paid out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Expense Account- of the General Fund, into the C. S. Pur- chase Account to reimburse it for the following certificates of sale, viz: E. 5809; G. 3768; G. 7909; G. 8339; and G. 7908, by and through which certain property has been acquired in the neighborhood of the Sibley School for playground purposes. C.Ir.s 1o'eda iTnni yth .. �. ritrn.�t�' 3u�en Hundred Fif, Dollars ml$75u .00) be and the Sam' Is -het"d .t thorized em d directed [o he Dald o e of the P1ayFro"ad. Account and. the s of 1 Gne Hundred Fort}' -three and 25/100 Dollars. ($143.'25) to be paid out "et f tha Mleccl1nn ous and linf r sc� 1✓�Pet t nt of the (;enernl Fund. Into the C. ' Purchase Aacounl to reimburse It (ur the fo lie vv lnR certil1cates e4 ale. 1•:. fA0!1: t3. 3706; C. 7007: o. 8hh,h and (:. 7708, h* and threw q r d is rbdn Property has hoe„ u'nulred in � the netl;hborh and of the Sibley School for play".r d purpus�-s. \dol,ted by the t`ou aril APri1 �. 1015. Approved Ap;:rt 17119 1161 fi) Yeas ( P) Co u ilmen (r) Nays Far worth Go 7 In favor Kel r Me oil (/. Against O' ary Yo., 9 Mr. President owers .adopted by the Council 4-v approved _ 191 — MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _ _. _ COUNCIL. FILE No.. .............................................. ...... ....... ........ ....... 4 " 4 Date Presented...-.- April-- 7,...._1315...... t� ppLc DSIea t0o Western. Adopted Resolved, That' the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the sections of streets in the accompanying lists to be sprinkled during the year of 1915. RESOLUTIONS. OILING ORDERS. It. Albans from Fairmount to stun - C. F. Ivo. 4311— (oiling onl,'.) Sow en th Crmn Phalen to White Be., S4 Albans from Summit to Holly'. Resolved. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and Is hereby a Ave. from River to Clermon4 5t. Albans from Holly tb scorr Yrom Selby to thori zed andInstructed to en use the Hoffman Minneaahn Prom 300' eaat of English St. Albans n to1Ml1- St. Clair N 5 Irom Lazing secttona of street. In the n mpany- Ing lista to be sprinkled during the to White Bear avenue. McLean from M¢rla E. to Marla \• on. from ' year of 1l,,: Point Douglas Rd. from Burns to Summltr`from Hamtline t0ADale. to Smnmit. FIRST IVARlh First District, Temple. 1;Iyer from Maria to Hoffman. g dicate from Lincoln Fourth W S from College. to Summit. Street Sprinkling Orders. Third from illaria to Commerclml. Vlctorla from Linwood: Place to .\rends from Bridge over N. P. & C. THIRD WARD. Order.. trmount to Summit- ,t. P. hI. & O. Ry. Prom N. end bridge to Case. Street Sprinkling or Broad wav from Third to Fourth. Victoria from Fairmount. Victoria from Summit to Laurel. Arcade from Case to Low -r. N. of Arcade. from Lawson to alley Broadway from Fourth to Fifth. Broad'w'ay from FI[th to Eighlh. Victoria from Laarel to Selby. from Selby to Carrott. .Jeasnmine. Broadway from Elghth to Tenth. Victoria Vlrgln la from Nelson to Carroll. Arkwright Prom York to Case. Eroadw.y from Tenth to Grove. Western from 1VYarshnll to Carroll. Arkwright from Case to Jen les. '� T,nwsoa' Canada from Ninth to Grove. to WIIIlu9. Western from Selby to Dayton. WARD. Arwrigh[ from Senl<s to Beaumont from De Soto to Bedfo' Eighth from Jackson Fifth from Jackson to Broadway' Fifth ETCHTH Albemarle from Atwater to Front.. Beaumont from Bedford to P. Fifth from Broadway to Pine. Albemarle from Hatch to Lnweon. Bedford Prom Decatur to Minnohn Fourth from Jnckaon to Ro.abel. to Broadway. Arundel from Rondo [o Aurora. to Univerelt nedford from No, to Decatur. Bradley from Seventh to North. Fourth from Ito.mbel Fourth from Broadway to Plne. I Arundel from Aurora t from University to Thulna6. Bradley from Beaumont to Grove 5. S. from Jackson to Canada. S. S. from Canada to I I_Is- Arundel Arundel from Thomas to Dtlnnehah3- from Woodbridge to gaol-. halm. Bradley from Jessamine to Grove, a1ppi. S. fromMlssissippl to plus. Atwater 'tr from Gaultier to Fnrrin�- nolla. Brunson from Woodw¢rd to Grove. 5. Grove, S. S. from Pine to Sohn. l ,[[water ridge. Grove, I S. from John to Wnliu.• Atwater from Woodbridge to Slm- Brunson from Partridge to t from Hopkins to No J¢ekeon, E. S. from Third to Levee. E. S. from Third to Fifth. �.twnter from Simcoe to Albomurl e. Brunson Burr from Collins to ilii• .Tncksun. Jackson, I,. S. Yrom Fifth to Sixth. ,urorn from Dnle to Arundel. Bur' 'rom Minnehaha to " bridr Jackson, 1,. S. from Sixth to Ninth. 7nekson. E. S. from Ninth to Twelfth. E. S. from Twelfth to . 'urorn from Arundel to J¢Y• ,urora from Jny [o Marlon. Marion [0 200' W. of H" n Bridge over O. ( .. eno Jackson,. Grove. from Sixth to Ntnth. [urora from urorn from zoo• -,V. of Rice to Rice. ,lobo John from Ninth tr grove. t gess fro m Arundel to Western. Locust from Sixth / Seventh. •' Tenth. rlr from Western to Como. Como. o� iat from Sl", to Prom Tei Gro e. ;gess from Dale to dr from Dale to Western. o Temperan^F. ',. ' ,gees Lrom Western to Gaultier. Car- e to Bre hedrnl Place from Nel... to o Loc- I L '-'�rnl Place fee. Carroll to N S from Dale to West • S from Western to Par- I' Wf eOYe — Vytie Ter Farrington to III Shl�lh, ds Dale to Wester ' V�h$eler m Weetarn to FarrinYf- lad 1 Farrington to Jay. Yeas (i')_Oun Imen (P) Nays Farn Orth Gos In favor Kel qq Mc I 6 ;against Bash Yo M—P., qt, o ers ppLc DSIea t0o Western. Adopted lectern Rice. /�1✓ItJI by tits F burgess..E. s of G. N. q'gc sower 6. N. Ry. nd of bridgo Yo Rlce.. 19 Carroll to Uminn.- aPP University too Mtnne- If'- .shah. to 9 --d'miyoR, �p%�6L- lRy _._7i • P gicw/)Y __ \\':\Till. l.n Ca y'eti� [rum hridbe uv'cr G. N. & (WNFFSua< 1 \\•es.[tnlns[ct' from cixyuf.;'%t to lot'1<.e York t 1. I FIRST PIRtiq' DISTRICT N. P RJ to N d b'ldgo ' 4 \\ t t •r from l 4 n C.l I t R 11 ) St Si Spri nlcling Ortle''. N_ P 3 C 11 f it f Jtv+ l \111 t \\ h t 7 4 F lb t T' c 1p l tela , All 1 f+�`n ltll(-,[; Lt0 f Vt b t l oto: t \7 Pf \\ IIII f. arse. ioh t i St. Stt 1 fDtn ` 1 6 Ilg. t L Sa L P 11 \\ tm,",t t t Arl:- I l\ 1 l Y a f 7 + t. R. dies'. AI `� Arc de fror N. or 1 i.ttaa:,n io vtl.o Son erom De solo to Bw r: \\ f I ]ork nom \\aavnlnnl+•r to A u-' Arc de from • 1 Lawsu n front Jayna to PU i `ar rlFh[. ` av right to Clark, ursine.^ e I "ria Ar""" h, Ye'1: to Cas d,,' m t I' )'ne t Arcades from \V a etmina[er to E York from .\,'k fror+ 4'Iarl: lu �3 �'++Eagtrctu Arkva'ri Flit from t° JetIksCale-.. Lnukott[ )I`Inee 1"uric n.' ]'ork frnm Rradle)" Ailtw'righl from Jenk, to l..tar son.• De Sato to 13edford^ 4 -\rAingn ohla from \M1'estminater to Ark- I \-++rlc frmn 1?ag1`stun tO 1' tea . Green LL��Ier. Ben nn[ from fs'p Bea ford to F`u}ne.♦ as 'right -MAC Nouw u.f BM ]'otic Yrom I'uvt t, brier to \Weid o., Blounto'It ['t't Decatur to A7inneh:th n.. 6 btu Fnulla from d ¢tiro \'oris t;rcen to gores L' Bedford Bodrocd Cron$ -.North to Ilc.;ttur.• I ji btagnolia fru@Payne Arcttdeyne to Forest. in furl: fr,+tn :\read¢ VII •I.NG IMERS. 'j ' BntdlaY Prum"Sev en NOrlh` Beaumont to btinne- Magnolia Prom :\read¢ from Edgerton to Pa)•ne. I Ioil] ng Only'.). Bt,,it trotn '. ,yuryland bial,,land f[um Ynyne to Greenbrle . to A'-, FIR-— DEFRorn MAa YC M/l0 1J 1 fah n B dl ) from Jtssat+ i lu A[ng biflt•)land front Greenbrier l: Cron r iaion—l" uolf B 1 frau \Vaorlavutd to Part I I code.t JYfAR'/LANO FRa.v A'" -4 TI, l+1CNan YR• - \I �- .viPPl .\I.+a In ml f ridges Brunson frmn Purtrld Fe to Hon kine. Hopkins to North. b[fnne baba [tum Rlvoll to Burr. ! rrJ All an., l'ro[n Burr to Yn,'nt end tNlJ7 SECOND WARD, Sinnen to Seventh.' Brttnaon frnm f lOur I Crom Payne to Lturr [tool Culllns In Alinneh:rha.• "I ehah t ^ d �bl';id6e.' Gree A, ads from Arcade from Seventh to-auquler" to So. Ry.. Purr from ]II brldg0. • Burt, f;mn li idh C L I ]I. S bitnnehhha from N. I' li.. to +-brlor•' E. S from Grove to Alis'la'IPPt, Arcade fromFnuquler end 'bridge.. ltln otic from Seventh to Renney: , O TI)'r iiurr frnm '`+ end f btl Ik-- t l:, 1 Pennsylvania.• + S from Penn,)lvanm E Rates from Hastings to Cherry. Rate. from Cherry to Short!,; Burr erom C% '41 Cook. ter to Ark-' ) A[1snls,ipPi to Su. end of brid Ke. t nates Prom Hastings to Hudson. - Case from Westmin, Csae AflseisslPpl from bridge over N. F. 13nlea m Hndaon to Fo+•rth. _ fro_ _ _ . _ v a Case Prom Arkwright to Cl:il RJ`.) lil'ei E. S. from No. end o[ B;tte' Prom Fourth to Seventh., Cnae from Clark to De Foto. from De Solo to Burr.. to ca, bt.dlx'Iasippi case.* •S. No. end of Rates Crum NV-th to Nfaaryn Nor[h.5 II" Cnae Case from Bur- e Bradley. • Bradley to Edgerton: from bridge to Acker. to cnY_ hates from Seventh to Beech from Seventh to Earl, case erom ciao rrom Eage'can ro Greenbrier. Mi"fa'ivnl, r:. S. from Acker Beech from Earl to Atlantic.. Barna erom around to Emla Case from Greenbrier to ]M1'elde, ugn, r c yoga ! E. S. from Ca to SO. Cable from Seventh to 1'l5' NO. Of f r Cnae from ]V else [o Arcade: i to 17-1lit: Dil ssissl p4,i, end ridge. \In able C ole front .\rcnda Forel, to Earl: M. over Missl.si➢PI. E. S. from Bridge o Cherry from Huffman to Ahtri u: Case Yrom from lV hlttilI to York: G. N: RY• ( Case to Ger- Cherry from, 13utes to tdorla.- [roto Marin to Maple? Clark Clark from ]-ork to Caae.` r ¢nolo' erom Dtaegn to Burr. ' bllastsaiPPi. E. ti. rrom tome. '. ... fi0m Rrv-lf t° lly So[8, • C'unw'ny ) Conway Front Maple to Forest.• `� (`tawny from Fm'esl to F'.ttrl.+. Ctrlllna Prom iiurr to Redford,• Cook from Wastminster to Ark- bl1. Ida �TS.i r'TTi•- o[� [rrl7e-4o'Cu-Yrs �$9['fliYF:: dford.• CyPPeas Prunr \icl.ean to Huslinge., Cy'P Prom Has doge to Conwa)'.. w igh l.t from Edgerton to FeYne.• Nor(h Yt'flm Brndl c, to (hive from to 11 nnaylvanhal o rens -. Cypress from Slxtlit° Seventh.' Cook Cook from YnYne o Arcnt7 e. to ReuumOnt< Vlmstend from Plne tP olive.. Olms tend from Olive to Juhn.- Dellwnod from Coble to bbt,'gurat! ; I)ul nth (runt Ailnnehah, to R;i llway Decrttur Prom Bedford P'ma If III, ns to Collins. Otsego from Lafayette [o alt. 7dx: I Earlfrom Thorn to flu, .1 De Soto Sotu from Collin to bfinnehhhn. Pnrttia ge frnm Brunson to Rrndie)'LI 200' P•.url Prom Burn, to Hustln ga.• H:t'[inga. Da De Solo front ]V hltull to York, De Soto from Yorlt to; n.. Partridge from Brupson to westerly,.• In from alley Enrl from \Vak efiela t° Earl from\Valcefleld to Conway. 'A I:nrl from Beech to Ross. Lluchas, fror, \Nulls to (:use from York to Cook.a F'ntterson'e, Addition - R1Pnlyne3 E/ta4 Fu.M 1tax5 T•,S ✓�N fN ('✓.,.Ix/v.i Lol+ oFB :n^rJ• Earl Edgerton from Beaumont to Sn. end from Bv'tumun( to ]lhmchahail to So. earl of _ to en lh.: IElghit, )PromP�al:t RUllwny Bridge.` Paye° from Alinneh:Gtn `from •Int loliNm-th,a 5 Edgerton from York to Case�InnP to Mey hrid6'C. bridge York: Hoffman l�nrltaple. Edgerton from Case) from Ivry ann. Pa)'ne Pt: otm 1'orkn to 7 uclid from binP Fu N S Prom N. P. fly. to Edgerton end N. Fnuquler rum I'x y'ne to No. FU Yne Prom 73rid ge ot•rr C. Sl. P. M. aqui¢r, l;reenbHer.e P. Ry. b idg P. R)'. to i tl' Ry. from soar sun [O Jessnmine.+ Fuuq uler Crom Greenbrler to Irureet... Atlantic Fnuquler Yrom So. side N. Pa Ynt+ t Jrxaumine to A1:trylnnd!' i 7•'a qufer Prom Fo teat to - Marla to G all c`. -' m Bridge r St. Paul Fa qu/ from over I'u>'ne frnm %lar)'land to Cottage+ COtt'tge to Nevgdn.. lFil I frnm 300'" No. o[ Al a Pre, n & D. Ry C. St. P. M. ne It Fifth f.y' m Maple to Hope. A7 a..« 1e Forest Crom Bridge over & O. Ry, �' ` PAyNE Fu•.n N>`✓AOA Te NeOEASKA + FIPth�tit'om Hope to std. Flftn front Mendota to CYnreas. , from Rallivay, to Cn,c. I'Itte [rum Grove to OhnxteaH.• to Mlnrta Fnrast from I{nstinga to Conway.• Third.. .Forest iROM cnJ�' T Mf, s.J�//A' 1'rebilr from Reiumont Forest Prom <'onwfly to to Renney.. �ORES7 —Forest Yrom Jessamine to Gt+rnnlum.l hnha. Reanev front 1`n )'ne to \\'• 'endl Forest frnm Third 7•`orest from Ren ne )' t° Fnuquler. r Fourteenth from Mlesleel➢PI to PIneFI bridge Forest from F7 qufer to Railway., to Fourteenth from Plne to John.. PaYna� Rrxnav Prom L•'dgvr«un to 1'u yne'• P. & D. Fourth from 275' W. of At I Geranium from Edgerton to Geranium from Payne to Greenbrier, Hennt•r from Bridge ver S[. It;ttt+a. , Fottrtlt from ISntea to Maple..• - Geranium from Greenbrier to Ar- Reane)' rrom E. ton hrlage to III— - Fonrtlt "'on, M"d` toHope. . ease. - Infer.; Al Id. to Fntnah ernonHove to Cypress. I Greenbrier \\'. S. Prum bllnnehuho, to 7{Ivoll from i00' So, of [. Altanahahu. / Pranit from Re ech to Mi tnehah Crrank Prom blinnehaho to Seventh, Fnuquler. a Gt•eerbr{e' from \\'ells [o Y'orltf Rose train Edgerton to P')alI Frenum from Arcade to Fore'i. G reenbr ler from Yurl< [o Jeeanmine. Rose from Payne to Greenbrlcrt ler to Ardaa"" Fremont from Forest to Cypress., Mlnnenalnt In Greenbrier from Jea.amme to Mary-, RO.. from cret•„m Grove to \V. end craanbrler E s frnm land. ' N. S. from bflssl„1pPi to Plne,.i SO".'It from britlg.'. a I Fn utlufer. .. ”` Ilnslinge frnm Rates to CeI" te Grove Grove N. S. [: on, to W,641 Yf I Sca'en lh from I2 ridge neer t:. N. &I Fl n,tin F9 from e)'nrc'a to Ettrl. , a Hnw[horn' fl•oin Pnym; to .lrentie.• I N. P. It, 4 P•.d to tTreenh rivet Hastings from Isnrl to Heater., Cherry to F.uclld. I1oPklns from De .to to BridleY Da Soto. Sim. Prom getup from Greellill I. Lo \Veidt•t I1 oPfm�n from from Convoy to Seventh.. Jen1'. from \V eatmlrtatcr to Jenks from Jessie to 'Lon' east oC Sims .Shill from \Veld¢ t° Fetes[! HulPman lope Prom si ar gar et to Seventh.. Edge ton.. Sim, from CYpres' to L•:nrl.t I'Ine.• HOP+' Prum Seventh t° 'no, th. I Jenks from 200' E. of Edgerton to Somersrt Front MlssiaslDpl to John.+ Hudson brae Blotto to Maple. + Enrl. I`ayna 6 \\'+slab,+ Sonic trot frmn Pine to IVnverly Place Prom .lohn to \\'ell- Hodson from M.111) to Prn I t.yP,-es. to Karl. . Jenks from Greenbrier to J from \Vnlsh to Wcld.., , tatter.+ P,\l'eide McLean alnPlc Crom Heating. to SIud'on., eek. J c.'amine from Je,alo [o Bradley'.• from \\'ells t° Case. r \lapis from Hudson to Fourth.. I Jeaantnllre front L•'dgerton to Pu)'ne. J easamine from Paylic to Aecade: __\\'eldO from tarns¢ to .l enks.< WEtn'e FRaM +-qav 3aey Te Ro3P 1 Alnnle Prmn Fourth to Cflble. bint'gnrel from Cabla t° 4lnnen.� Cypress. Je..mnine from Arettdo to Forest' from Edgerton to I'nym'..+ 1; Alnrgarct tram Sinnen to - Jessie from ASugnoilu to It...., Wit lluma.r \\'ells \Velli Prom.. 7`uyne to Green h r, eras MAeI. t -r ITOM C ypRGRa Yu PH4L y John from Gruru m LnfuJ',tle from Grove [o Su. end We'tmtn'tor PI Ian Pa )'+"a to Sn. jbridge. - .- - -- + end belago, n (CONT/N UEO ON SY/EE%F'L, —murld from Bales to Plma.' mnrla Prom PlU':n to Hudson. Merin from Hudson to Fourth. Al mda'from Fourth to Seventh. ` Aruriu from Sel I to North. d Alendota from Hudson to Fifth,, Dtendota Prom Flith to AinrgnreLl ]lease Gt from alargnret to Be' Alendotofrom Bebch to Ren-Y-1 Afendo I from Bentley to Fnunuler: Alinnsimbe from Bridge o"I St P D R E. end o: Ill" to INIlln"ehilho rtom Seventh to All „1lnnenaha frmn :\thin tic to F:ngliafl ' Mound Prom ligfns to Raxtlion" North from Mork, to cable. Phalenfrom Seventh to N. 1'. Ry., Plmn from Haffm`n to Ma.I:t. Pham from MnHA TD. Uats Renner [rota l;reenbrleI to Seventh` Kenney Prom Seventh to Cypress.! Heaney Prom Cypress to Atlantic.: Ross from Seventh to :l llantk:+ Seventh from F,. end of bridge to Boles.• Seventh from Basten to Renner. enih from Rm,n o S Seven11 tlenr Sinners Brom t Sixth o th. Sixth froth Bridge t0 Maple., Sixth from Afaple to .A rcude.e -p Sixth Prom Arcade to Cypress.' +14Q Third ernm Mortes to Bates.. Tltlyd from Bastes to Ahtlyle.: '- Third N E from Afa hP [o ArendeY'- Thhd Rommaple to Menantu.