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- . CITY,OF 5T. PAUL Y Q F ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT..- s AUDITED CLAIMS— RESOLUTION RM°°a�'L No• FILE 9 qg - r i 1�j i°C AUDITED lay- I! PETE_ nn[ 147 � Resolved that w ants be dr pomthe City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specifie� funds and in favor'of tlFarsworth s, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas { J)men s J) Nays Adopted by the Council' In favor 91 Appro Ke er 41, M oll Against Aro. y, Yo rg Mr. President, I owers 3 _ t'. Corporate Purposes a _1_ COurt House &'City Hall Plaint. Fund 7 0 Am-erican Linen Supply Co., ` 7.1 1 T. L. -Blood & Co., -14.1 161.53 72 Brawn, Treacy &. Sperry, 1 3Da11y Fraser Hardware Co., X13.•15 71► C. J. Doelle, 1 Diebol:a Safe & LOGk Co., 4.00 7_ Louis F. DOW Co'., � 11 .40 7 Field Schliek & C&. ° 49.00 77 .50 7 OS Haman & Company. �,8� 7 09 Ed'. Hinderer & Son, 7 10 T. T. PCen>iY & Co, 11.00 4. 7 ll Melady t=aper Co'., 1.25 �. 7 12 C. H. Nelson; 2.55 7 13 Nimi6 *,Nimia, 7 14 N.:W.•$leetric_Zquipment Co., 52.2b �. 1.7:5 7 15_ N., W. Telephone Co., 65 00 . 7 3. jGtia Elevator Co., 7 1[..St. PaulGas Co., 541.;67 , 3 Tri-state Telephone & Tpleg. Co., 31.00 i, r; The fan Tilburg 0&1 Co.,. 2.30 7 l9 8 19.94 r5 7 20 Villaure Boa &Lumber Co., T , 92 water Supply Fund 5 71 Board of Water Commissioners, '94 ;1 _ r #2 goo Corporate Purposes -Cont. Printing-& Stationery Fund - 7122 F. G. Le=sliei Company, .25 . 17 .00 71'3' McGill-War'ner,Company, 58.00 71 71 4 5 The Pioneer Company,' .,V lkszeitung Printing & Pub,,. Co., 17.15 Total s. General Fund -Legal Dept, Expense Acct. ©71 71 H. Caldwell, Dr. John B. Darling, 35.00 160.00 100.00 71 Edward P. Davit' 75.00 P 712 Alfred Hoff,M. D., 5.00 71 S. A. Hill, X50.00 71 Paul H. Kelly, M. D., -Pioneer 30.25 + 71 7.1 3, The Company, .Jno. J. Watson, 100.00 y ��.�i..�.rl �• t �0't8��i'e'$B� �eii'� 'Pr�n a Arm � - —(.//-- GeneralFund-Armory Maintenance Acct. " 4 Paul Armory Board, 1,001.00 71 St. ` General Fund -Advertising & Publicity Acct - 7 5 Anthony Yoerg for`Bur..of Auditorium, i 226.00 ✓ General Fund -?disc. Acct. t 71 6 i Burroughs Adding Machine Co., 4.00 66:50 ` 71 7 M. W. Fitzgerald, Register of Deeds, 1 0o 71 8 Joseph Steingrueble, _ Total 3Siscellaneoue acct 85 50 'Police'Fund 71 9. Geo. Berz & Soni, 20.00 5 24.36. 71 0 .Board of Water Commissioners, 1:75 71 1 St. Paul Stamp,Works," _ Fire Dept. Fund 71 2 Departmen .of Public Utilities, Co. of N. Y., A 34.48 3.00 71 71 3' 4 The: Fisk Rubber X. W. Fuel Company, 125.03 12•.45 71 71 5 6 Nicole, Dean:& ;Gregg, :Schurmeier"Wagon Co., 85.?o 71 7 Max Widmann, �- 1 7�i3.17 Total General Fund -quarantine "Acct 71 8 Board of Water Commissioners, 4.16 Workhouse Fund ; - 71 9 Board: of Wat6r Commissioners, 6.48 71 0 H. W. Goeiiinger, 1.3.8o i j :� a dQOW o Corporate Purposes -Cont. Commissioner of Public Works Fund T 18.62 7151 7152. R. C. Jefferson, McGill -Warner Company, 44.00 ` Street &•Sewer Fund < 7153 M. N. Goss for Arcade St. Paving, 8.86 5. 5-7.90 ' 7154 7155 M. N. Gods for Sprinkling, The--Board-of,Water Commissioners, 175.00 7156 R. C. Jefferson, Trussed Concrete & Steel Co., 55. 51.4 715 60 715$ W.S. Wood, . Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 136.02 f 7159,_R. C. Jefferson, General Fund -Severe Maint. Acct. C. Fes, #2556 7160 Board of Water Commissioners, r 74.07 General Fund -Crosswalks Acct. 7161 R. C. Jefferson, 135'47 / General Fund -Testing &'Inspection Acct.' a 71f�2 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, J 6.15 ' Gen. Fund -Street Intersection Acct. G, 7163 C. F. #1425 Tru",ed Concrete & Steel Co., 3.51 School Fund 7164 Board of Water Commissioners, 312.05 7165 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 2.00 4:20 7166 716'7 Daily -Fraser Hardware Co,., 14idway Lodge #37 A.- 0. U. w., 75.00 7168 7169 Pioneer Vompany -St. Paul Hebrew Institute, 24.50. 50.00 7170 St. Paul Book;& Stationery Co., 187.74 Park Fund - 7171 Boeringer & Sog; •50 644.02__ 7172 IndianCo., .Refining Gen. Fund -Playgrounds Acct. 1173 BoardofWater Commissioners,. -Walter 17.42 31.50 7174 T. Lemon Co., 16.40 _7175 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 38.56 • 7176 7177 Weed, Parker & Co., Anthony Yoerg for School. Fund, #4 ` n .. Corporate Purposes-Con't. Water dept. Fund 7178. Free Dispensary* 4.49 6 71 :. 71 9 Sadie .Z. 5o44. 7180 Albert Kirchoff, 5•.1 7 7181 Albert Kirchoff, 6•'44 7182 H. H. Miller, 4.84 7183 .718AV ;F. $_'Barry, Paul E.;Ienz, 7185 Nationals Bank of. Commerce, 10.00 718.6 M. Buck, 'Hi 3;0a 7187 7188 A. 11 str om, J. J; O'Leary for ?ark Fund, 1.08 -4.08 s 7189 7196 Paul Bremer, Albert J. Eason & tension F. Schutt, 44,00 7191 Otto W. Oehme, _ metal W&te i+t ndy Gen. Fund -Market Maint. Acct. 40-78 7192 Board of Water Commissioners, Interest Fund 736:,47 7193 Keough Bros., Sprinkling Fund 7194 M. N. Goss for' Summit Ave., Lexington, ' 7195 to River, Board of water Commissioners, 24'76 ..--y: --�sp�rnx3Yx�-g-Fnn , Auditorium Acct. M. N. Goss for Workhouse, 1.'196 8.00 }r 7197 Board of Water Commissioners, 29.80 719$ A. F. Marton, Supt., Total cFrr$ 7.797•-05 Special Funds Spec. Assess. Bond: Interest Acet. _ 7199 S. A: Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 1x179.52 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. Paving -i.. University, Dale -to Syndicate 7200 M. N, Gose for Eng-. Inspection, 332.001 7201 Board of Water Commissioners, -atal�Unieay:,�Da3eto-MRynciiea�se- ,.�: University, Syndicate to City Limits, f 7202�j2 M. N. G! Ss for Prior Ave., Paving, 25.66 71.01 M. N.` Goes for Eng. Inspection, Dale St. Paving, 6.82a 7204 M. N. Goss for 122.61 7265 Board of Water Commissioners, 70.00 7206 l: 7207 Robert W. Hunt & Co., Shevlin-Carpenter Lumber Co., 228 4 $25. CO; AI. N. Goes for Eng. Jr-11-lmn. $71.00:At. N'. Goss for Dale St. paving. „t ler Commissloners. $13201:; Honer[ 1t' .. Hunt &CL.'c $70.09; ll.b V Sho%Iln-l;arpter Lumber, Co.. 82$8.54: Spec. Assess. Const. Acct• -Paving -Const. E' Prior Ave . Marshall to University _ , .I Trussed li n..r t' titer c Co., $114.00; Ttussed Concrete ..Steel' Co., $5.16- - - 7208 Robert W. Hunt,& Oo., =d 114.00 Y 7209 hevlin- Carpenter 1;26.54 Co.Co., Trussed & Steel Co., .16 Case St., Payne to Westminster; . N. Goss for [reef and 7210 Concrete -- M. N. Beech St.,. 7th St. to Arcade: Arcade: N. s ! C F No 3068- Case St., Ps&ne to Wei etc R not d th t w t b d 4. Gose for Arcade St. Pawing, $61.44. -:� Snellin Grand to U IveraltY:' M. X., p h .City T p l . t f flh h ...to Y to d. 1p dd a ad H" 0 00 - ' 28.65 721128.65 (k0 Sever N. Goes for street , l i or P th 1 e v ellen , i thea t spa ue 'tapfr `ha 1n - Goss fot•�. . Inspection; $61.27.. p etiYe mea aPeciaed, [h oefollowing detailed [ to ent:' Beech St., 7th St. to Arcade 7 O- . ata 7u,p.. s -Co rt rxouee 8 Clty li tl M int F nal American Dale St., Grand to Front: Carneglo Fuel Co., $5.25. Ljnon Supply C ., $64 N T L:� Blood & - - Go, E14'31 Brown Treac,3 & Sperry[ M. N. Goes for Arcade St. Pavingalc1.63; nai,YFraae xaddwara-cD., Doe00 %$836 Dke 51 aL44 7212` Do ,Coe, CO. & Lnek Co a400; Louie Fo., - Snelling, Grand to finis OT elty $4 Sllb 40; FI Id Schli k & Co". E49 00; H mem& C mD y 60 Cents•,,Ed HI . Son $125; J. T Kerl & Co ,; - .. . rderer & t $7M; Melad3 Paper Co $11.00 C H, `Jleleon;l Nlmle &Nimfe;266 N. - 51-37 � 37 7213 M. N. Gose for Eng. In epe Ction, tV. Electric E¢atpment Co SU04 N. i W. TO,Dhdue Co., $1 T6 OtieElevat61Y� • Summit, Ave:. 'Lexington toy -River: - - C 16600 St -P 1 G a ylght Co. - Dale St., Grand t0 �TOnt $647.67; T k St to Telephone Co E3100 7lho. Von Tilburg ll:.0 - Beard of Water Commissioners, $39.30; AT. N. Goss for Eng. Inspection; $78.00; 'At.N. Gass for Arcade St. paving. 8g230 Ylllaum Box &.Z $19 94 e .Fttd `B 7214 Carnegie. Fuel CO • $ water saDn)y oard of �PVa- ter Commiselonera, $62x.94 - • Prll ting &. t$tntioney Fund F G Lesliet:anrDany. 26 CentTs�,; McllGi a; - • Halting e, Bates t0 Bari., ton Warnero$0900: Volk.zeitungPPrinLt', - s g , 4l CompanY ling &:Pqqb Co. E3716 ; Gbneral Fund -Leg I Dept.: IIxpense- 55 - 7215 Board of Water Comm s si oner a, Account H. Caldwell $35 00 `Dr Joh R' �B. $160.00 Edward P Dayfe. . • 1 44 7216 Robert W • Hunt & CO • , Darling a110AR: Alt ea HOK ws D $7s- HI31, E60¢ Paul. 0. Kelly M. D $6000' - The Fk9ae r pony. $$0.26 Jap J ; Adopted by th.e1Co it Dec. 11 1914.;. Tn .a1 Hae{i n¢ Watson $100 Geiser i Fund -Ar y ffiaf ntena F+•�++a 4, ' :kc,ount SL Pavl ArmoTY Board. 4,914 1ppry dDD1 Summit Ave., Lexington to Riv$� $1. 0.00 °ene 1 F d Aa thing & Rub licit%- A ant A th Y Yo iy for t - Bur- of A di[ lum $226 00. 7217 Board of Water Cogimiasionerel ronc 1 Fund -MI c.. A c unt B111 `ycg'Fit 611114 M i�ilecce.; 4D di• $55.66; J Stef g treble, $16 00 j 30 _ 721$ 4i, N • Goes for Eng. Inspection, ph Poli% Food. G Aenz & So 50.00 7219 M. N. Goss for Arcade St. Pavin �(y $250.00; Board of Water Commissioners,>Oe20 I $24.56; SL Paul Stamp Works, $176. of ped %/•7a - 7 220 'Kenny Boiler & +Rig Co., Flro Dept. Fu d Dpartment Publfe Uttllties',. 334 48 The Fisk Rub- � 2 13 � 7221 Manufaeturera Supp7yt Co., her Co of N Y., $800 M W Fuel $12fi OS Nicola, Dean &' - 41 7222 Stan lord Oil Cq1, Company Gregg, $1246 Soh meler Wagon Co., $25$.17 7223 Trussed Concrete i[ Steel CO., #$s 7o; M : WH=.n Gene t F d:=Q arantl a Ac Ou t Board of •Water Commlealoners, W. hbuse :,Fund: • Board: of'Water $6.48 A W. Goetzinger, Tn4Al S mmit Le�Cin Commissioners, - - Commissioner of Publfe Works Fund: _ ' R C,..; J ft. oh. 538 62; MCGW riser - - - -- A� PU OBes, Comps y $44.00. '. Street^& -6 wer Fund; M. N, Goea Por. Arcade St Paving, 8,11 %Gosaidt. q O 5 r , ` Total Corp"ate epprinkling $57.06: The Board -of Water. Commisaionere, $1711.0 H• Jef$arson,. Co. special F de • • • $56.89; T usaed-.Concrete-$ Steel $67.46; W. 6. Wood $160A - - Bridge Bldg. & Repair -Fund.- I - M Spec• As e9 net • JeRere $186.02. .: General Fund -hewer Maint Acct.- Com-• .. . C. F.: No 2656: , Bo d 0f Water mfealoneis $7J.07. .General J. Accouhl: Grand Tot R•Get}erate Fund -Te tfag3naDectIon .46 �� ADe Acct - - - Genn Fut d1-.-Stroeet?nte action C: F. No 1426: Tri ased COaereta"&; - . - - Steel Co 13 61 Sehool Fuad:•Board'oLater- - - misslottera $812.06 Brows, . Sperry 52.06.: pally FraeeY Harwet'a Co:, E420a._MtdwaY Lodge No:. 37 AQ - , ' Plonee Co pang St. - - - ' _ Paul Hebrew 7 etitute, $60 .10V101;. Paul Book & Stationery Co -3187,74. Park Fund: Boeringer b0 Cents; Indian Refining ,Co 564407. - .l G ofFWatePPCommissionerads .E1742 BoardYgr Walter T. LRmon Co.. $31.60;. 9t.' Pain - Book & Stationery Co., $18.40; Weed, Parker & Co., $x1.50;,'Anthony Yoerg.. - ° ' for School Fund, $38.36. Water Dept. Fund'. Free Dl peas-' 4 ,. ary $4.49; b.'I E Sawyer, $671• Al bet Kirch ;f $5.44 Albert Ki,cho6; $617; H R Miller, 4.6.44-,.J. E Barry, $484; Paul E. .'Ben $3.77; Nat tonal' - - . - �I - - - Bankf Commerce '$478; M Buck, 110.00; A. Hig.,)Y.m $3 00, J. J. O'Leary, ` -. for Park -Fund°$1,08, Paul ••Bremer. - 'Gena. E4.O8;.Albert'J. Na- & Menson. .. F.! Schutt,.$49.71;-Otto W-Oehme:;400 - Fund --Market Malnt. Aectat - t - ` - of m Board Water Comlealoners ;4078. - - •• Interest Phe d. Keough- Bros.,- 36.47. TSprinkling -' $ Fund. M. N, ,G fo3��' i11.$$ 1 - ._..,...'"^•-.,..� - a 5 It Ave., Lexington- to Rive $14,75;. DO rd Water. Commissk n a!9 $27:06: _ 1 _ 7 •i a.,, . " ,� Auditorium Account: .M. N: Goss for' Workhouse, $1.24; Board: of.. Water Commissionera, $8;001 A. F. Morton, $25. CO; AI. N. Goes for Eng. Jr-11-lmn. $71.00:At. N'. Goss for Dale St. paving. „t ler Commissloners. $13201:; Honer[ 1t' .. Hunt &CL.'c $70.09; ll.b V Sho%Iln-l;arpter Lumber, Co.. 82$8.54: Prior A-, V.Hu ur& Co.,to University;.50;Sev- Robert tt•. Hunt & C $126.50: Trussed li n..r t' titer c Co., $114.00; Ttussed Concrete ..Steel' Co., $5.16- - - Case St., Payne to Westminster; . N. Goss for [reef and M. N. Beech St.,. 7th St. to Arcade: Arcade: N. 4. Gose for Arcade St. Pawing, $61.44. -:� Snellin Grand to U IveraltY:' M. X., Goss fot•�. . Inspection; $61.27.. Dale St., Grand to Front: Carneglo Fuel Co., $5.25. Basiings, Bates to Earl.Board' of -Water Commissioners,- $11.65;' Robert W- Hunt & Co., $31.44. _ Summit, Ave:. 'Lexington toy -River: Beard of Water Commissioners, $39.30; AT. N. Goss for Eng. Inspection; $78.00; 'At.N. Gass for Arcade St. paving. $60.20; Kenny Boller & Mfg. Co., $67.70;: Manufacturers supply Co., 42et , 4l d Oil eL4$Cents; & Steel Co. 3839 T{ ; Adopted by th.e1Co it Dec. 11 1914.;. 4,914 1ppry dDD1 cc. 191.4) 1 P ,tFBaSnere 1 t #5 Spec. Asaeso. Const. Acct. -Paving -Cont. Prior Ave., MarslVall to University 126.50. 7208 Robert W. Hunt & Co., 114.00 7209 Shevlin-Carpenter Lbr. Co., 7210 Trussed Concrete &Steel Co., •16 'lp ox• : _ Ittarelydll".t I Case St., Payne to Westminista ,':_,,,rd _ R 1 f nos . pl M. N. Goes for Street &Sewer, `t:d f "lh' ppaite � 28.65 7211 le�• rl:v s speciftcd In thpelr , e ih.• fallowing actu llr•ri stn Lament: &, - Beech 6t., 7th St. to Arcade at,• P::rp-aea-c-pr Hon=e Cify H1D \Lniul Fund: A-1-111an - Linen Su Plrt �' CO.. V.4,53: 1'. L. Blood & . $14 81: i:ra.at:. Traney & ' Co.,cfeI 51,44 Arcade 5t. PavinBr ser Hardw-xre C. J. Doelle, $3.15: Dlabold Sflta M. N, Gose for $;'':i=.: Duii>-1':-"'$.. 7212 .$1:1.151 - ,C L>`ek C $400; Louis F. Dow- Co.. & 540.00:' .n,..to: rim, n,nuex co.. Snelling, Grand to Vniversity 1n & company. a0 Gents: I -J Hin_ & doer & 8nt. $1.25% J. T. Kra- Q.. $7.88: Mcladl- P:p- Co.. $11.00; a H. Nielann. $1.15: Ntmis & Nlmis, $2.55: T: i p 51' • 31 - 7213 M. N. Gose for Eng. Inspection, \\-. l;,t.e,,.l� r'.11m,ut Co., - - R-. Telephana Co.. $1.75: Otla L+'leYa[or . Ua.. $15.00: St. Pato Baa Light CO.:. Dale St., Grand to r'ront $541.67: 1'rl-Slate Telephnnr & Teleg. 31 00' The V TlIb g Oil Co., - - $ i0 V11111 a Ii & I mber Co.. � . $1a e4. ant wa. 5. �5 7214 Carnegie Fuel Co., Snppl> Fn d r [ Isslone: s 85 0 04- Pnr nting & Stationery Fund. F. G - I.rslie Company'. 25 Cents: \InTIl- E 1 clraer camnan '. Tne rlaneer Hastings, t Earl, Bates 0 � a. - rritn-' ,puns. $58.00 eltun,� ing & Pub. Co.. $17.15. General Fund-Ia�gal Dept. lxpense _ . . 7215 Board of Water Corrmii s si oner e, Aerannt: H. cerdarell. Dr. John $t0,q.0o: Edward P. Davis. •55 B. Darling. Hoff..: S. A. W. Hunt & Co., llfred.Hoff. \I. D.. 51.44 Robert , $10°.00: 11 16. D, $50.OQ: 7216 Hill $5 OD I 1 H. 1 D., np $1025 Jno. J. Tri Hsstinag, eni'Fund n-ra Mutate- - \- 1 t I i- 1 y Boma $1 000.00 Summit Ave., Lexington to Riv� & rnnJ g v t v II ]-erg far I F a a$4 159.30 721 Board of Water Commie ei oner s, C 0 a H. N. GOBS for Eng. Inspection,I slfno &iS 78.00 •7.218 .10.20 21 M. N. Gosa for Arcade St. Pavin .0O" 1 1'f\\'t i` 7 9 1 v W.,]- $1n o. $! 3,. 7220 Kenny Boil,.er d Mfg. Co.. Dat. rnnrl. O.nmtm e1i7.%3 Put,11, I"011ties. $34.48: The Fisk 12ub- # y. $125.03: Nieole. Dean A 7221 -Manufacturers Supply Co., hrr a'a, of Y.. $2.00: N. \c. Fael-4241 , e mD:ur '7222 Standard 011 Col, ;egg. $12.45: Schnrmeler xvag-n en.. \Lax Wi"tnnnn, A263.17. 58.39 - Concrete Steel Co.,85.:0 7J23 Trussed •, nes 1 Fand aue,anttne Account: B of \\'.ter Commlasloners, $4.16 \\ d r,.house Fund: Board oP \\"nter __... a " • 316 .-13 Total Sint mit, Qai1Y= C sslon erg. $6.48, H W. Goetzinger, ✓✓ __L _ ($1380. I' ommissioner f. Puhlic Aenrxa Fund - R _'. Jefferson. $18.62; McGill R•arn er _ -IC pt3 $4400' F md. 114 N. Go s for Total Corporate PuU , cses, v tit de St Pa nK. $8.8G DI. N. Great for p 1 1415 g $57.06: The B..rd of Wake r R. C J ff n �G �� 5 , F j l i 1 $175.00: 80, T ea Concrete & Sf et C ..19.1 C Fu , • $ 7 i6 �\. 5 \\'0011 $l.sa Special F de �: & Repair Fund R C:I �. 13idge Dlag. ,tf- I Pf eon $130.02. .I General Fund Sewer \tai t A t. era A yyy..�{f p 'I Ae e88, �4nst Spec. P 26"5: Boaid of Water Com- Issloners, $74.07. nd Gc•ner I Fund Crosswalks A t: i2. 46 _ Grp Tot R C. deRerson, $13547. tion & Inspection General Fund-7'e'eting - Account: Nlcols. Dean & Gregg. $6.15. . Gen. Fund --Street Intersection Acct. C. F. No. 1425: Trussed Concrete & - Sleet Co.'$3.51. School Fund: Board of Water Co_ra- - mi s Toners. $312.05: Brown. Trc..Y & :. dA.a0. Co.. $4r. .2b2 Midway o B N H87 1% W., $75.00; Pioneer Company. $24.50: tit. caul Hebrew Institute. $5U.00:•'SL ' - 1':tul hook l Stationery Co., $187.74. P• *k Fund: Doeringcr & Son. ' Indian 31e11ning Co., $&44.07: Fund-1'laygruunds Account: - . Ruurd of 1\-a $.3 onus, Pau;' T. Leman 1:0.. $31.50: J[. Paul 1: 1u sr ... . 1: 1: & St alio m•ry Co., ; Weed. I'a rker & l'u.. , $38.; Anthony loss$ thou - - -f fur School r . DeptP.? 5r.�`,+ \\"a to Dept! Fund: Free na- Fund: - :tra, $4.40; S;ulie R. Sawyer, $s.il; ,11-- 6.71; Albert Eich ff,R l$5A4; e-3,.117: liSiBa r}F, . $4.84: oIfanri ohS$.37.s7: bNalconal mmrrcp4: 1. Duck, o IfOtu): A. Hill $3.00: J. J. O'Leary � - r<� sur Pat 11 Fn I 11 08; Paul Bremer, {i} $4.08: _\lbert ,t. Naapn & 1I,nd1n F. $4!1.71; \\". Ochre- - - T chart. Utto $4.011, ' -'~Ben. Fund-\Iurl<e[ \lalpt. Acct: - 740.78. - 7"�y B-1111 of \Vaterl'ummiesloI ,, Interrst Fund. Ke - ugh 'Bros.. M $736.47. -_ - Sprinkling Fund if.. N. Goss. for �j Sumniit Ac, Lexington 1, 111-r, ,",xiof \\':t[er C-mmisslon cre, - , Audit., Ina Arena nr. M. N. r., 1a '' - \\'orlchousc. $1.34: BoaI 0[ \\"'n ter M Commlasionera. $8.00: A: F. Morton, sunt.. $29.so. SPecinl 1'u nae-- :As Bond. S. .% in •st .\set.:- .\. [•'u rr rn saa urth. a Com.�uf Finn use. 81,17!:.52. Sp'•e. .\.....s. `aai:ig tu. But- rs 1. Dale to . $2, : \I. N. Gosa fur l:ng. ln.p•,'t.. u. I:u:,rJ :ub:mi.si:�n �.: _. of \\'a trr t - Luu; ts: \f. N. : I'rii:r- e\ae to Pnatnc-. ' \I"N. fu `IIA pU: \I. N. , i•. sal D': t. lin-t'::ri•'nte I.i,: l 311 V.00; 'l'rnn. ed 1 � 1`u• t: \\'e s,teins ter: \I. \. G�54.. •.s .fur sl ,, suet ::red . '. $28.115. Dreeh St.. 7th SL to :\:�c1d e: \I. N. Gass far Arende St. nn ♦-ing. 351.4.1. �rolling.(. nai to Pniaei.l[y: :\I. N. <;u s fur rn�.;'laspe: tlnn. Dole Si.. Grund to ntC:trnegic Pru$: Ca Hastings, It:tLs to 1x11. 130114 of \\"ntrr t'ommissiune Robert Suit Lexington to Rivet-: Q:nn d of \\,-ler t a, $30.:40: 'i-1-tion, \f. \.. goes tar I?ng"i ,spertlo n, E78.U0; cin \I. N. Gass fur .\rends pre g. 410.30: 4<ennc Coiter .l'- MCg•4 .1 ,n tt f:tt t qui { I l.u., $4`213' -di-I 1 Cu. 41 ( t.; Trussed r• to \ t 1 Cu $38.39. ' t Dot 11, 1911-- \py:oA 1 1 It.aiinl4 i i q ne:�.1:,_I3gt4) 45 °j 7u'nun°u �tif'1 "u( o� Pu n u Is, Aq....1 ua Jo -.lam Il j To •' 3�'' �.'I }- " I. i � yu( 91J (L4(E11 III^t L�. OL b1411,nJ1 . '' 1s d E � �.� '.� •� [ '' ` I � �i JV, l,v y'� 19�° 1!(1(y �I1 aJ p g FF t iP o,t a ( wl w pl I „ft 7 { � i • r 1 4.'14 IS of l [ , j I 11 I ' a A I .X_—�. I�-.�' t..-1 k. _tet ! . ..• it \l �.1 r1l of°It' IJ I:� ,yW PM1u 'wl '�( l' Pa 4.Y J. lx .ra nP''k.11 'ul Pa 4.�w ys.luJ PE 4. 1� Et ]J goo e I LZ[ .,ty oal 'na'N u.Yt P 14 119 i 1 , I 0 d Ill WOW I 11 u l I jj II UJ 11y 1 1 .w (1 1( [ .did - t-Pavin{Bpec Assess. Cdnst Accg b ll J a. U7 la sit w 1 u Prior Ave.,. Mareg811 to Univerei w 1� ( 1'illlrJo �IrJJ Irll'P P 7208 Cobert `W Hunt & .CO., 7209 a JJn-Carpenter -Lbr. Co., 7210 Trussed' Concrete,& Steel Co:, Y` • Ito, '11 11� l i q it Case $t • Payne to Westffiini et IJ q o VUOn I°' - - N 4 s 4 lin , n , I - sr"47[d llu, '��(,S ❑11P 111... 28.65 '1 7211 M. N • Goes for Street sewer., u „ .0 a-; Beech 6t., 7th St. to Arcade G cl 72120 N Goss for Arcade St. Paving: 1.44 s. Snelling, Grand to ;inive;eity vat do eco ^& ��`' 1 s so PJoaa ° a $ur(.7�ar'7E— ['� 5. • 37_. _.. 7213 M. N. Goes for Eng. I�s"ction, Ta uol7saa m°feallfaW 49, 7u,a7fa 9�. o� 8147 ,IIr9 na a47 ad j}' v U, PIV. P(4a,Pe7 vaa7a 4 P o.ra 43 q fuooa Dale. St. , Grand to Pont iay 4 vir, "uJ ey',°vi�lr°4s7e �oqa uo lir ' - f aeno PI Jf f,l - e47 a�a4o a Ti Wno °I fns °gna y 7214 Carnegie Fuel Co.* a47 79 7tiI61+a7a e ,n n aa' °JdvooJO ^ 5.25 SUJ 2a 47 vaos'ea4. a9 ia77a ' 1' t a t °7 Pa.t�nDaJ° itn°taaaQ- J a 8 y Hastings, Bates to, Bar 1,. 7Y7 97uof717ad°uoewpf°lay -0 Hastings, G� _ - 4S 'Ploy frJ a Plaeo E Ra' 7ay,7, aw PIV. - Water Commissioners* taa„°a t(ib°g 7 uo...... aP a i 7215 BOar d Of a Po- B.uaJd� ray, 4, 4lrm 4pd Pa7ae $ 7216 Robert �; Hunt & Co • , Pana) t opus a7a9 'a lar r 41 epi°p �'rl'laa uLfaunQ 7.ainp. JuaaW^ ° s Pal e.. r i JS ,3, a4REk 4171'7ni{luno Pare la9oadf P '- 42 rhl � P'raJlJo `� 'r$64IPg v ]ua _ ti and fJdmn,lnu'( u o, xu°,uaw lsa° a � Summit Ave., Lexington to Riv ' ' - lrj 11 's�lir Jo9a,u L a io 7 woo 10 PuaUi(.J'tiy P4 l lu l 99 ay(�.(nirJJa'rr 7211,} -Board of Water Commissioners, z ”" $,00 721 -H: N. Goss for Eng. Inspection, 60.20 -7219, M. N. Goss for Arcade St. Paving$ 720 genrCr Boiler & Mfg. Co.," 57.70 42.13- 7221 Manufacturers Supply Co., •41 q 7222. Standard Oil Col,38.39 7223 Trussed Concrete A Steel Co.;, Total Corporate Pu ores; .s.:- ••;� 7, �7 05 e Special de,..4:...a 1+ 9• " Bpec. As air. nst. cct: av2n Gr nd Tot x._10, 2.46 4. S 4 —; Mr.. Herra'ld. ;. Coilacl blle Itlp,.,.. _ 13059 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. + and l > PRELIMINARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following ie,improvement by the of St. _ rain, viz.: a.o.l�demn.�:ng . d....t.aki.zzg.... e.as_em . ......In....t .e ._l,and....ne.ce. rY f.o.x........_ fo.x....cuts.._and....f.ills..fnx_:..gx. Glendat e.:..:Av.e.......f 8.exex.ly...A�e.,_....- r t'.o.._St ...Anthony - AV.-e. ,. ... ... .. ._ .... _ 4 n:itea tils',... l,J,th.... day _.....__. AeG_embar... isL.�.:: _ Councilman. j PREMUNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following inlproveuunit, vip..:.condP]TISI] ng . e ,_8e .sill n PRELIMINARY ORDERS. Q..r...._B.lope..8.._..A.�ir... Cltt B...... d__.. .. and..._taking..._an........_a....._.m........__............. Vo. 3059— ��ii y, ^ areas. A Written Proposal for the QPi • ta...._V.t. Anthony.....A.ve......_.. ... f.� 17 s...fo.z _gxad.i.ng. Glen.d.alB.. 7. of the follow Ing Impravemen4 ,damning nnd, Lamng on ase- e ne fund or grading G tndmle .... "' .nd fills for grading Ant on .. ....._...: .... ......__.. .... .. _.. ,Beverly Ave. to 64 Anthony - ving been presented to tNe, of the of 6t. Paul there- ...:_..._.._.._.....___................_........._......_................._..._: ................................ _.............._.......-..�_ it - - t1 id, That the he-1. hereby o[, -. o ics be and he'fe 'Hereby or- ...............................:...................__.......... ___.-.....� having been pr to the Council of f# dvestiguie the necessity for �11ty of the making of said therefore, be,it "¢t. - ve9tigate the'-nature, extent RESOLVED; T¢at,the Commissioner of, te to.. cost old Irl°rove- a hereby ordered and directed: iho fnrnlen a plan. proale or., of said. improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for of .s¢la imnrovement. Ish'the folioment;ving other Z, TO investigate YestlgIIte the natllrP,, eXtellt 'F info{matlon relative to said 1provenlent, and�t le total cost thereof. f 21— t.3. To furnish a plan, profile orsketehr.�is°ask ea forr o tho ,, upon ,ro owns l. .. ............... _.... - 4. 'Co furnish the foll�twing other 2hiLa at.' unman a� %e. ;.ne�to said nmP'ovenient:_.... a 6. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or fore owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..,... .. /..�2.-..... :.1J1..��f lea:9:' tas,,w / Nays: Councilman, h / APProved ... `. _`�. .........( .. r.-191 .DlIIyor n : 11lnyor Coul+eil 1• ile. Flo.,...: PROPOS —i ~ �y AL FOR> ROVEMENT. e T 3060 - and � l _ _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. icity St. t ulgsmoment by the ed hereby.' the making of the;following Publc, Phe uudersigy Paul, viz.:_.J.onstsuct....a....serner...nn....?e. s.i4... str_e.rt f.r lar fl.ard....s.tr. t.o....,, .... i�,h.petit. hereac!.att_ac .......................... ....- ......................._..... a Dated this.... _day o 191. .- Councilman. 3 F. PRELMNARY ORDER. IVIIERF AS', A written proposal for the n1$'king of the following improvement, viz.,:.._ Gonatruct_.-a... en Jecaie stre..... ............... ... accordance i t,h petition h c > x . aoso -- -'-^"" - IV rerta. A a'rltten Pro Pos¢I for the -"� ' - m¢Icing of the fPllowln6 Importov Jessie ............_...... Construct ii Y] °dr o. .. _.. ._......._.. verset from P street t ....._.... . -"'--' in accordance beth Brainerd avenue. Petition hereto a oanc a; having been',.. ,,.._ ......_..........._...._......t prosented to the Council of the CItY__'-.-- . ._......................yt,It 1 Shor' e, be c Mks L the Commieeloner of , ., w rks_ be: and ho le hereby or A ................. ........ having been presented to the Council of the Cl ,a dlre tea. Inveatlgate"tl4e ne eealty. for L° therefore, be') busty of the making of sate; "t' eby ordered and directed: geatlgate 'the nature, extent RESOLVEll, That the Commissipner of Pub ,ntea cost of seta emprove- • • - '�-e the total coat thereof. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desi fu'atihprnvem ;•t. pro aid, orad improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eostjniormneun f. is vie s o aaia� ement, and the total cost thereof. n :.ant. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of Ba�tcis' asked for on�tieapetitionld improvement:.... w . - - or rit r own re. ' 1, 'L'o fnrnlsll the follnwmg other data nl3 TePo Peon nn of the tore attdl 'h Commieeloner .of .�.°,.t......... _... ... ..... Dec.Deo. 12.1 14.. ..... . 9 ...... ..... Aition of three or more owners. 5. To _state whether or not said .iluprovelnent is asked for \ 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Nays: • -:.,. . lana: Councilman isworth Approved / / .. ..191...... TO Mayor -Mayor. `a RMOMM,WEEREAS a requisition has been made by the Cemmission- ex of Public Utilities upon the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Paul for one #l.Smith Patent Valve Inserting Machine for in - senting 4"-6" and 8 i valves on existing lines of Class B pipe. Complete with services of expert to instruct Water Department Employees as to proper use of device, cost of which .is $850.00, and fifty 6" x 8" Inserting Valves with 6" ad°3ustable sleeves, cost of which is 035.09 each or $1750.00 for all, making a total of $2600.00 for both items. AND WHEREAS, It appears that The A. P. Smith Man- ufecturing Company of East Orange N. J., is the only concern that laanuf8.ctukers the. aaid_products, and there being, therefore, no g advantage gained from advertising; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Purdhasing Agent, with the writ- ten consent of the Comptrgller and MaLyor of said City, be. and he is hereby authorized to Purchase the said #1 Smith Patent Valve Inserting Yachine and fifty 6" x 8" Inserting Valves with 6", adjustable sleeves without, advertisement and compat� tive bids therefor.! C. F. No. 3061—By O. E. xener— - Whereas a� requisition has been _ made by the C mmissloner of .PubiIc, - Utillues upon,the Purchasing Agent of th Clty of St Paul for one .No. 1 Smith Patent Vnlve Inserting. Machine', t'6 inserting. 4^-6^ and 8" -"valves -on - c.l.ting linea of. Claes -H pipe, coin- - plete with service; of expert to Instruct I Witter Department employeesa to proper. use of device, east of_whick is $850.00, and fifty 6"z8"-1n;ertipg' Valves with 6" Adjustable sleeves;" coat f' - which Is -$35.00 each or .$17.60;003''fo, an, .. makIsng a total of $2600 00 -tor bothItem - And wl 9 It t ppear. that The A. P. Smith Nfa fa turl g -Co. mpartY of Gast 0—ge, 0—gN. J.. 1 the onlyoneIrn that m frt to es the aid prod o, and there being; therefore, no sdvan- Inge galneit Prom ti adversing; naw - therefore be 1t Resolved. That the Pureh—l— A,..,. p Yeas (11) Cou ilmen (N) Nays Far worth / Kell P 7 Me oil Yo g Mr. President, Owers' os,t c.e-2 Ing hla nt e a.fifty 6'z8- Inserting Valves with 6"' adjustable sleeves _ 'Ithout advertisement and- competi- tive bids therefor. Adopted by the Council 13-12.1914. Appravea Dec. 1z 1914.by ne,1919141_ the Council /2191y C P. No 3064—By I-1 my McColl— cColl—Resol Resolved, d That the City Clgrk .Is .. hereby In led t scree notice on 1 Henry Vi 4g propriotor, New Grknd 7(� 191 Approved- - Hotel, 126 lith Street to appear before. the Council of the ally of St Paul In _ - theCou- 11 Chamber Room 61 Court H e, n ce bel 1914 q l k, A. M to show Cause why 11- e. _0 t e f , id Hbtol should not be = howl Iced for y the a_ c orderly house. Adoptedby the C un 11 Dec. 72 1914. 1 —Approved, Dec -14.,1914. - - - - ---- AYG" _ '• - >I� C. F. No. 3062— . neo01`,ed. That CiS Cohe L48 E. 7th 379 issued to 19 4, beandthe me 84: Feb. 10th, y _ , , .is her.bV lransterred [0 3: E. Nalrath. 48 E. 7th aby- the ouncil DecL19, 914. _ n / AAoPoed 1(Dec., 1 B, 1914) D / 4 Yeas (.1) Cou men (T•) Nays Adopted •b-�ihe Council _ . �!/�.-�� _.__ 191L/ ,Faorth I Goss In favor • -- Kell approved__ --4 1 against _ Yogi• Mr. resident, ers lj MwoGSd�` .Paw n.a-z .� d �t�c9 : CITY OF ST. PAWL . v-�' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . __.... ...... �p Subject: oout4elL e�tv� ... FILE " NO'...'vP . .......... ...... ; ...... ..................�:...........___............_.._....__........_.... _ r Date Presented __:.:.. I91 Resolved, % That the City Clerk -ie hereby instructed to serve notice on Henry Viereg, proprietor New Grand Hotel, 125 8th Streets to apiear before the Council of the City of St. Paul in the Council Chamber, RocYi 61, Court House on December 19th, 1914 at 10 o'clock A.M, to show cause why license for said Hotel should not be revoked for running , a disorderly IIABe. - CP N. 3063 By Henry McColl— . j Resole d Th t ithe Clty. Clerk ler hereby 1 st u t d,to eerve.:nyti o do Henry Viereir. . proprletbr New, Grand - Hotel, 126 8th Streett,, t,,appear Oetore, ,vt�y theCouncil or oh$.C1ty or Sq gau1,1n$ 1the Council Chai-60. Room 6.1}-CoarL .. House, on Deberalu,A9th; 1914,-&V 10, A If to::sh6w' cause ,why li r'. se forsaid Hotel, should not be ro- voked for running a disorderly house. Adopted by the Council Dec. 12, 1914. Approved Dec. 14, 1914. - • I _ (Dec. 19-19141 r . Yeas 0 ') JFar6rih`r en (i') Nays / _ 191 Adopted by the Council favor Approved_ _Against AYORMr. Presiders CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Dee- 14th,1914. Received Notice from the City C lerk to appear before the Council on Dec. 19th, 1914 at 10:00 A.M. � 1. rr y �1 7 y7/ , g - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL, RESOLUTION LIICENSE TRANSFER V .Subject:COUNCIL NO-•, ®644 Date Presented 191 A RESOLVED, That"the following designated licenses to sell, intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications" duly made. therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 229,T.H.Chrietianer 450 Robert St. P.G. Jensen, 450 Robert 182,Richard �algren,79 a. 7th St. Morris Weiesler,79 P. 7th St 267,John He�yi,619 Van Buren St. Jos. Poidinger,'619 Van Buren 803, C_ Deb61d�_ 86���.flth_St_ Stahel & Lavelle,580 Jackson _. Com'.No. 8004—By Henry McColl— - Hbsolved. Tpat the folowing deslb- ated licenses to sell Iptoaicating -- - Iigeere be transferred as Indicated.pur- suant to applications duly made there- for: No. 229. From T. 11. Chrlstlaner, 450 Robert St., to P. G. Jensen, 450 Robert. - No. 182. From Richard Walgren, 79 W. 7th St., toMorris Welssler. 70 W. 9thet. — - j No. 287.. From John HegY4 019 Van ,. Buren RL, to Jos. Poldinger,-:619 Van Buren St. ' No. 203, C. Debald, 260 E. 8th St., to Stahel & Lavelle, 580 Jackson. Adoete4 by the Council Dec. 15, 1914. .l pproVed Dec. 15, 1914. (Dec. 19-1914)- . Yeas (✓) Canna en (i!) Nays Farn orth Goss In favor Kelle McC Against Yoer INIr. Presiden r Adopted by the Council � �`� 191 Approved RF(' h a� ��14 191— •1 r ' MAYOR ' 5. -f - f An ordinance repealing Ordinance No..3293, 'entitled "An the claim of Martin Bishop." ordinance to settle THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3293, entitled "An ordinance to settle the claim of Martin Bishop," be and the same is hereby F repealed. .Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. F No, 3065—Ordlnahce No 3335—i _ ��,��An By s McColl— Henry ordinance reD alinF Ordinance No. �{ /� �.-`•' 3293, entitledAn ordinanc, to settle' 81shbP -. - r ,Mart(n ! - e Council of the City. of St. Paul -amn:. r SECTION .1 That Ordldhm6c No, 3293 oenff tled Aa ord(naeo to settle the latm of 2 Martin Bishop; , be and the ame As A _ hereby repealed. -. SDCTION This4.n.nnce shall ink ..set and = be In force thirty days after its Dass- / n6e d publtcatl I. 4 by thaC it Dec.28, 1914. • - Yeae—Messrs. . Farnsworth, Go". ' Keller. McColl, Yoerg• Mr. resident - (Powers) a NApaye--.d 55 Y ee. Y9. 191 i. 11.c. WINK POKERS. _ Mayor. ( ti, Atte t:_ JOHN I FARICY.CIfy. Clerk. J V, (Jan 2-1915) Adopkd i :- _ - :. YEAS. NAYS. MR- FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER McGOLL E = f ✓. YOERG A NAYS, 0 e,� R. PRESIDENT (POWERS) e. An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 3293, entitled "An ordinance to settle the claim of Martin Bishop." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN - Section 1.6 That Ordinance No. 3293, entitled "An ordinance a. to settle the claim of Martin Bishop," be and the same is hereby` repealed. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication:, 1: ,C. F No 3066-0rdlnance No 3337— y 337 v - I3) dinrYce xepla— �✓� An ordina oC' " ling Ordinance No.: - i/ 3293 entlt4ed A ardtnane to settle, the clatm o[ Martin BLihoy. 'The Councli of the �Citp sof SL Paul I .does ordain:: 1 ON f That. e*dinan09TI No, 13293, 'entitled - "An ordlnane'e'. to 'settle the plairn of Martln Bishop," be and the .amp 19 hnre159 -pealed. SECTION 2. This dinnnce shall taite eKot and --. ibe in force thirty days aft- its pass- - - 'i// }age and publlcatto the C u ell Dec.28 1914 f Haworth Gose ident 65- Aihfpktl by the Connoil Yens. NAYS; MR. FARNSWORTH s GOSS KELLER McCOLL iT YOERG NAYS, -0 �f�Y t" . PRESIDENT. (POWERS) r 3®66 Administrative. An ordinspoe to provide ^for the nomination and election of one of the teachers or principals, in the City of -St. Paul, to -the Library Advisory Board. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That at the same time and place that the members, of.the Teachers' Advisory Board are nominated, two Sersons shall be nominated as candidates for election to the Library Advisory Board, provided for in Section 411 of the City'Charter. Said persons shall be either principals or teachers in the public schools of the City o of St. Pail. Section 2. The same judges and clerks who act at the i election of the Teachers' Advisory Board shall act, at this primafy election and in the final election herein -'provided for. They shall possess the same powers and perform the same duties in this primary and.in this final election that they possess and perform in the ' election held for the purpose of nominating and electing members of the Teachers' Advisory Board.. They shall make returns of the primary and final elections herein provided for in.the same manner that they, made returns for the election of.members of the aforesaid Teachers! Advisory Board. Section 3. All teachers and principals in the public schools in the City of St. Paul shall be eligible to election and to vote at this primary election and at the final election herein provided for. Section 4. Notice*of this primary election and this final election and of'the results thereof shall be given in the same manner and by the same persona as the notice and returns of the nomination and election of the members of the Teachers' Advisory..Board._ Section 5. At the same time and place that members of the = Teachers' Advisory Board are finally elected, the two persons' nomin- : ated at this primary election herein provided for shall be voted for ,[e by the whole body of t.eachers and pri m ipals of the public schools in the City of St. paul. The person receiving the larger number of votes at this election 'shall be declared elected. Section 6. Notice of said election and of the results thereof shall be,given in the same manner and by the same persons as notice--of election to Teachers' Advisory Board is required to be given by the ordinance providing for the said Board. Section 7. Voting-at the primary--and final elections ' herein provided for shall be by`secret ballot, to be cast in the same meaner and at the,time and place., and with the same restrictions, as provlded for in the ordaance regulating the nomination and ection of persona to thebTeachers' Advisory Board. Section 8. The person.so elected shall represent the teachers of St. Paul on the Library Advisory Board provided for in Section No. 411 of the City Charter, and shall perform the duties and possess the powers•provided for said representative in said section. Section 9. A separate ballot box and the neoe"ary.blank forms for •count ing, and the.ballots for the primary and final elections herein provided for shall be furnished by the Commissioner of Education. The ballots may be printed,-or if the (Yommissioner of Education so directs; voters shall write thereon the,names.of the persons for whom r they wish to vote. At both the primary:„and final elections, each per son voting shall vote for one person.only, Any ballot which contains a vote for more than one person, or which bears any mark indicating the Identity of the voter shall be rejected. All ballots cast at this eleg tion shall be,preserved by the judges and .clerks thereof and returned in sealed envelopes to,the Commissioner of Education. Section 10. The ballots to be used at the primary and final, elections herein provided for shall be yellow in color. Section 11. The person elected as herein provided, In the ;. present school pear; shall hold office unti k.noon of the first Monday in Novetber, 1915, and until his or her successor is elected and has }' `,. ' qualified:..; All persons subsequently elected shall"hold office from " map (3) < noon of the first Monday in November of the year in which he or she is elected until noon of the first Monday of the next succeeding year•and until his or her successor has been elected and has qualified. 12. If any, person nominated for.this position at the primary election does not wis to be a candidate for election, he shall serve a notice in'writing on the Commissioner of Education within three days after the notices giving the results of the primary election are posted. He shall -state in his notice to the Commiopioner of Education that he e � is`informed that he has been nominated as a candidate for election to., the Library Advisory Board, that he does not desire to be a candidate:.', for election, and shall request the Commissioner of Education not to place his name on the final election ballot, and_to-strike it from the list of nominees.. Said notice shall be signed by -;the nominee and J witnessed by two persons. When such notice is filed with the Commis- sioner of Education, he shall substitute on the list of nominees, in place of the name of the person by whom the`notice'above provided for was -served, the name of`the person receiving the next. largest number, of,votes at the primary election tothe number received by those n4inated. 'Section 13. In case any person elected under the provisions of this ordinance fails'to qualify as provided in`Sections 48, 49 and 50 of the City Charter, the Commissioner of Education shall cause the' person receiving the next highest number -,of votes at the final election, to be notified that he or she has been elected. Said notice shall be given by the same persons and in the same way ,that notice is required to be given following the regular final election.. Section 14. If any person elected to a'position on this Board leaves the employ of the Department of Education, or resigns from the Board, the vacancy thereby created shall be filled by the person who received the next highest number of votes at the final election. The Commissioner of.Education shall notify said person; of said vacancy and that he is entitled to the position.. a low L (4) Section 15. When printed ballots are not used, the Com- missioner of Education shall cause the names of the nominees to be posted in a conspicuous place in the rooms in which the final election is -held. Section 16. This ordinance shall take effect and e in force thirty days after its passage and publicatiol C, )F. NO.'3666—Adminlstrative Ordin- I 7 a _ - nce N, 3336—BY Anthony T.crg a An oIdin n. to providp for the q m _ -el (nation and election.bf one. of the i t th-Ad%dy ry prine Library St.of SG Paul to the, Libra 1'dvlsory Paul, Hoar&, - , ,t / The Cagnoll .sof the City of'St. Paul does o data. SECTION I. That at the same t(mo a d place that of the Teach re' Advl .the. members cry Board are nt. at d.two persons Bo hall be nominnted a candidates 7 i. �,/—�// �G r 1 ti to the Libra) Ad i y Board provided for in Section411 fr th City Charter. Said peso ,anal] be eitheals r I achoo/s of the City Of St Pauls publlti - SECTION 2. The same judges and clerks who act ' Passed b the CounC11 y A at the ;electlon of the Teachers' Ad- Yistry Board shall act at this primary. " - - d in thefinal lection herein lecti—a-for. p -ed for.- They shall po6a s tfie bl - - • Yea's Nlays duties 1n this 'Drtmary -and in this final election that they possess and perform in the election held for the - - purppsa of nominating and electing members of the Meachere' Advisory - Mr. Farnsworth M. Board. T hall makereturne of .the ro- prim �,_- final elacenna herein pro- - ., Goss ..t--�'- - a e manner th t they same 4 ,� s the election 3f m - $eller resald Teaches Ad - r McColl ala Yoerg 1 _ Nays,o Mr. President (Powers) qT �osT. Approved rye . rLk Cie r Mayor. p s Petition Council File No...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. e�O a - - and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned liereby`proposes the making of the felldNlll nUlic improvement by e City of St. Paul, viz.: C:onat.ruat _& ..aea9e� on...ivo.i..'St. Yr,,.om. Mt..r..:. Ida S to __ point...:._ Add o�.Pos to the youth line of Lot..2 ,... look.9,.WATT— e ,........ w>t�e owes .... `i,n.._aocsordanoe with I?etition.... .. et_g a.t1m.q 0.. ...... ............ .........._......... _.... 14 Dated this.....h __....._da -, t'...... y of....................Peoember............................_....._-lsl:..._4. ' Councilman. _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. NVIIE REAS, A Written proposal for the making of the folloding improvement, viz.:trllCt.-.&- aeVAo.T.....O..A...Rivo.]. _St.a:..._Yrdm...Mt.�...._Ida..:St_..._te..._e.._P..oint..._oPPos te..._the..._eoath.line _.61.10t....E6,..31.60.k....9.._Warrez....&....W� ............. ....... .. ........... `• _ _... . r. N - ... _. t 3964 - --�--�-�� � ; Wher a A writ p opos 1 fo loll , _ �clnq [ the foltowi g i provemegt ,..... ... ... ... _...... __....... Mt Ida. St. t0 a point oP.posite `UIh ]I of Lot 26. Block .9,r- .�, .'Win low 5 Additionhaving been an._.....:. .............. .. .............�......... i having been presented to the Council of the Zed' t the. Council of the -ens. - 1 therefore, be it therefore, be it That the Commissioner-t- "4,e,_ f " be. and he Is hereby or - edea reby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pub esugate the necessity for 6. ty- of the 'making of said aid improveriieut. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desu.'•sUgate -the[ asters, ester . �l cost of Bald Improve ovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ee '. tot�tal cost therobf. d Impro eimantproflle or 3: To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sai,�d I the following other 'o tion relative to said aid improvement:........ . 1. 'Ca furnish the following other data au.,),yio whether or at sold Im- -' t Is asked for on the petitiond more owners. _._.... ....._._ ......... ..... .. .:............._.. _.... ._.....__.._ -- — eport upon an of the fore. re to the Commissioner of I etition of three or more owners. 51• To state whether or not said improye7 . 6: To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council............ -� - { �/ 4Y ens: / Nays: �Kc p1AA U �JIY —" t CouauMe/ilamyan s w ort Approved.G erh oll g Mayo o �y Coni eil,�File No._: _ PROPOSAL FOR•IMPROyEMENT. 3OS 8 y and PRELMNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the slaking of We follow' . public improvement by he City Yang, viz.: C.onot.ruo.t...a..s var....in._Pry_...St... om_,Edm nd....3t,....to....Rd0 .._ t., ._,..... to A e St......and,....LUX.Ond....St- . axn..:Ery...St..._.. .... t .. .... ... ........._............................................................ ,�.._Ave......_$uP..e.rs ._.._ing..._Councl..._File.:.._2.�.45 __. ........................ ............................__......._........_..._.._.........._.....................__........... _.. Dated this......e_14th.........do of....::....:__DeD_smbex...._......_..._.......... ....... <191....54.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the makipg of the following improvement, viz.,...C.0ne.ti xet....a.... . ............O.Awe..r...._ia....rrY.._S.t.........froze....E.agwid....S.x......_t.o..._Larond..._8t-.:;....I�a O d....�t..._3rpm._... . Fry.._St..,_:.. t o,_._Aldine _St.._.._and._LaYond.._St_..._Prom.. Fry.,_St.. C P No. 3068 � �-�- . _:.. . .. ........... ................- whe as, A w Itten p opoeal 10, the makl g of th Y tlo ving t Provement : i bra. Construct n newer In Fry etreat ....... - -. �. uau ...... no scree[ rrom' F"' y tr et. to Snelling Ave., having -"-- - ....... _......, having Uceli preaeuted to the Gou. bee u aentea• to th0 Council orI tho < City of St. Paul therefor bh It therefore, be bC It Rea rued, That the Commissloner -oY _ P4611e works be and he fs hereby o -' RESOLVED, That the„f)sml ae ed na atreotea: is hereby ordered and directed: 1 To Inv tlgnt the necessity for ` or desirability r the making or aid bf said improvement. ]. To investigate the nesse Imp ov most f; p 2 T inv atlg al the nature, extent 2. To investigate the natur and u t d cost of sold' Imnrove- improvement, and the total cost thereof. g men[ and—the total .at thereof. 4 To Yurnlnh a plan,, profile, or 3. To furnish a plan, proSle o] t h r eats Oment T 1 urnl hh the 'rpllo ing other d, To furnish the following other dfiilf rnKul nel tive to .arnr, to said improvement . f t h Cher o of said lm- -- n the P.Utlnn .. ....i.� .._.... .... .... _ .�.r ..._.. 5. To state whether or.not said improvement is asked for on the'petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all, of the foregoing nuitters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.191.�,L. Yens: Nays: Councilman Far worth - BEL 1:5 190 .` GasApproved:.:......_ ..............._...._. -_............_...........__........191......... Ke r �M 11 ), Yog• LY........- ............... .... May Payor. — o ~: PIIBI,Isr3Ell`/ CITY, OF ST. P COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL M 63059 Subject:.- ..Ple4 _.... _ _ d� COUNCIL w� r FILE NO .. .._ ........... .. Date Presented ...... Ileo-* 14_... ...... 1914...... Resolved, That th,e' 21at of Aurora Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, as reoommtended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commiseioner. of Pubiio Works, be and the same is hereby approved. ',C.F. No. 3069—By 11L X. Goss— , Reached. That the plat at Aurora ,Addition to St. Paul. Mlnneaota„r; as recommended by the Plat C.nm lmdu- and appLoved by the Copleablaignar of Pobilc }'orka, be and the eWe 1%here- - by approved. - Adopted by the Council Dee. 14. 1914. Approved Dee. 16. 1914. ,r (Dec. 19-1914) Yeas (1")Con Imen(f')Nays _://—I9�/ - - Adopted by the Council .. Far orth Go" Intavor. �EC 1L'S 191 191 Ke1 Approved Me 1 _Against r Yoe "Mi. Or Fonts c:e•z COUNCIL FILE NO. 30171 INTERMEDIARYORDER. In the Matter of ...C.on.s_txlzc..t.ing....a._s.e?vaac.....on....11..ons�.. etz_eX.t .fr.ona..._Aldi??.e.. $t,ree t to Snelling avenue,.._ .... ; r'1,14 under Preliminary Ord __.._. .... __.......... .._. approved._......... Ol✓Ob@...19th�.___9_._....---...._.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the, above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is p hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Thak the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _COT1B.aTl1C_t,-_a.__68fPPl _-9A ..-from.Aldi.n.e._.atxae.t._.t.o__Sne.11ing...ay.e.nue,.....__._ ...... ... .-.......... _..... _...._....._..............:........................... ........................... _.... ...._..._.......__... with no alternatives, and that the estimated 'cost thereof is s, ..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . ___.1.4.t.h_..._......._ ..... day Of 191..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No: 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance glue notice of. said meeting toy the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, . the nature.of the improvement, and the total cost the sof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _...... .... _. _... - L49ame�_ C' Jerk. C F No 8071 `n a sewer Approved .....� er 4 d ....In the Mattof':'Con 49o4:E. g - on nLetond-,atraet.,iroia .�tflln6/atreet. - ta-'Snetnng avenue under preltmin Order 2146 approvedy ReEgb@r .__.:. .. .. ,.y19th 1814 ''Mayor. y ui '•,Thb Council of'"' Cttof 5t. m bavtng recetvedi.`q,retiott.9f o ec Councilman Giegioner o[ Fln aYtpon t of h improvemen* ari Fg`+ said iebrt. oare oeolve y r 1 ::Tnht the'4a o atas:�ii g4ted same; le herebY''hp17 ewl„ nLlq�$.OY; and„ ;the Said -imp-; orde ed to bo. proce d ,That the Hato bf :tYte f�D , �ment yrptch the-,Co hitt relommea�q� - - ,9 conatruct� a pewsr�ro 6nelltngas�epu�e. - - " from AldlnO;e.rertzsd - - wtth no alterriatlJea and 8662 34 a {ee,, ttmated ed:.ru1yerGht t �., ublio., - aking -be had'o set Drovemen leafing on" ttte i4th day of Sapuat9 1ln thej - " Coanen Chamber mm 61of tiye'Courty ;goYae rend �CLti0 gall Building tn,.theA , sioner of Flnsnce glveE n0 I' a o[ enid' May meeting to, t0he peraons an in rtrie nanner,Drovtdod hY the Chant rn' h- form B. S. A. 8.6' ing; th'a time," place;o'snt - uncture oL . tle; impro�Eattmatednd tfie total coat ;thereof a9_ ,:Adopted *by.the counetl;=Dee. 14 1919.; 9DFroved Dec 16 1914 ,"r {Des 191914), _^. y A Cit y:v Qt -Paul ?�`7 Council ' solution - ( rel, form. DepartmentL E2Y . _t.;......... _ ._.__._.__._-- a Bursaeof-.:_._....___ _ _____..._:__ __._.__:._ �____:__. momvaammvssoma,mmmaaamams=avmpvavaama=sommvamaa=aoaessvmvammd+mmaaaoe:a Council '�'i o Date Presented By..—._._._. R Besolveds that permission be.and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to set poles and string wire With.. the necessary anchors thereon in.the-following named streets: .. Three poles on 1�...side of Pascal between Carroll & St. Anthony Avenue,' �. r North side .oY St. Anthony Avenue".fro>e Pascal Avenue to across Albert Street. Poles and wire to be.removed when requested to do so by the Common Gounefl. Said cost to.he`paid by the Telephone Company. The Telephone Company to pay to the`City the cost of inspection and. engineering. C Y'.'•No 8072 "lsy_O ,fl. 'Heller - 'Reeo)ved thaf.permt9alon.be eci le hereby Granted<. Ale Northi o tern Telephona`Hachamlr Comp'an'y to'as't: ¢olea, a:nfl at'rlthereon, Inv the'fo neoea-., eary5'>anehoge.thereon )n,tlfe;'IQllowln4 - - - roamed etreetes " throe D61ee on -'E efde oL Resent be- - t��p�a�oll..� St AnthonY.,Avenued:. y it 1914. , ntc� Adopted bythe Council r nv Lromm�oe Lo "roes Alpert, Ps s and wirye+.to ba removed„ Yeas Coun it 'rewfested �to do ea by the- s Common- •Councll; , 80.'id.. coat to ba paid by 'the_. Telephone Company The :;;LeleDhone, _ Company tq pnY ¢o the C(ty tho coat, _ B. sW I oF')neps�� by the,�Councllt'Dech. 1A 391A'� 5�dop.D33Vod De5'c:30 n.I , „ rt, c5tj. (Dec_ 18 191A) 4 Y rg DEC 15 19141914. & ler - -- yor z Mr. Presid a City cf :St.Paui�$�� Council Rebo'1. n - Gen@r orm. Department 'of --- - _ -................ ;Bureau of -•-•- _ ._a - a¢mmamma:mmmeaamvmma aapamma oea ass+amiaeeiaamaaedmaamaaaaaseaamamamm.a Date _;Presented �.•»--.»---•1914. Council File No. ._•_-• - -- ,. yi :. C F. fro a07a BP E Beller— 'Reaolved tbdt yermiseioa.be and 1t la -- �„•»•„•• 8y -. » _� - _ -. _. -». h.rebY f ranted = tl}e Nan hWoat set>" Teleyhbne Ex tin'N®0 COMP Y / {eery ;an horst thereonsln ihe;3ollotstOS'. - �' • x hm¢d,st�eets f - g{xrpoles on the north gide-of Inmee ; . �. etregti;from C; �,tk P hf & O RY tP• �Yestern agendP ::, Doles on -uo�h elde}o2 Cnecnd¢, T Resolved., that befween Duke and Erle streets One pole on :west aide. 02 Oolbn perml8si sti,1.�,P;O,,i.F4t�, ry andennch4 an wast .� :granted °the Northwestern Telephone Exchange "aY�"N rt¢3'",en cn,ena,a and string wires with the necessary anchors thereon in the following sitaed streets: to. Six; poles on the north side of James Street'froRy „ Western Avenue. Two poles on north side of-Cascade between Duke & Erle Streets`, One pole. on west side of Colborne Str. north of Jefferson Street. Dae pole and anchor east side of Duke Street between Cascade Jefferson Streeta. Richmond, between and Randolph. one pole on the (pest side of Poles'°and Cable to be removed when, requested, t.o do a r _ Said"cost ta-be paid by the Telephone Company.. by _the Common Council, The Telephone Company to pat to the'City the coat and of inspection engineering,' Adopted by the Council. _. --•-••-•-----•-•-•---•- /�,/..=-.7` Yeas (' ) Coma 1•men ( ) Nays ao Mc oll ✓�, Yo rg ,DEL 151914 Ap v 1914, Got ler »yo/ ' Mr. ;Preside / _ / y PUBLICIiGD� --" ' 0,74 city of's ul' Council Resol on -General orm. Department of Bureau of ...._.-•� —S aoaaepaaeammmeeCaCmemam�O ''�. ' 6�mxaSad66aa Smxaaavaa axxaaa33aa�>sa � . Council File. No. - Date Presented _-•--•-• •-_-••- Resolved, that permission be and it is hereby granted the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company to lay underground conduit with the necessary manholes .and lateral pipes connecting the intersecting etreetis and alleys on the following named streets,: `y Construct underground conduit on east,_eide of Duke Street •• across James StreeC''.'- East side of Colborne from 1th Street to across Grace Street. p West e,ide of Richmond Street from James Street fo Randolph Street. The ele hone C o F bYu' 3074 RY'o 4,x n r, f inspection and p Reeq aU that epmfeston be and It ie hereby zantepd'-the NoAltweat@i engineering. Telephan$'"xeha ga Company,;io,laY under¢reund egndutt W�th pse the; pet-7 9ary manholea endPlatra! PIpQa bon - '�, nentl�tg :thent reectiny atie@ta and ; elleya on the foUoivin6 ambdSatreeta, x Conatc4et ihde;gtoand 06 dint- eapt161de}}of Enke at[�et aoioh� Samoa 4._. a�E79et,�iaYde�a� Colborne f;0ip3Tth Bt.I West tre ot.RlchmoAd street from' - .James etreGt to RendQlph street '. - _. �h@ TeleDhonb Company to�ipnY Yho.' �, // ,_....._....:.._...«1914• Dost of'ina ecUon :and a gine$ Ingl �/ G Adopted by the Council evpoeaDee�16Q191g DeQ;191919, y•- ° (Dee^18 1019) Yeas ( ) co ilmen Fa sworth Go - _ MO 11 Yo '.g AP roe SEC 15 1914.1914 �.. Se er m w_.__ ][ayor Mr. Presiders .' AERIAL, PERM' v . November" 2nd. Gity, of $ aul Council Reso ion - 4enera orm. 3075 7907 Department of ................................... _._._:_._..::.....W_._._... .........._............ _..._;...: _.:. F'1 _maaoac aaaaaraaop_zcco aaa aa+sa a amcaoaaa�maacaaaammaaaaa 'CouncilFile No. Date Presented _......_...._._._ _._.19141. By.._. _..._ - - �_. ...._._.... •-•-•-•-•-•-•---•-•-•. -• Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Tri - StAte Telephone & Telegraph Company to erect,polea with the necessary anchors and to string wire and cable on the following named atreetsg ' C F 'NO 3076 13y'"o E Beller— " + 6byly d thht permission be and 1s ��`•' ' ,her)F0by;granted the Trl State 'pelCphonO- , TCIC63'aDh ComRny to 'arae; Doles with the neoemry anehore And fo F + �' „t atringwlre and Cable Ca the-2d13oWing " t a - nnmCd7stieets Montana from HMW p,, Wor t& from Edgerton+to'W lde ; �F`St'e k to be Bone. nnder [he;dtrOCtfon .the sfactlbn o2 th-Commis- sati . _. ,b11., Wo kk,the TeleDhano, s • work to be done under the direction and.to'the satisfaction of the Commissioner of PubliWorks,, the Telephone Company to pay the c. cost of inspe'o,tion, engineeringr and publication. Poles and. wires to�be removed when requested to do, so by . the Common Cpaincil.: Said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. Adopted by the Council ..... ..... _...................................... __ :.._.._l __ __.1914. Yeas ( r C-oun ilmen (. ) Nays Ea sworth Go s A` Mee ell _ Yo rg QEC 1914 1 Approved Ke ler ..._ ayor Mr. President C���' CITY OF S Council Resolu -General F Departmedf of_-.___ ...—_- _ ----- Bureau Council File No..%/ Date Presented- By resented J.ay RESOLVED ED, That [h. St. P-1 G. Lieht Compan is hereby ord nd and directed to (:.tend Iu vlea[rlcal ones by erective polo. and atdneive wvu theredv for the vanainissivv of electricity ov and in the folloavlvu allesaavd .tree[. of .aid city: ' Two poles°in and through the alley througi the block between Seventh Street and Rose Street Prom Plandreau Street to Kennard Street with all necessary guys,andw C.:F No 3076.-HY'O. 1~].Beller— t'-�I ' � ^%.Resolved.-T-haE 2h¢ SL,PuLI f.an T,1eh EJ All of such ext M..+.. polesavd wir }ibject to the provixluv. of llydinavice gip. 24.4. .h.II be erected avd I ... tn+cli avd of all other law(nl ordinsnae and i All p..hall be .et in .nch lon[ipv Iv .ball desieu..ate avd approve, and soy avdall public interest .o rcnulres, and Theo i[.hall said allnsavd streets as the Commi..lor each pole shall be tnYev dpwv avJ runov so order. Adopted by the Council-__-- ouncil ___Yeas Yeas( ) "CounLen FAR GOSMcYOKE Mr: President, A Public a[irtiea and in all [Moes of such height avd character as he. the Council .hall deem that the I— ( ) Nays mm s- a :y sm — rz COUNCIL FILE NO.. _.... ... _ 13y FINAL, ORDER. In the Matter of ....Pan.i.n.g._ the__..all.eys...ir,._Cn.c. ran'.sSnkldi.�risl.on.:._and .Ad�itlon to -_Block .11, -T -c', odlamd Park Addition....._. hider Preliminary Order...... 32.. .. _ .. .approved _J.uly lith,. ,19.14..... _ ®a ved Intermediary Order ' . _. ... .... ........._ ppro A public hearing having been had upon the above. improvemeptt upon due notice, and the (Council having heard all persons, objections and recoemnendations relative thereto, an d:having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the pyMse nature, extent and kind of hn- he avin of the._sli.. s ...in Cochrane Subd vision provement -to be made by the said City rs ..._�_......P.........._g...... .. y. and_.Addition....t.o...l cck..:_ll P?aadlan¢ Fark._Addition. ... .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to.be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Councilfor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. I Adopted by the Council ...... 19- ......................... ........ ... _.......... City Clerk. pr Approved...... .......... 19_...... .ifayor. . - Councileden Farnsrvo th Goss McColl O'Leary Yoerg ` j s- a :y sm — rz COUNCIL FILE NO.. _.... ... _ 13y FINAL, ORDER. In the Matter of ....Pan.i.n.g._ the__..all.eys...ir,._Cn.c. ran'.sSnkldi.�risl.on.:._and .Ad�itlon to -_Block .11, -T -c', odlamd Park Addition....._. hider Preliminary Order...... 32.. .. _ .. .approved _J.uly lith,. ,19.14..... _ ®a ved Intermediary Order ' . _. ... .... ........._ ppro A public hearing having been had upon the above. improvemeptt upon due notice, and the (Council having heard all persons, objections and recoemnendations relative thereto, an d:having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the pyMse nature, extent and kind of hn- he avin of the._sli.. s ...in Cochrane Subd vision provement -to be made by the said City rs ..._�_......P.........._g...... .. y. and_.Addition....t.o...l cck..:_ll P?aadlan¢ Fark._Addition. ... .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to.be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Councilfor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. I Adopted by the Council ...... 19- ......................... ........ ... _.......... City Clerk. pr Approved...... .......... 19_...... .ifayor. . - Councileden Farnsrvo th Goss McColl O'Leary Yoerg CITY! Or ST PAUL DEPARTMENT QF FINANCE i w REPORT.OF-COMMI$SIQNER OF FINANCE ON PREL.1 t GARY. DRDER � In the Matter of ` ✓1 � .J� .�• � ,,,� Qe..- d/ . •%fas�,/%���� /� lel ood y-- --- under Preliminary'Order approved - To the Council of 'the City of St Paul: " The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: fThe total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isr $— 9 The estimated cost per foot iqr the above improvement is - - - - - - t } g D.AF PAVFMIJT AP FII OK UM PSTTMATF COST PER. MNT F06RF007-.safl.s3 $20 Sand -lime iiriak a i Granite 4,848.99 3 15. �- Sandstr�ne 4,318.45 Creo.eo ted - 83:ooke 3,860.8t, 43.47 � . Bri¢k .' 3, 41,2.'65 33 , Aaphhalt 3,063.27 I:99. 1.57 Asphalt Concrete 3,4�Q,27 1.39 . I}sphal t macadalb 2,1k4:53 2 144.53` 1.3-9 greie , e assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation o The lots or parcels of land that may bf each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: —_ --- yASSESSED � DESCRIPTION i LOT iBLOCK ADDITION ALUATION% I I xvW op % 10 . I ia.de 1A v �p G;� . G r , �z 1 3 as i �. TOTAL,It G .� ',•ours es.,.•Gs•s w.. _--s.a I — _. -- — CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -REPORT, "F= OF,. COMMIERVIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMMARy `.ORDER - ' DESCRIPTION LOT 'SLOC" ADDITION ASSESSED VA Lp A ION l d O a L� D O4._ r y 4 wo "i ---`_ o n The Commissioner of Finance further reports that rhe -has. investigated all of the #resaid matters, . and hereby submits the foregoing as his report` thereon to the Council, togeth r with the report made to him. in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Y--- ommissio er of Finance. >I St.Paul, Minnesota. December 10,1914. Honorable S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir;- 17e, the undersigned, ownere and agents of property in Cochrane's Sub. of block 11 Woodland ParkAddition to St.Paul, being, the block bounded by Selby,Laurel,Aestern and Arundel Streets, respectfully protest against the alley in the said block being paved, for the reason that the present roadbed 'being of cinders is In very good condition. Owner or Agent Lot b I, l t, LL ! ala PC ```�{ l Z /J Wiwi % ®Lt- d.c. dip 1 D��O 4 i . COUNCIL FILE NO—_BY _........ _ FINAL ORDER. In the Jlattel ot..._._'.P.avingg. 4org.x.esa s r fr_ c Scl t l "abasha street to State l street ar_d Isabel stre. � _`rol reor , :1 ae 'nue to S�vt`] Taba$`14 3traat e__.... ._.a_3_Cor:cox.d_..s.trQet....f.roa:S.outh. Ro.be.rt s.tr..e t tc.__'sabelstr.e.et. • under Preliminary Or&Y approved ..... July 28h 51 . Intermediary Order .approved _._.... / / /_ .i ..7, A public hearing having been had union 'the above, improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all, persons, objections and recoanaendations relative thereto, and having fully considered.the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By thwCouacil of the City of St. Pail that the precise nature, extent and kind o£ int- • � _huovement to-be made by the said City is.PaVing;Witf1 asphalt concrete t'O a Width 'Of 31 feet, dongrese St. from the east side of South Wabasha St. to th est. side of South Robert St.,; Isabel St. from the east side of South Wa }ie Sti to the west side of Sonih Robert St•; and Concord St.-from the- .south Side .of Isabel St.-to the West side. of South Robert St,e, including the making Of, all-neaeaeary sewer,.water and gas connections frorR the etreet-mains. to the r.aproperty lines complete, where not alreadg tlede directed.to prepan4 plans and specifications for said improventeot, and submit. same to tits Council For f approval; that upon.said Approval, the proper city officers tin, iter by authorized and directed tproeeed• With the snaking of said improvement in accordance erewith. a Adopted by the Council t ............. L, t sty Clerk. Approved. __.._....._19. .. �y N`r'.F C.✓r,`No 307$ " T, - Mayor. Ii4 '.the platter 'of P. ng, Congress' _ - street from South Webaslia et—t to - Conneihnen Fal•lisworth 'State street and-ieapef J tr eta from ; - * Oeeenwood avenue to,South;Wabashni�_ street and,o0etrdat,lrom,Houttit: - (inaft .Robert street; t0 Is88el stiaei vndeT.fi ' Preliminary Order $91 approved 7u1ps" PIT 1814 Itttermedlary Order. 9604, - - KellerLPproved key. ;10 1914 ;s f •+i•. - A'.yublic,hsaring-having beep• had:,! - ,upoa;the above: Improvement upop-due;i 7 licC011 notice and the tj.i,gll having heard,', an'.peraopa obJeotfogp, and rac haenda tlo- relative-.(hec'0#o Rud having; �%bMt�1fY It It °oneidered' thR Aam6 'r therefore •, Rehaaolyed gy tCouplt'o2 the City, - r `of st p�au3 tfiat Lha pterin a nature,: '( Yoerg extent and,kindsot improvement to be` o made by the said 1s- loving with. asphalt con reuid a wldjh_.of 39 feet, Mayor Powers sou h WabasharSt.Is: theewest.,side of_ South Robert -Sti, I`, bel St: =from the. eastside•of South-Wnbasha St to th@; - westaide of ,;South' :Robert St.:' and, Concord St. ;from the south side of, Isabel 5t. -to the west� side of South Robert SC including-Alm, making of 11 ne eae Y sews t d gas con necti'ors fr m :tri st a t,mai s tg� ilia'- t Y props ty 71nes complete. w'he oT I-i `- a ready made, and the, Council h by; - - ord.rs aid Impro et tb b made. s - - Resolved Further, That tae Colit e- I - - stoner of Publl¢ Works �e and he Aa , / hereby instructed and directed to pr'e-1 pare, plane and, speelacatlon9 for said +4 improvement, and snbmit'sam@, to Life ��. Council for approval that;=upoa Bald C-� J approvals, the propercity officers are , - / hereby authorised and directed to prof > ! ceed.wlth the making of > aid Improve, f menf: in accobyrdancCouncil e CherePlth a>1 / Adopted the Feb 8 19161 ` Approved reb. 8 1$16 r,'• 13-1916) t; f 1 r J --'�- r t, •.. r COUNCIL FILE NO sy FINAL ORDER. r z In the Matter of_.......P.aviag _Corgxe s s r3 °r c. c t`i Tabasha street to Stata street and saber street wort_ .areen^-1co.� av zue t6 S ut`i a�aha s"treat ! and..:..Conansd_atreeet...f..r=....,South._Rn_b.ert__st.ree.t t ._Isabel.._str et..... -..,.-... under Preliminary Order 891 approved July 28th, 914 im Intermediary Order.✓'" " .... approved .._..._.. /./ 1... _.. _. A -public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations ralatiVe thereto and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it t RESOLVED, By the Council of theofof,St. Paul that the precis mature, extent 'and kind of int- - `_ _ 'proyement to be made by the said City is.paving with asphalt o Orete to a widtt#a".oY .32=feet, Congress St. from the east side'of South Web sha St. to thwest side of South Robert St.; Isabel St. from the east si of South Walis, Ste to the weet side of South Robert:St.; and.Concord St. from the south`elid0 of Isabel St. to the west side of South Robert St., including the making of alh,necessary' sewer, water and gas connections froll the street. mains to the J o ern lines complete where not alread ma -- directed to prepare plans and specifications for sa' improvement, and submit saute to the Council for t e I. - approval; that .upon said approval, the proper city officersare hereby authorized, anil directed t proceed with the' Maki by f aCoune I improvement in accordanu 19 eeVith. ' Making I �J � =f/ f/ - Clerk. ' Approved.f..... .11 ...... . ..........19.._ r lInyor. c tterk o[ pevmag :Stye. mouth Wabasha street to?: Councilmen Farnsworth $nQ Isa#el street tram venue to SoutH Wabnsha: i v uoord sheet tiore;Bouthi- - C,lo SS ,to.;4e er.street.under'. > er 8s, approved 7u1 ; eimedlary Order 86a Keller >o; isl4 arinW, havfas-<peea haa: SmipYovement :upon due McColl ! C�lugcu having e 1 cOmeheard /✓/// ea dns sanhda, W"t k-; Yoerg $ -anti? 671.7 [ ltd Mayor Powers °a>r $ vavop t Is $ J $ m -Ms AL aatT. cont- n 7Jr rV " . n�u>sdiu4o a 70 J > ^y� 6o s9aaw.<an .y; ss I 'tea tS :s1u0aJ ay. J JG�+a 864ua 7luta� JG' ,"Tn i u ry �: ' OM :.eKaOAt .�If4 n.l It IV SYf. r J CITY OP SAINT PAU� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER % i -_ ROBERT T. GOURLEY, 0-11 CxRE—IIS OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF ExOnEix— J. �. CARROLL. Sun. CONETRUOT ox & REPAIRS u ALFRED JACKSOIi,' SVP.. SA-I'Allox St. i aul, ]jinn. o Feb. 4.,. 1915. G. H. HERROLD. OPFCE E.—EEA H. W. GOETZINGER ,$,un.. WOnxnousE• + ' Mr. M. N." aces, Commissioner of Public Works, Buil4ing ' Dear Sit. Referring to letter from the City `Clerk under.date of the 4th inst. to you with reference to the paving of Congress, Concord i and Isabel' Sts., I beg to inform you that the 25% of the estimated cost of the paving will amount'to 05,050.00. Respectfully submitted, 6hi°ef Engineer. P. S. The above refers'to the paving with asphalt ooncrete to a width of 32 feet, Congress St. from the east sift of Sonth-Tabasha St. to the west side-of South Robert St.; Isabel St. from the. east side of South Wabasha St. to the west side of,South Robert St.; and Concord St. from the south side of Isabel St. to the west side of South Robert St_- i 1 IN RE, .Paving Congress, Concord, and Isabel Street .. _ C��anti�att �C�aaxitztl C�lt�ri�i��er � . CaMMON Co-UNCIL , - { Rw N.. EL1115 6 MAN. 1— 1 ' a5 �EMBLV D A OARp OF wLpERMEx� o S �_11,a tl Ann. Feb.TeGrth, 1915' Hon. M. N. Goss, Cosmr. of Public Works, bity. Dear Sir:- ~ a The Council, at its meeting held this date, a amended.the Final order for the paving of Congress, Concord and Isabel by adopting the amendment which was offered by yourself, cutting out the paving of such parts of Isabel and 6 Streots as lice east 6f South Robert Street, The material "ordered used�to be Asphalt Concrete, and a provision to be made in the Final order for all sewer, water and gas connections,based on a 32-foot roadway. The Corporation Qounsel was also instructed to prepare an ordinance to provide for ..an..appropriatjton out. of the Street Intersection Fund,<9 assist in paying for street intersections, said sum not to exceed 25% of the estimated cost of this improvement. On motion, duly seconded, the entire matter was referred to your Department and the Corporation Counsel to revise the Final Order for this improvement by incorporating the above modifications in it. a Yours tmxly, =�� u City Clark. CITY ' OF SPJNT PAUL DEPq RTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - M. N. GOSS. COh1M!?SIONER .:... ' ROBERT T.. GOURLEY, DFIUTI ONN 6s oRFR OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHIEF ERoxi€x's - - - - - J. E. CARROLL. Suer. C .... nutl h REIkI.IRs - ALFRED JACKSON, SI PT. SF..ITr 11 - - G. N. NERROLD, OFFICE E....... GOETZMGER, SyoT. W6-1111 . February 4, 1915. I TO THE COUNCIL, City of St, Paul, Gentlemen: " I offer the following amendment on Final Order for the paving of Congress St. from So. Wabasha St. to State St., and Isabel St. from So. Wabasha St. to Greenwood Ave., to -wit: COPTGRESS ST. FROM THE EAST SIDE OF SO. WABASHA ST..TO THE, WEST SIDE OF SO. ROBERT ST.; ISABEL ST. FROM'TIIF EAST SIDE OF S0. WABASHA ST. TO THE WEST SLDE OF S0. R0�?ERT ST.;� nc 40- gi Respectfully submitted, COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS. MNG/r,RH Q�v s , OF, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT t"r t fry Sout t Stat "abae a st to e ...... TaV:... �c ..grass In the Matter of. '� et een�ood avenge to S + BJa asha e et Fe......... frou, South Robert street to Isabel street., ............. ......_.___. ..onc.ora_.._a tr3.e _..... . gra .. j ................. _. ._.......... _............ ............................_.._._...._._._ _....... _...._ ._.._ ........ . under PrelVinary Order approve To the Council of the City of St. Paul: i - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: '.. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvenu"nt i is_.._.......... .(A) Congress St., from west side, of So.Yabasha St. to west side of State Street. m, KIND OF PAnING APrPDXTMATF F.STIMATF COST .PFR FROATT FOOT. Sand -lime Br c $32,051.a5 $10.49 10.35 Granite N- 31,618.75 28, 93 6.63 9.47 Sandstone 3P Creosoted Block 23,658.91 7.74 7.20 Brick 22,015.03 6.43 Asphalt 19,678.99. Asphalt Concrete 15;2.66.47 4.99 Asphart Macadam 13,449.0 40 66 3.66 3. Macadam 11,200.033 Concrete. 13,622.59 .4.46 a`- Frontage 3,056 ft. (B) Ieabel 8t. from west aide of Greenwood Ave. to east side of So. Wabasha St. _ KIND OF PArTNG- APP?nXTP,.V `. F:STUATE, COST PER F40NT FOOT. Sand -lime Brick $x4,410.85 $9.43 Granite. 24,081.50 22,039.53 8.63 Sandstone 3+1 Creosoted Block 18,021.46 7.06 Brick 16,769:93 14,991.44 .57 5.87 5 Asphalt `Asphalt Concrete 11,632.07 4.55 4.01 Asphalt Macadam 10,248.86 8,538.18 3.34 .Macadam Cono re to 10,380.54 4.06 F (C Concord St. from west side of_So.•Robert St. to the'east side of Isabel St. KIND OF PA42110 A^PROXI]AMTE FSTIMATE COST PER FP ITT FOOT, 8andlime Brick. $11,405:35 $11.84 . 11.69 Granite ti,251.75 10,299.43 10.69 Sandstone 3je Creosoted Block 8,435.51 8.74 8.14 Brick t Asphalt 7,841.83 7 012.39 • ► 7.28 Asphalt Concrete 5.65, 4.98 Asphalt Macadam 4,800.55 800.5 4,0'01.83 4.15 Macadam' Concrete 4,861.99 5.04 Where Curb is not in add $0.46 to above cost per front foot for cement curb. Frontage 963 feet. Summary of Paving of above named stieets under one contract. KIND OF PAVING[ APPROXTYATE^ESTIMATE COST PER FRONT FOOT.' Sandlime Brick. $67,789.65 $10.31 Granite 66,874.10 10.17 , Sandstone 61,197.69 9.31 3441 Creosoted Block 0,027.98 7.61 Brick 460 7.08 Asphalt _548.89 41,604.92 . 6,33 Asphalt Conctete 36,266:.31 4.91 4.32 Asphalt Macadam 28;421;00 3.60. Macadam 33,660.14 4.38 Concrete 28,787.22 - -- - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for said improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot, or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 'Lot Bloch ADDITION_ Valuation — 'Assessed 6 I: I�r 'Phe Commissioner of Finanee fin•ther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to D him in rekerenee to said matter by the Commissioner of Public. Woks. o Date..... 191.Y Coin missioner of Finance. U• ti ell A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Conuuisaioner of Finance. 45 We the undersigndd, oftefe of the property abutting on the streets hereinafter mentiofied respeotf�ily petition your Honorable Body to cause.the following streets to be saved and aurbsd with such material as the owners of the said property may determine. Ooncord Street from i•ts inter-seotion with South Robort Stroet to the ,South side of Isabel Street. Vvngrese Street from the deet Side of South Robert Street, A to Side of South Wabasha Street. Isabel Street from the Weet side of Sou�. best -,i '�. to. thti s ` nide -of South 1Wabasha.Stree. „v;, 25 1914 r" j `1 cj0 Lot —/-rB2 oak cS . /,4 61e .% _ v; -4-a" 11`7 Alt v I all, 27 W/ R } 7 ,k��� �;:�.;. , ;�-•(,-r- u ,f�, ��)/ Ate" `: t ' a M (B) Ie$be1 St. from we et side of Greenwood Ave. to saet.side of 80..Wabasha St. KIND:OF PAVING X • I APPROXIMATE_ESTIMATE. : � San dlime:Brick .. - •� " -.: 24 3X 90 24,, 042,.55 . Grange, Sandstone 22,000.58 3 in. Creosoted Block 17,982.51 . Brick, 16,730.98 Asphalt 14,952:49 0 11,593.12 Asphsit Oonorete Asphalt Macadam 10,309. Macadam 8,497.2233 10,341_.59 F Concrete (G),Conaord Stfrom -weet side of So. Robert St. to the east'side of Isabel St. KIND OF PAVING APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE 2 11,366".40 Sandlime Brick 11,212.80 Granite Sandstone 10;260:45' 3 in. Creosoted Block 8,386,.56. 7,802188 Brick, Asphalt .' 6',973.44 Asphalt ¢onorete - 5,406.60 4,,761.6Q Asphalt(Macadam . 3,963.88- . Macadam 8onorete 4,823.04: Where curb is n6t in add $0.46 to above'ooat per front -. foot for cement curb,' -froi�lop �4 M. N.' g Summary of Paving of above ;named streets under one �u contract. RT ND OF PAVING, X APPROXIMATE -ESTIMATE. Sandlime Brick $67,750.70 Granite 66,835.15 Sandstone 61,158.74 31 in. Creosoted Block 49,989.03 Brick 46,509.94 Asphalt 41,565.91 Asphalt Concrete 32,227.36 a Asphalt Macadam 28,38,2'.05 'Macadam 23,631:18 Concrete28,748.27 G.3'T( 1=i T u� t Where -curb is ftot in add $0.46 to above cost per front foot for cement. curb. Where house service connections are not in add,for each lot: For sewer either. side of.etreet 027.90 ".For. water N. side of street 421,00, For water S. side of street 35.00 For. gas N. side of street 9.00 . For .:gas S. aide of street 5.00 Respectfully submitted,' Chief,Engineer. Mari is,.owned'by above named gentlemen;.thig is.,ac'counted 2or, oy, .cne r - - fact that vasb41 pro,xies.were allowed a vole wn tnr' several streets . Among those favorin`she Asphalt Concrete seemed to 3aeet y mPst We Atha undereigne3 "Property oimere , ob jeot to the ' ging o3 Con60041 from Iaebel.togouth Robert Ste: ' +t Wad sw r._ owners, objet to the paving of Isabel Strtl i. uwood Ave. from South Wabasha St. to (rso x;3 � .ww � - � � \ WE, � eun r� � � # �ere,ob w■ a c � _ a■., . ° K from 5,,6ek # State st « � . i o ,.ne oporuole ;or ^il o Jit, of Jt. aal: tic:. -'en: e,ttc ❑i .. ,o:.? ?.� _ ul c_tste i_utti:a. on �on-fess . stroet,b= we en �.� �_;._�._a �tr�et u:ld Jouth �iobert t;o�,t &i;l on Ur.i ;out.. _.e:—rt street 7 aI:'1 Di? J_.C"v'_'� uG i ROID:rt street an,l is'='Cel 2;treGt In the ;it;; cclw 1 [-'Cl1- f .=;t tile, �m avis of .�4i$ -e_t �. c�:ii ti:e _c ,)4e i.a:c3, z. o avc j G1 n iLaA ,c < S7I7 9 fr/, �,3 E Jho � , �e A _" Gam( �/,✓moo 52 0 0 do ' L &AL � 0 j :3 LZI I C j,etition;'ci,at i -c c,rtifie3 at , th,-, c,)fl r L�_.G 10, all ::,�.de o-.. or .iter th 2C)th C) 3: -1, �Itlli, v c 0:- o n ggo e lopN � 0 C V a � R ' r An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3272, entitled "An ordinance fixi the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers an?�employes connected with the public schools of the City of St. Paul," approved September 22nd, 1914. 'THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ''Section 1. That SeAion 7 of Ordinance No. 3$72, en g titled "Ari ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compen- sation of the officers and employee connected with the public schools of the .City of St. Paul," be.and the same is hereby amended by strik- ng out the words "eight school nurses" and substituting in lieu thereof the words "ten school nurses." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in -¢rce thirty days after it•s passage and publication. C D -No. 3079--Ordlnahce No: 3338 By Anthony Yoe a 9n rdlnance to amend D dinance 3272. entitleU An dlna' fixing [r the. number, titles dutlea and cam penea4lon of the. ottlCere and esn- .F loyea connecled' -If tke publl schools of the er of St Paul ap proved September 22nd' Tof ' h . Coun it f the CI of Paul does ordain: IOZZ Ade/lAhby the Cannell �`'.�' an CTemplol e c nneeted ! _ That S t{on 7 of O dins ce Igo 2272, titled A o dlnanc fif g the num her, titles duties and compensation of thewith ttticers he public acbools of tha City of - !/ St Paul:' be and the came is hereby YEAS, - NAY $ amenurlking the ord eighdedt schoolby suaes" and substituting in, lieu thereof the wards "ten school' nurse.." MR. FARNSWORTH SECTION 2. _ This o •dinnace" shall take- effect and I be in force thirty days after Its pass- age apd publication. - GOSS Paeaed by the Council Dec. 29, 1974. Yeas—Mesare. Farnsworth. Goss.: Keller, TJeColl; Mr. President KELLER era) -6. Nays -0. €' Approved Dec. 30. 1914. - S. �. wINN,POWERS. McCOLL afayor. Attest: JOIN I. FARICY. - City Clerk - � r. � n•t c . ov (J... 2-1916) I a NAYS. 0 Y ',MR. PRESIDENT (POWER ) 11 �v ( �iZ 01 Wiz. . �✓ Y . DEC X41914 cC� �ER :z �t41 An ordinance to nettle the claim of Dr. C. A. Haas. AREAS, Dr. *� A. Haas rendered medical service to Charles Cowling, an employe of the City of St. Paul, and subject 4` to the Workmen's Composation Act, said service being rendered necessary .bq injurieereeeived by the said Charles Cowling on the 3rd day of September, 1914; now therefore. THE COUICIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Comptroller of the City of St..Paul is hereby authorized to draw, a warrant in favor of Dr. C. A. Haas, payable out.of the Compromise- Account of the General Fund,' 1hh the sum, of eum of Ten Dollars (110.00) in full -payment f his services in attendance upon said Charles Cowling. r e^shall take effect and be in Seat ion'2., This ordinanc force thirty dam after its passage and publication_ �C. r, No 3080 $ }len hoat.BOY �An'rordl s d cal 8srvlDce to Ch ri. CoWiinge1an / / •c� /!� empioYf the Cf}y t Sf:_ Passl and _ '' Iaub1-eot to the A' R7cm n'9;iC endo or }tion. Act, said 'service being neceesary In1 by, ut19s received by the , �z / "said -Chale. Cowling ontRe r3rd day, ,�September, iB1i now the store th ('ity of St Faut;. l ��-Aioy{� 6 Council //..._ 'I Z� does. rdaordain: . . SECTION 1. ? .The, Comptroller .at the _CIjY Paul Is hereby:�suthorised'. to drayv .a Y r nt In fsvo OL Dt. C A- Bass•' Y NA p%Mable out oY the Com9 omise Ac- YEAS, count of the Bene al Fund: In the ( of-�T n Dolars-($1000) in tu11 Payment' !^S; Lpe his service. to attendance upon j MR. FARNSWORTH Laia charla. cuwung. UNCTION 2 This ordinancesial e.Tist gltscand pass - GO .S be ttt [orae thirty', Y age. and publlcatloun Pawed by ;the CDcil Dec . 29, 1914 i '`Yeas—D[essra.. Farnsw�orrt Pd reaent� KELLER I{eueF, Mecau, soerg•, (P"ower.)-6. Nays -0. } ved McCOLL Iy AiproDec 30WIIQ1P4P POWNR9 Mayor Attest: JOHN I FARICY:City Clertu .I .. (Id.n. 2-1941) I q YOERG _ AYS,fOf, MR. PRESIDENT (P WERS) December_,....... ' .. 1914.. Dated this....... Y of.... _.... 15th .... da Councilman! PREMIINARY ORDER. 1VIIEREAS, A written ln•oposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. .Gra,60 ........ _ Pierce Avenue from Keeton Street to Brompton__Street.___.___.....____.._ .. .... ilClR of et.d. Th t'the Cre, e Resolved. That 'the he 1. heloner of ... _._.... ... .. .. ....:.....: ................................. .......................................................... .. ...� Public works -ba and he Se hereby or- or, r 1 ... . dared aad directed '1: To Anvestfgate the neceasity for. ._._..,_... having been presented to the Council of or.deatrahiuty of the,making of sa}} I'tmproyglPent. therefore, be it _ a. To inveengate the nature, e: Gant and-snmated oat of said fm-.. provement, sod the total cosi thereof. RESOLVED, That the Commissione akatah en eufd improvement yroflle' nr�by ordered and directed: 1. TO investigate the necessity for 4. To furnish the following other jd improvement. g data and fnformatfon rslatIIva to sold, fmprovelgent. . To investigate the nature, exten 6. To atato whether or not sod f n- ement, and the total cost thereof. •l 1p[pVBme? t la asked for on the petition r.3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketlafsth1e °ep rt I)= an of Kers to the C1' •Olve to said im rovement:......_ #. 'Co fta•nisU the following other dntt%a { p .............. ............................................... _................ _......... _....;__._---._—._..__............._..._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more vy xs. 6. To report upon all of the foregning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..........+.....191...._ Yeas: Nays: CouncilmatG Approved ..... ....... .._... F.!;...._�..?,.J9...ti._...............191..__... .... ........ _................... ... _....... ,............. �a .. y -0-..f........_ A ayo o LISiiED�--••� Council Filo..:. PROPOSAL FOR -IMPROVEMENT, and PRELDUNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the slaking of the foil ng public improvement b Qity of St. 1°���,1, viz.: Construct... a_. cement___sidewa.......on,._tY><e..:eouth s d ...of Lino oln......:..... Avenue from Lexington Avenue t slap Street, i 000rdance with ..........................._................._._.... ...... ........ ......... _.....,,........._.,r .... __petition.__hereto attached..e............ .........._...........................:......_._... ....... ................................._................._...._.......................................... ................ ..__................ ....... ............. _.__._._............................_........_..............._............__........_..........-.-.._.._._...........-..-_............ ......... ...... ......... ........... ......... .............,...._...-... _. Dates this1th..December..1.4...-5............:... ._: ......ay d................... ........................... ...................... ...... ........ ...... b............. ..... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. Oonstruot WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................_.._.....__. a cement aidewalk_.._on._.the..._southBideoY.._hinooln_AvenuefromLexi _..._._... __ Avenue to Dunlap Street. ......... ...... ...... ...... — ... C F No. 3082— w .- whereas A ritten proDbsal for •the •makinConsg of the following improvopsent -.._ ........................... ._ .......... _....... viz: truct a cement 'sldeslh on.. the south side' oI Llncoin Avenue from ........... ........... ................................... ._.;Lexington avenue to Dunlap street -.._. .,., .-. _ ......... .... ...... ... . !ho.ving been presented to' the Council ,of t eold That 'iheuCommisafoners oI' - having been presented to the Council �orlideslvra,bllltY Publis works he `and hb ishereby or-�nan....... . .......... ........dared=andirtedtherefore, be it Iv! mo lnveatigate�tho neceeai°�yeBld of the mahln6, RESOLVED, That the Coiumissiournprovement ereby ordered and directed: 2, To Investigate the nature,. erten!' and estimated coat ot, sald:'tmprove- 1. To investigate the necessity me3ntTo furntehala cost D1aTMrDr081e or, said improvement. xetoh of ;said Improvement •nvement, and the total coat thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, ex ° q, To tnrntah the fell, t, ng' other data and 4nformatfon relative to sale, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or 1°ls "DTo etaie whether. or•aot Bald im= _. , prove, ant Is -shed 4. Po furnish the following othe bt try`1', �.more .ownera pattve to said improvement:_.._-. -.._ ................. g s0 t Upon- ... pon- all rs .._......__ .................. .................._.-....._.--""'""" ----------_�_..� ........................_............................_ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the';petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mat ers to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........_.........1... ..191.J/. Yeas: / / Nays: a . Councilmant-Kell 9E 15 1914 Approved._...................................:•.:..................................191. ....... ....... t.......... Mayor M y ,,, Y / _,,� Council File No...... , PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT._ and' ' PRELIbM . RY ORDER. ® The undersigned hereby proposes the makingof the following lllie •in grovement by e City of St Y:iid viz.: Grade _Andrew Streetfrom.Be1V are S�reet_ao......_alYrad.- ................... q Street, in mocordance with-petitl__ ._hereto.._atta ed. . 7..7 :..�z. i..9 ............ _...... .......... I_... ...... ..—e.- .. Dated this ...........15th.......day of..................Dezember ..,................ ........ ............. ..1x1_.._4. r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Andrew Street from Belvidere Street to winifre.d Street. ........ _.... _............................... .................................. ................... _.... _............ _........................._..........._..-...._......._..... .... ....-...-..._.........._._...............................-....-...... ............ C. F.'No. g933— ..... Whereas, A. writtenl," proy oval for e making oY [he following t-aprovement,. ....._..... viz: Grade Andrew ,treat .from 8 Ivl .... ...... .. .. ...... der. ,tree- to Winifred street, of he been presented to thfore.b i o[. the CItY'ot at. Paul therefore. De 1t -... ... .. ,_ ... __...,-. -- - --- - - - Resolved. That the he is h,lober of Public, Works bD and he 1e hereby oT...: .� 'dered•anddttect,d: all .....•. having been presented to the Council 1. To 4nvesugatte the king of for _... or desirability oL the making Oe Bald therefore, be it improvement 2. To 4UveaUgate the nature eztent. ad estlmatea eo,t o[ said dmnrove ereU ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That -,the Commisai mane; and the total cosi .n. Pr-AI-.,.r g, To, furnish a P -sale or, y sketch o, said lmPrevemeut - 1. To investigate the necessity 4. To furnish the eonowing other said improvement. daa and Intromatton relative to said_ 2. To investigate the nature, a trueimtpsns tat. te whother or net eataa a- ovenient, and the total cost thereof. provement 1s asked ,[or oa the psit,i 3. To furnish a plan, prof le or of throe'or more owners. - G. To +ePor[to Phe Colmmi sionerrof 4. To furnish the following oth gomgpetli,..:a aid improvement:...... .............................:. l Dec. 16.1914. ....... ... ...................._..-...._....__....._-..-._.............-.._..._.. P --_...._..-_..._ .-_ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...-. Yeas: Nays: Councilman F 'nsworth fly(' 15 1914 G s Approved ............. .................... ............._...............191..-._... K ller PS Coll Mayo Vfayor: 1?I7BLTSiiED� � — to Mrs. C. Hundredmark, 88 T. 7th 3t. be and it hereby 'is transfered to D. C. Lane, 88.W. 7th 8t. i C. F. N. 3084— - Resolved, .That the Igeretto �o DSr No. 488, grent.a y11ey 33, 1914, be end. C. Hundredmerk, 88 W. 7th 8L, it 88 'ere? is.teansterred to D. 'LC.S.sne; �+ Adopted by the Coenell Dec. 15. 1914. App -I ed Dec. 15, 1914. k 0 Yeas (V ) d Adopted by the Council--L—�6�19�t Approved DEC 1.5 1914 191- .jo . CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That theAoigarette license No. 367 issued January 6th, 1914 to Rice Street Pharmacy, 1135 E;ice Street YE and it hereby is transfered to Upsher Smith's Pharmacy, 860 University AVeme W* C• F. No. 3086_ No. 3b7olve Resed That the cigarette leued daiftiarY 6th, Rlce Street Pharmao llcenae be r SMI here Y. 1136 1911. to ;her Smith's phnrmr;� ansrerred,iTp"Up- Ado' k 1 - i'%venue Weak Y•. ago, Tjatv0 Up AdoP[ed by tite'Cou Y� '1PProved Dee. 16, 19141 Dec. 'Tb, 1914• - t Dee. 19-1,i) Yeas (P') Councilmen (T) Nays Farn orth Goss _ 1. favo Kell Mc 11 _.Q-._Agaim Yoer -!Mr. Presi •ONM C.8.2 .. .... Adopted by the Council-_.__.� -- �11 191 tit L' 1 1914 / Approved_ - 191 -- AV9tr TO Jaaxenti 0 hrca U. - under Preliminary Order 1040 Inter1119, y Order. 1654 ,. .CITY OF SAINT PAUL Final Order 9169 approved Oot. 19, 1914. City Clerk's Office RESOLVER, That the plans, -specifications and estimates submitted G l h by,' the. Commissioner of Public Works for the abode named improvement,b© .................. and the same are hereby approved; Rec ed of City Clerk �ittiu�+ f -C/ RESOLVED FURTF,ER, That the Purchasing Agent..be and he ,i8 hereby; , authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided'by the ,Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to'e�a?� plans .and specifications, on the basis (A) That the, bidder or eon tractor shall furnish all labor axil material for said work at a seep U ..:. _ fled sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve ment by force acoount, receiving a percentage of cost price for per. µ forming the same. In said advertisement for kids, the Purchasing'IJ , bidder's b Agent shall require a ond to the amount of at least tvrenty per cent. of'the'bid, Conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans' and specifications in cage the bid is accepted, or in lieu theieof. a • j :, certified check for ten per cent.of the amount of•the bid. " The said Purchasing Agent -shall in said advertisement reserve the rghf to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the.Purohasin Agent is gut `^^�-j^ aAzrartiBP.oahaln and as often as g c. y. xo: 2oas t i In the mutter of g ¢ding Barrett street d, unless he may be necessary until ana Irn, r t street to Me-—ty street committee authorized to ati�a under P eliml ary Order loop Toter- B a contract I7hich mealarr Order 1664, Pfnhl 0i'der 2160. O further bids should the committee may award, sh ""Droved Oct lo; ip14. Resolved, That the pinna, s"eclftcn- Commie$iOno Of be received and that the wo tions and estimates submitted Uy the committee shall Y, Commissioner of Public Works for the Public Works by day labor, :novo named improv.ment.be and the t0 the COLtnCil for same a hereby approved: make an appropriate report Resolved Further, That the Pucchns- - 9ng Agent Ue and ho fs it - author - further action Or prOceedin feed ana dfreetea to aIIvbrtlse In the manner provided by the. City Charter for bids for the making: of sold 1m - Adopted by the GOun provement according to eels plane and 1974• apeciflcatl ne.ah. the basis (A) That th bllal e. or c tractor shall- furnish -- - Jn13 1¢Uor and mnterinl for Bald:work nt ye Yeas.r� .n ii0 j�n sPoeined sum; (B)' That the bidder. 0 ontractor shall .make aid SmproVe tl�94+•. m r+.•>'(� force account, recelVing a t�J4 ;e of Cpet Drlee or pertot'ta-, Far orth "art s. in aid ndvertlaement y the er's bond Agent sh ,rJ' ' G06 ddder's bo d totheof e N ICel A twenty perecet, nt y, ., for the a cutfo1 Cityfo tbl Y)' In actor i, ,. pr 4 u DEC 15.1914 1314. y hr. President Approve May r2_;� _�y COUNCIL FILF NO. BY �'` --- -- --- Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Fublic Works, a certain Final Order No. 15,550; approved December 9th, 1913, to construct a sewer on the following streets: Maryland street from Trout Brook to Jessie street;. Burr street from Brainerd avenue to Rose street; Arkwright street from Maryland street to Brainerd avenue; Brainerd avenue from Arkwright street to Edgerton street; Clark street from Maryland street to Jessamine street; Jessamine street from Woodland street (recently vacated) to DeBCta street, in said City, and 'y Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under ttie terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the, Commissioner of Finance and other officers and Departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to compl-ete the said assessments Farilei7orth—,.` under the existing Charter, in VPherese., lmmedtbag ChrJoraa&th I . h4 tins, le m feting Charter UMV .i{A4,04sc%Raul tsolc effect; there.,.pvas. _ Adopted by the Council, 1 p dtnr In, th oeflee..of tl so rd of PUUItc wgrks a itis FI al oder, ,No I5(550,: "app oved , D ambo 9th... '1913 1914. ',Ro Censtruct a- seWeE on:, ?the fouayfing streets: • I.. dms Maryland' street f8ttreet,$frOta "'tot"Jessie street, r,'-Braiggaerd Xwenue to Rose street 'At1c. }Btalnetd�r avenue Brainerd"ataVenue' Yeas s.: from ArkWelgM street to.aFldgerton:. Farn orth street'tu uee aminetstroet; Jessamine street fTOm,Wobdland street (recently vacated) to-Desota street in sotd',City, - Gross _ � aaWhere": .3t Ip the. olinlo Pf�;thlb: C un it that all then ots and{'•pro - e ding tub had or d Iative fo Kell �. Lh comDletlo of the afore and ;order- ar pra tic bl to be done u d t tha ter and,, p ovlelons of thexlstlng: M C C O Charter Therefore, be It resolved thaljthe: - sold; order, be completed under Ahe to m8 and:. for All further. Acle �arld'prog Cho t r aneto _ - c edings to be done;; and thelCommle- alone , of �Flnance and other. pfitcere -and departm�ta of the C1tY are here ,by Authorls0d apd directed to continue d Yeorg to complete the id'gssessments under, * the, existing ch rter,l to accordance i �9 I 1914. therewith:. ' 'I. Adopted -by the Coati it Dec 16.; 7934:: —_ .Approved De¢ 36•'1914, - r ;(Dec. 1B-1934) • r '���Lj�.�(�j' CO??N CI L F��I LE NO. BY Whereas: Inniediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St.'Paul, took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order No.; 41,674, approved March 24th, 1914, to construct a sewer on Fauquier street from English street to Atlantic street, in said City, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other, acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and pro- visions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissicner of Finance and other Officers and Departments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith; v Adopted by theounci 1, C. P. rro; ansa ay s; A. Fare-I rth- ,Where". Immediately prior and up to the time the exiating Charter of 1914. Atha. City of st Paul, took effect, thero 'war pending in the-.06Ice of. the -Board - of-Public'Worka, A cectaia')!Inal._Order;. Nays . NO 41.674, approved LLareh' 24th, 1914: Yea Y to Cehetrtict`a,eeWer an FauquleC,atr4ee,C rd 11. street td: Atlaattc`Q reet; -1a ald City, and • 1 Nhet, „al Ulla her acts and;pro. Farn worth cpaneil, ,; a 'cae�inge t.a be b¢, or donecreI or er the completion oEthe,';aforesaid'order-- Gos or prneticable to bs pdoas under the, terms and � provlsfona 'Of the eale2ing. _ Charter. - ' Thereforep be it, resolved=that the Ke r -eat d ordor ';ae completed under.-.'the corms•; and:cyrovlelone.'oE, tiie, ex,s, ng, Chariot ae:;&all further acts mt __.pro= tic 1 ceedings to be done; And the Core. stoner , of.-'Finance-'and other ofLcere and deppartinenta-of t_as Olty arez.her.2 by auth3rized and directed to;eon;1 it to complete the entd assess aecoruance - ' the eplstet Charter, 1n-accordader therewlth5 ; Adopted by the Counell Dee. 15, 1.614, { ,.. Approved Dec. 16, -1914. Ye g (Deo 19-11Y14):` Pewers Approved SEL �K 1914 1914., AYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 08( OUNCIL RESOLUTIO r GE AL FORM POSTAGE SLr1' Subject. -... _.. .. ,., - cQuta;.iL ..._ FILE PI O..... ..... .._.. ..... .... .................._....... .... ...... . ._....a ..._....._—_...:. .....__... - ........ ��� i - Date Presented'-:Iee..1.5.,.191.A-191:-.--..-. y o ,Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrarf, in favor of the Commissioner of rinance for $1.00 with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to. the Department of Public Works-Correctic ons - workhouse. ' l •y C. P. No.olu 3�8ion authorizing —Al.iingN. oes— the Resolution antfa or . the drawing si a warrantInfavor 04 the Co.. L stoner of Finance ;or $1.00 vrlth the consent of the Mayor and the Comp- ✓ troller, for the purchase for cash of the taPospe paort....eable to Ofaid Fu' 1. Work.— . Corrections—Workhouse. - Adopted by the Council Dec. 15, 1914. Approved Dec. 15, 1914. (Dec. 19-1914)' - & Yeas (V) Cou icilmen (V) Nays Far sworth Go In favor . -_Kel r ,{ Me 3011 Against ary Yo4g Mr. Presi - Adopted by the Council _191 �% Approved _ Ii �1�9 r _ 191 / 3®-9® co Subject, ............POSTAGE.... P -P __._.................. ..... �,ea, esolution authorizing 'he drawing of a warrant in favor( ,of' the commissioner of inance for $20:001 with :he consent of the Mayor and ;he Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of Postage to said amount, chargeable to the Comptroller -Bureau of Civil Selrvice. El C. F. No. 3090-13y S. A. Fn M-1th— j Resolutlon authorizing the drawing' of a warrant. Infavor f the Commis• j sinner o Finanea to' $20-00. with the coneeri"t f the Mayor 'and the Comp- . troller, for ttiPurchase for cash of postage: to said amount, chargeable to the Comptroller -Bureau of Civl) Ser- Vlce. Adopted by the Courell Dec. 16, 1914. Approved Dec- 15, 1910 (Dec. 19-1914) j -1 V Yeas (V) lKeller (Y) Nays -191 Adopted by the Council _. _ - �w� .-- ( a / ✓. In favor 191 Approved _ . __ _Against v wwoa Mr. PiesidenH g G CITY OF ST. - PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'GENERAL FORM _ .. ..'��.f. ..... _ � ��� Subject:-._pDSTA5 PLiESC Ca NO .... ...4 FILE ..«... ...... ......... ..... .........G: .._....._.__ ....... ..... Date Presented-Dec.15 1914-A91 Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant in favor of the,Cominissioner of FiM�nce for $200.00 with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to the Department of Finance -Special Assessments. Yea Mr. C. F. No. 3091—By. S. A. Farnsworth—i Resolution authorizing the drawing of n watrant in fnvor of the Commis- sioner o1 Finance for 200.00 with the con ent of the Mayor and the Comp- troller, for "the purchase for -cash Y postage to said mount, chargeable to the Department of Finance—Special Assessments. Adopted by the Council Dee.. 15, 1914. Approved Dec. 16, 1914. (flea 19-1914) Nays Adopted by the Council _-- In favor OLS Ir) 1914 191/. Approved- .Against ------- MAYOR Resolved, That the grade of Marlon,St. from Maryland Ave. to South St., in accordance with the red grade line on the aoeompanying Profile, and as recommended by the Co sioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted'as the established grade. C ResolvNo'ed,, T"B th N' dose acct. from dancaMary, itRnd Ata t a'Z,"'n8t�,i on in the rdnnca with thered rIlne o - commended b ing Pro93e, hnd na; Pobllc WdII 6a n d ttheealoner ot, hereby Id"'. ae .Me 1.1 .,ad.. the. estab)Ished� - Adopted by the C""" Dec. 15, 1914. Approved Dec. 16, .1934. (Dce, 19-1914) �e Yeas (1") Jell men (P) Nays Adopted by the Council .__ f�f,�_l91 orth �9�4 In favor �� 191 Approved _ 1 _ _ _Against Mr. Presiwers N ' iOflM C.6.2 Resolved, That n grade of the alley in Summit Wood Addition, between Summit Ave. and Grand Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the socompanying profile, and as reoommended by the commissioner of Yublio Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established' grade. 1 C. F. No.. 3093-8— Y— e8 Resolved, Thata he 9 ition, tbet wsea o In Summit Woo summit Ave. and Gre nd r de nne Ron � cordance with --the r d-$ n t e ..o dp by inthe r� mmisslonerTeof ' buhndop edkae the ndtn�jigFied graere- vAdopted by the Coupon Deo, 16, 1914: 1 I' Approved Do,..' 11914) _ Yeas (i') Coun ilmen (1) Nays Adopted by the Council ._�-191/ Farn orth Idle Gos _ . I. favor 191 Kell i Approved- -- Mc 11 ___..__ _Against e Yoe MAYO Mr."Pres' wers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4, t1 Subject :_. _ ......... _ _: _'...: ..._...... ..... ._..... __ '3094 t 'COUNCIL ti Date Presented- .hec.........14.t:. I91....4.. Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Block Elmer & Morrison's Re. of Part of Macalester Park, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. r; b C. r.'xo. 301 y M Tl. G.ys— F Resolved• That the grndo of the in 13"" 6 "31 hat a ➢forrls t t Re of D t oP Macalester Park, In acco danco� with tho red gradeline on tho ceom-.� panyins' profile, and as recommended by the Commiselon.r oP P.blle Workat be and the same I. hereby adopted as the l e tabllehed gyade. Adopted by the Copnoll Dec. 16, 1914. Abproved Dee. 16, 1919_ -1914) Yeas (VfF Co:P) Nays Fan �-- J _in favor _ _._,.._Against Mr. Pre . Adopted by the Council Approved_ �E� _Z ' �9�� _1911 k CITY OF ST. PAUL ., ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. LE..I AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOL FORM ;oEaenO BY - CITY C OL En F AUDITED - g — TITLE y 149 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City -Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specited fund`s al firms corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followi detaf' in favor of the persons, or •statement: Yeas (J_) Cou ilmen ( J) Nays - Adopted by the Counci ort6 DEC 1.5 i914, '. Go9s In favor �ell P Mc OU Against rATen . ry r -, Yo- g, Mr. Preside Owers ® 141, � �3L } 1 a r 9 C F Ido 3098— y 1 that be --drawn Cprporate Pnrpoeee-Balani ee wthaed upon the nary tha hereln�Ttar ajxry,-ph EsP661ry pa�!$ble ouk of .epeclsed funds"and Ja Pali Ce Fund favor df•.,khe dons fot.the pareona. o ouna6ti! dpPos, - amts BeteltEie tpetr - respective names Oar BPecided fn the - 7 Q S. A. Farnsworth Com- of Fin folloVvtng detailed T�hllce Fund of l irianee 682 'water; Dept. e[atemeat - �� &a. �'arnsworfh Cpm€ 20 t , 60 . f Fund Cameron �'c.' Jl �" - ColnPaNY Adopted Y 2;9 the Council Dec ISE: 1914 J € - ' Corporate Purppoes Approved Dec..,l6 •1914 11'. J Water Depy. Fund Cameron & ComparWs, 1,522.95. a a 1;555 45 XI f �T Ye } 4F- t^� CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT � — RESOLUTION FOfi�M n (� couxcu 309 No. AUDITED CLAIMS PILE N aY _ 'y (� a l AUDITED 1-.i^°. �Y�4 191_ PEP t TITLE 148° w` Resolved that warrants be drawn upon. the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and their respective names as specified -in the following detatfed- in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite statement: Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Counci 19 i.' Farnsworthr V Approv 9 Goss In favor Keller McColl Against Yoerg Y, Mr. ProsideR r &@w=s ty; v ti Corporate Purposes `Lighting Fund 24: Gorman Electric Co., 391.50 General Fund -Legal Dept. Expense Acct. Yom; 7 25 Edward T. Hall, 180.007✓ , Oen. Fund Advertising & Publicity Acct. I. 7 `6 K. B. geneler,din_ 70.00 Gen. Fd -Flection Acct. a Finance, 85�'Ot) 72 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Water Dept. fund 72 8 6. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Est. #1, 40,200.00 699.00 f- 72 9 Htlnry R. lorthington, 72 0 S. C. Flanagan, 86.07 1 40' @ Interest Fund; j 7211 GiarYf3on G, yindley, Drug Compary, � 26.o3 2R�L 72 2• Msur -- an , otal ©1 a , At 1 Oar Special Funds ': New Library Bldg. Acct. - '• 3 Sealy plumbing &Heating Co., Est. #1 ..•; -3x502.50 , Spec. Assess. Red. Bonds Acct. Class "A" ✓f 15,000.00 t713 4 C. 0. Salman 4 Co., Spec. Anse S. Bond Int. Acct. 187x50 5 C.-o. Salman & T e, 1 x%.0.0, Assessment Acct, St. Anthony Perk N.,Sew er System - 6 Scandinavian Bank, Assignee ,jpo.00 OtNeil & Preston, St. Grading Cretin & Vandalia �y 7 Scandinavian Bank, Assignee 5a7.8y Keough Bros., Spec. Assess. Const_....-Aact_. Pav ngy Dale, Grand to Front 8 Standard Asphalt & Rubber Co., Est. #2 &fines, �04.99� ✓ ' p 'Mand, Western to Dal+'f ✓ '" 9 Magnolia Petroleum Co., Bet. #1 2x697 OOr Holly, Western to Dale Bet. #1 > 2,75z.6o�f p Magnolia Petroleum CO.,. ? Market. 3rd. to 6th.St. ,r l "Magnolia Petroleum Co-s Est. #1 .z, Total x € Spec. Assess.. Const. Acct.-Seiveas xt Orleans, King & Baker, 20.00 2 Christ Johneon, Not. #2 &,Supplt., � Sylva St.:dessamine,to Geranium 20.00 443, C.. A.�Carloon & Sch" Not. #2 & Supplt .. _ Montrose, Marshall to Dayton 00.1. �}4 C. A. Carlson.& Son, Vance St., Janes to Palace 50.00 5 John Lind, t ess 5'.Comt Apcc—a w ,1 8c Baker ChrieC Sohn . qg S &SuPA3L ;20 OD � :� .Tessamine to Geranium ff Fnrnswgr worth: C on Son Fiats 17,N QNarahatl to Dayton s 61.Art�l� Henry ,� ~_. Total. G'O porate PI3I`pOee85?speetsl Intazcs d to`. Falrviewjt t$on-i E� No .;2 &Supplt •} - - Spec. Assess. Const.eGt. -Servers Accon'nt:: N Tallula, Clayland to Bairviea 1007 b�9(he Counoil;pDea 16 X814. Christ Johnson, Eat. #2 & Supplt., 20.00 a. $100'.00.. J Hamline-Jefferson Sewer System SpOa". 7 O'Neil & Preston, Est. 3a x,240-00 • 597.00: 13our; Assessment ccPetrole 12-,7400; 00-- pec. .esess. Const. Acat. -Sewer Er, Mark Ps and 6ec, . .. -Sean .Crl nne Sy1Yh - r5 ' Supolt Carlson - Spec. Assess. Const. Acct.-OpeningE "IM ':uTallu Christ Johnson Parkway 8 Clarkson G. Lindley, 2;910.00 W .. - John o � �lEY•;$2 . Spec � p Adol Spec Assess. Const. Robert St. Acet. C `F..No 3097- 'warrants tie drnwrvj Reath d that - on`the�Clty Treasury Datable ovt oty_ int:. .. s up .the hareinafter -spe (fled 1 nds and - idvor'oi the persona flrme to tha D,eO6eqn[tse 9 Drug Company, tions the-f6110vnxPu tGh;oCo�ruomo tn.CLaaoimle - -f5r . - �0-0daieur = -- �'Cjla t- o ged-$as -3l &atei0pba,CSpt rn.apiekoerrLightinx FWd eeFcotuit01 e '1\- 1 c;. o • - x:eO$"cb�notr nrdleflfloe='p- aFaDl,ltel Account Edward J $ Gen:: Fund Advertleinx &vPuhlicltY - ,^ s Facccuk S. $.enslet• $70.06 tlen�, Fund FEmepnit �inancen;86 00 �'1 ._, -,--- .4a', i', , ess 5'.Comt Apcc—a w ,1 8c Baker ChrieC Sohn . qg S &SuPA3L ;20 OD � :� .Tessamine to Geranium ff Fnrnswgr worth: C on Son Fiats 17,N QNarahatl to Dayton s 61.Art�l� Henry ,� ~_. Total. G'O porate PI3I`pOee85?speetsl Intazcs d to`. Falrviewjt t$on-i E� No .;2 &Supplt •} . orf 7efft:rson" Sewer SSstem. N Spe isl Funder .. Accon'nt:: N Speo. Assess. Con ASF. c:. se 8f 1007 b�9(he Counoil;pDea 16 X814. Patka N..; - $100'.00.. J Gradln 3candlnf SpOa". $30CD%9 - f :Porth • 597.00: 13our; Assessment ccPetrole " t`..... Mark Ps and 6ec, . .. -Sean .Crl nne Sy1Yh ' Supolt Carlson - Qanc Ianil $ - ':uTallu Christ HAm axEu Spec .. - John o � �lEY•;$2 . Spec � p Adol ess 5'.Comt Apcc—a w ,1 8c Baker ChrieC Sohn p�y Zw34l p8ili z', / 1 qg S &SuPA3L ;20 OD � :� .Tessamine to Geranium ff _ on Son Fiats 17,N QNarahatl to Dayton s 61.Art�l� top ;60 OD to Palace John;, t Sames lr.ClaYla d to`. Falrviewjt t$on-i E� No .;2 &Supplt •} . orf 7efft:rson" Sewer SSstem. resLon .>;st No 3 $122400D' seesM ConeL %+caL—t7➢eafnx= CTarksoa arkvi(ay uiese' Cone1 AcaL Widen; t St. Mansur"Drax Com= 1007 b�9(he Counoil;pDea 16 X814. i -pea. 16 1914 z - r COUNCIL FILE NO. .. ....................... ...... .......... sspp pp I3y iYl u . ... ... ...... resolution of Council Approving Assessment. It In the matteraf the assessment of benefits, costs and. expenses for the the construction of Sewers on Goodrich avenue., from Finn Ave., tb Woodlawn Ave.; Fairmount Avenue from Cleveland avenue to Woodlawn avenue; Princeton avenue from Cleveladd avenue to Mississippi River; St. Clair street from Clevelan aven-e -to Mississippi River.Boulevard. Mississippi river Boulevard frorr:�t. Clair street to Goodrich avenue. Woodlawn avenue` from Goodrich avenue to'St. Clair Stre t; Cleveland avenue from St. Clair street to Fairmount avenue; Cretin a from Goodrich avenue to Lincoln avenue. Lincoln avenue from Cretin ai a to Finn avenue; Sargerit avenue from Cretin avenue to Woodlawn avenue and Sargent avenue from Cretin avenue to a point 280 feet east of the east line of Finn avenue, and knpwn as the Toodlawn-Fairmount Sewer System. ander Preliminary Order - "3 and Final Order Final Order :._.39..,.6.4$ approved July _1..0.t�l 191...... 40,123,Approved August 27th, 1913. .. -- .... - ...- -- - for and in connection with The assessment of the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .._..1.3..th..__.....__.__..... day of 191.5....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 ' of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of :Finance give C .F. No 3098�nY 3 At Farnsworth=: 3n .the matter of' the assessment oSlace of hearing, the notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stat heueain costa ,and eapensea'tor the gonetru tion of sewers on% Coodrloh avenue from Finn ,Ave to Wood nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and la�cl, XV6.:T ehue'ionwpiaiawntav'gn °r lots of the par- . nue:' ptinebton -venu, from Cleve < _ taPd..vinuto ;.nest slppiy.-:rlvzc St' ticular owner to whom the notice is directed. L loi;nts&aeti D} rn-, 1sasovi veara� %Eitss sstppl River Boglev.rd rrom Sp ,' - Clair atrept ..",Co Adopted by the Council _... vP.00dlawn avenue frgWiy m avenue ftl, S4; Clatr 1' .1� U I`I 'I9 �Y ;Sri Approved.... ......... .........__............_............_ -._...:...1 191_ .- t i Councilman Fa worth Go s Ke ler " M Coll " Y erg mayer=ap M= Form B. S. A. 8.8 City Clerk. ' Mayor. •y4� 303 !l COUNCIL FILE NO. ......____ _.er FINAL ORDER. 1t, the i\iatte,• of___grad-ir_.g__Alley -.ir. _dendriak'.B Rearrargeraem_t .oi_3..lcek..._4,.. of. _ivicLean.f..a.-Reser=ration. _ under Preliminary Order. _ 6113 __ _approved J i y__10. h, i 4 Intermediary Orde_..approved A public hearing hiiving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the . sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED,'By the Council of the City of St. Patd that the precise uatnre, extent and kind of in,- proveu,e,t,to be made by the said City is..._gr-ading._alley in.Kendriok'..s_.Rearrangement...of............. i of McLean' McLean' a Reservation. and the Council hereby orders said improvemeat to he made. s c < RESOLVED FURTHER, That. the ('ono, issioner of Public Works be a„ d he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and suhutit slate to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city Officers are hereby antho•iaed and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement ill aceo•danee therewith. Adopted by the Council : / -rty Clerk. ' 144 Approved__. - .___... ...__......19.,.._ Councilmen Foillipw G Ke , �— lI oil :Mayor. t to De d 11" 1je A solved Farth That t ` 'erg--- 1 of Pobli Woakdi a tho ed to m he by fast uM d am tt nsntor 1e p e Dlaae and speubmit s e to the. Improvement. sadorat' thatuposara e r; a Council tar apDo er afty oKtge- vpproval,;:thPp of said tmPro hereby'euthorized-.and directed to pro. Geed with :the maliinH wit ment Iti;'accordance thereh. 'Adgpted by the Co 1814 pec. 16. -191A. 1 AbDrove�i Dec..t6, (bec..19-1814) , J t t dl n t t fk ;l iT I; t `ts 4 E,in Fes' 1 ' r CITY ov ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE^ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ON PRELIMgJb%RY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved---............ ------------------------ ------------------ / ------ ----------- To the Council of the City of St. Pauly The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - _ $_ .930 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION . yCf4f foil %%Cu jScktcl (/ U o �K 9 a l -Vu 0 d 0. 4 C/c J d o yS J� a 0. jj TOTAL v,. .[ CITY OF SS, f'AUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF; COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' - ON PRELIMINP,�tY ORDER -' ` DESCRIPTION LOT OLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION C4 y �U \ Aly . �o I f -I: 3' J y all f J The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated----'l7`�� I. Commissioner of Finance. ' �p IORM D.S.A. e•6 C st. Paul,Minne so tajAprI-1--2nd, 191-4 '2 �o-the -Hong-rabl4a -Common.--COunOil and Board of--,-public.Works 3 City of st.Pau,1-,Mi-n.neeota 4 �I�Ontleme% - We, 'the undersigned owners of property do hereby • respectfully petition your honorable bodies to have the Alley c street, in McLeans Graded between HastInge -avenue and Pacifi ,reservation of Kendricks re -arrangement, in said City owners names residence 12 • 13 lei ei, 141 r 4 V, V 17 20 wa PA 24 J*V 26 28 29 30 311 AR , M Y st. Paul,Minne so tajAprI-1--2nd, 191-4 '2 �o-the -Hong-rabl4a -Common.--COunOil and Board of--,-public.Works 3 City of st.Pau,1-,Mi-n.neeota 4 �I�Ontleme% - We, 'the undersigned owners of property do hereby • respectfully petition your honorable bodies to have the Alley c street, in McLeans Graded between HastInge -avenue and Pacifi ,reservation of Kendricks re -arrangement, in said City owners names residence 12 • 13 lei ei, 141 r 4 V, V 17 20 wa PA 24 J*V 26 28 29 30 311 AR , M To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Wor$s, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun 613 - ....._the cil, known as Council File No ........... 613 ....__.........................._...._ July 10 191..4.., relative to. grading.__oP __a11e_y... iR.._Kendrick!_s_Re, . of Block_.•_4,._Mo. ,can! e..__Resercat qA . .......................... ...... _........ _.... ........................ .................................. ............ ..................... .................... ......................................... ............................... _............................. ................. ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._ ... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_...._YZX............... and .the total cost thereof is $...._1.,107..10..,...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................_......:..;............................................... .._......................... .........__... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .4 . ........................................ ....... ............... ..................... ......... .................... ..._................ .._............... .._................................ ................................................. .................... ......_. 5. Said improvement is ................ ................._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... .......... ....... `..............._................ ... .......... ...... _................. ........... _..... _ _..... CoA sioner, of Public Works.I t- �i 1 Vf f � COUNCIL FILE NO. 3100 v FINAL ORDER. ��. !-7- III avenue_ - r_au � In the Matter rt. K � St. kltzor-y 610 approved __July1Qth, 1014_ under Preliminary Order . S.. _.�, .._._ ..._.approved Intermediary Order ... _.... A public hearing having been had upon the above iutproveunutt upoll due notice, and the .Council having heard all persons, objections and reeonunendatinns relative thereto, 11id having fully considered the _ same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the 1'ity of St Pout th %/J)In! vise nature, extent ; ul kind of int- oc tent to be ur by the said Cit is- .I'd and the Co it hereby orders said improvement to be wade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cdlrimissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, curd suhutit same to the Council . for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers 111'e hereby antherized and ltirected to proceed with the making of said iwpfovetneut ut accordance therewith. - - Adopted by the Conneil .. J ...__ _... // l Cit e Approyed___._7/ _.__.__.1!Y..S FINAL ORDER Mayor. -C. F Yo. 3100— - In the Clatter of grading.Columbu ave- . nue from Beverley Ave.'to 8t Anthony Coliacilmen F1 isworth avenue; under Preliminary Ord r PDr11&,1ul kith, 1914: Intermediary - Order .2506, D oved ^toy 10 3914. - ti s A publle had ing iiaving �eed.'had.S - i upon the above lmprovement'bI914 ue t otice, end the Cou..nahaA Seard'e ¢Il Heraons; oblec[lons and rommend¢- j7 Ir. i' ,:trona relative thereto; n.nd hecaying.'Y.; _ .con Ida ed the same; therefore,> be�1t =': - Resolved; that the CouBy dl of tho ebx;; i Coll t St. Paul Chat the;preol11 nature, city; tent and kind of improvement to ":be. muds by Sid City is Go de,-Columbus' eyenua from Beverley avenue to'9t...Aa- tnony avenue;`and`She Counen hoieby� ,S.ordera'sald improvement to he made: al ner of Publiclved W.rlra tbeh and he P ' el•g hereby instructed and:directed togyre- ppare plans and specltleatkona for%satd- improvemenp and eebmit'same. tt7;'gho' Mayor VP,rB Cop arlalfoeheapprovai;. that pon said - her�by authorized and directed to ` ro ' ceed ',with 'the making. of said lm-' provement 1n-accordance therewith.:-. Adopted by:'the Council March-3,.1916: ADProved March 4, 1916. r o (March 6-1916) f S iJ i y lr k t s t a I r i t f f � � 4 t f i � t � � F s !� i3 � � �• , f, t, 'x In the CITY -OF ST. PAUL .. -- OFPARTMENT,,OF FINANCE�,�',-,,It ` REPORT OF COMMISSIVNER OF FINANO ON PRELIMINA '�QRDER under Preliminary Order approve — --------- --- --------- --------- - , To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 1.42 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation Of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ' DESCRIPTION--- ASSESSED VALUATION "ej e4 el. Z Z 0 O J7 1U d S° 0 01. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL - 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE,' 3% I REPOPtT OF' COMMtS$IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAir ORDER " DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUp{LIQ ° ql ® -�(N0 0 O 0 �Z .z J U O S, iv �. oll def oZ.2 Ay '�` - �') C CIO O . J,s a� . o oO S�. TOTAL, CITY OF QST. UL .. FI DEPARTMENTiOF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINAFfYXORDER (B) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAU ION El G S zJ`a q fO /0 44 /G a 12 S` /) /s /3` /f /s /% / G o u C, 0 . _. __.. _.. .._._ TOTAL. .: CITY'OF ST. PAUL„ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONE( OF'FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR#PRDER/6 U - - (C) D E S C R I P T I O'N. LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSE5SED V r G 2 Z.1-3 23 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to. him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-._ .1�0— - 191. — Commissioner of Finance. FORM -.A.0 -5C . .r :. a .,.. ... _. TO THF: h014ORABLE COL1DI'l COUNCIL 01" Thr' CITY Or 3T. PAUL A14D TO T:T; h^NORAIiLE BOARD OF FUBT:IC V�C-,-!S OF SAID CITY Vie the undersigned owners of property fronti;,6 oil Columbus A,7enue in the City of St. Paul, do hereby petition your Honorable r 21. from Come River-�oulevard to be bodies to cause Polumbus .avenue grad6d rortkrvesterl_y to St, Anthony Avenue. Name of owner Lot block Add. No of feet frontage j Y yrz-5C3-z 2., 33. 31�. • 3S• 3 6 �/ '� / � o J r M Estate of R H. KELLY, zz-z -ate e 13 pe 3- - ai��l�Zi 3� x � - ?�7i 8d j fel a % EMS 977FG` D- i c� u L .: X914 �' 61NEWS &' MAY 9 1914. M ST. PAUL, p+ I�.IV ES0� 1 ' d /..1 a � R-0 a Office: of the. Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance • t ... ..... ........ .........._Am ust.....17.1.........191..4.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • fl The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No :_610. npproved_...._......_July 10 t„ .......................191.4.., relative to......_..................... the....=ading.._of..._Columbus..._Ave......._from.....C4>uo_.. .Y..e.x..._ .Gule9 . d.....t.4................................. St.Anthony...._Ave..e.................__....................................._....._........._..........................._.........................................................._............................. ................................................................... . _.................................................................... _.............................................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1.. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 4 861 53 XXXXT and the total cost thereof �s $..._......................................, and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.................... _. . the nature and extent of_said improvement is as follows; ...:.................... ........ .......__..__.__........ .............. ....... _- .............. .........._...__. .............. ......_..._.......... ............................ ........................................ .............. ..... ......... ................ ...................... ........._...._.._............... .......................................... ........ _............... - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4:.... ...................................... _.._................_..............................-........._..................................................................................................__................ ................ ............ ..._ .... 5. Said improvement is-..-. . ................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .......... ....... _............ Co ussioner of Public Works. C. F: 2506. By Mr. S. A. Farnsworth, In the Matter of grading Columbus Avenue from Como and " s, River Boulevard to'$t. Anthony Avenue under preliminary Order 610 approved July 10, 1914. To the Council of the City of 5t, Paul, Minnesota. The subscribers hereto hereby respectfully enter their f objections to the grading of that portion of1t;lumbus Avenue•lyidg between, Como and River Boulevard and Beverly Avenue, in the City of St. Paul, Minneeota, the same being approximately a distance of two hundred fifty (250) feet measured on the centrad line of said . Golur�bus Avenue, and the subscribers being s majority of the owners of the property abutting upon said po-tion o° Columbus Avenue. The facts end reasons far such objections are as follows: That the said Columbus Avenue intersects Beverly Avenue£ ata point one hundred ten (110) feet westerly of the west line of k Como and River Boulevard; that the grade from the southerly line of Beverly Avenue to the westerly line to Como and River Boulevard, as proposed by an order now before the Council is about eleven (11) feet and will be'of little use for general travel; and to continue the roadway of Columbus Avenue along severly Avenue to the boulevard w will result in a lighter grade; that the grading of said portion of Columbus Avenue between Beverly Avenue and Como and River Boulevard fi will greatly damage the abutting property without any benefit to the public or to the subscribers; that theta is before this Council 1 at the present time a preliminary order requiring the condemnation of Lot one (1) and the parts of Lots two (2) three (3) and four (4) which lis westerly of the west line oP Como and River Boulevard e- in twnety-two`(22) Desnoyer Park an additidn to the'City %f Block T S o t W- m mom 0,14 s )7 COUNCIL FILE NO. OUN y.......... . .................. FINAL ORDER. structing...a sew,er, oh,Rva street from Fairfield 'f -em QPZ1 ........... . ...... -- ............................. In the Matter of PaLrii.eldavenue to Indiana avenue. .......... .. ... .... .... .... lhnilu5�. Order... .....approved .._...._August 13th, 1914. under Pre - ........... ... . ... Intermediary Order�� ...... ....... 11-�, I approved � 7 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue - e, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relativil thereto, and having fully considered the safne; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of 'the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn -' t to be made by the said City is _Qn Emix-AUS.8t Sitfield avenue proveinen ....... .. . ... to Indiana avenue. ................. ... ........ .... . .. . .......... . .................... .. .... ... . - .... . . .... and the Council hereb!y orders said improvement to be. made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and, i1krected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvetkient, and submit same to the, �douncjl for. opproval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in. accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Approved ........ .... 310i= nhaer-1pr6umina" Order ry,12gA ?pi;6ve4:,Aak48t 13th. Mayor. 3814 Y fary,,Otd—�'�2S,07, 'aP- q"licillnell Fill- wo 741 1p.erBQn*pobj.,6tibnf.d.d-ge.Pl- Go hutw.W — 'aidered A)e, 7 K -Jiligbn in -bir, the sold -l' 11� 11 a, sdwefavepve„, on ',. -Eva �otlf' t'�tf9in:1rairf” to- dg4a" 4dthe , -..t, to bb --b e Is hereby in too 6 ," "'n-tolmw R -A P Y 9 pare.--- .5, aff1d; ORO OW16 ----------- Plan t; d M :eama Impgovernen couneir for apprO W,that neoneaid Mavoll approval ;Aho-Wq 17;1. 6 _T— 1, 1. Itioreby author,l?:�g P i,autheri, seed th ftl ment in Adopted 'hv", ":Approved DW Ll 9141, if CI•ZY„OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF, FINANCE • �. Y' . REPORT, OF COM ISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRE�L BINARY ORDER � � (A) In the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved ---- -- --���- ------j-----"`-----1"'Sl / -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 1.51 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION /' �/ p 0 U r / ,o %o a - 0 U !U /o 02/ ai TOTAL. FOR S.A e D w i .. ..w —•>" .r. y, CITY OF ST. PAUL i al DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT 4F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELOINARY ORDER - (C) A D D I T 1 Q;rl ASSESSED . DESCRIPTION LOT PLOCK VALUATION Py a i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all' of_ the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. \ Datedffj//� - Commissioner of Finance. , FORM B.S.A. a -s c , _ j� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all' of_ the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. \ Datedffj//� - Commissioner of Finance. , FORM B.S.A. a -s c , _ • Y ... m.' i 1 t -W All 1011 r On On iY . y ix r OWN - - P4 St F � k 0 low .. I Sig -,. .. Y� is ... - . .. - ., ..^� ;'-7 0.i`.1.: .. .i..Ydo '`=''t'iAaw.. al.ii.� - . S� rKR-e ...... , xF 'J .. •G.•Mk t ., ., -. _ . •.r _ .. Office of the Commlioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Vinance ............... .......81,ep.t Trih9.T....15_a...........1.91A.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No_._ .1.j,ag..........approved.._..__"Vipt......I��.a................ ....191.4...., relative to- ....rhe......_.... a construction of Street..._ from.._Fairfi_e.;.! Avenue.,.._to.............._.,.. ............Indiana.._A_venue..,..........................................................................................................................._..................................................................................-........... ............._.._..........-................................................................................. ................ .......... ..................... a and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........... ........... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........... and the total cost thereof is --.6.W.:_Q.Q........... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._....:.......... ....... _................................................................................................................._.,.._................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........................ _............ _..................... ........_......-..........:..................__.............................._...._._.................-................._............_... 5. Said improvement is_.........................:........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................................ Co r sioner of Public Works. 31®2 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE, DISTRIBUTION AND POSSESSION OF CHLORAL HYDRATE, OPIUM AND COCA LEA VES,..THEIR COMPOUNDS, PREPARATIONS AND DERIVATIVES, AND THE SALTe.*COm- POUNDS AND PREPARATIONS OF SUCH DERIVATIVES, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. The Council of .the City of St. Paul Does Ordain: - sec. 1. It shall be!unlawful for any person, firm or Cor- poration other than muiufacturing or wholesale druggists, physicians, dentists, veterinarians and parmaoists, or hos- pitals, colleges, public and scientific institutions employ- ing or in charge of physicians, dentists parmacists or vet- ernariane; to have in his or their possession for the purpose of selling, bartering, furnishing or giving away any quantity of opium or coca leaves, (except decoeainized coca leaves or preparations therefrom), their compounds, preparations or derivatives, or the salts, compounds or preparations of such derivatives, or chloral hydrate, and the sale, barter or gift thereof by those herein permitted to have in their possession for such purpose shall be unlawful, except as hereinafter pro- vided: (A) manufacturing and wholesale druggists may sell the drugs named in the Ordinance to physicians, parmacists, den- tists and veterinarians licensed in this state, and to hospitals, colleges, public and scientific institutions employing or in charge of physicians, parmacists, dentists or veterinarians, and each of the persons or parties named in thie;:paragraph may sell to the other of others named herein. (B) All dother sales, gifts or distributions of the drugs named in this Ordinance, except -aa hereinafter provided, shall. be only on the original written prescription of a physician, den- tist or veterinarian licensed under the laws of this state. Said prescription shall contain the name of the person for whom pre scribed, or the name of the owner of the animal for which prescribed; it shall bear the date of issue and be signed by the prescriber; it shall be kept on file for at least Pwo years by the physician, pharmacist, dentist or veterinarian dispensing tIO same; and be accessible at all reasonable times for inspection by the proper J authorities, and shall not be filled more than once, and nc, copy of such prescription shall be furnished. Pr aided, however, that licensed physicians, dentists and veterinarians need not write prescriptions or file the same for inspection when said drk�gs are physically administered by them in person, or in their actual presence to patients in need thereof. And provided further, that the Ordinance shall not aprly to duly licensed pharmacists or assis- tant pharmacists in the sale or distribution of lotions, liniments, ointments and pleters containing opium, its compounds, prepar ations or derive ives, or the salts, compounds and preparations of said derivatives for external use only, when so labeled, and not, fit for internal use, nor U.B.P. or N.F. preparations, nor to household and proprietary remedies and prescriptions containing not more than four grains of opium, or not (1) grain of morphine or one-third (1/3) of a grain of heroin, or two (2) grains of codeine, or any salts or derivatives of any of them or one hundred and twenty (120) grains of chloral hydrate in one fluid or avoir- dupois ounce. Provided, however, thai none of these exemptions shall apply when the opium, morhine, heroin, codeine, or chloral hydrate, or any salts or derivatives of a4y of them are dispensed in simple solutions or with inert substances. Provided that vet- erinarians shall not prescribe for humans. Sec. 2. The possession by a person, firm or corporation of the drugs herein named other than those who are herein permitted to ,. have possession thereof, or their agentg or employes while suing within the scope of their employ, shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of this ordinance, unless it shall be elwon that such possession is on the original writen prescription of a ,{ sician, dentist or .veterinarian, or that it ehal,S be a prepaza qn� yes 4 1 i specifically exempted herein and then only when'"kept for use and not for sale or distribution. See. 3. Any person, firm or corporation,,or person acting for a firm or corporation, who violates any proAion of this Ordinance, shall, upon conviction,thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty—five ($25.00) dollars nor more than One Hundred ($100.00) dollars, or by imprisonment of not less than thirty (30) days or more than ninety (90) days. This Ordinance shall take 'effect and be in force (30) days after its passage and c F. No. 3102—Ordinance nangq xq. 2340— thirty g p SY _Ie n r eg,l— Att ordnance. regulaling the a le, dis- Hydr Hydrate, -and and coca s / rh•n-m - - $ydrate. opium and coca lea;vea: thele compounds, preparation 8nd derly^ attyes;. and (he salts, eQm(founds and — / preparations of such derivattvea, and. n)•ovlding a penalty for the. violation' Th. Council of the City vof St Paul Z does ordain. - ,/., SECTION 1It shall be unlawful for anygjsp a nJ f✓� firm for corporatlon other than menu s Y lldeplotl by the Council �. slcWdJig or wholesale rinarians phy , _ j sl tan§dentists ,ve[erinariane andi "" -...... '-- parmacists. or hospitals, Colleges, pub lie and sclentifie Inatttutigna employ- tng or in charge o[. physlctans. den- tists parmaclsts or, vol nariana. to have In, his or theft pose eslort�Yor the' YEAS nurpoee; of selling, bartering furnish- NAYS, tag or gluing away. any gnatitlty of optum or coca leavgs (excopf deco-. cal I.ed coca leaves. or preparations, therefrom). their compounds Dr-eyara� MR- FARNSWORTH bona or; derlvativea.; or the salts: cpm i pounds orvreparations oR,euW, itbrive: Uvea or chloral ydrate aTtt� the sale; G•OSS bartaae��ry ori: Ift thereof perdtiiied to have fn their poatieasion .i Tor uch .purpose shall 'be unlawful, j KELLER except as hereinafter Drpvlded: (A) Manufacturing and wholesale drugglsts,May Gell tha.druga named in.. the O dins ce . to physictan B; perms _ MaCOLL ciste dentists and., V'aterinarlaas It ce aed in. this state, and fo hoapItals,. colleges, l.PubIt- and .clenttflc )hall u tions empioyl g or in charge SP phl alclans, .perm Cfats' dentists or. vete %, 4 inariana,_ and each P the persona or(. h°{t�r parties named In tiffs paragraph may . YOERG roil to. the other or others named:here- (B) All. other sales, 'gifts or, dis- tributions ist ibutions of the drug named Ah' this j AYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWER Ordinance; except ash refnattei p o I vlded shall, be only on the orlginal_� wrJiten 'p5 Cacription of a"Physiclan. / deptlit ocaveterl.-rian licensed and ^` the laws of this elate Sald preserlp- tion shall contain Lila name of 1he per- ; eon for whom prescribed, Or the naalmno lj of the owner W the. animal for whish f i fee bed; It .hall bear the data oP t• I:•(saue and. be signed. -by the preaorlber; It shall be kept on file -for at least two ;year. by the phyalcian, pharmacist,. dentist or veterinarian dispensing. the 6atlie::.•and be accfiasl, at t.1 to eaea" byeprop- not. be, filled copy'or such "'niched. -Pro-? - Icensed.. phy-' •i narlans need file the -same d' drugsOr trod or avoiraupota ounce. Yi However, that none f the ltt.a, Hall apply when -t i, morphine, .heroin, codeine, d hydrate,: or any salts or. deriv or any of them are dispensed a Solutions or with inert., so ea. P,rovlded that vet'limi 1. not'preScrlbe-for h.to.ns. CR(!'rTf1N corPor¢tion. or a final or corpora - pI' j 4 ninety (90) days. I - -effect t IF -'This Ordinance shall take and be In force thlrty(30) days. atter Its i :passage and publication , K Passed by tht, Counell Dec. 30, 1914 Yeas—liessra •• Farnsworth. f, -K IVMcColl Yoerg Wr. President6. Nay". Approved I),— 30 1914 1. OA'Moyor L tie Y JOHN I,FARIOX.- - F ( y i City Clerk an. -1916) NJri',`Harj$,.,;letaer, ofi>-Des. 4h,1914 etate3` to the" Colulb I that; thiQ,stroe ; + Louneil bile No ....... ...... ... .... ... °; ehould''be ,paved and t h e' l ajue[t tiiie Or @r , 8 no ro use 5 = PROPOSAL FOR IMPAMMENT: o and I PRH1l. aIMINARY ORDER. a The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following is improveinent by t] qty of St. Paid, viz.:..EaQe.._-Holly .... V.0nu,a..._Yxam...Bala....st_ ...Q.._3i at.oria_.S.t.. ......._.._.................. . to ............................. ............. ......... .......... ....... ......_.......... ._._..__..................... .......... ..................... .................. Dated this...:,......16th .....day. of_ _ ........... Dealemher......... . ....._191.4.. ? ... ro.:.:..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the meIking of the following improvement, vie.:E&se.....Holly:... - TlryeYeas A, wrist n pro o ,y , , Asenue__from. Dale fjfi �g of tho foud*ing imp rrve Holly avehae'trom D ' la at.,haling been vreee,to'j.. .. ...... .... ........ .. .... .... .._.._. oi, S4 Pau . Y' - n , I bt the b City, IL Tbat the CoriirnlealoRer OE. .. _..._. ._....._:.'_.... .............. ...... .._. ...... .............. ........................'". .... +, be and,h'e�ls hereby Orr . l '.itlgnte ttie neoeselry for:..__._ .... . ........_.... ._........._.... ........ �..,.-- —_ of Choi i[[aking of said ... .._,.... s tignte th�'riat1 extent'. _ having been presented to the Council of tb� [a c 'G`dt r oi°rove' uncilnlan ..............._.__ .__..................._._ .—. therefore, be it ovement ; r e Pollowing RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of'Pu� Un'reletil6 +F ud he is hereby ordered and directed: hro''noti - 1. To investigate the necessity for br desl , the �le making of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, ;extent and esti> ,. t jt of axil improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile'or sketic 4:1 said improvement'.. 4: To furnish the following other dlitn"and"information relative to sa'd improvement:.:._... _._..._._..._........ . ._ _...._____—____.......__ _._......_....._..__..... .......... . 5. To state whether' or not said improvement is asked for on the petitio ofsthree or more o e 6. To report upon, all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Pinnace. Adopted by the Council.................�.-�/..,Z.6- ..... .... _191��__ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa 'aworth DEC 113 IM GoApproved .._,......._..................... ....................... Be r ` Me oil,. Yo g ... ... . . .... .. M y er ay r. 3 e�1�LISi�D....---- ., / -ehoul8 Be' &—fia'at 'his request this councit,-F41c No . ...... .................... PROPOSAtL and PRELMINARY ORDER. Cit f It. improvement by ille Cit f St. - .0 Tile undersigned hereby proposes the mAing of the following p 14 .. - - - --------- ---- ------ Paul, viP4Yq..._Qr_()Vt0 St.,; U_Ame twoz.. Y ..... ........ ...... . .......... . .. ..... ........... ...... ............. ................................ .. . .. .. ... .......... .......... . ..... ... .................................. ..................... .................... .......... .............. . ... ... Dated this............ lfi.th day of.. VL. .................... �.*.:.'.* ..... .. ...... .. .............. . ............ ............ ........ - ........................... . ............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .................. .......... -p Ib -.-&V _37,1113002it AV Y . ............... . ............................ . ........................ ..... .. . ... .e Gr.o.tto st... �ft.am .... . ................ ....................... .................... ...... ... ........... . ...... . ... .. . .. . .. .............................. .............. . .... ..... ........ .... ......................... ............ ........ ........... ................. .............. ....... .......... ........... ............................. .. ....... ..... ... .............. . .. ............... y....... .. ... .... . ................ ......... ,it, thki .......... . .. .................... .. . ................................... .......... . ... d ...... ....................... ................ ..... �n�_ * , '� � — . ...... ... .. ... all having been presented to the Co rill Councilman_..._......_..........._ . .......... .. .. . .. ..... . .......... . ...... therefore, be it t hereby ordered and directed: LV Coma, 6nteh the missioner e is e RE, SO ED, That the Com 1. To investigate the necessity o .-r e; 'making of said improvement. whether or aoi; 2. To investigate the nature, e said improvement, and the total cost thereof. ire oWFera� or sketch of ni. 3. To furnish a plan, profile -te� t on 4. To furnish the following otherdata a!,, be co relative to said improvement:..................... ...... . .................. . . ............... . .. 11 ......... . ...... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council, . ......... 19f Yeas: Nays: -Councilman Fa sworth DEC 1-6 1914 QoApproved. ... . ...................... .............................. A91 K er M Oil ... . . . ......... . . . ... ...... ..... ..... .. Y g 'ti Mayor. Mayly Resolved, 4, That the application of the Young bornane Christian Association for a license to. conduct a Female Ymployment Agency at 1?3-33 T. 5th Street be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, and the filing of bond required by law. C..F.No. 3168—By 'HeprY: McColl— Aeablved, Thnt. the application : of the Young WomanaCrirlgtI Assoc!- _ atlom fora lleense,.to conduct's L'ertale Employment Agency street b"@ and it hereby ie gran[ed an8 the Clty Clerk JR, i trneted 'to , faeve, such license for ona,year upon"the pay mentlnto'th6, City: Teeasuey of the fee, and the fllin g of gond refluIred by law. Adoptedcriy-the Counoil Dea, 16,'1914: ed ApprovDee. 16;1914. - (Deo.!;19-1914) _ 'Yeas (V) Coun en (P) Nays mfr -19_ Adopted by the Council ___1� , so Farns Orth /-- Goss _In _..In favor Kelle Approved_ _11E(_ �' X914 _ 191 MCC _______Against Yoe{ j' rest ers neon K e , COUNCIL FILE NO. 3107 13Y. .......... . . . . .. .......... FINAL ORDER. In th, )IHtj,I- of_ grading Fairmount avenge from -Kenneth avenue to Prior nuclei- Preliminary Order -.-17,63 ___approved Jul ..._20t 1914. Intermediary Order HITI.Oved A public hearing having be( -n had upoll the above im prol-I'l III']] t upon (?U(' notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, Had having fully considered tiv� saine; therefor e, be it RE' VED, lay the Council of the City of St Paul that .the aee ludas extent alul ind of im- 14 made U tl id City is.- .. .4 (1 ;,ad the Council hereby orders said improvement to 1), 111ade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the con"Ilissioller of Public Works be and he is hereby- instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvel"I'lit, and sillunit same to the Council far approval; that upon said approval, the proper MY offleers arc h'r`k% flothfiriz-1 and directed to proceed with the making of said iniproveal,lit if) a,,ol.dalle, therewith. Adopted by the Council. -L. Approved.. I --_Mayor. Councilmen Fa nsworth -C. P No 210T. If. in,, the:irattc'r7.�-.: avenue, front --grIt4ind F.Irm.nfit Prior avenue;-ija Kenneth; ath;,.avenue- to r,•n der 783, .approved j rellininary or - K, ler Intertnedfary Uider. UIY 20th„ 1914'� November lo, - . 2511; approved_ kb 1914. :"�� A� public hearing"been M Coll r."On. the'abovq Icepcovementupondue. otice and the'COUrell hat lcffrd cmd-ra rAll e adcpane..�, Vf same therefore,. 7ve 46-4�111r-,`,'corafldared theIn tit Y y o r ofst. Taill that, it pro alum, ex-� "is be tt Council f ty 'It 11ck 1 -1 ler 1.11 11 C rg tent -and -kind q from', 31iyor Po S rmade bythe. ealdr �olty,Atf nue to, Prior;,av,ionec"and 'K�nhith-ave nd-,tba� CfancR _ hereby orders; -gF6vecrt0ttd,bq —Resolved- Further ,* That -'t -'he' ' V,-- I sioneri,ofPublkc,,-Work�i,":b ["berelly- Inoirtf,,ted-And d, I , I reeted1n Para Pana-a.d,.jfe.jflaAtj.. Por , java�' Ior,, f Incfl�, for -approval; aPvroval� the priaper city I hereby afkhorjicd�'and e i ceed with Ith,the Making went accordance th--un Adopted by, -the Counen Awl! 3: 1916.1 Approved AT)rll 6, 1915 4T z K e , COUNCIL FILE NO. 3107 13Y. .......... . . . . .. .......... FINAL ORDER. In th, )IHtj,I- of_ grading Fairmount avenge from -Kenneth avenue to Prior nuclei- Preliminary Order -.-17,63 ___approved Jul ..._20t 1914. Intermediary Order HITI.Oved A public hearing having be( -n had upoll the above im prol-I'l III']] t upon (?U(' notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, Had having fully considered tiv� saine; therefor e, be it RE' VED, lay the Council of the City of St Paul that .the aee ludas extent alul ind of im- 14 made U tl id City is.- .. .4 (1 ;,ad the Council hereby orders said improvement to 1), 111ade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the con"Ilissioller of Public Works be and he is hereby- instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvel"I'lit, and sillunit same to the Council far approval; that upon said approval, the proper MY offleers arc h'r`k% flothfiriz-1 and directed to proceed with the making of said iniproveal,lit if) a,,ol.dalle, therewith. Adopted by the Council. -L. Approved.. I --_Mayor. Councilmen Fa nsworth -C. P No 210T. If. in,, the:irattc'r7.�-.: avenue, front --grIt4ind F.Irm.nfit Prior avenue;-ija Kenneth; ath;,.avenue- to r,•n der 783, .approved j rellininary or - K, ler Intertnedfary Uider. UIY 20th„ 1914'� November lo, - . 2511; approved_ kb 1914. :"�� A� public hearing"been M Coll r."On. the'abovq Icepcovementupondue. otice and the'COUrell hat lcffrd cmd-ra rAll e adcpane..�, Vf same therefore,. 7ve 46-4�111r-,`,'corafldared theIn tit Y y o r ofst. Taill that, it pro alum, ex-� "is be tt Council f ty 'It 11ck 1 -1 ler 1.11 11 C rg tent -and -kind q from', 31iyor Po S rmade bythe. ealdr �olty,Atf nue to, Prior;,av,ionec"and 'K�nhith-ave nd-,tba� CfancR _ hereby orders; -gF6vecrt0ttd,bq —Resolved- Further ,* That -'t -'he' ' V,-- I sioneri,ofPublkc,,-Work�i,":b ["berelly- Inoirtf,,ted-And d, I , I reeted1n Para Pana-a.d,.jfe.jflaAtj.. Por , java�' Ior,, f Incfl�, for -approval; aPvroval� the priaper city I hereby afkhorjicd�'and e i ceed with Ith,the Making went accordance th--un Adopted by, -the Counen Awl! 3: 1916.1 Approved AT)rll 6, 1915 4T CITY OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT bF FINANCE All* REPORT OF COMMI'eix-SIONER OF FINIAN ON PRELIK I RY ORDER (A) ................... ................ - - - ----------- --------------- under Preliminary Order approv6.d (.1�t� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finafice hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1973.2473.24 for - present established grade. ,1.65 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above -improvement is $1,042.49 for proposed change of grade. The estimatedcost per foot for the above i,-,-.proveraent is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION 40 roam M.B.A. B -B A TOTAL�' CITY OFSTe PAUL DEPARTMENT OF V..1 ► REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE - - ON PRELIMIAARY ORDER - V - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'.: 3 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION 6/1 J-0 sy 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ---1 I -- — 191....4. al- ✓ �. - - - ------ of Finance. FORM B.S.A. a•a C 23 A -V V,1,y i ik ,, P, a PO -zi At' io, „lv"rt lv 23 A -V V,1,y i ik ,, - OSCAR CLAUSSEN GOSS. 3 CO1b693iONAA PVOLIC: WOA6 - _ - - - piISR SNGQi861 CITY- CyF''SAINT PAUL OEPARTMENT.OF_PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul,. 'Minn. Aug. 7, 1914. o Mr. M. iI. Goss,' Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir,- -- In .the -matter of Council File #763, approved July 20, 1914, I herewith transmit for your consideration estimates for the proposed grading of Fairmount Ave'. from Kenneth Ave. to Prior Ave., as follows: Estimate No. 1, amounting to $1,963.40 is figured on the basis of using the present established grade. Estimate No. 2., amounting to $1,032.65 is figured on the basis of using the prq�posed change of grade. The assessable frontage, in either case, is 1192 ft., J1 and to Est. No. 1 the sum of $40.00 is necessary for :excess inspection, while to Est. No. 2 the sum of $20.00 is necessary for excess inspection. You will observe from an examination of the proposed change of grade profile on this street that it is not practical to provide for drainage at this time except onto private property, which is not considered legal. Relative -to -grading the street to the present established grade, I beg to advise you that this is not practical either at this time for the reason that there is no outlet for the.drainage on the street. It might, however, be possible to drain the F` 'storm water coming off of the street onto private property, if a JoBR-I. VATaC . Cert CITY -OF SAINT PAUL ' orrs on�8a�s o�os ' _ Dec. 30th,1914 Hon. I.S.N. Goss., Cosmr of Public Works, City of St.Ptaul,Minn. D ear Sir: - Attached Final order to grade.Fairmount Ave. from Kenneth Ave to Prior Ave. C. F. 3107, was laid over to. Jun 30t3h, 1915, and referred to your department, by the Council at their meeting of to -day. Matter laid over so that arrangements cam be made for proper street drainage. Your= tra7.y, C qty Clerk L. aoax x. rwaxxrr, orer onnnn CITY OF SAINT PAUL Wry onrLxa-e oHIEzor, Jan. 30th,1915. Hon. M. N. 0oes., Costw. of Public Works. Dear Sir:— Attached Einxa order For the grading of Fairmount Ave. from Kenneth to Prior Ave. C. F. 3107, was laid over one month to March 2,1915 end referred to your department. Yours truly, r' t K2 COUNCIL FILE NO ............ _ _.......__ By ......... .- ....... _ .,.._........... ....... _.__... c3108' - FINAL ORDER. In tt�h, .hatter of. constructing.._a •server on Fairmount avenue from Pascal avenue.; to Snelling avenue, and on Snelling avenue rrOM Fairmount avenue tcr at clai; stxee,_ _._.._......_..... ._ ........ .._ under Preliminary Otdei 2. approved 1ly..20th,, 1914... _ ..._..... _........... -Intermediary Order .... _` ��/ ...approved ......... /��.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Couni41„ luiving heard all persons, objections and reconnnendations relative thereto, and ]having fully considered the 1" dune; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent ;and kind of inl- ptoveinent to be inade by the said City lsd'-11,!t.trzti end e`Couneil hereby orders sai improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and speeilications for said improvement, and submit same to- the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and dilectec{.to proceed lvith the making of, said iniprovenient,in accordance therewith. Adopted. -by the Council:..�.�......._.._19.(i�.._ ... ... _ C1 .Clerk / t7 APProved- f �i (............ _ __ _ c' Fxo aloe— Mayor. In the Mattes of a nayrueti g a seder; Councilmen F "swor' hm P snflPK "A P lel he r1 8 haYln8 be p h'ad: - nDohc,th b 1 pna- m t 1D n,due, ot1Fg a d the Co c1t -h vl g }, d, i ail `p p We t[o nd mmen 1: Oil dations I tiv th t' d h [ng i i'f lly conaldared the- samer cher foe � ': tbv it ReaoIved BY the Council of the CAtY oC St. Paui that the previae nature ez - Ment and kind of improvement to be �' f.: made by the*Heid City, ifl to conahuct.— Y •g w.gwer on FalrmavnL;Ave lrom , ss � dal Avestb :Snel[Ingand ,easialde o! Spelling avenue from Falr . Mayor P era mount Ave td St chair stress and the t _ Cuuncli eby herorders :said imprgve , ( r^Resolved F„archer Thgt the Commie ?t - z '`1 Aei•' of Euofe •'ipdkabe and herr iat� 'b,erebp inetigetad and- dheoted to yrs _ PerG planaL~and epeciac_utlona for aaidef I1mDraveme>}tf and submit same toi ho Council for;epproyal tS¢t upon Held; approval til, props city offlcera :err, ' hereliY au[ho�laed and,;dlrected to pro Geed with the making of,!said SmPrave- menf In necoidance therewith --Adop[ed'by the Council Dec ;Approved Dec ap 1914: ,;111 e� w sr tt ffm� �c � i i , ... r $ _� .%��r, .. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated._ .. W14W14a 191.. Commissioner of Finance. I �? �Poll r� WIT Alfr s2 tiJz - x,s -r 3 r g t$ � 5MOR _4 ,� fi3 €� �- � .,FF t c 'a � 'f r �jt � `% c � Y �. 1 � � � ,,• r s��� y - _ L _ ' k .a J OSCAR C' SB ' COIq�9510 = M -C W0.=- _ - QEF SN0IN868 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT,OP PUBLIC_ WORKS - St. Paul, Minn. Aug. 7, ,1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, P C I T Y. Dear Sir i In the matter of Council File #758, approved July 20th for the construction of a sewer on Fairmount Ave. from Pascal Ave. to Snelling Ave. and on Snelling Ave. from Fairmount Ave.. to St. Clair St., I beg to report that in as much as Snelling Ave. is a 100 ft. street, it might be well tore ommend that the final 1 order should read for both sides of the street from Fairmount Ave. to St. Clair St. as by building the sewer in that manner it would shorten the houap'`drains and make sewer connections unnecessary in the event of the street being paved. If the sewer should be built in and along the centre line of Snelling Ave. the total.cost of the proposed improvement would be $6096.00, the frontage would be 4,117 ft., less exemptions of 150 ft. making the assessable frontage 3,967 ft. and the excess inspection necessary would be $110.00. �2J If two sewers are built in Snelling Ave., one a 12" sewer along the westerly side and the sewer along the easterly side being of sufficient capacity to take care of the drainage] the estimated cost would be 07,838.00. Should the Snelling Ave. part of this sewer -.be built on,. the east side only, thus eliminating 900 feet of frontage on the } west side, the total oost.of the improvement would be: 06,167.00. I beg__t.o further-. Advise-; you that the -present sewer in �.`i. 8R -I. AABIOY ^Ocxv Ointc d' - f CITY OF SAINT PAUL \ OITY, (JI'MR O OVEiOm - Dec. 16th,1914. Hon.I3,.W. Goss., Cosmr. of Public Works Dear Sir:- J Attached C F. 3108 to construct a sewer on Fairmount I$ve. was !aid over by the Council, at their meeting of to -day for two weeks and comes up again before the Council again on Dec. 3� 14• Yours truly, City Clerk FAM j t 47�-f COUNCIL FILE NO FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of........aV. ng.--Aiiey.--in--_97 o. x -a -.-a And..._6 Bryant_' s Addi ton- { etween Victoria.__S_t._.Avon . St_. Po.rtland..._Ave_ :and.,_Ho_ily _Ave.) .. . ..... ...._._.. under Preliminary Orden 97,9 ..... _. _.._approved August 3rd, 1J t4 Intenmediary Order. - approved ' •l r �/ ' g A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council . having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to m-provement'to be made by the said City is--.- - . --...................`'`.- ' ._......... . . and the Council hereby orders said iinpzovement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Comuuissiouer of Public Works be and he is hereby instructted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... _... ... ................... ...... 19 ..... ...._ __._............. _ City Clerk. Approved .......... ..... .. ..... ._.19.... _ .. ............... ... Mayor. Couucihnen Farnsworth Goss t� Keller Mccoll O'Leary Yoerg - Mayor_-� k sr ?4 under Preliminary Order approved el -- To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissionerof Finance hereby reports as follows: , The kotalestimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is JJ I - $— 'The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is _- — Estimate-- Es $ — -Cost per Monti grid- oavlaeaz AAPr6Xima�6 -brick $5,174.88 ;hand«lime4 g e 5,108.18 $4.31 i-25 �.