^ ; Third from Ale It dot, to Forex,, i Third from Forest to Earl. r Van Buren Plar from f0' 1:. of Herrman to Afarin. Van 13 ore Pl:tve from AI 'In to stunts ✓ WAKe x.�..✓ r, r: Mqn« r. ,AAL. OHANG ORDERS. ., lolling Only.) Seventh from Phalen to Whit, Bear Are. f Holfmun from Riv ray 'pxrmont- c' yJ Wit l to \ hu f 1, %fish to titans hn o ng m� Bear :r e Pin \V?I ''-a� �fe Leun from Alurin E. to .tn tom'"rosy rn. a_w r 7<`mrr.e ' , Tilver from, Maria to Holtman.. jThird from Marla to Commerrl`Lh THIRD WARD. Sheet shnlln ttrtb•rso. Bromnrny fromin T•coirI " to Farw.• ' Ill edw:tmn r frFourth to FIT, R run (I%y front Fifth ie Etcht to 13roud,v:t y fn Eighth to Tenth.' 13 _Zfront Tooth to "—C Canada from Ninth t. crov . F.l sh th t'rom .l:,rl<aon to \VITT` Firth from ,l nrkann of tiro` savoy' Fifth from Inondwuy' to Plne. c Fou rih from Jack,ou to Soonbelt Fourth from Rodnhel to 100ndwnr41 P'mtrth from 11—ndway to PI or . Grove S. S. from Javl,,ot to Cun;oh, Or' re s. s.frmn camtda to Misuls- ahinl,' Grovt•. S, S. Iron, Allsxlasippl toPlne� Grove S. S, from Plne to John. Grove S. S. frun, John to \VIBIUs., Jarkaon F S. from Th ltd to I.cvee., J`rksom �`• F.. froth Third to Fiftlt. I, Jnek sun eta F. frmn FICih c Six`,.✓ .lad<son E, 8. from Sixth to Ninlh.a tact: x(rn E. S. Prot, Ninth to Tl eth., Jnrl<qun E. S. [roto Tn'el [Ih to Johnfrom Sixth to Nle John from Nint to ror Grovc Lor :xt front Sixth to SeveIths ' Loc u.vt froht Secanth t7'enth, i.ocusl (torn Tenth l0 Ninth from .I a c lc dm: to Tem pen,nree Nln[h from Te mpuranc, In Brond- w Nylnth Prom BrondwoY to Locust Ninth from I.oenxt to N'illlus. Nm'rf.x from Tempo, all— to Sibley.. Norris from Sibley to Canudm, Oliva from Sixth to Tenth., Olive froth Tenth to Grove. Pine from Fourth to Sixth,Plnc ` Pine from Sixth Van Slyke Coto Vanur[ to Grove,' (...,Prison from Broadway to: Etna r, prom onion Depot toTb Ird; sa bel from Third to Fourth; Roxabel from Fourth to Eighth' Sevcutily.bm uellson to John.. -_ Seventh from John to Klttaon.. , Seventh from Kittson to Grove." Sibley front Union depot to Till, d,• Sibley from Third to Fifth.' Sibley from Fifth to Eighth, Sibley from Eighth to enih. Sibley Dom Tenth to S t e Sibley from 9prnce to t Sixth fro in Jackeo,n to B s bull Sixth from R-11,11 to H d ay. Sixth from Broadway t Kitt nt ,Sot uc« tr om Sibley to Canada.' Spruce from Btundway t Pine: Third front Ja kson to Sibley. Third from Sibley' to Wncouta.' Third from Wncouta to Rosan.h Third from R,eabel to Broadway" Third N S from Broadway to Plne. Tenth from Jac hien to \Vaeouta. Tenth from Wacouta to Bro,rlw u y-.. Tenth from Broadway to John: Tenth from John to Locust. Tenth fromLocust to Grove: Tempm'an cooProm Eighth to Ninth,` Temperance from Tenth to Gro ^ I1V.n Slyke Court front Broadway to to lo. Vn:t Stolle Court from fine to Olive_ \\'`coot" from Union depot aIle)' to Third. N'ncoutit from Third to Ely-hth., \Vaeouta from Eighth to Ninth. "'swots Pom Ninth to Tenth. wp.. \Vacuum fi-o tenth t0 Spruce; -r Willius from Sixth to Ninth. f`@, \Vl l l l us from Ninth to Grove. `• FOURTH \VAIt U. Cedur [roto Second to Seventh. Cedar from Seventh to 2 lith.. jCedar from Eighth to Ninth. Cedar from Nlnth to Eleventh. ted`! from Eleventh to College. r Ceda, from (',oils,, to Summl i, college from Smith to Ince. Colles« fromHire to SI. Peer. College Iron's[. Petro to Ced:t. Engle from Third to River,- M.r.;m LIF hth Pr :t N'xbaa ha to Aflnneao u EI •h[h troth ➢firm ,sola to Robert. g Elgl,lh from Robert to Jnekson� Eleventh from Cedar to Jnekson.' Exchange from Third to St. Peter,- Exchange from Sl. Peter to Cedar.,, Fifth from Third to lit. Peter. + 111117th I. St, Peter to \\'nbasha.• Fifth ernm AV'abnahu to Cedar.• Fifth Prom Cedar to Jackao n.` Fourilt from Seven Corners to Sl, j P"or. t I Fon rtl, from St. Peter to Robert. Irourth from Robert to Jaekdom. Franklin from Third to I"Iflh.' Franklin from Fifth to Seventh: Franklin front Seventh to Ninth: .lacl<xon 11' S from Levee to Third, .l acicsonN' S from Third to Fifth.. .t"ok"en AA' S from Fifth to Nlnut> .l ire kaon \V S from Ninth to Twelfth: Jackson front Twelfth to cl to, r. -Juri<snn \V S from ill.—: to I'll teenut. fro Alain m Seven Corners Io Fifth. Main from Fifth to Tenth. Afnrke[ ernm Third to St. Peter - •Al lnneso In froom Third to Eighth.'- I Minnesota Ir Eighth to Niall" At int- a. from Ninth to Tenth.: Minnesota from 'tenth to Summl t. i Ninth rrnm Smith to \lain, Nt'It 11 from Main to Exchange.' Ninth from Exchange to Franklin:' Ninth from Franldin to St. Pelee. .Ninth from St. Peff-'r to Cedar., Ninth from Cedar to Jackson. Pleasant from Fourth to Sixth; Rice from College to Summit,, Robert frmn bridgeo'e r ABssixslP f, n, P1.2 Robert fnt No. end brtd goo to Third.l Ito 1bm'i from Third to Fourl h. 2o bm't from Fourth to Flftb.a It. Bert from Fl Ith to Sixth,' it. b ext from Sixth to S,•venth.. Ito bort frun,Seventh to Eighth. Ito bort Prom Eighth to Ninth Rnbm't fru to Ninth to Eleven Ili. F Robert from Eleventh to Twelfth. , Robert from Twelfth to SJmmlt,' , Itohert1 E S from Summit to Thir- SeNe ' Seventh from Seven Corners to St. Peter. Sev en lh from SL P,le, to Jackson. , Sixth from Pleusartt to Suntntln Sixth from Pleasant to Smuti., JNEET A/O- Z G F Sixth from Smith to Main. Sixth from Alain to St. Peter., Sixth from SL, Peter to \Vs I;aam.: S;xlh from Cedar to RnberL. Sixth from Robert to Jacksons Smith from Four'it, to Collcg c.r 8'. Pr•[ec from Third to Seventh. St fete} from Seventh to Tenth.^ St f i t m Tenth 1 C 11 g. St.' Pelrt flout College t S It e , In It S S Cron R,ce c til Peter. ti 't [rum St. 7'et ( dar• it S S hum Cedoir to Alinne Sunimit S S Prom MInnesota to Rnb- Tenth from 12me to St. Peter ' T;•nth frmn St. I'll,, to \V,ibasha. _ Tenth from \V n basha to Cedar. i Tenth from Ceni.r& Minnexnla. 7'rn[h llom 1/l nnvaotu to .Jackson.. Fou rib \ S from Summit to C Il esc. Fourth N F Rom College [u Plcas- arrFourth N S from Plea.olnt to Seven cernms. Third fru", Seven Corners t„'Wush- Ington. Th11d 17,01” N'a.'I'M •ion to Marltrt.,- Ill (I 1'r on, Market to St. Pelee. - 'I'hlvd from St. frier' to \V,baxna. Third 1'rum \\',bosh" to Y.onert. 'Third from itoir t to Juvl<su n. 'I'I'll leenil, S S frun, Robert to .Javlt- `r Cwell'th Irum Cedar to Rol -1. Twelfth Prom Robert to J ksubrin., \'nbnx hu from Su, end of dge 760' rtherly. ,. \\":,budh:t from No rod Irrlrlsc 10 T'htrd. ' R"a ba nhu Ron, '1'hlrJ to Trulh. VA'u bnshs neo, Tenth b, t'olleg,:^ NX al—l'a Roan aullege to Sumullt. I \\'ushington frun, Eagle to Hill.- – l\'axhingtnn from 'Third to St. Pete'; I , P"1'II WARD. .\nn frome �•nth.. Am, from v mtih lu Iia nhl. t. \rhnr (rum .1 rife !sun to .lumen. t Arm., • from View to 11, Armstrong iron, Victoria to frun, \ivtorlu o Millon . t flaaid, finnn Du<e to Sevnth.'1.nlil,u, Seventh to Srtlth.r v` Bay Crum }In mlulph to Ill' .holo Bay from Sle,vart to ""nth.. "anton from t.uto iu S truth 11 Chestnut from Plc`duni t„ L�r,e: 'CIiR from 1'n nhee to Smith.' 'ulhn rnfrom .lel oliLln to Seventh: C'ulnmm frun Sev +nth Superior, lolly frutrt .lam r to Jrlcl.e rso n: ongltud r 1 llouDosch.from l,_h iu Sc vent n,. nx (rum .S?v •nth to Ito n,.vey. Woodman Iron lir scala toli Dusin;aok,'ir h: o,n Crm c uSvenino 1'u `lifte• lrrnke .aro:toLee to mlulph: DlfromSuv enih I. l;anlil.' Dolor from room Tec .Se 11111-1 Eagle S V from Third Io t ltivrr.i Elm Crom Franklin t i AA'ilk in . ., m n. from Neal ern oto Cliff.'nt from Sevcntl, to St. Clair.. Erin from "l"e"as to se.'end,. • n;xrnange lien, N'kldn In r•.agle. Forbes from Douglas to Seventh., Forted from Seventh Lo N'Ind n.,. Forbes frmn t\'llkin to I:xchnnge.- Franklin from Elm to Eagle., Garfield from (3—dilbh to F'le`sant' ' Gootih Uc from Seventh iu i'lift. ' odh a from i Duke to S......ot. . Goodrich from \V eslern WSeventh a . Goutirich from Hrrison i Gnndr.ir„ front Seventh to 1.eerin I! 1 Grime from 1110brio nd to vA-eslern.' : Harriuon from \Vi—ern to Gnrheid:I Hill,,,, from Gat -field to Douglas.( t Il "'risen from Goodrich to \\'e.ylern.l( IY \�ymes from Boy to \\'east mss from Buy to Vlety. �) JAWS i,iahl l/IEW-rw Clip/p e/4 I--.ers o from T.—oto Colnornnl .leR•rrITI-on from Bayto Toronto. .luno from Milton to 1. froth Seventh [0 leech Irum GoodrichR:ttnser. Lev - from 120' \V, of Chestnut ill Eogl,_ I I.Id bon from 1'I en sant to sou Fias.t i Logpin Irum l::,nton to Jiay'. t ' MrBoal from :Do u g'I as to \Vllkm.i. Atichls:rn frmn \V foxier to nuke:. Al icltiguu from Delco to Western.' Ai 11 ton from Tuscarora to Arm- alrong. -ae� 0 IN \IRton from Armstrong [o nun dolph... NuVrol Prom noRw'rY In - at , l from \Vestern to cat O `,a from Seventh to St. C1111 PalnCe from Arbor to Bac. Palo,e from Arbor to Seventh." Pleasant S 5 from Osce.ia to \vesl- ea m Western to RlllD- . PI sant S S from s Plcavant fron, Ramsey to I•`ourth.' Richmond Dom Niederhoter coth. Rlchmv'-I Ron Seventh to Goodl'i vh. RnitYse�.I nm Pleasant la Sevrn th. n,Seventh to \V lllcin! Rand.}Ph fto,n Chni sveo rth to Sec- enthi 12 ndolph from Seventh to Turon[o. S'cventh frnm M. ticul to Tuscarora.: Seventh from o—a'.0lu to Rn - do1Ph. Seventh from nand. 1ph to Duke.; Seventh fron Duke to Seven Cot'n• Sherman from Plenaant t. Seventh.; Shermun from Seventh to Bluff. Sat, from C],,, to Seventh Sml th from Seventh to Fourths St. Clairt. S from \vebsteS from onfromt. flSe- ,nth. S'V t.A rRMt>->ott r. AvoN St. Clalr from Seventh to Cliff. Stewart from Otto to Bay.! Stewart from Boy to Tuscarora.' Sturgfe from Western to Garfl id Sturgis from Garf d to Dougl Snpertor from Puke to Wester Fourth .S' J from College to Ple - ant. t F.u"'Ij S S from Pleasant to Seven .Corner. pto Plens- e,T,hsora from Ramsey Tur.nt. from Randolph to Jefferson.. Toronto from Jefferson to Graco. TUsco,.a from Chatwo rth to 1,1_ too. ton. Tuscarora from Melton to \'ic[oriu. -T Usrnr.rn from vlrtorla io Seventh. Tun aror:r from Soventh to �A�saVlctoriu from Scvcnth to Tuscarora. VI ty lr from Tuscan oro to \ t g VI'to I- foo Armstrong Io Ran- d"Ift" \i from Randolph to Seventl le\,Irunt Rnndalnh to PnInct.._� "N: rHnM �n=r e ,d ..•r/'El iJ.J \ hind,. font Sevotth t9 Cliff. \\nlnut from Pleasant to Imine "" ' ret r& .`round.. IN jt It oto Tusce, o a to Run Id `Pn aw Plum Handoph to Jeffers. \\ from Jefferson to Gruce.'a WATIraft f.rto alsuon to vlt.w. \\ L tm from Palace to Grnccv \1 1C rt from Seven[It [u H:t rrison. \V teen Irom Emma to Se\entlu \\1117 f'um Bluff to ]sums, Y,,.!-,: Dom \Vestern to Se. th. l 1from Seventh to Dom -boo. O11.I NG ORDERS. SUlllnIt Orly.) Randolph nom Lexington to Chats- worth.( SIXTH WARD, 'i Ress_ AAd.om Concord [o congr. :\nibr from concord to cnngc?ae., Fial<er from Smith toOhlo. halter from Ohio to bidwell.'` Holter from (1 --kc. to Smiih� Bancroft Rom Concord to C.ngressf Hlclwell frola Wnlf�ed to Congress. Rld,2 Crom CutnS re— to Isobel! Chm'olaee from Annopoli, to Orj ani. Cherokee fromOrleans [o ly Chicago from 160' west, ro to So.. Wubnah+t.• Chicago from So. •%labasila to So. Rob "'t" Cllntnn Irom l; So. rd to Coln redo? Colorado from So, w'nbnsita to So. ItoberU Coiurado from So. Robert to Clinton.. Color, do from \Vlnslow to Stryk9r Concord from So. Il.berl t. Innbel Cerra from Ada to So. Robert. .Concord from Ada to Arthur.. Congress from So. \Vnbnsha 4, Con ued. t-otgre.. from Concord t. State. c," C hresN tom S[rtte to Buncrofl. �. Congress from Ohl. to \Venal... t Fvcss fn.m \Vlnslow to Hall. TN.x' o n from Stryker to So. 'Hob im SNE e r No . 3 OF _ to Delos from 1,1,1 Fston Green• S[ryer frnm Morton to Dearborn. ; II u ..d., '� Stryker from Dearborn to George. Rebl Delos trot. Mellows to Stryker. SLryi<er from George to c R.ble to \\'Inifred. > Delos from Sh'c k,. for Holl.+ from Hall to 2:.0' v,at^ I tit ryk cr frnm Stryker from. Winfred to Pros Plrt ^ Del ox Pat on front Fillmore to I+ahOeld� ruce.r ,storey In frnm 180' n•. Eu ton frnm Indhbl,n \\'. to In(Iinna, E. r b:thel fro m Ohlo to Fu"rfleld,' \\"ntlr St arkrv' co. \Viler frnm Pu Llic Bnlhv to Falrfllld frnm 11111, to State, frnm Moses to IN ter.^ \\"u hnaha. .• IN -,r , from Ohio to Fllhnore Rllinto re•. frnm \V alter m Fo. Robert:• \F mitred fmnl \Vlnslow• to Goff, I•`Illm re fro ,State to Sn. 11011-I. 1\'Inf 'ed from So. Robert to Stater' Andre.w.. l:n les Rotn Oak dole to IN'nodbur)'.• \\Tref, d frnm State to from De;trhorn to \I Morton. George from Smith In Onto. to \\'innlotc., 1\'Inslo w' \Vm11nw from [o \\'Ini- uPgrfron onto 1Finslow to Hnll, .Denrb.rn frr'1' I:eorge frnm George• Prom Hall to So. Robert.• Pet, \Flnvlow from Wini[rert t. Prov [ "t'ff fron, \"orlon to I:Ilznbeih. I'I'crr>u•e.` to Llenrnorn. OIL7N0 O1ZDU;RS :off from I'llzaUe[h f Goff from Ilea rbn rn to 4Vi If'.d. !, (Oiling S. \V nbasha. I :.conn (colo \lore.. to iIa(.♦' I -Grrenw.o to Delos.r I ('nn Fresa frnm Hall to Te.l'g1 frnm C. .cord to S- Robert., IlvlbA from laltbel frnm CunFrew to lsabe4) from Hall to S. W bnsha. f:reenwpnd Gree ,wood from Concorel to Con-: r Ohio from Isobel to Eth11.+ q fess. I Hall 'from Dlurbnrn to morton.r i1 Ter.) Pu Kr from Slate In tilven•ferv. Gr iinb,rt from Concord to GcorFe.. from Pnge In S. Ttnbm't.^ it „ll from DP;III, 1 to Prospect Stole SEV F,NTI3 WARD. ' aT Pro , Hvtle to Sn. \Vnbnnhaa .{rn.del f'nom linshall to Carroll:' / ndlnna Indian, Prom So. W.bnvha to So. Asnlnnd front Griggs to V .' ria: from Avon t. Dale: linbm•t6 Indican, (ran Sa. ]i.brr[ to P•.nlnn.• .Ashbmd Ashlunrl frnm Vlrtoria t. Avon. LaIlrel. Indlant frnm I:nton to Slate' So. ROU-; Avon from Summit 1. Av.a from Laurel to Selby- T soyhrt frnm So. \\'abash. to -, from Selby to Carroll. 1•�laabrl from Sr. Robert to Slnie." I Avon from Li,wn.a Place to Osce- Isabel from Ohm to \vin sl ll front Winslow' to HRII' 1 III.. ,. Ai•on Crom Osceola to Summll isnbel Kentucky from State t. \Ilnnetonl. Cal -roll S S from Chatsworth to Vic- ' King from Smith to Ohla \\'nod.. t ria.: Carroll S S from Victoria to Dale- ' Livingston . from lsubcl' to from Stevens to .17 nrlot.• Carroll S S from Dnle to Westerns \lanomlp Nbtnombi from Stevens to relrge.' .Carroll SS from \\'ester. to Fnrring,. :ulanomin fron, Crorge to Cherokee`' 200' E, o lona - Cathedral Place from Summit to ,,"dw!a frnm 'alldaln to �\1'nodburv,•„` r4 MYnH r-nevr �':k'�n'rN /:•'-!/(/il/:•/•. Nelson. Chatsworth from Summit to Port - yen fron fron, 160' westerly a ' In"C`mtlswo r lh from Portiaml to Lltu 1. 7?.heft. '` •n' -I' Chutswo-th from I,uurel to Selby., Clair to Good• MOP, tot? Ft2cM C—MAN 7 ISd'IyaF s. Rolig, 2T, Chat,svvor[h' Rom St. >i I. Hopr f'nm Pa Fe in lin nitcr. rich. Chntnworth from Goodrich to Sum- Oukdnie from Onlea m Stntr,' met. - Uandale f l t.s t 11 t , Chatsw'.rth from U:rrton to Uar- oh 1. fro x 1 t I 1 R. ( 10 tiro 1 F. t4< !,' shall, ' FIe- Chatsworth from �inrehnll to 11;1c- I,hin fc I {, A \\I If d h0. t ”. f n \\1 'Ift, l C. Cht rth from Igl h [ to Car - t 7 ( I Fro 1 KI F mo 1. f/ 1 t 01-gr., It 1 P on, Pah, nun t t k m, U 1. f u nd to Srlb OL[awn fon, Chtr,k t \I rl na Dale from Seib to C 11 Pet', t'roln Onkdnie to }Inn ars, from thio to Sn'Ith,, In So. Da)ton from Chntswnl lh [o Vic tortII.a-. T),vton from \'Iclurin 1. Avon, r 1`lutn frnm 1".0'. s.Nlnw•rsterl \' 11 1 t II t fi \\ U I l 1-20, Tla}'tun from S[ Albt .\v 1 Dayton Irom S)ndt t [ Le i g -I i. It ill i.' I11 ',t \\ 7. ton..--- VAyT.N fMR f1MML,4 '1 " Duyt,11 font Lexingtun to Chats R9Lu• fr nn IU.IL ws to Rinsloa.s wUFth. : linhb• frnm. IN, to 5tryker.. IZnbir fron Sl ryit er to Holl.. 1 Dun]uP from S,hh,n to :\shland..r Dunlatf 'um :\she, rad to Seib • , liable f - raw 7 t (` c l Dunlap from S,IIr) to \t at shall' A711 li.hnn f Si le t /fruox1W V9 rad 1 I F.p-amunt from Chatsworth In - 3u It9b t f F. I I Jd 1. .r bride., { to Fnit-mount from \llltan to Daly. r So. Robert from I'hlrngo to L•nlr-I Fnntngton Rom Nelsm, [u \1:u•shall.• flees. - I Sn RnLrrt from N. rod of bridge torrent; ton \1' S from Mammal to Carroll. i Chll :,iso.- C'. G. W. Fisk from Laurel to Selby./ c r. ILrhert fon hrldgl oyer Plsk from SelUy to Iglehart' to Carroll. ` Sn. Moh,rt hon, \\'.rod to so. 1ml Flsl: from lgllhart •Fenno rrotn aoo' an. of Grn na to brldg9, So'Rbb,rl frnm Concord 10111917.- i Summll. . Goodrich Ron, Levengton \Il d� S.. Robert frnm Af. to George.,+ c (:Pros rich Rom �Ililo, to Schurntefrs to 5.. Robert fvnn Dlnrton l0 Palos. ev. t I. Rnb,rt'rrm Gales In Ilol seder, «' Relvidera m Annnl,cll�` •' Gra rad frim ,flitnn to o PI.-l. nl. I. l., So. IZuhert from R.13eKCSOF -F.teM (RIHf IE.9 rn , o'N'L`{ •rto grand Prnin Oaken rad to ,vt. Grund 4ron Floral to I.in ton._„' from I.exinglun to S,vndlca te. R'n bra veto Irom t'nngrlsx So. Grand Grn rad from 1.e�ington to \iii ton. r rn dllLr edge_ I., I C.rlgga from :\slanrl to fortes rad. ,. So. \\'nbasha from Congress to \Fin- I Griggs from :\shland to Ird .. Smllh foto Annapolls to Georg,. "Griggs from I.nurel to Selby. I._L•t'IaAs from Seel' to At^'shnll. + S (, rI mith tom forge to Cherukle.�, from Tsnbel to 1"In G,r,�.. .. ..••1n G.(drn n'ron, wmo�re.r ;a rFair Ly starkly ._ ltic) 1 'ottoFPrnm T.Inwootl Plac�`'lu Falr- STATE rA.M MaRR140N1e U/ rl '•Vin tr•. front 1•`Im ltln In Ulnh. I It�tiotto from Fairmount to qt met.•' Stet,. from FI.I•Idn Io ,'hien g9.. I Grotto Prom Suomi[ [n Portland.- Stule from Chlru go to VI re. , t lr 1 ( bar 1 1 1 e1 r rnttu Pt•om Porilnnd [o Hon)'. " ,.�((�- tt< P m Holl, to Selby. St to [ o t r l be C n6 sa , 1 t C. '7 �( G ettu from Selby to Correll tm lgge to' t to f I. •t state [ 1.1-01- t I 11 Flague f 200' \\-. oP'G _ gal.." _54 yh1.. [ \forint to lube. �V1Hnrru' fto, l.,a to ON • s Hamlinc P•. S from Grand to Summlt.l Holly from Victoria to Dole.' 191ehm't from Lexington to Vl,torla.l Igl %+art tram Vlrto ria to Hale.=' 1 Khan from Dole to Western. • ' Io hart from western to Fort - ton. ' Kent from Tfnrshall to Carroll.- Laurel from Syndicate to Vi,tQrin.• Laurel tram Victarlo to Dole. Lexington from Lt.—, incoln to Linwood from 1)"clap to Tinton, from TSilton. to. ookian f7.' Ph+to. from l_111'to n to s 1'Iace Rom Chatsworth to IJnw,,d'r•lace from Av.n to Grotto Louis frt n Nelson !u Tlarahall.. llnekullnonr Marshall to -('a rroll.;� \[.,shot] S S from Synoirate [o Griggs \[arslu,I1 S S from C:1'Iggs [o Lex -I i,�gton. r - Th,rshnll Pram l.rxloft, ton a Grnt[o. T1.rxhall from Grn[t. to \V eslm n. Tilston from Grand 1. Ashl an a.y Athlon from A.,hlnnd to ", bull. i Milton from Alai -shall to Carroll., \til to from Fairmount to Goody leh.d Tinton from Goodrich to Lincoln. Tlilton from Lincoln to Orand. MMilt— from SI. Clair to d.In'L{i. , kI.n 1 from Grand to western." Osceola from Militia to "VI 't rI a: Oaceol¢ from Victoria 300' E. of C rot t o. ) - oxeord from Su mailt to Ashland.` llx Po rd franc Ashland to Sell, 3'.1 I oxford from oscenla to Cloodr ,I, to `• Oxford fr. Goodrich [o Grand Pl,nsn nt 1 SnProm Oxce.la t. \Vrslern. Portion (I from Gtl ggs to ('hals- worth. ' Pn rl land from Chnt-11,0111 to Vlr- turla. Po rlln not from \'1tlnrin to Dale. Selby from H:tn,lin, to Lexington. . Selby from Lexington to Oxford. Sellar Prom Dxf.rd to Chnts,v.ro'. So,tram Chatstcorth to \'I, to r1a, Set by Tram Victoria to Tunnel.: Seib)- from 'Cancel to Summit./ Sl. .klb„na from Fairmount to Sum- mit. S[. Albans front Summit toMoll)'.' St. Albans from 1-1111Y to Se(nY: ct. Albans from Selby to CTt.r rail. S[�nir \ S from Lexfng'[, [o Tll1- . C SlNmnlit to.n, Iii, line In Dulc.- Syn Ir frmn Lincoln to Snmm11.- i•'ourth \V S front C'ollcge in Sun 1 nil. \'ictorl:t from [-Inwood Pla', 1 .o 1,.[ mount. \ictnrla f -al Ifo l:',nnunt to S„ mit. loth[ from Sait to La 'el.. \I'r,win Prnm 1-a'I I 1 5 Ib).- lfitiu Iv fSrlio, Car -11 1 t " C II t\' e,+r t Vl' 1 o t0 Cn 1L' \\eslrrn D,m vtlhy to D•+)lun. All,enmrle Cron :\[watri to fi'ronl.' Albemarle Cram Hatch to Lawson.' Ai-ondc•I from Hondo to Aurarn: Arnod,•] from Angara r. ltnlvo�.si t)'. \ru ndrl from L -n ivrrsity to Thomas. \ru not el Prom Ch,.n,iia In At l aneha hie. Atwater from \Vuodbri dgr to Guul- tiAtwater from G—Itle, to Farring- ton. a ATvIA AL to t I e to Sim- [Atwallr from el to All --rte. V , f Dull t \ in Aarora f int Ar andel to JO).. :lurorn from .AT to 1larinn. Aurora from if orlon to 300• AV. of Rlee. Au,Ara [runt 200' \V. .f Rice of Rice. t;a I__ from Ain note) n \Vertern.. Rlalr from \V -tern 1. C.mo.e' s from Dale to C.mo.,•, BInI,,- Dion Dale to AA'eslm n. Burgexa Pr.,n \\'extrrn io Gaultier. Cathedral 7'lacc from Nelson to cur - roll' Cnthedral Pla C.o from r await to Fuller. Carl all N S fr.n, Dale to NV ester.. Carroll N S from ices tern to For- -tington... �,� jga,,.11 from Fnrringlon to., Rlca Central from Doles int 1'aring-1 Central from i un. : II antral from Farrington to Jn)'.° 1 tlal from is)' to Loula. )" C atrot from Louis to Rice. Cb:+rles a from Dole to Wester Chs rien. II [ron, Av..terr, to Rile, 1 C.mo from Dale to Burg1ae. , ..coma Srom 13ur gels Io of G. N dge. Como from trridgo or - G. t Ry.° Como from ..lot nd of bridge to Ill Dale L' S from Carroll toUn(trs `1(- <I Dale P•. S trs ram Unlvell-'t to `Ti haps. Dole E S from Tllnnehaha to So. end bridle e. + l nle F. S tram Rridge o r G. N. Ry: Dsle r S from No_ end bridge to At- I ! voter. ` Date }', S rrnm Atwater to Como." Dole r 5 from Como to Sims: Rdmuna rrnm Dale to lestern-. NN'st F.11r Itnfron Charles to co ' I Fatr'ington from Central[o Uhlver- x11N'Yn. rrlugton from Univers] l)' to Thomas. Farrington from Thom— to Com.. Farrington P•. S from Marshall to (b, rrnll. Farrington from Carroll to central Farrington from Rungo to Law so Front Rum Alhema,)ern to t,lhReic,. G•. Fuller from Dole to Rice„ Gaultier from iJniversitY to F. dmund. nuttier from Edmund to C.m.. Gaul [ler from ktw.tt, to CSI, lglehnrt from Fa11n9lon to Rice:-•- . .lay from Sl. Anthony to Central.., joy to.._ Central to Fuller. Jay from Fuller to Univrs eity. Kent from Carron to St. Anthony.. Kent from St. Anthony to Univer- sitc nt from Universlty to "of"d.. Kent from I. oTl ehnhn. 1 La fond from Dole le too Western, tern; Lnfan d from Western to Gnu [ler.. L'fond from Gaultier to P.fT1t����L@@@ 'nll. i 7.ouilss E from 11, —hall to Crrroll Louis f'o C'urroll to L'ullt•r. \Incicu cin tram """Oil to 12ond.. Nlnckubin front 11 0 ntla to Univers]tto Alaciutbin from t'nicernity to Thomas. Jlnckubin from Thomas to 11101.- fo-1 tort L'om Fuller to Como.: 1ln cion from Atwater to Law au n.. 11„[Roto from Front to Conk: lillfurd tram Gould -to \1'oud- Inddge. AT Ifni rl from \Voodbrldge to Hlo:o, Minneha hn from Dale 10 \Vests",: M innehnhu I,.m \\-,stern to Como.' •Rat ux tram l; Intl'llI to Fuller.' Rondo to St. Anthony.. '.Rice NV S� from Summit to Ro ndo. Rice \\- S from Hondo to Unlvcralty.. kRice 11' S r:an, Unl.naoity to oomo, 1RIc•e \\ S f n Como [o Pen ns)1 nln. [Rice \\ S from Pr nna)'lvnnla to 5 n ot %V m Re Rice \\ 5 tea rldge over G. V 'I Ry. Rice. \\” S from No. rod bridg'a to b'ront. r Ric \\' S from Front to Smith. land. from West-, to Rondo from Dale to Wee tern. , Rondo from Virginia to Ricc.i,fit St. A-1111' from ,,I1 o tn St. Anthony from H agton. — St. Anthony from Farrington to Rice. Sh burn, from Data to Tf k l l t Sh burne Prom 11.tckuhm t w 1- Stmeocrne front tVeetern to RI .Stinso from A ester to tGunitG,.. Stinson from Western [n GnultYlllor.' Thomas from Drtle to Kent, . Thomna from Kent to Western.: Thomas from \Vellera to Como.. L'nlversity front hole to ldurlun. t•ulvo'sltY Pram Tla flan to Rice. Van Hu ren Prom Dale to wester,,.. .I Van Burch from western to Como.. Virginia from Carroll to Unlvcrall)'„ Virglna from University' to LnPo,d. VIrglnlu from Laf.nd to Cuam wnyznut erom Gn ultler a Wood- br ldge. tV r+rzatn from W-1brldge to Mr._\Vextern from Carroll to I;ondn... \V,,tern from Rondo to Central.- Or 6 \\'e aternfrom Lnfond n Como.- \\',stern from To ppinF to Bu rifexa. \\',stern from Rurgese to Stdnaon- t\'catrrn from Stinson to Front.. \Nand bridge^ from Al,vatar to way- zstn., wNEl=rocic P- `\:2 . \\'oodhrtdgr Ront Ynttn to H atch: \Vuodliridge 'front Hutch to Lawson, 7 NINTH and to Acker Pram 'a ", and la ilk. ' :\ekcr from rllc to Tllaxisk..".. from SYI • n [o Ja ortla.. \cc from le,Joel..n 11 Cor[I:tnd., :\reh from Hlce to P¢rk: :\t,t-uler from Rice to Sy Ivan." Aaror:, from Cedar to Robert.. Aurora from Rlce to fork.' - I;roaaw,+v from Oruvo to Thir- teenth.[ r;ra¢dany frmn, 'rhicle—th 1. Val - ,4 Hurcnlrr frontAcker fo .Granite.' C it pito) Iioulrrnrd from Unlvli U' to Como. • Capitol Height, from university to PeCnann s)' Iv:tntn. do rro:n o e ato Vol cn.vg:+ from � t.m'unna to mtaais- sip eidar from Summit to Central. Cedar Crum Central to Como. t'enlrnl from filce to SG Peter. - Centrnl from St. Peter to Central C central f, -on, rail, to Cedar - m, trot I':trk Place 1: from Summit tot'C, nD'a 1, Central park Pince 1\' from Summit to Cential. • •Cen[r¢I N ..all from Cedar to Bob - Central So road from Cedar to Iiolr- erCenl-al Terrace from Rfce to St- ltete'In, x C tial Terrace from St. Peter to [,offal Park. c.l.mhla from Glencoe t:\i'ch.' C.lutn bla !from :\rch t to Pennsyl- nnl:,m. ' I cc. from ['flier 1. capitol rlva. I'o no" iron, I'a Vilol III d. to Park. Com. from Itice to Park.• l.uol< from Ricca to S)'lvnn. t'orlln nd from Acker to Case, Cortland P)om C'aso. [o Jenlcs.• Gcuossee. from 13uff:tin l0 9lisnisaippl. Glt•.ncoe from Columbia to Tllssis- sippl. , ,+rite fru., Cortland to Abasia1111A. GroteN S from .lacicson to Cannon. G ruvt• N S Cront Cana a to 111xe1s- all ;'p 1. arriet from ttntr:ll t. Central Tet lin"11 tram 1':I tic n S)'l vat ll. Iglehart f,'um Itlee to \Vallosh Jackson E. I•:. from [;rove to 7'Itir- iU le en cl< Ja 1 s on Crum 'Citi rtc•enth to unive- J.1i:son fro., Polverto ill nen: loci<aon ir,In \\'sell11 a io ) �j luck son [loin \'aIle) too So 1 L .lukIdg1., on [' c ieIone Midget G. - 1 .1 from Yu. end �llIt)' bridge n 1 -I Absll ore. e .lesax mine [rum Lilcr t. Abell.• H`ourteen th from Itohert to M1.1sis- ppi. . front Cro nt Ttice to wy ito 11 t. Air>'. ]:Orient tram I 1 I, ltriell from 'A 11 l, t. AaAiry y [0 111mIe- halta. I L".." from Ince to Sylvan. , Litchfield from RIO Rit.r to S)'Ivun. Lylou I'la- from c, Sly t'an. ' 11t. Airy train Wall— to I,m( m, - All. Al,v from Lt n Iln to dllood Incl., '11—noiiii, film title to S)'1 Van. 1f hobs. from Hite to Pullt Alanit.b. from Park 1. S)Iv M ippl \V S from Grove I. [,nosy 1, un bt' Masts si 11111\1' S from Per,n a)'ivunl;t I to I end bridge.• ll I"issippi \V S from No. end bridge 'I to ,\c key. , 1lieulasiPpl \V S from Acker to Cay- uga. 11lasiaalDpi l\" S from Cayuga to So. root br 1191. Miss xxlppl IV S from Hridgc atm' G. N. 12y'. Co. , 111esIeslPpi non, No. and bridge to Cos" 111sal,slppl W S from Case to Geran- lum. ', Pork from Central to \ur.orn . Park from Aurora to University, Park from Ualve-Ily t 'R'ST5'ne. 1 ark from - She but no to C Pnrl. fromComo I. Winter., 'Pttrlt fry m \Vtt.ter to Arch. Park from SyI I are to Atwater.' nl'k from :� hlcr t0 Cook. Pen ns)'Ivunl:e •`f romr \d s Ifo Pnl to 300' N'. oY Colu-bfa. .. Rie-. E S from S,tmml[ to Rondo.' itic- I: S from R.odo to Unlvrrs toRico E S from Volve-ity to C, am, Rice E S from Como to Prm,s5'1. solo.: ` Rice E S from Penn sy lvunia to So, end bridge. Rice F. S Crum ridge n' r G, N. Ry. Rice 'r S fron No. end bridge to Fr -t. Rice E S from Front to South.' RobertNV S from Su-mtt in Thir- enth. Iia bort front Thlrtecnth to 17nlver- situ Robert from 1'n lver.lty to CnVital Heigh[.s. - St. Peter tram Summit to f'rntral. St. Peter from Shrburn- frCentral to 1'nil'rrsil)'. eom Rice to 300' E, of (Cedar, efrnn Rir [•. to Sl. 1`ctr. r. Summit N S r ! Summit N S from St. refer to f rdar. Sumndt ti S from Crdnr to ]lionr- sota.,,mt N S from nnnne.atn to '-RolrerL' Sycamore erom Hice In S)9va S)'c. ,r from Sylvan to 1.lghtnrr Pla`c. rmt S,'(nmore from Lightner floc- to Co [land. Sylvnn from Acker to Svrnmore.' Sylvnn Prom Sycm ore it, L.".. tr- TemPeranco to teenth. Thirteenth N S from Robert Jack.on. Thirteenth from Jacksont0 Brood-, w Thirteenth from Broadway to I'll - si.slDpi Tilton from Rice to N.bn.ha. _. Uni�ural t>' [Worn frier io ;radar.. Un, 'sit)' Yrn nt Robert to Jav Rilon.1 Un 'alty tram Jaellson to Brous way. I t0 Vnllt1l' frnn, Jucl<s in �. vr. Irum VA'urr,m to 13roua way.' V I. lu from Rlce to Park. Viola fru% Park to Cull tut Blvd. V talo from C.pi tut Blvd to l'a VI[oli Heights.' \VO -all from yPp`rt .. to fiver -) sit:.• WN rtl.o \\'often tram \I t. Air)' to :lrcli.7 \1'InnlVeg from Rice [u Lurk. \\'lunipr-g from Turk to Sylvan: NN, inteF from }lice lu Capitol' H oigh Ls. C1ILI 1a UO nliE i)S. (011g ny Onl, \IlssiaslPPi \V .' Prom Geranium t Mary lu nd. Lt UnlverslLv, rrC U ('rdar to Ru Lerl. 4\'A[i D. f'_..=;;bony Rm nng uSellito (rascal. �aR At-OrHE FRa IItRrR re CRGrTO� `—�:\shun) Irum Chnrle. to sit"buror.• A.hu r)' Crum 1'nivet'ail)' to Sher -i dor le. A bury fron, Vun Ito ren In CUVllul. \sbu rl' from V:rn liureu to Llair. Rayless E t'rom \(novel lu Raymund.. li;lyl-.s \V front l'ua worth to \Inn• vel. Blslr from :\lalny to Fry. Blnlr fro , Aldinr to Fairview. - 171from Simpson to L•'r)'._, 1;1a�1. from Split, lu I'uscal.- Brudtnrtl from EIII.to Hamilton.- G redo Irum Sne 111nK to Peracnl. CUP; fol from :\Idine to Sneuing... C«Vaal from ami rte to \YheN m'., :u Vital fron: Sn a Bfug to Har"(' e CUP Bol Prom li.mllne to Synd-nLe. Capital front `• dlrat0 to Grl66a. CgRTE R_M{f :YMeND Ta GcLrf[-p 1 - C ter f fin Tlu)mund t, 300 \\' of Gordo n. ' ChU rtes from Snelling to Pnacal. + Cl a, e. front Patient to Syndlealr.' C HRR, -E, FuoM '.y ND.lq 1F Tu tai Churl- from Hatnvden 480' Ea.l, v Cmn w"("wealth from Grob. to Cam, Ave. eat.f '-- Conunon,veullh from Cu%a Avt w' t. N' end of I ark 1 N S of park). Con O n\ve. W from RU),nund n Grantham. . 'Comd \v. from Snrll!nr l 1'nCtc�aal cli m ;,vr a to w e...1rro l'. " 'site ,ell from '1 err lturlul Road to I S Cu�wot th, •1. nvm inu9cid tit to tixxymontl-, �o SwELu rRoro 1-14 re enLCMd /�:cD r -"`Ldmatld Prom Slm V.an to Syndicate..- I, Bill from Ter I., ,,Hill Rood to 11.5- nr nd. r l:u-le tramf'erlitnrl,a Road to Cud - tit' , Eustis from Cudworth to 100' ,vest -1 Fr)' fron, Rl a" [o Hewitt ^ Gordan from Commonwealth to Cur- ler I E s of na rlU' Iluntline cram J1lnnehaha to CuVi- F{;,mpa en from Univcr�s lt' to C hurler. : Ham Vden from 1011is to Raymond. 1 Lewl it from :\Idine [u Snel11 ''. He,vill from Snelling to 1'nacnl: Flew tit from Pnacul to Sheldon.' Hewitt from Sheldon to Syndics te. IC m,pn t'rom Raymund lu Coma 1C o;tpp from Comu All. \V to I,nng-. mrd. I.0 ngfo rd from l'omu Ave. W. [0 100' � N-. of ICn,t VV t[gflCnnPn�'It I'll- \\' from Gor- doi•�. UP and to Rn)-Icsa: ,'novel from B.,n Jlunvrl morn Rayless to CI omwell.F� Jiino -bubo from 3NC,`-e foul NE owrtv7.•aww.p•f- 111n 111111.11.from Sneliing to Ham- , . ,e illinnuha h;t Pru[n F1nmline to Syndl- \Ilnneh:th:l from Syndicale to Grigb's. ;'.trent Crum Mlnnehn hn loo Chur'les.- 1'rlor from Unlversl[)' Raymund from University to Hump ntuy- dr, 0 mon; 1 fru- Hampden to So. end I of bridge.-- Rnymuna Bridge over tN. ILto R:,...,,r_:1 n'nBorn m Na. end of brlat. g C.o,A✓L. W., tamu Ale. W. to Royal (rum RAYT✓IpND Fga"I„ orf 1.o..a fv • •.ddee from C'u our Ave. NV. to Blake. .