- one: 4,,563.24 3p' ©reoetotR10ok :3;880":90 t�;�H 3.80 3.23. Q2 Bri 3,627:44 Aeg#jalt 31253.92 2,.573.58 ' 3. 2.71 - 2.14' Asphalt ognrete A!ephalt in adage _.. Bdadam 11 ac -Concrete _- 2:306.78 1.92946.60 - .:rte - -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of;; each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: , DIESC.RIPTION LOT IBLOCIZ ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I21• ' 3 �o .II ✓�' s I ..- TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i ON PRELIMIORDER -� (C,�--�- pr —� DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION it // � � �� atis i o . (.f CSC l�+%. �-•-�fS`.� S �; . e r ee , k j ' VVV ` 4 �. ac it ell / ys�• a'- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- ION. B.B.A. s -e e._ .:-:._. .... -. _ Commissioner of inane. M. N. GOSS - - OSCAR CLAUSSEN CO�IbNBR PUiIUC WOA85 m!® 6TSGQI68II '" CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 14. 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Deer Sir,- I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for paving the alley in Blocks 3 and 6 Bryant's Addition in accordance with Council File #979, approved Aug. 3, 1914. KIND OF PAVE14ENT I APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE Sand-lime brick $5,162.58' Granite 5,095.88 Sandstone 4,548.94 3Q" Creosoted Block 3,868.60 Brick 3,616.14 Asphalt 3,241.62 Asphalt concrete 2,661.28 Asphalt macadam 21281.14 Macadam 1,934.30 Concrete 2,294.48 Assessable frontage 1,201 ft. Respectfully: submitted, T' Chief Engineer. st. Paul,_Uinn. Dbc. 7th, 14. To the Commissioner of Public Works, and the Common Council of the City of 9t. Paul: - The undersigned owners of property in blocks three and six, Bry" Addition, object to the paring of the alley in said blocks, for the reason that same will be wholly useless until such time as the streets surrounding such blocks shall have been paved with suitable material. NAME ITSCRIPTION gRONm/nh Ad 117 C 1. C- 1 N =' M r y I e (,OU.N(,LL NILE No .._._... __ .... _ h�" i . � � p� : . •-,� r��,,� By......... _........................... ... FINAL. ORDER. In thi' Matter of. ..p...a.Ya.ng._Jacksor_ _etre.t, frolr. _ the south lirie -o� ......._Valley .street tothe north lire of Sycar.:ore street. m ...........__........................ ...... ___ ....._ 1715 ..approved....._Septerrber nd, 1914 wider Preliminary Order ....` _.._- .__. 22 _ Intermediary Order O.._�._1�;/ _ _ ..._.approved /.... ............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon, due notice, and the. Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations lative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that- the precise nature, extent and kind of inn- provement to be made by the said City is ........ .. .. ._...... . ........... - .......... _.__............ _ ............ ....._ ................. .... . ....._...__ __:.... .. _..___..... ._._.._._.._. __..-.._.... __.._...._.... ...._...__.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be dradef RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvennent, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are .hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_...... ......................... 19_....._._ .......... ....... _........ :. _ City Clerk. Approved-..... ............... 19 IN iayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Gess �y - Keller McColl 6 O'Leary Yoerg !` i m Mayor Powfrs " cn t 1. R. s ( { t e r y I e (,OU.N(,LL NILE No .._._... __ .... _ h�" i . � � p� : . •-,� r��,,� By......... _........................... ... FINAL. ORDER. In thi' Matter of. ..p...a.Ya.ng._Jacksor_ _etre.t, frolr. _ the south lirie -o� ......._Valley .street tothe north lire of Sycar.:ore street. m ...........__........................ ...... ___ ....._ 1715 ..approved....._Septerrber nd, 1914 wider Preliminary Order ....` _.._- .__. 22 _ Intermediary Order O.._�._1�;/ _ _ ..._.approved /.... ............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon, due notice, and the. Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations lative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that- the precise nature, extent and kind of inn- provement to be made by the said City is ........ .. .. ._...... . ........... - .......... _.__............ _ ............ ....._ ................. .... . ....._...__ __:.... .. _..___..... ._._.._._.._. __..-.._.... __.._...._.... ...._...__.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be dradef RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvennent, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are .hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_...... ......................... 19_....._._ .......... ....... _........ :. _ City Clerk. Approved-..... ............... 19 IN iayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Gess �y - Keller McColl 6 O'Leary Yoerg !` i m Mayor Powfrs " cn t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI,*S'ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM.A Y ORDER under Preliminary Order approved =----" -""-- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $— .The estimated cost per #oot for the above improvement is - KIND AI ppt;TtlG APTPONTUATF FSTTLIATF COST $ -PSR FI�niIR' F6ilT. Sank -lime brick 19,951.38 19,608.74 $6.60 6.48 } Granite Sandsitora 310 Creosoted Block 17 , 958.92 14,712.50 5.93 4.86 Brick Asphalt 13,701.32 12,317.60 4.52 4.06 Asphalt .Concrete 9,603.38 8,432.54 3.17 2.78 Asphalt Macadam Macadam 7,048.82 2.32 2.84 C`ncrete 8,592.20 ' The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION .,.� LOT I13LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED !'I VALUATION Ii --- ", 6� !� 1 d"' 4 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � REP OkT OF COMMlq_C1,,§IONER•OF FINANCE ORDER - ON PRELIMI1.�RY DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION y, ASSESSED VALUATION ,��� -/oof 19 . G /s /17 s. IL Ja &7 *Jac .._TOTAL. - _W l 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL - • . t -N DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - R'EPORT.OF COMM#3 IONER 0* FINANCE - r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I, - • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITI ON 3� B ASSESSED VALUATION /y: 3 /J � � •/L -Z d` fl C` all f f/ 41, 7`� 41 . J d A 6� ---- ----- - -- �- .__. -- --- - -y. !F_ a u ;-- ". The Commissioner of,Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and herebysubmits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated ----=- — 191l/L ✓,=CUL =- ..._ --... - - - Commissioner of Finance. . NORM B.S.A. 8.3 O r OAKLAND CEMETERY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES TO THE LOT OWNERS OCTOBER 31, 1913 President Vice -President JUDSON W. BISHOP 7ILLIAnI 13. DEAN TRUSTEES ` w — -— TERNS END -- --- 1914 1915 1916 JUDSON W. BISHOP KENNETH CLARK WILLIAM B. DEAN FRED G.iNGERSOLL SAMES P. GRIBBEN WILLIAM A. MILI:ER' ii CHARLES L. SPENCER ALBERT H. LINDEKE CHARLES P. NOYES. FF� SECRETARY AND SUPERINTENDENT � PRANK D. WILLIS Rooms 302-303 Germania Life I3ni1ding Fourth and 1\Iinuesota Streets ACTUARY ROY 13, I.IILLION CEMETERY Sycamore and Jackson Streets ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA December, 1913 1onlynceJ k. ine Crave, ,.con- J �^ ' � know the eM1ervcter nl nie v ouie - Beyamin Franklin. ,a M1czSFr 1914 z-2-f. PAUIlj: - d�1 N ESO rD i ANNUAL MEETING 1 , The annual meeting of the lot owners of Oakland Cemetery was held on Monday, November 24, 1913, at 3 p. m., in the office of the Association. Frederick Gi Ingersoll was elected Chairman. The annual report of the President and Trustees was submitted. The annual reports of the Secretary and Superintendent were read and referred to the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees reported that they had examined the securities owned by the Association and found them to agree with the report of the Secretary. The Secretary was authorized to have 3,400 copies of the reports printed for distribution to the lot owners and interested persons. The Chairman announced that the terms of Trustees William B. Dean, William A. Miller and Charles P. Noyes had expired. William Il. Dc in, William A. Miller and Charles P. Noyes were re-elected Trustees for the term of three years next ensuing. FRANK D. WILLIS; Secretary. V lion. ' M. X. Goes. Commissioner of Public Works,. St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir We respectfully call your attention to the condition of Jackson'Street from the South line of Valley Street to the North line of Sycamore Street. It is never in good condition for vehicles of any kind and after a heavy rain it becomes_al- . most impassable. We are of the opinion that this Street eh'ould be paved from University Avenue to Valley Street .with brick thus making.a pavement of the Street from the River. .to Valley Street. At Sycamore Street a detour of one block leads to Cortland Street, the half section line, which has been improved as one of the through routes to the country. In oontinuing the policy which the cit has adopted Of improving the approaches to the city, y this end of,Jaokson Street becomes an important link. It is also the chief approach. to the oldest, non-sectarian Cemetery of the city.. Our Trustees have long desired to see this improvement 'made, Initial steps have heretofore been made looking, to that end -but without result. With your personal knowledge_ of the condition of - the Street we believe that if you would bring this matter before the Board of Commissioners -that they would see it in the same light--` that.we.do`and would initiate the proper procedure to have the work done �' e'8�xs D. Wa.Li9 aem. w.n 9 - ROY n. MILLION Aom .+ . mers�oi.paru raa evvwvro - - a•^�!°j',< SEP 171914 6T. PAUT,. MILAN M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER QF PURL lion. ' M. X. Goes. Commissioner of Public Works,. St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir We respectfully call your attention to the condition of Jackson'Street from the South line of Valley Street to the North line of Sycamore Street. It is never in good condition for vehicles of any kind and after a heavy rain it becomes_al- . most impassable. We are of the opinion that this Street eh'ould be paved from University Avenue to Valley Street .with brick thus making.a pavement of the Street from the River. .to Valley Street. At Sycamore Street a detour of one block leads to Cortland Street, the half section line, which has been improved as one of the through routes to the country. In oontinuing the policy which the cit has adopted Of improving the approaches to the city, y this end of,Jaokson Street becomes an important link. It is also the chief approach. to the oldest, non-sectarian Cemetery of the city.. Our Trustees have long desired to see this improvement 'made, Initial steps have heretofore been made looking, to that end -but without result. With your personal knowledge_ of the condition of - the Street we believe that if you would bring this matter before the Board of Commissioners -that they would see it in the same light--` that.we.do`and would initiate the proper procedure to have the work done �' i* OSCAR CLAUSSBN M. N. COSS cater Sxctdesn CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. -- St., Paul, Minn. Oct. 17, 1914. Mr. M. IT. Goss, .Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith•.preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Jackson St. from the south line of Valley St. to the north line of Sycamore St., in accordance with Council File #1715, approved Sept. XIND OF PAVING i A13PROXIMLT:; EO12I'10F Sand -lime brick 019,957.50 Granite 19,584.96 Sandstone 17,935.14 3j-" Creosoted Block 14,688.072 Brick 13,677.54 Asphalt 12,293.82 Asphalt Concrete 9,579.60 Asphalt Macadam 8,408.76 Macadam 7,025.04 Concrete 8,568.42 Aseeeeable frontage 3,028 ft. Where curb is not in add 46V per front foot to above cost for cement curb to be constructed. Where house service connections are not in add for eaoh-lot: For sewer,either side of street $28.50 For water, 3/4" E. side of street $35.00 For coater, 3/4" W. aide of street $'21.00 For gas, E. side of street $5.00 For gas, W. side of street X11.50 Respectfully submitted, '`-------�-�- - Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUr. COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GEIffE,ig'AL FOtgM $ublect % ............. . -. ........ ..._..._...._ ..._.^_-._._ .... _. c� e� RILECOUNCIL NI. 'DaPresented- ._191._...... Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 15th, 1914, by and between the Review Publishing Company and the City of St,. Paul, for printing and publishing in the St. Paul Review, all ordinances, resolutions and other proceedings and matters required under the Charter or by resolutions or ordinances of the Council to be, published in a public newspaper, for -the year beginning January 1st, 1915, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. -F No. 3117— CITY OF SAINT PAUL. . Resolved, That the contract beartnR�' nor �1 land'the chug In the 8L Paul Review, 1 ,, City Cler{i�9 vl{ll'/: date December' igth 1914.5 by apd be- I twaen the Review Pabtlahing Compan$ ,and the Clty of $L Paul, :for Drtnui an'ordln4p ••".�.lN]_.- ces,: reaolutlone and 4tli . proceedin by ester or C oy gr solutl nation • ••• - •• lder th@;O ar ordln 'ncee of. the Council. to be, pub-, llehed fR a bublfo neweDapsr for the, year begin n(; Sanunty :let 1916 bI and the aaaioae hereby approved an.R• used of City Cler 014 Drop r o't officers ire authorized /!^� ane dlreotea to execute aha same - Ibehatt,of the Cffy a !6 a•+`"" `~ 'Adopted by th Council -:Deb. 16, 1914. 9 t 'Approved Dec 16 1914:- I ♦ �� `$t9`"r/A/t$ tDeo. e Yeas (V) tKer n (P) Nays h _J -_In favor Against 1 Adopted by the Council Approved=_ _flE _� 1914 19 1.1'.., *i Y AN ORDINANCE ORDIriANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING ;AND REGULATION OF JUNK DEALERS AND JUNK GATHERERS. The Council of the City of St. Paul, Does Ordain:- Be is No person shallengage in the business of �tathering, buying selling or storing of old or scrap metals, old rags, empty bottles, bones, second handed paumbing, supplies, or scrap metals of any kind or description without first obtaining a license so to do in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. The term "Junk Gatherer" as used in this ordinance shall mean 5any person who makes a Business of going about the pity and purchasing the materials: named in this section from the general public. The term "Junk Dealer" shall include all persons who have on established place of business and maintain storeyards, store -rooms or storehouses, for the purpose of storing their junk or other materials mamed in this section, or all persons who purchase junk or any other of the mat- erials described in this ordinance for the purpose of shipping or " delivering the sante outside of the City of St. Paul. tvo license shall be issued to any person who does not reside in the City of Sts Paul, and who has not resided in said City for the period of at least thirty days prior to the date of his_appli- t cation for such license. Sec.- a. All applicants for a'license to deal -in or,buy junk -as Provided �+ in Section One of this ordinance, shall file with the City License Inspector a written application -for Auch license in which he shall correctly state the. nature of the business fox which the license is desired and his full name, age and place or places of residence for the past five years, and whether or not he has ever been arrested or convicted for violation of any license law or regulation and if so when and where, and whether he is a junk dealer or junk gatherer. Said application shall be.approved by the City Licnese Inspector and the Chief of Police and.no license shall be issued without such approval, , unless the issuance of said license shall be approved by the Council by resolution. --77-77--- Sec. 3. The license herein provided for shall be issued. by the City Clerk upon the presentation of the application properly approved as provided for in Section Two of this ordinance and upon the presentation of a reeeipt•from the Commiesionr of Finance, showing the payment of the license fee hereinafter required. Sec. 4. All Junk Gatherers shall pay a license fee of Three ($3.00) dollars: All Junk Dealers shall pay;a license fee of Ten ($10) dollars. Seo. 5. All persons collecting and buying junk -from the general' public as the servant, agent or employe of,another, shall be considered independent junk dealers or gatherers under the terms of this ordinance, and shall be limensed accordingly. - Seo. 6. No junk stealer o junk,, gatherer shall buy any junk or any other article deseribed in Section to of this ordinance from any person less than sixteen (16) years of age, nor from any domestic servant, or between the hours of six P. M. or seven A. M. on creek days, except from another,dealer or gatherer, or at any time or from any person on Sundays. Sec. 7. No junk dealer or gatherer licensed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance shall buy or receive any wire, able copper, lead, solder, iron or braes whioh he has reasonablei"cause to believe belongs to a railroad, street railwav, telephone, tele- graph, gas or electric light company or the city water department, without ascertaining by diligent inquiry that the person offering the same for sale has a-right'to do so. Sec. 8. This Ordinance shall not apply to licensed pawnbrokers. Sec. 9. All junk or any other of the materials described in Section One of this Ordinance in the possession of persons licensed in a¢cordanoe with the terms of this Ordinance, shall, at all reason-- . able times be subject to inspection by members of the City ,Police Department or the Sheriff of Ramsey County and his deputies, and by persons accompanied by a police officer, fhe sheriff or one of his deputies. Said inspacticr..ehell be for the pur ate diems. Fcovering stolen property. p Sec. 10. All persons licensed in accordance with the terms of this Sec. 11. Sec. 13. dec. 13. ordinanes.shall be conclusively presumed to have consented to such inspection and to have authorized the entrance on their premises for the purpose of such inspection. All junk, dealers maintaining an established place of business and licensed In acaordanoe with the provisibne of/ this ordinance, shall keep a separate book in which shall be recorded a general description of,all junk and all property mentioned in Section One of this Ordinanoe,,together with the name of the person'from whom purchased, the; date of purchase and the amount paid -therefor. All persons licensed in accordance with this ordinance and engaged in collecting'land buying junk from the general public, shall,'ahile enge:ged-in their occupation, wear conspicuously displayed on their outer clothing on the left breast, metal tags using the words, " Junk Gatherer aa- , the year in which the license was issued and the number of the license held by the wearer. All wagons used in gathering junk and any of the articles described in Section One of this ordinanoe, shall have fixed thereto on the right side there- of, metal tags bearing the words, "Junk Dealer, 8t. Paul, or Junk gatherer, as the case may be", and the rmmber of the license of the person in whose possession the wagon is used, and the year - in which the license was issued. The gags and badges herein pro- vided for, shall be furnished free of charge by the City Clerk, to the licensee, and the cost thereof shall be paid out of thIe fund derived from Junk Dealers or Junk Gatherers Licenses. Licenses herein provided for shall not bd transferable, and may be.revoked by the City Council upon conviction of violating any of the terms of this ordinance. Upon the revocation of any license herein provided for, all tags and badges shall be returned to the City Clerk. Failure without proper reason or excuse to return said tags to the City Clerk, shall constitute and be a itio- .].&tion of this ordinance. All licenses hersin provided for shall expire 'on the 313t day of DacgXber of each and every year. $ep, 14. Any person violating any of the terms of this ordinance, shall, ppon oonviotion thereof, be punished by a fins of nct 1608 then Ten ($1b.Ot3} do7lara nor more than One Hundred ($100.00) dollars.o or by impriBQninent iii the Workhpu©e for a term not r less than ten or more than ninety days. $so. lb. This Ordinance shall yeke,effect and be in force, thirty (3) days after its passage and publication. - _ 1 Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Finnl Adoption�"'/ the Council... �--yy/ �_ _.191t✓/ , ✓/Farnsworth ] / �I(/ / ... da Heading 191 t/ '� ../(/ lu Ivor Ap eller 2ud 191 / cColl O ai ,/ MAYOR Leary '..� a.5�^ _ 3rd 191 Attest:OUBLIs � f Yoerg JOHN I�iR'R1CT" i Date Published ......__..._ 191 _.. Mr. $1'esident. P§wers City Cleric. sv1 t` .r.. — t � r e seineh .'Intrhime- - • � &tare f and his for li wich the heense Is ievidmm. [ge & nd 11 of for the �1 fl and tt hether or not he - r been sar ested or eonvir ted Cor 'dation of any license lair o lou and If s oi hen a d where and ether hr fs a junk dealer l. junk :herer. Said appll tion hnli be.. yeti Uy the City License Inspector '1 the Chb"f of Pulite and no 11—n- 11, icense 17 he is ed without such approval s the ul ,an nee of sn Id license ,Is he approt•ed by the ]cunei] U,' �.. 'ut ion. SECTION 3, license herein provided for shall laby the City Clerk upon the n talion of till applicationproper- as provided for In Section ofn tills ordinance and upon the ntntjon orm ..lilt rrnthe lie—ner nc of Finao, ahotving tho '.Int ore. thIleus, fee hereinafter - ed. .. ,..> SECTIO. 4 Junk Gatherers had Pily a II- ' fee -I Three pay dollars. All - , ill) do shall pny a license fee of :10) dollars. SECTION 5. collecting a d buying om the p*ene rat public as the ' gent mplo,'e of another, _ - - e cons]'I red independent junk - }' r gatherers under the terms Of Ii nance and shall be licensed ugly. SECTION 6. nk dealer or junk gatherer y any junk dr other l titin. ,d In Section Onea y of this ordl- _ f^nm v persons less 'hon six- . t o[ :tR ING FOR THE LICEWSING AND AN R93TIONCOFPJUNRDDEALERB GULA- AND JUNK GATHEM -B The Council of the City of St_. Paul Does Ordain:- ` No person shall engage in the business of gathering, buying Seo. 1. selling .,or storing of old or scrap metals, old rags, empty bottles, bones, second handed gas. or electric fixtures, lead pipes or second handed plumbing supplies or sorap metals of any_kInd or desoription withou$ first obtaining a license so to do in aeoordanae with the provisions of his ordinance. 1 All applicants Por a license to deal in^junk as provial8d in $eo. 3. section one of this ordinance, shall file with the City License' Ine7�eator.a written application for such license, in which he shall oarreatlq state the nature of the business for which the lS0eaa`e to desired and his full name, age and place or places;: Of residence for the past five years, and, whether or not he has ever been arrested or con ote fo vlola�ti�on�of aY l�� d b law or regulation and iY,so when and where. `Said pplication aha 1 1 g be approved by the City License Inspector and Chief of Police, and , no license shall. be issued without such approval, unless: the. is:tbuanoe"of said license shall be approved by the Counoij by"reso lution. Seo. 3. The li6snse herein provided for aha.�l'be issued by the City-. Clsrk..upon.ths presentation of the application property approved aa provided for in Section Two of this or€linanae and up the presentation of a reooipt from the Commissioner of,FinaNn n _ showing the payment of the license fee hereinafter requinad. Seo. 4. All persona licensed in aoaordance with the provisions of r.. this ordinance shall be required to pay three ($3.00) dollars provide? they have no established place of business and do not "intain etoreyards, storerooms or storehouses for the purposes of storing the junk or other materials named in section One';eY this ordinance. Pzrsonri nn nt:e inirr est.ak,Iished places of. busineGG Y -: u: titUreyarws, etorerc, ma,Cr storah�usoa, ale Y.erFlnbefore. tiegosibed ,/ nha11-ay s iloesrr+e f c. of Ter. 1C .Oc: dolle.;.a. Seo. 5. All. PorsaIIa aollcotivF. and junk: frcr tr,: public as the serve.nt, went o� �LY; be �aonsider:ed inaependent junk deet r$,,e~terms of this 076111ancci and shall be l.iceneed (accordinglyal � Sea. S. No junk deals ^shall uy any junk or any othdr article sea cribe•d in section nne of th'.a orciinarors from any person less',thsn sixt.�an (;.G) ye�re of .,or froz guy dc�mttSttiC eservant, or be t�,sen the hours of sir. P.M. or sever. A.M. on week's A ya, exoept frrr gnct.bor I.unk. dealer, .or At any time, or from any person on .sec, �. NO junw dealer,\ io� in acoordarae with the provisions of this ordinance ahal or receive any wire, oabla, aopk,er, lead, solder, iron or brass ,-hioh he has re�+onable cause to ba;i2ve belongs to a railroad, street railway, telephor_e, tel" graph, Pan or electric light oompary or the city water department, without ascertaining; by diligent inquiry that the person offering tho sane for se.le has right to do SO - sec. 8. This Ordinanoe shall not aptly to licensed pawnbrokers. . Sao. S. All junk or any other of the materials desoribe-1 in Section One of this Ordinance in the rosseusicn of p8rs.)n5 lioeneed in aocorUnce with the terms of this Ordinanoe, shall, ai, all reasoUP able times be subject to inspection by members of the City Police Delartradut or the Sheriff of RR..xney County ani *"A d.'Vutiea, and vy perauns awompa.nie3 by a police Officer, than t+heriff or IMS of :lis xel)uT,it:t,. Said inspection sher.11 bei for the pur.'i 03a of discovoring a®rkien prop rty. Sea. 14. All perr:onci licensed in aacordancek with the torma Of t -his ordinance shall be conclusively presumed to have consented to such inspeCti<�n „nr,; *c. h„,. ,, t"utuotixed tha entranoa dm their premises for thn nur, 0,0 oe suc2: inaI-,eot.i,,n. See. 11. All junk dez-1 a.intainlnt; =_1: astLjT_L-AL)Lad "lane of bvelnaoa and licensed in accordance with the j1rovi::4-.cnu of thi.e ordinances shall keel) a sepaMte bock in nhlch shall be recorded a general decor-pition of all junk: and all property A;entioneci in Section One of this Ordinance, togethnr with thh: name of thr person from ,whom purchased, the date of ;-urohase and the amount paid thereflor. Sao. 18. A.11 persons licenoca in e co:a=ants with this ordinance and engaged in oolleotirg ard buying iur.k from the,. general public, shall, while enraged in their ecoupation, We-" 0(r,ePicuouely displayed on their Dote CIOR- n the left bxeset, metal tags a-o t -a e-o-o a dr�- bearing Charoxde, "Jtn Deale St. Poul ^ Thr, yea:= in which the license was issued and the number of the license held by the wearer. All wagons Curet£ in gathering ,sunk and any of the articles des Icribect in Section One of this oreihwos, shall have, fixed there- to or the ,-rjght side thereof; ;m:stal tags boarinr the words, "Junk Dealer, at. 'Paul" end the number of t,_s license of the person in arhose possession the Tagen is used, and the year in 4+ieh the license was issued, The tags and badges herein Provided for, 4 shall be furnished frac Of charge by t.ha City Clerk tc:'the licensee, and the coat the�-:of shall be j,aic cut oP the fund .Iezived from Junk D(-.2lers Licensee. sec. 1.3. Licensee herein provided fear shall .i)t• be tiar-efr-rable, and ray be revoked by the C1-ty Co.r.cil upon oorviction of violating any of the terms of this oruinancc. r,an lte: r_'voca.tlon of any License herein ; rovi ;e3 for, all tsc�., tr.3 c=lr<' h 1= ')s returned tc• the City Cler'v. Failure without �:.r';r,rr � .^.r ?xcu39 to return sari tame to the ^1tv Clerk, shall cajistitutE and be A 410- laticn of t!tis ordinanae. All. iioensac herein ;)roeided for shall expire on the 31st der of Deaem.bsr of etch ".r.:i evary year- Sao. 14. Any }:scson viola.tin,7 any of th! terns o' this-ordinanoe, shall, upon con,rl4tion thereof, be punishsd by a rine of not less than Ten (S10.0;:) dollars nor more than One Aumlrefl ($100.00) _Iµ;�t' No license.shall be,issued to any person who does not reside in the cite of St. Paul and who has not resided in said city for the,-;period of -0, leasi, 1.1 9 rty days prior to the date of his application for s:ach license. r who pur& ase junk or any other of the materials de- �/ scribed. in ie ordinance for the purpose of shipping or .delivering the same ,outside of the city of St. Paul. ��� I Ala- q� Coes y OFFICE OF JOHN I.FARICY, CITY CLERK' :.:arch 10th,1915 Eon.C.:'..C'" �:Fill, orpormtion ,Crjursel ,amity scar Eir,- 7-e �oanoil et their meeting !:eld ..march 2t,th,1915 laid �.F. 7112, Lcooi.iprnying,over to Wednesday,:.zrch 'ilst,3915,and referrea sa.::e to you for su.-.'ertea i....endcert. ery truly, ::ity Clerk. dollars, or by jmprison�a,�ant in the work Rouse for a term not less than ten or more than ninety days. Seo. 15. This Ordinance shall take effeot and be in force, thirty (30) days after Its Passage and publication;. A R-®r"t'l^ i J i low ORDINANCE. 3112 An ordinance to license and regulate Junk Dealers and all dealers in old or scrap metal. The Council of the City of St. Paul does Ordain: Sec. 1. No person shall engage in or carry on the business Of a Junk Dealer or dealer in old or scrap metals without first having obtained a license so to do. Seo. 2. Amount of License Fee: - The amount to be paid for a license as required by section 1 hereof shall be as follows:_ i Any person doing business as a Junk Dealer or dealer in old metals, having an established place of business ahall pay for a license the sum of _QDff_�i�aadr�d .Dollars, , /per annum and any -person doing business as a Junk Dealer or :..o�. Junk Peddler having no established place of business shall Pay for a license the sum of Fifty__ Dollars per annum. Sea. 3. Bond to be. filed. - Before any person shall be lioeneed as aforess.6d, he shall file with the City Comptroller, bond o be approved by.said Comptroller with at least two sureties t min the sum of 4$1Q00.00, conditioned that he will Observe the ordinances of said City in relation to the business for which he has.applied for a license, and that he will conduct hie said business in conformity therewith and that he will account for and deliver to any person legally entitled thereto any goods or wares that have come into his hands through his business as such Junk Dealer or dealer in old or scrap metals. file led e: 'Before any person shall be licensed To Sec. 4. P g as aforesaid, he shall Pile with the City Clerk instrument in writing wherein he shall agree in effect that the r officers of the Police Force of the City of St. Paul shall at all times during the term of the license for which he has ap" free and unobstructed plied enjoy the right and privilege of 2 ingree•e and egress to and from the premises in or upon which he is conducting such business for the purpose of locating and discovering any goods suspected or alleged to have been stolen. Sec. 5. Every person licensed under the terms hereof shall keep a book in which shall be written in ink in the English Language at the time of purchase, an accurate description of the articles purchased, amount paid therefor, time of purchase and.delivery of same, the name, residence and a reasonably accurate des- cri:tion of the person selling the same, and this record shall at all times be open to inspection by any member of the Police Department of St. Paul. Sec. 6. Every person licensed under the terms hereof, shall make out and deliver to the Chief of Police before the hour 16of 12, noon, a legible, complete and accurate account of all purchaaee made during the preceding day of wire of every description, metal of any kind, plumbing fixtures, gas or electric fixtures and all braes, copper or nickle plated metals, and said report shall be signed by the person viving it to the;Chief of Police or to an o'er detailed for such purpose by said Chief of ' Police, and none of the articles above mentioned shall be sold or otherwise disposed of for the period of 72 hours after the report is filed with the Chief of Police as herein rgequired. Sec. 7. Whenever the Chief of Police shall notify any person licensed hereunder not to sell or dispose of any of the goads reported p#4chased, such articles shall not be permitted to be sold or disposed of until such time as may be determined by the Chief of Police, provided that such time shall in no case exceed 30 days from date of notification. Seo. 8. Upon conviction of any person for violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance the. Cit Council shall, revoke the license granted and a new license shall not be granted to Berson 6o convicted for one year after date of conviction. Sec. 9. Penalty - Any rerscr. vioiatins* -nv of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof in the Municipal Court of the City of St. Paul be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, nor more than One Hundred $100.00) dollars or by imprisonment for not lees than Thirty (30) days .nor more than Ninety (90) days. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 3Q days after its passage and publication. '/ i,�/jam ��--�..� �c �, ��o, • 7� .3T///"�� Q/ 11-5 II �// ;�• , Committees Arbltr.tl.a J. J. WATSON HENRY ROTHSCHILD GEO. H. ]3IIIID HOWARD F. WARE LATHER S, CUSHING A. C. MAKFIELD CAEVE OPPENHEIM C. W. STUART H - H. H. FLETCHER N. R. FROST e=..nn.. W. G. PRICE.. H. O. P. H. GIBBERILBERT Pum Lend. and Pum Loan. W. C. BROWN R. M. LAWTON C. E. REED L.¢i.I and Rul.. J. I. HENNA J. I. EV CY HF.OWARD RD E. CHA M. B. BTOIQiB Mrb.r.blP E. C. DOUGAN B. B. HUELLER F. E. NELSON M—Aa¢. Loan F. P. FELLOWS R. W. MOAITZ C. W. EDDY N.O... I Allldi tlll P. C. JUSTUS J. W. MASON J. L. WILSON Publicltr DEN E. LANE H. H. MILLER J. W. NORTON Pubdc AIIalrr V. J. ROTHSCHILD J. L. BARNES W. J. DRISCOLL C. A. SMITH N. R. FROST R.c.Ptl.n and Ent—I.—t O. OPPENHEIM J.W. NORTON R, M. NEWPORT C.M. FARNEY H. H. HOYT R.nt.l B—I.... E. R. SANFORD. JR. J. W. TAYLOR D. MDHLENBRUCH Ta¢.tl.n end Au neon E. P. DAVIS F. L. POWERS LATHER E CUSHING F. L. BAYARD E. T. SOHO S'rAD P. IL GILFILLAN C. W. CLARK V.l U.. H. F. WARE D. R, MICHAIID E. C. HALL F, I. WHITNEY BUSH B. WHEELER H. M FLLTCHER WM. CANDY W. W. PRICE JOHN A. LAGERMAN U &t.:paul Meal eotate- j8oarb, (mcoRFOBATRD) 506-507 PIONEER BUILDING - Officers and Directors TELEPHONES: { x,.s-nr xo C. P. ABBOTT, Pr<afdenf W. J. DRISCOLL, s—"v K I. J. ENNA. Vi Prea1M4 E. L. MADAM, Tredwrer . WM. CANBY H.,Q, M.CALL E. P. DAVIS H. H. MILLER E. F. MACDONOUGFH HOWARD EVERETT W. W. MICE Esacuf�ve $.cref.ry DEN E. LANE V. I. ROTHSCHILD HOWARD F. WARE Saint Paul. Minnesota, April 16, 1915. John I. Faricy, City Clerk, City Hall Bldg., City. Dear Mr. Faricy:- I respectfully return the copy of Junk Dealers Ordinance which you so kindly permitted me to take several days ago. Vie have made copy for our own use, and I thank you for your courtesy to us in this respect. Very truly yours, ST. AL ESTATE BOARD BY Executive Secreta MacD-JMB Enc. . - MEMBER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION R.AZ ': 3;nATLC.IOCCHANOE9. :e':. �_, "',•.. .:: OFFICERS COMMERCIAL CLUB CLARENCE C-R Y. dant. FRED. C . LIS I stt Vlee PreslCe6l B. B. DOWNS. 2ntl Vlce PreslOent. C. J.UNMACK Secretary EDW. O. ""Y C ETrea surer MAURICE W STOFFER A.d,t., May 5th, 1915. `(j DIRECTORS W..l'.BEHNETT. J. H. BOYD. WILKIE E. COLLINS J.0 ENRSERT C_A. CRANE. G. JOH N. H P FAHHESTOCK. G SORT 5 G GREVEEL JUDGE O EI LL 15. M.MCMILLAN. J.0 HA0.DY. D.A MURPNY. •�••'--" N W REAY E.E MACGILL. ORR FN STORH. A.J SC HMITZ. B WNITACRE Ii,F.SMITH. JI DeJ.WWILL15 B.a.WEED To the Honorable The Council of St. Paul. St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Committee on Municipal Legislation held April 29th, 1915, the following resolution was unRnimcusly adopted: "Resolved that we recommend the adoption by the City Council of a reasonable ordinance providing for daily reporting to the police of all purchases by junk dealers and wrecking compRnies of all metal and goods of substantial nature or design and holding Of such goods at least 72 hours after report. is filed; a and said ordinance should alEo provide for proper licensing and regulation of Junk dealers and wreckage companies, also allow inspection of goods purchased by them." Respectfully submitted, Secretary Committee on Municipnl Legislation. CITY OF ST. PAUL J COUNCIL RESOLUTION -G Subject.:....... APPROV.AT-..0F AWARD.-OF.._.C.ONTRAG-T R::-'Lf3 AND IMPROVING.OF'_ ALLEY IN B ONE, ADDITION.__:,. .x. SO1011Y1 N CO ENCIL'y,O.... Date Presented.. -..-..-12/1.6/14.., ..,,,_I91. --..--.- Resolved, That the award of contract ;o ;he FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, for :he grading and improving of alley in Block one, Manson & Simonton's Addition, for the sum of $343.00 be, and is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed ;o draft and submit the proper form of contract herefore C. F.,No. 9119 —By M.N. Goee— ,eativod, That thn award oY on- tract'to the Feyon Conetr lo'n & n- p¢ny. for the grading end improving ' of ¢lley in_Block one, Maneon &81'. onton'9 Addition. for 'be �eum.�TM:qr .. : $949.11 be, and ls-hereby-confirmed ati _ pproved,nd the Corporation Coonee hereb resu it the proper form of contract lb- Joet—ted to draft anthere-� for. Adopted by the Connell Dec. 17. 1914. Approved Dee. 17, 1914. (Dec. 19-1914) W) tC h Adopted by the Council 191 �/ Pees (1) n (P) Nays / / _ In favor ApprovAgainst Mr.Presirs m�roa CITY OF ST. PAU y COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERA ORM Subject: A.EPROVAL.:OF AWASIl...._O.F..._C.ONTRtLUT._ _ .R...THE . ONS.T.RUCU0 ea OF A SEWER -ON SHERRURN A SNELLING AVBigacII I �^ FILEISI ...... .............................. .. ....... ._........ ..:.:.T G....E13X...ST ETa..._...........__ ........ _ ..... ..... ......... _ ...... ._._..... ....... ._ ...... Date Presented..aec.16,-1914--I91......... _ Resolved, That the award of contract to CHRIST JOHNSON for the construction of a sewer on Sherburne avenue from Snelling avenue to Pry street, engineer's estimate being $994.00, for the sum of $862.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and Approved, and the Corpora- tion Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 3114—RY M• N. Goes -- Resolved, That the award of..contr¢ct to Christ Johnson for. the-conetruction of &"sewer on Sherburne avenut.e from user's llingestimateavue bela6 r$994t 08 forthe sum of $62.00 be, and the eame:ie.the here- by confirmed and approved:: and Corporation Attorney' in here it th- strucdorm of r ontract therefor. the ' - prAdopted by the Council Dem. 17, 1914. Approved DD c_19-1914) CITY OF ST. PAUL. 8-115 COUNCIL RES TION—GEN L - FORM Subject:-... APPROVAL: OF_ A. A1�D .. ... C.QNTRACT F. TPE. CONSTE=T.ION OF 'h SEWER ON M ORO AVENUE OM DAYTON AVENt� c" NO.... trff TO i'OhTL.ANb AV - ,_._Engine ..._. s es ixm'.I &Alx,_7.,_ ........... _......... ................_... _....... _..._ .......... I, Date Presented -13/16/14 _191.:....-.- . m 'Resolved, That the award of contract to :he FEYEN OONMTRUCTION COMPANY for the construction of a sewer •on Marlboro avenue from Dayton avenue 4 o'Portland avenue,for the sum of $3017,77 be, and is hereby confirmed and approved, arf :he Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed :o draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 3116—By M.. N. Gose— Resolved, That the award of `tract to the Feyen Conetructlon Com- • panyon M rlborbeavenuer Pr Orn Day on aver nue to Portland avenue, for_the sump of'03017.77 be, and 1. hereby conarmed and;:approved, and the Corporation! an7 u gl the pro foFm¢gL4` Dil act' therefor. ... Adopted by the Council D 17. 1910 �T Approved Deo. 17, 1914. ec: i re (Dec. 19-1914) Yeas (V) Coun men (Y) Nays } Adopted by the Council / .._ 191 Farn orth Gos __ In favor � � Kell Approved _ — 19 Me Il __._ -Against Yoe — - - -. MAYOR Mr. President,_ owers soar c:e•2 .. _. :.., .. . _.. ...-... .- CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GF.Af£RAL FO Subject: -..7.-.--- APPROVAL. _O.F_i)WARD OF_.CnN.TRAC .....CR..Tir_h>... RTRUCT-ION OF A SEWER ON MARION ST ROM L N STREET °jJr`!` NO.... ._._.......... GERANIUM STHFZT ...........__....... _ ..................._. -..._ -_.. ......... ............ _......... ...... Date Presented .J2/16/14 _191 ........... Resolved, That`the award of contract to CHRIST JOHNSON for the construction of a sewer on Marion street from Lawson street to Geranium street engineer's estimate being $2574.00, for the sum of $2125.00, be and is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 3116—By if. N. Go..— II Resolved, That the award of con- Ii -tract to Christ Johnson for the con- -strui tion of a Hewer ons Marlon street from Lawson e street to Geranium street �I a glneer'6 timate being $2574.49..for the sum of$2126.00, be and is hereby _ canlirmed and approved, and the Cor- poration Counsel is hereby Snstructs to draft and submlt the proper form 1,f contract therofor. Adopted by the Counef] Dec. 17, 1914. Approved Dec. 17. 1914. (Dec. 19-1914) Yeas ( 11) Cou ilmen (F') Nays Adopted by the Council - L ._ 1914/ Far worth Go In favor 191 Kel r Approved / MC oll _ .Against Yo g - - - tnevoN - - Mr. President, owers - CITY O ST. PAUL „ COUNCIL RESOLUTI .GENERA RM SubjeI APPROVAL OF -AWARD OF C0 GT FOR GRADTN ._..._ 1� ct: AP AND IMPROVING OF C00 TR-EET IMTILDA AVENIWNCIL NO..... '� ........ L _.,....__.... �....14FSTERN.. F�lITE...._En ane®r.. i.Ma .... 3.12 Date Date Presented --1216/14— .......... Resolved, That the award of contract to CHRIST JOHNSON for the -grading and improving of Cook street from Matilda avenue to Western avenue, for the bum of $1118.00 be, and is hereby confirmed and approved and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. .C. 11 No. 3117 —By M. N. Goss— ri Resolved, That the wad of tract to Christ Johnson for the grading and Improving of Cootc street from 111atlIda avenue to Western avenue, for the aum of $1118.00 be, and is hereby - confirmed and approved nd the Cor- poration Counsel Is hereby Instructed to draft and ubmit the proper form of contract th4efor. Adopted by the Council Dec. 17, 1914. Approved Dec. 17, 1914. (Dee. 19-1914) Yeas (1/') 4Keller en (Y) Nays Farristh / h In favor . Against Mr. Presiders ;..-..FORM c.8.2. :-... . . Adopted by the Council 7_191 191 Approved_/Lb- __�.�- 191 UZcrr/�, --- MAYOR CITY OF • PAt4t� 18 1-8 COUNCIL RE5O TION—GE AL FORM e_ -Subject-..._ _APPROVAL. OF.. AWARZ ACT CONSTRUCT1111GA-SE� ON EDMUND ST. FROM SNELLINF ST., FRY ST . FR09 I E" No ................................ .. diAFt�ES ST.;._ Engineer's estimate 14356.00. Date Presented..... -...12/16/14--I9L..._..._ Resolved, That the award of contract :o THORNTON BROS. for he con- s�ruc ion of a sewer on—Edmund street from Snelling avenue to Fry street, Fry street from Edmund scree; to.Charles street, Charles street from Fry street :o Aldine street., for the sum of $3957.00 be, and is hereby confirmed and approved,,and :he Corp6ration Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. r•. ve..aus—Bx:M 'Resolved. That the award of contract' t t Thornton Bros. for the conetruction e sewer on rdmund street from 9nclling nv nuo to Fry street, Fry fro. Edmu street nd street to Charles strcot, Charles street fr.. the rsumtT Pf to Aldine street, for S39 7.00 be,e ands 11 htheb Corporation -Counsel 1s hereby Instructed tof deont and suhmlt the proPer form o 'tract therefor. APPDoved the17o ncil Dec. 17. 1911. (DDccec. 18914. -1914) Yeas (V) Couu 'men (P) Nays Adopted by the Council l,_-191 U / Far n orth Goss In favor ` Kell Ap ve - Me 11 _-______Against Yoe — - --MwIt Mr. President f owers CITY F ST. P L , COUNCIL R UTI GENERAL FORM Subject:. _...._ APPROVAL OF AWARD- Col T"'" FOR THE GRADING' `k, -UN �+ ITQ'ROVEt�ENT OF hEY IN OL ET4EVEN, OAKVILLE PILE No .. ........................... PAFIiI y"y 08. b&- ..................__...._.............._ ti Date Presentedl.2/16/14 -I91 resolved, That ;he award of contract to she FAIYEN CCP7STRUCTIOT' COMPANY for the grading and improvement of alley in Block Eleven, Oakville Park, for the sum of $293.00, be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. r. No.olv d, Th.tr 6 - Z; rd of Resolved, That Lhe inward o4 ontract' to the for the grnding o ndnetr,lmprovem nta 0Y lley In .Block Eleven. Oakvtlle Parlc. for the m of $293.0 U, be, a d the eame to hereby cor onfirmed and pr on t so hereby lnetructed to draft andunsba] mlt the proper form of contrnet there - therefor. 1914. dor,6dd De 1719141 Dec. 17, (Dec. 19-1914) Yeas (h) Cour ilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council -191 Fern worth n / Goss � In favor !j Kell - Appr Mc _Against a Yoe __--____ ___._ -MAYOR Mr. President, Powers s� ,gg CITY OF T. PAUL e,1�Rr20 COUNCIL RESO TION ;GE Subject:_.....__Al'PROYAL_OF.Ati71IR�S_Owyz -. RTiACT.-. 0E A SEWER ON ABELL T FRO SSA1rtI ......_.-_._....._. _ T�.._$OSE�STREEine.e ' ....ea imate RAL FORM 'STRUCTi NG 31-20 F STA ET 'ILE L NO ............................. 6932.•0.0.,......._ A6 Date Presented -......12/16/14 - -.-_I91 9 Resolved, 0That the award of contract to Doherty & Son for the construction of a sewer on Abell street from Jessamine street to Rose street for the sum of -$715.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. P. No. 3120—By M. N. Gen.— Resolved, That the award f con- t,net to Doherty & Son. for the ro struction of asewer on Abell street from Jessamine street to Rose streot for the sum of $715.00 be, ¢ad. the same. 1 hereby confirmed andpproved; d the Corporation Counsel is hereby In- structed to draft and submit the prop - r form of contract therefor. e Adopted by the Council Dec. 17, 1914. Approved ""1h ec. 17.' 1914. (Dec. 19-1914) d Yeas (V) Co nc"' (P) Neys Fa s'v G s In favor K ler M Coll _. ___. Q�a1nsC Y erg Mr. Preside ; Powers Adopted by the Connell _ 1U1117_ .._191/ Appr ved Y / 91 �' - - -- ----- -- MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAU 312:1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION— i Subject:.._. .. A2PROV11,L OF _AWARD _OF....C.ON.TR F.O.R__CO ON ROY STREET FROV SHIEI, teSTREIET'TO AVENUE, Engineer'e xAL FO ST TING....A' SEWER •ANTHON7EQENCIL No ....... ....................... Date Presented -_12/1614 _.....A91 Resolved, That the award of contract to CHRIST JOHNSON for the construction of a sewer on Roy street from Shields street to St.Anthony avenue $or the sum of $680.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to graft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. C. F.No. 3121—By M. N. Gose— Resolved:-That the award of contract to Christ Johnson Po the onstructtonl of a sewer on Roy etreetfrom Shields street to St. Anthony venue for the all of 8680.00 be, and the same le nd thehereCoraft and a rporatfon Counsel le, herebyln- ttmund lt the proper formof eonrnet therefar Adopted by the Cou"In Dec. 17, 1914. Approved - (13ec. 19-1914) Yeas W) Cour ilmen (V) Nays Fern worth Goss __ In favor Kell McCall Against Yoe Mr. President, Owers FORM C.8-2 Adopted by the Council / _ 191y ed MAYO CITY OF ST. ,PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN AL FORM Subject,...- APFROVAL_OF_AWARD F.O...CONTRACT.-.F.O _.. HE:._C.QN . 021 ON OF A SEWER ON WAKEFIELD AVENUE FROM LE ST T TO COUNCIL FOREST STR ' :.T .. Engineer':@_..es ma:e.. $. FILE NO ........... ................._..... ... _._._........_. _. __._..:. _.. _. ......_x.00_ .............:_ Date Present 1_2/16/14 I e@,:... _ 91........... , Resolved, That ;he award, of contract to THORNTON BROS. for the construction of a sewer on Wakefield avenue from Maple street to Forest street for the sum of $687.00 be, and the same is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby ins'.ructed to draft and submit proper form of aontract therefor. Yeas (V) Coun Imen (T) Nays Farn •orth Goss Kelle MCC 1 Yoerg Mr. President, Powers .. . FONMC.B•2 e... C. F. No. 3122—BYM. N. Goss— Resolved. That the award of contract to Thornton Bros. for the eonstructlon i f a sever on Wakefield avenue from, Maple street to Forest street Yor the' m of $687.00 be, and the same is hereby Coorpconfirmed,and approved, and the 1 ed rto draft and submittion Counsel Isherebproperi form Instruct contract therefor. Adopted by the Council Dec. 17. 1914. ' Approved Dec. 17, 1914. (Dcc. 191914) Adopted by the Council / 11 __ 191y In favor . aPPr 191 .Against 4 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ERAL FO Subject-..... APPROVAL OF AVlARD OF CONTRAO OR T}TE C TRUCTIOONN �' OF A SEVER 01-1 M11111M.IA'1TA T ET TR' PL A STREE FILE No ...... � VICTORIA STREET. ... .. Date Presented-- Pc.16, 1914-__I91 ,...:... Resoled, That the award of contract to C.A.NELSON, for the construction of a sewer on Minnehaha strt'-et from Avon street to Victoria street, engineer's estimate being $1168.00, for the sum of J.994.00 be, and is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. i 3123—$Y bf. N. Gosa— n s lved, That the award of contract to C. A. Nelson, for Lhe conetructlon Of sewer on AtiineIt It st?eet from Avon street to V letorla street, a gi- neer's timate beim 53168.00, forret cum oYe 5094.00 be, and-ie'hareby cone) Corpora - tie. connect isohereby dln g—t the d to draft and submit the proper 'Or. of _}. contract therefor. Adoptedby the Dec. 37, 1914. Approved (Dec. 19-1914) Yeas (i') C. Amen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council / , orth e _7._191 L� Farre / Goss � In favor �2 191 Kelle Ap v Mc 11 _,.Against Yoe — ____... _-___..—.__ . _ --MAYOR _ M£ President; owers rOnM e.a-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FOR Subject: - POSTAGE, SUPPLI3�S.. _........ .._ courbca - PILENO..... . .312,711 ...... ... ... .. ....... .-...w Date Presented --Dee .1.7 ,1.914...._I91........-- esolution authorizing the dr_.wing of a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for -$52.00 with the onsent of the Mayor, and the Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to the Department of Public Safety -Bureau of Health. I' CResoldtlon3124—BY Hen hiY the d�nwln6 of a wnrrant in favor, of the Commis - co eentff�the M6YOr $nd962. 0ho 1Compe troller. foi• the purchase for cash of '.stage to anid amovnC. CharBCBUlO to the Depnrtmpnt of Fublic Safety-Bu- renu of Health. Ad�ptedd Dec.o17o19141 Dec. 17, 1914. Approvs 19-1914) Yeas (I Vsworth 11) Nays In favor Against Mr. Presid Adopted by the Council Approved _ 2 _19117-41 - - MAYOR g In the matter of grading Goodrich avenue from Dunlap street to- Chicago Milwaukee Railway, and Dunlap stregt from Lincoln Ave., to Goodrich avenue, under Preliminary Order 440, approved June 30th, 1914, Intermediary Order No. 1196, approved August 14th 1914 and Final Order No. 1896, approved October 2nd, 1914. Resolved that the orders in the above mentioned matter are hereby repealed and annulled, and all proceedings shall fall and cease. ,I C. F. No. 3126—By 9. A. Fnrneworthchch , oolic In the Matter. . ...din6 � - dCh1- 0 ( ✓) Nays In favor Against , approved Octoberr 2n14 d t the In d matterrders are hereby reg lulled, and all ,proceed - and oeaee. eo Council Do. 17, 1914. :. 17, 1914. c. 19-1914) Adopted by the '/ < / /;? -191.�' 9 rlma: COi L FILE NO . v rof et Paul t ok neer there nding, in the ottl: a of the Hoard'. ltc �R orka a- certain Flnai O der �p {'] BY /i,�� 5'60, "apyroved March 13th i913, - C 126 Y��/v/AL (#aodrtch avenue irom Lex- .--, avenue SV'eat to the Ch�Cago,; Hee and SG Paul Ra11wBy Stacks:, tap street from Lin oln avenue [rfoh avenue In .ald City and' sae `it fa tha opinion of flits Whereas: Immejia that. anothar,;:act4anaiprorto the time the existing t loh of the atat9agid,�pider + abta to be,. done udder thathere. was pending in Charter of the City of S 9` provfalona of the existing, P g be it- ofreeolved that, the e completed under.'tke['tain final Order No. the Office of the Board T' b�rovielona_of the exlatlr • F uo all furtheractsane r be done, and the CI 38,560, approved Match 12th ednane..ana, othera Goodrich avenue from tent. of the,ect �CHT and• diri np ere -(.the b!- Lexington avenue 'Jest to the C. •a.,:°= aailwaukee and St. Paul `Railway tracks and Diinlap street from Lincoln avenue to -Goodrich avenue, in said City, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, -that all other acts and proceedir's to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be cou;pleted under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to,all further acts and proceedings to be done: and the Commissioner of Finance and other Officers and Departments ofpthe City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to coarlete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in according therewith: Resolved Further, ,��ha tne. tisane apeclflca t �41nne and estlmat a, eubmttted ibY rnn.. Adopted by the Council, 191 e —' 77 - -- Yeas / Nays Fari worth Gos Kell r McC 1 i Yeo May Powers IApproved Jell- / 1914 ` AYOR vuBLISHED qq+e� �a r jf CoU\CIL NILE \t1. 13y FINAL ORDER. 11, the .1lauer of change of grade on Princeton avenue between Prior avenue and Kenneth street. ruder Preliminary Order 20074 approved 0c tobex 4th, Intermediary Order (% / ---approved _. ��/ _...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement uppolon due notice, AndtheCouncil having heard all pet:sons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, i3y the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise satin e, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. made. RESOLVE' FURTHER, That the commissioner of Puhh� AV�tLs be�xrrd ha is hereby ilkSfiniafe nail direete o prepare mr-rauLsleZe�fie� iousfn5''sud ,mpt•o� mend, and submit hnme to the Conseil for approval; that a u -sail! approval, the proper city offieers are bi,eb'�°"^ttttlu,.L'jfr u d directed "to proeced the making of s 'd improvement in accordance thereNvith. i - Adopted by the Council. __ _ __ _......79..__._.. City- Clerk. Approved___ 19__ Councilmen Farnsworth (i oss Keller MCCnll O'Leary oerg Mayor Powers �X ' r Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM]#J10NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IL Int a Matter of Azw — =7� - } 1(L/�--�=— .- 'I/1L' �.�0—� 4?lyl— tj in}Q�/szl/�.d---�711 ..------....---'---......_....-.............--------.......-.I----.-----..........._-...._..-............--------------- A -------------- -- _------- ----------------.------ -------------- ------- -_.-------- under Preliminary Order approved-----------/.-....—.__�If1-------------------------------_.-----------....--------------------------------.._.----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is -_-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,' and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � G d - �d I IORMl9A llA TOTAL, e The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated------------ // / - - --------------_191-� ......_--Gly YlIL//7 2 --Commissioner of.Finance. V FORM B.D.A. G-8 c - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE p REPORT OF COMMIS'V10NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - �J��icloeq-o �;�� 7 s• y -7-7 -- C6 oZ s* -u . 5 .z J` o 4a '2'J` u YO L 5� 117 U O e The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated------------ // / - - --------------_191-� ......_--Gly YlIL//7 2 --Commissioner of.Finance. V FORM B.D.A. G-8 c - - 0 n - - - OSCAR OLAU6SEN M, S. DOSS - <BreP Bnt¢?esa O IRR ,BRR PUBLIC WORKS • ' '.' CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Mi— ���,yRc�` 7 -r��`�}-4 __) 44, Mr. 11. N. Goss, OCT 2 81914 Commissioner of Public Worms, M- N_ SS c I Y. COMMISSIONER OFF PUBLIC WORK$ Dear Sir,- I transmit herewith profile fora chrrnme of grade on lrince�on Ave. from Kenneth St. to Prior Ave., in accordance with Council File t42074, approved Oct. 14, 1914. The change of grade, if favorably acted upon, will mean that this street, which was graded in 1913 under contract #2127 will have to be regraded, also that sewer, when built, will have to be put in at a greater depth than it would should the grade be left as it is, hence the property along the line of this proposed :hange, as well as adjacent property, will have a larger sewer assessment. Respectfully subraitted, Chief Engineer. FS Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance :.... _.....,Oo t obe r..._(3..8.,......_... _........_...1914... To the Cmumissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 2074 .......approved. 14x ..............1914....., relative to..___._......_._..... cil, known as Council File No .......................... pp' - ��-��-�-� change...._of,....grade...,on,,._Pr noeton.._Avenue__between_. Pr So; -... ....._end $enneth.-$t. ..... ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1.; Said improvement is .............. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX..__........_..., and ' .. and the total cost thereof to �+.._...._........._..... I 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $........_��........... , the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___ ......__.... .,...._........ ._......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch o4said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. n Zl �, '41"Lt�t 2eL(-,Y, �iLLe2 C. �ti�,LY L�vcL� ;le LLtLL i �� �nf c ��G L Yy/�'�L2�h ✓v1'tt',�'LD ��ZL'CcL �R-//� Q 1- L- -I'LL Q- -c 2 L &C—Gt ! C /�u 2 c of "L �Zoc oz cFJ Giv , 2 -m L G1 t,te b 23 Administrative. *3128 An ordinance regulating the bonds of city depositories and securities in lieu thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Such banks as have been designated by the Sinking Fund Committee as depositories of city funds shall, before any funds are deposited with them by the City or any officer thereof, execute and deliver to the City of St. Paul a bond with sufficient sureties in double the amount of the maximum deposit authorized by the Sinking Fund Committee. The personal sureties, if any, on said bonds shall be residents and freeholders of the City of St. Paul, and shall be worth in the aggregate the penalty of the bond, over and above their debts and liabilities and exclusive of their property exempt from.execution. The corporate sureties on said bonds, if any, shall be surety companies duly authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota. Section 2. The form of said bond shall be as follows: "BNOw ALL,MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we ............. .. and as principal, .......... as curet....., all of the City of St. Paul, County of Ram- sey and State of Minnesota, are held and firmly bound unto the City of St. Paul, its successors and assigns, in the sum of .. Dollars, lawful money of the United States, to be paid unto the said City of St. Paul, its successors and assigns, for which payment well and truly to be made, we jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, success - ore and assigns, firmly by these presents."day Sealed with our seals and dated this ........ i of ................. A. D. 191... The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas, the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St. Paul, composed of the Mayor, Comptroller and Commissioner ted of Finance of the said City of St. Paul, has designBank the undersigned ........................... of the City of St. Paul, as a depository for receiving and holding\as such, funds and moneys of said city, in- cluding the ands of the Special School District of said City of St. aul, and has fixed the sum of ............. „ Dollars as the maximum sum to be deposited in said Bank; and Pv'r]EFXAS, Said bank erow has etofor,>odeposited therein,sit certain ounder such funds and money and a prior desiEnation of sc.id bank as a depositcry; y WHEREAS, For the mutual convenience of said City__a of said Bank it is desirable that said moneys soon deposit shall be considered as having been deposited with said Bank (a) under its present designation, within the meaning of this obligation, and shall constitute a part of he funds to secure the repayment of which this obliga on is given, and it is so agreed. Now if said ... Bank, its successors and assigns, shall well and truly repay to said City, on demand therefor, all moneys de- posited with said Bank by the Commissioner of Finance or other officer, for said City of St. Paul, including any and all funds belonging to said school district so deposited, and including 41 moneys now on deposit in said Bank to the oredi� of'said City, and to the credit of said school districts` as!,`aforesaid, together with interest on all such s 4, at; the rate of ............. per cent. per annum on daily balances credited monthly and added to the principal, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY.WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals on the day and year first above written. - Brisk of St. Paul, By (Corporate President Seal). and--- -- - -- Cashier. (Seal) Signed, Sealed ------- ---"- and Delivered in _ Seal Presence of ---------------(-SEAL �_--------------- --(,SEAL -- _ (SEAL (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) (SEAL) J (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. , County of Ramsey. ) On this ..... day -,of ....... 191.., before me appeared .... and ..................... to me personally known, who, being by me duly.sworn, did say that the said ................. is President, and said is Cashier of the ...................... Bank of the City of St. Paul„ a corporation; that the seal -impressed upon the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that the said instrument was sign--- (3) ed and sealed inehalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said . .................. and ................... acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ............ STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS. County of Ramsey . ) BE IT KNOWN, that on this ....... day of ......,. 191..., came before me personally ................... ............................................................. to me well known to be the same persons described in and who executed the foregoing bond, and each severally acknow- ledged the same to be his own free act and deed. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires ............ STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) e SS. County of Ramsey. ) ................................................. being first duly sworn, upon oath, say, each for himself, that he is one of the sureties named in and who subscribed the foregoing bond; that he is a resident and freeholder of and in the City of St. Paul, in the State of Minnesota, and worth the amount in dollars following his name hereunto subscribed, above his debts and liabilities and exclusive of his property which is exempt from execution. (7 more lines) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... day of ....... 191.. Notary'ublic, Ramsep Countp, Minn. My commission expires ................ (Attach and file herewith a certified copy of the resolu- tion of the Board of Directors authorizing the bank.officers to sign this bond.)" There shall accompany each of said bond83a resolution of the Board of Directors of the depository, certified by the cashier or other officer thereof, authorizing the officers to execute the bond in the amount specified therein as the penalty. If a corpor- ation is a surety on said bond, a proper form of corporate acknowledge- ment shall be executed by it. The said bond shall be approved as to execution by the Corporation Counsel, and the said bond and the sure OFFICIAL PROCOUNCIL. CEEDINGS OF THE C. IF. N 0' ance Na.3341—BY A rdl regulating the�bqn6 01 c't, d P.-Ito,te. an,, -ed,04— Itt lieu thereof, 1 3128 '',The Council of the CRY of St. Paul docs ordain: 'FCT'0'4 li`�.. da. Such b k. h-. C, by the an d Commute Committee and S"""& Pon ties thereon shall be approve to. , cli, fund. h.li da,,are depo"Ited wltl�, ,, any officer the " the C the Council. I Section 3. In lieu of the bonds provided for in the pre- ceding sections of this ordinance, such banks as have been designated t as depositories Of said funds by the Sinking Fund Committee are - hereby authorized to deposit in the office of ,the Comptroller, as security for such f= I de, bonds or tax levy, certificates of the City of St. Paul of face value, ten per cent. In excess', of the maximum amount of the funds authorized to be placed in said depositories. There shall accompany such bonds or tax levy certificates so deposit- ed, eposited, such assignments or powers of attorney,as.will make such bonds availabl or tax levy certificateselat any time said Sinking -Fund Committee shall deem it advisablelto realize upon them for the pro— tection of the City. Until such bonds or tax levy certificates are converted to the use and for the benefit of the,City to meet the failure to turn over on demand any deposit of said funds which they may have been pledged to secure, they shall bear Interest for I the bank for which they were pledged, as though they had remained I in the custody of said bank. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. *to oil w by the Coon YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLERftWJSfM0 4Y'. � McGOLL lj YOERG ;17 NAYS. 0 I 5; t 1 OFFICIAL PROCOUNCIL. CEEDINGS OF THE C. IF. N 0' ance Na.3341—BY A rdl regulating the�bqn6 01 c't, d P.-Ito,te. an,, -ed,04— Itt lieu thereof, 1 3128 '',The Council of the CRY of St. Paul docs ordain: 'FCT'0'4 li`�.. da. Such b k. h-. C, by the an d Commute Committee and S"""& Pon ties thereon shall be approve to. , cli, fund. h.li da,,are depo"Ited wltl�, ,, any officer the " the C the Council. I Section 3. In lieu of the bonds provided for in the pre- ceding sections of this ordinance, such banks as have been designated t as depositories Of said funds by the Sinking Fund Committee are - hereby authorized to deposit in the office of ,the Comptroller, as security for such f= I de, bonds or tax levy, certificates of the City of St. Paul of face value, ten per cent. In excess', of the maximum amount of the funds authorized to be placed in said depositories. There shall accompany such bonds or tax levy certificates so deposit- ed, eposited, such assignments or powers of attorney,as.will make such bonds availabl or tax levy certificateselat any time said Sinking -Fund Committee shall deem it advisablelto realize upon them for the pro— tection of the City. Until such bonds or tax levy certificates are converted to the use and for the benefit of the,City to meet the failure to turn over on demand any deposit of said funds which they may have been pledged to secure, they shall bear Interest for I the bank for which they were pledged, as though they had remained I in the custody of said bank. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. *to oil w by the Coon YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLERftWJSfM0 4Y'. � McGOLL lj YOERG ;17 NAYS. 0 Mr. Herrold., J� Council File R6 .. .......... PROPOSAL FOR UUROVEMWT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tile tuidersigned hereby proposes tile making of the Kollo ig 'public improve by the ........... Paul, viz.: Qondevni.ng aad tilking EM a. ant... d-neaes Bic -d-fills for grad' Xeatoxi at.r . .. ..... from Ghi.10.6m.he ame tQ Tierpv axoniae ............ ...... . ... ........................... ............................... ..................... ... . .......................................... . .. Dated tliis:day _.Dec. .............. . ..... Councilman. PRELnv]INARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fOlIONViDg improvement, viz.:c..onde,.mning..-. ark4 t4ki 8,11-0.48'eme. nt in the Land f i,1.1s _Jor grading-Ke.stOn _aVe.- to Rtexc PRELIMINARY C DEUS' . . . .... .... JC. R No. 3129 -- its. PraO6..I '01 the the -Iluow, iti. b. I. � ,g Irapru�,, ..........._......_....leis: C..d...I.9 ... taking '-.at in the land necessary for -1-Pb' flue I grading Keaton i forcuts and le P, street f—ChUltrallaveroicAo 01eilman .. ............. . ...... . ........ . ............... ......................... . ...... having been presented to the Council avenue, he. be.. Pr .... ted , to I, CouncH of the CRY Of St. Pauls'! fore, be It therefore,,bt it Resolved. That the Coratate.11 Public Works a and be I., III RESOLVED, That the Commissi A he is hereby ordered and directed: dered and directed: 1. To Inveettgate the 1. To investigate the necessityorOf said improvement. improvem,ent. u Xto ,a ' 2 of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2.' To investigate the nature, ef. -;,T.Otl= ff'.t of � -a total c" 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eke! %b 'xtmt. 4. To furnish the following other da d tion relative to said improvement: ....................................................... . ......................... . .. .... . .. ...................... . ......... ................................. . . ... . ...... ............ .................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement.is asked for ,on, ,the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for6goingiiiattergiq the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted -by tU'&uucil ............... ..... . Nays ays: Councilman fFasworth 0 Approved......_.......... . ..... Go ..... . .... ................. ........... .... M ............ .......... . . ............................................................. . ... .. .............. Mayor. Mayor Po' 8 P TAT. Herrold. Council File No... .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 3130 and k: PRELIMINARY O R. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of , following public. iul euleut by \the City of It. W Paul, viz.:......co.nde.mning.....and ....t.aking... e.asiemeat..:.i.n.. e..... lana -nec.easar.Y_...fox ........ 1_a._.f.o.....gr-adi.ng.._Oxf_o:..._a.t.z..e.et.....ir.Qm....l.gle.k�.ax_t.....au.e.Zte Dated this.......18ah..... ay of Zambex �° ...._ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ilnprovenleut, viz.:_. 4o.k?de(nnlllg.... 1.00d..._n.e.c..es.s..axy.....f.4.z s).o.gas..._fo.r..,_c._ut.e..__and._.__. fills _for. grading Oxford street frOrL Igl.e...hart ay_enu.e._tp.Rpnd.9.. street,. _.. _........... ........................ _......_.__....,.................... _................................. ... orLL................. .. tglb t. e.e t Londe Councilman .... ......-_. In6 been presented d to the ..... ................... .... ...... ........... _.. laving been presented t0 t1lC (i011IIC7 of the City of st. Paul there therefore, be it Se, mhst the camtnteeloner of •,Jorke be and he le hereby or - RESOLVED, That the Com missit InveeI,g o the, necessity for d he is hereby ordered and directed: Ing of ?�btutv,bf the ranksaid 'eking of said improvement. 1. To in the necessity,,oeIlt �'_tlgate the nature, ez- 2. To investigate the nature, exte�'�ndihe toiai oostsxriereof. 'aid improvement, and the total cost thereof. iIse a plana profile or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skt:.,.'gh °ria foii w[ng Out me.tton rei tivo to es!d tive to said improvement: ............:.............. �}. 'I`o��fnrnisli the, following other da' .. - whether or'not eaid Sm- -asked far oit Chepetltlon. ..................._. .note owners. ' "" "' in upon all of the Lore 5. To state whether or not said,a,u' to the,,cummtseloner of on the petition of three or more owners. r t•. " nuncll. Dec 1s 1914.'. issiouer of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the fotebQlli Mi. Heriold. Council File No ....... ....... ....._..........._.. PROPOSAL -FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �-ep 31* PRELIMINARY ORDER. The Rndersigned hereby proposes the making of the foil nig publie improvement by e City of St. Paul, viz.: condemning.... and ...taking .....an.._e.as ant .....in..._the.....l.and-m saary.....for............ elopes.._. for..cuts.__an..d. _fil_ls.. 9r_._gradi. ...F.i.nn__.axanuer..._fxoLu..ab.ly.n...svazxtt..e._......_._ to _St_. Anthony_..ayenue .....__..._ ............ . _..... .......... ........ . _. ...... ........ ... ......... ......... ... Dated this._.__18th.. __._day of_..___......_.....__...De.c..elnb_ex. .... .... ......_..l....191....�k,' .... .... ��. Councilman. RIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..c.o.nde.mni.ng......' h and .._taking..._an. easement .._1_n..._the...._l.and..ne_oe.a.a.axY.•..io..r..s.I.Ope.s.....fo-r. Q.U. ts:.....and._..._.. fills forgrading _Finn .avenue_„_from._Roblyn__avenue...._to..St—Anthony....-Ams.We.,.._. _. f ... ......._ ... written proposal for the �. .__.. _...__._ _..........._.. ...... --- --- the following Improvement. Ing u e- Eemn d taking an eas n for the IahU necessary fn .... ..... ._....... ................___....... ._........ ............. ...._..__.......__._...._.._._...__...._..._...... for cuts and fun fl [or gradin avenue from Roblyn avenue t thony avenue, having been P uncllnla R..__.................._.........._...........__......._.___............ ...., having been presented .to the Council Oia to theCouncilof the Cltr ml therefore. be 1t therefore, be it '•lvea,That the Commission Works beand, he 1s herel” RESOLVED, That the Cmnmissione and Investigate 1 he is hereby ordered and directed: I o directed: mvono tease' 3' rablllty of,,thB malting 1. To investigate the necessity for tment- naking of said improvement. - investlgaje the nature. gated tont of Bald 11 f said improvement, and the total cost thereof. • 2 To investigate the nature, extent a the total cost there., 1 'furnl.h'.a plan, prt „-�.. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch':,ernish� hevfoli win, vformatlon Telative:elfltlVe to said Inn rOVPlnetlt :._. 4. To furnish the. following other data t. P ..__........._... e whether or not asked for on the noteowner.. .. ... ................ ...................:..._.._..._......................-............._............................... ........_..._......................................................__..........._........_._......— -ort upon all of t 5. To state whether or not said impro ;u to thecommiBtior on the petition of three or more owners. ,ll -n, r 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to't-u Commissioner of Yinance. Adopted by the Council Yens: / I Nays: Councilman F lsworth G APProvcd......_1- ..........__.._ y.._...._...__.._]91...... K r M oll r O' dry Yog ... .... .. ...... .. .. .�%�'V ........ ...... Mayor Po •e 1Lnyor: Mr,. Herrold Council File No ................................ • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ,!� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Pt lc impro/tlCitY of ,5t.Pani; viz:: __condemning..and...._t.aki.ng..... an_..e.aseme.nt.. .n....the..._.la.f-ar.......Slopes _.for. cuts_.and._�:it.ls..._f.o.r..:grading...D. lt.on...s.t.ree_t_venth s..tr.e.e.t.-_ta_ aens.on... avenue..- ....... ........................._....._......................... .............. ...._......._..... ..................... _. c_emb.a_ .. ................... _...:191A.3. Dated thls......lath.._ .:.....day of....._......_....._..._.... , ... .t ....... ._...._.............. ............. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IEREAS, A written proposal for the waking of the following improvement, viz.:.. a.._.G.O.SId..eln?7 2?pa- W and..._talong.._.n.....e.as.ement....in__the..._l.and...nec.eaaar.y...f.or..._tl.ofbs.....for .....c_ut.a_...and_ _. fl.li.s_fo.x__.gxad.ing_Aealton..atr.e_e.t__.PrQm .e_at.S..e.v.e.ntkx__street._t.o..Benaon__. _ ! No 3132—,',` -... .. .. ..... .....A A Writt Pro os .... .__ ._ ..- aP the followl g mp n demning= nd taking pea. icilman ...... ' having been presented to the Council of•t},a the alhus for sraain� n ai% from Vast' Seventh street t,, therefore, UC it ented .t Council of the Cty ofeen PSt. Paul' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner, Ore. be It I hereby ordered and directed: ,lved, khat the Commissioner of work9 be and he is hereby or. f said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for ad di acted: investigate the necessity for rovement, and the total cost thereof. Z. To investigate the nature, extent to f the making of said P' • men investigate the nature, extent 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eket lmatea coat of said improve- . fu�nlehmacoPlan, Pro51e o o said intpr'Ovemeut ... _.......... ....... _. _........ _ _....... 1. Pr, furnish the following other dat,f said Improvement. fitritleh the following oth ' I information relative to er:........................................: ....._..._.._:.__.....__... ..............._........................................................ _ ..................... _.__._.... nent.. r . ........................._._. ''.tate .w)tetbi - nc` s 5. To state whether or not said imps i Haire P it the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing � •tters o the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.... x....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fal worth Z ' / .,: Approved..... , /791 los Mc l .... .._Y D Mayor Po s Mayor. w Council File No .......... ...... ..'_.....:_..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the tuaking of the folio ug public Paul, vi..: _c.O.ndemn.i.n,g_._and...laking .....azx.....e.ase ..nt.....in....t.h+ Dated this ....:-18_th........-day Mr. Herrold. amen ylhe City of. St. Councilman. PRELI1Y1INARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A writh•u proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:.:._ ao.ndamn.1.u&..... ran..d....t.aki.n.....an_..eas.emen.t.....i.n....the....land....nec.es.s.ary....fox- ..s.lopes_,.S.os.....a.ut.a.....and... fi_lls._fo_r..gr...ading th..e.�. 1.1 .Y.__in block 5, %lMn.l..t ._Vie* Add Go_odrxcn,__.k.aa.z.ulonnnt.,.....aa.c.al.._.?x....S..ar:ato.ga._.9v..nues.i__ ......__.... _.._.... _....................... .... _.......................... _ _.._._.__ _.......,..... .,al for the having been presented to the Council of tli ""*I's improvement,]IDan........._............._................._..._._......._ �. .mning and taking and an ease- ..._......._......_.. q the land necessary forslope. therefore, Ue ]t ,•k B,nBvmmt[oViewaAddition, o(l. e3 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner o noo8rinaesjab,Ing'been°pre hereby ordered and directed: to the Connell of the City of 1. To investigate the necessity for,o,jl therefore, ob i mmisioner of said improvement. Work. be and he is hereby or- rovenient, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent ..nd directed: �p o Investigate the necessity for :i. To furnish a plan, profile or sketel �e�itY of the making of said investigate the nature, este: t0 said ]ln rovement:.._.. ........ ........... ...... 4. To furnish the following other .dalumatea coat of .aid impro, P t 5. To state whether or not said imi ,Ment aeon reiative . on the getihon o three or more owners. state whether or not +�. 6. To, report upon all of the foregoing 1p'„6sxed'_for on ti-_ missioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..........._........_ll.%,... ...... 1J1../% Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa tswm•th ((// Go Approved......... ._.. _.__......_Z_ / ......:......191......_. M oll 0 ................... .... _................ ._.... ........................ ....................... ... . Mayor Po ere Mayor. • evilt�si�n�_ Nor. Herrold. Council File: No.- - - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER.�`�� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin mblic improvement by tile Cit St. Pani, viz.: aio_ndemni_ng.._.d.:._t.akng.....n.._.e.ae...4zaP:a. X.....far...._..:_ s_1_opea ..for.:cuta..._and. fills .for ....graSli .. Alley. in Bla_ok .10... xr:e.._a?1.c1.._Mab_on' s Addi_t i o.n...._f r om..._Arkwr i.gh t..._St._...._LQ_. ....... et.fol_nst_ax...._$.t.:.....:............................................................................................... Da8tt?. Dated this. 1......_ day • of .... ...... .... . .....191._x.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER, IVIIEREAS• A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:_..00ndamnin$ n......e_a :e.men.t..._� f.ill.s....fo r.._gradi.ng..... Alley ....in. ...B.lo_c.k....1.O_ .L.ewl-e.....and ....Mab.on'..s....Addi.t.i.on._..f.r.o.w.._. _ ... Arkwmi ht_. St.___t.o....We-atminatez St $ .3134— as, A written proposal for t• .......... ....................I._. ......_......_ o¢ the following lmproveme...................__........_...._................_........._...__.........._.. - - - indemning and a c In an e , the land necessary for ,all t 1. 10 Lewis M.bonYet ne A�nnn........................_..............................._....................... having been presented to the Council of the .....; Arkwrlght 6t. to weatm'I therefore, be it vin, .on presented tf en of the CHY of 6t. Paul RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of P'eo v, a That the Commiash3 hereby ordered and directed: !. works tie and he 11 her 1. To investigate the necessity for or de' and alreotea: of said improvement. To Investigate the necea 2. To investigate the nature, extent andwementY of the mak as inprovenient, and the total cost thereof. To Investigate the nature' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of eeumated coat of said i t,�and the total cost there- 4. To f1l ,lish_lhe followin> other data a To furnish a Plan, P' to said improvement:_.. i .hoof said Improvement To furnish..the follon n •„ .' .and information r, :,- ........ .._.. ......_. _. vement _.............. ... ....... ....... ...._.. "' " To state pvheth 5. To state whether or not said improve;'@"orlar oreaa'•fur on the petition of three or more owners. -tort -U ommissioner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing mate .�,. Adopted by the Council ._....................... �¢••_ 191 Yeas: Nays /> ((�� CouncilmanJFswortll 191YApprovedlMayors--'UBDISHEI?_� i Mr.'Hermold Council File No ................:.............:.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT.' and e`a PRELIMINARY OR , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tl allowing public improvenlept the City of St. Phil, viz.: co.ndemning....and.....t.aking.......e.as.ement......in....the._..l.and.. ..cea.sY....._a.r__......... g... f.r.o>A ..P..aY.n.e._..au_enu_..:. slop en_ f..o.r_..cuts._and ...f.i.11.a_.fo ....gr.adin C.o.tt.ag.e...a.t.re Dated tills...__ .1. _t ...._.._day of... . 400 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. wIIERM, S, A written proposal for the making of the following improveulcnt., viz.:_.00.nd.emnin.g.._ and....te king.._.an._.e.aserrant......i.n..._the_..Iand....ne o:e_s..e.ar.y..._f o..r.....4.1.oP.e l�..._.f_o r_ -_c ut fills...f.ar_ grading ....Cottage- street- ....from ...Pay.ne...... avenue _...to. .Gr.ae.nbr.i.or.._ay...enue 40 .._....... .. ... ......_.._. Leas, A w itte -- Pro. !; of mn, following Ir.. ... ....._....._. .___....... 'ondemntad and tnk' ............._....__...._....._...................._.._.......-.._.._._.__.......... _. �� the Innd neceesar _ and fills for grad- ' m Payne avenm'1 by Councilman..._........._._............_............__._........... having having Ucen presented to the Council o£ U. en having been y�. nell of the City o therefore, be it a be it ed. That the Comml RESOLVED, That the Commissioner •°,los . beand he te,l and he is hereby ordered and directed: I Investigate the no.,' -making of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for v bully of the making 3. '1 o it the nature, extent eieati gate of eats r, ;f'said improvement, and the total cost thereof. y the total poet. therer,clit. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketclfurnteh' a plan, pr furnish. sm hevfollow! relative to said improvement: ..._ ..... ......._.......... .1. 90 furnish the 1'ollowiug other dal nformtion ret•..l• mens. .� stat. whethe, .---.----•_ ,.,,„ „... .........._....._.--:ant Is asked 5. To state whether or not said iiitj n more u°• y owners. re asked for on the petition of three or more u.. w 6. To report upon, all of the foregoing matters to'the Commissioner of Finance, J Adopted by the Council. . 191 11-1.1 Nays: Yeas: Councilman Fn s,worth h _ ................191......... Go Approved....__41- M 41 M 11 t ................. .................... .. .. Mayor. Mayor Po rs &_Z � PWLISHEQ a Petitioeattaohed Council File No.................................. PROPOSAL 'FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER, - an3ro The undersigned heie93y propo6cA the making of tJie Wowing lie improvement: 3 the Cit of St. 1 aul, viz.:...Grade ....Brown ..Ave ....._1ram...Winnifte trest .....to.....Gates .:..Str. ,.._.in._........._ &o_oQ.Tdanoe...-agith....Pet t_ o�7.... qr.et.o..... ..... .aoheA................ ............._......................................................_............_.....-. _ ... .......... .._..........._..._..............._..._........__.............. ....... ._........._._..._.....-..._..._._.................................................................... _....._...................... _.... ....... Dated this-.--.1.?.th......dny of............................ .. 91._4. J ..................:........... __.... Councilman. PRE ARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:........irade.._.._.__..._ 8roW-U._.Axe....... from....A[Sli;Cred ... traet._..t.a..._Gat.a.a....-Str-aet...._.._......._......_...................._...._......_...._ . .......................... C. F. No. ,, A w nasi tor. the Whereas, A written Pro ...... _. ......... .._..___... _._.._. m U"' of the following rirn W1 mellt. " vfs: Grade-Brawn Ave, tram Winifred - Street to Gates atrncil having been'.....:..............-...................� having been presented to the Council of street to to the Council of the City of kn.......... .........._..._........._....... St. Paul therefore, he C therefore, be it Resolved,. That the Co 4,. here y of Public Works be and pq;�e hereby or eb or and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commission' dared and directed Y 1. To .inveetlgtt the ecessfty 4or deslrabilfty of the •m ak Ing of ask d id improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity fo Improve I ry. To investigate tha nature, extent 2. To investigate the nature, exte and sell at- a st o[ la Impro ve- ement, and the total cost thereof. '•ment�nnd the total cost sthereof. sketch of t aidIE r.lemprove nt pro file . or :3. Co furnish a plan, profile or ek t 4. To fucaleh the ono Ivin o th a 4. TO furnish the followingotherp data and in d improvement: :............. +improvement. - S. To state whether or not said tra .-.._.:P[oVement 1s naked for on the petition o. To state whether or not said a of three r mora ponoce. _ 6. three or r upon an of the tore- 1t1on of three or more owners. �going matters to the Commissioner of tYnnnce.inance. 6. To report upon all of the fore a Apppovea Dec 21, 1914 Dec.p16. l 14. (Don. 26-1914) _ Adopted by the Council..__.._._........._`/.. o�-d....- - Yeas : / Nays : Councilman F •nsworth G s Approved... ..._. /......191......1 �. 14 Coll Mayor P ere — CITF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Offic ... ......191!!{ ived of City Cl" Refit@ r ,� t4' "" ST. PAUL ON—GENERAL FORM '1137 COUNCIL w� FILE No. ... ..... I ....................... .._._................_...__._._........._.... -� Date Presented_.. _I91.:_....... Wip leasing date'December 17th, 1914, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Marion street from Lawson street to Geranium street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the city. 61 C. F. No. 3137— ! Resolved, That the tract bearing 1 date I'll her 17th, 1014. by and be- ' [ween Christ-.T.h..on a d theIlly of sL Pau] for the c ..[ruction of a sewer onAlarlon street from Law -eon street to levan ium street, be ah the same l.hereby approved. and dheproper oily iz' officers are authored and directed to xeeute the .ams on behalf of the City. Adopted by. the Co1moll Dee. 18, 1914.; Approved Dec. 21, T914. ffr (Dec. 26-1914) I 11 Yeas (V) Co illnen (v) Nays Fa' Orth G r In favor M oll _Against g Mr. President, Owers nwM e.0-3 Adopted by the Council _.__/j 191 APProve _ x' _ 191 OR—. i Resolved, That the grade of alley in Block 32 Syndicate #5 Addition in accordance with the red grade line on` the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. -- -- _q.a C.3138—Bs''h . N..e Of geeolved. That the grnde. ofall" in Block 32 Syndicate No. 6 Ath de Viae on thethe red do.ceec ani Y' proflle� and as rec- ommended by the Commi' saloner e.'1 Public NV d pied be and theho etabilehed hereby a 6tl grnde. Adopted by the Council Dec. 18, 1914. i Approved Dec. 21. 1914, { (Dec. 26i1914�: Yeas (Y) Co oilmen (V) Nays Fa sworth Go In favor M oll _ _ . _Against Y g. Mr. Presiden o w es az Adopted by the Council Approved- 7- basolaad That the Plat of Bruce Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, as recommeded by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas W) c. r. ,ro. ala9— Resolved: That the plat of Bruce Addltton to the city of St. Paul,: Minn.,: as r mm nded by the plat commie- alon and ppr d. by the Commte slon - of Pobllc Rorke, bo and the same 1 h by a pted. app tVed Dece 18, u1014. Dec. 19, 1914. (Dec. 10-1914) l t (P) Nays �d-191y .adopted by the Council _ / J ,In favor 191a . Against MAYOR YOR 'PI'Y OF SAINT PAUL N—G NERAL FORM Ir City Clerk's Of e ......_...... ......... ._..._ ...COUNCIL 3.40 Ll- V/ 191/ F. FILE IY�y.. .. .................... ... . $tsae' ed of City lerk Date Presented.... - . --I91........ '64�{ L Qt/fiB _... U Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 17th, 1914, by and between Thornton Brothers and the City -of St.' Paul, for the con- struction of a sewdr on Edmund street from Snelling avenue to Fry street, on Fry street from Edmund street to Charles street, and on Charles street from Fry street to Aldine street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C.'F. 44;_ 3140— - Resolved. That the contract: bearing date' December 17th, 1914, by 'and be- tween Thornton Brother. and the City of St.Paul, for the construction 'IQ,, r on Edmund street from Sneltln6 avenue to Fry street, o Fry strgett from Edmund street to Charles street, and on Charles street from Fry street ' to Aldine stree be and the anme t9 hereby approved, and the propercity ' officersare allthorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City;. Adopted by the Co...,] Dec. 18, 1114. Aperovod. Dec. 21, 1914. (Do.. 26-1914) I/L 61 7 Yeas (i) Cou ilmen (F•) Nays / ,adopted by the Council / �/� _ 191/ Far 'worth Go _In favor Z Approved _- ___._/.__191 M` oll __—_Against J YOMAYO Mr President Owers ` .:O- 314 �6 �d6anec No 3 —111 V thance No. 3 45 i Iinancilto'amend Ordinan6e N en t, d "An ordinance to r for thee paymentof a p.prension en Iyan.(1s11ovmaenwsokwnof Mir timec,. do—ed,- as e' P. ed October i41h. 1914. —not I of the City of St rdaf- . SECTION 1. Section of Ordinance N. "A1n. ordinance to provi mt a Pension to, widow'of Michael t "aas .�b, k"n —led," app an , ro_vId An ordinaliU,c d he Ordinance No. 3286, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the payment of a pension to Helen Sullivan', widow of Michael Sullivan (sometimes known as Michael P. Sullivan), deceased," approved October 14th, 1914. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3286, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the payment of a pension to Helen Sullivan, widow of Michael Sullivan (sometimes known as Michael P. Sullivan), deceased," approved October 14th, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so as to resod as follows: - "Section 1. That a pension in the sum of Forty Dollars (040.00.) per month be and the same is hereby authorized and allowed to be paid to the said Helen Sullivan, out of the Police Fund, while she remains unmarried and a. resident of the I bta�te of Minnesota, and until the said Ethel Sullivan attains the age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pension in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($SO.00) per month so long as she remains unma4Xied and a resident of said State, unless sooner modified, altered or revoked." Section 2-. That Section 3 of said ordinance be and the same Is hereby amended by adding thereto the following provision: "At the time each payment provided for under this ordinance is made, the said Helen Sullivan shall be required by the City Comptroller to make and sign an affidavit stating that she is unmarried, a resident of the State ofMinnesota, and giving the name and age of her youngest .cthild." Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council 191 YEAS, NAYS. P ji J .:O- 314 �6 �d6anec No 3 —111 V thance No. 3 45 i Iinancilto'amend Ordinan6e N en t, d "An ordinance to r for thee paymentof a p.prension en Iyan.(1s11ovmaenwsokwnof Mir timec,. do—ed,- as e' P. ed October i41h. 1914. —not I of the City of St rdaf- . SECTION 1. Section of Ordinance N. "A1n. ordinance to provi mt a Pension to, widow'of Michael t "aas .�b, k"n —led," app an , ro_vId An ordinaliU,c d he Ordinance No. 3286, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the payment of a pension to Helen Sullivan', widow of Michael Sullivan (sometimes known as Michael P. Sullivan), deceased," approved October 14th, 1914. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3286, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the payment of a pension to Helen Sullivan, widow of Michael Sullivan (sometimes known as Michael P. Sullivan), deceased," approved October 14th, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so as to resod as follows: - "Section 1. That a pension in the sum of Forty Dollars (040.00.) per month be and the same is hereby authorized and allowed to be paid to the said Helen Sullivan, out of the Police Fund, while she remains unmarried and a. resident of the I bta�te of Minnesota, and until the said Ethel Sullivan attains the age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pension in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($SO.00) per month so long as she remains unma4Xied and a resident of said State, unless sooner modified, altered or revoked." Section 2-. That Section 3 of said ordinance be and the same Is hereby amended by adding thereto the following provision: "At the time each payment provided for under this ordinance is made, the said Helen Sullivan shall be required by the City Comptroller to make and sign an affidavit stating that she is unmarried, a resident of the State ofMinnesota, and giving the name and age of her youngest .cthild." Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council 191 YEAS, NAYS. P .-o. 3141,—'`Q_i471nance No. 3346—R} i I ande.to*n y lienritled An or trance to r entitled ym ordinance si .p r.- �� Sullivan. end. of a f Mich " P' va leometimes known .1 el P. Sullin). deceased; n ed October 14th. 1919. „nu cli, of the City Of St. :ordxipi j 111 SECTION 1. 1 I11t - Section 1 of Ordinance Nc-' V / men ordinance to proof e t oYpension [a.i c wtI'no of Michael An ordinaria,��ad'a tnep ,%d Ordinance No. 3286, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the payment of a pension to Helen Sullivan, widow of Michael Sullivan (sometimes known as,Michael P. Sullivan), i deceased," approved October 14th, 1914. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section l of Ordinance No. 3286, entitled ' "An ordinance to provide for the payment of a pension to Helen Sullivan, widow of Michael Sullivan (sometimes known as Michael P. - Sullivan), 4eoeased," approved October 14th, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1. That a pension in the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month be and the same is hereby sad Helen authorized and allowed to be paid whileo theeheiremains Sullivan, out of the Police Fund,. unmarrie& and a resident of the $tate of Minnesota, and until the said Ethel Sullivanattains the age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pension in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per month so long uas she nless sooner emodif ed, altered orisaid State, revoked." Section 2. That Section 3 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby amended by adding thereto the following provision: "At the time each payment provided for under this ordinance is made, the said Helen Sullivan shall be required by the City Comptroller to make and sign an affidavit stating that she isunmarried,id, a resident of the State of Minnesota, and giving and age of her youngest child." Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and lication. ......_...._191 NAYS. >RTtI S �r YOERG NAYS .40 • PRESP 1-211-11 i i StV CITY Or, SAI IWl PAUL / City Clerk's Office _:...._...........191/ nance No. 3303, entitled "4n eceived of City Clerk- 'W t of a pension to Clara Aamold, ,ember 9th, 1914. ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ice. i of Ordinance No. 33.0.3, entitle i Y� mut or vizpayment of a pension to Clara Aam , widow of Hans Aamold," approved November 9th, 1914, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 1. That a pension in the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month be and the same -is hereby authorized and allowed,,to be paid out of the Police Fund, to the said Clara Aamold while she remains un- married and a resident of the State of Minnesota and until her youngest living child attains the age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pension in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per month so long as she remains unmarried and a resident of the State, un- less sooner modified, altered or revoked." Section 2. That Section 3 of said ordinance be and the sane, is hereby amended by adding thereto the following provision: "At the time each payment provided for Ider this ordinance is made, the said Clara Aamold shall be required by the City Comptroller to make and sign an affidavit stating that she is unmarried, a resi- dent of the State of Minnesota, an(3l42 oorainan°° No. 3344 11 and age of her youngest child." a t° mend Ordinance No. fitted "An ordinance to pro. ' the payment of a pension Aamold, widow at Haas nd be in force - Section 3. This ordinance sb. approved November, 9th. thirtyafter its ansa a and y,pnctl of the City of Pt. 1'441 days Y _.. _.1-- ge 1?t}, ordain: SECTION 1. int Section 1 of O divan c. No. 330x. n e_: to p ovid for payment of pension t CI ^ /n,Fold, widow of Hans Aamo tied "An ordi ]d .ed November 9th 1914, be a d is hereby amended ao as t, flow PU13LISHM I t tion- 1. Th tpenal - — r- �-- corEY *Doll e I / _fir �i ......... 104J 6) the Council ...... �� .., � ..._. 191 •� YEAS, NAYS, MR. FARNSWORT GOSS y�r KELLER l t � 9� McGOLL oy _ YOERG AYS, 0 MR. PRESI NT (POWERS) J + I t i i L tal Subject: 1 Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 18th, 1914, by and between the Feyen Construction Company and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Marlboro avenue from Dayton avenue to Portland avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 3143—By M. N. Goes— Resolved, That the —t -et bearing date December 18th,. 1914, by and be- i twee. the Feyen Construction Coma pang and the City. of-st: Paul: for thecyy construction t a sewer tial;.4.rlbonl venue from Dayton "avenue to::Port- land avenue,Q nd the same to hercby; approved, a#" Ch proper city officers a are authorizednd directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Adopted by the Cobnclt Dec. 19, 1914.' Approved Dec. 21, 1914. j (Dec. 26-1914) Yeas (j,) C ncilmen (P) Nays F sworth rr oil ---- Again Y g Mr. Presiden Powers . ronr c.e-z Adopted by the Council �--/ 191 4pprovpd- _..-- - C3 w — - MAYOa T. PAUL N—GENERAL FORM CITY OI, SAINT PAUL 1!� (n� -Gity Clerk's l/ Il:e FILE NO- NO,..... .. f(......_.._............._........�_...._......... ....._ .......:...... ........ 190! CiYt�i - Date Presented.......... .I91.. ..... Received of Gily lerk ^ tr zk ecember 18th, 1914, by and �_ g ;of St. Paul for the grading and improving of Cook street from Matilda avenue to Western avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and,the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on be- half of the City. --C:'V. No. 3144— R ... 1—d. 144—Reaoived. That the contract bearing; date December 18th, 1914 b . and bei. 8t 1.11 Christ the gad ,4_nnd;! niDrOl-3, log 'of Cook street, from Matilda' -10„j nun to lYeefern avedlle, be and the= game is hereby approved, and the prop- rected t rtexecute ethe rneorizeonand d behalf - ot the City. Adopted by the Councit Dec. 19, 1914. Approved Dec. 21, 1914. (Dec. 26-1914) Yeas (V) Coun 'nen (T) Nays Farn orth Goss In favor KeUe Me I -Against Y y Yoer Mr. President, ers reaM e.0-2 I Adopted by the Council Approved_ �L — ? � 1911 ...., ...� T. PAUL N GENERAL FORM 3141 CITY OF SAINT PAUL _....._ 0 CNO. OUNCIL Citv Clerk's 0 ux F1LE . .................... .. _. / ....... _............. --- ..... ........ _ ...... ?liY Date Presented, _..... .I91 ...... .... Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 18th, 1914, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the grading and improving of Cook street from Matilda avenue to Western avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on be- half of the City. �.C* Ft' No. 3144— Resolved. Tfint the contract ndrbe date. December 13th, 1914 by a tween Christ Johnson --and t W1mpeQyr .Bt ;P¢ul for the grnding, in 'of Cook street frba,Matnd,' e; nyo to Western avenue, - Ae and' the-'. same is hereby approved, a tl the prop - r cit_ otticers- nre nuth Ned and di- -oted to execute the same on behalf _- y� of the CItYx Adopted by Dec. Council Dec. 19, 1914. Approved Dec?3&,11914) Yeas (P) CoUn Imen (T•) Nays b Orth Goss -In favor Kele McAgainst . 1 - -- y Yoer Mr. President; ers ronM c.e•z Adopted by the Counci4__!_ . 19� Approved _._`L_-- - y� 191 I CITY OF SAINT PAUL OhOCity Clerk's Offic _$............:.........191 rreived nF Cr • Clerk PAUL -GENERAL FORM ....... q_ FO EH""- No...... Date Presented..... - 0.-I91 ......... - bcesolvnu, .. I December 18th, 1914, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for the con- struction of a sewer on Sherburne avenue from Snelling avenue to Fry street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. F. No. 314tQ datesol est, T '18etlth "Ili e.by bndrfibe dween Christ Johnson and the City of ff g8e'µeP{aa unfo Sherburne [avenue from 6ne11ln6 avenue to Fry ovedt' nd the the Same is hereby apPa nna directed to execute .the asoma on behalf of the City Adapted by the Co391gt Dec 19,.1914. Approved Dea. 31. (Dec. E6-1914)_ Yeas (I)tPehrs' P) Nays / d� In favor _._-against Mr. Presi Adopted by the Council 191 Approved- `G .191 7� 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CityClerk's .QfiiC �reeived of 6i Glerk; PAUL -GENERAL FORM ......... _..... ...... COUNCIL w� FILE No ...... ................. Date Presented.. 1!_I91........ - Resolved, That -the contract bearing date December 18th, 1914, by and r-i;etween Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for the con 1 struction of a sewer on Sherburne avenue from Snelling avenue to Fry street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. No. 314 Resolved, That thecontract be. date December 18th, 1914, by da be-' [ween Chr bt Jdhneon nd the CitX of 9t�e nul, nf6 Sherburnoatr venue from,, 9nelling avenue to Fry" street, be and prot+erm city hs. I rsDPare a nuthorized l nn3 directed to execute the same on behalf of the CICX Adopted by the Council Dee 1,9. 1914. _ f+DProved DDec2E81914. 1914)_ Yeas (1") Coun men (P) Nays Ferns orth Goss In favor Kell. MCC Against Yoerg Mr. President, P ers 10— C.a-2 b r Adopted by the Council Approved- y 191 J - —'" - MAYOP COUNCIL F1LF NO. 7 3146 By• INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ...char...ging... the, grade. Weete.rn.. avenue...fr.om...At.n:ate.r.....street to the center line of Como avenue, according to the profile hereto a tacked . and..made_.a..part _hemeof. ..The Blue _1.i.ne..repre.s.e.nzix_g..._toe_ old _.grad.e__line. _and the Red line the newgrade line as hereby established under Preliminary Order ...._ 697 .......... _....... approved _July..,_L6 h., ._1.914_,._................... _...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .__chAngg._the_ 9:r4de-. of Western avenue from'Atwater street to the center line of Coirto avenue, accord- ing..t.o....the ..__r'Qf�le...- ereto at.tac.h.ed and__n:ade a..part'.hereof.,. The....�.lu.e.._.i.irae representing the old grade line and the 'led line the new grade line as hereby established, ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 4.._ 2.31_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ __ _22nd, ---. __ - _ day of _ January __.._......... .... ... ........ . 191....`.?..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council- . _, 191. City Clerk. J�'Approved _l h! 2 191 _ e: __. • _ Mayor. c Councilman Farnsworth •,a the city of: St. Feu ed the report of the Com- L51 'Iii Finance•upon the above pUB . "and:' having Conetdered Goss ,...obd�rennlvea:.. Keller ' a"lino"rovemena is hereby a. proceeded with. . nature of the ,mprove- McColl _ a Councm recommenda to ds of Western ave ue street to the center line to the pro- " O'ea-ry ,te, according and Part Yoergtiereby lsch.d ue1 ne rePr,,,ntlnB he - andahe red.11ne the new established, With f+ . arid, that the ;estimated Mayor Powers er. That;.'.. a, Ftiblh Ima^e' Form B. s. A. 8-6 .yf, COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Intheclatterof Changing..._ the grade of_was.e.ca....stree-t from t_o..... Stevens street according to the profile hereto attached and made a part_ hereof the blue line representing _the ,old.._.grade__line.__and tae,. red line the new grade lire as 'hereby established, under Preliminary Order .660 approved __.Jul.y _1.4.1h 19.14, ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That th 'nature of the im rovement which the Council recommends is Change the. street from )�aker St., to Stevens street, according'to the pr_o...f.i.1.e._..h..x..e.t.o.__attached... and .zade._a..part __hereof..._. _The :blue. l,ire...._....... representing the old grade line and.the red line the new grade line as hes.eby....es.tab..liahefl.,.-_. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2Znd _ __....... day of January,__ _._.......... _.......... _.. 191....5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place 9f hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 17 ., 191 Clerk. Approved _.__/2_. ._ /. 191 Mayor. ire and -the bred -line Abe as hereby ea[ab- Councilman Farnsworth reumfnary order aso 14tbi 1914. of the city of Sc rOn' ) PUBLISHED " GOSS f •i the report of the_ Com- 1nanea i.s 'ton@Ids ea 1. beso;ves:� " .' Keller 'aivd report: tie rana-the approved-andadopted, mprovement'is hereby o tuwith: McColl n e6 a of the tmDrove- ,ouncil recommends fe of waseca street Di- eaf"-y o Stevens street t v s•street so- ofltg hereto att hed hereo4. The blue Iin� " Yoer old Frade Ilne a d the Y. grade Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8.6 •- . COUNCIL FILI, NO. _ M INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 34�4,9 In the Matter of . chargi.ng._.the grade of Bellows_street, from, Baker..stree.t.._.to Stevens street according to the profile hereto•attached and made a part hereof_..._ The. blue __line...r.epresenti.ng the .old...grad.e.._line__.jnd.. the .....red. ...... .>_ine tine neer grade line as hereby established, under Preliminary Order ...._5g� ...... ... ......_.._. approved _July._,_1Cth, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. I That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .ohange._._the __.grade .G f Bellows street from Baker street to Stevens street according to the FrQ.fi.1e.__he.r.eto.._..attached, _and._made .a._par.t_hexeof.....__ The blue. _li.n.e representin the ld grade line and the red line the new grade lire as hereby.eata l,iehed., ... .._ _.......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._1_._6.8_.._._..._.._.. Resolved Farther, That aspuUlic hearing be had on said improvement on the . _ 2.2nd. _.. dad of _Januar.y..__...__...__.._.........._, 1915...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. r Adopted by the Council 191 / r erk. Approved �..y. _., 191 . it.., Mayor. the en and I Councilman Farnsworth part, hereby resoles con. That the; Bald report be and Is berehy approved'.and. adopt, Goss•he sald; Improvement Is here, d to be proceeded with. PLt3LISI� „ Keller "`Ehy `scado ' of "Beiowa:-svee Saker Street, to Stevens stree Ing to the profile hereto attache[,• - McColl sde a part heregf. 'Ih. btue - senting the Id grade line and- Itne the nely grad Ifne as tathat d with n alterna- -�✓-�"a` / nd that t. esttm t d cost Is 81.68. -red Farther. That 111111 ' 'Yoerg he had o utId impro,i the n1 ::2nd day of .lanaary. 1JI5, at MflyOi Powers f 16 o'clock A. M.. In the { hamber, room 61, of the Court _ d City' Hall Building . the Form B. S. A. 8-6 Finance giver the m ticet o¢ said the persons an 1n th eman- '.ed Charter, w* 7 by thoe f hearing, the a_ y v nd. place e improvement, d thet- aereof a estims. d by the Connell Ya .1flfYY - " 1914'' d Dee. 21, '` 26-1914)' COUNCII. 'ILI, NO. By E' INTERMEDIARY ORDER. '3 In the Matter of changing_ the grade of King .street f.rom_.Charlton__s_tree.t.-:.to Bidwell street accgrding to the profile hereto attached and made a &art hereof. The blue .line rel -'resenting the old_... grade .....l.ine_.and -tkle--Ted .1.111-e the new grade lire as hereby establiened, under Preliminary Order ._.._.594 _.... approved _JUI.y...._l0.th,__.19,1. ...... .......... .. .......... ..........._.... The Council of tile City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the shove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recoulmends is _change......th.e....gz: d.e-...Q.f....King street from Charlton street to Bidwell street according to the profile here t.o...a.t.teched...and made a- part --hereof- Theflue :line representing the old grade line and the red line the new grade line as hereby established, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 32nd.. day -of in.r.y......._.....__...._._.._., 191..5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council `/ l� .--. , 191.`, ity Clerk. Approved . _._ - ., 19] Mayor. Councilman Far orlh inns const ( - .� Go ( . rab} resolves: t t;e said report be and nereby approved. and adopt said Improvement 1s it. s. PU1;G1$iiED to be proceeded with. ', •Kel r `at the nature,of.the Improve lick the,Counell reeomme.rd'M .he grade of IClnal from' MC oll .street , street: to'.. Bidwgll1; street, ac - to the ,profile hereto attached 1 a part hereof.' The blue line ting the old grade line and the y --d the new g ade line a, ho,,bl withno It natl d tlml,a1 t ti re f I $8 82. ,d Further,. Thatpublic - „ Y g had o said lmprovement ' nd day,ofJan.. ��11915. at the y o'clockthe nt v Mayor Po ers n room 61M'din the Cou a City xau Building in tee Form B. S. A. 8-6 +t Paul. That the Commfa- Finance glue notice of said A ;' tho persons and 1n the man- - ,led by the Charter, stating., and place of h.,t 0 he imprn ement.l�apd. thm, to ; - heceef'^ Co. ll Dec. byy�the21, 1 ll`Dec. 21. 1914. by ,d` 21,'1914. 21, (Dec. 26-1914) k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject: 3150 COUNCIL PILE No. Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, 91—RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Alb—,T—Rommel — —41 Yeas ( ✓ ) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth Goy In favor Keller McColl Against O'Leary Yoerg Mr. President, Powers •�' t r k�„�,.1h's�, '�� fit,/+� l�� Adopted by the Cound 191— Approved 191— MAYOR � •�/�'' /f �1��� �<`,�/rte �xa. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: "c.`FILM NO.. Date Presented 191 — RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell i oxicating liquors be transferred as indicated"pursuant to appli,Pations duly made therefor. No. From (Name and A To and Address)"ddress) ( �c Nick Freecc' Same I4_catirn g6bJoe. Luc #347,Oeoil Smith,535 Dale St.James H. f�eGruder 535 Dale Bt. Pavich and Tabacovich 159 r 3rd St_— C. F. No. Yeas ( ✓ ) TP— Adoptedn (✓) Nays h In favor Against 90. From E. vlere 6� 1t9' Pa0db: and Tabuco*icb,;' St pied by , thoCo—en Dec. 19, 197 loved D 621. 1914. (Dea126-1914) ._ by the Council 191 7111, Subject: Resolved Thai he application of the follovrin� persene forµ license to conc�iuct H Aels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicate., be and is same hereby arex. disposed of as follows: NAIZ .OF likpptICANT. HOTELS OR REcTAUFANT. LOCA'"IOrd, Kathryn Christianson Lunch Room 631 East 5th St. (License Withdravm) Joe Svoboda Hotel Venus 3211 St, Peter (Laid over for 1 wk,) (old Hart or Auditorium Hotel) Mrs. Carrie Alton Edison Hotel 172 East ,6th (Laid over for 1 week) ` C. F. No.3162—BYHenry McColl— Resolved, That the a.ppllentlbn tof o . the ductoHotele and-Keetonranita n t the location. r .p-tively indicated, be and , the .ams hereby aro di.posed of .as fellow.: ' Kathryn Christlaneon, Lunch Room.) G3J a Svoboda,tHolel eVenu 321:/_. Srea t. Peter 9t.. (laid over for 1 wk.) (Old Hart or Audltorlum.Hote1). Mra. Carrie Allton, Edteon hotel,. 172 �D Adopted by he Council Dee. 19Laid ever or I e 1914, Approved Dec. 21,1914. (D. c. 28-1914) Yeas (11) Cou ilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council - . -/ _- 191 Far worth (GOSH favor Z Z l 191 Kel Approved _ .. Me II __ .__Against Yo Mr. President, wets Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE COUNCIL No. PILE ��1 Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following.persols for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Morrie Fink, Henry Sohade California Wine &Ouse WIA.P0000k Geo.R.$ibbs Joseph W.Nolan Joseph Gruber HeronimusLang Sam-Fleisoher Otto-Sommerfield Met ,Giuber E.t.MOras Peter Anderson L.N.Becker . Wm.01Conn6r Ben Fink Frank.M.Skweres 'Adolph Saur Frank M.Meier Edw.Osland Arthur Banho'lzer Alfred Anderson �,H. E.Hardyt Julius Lesohineki Wm.L.Vollmer Basco and Szalay u C. A. Cameron Mauro andLav_.arato Wm. Selby Carl Nelson Olof Larson John Froehlingedorf Alvis Johnson .Frank YKobindorfer Aug Groehler $iess Bros. Sam Fink Walter Schroth A.Siese J.M.Perry E.W.Benediot Ed.Harbek J.W.Nioholson Vlach and Ludwick John Wark Location. 308 Ea, 7th at. Lha Hling °i t"h b'ana 324 Robert St. mink o[ the fee requlre7 2[orrle Ftnk."206'a 7t 54 laey Seventh $tT �_C. if. 5chnde.324-Be Y V California _iVlne 8oW Ryan gotel nth St, W •,�; gncaelc Ryan zi $$� �t! MerohSIIte HotelgJoeeph Ge9. R Kfbbe. hferchz W -Jahn. 103 103 pioneeY Buildin `nJneeph Gruber 281 W 261 West rith. Street, se ° e;a L.ag477°W 230 Fronit treat Ottn Somrna,li 477 West 7 gte T'!: I•: -`Graber, 300 E-ae Peter`dnderson, ssit8l 36- 5$BEaet6th.Bt. 1 �'bC 300 East 6th St. nnor;3213 vi Bn ;Fink 220 Ee.L 17t 'Wait 4th St. 'Frank M Sigweres. 166; 'Ed,Tarkln 685% East N N 5 7 Stryker Ave. Adclph Saur. 513 MI Frank 392 fer'East 'Easq:; Jackson St/ Ea6 t378 l,1hnr:Ba.ho1j 213 West d.St. iT1aT dMyc AtEarr1.t86Gova 230 East7th. St 'Tullus-Leschlnekl. 370 Wm. 7. Vollmer. 346 N 11m.r.. 562 Wabasha Street Basco -nnd 961•'. 685j East 3d.St. C. A pame8on; 631 W 513 Mississippi St Wmr$eby 1146 RI. i raehn ei 392 Western Ave. >io :c hn,'F oeh inw'• 86 East 7th St: ' 1028 West 7th.8t. 1060 East 7th.St 186 Grove St. 370 Jackson St 346 Minnesota St/ 961 Rios St - 531 West Seventh St. 449 East 7th.8t. 1145 Rice St. 560 St.Anthony Ave 364 E.7th.St 452 Broadway 529 St.Peter St. 924 Htios St. 560 University Ave 191 Concord St. 451 Cedar -St. 234 Rondo St 843 Arcade St. 301 Eagle St 497 St.Peter St. 1143 Rice St. 397 "Test Seventh St. 119,9 West 8_10 Nest 5th St. 7th St. , cion 'St .at. St St. St 3t mmw ---- J.wtNioholson ii.v rsiae OU.- 3$7 'lest Seventh. St. Vlach and Ludwiok 110'9 West 7th St. John Wa;k Anton HBss _ __ 8-10 West 5th St;' 1&6..`• est 7th.St. henry Bueger. m Pavioh & Tabsoovich aet Third St. =: C.J.Loeffelholz. 321.University Ave ry L Batroot 551 Jackson St. George Batroot Tenry O.Peltier 641 Canada St 823 Mississippi St. Sam B.Sohein 378 Minnesota St. 438 LafOud St. -.H.. R" M.A.Tsohida Ed.Rofineister 481 Mississippi St H.B.Ebett 719 N.Dale St. N.C.Johnson 196 E.3d.St. Niels C.Johnson 289 East aiih et. t Carl Lindell 944 Payne Ave Louis Nuahlbauer 3..18. Robert St. 139 West Central Ave. J.A.Friizendin Andrew Olson 382 E.3d SI rest Ballis 71 West Third St. 1rank 61in'Sullivan 196 East Seventh Street W.JDavidson 1175 West 7th.St. Fred LePage Satlde11 Bros.Inoorporated. 345 Wabasha St. 379 East 7th.St. H.G.gopp 878 East Third St. John M111er 406 Wabasha St.i 564 Bradley St. 2N E.F'. Norman Harry Bryant 400 Wabasha $t D.H.Bradley-- Frani rohastAn 175 East &7-4hSt. West 7th and Cleveland Lngsna 3.Broos 602 Jackson St. 199 East treOt MunYholm and Johnson 449 West 7thsBtreet Gk G.J.Rohland Bullnski Bros` 850_Thomas Street Kranz Bros 147 West 3d.St 482 St -Peter 8t (''•IS.$anley RI bor't N. Grady 373 Robert Street 301 East Fourth St. 0 IASIP.Bouaher George L.0 Neill 468 Main Atenub Jno H.Ybst 511 Rios St 751 Wabasha St Tony Schmitt O'Malley Brothers A.C.Frankav Street 304 Rice Street 381 Rios Hesiager & Petrick 339 Jaokeon St. 95 East 5th.Street Nick Mertz r.W.Lotehaw 560 Wabasha St. 632 University Ave K lid Herpes �ii P.M.Schumaoher >>>l Germania i,ifs Building 96 South xobert St l A Gustoff Augustine 484 Robert St ` Posel Bros is D Daniel and Fisk 302 East 7th St - 393 Wabasha Street. L.Sohwabel i F� Yeas (✓) Co en (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council---1/y�191 Fa orth ,�In favor Go Approved K M' Il Against Y g MAYOR Mr. President, P ers < Resolved; That the apPlication of the following perscns for a license to conduct Hotelsz?orRRestaur nts at the locations City respClereciively authindicated orize be, and the same hereby are the to up or. and directed to issue suc4 licenses said applicants -the payment of the fee required by law. NAME OF A?)P?,I C1i" HOTELS OR PJ7,3TAUi14i T, LOCATIOi?, f7 East 9th Mise V. A. Smith C. sf No. 3164—BY Henry McColl— Resolved, That the appl lention of the - H. Heuer tollowing por.. . for a license to con- duct Hotels or Restaurants t the lo - 11 the $144 university thelo nm. he,."caret gran ed, and it/.sine rsuch tog iaVpldrectela licenseauthorie t said cents upon the payment of the fee required by law: Miss V. A. Smith, Stag Hotel; 6 East 9th SL H. Heuer, Central Hotel, 2144 Vol- _BRY• - T. G. Peterson, Lunch. Room, 347 W. 147 }gest 5th T. G. Peterson 6th St. Neumann Bros., Business Lunch, 36 1 W and at �Mltehell.; Broe., Lunch Room, 113 Sth 35 West 3rd Neumann Bros. St. Dominick Vestudo, Business Lunch, 419 E.' 7th St, L. Wiedl, Business LAnch, 11B So. -8th St. Mitchell Bros. Roberlst. - R:runz Bros., Business Lunch, 147 Dominick Vestudo West 3rd St. Adopted by the Council Dec. 15,1934. Approved Dec. 21. 1914. 419 E. 7th (Dec. 26-1914) Business e�unoh 118 So.Rob t . L. Wiedl Business Lunch 147 West 3rd Kranz Bros. Yeas ( Imo) Counc' T) Nays - ? _ Adopted by the Council lgt� Fan ns f rth Goss In favor — l 19 _ APProved _ _ _.. _ _ Kelle MCC _- -Against Yoer- - - MAYOR. Mr. President, Irers FORM c.8.2 Resolved, That the Hotel License heretofore issued to Henry Viereg to conduct a Hotel at 125 8th St., PTely Grand Hotel, be and the same is hereby revoked on the ground that he conducted the Hotel in a disorderly manner. f IC F. No. 3166- 'Resolved, That the hotel llcene�I heretofore leauad to Henry Vierag too ; conduct a hotel. at 126'.3th St., Now brand Hotel, be and the'same ishere- - ducted the Hotel theln 4 disorderly man- �I ner. Adopted- by the Council Dec. 19, 1914. Approved DDec?2611914) lJ" Tota w Lib •, ": :. CITYOP 5T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPAOTI*E AIJDITED CLAIMS — RESOD! I bN FORM e0°B°'L FILE NO 3f x5° DEC 19 191419, j AUDITED y ,�- PEB 152 ..�'Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds m Y, as specified in the folloyPmg} • in favor of the persons, firms. or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names -• statement: Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Cound , ra Farnsworth Goss In favo 4 Keller McColl Agalns� Y YOR ���ttt777 O't-eary . Yoerg Mr. PTesident,,Powers - r`i i o Corporate Purposes _ Police Fund -Salaries (Pensions) 69 S, A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 280.00 General Fund -Street Intersections Acct. C. F. #1425 927.54 ✓� ` 70 Chicago Creosoting Co.,` Park Fund 7,71The ging Construction Co., Fit. #Est.94,441.0 712 Tanner Bros., nal. s Water, Dept. Fund 7 73 Nims & Nimis, Bet. #2 & final, 302.00 Interest Fund 7 4 Johanna Rittenbetg.et al, Inti on award 1.79 r < of damages, Special Funds New Library Bldg. Acct. € 7 75 Electus D. Litchfield, Est. 1.943.83 19.619.56} . 7 .76 Thomas. J. Steen .Co., Eft. b, Tota w Lib •, ": :. #2 Spec. Assess. Const. Aect.-Paving Dale St•,Grand to Front 4 7577 The Builders Material Co., Bet. #3 & finals 146.62 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Opening Johnson Parkway 7578 Johanna Rittenberg et al., Award of damages, 200.00 ✓ Total: Corporate Pur oses,.. ....... . . .6,737.58_ " Fu a .. ../k., .21,563.39 Special ,.. " Spec. As 6s. Cone Acct.- wing,146.62 ^ ^ ^ //" "-OSI ing Johnso200.00 Grarid'Total, 28,647.59 2166- I� Resolved that enoumtq be draw t • upon the; Cfty TreapurY.;PaYabJe;,out ' e of the herehmfte epeclded filnd al!d 'in favor of;the persone,;Lrms:or ;QOr poratione fur'.the,af4OUnta get Oppoei[e their, reepeotive' nafryeg_as ePedfeed:In i the .fg))brq,Ingtdetalled statement' ` '. .Corporate'. Furpeees—EoIIe6 /Fund-- 9ommisi one -of F n A. Farnsworth Chmmfss onerofi" 9tr6 t 1nt000. .' gect C F No 3426: esO;n:fl3:'anFrEk tC.F8Nu, no:i&:9�2xT6,h4e.,.. Chicangeotr C' `e o- 4 $4.78t.26; Tanner Bros. c,; .. �. t. CITY OF ST..PAUL DEPARTPNENT " ... ACCOUNTING AUDITED -CLAIMS —RESOLUT RM �' F�."°°=.Vo: - BY!AUDITED .l IPER1 nr[ 11 15 J Resolved that warrants b wn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafterspecified in the following funds end .. detaded� , in favor e amounts set opposite their respective nam es as specified of the persons, firma or corporations for thSz statement: Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( J i) -Nays Adopted by the Counci Farnsworth/ `L APPro 9LT y Goss In favor Keller McColl 4 Against ""Y0" Yoerg Mr. President, Powers r. d e a 1 N Cotperate Purposes Municipal Court Fund t 1.60 ✓ 72 4 Louis F. Dox Co., Lighting Fund 72 5 N. W. Stamp Works Foundry 6o., 1.00 -5A.00 72 6 So. Park L i n Fu` Hrinting &-Stationery Fund 72 _ .H. C. Boyeson Co., 3.35 75 72 Clymer & Huelster, 11.33 72 9 Zonis F. Dpx Co., 93.00 72 0 E, S. Ferrey, 80.60 72 1 Mklain &,Gray Co., 50.00 72 2 Meyer Engraving Co., 201.00 70 3 Ramaley Printing Co., 44.87 72 4 Review Publishing Co., 72 5 St. Paul Blee Blueprint Co., 9.10 �2 St. Paul Printing Co., 56,74 A. G. Spaulding Co., 7.50 72 Virtue Printing Co., 25.00 72 '72 H. C. Vollmer, ii. 1. Wedelstaedt, 1.20-- To inting & Stationery Funds Corporate Purposso-Con't. Geri. Fund -Legal Dept. Expense Acct. H. C.Boyeson Co., Brown. Treacy & Sperry, McClain & Gray Co., E. A. Moeller, Review Publishing Co., St. Paul Printing CO., Virtue Printing Co., H. R. Wedelstaedt, West Publishing Co., Gen. Pund-Advertising &.Publicity Acct. Minnesota Tent,& Awning Co., Perkins-ftacy Co.. To Gen. Fund-Misc. Acct. Frank 0. Huebener, N. W. Telephone Exch. Co., Remington Typewriter Co., Police Fund 72951 Ameri.eah, 'Linen Supply 'Co., 7296 -Auto Tire -Sales Co., 7297 H. C.-Boye-son & Co.. 8 Mrs, Margaret Brady, 729 Charles Electric Company, 730 Daily I Fraser Hardware Co., 730 Adam Deckep, Hardtare Co., 730 Detective -Publishing Co., 730 Louis F. Dow Co., 750 W.' J. Dyer & Bro., 730 Farwell, Ozmun Kirk & Co., 750 Mr a. Mar Horan 730 Kennedy lroo. " Co., 730 Kissek Kar 06., 730 McClain & Gray Co., 9 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 73 N. Maklesky,. 73 Manhattan -Oil & Linseed Co., 73 Edff- Neuman, 75 3 N. W. Elec. Equi Pal ent Co., 7.5 N. W. Motor Sup, 73 5 N. W. Tire Co., 7LI 6 Noyes Bros. I& Cutler, M ZT Osborne, Inc., 73 P;nn�jlvazia Rubber Co.; 711P R er Hardware Co., 73 A: WC Rice, 't. L 73 Robinson, Cary & Sande, 73 St. Paul Electric Co., St. Paul Gas Light Co., 73 73 St . Paul Printing Co., 73 Shotwell-Harris, 73 Anna Sparschutz, 73 Transit Supply Co., 731. Virtue Printing Co., S ;AULLO-ii-e TU-ni 1.25 50:80 95 5.46 2.15 4.20 4.35 12.00 .80 1.50 14 , 19:98 9.38 4:75 1.08 2.50 1.71 i45.6o 28.44 4.60 12.49 58:89 2.�00_ 4.93 12.41 3o.77 9.23 18.5o 7.25 15.40 305-00 1.26 Corporate 'Purpoees-Conti. ------ Fire Dept. Fund 73 9 Auto Tire Sales Co., 68.22 73 0 Capital City Lumber Co., 4.85 1 Cochran -Sargent Co., 197.49 7 32 Crane & Ordway`, S • 58 7 33 Adat Decker Hardware Co., 3.50 37 34 Electric Mfg.. Co., 4.85 36 Fitch & Hill, Foot Jewelry Co., 4.50 y 337 Jesse Ford. Motor Co., �0 1 rte! 33 Hackett, Gates & Hurty, 8.58 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., 5.00 340 A. M. Levitan; 17.00 341 C. B. -Lyon & Bro., 31.08 342 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 13.72 343 Martin Lumber Co., 39.40 344 Mitsch & Heck Co., 74.25 45 Ninole, Dean & Gregg, 44:.58 46 N. W. Copper'& Bras, 6.55 7 4 N: W. Else. Equipment Co., 4.19 7 4z N. W. Motor Supply Co., 231.36 7 49 Perkins -Tracy Printing Co., 13.45 7 50 R. L. Polk & Co. . Hardware 6o., 7.00 25.08 7 51 Raymer 7 52_ Robinson, Cary & Sande, 98.52 7 53 Tranbit Supply Co., 5.00 54 St. Paul Electric Company, 11.19 355 St•`I�aul Foundry Co., 261.40 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 193 80 356 Paul Rubber Co., St. _ 358 St. Pau] White Lead & Oil Co., 53• 359 Shotwell Harris Co., 26.56 . 360 Tierney &, Company, 778•].0 361 Waterous Engine Works, 47.52 362 Western Supply Company " :52 _._ 363 'W. J. -Westphal & .Co., 11.25 Health Fund 4 E. McClain & Gray Co., 7 05 5 A. Moeller & Co., 6. ?3 6 National Printing Co., 19.50 73 N. W. Telephone Exchange Co., 1.50 Z No es Bros. & Cutler, .2 49.29 73 9 Villaume Box & Lumber Co., 6.00 73 0 Virtue Printing Co., .75 - a = Garbage Fund ?3 1 N. W. Telephone Exch. Co., 4.10 Gen. Fund -Darcy Expense Acct. 7 2 Virtue Printing Co., •75 E, Gen. Fthid-Quarantine Acct. 73 3• Auto Tire sales Co., 12.80 73 4 N. W. Blaugas Co., 11.38 73 Brcwn, Treacy & Sperry, 1. 0 73 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 10.50 73 Joesting & Schilling Co., 71.30 73 John B: Galbraith, Trustee, 6.00 737 F. G. Leslie Paper Co., 25.00 #4 Com. of Public Works Fund Corporate Purposes -Cont. - T. L. Blood.Ca., Quarantite Acct.-Con±t. 73 N. W. Telephone Exch. Co., 3..h0 73 1 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 14.49 73 2 R. L. Polk & Co., 10.00 73 3 Rayner Hardware Co., 1.10 73 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 3.60 73 5 St. Paul Printing Co., 11.55 73 6 Shevlin-Carpenter Lumber Co., 6.90 73,7 C. S. Stewart, 100.50 104 The Pioneer Co., JOAQ Workhouse Fund Re<ymer Hardware Co., 708 Crane & Ordway Co., 1.00 73 9 Crescent Creamery Co., 1.52 73 0 E. S. Griffith, 132.43 7 1 P. W. Jackson & Co., 3.30 7 2 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 1.50 7 93 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 1.75 7 94 Raymer Hardware Co., $ 7 95 Simon & Rogilner, 45.005 Com. of Public Works Fund 96 T. L. Blood.Ca., 4.65 97 H. C. Boyeson & Co., 8.40 98 Owen T. Dougherty, 48.00 99 McClain & Gray Coy, 10.15 F00 1!ban6ttan Oil & Linseed Go.- 26.46 Wl 102 iiicols Dean,,4 Gregg, N. W.. Ielephone Exch. Co., 21.00 103 .Oxygen Welding & Brazing Co., 3.00 104 The Pioneer Co., 9.00 105 Re<ymer Hardware Co., .60 i.06 Reed Motor Supply Co., 17.10 107 St. Paul Electric Co., 2.03 0 Ed.. B. Tolson Letter.Co., 6.30 Oq H. E, Wedelstaedt,; 5o•83; Street & SeweP Fund 0 Electric Mfg. Tom., 3.19 1 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 6.00 2 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 27.98 3 John.. Martin Lumber Co., 29.90 4 Raymer Hardware Uo., 2.31 5 'Shotwell-Harris Co., 4.60 6 Standard Oil Col, 9.36 7 Tire .Repair Co., .30 8 Washington Foundry Co., 15.00 9 Western Electric Co., 1.84 0 Western Machine Mfg. Co., 42.07 1 Wisconsin Granite Co., 16g.o7 T taq�]Str$ Rmses_ �n 311.62 1- J Corporate Purposes -Cont. Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 7422 7423 T. L. Blood Co., Adam Decker, Hardware Co., 20.2 19.14 7424 Ford Mfg. Co., 18.82 < 1$•75 7425 7426 St. Paul Cement Co., Standard Asphalt & Rubber Co., 142.42 "_T e" ! I marr n , Gen. Fund -Testing & Inspectio.n Acct. a 74 Raymer Hardware Co., •20 3° 7 2Z 7, 29 3t. Paul Printing Co., Transit Supply Co., 10.00 t To#rei"'T'e'�'Ci'PP�"�IYf'eg'e'e'si'�s hes�6.•r----..�.®®°�'o ®..=..�h�r®4�,. School Accommodation Acct. of _ School Fund 4.98. ✓ 7 30 A. G. Bauer, School Fund 7 1 C. J. & H. W. Anderson, 1.50 7- 2 Jno. F. Bailey, 15,28 74.'3 T. L. Blood Co., 29.22- 7q ' Bob Ton Grocery Co., 1.58 , 74 5 Cochran Sargent Co. 48.82. 74 6 Cornplanter oil Co., _ 4.50 „74- Mr._Couchoiea 25.69 ?j43 743 Crane & Ordway_Co.,_ Creacrent Creamery Co., 20.00 61.77 4 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 19.44 74 Devine Bros., 14.30 7 4Louis F. Dow Co.,- 38.40, 7 4 7 L. Eisenmenger Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk &•Co., 21.82 4 E. S._Ferrey, 27.90 6.50 46 Jesse Foot Jewelry Co., •75 4 C. A. Gerber, F.'0. Hueloener, 19'13 - 449 J. W. Hulme, 12.08 3:40 50 Japan Paper Co., 23.25 51 52 Johnson High School, Kenny Boiler Mfg. Co., 102.20 53 F. G. Leslie & Co., 64.70 6.05 54 McClain & Gray Co., 19.00 56 McDonald Lumber Co., Co., 1.76 Manhattan Oil & Linseed John Martis Lumber Co., 11.88 5 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 1.50 L F Nienaber, 93.55 7 6o 7 l Emla & Nimis, - N. .'-W. Elea. Equipment Co., 13-77 w 7 2 W. S. Nott Company, .75 246 .89 7 3 oyes Bros. & Cutler, 3.25 7 4 sgood & Blogett, Co., 63.75; 5 atterson Sargent 6 7 7 eoples Ice Co., enneytivania Rubber Co%, 5,40 7 8 erlt & Staack, 2.75 7 d McNally & Co., 87'.19 .9 7 70 R mer Hardware Co., 30.16 7 71 R binson, Cary & Sande, 4.50 7 72 R e -James Glass Company, 1161 7 93 S . Paul Book & Stationery Co.* 13.20 .t . 7 74 S . Paul Cement Works, #6 7 7 7. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Corporate Purposes -Cont. School Fund -Cont. Schuneman-k Evans, Swift & Colopany, E. F. Thoel%e, . Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co., Twin City Brick Co., University Garage, Valley Iron Worke, W. L. Weber, Western Electric Co., Western Supply Co., glatsl 91clioal 3,2nA,,,,,,- - Library Fund Boston Book'Company, H. C. Boyeson & Co., Carnegie Library of Pa., The Chief Publishing Co., Fisher Paper Box Co., p. W. Jackson Co., McClain & Gray Co., A. C. McClurg & Company., T. B. Mosher & Company, N. W. Elec. Equipment Co., X4 W. Stamp Works, N. W. Telephone Co., Merchants Nat. Bank for Leo S. Oschki, Pittsburgh Coal Company, Ronald Press Company, St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., St. Paul Printing Co., Schuneman & Evans, Standard.Laundryy Co., University of'�isconsin, Park Fund Adam Decker Hardware Co., Hamline Ice & Fuel -Co., Keller Printing Co.. John Martin Lumber Co.,. Noy ss- Bros., & Cutler, RayamerHardware Co., Sanitary Food Company, And. Schoch Grocery Co., 32.85 4.00 1.85 21. 00 27.52 V, 5.00 62.22- 75.00 1.74 32.74 2.85 7.20 1.00 3.00 1.00 3.14 59.04 1.23 1.50 20.92 8.00 49.35 ?2.50 116.45 1.45 1.62 3.73 1.53 .30 29.75 35.00 30.00 4 8.21 24.40 Gen. Fund -Public Bathe Acct. Peoples Ice & Fuel Co., 17.95 St. Paul Gas Light Co., .40 And. Schoch Grocery Co., 7.85 Western Supply Co., 4.20 30.40 �.o�Gai^aPi3�-7i`c`8`at�s Aect. , Corporate Purposes -Cont. Gen. Fund -Playgrounds Acct. •; l.7'0 .. ?51 F, G. Leslie Co., 7518 John Martin Lumber Co., 1.00 9.80,^ 7519 Raymer Hardware Co., ; Tota Water Dept. Fund 31.52 7 0 Berger Mfg. Co., 9.00.50 0 7 21 T. L. Blood Co., 37 2 Corning Brick Co., 7 Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Co., 25'77 14.50 4 Adam Decker -Hardware CO., 8.90 Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 5.10 75 6 Ford Motor Co., 17.50 75 Z Chas. Friend & Son, Inc., � 8 The Hartford Machine Screw Co., 6o.00 31.�1 7. 9 Robert W. Hunt & Co., 5.77 7 30 Jameson, Hevener & Griggs, 731 Lead Lined Iron Pipe Co. Lyle Corrugated Culvert 60., 289.47 10.62 24 ' 32 3.3 Manhattan oil & Linseed Co., 18.80 534 Morton Brown Motor Co., .40 35 Nicols�y,Dean & Gregg,e.Co. 5 6 N. W. Electric 1R9uiPm , . 27.04 80.73 37 N. W. Motor Supply Ca., 1 3 N. W. Stamp Works, 4 .55 39- Merritt I. Osborn, Inc., 8.91 540 Raymer Hardware Co., 541 Riverside Builders Supply Co., 35.00 6.30 54Cary & Sands, 2 Robinson, 543 Roe-7amesFonndryGlass CCopy� 2.90 73.00 . 544 St. Pani.: 26.66 545 Standard.Oil Co., 159.41 546 The Tire Repair Co., 9.68 547 Western Supply Co., ✓ - Tota Gen. Fund -Market Maint. Acct. 48 Clymer & Huelster, 1300 40 49 Julius Peter Company, .6.4 50 Raymer Hardware Co., Total Sprinkling Fund 7 1 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 2.70 2.40 75 2 Fall Paper Co., 236.92 75 3 Produce ftefigerating Co., 29.00 75 4 Riverside Builders Supply Co.. 4.60 St. Paul Rubber Co., 5.69 75 6 Western Supply Co., �01 Al Auditorium Fund N. W. Telephone Exch. CO-, 6.00 26.84 7 58 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 6.00 7 59 Tri-State Tel. Co., 3,i5 6o W. L. Weber, x. -F.:, _. 7 61 Western Supply Co., 3 ,r + 1pna{+�n�v�+liRv+E�wm�..x...,<..r.�.,v... -_-a:...rv<�e .-:.w.b..�.*•:�p r� Pe` urpoaee, anoe No. 3318, entitled "An An ordinance to amend Ordin entitled 'An ordinance fix - ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3272, ing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the officers and employee connected with the public schools of the City,' approved September 22nd, 1914. This is an emergency.ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved December 2nd, 1914. TBE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DO ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 3318, entitled "An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3272, entitled 'An ordinance fixing the number, titles. duties and compensation of the officers' and employee connected with the public schools of the City,' approved September 22nd, 1914. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neoes- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved December 2nd, 1914, be and the same is herebyamended by striking out the,words "six cooks," and inserting in 11eu thereof the words ffseven cooks." Section 2. This ordinanoe�shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publilcat,ion. ad and L914. ThJ& emorgenck.-IorAipance render thed ary ce. heat City S,* Pen, *BLISBFD-L 1"dir;ance No. -Mg. i, ordinance YEAS. -NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH Goss KELLER McCOLL YOERG YS, 0 MR- ESDENT (POWERS) L59 k An ordinance authorizing the proper city officers to enter s - � into an agreement with Bridget Hoban for the settlement of her claim, arising out of the death of Austin Hoban, and authorizing the proper city officers to make payment of the amount due and payable in accord- ance with said settlement. WHEREAS, Austin Hoban received injuries while employed by the Bureau of Water of the City of St. Paul, on the 3rd day of November, 1914, and the said injuries resulted in tzhe death of the said Austin Hoban on said'3rd day of November, 1914; and whereas, the said Austin Hoban left surviving him his mother, Bridget Hoban, who was wholly dependent upon him for support; and AREAS, Part 2 of Chapter 467 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1913 provides that in case of the death of an employe through an accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, pro- viding both employer and employe have elected to become subject to the provisions of Part 2 of said act, the employer shall be required to pay a dependent parent a minimum of Six Dollars per week for a period of three hundred weeks, as compensation for the death of the saimploye; and VGHEREAS, The said act provides that the District Court of the county where the accident occurred, may determine whether or not a the compensation shall be paid at such intervals as the salary of the &eoeased employe was payable, or it shall be paid in one payment of a lump sum, proper allowance being made for interest, on payments not yet due; now therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement in behalf of the City of St. Paul, pro- viding for the payment to the said Bridget Hoban of the sum of Six Dollars per week,.payable once a month for a period of Fthree hundred weeks or for the payment of the present value of future payments'f I. at the rate of Six Dollars per week for a.pe,T$Od Qf_three F 3 5� hundred weeks, said payments being made once a month, the amount thereof to be determined by the Court, due consideration being given to the present age of the said Bridget Hoban, and payment rto be made i in one payment. In either case, payment shall be made out of the )5 funds of the Water Department oll: the City of St. Paul. The proper city officers are hereby further authorized to pay said sums out of the funds of the Water Department of said City at the time, in the manner and in the amounts in which the District Court shall order said sum or sums to be paid. The Comptroller shall require proper receipts to be given by the said Bridget Hoban for each payment; made hereunder, and shall at the time final payment is made, require the said Bridget Hoban to execute a good, proper and sufficient release to the City of St. Paul, releasing said City and the Water Depart- ment thereof from all claims or liability of whatsoever nature, arising out of the injury and death of the said Austin Hoban. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe thirty days after its passage and publication. Iry the Council YEAS. 1yIR. FARNSWORTH �y GOSS KELLER A TF McGOLL ✓�y'Y i C{y�cY YOERG c�a�k NAYS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) Al's i I'1 An ordinance authorl*ing the proper city officers to enter into an agreement Rith BrldMpt Hoban for the settlement of her clai , arising out of the death of Xustin Hoban, and authorizing the props# pity of finers to make payment of the amount due and payable in accord - anon with said settlement. WHEREAS, Austin Hoban received injuries while employed by }he Bureau of Water'of the City of St. Paul, an the 3rd day of November; 1914, and the said injuries resulted in the death Of the said Austin Hoban on said 3rd day of November, 1914; and whereas, the said Austin Hoban left surviving him his mother, Bridget -•Hoban, who'was wholly dependent upon him for support; and wnE AS, Part a of Chapter 467 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1913 provides that in case of the death of an employe through an accident arising out of and in the oouree Of his 80PIOyment, pro- viding both employer and employe have elected to become subject to the provisions of Part a of said act, the employer shall be required to pay a dependent parent a minimum of Six Dollars per week for a period of three hundred weeks, as oompensation for the death of the said employe; and WHEREAS, The said act provides that the District Court of the county where the accident occurred, may,determine whether or not the compensation shall be paid at such intervals as the salary of the , deceased employe was payable, or it shall,be paid in one payment of a Jump sum, proper allowance being made for interest on payments not yet due; now therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement in behalf of the City of St. Paul, pro- viding for the payment to the said Bridget Hoban of the sum of Six Dollars per week, payable once a month for a period of three hundred weeks, or for the payment of the present value of future payments 9 at the rate of Six Dollars per week for & period of three hundred week$'said payments being made once a month, the amount thereof to be determined by the Court, due consideration being given to the present age of the said Bridget Hoban, and payment to be made in one payment. In either case, payment shall be made out of the funds of the hater Department of the City of St. Paul. The proper: city officers are hereby further authorized to pay said sums out of the funds of the dater Department of said City at the time, in the manner and in the amounts in which the District Court shall order said sum or sums to be paid. The Comptroller shall require proper receipts to be given by the said Bridget Hoban for each payment made hereunder, and shall at the time final payment is made,. require the said Bridget Hoban to execute a good, proper and sufficient release to the City of St. Paul, releasing said City and the Water Depart- ment thereof from all claims 'or liability of whatsoever nature, arising out of the injury and death Vf the said1,Anst1V Hoban. Section 3. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. b ' w i !Y �, ; 13700—BY'nf• N ; and ro- : - $ntte of grag dinand impv , " "jnn Buren St. from Lexington .q - ; rder lord St, under Py Orde ndo- }rin. 1133, Intermediary Order • - ;Final Order 267,0, approved NOV. Y - :ilved, Thnt the pl¢ne, epeciflthe 11 nd - r oftea aybmitted by the .E esloner of Pub'lb worksdor tb.' YY - I nam d lmproYemont `fYe, and the d - re her by approved. lv.d Further, That the Pur has T Y Q Fr' not be and. he 1. hereby. author ,1 dlre t d 1, advertise In the ' irovlded by the Clty Charter t - - or the maklrtg oL said lm-; COUNCIL REIN' according tos¢Id p16na and on. the beefs. (A) _That sr or contractor shall furnish ' and materigl for Bald wbrk @ In the matter Of radi}1S B,11N fled sum; (9) That the bidder --�-0 :tor.hail make Im improve-, St foree Account, reoe(ving e. cost price for perform - t T.av �'I;nTI AVB. t0 07L�Or'+ a In said advertisement"' I �Purcha Ing Agent hall '.ddder's bond to _.{h1 amount 1-33 twenty per cent f th bid. under Preliminary Order i for the a eeutton of ¢ con- ler heCity 1,r tho form- 1. work in aec'lr'. ,thl a roved ne¢ir o ', . Final Order x689 _ pP �•._ 1914 RESOLVED, That the plans,- specifications and'estimates submitted by. the. Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the sAme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City,,'" Charter for bids for the making -of said imjirovement; aGoor-ding to said plans and specifications, on the basis JA) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work ata speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or .contractor shall make said improve ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty -t per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or, in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve tifezright to reject any�or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the PurchasingAgent is authorized to advertise again and as often as :nay be necessary an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract-, if it is a contract which the committee may a;ard, shall be o£.opinion that no furthar aids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Co cil o 9 / 1914. r Yeas ) Cc oilmen ) Nays Y sworth / K K er M 11 Mr. President. P elsApprov, 'L — ],91a, . t t cr fi sir City of Bt.Paul 3161 Council Resolution'- General form: -Department of -------------------------- ---- _------------------------- __.- ------ _------- ------------ --------- Bureauof............................................................. ........... -......................... ._�......... _,.:_. 3161 Council File No. .^._._...._._.:.:_._.._._.- j Date Presented ..__-_._..._.-_.._...1914. By.............. ............. .......................... ._.__._-_-_._._._._:_.__._..._.. Resolved, that the Corporaticn Attorney be hereby authorized and directed to prepare a bill ordering the telephone companies operating in St. Paul to give free interurban telephone exchange service between St. Paul and Minneapolis to the regular subscribers; and establishing a 5¢ toll rate ^etween said cities ; for public pay -station service; said bill to be presented to the Ramsey County Delegation for passage by the Minnesota Legislature. Adopted by the Council C F No. 3161—Dy O. E Kellen j Resolved, That the Corporation "At - Yeas Cioun Corney be hereby .authorised: and d1- Kays eted to prepare arb111 ordering the teiephane compnnles�-::operating In St Paul to giy@ fres tgterurbam telephone �ia=., exchahg>�s rv)oebetween gk'Pap l'and Minneapolis-tgtthe regular subscribers;. and establishing W5 'eent to11.Ys'.te•be- tween sold rlties4or.'pitblic paX=station Go service: sold bill to,9-presented to the ' Ftnmacy Countl' I)'elej;atlon .for pass -`.i 'age by the Minnesota Logialature Adopted by the Counell DOC, 21;1914. Me Approved )SoC �L'1914 Y g _ Appro »f . Z- .1914,/ A ler.......... � -r agor Mr. President, P ereV CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. 3162 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE COUNCIL-^ X62 PILE . N�• \ Date Presented �191— R LVED, That the application of the following persons f a li nse to.sell intoxicating liquors �t the locations re- indica'ted,,._pe, and the same hereby are granted, and the ity Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bd'nd and the payment of the fee required by law. Yeas ( ✓ )tForth ( %/) Nays Mr. Presiden Adopted by the C-0— ' Z 191/v Z _4In favor / �- 1 191/ /' Approve — CL_Against _MAYOR An ordinance authorizing, ordering and requiring the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company to construct a bridge or viaduct carrying its tracks over Marshall avenue, in the City Of St., Paul. WHEREAS, The railway tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul Railway Company are at the present time carried over Marshall) avenue, in the City Of St. Paul, by means of a fill or embankment, which is inadequate and insufficient and pr -events travel upon said avenue at said point, and in the opinion of the Council it is nece for the public safety and convenience that said fill or embank- sary ment be replaced by a bridge or viaduct;'and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Work �the direc- . a bridge or tion of the Council, has prepared and submitted plans tion viaduct for the purpose of car3� ying the tracks of said Company over I said avenue at said point, and which plane are deemed adequate and sufficient for the purpose; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES OPPAT::. l Section 1. That the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company is hereby authorized, empowered'and directed to remove the existing embankment or fill carrying its tracks over marshall avenue, in the City Of St. Paul, and replace the same with abridge or via duct built according to the plans hereto attached and marked "Plan V which plans are hereby a dopted and approved as adequate, sufficient IN and suitable for that purp&69,-,1- Section 2. That the sa-i-d'Chic ago, Milwaukee I St' Paul Railway Company is hereby ordered and directed to begin the work of removing the existing embankment or fill at said point, and the con-w; struction Of said bridge or viaduct in accordance with slid plans; days after the passage, approval and publication of within . this ordinance and the service of a copy the reof, together with a - upon it and to complete .the erection and con_ _.copy of said plans, 1-J I ,t J zi- J I , I `{I I I 3163-,. ! struction of said bridge or viaduct ithin months after such service. Section 3. That the City Clerk is hereby ordered, and directed to serve or cause to be served a copy Of this ordinance upon said Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company in,wediately after the passage and publication therec-f. Section 4. This ordinance shall take; effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. *NW by the COURCH ---------- .--._---...191 i Ma hall --nue; tn� the: YEAS, 'N,Pa i cent hlch la ��Inhdoquat6_a MR. FARNSWOPTI D,d.,,Ut�., tat', SaWOOlnt.% Slid ih� pptai 73t iaj,ce, vlad.ct GOSS Pub- KELLERunbili,hiW,,.pr.epped 4nd.Lsu Ited 4of the 'Iogei;of o4rtyltig-the'ttacks of Sol- ;Vany_o"d'. '�atd. ,avenue at So'- McGOLL and which pns�— mare deentedu �n' _ '_,, o6f"'ient for•the w, u_ 'rda'. YOERG NAYS. 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) CITY•OF ST.U4. - ACCOUNTING +D$ ARTMENT. ' COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS --rt R SOLUTION FORM FILE aY <Irr eo IMM AUDITED_ - PE 15� Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the herch infavorEavar of the person—s, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in statement: Adopted by the Council_ Yeas (t1) Councilmen l J) Nays 3 Farnsworth A vDroft— Goss _ �In favor t - Keller McColl Against n'ro,T_ Yoerg Mr. President, Powers r fir,. Corporate Purposes -Salaries Lighting -Fund 779 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, �•b4 General Fund -City Dumps Acct. 79 0 S. A. Farnsworth,) Com. of Finance, 290.06 sr✓ Street & Sewer Fund Ml S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 4,163;60 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 75 2 S. A. Farnswor, Com. of Finance, of IN •," " " C. F. 2302,4 218.40 4.00 75 3 Gen= Fund -Sewer Maint. Acct. 7514 S. A. Farnsworth, Cozp. of Finance,C. D. C. F. 1558, 41994, 66.20 2.00 75 5 " " " " ° C. P. 2567, 11.20 7536 General Fund -Election Expense Acct. 333•10 7 87 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, R, x, a Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. Paving Ca sig Payne to Westminister _ 7602 Puria'igton Paving Brick Co., Pat. #2 & final, 4.56 York & Westminister ' 7603 Purington Paving Brick Co., Est. #2 & final, 2.6_.27 / £ TT6er-Ass 1` Total Corporate Purpo/.Ac . .. .. 15, 2.36 n Spec. Assess. C.Pang .. 24 ..8Gran ,593.19 ,✓ J C. F. No. 3164— _... Resolved that warrants be drawn . upon the C1ty, Treasury, payable out of.' thehereinafter specifiedfundsand In - favor,of.the persons, firm. on ora-- tions for:the amountssetoppo.Nportheir' respective.' names as specified In the following detailed statement: Corporate'Purppses—Salaries=Li gh t- ee' Ing 'Fund: S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of i F"• Finance, $5.14. - General. Fund—City Dome Account: S. A. Farnsworth,' Com.. of Ounce., 42St.ee` Street'& Sewer.Fund:4S. A. Fares - worth:' erns worth;'. Co.. of Ftnanne,54,1,161.fi0. - Brldge, Bldg, $ �ROPalr. Fund: - S. A. Coma. of Ffnance,.$219;40; S. ACP Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, C., F 6304: $49.0.0. GenerN .Faced—Sewec. lualnt Acct.. S. 'A irVnsworth,': Co..: of Finance, C. F. 1568, $6620; S. A .Farnsworth. Com. !: of Finance, C. F. .41994, $72.00; S. A. Farnsworth, Com:. of Finance, C. F. 2667;'$,181.20. - General Fund—Election Expense Ae- ;: count: - S. L Farnsworth, Com. of Fl- `. Hance, $333,10 , School d: S. Fund: "A. Farnsworth, �.. Com. of Finance; $79.952.78.,',,' Sprinkling Fund:' S A. Farnsworth, om. of Finance, $476.28; S. A. Farns- worth, 'Com. of Finance; $211.26;-S. A. Farnsworth Com. of Finance tC4ulcimn - - Chloride), 139.10. nS- Assess. Const. Acct—Paving - Dale t., Grand to: Front: S. A. Force- ' - worth. Com. of Finance, $429.60. Corporate Purposes=Lighting Fund: St. Paul ;Gas Light Co., $10.176.37; St. - Paul Gas, Light Co., 'a $`4259.98, Gen::Fund—AdVertising &.. Pub. Ac CMl,;"$130.00; rhWin8Re e; _ - A. LSny- - ss deGren13Fund—Croaewalks Account; P. S. Ryan, $146M. - - - SchoolFund. Dreher, -"$44.80; i+F. G. Leslie. Ca_ $287.01: Auditorium Account:. ti F. Morton, ".Snot $63:20 Spep. ' Assess' ssess Const AcaL—PaVing C a PaY,sa to Weetminster: Puri In t n Paving Br ick Co., ESL No. E & - final, ,$4.66. York & Westminster. Purington (`[, Paving Brick Co., Eat. No. 2 & dnal. t $236.27. E Adopt,-,] b, the Council D,-,. 22. 1931. j - App,o d T)ec. 22. 191 i. (Uec. 2fi-14147 L .. CITY OF ST. PAUL. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. AUDITED CLAIMS FILE RESOLUTION FORM `LE No. 31� c 2 2 1914 aT n al' YPTROLLEn AUDITED IBI_1 tin COMPTROLLER- AUDITED 1 III PER- TI- Resolved E 155 TITLE Resolved that warrants bd drawn upon the City Treasury, Payable out of the hereinafter specified funds aI in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the folldwing detail; statement: I9 Yeas (J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Counci Farnsworth Goss In favor rov Keller J� McColl V Against -- YATOY Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Corporate Purposes Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 7 8 J. F. McDonald, (Bridge Approaches) 693.61 Water Dept. Fund 7 09 Jae. J. Kirwan, Est. & 12 & final, 237.01 ✓ Total Corporate Purposes,.. 930.52 Special Funds Playgrounds Bond Acct. / 7 0 Morsing & Steenberg, Ret. #4, 1,278.85 C ra a Pur ose ...:.. 4. 2 Total orpo , p , 93 5 Special, nde..... ....... ... 2 i G and Total Resolved, That the contract bearing date December'18th, 1914, by and between C. A. Nelson and the City of St. paul,\4for the construction of a sewer on Minnehaha street from Avon street to Victoria street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. -- ._..._. C. F. No. dict— PAUL Resolved. That the ontract benrlog date Decgmber 18th, 1914, by and be-; CITY OF SAINT I [ween C. A. Neleon and the City of Bt. Vl 1 I Paul, [o the ^coneyructloh of a ewer t Mtn ehaha street from he Btreet �'i( Clerk' -4 0!)i41e to bby la street, be and the same ty� h red- a,: o ed, and the Drrect city oRlcere are uthcon b and f ectad Y. execute the ams on behalf of theCItY ... .. .....19 Adopted by the Council Dec. 22, 1914., gpproved Dec. 22. 1914. (Dec. 2. 19 4. Received of Gily Clerk Yeas (V) Councilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council _ ��-191 Far worth Go In favor Approved_ 191 r Ke r M oil Against G' ary Yo g -- Mr. Presiden Powers roBM c.e•z Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 21st, 1914, by and between Doherty & Son and the City of St. Paul, for.the con- struction of a sewer on Abell street from Jessamine street to Rose street, be and the same is hereby'approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C. 11. No. 3167— - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Resolved; That the contract bearing. d¢['71) ember 21et; 1914.'by ¢^'t be 11. 1, Doherty &Son construed— the City of �j / City Clerk's Oi6 on Pant, for the fr., uc.. n on Abell etreet be and tbfne etreeti / .� to Rose etreet, be and the pare Is hereby. nrtro'ed , :and the prop ireeted city o 19114 olricere are ubth6rfzed and directed to;""" """"""'""'�"" execute the same on behalf of the City. f Adopted by the Council Dec. 22, 1914.E Approved Deo. 22, 1914. RCcel�,,[CiCler (Dec,. 2, 1914) (W) f _Ye cilmen (i) Nays worth In favor r oll _Against ary Mr. PresidPowers raaw c.e•x, i Adopted by the Council. �Z __ 19I�/ Approved t .Subject ... ... . 11 _ i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ...... ....... ..___. COUNCIL NO. ... .. .................... .. FILE ........... .................... ............ ..................... ........ ...... _... — ... ...... ..... ...-._._. � Date Presented........ ___ ____...._I91....._.... Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 21st, 1914, by and between Thornton Brothers and the City of St. Paul, for the con- struction of a sewer on Wakefield avenue from Maple street to Forest street, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed -to execute the same on behalf of the City. s� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cih• Cle rk'sC.F.No.date sLlecembera21ate 197SirbYndsel rbe dweenThrntonBIst re and tho Cu; ..-...-....."""' "lyl../ of St. Paul, for the on°trucuan of a ° / ewer do wakefteld. venue from Maple street to Forest street. be and d r C•t V1--1, pro enure is hereby approved; and the Recelvl• 11 1 V e1• i proper city ofticere nre authorised and .directed to execute the same On behalf t�2 d oI the City. Adopted by the Council Dec. 22, 191E Approved Dec.22, 1914.1914 (Dee, 26-3914) T t �(� Yeas (11) Co u cilmen (P) Nays fFar-orth In favor _ .AgainstMr. Presis Foamc.9.2 I Adopted by the Council Approved_. -- - ----- �-z • ' MAYOq CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _... _.._.... __ ... ... _- .......... .. 3-169 COUNCIL ' FILE NO . ..... ..... .... .... .. Date Presented Resolved, That the contract bearing date December 21st, 1914, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for the con- struction of a sewer on Roy street from Shields street to St. Anthony avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers.are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. I, - C. F. No, x169— or SAINT PAUL Resolved, Thnt the contract bearing LJl date December 21at, 1914, by and be. P ChristJohnson. and the City of G1tV Clerk's Ofi ,t� C Paul the construction of e 8t. Pn sewer on Roy street from Shielde 'STI. Anthony ve,. be and the. same le hereby pproAvon s .and the •t// 191 - proper city officers .................... ..................... are authorized o Bed and s are ut directed to excute the same on behalf F - of the City. Adopted by the Council Dec. 22, 1914. • Approved Dec. 22. 