• Sr"Ila r)' from H:tmllne t0 GrlKgs Sheldon from Ca Vllol'to Hewitt. • s,'. h erburno from Sn-flog to A.bur)-.\ ._-Sher I,urne from :\fury to Pascal. Rs Da RROM SfnE F6a: r - Snelling from 1'uiverslty to v;,.o1, � fit idge. Snelling from So. rml G. N. Bridge to Mill vuy. ;`Ills hu r>'. Sl mlxsan from Van Iturrn l0 \Ilnnr- ba�a. Sirm'eou frnn, \Val, ah:t to HrwltI- r Slmpsu�n from Vuu Rufen Co l'ni- it y. ,aToylur from Aldine i, Snelling. To vlor from Smdlingr to Pasc•ul. Territorial Taff froln EIIIe to wrli T•. rrtlurlal Road from Cru[nwell to Thorn:;. from aimn.nn to H:,rnnr,rtl If niyer.l t,v N S tram ]Smerutd to end Transfer Bridge.' l'n iver.lfy N S from Bridge over M1linnenulu Transfer.` Unive-Ity N. S from E. end of bridge toFnlrvlew,; Unlversl ly N S front Fairview to n Iling.f • I?n lvm'alty N S from Snelling to Ha mliner University N S from Hamline to I.eaington. Van Buren h'Om \\-heeler to Snell- I n \'nn Buren from Snelling to Pri—al. \nr ltu, rn from pie al in H 11 NO f,- Ho,ritt In ,: Ni R). x .Wesley from Fr)' to Snell ng. I Wynn- fromSnelling to Pitacnl. ' ,,,,,vT•;NTH \\'ARD. Amherst from Goodrlcll to Prim. A—— MMoaaE :rtv E Ashlandfrma Fnlrvlew to Pnscnl. \shlnud from Pa,foal to 60' a st eel I.' - Built-in from Summit to Prin ee to n.,,111I1 Beacon from St. :\nthony to Shiolds.� 73 -aeon from Shlelds to Univerelty., cum rmKe from Summit to Prince- W A ,Sf-/EE 4 0 (!err Il from Prior IlIdto Deo a'.. k..c • VIERCE'T -1-11.11 R '1•arrull from Dewey toeWheele" ca, nvo_ p,a,Nc6Tn N -To GuuortrcN ch to /'leveland from veland from tsumrtn It t0 Se)b it, (!1-vel,tnd from Selby to Dfareha11. ,'lev -lard from Marshall to St. An- t hon y to Unl- CanaCle,r and from St. Anthony ." tef!romwell from i'niver.l b' in \Va- basft , ' Curfew from tinlverslt)- to Buynrd.' flayto I from C'r-tin to Prior.' Dayton from Prior to Fuirvie.w. - Uavton from Folr,'iew to Al dl ne. Dayton from Aldine to Snelling.' I)tly tun from Said Ilna to 9nra[ogn.' DCwcv �w O;,n rD Fr,-rivaetJ - Io, v. e)' from Laurel to Selby. llewev from Selby to Igl-dart. - 1!ewey tram itj,�,oh n rt to T,,A.thr Dewe)' from ROD,VN to St. :\nthon)'.. ltew-y from St. Anthony to Vnlver- sity. r Fuh'ri"I Prom Summit tot @•rand. ralrvlew from Summit to Laurel.' Fairy icw from Lan' to Sethr.. Fnlrvlew from Selby to Idarshall . FUirI ew from Marshall to Tglehnrt. r FOlrview from Tglehnrt to Rondo.. ratr'vi-,y from RoO to St. '%a thus)•. t Fairview from Sl. Anthony to Uni- 14�rtllnund from Carroll to SL An- thony-.. ` reron is from Prior to Fairvlew-. Z FrtoMSomn,r Tu111IT—riP --Fry from Portland to Marshall.. Geneva from Lincoln to Good,trl,. nntl rit•h from Fnlrvlew to gn.owM'. 6 wnv n fgrR view Yo ca ET, rVI ,,+;rand ofrum Snelling to Pasicnl.e" Grand from Pascal to .Hamlin-. T{ngue from Fairview to Aldine- Haguefrom Aldine to Snellin R.< Hogue from Snelling to Pascalgaa.dac. Herschel from rSt. Anthony 200' 80. of Shieldsl . Herschefrom 200' So. of Shields to University. - NoW — fzon A1R oq � RccfY Sa. aF LRa Re,_ ?- Howell from alley So. of rLaurel to Tglehart, -_ tda y Il from Iglehart to St._ An- -_ ban y. Iglehart from Cretin to Flon. Iglehu rt fromFinn to Iglehart froI'[o m ri or Wheeler. Laurel from mor to Cleveland. _ I.uu rel from Prior to Flo well. Iruret from Howell [o Fall-vie,I I.uurel from Fairview' to .\Idlne I,uu rel from .\I'llne to Snelling. l.aur-1 tram Snelling to Fascal! I,Introln frurn"Snelling to Hamll I,Incoln from \lacalester to Fair - t' yiew„�tvwiTen'_MARi ,ynnurs t, from Oakleytotnd Lu ice Iris. Unlvet)'.,+;`�I,t)'nn buret 1:. rrgm Ferofin to It>W. frmn Feronla toTr b•s from Sum frit to St. Marshall N S from Syndicat Grl gg Le s. Marshall N S from Gri F^gs to a-; Ington. 3larshall from E. mrd of bridge to Fnlrvlew..+ \fa,,,hal from Fnlrvlew- to Aldine. Marshall from Ala i ne lto. Sacling-+ )111 I Prortl to Railroad ln Aslo .t,Orrfa'e.,'roodd.—T. c,ty,.nrTs Selh)to Igleh:11t \h from lgleh t:t to Terrace park ODKW" From PH 1.. 1,, no 1, t.-' JYi)s crac. F...rr Co eoRrcH >v CR/9ALJ Vill from ['rive: sit) to I `i t•'ce from Selby In sura-ft.—front Fail( ' to so -mage 7'rim�eton from Mac:aest,•r to Fair-: vir Pa,eR rR.n Su rryMrT Te rel., ,- Prior Pout Ashland lu Lrithal.. �, priorrr' from Laurel l o IgI. ll.' . .f,am llgleharrt to Waltham.. I -I Ro MA front Terra-'Parlt to Prior., I{S�I Roet4M Prom Priwe)'or toto DFnlryewe)' I —I RowM[_om nelew•r - s/�M1.ait�}rteMLrNLot�✓-Tu SVMM,T Saratoga from Summit to Selbj� sell Prom Claveln nd to Prloc.e' set Uy from Prlot• to Faln'lex•, SelUy from Fulrrlew to 1-lerschei. 'scibY from Harscltel to Aldlno; SelbY�.1'Pram Aldine to W. end of�. brtase. Selby from Ir.. end of brl,dge to Rarn- Ilne. i Shields trot, Fairview to Wheeler, Shields Prom Wheeler to Ilerechel. Snelling from Oy' ,drirh to Lineol n.• Snelling Iron, 1.Rr.oln t" Unlrerel [)� St. eknthony from Cleyrlalnd to As- torta. St. .+.Itlhnny frum Aelorin. to Fl owelf', SL Ant; y from Cretin to cleve- Innd. ' St. Anthony final Cleveln nd to Ter- F rae Pnrk, St_ Anthony' front Terrace Park to Howell. St. Anthony' from Howell to neweyC. St An ay fro a, nearey to \\'herlor. St. Anl ho ny from R'hoeler UI Aldlnr. Su mmll frum hirer Blvd, to Fla m- li Tenure Pnrl: Iron, \\'II'h•r to Rondo. Terrace Pu1'i, from R0Olvd to St. An- thony. U-lvet'slt)' S (+ Prom Bridge o, Allnneeuta Transfer er jnt,'erslty s F Irma 1:. end of III ldgu Fairvle,r L' Iversil)' S S fr"at Fall,!,, to Snelling.' 1 Univmrelty S S I7mn Snelling to Hemline.'` Unie Yelty S S from "Ito Lex- Ington. University S S tram Emerald to W. end of bel dge, ITOM-rett)S S from 800' W. of llnn[gontery to Cleveland. Vernon Prom Princeton to Sl. Clair, Walthan from Prior to Ile,vey. \V heeler from Selby In Su to In l I. R'heeler from St. Anthony lO 250' S. of Sttlelds.' Witler Iron, 200' S. of Shi ride to - Shields,. \\'heeler from Shleida to Unlyarsi t}'. \\'llder from Laurel to Srlov.- \V11Jer (roto Selby to IgleharL- Wilder frum Iglehart to St. An tl,o o y.,i OILING 'IR DERS. (011lag Only-) Albert bunt Summit [0 180' norlh- esterl,'. w Fry from Summit to l RD. nd.. T\V ELF oa \1':\Rn. Auto a from Front to Orchord. Aurora from Dxfut'd to Cha tstyor[h. Aurora front Chn[s,yorth to Gro [t o. Aurora from Grotto to Dole. Avon front Carroll to Itomlo. Avon Pram Rondo to Central,• Avon from .\urora to t?nlver,Ity. Avon front Thomas to I.ufond. 1 Rlabr fr.. Aron to hale.•. Ca Pitot from Avon to Grot t". - t:a Oil N S from Chatsworth t" Vtc- toria. t Carroll N S fro, Victoria to hale. Central from Cha lsworth to Vletorin. Central [frontAran to Dale. Charles from I.exington to Gxford. Charles from Oxford to Chute worth. Charles tram ChnlsworII to naleT Chatsworth frum Carroll to Rondo Chatsworth from Front t. R al1 , I", Churchlll from Front to Clrcha rd., Dale \\' S from cn troll to L'n Iyer- a,ty. , Dale {\' S from 11nirm'slt)' to Nllane- hnhu, e le \\'. S from ]I atlehnh it` So. end of bridge. ne le R' S from Itrldge , t N. i R -v. . Hale {i' S f" No. end of hrldgr. to Atwater.. vale \5' S fr"n, Alwuler to Co too.• T7ale W S frum Como to Sinnen.. Edmund Prnm Lexington to oxford. Edmund from Oxford to Chatsworth. Edmund fr"tn ('11111 o,'th to 100' W. of Grotto. ' Edmund fro,, foo' W. of Grotto to loo• E, nP Gratin. Edmund- frum loo• E. or Grotto to . hale, - rth. ' from Lexington to Chats- Fro Front from Chatsworth1hale. Fuller Prom Ghatso Vittoria. Fuller from :\von to k't."G tt ro Ito.. Fuller from Grotto I to nal e. G,C"IIL from Carrot it, from Rondo to Aurum. -.._Grotto Prom Aurora to Unlver.tty. Grotto from l;nlvaryltY to tnotnas.• Grotto from 'Fbomna to Rlulr. .. Grotto from ""'=" fll'i ontlo Victoriann.-- ,.nlond Prort t c. F aeG- Lnfond from Vlctorin to nn1T -Hilton from Unlverisly, y, le. ..L Minnehahn from Victoria to Iht n,'ehard -from Chatawortn m oxeora.., Rondo from Victorlu )".ARonda von. + SSh"hurnefrom erotnry tOxforld to Chats- m'IIt. ,arno from laval. rcv+✓n D x Sh rrhu Yoe from Chntstvorth to nnle.;', -t Sims from "ale to \1cHenty. r SI. Albans from Carroll to Ronda.` St.:\lbnns froth Rondo to to it rsllto AlUnns from Univers,re)[)' Thumps. St. Albans from Tb omns to Rlnlr.- St. All ns front lila Ir)o Jlinnehohn. St. kntnonY rrom Chot"" to Vlotnrin. St, e\niho" from \'fetaria to :\van.. 'St. .\nthon )' from Avon to SL Al- IIItp11s. from SI. Alltnna lO 1)nle. Thmm�y Pmm Chntstvorth [o ton.- 'l•n"man from �nuna to hale. lrersiL' Prnm Le sington to Delo. I'n ,on Ruren from Vic torla to Grotto. Van B from grotto to S[. Al- ban^ Wacc �✓✓� pan.�ww-r Vnn Buren frum St. Alonns T nate. V le[orlu Ll Prom Fuller to n1varsity. Vlrtoria from I`niverelt)- to nomne.; V icloria'I" VGt ORDERq chard. toiling On l>'.) Chatsworth from Union to Van Slyke. �3• CN,+R�hltyt- FK.I1 �7`I.6.•t Tv To C nt.O > Churchlll i1v SC from ))P a rk kto Vnn Sl 'Ch to Van Ch�'chill F. S f ma T""' Slake. CoML AVE fWOH FNnriT To CUMO pf1RK (-orb 01VD_ C-17,, t41C T 30✓ N s7 C0.aSI - 6,e, uLYo e+ To Art r -v e_E Horton from Von Slyk. to Como ,,I d. T'nion Prom Chatsworth to Como. \'0n SI)'ke from Churchill [o Chuts- nrth. w\'on Slvke from TRxin glot n o Churchlll. LMP 1 � cl'T.y V F' MIND �`I' F-1 Owl ©4e1,7101,1K"Mie,R V11, if �ulh�l�,c Wvrlss ROBERT T. GOURLEY. Deputy Cemmi--, M.N.GOSS, Commissioner OSCAR CLAUSSEN,ChieF Engineer J. E.CARROLL,.Upt. Construction b Repelrb ALFREDJACNSON.Sep1. Sanitelien Minn.C G.N.NERROLD,OFFice Engineer St. _Paul, MApril 7, 1915• To the Council, C I T Y. Gentlemen, - In accordance with Section 275 a,of the City Charter of the City of St. Paul, I submit herewith a list of streets, parkways and boulevards that should be sprinkled during the coming season, and request that you order this work done. I also submit proper form of resolution for your approval. Respectfully submitted, Dict. GHH%S. ommIssioher a b orks CITY OF ST. PAUL _Z,�_Tf,at the application Of H. Fegeleon for a l: ens,e to conduct a pawnshop at 410 Cedar St. be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to iosuo such license to H. Fegeleon for one year upon the filing of the bond and contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the Customary fee $100.00 I.C. F. No. '4972=BY Henry McColl— Resolved. That the application of H. Fegeleon for a license to conduct a pawnshop at 410 Cedar 8t. be and the -'' hereby fs granted and the Ci13' C""'is instructed to issue' such 11- cenee':'to H. Fegeleon for oneyeer,ttp on ttie flung of a bond e d contract. and the p_Yrcc-t Into the CltS Treae ar, of the customary Yee, Si0D.00. _.anted by. the Counclt'. Aptil'7, 1916. ".Approved Aprll 7, 1916. - (April 10-1915)"'"' tYj An ordinance establishing rules and regulations for canoes and boats on park waters. This is an emergency ordinance rendered rfocessar for the preservatioiwA the public pe:,ce,health and safety. THF. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST,PAUL DOTE ORDAIN: Section 1. That the following rules recommended by the Commissioner of Parks,Playgrounds and Public Buildings, r the use of canoes and boats on park waters are hereby ado established: 1- Lockers and docks for landing are provided and must be regarded as property belonging to the Park Department, and any defacing or destruction of same will be punishable as provided for by the park ordinances. ' 3- Permits for rowboats and canoes must be secured at the office of the Commissioner of Parks,Playgrounds and Public Buildings. The price for such permits is Five Dollars ($5.00) per season for the lower tiers one,two and three,and four (4.00) dollars for the upper r! fourth tier, from May let to October 318t. 3- Each person will be required to show permit to attendant before being allowed to take canoe or boat from any rack or landing. 4- All persons entering boat dock must be vouched for by permit holders, and no permit shall be transferred to a person not able to manage a boat or canoe, and the Commissioner of Parks,Playgrounds and Public Buildings, acting through and by his employee, shall have the right to refuse any boat or canoe to be tai-an from boat dock by children or inexperienced persons in managing,guiding or rowing a baot or canoe, whether such persons or children are in possession of a permit or otherwise. 5- Permits will be taken up and will terminate if the holder of such permit shall be guilty. of any violation of the rules and ordinances passed for the quiet and orderay conduct of park visitors. 6- No races „parades or water carnivals or other evolutions of boats, canoes or other water craft, either for prigs or otherv(ise.. shall take place on any of the park waters, without first having obtained a special permit from the Commissioner of Parks,Playgrounds f s ` \ _ 4373 and Bublic Buildings, and no committee, club or party shall advertise or hold any races, parades or water carnival without having first obtained such permission in writing at least ten (10) days before holding such evolutions. 7- No person shall keep any boat, canoe or other water craft on any of the park waters after the hour of eleven o'clock P.M. or before the hour of six o'clock A.M. 8- No person shall take any boat, canoe or other water craft from any landing, dock or fastening without a permit or ticket, and any person taking any beat, canoe or other water craft from any landing, dock or faetening without a permit or ticket, as well as any person who, having secured a boat, canoe or water craft through a permit or ticket ^ shall fail to properly return the same to the landing, dock or fastening from which it had been taken, shall be guilty of a violation of these rules, and punishable by the fine hereinafter_idrescribed. 9- Permits or season tickets provided for under Pule 2 of these rules and regulations, cannot be transferred to any other party without first raving obtained the consent of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and no permit,or ticket issued under these rules and regulations shall be construed as being a permit for taking Fish out of the lake, contrary to the laws of the State Cameo and Fish Commission. 10- Private parties applying for a permit to place any boat, 0to canoe or other water craft on any of the park lakes will be provided with proper rack and dock facilities, bu:-Ft he Commiseioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Puildings, on behalf of the City, will not assume any ,risk or responsibility for damages or safe -keeping while stored on such racks and docks, and the owner Of—ch boat, canoe or water craft is required to keep under lock and key all such canoes, boats or other water crafts for hts own protection and safe -keeping. 11- The Commiseioner of Parks,Playgrounds and Public Builaings, by the fact of issuing any license or permit, as per Rule 2 of these rules and re€ulations, does not aesume any Tlek or responsibility to persons or 1_roperty eng`ged in the aquatic Fport of ,canceing or boating. OFFIbIAL PPiOoUrio IN,G9; OS THE} .; COIIRCH.. C F No 4373—Ordinance No S- Sy Louts Naph= ' • An, ordina qe, estabnshtnB _ re6ulatlona Dor, car\oe ano ' Darlc --wat rs,,,ZTh1e f an . rdlnan a endered neo ' 12- No person Shall, at a�, v. �, i •-de, while in a boat or canoe, jump into the water for the purpose of bathing, nor from any shore, boat or dock or larding, contrary to Such rules and regulations as may from time tc time be fixed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings./ 13- Permits for power boatq*,ay be granted by the Commissioner of Parks,Playgrounds and Public Buildings in his discretion, or be refused to be granted if in hie opinion the safety of the smaller water crafts would be jeopardized.. uc pts, if granted, shall be Six Dollars (§,6.00) per season foilmotors attached to rowboats or canoes, Ten Dollars (910.00) i,er season for a twenty -foot launch, Fifteen Dollars ($15,00) per season for a twenty-five foot launch; larger boate will not be permitted to be operated by private parties on park lakes. Any person to whom a permit for operating a launch or rowboat is granted, will be prohibited from carrying people and making chargee for so doing. No boat privately owned shall be let for hire on_, any of t'r_e .Dark "No power boat shall be operated on any lake or water - within the control or jurisdiction of the City of 8t. Paul at way a speed exceeding ten miles per hour'" .; ���gtla3;la.,.be-a0i�rued to mean rules and regulations adopted by the Council for the government of public parks and parkways. Section 2- Any person violating any of the foregoing rules and regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars (e50.00) or imprisonment for not exceeding thirty days. Section 3- This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately {� X Ks after its passage and publication. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation 6 the Public Peac He and Safety. _ - r Final Adoption Yeas (J) Co, ncilmen (J) Nays by the CoSlm.... 7r rnsworth 2_1 181 In favor APPrnved.���� �- 191 x, li - o .: 191 McColl /j Against MAYOR 2nd " _ %/.� /eTf'✓Y Y / 19t // Attest: OHN FARICY, 3rd - - ✓- ✓ Yoerg City � Powers �1$LISEI� t Mr. Pr06idenq. 3 . fS 1' Date Published .._v � >;•°" 43741 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL, FORM t,! Subject:.. _. _ .. _.......... _ _....COUNCIL _I. /3Ap. .. ........... FILE No.. ....... a....... Date Presented..........-- April __..8..._I91...6..:.. .Resolved, That the Purchasing. Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed 'to advertise, in the manner provided by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary to pave forth Smith Ave. from College Ave. to the north and of the High Bridge, Final Order No. 3950, approved March b, 1916. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materi5ls be and the same are hereby approved. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per -cent of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof, a certified check for ten per cent of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall, in said advertisement, reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee -authorized to award the cont act. if it is sl nen+-- t which the committee may sward, shall be of the O o'ResNeed3i4Th¢t a Per ehallns�ids should be received. ., gent be end he s hereby a tha)�tzed and directed to advertise. in the an- i n r provided by the CI[y Ch a, tm•, for 11 f the material necessary to pave Noeth Smith Ave. from College Ave. to Pi - the Orth d Y the High- Bridge, Pi - nal Order NO. 3960, approved March 5. 1916. solved specifications uande e¢ Imnteethubmltted lI �1, by the Commissioner f Public Works'.. far the above materials be and the Same are hereby approved, In aid advertisement for bide, the Purcder'shb nd to the amount Sha i Qofratnleaet for the 11 pexecuer tionf 0f es idontraottio Ith the City for the performance oY. eafd worlcin accordance )vith the plana and .I specifications In case the bid is ac- cepted,- or In ]leu thereof, a cold a cheek for ten per cent of the amount' of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall; I i sat d. dvertisement, eserve they n a or all bids. Should right to refect any the purchasing nil bids be rejected, Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often ¢s may be necessary on. Yeas (Y') o cilmen (T') Nays an acceptable bid le obtained. un- �— j lo.. the Committee author �oatru ° he Council 19l I rd the contract: fY It is u Ahall. which committee. may award, Aar WOftll which the no further bids be of the opinion tont _ O In faAO Conoid be'rece[he(Council April 8, 1916. 91 .0, Adopted by -- Kel / Approved April 9. 11916) OVB(1_ (/ inpril 10- Agains —_-------------- MAYOR Mr. Pre ' eat, owers Fo..1 c.e-z is P No. 4376— In $70 I the alter of p vingNorth 9mlth Ave from College Ave.to th north end L thb High Bridge it Pre- liminarY Order 3180, Intermediary U do3008 PI al- Ord r 3060, IP-1 „ p d l+la h 6 101G 1 + Resol ed, Th the plane peclficntlo l•. and estimate submitted by the Comm] sloner [ Public Work Por the nti; ,'.'�� enured lmpro'v went bo and the same: by approved.'- i Resol d an [h6r i but he the P tP-, ''gent be and he 1 hereby auth. id. di ecte[1 to adv11U In th, n+ - Ci I T vlded by the , Cfiurt r for VIE oP snld Improvemen a L 1 said plan and sfor b I'l 1, basis (A) That the bi [or. shall fur Irl Y� : C�UIsaid-or'�+V� -I th bid l:d Imp In the matter of -�Pllving Noi'e1v1 �j$i h Aver our ..Wage Ave_ to the nortk tha 94____gb ar dge _ :F udder Preliminary Order 3180'' Intermediary Order 3698 y Final Order .3950 approved 19150 'RESOLVER, That the plans, specif ications:and estimates submitted by the the; Commissioner of Public TJorks for, the above named improvement.b© and the same are hereby approved.., �< RESOLVED FURTiNJ'R;.That the Puxchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids forthemaking'.o said. improvement, according to sa d PIans.and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- t actor :shall furnish all.labor'and material for'said work at a speci- = fieri sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor, shall make said improve- =, Vlentiby force account, reodliving a percentage of cost price for Per forming the same., In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing` Agent shall require a bidderlg bond to the .amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said cork in accordance with the plans. and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in 0eu theieof:a certified check for tem per cent. of the amount of tho'bid The said Purchasing Agent shall-in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as. ,,may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract bahich the committee may award, shall be of, opinion that no further bids .should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event; th ae said committee small make.an-ppropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further.''action or prooeedings..thereon. _ *{ � Adopted?by the Council Yeas ( )' clmen ( ) Nays e g; swort� ' os . Nash Mr. President,,./ Pow rs App?0 j __ gl o Il yor Petition Council File No .......... ._:........_........._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 04 and ZA376 PREMONARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes tile making of the following publ' mprovenlellt by the City t. . Paul, viz.:..._Gonetr}34.t.....s.._oemM.Ablao.J�....>a.l.d,ewa o.....a...width .._of....siX et....nn_..... the..._aonth..._aide.:..o ..._Bhir__St .._ rom...¢ebnx .. X�.:..:._t.o....5.nalling...A .•..,.._in...aon.ord- ano® with petition.__hereto..._attached........ .............................. ....................... _................. ........................ -... ...................... ................. .... .........._.- ............................................. _.............. ......_.. ............_..._...._...__...._................_......._......... ............ Dated this- .._......._.8 h_..day of..... .......... &PT11..__..........._._......._..... . 191.....5 . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WITEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: ........... const t.._a..._gement .... bl crc k -_e idewalk_-_t o_..-f.-Width.._.Qf_...e.1.ai:.....f e.et...._on....the..._a.fluth... alae..._o .._Blair.._St..,c.._ rom....d bury.._ ve...e.._t..o....Saalling._Aas.........._.__...__........_...................._............._....._.... . _ ._ .... ._. .. ... .'iIC eN P No.43761-...- ..... .. .... .._. _. h as \ writt n pl D.,r a it'. i n king'of the f Ilowing 1 p ovmentl ....,.• ....................... . .... .. ...... .. „,,. ,_.. vs C qst not ,'cement block aide walk to a wld[h of six feet n the scuth aide of -Blair street from Asbury - having been presented to the Council of tAve. to Snelling Ave., having been pre- .,. .............. _,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,_ ...... _........ )+ Aented to the Council ne the City n St Paul therefore, be It therefore, be it Resolved ] mh t he Commfealaner or Public Wo e be and he to hereby or. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner q dared and directed: ordered and directed: 1. To Investigate the ec. of for - or. rove enty of the making of s¢Id m rovement. 1. To investigate the necessity for o�improTo investigate P 2. To Snvesttgato the nature, extent 2. To investigate the nature, extent dna eauamted cost of said Improve- cut, and the total cost thereof. g on—V. and,the total, Goet thereof. 3.. To. fu nish n plan, proale or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skete ak t.],( f paid l.provement. 4 a' furnish the following other dand Information relative t0 said provement:. .......... d. To furnish the following other dat d cement. $ To state, whether r theapetltlo- pro errant is asked for ......... ..... ..............._....... _.............. _ ............_._ of.ee. or more owners. ....._... . ..... q�� To report upon Callo of the fore 5. To state whether or not said int p i@lhppce alters to the Commissioner of n of three or more owners. Adopted by the Council Apr II 3, 1916. . 6. To report upon all of the fore nin Approved Ap a 9io-16. ;nance., -. lAptll.:10-1916) Adopted by the Council........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman F rus"' Gas Approved._._ ..................../.:........._.......__..... _. K liar Y Hash erg.......... .. .......... ........................... .. " Mayor P \vers ' M or. Council File No ............................ - Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ane y PRELMNARY ORDER. The undersigned llereby.proposes the making of the follow' public inlprovemen y the City'tof St. Paul, vii.:....._..Six'ads_..o7.�y.........B.loa.......:B.o.. arcL:Bd�iitiAn... om....ths.....anuthe8at oorner of Lotl9 and the northeaat oo of•Lot 22, t Albert St., in ... .. . .......... . .. .............. ............... Dated this:....._......._ t11._..day of............Astril..........:........_ ........._..._.......-....191....x.. t —� Councilman. PRELIMNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. ........... .. __........ U"._:alley .....in....Blook 13:..Boulevard ...Additi.on...---.from .... the_... aoutheaat..._o,orner -of Lot .....9 -.. and ..._.the ..-.northeast..-.aorner..pf. Lot---28,._..to-Alpert... St. ...._..._......_.........._..._._..........._.......... _ _.. C. F. No. 4377— ............... ._ ......... ... ___... .... ...... .. ....... Whereas, A written Proposal. for the .. ...._....._ . _.. ............ ........._... _.. malcing of the-fy In ag Improvement, viz: Grade alley In a southeast .........._ ................ ....:................... ......._..............._........._................ _..... nerd f Lobo from the rt Least c corner and. the ................................. .._........._.......... / per of Lot '9 t., having been n o of Lot 22, to Albert S[., having been having been resented to the Council of presented .te the Council of the City of :r g p St. Paul therefore, be It ............ _....._.......................... .._ Resolved, That the Commissioner of therefore, be it Public Works be and he Is hereby or- dored and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner) orlTo aesirabuityinvestigate e making sof aid y ordered and directed: Improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for + 2. To Investigate the. nature, extent improvement. and eattmatedthe. oat of said Improve 2. To investigate the nature, extents "3"t'To furnl.h ta� cost thereof. orlment, and the total cost thereof: sketch of said Improvement: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket� 1. To furnish the following other data and lnformatlon relative to said 1. . '1'o furnish the following other d improvement. S. To show whether or not said im- llnprovement-.._..._..._.._.................... _...... j provement Is asked for on the petition of three or.mo owner.. - - .. ....... .. ....... .. _ ._. S. To report upon all of the forU. .. ................. ... going matters to the Commissioner of � �� Finance. 5. o state whether or ti °d im Adoptee by the Qo I1 April s, lsl6. ion of three or more owners. Approved April y, 1916. G. To report upon all o�the forr n' (April seas)O inance. - - va -- Adopted by the`kouneil.............. ..... ..... —_191... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far :worth Go./ Kel proved........_ .... ..:........................_..._.... Kel r Nash Yoeg .................... Mayor Poi rs Mayor. Petition Council. File No........ �` PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. � (°3 f — and �'f PRELIMINARY ORDER. �-00-378 The nudersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin ublic improvement'/City of St.. Yaul, vi..:_Conatruot..._e..._sewer.._on..._Tklomas.._St......._e.tw.e...axl.....A,ld.Sne111ng Ave.. in s000rdanoe with petitionher ..._o....attaQIM(..... .........................._._..... Dated this .............. $th.........day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORU� / WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Viz- ............. Construot a sewer on Thomas St. between_Aldine..._St_...._and._Sne11_ing...$ve. ....... .......... .._._....._..__._........._._...._.._................................ . — ---__....._....__._......_...__........... .___.... C, F..No. h378— oast, Sor they asA written Prop ement.� _.__ ,_ .. ............ ... _.. ... ........_ _.. __..._... .............. .. rnWhereof, the follnwing 1. 0Th bettyeCennAldine 08t°and Sne11ng0Avets eeentea to the .(.opn°II' ..... . - ..... .............. ..._......_........_......................................._......_................................. having bee of St. Paul therefor°• be it °fg a lved That the Commleeloner ot'.. having been presented to the Council aee�a°a a°alrec=eana he to hereby °S'an......_._............... ........_............................_..........__..._..; therefore, be it or for dos rebutty Of tthehmakinB OofY said improvement: RESOLVED, That the Conimissio 3''"e::totted eoet of cad I prove, reby ordered and directed: and;' and. the total coat thereof. 1. To investigate the necessity f �n9 , "lid"h a Plan. Profile or aid improvement. bkatch"Vf tgalmprovemenk y To furnish the fou°wins other gement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, ext agta,ana tn:ormntton-reiettRe to eats Imprn'To un mote 0{ORermO 3. To furnish a plan, profile ors r =�-_ Wet r or. Mt ea Ml upor, 6. 'To stat h id improvement:........ .................. 4. To furnish the followutg other provem nt is asks wfsorrgn the Po tl of �o[s hrrmnttGtdropQrtt° the Commie .. .__.__......_. .. ..... ..... ....... _ going ❑ 8..1916..._......__.........._. Fl Adopt d bY,Lril 9, 19161.APr 5. To state whether or not said ul; Approves (April io-191s) �tition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•egc ssloiier of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._......._..... ..........li.....:..191._�� Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far Approvedash _......_....._................_......._......_._.........................Mayor Mayor. Petition Council File No......._. ...... . ................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and pRELnMNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following le improvement by the itY Of St. Pau . 