1914. oCity larkf �1 (Dee 26-1914) �1vP41 ,'� v r Yeas (t"j Con men (F) Nays Farn orth Gos In favor Kell Mc ll {_ _Against Mr. President, wers rOeM C.B•2 Adopted by the Council - _191 / Approved_ — -y .191 _ r MAYOR` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—CSENERAL FORM Subject: - _..-. _..._._....... COUNCIL. _.... FILE1V 0. ................ ....... ... ........................................ ...._._._.._......_......_.....__.------........_ ...__� Date Presented....._.._- _ _....___. __ _.._.._I91....._.... Resolved, That'the contract bearing date December 19th, 1914, by and between the.Feyen Construction Company and the City of St. Paul for grading and improving the alley in Block 11, Oakville Park, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. II da a Dtec�mbehal9th. 1914rby-III t CITY OI' SAINT PAUL Co tween the F Y n Conet3uLtiD Fey— pan," and and the cttY of at. Poul for gra Cilr Clerk's 0 ce 11, and Oakville o l 6 e d th In -- 11, O,y. a p P 7 be and the some hereby a'. " d and [n proper o:lcere nrC da thoTized and directed 1 e—tit, the same an behalf of the Cl Adopted by the Cou ncll Dee. 22, 197, �„ • 1!!'it'/�L�L�` /!/ Approved Dec. 22, on14: (Dec. 2G-1919) JKeceivedof Ci/l • (Clerk d y J Yeas l V) Cou ilmen ('h) Nays 191 Adopted by the Council__-- Far worth } Go -41. favor y' v 791 K r Approved _ y M oll-- - Against — t 9 YO — - - Mr. Presiden Powers - —" rnwort CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL, FORM Subject:..... _ _ _... _..... FILENCILNo..... ......I�.......... ....... .. ...... .... .... ........_........... _.............................. ........_. _.......�...�..............._ ....... . Date Presented..._ _... _I91.......... Resolved, That the contract bearing Date December 19th, 1914, by and between the Feyen Construction Company and the City of St. Paul, for grading and improving the alley in Block 1, Manson & Simonton's Addition, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper'city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. oo L F. No. 3171— bl, and bo• _. _. _ _. _ _. liesnlced, Th¢t the 1914 rno[ bearin6 data pecember 19t Con9tructlon eom- CI'PY OF SAINT PAUL [ween the Feyen , and the City of SL Paui, Sar 6raS- pnnY n Ing and improvin6 „• 1. mm�¢an & Slmeecutelthe le zm1914." City Cie rli s Offia be ' and Che e¢ma Isofiereby ¢PPaUthorizon � G the Propep ILY Rloara are an dlraetea m behalf or the city. -11 Ad is db Dcce 21914. D .*Pnrove� (Dec. 29-1914) „ �n Kc� f G�Clerk„ i / f-A�� yx e .. Yeas ( ) Cou Imen (P) Nays %' Adopted by the Council 191 Far orth� Go In favor 191 Ke Approved_ Mc 11 --Against Mr. President overs M�rcR btm c.8;2 9 Council File No._......:__.._....._.._........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 3.72 ' and y F PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin ublic improvement' by City of St, Paul, viz.:Pave....Concord....Strest..._from...wes ........_ine...._of.._Ada.._Str..................................... ..............:._..... _..._A. 7X� ..... ........... .........................................................._..............................................Dated this33er, ... Is>..4• Councilman. PRELIMINARY.ORDER. Pave ,. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.........__..._._........._..__...._. _.. Cflna_Qrd.._S.t.r.e.e.t.. Y.rom.._Meet ..._line ...._Qf._.A.dar.....S.t_re_et- to._.AnnaPQ.iie... S.t.rePt- ......... . .. t.,... _.... , ...._ -- , ....... _i n proposal for the .... ..._._.._.._.. ... ... Ilowln lm S from, ant, _..... ..... ...... . - "' ��� �e attest from, weal .... ....... ._.. ... .._. _.. ._ .entad toAn.anhelaCourncfl .... t. Pnul thereforeJa-to, be it �.,a ee l bllttYt to,: thenk¢essitreald'i, Cllillan._....:__............. _....__........_...._................... _.............., herene having been presented to the Council of t' for =said Improvement, therefore, be it len t. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner F,aI eatlsate the nature, extent is hereby ordered and directed: ted cost of - afd lmprove- n tho total cast theroof. of said improvement. L To investigate the necessity for l urnish a plan, proale or said.. improvement. 1. To investigate the nature, extent' l n is- reiat ve soother inlprocement, and the total coat thereof. ant. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or ske'atute whether or not ..to n' to t nIIre Owners n the pr dative to said inl n•ovement :__ .._ .. d. To flu•nish the following other, rpt .r neon nn of .. n,.,, . - ... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing/matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......................./U1..2. 2... ... ..191.. Yens: / Nays CounfFg,,,Iv Approved.._:......._........_ _..... itLl............._....._....y Mayor. PRELDUNARY ORDER. NVUEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following b"PrOve'llent, viz-: Smith Avenue from the south end of the High �qKidgq�_t9 4VMP o 1 is St... .................... . ........................ ............. ............. ............. ........... .. — .......... . ... .. A 73written proposal for thte . the following I-P�' SoUth Smith AVcnUe from .......... - ..... .................. ............. .. ........having ......... . ....... I end Of High Bridge to An-..... .......... ... ........... on presented to S of the City of Pant having been presented to the Council "at h the lomeassioner of '"'Cilnian ..... ................ ........................ ............. I -its be and he Is hereby or therefore, be it the necessity or RESOLVED, That tne Commissions pity of the making Of said hereby ordered find directed: le IS "�.tlg�to the —JtO-t�It V 'd improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity fot,.ated cost of a improv;- 'ng of Sol the totalojt thereof. a-vp an,----profit' ,said improvement, and the total cost thereof. Z. To investigate the nature, ex aid ImP �,rnl,h al�,the c following . 3. To furnish a plan, profile r inrm tion relative tc,;ent. "nL 4. To fill-nish the following otl �.tato h.tb.r or le 1t I, —ked for or n relative to said iniproveinent:. ........................ .............. I ........................... ...... . ... . .............. ..... .............................. ..... .......... I .............. ............. ............... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoingn..itters to the I Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............ .. Yeas: 2......191 Nays: Councilman Pa sworth or G Approved 191 'I' K er M M 11 oll Y rg �rg . . ................. ...... ........ ............. ...................................... Po ers Mayor. Mayor Po ers Council File No. �A e PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. l The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foil g public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pan. ..._earl.....stre.e_t_._ _ .om....#aa ge..._Aye.nue...._t.a_...I dian....Ml�1a ` .&rk.,...... w 3nd.. _oonfer.ence held in ...._ e..... l� df�.. ........... _...:..._._..._..._..._.._....._._._..........................:..........._..........._..._.__ ^............................. ......._..............................._...... . . nand' .. ay of..__... Deoember.... .191._4.• Dated this..... �f / - Conneillnau. PRELIMINARY ORDER, WIIRRFAR, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz .:................p&V..@...._._ _. ...to..._Indian.__Mounds..._Park,................._.... .... ___.... .._. _._.. .. ......... .' �3174— • --- , A written Propo9 1 for the _ _... the fallowing i Dr —ant, -- - -- I e $arl tr seot fr .. om Hastings Indian Mound.eu rlhaving nted to the Coit of the 1811..................... ...... ... ' .... ... having Ueen presented to the Council Of the .;3 ThuttiheoCommiissioner of ' it. be and he is hereby or - therefore, be it directed: veatigate the necessity for,jrer¢by ordered and directed: RESOLVE D, That the Commissioner of F i +q• of the to of enid 1. To investigate the necessity for or `desj',a lgatt Loi said riinptne of said improvement. e total coat thereof. improvement, and the total coat thereof. L. '1 o investigate the nature, extent and a Irnpruvetan. nt nroa[r : p a. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of osntiorelovemn followingt .lAive to said improvement:.__.. ....._..._.....___. 4. ' 'Po furnish lhr following other data an, a :kp ih�,� n' i ot. •_,;..' ut,-le ........... –..........................._......_...._................._..........._........................._.................... , .............................__.................._................_.................— p –... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / .,... Adopted by the Council.191.. ......_...._........._................� �... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fit swo•tlr L, — _............ ...191. 4Kill Approved....__.._...........__........ . ...._........................................... Ma,yo•. Council. File No ................................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and '3175 PREY.IMINARY ORDER. 'The u» brsigned hereby proposes the leaking of the following public 1prevenient by the of St. Paul, viz.: ._... . P Qe.....Pk1e�.le. ...Avenue f..r 11...Seveslth.... ..e_e.t.....tcl.....St.i .....a.r....�+vez�ue.; and Stillwater_Apenue f romPhe en._Av_.... us_..._to.._Pro_s ._......_ity_.._... Dated this__ aand...___day PRELIMINARY ORDER. e2 ............ _... Councilman. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iulprovenlent, viz':_..___.. $Y%_..___. ... Phalen Avenue_ from Seventh Street to.__.Sti11avater Avenue, and.._.____.___._..__. St.11tratsr_venue..from Phalen_ Ave nue._, to,Prooperity Avenue - _ ..._.... ...... ........ ......... ................................................ ............................. ...... ..... ...... .......... ....._................................. ............ ......; having been presented to the Council of"" „ 317, yruten PT°P°sal to,that -tI,� therefore, he it h`e LPhal'a Svenam fTnae ea°n' e avenue ltc mephalen Avenuel. hereby. ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ode n �ha"•tns been Pre `'lty Ar un Oil oe the city ° said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for or. , the e °he it commloatoner of y Thbe the {a hereby °T- 4rovetnent, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent an(,..lr d he :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of v e tied e, t'akmgoof lty a is ,lity of t nato'd' extant-tsald llllprevetllent :...... ........ ......................' Tarnish the following other data a.:ny6usfttitof said rota coot °T profile °r ................_........_................._......__....._.._:..hnlah a Jon r -.._..............._ ........... 1 ............._....._..._................ _...... �� Ptd improv other 5. To state whether or not said improve •nteh Lion Tei%°OgSO card clition of three or more owners. rtorma 6. To report upon all of the foregoing lu j,'tea ken er .r.nto, pet e tt,ilor of Finance. _ r morenop °all of thr�. Adopted by the Council.......... _ ... Vic` , tr Controls, ' Yeas: t ^4 iWliys: Councilman Fttwotth�.;° d Approve2-- ] 91 ..... fio , K x • l oil ... Mayor. Mayor P ere Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followi pub c U� m it Ave Paul, viz.: ......Pave Lexington Avenue from . . ........ ............................ ............................ . ............ c.............. . ...... - ........... ............. 22nd Dated this.... ... � . ..... De PRELIMINARY ORDER. 31L76 lie improvement by the of nue'to Como k . ..... ................ ... .................... . ........... 191.4.e Councilman. WITEREAS; A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:__._.........&VO -.. - .. Lexington Avenue from Summit Avenue to C0129 Park. ... . ..... .. ....... ...... -, ......................... ................................ Lexington ... - ............. ................. . ............ .................... .. ....... I --- ... ........ .......... . . ...... ........ . .... - . ..... . .... ... ... ......... ...... ...... 3"67;;ritt.. proposal for the ..... ............ ....... ..... ............. "s IAZIngton avenuo f"m nue, to Como Park, there- ... . ........ _. .. . . having been presented to the Council of the Cittd. That the Commissioner of 7*rks be and ie. hereby or therefore, be it 4 directed: investigate the nece-ItY for .1 aid RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pt;bility of the reek ng of �eby ordered and directed: ,nt. tigate the nature, extend 1, To investigate the necessity for or dek j'at-e-d' cost costs infp-= and improvement. I the total cost thereci, 2, To investigate the nature, extent and Yfurnlsh a p=,,Pro. n - ".1vellient, slid the total cost thereof. .1 aid improve ,furnish the 0110wns�'O ,nj' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of inforination rel4 4. To furnish the following other data o• stent. " isked.for on the ate whether ora ntiot— � e to said improvement:. I -31:1-11 ore owners. 871 ............................................._..........__....."'--'--,o �"Pn . . 'E ........... . .... . ... . .. .... .. . .. . .. .... . ... ... .... .... .. ..... ............................................................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is wt',� .,bu the petition of three or more owners. it 6. To report upon all of the foj-e� tt 8 to the Commissioner of Finance. ,��jngm er, Adopted by the Council.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Approved......... ....... Go Ke r Far 0 Kc r M M_ 11 Me YY .......................... Yog .. ............. ...... ....................... ....... Mayor. Mayor Po. rs Request, of E. S. Warner E. F. Sands Colineil File No ..............:............. E. E. Fisher - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. &nd PRELIMINARY ORDER. the fol vivg public improve it by the City of St. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of ...........................:...................................................................... .................. ............._........ Paul, viz.:..'" ........... _................................_.................._....... east side_ oP.._L.exington._A nue......... ..... _...... ........ ._......_.._.._..._.._._........ 4. sand December 191. Dat("J. this. day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER., NVIIERF.AS, A written proposal fol- the malting of the following improvement, viz.:. _ ...... Pave Laurel Avenue fromthe west side of__._Dale.__._Street to..._the . east side of: Lexington Avenue. ---- -- - __. ... ; ro making of the•followin : _...... Whereas, r 31A — .._._..._.. Whereof A written proposal for the j'' .. .n g Improvement. . viz: Pave LBVTel Avenue from the:. weft fide :of Dale street to the eaet',... - '–'-- side of Lexington avenue• having. been presented to the. re, bei of the Clty of 9t. Paul therefore,. belt ina ..... ............................ . having been presented to file Cout1C1 PuReso o lved, That theand Comhe h sionerrebyoof dared and directed: therefore, be it ` 1. To investigate the necessity for r desirability of the making of' eaid hereby ordered slid directed: RESOLVED, That the Coulnlissi improvement: 2• To Investigate the nature, ext'- 1. To investigate the necessity m nt' estimated total coat hereof ror;tof said improvement. a. To furnish a plan; profll;j improvement, and the total cost thereof. 1 'l. To -investigate the nature, Clsketch 4. Tof sold Improve the en •a. „ data and Informatlan ret��' 3, To furnish a plan, profile or Improvement.. �e s. Tq state whether)h relative to said improvement:._ ..___..._ ......_.__. 4. To furnish the following of l rrovement Is asked for three or more oa: ......................._...._.._.........._..........._.._.._....vn; x-,!f.•'lsa�'._.........._.........._...................................._........... _.................................._ .............................. ....... ............................. . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregning `ala tens to the Commissioner of Finance. i Adopted by the Council......_............../..............� jj Yeas: Nays: Councilman jFa sworth /' 7i Z 1 Go APPTovrd....._.............. ...... _.111... M oll Y......... g 14lsyor. Mayor Po rs `'Request of D. 'E. Lane and Council File No.._' . 3. T. Sorensen. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and � 178 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow' public iniprovei iient by e City of St. Paul viz.: Construct & sewer in Fair .. ............... A:971�—frjom F —iew Avenue - .............................. --- ............................. .................... to Cleveland Avenue. ................... - ........... ........... ............... ......... ........ ....................... ....................... ............ . -y Dated this...... -2-and.....day f peoember . ....... .... ......... 191A* ............ .......... .......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:.... Gonstxuot a sower in Fairmount Avenue from Fairview Avenue to ...................... ..... . .... . ..... ... ... . ......... ............... .. -- ........... . .. - ......................... ......................................... . ....... Cleveland Avenue. ...... ..... .......... F. No, 3178 -- whereas, A written, prof -al v.0.r t.ht,' making of the following rapro ........... r in Fairmount vIz-. Construct a sewel Avenue from Fairview avenue to, having been presented to the Cq 21,evtcland Avenue. having hmsenl t pre- Uneilluall .. . ... ......... . .. . . ............... .... . A to the Council of the Y SL "Ilisd a b It therefore, be it i..If therefore, be of lipulblic'Worke,be; and'113641!Sefeby or - RESOLVED, That the C01111',detcd4.ndinvrectcd: c is hereby ordered and directed: ""g'tc the necessity fe 1. To investigate the neceii de.1-bill of the making of said ng of said improveniquit. provemen To InvLestigate the nature extent improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the natur estimated cost of said Giprove ild the total cost thereof. :3. To furi ish a plan, profil f furnish a plan, profil, old Improvement furnish the .,I.„,', 4. To fun: 11 the f l.f r.ation r 1— t F to said iniprovenient:.. ... . .. .... Is whether asked .......... .. . ......... . ....... ..................... ........................ . . ... . .. A is . . ..... ... ........ ............................. ............. -r more, .. 5. To state whether or not said "n -on” ,js asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoi I tig irl5ers to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .......... Yeas: Councilman Faro orth Goss Approved . . ............._...................191.......7 ....... . .... .. fKell Me I Yoeoe . ......... . .. P Mayor Pow -a Mayor. !/Y �jr / Request of Ho4. 0. E. Keller. CouncilFile bNo. PROPOSAL FOR irdpROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. bl' 'File undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Pu. 1 iprovenient by the City t. pald, viz.: Pave Third Street fTOM east 1 no -Va;AA Third_._ ............ .... ......................... . ........ line of Ba es Avenue.. .................. Dated this 22nd, -day - "', Dqo.q;qP1e;' 191.A? "Ifle Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. Pave -%VIIERUA S, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz-: Third Str-66t of- -Jftria AV�OVUV-10- ..We at 11ne .............. Bates Avenve.A........... I)roFc..l for th . ......... ... ..... ..... . .......... .......... Whe-9 ig mprovement. 1z; " t he no 't fweat ro esst I ra v ve stre of are. f o toaving Presented in f n re 11 ven e, Coun ell of t c it f 9t. Paul there - ' fore, be It of ...............Resolved, at t c ommisslorer ,,a I. hereby or ublic Works . and dcrcdI,d,dile- be .... of ity for said acilinan ................. . .......... ....... ........... .............. nv - To -t f having been presented to tile CO'iori do . lrabjli�t t a making I'm rove cut. t' therefore, be it P To "Investl ate the nature, exten estimated cost of said Improve- f� is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Collun ment, and the total cost thereo �ns a.furnish a p ant_ pro or of sale aid illiprovement. he following other f 1. To investigate the neces8'�s"T."c"To furnish the relative to said ! data and Intormatto 2. To investigate the naturq nolaroTY'raortinprovement, and the total cost thereof. to not Salap It. t� r h �h.th.r 0pear 0� pr�vument is asked for . n :j. To furnish a plan, profile, f three or more ow report 4. To rm-nish the following �o going matter. innnca.. theto said improvellient Adopted by the C--rcll' c. 22, 1914. ..d Dec. 22, 191" - - --------- ............................ . ........ Ap �.-. (Dec. ...... ......... ................ ............. - 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked Or on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing Illatpti's to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fif-ns.worth -Z— -2— 191 G44 Approved........ K oil A ............... .9 It .......... ............ _...................._..._ 'a Mayor. Mayor ers Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER.�5� f Li e undersign to proposes the making of the following public i rovenient by the City of St.. Pani, viz.: . Pav_..P.Smith.._Avenus..._from.._College....Avenue...... _o...._th8....37Prth.... .... ...... of .........:........ the high Bridge Superseding Council es 630 and 1 ..... rr __.... _. ... This order t4 tak +.he._p.laca ....._a,l]...oxdare ..... eady_...in xo.- ........... duoed,° er c�... Datedthis.22A4.of_... .... ....... .Q. ......... eS.>__................. ..........._.. ... 91._!x.. .. . ....... ........................ Councilman. a. \VIIPRPAS, A written proposal fo the Rmaking LNARY ORDER'g improvement, vir..:__ Pape,,. Smith Avenue from_._ College Avenue_.._to.._the__._north__e_nd____of.._.the___High_______..__._.. .......... .......... ... ... _ ..... Br ldge ._ . . .............. .. _... the �` elon ing —p'J4 er ant V South Smith Avenue 'Ire to........ ...__......._.............._................nue to the north end of the .............____..........._....._. ...... dge, having been Vreaented to having been presented to the Council of the Citlietie It the cit3; of st. ram d. That the Commissioner of therefore, be it„.. dr , beeana he, is hereby or- ' veetlgate the neoeeao for RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publiutr of the making of seta eby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desin atlgate cost the este re, eaten �id improvement. •✓ ho totat coat thereof. To investigate the nature, extent and es( h,`hish a pian, profile or �enieut, and the total cost thereof. ,Id improvement :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of saic,form❑tion relativegtoosaid d. To furnish the following other data and ii,. whether or not said laid'improvement:.... .......... ... asked for on the pet!. more owners. .......................... .;w' rt , upon all of th...... ....._.......................... ...... ...._... ...... ...._........... ... ............. _ ......... I- the cormn t, 5. To state whether or' not said improvemerA%tF',.;•,, .or"on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted opted by the Council .................. .'._/... Z._._2-........1J11y� g / / Nays: Councilman F usworth 0 Approved__....._.... y........._...._�`_.._Z._......I91_._� B e /f— M oll Mayor Po eraMayor. > J. E. Carroll Council FileNo:.................................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMNARY ORDER. 'Pile undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo ' g public inlprovelkent by t ity of St. Pali], St. behandVia g�ra4W _of...R&O'Ca1...A _.....from ...Jefferson ...AQ «....to...St:..Cla1r the same is hereby ng ed to conform the red line the....profile.sof, -tha..hereto-..:atteo ..and..-Made...a....part... -pr$sent grade being represented, b the blue line on a profile; and' that the, eaid.....Paeoel Ave.b sen .the points.. sfa aid be grad'ed'-in...... ........ accordance with the de hereby ....stabl is Superseding......C....ou....no.i._l ..e............. .... _.......................... ..... . . .... Dated this.._._.Z18.t.........day.......... ........... .......^...191.4.. % PRELIMINARY ORDER. v WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:....._That .....the _.... .... grade of Pascal Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St. be and ................ tha...same.....is-.heraby.....changed...-to.._conform..... to...-the...sed-..-line ....on -the... -profile hereto attached and made a part hereofv the present grade being represented by..the blue- line on. said profile; and that: the said- Pascal aidPascal Ave. between the points aforesaid be graded in.eocordance ..with- the grade hereby -esti 3181— , ;sae. A written Proposal for the .>. of the following mremelt . p .. ... ... ._. .. .. ._..._.. ............_...................................... ............_.................. """- '.•hat the grade of. Pascnl td t- ,.lettggene Ae oherebY change d to having been presented to the Council of the' ,he m to the red line n the proale all........._.........._._...._..................................................... _ :o attached and made a part here- t11C1'Cf01'C, be' ]t me present grade bells reP,,,.; [ed the blue lino on said pro and t the said Pascnl Ave. bots, a the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner .,te toreania.be graded I. accord- reby ordered and directed: vetch the grass hereby --tab-' seab aid improvement. 1'. To investigate the necessity For _' O •11 oe tie city erste Paul tih wee p be It 2. To investigate the nature, extent r ; lved, That the he is isetuner of vement, and the total cast thereof. t le Works o ks b ed ad he le hereby or - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch Toad d r11tgate 'the necesetty for 4. To furnish Lha following other data. vem ntY of me maxing of -lie improvement:_.......___._..._._.._.....__..._ To Investigate the nature,. e7 __ sadnthe total 'coat ha tr`� _ _ n P Tof fuamtsh heem t on the petition of three or more owners. a 5. To state whether or not said ill r t and. into*r a- 6. To report upon all of the foregoingr Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._......_ ...................... .....2.Lr.._191. Yeas: Nays: Councilman[erg orth Approved......._.............._..._..................._........... OR ........_.Mayor I14nyor. P- Reoommendiddby Mr. 0008` as suggested by Mr. Clauseen Council File No...:.._....__ ................._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER." The undersigned hereby proposes the Making of the following le improvement by the C�Add.' Paul, via.:Th�4fii._..1e11.4.,...g�Q:de_._o.,$'.....4..e.....fh].7 8ys...._itl QQ�i....34...17ms'n...Dayt - _ ............. be and the same is hereby ohanged o conform to the r ine on the..._pr.@file..:..heret.o.....attaohed...a e....a....part....hereof., e.-.gresan .......... grade being represented by t blue line on said '(!file; and that _...._.the....alleys..._in....sa.id....B3:uok... a grad -ed --in e000r oe-with thegrade hereby established, and necese ry wa l an ewers be constructed. 3upareadix�g....XU-1-..� ile-43.J........._........_.................. .t 1914. Dated this_....21e......_.....day oo.eAab.er..........Jn n n n (1 Councilman. - - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WITEREAS, A written proposal fol- the making of the following improvement, viz.:........ That..... the _- grade of the alleys in Block 34 Lyman Dayton's Addition be and the same_...is....hereby.._ahanged--t.a_.00nf.orn t. o-.-the....red....line-..on...the.--profile_.. hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the present grade being _......_.represented ....by- the....blue, line 041 said profile, and. that the alleys in said Block 34 be graded in coordanoe with the grade hereby ....................... .............................................. ' !- 3182 " �Re A wrote P oponx Councilman ....... ....._... ... ..... .............. having been presented to the Council of th_rof th tollowi g Imp+ ' Fiat tae- 6rnde of the +j ; therefore, be it I Lyman Dayton a Ad ams to hereby eha. "+ Lo the ed it.. on ir. he is here, ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 9 attached and made pa- , Y present grade being rer 1. To investigate the necessity for of he Id.. line .. said stock ;ing of said improvement. siley8' i.o, necordan,, with the 2. To investigate the nature, extent,', established and the ce'd improvement, and the total cost thereof. ne dsewers be constructed, h+, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skete)<,sioPaul nibs ete�enbotitot ved That the Commleelonet ._._., 4. TO furnish the following other da t Work.' be and ha ib hereby g to said lmproVPm elft :__ + rd dtrected: to Investigate the necety ..,: .................... .. ............ ............_.................._. .: rabnt- of the makln of a ...... _........._...._.._..._........._......._..............-... .......... ..._........._.................. ..... ...__.._..... ........ .... gement . na ed cost- the nature, e: the petition of three or more owners. 5. To state whether or not said impa nesse coat of said tm., ;' i the total furnish a costthereof., prod' ggloller of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the fm egoit}� ,atd improvement /•s�uu pleb. � to relatl i� ys; � �''oTmntton relati, ;� Adopted by the Council ............. ... ........ ....... ./�. Yeas: y r Vays: Councilman F r sworth G Approved ......... .....y._......... ..... _... ....�....191- K er oil rg _............_._............. ..... _ Mayor. Mayor P era 1 UriLL / %/� i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Y, ":Subject ................ ......._. _ 'GnUNQ1LFILENO... Date Presented ......_._............... .......................191............ a' Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 179 issued Yay W0, 1913, to Sam Stamm, 177.173 T. 6th St., be and it hereby is transferred to Chris. Bauer, 173 T. 6th St. b �-- Resolved, That the el 179 Afay saretts lleenae-� No; Issued 20, 1913, to Stamm, 171-173 W, gtb S[., be nnd8 .hereby fe trannterred to Cithrls. $nuer, _ 173 W, 6th $4 ` IAdopted by the Council Dec. 2g, j�qq. APP[oVed'Dee, 29, 1914: a Mr Pr`esidenq Poo e CITY OF ST. PAUL ,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM POS CE $VPPJIES � Subject:. __._...._ `-- .FILECOUNCIL NO. ...Z ... _.__..._ ..._..- _ ..... Date Presented.... Dec. 22 1914" I91........... Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant in favor . of the Commissioner of Finance for $31.86 with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to the Department of Public Works -Bureau of Sanitation. C. F. No. 3184-13, S. A. Farnsworth— Resoluiion authorizing the drawing of nrant In favor of the C.—is- stoner of Finance for $31.56 with the consent of the Mayor and the Comp- troller, for the purchase for Gash of . postage to said a ount.- chargeable to the Department of Public Warhs— Rprenn of Sanitation. Adopted by the Council Dec. 22. 1914. Approved Dec. 22. 1914. (Dec. 26-1914) Yeas (V) Court men (Y) Nays Farn orth Gos _� In favor Ke r Mc oll __.G._Againsr Y g Mr. Presiden Powers FOnM C.a-2 Adopted by the Council _ . _ _/_! _Z.2 _ 191/(/ / v � ' Approved � _ � - Z -19 t'L MAYOR o CITY OF ST. PAUL C..QI;JNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM POSTAGE SUPPLIES Subject COUNCIL NOFILE _ '{ / l/ _.___ .. . Date Presented ....--.DOc.22,1914-191.......... d. Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of rinance for $105.00, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, for the pur- chase for cash of"jostage to s:id amount, chargeable to the 'Department of Public Works-G6neral Administration. --�'-- 0.Vrorth— C' F. No.t 3186—D1• S. A. F0.rn Re<olutton uthorizing he draNin6 of a wa runt IY then favor oCltb ihe_, sluner of Finance for $105ua t e ent of the S1SnYor and the Ch oo- roller. for th'd Purchase for e Y postage a to sa amoounL chargeable to the Department f Public ix,orks General A.lmin he rCononc5l Dec. =2, 1914: Adopted by APPraved, beeDec?2611914) Yeas (V) lFarorth en (P) Nays Adopted by the Council - / __ 2 Z. __ 191 .In favor Againsters 4.1.cie•z CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:----G.rading_..and.Improveme.nt.....of_..Viontr..ea].-_Ave,-f-.rem-•X. CouNclL� c2 FILE NO..... Ay.:�..,`W.��.. ... SeventhSL. to.:..E7.11. Y....S.t,.._............. ......... _........... ........ _........ _:_.... ................... ..:..._........ _...... Date Presented-._. Dec. 21st, ...-191-4 Resolved, That the action of the purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids received for the Grading and improvement of Montreal Ave. from West Seventh St. to Elway St., be and is hereby confirmed and approved. . C. F. No. 3186—BY 1N.. Y',oe ir- nesolv,d That ateehe actlect1 all bid. chasing 1 e. ct ng Sev- aPTOve- , received for the gradingfom ment of :1lontreal Ave. enth St. to `Tway St.. be rand le hereby confirmed nd approved. 1919. Adopted by the C-111 Dec. 22, Approved 914 Dec.2 ,613914) 'r Yeas (11) Coune' en (P) Nays Farns orth Goss_ In favor Kelle m Mc 11 (%. Against Yoe Mr President wers Adopted by the Council Approved _ ' 191 cOU.W1b FILE NO. 33y FINAL ORDER-. 11, the Mattel, of grading Wakwick street from Randolph street to Palace.. St,a under Preliminary Order 1951 __.._. _..__ :r_.__opl),ove,l October 7th, 1914..,�_ intermediary Order -approved ................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the, Council having helini all pei-sous, objectious and I-ecolonleiviatious relative thereto, au(I having fully considered the therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couneit of the City of St. Poo[ that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- pi,ovenleut to be nia(le by the said City is .9'fEkdin4 Warwick street from Randolph street to Palac.e...s trae.t..... and the Council hereby olAers said improvement to be motile. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hei-eby instructed and directed to prepare plaus and specifications for said iniprov,,nieut, and submit same to the. Council for approval; that upon said approval, the Proper city officers ilre hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceonlanee therewith. Adopted by the Coluicil..... City lei v 6fApproved-/ 7- 19.1 C. F. o, h187— theIn matter of r. leg Warwick Mayor. tr. t��.. Randolph street to Pal. see . under Preliminary order d o b, F swort'll 1951, anprove CtO Ar 7th. 1914. in- termediary order 2954.approv d A P"bu.,h.e.1r1improvement,g having been had upon the b.nv.n due notice., and the c.unell Id%ving heard: all persons, objections an r commen- dations relative thereto, and having ler fully considered the as..• therefore, be It Resolved, ved: By the Cpupell[of-the City 016 1 la!,.tfh,, ,0ptt,.P - and" -kind htot vement to be Coll made by. the said Clt�yplrs(4rlading W.ar-, .wick,' Street Jrohl, ,Randolph, street to Palace Street. -.,I'd, Council::hereby tile orders said lemereve n Resolved Forth— That b t to be made., -the Counsel - stoner of Public Work. be and he 1. ra hereby instructed arid-directod to gre- e plan S and specifications for Said Imnr r*v,-e,t, and submit same to the VerIo Council .r . pproval: that open Said noproval. thepr,,.r city Officer. are h e-bv ut her, zed and directed to pro- 'e'd 11tahthe ,kln, of -14 improve - M ret In e ... rdence therewith. Ado "Idbhe C"' 1,11 Dec. 22, 1914. Approved Dec 22. 1914. (Dec. 26-1914) . V cOU.W1b FILE NO. 33y FINAL ORDER-. 11, the Mattel, of grading Wakwick street from Randolph street to Palace.. St,a under Preliminary Order 1951 __.._. _..__ :r_.__opl),ove,l October 7th, 1914..,�_ intermediary Order -approved ................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the, Council having helini all pei-sous, objectious and I-ecolonleiviatious relative thereto, au(I having fully considered the therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couneit of the City of St. Poo[ that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- pi,ovenleut to be nia(le by the said City is .9'fEkdin4 Warwick street from Randolph street to Palac.e...s trae.t..... and the Council hereby olAers said improvement to be motile. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hei-eby instructed and directed to prepare plaus and specifications for said iniprov,,nieut, and submit same to the. Council for approval; that upon said approval, the Proper city officers ilre hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceonlanee therewith. Adopted by the Coluicil..... City lei v 6fApproved-/ 7- 19.1 C. F. o, h187— theIn matter of r. leg Warwick Mayor. tr. t��.. Randolph street to Pal. see . under Preliminary order d o b, F swort'll 1951, anprove CtO Ar 7th. 1914. in- termediary order 2954.approv d A P"bu.,h.e.1r1improvement,g having been had upon the b.nv.n due notice., and the c.unell Id%ving heard: all persons, objections an r commen- dations relative thereto, and having ler fully considered the as..• therefore, be It Resolved, ved: By the Cpupell[of-the City 016 1 la!,.tfh,, ,0ptt,.P - and" -kind htot vement to be Coll made by. the said Clt�yplrs(4rlading W.ar-, .wick,' Street Jrohl, ,Randolph, street to Palace Street. -.,I'd, Council::hereby tile orders said lemereve n Resolved Forth— That b t to be made., -the Counsel - stoner of Public Work. be and he 1. ra hereby instructed arid-directod to gre- e plan S and specifications for Said Imnr r*v,-e,t, and submit same to the VerIo Council .r . pproval: that open Said noproval. thepr,,.r city Officer. are h e-bv ut her, zed and directed to pro- 'e'd 11tahthe ,kln, of -14 improve - M ret In e ... rdence therewith. Ado "Idbhe C"' 1,11 Dec. 22, 1914. Approved Dec 22. 1914. (Dec. 26-1914) CITY OF WAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of�Ul-1!�--V �.flll� =`tIz1---�— -------- -------------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- - under Preliminary Order approved ----------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $� ,160, 41-------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $---9----"----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A�DDITION ASSESSED VALUATION/ J% 011 - TOTAL, CITY OF 5 F `Im FI DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .R. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1,4 A l G c U o /6 �� �Z i o /6 Q� v f The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by'the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ---?{ —'-191 vL .Ldl/� f� -------- ------------------- Commissioner -------- Commissioner of Finance FO—..$.A. 6.5 c ' Office of the. Commissioner of Public Works,, Report to Commissioner of Finance Zr .a......C.�.._...........__.........191.: _ .r To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 1°-� Octobar 7, 4 4 cil, known as Council File No.._......_''........_.._..........approved._..._._........_..........._........................................197........., relative ta...........±.a...._.._. ^ar-. o a e' f ip to Pal�,e ",treet. fir, dirk of ,irk , tr t _ ro;:. t o :do_ h .... - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .._........__.._.necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is $ i.........., slid the total cost thereof is x..._1,149.75 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ............ ._.............. .......... ......................._...............__....................._..._...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .4 . ............. ........................ ..................................... ....................... ....... .._.......... ...... .... ........... ................. ........ ............. ....__._.............. ._................._.......... ...__.................... _... :i. Said improvement is ..................... ..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Comiiissioner of Public Works. r� r•--�;r rye �- � 1�r� /A COUNCIL FILE NO....___. 13y FINAL ORDER. In the matt,-, ,f. ...grading...Alley in Block 2,Samuel _B. Pieroe's ,Enlargement of Summit i, Park _. ' under Preliminary Order 1366 _.__ __.._approved Au911et__28.th,__19.14, Internic(Aary Order __.__......____...approved _...... _...._ __._ _ _.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement npou due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- 11!2. iAe provement to be made by the said City ish.$rade-K.....,A118y.._in Block 2; Satalle_.1 B. P erce'0 r Enlargement of Summit _Park _ git,c`kR-s. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be.utade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and .directed to prepare plans and specifications fm' said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...._ _ _ e .:...: 1........19 Pity et k. Approved � — Y _....._19....T i.. ...Maym•. Councilmen Far swo•t}n , s emen' u, tile t.oupoel Jwx lj a objections,and r,n Oa s ateve thereto;.;'end.' QRAI'rlrna 'area tBy the dounoll`of t K, lrr hat the lireciee nature, 'ad sits°. is°w 8radt: J Coll ock.a e3amuet;B pep: eUBLISHCD�— , t,'ot 9u n nit.. park,' to', . . srade and -;;the Con eaald tmDrovemeAt-:ttl. Ir.e1erg ktb. Irks. -and i directedd4� tt1 C •.b.Ien'3or i�18y0r wm'e 9 ubmltt'isame-[r (sl;��that-upom •r%city-od'ecert, •1d;.d1rected to ! g'or sand lop: Qherewlth. 'Amen Dec. 22. 1914. 1914) 1. �m t"'+�,TM3,3e•'�"€3-,^:ra°-�Z,eF.St�,"•a�.rt ' r `?"ar'�';..� r ,.�-��. -- CITY OF ST, PAUL - " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE�� ON,PRELIMIJIARY ORDER (A) 1 — - - - - ------------- ------ - - - - �L` -------------------------------------------- l �'--'- -- - --- - ._ under Preliminary Order approved -------'-u-}------`�-- ------_-----'-' " p� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 503.93 $---------------------" .42 er frOn The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' ®a d 0 d o o TOTAL, ' .,,—_..._..moi. ... -. ...-� -... .. .. _. I - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINtRY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 'ADDITION .Z t! c� /c/ �UI C v✓ j G 2 �G z 1L z ASSESSED VALUATION yJJ, y� s yah � Q U V (O Ci G V G U 6, U C" (y U G G� G /0- G The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report. made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated .._---- --.. 11D. ---- 191_../111. ✓..i/1�1�L u?N��.'-.._ _....._ / Commissioner of Finance CORM B.S- 9-5 C $ , TAU v, . Y { 1 I � 1 C 1 1a t tS J i �uN J/ N 1 �" i36C, PIONEER PRESS co -Common Council and--BO&rd of—Publ`iarlta--- 3 City ty of 4 Gentlemen:._ Fwe, the undersigned owners Of property dohe_rebY__ resp so tf ully petition your honorable bodies to have the Alley in Block 2 Pierces enlargement to,Summit Park GRADED, in said City owners names residence 19 12 13 14 41 —r if 16 J 0 J 0 1W 17 is 20 21 '22 23 J I 2U 27 28 .29 301 31 32 6 i36C, PIONEER PRESS co -Common Council and--BO&rd of—Publ`iarlta--- 3 City ty of 4 Gentlemen:._ Fwe, the undersigned owners Of property dohe_rebY__ resp so tf ully petition your honorable bodies to have the Alley in Block 2 Pierces enlargement to,Summit Park GRADED, in said City owners names residence 19 12 13 14 41 —r if 16 J 0 J 0 1W 17 is 20 21 '22 23 J I 2U 27 28 .29 301 31 32 Office of the Commissioner of. Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance S_el?t_ember.._4...._....._....791..4.r To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No....._1, ,G6.............. approved ..... ... _August.... -a8.. ...... .......... 191.4..., relative to_...ahz......... .. s..:_Englargement°f........................ B.ulmiti.�.....Park.V....................._...._.....__.....................................__.._...... _... ......................................._.... ............................................ ...._............._..........._................ ........................... ....................................... ........:._.._.__................................. .... ................ ..........__................................ ,_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. 493 45 .. `l. The estimated cost thereof is $...... _XXX ........... _, and the total coat thereof is $............ and........_.........._.� the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.__._.._._..:..._..._......:_....................... ........_....... ....._..................._....._........__... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 1................... . f Commissioner oPublic Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. By_. _._ __ ....._.. _....... FINAL ORDER. In the Matte,• or'.. gradingBerkBly avenue from Prior avenue to__,_Josephine, stree ......................._.. ............_._ ..................._._......... under preliminary Order.__.1041. _._ _ _ __...approved Auguet._$th, Interme ttry Order _ _ _._ _. __ __approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recon un endatlolls relative thereto, and having fully considered the s:uue; therefore, be. it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kinin of im- provement to be made by the said City i'. rade Berke..ly avenue from Prier, avenue. to Joeeph..i.ne stre.ett_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be d,ade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That tile, Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvemeut, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby asthnrized eulj directed to proceed With the making of said improvement in actor auce therewith. Adopted by the Council.._..._______........ _ .2 2..19. 1/j ity Cork. �Z — Za l� Approved.. ___.___L9.......... C. F. No: -1399— r - In the matter of grad . nue Pram Prior ave .. .. ...._........ . Councilmen harnsworth G, ss K Ile,• 1I Coll Y erg Mayor p vers Or si i C k - COUNCIL FILE No. By.__.. FINAL ORDER. 111 the Matter if. gradinbBerk6ly avenue from_ Prior., avenue to Josephine, etree under Preliminary Order. 1041 ___ __ _.opproved AUguet.. $th, _1914, InterineAary Order _ _ __ _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and Having fully considered the _ same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inn- .. � provennent to be. made by the said City isn.. _rade Rerkely avenue frog Prior_ avenue to Josephine etree_tlwG 4/f and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be )diode. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and snhmit sane, to the Conneil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city ot3'ie,-rs are hereby authorized aril] direeted to proceed with the laking of said improvement //iu accm ;unee therewith. Adopted by the Comlcil....____...__... ... _..... �...19. . /L/ / 'ity Clerk. Approved_.tZ __._19..__.... _ C. F. 1 199— _ hr the Matter of i grad nue from Prior ave _.. _.. .. _ _ .. _ ... ......._. _. street under-pre],r Mayor. nnprgve8 August ,9tt i ', - diary Order 2662 app t �ollnelllnenl I' m•nswo'th A public hearing '.having 1 upon notice; andtabove. Improv want a rU13L1SI3EEIi�,,.,.,h, uponthethe Council having �d (, SS ll persons, objectigns and recon,) dations relative =thereto � as hereY, s. fully considered •the- same be it }( ljtq• Resolved gy�the Counel:ot, t)ie Ci. of 8t•Paul That the :yreolae nature,:er tent and. kind, of :lmp rovement` to t1 \I Coll mase by the: Bald-,C�iy 1s to grafi: - Rerkely svenae',from Prior avenue',*, Saseyhitte 'street, to the establisher _ grade. aPd,4he council,,hereby: order_ 4P 6e, it-said;iimprpyement:to..be made. ReaolyedPubiic eWo kerbs and belt, stoner ot. Y err hereby ,Instructed, -and diregted: to pr g pare plana and specidcatlons for e: improvement, and osuabin`h Same Mayor P vers app oval, thecil for approval; city oRtcer hrr"bY :,u[h orizer1 end dlrec , rI vith th1• mekinR oP said it nt In r,ll,ncr thea wI I ' ltlir 26-1ira 11 1 - _ CITY OFST. PAUL - DDEPARTMENTNT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF Fl"�40E ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) f _ In the Matter of�a..X.!-s'--`q=`-=`-�-----=---------�---`-"i--=-=- �---------�---'-- ----� - L't=`C'7�--_"--`�---_----"---'---{--.._...-------- --- -.._....-_---- ' under Preliminary Order approved--�------------ (X To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1� 786"70 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $-- 1.0$-""""--'" The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION a y a9 2S coo ids ifs �Of' �'� �2 f .., .. ... �I ronin e.a.�. e•e w TOTAL. .-.-:-P...:....,--�._,.-� � - Osi.�.., CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMF_NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' 40 ON PRELIMINIRY ORDER /aa ��l J1 - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUA7I5N., ' J� /aa ��l J1 4' I �s �o /d'3` '7 d6 I /ff 4 / f'fA - J O u0 o zz o 7 d /� o y Ild G TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISJIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINXRY ORDER (C) p DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA ON The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits, the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /9 Dated - l -le -------------------- --- --191.Li..U,--,f�Z=/ Commissioner o ante. FORM G:9.A. 6.5 C I HENRY E. WEDELST ED' CO. sT TIoNERs N. P— I St. Paul, Minn. June 3 3 TO THE COUNCIL, City of St. Paul. 7 We, the undersigned property owners, respectfully 8 petition your honorable body to have Lydia St. graded,., 9 betreen and Io 12 1- L 17 /74?6 2� h 25[ A -&- L�Is 26 27 'eve 2 a6 is -sit r1r, I�Allrlq Iz Eli Ootober 33, 1914. _....._ ..............._.................................__._....... To the Commissioner, of Finance of the City -of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hall under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ...... 104.1_..approved..... ......... A*4;.'.... 8.3.._.......................191._4.., relative to . _........._gra.ng Berkely...Ave......_from Prior... Ave.....:_to..._Josephine._3t............. :................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. necessary and (or) desirable. $1.08 per front foot 1770 30 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............................._....., and the total cost thereof is I _..._.._............. ... ................., and Exoese inspection $34.70 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... 11 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..............................._.._......................... .......... ... . u. Said improvement is_..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co missioner of PaUlic Works. ceetj 4'eP Je _6 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of grading- DUT'IMP e . treet from St. Anthony avenue to Central October 14th, 1914 under Preliminary Order., approved Intermediary Order ..approved A public hearing having been had Upon the above finproVelliellt uPO" due 11"t'", all(' the Colloe" having heard all persons, objections and reconlill ell dat ions relative thereto, and having fully considered Nie sauce; therefore, be, it RESOLVED, By the Council of they Of St. p11111 that the precise nature, extent and kind of ill'- provement to be made by the said City is, 7,4;,—j Pqnl ap street from St _Anthony avenue to Central avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Con'tilissiolle, of Pablie Works be and lie is hereby instructed and (Iji,ete(I to prepare plans and specifications for Soi,l ilapi-ov,jaelli, and submit sajj, to the Council for approval; that iApon said approval, tile proper city officers are hereby alithorized and direeted to proceed with the making of said iniprov "I iLill eordallee tl eNvith. IL 11 Adopted by the Couileil 9., Y City irk. Approved 19. collneibuen Farnsworth foss KellovC Meoll O'Leary CYoerg Alayor Powers It J ceetj 4'eP Je _6 COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of grading- DUT'IMP e . treet from St. Anthony avenue to Central October 14th, 1914 under Preliminary Order., approved Intermediary Order ..approved A public hearing having been had Upon the above finproVelliellt uPO" due 11"t'", all(' the Colloe" having heard all persons, objections and reconlill ell dat ions relative thereto, and having fully considered Nie sauce; therefore, be, it RESOLVED, By the Council of they Of St. p11111 that the precise nature, extent and kind of ill'- provement to be made by the said City is, 7,4;,—j Pqnl ap street from St _Anthony avenue to Central avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Con'tilissiolle, of Pablie Works be and lie is hereby instructed and (Iji,ete(I to prepare plans and specifications for Soi,l ilapi-ov,jaelli, and submit sajj, to the Council for approval; that iApon said approval, tile proper city officers are hereby alithorized and direeted to proceed with the making of said iniprov "I iLill eordallee tl eNvith. IL 11 Adopted by the Couileil 9., Y City irk. Approved 19. collneibuen Farnsworth foss KellovC Meoll O'Leary CYoerg Alayor Powers Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIFSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) --- —------------- --------------------------- - ------------------- -------------._..------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved --1--.../.f----------����f-.-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 1.55 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - �1 ,� �///. �y�4 1'4o4�u*jtuk!/ � !f ✓�. e_eQQa\<c(%���J� f�(LfY* �iUy c 4L TOTAL,v- IOR�n B.9. A. B-9 A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, n' t and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report mdde to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. U j Dated ----� /{/1� ---- ------191--.:_.. ,- ,_ ....:.� <F ! Commissioner of :.-�-_._..... Finance. r , FORM B.9.A 8.9 C / �- 316 vVAIrtl-"le mal EN Office of tine Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Comujissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, OOtobes..._],4..........191`..., relative to_.........__...__.... cil, known as Council File No. .................._.._.._.......approved...... _................ grading .8 rest from'8t. Anthony Avenue to.Central Avenue. .................._..................... _..............._............__._......_...._.............._............._..._....._....._............._..._......_..__...__.........._........................ ...... ..... ......._......._._............. ........_......................................................... ..................... .......... ........_.............. ........ ........_...._.......... _....__.................._._........... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ra...........:__...._..necessary and (or) desirable. $1.55 per front foot 1b01 ?5 2. The egtimated cost thereof is $ ............. ..................... and the total coat thereof is I _._..._......._......._......_......... and Excess inspection $3$.45 the nature and, extent of said improvement is as follows: .._.......___......._....___...._....... ...... ...........:......:....._............... _._.._...:._._..... ` This estimate provides for one-half the cost of grading the Intern®at_ _other_,_one_-he.lf Is charged to order #3073. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .........._ ... .......... ..................... .............. ............ ..................................... ............._........... ..... ......._._............... ..................... ................. _.... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... ......._.......... ........ .._............._..................:......... ...... Co(uI aioner of Public Works. i, G � Ir � I 1 1it -j COUNCIL FILE NO..._.._._-___. 1 By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of_.arading__and __paying alley in Block 24, Summit Park _Addition. oder Preliminary Order.._1714._.___ ___approved .September 32nd, 1914 _..___. intermedtiary Order _ ____..._ _ _.._.approved __._ _............. r A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the `�sannre; therefore, be it ' hRESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provenrent to be made by the said City is grading_.,.and_paying .alley in Block 24 Summit Park Addition. ......-.... ......... and the. Council hereby -orders said improvement to be Mode. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and a directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the -Council for approval; that: upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized enol directed to proceed with the making of said improver uY i aecoedauee therewith. Adopted by the Council.........____.__..................____:.._19............ ........ City Clerk. Approved._ _____ ]9 .... Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Gess Beller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers i r t a yy ��� fin. yk � 1 � .� I � � I 1 j r [ •' L CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIW{ IARY ORDER In the Matter of 1 11 ----------- _------- Q._........ hem......r..r�c�_f_er�a_C s---�Pf r»ir�� �� � 1.1zSer ----- sam�-.�_ under Preliminary Order approved — -–Lfl�--- .-------------------- ----------- ------------------------- ---- ------ -- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ,The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ - 5 ------ -- , The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - . - - - - -----'-- --- --- - KIND OF PA^ING APPROXIMATE Fc!TIMATF• COST PFR FPONT F^hT. 3j* Creosoted Block $3,671.73 83:06 Brick 3,405.53 2.84 Asphalt 3,059.47 2.55 Asphalt Concrete 2,380.66 1.99 Asphalt macadam 2,087.84 1.74 Macadam 1,755.09 1.47 --Concrete 2,141.08 1.7.9• _ The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of, each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: T. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION. o �.J'-. Al zr� u d TOTAL. I 1 Q ,I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE # M` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIRARY ORDER (C) -VDESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK DD f�40-fl1-�-. ASSESSED VAL TIO)N C A4 .7s Ijs. 1, -,7 s Ck The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated—.---z/Z .6-- —-- ...... 191.y. (/( /=G�/ l I :✓moi _r1J ........... -- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. B -B O Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .............. _Ootob.o.; 29► ..... _....... _....1x1..4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, _....approved__.. _.....- 9ptember 33, 1x7..4.., relative to_the......... known as Council File No..._._._...__......._ grading___andavin_.._oY alley in Slook 34, Summit Park Addition and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ............. .......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............ tea.......... and the total cost thereof is $�.................. ..........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............_...............__....__..._.__....... ... .............. .......... .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch. of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............... ........................._.................... ...... ...... ...... ........... ......._._......_........... ...._...:......_._...__.........._............_._...__ .........................................._....._..................._.... 5. Said improvement is .......... ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............... ............ ............ ........ .._G� l��� ../.............._._.__.... Comm' sinner of Public Works. M. N. GLOSS .T - OSCAR SNCINSSEN CO!®fI55tON6R PUBLIC WO&ICS CITY OF SAINT PAUL a DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Iainn. Oct. 18, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir,- grading and I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost foropaving the alley in Block 24 Summit Park Addition in accordance with Council File #1714, approved Sept. 22, 1914. KIND OF PAVING ( APP :OXILIATE EE 'I:.Al-E " Creosoted Block 03 660.25 Brick 3,394.05 Asphalt 3,047.99 Asphalt concrete 2,369.18 Asphalt macadam 2,076.36 Macadam 1,743.61 Concrete 2,129.60 Assessable frontage 1,198 ft. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. n •HENRr E. WEDESTAEDT CD. j STATIONERS , Si. PIVD. Nlvx. -- - 3 �Q is--- 13 _ tai L 6L> 71 19; D 20 UL21asAN -- I I2621 M� i i 'i tIt; 11 i 1 1_ i i 'i tIt; 11 i eF 1_ Ory Ef. e4 Administrative. An ordinance relating to the carrying out of local public improvements. THE COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF ST..PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Whenever the Council shall by final order direct the making .of any local improvement, the City Clerk shall forthwith upon the approdal and publication thereof, transmit a copy of such order to the Commissioner of Public Works, who shall, as soon thereafter as practicable, prepare plans, specifications . and estimates for such improvement, in accordance with the pro- visions of such final order, and transmit the same, together with s a proper form of resolution, to the Council for approval, and the said plans and specifications shall be immediately endorsed,and filed with the City Clerk in his office. Section 2.As soon as said plane and specifications have been approved by the Council, the City Clerk shall transmit the same, together with a copy of the resolution approving the same, to the Purchasing Agent, who shall endorse and file them in his office, and thereupon advertise for bids f?r the making of said improvement, as provided by Section 349 A of the Charter. In every oase where a contract is let and countersigned by the Comptroller, that officer shall forthwith notify the Commissioner of Public Works in writing of such countersigning. Section 3. Where all bids are rejected and the Commissioner of Public Works ordered to procure the necessary material and perform the work, the said Commissioner ,gall make and transmit to the Pur- chasing Agent an estimate of the kinds and quantities of materiale needed therefor, and the Purchasing Agent shall proceed immediately to purchase such materiel in the manner provided in and by the Charter and ordinances of the City, without any further order or direction from the Council. order to the,iConnatisslonir ofj i'sulh bit. Worki%, who shall. as: Ahersuftet as, practf6abl.pre sulans,,magecifliations, and estimates for ch )r accordane. 'WRI (the p Ions Of such Anal order , , " 'together e, -Oper rerne -,,of re3 COM u " :,; � Works Shall Cause Section 4. Said _ncla for approval . and , , d mpeciffeatlan, h, diatelY endorsed and file careful accounts to be kept in' 11,r), in his office. 'he Comptroller may pre - SECTION 2. L soon as. said plans ar he, has. -PPr 0, _.I]. the. City Cl it - except scribe, showing in detail the __ I; r o el'.ablic improvement, 1% to cth%g�lth �$� approvI .1, in a case where a lump sum contra; - and on completion of any such improvement, the Commissioner of Public Works shall - file with the Comptroller for audit, a complete statement -in detail of the cost of each improvement where the work is done by city force account or on the basis of force account by a contractor who is to receive a certain percentage of the cost. Section 5. After having caused such Statement to be audit- ed and corrected, the Comtroller shall forward it to the Commissioner of Finance. Where the work is to be done by contract for a specified lump sum, the Comptroller, as soon as he has received and counter- signed such contract, shall certify to the Commissioner of Finance a statement giving the name and nature of the improvement, contract price, date of countersignature, the amount of any appropriation made from the General Fund in aid of such improvement, and such other in- formation as may be needed in order to enable the Commissioner of Finance and the Council to make an assessment against benefited property for such improvement. In either case, the CommisBioner'of Finance shall proceed with due diligence to make a preliminary assess- ment against benefited property in the manner provided by the Charter. Section 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon- sistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 7, Eby the council YEAS. NAYS, MR. FARNSWORTH McGOIJ, 4 A 1 " I tR 4 An ordinance in reference to bidders' and contractors' 0 bonds. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. All bids for the making of any local Improve- ment or the furnishing of property or material for such improvement, all bids for the construction of any building or structure whatsoever, or the making of any addition thereto, and all formal bids for supplies must be accompanied by a bidder's bond on the part of the bidder, in a sum equal to twenty per cent. of the amount bid, or a certified check for ten per cent, of such bid. Said bond shall be conditioned that in case, 0the bid of the said bidder shall be accept- ed.-and ccept-ed, and the contract awarded to him, said bidder shall enter into a contract with the City'o3 St. Paul to perform said work, and shall execute the said work for the price mentionedIn his bid said in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, -and said bond shall be duly signed and acknowledged by said bidder and two or more sufficient sureties. The sureties on said bond shall each take and subscribe an oath that he is a resident of the State of Minnesota, and that he is seized in fee of real estate situated in said State and not exempt by law from sale T execution, of the value and worth over and above all encumbrances thereon, the sum for which he justifies.on said bond. Any surety or guaranty com- pany licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota may become _ sole surety on any such bidder's band. i Section 2. In case any bidder to whom a contract has been awarded shall refuse to enter into a contract within ten days after he has been notified by the Corporation Counsel that the same is ready for execution on the part of said bidder, he shall forfeit to the City his bidder's bond or certified check deposited in lieu of a bidder's bond, as ascertained and liquidated damages for such failure. Section 3. Before any contract whatever for the doing of any work whatever or for furnishing any material or supplies oP the kind or quantity specified in Section one (1) of this ordinance, shall be valid for any purpose, the contractor shall enter into a bond with said City, in the form prescribed for bonds of public con- tractors by the General Laws of this State, which bond shall be in an amount not less than the contract price agreed to be paid for the performance of such contract,( and shall be duly signed and acknow- ledged by such contractor,/ with two or more sufficient sureties, 021, a guaranty or surety company in lieu of such individual sureties, who shall justify in the manner and form prescribed in Section one hereof, and which sureties shall be approved by the Mayor of the City,. The said bond shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corpor- ation Counsel, and shall be filed with the contract in the office of V the City Comptroller. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in 31'93—Ordl> auce No 3347—By SL N."C9oss— foroe thirty days after its passage An otdinance in reterenc to bidder.' and ebntracto s' bonds: 'rho 'Council of the.Clty'gt' St. Paul' do 6. rdal. Passed by the Council Yeas '3T7F�. Mr. Farnsworth I ' ^J® '4.' Goss y� Fyr Keller McColl �k. Yoerg Nays, 0 Mr. President (Powers) Approved• Mayor, COUNCIL FILE N0.__...... 13y.... ....... A FINAL ORDER. Ili the Matter in, Block, 3, Hamline,,.Syn4iCE,t8 Addition No,2- ......... . . . . .... .... under Preliminary Ord'e,. 17.34. ...... .. ....approved 618PA8IKIbOT 20;Id, 1914. - Intermediary Order . . ....... .....approved ......... ... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heardall persons, objections and recommendations relative thoreto, and having fully considered We same; therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of ,,,t. pa III that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement s in Block 3, Hamline provquient to be made by the said City is..gradt:?,�- A Bypdicate Addition No. S. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, ;Ili([ submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and 1111 Teted to proceed with the making of said improvement 4in 'accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council114 , City r k' 19/ Z�� 6-1i�t4 N 31 9 .1 Mayor. C. F. a. In th., Matter of grading three alloys , In . Biock.Syndicate Ad - Councilmen Fit 11 v dftipn,:No. -2, under.--, -b der 1734',..pi) c� 22.d; G upon'the'"Abdxe, 161ROvduo K thoCl III oilof St.Yatil *Un.W-.o x 7- end kind o1 frgD;ppvement t6 bej -#ant Made, gr446.010i 'three alleys In"'J3166k.) �:Harnllna$yn�, Alcat6 Addition 'N&., Z to the estab- lished grade and the Council hereby or- e -g ders said Improvement to be mado. Resolved FuAther, That the C—nal- atom .r of Puldi. Work. be —d he 1. Mayor ers hereby Instruetld and pure. mans and speer 'jIteetedfc. 11e , ez,� to the ('u—il far approval; that up— said eppr—M, the Proper city offl—rs are nd rected to Pro- hereby authorized a , e,ed with the malcing of sell I 'prove- ment in ac dance therew i Ad Y theen Dec. i3, 1914. Adopted by 0�13914. De6C - �Approved 3 PP l CITY 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMOSIONER OF "FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of - S 02 x . ------------- ----- – under Preliminary Order approved ---'--- -- -- - -'------------- To the Council of the City -of'St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— The estimated Cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION .1 7F I s 0 1�1 fI � Q d, _TOTAL. i• tt U . . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART NT OF FINANCE - REPORTOF COMI$SIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO7N t a �s a r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --- f - -----19Lr:-- -- CommissionerofFinance. roam e.e.w. ..-n c 1 S SM :)I18fid 30 N. NOISS N 3,, uaqb/ 1161 9 I d3S s v° 0, CA- ,I A-- �.t,(-d 1914 +" ¢� S 9A PAUL, 4. 4 -7, ��i S�118(Idi083NOISS 'S , U�i SOJ �N //�/- ti161 9 I d3S i S53 .t COUNCIL FILE NO. ... FINAL ORDER. In th., Matter of ... gr.ading.._alxld.._gT.a-reling_..GZ'.@_-tin &venue.. frol>1..._st%?4m..t.._&vei�tue ............... ....... under Preliminary Order__...... ............. ....... _approved A s . 3 d 1914...... _ .. ...... ........... approved .. ........ ._ . Interrue�iary -Order ................_........... _... _.... .. PP .......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council nd recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the having heard all persons, objections a same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that three precise nature,stent and d ink provenrent to beade by the said City. is -6. ..- -. - (/ J C(il "R, xnd'the Council hereby orders said imprrovement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and ations for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for directed to prepare plans and specific approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council___...... - Cleik. APProved__1... 19,....�j� y� .......... - - " Mayor. Councilmen Mayor i CITY OP ST. PAUL -1 - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIPNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA,IY ORDER. ai under Preliminary Order approved -- moo......? - - -�y --- --- ---------------------------- -- ---- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--3 ' 405.82 $ .say The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of . each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -""""•�"" DESCRIPTION LOT 13LOCK'�, - ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION V U f,G 0 0 v. 3`b U I 0- --._ _ 7774--4-1 —}—_.�—_---- TOTAL I CITY OF ST. PAUL .. _ DEPARTMENT.OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSI NER OF FINANCE w ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , - (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED blk l r. all , .5'�' o 24 �II p i ,/J III /�'„%/% /v G✓/dJ0 �� ,�%/lrri ), ✓� i , ' i�.OI��L �� oL o. v. o . i J r I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by4he Commissioner of Public Works. [/ Dated,v'��il!�— CommissionerFinance.. .of Office of the CommissiSner �of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _..S.eP..t.Q 'be.....3,._..............1x1.4.,. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil,known as Council File No ............. 981. ........ .. approved. _.__.ii.LlgL14.._.,.3... ........ ..... ............. 1974......, relative to..._the........._. and....gxay.e.1j:r3g ..of.....Cre_tin...Ase........£.r.�t>1....8lunrz it....A.P..e..._t.o.....ut.,.......C.7 a.� r and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......................necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is $_......._:{.,:;...., and the total cost thereof is $._3..,396.,_80._,.....,, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................... ...... ... .... ...... ...................................... ........................................ ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........ ...... ......... ......... ....... ..........._............_......._.........:.._....._.............__......................................_...._..._.........._........................._ o. Said improvement is._ ......... A0 ........... asked for upon petition of three or -more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. O Com ias oner of Public Works. �., 396 r COUNCIL FILE N0. _...__....__. _ By FINAL ORDER. III the Matter ot.. grad.i.ng. Vandalia street from the _._..out.herl_y end_._of....___._... ti ss_ 1° g— tom �cot...bridle _over Chicago, Milwaukee and St. _P aw Ry... to St. Anthony avenue. under Prelnuuiarr, der. -1080 _ __.__.approved AUgUst_8.th, 1914,. ._._.. Interute(tary Order _..._approved ___... A public hearing having 6,.,.,, had iipou the above improvement upon due notice, and the Cotnteil having heard all persons, objeetioas awl r, voinniendations relative Ihereto, and having fully considered the. same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the ('.ity of St. Yaul that the precise uahue, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is grii.L(P_• Vandalia street from the southerly and .................._..... of approach to foot bridge over Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. to St. Anthony -avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to lit, H,aa,1r. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of 1'ublie Work, be 1,11,1 he is hereby instructed avid directed, -to prepare plans and specifications for said uprovement, mvl Submit s,nne to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authot•ized acid to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council........_G G�--�_5 / py [[ (lark. Approved....1......4.__�.___ ..._19�.V � c.F: xo sips— = Mayor. . In -thid -Matter of:, gradlag }{rgp ate, street;irotn thS'spufherly add p•, Councilmen Fa isworth proaoh to 'ilia, over ;oh pagep; Mnweifkee and'".8f• Paul -r, _ omer'ly avenge ,�pader Prellminary.' (i a Iot�4er �, IOaO aDytoved,iA¢i;nef •'"8ty„ �1�DubliC hearlaB� haYIng been •.had upon';t)te abovalntproveme¢t updn, $ue r K llet pouoer and the Connell having hesr� all persona obJectlona and recotpma8:� - / d 'fully ndi sidered theretq gad 6ayt^e be iv coueldered the dame therefore. �(".oil be it Resolved 8y tho CoaaoB of the Clty. oft Paul that the.DS@o14a ngtura, Rae' teat and k(nd df It ra nOnt to -be . A della by.: t j* *rem°ihte 8n• W@r] aengBo! Ia�y;oadh:,to� toot b><Ic��4ovvr �i161aago. Y rg 1�nwapk4A and 8t. -Pa 1 Ryy to .lit. An= 4thonq.pveave to fhe::q�fa¢Ilebed'gr a1w and tqe-.Copaatl gat�bq• prgerj, yid,'. Mayor P era iRprovotiisnt to be.;made•- _ M.oived Vnher',That R}{R'Commis- ' (( ion r.�ot; bif W„orlias it0 nndF hw,ir�r t heraby'-lf+pt oted pad dl eofed"`to Drs+, fI parg, vianY and spgdiflea ons for secitj; 1 .. morove"lNent ,nna�....e a. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j ` — In the Matter of�, Tq-9�1.lcu — -------------------- under Preliminary Order approved-- ------- ----/ll f---------------""' --- ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 69$ 1�—_—_-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 1.31 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED � VALUATION TOTAL, U 2 FORM -.A. B -D The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _-._...���--- ---..191`.'.. �._'� Commissioner of Finance. x C ;> , I 7 1 5 y R s J i J < t x Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 33+......._ ..............791.4• To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:. The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cousideration the preliminary order of the Conn- eil, known as Council File No....._lO6O.............. approved ..... ..... Au$s...._8.a.__....... ..... ........._...191.4.., relative to ............................ arom..._the..._southerlY....ond.._QY..._aPEroaah.._t_o..._Po...... ....:... b.ridge..._airexS.t....... Antbo»9..,eve..,................. _......... ...................._. _... ......................... ................................ .._........................ ...................... _......... ...... ...._........... ................ ............................. ............... _.............. ............... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._.._........necessary and (or) desirable. X1.31 per front foot 690-50 Z. The estimated cost thereof is $ ....:...................... and the total cost thereof is ...................................:.........., and Excess inspection $3.50 the nature,_and extent3 of said improvement is as follows: ... ... ............ ...:..... ...... p ...._..........._... ...................................... _........_............._......._._......_............ __........_............. ............................... ...._ _............ _......... . _............ ............................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #.... ..... .........................._..:......_......................................_............_......................_..._:.................._...............__............._..................::............_..............................._.................. b. Said improvement ie........_nt'..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comm' siouer of Public Rorke. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OITY OLERWS OFFIOE Jan.'13th,1915. Ron. H. H. Goes, Cosmr. of Public Vlorks, C ity of St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - The attached Mal Order C. F. 3196 for the 1 grading of Vandalia St. from southerly and of bridge over Chicago, Miwa#koe and St.Paul Ry to St. Anthony Ave. was laid over two weeks to January 26th, 1915, by the Council at its meeting held on Jan. 12th,1915. A number of resident proporty owners was present at the meeting and objected to the grading for the reason that they had paid for the grading of this street about four years ago . Yours truly, L D ity Clerk. �tftTZ' hk 0. T Flu A i Nar" AMR too 7 11A ............. MINt3 ............ AAA Not '2010, UT Atolls: —w i hoc, Ogg 7 4 not MASON= 514W .; I I-, � Y'I; hk 1 Nov, too 7 11A Imm Uwk AAA Not '2010, UT Atolls: —w ---as AN - hoc, Ogg SOHSi-Z. H'ARIOY. Oetc OUIDac CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY OXAMK'6 01F8'ICE Ir}��L�'JJ1nD���LJJJJIOI3 'JAN JJ11CAN 5 915 J Hon. Pd. H. Goss, � iy M. N. GOSS Cosmr. of Public Works, C"MISSIONEROFPUSLICWORkS 0 ity of St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - The attached Final Order C. F. 3196 for the grading of Vandalia St. from southerly end of bridge over Chicago, Milwal}kee and St.Paul Ry to St. Anthony Ave. was laid over two weeks to January 26th, 1915, by the Council at its meeting held on Jan. 12th,1915. A number of resident property owners was present at the meeting and objected to the grading for the reason that they had paid for the grading of this street about four years ago-. _ Yours truly, C ity Clerk. � St.Paul, Minn. Jan. 21, 1915. I rr,n Mr. M. N. Goes,���L,�' Commissioner of Public Works. JAN 2 2 191 J City. M. N. GOSS, Dear Sir:- _ COUISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS Referring to the attap4ed file on the matter of grading Vandalia St. from the southerly end of the approach to foot bridge over the C. M. & St.P. Railway to St. Anthony Ave. on November 24, 1908 a final order Bd.F. #28804 -was passed for grading Vandalia St. from University Ave. to 8t. Anthony Ave. and Cretin Ave, from St. Anthony Ave. to the river. The contract was let for this work in 1909. The following reservation was made in the oontraot, "The right is hereby reserved to reduce the number of ou. yds. called for to make the .embankment for the south approach to the R.R. so that total cost of improvement will not exceed the amount that can be raised by assessment against the abutting property, but otherwise the improvement is to be made complete according to plans and specifications." This reservation was taken advantage of, and the south approach to the railroad wase ompleted.. The socompanying blue -print shows in shaded white the part that was completed and in red, the part"not com- pleted. The cost was assessed against the property owners at the rate of 95.8 per front foot,, with the exception of the property owners be- tween south line of Milwaukee R.R. Right of Way and St.' Anthony Avaq, which is the part now under controversy. The assessment was reduced on this stretch to conform to the benefits as shown in the following table, which gives the description of the property, the actual front- age and the reduodd frontage assessed, actual amount each paid, and the amount they would have paid at the rate used for assessment if . U their entire frontage had been charged. Lot Blk. Description Frontage Frontage Assessment Full --—-—— —————————-——assessed__paid ___Assessment._ 1 1 Merriam Pk 5th 1401 15' $14.37 134.12 1 a 11" " " 140' 32' 30.66 134.18 20 2 " " " 140' 84' 80.47 134.12 168 Hewitt Outlots 576' 136' 130.89 551.81 The Milwaukee Bridge abutments were only completed last year and the approachea to the bridge filled, and the order contained in these papers contemplates completing the street. The work is now more costly on account of the dirt havidg to be hauled in. Yaors truly, Office Engineer. bn the Matter of..._gr.O.Ing_Hand _.etreet: Prow,_. Front street to_.)�dar.ylapd street. under Preliminary Order..__ 1737...... ......approved _ $gptembeT 22nd, A14. Intermediary Order __.__ _ approved _ _. _. _....... ......... __.... ......... ....._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered Nie same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City isA._grad.e-. Hand BtTeet from Front Btreet to Biargland.._.a tre.et.�_...� . ria ::f/• and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner or Public Works he and he is hereby instructed and a directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for i approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed F iyith the making of said improvennent in aced• lance therewith. Adopted by:.the Council ...____.. 191 Clerk Approved...% Z_' Mayor. Councilmen 1llayor 1111111111 e 00': CITY OF ST. PAUL .DEPARTMENTF FINANCE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of�F�L(V -------------`--------- — ---------------------------..._--- —--------- ------ 0------------ under Preliminary Order approved ------'--------z-C...i.....-.....------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ' The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $4,147.74 --- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - _ _ _ $ .940 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: C DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION IL 0 �j o711 ell /0 0 TOTAL ronM es.w. app a �� 1 - Q CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ASSESSED VA UA ION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 'ADDITION &Zup k« 04 J 2 J� L14 F° f ,s dQ zy u 0,1 9 � 0 �• TOTAL, % CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ' .a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (B) -- c DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION — ASSESSED ;. VAL A'LI 7k all, /is 22 ji " ._. TOTAL.. _L� ✓ '. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --- _-=-- —_-"- DESCRIPT PON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA 4 ATI N _. .Y. ]?N- Q- . AP -7 4 /u.eZa LAa b et u Z, 1-41 A!/ u iY 1 do 1 IK do /0 TOTAL. CITY OF 5T. PAUL - DEPARTMENT Cr FINANCE ♦ D REPORT OF OOMMISSIONER.-OF FINANCE - ON PRE=LIMINARY ORDER ii DESCRIPTION LOT HLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 0,_ do jo The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference. to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—---/ / d - 191. N 1 �/JiJ/L!�G�;_..--- - - - -- Commissioner of, Finance. 1 Office of the. Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance r to:. a.r...._=:a.., _.................... ...791_ Y,. To the Cmmuissioner of Finance of the City *J St. Paulo, The Counuissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coma- 17 37 r�r,taG'aer 4 C; t'' cil, known as Council File Na._.........._=..................approved....__...._"+........................................_........_...191........., relative to_.....:..._.,......... raciir. of i end...Otleet trot;; Fro :t Street _to.._ eE-2:Ylend i:�reet ... ...... ...... _.............._.............................. .................. ................. . ..................... _.............. _..................... ................................................................. . n ................. _........ _...... ......._.._......._._................................ ..—__..............................._............................... _........ and having lhvestigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... .....................necessary and (or) desirable. 4102.64 'l. The estimated cost thereof is .............`.7.r. and the total coat thereof is..........._.............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................................. ................ ........_............... .......... ......._......... ... .... ............. ......................... ............. ....._.:........ ._.......................... ._..................... ............. ..... ............................. ..._........._. __................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. . ..... 5. Said improvement is .......... r�A.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _....................... .. _........ ,._....._..__..... .._............................ A mmiss• ner of Public Works. o P FINAL ORDER. L, the matter of _._grading_Pierce,. avenue from Brompton street to Como avenue West. under Preliminary Order, 10Q _.__.' -..approved Au.et....4th, 1914. luternnediary Order _ __ _.. ___..._... ._ _ _-approved _..._ __........_. __... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered trine same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pail that the precise nature, extent and kind of iii,- provenrent to be made by the said City is-, grade _ Pierce. avenue from Brompton_ street to_.Gomo...avenue west, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and speeifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers arr hereby authorized and directed, to proceed . with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council19./X (/ City Clerk. Approved_ Mayor. aisa,— Coune]lmen M sworth In {he Matter of gtnd4ng Elerce avenu0, from!��Bromyton, street to Como aoe_: O s / Ile]' 't.011 erg Mayor vers CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ^Ap REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA CE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Maffei of Y--- -- - - --- �'^LYS -- --- - under Preliminary Order approved --/ll------ �5-------------------------'� ----------------------------------'-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the sea m nt for the bove improvement is graded to present establiied gra e. $-12996.`$9 if — The estimated cost if graded to proposed change of grade is $1,455.19 -_ The estimated cost rex front fnot if vrRAQd to proposed grade .55¢ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for, such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the -Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 0. Aj .'Z-3, ZJ 2 Al Al TOTAL. FORM B.B.A. B -B A f The Council also has under consideration an alternative for the grading of Pierce.avenue from Brompton street to Como avenue west, if graded to proposed change of grade the estimated cost thereof being $1,455.19. The Council also has under consideration an alternative for the grading of Pierce avenue from Brompton street to Como avenue West, if-,— graded to proposed change of grade the estimate cost thereof being $1,455.19. ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS$IPNER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION �- LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .7 1J7 .7- d� Yc J. U J i L cl, C3 G O 24 l JG o�y.2) and �Ju i a �� YJ'0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, I and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council', together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— _lLy( -------------191-- rv�..11i -- -- ---- .......... Commissioner of Finance. FORM 9.9.n- 6-5 c St. Paul, Minn. July 22, 1914. ® To the Honorable City Commission-: of St. Paul,. We, the undersigned owners of property abutting on Pierce Ave., respectfully request the the a000rding to'the grade recently established. The improvement is greatly needed that water mains may be put in this fall. We would suggest a roadway twenty-seven (27) feet wide, with the remainder of the street for walks and boulevards. We would also suggest that the surplus dirt in grading could be used to fill a low alley in the blook,making a very short haul and lee- sening greatly the , ex�enee of improvement: Gu rr V / t2q A a� OSCAR CLAUSSEN' n M. N. GOSS telae sece+een CO)O[ISStON81 rmw .0.= , CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Aug. IT, 1914. Mr. M. H. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, 0 I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimates of cost for the gradin of Pierce St. from Brompton St. to Como Ave,. West, in accordance with Council File #140, approved Aug. 4, 1914. As a change of grade is pending for this street, I have prepared two estimates, as follows: The estimated cost of grading to proposed change of \ grade, as asked for in attached petition, is: Approximate estimate1'443 30 Assessable frontage Ea Excess inspection necessary $10.70 The estimated cost of grading to present established grade is: Approximate estimate $1,984.40 Assessable frontage 2,6.3ft. Excess ins.peotion necessary $9 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of, Public, Works Report to Commissioner. of Finance ......._..._............._9VflSet..._17.a..........:191_ _ 4 To the Commissioner of Finance" of the City -of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- A. cil, known as Council File No......�Q�Q.............. approved .,._..._..A .O-t 4......... .........191..., relative to..... _l. H_..... Q�( L =-.e..... _....... .................. ... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ........ _ ... necessary and (or) desirable. XXX.,,_, and the tota S. The cost thereof is $ ...._........_l.> 443_t 30. and estimated cost thereof is $_._...........-- - the nature and extent of said improvement is as'follows: ............... u h of said improvement is hereto attached and made 3. A plan, profile or sketc•a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is_........... ..... .._.......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. mmissiouer o€ Public Works. d COUNCIL FILE NO. _ __._._ >3y _. _.. FINAL ORDER. In the mutter ,f..__.. grllding Hyac. n. th._ etgeet .from Fdgerton _streltq.-Payn6 _....8Y.eIlLle..._:.._. ...___.. ___... .__._._. _._.._ _..__......_ _. _.._. .._..............._. .....__.... under Preliminary Order....2408_._:.....approved....___NOVember 6th, 1914.. .... f Intermediary Order .......__ ..... ... ...__ _..approved ...._. -._..... .... ........... . ... _. _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upoif due notice, and the Council i having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered tdre .same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im , provement to be made by the said City is gract:�-:_...Iiye,9�n.th street from Edgerton _street 1� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city'officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.....__..._..._._.J.... _7......19./' City Clerk: Approved ..._/A?-1_.'._.�L...3__.1J _.�. Mayor. Councilmen Far worth Gos Kel .r i4lc 11 Yo MayorPo rs - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIaSIONER OF FINANPf ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a In the Matter of -26, ----------------------------- ----- ----------- --------------------- n/-�--- (/- Order F--`+`--+------- -- --- - /-"----" ----------.._--------------- --------- - - ----------------- ------------- — under Preliminary approved -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ al 418 . a 6 -----_ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as lag,t reported by the Assessor, are as foljaws: . - 'i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A :vim s��� o 3P CIO J Iy� y all, T 0/6 `/ ✓ ` V TOTAL �, CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT QF COMMISA51ONER OF FINANCE ON .PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _ _- ��""` ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION VALU TION 7_�)A -�-- d� All 64 ! s / I (r 1 s J% -Th2J% - The e Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him )refe I rence to said /matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / /� _............ —= y Commissioner of Finance. T,ENNT E. WEDELSTAEOT CO. STATIONERS - ST. PAUL Nixx. atPaul.,-Minn, --- -- - ---- 2 Ta._the._Honorable _City ._CounciL• 3� St. Paul, Minn,_ -- - - ---- ` <. fLentlemen: - - - - - - I the_uradersgned, property ow_n.exa_re�iding_on Hyacinth -.St. I I between -Edgerton _St, and -Payne Ave., respectfully ask_ that your _honorable -body -oause- said _street_ to be _graded._, -- - ---- - -- NnmeA _ - Lfl_H1k. - Addition._ 12 14 %! I 6. 1914 22 23. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 8406.._.........approved.. ....__._NovembBT...6.x.._...........191._4., relative to .... .............. ....:..._. cil, known as Council File No ........................ radin H ninth Street from E erton Street to Payne Avanue B_............._....&._...._Ya......................_....._................................................_.............................................. ........._......_........... ..... ................ ............ ............................... .............................. _._....._ ..... ................................................................................................. u ......... ....... .................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. $8.18 Per front foot • 8407.60......, and •L. The estimated cost thereof is $............................ and the total coat thereof �s �................. . the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._ ...... ........... ................................ -... .................. ........_....... .............. .... ............. ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....... .......... .......................__.......... .................. ............. ............... c......... _ COUNCIL FILE NO. .__.___._........ ..... : By......_.._._:......___........_.._....._ .... ......... f FINAL ORDER. In the clatter of.gradin�._.FaugUier.. street fromRennard street to White Bear avenue and Flandreau street from Seventh street to Minnehaha St., trader Preliminary Order.9.3approv d J.u1X 30th, Intermediary Order 1..... _ ....._..approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that tilt, precise nature, extent and kind of imn- provement to be node by the said City is grade'"'_....Fauquisr_._s.tr.es.t....fr.om....Kennard.....str.eet to 4�'hi.t.e. Bear....avenue and -Fl reau -street from.... Seventh etre.et..._to_&linn:ehaha $t. and the Council hereby orders slid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby iiifthorized and directed to proceed with -the snaking of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ 19 Clerk. Approved_._.`......__14).(..... Mayor. Councilmenfers Mayor CITY O ' ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF OOMMI - IONE "16, FINANCE - `.' ON PRELIM�RY ORDER 20 /----------------..'----_ under Preliminary Order approved — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ .990 ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuationof e each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ...,,, .... _ .. ,.. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /G a (CYC � � o� �%✓ �3` 2 d, 3 Z /J, o a TOTAL, - CITY OF ST. PAUL - ., --- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Y ON PRELIMI RY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION A VALULU TION . 02 / Z HiQ ., .. ✓f U . zea y U /J Gid /,Z S`. 41 ? J C4 TOTAL, {, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ON PRELIM I RY ORDER - ----_ ----:.---T-.- _-_ I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION R J .26 e1� z ma 2f Z Q� °Zf a a. (XO /d`d.. all Cp Fye_ U all, /L �o /o`o ,. - - TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL � 7 � _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /- Dated-- .1-1.— -- --191 T �%•NL-:/1��L11�! ...� -- Commissioner of Finance. ronK es.�. e -e c DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS`' ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAARY ORDER - (C) -�''--�-- -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED. VALUATION � 7 � _ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /- Dated-- .1-1.— -- --191 T �%•NL-:/1��L11�! ...� -- Commissioner of Finance. ronK es.�. e -e c Office of the `Commiss oner of Public Works Report /to Commissioner of Finance Oatober,.._al.x... _....._......._1914!. To the Cmnmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- Jul 30, _....., ....... ..._.._. cil, known as Council File No..._833 approved... _ _.......... ... . ..... .1914relative to gradin Fauquier Street Yrom Kennard Street to White Bear kvenue, 6. .. ....._............... . ........ . and. Flandreau_8treat Yrom.:_Seventh Street to Minnehaha Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....._. ..... ... ......necessary and (or) desirable. 99¢ per front foot 4344 ....._., and the total cost thereof is {....._.._._ ......:...:........___., and 1. The estimated coat thereof is .........................Exoeee inepeotion $83.00 ............................................_ ......._................. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ............. ........... ..._....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. q _...._........_(I�..._(r.._..._......._......... ..._ ............_...._..:.......... ...._.._................._. _._. ('omuilssioner of Public Works. :�i.�r � /_ :✓, °. :tip ff� , / � i �; . ��.z ,, /:'��.,.c..�?� CITY OF'"ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESQLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sublecr._201 ... COUNCIL w�, FILE NO. ...... Date Presented- ...Dec .1 :! Resolution authorizing :he drawing of a warrant in favor a& -the Commissioner of Finance for $72.67, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, for the purchase for cash of United States Government license for the auditorium ($66.67) running for eight months from November 11 1914 to June '30th, 1915; and State lioenses for two automobiles ($6.00), charge- able to the Department of Bducation-Auditorium and Department of Education -Bureau of Schools, respectively. Yeas 00 Cou lmen (6) Nays Far n orth / Gos In favor el c I Against Yoe Mr. President, wers Adopted by the Council %_ _ _ 191f Approved _ - `� 191 y- - -- - - --- MAYOR f CITY OF ST. PAUL 3,202 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _.... _ Sub} 1?RO�IING .AWARD:OF CONTRACT_ 320COUNCILNO......'...... ..... ..._.... _.... _................. ...... .... ...._..._ Date PresentedDe101_2 , 4 ..._191--......-- . / 4-`- - Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for 216,250 pounds of extra strong lead pipe to the Northwestern Shot & orks for the sum of $9147.38, be, and is he by confirmed and approved and the Corporation Counsel is hereby'authorized and empowered to draft and submit the proper 'form of contr.rct therefor.:. C. F. No. 3202-13y O. E. Keller— Resolved, That the action t the ,3 Purchnsing Committee in o.—ding the contract for 216,260 pounda of extra strong lead pipe. to the Northwcetern' Shot & Lead Works for the cum f $9147.38, be, and Is he c..I, d d approved and the Corporation Counsel le hereby authorized a d et— powered t - powered to draft and ub_It the proper formof contract therefor. Adopted I" the Council Dec. 23, 1914. Approved Dec. 23, 1914. (Dec. 26-1914) Yeas (I) kh (f) Nays _1 In favor _Against Mr. Presi Fo,M C.9-2 ' C Adopted by the Council r Approved L _ CITY OF ST. PAUL o, Y ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT.. P AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM FouseiL o ILE NO -8 BEC 2.3 1914 r,..�e. LE. AUDITED ,9i_ - {PE , irtEr 156 n Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the bereinafter specified funds im for opposite their respective names as smcified in the following' detail in favor of the persons, firms or corporations the amounts set ' statement: Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council--- , Farnsworth App - 9L;, Goss In favor Keller . M_n_n. --_. Against w■ t k Yoerg Mr. President, Powers, ` C. F. No.. 320a— Resolved that warran s gble out o1 P Y e § ' . upon the City- Treasury. the heretnaiter spectded. funds and, in ramou uvbpoef e ' tlone for tithe tre aeocit went ed do ^�o t j -ther 4hei Eollowtng�detal e fl8stat Special ,F,unds: WaterDepr. in In ' :Fa neworth..,# i- S A; -Fand ACcollt4t Com. of Firiauce, E4014T9.98' 1914y liY the Covnctl Dec. 23,,,. - - i5, Adopted -Approved:=Dec 23, 1191 26-1914) A+ -• r - L - -.. _ - Up/•/ Special Funds. i�1y Water Dept. Sinking Fund.Account 76 l S. A. Farnsa+orth, Com. of Finance, 40,479.98 Tot i. t 41 b � Mr. Herrold. Council PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and �4 eJ® PRELIMINARY ORD The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the lowing public improvement b ` be City of $t. Paul, viz.:.caAdemning.....and..._taking....an.... seine.nt...:.i-11 the._..1_and_.. ce;asar'Y.._.fox...-a 1 ; a+r t> P .enter li.ne.....o.f.....aai.d.. .. xip....be.ing.....the._..c.e.nter . across lot 7 block 9 A ton'& Sherburne'/,- t_ion,to_._thetw.esterl,yline r.... of LlOrient Street. '191 -4- 22nd- i Dated this......_._....day f .. D.ec..emb.er... . it U PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:C..o.nCle1Lni.ng.....and taking an easement .in..._the._._land_.ne_ce. _e. y......fo.r._..a_..sex'ter.....a...atxi.p_:..15!..._.in-width _.... the center_..line of.said p.._bein ....the ..c_e.nt_es._..line._ o.f....Arch.._.S.t-.:....Pr.oduced .............._....._.....................: .._..._.................. easterly_._,_fromt_he._.._east.,..a_i na__..O.f._.C.a.l.uzrkz.i.a_..St......_.ac.ros e.__lo.t._...7.....black .. 9.,.._..Asht on 1 Sherburne's Addition to the wegt_erl.y..__line..._o£..._V..Qri_ent.....5t.r.eat............................... .................... ..............._................................................. .... ....................._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .._.......... ....... ........_........................_...._..;..._--------- ._.. ; therefore, be it °" en propoeffov., the RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of..•P,he ionowmg hoprove .... � hereby ordered and directed: ',inning and taking gn ey 0we- 1. To investigate the necessity for Iii• °Ilanv natneiherC ,ants, no oc of said improvement. 1p being the center tma Qt.�tprovemeut, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, exte�l o c..ed s t or ea'idt 71 �Bhtonh a 8herSt or- Addition 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skj; ejte nY acmes Lo inen c tun, %:. ' been P be . said im rove;neut:,.......... ........._......... d. To furnish lhe, following otltct el aa, Tpui Ponthommlesioner oL. P c works be and be Is her- Y and directed: r ....... ... ...... ...... - o InvestlBate, the nece�.ci...._........ ' rnb111tY of ..th maA''= 5. To state whether or not said If';`entent. : 1 for on the petition of three or more owners. 1 sonans' 1ge.te 6. To report upon all..of the foregp - „to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............. ... ...... ... 191....._ Yeas: Nays: 1 -CouncilmantFasworth Approved...._�...��Mayor Mayor. e�� Resolved, That the City of St. Paul hereby consents to the sale by the executors of the Estate of Henry Hale, deceased, of the following described real estate, to -wit: The northerly forty-eight feet of the southerly one hundred feet of Lot 9 in Block 6, St. Paul Proper, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, for the consideration o5, Sixty Thousand ollars ($60,000.00). \ C:-F..No. 8206-.. -_ Paul Proper.-ccordinq to the plat thera0 on file and of record In the of - flee of the Register of Deeds of Ram- say County. Minnesota, for the consld- Sixty ,eration of and Dollars ($60,000O0)lessthan et theeU.- derstandtnq that any sale of such property.ehull, not be confirmed by thej _. . 1 Probate Court-untl1 ten peye after the Passage hereof. Adopted' by the Con11 D.I. 31. 1014.1 ` 1 Approved Jan. 2. 1916. `ncilmen Yeas ( 1'') C, (0, Nays Council / y F sworth Adopted by the __' eL. 31__-191 s o In favor APPr / 1,6" ` er e __ _ CollAgainst _. Mr. Preside +power - - - - - — ----- MAYOR roan e.9-2 - � � :. .. ..... ... ansa :. asaiar, o�n. o�vvv - CITY OF SAINT PAUIG OITY CLERK.l ONW10r, Dec. 23rd,1914. Hon. O.H.O'Yeill, 'Corporation Counsel, C I T.Y. D ---T Sir; - The Councib, at their nieeting of Dec. 22nd,1914, passed a notion reques.ing you to draw un a resolution, consenting on the part of the Gicy of St.Paul,to the s --ale of certain oronerty as described on j',tached RE-Appraiserient, for $60,000.00 Yours tr31y, City G lerk. (/ No hx. State of Minnesota, RAMSEY COUNTY.^ PROBATE COURT In the Matter of License to sell the Real Estate ql, Henry Hale,i Oath and Re Appraisal. �m t LJ OATH AND RE -APPRAISAL. FORM 484 tate of Minnesota IN PROBATE COURT. County of"Rarnsey IS in theilatter of 1.11— to Sell .1 P,t,Me Sal, The Rau Fatale Dol,ntllog to _Henry Hale, - Deceased. OATH OF APPRAISERS. 4010t't of 4Hialtrevin, County of Ramsey. D. H. M1 CHAUD AND YLLILTAX —CANBY being each duh- sworn doth each for himsell"depose and say that he will faithfidly and honestly appraise the Lands set forth and described in the order of license made in the above described matter, on the Rath day of ______ff0_V_eMb_eT___ 1914 , at its full cash value, according to the best of his ability. Subscribed and Sworn to before me IhL- day of- J)ez ember -19-14 o otary Public, Ramsey County, Allonallota. My ....1asion e.plrea 19 RE-APPRAISEM ENT. We the undersigned appraisers appointed to re -appraise the Real Estate of__ -- Henry Ha—le— _--mentioned and described in the Order ofLicL-nse made and entered in the Probate Court ofsaid Ramsey County, on the 94f,,h ____day of _yember_ do mqstrtspectfU11Y having' first taken and subscribed the oath required 6v laiv, we do make the following appraisal i'llaid lands at their hill cash value, that is to say: CC CITY'OF ST. L 3— 206 COUNCIL RESOLUT —GENERAL FOR 32 Q6 Subject:. . . .......... Q COUNCIL FILE NO.' .. ... ....................... .. Date. Presented .........Dec.2.4,193-4-I91......... - r Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for $50.00 with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, for the ,purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to the Department of Education -Public Library. C. F. No. 3206—By Ant"Y Yoerg— Resolution authorizing the drawing, bf a warrant In ,fuyor• of the Com- e inlsstoner;;of Finance" for 1160.00 with :theconsent of the -Mayor and the Comas pjrone�, for the-purebb'for-cash bY�postage to eatdamoun4'�ehaigeable to the Department ofT',Edueatlon—Pub-, ito'Llbrary. Adopted by the Connell 1Dec. 24, 1914. Approved Dee. 26. 1914.' (J—. 2<1916).. �J r Yell,(I^) tFarworth (Y) Nays 1 e In favor Against Mr. Presi ronM c.9.2 Adopted by the Council - -_%� 191 Approved _ h2 1914 CPrti n � �1 1 MAYOR W07 CITY OF ST. PAUL QXµ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GE AL FORM Subject:-._ REJFCT3C', OF BID COUNCIL FILE NO..... ... Date Presented--._. __ _..._I91......... . t Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the grading and improvement tf Montreal avenue from West Seventh street to Elway street is hereby confirmed and approved. r C. F. No, 3207..—By M. N.. -Bose— 'Resolved, That the actlon or the iiur- chasing" Committee In 'retepting all bide for the grading and.iinnrovernent of Montreal avequa from. -west Bev. enth atoeet to Elway atroaE. !n hereby' Confirmed and. approved. Adopted by the Council Dec, 24,.1914.•' Aproved nee. 26, 1911. (San. 2-1916) r Yeas (11) Coun ilmen (T) Far orrh Nays Adopted" by the Council / Go Kel In favor �% Approvgd _� �/. �- 191 Mc ll Against r Yoe Mr: President, wars MAYOR CIO- 3208 An ordinance to provide for the payment of the salary of Patrick C. Roche, in accordance with Section 52 of the City Charter, to Annie Roche, special guardian. WHEREAS, Patrick C. Roche received injuries while in the performance of his duties as a police officer, and such injuries subsequently resulted in the insanity of said Patrick C. Roche and his total inability to perform his duties as a police officer; and whereas, a certificate has been filed with the Commtasioner of Public Safety by Dr. A� B. Ancker, City Physician, s' ting that the said Patrick C. Roche is permanently insane and unabe to perform his duties; and whereas, a like certificate has been filed by Dr. Roy Schnacke, Police Surgeon of said City; and whereas, Annie Roche, wife of said Patrick C. Roche, has been appointed special guardian of said Patrick C. Roche; now therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay to Annie Roche, special guardian of the said Patrick C. Roche, Eighty Dollars ($80.00) per month for the months of December, 1914, and January February, March, and April, 1915, and Forty Dollars (I40.00) for the months of May, June, July, August, September and October, 1915. All of said payments shall be made from the Police Fund, and shall be made in accordance with the provisions of, Section 52 of the City.Cherter, and the payment authorized hereunder shall cease if it shall appear that the said Patrick C. Roche has died or has again become able to perform his duties as a police officer. Section 2. At the time each payment herein provided for is made, the said Annie Roche shall be required to execute a good and sufficient release to the City of St. Paul, in behalf of herself, and as special guardian of the said Patrick C. Roche, from all claims of whatsoever nature, due and payable up to the close of the month for which payment is made, and at the time the final payment herein provided for is made, the. said Annie Roche shallbe,Zegt�6x1� 6 half of herself and as special guardian of the said Patrick C. Roche, to execute to the City of St. Paul a good and sufficient release of all claims or demands of whatsoever kind or nature, arising out of any injuries which the said Patrick C. Roche may have received while in the.service of the City of St. Paul as a police officer, or any &9 disability, damages or injury of whatsoever kind or nature which he may have suffered by reason of such injuries, an C;-F.No. 3203— Ordinance No. 3349- Re ry McCall— A.,ordluance: to Provide for the T for any, salary or compensation due b contract 0 ment of the salary of Patrtel y Roche in':acem•dan y w•tth Sectlov -';of the I Ity Charter, to Annie Ro .specihi guardian. law or ordinance which may now be in force or wh injuries tin°ihe`,,perfornuu his duties as.a_Police pRlOar„ rend become effective. injuries nitof eat aty resulted in hisInsgtoto, olnobiliity toip rfgrrd hie; tles'�as. s Pulled—¢leana ,i'.and-wbe Section 3. This ordinance shall take ef;c certificate ,oerhof Pnpiicfl8aie v`tit A, B. Ancker Cit• �..PhYalet nn. att tt' t tae sat. Patrlek C• Roe6 %is. force thirty days after its passage and ublicatilm""e"fly Sn�ane and un ble . p g p form his avt�es: and -led Y,n, a 'certificate lies, been. flied by�Dr: schnneke. Ponca 9urgean of an ��---- •'–""""'—"----'�snrt wherees :Annie iioch...wIf- o[ Petr ch C:: -Roche, hfls,. een nPPo 1 ..r lav- Patric /IAAYS, 0 MR. PRES • ENT (POWE 7 RS) Glary of compod8atlon due:, eY treatdlnancOr e _"alla _ay noof w, be'' In torce'�, Or which may her l?ecalne effect•. lve. SECTION 3. This ordinanceshall take effect anA; be In force thirty ]eye after its past ag¢ and poblicatlOn. Pnaeed by the Council Jan. 11 1930:: Yeas—Meeere. Farne {Yrt1tP. resident Keller• Aleco11, Yoerg. (Powe„re) 6.s, Nays —0. App rov d an, 13, 1915; M8y0r. Atteet: JOHN i.`FARICYCIev Ciertc.r Rb Hp-now�ttheretore ,. the 81ty. St• The' Council of :- does ordaln erer citYn oft=ear the P ro oPe\ 4nie'. ,Fb } 6y the CoaRcil ... U... .- .1� am Mehl d i 15 i ni h��. :Dgltnrs (1401103 ..'P.t• •-Aut;vetf ',tltauthe at; MAS June, 7u1 t)etdhar 2916 AR'•o 9Bp tempers n$d POYments sTlAll;ha made Crgnt tU'e fund etre, aha vl9tonsd oxHSec- NAYS, - YEAS, ,Police cordnnce• with tits p RaYm6nt„: aUthOtCtZed a aet4a ] that cense it it ahnll appeAe tlta`E rthg. said MR. FARNSWORTH become a eoiu Djr°"o�e dutleo ne �/� E Potice officer r, -; :. tl�IM/J GQSS __''VV (jb.t ,.' $ECTdI03,`3 a ment ^horeiv At the `.rim eadh ,: p Y Anni � • f N4, KELLERioChe �ptovided Lox is made the nid. aH It ba retiulred to ezOeoencit to, Lr_ (� `G ,good and', eu(ticient,7eleaee X gt. Papl to bkhat satd^oPs, j��( esapecial guardlat q. the sc aR glatma c1'whatat McCOLL O Rooke; from due and+Payable up -;}to; tfi / suer nature ctoae f; the month to which yaYme� the time the final Pnl 'I to made; and at anent herein Drovtded for ir- at YOERG to;execo _eze9 its to the Gltydtnaae of al /IAAYS, 0 MR. PRES • ENT (POWE 7 RS) Glary of compod8atlon due:, eY treatdlnancOr e _"alla _ay noof w, be'' In torce'�, Or which may her l?ecalne effect•. lve. SECTION 3. This ordinanceshall take effect anA; be In force thirty ]eye after its past ag¢ and poblicatlOn. Pnaeed by the Council Jan. 11 1930:: Yeas—Meeere. Farne {Yrt1tP. resident Keller• Aleco11, Yoerg. (Powe„re) 6.s, Nays —0. App rov d an, 13, 1915; M8y0r. Atteet: JOHN i.`FARICYCIev Ciertc.r I Vol half of herself and as special guardian of the said Patrick C. Roche, to execute to the City of St. Paul a good and sufficient release of all claims or demands of whatsoever kind or nature, arising out of .any injuries which the said Patrick C. Roche may have received while in the service of the City of St. Paul as a pol.ice officer, or any disability, damages or injury of whatsoever kind or nature which he may have suffered by reason of such injuries, and from all claims for any salary or compensation due by contract or by reason of any law or .ordinance which may now be in force or which may hereafter become effective. Section 3, This ordinance shall take effect force thirty days after its passage and publieat-I,: rFn•.I 1 ` .•,1•I. I I .d 1.: 1 1 1. 1 1 I. •.. 1 �: by the Coewcil — �f U G� Yens. NA MR. FARNSWORTii „Ili X11` �,}� Ip,,P ", ":1110„'OI ,.11• �. ul � •.Lluq .0. dpl�b� GOSS ,•. � �.5�4-. j tV 4 KELLER 1 fi V McCOLL ,n /� 'Iv,„• gi 11 v' ....... c uow`•o� , ' YY YOERG eQ ,',; ` ��� ENT (POWERS) AYS. 0 MR. PRES Y t 3208 An ordinance to provide for the payment of'. the salary of Patrick C. Roche, in accordance with Section 58 of the City Charter, to Annie Roche, special guardian. 6 WHMAS, Patrick C. Roche received injuries while in the performance of his duties as a police officer, and such injuries subsequently resulted in 'the insanity of said Patriok C. Roche and his total inability to perform his duties as a police offioer; and whereas, a aegfioate has been filed with the Commissioner of Public Safety by Dr. A. B. Anker, City Physician, stating that the said Patrick C. Roche is'permanently insane and unable to perform his duties; and whereas, a like certificate has been filed by Dr. Roy Sohnaoke, Police Surgeon of said City; and whereas, Annie Roche, wife.of said Patrick C. Roche, has been appointed special guardian of said Patrick C. Roche; now therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section X. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to.pay to Annie Roche, special guardian of the said Patrick C. Rcohe,.$ighty Dollars ($80.00) per month for the months of December, 1914, and J February, March, sad April, 1815, and Forty Do7lara (440.0o for the months Of May, June, July, August, September and October, 1915- An of said payments shall be made from the Police Fend, and shall be made in accordance with the provisiCns of Section 53 of the City Charter, and the payment authorized hereunder shall *ease if it shall appear that the said Patrick C. Roche has died or has again become able to perform his 'duties as a polioe'officer. Section 2. At the time each payment herein provided for is made, the said Annie Roche shall be required to execute a good and sufficient release to the City of St. Paul, in behalf of herself, and as special guardian of the said Patrick 0. Roche, from all claims of whatsoever nature, due and payable up to the close of the month for which payment is made, and at the time the final payment herein s0V OW y��G LQr. ti+isd s te'`=Ue, tha ,paid Annie,,ROcfie� s"d, be-=' half of herself and as special guardian of the said Patrick C. Roohe, to execute to the City of St. Paula good and sufficient release of all claims or demands of whatsoever kind or nature, arising out of any injuries which the said Patrick C. Roche may have received while in the service of the City of St. Paul as a police officer, or any disability, damages or injury of whatsoever kind or nature which he may have suffered by reason of such injuries, and from all claims for any salary or oompeneation due by contract or by reason of any law or ordinance which may now be in force or which may hereafter become effective. Seotion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 0 CITY of sT. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT. CLAIMS RESOLUTION F M COUNCIL AUDITED ar .:.o. E.. •uortEa 11TLE 157 Res*e1thn, wattants be drawn upon th ity Treasury, payable gut of the hereinafter specified fundsdet I °Sfied in the following a! names as spec in favorof the persons, firms orns for the amounts set opposite their respective statement:Adopted by the Cougci I b Yeas ( J) Councilmen ( J ) Farnsworth 9 , Goss In favor J e Keller Against Yoerg Mr. President, Powers r _ 1 tea• - _ V ' s Y Corporate Purposes Printing & Stationery Fund 28.60 7, Regiew Pnblisbing CO., , 1: General Fund -Legal Dept. Expense Acct. {' -3 lj tV: H. Brink, R. Frost, _125.00 25.00 7 14 7 1� Newton Struchen Construction Co., 4 000 egal Dept. Exp. Acet., 600. 00 Ge Fund -Advertising & Publicity Acct. 85.50 1 _ or Auditorium, Gen. Fu iscellaneous Acct. 7 10, M. V!. Fitzgerald, .25 X3.10 7 1$ Matt Jensen, �- 28.35 T Police Fund .76 '9 Geo. Benz & Son,s, 250.00 4�.8a 76 J. J. OtConnor, -- Total Police Fu 1 4 3 ^V}tyj �F Corporate Purposes-Con0t. Fire Dept.'Fund 76 Electric Mfg. Co.,; 10.10 Workhouse Fund s 6.651 76 _ t_ Board of water Commissioners, ; Com. of Public Works Fund 2132 ✓ 76Z i R. C. Jefferson, Street &Sewer Fund 76 Board of Water Commissioners,. 15.43 r 76 Daily -Fraser Hardware Co.,Go., D2 2:78 .78 7 M, N. Goss for Dale St. Paving, 3.13 76 M. N. Goes for Hastings Ave., Pay., M. N. Goes for York & Westminister, 3.320 76 7 M. N, Gossilfor Case St. Paving, 1,855.89 7 N. W. Fuel;Co., To , Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund F: 98.56 31 R. C. Jefferson, Gen. Fund -Sewer Maint. Acct. C. F. #2990, 7 33 Board of Water Commissioners, 31'50 Gen. Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. 7 Dept. of Public Utilities, S0 Gen. Fund -Street Intersections Acct. ay C." F. #1425 3.00 7 M. N. Goss for Street & Sewer, 55.71 7 M. N. Goss for Hastings Ave. Pay., r"ersec ons ., < Gen. Fund Election Exp. Acct. 50.00 76 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, School Fund 76 a B. S. ,Bates, 15.00 30.00 76 8 476 9 Geo. S. Eddy, Reliance Iron & Wits Works, 20.85 _qtn+ai F; hnni Fund - 65.85 Library Fund 76 ID Board of Water Commissioners, 23.94 76 Anthony Yoerg for 'School Fund,9-L'- - To � • Park Fund 76 2 76 Board of Water Commissioners, M. N. Goss for Bridge Bldg. & Repair, 36.40 M =ate., Corporate Purposes -Cont. General Fund -Playgrounds Acct. 764 Board of Plater Commissioners, Water Dept. Fund 764c5 C. -Eklund'. 764',6 M. N. Goes for Street & Sewer, 7649, Mrs. J. Kinzley 764y8 R. M. Lawton Fc 80.1 7650 Donald Mackenzie, g653o. Philip Mclquillan, 7,b5a F. A. Olson, fi;52 Frank 0 Osborn, 765§ Roscoe L. Smith, 7651 Jacob Singer, 7655 Theo. Hamm Brewing Co., 765¢ Pittsburgh Meter Company, 765q S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 7650 D. D. Smith, Agent, 7669 Sperry Realty Co., 7663D J. J. McDonald, 7661 C. A. Rice, 7662< Electric Blue Print Co., 766,5 The Pioneer Co., 76614 W. L. Perkins & Company, 7665 N. W. Fuel Co., Gen. Fund -Market Maint. Acct. 7W6 Board of Water Commissioners, Auditorium Acct. ?bbt7 st. Paul Gas Light Co., Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. Paving Hastings Ave. 766:8 M. N. Goes for Dale St. Paving, 767;9 " " " " Univ., Syndicate to C. L., 7670 " M " " " , Dale to Syndicate, 767;1 " " " " Street & Sewer, 767; M. N. Goes for Engineering & Inspection, 767:3 " " York & Westminister, 6 .Tni:a1 PSViriS ng -s - Case St., Payne to Westminister 7674 M. N. Goes for York & Westminister, Univ., Syndicate to City Limits 7675 M. N. Goes for Univ., Dale to Syndicate Pay., 22.92 6.71 481.70 10.00 4.57 4.00 - 11.39 1.00. 13.00 6.87 4.00 10.55 1.17 6,287.93 3888:00 4.00 4.00 6.65 _ 15:67 1.143.14 43.23 104.24 48.17 14.00 7.00 2.-8 20.24 5.00 40.-32 ✓ . 77.64 J #4 , .n't. SpPrioreAvee, etoUniversity - Marshall 767 M• N. Goes for Street & Sewer, p p p Univ., Syndicate to City limits, 19.5 767 1 p p p p p Bngineering & Inspection, 10.0 1 0.1 6 p " Dale to.Symdicate, n 39.05 _;i;, 6 p Univ., 760 Board of Water Commissioners, / 188.)4 V Total Prior Ave., Marshall. to Univ., 1.56 •35 Total Corporate Purpo s,. •••• - 6.22 11 Spec. Assess. onst. cct.-P ing,. $ 1 Grand otal, ,093.57 C. F. No. 3209— be Resolved that warrants be drawn , `I - upon the City Treasury, out of hereinafter specified fund. and in Itl '- ' favor f the person., fiit-.app' ocorpora- done for the amounts osite their ae epstifled In the fol- a - respective names lowing detailed statement: Corporate Purpose.—Prfntfng & Sta- tionery Fund. Review Publishing Co.. $28.60. General Fund—Legal Dept. Expense: •,•• Account: W. H. Brink. $125.00: New- _ R Fro. t, 526.00; Struchen Con- Iton atru ..n Co.. 54li 0. Gen. Fund—Advertising & Publicity Account: Anthony Yoerg for Audi- to lum $86 60 Gen. Fund Mis ellaneous Account M W. Fitzge ald -$23.25; Matt Jen en $5.1 O 5 30 P Ilce Fund Geo. Benz & Son., ! $250.00;j : T O'Connor. $94.88. >y, Fire DepL Fund: Electric A1fg. Co., $10.10. . _ Workhouse Fund- Etia'yA=oY'Wator: •Coms.lcn Imi re E6.60:� Fu Wor its Fuad: R. C. - HeHereont E21.32c Streed.&SeFund Board:dt We- -orCommlaslo.. 536 43 Daily-Fras- I.er Hardware Co., $7.60, M. N,`Goss for • Dale St. paving, $12.78; M. NN'Goss for _ Hastings Ave., paving, $3.13; M N. ! Goss for York and Westminster, .$3:20; AL N. Goss for Case St. paving, $3.35; N. W. Fuel Co., $1.866.89. Repair Fund: R. C. - _ - J.,Ore.a $98 66& Gen. Fund Maint Acct., C. F. - -Sewer N0. 2990: Board of Water Commis- . efoners,$31.50. Gen. Fund—Teeting & Inspection - .'Account. Dept of Publtc Utilities,60 - Cent.: Gen. Fund—Street Imterseotlons Ac- count, C. F: No. 1426 ,1L N. -Gass .for for Hastings Ave. Paving, $66.71 AccoGossunt; Gen. Fund—Election Exp. Account: S. A. Farnsworth, Co— of Finance, $50.00. 0 School Fund: B. i. Bates, $16.0 Iron die - Wire .EddOiks$20386 �; Reliance Library Fund: Board of Water Comml$eloners, $23.94; Anthony Yoerg for School Fund, $27.03. Park Fend: Board of Water Commis- - toners, $36.77; M. N. Go.. for Bridge Bldg. & Repair, $36.40. General Fund—Playgrounds Acct.: Bbard of Water Commla.loners,: $22.92. - '.�. Water Dept Fund:' C. Eklund. $6.71; , At. N. Goss for Street & Sewer, $481.70; Mrs. J.'Klnzley, $10.00; R. M. Lawton Donald Phllfp McQuillan. $1.39; F. AA.,_Olson. $1.00; Frank O. Oeborn, ,$13.00; Roscoe L Smith, $6.87; J.cob Stager, :$4.00; - Theo. Hamm Brewing Co., Et 0.66; Picts. - - burgh Meter Company, 51.17: S. A. Fern.wnrth, Com, oY Finance, $6.287.60; - 11. D. Smith. Agent. $8.93: Sperry Real. ty Co.. $38.00; J. 1. MCDO mtld. $4.00; C. .1. Rice, $4.00:' Electrlc Blue Print - Co., $6.65: The Pioneer Co., 35 Cent.; 1t P.Perkins & Company, $15.67; N. R Ptel Co, $1.143.14. l Fund—Market 3Iuint. ACet: 114 j 1 0l Water Commissl n ., $20.24. 1ndltorium Account: St Paul Gns !Light -Co., $600 SpecG ,A sees Conal Acct• �;1 ,aving �.8eaj� gg�$t`;Avenueit, d; Go.B-. Dal - N 6...'fdr iT Iv. y I BL f11`g $0a 2a; Al. • -S `dlcate to C. L... $104 24: Al. N Goes for t•niv N.1 Vu '.lime s to tsyn�len.ty. $4x.17, a .,„ve�cton. pRELnuNARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:. . ....... . .. Street frO Alas a.Street tO.Chatsworth q-tree—t ........................ .. ......... ... PREL XxlNARY ORDERS. le.3,210— .............. .. . , _'It.. a.I for the . ........ ........ - ................... XrPpo r of the following p,.MV Street —de Race 'tr at 1fro �=a IM "th :Street. ba;vInglilaii.. ....... ..... ..... ...... .. .... ............ having been presented to the Council Of tl' to aerated toNbe Council of the 3t Paul therefore It � ed. That the C:. set ... r .,I therefore, be it Vorke be and he Is hereby or- I it' A directed- creby ordered and directed; Igaie the rub ... lt� for P RESOLVED, That the Commissioner off. invest . no Ing of said Im-' I-Ality Of ti, improvement. -nt. � said 1. To investigate the necessity for or jr_tIg.t. t..,. mates -coat Ir total cost thereof. extent cost thereof, I tovenient, and the 2. To investigate the nature, orproiii. or furnish a plan, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch 0, gald improvement. Tfrioh the follg�vlr� to I orma on re a .LLyli -,re to said improvement: 4. To furnish the following other data . ............ ............... .... .. ........... .........._........................-:..._...._._._...-.._..-_-_._.».. ... . ............ .... ... . ....... .............. -- .......................................... ............ ............................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on -the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for ring matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Coll"cil Yells: Nays: (ioulicilinan Fa -I sworth /4— G 0 Approved ................. . A91 Fa Ke r Me oil .............. ... Yo g Yo g ....... .... Mayor P, ]tIayor Po rs MRUS J Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated September 23rd, 1914, between Peter Dickson.and the City of St. Paul for ourbing and boulevarding East Minnehaha street from Earl street to Frank street, and for the performance of a certain contract dated November 30th, 1914, between Peter Dickson and the City of St. .Paul for grading and improving the alleys in Block 4, Forestdale Addition and in Stevens' Re -arrangement, be and the same is hereby extended to the 15th day of June, 1915, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to euch,contract in accordance herewith. i C. F. No..;$17—BY_M• N. Gose— • e Yeas (P) 4Farnorth en (f') Nays _ 191 Adopted by the CouncilQti In favor 191 Approved 7i -against Mr. Presidrs — Mwvoa �FoaM ae•z N COUNCIL FILE NO. 321,o Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the, time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul, took effect there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public works, a certain Final Order No. 15,593, approved December 31st, 1913, to Pave with 3111 long leaf Yellow Pine Creosoted wood blocks on a 5" Portland Concrete foundation Prior avenue from Marshall aven^e to University avenue, together with ail necessary sewer, water ani gas connections from the street mains to the property lines complete, also all necessary Alley and Driveway" approaches, in said City, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Cgpcil, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and pro- visions of tie existing Charter. T`Ierefore, be it reseived that the sail order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. as to all further acts and proceedings to be done;- and°the commissioner of Finance and other Officers and nepartments of the City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, ,in accordance therewith; Adopted by the Council, e. 1914. —1. Final order *.vi.roved December 31st, e with 3%" long leaf Yet - Nays crensgqted wood blocks on a Yeas., ,d concrete foundation Prior m Marshall avenue to Unl- enue, together with all.nec- Farn' worth wer, water and gas connec- om the street mains to the lines complete, alsoallse- GOs hey and driveway approaches, 'isty. and It is the opinion of this that all other acts and pro - to be had or done relative to Kel `-# rletlon of the aforesaid ord �'�• -ticable to be done under, �d provisions of the r s MCC nre, be It resolveP -, be comPlete-, cis prpvlsions of nll fur. Yeo t Mayo were Approved AYOR . PU 6 COUNCIL FILF, 140 . BYjj;L� Whereas: Immediately prior and un to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul,_ took effedt, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order approved April 30th, 1914, to construct a sewer on Geranium street from Forest street to Cypress street, in said City, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other 1 acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisigq:w of tie existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed under the terms`and provisions of the existing Charter as to all furtheractsand proceedings to be done; and the Commissionar of Finance and other Officers and nepartments of the 'City, are hereby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith: Adopted ly the Council, 191,4. r In- kup Wherena:21 Yarm d ary Drlor e. eas N to the time the.ezlsjing Charter of the was City of St. Paul, tookeffect; .there pending in the office of the Board of Public Works, certain Final Order. FarIworth approved April 30th, 1914, to construct on Geranium street from Fpr - a sewer i set street to Cypress street,., In said City, CiWhe e": It Is the opinion. of this Council, that all other acts and pro- ceedings to be had or done relative to 'I�,,4 (', KelT ! s!'.. the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the - terms and provleions of the existing Mf 11 Charter.. Therefore, be it resolved that the ' the aid order be completed under 1 terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and -, ceedings to be done; and the Cr stoner of Finance. and other anddepartmentsof the City.. Ye g by, authorised and dire, to comet in the Bald the exfetin6 CL 7G i Ma r Pourers MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER 3214 Subject: COUNCIL *'^ PILE ��✓. Date Presented-191— RESOLVED, resented 191_RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor.' No> From (Name and Address) I To (Name and Address) Richard WalFren, . 83 _7, 7th St. Hated nquligeneo,hmw P. --t f LO'-ppt therefor: r: No 201. *Frodm FI 701 st, to 9t rd . Deo. 28, 1914. Yeas (✓) Coun en (✓) Nays s Adopted by the Council 1911 Farn'. rth / GOA —4—In favor 'j Appro ed Kell!i 19 Mey Agdinst YoeTg MAYOR Mr. President, Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject: COUNCIL 321 PILE NO.- 4 Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk.is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. I eas(✓) Cou Cihnen Nays Adopted by the Council 19 Fa sworth Go In favor K Approv 19 M 11 —c—Against yo MAYOR Mr,. President, Po s 453 Jackson St. 581 Robert St. John Torotz c F.16o.9216— ed;.'Foot Yh9 application of the lio in for a ii onn? _ n' . ro- folio in •:peIt locahe re- sy, o dntoxively i.lignore'skthe epectiyelY-..tndleD.ted,h and' tty same - and the City CleIssue hereby authorize authorized and. dtreoted,;'to Josue ' s the]lce 11 a and aDDligante upon oho flung o[ the bond. andthe-.paymant. of the Cee required by to k- Gust. Brown, t. Sobert St. -- - John I:o by a until SL 581 Adopted by the Connell Dee 29„ 1919: - ApproyedDee 29, 1914. ' (Tan. 2-1916) - I eas(✓) Cou Cihnen Nays Adopted by the Council 19 Fa sworth Go In favor K Approv 19 M 11 —c—Against yo MAYOR Mr,. President, Po s Yeas (r) fFarworth en (P) Nays _ L In favor __ __Against Mr. Presiders 0. Adopted by the Council Approved - - ---- - - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM��� - Subject: _.:_. _ ........... s3.......... .... - _. _. _ _ eouNea R.1 FILE �V O...... .. ........................ . s Date Presented.......-.D.eo._...2.6th.,..._I914....... Resolved, T'' the application of the following persons for a license to cogduct Hotels or Ecotauranto at the locations respectively hereby arexX disposed of as follows: indicated, be, ana the same NAVE OF APPLICANT, HOTEL OR PISTAURANT, LOCATIONS. Mrs. HR.MR Stone Franklin Hotel 373 No. Franklin IC. b`. No da1f,'_O"` aii McColl— (QPithdratign). Reeolved ThaE tha appticedlona of i tfiefollowinS Deteo s,lorY$, ltc nee to ohduct ,Hoiels;-or Reetanft,n a ,at ' the ` locations reep6etIVcly Indiakts4 be, arid, the s 6 hereby a e drsyo ed of se foilowP .I -Stone Frankjlp Hotel, / I kl{i .idr'tmp..�i Y. A. J. Rommel Windsor Hotel 455 St, Peter (Laid over), Yeas (r) fFarworth en (P) Nays _ L In favor __ __Against Mr. Presiders 0. Adopted by the Council Approved - - ---- - - MAYOR T itsl7A Tk': COUNCIL, 321L6 of the, City of St. Proal: does ......................... .......... .. ............................ hereby make application to the cil of the City of St. Paul fora License to con uct a and Az to that end does hereby certify as follows: Th t the full c of applicant for said ense is and his flta), place of residence ...... ..... is street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of whiche said *cant jV _poses to carry on business is.... in the City of S Paul. _Tbat the said applicant is .,now engaged in said business at inthe tty Of St. Paul. '<9 Dated this.._ay of Applicant. nsils Date of Expiration of License. .191 oo 191., Date of Inspection....... Fire Protection.... Ventilation of Building. Meats and Provisions. Beds and Bedrooms Toilet Rooms and Plumbing V-' L -1 T T- tc en an e Refrigerator and Store Room Basement and Cellar. Back Yard .. . ..... ... General Condition of Premises.... License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: Health Officer. mom, Zi -- "lot' ! CITY .OF -ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.... - ,. ._ _. _..... _ _ _ .. ....... 32.7 COUNCIL FILENo :..... .............................. .. . M Coiio ppllcatl n or t r f r II¢ensoto Dec •h,__I91.-4 t, ,rant. at th to Presented . ndicnted , - e" grnnt¢d hend - - 1 thocized, and. dl- nld thd 1paynlel t ° ° t the I yiw: i ,.v n,. Lunch Room. 610- St. ops,Overland' Hotel, 149 F.. ce & Co., Balkan 'Hotel. 390. Reso ved, .' �. '.saell, Restaurant, 2nd Floor, - and Raymond Ave'. •I . 'ton. Lunch Room, 30 East `o'- y;seta. BoardlritS Hou That the application G�:: ,�t;g persons fora license W Mellon. •. ..:'r to conduct Hotels or ttestaurar. iur�talr as locations respectively indicated be, s,nd the same herVpyt,axe granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to aaid applicants upon the payment of the fee required by lair. NAME OF APPL7CAcr.T. HOTELS OR RESTP_UFAP;T, LOCATION. A•.,J. Brown Lunch Room 510 St. Peter George Hope Overland Hotel 149 E. 3rd(2nd fly Ohris Pete & Co. Balkan Hotel 390 Wacouta Wm. Russell Restaurant 2nd fl.University &. Raymond. F. P. Preston Lunch Room 30 East 4th Mrs. F. A. Greta Boarding House" 519 Jefferson Mrs. L. V. Wellington Lunch Room 138 E. 3rd (Upstairs, George Williams Rex Hotel 217,E• 7th Stahel & Rueffer Busiress Lunch 81 E. 3rd Rossi Bros. Venetian Hotel 444 at. Peter Yeas (V) Co 'ncilmen (i) Nays Q Ad pted the Council - e(/ __—_ - _ 191 y F sworth i / G _ 1 f o K" r 7 Approved oll g in t O' ry Y Mr. President, Powers - - - - MA --- saw a.e-2 eWUSHFD i a /tel/S CITY OF ST. • PAUL ' - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...... ....... ... ............ ... _... COUNCIL r.� 4h21JJppW/ FILE NB Q..... .... ................ .......' Date Presented_.._.Deo.......26., __......._I91...4.._ Resolved, That the application of the following persons fora license to conduct Hotels orestaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same herety are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licensee to said Applicants upon the payment of the fee required by law. NAME 01+ APPLICANT, HOTELS OR RESTOR,9NT. LLOCATION. M. Ckminsky Lunch Room 126 St.Paul Arcade Gust Daltas Lunch Room 376 Jackson Joe. Poidinger Business Lunch 619 Van Buren Miller & Joesting Co. Restaurant 439 Wabasha P. G. Jensen Restaurant 450 Robert Andrew.Sprandon Lunch Room 286 Sibley James Murphy Porter Hotel 127-11th St. Margales & Vlasos Chicago Lunch Room 589 Wabasha C. H. S math Lunch Room 4561 Robert Tony Pavlic Rooms & Restaurant 187J E. 3rd Mrs. Anna Carney Rooms & Lunch Room 579 Wabash& A. Johnson Restaurant 527 St. Peter C. K. Blandin Dispatch Runbh Room 68 E. 4th Yeas (V) Councilmen (P) Nays , c� Adopted by the Council _ oGGec_;�V__ l9!{ Farnsworth Goss 6 In favor / 2 Zy. 91 Keller Approved McColl _ � .Against O'Leary Yoerg — - -- I --L Mr. President, Powers wroa roxM c.e•z .. 9 a F IvoA� > 18 ordtnaa�e Na a$4s- P y V TE RInd_] 2D Ti'1't,e66hoeotUA th� oletthly;ol� s .a�{� (] 218 �'�@�uan0�'tn�the CttY.. 04 itt "PPuS' j� (1 v v OPOBIUon :4[, 9lOdeltne' ..TR;(J'LLt?R X54}cotn'OTomiNO.snd nettle her r�(. �rr; f, a netettle CltyPaui attB ? Qtlr"pt ItGJUrlea Buiu'p,fjaned by her ``fagdx o1 ;a All on:"B fierectly1 _ y 7y}9trark nea3We eoutheaBt corner or \f _. ,� QC✓�tlAel and .;Selby avenges In Bald: f v � AK r K lT mB Is more pattalthe;ly set out t- - �Aktem6 nic8tion ta(theh 1914ll r ''date or'November, 80th 1019 ofOno , oto settle the claim of Madeline Treanor. -anent to:heroi<the eum._j ,t Fort9 `•pollara ^,(S140i0r^ +� a Ci la Merg •accer<.., City ottlCerB i, h. .i dlraeted n.:� �iTNCIL OF THE" CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proposition of Madeline Treanor to compromise and settle her claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out.of -injuries sustained by her by reason"of a fall on a defective sidewalk near the southeast corner of Herschel and Selby avenues, in said City, as is more particularly set out in.her communication to the Council under date of November 30th, 1914, upon payment to her of the sum of One Hundred Forty Dollars ($140.00), be and the same is h8reby accepted,• and the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance in favor of Denegre &-McDermott, as attorneys for said claimant, pay- able out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of One Hundred Forty Dollars ($140.00); said sum,. however, to be delivered only upon there being filed with the City Comptroller a .� receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by her in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City from any and all claims and de- mands of every kind and nature, and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant on the day and under the circumstances hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty i Jwhy the Council _...-- .. - -. lam.-.._ 191 -YEAS. NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH z F GOSS j cD1� KELLER e McGOLL /i NAYS 0"�:: December 34th, 1914. To the 00=011. t�e�etZaeen: - Herewith I transmit for your oonsidaratiou ah 6MUMbe settling the qlaim of MaUlAa TrO440V against the Oity of St. -PA;02 for the sum of One Hundred Forty Dollars. After a thorough Investigdti6ft of this ala4lm, we avo 4pf the opinion that the gattlailent Vraj,*60d in roaammble gad f4or #b* best interests of the City. Ydura truly. rr Aim 04363mucin counsel. Mr. Herrold; Council File No....... ....... ........:.......... PROPOSALVOA IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 321 - ,rhe undersigned hereby Proposes the making of the fol lug, public improvement by th ity of St. Yanl, V77.: co..ndemra.ng....and.t..akang_...arl....e. rne.rt....i.n.._th.e ..1.an.d....n.aG 5-ary tox.... . gl.opes for.,_..cut.e. _lnd ...a is _f.q,r,,. .. ad_ng..in Kendr' ...1._s„ Rearrangement 1 No. ............................................. ......................... ... Of,.Llock...4.,_ .of 'clean 8_?l,erene, A written proposal fort e�- ' ging of the following impr nue ertse �' ' Condemning end taking - _ t in the land necessary for elopes -..;—---.....-.-- - -- - --" "cu te'and flue Por grading alley In 4. of dricl� s Reflrrangement of Bloc Ween tcl.ean's Reservation, having _191..4. Dated this_.._ �,8tk1....... y • t d i the Council of the City A. Paul �thae� therefore, be it 1 ed 4nr th Commissioner of Wor erbc and he ie heret ..._..� -- -..........- d and directed: To investigate the necessity ' sirebu ty of the making- , Councilman. ment. To Investlgate the n "" •.. muted coat of -- ie total i..ish .r �• a lm -AINARY ORDER. WIIEREA`;, A written proposal for the milking of the following improvement, viz. ..gr.ading....all.e.y.....ir....KezdT. c_k..'...e.....Re.a_Bloc. k..._`.,...._o_f._.._..__.. ............. _.................. ................ _......._................ ......................... ...................... .............. .............................. ..... ........ ........... _....................... _..... having been,�)resented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............... _....... _................................... ..... .................. ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: _... ... ....__.._............. .............................. ............................. ........... _..................... -........................ _...... _.................... .... ........__................ ....... ._.................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......_............._1..........._.'�`� 191...y_ Yeas: / Nays: Councilman Fa sworth Go Approved./ .............................1. $ er �M oll Yv ..................`f.. Mayor Po rs D'Iayor. LIU$I18ii Dr Mir. Herro'ld Council rile No._.. ............... ........_._.. — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. T Z20 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow* public improvement t City of St. Patel, viz.: P.Onde.>lning..._ and .....t.aking.;_an.....e.aa..G t......in..._t,Le.....Iand ...ne aary.--fox......_._... s.l_opes__for..cut.e......assn...f.i..l.l_e......fo.r-....grad' g._.Avo.rL...gt.r.e.e..t._:.fro _.. nix-e.rai.ty.....avenue to Minnehah.a street...... - ............................ zzo - � i, A w itteu- . - f,f the f.11=1- and ollowf. V �.• demning and [nki g aL ........ ......... ......._.__.. 3 !''-the land necese¢ry [ - ......-.. ___..........._................._.................. ............... _ . s and Its for grading. Avo.i 28th/,arne" :rom IInivera tty avenue to e¢ied Dated t.his....._..._._street, navfng been.pres 1914..... 'Counetl or tha Clq le at. Pave ore. be SC olved, .That. tho Commleetoner worke be and ho fa hare bq or- F... ';---��-------— qnd directed: - ' Tq "Investigate the neceaeitY for i Councilman. alr.bllity of the malting of r . 0 lnveatfgato the nal+ atfm¢ted oat of t + "„ and the tocol r furntt� f Raft ;....i4.9,., -Y ORDER. ,.. WHEREA5, A written proposal for tine making of the following improvement, via..:_COT demIllTlg_, flls_for.._gradng_Ayon _etree_t from,.Unyersit.y__ayenue__to fdinnehaha.... ..................._.._.......__._........_............_...-......_.............._...................................................................._._....................................._........... having been presented to the Council of tine City of St. Paul by Councilman ......................... ...._..... ........ ....._...... _-......... _...._.........; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and .estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:... ................................ _....... ..... _............ ......... _................ --.......... _........ .............. _... _.......... ................................................. ........-.................................... ....................................... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...... ...... ......_.L........191 Yeas: / Nays: Councilmat�,,-Jnsworth Approvetl_....3..�J .........__................. ...... ........ .............._.. .._.......MayoMayor. ' eu13I.)sr3ED -�� ,Petition attached . Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, ander �. w PRELIMINARY ORDER. J Plie cosigned hereby proposes the making of the following lie improvement by City'Of5t.. Paul, '�.:IIamline Age.•..._ro>;�._�41a!a Y-.1'axway._....... e.IQebrae�_.A�rn ,...:7.ake Cmm��Ava rom SnAlling Ave. to Hemline Ave'.- Kinley Ave from Frankson Ave. to...:yake..._C.gmo.... -Phalen._. Ave.. ;..Aeb A9e...-..ixom... y..._Par vsy %o._........ La-#0 Como & C. F. N..as,ZA wrltt „ -rom. Mid Parkway to Lake Como &, vlzkl cGrade... Hwritt a laroPoenl for the ._..Pal...-.to—L6-ke-..ef7�p....-&.-..Pdl�'3:'e17, A9 PhAlea•.,Aves.,..._ s ImPret emet,t ye. Prem "M a Co & Phalen Ave. and Pascal Ave• way Parkway to Nebraska Ave.; Lake Como & Phalen Ave. from Snelling ..•Ha ne "AVe"ain, Ave. Ave. eo 'Hainllne Ave.; McKinley Ave. pts tiD Plum Frankson Ave. tAve.f Como & Phalen Ave.; Asbnry Ave. from Mid- ... ..............._..:S9S.4.� re way Parkway to Lnlce Como & PhP.len} DFt a 15...... 8 ° Ave.; Arona Ave. from Midway Parlc`- - . way to Lake Como & Phnlen Ave.: ........._ ...... ....._....._...._........... Smmnson Ave. from ,Sikilph Parkway ..........%' ........................ to Lake Como '& Phalen Ave.: Pascal Ave. from Frankson Ave. to Lake councilman. Como &- Phnlen Ave:; ay Frankson Ave. from ng been Parkway to I-I o the Ave., having been Presented to the Council [ the .City of St. Paul there- �---'-- fes.. olv d That theei er Wok to he Is here and he me he et v ORDER. - ad directed: irve tlgat tul.ixle....Atre1 n ERE, A �eritten propos t` °f ae fo]]owin lmproveluent, v'li... rom DDII[[3dway. Parkway ,Iyb3�as Ave..; Lae Como &Phalen Ave. from AMU,—— Te, 4. H 711 '.A�e,�,.: D�D._&ine.Iy..Asea Prom..Frankaon Age... t0 Lake Como & phalen,Ave.:; Asbury Ave. from Midway Parkway to Lake Como ..::Phalen...AFe.;...A> one...AQe.......Pro s.Midwa�€....Parkway...to..lake Como- &. Phalen Av; & rom';DQiaway Parkway to La Como & Phalen Ave.; Pascal Av Simpson Ave. f to deka aceto & Phalen -Ave'e ; an3 k'ranksDII Ave`: from Midway Parkway to Ham] ins Ave. ... _................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......... ................ .......... ..... ........ ........ ....._... ......... .... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. ?. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data,and information relative to said improvement:.._..................._.........__..... ... _.................................................................._............._.._...._......................._.........................................._..... ........................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............... Yeas: A Councilman F nswo'th (J - G g s3._..... _.... . -K lei• _11I coil ........... Mayor. Mayor P urs MIr.•Herrold Council ^File No...:.............:......:...:...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. �� and PRELMNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin t lie improvement by the Cit. St. Paul, viz.:__:a.o..nd..emxi.ng.....anri....t.aking...-.an._.eas ant .....i.n....the._..l.and.._l7 sary_._fp:r slopes for cuts and fille..._fqr....gr._.......ng-._Belmont..._St......._.f ......azni.tc.....Ame_.......t.o._.._® Ottawastreet........ _...._...._.......... ....... ...._...._...............�........................__... _............... _........... _ _I . .. tiu. - .,, y�raen ted to t.• .....__..._. ... A. or St. Pau] [hemi'- ....._........ _.......__.... .... _..... - d. R'ha[ the Comm: I Dated this__ 2.8.th. __......da of._. directed: ena h I h ; 191.4 v stigate the e t. he of th m 1 f t stlgate the nate .... . ... _.. ... .. ........ ...... a cost of aid �$ total oar tr Councilman. sh nP l� a PRELUMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:..... 4.9..ndePP'.3.g_., d__t_ _1n.E........_.. e.see._ant..._in__th_e...._1_a_?id.._necQAs_arY......#'or...._4.�. P.e.e......fa.z.. cut_e__..aYid_ _ fills fo,rgra..d..ing Bel...mont._$t.,._.�r..o.m._.Ufait.k._..we......_t.o_...Ottaw.a.s.tr_e_e.t,....___.....:._.._ _._._ .. ....... ................................. .. ......... ...... .......... .. .... .... .. .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........................ _...... ..................... ._.._....... _................ ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1 To furnish the following other data and information relntive, to said improvement:....._______.__...__....___... ...........- .............. ................. ........... ...... .......... ............ ................. _....... ._._.......................... ........... ..................... .... ............... ..................... _............ . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......,..............x.........191 Yeas: / Nays : Councilman Faeworth Go Approved......__.... fes..._ _..V_v..._..........___19 Ke 1 Me 11 AA ...... _....... . ................................. ._._C/..4.... Mayor Pow •s y- l -;fayor. `�DL1S1� Mr. Herrold. Council File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENY. and The undersigned hereby proposes the making the following public iulpr .uleut by tjo City of St. Paul, viz.:_._eon.demnn.g.....a>1.....t.a.i. an....e:as.e nt....in.....t 1.and.._neces.aar.y.....io.a...... slopes for cuts and.. ills.. r..-gradi_ng..the.....&1......:i.D-E1_Q.C..k.19,.....&uuni_i::...P.ar>t Addition. ................................................................................................................. n' .Summit Park for `g Park �'..............__..._....._........_............... ...... ........... _..._....,.,........... ................. ...._._... _. ... r---.. ..._.__...._....._.... _._......._......._.......__. J. Suqueen presented to th of St. St. Paul there) fi Y'ed. That the Commit . ......................._._........._..._191...4.. _ ......... ay ` .. n Dated tna._.�+.. -. •e Work. bend he is h. and directed: ro investic to the Hetes. i ._.._._ ._._.........._...._.......... -:,-ability of the mnking U"" "" ,ant. n teeti...t the nnta. CnnnC111nIIn. - ,nted cost of .aid the total cost Bald i"Vro", rnleh ..,1•j.fARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A Written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_.._Q..o11d.elltXd.l.1'ig .-- and..__t_ak ng...._an.._eas..emer..t.-.-.�.11._th__g-....�..and....n0A.G.sss.ary_...fo.r_...alolt$.s.....f.o.r.....cu s..and...._. fills for ._drad.ng thealley.._. in B1_oc.k.�9..,...._Summa..t..-l?ar.k.._Addit.ian, ._.........____.. ................. .....__. _ ............ _._.__.. - _................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......... ................ _.........................................._....-----._., therefore, be it orks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public W 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement,' and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a.plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ................. _ ........... I. To furnish l.he following other data and information relative -to said improvement: 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of tree or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by tile Council......_ ............._._ ° .._...191.y Yeas: / Nays: Councilman Far swo•tll � Gos Approved..../...../. ....... ..._.. 19 Ke r Me oil .......................... .......... ... Mayor Po rs /yds Mayor. Olin J. E. Carroll CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM .Batablished_grade.. Subject:_.. _ ..... ........... .... ..... .....: .COUNCIL FILE NJb ... ... ...................... .: ...L.... ...._.......... ... _ ....__... _..... ................:...�......................._........... ....... Date Presented ---_.Iso..-...- 9.,--.._I91...4". 4 Resolved, That the grade of the alleys in Blook 1-J. R. Weide's Addition and J. M. Warner's 2nd Addition, in a000rdanoe with the red grade line` on the a000mpanping profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Pnblie Works, be and the same is hereby adopted aa;Ithe established grade. RE90LUT10N3. C. F, No. 32E4—By nq, N, Coss_ `IF eeip Block lII J.t R. �F ide'a of loin and J. AT. tParner's 2nd Addltlon, In accordance with tho red grade line on the necompanyfng profile, and an rec- ommended by the Commlasloner oT 1 ublic Worlcs, be and the name in here- by adopted as the established grnd�e. Adopted by the Council Dec: 29, 1914. _Approved Dec. 30, 1914: (Jan. 9-1916) - Yeas (V) Clti; ln (f') Nays � //l� Adopted by the Council C,1 % 191 !/ tr h/ _ In favor /?j ,_ 191 Ap ve Against Mr. Presid, , - MAYOR F FORM 0.8.2 -.. .... ,. ....... .. - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e Subject:....--.EDSTAGE __ _._._._ _ _..._.- ...... __ _ .COUNCIL '3225 FILE' NO ...... .... ............... .... ... ..... ...... ....... ...... .............. ...... Date Presented _..........Der -20,19149 I ........... Resolution authofizing the drawing of a warrant ita favor of :he Commissioner of inance for $2.00 with the consent of she Mayor and the Comptroller for file purchase for cash of postage to said amb#nt, chargeable to :he Department of Public Works -Corrections Workhouse. _ C. F. No: 3226—Hy M. N. Go— Rase, � ution authorising the do—Ing: o[ a warrant In favor of the. Commie `g. stoner of Finance for $2.00 vlth the consent of the Mayor and the Comp- troller for the purchase for cash of tsVWO o said a unt. chargeable othe portment of Public Works— Corree tions Workhouse. Adopted by the Counell Dec. 29. 1914. Approved Dec. 30. 1914. ('Tan. 9-1916) i Yeas (V) Counc' en (N Nays Adopted by the Council __ 19 Ix Farn orth / Goss ,E� In favor A1g1(� Kell pprove _ Mc ll Q Against Yoe ___ _ --MAYOR Mr. President, Owers OPM c.8.2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL., RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_.___ POSTAGE___ _.._.... __ ........ .....--...... �(� COUNCIL w� 3(- 26 FILENO .... ... I ................. ...... . Date Presented..-Dec_201914--I91--.-.--.._ 1 1d, Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for $2.00 with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to the Department of Public Utilities -City Markets. 'C. F. No. 3226—By O. E. Kell _er-"' Resolution authorNing the drawing of a warrant infavor of the Commis- sioner of Finance for_: .qd. -ith the a sent of the Nfr,yor"dnddthe.-Comp_ troller for the purchase' -for .cash of postage to said amount, chargeable to 0 the Department of Public Utilities— City tilities City Markets. Adopted by the Council Dec. 29, 1014. A pproyed Dec. 30, 1914, i (San. 9-1016) Yeas (V) Coune en ( f) Nays Adopted by the Council 19 Farns Goss rth In favor Kelle Approved_3 19]� MCC Qi _Against a er - Mr. President, ers ORM C.8.2 V That the ap�limation of L. Y. Scott for a license to conduct a theatre on S. S, Sixth Street betvreen Robert and tdinnesota Streets be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the pay— ment into the City Treasury of the Fee. �10C.00 C. R. No. 3227—By Henry McColl— hat ic Coll— � 'What the application f 1- )�'. Scu[t for a Ileease to c duct a theatre on ,.in street between Robert and Bilnnesola streets be andIt hereby is granted and the City Clerk Is Instruct- ed to lesue such Ilcense .for o e year upon the payment Into the City TreaR- ury of the fee 8100.00. Adopted by the Council Dec. 29. 1914. Approved Dec. 30, 1914. (Jan. 9-1976) Yeas ( P') Cou ilmen (f,),Nays Far worth Go In favor Ke r M oll G _.Against Y g Mr. Presiden Powers roRM c.e•z Adopted by the Council oCl 191 �{ qq J — Approved _ W 191/ --- - - --MAYOR _-- Resojved, hat the proposed erection and construction of a public comfort station on the Fifth street side of the Court House and City Hall Square, as shown by the sketch and plane submitted by the Commission- er of Public Safety, meets with the approval of the Council, and the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby ordered to cause the same to be built, and for that purpose, the Commissioner of parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall prepare or cause to be prepared complete plans, estimates of cost and specifications for such improvement and submit the same for approval in the manner provided by the City Charter. RESOLVED FURTHER, That there is hereby set aside out of the Public Comfort Account of the General Fund, the sum of Sixteen Thousand, Five Hundred ($16,500.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of paying the cost of such improvement. F. No. 3228—By Henry McColl— Resolved, That the proposed c d construction of a public con' fine on the Fifth street Id�'- Court House and City Hall Sul hown by the sketch and plane •d by the Commissioner of P - -y, meetswith the approval o' and the ""deeione - c Safety to herebyorder, the same to be built, n vurpose. the Commission,' - Playgrounds and Public all prepare or cause to b. .. Complete-;-plans, estimat .d ep.011"'tions far suc t and submit the Yeas (D') Coun men (I') Nays t In the manner provide hatter. .Ired Purther. That ther, ;opted by the Council �� aside out of the Public Far orth he General Pun . - •'h ,add% Piv, Gos In favor a er Kel Approved Mc 11 G_ _.against , Yo Mr. President, owers — - - - - '- MAYOR - DITARTMNT-PMK*-PIAY-(iROVND�,-PIJBLIC -BUILDINGS. JOHN J. OrLEARY, Commissloner Dec. 28th,1914 Hon, Henry McColl, Comer, Public Saf sty, City Dear Sir: I hand you herewith sketch,plans and elevation of proposed comfort station, to be located on E. 5th street between .Cedar street and Wabasha street on the City Hall and. Court House grounds. The cost of the same not to exceed $16,500.00. Yours very truly, hitect. ",- FINAL ORDER. 11] the Matter of constructing a sidewalk of cement blocks on the west side of Lexington avenue from Gcodrich avenue to a point 80 feet south of the south line of Fairmount avenue. ander Preliminary Order, 2298 ftAU11,2722%happroved October 27th, 1914. Intermediary Order ...approved ........... ... .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objeetions all(] reeoininendations relative thereto, and having fully considered Nie Sallie; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pahl that the piIevise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said City is�.construct a sidewalk of cement blocks on the .west side of Lexington avenue from Goodrich avenve to a point 80 feet'south of the south line of Fairmount avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, ']'list the Commissioner of Public Works he and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans all.] specifications for said improveniew, ;III,] Submit Slime to the Couneil. for approval; that upon said approval, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couneil....�' _;w Approve(]... C) 19j// ityri-k. ............ . .. Mayor. Councilmen sworth C. F. X.. 3229— Inmatter of c—tracting a side- walk of cement blocks a the wast side a f l,exington a-- f,. Good - r h ss a Point IIIi fee, sou, nP the,I of Fairmount a,c� an 'n - Order 2298, der Preliminary I lei- sppr%—d October 27th, 1914. A Public hearing having been had upon the above Improvement upon due flee 11 -- ... and the C.orIc having heard C( 'ofl all Persons., objections and recomenda- and tlo ns therefore, NL/ Culla considered he a ""In" ..Resolved, ..13Y the Council of the City t St, Paul that the precise nature, aImprovement to be CityI extent and kind of P' oerg d by the said aconstruct a sidewalk of cement blocks on the west ide of Lexington cement, from Good - Mayor h a f so Mayor owers of the -u,`b Ill.. point 80 set oath of Is son a of Fairmount and the Counalbl hereby order. a avenue Provemen t to '_'d aid Im- Further. ��' at the s loner of 'd Public Comm's. Re -1�' hereby Instructed Works be -d he I. and directed to pre- pare plans and speaffic.t.aa for said Improvement, ament, and submit ..me to the ,'Tprox for pp'.'al: that upon said .Ppr.e.1 - the proper I'll' o'11111, or, he—l- a uthorized ad ,treated to Pro- ceed with the making of .Id Improve- ment In accordan—, th crew th. "It"' 11 the Dec. 29, 1111. Dec. 30, 1914. (Jen. 9-1915) 3 J J j J,iF t .5 J; COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y FINAL ORDER. 11] the Matter of constructing a sidewalk of cement blocks on the west side of Lexington avenue from Gcodrich avenue to a point 80 feet south of the south line of Fairmount avenue. ander Preliminary Order, 2298 ftAU11,2722%happroved October 27th, 1914. Intermediary Order ...approved ........... ... .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objeetions all(] reeoininendations relative thereto, and having fully considered Nie Sallie; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pahl that the piIevise nature, extent and kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said City is�.construct a sidewalk of cement blocks on the .west side of Lexington avenue from Goodrich avenve to a point 80 feet'south of the south line of Fairmount avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, ']'list the Commissioner of Public Works he and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans all.] specifications for said improveniew, ;III,] Submit Slime to the Couneil. for approval; that upon said approval, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couneil....�' _;w Approve(]... C) 19j// ityri-k. ............ . .. Mayor. Councilmen sworth C. F. X.. 3229— Inmatter of c—tracting a side- walk of cement blocks a the wast side a f l,exington a-- f,. Good - r h ss a Point IIIi fee, sou, nP the,I of Fairmount a,c� an 'n - Order 2298, der Preliminary I lei- sppr%—d October 27th, 1914. A Public hearing having been had upon the above Improvement upon due flee 11 -- ... and the C.orIc having heard C( 'ofl all Persons., objections and recomenda- and tlo ns therefore, NL/ Culla considered he a ""In" ..Resolved, ..13Y the Council of the City t St, Paul that the precise nature, aImprovement to be CityI extent and kind of P' oerg d by the said aconstruct a sidewalk of cement blocks on the west ide of Lexington cement, from Good - Mayor h a f so Mayor owers of the -u,`b Ill.. point 80 set oath of Is son a of Fairmount and the Counalbl hereby order. a avenue Provemen t to '_'d aid Im- Further. ��' at the s loner of 'd Public Comm's. Re -1�' hereby Instructed Works be -d he I. and directed to pre- pare plans and speaffic.t.aa for said Improvement, ament, and submit ..me to the ,'Tprox for pp'.'al: that upon said .Ppr.e.1 - the proper I'll' o'11111, or, he—l- a uthorized ad ,treated to Pro- ceed with the making of .Id Improve- ment In accordan—, th crew th. "It"' 11 the Dec. 29, 1111. Dec. 30, 1914. (Jen. 9-1915) 3 j t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIpNER .OF FIN CE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER In the Matter of It ..................° ............---..... - .........._. ...............__........... - - ---------- -- -------------- ---------------------------- -------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------_......- ---_----_-----..-- -.___..-.._.-r--_---__•- -------------------------- _._.------ ------ ---.._--_- under Preliminary Order approved ---- ----- -f..--..._05.-1............ L..S/ --------- ...---------- --------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $4 9 -t--p—er --foot for six foot sidewalk. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION FORM 9.3.A. 3.3 A LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (4 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i" REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1- ON PRELIMINAR'( "ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION mi t "&V ASSESSED VALUATION ` The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. .�1 --- -- -191.✓l/.!i....._................ Dated -........._... .... - - __._.. Commissioner . of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 5.5 C EDSON S.I oTT.PAE ., .Jour 1•ialut EJr:x.7nrl1x E75twC - U.G.Lut•.�tr:•n• Groeor. H. N TINTISS sec.e....v rr,us�nen .1. J.Mr:nixnt LB STN It ILJ -0I t.. <'l/oma i��('���•r'. �'O i%�ii�iii �r�i�� 'Gir.. Iir.�� A. N. STACY. GENEItAI, AGENT 329% JACKSON 9TR..ET, ST. PAUL. MINN. September 29th,1914. Li. IT. Gose, Esq. Commissioner of Public Work. St Paul Unn. Dear Sir_:_ Your attention is called to the fact that there is no side walk in front of Lots "l and ;`-2, Block 2 of St Claire Street and Short Line Plat ?v'o.1, being the S.W. Corner of Fairmount and Lexington Ave. So., and that in this block alone are four residences fronting on Lexington Ave. the occupants of which are compelled to walk through mud and watter at times, to get to the street crossing. You are therefore, by this petition, signed by the undersigned property owners, respectfully requested to immediately order suitable side walk laid in front of the above described lots, on the West side of Lexington Avenue So. as above indicated, also on Wcst side of Lexing- ton -between Goodrich and Fairmount Ave.:uue. Respectfully submitted, 1TAMES, *7� Address. l 6 y J°0 Office of the Commissicer of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Ootober 88,. _...._..........1914. To the Connnissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Cmumissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No_._.._f3(Z98........... approved ..... ..... ... OOt.•...-.aT..i...... ..... _.._._.1914....., relative to..._.............__.... o_onatruo..ting.._a.__Sidewalk.._oP._._Dement._bloo...... .._the___waet._.e.ide__of-._.._ .............. exngton.:.A9enue..._f,rom.._(}ooc�rloh_ of ...the ..�.ut.h.._1.7..ne ..of....FaUMQUUt ...A.01% Ve................_....... _....._......._....................._.........:_..._...._......._..:._....._._................_...... _.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is $........__RRR and the total cost thereof is ._........ x..._p--...--... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ __ _.......... ....... ... ...._.__. ............. .... _ ..._.. _... ..._........._.......... _.............._.._...................................... ............... _........_..................... ....__._._..._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... ............ ............. o• Said improvement is.... asked for upon petition of twee or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............. .. ._..................... ......................... 'o + ssioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE Nt).._. _.._. _. FINAL ORDER. In the jI,attel• of.constructing a cement sidewalk on the East side of Baldwin. street between Goodrich avenue and Princeton avenue except where good and sufficient sidewalk now exist; under Preliminary Order. 2424 _ .._approved _.November.. 7th, 1914. Intermediary Order __ _ __approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reannmendatiolls relative thereto, and having fully considered tale same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pail that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to Ile made by the said (7ity is.._4o.Cl6t.xuct _a cement sidewalk on the East side of Baldwin street between Goodrich avenue and Princeton avenue except where good Isidewalks now exist.___ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That. the Commissioner of Public Works he and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications fm• said improvement, and submit saute to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity officers are hw•ehy authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceodanee therelvilh. Adopted by the Council 'le It. Approved_ Mayor. C. F. No. 3230— Cmnfcihnei Fart worth In the matter f constructing a cement sidewalk on the East side of awln treet,between Goodrich .venne nnI Qos Princeton avenue except where good and suff, I( sidewalks now exist. under Preliminary Order 2424, ap- Kell I•roved Nov. 7th, 1914. upon theic heabovring having been had n due notice. and the Council havinrovement g eheard Me( oil dalttonsso eintiveoth... andarecOmmnd n - be it considered the same; therefore, Resolbe It 1 St. Paul that the the precise of tune, ehe x- tent and kind of Improvement to ebe 1'a 1•g made by the sold City is construct a cementsidewalk on the East side of 'Baldwin street between Goodrich'ave- <la OI' P Dere nue and Princeton avenue except where Mayor ! good aidewalks now exist and the Council hereby order. said Improve- ment to be made. lonol ers oY eP bite Further. Wo Works babe do he i1. (hereby instructed and directed to Dre- pare plans all speclflcattone Yor said Improvement, and submit same to tho Council for approval; that upon said �hereb vel . the proper city officers are sed with [ he lZemaking o (re ttdedmo pre- ,ne t In accordance therewith. prave- Adopted by the Council Dec. 29, 1914. Approved Dec. 30. In14. (Jan. 9-1915) -_ ... .. I f fi d a j i r - - CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISr1IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI RY ORDER --// (A) In the Matter of/ ----------"-=-`----Y-'--"--- ^� } / -17x%�L�*�nM-�LL2tL�_Gf/L�MIt CSI �( -r a/kf�zd .u..L..------- .............----------------------------- ............--.1--- ----.....-------------- --------- -------- — - - — ------ - ----------- ---- ------------ ------------------------ -�---/-.-.----------------------------------- --------------------------- ---- - ----------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved—--------.�L-Q--'!t — - - --------------------..._ .------------------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $49t PeK front (footf�r �a B# foot The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ B1Q4aP8--'------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION %l£ ezl A of �o�. � bra � �rfa(onf iI Lj%r J14141?1 , �',L'lrL 71744 o %fL-4N. /I/ G C "4Q ry d..r,�kca��i j-�4f2�a ,�`LKCL' v/tI'4SufL /` 4 /tI\ad—t-(--afL �aco%1-. r, U 6 / l 1rx�% J �i� r� 7 �r-a4, %/tj ruc- � t✓% //%� r /�f sK c %>. /1" ,. ASSESSED VALUATION �'/ / JA jkj�6' T - TOTAL, FORM B.B.A. B -B A _ - ' � -. j. al.. _ CITYOF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTIdENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAY ORDER DE SCR I PT I O,N LOT BLOCK ADDITION wla G f'-v�^.5/,.,� Ck ASSESSED VALUAT N ,f�GJ U.. s� YId f. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --- --------A, -f f--- --- ---------- Li. /tel.- • C✓ ...1�GGLa - - /.....---------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM 8.3— B -D C - < Office of the Commissioner of Public Works, Report to Commissioner of Finance .. _...:.........1914 To the Commissioner of Finance of the Cit3%pf St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under eousideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.approved...... NOV..... M ..... ........ _... .....1914...., relative to.. ............ constructing a cement sidewalk on the east side of Baldwin Street ............ .............................. I.......................... ............... be.>R.�_Qn....Cao.G.dx..Oh._Avenue._to..._Prnoeton_Avenue_,..._exoapt.._where._..gp_od„ and B.11ff iQj.Aiflt._..d 1d*'M U._..Ia,4W......sz.1.01...d..... ............__........_............ .......__.._..........._... .................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._..............necessary and (o•) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is .............._ X..., and the total cost thereof is Y._......_XR7CXX _......., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .___._..... ....... ... .............. ....... _............... ........_..__... ... ... ....... . ... ...-- ............ .... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........... ........................... .................. ..... . _............. _ ...... _.... _... o. Said improvement is................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............. .......... ... .......A......_....................... _._......_:........_........... Con miss'oner of Public Works. St.Paul, November 2nd,1914 TO TILd POARI) OF PUBLIC WORKS, CITY OF ST.PAUL, MINNESOTA. Gentlemen:— ,We, the undersigned property owners, do hereby petition that a cement sidewalk be laid on the east side of Baldwin Street, Macalester Park, from the corner of GooArich Avenue, extending south up to sidewalk already laid, and from Princeton Avenue extending north to walk already laid. It is absolutely necessary that this walk be laid before Spring, as during that season of the year it is impossible to use this portion of the walk on account of the mud and clay, making it necessary to trespass on other people's property to gain access,efo our respective residences. Prompt action will be greatly appreciated. COUNCIL FILE NO.. _ lly.... __...._. __.__ ___-_______ /h J FIN®L ORDER. it, the clatter 0f constructing. &...sidewalk of cement blocks .to a. width of six feet on the south side of Midway Parkway from Pascal avenue to Hamline ave Under Preliminary Order 2447 _._ _ _ _approved. _ November' 6th, 1914. Intermediary, Order _ .... _.__approved ._ ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement 111)011 due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered t4ie snu11e; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preeise nature, extent and kind of inl- provement to be inade by the said city is/. construct _ . ,_.a_. sidewalk. - .of. _cement..._b.loeks.- to a width.?f six feet on the south side of Midway Parkway from Pascal avenue. _to.._HpL ne. avenue. and the Council hereby orders sailli11proven,ent to be node. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the. making of said improvement _t in aevo'donee therewith. t Adopted by the Council ...__...OKKz _? _..._19 . 6_'O' f�'ll Ci le1k. Approved..!_V__� v__ _ _ 19�_.(� lfay0r. COnncilmen A 11'11sw03•t.h C. F. No. 3231— in the Matter of constructing a aide y walk of cement blocks to a width (, 1S9 of six feet on the south aide of Mid- wny Parkway from Pascal avenue to Hemline. Ave, under Preliminary Order 2407, approved. November 6th. Ile' 1914. A public hearing having been had; ,upon the above Improvement upon due 11 ,01111 notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommen- dations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;, therefore, be it Resolved, Ry the y66.1lell of the City of St Paul that the`,giecl'ee nature, ex- t' erg- tent and kindof lmlproyement to be made by the said CIty}q construct a. sidewalk, of cement b'{oy�15a to a width , o[ six feat on the eou'tc pude oS Mid- way P We'9 ay Parkway from P4Pc$l aysnuo to Hemline avenue and, ills"Counctl here- by . orders' said""improvement"to be made. Resolved Further. That the Commits stoner=oQ;Pubtic Works be and he is hereby`lnptft 4d and directed to pre - Fare plansT.o spectdcatlone for said Improvement attd submit samo ,to. the Council for approvai,i'that upOA, said - approval, the propercity ORlcets are _ ereby authorized and directed to pro sed with the making of said -improve m e t in.... c .rdance therewith. Adoptedb, the Council Dec. 29. 1914. Approved Dec. 30. 1914. (Jan. 9-1916) i € , t h , CITY OF ST. PAUL - \ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI38IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER `>e57 � � ----------------- - - - ---------------------- ----------------- ------ - - - --- - under Preliminary Order approved-----------�"S.. LIL,--..._U...._-----f S1-Y------------------_-............._------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: I I The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is- $— - - `---P.e..r --foo-t- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - '$---------------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION / !'( N( cf G�/f�i�rl�v •4/�/rci t.1 •L[/L f//�-A/ =z r;( �(G /(d>� sT/v✓% !!/to% Y ASSESSED VALUATION J 114 %IZ 3", "k/ TOTAL, FORM H.S.A. H -D A CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t -46 REPORT OF COMMI/3SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 �/� ���lt l/v-l�� V 0""l w.,oIz— �W/ t�rv..% l/ •6'1z/ a/�`�,IJ(�`�i i�./a��i(�'�� ��c�rJv� / �i-,IY7/ f Gtl v C/r�J� U (9 U The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon, to the Council, together with the report made to I, him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /r Dated - ....'..._Lf - Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. S -S C - - " cligry OF SAINT. PAVIL, CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Ho,.M. Y.'Cope, GO Co sm r P,ibjjc Ci De,,r Sir:— Att,,o!:c,3 Tin al ord I-.,- C 23:;3, t t --u c t n f got Fi,l "y t): id� if P 4rlk 1), ti, )un I et 'i. t�- r i,2e' i r_ lr,l Trier t i;•� try-, ,r;e:- y-, 1 8 c,-- id q 'e,,d -1 fee t r zly i ty 27.,, �-k Ci y 1,lork i% N CITY OF SAINT PAUL OITY OLEH%'H OFFICE' W OCT "U 199114 21 Oct. 28t1e0�1� (cEF, ii. r. JiihS Hm . M. ti . C oss, Cosr.r. of P,Iblic ":01k a, Cite. v e:i - � r: The n:t,,ched C. F. 2323, a Fina] -rder to construct n 4z f.ot sidewalk on tt:e south side of l:idwny Pnr};wny, w,e laid over to "s:.,.t ZZDAY I:ovembor 4th, 1314, sr,i referred to you. The objection was thRt a 4i foot sidevinik was not vl.de er.ai l for the traffic. Yours tnily, City "lerk. -'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 7, 1914t9l To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- cil, known as Council File No...._4 ?._......._approved.,__.....__.._NOVepber...6.t..... 191°i......., relative to .......... o onst rust ing__a___s idewalk__........................... ent.._b looks.,.. t o.._a__width.._of ...............six ..feet __.,._.. on the south ease of Midway Parkway, from Pascal Avenue to ....... .. . ......... _ . .. _ . ............. Hamlin. Avenue..... ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.........._....._....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... gRxx . and the total cost thereof is ._._......_ - ..... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... ............... .......................................... ___.............. ..._.._......._.._...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and node a part hereof. 4 ........ .................. .......................... ........................ ............................ .............. ............................... .......... .......... .......... ........._..._......._._....... ......... . __........._........ ... :i. Said improvement is ....... .... not............ asked for upon petition of three or more ownersof property, subject to assessment for said improvement. megg: ....... d.............:._.._..�...___.........-................._............._..._.........._........_...........__. Co issioner Public Works. I J" COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y... ... .. .... FINAL ORDER. In the Alatter of constructing a cement block., sidewa.Lk to awilit.h....P.-f. six feet on the north side of Hague -Ave. from Pascal avenue to Albert Street. under Preliminary order. 2146 -approved October 19th, 1914. Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above imprownient upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered tale snille; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provenient to be made by the said City is Q_OnStruCt a qepent sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of Hague avenue from Pascal.avenue to Albert St., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the. Commissioner of Public, Works be and he is hereby instructed nild directed to prepare plans and specifications for said i III provellivilt, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directl'(l to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...... 19. Cler Approved 191'�4 • Mayor. Councilmen Fat isworth 3232— Go. of t noting n cement ln.I:h:,'.1,11lt11 .1 r n the 1, to width of .1. fee, orth Id: '' "gu ' AI—o from K,,l Pascal no..eto Alb:'t.t'..o. cr r. Preliminary Order 2146 apbroved It 14. October cto, �bl,,"hearing having been had �lcl ]lU,.. public above j_pr.v..g.,t'.p.n due notic:,.,,,d be Ct,,nn.,,,..(, a., heard all persons, "Joe in 'ecommen- Xrr datiorol relative thereto, and havmg fully e.raijered the same; therefore,, be it Yoe i g , Resolved, By the Connell of the City of St. Paul that the %5ieelde nature, eb- t ent and kind of 1Tprovement to o e I made by the said City is construet a width of six feet Mayor Poly irs H cement sidewalk t. -f "'u, avenue n the north aide from Pr"I "'nue to AlbertSt., and the Council hereby orders' said Im- provement to be made. Retsolved Further, That the Commis- sioner of Public Works be and - Is _d hereby instructs an directed - re. , for pare plans an a oci c t -.1 e t 0 s [he e Improvement, an submit t Up.'Lir cour,11 for approval; t officers at .1, the proper city are Up"I' il to pro- hrr.b��`aot` and directed the a I aid I prove - he or—Ith. ;',',',d, -1 "'Ht" by the ojjI De, 29. 1914. Ar", 30. 15.14. on 5) 41 It fill CITY OF ST?PAUL - .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI0JNER OF FI ANCE �br' ON -PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of----�(------C'---�- — rl------------- -- - / / Preliminary Order Y----`0----.- ffl---...-------......._.-.._.._-.--....---...-----------------..--...----- under approved --------.._ ---- -1------- / --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -$------- 490perlineal ------------------------------_ ft. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 0 y6 Id ronM e.e.A. a -a a TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL; .I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION " ASSESSED VALUATION 0 /J J ell, its` j- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /. Dated --- /—/ -----------191.. _ ✓.. IOPM 8.8.A. 8.0 C .- Commissioner of Finance. Office of' the Commissioner of Public:: Works Report to Commissioner of Finance v. 0 o t obe r..._i9.r._................._191. 4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...._al!..............approved ......_OOtQbQT..._19........ ....._.....194......., relative to ........... construct_ing_._a,__cement.__bloc......................................alk to a width of six feet on the ........ ... ._............................. .... .................... ..... _.................... north..,_side._._of___ Hague.._ Ave_,__between Pascal ...... ....... ..... ............. ..... .......... ................. ............... .._.._...._........................... ........................ ....................... :._.......... ..... ......_................ .....__......_......_._........... ..................................... ..........._.._..............._...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is X;= ........... ,and Te total cost thereof is $......_.%Tx........ xx. _.. .__........., and the nature. and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.........._..____......_..__._ ............ .... ..... ........ ...................... ............................ IL ............. _ . _.. _....... _. _........ _...................._................................................................ _.......................... _.................... . _..... _.......... _...... _..... _..... _.. _............. ................ _........... _... '3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and umde a part hereof. 4 . ......... .................... ................... .................................. .................................. ......_....................... ...... ............... -...... .................. ....._.._..........._................ ......_........_...__.... 5. Said improvement is............_......................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... .............. .y.... .... .. . Co i sioner of Public Works. E ` � rc •d r; COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y - FINAL ORDER. hi the Platter of__reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement blocks to a width of Nine (9) feet the present sidewalk on the north side of Ninth stre'e't beginning at St. Peter street thence Fast 72 feet. under Preliminary Order 1487 _ __._ _approved .Sep.tember 5th, 1914.. intermediary Older _ _ ._ _ _ _approved _... A public hearing having been had upon the above intprovenlent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the Name; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of inl- provelnent to be ,rade by the said City is reconstruct relaying and repairing with o11Ap aa,gg) Meat bN?nth t%reetlbeg3nningnet(St feet _the,_.present sidewalk n the north Peter street thence East r73'feet. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he nmde- RESOLZrED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications ibr said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceotdtnce therewith. Adopted by the Council er . Approved.. Conneilnum Fal istvorthC. F. -No. 3233— I„ the .'tatter of reconstructing. relay - (in• 6 -and repairing -Ith . gement blocks to a width of Nine -(9') feet the present sidewalk o th'e north Ide of Ninth street beginning at St. l<e e1' Peter street. thence East 72 feet. under Preliminary Order 1487 ap- lI all proved September -th, 1914. public hearing - publring having been had port the s hes improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard ¢II persona, objections and recommen- dations relative thereto; and having. fullyc onsidered the same; therefore, be It Y erg Resolved. Ry the Council of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, ex- tent and kind of improvement to be Mayor P wel•S mg erelay(ng said and City pairittgeO ith ce- ment blocks to a width of Nine (9) feet the present sidewalk an the north sick of Ninth street beginning at St. Peter atrest thence East 72 feet, and the Council hereby orders said Improve- ment t to be made Resolved Further. That the Commis-_ stoner of Public Norlca be d he is hereby Instructed and directed to pre- pare pinna 'ind nidrat iona for Bald improvement. and secbmit aame to the Counell for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers ¢ hereby authorized and'dn rested to pro- erd with the eking of said improve- . eat m n ¢reanre tnere..Itn. n Adopt,,, by theCouncil arc. 29. Inn. approved nee. 30 1"1 l.1an. 9-1915) ' F 0 d ( i` ° r •� � � I i i! 1 � s t i ! t I s Atj r k [.l fFi ( 2f S i �d i F ✓ �, }�' �. lI 0 CITY QP ST. PAUL DEPARTMIL T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIN CE J?J ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of��,��ui under Preliminary Order approved —= ` 1- - --- -..........--- --------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is foot for new Bidewalks. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - L/ cam,/ 2 O�/ V4'%!11L(— �lt�'�•O/ti(1'/!-f U ? J -U .Z. f�. tr .ORM B.B.A. a -a < TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - �" ""... 191 . Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 9-3 C 1R. .. Office of the Commissioner of Public: Works Reporfi to Commissioner of Finance -r ................1914 .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,'having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No....._1407 . ....approved....._......._S0t2rabe.x 5... ....... 191..4..., relative to. re o ons eruct_ing.,......xz.. ayng.._and..._repa it n.,_w,t h..... _width.._Qf......nine...._fe.e_t.......thfl_..».&.Q4saltQn- the.......n.Q.zt.h..._e 3e.....P;r..._HITIth._ .. Pg_ter. Stree.t.,...._t?fence...._eaet...._72.....fe_gt........_....._.............................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._...._�X ?a ........ _. and the total cost thereof is $......_ X Xh,_,,,_,_.._...... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................. _............._................ ... ............. __...................... _......._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ...................................................._.................................. _........................ _................... _....... ................ _.. _............ _. _........................ ...................... _......................:. .......... o. Said improvement is.._.._....??.2t.......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 91F ........................._..................ionrof Public Works. h r CI TY OF ST.•PAUt. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT.' ='t r AUDITED CLAIMS — RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No.3� FILE !Dye, 2 9 1914 �. AUDITED 191_j6�a c. PER X58 L,e Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of th4ereinaftera pecified fun in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following II AMI statement: Q� Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓ ) Nays - Adopted by the CounciloC/� Farnsworth Goss (&)—In favor, Approv 'Z L° Keller / McColl — L� Against MAYOR Yoerg ° .. Mr. President, Powers Q�iiSI'I ' •;.iahtln6V�6"'• Pyn[.I<.41� � �-/�/.� ,9 Co,E4-;436.86; •C�- • ..tins. C." 82,680.26; Co.,. 84,442.46:. - I�hting CO.. 82;669:14, e E6d hn.rit. Atimunt: un Prevention of Cruelty,'I .ids 'cr .Fund: St Paul. 1. Eat No. 1 & flnal. r, Fund: Bulldera Iron S. A. Farnsworth. $40.090.00; Jferchonta: n; 914.61. .gnat. Acct—sewer,' >.. to Cortland: Christ; & SUPP14. 840.00.1 t Corporate Purposes 16o ft. west: a.- Lighting Fund It 1 0. 2 & Supplt" Library P?'` & r 7 81 tterson St. Lightibg Co., 2,580.25 ,436.85 2 Patterson St. Lighting :¢o., , 80.2 1 7 3 Patterson St. Lighting Co., 4,442.45 7 4 Patterson St. Lighting'Co., 2,659.14 7 5 A.. M. Peterson' 65o.70 To 14 General Fund -Charities AcCti :. 7 86 Society for the Prevention of 6ruelty, 100.00 Street & S Suver Fund 7 87 St. Paul Lime & Cement Co., Est. #1 & final, 324.80: Water Dept..Fun4 7 88 Builders Iron Foundry, 515R00't Interest Fund 7. 9 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 40,090.00 7 0 Merchants National Bank, 13.934.51 C. F. No. 9ZJ Ordinance No. +35� BY Conanisaioner,_ An Ordinance granting to The Baltimore Investment Company,- Minnesota corporation, permission to cconetruct a stairway railing, in front of premises known as Piedmont Apartments. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ordain,: SECTION 1. 3i it r m .. said That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Baltimore Investment Company, a corporation duly organized,oreated and ex- isting under the laws of the State of Minnesota, to construct a ✓ stairway and railing, extending three feet beyond the it h}rly line of West Ninth Street; said stairway beginning east- -- feet and three inches easterly from the in= ttft erly line of Smith veer thence a distance of fourteen feet and six inches in front of and leading down into the premises known as Piedmont Apartments, located at the southeasterly corner of Smith Stren lots Avenue an Wesur Ninth) and fives(5),niphblockynumberedof tfift•y-siso(56), of Irvine's Enlargement t Rice & Irvine's Addition to the.City of St.$aul, according to the plat thereof, on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds, in and for Ramsey County,Minnssota. SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the eaid on itsaenses for the compliance withotheruction of said following conditions ay and railing, up (1) The said Licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works, a plan and specifications of the propstairway and railing,which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said stairway and .railing shall be constructed under thb supervision and direction of the said Commissioner, and the said Licensee shall pay the cost of inspection. (3) The said Licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Yanl, in the ,sum of Five Thousand Dollars, conditioned to save the City of Saint ]Paul harmless from any and`all liability,damages, costs,claims,asddeitpensee of any kind arising out of or growing out of the construction,maintenance,operation,use, or removal of the Said stairway and railing; and the said bond to remain in force and L . effect As long as said stairway and railing are maintained and in operation. The said bond shall be in stich form as may be approved by the Corporation Attoreny, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor of the City of Saint Paul; and said bond shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) The said stairway and railing shall be removed, and the street restored tom its original condition, by the said Licensee, whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said Licensee shall,within five days after the pas- ssge of this Ordinance,file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Attorney. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after..its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council, Yeas Messrs Attest: U City Clerk. j); uq ni raT1. /�i4 '., T T ji - 1 - (' (' 77. i f Ij w .. ... _...: arnewoitfi— i n•ordlnance geantingto;: Tria,.l3niti ' more Investment mpCoany a Minae- - so�a corporation, permisalon kbcen- - 'struct a stairway, and catling, In _ front o[ premisea knovtn as pled+ Pont :Apartments. - Tho�'Counell.of the City of Saint Pan) (Inc. ord.lc:. - ' ThetY dF SECTION 1.- ,t hereb Permission and. authority or. J� grrtnte-to ;the Baltimore In- veapnent Comtl�'n v. n corporatlon. duty - orga'ntaed, creat@d: and ,ezJsping ander ' the :laws oP the Stetc, Mi"Ifiga,-'io CenatruCt- a stairway Bnd�Cflllipg, ;eX ,tending three teet-•beyo, milin ; �• erly.-.line qP \Vest Nintri street; said-- istalrwny, beginning APtypetx ;set and - ; three' inches easterly from the -;c is r1Y. tineof Smith; aven�tdne; thencera distance ot..fourteen feet. nela::'dn¢hes' in - l front , of and leading down lot.• -the "premisea known As Media, tit,, Apart- ' mens; located a4 the ; e6htheaeterlq g- corner of Stnith Avenue.'and ' West upon lot. lot. numbered Cour (48)AIlit Ave ' y (5), ,in block number$d flfty,an (56),A- I Of Irvine's Enlargement tq;Rie00 & Ir- vine. Addition to the CM.y of'St. Paul, according to -the plat thereof, oa Ale. and of record :In the -Rice of the meg later of Deeds,. in and' for; Ramsey County, Minnesota, SECTION - The is hereby authorized tp fasam'ia p pmt[- to thh' said: licensee tar the>ednetruc- - tion.gt said`statrway.and railing„upon pits BomDltanco with tha following: con- The said licensee shall flle'.w(th the Commissioner of Public, Worka; a Penn and apoctftcations of the Drop osed tlialrway and rpiiing Wklch�plan shall , aublect to the, approvalgf the said Commisakmer _(2) The' said'statrWay 'and railing shall be constructed under ;the super. vfalon- and direction `o[ taeshed Com- ' $ misaloner,,and : the said Lieeneeq'shafl pay;the O"t, of InspocHon.• (3)'`�The said Licenses shall furNeh; 1, j 1 bond to the City of, Safat'paul in the rye ^— I”, of ,F1ve 'Thousand�Dollnra on hiti led to save the City ofm :Salp ulj 1; costa lafin sad daespegaes o(, ✓ �V : _ I a. kl d ising out oC ot. growing+ O the fru [Ion maintenance per¢LI 3,a �rnirwaµn• e• removalof the - Aid _ rmr Xe In rPori.¢gynd deRebt gs long ah. i r. ti n.a`' a 1 riling-hre mala-` - nil i,,. � r" '+u•i rr yhmpa$Id bond ➢raved i,. .,." r' rnrm n AveSitn The sold I.feenaee shall within. tnhe passage: ,dfitanee. •filer or this 0- .,t hcrebf with the Ckitten acceptance y Clark,. f In Ucri, ,form asmay approved ti'. s DI?ration Attorney. y' the' Cor-' - Trifa 'ordfnancEe shnil take effect And be In torc¢ thirty days from and atter :Iia ➢aseage and Dubilentlon. `,Adopted by the Connell Jan. 13, 1915. YBae—Messrs. .we h, t;osa Kelier:. Me Coll, ]Ir. President (Pow• er �Z2 ys +va—O. ' PProved Jan. 13, 1915' WINN POWERS, Attest: ,JOHN I. FAiIICY, Mayor. .(IIs Cit • Cler .I: E Council File No.: _.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. e� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. n• nlblic in,ov ent by the City of St- Tile t. e'Phelntderslgned Gr&deL�CentTal'AVQ'nue11f.rQXpby proposethe makig of � folly&pgSt* _. _.' �.7fi.Ilgt.Q.D._,i�.Y9.,...�............._. Yall , viz and Dunlap St. from St. Anthony e.. to On .... reity_ Ave... Superseding C. F: 207 ....... ................................ ............................. ..___. .__..__.. r F. No. 3237— . .. M herefls, A written propos-1 for the t king of the tollowing Improvement, 'tirade Central Avenue from ...... ... .... .. ... .... .. "" "' nlap St. to Lexington Ave,. and _ lap St. from 8L ApthopY .Ave. 'to A 30th -, _da, O • D61 'erelty Ave., having been presented T Dated this..... - Y _. .. o anbea oe the MY of St. Paul :olve�l, That the Comml.sloner of c W orka 4e and he le hereby a .. ._..__......... ... It and directed: To lnvostl Bate the necessity - councilman. _ - eelrabllity of the mnkln6 of a i >vement. , Investigate the nature, estetlmat ' and thea coat of aid Ir total coetsthere, if To furnish a plan, Pr+ = P o[ a id'impf�tt ve art. 1' f rnish th fplloa f' •, I 1nE - loo r Int! . Grade Mg nitptovelnent viz.: SVIIERI;AS, A written proposal for tile nn 4 nl 6 ._ ... ._....... Central Avenue from Dunlap .St'. "toLexin tn.Ave , and Dunlap St from St. Anthony Ave. to University.Avs.... .._... ..__........................ having be presented to the'Coulleil of the City of St. Paul by Couucilnlan........___........... _...... ................. .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate tilt necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said imlu•ovenrent, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . .. _ ....... _........... _.... 4. To faraish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_.___ _. ........... .............................._.......... ..........:........................................ ......................... _................................ ............... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the going rNatters to the'Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.........:.. - .............791 %.. Nays: Yeas: Uouneilniml Fa sworth _........„_.....lJl .. (}o Approved ..._...._...... . Ke r 1\S oil t�rzi�f' Y g Mayor. Mayor P re Q�ISI'ISf2� - Cor. Herrold Council File No... :..;....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public rovement by the y of St. Paul, viz.:_Conde..mn.T._n9__a??dtak?.ng.....an.:.ee.aao.ment:..in_ ... e..._,l.azl.d_..r0.0Q. . M__fo.x____ slopes._fo_r... :uts_:._and.._f...�.1_e.....fo..r.....gr-.i S .ng.__W. .....:�ck..._atre.e.t......f .._m.._R. ?dA RPh L. C P, No. 2232— to Palace street Whereas, A Written proposal for the ...................... ..... ..........._............ .............."" "' making of the following Improvement, �+ vi nt lathe Ian and taking an ease- necesa y for slopes for cuts and fills for grading Warwick- street..IrorO..Randolph St. , to Palace Dated this... 89th....... _day ijstre t, having been�pr�nfed to'the ... ...191.4_e. .�Couhcll of the City of BC.. Paul [hero- IfM of fblit ed, That the heCommissionerisreyof Public Works be and he le:hei•ebYoc- ... ..._..................._.................. .. aredand directed: To Investigate the necessity fOr' �• desirability of the making. of said Councilman. r o emnnt. T I estigate the natbrd, ` _ ;�stlmated coat of ' Ind the total rost'l i• n rrhn.•,a` 1'a ";,,,$DER. \\TIIEREAS, A written proposal for tlric,weiking4 the fgllowing improvement, viz.: eondemTling..... anrl._t.ak i.ng._..an.._aaa.emant....In.....tha __land...:.neo.e.e.e �.X.....fo..x_.._a1.aP..es...._f or._cut_s...._and . f.ilia_..i.o.r...g.r.ailing.._Nf.axveic.ic_.s.t..r.ae.1;:..._fr.o.ut....R.andolP: .._St._..... t.o_.`Pal.ae_e_.._s_tre_et_,_.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. ............... ........ . ................................................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:_ ...................................._. ..... ............. ............. ._..................... _... _....... ..................... _....................._._....._.._..._.;........_._......................................................__.._........ ........................ _.._...................... _............. ....-'- 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for eving matters to the Commissioner of Finance. v Adopted by the Council ............. 2�...3. ......... 191� Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far (worth �3Go Approved... ................._._...... ................. ters Mayor Mayor. �'/�-imn Mt. Herrgld Council File No ................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and - 3239 PRELIIVIINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following is improvement by tfie ,Cit f St. Paul, viz.:.._ C.Q.nde-111ni_z1$.....and,.._t akIng.._.an....O.1a.e.m.e.iz1:.. tk1.2....1.azld....X3�k3BAB a_1 opq e.,...•...f. o_rcut_s:.....an��:.._f i,l l_p...._f or,....gr.ad......_F.au9ui_er.....q_t_r.e_et...._f r ....... to. .._wll.i.t.e..._B...e........Avenue_,...and.....l.andr..e. s.t.r_e,.e.t.....ixo.m....S_ev.e. ........at.r..e.e....._t.Q.._. ....... iti2i_n..n...eh..ah.a....et.x_e.e.t._.......................................................... ...... ......_.............. _........... ......................... ........_.......... ........... ..........._....._...__ ass ... 191 Dated this... 2.9.th.._._....day of.,, ,t written nronoeal for the ......._....._... .. the following akingr an ea e- 7-7— and��demning. necessary for slopes, i' the lana .... ....................._....._.... .......................... ........ ........_...._._.............._..... ... and alta for grndln9 Vauq ler , ,from Kennard St. to \Vhlte Bear and Flandreau street from Councilman. Lh sh been streepreeentt to ednto thea street. Con City Y St. Paul therefore, be solved, That the Commlaatoner c Works be and he .ia hereby ,p ORDER, and alrectea: To Investigate` the.necesei �sirnbulty of the making o _ , .mt. ' WIII:REAS, A written pro,, lnenveatlgate the nao• the following improvement, -'sated costOfsal• the total coat t' • r llt8 an and.... taking._..an.....eas.emarLt..: nrnlsh a plr, '....n-P-Q..esr. .e.ary.....fQ.....e1.Q.gP.e..a.....�.a..._.._c._..._......._..........d.... 1.1 Improv sh n I ae Eauquiei::..:avt:e_et.....frozn_ K.e.nnar.d.....S.t........to_...INh.i.t.e.::..�.e ..ar.....ay...enue, and.....Fl.aadr.e.au.._.a.t.ace_e..t.....f.,r.Qm...S.ex.euth.....at.r.e.e.t _.I.o...Ilnaeh.aha_..s.t.r.e.e_t.,....._......................_..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ....... _....... _....... _....... _........... _............ .....:.__.._.._..._; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and Ile is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ............ ............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for matters to the Commissioner of.Mriance. Adopted by the Council .............. _�.2.� .... 4 ... ....... 191,1_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman F sworth G Approved ......_..11 ... .................. K r / M 11 Yg .. ................................... _....................... _.............. _... ......... Mayor P rs Mayor. _.Z /,5J Yr.-Herrold Council File No...................................:. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. p and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 3, The 'undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin ublic inlproventeut b le City of St. Pan], viz.: Q.o.n.df'..M 1.1.ng.._.aX)..d....tl..ak.jnF......a,T1...._e..ae.eme........ ]..Il.....t.(1.?.....land— A..B.-OAX.Y_..I..O...T__...:._.. .....n . ......... e.zal.argellle. zt.....o1..._ Summit .....Rank... ......... ................. ................ -......................... ....... ..... .................. ....:..._......_..................... .... ... ........... .._ Dated this......._P9th..5 aa. of., ... ........ .............._ ............. , ". P. No. 3240— ti'herenn. A written proposal for lbs ............................................................................ _...... .... � mktng oP following Improvement, Condeminnn ing and raking an ease- . enc In the and find e¢eaeary for slopes Councilman. cuts and 011e for grading nlley In �.cic 2, S—net B. Plerce's ¢nlar, at of summit Park,¢i] having b sented to the Counof the CI^ Paul therefore, belt o7ved, That the Commie• , works be and he-fes 1 d and directed:��Ry ORDER. i To Investigate the \V11FRF.AS, A written �.en meni°y of the n ,king of the following improvement, viz.: Qande.mnl.37g�ov. .and._.t_along._.._an.._easetTtI"°t°"' ' ^,e iie., land..necessary__.fQr..__e1Q.gee..for„ cuteand , ng_._a..le.Y..._B.I.QcY__2,...._S.ramV.e.l.._B.....k. e. G.e.t.._4_..._an'lkxg.e.?;e.nt_...9f ........ .. ............................ ....... . .......... ...... __ ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .. .................... ............ , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and dirreoted -,rte x 1. ,To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereat'. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:____ ....___.........___._: _. ' ............ ................... ....................... .................... ............ _............... ---........................... -.... _.... ...r�................... .............. ................................. -... _.......... --- ._.............................. ._.._......._. 6. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. { Adopted by the Council . ..........x:G.f _.�..... _...1912, Yeas: /Nays: Councilman F 'nsworl G. s Approved..._ ....4/...........43-0.. .............191 r Her Coll erg....... ._.. ........ ............. v ,- ..... Mayor P ers Mayor. � IJRCxSiD — 7 Council File No ......... .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. Mr. Herrold - and. o PRELIMINARY ORDER.00, do R3 i 400000 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow' public i 1000 mprovement the City of St. Paul, viz.: �..onSle.Weng..... d..._t.. k ng..... _._e... se. ..._......_ .X1.....Ghe.....�.. ?.d ..._�c_ es.P2.Y.._for.:......_._ _000 _ _,. , .. �. . ,,o f, -nm Pri nr avenue ........._............._._..... ............_ .4..._...._.........................._..._.................................................................................................... .............................................. ............................................ _.. .................. ... ............ ......_...... _.............. ......... C. F. 3241— ` }Vher.ereof. h written proposal for [h0 2it�th making of the following improvement, Dated this ................... ___.... vtz: Condemning and taking an ease- m ent in the land eoeffar➢ for alonea for -cute and flue, Por grading nerl. �"• avenue from Prior avenue to :Tasept street. having -been presented to Council t [%_Ctty oC. St. Paul t fere, tie ifh it; That the Commisf to Councilman. Rr.oPub lle 'niIre� ed;nd he is he, - def 1. To investigate. I,ha ond r deelrahillty of the m Improvement.;'.,a+4R.Y ORDER. 1 2. To investigate th and eatl ated r - WIIEREAS, A written) guantn making of the following improvement, viz.: ._GAndeY(ining.... and ..._t_ak ing_._an.._e..a_�m-e ._.a .zl_t kl.e�.._1Hnd---neo eae.ar.y.....f o.r..s.lap.ea__f-ar.--..:cuts.:.. and .. fill_e.,.._for .....grad _ng_._B.e_�'k. iy.._ami..S.nue.....fxom....Pr.ior..._ame.nue.....to..._Jozephine....at.reet, ............. ............................................................... .......................... ........................ ................................ .................. ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................ a.._................................... ..... __... _..; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public. Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data ,!ad information relative to said improvement :..................__..._.........._... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fol'egni,g matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._...................ifs :�191_� Yeas : Nays: Councilman F sworth Go APprovetl..._.�....11.........a�.:x......._..................191 /// K er M oil Y' rg ...... ..... ............... ........ ...._...._...._..._. .._ Mayor Po ers ) Mayor. PUBLISHED, / Mr. Herrold` Council File No ... ......... ............ ........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 3242 . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public rovement by tip Ci St. Paul, viz.: _...o.ordemning.....and_:.taking...:an....easement ..... • ...... he_-..land....ner, y_...1dt:....... _and fill ........_ee......R1.1..Qy..e...._ n. $.Yndi c at e..._Add t i ....... ...................... ........................ _......... .................. C. F. No. 3242— ` whereas, A written proposal for the ........_............................_......._.........__.............. _.........._...._...... naking of the Pollowing Improvement......................_........................................._........................__.._ Ix! Condemning and taking an case - at In ase-t'fn the land necessary for 1 pea Dated this .......... 2.9.th.......:.day of. care ,I ane for grad Sy tbtee.191.4... va in No k 3, for gne 6yndf litfon N 2 having been pFe - the C u it f the Cfty of 19t F - efor b 1t /.... ..... ........_. :eaolved, That the Commtsalo. dle works be nd he is here. Councilman. nd and directeac �. To investigate the. necee lesirnbllity of the making -ovement.. To Investigate the net" estimated cost of eaii I. and the total cast tttDER. To furnish a, pl *. o di of said Improvr WIIEREAS, A written proposal for i. To, flu rmah 0Slowing Improvement, v1z.:.....C.4.11de1111].1Xlg_: anal . t_akl.ng ..aza._...e.as:einenl .in:.._t.he... 1.arad....ne.c..es.s.ar.X.....3.o.r.._.e.to_p.ea....f.or...a.ut.a.....and , fi.11_s for ....gTndi_n$...'�hree...1�1:�.eys_in.._Ba,.00k....3.,...._Ham.�.7,.n0.. SyAd?0.at.s...A.dd1.t1Qn -c:.._a..a......_.._............._. ]owing been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...:_... .................... ......_.._.............._.....__..__._.....; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement :...................__.._._................ ...................... ....... _._........ _.._..................... ........ _... __......... _...._............. _._.... _................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ ...._.:.. --.7-d Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far sworth �r � C7os Approved ......:!! ....__ ........................19 ._. Kel r Me all ......_ _........ Mayor Po rs Mayor. ecri3r,rsxEn 1 Mr. Herrold Council File No ..... .................. PROPOSAL' ROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY 0 the making of following public improveme y the City of St: The undersigned hereby proposes g Paul, viz.:g...as.e.lasnt..._.in.....the_... d..:.n.e.a_es.sax.y.....fo.r......alopes ng.....d.....gT.SVe.17n�........t_ln... . au_e.nus.....t.o.....St:.:..C.la1.x.....s.t.r/-ze,J, _ .......... _............. a243_......................._......._...._..._ goftwritten proposal for /% ' .. Ing a[ the following ImProVer................................ ..........:. ................................_.................._......_.__. Condemning and taking an in the land neceseal•y for 29thuts and fins fur srndm.. 1914.. ... ay Of ............. sling Cretln .avenue from `r-^-----""'. Dated this ...................._...... ue to st. Clair street, bav1n ented to the Council of the Paul therefore, be it .........__.........._.....'........._........_ V That the CommisW Ic works be and he 1s hl io- _ I and rected: Councilman. To Investigadite the n l: --elr,blllty aI the me' � =. o Investigate the'Inr,r' nib a ,AY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:._....condeXfln.a.n$-. ' _end.__t.�1��_rtg.....an,.._e_r�,Selue_�t_1.x�_the_....7..St_._%lec�.8.8✓��....for..._B.I..QF..e.e...:_for._cut_s...._ai?d._ ..f.ills .....fo..,r gr..adi.ng... and ....gxaXe.1.a,.ng..._iQxet..in.....av_-0nue._ ..ro.m...._SumT _t.....ave..nue_.._ta___.. ............. ..._........... _............ ..... ........... ...._........ .._........................_. _._._ .. .............._...::.:.:................._..._..................... ......_........................................__............................___..........................._............................................ having been presented to,the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..... .......... _................ _................................... _......._.. ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .}. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ................................................... _........ ................................................. ---._................. ....... ...__............................................ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm•egnin m.atters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .....................- Yeas: Nays: Councilman F stvorth' _ 0 s. Approved ......... W. Verg. Mayor PURLISHED Mr. Herrold Council File•No..... .................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and '3244 . PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following .public ' rovement by th ity of St. Pant, viz.:.:_candemning....and...taking .....an, ...eas.ement...in.. e.....land..-.ne. aaar.3�.....ior......... Dated this .:.._..?, 9..t1L.......... day of...._...... No. M4— I for tho ovemhnt an ease. Councilman. . ^IIof the MY of St. aal t .1e It- -.dved..That the CommfealorgRy ORDER. Works be and he Is here,, - !'tnd- directed: , fnveatfgate the necee- WIIEREAS, A written ptv, dtinfty of the making 1f the following improvement, Viz.:...._CQnde L1R1I1 _nt 'hvestigate the rstr� " and taking.....en..._e.40Je Bated east of ,1lsn�i necees_ary_.._for_._01o.pes._._for._cuts,__and.,._ 3.i lla... far....gr.ading....Hy.ao.inth....at.re-et.._.from....Edg.e.r.t_on.:...atze_e t..._t.o_._RaY.M.Q-._U.0-11ue , having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................. _......:............_._...............__..-........; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of�Pu"15 be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent aost of s mprovement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -l. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said im me t :......................................... ..... .......... _..............._......._.............................................._......_...................._._.-................................................................_......_.._............._............... --..... _....._...._.... 5. To state Whether or not'said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commigsioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .............. ......1J1./ Yeas: Nays: Councilmanter th O Approved..../.... ................... .... ._...__.. ..._.. ..............._.........__.... .._....._ Mayor Mayor. Mr. Herrold T. Council File No ........................... f. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, 3245 1 and PRELIMINARY, ORDER. The.undeesigned hereby proposes the making of the followi public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ......_ .Gndemn_ng.....a?zd,.....t.a.king.....azl.....e -e . ent._.i-U-the.....l.and....n.e .a.a 3r -.,..dor..:..: ................_._... .__._...... ........._..... .._ C. F. No. 3245— wherese• A, written pro oaal for the Dated this....?,9.t making of the NII. ins i provemer 1914..... viz: anndemnme 'J7.^....^ and[aklna an sae Council of the CItY oP st Paul t' - Jere, hen Councilman. Resolved, That 1',. Commissi.I Public. Works be t �d he in her \ , tiered and directed. 1. To Investig¢to the. n or de I ability of the n: �lmpr men t. .:LIIVIINARY ORDER. 2. To Invetig t and stirs toad WHEREAS, A ro;"t { %, " t for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: e.Qn mning king.....aem.r�i.....in.....tlap I.Emi..ne ....:o..aa.s.aacXfora ...........lope -.e .....fo.r.__c_xt_e.....ax�d...... f.il.la.....fox-grading....Hand..str.e_.el....fro:m....Fro- t..._s.t.r_-ee.t...._t.o.....Daryl.and....e..ts_eet.,:....__... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.....__. _........_............._..... ......... .._............. ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: ...... .......... .... ......................... _.......................__..........................................._..--.................._......_.._................._......_...................................._.........................................._._..._..........._..................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon_ all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._..............191. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa :worth n ' Cio - Approved.:../ ...................... ...._.. K ler Coll erg�.............................. .y ^ Mayor ers_ Mayor. r. Ztx a sold Council File No............ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. a>tA PRELIMIRDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making oflowi public improvement by the City of St. Pant, viz.:.:....c.onde.mzli.ng....and ..._t.aking....an.ant.....in..._the.....land...nec.:Ynr....... slopes dor cuts,._and.fills .fpr._g .... Pi@rce..ay..e.__4.0..... Brompton:.:gtreet ay..en..u.e.....__........._.......-............._....................._ No. , A areae, h wrl t[en _ gnP the. Yollowl,... .. .on demningE .._....._ ........................................... ..............the land n'or -'ehanaIle for gDated this..__:2.9.th .... day a cram13romVto t191..4.. having been Pr cil of the City oa:be It....1..................................:.solved. That the Co................_.�........................_. .... ................_........ is Works be and he , and directed: - Councilman. '- o Investigate the - irabllity of the me , ,"sent. o investigate the - sureated coat e and the tarn! Co furnish 41NARY ORDER. a ' oesaid h,• ,,,,1 e,... ,.. g -and WIIF,REAS, A written proposar•I;.-t•ae mating of the following improvement, vi..:.._coTl(7emnln an_.e:a.8em.At ......7n._.th_s.....land and....Y lis to;Ey_rgding.._piarc:e..._avenue_..,from_._pxi n'PIQA._etmgt..:_to..__Como_.._avenue_,........................... ...._._..............................._..._..............-...................................................._......_..............__......_...._......_............................... s............. .................. ._.................... ........................................ ................................................. ..._.................. ...._....................... ... ......_.............. ..._._.............._........ ..... ..._.__....................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...._.................. _...................... ....._...............- ........ _.... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. #. To furnish the following other datot and inforniation relative to said improvement: .............. . _ .......... _... ............... ............................................... ......--.................._._.........._._....-......._.............._._._.__...........--...__........._...-..-...................._..._......_........._.._.........---- ..._.............._........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by. the Council................ee.,._. Z_�.._......... Yeas: / Nays: Councilman Fa sworth n ' t APProved......../! ......._.J ................ .............__ Go ge er M oil�� b y g - ..............._.......... Mayor P ere .� � Mayor • eUts►.►yti� esolved;. at the a;; licat:on of 1d+cDorald and Bunn for a license to con— duct a motion picture and vaudeville theatre at 999 Payne Ave. be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to i -sue such license for one year upon the payi).ent into the City Tr-asury of the customary fee, $75.00. C. F. No. 3247—By Henry McColl— ' Resolved. That .the. application of ---- ltcnonald and Bunn for. a Its ense to conduct a motion picture and Venda - vine theatre at 999 Payne Avenue, be and It hereby le granted and the City Clerk to Instructed to issue Ruch It cense for one year upon the payment Into the City Treasury of the custom -1 ar-v. tee, $76.00. - Adopted by the Council San. 6- 1916.1 npproved Jan. 7.-1916. I •. (San. 9-1916) Yeas 11"jlFarnvorth en (f') Nays In favor Against Mr. Presidrs�J ORM C.8-2 ,adopted by the Council Approv MAYOR Resolved, That the applioatirn of the follolming persons for a license to conduct Hotels...+4ft*bwkwftn4s at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are denied; gwwftw&- G� f:v-2.��z-fir L Y /' a � ✓�h c,�/ �2 /�2 C. P..No. 3248— - Resolved, That the appllcutlon of the following persons for a Ilcense to Con- duct a Hotel at the location respecttve- ly Indicated be, and the same hereby sr aenled: Jos. Svoboda. Hotel Venus, 32% St. Peter St. /p Adopted by the Council Dec. 80. 1814. Approved Dec. 30. 1'934. (Jnn. 9-1016) 1) Mr. President, Xbwere T6 THE -HONORIBL-E TRE COUNCIL of the City ols"P does hereby make application to the ou a ity of St. Paul for a License to conduct and .... . .... . ............... ..... ....... . . .... ....... to that end does hereby certify as follows: That tbqA1 name of the applicant for said License is...... and his (itsj place of residence is �.... _.. /y....... -- - � � street' a� ) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of w the s id ap pE2Loses to carry on business is.. in the City of St. Paul. That id ap lic nt I oe� ,.now engaged in said business at-.. in t City of St. Paul. '9 Dated thisdday of 91.... Y_ .. ....... . Applicant. Date of Expiration of License '`W' 19 Date of Inspection. 191...... . .... Fire Protection Ventilation of Building -t>° Meats and Provisions Beds and Bedrooms Toilet Rooms and Plumbing... Kitchen and Utensils.. Refrigerator and Store Room..... 'I . ... .. Basement and Cellar.. Back Yard......... ---,neral Condition of Premises License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Ar Approved: Health Officer. . . . . . . . . . . . �!711 ........ . i-- -j low, COUNCIL FILE NO.- By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Dale street. from. the Center line of Maryland street to a point 220 feet north. under Preliminary Order. 13.87 ...,,,)proved August 31st, 1914. Internie4lary Order ,.approved ............ ... ........... A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections kind recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the, City of St. Paul that the prveist• mature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City i. construct a sewer on Dale street from the c eD tex line .0f.-Maryland atreet to a point. 220 feet North. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be, made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plan-, and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper eity offleors are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aecol-dallep therewith. Adopted by the Council. City Clerk. Approved. Afayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI-ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of d 0/!!C ---------- TOTAL. FOAM B.S.A. 83 A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to _ him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. I - _..._, -- —191......... ,:�a��.._.0 ->.. - - — - ......... Dated------------ Commissioner of Finance. FORM 9.9.A. !-! C under Preliminary Order approved ------ -�...------- ----------------------..----------------- --- --------------------- ----- ----- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $411.23 1.24 The estimated cost per foot for th@ above improvement is $ --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. FOAM B.S.A. 83 A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to _ him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. I - _..._, -- —191......... ,:�a��.._.0 ->.. - - — - ......... Dated------------ Commissioner of Finance. FORM 9.9.A. !-! C Office of the. Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __...............S..epit_embex....10.,....._._lsl_.4.. ; To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:. The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.........._138.7.......... approved.........._luguet 31_.a ....................197..`}.., relative to.._t.k)e........_.... c.ona_t.ruc.tl.on..._cf....a...s.eve.e.r.....nn..1?a.I......5t.......: s�.rn.....the.....Q...nte_x_...�.ane..._oY...�................... 1Jaryland.._S..... ,...... to.._a....vq nt..._230..._feet..._north.:_.......................... .......................................................................................... .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof Is $..._..._2tK?12.._......, and the total cost thereof is $............_410_.OG_._._. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... :................. ........... ............................... ................................... ................ ....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .... _....... .._................... .......... ......... .............. _........ ...................................... _................ ...._._............................. ..._.............. ........_......... __.............................................. . 5. Said improvement is....._..__X1Q_t.........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works, doaN I, Ps�IOY.:Orsr ouas ' . CITY OF SAINT PAUL • Cirry 0 K'6 OP'P'IOE Dee. 30th,1914. H on M. IJ. Goss., Cosmr. of Public Works, City of St.Ptul'Minn. Dear Sir: - Attached Final order U. F. 'io . 3249, for the construction of a sewer on Dale Street from the -enter Line of :.aryland St. to a point 220 feet north was 1uiLl over one "reek for inspoctior., to come up again on Jim 6th, 1915. For L.spection. Yours truly, G�u�y (. ity C Jerk. /l L. i rte. COUNCIL FILE NO. 13Y.... ....... ...... ...... FINAL ORDER. Iiithe Matter 4)f.,.qonBt.ru.c.t..i..n.g 4 on BT imhall avenue from St.' Clair street to a point 50 feet south of sewer_ the south . 11 1. ne .. of StanfordI 11 . . a .. v An I u - e. unde . r Preliminary Order.._ September 8th, 1914. Intermediary Order ..... approved . ... ................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reconlillendilitions relative thereto, and having fully considered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the (161ancil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iin- proveinent to be made by the said City is, co4stru&_ _ a sewer on Brialhall avenue from to a point 50 feet tine of Stanford St. Clair street south of the south -.Lin and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVE]) FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hl in, -iieted and zy directed to prepare plans and specifications foi, said improvement, and submit saint, to ',".o mcil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers, are hereby authorized and direete( to proceed with the making of said iniprovenwntjll aevordallee therewith. Adopted by the Con ail 1 i24GI I X-4 Clerk. Approved... C. F. No.Mayor. , 2250-�-- I In the Matter, of cphstructing a sewer Councilmen F worth ay 13M.b.11 avenueCI.1r- �ijtr - eet to a point 60 f. from Stz,;et.aouthrbl!Ahe "aputh line of, Stanford ,.Venue,i�ffinder TPi0IIrnInar;ir..,.-0rd6r 1480 approved, September. 8th, 1914. A . public,, hearing;, hev,16, -&.. had upon' the abeivellap6vement upon due, jlep a.tIcj,.d' ' the: Council heard all .persons, - objddtionB'and recornmen-, Actions *relative thereto thereto, and having, -fully, conildered,; tbo,-, sarne:- . therefore, C 11 66 It , _ictl 'of the Ciii of st Paul that n ��e�olv.d; 33Y the tho''co�e.lse nature, ex- , pr Sent and 'kind, of improvement to be. made" by, the,,aald-'Vity lis construct a a6wer. on gelralud I. avenue from St. Clair street,, to: a`,point 50 feet south' of the- south line of Stanford avenue and th4.councu hereby or4p,a .IdJna� lorgentent1o6b, adTl.lutj,�II6 Cocarcf.,' e.gl'a� , rtlini Mayo were or, alonet, ot,ipublic',works •be and he at hereby- lns�ructad and directedto pre- c pare, plane' and. specifications so for III gonfovernot, and submit'satne to the, II ApDr'o'ved 4, li! (Feb. 6-11 k if d _ a CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEON PRELIMINARY- ORDER under Preliminary Order approved--yXl------ . ----/1.--.-----7.-- 1— ---------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed val tion of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ,..._ ... .5 J C'/7/%//'i�� ' 1 a Q1�/ 1.L�r'6�(/j !oily/\ r/ o ✓ `I/'� ' Iroittnss aan TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL 0. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - t 4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) .. ....:.. .. .... .. .. _ .. ...... .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK s ADDITION. ASSESSED VALUATO - J'-� 3` , z 'z d" a �s / 1 ��w' JV o - e, 7,l _ LL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to,said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----.14 :----- -----191 - Finance. - •ORM S.S.A. a-S'O Commissioner of CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CLEBB'S. OFFICE Jan. 14th,1915. Hon M. N. Goes, Ii1 RN: SMPM 0:1 111111MLL Coemr. of Public Works, C ity of St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir -- Attached Final order for the construction of a Senor on Brimhall from St. Clair St. to a point 50 foot South of the south line of Stanford Ave, was laid over for two creeks to Jan..26,1915, and re-referred to your department. The property owners desire this sewer extended beyond 50 feet south of Stanford Ave., and one property owner rmde the proposition that the seder be constructed from Jefferson to St. Clair Street, that port of the Sewer lying south of Stanford Ave. to drain towards Jefferson Ave. Yourstruly, City C lurk. L. Omee of the Commissioner of: Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ....:. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary or er of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No......_.14£i.9........... approved.._....._.........E.e.i,.t..,...-a.,......................1914....., relative to ........... Y _......_..C..O.Sl.f3.�.S.1.C.:v.17.1....i:......f3..�1:,_u.,I'.....O.T1...1i1:.11"i�4.,£t!.�_...,� V.4'.xS1.�......�.�Qli:._..M..k..a..._sc.,�l~.j..s...._4 �_3_z.c._�....._................•. .......... ._..o......5.u.__.�_.-....a.v....k�.....�...._c...w. z�+.u.x..._r_v.z��e..._....._..._........_....................._........_..._...._............... .._....._................. _... _.... ............. ................ ............ ............................... ............ .............................................. ......................... :.............. ...................:........................ ...... ....................... ........... ....... _............. ..... ...... and having investigated the matters and things r•e.>;erred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......__......_.....necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is...._l and the total cost thereof ie-......_1t.a08.00 and e the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.._............__.... .......... ......... .... _....... .... :..................... ............. ............. ............ RECEIVED .......... ............. ...._...... _........ ................... ........................... ......................................................... ... .._.............. ...._.................... ............. ........._.......................::........_............. ..... 11,_ 12 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached slid nu ahhere `4 .S� 5. Said improvement is........... ........................ asked for upon petition of three or more owlo erty, subject SEP 2 19'4 to assessment for said improvement. Comm ' s' ner of Public Works. f 4gaia6. �S:„Etttt� I vi"a nub III." eve.vift.b—s �enuntay 9t. vattl, ,31Cttttt., k BEME SEP 4 - 1914 M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS iyyyGGGUGQ.L - l/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY OT -ERIC'S OFFICE Jan. 27th,1915. Hon.M.N. Gore, Cosisr. of Public ','forks, Dear Sir:— Attached C.F. 3250 for the construction of a s9wor on Brimhall Ave. from St.Clair St. '.o a �Loint 50 feet south of thessDuth lino of 3tanflord Ave. was laid over one meek; by the Council at their mooting of this date, and, at your request, `S etre—referred to your department. The objections voiced were the same as those raised at the previous hearing on this .improvement. Y ,urr truly, .10IIN I. FARIOY. Orsi ()4inC Aon.M.N. Goss, CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CXXIHK'S OFF'ICE J::,n . 27th, 1915 . J► Coz,,,-.r . of Public i''or's, Dear Sir: - Attached C.F. 3250 for the construction of a sewer on Brimhn7,1 Ave- from St.Glair St. to a point 5" feet south of thess,uth line of fitanford Ave. vas L+id over one week, by the Council at their meeting of this date, and, at your reques$,' was r•, -.referred to your department. The objections voiced were the same as those raised at the previous hearing on this imnrovernent. Y>ur- truly, City Clerk Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, ; C I T Y. Dear Sir, - With reference to the attached communication under date of Jan. 140 from the City Clerk to yourself, I beg to state°that upon investigation I find it is poegible to extend the sewer on Brimhall St. from St. Clair St. to a point 380 feet south of the south line of Stanford Ave. instead of 50 feet. By extending this server 300 feet south of the south line of Stanford Ave. instead of 50 feet, however, the cost per foot will be &lightly increased. Respectfully subm—i((/y�ttte&,, D J Chief Engineer. X, f CITY ®F SAINT PAUL " DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORK$ RN.T F� I U'I I�� / © .. - M. GOTS, COMMISSIONER , IILJ'_Iu(' fUlj [U I/�I�� JAN "0 ROBERT T. GOURLEY, Duu- C..,-.— � IJ15 OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C—F E.-- J. E. CARROLL, S— Coxerxucria. & Rfw.ixs M N G O S S ALFRED JACKSON, S.- Sk.1-1 x G. H. HERROLD, 0,—. E.cI.Eix . . . - COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS M. W. GOETZI NGE R, Suer. W -K-11 St. Paul, Minn. Jan. 20, 1915. , Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, ; C I T Y. Dear Sir, - With reference to the attached communication under date of Jan. 140 from the City Clerk to yourself, I beg to state°that upon investigation I find it is poegible to extend the sewer on Brimhall St. from St. Clair St. to a point 380 feet south of the south line of Stanford Ave. instead of 50 feet. By extending this server 300 feet south of the south line of Stanford Ave. instead of 50 feet, however, the cost per foot will be &lightly increased. Respectfully subm—i((/y�ttte&,, D J Chief Engineer. X, f aoax z. saaxar. o.zr o..sa: CITY OF SAINT ]PAUL � CITY 01.IDRH'6 OEWIOE I Jan. 14th,1915. •n. N. Goss —"�� InI r U Hon I , z_: RE: ^;; :r, 0" Bala=:ATJ, JAN 1 915 of Public Works, C ity of S'1.Pau1, Minn. COr M SSIOryFR OF PUBLIC Dear Sir: - Attached Final order for the construction of a swacr on Brimhall from St. Clair St. to a point 50 feet south of the south line of Stanford Ave, was laid over for two weeks to Jan. 26,1915, and re-referred to your department. The property owners desire this sewer extended beyond 50 feet south of Stanford Ave., and one prooerty owner i;Lde the proposition that the sewer be constructed from Jefferson to St. Clair Street, th^t or.rt of the serer lying south of Stanford Ave. to drain toeards Jefferson Ave. Yourstruly, City C Jerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC`. WORKS M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER - ROBERT T. GOURLEY, D11— Cox.ies0— OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C-1 E--. J. E. CARROLL, S.Rr. C---- & REGI.IR6 ALFRED JACKSON, S— S—TA11— G. H. HERROLD, OFFicc E.OIREER H. W. GOETZINGER, Suer. W—... St. Paul, Minn., Janll, 1915.- Hon. M. N. Goes, Coiurliissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: r.° In the matter of C. F. 3250, a final order for sewer on Brimhall Ave.. A request for information as to why the sewer was extended only 50 ft. south of the south line of Stanford Ave. The reasons and objections are as follows: y�`� The petition for the sewer calls for the �a,e�erly terminus to be a point 50 ft. south of the south line-of Stanford Ave. The sewer can be extended to a point about 300 ft. south of south line of Standord Ave, by increasing the depth of the sewer at Stanford Ave.', thereby making it more expensive for all concerned, not only for cost of sewer in the street, but for house connections as well. That part of Brimhall Ave. lying south 'of Stanford Ave. drains to Jefferson Ave. and the sewer when built would also drain the same way in order to provide for the proper sewerage at a minimum of cost. Yours truly, CHIEF ENGINEER - JE0/MH aoax n Pexixor, om oo.a: - - f CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY CL 2zK.S OFIPICE {3n Dec. 30th,1915 Hon. 1.1.11. Goss, Cosmr. of Public Works, City of St.PuaL,Minn. The attached C. F. 3250, s final order f,r a sewer on Rrimhall Ave. from •st. Clair St. to a point 50 feet south of the south line of Stanford Ave. was laid over to -the meeting of January 12th, 1915, by the Council at their meeting held to -day. The Council passed this final )rder in the early girt of the meeting, but later a pron�.rt;; owner inquired why the serer w. n ex - ended only 50 feet south of Grace Street, •m,i,thereunon the Council reconsidered its act' on and Areferre the matter to the City Engineer in your denartment for a report. Yours truly, City Clerk.ec'x�� �v�' C.F.o5-^/ By Commissioner Farnsworth. An Ordinace amending Ordinance No.3242, Granting to The Baltimore Investment Company, a Minnesota Gorporation, Per- mission to Oonstruct a Stairway and Railing in front of Premises Known as Piedmont Apartments: The Council of the City of Saint Paul does Ordain: SECTION 1. That Section one (1) of Ordinance No. 3242 of the Citv of Saint Paul be,and it is hereby amended,so as tc read as follows: That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Baltimore Investemert Company, a corporation duly organized, or sted andexisting under the laws of the State of Minnesota, o construct a stairway and railing, extending two (2) feet eyond the easterly lire of Smith Avenue: said stairway and ai / ,g beginning one hundred and four feet and eight inches southerly from the southerly lire of West Ninth Street, thence a distance of fourteen feet and six inches in front and leading down into the premises known as Piedmont Apartments, -located at the southeasterly corner of Smith Avenue and West Ninth Street, in the City of Saint Paul, upon lots numbered four (4) and five (5),in block_numbered fifty-six (56) of Irvine's Enlargement to Rice & Irvine's Additdon to the City of Saint Paul, accord - Ing to the plat=thereof on file and of.record in the office of the Register ofn ;feeds in andfor Ramsey County,Minnesota: Section 2. The said Licensee shall, within five days after the pas- sage Cf this Ordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the City Cierk, in such form as may be approved by the Corpo- ration Counsel. d SECTION 3. This Ordinace shall take effect, and be in force thirty days from erd after its passage and publication. Adopted by the Couojn Nays, _-- Approved Atte ity erk.\ OFFICIAL P.oC1E861N09 of THE C. F. No. 3201—Otdinanc 3263 BY Commissions Farngworth— An ordinance amending Ordinance ho 3342. Ors tick to The Bnna.-t e I �F yfa vb.tmeat C9mpnny:.a to co s tr t r 9talrwaY and iRa111ng I., frontt of ( premises known as piedmont, ed.Jd l .Apartmonte , of St. Paula _ The COuhoil of the City does'tirdaln , SECTION' 1. .r' That Section one (1) of Ordinance EA iv o. "ill of it�a C:.toi.dad to se to r ad i ..-a>✓.u�.... The said ;licenaee a1. o within flue ' days after. ",it' ssage of this Ordin ance file a City Cle t, 1. sucb ,formeas t with the CItY. Clerk; may be ap&6o ed by 11 9rpbratfon 4. Counsel SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect, and l 6e hi force thirty days from and after iia passage and publlcntton. Pnased by the Crar.s Jan. 18. Goss• yens—Meeere. Fares �Srt president Keller, O'Leary. Yoerg. iI (powers) Nays els-0•. Approved Jan. 1WINN POWERS. llGayor. IAttest: JOAN I FARIC ri (`lark. (Jan. 034810) r1� COUNCIL FILE NO. It ;y�rrc� By�' :✓.._.tel L� y r INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 'In the Matter of_...grading..._Central ewen..ue._from,..Dunlap_..,etreet_to.Lexington.,,.. venue.,. '.._ ..._ under Preliminary Order...8.07.x.......----------- - - approved . QG.tob..e.r......I. th __...1.9. 4....__ .......... ..:............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the filature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Grade Central avenue from Dunlap street to Lexington avenue, ........... ....._ _... _ _....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...8.63.._6.8.._..._._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 2nd_____ __....._ _............... day of r -, 191...._5 at the hour of 1Y o'clock A. 114., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting -to the.persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191.�� t _. _........... . .... ........... .. ty erk. Approved _ _ _ _. 191 .7. Meyor. I nvTEItMEDIARY ORDERS Councilman I rt11 ��7F N x262�sy 3 A Fnrnsw rth . In the tdatter',or.g ading Ceatrat a -, nne:t ip Dpnlap t e r to:'7;exingtop. Yen e. H P o 1 y 1 H r. 2072 pp d d'SJ tpD jjEh 1914 aha c pcFty oe st rani'' ler hny.1 of ed ti Dort _ ml alo eT S F,1 11 npo Lhe abo H; i prow men. ana paving -_con iflat d' agld,f pot hereby Raolves1 hir,,,b and trit by<approved d adotetha said ,iimprovement`: fa e;ebv, .ttch th9TCoutiofl recommonde de 8 0.de Central avenue fom "Dunlap treetlto Lextriggton aveone, �w[th ho al- ternatlyes, upd' that the est(mnted co tthereofds 3863.68. Mayor Resolved Further, That a ,publfe hearing• be- had on Bald Improvement fgfm B. S. A. 8-6 �n the 2nd da�. of Februaryu, 1816, at COUNCIL FIEF. NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the matter of ._..Curbing _With cement ._curb -both. _sides of. Linwood -..P.lace.....--..- be.twe.en._Chat.sworth_..s..tre.e.t..and..Oxford_ street,_ _.... __. under Preliminary Order._1.5.67___.......... _____...... _.__.... __.. _.... approved _S.ep_temb.er._ 1.4th,......1114.._............... .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recamnends is Cmrb_.wi.th.._cement.._..__ _. curb._.hoth...a.ides__.cf... Lir_wood-Placa-..be.tween. Cha..tswor.th-.-atreet- and ...Oxfor3........_ street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...51_..L�9___..... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd ... _ ..... _ _. ... .... .... day of Eeb_roar..y_._..._....._..__........__, 191._..5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191/ C' y Cler . Approved _ I .. __ 191. .Mayor. Councilman F nsworth " G s " ler �9 oil g Mayor Po ` ers Form S. S. A. 8-6 eUBWHED /- f -�/�� i; COUNCIL PILE NO. _ 49 By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of construc_tin .g_ a sewer_ on C$.el.a;efox.d. str.e t . f.xo.u....D.o..ew.ell... ay.enue_-to ...Dudley _..street,_.. _ .......... under Preliminary Order ._._1247._. .._._ ....... _.... .._____..._._. approved _. AU.9U.0_t. 2Qt.11.,.... _... ......... .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _ ConBt_TUCt.._3__ seWBT____ on_...C.h.elmef.ord .atreat.__from. avtenue_....tc._Dud.ley Stx.eet,..._._ _.. ........ __ .......... _. _. _... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.4.8..6.1_,_8.$......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd____ _ day of e.b.guar.y..........................._., 191..._F�, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, rooln No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total ost thereof as estimated. Jf' Adopted by the Council vC/ _ Cler . Approved . _.. .. 191 .J -- _ Mayor. C. F.Ne. 3254—By S. A. Farnsworth— Councilman Far worth m the Matter or a nstrueting a sewer on ehelmsrord street from Bord nvenne, to Dudley street, under Pre- Iiminary Order 1247. approved Aug- �' G .. t 20th, 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul having recelved the. report of the Com- „ misslenor of Finance upon he above r Improvement, and having considered i suid report, hereby resolves: 1. Thot the said report be and the snme Is hereby approved and adopted. . l 011 '"d d the 'a id Improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. ' 2. That the nature of the Improve- - aiY ment which the Council recommends Is construct a. sewer on Chelmsford street from Buford avenue to Dudley street, " rg with no alternatives and that the esit- hinted cost thereof 1s $4861.88. Resolved Further, That a' public Mayor P ers llearing be had on said Improvement Y on the 2nd day of,February. 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Form B. S. A. 6-6 Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and Citv hull Building in the City or St. Paul. That the Com- missionerof Finance give notlev of said meet Ing to the persons and in the r provided by the Charter, stat- ' .Ing lthe time and place of hearing, the tmture of the improvement. amu the otal cost thereof — estimated \ Adopted by the Council Dec. 31, 1914. Approved 1, 1, 1915. _ M COUNCIL FILE NO. By�1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of .coriet.ructirig a sewer _on_ th.e.._aou.th.._aide._ oY P..l.e.a.a.an..t....avenue from _Duke _sheet .._t_o We.etern avenue, under Preliminary Order...; ........ ...... ... ... __.. approved _ Q9to..b.e.T 7th .,...__ 1914„ ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ,Construct,_ a__6eWeT__on, the _._south,a o.f P1ea$an.t avenue_._fro7m Duke.. e_ . to we3�asr.,_..aVe7lue,_.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0813_..46__.,__, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .....2715?_...__ _.._. _..__........ day of E.ebruarg___...._....__._._......_.__, 191...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 13., in the Council Chamber, robin No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Buildingin the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, _ the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ Adopted by the Council 191.1 Ci k. Approved �1/ _ .__ 19d ._.._...... Mayor. Councilman Fa sworth G er oil erg Mayor ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 ray •.rt of t: Fli,.,nce upon th cement, and having cot I sal. .•Hort. hereby resolves: I. That the said report be a lenme Is hereby approved and a . and the said Improvement Is - ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature f the iml. men[ which the Council recommer nonsthuct a sewer on the south of Pleasant avenue from Duke etre Western avenue, wl th no alterriat and that the estimated cost ths,— $2813.46. Resolved Further, That pug. hearing be had o aid inn --me. n the Ind day o[ February. 1911. the hour of 30 o'el ucic .1: Al., in the Council Chamber, •oom iio. 61 oP tin, Court House and Cl ty Hail I3HIId Ing In the City of St Paul. Thnt the Coin- missioner of Flounce give. notice of said teeting to the, pe,—.. and In the ingthr provided o by thChnr[er, stnt- me time and -place of hearing, the mtu re of the Impruement, and the total cost thersof'q estimated. Adopted by the Council D— 31, 1914. Approved Jan. 2, 1916. (Jan. 9-191G) COUNCIL FILE NO. f� 13y /y c�e3,2iq Fj INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of construc_t.ing .a seiner, on Burr ._street, _from ._Brainerd .M avenue to _Ivy street, under Preliminary Order .._2675 ._._.... .._....... _ __... approved _ Nov_e.trbeT _20.th, __1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .conetrU_Qt__„3._seMgT._._-.,._ on.._.Burr__.s.tre.e.t....from Brainerd avenue to Ivy__atree-t,.._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1_,6.-L.Q 09_1_. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2nd _ _ _ _ __.......... day of ..._...................._, 191...5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall I3uilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the t l cost thereof as estimated. / Adopted by the CouncilG:�� - 191 City erk. Approved / �c __ _ _ .,191 C. F. No. 3'260—By B. A. Fan,sweelwe ' ... _ mayor. In the Matter of constructing Councilman Far worih on Bnrr street from Bralnerdaavenae to Ivy street. under Preliminary Or 2056, nPProved November 20th, 1914. .1 the C70 The Councted the repot, off the Com Th g rece the aboye issioner of Finan having considered x + of improvement, a e sold report, horeby resolves: ' d the 1. That the Bald 11! ffd d ad-W'J- -�7 same is hereby, approved and adopted. M 011 and th -'said ImPro ement ie hereby f\/N ordered to be Proceeded '"the J. .That the nature of the improve- ment which the Council recommends is construct a sewer on liTt-etre vithr from Bralderd avenue t0'Ivy e alternatives, and that the eat(ma[ed 09 rg o t. thereof Is F1,610.T ' c Resolved Further. TantmProveublic ment hearing be had o Mayor P+ ers c. thethe hourn a1a10 ocluch A. At., in6 the Form B. S. A. 8rt .6 Council Chamber, Hall Building n 61 of cin othe House and City .City n[ St. Paul. That the. Commis- sioner of rinance give notice f a id meeting to the Persons nd in st [e In the yimeiae�d place sof hen,fng, Ch the nature 6f Ih en l mProvement, and the total cos[ thereof na estimated. Ad i ted db Tan e2`1an 916 �I pec•. al. 1914.1 (San. 9-1916) i - k COUNCIL FILL: NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER: Iu the Matter of .constructing a sewer,. on Grantham street inc11„dir_g bots. sides of Block C, from the terminus of the present sewer south of Block C, to.nudley_!:avenue,. andGrantham street Buford street from Granthastreet to Chelms- f=ord atrest and on Chelmeford street from Buford St to Doswell avenue,' under Preliminary Order _.... _... .......... $.3,`?._........ ....... _ ....... approved _.. July38th, ._191-4. . _. The Council of the, City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomm nds •a Cons-truc_t _a _server on U Grantham street including both sides of Block , from trie terminus of tne__present_.sewer..:soutn of B1ook C' to Dudley_ ave1.nue, on Buford street from Grantham street to Chelmsford street and on Chelmsford straet from Buford_.street_to.Dosarell.a.verue,. _ _ _.._.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._9.1.531_. Resolved Further; That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 2nd, _._ day of February 19L5...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,' I the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council C' Clerk. Approved / _.. I/ _. _ _ 19] 1✓. w Mayor. Councilman F nsworlh , code, - 886, aPPraved July LSI, ` " 8 Council oP the CIty f , �g received the report of th >ner of. FIIlnance an etoe „ �vement, nd having one. ter -a port, hereby resolves: a That tha saldreport be anc? is hereby npproved and ado6 COLIhe said .improvement is he, .•d to beproceeded with. 'hat Yhe_nature of the impro vhlch the Council recommends y eta.soiver on Granthain etre, ng both atdes of Block C, froPr. minus of the Present R sewer " rg oP .Block C, to Dudley venue, rd street from. Grantham street I msford street nd on Chelms- c ' from Hutotld street to Dos Mayor Pers enue, with alta,•n.i lve.. and estimated moat thereof Is Form B. S. A. 8-6 ^d Further, The a public Abe had on said, fmprovement ,d day of February. 1916, ¢t ' Of 10 o'clock A, bf., In the archer, room 61 of the Court 1 City HallBuilding In the •, Paul. That the Commie- ,I.ance give notice of said )vld d byrthe soneCha ter,nstate '.,a and place of hearing, the the Improvement, and the byethe Coune/l Dece31,-1614.. Jan: 2,:1914 COUNCIL FILE NO. By JAI, I INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntheMatterof grading Hubbard street from Griggs_.stre2t to L-3xington avenue, ............ ............. ....... tinder Preliminary Order ?364 ... ............... approved The Council of the City Of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby 'resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Grade Hubbard a treat from Griggs street to Lexington avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 2.440.80 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3rd._ day of 191.5...,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 1911. Clerk. LL Approved Mayor. Alc' Councilman Far worth omb 1914. I The C .1 of the City of at. - having --,-d, the report of the i miss oner a F notice upon the ab Improvement. and having consider - ,aid r,port, hereby —61—: 1. That $e said report be and the,' K .0 to hereby approved and adopter;' Far C3 K. r 0 worth and the said improvement to hereby M oll ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the improve- / t which the Council recommend. 1. grade Hubbard street 'from •r.g.. street,to Lexington, avenue, with no I- ternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,440.80: y Resolved r, That a public! 9 hearing be had on Paid saproammit on the 3rd day of February 1915, at the hour of,10WclocketjXj�ehn the Mayor P ers Council, Chamber, mom Court House and Clty,,Hall,:Rulldlng in the 0 _,ty 'f'Paul. StAbo 1?lrmnee,��A noncop:ua Form B. A. 8.6 alone oJSL � f Vjj meeting to the -persons and In the am COUNCIIL FILLS NO. _ By A INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of .:Q }rl ing Thomas street. frow....C.prno._ avenue... to. _..Qha.t.slror_th._.St. ... tinder Prelill3i/naryOrder ..._447 ...._... approved Juil@_30tb, 1914-._,., The Cei ncil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above i�Iwreby.rdered rovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: t the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is to be proceeded with. J 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recolumends is___C.U.Tb1.119.....Thoma.e._S_tTa.et .._......_.... _.__.from.....Q.aFmo_ avenue to. Chatsworth _St.,.,.. __..._ _.. __.... _ _. ............ _,_.._..I _....... ._.__ _._ _..__._ . _ ....__....__.._.... - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 4... __66.9..6._11_.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 3r3 day of _F.en.mazy.._..............._....., 191.....5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AI., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ._ _ ...__?. _,...3/� .__ _ _ , 1914V U r G sty Cle n .k. Approved _ _./ .. %_ __ _ _ __._ _ __' 191 ......__.. Mayor. G F- No. 3269—By S. A::'Farneworth— Councilman Farns rill rn the Matter of ofnbing Thomas street Yrom Como avenue � tq Ctrateworttr I street . -under fer,04, 'aFY Order dT C3 antoved; Jone $96ttN,`.�39fi The Coun_cll of th6-.QIW of e$ 3'so _-.liay 1 g received the rSpO t of the Cpm- jKellImie to or of FtnancB�.upon the,..aHove iimptolemenq and 8tiyfng dantafdered �Mdr report, hereby. reaoI— 1.. That thee said reyort be and the sgame is .aid Itereo)-approved and adopted,orderednd �to ne improvement is hereby2tep¢teeded hhh [homasouncil et 1r.e.venu'curbino toTChatsworthstre St.; wl th nonan, ternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof ie $6696.11.ltoved Further, That public Mayos nnaring be had aid improvement d, the 8nl dnY o[ February- 1916, t Form B. S. A. 8-6 �e nnur of to o'nlock n..M.. In the Council Chamber, nom 61, of the Court Elousa- .11 fly Cfly Hall Building in the Cltlof S[. Paul. Thx[ the Comms- , sinner of Finance give nonce of Bald mei+nieng to the persona and In the provided by' the Charter, $tat - mg the time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, and the r _ uidopted by t the Council Dec. 31, 1914. • ziPproved Jnn. 2, 1916. (Jan. 9-1916) U COUNCIL /FILE /NO. ByG 1— ✓ GGLz- L��1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_C9n_a.trLlC.t-ing a iserer or__Rando.lrh street frons Seventh street Drake streE+, and on nTagP treet rom R o h etre t t the pre6ent erminua cf trie sewer on saic rake s reet�et norh o the. center of .. Audubon- street, under Preliminary Order _...2.g7Q ...._ .. . __.... approved October 14th, .1914. - The Council of the City of St. Patel having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That t e Rat re?f the ' rove lit w ich t e 'o n '1 wn e a 68_ er.. n Rand2olTh eke pat ?f therom inrove�eh s�ree� ted f}r�aje �f��'�t...�l�.�...����a�e s�ree� from Randolph street to the present terminus of the sewer on said Drake street 254 -'eetrorth of the center "of"AUdubon street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1_, N 6..04..._.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 4th .. day of Feb.rta.ar.y...._..............__........._, 191...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council City lerk. Approved Mayor. Councilman Farn orlh c. of h.:. in a upon tl :^ " 0705 �•Y. nc, and chaving cone[ , hereby resolves: That the 's id report be anc' Ke r s hereby approve,, and, adol, ,.tsaid improvement Is he,, [o be. proceeded with. , t ",.1 the na[u1, of the Impr,' ` iVIC 011 r hick the Council recommend, 11 ! .ot a ewer on Randolph st'., ieventh street to Drake sit, t Dr.ke street from Randol, o the present terminus f 1, I , t said Drake street 264 f, ofthecenter of Sudubon`Btrc�., Y g no ralternatives, and that the es, d cost thereof is $1.866.04. fl Ied Further, That a publl, MayorTo ers , sgbn day on Februumpr1915, ovement _ Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,i Chamber, room 6f 10 o'clock 1 of the Court ,end City Hall Building 1n the f St. Paul. That the Commis- " of Flnanee give noilce of said to the persons slid in they provided by the Charter, stat - time and place of hearing, -the of the Improvement, and the oat thereof as estimated. pted by the Council Dee. 31. 1914. ved Jan.. 2. 1916, (Jan. 9-1916) } COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. TV. or Balopes, or cui8 aand---fi 1l e�inngractingnl van ay froa Benson Ave., to Sterart avenue, in aGCo is c ....ith....tbe bl e..�rin.. he. o shed ---- �-affd'n'i$de--a: art Pereof, tTie sha -lit' eti o`7i ng Ile 11� anat Yle_ t atigY{ed p� i cn25S cuts, �InYe �_er__l�_th.,....�s.� ....... under re lminary r er _.__.. ..... ..._ ....... ... approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature op the improvement which the Council recommends is ._Con. 4e.4T;n...."an�i._..t3k.@_:an.. easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in grading Ivan Spay from Benson Ave. trStewart,-avenue,"_._in accordance with the _biue..pr n -t h-ererith attache and made a par'hereof' the 611aBed portion showing the fill and the hatched portions the cut a, ............ __... _ .. ........_._ .... ..... . _.... _..._ .__._.... _....... g gg To property owners nil. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._ . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had, on said improvement on the ..__ _.5.th_,.._..____ _......... day of __...Kebruazy.... ........ ............... 191_._`J., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating thetimeand place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the iota cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191/L%. % ILyC_ c. ........- - tr City lerk. Approved.,/ n./....-/—_.... ,n...._ _ Mayor. Councilman Far worth Coanci'1 or th, , In,: received the � . [b „ G.O stoner o Finance the , ovement. and having coney, r report. hereby resolves: That the said report be and K r e is hereby approved and ado, the said Improvement is her., red to b proceeded with. M oil That the aturc of the improv / 't which the Council recommends / n ¢ad.take an easement in th , c essary for slopes, for cuts n3 n grading "Ivan tray from Bon- n. to Stewart Avenue, in accord-. vith the blue print herewith at - Yo rg Iand made t Parhereof, the •d Portion showing the all and the !d Portions the ute. with o al- a that the estmated cost Mayor P - ers Is• $8.82. To property owns Form B. S. A. 8-6 11ved Further. That a public ig be had o said ImDtoVement e 5th day of February, 1 91 5, at the of 10 o'clock L 114., In the Council ail—, foo. 61 of the Court House City Hall Building in the, City of Paul. That the Commissioner of re give notice of said meeting to aVersons and In the m r pro - ad by the Charter, etattng the time place of hearing, the tore f the provement. and the totalcostthere- as estimated. Adopted by the Council Dec. 31. 1914.1 - - Approved Jan. 1, 1916. i (Jan. 9-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. TV. or Balopes, or cui8 aand---fi 1l e�inngractingnl van ay froa Benson Ave., to Sterart avenue, in aGCo is c ....ith....tbe bl e..�rin.. he. o shed ---- �-affd'n'i$de--a: art Pereof, tTie sha -lit' eti o`7i ng Ile 11� anat Yle_ t atigY{ed p� i cn25S cuts, �InYe �_er__l�_th.,....�s.� ....... under re lminary r er _.__.. ..... ..._ ....... ... approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature op the improvement which the Council recommends is ._Con. 4e.4T;n...."an�i._..t3k.@_:an.. easement in the land necessary for elopes, for cute and fills in grading Ivan Spay from Benson Ave. trStewart,-avenue,"_._in accordance with the _biue..pr n -t h-ererith attache and made a par'hereof' the 611aBed portion showing the fill and the hatched portions the cut a, ............ __... _ .. ........_._ .... ..... . _.... _..._ .__._.... _....... g gg To property owners nil. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._ . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had, on said improvement on the ..__ _.5.th_,.._..____ _......... day of __...Kebruazy.... ........ ............... 191_._`J., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating thetimeand place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the iota cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191/L%. % ILyC_ c. ........- - tr City lerk. Approved.,/ n./....-/—_.... ,n...._ _ Mayor. Councilman Far worth Coanci'1 or th, , In,: received the � . [b „ G.O stoner o Finance the , ovement. and having coney, r report. hereby resolves: That the said report be and K r e is hereby approved and ado, the said Improvement is her., red to b proceeded with. M oil That the aturc of the improv / 't which the Council recommends / n ¢ad.take an easement in th , c essary for slopes, for cuts n3 n grading "Ivan tray from Bon- n. to Stewart Avenue, in accord-. vith the blue print herewith at - Yo rg Iand made t Parhereof, the •d Portion showing the all and the !d Portions the ute. with o al- a that the estmated cost Mayor P - ers Is• $8.82. To property owns Form B. S. A. 8-6 11ved Further. That a public ig be had o said ImDtoVement e 5th day of February, 1 91 5, at the of 10 o'clock L 114., In the Council ail—, foo. 61 of the Court House City Hall Building in the, City of Paul. That the Commissioner of re give notice of said meeting to aVersons and In the m r pro - ad by the Charter, etattng the time place of hearing, the tore f the provement. and the totalcostthere- as estimated. Adopted by the Council Dec. 31. 1914.1 - - Approved Jan. 1, 1916. i (Jan. 9-1916) a A COUNCIL FILL N0. _. B y INTERMEDIARY ORDER. for s theMatyof condeu:nin. and taking angea.s.e.u,ell.t._in_...the l.ani... e.c_es.sax..... 11° opes, dor cuts andills i gradin Benson avenue from the west dine ` of Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition to the ._eastt .l_i.rle o.ff.._.K� p'.s.. C,len e��a9e . 3n ac or3ance with the blue rint`hArewith a�tached r wade a pad thign of t�e enHed portion showinithedfilis and the Vatcfte portion Cuts under re lminaary it 853.2...... Noveirber 12thi. 393 : The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: " That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. tl h u h i o lv e t l 'l r n e i Condemn and take an easeAn� l� 4fl� lfeFifid WtgWgg�,&?� �O� tft1 T'j�l eggdnd't� g and f12Is in grading Benson e e f on, th e t lin of i' G1 n T rrace A 3 tion in acoord- Rnc.a__w.i�t..-e .b�ue_._pr n �ieretaih_ ataeci arr rt:ade a par -ler . f_ e sha ed portion showing the ills an the hatched portions t9e cuts, _._._... .._. _.... with no alternatives, and.that the estimated cost thereof is ¢__10._71_,___Tp prorerty owners nil. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 5th _ ________ ,,.. day of February191_5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the o c thereof as estimated. - 5�� /-/ , Adopted by the Council �__.� ., 1911 IG proved Councilman Fa sworlh Go Ke r Mc olt " 0' ary 1 Yo g Mayor PoIrs Form B. S. A. 8-6 11 1191Q / -t . the City of� received the report of the ,.ier of Finance upon the F ovement, and. having c n_' . report, hereby resolves: o I. Treport r 1s hereby approved e and ad d the said dared tobe,proce eededwitb ht That the nature If the imp< + t which the Council recommsr. �A�mn and take an --sabre 11 d necessary for elopes,ad cut. in grading Benson venue ea[ line o1 Klpp's Glen Ter, ,Ilion, in o dunes with the -Int tt beteg f.h Theachehndedd part ....,m, the Hlle And [he hatched p,� ne the cuts, withdno alternativ .d that the estimated cost thereof 1.71. To property' o Hera nil. Resolved Further, That a public t Ing be had id improvement tat the he110 o'th clock A. ILof B in the 6Council %tuber, 61 f the Court House + City Hall Building in the City o1 Paul. at notleee of sold (meeting to :nee give persona and to the manner time 1 ac the Charter, stating the time place of hearing, the nature th the rovement, and the total coat there - e tlmaee. i doptedby anC 1916.1 Dec. 31, 1914. pprove (Jan. 0-1916) Mayor. V COUNCIL /FILE NO. By ✓CG /G�CL v.L."lG/ ���� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. I the Matter of .0 Onderinin and .tak lL,g. an easement in the, land necessary. fo s�o es for puts andi1ls in radi g the north and south and east" anc wes aiteys in Block 4, Forest -ale Adaition, in accordance.with the bl1ue r -int h4Te ith- tt ehed a d made -her of The shaded portion ahowiig the sills an tie hatcied port oRafthe cuts, ander Preliminary order ......4.h.1.._............ .... ............._..._............___.... approved...june....2... .4.th.,_19.1.4..........._.........:................_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved_,and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered � to bteproceeded with. ❑t h } se ep atlttiie �erelg Qo �PLy,W If 6� hraQHy recgl ser y} a0. a..lif..�en. ..tekae.dan. . Re nor an� sou and eas� 'an� resi ral�6ys"inV�ioc� 4, �oreed�rle I�A�d. in--ac"rdance-w-ith the -Jilue._p'rin-G4 herewith at-tached and made a part- hereof The hhaded portion showing the fills and the hatched portion the cute ...., _.._.._.... .... ............... .... -_.._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ____5.th. _ .__ ._._ _. day of Fe-bru.arjr-...... ... ._... _........ ...... _, 191.5._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. iii., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council � :._2j;'. _., 191 y Clerk. Approved .Y..._ _._ ___ 191.x'7 Mayor.' Councilmant'Farsrwor,h .Id•b, approvedd jmprovem"eadproceededwithha+ the nature of the i hlh the Councllaern.niand take nn eaeemeh necessary for elopes, for c; n grading .the north a•aet"and wstallaysI!tdale•Addltfon. =,lnthe blue:prhtthereivltlr rl nada a pparthereof.'The n showing: the -fillsan' d portion the cuts, u, th.:.1 Ives, and that the.estlmate.f 1, 5661. ,To property of Mayor ,,,ivied Further. That a be herr on sa'd improv Focm B. S. A. 8-6 c, 6th ofdY. .1 clack F. A. X'4 _ "'^r�.Y.t nhamber.'room 61.'ttl�the_„ City Vo[ St. Paulh The aheaha Commie - stoner oY Fln ace give notice o[ Bald etitig to the Deraone and 1n the \ manner provided by. [he Charter, stat lag the time and place of hearing, the \ nature oP the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councll Dec.. 31, ifl1.. Approved Jan. 2, 1915. - (Jan_ 9-1915) _. COUNCII. F1LR NO. 1, By :.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In he Dlat o, of ._1C eirning. and takingan _.e.as.emen.t . it th.e..Iand. Zeoeasar.y... for s o.es cuts and fills in grali.ng -len Terrace from Benson a enue o un an avenue in c� dar .e w'th th .blu;, int he_r_ th apt' a he a,,�,.� m.� �e a ar reo V is s tad-er por4lo11 0 o; t�1e ffll antd he haoch2536ort�ona ie cuts. under Preliminary Order ...... .._....._ _...__... approved __ . H.o.Y.ember _.12th,......1214 ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ ConUK14._# __40___tAXAN9F Fo K an eaeemen.t_.in the. land, n_ecess,`.....y_ for _.s_lopes,_ c..u...t.e and__fillsin _.. grading Glen Terrace from Bens avenue to Younggman, Avenue, in __._......_.accord��c ..._y¢-i.th the. - iu .:...r..'...t_ w.th--attach d-.ard._.lra33.. a. p—he eof, the sgia ec portion show In d r! and the ha check portions ie cu s, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost there is: $ ..9 -.Z4 --..T-0 property owners nil. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on is improvement on the __5.th . _ ___ ..___._. day of _... ...,.F.e.,b.ruax.y 1.-1 191...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council fir_.._./�. _ .., 191".4'. !/ .. .......... .. ___.. C' C rk. Approved _. 2 _ _..., 1910. r ' rttit..i�ary U,. '�.., .. ... .. .._._.._.... j—rnber-12th 1914. Mayor. .- c of the City Councilman Fa ,g received the report o loner of Fitiance upon ov ment, and having report, hereby resolves:• •• G ' That the said report b e Is hereby approved fl the said improvement i; •• Y, .ered to be proceeded with That the nature of the t whleh -t: a Council recon, dem, and take an easeme o '1 necessary. for slope, for !N� + In grading Glen Terrace ft e_to`Yonngman av, h ttached and made n par haled portion hewing [he hatched portions the c e� nite..atives, and that the e �t thereof Is $9.24. To proper nil. Mayor PO ,[ding be bad tonr�saidh I. Pr, r Form B. S. A. 8.6 the 6th day of February; 1. hour of 10 o'clock A. M., Hell Chamber, room 61, of "" ase and Clty Hnll Building of St. Paul. That the C' er of Finance give notice t ting to the persons and r r provided by the Charter., the time and place of hearth Ire of the improvement, I cost thereof as estimated.: toted by the Connell D-21.,. ,,proved Jan. 2, 1916. (Jan. 9-1916) COUNCIL FILE NO. By.�� ��. Ts_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntbeMatterof_ Pat*f:ng._Raymond_avenue from.._U.�ive.�.s.�ty a_v.enufl t.o.._Car.tar..... avenue,._ ...... _.. under Preliminary Order..._88.6__..................._.........-..._...__.._._".._.. approved JU!Y._2.2-tt1I,._ 19.14......_ .... ......... ......_..._........_._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Paving__Raymon3 avenue _from..Iin.iv..er.ai.ty ay.enue.....to_"Car..t.er _ay.enu.e_,..... __ _...._... _.. ...._._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..._ 73,.,.s..4.5_._a0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ____....... day of �G ...._..... 191...._... Pat the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council fie._ _31 j ...._...... n 1 ark. Approved _ Mayor. 3206—By 5. A. Fxrnsworth— Councilman Far worth h the alxtter o[ pay g Raymond ave- nue Brom University avenue to Car- . ter venue, under PreII.Ina ,, Or- „ dar 880, approved Jly 28th, 1914. GO The Ceunetl of thou Clty f SL Paul having received the report of the Com- - Issioner of Fihanee ton the above Ke latprovem ent,. d havl g c naidered d port, h tbby solv¢s:o 1. Ti,a[ rth Idreport¢ibe d the Is hfle DS #pp d d adopted. M 11 or re d rept ant Ia hereby ordered to b D YQb,,Y, dad �n�lth. �%'• m2 Thflt th 1 1 Of Improve- r which [he C Unci1 ads Is .It" nvin ag Raymbnd;(syettue Prom ands otter ti es,.ta dnrtnataltheU eeattmated ' Yoe o. t thereof Is -E.70:043.20. e Ftesol t•ed Further; That a pub llc hearing be Hari on 6Id lmprovement Mayor Pow the thonrt of l0 ofc 'kruAn.r Df 19 1. that e Councll Chamber, room�61, oY the Court Form B. S. A. 8.6 'House and elro stoner of Finance give notice oP said ` meeting tothe persona nd in the manner provided U,.the Charter, at the time and place of hearing, the nature of the lmprovement. nd the total cost thereof Cou-estimated.. Adopted by the ncll oee. 31. 1914. Approved .Tan. 2, 1915. (Jan. 9-191.5) - COUNCIL Flf,ll NO. x/ 4 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Alatter of Paving_ the. north _roadway on �upjpt t_ avenue, fro S e.liiAa 9 � . ...... n m avenue avento Brih 11 a I—. _ . ..!� . v under Preliminary O,dc,_..i.372 ............. . . ........... . . approved August 28th, —1.914. The Council of the City of St. Paul haying received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, an I d the said I improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Pave._._*he ,he jjQr.t..h...rQa Wa on SUj=it ay..enjje_.f romSnej.jjnj;_av,enue.. to Brialhall -avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof I is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had, on said improvement on the day of 191_...5., at the hour of 10 0 61iikA. M., in the Council Chamber, room -No. 61 of tPaul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice tij,t City Hall Building in the City of St, C_.Mua:,� �d of said meeting to the pe - rsons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tota cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council it. k. Approved im k 3266—By 9. A. rarra--th In the Mattc, of par, 'g t he north d,ay — Summit .,e..c from Snelling vorce, to Brimhall avenue, counCilman Far orth p 11�,;d P,,Iulml"st 2,rt, �. Order I.m p 1914. The Council of the City of St. Paul Gos having received the report of the COM- m"aloner of Finance up.n the above Improvement. and having considered said report. hereby ,,, J'Farord I. The, the sa,� gport be and the Gos -ams I.ereby,approveq and adopted, mt the aid mprovement Is hereby , tode ed be uroreeded with. 2. Th the nature of the improve - ..t which the Council reco....d. is pave the north, roadway on Summit avem- from Snelling avenue to B,Im- hall ;tavenue, with no alternatives, ad 1-1 the estimated -.at thereof is 0 Yd $1912.85. i Resolved Further, That . public , be hea' ng had on said improvement P the 11h day of February. 1915, at Mayor Po 'tb' hour Of 10 W.1cCl, A. M.; fi, the Council Chamber, room 61, of the Court Form B. S. A. 8.6 Hous, f d City Hall Building in the Cu � y at. Paul. That the Commis- sioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the P111111 and 11 the manner provided by the Charter, stat - Ing the time an, Place of hearing' the nature of the Improvement, andthe total cost there. as estimated. Adopted by the Council Dec. 31. MI. .approved Jan. 2, 1915 (Jan. 9-1915) COUNCIL FILE NO. By —1a" Z INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the clatter of..paving $ummitavenue..f.rom a pOint._1038...l5_fes_t West Of. the west line of Cretin avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard, ...... ................. 2 under Preliminary Order.... ..777 . . ............. .. .................. ..... ........ ..... approved 1.0t,1914- ............ ..... The Councilof the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recoiumends is Pave -Summit avenlla f rom a oi -to .. .. .... ... at 10 8_.15 feet weat_ of tb_e� West line Of Cretin avenue.. .-p MJ]30issi p.1 Rijiex 13.O.Ul-evard, ........ . .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further. That a public hearing be. had on said improvement on the day of 191.5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 -of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tot _ cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council . 191 4 z le, ............... a City le, Approved 191 .. . .............. N.. 3267—By-S. A. Mayor. in the Matter Of paving Summit Councilman Fa i isworl— �c nue a point 1038.15 feet west Y the west line of Cretin avenue to o 11 Mississippi River boulevard, under Preliminary Order 777. approved 10 S July 21.t, 1914 The Council 1i the city or St. Paul having received the report of the Com- missioner of Finance upon the bar. er improvement, and having considered b said report. hereby 11P1.1lV11' rt b� e 1. That the so Z] and the oil ""ishereby ved and adopted, ..d the said Improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature Jor the improve. meat which the Coune recommends 11 1038.16 e Summit avenue from a Point feet west o a West line, of 3f the .1' 1 River M P . 9 Cretin in ' `1.t-l=1lve.B..d Boulevard, w t 11 1' the es , no .0 that tima ed at thereof Is $6 5 �616 t 9 Mayor. P rs �rd Further, ThImprovement t a p hearing be had on sabid Im vern— f F , ryro "T 1915, at Form B. S. A. 8-6 on the Oth day a ek rhe hour of K. In the 10 o' -I -c Council Chamber, room 61• of the Court House and City Hall Building 1. the ,a City or Ill. 1-1. That the Comm a. sinner of to n,ne. give notice of said hme tin a. g.r. 'h�O.'Ch.nrler.n.tat' manner r I a y t Ing the time an lace of bearing, the Z11 nature of the Improvement, and the tot. cost reo as estimated Adopted t . OUncl, Dee. 31, 1914, a Ap a C r..2, 1915. AM#. COUNCIL FILF NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of condemninz._and__ taking._ an.. _ea.t3.ment .. in.....the _ 1443 necessary, .... for sloes, for cut and fills in � id, S��r ent St from Syndicate St to. ,rig a gt, �n actor ante w u print lerewit attached ane leads a art h6reof. The Shaded portion showing the fills and the v h itchlgd,�or i4s cuts 13 4 un er reh lnary r er.._.__ .... _ approved _i�U$Ll@t16ts....�9.��...... The Council of tile. City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is r. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Tat he ture f th im rovement velli h the Council recommends ' ._C..ondemn. _and. take an argent S n at e ia> a rR ce2sar eo �Clo�e�=ofor cu' �a ld fills in irwilRlg ., rom yn ca a ares o r bos etre n accordant wi the blue print --herewith attached- anal_ made a part hereof. Tele shaded portion showing the fills and the hatched portions cuts, .......__ _. ....... ._ _...._ hatched with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..._..6-51,.....T.o.. property owners nil. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the /0_____r.._..... ____........ day of .�1.use 191....$, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the CourCity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estiJnated. Adopted by the Council 191 � ity Cl rk: Approved Mayor. :,ancn of V.e city Councilman Farn orlh-, •ng recelved the report of ti. aitner of Finance upon th.' :provement,. and having con:, „ GOS ,Id port, hereby resolves: i 1. That the said report be n• .me Is hereby: Approved and a, - Ke r d the Bald Improvement Is yjrdered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the lay, nent the Council iViC oil which titcom— `ondemn and rake an easement , ed necessary tqr -tope., for cut, -1 ;i -11. In grading Sargent 9t., from .'.cafe street to Griggs street, 1 . dance with the bl a print her i tached and. made apRart hereof. Yo aded portlonf ehowing 2ho';flI" , hatched percute; with n, +atives, and that the estimated < sof is i6Af. To property owl Mayos PO 6 � solved Further, That a pul,. A, ng bs had on sold improvemc F is 10th day of February, 1815, Form B. S. 8.6 q hour of 10. O'clock A. M, In ti onett Chamber, room 81 of the Cour 4'11 - and Clty Building In rho >'w of St_ Paula That the Commie - Flnenee give . notlee of Bald i + • ?tof ing to the pereone., and In the aner�rovlded tiy_the Charter, stet- ,the time and place of hearing,. the L th Imp ent, and the • costth pof_,Ica. tl ted. �� pt ed J n 2 19161 Dec 31, 1914.- \ (Jan. 9 1615) COUNCIL FILE NO.By _ `169 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Alver of .... _On.dO ii e. ang tak.i o an easejient .in .th._.and....gecssarA�cs for slopes, ' or cu s ani2le in raTng Como venue R'es rom ar er ., to Eustis Streett in cco d n e witthh the blue p nt h ewit ttac'le an madl cu�ar.t hereof:_ Tie sia e -portion showI g Fifrfs an he bra e e nor ions under Prelimiliary Order _.._.. J3.S2t.._. ......... ........ approved approved _ .Augus.t.....3.ls.t,_ 191.4._ ....... ... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .. C Onde 11 .._ _ ..and...._t.ak zL, an easement in the land necessary for slopes and fills in grading Como avenue from _.Car.t.er..Av.enue.....to_ Eustis._atree.t,-..i.n_..accordance_.-wi..th...-the _ blue _... print -....herewith attached and made a part hereof. The shaded portion shwwing the fills and the he. tc.h.erg..po.xt.i.o.11.s...cu_ts........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...17...2.9......_T.o.. property owners nil. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---.........- day of fC.,,t ._ ......._._..._ 191..._5, at the hour of 10 o'clockA. Di., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of House a City Hall Building in the City of St: Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and -the total ost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council . ___ __ ��i...J/_,._._., 191j� QQ Cit lerk. Approee� ,,...t the ha.... ........ _ .._...._... ... ._...._.. ....... ........_ � - Preliminary " Mayor. d August 31st, 191t* " unci' of the City of ' Councilman tFawo,th ecelved the report of th. %r of Finance upon the .nt, and" Shd.ving coast.,, - .. port, hereby reeolves: hat thesaid report be one ' a hereby approved and ad.p e said Improvement Is her.. beproceeded with.,fatthe natureofthe trop".nlchthe Council i and take an easement in tl.essary Por sloppes andfills 1Como Ave.wet from Carte`to Eustisstreet, In accordane blue print herewith attached, e a part hereof. The shadedh—l.g the fills and the ,po •tions cute, with no alter - and .that the estimated coat /is$17.29. To propertyMayor "ived Further, That a public !;be had on said improvement Form B. S. A. 6-6 ,: 10th day of Febtvar3', 1915, at. sur of 30 o'clock A. M. 1n the .11 Chamber, room 61 of the Court and City Hall Building In the '.sof St. Paul That the Commis- - of Finance give notice of said ting to. the persons and in the ,.cr to by the Chnrter, stat- , the time and place of hearing, the Te of the ImprovdmenI. and the `alcoat thereof as estimated. \dopted by the Council Dec. 31. 1914. ,pp roved Jan. 2, 1016. (Jan. 9-1016) P COUNCIL FILM: NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In th Matter of ..c.Qn .e nd. takin an. .s.e.me in .1 Land neoessar TT!�� - ? g open for cute an n the ma ter o gra in C arence St. from Bu Abe., $o Hudson Road, in accordance with the blue print herewith attache and made a part hereof. The shaded portion showing the fYlls and the ha portion the cue Oq_tpber..3.rd_, 1914... under Preliminary rder ....._. 1.9.0 .__. .__.... ... approved _ _ ......._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby, resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _ Qond_@a.4.4 an�i_,..take,34 easement in the land necessary fgr elopes, for cut and fills in the matter of ggradingg Clarence street from Burns avenue to Hudson Road in accordance wi't. the bluw...print herewith attabhed and made a part hereak' The shaded portion showing the fills and the hatched portion the cuts, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..19.5.,.Q0,..1.o Property owners nil. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the / . day of G- 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court H�City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and thetotal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council : .Com.:.._ 1 Clerk. Approved ../ .. ?/... __ _..__ _._ __ 191.1 .tod`.nade., • ..,ed portion h'.. n.;n, ,.................... .... ..................... no hatched portionthe , Mayor. •', ' eliminary-order 1904. n d October 3rd, 1,914. Councilman Far worth coPncn.oc the City be st. ra, rece P' Financeihe upon rt fthe bo " Go nement, and having consider, port, hereby resolvea: That the said report be and it, Is K `he heard 3lmprovement roved and eahertee eb f ,•n to be proceeded with. "That the naturemated of the Improv, M li `h" recom "I take an le¢aement In th necessary for slopes. for uts am; i he matter of grading Clarence t from Burd.rns avenue to Hudson vith in aflttached w dhin re dblue a Peart Yo f. fills and the he dhatced hedtortiport poon rtion th- with no alternatives, and that the Mayor Pow gated cost thereof is 5190.00. To }' erty era nil. 'i esolve ew F rther, That a public Farm B. S. A. 8.6 ;ins b had o said improvement the 10th day of February, 1916, • t nethou Chamber,16 orolom 61 of tock A. Ivyhe Cau rt •nse and City Hall Building in the - of f Finance give tnttieeeof maid -[Ingo to the persons and in athe r provided by the Charter, stat - the timehe hnen Impravemencarr hearing' . the lrrost thereof as estfmuted.n ..Sdopfed by the Council Der. 31. 1914. Approved Jan: 2, 1916. (Jan. 9-1910) - .. I COUNCIL FILE. NO. ._ ]3y, _-ail ✓'�G.L L /✓CG^A2 .._L�i _. _..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the IViat er of c lid ]nn i.-. and taken. an easement in. the 011'h landinecessary_;: } �o us,an fi is lin*cti t eet fr 1�aHB skt 3to rat aies&.'?Iaaene eR�Be A ninWa cc,- aanc�e.wi.t�ir.�h.1_N nepr_in 'here° .3ti1'attached 3 made a part hereof The shaded portion showing fills and hatched portion under Preliminary Order _._yg9 _ ...._a3-65.....___..._ ......_.. approved ..Nove>uber ani,, . 1914 __. _ ....._l.... The Council of the City of St. Patel having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby a plved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. gg ee2. ttTllat t}h Reatyelr�o�fdtheggimePpj��roveggment hitcph th}�1 pCouncil'r commenatsgis �..CQ�n .� .rgl,..-annd..a.aa.:.in..*a match BtT28t'nfTOm lldleletPeetotogKent etreetpandhe cart anQ WeallgyainnC7are & Hoape$s Re._.n.A.a._.i.n accordance with the b}rte-print herewith attached-a'zxi made a part hereof. The shaded portion showing the fills and the hatched port ion_..:the.....outs.j. ....--_ __. _....__.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._19.5_....00._..TO owners nil. _13/es'olved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the % 0_:.___ _..._... day of C7% .... 191....5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of — the Court House a City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..:..f.. _ 191./ Li j_ ity Clerk. Approved / ._ 191 As _. _.. .te, ..d.r Prel min' -'- - 2366::.:'nDp oved No b. � Mayer. t .he COii-nc1I f the City P St.i Councilman Fa worth hnvtng rebeived the report le the anaamner-of Finance Upon the improvement, and having coasf� Goy said port. and resolves: 1. I the said report be an same is hereby approved and ad, and the Bald Improvement le hr oor2, T to Ih proceeded with. C r That the ture oP the Imp, med which .the Council recomme, Me ole con and taken euseme et 1 land necessary for ls. opefor r "fl11a in grading' Hatch street: I Dale street to Rent street d tt,, d •eat alley In Ware & Hospe gA" In ecordanee with the blue hereof.thThetached shadedand Porti n o he YO the fills and the hatched p tfor . cute, with no alternatives, and the .estimated coat thereof la $165.00. ivlayor Po rs p ners nu. . • Resolved Further, That Form 8. S. A. 8-s ocaring be had c aid Improv the thou�Othf dl0 otlocjbr.ary. I! j Council Chamber, room 61 of th $ Hea �Bull hCFtyStY HeC. sfoner of Finance give notice m eenng to the persons and manner provided by the Charte ing the brie and piece of hearnatu, totalre of cost ash estimated. Adopted n - Adopted by the Council DeeRl. Approved Jan. 2. 1616. 0' (Jan. 9-1915) COUNCIL /JFILLFNO. .._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. 11 IntheMatterof condemningm ..,, and taking an easeent >n t`.- land necessary fore 'o es fo c is n3 fills i e ma ter of a Iino err av n e frr� B aei Pveil a rt IT avenue nir�c r 'a Ie w i hj b us in sewer h aace an� ma�e > ppat hereof he a a e pow ori -a ow rig. -e - -i g and the hatched portions the cu+s, under Preliminary Order .......... _............ ........._..... ... __.... approved ........................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said rgport, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a� d an eas2em�i� '�1n 321eC1 2�'il the Cyncg ;ecT8jeIIA� s�aonfie_Tifid....lnatkieke matter of gracing Berry avenue from or avenue to Myrtle avenue, in accordance wit?I* 'Vid-blue print herewith attachedandmade- a -part -hereof-,-- the szaded.portion showing the fills and the hatched portions the cats, ... ........._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.5,._67....._.To....property owners nil. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the //d ..-- . ........... day of __ _._.....__._. ._...._, 191..6., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and ity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated: 1 Adopted by the Council _. _.__�,<C�_:_.... ___ , 191�. CCS .< ......... / City Clerk,- ` Approved t _ N i [ a .... tf, ithe shaded por4o. Mayor. I nsthe theaituts,ndunder the hPreliminary 1 Councilman F 1sworlh der 190% approves October 3rd. 14. he Council of the Ctty.of St Paul (j S� ,Ing received. the report of the Com- sioner of Finance upon the above •ovemeat and having considered K'er-report, hereby resolves. That hie said report b and the e Is hereby approved and adopted. the ea td Improvement is hereby iVI 011 ed to be proceeded wlth. That the nature uP the improve - t which the Council recommends is lemn and take an ease arc in the t necessary for elopes Por cute and In the matter of gmdtng Berry Yue from Bayard Venue to Myrtle rue, in accordance with the blue t herewith attached and made a hereof, the shaded portion show- fvleyor Po s wl[hipo .Iternatives, andtions the gated coat thereof is' $6.67. To r .Form B. S. A. 8.6 arty owners nil. -solved Further, That a public '.'ng be had on said improvement ` is 11th day of February, 1916, at ,or of SO o'clock A. M l� ..,e al Finance to the provided 1 W COUNCIL FILR NO. _ 6 7 YC,'IZ INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of condemning....ani taking _an eaaernent.._.in tha lan i necessary-_ f r s110 es for cut ana fill1 i tthe matter of radin lentworth e�reet �rc1, Doane s reel to S �nthony avenue, fn accgrc' with the blue print -herewith attached and mad, a part hereof, the shaded Preliminary showing tye fills and the 'latched pportions the cuts, under Preliminary Order ....._ 9..0 ._..._.. approved . ...00.tob.er.,lard.' .19.14. ......... . The Council of the City of St. Paul leaving received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the a e of the i ro ement which the uneil ecmnmends is ..C_pndemn_._an3.... take ._an.. easemen' Ve the art necessary Cor srlppes, for cute and fills in the matter of grading Wentworth street from Doane street to St. Anthony avenile... "115 accordance With* the blue prim[ herewith attached aria NaL e` a part hereof, the shaded portion showing the Fills and the hatched _ _ ..... __ pertiori [fie" cuts, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $6._30.,. TQ._.property owners rill. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...- -.- day of _ ......_ .....__..._.............__, 191 at at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House an City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated: Adopted by the Council P r/ . *� j 191.�� n Clerl. Approved _.� ./_. _ 191._J u , U ..` �.. Mayor. a _ Z e e City oL CouncilmaIF nh of Finance reportofrthe : ement, and having consid. << epdrt. hereby resolves: Phat the said report be and t,'s hereby approved and adopts, he said improvement is hereby d tobe ,proceeded with.Thatthe nature of the improv, 'which the a ncn recommend.nn and take sl easement in . �eceseam for elopes, [or cutsi [he atter of gr'd(ng Pstreetfrom Doane streat 'y avenue, in accerda e print herew<th ac. Mayo Form B. S. A. 8.6 a t. 3274 COUNCIL FII 1: NO. _. t INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _pais.i g__ ilay..t.on._ay.enue....f rola V.i.oto.ria.. etrP?t _ to . Lex.z_ngt.on__Ave . _.........__ _ __ ................. under Preliminary Order ........:7.48 ............... ......... ......_.._............ _._. approved __...._..N.Q.V.�IIlb.Pr_24th.,__.I914...._............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .Pave__Dayton_ avenue from 1'ictor.ia etreet to Lexington avenue, _.......... __ ._ ._ __._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....26.,.991...43 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -- -- . day of _..._, 191...5..; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the to cost ler/eof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Jerk. t Approved In the hla[ ae Brom ton the pp; The Cece Councilman Far wo ralhaving reae Im r, ler o Id provemen „ Go said report' . That e 1. hereby ¢ the chid imp ed to be C r 2. That rt melt which M oil pave Dayta street to L alternatives; coat thereof Resolved hearing be on the 16th • YO g r of Council the u Chal Hous u d Mayor Po r5 I st. otner oSFl .1..".g, to Form B. S. A. 8-6 m?nner nrov Mayor. ✓� a -t 4�t�., f COUNCIL FILR NO. _. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. a change of grade on Kerwin Street from Phalen Avenue to -Tracy Avenue In the Matter of X=XS according. -to- the -profil"areto..attached _ and.. made, a_ part _heraof..,....the. ...blue.:.line...r..epr-e.oenting... the old grade and the red lite ge proposed change of grade,and grading KERMI STREET from —� under Pr@lilpinary Order ..._. ................- ....... approved Phalen Avonue Bo 1Ysa venue.__ The Council of t l) elty fl of St. Paul having received the report of tlie'Co'mmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Chan a the Grade of KERPIIN 2. That the nature of AR i syel�4�N�ilicll the Council recommends is. � ' SSC STREET from Phalen Avenue, ccording to the profile hereto attached an � a p efe%. X the blue._ it _. _..__.....,._ line. _repres.enting...th�e ald. gra..de-...And.... red line..- the ....proposed-.change...of..-grade,_and_.grade KERPIIN..S.TAEET...f.rom_FKK1Bti{XA3flHM from_.___... PRALENAVENUE TO TRACY AVENUE. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._Q.1..6....-178 ._._.. Re •ed Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ _. _ ....... day of _. 191.....5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Af., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place ofdlearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191 _ y., /j it lerk. Approved _ _ _ _, 191_ Mayor. CouncilmanTPors rrb, ,ivied thebrepotri of the of Finance upon the v enf, and having cons report, he. resolves:' That the said report be an e Is hereby approved and ad' the said improvement le h _ r d to be proceeded with. That the nature of the impr j":which the council reco n a! - gethe grade of Kerwin sPhalento Wacy dingto the profile hereto attar made s part hereof, the blue !senting the old grade and the the proposed change of gra, Kedtvin street from Phal to to Tracy avenue,with no site and that. the estimated co le$916.28. tvleyor red be had tont ea1id tmprovemelnl: Form B. S. A. 8.6 ' stof di0 bclockrA M.,l In6 the 'hamby room 61 of the Court -dCity. Hall Building. In the St Paul. That the Commis - e Finance give ,v Ice f said to the persons and In the provided by the Cnarter, stat- time tat-tl a and place of hearing, the - f the Improvement and the =$"� •a, thereof as estimated. by the Council D . 31. 1914 k 1 Tan. 2, 1916. (Tan. 9-1916) ?,76 COUNCIL` FFILE NO. _ r By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Matte of..,._Qon..atru ..L.i.lrg.. _. ev wr..._ .n. th.e.....a1_J .y..._b.etvlee.n.._Lfl. _'s_...1.8..1.._.___.... to� u Lnc usive, Y?inkel s rc Arrendmen and �ots 87 an 100 Urion Park between De ley avenue ani _Lynhur_et _avenue _Fact- thenc_e_from___Lynhurst _ .._ avenue Fast to Manhole rear intereection of Oakley Park and Lhurst Ave. under Preliminary Order ..._.2207 .__.... .......... ..._. approved .._ .._N.ovember.....25th.,.....1yn4 ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1u alley atte' at rl tyeilglnvemento l�3einc�lua Co uncil inkelm'sc3rd a�endnenteandn. the L.o.t.'..s..__83.....and._.1.00... Tin i on.. Park__be.tw.e.en....D.eway....amenue.._ and.._L.ynhxa r.s.t.....ay.enu.e._ hence from Lynhuat avenue East to manhole near intersection of Oakley _&venua.. and__Lynhur.st._.avenue__West— with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._8x5..3.6.._..__ f Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the !_ __..___._.._._ ..... day of m _:5e4_- . 191.5..._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M:, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House nd City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, ' the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ 1- 92 G__.2 / ._ .. 191 C1 lark. Approved ___/...... _ __. ......._...__., 791.. Mayor. Councilman Fa sworth the I. I , the repor,- '•r of Iji, nncerr�1pon " (� �ment. and . -hang •.ons; Port, hereby re9olvea: hat the said:'report be a 1- is hereby'. aPProvedand ado' r the said Improvement Is be ed to be proceeded with. " That the nature.ot the Lmpo, OII pet a t wee i nth recemmene • ruct a sewer In the alley b t ''81 to 183 Lotueive; ad 10 1 men[ and. Lots 87 and 106 irn1 ?[ween Dewey avenue and L' -'venue: thence frorp'Lynhn. east ,to- manhole near Inters.,, - " 9 Oakjey- venue. and Lynhu west,^with no -alternatives, al ne estimated cost thereof Mayor P rs ved Further, That a Publi be bad on said Improvemen Form B. S. A. 8-6 ioretof 30 h dao'clock of rA rtl�i.,l tnvis, ':1 Chamber, room 61 of the Court ad' City Hall Building in the t at.Paul. That the C.Tmf.- to the - orovlded by the Charons ann terSt. 'me and place of henring, the theimprovement, and the thereof as estimated. r by the founcil Dec. 31„18 d Tan. "2.`1976 - 2'�” w COUNCIL FILE. NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of gradirg Woodbridge street frorr Carbon street _to_._South___,.. street,..... .._... . _ _...._. ._ _ ...... under Preliminary Order .2868_._. _ ............................. ..... approved .. D-e.o.emb.eT....°.th....... X414..................._ ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ._1.rA.... .......Wo street, frow...._Carbon _street.. tc?. S.Guth....e..t.l.eet, ........ ........_..__ ..... _... .............. _...._ ......... . . -_... : ..._._.._ ._. ......... _.._ .__. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 099.r_1.4 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the �o.-...___. _.......... day of .............___, 191..5......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the CCity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council . ..... — 191/ J a Cu Clerk Approved _./ ..._2 -...__...__ ___. _, 191__. C F. No. 3E77—By_g A Farnsworth—1 M8yor. In thw. u2#2 o.. _. Councilman Fa swor G " K r M oll y 'rg Mayor P ers Farm B. S. A. &6 e I COUNCIL -FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. lntheiliatterof _.�-�?ng-.-"heeler_ayenu_a._beiw...en._L_on.s.-s-t.re.�.x att�l He�+xt avenue _ 33 58 ....... .. approved under Pre]iminary Order ...._..._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is GT&d:e-VPheel_eT A!1e.e. between Lafond..street_and._Heealt - _:�enue_,.........- .._. i 133........ with no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereof is $ -r- -- day of / Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement on t e, __...... _191 .._��, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room_No. 61 of n the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner ofFinance. the Court House Hall Building ila a of hearing, a of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time p the nature of the improvement, and Adopted by the Council Approved _._/ __.Y.._..__.......___ Councilman Far wonh Go Ke r M oll y 9 Mayor Po rs Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE. NO. _ ... /2 By _ ..✓.r. ` 79 INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _._. _Cnrb.ing...Ha.ai.r _str.e_et _.front rihell.in-g Airenue. to.. Fairview..., ...... _.. under Preliminary Order ........ ..2...5-5..8._ ........ ......... .......... ..........-_._ _... approved ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and_the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the Mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is C_LLT.b..,..-B_lair__st.r..ee,t_- Yrom Snelling avenue to Fairview avenue, ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._18.78_.60..,,,.__ olved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement on the . day of 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court H use and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council:.. j __-_, 19111 / J..... Clerk. Approved. _._ 11 .... __. _ ... 191_ 11_ C. F. No. 3279—By S. A. Farnsworth— -- ,- .. - ---'!/j 1 �C / ...... ..... 1 In [he Matter of. curbing Blair,street Mayor. `;, from Snelling a enue to, Fairview Council an Far Op avenue, under Preliminary order 2668, approved_ November' 18th 1914. " GOS missionev of Finance upon=.the above improvement, and having considered — Kel i said port, herebv resolves: -. 1.. That the said reporFt� be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said Imp ovement;,.ia hereby rdered to be proceeded with. MC Oil 2.. That the nature b[ the. improve - the Council recommends I men which curb Blair street from Snelling a u lter a - tto Fairview veno with no alterna- tives,:estimated cost. ' Y thereof la E3878E60,the1 Resolved Further, That 'a public g hearing bsZad on said .Improvement 'on the 18th day of. February; 1916.- at - A. the hear of 1D o'clock A.' -M., to the Mayor Po rS y .Council Chamber, room of the .Court Hall 'Building In the _ -ones and. City City of St. Paul. ', That the Commie - Form B. S. A. 8-6 sinner of Finance give notice of said meeting to tha prrson9 and In the manner provided by the Charter, It -t- -an._ Ing the time and place of hearing, the nature of the Improvement, .and the total cost thereof a9 estimated. Adopted by the.Counet] Dec 31. 1914. Approved Jan. 2, 1916. (Jan., 9-1916) CITY OF S 1KUL COUNCIL RES ION—GENERAL FORM ..............._................................. ._ .. ..... COUNCIL FILE NO .. .... ............ .. Date Presented- .............. __ .........._........... _..:....._I91..._...... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Utilities be and he is hereby authorized to employ the following additional help, at the salaries stated: In the Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories, one clerk, at a salary of Seventy Dollars (670..00) per month; In the Bureau of Lighting, three l4mp-lighters and one lamp -washer, at a salary. of Sixty Dollars ($60.00) per month each; and one lamp -repairer, at a salary of Seventy Dollars ($70.00) per month. V Yeas (I) Co (P) Nays Adopted by the Council Owe____ 191�y __In favor Approve — _ 91S __(Against Mr. Presids MAYOR C OF' ST. PAUL COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: _ _ _._ 6� (J�Q COUNCIL UNC L 3281 ..FILE HO ...... .... ................... ..:................ ( ✓ ..... :..... .... _..... .......... ...... ........ - Date Presented...... /r3/........_I91 _ All Resolved, That the City of St. Paul hereby accepts of John P. Kyle a conveyance dated December 30th, 1914, of the following described` property, viz: That tract of land lying and being in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the intersection of the north and south quarter -quarter section line in the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 10, Town 38, Range 23, with the south line of J. J. Kennats Addition to the City of St. Paul; thence east 30 feet, thence south 170 feet, more or leas, to the north line of Lexington Park Plat 3, thence west 30 feet r to the said quarter -quarter section line, thence along said quarter - quarter section line 170 feet, more or lees, to the point of beginning; for the widening of Griggs street. I th County oP rlbod and 9tato ut y M1nne ota, described th Poltowe One Wit Commencing at th interegetlon; of, the nodth and ouch quartor.qu rter section ,line to the; northeast +quarter n[ the southgnst quarter of aeatton 10 y r 76wn,33, rta.n$o, 3„with tba south IIQ a, bt J J::-,iC nna'$ Addlt do foi the,.Clty of BtJ:PavT; thence: east'30 feet; thenen 0outh--.J1o'�Peet. more or leae;;^lo tb. thence,tyset 30 [lin the saki Qugrterr q arter;eect[on line, thence alohg 0 Yeas (1) Cou ilmen (P) Nays inor. l+;quarter pectton Imo x90 tees more or lea to thho point oG, tregtn= s,. .Ing,. Lor tho widening qt ,,,G Igge etr et ` Adopted b tho'- Couneil Dfl 81 iota; Y the Council _ - - . '� 191 F8 WOCt11 1pprov d Tnn 3'' Y$�6 (Jattl B�rJ. r s G In la_or -” K r _AApPr / - 91M oil _-J __Against Y' rgr. Preside Powers NAron ,.contract bearing date December 39th, 1914, by and gew Publishing Company and the City Of St. Paul, for binding in book form ther -it proceedings of the Council, or the year 1915., and to print and bind -in pamphlet form .ch of the Administrative and Legislative Codes/ ofC the ':aul, with index, be and the same is hereby approved, and Lty officers are authorized and direoted to execute the 4•f of the City. c. r. N. 32W j Resolved 'j)hat thQ: a nt�racL�b�arin�4,� date DecembCt 89th.„18�h' ?lY;.g*ld b� n fi�a 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM -' COUNCIL N ' .... ....... n ................ FILE O•^�� _._._.. Ig ......_ Date Presented........ 1. ,.contract bearing date December 39th, 1914, by and gew Publishing Company and the City Of St. Paul, for binding in book form ther -it proceedings of the Council, or the year 1915., and to print and bind -in pamphlet form .ch of the Administrative and Legislative Codes/ ofC the ':aul, with index, be and the same is hereby approved, and Lty officers are authorized and direoted to execute the 4•f of the City. c. r. N. 32W j Resolved 'j)hat thQ: a nt�racL�b�arin�4,� date DecembCt 89th.„18�h' ?lY;.g*ld b� - CITY OF ST. PAUL �_. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT -AID npp COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE !!VV ^ , j BV cr • r, r ik ''a f AUDITED `PER 162 funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified in the following detailed in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified statement:Adopted by the Council_?L Yeas Councilmen ( J) Nays / Farnsworth In favor pp A rove 91,v . 7 Goss Keller McColl Against MAYOR Yoerg r Mr. President, Powers t vS �tY x: Corporate Purposes -Salaries City Officers Salary Fund 3,166.$1 ✓ 7 06 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance,' Municipal Court Fund 7 07 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 1,674.99 v' ' C. H. & C. H. Maint. 0$ S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, $79.23 " " " " Com.) 29.16 09 " " ,(Joint T 577 Mayorga Of.fice Salary Fund -' 341.66 ✓ . 710 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance., City Clerk's Office Salary Fund 711 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 690.00 i Phi Comptrollerts Fund ^'3 1,749.16 ✓ '. 712 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Commissioner of Finance Fund 713 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 1,479,271,— Corporation Counselie Office Salary Fund �;: 714 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finances 1 183.34✓ • �, FormA. 5.11 „- #2 General Fund -Purchasing Agents Fund 7 15 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, c - F Nu. 3283 Resolved that warrants b lawn 'ut A 1,05"•.33 upon the City Tre s ry, payable t theherelnaft specified t U a d:1n -. Gen. Fund -Miscellaneous Acct. favor of the p'oohs firm c 'Pura - tions fpr the amounts set opposite their - 716 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, thspective nffmes and as specified In e following detailed etntement pti Fund9 agmAoaFaCity 405 �0 • ' OKtcecar9, f Plns ace. $3166 81 w r h of of Public Safety Salary Fund .Com ipal Fund: . A. Farne- lifinflCom. wo th Com. of. Finance, bi 674. worth. C H A C. H. Malnt.: S. A F ne- • th ( f Finance. $879 23 Sr A 7 717 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Farnsworth. Com. of Finance, (.tel nt Gom) $29,16. i 341. 66 .Mayor`s Otf of Salary Fund' S. A. Farts Com. of Finance. $341.66. Police Fund Clth, Rf 00in. of Finance A. FarnswortOffice $690.00. Comptroller's Fund: S. A. Ferns - 718 Farnsworth, S. A. Farnsworth Com of Finance worth,-0otn. of Fof Fi, $1.749.16. in Finance Fund. S. ?1 9 ° ° " Police Pension) Commissioner A. Farnsworth. Com. of Finance. 1y 720 " (Poli ce Alarm) " ° - $1.479.17. cornnraaen Cennaera OPuee snh •.' Com. FI --1 - Fund: S. A. Farnsworth, of nGenee. $1.183.34. ral Fund—Purchasing Agent's'; .x - Fund: S. Farnsworth, Com. of FI+ i 5A.8 ,ones. $1.068.33. S. Gen. Fund Miscellaneous l A Farnsworth. Com of FFimi ' nance, Fire'Dept. Fund $405.00. Com. of Public Safety Salary Fund: R A. Farnsworth, Com. of Flns.nce, - 7 1 S. A. Farnsworth, Com, of Finance Ea41ss P i Fund S A. Farnsworth. Com 7 2 N N N N N Fire e1 F1 j24988.31; 5. A. Farne-;. worth (P.11c. 1;986.31; e'en) 1 9.00' s. .�.' Farnsworth, (Pollee Alarm) $611.61. S. A. Farnsworth. Fire Dent. Fvnd: Com. of Finance. $30,056.70: Farnsworth, Com. of Flonnce (Flre I IQ1 Y Health Fund Alarm), $816.33. Health Fund: F, A. Farnawrorth. C of Flajtnce, $870.00. L: r7 7! 3 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Garbage Fund: S. A. Farnsworth. Co.. of Finance, $3,922:60. Geneial Fund—Dalry Exp. Accte 5. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance. �nO•oO q -— $482.00. Gen. Fund—QuarantCne Acct:: S. A. Goabaa Fund g Farnsworth. Com. of Finance. $2.638.50 Board of Control. Fund. S. A. Farne-1 )z' t t4i worth, Com. of Fina e, $2.319.03. Workhouse Fund:c S. A. Ferns 7! 4 S. A. Farnsworth Com. of Finance w of Finance $1.348.33. worth, Work. Office Fund 3,9 6. ✓ 22.60 E J 00fTi Co.. bP Public S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance - f ". General Fund -Dairy Exp. Acct. I Fund:S. Al ;f PCom. Fa ns. of Fblic l f 7 Be A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Street &Sewer Tuna: S A. Ferns, worth, Com. of Finance, $3.567.79. BldgCo-. Re g;n ood:$466.66I 482.0011" '• Farnsworth Gen. FunU Teating & I pectioti Gen. Fund. -Quarantine Acct. mo Account: S. A. Farnsworth, Coca. 11 Viaonce: $846.3•L. ` Gen. Fund—Paving Equipment Acct: S. A. Farnsworth, Com, of Finahcq § 7 26 S. A. Farnsworth, Com, of Finance, Gen"G"e'no. . Fund Election . Account, 2,638.50 �O of n S. A. Farnsworth. Com. of Finace '!z. Board of Control Fund $100.00. Com. or Education's Fund. S. A Farnsworth. Com. of Finance. $366.66. 7 27 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Com. of Parka, Playgrounds &. Pub. Sides. Fund: 5. A Farnsworth, Co.. ofAeee co., 48 - 2, 319. 03 v on°0.Acct. of School Fund( S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Flnance, - Workhouse Fund $360Sch.0o0o.l Fund: S. A. Farnsworth. " Q Co.. a Finance., $12,3 A.77. Library Fund: S. A Farnsworth, 7 28 S. A. Farnsworth, Zm. of Finance, i Com. f Ftnance, $3,386:76. Park Fund: S. A. Farnsworth. Com. 1,348.33 ✓ 4` of Finance, $4,370.93. Gen. Fun d Pab11c -.Baths: S. A. of Public Works Office Fund . Farnsworth.Corti. of Fin $230.00, {t rG r r d_ Pl ygrou d Account; S. A. Farnsworth, Com of Finance, l.. -�-- 7 29 S. earn sworth Com. $ of Finance $48000 cum of Pnbllc Utilltiea Fund S. A: -- 1 051.91 v J Farnsworth,. Com, of, Flnance. $286.67; Gen. Fund' -Market '-Maim Met: " • _ Com. of Publirs forks Fund S A Farnsworth, Gam. of Finance. $15000. z, 7 A _,. T4'( S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, ares- Auditorium Account: S. A: Fares- o th, Com. of Ftnance $746.20, worth Sprinkling Fund:. S. A Farnsworth Com. of Finan a $668.38 2 553.50 ✓ Special Fund:'- New Library' Bldg. Street & Sewer Fund S. A,_.Farew-ortb, Com. of Fl - none Deeci 5.00 tfo &Contingent Fund: S. 0 JA11111t, Com. of Finance A Farnsworth, 7 31 S. A. Farnii4orth,. Com. of Finance, E14400 ' $1Inte est Fund.: Fraser & Danforth: 3.557.79 School Fund: Citizens Ice .