1, viz.: Gra&e. alley running nor.th and... in Block -.1- . rlam Vark 3r&-.Ad&ition-, in aoo.ordanoe-With-pet.- lan bqreto,_alta d . . .. . ..... ........ ....... .......... .. ... ................... ...... .............................. ........................................... . .. ....................... - ............................................ ......... . I ................................ ................. ...... ....... .......... ....................... .................. ................. .............. ... ............................. . ........ . .. Dated this day of............_. .......... ...... .........191 ............................. .. ... ................... ... - .- ... ......... ............ .............. Councilman. PRELIMNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the 6110-hig improvement, viz.: ....................................... GrAAA &11. NY- 7- A.. n. n In Oog-t.la.. 31.0-ok 1 Merriam Fark...3rL-AddItion. ....... ...... ........ .... .. ........ -- ............. ... C. V. No. 4379— . ................. . .. .... . Whereas, " propos —y -alfar the d . ... alt...ofthefollowingmt ... .. . VIS: Grade one,ra.aIn. north and! South in BI I Alorriam P rk 3rd ,I.., ha'?�"!' a Addl g been pr t Council of presented to he. ............... ........... ................................... ................. ..................................... . ... the City of Steent .......... ...................................... ............ fore, be It Peal the, - Resolved, That the Ccuuml.0 risr' man .................. Public Works be and he Is hereby oo man..._._ .................. . ..................... . ................. tiered and having been presented to the Councit 1. To J.vsstl.nie the necessity for! therefore, be it or desirability of the making of saidl Improvement. RESOLVED, That the Cormnissi S inns To investigate the I nature. eottont(liereby ordered and directed: .. it mated ... t cosi 3. d t?,tal cost thereof. said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity T,' farhn'Is4 a plan, profile r Sketch of said Improvement t, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, e , 4. To furnish the following a an the data Information relative to .,g)rovemen Improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or 5. To state whether or not Said im-1 provement Is asked for on the petitkyno ,l,d furnish tjl(� following otl ofteror more said improvement:....__...........___ .................. 4. go . To report upon all of the fore - Ing inlatters oto the Commissioner of t..nce. ............. . . .... .. . ................... . ............ .................. .... ... ............. ................. . ..........................Ad OPtV by the Council A A PPrO ed April l9i 1915. ) prH 8, 1916.0 petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not sa (Apri 0-1915 ler of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the f Adopted by the Council ............. . 16.....:..::.....191......._Nays: Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved .... ................ Keller 3keolir atsm� Bash .............. toerg ................... 4.. ..., ................. S ........................ . .......... Mayer. . . .. .. Mayor Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject:. __ _ .......... - .......:... couHctL vas AI -38.0. N1 .......... Date Presented..............—191 ........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date April 7th, 1915, by and between the Washington Foundry Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing 100 manhole Covers, 50 frames and covers, and 60 square catchbasin grates, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. u 0 Yeas (1'') CCo cilmen (i') Nays �jFa worth y� In favor e r _Against gMr. 4siden Powers I C F. No. 4380— ontr¢et bearing li Resolved. That the and between dais April 7th, 1911. by Company the 1'l'ashingt f Str Pnnirfor furnish - n(1100 Ca hole covers, 50 frame. ¢nd i Ing and 00 square atchbas, overs, nd the 90.me le hereby ap- grates, bu t city ot[tcers proved, nd the proper Y are authorizedanddiroctrd to execute the same on Uehnlf of the. City. \dopted UY the Council April 8,.1915. Approved April 9'1915. (April 10-1915) Adopted by the Council _L� -� 91r Approved 191 [i~ tl'bdiS L.J �`P.u°•J�- - �.-_ _... _. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:....._ ... _ _.. _ ._..._ ......COUNCIL a FILENo ..... .... ..... .............. Date Presented.....-...._.___:...._. __._........_Igi........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date April 7th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Foundry Company and the City of St. Paul for the pur- chase of 40 round catch -basin framoes and grates; 40 square catch - basin frames and grates; 30 catohbasin lids; and 30 hoods and hinges, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. r Yeas (r) C ilmen ( V) Nays ar worth o In favor Ke r Y rg Mr. Preen Powers .p e.a-z C. F. No. 4381— ResApril Thn[ the contract b t—ri .. date April 7th, 1916. by and b and 1" j the St. Paul Foundry Company as the' City of St. Paul for the Purchase of', 40 rou d reteh-basin frames and grates; 40 squareteh-basin frames anti grates; 20 rstrhbasin lids; and 20 hoods and hinges, be nd the same is hereby approved. and ache proper Ity otffcers •e n.,horizedand. directed to; ezeoute the sameon. behalf of the City.i Adopted 1, the Coun oil April 8, 1916. Approved April 9. 1916. (April 10-1916) Adopted by the Council 19 1 Approved 7 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL i + COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ss- Subject:- CounuL w� ^ - FILE NO ..................................... ....�.......... .......................... Date Presented-.....:.._ ___.._............._ .__........._I91._......_ i Resolved, at the application of George Goldbloom for a license to conduct a motion picture theatre at corner of Fairfield and Eaton Avenues be and it hereby is granted and thA City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the pay— ment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, $50.00 C. F. No. 4381-13y Henry McColl— Resolved, That the application of George Goldbloom for a license to con- duct, i educt, tion picture theatre at cue -i of Fn(raeld and .,on avenues be ed It hereby Is granted and the City;! Clerk is instructed to Issue such --ll-. cense for one year upon the payment' Into the City Treasury t the tom -1 ary. fee, $90.00. Adopted by the, Council April 8, 1919.' Approved April 9, 1910. (April 10-1915) Yeas (V) Cou "" (P) Nays "Far worth Cos In favor -Kel r 7 -Mc oil �pi, e- _Against A'o S J•"�_ Mr. Presiders , Owers Adopted by the Council .. 191-4 APprov 4383 001� `Ii �ry_� P An 'ordinance appropriating the sum of Six Thousand, Sixty Dollars (06,00.00) out of the Park Bond Fund, for the purpose of constructing approaches to the new green -house at Como Park. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Six Thousand, Sixty Dollars (06,060.00) be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart AQr—e,d- A— a -2w out of the Park ft=d Fund ^ for the purpose of constructing approaches to the new green -house at Como Park, and the C6mptroller of said City is hereby authorized and directed to transfer said amount out of said fund for the purpose aforesaid. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. LtDY Y00, ed by "the ;4 A Nam Mr, rarp worth ki ' 4 r —�7 Roo, Nas Ways, 0 Mr. Ptq dent (Powers) ".4 " I i N An ordinance appropriating the sum of Eighteen Thousand, Eight Hundred Twenty-one Dollars ($18,821.00) out of the Park $Wnd Fund, for the purpose of improving Wheelock Parkway. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Eighteen Thousand, Eight Hundred Twenty-one Dollars ($x18,821.00) be and the same is hereby appropri- ated and set apart out of the Park Bond -Fund A for the purpose of im- proving Wheelock Parkway, and the Comptroller of said City is hereby authorized and directed to transfer said amount out of said fund for the purpose aforesaid. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publicatio+xc: F. xp. 43sa-oealnaace; x' 34x9 p g 1 Y Loufs Nash— . A ordinance approprlatthd m„ the suof, ,Elghl,ea Thousand. Elght'B;undredl :.Twenty-oae.-I, is a (E18,821.d0) -out of the Pak Bond Fund,<for the par's :po of 1 pr, Ing1 Wheelock park 'j� ! i I TIWeaC uac11 of theSt City. of Pav11 i /+ 1 u % 'doe ordai �% �� ' SECTION 1: + 1 ` !! That th s f Eighteen Th sand E1gbt Hund ed Twe ty-one D ll r; ($18,821.00) ba and the same 1 her b Z - approp lated and set apart%out of the! 7 �` Park Fund derived from Eond Sales( fo :the purpose oP improvinggro, Whfw.al r Clty lsaherebY: autaoczed and, direoiea di /iJ+G �! to transfer said amnt out of eafd. fund for tae pou urpose aYareanld. 11 Tuts ordinance shall take street sad Passed by the COunCil be In tore, thirty aaya after its pas sage -and publicatio . Passed byz the;Oouncll Aps'll 23 19itj ' Yeas Messrs:! Farnsworth Goss,j Yeas Nays Kelleq IMcCoil; Nash, Yoerg, Mr Prest. ,ent, (Power.Y—.Y ` App oved Aprll 24 1916. ! Mr. Farnsworth wsx PGWEBs Mayor G088 Attesf` SOHN S FARSCY Keller (MaY 1-1916)Clty Clerk .j McColl — Nash Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers)- ✓0�� APprov �iAt y Mayor. oil, pki�I.i51s'E��-- 4385 f' 4385 An ordinance appropriating the sum of pTwenty Thousand Dollars ($20,0.00.00) out of the Park Bond da for the improve i ror2�°s l��dec.�i mens of Mounds Park Boulevard,.sv=eailQd� � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDA��� • z:ZAk (/ : Section 1. That the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars (020,000.00) be and the same is herebyappropriated aDd set apart out of the Park Fund for the purpose of improving Mounds P k Boulevard, so-called and -the Comptrolldr of said Ci y is. eby authorized and directed to transfer said amount out of said fund for the purpose aforesaid. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publics, g�P, s -s 4a—s6=o�dlnaaae Nn sans hLouls Nash� ,An qr 11nance apProprtating the awn of .Twenty Thousand Dollars ; ($20000 00)'but of the Park Bond ld+'vndi improv m n hot Movads Pa kfBoUlee -�`� 1`'`tr� 2"s�d< weed for thee tmPr 9em7enOC of Johpe j. son Parkway i ^ l� The Council of she City oL- 3t. Yap1 does ordalnSDCTTOIQ�. That th s m of Twenty Tho nd p Dollars ($2000000> be and the same 19 fhereby prU p Sat d and set allari ont f the Park Fund derided "gom Bony P G�f zG• Lea't� Sol a of -improv 0 to"be used, ftir- tha Pur fPoae of -call6 ;v s Movndd Park $dole p,, dard f oo ca11eQ -and $7 600 00 hoe Passed by the 00=oil oa ,j? or vay,. ae of im rized eon �Parkwe3 and the �amptrolle�, of aeld Clty ie he epY suthor�zed and dsr F r cted to tr not r said amon L ont at L e Sd 4u d fpr thnc.e pv pose of r said. / 7 5" Yeas Nays Ilhle o d1 .all, :eft b .fYhirtY daYalnafterit t_ Dettd 1„ MT • 'Farnsworth ease and bu' the Passed by the CovnciL April 27 1916 WgS'_ I Yeas—llfesera Fa noworth Gpya,gg Keller Seller. McColl, Naeh Yoerg Mr Preel dent", (Powers) -7 *Coll Nags -0 Appr Ved Aprll 28 1916 WINN POF91aY ^# 095 Attest aoaN 1: FAR C_6i cl c " Nays, O MT. President (Powers)y11=16' Ap 915 A�� 1 An ordinance appropriating the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00) out of the Park Bond Fund,.for the purpose of acquiring the necessary lands for the proposed Prospect Boulevard, so-called. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00) be and the same is hereby appropriated and set apart &. io d,— fiend S - ad out of the Park Bpd Fund 11for the purpose of acquiring the neoes- sary lands for the proposed Prospect Boulevard, so-called, and the Comptroller of the City is hereby authorized and directed to trans- fer said amount out of said fund for the purpose aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and I f Passed by the Council Yeas, Nays, Mr. Farnsworth Goss Keller M00011 Nash Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) R �tJI. Cjty Ci ' �k, Mayor. 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........... _...... - ........_. COUNCIL 's FILENO...... ..... 4387 .. ... Date Presented.......:. April....... 8..,... ..... 191...5.. Subject•. - .._.._... An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) to aid in meeting the expense of,paving with oreosoted wood blocks, the #Wlintersection of Smith Ave., Ramsey St. and Thompson Ave. SECTION I There 1s hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Street Intersection Account of the Street Construction & Repair Fund, the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) to aid in paying the cost of paving the street intersection of Smith Ave., Ramsey St. and Thompson Ave., all in accordance with the Final Order for such improvement passed by the Council and approved March 3rd, 1916. SECTION 2 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days • after its passage and publioat; �..^ �- fy,i �G. I- C F No: 4387—Ordinance No. 3491-1 sy td. N. "" A ordinancenppr.priating the sum f Six Hundred, Dollars nee .00). to nid In meeting the exp. se f paving with creosoted 'w od block., the street later seotion of Smith avenue, Ramseystreet and Thompson eve - i ed /! r✓ - f' dory' j .,-. nue, SECTION 1. There u hereby set reeds and appo-. prlated out or the Street Intersection Account of the Street Construction and. Repair Fund the euro of Slx Hundred Doll... ($600 00) to nid 1. paying the . cost sof paving the treet lnterseotion'. of, Smith avenue, Rnm1, street and Thompson avenue, .all In accordance with theFlnal Ordor for euch'lmprove- meatpa¢eed. by the Council and ap -proved'March 3rd. 1916.: - SECTION 2.'. •: This Ordinance, shall take effect and j Rio In'force thirty day. after Its P --- sage and publication. Adopted. by the Councll.Aprii 23, 1916. Yea _Messrs. Farnsworth, Goss. Keller. McColl, Naeh,. Yoerg, DIr: Presl- Yeas (1") Councilmen (T) Nays dent (Powers) -7. Nays—o: i Approved April 24, 1916. Council � _ 3 191✓ SVINN POWERS, Farnsworth Mayor. GOSS Attest: JOHN L. FARICY. __. In favor', t City -Clerk. Keller I. (May 1-1916) McColl _� ___Against Nab, L� Mr. President, Powers 7 Yoerg !,tel&ba - - MAlOR iORM c.a-2 '1%� tl r b 1S /lrV I 4s9t ,fes qq8 Al / e An ordinance authorizing and permitting the L. A. Baumgartner Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain a temporary track awc on the east side of Raymond Avenue between �4�i=Birset and the north line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company's Right of Way, for the purpose of conveying and depositing dirt on Ray - mond Avenue, and to deposit dirt on said Avenue between said North line of said Right of Way and Wabash Avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the L. A. Baumgartner Company, a corporation, to construct and main- tain a temporary track on the east aide of Raymond Avenue between /I g„ Gfff ���4 .-�ra�t and the north line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, for the purpose of conveying and depositing dirt on Raymond Avenue between the north line of said railway and Wabash Avenue, and to deposit dirt on said Avenue between the points last aforesaid. Section 2. The aforesaid permission and authority are here- by granted upon and expressly subject to the following conditionp and the Commissioner of Public Works may issue a permit upon compliance therewith: (1) That the said track shall be constructed and the said dirt deposited under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection. (2)That said track shall be laid in such manner as not to interfere with any public travel upon said street, and the dirt shall be deposited and distributed as directed by said Commissioner. (3) That said licensee shall before entering upon said street or doing any of said work, execute and deliver a bond to the City of St.Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) conditioned to comply with the conditions of this ordinance and save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on , account of or arising or growing out of the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of sai6 track, and the deposit of dirt on said street, including any damages or claims for damage by abutting owners in consequence thereof. That said bond s al be 1n such form as may be approved by the Corpwration Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said track shall be taken up and removed from said street, whenever said Commissioner shall so order. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and file the bond herein required before the permit is issued. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council 1915. Yeas Nays Mr. Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Nash Yoerg Mr. President (Powers) Nays, 0 Approved ____ 1915. Mayor. OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK ::ril 3t h,1915 . Hon. 11.11. :"o, c Gower. of Public 'forks, city of aul, Minn. Doz 3 r.- Att chod Ordinance, c. I'. 4388-, gr=Un;- r rclission to L. A. *Ia mq; r'.:,tc conacruct z termoresy tr.xlc on Raymorc: !,vonuo, -CELS laid Ivor by no Council to tlppii 15,.,,j, 1915 for its zecoad roadie;, and, Lit, your roq.iest, ref"-xred 'Lo you. yec,)octfu' ly, City 01e:Ic- L OFFICE OF JOHN I.FA-RICY, CITY CLERK Hon. 'hoz_ Cos.:_r. of Works, City of it P :-,ul, ;Sin::. 50 T -.—r to co;.s',rac' a tr:.c`. on Rn, -0 1it cvc- by the.. it -to April 15'h, 1911 for il sccor.r. ro 11n.-, 0 coc rof_r' Cu ,3 Yca. Re f city T. ci f CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject-. - _... CoUENCIL NFtL.. .. .... j .�l.r. ..– -. .. d r'oly 43s¢- t._. ..........._.. ......: ..... .............................._._. .........__..J Resolved. Tfint the bondof Arthur F --n ne Supt. of the Auditorium � B 11th - in the sum of $5,000.00 wlth date Presented --- - -- Natio Surety Company ----I91......-. the nal ae Surety. approved as to form bythe 4 Corporation Counsel as to form and cution Is Hereby approved. t X.ldopt ed by the Coanrll April H, 1915. Approved April 9. 1915. (April 10-1915) Resolved, the bond of Arthur F.Morton as Sint of the Auditorium 1,uileing in the elm of A5.000.00 with the 'ia+,ional Surety Company as Surety,aprroved as toform by the corporation ,ounsel as to form and execution is hereby bpprbved. Yeas (I") Coun -IR (P) Nays Adopted by the Council 196 Far worth Gos _ In favor 191 Kel r LL Approved - Mc oil o 8 .Against � �6 Y __ Mwoa O Mr. President, Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL 90 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1.3In. he matter of paying_.Le>E.Lngton._avenue. ___ . .._ ..... Subject: - cou w� FILE IVO. ................. .. a........ ...... ..f.- 4m-...P.W. MIt avanue A.0 Como. ....... ....... __......-.-........._...__...... ........ _.... ... Date Presented .. 1 I91....._.... In the matter of Pn.vinC Lexington r-vc. from Su:-Init. "+ve. to Como P.._rlc to- �seFaetF, WFEREAS, A petition of remonstrance against said improvement has heretofore been filed with the Council, which petition and the necessity for said improvement have been duly and carefully con- sidered; now therefore, after such consideration, RESOLVED, That said improvement is hereby declared to be a public necessity. Yeas W) `) Collmen (P) Nays ^. C r. No. 090— Lexl 6to0 it Av ]Comon the rtfatter of Ave. [tom Summa Ave. to I i. Park. A uetl tion of remon- Wherea¢, Id ImProvoment hag' trance sgains[ heretofore been al ed theth the 'CY nfor} which Petition .t Rave aw �e duly and i lmprovemen t therefore, ry t carefuelY coneld ered: 5 after uch constderatlon' ment'Is ' d Resolved, Thnt saiImP ubllc necesr' hereby declared to be ¢ P �y elty. the Council Apr. 9, 1916. t Adopted Ry ]o. 1916. Appl'oved Apr. . (Aprn 11-1916) Adopted by the Council L,% hS� Appro ,, d 91 J r 1 In favor l J1Farworth j Against Mr. Preers ^. C r. No. 090— Lexl 6to0 it Av ]Comon the rtfatter of Ave. [tom Summa Ave. to I i. Park. A uetl tion of remon- Wherea¢, Id ImProvoment hag' trance sgains[ heretofore been al ed theth the 'CY nfor} which Petition .t Rave aw �e duly and i lmprovemen t therefore, ry t carefuelY coneld ered: 5 after uch constderatlon' ment'Is ' d Resolved, Thnt saiImP ubllc necesr' hereby declared to be ¢ P �y elty. the Council Apr. 9, 1916. t Adopted Ry ]o. 1916. Appl'oved Apr. . (Aprn 11-1916) Adopted by the Council L,% hS� Appro ,, d 91 J r J �thec _. ..... YEAS. NAYS. � /C- IVIR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER ()ll McCOLL V . NASH S, NAYS, 0 ��oERG RESIDENT (POWERS) !I Adopted by the Council.'........._ ..... ....:........_...............................191 N Yews. AYS. Y MR.FARNSWORTH GOSS (CELLER _ 0 �JV/McCOLL z NASH Q (A ERG NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) Adopted by the Coeoctf... NAYS. YEAS. ll MR. FARNSWORTH U GOSS 0 KELLER "ASHC/ HV ASH e.RRFSIDENT OERG NAYS. 0 (POWERS) Adopted by the YEAS. NAYS. MR. FARNSURTH , // GOSS �J KKELLER /WCOLL (-/NNASSH �Yc)E.RG NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) 191 1 ACX- ✓'' ..✓� n L Adapted by the council ................. . .............191 YEAS. NAYS. MR. FARNSWr;IORTH U GOSS KELLER (/ wcOLL rI /NASH V C,-YOERG NAYS, 0 MV PRESIDENT (POWERS) Adopted by the Council .......... .................._........_ ....._............ ...191 YEAS NAYS. (/ �,G'OSS smARNSWORTH /�ELLER V cCOLL NASH YOERG NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) f_� COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the blatter of Pe.V-irA-9 Lexir.gton Avenue_ from SUMIILit kve1-a;e to Como Pax -k,. toget�i,er with t"ie necessar� sjiser water anda r 'i ons I rom i�e street mains to eer y .melts,. nota.TrUaRy" a_sP a E116;i and velvav ApTroaches, under Preliminary Order -3176. approved 1)ecembe.r intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said Citv is To',eve Le%in,7+on :fron, Su -nil to 'Jnii.,crsity :.v nue 2,.1 Ionlerf ,:I to D T to nine creosoted-.,'ccks, 4C f��,t I'D Col.no Pf^rk with concrete, FO foot rontdrny; to-etlxi- tj'.c e c c e W tEir, end co cct-'O:-'s the ctreet tl-.e Y .T,, de . rested to prepare plans and specifications for said improveirieDt, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council P 191 y k. FINAL ORDER. C. F No. 4391— Ap ro ed In the Matter of Paving Lexington —nue from summit avenue to Corn. Park together with the necessary water and gas c.a.ecti.s from the street mains to the prop- Allay -or. efty line where not already Made, also all alley and driveway ap- proaches, p p roaches, under Pr ninary Order 3176, approved De 'r 22.d. 1914.1 hear,.. lmjrltq� A been had d Councilman u Councilman Fa sworth npubl above Improvement Far S P0 tho t U. - due notice, and the Council h.V'I.g heard all persons, bjccti r Go a mendations relative thereto, an� having fully considered the same; therefore, ' be it Resolved. By the Council of the City at St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Improvement to ],a M 11 made by the said City Is to pave Lex - last n Ave. from Summit Are. to Unl- !.w -oadway; and to pave Lexington %.Vs. .veralty avenue With 3%" long leaf yel- low creosoted blacks, 40 foot Nasb fromU.ir'tsity Ave. to Como Park with asphalt concrete, 40 -toot road- " w` Yo ' toget er with the cc.,.rsc�r, w other and gas c. n nnectiony s from the street mains to the property lines 'o mpl ete, where not already Mayor Po :r made and the Council hereby ordersl said improvement to be made. For. B. S. A. 8-7rallesolved Further, That the C Issioner of Public Works be and he 11 her instructed and directed to ' c cr:by Jan. and c eel flc.t Imt, for P P s Mu .Me ..I improvement, d p submit the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hcrc.y mlhorl.cd and direct" to proceed with the making of 'I p rov sm ent I� e,c.r once the to. th� Adopted b, the Council A Ppr. v, -d Aar. 10 ' 1915. Apr 11 17-1915 W :! CITY OF 5T. PAUL } DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE =* REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANC � ON iyR✓rLIMINARY ORDER -- r LOT BLOCK ------------------- --q-------- c------------------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order approved ------ u�--�Ll-��-------------- ------------ ASSESSED VALUATION To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ —-------------- --"— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $----- ""--'—:------" Sandlime brick 1220,094.4-1-- 220,094.47-Granite Granite216,350.82 10.45 Sandstone 192,650.62 3z" Creosoted Block—169,150.82r--- 6.31 8.1? Brick 156;850.82 7.58 Asphalt 136,150.82 6.58 Asphalt Concrete 106,350.82 5.14 4.52 Asphalt Macadam 93,500.82 3.78 Macadam 78,300:82 Concrete 94,650.82 4.57 Where curb is not in ali 460 to avove cost per front foot for cement, curb to be constructed. . '"here house servic8 connections are not, in, aid for each lot: For serve^, ei+,he^ side of stre^t $72.50 50.00 For water, 3/4" W. side of street For water, 3/4" T'. Sine of street 80.00 For ?as, 77. side of street 24.00 _ For gas, F. side of street 12.00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTIONp LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION d o� /0 c � V"I � 4113�I` 4110lfu-- l cr, !J -10"MBSA. B -OA TOTAL, a r U V ,L r I- _ CITY OF 57. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,P z ' I I R&PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - V AI�fUATIQf1� ((pp ��JJ ,, Gr /G G/ as �l O O l 7z '9'/7 e poll / ` �� ifs♦a GaL U U / uo .. - TOTAL onrn e.s.n. es e - 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ..rcr I 1 N LOT BLOCK ADDITION A ffil 41I � llllui1�fi!(1�i� ti� 12 A ASSESSED VALUATIO .Z) o a a fl ,�u.> /' to o�1t r% 0 a d k7 5 G.� �L' TOTAL.FORM 0-A. e 5 B lliJ I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE +' + REPORT OF 09MMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION /S 3v• �'�( `x H 7 '(a 7 TOTAL, ASSESSED I'LL! I' ! /.7 PZ //&L) .3o .7 C7 17-- o 7UU 6'0 .7z�') . v f 127,��� '(a 7 TOTAL, ASSESSED I'LL! I' ! /.7 PZ //&L) .3o .7 C7 17-- o 7UU 6'0 .7z�') . v f CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY'pF(DER i 11 11 (e) d ASSESSED '- LOT BLOCK ADDITION g7U/�TION� DESCRIPTION - /��jj //77 IV 7L) kli, a'eql�vl -7d o do C(0 jo / a a� :Jo 4 �O GL�L) �f uL 1 I� /`�/ ,� a� ����d .�[•fh> .J l TOTAL llllll`//OPMwBµS.P e�e e CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOTBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED yA LI _TI?,lf, ao a) a.-<<( r � � � `✓a�CiJa�i� �u���lrw- <T���J� LCB o -7 do o: f 'j Q9a 7/7 f y 4: ( z l/ 17k �l r%Q�t�,l>� �. j 7 l a y s j �S 'Vv C �yall -1114 / 9 _7 .7 d'�d DL.? O d D 71 Ju TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL 7 ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE n <� REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED U�/+`T'IT /t `u O 1 t ✓ `Q .d ? J� X a7 TOTAL. ( / CITY OF T. PAU)- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' f a. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A"rte 73 / �[ �U J If Q0 Cctit 7.T �r 7J CST 73 /7�it� � sv all l6,o l / u ell l l v ' TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE do + ' s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT eIOCK ADDITION �%ION��� ' 7 d° 1( ell /G s� all AI O U all / f az __._... - TOTAL, IOPM B.S.A. 05 B CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 ' s + t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER-,OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - " DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA%UPfTIC)N V L ` 7 / / J zc° J �� L(o / a✓ � �U ��j `'Co y L .� ✓ � c- L U J U e /"7 `l0 lD d �ell / 1 S 1c� J. all LID d. 7.z 1) C16 ..� roam as.n. es e TOTAL.✓' .� .1 . Q. y .. _ CITY OF ST: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 ` r 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER X (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 7z� 766 or C,ro ,d� 1 sed Zd� -T all, a y� � -611 q1. y C LQ J y 07/ u o CCle l! t ° • �1C��� or �,j� , c � /�!-� Cif L1 . /y �' �'• J a7 f �r'z .i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 11 /- -7 ._.-....191 Dated---- ._ /{-......__.._....._. Commissioner of Finance. CORM B.9.A. 90 C �, ��11 �!�`�,�i ROBERT T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY C09510— OSCAR CLAUSSEN, ", Exeixeen J. E. CARROLL. SUPT. CUxslnue & R11-1 ALFRED JACKSON, SUPT. S-11�T x G. H. HERROLD, Orrice EMOu- H. W. GOETZINGER, SUP.. Woxxx — CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPART■`ENT OF PU BAC, WORKS , M. N. BOSS, COMMISSIONER St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 18, 1915. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for tihe paving of Lexington Ave. from Summit Ave. to Como Park, in accordance with Council File #3176, approved Dec. 22, 1914. Assessable frontage 20,703 ft. NOTE No sewer in from Van Buren to Front Ste. 7 blks. No sewer in from University to Rondo " 4 " No sewer in on Carroll Ave. KIND OF PAVING I EPROXIMATE ESTIMATE [COST PER FRONT FOOT fr Y Sandlime brick $220,043d -o.59 010.63 Granite 216,300.00 10.44 Sandstone 192,600.00 9.27 32" Creosoted Block 169,100.00 8.17 Briok 166,800.00 7.57 Asphalt 1361100.00 6.57 Asphalt Concrete 106,300.00 5.14 Asphalt Macadam 93,450.00 4.52 Macadam 78,250.00 3.78 Concrete 94,600.00 4.56 Where curb is not in add 46V to above cost per front foot for cement curb to be constructed. Where house service connections are not in,add for each lot: For sewer, a ther side of street 072.50 For water, 314" W. side of street 50.00 For water, 314" E. side of street 80.00 For gas, W. side of street 24.00 For gas, E. side of street 12.00 Respectfully submitted, `8". Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance m J_e nuar.X.. l°.,_...`. _. . 5_• To the Couuuissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Connuissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the, preliminary order of the Coun• 3176 loved DBC.32 t.._ ..................._.._191.4..., relative to ..._the......_ ell, known as Council File No.._............_............_..alp' .................... _ ........ . g .............. __...._.._.._........... ..... _...................................................................... _ .... .........._........................__...... pavin of Lexin to Ave. from Summit Ave. to Como ...... g........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... ...... ..... ._.necessary and (or) desirable. • YXXX..._...._...., and • XXXXX._..., quid the total cost thereof is $ •L. The estimated cost thereof is �....--...-..— the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .------- ...._........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -4........................_........_._......._......._.............._.........................._.... _........................ ........._........ _.. _. _._..._.._._ ............._..._._.......................... ............._ _... o. Said improvement is..- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. m Comm sioner f Public Works. �l CgUNCIL FILE NO. Ca{✓ BY FINAL ORDER. IntheMatterof Paving.F3st Sixth etre t.