& $rust Bride Bldg.& Repair Fund Co., $2,922.74.' Snee. Assess. Const. Acct.—Peving Earl: Chicago Cre. -: Metlpget Sates to ting Co., Eat No. 3 Supptl. to Final. - L 7 3 2 S. A. Farnsworth . Com. J of Finance • Adopted by the Council Dec. 31, 1914. 3119 x66.66 _ Approvsd!7t n.9-1916) .. _ (�, ` -. 7 --' #3 Gen. Fund -Testing & Inspection Acct. 77 3 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, ,848.32 Gen. Fund -Paving Equipment Acct. 7 34 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 125.00 ' ✓ Gen. Fund -Election Expe. Acct. 735 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 100.60 Com. of Education's Fund - 736 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 366.66 v" Com. of Parks, Playgrounds &. Pub. Bldgs. Fund 737 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 835.00 ✓ Accommodation Acct, of School Fund 150• CO 738 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, School Fund 739 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 12s323•$7 Library Fund 40 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 3.385.75 ✓ Park Fund 7J41 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 4,370.93 v - r Gen. Fund -Public Baths n 5 742 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. cf Finance, 230.00 ✓ Gen. Fund -Playgrounds Acct. 7743 S. A. Farnsworth, Cosi. of- Finance, 480.00 ✓ Com. of Public Utilities Fund 71f,44 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 266.67 ✓ h Gen. Fund -Market Maint. Acct. =< 7 5 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 150.00 ✓ Auditorium Acet. s 74 7 6 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 746.20 ✓ Sprinkling Fund 447 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 658.38 Total #4 Special Funds New Library Bldg. Acct. L 7748 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, Depreciation & Contingent Fund 7749 S. A. Farnsworth, Com—of Finance, Total Special Funds,,_ Part 11. Corporate Purposes - Interest Fund 7750 Fraser & Danforth School Fund 7751 Citizens Ice & Fuel Co., Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving Hastings, Bates to Earl 7752 Chicago Creosoting Co., Est. #3 Supptl. to Final, 175.00 144.00 519.00 121.93 ✓ 2,922.74 ✓ '(' 3, 0� 372.59 Total Corporate Purposes 1... `... 114, 6.62 " Special Funds -S ........:.... ...... 31 .00 " Corporate poses,.`..`...... ...... 3 4.67 " Spec. A ess. Cone Acct. awing,. .... 2 Total 11$,332.88 qw \\` r 1 16 r tl 69P� * I� the matter of designating and establishing as a restricted residence district, all of the land and real estate within the following boundaries, to -wit: Beginning at the northwestern eytremity of the Mississippi River 'Boulevard, thence northerly to the -center line off Otis Avenue produced northwesterly, thence in a southeasterly direc- tion along said center line of said avenue to the center line of Po ,rtland Avenue, thence along said center line of said avenue to Cretin avenue, thence southerly along center line of Cretin avenue to Goodrich avenue, thence along center line of Goodrich avenue to Woodlawn. avenue, thence alon3 center line. of Woodlawn avenue to St, Clair'street, thence easterly along St. Clair street to Vont- rose-Boulegard, thence along center line of Montrose Boulevard pro duoedrsoutherly to center line of James street, thence westerly L1 along center line of"James street to 'Fount Curve Boulevard, thence ?long center line of 1,;0unt Curve Boulevard extended southerly'to Otto avenue thence along center line of Otto Ave., to easterly line of Fdgecliff Addition, thence along said easterly line of said Addition, to the southeaeterly corner line beginning at the said southeast corner of said Addition, 280 feet from the easterly . boulevard line and equally distant therefrom southeasterly to Me.-offin avenue, thence along the center line of Magoffin avenue to'Cleveland avenue, thence along center line of Cleveland avenue, southerly to ti,e easterly line of the Mississippi River Boulevard, thence along said line in a northwesterly direction to the point of beginning, i under proceedings initiated under Council File 'umber>5111, Approved b'ay 26th, 1915, RESOLVED, That Payson H. Gilbert, lyilliam Canby, Val. J Rothschild, John L. Wilson, and Reece I,% Newport, five disinter- ested and qualified voters of the City of St.Pa.ul, and none of whom reside within the wards in which -any part of the district hereto-: fore de ignat d under said. order as a. restricted residence_distric the ai wpI Zai are hereby'ap, inted appraisers to view premises, the ..damages rhich`may be.00casioned by the establishment of suc. r:, r 1 y` • � r ?estrilct.ed residence di trid,t and by the exercise by the City in this matter of the �� p vers ranted under General Laws of 1915, 7- Chapter 128. Yeas (/) jFa c,�lmen (/) Nays Ad ted by �the Cpuncil, svlortn�- er In Favor11 �_Ap^ ` `'191 C. F, No. 7696—. - g In the matter ofestrlctedtl eaido. end sdie- lishing a rtr'thin 1[heY following boundaries.the land and real [ toemr. Presi, wit. rthwesfern ex- ` Beginning of the n tremlty of the AllssisslPpt River Bou_ _ Mayor. I senrd, thence northerly to the center, line of Otfe avenue produced north - westerly, thence Ia seasier rVicet,.a along sato center nue to the a ter line of Portland - t .vsnde, thence along .aid center line oY • 2 t said avenue to Cr.,^tin avenue, thence `y- outherly along anter line of Cretin s to Goodrich avenue, thence _ _ aion� renter line of Goodrt-h .1; es. to 0 FA Woodlawn avenue, thence ¢loos center _ �- lin e of Woodlawn n shin no St. Clair street, thence easterly S thence �� , street to Diontrose, Boulevard, Cl V ler along Center Ilne 1 At Ir Bouts- - rd produced southerly, to center line of James street [hence westerly long enter line of James street to Mount Curve Boulevard, thence along center- line of M.un, Curve Boueivard extend- ed southerly to Otto avenue - along ter line f O[fo Ave., to east - ¢ ly line f Edgeclif Addition, thence - .long said easterly line oP Baid Adds- tion. to the a u[h easterly corner beginning at the said southeast --h- of aid Addition. easterly boulevard line and equally dee tent therefrom southeasterly to Me- linei of Nlagofin save avenue to [he terCleveland of enus, thence along cetherlY ltd the Cleveland .venue, - .at erly line .of the sMlsalsslPP1 River Boulevard, thence atong sait�line In a orthweaterlyddelrePCCooe Point of ding's initiated unpinning, un - der Council File Number 5111, ap- proved May 26th, 1916. Resolved, That Payson H. Gilbert, J`.b."am Canby. -'1 Val J. 110 hschlld, - Sohn L. Wilson and Reece M. Newport, five dielntsrested and q..11led voters - Of the City of St Paul, and non f whom reside within the wards In which any part of the district heretofore dee- - Iignnted under said rder as a restrict- .. I ed residence district is slfuato are here- by ¢PP.l to appral se re to view the premises, -and ^apprnlae the damages —_ .....,.mond by the estab- 8. 12Adopted by the Council Oct. 26, 1916. Approved' -Oct. 27, 1916. ^_ ipet. -ii -.9161 t• all �����utntrnt uE �i�t�utrc d � � • r October 23rd, 1915. S. A.FARNS WORTH Connil'b _ SY JO HNT. HAGLUND.D ICogl f ' Report of Commissioner of Finance on Council File No. 5111, in the matter of designating, as a restricted residence/distAct all that land and real estate within the confines of the following: •.eyln ning n[ the oP[hwdBte rn eJ{- TI, i[y of the 91pp1Rlver RonIP -�1. thence r—thethe rl Y' to �'••. .' Under Council File No. 5111, approved May 26th, 1915. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: As directed by the aforesaid resolution, I re- spectfully report the following five names of disinterested qualified voters of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, none of whom are residents of the Ward in which the above district is situated: Payson H. Gilbert, 1001 Goodrich Ave. dlm. Canby, 735 Lincoln Ave. Val. J. Rothschild, 756 Fairmount Ave. John L. Wilson, 135 Raymond Ave. Reece M. Newport, 217 Summit Ave. P4JiY[-1'3� � Ltu Kik1tt`�t�� !)rpartmru of :lFinaurp . 5. A.FARNSWORTH. Conniss10Nr.A JO HN T. HAGLUND, Dc T1 C11-11-11 X a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that the aforesaid names were submitted to him by the St. Paul Real Estate Board to act as appraisers to view the premises, assess the benefits and appraise the damages which may be occasioned by the establishment of such re- stricted residence district and by the exercise by the City of the powers in this matter, granted by Chapter 126, Laws of 1915, at a rate of $2.00 per thousand charged on the Assessor's full'°valuation of the land,improvements not included. f Respectfully submitted. X le,r COMIAISFIONER OF FINANCE. Council File No._.......... ..... PROPOSAI.pFOR IMPROVEMENT., ? 32 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Pile tuldersigued hereby proposes the making of the following p e improvement by, tl`" ity of St. Pahl,,. viz.:.... .... _. ST--ada the-- o €13i South.j : Fa i and 6rest 33i 1'tt osEPh R. _....... Weid.ab Third n Ada tiogni -Tdck on of �oeepfi u: 1" ee Seoorict Addition;, I tti .de th Vurtn, 'o'. , ........................................ _.._._............_.........._..........._..__..................... .. at n.leYs In 7osePh. .:.:..:........ _....................................................__....... ............... ... �,h Addition andel Block Leh R Neidh Addition ht i Dated this....._. 2nd. .............day Of Jan .ri gol�thereiore, be�itor u,' PISS..._ Zesolved, That the Commis ,.bllc Works be and be i1 rdand directed:,:...................... ................................................... To Investigate th�ji sirabuity or the. T tie Qeci�: Councilman. en, n PRELIMINARY ORDER, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fo11 i'ng �'tiiprovement, �1L ___Grade-._the_._i�orth_,...__.South.,._.,East.._and_.Wp:pt_.._al._leys_._in_Jo3e r.._Z l_e.ides_ _... ' ...-Third Ad-diti-o-P exid Blook_ane.....e.f....JQee-ph -_R-w Tre"isdee....Seeand....Add...t. on-i.._ _ ..........._.............._._......................_..........__..__.................._....._._.........._...._._....__....._.__.. _....._._.......__....__..__......._....__._.......................................... ... _.__...................................... .................... ._..._............... ._.................................. _................. ....... ._._........................... ..................... ......_.._....... .............. --. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .._........... _...... _........................................... __.... ..... ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total 'cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.:..._............:_.... ......... ........ ....................... _........................................... _........... .............. _.................. ........................... _... ............. _........... ................ _............................... —....... ........... ..:........------ ....__........_........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoi lg matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .... _.._.191r� Yeas: Nays: CouncilmaIr Approved......_..... ................ Ke............. 91._..._. .......... ...... ..... .. ................................ ,.._.. MayoMayor. PMLISHED _ � ��� CITY OF ST. PAUL ResoLv , That the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Polios and Fire Alarm Telegraph is hereby authorized to employ two additional linemen at salaries of Ninety ($90.00) dollvs per month, each. C. F.No. 3286—By Henrys McColl— _ Resolved. That the Deportment of; Pnblic B "J, Bureau ot: Ponce' and', -Fire Alarm Telegraph is horsey au- thorized to employ two additional Ilne amen ¢t salaries of Ninety (590.00). dol-' dare per. mo, h, earl Adopted b the Council Tan. 4, 19161 Approve94' n. 6, 1916. ( ¢n. 9-1916) . Resolved, That the City, of St. Paul accepts from the West Side Commercial Club, through John C. Stuhlman, John Fisher and H. A. Dreves, trustees, a conveyance of Lots 4 and 5, Block 86, West St. Paul Proper, for the rr (/ purposes of erecting and maintaining thereon aIr Library, said conveyance being evidenced by a deed dated Deoember'18th, 1914. C F No. 3288— Reaolved, fihat the Cttyor et.-Ppull ccepta'.'GF ��tt•f.he West etas Commercial Ctub,'th'roUtth'fQ41l,.0 Stuhiman. John! Fl -h- sad A. A, D eves, trustoes, a1 conveyance of Lots Dr nd 6, 131oek 8(T ,Vest St. Paul. Proper, for the purposes ub]11 Lllb,, )a oldnconveyancerbe being Idonced by n eased dated December 18th, 1914. Adopted by the Councll Jnn. 4, 1915. Apptoved Jan. 5, 1916. (Jan. 9-1916) Yeas (0jFarworth (F') Nays ,adopted by the Council _��- _ n favor Approved '" 191� _.Against t yf'dF Mr. PresiMAYOR -- —'-- oaM c.8.2 Resolved That the ap,li�:wtion of Y4 E. Samelson for a license to conduct a pawnshop at 192 E. 7th St. be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee and the filin of the bond required by law. C. r. No. 7287—By Henry McColl— Resolved, That the uppi cation of M. E. Samelson for a license to con- duct apawnshop at 192 E. 7th St., be and It hereby is granted and the City' Clerk Ie Instructed to leave such li- cense for one year upon the payment Into the City Treasury of the fee and .. the filing. of the bond required by law. Adopted by the Council Jan. 4. 1915. Approved Jan. 5. 1915. (Jnn. 9-1915) 0 Yeas (1')Cou ilmen (P) Nays % Adopted by the Council/.r,Far worth - Gos _ 1 In favor Ke r Approved Mc o11_ _.against Yo g Mr. Pres — - - R MAYOR voaN C.17.2 _ That the application of Friedman and Granstrom for a v� license to conduct a motion picture theatre at 965 Selby Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, $50.00. [hereby F. No. 32818—By Henry McColl— Resolved, That the nppltcatIt- of iedman ad Granstrone for license conduct a motion picture theatre at! Selby n be and the same] truledIs bto Issueranted asuch 11ed the nse for ono ar upon the payment into the City easury of the customary tee, $60.00.. Adopted by .the Council Jan. 4, 1916. AllproJed Jan. 6, 1916. (Jan. 9-1916) M __ CITY OF ST. PAUL A9) COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject:__�V��DJ FILECOUNCIL No. PILE 1 V V Uv Date Presented 191— �?ESOLVED, That the application of the following persons fo a lj ense to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- specti,iely indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the,,�ity Clerk is authorized and directed to issue suclicenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the ayment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant._ Location. Chaa. P. Picha 381 michi_an 8t. P. C. Lehmann, 173 Concord St. y Ii ntion of .That ppli • Resolved, That the application of th%ha tollotving persons for a license to 86 Intoxicating llquo r6 nt the local" ar apectively indicated, be, and the snm - hereby n e granted, and the CI[y Cl.i t authorized and directed to issue suc Ilc mass to id applicants upon thfilingof abond the andthe payment the fee required by law:Chas.. W. Plena, 381 Michigan 9t. B. G. Lehmann, 173 Concord 9t. Adopted bythe Council Jan. 4. 191 Approved Jan. 6, 1916. (Jan. 9-1916) Co./) Yeas (�fForth Nays Adopted by the Council 2_In favorApprove _ 191SMAYORMr. Presid r CITY OF ST. PAUL A COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE (TRANSFER Subject: QI t ouNo,`� PILE NO. Date Presented 191 !RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell ntoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) No. From 127 Sam Stamm. 173 r, 6th St. Chris. Bauer, Sane Location_ 3 AiA� Rose T' Eos€s, P.eceiver.347 Ectert 308 r r Carling, Iro �Zy H.P. Ebert 719 ::. Dale Bt.: Edmond Leicht 719 :. Dale St. C. F. No. 3290—BY Henry McColl— Resolved. That_ the follolving deslg- j Hated IlCensea to sell Intoxicating liquors ,:�No transferred ns Judicatcd,' pursuant to applications duly made therefor. -No. 127. From gam Stamm, 173 W. 6tti`,Bt.. to CbrIs. Bauer, same location. No. 308. From W. G. Carling, Inc., ' 376 St. Peter St., to Ross N. Boggs, Receiver, 347 Robert St. No. 24.') From H. B. Ebert, 710 N. Dale SL, to EdmondI.elcht, 719 N. Dale " St. Adopted by the Council Jan. 4. 1916. Approved Jan. 6, 1916. (Jan. 9-1916) fJ Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council 19 �! F sworth �EI n favor b 191— Approv d �— ll�t Against 9 MAYOR _... _ Mr. Presid Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants, at the locations respectively indicated be, and the sane hereby are granted; 4vokRkT. NAm OF APPI;ICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT LOCATION. C. P. No. 5...— Resolved. That the application of the fellowlnb persona for a license to con- duct Hotels or Restaurants at the lo- cations respectively Ind rated be. and e .hereby are granted: elaon Hotel, 172' saMre. Carrie Alton, j ato St. Ad trd Approved J n, 5. M the 6.i1 Jan. 4. 1916. ":.. (Jan. 9-1916)......' Yeas ( ✓ ) Lon ( Y Nays nth �— In favor 6 Against Adopted by the CouncilC!%f 191✓r_ Subject; - - Yea CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . _..... 320 COUNCIL - �• FILENo ...... .............................. .. Date Presented.......-J9n,.._2ndh._._Ig( 5-.:... T'nat the application of the following perscno for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the city Clerk to said app'-icants is authorized and directed to issue such licenses upon the payment of the fee required by law, TTg E CF-APPLI CAN HOTELS OP RFETAUR_.^1_T_ LOCATION. Dannas Rotaras Lunch Room 401 St.Peter H. M. Hansen Restaurant 133 W. 7th Pete Mitros Lunch Room 12 E. 9th Geo. Athanosioe Lunch Room 169 E. 6th Tom Benarie Rooms & Lunch Room 192 E. 3rd Mrs. Elizabeth Dewey Fenway Hotel 43 W. College J. M. Hayes Lund Room 114 W. 6th Angelo Ghduto Business Lunch 153 E. 3rd 0. Moskovitz Hotel 443-45 Jackson Louis Wurzirger Vienna Hotel 18 E. 7th John Edell Lunch Room 905 Payne C. A. Johnson Euclid Hotel 405 No.Washington Mrs. I. M. Murray Restaurant 143 No.Dale E. W. Conley' S (r),Co 'Ciim 1 Ys r Lunch Room (Cbnley's) 347 Minnesota Adopted by the Council191�i sF L%��� 'ot kK a or191 JA / Il _ S St Mr. Press + #CITY OF ST. PAUL. V COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; - _ ._ _ ............... _... _.._... COUNCIL ,3292 ' FILENO...... .... ......................... . ._.........._.._......................»_.................. . •�. . C. Ir. No. $292—By henry Resolved, That the app; • ` conduct x tela orroRestan_ Date Presented........... Jan...Znd,._......... I91i locations respectively indfcat' I the same hereby are granted. ' Cl ty Clerk Is authorized and to Issue such licensee_ to a" cents anon the qulrad by law; na1'ment of. the • Dannas Kotaras,. Lunch. Ron,' SG Peter St. H. M. Hansen, Restaurant, 122 - '„te Mit—s. L -h Room; 19 }:- Resolved, n ;h . That the application of the fAlowing persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively Indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk ire authorized and directed to Isaue such licenses to said applicants upon the payment of the fee required by law. ROE OF APP CANT, HOTELS OR RMTAt1RANT LQCATION. Hackney Investment Co. Brinsmead Hotel 341 St.Peter T. J. McCarthy Grose Hotel 310 W. 7th Harry Xarkey Lunch Room 480 Sibley Harry Rs,rkey Rooming House 418 Sibley ° Philip Claus Lunch Room 396 Wabasha Peter Athens Rooming House 378 Jackson (Upsteiro) Margaret Lloyd Armand Hotel 315 St.Peter Guet Alban Luno[ Room 563 Broadway Yeas (l^) Co oilmen (f) Nays Adopted > y the Council - / _ 191- (1 Fa worth G -r In favor _ K . App, - / -. _ -191,-< M . Il _ 0 __Against ry Yo g Mr. Preside NAros rgaN �s•a PUBLISHED -J. '7 � J... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F6RM Subject: -- °.. ....- ........ .... _ _ ................. __.._.......... . COUNCI FILE . iA No. ..... .....°��...:.'... resented __Jan,Znd 5 Resolved, That the applioation of the following persons for a lioense to conduat Hotels or Re aurants at the looations respeotively indicated, be, and the ame hereby are denied, NAME OF APPLICANT, HOTEL OR RESTAURANT, LOCATIONS. A. Kadrie Lunch Room C. G. No. 3'293—IIy Henry MCCOIi— Resolved, Tha[ the applleatlon of the folio wing peraona for a II—ee to can. duct Hotels or Reetaurante at the to cations respectively Indicated, be. and thea a hereby u denied; A. Kadrie, Lunch Room, 379 Wa- bashes (Upstalr.). { Adopted by the Council Jan. 4 1916.. 1 Approved Tan. 6. 1916. (Ian. 9-1916) Yeas (V) Councilmen (P) Nays Farnsworth Goss _ 2 In favor Keller McColl - - _Against --AH-arr— Yoerg Mr. Presides s— 379 Wabasha (Upstairs) Adopted by the Council Approve __ "' 191 `s MAYOR AAW gyp, C K, TO THE HONORABLE THE COUNCIL ofthe Curl ofSt. Parol: does ........ ........ ------------------------------------- a -- 1--e he I reby make application to the CLo.pO of the City opf St. Paul for a License to conduct a ............ and to that end does hereby certify as follows: the fvll nameg0>e appocant jor said License is.. and his (its) place of residence OW4 is-itmW.Javenue) in the City of St.. Paul; that the exact locatioij,4 which t said d ap li nt proposes to carry on business is in the City of St. Paul. That the said applicant is at ........ .. ,,in the now engaged i s business City of St. Paul Dated this c ..day of... 191$ Applicant. Date of Expiration of License. 19 t Date of Inspection Fire Protection......... Ventilation of Building Meats and Provisions.... Beds and Bedrooms Toilet Rooms and Plumbing... Kitchen and Utensils...... Refrigerator and Store Room. Basement and Cellar.. Back Yard... General Condition of Premises License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector W Health Officer. I vo A J V � I j ,� � a ! I � � g� J vo J Water Dept. Sinking Fund 7753 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance$ 10,135.3-3 CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 3294 CLAIMS —RESOLUTIO!FORM, COUNCIL No. F ILE AUDITED a PV ':- /V et -1 BY - AUDITED --- PER T. 1. R of the hereinafter specified funds an that warrants be draw- up- c Resolved that warrants be drawn u 0 c City Treasury,p payable out in th E following detailed,. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified . statement: Adopted by the Council Yeas Coun on it Nays F or Orth A r G In favor K r I-) Against Oil MAYOR rg Mr. P esi r C. F. No. 3399- 1' Rosolv6d that war ante 'I- n PT5,.b of bi. vpon,tbe CItY Treas", t7 the hereinafter epee od food. —d*,I., o" 11 ..elfl p favor ofM',_1 troo'.."' sons n. t Opp —tione for. d 1n their to. ..ti, nam the n 'e He' Xt'."mP:.t: te, Dqpt. SInklp19Fun� ................... r7Farnsworth.eCotat Of ae, 310 t3'by *Ad e �Council Joh. 4. 1915. Approved e t an. .5, 191 9. 9 S ecial Funds Water Dept. Sinking Fund 7753 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance$ 10,135.3-3 er oll Against M'yqR; rg Mr. Corporate Purposes Municipal Court Fund Virtue Printing Co., Lighting Fund Louis F. Dow Co., 19 McClain & Grey Co., Guw D. Meeiing, ,9 H. W. Electric Equip. Co., !0 pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., ?l St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., P2 St. Paul Gag Light Co., T.+a1 Ligbtij* Printing & Stationery Fund ?3American Express Co., ,.4 H. 0. Boyeson, 15 .Browny Treaty & Sperry, ?6. Chioagov Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., Clymerr. & Ruelst er jg Zotii's F. DOW CO-, ;9 - 11 E. 'S'. Ferry, 0 'Frank -Huebener, 33. 'kcClain & Gray Co., 32 Mi[ er Engraving Co., y .33 N. W. Stamp Works$ 34 Perkins -Tracy Printing Coe* 3g Review Pabltshing Ct�.' 36 Virtue Printing Co., 37 Mr. Volimers Library Bureau, 38 Wright; Barrett & Stilwell, CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING OEPARTMENT 820 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION COUNG '!L 0. RM FILE— ]AN 4 1915 BY 11W 101OLL9 AUDITEDUUAW-1.11— P.. . ....... 165 fund warrants be drawn u the City Treasury, Resolved that warrants be drawn u ] payable out of the herei.ler specific! in the following" dt in favor of the per ns, statement: firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified Adopted by the Council Yeas ( 1/1 ) Con men it ) Nays F sworth G In favor Appr er oll Against M'yqR; rg Mr. Corporate Purposes Municipal Court Fund Virtue Printing Co., Lighting Fund Louis F. Dow Co., 19 McClain & Grey Co., Guw D. Meeiing, ,9 H. W. Electric Equip. Co., !0 pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., ?l St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., P2 St. Paul Gag Light Co., T.+a1 Ligbtij* Printing & Stationery Fund ?3American Express Co., ,.4 H. 0. Boyeson, 15 .Browny Treaty & Sperry, ?6. Chioagov Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., Clymerr. & Ruelst er jg Zotii's F. DOW CO-, ;9 - 11 E. 'S'. Ferry, 0 'Frank -Huebener, 33. 'kcClain & Gray Co., 32 Mi[ er Engraving Co., y .33 N. W. Stamp Works$ 34 Perkins -Tracy Printing Coe* 3g Review Pabltshing Ct�.' 36 Virtue Printing Co., 37 Mr. Volimers Library Bureau, 38 Wright; Barrett & Stilwell, #2 General Fund -Advertising & Pub. Acct. ?78 . Perkins -Tracy Co., N' Gen. Fund -Miscellaneous Acct. 77 0 Borreson Mfg. Co., 77 1 Louis F. Dow Co., 77 2 E. A. Moeller Co., 77 3 N. W. Stamp Works, 7 4 Review Publishing Co., 7 95 St. Paul Engraving Co., Police Fund 7196 H. C. Ahrens, 7199 Auto Tire Sales Co., C. Boyeson Co., 7 99 Crane & Ordway Co., 7 00 Louis F. Dow Co., 7 01 W. J. Dyer & Bro. 7 02 Elk Linen Supply Co., 7 03 W. 0. Larson, ' 7 04 McClain & Gray Co., 7 05 Mitsch & Heck Co., 7 06 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 7 07 Borth, Ameri can Teleg, Co., 7 8 N. W. Elec. Equip. Co., 7 9 T: J-,. O'Leary, 7 0 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 7 1 Rochester Germicide Co., 7 •2 St. Paul 'Gas Light Co., 78 3 St. Paul Rubber Co., 78 4 Western Supply Co., Fire Dept. Fund i 78 5 American Engineers Supply, 78 6 3 Auto Tire Sales Co., 78 J. H. Colwell, 78 Crane & Ordway,, " 78 East Side Lime & Cement Co., 78 Ideal Plating Works, 78 Kenny Boiler Works, 78 F G. Leslie Co.;, 78 Mahle 'Wagon. Co.,,; 78 Mitsch & Heck Wagon Co., 78 N. W. Electric Equip. Co., 78 N. W. Stamp Works, 78 N. W. Telephone Co., 78 Noyes Bros. & Cutler, 78 9 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 78 0 St. Paul Braes Foundry Co., 78 1 St. Paul Machine Works, 78 2St. Paul White Lead & oil Co., 78 3 Western Machine Co., 78 Western Supply Co., e Tep Health Fund American Linen Supply Co., H. ' C=, Boyeeon, Co., Brown, Treacy & Sperry, McClain & Gray Co.., 6.72 36 2.70 1.99 3.99 1.50 15.56 .8o 5.15 15.26 3.15 .92 21.52 67.50 2.50 46.25 1o3.68 4.50 29.81 1.20 102.29 57.00 9.97 23.25 15.75 6.00 17.30. 2.55' 83.00 10.82 4.25 4.25 7.98 84.4.0 1.10 92.50 2090 { #3:. Health Fund -Cont. 7 9> R T. Maybell & Co., 4.50 '7f�F0 Western Badge & Novelty Co., 6.o0 Garbage Fund 7 1 N. W. Stamp Works, General Fund -Quarantine Acct. 7 2 Brown, Treacy & Sperry, 27..00 78 3 Carnegie Fuel Co., 270.00 78 Joesting & Schilling, 1.75 78 5 McClain & Gray Co., 1.50 78 6 Manhattan oil & Linseed Co., 10.58 78 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., 1.67 78 Noyds Bros. &Cutler, 20.46 784 Reed -Motor Supply, 105.60 785 Western Electric Co., 2.27 Workhouse Fund t 7851 August Ammon, 4.80 785 Burns Lumber Co.; 9.00 785 Crescent Creamery 'Co., 10.24 .785 'Emil Carlson, 21.40 785 L. Zi senmenger, 80.90 785 Foley Broa. & Selly, 70.10 785 R. L. Gould & Col, 40.00 785 E. S. Griffith, 164.24 785 Andrew Koehnen, 49.50;; 786 Natioi% 'Gas Govenor Co., .75 78 N. W. Lumber & Wreckage Co., 1.00 .78 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 31.10 78 3 Ncheffer & Rossum, 20.40 78 4 Schleh Bros., 33.30 78 5 Seabury & Company, 43.10 78 6 Swift & Company, 5.38 78 7 Virtue Printing Co., 5.25 78 tt H.2. Wedelstaedt, 'T or r cuss n , Commissioner of Public Works Fund 78 9 Auto Tire Sales Co., 4.68 78 0 Clymer & Huelster, 1].50 78 ;1 Louis F. Dow Co., 2 .7.6 78 2 Electric Blue Printf Co., 33.10 78 3 E. S. Ferrey, 4.25 78 4 R. C. Jefferson Lumber Co., 5.40 78 5 J. W. Morrison, 120*00 78 6 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 4.85 78 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., .41 78 N. W. Stamp Works, .25 78 9 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 78 0 St. Paul Printing Co.., 2A2. #4 Street & Sevier Fund NMI Auto Tire sales Co., 78 2 Bartles Cil Co., 78 3 Citizente'Ice & Fuel Co., 78 P. W. Jackson & Co., 78 5 Maloney Motor Co., 78 6 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 78 7 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 78 8 Roe -James Glass Co., 78 9 St. Paul Gas Light Co., 78 0 St. Paul Printing Co., 78 1 J. L. Shieiy Co., 7 2 H. F. Smith, 7 3 Studebaker Corporation of America, 7 4 Western Machine Mfg. Co., Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 5 Adam Decker 11ardware Co., 6 T. L. Blood Co., 7 Farwell, 0_amun, Kirk & Co., 8 Jefferson Lumber Co., 9 Kettle River Co., 0 J. W. Morrison, 1 St. Paul Foundry Co., Gen. Fund -Crosswalks Acct. 2 Jefferson Lumber Co., General Fund -Election Expense Acct. 03 M. F. Brennan Livery Btayle., 04 N. W. Fuel £o., School Fund American Engineers Supply Co., Brown, Treacy & Sperry Co., Brooks Bros. Lumber Co., Burns Lumber Co,, Capitol Plumbing Co., Consumers Power Co., Mr. M. Couchois, Louis F. Dow Co., L. Eisenmenger, Electric Construction Co., Farwell, Dzmun, Kirk & Co., Jesse Foot, Golden Rule, T. S. F. Hayes, Highland Spring Co., Edw. Hinderer & Sod, J. W. Hulme Co., Jefferson Lumber Co., C 1: Lyon Bros., Maendler-Bros., Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co. Melady paper Co., Gos D. Messing, Nicole Dean & Gregg, Noyes`bros. & Cutler, M. J. O'Neil, Peoples Ice & Fuel Co., 1.44- 13-72 17.70 2.00 6.00 18.37 3.45 1.10 13.97 1.40 21.11 16.00 7.50 34.49 4.70 goo 238.73 56.63 40.00 4.40 V 24.00 56.25 5.00 1.20 X.00 .32 10.64 1.26 18.68 9.39 45.00 4.73 1. 50 23.96 15.00 2.25 52.50 8.50 W O 4.25 28*42 200031 21 4iay.82.e�, 49.49 80.2. #5 School Fuad -Coot 79 Cary & Sande, 6-7.36 3 Robinson, St. Paul Gas Light Co., 232.28 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, St.,Paul Abstract Co., 16.90 79 5 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 67.70 79 6 St. Paul Rubber Co., white Oil Co., 63.75 79 Q 8 St. Paul Lead & Schnaith Bros., 36.55 79 .2.70 79 9 L. C. smith & Bro., .50 79.0 G. Sommers Co., 7.20 79-1 Staple3Bros., 58.19 79.2 1• F. Thoele, 6.59 79 3 Union Brass & Metal Mfg, Co., 51.47 79 Valley Iron works, 28.83 79-5 Virtue Printing Co., 1.50° 79 Yoerg Brokerage, 168.00 79 weleba,ch Company, 7.20 79 $ western Blectric Co., 27.00 79 9 Western supply Co., 4o.63 79 0 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, 11.50 .TetaT' cdo5�' o und, Library,Fund 7%51 "William Abbatt, 3.80 752 American Dist. Telegraph -Co., 4.50. 7 53 Bannon Company, 3.00 7154 Democrat Printing Co., .56 7 55 Dept. of Recreation, Russel Sage Foundation, .25 7 56 Field So lick & Co., 1.10 7 5Griggs Cooper &.Co., 3.60. 7 5� Haekine Bros., 13.97 59 Lee:.&,Hoff Mfg. Co., 9.00 60. McClain & Gray Co., .50 61 :Manufacturers Selling Co., 10.00 62 Minnesota News Co., 179.28 63 E. A..Moelier, 268.80 64 N.`W. Stamp works, 2.90 965 J. F. Ptacek, 1.00" 966 `'Robinson, Cary & Sande,.15 969 St. Pau] Abstract Co., Co., 3.80 968 8t. Paul Book & Stationery 418.01 969 St, Paul Gas Light Co., 195.,84 970 G. Schirmer, 2106 971 Waldorf Bindery Co., 14.95 9M Western Supply Co., .69 Park Fund 81 Bartles Oil Co.,". 8.50 H. C. Boyesan Co., 12.50 Capital City Lumber Co., 3000 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, 1.51 N. W. Fuel Co"., 351.94 Review Publishing Co., 25.90 Transit Supply Co., 40.00 Twin City,Motor Co., 26900 Villaume �ox.& Lumber Co., 146,20 Western S pply Co., Tofai" ar n � #6 General Fund -Public Bathe Acct. Purity Bread Co., General Fund -Art Institute Acet. F. J. Spriggs, Water Dept. Fund Auto Tire Sales Co., T. L. Blood & Co., Capital City Lime & Cement Co., Crane & Ordway Co., Crane & Ordway Co., Adam Decker Hardware Co., Electric Manufacturing Co., Electric Manufacturing Co., Fairbanks, Morse & Co., G. A. Fairfield, J. W. Hulme Co., Robert W. Hunt & Co., Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., V. H. Pi.ndy, Kissel. Sar.[Co., Lee &, Hoff -Manufacturing Co., Manhattan'Oil &'Linseed Co.. R. J. Maybell Stationery Co., Miteoh & Heck .Wagon Co., M. N.- Moffat, H. Mueller Mfg. Co., Nicols, Dean & Gregg, Philadelphia Book Co., Pitner Lighting Co., Portland Stone Co., Quayle &' Kelley, Raymer Hardware`Co. Riverside Builders hjupply Co., Robinson, Caiy & Sande Co., 3.-H.Sargent & Co., S.chleh Bros., Seabury &,Company, Tire":repair Co., Troy Laundry Co., ;"The Villaume Box & Lumber Co., Western. Supply, to., Western Supply Co., Goodyear�.Rubber'Co., General Fund -Market Maint. Acct. Citizens Ice & Fuel Co., St. Paul Gas Light Co., Total Sprinkling Fund 32.66 21.14: 1.08 20.68 9.10 44.68 Special Funds Engineering Inspection Acct. 80 8 Daily Fraser Hardware Co., 1.50, ✓' y Humboldt H. S. Library Acct. ✓', 8 29 St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., 2.00 T_4•a•, s;..,...ae1 FnnL - t•� Spec ?ssessl 'Onet. Acct. -Pavane and to _ Front C. F 14o`3296— 40 j po Resolved' that warwn O ..on th rants he dra Cit} T exsuter, Datable out . of the her upeclfled funds and �d OO.. r 2.94 8 In favor f theDera0ne; firms or cot poratlons tar thea ousts act ppoelte their ,re9Dect3v nMe n ePeatlfled ':in'. the foliowing,Aetailed.statemen: C• seers. ons . CC •, 'Corporate-:Purpose'—Municipal Court- Fuiul ylrtoe Prlating Co.: 76 -Cent.. Llghttng Fu d Louie F Dow Co., $1160 M.CIMi & Gra.v , CElect E860; Gua - 1 Mea9 Wg Pi 40 N •W. 1 Equip C: 'Co $49.80; `Pittsburgfi- Plnte Gln.. Cc �; $7,,25, 1, Paul Book, & Statlonet,, o.. _ - ,2:20 6L z Gas Light Co $54A1. �2,ri ti g &.. St tlo Stationery Fund Am ` , rl rf EZDrees Co 39. Cents; H. C BOY'• E13.26 Br'39 T y .& ` SD. Y E790• 'Chi g -MIl k `B. Purpose , • .... . - - 9. S�0 ` St:P 1 Ry 97 C t Clym Bc 33 'i - te SHOO L f F D C E23'00 E: 8 F rry EY 66 Frank, 8 b Q SY736 M Claf & G 'Y C ElY 34 i1C1a. • ... • . • . • •5 Mev E g qv3 g C E36 /10 ewPon,hyas Comet. AC . Pavi ,.....••. . 7)4 Co 526207, 4f [t P luting C 571:26 Mr Trt, lEarr Library Bureau E21.09 - Wright Barrett & 9tfllwel7 E34.16. -. General"Fund Adverttaing &,Pub` Total, Acct Perklnn T Cn` 800. - d l :Gen Fund MlacellaneomE . AOO:;� 136fresoh Mtg:Co E42ux; ufe F 700 E. A. Moeller Co ,B4OO;.N - - W1 Co.;--$7;0Stump WO4 16 Cents. Review Pdblish[ng Co $6 2b "St ,Peat En •� gravia,g Co $1 26 .. cPollce Fuad. S C. Ahrens $872 Auto fire 9alee Co Ss,,Cente 80ye'on Co r; E8 70 `Crane & Ordwxv C.'.. $1.99. Leuls F. `Dow :Co." $3.99. W. �J.?�Dyer-&:Bro 51.80;'. Elk Ltrien',Sup- :ply Co 516..6A. W O Larson; 80 Canta•� - Heck CE.,De Heck Co tb',2A ertcap;,De..n &.Gregg. P3.16 Nort i' El er}caOulp.lC Co.'.291� N W', Eleo. Equip Co.. ,Plat ' T J 'OLeary, $67 60 PItti3burgfi Plate Glass Co $2:60 Aochetser Germiclda ,. Co 48.26, Si. Paul �Gae Light Co - ,10" SL Paut RI- Co..' W t rnDSuDD DG)s QL�o i2981 ` Flre yblu$d American Eltgl 1 ne . SulN18; Ei YO rj?u�o, Ttre�9a1 � � _ _ Crane & Ordwag 5997 70astc3ldtr LInx0 1? Cement Ca $ S 2b rTdeai PI&ling`- , Wor7ca $3676 Kennl^--Boiler Workef ,$8 DO F G^,Leen C E1730 Mah1 gon Co , $2.b5;' -bfi h & Aerk Wag r •Co rl $83.00 1 J eng COUN& FILE NO. 0,296 e�:v FINAL ORDER. the In the. Matter of, repaving Ai.,key...Im Biock i,, Sjmmit_ Park Addition._from_St. ...A.I..b.ans...a.tre.et..to...Daie street. miderPreliminary 0rder x418 approved November 7th, 1914, Intermediary Order approved ................. ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recent ilielida ti oils relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ti RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent- and kind of ini- the provenient to be made by the said city is-RePave....A.4-ey i P Bigc.k.. i, Sumid t Park_,Addi tion from, . SlI.- A.Lb..an.e street Aci. .Dale street,,... . and the, Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coni tit issioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sanit, to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city oficers are hereby authorized ;tit,] directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved.__._..._.-__.........__. 119..''. , Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Beller McColl Yoerg Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM!tSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM VARY ORDER .... ................................._........ _-_ordr, ---------- �t-._.o..c..ir���...--- ----- ------ -- -- - ------ --- ------ - ---------- o�/�under ----------------- --- --------------------- --- -------- ---------- -To Preliminary Order approved --Lf1--- Tothe Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $----------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ – —KIND OF PATEMENT COST PER FRONT FOOT TOTAL ESTIMATE. 31" Creosoted Block $3.11 83,750.53 Brick 2.89 3,483.13 Asphalt 2.60 3,135.51 Asphalt Concrete 2.04 - 2,453.64 Asphalt Macadam 1.80 2,172.87 Macadam 1.51 1,825.25 - - _Concrete- 1.82 2,199.61 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I Ij DESCRIPTION _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i ) / d1 FOR-S.A..-OA TOTAL A/ J a I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION,, _7G Q .. "'�r'Y`[� G• �U��`//� /�'�L � �y � Yi y7 '7 0 fes.. U C, U lG e .. l �ai V all, ��� rF/\ �O `T° �G 'j ' /f jk0 �3 all G J U ,z6 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby' submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ------/�-3 0 -------- ---------191. # l.P�i -----------------..-.-. Finance. IORM B.S.A. d -S c Commissioner of 014a m r \ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November.... ].4,._...._......_...791.4 - To the Coamnissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File ..... _..... approved __. _„November ..71...._..79]_4..., relative to. _.._..._......... .__. .............._repa71ngs._alley..._in...Bloak_...1_,___.8ummlt_.Park. Addition, from St. Albano Street to Dale Street. and having investigated the matters and things referrekl to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....xXX and the total cost thereof is f _.._..... xXx_...... ._........, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. .......... .......... ..... ...... .... __............ .._ ..._.._...._.__......... 5. Said imgnrovennen�e:._..__........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' sia r-o%Pnblie-a'1tar1.. Preliminary estimate of the cost of repaving alley in Block 1, Summit Park Addition, from St. Albans Street to Dale Street. _ FROT,?TA§E 12,035 feet. %IND OF PABFMFNT COST PFR Fq TTT MOT TOTAL ESTIL.ATE. 3j" Creosoted Block $3.11 $3,750.53 Brick 2.89 3,483,.13 Asphalt 2.60 5,135.51 Asphalt Concrete 2.04 2,453.64• Asphalt Macadam 1.60 2,172.87 Macadam 1.51 1, 825..25 Concrete 1.82 21199.61 61of d,e-CGn,i Home and City 191 ,-f�i, dv City of St Paul, S. A. FARNSWORTI L, Commi,,iane, of Finance .ne i:oncrable Co�..ncil of at. laul: The following owners of property in 7LOC'n 1 SU'LKIT PARK ti:-jITfCL' c64ire to .register their objection to RF.-PAVViG of alloy in said 31ock, cts tr.e macadam alley now there is allright if the CITY will keep it up. This alley can be maintained Na 'believe, the same as tha iiacadamizad atraats ani we feel it is unjust to a_ain assess us for anot„er pavin . IJ( COUNCIL FILE NO.__I / I By FINAL ORDER. In the Alattt-i- if grading and Paving, alley in Block, 18, Su =,it Park Additio . n from iVictoriastreet to Avon street. 1111d,r Preliminary o,dei.. 2421 approwd November 7th, 1914. Intermediary Order approved ....... ... - — Apublic hearing having been had upon the above ill] proveillell t upon due liolice, and I the Council having heard all persons, Objections and recoilimendatiolls relative 111,1.,to, al)(I baying fully considpred the same; therefor,, be it RESOLVFA), By the Couticil of tile City of "'t. Paul that the In ecise ilatillextent and kind of iiii- the provenient to be made by the said City is Grade and Pave Alley., in Block 18, Summit Park Addition,, from Victoria street to Avon street.___ itod the (,',jjliei1 hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the ('olaillission(w of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and dil-ected to prepare plans and specifleatiolls for said improvement, and submit same to the (!olllicil for approval; that upou said approval, the proper city offleors itI.e hereby ajjtjloj-iy.,d ;jild 11ji-veted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council— ity Clerk. Approved. 19 Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl) ����s� O'Lea y II yoerg Mayor Powers I % z d IJ( COUNCIL FILE NO.__I / I By FINAL ORDER. In the Alattt-i- if grading and Paving, alley in Block, 18, Su =,it Park Additio . n from iVictoriastreet to Avon street. 1111d,r Preliminary o,dei.. 2421 approwd November 7th, 1914. Intermediary Order approved ....... ... - — Apublic hearing having been had upon the above ill] proveillell t upon due liolice, and I the Council having heard all persons, Objections and recoilimendatiolls relative 111,1.,to, al)(I baying fully considpred the same; therefor,, be it RESOLVFA), By the Couticil of tile City of "'t. Paul that the In ecise ilatillextent and kind of iiii- the provenient to be made by the said City is Grade and Pave Alley., in Block 18, Summit Park Addition,, from Victoria street to Avon street.___ itod the (,',jjliei1 hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the ('olaillission(w of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and dil-ected to prepare plans and specifleatiolls for said improvement, and submit same to the (!olllicil for approval; that upou said approval, the proper city offleors itI.e hereby ajjtjloj-iy.,d ;jild 11ji-veted to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council— ity Clerk. Approved. 19 Mayor. Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl) ����s� O'Lea y II yoerg Mayor Powers I % d A j it CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIScXONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Mattert�1........6--2 zz-,�L.-: ,Y �C t ........ ------- .................__........... - .................. ........................... .... _---------- - ----- - _.......Qr...c/,et.._._...----------------- ---- --------------- ---------------------- ----------------------....- --- --------------------- ---—---------- - ------------- ------------- ------------------------------ ------------- -- under Preliminary Order approved—---------------------�1--/---------------...---------------- --------------------- ---------- -------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---- --- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - KIND OF PAVEMENT COST PER FRONT FOOT TOTAL ESTIMATE 3q" Creosoted Block $3.16 $3,806.43 Brick 2.94 3,538.83 Asphalt 2.65 3,190.95 Asphalt Concrete 2.08 2,508.57 Asphalt Macadam 1.85 2,227.59 Macadam 1.56 11879.71 ._Concrete -- 1.88 2,267.73 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION I /� 2Lrtir cwt r / l a l-4 Z QW � / !J /� C(o G i 41 17G 1 a ldr- 14/11 TOTAL. oAM e.a.w. a -a w r LOT BLOCK '"� -V UA J /U.,�� 9 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK '"� -V UA J /U.,�� L t i%icy Ifo 14 4o oi/y'ri� 0Z /6 LJ t It /v J` If �o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to .him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. p/� 1//r K/..Q—-- Dated---------------- --------- ------ FORM B.S.A. s -s c Commissioner of Finance. a Preliminary estimate of the oost of paving and graking; alley in Block 18, Summit Park Addition, from Victoria Street to ��Avon street. FRONTAGF la,038 feet. KIND OF PAVFMFNT COST PER FRONT FOOT TOTAL ESTIMATE 31" Creosoted Block $3.16 63,806.43- Brick 3,806.43Brick 2.94 3,538.83' Asphalt 2.65 3,190.95. Asphalt Concrete 2.08 2,508.57 Asphalt Macadam 1.85 2,227.59' Macadam 1.56 1,879.71' Concrete 1.88 2,267:93 m ca JUL 151914 ST. PA �V. V. IJVNESoSO ov 1.4 1914 ST. PAU LANES0 Is ca JUL 151914 ST. PA �V. V. IJVNESoSO COUNCIL FILE NO . ..... ..... By. ....... ........................ . ................. F /NtAL ORDER. gthe I,, the matter of.....grading and -paving Alley- in.-Block.1, .8u.m.m A _tion -19PA-Am4n-stre.s.t to. -G)Z'01to atre-et. -- ..... . ... ..... ..... .. .. ...... .. . . .. .. .. .. ...... ................ under Preliminary Order -....0400 ...... ... ...... ............... Intermediary Order . ..... .... .. ...__...approved ............... ................... ................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due lice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully'considered the scone; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ini- the proveinent to be made by the said City is....Grade .and� RaTe.-Alk.ev, in. Blo.ck,.7... SummA t -Park . .... ... ...... .. . Addition. from Avon street to Grotto street. ........ ..... . ......... .......... ................ ............ .......... .. ... ........ ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otricers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewitli. Adopted by the Council Councilmen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg / �� l��y� Mayor Powers City Clerk. Mayor, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI:4SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter ILI 49 U/ ..._...�__� t�rr�ir under Preliminary order approved — Q/1/___.�------�L��----------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: essment for the aUove improvement is The total estimated amount of the ass $— — - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is KIND aFr FAz!FMEAT COST PER FRONT FOOlf TOTAL ESTIMATE _ 3#" Creosoted Block X3.12 $3,751.86 3.89 33,484.26 Brick 2.61 3,149.76 Asphalt 2.06 21480.76 Asphalt Concrete 1.82 3,186,40 Asphalt Macadam 1.52 1;838.5a Macadam 1.85 2,226.54 Concrete _ - 1 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION �I LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION I J�v a 0 ca 0 TOTAL,— v (C) ON DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK- ADDITITION ASSESSED i� VALUATION Ila el �> „ �f0.. 14 .. - -_ j II — — The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. S -S C Preliminary a timate of the cost of the paving and grading of alley in Block 7, Summi Park Addition, from Avon Street to Grotto Street. FRnNTAGF 12,037 feet. KIND OF PAIIFMF.N'T COST PFR FRONT FOOT TOTAL ESTIaA TE._ 3j" Creosoted Block 83.12 33,751.86 Brick 2.89 3,484.26 Asphalt 2.61 3,149.76 Asphalt Concrete 2.06 2,480.76 - Asphalt Macadam 1.82 2,186,40- ,186.40Macadam Macadam 1.52 1,85a -IU I Concrete 1.85 2,226.54' To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No- .......a..4.S.Q_........ approved. _....._....... R.Q.v..embox.....7,-._....1914...., relative tRl......_..................... _...._grading.._and....B.agIng .....11.0.X..._In B..a.oCk.....T......Summit .A.ddlllois.:..._.._........................... fromAvonS Street .............. ..._t..._ o_.......... _......... ............... .................. _..... ._... ..... .............................. .................._..... . ....... ..................... _......:....................................._......_............_...................................._............._......._......................... .............. _............. .............. ............... ................................. ..:..._. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie..._......._..........necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_..._ $xx............. and the total cost thereof is $....... .._X?�X _ __......:, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..........._..._......___... _..... ................. ...._................................._._...._.._...___.. _....................... ........_....._................................. ......_... _...... ................. .................................. ... ....................... ........._....... .... ......... .............._......._...._..._........................... .................. _ .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........ ... .................................................................. .. ................ .. .................../.._.........................:................._........... 5. Said improvement is._.....140111..._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... .. ..... �.. ... p /d /.L.:....: .? ......... Commissioner of Public Works. - a COUNCIL FILE No. 8�?qq 13Y... ... .. ... FIN L ORDER. ijith,mattei-of-gradinz Alley in Block 6, Summit Park Addition from.__,r Grotto street. to St... Albanestreet... ..... . . ...... under Preliminary Order. 24,19 ...approved November 7th, 1914. intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard kill persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- the provenient to be. made By the said city is....G.rade Alley in -Blook$, Summit. Par.k.-AAd-i-tioll from Grotto street, to_St. Albans street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be. made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit snitle to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordanee therewith. Adopted by the Council......... .... ... . .. ................ City Clerk. Approve(] 19 Mayor. coulleilluell Farnswol-th Goss Keller ,McColl • O'Leary voerg mayor Powers I 4, CITY OF ST.. PAUL _ - DEPARTMEI t OF FINANCE REPORT OF -COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ° 9 � • Iq the Matter of 13-.�....s--moi - _ - - - ----... ----- ------------ - - --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ --------------- ----- - --- --------- ------------- -------------------------------------------- --------- ------------- -- - - -- - -- ----- /-------- .... ------------- .---------------- ... ........ ..... .... :. ------ --------- -------------------------- . I under Preliminary Order approved--------v-..�..--.._--""--/s/ m To the Council Of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 516.12-------------...... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ ---Q-----"'"—""—""- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: "- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION lG s I o F _ TOTAL. �• 555f IO RM D.S.A.S.DA i. �,� ��. r J ON PREUMI ARY ORDER - - (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATO J y U b J Cr6 Q In J U m b r Z^ 0 2 J G / ` ✓ J' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the afo id matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Co>,}ncil, together with the rep rt made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated — -- - --- ----------- 191.4f_" FORM 6.s.A.e-s c'- Commissioner of Finance. S__ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 14, 114. . ...... _ . . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had undel, consideration the preliminary order of the'Couu. f>. cil, known as Council File No..._._941.9..,,......approved .................. relative 1" gradin the_alley in Block 6, Summit Park Addition, from Grotto Street to..._St.. Alban. Street.... ................. ............_...... ......................... ........_............................. ........... .......... _........................._._........... ....._............................. ........... .................. _....._ _.........._.......__.. _ _ __ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........ _..............necessary and (or) desirable. '•r n 50¢ per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.............. ........... ......., and the total cost thereof is Frontage 1264 feet. Excess inspection $25.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... ........... ................ ................. ......_.... ... ......... . '. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and node a part hereof. d............._...................... ... ............................. ..... ............... ......... ... .. .................. . .. .... ..... ._....... _.. 5. Said improvement is............ JAWI ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, Subject to assessment for said improvement. ............... ..............f..._..........�............ ._......._.._...._®.... —7 e nssioner of Public\Forks. � f 1'. � �7. � �; Msp �s. ; POST CARD NOTICE —OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE In thel^suer of and�,limiy�/9approved, T You are hereby notified that the Cit 111 ,ake the thm the total estimated east drereof is the sum o1 $ & That a public hearing will be held on said imprc,ve ,� k n the Cmmcd ber, Room 61 0l thom e Court He and City Hall Ruildmg. oo the "/v2 ' dey f Idl the City of St Paul, at 10 o'clock, A M. S. A. FARNSWORTI1, Commissioner of Finance OFFICPs.( a ��mttr� �. �ttn�nrn ROOM 520 GERMANIA LIyB DL'ILDVI�G C—n .. F... STIEETB nIc-n.reu ST. PAUL, MINN. Dec.28,1914. Tp the Corm_1on Council of the City cif St .paul,, I own two hundred feet abutting on the alley in.Block Six of Summit j�menue Addition, and I an op, osed to grading this alley referred to in the yard attached. In ra•r opinion there is no necessity 'r grading it, and if graded such all eged improvement vrould not. i.ncree.se the valise of the property a -butting on the allelr at all. Yours tlal�r, z4L4� An ordinance to provide for the organization of social centers and for the hire and payment of lecturers and instructors'' therein, and for the hiring of teachers and other employee providing for service in said social centers and night sotools and fixing their compensation. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COTRICILOF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Education is hereby author- ized to organize such night schools and social centers as he shall consider necessary) not to' exceed ten (10) in number, and to hire and Pay such tesahes, instructors and lecturers to furnish instrac- "tion-therein aa..jj*ha11 consider necessary, within the limits of the amount apprbj#ated by the budget for such purposes. Sectio4i. The Commissioner of Education is__fur"author- ized to. appoinf�:.(ae supervisor who shall be in charge of the social cente I re, underr. . Ito direction and control of the Commissioner of Edu oation, who s04 receive a salary of not exoeeding Four Hundred - Al Dollgr@ ($40040) per annum, payable in ten equal monthly instal- mentaJ and sud7principals, teachers, engineers, janitors and fire., men as he ma onsider necessary for carrying on the work of the social cents- The number of teachers so employed shall at no time exceed.,fifte the number of principals shall not exceed ten, and there shall."not to exceed ten janitors, ten engineers and ten firemen. J't ora, engineers and firemen shall receive One Dollar and Fifty C is ($1.50) per night for such services; principals shall ,be paid notft exceed Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50) per night; Physical tAning teachers shall receive not less than Three Doll r ($3,�p,.0) noCorethan Four Dollars and Fifty Cents (64.50) ight. .pier S Ition 3. Persons otherwise employed by the /Ciy of St. Paul in" th epartmient of Education, and who are apointed in accord- ance withfor ser,,��e, in the social ,.ction 2 of this ordinance centers, shall consti shall consist of rend centers, and they sh Said salaries shall b services performed ie salaries as fixed by ments thereof, and tb' for service in the Section 4..., ordinance rendered health an ty Sect i oh5 immediately UPQ'A A— ' tu-1-eparate class of, employee, whose'dutieG e AY an ae�vices in the dW schools d social aid one salary for all of such service. V Ormined by adding the amount due them fo;, "day schools, according to the schedule Of -C istrative Ordinance No. 3272 and the amend - It punt fixed as compensation in this ordinance centers. a ordinance is hereby declared an emergency_ nary for the preservation of the public peace, a ordinance shall take effect and be in force sage and publication. - ---- aa" ,e: e : ... a- y" do, 'of the amount %P; by the budget for see auj'h;-jjjed to ' a he h.ie In, I ha enters. under'tbo, I " dC the Commleatoner of Who Shall �q a salary -Of 00t i iice - 1),Ilar. by I he :ieding Four 11� Coeecil 6/ 000) per annum! .,able In ten monthly Ins0ruents, and see, engineers, ,eipais, teachers, he may consi(, and 111"n_ b. rv.rk _sr, for carrying. 0 , I ,I centers. The number 01 YEAS. �eas ;o employed shall , no I, me fifteen; t a number of ri.11 t and t ed ten janitors. tP MR. FARNSWOr%,;.,__,.-�1-, T..it, GOSS KELLER O'LEARY &UBLISHED �93 11 15 YOERG is.0 MR. PR ENT (POWERS) 01 pp- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ......... ..... ............. Subject: .......... ............... . ..... .. ..... COUNCIL FILE ..................................... Dati! Presented.. y r olved, A� k — 'e, .yam Co 61 -en ( V ) Nays FA sworth &--In favor er _0 Against m 5 - Alopted by the Council Appmv 191 v MAYOR C` . No. 3301— R ... Ived, T tt f II.o;:.pP41I !?l t 1' ranitlitt+s3' A o., d 6* e C Hell JAn: APP-I'Ad J- 5 1 5. (Jan. 9'_ 1 Co 61 -en ( V ) Nays FA sworth &--In favor er _0 Against m 5 - Alopted by the Council Appmv 191 v MAYOR PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ts.J .. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ho uudTrsignrd hereby proposes the making of the followi!Ig puhlie improvement, by the City of St. Dann, viz.: Grade, Kent Street_ from_Como..Avenue_.to. _Oliv$r-_ StY2et., in aoco1danoe with petition hereto attached. tie ... to uterrth n! AAAA AAAA. AAAA... AAAA J. Tltat the . _AAAA.. AAAA AAAA. AAAA orks be and 1, • Afreeced: 1lated 116, 4th lav of January, anal• r• �, • of tlr. ,. . •nt A � \_\\\f IIIIIIell illall. PRELIMINARY ORDER. VV"IlRlili_Aa. #'Tilton propo,:11 for the Making of the following improvennont, viz.: Grade Kent street from Como Avenue to Oliver Street...._ hnvimg h.-I, pres.•ntod to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Comlcilm:ul _._.__ _.._... __..__._..._...; ihrrofnrr. ho it> s HI'ti0I,CI':I1• That the Commissioner of Public Works be anafie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. 'to i[tvestigatc the necessity for or ilesirabilily of tho nulkitfg of said improvement. a= _. To investigate the uaturo, hxient :old estimated rosl of said improyenwilt, and the total cost th N r "M4. Y.. '1'o furnish ll plan, profile or sketch of said inlprovi-ilviY. .{c. I. To I'nrui:h !h�• following other dal:l ?111,1 iufo•nultinn rel»'Aive 1•: 5"id improvement:.... _.. . _....__.._.. _. _AAAA. _._. .........._ _..._..._ _._.__AAAA. 5. To slato whethor or not said improvement is asked for o❑ thy' petition of three or more owners. li. To report upon all of the foregn;ng mattes to the Connlissioucr of I"in:iuee. AAA.. Adopted by the Conocil._A..�_ .;:__._�j.... ... ..1:11—�_.. Yeas: - \•q's: . Couueihnan F sworth —� G Approved __ _... .. 4 Y g-G.......'`....00H \favor p v rs _..........._.._. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ COUKCIL RESOLUTION-GEhIERAL FORM �blect: G/p NDhWATION- COUNCIL FI FILE No. ..... .... .................... .. rt'• ............................. ........................ :... ........ ..... ._ Date Presented ..-Dee.23,1914._..-I91........... Resolved, That ,.HEREAS the Commissioner of Educ ttion has notified the Purchasing Agent that there are,'.twenty-�six oil'barrele,' one old boiler, one 20" wood planer and a quantity of scrap iron- at the Jefferson School storeroom to the value of $65.80 which is not available for use and which may be sold in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, And, 471L'HE,;S, this has been approved by t e 1;omNtroller; now therefore be it RESOL�rED, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorizied to sell the atiove mentioned lumber at the best price obtainable in the then market; all money obtained from the sale of said material to be credited to the Department of Lducation-Bureau of Schools, tliopYt�Yo n VIMno Re I TAat h ae-t e; Cea- 1 I.M. f dtlgatl a Iced the 1 P,-.1. 1ps` e t9ja�Et(el t e}+ i 4 t v -el> oll bq l+l. on �g1dt'.�oii r One 1 zovantite wBod itlah ' a a �4 ayy Scrap 6 dt th r J¢Qeredn SEh of ^; I,reroom to thg��a lof 111,11 hich I" nota vitll nllo•'Po nsc and which - nc .Old In e - w 11 u` the �p- € vlN io�y, 1)f the Cfi-11artc r.hC1 ^^f \an rR],AS-this has ZIP- ...... ..... I ¢ -..roved by the l`omptroller; now- thele-, Ire he it l R7).SOLVI;.D. thn[ the R ccba6i.9 Age'f be, and he la Here nthgIr, izod�l'n sell the ebove ent -1 her at the ,best nr .,e oUtaipa •tn'tbe d pen a 1 t: ll onN t l tl from th le f asld. mater to be edit 3 tet hr oDep tinent o4 Hd 8 tlon n t o[ 8p}s: \d pt ] 1 v they bttnell d 6 1 t. ApprovedJap. 6 Y015 , 4., 3 h 0 Yeas (P'1 jKe1r (!�) Nays h 4" In favor Against Mr. Presidrs 'roaM ae•2 i Adopted by the Council%y, yyz. 191 i Appr d - — -= -- MAYOR PUBLISr.31;D CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; General City Lighting. CoUNCILNO.,_ FILE ................ ....... ..... . ....................... ....... ... ........... ........... ........ . ..... .... . . ...... ................ ............................ .......... ..... . Date Presented. Jan. 2,1914-191.....-... Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the St.1aul Gas Light Company for two years for furnishing the following lights, is hereby approved and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and ey-- powered to draw up and submit uroper, contract '_here for: To furnish and maintain lamps and equipment and supply current ""or the following types of lamps; D.G.Multiple Flame Arc Lamj)s Per lump pl,r year �P90.00 A.�.Series Flame Arc Lar,,ps 85.00 Carbon Arcs 60.00 To supply current only' I? r gas filled or other new electric., Mjgs: 250 C.P. 6.6 Ampe0e`-per kilowatt hour .03 400 C.P. 15 n.. .,.$':.:.. .03 400 C.P. 20 .03 To make nee eBsary --cVbn'ect i6ns� nis ji current only fo± ele..'tro lighting, city to maInt 4h r l4 per year 42.00 To furnish, maintain y B y current: 40 watt tungete 1. n lw4 18.00 5 .60 Ilk - Yeas W) Cotfilmen Y4 JNays . 1�1 Adopted by the Council7— 191 L� F /g OIL In favor Approve/ Ld Approved% lqlc� fK, r , I oll 'Against rg Mr. Preside Powers MAYCTR J. E. Carroll. CITY OF ST. PAUL - f. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Establish grade FILE NO. (� 1 / COUNCIL <`P �. .., . ......... ...... ................................................................................... .............. .... ............................................. Date Presented...... "Jan.. _2, .....lT$45....... Resolved, That the grade of the alley in Block 9 Warrendale, as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. R.N-. 3306—By Nr. N. G-_ Resolved, That. the grade of the a)- ley' in RIOCI: V\\'n rrendal e. as 'vhnwn ref h.' the -d grade line .. the accom-` nany. ne Pro fila. :uxI t --d—end "I by the Cmn n,issioner nP P.M16'Worlts, he and the se it hereby adopted a th,.—tabltsbed grade, s .4 d npted by- the Csun,it .lan. fa 6. ApIn"'Ied J 1016. 9-1915) Yeas (I'I Co cilmen (f') Nays Fa worth G In favor K r l / n5 M 0ll �y_ ;�gxinsr Y Mr. Preside Owers IORM c.9-2 Adopted by the Council j� j_. �-_ _191 ve -- - MAVOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Sublec!:. Establishea grade No. T�06 COUNCIL FILE N ...... .. ....................... .......................... ..........._................................ ......... ........ ..... .... ...... ................... ........_............................ ....... C Date Presented....- Jari._ 2,_ .....I91 -A.... Resolved, That the grade of Page St. from Goff Ave. to Livingston Ave., as shown by the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 5 C r xo.'4301Iq\t N,,o .— -.jP -•. Th"t � RfldolYe 1 t 1 k 7e oC Pn. } 9C' GoFC n I T� tq fi `^A' r ant er ricx, b( F thr .vtahliAh'C ' • tho ('ounctt;.3uaZ : 5. t!'�,; s\. Yeas W) Cou "n (!) Nays Far worth Go In favor Kel MC o11 .against Yo g Mr. President, overs -M C.8-2 l .adopted by the Council 19 V� i Approved _ /� 1 6 Z - - MAYOR CITY OF SA1N'J', PAUL iv e City Clerk's Offive Received of CiP. ,�' 0. 11. \u. 3307— tn- th,. \Illy,' of from Rl- 94; I ANH.n St.iT l Suuth ," nn. Int.1 '( U0order 2002, apjif-� 10AW-1. Thnl tinny : nd estlma Cutnmt.vloher f_ �nho ve n med 1 e heteb Resolved Fut, Plt at lhr , n 1qe rhe an 'e is herr 0 F S T. P A. U L `E�j`t�,07 hna-t1 street t viProvit> 1py the mr tnenfor aeSMnrdlon `tt,°` NCIL RESOLUTION t ntlons, mi tt In the ca',; _trading Carbon St. from Rice St, to Marion St., Marion St. from Maryland St. to South St. under Preliminary-Oxder 611 Intermediary Order 1516 Final Order 3003 approved October 9, 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications nd,estiraates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the abi*,named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said impVbvement, according to said - plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) -'That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at.a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- raent by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price fox per- forming the same. In sand advertisement fox bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidderts bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the•axecution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work•,im,tacooxdance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agenthall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all yids. Should all bids be rejeoted,. the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary unt4 an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorizes toiaward the contract, if it is'a contract whidh the committee may-:,:a#dzd, shall be of opinion that no further bids -should be received and.ficg" the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Works by"aft labor, in ,'-which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Counoil fox further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council T7 Yeas ( } C cilmen ( ) Nays neworth feary- Mr. er President.,ra Approve �gl� t wayor PIlBI,ISEiET)_ 4�C CITY OF liAINT PAUL 1 >" 'City Clerk's Office 111 $eceived of City Clerk G� (/.,.4 L %✓ d� ...fir Y',t_, t....7 / / VVV JC. F. No. 3308— • th matter of grading 8ysoln' �^ f - In Fnr) tit. to r Ornngent 9[..OMP '>n9•119: Order 10 p.yvTI1 k nrdir : o�� 7 sl a C.T' Y D F S t ssotwd Tftl15 rt >nd estlnta ttbmlt U•It on mminslom•r ,f, li.: tt'o rkx COUNCIL RES. ' ,• n d f It,e ndh�rn1n`rtrh Tann7rhnl•t:tndtt h Agent h, t., n t• It, and d,frr L•,1 b, n.,. In the matter of grading Hyaciri'n,•r nrncid,•,, ,:, tn, ai'1 St. to '� nidv fir thr ma1i.. dil— Orange St. under Preliminary,Order. 616 Intermediary Order 1640 Final Order 3091 approved October 14, 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City. Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall inake said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditipned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performana''af said work in accordance with the plana and specifications in �se the, -bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten er cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasi Agent.shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any r,_all bids. Should all bids bI5 rejected, the Purchasing Agent is uthorized to advertise again and as oftas may be necessary until n accgptable bid is obtained,. unless Qh committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract ghich the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no.further bids should be received and that t4L w rk should be done by the`Commiseioner of Public Works by day lab`ar, in which event, the said oommittee shall make an appropriate rep9'rt with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Cc it Yeas ,( ) Cc oilmen ) Nays " Far sworth Gos / Ke er (� Me 11 Mr. President. Po rs A _ lei Mayor PUBLISI LD ic( �5 W, j 01 COUNCIL FILE NO-__ By.... ....... . FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. const...ructing acpment, sidewalk on.both sides_ Pf'.GrAggp street, between Summit avenue and Ashland avenue, except where good and sufficientsidewalksnow exist. under Preliminary Order.__1700 .......approved SeptembeX 21st, 1914... Intermediary Order approved . ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of fin- provenient to be made by the said City is. qpAqtrqqt a cement sidewalk on both sides ..............- of Griggs Street, between Summit avenue and Ashland avenue, except good axis*t. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plausand specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for Approval;.that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvementaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....-. .... .... .. .... ... . ........ ....... ..... ............ - P. Approved ... .................. .. ........ Mayor. Coundi Inien Par&arth lvc May( f W, j 01 COUNCIL FILE NO-__ By.... ....... . FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. const...ructing acpment, sidewalk on.both sides_ Pf'.GrAggp street, between Summit avenue and Ashland avenue, except where good and sufficientsidewalksnow exist. under Preliminary Order.__1700 .......approved SeptembeX 21st, 1914... Intermediary Order approved . ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of fin- provenient to be made by the said City is. qpAqtrqqt a cement sidewalk on both sides ..............- of Griggs Street, between Summit avenue and Ashland avenue, except good axis*t. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plausand specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for Approval;.that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvementaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....-. .... .... .. .... ... . ........ ....... ..... ............ - P. Approved ... .................. .. ........ Mayor. Coundi Inien Par&arth lvc May( 9 " CITY OF ST. PAUL - ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPO0'OR OF COMMISSIINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IK�• 6k) In the Matter of ------ ---------------------------------- -� - -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A underPreliminary Order approved ---- ------ 1---- ------- -IL`L ---------- --- ---- —----------- ------- ---------- --------------- ------- --- -- --- — --------------- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: / The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is fOOt. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ------- The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /X,2� 'uu y �. /�Gluf�✓ a / 0 3` M. - < TOTALt -M eaA CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY116RDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports thafhjihas'investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon'to.-the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said/matter. by the Commissioner of Public Workii. Dated -------------- Commissioner --------------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM ..S.A. 8.5 C Office of the Commissioner of Public. Works ~ Report to Commissioner of Finance September.._21.,......._...._...191.. 4_• To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No—: ............. ..............approved...........................191..4..., relative to............................. �onet_ruct_in,�„_a.__cement..._sidetiya.lk,.._on,.._both___e_ictee,.._of... GriC�a,._ Strcet.,._betwe_en..,,_ Summit__ lvenue.and.._ll bland_ Avenue_,...._exc.elt �^here_,_good..and,_,_euif_icient____._._._..,,.. sidewalksrow ............................................................:.......................,._................................................................................................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Ssisj improvement is_............ _....... necessary and (or) desirable. XXX........, YXXXX_:.. _.......... and 2. The estimated"boat thereof is �........................._ and the total coat thereof is :Is........_r. _............... JI the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................... ...._._....._........................... .._.................... .......................................... ..........._..........._............................................_..._.................._............................................................_..............__........................__......__.._.............._......_............................. ... _......_........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............................................... ...... ....... _............................. ........... ....._.............................. ...................... ...................................... ........._ r 5. Said improvement is.................................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 7�A ....__ ......t._........... _....._........ ............... _.................... ............ nnnissioner Public Works. Y s . 2.¢" � � §<) x � a COUNCIL FILE NO... .._� By- __........._._..................._.._.__. _..... f r •_ FINAL ORDER. In the.''Hatter of .-- x 1 m" _ Line r T'fh -p r61& - g d Tepairirig witfi cement blocks to a width ofaTen Easy e-set.thenceiwestlk on Seventh 9 feet, beginninge141out feetside farther beginning ibis west thence We. 50,`-feet, beginning 45 feet East of Wacouta street thence . East 30 feet, begining'50 feet farther East thence East 26 feet begin.-_ �'"-,i 75_feet_farthez�eaat�ence _Fast feet. _._ November 2nd., 1914 __ _.._. l_... under Prelinlivary order...'.approved x368-.....a -• _:. Intermediary Order .............. .... . .. ....... , _ ._.,._.... ....._approved . _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reeotiunendatiolns relative thereto" and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preeise nature, extent and kind of inn- , provement to he made by the said City is— ..._ .. Reconstruct, relay and repair with cement blocks to a wi th o Ten feet the present'sidewalk on Seventh Street tfsouth aider begintheneet Sibley street thence west 9 feet beginning e West 50 feet, beginning 45 feet east of Waeouta street thence East 30 feet beginning 50 feet farther East thence East 26 feet,beginning 75 feet art er East thence East 15_fe_eto id the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED. FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit samle to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized lull directed to proceed r- With the malting of said improvement ' accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ Ul_ Approved .....719 J f Mayor. Tn M' kCTlrig relay= CouncilmenFarW l olth �tngIam 1 twe.nc.DeBonLl • o !. o couch, tae+v>zltt ;ux� �s i�� � LISfiED_,., Go. de r peSl j. �,�7Rke4t ?'fit,. bei ]ta etro^F1t;.,bP Wpi•1 Ke ler xYa_etreef..tFll h seab;.PxS,eet •be-; 1 et Hint; fiG,rea �1 Lhe ;=eea thenoe: 2Gytek;'hhtn6 teat fnr \T 47011 east £hence set 26 feet,•➢naer,. a minarY Ord Y 2368. approved. b r 2na ]914 bll hes fig hiving been,ha& he above ImDro�ement upon±dl,. and the. Council ;hiving ;hegr3_• sox s, 6bjectlone and reeommen+ Vo •g,re7o.Elve' thereto,' and.l9sv1¢i; .oneidered 'the eawe; I'the-for, \lay or Pot era 'Iv6d, 13Y the Counel1 of the CITY Paul that ttae precise Hato e. e:'. ` i t u •mNe a pati st bl 1` 1 of teh 'L-eet .the. PL".,I n, Smgth stceol. o - F t 6f li"� rn1. 1 . }v .ryil 1K rl r•; � p t r -t 4; t 1 Z � - � a ii CITY -OP ST, PAUL n, . EPA. TMENT%%O� �FINANC ' o REPORT}OF C6MMIS-yA10NER 00;,iftAN ON PRELIMIJARY ORDER -...... under Preliminary Order approved---------�b------------ To the Council of the City of St Paul" The Commissioner of FinauW hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---¢---p 8a er lineal --------------- foot. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL x�f ya . : roan+ e.a.r,. 0.3 a ' ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCKADDITION y LUATIOypIS� l'�i.ZJ �l��l'L7�: J�n�tr%'�oC ✓to' // /j G ��n1,/�2y(c�QCk� pili,; -p %1s� !r% !/�G✓/%J` ili vG/o //- / j ��(cf�f+/ids /� �� �cw �, o looI>T/ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- ---� %l ---191-!/-,._<.:Gl�k?C.. .... .... ... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commi ner of Public Y '. ' orks Re ort to Commissioner of Finance X,, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ... ........ a368,,,,,,,approved ......_._ gYg8 b8T..._rZ.�...._............ 1914....., relative to ........................... reconstructing, relaying and repairing with cement blooks to a width of.,_ten.feet_._the.,.preeent,__Aidewalk_•._on_$eventh,._AIA _1:.._eouth_._eide.,,.._beg ming at Sibley St., thence west 9 feet; beginning 141 feet farther west, tate sle..._ [He ..._5Q.....Y.a. t;.....b8gi=ing....4a_cf.....I&Q.out.0.6 ..._ east 30 feet; beginning 50 feet farther east , thence east 86 feet; thence_._east.. 35,._feet.�.........:....... ................. _.......................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said iCrovement is.... ... ............ ...necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $........... ;M .......... _. and the total cost thereof is ....__ ....._ _......_.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......................... ... ............ ........................... ............. ...................... ........... _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..................... _._......................................................................................................................................................................... _......... ....... 5. Said improvement is._.._nt.............._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO., By FINAL ORDER. In the .1latter of grading. Farrington avenue from. Law.son. street to., Maryland street. under Preliminary Order. .. ... ....... approved septem'oe.r. Intermediary Order .....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pjjui that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be, made by the said City is.Gra e. Fairrington .avenue f rom Laws Q., n tre1s.......... .. et to. -Maryland... otreet . . ..... . . . .. . .. ... .... .. ...... .... and the. Council hereby orders said improvement to be Plade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coninds-ioner of I'Mic Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. {Adopted by the Council .............. . . ... ... ..... Approved. Mayor. C. 0No. ,irt 'the; miut-Foi Councilmen Far worth —hue from La -son 'treet to Mary- Ja6d.,kstreunder Preliminary order 2 ember 22nd. 1914. On., r" no vin been had. ;abovalmprovement upon due t I 41= hear!, all J..t1b n1da men Ke er r al to. f .�rd h—fieg" -�m , therefore, M I _oil _I 'Oil R Vd By the Council of t e City: of -',improvement to, be es rovem .11.1 ��ra e, Par- Ffin ve from r ounell here - Y U Id ant to 1m: Y y 'rg ad.: R—ol—d P.rthl;�� That the C.rnmja�� ,1-- of P.blN, 'ad d,he, ,18 d d !a.Ar - 7\ 1 ,e 7-7 COUNCIL FILE NO., By FINAL ORDER. In the .1latter of grading. Farrington avenue from. Law.son. street to., Maryland street. under Preliminary Order. .. ... ....... approved septem'oe.r. Intermediary Order .....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pjjui that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be, made by the said City is.Gra e. Fairrington .avenue f rom Laws Q., n tre1s.......... .. et to. -Maryland... otreet . . ..... . . . .. . .. ... .... .. ...... .... and the. Council hereby orders said improvement to be Plade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coninds-ioner of I'Mic Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. {Adopted by the Council .............. . . ... ... ..... Approved. Mayor. C. 0No. ,irt 'the; miut-Foi Councilmen Far worth —hue from La -son 'treet to Mary- Ja6d.,kstreunder Preliminary order 2 ember 22nd. 1914. On., r" no vin been had. ;abovalmprovement upon due t I 41= hear!, all J..t1b n1da men Ke er r al to. f .�rd h—fieg" -�m , therefore, M I _oil _I 'Oil R Vd By the Council of t e City: of -',improvement to, be es rovem .11.1 ��ra e, Par- Ffin ve from r ounell here - Y U Id ant to 1m: Y y 'rg ad.: R—ol—d P.rthl;�� That the C.rnmja�� ,1-- of P.blN, 'ad d,he, ,18 d d !a.Ar - 7\ 1 7-7 (A) In the Matter o CITY OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REP,OI T OF COMMISSI!bNER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -rz-i� ---- ---------------------------- a under Preliminary Order approved-- --- -- --/-�..---- --- ' ---------------- ----- ------ ---- ---------------------- -------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports -as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ 4730.31 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the-Assessor,'are as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION u. /21 6/1 o TOTAL. n '1 ` .DESCRIPTION LOT,BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUT Ns�� G �G qla �sG da /u ,Z / 14 4 a �r /17 O IF /elf If Ai'.. TOTAL, u ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ' ,AL ION LIV, / S` /1 Sl i o a ✓� /) Qac /� S` i y' �J do i J 4n 611, i 4- TOTAL, - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADD IT I ON ASSESSED V,ALUASION do �. Q6 020 7 y cp f r G y da i) s• The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner of Finance. •aa ronM ..$.A. a Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance "October 13 x............... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Os ie Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 1738 ......... ........ .... . _......... rsdin of__P:arringtor. Avenue from Lawson Street to idary'1z nd ..............._.............................................._............................ ........__......_S tre et..._......................................................................... _........................ a and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ..... ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 4 713.7? L. The estimated cost thereof is $.._..._..'.XXh and the total cost thereof is $..........1_........_......_.........._.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ ............... ............... .......... ........ ........ .._........................... _........................... ............... _........... ...................................................... ................ ........_....................... ...................................... .__._......... .... ......... ........ _........_.._....................... ........_........... ............. ...__.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached'and made a part hereof. 4... ...................... _......................... _................................ _.................................. ................................... ........................... _......................................................... .................. ....... ...... 5. Said improvement is._................................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. —� Co unissioner of Public Works. M. N. DOSS - - OSCAR CLAUSSEN CONMISHIOtiRR PVRLtC W0RJ$.6 I _ CHIRP RN MUR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 10, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, I transmit herewith(�preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Farrington Ave. from Lawson St. to Maryland at., in accordance with Council File 11738, approved Sept. 22, 1914. Approximate estimate 04,713.72 Assessable frontage 3,304 ft. Excess inspection necessary 090.00 Respectfully submitted,, Chief Engineer. R Oj_t, e- 5 COUNCIL FILE NO ...................... BY.......... FINAL ORDER. 3314 In the Platter of..gTELdiAgth9_.A IPYJbetween. Rearr4pgsmqRt of Block3.. Macalester Park and Block 3. Elmer and Morrison's Rearrangement of ' af.rt�Vjf Macaleater. -P e.tw en jitmmit.aveiiue...and....Ill$AXE Grand avenue, a ew avenue and taffi��n sTree under Preliminary Order .. . . ........ . ..._ ... .. ..... . ........approved O.Qtober 7114,1914-- ........... ............. IntermediaryOrder . ....... .._ _.._ _... __....................._..._...._.....__..._.approved...__..__......_...._.e_................_............................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iin- pnenuint go be made by the said City is Gr4dp the alley batween RearrangemenVof ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... . . .. ... ....... ... . . . ...... 00 Macaiester Park and Block Z ir . i s . o . n s R . e . ar . r . an .. g . ep . wn't of Macaldster Park.....(betmeon ftmmit avenue and Grand avenue,_ Fai ry i ew Baidw_in -street) and the Council hereby orders said finprovenient to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said iniprovemen in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . ..... .. 19-Z .......... ..... ty 'e -k. Approved I 9V /A Councilmen/M -us, s q s11s' eller fecol 0e] 9 Ilayor C` o CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE b' REPORT OF COMiMIdt%TONER OF FINANCI�� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter -----------'---- —--------------------------_._--- -- under Preliminary Order approved -- ---- ` - --i------- ---_ — - f------------------------------------------------------ ----------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isThe estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ •The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION a o. s eo G U Ui U O I TOTAL � ►OHMelA OOA � � I a DESCRIPTION LOT �6LOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED -.. VALUATION/Jk // s� accPFi�%rte /4 ZJ y �. 4 , 3 4G ,G � cps �• � ��' �J J 4a �7J SRv /l J &4 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated, all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ,---------- Commissner, io of'Finance. 2 S yy 3 $ 321 Y y, 1 ry i Moy a - � s t �S _ ; vmhn"WA 2 - a r rNf � i soi:'Y ""'3 � M: � Q rt:. i hr r � .. �' ,.'.», .my 3' ✓,< < Y FIT, 41 V , own 1� x r Rv t _ ✓"F i New t OWN 4 aOwn a,. S ,w 15 COUNCIL FILE No. f� 13y. .... ....... - .......... ..... _•"' f _ FINAL ORDER. In the �Iatt�a• af. Grading Bellevue avenue from Wordsworth street to Field atreet. under I'relimimuy thder 1128 pprov,•d August13th, 1914• Literulediary Order A public hruriug having beou had upon 1111. abovf, iIII pro upon du" notice, and the Council honing heard all pei:sous, objeetinus :wd recmunuedatious relative thereto, and having 1lilly considered the same; fh1.rcfore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent uud kind of_iul- _ proveuieut to be made by the said City is grade Bellevue avenue from Wordsworth_ St. to Field street. and the Council hereby orders said inoprovenn•nt to he made. RESOLVED FUR,mER, 'neat the Cmnmissiouer of Public Works h1. and lie is hereby instructed and directed to prepare phuls and specifications for said improvenreut, and submit Saint, to the 1'onncil for m approval; that upon said approval, the proper city otHeeix are Lreby authorized and directed to proceed kith the making of said iniprocenoeut 'n accardauce thert,with. Adopted by the Council _.__L!%' ._ -2 I_..19./f . ....................._... .. l.'it,, n • Approved_._.✓..._ .............. . Mayor. Comwilnno J."Wo,th F`xo;sai6--. e-••-----� I(� ler i � Mr 'oll f' Yoe e I♦Iayor POW ns 1 &/ ` i FINAL ORDER. Gdin Bellevue avenue from Wordsworth street to Field Grading g Ll tilt llattrr of street. under 1'relimivary Orih•r liar _.apprnv,,,l August _13th,, 1914. 111t•rncdiary Order _approved A public hearing havingptn•cu had upon the above improccuumt upon due noticr, and the Council hirviug heard all persons, objoctious :olid reeouuncnd:utinns relative thereto, and having folly collsidcred the ,:nue; theret•orr, he it RESOLVED, 13y the Council of Lila City of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of iol- Bellevue avenue from Wordsrorth St., provement to be „lade by rhe slid city i.,, to Field street. and the Council hereby ordors said iniprocement to be made. E •. RESOLVED FURTHER, That till, Com III issiouer of Publie works he and he i, hereby instrueted and directed to prepare philis and speeifieations for slid iulproveuh•ut, and submit sawn, to the Colp(cil for approval; that upoll said approval, tin• proper city officers ;nv herehv aullimizrd anel directed to proceed with the making of said improcemeut 'n accordance Ihorelvith. Adopted by the Council �'-- j.._19.. __ c Cie Approved Mayor. Comwihucn Fa •usworth C. F. xa. 3316— -. In the Matter of grading Bellevue avenue from Wordsworth street to Field street under Preliminary Order - Ir' 1128,,.app—bl August 13th, 1914.; A ■4u-110 :hearing`having. been 'had. uponiits ab?vz nnpro"meht upon. due IG L•1' noticu, ap, the Council haying heard all pe—ors, obiuctloaa"anC:¢poommen-. datlons: relative thereto, andLaving considered tie same ..herefore. \It •all be Ree iv 1 ' the Counal of the silty o[ 8L -Pau, that at the prcolse na4ure,4x- ( ie at and kind of lmppros n(eni.to..be ..mad by til said Cityta grad Bellevue "�u4enue;.frnm nordaworth_x,., tW leld Yoe g gfreet and i e Co}lncil b 15 or`"lei (141d tmprovsme t Ade.. I?esulved Fur[hv'." ThaI the Cmumls 1113 ,or Pow 1.9 Y 'siouer of -Public R'Crka be and. he t .hereby_I a* ueted and directed to pre pare plana nrd spec cations for sell improvement, and submit same to tht Council for approval; that upoa told ,appravnl, the proper ICY Pllcere ore hereby nuthcrlsetl nd^Slrected to yrs- ceed with the making of said Improve- . ment in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Counoll Jan. 27, 1916 28, -U16. Approved Jan. (Jan. 30.1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL v+ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSANER OF FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter under Preliminary Order approved -- ----- ..C[-.t.f....._.L....-ell __lf�........_.-------------- _--- __-_--__-_-_---- ---------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 812 ejQ--------------__—__ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is .83t perfr-on foot. The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /') Z' 1 :faZ0 y �d )fs, '7 �. TOTAL, r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---.___.,/.�_._ _... _...__191.'e//�!!:....._ .._..-- -.... Commissioner of Finance. RISK �• � � { � t1 E _t �. �•/'. ' n , HENRI E. WEDEL AEDT CO STATIONERS Si. P_ St. Paul, Minn... —��1. ✓.4 ... 2.1914. a o. the Honorable Council_, - 3 _ city of St.Paul- - aGentlemen, 5. We,the undersigned,ownere of property -abutting -on-Bellevue. ,,avenue,between Wordsworth street and Field avenue,do hereby respect 7.fully PetitionYourhonorable body to cause said street to be graded R, between the into mentioned. 9 Names Lott Blk, Addition lo i e7 13 - I , �, II I 20 I i 21:-- o A��UvG.. p1a� jj X�914' �+ i 24 25 27�t"'i'i�'y .��iK.`--�LG(i��i% :Z. f" fe_`,f'-if'. i..L✓/.4c L"�i--F.--_. _ � p 32 fL✓.+i:1:r' LlirYr �r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 28.1 .......... ..........191.4... To the Commissioner of.Fimmnce of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ...... ....1128,__..approved .... __......... A.u..Eu.,et_,._x..$,,..............191. ...., relative to_...the .......... . a,raline of Bellevue Avenue from Wordsworth Street to Field Street. and having investigated the matters ;and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..................__..necessary and (or) desirable. XXXX .._., and the total cost thereoY is ._...._810.40 _._, and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._........._..__.._.... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: . . .._..._._..__.._...........__..__................. ....._._...___.. .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... _............. _.............. ._...... _... o. Said improvement is .............._.._............. ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to 4ssessnreut for said improvement. Commissimr • o Public Worka. OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. GOSS__ cHiee 6NGIN6HA COpBfiSSIONRR PUHWC \YORAS CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Aug. 28, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Bellevue Ave. from Wordsworth St. to Field St., in accordance with Council File #1128, approved Aug. 13, 1914. Approximate estimate $810.40 Assessable frontage 974 ft. Excess inspection necessary 011.10 / Respectfull�yy submitted, Chief Enginebr. CITY VF i3llY'i'r Flot Vaparhin=ent VF Public W" Vrka ROBERT r. OOURLEY, DeD YC^m^1p91p" M.N.GOSS. Commissioner OSCARCL AUSSEN.e ,r Engineer , E.CARROLL, SUDS COnSVf1iOn 6 Reba s ALFRE-A-0N.SUD15 n. n G.H.M ERROL O. OIl— E19—e �- - St. Paul, Minn. Jan -25,1915. Mr. M. Ti. Goss, M103 Commissioner of Public Works, JAN 25 1915 M. M. GOSS Dear Sir,-Amum" OFfm im—h Referring to letter under date of Jan. 19 th from the City Clerk to you regarding Bellevue Ave., vie note objections and in reply will say; on Bellevue Ave. beyond Field Ave. and on Field Ave., a legal grade has not Ret been established. Under these circumstances if the estimated cost of grading Bellevue Ave. from Wordsworth Ave. to Field Ave. appears to be too high to the property owners, the only thing to do is to make an*adverse report and have a grade established on Field Ave. from Edgeumbe Road to Davern Ave. and on Bellevue Ave. from Field Ave. to Morgan Ave. The statement made in lead pencil on petition attached, to the eff�pt that ^People who signed petition can not be assessed", I fail to verify. Respectfully submitted., Chief Engineer. .V .... i. FA .1 O ra —... * e CITY OF (SAINT PAUL CITY CLEHB .OH`FICU Jnrt. }A�j�/,N�191:5. Cos:.a• of Pu',lic .: ^} s, ci.y c�W-17 ✓9�'� `ti f 0 Dear Sir:- At',: ched i,;:,l order for t;,.e 7r:elli:.,d�a� Irnvt� ^e. r, -on l°o;, sero rt.-. .. _moi-'.. ..t. w:.s refcrr�,,-; .!.o y.�ur :—,i 7t the '�ou;:ci' ❑ � tPrir ..:ee':ir.- of to -d -y. Th4.: or .er was ',e: orc t::'e �ou:,cil on Jan . 5'sh}915, n,:d „as '.aici "Or to January i9 :. 191 5 .. At th ;,. .eot ii :. there tans ^o:co o' jectie):,s :.irdo b;i ,.he, nrol-e:-Ly ownors '.Yliich nse notod on the bottom of tho pet itiou for the ira_rrovc:er-A Yo irs truly, City Clerk. ' OSCAR CLAUSSE\ M. N. DOSS CHIEF ENGINEER C 'ERICHER PUBLIC WORKS _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 10, ,1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading the alley bet%Veen Re -arrangement Block 3 Maeglester Park and Block 3 Elmer & Morrison&s Re -arrangement of Part of Maoalester Park in accordance with Council File #1952, approved Oct. 7, 1914. Approximate estimate $249.13 Assessable frontage 1400 ft. 4 Excess iospeotion necessary $5.12 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _....-_...._ .. .._...r_.........."_o..._-........_........._...191. -_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.... C to,aZ 7 t.._._ _°14..997 ._....., relative to _....... ............. r _din, o t:, �y ....e Y'w_i.> r„gr .. J., ...,� :.i ..... .......... r�'ri_....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._. ......... __.....necessary and (or) desirable. ... `L. The estimated cost thereof is $...._...... .._..., and the total coat thereof is �+._.....�.._ 2 10 __ _._.... ...._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ .. __._ ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ruL- 5. Said improvement is .................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - ...............1..............,e...:. ............ ... .... ........._.....__......_....�,/........ Conrnissioner lie Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Apt /V `�—s`1F-.Gr'�- AUDITED .s^' � D i 3 I '— } PER Resolved that warrmlts be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter p'..ified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed - statement: Yeas ( J) Cootcilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas Far worth / 191 Go ✓ In favor APpr MCC all C/ Against oa�MAYOR �..f Yoe C. F. No 3316- "-} Mr. President, P ers Resolved that warrants 1; , drawn upon the. City' Treasury; payable .out 1 of the hereinafte specified f"ds'-`and In favor f the per60ne; flans' or 'sor ore . ;pora[tons. for the amounts specified ., to . hetrrespective n _ the f djo irIng detailed estatement: Corporate Purposes—Balaries,'Poliec Fund S A Far rth, Co of Ft- nnnce $4E 20 Fire A 1P Fund S. A.. Farrar Orth. nl.(`outI wmater Depte Fund: B )A 62 F 49. 'worth, .Com. of FUN: B.. $13,798.13; S A: Fn at orth. Com. of Finance. (Building ). $826.49. Corporat Purposes—orate o, Pipe went Farad ji merie tGCast Iron Pipe C 4. Adopted 4h ' the Council Jan 6, - Approved Jnn. 6, 1916. (Jnn.•9-1916) +0atposate 3'po90#fw$a.1�6"�i48 ftltee Pond j4 $* A. Far13Es3wotat, Coma, of Po"Ce,F Piro Dept. 1 8* A; PaV#kVOM, y z6*i �S•a#3r agf3 11tater Rept. 'Ued 6 so A Valmoworlb, aomo of k1Ve4e 13s 98.13. COUNCIL No. 3316 FILE Corporate ftTpo411* Water -Dopt. Pand 7758 American Cash Iron Pine Co.,, Total Corpora—/ Purpose,, 3alarlefff 14� Fx / ~ M and Tot. b CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COU AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No. 17 5T C t Ci C c 1B� { 6Y AUDITED Df'@_S 41 IL -t 181— Resolved that warra> a drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for thi amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: -- x' Yeas (J) Councilmen it Nays Adopted by the Council_C�/191 In favor A V AgainstMAYOR VPowers Mr. Preside No. 3317— 217— f'Resolved, that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasv y. payahle 'out of the hereinafter ape lfied Punda and In favor ofthe Dere ns: firma r Dor- Mations for the amount set -opposite their respective names a specified In - _ [he -Coll owing detailed statement: - Corporate Purposes—Board of Con- . +•� 1 Fund: S. A Farnsworth, Com of Finance. E8.526,44. - Adopted by the 6Council Jnn,. 6, 1916.' : Approved Jan. , 1916. - ,(Jan. 9-1916) _ x 8tiaira of 4aatto I B!u" � { a054 $t As Veftimovtki, Como Of psnance* • '84525. }� f_ 4 t S Y Ode. f T, t AR An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 2244, entitled "An ordinance relating to the use of a portion of the public levee in the City of St. Paul for steamboat landing and ware- house purposes," approved January: -8th, 1902. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the public interest requires that Ordinance No. 2244, entitled"An ordinance relating to the use of a portion of thepublic levee in the City of St. Paul for steamboat landing and warehouse purposes," approved January 8th, 1902, be repealed, and that the same accordingly is hereby repealed, i Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. C. F. No-3312—Ordinance No. 3355 By' O. E. eller An ordinance repealing Ordinance No. .2244. entitled "An orinfl Ce relating t , to the use o1 portion of the public .1 [n the Ofty of St. Paul for steamboat landing a d warehouse ! 10z ' ed assapproved J. 'nary 8th. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ,.0 r ordain:' i:, SECTION 1 public Int r t reyu, res 400" by the Council .....�% � that Ordina c ,No. za44. entitled :an ggff linance relatfng to theof a por- �s tion f the p bila levee In th City of St. Paul fq steargbo t Jan, and ' warehouse pu po es app v d Jan.- y S1h,'1902 be T@pealed a d that the YEAS, N'eame nrco 11 g1y1lt hcreb�,, 4repealed. This ordlnaSE ,- h 1 tette effect and be In force thirty i1ays•after Its pass - MR. FARNSWORTH age and publication: . Passed by the Council Jan. 21. 1915. Yeae—Messrs. Farnsworth. Gose. - . OOS,S Keller O'Lear3' Yoer6, Mr. President (I, . )-6. NuYe-0. KELLER Approved Jan, 21. 1915. WINN POWERS. Attest: JOHN I. PARICY. bfnyor. (Jan. 23.1916, City Clerk. ✓DyST. � tnCVCJLL i. O'LEARY YOERC AYS, 0 MR. PRESIDF,NT (POWERS) ..e►' ,,}'4�' is Request of Ron.. 0. E. �K[.e,�lle Colui6l File N J� LU t��� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDE e� �. y,Ite\uklersigned hereby proposes the hulking o£ the fo wing public improvemcpt the City of St. is�t t, viz.: _ . _._. _Pave.._Hope_._St_.._._Yrom..._sou't..__line...._ol-.S.event.k�.....5..........o..._tkLa............_.._......_. north line of Fourth St. _ino.l..udi. .s. ewer, _water..a..nd. oonneotion® _... from street ..mainsto propert.y....._ nee.. complete . __..... ' ...:........ f_ __..._... ........... �. r. x as t Darted this- 6th _..d � whet ea &n> rye e muklug pf tt 11 mp ov •iz: P.tve Hop0 Hope street tt south [ 6e1enth street to the north Iir1..... .. .. .... ..... ....._....................... _..........._....... .... . } urth St.. Including gewer, water', ss connec H ere from street ah" —pert. lines complete having I Councilman. �j ,—Mt ted to the Council of the Cit. I- Paul therefore, be asolved. That the m ssione• -- c Works be .and he Is hereb3 I Tnd directed: o Investigate the ecce.it B,DER. rabillty of the making a . ement. mvesngato t' et 1 following improvement, viz.:..__.__..._. proposal.."! .. WHEREAS, A written coat , ot. �..: Pave Hope St southline of Seventh St......, to..Ih.e north line of _Fourth_._St, , including eev?er_, water and_.gas connections from street mains to property.._: linesoomplete. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by COADICIIIIIall__...._..._.............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :i. To furnish a plain, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furuish the following Other (jalat and inforutation relative to said improvement: _.___._._._.... .._ ....... 5. To state whether or not said improoveemmeent is asked for oil the petition of three or More owners. Adopted U the Council__........_......n._'..0/.....b....._....:...I.)I,f Commissioner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the fore„nt11 matters to the 1 Y 1 leas: - (mlvorth Na}a. Councilman Approved_. ......_..... _......�........._......191.v,l/f er .11 ayor. Mayor PUBLISHED 13� 5 Ae per-aonferenoe 03 Deo. 2nd Council file No...._...__......_......._... ` PROPOPAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and f� PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tile undersigned hereby proposes the nlaking.of the follo , g public improvement, b ne City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave__$ar. view.._Ave.e.....��'o�l.._5...:..... ... e_.._o.:._A�arsha11....Av. to....I......_line_......._. of..._Sea.'by_eve.a,..Ino.l>�d:9*:"Werter....snd...gaa.....,.. .....a.nnn ionfil from...streat.mains j .opropertylinomp _..te ...._....... Dated this......__._..6th.:..day Tmi11&ry_.._............_._............_....._..191.....fi. c] .na allowing lfr.. � ...__...._... ....._. ..... -� r ie FalrvteW' Avo. from S. .. hall dl 6 Ave. ew r,to water line of d-, lays from street mains to 1. Coaneihnan. ,Iee complete, having been II i to the C—r I l of the CItl' r� I therefore,. - Ivsd. That the Commnssic. I`nd 4ise iea na he Is her, LIMINARY ORDER. • To Investigate the o" 'lesirnblllty of the m' WilERUAS, A t ovement. the malting of the following impi•ovenlent, viz.:_....__ .............. __.___. ._. ^o Investignte. N to e Paxe....Fairview...Altty .� Ulta.S...._.line_...of....Marshall...Ave.......t.a....N....line....oY......:....____.__. Selby. _Ave...,__Snglndng.....Q.p~iter.f.._Wet.ar.._xtd_gaa__�onnaa.t.iane.__from..atraet..___ mins ..to_prop.arty.... lines..... compl.ete...:_....._ _..... .......... ........... _..... _..... ;....... _................................ .... ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............ .............. ................. ............................... ........; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. E. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -f. To furnish the following (Aller data and information relative to said improvement: --_............._......_...._.._................._...._....._................_.......................... _.................................... ...._..................... .._._......... -_.............. ........_.............._..._.._..._........._................._.. . 5. To state Whether or not said improvement is asked. for oil the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing, matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......._..._...._...._.._. 1-;f_ Yeas: Na' • Councilman F G •nswth Approvedo ser _... _........1/.... ...._._....._...._7..._....... _..191 — Coll rg... ............... ...................._....... ........ _................ ... Mayor overs Mayor. PUBLISHED 5 As per conference of December 2, 1914. Council Fide No........_......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDE The undersigned hereby proposes the waking of the owing public.im�n•ovemen y the City of St. Paul, viz.: _- Wabasha St. from N. ne of CongreAa" to S. line of Winifred St.; Winifred St. from W line of Wabasha_, .to_._ ............... line of ._Ohio St _,_ Ohio from S. line._ of inifred._._St.,. to S ins of..George ...St..... ,....and... George..._St. ..__from,._W. _line__of .___hio..._St... _.to.E,._...li _....__of_,_Smith.._ Ave.,._,_,._in.G..luding.... sewer,water and as conn tions from Gtr ins to property lines complete. Dated of JanUery,,._. ...._... _1915.+. No. 3321— - - ren�, A writ, g' of the follow ........... ...._..-....... .._.......... _. ........ ..__.. ...... .. .. Pave Wahasha St. fron tv !._ - ,/_.• ees St. to S. une f Winlfre J` ed.St from 1v. lineo P WebI Councilman. W. Ilene f Oof hio 9t.; 7rglL Ht. and l Georgrede St tfrom . f Ohio St to E.'lineW6t8rof n nclu�ing e9eeRie'tit! ' y i� +� i-tGn.�tron['etre8t�'mntne to ys< ,�Si ORDER. complete, having b .o. p" } 1 he.oCoun it of theCit} of. WIIEREAS, A writ eu u 1 b Ie following improvumut, viz.: • 'h t xhe. Commissioner Wabaeha St. from N lin: nro S. line of Winifred St , __.. Winifred St.,___Prom_w., .line._.of Wabasha.,_St .tc-.T..._1.i.ne._-of ._Ohio- St....;...0.hio....St.. from S. line of Winifred St. to S. line of George St., and.George St......___.... ... ... _ from W. line of Ohio St. to E. line of Smith Ave.' incl ng sewer, water _ ................... ........ and gas connections from street mains to property li s complete laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........... .................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:__.n9...___._.: ,,._._. _. r,• 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r-- 0 Adopted by the Council......._............�.....__...�....__.......191.. Yens: Nays: CouncilmanVer Approved ._.......__...-.........._...f ...............__191 . .........._............. Mayor Mayor. PUBLISHEDJ._.� Council FileNo ................................... As per oonferenoe-of Deo., 2nd PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow Paul, viz.: ..Save.._Marshall... Ave......from.:.@L......11]7�✓ Dated fer the tollotb ng-1mP o n ` sne s av 6 Ig v end of uv e _ an -06ing v1i ieatppi Conncllmnn. :}udingeewer, .water Ond gpa n,tiops Yr9m street -nine to prop p�qte. Ming been pr" 9 I _ S3'Siell.ot the City of St. I +fore.Pett 'veekshbe the Hen1s here) TNARY ORDER. nn directed: •' vretignte the \VIIEREAS, A written p,.. >f the .. _ „,dking of the following improvement, viz.:__....._.....__ ................._ .... line of SYie11 Ave. to E end of..Marehell Pana.....�Qaaceha�....1Ye_•..._�rom-$-...._......................... -......_in8......._...._....._.........._...........�........ noluding_._eewer�.._water._AAO..gas oonneot.i..ona Yrog1 gt7�e.Qt _ma ne t.g_.property linee 4omp etc,..__._............. ..._. ._._....._.. is improvenleiTt by tit ` ity of 5t. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..__ ............ ...._... ................. ................. ..... .... ...... .......;+ therefore, be it RE,SOLYED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. Toyinvestigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:......_ .............._........._..__.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing I ters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council............_.......__..._/../.....v................IJ1 Yeas: Nays: Y Councilman F nswortli — ���777 Gs Approved.. _....._.............. _ .._........../..._. _..... _..191_ $ ler / Coll ��{{ Y rg 'U. a C Mayor P vers PUBLISSI-CD I q -� � As per conference of December. 3, 1914. :Council File �► PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the. followi public in ptnl, via.: Pave X.- Sixth .._S.t.......from .._east .... ...Of SL' P - _er, „rat W. line_ of Ho. e_ St.., includin _......._ _ e.__r from street mains to propert lines oomplet. .__._._. _ .. Dated this...__ roth_._day of ... ....TQ.1111Ar} �..:...... 191-5. the City Ott' St. I. -to the Ict ions t Councilman. _ proDety Rllne§��c`.OmplgtP,h'avinct. — edited to the=,fa'on otl`pGth CIO t. PGvl -therefore bo tt. et Reeolved, That the ceinmisal YARY ORDER. bll red :Worlta be and he ie he et nod Irecvests at 1.43 nvestl f t the "ifhl.tng of the Following improveumnt, vir..: ---- -- WHEREAS-, :\�, A _ doglrp.blltty of th ', oJement. Pave. T°'""°°t'g"t from. eastend of ge Sixth.. St,___Brid ma•nd c• ._... _. the W. line of Hooe.._St, _including eelver, water and gas o_onneo- tions from.et_rest mains.to. _property .lines complete, _...._ _. __......_..__................................ .......... ...... ............... ............ ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couucihmul_..._...__._.........._.._.... ...... ............_.._.._......._....._...; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. •lb investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -}. To I'nruish thr following other data and infot•atation relative to said improvrmeut:.____._.. u. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore-gnint,, nutters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._.__ /....._...191.. Yens: / Vays: Councilman F nsworth �7 G s Approved . _../ ...._....__IN R ler // M'oll (� Mayor P ers Council File No.._.._._ .......... ........_.. As per conference of Dec. 2nd PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDE The undersigned hereby propgses, the making of the f wing public inlprovenleu the City of St. Paul, viz.: _..Peva.....C.omo.._A e.,...:Yrnm...�.....1 af...Dale....St...._to.... .....line...-of..Unien 3t. complete...._ " Darted this 5th _ day 191.5.. c F No. aaza-- .or Whereas, A written Propo Tanking of the eon Ing Iml - ..... _.^ _.... ._.. ..�.� .. .... .. .. ............ _. .... viz: Co. -A from fr St t - Dale 3t. to o. line of uding intersect) f Dale Councilman. and Como Ave.. nlso e s 1 gas connections from t,. otopertY IUIL.W'.' co.nplet> A— — Presenteds.1,1 the Coun , If a rTh t theeco be .TJ2=ARY ORDER. ! . That the Comml' works be and he I ,.. directed. ' WIIEREAS, A written'ltf vectis°tnotho a making of the following improvement, viz.: P86V9__Ct0140..._A4Q.x.....fT,'..art._`�lpi--L'i...... of Dale....St.......tII....N. �dS16....4�'.._IIn�OIl...$�4. �...._........... .. including...intersections......o....A.le.....St.._.....Fr.ont....St.._.and.....Coma...A.ve:,..,.._also sewer. ._water __and....gas..._ o.onne.c.t.iona...from street ._.maina--to. property Sines complete. __. ..................._._..._....................,.................................................................................... ........-.. ......_ .__ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......................._._.... ..........._..............; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he. is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4.. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:__._.______.........___._._... 5. To state whether or not"said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foreIrning m ttm•s to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. .- Yens: Nays: CouncilmanVer Approved_ ............/ _ �' ......__... _ _191_ ......._..............................................................._........._..............................Mayor ZUBLIS11"D/ As per oonierenoe of Deo. 2nd Council File No......._.._.._ ................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followh public improvement b ie City of St. Paul, viz.: __e.P..._Selby..._Ag6.._..ro.m............l.ina._.. ..._Via.t.oria...S.t........ ....Et...._line.__oP._..._..... _.ino.ludixig.._s_ewe.r.,.....vza .. r..._an.d....gas..._co tions.-.from--atroet mains _to.._.property lines.v4..mPlet ... DO ed this_.. f>th. day of..:#e 191. D. 1. 1.9 fmpn .-.. _..... .. a SY. to. W. line of G gludllg sewe , water Ilona from etreet mai4 + (Joe ncilfnan. nes completG haYing b .. to the Coyyy cfl o[ thr I therefor be It — d; That he Comm' vorke be nd he +r GARY ORDER. -.d directs In— lgntr �. nbllltY o wHEREAS, A writtru propose I-, ; making of the following improvement, vie.:..._..__.._ _......_..___.._ ._ Page..._Selby._Sge..•...._rom._EA..._lne..._o...._V1.Qt.9a.._St.. t_4_.._V.._..Una....o.....k'a.]rY.iew . mains.._ to. pr...op..erty ._linels...:o..omplet.e... ....... _ _...._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........_......._..........._........_......_....._......_._.._.__...._...; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. ?. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following otL•er data and information relative to said improvement:._..___.....___.__...._..___. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing a ttters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_.... _........_._...... ........b.........._.....191 . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth _ - Goss Approved _.__....__ ......__. ~�..... .........IDl_l Keller McColl —6 i nary Yoer•g ............... ....... ............................. Mayor Powers Mayor. PUBLISHEDJ--<Y_-15?115 CITY OF ST. Pi(UIL COUNCIL JE =GENE FORM Subject:-..... REJECTION OF BIDS FOR ..G ING J STREET FROM ARCADE ST T BO OREST. ST • COUNCIL FILENo..... Date Presented....... Jan. -6,1915...._I91........._ G I) �. Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids for the grading and irproving of Clear street from Arcade scree: ;o Forest street is hereby confirmed and approved and ;he PurcY:asing Agent is authorized ;o readveriise for bids for the making of said irprovement. r. No. 3326—B1• Ti. N. Goss— . Resolred. Thnt the uetion f the Pur- rhnei g t >mnlltt slnS ejreti g u1] hlds. (ur th Crndldo g aifd''� .Imp pving P Fore t tt eet _:fs oh }' Glc conasmed�nno ilppr0 d Md t P.Lrchn6ing Agent is suthorized i rsndvertise for bids for the mnking o[ Bald improvement. Adopted bY Illp C9pnc11 Snn. 6, 1915.1 approved 7an:.. 7, 1915. (Jao_ s-3016) Yeas ( V) Cou Imen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 l� Far orth / Gos In favor _ Kell Approved / 19 Me 11 _Against ;.O y SVIr .Preaiflen[_ owPre . .n;-% /T� i ii/YJ CITY ST. PAUL COUNCILSOLUTION—GE AL FORM Subject: APPROVAL OF AVi OF CE�DINFPRA ....... ....... ... .Engineer's............ . .. ...... .... 127 COUNCIL NFILE O ................. ..... estJma".A.....35...__.......---._.............................. ........ ` Date Presented Jan. 6., 1915...._I91........... Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for grading and im�rovkng Block Three, B'ann's Ad- dition to Christ Johnson for the sum of $457.68, be, and is hereby confirmed and approved and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and empowered to raw up proper form of contract there for. C. F. No. 3327—BY N1, of the That the C—InItti.,tn awarding the. tritatt for gr&ling_ and improving'. Block Three. ann's Addition to Christ Johngpn for th,_,ura,of . Yeas JVI) Co cilmen Nays F. sworth G In favor K. r 011 M 011 Against Yo g rg Powers _'s Mr. President Powers o r P P .P,tcd 1910 "an'7""""', )rove4 'b! 7. M5. Adopted by the Council —191 Approved 191f P c CITY OF ST UL COZrd II- RESOL ON—G*'NERAL M Subject:. _._ Approval of.._Aw o - ontrac _ .:..._ t._COUNCILFILE No (J ................ ....... ....... ...... Engj neel..a....fi Mi.zxla`.e.... 5:2.3..9.Q.... .......... ...... ................... ....... .......... ...... Date Presented,Tan.6,1915 ...._I91 Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for grading and improving Niles street from Griggs street to Syndicate avenue to CHRIST JOHNSON for the sum of $472.50 be, and is hereby confirmed and approved, and the Coruoration Counsel is hereby authorized and empowered to draw up and submit proper form of contract there for. C- F. No. 8828—Ay It. N. G. — Resolved. That, . the xkotlon of the Purchatdrig Co tee ;,�gnwn drop• th *ill tr '�e7 S9t7simpr vin (sd 4e Ig street too�y t J h abf 't •"d i h o e e 4pP. ;ltnd the Corp.r- ize� tlort¢Coel , n thd• and mp Wo t up d submit ! I roper for o 2 therotor. Adoptpd bly'r� 6• nofl an. G. 3816. \PPrOVed Jan. 7; (Jnn. 9=3616) Yeas (1%) Court en (f) Nays Farris, ' rth Goss In favor Keller i MCC Against Yoer Mr. President, Powers ronM c.p-2 Adopted by the Council / _ _ 191✓ i Approved _ / �— 191 is MAYOR CITY OF' ST. P,,Pu-L COUNCIL RESOLUTIo °' GENERAL Q M APPOVALOFAWARD RACT,FOR!YE TERS Subject - COUNCIL 3'329 FILE ILE No ...... ........................ .......... ..................... .... . ....... . ....... ...... ........ . ...... .... ........... ...... ...... . ........... ....... . .... . .... Date Presented- ian.0*1915- -19lo Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for furnishing 2870 water meters at.a total cost of $16,765.00, to HENRY R. WORTHINGTON, be and is hereiyy approved and confirmed, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and empowered to draw up and submit prop- er contract there for. -t at.lie . of t oor: r in on -.-,it t.r otor. _r for "i" .total rt an or t e y a ornd lie, and e Pa op a P it I art -Adopt d b' Yeas V) Cou 'ilmen Nays Adopted by the Council Far orth G 0 In favor 0 191 tKe Approved M 11 MC oil !�F Against 0 g Mr. President, owers CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION. GENERAL FORM Subject: COUNCIL 130 COUNCIL . - FILE No .... ................... .. Date Presented.... _ -I91........... Resolved, TZ-� ar.rlioatinn of the L. 1 . Scott Posting Service for T a license to conduct the Pill Ycetirr, Pueine.ss at 386 Jackson Street 'tie and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licens: to tha L. T?. Scott Posting Service for one year upon the payment into the City Treasury of t -he customary fee, $50.00 3330—by Henry \ieColl- 7,. Nepgao i TPo t the t P-He.d— of the at•nse to on�d 6 Service Par ¢ 11 - et She ftlll Postlny, BuaL ^gme t eD .htek9an 5treetibe att�gifhe� Clerkn l y le granted and the 61, nstnua[ed to Issue %, I1 - to tti L. N. Scott Posting Ser- Z. for ttgg year uppn the payment Into -the O Ey Treasury of the ymenti ary fee, p , Adopt yUthe. eounell Jan. 6, 1915. APProved A$. 7, 1916. (Tan. 9-1915) Yeas ( V•) Cou lmen (V) Nays / Adopted by the Council � .b._ 191. Far Orth Gos In favor Kell" �p Approved_ 191 Me 11 6 _Against Yoe Mr. President, ower - - MAYOR NO DUPLICATE OF THIS LICENSE WILL BE ISSUED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. LICENSE FOR Salt of 'Cigarettes, Cigarette Papers and Cigarette Wrappers` T. No. #tatk of Abuteonta. ss.- COUNTY OF Y; 0. No.... ...'. [..' .__..__........ has paid the aum of TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS to the Cityf Treasurer, as required, and performed the equir erzt essar+d f obtainirzg this License, permission is here liven to said ................. to SELL CIGARETTES, CIGARETTE PAPERS AND CIGARETTE WRAPPERS, r a period of two (.2) years from the date hereof, unless sooner revoked for violatiorz of kw Issued at the City of aul, aforesaid, this..... (/o --- day of _ -___ A. D. 1914 r ':.� .,, .. ..... ................'..... .. /_61TY CLERK........ Subject: CITY OF ST. COUNCIL RESOLUT — ................... .... ....... ' .... '�. ERAL M COUNC14 w� FILE No...... .. Date Presented.... vec�/ T _ m "'1?FFT'p,R, One E. C. Allen did on the 26th day of Lecember X4, secure license 7c. 475 for the sale of Cir;arettee at #388 Selby Avenue, and "i-FF�AC, It a2:_ -ears that said License .vas never used by said Allen, said licepee iay„hereby cancelled. NOT TY.FFFFOFF, PF IT FTiPTIi-F. PFBOLtrFD, That the sun. of $25.CC paid for cigarette license f476 issued December 26th, 1914, to F.G. Al]en, 388 Selby Avenue, be and it hereby is refunded and the Fxoper offioere are authorized and directed to dra;v a :varrar.t in favor of F. 0. Allen for the sum of $25.00 .upon the Iayr.ent of the cost of publication of t,h 0' reapa,1 tion to the City Clerk. Po i e2-6 t 476 IneY D ember 26th Allen. Selby venue er by In fund d —Vt' c as Lre i ;'h IL 1 and nn4.1 a " cant in favor o All Por a m f ;26.00 upOt Ems k;nnYment jtion cost of to rife Clty tele kun'oY.:dhie rens i Adopted by the council Jan. G. Approved Jan;�n7, (Sa: 9-1916) Yeas ( r) Co frjlmen ( P) Nays r Fal? worth Go In favor 6 / Kel — Mc Il LJ__Against Yoer Mr. President, wars <.a.z .adopted by the Council /_1 ._ ___ 191 L, 4pprove,d,/ ` 191 S MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.._ t COENCIL NO .... ............ Date Presented..... - .__ __ _ ___...._.I91........... Resolved, That the cigarette i -cense ;'c. 461 granted 111over.Ler 8th 1914, to Klinp-n:an Bros. 388 Belby Avenue be and it hereby is transferred to p ^,. Allen, 315 Rondo St. No. 3332—..,,..,.1:�'.-rW-,-<�..::""' Rexolved, That the igarette 11censn No. 491 grnnted bTove�iy ber 9th. 1914. - to I lingmnn $r e.,-iRBA-Selb)• Avenue, be and it hereby. is 01fibsferred to n. o' Allen, 315 Rondo St:°; _Adopted by the C' tf�1 J, Jan. 9. 1915. Annroved Jnn Jan. 9 Yeas (1 ) Co i ilmen (V) Nays - F lvorth Gq' / In favor K el M 11 _ z _Against Yd Mr. Presidenf; wers Adopted by the Council b_____ 191 4/ Approved- / 191 {F iY MAYOR COUNCIL BILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. 1 the Matter of grading Mendota street from Wells street to Maryland street. under Preliminary Order 1774 _ _.approv,.,] September 24th, 1914.. luternivdiary Order __ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above iulprovemeut 111)(111 due notice, and tile Comncil having heard all persons, objeetimns and recommendations relative thereto, and having folly considered the same: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that tht, proeise nature, extent an(] kill(] of iini- /1)�1�»uncut to b�n e by the Said City is Ile ;!11(1 %fi(=..�- j ..��tss .G� ..r:�x�C6..�--cv� L _G-ri - L>2rf tuLra-, G/_ Z�4✓ ;nun the. Council hereby orders said improvement to be .rule. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coinmissipner of Public Woks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifieatiols•for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upoll said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and (lireete(l to proceed with the making of said improvement m a ° .o•d since therewith. Adopted by the Council _ _..._..... .� Cit erk. Approvedx .Afayor t emI111CIllilt'il '11'llF\forth (C. F. "To. 33- I the f grading Mendota c.t set \Veils at set fo.DfarY- ( �a A 1 d s_ der Pr llminarYOrder 17 4, ad Septentb 24th, 1914. 'A pub) rlpg living. ;been fi.d upon tLe Smprov.C}�onq:upon du'- !notice;,,._.. CounclT: tihaving heard all •persona -..tion. recommen•, �dat)ons ref -e there. fid having •(,oil �fulh cons! d the. s itierefc _� be it neaolvgd the C. fie C (( of St Paul - the precle lure , t tent and k of improv t to tt made by the d Cltv is g fig Dfe dofa street. Well t Ma ;Yin Y rg .treat wlthout�,e x.1(11 R kand the '� Cotthcll he el),9' orders sal$„ 1mDr v - ',meni .11ayor P err Re.olved Eurth that the Cori els etonor of Pti1tF�ka be dn$`Yne la, hereby tnatrgctiedt"a'l) dlrectpd t44. pts 77 pare pintts, p' epeaiattona SoF t fie. s& imp and aufilittE same to ld C¢u PP ovdtz tt uPon .a ids appy „ ._, kpFoDs yA1lbmcere .rel !( r F COUNCIL BILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. 1 the Matter of grading Mendota street from Wells street to Maryland street. under Preliminary Order 1774 _ _.approv,.,] September 24th, 1914.. luternivdiary Order __ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above iulprovemeut 111)(111 due notice, and tile Comncil having heard all persons, objeetimns and recommendations relative thereto, and having folly considered the same: therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of tit. Paul that tht, proeise nature, extent an(] kill(] of iini- /1)�1�»uncut to b�n e by the Said City is Ile ;!11(1 %fi(=..�- j ..��tss .G� ..r:�x�C6..�--cv� L _G-ri - L>2rf tuLra-, G/_ Z�4✓ ;nun the. Council hereby orders said improvement to be .rule. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Coinmissipner of Public Woks be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifieatiols•for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upoll said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and (lireete(l to proceed with the making of said improvement m a ° .o•d since therewith. Adopted by the Council _ _..._..... .� Cit erk. Approvedx .Afayor t emI111CIllilt'il '11'llF\forth (C. F. "To. 33- I the f grading Mendota c.t set \Veils at set fo.DfarY- ( �a A 1 d s_ der Pr llminarYOrder 17 4, ad Septentb 24th, 1914. 'A pub) rlpg living. ;been fi.d upon tLe Smprov.C}�onq:upon du'- !notice;,,._.. CounclT: tihaving heard all •persona -..tion. recommen•, �dat)ons ref -e there. fid having •(,oil �fulh cons! d the. s itierefc _� be it neaolvgd the C. fie C (( of St Paul - the precle lure , t tent and k of improv t to tt made by the d Cltv is g fig Dfe dofa street. Well t Ma ;Yin Y rg .treat wlthout�,e x.1(11 R kand the '� Cotthcll he el),9' orders sal$„ 1mDr v - ',meni .11ayor P err Re.olved Eurth that the Cori els etonor of Pti1tF�ka be dn$`Yne la, hereby tnatrgctiedt"a'l) dlrectpd t44. pts 77 pare pintts, p' epeaiattona SoF t fie. s& imp and aufilittE same to ld C¢u PP ovdtz tt uPon .a ids appy „ ._, kpFoDs yA1lbmcere .rel ST. PAUL REPORT OF COISSIiVER OF FIN C .. - QN PRx,LIMINARY ORDER -F�.h.a/.....F�r;. -- ._v�/:}r-ci-_wiyc� s� u7�� etoir��i - vVa"%l under Preliminary Order approved ----1------- --------= To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 11 The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows; (Without retaining The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvem tis K per Front oot � The estimated cost JEOMIR for the above improvement is (with retaining wall $ 4,589.13 per front foot .85¢ The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as folloi g,.. DESCRIPTION ;LOT ie LIOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. 'ORM MS... a -e w CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSFNER OF FINANCE t;q ON PRELIMINA ORDER (8) -- -- - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT'bLOCH_ ADDITION VALUATION A7 ti o id— /y / o U 1101 / U gly, ill /J`J o dl G0 lo /f Z u, 4-, _ j_ TOTAL ,. .:CITY OF ST. PAUL. • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF -COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE +� � - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT jBLOCK ADDITION i ASSESSED VALUATION 1 ai' /� SIQ/✓%�'0� /J`�r'y,`l�iJ �ZG y a �z y o /G 4- li 16 Lill a s G 1z i' i• i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, n= and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ Dated.--f�_�....-191.ff--✓✓._%�/�1 Commissioner roern e.e.w. a•a c of Finance. cuss' OSCAR CLAUSSRy' Nspl65t R P Ic wUR65 _ II F BNCINRBQ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 17, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Mendota.St. from Wells St. to Maryland St., in accordance with Council File #1774, approved Sept. 24, 1914. without retaining wall Approximate estimate _11 $3,435.26 Assessable frontage 50415 ft. Extra inspection necessary $67.00 Approximate estimate includin retaining wall 4,579.26 Respectfully Bubmitted, Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissior of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Ootobes..._A's ._ !Mel. _ - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had raider consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 1??4 .......a $8 taCl3ler.._34.�..._191`}....., relative to.__the cil, known as Council File No ........................... pproved...... _........._.i?.._ . ...:......................._........................................9............ grading of ___Mendota Street Yrom Wells $treat to .... ad Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. R7CR......_........ and the total cost thereof is....-XBEa_....-..._.._...., and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._................ the mature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _._.......... _.. _...... _.. _. _.... _ . _.... ................._........ _........................ _ . _ ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a -part hereof. 4. ..................................................... ........ ............. ..... ........ .... ........... .............. ...... ...... ................................ ................. .................. .._._............_........_.__. _ .................. 5. Said improvement is .... ........ _.._........ .........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Con ussio ler of Public Works. I I COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y... __.___.... ..__ Jar• --e � i F`� Gf , FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. Curbing_. Doswell_.ay.enue_ from .Keston _street to Eustis _Street. under _Pre lintivaryOrder .12.48 ._. __. _.approvptl)August..2 th, 1914. _.... Intermediary Order __... _.._ __ _.. .apps. v (l _. _. A pubic heaving having been had upmi the abor ipuprovet ut�bmt I ntice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recon n•njl ioi` relative ift o, ring fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 't. P ul that th pieeise�:iE v', ,stent and kind of im- provement to be mach, by the said City is_... b Dos..w�Ia�enue.�. Qm Keeton sEustisstreet. and the Council hereby order\, s2.\tt-� imp vei eut to be WnIde � i \ i RESOLV ,I) FURTHER, Al 'hat the Commissioner ofrPRblie 7.2. be and lie is hereby instructed 2.1111 i directed to prepare plans and spe 'fi isfo�sat imp�`oieweu a ti,submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, tits proper cit ,ofTi Ors 2.r, het h • authorized and directed to proceed r' with Tile malting of said improvement iord//auce' therewith. Adopted by the Council_... City Cleric. Approved.... _.. _. _. _.__.19___.. \Iavo•: Councilmen Farnsworth (loss Rrller McColl Yoerg Mayor Powers It I COUNCIL FILE NO. 13y... __.___.... ..__ Jar• --e � i F`� Gf , FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of. Curbing_. Doswell_.ay.enue_ from .Keston _street to Eustis _Street. under _Pre lintivaryOrder .12.48 ._. __. _.approvptl)August..2 th, 1914. _.... Intermediary Order __... _.._ __ _.. .apps. v (l _. _. A pubic heaving having been had upmi the abor ipuprovet ut�bmt I ntice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recon n•njl ioi` relative ift o, ring fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 't. P ul that th pieeise�:iE v', ,stent and kind of im- provement to be mach, by the said City is_... b Dos..w�Ia�enue.�. Qm Keeton sEustisstreet. and the Council hereby order\, s2.\tt-� imp vei eut to be WnIde � i \ i RESOLV ,I) FURTHER, Al 'hat the Commissioner ofrPRblie 7.2. be and lie is hereby instructed 2.1111 i directed to prepare plans and spe 'fi isfo�sat imp�`oieweu a ti,submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, tits proper cit ,ofTi Ors 2.r, het h • authorized and directed to proceed r' with Tile malting of said improvement iord//auce' therewith. Adopted by the Council_... City Cleric. Approved.... _.. _. _. _.__.19___.. \Iavo•: Councilmen Farnsworth (loss Rrller McColl Yoerg Mayor Powers ® CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM USIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (A) In the Matter of-� ......... Preliminary Order - under approved -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ------- ---------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 770.51.----- --- __-------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION L a all d`/ .. •ORM 8 ! 8-0 A TOTAL. / O u, _. DESCRIPTION LOT 6LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION AlI .� p -61 L / �o �� t �./ ✓ `V ✓A �u 3o `< <JLJ- 'z "z o 3� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the. Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- f/ - --' 191/--._ lll--•-U<7/La=:✓ii<' ..... ... ........_ - DORM B.9.A. B3 G Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 00to'--er 12' 4. .. _......191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._.._1u'48 approved . ?8_ ...._'C{.t........... ...... ....191...4.., relative to_...._t;I'.r......... ourbinr- of Doswell Avenue from Poston Street to Eustis Street. ....---.........— .............._.._........ .......................... ..... ............. .................... .................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I 1. Said improvement is ....................necessary and (or) desirable. `l. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... ;ii : t ..._._, and the total cost thereof is '...... 76131-7.9- . . ......... and. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ....... .... ........_._...._._._...... ..... .......... ....................................... _....__.......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ................ ._............................................. _......... _.. _........_......................... ..... .... ................. ..................... _ ... _. ........... _... _ ... _ . _.... _. _............... _.... _.................. _ ... _...... _ _.. 5?esszent d improvement is..._.1 '..........._a ed u pe it,on of three or more owners of property, subject to as forfor simprovement. Conimissi er of Public Works. 00(a f Yrr« 4«L,yT L• CITY OF SAINT PAUL O: H. O'NLILL ws JOHN P. KYLEY6 " JOHN A.OURNS WILLIAM J.OIBESSON f� THOS.W.MOMEEKIN January 4th( SAN 4. , Ig N R. N. Goes, Esq., Commissioner of Public Works. K8 Dear Sir:- I'return herewith letter of Mr. Harrold, dated De ex 30th, relating to the Curbing and grading of Doswell avenue from Keston to Eustis. I beg to advise ypq that the ourbiifg aul grad- Jug of this avenue, between the points aforbsaid, may -be included in one final order if it to considered advisable to have work done under ,one contract. It may be that upon investigation it would developthat the contractor who'is prepared to do grading would not be prepared to do ,curbing, and vice yerea, and that it might be better to keep the orders .separate for that reason, but so tar as the legality of the order Is concerned, it will be all right to have the two ftyrovements IDade under one order. This opinion is sot kntended;to cover the conaglidation of all iaprovemente into on$ order without regard to the ciroum- stances of each case. St. Paul, Minn., Dec.30, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: - There will be a hearing on January 6th on two p ojects which I wish to call your attention to. The curbing of Doswell Ave. from Keaton to Eustis The grading of Doswell Ave. from Keston to Eustis, including stone gutter. These .two matters came up under separate preliminary orders and were estimated separately. They should be combined in the final order, as the cost can be reduced by doing the curbing and stone gutter work under one contract. Yours truly, Office Engineer. Copy to Kr. Clauasen. A V, COUNCIL FILE NO. By. ...... . FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of tb.e.._gmdin9 and QurUng of DQ0wqjj averpe from Kestonstre.ey to Eustis street.... ......... ...... ........... under Preliminary Order a. 1248-1.260, approved August.-.20th.191A.... Intermediary Order s-24$3 -2784:....._ approved .. . Dea.emlp.er 2nd,9.14._. . ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .__ ____thG. Grading sixii..-Curbing of Doswell. avenue fr.0171. Kezton..Btri,et to-Zustia - atreert .... ....... _ . ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Janxiary.._61h.19.14 191 Approved Councilman Farnslorth I Mayor. Goss Kelle MCC I Yoe Mayor Po rs Form B. S. A. 8-7 I Mayor. w COUNCIL FILE VO. 13y FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of grading Doswell avenue from f eston street to Eustis Street. miller Prelimintu•y Order 1��Jp_ _ ____appro �d ugu t r3.0th, 1914 Intermediary Order _.._.__ __ _..._... _ _._.apprd�ei�'`-'. _..._ ._.__...._. ....._....._ A public hearing having been had u r the ab!Cproveuu•nt uporilue notice, and the Council 1 having heard all persons, objections an rr•ouuuenda�lps rehttiv" theret\end having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council o the City of . Paul that th e ise n rtm•e, extent and Arad of im- provement to be made by the said ci y isGra Doswe 1 a nue from Beaton Street to Fu s t.1_s _ e tike t,_. uul the Council h eby rder se d impruvemer �t� be a RESOLVED URT E "Pl rf the CorgiUssimu�r �Pu}lic Works be and he is hereby instructed and ti, {{ directed to prepare ph spe fica urs i ii said i r roVymbut, and snhmit same to the Couneil for approval; that upmr said a proval, tl _ p� },xr city ofiisbl' hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said iml ovement i accordance tl)NAwilh. Adopted by the Council_..___..__19_l� Pity Clerk. Approved._ Mayor. Conncillnen Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl \ 0,; Yoerg Mayor Powers ` A 1 t� f! i Y F Y i • � { 1 1 i I j3 f CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMI*.SIONER OF FINANCE nos, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matt r of ------------- --------------- --------------------------- y A r -tc�7-------9C-- under Preliminary Order approved —---------------------------- O[ --------- ------------ -.--................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------' 831 .---_-------_- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - r DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCN ADDITION - ASSESSED ' VALUATIONJk 17 /f i fS�J a� tc i/da_ FORM B.S.A. S -S A TOTAL. 41 fCl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION bl— J I 'J" �7 3 J19 70 3o l4 L;7 4'? The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.- ------------- ---------- ------------ Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. B.B C _ oPPlcea. crone GIIIBERT GUTTERS �elo.xr M7lthony"I ✓9arh North Dlae W. £. THOMPSON C. C. CROSBY �/(Jyy y� J/�� /y /� ! - L. H. JOHNSON v............T .improvement .C'eague LeROYHNS LADY JOHN JAY BU LL19 v wxo rat E. W. YOUNG T. MILTON POW BLE - coxxuLr ....... ST. PAUL J. M. DREW WM. BOSS C011ITTEES cl .. T". wILL1'N. 00980 IH NHERROLO ,. W. e. THOMPEON �-- T erEH.DN t� .�- At A. J D BwLTZHwN .AIL w,o s ,Fa:N1awl1� .. xa...,-., NE J. A. VTeE�so�67 E.. aDaeH P. J.EExHEDY c� CG /� � . W TD��.ITw.lax W "U" � UlL ... x. acre Boa` w't xr.PMENa .".. Is 14 D. L. DwWLEY .. uDUN, o W. W. CLARK r -EY. O[O. W. -1. l M. N. GOSS a OSCAR CLAUSSEN C-155I0NBR PUBLIC WOR" CBIRR RNGiNRRR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 10, 1914. Mr. M. 14. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I i Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary eatimate of cost for the grading of Doswell Ave. from Keeton St. to Eustis St., in accordance with Council File (1250, approved Aug. 20, 1914. Approximate estimate 41,696.00 Assessable frontage 1,928.6 ft. Excess inspection 031.30 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. ' t Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Ootcb 1� . ..191.4... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conuni`ssiouer of Public Works, having had ruiner consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...1c 50.ZIapproved..._ Pum st..r...._ .......197't...., relative to �,-G rafti z of I'OSv1 11 Avenue, irOl: :,az:O'.1 '"Te3t to _-______S ........ _. �._...__. .......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......................necessary and (or) desirable. .::.:. 1 a�u.Gv...., and 2. The estimated cost thereof is �....._�..._.._._�.�__._....., and the total cost thereof is :�...._._.._�_ ._....�._ _. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. _.___. _....._.. ....... ................ ..........--_. ........_.__._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. .. ......_.. ...... .......... .. ......... ........ _....... ......... _....._..... ._ _..._._ _..._.... ..... 5. Said improvement is ..................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .....[ ........... .............. _............ ....... _ ....... ......... Coin issioner- r ie Works. F, a er- s :r..• I. - rx, Z. U, -6 1915 �r'r �j pN > 'T ONIFTROLLER/ An ordinance to settle the claim of James Lumley. THE COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1. That the proposition of James Lumley to com- promise and settle his claim against the City of St. Paul, arising out of injuries sustained by him while in the employ of said City, on the 30th day of November, 1914, as is more particularly set out ir,his petition to the District Court for settlement of said claim, upon payment to him of the sum of Fifteen Dollars (;15.00), be and the same is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant upon the Commissioner of Finance, in favor of James Lumley, payable out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, in the sum of Fifteen Dollars; said sum, however, to be delivered only upon there being filed in the office of the City Comptroller a receipt of said claimant therefor, together with a release duly executed by him, releasing and die - charging the City from any and all claims and demands of every kind and nature and more particularly on account of those arising out of the injuries sustained by said claimant as hereinabove noted. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. x u 'injurlea n Pt7BLM= - —, 1 loth day ofm3vovem4 r,. / p [lcularlet out in th Dlatrlet C rtfor aid oidim,:. on payr. 1 that t au dm he Fifteea nd iho pr per olty duthorizedT a d dire / / 4 rant upon the Comm. .S s is favor of Jam I. 55 -#dapttr the Ccancil ,2 p' ( ------ - - 1-----i t o[ the o promili 6 General sold u [ L �L �- Doliara .said sum he ?' ed only upon the er Sly of the city YEAS, ceetner1pt `0iuh t e NAYS, >gle onele•. 'I ''>y .him, releasing and, the city from any and Mdemands every kir R. FARNSWORTH °•l more. par, ticularly •1 ole arising out of` wed by 'said Clair GOSS ed. KELLER McCOLL Qja YOERG x NAXS, 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) Rhie order is_introduoed'at the request' Council File No .................................. of the North Central Ooumierolal Club PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1' �> 3 The undersigned hereby proposes.the making of the to]] tg public improvemeut b le City of St. Paul, viz.: _...Grade.-Xilt.011 St. .._..from ....Univ . ity...Bve.....to.... S.t............_...... _..... _......... ......... .._..... _...._ . Dated this _..5th......_d of. .. ..................191.....5. r. No. 3858— ! ._ __ ._......__.. . ........_ _.... ........ ._`.�.�.__....._..__._.. Vhereaa, A written proposal. for th 'sing of the following lmprovemer, , -- Grade Dillton St. $roan' Linlversi Couneilinn n. to Edmund St., having -been• to the Council of the Ct _ _ aul therefor, belt —:- solved, Th..t the Control : - r 'I�nrJca`�be and he dlrected: PRELIMINARY ORDER. rod,vtigato th, .y of he VIIEREAS, A wrn.tt,..,, .,,,,,,al for the making of the following improvement, viz.:......._.._..._._..........._...__ _. Grade_..Milton....S.t......from_..Xn Veralty-Ave....-to ._Rdmund...3t...._....._.._........._.....____..__..........__. ........... ....... _ _ ..... ..... ............ ... .............. .......... _.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......... ..._._... _.................. ........ ....... ..........__._._......; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -l. To furnish the fallowing other data and information relative to said improvement: _........... _......... .......__ .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the ftnrgning matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ ........ i Yens: Nays: Councilman Fa tsworth / .. G Approved........` ........ ..... $ ler N Coll ............ ..... ........_........ ................. _......... ._ lllnyor fivers Mayor. >ED�/S . � j. ' Y � ' � II � 1 •j y f 17 �.� Au V 1 t U G?4[ q 7 JAN -6 1915 ...................... C11 ROLLE An ordinance to settle the claim of Hay Beecher. WMREAS, Hay Beecher, nurse, has rendered professional of the City o services to Jf St. pawl, and ames Lumley, an employe subject to the 'Workmen's Compensation Act, said services being inj uries received by said James Lumley on rendered necessary by 1914; now therefore the 30th day of November, PAUL DOES ORDIIN: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Sofficere are hereby authorized Section I. The proper city Com - Beecher, payable out of the to draw a Warrant in favor of Hay of Fifty Dollars promise Account of the General Fund, in the sum 00) in full payment for her services as nurse in attendance (050. upon said James Lumley-halld be in Section 2. This ordinance stake effect an e,ssa a and_Publics�Qn- days after its p ._ , g ..4seeOf t force thirty Ona4l er. ,p emfl ye of h V3. .Obs..to the �rl�, ff,,�` nh�1neCC ie ry by UlmleY i�D 1,i l.._ lda> ^°{d No emb rJaw 1974 Ore O( tb r, l.itY Of S'''.uncll (( unlatn: X, /• i56ty T-warr is b: i $ o :I zedroperit.N MV%b1r0.nf fn'+ Eby the Cooecll Zeato dr ole Out ° Beecher P0.Y&o4 � the Or " ooi.. O ecountOf F1fty Do : / �Ser Brim ent Lor b nn Lull Onvm da ut NAYS. 0'." ley, to atteu YEAS. umleY• �y1 NSWORTH 'dinance dnYe after tt.. NIR. FAR,e o"' 'ir'he� Oounctlz Q1d` y garnsw; GOSS Y^^r ,n. KELLER McGOLL JOyIIT� (3*WrRq C z, YOERG V cu NAYS. 0 '4MR. PRESIDENT (POWE RS ) �r Thi8..ordei, le introdiioea at the requeCt of the North Central_Coirmeroial Club. Council File No._..._..........._............ • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 3339 PRELIMINARY ORDER. y The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo ving public improvement by City of St. paid, viz.: Qred.Q....C..kt tt.ewor'�}1....3.11 .....fr.om ondo....St......ta_.Aurora...e............_........:.._..._....._.... Dated this W1..__._X1f Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. n rthaovint5�b a pTe' ',a Covn it L theCit Y o4 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvenv Thnt the faom. heloner or Nerke be,anA;',>ie 1 hereby or and dir oted `" Grade ChBtBQIQ7l't.}a_ s.ti.....1'-PD1...RQ1 do._.$.t.w ..tD....AArQra-.AYea •re fnve tt�ato the neeeeaity streblutY of the makln91oS_'I( .lvemsnt. Te fnveatfsate the at.-. estimatedthe co coat o4 na r total at the ' ad the Tai furnish a Plan _ ....._e..... ...... .... _.......... of sai,,,n lm the f -l' .. -....-. .. ...._...... •0 4urnlsh the.. Lol r _............... .r• .: .. 1 fn[oninatlon . ................ a, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......................... ........._......_.."'._....._........_..._....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 3. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. •I'o furuislt the following other data and information relative to said improvement:._ ................ --- .......-....................... .............................................. ...................................... ...._._........ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoinIg matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..__._.... yeas: Nays: Couaeill a ll Fa ,worth Go Approve ( .._ 101...... Ke r .. ............................ _............. .. Mayou Poi rs cy Mayor. 'a pTJBLIsm, D�.1.-1. S Council Bile No ............. .__......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The nudersigned hereby proposes the Making of the followi public improvement by t pity of St. Pala, viz.:.._ moons_CrCt_..a._.a.e.19.a.z.....Cl.n....4.t.t_o.....e.....:.f.ran...8.ev.e.nth.............t.a....._'...____.....__._... Chatsworth St., in accorda with petition h to at_tachzd. Dated this- 7th_....._day ofel January,. . ........ 191._5.. . 3340--Wrro*"�': ,of the following Imp o`ve - venth,onstrucl St. ato eCon Otto. het—ort' been in—en ted to the C. COUIICIIInan. .� City f Sl. Paul therefore, . IWorkshbe andthe heC.als hare, -- - , and directed: ,nveetlgate the neoeeelt 'ality of. the making a^RELIMINARY ORDER. nt vestignto the -natur, WIIERFAS, A w•ri,,�, Dios tia„ the making of the following improvement, viz -- from a sewer on Otto Ave. from Seventh St..to.........................._.. ................... .... _ .. _ . ChatsworthSt. ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_.._..._ ................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Woks be and lie is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. L. To investigate the nature, extent and estiutated cost of said improvmuent, all(] the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the rollowing other data and information relative to said improvement:_._._..__.__. _.._._.._..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of tine fm•dgoil matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Yeas: ...__.__.......L%%% ......x......191... / Nays: Councilman Fnslvortli - -- O s Approved ................ ... K ler . � b oil —..... ....... ........... .......... ...... .........:..............._................... ....................................... ... Mayor P ers Mayor. This'ordir is introduced et"the request ...........:........... of the North -central CGmmeroial club Council rile No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 32141 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow' pltUlic improvement Uy the y of St. Paul, viz.: ..Gratis.._ - Dated this _____._bth-...__.day Councilman. PRELMNARY ORDER. writ[. hahn St., having the CI Y I \VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following impro' PHea i -for beta the CoVcli fcommisatoner 15� aje-e Woi•ke be and he is hereby (ira4Q 0#fQxd.....t......fr.om..Ronda.... S.t.._.Cn....Minnehahe.... „d and dheeted: neeeaan ...._...__..._......__......._...-......- I. To Investigate the Y. d@slrabillty of the making of .__.... _...: II ... --"-'-' ""---" - 3. To Investigate the nate e', "-" -- - d estimated coat of said 1,ter f •nt, and the total coat thareot. To furnish a plan, pro' qeh ofsaid 1mDrovem11 To fthe relut' ._..._:_..._....._....._......._.._...._._.........._.._. ^.nd inform fnformntlon :..._. having r been presented to the Council of the Cit ' of St. Paul b Councilman .._.................. — 'r therefore, be it orks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public N 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'l. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. a. TO furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. _ _.tll...._..._....__ _. 4. TO llu•nish the follorciug other data and information relative to said improvemcut:__._.. . U. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted U the Council......_ ...%� ..._.7 191.1 1 Y .77--- - Yens: -4 Nays: Councilman F •nswm•th / G s Approved. ............ .._... .. 191.. .. ler r Coll .. _. Mayor P era Q Mayor. This order, is- ittroduoed at the re0eet Cnlnlcil rile No:.._.. of the North -Central. Coffieeroial Club PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and T�� PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned herebyproposes the making of the follow' public improvement by the - y of St. P P g Paul, viz.: ..Grade _0sford...St._._from...Rondo.. . ,. to....BQinnehalm St... ................ .......................... ..... _......_........... _.... .. _...._...__. _ .. _._....__......._...._._........... ................__....._........_. ..._..................... ...... ........_......_.......... ........._ _.. ...................... . Dated this_._.. _._6th...._...day o ._ __JB21118•r.}>•...._ , 191...b., Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. dre f flu � .�. .l 0. P d Sxt 1- �¢ehal St havl }, 1, r •e WI-IERE_�S, A written proposal For the making of the following impro lane therefore,; oe It t to city t .� ltesolved. That the Commlasloner M�nnehatta_.b':n'r'lc Works be and he Is hereby at_.._..fxom...Rnndc.._3t...__ta... 4and directed: . 1. TO Invest, gnto the cesaity, dealrablllty of the making of prevenient. - _......... .._........ 2 To Investigate the nature, - id , and ted coat o a imp �A. and the total cost thereof. '---- "-''"-- A. To furnish a plan, Drn• ............ •tch of said Improvement. 0urnish the -� Tod lintormaUon rela��" having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........_.......:.__.•„ -„_ - --- > therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is Hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 'L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. '1'n furnish the following other data and information relativp to said improvrmcut:_....____.__..__... .................. ............ ............................... ............. ......... .............. _...... ._................................. . _.... _.._............ . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fol•egoing matters to the Commissioner of finance. Adopted by file Council ..............�...........__ 191..r�... Yeas:Nays: I Councilman F •nsworth ' Gs Approved....._......_. _............. _....__..._ ...........191.. .. ler / 3 Coll r(i...................................................................................... Mayor P era Mayor. PCTBLISIiI D f This orler is introdUbed,at tho-request Council File of the North Central Commerdial Club PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T -3 4 The undersigned hereby proposes the riaking of -the follo "19.1)"blic improvement by the ClLveea St. Paid, viz.: Vlo.taria St.-.._.-fr03U_ . ORDER. to lftmn'hah'.�. ............. Dated this'_ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following inill"Ovellie"t, viz-: Grade Viotoria fro ...Wq git_, to,_.=n ...... .... .. .......... .............. .... ..... n ha_Bt .... ..... ..... . ............. ............................. .......... . .. ............ ____ . ...... ... u&:vinis the Council of the efore, be it A, That the Counallb. -k. be and he is here . .............. ................... directed' investigate the uses sit. f th (meatyY . �t the making. of -leilman ....... ................................... ............ having been presented to the Counci o e mbent.ilitto the nature, e) I=Igeost of said MPT therefore, be it d the total cost thereof. of pffurfurnis), a Plan profile rt. ereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner "dj."hptrh." %'Il.wInl th.,�l 1. To investigate the necessity for or d 1, cut. lnforrr�atlon relative to said said improvement. late whether or net ""u,". 'r 2. To investigate the nature, extent and is asked for on the pe 'pvement, and the total cost thereof. 0 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of t,'l- i4on al:_,,t.' 4. To ful-Ilis;b the following other data and information relative to said improvemilit:. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregni ng matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council......_.._...... Yens: Nays: Councilman Far sworth ""at Go Approvet K ter 3,1 M oil .. ... .. ......... ............................. ... .... ... Mayor P ars if us EUBLISEMMIL-_1 This order is introduoed"at thQ-request, ..... of the North Central Comineroial Club Council File No. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 413 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the ulRking of the fo ing public iulprovenl )y the City of St. Valli, vi..: ._.Brads.._MMUN.orth...8t....... fr. lee....at...... to-... ababa.... at. ...... ........ ..._._... ....... .. ...... llattd this- .._5th -....._.day 191..$. Councihnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1VIlEREAS, A wrilhrn proposal for the making of the following improvement, ... ............ _Gr.A4L.s.....C.hatSWOrth_st_...... from ....Charlea__St...._ t o...Minnababa_.St................_..._........................ . .__..._.............._._....._..... ................ _........ .... ...._ ...... ........... . . 1 Cha, ............hies sto Mini o h. Co Wit.. h! .._...._._._....... ....._....._ �n Presented to the Counen o. .• 'y of St. Paul therefore, he �llllClllnali .. ....._.. �eeolved, That the Commfaetoniter .. .., having been pl'l SCI1tCd t0 t11C Coterie elle work.. be and fie'9e heretiy'.r, d nd;dlrected: therefore, be it 20 tuve itgate the necessity slrabillty of the making of s. RESOLVED, That the Commissl voment i he is hereby ordered and directed: j� Wm¢tsd Cost the Said rimpt, 1. To investigate the necessity, . and To tthe total acost thereof. 'icing of said improvement. h ur said improvement. `•d improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, ex'sn said the founwing oth•', P n4;, information relative to W. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sl ami whether d }. To fnrmish the following other da— l" aakna • �i4uatioi) t•dlative to said improvement :.. ---- --- - e ......_...._...._.................--....................._._._........................ ............................................... . . . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.............L` ._....Z. .... ...._191.:�- Yeas: Nays: Councilman F iisworth Gs Approved_.._......L...._./-.._._....._.___ ...__.. ller Coll I.L�Lt�C�(�......._..._�........ ... _ .................. - 1t1Ry01•. Mayor vers - - ' m* the request PRELIMMARY ORDER. ro.wjq worko be and he le helvby or linving been presented to 0,rabllty'Of the making of aal therefore, be it ,mProventent; 1'1�44tlol.ted 10-t of Bald ltnpe.,.. nd he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Ctli,JtPand the t.0tal cost thereof, .��W Bald Improv—'m Pro - [,king of sa i d improvement. J "&ad f..'I".`tmj�h.a Pf i at of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the In.0t, relative L, Q, ether or, ntl owing orniation relative to 4. To furnish the fall said impi 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the Petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the f matters to the Commissioner of Finance. go Adopted by -the Council 7 Yeas: Nays: Councilman F isworth '7 G Approved Z -1v Coll CITY OP SAINT PAUL City Glerk's Office Received o[ Cit��I.rk av�"r M:£, c. F. Tn the from -' �yg - untlor �medls J ODre a. iD eI a n C.—h of grudlrig Tvy ab ove , .... ' _ nme re h eby ¢pprovea. Re of ed* F—thel, That the P ch _ Ing Agent -be and he fe hereby thort d a d dir t d to dv tla. C I I the m pm ld d by the City C I, K•, ter for bide for the making of chis. j, std „ provement, necoraing to a Idplah• t� peciflcntione. an the bnei (A) the bidder ou c t to shall i _l all labor and mnte inl fp a 1d a nx l,efflad n (B) That tl In the matter of by force anlo ltke s gree;e Df east price • rpt from Earl Street to ,rne.._ 1.. .nfa IV Orange Street under Preliminary Order. 760 Intermediary Order 2193 Final Order 2620 approved .November 19, ]Mh. RESOLVED, That the plans,'specifications and estimates submitted by the. Co)amissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement bo:=';;, and the same are hereby approved._,_, RESOLVED FURTHER`; That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A.) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sura; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- raent by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- , forming the same. In said advortisemlent-for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cert. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in cane the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right_to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further aids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioncr of Public Uorks b day la:oor, in which evert, the said committee shall make an approp iate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action r proceedings thereon. Adopted y the Council Yeas ( ) Couicilmen ( ) Nays Far sworth G083 Ke er MO 11 Pyr. President., Po rs Appr T, yor MTLLISIF�71 �� `_Z� COUNCIL NILE NO., 13y FINAL ORDER. 11, the 11att,•1• of _«urbing. Macalester avenue from Summit avenue .td...P.ri.nceton avenue and Princeton avenue from Macalester avenue.to Baldwin avenue. ands preliminary Ordel•.. 3.69.. _..._. _____approved June.. 24.th.,. _1914. Interunediary Onbd r _.. ___ _._ __approved A public hearing having been had upon the abovt- improvement upon due notice, and the Conucil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully eonsi&red the stun.; therefore, he it RESOLVED, Ry the Council of the t.ity of tit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kill(] of im- provenlent to he made by the said City is Curb .Macalester avenue _.from _.Summi-t__avenue to _Princeton avenue and ,Princeton avenue froui_Macale.eter ave.nu.e_to_.Baldwin Avenue. and the Council hereby milers said improvenwitt to be. Made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Connuissim)er of public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, ail submit same to the Council for approval: that upml said approval, the prop.). eity officers are •hereby authorized and directetf-to proceed with the making of said improvenieufi in accordance then -with. Adopted by the Council .ter t rk. Approved.___._ _.....7. _......_. m s� Mayor. Cmuicilnu•n Nal 1scvo•th C. P N.. 3346 _ In ti e,Sfatter f..pUcbin6 TI&ealester avenue from ,g-¢tifa; ,tt avenue to ., Princeton avetNo" :;P.rlheet0a ave.f G s nue from afacai�B $ye)fU�„ ,Bald=1 86g,vitiiaVenovedOr, 2'• f., •I?m y8 erl K h9•opo C hears S h(tVtng been had' Ovg imployetn ht on do, / notf and :the: Councli ha ing• heard ali eraona obis , ons and cti . on- lI Coll datloda relative the etc, n d Having consider d th same therefore, (K/ -R olved, By th C9u cfl of the City 0;19 2'aul thatit the Areolae nature. ex. �[enfgy kind of 1mpTgvement- to be taae tjtg said GItY 18; Curb niacal- • Y Bre 'PrTac ny nu om SUrnaftt avet\>ae:;;[o fr car—\t le4t 4.Su�t�tFlti toff a •rnnr \la \'til' f' \\'el'!:R I.1 Llmp d'rth II II hreb♦ I..,a �! be Or ,i rT 9 i f Public H.W Tkn ibehe d in, Lys. Har by 1ng,,fu ted and Iii. t a'to pre-- pare plahtffarfd epecidcatl ns f-, said improv meat, anti• eubmlt s me to the Councli fol' ll praval; that -upon said app oval thejprope city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed wltH.ihe making of Bald Improve- mAdopnt tedCbordhe°Counen Jther—inn. 7. 191fi. .4 Pprered Jan. 7. 1915. (ran. 9-1916) I Ir CITY OF ST. PAUL " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIMIS{S{IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN.RY ORDER In the Matter of ��%uL. ------- _�rtl T-c1�FL�---��---��-� ��� 4f�LY�='t_+�•---�--� -_ � _-.._/11�G4i_�' .£�o------ /o under Preliminary Order approved 011-- ..L......-C..l...--_._/.L(.��----- ------------- -..._..._.._....----- ------- ----_._------- ------ ---- ------- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is89---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $_—.$Q_._ ---.--.......- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and, the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /Gly UuoI yo ���� �� L-0, � /fr� � y%J � q�� ��� L J /�" 1 16 j 61 ,i roan e.e.w. e•ew TOTAL. /`�• �. Q CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) OESCRIPTION� LOT BLOCK ADDITION VOW ASSESSED VALUATION s 7 ap"d d v% 4/ i` ac� o u ou �s Y�/s. �Po f�,4OPf W -f?. 19e-" o r- 4? a° Q 41 �) G�u G � G 'p Arl VOW ASSESSED VALUATION s 7 ap"d d v% 4/ i` ac� o u ou �s Y�/s. y A_ �Po I a° y A_ o Ll G�u TOTAL, Zi, o CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED d" o l/ /f rL Oho �v '?'0'./ U 41. 0- -. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----------{ -- �.-.._.--------- /// 191..Lf -- - ----...--- ---..../.. ---. _.- --- ---...of FORM 0.9. A. 9-9 C Commissioner ioner i of Finance. � 4i�p% _ t 7, .z ''r .. �.. .. ,. .s,. fix. ...., L S 7h,t is f y y s r a y �.��.y - �: �� 1 r.. .. a . � �:'� �,... .. � :, �... - .i y. T' ::may ... ., 9 , To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No.........._NP............ approved._..._._......_Ju11e 4.a .......................191.._¢.., relative to_......._................._ ............... curbing.._L�acales_ter..:Ave.,___f om,._S_wnniit Ave.,_.. _to.._Pr ncetoF„_Ave....._._._....__.__. and..._Princeton..._Ave_,.....:frorn.._i acales.ger..._A _e......._to..._Bald>�in.._Ave. ............................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ ......................necessary and (or) desirable. 40¢ per front foot x71.60 2. The estimated cost thereof is 0_._...... _ 'and the total cost thereof is {......_2_,.- ., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... .......... .............-....... __................ ...._.......................... _........ ....... ........ ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...... _...... ....... .......................... ..__................-.................._.............................._.............._.........._........................................................._..........._ r - 5. Said improvement ie_........ nOt .. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment hr said, improvement. ..... ........:............... _.............__.......... C miss nei of Public Wor J 3*," 14; PIONEER PRESS CO, Sr.Aasrancr Lar AL, PAUL, M.— V --st..Paul, Minne sota,-Ma-r-ch 2 ---To- the--Ronoxable Common Council and Board -Of public Works 3 City of St. Paul. Mlinne 80ta- 4 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of property do hereby respectfully petition your honorable bodies to have Cement Curb constructed on Macaleeter avenue both sides from Summit avenue to Princeton avenue, in said City 9 10[_ wnere e residence 1w A22 45 .7 If If A 13 14 7 6 fl 17 Is 20 V 22 241 26 27 28 29 L 30 J P 10 NEEP. PRESS CO, Nf- S t Paul,Vinnesota March 19th,1913 A 3 [-To-the-Honorable Common Council and Board of public Works 4 City of StiPaul,Minnesota j 5Gentlemen. 0 We,- he undersogned owners of property do hereby_ __ respectfully petition your honorable bodies to have Cement 4 A Ctrb constructed on Princeton avenue both sides from Madalester avenue to Baldwin street 9 - - - - -1 owners name residenceI. 107 P 10 NEEP. PRESS CO, Nf- S t Paul,Vinnesota March 19th,1913 A 3 [-To-the-Honorable Common Council and Board of public Works 4 City of StiPaul,Minnesota 5Gentlemen. 0 We,- he undersogned owners of property do hereby_ __ respectfully petition your honorable bodies to have Cement 4 A Ctrb constructed on Princeton avenue both sides from Madalester avenue to Baldwin street 9 - - - - -1 owners name residenceI. 107 12 13 14 1'7 011- 17 19 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 j A 4 A t i 1 e 4, i t �` rFY �7, I J Jil 411�� 3147 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. III the flatter of.grading.. Blair street from Lexington. Avenue to Oxford miler Preliminary Order.. .... .... .... . .. _approved approved Intermediary Order 336 approved . Auguat.18t1i,1914.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objeetions and rectollitneildIdions relative thereto, and having fully considered the sallee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Couneil of the City Of St. Paid that the precise nature, extent lord kind of ini- provenient to be made by the said City is c;rade .5.1aix street from LOX trig ton.....a.veriti e to .Qxf o1a.._e tX.e.e tj and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and stilanit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceordallee therewith. Adopted by the Council... 7 it rk. Approved.. nj Mayor. Councillnen Fal 11sworth rn the Matter of grndlhg Blair ' W,A 'from %a`a`toavenue to Oxford,..:-" street .tr.Std.r1dr.c4l Order 122ff approved, August 18th, ha 3914. A%"Publio -hearing had 1ppdd}trr The dinr' d he , C.uncll,h.W'ng�,hea rdl Keel """r"MA"S'tn0P`inn d.u.n...reIv.tto,1h Ingj :fully co]nAIdstre;d-the , ARt 4, le 'oil be I .- 1 4 esolved, 'Py th6tQu it ill q Clty. %,I of St. Paul that ther'�r are tent. and- kind of, Imp Ca be aqe by the' Said a 'I, lair At Set fr. . n . Iv 0°4o t d_, a a I or- fo Yol rg der, Improvement to So ad S. I gliolve or, r t a- slone-ef III , 1. I f - P 7': e hereby Inalrue . direct �,t re- Mayor Poi ers improvement, plane and ,..,sp .1 S it . on said r hnpr .. rient, , an It ha to the Connell for; coral; that u on aid �pray.l, tfi:ppp ".PS , city off ers are rSbv authorized and directs to pro- ceed With.thit making of Sold mp'o"`_ ment In accordance therewit Adoptedbv the Council Jan, 7, 1915. Approve,.Ian. 7 , 1916. (Jan. 9-1915) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM T OF MNANCE "REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of -- --- — -- ------------------- - — ---....------- ------- — -------------- ------ under Preliminary Order approved ---------- -----`---_-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $1,SM -?'3------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i h.: f CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTME�jT OF FINANCE ul REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) -' --- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALU7100N. sT ' ��t7/ ��� GLr�' Q... � L � /'!`�"�atj �/� 4LI'.0 GL% r`�/,��✓�le-ti � c�U C U -O j 2- 7 �._ �� �� �� ( J-7 o d / c Liar L� / C J ) J`o Ifo o / Gtr /3` ° n TT The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the. Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -------- �--...._i91._ _ .1...cGl�.. yy ' -------------------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM E.S.A. 8-3 C {t - x xp. TO THE HOMQRABLF. MEMBERS OF COM"ON COU"TOIL;- We, the property owners onrplair Street between r a Lexington Avenue and Oxford Street, Petition your Honorable " Body to grade said street. Name Lot BTabk� KWtl i i�: S&A� f IhK I . 7 U 1914 0 !� 4,�8' �! j1► nr �5.� Office of the Commissioner ` of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Ootober 37, 1914791.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary miler of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No- __1d36...........approved._ . _.. August 18.z.... ''.191A..' relative to grading_, B.14AX.._Stree.t f.;oN bexington 6genue.t0_,Oaford,._Street,,. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. $1.15 per front foot �q� '� The estimated cost thereof is ................__..._.._...., and the total cost thereof is :�_....._l ... _....., and Excess Inspection 34.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._..._ ._ .......... .............. _..__._ ... Note: This .._estimate based on chan11 ge of grade not yet confirmed. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -t. .. ....... ... .......... ............ ..... ...._.... S. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C umssioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM pn� Subject:... .. _._.. __.. COUNCIL FILE NO. ..... .. 4 - Date Presented -.Ian, 6 - Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Safety be and he is hereby authorized to renew the Inburance on Cha1m,,re 6 Cylinder Car Factory 26262. C. F. No. 5348 RS Hen Y TI Coll— Resolved $het�ihe d ' ". stoner o[ he 1 hereby au- Public Sate♦,"lt fid thorlaed t ,ykneKs t�,�.; i Fuoto us No. ' G Chdrtlers •CYltndlil'. 29562. > Adopted by the Counell Jan. 7 191 i. - Approved .,t�n.t1•, 9-1915) J Yeas 11') (i') Nays Adopted by the Council 191/ // — In favor r 7 9167 Approved fell Against Mr. Presids moron T. Y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the Conm.issioner of Public Safety be and he is hereby authorized to ren ,; the Insurance on Plate Glass in Central Police Station 1=108 and '110 T. 3rd Street. i Qti r. F. No. 334 �,Fj2nr3 ttrGC Ilo er of It olYed ThaGe 7 Public Saf ty b d h ereby au- ch tided t e. th u as tln ; PI t 61ae i te, tr 1 e t i V 108 a t h 1�Q R Ad pled b thF Co n �. 4 1 16. Approv d J . -% 1916 t (Jnn. 9-1p1� Yeas (V) Conn Imen (1') Nays Far orth / Gos _ _gyp In favor Kell Mc 11 0, _Against Yo Mr. President; overs rolm c.9-2 Adopted by the Council % __ __ 191 I Approved- 91 6' - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject,....__ -.... -- couNc!L FILENO... ..... ... .....:.... .. Date Presented...... _ - . _ ......_I91..::....... '' Resolved, /// :/ ON That the ai,iaicsticn of the Strand Amusement Co. for a liceree to conduct a ;,ctien Picture and Vaudeville Theatre at 6th & St. Peter Streets be and it hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license for one year upon the rayment into the City Treasury of the Customary fee x75.00. C.: F. N 3560—B3 H y"7r7 C 11 Reeol ed That th npp l att f the St nd �, m nt C for 11 n e to Gond CL. frleh PI tete d Va devlll The Kt 6[h .'Fi St P ter treets b Andr a h !fb ie g (ed d the city stetl� 1 7 Y6irdcted to 1 rc 91ICh'Ith�jl�r enC ear Poli the nnymentslhfd+;the CItY''ennury of the Custorh rY feq;575.00,`x._. Adopted byAhe Cour fl San, 7. 1915. Approved NO'."7 1915. (Tnn.`0-1915) Yeas (I") Ito (h) Nays rth In favor Ke Ke „ (% _Against Mr. Presid,wers roe. c.8.2 .adopted by the Council � � L 191 i Approved.. / 7 191 b MAYOR now - CITY OF ST. PAUL (�/ O ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT /( • I AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU No.-3351— (BY o.—'- iC/(/I lit - +� (BY AUDITED ,AN IBI_ 7 l PER 69 Resolved -that warrants be dawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the in favor firms hereinafter specified funds and a of thea rsons, or corporations for the amounts set opposhe their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - - Yeas ( J) C ncilmen (J) Nays Adopted by Council the 191 nsworth as �ln favor Approve _ 1 tf Her Coll MAYOR Mr. Preside ewers C. F No is -51— 351—R...I d that warrante be drawn R ... I 'upon the blty Treasury, payable out ;oP the hespeclfted "funds, and In over bf ;tlte persona; ftrtna or r- poratione for•'the. amounts. aet,oDDosite - their e,,. Ove „names ea epecl8ed• In the followttlg -detailed statement: - Corpo atei` I urpoaee—Intreek Fand: R10hard M.. Hradley, H¢nry 'Cabot & } Arthur Lyman, Trustees Int. on award, E530:67. Spc. Assess. ConeL.Aect.—WidePing RbeoortSt. Richard M.•Bradley, H'ery. _ _ !Cabot & Arthur.;, Lyman.' Trustees, award of damag s, $53:497:99. - - Adopted by theCouncil"Jan. 7, 'Approved Jan. 8, 1915... . _..... (J"; 18-1910) yl >i L� Corporate Purposes Interest Bund 8035 Richard U. Bradley Henry Cabot , 8a Arthur Lyman, Trustees, Int. on award, 530.67 Spec- Assess• Const. Aect.af$dening . Robert Bt. y -ti 8t Richard M, Bradley, Henry Cabot, & Arthur xyman, Trustees, Award of damages• 51,497.98 To= Corporat—e— ........ ... Spec. Assess. 04net. Acct. Widening j '""""'m"o`RZi'��Y°'C;"'$'t.: ; .. • . • • • . • ..•..:.::..: >' '+52':+49?c�3A,-� ` ` r Adopted.Yen t . ,. ,:.r.0011,': r.Pre.-ide+. `. Request of Dan. E. Late Council Fite No.._..:. _ _..._..:..._.__.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Grade.... =.vy__St......._ror....d x.ad �......t.. ._ .a.....F..o: Paul, viz.: .._ ._ ... __.... Dated this_ ___Oth_....day IF PRELIMINARY ORDER. improvement by the-CO*cf St. 191....B.. Councilman. WHEREAS. A Written proposal for the making of the following improvenlen,, viz': ..... Gr dQ.....ivy.....51t_.._..from_.Arassla....St— ...to Forest ._.St.._.._.._..._._. ......... .._._._...._................................ ....._ ..._. .___. itte Pre y.._._ . .... ._-.... f R of the St. fr..- - - - Gude hY St from Are - b, , . Council having theCity PotaF .. . ......._..._ .tore. . h ;. I ..._.. .. - ���� �-������� � � _ solved. That the Commlee l I. Works he and he 1. he. - ............: having been presented to the Coun dTo dndie tigea a the neoeesil by Uouueilman........_..._._......_......_. ...._................................. ealrability of the making of therefore, be it ,Toinv .t7g.te the nature. "' RESOLVED, That the Coml"i natlmntea coat rest"lmn.land lie is hereby ordered and directed: and the total coat thereof, tarnish a plan, pr, 111% making of said improvement. 1. To investigate the.necessity'- said improvement. 2• To investigate the nature, extent am.."" - ttiet coat of said inlprovemeilt0uld the total cost thereof. :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -l. To furnish the following other data and informationrelative to said improvemen 5. To state Whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owns 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. , Adopted by the Council....:.._'L//%�.....19L Ycas: Nays: r Councilman F J sworth O Approved. ._..._......__.. er Coll ' �.. �� • y Mayor vera '"Bus=/�— /S Requeet of Den. E. Zane Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. 7q and e.a t�^ 3 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the followiug public i oveanent by the Ci of St. Paul, viz.: _ _Grade.....MQACIQta:....S.t_s..... from ....IQy..S.t..--t-o... _Como ....&....Yha„ ..Ave.... ...._........................ . .......... _ ......_...... .......... ........... _..... Dated this ... 8th._._._ day of......_...._ nary... _........ .....191...5.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. t `VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: ....................... ... Grade..._ Mendota..._S..t_•..._Yx.tl. t.._.�aY._..S.t......t.o...Lake....C.omo.._Bc...Tbalan...Ave....___................_._....__ eented to tile t,.a & Phal n A '�' StPaul therefore, t - T�� ��� rt . That the Cam,; e wr. orks be and he 1, ,iul by Councihnan.........._..............- having been presented to the Counci dq°,oddirected: the nt- alrabtllty oP the exit therefore, be it vement 1. •m teamgxti o e.eat,, ,e and he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioix ,a the cost ata y fenrr' coat .there,., 1. To investigate the necessity fo : [berth Stan, — I making of said improvement. 2, To investigate the nature, exte) td estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To ftn•nish the following other data kind inifioruuntion relative to said improvement:__. ............r...._._...._................ .................. .............................. .................. ...... --- .............. o. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman'F •nsworth s Approved_ ler oil erg...........................................-'.....o.....P......... ... Mayor, were... . Mayor. Request_ofBen. H. Lane Cot;tncil File No, ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and`er4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the uffiking of the following public )rovement by the City, St. I-00 Paul, viz.: ArAAft D'Onny Sti Iram Aroade St . . ..... to rest St . . .. ...... ...... .... ........... .............. ... proposes the ufakiug 0 froM Arm .... ... .... .......... .......... ... Uary .... ....... --igi.s.. Dated this Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEMEAR, A written proposal for the making of the,following improvement, viz.: ....... ... Grade.._ . . . ............ ............... ............. . ............ ... 1.0 F.ore 154— A written p,op,!'j the following lint• .-Y 5t. Prom -- . ..... jhf—ilh,�,� Cb—p pf it I -rrfm-�, be It .......... .. ]led, That the CmnI' f 'It Work. be and he I. h1n; ofd and di—ted: having been presented to the Council To Investigate the ....'�outicilnian .......... ............... lesirability of the maklm, therefore, be it rovement. Tol-6stig—ate ,the nature! RESOLVED, That the Commissiondteat dine total cost there t lie is hereby ordered and directed: To furnish a plan prove. 1. To investigate the necessity for eh 11falld Imth. eitt." king of said improvement. eXte4 To ni.h glig'. a d Information rbl,tl, 2. To investigate the nature, —" t: 'i;aid improvement, and the total cost thereof. eme To state -111ty 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skel 11nt Is d wmlent. I. TO riii-ni.sh the following other di.— null information relative to said improvement: ......... ... .. ............................ . .............. . .... ... ........... ........ . ...... . ..... .......... ... ................. - ............ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregniug matters to the Commissioner of Yinance. Adopted by the Council...... 1913 Yeas: Nays: Councilninn F lisivorth G s Approved ....... . .. .. . .. ....... .... ...... -A 916 ler Coll ........ .... .......... . rg V .. ; ................ k ................. . ........ ........................... Mayor era Mayor. Request of T. F. Norlton. Council File No...___. _..........__.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. r� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. - ^` The undersigned hereby proposes themaking of the fo ving pliblic improvement by t ity of St. viz.: Grade East _& _west _Alley, _,.,. blook .bounded b.y.._Gr ., Ave. ltinooln Ave.,_,__Cretin .Ave... nd..Finn._Ave.....,..Sumuiit.. ..od_Addit.io.n..._....... Dated this._ atkl,_.trey of_. _Januar-y.,. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WllLliEA',, A written proposal for the malting of the following iniprovenleul, viz.:Gra.de_... _. East...&. West Alley_. in block bounded._b, y Grand. Ave.,..,_. Linco_1n..Ave.....,...._ Cretin Ave. and Finn Ave., Summit Wood Addition. .. _........................... _...................... •v. 7A65-- 1 vas, A written Proposal [ - the I _... ..._.._. .......... ..... --- Impt•ovement, - - - .trol tow-inK .rade East si `fi d est Alt y in ountled hi^Gebnd Ave.. Lin oln ..._._.. _........ _........�..._. .... --- --- - -'--- „4retin Ave. and Finn Ave Som- - ' Wood Addition having be Pre - having beeu presented to the ('0111161 of. tui°therefore, be it the cuy °f ]man........__............................._..__........................_........_..; ol`VorksThat be the hems herebyr therefore, be it , and direetea 'n Investigate thecessW RESOLVED, That the Couunissionei -ability of the making he is hereby ordered and directed: eat. 1. To investigate the necessity for of investigate ni stigate o e naturblikingof said improvement. e total cr 'l. To investigate the nature, extent au., "i•? ,oet of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. TO furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: :i. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oil the petition of three or more owners. G. To report upon all of the fore: g matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...__._...-:.........It)1... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F nsworth % J(� Approved G s____._._....1....__.. .......__.L...._.._._..._ K ler a IL oil - Yrg ........... ................... ......._.......... ....._................... Mayor P ers Mayor. Dj:�-- i pis: ^ CITY OF ST. I'M511,56 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject;__ W-!,`.R.b OF CONTRACT FOR c,&DINCG JU_TTO ST.. EDGBCUMBE 13 IP' 6 NCI ROAri TO •HAIILINF AtrF. Fou FILE L F1'1 e!TT yF�C No. e.'-- ........... .... .. _. _............................ :[/1..QA.-.tI.Y.XA... i/. _lL ..1.............................................__...._.........I..._...__.............._ ....._ Date. Presented....0an.7,..1915--._I91........... PrA Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for grading and improvement of Juno street from Edgecumbe road to Hamline avenue to Keough Bros. for the sum of $2317.00 is hereby confirmed and approved,and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up and submit .proper form of contract therefor. Yeas (11 Cotlicilmen (J/) Nays FB swort h G s K er O ary Y rg Mr. Preside, roar c.B-2 Powers RESOLUTIONS C. F. No. 3366—nY M. N. Gose— ResolveThat the action of the Purchasing Committee In awarding "of ftreet from Edge umbo road to Hanline Venue to Keough Bros. I the sum of $8317.00 is hereby con- Hrmed and approved and the trornor- toldrawoup and submit pr er form proper form of o tract therefma I� Adapted by the Counen Jun. S, 1915. Approved Jan. 0, 1916. (Jan. 10-1916) Adopted by the Council . __ 1943 In favor / 191 C3 Approved Against —'• - - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject- _ _ IP -,7 COUNCIL FILE No...... .....R ................ .:...'.. ..................................................................................... ............ ......... ............. .... ....... ........... ....... ............................ ................. Date Presented..... _ .-I91.... ..... . Resolved, That the application of Abe Cchen for a ].. se tc conduct a -aw shop at #418 l'innesota Street be and it hereby is granted and the 'ity Clerk is instrueted to 'issue such license for one year ulon the filing of the bond, contraot and the payment of the fee re -,,a -red by late. C. F. No. 3367—Ry Henry "'Con - - Resolved. That. the application of Abe Cohen nat No �i 413 a Aunpesots. Cruet le, ahop d It hereby is grn.nted and g the City Clerk is instructed to`?Issue such li- for on vear upd��11 the filing of the bond contract ¢nd tnepayment o[ the fee regtWt�t1.d b, l-0. 'y ," I Adopted by the Counclf Jan. S. 1916. ApyroY d Jan.'9, 191-1. 16-1916) Yeas ( I) Councilmen (f') Nays Farn orth Gos In favor Kell Mc II _ -against Yo Mr. President, owers 1,— c.8-2 .adopted by the Council v �, J�191✓/ � � .appro�-ed. / /'5, 9P -MAYOR r � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject._ _ cou Neil w� ^T YLI.._ ... ....... FILE IAC• ..... :... .. .......... Date Presented - Resolved, WHEREAS, J. W. Rumm has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul the sum of Fifty Dollars ($,50.00) as an advance payment for a sewer on Lot 4, Block 4, Lorena Park; and whereas, the assessment for the construction of the sewer connecting with said property is the sum of Forty-five Dollars ($p45.00); therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) be refunded to the said J. W. Rumm and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the said J. W. Rumm for said sum, payable out of the Advance Assessment Account. s Yeas (1) Con tlrnen (l') Nays Far orth Gos In favor Kel Me 11 Against Yo Mr. President, owers ro..t c.8-2 .adopted by the Council � � _ 191 Approved MAYOR Council File No. _— By t��r}gyp CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessm (;t. damages In the matter of the assessment of,benefte,nc_os__ s_ and expenses for _ Chan e of_grade_on Stellar a.treet, between Att�ater street and Lyton Place, w under Preliminary Order._ Intermediary Order_ , Final Order 40.102 approved_ Novetnb-eT 10th__________ 191 3 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the, County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _ z�}, -.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. . cam Adopted by the Council_ _ _ i tiyL _._�_ .,191 Y City Clerk. /_oma 311—By a. A. •� .<./ Approved l tter of- d%. flte, damages, es or change of gr; ,t, between At—t- P9372,ci4ra,,to0 dor,_ __�ayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 d November 10th, ) ---- blie hearing hnvl. , ,a assessment for t' int, and said se n further conalde' and'tortng beensatisfac vod, That the said the:. o ed' is hereby' F raUaed:and.. theeame , j tito tte%enbmitted to t' t of tho'County of F. I motion. • t It Furthor Resolved, s s ment be and it h „d to be payableand w s to to t ah d d " described therein 'r ' I,y tho Council 7. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT: OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ...._�2 �T 191./ dames In the matter of the assessment of benefits.,A.p.&ee_ and expengg,s bX,or the Change of Grade on Stellar street, between Atwater street and Lyton Place. ....__.__............... under Preliminary Order __ _ _...... .. ......._., Intermediary Order Final Order 10,10P,_ approved ....NQvgmb:e.T 10th. 191 'ro the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to lie incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: tXrtXdf%.&D[3E1( _Damagea - - - - - - - - - s_ 48.90 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $.:..,._Q. .7.5_. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - y_...____ __09_ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....___.._.__.._..... _. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $-.-. 1_.,SQ. _. Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - $. $51Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the. total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the same of ¢.._51.........._.... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part_or parcel of ]and in accordance with the benefit, conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form a S. A. a-9 Council Fiille No` CITY OF ST. PAUL _ 1 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ beAefi.te, - coatz _and expenses_ —_ for constructing a sewer on the- following streets; Maryland street frorn Trout Brook to Jessie street. Burr street from Brainerd avenue to Rose St. Ark -right St -a- from Maryiand atreet--to- .,--3ra ae d—ire .ao--from from Arkwright St. to Edgerton St. Clark St., from Maryland St., to.Jessamin street. Jessamine etreeat from Woodland Street to De Sota Street. under Preliminary Order 40,006 _, Intermediary Order_______ _.____, Final Order 15,550 approved_Dec'embei 9th,._______f913 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Count}, of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council on it j City Clerk. �+ strtr eet Pr. `usealasls street —.. Bt v lnerd avenue .� Approved «vrlght St, from PP to. Brainerd Ave., �e from Arkwrlght Sl - , at, Clark St., from .i � 3ossamine.etreet. 7. Form B. S. A 8-10 . Final order 15.bbe, n—i—f—/�- .her 9Th, 1913..• yry -vat--Y�tc_.r+ayv+• .blie heating having be< ,.e assessment Cor the abo. i ent, and said assessment her considered by then C' ing been considered fln �Gt / be`It therefore ILed, That the said u -- - "he same to hereby r .. "tifled,"'?and the to be-anhmitt� n°� .ti rnt• CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ZT-10 l.. .. 191/7 In the matter of the assessment of .....benefit@..a-... Cp8t8__and-_BRpe;&Q��p, for�._the construction ................... of a sewer on the following streets; Maryland street from Trout Brook to Jessie street; Burr street from Brainerdavenueto Rose St., Arkwright St. f"roin Maryland St "to Brainerd AvEt , Bra nerd avenue from Ardwright St., to Edgerton St., Clark street from Maryland street to Jessamine Street; JeB- saminle street from- Wo-odland Street to De Sota....street,_ under Preliminary Order 40,..0.0.6. .......... _....: Intermediary Order . Final Order 15j550 .._ _....._ ._..., approved _ .. December 9th, 1913 To the Council of the Citv of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- lures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the malting of the above improve- ment, viz,: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $99,119.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $_ 3.6.00..__.. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $,_1..,_000.00 .Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $...._... .. __.._11._1_1 1 30,155.00 Total expenditures - - - - Less -the- suiff of - '1"15 045.00 appropriated and set �' j j� out of Serer Bolnd Ant of General Fund. . Sai :onumsstoner further repor s that a has assesse and levied the to al amount as above ascer- twined, to -wit: the sum of $:_15„1.10.._00 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement; and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in aeeordance with the benefit, conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and whish is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. �J�% ` � SCG. ...... ....��..... . ........._. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. R-9 r " Council File No. Bit,G G;�. LL-._vj !' I CITY OF ST. PAUL_ " Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for p_avina Sneliing_-avgmue fr_4m. CranlavemQ tQ Uniyersity_avenue. under Preliminary Order 41-x^7 Intermediary Order___ _ -_ - Final Order 15a 08 6 0 approved_MaaL-2?th, ______191 4 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said aVess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JAN -8 19f5 Adopted by the Council__-_ City Clerk. Approved 191 O h mlA el ty 'y order 41;674, _: 086 approved May 27, __7ayor. Form I B. S. A B-10 " Iblic hearing having the tiew—ment for L; I ovement, and said ease—, - -- _ been further, cg be red T riiE' L and having 'been' i - W7�:1J— ssatisfactory, y. a It th< solved, That the a¢td ¢I ¢d the ed. a Is hereby It, '.e stifled, and the same Is ed to h eCo nity to the 7 of the County of Rilms., m Fur . Further Resolved, 'CF aened to b be bl I. . nlned to t payable eats a r 'ch u e land drat' th, Vied by that Iroved Jan' CITY OF ST. PAUL 'OFFICE OF THE COMM15SIONFR OF FINANCE. REPORT Off' COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 5 o`"/�..... _ .........._.., 191% In the matter of the assessment of benefits,... costeand__-exPenlgjs&, or paving_ Snelling av_enu.a.,.....from.....Grand. ...Avenue to University avenue.......__. under Preliminary Order 41674. __ ..__ _ ... Intermediary Order Final Order -.1.5,08.6 ....._ _ ,approved..M.ay. 37th, :....... 191_.` 'ro the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of .Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - --- - - - - - - - - - - $_53.,324.28 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $.._....__ 11 .99 X1&Xxj)jAe}EjAgYn Curb -Reset - - - - - - - . $........._. _18.48 IKWzxlAK priveways_ - - - - - - - - - _$.._.......__43.46 Curbing 3,Od8.6? Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $.. 57.05 Total 5. ,4... 99 Lees the sum of $1 ,4 appropriated and set aside out o e av n Street Intersections acccunit of the Ge�n�ralj1 $37,938.67 au Commissioner ur ier re o s hat he has assessed anti levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $37,.429.,67. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefit, conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actionthereonas may he eousidered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Porm B. S. A. 8_9 Council File No. ey ,4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of_ benefi_ts,_costs and expenses for ggAs_t ucting a_ sawer_on Fau uie_r street fromEnglishstreet to Atlantic street. y 41674 under Preliminary Order__ 413733 1 , Intermediary Order_ - _ al Order__ approved __March _24th_ 191 4 . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in �� y __equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council r City Clerk_ � � r Approved _ 191 J UU -vgi•o., , ..,, -- --- - -- ayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 c hearing having be - -----�-- • aeeoeament Po,. the nbu I, vont, and said aseeeemen_ �' J further conaldeted by the C' PUBI.IST-iED t��l i having been considered final. - ,et'l-Y. be �the a .I solved, That the eald dnd the ma. in le hereby In [s stifled. and the same le "ed to be submitted to the D', of the County of Ramse: nation. I- Further Itcsolved. Th.' Telt be and It Is h ,•aed to be payable In ave ne is ae to cit and every na described therein. a by the _I dna:. __ p. CITY OF ST. PAUL " OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT /..... __._.. ISL In the matter of the assessment of benefi.to, ,._Costs. and expengpAl,fo_r the construction of a sewer on Fauquier street from English street to Atlantic street. ...................................._._ ander Preliminary Order 413.7.8_.. Intermediary Order Final Order ...41674.1 , approved ._ _._ _March 24th 197 _4 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as it statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- rnent, viz.: (lost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$1.,279.00, _ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - $....-,- 5.24 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - $.... 78 ................................ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $_._._.._a..e.5$..___... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - - - $. _ 3 .90 ----- Total expenditures - - - - - - - - - - - - - $1,314.50__.,____ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...1,.3.1.4x.5Q.._. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in aevordanee with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may ba considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. a-9 ,y An ordinance appropriating the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($120C.00) for the support of the St. Paul Society for the Prevention of Cruelty. THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:, Section 1. That the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars 01200.00) is hereby appropriated from the Public Charities Account of the General Fund for the purpose of aiding in the maintenance and sup- port of the St. Paul Society for the Prevention of Cruelty; provided.' that that no part of such appropriation shall be expended for the payment of the salary of any officer of such society. Section 2. The proper city officers are authorized to pay said moneys to said Society in twelve equal monthly instalments, on the filing by said Society t pro er receipt or voucher therefor. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect.and,be in force thirty days after its passage and publication dir,nnr,. 33ae—By rdinnn re +r '. - •i r' •' Ir 1.• the Of to'. III,. lalhl r! lull. r'[hie rAt - (Paul So. / of ty to to Prevantfon of Cruelty. aa, - ii r hl, city or St. Pout dors SECTION 1. That the sum of .Twelve Hundred lrulinr. r11 00.001 'Is he,. reh}tfy appropri- t,. i from the Public Cres Account g seal [hand for the purpose 1 4i�"•4'- t" f aiding In the maintenance and sup - V_ / y 1,111 f [he tit. Paul Society for the . by the ��dR�1�-_.--.......✓ ..- /'[ t', ent of Cruelt3'. Provided that /pa t f ouch appropriation ehndi be �. paInfor the payment of the'aalary l�P a aItirer of Such society. NAYS,; SECTSON 2. / D YEAS, The proper •ity yfYCfcera Said to pay aaid moneys to aVd Society In ta•etve equal monthly inatnlmenta, n the riling by- said Society of the• MR. FARNSWORTH proper rrrefpt or voucher therefor. SECTf N 3. Thin ordinance hall take rge,-t and GOSS he In fnrre thirty dnya If,,, Its laae- ' g ae and n mteatinn. I Pa ] luy the t'oatnril Jan.:: 191.1. KELLER ern.—yleaera. 1•ag. -.111. (.-l: ru«r, re �lrcnu. nrl:. III-. rr..:,lnrnt , rowrret—s. ,9 Nnya-9. McCOLL nm 'rd Jnn. '_'3. 1015. N'INN POWERS, • . •T.. \t-,-' H•r� ..[t st. .l OHN 1. IIARICY, Cl" Cleric. (Jan. 30-1915) j YOERG x. e�� r NAYS. 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) � � /moi✓ - _ .., CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT , 33q( AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIL OENCIL No. BV AUDITeo' \ P.- ER171 173. / Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the'p sons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed '- statement: i - Yeas ( V) C ncilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council 191-, rnsworth _ S^ oss I favor Approve _ 1 eller i, ccoll d Against MAYOR oerg Mr. P ' I i ,• C F. No. 3364-- a64—Resolved L that warrants he, d a m Resolved UDon the City Treasury, payable Out; Corporate purposes of '.ttc hereinafter speclfled funds and. 1.. avor of the D rsons. flrme or, cor" qe '`4's�.;' ➢ *+ ,i�d iI* pdrations for the amopnta-set opDo silo 4helr reepectivo names-na apealfled ii j in the fallow[ng detn(led statement Corporate 'Ur"''s—Lighting Fund # 8049 Gorman Xlectrla Co., a94,50 Gorman Electric Co., $337,50.8D49 R'orkhouae Fund: Kavanagh Bros'; 337.50 .. 72 08 Bch'ool Fund: N. W. iwel Co 211-121. Ly �ar.H+ e.h'und EBaI;68 '+t49pted hy, the Council Jan 8 1911 : - /tyw 4,17—LOO 8o5o ,1 Brae., 4 Approved Tan: 8 ISM' _ flan 261826) — 1,072.08 ✓ ' "hoof nod 8051 N. Wo ftel Co., t 931.55 f ' 41.13 Adopted'. Yeas: -C os:irs. Farnsworth, Coss, Ke11er,Yoer7,: cCo11,iar.President-----6 Nay: -----C i O i I' L A.5-11 ;Js:� i j A&. A.6-11 I „ CITY OF ST. PAULNIL TO .. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM � �65AUDITED FILE NO.-- O ` O"L` BY. AUDITED J¢�I8 IL.J IBI_PER 172 - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the p sons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( ✓) Co oilmen ( ✓) Nays - Adopted by the Council191-f F sworth _ In favor Approve 1S r c oil Against MAYOR , o rg - I Mr. - C. RleesoNo. lved that that warrant: be drawn poh [he Clty Treasury, _ payable and 'the hereof thf r. epeelfied fundoN and In favor f The persona, firms. r cor- porations for the amounts Net oppo'- Ite-their respective names m epecftled In the Pollowfng detailed.. statement:'- - ; < pe" AlConati'". Vicat.+-Giading Alteys Lloyd Suba INtOn': Christ - .7ohnson. Est Y 1 &final $7 9.00. Adopted by th Council .fan. S. 1.00. 6. Approved Sun. 8, 1916. -. _ Wan. 16-1616)__ .. Spec. A4eeee. Conate A00t.-Orading _ Ailey Lloyds Subdivision 8052 Christ Johnson, Net. #1 & final, 781.00„ Adopted. — Yeas:—C ostnrs. Farnsworth, Goss, eller,Yo erg,' cColl,;,ir.Fresiderrt----5 i i4ay: -----0 I i j A&. A.6-11 I „ CITY OF 3T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION 0. ..NO1L No. FILE JAN 0 4915 �— AUDITED 181— (BY CoM2GIC/ . - +v Z�� PER , 1.70 Ir $ 7napection Haworth C Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed ". statement: Spec, As-- �1 .xlRilas. ,. - Yeas ( V) Coun men ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 -4 -- Far orth Go J In favor Approved 1 _V K r �q ' M oll V Against MAYOR Y g q S. A. Farnsworth„ Mr. Presi wers T 19 Com. of Finance# 248.00 .. ,.item nt .. I potlCe-9818r1e ' ljlty UumD Account." — - n, Com: 6t Finance, $2 -$:rind. :y.:.. Sewer 6. A F' rrn, Com. of Flnapce ,$1,683,66.. 13rldg. Bldg. 8; Repal Fund: nswdhl, Com. of F/nance;'$284. Gen. Fund—Sewer,.M.Zl l "t' Com. of Vinancee t. Farnsworth Com; _j 0. Qo 2639;. $196 26 S. A Fam— - om. of Flna ce C. F No. 689, 3 Bridge B14g. & Repair Fund 8 1. Farneworth Cum of F41 F No: 968 $7260; S A Far C m. of Finance C. F. No 422[ i:liijride)7 $74 70. _ -•` Special ,Fut de S trtr ' Ir $ 7napection Haworth C Spec, As-- �1 .xlRilas. ,. Corps Rfns ate Purpo ee"Al Zd1110 General Sand -City i>> N°n;Aipcto 8 q S. A. Farnsworth„ Com. of Finance# 248.00 y Street & Sever Fuad 8 38 Be A. Farneworth, Com. of Vinancee 1,563.55 Bridge B14g. & Repair Fund 9 S. A. Farnworth, Com. of Fieance, 204.60 Gen. Fund•Sewer Mai>nto Aaet. 8 S. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, C. F. ,#2639 196.20 I ,A. 8Q9 70.60 8 2 • b C. 8. { 968 72,50 t 3 • w • • w N C. F. #42255 91.770 f - Maint. Acot., 4 Gen. Fund -Election Expense Aeat. ✓ 8"A— S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 114.20 �rm A. 6.11 I A r por td RG+9bth, COM. of Finance, 211.25 • " " (Calcium Chloride)74.70 Fns..w......_._.,.-�.,.-.�w.,..,w._.�.w,,,_,.�...,c� -285•-fir,,.,. ✓ Special Funds -Salaries Sagineering a Inspection Acct. 8 `% S. A. Parneworth, Com. of Finance. 1,358.00 x Spec. Assess. Coast. Acct..Paving -Salaries pale, Grand to Front 8].60 80( 8 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, f E x Total Cor rate Pnrpo ea,........ 4.30 - " Specia Funds,.... ......... ...... 1,3 .00 + Spec. A see. Coast. ct. Pavi 1 d Total, 286.90 • t Z3 yc Adopted. Yeas:—Cosrars . Farnswor' ;', Goss,Keller,Yoer Nay: ----0. c IQr. Herrold Council File No.. ....... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and ?� c PRELIMINARY ORDER. ` The midersigned hereby proposes the making of the followin )ublic improvement by the y of St. Paul, viz.: 81cre.sfor cut.9. Fourth. __St_,... _.. Dated this _ --nth- ___day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. wilEREAS. A written prepesal for the making of the following improvement, vir..:_.COT aei r:i ng__. a"a._.tacirg":..._t_e...._1...._~e..c_e.as2r.Y_._f..4_r...__loXe..6_....f4_T..._c'p_t..._a d. fille for Grading Arcade St.._.from ._Fremont -St.., to Fourth. St.,,. ....._.......... A .crin n the1�, .. .......... _..._. _ ._.... ..__. ....._.. emning and [aka necoa9ar>• �• and one for grads ,Councilman......_ - .. _......._.................. _..� having been presented to the Council of the loo Fremont street .. •Ing been peesent, therefore, be it if the city of St. ra yt =1 That the L;ammle.:S RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of .. o -k, bedliecte .-d he to h.l he is hereby ordere � and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or dc,l"esti atilete thea e;esa' ing of said improvoneut. 2. To investigate the nature, extent a/ ��'.:�°iPalsate t e lu tat v Id unprovement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch 'o" ;rot°ialacostathe-f- Id Improvement the fou.�clative to said improvement:_ ..___._. ._...... .1. To furnish the Following other data c eu 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fo•egng matters to the Commissioner of Finance. , Adopted by the Council. ....... _.... l/ .._.1J1. . Yeas: Nays : r councilmantr — // 6 Go Approved_.._....1 _ _.. _ _..__ l .... 191......... ..........._.........._....--___......�p�y� 1 ayQr�/liayor CVDLISIiT13._ _ _ `�y J CITY 01,' SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office Received'of Cily Clerk No. 33C o rnding Glen T++rracr T3onson + nueto Youngman unser Preliminary Or derl a {.00 n�intermedlary .Vrder Bi 9. Flnntl rd Or 13d90, -PP tha P uarsis,e sPeciilca-'�1 (:eaolve estimates. sabmitfed Uy the I missioner of E'utille Works for the �� ' en a heYebm .,, r oot he and the . . oi—d Furth%., That the Purchasr gent do and -h e. is hereby an0101- L C I 1'lnd directed to dl,rtl;e in the or provided by City Charter '.ids for the king of Id fm-' (r . ecOrding eld then basis P1.o 7+t.ppeciibiddem . o theiI i.b rand acontrn rto, In the .matter of Arad. M1 'peal@.`° mnerrace from Benson Avenue to Youngman Avenue - - under Preliminary Order 409 , Intermediary Order 879 Final Order 1390 , approved August 31, 1914. RESOLVED, That the.plans,•specifications and estimates submitted by the, Commissioner of Public Norks for the above named improvement be and the s9me are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTI'_ER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and -directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price fox per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution cf a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance.,,ith the plans and specifications in came the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bias be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the oomm.ittee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the viork should be done by the commissioner of Public Worko by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Goun^ 191- Yeas ( ) Co linen ) Nays Far orth o� j Goe awsri n_.��.�� I 1 Kel Me lir. President. Pow Approv 31� 1;ayo r CI'T'Y OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office Received of C�Iv CGerk .'ell,......,.,, P. No, 3366o —+, din • L'e neon even :he \Salter f Fre 6 westerly line of Klpp'x - • "len Terreee Addition to the a e'er- 'ly 11ne.0 name, under Prellminarl" Order 396, Intermediary Order ..877, - P/nal Ord- 1391, approved August 31. 1914. - A ,Rssolvdd, Th.tlmatea1O ublmtttedl�by dth, J , ,vo named im gr—s—rit be and th .dre hereby pprnved. -1-11 H'urther, meat the Purehl,S T. P A U L 9 Agent be and he Is hereby n th,' ,ed and direeted to dl—tiso in •, prodded by the city cha'�SOLUTION t i' rn bids far the aklng ..fin id vemenecording t, a iptheci(Incatione, o ' In the maid"u e l ld • ,86n Avenue from the westerly line. ne of Kipple Glen Terrace Addition to the easterly line of same. under Preliminary Ordes 395 Intermediary Order 877 Final Order 1391 approved August 31, 1914• RESOLVED, That the plans,' specifications and estimates submitted by the,Coixaissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the sdme are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTF.ER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sun; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for•per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said viork in accordance with the -plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as nn -y be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the comrdtte,z authorized to award the contract-, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bidq should be received and that the siork should be done by the Commissioner of Public Vork3 by day labor, in which event the said committee -&hall make an appropria;Khe -port with its recommendations to the Council for further action orceedings thereon. Adopted by Council Yeas ( ) Cc ilmen ( ) Idays Fa sworth -� HJBLISI�f?n _ ► - l_b :� I c(I5 Ke er Mc 11 / 3,1r. President,, Po rs Approve � 1� l:ayor A Y Oh SAINT' PAUL City Clerk's Office03 ............ /'�!........._. 191 Received of City Cie,k yd' To . 8370— s Matter f grading Iv¢�; ., Benson Avenue, to the e a-1—el Of Publtc r�- named Improvemenntt bbo e b' . sue hereby "'Provetd.the P i 3� I,) Ived Fbrtber. Thdr" 1•ent be and he is hereby ,eZ vrdov aea by ie ° c rye O F S T. P A U L •tds far the inking Of a nt, according oto t �� etdcntlon e, on the •r IL RESOLUTION bidder or o t, - I Y-1.bor ¢nd mate - epeefnoa e¢ , In the mall, oeon�ra;ter H ' '=ng Ivan Way from Benson Avenue to the ea.riy line of Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition. under Preliminary Order 407 Intermediary Order 878 Final Order 1389 approved August 31, 1914. RESOLVEIT, That the plans,' specifications and estimates subriitted by the Commissioner of Public'Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTEER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided -by the City Charter for bids for the making -of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as :may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the committee authorized to av and the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furthar bids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public Vorks by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Co cil_191 Yeas ( ) Co C'1' en ( ) Nays Fa th Go q Ke l e r 'PUBLISHED_ coca 11 jr. President,. Pow s Appxove CPPV OF SAINT PAUL �F7 City Clerk's Office ........... /.. /Y...... 191 Deceived of City Clerk 3371- 1. from' at g...t1f Deultpn - '•t from Neat Seventh . hoot to venue, a aer Preler nary ' �n rd 3025, edlary Order 2497, cem- ii Order 30:6, µPProved Pecem- 1. 1915. 'ved, the plans, erred fiche 1 id estimates submittedby .the -lonerot of Pu Publfc W-01- for the Ted improvement be and the _rebY approve. S T. P A, U L Further, That the Purehns- 601 -D ,"t" and be 1, hereby author - ',,led b)° tne`•c i echnrier'�SOLU`?'ION r tete m.hlnp of ld lm- rdlno to 'd plans -atlons. n the balls (:t) Int e matte lhdder a eentrnete shall �,lton Street from Pest Seventh laborilled d mnt(B)'forThr t;�al•' . -' petrnctor usha7l Stre�;'nby roree a :' Avenue. l,,;e nt eneleee a' . undex Preliminary ""394 , Intermediary Order 2497 Final Order- 3025 , approved December 11, 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FMTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according.to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance with the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check fox ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the a contract which committee authorized to award the contract, if it is the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no furth..r bids should be received and that the work, should be done by the CommissionOr of Public Vorks by day labor, in wh_}ch event, the said cornmittee shall ` make an appropriate report with Yts recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Yeas ( ) Mr. President„ 191AZit f u1jo ilmen ) Nays Fa worth Go Ke Me Pow PMASHM .J= _ 191 S CITY OF SAINT PAUL �--fCity Clerk's Oific�,/ `..........19f R ,eived ?f'ty Glerk,!�^fiYf rrly; ✓ Ile a--1'2..f. F �• of the constructlan .of .,IM.Ken ty Bewer Sye- d 1 •rellminary Order 440, In - ),Ord _ er 881. Finn' Order eSeptember 1, 1814. ea - o -1 �, timat" sultedP' mitby dthe r of Public Rorke for the d Improvement be and tb+ ruAY .PAPray4d.. .... to,er, Is h the Purchase L � p (,' I �' ,e and he In hereby nI. the •e ted to edge rtiee. h the • '� �ded by the City Charter, th" n n'tinq of Id lin- . (iQUI\T to n Id" Plane the basis (A) -tractor IT, h Irthe matter of the oonetrli t'13, C. �bhe Front and MaKenty — 41'r- --- -- Sewer Svstem. _ --- under Preliminary Order. 446 , Intermediary Order 880 Final Order 1424 approved September 1, 1914. RESOLVED, That the plans,- specifications and estimates submitted by the_ Commissioner of Public Works for the. above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the r-lanner provided by the City Charter for bids for the making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish all labor and material for said work at a speci- fied sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- ment by force account, receiving a percentage of cost price four per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twenty per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said vrork in accordance .,,ith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again ar-d as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the comnittee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that n�Ei ould be received and that the work should be done by thPublic Vorks by day la:cor, in which event, thesaidmake an appropriate report with its recommendations or further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council 197L2�— Yeas ( ) Co ilmen ) Nays Far orth Ke es. President, pow Approvec Mayor T COUNCIL FILL: NO. + ' I f By (JA CG GL e LI�r� � INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of tends r ii.g. ar i taking an easea,ent .,,i.n the lard necessary fpor sloje £Rr guts an -1 f �e eaetg;4dNfCiii oriave+ue t from Avon sgtrutwe +o a oin 11 f ... east of res actor ino e her t att the n m de a r ereof. 'Phe shaAeA portion showing t e pf d's an the ..atcl,e porion ti cuss, under Preliminary Order..___...29.$4..._ ..approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, sand the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. eas 2. Tirt the �� e eIntb '^11�^°��maiyhi`or Qs1oFe�ere �,rnendstie ar i i T `:1`eYa ragirg 'Capitol avenue ... lire of T ctcria street according to the I:Ian hereto attarned and ,a3e a part hereof. The shadel portion shcwing the fill and the hatched portion the cuts. with no alternatives, nd that the estimated cost thereof is g__5.04 Resolved Further, Tha ub pc hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th _ _..... day of ._February__ ........... _...._....., 1915...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 11, in the Council Chamber, roma No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the to 11 cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _. ..._ , Lro-. .. _, 191_ Appy ved .. / - ( / Councilman Far ort} Go Ke M II Mayor Po s Form B. S. A. 8-6 .r^1aq'th ei ..;rFlpanc ........._......__. Clerk. Mayor. m the above, g eonstdere, vee: =1� the and t. �LT�1 ii ISIii s� and adopt nC•la her ana that the ea[' tr her, Th COUNCIL FILE, N0. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _.COnJelin i.r.-a ar,d taking ar e.asenen,t__in the land...re.oes.aary_. for slopes, for cuts and fills for 7raiiig Tvy street fron. Fart street to _Orange street ...... ac.c.or;iirF, to t1le ria`_her..eto_.a.t.t.a.ched—a;d_t.ade__a.. ha rt 1# et'lel{mistarye0is`ladt:o rorticr s orrir.2 +^� fills and �.'�.e '�a`c^e9 I'crticn X7$7 ... approved _De.cerIer_ Zn d,_. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Cerdei,. and. taFe,..an.. 9=aserl. rnt r_tre �arl n cesp or slo;�s cr cuts and 11} f �r die c y s,r , Irow Cir street i rarg roe accgrilr.Qhoo11� e h aC atCac ed -and male a tart 'lereof: he ahadeA Parttion. g...the filla and the hatch,- portion the wits, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :g____2.00- -..... Resolved Further. That a public hearing be bpd on said improvement on the 12 t __ __._... day of Feb,ruar,y____._____..... ....... 191..5, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court IIouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finauce give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. j J Adopted by the Council� y/ tv clerk. _� Approved -191 - ] ............. >tlayor. on Councilman Far sworill anti the hate°ed ports•' ender December Order cea Decemker 2nd. 1914. ounen f the City of St. PMLISIED " GO s .g received the report -of the C ner of Slnance Upon the a - ovement' and having c nsid, Ke er port, hereby resolves: o That the said report be and - Is he by approved and adop . the Bald improvement is hers:' -'� iVi OR d to be. proceeded with. That the nature of the Impro, which the Council recommend:' inn .and take ane a ent 'tn ecaagB y for slopes, for cut or grading Ivy street fro, to Orange street, a ord at thereto attached and ereof. The shaded port], e nils and the hatche Mayor Powers 'It.' sin no alternative. Y muted cost thereof ]! Further, Th: - Form B. S. A. 8-6 --1 ' COUNCIL /FILE, NO. % By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. �.Cr.deG:1 : °. 3 .i +8k1 r A S.P:1 1 t__] e land. r....ecea.�.ax.y. Iu the clatter of Rice and for slopes for ct_+s ar.-i fills it ra-i *na all v in Rlock 16, Irvir.e'e Addaticn, acccrz r� o the t at heretc t ch d a d rade art hef: The s a -led polticrr a"cwing t o fibs ark "ane iatc :ed pontic i the CUM under Preliminary Order approved 1.L7fl. $4ti, _1°14........__ - .._.._.__. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded Avith. - Pd t a t 1'ch t C Tc' r co�ug • ds C C;r fir, takeEa f -a: ,egg tl� Wc� ��� �� g�� f�� a�� $$� �o� �$ �%¢ ���r"a lr. a iRroto alIetf 51 ok 16, Rice and 'Irvir.els A 31ti n, acccr-. to '�e 8 a attath.e an _.jade._.a__part.hereof..-The.o'nade, portion sflWiing the"._fi Is and the hatched portion the cuts, .............. ........... ....._._......... .................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is r0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .19 th - - -_-"- day of _Feb r ary _ __..._.,191..._5.; at the hour of 10 ddock A. BI., in tile Council Chamber, ronin No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the to al cost thereof as estimated. - - Adopted by the Council _ J 191 ✓� L 1 Clerk. 191 Approved - , _.... port e` -T', rar ... _._ Mayor. fie - ri - d .June 24th, Yg14. Councilman Fa nswonh oe$Lb oY the city of se am e it bdRhe`report of the Com', 1'UBLISi_' -TE " G or of Finance upon the ab— !mart, and having conaldered' ss - port. hereby resolves: 'ha[ the said report be d the K Ilse 'le hereby approved and adopted, asld;lmprovemen t fs hereby d to"bV proceeagd—ith. '• CCCII Chat -tkie;;nature'gf �. tha Improve- - vhleh"the•Council. _Lewommends to mn and take an easement In the, necese¢rY for slopes; for cuts a ,' ,a grading the alley in Block ` and Trvine's Addition, r �plu[ hereto attached and " sof. The shaded perti r fills and the hatci. _ - -• 111th no alternnt;,-"' ' thereof 1. Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FIT,[', NO. �► By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ccn_Jerrinz Fnod t3f a: ea Ge., t_111 the w.f� _eCe69ary. For sl es for cats ani f'-'-'� a atghere o atiachfSoamn Fequn'aPFDO d �o Han,Hne'avenue, according h hereof. The sha3e� portion s:cwir:ghe fills end tLe hatched Eorti n e cvta,approved N-,v.*arLbe. r__2ni, _19.14 under Preliminary Order 2355.. - The Council of the Citv of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is herehy approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. easen.e?ntT$�t4�t@at'�TjePat e`���°t' �?t�` l' %'��e;l utlt 5 ��'Sao� i� 'Y7aa n ggallrrg Juno street from Ed ecuabe Foad. to Far..tp aver:ue, acceding to the Flat hedretp att�egerj ani- ade Fart hereof. The Rhaded portion showing the fills an _e ^a c e zortion tie cu s, .............. ...... ._.................. . a. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 9_.3.5...00 - l tkl _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on sant improvement on the day of 0 ebrv.sry 191_5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. iL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Rouse and City IIall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice ofti said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. adopted by the Council .. __. ��_-=r--r-.. �.-- , 191 ✓���.�.�� �/ City Clerk. Approved41 a,.., i city of St. e. Z y / Mayor. -1 the report of the Cor , J Financepon the bo - Councilman Far4sworth e- h and having conatdec t, hereby resolves: t t the e port be and t' hereby app revorproved and adopt, PUBLISI " 004a be improvement is here i1✓D re d too be proceeded with. That the nature of the Improv' Kel r rrnla the t o easement 1 da nad and take• -n ... for c to t1 neetld"r for o 't". for mute nt In grading Juno atreet from Edgy Nie oil �.ndad to ---tine. avenue, x' n -t It 'co' "hetd attached part hereat. The -hated. "o the fills n3 the nxtuvc. po :ute, with co here f 11 $. cn e Lim -ted coat hereof Is n.b' „ " d Further, That n nubs i"OCiTb' i>a has o Id, lmpr, i oda.' of Feb.. 34" $ Tocic A. Mayor Po W�CCS 61 ornthe Form B. S. A. 8-6 - i,r" COUNCIL FILL NO. By i INTERMEDIARY ORDER. �1 In the Matterof rnrd rni.. ani taking an ease.:; cr ;_. in the 1.and_-nec_ssar;' for slopes for ci:ts ani fills fcr gra9irg Iran Ruren street from Oxford st. eat to. .Ie ingt *x a ^,ue c or a � tc tl1e...1att .le. e att chh d rdd. as 'a par der @o ..e sl a, Tor icr. e .o.vi g i e c113 ar. ilea Matched For 1cn shgwyn� t. e cu is under Ptelimmary rder __. __2' 88_. ..... approved Dec The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. h t th t tur o he im rovement w lch theCouncil re ommend is n.g=_._a. _t$.e. . easen�n fir, Fac neLPessary �'or sopes, >�Or cine ano3 fji or pra.. rg . V n P•,ren strPFt f^ 1r ^ fcr street t Lex r,at 1 aver, e ac ;:dingy tc, the p at--`erste-a £ac?e an rra Q a__par t .�iereo ie -shade -.1 or�ion_9hoa�_rg the fills and the hatched oorticn .'owing the cuts, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ _19th.,._.._.. day of Fehrvary _ __-:._ _____...., 191.5_, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. \L, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Douse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pall. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof its estimated. Adopted by the Council _ __� , j 191 Approved 1 — f 1 lerk. // .195 ✓ - Councilman Fa sworlh G s K let ' M Coll Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 min and take -an ea.emeht In t eeeeeary for atop... Lor cute e for grading Van Buren street fr .rd street to Lexington avenin Ing to the plat heret'y attaeh part hereof. T%6 she 19howing. the flue' and th ` ehowlvg the eutr. s. ¢nd that t- 4 mia. a or. Mayor. showing the Im}nFry Order "88'1 eaembtilt$nd, 1914. of'ttie City of go Pe'. �r.,� eeell o ` uBLIsR D / jnen ." the report of t @`e oner of Flnance upon tl �' improvement, -:_and having col' S min and take -an ea.emeht In t eeeeeary for atop... Lor cute e for grading Van Buren street fr .rd street to Lexington avenin Ing to the plat heret'y attaeh part hereof. T%6 she 19howing. the flue' and th ` ehowlvg the eutr. s. ¢nd that t- 4 Y COUNCIL FILE N0. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of acr_3e>in.in _ ar.9 takirtg ar, _ .s in . it the lard, necessary for slopes for r--ts and fills ir. ggrading Barrett street from Front street to AcI:entyy Street, accor3ir to thLTplan hereto attached aid r,.ade a art hereof, the shaded portion eiovrirF t e fille and Vis hatched portion. the UMr Preliminary Order _246ZNoven.her °thr. 1914.. aroved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement whit 1 the C until ret ,amends ' . CCor�'Igli ..�. Ir lr take @,n. asemt jn the land necPssrvo soeso_ arre street frotr Front a ree o ...•c entyy stree actor i.ng to e p an �e t� a [ached and plf- a, part here f. ..e-ehade•A perticn__e_'.nWing..--t to i11s an the hatche portion the cu�s, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.?. 4_,_9Q. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th _._..... day of Feb r'-iar.y1015., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I, is the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided b.y the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tots ost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 41 ��- ___. 'tv Clerk. Approved curunder . "' Mayor. M 62, approved Novem,.-• Councilman F rnsworih ,uneu t me cur or st. r r netved the report of PUBLISHED 1 loner of Financed; upon G SS provement. and 'havfag c ..aid report;.hergbis,�:,eBolve,- at the said :report,be..and K ler hereby pDroy d;apd adopt raid Improyetn,.t la her, I be proceeded with. i the nature of the lmpro M COII ' h the Council recommend,. .,nd take an easement In ' nary for slopes, for cute 1 stung Barrett street f.- • t to illcKenty street. " the plan hereto attached „ rt hereof. The shaded l' Ing the fills and the hat, cuts, wl th no alternatl ,eh he —1 !mated coat there, It18 VOC FyOt✓CCs Further, That a had nn sflld Impr Form B. S..4. 8-6 to say of Februn n[ In O'el ock , COUNCIL FILE NO. By moi' • � �/ _ 'f.. � .._ _. , -'i j INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of condellni_ra and taking ar. a.s.et �nt..in tl:q lar necessar-. for a_oppes, for cits ar'� fills lr gradin i•lear Street fr Fc est street to Arcaae street, accor''.ir,g tc +he plat der.,+c attached and d :.ads a Fart 4eecf The shaded portion. W'owirg +he fills arz' "',e hatched Fcrticn cuts, under Preliminary Order .__.7.353........... _.__.__._ approved Ploven_ber__._ 2nd,.L214 ._........_..._. The Council of the City of fit. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement'., and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That thg nat e olti the 'mprovement which the Co uteil recommends is C QT,,,j '1: r a 1 4 La} a ._a 21. easeir.er. in tie anc� necea=ar,t f r slopes, for cuts an! fills .r gra ir,g Clea std e* or ore streett �o Arcade street accord}n� to th6 p 11 ere . a, 20_h6l and rnace-a part hereofmhe eli de poroi s-'etro vas -- 9 fibs and the hatcl-ed portion the cute, . ....... ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_100 #00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th day of FebruaT_jr,_ 191..5._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. Gl of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notiee n of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total7st thereof as estimated_ Adopted by the Council- �- ' Clerk. Approved ( 1915-- Mayor. Councilman Farn onh a u Rcrty ot._ PUBLICIiI',I1 a•; th0-repprt Goss Kell M _ ll ,• f i Mayor Pov rs Form B. S. A. 8-6 of Finance upo. pfiovetaent, and having , , id report, p@@rebq 'rI,891, , That th Bald;( bort .be and fs' h by 2p;? ed and. adop t the said irep e t fB her erdto be'proo, Bd ith. That the na"tp re f the Imp - t which the Council r e d, idemn and take a easement in -� necessury for slopes, for cuts '.n grading Clear, street from vtreet b, -d rcade street. ancon" c n!:,n hereto aitaa d and ,y hereof. The. YY,,,,aded the Alla and.thi, hatrT u [a, withne alterna =tlmated cost .there Further,',' That -don -said- it ne rebm COUNCIL FILE NO. - ff By '.��' /ll,:' 1 s , i INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In to Tlatter of CCnd.en,ni.ng _ ana r taking an .ase`re, tnecessary ,t �e lan•1 necessar, for elopes *or cuts ani fills for gratin, '.,ragas street frcri Jn,vers>ty avenue to IMinnehaha street in accordance with the piano hereto attached n ads a art h rebf Tie s',aded portion showing fllia ani the is died por icn f_e outs �2� October 1914. under under Preliminary Order .._ approved The Council of the City of St. Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, find the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Condemn arid_ take__arl . easement in the land necessary,for slopes for cuts and fl.is for grad- in Griggs street from: University aven•.-e to l+iirnehaha street, in acdcoraance with the .. lan hereto attached and raise a Bart hereof. The shaded po-rtior- shcwing the fills and t e hatched portion the cuts, .._._.. ......_......... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 16 - 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the __23rd .... day of FPt ^uary _.._...... __.....__, 191..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. K, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Douse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the natnre of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Councilzlfflr ty lerk . approved -- a street front ?riggs' y rule t oraaape with a plan beret de�-part here*" Mayor. y hed nn$ , d d porta all.Wing Ithe alts �. Councilman r hal h d• drtidn the uta uu; liminnr O der 2229, apps d oer 24th, 4914. Mfr rr Q PUBLISHED �r — f „ to Coorip11 of the City of St Pa. the report of tof l I �Vl tg received Finance upon- tl. Improvement, •and having con, jFa,nh •edaidreport,hereby esolves: Thatthesaidreport be and this hereby approved and adopted. the said Improvement Is hereb', - - - r d to be proceededwith, That the, nature of the'`improve " which the' Council recommends 1 'mn and take an easement in ti, necessaryfor slopes,for cuts an for grading Griggs street fro ., sitr to \nnnehal in n cyttlance Ith the pl: end made a Dart her Mayor P ers ^attached he shaded portion bowing ti, nd the hatched portion the cut Form B. S. A. 8-8 afterna tives. and that the ea nit thereof is U.00. Further, Th¢t a p' sold Imp^ •'^ub'' COUNCIL FILE NO. Byl INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Inthebiatterof con:Aenr1ring and taring an easerl,ent__ n tie :and necessary.. for elopes for cuts ari fills, fcr grad`rg Page street frorCherokee av nue to De�awarB av�pue accardinz. to `.e rfan_.heret atta�_}.ed and madee a par .,ere. e �`a e portion s?iowing tree fids ar the uugg ri�a r� n the cuts 2988 Deceftsr_.�*.h 1.9.14. dee i•eli COUNCIL FIEF: NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the 11 ter of ^or. Pen a. taki ? ar. a8e.r•erit in v?e land. ne.eessar�_,for slopes i"or outs an, i31a In v a in ; nona street from S`rh tfi avenu to chippe.7a avenge, according to the ngla, hereto attac`ied and made a tart hereof: - T.he shadei-portion showing t,_.te fiiis an -i the %tatohed--r rta.on the cuts, under Preliminary Order.._ _.1.5.15......... ... _...... _. ._._ ._ approved _.Seyt.=b.eT...18t;1.,...�._ The Council of the City of St. Pant hating received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereh}• resolves: 1. That the said report he and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That he uat a of 1e i provement which Vie Count 1 recoul c i 4 ndeLrm an, t n e�aserren ir. t',*Ia an `� eces Hary or cuffs ani' -I �n ?raiin [, 8n street a�i�mrgjj to avei�up +.o hip 'va avenue, according to the plat hereto attached lar ereo he._shaded-,:o_tion flh,>wi ,¢ t?te fiiis- and .._the hatched portion the cuts, kith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .8.._00 _. _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the - 25 _ __ day of February.... I I _ _..__ ...., 1915...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. It., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Fall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, - the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Appro%ed / /` Councilman Far sworlh Go Ke er " M oil Mayor Powers Farm B. q. A. 8-6 ity Clerk. P. oE:��FFlnance th mayor. etonar upot(,-d,.ta- mdn'f -and hat tog ,old a- tae1dtie AniB hereby he and tic PUBLISHLD � �� :hsaid lmppuveement' Urebj: to be proceeded with e at the nature of the improve - itch the Council r ommenda is and take n a m t In the pessary tar cutxxe nd ftals iF Winona street from the alis and the hatch shaded drtion C. ta, with no alternatives. pod e tlmated cost thereof is $8.00. ,red Further, That a public be had on said Improvement 3rd day or Febroury, 1915 of 70'0'clock A. M., in 'number, room 61, of ' e and City Hall n Of SL- Paul a i Ffna COUNCIL FILL: N0. fly h INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Dfatter of _ cerkdetkninl T. ani taking an ea.s.ement. in ..the _lan.i...nec.e.a.saSy. for 910F..3 for cute and fi119 for grad.ng the alley in Block 1 Manson and q Simonton's Addition, according:to the plat *hereof hereto attached rt rVe a urt ?Preoff 'he szaed portion ^.owing t'^e fi-11a and the a che- 1,or or P c1 + under Preliminary Order .. _ _ _. approved Oc_tokl8r a4 h, ..1914 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _cor3emn a 1 take, an easem nt in t,ieland necessary for slopes for cuts -and rills for gralin the a�lev ir. 310^k 1, Manson -& Simontonts Addition, a --cording totheroan hereto attacaed and Trade a plan hereof, the shaded pop ion showing the fills and the natched portion the cute, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..14_..00.....__. ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 33rd .. day of ,Febrllar.y._ ... ..... ____...... _-, 1915. .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1f., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notiee of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _- yy 191_ tv Clerk. Approved `sof .,. c here....- ^ the'. rtlon the cuts lis 1 undo ..... ... Mayor. Order 2236, a th, 1014, approved Councilman Far swonh 9 received the the Chep of 3t. PUBLISIi);D `-'� GC missloner oP Flnanceorupon c Improvement, I and having ^d said report, hereby resoi. „ Thatthe sid report be ant I9 hereby approved Ke er and ado the Bala Improvement 1s he d [, be — " M tl proceeded with. Chat the nature of the impr :hich the Council Oil recommend in an take an easement In l �cessary for lopes, for uta - ;r grading the aliey In Block R: Simonton's Addition, to the plan hereto _ " attaci, 'bowing Planhereof alle thenaha, onion the utas 1 a o d that the timated +$14.00.ther, 1�4 Mayor Po rs " c' ',i F That - pub Form B. $. A. 8-6 had o nid improveme .lo dl Or oP Februnry. 1916, o'clock ober, sem a err.• •, _ �. COUNCIL FILE NO. r� 13Y Z. f INTERMEDIARY ORDER. Inthei\tatterof Ccrdertrii.ng_arl taking am easeaent_.in the _lar..dnec.e.asaxyr for slopes for cuts and fills fer ?rading tt.e alley in Block 3, wann's Addition, accordilp,.to. the plan �ixmf$llereanda* ay`iadtca�ed portionpthe cuts, The shaded portion showing e ' loved _ Oe tcrer__24th,___t9.-iA., under Preliminary Order __ OX—A........a��4.Q pp' The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvenlent,and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Condcu.n and. take .an.. ea:ierrent in the land necespary fz)r slopes fer cuts and fills,fcr grading the alley ir. Block 3, ° al n's Add` _ tior. accorri� n2., to the! lar. n.e_r t attached and u:ade a part "e-rsof. The sha3ed portio,' showing the fills, an the hatched Portion t` -e ............... ........_...._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $00_ 'Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . _ 23rd.,._...._._.. day of EebrU,j.__.,__.,___..____._...._, 191..5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. it., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notiec of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Clerk Approved / ( / Councilman rnsworth " ss " eller Ccoll Mayor P wers form B. S. A. 8-6 1v e -d i rti. ., lie hatched por.fun the cu Mayor. ger Preliminary Order 2240', proved October 24th. 1914. The Council of the City of St.' having received the report of Commissioner of Ftannce upon ' mmMBED above Improvement, nd having � lL�u sldered. said report, hereby jre$.I- ment which the Council recommend: condemn and take an easement in land necessary for slopes for cuts s fills for grading the alley in Block Warm's Addition according to the Ill'. hereto attached and made a part her b[. The shaded po4[ioh showing tl .It.. an dthe hatched portio- `t w11h:111, P tlVes a d R b'4R - Ft T' F 6 A► COUNCIL FIhP; NO. - r INTERMEDIARY ORDER. IntheMatterof Opening, wilening and extenjing, an__al'ey sixt.,er-__feet in width through Lot C Elock 4, Smith and Taylor's Addition and across B1 ek Fore u h's ppi:i jon a. r, rdin to the lat her -t? attaI4 q a c a-� � reof �he 8hacde porion sho�c ng the a is an . e n - a the por on er cud ,� under Preliminary Order.__ - 3a ...... _ _ ._. approved i?e4..e.mber 18t� _19.14 - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Qperi "- den and extend an alley sixteen feet in width through, Lot Plock 4 S�tnjjth aria Ta Ior'a Additiion and across Block 4, FoT-., -, ry�l- on, according to th plat zetet0 at¢'aOhed"a^9 h.ade apart hPrecf The shaded 'portion ahow�tng""'tile fills and the hatched portion the cuts, .................._........._ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..-1C.Q...04..- To property 3 owners nil. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th - _._ .___... day of Feb.ruary'_ .__-__-_._._:, 191. `J_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice 4 of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total st thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191 j v Clerk. Approved 0 197v Al Mayor. done [h� ,;,;,s undeer "Pr: Councilman Farn worth Ia sig z7as, approved D: cry G ne t'ouncil of the City of at Pau, PMUSMD I _ 1 \ 'ng received the rep,rt of the Gos missioner of Finance upon the s Improvement, and having con - •ed a td report, hereby resolves. That the said report be and the Kell i to hereby approved and adopted, the said lmprovement le hereby -ed to be proceeded with. -- Mc oll That the nathre or the Improve - which the ooun£il"recommends is wlden and oxteud an' alley six - feet In widthfh}obg6h-' Lot C;. S - r Smith Cross 131and ,!Polor'89gdditlon oc gh's D. j a 'cordl ryarsto at -i • - ed d tt{a df .The aportion, n e',8,ne and tched pgrtlon'the eats, with no [lues. afid' that the estimated Mayor Pow rs . nil- la:.Aioo.vD. To property. .sit. ed Further, That Imbue Form B. S. A. 8-6 be, hall on said Improvement 'th day;of February. 1915, at 'f 1N ,o aJgck A, ice, in t' i ?.b�q, to ffi al of thr r- . COUNCIL, FILE NO. iiy INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Conder.,:^.....a_ and taking _a^ ea.s.ement ..in___the _ Land_.n.ece.ssary for slopes, `or cuts ani fills for grating Cook street frontiIatilda street to. wehet.ern avenue, accordi.rg to __t-lia..plat._.h.ar.eto__.at.taC�led and / unc°e Y eimina y Jg17of. The hatched portion showing the cute and t"e shaded e ", ___2.328. ._ approved . iJovember__5th,_ 1.9.14... The Council of the City of St. Paul' having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having, considi•red said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impro ement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That thenature of the improvement which the Council recommends is G.OndeLm—anal.._ take -.an eas;wi ent n ;he land neceesar,r for 4loAes for crts and fills for grading/ Cook street from Matilda s`.rcet to • eatterA wren -.e, according to this plat hh r 'o a+t ne n ]rade Tart here f. T7e stiaded portion, "3howina,e f�lgs ar.� ..e a c.ed portion t -e CuHs. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is0....0..0.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on srlkI improvement on the 23.rd _ - __._ day of Feb -Mary,, _ _., 1911.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. it., in file Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice f �iv' of said meeting to the persons arid in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nifture of the improvement, and theto ' I cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council / Cit Clerk. Approved / .191 .. ' Mayor. Councilman Fa nsworth " o, the Cny of a ocef�eoo the repent ty. / ver [ , and ups. PMljS= �O _ Cl g �mg rovement, and havin; s 1d report, hereby react' t the nideport be an. .. K ler �i hereby od ad ad. ve2 - eafd Impapprve roment le he, beDo e d dwitb - t the t of the 1 pro D M COLI h fbe Co leasrecommend. as a - i, ched e�'l „ : fit alfa d`'q he sa}Id - be; l cute,,w1t11 no,al- hat the Vtluiuted' Mayor P wars �s�ou 1 tiler. r' ` is yyubllc Form B. S. A. 8-6 qkl`' � Y 836;�tie,`ty 19 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of cordermi_nR and talking .an_..ea.s.emer.t.._.i.n_... the.._ land....nec.e.ssary for slopes, for cuts ani fills for grating Cook street front 1,4atilda street to Western avenue, accordi.rg to the. plat....h.er.eto__at.tac-Led .and des . hatched portion showing the and the shaded h1914 in5e0�goe.5t uWmnary.3.378 approved Pr ze b The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the, nature of the improvement which the Council recoumlends is cond.e.Lcn_..and_._take... ,an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cats and fills for aradingi Cook streeeat _roam Mdatilda as`.reet to •extern aven-,e, accord ng to the plat f�flrTaoan ..eea cheWeI ra i eery f "he s`laded portion ahowift, *�ie . .. ..._....... ................... /. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.__6..-Q.Q. _ _._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd . day of Feb^7]ary __. _.., 1915._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., kill the Council Chamber, roont No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall I3uilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Filing ve notice A < of said meeting to the persons arid in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the tinge and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, and theto •• I cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ L� _'L-ry ,�._ 191 _ — Ci Clerk. :Approved � � � 191 ... ._ _.. _.. _ Mayor. Councilman Fa nsworih o, the City of {tevened the report oner of Produce up,. PUBLISHED (j g �.•nProvement,and havin: KJ sCs aid report, hereby resol' t the said report be an• •• K ler thereby approved and ado' said Improvement is he, •o be proceeded with t the nature -of the Impro M Coll zh the Councll recommends' and. - ab easement In Cti eteassttY`c 1'lpp;:l fa11t Ma- it_ .. r o:itE ft. bed f•Bof". "•bhaded, - .-.•p xho•• dna:�a3jd'- thei ?H.uts. with fm 1- s o a€ the sett- red Nflayor P wers r On �rther, r- a ,public, e1(IS >� OCODlept - • Form B. 9, A. 8-6 rfl' initat €- iataic' aft -• hereof"as'estimated. Jy the pounell Jan. 9. 1915. i Jane 11-.`1915. (Jan. 16'-1915) CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subject: CONTDY�,=D RUBBER TIRES. ..... -. ... COUNCIL FILE No.... .................. ......... . ..... ....... ..... . ........................ ..... ..... ....... ........ . ........... . ..... . ...... .... .... ...... .......... .................. ....... ....... ........ . ..... Jan.9 L914 Date Presented I91..... . Resolved, I That, Whereas the Commissiener of Public Safety has notified the Purchasing Agent that there are on hand at the Fire De- partnient Repair Shop four scrap solid rubber tires and riffle with an approximate value of about 410.00, which are not available for use and which may be sold in accordance with the provisions of the Charter, And,Whereas, this has been approved by the Comptroller; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Purchasing AFepe be and he is hereby authoized to. sell the above mentioned tires and rims at the best price obtainable in the open market; all nioney_ obtained there from to be credited to the Department of Public Safety - Bureau of Fire Protection. C. P. No. 3387 By Henry fllcC.11- -h-1 -he,.- the Com nni' of Public Safety h- taotiflo, the Pu a on Intin'reh�,slng Agent that there are! I the Fire 1"e"JixTber rte;' pair shop foll 1-p, solid .b - tlr�4 and trint.. with . - aptor-Innalt- hi of about $10.00, which are at _n!� able for ..e and n,hteh may be sold In atcordanee with the provisions of th, -g Charter. I And. Wh.re.s• this has been an. in-oved f.tre bby the C..ptroller, there; �. It .1 , That the e is h$reby;au ChoFized to It the ab.%�.naentlone rhats at 77 the best price obtainable It, ton open ark.t: t,ij --y obtained th-of-rn Yeas JI) Coutici men 10 Nays to b.,el.dited to the D.par•tnn.nt fl P.bne ShfietY--mB.Irean' I 'of Fire Id by the tion. P' e Council Adopted by the Connell Jan. 9. 1015. Farns rth Approved J- 11, 1916 16-litis) Goss In favor-_. Approved MzEsl Keller U Agaihst rQ6_ Yoerg Ot Mr. President, Po ere MA 1ORM 1.5-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE Subject: COUNCIL O.,���.Y'Ya� FILE 1 NV ' rDate PresentedZ�_ 191 RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Yeas (✓) Councffinen (✓) Nays - Fara# rth ✓ f k" Goss lJ In favor �Kell MC / -Against i oer h Mr. Presiden f Adopted by the Co unc l 2 191 _�L Appro d 191 J ~ MAYOR Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER COUNCIL No FILE Date Presented 191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses*to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) N. SL1Tivar.,365 Tabasha St. , F. No. 3339— Re lved, That the following denig nted itcen�l@@ to all Intoxicating I quota lfq.-;,LY�rI ferre4j ,.aa indicated __— D r ua t'4o A'pDuenYl na made th ,- foNo 337, tom F, -cd 13nrgesa405 —� �Y.ygo.haf i to, -John H. Sullivan. ullivan 385 Wnbaeh� Adoltte 'bk the Council Jan. 7. 1916.; ADDruvedTan. 11., 1716. INA'.1G-1 DI5) F !A Yeas (✓) Coun linen (✓) Nays Farris iorth Goss _',�:In favor Kelle MCC 1 -Against �j Yoer nil•. President, Powe Adopted by the Council191L i App ved 191 S MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:... _..... .............._ . �1,f� COUNCIL ?-�,. 3i11 FILE NO...... .. ate Presentel$6R. Jan... 9th ...... -1915......_. Resolved, 71 That the application. of the fperccra for a licenise to 0 --:1.;;.ct ?-ctels or reetal_t'raritc at the icc +.ticns respectively ir.('Aca.ted bc, ,..i ._ the same herel-y ar(, de,r1rd. "A1:1E Or ArPLICAP"T. HOTELS OR P.E$TAUr,1, . L^OATI)",' F. Johnson Business Lunch Room 560 Wabaeha 1 C. ir. No. 3390— Re.olyed, That the application of the following persona for a license to coa- t Hotel. or Re.taurant. at the locn- 3 tions epectively Indlcated be, and the I s e hereby nre, dented. ah', Johnson, Ba ,Inca Lunch Room. 560 Nabasha St. 1 Adopt"'hY the Council Jan. 9. 1915. An proved` tan. I1. 1915. (Jan. 19-1916) Yeas (I) Cou cilmen (!) Nays Far worth Gos In favor Kel r Me ' oil Against Mr. President :Powers 1- ..0.2 Adopted by the Council 7.� Approved _ 1910 MAYOR ____ __— t r TO THE HONOR.RBLE THF,' COUNCIL of the City of St. Paid: s does hereby make application to the Counci City of St. Paul fora cense to conduct a ......... and to that end does hereby certify as follows: at the full n of a applicant for said License is. _. and his TN place of residence _. street ( avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of wb4 the said applicant roposes to carry on business is in the City of St. Paul. That the said applicant is _ now engaged in said business at,,,.V _. in the City of St. Paul. Dated this /day of _ C%/"~' ` 191.. "Applicant. ,. Date of Expiration of License Date of Inspection _C/ Z 191._._ Fire Protection__ _ ......... /✓ __ _ _. Ventilation of Building........ _ ............. Meats and Provisions............ Beds.and Bedrooms _ Toilet Rooms and Plumbing.l� 1�1 Kitchen and Utensils .. . ✓ Av1 _ Refrigerator and Store Room Basement and Cellar.. <� Back Yard. General Condition of Premises License Recommended: , City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector Approved: Health Officer. l4 r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_.... _._ _ ............ 9� COUNCIL FILE NO_ .... .. Date Presented Jan. 9th ,__....._I91.5...... Resolved, That the applic +icn of the follcainE: 1:erscno for a 'license to oonduct Hotels or estaurante at the locations respectively indicated be, and the zarne hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is wuthorized ana directed tc issue such licenseo to azid apPlicints uj:cn the payment of the fee required by la:;. S?A?,R OF_ 1T PLICANT, F CT1.ELC OP. n..mr TATTIP LCCATT Henry Supok Lunch Room 184 -14th St. Geo. Karras Lunch Room 403 E. 7th Helena Robert Rooming House 187 E. 9th Chris Bauer Lunch Room 173 W. 6th Yee Pon Restaurant 420 wabasha R. C. Stahl Business Lunch 637 E. Minnehaha H. E. Middlestmedt Business Lunch 434 Wabash& John Daly Burlington Hotel Ft.ofIndian Mounds Pk Schuneman & Evans LunchRoom 6th & Wabasha John Brawl Lunch Room 63, E. 5th B. A. Bringle Rooming House 315 E. 10th Butch & Sacco Business Lunch 73 W. 3rd Gust Gafaris Lunch Room 184 E. 3rd Yeas (1^) 4Kell en (T,) Nays dopted y the C unci _ 19 u th L V lj favor APPr 191 @4 Mr. Presiders MAvoa — CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ......... . ..... - Z�`'r=, FILE I NO...*..... ........... ...... ...... ............. ........................... . . ........ . ........... ..... ....... . .. ... .............. ... ........ ........ . ....... Date Presented Jan. 9t.h., Resolved, That the application of the followbqg persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants attKd__looatIons respectively Indicated be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clark Is authorized and directed to Issue such licenses to said applicants upon the payment of the fee required by law. XM Or APPLICANT. HOTELS OR RESTAURANTS. LOCATIONS, John F. Schultz Guy J. Stookrell James Yeas 01 Cou ilmen (T,) Nays Van Dyke Hotel 441k St.Peter Lunch Room 611 University Lunch Room 432 E. 7th .al ,och —ther11 cc.ac. to . l bt e h payment of 11 y Be--. 184 Lunch Be... 403 P m. Robert. Rooming Houle. St. Bauer, Luncli Room, 17; -... R.ataur.nt. 420 W.1m.h., Stahl; nu.1news Lunch. 637 Et. .b. Middleatmedt. Rusiness,L-, basba St. Daly. Burlington Hot-]. F round" -und"Park ,man a E' Park. Lunch I alm.h.. 'handl. dl Lunch Be.,. I , iringle. Rooming 14, qa. T1, 0 Adopted by the Council 191 -'— Far[orth Gos In favor Kel MC 11 -Against Yoe I oe 'v, .rs Mr. President, wers I... ..8-Z Approved 191 MAYOR COTTNCIL FTLF NO. `,192 � By, DY'�f� Whereas-Im-Tn•nediate ly prier and up to the time Che existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Pu--lic Works, a certain Final Order No. 15,586, approved December 17th, 1913, to pave with 3z" Long Leaf Yellow Pine Creosoted wood blocks on a 6" Portland Cement concrete 'base, University avenue from the westerly line of Syndicate avenue to the westerly City limits, also making the necessary Sewer, water and sas connections from tie street r,•aine to the property lines com- plete where not already made, together with the necessary'alley and driveway approaches, and _ Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to thencompletion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be. Mone under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the said order be completed - under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other officers and departl:.ents of the City, are here- by authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assess- ments under the existing Charter, in accordance therewith. Adopted b, the Council, % C ec d ooa b 1915 Synth Cement conn -.fly avenue from the - f y limit., avenue:to th 'o I[y 1[ 1te sled king t,i / ry`eewer, water and,gas Ye a9 Nays from the, street,mnfno erty lines complete where y' made:..togetheR;Wlththe i Farn worth • a1ley.aad' driveway, appro ereas: It 1s'46opinion oi: •1 that, all.. other acts and , Groes is to he had -or done'relatir . mwetlon of the aforesaid c - " actfcable. to be doneunde,- and provisions of the ex'. Kell T tore, be It resolved tb . " r be. completed uno MCC 1 vroii!forth-1 stn aann, May Powers Approved 1915. 0_- MAYOR. PCIBLISHE13 - J ( —_ u91 `Ir COUNCIL FFFILENO • BY Whereas: Im.meciiately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the Office of time Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order No. 15,584, approved December 17th, 1913, to pave with 31" Long Leaf Yellow Pine Creosoted wood blocks on a 6" Portland Cement Concrete base, University airenue from Dale street to the westerly line of Syndicate avenue, together with the necessary, sever, water and gas connectins from the street mains to the property linea complete, where not already rade, also the necessary alley and driveway ap- proaches, and Whereas: It is the opinion of this Council, that all ether acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisions of the existing. Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that the sail order be comrleted under the terms and rrovisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Cr)Trriissioner of Finance and other officers and departments of the City, are here- by authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assess- ments inder-the existing Charter, in acce.rd; e,iA,therewith. .mmei ani`,. , - e the e;., t' Adopted b the Council or ,-c In Paul took of p Y dng G ,t oblle works a, c rtaln I No 16 664 apprpv d pec' 191 ^ .1913 W pave with 3�/sonic L ✓flow pure C:!•eosoted., wood bloelH , Cement L' Iversftity' aavenue from,Dal,dl.. strr jarnor s Nays the westerly line oC eynal ate h -together with theinecessary sewer ,..ter and .gas conneot1onsfrom th street mains to, the 'property complete, where not nlr4ady made.: -Ithe nReeaeary; alley' and drivewal prose es. and n Whereas:If`isthe%opinionCnoneil. that all other acts -ling. to be had or. done. rel^, completion oC thebl- to be.-aforer^' r and IIprovisions ofn`ri1 Mayo Powers Approved � 1915. �AYl1R. EUBL SHED j 1 b— 19 S COUHCIL FILE NO. By Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the ok--B I ting, Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there waf pending in the office of the Board of Public Works, a certain Final Order No. 15,591, approved December 31st, 1913, topave with 3j" long leaf vellow Pine Creosoted Wood Blocks, on a 5" Portland Cement Concrete foundation, Hastings avenue from Bates avenue to the easterly line of Earl street, together with the necessary sewer, water and gas connections, from the street mains to the property lines complete where not already made, also all necessary alley and driveway approaches, and Whereas: I It is the orinion of this Council, that all other acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done under the terms and provisons of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved that'the'said order be completed under the terms and provisions of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the comraissioner of Finance and other officers and departments of the City, are here- by authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments tinder the existing Charter, in accordance tierewith. Adopted by the Council, 1915.la c with 335 i 'Pine 'Crebooted We i Cement Coaero Ir"tinge.ojr%Vuo, from,. to 6e eLjerly�, llrli�'-,O Yea Nays•toj- heil- tet'T?1th, the -,- d -g ' connections :�Ze`ttlr-ln- P4iropertk Farr3worth ,let. where not alresoy joddC al necessary all¢Y aad-drivex, ofid_' -oachm',t jil,,the , hereas: j� hid:pro- Gose nail tho�j:'ajj- other'actE, , 61.tl�. t'. 1171g's to-jy hador --kh6t-reiill ordC completion of, the - racticable to'.1)qdoile-un4er th Fell5r pr6v1.1Q-$,'-f the , e.Wl- -ter. that ,—.fol V,,beet reso MCC 1 rder completed —d ProvlsiOi. of the forth- Ylayc Powers Approved YO . R. CITY OF ST. PAUL. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR. Subject: ........................ .... ............ .................. ........................................................... . ............... I ........................ COUNCIL FILENo .......................................... ........ . .................................. ......................................................................................... . .. ................. ............ .. .. Date Presented..& . ..............._.................191............ Resolved, That the Sum of of $300. 00 be appropriated out of the !--,-qor's Contingent Fund to assist in paying the expense of meeting of the 1-1innesota Fanc-iers' Association and the proper city officers be instructed to issue the necessary warrunt therefor. No. 3395—By S. A. Farn v''t '$'1'00010 Red olved.,That the a.. .1 .b appropHated out 01 the Con- . Food to . th tlnirea� .,.t ho pey'.i; expend, -dr, oneal he 111"nc—t PA,fe.d be Fancler,s 'kBsoct.�f meted to Proper city officers issue the 11 oc—sarrWairant therefor. Adopted by -the Cannot] Jan. 9. I9I5 Approved Jan. 11, 1915. (J... 16-1915) Yeas V Coun linen Y Nays Cou" Ime Adopted by the Council— Farn orth Gods —in favor 11 --Qel e Approved 191- MCC 11 Against Mr. Preside.,, PO e. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolved, That a warrant be drawn in favor of the Commissioner nfFinance for x600.00., or as nuch thereof as may be necessary, to pay the expenses of the Council and City officers to visit Kansas City to i�ake an investigl:tion of its new Union Depot, payable out of the "Expenses of City Officers Attending Conventions Fund" 3396— R solved, Tha[ warrant be drawn n -favor of the Commissioner f thereof Fi— nance for 5600.0 0, or s much he, eof i as may be Mcesary, ato Pay the c e r penses .of the "Council and City off to visit Kansas City to make an Invest- igation of Its n Union Depot. Pay-'. able out of the "Expenses of City ORi- 1 ocrs Attending Conventions Fund." 1 Adopted by the Council Jan. 9. 1915.' Approved Jan. 111 1915. (Jan. 16-1915) Yeas (✓) Con cilmen (✓) Nays Jan 9t it, 191J91— Ad opted by the Council_ Far orth Gos 6 In favor Kell Approved 191— 0 Against _Yoer . , w — .. ......MAYOR Mr. President, Po rs Resolved,Thftt a warrent for 16,700.00 be drawn in favor of the Conmlissioner of P inance, payable out of the "Contingent Fund" to be sot aside for expenditure according to the direction of the Council. C. F. No. 339-,— Rosnlved, That wa runt for $6,700.0ybe drawn In favor of the Cutn- Isnion of Finance, payable out f the.. Clp nl; unt P1ind" to Lc set :side fer''eXpo1{djf 1'u�necording to the dl- nctlon of t r'Council. Adopted., b. the Council Jan. 9. 1915. Approved Jan. 11. 1915. f7nn. IG -1916) E. 091 An ordinance authorizing the issuance, negotiation and sale of certificates of indebtedness. eery and.essential that certificates of indebtedness be issued as by law provided; in anticipation of proceeds and returns from said tax levy; now therefore, Whereas, The Council of the City of St. Paul did heretofore in and by the terms of Ordinance No. 3667, approved February 16th, 1915, levy a tax for the year 1915 upon all taxable property within the City of St. Paul for the support of the various departments of the city government and,of?the special school district of said City, and for the purpose of carrying on the business of said departments, in amounts as follows, to -wit: For the Mayor's Office Fund, 5,176.50 For the Corporation Counsel's Office Fund, 27,530.00 For the City Clerk's Office Fund, 8,650.00 - For the Contingent Fund, 7,000.00 For the Finance Commissioner's Fund, 19,690.00 For the Pol4ce Fund, 335 000.00 For the Fire Fund, 413,125.00 For the Health Fund, 89,470.00 ° For the Commissioner of Public Works Fund, 112,500.00 For the Street Construction and Repair Fund, 176,000.00 For the Sewer Construction and Repair Fund, 35,000.00 For the Street and Sewer Cleaning Fund, 178,400.00 For the Bridge Building and. Repair Fund, 52,000.00 For the Public School Fund, 962,791.00 For the Public Library Fund, .42,000.00 For the Public Parks Fund, 75,000.00 For the Playgrounds Fund, 20,000.00 For the Public Buildings Fund, 23,050.00 - For the Commissioner of Public Utilities Fund, 22,000.00 For the Public Lighting_ Fund,. 283,156.00 or the Board of Control Fund, 121,766.00 or the City Hall and Court House Fund, 35,050.00 For the Interest Fund, 35.4,198.00 For the Sinking Fund, 141,357.60 For the Comptroller's Fund, 18,700.00 For the General Fund, 251 526.10 Total, 3,810,136.20 And whereas, it hag `Saen made- te--appea-r-•to- the--Gouno3-l--that- a certified copy of said ordinance and of the tax levy therein set forth has been heretofore transmitted to and filed with the County Auditor of Ramsey County; and Whereas, it has further been made to appear that it is neces- eery and.essential that certificates of indebtedness be issued as by law provided; in anticipation of proceeds and returns from said tax levy; now therefore, (2) THE,COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St. Paul be and it is hereby authorized and directed from time to time as money is actually needed for the payment of the public expenses, to issue, negotiate and sell certificates of indebtedness of the City of St. Paul in anticipation of the collection of taxes for the year 1915 for any and each of the funds named in said tax levy ordinance, and in accordance with the terms and provisions of Chapter XIII of the Charter of said City, in the amounts and for the purposes follow- ing, to -wit: Mayor's Office Fund, $ 4,100.00 Corporation Counsel's Office Fund, 22,000.00 City Clerk's Office Fund, 6,900.00, Contingent Fund, 5,600.00 Finance Commissioner's Fund, 15,700.00 Police Fund, 268,000.00 Fire Fund, 330,500.00 Health Fund, 71,500.00 Commissioner of Public Works Fund, 90,000.00 Strdet Construction and Repair Fund, 140,800.00 =Sewer Construction and Repair Fund, 28,000.00 Street and Sewer Cleaning Fund, 142,700.00 Bridge Building and Repair Fund, 41,600.00 Public School Fund, 770,200.00 Public Library Fund, 332600.00 Public Parks Fund, 60,000.00 Playgrounds Fund, 16,000.00 Public Buildings Fund, 18,400.00 Commissioner of Public Utilities Fund, 17,600.00 Public Lighting Fund, 226,500.00 Board of Control Fund, 97,400.00 City Hall and Court House Fund, 28,000.00 Interest Fund, 283,300.00 Sinking Fund, 113,000.00 Comptroller's Fund, 14,900.00 _ General Fund, 201,200.00 Section 2. The sales of such certificates shall be made in such manner and on such notice as shall seem to the Sinking Fund Com- mittee calculated to produe.e the highest pjKce therefor. Section 3. No such certificate shall be made to mature at a deter date than the 15th day of November, 1916, and the rate of inter- est thereon shall not exceed six per cent. per annum, payable semi annually. The certificates issued for each fund shall constitute a separate series which shall be consecutively numbered and state upon !^ - T I1 'y C. F. No. 3966—Ordinance No. 3398—By S. A. Farnsworth— Aa ordinance authorizing the Issuance, negotiation and sale of cc"Iite"tee ,i of Indebtedness. Whereas. The 'Council of the City ' 0P St. Paul did heretofore In and by 4 the terpte of Ordinance No. 3667. ap- proved February 16th, 1915, levy a tax for the year 1915 upon all tg able prop- erty within the City of St, Paul for the support of the varl,u, departments of the city govern men[ and of the epe- clai School district of 'aald City, and for the purpose of carrying 0n the buslne.s oP Said department. In the face thereof th= nnta as follows, to -wit: sous are issued, and the For the Mayor's office fund, $6,176.50; Por the corporation Counsel's office fund, $27,530.00; For the City Clerk's total amount Of thesuch certificates may be gent F nd, $7.000.00: For he Finance Y Commissioner's Fund, $19,690.00; Ibr 2 the P011ce fund, $336,000.00; for the 11 ar8 ($l CC..,C) or any issued in denominat F,r. fund, $413.125.00; for the Health ,fund. $89,470.00; for the Commissioner f Public Work. Fund, $112 500.00; multi le thereof for the Street Construction and Repalrlars, as the committee may p , Ulfand. $176,000.00; for the Sewer Con- 'struction and Repair Fund, $35,000.00: ��Fundt818,400.00 for the Bridgnient in the sale of such hatreet 7redSewer Cleaning from time to time liBuilding and Repair fund, $52,000.00; for the Public School Fund, $962,- 791.00; for the Public Library Fund. certificates. Sucb542,000.00; for the Public Parke fund. interest coupons attache ,76.000.00; for the-Pla.yground.. fund. 520,000.00; for the Public But dings fund. $23050.00; for the Commissioned Agency Of the Cit Of and shall be made of Public Utilities fund, $22,000.00: Y Y for the Public Lighting fund, $283,- 1F6.00: for the Board of Control fund. St. Paul, in New Y Hou e6tnnd`$11 00%forlthe later eatat the office of the Commis– fund. $364,198.00• for the sinking fund, !$Iii. 067.60; for the Comptroler'a fund sinner of Finance j 516700.00; for the General fund, $251.- 526.10; Total, $3,810,136.20. And whereas. It baa been made to appear to the Council that a c¢ rtlfleit y, Section 4 opy f said ordinance and of the tax shall be sold for.less levy herein set forth has been hereto- fore transmitted to and filed with he than par and accrue an0unty Auditor of Ramsey county; after the close of the year Whereas, It has further been 1915 and such ser made to aPPear that at is necessary' at such time or times on nd essential that certificates of In - debts be issued as by law pro. after the 15th `load' in antic,patl°" or Proeeeaa dna in such amounts as the Sink- ehrne from thereforeSaid tax levy; now' , The Councll of the City of St. Paul:id calculated to secure the Fund Committee may doe. 0rd.ln. N I That the Slnking lF red Committee tp best results and he City of SL Paul be red It 1. Committee the City. time 11 money ed and irected ctually °needed`Por Section ,he payment of the"public exposes, tol take effect and be -in force issue. egotiate and ll certiflcatee of indebtedness of The City of St. Paul In .alf0r,theayear 1915 tlon of [or°„ny`ion and °eachx`f f thirty days after there IS nomad 1n .ala tax 1.vY prdo .tion once, nd. In accordance with the terms nd ProvlalPns of Chapter XIII. 0[ the Charter of said Clty, in the remounts red for the Purposes followi- ng, to -wit: Ilaorat,yor's Office fund, $4,100.00; Cor 000.00 �” C(ty"s Clerk ae1cOPPtced fund. $6.900.00; Contingent and, $5,600.00;. •i Finance Commissioner's tuna. $16.700. 00; Pollee (arid, $268,000.00; Fire fund,. $330,500.00; Health fund. $71,500.00; - L Commisaloner of Public Work. fund. ✓ 590.000.00; Street Construction and Re Pair fund. $140,800.00; SewConstrue- - [io red Repair fund. $28,4r6.0.: Sire t- _ and and Cleaning Lona. $142.700.00: - B 'dg Building d Repair fund, s ;41,50000; Publlc School fund, $770:` -y Publlc Pa200 00: rka fiundry$60, 000036P1a°y00-Passed k gronda fund. $16.000.00; Public Build Inge fund. $18,400.J0; Commissioner of i Publlc Utilities fund, $17,600.00; Public Lighting fund. $226.500.00; Board f YeaB Conrrot fund. $97,400.00: City Hall at °d Court House fund. $28,000.00 i.,Ore., -fond, $283.300.00; Sinking fund. $113,- r 000.00 Comptroller's' fund, $14,900.00; Genernl fund, ;201,200.00. - The ales IIECT1 Nertiflcates shall net madesin uch manner and uch n flee a shall Seem to the Sinking Fund Committee en "al to produce - d the. highest. Price therefor. SECTION 3. NO such ce tiflcate shall be ode to Nay q, C mature ay Of No, emberates, 1916, `and the rate / Z •+ 0f Interest thereon shall n t exceed Sic Pall ar cent Per annum, payable Semi•yl� y.' The tiflcate. Issued for '� - i� se. h fund shall constitute a separate erles which Shall be conaecutively- mbered red State upon the face thereof the°fund from hlch the same e issued, red the total amount of. 4f cthe testax maeV be°Issued}lar. Such c.rtifl- n -- p •°if One Hundred Dollars !8100of..00) 0r Mayor. k and"sDolilalrst as, the committee mmito lteeT may from time . t° time find necessary or ; ]of convenient In the sale °f such certifl- serest ouponaSuch °Yattachedanlll tee dshall ibe 1 Indepay"bteat the Flnancial Agencyfthe Cit}• of SL Paul, inNew York City, New York, or at the office of the Commiseloner of Finance in the City S. Paul. No such certlflcateOs shall be sold Pore .les. than par and accrued Interest, or issued after the close of the year 1915, and Such certlflcates Shgll be sold at Such time or time. on and atter the. 15.th day of June, 1916, and fn such amo}Inte a. the Sinking Fund Commit tee may neem most expedient'and cal- culatedto Secure the beat results and provide Por the needs of the City. 5. Thle PrdinanceC Shalttake effect,and be in force thirty Jaye after its Pas- - "- f sage .and publication. Passed her the Councll March 19, 1915.' Yeas—bTessre. Farnsworth, Goes. j Beller, Nash. 1'oerg, Mr. President ' ( (Powers) -6 , ,pp'need March 20. 1916. _ IVINN ' POWERS, j - Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, Mayo r. t - !W 27-1916) Clty Clerk. 1 H r t ' i y t I s y a, ay aux dw, ] -01a uolss{wwo� yl lxq'L qP l J l J;i ! J P l n.7 -lti ]o ri1,J °9u 3Vq 11 s { i .3uP� anoasdwl Pixs 3- 4a h A . o IP d ld 4slainl y ] ql 7J- p --dull Ixlal 43 sw . d a nI ao lsoa al�lsa �r e i 7ualsa a lnu me1s9l7sanul Piss Jo eull[um a47 Io FlItI4au111ea l., All...... .q4 alnepsanul uy :P.3...Ip Pus P -ao Fua.l.q sl 94 y7 in"us eq syuow nloe al to olssewwo04.L 'Pa it aq ' Uolaua47 Insd asuea AS asu to Ilaunoo all of Paivasau q F_....a. euagM eulq.lna Mau 8u{ _ -ul Pus 'aPsul FPsa d 7oU auagM 'a -woa eayll Aluado.ld of sulnlu is mou} _01I.suuoa .aa1n es8 pus -sm 'Uamae e.Ipglosl osis •eayanurr Fsmanµp Pun Sall. Pux .0"..s 7aaalls Ifulpnloul Ftl uoi8ul v o r In¢ cal anuan� Punli and 4 b yuawanoadMI SuIMOI[oT 4J J 04� aq7 .lol Insoduid Ua771M VI N (9T'9TOT 4a.tn1Q) d J[ ,...a 8 ,(l q off, ':T6T 'YZ '4a1¢ IW uno.7 a47 F4 P !d o asuols 1-3 oPi do ui a.l x, J -ol ayl Jo Is,uaumo a a .l _ vollllad eql u od Paysx s� 7uawa.. wl P{vs lou o aa41a4M atu7e oy .` 'A 'luawanoi% the face thereof It VI-° °""°'a' x°"xw.`°Jal pnx ame are issued, and the total amount of the tax levy for the year Such certificates may be issued in denominations of One Hundred Dollars ($lC0.00) or any multiple thereof, up to Five Thousand Dollars, as the committee may from time to time find necessary or convenient in the save of such certificates. Such certificates may have interest coupons attached and shall be made payable at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul, in New York City, New York, or at the office of the Commis- sioner of Finance in the City of St. Paul. Section 4. No such certificates shall be sold for less than par and accrued interest, or issued after the close of the year 1915, and such certificates shall be sold at such time or times on and after the 15th day of June, 1915, and in such amounts as the Sink - Fund Committee may deem most expedient and calculated to secure the best results and provide for the needs of the City. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be'in force thirty days after its passage and publication, 4- c12 14 Passed by the Council ` ' !�_ 1915. Yeas Nays Mr. Farnsworth Goss. Keller Nash „ Yoerg Nay% Mr. President (Powers) G� Approved 3 /� _ 915, Fear. Mayor. a s • � _ � - - � Tom. � � x � An ordinance estimating the probable receipts of the City of St. Paul during the year 1915 from all other sources than from taxation or special assessmerA s, and other than moneys redeived into the city treasury for some specific use, and apportioning the amount of said miscellaneous receipts among certain of the depart- ment funds of said City. WHEREAS, The Council of the City of St. Paul has heretofore estimated the probable receipts of said City during the year 1915 from all sources other than from general taxation or special-assess- r- menta, and exclusive of moneys received into the city treasury for some specific use; now therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the estimate of the miscellaneous receipts referred to in the preamble hereof -be and the same is hereby fixed upon, determined and confirmed as follows, to-wit: Liquor Licenses, $410,000.00 Peddlers' and Brokers' Licenses, 8,000.00 Street Car Licenses, 4,000.00 Buhers'' 5,000.00 All otter Licenses and Fees, 15,000.00 Municipal Court, 25,000.00 Market Receipts, 7,000.00 Interest on Deposits, 12,000.00 Gross Earnings Tax, a 110,000.00 Tax Penalties, 6,000.0.0 Money and Credits (one-third share), 25,000.00 Mortgage Registry Tax, 13,000.00 Total, $640,000.00 Section 2. That from the total of the estimated migoellaneoue . receipts of $640,000.00 in the next preceding section hereof set forth �F, J A C'M No. 3398—Ordinanup-No., 3349—BY Men Powere— -1 • Ae mdnft.e. ,,,M,,Ig - "". ' "o ' "Y po' - .'_probable It';,tho-.yeei- 1915 flMn"11111 other $nnrC°A than tRRatlOa or "'�� d and .1.- 1hL n money" -.Ned Into '440- -ItY ttd--- ury for some %Peet0o, , and J• _ Me departm nt t.;X; oY mid 7City ; of aA41 A$jsW'j4Nd there be 6A0 Lei I or P" of —.1 Pyro, 000'00 to the nre 3*#00"eat fted, 000.00 To the *4*" 50.000.00 to the ftrinnission.er of VaUlic Works Fund, 10,000.00 To the CjfW 0ffj**"# 04aW Reds 37,000-00 ft *U0 $00st C*Aet;"etj*,* * Sope4v Fund, 83,000.00 to the 44911104t 6 4OW4400 ft", 14, 900. 18 To the poll* Slark *04' 35,000.00 To t1w Street & Or Cl-*40*09 Fuad. 5,000.00 to tie seira ljol"004 Itoesdue. 170,o99.82 $ 640,000.00' *#d that V" re*J404 thftssf. after the satisfaction of the wounts Isoreittetore sV0*jf""j0 apportizoad. be and It is hereby 19 400*mwo awl ovoocw -'40 1** ofterma pww $*dUon ► ft 4% %J'#6 So time. as reeolpts from said mis— OW 14to tho efty %r"&Ary, the City Comptroller I* be"b directed to 4".9%ribute the $Ws, among the different fundi ,tt V&Svh s&jo V#**tj*q I*" %"a $11 and by the terms hereof appor- t ajovil%hy the Council A-27 1911 YEAS, NAYS. MR. FARNSWORTH GOSS KELLER 4 M.GOLL ' Clerk YOERG PUBLISHED-1� Cl 1!�-) NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) �. _c._.. J.. L. k_.• -_� A and detailed, there JXbe and is here apportioned: To the Interest Fund, j $160,000.00 To the Fire Department Fund, 75,000.00 To the Police Department Fund, 50,000.00 To the Commissioner of Public Wo r s Fund, 10,000.00 To the City Off i era' Salary Fuad, 37,000.00 To the Street and Sewer Fund, / 83.00 To the Judgment d, 10,596.00 To the Park Fund, 35,000.00 To the Garbage\Fund, i 5,000.00 To the General F%nd, imResidue, 174,404.00 $640,000.00 And that the resi a eof, after the satisfaction of the amounts hereinbefore cif call portioned, be and it is hereby assigned and or ted to t e Genera Fund. Section 3. Fro time to ti e, as receipts from said mis- cellaneous sources come nto the city tre Bury, the City Comptroller I is hereby directed to ietribute the same ong the different funds to which said receipt have been in and by the erms hereof appor- d on the basis of such apportion tions up p Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force tih4.2�G�+e after its passage and publication. Council File No........__. _._:_._..._....... PROP68AL FOR IMPROVEMENT.--, and MPROVEMENT.--,and ZPRELUVMqARYRY DER.The undersigned hereby proposese following public improvement by t ity. of St. haiit, viz.: ...............Gra,.de...._Be_ea._Arcae.._andHaPeStin_aa.aox.danaew th Pet.._.%tta.Qh0d- .. 1January, 5....• 191 of llatul this..y.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. NPHEREAS, A written prosal for the making of the following inlprovenient, viz.:-- . .... ... .. ......... Grade. .Be.ech ._S.t.re.e.t. _b.e.tween...Ax.cade__ And ._Hope .._.S.t.x.e..e.t.e...._.__ __ ... r- t _.. __.... r.eah r ., the Couaci1 o1 .. .... ... ............. ....... ...._.. .... ......_.... .._.__... .- therefore. be it red, That the Comm - r Wortcs be and he Is ..._.._...._ ................_............__._. ....._. .................. _.................. _......... _... p,o Investigate the neer having been presented to the Comical of tbjrabllity of the makrnl 'Pouncilinan....____._............___ .._........._....._................................. , investigate -tba nater. x therefore, be it :tis mated east of said , , �.nd the total cost there,.� furnish a plan. r.' he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner .t' i, furnish h they touowin .: 1. To investigate the necessity for or ,d eInformation relativelaking of said improvenreut. state whether or -,f said im rovenient, and the total cost thereof. Z. To investigate the nature, extent . ,nt is asked for on p U or more owners. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch^ ,S,e? -.to the on c l,unent. 4. ' 'Po furnish Lhc following other datii,litud i:;.a��,;pi��on relative to said improvement:...._._.... .._. .................. ................................................. ................................. _............................. _...... ............. ........ ............................ .................................... .......................................................... _..... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fm en ing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council............_ .. ... 1...........191.. Yens: Nays: Councilman Fi nswort.h GApproved ......_..... ...... .................. K ler / 11 Coll • .. erg ..... .......................... ............. .......... ................... ........ Mayor were Mayor. PUBUnm E. S. $penoer Council File No..._ ................ 341 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followh public improvement by the of St. Paul, viz.: Dated this...... ____8fi$...._..day PRELIMINARY ORDER. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .................. .. grate. ..._0d.._Oharlae._..S.t_.....b.etWeen.Zyndloste...Aue:._.and... Dunlap._St...,.....a�d..._of...Gr.l.gge....S.t_.._ batW en._Sherburne__Ave......-and... Edmund.._St.....to 0onarm.._to_. ...... lne.....an.....tie....pr..ofi.l.ae.._herat.o. _.at.taohed....and_.made.. s_.._. .... papren.ent__grade._..be.ing._.repres.ent.ed._by....the...blue.._1_ine..... thereon. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................. ..................._.............__................................; therefore, be it J. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner` 7' �T'0"• Eam; F 1'and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity foi d-eae aa`"m a, unP.rt , making of said improvement. :eat grade being rep,1 2. To investigate the nature, extel tee ioIIn a Council o u° 'f said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 1 therefore, be It :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket,-,`n.g,r ,. tnd he Co.., e 1 4. To furnish the following other d!` ro Investigate the ......Ave to said improvement:_..... sirabillty of the makl— ement. ............... ............ ......................... _.......................................................... ! ro Investigate ......................._.............................._._............... __.. ..........._..........._.......... and-tim.—I 5. To state whether or not said {' f,. ' ' t. "n" ' ;'skec� for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forego`ng- matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ............... ... ......... .......�j........191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth • Go Approved..._.._�.._..............�..............._. _._...... Ke r M oil Yg ..................................................... ................. . . w(//- Mayor Po ere Mayor. YI7BI.ISI�1 G j�j 3402 urnB-- ";tu. rt.- IN -hit, r, �' V nu, 191Lnt.rmeC'- alOner f Pubic and zb- iution Fixing the Aml t Extent of Easement to be taken trlP of. )..d 00 In lidthl Wd but a. -- -tion Proceedings. sect -0 butting 2on t el 21, veu 35.. T produced; eouttie� M;- th.t the cuMn-Itph.Oia— .— 1, 1h" I 1114. In the mdf-red A. P111 nd 'denina and extairg Burns Am— �' .7 from White Bear AVO.'to C ity Limits to a width of 60-fe-el, 1111(lAr rAer 700 er diary-vsdD-r-18-11— utidr Puilimluary Order No. 700 approved ti Int L,.xmedf ary Order No. 2811, approved De., 2, -,The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above. matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and ,determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: a strip of ,and Ga! ---in Width not RLready aa street, and lying north o 8-n shutting on i -he _L d out_as -i south line of Sec. 35 T. 29, R2_2 and-ezt njdjng-LrDm-tha-aan1-an-Une „f White Bear avenue produced_ = to the y +- ster -aity Tjmj- as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated 12/3o/i5 which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public street. Adonted by the Council, J an. Ilth,1915. )�o�e IiijLo1l,Kr Fresiclenf.7o:=,7-= ed Any) r::o;v;d 915. ayor. PUMISBED_/-/ 2 , sti4v" • r. f as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated 12/30/1s which sketch and report are hereby referred to g _ and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public street.. Adonted by the Council, J an. llth,1915. c Y - �.e Yo erg,ficCo�l,iu:r.Fresidert_--u-r�,b_, _ A73 roved, 915. ---- - -- - ---- ------ _ {ee� ndot Pralimfna 5 � (/ i ' lttt rineidt3rl 0 der 2811 � . 2, 1914 j sof Public R'orks iltted hi rebart and RW above matter.jj I[ St. lut ion i) Thst tha 6'ity of tnken Ih. fdr tEe p,ndeSto �a Fixing the Ami improvement tD he as Extent of Easement to be taken trin of. land GD do rwidth ti oLl out P. .abuttieethe aMi n 22..on. an�ti0n Proceedings, _ T, 28..R ;rom tho center line n - n�enue, pr duced:enuthe�� , • y Vl' Ltmttd..:hs tt- '�. upon the ekatch alta^---- r� „ sof ;the Coxr�misatone iry the shave mn: - - 197.4; whleh AisetN� -h•-re{errel to nnr In the mar.,. ming.,_ widening and extending Burns • is frora Wh to Bear Ave: to C itv Limits to a width of 60 Legi _ander _ _.- 35 l&mih ry order _700 i der=ediarv-Andex—$8_Ll,_—_--.— uh(&r P"limi:uary Order No. 700 _ approved L Int e.Tme If ary Order No. 2911. approved nec_,2,. jQ14 "y e Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and,,determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named t improvement to be as follows: a already, laid out as a. street, and lvinS nor�i Qf an d eh t;ng nn +.11n south line of Sec. 35 T. 29� R 27.E and_sgtendiylg fror the cer+Ar i; P_n.f _White Bear_ avenue, _oroduced southerly to theer1y City, r;m;+e_ as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated 12/30/1s which sketch and report are hereby referred to g _ and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public street.. Adonted by the Council, J an. llth,1915. c Y - �.e Yo erg,ficCo�l,iu:r.Fresidert_--u-r�,b_, _ A73 roved, 915. ---- - -- - ---- ------ _ (A) REPORT.OF C ON OF ST. PAUL ENT OF FINANCE < IISSIONER• OFI FINANCE j IMIN/KWY ORDER f Order approved -- � 2-L/-�`-� l '�f--� � _ ------------ To the Council of the-Cittof St: Pauli a n The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: T ed amou t of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—�– ----- The'estimited cost per foot for the above improvement The 1 j4 reels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of �F each lot or parcel as;YOt.$e�orted by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION cEJ Z,l c .1 j�uzv�-i i1 �1 r .2 z � y e1 61a.,iaL�Y�Gzze�(�"�vee-/D��r i i9C s. q. S' IT/ 060 / 3 0 iso TOTAL, I... B.9.A. 9-9 A CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI"TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ARY ORDER ~ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED. VALUATION � l Lt u 2 7 0 0 21 J ��� lz�iwu i'I� la l ���2✓�� ��z�� F o. 0 0 �rlG,tie71 zz0 0 �L� Z'�vvi �.0 vv"Gwv� G�� �"1/1.!!L�(/�t,(. Gv,1�G �)lJ Lvw� �!�% LL L//lw�✓-� 9 f � Li SP C �2 21 Gr�iJ� uj C) /C I La v� .9-61'7, 9-0 /) �a �ilwz C c _ TOTAL, �q 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMWSSIONER OF FINANCE �'- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION x_59.7 0_,_ GJZGuc�,� //GC7,� o� GrG%�u -vas ifs lw,�? SLS. 2 rP i Orf 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated . l -7 ------— -- — - --191.`(... ROHM B.9. A. 9.9 C Commissioner of Finance. .. i ,,� � y � � A I �, t .. d)y�'Y ij 4 1�. � _ !J e � �i � �{ � `,� � . #` y ��y-s , Office of the Coiii russioner gf ublic Works �',.. • . to Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 J !Y....31,........... ..............191. .. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The C,mmnissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Comi- cil, known as Council File No.... 700 approved.._ .. ............ ......July 15, 191.._4., relative to.............................. _.................opening.t....tvideninp^....and....ext.ends:nu.....of.....Eurne..._Ave.•.....fr.....................................mt+e..._Bear._......-.. r a N''� Avenue to the Citi* Lir:its. r.::.... _.............. ........................ _..... _.... _.........._.................................... _.......... _.. _..... _...... _......................... _ ................... ................. _.. _ ...................... _...... _.................... ° .. ................. .. ... ............ .... l ................................. ....................................................................... and havilw investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ` 1. Said improvement is .............necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.............. and the total cost thereof is $........_...? X ..... ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..._..._......__.......____..._..__.................. .......... ........ .._................ ........... _.._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . . ... ..................................................................... ................... :................. _................... _.......................................... ..... .......... ... ....................... ............................._. 5. Said improvement is._.. '12`:............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _.............................. ..... ............ ........ ................... __._._..................... _.......................... b om ,issioner of Public Works. ' OSCAR CLAUSSEN POSS - nnRP RNCINReR R UOLIC WORR$ ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. July 30, 1914. Mr. M. I1. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith plans for the opening, widening and-- extending ndextending of Burns Ave. from White Bear Ave. to the Ci'.y Limits, in accordance with Council Pile X700, approved July 16, 1914. << Respectfully submitted, `. Chief Engineer. OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. LOSS - =IW enGM=R mmssroNea wauc CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . RFPnRT TO THE CO'.J''CIL. In the matter of opening, widening and extending, turns avenue from Rite Bear avenue to City Limits, to a width of 60 feet, under preliminary order 700, intermediary order u811. To the Council of the City of St, Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works i:ereb submits anal makes a part of ti:is, his report, a plan of t::e above improveu:ent, s:owing; t,.e land necessary to be taken therefor by t -e o_aseu fart cf „-i- which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land 60' in width not alrea:.y laid out as a street, and lying north of, and abutting on the south line of Sec.35, T.29, R.22, t and extending from the center of Finite Fear avenue, prod.:ce so tYerly to the easterly City Limits. c Works. o Dated 12/30/14 Q Resolution Fixing the Amount of Land or Extent of Easement to be taken in Condemnation Proceedings. In the matter of opening iyidenina and exte"nring S)inn,rbar A.. - from Earl St. to Hester St. td a width of 60 feet under preliminary order no. 563 and intermediary order 2810 ander Preliminary Order No. 563 approved Intermediary Order No. 2810 , approved —A /9 The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows. A strip of land 0' in width not already laid out as a street and lying south of the south line of Drake's resrr� of Block 2, 8,9,10 and lots 1 to 11 Block 11 all partsof t.cLean's Reservation to St.Paul, and extending F. x°. 3403— ms iaenmsa.nd 1 St, to the west line of the matter of open ..tending 9"I"r "', Avenue from -earl Street to Heater,:, 9treek to Hester $t. vidth der N .0663eet.auSntermedfarynOr- rr 2810. approved Dec.. 19,14. Cobmitted hia oeportlLal d `ket} r no tier. be it n a o (1) That the City or as graphsaally shown upon i mate b ° ke.'foeshed to the report of the mo,V. ent tp -I, r tans nao• I Commissioner of Public Forks i.. =e matter, dated 12/30/15 �. which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public street. Adopted by the Council Jan llth, 1915. Y , rs. L'arnserorth, Coes,Keller,Yoerg,iscCooIi;'fxavresidant... -..6 gy Annroved by it?ayor... �j . P, ear 1cuFn/-/G'/9fS ; ayor CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT,, OF COMi,i��//��''ISSIONER OF FINANCE ONPRElIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of------�-�- .-:?�a^.:� -- -- - ----------------------- L7`--�= under Preliminary Order approved yL" f -- -- To --------- the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - is $--- $ice= The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement - - - - - ----------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2, Z/ � S S cin 1 S lG OL""�a" ��� s i � �� 0 6 'g �, ,3 0 � IPRM B.9.A. B-9 A TOTAL, . / .. V._...1.. ..0--.. CITY OF ST. PAUL. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE >? b!�t REPORT. ON PREL:411NARY ORDER (C) D E 5 4 R I PT I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION 'ASSESSED VALUATION 6 U J G '92 0� 9S /Yoe) foo 9q do 9 s o 30 135 1 L,_L :ZO 0 s- St & I o G S- �J�,L�^t 444 �c01 I l 6S T T 9 0 a3V55 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -1'2------ - --- 191.Lll Commission of Finance. l e r { r 7" t w 'u { ti f � (S pyJ. ' �' - : .• � _ ,h is .' `' � -' � s: r M. N. GOSS - Pumic WOHYH OSCAR CLAUSSEN cmeP e»c�xeen CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. July 31y 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T T. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith plans for opening Suburban Ave. b between Earl St. and Heater St., in accordance v,ith Council File f663, approved July 6, 1916. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. HENRY E. WEDELMEDT CO. rA STATIONERS ST. PAUL Not.. TO THF HOS 0JUBLB-CITY_ -00—UN—CU-4 2 3 W Laenti—em-e-n-,-7— We the and erme --s-ign-qd,-0Vr-ne -Q-f-tb-e-jjr on Suburban Ave. between Earl St. and Heater St. do hereby tit ipm _our orablep_o4y_tA cpqpesaLd _to be e4ed to t _of sixty feet between -t-he-,P-0-int;-s---ab-ox r-pp- I I mentioned. NAMaI LOT B11K. ADE rmTf%TIT 2le W4 3 1 4 — ----- Z4 N 27 29 30 32 W M. N. CWlpR5510NRR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OSCAR CLAUSSEN M- sR—ER REPORT TO THE COUNCIL ' In the matter of opening, widening, extending Suburban Ave. from Earl St. to HeSteT.St., to a width of 60 feet, under preliminary order 563 and intermediary order 2810. To tfte Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land 30' in width not already laid out as a street and lying south of the south line of Drake's Rearrangement of Blocks 2, 8, 9, 10, and lots 1 to 11 of Block 11, all part of 1"cLean's Reservation to St. Paul, and extending from the east line of Earl St, to the wast line of Hester St. Commissioner Public Works. Dated 12/30/14. t E�r J.'E. Qarroli,' Council Bile No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ci tY� and PRELImMARY ORDER. The nudersigned hereby propoees the making o£ the following public�jiiemeut by the City o Paul, viz, the ohtgvr}ging._O,X tTw4_. S --of- _Rollert s�4Rn ' �1t11 � snd Twelfth Sb•'1Superae'I: 'Connoil FiZ OK), Ninth St. ween _�t»uea.Qta, $t: and.:•�aokaan St..� T Sb+hstateen - ata. art': -as►►d , dao]teon $b• end Blevent is U.;t,,b alp r$innggpta St' d Jaa�on:St.` ....:;:to_:gpnform.,ta the--xsd li3as 'the-'prciP3iea ire o attarahell dad made tharaon�... _ .. lsl.b.;. a bine linea a fax#: heraor,, the preen gra8e be:,ng repree bpd bar th; r Dated this........l?th.. dad No.'.3.4 on— r the � ngcor the Sollowittqn ng Iteprbvdneent' The ehanSlnS of the grade f, .... .... t '9t bet en Eighth -8t arT 'th: St (superseding Qounof] F O6) Ntnth 9t. r -between Councilman.Minns 011nCilmAII. d7acicsoa St.:, (Superceding c' � B/ � .tie) Tgnth4 st- betrve0rr Mtnn ln_rtf •a;'7aCkatin +ak. (auperoeding (�fF.e;.�.,rya ;OB) and- Eleventh St: =bell f7�o ((/r �_ , - 1 'nota ',St tanfl��Ja kaon at:�•tor' to. the red '11nen on the r Y ORDER. _ f ratty hed and mnde a Pat - 'ppresgnb grgdQ fieing reD- bine 11ndWtbereon have he g°lli .followin iiovement, 1L........ WHEREAS, A written plop(d in tb Cannon oz tr � p 11r� LL.. ;M.�. ,,,p 7.ti here4org°.roe (Ctq Tae�and hjr �,7.ar'. Twelfth St�.. (Supereed?.,�;, a ¢�6) Ninth St. between idinneenta ;0". and T kewi . nth _ #. between lkinneeo is B •and JaoImnn 3t.;d P 4enbh_$b. s=eon,Minnespta 8th and Jaakaq�l Bt , tQ .rzcuorYa Y_.o #ha ;ei�ila$ anthe _ro�ieg 'heret,`o atta<sYtsd arid' $e s dart h.eon, the; present grade;being rented by the b epreslue fines _. -- theso - having been s nted t t c o 1 y by Councilman.---. ...__. _:_... _ therefor ^ l) hat the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and reeted.rT- To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the :making of said improveme f ` 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, an he to It t 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch, of said improvement. 4, ' To fish the following other data and information relative to said im¢ ,. _ ....... ......__ —._._..... _.__............__...... _....... . 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To ,report upon. all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..._..: ........ 19Li. _ Yeas'. Nays: Councilman Fa' worth [ -� GoApproved ......... ..�...... .. ..._..... 191. ... ^� S r B Mayor .. . Mayor P f£ ,. • � ��, .,., . ,...... / .%G lyes dar.roll Council File No..:....... ... ............... ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 3405 PRELIMINARY ORDER. St e City 0 g Public r.vement by the City of St The undersigned hereby Proposes. the making of the folloNviDg Public rovemell.t nt R; poe'- )08 t A.-Mia.0 0 . eW r 40roo ID i, Be �xight :1 Tight Paul, viz.:_I��O� *er Aer6se . .. ........... .... 'trip is' the oti)Kre-line Oz andthe "centre line ............. ................ . .......... ....... .. ............. ............... . .......... ................ -st Dated this.-. - - d .......... . .._.........191..6... ......... .191' . .... ..... .......................... .......... . .... ...... ..... .................. ........................................ Councilman. pRELIrMARY ORDER. WHEREAS I A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:_-j0.0#deiMIng and taking. an,:easement 16. ft, *Ue far the purpose of,00ns dAu"'ntaIhVaPI; bh'ight o wag strip" &Way the land to'be taken li`4zig a Gr1q,01 JT6tthdftRa;I the .. ..... ... r -the stuthorly--to e --. -no ................ . , t--_jz_,w i6ow W' — d the..p�Vr Of the Great Northern AiiIi0a&I Right O�f' , of . ...... ... St. _M ............ e benreirm A-' .one ............. ......... . . .............. ................................... ........... . . . ................... ... . ......... . .............. ............... ... - .... ........ A written pro osal for the Jfhving been presented to the council oftheU).he'fO and therefore, be it Z=QW,th- hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissionere'r ri . 1� Gi 1. To investigate the necessitysaid improvement. ri rovement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate tWnature, e e ,`rnt Ire P eNNJ i�, 3. To furnish a plan, profil,a or skete, elaLdT6st he COMM so r e. r, d, he is here kve to said improvement: 4ti,. To furnish the following other (a , I—) er w, ildl, t ., Z S . ............. . ...................... . ......... ........ ...... ....... . .... . . ...... - -- -------- - --------- - ------- . ......... . ........ ..... petition of three or more owners. �4or on,the 5. To state whether or not said.IlimP�'�,i,,.',V,,,I.stt-at'!'�'�!'' ssioner of Finance. the foreidin 1604he dontmi. 6. To report upon all of tl ....... ...... . ..... .. by the Council.l? 191 ........-. Nays Yeas: N Councilman Fa1 worth or /I 1 -.1 / ......... ................... kpprovcd-.. Goa el Me .......... . .. . ......... . . ... ... YoeYoc, ...... . ... . .......✓. .. . ...... ....... ................... . ... . .......... Mayor. Mr. Herrold Council File No............_ ............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and pRELnyaNARY ORDER. The undersigned Hereby proposes the making of the foll g public Paul viz.: H-PAlAWIdgAin &-and.—ext —01 section with Ceftral Ave oning and taki 1.nn..bn A anA 7, out de iiii--lies -,northerly and u p�of a our curved.. line... -being... -tangent a -WOUthea the new southwesterly IA-Ifie of Robert St. ............. ... ...... ... . .......... ...... .. . .... 2tbL day of ....................... JJIUU .Dated this.. a� 0406 n;iprove1nejft4y the City of St. t .. . ...... at kt.e...A.Atpu= of that pert Of t ra3 park Addit.lon.. of 125 ft. radius, said us of.—cantral.-Ave . ...... and ........... . ... . ........... . . ................ ....................................... . L5..... ... .... . Councilman. pREUMMARY ORDER. WUEREAS A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: widening and extending of Robert St. at its intersection with Central kvs_._by_.o*ndemning and -taking- all_'cf_.._th&t.._pax.t of Black 7---0f-theXe arrangement of blooks 6 and 7 Central Park Addition, that lies northerly an4"e;Ide--of-a ourved line of l2S---ft-i-- T-adIuBj- said ourved.-i-ifte being tang6nt to the southeasterly line ofCentral and e..n.ew south- . . .. ... . . .. . ....... Ave. ........ ..... .. . .. the.. . .. ....... ........ . . ..... .... .. .... wqB-UerIT --xine Q.L ZWUUZU vU.y No. 3406 having p been resented to the Council I teres, A written, provdsal for, the i mam....... ................ - -------- - --- ------------ --- -- -- ------- IAf,the rojjrn owjngi�jjfiproveent.: therefore, be it :I en st at.lts`intersection with; �j Avg. by condemning and tak- RESOLVED, That the Commission, ll ir'nlEiii�friL"d' a:t.partQf;.Sjocjt-,7v0! the� a hereby ordered and directed: n nt,q,hIQia,uand,-.7-,L e- -ark Addjtjojthat , 1. To investigate the necessity faj tejd&efa,curved un of.xas. to of said improvement. said can ed, 3lne bomb^, t-hgs-t total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, exte�.I, 4provemcut, and the to tpert he, new-,00ixti,;�esterjy��uhr -1 bee present r. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sliVt{au6ciFcf t A e; be It 4. To furnish the following other al N to said improvement: ......... .... . .. ..... .. ..... . .. . ............... . ...... . ...... . . ........ . .......... .. . . . . . .... . ....... . . ..... .. .......... ....... . ....... 5, To state whether or not said, impinvaat aged for ou the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the ,ore Ding mtbs+ra to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_......... Z Yeas: ays: Councilman Fai worth Gos Approved--./: . . ............ . ..... .......... - r Me oil Yg ... . .......... . . . .............. .. X Mayor. u�t Q CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject. _..... .................... I .... _........ ......... ....,....._ -........... _...._.......... _:_........_rrH-••--r.. �.___........................... _........_......,..._..........._....__........._..... / Date 407 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... ... ........ .._ ed..l." 'i "J I91 Resolved, -That the time specified for the performance of a certain contrat't dated November 30th, 1914, between the St. Paul Tile Company and the, City of St. Paul, for curbing Grand avenue from Fairview avenue to Baldwin street; for the performance of a certain contract dated Novem- ber 30th, 1914, between the same parties, for curbing Taylor avenue from Aldine street to Asbury avenue, ai}d for the performance of a cer- tain contract dated November 30th, 1914, between the same parties, f.or curbing Van Buren street from gamline avenue to Albert avenue, be and the .same is hereby extended to the 15th day of June, 1915, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contracts in accordance herewith. Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain con- tract dated November 30th, 1914, between the St. Paul Tile Company and the City of St. Paul, for curbing Bayless avenue from Cudworth street to Hampden avenue, and for the performance of a certain con- tract dated November 30th, 1914, between said St. Paul Tile Company and the City of St. Paul, for curbing Cromwell avenue from Terri- torial Road to Cudworth street, be and the same is hereby extended to the lot day of July, 1915, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contracts in accordance herewith. _ IC F. No 3408—BY 'ff N Goes Reaolved That the time a�ecifl d for thu perform nce of a ce t81t;cont ..-, I dated ��Novgmb r30th 19g4,rt ltetween' -' I CITY OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office o ecoived of City Clerk lanuary 11th, 1915, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for grading and improving the alley in Block 3, Wann's Addition, be and the same is hereby approved, and the'proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C: F:.S?o. 34c9— d ¢.BJanon hllthho191Sebyt nd�be- St ' paul, rtor YJ6rdffip nand imprlovin. the alley In Block. ,a:.:.Wann's Addltlon. ha..and ,the samfl is: -hereby approved,. rid+�he proper clty ice—are nuthoc- 1 ed and.:dl ¢cted do, C -1 -cut. the eatrie on behalf o� the CAy. Adopted by the Connell Jan. 13, 1915., ADDroved San 13, 1915. (Jn.n 18I`91S) CITY QF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's Office tll Inn�ea ... �:; PAUL GENERAL FORM e� ��1tpl�y" 3409, COUNCIL FILENo ................................... Date Presented.... .......... -I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date January 11th, 1915, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for grading and improving the alley in Block 3, Wann)s Addition, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. C:'.RvdNoe.40T— athe contract bearinb' dnte Janunry 11th. 1915. by and he- tweeh.Chrtat Johnson aad-the Clq• of 'St..Paul; for 6 din,8' and tmproving :the alley 1n Hloclt t:.: V.nn's Addltlon. ..IAe. and -the enure le, hereby approved: unaa lhe.proper cliy oS Were nre authog �.Izfdtatifl dlreatel azeaute the .Came o behalf oR the CItY• Adopted by the CounciY Jan. 12, 1015: Approved ;Jan ,13. 1916. •(Jan. 7916) Yeas (V) Counc' en (P) Nays Adopted by the Council _ Ferns Orth Goss - _ _[n favor Kell I% Mc 11 Approved_ _Against Mr. Presi — X2_191 1916- Subject:-:... _. _. CITY OF ST. PAW. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CPUNGL .FILE NO ...... ..... ........... ........... .._.: _ ....__............»....__....._...._.a....._..__.__..— ........ ....... _ :. Date Presented-......__ ___..._._...._ _..... _191........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date January 11th, 1915, by and between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for grading and improving Niles street from Griggs street to Syndicate avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. CITY.OF SAINT PAUL �WCity Clerk's Oifice/ ��- .......... 61 Received of City Cl �" ^�� iOPM. c.H•2 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL -RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ._. Sub�ecr:...... ...... i� 1..._. . COUCIL NO.. FILEN N ..... a Date Presente�...... 191. 'Resolved, Whereas, Geo. W. McKay, heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul the sum of One hundred & 00/100($1.00.00) Dollars, as an advance payment for a sewer on Lots, 122 & 124 Howard Park, and Whereas; The assessment for the construction of the sewer oonneoting with said property is the sum,of Ninety two & 00/100 ($92.00) Dollars. Therefore, be it resolved that the sum of Eight & 00/100 ($8.00) Dollars be refunded to the said Geo. W. McKay and that the proper City Officers be and they Are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of Said Geo. W. McKay for said sum, payable out of the Advance Payment Account. -- Adopted by the Coup ' 19 A-- - / / 3 191t;.f. `. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to prepare an annual report in the usual form for the year 1-914, and to have five hundred copies of the same printed, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Printing Fund. C. P No: 3411 By411 BY M.."2.rq� :." �' � Resolved, That the Commis tong of II Publtc:worka be and he is h r byfau- th rized to. D Date an anntlat reBort 1n the ueual YotM Iw• the }e r 1914. and to have ave hundred coDt0 of the same printed, the. epst thereof to be p ld out of the Pr(nt1h - Fund. Adopted�by the Council Jan. 12,:1916. Apprpved San. 18, 1916. (Jan: 16-1916) J Yeas (J') Cou ilmen (P) Nays Adopted by the Council fir_ 1910 Far Go Ke worth r _-_ n favor Approved-' 3 191 5� M Agtiinst oil Mr. Presid . .... .. — – — --- . '. R ,. MAYOR – = Resolved, Whereas, Gustave Kreiger, heretofore paid the City of.St. Paul the sum of Nine & W100 ($9.20) Dollars, as per receipt No. 1677, as an advance payment for a sewer on Lot 7, Block 1, Covering's Addition to Union Park, and Whereas; The assessment for the construction. of the surer connecting with said property is the sum of Forty six & 00/100 ($46.00! Dollars, and was subsequently paid in full, receipt No. t,. 6551. Therefore, be it resolved, that the sum of Nine & 20/100 M-20) Dollars, paid in the first instance by Gustave Kreiger be refund- ed to said Gustave Kreiger, .and .that the proper.City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant to said Gustave Kreiger for said um. 1'aXable out of the Advance Payment Account. C. F No 3473 By 9. k4a naw th— Reaoly d Wfiereae Guetate I[r igen, heretdfore Pahl theCltyo[ St �anl lhe,eum of None &6 (f920) Dol- • Iare. ee bCr cei t Nn. tRZ9 o nn.t_ Yeas (17) Cou F :M'' ilmen (V ) Nays worth n favor Z?Agaj nat by the �- JA GSubject: ........................ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............. -_...... `�Gy....._..:..................44 COUNCIL TILENO......_.. _................_...... ...._ Date Presented....................:............................191............ Resolved, Whereas, Swan Johnson, heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul the sum of Sixtv two & 50/100 ($62.50) Dollars, as an advance Iayrien.t for a sewer on Lot 5, Block 5, Olivers Addition, and Whereas: The assessment for the construction of the sewer con- _ netting with said property -is the sum of Fifty one & 50/100§51-50) Dollars. Therefore, be it resolved that the Burn of Eleven & 00/100 ($11.00)Dollars be refunded to the said Swan Johnson, and that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of said Swan Johnson for said sum, payable out of the Advance Payment Account. C. R No, 3414-13y S A. Farnawor= R..olved, whereas. Swan Johnson. !I heretofore paid to Che Cf ty of Rt. Paul the auto of 91xty two & 50/100.462-50 i Oollara, nadvance '?w..t for n n Lot 5, Block 6. O"ver's Ad- dltion, and tirhereas: The wae.ament for the construction of the sewer--conneet1r; i Nays In favor Against fgfprantaid in favor of , .aum. poy- :dvance Payrtient Ac: Council Jan. 12. 1915. 13, 1915. 16-1916) Adopted by the Council 191d Approved/ /,3— 1914— MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT F AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION RM COUN 0. BY AUDITED 181— 71 PER PER 173 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and. in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: d by the Council Yeas ncilmen Nays Adopted F nsworth t ed -by - h 'Council the 1910 4 19 is nswor,h 1 ay. Appr ed .us Appr ed 181 avor G w K er Iler Co coil Against MAYOR Y erg y erg r7 Mr. Presiden I. Corporate Purposes Water Supply Fund 8 3 water Department. 9,490.00 ✓ Gen* FundwLegal Dept. Zxpense Acct. Z, Hall, 52.50 Gen. Bund -Advertising & Pub. Acct. 8 A. L. Snyder, 133.00 8 Gen, ftod-RievellaneoUs Aeot. W. C. Handy, city Comptroller, 3.33 56 11te Dept, fund Dr 4 Ingo & 00*9 1995.M5-73 Worriftouse Ruud Wo 000"40ger. Supt. 14.57 Oworks 1"d fts Of PuW A* *A*r*# 47.60 Form A. 5-11 #2 37.70 Street & Sewer Fund rporate Purpose Aq 419.16 80 Indian Refining Co.. 12.15 8 A. P. Moore, A. P. Moore, Spea. Aaseve. Coast. Acct*-?Svi2g Gan. Ihma-39jection Expense Acct. York & westminister 8(6 5 9, A. yaraworthe C=, of Finance, 35.00 8c 64 A. P. Moore, gaStS11SOO Dates to Earl he 1.65 Am P* MOD"a -TO-N&L is OtIv. B*ve"Oe Prior ANO.. Mareball to University Sohool Fuad .95. A. k* Moo"s 40.10 8 6 X. P. Dreher, Park Fuad 6.00/ W6 F. Nusebaumer# Interest bund 80 S. A. 7arnswortlls Com. of Finance, 3,816.00 85.43 80 so Field k M2epley, Merchiant ng 8 i jetiowa Bank, __Ia,4_6 Auditorium Acet. 37.70 A. F. rporate Purpose Aq ecial Funds Red, tax Levy Certs. of Ind. 1913 Acct. S. A. Va=gworth. Cam. of Finances 1,000.00 Zogjaeoring Inspection Acct. 22. a5 A. P. Moore, Spea. Aaseve. Coast. Acct*-?Svi2g York & westminister .95 A* P. gaStS11SOO Dates to Earl 1.65 Am P* MOD"a Prior ANO.. Mareball to University .95. A. k* Moo"s �3 Spec. Assess. Const. Acct. -Paving *` Case St.. Payne to Westminister 86 A. P. Moore. 1.35 t% Total tan 'Anaaaa rnna ,t. A^e,+ P+ ter; 6 47!lA�e+s•s. Total Corporate Pu oes...... ....... .... 15, 266.6 _ Special nds....... ... ,02 5. • Spec. ssess. Co t. Ac .-Pavin 4 .90 Gr d To , 6,293.73 (7-,P-8 . F. No. 3415— Resolved that warrants hr drawn upon the Clty- TTenflurp, puy'nUle out of the hereinafter. apecitled Panda andtn favor of Lhe persons,' Arms or corpora.: (Foos .to i' the dine ants net onnh ift 1 A. L. Snyder,. $13300—&Pub. Acct.: Gen. .Fand-Miscellaneous Ace4. ! Handy;'Clty Camp troller, $3.33. Fire -Dept:. Fund: F. J. Bring. & Co., 5396:73;:Mas' Wittman, $496.00. Norkpout.ae Fund: H. W. Goet- zluCRPub h' 6 r .60. Works Fund: A. p. . lfooe , $47 SErest 4 Sewer Fand: Indian Redn- Ing Co., $439.16 A. P, Moore, $12.15. Gena Fund—Election Ezpenee Acet.: j $ A. FaMewort D, Com. ne Finance, 53b.00; 'I P, Moore, $7.96, iSchboi.Fund: 1E F. Dreher, $40.10. Park, Fund:. F. Noss baumer, $6.00. Interent Fund: 5. A. Farnsworth, C m. of Flnnnce, $3.616.00; Fielding & s hepley, Inc., $.5.43; Merchants Nn- Monal Bank, $466.46. Auditorium_ Account: :L F. Morton, $37.70. Speelal Fund.—Red. Tax Levy Cer[e. oP. Ind. 1913 Account: S. A. Farns- worth, Com.of Ffnance, $1,000.00; Engineering Inspection Acct.. A. P. Moore, $22.16. - ConS Pork at AWestminstert: A. P, Moor 195 Centving s.: Hastings, Bates to Ear" A. P, Moore, $1.65.. Prior Ave., Mar.halt to University:- A. P. Moore, 96 Cents. CaseFavne to Was A. P. Mooren .61.86. Adopted DY' --the Council Jan. 12, 1916. Approved Jan, 12, 1916. (Jan. 16-1916) CITY OF ST. PAUL nr.. ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT I���� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM OENCIL No. (� qty+: 2 19171 (6Y__.I�`� c� • AUDITED . _ l PER''. Resolved that w rants be wn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter spacil funds and J in favor of the persons, firms or corporations r the a nts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ' Yeas ( J) Cou ilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Council ' 191.^ Far swort6 Go' �In favor Appr Ke er M allAgainst ry A4U9 MAYOR, Yo g j Mr. Pres' we _ II FNo. 3410— IC. Resolved that warrants. be drawn upon the Clty Treasury, payable out of of the hereinafter specined fbnda and. favor of the person., arms r corpora-' I. [lone [or the amounts aet DPoaite I their eapective names as sDecifled to yAbe following detailed statement: Corporate Purpoaee—Park Fund: FCing Co.Co Eek Ne-.. 6, 3 59,120.60. Adopted by the Council Jan E12 1916. Approved Ai6-° tJa�lE Corporate Purposea AF Bark Bund 8 g X1138 Construction Co., Hot. #5 $ 9,120.50 1 0 •4 .r CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT yam..-,.,, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUT! 01F"0RM c,r co„riMp AUDbTED___S_T NCIL -417 1.74 esolved that warrants be dra pan the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the am s set opposite their respective names as specified in the folio . --detailed statement: Yeas ( V) Coun en ( J) Nays Adopted by the Coun ' 191 Far orth A e �IIr { 72 j9 191_ Go _,C—In favor Ke r /) �x APfAw M' oil C/ Against MAYO Y rgtiriQ Mr. President C F No.:8417— the that warrants b drawn: uponon the, C , ltY Treasury, payable out or the hereinafter, speclfled funds and 1n favor of thepersona, firms or corpora- �[lona for the emoun to set pppel[n their apecNve aures ea apecifled In the following detailed statement: Corporate Pyynposea—Fire Fund— ttMaint & Bepa(r: S. A. Farnsworth, Co- of Finance, 86.60. Public Building' Fund—Tools. Mach. Equipment: S. A. Farnsworth, C m o[ Finance.. 814.. — Ad pied by tfie-.Counc[1 Jan. 13, 7915. Approved Jan. 12. 1815. (Jan. 16-1515) Corporate Purposes _. _. Fire Fund-Maint. & Repair 8 S. A. Farnsworth, Com. of Finance, 5,60 Public Buildings Fund - Toole, Mach. & Equipment $ S. A. Farnsworth. Com. of Finance, 14.00 Total Cor ..... i l CITY OF ST,,.,PAUL �✓ ,, F COUNCIL RESOLLP1 N—GENERAL F. m `. P Subject:.- RE7EGTION OF BIDS F0 GRAD3Tld & I GVEIidR` "" " 1. M T ST T TO TFCYF TY Foe"`i` NO.....3L/�� OF BARNET STREET ;, '' / QTR:,T _..__...._.............. Daie Presented --Jan. 12,%916...._I91---.----- d A Resolved, That the action of t -re Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids received for the grading and ir.proverrent of Barre gree fr :m Front street to V.cKenty street be, and is hereby confirmed and approved and the Purchasing Agent authorized to read.vertise for the making of said improvement. 1 C. F. No. 5418—Ry M. N. Gone— Resolved, That the action of the Pur- nhaeing Committee In rejecting; all bldg eceived Prom the grading and im- provement f 33--t tree[ from I�`ront street to. McKenty. street be, and ie hereby confirmed and approved andthe � Puncheaiag Agent authorized to. le - advertise for the making of said. Im- provement Adopted by the Council Jon. 12. 