`_ron... as.t en.i_of Sixth s r.:se.t_. Bri3ge t the "est 'iae f 3o,e street ' r wi h the c' sary Serer water an� vas crnn �tion.s frog the strbet Yaz s to tie prol �te linea oor.;plete wage nofi already rade. Also all Alley and , rj•,e^ay AFrjac..es, under Preliminary Order 31,213 __. _ approved janlAZry- 7th, 1915, Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paulmt the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement _Te i C O S xth Street to be made by the said City is r" S t fh street e't f a. t *rd ^ f G. e """t 14 e f "ore r'- *O7Pt er ,1 h lie rev �9 p., P�"er Br'9�e , +r r s t the rro e eiy �inpa oa,� rn _ s conn c #y c^s rete die s .i corrx9a; xera_..?o a'lreai} ar:a3e.-dso-P.`�.v ar. T7rive lay reac..2s,. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner or Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and s ,ecifications, for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; t that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __..__ . ., 191 City Clerk. Approved . 191 _ _. 1lfavm•. Councilman Farnsworth e , Goss " Keller b McColl Proaeedin s i O'Leary o Yoerg JO&W, If �✓�IaI Mayor Powersi}o. Porro B. S. A. 8.7 - -------- --------------------- -- - under Preliminary Order approved ij To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is KIND OF PAVING OOT. San dlime brick $36,570.78 35,978.04 37.86 7.76 Granite Sandstone 31,927.65 6.90 6.03 3 creosoted "look 27,976.05 25,901-46 58 5 Brick 22,345.02 Asphalt 17,105.52 4-:82 3.69 Asphalt concrete r Asphalt macadam 151132.14 3.26 3.73 Macadam? 12,663.60 15,429.72 3.33 Concrete There curb is not in, -add 460 to ab, 0,0e cost per front foot for cement curb. connections are not in, add for each -lot; '"here house service For suer, either side of street $27.50 21.00 For water, 3/4" F. side of stre':t ie of Street 3/4" W. side 35.00 For water, F. side of street 7.00 For gas, Of st-rest 5.50. ,Fo;_Sas, The lots or parcels of land that may be asse ssed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /3 -7 D 0 Ido 0 Z/ "yo N TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE �` ► REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONI ASSESSED VAL ATION r� � o _ I l •`j �`% CSC ,<<� o0 ' S v S � 01, L2 c v / f-0 '/ 7 0 o 061 roer+e.a.w. a�a a TOTAL. R 0 l� CITY, OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .j DESCRIPTION. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALtUgT(r F(�� (Gad y �Fl-�� jjriT�Lo (,�l:��i✓�c�� Ao - f s� a o Q lb5 �� S 4 �t� o2 O , 2- �- i, t, z'n Ld �b to 1 6 5 ronrn u.5 A. a -e e TOTAL. U I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER / tee ASSESSED LOT BLOCK` ADDITION VALUATIO N DESCRIPTION 49• j 6i- t L,,o o / z p 1 TOTAL. ronK e.e.w. e•e e CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, 0 s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION r ASSESSED VALUATION lu "iC'D U ch 110 o o o C� Cl0 /1-U Gl , Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ _ - 191 � ..�% .% / %:� Dated __ _ __.__. Commissioner of Finance. FORM a.9.A. 8-3 C � 7 Office of the Comp, v* ioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Januar 19.,.... _:....._...191.. 5.• ........... ............._Y............ . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......_3323 January 71,11- 5 the ' upproved...__...._......._.....__..............__....._..._7.97_......., rFlative tn......._...._...... paving of East Sixth Street from east end of Sixth St. bridge to ...................... ..._............ .__........................_................._......_........... ........_....._. ... .... _ .......... west line of Hope Street. _....._ _.. and liaviiiR investigated the niatters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. and the total cost thereof is �_....._r?:X Z. The estimated cost thereof is $........XX.x ..........._...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... .. __... .................. _.. .......... ... .................... A 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. a. Said improvement is........_not........._..asked for upon petition of three or mote owners of property, subject to assessn;ent for said improvement. / Qla,issioner of Public Works. iJ ROBERT T. GOURLEY. D-- Coua11 1 1 1"', OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E—.1'. _ J. E. CARROLL. SUPT. Coxsru— & ALFRED JACKSON, SUPT. SRR1-11- G. H. HERROLO. O«ic[ --ER H. W GOETZINGER, 5Uor. W��u xr nUSE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MSV. GOSS. COMMISSIONER St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 18, 1915. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public. Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of East Sixth St. from east end of Sixth St. bridge to west line of Hope St., in accordance with Council File #3323, approved Jan. 7, 1915. Assessable frontage 4,639 ft. NOTE: mom Bridge to Maria Ave. 40 ft. roadway " Maria Ave. to Hope St. 32 ft. roadway BIND OF PAVING (APPROXIMATE ESTITUTDICOST PER FRONT FOOT u Sandlime brick $36,5521.30 $7.88 Granite 35,959.56 7.75 Sandstone 31,909.17 6.90 3j" Creosoted Block 27,957.57 6.03 Brick 26,882.98 5.58 Asphalt 22,326.54 4.81 Asphalt concrete 17,087.04 3.68 Asphalt macadam 15,113.66 3.26 gacadam 12,645.12 2.73' ®K Concrete 16,411.24 3.32 Where curb 1s not in, add 46¢ to above cost per front foot for cement curb. Where house service connections are not in, add for each lot; For sewer, either side of street $27.50 For water, 3/4" E. side of street 21.00 For water, 374" W. side of street 35.00 For gas, E. side of street 7.00 For gas, W. side of street 5.50 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. • h - Colmeif Pile No ....... . ... ...... ... % PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the nudting of thr 1'ollotviu 111 Raul, vi..: Pay..e_the. _alley-..in.._8l.ock....I Hal petition hereto attached.__.._ _.___. ...... ........._.._.. Dated this 8th.___da f_ flP �..___ _....... Petition improvement 4- y y of 'it. ice.. with Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDE . wilrRrAR, A writiro proposuPfor the malting of thr follotting imp oveuteut .: Pave the alley in_.B1ock 1Haldeman'e `Additioxt. _....._ . PRELIMINARY ORDERS. ... ..... C F. No. 4393— .. ....._.. .. _.. fee making of the tollowfng mpro ementll vin: Pave the alley in Block 1, Holds-' ---- - - man's Addition, having been re, be presented tf tohethe Council of the City of St Paul, {refoit Resolved, That the Commiseloner of man _.. _...__.._ ._......_...... - ......... .._.. .., 1111v111g been p]'CSCIItCd t0 t11C (:Olill/j public works be and he 10 hereby or dared xnd directed: therefore, he it 1. To lnveallS.te the See ... lty for r doventent;blIlty of the making of Bald lmprovemene: hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, ll, That the ComntisE„13. To tnyeatlgate the nature, extent •dna Intlblatea too., of aal l improve- F said improvement. 1. TO investigate the BCcessitj moot, and the total coat thereof. P j sketch �ottSaid improvvement°roale or proventent, and the total cost thereof. 2. 'I,o investigate the nature, 4. To furnlsh the following other data and Information relatt, to said Improvement. :3. Cn flll'lllsll a pilin, prOi11C O', I. To State whether or not said !ID - j provament le asked for on the petltlon n said improvement; ......_._...._ 4. To hirnivh lir follotvulg o of three or more'o—ra. 6. To report upon all of the fore- going matter. to the Commlealaner of ._........ Flounce. ... .. ... .................... ..._.......... - ”"' -'"""" - Adopted by the Council Apr, 9, 1916. .), l0 state whether OI• not s Approved 10, 1916. C petition Of three Or more owners. (April 17-1916) 6. To report upon all of the fm•rgning matters o le :omnussin ler of Finance. i Adopted by the Council_........__._..._ aPR...... _....1.�.,.S..3s1...._... Fens: Mays: Couuc hums F. lswortil G Approved . . _...__ er t ,oil. Nash t. / 1•g - ... ..... .. ...... ........... Mayor P vers 3lnyor. Council File No..._ .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Petition The lludersigned hereby proposes the slaking of the following pub ' • improvement by th w2dAdditi'i:ty of "..t.... l.. '...._fr=.Paeoato Ynnl, moi,.: . Saratoga Ave., in aocordane-e with pet _ _on hereto at _.v1?.ed.._.... _... ..... 1)aled this 8th day of..... .._ __191....6.. , .__......_...._......._...._...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the sinking of the follolving in9prOWIllent, viz__ _Grade.elley_3ummit__Aye, .2nd_A WO.I.,__.f.r.om. Pa�.o.a.1..A3.e... t.o....Saratoga_Ave. ...._..........._......_........._...._.. . - -- 1 C. F. No 4394— Whereas. A written ng Im r for nt, he ............ _......1,I.. G of the following I Ave.2nmen[.-- - vis: Grade alley Summit ve. 2nd Ad- dition, from Pascal Ave. to e Saratogaoga A having been presented to the ....._.... .._...._._ _......_ ---- - "! Cou eft of the City of St. Paul there- fore. here- f Resolved, That the Commissioner of haying heed presented to the Council gP bled oc Works be and he is hereby or- , r- J derand directed: J I. To Investigate the necessity for therefore be it f or desirability of the making of Bald l lmprovemene. reb ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Comnlissiorl 2. To Investluuts the nature, extent y and estimated cost of said improve- . TO investigate the IICCCS91tj' fee runt, and the total cast thereof. aid Iltlp7'OV Clnellt. g 7 -B. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of anld Improvement Iovenient, and the total Cost thereof. 'L. To investigate the nature., ex 4. To furnish the following other data and Information relative to said :1. To furnish it ilan, profile or a Improveent F I 6. To state whether o not said Im- provement Is naked for on the petition te id 1111 )I.OV eon Cllt :............. ..__. . -t. o flirlllhh 111 �' f0�101\'lllg 01he1 of6three or ore ow. To reportupon s all o[ the tore• l going matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .._..... .___........._...._. Adap by the Council APr. 9, 1916. Approved Apr. 10. 1915. etition of three or more owners. a. To state whether or not said (April 17-1916) G. '1'o report upon all of thr, fm rgning matters to the Commissioner of Y mance. Adopted by the Council __. _..._ APR..._ Peas: Nays: Councilman 1, 'nsworth _. Go.'sApproved. .._....._ _... Ke l er \Mc oil 19eah Yoeg ............ _.._.._. Mayor.Mayor. Pow 1's Request of Mr. H. H. Time. ('aunctl File No...._ .._.... _._._._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. /p and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Fac nudersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu 'c i I) ovenlcut by the Cit St. 1 .1113, viz.: ... . _. . _. on the south side ..of_L< Ridgewood Avenue.__ Dated this _ 8th day of April: Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. '%VllEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imprnvealent, viz.:__.._.____.__._..____. .. Construct a sidewalk of cement blocks six feet in width _.. on the south side of Lombard Avenue from Milton Street to ..... _................. _.... ............................... . Ridgewood Avenue. _ C. F. No. 4396— ._._... Whereas, A written prepoeal, for the --- --� -- making of the following Improvement, viz: Construct a sidewalk of cement blocks six feet In width on the south - --' _ "---- side of Lembard Avenue from Milton Street to Ridgewood Avenue having lla\'l1lg hl'ell presented t(/ tile CnoIleil been presented t the C .......... Council of the lflll........._....._.............._...__........__...... _......_.......� City of St. Paul therefore, be It , Resolved, That the Commissioner of therefore, be it Public Works be and he Is hereby or- ilered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Cn1»tnlssloort. To Investigate the necessity for ereby ordered and directed: degirnbility f the making of said Improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity fE. To Investigate the nature, extent, said improvement. and Betimatedt of said Improve- ment, and the tot cost thereof. 'rovenlent, and the total cost thereof. To investigate the nature, eR� a. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. :3. '1'o furnish it plan, profile ors 4. To furnish the fellow other data and Information relative to said improvement. said illlprovenlellT : ................ .... .............. .. 4. To furnish the follownlg ofhe 6. To tate whether or of Bald Im- p rovement le asked for on the petition of three or more Owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore- "going matters to the Commissioner of FI a ce. etltion of three or more owners. ) 1 o State w11 Ct11Cr Or ilei said Adopted by the Council Apr. 9. 1916 Approved Apr. 30, 1916Finance.6. To report upon all of the fort �R, �9( pr 1x-1916) i Adopted by the Council...___....____ _._............_............. _-..191.._._.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman P'a Isworth Go Approlyd___... Ke r Mc 11 -' Mayor. Mayor Powe s lam_ Y CITY OF ST. PAUL ssyy COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM +y //�tI396 Subject:. COUNCIL w� FILE NO ......... .... .... .. .. Date Presented.._.__ _ ....._I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date April 8th, 1915, by and between# the Barber -Asphalt Paving Com1my and the City of St. Paul for fur— nishing one hundred tons, more or less, of Trinidad R. A. Lake asphalt, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (1) COUII(I men (1,) Nays Farn Iorth GUS In favor Kell Mc 1 Against Nast Yoe Mr. President, wers roe... 2 C. L'. No. 4390. Resolved. That the ntroct bearing dote Apr1] 8th, 19]6, by and between the, Barber Asphalt Pavlsli C etwee and the City of St Pauld tons me for furnishing",, Trinidad ReA Lake asp re or eland of the am Is �t m'ebs arena r city Ric ved, o d Lhae pauthorop- rected to execute the snmeeon bo dl of the City. half Adapted %the C-11-11 Apr. 9, 1916. Approved Apr, 10, 1916. (April 17-1916) Adopted by the Council PR .-_9)._IST91 Approved 191 5 7 MAY00. Stkbject: - - Il CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F DUENCIL NO. .. 4397 ................. 04 Date Presented.... -- ---T91...... Resolved, That the contract bearing date April 8th, 1915, by and between the Diamond Boiler Works and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing three twelve -thousand -gallon fluxing oil tanks, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and . directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. µ �t e C .., _ � 11. No. 4397— Resolved. That the "Ttract beawerinen a i a date April 8th, 1915, b>' nd bet m DInand notice Works and the ��/ q/J •{�,1' ran of , Paul, for furnishing 1re three Iwelve•thoueand-Sal l on Fluxing oil peeve, bean d the same Is hereby ap._ t proved, and the proper Ito execute are sane; 11 b and directed C to execute the s Adopn behalf of the City. z .Adopted by April Council Apr. 9, 1916. 1'.dDroI AprU 10, 1915. —(April -17-1916) Yeas (I'7 Coun en (P) Nays Farn orth, Goss In favor Kelle MCC 1 .against 0, Nash oer Mr. President, veers 'o'm e.e.2 .adopted by the Council/ 191 Approved. t MAYOR ii . ". END HIC�ROFILN CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business buffy„rn r�_�}or in accordance with it yd the standard and approved techniques wh a Ree cordak in machine, Model ,Q G_ of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on 19 �,G by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is py 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: G o m ii ern n/ F a ti 7 ast document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), L1 be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the locument. ' 22,l —?I 19 Signed: Operator 4 0 n 1-0 IIII�3-15 IIIZ=2 VIII T I'im�'S VIIIZ=° 1-25 1..4, VIII= VIII= IIIIl-s NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHgRT tl ■