1916.' AVprnved Jan. 13, 1916. (Jsn. 16-1916) Yeas (V)tKe!ll Nays —In favor /, Against Mr. Presi oaw �.e-z Adopted by the Council G%s��? L- 19L�J Approv 191 S --- ---O-- --- MAYR e ;X p" 6 t Ric ng of lead or extent Of, 4the so to rb..S-.b condemnation Easement &K condemning f., perk pllp---F, TA the matter -�:eston St. knoym as swel Ave. and t rawt . bounded by Ch lcombe Ave. Do -;St. Anthony L-� Block E, — ------ hf �r:pro"nary order No..1515...,,appreved .................... I Bj9 CezuJogioner Of M114 Work$ having submitted, his report and sketch An the (boyo, matters te it mao LVID, (1) That the Gj+,y of St Paul hereby fj7ae. and determinOWthe amuntet . - lend to be taken for the above named luipr"OnAnt to be taken as f011OVS; Block -F -5t, -Anthony-.P-4rK,. ;atter 9— .—'"onY. .e4, atrlangular. tract, bound- Cstb. ChIklS-'b no, "'bonyPark, North;• 'under Pre 11 . - Order I i Order No. 281i 1316. J�t6rrnedj.� approved Dee 2___ glHaloneritt.dLhI. tof Public Works cove rhatter, br.0,Por an sketch belt. Ity. of S ' of . e (I et Ines and:., to b' *r Awa at, fA, r— A A. graphlAillk sham upon Us sketch at+AOh*k'4o the report of the Cmissionerot Public Works In the above matter,dated ........ sketch and riprt are hereby reforredle and -a-part hereof. Wh Adopted by the COUMOMM. 12 fSI191- xoa Hays Approved ..... ...... ..... ..... .... Mayor Attest . ......... ....... GUY Glork. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - r REdpORTOF 0001ISSIONER OF FINANCE ` y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r- (A) T a the Matter oflQ fI72f/ i� crnl ..... // under Preliminary Order approved -----� �� - ------- ----=.. � S...... L_<q -/-�----- ----...............- -------- --------- ----- ------ ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: /'--�j----- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is- - $—A- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is: - The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuat on of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � 0 CJ .22 /D S 22 66, `f o v 7� s /p 2 3 TOTAL, f CITY OF ST. PAUL OF FINANCE - DEPARTMENT REPORT F COMPJISSIONER OF FINANCE IA ON PRE.OL MINARY ORDER (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUVIOc��.7 01112- -22- 0 93 Gt�o. . 2 S o �So / v 3 63-0 / 060 s- v /2 ?3 oda, G9'O 2,1 C U h 'f 2 0 0 f fin, ,2 o o moo 1 / 04 � 0 0 S 1-�c 3y o 2 1 S C�t7 3 0 o 3 �s 3 ° 0 300 3 o o 3 9 0 7 s GCb 3 9 0 �5 n% 3pO 30 0 /0 �S �,�p 3 o 0 -3-0-0 _ TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMrJISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM INARY,ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ,3 .33 S .2�5 Soo 3o 0 3aU foo 3o 0 33s ,3-?- 1 s iso 3 S's o 3-s-0 �f'5_o 3s n 3 -s -o ,2YJ- J ys`0 �f y 0 l y 0 0 300 9//0 1000 A7.. 7, /,S- 2 3 3 2 6 Clo Z vlo S -26 coo 6 Glo, -2 6 A /o 11 .2 (, c(o, is -26 cI 4 ,2 6 l 26 dv 37 do 06 ) 27 �7 Gov -1-7 fo % A 7 a`o ronM e.s.w. es a TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION ,3 .33 S .2�5 Soo 3o 0 3aU foo 3o 0 33s ,3-?- 1 s iso 3 S's o 3-s-0 �f'5_o 3s n 3 -s -o ,2YJ- J ys`0 �f y 0 l y 0 0 300 9//0 1000 A7.. 7, /,S- I / 4/E C��u�iJGe� rrl %°i � �( / +-c. L,1107� � J2 � ! �tf�s✓ ZZ, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ 1 REPORT OF COMPIISSIONER OF FINANCE r - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUATIO7N 11 -27 pla JJ o 21 7q e2 ) del, j 0 0 3 o o .27 7 7 00 �7 o 20 27 ��0, 5 J o a7 2 7 via. 3 s 3 > 211 so o -2y2] 7 0O 3 -2 8 'f C4 (D l 5 7 S _G�0 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE n REPORT OF COM14ISSIONER OF FINANCE 4, I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAIrU�TI/ 2 S- 2 2 5 - z 3 S' & U 2- _3 14 33-o ?S� J- 0 /0 2i -w 0 0 lI 99s- /2- 02 y /3 �y j 0 00 l X6 l iS 9 do 5- o 04 2 0 0 0 3 f, �- TOTAL, o es eee o J / CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMP41SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER G DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK .... .. ADDITION .... ASSESSED VAL,UATIp N� O �6-4 L fZ S `0 0 3 ��/IIIZ 30 3-0 o /f 30 �Lu J 3 0 "o 3 J o 30 do 30 clv =/ 6 s o 30 30 30 o o /l 30 0� 3 s— o / 3-0 � 3 s-- o l3 io oto '2 S o s 30 0(v / g 3-0 /7 3.o GAO 2 3-0 Jt j �D .3 S o J /9 �o �o 9.s -o 20 3-o G� 1�1 s o / 3-v oCo '-�2 s 0 9 2 o 2 6-0 Jj LP5 0 9s 99 d� 3 G 0- 30 30 civ �. S ron e s a TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • {{ r li ^q ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i (B) .:._..:., DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ', ASSESSED VALUATION _ 2 3 v 3 0 Q'Za Z- 61 J. s 3I ? 0 C�9, 3 �? S 3 3 30 3S 3o 0, 390 36 3o quo, 39 o 3-7 3o 9b 3� 30 y o o 3� 3 o �! o o q o � o o1v i� D o �I 30 do � 2 JI d4 qoJ �d ) Li 31 iy 0 o do 1 J 31 yo 0 civ ► 31 0(0 / S o 7 31 d. l KGs 8 3I C(o > 9 ) 31 G 1336 0 /0 31 11 3 �//U S-60 14 31 13 31 y s� o TOTAL, FORM B.S.A. 8-0 8 / �f 9 1... D ..::.. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �+ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION a LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ro S-6 0 /f o /f o s-AGv J'2S-U 3-v o 6-0 U -S-o0 6-00 s 16- 'z /'5- 0 s 'z/sv The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / ai Dated ----__._/----%--......-__.._.-------191._L�L._.L.,.-..'%i/....��../%.�....%3,.....-----------...... Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 0.5 C 3/ Geo /9 31 U 3/ Glo ,q-/ 3/ '22 3/ vl� do �5 3� �2 6 31 �D <7 31 C/o, 3/ 30 3/ 3/ 32 31 o�D, ASSESSED VALUATION ro S-6 0 /f o /f o s-AGv J'2S-U 3-v o 6-0 U -S-o0 6-00 s 16- 'z /'5- 0 s 'z/sv The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / ai Dated ----__._/----%--......-__.._.-------191._L�L._.L.,.-..'%i/....��../%.�....%3,.....-----------...... Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 0.5 C .rF ." . �.., ,-.c' F .rF ." . �.., ,-.c' ri PETITION TO CONDEMN FOR PARK PURPOSES TRIANGULAR TRACT BOUNDED BY CHILCOMBF /A/VE . , DOSWELL �AVFQ.� �AND KESTON ASST . , ST. ANTHONY c� PARK NORTH. -/ / �J�^ i/ k TO THE HONORABLN BOARD OF PARK C0' fISSIONFRS: We, the resident property owners in the vicinity of the following described property, being deeply interested in the beautification of our city, do hereby voice a unanimous prayer to the Honorable Board of Park Commissioners to condemn and at some opportune time to improve the small triangular tract of land situate in St, Anthony Park North, St, Paul, Minn., and bounded by Chilcbe Ave., Doswell. Ave, and Keston St., and for the granting of our humble petition, we wish to express our thanks and appreciation. i f A. Al ,tea %>�-a:��•_ 44 �P 'S' v r — ' f —✓ gyp_ i���.�%/'✓ '.c1—C_( i y� A1 2-7 w-t 'c2? —�— �,� Office I of the C om'missioner of Public Wor\ Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the coun- cil, known as Council File No pproved.... . ..... relative to..... 9.jP.nftMiDz f.Q;r pn :tKIanguja,_r,_txact boundecl by Chilcome .... . ....... - ....... ....... .. ...... ... and. KQql.Q.rt :txe.et, ... st Ant'horly Park 'Yorth_ Anown-as B 1Q.Q.k.-Z-.St---Ar-t han-Y PUX3 Noxt.h...." and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is--- ..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof Is $ .............K- N.",.N., and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ ....... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .......... - - ... . . . . .. . ..... ......... 5. Said improvement is ....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. //G�%/�� M. N. GOSS OSCAR CLAUSSEN COIWOSSM. N. PUBLIC WORTS ' tl1�6P G�NeeR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Mihn. Sept. 14, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir. - I transmit herewith plans condemning Ex for park purposeB triangular tract bounded by Chilcoabe Ave., Doswell Ave. and Keston St., St. Anthony Park North, .known as Block E St. Anthony Park North, in accordance with Council File #1315, approved Aug. 25, 1914. Respectfully submitted, ;y -d Chief Engineer. M. N.GOSS COA9115510NER PUBLIC WORF.S d CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REPOPT TO THF CO:;CIL. OSCAR CLAUSSEN CIII¢F BNOMEER „ Ir the matter of condemnin for park purposes, a triur_uzi .r tract, bounded by Chi1combe avenue, ioswell ave..ue ar.0 ::ester. street, L, known s dock E, Si. Anthony Park ::crtl.,lna-�r treli::.in,r; crier 1315, ii.tern.euiary order 2&13. To t ,e Council o ".: "i y of St. Paul: The Com:: issior.er of P,,,,1:!licViorks hereby s_t: r::its Dnl- rakes a part of this, his rerort, a pla-. of -1.e above ir..prove!:ent, the land necessury to be taker: tLerefor by the shaded cart of s -Ad plan, viLich lard is accurately described as follows: 31ock E, St. Anti.ony Park "orth. ^on' iseior_e f u:1`_:;�V,_: Luted 12,30/14_ REPORT TO THE COTMOIL. In the matter of condemning for park purposes, a triangular treat, bounded by Chilcombs avenue, Doswell avenue and Keeton street, known as Block E, St. Anthony Park North, under preliminary ord%m 1315, Intermediary order 8813. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publioworke hereby, submit* and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary La be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: Block E, St. Anthony Park North. ommiseloner o Public Works Dated 1a/30 14 A. O. WILIIOIT, EXLMIBT 619 CLOUx Exexxxcx CHEMICAL AND TESTING LABORATORY STATE GRAIN INSPECTION DEPARTMENT MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 644 / Al. / 9,1,r . - - u�lie �ninersitg of fll�innesnfa (LoUrip of Srtrurr. Eibraturr. and U}e Arts �tnnenpalie DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS October 15,1915• aentleirien of the City Council:— I wish to reiterate the opposition wh = I expressed at the earlier hearing in September to the condemnation for park purposes of Block N, St. Anthony Park, North. It is not convenient for me to appear before you in person every time some private individual who has a private axe to grind tries to get you and me to grind it for him; therefore I am asking my neighbor to carry this letter to you. I do not see that the proposed park will be of any benefit to me. It is too small for effective park purposes, I am informed that the City has no funds with which to improve it and keep it in operation as a park, and because of its small size and location I should not permit my children to use it if it should be established. I regard the proposition merely as one to benefit the present owner of the land and the owner of the lots which are adjacent to it. If those whose lots border this tract wish a park there, I see no objection to their joining privately to purchase the tract and present It to the City, or to operate it as a private park. But I wish none of it. May I express the opinion that it is altogether too bad that the City Council should entertain propositions of this kind and propose thus to spend the citizens' money for them G4P Univrrattg of 9Aiuneanta QiUrge of Orimm, Kiterahire, nnb the Arts �innenpalia DEPARTMENT PF,ECONOMICS 2 when there. are so many other improvements which are needed much more than are insignificant triangular parks. A year ago hast May I joined with my neighbors in.requesting a side- walk along the north side of Bourne Avenue and a crossing at the foot of Bourne on Keston with the object of giving us an cutlet from our homes without having to wade through r the red clay mud of Bourne Avenue. We have the side -walk but no Grossing, so that now instead of having to wade through the mud directly in front of our houses we have the alternative choice of wading through the mud some place else. This summer curbings, which are not really needed, have been put in and will entail heavy assessments on the property owners; but we have no street crossings, which we really do need. In closing, may I make the point that the City Council In planning to create obligations for the citizens should plan to spend their limited funds on the objects that are most needed rather than on those that are least needed. Resp/e'ctffuully yours, J� JZV,4� L//� ,� 2349 Bourne Avenue, (Lots 8 & 9; B1ocK 30) 8t. Anthony Park. North. POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE.-OF;,THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St./Paul, Minn. Oc t�,k 5th 1915 n the matter of the assessmem lnr_Condemncn�and ap- propirlataig for Park Purposes --- Block E St. Anthony ParK N0, F E F+nd.son_ ,J Y e he' by in- that theCity of St. Paul proposes the of make the above a r, ague been a to 1 t thereof th of $ 7 O A 9 0 That the following lots or parcels of Inn.' have been sed in thea Dunt set app ne F thereoh respemvd for the makmg of said ,mproveo ant. a els' em yy am m B, sac Add tun Am unt of A ass \N 2 Block 22 29 St. Anthnv, Pork Io.$16.46 ,. — ws, $ V II be held on said n, n . t � the Court" Chamber too 61 f the Cowl kiTh., it p bl h. g svr nse d City Flau Bmlding, is the Cay of St.P".1. nt 10 o,I.,k n. M1I . on a,c 1 5th day of Oct.- 1915 S A. FARNSU'ORTH, Commissioner of Finance fi POST CARD NOTICE y FICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St Paul, Minn Oct. 5th 1915 tt files a mentfnr Cr)r)dern,nina and ap- a er n nin Q' p�opriating fDr Park Purposes 13tpp-K E Sta Anthony ParK No _ -in 1L. Vonel po tl Yo e h by Yficd that theCity f St Paul proposes to make the above ss s me t. that the 1 i t sof o th of $ 7 n p, c3 Q That the following lots or panels of land hove been ®®�7 d !�, uat set opp to each trier f, respec'i for the makmg of said �mpro einem. n cly: e [ y_otam Block Addmon Amoum of Asxssment 26 St. Artilony Park "Q. $ 7.49 h pubbc hearing will be held on said asessmrm to the Counrd Chamber room 61 YCourt 'ly I tall Budding in the City of St Paul, st 10.'Jock A. M.. oit the oJill ofa OCt._ 1915 -. S A. FARNSWORTI-I, Commnsmner of Finnnce POST CARD -NOTICE OFFICE QBE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul. Minn. Oct.. 5th 191 5 othems,terofdo, asa entfor_Cpnd�mnJngand ap- �� proprtatJng- for_Parlt Purposes -- 131 oc k urposes-_Slack E St. Ar t hors y Pyr K N ax -- -- -- ToALJZ-1LSt1l F_--And-ersaia_ .. to make the above ssessmein; that the Y are hereby notified that the City f St. Paul propose the following lots or parcels of land have beer! total t you is the sum of $ 7O'} 9n ec,ivslyr for the making of said i rnt. ely: assessed in the amount set oppo8.'olek acK tRere ,resp Addition mpAmum of Assessment Lot _l3 14 26 _St . Anthgny hark ldo. $ 8.00_ - �\ Tl t public hes g will be held on said assess t n the Couord Cbrunber noron 61 1 the Corn' and City 1-1-11 Bu Id g, in the City of St. Poul at 10 'clock A. M., on the 15th ux 1915 �tlny of_ Oct.._._. ....... S. A. PARNSWORTI I, Comm vioner of Finance POST CARD NOTICE . �O IGVF�. OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Mind. Oct. Ittil 191 5.. ,,n,Condemningand ap- tqt a JRhe ds —_.._ plgtpri Jng for. Ptrrk Purposes-..- _ o. Bloc a St. Anthony P-arK No. Tn _ Steffi Goth by n t fled h t ills city of St. Paul ptopo s to make the aboveassessment;th t tl total c th ef(s the of s� e, O That the following lots or parcelsof[and bave been sseas n the eflroum app I ,, �,ercoI respe�pvel for the makmg of said rmp,t mens, a dy. o ��}} etecjc� y, ve Addition Amount of Assessment St. Anthony Park Yo $ 25.25 $ ThI he g II I held on smd a i to the ( sd Chamn ber r (. 61 0l the ami C Ho nil G y B ldin 1, the City of St. P..I, i 10 o clock A. M., on the — 1 5tIi dry o a r- 1915 S. A. FARNSWORTII Commissmnrr of Tinnnec POST CARD NOTICE OFFJLE QF ,THE CQ ltaISSIOIQ A OF FINANCE � S1��aulr Oct. 5th 191 the matter..fd sessile t for _ C mpihp and ap- propriating for Park Purpose_ Block E St. Ant hony AarK No. To - L -i z ie— L D©heTt - You hereby ., of fig.' t. t th _C7y f St Paul proposes to make the above �ssessmem, t1A� mt.l t ther,,[ the ($ 70 O(� TI t the following lots or parcels of land leve IT co edinthe amoum set opposite �tT,creoi, respectively for the making of said impro ant. a ly Lot Block - Addition Am unt of Assessmavlit 21 29 St. -Anthony Park. No. $ 48 $ Thin a public heanng will be held on sau assessment in the Council Chamber room 61 d the C it House and Cly Hall Budding, -n the City of St. Paul, at 10 o',lo k " M, a the 15th dny of Oct. 1915 S. A. FARNSWORTIi, Commissioner o(Finnnce POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE CO[rrlt&JSSLONER OF FINANCE sse,s s Isis Paul. Minn. Oct 5th 191 5 nth—t-,ifthe n' mem for Condemning and ap- propr4ating for Part Purposes_ Block'E St. Anthony ParK No.------- TnWill_arsl Y at, hereby notified that the City f St. Poral proposes m make the shove s m t: that the t ost thereof is the sum of $ 70 8 90 That the following lots or patch, oflandhave been he Dunt set app its each tl.... f, respects for the making of said impro int. n ely: lot Block Addition An unt of Asxssment 1 & 12 26 St, A_nt�ony_Pa k-SLo. $ 4.50- �� $ $ H d City Hall Building. the City unul Chamber too 61 f theCo.,, Thin a bh I will b b ld on said in the Co of St. Panl, at 10 .*clock A. M., on the 1 5th day of Oct_ _._ ___1915 - S. A. FARNSWORTH, Comm stoner of Finance POST CARD NOTICE .OFFICE OF Tqt�.;�SqIy[MIS5IONER OF FINANCE r 91 5 1. -'uPaul,Minn. Oct. 5th 1 nt for 0-f, emning_and ap- ,the moue, of the wises e - -- - — propriatin for Park_ Purooaee- Block E St. Anthony i-'IarK No. T1, 1pha-1 ter -J— -11 S�,8r - -- proposes to make the above ss m C that the - y arc hereby notified 1, at nthe{�� CiQty n°f St. Pa°f Th.t the lollowing lots or parcels of land horn been total cost thereof is the sum of $,7 Nei, th Yebl o-spedively for the making of said improvement. cooly: assessed m the amount set oppOS if Y, 'f bf Add,tfon Amount of Assessment a Lot Block $2.00 34 30 St. Anthony Paxk Pao. $ rT �1L1{ rct•!i7 �r r� $ Yr a iy iL1"`_yam ,c si t the CouncJ Chamber roo 61 f the Court t a pubs. ilgimg wiu h ad °n 15th House and City I lull Building, in t c City .I St. Paul Snt 10 n Jo -.k\ 17 , ms the Oct. 915 day .i - S. A. 1=ARNS\VORTH, Commissinncr of Financ< POST CARD NOTICE ,04"E ,OF THE COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE St.Kinn. . Oct . 5th 191 5 it, td�tierofthc oz smemfo, Condemning and ap- proprlating for Park Purposes Block E St, Anthony ParK No To dh_ - Uanca— - -�lbu I,...by notified that the City of St. Pm,I proposes to make the .hoveassessment; that the total � t th m P1 6 the sum of $ n p �n1� Thi the following lots , parcels oflandhave been s d in t e unt sd app it7eficY, ihRa. respectively, for the making of said improv omens. cly: Block Addition Amount of Assessment 31 Sts --Anthony Lark T:o. $4.93 Th t p bf hearing will be held on said assessment in the Council Ch --b,, r 61 of the Court House and City IlaBuilding, in the City of St P-1,It 10 .'Jock A M- on the _ 1 5tli day .f OCs... 1915 S A. F.\RNSWORTIi, Commssmncr of Fmncc POST CARD 'NOTICE FILE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St.p� I,Mi •:•. Oct. 5th 191 5 e� th mw of the ma—men, f l;on( emn4ng and ap- { propriatmg for Park Purpo,es IBlock E St. Anthony ParK No. Nheodor- e E. -Rea ----- Y are hereby notified that he City 1 St. Paul p,op.sc, to make the above ent, that dee r7O }d c)O That the followin lots or .,cols ofsl nd hive been talCo., thereof is the sum o($ 6 g p sed in then .um set app ite em, hereof, mspectively, for the making.f said imp vemem. n e.ly: 'p Lot n Block Addition Amount of Assessment 21 ,& 2-. 31 St. Anthony Park Noss 1/1.96 (' esen $ \ That a public hcanag will aseons m the Coumil Chamber he held on sand r room 610 f the Corot -louse and City I hill Building, m the City of St Pad, at 10 .'clock A. M., .. the _ 15th . _ day of_. _Oct 1915 - - S. A. DARNS\VORTI I, Comnssionerof Finance POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - St. Paul, Minn. %. 0 e%t ,7, th 191 5 n the matter .f the a, tit f.rCondemni and -ap- propriating for p-propriating--for Park Purposes---- - Block E St, At -it bony ParK N ®y T llb, rt-L_-Gert<rUde-A- Dobie Y ore hereby notified that the City of St. Paul p po s ,o make the .bore , m p that if,, total cost thereof is the sum of $,r'/ p ); 90 Th—he the following lots or pamelssofsland hove been assessed in thea oust set app ito eac. hereof, respectively for the making .f said improvement, amely: . Lot m Block Addition Amount o1 Assessment 16 29 St.-Anthiany Park- Ua. $ 3.98 $ Th t p I b, hea g if I held on said acrem ssent in d,, C.— d Chamber ,o 61 f the Co.,, I i.usc a.d City 11,11 Building, in th Cnv of St Peul,m 10 dock �\ 'VI , on the 1 5th day of Oct. ...1915 _ S. A. FARNSU'ORTH, G,mmssroncr of Finance POST CARD NOTICE OFFJCE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ;� s as Oct bth 191 5 tithe man°pr .f thea tit for_e;haemningand ap- xssm proprfatlr>g for Park Purpose..- Block E St. Anthony ParK No-,- --- T„John - E-- -PQt erzon You are hereby notified that the City .1 St. Paul proposes to make the above ss m t: that d,c tocol cos, thereof is the sum of $ 7O p, ()0 That the following lots or parcels of land have been assessed in dee... untset app ite etuT (hereof, respectively for the making of said improvement. n ely: Lot Block Addition %,—tem •d Assessment 13 & 14 29 St. Anthony P<_rk--2,a, s 5 48 Grlc $ Q< $ Th t public hearing will be h.Id on aid rise .aimsit Chamber o of t House and City 1 lati Budding, in the City of St. P-1, a, o' o_k A. M., on til 1.5th _ - day of Oct _«- .. 1915 . FARNSWORTH, Commiss,o er o1 Finance -I�/� P ARD NOTICIE. -:'-t- Ffi'IC -OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Paul, OCs., 5th 191 5 th m era til essmn t f L onc�'emning and ap- p riating for Park Purposes- --- I ck E St. Anthony ParK N9, -- & 112�3�--C �o]�k \ I reby notified that the City St, Pau pop ea to make the oho s. ss s mem: that the i, t ,her rel the sum of $ 7 O A 90 Th t the following lots or parcels of land have been .sees ed int unt set app ite eac thereof, —pectively, for the making of saidimprov o eat. ely: fV0 Block Addition Am unt of Assessment 8 31 St. Anthony Park No,$ 7.48 -- $ Th t a public hearing will be held on said as ....meat in r ro the C,mmcil Chamber 61 f the Cot I louse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul., 10 'clock A.M., oa the 1 5th day of -QCs.._. - 1915 S. A. FARNSWORTI I, Commissioner of Finncc POST CARP. NOTICE OFFICE OF --THE f*S,tONER OF FINANCE — N " Oct'. 5th 191 5 -St. Paolr Minn.. �- nthe marter of the asussmmt f.1 ordeMq n and ap- propriating- for -Park- Purposes_ Block E St. Anthor'Y ParK NO. -- T.'�ar� ey_D- '-Sne11-_ ___ -_. Y are hereby notified that the City f St. Paul p opo s to make the Anve as m t, that the total coat thereof is the som of $ 7R Ties 90 Th t the following lots or parcels of land have been assessed in thea omrt set -pp ne eacmspectivel for the making of said improvement. namely: m os y ov Lot Block AdditionAmooat of A—meat g 29 St. Anthony P�rlc_T�o' $ 5.4E $ That a puhh, hearing will be held on said as. ..esu nem in the Council Chamber r oom 61 of the Covet H.— uad City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul, at 10 .'dock A. M., on the -15th _ day.( _ _.JC _.. _-1915 - S. A. FARNSWORTH, Commisioner of Finance JA 1611�- G-. _ C� ' >t RESOLUTION diking the amount of land or extent of Easement to be taken in ocademnation proceedings a in the matter of_opening, wideninC; <Lid ert'enc irg an alley in Yarner'9 Pr08nPct P rk Addition Loa width of 20 fest, under prelin- inary order UNDER Preliminary order No.0111--- i=I=---approved � Intertfadiary order Mo. --2-JS approved .The Cormissioner of Public Works having submitted hie report and sketch in the above matter4be it PESOLVE'D,(1) That the City of St Paul hereby fixes and determine* the ®mount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follo♦es:_..A stria of lend 20 feet in width extenuing from 13ayard Street on the north to L'yrtle Ave. on the south, said strip being the rear 10' of_ of lots 1 to 30 inclusive in said Prosnect P•rk Adeition, and. lying betr;een E;,Prr.ld Ave and Burr Ave. AS GRAPHICALLY SHOWN UPON THE SFF. H ATTACHED TO THY MTORT OF TM` COmmiesi of Public Works in the above matter dated- 12/30`lsh ioh sketch and reporonars hereby refetred to and made a part hereof. (2) That sn asseaement is taken in said land to the extent, necessary to serve all the purposes of a ublic street Adopted by th. C. F No. 3420— Irt thlitzffiattcr of opening. wld£ni�,g, Yeses— an* .t.ndinl, s iftcy ' 1 Prospect Pak Addltlou. tt} f 20 feet, under Prod III pM: :o. 1042, Int® moal&rY ¢r R1N,o '114, approved Det• E :;L'IIJ ' Commis t iter of-v"8uh1 Work. Goss ed6initteo his^ e}}v F'— l tttie ."'V matFer7 tt M _ lyedd,,. tl) ,spat the aq a: Ke11er sof la lxes and'delCon ft---- of land to • be m mk R named imDrti4emenC t6 A trip f lana 20 r A oved 1015 McColl xtendi t from Sa1'arr, Apr d strip to Myrtle'c fd strip being a in to 30 inclusive v' Ad 6l[lon, and ty, Yoerg, `ayor MrPU13LISHM .P}toe4dectEA)... - (A) In the Matter of I - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF O fIVIMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1-4 �t6"r' / under Preliminary Order approved--_<....i_ZL.t;- - -r---�fi----.%' --------------- -.............................................. ... _--------------------------- ------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ C —_--------__ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION y FORM e.S— 6-3 A LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION L) �)/-�C / 3i a -29 0 /l C4 7 9 o x'.1r GLw % D U J up 2�0 TOTAL, %� /- (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COJAMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT�BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 i a v. 1�0 /f clo ,2G� l5 0/ zGo 2 v eGo 6 J q .WV / l C.' y Y `' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ., Dated -- - %� � - - 191 '.. .ate ------- -9/1 — _ - -----.:...._.... Commissioner of Finance. CORM 9.9.A. 9-9 C Office of the Commissioner, of. Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _..Au�.Qt..._M. J ....................._190... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._1042.............. approved ............._Augue.,.,_8..,...................... 1974...., relative to ....................... e.x ending...an...alley...2Q....f.ea.t....in....widt.h....through....Warnes_!.a....Pxn.ap.ac.t........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.....................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._.._?� ................. and the total cost thereof is $......: p.= y...._ ............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; .................................._..............._..................._................._ ......................... ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Said improvement is 0.t asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. mu issioner of Public Works. M. N'GOSS OSCAR CLAUSSEN CON>IISSIONBR PUBLIC WORKS � CBIBF SNOIN866 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Aug. 28, 1914, Mr. M. N.. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith plans for opening, widening and extending an alley 20 feet in width through Warner's Prospect Park, in accordance with"Council File #1042, approved Aug. 8, 1914. Respectfully submitted, ",-PL �rt� Chief Engineer. • OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. GOSS ' ^'rnmns[oxaa waz[c woa[cs anav sNe[erese CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Gg I y I REPORT TO THE COU17CIL In the matter of, opening, widening and extending an ,alley in t arner's Prospect Park Addition to a width of 20 feet, ender preliminary order 1042 and intermediary order 2814. To the Council of the City of St. Pa�.11: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above ir..provement, snowing the land necessary to be taker, therefor by the shaded part of said pla,i, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land 20 feet in width extenuing frons 3ayard Street on the north to 1yrtle avenue on the south, said strip being the rear 10' off of lots 1 to 30 inclusive in said Prospect Park Addition, and lying between Emerald avenue and Burr avenue. Co>rr:iasioner P��lic Works. Dated 12/30/14 CHARLES V. MCCOY - ' THOHWALD HANSHN LAW OFFICES 509.810.811 TOBHBY BUILDING Zenitti Ph—, G—d Sib - Ddnth Phone, Melro-e 88 DULUTH, MINN.. February 4th, 1915. To the Board of Commissioners, Ctty of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I, the owner of lots 20 and 2l in Warner's Prospect, Park, am in favor of extending an alley 20 feet wide through Warner's Prospect Park in accordance with Pre- liminary Order (1042, and respectfully request that said improvement be made. Yours very truly, y,6k --&-I— Diot. TH*M CITY OF ST. PAUL 3`�� COUNCIL RESOLUTIOIZI—GENERAL FORM e 2 a Subject:--._ ..._.._POSTAGE._ _: _ ......... ..._..... .. ........ ....... _.......... COUNCIL ... FILE Pio. ........ ................... .....�._�.._........... ...�..- f--...... ...�.........—........ ..._...._......_.............«...___................. _.... ........ _ ...... Date Presented-Jan.13,-1915.-I91..-.-:...- ��d Resolution authorizing the drawing of a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance for $2,000.00 with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller -for the purchase for cash of postage to said amount, to be paid out of the Postage - Revolving Fund, chargeable to the stock acbount of the Pur - Chasing Department in accordance with Ordinance No.3334. $421=73y Br A. Fanta orth _ Rg9dlutlon authorizing I th(t: drawing f - of a.warrant In favor of thogcommia �* aionor of Finance -for 32000,00twith tha-` " consent of the Xmyor. and'.the C mp ' troller,for the 'purchase for. La h oil. postagg to said amount, to be paid out Of chnrgehhiePto the:at.ek, accouvolAllg t ofnthe,' j puFch'I-" Department I....... rdanee' .,.k Ordinance t,. Connell ' 'Adopte edJ the' Council Jnn 13, 1916..1 ' ,Reproved Jan.'13, 7,916. (Tan_:1,0-1916). f � Yeas ( V) Coun en ( F) Nays . Adopted by the Council _ _ f3 191 Farn rth CrC� Goss _ In favor Kilk ; ;Approved Ric Against Yoe r;President ers " —_-- '" --MAYOR u. ;:, _ Resolved that the City Comptroller be and he is I reby authorized to employ a typist at such salary as will conform to the salary c]ass- ifieation contained in the ordinance approving the rules and regu- lations of the Civil Service Bureau. _ (Q F No:8188—'B�-&A�F�4e�eorLh � 'EtOaolYefi that t[50� GltY Ctlmptmllei - � be aad ri� !a�l�Breb9 �siltliorizefl,to: ems. Adopted by the Cooecll� gt�� 01 P . Pe�itioa Council bile No ................................... r4� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY.ORI? Tile undersigned hereby proposes the making of the owing public i ovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.. COYlBt;1;QfF.. .2. @ .:.QZI.:�i�1A .....B b _..01 L *'W 00-...b6frW6ei1.............. ..............aSt. enQ._Yan Suren.3t, n..:.aaa.oxd ae....with....petitic4-he st*.--..._ .... . ......................_........_......_.__...__.._....._..._...........................-....................................................................__........................._.................._...._...............................__ . Dated this.......: 13th._........ day of._...........a AUUarY................ .... ... ....................... 197 Councilman. PREIMMARY ORDER. JVUBREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:CD=18b3`UA#:--....... -- ..-----aavter:�:oa-.:the--➢Pea�b....amide,._rs�--�aittgto�-d�e.�-be�tgree�r-�3a#r-�`C; ..anc�-.. _ _ ......... ...... Yan Bursa S .:._..... . ......... ....... .... ........ ......... ...... .. . ....._..................... ..._.................... .. .. ......... _ ....................... .... _....... ........... .......................... apti alo f .:...._..._ .. ... .. ...... __..._._ . ................ ...... having been presented to the Couuo' Fsuced-st bawnF 11 by Councilman...._._.._.....__._...........: _._____ ao the Council of the C! - therefore, be it { gretgre, -he' It ad ThntCominEi� RESOLVED, That the Commies a di eiea¢d he le' qks be and he is hereby ordered and directed: litveatiga.te tha neve- 1. To investigate the necessity onu' or ttre maklnrt of the making of said improvement. 2- To investigate the nature, e� 1 atimiageae cone it cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. r rand t60 totdl',ci d 3- To furnish a plan, proSle.,oryll. e fl I Da:gplaen Sroveincat. 9, To furnish the followIn oth Int rmaHon rata atlo � F o urnleh ?the lollo S n relative to said improvemeut:........ ......................... g ant. 'u�. tate whether o mw: to^¢eked fot on n., .............. _ ................. ...__.._... ................... _....__...._._....... - ••— r.A-more;ownera. i :" -' ..uDon all.t•:. .5'•. 5. To state whether or not sau� na Com , .asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the.forbo 'g:(tttattnr�•t6 the Commissioner of Finance. Adapted by the Council ................. _191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa worth GoApproved........ / _f................ ........... ............. n M 11 Mayor'Po re (o 9 /� .. ;Ist»�.wac is a t t y' .-A Councll'I ij'e No.........._.........__......._, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 3424' PRELiMNARY ORDER. The undersigned'hereby'propo'ses the making of the f wing public improvement by the Ci St. Paul, viz.: St* between MA =4 MThirA a.. ....... -------- .. . ......... 7 . .............. ....... -with Patitlon—heret.Q.. tache&L ........................ .. ............. ....... ............ ............ .............................. ... . ....... . ...... ... ......... . .. . Dated this.........7yay of ............... �i .... ..... .. ..................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. IVITEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 0646itT.44.1 is ------- --- betwe......... . . . . ....... 1% ................ . .. . ... ........................ ............................ . ....................... . ..... .. .............. . ... ... .................. ... .......................... ... . ............ ........................................... ....... ......... . . ....... ........... .......... I ..... ......... - ..................... ...... I .......................... ....... .. ..... i' written proposal 'f6F,th . . ........ . .... .................. . ......... . ....... . ............. . ......... ....... ...... . ............... .... . .. . .. . .................... . .......... . ........ ng Iniprovein' n=seWer on Conway 9k, having been presented to the Council of the veenijonWi611 It-- on' .......... . ....... ............. . . St. end Thil�nd; icilinan .... . ....... ............................ been presented to the Coun- therefore, be it i, Pool therpPre, be RESOLVED, That the Commissioner �,d,�.T.iiot shed Commissioner of is hereby ordered and directed: for o"�u(V ,he !.',bsr.b, or,) ur",too;" ' 1. To investigate the necessity`the '� necessity Aug of said improvement. batty of toe Taking.,of F. 'nent - I I , aid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extelk� I.;7..tigatb the, nature�ai. —st of' -side, 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skeiit- end the t.t.1' -.t tilt I . , furnish Pion 4. To furnish the following other -44iif fusairndishImthelepMeAl' z, 4,,Irejative to said improvement:....... ............. . . . . ........................ . ... . ...... ... ..... . ....... .............................. . ...... ........... . . ...... . ...... . -7` 5. To state whether or not said ini 'is asked for on the pobtion of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .......__...._-1J1 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa worth G Approved ............. ... ..... ......... \) ...........................l9 Councilman Fa w�th G K Y g r. unA K r . . ......... . .. ... ............ . . rs Mayor. 56 19. i3 42:00' 43.20 arr; 4.16 . 42.25 Al wir LL, #3 Fire ydpt. Fund-Contt. 81 3 Gribben Lumber Co., 80.00. 81 5 -Too.,-Haag Roofing & Cornice Co., Haskins Broe. & Co. 13.00 86 Ariggs, 73.20 710.45 8 77 -Jameeon,`Hevener.& Kin n- & Mf g. -Co . , 3.80 8 58 F. G. Leslie" 17.68 & 59 McClain & Gray Co., 26.25 8 60 Mahie Wagon Co., 5.10 61 'Manhattat! Oil & Linseed Co., 207.65 8 62 = kitsch &Heck, 56.45 8,63 Nicols, Dean'& Gregg, 11.58_ 8 64 N W.'Cadiilac Co., 5.45 8 65 N We .Copper .& Brass Co., 13.10 f 8 66 N 0.,81ec, Equip. Co., 31.14 Motor Supply Co., 74.46 68 Hoyes Bros. & Cutlers 27,50. 69 - Pittsburgh -Plate Glass Co., 7.41 70 Tilted 7Sotor:Supply'Co., 1.22 71 Riveri,ide Builders Supply, 6.00 72Robinson, Cary & Sands 66.22 ?3:.'St ;1'sul Bleotric Co., 3.07 874 ?St. Raul, Glass CO., 4.50 $ 75 St.- sult, Machine Works, 60.24 8 76 St. Paul Printing Co., 7.20 48 7 :St Paul .Waliling &-Jing. 8t. Paal White Lsod to 234.05 &=.031 $ 9 Wsgon.Co■;; 8;75 = :$ 0 .Schurmaier me ViilauBoa.& Lumber Co., 60.00 8 1 Y3rtue. Pr3ntirtg, f iO r, .. - . 75 $",Wateroun 6gine Works, 32.50 $1 3 eetern �leatric Co., 5.23 $1 Western itse�hne Cc, 33 73 81 5 �Weeterri S7 �tpply Ca., ._ W ;�." 4$.4§ 8.75 81 Westpha3, White"garage,: p=.1;6.76 Health bund 81 8 'Broxn, Xreayy &,8perry, 15.90 82 9 Mymo. &'Hoe sten. 2.16 83 0, &1 1. P. W. ,TSCkQ011 ld F.. Kbi'+Mln aper Co. 20.40 1.30 .81 2 ' Y00141ri & Gsay Co:,, 4:90 81 3' Tright '. Batzlrit Fc` Stilwell:, 20.60 k r er t A04' ere 9.90 3.18: ✓ 1*1*06 CO, 30.00 , ' ,araIt 1`'tt8'=IF- 1__omKKnn SO nmm -u 8, 12 Builders ldaierisl Co., q.9p 47.72 =8 Hardware Co., 6 8 4 Bar�€011, Osmun, Birk.&-Co.. 8 5 �. S. tirirlith� 8 '6 tire' a Coo 6r.:a; Co. �B . E+ . .84 1 0 2.78 ' 9 113.97. $. �atteson� H47eA�r �`ar38Se. HcC3ain & Orgw. Co,, 112.00 ,9 H. gtr.te�1-+t 8 0 Pittebargh Coal Co.. 1.35 368.45., a. $2 Otta Baths; `. 98.75 5 5 10:00 $ tativfft 8c CpMOW,$ . 68.28 $2 4 Welsa Cpmpap pg M 82 Western 8 eetr`io" Co. 8 Cpm. tai' Pablia WorksiPund 82 6 Auto: dire saoo Co. 1.44 82 C3�mer BC-Bfllalllter, 33.93 8 ito.� 3.00 8 9,15.... 0 jicClaib de:G'ay.Cp;.f. 20.48 8 ] N. W 1 Stamg Porka, 4.50 52` Bt. Paotl Book &' Stationery, 8 �3 8t. ,Paul `7�leatni Co., .65 2.81 8 3 $. '19 Wedel;&taedt, 5.x.06 8 35= mije :Wittman, 7v 3 Pea�tsM► fit.. - 18.75 � �ee�ErYl -.4 _ 138.05 1,. 22 w 4411 57.00 176.18 68.42 1.1216 11.50 28.00 .90 15:95 1.80` 7.00 4.33 27,20 11.00 3.25 17.10 115.20 - 18.45 18.65, 1.50 -.. 36.60 18.61 3.00 13.35 1.50 1.16 14.45 9.65 1.2o 44.90 1.00 61.3o 155.72 .70 4.°95 125 .00 7.06 1.80 ,yo. 7.31 1.92 7.90 21.92" 7.00 9.5575 6.88. 342.12 { 30.x.-2 22 2.25 •: .0 130.00 A Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund 82 9 `Builders Material Co., 8 Q. Jefferson;.Iumber Co., 8 1 St. ;Paul Boundry Co.. 8 _2. x , Weaelstaeay. Oen. bund -Testing & Inspection Acct. 8 43 Clymer & Ruelster, Gpn. Bund=Election Expense.Acct. 8 44 N. W. Fuel Co.', . School Bund 82 5 J. H. Allen"Oo., 82 American Angineers--Suguly Co., $2 T. Z. Blood Co., 8 Eon Ton .Grocery Co., $ 9 Welter S. Bowen, $2 o B.. rC - Boye"A Co. , 82 3 Brown, Trsacy & Bperry, 82 , Builders Xittriia Co., 82 3, Cspitat'City lumber Co.. � 82 4 Capital �nvelape `Co. ape & 4ement Co., `�$2 5 Ci 82 6 .Capital: E. G. Csrlson. Central City.Chemioal Cols 8822 Crier & Edeistera 82 go*ape ati e•-fiire Co. 82 1'„Daily=�aser�8are�►are Co., $2 2' ..Adso'DabiteV Hartrare Co., 82 � 1. DeeTorges,, 82, . ; loui"e'p..DoxV& 82 itrake uable;&Ttle Co.. 82 �. ? semneiiger meat Co., $iears�7tte ? Co., $2 Ei3te �e►vndt Ca., 8<2 The papa.V�,um, 82 P'atirell�: Ems Xing & Co., w 4411 57.00 176.18 68.42 1.1216 11.50 28.00 .90 15:95 1.80` 7.00 4.33 27,20 11.00 3.25 17.10 115.20 - 18.45 18.65, 1.50 -.. 36.60 18.61 3.00 13.35 1.50 1.16 14.45 9.65 1.2o 44.90 1.00 61.3o 155.72 .70 4.°95 125 .00 7.06 1.80 ,yo. 7.31 1.92 7.90 21.92" 7.00 9.5575 6.88. 342.12 { 30.x.-2 22 2.25 •: .0 130.00 A #6 f} School, Fund -Cont. �4 82 9, Roe -James Glass Co., 82 0' st :;Pau] Book & Stationery, 7.85 7,20 82 1' St..Paul Brass Poundry`Co., 11.00 82 2 St. Paul Lime.& Cement Ca., 10.45 $2 3� Seabury &.Co.-. 9.60 INV 82 4:: Standard 031 Co., 5.81 82 5. Staples Br0s., 2g.45 8 6; Stuart,Sanitary Supply, 3$.20 8 3ohii�Stuhlman, 75 sw 8 ift'& Company, 4.00 $ 9-1 F. Thosle 6.45 8 00= 'li�rin ;City Gas Fixture, 6.05 8 Ol•': IIriiversity Garage 2.00 8 b2-..V4IIs7w Trow Works 8 03 Yil"lsume"Box & dumber Co., 14.40 49.60 8 04 W. 1. Weber, 8 5 Weisbach CompaY�ys 1.00 2.03 $ Western-U"iDn Telegraph Co., '1 8 ? -Wright, ka=ett &- `Stilwell, 15.13 35: a x+ibr,ary Rina 83 $' BurriesLumber Ca. 83 5: Adam peoker 6Q,50 ;$e►rdsrare Co , �i.50 �$3 0'' Blic2;$asidry Co.., 5.46 831 Gaylod Brob., 2,75 $ i{imebaugh: & BroFn, 10.00 W. Co. C. SOP.iiig .Co., 3.00 86.00 $3 :Brant art Shop, .60 $3 dr �.,]dcClprg & iCo.• 14.24 $31 ti�dlia LeaBae b Ireland, 14.95 $3i , laerehsynt & 1rtTe7ie Co., 1.00 831 "'. pP,.Riectric 3gti#y. Ca,, 24.90 832 N. MP-- Rorke; ' .45 832 P1bt*j r CSW►s 166.50 83 Pittd4ur$h ,Coe" Cp., $32 Pit'ksi►q dh Puto .Qldea Ca., 293.7 832 '.St. 1'attl &iok &,8tetionery Go., 63.50 832 St i t ,boa -Co: 1.75 $3 x`be 8t1r9ly, ' -77 2.45 ,.. ... Chid .. $32 �W Tire 8axae COss 8 Broolas 33.06 �+► ,.s JAM 16:75 83 Amer r&sGft',� 68.67 4.14 V"Ir 83 �� 14e7 46.4 4.03 '�4 s4 - 2.'j2 or 9.14' t� 1 83 ' • 2.ij 6.20 $3.,. 2.70 8 o pittstiurgt, �3ata araee Co.. 83 l 'ROOa-Co. 2.4083 8L. Paul 4as Idaht Zo. $ St. Paul Foundry Co.. 13.13 14.00 $ Sts- A l e &,Gent Co.. 78.40 City '>� Cer Coy. s _ 3.90 4v x Gen. Fund -Public Baths Acet, Decker Hwd*ekp Co. 'LAdam gh ehi Coal Co., Gen. Fun &41qygrounas,�Acct 34 Clymer & Rueloter, 1.08 2.05 349 3 Parwol: L Ov�z tun. Kirk & Co., Co.,3.46.40 John Martin Lumber Co., 5.00 Watsr,Dept. Fund 352 Win ,City Iron & Wire Works, 1.20 353 'XlleF�-pavis CompanY, Co., 7.00 3.60 354 Vinsume -ftx & Lumber. 11.04 355, 356: AAtq%'Uf6.' leo Cqo; -SIU Awl- Lime & 9,046t Co., 12 -75' C dtr� it 34idipent 0., 5.20 1.8o Zt - Paul White Lead,°&. Dil, Co., g.,10 359 St P4 R-06fiziz& cornice CO., " 7.14 360� 361, Zleotr jc. Blue, Viint Co., ManhAt an 01 4"Zineeed. Co., .104 33 362,,, 5.,92 6 -3 Barry "Sibith 40.00 9.0-0 8364 ; AP - iff gi 369 T. .3&t6h FowbU -A. A Pei at. -4.29 21.00 Ameriewingineera supply. Co., 6-.61 69--st Co.C , a - UtOwi�. r Mau Co., 2,00 . . . . . . . . . . . .5701: tjtjoh&Afe ok, Wagon Co, C 4.95 5.50 j71 72 atPath 'Printing Co., .6.00 16.95 374'-. Co ft* 0 nsu*erS-.' Or. N 116.84 2:94 3755 0*14; 11,10seed Co.. *-79 C Orem;A Aricteri 17.40. 37 Co.. -M 1 37 pwi 7 15 22 50 3 t 46� CQ,,3.10 2.00 30.00 382;. Oondyettr HttbBer C "lAftt'i C, a 9.25 0 vi4` Om docs:20 : 36-90 4.6 391 Tf' V_ 'U X8.84 .89.25 -9b1 -Aw 3.10 20*00 t000 8700 39; 8a, Park B dteyr !c 7isebiise Co., 7.14.00 &A W, 947.50 Gen. Fund Market Maint'. Acct. s 40 34 0 A. J. Carlson, 1,84 1 C]ymer-8e Hueleter, �3.i6 out 84 2- Ylllaume $ox & Umber Cc, c F7�7o;>a4a6—, ,Ic �.. Resolved that vvarranta' Ue dvawg� upon the Clty Treasury payabte ou'r. Gen. Fund -Supplementary Add iof the herefnnfter•apeolfled fuvd! ana, tp,' in faygr al theperaone Drma)pr qoc:- \Par�f.$ pla Ound$ &' P4lb,� porgtloga for the amounts NopDoafte; 1 iygr the{r retlpgdtiVd+rnamea ek apocifle8 to R the follow{a dotal ed eEatement - $' PJY1it Gar i r egrygcas�trpa�'ee-LlRnnne Fana p / Add�lt `Deek$rBerilware Co 16 Cents' 90.Q0 3_ =1 Fiersog Yron Wdrkei HiceU¢ner80 60 A Peterson EI eo els2L to6.t�a010t9 PAul Prf.ta'tinS• - £ 'A�rin{6ing �.$ Statipnery Funa pf TC. i` ArrYjrt674 8064gG1Ymevo & AUeieter�• $ 4 American Enginesre Supply CO., Y 156 oma >nw cn b6oa6 E s. $ N. A H na-•Gaal iio 9Y{84¢16 P'W 7eoksou Sc, Co::'. �.� an •♦ 480, KerWt7t 'PaD'er Co 613:60 Mc 06 Nits; h & H Ok CO l� tp &:Grar co ;ls1a Mq{{u wa: e, • i Arc & Co 86576, N W ga .: nrke 36 .�CFMa PlgneaC (Company $amgqley Println6g Co ;98.20 Rem ,- 1 S r n]el ingtoir Typewrite Co 84161 SL Pavl' Printtn"g Co 54826'+Vfrtve o}?tinting ' - Co 8107b >w Gen Fund �dVerttaing Bc. PuUllcity G Auditorium Aact. Aogonnt: bilSinesdta Tqnt a AwninP Co 6L780 H G Neal 57000 Pyerkihe ' q Tracy Println8 Cb¢ E1600 r�Gen Fund MiscellaneousArconnt $ 0 Consumers. Poorer Co•� iY +C $oyaeon Co E146 Adair Decker Fi�Dld SAick & Co. iYarawargcq 2D Conte �ehp'eilyErps 05 'Q, , ? At•mkcCo ;2)32 McClafrr &Gray Cb p} Maendler, $2'o s4v: 60 Cenfs W <Mpxrison & Cos 1158 �: N W .-3tamR Works t,.`{6 fltan'dAr OU Co -:7215 esters $ion2'1'0legraP t; 8 0 Monarch Theatre :Const.. Supply Cq 6z 7,2 1• ROc�he$tEr.` 1#ermtci�le OD �q x ti<+. Police A'und 141ito Tice Se18 t 6D 28 T T.F H[ooY v @!� Boyeaon Co ;3.6Q; Builders ;Mbt 'Co 11:66 Clymedi.&Y $relate(' l w r 4d�am ti�Deghter•i Hgtdwara Gd: 43 'n c. F.ry.sel rFao te+ 11670 R F • _ r $peaial Funds $umbOld >' S. Library Add r 4 1aR55 $ 14' Candy Iilk Go., 2.OQp �.�- �@TtF;`�C�i.11r �'f�lfBre C0.• < f "�� w '�' a z s3 rY��� � - i6 M. & ]lleg 2�quipment ''Co., ��, �'� � = 5•lt� ,� , `. 8chneman & Evaas*-, "', 4 of f r x r '22 30 $peda Assad!!• Cdrtst, A1CCt� • Caee� i?6�y1De t0' eStm�Al2'r . +� -wef 7-03 •S � siai a 7Js i:� s6ib�ls a + ° ✓ 3 2iis 335 25 86 i .y�.*y�,��� fw • .F �,� � � till ♦ • • s �,r' �4 K Interest Fund 0526—S A. Par morth, Com. of Pinance' n- 3'"8 -00 -.0or"Ove 13%0edi—gamqial Funds -Levy Certs, Of Ind:19.13 Acct. 852f S. A. Parn o' th " 0,6 w r S of -Tinance, 200.06 fiotal 0 o /rp*or e Pur see, .... ... 02 51 3.25• SpB op ial ial FU 01 ... .... ..... rand T t al j56 .25 ��gatea i15. Air ar -i11 M . is1;U0 Edwardlig Houtz,'u 9-A A CITY OF 87 PAUL , ACCOUNTINW DEPARTMENT - ♦ _ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION - COUNCIL -N ,. FORM FILE t VV c: 3 11 AUDITED PER 180 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and, favor the firms or corporations fot the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in th following defailed?-- in of persons, statement:191 Yeas (4) Councilmen { V) Nays Adopted by the Council " Farnsworth GossIh favor 4p ° 1Q Keller McColl D. Against MAYOR' Yoerg Mr. President, Powers Corporate Purpodas ; ltunioipal Court Fund , 26 N. R .Trooke* 13.00 C, 8. & "C. 1i. Hain., bund +� TwS; City ..Plate Glass Talep}a ><te:'00 43.$0 31.00 28 Tri-Sta.e. 29 G. Hs $oi�irelem . 8 3o aui".Gas L�glt Coy 2:-00 541.6? '2.35 31 " RoZtiason� 'Bary & Sande,: . 1g'04 32 Lou50 is RUSC 5.88' " 3 Preiadargast S�roa. l[r;'311 &" �ilre er. 34' ogdon.'e 35 F ; Teleane 8:ch. o.� q if: �N.iaa FquilSaat Co., 72.50. @ Xo laid &'�i>)r y .B4. 1.50 fi« B 14 6 .7 MID y1361d 8 itl�c & CWoo .6- . 11aS%rY" ` Er. $ardNa3�A (16 8.70 52 BaryH4111 $iii Bbw is , os d of Watax ebwssiogors# 1.00 Co* 12.37 14.05 . :. 4,50 ��aa � Genf-.=F.and Hiecellatlebts Abbt. 2, - Lighting Fund -8449 M. N. Goes for B*Idge Bldg. & Repair 1778.10 Printing-& Stationery Fund 8450;Adams-16c, se Co4, 8451 Review, Publishing Co., Gen. Fund -Legal Dept. Hxpense Acet. 8452 I. A. Cassell, 8453 John B. Darling, M. D:, 8454 Geo'. N. Hil7.ffian, �►55 C . F.. iingalie, 8456 G A.'Johneon, Assignee, 8457 3: C: Thomson West Publishing 26.40 o., p e'•A. Telegraph Co., N« Western Caton Tislegraph Co., Gen. Fund -!Advertising & Pub. Acct. 8458" Ca]axia ano,.�o., 84 -9 8460; Anthotur �tgerg for Auditorium, � Genf-.=F.and Hiecellatlebts Abbt. - 8461 -Matt lengen,, Clerk,.-,- Court, 1778.10 8462 M. W. Fitzgerald, - z, E Pon ce, Fund .8dj63 Boasd_,of Water. Commissioners, 26.40 $464''Th $65 e'•A. Telegraph Co., N« Western Caton Tislegraph Co., 2 2 4 8466 ZoU4; at W4%4* Coam it"eiasre, 418.50 4 8467 Canibt►ae.s motor Co, qen, Fig#* u" Acot.. 8468.;;ty, 4.00 . 8468 of �Cwter Caalatffieies►ers, 2.00 ibir 84Q lo++ 7.56 Cwtt. o vu39.ioarice 8472 R. C. Jeffer OOU, • 32 " µ 8487 Street & Sewer Fund 6.64 8472 Shard of Water Commissioners, 14.52 8473 Daily -Fraser Hardware Co., x..35 C 8474 Henry,;J�;Ooll for Fire Dept., 6.00 8475 °Rohi�heon,.Cary & Banda, ' .90 8490 otal 213.57 General Fund -Crosswalks Acet. 8475 R. C. Jefferson, 7.70 25.39 9- Gen. Fund -Street Intersections Acct. 274:73 . C. F.. #1425 847? Board of Water Commissioners 2,00 , 84?j 94 N. (ions for Hastings; Ave. Paving,, 57.18 teat In. 'ere Gen. Pund:Blection Expense Acot. Yat!! oy Pund 8479 R. C. Jefferson, 4.00 15.35 8496 School Fund 20*4�8 8480 T. P. Adamsoa.Co., 16.80 8481 Board of Water. comm#aeforiere,. 315.25 8482 Consumers"Pow:er.Co..., 4.97 8483 Dei�j► Fraser Hesdxare Co., 6.15 8484 >1R1it Zaunary, ... 10.03: 8485 �anhattan'Oil & Ijneeed Co. , 11.64- 8486 .:Einnesota.RavtinB A_Corniee Works;. 3... µ 8487 Standard V011`0 ; 6.64 library Fund-; 8488 Board of Water Commissioners, 29.58 8489 W. Dawrson"To%ne$on, 4.50 8490 at. Paul Gas IdAt Co., 213.57 Park _Fund, 8491 Boa*W,of Watet Commi,estouere+ 7.70 9- tireat northernPt`lass Co., 274:73 . a sea. P'and.iart Institut Acct.. 8493 b"4 coma. pourer Co. at. Bma3 "0"1101 Co.s 21.87 30_00 Yat!! oy Pund $495 Noji r ,_ Dort 4.00 8496 20*4�8 X97 at�re 4: Council File No. , CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of__b.enefite,_ooste and _expenses___ for the -74rB const,iuction_o_?_sewers on Goo3-richAve., fr m-7rrin avenue-zo ovo6a.Lawtr -- avenue/; Fairmount avenue from Cleveland avenue to Woodlawn avenue; Prinoeton avenue from Cleveland avenue to Mississippi River. St. Clair ` street from Cleveland avenue to the Mississippi river Boulevard. Mississippi River Boulevard from Saa St. Clair street to Goodrich avenue. Woodlawn avenue from Goodrich avenue to St. Clair street. Cleveland avenue from St. Clair street to Fairmount avenue. Cretin avenue from Goodrich avenue to Lincoln avenue. Lincoln avenue from Cretin avenue to Finn avenue.. Sargent avenue from Cretin avenue to Woodlawn avenue and Sargent avenue from - Cretin avenue to a point 280 feet east of the east line of Finn avenues- ,-,.<- and known as the Woodlawn-Fairmount Sewer System. under Preliminary Order 15 03 4 August 27th, 1913. A public hearing having been had upo ment having been further considered by the therefore RESOLVED, That the said assesssme same is hereby ordered to be submitted to thl BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Thai, payable in-.l� equal installments as -i r Final Order 39p648 Order No.40,123, Approved ove improvement, and said assess - considered finally satisfactory, be it hereby in all respects ratified, and the County of Ramsey for confirmation. be and it is hereby determined to be every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council�,-191 _ g e Clerk. Approved __..1 Mavor. Form B. S. A 8-10 PUBLISHER) CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 3V .. _....:.__........._....._..........._......_/��........, 191. In the matter of the assessment of..h.ene.fi.ta.,......C_Qnt.d....and .....e.xp.e.n9f6i the f.Q.r...t_he..........._......_... _ _ The construction of sewers on Goodrich Ane., from Finn avenue to wcodlawn avenue; Fairmount avenue from Cleveland avenue to Woodlawn avenue; 'Princeton avenue froa Cleveland avenue to Missien3�pp`i River. St. Clair street from Clevelandwavenue to the Mississippi.river Boulevard. Mississippo River Boulevard from Ssle St. Clair street to Goodrich avenue. Woodlawn avenue from Goodrich avenue to St. Clair street. Cleveland avenue from St. Clair street to Fairmount avenue. Cretin avenue from Goodrich avenue to Lincoln avenue. Lincoln avenue from Cretin avenue to Finn avenue. Sargent avenue from Cretin avenue to Noodlawn avenue and Sargent avenue frol- Cretin avenue to a point 280 feet east of the east line of Ficnn avenue,�-_ and known as the Toodlawn-Fairmount Sewer System. ... -- .. ..........__ _. under Preliminary Order ...._._ .5.,_03.4.....___..........-.........__ ... ,_......._..... Final Order_39.C.48....._._...... ........... _.___.. _...__, approved ..... _.................. ......Jul.X-._lOth.191..._3, and Final Order .40,123, Approved August 27th, 1913, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz.: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cast of publishing notice - - - - - - - - - - - - 70.00 $._...__..___3.0..00-- . Add for Bids 42.$'9 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$._..._..__.................. ._......... . Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - - - _ _ $............... _177.35 ..11..gg........8g............ Total expenditures - - - - - h s $" OU O' appropriated and set aside out of Sewer Bond Acg814n �f fin@fal Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...7-6.,,,3,1,.5-„.24. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits ' conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ✓.. ._ _ __............... _................ _................ _............ _..._ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. A_9 AE1 1_ i „ 1 Reoommendation.of O. Clauseen y Louneii File No ... _.................... it PROPOSAL FOR INPROVEMENT. a �? and 3129 �{+ PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vizi:, _QJ0*.ttx..31Q ..__......._...._._ _...._.. .............. ...._. ...... ........................ yyy///""" .. ..... ............_._.... .. ......__ ............ .... _............... _ X31 . '�.� ou;.ra, a '. .- a -r n?n`.adt�l�7t5�F;►!�?vW,:arst•.., 4 ' ;'. x'.k• r/ ., •oe+ t'a n 00d Avo. te, "- �amee Sir rom_,A' ixv aw Bye. to. UnBerw_od Ava. n _Nanr31ea£srrx.}Uvati:_>Prn?t rig031,..A�`vs. 41$FaIIi'df�d _,.` ,.._............ ..... ... ....� trtT3a t etllagAv .. .- ' � `' ffera6n Ave " ave ko Saratoga 9L 1_....; ............... ....... ... ... ����-_ �- 1 wer on ?JUIIbt Bt. ,}:from :, �� � � � ' •, � 0 4o IInTlbrwood, Aver � .' . Sewer on;:$alr:ae St. ,'¢rom Fa T+.'-_� having been presented to the Council t to unaerwoaa Ave; gmncilman....__. __...__.. - ------- 0 Le tor'Unde 'egood Ave from �_i• therefore be it. wer on Efaehiepter Ava rrom z , r n Aae to atanfdrarAve iie hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED; That the Commissionwer on srfmhali Ave rrom staa . Ave, to 7egeraoa AYe 1. To. investigate the necessity fo yer on Saratosa se from a yotnt{ of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, est 7 aou ti i fief of ec'3c°Tea sa °,Ajpnprovement,.and the total cost thereof. - e known` ae th@ FFederloka-Fair-' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or; s 'iii YJ s? isavtna°$ee� pr 4. To furnish the following other uvlroheiefory boet1lfE°t the cltys✓e to said improvement:.... ............. �. blued ';That the Comtnls40ne s ale 'wor'k$ be and he" is hereh sg -_ AA and dl ec}ed.____..__._.._........_..._.... __.__ .._....... , .... _. _ .... .. -. glrabtllty 4f the mak 5. To state whether or not saii�the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for Ding maters 1;o -Me Commissioner of MminCe. Adopted by the Council ._..... ...ly]%., Yeas: Nays: Councilman sworth Q �� 4 - APProved..._. ....V t`. ler oll Mayorers Mayor.PUBLISHED L' ro / /� L An ordinance to settle the claim of James Saunders against the City of St. Paul, and repealing.Ordinance No. 3325, approved December 5th, 1914. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3325, approved December 5th, 1914, be and t,,he same is hereby repealed. Section 2.Vr That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with James Saunders for the settlement of his claim against the City, arising out of injuries sustained by him while in the employ of the City on September 10th, 1914. Section �. Said agreement shall provide for the payment of Eight Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($8.25) per week for a period of one hundred twenty-five weeks, payable out of the Street Construction and Repair Fund; said payments to be made in the manner, at the times and in the amounts in which the District Court shall direct that they be paid; provided, however, that whereas, the Board of Control of Ramsey County has advanced Fifty Dollars to the said James ,Saunders for the purpose of providing him with rent, fueX and food, with the understanding that said Board be reimbursed out of any settlement made by him with the City of St. Paul, Fifty Dollars of the amount herein provided for, to be paid to the (aid James Saunders shall be paid to the said Board of Control as soon as may be after this ordi- nance becomes effective. Section #I- At the time each payment is made, the said James Saunders shall be required to execute a receipt therefor in manner and form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and at the time final payment hereunder is made, he shall be required to execute %nd deliver to the Comptroller a full and sufficient release to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City frpn all claims and demands of every kind and nature, whether arising under statute or common law or the workmen's Compensation Act. V a 6�? An ordinance to settle the claim of James Saunders against the City of St. Paul, and repealing Ordinance No. 3325, approved Deoember 5th, 1914. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3325, approved December 5th, 1914, be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with James Saunders for the settlement of his claim against the City, arising out of injuries sustained by him while in the employ of the City on September 10th, 1914. Section 9. Said agreement shall provide for the payment of. Eight Dollars and Twenty-five Cents ($8.25) per week for a period of one hundred twenty-five weeks, payable out of the Street Construction and Repair Fund; said payments to be made in the manner, at the times and in the amounts in which the District Court shall direct that they be paid; provided, however, that whereas, the Board of Control of Ramsey County has advanced Fifty Dollars to the said James Saunders for the purpose of providing him with rent, fuel: and food, with the. understanding that said Board be reimbursed out of any settlement made by him with the City of St. Paul, Fifty Dollars of the amount herein provided for, to be paid to the Laid James Saunders shall be paid to the said Board of Control as soon as may be after this ordi- nance becomes effective. Section )� At the time each payment is made, the said James Saunders shall be required to execute a receipt therefor in maAaer and form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and at the time final payment hereunder is made, he shall be required to execute end deliver to the Comptroller a full and sufficient release to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, releasing and discharging the City frola all claims and demands of every kind and nature, whether arising under statute or common law or the workmen's Compensation Act. «;4,3® Section 4r The proper city officers are hereby authorized to make payment of the amounts herein provided for to the persons, in the manner and at the times at which the District Court shall order payments to be made. 4. Section This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in forbe immedit,mpon its pas -sage and publication. r uncU of the Cify of St. Pnul d . ::. SECTION 1 - ... 7 Thar No nppro dj 6tnnnce ad Decembenbth,, 1914, he and the came fs. hereby repealed.-;: y the Council ..................... .t)1pl�w'; 'L y SECTI9 .Ir...: ON —"'- ocers are; Thai, flit proper city ffi ' hereby aathorlaed toenter; [pto sq agreement .wtth 7amee Saunders tone the eettlementof hlstclaim aaatnet tqe:: Clty .arteln)r ont pf iglurtes yup f`ned; YEAS. Nq by him, while !n the emyl Y "of Ithe CCon September loth 1914 r BF.CTIQN 8 MR. FARNSWORTH Sald` shall provide fir tyre; Twenty 7 Elent PaYmeat of EfBht-Doltare apd htof �Cente t3896),per week Sor;>a o Z d of on9 hhundred twenty dge,we s;" GOSS bis 0.t of the $trees Construction I lCl,Is Repah Fund„eatd DaYmente i, C the miner, at, the tUm KELLER ° t1tr6. LF�t bt McCOLL 0s; YOERG I Y NAYS, 0 c�R. PRESIDE WERS) I:, 44.3® Section ir. The proper city officers are hereby authorized to make payment of the amounts herein provided for to the persons, in the manner and at the times at which the District Court shall order payments to//be made. Section St. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance .rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. _ Section This ordluad6o:'shall-take off sot and be in forbe immediately upon its p ,� 'and publication. .]] Ic pe8.,.t1" unci] of the. City oL SL Paul d . . �.. �` ord0.�• SECTION 1 6 Thai Ordinance No. 2225, approved De ember:6th. 191{, -lie and the same is rherebY repealed. SECTION 2 Tbat, the proper eltY ofikere are, - -- o hereby authoShed to enter, into str "Wjement with James Saunders for. the settlement ofhlt: claim hgalae� tpe' CY arising out of lnlempl eu of the NARY him while to the employ ot•�'the /- Clt3 ohL September loth 1914 T �s SECTION 2 i )RTH Said agreoment shall p ovlde"for the,! payment of Eight Dollars and Tgentyy rg Cents (62.26) per week Lor'., a. pe-� nd of one hundred twenty flve;weeks,f ble'out of the Street Construction Reou Fuad :tale payments, t-, / the manner at the Tl,• anteirb which the )'+' nroct tb�t the i i z DE WERS) • ' epeorr-itt�5`¢aaorStaava@ :tt 4h ,, ,� /`--' r.a1�C7� ` ConlPePeatlohl Act�61p�'" l / �/' f tyitneeota: •the" ea}a:.{66@ t Jj / Ghh ltavltt$ reae2.tlyd/f' `(`�rYA �' t h rbautted 2n the Peima, '' v e fX tett aria ! , h lve rom tho^ eCttY ` ' t yAn gxciinartca to settle the claim of George Volopuoorohen (also icagpvn as_ actge Fttlgardeen) A EAB,","orge volopuoorohen (also kpowa as George Folgard sun), was i2ajured on the 3rd day of June, 1814, while in the employ of the Department df Peablio Works of the City of St. Paul; and where--; as, in`ac4ordanoe with the Workmen's Compenzation'Aot of the State f-kjnueeota, the said George Voiopuoorchen having received injuries f trhioia resulted in the permanent loss of the use of his left arm, 11 entitled to receive from the City as oompe'nsation for said in - airy, the sum of Sin Dollars,; ($6.00) ,per week for a, period of two hifined ta<eekef .nom whereas, payment at the sate Df B.00 per weak f'or, {w" eriod Zl fifteen" weeks has, already been =made, now therefore, . THE E)ptjNOIL OF TH& CITY 0 F 3T. PAUL DOES 'ORDAIN: action 1 That the proper_aity officers axe authoritad. to anter Into a QUA raot or"agreament with the:said George Volopu gorahen, providing for the payment to him of the sum of Six Dollars 06.00) per weak for a period of one hundred eighty-five.(185). weeki, ,' Constrnatign `' payable from the StrsetAan&- pMir, Fund, and the proper city officers are authorized to make payment in accordance with said agreement. Said payment shall be.made eyery•four weeks, and at the 41id each ;payment is made,. the Comptroller shall require said George Volopu- oorohen±to"execute and deliver to said City a rel see, releasing; and y. discharging said City from any and all claims of whatsoever kind r nature due and payable to him from said City up to the time of I pert of the instalment for which the release is given, and at the time the final payment provided for herein is made, the said k. George Volopuourchensha31 be required to execute to the -Clip e 4 lease in full of all claims of whatsoever kind or nature, arising i der'itatute.or common law or under the Workmen's Compensation Act. ' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. PUBLISMIrD .ter. _ -• '' - 1 Yens. NAyi. MR."FARNSWORTH Coss KELLER ' McCOLL 9 p� ✓O"ST YOERG - ti v 1 Q9'9� G r 3 Y$; 0R. PRESIDENT (POWERS). i P 2; AUDI I , l' R�32—OrdiPa`hcel'I•Lo 8331 - I - I . ) 1 Lf - '! aheR to @ettte 4h@ atPlm of ; ige Fglgagdaen)'� _ r•,,.+� - Jl ..:•..� {�,} Y he 821142n3 oLi6(@ ReDPSStt11 J ;�"• ulhf'�RQER ' epeorr-itt�5`¢aaorStaava@ :tt 4h ,, ,� /`--' r.a1�C7� ` ConlPePeatlohl Act�61p�'" l / �/' f tyitneeota: •the" ea}a:.{66@ t Jj / Ghh ltavltt$ reae2.tlyd/f' `(`�rYA �' t h rbautted 2n the Peima, '' v e fX tett aria ! , h lve rom tho^ eCttY ` ' t yAn gxciinartca to settle the claim of George Volopuoorohen (also icagpvn as_ actge Fttlgardeen) A EAB,","orge volopuoorohen (also kpowa as George Folgard sun), was i2ajured on the 3rd day of June, 1814, while in the employ of the Department df Peablio Works of the City of St. Paul; and where--; as, in`ac4ordanoe with the Workmen's Compenzation'Aot of the State f-kjnueeota, the said George Voiopuoorchen having received injuries f trhioia resulted in the permanent loss of the use of his left arm, 11 entitled to receive from the City as oompe'nsation for said in - airy, the sum of Sin Dollars,; ($6.00) ,per week for a, period of two hifined ta<eekef .nom whereas, payment at the sate Df B.00 per weak f'or, {w" eriod Zl fifteen" weeks has, already been =made, now therefore, . THE E)ptjNOIL OF TH& CITY 0 F 3T. PAUL DOES 'ORDAIN: action 1 That the proper_aity officers axe authoritad. to anter Into a QUA raot or"agreament with the:said George Volopu gorahen, providing for the payment to him of the sum of Six Dollars 06.00) per weak for a period of one hundred eighty-five.(185). weeki, ,' Constrnatign `' payable from the StrsetAan&- pMir, Fund, and the proper city officers are authorized to make payment in accordance with said agreement. Said payment shall be.made eyery•four weeks, and at the 41id each ;payment is made,. the Comptroller shall require said George Volopu- oorohen±to"execute and deliver to said City a rel see, releasing; and y. discharging said City from any and all claims of whatsoever kind r nature due and payable to him from said City up to the time of I pert of the instalment for which the release is given, and at the time the final payment provided for herein is made, the said k. George Volopuourchensha31 be required to execute to the -Clip e 4 lease in full of all claims of whatsoever kind or nature, arising i der'itatute.or common law or under the Workmen's Compensation Act. ' Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. PUBLISMIrD .ter. _ -• '' - 1 Yens. NAyi. MR."FARNSWORTH Coss KELLER ' McCOLL 9 p� ✓O"ST YOERG - ti v 1 Q9'9� G r 3 Y$; 0R. PRESIDENT (POWERS). i 'Soo COUNCIL FILE NO. BY FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ......... . .. ................ .. . Constructing sewers on the following na.FeT_streets, to -wit: Enlargement of the St. Clair street sewer from Fredericka street to Fairview avenue. On Palace street from Fairview avenue to Underwood avenue. On Berkeley avenue from Fredericka avenue to Underwood avenue. On Stanford avenue from Fredericka avenue to Macalester avenue. On Wellesley avenue from Fredericka avenue to Macalester avenue. On Fredericka avenue from St. Clair street to Randolph street. On Jefferson avenue from Fairview avenue to Underwood avenue, and on Juliet street from Fairview avenue to Underwood avenue, the said sewers to b -e -known as the.-Yredericka. ave.nue. S.e. er..S.v.stem ..... ...... . under Preliminary Order 417 approved June 30th, 1914 Intermediary Order . ....... approved . ...... .. ....... ..... . . ...... .. ....... ... .. . ........... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is . . . . . . . .......... . .......... ... .......... Construct 06-rd1lowifig 1-0t -,j-dts, to -wit: sewers an h i Fnlarge-,�vrt St. Clair street sewer from Fredericka, streetto Fairview avenue. On Palace street from Fairview avenue to Underwood avenue. On Berkeley avenue from Fredericka avenue to Underwood avenue. On Stanford avenue from Fredericka avenue to Macalester avenue. On Wellesley avenue from Fredericka avenue to Macalester avenue. On Fredericka avenue from St. Clair street to Randolph street. On Jefferson aventie from Fairview avenue to tynierwood avenue, Ani on Juliet stre-it from Fairview avenue to tlnderwogd avenue, _:!�he..!W se ere to be known an' the Frarierioka avenue Sewer.P.Steff.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner or Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 191 City Clerk. Approved 191 Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers F.,w B. S. A. 8.7 J4 I CITY OF .. PAUL D I EPARTMEN]r- FINANCE EPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: e The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ V - t'173 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 2.90 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �r ..:. �_: .,�.,.�.. ,.a.. .......n.....,.�, ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION -7.7 J { II / .72 2� L I y , .. ....� TOTAL. T CITY OF ST. PAUL " - DEPARTMENT,AiF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK` ADDITION ASSESSED VALU TION Ct �fiv %fes y, -Z y, 1;�;�!/£i✓% led y / s � {'/o��j f�'�� j ����j C�i c'yr�'e�., p /�..Zy�.z3 / .% ff�'. if�,(Af oo ct !�64 i zo do x Z z 1 •7o J G l. C, : G CITY OF ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENTpF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ` .y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER l6) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK- _ ADDITION ASSESSED VAlI f,uATI 1 % J6 G ql. . f , 14 ir l I Cly G rr db A. r TOTAL;-�L 7 o CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT`61F FINANCE .. t REPORT OF 0OMMIS8IONER OF FINANCE ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - d ASSESSED . i DESCRIPTION-- LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VAL FICA / X, s`.. 1 4 lid _ - ' TOTAL, o CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTpF FINANCE t REPORT- OF COMNIISISIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIQN s' y / y 4/1 dl 231 TOTAL, .. t _4 UA CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTpF FINANCE K r REPORT OF OOMMISVIONER OF FINANCE ,. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION : ASSESSED VA L fTI N "�a 4p \ \ qq �i v� 0 O f"I /U i 6` 6' TOTAL, ��a777 i . , - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN%OF FINANCE - r Y -•,REPORT^OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (6) s 1 DESCRIPTION - - LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION t 7 ._rte qla 0 <Z,3 i 3`- "J U � Al /f 22, Izi 011 z� s f C ._.. , .... .... _. _ ..._ .. ... .. _. TOTAL... Yr VBMP 0�1_49J!_ _ CITY OP ST. PAUL �. DEPARTMENT�F FINANCE r r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - - DESCRIPTION ASSESSED LOT .BLOCK ADDITION VA ION /3 Gt�c oZa 26 ,p all If s, all 3 lo aZ 3 o as16 j J� /J, /� y 1 TOTAL, . CITY OF ST. PAUL 'S - DEPARTMEN',t',OF FINANCE F REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK -ADDITION ASSESSED `. VA C1,7 li 1 I � .,u o .. OL U U vim. j U /s` .? �9ctc�ri✓%Gr J � S3 S`. i'. Lo if ILp /6 f Q i s` /0 all, ,1 ,s, y � I. I ronM es.w. e•e • TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTAOF FINANCE y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION p— w LOT BLOCKADDITION 64 /91-, z do I' � % lidl ;i �("'"� I I� `*C'a�r�r /u do,� zIz s3 AQ d� Al /19 PPM e�4 A lt14k I I TOTAL. — G s• zG6J`, zoo: zoo: 23a. <230; / 3 s' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT ,PF FINANCE �. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT ;BLOCK'. ADDITION lQe� 0 h ASSESSED ✓ALUATION J` /0 (ts z 4 V .� - :.Z da A j z 4 l Z 4 /U / Y laJ�o TOTAL, IllA.f:e�@LII T-- 0 h ASSESSED ✓ALUATION J` CITY OF ST. PAUL' - �Z DEPARTMENT JPF FINANCE - q' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ,r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VAL ATI N � 1k z (/-4 o j/I✓l �o�Ici / ] � 61 f p. O 1r / `r (y '� � �C�;r l�/ifi✓% Jy ,fir i � �q1f -Z I �f"o ego , je` 7 i i - - -..TOTAL.. r... _�...�' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT JVF FINANCE *: REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK! ADDITION ac a � Ll"G aTs � G6 1,7 J Q� // J TOTAL, ii F ASSESSED /J ` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARtMENT OP FINANCE REPORT'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER b � DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VAL »o ,&-'JOQw � r s y A, 1 J y _ c0o / Y•' r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. .Dated`--/ / / ----• Commissioner of Finance - I Office of the Comm 9sianer C' Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance J...0 .Y..._14.�__.._..._..............191_...: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No...._417................... approved .....__............June._._3.x......_.........191.4...., relative to............................. tex.............................................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ .......... _......... necessary and (or) desirable. 62.90 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..._.. and the total cost thereof is $-.47,000-00 _....., and ................_.... . the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................... ................ ......_.................. --- /............ ................ __.......... dJoulutil File No.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. c�� s an The uudcreigned hereby proposes the making of the following lit improvement tits Ci of fit. Pail], viz.: Grade Ryde Street from Unio treat to Northern cific _.............................. ..._..................._............_............................_................................................ Right of ?'Pay, in accordance with ition hereto atta d. . ......... .... ......... ............ .............. Dated t.Uis._. l8t.h.._.._day of.._ _... ...F.S1,t3Eljy.a......... �_.... ...97....5.. - --� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Ride Street from Union Street to Northern Pacific . of ......._... _..... ...... ............. ........ ...... _.._....._.. . ___.._...... ...... _......._ ....___. ..... _.. - ..... t .. is Impr 1 t de street from I .—thern Paemc Right ._._....... ....... _._..... .Ing been ._...._...._. _.. . _ ._...... _. _....._..... .. I •eaented to re' . ^� ofthc Cit, of St. Paul there' it � '- having been presented to the Council of tpj`'Ived. That the Cammisaloneref au ; , works be and he I. hereby or-. :t and directed therefore, be it To investigate thenecessity for ' eelrapulty. of the -making of said RESOLVED, That the Commissioner'"ovem.nt. - ereby ordered tool directed: To Investlsute the nature, extent " set lmate d cost of: Said Improve -said improvement. L To investigate the necessity for Vi t, aha the tot&I c st thereof. tch off nidimp plan. proale 0" ovenient, and the total cost thereof. Z. To hIVCStlgatC the nature, eXteII� To furnleli`„the. foltowIng other 3. To fnrnish a plan, profile or skete ovem nt°Tmaiion relative to eats' To state whether or not said fm 4. To f11I•nish the following other d4,ement le. asked for on the petition said improvement:...._ -re B or more owners. To report upon all of the -fore- matters to the Qommiesloner of ....................................._.................... _..................................... ........................ .......................................................... .................. ........... ... .* ce.. pted by the C,.t nc. ,Inn. 18, 1915. 5. To state whether or not said impa:ovea Jan. asket, petition of three or more owners. (Jan, I > G. To report upon all of the fore!* lig matters to the Cohuntaslonel of Finance. Adopted by the Council _.._...........(:.. /.**, Yeas: Nays: Councilman F tswoeth / tiApproved_ ...................... ......._...........1. ..... Ifni, ry ................_........_..._......._............................__....... \Inyore t Mayor. lIl'R.TSFWD / - oV,3-1 9 �s Petition Uonllell File iNo..................................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo g public improvement Paul, viz Grade..danloa _8t..... bet>Raen..Sax t.....eslfi Frank 3t :,.. with__pet t. 'on beraxo attvw.. ...... Dated this.___.a..t.l_.__day City of St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:._ Grade....JenitS...St ...... ..... ............ ba3._en.......Bax.1...S.t.......abd._Frank...St..._........_.................._._.._...._........__._............_...._._......_..........._.._........_...._._ .............__ _.......... ... ..... _..__. _..._. _. .._.._... .— .. .. _ __ .. `3 4'en propoeal Por [he fonlo 1L, Improvement._................__....._........._......_..........._...... ss� J.en,; v1 between Ent- ': k BPi: rhavl B been preeent- having been presented to the Council of ttec i`renell-bo iof thecity of St. ilman ........ ........ ......... _......... ... Ived: Trhat the Comm ssloner of therefore, be it Ile-Worke' be ntid he is hereby or. and dlreot, , RESOLVED, That the Commission;JeTo Investigate he necessity sam3 hereby ordered and directed: Frovement. 1. To investigate the necessity fi. To Investigate the nature, exter%of said improvement. estimated -coat of Bald Improv ` S. To investigate the nature, ext'"t'To to e t toh o pcost linthprof. improvement, and the total cost thereof. Si"' oY said improvemen[. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or em and onto oration eo ativle�r` -l. '1'o famish the following OL11CtNr"j. To a$dte,_whetber or vNfl�tve to said improvement:....__. __.... ..... ..._._.__._. oventeny,a naked for o •� thre�.(4[ ,more own. 1 ................................ ._. 8.'.+ro9e0vbtt-voon:all _..__...__._......... .. ................. .. ._.. ............... 5. To state whether or not ; 6. To report upon all of the Adopted by the Yens: Councilor tcll May ed for on the petition of three or more owners. otters to the Commissioner of Finance. 191J'.. Nays: Approved.........._...... ....l ............._1...................191__. `1 ......................... ................. _..... ...... .... ......... ....... ._ Mayor. pdMISHED Mr. Herrold Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELBUNARY ORDER. R40 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following 1) c iuiprovenie:t0by,.IIIe City of St. improvement _01 0 'n essam i 'C Paul, viz.: aoxidemaing and taking....an eaaam . ..... In ------ �leary .... ..... (;u b I 619pes for outs and fills f r grgdipg.... 0 slopes... - for_..outs 1-- -.9- avenuc....from Keston street to Eustis street Dated this. .16th.. clay of .. .... -191 5. .1 ............. _-11 . ..... Councilman. PRELUMNARY ORDER. WITEREA8, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:0.0ndemning. andtaking an easement in the land neoes4r ... ....................... _ ............ .......... . ....... ......s.... fills for gradinvand ourbingof ... re p_t o _E.M.ust street ...... . ...... . ........ .... ... ...... ............ . ... ................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pejjl bu 11 nneilman .......... .............................. ...................... ..................... therefore, be it 'it"'pr'p"" for the ,/ the follow) ng ImproveMent denminand taking an ehgo-* g RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of 1. To investigate the necessity for or d ats f."'..%'�Vlag t to Eu, from jimprovLnient. t d 1 2. To investigate the nature, extent an{ j"too to she t c total cost thereof. 'aul therefor. t of cent, a" SOIvsd. That u . I n R. To furnish a plain, profile or sketch 0 Works be o is hereby and diredte Investi the e improvement: To fut " "n 4. -nish the following other data. �I!Ioabflity II "',anent. To Investigate the not- .......... ........... - .................... .................. .................................. .. .. estimated coat of a.1, I ................... .. . . ...... .. .. .. .......................... % and the total cost 1, J. To state whether or not said inn prov�ITo furnish a via, in the petition of three or more owners. h of said improve 6. To report upon all of the foregoing � "o furnish t, 111� -,d friforin't '�4)nussiouer of Finance. I Adopted by the Council....._..._!.. . .... . .... . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa tworth �rb v Council h. C ty be ,h or and �e a d: got. r the k . Go Approved.-... Ke 0' ry Yo.... ...... ......... .... ... ... .... .. ........ . . Mayor Po -s Mayor. I!VBLISIWD /- -23 -1 6 Council File No......_ ._:_............. Mr. Herrold PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. . 'Che undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu Paul, viz.:..99Ademni...Ing..._8I1d,._t..aking.....an.....e e.e.IAIP..IIAt... tl slopes -for cute and fills for.. grading. ......�i.UZtc ...- __..._.....-...._................. ...... _... ........._......... Dated this..1.6.th_ _ _.._.day of 48 r nlen by thZY0, St. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the, malting of the following improvement, viz—.0py1devX11ng-.- an..._o.ae.el>Io.zlt..iu... the...l.and.. neo.e.s.a.ary.....fox.._.s.lope.e....fox.....Qute.....and fills_ for__grading Farrington_agenue... from__LA. Pon._etree...t_ to BGaryland......... ._.: West, 3436— Whereas, A N having been presented to the COnI1Cll aklnq of .the.. vlz:-Condemnir therefore, be it mentAs the lar for cuts and all ton venue fro RESOLVED, That the Cmnmissintarylend street to the Councli 1. To investigate the necessity I et'Rrafoireab It 'L. To investigate the nature, extt-cd dcuts. }dsirabintyInvest :3. To furnish a plan, profile or sk t rovement a. To furnish the following other' ;4 a timated nt ndtho' To. Old,! ch o elda'l i nft 5: To slide whether or not said imprt; .nt:<, to 6. To report upon all of the for"ng mtis'",a Adopted by the Council ............._ .. ..a I for o— an e pg Vbeen oreeentr§ hereby ordered and directed: e city of St. P:, commisalone br of said improvement. I he is hereblr t improvement, and the total cost thereof. theIt ie makingking o., the nature, ot. said In we to said improvement:...... ................__.. coat thereof plan pro vemeat etollowin _....... ........ .. ._. _. ..... ...... _..... n relative on the petition of three or more owners. r or not;' for: on th{'• sera.,;, h1891mnet• Of Finance. Yeas: Nays: Councilman F lsworth / l� GApproved._.............._C............ ....... _..._._.._........_ t ......_. K r O eary rg..................................................... .................................. ...._......... Mayor P vers Mayor. PUI;L1SIiEv "�3–/y�S Mr. Herrold Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. ma71 and PRELnW:kARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following I improvement by the y of St. Paul, viz.: ...o.ouctemnamig I for sloppp. for 'outs anc to Maryland- street. Dated this.... 16-t11(lay of jKnuary Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. AVUEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz,:.....Q.ond.e=ing. and t aki & gi.n gomment in--Ahe land-nece-GSIATY fox,_s.10pas for cuts.. and fill -s -for grading Ms�Adqtat ,street _Jand- st.r.se-Vt ................ ... ..... ....... ......... - 3437 — ............... one, A —Itscril proposal I far the of the following p—ensi 0—darnsil sig and taking ars In the land necessary for slopes ............... ....... . ...... ... ... .... ................ ts and fills for grading Man data from Wells street to Maryland, having hasn presented to the �nciliiian. ............. ... .. ............... - .......... ....... ........ ..... ..... .... having been presented to the Councilt t, of the City of St. Pa., there. , I ved. That the Commisslopor therefore, be it Works, be and he is hereby or! Colaal,IlSjo� ndd,.r..t,.d RESOLVED, That the ,.esit '.jne is hereb . the a .... It, fo,y ordered and directed: !,-ability of the making of .-I 1. To investigate the necessity ful "tn",L-tigato the nature, exte king of said improvement. 2. 'Co investigate the nature, e . ' Imated cost of said Imp— - I ilii provernent, and the total cost thereof. XlCad the total coat -thereof. ;tai( .i furnish' . plan. pr.n :3. TO furnish a plan, profile or 81,, of said himprovement. rat. f.r.l. the following Information relative "l-clittive, to said improvement: 4. To furnish the following othol, n.fit. Into -bather or not as - I. asked for on the P.' _r. sswric-il ....... .. ............ .. ........... .............. ........ .. - ... ................. . .............................. .............. .................. ...................... ..................... . ...... .. on.. '�`0 5. To state whether or not said insp owk.t. — Com-' for on the Petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for' ng Matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_........_...........zy.._. 19 1,X... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fji-lisworth s Approved .......... ller eary 9 ....... ...... ........ P F 4 Mayor. .a Mayor P rs Mr. Berrold Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 4e38 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the looking of the following public impr ment by the City � , St. Pail], viz.: ,_con4emni4g_,_and.._t.aking..._44 e.as "At_....in..,th .....and.....ae..cae._s.. . .....'..Q. _..... elo..pe..s_ for_cutn and _fx.11B.. fo.x'....gr-adlag....the._.all between Re ...angement..._of block...S,...Maoale_eter_._Park.__and...B.loak....3.,......Xlm.. ...._8�....xo.rr.iffi.Qu.! .........e_atrrAngement....of part .._of....Macalester..._Park....,.(b twaec,..._$.ummi.. .....v.e........and....Gr. Aye.....,Taixylow Ave and Bal n St.) Dated this.-16.th....._.__Ally of....._.._...J.anuar.y................_,,,.�..�....._...._.. .....5. /9 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the looking of the following improvement, viz.:_0.Ondemaing. and taking..._an_ easQmQnt_.in....the......1.and.....noo..eeelary....for..._slope.a.....f.ox.....out.e._..and.....f.i,.11a_.for gradin.g._.the__alley..._be,tWeeII...Reaxrangement..._o_f__. blook._.3,_._Maoaleet_er_._Pa...... and Block.. 3,_. Elmer..._A.._Morri son.'s.._.R...e.arr.angem..ent.....a.f _..p.ar.t....o.f....Mao al.e.st.e.r_...P.ark.__... (between... i mmi_t -Aye....... a4nd..._Grand.....A o ....... ..... P.ai.rri.e.W.....Ave- .....and- Bal.d.W1.n.....St:..�.,............. having been presented to the Council of _ mala �`oe the [allowing t, n......._.. ........................... .. ....._ ... C. F. Whtaereo.asa,, "A written pron0sul for th0 therefore, be it vfz: Condemning and. takiimprovemenng an� ee-vc- i ItESOLVEll, That the CommissionG io neata'nnd a118 torthe land eglndlh the Pes a112Y Iby ordered and directed: betWetm Rearangement of block 3. , a- 1. To investigate the necessity foI tester Park and .Block 3, Elmer & id improvement. Ctllellt. Morrison's Rearrangement of part [ P E 'Co investigate the nature, exte IMacotaster Park (between @nmmlwemcut, and the total coat thereof. g , Ape.., and Grand, Ave,. Falr� 1 w \ 'r and Baldwin St:), having bee nr. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or ske 9entetl t the Conncu'of the City of Pael, follo tlth refor,'bo IL '1'o Cut•p islt t°c tvin R r ntbt'I' t Resolved That d, the Commieaionoy Pphitc Works;;be and he 1. hereby,) said improvement:..... . ... .. ........._....... dared anddirected:- 1:- To invoatlgat0 the ......D .._......._. .. ......_...__...... .. .. ........ .. ....... Or. 8laabllttY.or the making of sa �. ..... ..... ....... ... ................ .... .............. provOn"a 2.>� To.investigata the not -1b. 'lb state whether or not said ii and'eetlmated east of eaf .he petition of three or more owners. en, and th0 1% ost 1` 6. To report upon all of the fm a t1 mo t mrd t.ot a n` ,ciYtfsioner of Finance. w Adopted by the Conned__......... kili Herrold Council File No ................................ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 'PRELIMINARY ORDE . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f owing p illic improve It by the City of St. Paul, vi..:.4_ondemnng.....ax�d..._t.aki.z�g.....en.....e. .ement.....ia..._theal neo.essaxy.....Yor.........-.. slopes for_. cute.. and..._ fills..,._for..._. di.itag.....Hl�.x.....atr . t ..... fiom....Lexingt.on. et¢enu to Oxfordstreet..................... ...__...... DatedJanuarvJ...._../ ....... 191........5, t i Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ....condemning and-._t.ming.....an...easement .....in.... the.... 1. and... neoeasary...for.....slopes. for---cuts-...and. fills_.. for gradingBlairst"re"et from. Lexington. avenue to Oxford street; ..................... .......... ....... ...................... -- .. _... "P vem n1 .. ..... ....._ _... ........ ... ....... .... ................... .. „land ani t I<Ing nn en e' .._...._. ............_..... .. .. nor ecesernry fslonea i..e and .aIle for gad(ng $lair t. I+.' from Lexington avenue to OY- llll[l till._ .................................._........ ...... having been presented to the Coune atreet.. having been """'"""""""""`""""" Council' of the City of ngCteFat erefore, be It therefore, be it „eReaolved. That the Commlesloner oI ibllc Worke-be and ho Ie hereby or- a Iereb ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Comnlissi,.•ea and directed: I Y 1. To investigate the necessity f'leel�abilitytlofa the making olyauld of said improvement. g Y i_ Ton Investigate the nature, extent blprovenient, anti the total cost thereof. 1. To investigate the nature, e%taegttmatea coat of said -Improve nd the total coat the 3. To furnish a plan, profile or Fy. I furnish a plan, proal. Of said improvement r. ro furnish the following ot•l Ye to said improvement :................... •3. To furnish lite following other Annd information relative to menta n state whether or not s �..._; ... .... s. nt la .eked for on the ....:�... ........ ...... .............__.........._._..._.._....................... ......... ... ......................._..._._........_............................................................-..n'!il;i' mote owners, 5. To state whether or not said inlproveu ;". 'ib ifsklt'?nor on the petition of tinea or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ..........L.:19k/.— Yeas: Nays:' Councilman F sworth GIApproved..._....._ ..................... ...... ]......... e )i I O arY Yg ..............._............._..._........................................ ... 1Viayor P rs Mayor. wx�.tsrltz n ya 3 - i i ��440 CITY OF PAUL " COUNCIL RESOL ON—GENER FORM c Subject...._ PU110I?,iSE CF._R tPAIR Tg. FORK IVIG STREET PAVING MI FOENc'L NO.... .... .:............ Date Presented ...-,Tan.15.,_l915_._I91... ........ rl W WAWI� Resolved, That, WITEREAB the Commissioner of Public Works has made requisi- tion on the Purchasing Agent for repair parts for. the Koeh- ring Street Paving Mixers,, approximate cost of which is $250.00, And, Whereas it is im..ossible to purchase said repair parts from any company other than the manufacturers of said Mixers, so that no advantage can be secured by advertisement or by asking for competitige bids; RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to buy the ar;ove mentioned repair parts without advertisement or competitive bids. Yeas (V) Cou 'I" (P) Nays Far orth / Gos _ �j In favor Kell r _Against O' y Yoe Mr. President, veers voxn c.9.2 Adopted by the Council Approved_ 191' V MAYOR. CITY OF ST. P COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FOR Subject:_. _ REJECTION -OF-B DS-FOkINGTON DINa & IMP 3J21�fi COUNCIL OF GOOD RICH VE. AVE 1 ST TO FILE No ...... ..., .. ....C..34... _ST...P_. R Ay..:_T.RACKS.........._ .............. ..__._._........-- Date Presented- -Jan. 12.Ilk 5_191 ........... Resolved, That the action of the Purchasing Committee in rejecting all bids received for ;he grading and irpaove,ment of Goodrich avenue from Lexington avenue west to the C.M. & St -P. Railway racks and Dunlap street from Lincoln avenue to Goodrich ave- nue, is hereby confirmed and approved and the Yurcrinsing Agent authorized to readvertise for )ie making of said improvement. C. P. No. 3441—BY IL N. GO..— Resolved. That the action of the Purchasing Committee iii r'n'g a d all bid. received for ',h,10, he an and tm- .provement of Goodrich nvenue from it, At. Lexington "venue west &, �St. P. Raliµ+,aY,,. tr k6 and Dunlap• atr-ct from�•Lt�ibultt'Avenue to Good-' rich avenue, is hereby confirmed an approved and the Purchaeing Agent uthorized to'readvertlee [or the mnk- I ing of Bold Improvement. :tdop[nd bY•the Council Jun. 18, 7D1fi. .lpprov, Jt z 19, 1915. n. 23-1916) Yeas (V) Coun en (P) Nays Farns rth / Goss _ Y� In favor Kelle Against O'Le Yoer Mr. President, P ens .ORM C.a-2 Adopted by the CounciG/% 24-19131 Approved._ l — 191 S— 141 n CITY OF ST. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Subject:,.. __Purchase of Supplies for Aus Kra......._.....__....._._...AI COUNCIL FILE No..... . .................. ...... ..... ....... ........ _ ....... I Date Presented -Jan. 15, 1915......_I91........... Resolved, That, WHEREAS the Commissioner of Public Works has made requisi- tion on the Purchasing Agent for repair parts for Austin sprinklers, approximate cost of which is $360.00, And., Whereas it is impossible to purchase !said repair parts any company but the manufacturers of said sprinklers, so that no advantage can be secured by advertisement or by asking for competitive bids; RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to buy the above mentioned repair parts without advertisement or competitive bids. C. F: No. 8442-115 At. N. (losB— Resolved. That. Whereas the Co._ of Public Works has made reqhe for t repair partsfor Au.,tins Irig l sprinklcut ers. ers. approximate Cos, of which Is $860.00, And, Whereas itis fmpossible to par - chase said repair parte from any com- pany but the nufactUur9 f said s o that no advantage ran e secured by adveruspment or'bv a.11 - iB hereby autnortsea, wl[n [ c .... of tho Comptroller, to buy the bove mentioned repair parts without ndver- j tisement or competitive bide Adopted by the Council Jan. 18, 1916. Approved Von. 19. 1916. (Jan. 28-1916) Yeas (V) Counei en M Nays Farns rth Goss In favor Kellen Against O'Lea Yoer Mr. President, P ers ....-... Adopted by the Council 191.5 Approved _ l ' 191 -- - MAVOR I rt•? CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE FORM Subject:, _ Purchase of Repair,.._ s.f4.x._. exs _........._._ ._... at Asphalt Plaa_ ` COUNCIL FILE No...... .. ... C. .. Date Presented _Jan 191.5-1 -.._..._.. Resolved, That, WHEREAS the Commissioner of Public Works has mad a requisi- tion on the Purchasing Agent for repair parts for the Chain Belt Concrete Mixers at the Asphalt Plant, approximate cost of which is $197.10, ind, whereas it is.impossible to purchase said repair parts from any company other than the manufacturers of said concrete mixers, so that no advantage can be secured by advertisement or by asking for competitive bids; RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent it hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to buy the abovementioned repair parts without advertisement or competitive bids. 3443—Dy M. N. Goes— Resolved. That, lYhoreas the Com- missioner of Public Work. he. made t. ent ,for uisition on rep alru parte hfar the Oh e Porches In Belt Concrete 1111xere at the Asphalt Plant. approximate coat of which Is $197;10.. And. Whereas it 1. Impossible to pur- chase said repair parts -from any com- spany other than the manufacturers f aid: concrete mixm•s,.- so that no a - vantage can be ecuredby.ad,•erilse- ment or by asking. for competitive bide; Resolved; That the Purchasing Agent la hereby authorised, with the consents of the Comtroller, to buy the hove mentioned repair parts without ad- vertisement or. competitive bids. Adopted by the Council Jan. 18, 1016. Approved T—. J. 1916. _ (Jan. 2191116) Yeas W) Coun en (6) Nays Farns rth Goss In favor Kelle Z5 Against O'Le Yoe Mr. President, ers ..Foau C.8.2... Adopted by the Council /�_ 191 ✓� Approved- — I, / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject..........."""'COUNCIL -3 FILENO ... ...................... _... Date Presented ..-....-..Jan- ._.18,....._._I91..-4.. Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a city warrant in favor of M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, for the sum of Six Dollars (1 $6.00), payable out of the Maintenance Account of the Street Construction & Repair Fund, and one other warrant for the sum of -One Dollar and fifty Cents (($1.50) payable out of the Commissioner of Public Works Fund, the proceeds of such warrants to be used in buying State License Tags for four automobiles and one motorcycle in the Department of Public Works. CP.F. No. 3444—BY M: N:' Ga..— Resolved, That the propel• ,Ity oRl- r are hereby authori.ed and ..P. -ii • d to draw a city wa, in favor o[;" M. N. Gose, Cothmi.aloner of Pub, Works, for the sum of Six Dollar N (86.00). payable out of the It. tenana Account of the Street Cone[ruetion :& .Repair Fund, and one ther warrant• [or the um of One Dollar d -44' Cent. ($1.50) payable out o[ the Cap�pp+' .Ie.Inner of Pubile tvori<e Fund, tpa:: proceeds of such wnrnrnta to be Uoi In buying State License Tnge Ior fOiiT: automobiles and onemotorcycle in t$R nepartment of. Publle Work.. 17 Adopted *,",It Council Jun. 18, 38iC: ApprovedUy Jan.h18. 1016. (Jan. 23-1815) Yeas (1�) Cou Imen (i,) Nays Far orth Gos __ P In favor Kell _._Against O' y Yoe Mr. President, wers ionW c.ea . Adopted by the Council _...� 19 1(1 / 191 J Approved_ l_ t CITY OF ST. PAUL f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: --_._. -PURCHASE ..OF--MARCHANT-CALCULATING VACHI.NK._..........__..._.._ COUNCIL N �.{�.�:� FILENO ........ .......................... Date Presented_._ Jan. 16, 1915 _191_..___-.... ' Resolution authorizing the Purchasins Agent to buy one Marchant Calculating; Machine for the sum of 23b.00, chargeable to the Department of Public Works -Bureau of Engineers, as this is a patented deice and no advantage can L,e secured by advertise- ment or by asking for competitive bids. C. P. No. 3445-11Y *L N. dd§s'- Resolution o thorlaing the Porch" - Ing Agent to buyoa M,rch,nt Cal- lating *,,chine. t, the ' aum of $235.00, chargeable to the Department of Public Works—Burenu of Engineers. ventage is is can .be secured byaad-ti.0- went or by asking; for competitive bids. Adopted by the Council Jan. 18, 1915- Approved Jsn. 19. 1910. (Jan. 23.1915) Yeas (V) Coune en (V) Nays r by the CouncilIre— AdoptedX191 5 Farns orth Gr oss _ In favor Kell Approved_ _. 191(5 _ d`_Against O' y Yoe Mr. President, veers P rY t❑d ,nr �•e l,at I p In the matter of point 116 feet vast c of irrading Capitol .Ave. Lt to a point;^119 fee 4 eget'line o[ Victoria ninary,order 991 lnter- er 3199, Ir ral Or 2942, vember 29'; 1914. hot[ he plane, apeclflca- [aPubllcbWorks for the Improvement be and the, by app owed. tner, That the Pp char- 'I P A U L ,,is to ndl lad,,ror- t YeCnhthe ded by the City Charter the" of eat. Im- cordlns to said pinus and ION -. on the basis (A) That . contractor shell furnish . materialfor said work, esum;tor (131 Thall e tui.bn ad.Ave. from Avon St.. to a frrro ccoe [n� a r of Victoria St. under Preliminary Order 961. Intermediary Order Final Order 2643 approved November 25, 19 14. RESOLVED, That the plans,• specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTFER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for bids for the. making of said improvement, according to said plans and specifications, on the basis (A) That the bidder or con- tractor shall furnish -all labor and material for said work at a speci- i'ed sum; (B) That the bidder or contractor shall make said improve- -.Jaent by force accounts recoiving a percentage of cost price for per- forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to`the amount of at least twenty Per cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution of a contract with the City for the performance of said work in accordance ,ith the plans and specifications in case the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereof a certified check for ten per cent. of the aTAount of the bid. The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Should all bids be rejected, the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advestias again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the comndttee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further aids should be received and that the work should be done by the Commissioner of Public F7orko by day labor, in which evert, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Co ilr ) Nays Far eworth G ,Ke : er 0) ars i is. President,. Po rs Approve � 91� NaYQZ �. ,, ;._ ..:, •fCJl3LTSF1i�` �-.,a3.-L�/�i�!.. Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER ® q147 COUNCIL PILE NO. Date Presented _0 ---191— RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses tell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant t applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 411 F.E.Leitner 439 CO. Fobert Pt. P. Garlou^h, 42U__S_;o.Fc'cert St. 368.Panke e- Tatkine 4C 7, 3rd St. p rL, & Junniecn-4G 7, 3rd It. U' U0. 3441— ;led, That the eo11uw1pS desfg- llauo's bac [rflne[etred asl indicated put- uant to applications duly ean e;there- for• NP. •411, tram P. H. Lehner, 429 So. ROtiert St.. tn;; N; E. RobBt St. G -1—h. 429'So. E.rr�ttelB3rdsSdt.S"toBook- $ Junlon,40 ...,IODttd by the Connell Jan. 22. 1916. - IPProved. Jan. 26, 1915. ' (Joe.. 30-1916) Mr. Presid ( ✓) Nays . Yeas ( ✓) cilrnen Adopted by the Council 9111 F' sworth --b—In favor G er Oil iS U Against APProv 191— ::z_ O ary Mr. Presid CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER Subject: COUNCIL O. FILE C N�l Date Presented 1��191 RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) 369,Ta.. r.o.3a,379 WaUasha St. I oas & Y.adrie, 37 W&tasha P*,_ Yeas ( ✓ )� Co oilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Counc l 0 Z 1914 Fa worth Go In favor c / 1 r Approv 191`1 Fla Against O' ary Yo ,1 MAYOR Mr. Presid C. F. No. 3448— ; Resolved, That the following deslg- noted liquors licenses be nh-nneferredll aslnto dleuted pursuant .to aPPllcatlons duly made therefore: No. 309, fru-. wm.Boes.. 379 Webs - mile St., to Boss & Kadrle, 379- NVabashn St .adopted by the (,ouncll Jan. 22. 1910. :1 Pproved Jan. 26, 1915. (Jan. 30-1915) ' ---- Yeas ( ✓ )� Co oilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Counc l 0 Z 1914 Fa worth Go In favor c / 1 r Approv 191`1 Fla Against O' ary Yo ,1 MAYOR Mr. Presid cp /T A. i COUNvII, FILE NO. FINAL ORDER. ,a _ In the 11latter of CC'_.0..t .1, sts'e - -' - lj, s 33b 1 �' c�r,yz aLL.aCP . e ...� r ._ �.� ,- .._ ..... b - .. ..,_. �F ,.L °1.4 under Preliminary Order _...lwv_____._. _.... approved ..... GG.�G'�e, _cs_,,.._ _. Intermediary Order __ ._ __ _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th'a4 he precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is . '. ..3t.r at the ton. _._..s ae.er as _.__e3 _._ :ie:1i^-Te_F`ers:)n Se:,er s .,tet.. 330 f t t__ . r c _ _' r . ° ?ai a : street, 4, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissionerof Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and direeted to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance therew' It i Adopted by the Council .. -,f - Ihl Approved..........._( ._ Councilman F worth ler " ary erg Mayor P ers Form B. S. A. 8-7 .. CITY 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4W REPORT OF C MMIQBIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIEAY ORDER / R -p In the Matter of311Qf.L.l.:= .'------- -- ---- ---------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------- _ . _ . - y ��.�C�K.•._G,�:1 Cx.:: f:-fail/-_-�if�/� �--__��':51:2�6cL. (�_-Grit �i?,G9' ?�f'171L31f�Pt�.�tC�L�;� Z- / under Preliminary Order approved _.._--j6�::..0/..--...J_------lf�,f.------------- ------------ ___._._._.__---------.-__.. -------- --------- ----_---_---._--. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -$--- ----- ._........______------_.._ The estimated "cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION all / o J'/ L' z.Z p. a/u a6 k / oZ. G .onrn eI A TOTAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated___.....__.�..{_1.�— --- 191..x:/ 1 :..-..... -- Commissioner of Finance. FORM U.S.A. S•S C CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 41 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION .2y�o U,7/ v The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated___.....__.�..{_1.�— --- 191..x:/ 1 :..-..... -- Commissioner of Finance. FORM U.S.A. S•S C Office of the CommissioDner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Octo�.ai 13, 191.4.. _ ............................_......._ __ .._._.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No....._1°5�4..._........approved....... .._Cot9.CPT__ _x..........._.......19]_4.., relative to.thz...._....._ "' .rrrick St. frou- ^e.':dol �c cor_st.... ..fin of..._a.....6.2}rar on ................_........._..._................_......._.........._r............_........._r.._...°._'...:........._......_........._.........-_....... Palace "t. ..._.... ......_.. _... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............._......necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is ............_' = ._ ;{_...., and the total cost thereof is _.......650,.0c. _,___,_ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._.....__.._._._._.._.._..... ........ ... ._.._.._........_......... _............ _........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ................... ........... .. ............. ......................... ....................................................... ........... . ............. ... . ........ ........... . .. .........._..............................,......... _................. _........ 5. Said improvement ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............. ........ .... .............._...._...._........,_.:........ Can ' eioner f RiUlic orks. Al. N. GOSS- 1 OSCAR CLAUSSEN CGEp1I-01- PUBLIC WORKS �y - CHIEF ENGINEER CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Oct. 10, 1914. Mr. M. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works'. C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Warwick St. from Randolph,St. to Palace St., in accordance with Council File J1955, approved Oct. 7, 1914. Approximate estimate $650.00 Total frontage 556 ft. Less exemptions 100 ft. Assessable frontage 456 ft. Excess inspection necessary $30.00 Final order should read as follows: "Warwick St. from Randolph St. to the terminus of the sewer as provided in the Hamline - Jef£erson Ssystem, 330 ft. south of the center of Palace St." Above estimate is on this basis. Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. COUNCIL FILE NO. By. .... . ... .... FINAL ORDER. 5 A 7-� IntheMatterof. Co.no—tru.c.tizig..a-.,,s.iie-walk..of cement blocks on -both sides of $tinaon-..s.tx-ee.t.frorr,--Oxford.. street Lexi.naton. avenue., .. . .. ...... tinder Preliminary Order... ....1597__._........ . ....... . approved . .. ..... Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement 'upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement t to be made by the said City is, ..QQn.0 txual...a' 16exalk or, both., sides.. of...Stin.son .$tzeet from Oxford street to Lexington aven.K.e. 11 ----1 -1 1 ........ ... _1 ..... . ...... ... . I and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance the It Adopted by the Council ....... .... C City Clerk. Approved 191 Councilman Far Lworth Go: S Ke l er 11 01 ary Y rg - rg Mayor Po ers Tore, B. S. k 8.7 T -1 i9,4,i6j7, app) halh' nliove-improveml onnelt 1, thereto. considered b h. .oec� ftcd,MY the,Councli of "aul that the'pr.clse n, d kind of Improveme the said On, "Y . s no .ity, 1, sidewalk 0 on street 6-1 olved Mirtficr, That the Cotntal Of Public Works'beand he 1. y , natrnqt.d and' directed to DreA p, one an reveclflcatlwiu for sajd the 'approver;. t said he proper city officers are ly ..thorbod and directed to pro- ,lltb the. making of said improve- • in 'ce-1 de sees therewith. "t 't by the Connell Inn. iR. a.. 19. ,915. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISt510NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f.. L In the Matter of '_��1���1�L�J?� q--C(._..�IGfN✓-!1 pvf.-.42-_.�! d lr ... Q� - Kms!.-?til-.�^__. --------- -- -------------------------------'---..------------------------- ----....__.._----_................_.-------.._.--- undefPreliminary Order approved ---�C� ..---/ ----�------L-r/----- ---- --- -----------__--- — .................__------------------------- -_---.._----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 49¢ -_per -_front' --ft. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-------------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: t .. r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2Y aZG C�o �J7 �♦ 7 / ')_ TOTAL.. 1� IOPM 9.9.A. 9-9 A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r✓ REPORT OF COMMIS%IONER OF FINANCE l " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION LOT ASSESSED • VA �^ ... -.l f.�.,... _. -J .G. � � (i�/U1�2t! J_�/ •/C o. li/C�c.++. y .� /arw%1] � G u . � Z � C�eeo I O U C7 U U la U O 6 6 Q / �u / GO p 41 ,_-.._ ... r_ronM e.D.w. ea e TOTAL. - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him ;- rotorvjwe r^ waid,matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated--------�.1�.--/----------------- 191...::_ _ GGvGZ- �� - IORM B.D.A. D•D A Commissioner of Finance. r ,� � J �� � � I _ -H., Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __September..._15 + ...............7914.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No approved .....................191...x..., relative to............................ a.o.na.tsla a.t.ing....a.....slaeslalk.....on....bo.th.....6.1.dfl.�.....o�.....St.�z�.�o.x ..._St_re et..._from.......................... _ .Qxf oxd... S.t.re.21....t.o............._.._............_......._......._.._............ ...... ............. ... ....................... ........... ... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (or) desirable. 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $.._._....._LXX ......... , and the total cost thereof is f.........X _.._........_., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ._.__......._... ........ ........._..... ........ ._............ .......... ....... __... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ................. ................................................--- ............... ..... .................. ............................................................................. ..........,.__............_...._........._......._... _..... 5. Said improvement is........_......__ ..... ......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - onmi signer of Public Works. COUNCII/,/FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of oons.tracti.ng a,,,sidewaik. on....b.o..th_ sides -of __Stins.on-a.tr_e.e.t... from_Qxford_..e.tre_et. _to__Lexington._avenue: under Preliminary Order 1597. _ ........ ._...._.... .__. _ __.. approved _S.ep..te.!tib.er _14tH,.. 1914.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. C " 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .._Construct -A8 -. - lk. on both sides of Stinson street from Oxford street to Lexingtor, avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....49.0._.xer-front foot. Resoled Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _18th. -- ---.-.-- day of Jar.L3ry_ 191.5_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost the of as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ �_ c City Je_krk. Approved /-;L — , Councilman Fa(dsworil 10.r Mayor Form a S. A. 6-6 4.� COUNCIL FILENO. _ By FINAL ORDER. IntheMatterof Cona.tructin.g a cement sidewalk. to...a...width _of.. Ten feet on Rice e_txe-et_,.eae..t..side",.heg.inn.irg _8 feetnorthcf....Centr.al Te.rrac.e_._thenc.e North 74 feet, under Preliminary Order .159.6. _ approved __September 14th, Intermediary Order _ _ _ _ _ approved _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Q.ons..t.rue.t....a_...c.ement sidewalk _to _a width __of ._Ten f_ee.t. on Ricefee.t.._n.ox.th_of__Central__Terrace thence North 74 feet and the douncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. REI.OLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city- officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there ith. Adopted by the Council �_ �J/. -, 197 S i ity clerk. .Approved _......._/ (. / 191 S t u yr`r a beglr Mayor. entral. Terrace" under Prelimin" •I)proved aeptembe o Councilman F nsworth bllc hearing having bee the oabove;Improvement up, •• G s ^. and- the -..-Counelr having ' rsons.'objectlon6 and. rec r _ �s relative , thereto, and b ' consie§red tho,,.same; Cher • is ler •. ,ed By the Council of the Paul that-tho,preclse nature,- - head improvement to by the said City Is construe by id ue` t sra alk to width t to ten .ti st t t Id h glnni R� •' Q' aCY rth f t'al T th .1 the ell rn : hrr::Ly d I nd s Bflid •teaolor •' y erg ' Further. Th¢tttheyum Furth ner of Public Works be and-ae Is reby instructed and'dlrected to, pre - '.re plana and specilie'stlons for said Mayor Po ?vers tprovement, anti submit same to the that upon ani. Y nr11 Por upprov rl; ••prnvnl. the proper ity officers are adirected Ft B. S. A. a -i r•^nr t uthorized and to pro- •'-•-',. m �v 11'h thr mrkng oP eaid Improve- in ac rordanre therewith. , I,,, f'.- 11 .lan. 19. 1915_ 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL y� s DEPARTMENT ?,F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE / 0r), ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of-2=LZZ --- .L.Z_'�-LL/"--�1 ---` ------x_._ty=r"--= -f----- - ---`_�s.u�-----`-°'--------------- C\ .4-------- N. Af— under Preliminary Order approved — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-$` The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - _ - $ foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. FORM 9.9.A. 9-3 A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to - maw 111II1�IIaI8 reh to fd safdn�attt rhph@?O�Spmissioner of Public Works. Dated O 1 - FORM B.9.A. 9 S 0 � � /! G� ,oner of Finance. Office of the Commi loner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .......... 191. . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under omisideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File Na......__15°6 approved.,.... September 14, 191.`...., relative to ............... .... ...... . constrvct_inp, cement..._ Sidewalk_._to..,_a.._Width .of .ten.._feet on Rice Street, ..................... ..... ....... ..... east._._s_ide_,...._begingijg&__8feet___north.._of__Cen_tra_1..Terra.ce.,_._thence north and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_._......_._ ........ .necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........X= ................ and the total cost thereof is 4.._.._XXX .............. .......... ., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ ........ .......... ...... ...... _......_....... ................... ......................... _.._..........._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - 4. QKuNCIL FILL r �y .�.✓�Grrrr � __ /1, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the flatter of .. C_v .d. c� c_,.in� a _se'rrer_.en_ Te_ x.iz_ s.*r.e.et.,freu..wary_land'stxeet to Brainerd arenve, under Preliminary Order ..__.__34n.0...... __.approved _D.eaer.be.r....14.t7r_.1Q.a ..... __.......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _ Con_B.truct ._a._Bewe.T.._on Jessie street froir liaryland street tb Frainerd avenue, ...._. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 4...18.65.,3.5.._.... resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 4-577d day of 191..._5. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court Hoge and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tot ost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ ._rimer ..,. 1� , 191 /J Ry Clerk. Approve. / _ _ '191 Mayor. ' to . f, d.. Councilman Fa sworth alnerd avenug.,unot me}'itr'T'ry . Order: 3060, a0p'rtivec i e her`14th; 1914. "'. The Council of thel Cltq nP'.at. Go having receiVed the report of the v, missloner,: of `FInance a oh the -a: Improvement and Laving conald', Kel r said report here bq.,p`esdlvea: 1. That -the Bald report be land same Is -hereby apprgyed and• ad"' - and the Bald improvement le Her: ordered to be proceeded vt .' i 3. Ill the natu6. the Iroprc construct which se t e or h idea eand t p' ry onstruct a street on=Jessie street frt Vtrylnnd -street to-8rninerd seem with no -at a a at and: that the'eat matedcoet thereof; ie ;1866:36. - Yoer Resolved Further,`' That a Dubllc It 8e had'on`: eattt; Improvement On the 15t ay of "Feliruary, 1916, ¢t Mayor Pow s the hour of 10 o'clock A M., 1n the Council Chamber, oom 6L of the Court Form B. S. A. 8-6 House and City Hall Building In the City o2 St. Paul. That the Commie- tdoptedby the Council Jan. 18, 1916. Approved Jan. 19, 1916. (Jan. 23-1916), COUNCIL FILE,. NO. 13y Cly '✓-�Gr'ir�c-t::-P!!!G%r' (1..... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _g.raJing. .al ley in bleak_ bouxl.d.e.d bY.._�xand ave , ze..._A n. Surl;lr,it Av.e.., jr-Cx.a a., A,79. and Finn A enile_.An_Sul(taa.t under Preliminary Order .___ °77 ...._..... _ _. approved AU T%lSt. 3.r. d,_ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvementis hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Ie ir,_ 2. That the nature of the Improvement which the Council recommends is _ .rx'a�e.. tk�e �.1 Y pock boundej b� Ggnd Avj.-�onumr.�,i_t averse $e Crati7 Ave., and inn avenue n • u>;.rr. t Woo3 i with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.._127_.39. Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement on the i3TSl1• ... . .... day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \t, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice 'of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and thee al cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ 'ty Clerk. Approved .. C _ ../ .1.... . 191. S Councilman Farn'sLvorth " " fKell Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 th \o. 3963-13 S. A. In the platter of grading I( bounded Cr Grand a av¢nue, Cretin a..e. ,no Ad,;' 977, 8t the .: ,e r ..el I hoaring be had o •said improvement n the 16th day of Feb., 1915, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. pt„ totheCouncil Chamber, room 61 of the Court House nd Clty all Building in the City of 9t. Pau). That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and iii the manner pro- rided by the Charter,`stating he time Lod Place of hearing, the nature of the rnprovement, and the total cost there - If ae .estimated. Adopted by the Council Jan. 18. 1915. Approved Jan. 39,1916. (Jan. 23-1915) Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO. By • INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Dlatter of . !:Rv:i' 2; 1 El ^rnw ,._ v�.w. apt .a es, _ under Preliminary Order .....3_`77 ._.._.. approved _ - &_........ ..... . ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _2zc., v Le necesea 3 _ 'Gt 3i• .0 the p r -_Y 1ir_e _e .: a.li. _ a -;r t ,,._w .'�r_v2 -'; 3 ' _ . as j 1: =,ie , _ � c 7 a with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._,50._y..1.5$;.0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _23r:i. ...... . . . ......... day of -,_:-22'y-_191...5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \t., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and ti tota t}�epeaf as estimated. Adopted by the Council._:.._._ 191c / Clerk. Approved ( -_ _ _, 191 n i0t nl, Mayor. :.Il t.ccesear; alley. ane -' Cotincilman Farm worth ' PPtaachee, under Prellminni, der 3117, approved December 1914. The Copacil of the City of St. Goss having received the., repot of the c, missioner+;of Flnae"e _upon the she,, Improvement, and having „ Kell ,corelderea eafd report hereby reeolvee• 1. ,That :the said report be and the same 9a hereby, approved and adopted, " MC it and the, Said improvement is hereby ort er That the Proceeded thehlmprove-' ttient which tha'Councn recommends 181 „ O' ar Y Pave Laurel avenue [rortI the west slde'. f Dale street to I. ea8t side of Lex -.1 ingtoa:&yeah";-.together with the nee-, Yo g sarY 80{vei, water and gas connect-' Ilona Lrom the street main- to - the proper4g}linea Whete not already made, Mayor Po ers y algia all, necee a -aliey d d leeway' DD Chea with o elt tl es, n d th t the; a ti ted ost thereof 1s c Form B. S. A. 8-6 $601860.08.. . _ R lved F ther,',aThat a public h a ing b�r� h n o td Improvement' on the 23W tlay `of'Febru¢ry. 1936, at, ' the hour o[ 30 o'clock A. X. fa'.the l I�� COUNCIL FI7,N: N0. � INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of_gia.ii_ �`e.alley. in Block,_9r..""__.e:.'.l.e.9.dda.t_io.n,..... ..... ...... under Preliminary Order. _ 1_ 36.......... . _ ..._....._ approved Sar.teriber__22nd,_ 1914. _...._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Gxad.e.._.he....a1.1ay- ...in Block 9, Warrendale Addition, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 9...372,,..54__._.__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2.5th ___ day of 191...5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. SI., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and thetooIIco e •hof ga'estimated. Adopted by the Council cc— / / �j / Clerk. Approved . ! ( C..._.. _ Councilman Far worth Go Ke er M oll Oeary Y rg Mayor Po ers Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,no eeu City e c:itY or meeting manner lac ho COUNCIL FILE NO. _ By 77111 Z I _- ' � yam' /L', . INTERMEDIARY ORDER. M In the Matter of 4...1, d":'a re.v_t_ P 11Ct4�a..._Qtr yt.,. G -e+' r ;: nec ,Sas e:tel at a. --d -,c recdors fr, rr he :az cp: r� ire c :m re c al say ' a e.,. also street m a. c 1✓_ Y - max. __..... all ne =sant a11ey and ay apprcaci:es, tinder Preliminary Older _._1143. ._.... _._. approved-�-ec.e.m.q.er .lov=], _1..._1... ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _ Pav:.._:=011 !...ava.nl-le_ifrCm ale street to liotcria street toPet.ler 'Ccaaaary �er,�i to -r aid as ccn •e ions from the street air_c c ..e p a sr lir e cmj e, ere _ ._ Y r_ct air= 1y ase, alae all _eceasary alley and arivean ay apprcaces, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $25_,5.a$,.9.9... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 23rd_ ___._ _ ._..._. day of EbraarY__.-__.........___............. 191.5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. DI., in the Council Chamber, romp No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the I cost thereof as eatimatetl. / Adopted by the Council r itv Clerk. .. Approved �. Councilman Far " Gos " Ke 01 ei " Y 97r .p .0 F- P. S A. 6.6 (. .._ 191':5 I1 of the .sty of eived the report. of . ,j•.,'-. of Finance upon the nent. ,and having co— t, That the dresolves: attheT an report be and Is hereby! approved and adop-� ,,the said.; improvement is hen -ed to be proceeded with. That the nature of the Improt which the, Coopcll recommends HOil y avenue from Dole: street -la street, together with the ne, Y.-% water and gas Conner ° from the street mains to th., erty lines. cotuplete.. where not al� made, also all necessary alley driveway. approaches, with o at - at[ as and that the estimated cost of is $25.568.99. .solved Further, That a public pg be had on said Improve '"t proveent d ,da of Feb., I916, m[hr Sn the Council > rsnnVot apA,e. Thnt tbo Comml nylons" o c—n. n rice of ante m etrng to by the ChIn s Charter. tating the Itne Mace of hearing, the nature of th tvement, and .the total coat te here estimated. ,opted by the Council Jan. 18, 1915. pproved Jan. 19, 1616. (Jan. 23-1915) Mayor. COUNCIL FILM: NO. ... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of ....Fay..ir_g_a.rot.to stree.t._fram _Svmlrat ay.e�lt e tc Selbfv avelu.e., t et!�er r;it'1 , P neceGsary egi,s, water jr3 gas ocn�ec+ic r�I si�ee nabs to the prorer y lr.e� comp s e w re ro alrea all r.ecassary allev ar:r,+ Sri, ewav_ an=acnes, tinder Preliminary Order .__ 310& ........ .. _. .___ _.. approved ._.. D.e.o.embe,._:1.6th.,._...19.14 __........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is pave ..g.. GT.c. tto.__9.treet from Summit avenue to Selby avenue, toaetner with t}le nec3s=ary seer+er, waiter..and....gas._.c.onnecti.ons frolL.tie etreetgai s...._to ,the. rrorerty lines. complete, where not airea4v made, also all necessary alley and arveway approaCnee, _ ___. ...___.... ..____.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s... 19..,672.23 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2.4.t,h_ __ __ ._ _._. day of Februa.: n.'__, 191_x..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of Learing, the nature of the improvement, and the to Lo c • o estimated. Adopted by the Council _._ i ii City Clerk. / Approved nn .>a. .., ... r.o� ' ':eunde aly a. Mayor. under elm. , .ppro1 o December Councilman Fern orth receive of car . ring received D of _ " Goss, nleeloner: of Finance upon th• te po Improvement. and'. having co, Bald report..hareby.;resolvee: 3_ That the eeld::report--be _ ' Kell ' sema is hereby approved and adi is he, and the sold lmprpvement ordered to: b0,proo4eded-with. 2. Thal%the,�tatpre of the Improx " Me 11 meet which the Citurell -recommends paving Grotto.:atreet from Summit avenue to. belly, avenue, together with the necessary eewex;. water and gas O'I. Hr Y connections [rem .the street thatne to 'the propert;- unes'eomplete, where not madeand •approaalso ahe.,necessary tali Yo driven ay ih m ternattves; ana•that the estimated cost therept'1s-;19,872.93. rVifl or Po er6 Resolved Further. That a public Y hearing be had,;on said Improvement an the 24th dsy-oY February, 1916, at Form B. S. A. 8.6 the hour of 30 o'clock A. M., In the ' t Council Chamber, ro Hailm 61 of the Court House ra and CPaul. Thatu'then tiding - the 1916.: 4 COUNCIL FILB NO. i By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of . -h ELL 4 r.7.. the... ?rade _on ._Car.rStll aveT'it'..e...�:i'.QK:.,.._Lexl.r_,.-tarl....Ave.. , to C`.atsworth street, accor�.ir.lZ to the profile h@ra G attu ed ard.r.:,aae....a..cart hereof, _ The 1 e_i_ize _r.e.?:.re8entl.r.Zthe.....0 d._.hrade and `.e red lire the new grade. under Preliminary Order .....2835 ......... approved ... DBCE:;:ber 5th, -1 14 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _.Chang 2 he grade Ori ...... n Carroll avenue front Lexington avenue to ^hatsworth street according __..... __tn....the-pro.fi le. her.ataattached and .made a...g:.ar,.t. _herecf ... ;"fie b�.ue line representing the old grade and the red lire the new grade, __...__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost there if is $.....12.3. _ .9 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25t.k'i._.__._____._...__.. day of _.__._)i eb.ma.r.y:......__, 191.5..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manna provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tot st I}�heof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _.. _ _ _ _... __..... , 19Z y.r'/ / i% Clerk. Approved ../ C... , 191 v Councilman Falrnsworlh hereo74ea ..ai the satd separt b.aa d. blue line4 re resent{ng the ole and the red, line the new grade, alternatives and thattheel coat thereof lthen... I Resolved Further.. That a sipper of Finance give noticeof sats —eting to the persona and ln wu. r provided by the Chnrter, stnt- Ingnthe time and place of hearing, the nature of the #nprovement, and the total- coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Jan. 18, 1911. .Approved Jan. 19, 1916. (Jan. 23-1916) Mayor. " G ss " K ller " erg Mayor P wars Form B. S. A. 8-6 hereo74ea ..ai the satd separt b.aa d. blue line4 re resent{ng the ole and the red, line the new grade, alternatives and thattheel coat thereof lthen... I Resolved Further.. That a sipper of Finance give noticeof sats —eting to the persona and ln wu. r provided by the Chnrter, stnt- Ingnthe time and place of hearing, the nature of the #nprovement, and the total- coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Jan. 18, 1911. .Approved Jan. 19, 1916. (Jan. 23-1916) Mayor. j COUNCIL FILE NO. lsy r � _� INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of Cone `.ruc..ti. g a. se":er on_5.erkeley....avc.mie._fr.om_.Jaaapliine.. street to 7rior avenue, Cr 'Dsep`line street frog Berkeley avenue to __.St. C.lai.rstreet a7.d__on St_. Clair _street ._..from -J.osephir.e etreet to Fairview averr)e, tinder Preliminary Order _____ .1u.4E....... - _...__.. approved Augus.t.._20t]1,.._.1.9.14__... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _ '.?. a . -';1 _ ...__ z. __S tI.:'(.,a'.._ w;T: Berkeley avenue from Josephine street to Prior averse, on Josephine st.reet._.fs.afu...3axkeley ave.r.ue._to St. __.Clal. atreet._.and on--St-,-Clam--street from Jcsephire street to Fairview avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-' 5_6� -9.2---.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25.t.h________. .__.._--day of .__-Te.bruar.y...._.............._.__, 191....5_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Patti. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, slating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and tlI to o t t tereof as estimated. / Adopted by the Council __...__./..(/X....... _.. _ __ _, 191 l erk. / 1 Approved - l _ 191. . ! .. y n•c a a: h. 1 • Ma or. ,City unell of th, of S: ' orth CouncilmaJF received the report of tht. 'one tient, Finance andhaving cons " dr report, resolves: 1• That the said report be at me Is hereby approved and ad '• d the said tinprove—m le �dered „ to. be proceeded with. 2. That 'the nature of the Imi I indent which the Council recomme:, nstruct sewer r• a on Berkeley a from JoseVbine street to Prior a, on Josephine street from Berkeley - nue to St: Clair street and on St , street from Josephine street to F view avenue,withtie atermttiveB, that the estimated post;:8518.92. 12rsolved Furth-, Tht PublLhoar Ing be had o acid ImProvemen the 25th day of February, 1915, tB. TVlayO hour of.30o'clock AMItae Council Chamber, room 61, of the Court House and Clty Hall BWilling Form B. S. A. 8-6 in the City of I. out. That the Commis- eIonsr of Finance give notice of Bald meeting th by rth BCh Prov lded a aaer,ns tate gn[he time and plane of hen ring, the `n _ anr[tl spat[ tl�creo[ Provement, ald the eail r,- thr, rasa J.ai nidi 8, 1915. .\nir ri„'ed Jun. 14. 191 i. iIe.\dirn„rl (Jun. 23-1915) vl� COUNCIL FILL: ILE NO. A C, f) IV' By C, INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In file Matter of..conet,v ne Ave,, cting a sewer on Wbit.p Bear. Road fro Pay avenue to a point opposite Lot 16, Block 5, Harrison and dandy's — Addition to- be made a part of the Tlayne- Edgerton Sewer - SYstemi tinder Prelitninary,Order.. approved The Council of the City of St. I'mil having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is Itereby ordered to be proceeded with. a sewer on 2. hat thmature oftYiiproveiuentwhich the Council recommend is ,Ccnstr,-ict White ear Roa from Pape airenue tc a noin o poeltd Lot is 5 Harrison and Handy's Ad ition to be made a part of the Payne Edgerton with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ,-24.6,th day of .-Fe—bXu.s.r-y .. . . ........ _.., 191...5_,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givg.. -notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tot cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191_ ...... ..... Ry Clerk. Approved 191 Mayor. -t, and having con4l, 't, hereby r - esolve Councilman Far sworth t he said;,report be one hereby.approved and adc • paid improvement Is le Go a to lm',proccoded`,*Ith. hat the.,nature of the imp �Iilch 'hij . Clean' e,*,,e,, K er :ct . sewer on NEtto Bear venue to u'point op . 'I Block 5 ' H.- on and H. 'a on to b.. . . . part -11d on '�et— a, 't"j.- I y itIv that... ea. ad - the it hereof 1. $084.20. "Y" a eary lved Fiirther, That a ig be had on said Impr, -e 26th -.day of February, 1191; oerg ell 1,0, o'clock A.,31., 11: ,11 ChaToci, City 1. of If .. e a Hall Bel Cit f.St.,Paul. That the Mayor wers _r%f Finance give --tk =. Finance. I h 3 C'ereo— Far. B. S. A. 8-6 r p (Im, —d play o[ 'h� _t_, j the vo— th, total —t thereof _ _tjoint d, �td I y the Council Jan. 18. r=—d'San. 19. 1915. (J... 23-19150 COUNCIL FlLl; \U. Cl-G6G INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _;'orstru t ng__a ae^ler .on Fry- a..tre.et....frO.M F%inlun3__.street to. Lafon3._a.txeet_and pr._Lafond_a+se_t, frou._..Aldine st. ee_t_to.:__ Snelli n7 avenue, Psperr.,ter 15th., _151 . under Preliminary Order..__ __. '�Q.$..._— __ _... approved ......._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby- approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..Co: a...tSl.1C_t__..s7n Ery etr Yt freta E3mumft at et to Iaro 1 etre t and on, La nd street 1 !_:r,.e e reat to Sr.P' ling. avenue., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resoled Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the «' "nth _ _ ..._ _. _ ....._. day of F. braary , 191._5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. DI., in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the tot c as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ _, 19 //%% ty Clerk. y Approved � - (�� .!- - , 791. . 'n n Udine Mayor. e under It^ ' 61.Pproced December 16th; Councilman Far swonh n, UeCouncil of tpe City of St. Ing received the report of the( ;inner of Finance upon the at Go rovemenk and having consld, ! report, hereby resolves; That the said report be and .te Is hereby approved and adop Ke er the said improvement is her ered to be proceeded with. That the,. nature •of the -lmpr0 M 011 . �t which the.Counell recommend e. struct aexver r ,Fry street f, mond street.Y0 I;atond.street end -and 'street from,' -Aldine street ' O' ary 'cling avenue;-wlth"no alternate, that the- estimated cost thereof 85.92. , Y rg esolved Further, That a publi 'r)ng be had on said improvemen .the 26th day of February. 1916. at hour of 10 o'clock A. a[.. - the Mayor Po vers n Chan her. o r, 1. n[ the Court ,nd City [inmmBuudme n 111, Form B. S. A. 8-6 or �t real. That the Commis-; er of Finance give notice of Bald ting to the persons and in the ,ler provided by the Charter. stat- �he tlttie and place of hearing, the of the Improvement. and the re est thereof as estimates. .1 �eted by thr Couneil .inn. 1C, 1!�I S. p—lrtl cauxcll, Fll.i' NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _ _. .... _._ _ _ -- -- - - Cnnetructing a sewer or. the following stn"sets. - Fayne -z.vQ.nue, f role Cottage street to Larpenteur avenue: Edgerton strutfrom Cottage street to California avenue: California avenue, from xdgeri-cn street to Payne avenue. -_ Idaho avenue, from Edgerton stn et to Payne ave --le. Iowa avenue, from Edgerton street to Payne avenue: Hoyt avenue and Hoyt avenue produced westerly xxdx]Raadateg from Payne avenue to the intersection of the said Hoyt avenue produced westerly and Bradley street produced northerly. Montana avenue, from Eq, ton e+rest to white Bear Road: fiebrahka avenue, from++s3—sy s. ,t. Pai•ne,.ortn —' a Point three feet west ,p ter of consd•ucttng rt ee r 7 t of the west line of galawtng streets: r+venue, from Cottage 'street Payne avenue; Yevada avenue, from faun avenue. .I .street, from Cottage street ton street to Pavne avenue, and Lake Como & Phalen aj:,laavenos. g t street " La avenue, from. Ed erton reet and Bradley s t_. pro - a temporary sewer o ., Payne -avenue. dated norther.l f ' avenue, from Edgerton street to the intersection of the _ y, x pavenue .IIVu., P m'Edgerten street and Hoyt avenue produced said Bradley street westerly,all of wh Penne dna ab avenue prn- as the Payne and Edgerton eterly from ne nvenue to nC].1 File Tdo, 1314. _ section of the<sald Hoyt ave T_ System of Sewers at laced westerly; "and Bradley oquced northerly. n t venni! P om Edger[ d ..... lyhlte Benr Road v rathre4ue; from Pay— a the —avenue, ve ueD ptelt,b er .24th, under Preliminary Order .. 197,5.- 'hits Bear Bnaa avenue, from',Edgerton street Tome and Phalen nvenue. fromof the Commissioner of Finance upon the The Council of the City of St. Paul; atreet,to 'Payne, avenue, and r I y sewer outlet on Bradley ad Bradley, street produced above improvement, and having considerett,; , from Brainerd avenue to the 'In norththe yeandBHC yastreet venue 1. That the said report be and the Be °ester[>. atl of`wnich le to bel adopted, and the said improvement is the Payne acid Edgerton .f Sewers and superseding le No. 1314. undo Prellmin- hereby ordered to be proceeded with „l7 3, approved September mels of the City f St -Paul 2. That the nature of the improvemereeived the report f toc mends >e - of F nance upon the n ent. and having •s"%'l 't. hereby resol^, Construct a aewe�o3 the ,.:-t,bysg�are°°' #tri=eta; pro,• •% '.n. Payne Avenue, from Cottmp'street to Larpenteur avenue. Edgerton street, frorh Cottage street to California avenue. California avenue, from Edgerton Street to Payne avenue. Idaho avenue, from Edgerton street to Payne avenue. Iowa avenue frorr Edgerton street to Payne avenue. Hoyt avenue and Hoyt are.ue produced westerly, frcw Payne avenut to the intersection of said. Hoyt avenue produced westerly and Bradley street produced northerly: Montana avenue; from Edgerton street to White Bear -:._cad: Nebraska avenue, from Payne avenue to a point three feet west of the west line of White Bear Road: ?Peva:?a avenue, from Edgerton street to Payne avenue. Lake Como and Phalen avenue, from Edgerton street to Payne avenue, and a temporary sewer outlet on Bradley street and Bradley street produced northerly, from Prainerd avenue to thelintereection of said Bradley street produced northerly and 'ioyt avenue produced westerly, all of which is to be known as the Fayre and Edgerton Systen, of Sellers, and enerse3ine. Council File_•_1314. e , a,nd n t li e <tinmtra her r i _ 44, 5E 98 I on . n,d ,mpg , ^n nt oa th,. uFiLh _.._... day of H�sul�ed I uribcr, That .t public hr•nnn� Lc hod _. the Court House and City hell Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner o Finance giv.:.... — of said meeting to the persons and in the manner p rovided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, ]dusted. the nature of the improvement, and the tot co h e — ............... . _, 191 /L Adopted by the Council / rk. i J / 191. Approved Councilman 11 Mayor. I'UBLISHED /�� , /7/ .er An ordinance granting to Henry E. L. Habighorst permission to construct an elevated sidewalk on the north side of Eleventh street, 120 feet west of Jackson street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Henry E. L. Habighorst to construct and maintain a reinforced oon- crete elevated sidewalk along the north side of Eleventh street, extending from a point 120 feet west of Jackson street, a distance of 150 feet, said elevated sidewalk to be raised 21 inches above the present sidewalk at the easterly end, and 11 inches above the present sidewalk at the westerly end, to be the same width as the present walk, and to have twelve manholes through the walk. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public works is hereby authorized to issue,a permit to the said Henry E. L. Habighorst for the construction of said elevated sidewalk, upon the said Henry E. L. Habighorat's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public works a plan and specifications of the proposed sidewalk, which plan shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said sidewalk shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection and of constructing same. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expenses that ay aocrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the con- struction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said elevated sidewalk, and said bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said sidewalk remains or exists. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said sidewalk shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any tax or licensee fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul, (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. ,IPaL<_7 ..�. i.. ly. a le maintain .6 .her .:h .10. pnt;120 a atr ng liOm„a point;120 n' lekeon street a dietancg .Of SECTION i2. The Commfesloner of': Public -Works. r' hereby autboaed •to:fesue s permit r the sairf d Henry E L.-Habighorstlor a cohstnc�tloa af.aaid ele-Vated side - 1k; upon'the Wald' -Henry E; L. Hab-. oret'e 'com,Diiance with the -follow-. - condltfoSs:- i it The'auld ii aw.11 fila: wifh the appfOval of the' -said: COmmle-. f, Heid sidewalkghW be Fr,, WUPP0r tsim a C.,6rhm1'aeioner. ` .Pay:<;tl "bfL•�13 !e'rvef' 115 .. A R 614 n ordinance granting to J. F. Sperry permission to con- i struct an area -way under the sidewalk in front of building known as. Nos. 135-137-139-141-143-145-147 Eleventh Street, in said City. THF COTT*TCIT, Or THP CI'"' 07 Cm,T)pTTT 'Y)FG nP.Dfij"T: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to J. F. Sperry to construct• an area waw under the side- walk in front of building known as loos. 135-137-141-143-145-147 Eleventh Street, of said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a.permit to said J. F. Sperry for the con- struction of said area -may, upon the said J. F. Sperry's com- pliance with the following conditions: (1) Raid licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan and specification of the proposed area-vay which plans shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. 02) Said area -way shall be. installed undev flip super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection and of installing the same. (3) Said licensee shall furnish a Bond to the City of St.Paul in the sum of Five Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars, conditioned to save the City of St.Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the construction, maintainence, operation, use,, presence, or removal of said area -.way that the said Bonds remain in force and effect as lona as said area -way remains or exists. The said Bond shall be in such fo m as may be approved by the Corporation, Council, and shall have such sureties as may he, approved by the ,J,�tyor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said area -gray sha.lf be reroyred by said J. F. Sperry where -1 the Council shall so order. (5) Th,- said licensee shall pay any license fee or, taut twat may be required by an,,, ordinance or law of the Uity of St.Paul (6) Said licensee shall within ten day s after the passage of this ordinance file a written acceptance t.herNof with the City Clerk in such form as rna;, be approved by the Corporation Council. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force t'%irty (30) days after its passage and publication. C.-F.No. 3464—Ordinance df.. N. Goss�By request= An ordinance .granting .to. J_ F, The .Counoll of. the City of St. Poul does. ordain. SECTION 1. irt¢ permission and authority n hereby granled to. J. F. Sperry to. cone Itru'ct an area -way under, the sidewalk n Cront, of bulldlnC known n`e Nas. 136 -I37 -129-3A3-143.146-147. Eleven]( of-id:Clty. SECTION 2. Is h to . e if.. l F local (1'. ^I anomd tha with the :s a plan approved Mayor, nd aball b led with the Comptroller of Bold City. ' (4) Said area -way shall be re- ved by sold J. F Sperry whenever the Council hallo order license Th. aid . ele .se fee otax that may be hall r requiay red r by any ordinance or law -.of the. Clty1 of St:Paul.. (6) Said licensee shall' within ten' days after the, passage of thfe"'urdfn-i one, filea written acceptance thereof' with the City. Clerk in such, form as may'. be approved by the Corporation'. Council. ` 'SECTION 3, This ordinanceshall take:,p2ecf'end be 'in. Force thirty ( days after ft@ "passage and. publlcntiotton."}. Final Adoption by the �Counell , eh. 3rd, 1916. - ' , l Yeas—Mesess. .Farnsworth'. 'Goes, Keller, McCoil, Nash,,Yoerg.'Mn'Preai- dent (Powers) -7. Nays -0. Approved Feb. 4. 1916. WINN POWERS, I Mayor. :ltteet. JOHN I. FARICY, City Clerk. (Feb. 6-1916) 1L* An ordinance granting to J. F. Sperry permission to construct and maintain a metal canopy over the front of buildings knaan as Nos. 135, 137T 139 - 141 - 143 - 145 - 147, Eleventh Streeip in said city. THF COTTr1CIT, OF THF, CITY OF ST.PATTT DC)FG OpDAIN: Section 1. That permispion and authority are hereby Igtanted to J. F. Sperry to construct and maintain a metal canopy over thw front of building known as Nos. 135-137-139-143-145-147 Eleventh Street, in said city. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said J. F. Sperry for the erection and construction of said canopy upon the said J. F. Sperry's com- pliance with the follo°•ping conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan Ind specifications of the proposed canopy which plans shall be subject to the approval of the said Commissioner. (2) The said canopv shall be installed uneder the super- vision and direction of said Commissi&ner, and the said licensee and shall pay the cost of inspection.of installing the same. (3) Said licensee shall furnish a Bond to the City of St.Paul in the sum of Five Thousand ($5000.00) Dollars, condition- ed to save the City of St.Paul harmless from any and all liability, I judgments, suits, costs, charges, damagas and exnenaen that may acrue to persons or nrnperty on acnoamt of or arising by reason of the construction, ma.intainence, operation, use, presence, or removal of said canopy, the said Bond to remain in force and effect as long as said canopy reirains or exists. The said Bond shall. be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Council, and shall have such sureties as may be approved by the 1Sayor, and shall be filed with Comptroller'of said City. ,. Art (4) Said canopy shall be removed by said J. F. Sperry whenever the Council shall so order, ., (5} The said licensee shall pay any license, fee or rany tax that may be required by any ordinance or law 6f the Cit of St.Paul. z; (6) Said licensee shall within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written accept4nce thereof with the City Cierk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Council. a Section 3, Triis ordinance shal.l take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication. Yeas (,/) Col (J) Nay, Final AdoptioKo� by the Cmmci ......�� 191S - F. 91 Farnsworth Isl Reading.._ __ 1111_! Approved 2nd Ecoll In Invor A 2nd (/ 0 ✓y�tAgatn� �' 3rd 191 L� lei MAYOR Attest•. PU6LISBM 2 -/' Date Published.................._.._...._._.191 Mr. sident, Powers JOHN I. FARICY, City Clerk. ets 10 L ,v l� IIPull _ The1 here', , xuth. sp to t.." W F. � mit d J. -Sper y for [. tion and" conetructton -f,--id f a 1d upon the.bafd J. F..SDorry a om- ith thefollowtng condition -, d .bond to the'CitY<rof, :-S1 sum of FiveThousand I lars. conditioned to save damages and expenses that may ae-. c ue to persons or property on account', of or arising by reasoa61 the construe [yon, maintenance; operation, use, pros encs or removal: o1 said canopy, the sold bond to remain In force and f - feet a long sesaid canopy emalns or exists. a The said bond shall be In such form as may be approved by .the Corporation. Counci1 ,. and shall have sucthe Ilin)'or1e8and- shall be fil ded by w with Comptroller of said Clty. (4) Sold canopy shall be roved by sad J. F. Sperry whenever the Couider. ncl hall eo or (6) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or any to. that may be re- quired by any ordinance or law of the', City Qf St. Pout. (6) Said licensee all Wit In ter. date after the passage of this ordln- once, file written a ceptatre thereof with hhenpnrv,rnd ,bYr� theuCorporation cu inch. SECTION3. This ordinance shall take effect and r. he In force thirty (30) days,. otter its i in>sa e, n d publlcat yon.`" ` Flnnl adoptton by the CounellFeb."F b`arnswor[h aoae.l xI" al, `, ai snsn. �o rrr�td„nt ADp��o `•ed Feb. 17 791 {{ WINN I1OW RS, Attest! jul_ I. mayor J. IM CI1rY OF SAINT' PAUL cIrry OLERWS OFPIOE Jan .27 ,1915 . Hon.M.N.Goss, C osmr. of Public Works, City. Dear Sir: - Attached C, F. 3465, granting J. F. Sperry permission to construct a canopy over the front of buildings known as Alos. 135 to 147 Eleventh Street, was referred to your denartr.:ent by the Council at their meeting of to -day. The ordinance was up for Third Readin, at this mornings meeting, but was not approved as to form; was not ].r.id over to any definite date. Yovxs truly, i/' C ity Cler S08IQ I. H'AftIOY. Otxv Ocvtt CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY 01,MR%'B CFFICE February 3rd,1915 Hon.M.M.Gose, Commissioner Public Porks,City Dear Sir,. - The Council at their meeting held this date referred the attached Ordinance No. 3465, granting to J.S.Sperry,p-nnission to construct a canopy front of Nos.135 to 147 Eleventh street, to you,same to be taken up at a meeting of the Council on February l0th,1915 Yours truly, John I.Faricy,City Clerk. • _ Pettlaa' , Council File No. ....... ....................... PROPOSAi FOR IMPROVEMENT.,, and�� PRELUGNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public iprovetnent by th 'ty of St. Paul, viE :%TAa4..._5nb"xbau Age • between.__ .. $ � . _pd.... in. t.lan....her.�.t.n._.at-tu' 4L .._. ............._........._............._....__.....__.._..-........._ _...... . Dated this .............. 19tth.... day of--......... .. x$ .......:................. ._...... ........ 191 ...x+ Councilman. PRELINMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement; viz.: ............................. �ss..._S.�bsaarhel :..��e....: bettx��.e�a:._EUI:Xl._.St.�._._........ -—........._..._.......... _........................ t .v.'yrono(1 . ... ..F.,+.11 .Itt{ fO110Wlns' 1m ... ._................._ ....... .._..._......... ----. .._.. ....... ... .. ..._.... ... i1 us Suburban .,Yt..r t. and Hester t' haV i �n n nted;itb the Cbuns[i of i t I,rhn Ynplt Cher fora b�':; 1t1 r..............................._ .... ' Resolved: That tb$ ,Commtasl a Pubic WWorka be and le her a " having been presented to the Council of the, aeredrnha:airectea } n _ .-.•-..._-.-..-._..- - -; _................... �1g 1� ,�7yo dp Veet(tate the nacat br dee rability Pf the. molting therefore, be it tmpFovsmeht 2 T,o �lnVgetigale. the ndtut RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Intl eetfma<oa cost bt sats, lrxereby ordered and directed: {lei Ou nfah Lal Siehltt thrC . 1. To investigate the necessity for or dkays� pe;ania improvemet t said improvement. _. ( k Tb ,fprnlah Cher [ollpwln��. �� 2. To investigate the nature, extentaYY� ante undi]prorinnuon rlytapve oyemeut, and the total cost thereof. .l lmpr6l' ant. 3. To furnish aP profile rofile or sketch`` s Ta late whefU9c or not r proYetne �}a naked for ori the 4. of LhFab7s more Pwpete = To furnish the following other dant ra y'T�g, gters upon « t or4o said improvement :..............................__ ..... .. . getna�eM�¢ tern iF thb tN mfr -_ 1tbl4doPted , ._ _ ._.. __—..... _........ _..... ....___..T_ .._.....__..___. _.__....... _ (Jan 8 5. To state whether or not said improvem m; is'asxru't>ir on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore ing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ......._ /..x._ ----- ------ 191. f n Yeas: Nays: Councilman F Haworth l 9 Os Approved ..... ..__ .......... ..........._ ........ .191_.._... K ler �^ O erary Y e g Mayor a Diayor Comtcil File No.._............. . , PROPOSAL FOR, IMPROVEMENT: and' 3461 PRELUIJINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following improvement by the City o Paul, viz 0o ttruo•t_ _-Mr- O A.._Mtb.Urbaii...A w _IiefteeA:-Earl—' St.......an 8-te'r-St, in. aoaardence with... pel;iti.QR_:. sero. .:.;:atte¢h�d................ ... ...... ............ ..... ................................ _....................... _........................ _._................ __...... --.... _..... _................... ° -..............................._............ _ ............. ..................... _ _.................. Dated thts..........19th.. day of ............... 9S. r..V 9. Councilman. PRELMMARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz 06natramt _. m sewer on sibnrbaa Ave,._. between Earl St and Heater St ............. _.._......... _.................................................... -.................................... .... ....... _..................................................... _.... ............................. _......... _......... ................ _...... ..... .__.' 't '- .... ..........................._ __._....__......._._..... ....................... ivl awing Improv n'1 sewer on $vU�� _.. ...:___ t n Ea{•I #t.:and $sate' .... ............_....... .........._.... _.............................. 9 been p soared to the Qct' a e C![v: of st Paul+th°re[ore ° h,golved ; Tba the commigatonunctlman_._.._.._._......... ._. _....................... ...... ; having been presented to the Counetl �bno Wojka be and"pa tq hereb., • d and directed:z� therefore, be it f To mveppngate the neeggett a ealrnbflltY of the � malting of 1 •� RESOLVED, That the Commiseior�l 6To°jnbeetigate tris natuet`eze is hereby ordered and directed: < estimated coat of eafd Lm9r1 ,� 1. To investigate the necessity-foil an dthe tetat :coat qhst�eor : fg'of $aid improvement. 1 IIb Turn}qh�'a, �tl7grr<.�+✓ptoflt9 2. To investigate the nature est0!Tg V KWh Dhetiiptto+eyng the mprovewent, and the total cost thereof. ael lDtprm�tton relatl"Ve to;,gat: I 3. To furnish a plan, profile or•:$k{�,v�emeut, 4: To furnish the following other �t"� °d �YolatttJe to said improvement:........ . of i+ T igvort vbehi' u,r r . ._......_....... _...... ..... _..._._ ;:$ r matter's tl+ th -: ,�,pa_,_..,,,., - .._. ......... _... . _..................... 5. To state whether or not sai� e13t`1$ tasked for :qn the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore ing'mattere`to`theCommissioher of Finance: " Adopted by the Counetl._... .___.:�____191f_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fat sworth Go Ap ... ...- ............ ... Ke r ary Y rg Mayor Mayor ' F A5 regomhi zided gyp, Q0UU011 6t meetiag of Jpn� lat 1916;: Council File No.....: .._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT: and 3468' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public tprovement by the of SE, Paul, viz c%5Q5 Stw AhfilDIIcy A4H 1'rOII{ 7i97[12Jg A48._ta $215 A9B� .: .............. ........ ........ . ... ....... _ ............................._......................................: ............._-A................_................._...._........._......._. :. Dated this...............19?i111--day of ........... ....... .... ..... J.. r.Y... ............ 1.41. .....' ...._ ._...... .... Councihnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WMItEAS, A written proposal- for the making of the following improvement, viz ........ .. .... _ LOZ.jWton:.Avil . 6:::.sne111 ................................._...........:.._........ . Y, r ✓ written P :Ippr f n Ch ,.rae fDltowi on -, Pkve a fro ...._.. .................................... ................ .:._,................_....... ..____.............__..._._ 4T 9r-;�.AnthonY. rAy .. from ensng AV hnV. eh PFeeEnfad •to ere raunall 'of ..._ having been presented to the Couneity Af st ere ore Da•tK omtcilmnn.._..._........___....._._.............._...._............._. iVod That the Commleaioner.ot- therefore, he it t4orka ,Dn: aHd he la are or } ad.dlreeted ._•: �,maeaueata tee nes"e§alty "tor- he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commis xtDmtr; of tee walci>ta,at.eala y 1. To investigate the necesety cin [ea -ouai foto ewe Timurovr�aking of said improvement. na the total coat thereo[ 0f said im rovement, and the total coat thereof. 2. To investigate the naturee furn�eh n Plan yra9tar• p if sold -Improve e, 7, 3. To furnish a plan profile,6r';'flux mat on f 116 teiodient 4. To furnish the foilot~ing,otth atate.ivf etDer ar not Sn relative to said improvement :................... .........._.....: a t fatnakea tnr ,ct' I' h ..,..._........_. ...w"1 fimt o`drei:k'wahsY l __......_..__.._._ .- t ........._......_........__.._: ......_.............. ' 5. To state whether or not sand impropement rtl asked for" on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all ofthe'foteg g;mattertl £:`the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the. Council9..__....191... Yeas: Nays: 1 Councilman nsworth WO Approved._. ................................_/.....•. ....... S er 7 O ary Yg .... ......... ........... . / f Mayor :Petition. Council File. No..... .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. s and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes themaking of the follows public improvement by the y of St. Paul, viz.; ._Q.Qtrtes.[::1.,...a.elaexlt.....kloczk....ai. lk. ta...a.:.:v[dth 4�....s �se�:....on...._ thq._n h- si$eof Isfond St betwe .. . .... _._Aebnxy the south side of Lafond_St. b, ..... eein aq,00rdanoe with petition he to_attaahed Dated this...... _1.910.7l::.day of .............. _JNnuary ................ ..._................ ............ ...... ....... ... ........ .......... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS; A written proposal for the mahing of the following improvement, viz.: ..... . ...................... . ..... .. ... -:Ooristruet_ a _Dement_ b7 ook_ s e.. _to...e.:_�is%xb... _feat_on, .noxth Lafond eide._af Zaond 3tr._between Si�e2?ng.: �p�«...e�xd..S.1ia.on...t......._ _ ........................... a ss A W it[en PTPP _ __........... .. _... tpe fonowlns Im _ _ ....__ ........ - F uct a c want b t ,. i rwfdth ofetX fe having been presented to the Conned of i of r afond si bet '1 by Councilman__ ........ _. ....... _...... _.............. ___..... ; - r ant'LafopeoN�st an - therefore, be it ane slmpeon fes havf d 2p-thb., Co�} pin oft RESOLVED, That the Commission&: Wl,athererore e Ya and he is hereby ordered and directed: .Epat the r epmmel 1 1. To investigate the necessAy forajeaieana bete her )making of said improvement. nVf4fJgata. the! aeeeeel - 2. To investigate the nature,`extents ptty eF the mglttnglnflf';eaifl improvement, and the total cost thereof. w,V _ 3. To furnish a plan, profile, or skelr °y¢Imo;4 tat `seta rimgnt. 4. To furnish the following oftkef e p Yotaf coat thesep . = • dtl�nteh a :pleb promlelatnve to said improvement: ..........._.._...... . t >malq imprpvgment. i �, °O s �' irpfgh the Z6);owing � , - ] SprmaUoa r`elatlYe ,_...__......_.....__.__..., t eavhether 5. To state whether or not Bald It npr a�tced far r,9a�k�a for on the petition of three or more owners. �: 6. To report upon all of the For Ding.' iiS4Fylcf9 Lo the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Yeas: " Nays: Councilman Fasworth // Oo Approved ..........._�....�:F... �'J .......... 1......_. ge er �0" eery 9 s .: CITY OF ST, PAUL �� 0 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: -- "11[°� COUNCIL 1. FILENo '..... ......................... ... Date Presented._...JMq _......._VR$L._—I91.._6._ Resolved, that `he grade of Carbon St. between Sent St. and Maokubin St.., as shown by the red grade lino on the acoompabying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade.. Cf Fi No Si70-'8Y Tf: ( 'ra eGoea ' Reatlivbd ThaC'the grade o[ Cartion. &L ,bIItw2en'Kent 9t and Mnchabin Siletb ea IIhogn bthe'.red grade'llne pn d3fin acOmpanyln 6 br011le and ¢s. roeommended by the Commi eloner 1�p pilo W rXa ,tie and the same la here= Y� pdbpfed as thn eECablfefibd grade y°!'iddpebd bY�:ke L`ouncil Jan. 30 391 Xy)jprbved,H`a54%19 Y916 y _(Tan 331916)' Adopted by the Councikf Li%p�� 191 { Approved— E ---1 — -- 191. ---- MAYOR -' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ublect:-.... .....__.. _.......... ... ...................... _... .:— ....... .. ......... ............ ..... eo Date Presented- ........ ............................................_I91........... Resolved, That the contract bearing date January 18th 1915, by and between Keough Brothers and the City of St. Paul, for grading and improving Juno street from Edgecumbe Road to Hemline avenue, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. acs c i ` Gf/ Z l 7 - Yeas Yeas (11)Cou ilmen (P) Nays �, Far orth Gos _ J.__In favor Kell —j1� 1 --O—Against O' ry; Yoe Mr Pres't8ent _ i' OF SAINT PAUL City Clerk's ,0ffice ..... ..................... _".-x........191 ty Clerk arc cps, ? Adopted by the Council �� 191 ✓J Approved ]� �i/���191 e.A`3t 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL a r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: Subj__-.ond.emning011-Barr-els. _._. 1 BCOUNCIL��- FILE No................... .v -t... , Date Presented -!an .... 1.8...1.91. I91 -0-2-t1 ,1'A Resolved,' That Whereas the 06mmis ioner of _Public Works has notified the Purchasing Agent that there are on hand at the Asphalt Plant 54 empty barrels, having a value of about $4. and<:bwo casitags aridiinhEe tubesswtth a value.of about $5, which are not avail- akble for use and which may be sold in accordance with the pro- visions of the Charter, And, Whereas, this has been approved by the Comptroller; now W,_ therefore be it • RESOLVED,, that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby au - f. . thorized to sell the above mentioned tLftieleB at the best price obtainable in the open market. band at the Asphalt dant 6a"enlpiv' 4barrel ';hnvlryR a, aa of hand value. of9! abb ,0$ Innel tubes with l n vola pt abbut'E5' yvhlch' are available! fox atap ani wh7Ch may be • �sold in acooraoheo W1thf Y'he provlstons of Che Ch'nrtar And, L wh Oreos thla hory been ap �noved liy the Comptro]Ier npw, there- fore bo Resolved hint -the ... I. 461pg, A8on to bg ana hops bOroby,-authorized'-to s Il ! i the abo'ce3 mentioned A f[cIe :a.t the.. �best'�price obtataattte in the open" marketto s! n Adopted by the Counotl J »t 19 '1916:"� � Apnroved Jan 19=19x6 -j i flan. 23-I�16) i :. Yeas (V) Cou cilmen (Y) Nays Adopted by the Council _ ��� 191 Far worth — Go __In favor - Kel r Approved Against O' qry Yo g Mr. President, ewers MAYOR S M. FINAL ORDER. $snit �t y M In the )`fatterof �/.a..: .eme.r. an.-.3.tinaon--s.t.rest---f.r.om _'Sexing`©n- avenue EastAde on3y, to Oxford str_eet,._-.and._..an._.Lex.i.ng_ton...avenue £.rom....5..tini n....Si._,...._to...Er.ont....8t., under Preliminary Order ......?.07.8 .................... __.....__.......... _..... approved 04..t5?12eI_.1.4_th....... �9.1.4..._._............. ._..... Intermediary Order ....._.. .... _......... _........ _....... _....... ... ... _......... ....._.._. approved ......._.......... _.......... __.......... ..... ..... ........ ............ ......... __............... ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement Sanitary C ns ruc� � ett Sanitary on 'Stinson stet frog. Lexington to be made by the said City is .......:.Q........._`_.._. _1_ ..._.__. _ ._.....,.............................. frnm 3+insnn street to Front and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to—the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therei ' Adopted by the Council .. ........19l."i .... _............. _............ ........ ...._.......... ........... _._............ _ _........ _... .._......... .._—.... Clerk. Approved.,..L.... /...f.._. __....._._,191.1 ... ......... ..._...... ... .. ..... ...�..... _.. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth , „ MOSS and,'tha tIDptodemettt ;!';�. t raona.:obj9ettg � gods rem Keller SneOtative'+thetgtd, anh` " t td$'red the{ ii5t�e t a, " esolved `R.Y tiie �Cydunotl of th �//^J/ — t nnUukfthidtof jmDrovemenEt 3e by titet ea�fd Clty t e�,gonatr. O'Leary itaistop V�9nq� gtlna$n strut+-. in Ue ytP 9z[ord 8t; _ the set e(dq of 7xztngton .av+ pounneaton. ptreet lo�:;Pfrtlnt BC.,. " Yoerg+vem nt to;be erdsra sats '`eaolved Fuetjterhq' gthe Coins,^. -neri,of PUblta orks pe hrld y,e Mayor Powers :�+¢bk tyatrocted n ggted to Form B. S. A. 8-7 'pn�,�i �efinDA�vlilnlYeame�i .e�.. ///YXY�- CITY OF ST. PAUL L DEPARTMENT;, OF FINANCE REPORT OF COK%41S'SIONER OF F'_�_f7 NCE $ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f'/ In the atter ex ---------------------------------------------------- --------- ------- under Preliminary Order approved _.---/----`--------'—`—f---------------------------`---------._....---------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - _ _ _ $ 1.35 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessedbenefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION .LOT eLOCK., ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A' -21 -7 ell FORM a e.A. e -e TOTAL .. - - i CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF OOW,#ISSIONER OF FINANCE of ON PRi2LIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO r ac / Z !el0 3 �o o �1 e(l A, ,I /d ice�!✓ ��U U. u o a o! it •1 V U U., K 3, ILY J.: dl TOTAL ii77----- k CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMIIMIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION i i` � Cf/''f��Y�/J / �'!iS/✓/7%" // �) , (\l��t�ftKiO /./�1�i1 c7-/d"� ASSESSED The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated----/ -, - // ---191-�_. —✓�` ... -- -- --- —-...__. Commissioner of Finance. FORM U.S.A. 5.3 C ............... ........................1s14� To the Commissioner of Finance of.the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No .......... ? approved ................ SI:! ......... _....... 19LI—, relative to .......... _.......... oonstruot n._a ...sewer ...on_ Stinson Street.:._Yrom_._Lexington._-Avenue . _.. ... _._......t..4_.Omford.... trsat.,.._ n.Q._.an_.Lp i,ngton_.Avenue .....from ....St.inson_..Stra.a.t..._to.... ..... Front Street. ...... -.......__.. ..._............__...-.................._....................................................--........_......................................................................................_..................................._........._..........._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... .............. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cost thereof is *.............. 1.4,,5.3-0.;)..., and Eaoeee inepeotion 60.00 the nature and extent of said 'mprove�uent is as follows: ...... _... ....... _ ............. .................................._.........._..._.._......._...._......... ... _...... .... ........ ....._._.... ... ... ........ .. ..?....................... .... ............. .... ....................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........................... _._.......... _....... _...... _........ .................... ........................ _.... _....................................... ........................... ............... _.................................... _....._........................ j1ENRT E WEOELSTAEOT CO. 514TIONERS " ST; PAUL W - i To the Oounci1__,- -- _-- --- --------- -- 1 St. Paul.--------------�---- I s Gentlemen:— ---------------------------------- -------- i 6j_-----------�t�,-_tns 1n a�$ne r-plop-ezty—nwna-raL-I anB.c IuIIY 7'_ rostition }g 4x �al��4slX�one at_ vs_an_S_t.inenn_—_-----J R St. from Lexington Ave. to Oxford St, and on Lexington Ave. 9 from Stinson to Front mj 16 16�— --..—._ ----_— --_-- �. i 19-- 20 's OF 21 - 3, as -- --- ----- - as --- — — 27 ------- ------- —---------�—'� 25 30 37 32 __ �� � � �.� �-� `1-- Y ,;..�. wb-..e ���� y dog�Y. PAnloY, oarr acsea CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY MERB'6 OF`FIj7 1)nJ��[lJt116th, Hon. M. N. Gose, A 1 N 1 7 X915 � 1915 Cosmr, of Public WorksO� MISSfO oGOS.S Dear Sir:" Attached Final order for the construction of a sewer of Stinson St. from Lexington Ave. to Oxford St. and on Lexington Ave. from Stinson St to Front St. was laid over one day to Jan 19th,1915, and referred to your department. It is suggested that the Final order read " For a Sanitary sewer only on the east side of Lexington Ave.only, as this is a macadam Stand the property on tho west side is Railwway Property" Yours truly COUNCIL FILE NO. BY.... ... FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of .grading Burr....s.tx.e.at...be-tweea Bzai n4rd -avenue and Jvy Btreet, . . ..................... . ...... ..... ...... under Preliminary Order -.2073- - ............... approved_0..0.UbeT_1.ii.th,j 1914. ....... ....... Intermediary Order ... .. - .. . . ...... ............ .. .... approved . ... .. ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having, heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is G. -rade Buzz straet.. between -Brs-inerd avenue and Ivy 1 4 tre e.t ............. ____ ......... . ... ......... ... _ ..... ........ .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance the p)ft Rh. Adopted by the Council` -./1 19 Approved ..... . ... .. _ . 9 Councilman Farnsworth Gags. Keller Yoerg Mayor Powers Farm B. S. A. 8-7 R CITY OF ST. PAUL 11 yh� - DEPARTMEI- jOF FINANCE _ "A REPORT OF COMMf$SIONER OF FINANCE ON, PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of `�-IrL JAI ---// / - � _ � --��..........`/.(.-_�..-.���-- - -- ----- - ---- -- -- - - Order - - -- —--------------------- 1--r / ----...--------------------- under Preliminary approved---------------c/-------/F------ -- ---- Tothe Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 853.60___-__-_____ The estimatedcost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - _ _ $ . 73 ¢ ------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for The such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION emk ,( A�" /off /.7) d' }onM B.e.w. e•e w TOTAL. („ts4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTtOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS51ONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION G all c /�y0 I/ ✓'1a /.Z J'� /0 Z `l 011 O l y 116 / D a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated FORM B.O.A. 0.0 C Commissioner of Finance. z a Z t3l Z, Z'n I" efAvr 1914 Nt, s Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .............oC.tob.O.r.....3.0-s ...........................1914,. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pauli The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._2073....__....approved........_......_Oatt.......... 14.a ......................1914....., relative, to..........._........_...... grading.._Burr.._Street..,_between._Brainerd.._ Avenue_.. anal I.Ty 3trest ........................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 73¢ per front foot `L. The estimated cost thereof is $............ ....... .............. . and the total cost thereof is $............ 847_.73..__......_ and Excess inspection $16.63 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................._.......... ..... ......... ._....__................................ -................ _............_.. _.. ........... _........................ _........ _........... _....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #........... ................. ...................... ........ ..... ............ ....................... ...... ....... .... ........ ..... .... .._..................................................... _._.._............_...._._........__........................ .... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... . ........................... _.......................................................... _.............. ....._........_._................. Commissioner of Public Works. ? r -f COUNCIL FILE NO. . . .. . ........ ... FINAL ORDER. Inthe Matter of a Se��,alk zf ca—ant _"�. a six 1—t cn -�e west side c:' �'eide avcn,,,�e at -'enkp etreot ..... . ..... .. .... .. ... . ........... ... ncrth 145 -et be f� under Preliminary order . 14 35. approved Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fiffly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that I he precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is , CC4" 0 t J21,.ot of ctint_ -lacks- to ei-en t":cite- IM-i.r.. .... at_JenkS Str2at �;`f_erCe north 145 feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance th pith. tl Adopted by the Council :7 Approved......./._. /'If - Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller 14eGPW--- O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. FUL DEPARTMENTC FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS°.IONER OF FINANCE OIj PREL14NARY .ORDER In the Mattis of _. �!LiQT��ii'�:z/.. _ �c _ :mfr! a.� ._....C'. �/�1........ /J' ........... —_ ......... ._..... .............._..._.__.._................................ _...... ..... ........ ... ........................ ...... ........ ...... _..:................ ... ............... .... _..................... ..._-...-........_... _ ............ - _.. _......__._...................... .............. ...... ._.... ....... ....... .......... ............ ....._........... ....... ...... 1 ....... .... ....... __........ .... --'....................— ._..... __...... ._........ _..._._............ ............ ..... ......... --....... ....... .......... ...... _....... .............. ................ ..... ....... ............ ............... ... __....... ....... ....... ................... .._ ........._............... ._ ....... ._... _....... ...... ---- ... ...... .................. ..... ....... .... ... .... .- ..--..................... undo Preliminary Order approved........_ <.���f../..........��' ...... ...__...._ _......__.........._._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: / The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-4.9 •--L>er- lineal) The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $......... ... iCO.t. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and (/ hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �`. sac`/��/ 191 y _ /L. / .o.... e. e. w. e•e D - co mi Of lnallCe. ' OfFice of the Com mir of Publicorks Report to Commissioner of Finance September 9 ............. .... _._............... _...... .....1914.'... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ;46q ..............approved ............. Se.I?tetnbeT._.5..+........... 191..4.., relative to........................ _.... 0 one t ruc ling .._a_,_e idewalk_.._of._-.cement.._b locke.._t,o-_a__width..._of-.._s ix._Y a et............ _........... _. on__the .west._e_ide_._of.__Teider_-_Avenue..,..__beginnang_._at..Jenke.Street,, -thence _. noxth...145.... fs.e.t.._.... ......................... _............ _..................................... ........................... ................... .................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............. _..... _... necessary and (or) desirable. X.{- ,and the total cost thereof is . �Yx X -... and -; 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...__..�...::i.:�- �'---'-"--..r'_-".' the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............. . ... ... ......... .......................... _........................... ...................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...................................... ...... _................................................................ ............ _.......................... _. _............. _............... ...... _...... 5. Said improvement is .............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .. ..... ........... f ..... _..... .... .__.._.......... ............_............_...... ...... ........... C mi o Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. By.__...._...... _ _ ......_.. `�dLn' - �� .gam ltJ � Bre FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of ._Clurbing Uanon in street_frcm Cherokee avenue to._Annapol .s ,...... _.._ - _ . ......... under Preliminary Order _1451.._.__..._ _ . .... approved _--septerlber_4.t.h_,_ 191.4.. Intermediary Order _.____. _.._....._..._._. approved __. __ .._ _._. __. .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the acme; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ......... . .. ... .......... _..._. _._...._.._. ........... -.... _ _........... ....... _._...__ _. __. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .........._____._.._ ....... ...._........ 191 rp6gedinCity Clerk. Approved y or. • erk, Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O'Leary " Yoerg Mayor Powers Perm B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT.( ,FINANCE , REPORT OF COMIIMISSlONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of -- - ------ - - -- under Preliminary Order approved < To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is(withOUt gu$-t4xgs23 871.00 - is .Wo. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement The cXRYjK for the above improvement is(wi th gutters _and curb mbine f7,,284.7 estimated -=t The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 1.01 The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION f4�rr/ /y a.7 / // � �.Z Tri• `'l/�`e? d�e�rr i � �o ✓�` — is // � � / 026: TOTAL -- - CITY OF ST. PAUL ` �± t REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMMISSkDNER OF FINANCE r c OIJ PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT aLocn ADDITION ASSESSED VA),UyTIQN� s` �,1,14 J /a �y r pyo J 4O lip. - J o bio `�� ✓ ✓� .7 aZG l2 �� ��e C) y 14,11, /z7J, /lz .7 Xk �_ onrgssw a e;e= TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL. �. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE gyp., r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE + ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - -- ASSESSED I!, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VA&UATION/ ACEI o fes— G f� /C7�Ql/21v�/� Tall/ fx- �%K-�i � � �9 I�' — C Y� Ifo f � ✓� pyo ((ya��, 44, f fG ao a .71 41. _ TOTAL 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ 7 a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE tv I REPORT OF COMMISSOONER OF FINANCE �► ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ° f cj y � 17 /i 0 �� o 1 /1'(' �e Z z �� �� 02 J s• J. �G dd JA TOTAL /OAMe P A 4_-e_a - w CITY OF 5T. PAUL ✓ DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE y + ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lB) r i 0E5CRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSES D ' yni.�� ION 7 (j r/ /v lb 1` la v ' f +7`Y 0 /p45, c/` i TOTAL F i CITY OF ST. PAUL e DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE sw REPORT OF COMMISS#'ONER OF FINANCE ;r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --- --__— ASSESSED . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION VALUATION ��/%67 �L(///il.L«j"f�ccl�// pC..L! ✓�`U. ��D�l02/ del C7 U U 9"q6` 1'd /- Z Au a� l ';Z 0 o /dao TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI6NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DE'SCRIPTI ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ���/`' F 1d..t.� �� pfd( ' v ✓ I L(LI J ,Z Leo • I �(,t ai /J 42t a ��1�19�/ltuJf uG/l` G W '% ASSESSED VA L ATION �Zd'd 3. J, d J)s4k . o l/) J` A, 3. d'V f au�3` g, z� � The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. FORM 8.5.A. 0.6 C Ct r t I u U 4� i Y� hl� t�MAN s� n j A �R S jayk I i f � y :N V NNW' - � '; �i� a ; i i y � Y�• 9t 71 t ; Cam Alf t � It. "AO _ . A� , Ct r t I U 4� Ct r t I 4� Y� hl� t�MAN s� ldt j A �R S jayk I Ct r t I TO THE COUI-CIL, City of St. Paul". 6� 17e the undersi—gned property ovvne-s, r.sj-ectfullY petition 7 to have -Mara, -in Streetav-zl,ed C'.-iexQ!,.ee Avenue to-A-11-n4l-oldt-s 11 Street. 9 10, AbDRESS 0 is 14 115 17 201 2; 773 22 23 24 - ------ - 26 26 f-41- 29 ------ 30 31 !L N� 47 TiENRY E. WEDELSTAEDT CO • STATIONERS ST. P_ TO THE COUI-CIL, City of St. Paul". 6� 17e the undersi—gned property ovvne-s, r.sj-ectfullY petition 7 to have -Mara, -in Streetav-zl,ed C'.-iexQ!,.ee Avenue to-A-11-n4l-oldt-s 11 Street. 9 10, AbDRESS 0 is 14 115 17 201 2; 773 22 23 24 - ------ - 26 26 f-41- 29 ------ 30 31 !L N� 47 i o Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 09t9,009 .. 21.1._.____ .... .... i s1C.. P To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under considWtioi the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No ....1451 approved ... __ Sept.. _.3 r 191 4.., relative to .......... .....ourbing...Manomin...S.t......_.Y.rota._...... ..........._.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. _.......... ....... ..necessary and (or) desirable. without gutters $3,840.87 Exoese inspeotio n $30.00 The estimated cost thereof is $...... and the total cost thereof is off;._._..__.._. _......._... ........ and ywith gutters and ourb oombined $73354.70 Exoess inspeotion $30.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: Fronts, a _..._.. ....._ .7 ..._. __... _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _..._... 5. Said improvement ie......._.........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cc��mi.nerY Public Works. _. ' \ i r } HENRY E. WEVELSTAEOI CO STATIONERS Sr. P_ - uixx 1 2 3i, I i A O TEE COU—CIL, Si y City of St. Paul. 5. V,e_; the undersigned property owne.'s; r'-srcotfully petition t t have ;.iano:.i:- Street cur ,ed f roa,. 0;9ezc) .ee Avenue to Annat.o� s , RI' Street. 9. .o. IA::E ADDRESS qq i " �1 /L <42i22/ !� 0 U /-� ��✓v0'J�✓r�vi� �s , 14.. _...=.-'Y1�.:"<•W yL•P i�.�- / V'cr�..•'h` g `�v /�i�..fi`"C_a^.''...---.. 17 21 22 23 `fi l a� 6 a 25M6«�'=�. fc. Yom' `.' _ i ✓ ^iS..'^Y'^ic�r•�'�:5zb^�.__ 26 y.� f 28 i1 ,— 30 31f /.�%/L�`iS'/ !lt��'t°/ r�.yz.� - - `�..-l2l ._'y--Y'-�-f •tl �:1- t _ its 14 J. `� �� \}\ �\� } � � (}[� [\/}(( ] � � . . < | . /{ ; } � i � � � , . ]� ; � �/ : i ! : . . { � } \ } \ } \ \ " } ; � . \ \�\ ) \ \ \ \ ) \ \ \ \ } � � \ } ( \ � { \ \ } . : ] \ ( � } � . � � � � � } � §> � � . � ! � > � � [) , � . � ! . : ) � � . . .l ( } } \ ( �\ [ ) (� ( \ [ \ [ ) � � � � { ( ! ] , \ + � � . } . : � J. } � ] � � . . < | . . i ; } � i � � � , . ]� ; � � : i ! : . . { � } \ } \ } \ \ " } ; � . \ \�\ ) y \ [ \ } � � . } . : � � } | } � . � . \ ) � � � . ) (\ � � . . � ( { } ] � ) � } � ) � � � [ � - � � � } i ( ( ��\ \<( / . . . . , 1 ).� , � ƒ . < . . . �� \ � > . .� � _ Office of the Commissioner, of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __Qgtobor.:. 911...._ .._ 19A,.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under considWtiou the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._..._1451 .......approved __.. _e .pt..' . 3.,---- relative to__......._......... _... ourbing...Manomin._st.......from ..._O.11areokov A.va.:......to... Ax1MP.o11e..._St.,....._ ._.._ __.........._............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............._....._.necessary and (or) desirable. Without gutters $3,840.97 Exoess inepeotion $30.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ...... ............. ..... and the total cost thereof ie..__.....__...__...___.__..__._.., and With gutters and curb oombined $7,354.70 Exoese inepeotion $30.00 - the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._......_ __....._.. .........._ .. ......__.__.... .Frontage .7..,.x.18. Yt, ............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........ ...... ............. .......... ..... .... ........... .. __._._....... _ . _. 5. Said improvement ie......_. _...._........_.._...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................. _..............:....... .... _... . _... . _ _.. _.............. _......................... _ _.. C nnmissioner of Public Works. Y� i °ago 'Ahereas Oakland Cemetery As ociation, a corporation organized under the lame of the State of i€itnnesota, is the owner of North Half of the Southeast (Juarter of the Northwest tluarter of Section thtYty in Township twenty-nine north o$ mange twenty -taro west, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. containing \twenty acres, of which the Chest half 'I has been vlatted as 5iekermants Addition to St. Paul, and which tract of land is bounded on the south by Oakland Cemetery and is subject to the easement of the publio in Sylvan Street on the -est, Uagnol-ia a t I Street on the north and Cortland Street on the east, and^in the other st*sets and alleys in said D�iekerman's Addition JJt.o St. Pag., a resplu- �G��N Si1±fAd A.F. � N✓ �f,..y�.'.(,n.��l. 6T �- �/LW'� �� tion for the vacation of�wh&*U large -been this day passed by this Council; and whereas said Oakland Cem4tery Association desires to �If •. I( enlarge its des- cemetery so as to include therein the land above des- cribed; 4.,,j �f Now, therefore, be it .resolved by the Co'mcil of the City of St. caul that said Oakland Cemetery Association be w.nd it ie 'here- by authorized and permitted to enlarge its cemetery so -as to include therein the land above described, e,,,14- t,6J-d-IN, 11 Resolved further that t',is Council hereby consents that said land be set apart and devoted to the ur7ose of the interment of the dead bodies of human beings, excepting therefrom, however, that portion thereof bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning i at the northwest corner of the S} of the SB� of the Nle of said Section 30, running, thence east along the south line of Lawson :Street (formerly Merrill Street) to a point 80 feet east of the 'vast line of 31oek 2 of said tiekerman's alcidition to. 3t. Paul, thence �I north on a line parallel to and distant T--...s�. feet east from the went line of said block to a point _�0 feet south of the south line of 1.1agnolia Street, thence east on a line parallel to and distant ?0 feet south from said last named line to the east line of Abell Street, thence north along said last named line to the. south line of Magnolia Street,, thence west along said last named line to the east line of ;3,ylvan Street, thence south along; said ;,last namedline, being the went line of 31oek 2 of Dtekernanls Addition, to the place of beginning. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nay �Flwcdth Ll IlesJing _ 91 Keller 2nd / 19 M � all 3rd / 91 oerg Date !Puhl', hed __.,. �._.......,..._. _.... 191 Mr. P ident, Powers Final Adoption ,. .. ,- hy the Council.._4AI_:..• ::._ 7 191 l% 11 lavor ` Approve.... MAYDR C. F. No. 3480—B, S. A. Farnsworth— P'hereas Oakland Cemetery Asso- cla[Ion. a •m•porx tion organized under Ithe laws of the State f Atlantan is. to the Owner of North half of the South- east Quarter of the Northwest Quarter Of Section thirty in Toll'nahip twenty- nine north of Range twenty-two west. In the City of St. Paul. \[Innesotn, con- taining twen tv •t of which the at half has -been rpla t ted as Die ker- s Addlticn lu St. Paul, and which trace f land is bounded t the South by Oakland Cemetery anti Is aiect to the a sement of the public in Sylvan Street on the 11est. 3tagnolia street o the north and Cortland street oa the east. and also to the easemont of the Other streets and alleys In said Dlckerman's Addition to S - Pnul, a sol 'tion or fthe � cation of certain at rests and alleys in said tract and ad - it huYing'been this day passed by this Council; and whereas said Oakland Cemetery Asaociaticm desires to en- Ixrge iia cemetery s s to Include I he 1. the land above described, and the streets and alleys vacated by said resolution. Now. therefore, be It resolved by the Council f the CI[>' of St. Paul that S:tidOakland Cemetery ,\ssoclation be and It Is hereby authorized and per - milted to enlarge Its cemetery so a to Include therein the Iand abovea de- cbed, eof hn ereirm xcept that portion thereter excepted. Resolved further that this Council hereby consents that said land be set apart and devoted to the purpose of the Interment of the dead bodies of human bring, excepting therefrom. however. that portion thereof bounded and described as follows. to-wlt: lie, t the northwest c of ie, Syy of the SE>a of the Nwv sof said Section 30. running thence east along the South Iine of Lawson street (form- erly Merrill Street) to a point 80 Peet east of the west line of Block 2 of said Dickerman's Addition to St. Paul. thence north o a Iine parallel to and dlatan[ 80 feet east from the west line„ of said block to a point 80 feet south :3 of the south line oP Jingnolla street. {; thence east fee a line parallel to and dlstan[ 80 feet south from said last named It,, to the eat it ne of Abell e treet, thence rtaton1; sold last na ed line to the south line of Mag oita street. thencewest along atd last named line to the east line of S)•1- -an street, thence south along sold last named line, being the west line w of Rlock 2 of Dicker— 's Additlo the place of beginning. Adopted by the Council Feb. 10, 1915. Aproved Feb. 11, 1915. (Feb. 13-1915) +� last namedline, being the Seat line of 3loek 2 of Dickernan'e Addition, to the place fof beginning. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays V F swath Ia IteaJinl; 91 / Keller ./ 2nd 19 M • oil �" 3rd 91 oerg Date Published _.__. ____.._,__ 191 Mr. P ident, Powers Final Adoption by the Council 1915. In livor Approve'.. ... _. .18T"l / A ' MAYOR C. P. No.`3480-8t S. A. VFarnstvor[h— ti'hereas Oakland Cemetery Asso- ;cfatlon. a orporxtlon organized and,. - he itlaws oe the State of Bfinnesota. is !the o of North half of the So,tn- ,of Se tioon ethirty l in To,vashlp twenty- nine north of Range twenty-two west. In the Ci ty.f St. Paul. Minnesota, con- taining twenty- of which the est half has been acres. as Dlcker- \dditlon In S1. Paul. : nd which traetsof land Is bounded on Ithe south 'hy Oakland Cemeter-v and Is stlh-ct' to the s a env of the Public In Sylvan Street on the v v est, Magnolia street o the north and Cortla ad at It on the ast and also to the ent of the the, streets and alleysm In said Dlckerman's Addition to St. Paul, a solution for the vacation of certain streets and alleys in said tract and ad- dltlon having been this day passed by - this Council; and whereas said Oakland Cemetery Association desires to Irg1'thercla tthe lands 1nboves. describedclaode nd the .U'e2[s and alleys vacated by said e so In t I.I. TN.w. therefore. be It resolved by the Council f the City of St. Paul that said ."'nal Cemetery Association ba .,ad It is hereby atho rued and Per- It[ed to enlarge Its c meter}' so ae m Include thereln the land above de- cribed, except that portion thereof hereinafter excepted. Resolved further that this Council hereby Consents that said land be set apart and devoted to the purpose of the Interment of the dead bodies of hamnn beings, cep[ing therefrom. however. that po rtlon thereof bou nderl and described as full. ws, to -wit: Be - ,Inning at the northwest corner of the Sy of the SEy of the NW% of said Section 30, running thence east along Rhe youth line of Lawson street (form- erly Sferrill Street) to a Point 80 feet Dleken rma's eAddIt[onf Bltooci<St. oePaul thence north o a line parallel to and distant 80 feet east from the west Ilne :. Of said block to a point 80 feet so uth Of the aouth line f 1Ingnolla atreet, t thence east o a line parallel to and distant 80 feet South from said last named line to the east line of Abell atreet, thence north along said last 1. named line to the south line of g-; nolia street, thencewest alongid :t last named line to the east line of Syl- van street. [Hence south along 1I last named line, being the e t line.; 'a of Block 2 f Dlcl<erman's Addition, to ^v tne placeg. A dop ted bye begin Council Feb. 10. 1915. Aproved Feb. 11, 1915. (Feb. 13-1915) M 4 i26 -ft r ilk . . .......................... ............. . . ON HE. AMERICAN RE oI EW WN REVIEWS � IRVING .PLACE NEW YORK What You Want To Know About "EUROPE AT WAR" A magnificent illustrated BOOK OF THE WAR FREE! Dear Bir: In response to an overwhelming demand for accurate information cn- earning the most colossal conflict in history: -- Three great publishing houses have combined their resources to pro-, duce immediately a splendid volume which answers through 50 experts and hundreds of magnificent hoto ra hs every phase of Europe's war (and its effect on ue that interests an alert American mind. < This toll. handsome -Apok of the War, printed on costly paper and,, ed_,th;�tt�h�th�.,�, -� } .. book atorsE a'prices ranging from $3. to $5 n Yet if"yon act promptly' YOU CAN GET A FREE COPY, EXPRESS PAID As thine war is the most startling and tremendous event in modern history, :fraught with the gravest consegaences to the civilized world, so the rash of demand for books on the warring peoples and their armies and navies and strategy and methods has been unprecedented. This big volume, °Europe at War" coutaiae more information concerning the.vast struggle, how it oame about, the netengines of destruction, how and by whom it is being waged, what it means to America, than you could get out of any thodeand volumes previously in existence., It offers the one way to get a brilliant. comprebeneive, direct .view of this immense disaster to civilization. Every intelligent American will want it for bi*self, his wife and his boy. Hence the three publishing firma combining their resources to produce tbie intensely diamatic and absorbing work have reasoned that in presenting it a,.,. his,would at once push the circulation of their magazines, leaders in +J" =01,, to 'tib froli$. •:-...+...r---=c .,..,y ,. `�.. s' .`nn-�ai'"ri"•:^o�^rP'n•w:�� .n..,.rw':�.n..-y:. w:•�-r_.'_.ar�-��,..-.rc. ..�,.-.T..._. _._r,o..+ ;0 of the big volumes have been made in night and day work, for free distribution with a year's subscription to the REVIEW OF REVIEWS, the AURRICAB MAGAZINE and McCLURE'S. which are offered at a special low clubbing price payable only 50 canto a month. How long in this fever heat of interest and curiosity concerning the moat tremendous and lurid crisis in the history of civilization, will even such an edition last among 100,0000000 Americans? SEND ONLY 25 CENTS. Read the prospectus, and than, before the rush of orders has fore- stalled you, ACT AT ONCE. enclosing 25 cents in the coin card herewith as first payment for the three magazines. Yours truly, 1 , Whereas, there ma heretofore presented to the Council of theCity of 3t. pain the petition of Oakland Cemetery Association, the owner of the property abutting uponnadjoining the streets and alleys hereinafter described, praying for the vacation of :cast Lawson Street, formarly Merrill ;Street, and :cast Cook :Street from the east side of Sylvan to Abell (Street and Abell Street from the south side of lsast Magnolia :street to East Lawson :Street, and the alleys in 3loeks One (1) :•.nd Two (2) in yickerman's Addition to St. Paul, as shown by the plat annexed to said petition. Wiai.ch said petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and Shereas, the Council of said City deemed it expedient that the scatter therein .referred to should be proceeded with and ordered said -oetition and the accompanying plrt to be filed of rerorni in the office of the ~city Clerk, and ordered said Clerk to give notice by publication in the official paper of said city in the manner and for the time required by law that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by said council at a meeting thereof to be held in the Court Mouse and City }call building in said City on the 14th day of October, 1914, at ten o'clock A. ls., which said notice was duly ,published and given; and Whereas, on said day said matter was taken up by the council and all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of tine petitioner and all other persons interested in the !natter of said vacation was then and there heard, and proof of the matters averred in said petition was then and there taken, whereupon the further consideration of said matter aas duly adjourned until the 21st day c>f October, 1914, at ten o'clock A. 11.0 at the same place, and eas on said last named date, duly adjourned to the day of October, 1914, at ten o'clock A.R., at the sake place. N Now, therefore, the Council having fully investigated and considered the matter of said proposed vacation, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petitioner should be granted upon the terns and conditions hereinafter stated, it is ;ereby i Resolved. by the Council of raid City of ':;t. Paul that East Lawson Street, formerly Merrill Street. and ",last Cook Street from the east side of Sylvan Street to Abell Street and Abell Street fro -a the south side of Past :Magnolia street to Mast Lawson Street, and the alleys in Blocks One (1) and Two (2) in I7iekerman'3 ruidition to at. Paul, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be ii and the zine hereby are vacated and discontinued as public streets i and alleys. subject, however, to the following eonditionso that is to say, such vacation is granted upon the express condition that .j said petitioner ;shay.l before thio resolution takes effect pay into r the Treasury of said City the gum of Dollars, V in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, which is hereby filed as the ooanponsatio^aid vacation; provided, that there is ;' DD hereby reserved to the City of St. Paul and to the various depart- rents thereof the right to maintain on the portions of the streets u � 'I and alleys so vacated any sewer, water main or conduit now therein and to enter thereon from time to time for the purpose of inspectinge repairing.removina or replacing the same; and upon the further con- dition that said petitioner make and deliver a bond to the City of St. Paul in the swl of Five Thousand (5000) Dollars in a form to be P approved by the eor.)oration cou,%el and with XUAL sureties thereon satisfactory to the Fyeyor, conditioned to save said City free and harmless from all costs, damages and expenses growing out of or �I oeoasioned 1,. th, vacation of said streets and.allev$. Adopted by the Council 191 YEAS, NAYS. MP FARNSWORT M GOSS ' KELLER WCOLL O'LEARY YOERG MAYS, o MR. PRESIDENT (POWERS) 9 � Xart4ern Xig4t �IIIiIIi//� Onriat Citi 893 RICE STREET \\ ST. PAUL. MINN. S9 Dec. 23rL, 191-4e- To 91 . TO tre Honorable btembers Of' tra Cit-, Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: -- The members Of the Northern T,1 F:ht Social Club, a Club^.Omposed of nrcpertY owners and tax payers cf-the 8tb and 9th Wards of the City of at. Paul, hereby strenuously Oppose the vacatica ol all streets and alleys asked for by the Oakland Lemetery .iSSOCILtion. We ecntend that the cemetery In itselr is a detriment to the growth and welfare of the district anal in place of givirb tY_em the right to enlarge its burial grounds, notice should be served on the Association that in a given time(say ten years) the City would ask the Association to Vacate the Cemetery and move same outside Of the City limits, Or to a place where It will not encroach or the growth c:f any resi— aence or business portion of the City. Hoping you will oppose the vacation of said streets and alleys, we are Lary respectfully NORMER" LIGHT SOCIA^L CLUB By Reeordlng Beery. • 92o-RICC STREET - oro 11:361.". .:0. ro 1:001. ". o:oo ro e:oo .. ". nw. es eoea Te •elwre 1ea3 SAINT PAUL MINN. 11:3010 12g0 ". ". SAINT PAUL, Octooer 19, 1914. To The ;gcncra c:e Mayor aii,a ldeiuuere ul c.ne. CiOMUiuli Cvuf1C11: The following resolution was unanimously adopted at a meeting of The North End League Held Monday, October 19, 1914. WHEREAS, We understand that a move is on foot to vacate certain streets for cemetery purposes in behalf of the Oakland oemetery; WHEREAS, This will lead to the depreciation and value of property immediately adjoining such vacations, and will have a wide affect upon the growth of the entire North End District in that it will jeopardize the business and resident interests of the District; therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That We, the members of The North End League and residents of the D gtriet interested in meeting assembb6d at Hedman's Hall on this date, do hereby protest against the vacation of streets for aforesaid purposes in any form whatsoever; and we hereby humbly beseech your Honorsble Body to oppose such vacation as aforesaid, and we have hereunto subscribed our names, as follows: r 07 Ar, 2. o 'e�%` b j I TO THE MAYOR AYD THT CITY COUVCII, OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: 7heraas,, It t;ppears that the Oakland cem,e,::ry ,+3neci.:tirn has filed its petition, petiticn`_ng your honorable %,dy to order the vaea,ion (f Lgwocn c;nd Cook Strerta between. nylvar: .>n.i Abel Stra:st a -.j Abel "trect between La'.:.=.cr: and tlrgnolia Streets; and, j n Whieren3, me, th ir.a^rsi_n 1, believe that if the ej«id petition is g.r=.r tY.at it grill greatly d;pr.cci:tc the value of l:roperty in the vicinity of the said streets, ,-culd be injuri^us to the bus -0 iness irtarcrsta cf the r.eighbcrh-ed, and Greatly detraot f_.Oce its attractivsncrss ex,a p_..� l c'f resid,:nce; TFEFFFOPF, Te, the urdarsigned, oto hereby petition your lion- or;:ble Body to deny the 3aici petition of the Oak?.:;ricl Cetis- . �- 800i.it-cn; and un the ccntrGr.y, that you proceed w h -,I,-ol;er.ing and _zading cf tho said strentu, and ther-by prcmuta tho. inter;;sts Of the n"'.i ?:bC rhvCu, .".q '• StH °$"A i;tiV 97?P.s:, Cis LI pi%ce of res— i..r.„ee �-nd inc? _ *,ra O li,r; ,:F pr.,, :y talr ...iy SIGUED: ADDREPS; _kLl /�%� ` s+ 4 �%i %%� �' �.! C •* Gam_ w A. W ELSCH ' DRY GOODS, SHOES AND MILLINERY 1101 RICE STREET f t. tp �r TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL: Thcreas, the Oakland Cemetery extends from Sycamore Street to Magnclia Street in the city of St. Paul, which is a distance of over one half of a mfe; and wbereas, the district on both sides of the said cemetery all along the said distance is very thickly settled as a redidential district; and, Whereas, it appears that it is necessary and convenient that a thoroughfare be opened through the said cemetery to mane access to the distribt on each side of the cemetery convenient and pract— icable to the district on the opposite side; and, Whereas, if Cook Street should be opened and graded through# the Oakland Cemetery from Abel Street to Cortland Street it would make access between the districts on the opposite sides of the Cemetery practicable and convenient; and whereas, if Cook Street were opened through the said Cemetery it would be practicable to construct a bridge across the Northern Pacific and Soo bine Rail- way Companies' traoks and thus furnish a neceaesary and convenient means of access to the Arlington Hills district from the district around the Oakland Cemetery and the Rice Street district; Therefore, We, the undersigned, do hereby petition. your Hon— orable Eody that you make an order for the opening and grading of Cook Street through the Oakland Cemetery from Abel to Cortland Streets, and that you cause the said improvement to be evade with all convenient haste for the purposes set forth in this petition. SIGNED: ADDRESS: -1- Ole A. WELSCH DRY GOODS, SHOES AND MILLINERY 1101 RICE STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. av 91- -74, A. W ELSCH DRY GOODS, SHOES AND MILLINERY 1101 RICE STREET ST. PAUL, MINN, rk It A. N•, To THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF ST. PAUL* Whereas, It appears that the Oakland Cemetery Association has filed its petition, petitioning your Honorable Body tD order the 6aeat;ion of Lawson and Cook Streets between Sylvan and Atsel e Streets, and Abel Street ret-ueen La -peon and Magnolia Streets, a-nd,:- x+ AKereas, We, the underaigr,ed, believe that if the said petition ; is granted that it will greatly depreciate the value of property ; v in the..ricin ity of the said streets, would be injurious to the bush irres,s interests of the neighborhood, and greatly detract from its ,r 4, attractiveness as a place cf residence; ...THEREFORE,. We, the undersigned, do herebt petition your Hon - orabie.Hody to deny the said petiticn,of rhe Oakland Cemetery As- soeiation; and•on'•the contrary, that you proceed with the opening and grading of the said streets, and ther.by promote the iatereeta of the neighborhood, increase its attractiveness as a piac.e_of•res- . i:_tnce and inereG e the value of property already there. SIGNRDADDRESS: liepp Sri ;v 24 G, ,u- 34 3 Ael rt '% er• " . y,• , A Rn3 TCTHE 1,4'AYOR M-, CITY C=OUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL: "'hcrcas, the Oakland Gexet.ry extends from Sycamore Street to Magnolia Street in the oity of St.. Paul, which is a distance of ever one half of a mile; and whereas, the district on both aides of the said cemetery 111 61(1,9 the e_'_d :iistanee is very thickly settled as a rediae,tiai district; and, Whereas, it appears that it necestaary and convenient that a thorcu,ahfare he opened thrcugh the said oP.retery to make access to the diatritt on each side of the cemetery convenient and pract- icable to the district on the oppceite side; and, Wtereas, if Cook :trent shculd be opened and gradad through# the Caitianj Cemetery frcm Abel Ftreet to Cort:ianl Street it would make access between the districts on the opposite sides of the Cemetery practicable and convenient; and whereas, if Cook Street were cpened througt: the said Cemetery it mould he practicable to construct a bridge across *:^e ?dnrtherr. Pacific and Roc Line Rail- way Coa:p_.:i.es' tracks and thus furnish K neoeas,3;ry and conver.isnt means of access to the Arlin�:ton Hills district from tie district around the Oakland Cemetery and the Rice Street district; Wherefore, �+e, the.und2rsi;ned, do herby petition yoi Hon- orable Folly that you make an order for the opening and grading of Cock Street through the Oakland Cemetery from Abel to Cortland Streets, and that you cause the said improvement to be made with all conveniert haste for the purposes set forth in thea petition- SIG,d D• -1- I r---1 i� Aw es -6F coax x. rsaxos, o ons CITY OF SAINT PANE CITY OLERK's OeTZOE September 4th,1914. Hon. S. A. Farnsworth, ) Hon. Anthony Year&, ) COtai7rEE. Hon. Oscar E. Keller: ) Door Sir:— The Council, at their meeting held this date, referred the petition.of the Oakland Cemetery Association for the vacation of East Lawson Street (formerly i:errill Str.ot) and EastCook Street from the east side of Sylvan Street to Abell Street, and to vacate Abell Street from the south side of East Magnolia Street to east Lawson Street, and to vacate the alleys in Blocks 1 and 2, of nickerman•s Addition. The neceesissity of vacating these at rests and allays ip demanded as a relief j to the crowded condition of Oak— land Cemetery. The original petition for this vacation and plat is on file in the City Clark's Office, and the hearing on some is set, by publication, for October 14th, 1914. Yours truly, City Clerk. G! L. NOTICE OF REARING FOR VACATION it Notice is hereby given that the petition of Oakland Cemetery i �I Association, a corporation, for the vacation of East Lawson Street II{ (formerly Merrill Strteet) and Eaet Cook Street from the east side of Sylvan Street to Abell Street, and AWl Street frog the south side of East Magnolia Street to East Lawson Street, and alleys in Blocks One (1) and Two(2) in Dickerman's Addition to St. Paul, has been flOd in the office of the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, P I Minnesota, and said petition will be heard and considered by the h Council of said City of St. Paul at a meeting thereof to be held "in the Council Chamber, in the Court House and City Hall Building, j in said City, on "lednesday, the 14th day of October, 1914, at ten i o'clock in the forenoon of said day. I� Dated at St. Paul., Minnesota, September 4, 1914. City C5rk of the City of St. Paul. r "C THE b1AYi:R A. ^ CITYCC'Jii�IL OF TEF CITY CF cT.PAUL: 11 yhpreas, the Oakland Cemetiry e:ctends free: Sycamore Street to'M,agnolia Street in the city of St. Paul, which is a dista::ce of 'over one half of a mile; and wher:as, the district on both sides of the said cemetery all along the said distance is very thickly settled as a redidentiel district; and, W,here-s, it appears that it is necessary and convenient that a•thorcughfare be orened through the said cemetery +c ..a::e access to the district on each side of the cemetery convenient and pract- icatile to the distract on the opposite side; and, Whereas, if Cook Street should be opened and graded through# n. the Oakland Cemetery from Abel Street to Cortland Street it would make access 'between the districts on the opposite sides of the Cemetery practicable and convenient; anti wheraas, if Cook Street -were opened through the said Cemetery it would to practicabh"a _to construct a bridge across the Northern Pacific and Soo Line Pail - way Companies' tracks and thus furnish a neceassary and convenient means of" oaccess to the Arlington Hills district from `Y:e district around the Oakland Cemetery and the Rice Street district; Wherefore, We, the undereirgned, do hereby petiticn your Hon- orable Body that you make an order for the opening and grading of Cook Street through the Oakland Cemetery from Abel to Cortland . Streets, and that you cause the said improvement to re made with all convenient haste fcr the purposes set forth in this petition. S.IGNED: ADDRESS j ° 4 • r_ \ 4�_` 1__ - _._.__ -.__ _ _Y P.. -/L �.__�a fE fN'i: 0.rC-k+w__.a-'i_ _ -YC ,yy S' / Q I. TO THE ''AYOR AND THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Whereas, It appears that the Oakland Cemetery kssociation �I hasfiledits petition, petitioning your honorable Rody to order ' the vacaticn of Lawson and Cook Streets between Sylvan and Abel Streets, and Abel Street between Larsson and Magnolia Streets; and:, WAereas, Te, the undcraigned, beli_ve that if the saitj petition is granted that it will Greatly depreciate the value of i,roparty x in the itieinity cf the said streets, would be injurious to the ous- ine'ss interests of the neighborhood, and greatly detract from its attractiveness as a place of,residence; THEREFCRE, We, the undersigned, do hereby petition -your Hon- orable Body to deny the said petition r_f the Oakland Cemetery As- i sociation; and on the contrary, that you proceed with the opening and grading cf the said streets, and ther•�by promote the interests of the neighborhood, increa,e its attractiveness as a place of res- `a idence and ircresw e the value cf property already there. SI.^7E D. ADDRESS: ,Y _6444'64- eeov� �i^�G�•P'tJ'►1 .3'^< ter::,,• �_�.;=�-�-_--- .ivw i Suggested ,fly 0., 03.auesen Council File No .......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELMNARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .0pela, WIdan and extend Whe.filer Ava.*_ t;he Right WS7 of- ..0hjaag.6_.....Mi1.waUkee. & -St.. Paul. Short Ra;L1 Li Railroad idth of 66 feet. Datedthia_ .... ...... . day of....... .......... . . ......... .................. ...... . _191 .................. ...... ............. .......... . ............. Councilman. PRELIMf�ARY ORDER: WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ..................... 9Pj@;q_,_..jL1d.eA 94d__.e iqnk.ftpelex AY Right Q.f way 0.9 . ... . ...... ...... lalws akee & St.. Piiul Short line Rai�l gac ...... .................... .............. . ......................... ........... ................ . .......... . ............ . ..... a Width Of 6.16...feetl. .................. .................... . ..... ....... ..... ..log ...... ............. .... .................. ................ I . ......... . 1111 11, the .uw 'ol, pt_amj.'. ,Idea and -extend Wheeler ............ ... .................... ................. uaa 111. 1naWlyolULChle .. . ........ ..... ........ .. ... ... the R All uke�. & %I having been presented to the Coun Railroad to a width, of -.Wfeeih. having ..... � be.. presented to the Counel 0 of ............. . .... the .. ...... ...... – . ................. ........ . City of St. rout therefore• be It - therefore, be it Resolved. That the ... r of Public Works be and he Is hereby or - RESOLVED, That the COinnIi8j:doIt'6I'T4TdiIIg. ' '& the,..6ess -ity for hereby ordered and directed: - -desirability of tile making of sold 1. To investigate the neeessit� nitprovement.ot said improvement. 2. To lnvestlggti,..,the ,naiuie;'ixtent 2. To investigate the nature, 'M" d estimated opt�-. r e- prevenient, and the total cost thereilf. ent, and th'WAqt%j 3. TG1.fnrn%0 3. To furnish a plan, profile 01 site in 'do 4. To-fin-nish the following 0 o said improvement:...... ata wthp?•ortA[•eaL TL im fi;'arM ................................................ _ . . ................. . .......... . ... . ....... 0 —.7-T . . ..... . .................. .......... . . . ................. ................... . .. . . ................... . 91 the c re owners. 9 5. To state whether AIVIlLs' k1b q!oi on t petition of three or me 6. To report upon all oliioregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J�dted by the Council_ a Nays: Reitman Fa sworth Go Approved. er ary0 .......... .. ..... . ... . .................... ......... . ....... . . . ...... Mayor P vers. Mayor. -Q3 Eb. Council File No ......................._...' J PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. /p and �i 7t92 PRELI1ViINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making • 1 of the followil public improvement by th ity of St. Paul, viz.: ._ ..._. C onet ruo t...._a..._Sewer ...._in..._S.elby.... ...... anu�..._f r4.r4..._C.x.t.�.n....... _anua..�..................... to Marlborough Avenue in acco ance..._withpe:tiLtio......._ereto.............. .....:...... attached........................................................................................... _..._ Dated this. y 2Qth._da of. JftT1U8,T.y.,..._ _.. ........ _ 91....... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. COnBtrtt6t .._ WIIERF,AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improv"le"t, viz.:.._....__..._._ ................ a Seiler_ in Selby Avenue from Cret_in_.Avenue to._Marloorough_._Avenue,_... _..._ . _....... _. T.iBY_ ras. A written pra,Oia'for the- • _ c' of the folio lug 1t l�talb Ave. -- - •� Cretiructn n sewer 1pto,"Ma Ave- :rom Cretin venue to]M1nrlbor- ..... ...... ...._...... Y. enue, having beeni preesuted _ - -- _he Council of the City. of SE1^Paul ,retoro, be it .: :enolvsd, That the Coinmlealone ;ot pan, ...... .... --. .......... ... having been presented to the CollI1C11 of baea do�� . be surd he I$.,,hereb or. investigate the aaaeealty 7far therefore, be It h deslrability: ,ot the making Of said ordvoment,,. 1 creb ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissionel. T, 1pvaaiigat. the, aat�u,rd { n•,. y �t gnmd'the total qs thUreiof '—jA said improvement. I. To investigate the necessity fo =Td furn1. a plan,. prc,w pt, oh of .41_1 mprovement.' ain improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, ex one To furnl8•h tha followinj f�gr,,,hatic ralative.. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket..f o arses whether or n 1« tlV'I asked for on +;.,iFative to said improvement: .. ............._..__.... 4. To furnish the following other Batt¢ u rt jpon0871;u „IC ........................................_.................................._....................__._....._._.._...._,_.; ........._.._._..............._ 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the forego' lg matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_.... _.._.�� . ......_:.....�......]Jl.... Nays: Yeas: ConncilmaliFar, mth Gos APProved._.._......._/ Kel O'L ry Mayor. ISayor Poi s R IT.,D Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMRROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following olo Paul, viz.: ...�XiiG@.._X1dali(;,.._rift.a..._be.twe.an...Zarl...S hated this ....._....al.att._.....day petition improvement by X City of St. b. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. / IVIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: ..................................... ..........Grads....El1alitl...St...._.h.etvQe.en..F.arl...St........ wad. ....Griffith ...8.t.— ........... ........_....... _.............. ......�:'; .:_. ..... _._.... 1 s. A Written - l for the II �...... . .... Y the follovlpg-lIuipvement. bd Euclid Stetwojn'Earl at alt)t St bavihe been presented- Ounoll of the City of 'St. Paul vedh i'hat .the Commleet nqr oto -Kateease or, having been presented to the Count lt'y of the nuddeg of ealaiCotlbeilmal......... ..__ ._....... ................._....... . �o Investigate the nature eittent: therefore, be it 'hauled cost of said Imp ove-i nd the total cost thereof RESOLVED, That the Commissi6o` a agehha plan, pronto, orad he is hereby ordered and d recte Qnrnleh the following, oche, 1. To investigate the necessity.f?.'nformation relative to sal laking of said improvement. `l. To investigate the nature, exteiiio w eahe r o not said 'iif said improvement, and the tots cost thereof. y oweere . 3. To furnish a plan, profile or''bent. -l. To furnish the following other data and lnfornmtma,relative to said improvement:_.... __....._._................ G. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fmrr, 'ng matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .._.._......................191"1l.... Yeas: Nays: �, \ CouncilmanjKeII th/ S Approved_........_._.F--..... Mayor a3 �� � Mayor. . 1 49'4— tter of grading all Lewle & M-Addlltonl .1 kw 1l St. to WeatTn nater, Order 6 14 'Tn= r rrellmlpa Y , Orde { ary Urden 24 Flnal n ' j�provad Dccemb¢r G;. 1816 d, Thnt ,tl}¢ plana, speolfl¢n-I :d'eetimatee, evi;mttted-;fly 'tfie, -loner o[ 7?iYblloiWprks,:for �to� nmed rd Improyemo t bo aFthh o hereby approved: �,,ad Further.-That the Pdrohaa i -nt be and he-fe h'r author- p_ ':, P A U I, dPdovided n theCltiy Ghat art ' Lor tho Makini; of^said-ilm- nt, nccording to,eald Uland�arid�Tm Thn•.Uv. ION on the',baeib:tA) entraUbt eball'-fort • IF' nat'erlal for sald In the matter of ms �T1> ?aa "` Y irk Block 10 Lewis & Mabon's Addition (fxom ArkwrightrSt to Westminster St under Preliminary Ord&x 614 Intermediary Order 2438 Final Order _-__Sao.;,,, approval December 5, 19 15 RESOLVED, That the plans,•specifications and estimates submitted by the, Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement.be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTP.ER, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is--hereby."x authorized and directed to, advertise in the manner provided by the to s Charter for bids for the making of, said improvement, according CITY OF SAINT PAUL plans and specifications, on the basis_ (A) That the bidder or con- tractor for said work at a spec fied the aaopercentaleshall said forove— ( City Clerk's Office menttbymforce account,t reddevon costeprice LL g g elJan p forming the same. In said advertisement for bids, the Purchasing Agent shall require a bidder's bond to the amount of at least twentper .............J........191J. r,_-; cent. of the bid, conditioned for the execution cf a contract wReceived et Cty Clerk f`Gc c{ (' the City for the performance of said work in accordancerith the.pland specifications in cane the bid is accepted, or in lieu thereofcertified check for ten per cent. of the amount of the bid.' -The said Purchasing Agent shall in said advertisement resery the right to reject any or all bids.Should all bids be re jected,��"iC the Purchasing Agent is authorized to advertise again and as often as may be necessary until an acceptable bid is obtained, unless the l committee authorized to award the contract, if it is a contract which the committee may award, shall be of opinion that no further bids should be received and that the work should be dor-e by the Commissioner of Public Works by day labor, in which event, the said committee shall make an appropriate report with its recommendations to the Council for further action or proceedings thereon. Adopted by the �-t_�� 19•� Yeas ( ) men ) Nays rth IG - ,—KePr. 914 President, Appro myQx ppg�;I / a 3. Resolved, That the contract bearing date January 20th, 1915, by and between the St. Paul Electric Company and the City of St. Paul, for furnishing 100 lighting fixtures of the pendant series type, for use with gas filled incandescent lamps, and 156 clear globes, style G, E. 81, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. Yeas (1") Cou ilmen (T) Nays Far worth Go In favor K r _ 0 _.against O' ary Y g Mr. Presiden Powers e.0.2 Adopted by the Council __"-9— 19V Approv _ �. — 191 MAYOR i CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; ....... ... ._ ...... . _ _...... .. .. _._ . _ . COUNCIL RII'E NO...... ...........:.................... Date Presented........._ Jan ....... 2.1., _....__I915........ Resolved, That the grade of the alleys in Block 1 Joseph R. Weideis 2nd and 3rd Additions, as shown by the red grade linin on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works,, be and the same are hereby adopted as the established grades. F'Yda x488 IIy M 1Q does Tten Iv d 'hAnigitl gk¢de:or the .1 Mln.lry 1 fioaeph �tyeltl •e 2. nnd'8q ��piie ap by Ah re dg'tade lln 8 on panl•jn' pl bfllp nd ae by nth �COmmreelon ro; 1?u I be and ithe same gte.tl aby ad p d:.'a he: eei tnhllehed F nd 's '. � e 'Adapted by e'Cou IhYJap 2T, 18Th; Approved inn. 21, X816. I Yeas (1 1) Co ilmen (Y) Nays Fa orth / G In favor C� Ke _.. �--- Against O' ry Yoe Mr. President, wers FORM e.e.z ... i Adopted by the Council _� 19L;" (j s - Approved_ 19i MAYOR .___ COUNCIL FILE NO. 3487 Phereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pending in the Office of the Board of Pu',lic ",'arks, a certain 7i -.,,.al Order No. 39,908, Approved Au;ust 14th, 1913, to ;resurface with sheet asphalt darket street from Third street to Sixth street, in said City. Thereas: It is the opinion of this Ccuncil, that all ot.ner acts and proceedings to be had or done relative to the ooa:p'_etion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done :,nJer. the terms and �pro-,,isicns of the existing Jnarter. Therefore, be it resolved, that the said order be co:apleted under the terms and provisions of the existine Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Couxcis ic;.er of Finance `arid other officers and departments of the City, are ::ere by authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assase;:ient under the -existing Charter, in accordance therewith. _ Adopted by the Council, Yeai Naye IC F No 88T BY 9 A Fa C I�hgresa Yminedlately nrlor and up, to the t(mmeAbe extoting Chartor*a the i sw orth Cltr'ok St. Pd'ul;.. tools eLtget. there w l pending In the1oRlce o1 ?1+0 Hard o4 �Publie Works �°�` certain Plnal Order, Go res lrta ggp Tho ah44eg asPh It Dian-.� et' -street Lro;il'1pT,hipai:+`eet to Slxth . ,fkstree].r(nHaldy$/itl' - 1 •hereas It.:'Sa`cxthe��(ptpion tl1 thia� i{e er CCounekt tClat: rtli pth:seta and per! T' t dielativ; - —46 to be had 8r.;one fo completion..' the don esatd e3 practicable to be done unde p s and piovletons of to,,. 1 be (t r solved ti r 0 aryde by m1 t d u and �to •. Lr Y g " or Powers 2 COUi;CIILL FILE iu0. 3488 By Whereas: Immediately prior and up to the time the existing Charter of the City of St. Paul took effect, there was pendi:r in the Office of the Dca d cf Public Torks, a certain Final Order 1%. , 38,680, approved :darer. 23th, 1513, to fie -Surface with asphalt, Port- land avenue from E,estern avenue to Dale street, in said City, and Whereas: It is the cpirion of this Council, that all other alts -acid proceediige to be had or done relative to :re completion of the aforesaid order are practicable to be done ander the• terms and provisions of the existing Charter. Therefore, be it resolved "_at the said order be completed i under the terrr:.e and provisiona of the existing Charter as to all f-rther acts and proceedings to be done; ani the Commissioner of Finance and other officers and departn:eats of the City, are h.areby authorized and directed to continue to complete the said assessments under the existirF Charter, in accordance there.�,ith. Adopted by the C, oil, — 7.b o. 3988—BY S. A. Farnsworth n eas: -' Immediately -prior and up ime the existing Charter o, the St Paul took effect;. there7as sae i aye ray `,in the office I tke,Bonr' of - - Works, a"i cortntn' Final Crder. V 89 approved March 28th; land FaTnOrth rtace; with asvbglt,<;, Portland tram West.ilo aVenue to Dale street in said City an reef Ins: It':ia tba gpinton of this C.r098 - �Cquncll that all_ other agtecels 1 erto �ceedinga to be ladf-oC' dpna:, ILL the comptetlDDrt: of the atoriaald order del are he prneticnble' [o b dap, gndsiettng �terme and proN slon :.e ➢ , Charter. ## f Therefore, tie IE reaolVede; t'�'k*3the ,.order be completed under. _ [he_terms and provisions of the ealet- �IngiCharter as to all further act- and proceedings to -be done,and theCom- i - y mie%lonep' of , Flna ca and other offt- v L.: }cera and �departmenta of the City are ;hereby a`lithoNhed and directed to continue to complete the -"said assess- ✓;.'�:" Yv'G2 ment under the fa in. 1q 'accordance therewlth. adopted Mrthe.Council Jan. 21, ie16. Approved Jan. "21, 1916. _iayo Power a _(JAn. 25-1916) Approve — 1915. MAYOR. j Fly Y.nereas: Ima !ediately prior and ul: to the ti:e exis`ing Charter of the City of Et. Paul took effect, there etas pe=nding in the Office of the Board of P-u:-lic Yorks, a certain Final Order 1.0. 36,681, approved March 28th, 1913, to ,e -surface with asp' -alt Folly avenue from ,'eateir: avcn'Ue to Dale atreet, in said City, and 7::ereas• It is _ e cri:.ic.:: cf 'his C'�uncil, that all ct'_.er �., +1 �Gln�i�t1GL Gf acts aro procee�iings to be had cr dcr_e relative to h t rI.:3 he aforesaid order are practicable to be done under and provisions of the exiating Charter. Therefore, br� it resolved that the said :rder be completed under the terms and .provisions Of the existing Charter as to all further acts and proceedings to be done; and the Commissioner of Finance and other officers and de.,artments of the City, axe 'Iereby authcrizeti and directed to continue to complete the said asseeama.,te under the existing "harter, in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council, i 1915. ea$ Nayg ialn Final i• J or. ar ved Afarch 28th with asP.palt Iiol1Y a F i.,ii nth =-�k�' Yrom Western ave$dit io :Da1e'. . st oei in said ileYthe ORlnton"�of this' i bPhe ea0; 1C utcIl the all othey ants fatty ro j ceedlnSarto. be had br?�done r0lattve to! Coes .the completion oR the. aforesaid. order'.. tird prncticable To be, done udder, the aermg andl'ptovislona or Khe eFtatiaS n e l l ;Charter. thett ere Pore be co I ol0tedared —the-� aidd,�,,order be Iter 6sr provfefona., o1 the o sting; .._�.,0. Chartedas:'to allfurthor acts C, '"Pro -I tcgedlnSs-tA be done; .¢Rd the C�dqgfictt,met��l slgger of:Flp�n1eof Spe Cig ardhere-' atrested+:i� Fotit(nuel _ O Ue y Yeor Kayo Po:vers CITY OFl ST. PAUL .bgI1LL 'TO ACCOUNTINr DEPARTMENT CITY WIIM } - - 134¢/ �•- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COU No. wt� 1( � - AUDITED PER nru 'psi Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified' funds in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detatle$x statement: Yeas ( V) `Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council 181. _ Zen Farnsworth / Goss 9 In favor Approved �^ 19 Keller r — Against MAYOR 4 , i O'Leary Mr. President, Powers. s Corporate Purposes Cam. 4Public Work* $gnd 5�4 S. A. 8arnswor%h. Coma of FILnWcet 4349 .59 Street Const. & :Repair NUad +ilagas:: sa X66.31 Sewer Coast. & gepalsd6e!_5 669.08 I Street & Sewer Cleaning V=d•Sewer � 0leanlia8 Aaot.;+lPa$* 1.260.60 Sheat &, ewar at Ole t Oleanf g Atsk r Magee, 1i* 292.20 Street & Sewo CIVIA$ IS Pulit,d-Cj 232.00 Tempcct,�vgat: Vidus iildg.' & Aepair tl e$, 181080 sprinkling Acat.44ges, 4,495.59 Waiter Dept• $fid 8'" � *X. Cs Flla�aagant � 18_So :' F"fir Spec, Assess, CoVo A09to4aving P,4.�e It ftflat to `on* 85 6 S. A. parnsworth, Como of Finance, "` 76,0 Total Corporate a Spec. As, C. F. No. 3490— R-1—di That warrant, be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firms ot,corpora- lons for the amounts set opposite their respective. namesas.speclfied In folowinS detailed statement: Corporate Purposes—Com. of Public Worlta Fund:. 9. A. Farnsworth, Com. •: f Finance, $4,195.59; Street Const., & Repair Fund , -":Wages, $766.31; Sewer Const :&: Repo1 Fund. Nage,. $669.08; Street ' & Bewek Cleaning; .'Fund.—Sewer-Cieaningf Acct:, "Wages.; $1,280.60; Street & BeNer. Cleaning Fund; Str Cleaning Acct., "Vag ys,� $1.292.20;- Street " &' Sewer"Vele" Fund—City Dump Acet Nag'c- ...., ; Bridge Bldg. & Repair Fund Nnges.$181.80; Sprinkling Account, \,ages. 593.60. Water Dept. Fund:' J. C. Flanagan. 5183.80. j Spec. Assess. -Const.._ AceL—Paving Dale, Grand to Fiont.s''S: A. Farns worth, Com. of Ftnanee, $76.50. Adopted by the Council Jan, 21, 1915. Approved Jan. Al. 1915. j (Jan. 23-191u) qq, COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of Q0PjP1Kq0 UTIZ a QPriisnt bl.00k. sidewalk to.... & wAdth ct f slx_ glide of_11Qy $t....., from _Sh1,eJd1.s_0.e.,_to Unix.e.raity Ave.. nnder Preliminary Order approved october...11th 19.1.4 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _.Canotruct &._..aament..b look. -sidewalk.. to a ..width. of._six feet on the West of ....._ .. .......... ......... ... ........... .side.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to prot-eed with the making of said improvement in accordance :th;re'l Adopted by the Council z191 7 'Ry ty erk. Approved 193 ................... ayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller --O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 y CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In, the Matter off�_---------� --- � 0 � -� _._R L l - n/�:1 �z�• ----- ---------------------- ------- under Preliminary Order approved --K— the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— —.FLET.- 1 J nAgI food. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $----- The —.--.The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o 0 TOTAL. �I FORM B.B.A. B -B A I - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lC --- - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION )1J uo/ �7 c�r!'�'o� J� /o,A1.y,.Zf�i�•JL ,.tJ (� Jn'�j/ 0/�/7y. �1--� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /� Dated--._.....� Y �I 191...-..._ ill; 1/L 1 �'211.�----- ------------- --------------- --- - Commissioner of Finance. IOflM O.D.A. 0.0 C C Office 6f Ahe Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ^oto'::er5, '_ "`� 797.. —....,_ ......._..._._......._._ ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cousideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No__.....r C71....___.approvedl...... .........791_......., relative to .......... _.......... ..... oer_struot'nE a ce:i.ent bloc:: sifew.e.lk to a ctic'_th of si.c foot on the ............_.........._......_...................�......................... .........._.......... ...................... ...................... .................... ...._.......................... ................. ............................................................................... �:ast side of Rov St, fror, Shielfts Pv:. to Univers'_ty yo. .. _. ....... ..... ...... .. ..... .............._. ... ............... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. _........ necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is $......... ..............._.........., and the total coat thereof is �............: =':.ii..........._........, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.._ ........................ ...._....._._............... .... .......................... ..................................... COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER. 1. the Matter of e,= --Ave trP_,a:�� t 4, 2: �i r - -Try G . _e tinder Preliminary Order approved cl-ente,'ibar 14th -j-- 1914 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all Persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is d -e CZ -a larks tc,, a . ..... nt b1 k tr" F3'i cv; cf.. six. feet 2:.- . ..... a—de— w.f fx—1 'Fe and &'Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. by instructed and di- rected FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is here to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there%v Adopted by the Council �_'21 y Cler Approved '191 Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller Yoerg Mayor Powers Form D. S. A. 8.7 Mayor. CITY OF ST: PAUL I ,4,y�- '� ,DEPART ENT OF FINANCE ��i� RR�x REPORT OF COM IN�SIONER OF FINANC ON PRE IMINARY ORDER In the Matter of �,(✓ J-�-�--a--�'1 e==�.-�ffl..�L� �,/__�G-�_r%1.2�/��_.::11./j_-_'-.'__�'� --� �.__ under Preliminary Order approved .- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $44--p2T-_lire._ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - _ _ $ foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION G � s`) _71 _ - TOTAL, rOPM s.l.A.!-! A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIVSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMII'.ARY ORDER (B) P ESC RI PTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 7 61 �j��I//r�✓TJs/0/� �o�J�Y/JG�O,: � l0 1�� /�S/✓/ /f I f% 0 � l L �r z L� f 41, ��� /��� �� 161 ASSESSED /AL ATI, ago iJA TOTAL. ASSESSED /AL ATI, ago CITY OF ST. PAUL .t t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS11ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT nLOCH ADDITION VALUATION r y� /l J` a�Clj s /pf uc'L v//f/✓� T R Q.- ' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, R and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated FORM B.S.A. — c Commissioner of Finance. sm- 3 HENR E. WEOEMAEOT CO. STAIIONENS Si. M1 , Mixx. 321 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance S..eP_temkze.r_.16................1s1. 4.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: -The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...._1595...:........... approved1A ,..191..A...., relative to.. .......... .... ........ ..... y constructing a sidewalk of cement blocks to a width oP six .................._.................................................................._........._................................... ......... feet eh..._._._o£_.ealeyAvenu_ rom._Fry_._Stree_t__to ._._ Fairview......................................................_...................................................._........................................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ......... .............. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._.....XXX ................ and the total cost thereof is $ ................. XXXX......... .... .., and the nature and extent of,said improvement is as follows: .................. ............................................ ........_......_............................................ _... ..... ....... ...................... ........... ... __ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of.said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ................. ...... .... ............................... ............ ............. ..... ......... .......... ........ .......... ......... ......... .................. _.............. ......... ......... ............................ _................. _............... ....... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property; subject to assessment for said improvement. __....... 1...._....U.......... C.._..__?_`. ..... ... .... .......�.....-... ......_.._ Commission r of Public Works. 3 r!Ikf$3 COUNCIL FILE NO...._By J FINAL ORDER. In the Alatter of _..relay i':iy...2.i1 .. :�-,Ca4 il; �...Cc:: ,.F �... a_:z@vd21±f Gi'3._.-i�.e.....3 tT?et, ses eil.@y_tc _a.. _zt! c.f -ai.x f .et.beci:.ta:,•_i92_ _._t_.. ati'_..___...G'=iv:ax_..s.t.-r et then ce scath 20 feet, nnder Preliminary Order ._ __ l�°.8. approved Intermediary Order __......_ _.._ approved __ _ _...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is 1 14Y alid WgIpaiT west side, to a xidth cf six feet benrinnin , 182 feet ec. t.n c Gliv _r street t ._..e hu-iitE 2'0 feet. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for snid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorimed and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance thereni Adopted by the Council .......__._....__....._!f,.__, 191.1.. - -approved ..........L ...__.. . _.__ Councilman Farnsworth Goss " Keller Yoerg Mayor Powers Form R. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Gj ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (a) In the: Matterof.V- m't�,!.'1.--...._.R�r�...f1.�`.�a_%I.r:zr.�..._::�1'�Ll��l...._...�lr�.:�L..Ftp4-��.- p' G ........ --- ......... ..... .....................---.... ..... ............. ....... . _.... ........... I .. ... .......... . _................ _............ ...... -.......... ... ... ....... ..........._............................................ _ _....... ...... _........... ....... ....... ...... ._.. j......... .......... ............ ....... ... ...... ....... _..... .... -........... ............... .......... ....... ... _......... under Preliminary Order approved._....... _...�.... l..l._._�._....-lf�/ --- ----- .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the ssemor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION TOTAL, O OO The Commissioner of Finance further reports t1iX0.as Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council,' together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. P .... _....... .. .L.. ......... L_ .C.%.-... ....... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works, Report to Commissioner of Finance 7..5.x ............ 191..4,. To the Commissioner sof Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......._1598_......_..approved......_. Set.._:14.,._...._..................1914....., relative to ........... relay_in .._and._"rep it _aideWalk._._on....F_ice..._Street....._we_et...._.. de.,________ t.a...._P...... 71-at.k?.....Q.;r.a.ix.....f_C.e.t..,...._b_Q.zint:1ize.....la2..._f e..et..._s..Q.—V . 9P...._DIA. .............. thence .....s.aut h...2.0.....f.e.et............I--...................................................................................................................................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_......... XXXXX..._..., and the total cost thereof is $......._......_$XXR...._ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................................................................................................................... ............ ... ............................................ ......................................... ........ _.................... ......_................................................................................................................................_............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ............. ............ .................... ....................... .............. .. Said improvement is_ ............. nQt...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comuiissiong of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE N0.. By FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of gxa4�ng the zlley_in lock 13-Ecrroed.er.I a Addition, ------ under Preliminary Order 2505 approved __...G.venihes_14ih,__.1214__. Intermediary Order _...._. _____. _......__ _-___ approved .. __._.... _. _._. _.___........ _._._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvemeut upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, nod having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is u=.adw . he....al.].e r.in Elock 15, ..SChrc ader-t a --Addition, _.._._ ._ _. ..__...... ....... ._ .._ . ___....... ......._ _. _ _..._...._ and the Council hereby orders snid improvement to be made. RLSOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications t�r said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewit Adopted by the Council .. __.. /...,..Ty z . l _, 197 Approved.._....../_. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller --h_— {� O'Leary. Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT °UF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSi 4ER OF FINANC L� ON PRELIMINA Y ORDER I/ In the Matter of --JCC-1------J/L sem"-_t--...'." _.._`/Ll%�10 ��4���� } V -- - - - -- ----------------- 6.�ta=c-tea �- - --- ---- --- - - -- -- --- -- ---/---- - Y------<--------`/ s - ---- -- ---------------- --- --- ---- -- under Preliminary Order approved --' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is__ ---__--- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION / /dam Gj1JPI F 0 ���%d J, ✓� j5� �(o �/ SSU /.fes �JJe UG l O ✓` O TOTAL �I FORM B.Z.A. nd A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' -'>b r,I._t REPORT OF COMMISSINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARKROER ly DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � rr � I )' X61 7- all, /s 44-1 f `i jl i i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all Of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-----------' •ORM 0.9.A. 0.6 G Commissioner of Finance. C. G. SCHULZ. P. C. TONNINO. 111-INTENDENT ` g5515T11T STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SAINT PAUL NoVCITIbot 131 1914. D IT 9:3 C; Qif1T:99 T10=7^ 7f YT1Ul.0 � NOV t'A �^�A Y:AUI ��_7�:1C ;O tEL, t D 4 `'' `` �- SS conMrlsslN. i O oSsiis I am eilcl^, ling wzti, t'1'.11 le+.te^ pct; *. _oils ;ne i by a )—;.t;i oP tile none^ty own -3^9 of the block, Stu te C'm tol I PETITION FOR GRADING OF ALLEY. St. Paul, Minnesota. October 5, 1914. Er. M, N. Goss, i Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, ISinnesota. Da4r Sir: 7/e, the undersigned, hereby petition for grading of the 41ley in the block bounded by the following; streets: Frye St, to the Last; Ashland Ave. low to the North; Pierce St. to the West and Portland Ave. to the South. T'r,e undersigned represent a r„ajority of the property owners residing; in said block: ✓ s...! f�`:.��.it�:l.�i ...........................ea ............................ ...................!'....... . ...�r.......�:fr ..:. ............................. ............................ ............................ r t PETITION FOR GRADING OF ALLEY. St. Paul, Minnesota. October 5., 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner o£ Public Works, St. Paul, Minnesota, Dear Sir: We, the undersigned, hereby petition, for grading of the alley in the block bounded by the follo,ming streets: Frye St, to the East; Ashland Ave. to the North; Pierce St• to the West and Portland Ave. tothe South. The undersigned represent a majority of the property owners residing in said block: _. .2'. PY• l� u': %t'r ' i:: a/ &�fa z P.0 .............. .......... .1.�,:�. .:. y...�y�..1.. .......................... JJ, (DyeY.- s' Re 1(rt ..:nom ll`lk( �O f• (and Lot 11 ex. '!, 3 f*. .n ::1k 15. 1. R(Ld,'�""t li M. N. GOSS OSCAR Cl,AUSSHN- CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. ,-,'.Ul, :'inn. ilov. 30, 1914. hif. 1.1. ,1. Goss, ConnisEioncr o! ublic Vorks, Dear Sir, - I trunsnio hcrc;ith c,-tirwto o,' cost for the grading oZ she alloy in Vock 15 Lchroulur's HAtion in accorKnce ,,,/ith Coa2,,cil -'ilc 12565, upwoved kov. 14, 1914. approximate ectimate a2s.77 :assessable frontuge 767.ft. Cost per front foot z2;' "ACLS inspection necessary 6.00 Respect:ully 8uh:totcu, -0) Chief En Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 30, __.791.4.• To the Comnmissione• of Finance of the laity of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of tate Coun- x565 o il proved November 14, 4 191 .., relative to cid, known its Gemmel File No. ___.. l _ ... grading of the ._alley in Block 15, Schroeder'.s Addition. ..................... ..._......._......................._............ ..... _........................... ._............... ................................. and having investigated the mlatters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.___..__...uccessary and (or) desirable. 3$¢ per front foot 2. 'file estimated cost thereof is $___. and the total c -est, t1ereof is F $123.77 Frontage 767 ft. Excess inspection 06.66 the mature and extcm said improvement is as follows: . ............... .... .....___............... :3. A plan, profile or•sketeli of said improvenemt is hereto attached and mite ,i part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is._,._ ._...._._____._.asked for upon petitiml of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for Said improvement. 21 .1 W-1. inner of Public Works. POST CARE) NOTI�E� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OfT INANCE 191 under P,,Ii,i,,ry Ord,, You arc k ... by ,,t,fi,d that tb<. Cay 4 St Part 1-1 -6 16 A— 111111-1-0; th't th, oriel ---d —t i, tl .. .... . f $ Thm . pubh, 1--g will b, I.Ad ,,, —d ir,,h, C -u-,[ Ch..L—, R 61 u[ th< C rl I I.— end City ll.y 1915 '. 1h, Cry .1 s'. P-1 ,t 10 d,hok, A. 61. S. A. I'ARNSWORTII. C...6.i.—.f COUNCIL FILE NO. - By FINAL- ORDER. In the Alatterof Curbing and Eoulevarding both aides of Shieids avenue .from Fairview avenue to Aldine street where not already curbed and boulevarded, under Preliminary Order 933 approved July 30th, 1914. Intermediary Order appro,cd A public hearing having been had upon the above• iiuprovenient upon due notice, amt the Coum:il haling heard all persona, objections and reconunendationa relative ihereA o, and having fully emtsidered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th:;t the preci,e nolure, extent and kind of improvement tobemadebythesaitlCizyis Curb.._and_.Eoulevard both eiies of Shielde avenue. from Fairview avenue .to_:4ldins etree t _. .- :.l :.;.q and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. $h'JOL\'ED PURTHEIt. That the Cnnunissioner of Public Works be and lie is hereby instructed and di- reeted to prepare plans and specificati.ms for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed ;o proceed with the making of said improvement in accordanee therei%ph. Adopted by the Council C ty Clerk. Approved .....� J 191 � -- Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller Mem O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 -- -- Mayor. C F. No. 399b— urbina d boule In [e`e :Natter of c dln6 hoth idea of Shieldn u Prom Fairview WWi�tt cur Ai and street Where Hat ¢7[BSdY bed d bout 6ardg rider'Preliminary Or- d 833 ¢Fed July 30th, 1819: ,� p bllc 6 a ng having Deen heal upo 1 proVement upon dila net having heard n tl a ae,+,l4b a honean d recommen- it [ti'to,'.and havin8 [ it y coact 'the - as a therefore.) b Hite 1 y�- j1Tci1 ofthe City.. of St PR Ache e t re,.ei- i tont an�'. EDvement to be sde ie ura and i' but dnrH% oY 91de [dt; Shfele venua [rom Fal'rvi�w aYenv2•Yo Aldi a tree[, where -: not already curbed and boule- . __. .�.. .,nnilherebl' orders CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENW OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of --- -- ---- - -- ---------- -- - ------------------------ - - -- - - ---- - ------ ------- --- -------- - -- ...... . --------- - ---------- - - ----------- -- ---- -- ------------------ - . . .... .................. - ---------------------- ------------------------------- . ........ ------------- - - --------------------------- - - - --- ----- -------------------- - -- - ----- -- ------------- - .......... under Preliminary Order approved ----- -- ------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 49 e - r front foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION al" To 41 Ce') 14 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENIV#OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C:) D ESCR I PT I ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATPN J "r o'z C71- 1 J 2 141�11 0 ze, L� �6 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated /Z ---------- —191 _V, Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. d-3 C Office of the Commissioner of Public Works, Report to Commissioner of Finance S,eptz4rge_r-_3..,................ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under oonsideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........�3�.................approved..... ...... JulY..._�_C.:..._............ ..........191........., relative tu... ....... ............... . .............QUI.o.ing....Skaie.i .....A.v .x> ...... r_41r.....k ai rview....AvenugB 1o.._Aldine_..-..reet.............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie.___..._............necessary and (o,r) desirable. Z. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............._X. r.4T._., and the total cost thereof is x....._..._926..15 , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..........................................................�...._...._._...........__._.......__..I 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ................ ............................... _... ..... ........................... ........._........... ........ ....... .... ._... 5. Said improvement is Mt- ...............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... ...... ......__........i....._......................................... ....... 11-1— ...-... : .............. Co nutissioner of Public Works 4 Saint Paul, ULM., January 14th, 1915 Hon. Common Council, Saint Paul, Minn.. We, the undersigned, property owners and residents along Shields Ave., in Xerriam Park, wish to protest against the Order now before the Council for curbing and boulevarding Shields Ave., from Aldine St. to Fairview for the following reaeons;- That as Shields Ave. is a side street and very little traffic thereon, the improvement contemplated is Dbsolutely unnecessary and unreasonabU. That it will work a hardship on the property owners in paying for such unnecessary improvement, and will be of no particular benefit to them. That there is no demand on the part of the property owners for this improvement. i� :7�Lcs��C/ akar �"7lfiLll..� . ai�rn�ss Z Vv .. j may. Al, St.Paul, Minn., April 20, 1915. i" The City Council, City of St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. Gentlemen: In view of the fact that the consummation of the pro- poral in an Intermediary Order in the matter of curbing and boulevarding Shields Avenue from Aldine to Fairview Avenue, passed by the City Council, January 21st 1915, cannot be just- ified by any sound or good reason:•That Shields Avenue is a side street, only four blocks long and upon which not one lot fronts, that there is no reasonable no7_ p b is demand for it, that it does not concern the general public and is of no ben- efit to them, and is a matter concerning interested property owners only, that twelve out of the possible fifteen have signed a petition of remonstrance against it, which was filed with the Mayor on the date of public hearing on said Inter- mediary Order, that it will be a hardship on many of the pro- i party owners in paying for it, that it is absolutely not a public necessity , and we have no knowledge that it has been declared a public necessity by the City Council as required �x by the City Charter. That if this project is carried out as t' proposed, it would be imposing an unnecessary and unjust bur- den upon the interested property owners; further, if unnecess- ary burdensof this kind are to be forced upon the people, SEN I those with only ordinary means will do well to hesitate before they build and invest their all. Therefore, we, the undersigned interested property owners, most respectfully request that the foresaid Intermediary Order be considered, and the proposal therein contained, be discontin-! ued. ------------------------------------------------------- --------- NAME ADDRESS LINEAL FEET - ----------------------------- ----------- --------------------- a-4 94 -2 z State of Minnesots. County of Ramsey. On this 28th day of April, 1915, before me a notary public personally appearlad Julius Hovelarud, for and within said county to me known to be one of:the subscribers of the within petition LbsoVibers of he within and he on oath declared that the other av petition freely and volahtarily signs th Public,: Ramsey n expires Jan. 27, 1921. My commission 4 ,aubsoViber. o" ams signs 11 4c, QRW Ramsey �tY j COUNCIL FILE N0.By C FINAL ORDER. In the Matterof..grading Caosola .avenue .fror,. Hah;iine avenue to Griggs street, tinder Preliminary Order _ 2.5 68 _ ..__ _ approved ._.November 14th, 19.14. Intermediary Order _ __..__. __.__......._. _ . approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is _ Glade.__..Q.3.Q.@0.1.a.....AV..enu.e f roan Hamli.ne avenue to Griggs street, __....._.. __ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to prooeed with the making of said improvement in accordance /thhere,'th.Adopted by the Counci]_-. ..... _... ... / ty Flerk. Approved ......... ! / 191 S Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss " Keller O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 w. CITY Or ST PAUL - �'. DEPARTMENT�+"FINANCE REP4�RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN --- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f ' In the Matter of C �l—�l�G_�/� �(_—_fL.%-.__. _:z(L_t_- • _ -------- -------- ----- `— ---- ---- ----------------- -- - -- Preliminary Order ldrl'l' ° 1y if/s' --------- -- ------------ ----- ------------------ ---- -- - - under approved ---`-- - ----- ----- -- --...--'�-------- --------- the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: `y The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ 1,—K7._76_ _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - . - - - - $_ • 63¢ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ., DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �Z v /d �� lU d /7 s• 41 / s, - all - CORM B ! A B D TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTG#.FINANCE ' r REPOEtT OF COMMISSIONEROF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA I % /U zY S ja�� J i Up v �o oZl Cl C�> � 5• / / l d0 41 a all .Z� o ------- ._.s � TOTAL /. le Z_ !1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Of�FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lC) j DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA I 1 4C Q , • _, �I I� Gf"G cl.G G 141 �ryry�//n�J O L.AQ j4 d y The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, an hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.--.---1--L/LZ------191_.- ._.._ conn e.e.A. 5.3 C Commissioner of Finance. ` �•L '� �- R � y y, t. a ?� s � 41e a f i ,f •j � � � .s J LI i _ h"4 $S� F" 4 i Y 4 •.^ 6 Y? F� L� .il+,Y.s f St. Paul, Minneeota, Sept. 76th, 1914. - TO THE HCITORAPLE CO,-7r01T COUTI CIT AI -D C0t7�tISSI0P±FR ')F PUBT.IC j City of St. Paul, Iinn. e Gentlemen' We, the undersigned uwners of property, do hereby respectfully petition your Honorable 3odies to have Osceola Aven.le graded between Hamline Avenue to Griggs Street in the City of St. Paul, „I Owner's name. Residence. I 14 i c itI !H� tic'• ' I -23 b .fi 3U 31 I sz I It 1 a e b I St. Paul,- Sept. 16th-, TO _T W NOiT.O_ F CO`S101T COUNCIL Aide C,0K!!ISSI0FZP OF,PLTFLIC .cK { :- a City Of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen— We, entlemen_ -We, the undersigned owners of property, do hereby o'F respectfully petition your Honorable '.Bodies to have Osceola a r Avenge graded between Hamline Avenue to Griggs Street in the City of St. Paul. s Owner's name. Residepoe. 12, 14 H, f IB',_ 17, atl - 1`2 . � J L I. 23 24 } v I I se .. 2729 7 r .. .. 7 � - -'L--- 32 6w k C .c•- i}neil File No....... .# c PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and v PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the oinking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vii.:.__..Gxede_..Qs.0®:03>....Avenue......_from._Hamine..._Avenue...._t4..._Griggs_.gt_.....r................... in...ago...ordanae._with_..petition ._hexeto...a.ttaohed._..._.........................................._........._._.._..........._...._ ]roving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ....................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. L. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profileior sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relotive to said improvement:._..._......... __.._........_...._..... .................................... _................... ............ _.............:.......................... _....... _..................... _...... _........... .............. .............. _........................... ............._.............. .............................................. ... 5. ,To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6: To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the' Council ...... ........... .._._._...................... .......... ...... 191- Yens: 91....Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GossApproved .......... .......... ............ .._........... 191 Beller r McColl O'Leary Yoerg................................................................. ....................,................................ Mayor Powers Mayor. A ci�r�► s-iui l�liyl (Jo�� pe,pa`r'hinenlh v`f Fu!bl!i Wvrk. ROBERT T. GOURLEY. Deputy C.—..,.—r M.N.GOSS, Commissioner OSCAR CLAUSSEN.Ch Engineer - J.ALFRE JA S opt,SupluS-1. Pepair. ' 4LFRE0 JACHSON. Supt Sa n��a1— p G.H:NERROLD, Ofnce Engineer St. Paul, Idinn. Nov. 30, 1914. Tar. bi. 11. Goss, Commissioner of Public Fdor'zs, m Dear Sir,- I transmit hereqith preliminary estimate oy cost for the grading of Osceola Ave. from Mi inline :;ve. to GrigErs St., in accordance with Council File x2566, approved Nov. 30, 1914. w A:proximate estimate N1,505.16 Assessable frontF:ge 2,408 £t. Cost per front foot 649; 4 3 Excess inspection necessary tir29.51 Respectfully submitted, Chief Engineer. December _2_x ................._.._191.4.' To the Commissioner of Finance of the,Cit.y of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..._f�566............. -approved ...............NOoelub6T....14.x......... 1914....., relative to.............................. grading Osceola Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to Griggs Street, ...........................................................__..................._.................. and having investigated,the;matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ........... __..._...necessary and (or) desirable. 64¢ per front foot 1 505.16 2. The estimated cost thereof.is$._.................................. and the total cost thereof is$.._.....1.1....._....._...._..........., and Frontage 2,408 ft. Excess inspection $$39.51 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___..._ .................... .................. _........._............ ......._....... ........... ......_.._..... _. 3. A plan;oprofile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.................................................................................................-_...._......._......_......_._........._................ .................. ................ ..,........_...__..............._................. ..... ._... 5. Said improvement is. ........... _ ....................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ^ _ �Cois&iouer of Public Works. December 2 4. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun cil, known as Council File No..._(3566............... approved . }i .....__...._NOVebBT.._14_,_._.,.,1914... , relative tc......._...........:........ gra8ing Osceola Avenue from Hamline Avenue to Griggs Street, ....................... .......................................................... I.......... and having investigated J*iWatters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 64¢ per front foot 505 16 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ....... ...................... .... ... and the total cost thereof is$......._1.�............_�..............., and Frontage 3,408 ft. Excess inspection $29.51 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. _....__......_................. ............ ._....._.....--- ..............._....._._....._..... 3. A plan; -profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....... 5. Said improvement is. ............................ _...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cm mi8aioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO. A I FINAL ORDER. Inthe Matterof on—Lafond a,treet...-from Aldine ..atzeet under Preliminary Order approved .-Oatobe.r.19tht-12.14 ......... . Intermediary Order ..... ....... . . ..... .. ..... approved . .. . .. ..... ............... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice. and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .Q.onz.tmat—a aamar-on-Lafond street f=4 Aldin.e.... Btreet to Snellingavenue,_.. .... .. .. ...... . .... .... ................... .............. ....... ........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- reeted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proeeed with the making of said improvement in accordance th crew* h. Adopted by the Council ......... ........ 191j Approved ......... . Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ In the Matter of 3 --------- - - under Preliminary Order approved---i1./-(---+------/_--._fi_/j-- - --------------------------------------------==_.....-----------------------"--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 1.35 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for Ouch improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION l � � /�o til a G(�"y%�> / � ✓� ��J� 6-� ti�Y�l s 6` �'/OHM B.l.A. E•OP � .• TOTAL O CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER o ASSESSED VALLIION ao a DESCRIPTION LOT eLOON. ADDITION - --- o o slk }� 2 c%C '/ _.0 TOTAL .. .IOpM S.B.A. B•BB .:.. :. .-:.,-.x-- ._.�,.-+.,.. .�...F -._:_. ._ _ s.. _. __, rs._- ,I...., c.,. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE - i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V ALUATIO o G i COa � G s• S' 14 j G s` All 2 %v The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner ofPublicWorks. - Dated----------------------------- — — ......... ------------- --------- ------------------------- .................................................. Commissioner of Finance. roeM e.e.w. a -e c Office of the CommissionePublic Works r of Report to Commissioner of Finance .___...19100ba.x.....44......_ ........_...191.. 41 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........SC�l�r...._.V.approved .._...... 0O1,ObBT.._19.x........._.....19]_4..., relative to ......._........- oonstrUoting a sewer on Lafond St. from AldineSt. .to Sn.elling Ave. ......................... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to. therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....................._.necessary and (or) desirable. 2 The e`sximate�i, eost e$hereof is �... _... ........... .. and the total cost thereof is �...... a 1646. and Excess inspection $75.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .....................__........_................. _--- ........_....-._........................_.............._..., POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMIS-�IONER OF FINANCE Paul, Mi n. 1. Gf 191` In the matter of under j',peli ary 0,&, . approved /_- To /fes - 1 4 You hereby notified that the City f St. rPaul yp,'po,m to make the above improvement; that the totale>iimated coat thereol is the sum.7 y— _ That a publie hearing will be held —aid improvement in the C-61/l h ber, Room 61 of the Coun Hour, and City Hall Building,. on eth�/�e�l day of I// 4"' �i 1915 in the City of St. Paul at 10 o clock, A.; M.l�" l 6 S. A. FARNSWORTH, Commtamnet of Fina � nre 1 COUNCIL FILE NO... By - - FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of + _w ... 7.:,:;.. a...:3 c'. ic:Y_. _Il.-..iy.��G �,: ...u. _.:,+; . ,., 3*ril i _..stree _t_o ..A :xepo.li s._.atr.ee.t , ander Preliminary Order _2374 __..._ approved Intermediary Order _ _._.__._ __ approved . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the sad City is v s.. suc. ....a....aei':cer c,. ave3-Jue _, ZF•, sr,y st -^t tcA_,: apol. _e :.tl. t, ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTIIER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance theroid h. Adopted by the Council ✓.:TLry _� 1 .., 191✓l/ f �/ Approved ...._d/.... __ .. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller 1 Mv�'Eil " O'Leary f9 Yoerg Mayor Powers Form R. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINA4tY ORDER In the Matter of...- ...... ............ . ............ ........ ..... .... ...... ...... ...... ....... .............. ....... ........ . .. . .. ........ ........ ........ ... ...... .. ................ ......... ..... .............. . . .. ..... -1 .. ........... .......... ............ ........ ..... . ------- I ...... ........ ....... .... .......... ........ .. .......... . ... I .............. ...... ............ .......... .......... .. . .......... .. . . .. . .. ................... .. - - ... . I ..... .............. ... ................. . .... ...... ........ .... .. ...... ........... ... I " I ..... .................... ...... .............. ..... .. . .... . ............ . .. . .. ........ .... . ....... ....... .............. ..... ........... ....... ... ....... ... ... ..... ................... ........... .... . ....................... . - - - - ------- .......... ... .... . I . ...... ....... ............ .. .. .... ............... ........... ..... ..... ....... .. ** .......... - - - -------- ------ ... ..... ..... ....... ....... .......... .... . .... I . .......... I ....... .... ...... . .... ...... . . ......... ............ ............ - ....... ............ ...... ................ ........ ................. .. .... ....................... .... ... . . .............. ..... ...... .. . ._......./.........................._ ---- ---- . . . .. . .... ...... . . . ...... ....... ....... ...... ...... ....... . .... .. . .. .......... ................... ......... .... ........ under Preliminary Order approved ........ .. ... -- ----- --- . . ........ . . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is . ... ........... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ .......... ...... ................ .. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION, ilk '7 aw 'fa a(r 14-t M; '0 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has Investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... ....... //....._......_..191 . ....... Commissioner of Finance. x. va=iesioner of the Public Works of the City of St. Paul.. GENTLEMEN: The undersigned, your petitioners respectfully represent, that they comprise one third (1/3) of the owners of property fronting on Winslow Avenue from Wyoming Street to Annapolis Street and they respectfully petition your honorable body F, to cause sewer pipe to be laid on said avenue, between the points herein above named, at your earliest convenience. Opposite our respective names we have given Lot, Block, Addition and number of feet front, and by an I have indicated the existadoe of improvements. And as, in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION No. of Feet Front Improve - menta.. X4110 I t')') Ili., a -A'. —7 C, 1) j— 6P A, J, a'a x. va=iesioner of the Public Works of the City of St. Paul.. GENTLEMEN: The undersigned, your petitioners respectfully represent, that they comprise one third (1/3) of the owners of property fronting on Winslow Avenue from Wyoming Street to Annapolis Street and they respectfully petition your honorable body F, to cause sewer pipe to be laid on said avenue, between the points herein above named, at your earliest convenience. Opposite our respective names we have given Lot, Block, Addition and number of feet front, and by an I have indicated the existadoe of improvements. And as, in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION No. of Feet Front Improve - menta.. X4110 I t')') Ili., a -A'. —7 C, 1) j— 6P A, Council File No ............................ Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pawl, viz.: Qp.m.t.ruo.t.....6,.....aeve.T..._.....oXl._..W.I 1s.a...oYJ...A.Ve......fram....W.Y.o Jalz._.aS.ii...:...t.o._....__..............._........ dnn.poli s., St..,__in_appordance orith_patition hoxeto utAched_. .............. __. ..___.. ........... ........... .. ....... ............ ............. __................ ._....._.............. . .......... _. Dated this... 18th...._.day of.... N.o..vomb..©r_ 1914.E _.__._. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1VIIEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.:....._.Conctr.uct ... _a... e_e..texl-on...Win elow- .ve..._...fr.o.. a. styam.inn._":.t.........t.Q_...Annapolis _S.t...,..... in. .._............._. _ _ . ao..corda..nco kith.pet tion_h©reto. att�orel... .......... .. .......... .. ...._... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................................. .................................................: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of �he making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement: .......... ......_............................ ...................................... ............................................... ............. ._...:.............._.......... .._........................................ .......................... _............... ........._.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Council ................_....__ ................. ................. ... ...191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GossApproved._. ..... ........ ...__....... ...... _ ............. ._._.__.191....._.. Keller McColl O'Leary Yoerg................................................................................................................................ ➢Mayor Powers Mayor. M. N. DOSS-'" - OSCAR CLAUSSEN CIIIeP BNCINRRR COE®fISStONRR PUBLIC \YORE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. caul, 21inn. Dec. 3, 1914. Mr. :1. 11. Goss, Commissioner of 2ublic Works, Dear Sir, - I transmit herecrith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a seerer on Winslow Ave. from Wyoming St. to i Annapolis St., in accordance with Council Pile ;,k2674, approved Nov. 20, 1914. Approximate eetimate w779.00 Total frontage 500 ft. Cost per front foot yy1.56 LLcess inspection necessary w15.00 Respectfully suu.iitted, Chief Rngineer. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December. 3..,...._... _...........1s1.4.r. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cousiderat�on the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._�t67 ........... approved.. _NoV@mbe.T...._AO............... lhl..... relative to.._... ............. ..... . _construotin�..._a..._sewer.....on winsloW Ave...:..._ from...W.yoming..._At.. to .................................................... Annapolis 3t. _ ......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._............_. necessary and (or) desirable. $1.55 per front foot. and the total cost thereof is......_%..B.e.XQ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_...................�. _..., and Frontage 500 ft. Excess inspection $15.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... .............. ....... ....... ...... ....... ........ .................. ....._........................ ._............ eD 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached slid made a part hereof. 4. ......... ._......................................... ............................_........_......_........................_...._...............__.._.................._..................._...._........__...............__...... _..._..... _.. 5. Said improvement is..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment: fob• mit.-ii provement. :Vlt. f { 'ono ssiouer of Public Works. X ee�in s a �- COUNCIL FILE NO By �Lt ler FINAL ORDER. In the Matter of _ Paving. Alley_ in _Block_ 31,. Anna. E._... Ramsey'.a_.Addi.tion...al.ao .f_e.e.t. _.on-..Lexing ton.. Parkway...... _. nnder Preliminary Order _1395 __ _....._ approved .. AU9Uq..t__31et,_,_.1914..__.._. Intermediary Order _. __ _ _ _ _ ..._.__ - approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isPaye._._altey.,_ip.B1oC..k 21,. Anna_E._.Ramsey's_Addition. a1Bo City! e Part_ 60...f.e.et o.n._ L.exingt.on.._Pa_rkway,_. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for ,approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... _._.__.. _.._..................__ _ _ _.__., 191..... City Clerk. Approved ............. _ _. 191 _.. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss L Keller ��--, McColl O'Leary Yoerg I GT Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OFST. PAUL t ' EPARTMENT #F FINANCE REPORTt OR COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 40 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a _� / S under Preliminary Order approved ------- _ - - /-----o-------- --/--/ 1------------------------------------------_...---------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of thgwtssessment for the above improvement is - - $------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $— KIND -OF -?'A7RMrFT APoRORTMATE FSTTMATE COST PrR FROITT FOOT. 31-0 Creosoted Blooks $3,791.16 $3.45 Brick 3,622.76 3.20 Asphalt 3,160.42 2.87 Asphalt Concrete 2,489.42 2.26 Asphalt Macadam 2,207.60 2.00 Macadam 1,85642.$ 1.69 Cono.rate 2,.23 44 _- _ ._ 2.03 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION `«a T7 oZ l ua ".;' �ftivi �To /rr i� ✓� � / �° ,� / / 3 �tr p Aw/ '-d If"-") �/ ` TOTAL, '. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Cl F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER { TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. a ---- ---- Commissioner of Finance. FORK O.S.A. a -a c , - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VA U�gyTI�ON ry- 21 A C, Ga`er0 Al ilk/ j o { TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. a ---- ---- Commissioner of Finance. FORK O.S.A. a -a c , A PIONEER PRESS CO. St. Paul, Minna so4A4 2 To the Honorable Common Council and Board of Public Works City of St..Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: 4 We. the undersigned owners of property do hereby respectfully petition your honorable bodies to have an n Block 21 Anna E.Ramseye addition, in I - 0-K said City al ---o - -- Guam 77 -owners names rekideno-s- 10 tl> 1A I 12: A4o 13 14 15 16 17 19 -Iry 21 L 22 23 24 i15 .16 OSCAR CLAUSSEN M. N. GOQS eNmrvaea co-w}+ea -c woes, CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS at. Paul, Minn. Sept. 26, 1914• Pi. Goes,' Commissioner of Public Works, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for paving the alley in Block 21 Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, also City's part 60 ft. on Lexington Parkway, in accordance with Council File #1395, approved Aug. 31, 1914. KIND OF PAVEBIMIT 7 _-.- APi'ROXI141ATE EST=: -LTE 32^ Creosoted Blocks $3,784.44 Brick 3,516.04 Asphalt 3,153.70 Asphalt concrete 2,482.70 Asphalt macadam 2,200.88 Macadam 1,851.96. Concrete 2,227.72 Assessable fro_.6 ge 1,100 ft. Respectfully submitted, PA Chief Engineer. Ix Office of diJi"' mmissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Szhter?; ex...2��.a.............1914... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......._1.°:rte.....__...approved._.___......__.. ug.:'._._31..'............._....191..._4., relative to ............ :a v1 :1"Z tl.e avinr of alley in 51oc1•: w1, Erna E. s.. s t_ition, also .............................................�,........_.........................................................................._..........................................................................................................................._............................... ..........0 � .A� v!. �..nS:.._�'.Q�.Z'..4e...._C.V..._�..�..a......Q.:.A._....1.4.¢.. .....A.,,...._ _±.:.....r.. _...................._................ ............ ............... ........ _............ ............................... ........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............ :Sa...7n............ and the total cost thereof is $....._.._.._..i' ... - ` __.. _....._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_.....__.._....._._..__.............._......_............_....__....................... ............... ._.... �t@A�itflH 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made.a p - 4. .................. .................................... _.... ................._........._................................._..._........__.................._............_................................ ;.... 5. Said improvement is ............ _ ......................asked for upon petition of three or more ownere�QTVV l bject to assessment for said improvement. Conus' sioner of Public Works. r 9Plc cou no wort4ac-stem Auhw gift jInsurmt (9YIUVWT OF MILWAUKEE, WIS. HENRY RO TH SC H ILD, SIEC—L LOAN A—T 1-11 C.11111 BA— --N. ST. PAUL, MINN.. Ian* 6, 1914 MEWi A4411 1915 Commi,ssiorxer of Public Ifforks, K N GOSS jaiS;a of poW ab Court Houser Dear Sir; I am in receipt of a notice of public he4ril%g on the proposed paving B , ing of the Alley in J-D:Ok Anii4 P.=seyls addition* I shall be unable to attend this tbOtin'g a44 as the owner of Lot tO said Block 14 1 hereby iiI*_-is to the pavitg of said Alley* for the reason that the cost is appatdn,tj,-y #erY excess :Cv4. you!7-Uly tr o COUNCIL FILE NO. _. By_._.....__.______...__._.__. _.... FINAL ORDER. In the Dlatter of t a :. ' _ a_ .rye r c^_ c1.c-..P—d- River ..-,Dulevard_ Ar_t.he.ny.av ,.e,. under Preliminary Order __i2'''S._._....___._ _ ......_ approved .___Aat.. 16th,.�} ..lv....... Intermediary Order _ __ _ . __ ......_._. __ approved _ __ _..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having a heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having Pully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement 'to be made by the said City is .... -- ..... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to tie made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed. and, di rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sane to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... _._....._ _..._..._._.._._.. __......, 191 City Clerk. Approved ............__. _ .. _ __._ ._ _ 191 Dlayor. Councilman Farnsworth " Goss Keller " McColl O'Leary Yoerg Mayor Powers Form B. S. A. 8-7 D 44 CITY OF ST. PAUL �i. DEPARTMENT aF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '1. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of x7 27- ...._ ................ ........-.. _...._.._ . ....... - -..... -------- �r... .- ---- - --------- - - - ---- -------------- -------- 4 under Preliminary Order approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-1r-�+�1---— ee::ar c, ce-t= :.f atrcct. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is -r.'3 tGtal eSt'_. .. at ';1 ?, .. ..:.. .':i^, d 6:..., .-:'_t f er the _.. .. - '.�=V3 it-:-_ 'le e --t _s i. -til t" :c, -O.-era c.ne :. r: e--.. _. ., -.... ,-:e e6til:,ate.d ,: st per fcct fcr tl.e abcve is i'rcve..:ert is 1.°0 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION y,Vo— 'z s' do Qe na de 4 ell do FORM anAeen TOTAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-------- ---------------191_...1 _ ✓________ _____ Commissioner of Finance. IORM B.B.A. 0-D C CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT O�j FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE` ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D E S C'R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION q0► y � �-P 1 ( do Yo �o ) 2 y� �/ eL 3 do 41, do do d6 4 wo do & O ( do A ) Quo do C(o ) do y o ( d6 Qo el" do p , C C�p Qo '10 J do / a da �o da do J ,z s 7 LI& y a G 1�6 J G 7 U) // 0 0 �f a QIo X J 0. Cyn y O O do do �o— d� d4 41. Kd QI do J ..7a 7 �6 ` The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-------- ---------------191_...1 _ ✓________ _____ Commissioner of Finance. IORM B.B.A. 0-D C ' r OSCAR CLAUSSEE OSS 1 _ C1116P eNC�6 CO t0 N'OH85 CITY OF SAINTPAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 21, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, commissioner of Public Worlo3, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - I beg to submit herewith estimate and plan for sewer on Como & River Boulevard from Doane St. to St. Anthony Ave., in accordance with Council File #'1.225, approved Aug. 18, 1914. 9 $ince Como & River Boulevard is 120 feet in width, and macadamized, I would recommend that a sewer be built on each side of the street as I am of the opinion that in the long run the saving due to the shorter length of house connections and avoiding the, tearing up of the centre roadway, would offset the increase in first cost of building two sewers instead of one. Approximate estimate of cost of building one sewer -in oentre of street $1,195.00 Total frontage 11220 ft. Less exemptions 100 ft. Assessable frontage 1,120 ft. Excess inspection necessary $22.00 Approximate estimate of building two sewers, one on each side of street 02,117.00 Excess inspection necessary $33.00 Same frontages as above. Respectfully submitted,n� V. Chief Engineer. . . \. IP v ..... �. � � G» .. , . ,. _ J Office -of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Couuuissiouer of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Council Pile No. ..... _12.25_....._.. approved _... _.AlloUBt.__l .x........_.....1914.., relative to .__._..........._... constructing a sewer on Como � river '30 .leV Yd froC ri ane Stree-, ._._._ ............._ ..... ...... ... _........ _................... ___ ...... _... . _..._....... ......_..._ .._._......_ ....... ... ... .. to St Ar ;-.rny A✓ente,__... . ....._... ....: _... ._ .__.. _. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_..........__.uecessary and (m•) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is ............ and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of.said improvement is as follows: _._ __._._. __._._.._..._._..._......___......._...__... :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...... . _........ .......... .... ._.. __.... ... _ ._.... 5. Said improvement is..._..not..____..._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -ouuu• sioucr oC Public Works. St.Paul, Minn...... To the Common Council, City of St.Paul. Gentl emen : - We, the undersigned, owners of property.abatttng on from St. Anthony to Otis Como and River Blvd.,/end Glendale Str., from St. Anthony to Beverly Ave., do hereby respectfully petition_ your honorable bedy to cause sewer to be laid in said streets between the points mentioned, NABiES -.—LOT :BLK t ADDITION _ s T PAULYST COYPAN 0 Oh C s t '=Qi s s s s . t 2 : �e i s 2 = 2 s s t .lOfli� I. FARICY. C�ry QLsnn l CITY OF SAINT PAUL •a CITYcz.rairs or -i -icy.; Tanunry wls , 7.915 ss, Pora::;iesion er of Public Wor'ks,City Dc:;L^ Sir,— The Council at ite neeting l.eld t;:is day,ordered the nccor..panC-V' C.Fi-le 3500,Final Order for Sewer on Cor:10 :_'--:d River ^lvd. from rc,i:.e to :: { tint';or:y, referred to you fcr reno:t at rncctin,r to—:�or;•oc;,..�;uaryr.c.,le'. For }roar infor:rztion, a claim. has -cen ^..:ie .....t tihere alre;,', a sower on some of tl-:ese blocks. Very resnoctfully, �! r Y/ 1 ity Clerk. �44L �/ 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject. _ .. .......... COUNCIL FILENo... ...................... .. .. ................ ....... ....... ....................... ........ ...... ...... ....................... ......... ............ .... ....... ........ —................................... .......... ....... Date Present@...- Jan. 21,...-I91..5.... Resolution Fixing the Amount of Land or Extent of Easement to be taken in Condemnation Prozeedings In the matter of opening-, widening and extending Fredericka Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St., to a width of 60 feet, under Preliminary Order No. 2827, approved November 12, 1914 and Intermediary Order No. 3060, approved December 14, 1914. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken.for the above named improvement to be as follows; The easterly 30 feet of the V ? of the N. W. -;� of the N. E. of Section 9, Township 28, Range 23, except streets, the easterly line of said strip being the westerly line of Macalester Villas, as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated December 30th, 1914, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve e11 hw nu rnose8 of a public street. r'. fi3501— In thr•. mattrr of oPonlnp;. nint; ' •ndln4:' I`re derick:,from Jr•f-` e. to tit. Clid, til.. to a widthj ;.r fnfro t. under rrellmlhary oj-dar, N.1 2R2i. alrornt ed N—,hot 12, 1914', �tnd lnterm edia ry tirdcr No. 3050, air mored 1)r•eem her 14. 7:114. The t' miaaio filer "r Pu hl1.• 1\'nrk. Irarinti ,urinm 11 ted hle report umI ..I,, N -h 1n th.• alrnvc mntlrr. I" it 1;;•.ol rr•.J. 11) That the "it'. : SI. 4'anl here h}' tizeF and detnrm(n�u th. of Innrl [o ho takrn ;:hor�cnl nod imuru rein _t I'ul L�rc+na�l'hr : rsbal> 3,1 feet of li, N- 'C�:,f��•:tion 11. Tovri��Iriy 28. Itan:;:.. S. �� r�. `pt nt tee Lr. th�� .•a st erlr Iinr of nald �I rly hel nl;' Ih�� � ea tr•rIY line :�f Inca lei ter \'ll In �, �-rn Vl:Ic:t nl Il e +on the �I: atrh�r1attaeh rrl [o th retort of tl:e f` nrl.sloner nr 1'nhlie \\'orl:e In tli�� :tbr�ve mutter: dated Ih�- min•r 30th. 1911. u'hleh :+ketch i u;t I I.euort rofrrrr•d to ami made t Ita rt hererr[. ' t2) 'that eat Iv ly kon iu .;:Irl I::rd t�r:t �lho acatr�•nt � tr, ::II the uurm�vn.� oC to yr public ! .\dnlr(rd hl' Ihr C--1111 .Inn. 21. 1915.' .\ Irlrru reel .ln n. 21. 1915. Yeas (1") Cou. ilmen (h) Nays a••. 2a-1'751 Far' worth Go In favor K r t>� _Against 0r ary Y rg Mr. Preside Powers i , c. 2 .adopted by the Council Appro d 191`7 MAYOR - W.N. GOSS OSCAR CLAUSSEN C - 1%30N PUBLIC WOaES n CHtBP HNGIHHBit CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT TO THE COUPCIL. In the matter of opening, widening and extending Fredericka Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to St.Clair St., to a width of 60 feet, under preliminary order 2827 and inte".ediary order 3050. . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public works herby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the. land necessary to be taken t:erefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: The easterly 30 feet of the wz of the P'wL of the ?'E;; of Sec.9, T.28, R.23, except streets, the easterly line of said strip being the westerly line of 'acalester Villas. Dated 12/30/14 Commissioner of Public Works. I M1 ".." .y yC .c M1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y Stibjecr _ _. _. ._ ...... COUNCIL FILE No .. .......... .. .................................... ........ ............. ............ ..... ......_..... ....... ..... ........................... Date Present ed........Jan. _21 ..._191..-b.. Resolution Fixing the Amount:of Land or Extent of Easement to be taken in Condemnation Proceedings _J In the matter of opening, widening and extending Jefferson Ave. from Fredericka Ave. to Fairview lie. to a width of 60 feet, under Preliminary Order No. 2828, approved November 12th, 1914 and Intermediary Order No. 3051, approved December 14th, 1914. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The southerly 30 feet of the W. -r of the N. W. x of the N. E. 1 of Sec. 9, T. 26, R. 23, except streets, as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated December 30th, 1914, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public street. F. I(In Ch.• \1:ttt-r of npcnln(;. ,vltlenlnu .. i;ml ate n0inl; .1 -fferson ,1vr. from rt•a�rl,�hn ..'e. In rnlr�'Ie,.' .rt'e. to bun ..r an n•:a, under rreun,ln:trr : trder !�o. 28'L8, :tpproveA .�*uvemhe�- ' 12th. lnl.l. :: ml In[erm edln mher 4th. I- (41h. It -c- 1 1 9 Lt. The , miss ion er of Po "I \\'nrks h:t [he th,- uhove. t Ive Toed hlx re0�trl .'tn�l sketch in moll rr• t I[ RI 11, ,b (1) That [he-t'IoI of Vit. I`nul h� reh haex : nd lilt—Io III11 nI oP Tomo tot br tn1<en for the :,Iw,1c , ,eV Improvement to , us followx Th- t 1/, el 30 renf tli.• f e W. u of th\� of the \. of Fue. 9, T. 28, shoR: 29, a eept streely. - s t; rophle III,wn up n the xholch ntUtrhe,l to th.• report ofthe f;ommi_1 ...... of I`uhllc \Yorke In the nhov-. ,nite r, do tell 11--ber 20th. 1914..1 which xkot'll ml report ere he reb) re ' f -I -�1 to nnd•mnde n purl I o,- of. 12)Tdhe[ nn-txement Ix Inl<an I((n y21 heloho the sex [en[ Doxcx o[: c•tsul ubll� xt reel. na::pte�1 n.' u,e cnunen .ren. 21, I"' Yeas (I •) Council 'en (h) Nays 1. .rppr::v,•a .Inn. x1. t91s.) Llan. 'L:i-I910 --- yUoprea oy me Council a L X 191 Farns trth Goss In favor / e_ 191 ti Kell. Approved / V Against (p O'Le, Yoe Mr. President, wers ,OHM c.e•z b OSCAR I.AUSSEN M. N. GOSS C _ c�Nev .I. a MYISSISNRR �UOL�f Norz FS ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL n, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS V the matter of opening, widening, and extendirg Jefferson avenue from `_"re2cricka avenue to Fairview avenue, to a width of 601, uLder prylin:inary order .1820 w_.:: intermediary order MY To the Cou ail cf the Cit. Of Rt. Fa- . \ T"c Cor.nissin-.r of Fn._i., To1ko _:einby „ub"ita and onkes a ,rt oi t..., his report, a plat: of t,e above i:. lovanent, SaOwW t..e lona necessary to be tuner -.:er.;for by .__., s:.adea part of said plan, w_:ic.. land is accurately aescribea as follows: Tc_e un-hthe 30 feet of the !I of the 7W! o` the Q of :e:,.°, T..,_, P.23, excelt streets. C0mr.i s' i^!_er .1 P_:! lic .,rks. late' l `3''' lY s■:W ]U.1 V Al -I.SV ti WV U V'M /� . . m v ....... . s■:W ]U.1 V Al -I.SV ti WV U V'M /� y. ... . �±» § \. « ƒ� �� « ` C. F. No, 3eos— CITY OF ST. PAUL 11n Yho mutter of opening, widening. e - ,� tending In, trnlghtening Sue SC.� Go Ave. to. t4rand Ave. to N IL •RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM men of 60 feet, unser ['r ell 1 ry •] U der No. 2829, aVproved De inletL Ott 1914, and Int—ii.dlnry ord No. -. - -- Si 3055,, approved December 14th, 1914. eOU NCIL rtl41The Commis.loner of Itublle N ke FILE No. . hnving subitted his report slid sketch - I In the above matter. be ItResolved. (1) That the CI[Y......._.............................................................................. ....... of St. ^ani hereby flies and determinott tbe• -•aount of land to be taken for they eve mimed improvement to be a, rel- Date Presented . Jan. 21 I91 e. :� ctrl» or Inns orc the west else _... �..... lie[ ]0 (set f I.ot 10, t'I... ,old s[rlp being 5.1 feet wide south end and 5.1{ feet wide stl 'th end. A strlp of hand <rc th•-. m de f the east 30 feet or Let 3.� Resolution q � Addition, sold strip belng 5.11 le on the eo th •na ttd 5.18jInt of Land or Extent of Easement to be taken the ;h• et°Pld•anr the strip h.ondemnation Proceedings [ 43„ Iiloclt {. Ro,ednle f'orl:, betng 4.82 feet aide at the ' MEMO, .lid {.65 feel wide t the _ - i _ - WW1�A1�01[p��oO�a1t strfaa feet lama o t thr net 20 root of Lot 10. `ItH, .veld ,trio being 1 i; a `he ";;°t' �'; `of opening, widening, extending and straightening Sue St. from.;; :~:ave. to Grand Ave. to a width of 60 feet, under Preliminary Oruer No. 2829, approved December 4th, 1914 and Intermediary Order No. 3055, approved December 14th, 1914. ,-----!The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the -above matter, be it RESOLVED, (1) That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows; A strip of land off the west side of the east 10 feet of Lot 10 Moylan's Addition, said strip being 5.1 feet wide on the south end and 5.14 feet wide at the north end. A strip of land off the west side of the east 10 feet of Lot 3, Moylan's Addition, said strip being 5.14 feet wide on the south end and 5.18 feet wide on the north and. A strip of land off the west side of the east 20 feet of Lot 43, Block 4 Rosedale Park, said strip being 4.82 feet wide at the south end and 4.65 feet wide at the north end. A strip of land off the west side of the east 20 feet of Lot 10, Block 4 Rosedale Park, said strip being 4.61 feet wide at the south end and 4.44 feet wide at the north end, as graphically shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the above matter, dated December 30th, 1914, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. (2) That an easement is taken in said land to the extent necessary to serve all the purposes of a public street. Yeas W) Cov cilmen (I') Nays- Adopted by the Council �� //,/-I 91 � Far sworlh Go 7 In favor �� L Ke.1 er / Approved `7 191 S o11 :against O'' cavy � Yo rg Mr. President Powers MAYOR oa p n -z l a. -y•� P�UBLISILI D GOSS OSCAR CI.AUSSEN CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS L 1. ihu .=Kr of creLfn_ Ai;eninl extun,inz and atraightenin6 S7c acre;._ frw "ordricL av,nuc to ,rani uaenue, to a wilts of to feat, .nacr rreMinary arlpr ti ti„ in! Antersediary oraer 3055. To t -u TI - o.2.1', As r,part a i an L, 1— azovt i., 1 ov. -On,, U- win, 1-e 1—,_1 ,oeasary to _O laken L"el,for CY t.- 1 YOM C1 00- ji, SAW, lama is noc=It"Y lewrileA 3 fcljowz: A . 1 A 1 1 in . , f : ?. a w.n 11, 7f Lot 10, Vryj,r1a ;: itiry, s02 wrij "a, 5,71 0,e cn p ir—h erd -ni 5.14, 0: 'tjoT, ;&A otrir "P'-- FAV w'ic cr tne owth Py nd 5 , 11 , V i.c 7. noyth 'n 1 A strip at : y, - f! the .;i -1c n: -�e a.u-: �71 rf hot 13, 7q�" 4, -ozennIn -,rl. sn'� 5ZA, �cih, I.EW a � COUNCIL FILL; NO. - BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of _ Opening _widening,xial extending and straightening_ Sue street from Goodrich avenue to Grand avenue, by condemning and taking a strip of land off the west side of the east tett feet of Lot 10, Moylanfs Addition, said strip being 5.1 feet wide westhside of th the eand st5104feettofiLot on the end, saidostripdbeingthe 5.14 feet wide at the south end and 5.18 feet wide at the north and. A strip of land Off the west side of the east 20 feet of Lot 43, Block 4, Rosedale Park, said strip being 4.83 feet wide at the south end and 4.65 feet at the north end. A strip of land off the west side of the east 20 feet of Lot 10, Block 4, (�sedale Park, said strip being 4.61 feet wide at the south end and 4.44 few,____ $e at the north"and. - - - •C. F. No 3055—By S. A. Farnsworth— under Preliminary Order _ 282.°.tnet Maatter of pens niewlnansu' eceinber. 4th, 1914.... ............... and street from Go drich avenue to Grand avenue, by condemning and taking The Council of the City of Si ihetens oieten a off the wostMs till d f the Commissioner of Finance upon the Addition. aid strip being 5.1 feet wide on the south end and 6.14 feet above improvement, and having cons .Ido the Wolin na. A ¢trig f land ort the west side of tb • t io feet of Lot 3. Moylan'. Addt said 1. That the said report be ane strep bang 5.14 feet wi<.:kd .the adopted, and the said improvement is south end and 5.18 feet I he north d. A strip of tan. nt ^_ hrreby ordered to be proceeded 1vit: st siae of the eget ze set 43. Block 4. Rosedale e, �a strip being 4.92 ft. wide t ' ( end and 4.65 feet at then 4—nmend5 is --- 2. That the nature of the impl scrip of lana ort the west --- ""-- - east 20 feet a¢ia'.otrrn bet �i ... wide at`the iti a Open .widen, extend order Decemih r`'- 0 9i .e` street from Goodrich avenue to Grand ¢vasitis, by condemn The Council of the Strip of land off the west side ofjo the east ten feet of Lot, Y Finnnce ition, said striF being 5.1 feet wide on the Aouth end and e" . °i 3e' -on the north end. A strip of land off the west side of the east I'r ..6f Lot 3, Moylan's Addition, said strip being 5.14 feet wide at th'e"earth end and 5.18 feet wide at the north end. A strip of land off the west B'i'de of the east 20 feet of lot 43, Block 4, Rosedale Park, said strip being 4.83 feet wide at the south end and 4.65 feet at the north end. A strip of land off the west side of the east 20ft., of lot 10, Block 4, Rosedale Park, said strip being 4.61 feet wide at the south end ai - - and 4.44 feet, wide at the north and. -4 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :i;.. 2.54...60 - Itesohvd Further. That a public hearing be had oil said improvement on the 21st- day of January_. __ ... —.1 ]9] 5., at the hour of to o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber, room No. 61 of the Court House and City HallBuilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pelsons and in .the nlauner provided by the Charter, stating Tile time and place of hearing, the natal" of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. , hdopted by the Council PPL- �--'� � ;� 1 tic Cita Cle'1•k. .(� Approved Councilman 1•a syv�t • �L =�•-- - �. - aa -� C-./ Yo f.f.,,".r P., ., Form B. c A. 8.6 I I r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS?0NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (a) (% In the MatT of .(„ 10- 1 [ti,. ( G la j i L k. .............. ....__. ^�r fit,_,_. ;L:_t by._condemning_and„taking„_a._e_trip._..Q-f,..land.._off,.the._west .eide...of._-._. thez east ten feet of Lot 1C, Moylarts Addition, said strip bean 5 1 feet wide on the south.. end- and, .5 14_ f.ge.t. az.de 9n..._the_ ns7.� r... erld, A .a.t C.z wesi-ede of the east 10 feet of Lot 3, Moylan e Additon, said strip being 5.14 feet wide at the southend_.and „_5.,.18...fe_et.._wi3e...at.._.th.e,• no.rth.-end,...._ A.._etrip_...gf.:,land Off ttie wes...t side of the east 2C feet of Lot 43, Block 4, Rosedale Park, said stxi.p....bei.ng....4..8.2 f.e.e.t...w.i.de-_at....the....south ....end ... and.... 4..65....f.e.et..-at-...the...na.xt-h and ........ ._._.... A_.. s tri.p..._4..r.... l and..._o.f f.. t.iw._w..e.s.t.._s.i, d.e....Q.f._...tba... ea,e.t....? 0.. f e e. ._c.f....Lo-t-10 c.k....4.,........._ Rosedale Park, said strip bung 4.61 feet wide at the south end and 4.44 feet wide _at ._.the ..nor_th....end.,.................- t.. -_.._....... _.... _.......... _ ........_..........._.... ..-. _....._.........................-........................................................... -- — ...... ......-...... ............ ....... ... __..__................_............ -._....... ........ .................... ....... under Preliminary Order approved ...... ....... - To the Council of the City of St. Pauls The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement7t9C will vary - $.....P1i.11 va.xy..,......_. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION C L2LGy�G' 1`�*-':�1[' %fC`,� /Ll �•, o`°� Lil:�'L L„�G��"L�cC`'" ,� `lU _ JY 0 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, And hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- ....._ .191...-- - ._....__.....__._............................Commissioner........... :...._._;............ of Finance. 1 i WaaIN Office of the Commissionef of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance December 7_,_.._....._......7914.t.. 1b the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had nuclei- consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File Nn._..2829........._.approved.__ DBCe.mber 4. ...191 4..., relative to...... _...... . ........ opening, Widening and extending Sue St. to sy,width of 60 ft. between Goodrich Ave.,..and.Grand Ave., the. land to be taken for such opening, . _ —_..... ..... widening and extending being that part of a strip of land not already ..laid.. o.ut....aa....a._.public_ e.tx.e.et...and_..lying_..wi.thin...the_ ea.e.t_aaa ,W.est_ lines_... of Sue St. in Underwood's First Addition produced north to Grand Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___..........._....necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...._....?t?xX and the total cost thereof is XXXXX . _ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._........................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............ ........... _ .. __......_ — ... 5. Said improvement is ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. G' Con nasion of Public Works. J. T GEORGE A GLOB UILIILAW - GLOeC OUILolw6 SAINT PAUL, MINN; �� ,� -�� � ��-- ° �t 4 �/l�c-.-¢�j�(� ATL/ •�� " �� CGe�74 m _ 1 ", C-, ZZ 5'� - TELEPHONE N. W. MIDWAY 13" L. JAMLS WHOLESALERETAIL ][,UM13EU AND COA1, 4 BRANCH YARDS ' ST. PAUL, MINN.............../7/1.5... ... City Council of t 1 A ueotla,- nr th ow,Am of lots nine /SV c.nd ton /10/ =3.t thD Vs Urly t.;:-ty f -t VaCl of swio Pt mumberad ton /10/ blo- r , umbured four /A/ ho: ea In - rz -ddi. ion Of the cit;, f t -awl,humay Co.,:inn. we object t3 any cranEe in the present imation cf Sue i troet. :Tv ld tta city tate six Q/ feet o -f the wect sido of our I t ten /10/ �e would Ton ider our property duraEed to tne umountof no-th u and collars and mould expact toe city o p _; tLa .�ma. �J J Recommended by 0. Claussen Council File No - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following publ' 111wrovenient by City of St. i,aiii, viz.: .0pening, wi.&ening..and....eztencling..,t.o . .... width -of.. Ck eet.,.....Kent., St. from the north.. line of. Front St.._ to e..eouth li -of.. Block 9. - Como Prospoc.t Addltlon.. Uafed Ihis Und day of J uary 1911.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS,, A written prope;ni for the making of the following iniprovnwnt. viz.: Opening, widening and extending to a width of 66 feet, Kent St. from the, north line of Front St., to th.e. south line of Block_.9 Como Froapect Addition.. A PRELIKINAR! 'f'. F. No. 3504— i he — Wh-s— A written p - -z —.7 -i.ldng of tf.11t.kf1.pW eithe north line of Vront St. to . Omlisgf "OdIflipff "'is, — !� , �!fb o. n , having ben presented to the coun.in' , Councilman_. .......... . .. therefore, he it line of Block 9 ComeProon I non, having been P,, sent, • Co -11 of the City of St P 'i he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED,,oajfn,ss That the froo, bs It Resolved, That the Counts Public Work. be. d 1, e is 1. To investigate the necessity la",b.l"d.nd ,e.t.in •king Of Said d.improvement. - ient. . T�,. o investigate the nature, C. I - To Investigate. the 2 strability of the me, Said improvement, and the total cost thereof. rovement- :i. To furnish it plan, profile or Ske T°t,1, vestlgate tb, ent. 4. Te hirni-,h Ili,- following other da, to 11 �• Iative to said improvement ........... ....................... .................... ............ ......... . — 5. To state whether or not Said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more. owners. 6. To report upon all of t1w foregniig matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth Go Approved er 011 0 eary rg... ...... .... 'INI )fayor. a CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - ..-_.......__.. z I-V r� Subject:,. COUNCIL FILE NO...j6... ...... .. _AA Date Presented..... Jan, 22, ..... 1914 Resolved, That the grade of Ross St. from Kennard St. to White Bear Ave., in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as recomme:q5led by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 350-13y M. N. Gos '• Itea.1-d, Thnt the 9rude 1,f Ituax ,vt 1'rnm If en nn rd St. to ll'h it, 1 h•:,r In nrru rdunr,• Itlh the red 9rnde Iln,• nu the darvu,nnnnytn9 Vn,lll e, and nx , ed by the I'o,n,n lxxinner ul �1'n hitw W., Ii.. he and the xu a 14 here lid- pdo Pled x the eatnblixhcl 9r6dr. .\du V[ed by the l un,•11 .l,t n. __. 1915, r .lnn. 30-141i) Yeas (1) Co t �ilmen (P) Nays F. Far worth Go In favor Kel Me 11 (� Against O' ry Yoe Mr. Presid eTr rORM <.92 e ;adopted by the Council Approv L� 191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Subject: .. COUNCIL FILE NO .. .. .... .. ........................................................................................................................................... .... ............._........... .......... ......: Date Presented.. - 191._....... 't t Resolved, That the contract bearing date Decencer 31st, 1914, by and between the St. Paul Gas Light Company and the City of St. Paul for furnishing electric current for the electric lighting and for the ornamental electric lamps, and furnishing and maintainin_ lamps, u in accordance with the specifications, for a period of two years, commencing January lst, 1915, and ending December 31st, 1916, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed tc execute the same on behalf of the City. I`. N,, {i0,i Lit It. volt .d. 'That the runts xul he I I I, I�e,emhAlsl 1914. h>' amt n '1`I1Y OFSAINT AUL I [I ,•r 5t. Paul Gae Light C P 1 lh.o['IL Paul f f,I nlahln6 1 1 Pur lh I.t 1 light - i",, , n 'h. ,.,,� . el t I City Clerk's Office/ ,I t 1 nd rurnt.,nl � t m l i� t I I �, IamDn• n ' 1 , Ill �F f '. ye"." fur 'uf t.ru 1•enra, eummenng ury IM, 19l'. and ending Ih ,r ....... / 33eq 1J1G he a d 1hr va., in h aPprnved alid the Prnper •i[}' the,u lh,iH 1 d dii ei tedto .a ^, l� � F• /` 'amn b l Ir r the Cu. Rceeived of Cily Clerk ddoP[ed i th t. unell Jnu 21 1 1 rPprur rd .Inn. 26. 101» - �J.�n ao ulrt Irl', f Yeas (lFarns (I') Nays .adopted by the Council � � 191 � In favor Approved 191`� 0 Against Mr. PreMAVOR amc.8- n CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERALFORM Subject. _. ......... ....... ....... ....... .......... I .................... ..... ........ COUNCIL w� FILE No...... .. Ab Date Presented .- ---I91........... hat t:.a aa_:ic:ati^r. c` J. Klein for a icense tc onduct a Ir_,!:nuhu nt 4213 7th :'t. a and it herebv is ra-_te:d and the Cit) ^lerr- is inatri_cted to is3ue o.•ch - _f. n -.e fcr cr.e - -_,r Ikon the fil:r_ the bond,ecrtract ^=r. the t..2nt -.f the fee required r' 1p_w. C. F. No. 3607—n)' Henry AleColl— nd, Thnt the nPPllcltlon of S. ICleln Porn lire nae to stn duel it ahoy of No. 210 f3.7th 5t, be 11 it herhy ix {rrx nted and the CII Clerl:. Is Instructed to Issue such Been— for upon the a11nF` of the bond, tntrnet nlld the Dna ent of the fi g uutred by htw. Adopted by the Count-il .Ian. A pprnved J:tn- 26, 1't1F. I I.Inn. R0-10161 Yeas W) Co ilmen (1) Nays Far wnrth G' In favor Ket MC Mc oll � Against O' ry Yo Mr. Presiden vosnt c.0-2 Adopted by the Council? Approved l 191 '-S _ - - MAYOR.. _.. Subject: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE No. ............... ..... . 6 Date Presented c` , YB . Zetta Fec=. .`c r a _,icer.se afturee 1 n, Av rie t h e r e,.-, ell:ch license for ne ye_r vior t' layrrerit into the 14-V Treasury o' c.j.e cLstc;IT.ar,,• Fee, ',-.'50.00. C. P. No.'.�:4508—L'vt ll"'A It—.1 , 1. Too111. on'll,"too) o� Nl 'Letts 11".1, for u,lil."", ,, 'or- d�,t a Alotic. Picture Th,atr,- of 16.3 siting be Ith,reW 1, Cqud granted sea the ty V, "k 1, lo- ,t,u,.t,d to issue, such ll,cruo- for one 11 'ne upon tit, payment into the CJV� `r,,�usu,y of the customary 1". $150 101, d 0 tel the Council on. 22. 1115. IpIT-odby '".34 ", ""' Mn. 915) Yeas (I) Cou ilmen (I) Nays Adopted by the Council 19 Far orth x in favor approved Kell NL p Me 11 Z5 Against 0 'L ry Yoe Mr. Presf'__ - MAYOR Council File No.. Request of Mr. Eberhard A PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 9 PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,1,11e noiersigin.d hereby I)i.ol)os(.s the making of the folloNving.'rublie hill )rovellient by tl)ejwy of St. etWee PP viz., on Glendale- A: --b n. Como & er� --BHcRaevari and St. An hon _n_ b.o. R1V oulevard.betwe, Avg.,..; _9A.- lia AV t. a A Xbe tw Ide' "' Ave n4 St. Anthony AV L /and...Bev - of Como & 7e Ave.... -and -on we River Boulevard betwe 'rly -Ave. ...... . .... . Beverly Ave....an plawaod Dated thi. 22nd• lov of__ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 11M, AVIIERFAS. A written proposal for the making of the following iniprovenleilt, Viz.: Q0MBtrU0t se.were-on. Glendale & River Boulevard and - .. .. .. .... ... I ... .. ... ... .... St.. Anthony. Ave..; on both, sides,., Como &.-River. Boulevard between.. St. Anthony Ave, -and-.Relverly Ave . .... and on westerly side -.of --Como & River Boulevard �bet R-ir."lv AVA_ A-nd 1 d A: P. No. 3509— p evfo.o veo Whereas, A written propose,"Ihe Improvement, f making of the following having been presented to the Council 0 viz: Construct sewers on Glandal.. a Ave. between Come & River Boulevard therefore, be it (,,1,,1,n,8t. Anthony Ave.; an both aides & River Boulevard -between SL Anthony Ave. and Beverly Ave.and RESOLVED, That the C011IMiSSI011et on westerly side of Como & River Bou- )y ordered find directed: le,.,d between Beverly Ave. a 1. To investigate the necessity for �Nlaplrood Av..,,I,,vin, beep iyrealn,t� d improvement. Paul d. to the Coun I of the Ci ty of I. , L therefore, be It Y. To investigate the nature, este solved, That the Commissioner at ement, and the total cost thereof. Public Works be and he 1. herebyor. a.TO furnish a plan, profile or ske, de.red and directed: To Investigate the the necea.ity Ifor or desirability of . making of said 4. 'J'o I'lu-nish 111, following other c Improvement. julproVenlent E. ToInvest' gat, the nature. extent I - j reated cost of ..I' taunrova- .................... ........... — ............ . 'he tol'" c -s! � 5. To state whether or not said improvement is uta :.or on the ti�ion of thi -ee or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore," g matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Coullcil___ Yens: Nays: Councilman Fit isworth (30 Approved K er M oll 0 eary Y rg mayor P 1" 7 Mayor. t COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER. IntheMatterof Cone-tructing a._eewe.r on Baldwin avenue from -.the Center line o.f__.Walp.ole...street to_a point _180 feet north, .__ _... under Preliminary Order 2423 approved ..November 7thl._.19..1.4... Intermediary Order _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Cone truc.t___a....ae-we.r on.. Baldwin. .avenue .. from the...Cen ter of._7alP..o.1e..str.e.e.t to. a__ point.... 280 feet._N.orth, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and di- rected to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therelc' .adopted by the Council i Clerk. Approved . _..._L _ 5 197 S — /i/_ _ _m Mayor. FINAL. ORDERS. :. F. No. Councilman Far worth in the matter of eenstr-ting x newer n Baldwin avenue from the cooter - line of Walpole street to a point 18o Gots feet north. der Prelimin-Y Order •1433 approved November 7th, 1914. A public hearing having been had i upon the above Improvement upon due j{ 1 f I notice, and fh Council having heard all persons, bjectione and recommen- dations relative thereto, and having •, Mir oil fully considered the same; therefore, be it Resolved, ny the council of the city ^^ii f St..I cut that the precis: nature, ex. V, ary tent andfkind of Improvement * be mxde by thesaid City is constr.,;t n con Baldwin .venue from the • }7Q enter line of Walpole street to a point S 180 feet north xnd the Council hereby ordere said improvement to be made. Reso3ved Further, That the Commle- Mayor Ptd} ers 3,oner ofPubtic Works be and he Is tL hereby instructed and directed to pre,- Form B. S. A. 8.7 pure plane end specificatlo.. for said Improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that uon said approval, the proper city off?-. are hereby authorized and directed to pro-' Geed with the making of said Improve_ men in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Councli ,inn. 32. 1915. APptoyed San. 35, 1915. (lan. 30-1015) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT .OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS-1hONER OF FINANCE ON ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J- LCCC��Y In the Matter of —O–Ji�J ------1//- � .......cl.... -- -----�L. _� r..tr...._. ��..-f--------------------------------- -------------------------- - - -- -- ---- - --...---------------- - 10 -- ---- - -------------------- - - -------------- - -- under Preliminary Order approved --- —a U-- / ---// ----- ------------ --------- ----......-.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ----------------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $---- 79 ----_— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �) A'/ /'�,//�4� /"'�'�(4R.L�£ L ""� U �� �✓ �% O a TOTAL, IOaM B.9.A. BE A /YJ J ,l ^ V The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to I him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ---...._...�_:..{_���J/ __.____.1917_x". .<(- ✓... CG7iGZ� _ Commissioner of Finance. IORM B.9.A. a=3 C JOHN L. WIL90,,N CO. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS BUILDERS OF HOMES BOTH PHOR[e 1257 14 512-513 GERMANIA LIVE BUILDING SAINT PAUL, - MINNESOTA 1j Oct. 31st, 1914. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. We, the undersigned, do hereby petition you in your official capacity to cause to be laid on Baldwin Ave., fro Walpo�eE wer of a fficient size to a oint �.-�-�•. -►a ,a-�--5/ �a- �. "about p + ` °' as soon -a# possible. It is ou�ntion to improve these lots and we do not wish to do so until the sewer pipes are laid in the street. Name Lot & Block No. of Feet. �i-R►a� .i. LlJ ,,,Q,do,.� % � �. 47' (� ,' �6'�!� / •�j� 11 NOV N Al 560 m Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November _.la , . __ ._...1914 ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paid: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had undrr coil sit] eratiou the preliminary order of the Coua- - eil, known as Council File No. ... 24a3 ____approved_ . November_ 7 ,... ._ ...1!)14...., relative. to .,......__..__.... oonstruoting a_. sewer_... on_Baldwin _Ave. ,.from the_._ center_. line_of Walpole St. to a point 180 feet north. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said is >rovement is. _.__.... ... _..necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is ........... ....._.. and the total cost thereof is I M0� __..._..., and Excess inspection $10.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.___ _._....__... ..... . _.._.__.._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made to part hereof. b. Said improvement is ...........asked for upon petition, of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cm uuissioner of Public Works. J7 �6Q� �e°y P v. END 111CROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned 'hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was mkde in the regular course of, business-C,/rn _�,on in accordance with the standard and ap orp ed techniques with a Recordak microfilm machine, Model 11j��,_,,e of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on /%T_ ,,Z ,49 19 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 7jy 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: (2 Ga M ,nhc..ng O.� _30ss---Z)�0 �rn/ev ff/9is� �y 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: /Operator -- 1-51 p Dated 19 C", c' i d r \°° `y apo VIII1.0 AV 1111=5 !,31, Alli -z 35 111112 1.25 ,1,45 VIII= VIII= 1-6 NATIONAL NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ` I On, � y9 • i ~ssOG,p 4 r 9y i 9 X99 O� A—f-� 4 P L/) m